U. S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE - BUREAU OF THE CENSUS W. Averell Harriman, Secretary J. C. Capt, Director ~ COUNTY DATA BOOK A Supplement to the Statistical Abstract of the United States - Prepared under the supervision of MORRIS H. HANSEN Statistical Assistant to the Director Bureau of the Census Washington, D.C 1947 For sale by the Superintendent. of Documents, U. S. Government Printing Office, Washington 25, D. C. - Price $2.75, (Buckram) PUBLIC HEALTH LIBRARY BIOLOGY-HIBRARY BUREAU OF THE CENSUS J. C. Capt, Director Philip M. Hauser, Deputy Director A. Ross Eckler, Assistant Director Howard C, Grieves, Assistant Director Morris H. Hansen, Statistical Assistant to the Director Ralph E, Galloway, Executive Assistant to the Director Calvert L. Dedrick, Coordinator, International Statistics Frank R. Wilson, Information Assistant to the Director Office of the Statistical Assistant to the Director Morris H. Hansen, Statistical Assistant to the Director Morris B. Ullman, Chief, Statistical Reports Section In 2 : : 1 § Definitions of terms and sources Of data......ccoeenvnense Sere weet YNEEORUCEION. i Ls ent vir ede si ei mvs shire San Eaves Bh TNE anes . TABLES Note: In each table the areas for which data are presented are included in the stub which is repeated on six successive peges for each of the six parts shown in Appendix G. These parts are as follows: ed Part 1 - Population Part 2 - Labor Force Part 3 - Housing : Part 4 - Agriculture Part 5 - Industry and Retall Trade Part 6 = Other Economic Data Table 1l.-—Selected data Tor STATES.........e.. hid hin ein Watered aie AN nit kine 3 he was aaa a Ted ae ne ern be PETRI an eine id igi nie 2 Table 2.-—~Selected data for METROPOLITAN AREAS AND METROPOLITAN COUNTIES, 4c evn vnsions ss niwnnoinsinnsiesinisimne es enmen nies var ssne 8 Table 3.~—Selected cata fOr COUNTIES. ..vsrevssesaesiunsnssnssones EN ala ales So AR 5 wt PR TA ARR ea a en v.58 “ Alabama. uv. ase inn sie rainnini iia . 56 LOuIS1aNA. «3 es cr vnsnsvissnsrnns 180 North Dakota.....cssensevesv.s 286 \ gr ATIZONA, «oo ssn csr ssnvaensnnpns BE MAING, cv urns aves Suvi vw 1D ONL0n suv cnsie vaivn savin senses BOD ; Be Arkansas.......eviensencnnne.. 64 Maryland....... Ceeesersanease vv 186 Oklahoma. soos veesunes ceeeseens 306 CRY ILOrNAB. verve vi vere snore TD Massachusetts. .ccevsuevnsnnns 194 OBEN. cu viv sve sins nsndsnne sure BIS COLOTAAD. sic vs vs +005 os sivmninins «78 MICHIGAN «voi orev sinnsnmeive 104 PeNNSYLVaNni8....euesosnonn.n.. 320 N Connecticut... ..cvs00snsesss.. 84 Minnesota......i...0vs00s045.. R08 Rhode 1818NA....scrersnvesssss 328 EC DEYAWATE. cv chv sivnvins ini arog MISSISEIPD evs ova iviinne vivans 216 South Caroling. ves. oscineess . 328 Si 5 District of Columbia.......... 92 MISSOUPT ys. cc vsevnersnsnn ses 208 South Dakota... ....ceveereines . 334 : FIOr188. cass crnvivunvinvnoy 92 MORTAR, vu sve tn iivvine scion ss 256 eA 1 % GEOrEIB.ssssseinssnsnansserns . 100 Nebraska, ce.cvvsirsnsvsvsss.v AS pI 3 : OBNO... 2 vs sss cxyibaise vais 320 Novada...... 0vesns frevnevere DEB ooo lng 550 } F11IN018.. oi cuivtveesvarnn sve ve 120 New HampsShire.........eses:v.. 256 aa : . NITEINIB. coivv vi iin innvnsio. 380 : x . : Indiang.......covnnvneiennnans 134 New Jersey...........ec00vusse 266 Washington....cieenvensesenes. 3M id oh BOWE... usr cairn aes 140 New MOX1CO.......0v0veesavanss 264 West Virginia....... aE : “ian § KOROUE. +o: svvsnssrsrnrsnsrves 308 HOP YOK. vans rnvinsovssnene BIR WIBMOMEIN. oo. vsssvsininnrvanss ROB ; 4 : KORCUCKY vs sisvsvrnsrssasnnssiss 168 North Carolime..........ces.0e 278 WYOMINE vas on viv ave sn avevisnsves 410 £ % : tog] wi APPENDICES : : ; » ; A.—Leading nonagri Cultural 1NAUSLYY = COG@ LOT COLUM Blueussssrsasessvsssssasssinsssnnsnonsssnssessnssrasnsssnngaresnssns 422 / 1 X B.~-Principel Sowrce Of Tans 1700M0 ~ COBO LO COLUM B1..:u.cserrerrrravereeneearonssrssasssissvanansssvisnnsannsnsssnsess $02 to - C.~~Typs of Larming area « Codd FOr COLUMN B3........vnnessasnrersaesrsssnarsnsesntssesnsasssnvsrrssrsssssnsnsrassnsssnnens 423 9. ~Cowmty governments and related areas Jacking COMNBY GOVEITMIBNTSE. oo .uvuuirrrvosrartsassnostastsassssscssssssssscsisassses 428 WE £.—Relution of data in CIt1e8 Supplement BRA 1n COUNTY BABE BBO... , ...uvvsrierssersesnsnessnsrosnerassessssessosssssesnss S87 { Fom=Rural level of 1IVINg INABX (COL. BAY. cues ossorrvinssrssaisnmnssovonsstussanvtossnvriessaiosusneessarssesiveessnsrnene S08 be FG, ==COluNN NORAINGS BNA BOUICIB: + +s sever snsersersnssrrsnsrenssssissosossnyrornosssssisnsaernsnssvassssravsnshrrvsresssnss 429 3 Kaba... 0iiinineinininnans, 62 Ca 179 North DEKO8...vssverarssastss 288 Bs 2 ATIZOMB...ovrpvsnsnsncssnssses B83 MBING...ooiverrsnnsasnnressess 198 Oh10..ivusnnnsennrcnnnsanenesss 304 ATKBNSAS, iv rvcveenssrrnressers TO Mryiang.. . cerevisiae an-193 BK1aNOMB. os vicrrersssnamesees S08 C0LIIOTNIB. cvs ans rss rsansseres Th Massachusetts................. 200 Oregon... 5 ines siwnennens . 318 sal COIOPRB0s ccs ssrvssnssivansnne 90 MCHIEEA sce sis i locn sen voivsre 201 Pennsylvanif...eeeesecenseesss 319 a COMNBCLIOU ssc vrsnrarnniives D1 MIMIBSOLR. sve snrinrvrsr vans swe D1 BNode. IS1ANA, cov cuvuins vr rvive 328 : 4 DOLEWArS: .s corr virstrsnsvsrsns 98 Mississippi. .ccieseririsvnness 215 South CarolifB. coe. vive sess vv ORF 4 District of Columbi@.......... 163 MISSOUrl.eeevscscnnarsnsnnesee R34 South Dakota....... vesesseeess 340 ; Forde. on vii vins i iaihnsss 80 MONGREE +o as die a 08S TOTNOSEEE. re vars ts pnbnayye BEL al OOTE Eve savin vrmranrssrir 118 NEDTASKA. +1 vsservnnnen civenraui2SE Tesays prgrieers ser areneataie > z BOBNO co suse ei rasinivsivainns wns 110 NeVadBi, ois nsnssasss estan 258 vermont. LLL YE rteerty io ; HIIINGI8. vue vivre vnnssnns a New Hampshire. ne rt a viee sins Smee . 262 I is 3 FEET = = VIR. en a LL BT Indians... 0. code see ea AB New Jersey...c.ceoee.. Ye se meer eB " Washington...... a wrt ee Ae 400 TOME, vies «cies waninnion sams non JOR New MeX1CO.eovnvnnennanss ios BT0 Womb VITZInia, aus inns inne ins 401 KANSAS. + ove cs vvvavs Seaman TBE “New York...... ER san 273 WISCONSIN. vssnvesrnnans Cereth . 414 Kentucky see esse srsnsreasvinn 178 North Caroling... ..vscevive cs Wyoming. ..... IRR eR, rinses 410 a MERELY ox Al ad LOCATION OF METROPOLITAN AREAS 50 RB "ZOR NAMES OF THE AREAS CORRESPONDING TO THE NUMBERS, SEE TABLE 2, PAGES 7 TO 58, 33 25 DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE BUREAU OF THE CENSUS COUNTY DATA BOOK INTRODUCTION The County Data Book, a supplement to the Statistical Al- stract of the United States, presents In compact form some of "the more important social and economic facts about each county in the United States.®* In addition, data are summarized for each of 138 metropolitan areas made up of whole counties. The volume should be useful not only for general reference, but also for market analysis, and for groups Interested in public and community problems. Furthermore, it will serve as a guide to sources where additional data are avallable for more detalled study. Summary information is presented showing the characteristics of a county or metropolitan area that will be helpful In study- ing such problems as the importance of the various industrial, commercial, and agricultural enterprises of the county; the pur- chasing power of its Inhabitants; the educational levels, living standards, industries in which employed, and habitations of its’ people; and something of the industrial impact of the war on its economy. Information presenting certain measures that tend to char- acterize a county or metropolitan area is included. For ex- ample, the leading non-agricultural industry 1s shown in terms of the percent of workers employed in that ‘industry (colums 31 and 32); and the principal source of farm imcome is described (columns 81 and 62) and the general type of farming is indicated (column 63). The impact of the war on the county or metropoli- tan area 1s suggested by the values of major war supply con- tracts and war facilities projects for each county (columns 88 through 91). Figures are. given for E Bond Sales in 1944 (cqlumn ] 87); average rental value of houses (column 43); and for rural .level of living {column 64), which may be used, with other data, as a measure of purchasing power. An effort has been made to include the ost recent informa- tion available on a comparable basis for all countles, but in “spite of this fact, all but 16 of the 91 items presented here are from various parts of the 16th Decennial Census and relate to either 1939 or 1940, The paucity of more recent information is due primarily to the fact that the collection and reporting of comparable county statistics on a national scale is an arduous and expensive Job, usually done only as a part of the taking of a complete national census. In spite of the age of mo of these data, the constant stream of queries received in the Bureau of the Census indicates clearly that the advantages of bringing together a summary of the significant available data for counties outweigh the disadvantage of not being able to show all data for a recent year. : The need for summary statistical information concerning counties has been recosnized by publications already compiled. Data on the counties of each State were assembled and published in a series of "County Basic Data Sheets" by the Bureau of Foreign and Domestic Commerce. An earlier and more compre- hensive report of county statistics, the "Consumer Market Data Handbook," was issued in 1939 by the same Bureau. There has Spe 3 This volume was prepared inder the supervision of Morris H. Hansen, Statistical Assistant to the Director, by Morris B. Ullman, who was assisted at various times by Rose ‘Glubin, Bernard A. Koteen and William Lerner. dcimowledgment 4s also made of the help of the American and Telegraph Company, the Department of Agricul- ‘ture, the Treasury Department, the War Production Board, ard of various offices of the Department of Commerce, who not only furnished data for inclusion, but also rendered staff assistance in the planning of this publication. also been a rather limited circulation of county data for certaln Industries, by State aréncles, and by some business and market research organizations. The present volume is intended to provide more complete and more recent data than the earlier publicatlons. ARRANGEMENT AND SCOPE . Three tables form the framework for the presentation of data In this volume. The same items of information are pre- sented in each of these tables but for different areas. Table 1 summarizes the data for the United States and shows totals for each State. Table 2 presents the data for all metropolitan areas com- bined and for each metropolitan area individually, and also shows the data separately for each county included in an area. Where a metropolitan area crosses State lines, sub-totals show the portions within each State. Table 3 presents the data for individual counties. Within each State, totgls for each metropolitan area in the State are shown first and are followed by a listing of all counties in alphabetical orfler. The items shown can be seen by examining any six successive pages of tables or by referriy: to Appendix G. GEOGRAPHIC CONCEPTS Metropol/itan Area.—The term "metropolitan area" as used in this volume Js a concept which includes entire counties. How= ever, a county is included in a metropolitan area only when 50 percent or more of its population was within the limits of a metropolitan district in 1940. The metropolitan district as defined for/ the 1940 Census of Population consisted of a central city or cities having a population of 50,000 or more and certaln adjacent minor civil divisions or incorporated places. Ordi- narily the adjacent places included only those having a popula- tion of 150 or more per square mile.? The use of a metropolitan area concept based on whole counties makes possible a summarization of data otherwise not available for the more populous areas of States. The "metropolitan dis- trict," already established and used by the Bureau of the Census, could not serve-this purpose satisfactorily since only popula- tion, housing, and some business data are obtainable for this type of area. As set up for the present purpose there are 138 metropolitan areas in the United States.® Metropolitan County.—The term "metropolitan county" is applied to any county included in a "metropolitan area." It is the single county only and Is synonymous to a "metropolitan area" when the latter includes only one county. Counties.~In planning a presentation of statistics for.coun- ties one is faced with the problem that the 3,050 independently organized county governments do not cover all the area of the 2 For more complete definition, ses 16th Census of the United States, Population, Vol. I, page 11. 3 The Greensboro metropolitan area is an exception to the above definition of metropolitan area. Guilford County, ¥orth Carolima, which includes the city of Greensboro, had less than 50 percent of the population in the Greensboro metropolitan district in 1940. The city of Greensboro, however, had more than 50,000 inhabitants in 1940. This fact prompted reconsideration of the status of Guilford County and it was included in the list so that the metropolitan areas would include all urban places with populations of more than 50,000 in 1940. : United States. In fact, If the county government concept were used, certain densely populated centers would be omitted. For purposes of statistical presentation, therefore, the number of counties is 3,099. This number includes the 3,050 independently organized county governments and 49 areas of other types that are treated as counties. A detailed statement of the areas not organized as counties but treated as counties in this presentation, 1s presented in Appendix D. In 1940, Census statistics were presented for 3,100 In 1942, however, Shannon and Washington counties Dakota were combined and are now Shannon County. In lication, therefore, all data for the two counties, that for 1939 and 1940, were consolidated. counties. in South this pub- including GEOGRAPHIC CODES Codes have been devised and Incorporated as part of the stubs of the various tables to facilitate reference - between States, metropolitan areas, and counties. The State code is a numbering In sequence of the States in alphabetical arrange- ment. The metropolitan area code is a similar alphabetical numbering, of metropolitan areas with the name of the largest city servine to identify that area. The county code 1s a numberinr of counties within States, also arranged in alpha- betical order. Examination of the stubs for tables 2 ‘and 3 will make clear the application of the codes. The metropolitan area code number 1s always on the extreme left of the pare. The county code number always follows the county name. In table 3, whenever a metropolitan area total Is presented, the codes for the county or counties included in that area are listed after the names of the area. MAPS A map of the United States appears as a frontispiece for this volume and offers an over-all view of the geographic re- lationshlp between State boundaries and the location of metro- politan areas. Indlvidual State maps are also presented for each State. Both county boundaries and metropolitan areas have been clearly indicated within each State. Metropolitan areas have been identified by shading and by indicating the area code. The names of the metropolitan areas are summarized as part of the legend at the bottom of the map. Furthermore, cities of 25,000 or more inhabitants are shown on each State map. Finally, each map shows the number of counties in the State. SELECTION OF DATA The County Data Book provides 91 items of informagion. The items selected were the result of a careful screening process made necessary by the large amount of detalled data available. The objective in selectlon was to present os useful infor-= matlon as was possible within reasonable space limitations. In the selection of items, experts from each specialized fleld within the Census, Bureau and in other government amencles were consulted. The question of showing data for different time periods was also considered. A decision had to he made either to present the most current data for each item, or to present less recent data, but with all data relating to the same or nearly the same VI ‘Bureau finds time period. It was finally decided to present the more current data where available. Thus, for example, births and deaths are shown for 1944 rather than 1940, which 1s the year for which most data in this publication are available. The information presented in tables 1, 2, and 3 1s grouped tor convenience into six major parts: Population, Labor Force, Housing, Agriculture, Industry and Retail Trade, and Other Eco- nomic Data. The items, as listed, appear as column headings in each of the tables on any six successive pages. Column headings are also shown ror convenience in Appendix G exactly as they appear in the tables. A detailed description ang definition of every item is included below under "Definitions of Terms and Sources of Data." INTEGRATION WITH DATA IN CITIES SUPPLEMENT* The County Date Book 1s a companion volume to the Cities Supplement to the Statistical Abstract of the United States issued by this Bureau in 1944. Table 2 of the Cities Supple- ment gives the county in which every city having 25,000 or more inhabitants 1s located. Twenty Items appearing in both publi- catlons are directly comparable. These are shown In Appendix E. In addition, a number of other Items are roughly comparable. AVAILABILITY OF DATA ON TABULATING MACHINE CARDS During the preparation of this volume all the data shown here for each county were placed on standard 80-column tabu- lating machine cards. Reproduced sets of these cards or special tabulations from them can be made available for elther public or private agencles by the Bureau of the Census at cost. Addi- tional county data not presented in this publication are also available on summary punched cards. The Bureau of the Census, In accordance with Its usual practice, will furnish such data at cost to the extent that its facilities permit. Persons wishing to obtain such or similar services should write to the Director, Bugeau of the Census, Washington 25, D. C., outlining their specific problem. If the that it can be of assistance, an estimate of the cost of the work involved will be furnished. In accordance with government regulations, a deposit covering the amount of the estimate must be received by the Bureau before work may be started on any such job. COMMENT AND CRITICISM The present plan of the Bureau of the Census 1s to issue a revised summary -whenever sufficlent new data by counties become avallable to Justify the undertaking. This book is the first of the County series and should therefore be subject to careful scrutiny and criticism by 1ts users. The Bureau Invites comments and suggestions with regard to any phase of this pub- lication. Such contributions will receive serious considera- tion in the preparation of similar publications to follow. A proposal to issue interim data sheets to make some of the more eurrent data available 1s also under consideration. This will be undertaken if facilities and demand warrant. 4 The Cities Supplement - Statistical Abstract of the United States, Series G-1, September 1344, Is on sale ab the Superintendert of Documents, “Wash Ington, De Cy, for 15 cents. DEFINITIONS| OF TERMS AND SOURCES OF DATA PART I - Population Sources: A—3ureau of the Census, Population—Special Reports, Series P-44 , No. 3, Estimated Civilian Population of the United States, by Counties: November 1, 1943. B—Bureau of the Census, Sixteenth Census “of the United States, 1940—Population—Vol. 1—Humber of Inhabitants. C—Bureau of the Census, Sixteenth Census of the United States, 1940—Population—Vol. 2—General Characteristics. D—Bureau of the Census, Vital Statistics Special Reports, Vol. 23," Yatal Statisuics Speci’ Hoports, Yoo: 29 = State Summaries, 1944. Col. 1—Estimated Civilian Population, 1943 (Source A).—These figures were based primarily on the nation-wide registration for War Ration Book Four conducted by the office of Price Ad- ministration in October 1943. The O0.P.A. registration figures for counties were adjusted to an estimate of the total popula- tion of statistics of births, deaths, and net {immigration for the United States in 1941, 1942, and 1943. Factors which may have caused errors in the estimates include fallures to register and registrations in counties other than the county of resi- dence. Although the estimates are shown to the last digit, they are not to be reparded as accurate to that degree; the figures are shown to the last digit merely for convenience. Col. 2— Civilian Population, Percent Change, 1940-1943 (Soures A). This column shows the percentage Increase or decrease in the number of inhabitants between 1940 and 1943. The population figure for 1943 is an estimate which was derived by the method described above (Col. 1). Col. 3—Total Population (Source B).—The total population is the resident population as enumerated on April 1, 1940. Col. 4—pPercentile Ranv, 1940 (Source B).—The 3,099 counties were ranted according to total 1940 population and divided into 100 size groups containine equal numbers of counties. Each group therefore includes 1 of the total number and consists of 31 counties, except one group, which consists of 30 counties. The numbers O to 99 were then assigned to each group, O to the group with the largest population, 99 to the group with the lowest. The numbers Oto 99 were used in preference to 1 to 100 to facilitate transfer of this information to machine tabu- lating cards. Rank numbers were assigned only to Individual counties; metropolitan areas and States were not ranked. Table A below indicates, in descending order of size, the lower limits of the percentile groups. ebi——— 6 Currently issued by U. S. Public Health Service, National Office of Vital Statistics. Table A.—POPULATION OF SMALLEST COUNTY IN EACH PERCENTILE GROUP, 1940 Per= Fepalesten Por Pondisuim Pob- Population Por Populay ion gentile smallest soniile smallest seniile smallest gent De smallest group. |. county Zroup county Eroup county group county 0 484,318 25 51,981 50 18,354 7% 10,241 3 205,195 26 31,150 51 17,032 76 9,937 2 193,363 R7 30,274 52 17,507 ud 9,855 3 151,828 28 29,561 53 17,247 78 9,370 4 122,494 29 28,751 54 16,980 79 9,055 5 100,085 30 27,882 55 18,555 80 8,768 8 88,712 s1 27,281 8 18,142 81 8,514 7 80,217 32 26,850 57 15,852 82 8,207 8 75,115 33 26,168 =s 15,509 a 7,847 9 68,838 34 25,6869 59 15,181 84 7,487 10 61,735 35 25,171 60 14,812 85 6,086 11 57,512 36 24,458 81 14,471 86 8,708 12 52,907 37 24,004 ® 13,983 87 6,425 15 50,427 28 25,514 63 18, 562 88 8,192 14 47,343 » 22,787 64 13,512 89 5,824 15 44,957 40 32,200 65 13,028 90 5,483 18 43,075 41 21,848 88 2,754 91 5,080 17 41,271 «2 21,254 67 | 12,414 92 4,614 18 39,794 43 20,859 68 12,177 93 4,003 19 38,410 44 20,313 69 11,931 24 3,735 20 37,11 45 20,007 0 11,580 95 3,280 21 35,849 a 19,680 7 11,344 98 2,778 22 34,804 ry 19,28 72 11,025 97 2,161 23 33,803 48 18,969 7% © 10,15 98 1,558 24 35,009 8 18,641 “ 10,456 929 1,688 Col. 5—Total Population, Percent Change, ¥930-1940 (Source B). | This column shows the percent Increase or decrease in number of ' inhabitants between 1930 and 1940. Col. 8—Land Area In Square Miles, 1940 (Source B).—Measurement of the areas 1n each county 1s described In detail in the Sixteenth Census of the United States, 1940—Areas of the Unlted States. The measurement of the natlonal area was made from maps Just before the 1940 Decennial Census and was the first since 1880. The land area totals include dry land and land temporarily or partially covered by water, such as marshland, swamps, and river flood plains; streams, sloughs, estuarles, and canals less than one-eighth of a statute mile in width; and lakes, reservoirs, and ponds less than 40 acres.in area. Col. 7—Population per Square Mile, 1940 (Source B).-—This column indicates the average number of inhabitants per square mile of territory. It 1s obtained by dividing the population figure shown in column (3) by the area figure in column (8). Col. 8, 9—White Population, 1940 (Source C).—White population is distinguished from Negro and "Other Races" In the Sixteenth Census Reports. Persons of Mexican birth or ancestry who were not definitely Indian or of other nonwhite race were classified as white in 1940. Col. 10 through 12—Urban, Rural Nonfarm, Rural Farm Popula- tion, 1940 (Sources B, C).—The urban population consists prima- rily of residents in cities and other incorporated places having 2,500 inhabitants or more. These placés account for more than 96 percent of all urban places | in the United States in 1940. The remaining urban places are those declared urban by speclal rule and consist largely of unincorporated- towns and other political subdivisions with a population of 10,000 or more and a population density of 1,000 or more per square mile; and those towns In Massachusetts, Rhode Island, and New Hampshire, which contained a village of 2,500 or more, comprising either by itself or when combined with other villages within the same town, more than 50 percent of the total population of the town. ” alt _ The rural-nonfarm population 1s that part of the: population which 1s not urban as explained above and whigh does not live on a farm. In general, it comprises persons iving in a wide variety of locations ranging from isolated nonfarm homes in the open country to small unincorporated areas adjacent to a large city. All farm residents living outside of areas classified as urban, regardless of occupation, comprise the rural-farm popu- lation. The figures shown In this column do not represent the total farm population because residents on urban farms are not included. Col. 13, 14—Education, 1940‘ (Source C).—The two percentages indicated here afford a rough measure of adult educational status; the percentages of persons 25 years old and over re- ported as having completed 5 or more grades, and as having finished high school. Col. 15, 16—Vital Statistics, 1944 (Source D).—Births are classified by county of residence of the mother, deaths by county of residence of the deceased. Deaths occurring overseas and stillbirths are not included in the mortality figures. PART II - Labor Force Source: C—Bureau of the Census, Sixteenth Census of the United States, 1940—Population—Vol. 2—General Characteristics. All data In this part (Col. 17 through 32) are from the 1940 Census of Population and refer to persons 14 years old and over, classified according to their work status during the census week of March 24 to 30, 1940. Col. 17—Population 14 Years 0ld and ‘Over—Total (Source C). The total number of persons 14 years old and over 1s shown in this column as the basic population to which the data on work status can be related. Col. 18—1In Labor Force (Source C).—The Labor Korce, as defined in the 1940 Census, includes parsons who, durlny the census week, were at work, were on public emergency work (WPA, NYA, vi ~ ers) are included. females in the labor ! force as a percentage of all females 14 years old and over. ; Col. 21 through 29—Employed Workers by Major Industry Group (Source C).—Column 21 gives the total number of employed workers. This figure {includes all persons who, during the census week, were at work, or had a Job or business from which they were temporarily absent. Wage persons, and unpaid family workers (most of whom are farm labor- Persons on public emergency work are ex- Columns 22 through 29 show a distribution of employed ‘ Most of the Industry groups cluded. persons by major industry group. are self-explanatory. The following listing shows the distribution or the 45 into the 8 groups industry groups shown in the source volume shown here: In County Data Book Heading Agriculture Mining In Source Volume Industry Group Agriculture Coal mining Crude petroleum and natural gas products Other mines and quarries Construction Manufacturing Construction Food and kindred products Textile-mill products Apparel and other fabricated textile products Logging i Sawmills and planing mills - Furniture, store fixtures, misc. wooden goods Paper and allied products Printing, publishing and allied industries Chemicals and allied products Petroleum and coal products Leather and leather products Stone, clay, and glass products Iron and steel and their products Nonferrous metals and their products Mach: ” 3 Automobiles and automobile equipment Transportation equipment Other and not specified mamufacturing industries Transportation, communi- cations, and other and railway express utilities Trucking service - > Other transportation Communication Utilities Railroad (including railroad repair shops) Wholesale trade Food and dairy prodicts stores and milk retailing Eating and drinking places Motor vehicles and accessories retail, and filling stations Other retail trade Finance, insurance and real estate Automobile storage, rental and repair services Business and repair services, except automobile Hotels and lodging places Laundering, cleaning, and dyeing services Miscellaneous personal services Amusement, recreation, and related services Professional and related services Business and personal services (excluding domestic services) Forestry (except logging) and tishery Domestic service Government & Industry not reparted Other and not reported Col. 30—Percent Employed in Agriculture (Source C).—This per- centage represents the number of workers employed In agricul- ture as related to the total number of employed workers (Col.22 divided by Col. 21). © Does not include all employees of governmental agencies {see explanation under paragraph headed Col. 81, 32, Leading sven Industry.) VIII or salary workers, self-employed ‘has the largest ‘number of employed workers. This determ was made from the list of industries presented In Appendix page 422, which 1s based on the classification of industries shown in table 23 of “Volume II of the 1940 Census Reports on Population. The category "Government" shown In this 11st 1n- cludes only those government employees engaged in activities which are peculiarly governmental functions, such as national defense, postal service, and tax collecting; persons employed 5 by a governmentalragency engaged in professional services such as health or education, or engaged ‘in activities commonly ~ carried on by private organizations, such as transportation seryice or manufacturing, are classified in the Jqpproprite | in- dustrial activity. : > In addition to agriculture, certain nonagricultural {ndus- tries were eliminated from consideration because they would have provided little or no clue to an economic characterization of any county in which they might predominate. The Industries which were omitted are construction; retall trade other than that identified by codes 29, 30, and 31 in the list on pape 422; automobile storage, rental, and repalr services; and all per- sonal services, except hotels and lodging places. Because of space limitations, only a code 1s shown in Col. 31. The letter "q" precedes the code when group 36, "Professional and elated Services," was the dominant group. It indicates that the nor- : agricultural Industry of the county is highly diversified. This group includes teachers, nurses, lawyers, and similar service pursuits. Column 32 gives the percentage that the number of workers In the leading nonagricultural industry {Col.. 31) con- stituted of the total employed workers (Col. 21), and thus in- dicates the amount of concentration in the leading Industry. : PART III - Housing Sources: E—Buresu of the Census, Sixteenth Census of the United Suates, 1940; Housing—Vol. 2—General Characteristics. F—American Telephone and Telegraph Compeny, Telephones oun ties, Jamuary 1, 1048. = Col. 33—Resldential Structures (Source E).—A residential struc- ture 1s a building which contains one or more dwelling units. Each single-family or two-family house, apartment house, or other residential building, constitutes a separate structure. A building designed for business or other nonresidential uses was not enumerated unless it contained one or more dwelling units. E Col. 34 through 37—All Dwelling Units (Source E).—A dwelling unit is defined as the living quarters occupied by, or intended for occupancy by, one household. A dwelling unit may be a house, an apartment in a larger building, a room in any type of struc- ture, a tourist cabin, a traller, a boat, or a tent, if occupied by persons having not other places of residence. The following special types of dwelling places were not included in the number of dwelling units: hotels for transient guests, and similar places maintained by the Y.M.C.A. or kindred organizations; missions; cheap one-night lodging houses; dormitories for Sok 1 dents; nurses' homes; educational or religious Institutions; military institutions; penal Institutions; soldiers" homes; homes for orphans and for the aged, blind, deat, infirm, or in- i curable; Civilian Conservation Corps camps; Coast Guard stations; and lumber camps, or rallroad; or other construction camps in which the workers live in a common barracks. It should be ncted that on the grounds of institutions or other types of special dwelling places a dwelling unlit occupied exclusively by an em- ployee or officer of the Institution was to be reported as a : dwelling unit. For example, the superintendent's house on the grounds of a penal institution was returned in the 1940 Census of Housing as a dwelling unit. : ad In order to provide a measure of the concentration of households in multi-family structures, the proportion of all dwelling units which are included in S5-or-more family struc- © tures with or without business establishments is given in Col.35. A dwelling unit 1s reported as "with bathtub or shower" if it has a bathtub or shower in the dwelling unit or elsewhere in the structure for the exclusive use or the household occupying the dwelling unit bein. enumerated. The percentage (Col. 39): indicates the proportion of such units In the total number of dwelling units. It may be used as a rough measure of the ade- quacy of housing facilities. The percentayse (Col, 37) of all dwelling units represented by units with electric lighting in- cludes units with lighting wired to a power line or a home plant, and units for which service may have been temporurily suspended. Col. 38 through 40—Occupied Dwelling Units (Source E).—Dwelling units were classified as occupied 1f they were occupled at tne time of the housing enumeration, April 1, 1940. The number of occupied dwelling units corresponds closely to the number of private families as reported by the Census of Population, A dwelling unit is classified as owner-occupied if 1t was owned either vholly or in part by the head of the household or by some related member of his family living in the dwelling unit, The percentare (Co0l.39) represents the proportion of owner- ogcupled units ‘in the total of all occupled dwelling units. The percentage (Col. 40) of occupiad units with mechanical refrireration includes any type of mechanical refrigeration operated by electricity, ras, or kerosene, or by a gasoline eniine or other source of power. Col. 41—Medlan Number of Persons in n Household (Source E)~The “median” is a convenient statistical measure used hore-to permit a summary comparison between the sizes of households in dif- ferent areas, The median number of persons in a household is the number which stands directly in the middle or the series when the households reporting are arranged in order according to size. In computing the median number of persons in house- hold it was assumed that there was a continuous distribution within each size group. For example, When the median {s in the thres-person group the lower and upper limits of the group are assumed to be 2.5 and 3.5, respectively. Col. 42—Nonfarm Dwellini- imits (Source E).—This group coma all urban and rural-nonfarm dwelling units and includes a number of farm units in certain urban places, especially in Massachu- setts and other New Eniland States. The definition of urban and rural nonfarm areas issidentical to that given above in the explanations of Col. 10 through 12 Col.43—Average Monthly Rent of Wonlarm: Dwelling Units (Source B). The averare monthly rent was obtained by dividing the total amount of rent reported, by the number of dwelling units for which rental figures were obtunined. For tonant-occupied units, the amount reported was the monthly contract rent, or if no cash rent was paid, the estimated monthly rental value based on rents for similar dwelling units {in the - neighborhood. For owner-occupied units, the amount reported was the owner's esti- mate of monthly rental value. For vacant units, the amount re- ported {8 the rent asked or tho estimated rental value. Col. 44 through 40—Rural Farm Dwelling Units (Source E).— Rural farm dwolling units are those located on farms outside urban places. They constitute about 99 percent of all farm dwelling units. A omill number of dwelling units on farms within the boundaries of urban places 18 included {in the figures for Col. 42, number ofSales (Source 0).—The dollar value of sales 1s derived by deducting from gross sales the value of goods returned by, and allowances made to, customers. Receipts from services and from other sources in the normal ‘operation of the business are included, as are also all forms of sales taxes. For establish- ments engaged chiefly in buying or assembling goods for parent organizations or for clients (purchasing agents, syndicate buyers, etc. ), the volume of purchases was considered equivalent to sales. For agents and brokers operating on a commission basis, sales represent the value of goods sold rather than the commissions or fees charged. Col. 80 through 84—Service Establishments, 1939 (Source P). A service establishment is one engaged primarily in providing service or services—that is, more than 50 percent of the reve- nue of the establishment must have been derived from the sale of service. Businesses reporting total receipts of less than $100 for the year are not included. Since each establishment is classified on the basis of its major activity, the number of establishments shown does not necessarily represent all estab- 1ishments engaged in a specified activity. The following seven major groups are included: {1) personal service establishments including barber ard beauty shops, cleaning and pressing estab- l1ishments, laundries, photographic studios, etc.; {2) business service establishments including adjustment and credit bureaus, advertising agencies, private eemployment agencies, etc.; {3) services allied to transportation, including packing and crating service, warehousing, etc.; (4) automotive repairs and ‘services; (5) other repair services; {6) custom Industries; and (7) miscellaneous services {circulating libraries, landscape X11 gardening and tree surgery, livery stables, etc.). Among the groups not included are members of professional or scientific bodies: such as doctors, lawyers, dentists; agencies dealing with finance, education, real estate, insurance, or transporta- tion; and institutions or religion or charity, hospitals and sanitariums, public - utilities, and government operated enterprises. Col. 80—Number of Service Establishments (Source P).—Each separate place of business 1s counted as a separate establish- ment. Service concessions operated independently in connection with other businesses, are classified as separate establishments. Col. 81—Receipts (Source P).—Recelpts represent total oper- ating income and include receipts (1) for service, (2) from sale of merchandise (after deduction of returned goods and allowances) and from sale of meals and from fountain, (3) from other sources. Bales taxes If collected from the individual customers and pald directly by the establishment to the taxing agency are included in receipts. Col. 82— Active Proprietors (Source P).—The number of active proprietors Includes owners or partners of unincorporated busi- nesses devoting a major portion of their time to the operation of the establishment. ~ g Col. 85—kmployees (Source P).—Figures showing the number of employees Include full-time and part-time pald employees, sala- ried officers of corporations, and executives. The average number of employees for the year was obtained by totaling the number reported monthly (full-time and part-time) for the period ‘ended nearest the 15th of each month and dividing the sum by 12. Proprietors of unincorporated businesses were not considered employees. Col. 84—Pay Roll (Source P).—The pay roll refers to all com- pensation (salaries, wages, commissions, and bonuses) paid during the year to all employees. Pay roll 1s reported before deduc- tions for social security, Insurance, dues, etc., but does not include payments in kind such as free meals and lodging. Col, 85, B6—Bank Deposits, 1944 {Source Q).—Bank deposits in- clude deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations in all banks—commercial, mutual savings, and other types com- bined. For December 31, 1944, in order to make the geographic distribution as accurate as possible, the data for deposits of branches located outside of the county of the head office of each bank have been included In those of the county 1n which the branch 1s located, rather than in those of the head office. Because of thls method of distribution, the totals for various counties may not agree exactly with other published figures. Flgures have been rounded to thousands of dollars and do not necessarily add exactly to the totals. 3 In general, demand deposits are subject to withdrawal on demand, without prior notice; time deposits may not be with- drawn on less than 30 days notlce, or are payable not less than 30 days after the date of deposit. A formal definition of de- mand deposits and time deposits may be found on page 4 of Regu- lation D of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System. Col. 87—E Bond Sales 1944 (Source R).—E Bonds are United States Treasury Serles E War Savings Bonds, sold only to indi- viduals. Sales figures are based on reports from the Federal Reserve Banks. Sales of Serles E Bonds to members of the Armed Forces were classified by the Treasury Department on the basis of the State of civil residence of the purchaser. Chairmen of State War Bond sales drives have similarly classified sales within States by counties. In a few States, however, a part of the total of sales remains unclassified as to counties. Col. BB, 89—Wa jor War Supply Contracts, June 1940-September 1945 (Source S).—The total of major war supply contracts con- sists of individual -contracts awarded by the War Department, the Navy Department, the Maritime Commission, the Treasury Pro- curement Division, and foreign purchasing missions as reported to the War Production Board. A major war supply contract is a prime contract involving a sum of $50,000 or more. The total dollar valuation .of contracts shown is a net figure; contract cancellations and contract recuctions having been deducted from the reports to the War Production Board. Supply contracts were assigned to States and counties ac- cording to the location of the principal producing plants. The "assignment of prime contracts to counties, however, may not be exact because of the difficulty involved in making proper as- signments. Moreover, work may have been carried out in other counties through subcontracting. Furthermore, since the War Production Board figures were constantly being revised, there is a possibility that data shown here may not agree with other published data of the War Production Board. the War Production Board was unable to assign definitely to any county were also omitted from .State and National totals. Con- tract awards for fooastuffs and food processing have also been omitted. Supply contracts for combat equipment include contracts for aircraft, ships, ordnance, and communication equipment. Col. 90, 91—Major War Facilities Projects, June '1940-June 1945 (Source S).—The value an estimate of the final cost of each project. Projects in- clude any undertaking reported to the War Production Board for the period June 1940 to June 1945, for which a contract has Contracts which of facilities projects represents SOT WEEE um RR YT TT eT » v Y % been awarded or a letter of intent or project order issued bf $25,000 or more. The cost of a project would include land pur- chase, architectural and engineering fees, construction mate- rials, construction work, and manufacturing and maintenance machinery and equipment. Values for industrial and military facilities financed by the Army, Navy, Maritime Commission, Defense Plant Corporation, Reconstruction Finance Corporation, and British Empire governments are included. The value of fa- cilities financed with private funds 1s excluded. Publicly . financed enterprises exclude housing facilities. For facility contracts the entire estimated value has been assigned to the prdject site. Facility contracts which could not be assigned to a particular county were put in an "Undis- tributed” category, shown as "other" and included in State Totals. Industrial facilities (Col. 90) represent manufacturing fa- cilities such as aircraft plants, shipbuilding yards, and metal working plants producing war material. : « Military facilities (Col. 91) represent cantonments, air- ports, and other mIlitary installations for which direct out- lays were made-by the armed forces. XIII TABLES Table 1l.—Selected Data for StateS.....cveveiuune SRE AANA AR AR RAS A RE a Ces we sR Se Ae Fhe ee eee Table 2.—Selected Data for Metropolitan Areas and Metropolitan CountieS....:eevvevnverennnennn Brees eR bee ee ioe 8 Table 3,—Selected Data for Metropolitan Areas and All COUNTIES....cuussnnsisvasssnsssnssosesasnsssonsssnnssnsssssssnsssses OB — 8 ET NEN Table 1 Part 1 - Population Alabama - TABLE 1—SELECTED DATA FOR STATES Wyoming ¥ = 1 T Fr — ATR CATION VITAL . : : rota rornAToN POPULATION—1940 Eu STATISTICS ESTIMATED : 1944 POPULA Land Totat white Percent of TION : Pop ; : population 25 og po years old and STATE Percent a over who havel Number Apt 1] 1930- | Ph of | Urban nonfarm farm Births | Deaths ’ 1 940 1940 1940 1940 Numbes total 5 5 or Nov. 1, [op more 1943. o ® m = ® LO , 9 an 2) 3) 5) (8) U. S. Total....|127,507,884 151,669,275 | 7.2 |2,977,128| 44.2 {118,214,870 | 89.8 | 74,425,702 | 27,029,385 | 30,215,188 85.1 2,794,800 [1,411,338 2,718,273 2,852,961] 7.1| s1,078| 55.5) 1,849,007| e5.3| ess5,941| 638,35 | 1,338,664 69.7] 15.7 | 74,415] 26,157 569,357 499,261| 14.6) 113,580 4.4 426,792 | 85.5| 173,081| 211,258 114,022| 79.4|25.0 | 14,225] 6.205 1,735,564 | -10.9 | 1,949,887| - 5.1| 52,726| s7.0| 1,466,084 | '75.2| 421,910 406,470| 1,111,007] 75.7] 14.9 | 41,240] 14.515 7,881,694 6,907,387 | '21.7| 156,805| 44.1| 6,596,765 | 95.5| 4,902,265 | 1,369,738 | 685,389] 90.8 | 36.9 | 179,125| 90,82 Colorado. ..........| 1,087,005 | -4.7| 1,125,206| .8.4| 105,967| 10.8| 1,106,502 | 98.5| 590,756 | 260,848 | 251,602] 89.8 (51.7 | . 25,951 | 12,258 Connecticut........| 1,748,402 | 2.4] 1,709,243 6.4 4,809| 348.9| 1,675,407| 98.0| 1,158,162| 455,455 95,625| 86.4 24 34,278 | 18,919 Delaware...........| 275,614 | 3.1 266,505 | 11.8 1,978 | 134.7 230,528 | 86.5| 159,432 81,400 45,673| 84.5 | 23 5,993 | 5.545 District of Colmmbia| 816,082 | 24.2 663,001 | 36.2 61 [10,870.3 474,326 | 71.5] 663,001 90.6 | 40 15,758 |. 8,225 2,002,088 | 6.4| 1,807,414| 29.2| sa,262| 35.0] 1,381,986 | 72.8] 1,045,791 | 550,740| 300,883| 79.71 26 48,418 | 23,500 2,976,645 | -4.1| 3.125,725| 7.4] 58,518| 53.4] 2,088,278 | 65.5| 1,075,808 685,949 | 1,365,966| 68.8 | 17 78,540 | 29,401 473,166 | -9.8 524,873| 17.9| 82,8084 6.3 519,202 | 98.9| 176,708 | 148,149| 200,018] 93.3 12,241 4,673 7,563,770 | -4.0| 7,897,241| 5.5| 55,947 141.2] 7,504,202 | 95.0| 5,809,650 | 1,119,488 | 968,103 89.5 142,005 | 88,180 5,383,512 | -1.2| 3,427,796 | 5.8| 36,205 94.7| 3,305,525 | 96.4| 1,887,712 727,438| 812,651 91.1 71,354 | 39,876 2,276,876 | -10.5| 2,538,268| 2.7| 55,986| 45.5| 2,520,691 - 99.3 | 1,084,231 | 537,269 | 916,768| 94.5 46,564 | 26,094 Kansas.............| 1.678.72| -6.5| 1,801,028| -4.2| 82,115| 21.9] 1,734,496 96.5| 753.941 | a42,309| 604,778] 92.9 34,976 | 18,535 Kentacky...........| 2,549,108 | -10.1| 2,845,627| 8.8 40,09| 70.9| 2,631,425| 92.5| 49,327| 738,401 | 1,257,899] 78.7 64,225 | 28,271 2,316,681 | -1.8| 2,%3,880| 12.5| 45,177] S2.3| 1,511,739 | e4.0| 980,439 | 533,059 | 850,382 63.5 61,050 | 23,567 782,512 | -7.3 847,226 6.2 31,040] 27.3 844,545 | 99.7| 343,057 | 338,719| 165,450, 31.5 17,762 | 10,279 ,.| 1,982,947 | o9.8| 1,821,244| 11.8 9,887| 184.2] 1,518,481 | 63.4| 1,080,551 | 497,833 | 242,080] 82.2 43,915 | 22,648 Massachusetts......| 4,005,072 | -5.1| 4,318,721 "1.6 7,007 | 5459] 4,257,506 | 96.6| 3,850,476 | 363,212 94,083| 87.9 76,208 | 51,688 Michigan...........| 5,577,529 | 2.4| 5,256,006 8.5| 57,02] 92.2] 5,089,643 95.9] 3,454,867 | 941,087 | 860,202| 88.8] 24.5 | 11¢,700| 54,274 2.525.558 | -9.4| 2,702,300 8.9 80,009] 34.9| 2,768,982 |. 99.2| 1,390,008 | 496,762 | 905,440| 91.6|24.8 | 56,115| 26,52 1,996,333 | -8.6| 2,183,796| 8.7| 47,420 46.1| 1,106,227 | 50.7 | 432,882 | - 351,030 | 1,399,884 68.2] 15.9 | 56,940 20,566 3,524,790 | -6.8| z.784.664| 4.3| 69,270| 54.6 3,539,187 | 93.5| 1,960,696 | 705,324 | 1,118,644| 88.6 | 22.0 | 67,990| 42,248 470,023 | -15.8 550,456 | 4.1] 146,516 v 3.8 540,468 | 96.6 | 211,585| 172,214 | 175,707] 91.7| 29.1 | 10,943| 5,862 ,176,023 1,515,834 | -4.5| 76,655 17.2] 1,207,624 | 98.6| 14,048] 306,230 | 495,447] 93.3|28.7 | 24,575] 12,582 130,637 110,247 21.1] 109,82 1.0 104,080 | 94.4 43,291 51,831 15,625| 68.7 | 24.8 | z,028| 1,647 453,333 91,52] 5.6 9,024 | 54.5 490,989 | 99.9 | 283,225| 146,650 61,549] 20.5|26.5 | 88 | 6,189 4,080,485 4,150,165 2.9 7,522 | 553.1] 3,971,087 | 94.5| 3,394,775 | 633,173| 132,219] 85.8] 22.5 | 75,265] 47,815 Few Mexico.........| 490,119 531,818| 25.6] 121,511 4.4 492,312 | s2.6| 176,401] 178,303 | 177,124] 71.0|22.3 | 15,585] 5,500 > 7 New York...........| 12,442,784 13,479,142 | 7.1| 47,929| 281.2 12,879,546 | 95.5]11,165,895| 1,597,457 | 715,812] 65.6 [22.5 | 229.5% | 152,264 _ North Carolina.....| 3,346,987 3.571.623 12.7| 49,142| 72.7| 2,567,625| 71.9| 974,175| 940,947 | 1,656,501] 72.1|16.7 | S0,e2e | 29,290 North Dakota.......| 536,510 641,985| -5.7| 70,054 9.2 631,464 | 98.4 | 121,823 182,514 | 227,498) 86.1|22.2 | 13,520| 5,116 Ohic....... .| s,e28,252 6,907,612 | 3.9 41,122] 168.0| 6,566,531 | 95.1|.4,612,986 | 1,224,327 | 1,070,295 90.€ | 25.4 | 133,598 | £0,193 Oklahoma. ..........| 1,987,841 2,336,434 | -2.5| 69,262 38.7| 2,104,228 | 90.1] '875,663| 530,030 | 926,741) 85.2 | 24.2 | 46,725| 18,925 Oregon.............| 1,172,674 1,089,684 2|* 95,250] 11.z| 1,075,721] se.7| ssi,675| zou,726| 256,202 92.6] 22.7 | 24,150] 13,188 9,272,242 9,900,180 8| as,o4s| 210.e| o,e26,089 | 95.2] 6,586,877 | 2,408,125 | 905,168! 86.2 | 20. | 176,270 | 110,22 694,616 712,246 8 1,058 | 674.2 701,805 | 98.4 | 653,383 50,170 9.70%; 85.1]20.9 | 12,754 | = 8,409 1,789,662 1,899,804 z| so,sea| se.1| 1,084)2 57.1| 466,111 | 520,861 | 912,212] 64.0 18.2 | 51,467 | 1e,139 544,866 642,961 2| 763 e.4 619,075 .z| 1se087| 178)204| 06.670] o1.e| 24.8 | 12,769 5,850 . | 2,818,226 | -3.3| 2,915,ea1| 11.4| 41,961] 6u.5| 2,406,906 | 62.5| 1,027,206 | 61€,691| 1,271,946 77.1| 17.9 | ee,272| 27,854 6,259,584 | -1.9| 6,414,824 | 10.1| 263,644| 24.2| s,ae7,545 | es.c| 2,911,386 | 1,754,246 | 2,149,167) £0.z | 26.5 165,900 | 61,565 563,572 | 5.2 550,20| 8.4] 62,346 6.7 542,920 | 9.7 | 205.452] ~~ 1£0,465 caj2s2’ gx.6 [zee 16,180) 4,927 216,074 | -11.5 259,221 | -0.1 927m | ze? 258,806 | 99.9 | 122,229 | 120,480 |" 105.5121 92.6 [27.6 | 6.e24| 4,274 2,769,828 | 4.8| 2,677,773| 10.6| zs.e99| 67.1| 2,005.e83| 75.3| esa,575| 749,720 | ez sel 7s. |21.x | ec 17e| 26.729 1,905,236 | 10.e| 1,726,101 1| es,977| 25.9| 1,698,147 | 97.8| 921,969| 47e,772| z25,450| sz. | as,s28| 21,849 1,722,255 | -e.9| 1,501,974 .o| 24,000 79.0] 1,7es,1c2| sz.8| s34,202| ez6,270| 521,452] e2. | a1,20¢| 18602 2,945,255 | -6.1| 3,137,587 e| se,ms| snz| s12,7%2 | ee.2| 1,676,144 | sesiesa | er2)1e9) es.c | elyeer| 21,674 225,729 | -2,7| - 250,742 2 97,506 2.6 246,597 | 98.2 02,577 84,451 72,674] €2.1 €,625 2,278 Table 1 . Part 2 = Labor Force TABLE 1—SELECTED DATA FOR STATES—Continued Alabama - Wyoming LABOR FORCE—1940 ve : . Percent of Population 14 Years Old and Over Employed Workers by Industry Group ted Tran. Bigs Pa Percent | Percent porta- d ltural STATE of all of all ; tion, Whole- — In a # In labor males | females Total Agri. . Con- Manufac: communi- sale and iti Other agri- 2 Total py Jahor who are | who are oa Mining struc- ana. cations, - and not 8! force X L employed || culture . turing ? retail exclud- cul- in in tion an aks fe reported tire Code labor labor other domatic (See Per- force force id Rorvices om cent an (18) 19) 0) @n 22) @*) @) 25) (26) @n 28) (29) 30) | 31 | (2) “U.S, Totalss.:..s.+s|101,102,924|52,769,499] 79.0 25.4 [45,166 ,083|| 8,372,222 913,000(2,056 ,274(10,572, 842 (3,113,353 [7,538,768 |7,727,212 [4,872,412 | 18.5 | 636 7.3 1,979,481| 1,017,188) £0.1 23.9 893,848|| 353,705 30,172 28,797] 155.419 | 38,470 | £9,895 | 90,541 | 106,849 | 39.6 6| 5.0 355,059 180,247 77.3 21.8 | 150,17 32,337| 12,806] 8,825 12,599 | 11,289 | 27,489 | 28,469 | 16,359 |21.5| 636| 8.7 1,387,930 * 678,859 80.5 | 16.9 583,9ukl- 300,071 5,902| 17,231) 57,716 | 24,916 64,280 61,554 52,274 | 51.4 | 636 | 4.9 5,641,516 | 2,948,427 77.2 26.4 | 2,525,281| 265,416 45,732| 151,855( 416,911 | 199,789 | 551,545 | 593.980 | 300,053 | 10.5 | G36 | 8.6 855,116 421,493 76.1 21.8 | 349,735|| 73.546] 15,897] - 17,869] 35,567 | 29,002 | 67,346 | 73,200 | 37,308 |21.0| 636| 9.5 Connectictteeccssssesssess| 1,375,329| 770,003| 80.2 32.4 | 680,490 26,453 594 33,285 295,707 | 32,980 | 102,995 | 119,713 | 68,763 | 3.9 | 636| 8.0 Delavare.......ee. 210,343| 114,260 80.3 28.1 | 102,627(| 14,073 107| 6,969] 29,643 7.910 | 14,738 | 15,107 | 14,080 [13.7| 13| 9.0 District of Columbia ly 88 oy oz 80.8 45.3 | 308,900 537, 125 19,730] 22,238 | 21,132 | 52,581 | 71,868 | 120,689 | 0.2 | 37|29.0 Floridacecseceess . 1,456,519 17.6 30.9 683,333|| - 116,799| 2,612 U3,761 80,138 | 45,411 | 139,166 | 130,703 | 124,743 |17.1| 636| 6.5 GeorgiBeeeececes 2,232,132 ie: 705 8.0 29.3 | 1,107,012 375,543 4,078 41,694 205,229 | 52,190 | 129,679 | 126,b60 | 172,539 | 33.9 6| 1.7 890] 191,196] 78.6 16.6 | 158,606| 58,130| 6,735 7,187] 12,559 | 10,428 | 25,954 | 24,985 | 12,628 |36.6| 636 7.4 3,360,823 79.5 27.0 | 2,874,431] 284,131| 49,208| 117,247| 821,489 | 257,676 | 560,684 | 541,321 | 242,675 | 9.9 | 636 | 7.3 1,331, 1% 78.5 21.2 [1,151,703 204,915 13.470 50,206 345,585 | 80,181 | 188,178 | 176,610 92,558 | 17.8 | 636] 7.0 a 8 ,) 18.2 19.2 | 'gh2,781| 308.735 6.33) 36.208] 98,727 6.662 | 144,913 | 139.161 | 72,032 [35.2 | 636] 7.9 76.7 19.2 583, = 183,363] 15,211] 24,867 53,071 9,714 | 101,445 [ 102,136 54,019 | 31.4 | 636| 8.4 998, 700 19.9 17.6 | 847,563|| 309,146 60,552| 35,607| 100,804 | 53,344 | 106,331 10h 58 78,012 | 36.5 2| 6.4 £8h, Jo 80.0 24,2 T71,142(| 248,696) 14,819 34,936 . 99,120 50,523 | 112,620 2 106,132 | 32.2 | 636 6.0 Ho 16.6 26.2 | 279,036| 36.477 562| 12,050 91,642 | 17,190 | u1,7€7 36,438 | 13.1 6| 8.h Ten 19.7 28.3 | 690,911 68,567 4,024 2 ,288| 180,478 | 58,351 | 114,749 — = 110,782 | 9.9 | 636| 7.2 11.1 31.5 | 1,534,787] 35.945] 1.515 8 610 564,165 | 100,038 | 287,622 | 309, 110 167,782 | 2.3 | 636] 9.4 6.893 2,125,877 £0.5 23.3 | 1,824,953|| 213.950] 15,846] 73,144 699,993 | 100,367 | 295,748 | 279,754 | 146,151 [11.7 20 | 19.5 MNinnesota....... oe 2,152,104 1,101, 18.2 22.9 931.199 282,213] 7,935 37.456] 115,959 | 65,163°| 172,696 | 167.648 | 82,429|30.3| G36| 8.6 MissiosipPles.ooeoeeeeeas| 1,519,533 808,462] 81.6 25.5 | T27.455( 419,705) 1,917| 24,151 66,765 | 21,812 | 59,652 | 60,817 | 72,636|57.7| G36 | L.2 Missouric.e..... cee] 2,964,182|1,521,086 79.7 23.6 | 1,297,094 305,488 12,458 “56,493 244,904 | 99,019 | 238,154 [ 225,249 | 115,329 [23.6 | 636| 7.1 Montans...eeeeneecsnanes . 427,421 224,994 80.2 19.9 | 185,564 59,083) 13.526 8,838 . 13,747 14,883 | 29,315| 29.890 ( 16,282 31.8 636] 7.6 Hebraskfe.....coees mendes 1,008,473 501,013 78.7 20.1 433.421 161,954 606| 17,010] 2 23 33,775 | T4.M89 | 78,392 | 37.476] 37.4 | G36] 8.4 Rovada........ 87,00 47,979 80.8 21.2 1,462 6,326] 6,262] 3,057 5,166 6,811 7.877 4,099 | 15.3 4115.1 New Hampshir: 385,114 206,919 17.9 30.0 | 175,999 15,442 318 9,008] 15% 8,950 | 24,946 28,541 19,264 | 8.8| 1512.3 Hew Jersey.. 3,355,059| 1,857,340 80.5 30.8 | 1,569,059 47,965 3,560 78,378 571, 126,936 | 265,229 | 310,627 ( 164,515] 3.1 | G36 7.6 New Mexico.. 359,779| 177.908 78.4 18.7 140,269 4h ,894 8,831 8,36M 8,973 . 9.300 21,633 23,551 14,723 | 32.0 | 636 | &.5 Few Yorkee.... 10,915,285) 5,962,199] 79.1 30.8 | 4,974,518] 210,434 8,899 242,378 1,357,410 | 412,680 | 982,792 |L167,512 | 592,413 | M.2| 636] 9.1 Forth Carolina 2,491,830(1,333,773 80.1 27.7 | 1,208,690|| 405,923] 2,914 46,971 325, 5% 41,123 | 126,712 | 132,209 | 127,299 | 33.6 615.7 Forth Dakota. uel, Sa 79.8 18.1 200,396/| 106,962 987 4,083 5,01 10,158 | 27,468 | 28,888 | 16,848 | 53.4 | 636 | 7.9 OB16aesssesess .eo| 5,448,355(2,765,687| 78.2 23.4 | 2,344,967]! 257,267 32,430 aah. 351 783, oe 173,696 | 408,654 [ 383,124 | 205,262 | 11.01] 17 8.8 Ok1ahomBaee-ceecose wesees| 1,703,553] 804,582 75.3 18.6 | 658,739) 218,130 35,009 50,758 | 33,362 | 113,583 | 114,388 | 66.651) 33.1) 636] 7.9 875,55 453,382 78.4 23.1 389,798 71,335 2,953] 20,700 81,569 2 80; 694 72,385 6, 18. @a36| 8.0 7.693.214 3,986,000 78.5 2 3,230,167 192.202 224,942 We, 12 1,072,891 | 248 -~ saa 534 518.207 B13 63 5 8.5 568,354] 321, 79.9 .7 | 264,723 5,024 189 13,0 121,270 | 12,731 | Mu;865 | 41,708 | “26,072 12 6|21.6 1,302,783 730,780 81.3 32.1 661,07 260,761 1,331 22,363] 150,923 19,186 | 61,904 64,9ul 79.661 | 39. 615.2 South Dakot@.s.s.. 71,255 239,826 78.7 19.3 | 204,51 98,294 2,867| 6,208] 9,269 2.944 30,012 | 32,422 | 16,498 a 636 | 8.8 Tonnesseee.s.... ons veses| 2,119,300 2,071,904 79.7 22.4 | 917k) 32,014 14,397| 42,790] 172,816 | S51, 125,635 13.0 101, 1] 636] 5. POXABaerrrossrsene . 4,745,853 | 2,454,924 80.5 22.9 | 2,138,355|| 636.416( 61,052| 110,7 211,591 el Ya.2% | on 2,908 gi 3a oe 21 Utahesesrrersees . 389,086 181,244 75.0 17.6 | 148,886|| 28,538 10,102] 8,0k3 15,4 15,582 | 28,905 iy 82 | 12,920 {19.2 | @36| 8.9 Vermonte.eeessss 273,342 14,407 79.0 5: 125,092|| 30,601 1,455 5,501 27, 1 16,324 | 19,411 | 16,379 |24.5| 636] 7.8 Virginid. eee 1,965,637) ,031,289| 80.2 2b.k | 933.058|| 222,701 24,166 8.537] 187.681 | 64.100 | 115.596 | 120.365 | 149.912 | 23.9 | 37| 701 Washington...... 1,396,267 6,501 77.5 22.4 | 607,672 2 475| 5.29] 37,441 131,007 | 51,515 | 116,117 113,517 | 69,171 |13.7| 636( 7. West Virginia... 3, 49,250 | 634,957 1.3 16.8 | 519,094 Lo 113,369] 20,700| 91,582 2 135 | 64,391 82300 Ah wl 2 2 Visconsin....... «| 2,410,818 peel 78.7 | 22.0 | 1,060,758 273, 2,504 3 M2 270.231 | 60.779 | 167.521 | 160.959 | 85.889 25.8 | 036 | 7.5 WYOBIDEse crrrreeerreeine a 436 100, 8.5 19.0 86.550|| 25.uu0| 6.282 “hl 4,601 8,995 | 12,341 | 13,921 | 10,835|29.4| 37| 8.8 Table 1 bam - TABLE 1—SELECTED DATA FOR STATES—Continued Part 3 - Housing Ala) Wyoming a HOUSING—1940 - . x s s a Nonfarm Rural Farm All Dwelling Units Occupied Dwelling Units Dwelling Units Dwelling Units We jee. ; phones STATE Residential Percent | Percent Per. Percent Median Per- strucimes in5or | with Pireont oo. wy d Avs aot Percent he b more | private | wil an- mont wit wit ] Number | fumiy | Bathtub | clctic | Number | owner | TJ | persons | Number | "rope? | Number [ ry, | icc struc- or lighting ed refrig | pouse. (dollars) ning | lighting tures | shower P eration | pod water a3) G4) G9) [t)) an (0) ™) (C)) @ @ «© “) *) “8 “n U,'S. Total...... 29,313,708 |37,325,470 10.5 56.2 78.7 | 34,854,532 | 3.6 bu. 3.28 | 29,683,189 | 27.45 J 7.642,261 | 17.8 ] 31.3 [16,673,472 637.883 708,043 1.5 20.6 L3.b 673.815 | 33.6 23.5 3.68 396,968 | 13.36 311,075 | 3.4 12.8 130,144 133,942 147,079 3.4 Lg.6 70.5] 131,133 | 47.9 40.0 3.23 114,916 | 19,32 32.163] 26.6 30.2 3,080 Lg7.kn 520,613 143 171.5 32.8 Lg5,825 | 39.7 11.2 3.uk 243,976 | 12.32 276.637 2.1 8.0 81,972 1,845,623 | 2,3L0,373 13.5 84.9 96.0 | 2,138,343 | Lik 51.7 2.72 2.147.759 31.18 192,614 | 77.4 81.2] 1,334,627 298,930 354,060 9.1 L1.9 17.6 316,000 | bo.3 35.4 3.03 279,002 | 22.%0 75.658 | 21.3 34.6 165.920 319,271 ugg,5u3 [12.1 81.7 96.5 Lug 682 | 40.5 61. 3.37 461,781 | 36.22 26,762 | 68.2| 80.4] 305,265 65,38 75.567 L.3 60.8 81.8 70.541 | 47.1 49.5 3.26 63.210 | 33.95 12,357] 25.1 L1.0 38,759 101,950 185,128 31.9 82.5 95.9 173,445 | 29.9 78.1 3.09 185,128 | 53.00 : 134,975 Lge Lol £90,451 7.6 slL.g 66.5 519,887 | 43.6 34.4 3.09 511,707 | 23.50 78,744 | 19.3 ( 22.5) 164,31 095,148 796.715 2.9 2k.6 46.6 752,241 | 30.8 24.7 3.59 475,696 | 15.53 321,009 6.0] 16.1] 190,8 140,819 152,835 -3.5 39.9 79.1 11,727 | 57.9 u1.7 3.26 98,909 | 18.21 | 53.926 | 31.3 59.4 5,0U8 1,522,217 | 2,280,826 13:2 6L.7 £3 2,192,724 | 40.3 53.9 3.17] 2,021,068 | 30.5% 259,758 | 16.1 8.5] 1,361,740 878,936 | 1,005,952 0 L6.6 sh.o 961,498 | 53.1 b1.1 3.12 83,85 | 22.27 222,467 17.9 9.2 31,136 657.354 726,654 3.4 43.0 76.7 701,824 | 1.5 34.8 3.18 89,913 20.98 236,741 2.5 39.5 72,855 502,905 55,721 2.1 u1.7 7.5 511,109 | 51.0 39.6 3.07 370,954 | 17.38 174,767 | 15.7 | 27.3] 306.770 651 ,Ll5 729,206 2.6 27.2 52.4 698,538 | 48.0 28.5 3.52 435,432 [ 17.97 275.078 u.2| 15.0] 193,222 527.550 619,233 3.7 34.3 i832 592.528 | 36.9 23.5 3.44 UL L56 | 16.61 204,777 3-9 9.8] 169,389 216,302 260,n59 ie L6.1 80. 218,968 | 57.3 28.9 3.29 215,211 | 23.98 Ls, hhg | 33. 51.3 14,118 klk, 54k 800,156 I 62.9 85.9 ips bus 7.4 Lg.1 3.35 uh0,977 | 29.77 59.179 | 30.0 L2.6 238,38 760,576 | 1,221,252 12.5 83.0 97.6 | 1,120,694 | 38.1 50.7 3.36 1.195.020 33.34 26,232] T1.5| 81.4 697,63 MECHIRAG Ye iin vinninnsle 1,237,478 | 1.519.378 7:3 63.2 92.1 | 1,396,014 | 55.4 51.0 3.33 1.281,453 | 29.35 237.925 28.2 | 68.6] 8LO,N6 Minnesota..... : 6Lo U1} 773.042 1.9 Lg. 75.8 726,359 | 55.2 36.0 3.37 554,462 | 26.80 218,580 | 12.2 | 29.9] uL62,723 Misnissippl...ou... 517.360 557.246 0.7 14.6 28.3 534.956 03 14.8 3.51 222,234 | 12.93 335.012 3.2 8.5 68,080 Missourie...... 905,194 | 1,1k0,493 9.5 Lk.o 70.6 | 1,068,042 3 k1.0 3.06 825,052 | 22.48 311,841 6.3 15.9 531,603 TT FR tl ve 156,124 177,443 7.0 38.0 70.7 159,963 | 52.0 37.2 2.99 123.522 | 19.87 53.921 | 14.7 27.8 54,002 ER 350.082 | 387.368 gal Mol tos] seo. | Wrd | 6.9 | 3.22] 27ers 20.09 | 139.495( 22.3 | 28.5 203,450 Novada........ 33.508 36,770 Lu 58.3 80.8 33.291 | L6.1 8. 2.70 31.993 | 25.79 JIT] 3. 49.8 1k,9l1 Nev Hampenire. 123,190 158,044 7-1 61.7 87.0 132,936 | 51.7 39.0 3.16 138,809 | 2L.1g 19,235] 57.4 63.2 72,341 New Jersey.... 839,728 | 1,223,887 1.4 82.0 96.6 | 1,100,260 | 39.4 60.3 3.37] 1.287.801 | 37.43 35.08 61.3 | 80.3] 577.717 Now Mox100......euurns oe 132,73 145 642 2.5 28.5 ug.2 129,475 | 57.3 21.0 3.54 99.093 | 15.49 5.949 | 3.8 | 17.5 28,2715 Now York...eeu...uannee. | 2,018,917 | 4,032,460 36.8 8h.1 96.4 | 3,662,113 | 30.3 61.6 3.24 | 3,827,050 | 39.81 205,406 | Wu. 67.9] 1,721,800 North Carolina.. . 755,859 820,888 1.} 24.6 54.4 789,659 | L2.h 26.2 3.99 473.781 | 16.59 347,147 6.9 | 23. 170,490 North Dakot....vss... 148,438 162,861 3.6 20.7 53.8 152,043 | L9.8 20.5 3.13 gh,181 | 18.84 78,700 6.0 15.5 58,172 OBYD. 5. whales «| 1.596.777 | 1.977.693 7.0 62.7 90.6 | 1.897.796 3 51.7 3.20 | 1.696.738 He 280.955 23.2 2 116015 ORYOHOBR, + ov vx cos oa vt . 590,34 bly ues 3.4 34.5 55.1 610,481 | L2.8 30. 3.33 u15,477 | 16.47 2%2,008| 8.0 21k, 220.9 Or ORON. vss sivas svars 323,311 369,811 9.4 63.5 85.8 337.492 | 54.4 Ll 2.719 288,813 | 20.88 80,998 | 50.8 | 59.7] 155.291 Pennsylvania............ | 2,095,886 | 2,618,056 5.1 | «63.9 92.3 | 2,515,524 5 50.3 3.06 | 2,397,815 | 27.66 220,241 | 31.9 57.6] 1,232,024 Rhode Island.. 127,566 203,469 EL 76.3 7.1 187,706 | 37. u1.8 3.30 200,550 | 28.61 2.919] 57.3 ( 77.7 96,239 South Carolina k11,214 uss 8 1.8 21.7 6.2 L3k,968 os 25.9 3.81 258,925 [ 14.76 199,97 5.3 16.7 71,052 South Dakota....... ei 166,527 179,74 2.9 26.5 56.6 165,428 .0 2h.6 3.43 98,368 | 16.84 «814376 | 11.8 | 17.9 02 Tennessee. .............. 655,120 742,030 3.5 25.2 50.9 71h ,894% | Lu) 21.1 3.56 LL) ,686 | 16.89 300,344 | 5.8 15. 231,163 ORB: ise neni riossivinne 1,613,076 | 1,80L,884 3.2 41.0 59.0 | 1.678,396 | L2.8 35.9 3.30 f 1,229,221 | 18.58 575.663 | 19.7 18. 590,320 UAH. cee crisis anism 123.337 147,291 £3 62.0 93.9 139,467 | 61.1 50.8 3.56 125,025 | 22.11 22,26b| 50.5 74.5 73.391 Vermont... 88,531 |. 106,362 Y, 59.3 80.2 92,u435 | 55.9 37.1 3.34 77.782 | 2k.29 28,580 712.9 52.9 ug ,622 VAPRIN Ma. er snes eens a ~81,631 659,787 3.1 36.1 60.6 627,532 | ‘he.9 31.7 3.6% U36.9u7 | 22.46 202,840 | 12.3 23.7 239,969 oN Washington... euereenns 500,724 290,439 12.3 66.0 90.9 837.337 | 57.0 b.8 2.76 487,910 | 21.76 102,529 | 55.6 | 70.9] 304,505 Yeat Virginia........... L13y, 384 us9,72% 2.5 15.8 69.1 Luk 81s | B37 39.6 3.78 343.812 | 18.4) 115,913 | 10.6 24.7 136,k22 V1econsin. coueuneinnnn. h2,102 897.719 L.7 52.1 83.9 827,207 A 36.7 3.36 682,635 | 28.39 215,084 [ 19.0 | 49.3] u76,337 WIRING ves fas viini ons 68,509 76.868 u.5 bg 70. 09,374 | L8.6 38.7 3.10 54,389 [ 20.55 22,479 16.1 31.0 26,730 TABLE 1—SELECTED DATA FOR STATES—Continued Table X Part 4 - Agriculture Alabama - (Bigures which have been rounded to thousands will not necessarily add +5 totals) Wyoming a AGRICULTURE—1945 AGRICULTURE—1940 Value of farm products sold, Principal Pa 1 fo dud of Work power traded, or used by source of Per- on Properly farm household farm income Troe. : cent - Number of | Lond in | Cropland | Number | “of | 2s Percent from— farming Rud STATE farms farms | harvested | of farms | farms al Number (1000's | (1000's oper (BF) [Aver tit ora) 2% bo oo . 0 e t Jan. 1, of, of April 1, | ated prod- | (1000's 2¢ | horses | Number (1000's s Code Per. | (See |indes 1945" acres) acres) 940 by and/or of and (See ten- |. Reis of farm mules | tractors of live- | Crops | pazg | cent pa ants a dollars) Ll. (over 3 dollars) stock ) Id prod- $400 mo. old) re 3) s) 9) Gh) 2) G3) GH) 5) 6) Gn G8) 9) ©) [Q)) «@) ©) ©) U. S. Total.........| 5,850,169 [1,141,615 | 352,866 ]6,096.799| 38.7] 33.7)M.25%.979|6.767[13931.531 [1.567.830] 7.:13.645| us.M| 39.6 5 | 31.6 101 Aladama..... 223,369| 19,068 6,163] 231, Je 58.8 hs 512,426 | 2,211 2%. 115 7.638] 119,71 15.9| 47.2 5 | 43.8 66 Arizona... 13,142| 37,856 652] 18,468 11. 3] 194,108)0,510 6.479 » 42,062 48.0 45.6 5 | 37.0 87 oss 198,769 17,456 5,995] 216,674] 53.3] 39.8 L451 | 2,605 wr, 163 12,564 159,098 15.8] 57.7 5 | 54.6 ™ Califormid.e.... 138,917 85,054 7,536] 132, 19.1] 25.4) 2,kh4,526 hak] 188,808| 55,191] 465.29| 36.6] 60.4 7 | 26.6 127 Colorado. .ccesecccessans 47,618| 36,218] -6,035] 51,436| 37.2] 29.5] 499,498|9,11 v : 108,700 56.0 37.3 1 | %0.6 106 Connecticut. .ceeen.s ove 22,241 1,593 433 21,16; 7.2| %.2| 233,M28|n,030| 16,998 5.3491 47.842] 59.0 3.7 2 32:8 145 DelaVAT® ees eosassecanns 9,296 923 416 e 32,6] 21.5 W527| 1.397] 21,043 2,661] 17.952 62.5| 21.7 3 .5 126 District of Columbia... 40 2 1 18.5 Rs 6,101 b3, 101 25 517 %9.9| 49.0 8 | ¥.7 61,159| 18,084 1,809] 62,248( 25.2| hs8.7| 371,.558(5974| 56.464 7.703] 88,904| 21.3| 68.7 7 | 28.9 mn 225,897 23,676 7,824] 216,033| 60.1] 3.7 597,987] 2,768 351.475 9.327] 165.956] 14.6] 57.% 5-| 51.0 ks 41,498) 12,508 3,442] 143,663] 25.5| 21.2] 432,938(9915| 170,38 11.103] 91.730| Mh.2| M6.9 5 | b3. 11 204,239| 381,602 20,302] 21 i 43.1| 20.8 2 33,651 13, 745 ,810| 126,069] usk.584| us.3| 45.9 5 3 11 175,970 20,027 10,912] 184, 28.3 29.1 1,k92,406(8,087( 395,095| 73.221] 2k7,046| 57.1 30.5 1 | 35.0 115 208,934 | 34,454 21,562 213,318] 47.6 2.5 13%. 153 5.325 13.693 128,516 561,837| - 61.5 29.6 1 6.0 127 141,192] 48,589| 22,817] 156,327 N4.9| 24.8 1,675.4 69/10, 718| 428,833 95,139] 226,985 51.3] 38.3 5 | 31.0 18 238,501| 19,725 5,322] 252,894 | 33.1 51.2| 921,755| 3.645| 456,323 11,927] 1h.u92| 3u.5| 38.4 5 .6 a 129,295 10,040 3,490] 150,007 53.%| 42.6] u50,430|3,003| 317,282 9,476] 11M,047| 12.2] B6.% 5 | 61.5 42,184 4,613 1,316 2.95 6.5| %0.9| 160,719|%.,223| 37.651 ,09 R28 by 43.5 5 | 37.4 18 41,275 4,200 1,745 ,110( 26.1] 32.8 326,999 .765| 104,697 10,335 084 9) 38.5 2 | 23.9 110 87,007 2,078 581 31,897) 7.1 36.7 8,665 7.796 19.73 7.335] 68,849 58.7 3.6 2 | 32.7 pL Michigan. 175,268 18,392 8,521] 187.589 | 17.0 30.5| 1,172,173 6249 351.687| 66,524 ne 51.1 33.2 2 | 24.6 1% 18,952] 33,140 18,589) 197,351 32.3( 16.4( 1,865,499|9,453 96. 105,075 076] 56.5 7 5 | 28.8 18 263,528 19,617 6,473 291,092] 66.2 49.0 598,577]|2,056 5,6 10,577] 158.9%1| 10.7 1 5 | 59.2 10 242,934| 35,278 12,902] 256,100 35.6| 3W.7| 1,383,391|5,402| 698.638 45,155] 261, s4.2| 21.5 1 | 35.3 96 37,747 58,787 7,439 41,823 27.8) 24.1 75.86211 378 239.903 22,587] 91, us.7 43.0] 5 | 81.9 113 11,756 47,758] 19,596] 121,062| 52.8| 17.7| L.396.223 R333 510,468 i 22,81 1.5 28.8 1 | ¥7.5 119 3,429 6,178 487 iH WM 29.8) 72,5883] 36.411 8 12,133] 1. 13.2 1 | 57.2 121 18,786 2,017 436] 16, 6.%| 39.5 78,563) 4,47] 13,939 3.129] 22,939 66.0] 11.5 2 | 30.6 126 26,226 1,818 916 25,835| 15.6] 24.3] 28,289p0888| 31,713 12,920 78,918 3.3 38.9 2 2:1 13 29,695 49,608 1,957] 34,105| 17.0 52.1] 248,140| 7.276| 127,268 5.832] M7,7T72| 57. n.s 2 5 61 149,490, 17,568 6,922] 153,238| 12.8| 25.6 1,260,676|8,227 Eee 58.906] 2713.175| 61.2| 26.7 2 | 40.9 132 287,412| 18,618 6,126] 278,2 Wye 27.7] 872,390] 3,135 12,756] 262,38 9.8| 65.2 5 | 62.3 8 69,520] 41,001] 20,817] 73.9 45.1 15.3 646,686 5 5.212| 49,361 115,239 33.9] 53.1 5 | 52.9 108 220,575 1,928) 10,837] 233,783| 26.3| 31.4] 1,721,692(7, 7.052| 89,999] 294,66%| 55.5) 20.4 1 =. 119 164,790 16,162 14,088 179,687 S4.4| 36.8 1,018,166) 5666 491,838] 45,369] 176,766| 38.8| 43.6 5 | wm. 91 63,125] 19,754 s,276] 61,829 18.2 35.9 578,049(9, 2 140,199 17,077] 107.551| 49.8| 39.1 5 | 25.1 122 171,761] 15,020 6,604] 169,027| 16.0 33.6| 1,129,388|6,682( 299,767 . 235,088| 56.8] 26.9 2 | 29.0 121 3,608 265 62 3,004 | 10.3( 26.% 31,14010,332 2,129 1,008 8, 2u7| 68.8] 22.3 2 | 46.2 135 147,745) 11,028 4,149] 137,558| 56.1| 33.7| %05,878/2,951( 200,86; 4,791) 10,749] 9.5 68.7] 5 [63.8 T2 68,705| 43,032] 16,525] 72.454 | 53.0| 19.9| 669,720 9,243 +0 +} 107.966| 58.6] 30.5 1 | 0.7 108 234,431] 17,789 5,844] 247,617| %0.3| 46.7| 811,613 3,278( 451,008) 11,87] 156,492 1.1 3. 5 | 33.2 7 $84,977| 141,338] 27,469] W18,002( 48.9] 35.3| 3,116,145) 7,455(1,176,207| 98,923] 509.736 3.9 0 5 | 31.7 99 26,322 10,309 1,248) 25,M1 13.3 26.9] 199,02 oR el 3.0411 43,595) 59.8 32.1 1 | 28.8 17 26,490 3,981 1,160 23.,582| 9.9] 28.2 155,156|6,5T9| ko, 3.5661 38,215 39 1.5 2 | 56.8 127 178,051 16,358 3,938] 174.885| 26.9 43.5| 786.226 WU96| 253,097 11.951] 150,912 3h.s[ 35.4 0 | 28.2 88 Vashingtem....coeueees . 79,887| 16,720 4,200] 81,686 17.7 39.8 £32,548 8552 134,902 18,019) 130.849 I 51.0 5 De 124 Vest Virginia. ane 97,600 8,720 1,490] 99.282 22.7 5&.5| 321,k70|3,238| 107,857 3.656] 54.315 9 1.7 0 .0 92 Visconsin... «| 177,745] 23,615] 10,545] 186.735 2.8 15.0| 1,621,680( 8,684 503,856| 8.195 277.747] T.1| 1.2] - 2 [45.8 116 WYORIngeososssearsassnns 13,076 383,117 1,843 15,018 22] 21.1 235.913p5,709 123,261 6.534] u9,2u7 5.4 17.8} 1 | 55.5 ny Table 1 i Part 5 - Industry and Retail Trade Alabama - TABLE 1—SELECTED DATA FOR STATES—Continued Wyoming (All dollar figures have been rounded to thousands and will not necessarily add to totals) MANUFACTURING ESTABLISHMENTS—1939 MINERAL INDUSTRIES—1939 RETAIL ESTABLISHMENTS—1939 STATE Wage Value of by mac Value of | Number Wigs o and Sales Active Bonin Pay roll Number | S2rners ao of products products of » Number of (1000s of | pro- al Tage 1(1000’s of | (average | " golly) | (1000's of | 1000's of [¢ sof | persons | (1000's of | stores dollars) | prietors ) dollars) for year) dollars) dollars) dollars) | engaged | dollars) year 5) 6) 60 8) - ©) an an a) _@® gh 5) 9) an U.S. TOTAL........] 184,230] 7,886,567] 9.089,9u1| 56,843,025) 24,682,918 1,846,205] 685,884] 871,040] 1,770,355) 42,041,790|1,613,673| 4,600,217 4,529,499 Alabama... 2,052 116,800 92,018 574,671 247,384 11,685] 27,078 26,340 23,916| ~~ 435,973] 21,715 51,830 37,826 Arizona.. 332 6,096 7,163 97.529 32,041 54,127| 10,432 16,987 -6,242 162,003 5,726] 16,577] 17,119 Arkansas. . 1,178 36,256 24,577 160,167 67,390 8,325 W467 3.817 20,328 298,301) 19,071 32,581 - 23,775 California.. 12,329|- 275,477] 365.114 2,798,180 1,135,158 114,194) 17,854 30,375| 112,428) 3,187,809] 107,895 327,627| 383,155 Colorado.eesc eevee s2es 1,298 23,719 28,392 221,643 91,256 50,668 14,615 18,857 16,785 409,103 15,770 15,083 43,503 Connecticutu....nneedinne [2,936] 233,525 276,274 1,229,586 692,187 2,917 725 93M] =. 873 717,262] 21,715 70,248 79,905 Delavare...... . 429 20,392 21,960 11k, 55,183 | 242 86] 102 ly, shh 110,052 4,001 10,972] 11,168 District of Columbia.. 497 7.877 11,772 79.875 ih, 5n7 (2) (1) (1) 6,893 402, 768] 5,498 148,072] 56,007 Florida... 2,083 52,732 37,883 241,539 118,016 11,155 3,480 3,182 28,614 614,46 25,251 73,190 6h,2uk ‘Georgia... 3,150 157,804 108,083 677,403 283,316}, 8,077 3,910 2,761 32,870 624,765 28,797] 78,947] 58,87M 549 10,877 12,754 90.475 31,770 21,918 4,989 7,980 6,804 175,873 6,223 16,549 16,189" 12,980 596,476 750,239| 4,794,861 2,201,595 90,601 38,071 46,848] 109,132] 2,857,646) 100,099| 332,003] 339,072 4.3371 277,467 345,475 2,227,648 970,212 33.748] 11,988 14,833 47,317| 1,066,383] 44,003 123,192] 110,895 2,670 65,314 73,466 718,532 244,795 10,816 8,260 6,052 39,024 822,905 37,111 87,684 72,514 Kansas..ocoeeereinnncenns © 1,94 31,604 36.938 46k, 354 118,952 14,512 5,647 5,568 27,545 473,551] 25,780 56,490 42,510 Kentuckye.ooee..t seeesaeel 1,640 62,794 61,902 481,030 187,400 81,897] 52,384 55,202 30,919 520,135 28,970] 55,062] 146,090 Louisiana. 1,861 7,218 55,084 565,265 200,086 14,539 2,105 2,9 25,1469 g6,250| 22,845 63,638) 49,000 Maine..... 1,210 75,656 68,434 345,369 152,423 896 439 448 13,455 281,356] 11,821 28,113 26,079. Marylend.. «| 2.893] 14,64 156,783 1,027,354 422,849 18,451| 13,876 13,831 25,566 619,273] 23.774] 70.75%| 66.079 Massachusetts......... «e+| 9,007 460,67 500,923| 2,459,771 1,188,319 5,230 1,617 2,528 59,217| 1,737,680 47,538 203,312] 212,966 Michigan,.............. «| 6.311 522,242 789,976 4,348,223 1,798,k0k 53,013| 13,297 18,362 67.414| 1,820,798] 61,129] 198,018) 204,026 Minnesota....... 4,008 79,753 96,887 845,772 310,628 98,711 8,027 15.156] bo.uhg| 1,017,195) 38,932) 106,282 104,20k Mississippi. 1,294 46,359 27,437 174,937 73,462 1,427 584 445 18,032 282,440 16,360 32,514 22,735 Missouri.. 4,796 178,538 190,736 1,388,056 587,962 27,108 10,464 11,068 53,196 1,102,503 49,328 132,583] 119,237 MOTEBNE. voi enssvunerenvios 585 9,171 12,108 151,885 39,790 37,334 10,800 16,247 8,481 222,008 7.867) 19,963) 2,505 WeDTaakEes sve vsresrnrsess] 1,160 18,807 20,624 273,525 69,087 1,323 557 444 19,330 397,196] 1g,004| 4u,353| 36,221 Nevada.... 105 1,093 1,642 20,582 11,728) 25,171 5,714 9,072 2,0l5 61,828 2,004 5,822 7.204 New Hampshire. 806 55,781 52,735 237,396 105,188 653 316 353 7,435 183,100 6,600( 18,149 17,322 New Jersey.... . 7.984 433,471 521,569 3,428,947 1,524,114 | 14,124 4,010 5,926 68,851 1,580,401 59,277 153.673] 171,619 New MeXiCOeeeeeonnseannn n 272 3,250 2,913 25,124 8,712 ‘23,489 6,491 8,335 ,617 125,765] -6,139| 12,846] 11,596 : | New Yorkeeesessoos ceseeeef 34,506) 957,854 1,163,785 7,134,400] 3,341,895 28,194 6,932 12,487] 209.,425| 5,578,159| 191,259| 567,150| 660,093 North Carolina.. . 3,225 270,207 199,290 1,421,330 545,952 4,257 1,997 1,443 33,826 633,240 29,890 79 ,4o4 60,052 North Dakota.. 350 2,637 2.711 43,767 11,102 2,503 1,078 1,041 8,549 156,137 7.618] 15,227] 12,960 OhiDsgssssrnnse ..| 10,070] 598,397 812,676 4,584,666] 2,125,474 53,799| 25,431 29,991 93,041| |2,Lin,293| 82,712] 270,425| 271,073 Oklahoma. .eessvesesseasss| 1,606 28,114 30,465 312,168 103,118 32,101 8,200 10,094 28,722 513,091 27,221) 59,988] 8,953 OFegoBececessssrassns veer] 2.,2u8 63,622 77.586 263.30 hy 5,120 1,485 1,897 16,458 442,160) 15,757] 41,720] Lh,154 Pennsylvania. 13,801| 858,296| 1,003,349 5,475,325 © 2,489,129 412,945 199,009 262,439] 134,543] 3,133,377| 125,532] 347,790 338,718 Rhode Island.... 1,460 106,275 105,407 516,391 238,289 || 828 259 322 10,485 275, W471 9,100) ,301( 30,978 South Carolina. . 1,55 126,983 86,616 397,513 169,847 3,457 1,400 1,085 18,520 332,224 15,759 1,119 29,793 South DakOtBe.eessensans 68 5,538 6,036 81,172 19,955 22,680 2,924 5,520 9,817 169,396 8,954 17,307] 13,592 TONNessee..o..oveeveneess| 2,289) 131,874 109,662 728,088 20,342 22,088] 12,546 11,916 28,198 606,489| 25,980 71,869] 55.924 5,376) 126,992 128,139| 1,530,221 53,105) 63,009 8,903| . 12,383 85,249| 1,803,716] 79,648 209,841] 171,690 560 11,555 11,968 167,172 43,720 62,791 10,789 16,462 6,372 170,728 5,520 19,562] 18,743 . n7 21,759 21,232 103,154 51,941 5,348, 1,735 2,017 5.423 123,369] B,942| 12,010 10,707 Virgini@.c.eeeeeeseeeeess| 2,579] 133,89% 115,539 988,813 379,488 34,436 20,122 20,901 29,610 628,172] 25,389 y 63,867 WashingtoN.oeeeesersnsses 3,240 90,324 118,326 $36.6 286,647 13,688 4,317 6,156 26,682 668,790 24,798 66,852 75,405 West Virginis........eeeof 1,130 74,989 88,0487 1,840 214,779 199,760 101,070 131,805 18,928 vo3.989 16,202| 42,318 38,263 Wisconsin. .oeecrsrennense 6,717 200,897] 251,947 1,604,507 686,605 8,176 2,396 3,117 47,604 1,064,994 44,086) 107,409 103,249 WyOminge seoososrsornnans . 310 | 3,48) 4,757 45,423 15,629 14,672 -5,008 6,951 4,113 100,233| © 3,863 8,938 9,346 1gtatistics for two common clay and shale mines which were the only Mineral operations reported in the District of ‘Columbi® are included in Maryland. 6 the statistics for TABLE 1—SELECTED DATA FOR STATES—Continued Table 1 Part 6 - Other Economic Date Alabama - (All dollar fizures have been rounded to thousznds and will not necessarily add to tctals) Wyoming Joss SERVICE ESTABLISHMENTS—1939 BANE DEPOSITS Major war supply Major war facilities contracts, rojects, : June 1940-Sept. 1945 | June 1940 June 1945 Bind (1000's of dollars) (1000's of dollars) les 1944 STATE Number Number Emplogess Total (1000's o of Sales of | Receipts | Active | (ue | Pay roll | (demand | Time | dollars at 5 » . ge ) : s estab- | (1000's of | estab- | (1000s |proprie- 1000's | and time) | (1000's |; : for . i issue price) lish- | dollars) | lish- |of dollars)| tors year) of dollars) s | of dollars) ments ments of dollars) i Combat Other Industrial | Military equipment 8) a9) (80) @®1) 82) (83) (84) (85) (86) C1) (88) 39) (90) NC) Ue 8+ TCTAL vs ev vieis + [200,573 | 55,265,640 |646,028 | 3,420,417 [652,491 [1,102,047 |1,069,887 [101,932,820 | 36,965,623 | 12,496,176 [135,690,920 | 44,751,967 | 16 997,872|10,174,281 943 415,688] 9,001 31,361| 8,282 17.977 9,961 756,451 177,046 162,246 1, i ,039 370,245 445,687 187,403 60 96,528] 1,819| 10,88 1,867 3,283 3,185] 235,777 ,332 47,110 9k, 854 11,115 100,592| 134,116 1,785| 248,916 6,696| 22,672| 6,829 9.762 5.933 b71,323 64,789 81,155 141,104 56,257 326,121) 111,572 14,414 | 3,840,129) 51,223 | 328,141| 52,916 4,60 107,247] 8,675,446 | 3,750,545 | 1,068,830 | 14,255,117| 195,524 | 1,013,778| 1,511,447 2,296 | 435,126] 6,186 | 27,473| 6,333 9.422 3,221 650,938 151,48k 92,232 2ul 63h 116,920 170,350 174,479 Connecticut 1,607] 413,134] 8,352 L46,033| 8,192 12,678 13,378] 2,074,070] 1,304,296| 240,318 | 6,378,781| 1,185,628 256,240 25,162 Delaware. 316| 157,474] 1, 6,758] 1,338 1,977 1,799] 319.373| 109,362 28.495 on3,032 80,032 26,864 21,787 District 347,772] 3.83% 39.491) 3,723 13,610 14,858 692,708 166,947 148, Lg4 8,622 19,803 49,236 80,676 525,889) 8,235 46,558 | 7.945 20,765 15,113 978,783 190,390 163,222 682,930 118,495 69.972 555,979 806,238] 10,098 45,057 9,465 23.440 14,382 396,106 215,363 167,727 807,182. 593,512 110,479 285,752 105,510] 2,140 8,630 | 2,227 2,397 2,038] 277.519 64,258 |. uk ,642 12,049 6,421 27,049 101,992 4,998,766] 42,697| 294,956 | 43,140 84,810 98,074 | 6,936,778] 1,705,535 865,368| 8,408,602 | 3,476,789 1,289,103 208,414 847,035] 16,662 64,131 | 17,164 20 42k 17,479] 1,862,640 i 659 341,624 | 7,657,863] 1,215,775 961,425 186,035 790,518 13,756 | 47.727] 14,185] 13,412] 10,854] 1,271,662 281,654 688,296 394,022 15¢,1565 45,364 427,651] 10,047 30,397 10,333 | 10,191 6,990] 911,340 Lo = 177,791 | 2,421,744 114,500 369,545 207,625 Lek use| 9,364 34,093] 9,205| 13,385 9,760| 923,423| 154,708 132,553 377,734 20k, 159 305.219 168,136 706,402 6,887| 36,402| 6,766| 18,552| 12,786] 897,089| 178,959| 1k8,755 837,340 461,966 388,352 253,885 165,848] 4,303| 14,701 4,239 u,6h2 3,814] 513,598 333,713 60,190 892,942 318,907 34,681 57.338 688,989] 8,97 u45,218| 8,15 17,461 15,498 | 1,334,209 617,200 168,696 | 14,003,335 Buk, 657 237,704 277,262 Magsachu 5,960 | 2,232,117) 24,783 138,433| 24,211 41,030 42,566 5,301,657 | 5143,948| L19,232| 3,889,lLg | 2,789,065 368,522 199,017 Michigan. 6,908 | 1,926,474] 22,624 | 133,271 22,533| 38,153| b1,725( 3.475.445 | Lu83 M01 | 705.847| 18,675,056 | 1,765,128 | 1,234,234 80,186 Minnesota. L460 | 1,458,224) 14,063| 63,963 | 14,586 | 18,606] 18,111] 1,583,935| 6ub,055| 262,368| 1,054,216 539,916 329,503 8,057 Mississippi 1,425 245,154) 6,389 20,834| 6,076 11,991 6,261 459,332 89.623] ' 93.179 378,539 88,722 56,406 132,708 Missouri. 7.649 | 2,261,256] 20,498| 98,936| 20,606 | 34,665| 31,378 2,157,959 | Uu53,389 | 297,480 | 2,697,582 724,641 537,50 143,653 Montana. 1,33 130,584) 2,632 10,358| 2,754 2,522 2,h13 305,669 1,808 59.004 12,966 15,081 12,95 41,106 Webraska. 3.31 566,975) 7.619 26,372; 1,820 8,511 6,715 687,667 98,081 138,608 791,297 40,800 103,152 195,100 Nevada. . 176 23,249 593 3,3u8 617 830 969 95,741 33,566 15,377 1,521 32,402 151,542 88,050" New Hamp 363 6h,263| 2,20h 9,l29| 2,268 2,974 2,l18| 365,913 276.288 36,258 25,551 343,675 32,757 20,245 Wew Jersey. 3,531] 1,075,302] 22,864 | 124,530| 22,180 | 38,019 | 40,081) 3,374,455] 1,775,330 | 160,009 9,171,225 | 3,183,137 452,716 293,811 New Mexico 56,387] 1,612 6,352 1,575 2,202 1,714 155,768 25, 31,247 11,133 9,356 13,325 101,506 New Yorke. x 30,389 | 14,508,479] 92,900| 665,540] 96,540 | 177,285| 225,816 26,572,203 | 9,814,710 | L44L,779| 14,441,099 | 5,841,792 | 1,114,320 L34,603 North Caroli 2,859 | 831,251 10,502| M42,121| 10,259 | 21,791 13,770] 960,939 | 205,664 | 166,434 648,472 730,381 102,207] 379.979 North Dakota. 2,682 170,252 2,500 6,643 2,553 1,760 1,k07] 283,701 61,603 66,056 1,582 5.938 120 1,572 9,588| 2,630,784] 34,174 | 175,09% | 34,463 | 50,574| 52,174 4,873,300 1,879,500 | 759,167| 11,242,947 | 4,577,505 | 1,218,610| 166,406 3,998| ué1,519| 10,726 35,963| 10,989 | 13,321 9.742| T77h.284 79.951 | 150,884 | 1,130,234 294, 2uk 224,964 | 273,066 1,934 441,310] 6,256 34,203| 6,428 11,376 10,910 929,627 299,369 170,692 1,029,809 182,825 100,603 163,842 11,450 | 3,347,488) 45,149 | 213,100 | 46,496 61,959 60,830 | 7,440,187 2,839,538 917,919 T.450,930 | 5.159.772 | 1,277,209 265,279 762| 239,013] 3,938| 21,2u3| 3,886 6,123 6,098 746,085 uh2, 749 66,989 439,676 785,299 84,05 158, 864 South Carolina.. 1,450 297,211 5,351 18,877 5.053 10,730 5,982 391,546 57.552 86,080 53,907 587,478 60,038 157,216 South Dakota. .eeeseoseens 2,022| 133,396] 2,964 8,205| 2,99 2,560 1,750 225,623 48,398 56,842 201 4,584 150 65,908 839,529] 9,415 - M4037] 9,372| 20,037| 13,632] 1,034,740 | 273,688| 159,175 674,355 528,457 392,356 178,691 2,0li0,548| 31,575| 137,198] 32,346| 60,613| 41,473] 3,127,372 300,175| 531,217 3,749,561 | 2,224,979 1, 16 .836| 837,582 194,172] 2,387 11,M6( 2,399 1 3.392] 34o,31| 125,218] 58,296 79.136 34,345 84,394 153,097 57.1121 1,785 5.982 1,797 1, 1,239 234,753 172,207 20,451 33,058 177,164 7.003 3.293 627,632] 9,183| uk,230 ,80| 20,822 15,189] 1,102,233 | 384,392| 214,995| 1,076,720 356,283 278,108 563,508 3 767.731] 10,256 53,510] 10,264 | 19,351| 17,175] 1,603,570 559,331| 278,771| 3,408,305 79.331 341,058 327,949 Vest Virgin 284,196] 5,192| 19,662 5,116 6,798 5.713] 529,152 74,057 104,434 293,532 20,628 287,230 6,851 Wisconsin. 4,798 824,956) 13,458 62,h21| 13,602 18,018 16,801 | 1,830,315 813,522 277.176| 3,206,891 255,233 399,896 55,281 Wyoming... 397 37,031] 1,199 M67] 1,263 1,329 1,073] 130,084 30,924 25,718 12,770 68,1419 25.535 23,431 7 TabJe 2 Part 1 = Population Akron (001) = Buf falo-Niagsre (017) TABLE 2—SELECTED DATA FOR METROPOLITAN AREAS AND METROPOLITAN COUNTIES 4ETROPOLITAN Metro. % COUNTIES, on AND CODES e 005 010 on 016 017 Us 8, Total..s tro, Counties... Other Counties.ssss METROPOLITAN AREAS: 001 AKrOBsssessssossese Ohio=34 |M1toonmeserersennee Pa,=37 Amarilloesssssscese Texa Potter=188,ccces Ashevillesscscscce No Co=32 Bunoombe=011,... Atlantaceseseoscose Oa,=10 Pulton=060ssese0 Atlantic Cityeesece Ny Jo=29 Atlantio=001,... Augustacecssssssace Oa,=10 Richmond=12l..e0 Austibeseaseessosae Texas=d2 Travie=227¢0s000 Baltimorecccesscsse M.-19 Anne Arundel-002 Baltimore=003... Balt, city=004.. Bmwont-Port Arthur Texas=i2 Jefferson-123... BinghamtoNecssscses Ne Yo=31 BirminghaRescescses Ala,~01 Jefferson=037,.0 Bo8tONessssssesssan Mass ,=20 E8802~005,000000 Middlesex~009,,. Norfolk=0lleeess Plymouth=012.400 Suffoll=013ssss0 Eidetgoites ensure Conn, RE slLous Buffalo-Niagara.... No Yo=31 Erie=015.. Niagara=032eeses 8 DoXalb=04de roses | - TOTAL POPULATION POPULATION—1940 EDUCATION VITAL 1940 STATISTICS ESTIMATED 1944 CIVILIAN -—b POPULATION Land { Po Total white Percent of ¥ U.S. area ulation population 25 : no Fase in years 4 dn Number | of |fercen 9. } over who have . oil change — i A Percent Urba Rural | Rural complet ercent| April | in ol ou f farm Births | Deaths Number change fs pen i 8 1940 | 1940 | Number | total 5 . es, - " Alert f1o40- Tn more | High 1943 1940 grades | * (0) ol o “ ® ® | o ® ® 19) ay a2) a | ag 8 [127,307,884 | =3¢1 | 23 .680,x75 7e2 12,977,128] 44+2]|118,214,870| 89.8 |vadesroe [27,006,38830,2:4,188] 85.1 | 24.1 | 2794p800]1,411,888 68,417,582 | 2.2 | 63130308 8.3 | 162,815] 412.8] 61,048,080] 91.0 [es827400 2,969, 87.2 | 27.2 005] 767,519 98,890,302 | 8.6 | 84538,877 «2 |2,81081s| 22:9] s6,s8.051| 87.6 [1806002 Sse Dasescs| 82.8 | 2008 | Tawivs| 64.819 363,652] 7.1 | 339,408 wld | 423 |'Ba3.80 325,467) 95.9 | 292,807 | 32,986] 13,602 | 2.2 | 28.9] 7,329 | 3.3% 363,652 71 | 339,408 1] Qu A | ean.8] 325,467] 95.9 | 2,817 | 32,986] 13,602 | ®e2 | 28.9] 7,329 3% ’ * y 4 446,558 | =4o) | 465,643 1.9 | 1,405 | 332.4] 40,668| 98.9 | 353,494 | 86,294] 25,855 | 90.1 | 25.7 | sam | 6,038 210,138 | =5,0 | 221,215 21 teh 531 | 426.8 217,806 98.4 | 172,634 | 38,485] 10,226 | 90.3 | 26.5] 3,703 | 2,84 01,562 | 8.4 | 121,83 s| 17 665 | 183.2] 121,089] 99.4 | 85,38 | 24,682] 11,801 | 91.3 | 21.9] 9% | 1,78 124,858 | © 2,0 | 122,4% 4 | «2.0 209 | 586.1] 121,773) 99.4 | 95,509 | 23,157) 3,828 | 88.5 | 27.9 | 2,%0 | 1,48 3921 | =39 | 46,4 1.3 721 | 480.6] 344,793] 99.5 | 232,320 | es,141| 26,031 | ss. | 18.5) som. 3m 172,736 | «2.7 177,533 3 2,7 47 | 51.6 177,053] 99.7 | 132,021 | 33,526 11,986] 91.4 | 19.3] 2,96 2,000 160,185 | -5.2 | 168,99 3| oa 3 | 45.8] 267,70] 99.3 | 120,299 | 34,615] sous | 86.0 | 17.5] i016 | 1,846 126,001 [=20.2 | 10,358 Ook 530 | 264.8 139,181] 99.2 | 200,468 | 29,907 9,97 | 91.7 | 209 | 24m | 1,97 126,001{ «20,2 | 140,358 4] ou 530 | 264.8 139,181) 99.2 | 100,465 | 29,97] 9,976 | 91.7 | 209] 24m | 1,97 1 58,042 | 7.0 54,265 17.8 901 | 60.2 51,506) 949 | 50,023 | 2,900 1,34 { 93.4 | 40.3] 1,529 507 | 58,042 740 84,265) 12 | 17.8 60,2 51,806 4.9 | 50,023 | 2,90 1,34] 93.8 | 403] 1,29 507 + 97,423 | 20.4 | 208,758 11,0 66 | 168.4 2,59 85.1 | 51,30 | 30,627 26,818 | 83.2 | 29.9 | 2,287 | 1,008 97,423 | <20e4 | 108,755 5s | 1.0 168.4 92,598] 85.1 | 51,310 | 30,627] 26,818 | 83.2 | 20.9] 2,287 1,006 486,362 | 1.9 | am,e28 2344 7 | 60s.8| 342,m6| Tk | 356,20 | 95,53] ‘27,94 | 82.2 | 30. | 20,3 | 5,050 79,497 8.6 | 86,92 7 | 23.7 20 | 3232 2.9m 60 | 45,535 | 30,209] Ua | 86 | 385 | 2,001 72 ,865 | 4.2 | 32,986 1] 233 523 | 71.2] 269,73 68.7 | 310,786 | 65,330] 16,770 | 813 | 2.6 | 8,6R | 4,308 107,491 | =13.3 | 124,066 06 575 | 215.8] 204,057] 83.9 | 100,420 | 18,384 5,262 | 84.6 | 22.2 | 1,988 | 1,7m0 107,491 | «13,3 | 124,066 4 | 0.6 575 | 215.8 104,057) 83.9 | 100,420 | 18,384 5,262 | 84.6 | 22.2 | 1,988 | 1,m0 9871 | 9.3 81,863 12,2 325 | 251.9 48,494 | 5942 | 65,919 8,863{ 7,081 | 67.4 | 20.3 | 2,178 1,092 88,87 9.3 81,863 7 12:2 25 | 251.9 48,49 | 59.2 | 68,929 | s,863] 7,081 | 67a | 203] 207 | 1,0 106,152 | =tod | 211,083 2.8 | 1,05 [10904 91,458 | 82.4 | 87,930 | 7,360 15,763 | 7.4 | 35.0 2,88 | 1,43 106,152 | =4.4 | 111,083 5 | 42.8 | 1,008 | 109.4 91,458 | 82.4 | 87,930 | 7,360 15,763 | 79.4 | 35.0 2,88 | 1,43 1,207,436 | 12.5 } 1,083,300 10,0 | 1,106 | 979.5] 888,524] 82.0 | 900,97 | Ls,618| 36,71 | 82.17 19.5 | 25,798 [ 13,982 77,070 | 25.5 63,375] 10 | 23.9 a7 | 164.0 50,524 73.9 | 13,069 | 43,45 11,855 | m2 | 19.7] 1,78 23 202,425 | 30.8 | 155,825 3 | 25 60 | 255.5] 145,295] 93.2 | 28,802 | 102,167 24,85 | 85.0 | 22.7| 4,906 | 1,868 R791 “8.3 | 839,200 0 6.7 » WM 692,705 80.6 | 859,100 81.9 | 18.9 195124 | 115191 ama | 22.7 | ws,329 8.9 95 | 153.8 452] 76.7 | 205,200 | 32,151 7,97 | 79.6 | 26.6] 4,08 1,38 178,21 | 22.7 | 148,329 4] 89 ous | 153.8] 11,4 ( 76.7 | 105,200 | 32,151] 7,977 | 79.8 | 26.6] 4,184 | 1,386 164, -0.8 | 165,749 12,7 M0 | 233.4 164,942] 99.5 | 104,050 | 36,891 1,808 | ss.2 | 20.5] 3,239 1.9m 164, 048 | 165,749 a | 12.7 70 | 233.4] 164,942] 99.5 | 14,050 | 36,801] 1s,808 | ss2 | ans] 3,239 1m 470,383 | 2.3 | 459,930 6.6 | 1,117 | 412.8] 280,756| 61.0 | 319,213 | 115,953] 24,764 | 7.0 | 24.6] 1,295] 4,90 470,383 | 2.3 | 459,930 1 | 66 | 1,17 [aus] 280,75 6.0 | 319,213 | 115,953] 24,764 | m.0 | 24.6] 1,205] 40a 2,677,740 | =5.1 | 2,824,955 1.8 | 2,046 [154.9] 2,782,427 98.5 [2625806 | 169,407 29,702 | 89.3 | 33.7] =,230| 33,800 ,093 | =7a3 | 496,313 0 | -c3 500 | 992.6 494,401 99.6 | 467,534 | 24,430 4,249 | 88.0 | 27.8] 8,22 6,103 916,126 | -5.5 | 971,390 of 35 829 [71.8] 961,786] 99.0 | 891,684 | 69,709] 9,997 | 0.8 | 36.3 | 17,998 | 10,605 330,079 | 1.5 | 325080] 1 | 8.6 298 | 8170] © 323,94] 99.6 | 280,406 | 41,065] 3,709 | 93.22 | w.5| 63a] 3,763 163,537 | «3.0 | 168,824 3 | 40 66s | 25423 64,862 97.7 | 122,93 | 34,203] 11,687 | 90.0 | 30.9| 3.225| 2;1% 807,305 | =6.2 | 863,248 0 | -L9 55 hsposs| 837,464) 97.0 | 863,248 86.7 | 31.1) 16,81] 10,97 434,265 | 3.8 | 418,384 8.2 633 | 62,0] 408,230) 97.6 | 290,798 | 115,939 11,647 | 88.0 | 24.8] 8,3%| 4,63 434,265 | 3.8 | 418,384 1] sa 633 | 662.0] 408,230] 97.6 | 290,798 | 115,929] 11,847 | 8s.0 | 24.8] e,3%9| 4,630 961,345 ook 958,487 5,1 | 1,57 | 604.0 934,606| 97.5 | 789,530 | 119,996] 48,961 | 88,0 | 21.1] 19,040 11,038 795,364 | ook | 798,37 o | a7 | 1,05 | 757.5] m6,403| 97.2 ,868 | 100,382) 31,127 | se. | 20.9 | 15432 | 9,27 165,911 4.1 | 160,110 3! 72 533 | 300.4) - 158,203 98.8 | 122,662 | “19,6m| 17,83 | 87.4 | 219] 3608 | 1,76 TABLE 2—SELECTED DATA FOR METROPOLITAN AREAS AND METROPOLITAN Table 2 ) Part 2 - Labor Force COUNTIES—Continued Akron (001) = £ Buffalo-Niagara (C17) gr LABOR FORCE—1940 . Percent of Population 14 Years Old and Over Employed Workers by Industry Group Employed METROPOLITAN : Thus Bag In leading Metro] Al . usiness nonagn- Arta COUNTIES, Percent | Percent porta- od ed Code AND SY oral) oa Con coho | Whole- | personal | gu | In | industry CODES Inlghor | Mawes | eMas [ip] Agri- fe "| Manufac-- | sale and | services agri- Total who are | who are Mining | struc- ; cations, \ and not force L g employed || culture . turing retail | -exclud- 4 cul- in in tion an trade og reported | | Code labor labor other domests (See | Per- force | force utili- oo a page | cent A vi ties 422) ' an as) 19) @) Qn @) @) 4) >) 2%) @n @) 2) @) | a) | ® U. S. Total....f101,102,924, 52780,499| 79.0| 25.4 k=,166,083 [18,372,222 [913,000 056,274 | 10,572,842] 3,113,353| 7,538, 768] 7, 727,212, 872,412] 18.5 Metro, Counties....| 53,658,155 9,227,653 79.7 30.1[4,755,556 || 844,733|263,933 [1,215,026 7,361,942|2,071,933|4,951,564|5,126,529(2,919,896] 3.4 Other Counties.....| 47,444,769 R3561,846 78.2 19:9 ROA10,527 [7,527,489 [649,067 841,248| 3,210,900] 1,041,420 2,587,204 2,600,683 1,952,516] 36.9 METROPOLITAN AREAS: 001 [AKroDsiesessessesses 267,259] 139,347 79.7 24.8] 112,556 2,260 204 3,569 55,013 6,448] 19,421 17,469 8,163] 2.0 267,259 139,347 79.7 24.8] 112,556 2,269 204 3,569 55,013 6,448] 19,421 17,469 8,163] 2.0 2233.4 002 |[Albany-Schenectady= z OF sosenssccce 380,551 | 205,242 79.6 29,6) 174,437 7,261 U2 7,87, 53,247 17,864 33,647 30,843 23,559] 4.2 New York-31 Albeny-00l.......| 180,688 99,961| 80.5| 31.7] @s,288| 2,027] 106] 4,05] 18,385] 11,730] 17,607] 16,370] 13,004] 3.4] 3710.7 Renssela®resvesse 98,702 | 53,027] 78.2] 30.6] 45,120] 3,363 ul 2] wie] ew suo] mam] 5327 7s Tq ea Schenectady-047..| 101,161 52,254 78.8| 2.9) 44,029 m 22| 1,581 20,673] 2,255] 7.590] 6,699] 2,238] 2.2] 1935.5 003 |Allentown-Bethlehem ; EastoNeseesesees 272,661 | 146,642 80.2 27.7] 128.427 6,331] 1,410 5,222 65,151 7,958 17,527 16,303 8,525 Pa.-37 Lehigh=039.cs0eee 140,105 75,786 80.5 28,5 66,536 3,239 271 3,005 31,420 4,709 10,378 9,119 4,389] 4,9 17 10.4 Northampton-048..| T32,566| 70,856 9.8] 26.0] ene 3,002] 1,133] 2,27] 33,71 329 7,19 718] 4,236 s.o 1720.4 004 [Altooma.esesseesens| 107,839] 9,884) m.6| 189) s1,012] 1,627] es7| 1,626 s,u01| 15,317] 7,002) 5,932] 3,220] 4.0 Pa.-37 Blair-007.......| 107,839 49,88 | 7.6] 18.9] 41012 1,627] es7| 1,626 s,u1| 15,317] 7,192] 5,932] 3,220] 4,0] 2dss.s 005 |Amarilloseececssees 41,606 23,55 | 82.6] 31.5] 20,927 wm| 330] 1,327 2,264] © 2,458] 6,265] 5,200] 2,516 2.3 Texas-42 Potter-188...... 4,606 23,556) @2.6| 31.5] 20,927 wml 330] 1,327 2,264 2,458] 6,265] 5,200] 2,516] 2.3] 636 8.0 006 A leita 81,251 42,535 75.9 30.7 36,291 4324 53 1,797 8,347 2,355 6,345 8,029 5,041] 11.9] N, C.-32 : Buncombe-01l.,.. 81,251 42,535 75.9 30.7 36,291 4,324, 53 1,797 8,347 2,355 6,345 8,029 5,041 11.9 636 10.6 007 |Atlanta..cecesscnes 375,132 | 216,658 80.5 37.7] 189,081 6,223 333] 11,965 35,806 17,088 41,265 40,195 35,306] 3.3 66,602 36,683 81.3 31.5 32,818 2,300 278 2,366 5,644 3,211 7,071 6,849 5,099] . 7.0] G36| 8.4 308,530 | 179,975 80.4 39.0] 156,263 3,923 55 9,599 30,162 14,777 34,194 33,346 30,207] 2.5 G36 6.8 008 Slants oy 101,683 | 55,522 79.1 32.5] 42,452 1,823 21| 2,947 4,964 3,122 10,637| 13,461 5,4TT 43 Atlantic-00l....| 101,683 55,522] | 32.5) a2us2| 1,223 2| ZuH 4,94 3,122] 0,637) 13,461 sam 4.3] 311.6 009 ANgUTIS a xueraktere 62,549 35,824 78.2 38.5 29,977 2,02 102 1,494 7,185 2,117 5,571 5,143 6,341 6.8 Richmond-121.... 62,549 | 35,824 78.2 38.5 29,977 2,024 102 1,494 7,185 2,117 5,571 5,143 6,341] 6.8 612.1 00 |Mustin. syed 8552] ssw] mal us| om 4,36] 222] 4,68 2,139] 1,89 7,8 9,980] 8,16) 11.2 exas-. Travis-227......| 85,528| 45,334] 77.1| 31.3] 30.097| 4,376 222) 4,68] - 2,139] 1,89] 7,81] - 9,980] 8,164) 11.2] 636|12.4 011 |Baltimore..........| 863,453 | 476,85] m.e| 31.0 431,207] &,7m| eon] 22,5m| 134,401 40,704] 1,051 7,922] 65,080] 2.0 Md.-19 Anne Arundel-002 52,763 | 26,002 70.3] 22.7] 23,m1| 2,868 59] 1,786 3,309] 1,41) 30m) 3,102] 8,185 12.1] s7[22.6 Baltimore-003...| 120,255 | 62,446 | '80.1| 22.4] so,m8|l 5.133] 289] .016| 200899] 4.633] 7.su0| ees] meen ea] 170 Balt, City-004.. 690,435 | 388,417 80.6 33.0] 348,358 73 253| 16,772 110,193 34,660 70,600 65,879 49,28 0.2 G38) 7.5 012 |Bommontkrt Arthur 109,962 | 59,064| 82.0] 25.9] sne00] 1,604] eo1| 2,m8] 16,363] 4,70] 10,0m| 8,57] 6,606 3.3 8 = Jefferson-123...| 109,962 | 59,064| 2.0] 25.9] 51,809 1,604] eo1| 2,858] 16,363] 4,70] 10,0) &,57] 6,606 3.3] wf22.e 013 |Binghamton.....ooo| 10,28] M74] 7T9| 33.3) e9) 3,07 29| 2,472| 29,861 3,433] 10,330| 9,753 5,004 4.8 Broome=004. esses 130,208 71,704 77.9 “33.1 64.049 3,107 29 2,472 29,861 3,433 10,330 9,753 5,064 4.8 15|27.9 0 |Biraingham.........| 7m) ess 80.6 26.31 pL,972|| 3,613|17,548| 6,385] 39,876] 12,0m| 25,97] 24,278] 22,219] 2.4 Jeffergon-037...| 347,112 | 181,548 | e0.6| 26.3] 151,972|| 3,603] 17,548] 6,385 39,87| 12,07 25,97| 24,278] 22,209] 2.4] 1715.7 015 Boston. ucucucuenl 2,256,587 1,199,413 | 76.9 314) oo6e6]| 15,72] 926) 46,993 3u,185| 720| 20,061] 221,31] 118,30 1.6 Mass, =~; y Essex-005.......| 400,585 | 219,661 | 77.7] 33.5) 181,438) 3,200 97| 6,82| 85,978 8,485) 20,812! 28,655, 18,412] 1.8] elis.2 Middlesex-009... 767,848 | 400,532 76.5 30.1} 337,385 6,112 524 | 17,415 103,839 26,368 66,249 775240 39,638] 1.8 G36(10.7 Norfolk-011, 260,482 | "132,326 | 76.6 | 28.2) 116,659 | 2,010| 165| s.5m| 3am] 703] 21,156] 280106) 17,171) 1.7] 636|11.7 Plymouth-012 136,359 69,897 75.0 27,8 58,289 3,953 46 3,215 21,119 3,271] 10,254 9,999 6,432] 6.8 15119.3 Suffolk-013. 691,313 | 376,997 | m4 | 33.5] 300,915 186| ou] 13,967| e8u75| 27.169] 76,690| 770336| 36.608] 0.2| 636|10.8 016 |Bridgeport.........| 336,754 | 191,105| 80.6| 33.7] 169.039 3,786 66| 9,523] m,369| 7,667] 25,90| 27,5m| 20,157] 2.2 onn, : Fairfield-00L...| 336,75 | 191,105 | 80.6| 33.7] 169.039] 3,78| es] 9,523 m,369| 7,667] 25,000] 275m] 20,057] 2.2 19 9.5 017 By {alo iagu: sos 759,631 | 400,632 79.5 26,2] 329,570 11,655 433] 12,555 124,100 30,845 61,783| 57,899 30,300 3.5 Erie=015icsccces 633,693 | 333,131 79.3 26,3] 269,762 6,925 386| 10,705 95,558 27,246 53,576 50,079 25,287] 2.6 17] 9.4 Niagara=032.c.00 125,938 67,501 80.9 25.3 59,808 4,730 4 1,850 28,542 3,599 8,207 7,820 5,013] 7.9 13110.4 Table 2 TABLE 2—SELECTED DATA FOR METROPOLITAN AREAS AND METROPOLITAN Part 2, Souetag Akron . Butfalo-Nisgara (O17) COUNTIES—Continued g HOUSING—1940 : : : ; . Nonfarm Rutal Farm All Dwelling Units Occupied Dwelling Units . Dwelking Units Dweliivic Units al METROPOLITAN : 1 Metro AREAS, Madi yo COUNTIES, Residential Percent | Percent P Percent feds Pei- in5or | wi Percent er | with | © Average cent | Percent| Jan. 1, Cones Arete i private | with cent | mechan of monthly with ose 1945’ - Wi Number farlly. | athich | ‘elervic Number | owner ical pasion Number Seat Number on { elosirc struc- | or | lighting oot | fiz | pose. (dollars) ning | lighting tures | shower P eration | “| 1 water [t)] 4) 35) 36) an [£0] 39) 40) @n 2) 3) “8 3) 46) an U. S. Total...| 29,313,708] 37,325,470 10.5 56.2 78.7] 34,854,532] 43.6 u4.1 3.28 | 29,683,189 27.45 | 7,642,281 17.8] 31.2 |16,673,472 Metro. Counties....| 12,835,822 | 13,424,203 18.7 75.6 95.1] 18,288,461 | 38.3 57.2 3.21 | 18,658,368] 32.76 765,835| ko.2| 63.4 |ho,785,12 Other Counties.....| 16,477,886 117,901,267 1.6 33.1 60.9] 16,566,071 | L49.k 25.6 3.38 | 11,024,821] 18.k2 | 6,876,446 15.0 Hig et METROPOLITAN AREAS: 001 Bil cereeaeaes 19.585 93,994 4.2 5.7] -91.6 91,561] 52.9 62.81 3.32 90,805 | 27.62 3,189| 50.4] 83.5 £8,352 o= Summi$=077...... 19.585 93.994 L.2 75.1 97.6 91,561] 52.9 62.8 3.32 90,805 | 27.62 2,189| 50.4] 32.5 62,152 002 a Troyesssesues . 95,618 142,035 6.5 75.9 96.5 132,309 | 43.6 62.715 3.0) 134,248] 31.60 7.787 u7.9| 74.3 77,939 New York=31 Albany=001...... 42,060 66,641 9.0 75.k 96.9 62,616 22.9 63.9 3.11 63,710 84.54 2.271 M63] hay 38,7RE Rensselaer— Stark-076.....000| 247,668 | 5.4 | 234,887 2] 5.9 580 | 405.0 227,665 | 96.9| 165,380| 47,138| 22,369 | 91.0 | 22.8 | 5,049 2,740 019 [Cedar Rapids.......| 87,246 | -2.1| 89,142 8.3 m3 | 125.0 88,459 99.2] 66,80] 8,472] 13,829 | 94.8 | 35.6 | 1,681 941 Iowa=14 > LANn-057...0sees| 87,246 | =2.1| 89,142 6| 8.3 73 | 125.00 88,459 | 99.2] 66,841 | &,472| 13,829 | 94.8 | 35.6 | 1,681 91 020 |Charleston.........| 161,819 | 37,5] 121,105 19.8 ou5 | 128.9 61,487 50.8] m,275| 33,862] 15,968 | 68.6 | 23.9 | 5,392 1,799 S. C.-39 Charleston-010..| 161,819 | 37.5 | 121,105 5] 19.8 945 | 128.2 61,487| 50.8| 71,275| 33,862 15,968 | 68.6 | 23.9 | 5,392 1,79 021 |Charleston, W. Va..| 224,17, | 14.7] 195,619 24.1 908 | 215.4 182,271] 93.2] '90,002| 85,898| 19,719 | 85.2 | 25.0 | 5,218 1,727 W. Va.=47 Kenawha=020.....| 224,17 | 14.7] 195,619 2| 2a 908 | 215.4 182,27] 93.2| 90,002| 85,898| 19,79 | e5.2 | 25.0 | 5,218 1,727 022 |Charlotte..........| 146,268 | -3.7]| 151,826 18.6 | 542 | 200.1 108,507| 7.5| 100,899] 28,756| 22,0m | 81.1 | 33.1 | 3,769 1,363 N. C.-32 ! Mecklenburg-060.| 146,168 | 3.7] 151,826 3| 18.6 si2 | 280.2 108,507] 7.5| 100,899| 28,756] 22,17 | 81.1 | 33.1 | 3,769 1,363 023 |Chattancoga........| 208,333 | -1.4| 211,502 13.9 | 1,0 206.5] 169,634] 80.2] 138,149] 26,800 | 20.5 | 22.8 | 5,011 2,15 In Ga.-10,., h 2 SET T.05, 8.7 208 5 00 92.8] 7,047 {o.2221- ror |e 15.3 | Te] 1 Walker-146......| 29,064 | -5.8] 31,024 27| 18.4 we | 69.3 28.789] 92.8] mou7| 11,270] 12,707 | 76.9 | 13.3 764, 191 In Temn.-41,.....| 179,269 | -0.7| 180,478 13.2 576 | 313.3 140,845| 78.0| 131,102] 35,283| 14,093 | LX | 24.3 | 4,247 1,963 Hamilton-033....| 179,269 | -0.7| 180,478 3132 576 | 313.3 L0,845| 78.0| 131,102 35,263] 1,093 | 8L.1 | 24.3 | 4,27 1,963 02 |Chicago.....eeeeess| 4,508,492 | -1.41]4,581,111 3.2 | 2,256 [2,030.4 4,251,667] 92,8|4,373,789| 165,617 70 88.6 | 26.0 | 8 66: In Ni.-1300 00 Ey: TE 4257,916 ST T7a2 [2.ABL.5 3,985, 252012100 Gog Lit 007 SET an 17.035 | 3,968,320 | -2.3 | 4,063,342 ol 2.9 954 [45259.3 3,764,342| 92.63,956,153| 89,682| 17,307 | 88.6.[ -25.8 | 72,67 | 44,746 | T112)282| 8.7] 103,420 5| 12.5 3317 R2.0 103,184] 99.7| 73,204 23,283] 6,993 | 95.4 | 37.8 | 1,99 992 J 122,552 6.5) 121,004 5| 16.0 57 | 265.0 112,340] 97.7| 79,652| 32,882 8,560 | 91.2 | 31.1 | 2,607 1,297 J 305,138 | 4. 293,195 12.2 514 | 570.4 265.801 90.7] 264,780 19,570| 8,845 | 85.6 | 23.3 | 6,608 2,626 Lake-Q45........| .305,138 | 4.1| 293,195 a 122 5 | 570.4 265.801) 90.7| 264,780 19,570| 8,845 | 85.6 | 23.3 | 6,608 2,626 025 |Cincinmati.........| 834,281] 3.2] 10,097 4.2 | 1,07 | 781.4 mo,e72| 91.5] 683,880] 90,458] 35,759 | 89.5 | 22.8 | 15,618 | 10,324 : EL 23,05 9.5 306 EL SA 5504] S28 | 90.7 | 18.3 | 4% ‘292 4 “8.4 23,053 3919.5 306 75.3 22,848] 99.1 9,241] 5,59 | 8,218 | 90.7 | 18.3 JAVA 292 : “1.4 | 165,057 -.1 217 | 520. 160,452] 97.2| 129,873| 23,254 11,930 | 90.2 | 18.0 | 3,078 1,972 . -2.8] 7,98 9| -2.0 151 | 476.3 ,70,842| 98.5| 58,785] 7,305] 5,828 | 90.2 | 18.4 1,299 843 0.3] 93,139 él ene 166 | 561.1 ‘89,610 96.2 je8| 15,049 6,202 | 90.2 | 17.8 | 1,78 1,129 4.9] 621,987 5.5 Ws |1502.4 557.572| €9.6| 544,766] 61,610 15,611 | 89.3 | 24.1 | 12,126 8,060 4.9| 621,987 o| 5.5 WU | s02.4 557.572) ©9.6| 544,766] 61,610 15,611 | €9.3 | 24.1 | 12,126 8,060 026 1,228,803 | 1.0]1,217,250 1.3 456 |2,669.4) 1,129,604] 92.8[1,183,490| 26,704] 7,056 | 87.4 | 27.9 | 22,113 | 13,2m Cuyahoga-018....| 1,228,803 | 1.0]1,217,250 ol 1.3 456 |2,669.4] 1,129,604] 92.81,183,400| 26,704 7,056 | 87.4 | 27.9 | 22,113 | 13,27 027 |golusbla.........| 117,175 1.8] 104,843 19.6 ue | 10.2 62,472| 59.6] 65,904 21,77m| 17,168 | 69.5 | 31.5 | 3,162 1,613 Richland-040....| 117,175 | 11.8] 104,843 50 19.6 me | wo0.2l 62,472] 59.6] 65,904 21,7m| 17,168 | 69.5 | 31.5 | 3,162 1,613 028 | Columbus, Ga.......| 135,980 | 22.2] 111,269 31.0 859 | 129.5] 64,153 57.7 68,631] 21,509] 21,120 | 65.0 | 16.6 | 3,895 1,166 In Ala. -Ol..... ol — BLE S357" 30.7 639 | 56 TE Alo] asi 402] 16.082 | 3Lo | 8.0 LI *563 Russell-057.....| 38,695 | 8.2] 35,775 22| 30.7 639 | 56.0 1,674 41.0] 15,351] 4,402] 16,022 | %.0| g.0| 1,12 362 In Ga.-10........] 97,285 | 28.9] 75,40 31.2 220 | 33.2] 49.478| 65.5] 53,280] 17,107] 5,107 | 70.7 | 20.1. 2,784 804 Muscogee=106....| 97,285 | 28.9| 75,49 g| 31.2 220 | 33.2] 49,478] 65.5] 53,280] 17,207] 5,107 | 70.7 | 20.1 | 2,764 804 029 Gelminsy Ohfo.....| 415,930] 7.3] 388,72 7.7 538 | 722.5] 349,619] 89.9] 330,268] 42,861 15,583 | 92.7 | 35.0 | 7,967 5,070 Oo=. . Frenklin-025....| 415,930 | 7.3] 388,72 al 77 538 | 722.5 349,619] 89.9] 330,268| 42,861| 15,583 | 92.7 | 35.0 | 7,967 5,070 030 Corus Citetd...., 113,403 | 22.4] 92,661 79.0 838 | 110.6] 87,248] 94.2| 4,081) 13,775 14,805 | 72.8 | 28.1] 4,587 1,195 Nusces-178......| 113,403 | 22.4] 92,661 6| 7.0 838 | 110.6] 87,248 94.2| 64,081] 13,775 1,805 | 72.8 | 28.1 | 4,587 1,195 031 Dalles... eoennnnn 442,967 | 11.2] 398,564 22.4 893 | 446.3] 336,851| &4.5| 319,480] 55,455] 23,629 | 9.6 | 39.2 | 10,155 4,103 Dallas-057......| 442,967 | 11.2| 398,564 1[ 20.2 893 | 446.3 336,851) &4.5| 319,480 55,455 23,629 | 89.6 | 39.2 | 10,155 4,103 032 |Davenport-Rock Is-. 1and-tioline 201 1.8] 198,0m 12.8 e73 | 226.9] 195.5831 98.7] 161,014 18,447] 17,70 | 94.9 | 26.5 | 4,13 2,351 116,325 | 3.0 113,323 15.4 | 420 | 269.8] 111,722] 98.6] 92,732 12,224] 8,367 | 93.6 | 28.0 | 2.3% | 1,400 116,325 | 3.0] 113,323 5| 15.4 420 | 269.8] 111,722| 98.6| 92,732| 12,224] 8,367 | 93.8 | 26.0 | 2,358 1,400 2,919 | 0.2] “8,8 9.6 453 | 187.1] e3,eer| 99.0 69,182) 6,223] 9,343 | 96.4 | 27.3 | 1,77 951 Scott-082.......| 8,919 | 0.2] 8,78 7] 9. 453 | 187.1] 83,861 99.0 69,182| 6,223] 9,343 | 96.4 | 27.3 | 1,77% 951 033 Dahon, eovenees 338,688 | 14.6| 295,480 8.0 465 | 635.4) 273,506] 92.6| 223,94| 52,801] 18,765 | 92.9 | 28.1 | 7,446 3,640 lontgomery-057..| 338,688 | 14.6 | 295,480 1| 8.0 465 | 635.4 273,506| 92.6] 223,914 52,801 18,765 | 92.9 | 28.1 | 7,446 3,640 03% |Decatur........... 84,638 | -0.1| e4,693 | 3.6 577 | 16.8] 82,547] 97.5] 59,305] 14,331] 11,057 | 93.6 | 25.8 | 1,755 920 Macon=C58....0e] 84,638 | -0.1] 4,693 71" 59.6 577 16.8] 82,507] 9705] 59,305) 1,331] 11,07 | 93.6 | 25.8 | 1,755 920 14 TABLE 2—SELECTED DATA FOR METROPOLITAN AREAS AND METROPOLITAN COUNTIES Table R Part 2 - Labor Force Canton. (018) - Decatur (034) a : LABOR FORCE—1940 : : ; W G Percent of Population 14 Years Old and Over Employed Workers by Industry Group Employed METROPOLITAN T In leading ; Tans- Busi : Metro.) AREAS, Percent!) Percent porta- usiness nonagri- Area COUNTIES, rT i 44 and cultural Code © AND © i oa Con Oi. Whole- | personal Other In | industry CODES In labor ij. macs | lemalesilic Tord Agri- | Mini Manufac- : sale and | services d agri- Total who are | who are ining | struc- ; cations, i Jud. | 2nd mot I force : 9 employed || culture . turing a retail exclud- Jd | cul in in tion an trad reporte: Code he ade ing ture g, labor labor other omic (See |Per- force force utili- : page | cent x services ties 422) an 8) a9) 0) @n 2) *) @) 5) | O% @n 28) 29) 30) | an { @2) 018 |canton.............| 184,826 | 93,208 78.4 22.0 | 80,522 4,003 805 | 2,835 35,893 5,841 | 13,648] 11,917] 5,580 | 5.0 Ohio-34 Stark-076.......| 184,826 | 93,208 78.4 22.0 | 80,522 4,003 805 | 2,835 85,893 5,841 | 13,648 11,917| 5,580 | 5.0] 17|27.0 019 [Cedar Rapids....... 71,319 36,592 80.1 24.2 33,254 4,804 53 1,654 7,515 2,848 7,375 6,373 2,632 | 14.4 Iowa-14 . Linn-067. 10 eens 71,319 | 36,592 80.1 24.2 | 33,254 4,804 53 | 1,654 7,515 2,848 7,375 6,373 | 2,632 | 14.4 5]12.7 020 |Charleston.. 2 86,857 | 50,880 83.6 35.7 | 44,102 5,240 2z| 2,48 9,278 3,222 6,866 6,183 | 10,878 | 11.9 8. C.-39 Charleston-010. . 86,857 | 50,880 83.6 35.7 | 44,102 5,240 zz| =z,a3 9,278 3,222 6,866 6,183 | 10,878 | 11.9| 387] 9.9 021 |Charleston, W. Va..| 141,335 | 69,699 77.1 21.1 | 61,040 1,038 | 8,967 | 3,435) . 15,384 4,980 | 10,047 9,395 | 6,804 | 3.2 ®. Va.-47 3 Kanawha-020.....| 141,335 [~ 69,699 77.1 21.1] 61,040 1,938 | 8,967 | 35,435 15,384 4,980 | 10,047 9,395| 6,804 | 3.2 2|13.4 Aa . 022 |Charlotte..........|. 114,590 | 68,154 82.0 39.0| 63,079 4,384 60 | 2,981 16,251 4,703 | 12,894| 11,257 9,549 | 7.0 N. C.-32 : Mecklenburg-060.| 114,590 | 68,154 82.0 39.0 | 683,079 4,384 60 | 3,981 16,251 4,703 | 12,894) 11,257| 9,549 | 7.0 6]13.0 023 |Chattancoga........| 158,490 | 86,968 80.6 31.1] 7,51 4,843 443 | 4,632 26,791 4,947| 12,168] 11,784] 9,703 | 6.4 In Ga.-10. 21,779 | 11,988 82.3 27.5 | 10,761 2,598 203 496 2,583 244 910 765 962 | 24.1 Walker-146. 21,779 | 11,928 82.3 27.3] 10,761 2,598 203 496 4,588 244 910 765 962 | 24.1 630.0 In Tenn.-41. 136,711 | 75,040 80.3 31.7| ‘c4,550 2,245 240 | 4,136 22,208 4,703 11,258) 11,019] 8,741 | 3.5 Hemilton-033....| 186,711 | 75,040 80.3 31.7 | 64,550 ,245 240 | 4,136 22,208 4,703 | 11,288) 11,009] 8,741 | 8.5 6 [12.2 024 [Chicago............| 3,711,943 p,089,587 81.7 31.4 1,794,721 || 16,036 | 1,088 | 69,699 | 624,250] 176,671) 386,381) 374,111] 146,535 | 0.9 In I11.-12.......| 3,466,331 [1,970,647 81.6 32.1 |1,691,107 || 13,823 | 1,067 | 66,714 | 564,618] 169,528| 872,375] 861,730 141,25 0.8 Cook-016. . . 3,309,786 [1,875,547 81.7 32.5 1,605,583 8,534 968 | 62,498 | 543,878| 161,160| 858,980| 844,444] 125,171 | 0.5 G36| 7.2 Du Page-022 79,976 | 40,453 79.6 22.3 | 36,868 2,446 69 | 2,062 8,466 5,094 6,439 8,567 | 8,725 | 6.6| c36| 9.8 Lake-049... 96,569 | 54,847 81.2 28.7 | 48,656 2,843 s0| 2,154 12,274 3,274 7,006 8,719 | 12,356 | 5.8] 37[15.1 In Ind.-18.. 225,612 [ 118,740 82.3 19.6 | 103,614 2,213 21| 2,985 59,632 7,143| 13,956| 12,381| 5,288 | 2.1 Lake-045........| 225,612 | 118,740 82.3 19.6 | 103,612 2,213 21| =z,985 59,632 7,143| 13,956| 12,381] 5,283 | 2.1 17[e0.2 *025 |Cincinnati.........| 650,608 | 343,720 80.2 27.6 | 297,504 8,449 273 | 15,601 97,634| 26,3¢7| 60,151 58,460] 30,589 | 2.8 In Ind.-13 17,812 9,112 50.3 20.6 8,137 2,160 © 398 2,952 233 865 807 516 | 26.5 Dearborn-01! 17,814 9,11 80.3 20.6 8,137 2,160 6 398 2,952 433 865 807 516 | 26.5 520.8 In Ky.-18.... 130,586 | 70,00 81.7 26.9 | 60,380 2,716 s2| 2,887 17,160 7,216| 13,516| 10,626] 6,227 | 4.5 Campbel1-019 57,173 | 80,851 82.2 26.0} 26,552 1,391 13] 1,168 8,043 2,049 5,832 4,578| 3,478 | s5.2| 37] 7.8 Kenton-059. 73,413 [ 89,150 81.4 27.5 83,828 1,325 19] 1,79 9,117 5,167 7,684 6,048| 2,749 | 3.9) 239.5 In Ohio-34.. 502,208 | 264,607 79.8 28.0 | 228,987 3,573 235 | 12,316 77,522| 18,698 45,770| 47,027| 23,846 | 1.6 Hemilton-031....| 502,208 | 264,607 79.8 28.0'| 228,987 3,578 255 | 12,316 77,522 18,698 45,770| 47,027| 23,846 | 1.6] c36| 8.7 026 '|Cleveland..........| 994,650 | 546,370 81.2 29.6 | 453,649 3,166 ara | 18,173 172,956] 36,783| 92,582] 89,329| 40,287 | 0.7 Ohio-34 } - Cuyshoga-018....| 994,650 | 546,370 81.2 29.6 | 453,649 3,166 ara | 18,173 | 172,956| s6,783| 92,582 89,329| 40,287 | o0.7| 1711.0 027 |Columbias..eseenn.. 79,950 | 42,687 71.8 36.8 | 37,493 4,305 a7 | 2,438 4,918 2,387 6,651 9,085| 7,622 11.5 8. C.-89 Richland-040.... 79,950 | 42,687 71.8 36.8 | 87,493 4,305 87 | 2,438 4,918 2,387 6,651 9,085| 7,622 | 11.5 636[11.5 028 [Columbus, Gau.es... 81,010 | 49,384 82.6 42.2] 44,400 6,297 56 | 2,054 14,539 1,878 6,116 4,683| 8,782" | 14.2 In Als.-01..... 24,336 | 14,258 81.0 38.3 | 18,375 5,293 14 448 3,683 326 1,195 798 1,618 | 39.6 Russell-057 24,336 | © 14,258 81.0 38.3 | 13,375 5,293 14 448 3,683 326 1,195 798| 1,618 | 39.6 617.8 In Ga.-10.... 56,674 | 85,126 83.4 43.8| 81,025 1,004 a2] 1,606 10,856 1,547 4,921 3,885] 7,164 | 3.2 Muscogee-106.... 56,674 | 85,126 83.4 43.8| 31,035 1,004 42 1,606 10,856 1,547 4,921 3,885| 7,164 | 3.2 624.6 029 |Columbus, Ohio.....| 313,790 | 160,668 75.6 20.2 | 139,891 3,954 419 | 7,606 32,784 14,590| 30,041] 31,820] 18,677 | 2.8 Ohio-34 - ° Franklin-025....| 813,790 | 160,668 75.6 28.2 | 189,891 3,954 419 | 7,606 32,784 14,590| 30,041 31,820| 18,677 | 2.8] c36| 9.7 030 [Corpus Christi..... 66,275 | 87,329 85.4 25.8] 32,791 4,976 | 2,228| 2,825 2,635 2,402 7,662 6,122| 3,941 | 15.2 Texas~42 T Nueces=178...... 66,275 | 87,329 85.4 25.8] 32,791 4,976 | 2,228| 2,825 2,635 2,402 7,662 6,122| 3,941 | 15.2 3| 6.7 031 |Dalles.............| 918,364 | 184,394 82.6 35.7 | 162,019 6,550 | 1,018] 10,932 26,700 13,776 | 42,075) 89,304] 21,574 | ¢.0 Texas-42 Dallas-57.......| 318,364 | 184,394 82.6 35.7 | 162,019 6,550 | 1,018 | 10,932 26,700| 13,776 | 42,075| 39,304] 21,574 | 4.0| c32| 7.1 032 Davenport-Rock Is- 2 lend-Moline....| 158,348 | 83,764 80.9 24.5| 76,761 5,752 163 | 3,568 29,938 5,273| 14,102] 12,819] 5,146 | 7.5 In 111.-12....... 90,687 | 48,244 81.1 24.2| 44,107 2,284 18a 1,857 19,997 3,224 7,197 6,681 2,733 | 5.2 Rock Island-081. 90,687 | 48,244 81.1 24.2 | 44,107 2,284 184 | 1,857 19,997 3,224 7,197 6,681 2,733 | 5.2] 19(27.0 In Iowa-14....... 67,661 | 85,520 80.6 24.9 | 32,654 3,468 20| 1,711 9,941 2,049 6,905 6,138 2,413 | 10.6 SCOLE-082.sauess 67,661 | 85,520 80.6 24.9 | 32,654 3,468 29 1,71 9,941 2,049 6,905 6,138| 2,418 | 10.6] 17| 9.4 033 |Deytom.............| 235,546 | 123,616 78.4 26.7 | 109,988 3,808 10| 4,446 48,891 4,942| 19,086] 17,806] 10,809 | 3.5 Ohio-34 Montgomery-057..| 235,546 | 123,616 78.4 26.7 | 109,988 3,808 110| 4,446 48,891 4,0¢2| 19,086| 17,896] 10,809 | 3.5| 19(21.4 034 |Decatur....eseseess 66,768 | 34,034 79.1 24.3] 29,276 2,922 272 | 1,402 "7,285 3,845 6,078 5,086] 2,336 | 10.0 I11.-12 = Macon=058... 440s 66,788 | 84,034 79.1 24.3| 29,276 2,922 272 | 1,402 7,285 3,845 6,078 5,086| 2,386 | 10.0] 23] 8.8 15 Table 2 Part 3 - Housing Canton (018) - TABLE 2—SELECTED DATA FOR METROPOLITAN AREAS AND METROPOLITAN 16 Decatur (034) COUNTIES—Continued ? wre woe - HOUSING—1940 | : ; ; ; ; Nonfarm Rural Farm All Dwilling Units Occupied Dwelling Units Diwelling Units Dwelling Unis oi METROPOLITAN e Metro. G SheAs ” de. As a phones Code AND 2 Residential Percent | Percent Per- Percent Yelm Per- CODES sirdciures in5or | with Perosa — wih of Average cent | Percent Ju ] 5 : more | private | wit mechan- | _ monthly wi with 19: Number emily. | thIBy ahoic Number | owner ical petsons Number ont Number oy struc- or lighting oo refrig- | | (dollars) ning | lighting tures shower pu eration hold water 33) G4) 35) 36) - én (38) 39) 0) “ny 42) 3) “9 5) (46) “an 018 Ceres see 54,534) 63,471 3.9 73.0 95.3 62,183 54.7 57.5 3.32 58,152 28.59 5,319] 40.8 75.9 44,196 Ohio- : Stark=076...0u00 544534) 63,471 3.9] 73.0 95.3 62,183 | 54.7 57.5 '3.32 58,152 | 28.59 5,319 | 40.8| 75.9] 44,796 019 [Cedar Rapids....... 23,061] 27,156 5.6] 60.3 89.8 26,378 | 54.2 45.7 3.00 23,356 | 27.25 3,800 23.3] 47.4] 20,423 Iowa=1/ > . Linn=057.evasese 23,061 27,156 5.6 60.3 89.8 26,378 | 54.2 45.7 3.00 23,356 27.25 3,800 | 23.3 47.4 20,423 020 |Charlestonusesesess 22,892] 34,249 12.6 36.9 58.4 31,907 28.9 30.4 3.20 30,496 19.97 3,753 | 11.2 13.0 10,225 S. C.-39 : B v 3 Charleston-010.. 22,892) 34,4249 12.6] 36.9 58.4 31,907 | 28.9 30.4 3.20 30,496 | 19.97 3,753 | 11.2| 13.0] 10,225 021 Charleston, W, Va.. £41,054 48,011 5,71 52.0 84.4 46,852 | 38,1 57.0 3.68 43,818 | 26.01 4,193] 12.5] 44.1] 22,805 W. Va.-47 Kanawha=020,...0 41,054 48,011 "i509 52,0 8.4 46,852 | 38,1 57.0 3,68 43,818 26.01 4,193 | 12.5 44.1 22,805 022 |Charlotte.seeeecsss 29,824 37,175 5.5 50.2 79.2 36,320 | 33.0 Lhd 3.62 32,365 25.38 4,810 | 19,2 414 18,205 N. C,-32 7 . . Mecklenburg-060, 29,824) 37,175 5.5 50.2 79.2 36,320 | 33.0 Lhd 3.62 32,365 25.38 4,810 | 19.2 41.41 18,205 023 |Chattancogaeess.... 45,276] 55,000 6.4] 46.0 80.1 53,238 | 38.3 43.3 3.47 48,827 | 19.24 6,173| 1.1] 40.2) 25,851 b 7,223 75 0.5 A 63.7 7,296 48.3 34.1 3.82 | %,649 12,2 2,937 8.5 39.2 1,877 7,222 7,586 0.5 21.4 63.7 7,296 | 48.3 34.1 3.82 4,649 12,28 2,937 8.5 39.2 1,877 38,054 47,414 7.3 49.9 82.7 45,942 | 36.7 LhaT 3.42 44,178 19.97 3,236 | 13.4 41.1 23,974 Hamilton=033.... 38,054 47,414 7.3 49.9 82,7 45,942 | 36.7 44.7 3.42 44,178 19.97 3,236 | 13.4 41.1 23,974 02 | ChicagOeissserssnses 638,572] 1,318,623 32,2 82,0 98,9 | 1,259,122 | 30.7 65,1 3.24) 1,308,903 35.61 9,720 | 46,2 8l.4] 857,779 In F11.-12,. 00.0 583,866] 1,239,483 33.4 82.6 99.0 | 1,183,220 | 30.0 65,6 3.23 1,231,811 | 36,02 7,672 | 49.3 | 86,5] 820,191 Cook=016.... 522,239] 1,170,557 35.3 83.2 99.1 | 1,125,468 | 28.6 65.5 3.22 1,166,745 35.93 3,812 | 47.0 85.41 771,112 Du Page=022 26,585 28,291 1.2 81.7 97.7 27,538 | 64.1 73.2 3.48 ,630 41.46 1,661 | 46.3 88,2 24, Tht, Lake=049... 35.042 40,635 3.3 65.2 97.3 30,214 | 50.9 62,3 3.37 38,436 35.05 2,199 | 55.4 87.1 24,335 In Ind.-13.. 54,706 79,140 12.9 73.3 96.9 75,902 | 42.9 57.1 3.45 77,092 29.05. 2,048 | 34.8 62,2 37,588 Lake-045. 54,706 79,140 12.9 73.3 96.9 75,902 | 42.9 57.1 3.45 77,092 29.05 2,048 | 34.8 62.2 37,588 025 |Cincinnati..eeceees 159,606 247,601 15,2 66.7 95.8 234,026 | 40.9 69.4 3.01 238,581 30.66 9,020 | 29.1 59.2) 142,055 5,745 2672 1.2[ 26.1 75.2 6,447 | 60.8 37.9 3.18 4,513 | 19.90 2,159 7.2] 29.8 2,485 5,745 6,672 1.2 26.1 75.2 6,447 | 60,8 37.9 3.18 4,513 19.90 2,159 7.2 39.8 2,485 37,424 48,711 Zl 70.6 93.5 46,237 | 47.1 67.2 3.12 45,573 | 27.58 3,138. 16.3 | 45.8] 24,709 16,410 21,183 3.6 70.7 93.0 20,029 | 48.8 68,0 3.10 19,698 28.99 1,485 | 12,8 41.7 622 21,014 27,528 4.6 70.5 93.8 26,208 | 45.9 66,7 3.13 25,875 26.51 1,653 | 19.4 49.5 24,087 116,437 192,218 18.5 67.1 97.1 181,342 | 38.6 7.1 2.97 188,495 31.65 3,723 52.7 83,9] 114,861 Hamilton=031 116,437 192,218 18.5 67.1 97.1 181,342 | 38, y/o 2.97 188,495 31,65 3,723 1 52.7 83.9] 114,861 026 | Cleveland... 213,789 348,063 17.0 87.7 98.8 336,519 | 39.1 57.5 3.24 346,132 35.17 1,931 | 59.1 92,2 235,584 Ohio=34 Cuyahoga=-018.... 213,789 348,063 17.0 87.7 98.8 | 336,519 | 39.1 57.5 3.24 346,132 35.17 1,931 | 59.1 92.2 235,584 027 | Columbia...suessn.s 20,478 25,230 il 45a 66.3 24,210 | 30.9 40.7 34h 21,478 | 22.57 3,752 | 8.2] 17.6] 11,524 S. C.=-39 T Richland-040.... 20,478 25,230 Lob 45.1 66.3 24,210 | 30.9 | 40.7 3.44 21,478 | 22.57 3,752 | 8.2] 17.6] 11,52 028 | Columbus, Gasesesss 24,445 29,009 2.3 25.8 62.3 28,050 | 22,8 26.8 3.44 24,088 | 15,12 4,921 5,74 10.41 11,983 In Ala,-0l.. 8,490 9,103 0.4 12.6 38,6 8,547 | 26.0 15.5 3,61 5,324 8,61 3,779 1.9 4.1 1,521 Russell=05 8,490 9,103 0.4 12,6 38.6 8,547 | 26.0 15.5 3.61 5,324 8.61 3,779 1.9 Ll 1,521 In Ga.-10. 15,955 19,906 3.2 31.9 72.9 19,503 | 21.4 31.7 3.39 18,764 16,77 1,142 | 18.0 30.5 10,462 Muscogee- vou 15,955 19,906 3.2 31.9 72.9 19,503 | 21.4 31.7 3.39 18,764 | 16.77 1,142 | 18,0] 30.5] 10,462 029 So Ohios.s.s 85,295 109,737 7.6 77.4 97.5 105,742 | 42.6 60.4 3.15 105,681 32,88 4,056 | 40.6 87.2 78,242 o= Franklin=025.... 85,295 109,737 7.6 mA 97.5 105,742 | 42.6 60.4 3.15 105,681 32,88 4,056 | 40,6 87.2 78,242 030 | Corpus Christi..... 24,629 27,641 4.8) 47.4 65.2 23,993 | 35.9 45.5 3.34 22,710 22.50 4,931] 30.2] 18.5] 11,358 Texas=42 I Nueces=178.....% 24,629 27,641 4.8 47.4 65.2 23,993 | 35.9 45.5 3.34 22,710 22.50 4,931 | 30.2 18.5 11,358 O3Y ((DallaBuereasrrnrers 92,462] 120,164 8.4] 68.1 89.5 113,020 | 39.5 53.4 3.09 113,973 | 27.19 6,191 | 30.1| 47.3] 73,249 Texas=42 Dallas=057¢e00ee 92,462 120,164 8.4 68.1 89.5 113,020 | 39.5 53.4 3.09 113,973 27.19 6,191 | 30,1 _AT3 73,249 032 | Davenport=Rock Is-. land-Moline.... 45,386 57,267 7.4] 59.0 94.7 55,891 | 48.9 68.5 3.08 52,590 | 29.59 4,677 | 36,01 65.6 en 28 In 111.-13......, 26,450 32,49% 5.5] 58.0 94.9 31,725 | 50.9 68.8 3.11 30,228 | 29.24 2,266 | 23.2 58. 19,865 Rock Island-08l. 26,459 32,494 5.5 58,0 94.9 31,725 | 50.9 68.8 3.11 30,228 | 29.24 2,266 | 23.2| 58.6] 19,865 In Iowa=ldeeseese 18,927 24,773 9.9 60.4 9% 45 24,166 | 46.3 68,2 3.04 22,362 30.06 2,411 | 48.0 72.2 17,663 Scott=082.4uu00s 18,927] 24,773 9.9 60.4 94.5 24,166 | 46. 68.2 3.04 22,362 30.06 2,411 | 48.0 TR.2 17,663 033 | DaytOneeesssssssess 66,727 83,963 Ted 65.8 97.2 82,139 | 46.8 63.9 3.18 79,120 30.48 4,843 | 36.5 83.0 67,909 Ohio=34 Montgomery-057.. 66,727] 83,963 Tob 65.8 97.2 82,139 | 46.8 63.9 3.18 79,120 30.48 4,843 | 36.5 83.0 67,909 03 | Decaturivecereecevs 22,093 24,868 4.0 54.48 90.0 244349 | 47.3 53.2 3.08 21,867 | 26,06 3,001 | 21,6| 43.8] 13,560 I11.-12 . v T Macon=058....ees 22,093) 24,868 4.0] "54.8 90.0 24,349 | 47.3 53.2 3.08 21,867 | 26,06 3,001 | 21.6| 43.8] 13,560 TABLE 2—SELECTED DATA FOR METROPOLITAN AREAS AND METROPOLITAN ES—( 1 Table 2 COUNTI ontinued BE imrirdiuve Canton (C13) = (Figures which have been rounded to thousands will not necessarily add to totals) Decatur (C34) dip AGRICULTURE—1945 AGRICULTURE—1940 Value of farm products sold, | Principal ' Pes: ud Work power traded, or used by source of Per- | Gf farm household farm income | Type- METROPOLITAN ; cent | farms P go of- Rural Metro. AREAS, Number of | Land in | Cropland | Number | of | Lik eroent srom farming- 1 2 Area COUNTIES, farms farms ested | of farms | farms | 210 A Number > area Li AND (1000's | (1000's oper- | of Total ver- of A 0 Live- code ivi CODES Jan. 1, of of | April l, | ated | oq. a %€ | horses | Number | {005 stock Code |p. | (See Pe 1945 acres) acres) 1940 by ete ( ¢ s = and/or “of f $| and (See [1 paz) ten- | jess doll ) lL mules tractors dollars) live- | Crops p23 cent : ants | po olars =| (over 3 s) | stock $400 15) | mo. old) prod- ucts (48) “9) (50) G1) (2) G3) 4) (5) (6) GD 8) 9) (60) (61) 2) 3) (64) 218 cir A ou PEN 4,369 267 145 4,707 | 18.3 [ W.7 33,575 | 7,133] 7.3% 1,569 5,062 [ 51.1] 30.4 2 |21.5 Ohi o- Stark-076....... 4,369 267 145 4,707 | 18.3 | M1.7 33,5754 7,133] 17.3% 1,569 5,062 | 51.1 0.4 2jea1.5 Lok | 133 09 | Cedar Rapids....... 3,702 uz0 27 3,728 | 38.8 17.0 50,198 | 13,465 9,829 1,908 7.946 69.3 20.4 1 (49.2 Iowa-1 wiih Linn-05Tceennenn 3,702 430 2710 3,728 | 38.8 | 17.0 50,198 [13,465 9,829 1,908 7,946 69.3 20.4 1 [4.1 512 127 Q20 | Charleston......... 1, 800 108 33 2,124 | 19.7 | 84.4 7.31 | 3,466 2,089 182 1,903 6.6 | 81.1 5 |Lk2.2 S. C.-39 Charleston=-010.. 1,800 108 33 2,124 | 19.7 | 84.b 7.361 | 3,466 2,089 182 1,903 6.6] &.1 5 | 42.2 o34 72 oa Susyasion, VW. Va..|o—¥,694 184 25 3,496 | 22.9 | 67.3 10,59 | 3,031] 2,254 52 1,7 | 3 7:3 0 [50.0 WV. Va.=U7 Kanavha-020..... L, 694 1s 25 3,496 | 22.9 | 67.3 10,59 | 3,031 2,254 52 1,731 k2.3 7.3 0 [50.0 633 93 022 | Charlotte.......... 2,896 237 95 3,223 | 45.3 | W.0 17,722 | 5,499 5,191 4o2 2,670 36.0 38.3 +50 33.3 N. C.-32 : Mecklenburg-060. 2,896 2371 % 3,223 | 45.3 | W.0 17,722 | 5,499 5,191 ko2 2,670 36.0 38.3 5 [33.1 718 112 023 28h y,723 | 28.9 | 62.8 15.168 321] 6,54 216) 201 | 32.6] 2.6 177 1 2,332 oa 53.3 592,770] 3,646 125 1,293 27.1 | 3b.E 0 [36.0 177 k2 2,332 | 34.6 | 53.3 6,459 | 2,770 3,646 125 1,293 | 27.1 | 3H. 0 [36.0 716 89 108 30 2,391 | 23.3 | 72.1 8,709 | 3,642| 2,895 151 1,108 | 39.0 26.2 0 | 34.5 . 108 30 2,391 | 23.3 | 72.1 8,709 | 3,642] 2,895 151 1,108 | 39.0 26.2 0 | 34.5 033 | 105 02k 786 56 | 9,012 | 37.8 | 26.1 | 143,820 [25,959] 19,% ugh | 20,252 | 43.4] 49.4 51 3 7.086 | 37.7 | 23.7 | 122,715 17,318 aH $556 17,015 1.0 a 238 18 3,9% ok 22.6 62,909 [15,74 7,089 2,116 9, 24.4 | 69.3 8 3 bz | 138 1h3 110 1,353 .8 | 23.2 22,961 06,970 3,264 1,015 3,392 | 55.8 2 2 |e8. 2 | 139 135 Lez 1,737 | 32.7 | 26.5 L845 121,212] 4,689 1,065 53117 n.51" 19. 2 [38.2 wz | 137 210 142 1,926 | 38.3 | 34.9 21,105 [10,958 4,205 988 3,237 | 55.9 | 34.9 1 |26.5 : 210 12 1,926 | 38.3 | 34.9 21,105 |10,958| 4, 988 3,237 | 55.9 3M.9 Y |26.5 We | 129 025 468 152 7.322 | 19.6 | 40.8 57,283 | 7,823 13,145 1,527 6,802 | u6.2 +9 181 57 [EE 19.1 | 24.3 a 5,116 4,184 158 1,733 | 61.9 23 5 |23.7 18 51 1,835 | 19.1 | 24.3 9,387 | 5,116] 4,184 458 1,733 | 51.9 35.0 5 |23.7 6% | 115 153 ko 2,621 | 19.0 | W1.9 14,705 | 5,610 4,622 215 2,0 51.5 26.3 18 23 1,292 150 2. 6,934 5,366] 2,526 97 94 | 51.4 | 23.9 2 |29.8 831 123 Kenton-059...... 1,352 13 17 1,329 | 2k.4 .5 7,771 | 5,847 2. 118 1,061 51.6 28.5 2 |26.6 83 14 In Ohto-3h....... 2,236 134 54 2,86b | 20.5 | 50.2 33,191 [11,581 4,339 854 3,024 | 39.5 47.7 8 |2u.7 Hamilton-03l.... 2,236 134 54 2,866 | 20.5 | 50.2 33,191 [11,581 4,339 854 3,024 | 39.5 | u7.7 8 |au.7 625 | 1u43 . 026 fueveient wre lan st CL &e2m ™ 29 2,500 | 23.1 | 50.3 30,148 [12,059] 2,121 1,028 3,780 | 15.0] 715.5 8 |52.8 hi 0-3 i Cuyahoga-018.... | 2,241 ™ 29 2,500 | 23.1 | 50.3 0,148 [12,059 2,121 1,028 3,780 15.0 75.5 8 |52.8 ugh | 148 027 SoA FE SIN 2,238 mn 55 2,428 | 49.9 | 61.2 8,212 3,382 2,890 130 1,828 34.6 43.1 5.|57.4 . C.=3 T Richland-O¥0....| | 2,238 mn 55 2,428 | 49.9 | 61.2 8,212] 3,382| 2,890 1% 1,828 | 34.6 | Uu3.1 5 |s7.4 719 81 028 | Columbus, Ga....... ; 2,689 292 3.018 11.3 67.1 6,849 | 2,225 4,0 4 1,723 .0 .2 “i In Ala.-Ol...... . 2,180 31 T° 2,5 74.0 | 68.6 L,353[ 1,714 3,278 36 1,202 Ck Tes 5 [43.1 ) ‘Bussell-057..... 2,38 2h bcd 2,5% | 74.0 | 68.6 4,353] 1,714 3,278 36 1,202 19.7 46.5 5 [43.1 719 43 In Ga.=10u....... 309 n 538 | 58.9 | 60.2 2,495 | 4,638 767 38 520 | 6046 | 19.1 2 |50.0 Muscogee-106.... 309 uo 1n 538 | 58.9 | 60.2 2,495 | 4,638 767 38 520 | 60.6 | 19.1 2 [50.0 719 19 029 Sofummia, Ohio..... 3.121 257 153 3,513 |.27.1 | 37.5 37,015 [10,537 5,586 1,662 4,663 57.5) 3.9 1 [26.4 o= Franklin-025.... 3.121 257 153 3,513 | 27.1 | 37.5 317,015 0531 5,586 "1,662 4,663 57.5 n.9 1 |26.4 551 130° 030 Gorge a 1,18 439 252 1,457 | 51.6 | 13.7 39,531 | 27,132). 4,882 1,642 5,558 | 28.5 67.4 5 163.3 exXas~ 3 Nueces-178...... 1,186 439 252 1,457 | 51.6 | 13.7 39,531 [27,132] 4,882 | 1,642 5,558 | 28.5 | 67.4 5 [63.3 711 93 03 Dallas... rut ese n 4,363 ns 212 3,510 | 43.7 | 30.0 40,591 [11,564 8,701 1,033 5,287 | k%.4| 49.3 5 |4%.2 'exas-i2 574 svn en) 4,363 ns 212 3,510 | 43.7 | 30.0 40,591 [11,564 8,701 1,033 5,287 Yo.4 49.3 5 (40.2 710 113 032 | Davenport-Rock Is-. 3 land-Moline....| - 4,277 10 4,111 | W.8 | 15.7 64,231 [15,624] 12,6 2, 8,724 | 72.21 18.4 —| Im Ill.-12.. 1,914 239 132 5 | 38.5 | 18.4 ,029 [13,174] 5,k28 1.1 3,336 [ 66.1 23.2 1 [47.2 Rock Island-O8l. 1,914 239 132 | 1,824 id 18.4 24,029 [13,174 5,428 1,186 3,336 | 66.1 23.2 1 [47.2 571 123 In Iowa-1l....... 2,36 2n 175 2,287 . 13.6 40,202 (17,579 7,242 1,719 5,389 75.91. 15.4 1 [50.0 Scot t-082....... 2,363 2n 175 2,287 | 4.4 | 13.67 40,202 17,579 7,242 1,719 5,389 75.9 15.4 1 |5%0.0 »l2 126 033 Dayton, Pisani emia . 3,612 231 135) 4,163 | 27.6 | 33.4 35,056 | 8,421 6,205 2,001 5,191 45.6 41.9 5 (3.1 Montgomery-057. . 3,612 231 135 4,163 | 27.6 | 33.4 35,056 | 8,421 6,205 2,000 5,191 | 4.6 Wh.9 5 |:.2 551 ilo 034 Degatur........... 2,370 345 2o|l 2,33 [ 49.6 | 20.0 | 50,302,546] 5,566 | 1,754 | 6,293] 28.6] oh.s 5 [65.4 Macon-058....... 2,370 34% ‘280 2,33% | 19.6 | 20.0 50,310 | 21,546 5,566 1,754 6,293 28.6 64.8 5 |63.4 531 123 17 Table 2 Part 5 ~ Industry and Retail Trade TABLE 2—SELECTED DATA FOR METROPOLITAN AREAS AND METROPOLITAN COUNTIES—Continued Canton (018) - : Decatur (034) (All dollar figures have been rounded to thousands and will not necessarily add to totals) MANUFACTURING ESTABLISHMENTS—1939 MINERAL INDUSTRIES—1939 RETAIL ESTABLISHMENTS—1939 | METROPOLITAN Mero! COUNTIES Value ad : Area ue added Code AND Wee Wages Vie of by manufac- ii of Nutser Wages and Number of Sales Active Potloguss Pay roll CODES Number ( (1000's of fo ucts ture f ucts o alles umber of | (1000s of | pro- average (1000's of ain dollars) ( s of (1000's of ( sof | persons | (1000's of | stores dollars) | prietors for dollars) or year) dollars) Jollers) dollars) | engaged | dollars) year) 5) (66) () 8) ©) a0) ay a (0) as) as) a 018 ur olnvitiae rele 328 28,898 42,117 224,735 107,931 1,784 571 672 3,077 86,910 2,658] 9,541 9,185 o= T Stark-076....... 328 28,898 42,117 224,735 107,931 1,784 571 o| 3,077 86,910 2,658, 9,541 9,185 019 Gelas Rapids gaiaisn dn 147 5,246 6,763 80, 314 28,796 au 32| 29 1,300 38,808 1,21 4,611 4,269 owa-. ’ LAnn-05T. eeeses 47 5,246 6,763 80,314 28,796 1 32 29 1,300 38,808 1,211 4,611 4,269 020 Santas pare . 92 5,383 3,582 27,098 10,504 (2) (1) (1) 1,46 32,781 1,265 4,322 3,278 Charleston-010.. 92 5,383 3,582 27,098 10,504 (1) (1) (1) 1,116 32,781 1,265 4,322 3,278 oa1 Puarionten: W. Va.. 95 8,970 13,688 88,605 49,565 13,090 6,831 8,377 1,949 60,729 1,576 6,473) 6,655 . Ya. Kanawha-020..... 95 8,970 13,688 88,605 49,565 13,090 6,83 8,377 1,949 0,729 1,576 6,473) 6,665 022 ies Jvsedesse . 185 12,067 10,544 55,735 25,973 1,435 50,997 1,1% 7,289 6,393 Mecklenburg-060. 185 12,067 10,544 55,13 25,973 1,435 50,997 1,1% 7,289 6,393 023 |Chattanooga........ 283] 23,952 29,304] 99,636]. L7, 31 252] 188 2, 63, 2,138 834 6,576 In Ga.=10....ce.. 22 3,878 2:55 12,508 5,823 113 111 8 2 3 3 Walker-146...... 22 3,878 2,960 12,408 5,823 13 111 70 259 3,761 267 72 245 In Tenn.-Ml,..... 261 20,074 17,344 87,228 41,3265 228 1 118 2,244 60,172 1,871 7,462 6,331 Hamilton-033.... 261 20,074 17,344 87,228 41,325 228 1a 118 2,24k 60,172 1,871 7,462 6,331 024 |Chicagdecveseecenss 9,567 462,154 ‘613,904 4,110,615 1,80,1% 21,828 2) 251 . 23.099 62,414 1,910,813 gt. Enk 225,959) 249,411 In I11.-12....... 9,331 503, 329 521,211 3,314,065 1,562,709 1,565 1,209 3,01k 58,624 1,808,852 51,5 215,297| 238,348 C00k=0164.uueees 9,126 393,837 508,424| 3,286,086| 1,515,768 1,565 1,209 3,014 55,696 1,731,986] L8,870| 207,802] 230,242 DU Pagoserenrces [4 1,156 1,472 9,8 5,755 (2) (1) (1) 1,176 L431 1,058 2,806 2,994 Lake-O49........ 1 8,336 11,318 78,143 41,186 (2) (2) (2) 1,752 L435 1,620 4,689 5,112 In Ind.=13....... 236 58,825 92,690 736,550 268,087 263 42 85 3.790 100,98 3,310) 10,662] 11,063 Lake-045........ 236 58,825 92,690 136,550 268,087 | 263 42 85 3,790 101,961 3,310 10,662 11,063 025 |Cincinnati......... 1,672 14,26 92,312 608,003 278,036 $1,008 3216 3595 11,467 2k, 328 9, 40,208 In Ind.=13...... . 30 ng 1,700 19,897 8,595 a TO (1) 316 8 Zz 5% Dearborn-015.... 30 1,506 1,700 19,897 8,595 (1) owl ile) (1) 316 k, gk2 303 50k 425 In Ky.-16..... . 17 5,747 . 8.91 ,2 16,592 (1) (1) (1) 2,274 44 480 2,109 4,669 4,249 Campbell-019 31 3,822 4,69 17,317 8,926 (2) (1) (1) 1,017 18,813 952 1,883 1,808 Kenton-059. 80 1,925] - 2,281 18,928 7,666 1,257 25,667 1,157 2,786 2,4 In Ohio-3k.. . 1,525 67,01% 83,637 551,861 252,849 1,008 276 595 8,877 275,006 7,578 32,566 35,534 Hemilton-03l.... 1,525 67,014 83,637 551,861 252, 8 1,008 276 595 8,877 275,006 7.578] 32,566) 35,534 026 Siwsiest oa ele eae 2,576 125,876 178,522 996, Fol 11489,38 Lg 368 640 16,716 506,426 13,805 58,367 65,452 Cuyahoga-O18....| 2,576] 125,876 178,522 + 996,704 1489, 383 hug 368] 640 16,716 506,426 13,805] 58,367 65,452 027 pe vies 92 4,100 2,890 15,634 7.232 35 119 132] 1,192 35,128 963 4,512 3,839 Richland-040.... 92 4,100 2,890 15,634 7.232 35 119 132 1,192 35,128 963 4,512 3,839 028 |Columbus, Ga&....... 120 13,076 8,702 47,391 25,6 416 410 hd 4 1,258 28, 306 1,100 3,703 2,698 In Ala.-0le...... 37 580 ot 1,322 78 16 10 ¥ gt 3,153 309 355 206 Russell=05T..... 37 80 29h 1,322 784 16 10 1 320 3,153 309 5 206 In Ga.=10....uuns 83 »,l96 8,108 46,069 21,915 (2) (1) (1) 938 25,153 91 3.58 2,492 Muscogee. .... ve 83 12,496 8,408 46,069 24,915 (2) (2) (1) 938 25,153 91 3,348 2,492 029 Some OB10. ee 521 25,606 29,983 181,602 90,905 1,198 361 528 4,933 172,974 4,185 21,915) 22,086 Prenklin-025... 521 25,606 29,983 181,602 90,905 1,198 361 528 4,933 172,974 4,185 21,915 22,086 030 Senge 2p ishe ory ai 88 1,232 1,k%7 35,650 9,570 1,828 112 19% 1,487 37,348 1,289 4,465 3,801 xa s- r = Nueces-178...... 88 1,232 1,%7 35,650 9,570 1,828 112 19% 1,487 37,348 1,289 4,465 3,801 031 Bliss... rxstdvnale 716 16,339 15,523 155,945 61,653 460 282 U5 5,217 188,536 4,686 23,039 22,761 Xas8- - Dallas-057...... 716 16,339 15,523 155,945 61,653 460 282 35 5,27 188,536 4,686) 23,039] 22,761 032 1 25,5% 134,8 63,412 5328 510 s130) 2,738 8,111 gg 9,372| 8,621 20, 302 , L817 = 10 13 alg RE 1. 73 , 246 20,302 99,996 46,877 328 109 130 1,646 ko,430 1,509 4,7 4,246 In Iowa-1k... 130 4,616 5,233 34,854 16,535 (a) i (1) (1) 1,092 37,681 9u9 4,60 4,375 Scott-082.. 130 4,616 5,233 34,854 16,53 (1) (2) (1) 1,092 37,681 949 4,641 4,375 033 Payton, Wine 461 39,367 60,089 277,134 162,254 287 87 116 3,515 119,899 3,024 14.491 1h4,878 Montgomery-057.. 461 39,367 60,089 277,134 162,254 287 &7 116 3,515 119,899 3,024 1b,ho1[ 1k,878 LO34 Togatir,» i len 101 5,360 5,916 47,250 20,678 (2) (2) (1) 1,127 34,683 1,027 4,425 3,885 Macon-058....... 101 5,360 5,916 47,250 20,678 (2) (1) (1) 1,127 34,683] 1,027 4,425 3,885 1Not shown because of disclosure of bn of individual establishments. 2Excludes Du Page (022) and Lake (049 counties, for which data are not shown separately. SExcludes Dearborn County (015) in Indiana and Campbell County (019) in Kentucky, for which data are not shown separately. “Excludes Muscogee County (106) in Georgia, for which data are not ‘shown separately. SExcludes Scott County (082) in Iowa, for which data are not shown separately. 18. TABLE 2—SELECTED DATA FOR METROPOLITAN AREAS AND METROPOLITAN COUNTIES—Continued Table.2 Pz fn (cig) £ = "ther Zgonoric 1Figure for Hamilton’ County (033), Tenn., includes establishments for Chattanooga city only. Sales of two establishments in Hamilton County outside Chattanooga are not included since they involve disclosure of operations of individual establishments. THRB69 O—dT—n3 (All dollar figures have been rounded to thousands and will not necessarily add to totals) vecatur (024, mr = WHOLESALE, | SERVICE ESTABLISHMENTS—1939 PANK JETOgITS : an Major war supply Major war facilities contracts, rojects, June 1940 . 1945 | June | 40-June 1945 METROPOLITAN E Bond (1000's of ) (1000's of dollars) Metro. . . cs Awa| COUNTIES, [Number Number| = |Employees Toul ] (1000's of Code AND of Sales of Rota Active | "(1 erage Pay roll | (demand | Time | dollars at ® CODES estab- | (1000's of | estab- s 1000’s_|proprie-| “¢ - 4 s | and time) (1000's |isue price) lish- | dollars lish- dollars) | tors yeu) dollars d os of dollars) Ct ments ments o 0 Other Industrial | Mili equipment sary (8) a) an ®) ®) a) 00 9) on — oy 018 |Cantom.cccecccsaose 234 49,749] 1,183 5,295| 1,211 1,599 1,457 139,030 58,343 28,968 197,672 230,408 65,586 Ohio-34 Stark=07.cc00ee 234 49,749] 1,183 5,295| 1,211 1,59 1,457] 139,030 58,343 28,968 197,672 230,408 65,586 019 [Cedar Rapids.......| 191] 41,0] s08| 2,52] s20 808 2s| es,em8| 2,51 9,937| 1879: 67,482 1,040 Iowa-14 —— Linm=057cccecnase 191 41,340 508 2,562 520 808 705 65,678 2,541 9,937 187,981 67,482 1,040 020 [Charlestom.........| 151] 36,096] 360] 2,0] 351] 1.422 s67| s7,559| 11,29] 23,77 49,078 12,6% 42,283] 45,866 8. C.-39 Charleston-010..| ~ 151 36,196] 360| 2,340] 351 1,422 sr) m5] 1,29] 23,77 49,078 12,636 42,283] 45,866 021 |[Charleston, W, Va.. 218 69,005 498 3;665 461 1,401 1,366 81,939 20,872 16,773 70,679 67,455 129,604 W. Va.-47 Konswha-020.....| 218| 69,005] 498| 3,665 461| 1401] 1,36] 61,999 20,872] 16,773 70,679 67,455 | 129,604 022 |[Charlott@..cccecess 334 209,069 494 4,398 472 2,017 1,547] 105,243 15,860 11,667 25,161 38,639 12,728 9,834 NH, C.-32 Mecklenburg-060. 334 209,069 494 4,398 472 2,017 1,547 105,343 15,860 11,667 25,161 38,639 12,728 9,834 023 |Chattancog@..c.ceee 2 270, 81 672 2,033 i, 101,117 37,071 12, 73,551 185,162 66,775 2 In Ga.-10.. % i) Tl 227 131 = i 1,213 5 3 : Walker=146....0. 10 1,280 Th 27 75 131 81 3,185 9215 1,369 75,992 2,230 In Tenn.-41.,.. 29 169,374 U5 4 yhl5 731 1,902 1,443 97,932 35,856 10,710 73,551 109,170 66,775 Hamilton=033.... 229 139,374 45 hybhS 71 1,902 1,443 97,932 35,856 10,710 73,551 109,170 66,775 02 [Chicago...ceeessees 29 27,231 | 238831 | 26,886 85,37 | 5,212 L2s.208 | som,000 7,161,079 2,024,503 926,091 "104,28 34 | 4 » 234,248 | 25,812 68,408 84,055 | 5,105,4' 1,206,848 558,874 »815,057 | 1,713, Thy, 104, 25.311 | 229.74 | 24.0% | 67,208| 82,813 | 5,015,380 | 1,166,267| 538,715 | 6,798,82 | 1,655,195 78,611| 27,352 357| 1,925] , 369 447 459) 3mm amass 7,76 6,627 fu i%0| 2,609 753 7s| s2mee| 8820 12,502 9,568 54,316 5,550| 76,929 1,083 4,583 | 1,07 1,386 1,321 107,369 47,390 40,035 346,022 s 151,930 1,083 4,583 | 1,074 1, 1,321 107,369 47,390 40,035 346,022 310,705 151,930 025 4,054 28,135 8,618 712,252 92,920 | 2,270,264 442,147 198,655 4,533 Shh AR bi 2 » Fp DT | 4 190,00 40) Kel 249 75 64 49 10,357 3,124 1,881 7,106 720 3,039 47 812 700 54,317 25,349 7,786 10,298 21,352 © 9,728 315 1,485 326 363 31 3,467 ,005 3,29 4,619 5370 9,728 405 1,554 421 449 389 30,850 13,344 44557 5,679 12,982 3,261 | 24.87] 3,219] 7,72] ex7%| eums1e| 176,789 | 3,253 | 2,259,966 689 | 188,927 4,533 3,261 24,847 3,219 7,742 8,476 647,578 176,789 83,253 | 2,259, 413,689 188,927 4,533 3 7,495 | 48,917] 7,307] 14,425] 16,64201,505,821| es1,054| 184,789 | 3,194,633 | 1,225,805 | 22,024) 6,313 Cuyshoga-018.... | 2,287| 959,724) 7,495 | 48,917] 7,307 | 14,425| 16,642]1,595,821| 651,054) 184,789 | 3,194,633 | 1,223,803 | 242,1% 6,313, 027 SLB cescsess 140 47,442 362 3,093 342 1,636 1,120 41,052 55239 8,453 15,117 10,846 39,142 Richland-040....| 140| 7 47,442] 362| 3,003] M2| 1,636] 1,120] 4,052 5,299| 8,453 15,07] 10,u6| 9,42 028 |Columbus, Ga..eesee 86 18,974 315 1,541 292 C484 48,900 12,965 74255 8,839 26,954 51 In Ala,-Ol.. 12 39| 107 U9 [2 75 20 3,488 1,420 861 1,790 “Russell-057 12 399 107 149 90 75 30 3,488 1,420 861 1,790 In Ga.-10... 74 18,575 208 1,392 202 659 454 45,412 11,545 6,39 8,839 25,164 51 Muscogee-106.... T4 18,575 208 1,392 202 659 454 45,412 11,545 6,39% 8,839 25,164 51 0 |Colmbna, Ohto.....| 52) 165,550] 2,02| 13,337] 2,005] 4,182] 4,369] 254,780| 66,564 | 41,994 | 614,866 | 154,658 30,791 Franklin=025,... 521 | 165,550] 2,092 13,337 | 8,085 4,182 4,369 254,780 66,564 41,99 614,866 154,658 30,791 0% |Corpus Christi... 26 | 495%] s42| 3,423] “sm | 1,478) 1061) 4,363 1,72] 10,157 939 | 124,020 22,97 | 66,337 OXAS Fueces~178...... 216 49,559 542 3,423 534 1,478 1,061 54.4363 1,792 10,157 939 124,020 22,97 66,337 031 |DallaBe.cccccscnces| 1,084 479,834 | 2,457 16,930 | 2,457 7,196 5,807 406,989 61,723 54.4536 718,103 76,464 44,113 14,420 Texns=42 Dallas-057.....0| 1,084 479,834 | 2,457 16,930 | 2,457 7,196 5,807 406,989 61,723 54,536 718,103 76,464 44,113 14,420 032 | Davenport-Rock Is-. land-Ncline.... 321 80,412) 1,025 5,021 | 1,032 1,563 ha 135,277 67,518 26,128 - HT. 126 523 Im I11.-12..000c0 159 5 631 3,660 37 Th 5 1, . 37,410 16,750 48,465 88,354 25,125 523 Rock Island-081. 159 29,57 631 2,660 637 Th 685 71,566 37,410 16,750 48,465 88,354 25,125 523 In Towa=14eeeanse 162 50,836 39 | 2,36 395 789 710 63,711 30,108 9,378 68,944 147,772 21,311 Scott-082.000040 162 50,836 39% 2,361 295 789 710 63,711 30,108 9,378 68,944 147,712 21,311 033 [Dagtem....ooceensl 35 19,164 | 1,628] 9,781 1,617] 2,928] 3,067] 182,600 | 45,229] s1,605| 68,232] 175,486 82,50| | 38,221 o= Montgomery-057..| 355| 119,164] 1,628] * 9,781| 1,617| 2,928| 3,167| 182,600 | 45,229 51,605| 868,232 | 175,486 82,500] 38,221 034 PoserErysee ceseonne] 147 27,339 415 2,335 425 760 668 52,214 8,636 8,865 39,805 3,895 42,405 Macon-058. ...... 147 27,339 415] ° 2,335 425 760 668 52,214 8,636 8,865 39,805 3,895 42,405 19 : E i Be Er k i 8 2 » Table 2 TABLE 2— SELECT ED DATA FOR METROPOLITAN AREAS 20 Teme AND METROPOLITAN Denver (085) - COUNTIES—Continued , lienston (054) * : RE 6 ? TOTAL POPULATION POPULATION—1940 EDUCATION VITAL 3 g 1940 STATISTICS | ESTIMATED 1944 CIVILIAN T : T - POPULATION Land | P otal white Percent of METROPOLITAN : U.S. area [ulation population 25 Metro. AREAS, rank in per years old and Area COUNTIES, Number of Percent A . over who have Code AND counties | change | mies | mie 1 | R con CODES Pec] Ay (in piste Urban Rurd Sure ercen il of nonfarm arm Births | Deaths Number | pange | “Poao’ |percen-| 1930-| 1940 | 1940 | Number | total ; 5 Nor. | tiles) | 1940 . 5 or : 1943" 1940- 1940 Io more High 1943 , grades | 5¢ a @ ® @ ® 0) @ ® 0 [() an a2) ay) 4 as) as) 036 406,274 6.3] 385,207 16.9] 1,671 230.6] 376,279] 97.7 836,439] $6,426] 13,428] 92.9] 38.8] 9,096] «,688 Arapahoe -003.... 36,867 | 17.5) 32,160 26| 42.0 827| 38.9 s1,872| 99.1 10,862] 16,034 5,264] 96.2] 29.4 874 320 Denver-018......| 335,364 | 4.8] 322,412 1] 12% 58 [6568.8 | 313,810 97.3] 322,412 92.5| 40.0] 7,533] 4,027 Jeffergon-030. . 34,063 | 10.8] 30,726 27| 40.9 786 $9.1 30,697 | 99.8 3,176| 19,391| 8,169] 94.4] 33.7 689 306 036 | Des Moines.........| 188,672 | -3.1] 195,836 18.3 594] $29.7| 189,149] 96.6] 164,071] 19,20] 12,624] 93.8] 40.5] 3,508] 1,920 Iowa-14 Polk-077........| 188,672 | 3.1] 195,835 2| 1s. 594 | 329.7 189,149 | 96.6| 166,071| 19,240 12,624] 93.8] 40.5] 3,693] 1,920 037 [Detroiteccesseeensd| 2,612,116 | 100 |2,377,329 9.2| 1,965 (L2088| 2,204,651) 92.7)2,121,113( 202,066| 63,261] 87.9] 25.9] 62,442] 22,384 Mich.-21 : Macomb-080......| 139,196 | 32.2 107,638 5| 30.5 481 | 223.8 106,463 | 98.0| 48,226 41,544] 17,868] 89.9] w9.8| 3,216 999 Oakland-063.....| 297,378 | 17,0] 264,068 2| 20.3 877] 289,7| 248,861) 97.9 143,106] s1,862| 19,500] 94.5] S11) 6,477) 2,369 Wayno-082....... 2,176,642 8.0 2,015,623 0] 8.7 807 |3,520.6| 1,860,487| 91.8[1,929,781| 69,749| 16,098] 87.0] 25.6] 42,750] 19,006 038 | Duluth-Superfor....| 228,718] 9,9) 264,036 aki 7 33,6] 262,816] 99,6| 187,498] 28,932] 37,408] se.8| 26.1] 4,008] 2,711 182,944 | 11.6] 206,917 1.1] 6,281 32.9] 205,904] 99.5] 162,662| 24,942 29,415] 84.1] 26.3] 3,968] 2,084 182,044 | -11.6] 206,917 2 1.1] 6,281 32.9] 206,904 99.5] 162,662| 26,942] 29,418] 84.1] 26.3] 3,968] 2,084 6,772 | -2.9] e7,119 1.2| 1,830] 36.0 46,912| 99.6] 36,136] 3,990| 7,998] 88.1 24.5] 1,026 627 Douglas-016..... 45,772 | -2.9). “47,119 18 1.2] 1,310] se.0 46,012 99.6] 36,136] 3,990| 7,993] es.1| 2e.8] 1,026 627 039 | Durham. .icesionenns 80,481 | 0.3] 80,244 19.4 299 | 268.4 51,708 | 64.4] 60,195 11,272 8,777] 75.1] 26.6] 2,128 0) n. Durham-032..... 80,481 0.5] 80,244 7] 19.4 209 | 268.4 61,708 | 64.4| 60,106] 11,272 8,777] 76.1| 25.8] 2,128 863 040 |B) Pasou...e..eneo 136,173) 8.2) 131,087 -0.4] 1,086 124.4] 128,074] 97.7| o9s,e10| 2¢,102] 10,185] 71.4] 268] 863] 1,6e2 Texas “Bl Pas0-07l.....| 136,178 8.2 131,067 a| -0.4| 1,004] 124.4] 128,076] 97.7| 96,810] 24,102] 10,066) 71.4] 26.8] «568 1,842 081 |Briee..eeneeneennn] 188,179] 2.4] 180,889 3.2 812] 222.8] 179,412] 99.2) 134,386] 26,107 20,427] &s.8| 25.3] s,m) 2,07 Pa.-37 Rrie-02b......04f 185,179 | 2.4) 160,889 3 3.2 812] 222.8| 179,412] 99.2| 134,365] 26,107| 20,427] e9.8| 25.3] s,em| 2,079 042 |Bvansville....i....| 179,005 | 14.1] 167,808 13.0 881 231.7 146,045] 92.8] 110,222] 29,457] 18,124] 87.8] 20.6] 3,885] 1,900 ° In Ind.<13. YT EIT 130,788 10.4 “241 | 542.7 128,218] 94.2 97,087] 476 B,248| B8.F| 21.2] S,172| 1,887 Vanderburgh-082.] 151,246 | 16.7] 130,783 4] 16.4 241 | 542.7 123,216 94.2| 97,062] 25,476) 8,246] 88.8] 21.2] 3,172] 1,667 Tn Ky +18. , ovens 20,760 | . 6.4 27,020 2,8 440} 61.4 22,829] 84.5| 13,180] 3,982 9,878] 80.8| -16.6 683 333 Henderaon-061, . 28,750 6.4] 27,020 32 2.8 440] 61.4 22,829) 84.6] 13,160 3,982 9,878] 80.8] 18.8 683 338 043 | Fall tiver-New Hed 3 forduenueeneana 342,529 | on1] 384,637 Se 656 | 656.9] 368,384] 98.3 327,948] 27,542 9,149] 80.2] 18.4] 6,408] 4,538 Mass. " Pristol-003.....] 342,529 | 6.1] 38,637 1 - 566] 666.8] 358,384] 98.3) 327,946] 27,642 9,149|% 80.2] 16.4] 6,408] 4,638 : . 044 |Flintesiieiinnnnn| zav,183 | 0.1] 227,944 7.7 sea 354.0] 221,118] 97.0] 154,920] 48,189] 24,865] 92.8] 24.3] 5,273] 1,908 Nich.-21 ~ a Jeneses-02b.svsa|” -228,13 | 0.1] 227,944 2 7.7 644] 364.0 221,118( 97.0] 184,920] 48,169] 24,865 92.6 24.8] 6,278] 1,908 \ 046 | Port Wayne.........| 152,686 | -1.5] 15,084 6.7 sn | 231.1 182,611] 98.3] 118,410] 26,931 19,743] we.2| 28.6] 3,603] 1,722 Ind,-13 Allen-002.......| 162,688 | 1.6] 1bb,084 3 6.7 671] 231.1 162,611 98.3] 118,410] 18981 19,743] 9¢.2| 28.6] s,508] 1,728 046 | Port Worth.........| 267,886 | 18.8] 220,521 14.2 877] 257.2 196,966| 87.3] 181,902| 26,631] 16,988] sv.6| 2.8] 6,210] 2,488 Texans-42 Tarrant-220.....| 267,866 | 18.8] 2c6,621 zl 1.2 arr | wbr.2 196,968| 87.3) 181,902] 26,631] 15,988] 8v.6{ 32.8] s,2100 2,488 . ™ A 047 194,862 9.0) 178,566 23.7] 5,986] 29.8 189,104] 94.7] 76,666] 45,269] 66,741] wa.3| 26.90 873] 2,018 Froano=0l0.....s| 194,602 2.0) 178,066 s| as.7| &,98| 29.8 169,184 | 94.7| 76,865| 45,260) 66,741] 86.3] 28.9] e673] 2,008 ous aslveston, oven 94,814 | 18.2 81,178 26.0 430 188.8 83,378] 78.1| 66,810 10,738] s,eu7] s1.8| 23.9] 2,399" ees Texas-4 Oalveston-084... 94,314 | 14.2 81,173 7] 26.0 430] 188.8 63,378) 78.1) 66,610] 10,738|7 3827] er.8| 23.9] 2,309 943 040 | Grand Raplda.......| 231,381] 5.1 f 248,338 24 soz | 286.8] 243,436] 98.8] 189,101 82,279 24,888] 91.9] 25.8] 5,080] 2,887 Mioh,-21 Kent-0dl........| 231,301 a1] 248,338 2 ZA 62 | 285.8 243,438 on.s| 189,191] 82,279) 24,868] 91.9] 25.8]. 5,080] 2,087 oLo Greensboro... 160,679 | -2.2| 183,918 1407 861 | 236.4 121,781) 79.1] e7,814| 30,108 25,900) 81.8] 27.8] s,883] 1,87 No C.=32 Guilford-0l....| 180,679 | 2.2] 183,916 sl 16.7 861 | 236.4 121,761 79.1] 97,814] 30,108] 28,900] 81.3] 27.8] 3,388] 1,272 001 | Mamilton-Niddlatom| 123,344 2.8] 120,249 Bod 1 96.0 84,668] 22,088] 13,693] 90.8] 22.7] 2,648] 1,340 Ohto-34 = Fr x Bess a Ee s Butler=009...... 123,344 2.6] 120,249 b B.4 265.3 114,248) wb.0| 84,868] 22,088] 13,605] v0.8] 22.7] 2,848] 1,340 ovz |Harrtsturge.eo.onn| 113,077) 19) 177,400 7.4 620] 341.2 186,274] 93.7] 119,721] es,811] 11,878] 0.2] 27.1] 5,208] 2,811 Pa, -37 auphin-022.....| 173,077 | 1.9] 177,410 3 7.4 620] 341.2 188,274 93.7] 119,721 «8,811 11,878] “eo.2| 27.1] 3.208] 2,811 A, 0b3 | Hartford New brital b32,921 5.3] 508,188 7.1] 1,116) 484.0] 496,380] 96.1] 349,003 131,898 28,202] 8¢.8|™ 28.6] 10,889] 5,306 Conn, «0d . Hartford=00t....| 474,288 | b.4]| 4vo,189 1 6.9 741 807.6 e40,082| 98.0 322,608 108,049] 13,042] 86.4] 36.0] 9,808] 4,068 uiddlesex-004...| bY,638 47 8b, 999 12 I) 374 142.7 66,398] 98,9] 26,498] 23,844 B,600| 87.8] 23.0] 1.001 en ove | tousto ceeened) o01,249] 18.7] 628,00 47.2| 1,747] so2.8| 424,819] 80.3] 410,884] 8e,865| 31,222] se.3| s2.9) 14,828] 8,320 Tex 2 larrie-101......l 601,249 | 13.7] s28,90 ol 4nzl| 1,747] 502.8] «2¢,819| v0.3] a10,084] es,888| 31,322] me,3| 32.00 14,808] 5,328 TE ETS mE ATE RS TEER 2 1 1 7 7 Tate 2 Ee TABLE 2—SELECTED DATA FOR METROPOLITAN AREAS AND METROPOLITAN Jat 2 Jes roves Ee COUNTIES—Continued Houston (054) oi LABOR FORCE—1940 i ; : | : 7 Percent of Sw Population 14 Years Old and Over Employed Workers by Industry Group Employed = > fing METROPOLITAN Tiogs. In leading a Busi nonagri- 5 Metra CopEas Percent | Percent porta- I DR : 4 Code AND sa > Con. g Ts Wialey personal Other In | industry 2 5H : CODES In labor | fpa'es | lemales § Tin Agn- - "| Manufac- | sale and | services agri- . STAN Total force who are | who are employed pe Mining Ses turing ations retail exclud- onl hy cul- Code |’ ; in I In on hor trade ing po; ture Ges. P ig labor labor ol A domestic ol 2 force force Siig Services ; page cent i es 42 . a an as a9) [J] @n @) @) A) @s) (28) @n 8) ®) 30) | 3) | 3 . 5 s 035 pasvaresssasuesase 310,071 | 160,838 | . 76.7 28.5 | 136,537 44322 49 7,945 | 20,307 1,516 34,073 35,117 19,308) 3.2 3 Cole. : | 24,037 12,127 78.9 19.1 10,313 1,492 51 937 1,514 836 2,040 1,648 1,795 L.5| 37 | 11.9 4 22,219 | 137,393 | 76.7 | 30.1 | uses || 1,005 | em | 6,247] 17.365| 12,786 | 30,316] 31j660| 16,632] 0.903 [10.6 _ a - 23.755 11,318 T%.8 19.4 9,536 1,825 221 761 1,428 894 1,717 1,809 881} 19.1 | G36 8.9 # . Sar “hg 036 156,191 83,168 79.2 29.7 70,003 3,74 998 3,513 11,643 5,792 16,508 18,123 9,682 5.3 A 156,191 83,168 79.2 29.7 70,003 3,7%4 | 998 3,513 10,6431 5,792 16,508 18,123 9,682) 5.3| G36 8.8 : 037 1,852,314 |1080,266 | 83.5 | 26.3 | mse, 76 || 12,664 | 710 | m,855| s2u.ea| 48,935] 152,929] ws,em| 67,562] 1.4 : ‘T8000 | 39,526 | 0.9] 16.7 Bast ll asol| dol Ll 1,002) 1,001 4683] 3,0 4,028) 12.0] 2 | 25.6 - 187,701 97,518 82.0 20,7 86,482 4,330 200 3,997 40,373 4, 0% 12,975 13,509 7, 1022 5.01 20 | 35.1 5443 | 893,222 83.8 27.4 | 764,81 3,743 461 | 29,087 369,073 43, 2499 135,271 | 127,195 56, 512] 0.5| 20 | 30.4 R . 038 202,02. 197 77.6 23.2 74 166 7,17, 880 272 8,077 10,372 16,483 16 7,852 1. 9.9 7 A Rio 852508 78.0 | 23.6 2% 5st] i 2,866 7,092 x 13,682 a 6,653] 8.7 ; St. Louls-069...| 165,060 | 85.808 | 78.0 | 23.6 | 61,017 || 5.287 | 4.869 | 2.866 70% | 6,964 | 13,682] 13604] 6,653] 8.7] 36 | 11.9 i In Wis.~48.ce.eea| 36,954 | 18,389 | 75.9 | 21.6 | 13,149 || 1,887 1 406 98s | 3.408| 2,801 2.452| 1,199] 144 3 Douglas-016...a. 36,954 18,389 75.9 21,6 13,149 1,887 1n 406 985 3,408 2,801 2,452 1,199 | 14.4 | 23 | 16.7 2 039 Duthanss ss ronsrsane 61,015 | 36,539 20.8 41.5 | 31,304 2,186 35] 1,m6 11,528 1,054 4,816 6,426 3,483| 7.0 . oF + Co=. X J Durham=-032.0400s 61,015 36,539 80.8 41.5 31,304 2,186 35 1,776 11,528 1,054 4,816 6,426 3,483] 7.0| 2 | 17.7 ‘ 2 3 040 SM 93,713 49,829 78.6 28,1 43,627 3,651 232 2,500 4,668 5,167 9,671 8,364 9,3% | 8.4 SAR ‘exas. i o Bl Paso-0Tl.e.e| 93,713 | 49,829 | 78.6 | 28.1 | 43,627) 3,650 232] 2,50 4,668 5,067 o9,6m| 836 | 9,3m| 84] 37 [122 04 i Se TERR 140,75 | 72,411 | M.2| 23.9) 61,2609 || 4,707 4 | 2,004 | 25,805] 4,460 10,296| 9,200| 4,753] 7.7 i Brie-025...cc0ee| 140,75 |. 72,477 | 9.2 | 23.9] 61,209 || 4,707 4 | 8,004) 25,805] 4,460| 10,296] 9,200] 4,753] 7.7| 19 | 13.8 sk 042 |Bvansville..csseces 123,617 EN 79.4 22 54,086 4,611 762 a 19,218 3,500 10,384 8,702 4,537] 8.5 ’ Ly ’ In Inde=13cececes| 103,277 9.4 45,871 || 1,707 | 430 17,995 | 3,165 | 9,232 71,707] 3,555] 3.7 < . Vanderburgh-082,| 203,277 | 53,621 | 79.4 | 26.4 | 458m 4 1,707 | 430 | 2,080 | 17,995| 3,65| 9,232( 7,707 - 3,555| 3.7| 19 | 4.9 » In Kye=16cnceeces 20,220 | 10,041 | 7.3| 19.6 8,215 2,90 | 332 292 1,223 335 1,152 995 982 | 35.3 . Henderson-051... 20,30 | 10,041 | M™.3| 19.6) 8215 2,904 33: 292 1,223 335| 1,152 995 982 35.3(6G36 | 5.4 043 |Fall River-New Bed-| . fodiens | 290,522 165,5% | 78.1 | 37.3 | 133,705 || 4,033 78 | 4,638 _TLa%| 6,05) 19,932] 17,320] 10,15 3.0 : Bristol-003.....| 290,522 | 165,5% | 78.1 37.3 | 133,705 || 4,033 78 | 4,638 m,496| 6,05] 19,932) 17,320] 10,15) 3.0] 6 [26.4 : [7 Flint, ooeeseens 168,106 | 8g,881 ( 81.94 23.0] 78,270 | 3,81 si | 2,443 | 41,587) 2,81] 12,270) 10,048) 5,216] 4.9 ES i Genesee-025.....| 168,106 | 88,881 81.9| 23.0] 72m | 3,80 Sh | 2,443) 41,587 2,814 12,270 10,048 5,216| 4.9] 20 | 46.6 Ie Rete Eh \ RS ] . > 4 754 / “ot TABLE 2—SELECTED DATA FOR METROPOLITAN AREAS AND METROPOLITAN a Table 2 < i COUNTIES—Continued Tore agrtoulture : Denver (C35) = x (Figures which have been rounded to thousands will not necessarily add to totals) Houston (054) if) fi ere ems { AGRICULTURE— 1945 AGRICULTURE—1940 Trae : : Value of farm products sold, | Principal . Per- { Velue of Work power traded, or used by source of | Per- iy arm property : ~ farm household farm income | Type- : . METROPOLITAN ; cent | fume P i of Rural : Metro. AREAS, Number of | Land in | Cropland { Number | of with ercent from— farming- | a Area COUNTIES, farms farms est farms | farms | Coo A Number 2 area on Code AND (1000s | (1000's opere | "of | po [ed Amosat] 1 code | 0 CODES Jan. 1, of of April 1, | ated prod- | (1 00 28¢,1 horses | Number (1000. | stock Code P (See o ne 1945" acres) acres) 940 by | ucts t J 0 * | andlor o of 1 od (See ot p42 ' ten- | | arm | myles | tractors live- | Crops | peg | cent | = wy oh dol- ( 3 dollars) a Hor cel prod- § ucts “5 8) [] GI) G2) G3) 0 5) (6) Gn 85) 9 9 Gn | ®@ (63) ©) 1 23% [Denver...... eeseans 3.242 748 164 2,000 | 26.0] 1.1 32,533 Jo.BY4| 6,026 95¢ 6,048) 52,1 - U2.E *Colc.-C5 y Arerahoe-0U3.... 14} 488 10 1.079 [ 25.9 | 10.2] 12,469 1,557 2,508 Wry 2,522.1 61.7 {" 35.7 2 | 34.4 3231 118 Denver-016...... = 3 ] 158 | 2k.1 25.3 1,720 [10,886 34 17 76% 12.9 87.0 € | 80.9) 963 Jefferson=030... 1,918 257 55 1,763 | 25.4 | 43.0 18,343 ho,kos| 3.397 461 2,75¢ | 54.1 38.8 2 | 18.4 963 131 BN i 036 [Des Mnines....... we 2,831 310 197 1,139 | 16.81 ms] wo.e7 pas 7a27 1,54 6,264 | 52.1] 29.3 51 35-8 © 1 Iowa-1l 4 P51r-077... "00" 2,831 310 197 32 26.5% | 31.5] 0,027 [2,751 7.127 1,4Lg 6.264 | 52.1 39.3 5 35-8 seh 121 037 Detrots Loc ii ues 12,028 768 bos 11.557 | 20.8 ut ,0l 107,087 9,266] 1£,331 4,954 13,543 46.2 41.8 ‘ gs Mich.-21 Y : Macomb-05C...... 4,298 238 14h ” 16.5 32.0 33,382 | 8,411 6,590 1,718 5,1k5 L7.1 L1.2 2] 26.7 wil 130 rar = 2 Wl 232] 52] Bol Relssor| edse| hel fwok| seal zk| 2] mi wal ie Wayne-082....... 3,676 in 103 2,552 | 21.5 | 57.8 3,720 [9.777] 3.6Y5 1,624 3.79 | 32s] s6.5] 8] 2.2 uu 126 : 038 [Duluth-Superior.... 8,391 68 214) 10.035 | 8.3] 60.5 30,791 | 3,068] 7.603 2,039 %.2371 57.91 11.3 2 = Minn.=22.ee... [6,853 I 158 7.932 | 8.0 | 62.6 L375 [3,073] 5.316 2,520 3,985 | 55.1] 12.0 2 . Louls-069... 6,853 58h 158 7.932 8.0 62.6 24,374 | 3,073 5,316 2,520 3,985 5.1 12.9 2 431) 103 : om Vis.hg....... 1,538 183 56 2303 | 9.3] 52.6 6,117 | 3,051) 2,287 Lig 1,251 | 66.8 8.9 2 : 2 Douglas-016. .... 1,538 183 56] 2,103 | 9.3 | 52.6 6.117 [3,051] 2,287 119 1,251 | 66.8 8.9 2 431). 95 039 |Purbam............ . 1M 13 29 1,476 | 49.3 | 26.2 5.393 | 3.654] 2,033 81 1,653 | 13.8 | 56.2 5 E ¥. 3.-32 Durhaz-032..... . 1,471 13 29 1,476 | 42.3 | 26.2 5.393 | 3.65% 1033 gl 1.453 | 13.8) 56.2 -5 | 55.2 21] 104 . i oko [mm Petoss feravvrah 982 198 57 ,075 | 22.7 | 19.4 17,878 [16,630] 2,856 399 7,136 | sk.0| l1.5 5 | k2.1 ! 4 Texas-12 Pe El Pago-07l..... 982 198 57 1,075 | 22.7 | 19.4 17,878 ]i6,630| 2.856 399 7.136 | 54.0 13.5 5] bB2.1 792 713 Oil lEpte,. ... ov eeeet 4, 600 382 159 4,503 | 11.8 | 3m 25,505 | 5.664] 7.677 1,635 5,860 | us. 36.5 2| n1.3 Pa.-37 Erie-025...... a 4, 600 382 159 b,503 | 11.4 | 34.1 25,505 | 5.664 7.677 1,635 5,860 | LB.E | 36.5 2| 31.3 Lgh| 132 oi2 [Evansville......... 3.532 8 1 3.626 | 32.5 | 33.3] 27.050 [7.k60 2956 _879 4,335 | 36.7] 46.6 In Ind.~13....... 1,55 in i 1,661 [ 16.5 | 43.0] 12,661 [7.716] 3.284 [+ LL 1,778 | 30.9 51.0 5 | 37.9 { Vanderburgh-082. 1,554 118 ™ 1,681 | 16.5 43.0 12,661 | 7,716 3,28h LL) Y,178 30.9 51.0 51 37.2 552 128 In Ey.<1beieses.. 1,978 265 123 1,985 | 45.2 23 14,388 | 7,248 6,672 138 2,551 4.7 L3.5 5 | 40.2 x Hendersgon-051... 1,978 265 123 1,985 | 45.8 25.3 14,388 | 7,28 6,672 438 2,557 uo.7 43.5 5 | Lo.2 552 92 OUz [Pall River-New Ped- ford......%.... 4,056 140 41 832 7.8 27.8 2k,109 [6.290 1,954 1,007 8,664 71.5 19.0 2 | 42.2 Mass.-20 : FeErtola003.0u0s 4,056 1% | 5% 3,833 1-5 27.8 24,109 {6,290 1,954 ,007 8,664 71.5 12.0 2 | k.2f us2| 131 OUI IP ING... cov uevmarns 816 320 173 5,221 | 14.3 | 50.8] 3k,507 | 6,534] 7.527 1,271 4,012 | 56.5] 26.4 2 | 26.7 Kich.-21 Genesee-025..... 4,816 320 179 R,281 | 14.3 50.8 34,507 [6,534 7.527 1.972 L,012 £6.5 26.4 2126.7 wal 120 4 045 |Fort Wayne......... 3,843 383 245 3,697 | 26.6 | 18.9] 36,808 [9,956] 8.327 2,034 5.652 | 52.2] 36.0 5] 31.3 ud Ind.-12 7 pr ! Allen-002....000 3,843 383 245 3,697 | 26.6 18.9 36,808 [9,956 8,327 2,034 5%52 | , 52.3 36.0 5 | 31.3 561 ~128 1 ol6 [Port Worse eeiaeeaen 3,897 hhly 142 3.622 | 36.8 | 49.2] 33,350 |9.208| 8,300 791 5,000 | 62.6 { 27.3 2 | 32.5 i Texas-42 7 = i! 5 Tarrent=220..... 3,897 ny 142 ,622 | 36.8 | 49.2] 33,350 |9.208| 8,300 791 5,091 | 62.6 | 27.3 2 | 32.5 621) 112 x our ree, ot Vege wane 9,045 1,876 604 9,550 | 1k.9 | 16.4] 123,015 p2,881| 1k,257 3.345 | 27.091 19.1 77.8 7] 45.1 4 Calif. : = = Fresno-010...... 9,045 1,876 60k 9,550 | 1k.9 16.4 123,015 12,881) 14,257 3,345 27,091 19.1 77.8 7] 45a 1k| 130 + . oL8 alvsston Tessie 1,127 107 Soy 909 | 30.1 6L.Y 5,495 [6,045] 2,054 108 900 | 66.5 19.1 2 | 3.8 Texas-42 Galveston-08L... 1,127 107 1m 909 | 30.1 6h.Y 5,495 | 6,045 2,054 108 500 66.5 19.1 2 3.8le enn| mr 049 [Grand Rapids..... iP 5,284 439 205 5,623 | 15.8 35.1 34,092 | 6,063 8,460 1,739 6.184 46.5 37.1 2 | 27.8 : 3 Mich,-21 , Kent-Ollo..va.ss 5,284 L39 205 5,623 | 15.8 35.1] 34,092 | 6,063 8,460 1,739 6,184 Lg.5 37.14 2| 27.8 125] 132 050 Greenisbiorn tdVveven 14, 669 304 95 L,ok1 | 30.5 27.8 20,458 [4,1%0| 6.813 48k 4,917 19.2 50.6 5 | b6.5 ¥. C.-32 3 > Guilford-Oll.... 4, 669 304 u,9k1 | 30.5 | 27.8 20,458 | L,1k0] 6,813 Lgl 4,917 19.2 50.6 5 | 46.5 s21| 107 051 |Hamilton-Middletown 2,718 270 148 2,92 | 30.5| 33.5] 29.475 0.074 5.734 |, 14a] 3.705] 66.6 | 20.2 1] 35.9 Ohio-34 Butler-009...... 2,718 27 146 2,926 | 30.5 | 33.5] 29,475 [10,074 5.734 1,421 3,705 | 66.6 | 20.2 1 35.9 551 120 052 [Harrisburge...... MA 2,188 177 110 2,098 | 20.4 | 29.4 14,015 [6.680] 4,822 678 3,350 | 63.0 | 22.8 2 | 21.6 ) i Pa.-37 3 , Dewphin-022..... 2,188 in 110 2,098 | 20.b 29.4 14,015 | 6,680 4,822 678 3.3% 63.0 22.8 2| 21.6 ue3| 13% = 053 |Bertforasew Britain 6,304 3568 121 5.090 4.3 32.6) 55,403 [10,885 5,037 1,567 17.470 37.6 56.7 q Conn .-06 > Hart¥ord~ - 4, 304 242 92 3,791 | 4.6 29.31 Ml,580 m,759 L4.126 1,252 | 14,111 | 34.9 | 60.2 5 | 50.7 is 19 Middlesex-0Ok... 2,000 114 29 1,299 3.5 Lk2.2 10,824 | 8,332 911 315 3,359 | u8.9 41.8 8 | 3m. us2| 1s 054 ob is eres 5,064 609 83 6.9% | 29.7 4.6 49,089 | 7,064| 13,044 672 6.855 | “57.7 19.0 2 | 3u.8 3% Texas-L2 . T Harris-101..... . 5,064 609 83 6.949 | 29.7 54.6 49,089 17,064] 13,044 672 6,855 57.7 19.0 2 | 3u.8 oul 1k © TABLE 2—SELECTED DATA FOR METROPOLITAN AREAS AND METROPOLITAN Table 2 : Tam Refed Trach COUNTIES—Continued : Denver (035) = ; : z Houston (054) (All dollar figures have been rounded to thousands and will not necessarily add to totals) rr MANUFACTURING ESTABLISHMENTS—1939 MINERAL INDUSTRIES—1939 RETAIL ESTABLISHMENTS—1939 METROPOLITAN & Maro! COUNTIES ] Value added Area 5 ue adde 5 AND Wage Wages Value of by menufac- | Yale of Number Wages and 85 Active Employees Pay roll earners > products roducts of salaries | Number of | (1000 of (average CODES Number ( (1000's of | Fooe® ture F000" of (1000°s of | st (1000s of | pro- for |(1000’s of £2 ? average | "gollars) | (1000's of | (1g0(rs of | (1000s of | persons : Sores dollars) | prietors dollars) for year) dollars) dollars) dollars) | engaged | dollars) year). (65) (66) 67) (68) 9) 0) an 2) _@ (4) @s, (76) a 035 Demvari Cees aes 651 12,213 14,439 113,011 51,764 783 465 837 5.452 192,071 5,010] 22,878] 23,531 olo. = Arapahoe~003.... 16 358 556 1,753 1,069 ‘uh 1 15 358 7.833 330 705 661 Denver=016a..s... 620 11,477 13,436 107,715 48,679 237 230 516 4,706 177.963 4,294 21,58 22,332 Jefferson-030... 15 378 7 © 3,543 2,016 502 221 306 388 6,275 386 591 538 036 bes Votuaiests nie 270 7,109 8,681 76,208 . 30,177 1,030 647 721 2,736 86,898 2,465) 11,181] 11,422 Owe, Polk=07Tes.eeuns 270 7,109 8,681 76,208 | 30,177 1,030 647 721 2,736 86,898 2,465) 11,181 11,k22 037 5 Sevan of 2,83 315,844 518,673 2,784,873 1,089,630 3,226 702 127 28,163 904,391 24,613] 102,381 115,792 ch. Macomb=050...... 62 4,512 6,764 65,663 20,545 172 49 7 1,284 28,u71 1,238 2,396 2,428 Oakland=063.....| 139 16,133 (1) (1) (1) 648 130 267 2,832 83,019 2,500 7.994 8,201 Wayne=082....... 2,633 295,199 511,909 2,719,210 1,069,085 2,406 463 790 24,047 792,901 20,875 91,991 105,163 038 | Duluth-Superior.... 2 5,204’ 6.817 45,991 20,166 72,298 4,899 8,572 3.829 6,4 3.549] 10,760] 10,752 In Minn.=22...... 223 #,580 6,156 905 18,101 72,296 1,899 8,572 3,103 80,255 2,854 8,977 9,05! St. Louis=069... 223 4,580 6,156 40,905 18,101 72,296 4,899 8,572 3,103 80,255 2,854 8,977 9,056 In Wis.=U8....... 36 624 661 5,086 2,065 726 16,220 695 1,783 1,696 Douglas=016....: 36 624 661 5,086 2,065 726 16,220 635 1,783 1,696 039 Pacgn errata 75 8,165 (2) (1) (1) 897 25,153 46 3.493 2,911 : Durham=032.e.... 75 8,165 (1) (1) (1) 837 25.753 46 3.493 2,911 040 BL Pasture eemsens 132 3,081 2,671 65,783 7,521 215 120 ™ 1,706 42,480 1,606 5.694% 5,039 exas=i2 El Paso=071l....s 132 3,081 2,671 65,783 7.521 215 120 18 1,706 42,480 1,606), 5.694 5,039 OY [Br i0s. vers svsssve 309 19,251 25,026 142,393 72,226 238 158 64 2,687 61,868 2,581 6,861 6,414 Pa.=37 Erie=025..c000.0 309 19,251 25,026 142,393 72,226 238 5% oY 2,687 61,868 2,581 6,861 6,414 042 | Evansvillesee.cesss 228 14,776 17,350 136,842 63,304 805 3 368 2,034 2.8 1,811 6,484 6,149 In Ind.=13eereeee 203 13,85 16, TWh 188,419 61,91% . 535 188 en 1,72 47,243 1,539 5, 80% 5,647 Vanderburgh-082.|" 203 13,854 16,744 133,419 61,914 535 188 211 1,724 47,243 1,539 5,804 5,647 In Ky.=16eevecnns 25 922 606 3,423 1,390 270 184 157 310 5,387 272 680 502 Henderson=051... 25 922 606 3,423 1,390 270 L184 157 310 5,387 272 680 502 043 |Fall River-New Bed~ fordesesssinnes 780 64,130 56,495 225,95L| . 109,922 345 13] 127 5,241 119,420 4,534 13,335) 12,459 Mass.=20 : Bristol=003..... 780 64,130 56,435 225,951 109,922 345 113 127 5,241 119,420 4,534 13,335 12,459 OH 1 F1inb eer nnsnnnons 139 33,085 (2) vo (a) (1). 43 19 18 2,698 85,265 2,043 8,676 9,269 Mich.21 Genesee=025..... 139 33,085 (2) (2) (1) 43 19 18 2,698 85,265 2,043 8,676 9,269 ous 180 14,175 193,064 120,531 54,253 (1) (1) (1) 2,114 61,129 1,926 7.568 7.2% 180 14,175 19,064 120,531 54,253 (1) (1) (1) 2,11k 61,129 1,926 7.568 7.240 oub 312 8,122 8,556 106,431 30,3200 (3) (1) (2) 3,173 93,469 2,770 12,132 10,861 312 8,122 8,556 106,431 30,320 (2) (1) (1) 3.173 99,469 2,770 12,132 10,861 047 259 4,933 5.299 51,537 18,881 3.457 119 205 2,885 78,420 2,787] 7.396 8,165 : Calif. x Fresno=010.. 259 4.933 5,299 51,537 18,881 3,457 119 205 2,885 78.420 2,787 7.396 8,165 ols .| Galveston... ™ 3,131 4,328 79,286 13,696 (1) (2) (1) 1.47 30,591 1,293 3.893 3,349 Texas Galveston=084.,.. ™ 3,131 4,328 79.286 13,696 (2) (1) (1) 1,17 30,591 1,293 3,893 3,349 049 [Grand Rapids....... 491 23,985 29,256 136,137 71,952 496 143 220 3,289 94,469 3.067 10,935 10,511 Mich.=21 Kent=O4l.. ceeene 491 23,985 29,256 136,137 71,952 496 143 220 3,289 94,469 3,067 10,935 10,511 050 |Greensboro........ of "252 25,176 19,607 88,993 39,728 (1) (2) (1) 1,576 Lh 282 1,285 6,057 5,14 N. C.= Guilford=O4l.... 252 25,176 19,607 88,993 39,728 (2) (1) (1) 1,576 Ly 2g2 1,285 6,057 5,104 051 Sesilvoniiatlsiown 130 14,623 21,612 114,514 46,267 232 60 55 1,547 39,941 1,403 4,153 4,112 Ohio-3 Butler=009...... 130 14,623 21,612 114,514 46,267 232 60 55 1,547 39,941 1,403 4,153 4112 052 | Harrisburge....c.ee 251 15,685 16,716 109,585 49,587 2,302 1,156 1,678 2,658 67,004 2,365 8,254 8,031 Pa.=37 X Dauphin=022..... 251 15,685 16,716 109,585 49,587 2,302 1,156 1,678 2,658 67,004 2,365 8,254 8,031 053 i Britain| 770 68,0u2 86,271 348,135 217,072 1,073 238 305 6,800 221,371 5.607| 22,773] 26,542 Conn. =0 i T Hart ford=002.... 671 62,245 80,424 - 326,667 204,719 glo 184 253 5,974 199,928 4,903 20,766 24,252 Middlesex=O0k... 99 5.797 5,847] 21,468 12,353 133 54 52 826 21,ku3 Tol 2,007 2,290 054 BORRNEn, 00s stern 655 22,765 30,656 337,130 107,138 1,315 241 us2 6,113 213,998 5,799] 25,082 24,02 Texas=i2 z Harris=10l...... 655 | 722,765 30,656 337,130 107,138 1,315 24 452 6.113 213,998 5,799] 25,082| © 24,02 INot shown because of disclosure of “operations 24 of individual establishments. TET EO TABLE 2—SELECTED DATA FOR METROPOLITAN AREAS AND METROPOLITAN hg RE Cd . a. - onomic - COUNTIES—Continued Data : Fa Denver (035) - (K11 dollar figures have been rounded to thousands and wili not necessarily add to totals) Houston (054) aro S803 ” Yioesae SERVICE ESTABLISHMENTS—1939 BANK DEPoMITS Co TRAD! Major war supply Major war facilities contracts, rojects, | June 1940-Sept. 1945 | June 1940-June 1945 METROPOLITAN E Bond (1000's of dollars) (1000’s of dollars) Metro. x es rie COUNTIES, |Number Number : = plovers Total : (1000's of Code AND of Sales of | Receipts | Active | o0ra00 | Pay roll | (demand | Time | dollars at > ’ 4 ge . : y CODES estab- | (1000's of | estab- | (1000s |proprie-| “r= | (1000's | and time) | (1000's issue price) lish- | dollars) ish- | of dollars) | tors year) of dollars)| (1000's | of dollars) | ments ments of dollars) Combat | Other | Industrial | Military 5 equipment S @® a) (80) @1) @2) [) 4) @5) (86) @n 8) (#9) (90) © 035 Penver............. | 1,018] 341,870] 2,695] 16,122] 2,691] 6,027] 5,514) 354,291 86,763] ~ 41,759 236,787 73,206] 158,703 | 38,756 AX Colo.=05 5 Arapahoe=003.... 19 687] 74) 222 75 57) 40) 8,192 2,433 1,795 14,428) 289 494 2,224 Denver-016. . 993| 340,989 2,547 15,71] 2,50] 5,917 5,439] 342,38 83,644 38,625] 222,359 72,719 158,209 | 36,532 Jefferson-030. 6) 194) 7, 159 76) 53 35 3,715) 1,339 138 03% 2 Moines. ..ccsese 423) us, 582] 1,236] 7,444] 1,240 © 2,521] 2,403] 108,487] 29,754] 22,860] 213,777 44,151] 68,075 6,196 owa=1/ POIK-077000unene 423) ze] 1,236 7,444] 1,240 2,521] 2,403] 108,487] 29,754 22,860 213,77 44,151 68,075 6,196 # 037 Dozzaltssiesesrires F 3,100] 1,392,215) 11,512] 85,72] 11,318] 24,631) 29,648] 2,160,07| 805,444 443,539] 12,884,726] 1,050,348) 707,74 | 29,097 is Mich,~ : 2 Macomb=050.....s 55 5,005 am] 1,002] me 231 195] 35,625) 24,044 7,200] 334,895 51 31,722 9,5% 2 Oakland=063....s 105| 29,46] U6 3,661] UL 966 957) . 88,201) 43,717] 26,499 2,445,910 46,559 49,425 : < Wayne-082....... | 2,940 1,357,154| 10,432 81,059] 10,231| 23,434 28,496] 2,036,248 737,683] 409,840 10,103,921 1,003,738] 626,567 19,501 038 [Duluth-Superior.... 1,12 66,154] 27,511] 194,675 28,875] 10,05 339 5912 4343 35.0390 20,575 7S 25,089 8:58 339] 108,912] 976] 4,43 55,439] 20,975 75,535 25,089 8,941 EE SE RET ee 10,715 6,53%| 119,140 3,786 1,114 50] 20,737 7 1,370 10,715 6,536) 119,140 3,786 1,14 . 039 Pushes cop nevean 69] 39,035] 289] 2,070] 259] 1,032 796] 38,719] 13,658] 4,692 231 Ly 72% 875 | 43,958 J Durham-032...... 69| 39,035] 289] 20m 259 1,032 706) 38,79) 13,658). 4,692 23 1,72 875 | 45,958 3 040 [Bl PasOeseseoasonss 48 55,05] 618 3,189] 634] 1,364 997] 70,011] 15,658] 12,119 516 6,780 2,818 | 33,100 ES Texas Ri El Pago-07T..... 248) 55,055] 618] 3,189 634 1,364 9971 70,011 15,658 12,119 516 6,780 2,818 | 33,100 | 041 Eris. conansnenss 189] 30,025] 904] 3,686] 953 958 902| 120,395| 38,513] 21,881 235,339 138,395] 54,659 3 Ae. Brie-025..c0euse 189 30,025) 904 3,68] 953 958 902] 120,395| 38,513] 21,881 235,339] 138,395 54,659 i 042 [Evansville... 264] 58,842 8 o 1,461) 1,307) 132,474] 48,076 26,986 893,765 59,176 70,187 In Ind.=13.c0e.0e 232] 52,409 & 3,710 23 1,323] L214] 120,414 45,435] 25,095] 893,765 51,961 55,313 7 Vanderburgh-082, 232] 52,409] 655] 3,710 652] 1,323 1,214 120,414] 45,435] 25,095] 893,765 51,961 55,313 3 In Ky.=16eeennnes 32 6,433 83 34, 87 138 93] 12,060 2,641 1,891 7,215 14,87 3 Henderson-051... 32 6,433 83 34 87 138 93] 12,060 2,641 1,891 7,215] 14,87 J 043 [Fall River-New Bed- 4 ae Teena 342| 58,334) 1,869] 7,180 1,853 2,165] 1,824 303,936] 221,610] 19,977| 129,480 183,535 3,540 | 21,018 2) 88,= 4 Bristol=003..... 342| 58,334) 1,89 7,18| 1,853 2,165) 1,824] 303,936] 221,610] 19,977] 129,480 183,535 3,540 | 21,018 3 04s PLB. coon 181) 75,991 896 4,407 793] 1,206] - 1,251] 93,970 58,305] 33,425| 1,738,546 3,995 101,826 1,257 4% ch, 5 Genesee-025..... 18 75,991 896] 4,407] M93] 1,206] 1,251] 93,970] 58,305] 33,425 1,738,546 3,995) 101,826 1,257 0 045 Port | ho da 259] s4,940| Trl 3,727] 765] 1,212] 1,099] 121,923] 52,824 23,%%| 937,250 65,575] 49,276 | 13,563 #3 Al1en-002....... 259] su,0| Til 3,727) 765] 1,212) 1,09] 121,923) 52,824 23,53 937,250 65,575] 49,276 | 13,563 “ 046 Fore RestBussereens 459] 19,436] 1,400] 84372] 1,405] 3,554] 2,739] 161,716] 25,166] 31,088| 1,037,030 21,015] 65,407 | 26,662 A 'oxas~, ge Tarrant=220..... 459 149,436 1,400| 8,372" 1;405| 3,554 2,739] 161,716] 25,166] 31,088) 1,037,030 21,015 65,407 | 26,662 W 047 Fresno... cucenee 341 73,50] 1,117] 6,102] 1,138] 1,606] 1,606], 178,992] 65,130 18,911 54 469%, 3,207 839 7,866 ne alif,-04 wh Fresno-010.....e 4 m,se0l 1,117) 6,102) 1,138) 1,606 1,606 178,992 65,130 18,01 54,694 3,207, 839 7,866 $s 048 Betsanten, suisvsees 126| 33,873) 425) 4,835 433 5,945] 2,179] 55,441] 16,561 9,460 26,158) 163,323 73,430 | 29,983 3 Xa 8 =; 2 Galveston-084... 126] 33,873] 425 4,835) 433 5,945 2,179) 55,441] 16,561) - 9,460 26,158] 163,323| 73,430 | 29,983 = 049 iii pari 509] 90,678] 1,190] 7,78| 1,185] 2,546] 2,390] 150,403] 71,133] 21,829 172,09 70,653] 30,835 602 2] ch, 7 z Kente04lisucsass 509] 90,678 1,190 7,784 1,185| 2,56] 2,3%| 150,403] 71,113] 21,829 172,09 70,653 30,835 602 pe 050 Grgensborsyseevess a8] 72,00] 512] 3,823] 4950 1,795] 1,392] 53,031 6,517 9,059 5,531) 108,647 3L, 7,880 y Guilford-041.... 218) 72,030] 512] 3,823] 495! 1,795) 1,392] 53,031 6,517 9,059 © 5,531) 108,647 IU 7,880 051 Sams cosulisdintoms 76| 18,468] 467] 1,937] 490 564 49] 61,100] 22,224] 10,746] 235,460 94,056 | 14,743 3 0=! - iM Butler=009...... 7 18,468] 467 1,937] 490 564 469 61,110 22,224 10,746 235,460 94,056 1,43 | 052 Barriaburg.....sv.e 254] ss,988] 91s] 4,0m| o22| 1,605] 1,469] 112,790 39,217] 19,881 62,473 60,798) 41,971 | 10,115 N i 4 Dauphin=022..... 254] 55,988] 915| 4,911] 922] 1,605] 1,469] 112,790 39,417] 19,881 62,473 60,798] 41,971 | 10,115 “o] 053] Hartford-Newi stadn 511) 140,304) 2,281 13,823] 2,233 3,922| 4,299] 756,290 413,172 76,691| 3,418,553] 250,066] 129,582 7,889 nn, Hartford-002.... 482 134,162| 2,088] 12,815 2,035| 3,630 3,999] 689,714| 360,053] 72,318) 3,319,498) 221,044 128,910 7,889 Middlesex-004... Fo) 6,142) 193] 1,008 198 292 300] © 66,576] 53,119 4,373 99,055 29,022 672 054 Houston... eueeves 879| 464,645] 2,855) 25,225] 2,884 11,076 9,467] 523,687] 63,824] 70,872| 752,280] 677,683] 349,563 35,81 XA Harris=101...... 879| 464,645) 2,855] 25,225] 2,884 11,076 9,467] 523,687] 63,824) 70,872 752,280] 677,683] 349,563 | 35,814 25 ET TT CE TT TET EEN LT TT EET TT RR A ~ Table 2 2 i Part 1 - en ) - Huntington=-Ashland (055) - : * ; © Miami (073) TABLE 2—SELECTED DATA FOR METROPOLITAN AREAS AND METROPOLITAN COUNTIES ‘ > - 3 . ora mien : . T 3 TOTAL POPULATION POPULATION—1940 ‘EDUCATION VITAL 1940 STATISTICS ESTIMATED : 4 1944 CIVILIAN : : POPULATION Land | Pop. | Total white Percent of METROPOLITAN U.S. area [ulation population 25 Metro. AREAS, rank in per y years old and i Area COUNTIES, Number of Percent| qo sq. . over who have I Code oN : Founbiss change a mile « {Percent Ush Rural Rural completed— . DES Percent] April | mn of man | ponfarm | farm Bi ; : irths | Deaths ms 2 Number change 1940 percen- | 1930-1 1940 | 1940 | Number | total tiles) | 1940 opu- 5ior ; No 3 + | 1940-1! ation more Hish 1943 1940 . grades | 3€ho0 : m @ [) “ ©) ®) m ®) © (10) an (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) ~~ = . rd 055 [Huntington-Ashland.| 172,311] -90. 190,102 6,1 804 | 210.6] 182,019 | 96.2 | 125,47¢ | 32,156 | 3.468| 86.2] 22.6] 3082) 1,01 La : In K7e=16.0ennse 42,€00| -6.8| 45,938 Z.8 TE0 [E80 5 eodb | OB | LOB] TI 1.05 2 2] 1.0%] —- : 42,800 -6.8 45,938 150 4.8 159 | 28¢.9 45,046 | o8,1| 34,061 | 7,672 4,205) 85.2) 22,6] 1,056| © 44 i” 40,474] =13.3 46,705 4.9 456 | 102.4) 45,101 | 96,6 | 15,851 | 15,627) 15,2271 84.3| 15.5 908 497 EA 40,474 -13.3 46,705 15] «4.9 456°] 102.4 45,101 | 96,6 15,851 | 15,627 15,227 84.3 15.5 908 497 : 89,037| -8.6) 97,459] Toke 279 | 349.3] ' 92,772 | 95.2| 75,566| 8,857! 13,036) 87.5| 25.7] 2,018] 1,002 Cabell=006,c.e00 £9,037 =-8,6 97,459 6) A 279 | 349.3 92,772 | 95.2 75,566 2,857 13,036 87.5 25,7 2,018 1,002 056 |Indianapolis....... 491,053 7.3 £460,926 9.1 402 [1,146,6/ 402,890 | 88.7 | 390,879 | 57,555 12,492 92.7 30.7] 10,073 5,850 Ind,-13 . Marion=049.seees 491,053 7.3 460,926 1 9.1 402 [1,146.6] 40B,P90 | €8,7| 390,870) 57,555 12,492 92,7 30,7 10,073 5,850 057 |Jackson..eessseseee 110,836 3.3] 107,273 26.0 | em | 122.3" sie] 40.3] 2.107] 12.156] 33,000] 0.1] 32.2] 2.705] 1.085 Miss,-23 HAnd8~=025400 000s 110,836 3.3] 107,273 5| 26,0 er | 122.2 51,826 | 48.3] 62,107| 12,156 33,010) 80.1] 32.8] 2,705] 1,085 k 058 |Jacksonville....... 245,123 16.6 210,143 - 35.1 T77 | 270.5 11,571 | 67.4 | 176,631 | 27,476 6,036 8,3 26,8 5,926 2,851 Fla.-09 Duval-016,,..... 245,123] 16.6] 21C,143 2[ 35.1 777 | 270.5) W1,571 | 67.4] 176,631 | 27,476 6,036) e2.3| 26.8] 5,926] 2,851 BE 059 |Johnstown.esesscess 187,384] =~12,2] 213,459 5.1 695 | 307.1 211,083 | 98.9 | 114,567 | £3,261 15,631 82,0 17.0 3,968 2,034 Pa,=37 | Cambria~011.,... 187,384 24] 213,459 2 5.1 695 | 307.1 211,083 | 92,9 114,567 | 83,261 15,631 8.0 17,0 3,968 2,034 i 060 |KalamazoO.sesseseos 101,716 1, 100,085 9.5 567] 176.5 98,809 | 98.7 | 54,097 | 32,052 | 13,936] 92.0] 20.5] 2,175] 1,270 Mich,~21 Kalamazoo-039... 101,716 1,7 100,085 51 9.5 567 | 176.5 92,809 | 98.7 | 54,097 | 37,052) 13,936] 92,0| 29.5] 2,175 1,270 061 |Kansas Cities...... 670,575 2,2] 656,226 2,7] 1,230] 533.5] 589,350 £9.8| 540,681 | 84,797] 30,748] 91.7] 33.4] 12,277] 7,85 . In Kansas-15.. 184,682 3.5 178,398 5.9 627 | 224.5 154,542 | 6,5 | 125,437 37,674 15,287 89,9 25.1 3,773 1,898 NT Johnson=046..440 40,229 20.7 33,327 24 22,6 476 70.0 32,526 | 97,6 3,979 | “20,425 8,923 95.4 36,1 U6 339 x | Whandotte-105... Vid ,453 0.40 145,071 27 151 | 960.7] - 122,016 | R4,1| 121,458 | 17,249 6,364) 88.6] 22.4] 3,027] 1,559 To In Mo.~24eeeveess 485,893 1.7 477,828 1.6 603 | 792.4] 434,208 | 91.0 | 415,244 | 47,123 15,461 92.3 36.3 8,504 5,927 Y Jackson=048.....| + 485,893 1.7 477,828 1 1.6 603 | 792.4 434,208 | 91.0] 415,244 | 47,123 | .15,461 2, 36.3 8,504 5,927 062 |Knoxville..........| 195,516] 9.6 178,468 1.5 517 | 345.2] 160,259 | 89.8| 111,580 | 37,735| 29,153] e1.2| 24.9] 4,359] 1,998 y Term, ~41 2 ~ Es Knox=047eevcsees 195,516 9.6 178,468 3] 14.5 S171 345.2 160,259 | 89.8 | 111,580 | 37,735 29,153 81.2 24.9 4,359 1,998 Ti 3 063 |Lancaster....c..cee 201,649 =5.1 212,504 7.9 945 | 224.9) 209,293 | 98.8 94,932 | 71,443 46,129 93.5 17.9 44252 2,367 5% Pa,-37 KE lancaster-036... 201,649 =5,1 212,504 2 1.9 945 | 224.9) 209,893 | 98.8 94,932 | 71,443 46,129 93.5 17.9 4,252 2,367 ; 064 |Lansing..eeessessss 135,958 4.1] 130,616 12,0 559 | 233.71 12e.e47| 98.6) 7,459] 20,469] w,688] 95.5] 3.6] 3,230) 1,351 Mich,~21 Ingham=033...044 135,958 4.1) 130,616 4 12.0 559 | 233.7] 128,847 | 98.6| ©7,459| 28,469 | 14,688] 95.5| 3.6] 3,230 1,351 065 Mneale, pees : 92,795] 7.7 100,585 0.3 845 | 1100] 9,600] 9.0] meo8| 7,547] 11,054) 96,0] 43.1] 1,855] 1,093 ' Nebr, =-2 # ] Lancaster-055..,, 92,795] 7.7] 100,5¢% 51° 043 845 | 119.0 99,500 | 99.0 | 81,984 7,547 11,054] 96.0 43.1} 1,855) 1,093 = 066 |Little Rockeseseess 165,771 €.2] 156,085 13.3 721 | 199.9] 112,877 | 72,3] 109,176 | 25,°64| 21,045) ‘83,31 30.1 3,939] 2,156 Ark,=03 . . Pulaski=060...., 165,771 6.2] 156,085 3 13.3 7681 | 199.9] 112,877 | 72.3 | 109,176 | 25,864 | 21,045] 83.3) 30.1] 3,939] 2,156 - 067 |Los Angeles........| 3,292,050 13.0] 2,916,402 25.3 4,853 | 600.9] 2,788,364 | 95.6 P,450,046 | 413,725 52,632 92,9 41.4) 70,793 | 37,664 Calif.-04 : Los Angeles-019.| 3,138,797| 12.2} 2,785,643 of 26.1 4,071 | 684.3] 2,660,042 | 95.5 P,373,548 | 376,007 | 35,998] 93.0| 41.6] 66,852] 35,860 Orange=030,.4000s 153,253 17.2 130,760 4) 10.2 782 | 167.2 120,322 | 98,1 | 76,498 | 37,628 | 16,634) 90.7| 36.6] 3,941 1,804 { ! 068 |Loutsville.. 508,719] 12,7] 451,473 7s 208 | 497,20 377,120 | 88,0 355,084 | 64,146) 31,343) 88,2] 22,2] 11,206] 6,0 g \ In Ind,-13 75,004] 15.0 3081 1.0 533 | 124.0 ?0,946 | 95.3 | 36,007 | 15,4386 | 13,738], 89,6] 18,2] 1,630 2 . Clark=010,. 37,765 22.0 31,020 290° 0 38, | 80.8 29,210 | 94.2 | 11,493 | 11,740 7,757) eg7l- 17.3 89/4 306 Floyd-022,. 38,179 8.9 35.061 22 1.2 149 | 235.3 33,736 | 96.2 25,414 3,696 5,951 90,5 19,0 736 412 In Ky,-16..... 432,775] 12.3] 385,392 8.5 375 [1,027.7] 3,174 | 86,7 | 319,077 | 48,710 17,605] 88,0] 22.9] 9,666 5,315 Jefferson-056..,, 432,775 12,3 385,392 1 £5 375 | 1,427.7 334,174 | 86,7 | 319,077 | 48,710 17,605 88,0 22.9 9,666 5,315 B ’ 069 [Macom...e.curersnse 101,211 21,5 83,7€3 8.7 251 | 333.8] 48,239 | 57.6] 57,05] 19,74] 6,14] €9.9| 23.2] 2,53] 1,123 i Biih-Oll...... i 101,211] 21.5 83,743 7 a7 251 | 333.2 42,239 | 57,6 57,8651 19,7% 6,174] 69.9] 23.2] 2,563] 1,123 B 2 070 i 135,232 3.5 130,460 15.9 1,197 | 19.2 130,189 | 99.6 72,170 | 30,172 28,298 94,7 39.0 3,224 1,355 k b Wis, =~ Dane~013,....000 135,232 3.5 130,460 4) 15.9 1,197 | 109.2 130,159 | 99.6 72,190 | ' 30,172 20,298 94.7 39.0 3,224 1,355 : 071 / |Manchoster.....eees 136,039 -6.1 Lik, 208 Joh 890 | 162.8|% 144,779 | 99.9 | 114,539 | 20,699 9,650 87.0 22.3 2,543 1,738 N, H,-28 : H1llsborough=006 136,039 =6.1] 144,888 AT #90 | 162.8] 144,779 | 99.9 | 114,539 | 20,699 9,650] rr.0| 22,3] 2,543 1,738 a 072 (MomphiB.s.esseessss 378,108 5.6] 358,250 16,9 751 | 477.0] 202,955 | 56.7 | 292,942 | 23,75 | 41,A33| 80.2 | 25,5) 8,103 4,147 3 Tenn, -41 i EH 3helby=079.ceuss 37¢,108 5.6 350,250 1 169 751 | 477.0 202,955 | 56.7 | 292,942 | 23,875 41,433 80,2 25.5 8,103 by 147 } 073 AMIABLy oes nines o 204,445) 10.0] 267,739 e1.3 | 2,054 | 130.4] 217,909 | 81.4 | 215,590 | 47,115 5,034] Re.r| 36,3] 6,465) 3,108 Fla,-09 “7 x Dude=013....... 3 29,445) 10,0) 07,719 2l er | 2,05 1 1304] 217,009 1 81.4] 215,500 | 47,115 5,01 esl 36.30 6,465] 3,108 7 . - Rey = Es 3 3 A CE 5 5 he & BN - > : : : Table 2 : TABLE 2—SELECTED DATA FOR METROPOLITAN AREAS AND METROPOLITAN Fart 2 - Labor Force T d (0 COUNTIES—Continued i and (055) A ra LABOR FORCE—1940 : Percent of E Population 14 Years Old and Over Employed Workers by Industry Group Farines = METROPOLITAN Tia05 : In leading Metro, AREAS, P P Business nonagri- Area COUNTIES, ooo eo pore. and cultural Ge AND ’ iy i : Con- na Whole. personal Other In industry CODES Total In labor a Total Agri- Mining}: ‘stra: Manufac- tions. sale and | services | 4° | agri- force : g employed || culture . turing retail | exclud- cul- in in tion an bode fe reported tire Code [ghey Jaber : oer donate (See | Per- orce orce ubih- : page | cent ties genices ~ |a22) an 18) 19) @) @n @) @*) (2) 25) (26) on 28) 29) 30) | ay | @2 055 tington=Ashland. 140,634 | 66,86 75.1 20.5 53,031 by 1,011 80| 13,204 7.152 LB 8,756 5. 8.2 In Ky.=16. . 32,972 15.9%7 77.9 20,1 12,660 2 211 638 3.817 1,832 Wa 1.3 5.2 3 4 Boyde010. 32,972] 15.9%7( 77.9 20,1 12,660 655 211 oe 3.87 1,432 2,460 2,048 1,399 | 5.2 | 1719.0 2 In Obio=3k.. . 33,612 15,027 73.8 1.7 10,946 2,319 508 5 2,451 1,214 1,593 1,398 818 |21.2 a Lawrence=Olk.,.. 33,612] 15,027 73.8 4.7 10,946 2,319 508 645 2,451 1,214 1,593 1,398 £8 [21.2 | 636 | 7.2 In ¥. Va.=47..... 4,05 | 35,889 74.6 23.8 29,425 1,355 292| 2,097 6.936 4,506 5.791 5.310 3.138 | L.6 = Cabelle006e.se.. 74,050 35,889 74.6 23.8 29,425 1,355 292| 2,097 6,936 4,506 5.791 5.310 3,138 | 4.6 23 | 10.8 i 056 |Indianapolis.e..... 369.676 201,254 81.0 29.8 | 175,311 2,943 153| 8,559] 50.655 | 16.831 | 37.44 | 37.635 | 21,051 | 1.7 2 Ind.=]3 dm Marion=Oi9..c..s 369,676| 201,254] 81.0 29.8 | 175.311 2,943] 153] 8,599] 50.655 | 16.831 | 37M | 37.635 | 21,051 | 1.7 036) 8.1 i 057 |Jackson......... ven 79.821 M7, 741] 83M 39.1 hz, eu8(l 11,23 UE 2,470 Y hus 2,600 6,726 7.465 7.564 | 26.2 Miss.=2 > ou CRONIES 79.821 47,701 83.4 39.1 42 ,848| 11,230 mg 2,470 4 445 2,600 6.726 7.465 7.564 [26.2 | 636 | 6.6 058 |[Jacksonville.......| ~~ 164,468 93,102 80.4 34.6 79.375 1,505 30 5,428 10,981 | 11,371 19,203 16,253 14,604 | 1.9 a. > Duval=016...... . 164,468| 93,102 80.4 M.6 19.315 1,505 30| 5,428] 10,981 | 11,371 | 19,203 | 16,253 | 14,604 | 1.9 | 636 | 6.2 059 [ohnstovn.......... B6,4%00( 76,597] 717.2 18.7 62.909 1,615| 18,707 1,706] 17.479 3,307 8,351 7.875 3.869 | 2.6 Pa.=37 : Casbria=0ll..... 156,00 | 76,%97| 771.2 18.7 62,909 1,615| 18,707 1,706) 17,479 3.307 8,351 7.875 3,869 | 2.6 2 (29.6 060 [Kalamazo0e.eses-ces 78,209] 39,530 76.5 25.2 35.637 3.050 | 1,651] 14,276 2,005 5.609 5.98 | 3,030 | 8.6 ! Mich.=21 i Kalamas00~039... 78,203) 39.5%] 76.5 25.2 35.637 3.0% 30| 1,651 14,276 2,005 5.609 5.986 3,030 | 8.6 | 1118.3 . 061 [Kansas Cities...... 333.760 294.359 8.5 30.9 | 2u6, 8 600 Lag 53,628 | 28,4 62, 57.352 | 24,511 | 3.4 In Kansas=15..... 139, 12, 79.7 25.1 508 Ras 3,03 15,667 Er) i 10,702 5.447 | 6.6 Johneon=0Y46..... 26,127 13,043 0.4 19.7 12,238 2,828 106 790 1,555 1,261 2,199 2,127 1,372 |23.1 | 636 | 7.3 Wyandot te=105... 113,293 59,389| 719.6 26.3 47,722 1,153 129 2,245] 14,112 7.703 9,7 8,575 4,075 | 2.4 512.9 In Mo.=2Ue.reeenn 394,360 | 221,927 82.2 32.8 | 186,793 4,352 365 8,510 37,961 19,525 50,3 46,650 19,064 | 2.3 | Jackson=04E. .... 394,360 | 221,927 82.2 32.8 | 18,793 4,352 365 8,510 37.961 19,525 50,3 46,650 19,064 | 2.3 | ‘636 | 8.1 062 ES0EVE110 sn nansant] 133.825| 71,24) 7B. 30.7 62,280 4,529 1,092 3,524 16,862 4,955 | 12,416 | 10,99% 7.908 | 7.3 Tonn.=41 . j SPP 133,825| T1.M24| 78.4 30.7 62,280 4,529] 1,092] 3,524 16,862 4,95 | 12,416 | 10,99 7,908 | 7.3 6 [10.7 063 [Lancaster.......... 162,916 86,981] 80.1 28.1 9.735( 12,317 319| 3.744 31,872 4,644 | 10,301 9,847 6,031 [15.4% Pa.=37 : Lancaster-036... 162,916 86,981 80,1 28.1 7.735) 12,317 3m 3,744 31,872 4, eu 10,901 9,847 6,031 [15.4 611.4 064% |Lansinges.ceseences 100,233 "52,579 5-1 25.9 45,722 3,379 w| 2,029 14,696 2,121 | , 8M26 8,759 6.271-1 ‘7.4 Mich.=21 Inghame033...... 100,233| 52,579 719.7 25.9 45,722 3.319 y1| 2,029] 14,696] 2,121 8,426 8,759 6,271 | 7.8 | 20 |22.9 065 ASROLEr yersaers ie 81,992. W1,087( 73.1 29.2 35.172 3.113 8 1,954 2,843 3,403 8,093 9,999 5,099 |10.7 Hebr.=2 Lancaster=055. ... 81,992 W,047 73.1 | 29.2 | 35172(° 3.7173 8 1,954 2,843 | 3.403 | 8093 | 9.99 | 5.099 [10.7 | 036 |13.6 066 [Little Rockes.c..... 122,602 64.436] 77.1 | 29.8 | 52,966 5.122] =212| 2,761] 6.03 | s54n | 11,357 | 12,00 9,858 | 9.7 3 Ark.=0 DE aAmO8D. x 122,602 64,436 77.1 29.8 52,966 5,122 212| 2,761 6.134 5.471 | 11,357 | 12.051 9.856 | 9.7, 636 | 9.5 067 [Los Angeles........ 2,410,156 | 1,248,674 | 76.8 28.1 [1,079,048 41,164] 14,882] 68,114 209,432 | 77,083 | 258.639 | 290,880 | 118,854 | 3.8 Calif.=O0k : Lo les=019. | 2,306,487 (.,198,726| 77.0 28.3 | 1,036,984 (| 32,481 | 12,839) 65.441] 205,138 | 75,115 | 248,750 | 282,312 | 114,908 | 3.1 | G36 | 9.1 ornare | loses |"ouibs| Tew | 232 | "helo siess| aiob3| ams eik | 1.968 |. ous | mises | 3.9% [20.6 | 036 | 9:3 068 [Lonisville..s...eee 357,043 190.981 80.2 29.1 | 163.822|| 6,801 un9| 9,quf us, | 18,259 | 33,292 1,510 | /18,037 | 4.2 In Ase 51,299 5.403 [78.2 | 21.9 20,542 3,287 70 1,03% 5,948 1.953 3.% 15 1,958 [16.0 Clark=010....... 23,578 11,426] 78.7 18.3 8,879 2,065 ug 451 2,257 762 1,2ks 1,106 oly |23.3| 13 7.1 Floyd=022....... 27,721 13.971| 771.8 24, 11,663 1,222 21 583 3,691 1,191 2,291 1,65 1,014 [10.5 9| 6.0 In Ky.=160ueceees 305,744 | 165,584 | 80.5 30.2 | 143,280 3,514 2u9| 8,677] 39.945 | 16,306 | 29.756 | 28,754 | 16,019 | 2.5 Jefferson=056... 305,744 | 165,584 80.5 30.2 | 143,2%0( 3,51 249| 8,677) 39.945 | 16,306 | 29,756 | 28,754 | 16,079 | 2.5 | 636 | 7.8 vy Rs ’ . 069 [Macomseesceeeceenes 63,900 | 37.608| 81.9 39.4 31,338 1,537 173] 1.400 7.239 3.027 5,984 5.370 6,608 | 4.9 Ga.=10 . Bibb=Ollessoaees 63,900 | 37,608| 81.9 39.4 31,338 1,537 173| 1,400 7.239 3,027 5.984 | 5,370 6.608 | 4.9 6| 8.6 070 alison, sessxssrres 102,442 54,435 77.8 29.3 48,953 9,28 32 2,34k 6.581 | © 2,43 8,899 12,041 7.024 119.0 Wis, =lU8 Dane=0l3..e...eo 102,442 | S4,u35( 77.8 29.3 48,953 9,289 32) 2,34 6,581 2,743 8,899 | 12,041 7.024 119.0 | 636 |1k.1 O71 [Manchester......... 114,898 65,071 78.8 36.0 54,132 2,543 92 2,214 25,598 2,353 8,565 8,151 4,616 | 4.7 ,H.=28 ” Hillsborough<006 114,898 | 65,071 | 78.8 36.0 54,132 2,543 92 2,214] 25,598 2,353 8,565 8,151 4,616 | 4.7 15 {19.6 072 i 283,436 | 162,570 82.8 34.3 140,558 11,724 110 8,530] 25,107 13,621 3,87 26,85 22,754 | 8.3 Tenn. =ll 4 3he1by=0T9:...-« 283,436 | 162,570 82.8 3n.3 140,558 11,724 110 8,530 25,107 13,621 31,817 26,895 22,754 | 8.3 | 0636 | 6.6 O73 Mami......isserces 219,201 | 123,320] 78.7 34.8 | 111,002 5,158 148| 10,518 7.879 | | 8,195 | 28,562 | 31.496 | 19.046 | 4.6 Fla. ¥ i 219,201 123,3201 78.7 34.8 | 111,002 5,158 18| 10,518 1.879 8,195 | 28,562 | 31,496 | 19,046 | 4.6 | 036 | 6.9 21 Table 2 TABLE 2—SELECTED DATA FOR METROPOLITAN AREAS AND METROPOLITAN 2 Part 3 - Housing Bias tagtonshaniam (08) = COUNTIES—Continued — —e HOUSING—1940 - . : ; ; : Nonfarm Rural Farm All Dwelling Units Occupied Dwelling Units Dwelling Unite Dwelling Units EL METROPOLITAN el Metro. AREAS, : _ Area COUNTIES, Median Plones Code AND Residential Percent | Percent Per. | Percent | ober Per- CODES structures in5or | with | Percent id wh . of Avge cout Paces: In b more private wit! mechan- monthly wit wit Number family | bathtub | electric Number Syne ical portant Number rent Number run- | electric struc- or | lighting vid refrig- | |e (dollars) ning | lighting tures shower eration hold water a3) &) as) 09) an ay ™) ®) . “n) @) “@) “w) “) “9 “n 055 mt ingies dana 42,415 49,003 3.8 : 1 47,490 | Lu.g9 Lg. k 3.50 41,683 22.54 7.320) 7.6] 25.4 20, lk 5 Ir BY.=dBovnsiee ss 10,157 11,280 2.2 56.3 82.5 10,956 | Bu.7 19.8 TL | .10,WL8 | 20.58 5 9.5 37.2 RT 10,157 11,280 2.2 56.3 82.5 10,956 | Lu.7 49.8 37 = 10,4k8 20.58 832 | 9. 37.2 5.165 11,216 11,896 0.7 29.9 60.7 11,430 | s1.2 21.1 3.62 8,318 1h.47 3,578 | 5.4 20.C 3,330 11,216 11,896 0.7 29.9 60.7 11,430 | 51.2 27.1 3.62 8,318 14.47 3,678 5.4 20.0 3.330 21,042 25,827 5.0 63.6 83.5 25,104 | k2.1 57.4 3.37 22,917 26.43 2,910 9.7 28.7 11,9L8 Cabell-006.. 21,042 25,827 6.0 63.6 83.5 25,104 | 42.1 57.4 3.37 22,911 26.43 2,910 | 9.7 28.7 11,948 056 |Indianapolis....... 101,587 136,877 12.1 65.11 97.5 131.060 | k1.0 5h.1 3.03 133,469 | 28.31 3,408 | 41.2 | 89.9 85,719 Ind.-13 Marion-04g...... 101,587 136,877 12.1 05.1 97.5 131.660 | 41.0 54.1 3.03 133,469 28.31 3,k08 | W1.2| 89.9 85,719 _ 057 22,315 27 .,4ok 2.6 3.4 56.9 26,921 | 30.3 30.3 3.40 19.956 24.00 7.448 5,8 1:1 1,13 22,315 27 ,4ok 2.6 34.4 56.9 26.921 | 30.3 30.3 3.% 19,956 24.00 7.lks 5.3 Ta) 11,113 058 |Jacksonville....... 45,592 57.816 1.2 62.5 80.0 £8,165 | 35.7 37.5 3.271 56,316 22.711 1,500 | 42.7 47.7 25,980 Fla.=09......0..0 Duval-016.. 45,592 57,816 1.2 62.5| 80.0 55,165 | 35.7 37.5 3.27 56.316 | 22.77 1,500 | k2.7 47.7 25,980 059 |Johnstown.......... 38,517 Lg, 240 3.9 ¥6.3| 92.7 48,512 | 43.6 38.7 3.92 46,010 | 19.72 3,23 | 37.2] 56.5 16,936 Pa.-37 Cambria~Oll..... 38,517 Lg, 240 3.9 46.3 92.7 hg ,m12 | L3.6 38.7 3.92 46,010 19.72 3,230 | 37.2 56.5 16.936 060 |Knlamaz00.......... 26,026 29,768 3.7 60.6 v5.5 27.504 | 58.7 56.3 3.12 25,870 28.19 3.898 | 38.5 80.6 19,649 Mich.=21 Kalamaz00-039... 26,026 29,768 3.7 60.6 95.5 27.564 | 58.7 56.3 3.12 25.870 28.19 3,898 | 38.5 80.6 19,649 061 |Knneas Citles...... 148,82 209,158 20.8 66.5] 95.7 194,740 [ ko.1 51.2 2.90 200,253 25.04 8,905 | 33.4 | 63.2] 125,533 In Kansas-15..... ei 52,176 ZF 52.5 93.2 50,237 | 50.5 55.9 313 TT. 780 Re T,¥56 | 30.2 | Bb5.0 30.717 Johnnon-0lb..... 9,994 10,237 0.4% 54.0 85.1 9,686 | 64.1 58.5 3.07 7.552 30.9 2.685 | 27.3 57.9 10,335 Wyandotte-105... 36,834 L1,939 3.4 51.9 95.2 40,551 | H2.2 55.3 3.4 40,228 18.36 1,711 | 34.7 17:2 20,442 IM MHo.-Mainrsens 101,905 156,982 26.7 1.2 ab.b 144,503 | 35.0 57.6 2.82 152,k73 26.51 4,509 | -36.6 61.0 9%,756 Jackson-QUg. .... 101,998 156,082 26.7 n.2 96.6 144,503 | 35.0 57.6 2.82 152,473 26.51 L,509 | 36.6 61.0 94,756 062 |Knoxville.......... 34,836 5,483 5.3 “u3.e| 79.4 43,990 | W4.2 40.3 3.55 38,542 | 20.21 6.981 | 17.4 | U3. 19,7138 Tenn.-41 Enoxe=0lT.couue.. 38,236 Ls Lg3 5.3 L3.g 79.4 43,990 | uk.2 Lo.3 3.55 38,542 20.21 6,941 17.4 43.1 19,738 063 Lg, 629 56,950 2.4 57.6 89.5 55.376 | 51.8 46.6 3.88 46,819 25.21 10,131 | 4.6 68.6 29,921 Ly ,629 56,950 2.k 57.6 89.5 55,376 | 51.8 46.6 3.88 46,819 25.21 10,131 | 4.6 68.6 29,921— 08 [Lamaine. 12,920 38.451 u.3 65.3] 97.6 36.69% | 56.1 | se.2 | 3.16 3.395 | 3102), N.og6| 38.7 | e859] 29.099 oh, : 3 Inghan-033...... 32,020 38,491 L.3 05.9 97.6 36,894 | 5¢,1 56.2 3.16 34,395 31.12 4,096 38.7 88.9 29,099 065 [Lincolm....\v....us 24,609 30,844 13.1 68.0 92.3 29,129 | us. 62.2 2.97 27,606 25.70 3,236 | 20.8 41.1 20,€71 Nebr.-26 Lancaster-05h. .. 24 ,h09 30, ELL 13.1 65.0 92.3 29.129 | 44.1 62.2 2.97 27.606 25.70 3.238 | 20.8 ba 20,871 Oboe [Little Kock........ 36,120 L3,567 6.1 Lg.2 72.4% 2,112 | 39.0 L3.7 3.01 38,193 19.70 5.37% | 11.8 28.3 19,845 Ark.-03 Pulaski-060..... 36.120 43,567 6.1 Lg.2 72.4 L2,112 | 39.0 L3.7 3. 38.193 19.70 5.37% | 11.8 28.3 19,8L45 067 [Los Aieles salen 7%0,¢96 | 1,010,550 16.3 90.0 99.1 934,029 | 40.4 ol.2 2.67 995,223 33.19 15,327 | 91.9 | 92.9] 6ok,2W1 Calif.-0 Los Angeles-019. 706 04g 961,531 16.8 90.2 99.2 £35807 40.0 bl.b 2.66 haa 33.60 10,402 | 90.7 91.7 586,060 Orange-030...... L3, 9k 49,019 s.L 85.9 98.0 1,027 | 49.1 54.0 2.78 L,09 24.30 Ae925 | 9h. 95.5 18,781 068 |Loutsville........ . 99,L0y 130,827 9.0 58.01 091.3 124,814 | 42.0 51.4 3.12 122,964 24.22 7.863 | 22.1 57.84 - 71,724 In Ind.-13. ¥ T7662 15.733 TY 0.6 19.3 ~ 18,666 | 53.7 3 13 W008 | 16.87 | 3,585 | 10.3 | L0.2 10,120 Clark-010.. 8,470 9,1k1 0.8 32.8 72.4 8,5k4 | 5U.3 34.1 3.20 . 1.074 15.46 2,067 9.1 33.8 4,113 Floyd-022....... 9.192 10,452 1.k 47.0| 85.3 10,102 | 53.3 ig.3 3.07 8,934 17.99 1,518 | 12.0 | Le. 6,007 In By .-164ucurssn 81,747 | , 111,234 10.4 61.1 93.k 106,168 | Lo.0 53.1 3.12 106,956 25.32 L278 | 32.0 | 72.5 61,604 Jef ferson-0%6... R1,747 111,23 10.4 61.1 93.4 | , 106,166 | 40.0 53.1 3.12 106,956 25.32 4,278 | 32.0 72.5 61,604 06S: “Macon... funy 18,221 23,848 4.6 36.2 62.6 23,159 | 24.5 34.5 1.12 22,353 14.20 1,495 | 23.5 36.3 11,848 Oa.-10 * Bibb-Oll. nnn. 18,221 23,848 L.6 36.2 62.6 23,159 | 24.5 . 34.5 3.12 22,353 14.20 1,495 | 23.5 36.3 11,848 070 |Mndison............ 29,153 37.510 11 60.1| 9u.1 35,372 | 49.1 60.2 3.25 30,913 | 38.08 6,601 | 19.1 | 73.3 28,231 Wis, Lg Dane~013 29,163 17,514 1-7 00.1 9k.1 35.372 | 49.1 60.2 3.25 30,013 38.08 6,601 | 19.1 73.3 28,231 071 |Manchester.. 26,854 u2,797 16.4 73.9 93.0 39,180 | M1.2 4.5 3.20 39,K25 22.17 2,972 | 56.6 71.5 21,343 N. H.-28 Hil] eborough-006 26,854 L2,797 16.4 71.9 93.0 39,180 | Ll.2 L1.5 3.20 39,825 2. 2,972 | 56.6 7.5 21,343 v7? 72.619 99,413 11.9 43.6 74.6 96,769 | 31.7 38.7 3.12 89,629 21.49 9,784 | 18.0 33.9 53.931 72.619 99,413 11.9 u3.6 74.6 96,769 | 31.7 38.7 3.12 89,609 21.49 9:84] 18.0 33.9 53.931 073 64,723 90,472 20.3 CRY 90.0 75.934 | b1.b 00.8 2.93 88,792 38.56 1,680 | 51.1 61.2 37.599 bl, 72% 90,472 20.3 79.4 90.0 75.934 | L1.L 60.8 ? 2.93 88,792 38.56 1,680 | 51.1 61.2 37.599 TABLE 2—SELECTED DATA FOR METROPOLITAN AREAS AND METROPOLITAN COUNTIES—Continued Table 2 Part 4 - Agriculture Huntington-Ashland (055) - £ (Figures which have been rounded to thousands will not necessarily add to totals) Miami (078) re AGRICULTURE—1945 - AGRICULTURE—1940 Value of farm products sold, | Principal Per- f Value of r Work power traded, or used by source of Per- sent am properly farm household farm income | Type- METROPOLITAN . cent pre = P oe of- Rural Metro. AREAS, Number of | Land in | Cropland | Number | of | Lip ercent from farming-| level rea | © COUNTIES, farms farms rvested | of farms | farms | (je x Number . area gl AND (1000's | (1000's oper- | Total ver- of A : Live- code lini CODES Jan. 1, of of April 1, | ated poe 0) Io 38 | horses | Number (1000": stock Code ? (See fring : 194 acres) acres) 1940 by ( 3 | andlor of s| and See |" incex ucts of ly of live cent | P43 ten- | Joss mules | tractors doll ive- | Crops | paz) anbs dollars) | (dol- ver 3 ollars) | stock than ars) oe old) prod- $400 ucts 48) “9) (0) [)] (2) 33) (54) (55) (6) GD (8) (9) (60) (61) (62) (63) (64) 5,983 387 6 5.695 19.8] 69.4 16,780 |2,946 6.268 167 2,802| 138.8) 25.6 1,011 10 &37| 25.9| 68.8 3.171 (3,78 21 503 | 63.4 5.2 2 [35.7 1,011 85 10 837| 25.9| 68.8 3.17147 88h 21 503 63.4 5.2 2 [3.7 633| 718 In Ohio=34 2, ug 175 34 2,798) 17.8| 67.6 7,097 |2,536 3,158 96 1,322] 29.4 35. 0 [34.7 Lawrence=0llt 2, uh 1 34 2,798| 17.8 67.6 7.097 |2,536 3,158 96 1,322 29.4] © 35.1 0 | 34.7 -625| 84 In ¥, Va.=47. 2,528 146 24 2,060| 20.0| 712.2 6,512 3,161 2,226 50 977| 38.8] 23.1 o | 38.1 : Cabel1=006. 2,528 146 24 2. 20.0 72.2 6,512 (3,161 2,226 50 917| 38.8] 23. o [38.1 633 95 056 |Indianapolis.. 2,854 177 112 3,083] 26.2] 51.7 32,279 M470 3,874 1,115 3.641 39.4] m5 8 | 3.1 Ind.=13 < r+ Marion=OM9......| ° 2,854 177 112 3,083| 26.2| 51.7 32.219 hao 3.874 1,115 3.641 39.4] 51.5 8 [29.1 551 | 136 5,991 57 125] 6.396] 73.8] 56.5] 13.221(|2,067| 9.869 164] 3.033] 16.0] 2.8] 5 |u1.2 Binde=025....... 5,991 457 1235 6,396 | 73.8) 56.5 13,221 |2,067 9.869 164 3.133| 16.0 52.8 5 | 47.2 ™e| 68 058 Jacksogrilia. «soe 1,285 66 3 1,436) 15.9] 57.9 7.770 | aM11 569 ™ 1,817 66.1 18.2 2 [47.9 1a. Duval-016es...es 1,285 66 3 1,436 15.9| 57.9 7.770 [S411 569 ™ 1,817 66.1 18.2 2 | 47.9 124 | 104 059 |J BOOS oMls cv sons 3,057 188 7% 2,119 14.2] 47.3 10,789 (3,968 3.091 511 2,101 | 38.7| e8.0 0 | 5.8 Casbria=Oll..... 3,057 188 % 2,719] 1.2] u7.3 10,789 | 3,968 3.091 517 2,01 | 38.7 28.0 0 | 35.8 466 | 112 060 Ralanasse, o.enner 2,703 2715 135 2,909| 17.0 36.8 20,180 |6,937 5,103 1,041 3.38 | 51.0] 36.1 2 | 24.6 Mich.=21 Kalasaz00-039... 2,703 275 135 2,909 | 17.0| 36.8 20,180 (6937| 5,103 1,041 3,38 | 51.0] 36.1 2 | 246 542] 143 061 |Eansas Cities...... 1.707 622 4 7.479] 38.1[ Wh.3 72,140 [9,646 | 14.81 1,707] 10.358 58.1 0 . 3,810 327 112 3.611 rd L2.3 3.,557(9,570 7.8 959 623 55.6 3:3 2,276 267 pL 2,082| 43.1] 28.3 22,439 10, 778 5.758 758 3.3482| 57.9] 3M.0 2 | 28.3 581 | 152 Wyandotte=105... 1,534 60 28 1,529 | 26.7] 61.3 12,118(7,926 1,738 201 1,281 W9.8 37.3 2 [271.6 58 | 152 In Mo.=24eruunnes 3,897 295 132) 3,868 39.9 46.2 37.5839, 716 7.317 THE 5.575| 60.1 29.6 2 | 28.9 Jackson=0kS. .... 3,897 295 132 3,868| 39.9] u6.2 37,583|9, 116 1.317 Hg 5,575 60.1 29.6 2 | 28.9 581 | 137 062 A 5,208 237 is 5,033| 16.5| 69.5 24,409 | 4, 850 5,982 306 2,546 | u3.1| 23.6 0 | 32.8 ‘enn. =i 1 EnoxeOlTeecsonee 5,208 237 3 5,033| 16.5| 69.5 24,409 | 4,850 5,982 306 2,546 | 43.1] 23.6 0 | 32.8 633| 98 063 |Lancastory........o 8,823 509 360 8.M6| 25.4] 13.9 91,609 10846 | 21,138 3.462] 24,52, 51.1| Nob 5 | Mb Pa.=37 ~ Lancaster=036... 8,823 509 360 8,446 | 25.%| 13.9 91,609 NOSE | 21,138 3,462) 24,549 51.1| lo.M 5 | 3.4 463 | 128 064 Basetng, ssereichns 2,966 306 158 2,999| 21.2| 28.8 23,465 | 7.824 5,848 1,511 3.736 63.0 25.5 2 | 28.0 ech. > = Inghan-033...... 2,966 306 158 2,999| 21.2| 28.8 23,465 | 7,824 5,848 1,511 3,736| 63.0] 25.5 2 | 28.0 bl | 128 065 20818 ers Son 2.706 516 271 2,915| 52.3| 18.0 32,294 mP78 9,595 1,516 3.8811 50.0 39.4 5 136 Nebr. Lancaster=055... 2,706 516 in 2,915| 52.3| 18.0| 32,29%mo078| 9,595 1,516] 3,881 | 50.0| 39.4 5 | 36.1 511 | 11k 237 ge| wus | us.5| 57.2] au.634(3.266| 6.087 ar7| 3.378) mar] wg] 5 | 39.9 237 88 Lug | u8.5( 57.2] 14,63413,266| 6,047 er7| 3.318] Rn.) WI] 5 (3.9; TnI; 75 1,026 115 18,584 | 20.0 | 23.8| 376,475 20258 | 11,549 5.649 | 61,325| U45.9 52.2 Los Angeles=019.| 13,11h 679 2 12,475 | “24.6 22.6| 240,369 A268 9.608) 3.u37| 6.921 | 53.7] W.3| 2 [3.3] 122] 156 Orafige=030...... 5,621 347 147 6,109 10.7] 26.1 136,106 [2,280 1,941 e,212 14, hols 20.7 78.1 7:53.85 122 | 136 068 |Louisville.o..i.... 6,203 426 163 6,229 | 18.6 48.2 43,660 (7,009 | 10,851 1,20. 5,859 45,7 8.7 In Ind.=13ecsons 3,112 259 91 062 | 15.9] B2.3 TeoE 5.493 1 2,749 W9.2 .2 Clark=010....... 1,889 186 63 1.687| 19.1] 28.7 pa 511 3.6 41 2,004 5L.M| Bu 5 | 29.8 626 | 104 Tloyd=022....... 1,223 Ts 27 1,375] 11.9 59.0 1953 | 3.602 1,8 203 43.21 33.6 2 | 23.3]. 626] 105 In Ky.=160u0rsnes 3,091 166 bed 3,167 21.3| 53.9 29,5789,339 5,358 587 3,110 k42.5| k2.7 2 | 2.5 Jefferson=056. .. 3,001 166 3 3,167| 21.3] 53.9 29,578] %339 5.358 587 3,110 |, 42.5 k2.7 2. |a5 626 | 131 069 Maen ons 212009: 951 = 24 829| 139.1 50.2 3.620 | 4,367 1,157 2) 926| 39.6 43.5 2 | 29.7 BibbeOll........ 951 ™ 24 829; 39.1| 50.2 3.620 | 4,367 1,157 0 926 39.6 43.5 2 | 29.7 719 98 070 MadR085 cs cuss eives -5,678 126 415 5.835! 39.5 7.1 72,123 12360 19.180 3.475 12,537 Th.2 15.1 2 |Ww.7 Be Dane=013ess..os 5,678 126 415 5.835| 39.5| 7.1 72,123 (12360 | 19,180 3.75] 12,537 Th2| 15. 2 | ko.7 412 | 135 o71 |M = Ra teres 2,927 269 59 2,607) 4.9 38.1 12,399 [4 756 1,653 548 4¥,172| T.6| 11.8 3 |%.0 Eillsboroungh=006| 2,927 269 s9| 2.607] %.9| 38a] 12,399|u7%6| 1.653 sug] var2| m.6| 1.8] 3 |w.0| use| 1x 072 (Memphis... oo... 7,514 37 147 7.785] 63.5] u7.2| 34.245(m399| 12,373 390] 5.305] 24.6] s.r) 5 [47.3 enn, - : Shelby=0T9...... T5014 | © 347 147 7.785| 63.5| 47.2 3.245) 4399 12,373 3% 5.305| 2u.6| 54.7 5 | 47.3 ™e| 83 073 ie ad 1,159 18 23 1,439] 385.3) 43.9 14,775 0, 268 558 ugh 5,663] u2.4| 56.2 2 | 35.0 3 a ” Dade=®l3........ 1,159 18 23 1,439] 35.3) 43.9 1,775 10268 558 hes 5,663 lu2.4 56.2 2 | 35.0 a | 119 29 N EE ER TR TT I TN TET fey Sei : +A 4 g 7, / . 3 A Bw NE \ 2 ’ BT + : : Table 2 ) TABLE 2—SELECTED DATA FOR METROPOLITAN AREAS AND METROPOLITAN Part § = Industry gy 7 : a raw COUNTIES—Continued ~ : Huntingten-Ashland (055) - ef \ Mami (073) : (All dollar figures have been rounded to thousands and will not necessarily add to totals) we wa E MANUFACTURING ESTABLISHMENTS—1939 MINERAL INDUSTRIES—1939 RETAIL ESTABLISHMENTS—1939 2 N i 1 Be METROPOLITAN ? 4 Mel ones, | Value added ’ » Area ; alue a : : x a Code AND Wage Wages Value of by monafoc- Value of | Number Wael and Sales Active Employees Pay roll 0g Numbe: earners ) products roducts of salaries | Number of 1000s of (average 1000's of : CODES umber (1000's of ) ture 4 ) ( 5.0 pro ¢ ( s ol 5 (average dollars) (1000's of |. (1000's of (1000s of | persons +| (1000s of | stores dollars). iprietors or dollars) : = for year) dollars) dollars) dollars) engaged | dollars) year) ? a ¢ ©) ©) on SC) @) a) an a) @®) ay a) as) an 055 |Huntington-Ashland, 168 11,045 14,554 86,892 38,598 1,475 611 679 2,237 53,011 1,953 6,131 5,510 5 In Ky.-16........ 31 3,597 6,059 39,198] 12,166 573 237 1] 558 12,155 SI] LI T,5% Re Boyd-010,.. . 31 3,597 6,059 39,198 12,466 533 122 81 568 12,155 541 1,416 1,226 hi In Ohio=34eecenss 37 1,700 1,860]: 8,279 4yT43 608 363 - 340 508 8,154 454 834 664 hy . Lawrence=044.... 37 « 1,700 1,860 8,279 4,3 608 363 340 508 8,154 454 834 664 i : In W. Va.-47..... 100 5,748 6,635 39,415 21,389 33% 126 258 1,161 32,702 958 | 3,881 3,620 Fe Cabel1l-006...... 100 5,748 6,635 39,415 21,389 334 126 258 1,161 32,702 958 3,881 3,620 b A 3 056 I alle, teense 818 38,838 48,139 294,512 139,153 458 158 306 5,790 197,234 4,855 26,526 26,157 tg / Marion-049... 818 38,838 £48,139 294,512 139,153 458 158 306 5,790 | 197,234 | 4,855 | 26,526| 26,157 i, v J 3 E . 057 |JackSOMuss.eessesns 113 2,860 1,893 20,058 8,171 (2) (2) (1) 9%8 31,978 763 | 4,564 3,773 a Miss,-2 . 7 ve Hinds-025 4000s 13 2,860 1,893 20,058 8,171 (Ey Sd Eo (2) 9%8 31,978 763 | 4,564 3,773 ¢ 058 |Jacksonville....... 249 7.7 6,271 53,145 25,018 2,584 77,628 | 2,126 | 10,306 9,241 > Fla.-09 . 7 i Duval-016....0us 249 7,711 6,271 53,145) ' = 25,018 2,584 77,628 2,126 | 10,306 9,241 A 059 | JohnStown..uuuseses 133 14,191 19,057 102,060 36,151 30,649] 18,223 21,873 2,110 59,856 1,882 6,820 5,994 3 Pa,-37 a = Cambria-01l..... 133 14,191 19,057 102,060 36,151 30,649) © 18,223 21,873 2,110 59,856 1,882 6,820 5,994 y i 060 |Kalomazes.,.....eos 179 11,025 14,291 92,244 45,935 (1) (1) (1) 1,296 £41,096 1,195 4,408 hyhlT Mich,-21 Kalamazoo=039... 179 11,025 14,291 92,244 45,935 (2) (1) (1) 1,206 £41,096 1,195 4,408 Lyd? 061 |Kansas Cities. secsse 999 35,746 44,528 445,926 136,167 1,121 Addy 547 9,113 286,051 8,017 37,265 35,844 In Kansas-15..... LE 9,696 12,013 177,531 34,174 505 189 215 2,4404 13,640 2,300 | 4,626 3,937 Br Johnson=046...44 15 102 103 570 230 99 53 38 486 5,939 451 635 438 : Wyandotte-105.,, 133 9,59 12,810 176,961 33,944 406 136 in 1,954 37,701 1,849 3,991 3,499 ed : 2 IN Mo, «2s. "onsen 851 26,050 31,615 268,395 101,993 616 255 332 6,673 | © 242,411 5,717 | 32,639] 31,007 Jackson=-048...40 851 26,050 31,615 268,395 101,993 616 255 332 6,673 242,411 5,717 32,639 31,907 Bw 067 | Enoxvilie,.ieereaas 190 14,893 11,834 60,753 29,429 2,429 1,278 1,352 1,808 56,408 1,496 7,754 | = 6,346 : 2 Tenn, -41 Knox=047s«.eeees 190| 14,893 11,834 60,753 29,429 2,429 1,278 1,352 1,808 56,408. 1,496 | 7,754 6,346 ’ 4 063 | Lancaster...es...ss 21 21,me| © 25,115 131,382 65,82, 703 294 227 4,02 72,543 3,761 7,845 6,938 : Pa.-37 4 SE Lancaster,036... 3) 27,718 25,115 131,382 65,824, 703 204 227 4,024 72,543 3,761 7,845 6,938 064 | Lansing..veeeessess 129 12,768 (1) (2) (1) 114 23 27 1,576 | 455,230 1,368 | = 6,805 6,855 Mich,-21 oe Ingham=-033..444s 129 12,768 (1) (2) (1) 114 23 27 1,576 55,230 1,368 6,805 6,855 7 : * 065 Lin00Nn a sksasnnere 125 1,675 1,765 14,946 7,062 (1) (2) (1) 1,235 41,006 1,030 5,659 5,014 = Nebr ,=2 & E \ Lancaster=055.., 125 1,675 1.765 14,946 7,062 (1) (1) (1) 1,235 41,006 1,030 5,659 5,014 & 066 | Little Rockiessosss 12 4,576 3,386 28,764 10,124] 955, 237 210 2,124 50,774 1,832 6,493 5,700 B Ark,.-03 rig 3 Pulaski=060..440 142 4,576 3,386 28,764 10,124 955 237 210 2,124 50,774 1,832 6,493 5,700 ° Fa 067 | Los Angeles........| 5,727| 128,504 168,758] 1,238,947 520,781 23,200 2,170 3,823 | 46,776 | 1,364,609 | 42,894 | 150,467| 172,922 = Calif,=04 . 3 Los Angeles-019,| 5,504| 126,391] 166,630] 1,219,43% 512,527 18,941) 1,847 3,916 | 44,505 | 1,314,497 | 40,710 | 145,505| 167,820 ms > Orange=030.cse0s 133 2,113 2,128 19,513 8,254 4,259 323 ; 507 2,271 50,112 2,184 44962 5,102 i > 068 | Louisvillé.eesacoss 669 35,174 234,329 2315,758 £116,747, © 3896 3330 8418 5,6 152,668 4,938 1€,910 17,681 ’ In Ind.=13..e0.e.| © 85 7; 060 2,113 11,230 %, 82 I 2 55 5 UO 1,54 1,185 Clark=010.. 27 1,504 (1) (1) (1) 196] 62] 65 402 5,286 388 545 390 as: Floyd=022.cevsas 58 2,5 2,113 11,230 4,842 (1) (2) (1) 562 8,598 552 999 795 : : In K¥e=16euuaanes 584, 31,1141 32,216 304 ,528 111,905] * 700) 268 353 4,675] 138,784 3,998 | 17,366 | 116,496 i Jefferson-056. .. se 31,11 32,216 304,528 111,905 700, 268 353 4,675 138,784 | 3,998 | 17,366 | 16,49 A 069. | M800. vos eenrsave 101 6,248 3,811 28,328 11,111 249 mn 50 1,036 26,826 855 3,891 2,994 Be Ga,.~10 Bibb=01l.iveseces 101 6,248 3,811 28,328 11,111 249 7 50 1,036 26,826 855 3,891 2,994 070 | Madisom.....sseess 259 £4,082 5,476 47,078 18,940] 104 27 46 1,034 58,625 1,677 | . 6,708 6,691 i Wis.-48 ¢ & Dane=013,..0csee 259 4,082 5,476 47,078 18,940] 104] 27 46 1,934 58,625 1,677 6,708 6,691 071 | Manchester..eeessse 245 22,28, 20,966 103,898 43,488] 98| 50. A 2,091 56,385 1,783 6,305 6,010 : N. H,-28 : x Hillsborough=-006 245 22,284 20,966 103,898 43,488] 98 50 4d 2,091 56,385 1,783 6,305 6,010 La : 072 | Memphis.eeeuseeeess 378 18,225 16,358 168,756 57,792 253 101 118 3,897 140,595 3,565 | 17,726 15,555 [3 Tenn.=41 + Shelby=079.. sees 378 18,225 16,358 168,756 57,792] 253 101 118 3,897 140,595 3,565 | 17,726 15,555 Baty 077 | Miswtinss, crneiaves] 2322 3,545 3,631 22,995 13,526) 868 278 300 4y624| 137,605 3,942) 17,204 | 37,004 Ke Fla.-09 Be Ee : Dade~0134sessane ‘321 3,545 3,631 22,995 13,526) 868| 278] 300 4,624 137,605 3,942 17,114 17,144 i u 1Not shown because of -iisclosure of operations of individual establishments. gy 2Excludes Clark County (ClO) in Indiana, for which data are not shown separately. Bs 3Excludes Floyd County (022) in Indiana, for which data are not shown separately. \ BE 30 orerations of indivi dual establishments. Cabell County (008), W. Va., includes establishments for Huntington city only. hey involve disclosure of Sales of two establishments in Cabell County outside . ~ ’ ' TABLE 2—SELECTED DATA FOR METROPOLITAN AREAS AND METROPOLITAN Mle COUNTIES—Continued er Peele ? Huntington-Ashland (055) - (All dollar figures have been rounded to thousands and will not necessarily add to totals) Miami (073) Oe SERVICE ESTABLISHMENTS—1939 BANK Divosiis free Major war supply Major war facilities G40-Sept $5 Jose 1940-Sept. 1945 Jue a 1 une 1945 METROPOLIT AN : Bond (1000's of ollars) dollars) Metro. ~AREAS, sales Atea| COUNTIES, |Number LL i Employees} px Total : (1000's of Code AND of Sales of Recei ts Active ven Pay roll (demand Time dollars at CODES estab- | (1000's of | estab- | (1000's |proprie- Tot 1000's | and fe (1000s |issue price) lish- | dollars) lish- | of dollars) | tors yer) of dollars) | (1000s | of dollars) ments ments of dollars) Combat Other Industrial | Military equipment i (8) 9 (80) (81) 83) 34) . (85) (86) (87 (88) ._(® (90) on 055 |Huntington-Ashland. 26 157,707 647 3,123 665 1,0 v 951 11 16,949 11,490 12.8 High 1,366, ¥. cy 55 15,705 177 TH] 187 2 198 17,812 L,237 3,173 5,2 17,617 19,57 ug 15,705 177 7 187 243 198 17,812 4,237 3,17 5,284 17,617 19,576 28 2,095 129 326 133 78 63 7.347 2,907 1,k! 6,829 10,938 47,145 28 2,095 129 326 133 78 63 7,347 2,907 1,404 6,829 10,938 7,145 186| 139,907 34 2,050 345 752 690 Lo, 352 9,805 6,913 60,345 82,831 L645 Cabel1-006. 186 139,907 3m 2,050 35 752 690 10,352 9,805 6,913 60, 345 82,831 4,645 056 |Indianapolis....... g72 377,524] 2,929 18,442 2,856 6,518 6,214 417,676 102,478 57,252] 2,323,182 181,607 179,024 7.18 Ind.-13 F i Marion-O49...... 872) 377,524] 2,929 18,uk2| 2,856 6,518 6,214 417,676] 102,478 57,252] 2,323,182 181,607 179,024 7.18 057 | Jackson....... 154 38,090 368 2,510 379 1,169 838] ~ 50,119 11,627 6,977 ] 8,248 9.912 Miss.-23 Hinds-025. . 154% 38,090 368 2,510 3719 1,169 838 50,119 11,627 6,977 8,248 9,912 058 |Jacksonville....... 417 152,476 845 6,765 756 3,662 2,503 188,023 39,906 22,920 1k48,879 5,763 23,695 69,610 Fla.-09 Duval-016 ve Sees u17| 152,476 845 6,765 756 3,662 2,503] 188,023 39,906 22,920 148,879 5,763 23,695 69,610 059 |Johnstown..... 145 25,683 681 2,513 701 686 551 58,014 26,696 15,483 “327 he, 77s). wepel oo Pa.-37 1 » Cmria-011. een 145 25,683 681 2,573 701 686 551 58,014 26,696 15,483 327 46,775 4,929 060 134 23,311 488 2,514 492 679 718 55,293 20,884 8,450 121,763 3,44 356 134 23,311 488 2,514 492 679 718 55,293 20,884 8,450 121,763 3,hk 356 061 1,715| 817,582] 4,241 28,571] 4,187 10,026) “~ 9,685] 160! 99,755 74%,9%0 1,733,260 BE 26,80) 13.00 : . 185 51,235 763 3.1 7 915 799 76,425 28,581 17,793 923,111 +3 ' 13,330 = iy 1,638 129 328 133 78 Ly 11,554 2,49 ,222 13,200 Wyandotte-105... 139 49,597 634 2,806 657 837 755 ,871 26,087 1k,511 923,114 532 Ly 468 131 In Mo.-24........| 1,530 766,347 3,478] 25,437] 3,397 9,111 8,886] 462,18 71,174 57,147 810,146 1 162, 364 1,976 Jackaon-OhS. .... 1,530] 766,347) 3.478] 25,437 3,397 9,111 8,886] 162,180 T1174 57,147 810,146| 142 bi 162,364 1,976 062 |Enoxville........ .e 22k 67,461 ! 582 4,391 550 1,924 1,506] 104,542 32,956 20,715 18,372 67,629 4,93 1,359 Tenn.-U1 Knox-0M47...cue.. ‘ 224 67,461 582 4,391 550 1,924 1,506 104,542 32,956 20,715 18,372 67,629 4,930 1,359 063 TAncaetsr.. oauuns . 304 58,777] 1,065 4,035| 1,106 993 896] 17,042 53,147 12,973 92,946 85,575 10,320 9,353 Pa.~37 A Lancaster-036... 304 58,7771 1,065 4,035| 1,106 993 896] 131,042 53,147 12,973 92,946 85,575| * 10,320 9,353 O64 | Lansing............ 168 34,051 519 2,943 515 899 911 11,403 27,6% 21,466| 1,052,885 44,120 55,234 Mich.-21 Ingham-033...... 168 34,051 519 2,943 515 899 911 77,403 27,630 21,466| 1,052,885 44,120 55,234 065 Hada, Gosabyn . 183 35,434 552 3,138 533 1,152 997 55,948 8,997 11,124 »,079 4,316 5,139| 17,861 Nebr.-~2 3 Lancaster-055... 183 35,434 552 3,138 533 1,152 997 55,948 8,997 11,124 3,079 4,316 5,139| 17,861 066 | Little Bock....... . 283 77.388 810 4,937 821 2,016 1,595 78,734 14,028 15,048 126,330 10,761 k2,321 26,749 Ark.-03 ; Pulaski-060..... 283 17,388 810 4,937 821 2,016 1,595 78, TH 14,028 15,048 126,330 10,781 42,321 26,749 067 | Los Angsten cenenns .| 6,294) 1,623,228 25,479] 166,431] 25,779] 49,808| 55.37} 3,426,137} 1,273,025 417,299] 8,383,428] 1,207,422 4ok,253| 183,226 Calif .~0! Los Angeles-019.| 6,110 1,585,624] 24,702! 162,833 24,961| 48,933] 54,510] 3,297,772 1,233,280] No3,M22| 8 350. 231 | 1,204,515 404,023] 108,066 Orange-0%0...... 184 37,60 177 3,548 as 7 87] 128,365 39,745 13,877 24,197 2,907 2%| 75,160 068 | Louisville........ 4 687| 220,908] 2,226] 13,296\ 2,162 5,181 4,542] 307,633 56,279 48,913 729,2% 131,210 6,658] 22,116 In Ind.-13 3 EEE 715 321 >1 169] 25,508 ae 11,811] 438,000 1.58 89,893] 6.912 Clark-010.. 2 18 1,458 105 229 108 75 hy 11,9% >t 10,124 437,824 160 189,899 6,912 Floyd-022...... 49 4,615 210 546 213 176 125 13,568 Looe 1,687 176 ie In Ky.=160cenaens 620 216,835) 1,911] 12,521] 1,84 4,930 4,373) 282,125 47,841 37,102 291,29 123,623 166,759 15,204 Jefferson-056... 620| 216,83) 1,911] 12,521] 1,84 4,930 4,373] 282,125 47,841 37,102 291,295 123,623 | 166,759) 15,204 069 | MBCOM...sureenrennn 97 24,565 270 1,974 261 1,001 659 43,253 8,820 6,713 17,080 4,718) 18,479 Ga.-10 Bibb-0ll........ 97 24,565 270 1,974 261 1,011 659 43,253 8,820 6,713 17,080 4,718 18,479 ¢70 Xetisos. Vheinusven 214 38,585 648 4,074 655 1,254 1,260 96,566 35,618 12,422 12,642 91,352 3,345) 17,839 Wis.- Dane-013....... : 214 38,585 Bug 4, 07H 655 1,254 1,260 96,566 35,618 12,422 12,642 91,352 3,345 17,839 071 |Manchester......... 135 29,803 783 3,670 782 1,299 1,018 127,685 9k, 405 9,703 13,74% 142,057. 533] 10,512 ¥, H.-28 Eillsborough-006 13% 29,803 783 3,670 182 1,299 1,018] 127,685 9k4,%05 9,703 13,746 142,057 533] 10,512 072 Hewghis, isleans . 700 435,232] 1,545 12,846] 1,555 5,700] -4,M5 227,272 59,432 28,898 198,057 129,279 47,770 69, hl enn. -41 Sheldby-079...... 700 435,232] 1,545 12,846 1,555 5,700 4,5 221,272 59,432 28,898 198,057 129,279 47,770 69, 1k 072 Maui... olson yuy 96,102] 1,724) 13,667] 1,596 4,997 4 784] 201,426 22,891 12,1325 42,902 24,483 4,156] 59,389 a.-09 -, Dade-013........ buy 96,102] 1,724 13,667] 1,596 4,997 4,784 201,426 22,891 32,325 42,902 24,483 4,156 59,389 Huntington are nob 31 in- Ar Ce A Table 2 Part 1 = Population Milwaukee (074) = TABLE 2—SELECTED DATA FOR METROPOLITAN AREAS AND METROPOLITAN COUNTIES Peoria (085) Ca TS g 5 TOTAL POPULATION POPULATION— 1940 EDUCATION VITAL g CIVILIAN ; > POPULATION Land | Pop- Total white Percent of METROPOLITAN U.S. area |ulation population 25 Metro. AREAS, rank in per years old and Area COUNTIES, Number of Percent 3 sq. over who have Code | xD. ’ Goalies change i mile Percent Ush Rural Rural completed— ercent| Apr |, 1B ol ™a0 | nonfarm | farm Bi Number change I 9 percen- 1930- | 1940 | 1940 Number total irths | Deaths tiles) | 1940 , . Nov. 1, 2 fou 5 or High 1943 1940- 1940 ation more | 50 1943 grades om ® 3) @ (5) ©) om ®) © (10) (1) 12) (13) (14) as) 18) 074 |Milwaukeesseeseasae 762,105 -0.6 766,885 5.7 239 08.7 757,267 | 98.,7| 705,672| 51,958 9,255 90.8 23.8] 14,378 7,902 Wis.-48 » Milwaukee-040...| 762,105 | -0,6| 766,885 0 5.7 239| 08.7] 757,267| 98.7| 705,672] 51,958 9,255] 90.8 23.8] 14,378] 7,902 075 | Minneapolis=St,Paul 902,612 “204 927,707 Qube 1,540 | 602.4 917,807| 98.9| 838,666| 50,073 38,968 ods 33.6] 19,248 9,284 Minn,=22 Ancka=002.04ss00 23,771 5.9 22,443 40 21.9 425 52.8 22,4121 99.9 12,461 2,79% 7,188 90,6 18.8 509 243 Hennepin=027,... 553,054 2.2 568,899 0 9.9 565 1,006.9) 563,496] 99.0| 522,830| 26,708 19,3614 94.8 36.00 11,557 5,650 Ramsey=062.¢00ss 299,842 =3.3 309,935 1 8,1 160 [1,937.1] 305,549 98. 293,729| 12,074| , 4,132 93. 31.0 6,685 3,128 > Washington-082,, 25,945 -1.8 26,430 33 6.8 390 67.8 26,350 99.7 9,646 8,497 8,287 93.4 21.8 497 263 5d e 6 Mobilesssessnaanees] 227,763 | 60.9) 141,974 19.9 1,248] 113.8 90,296 63.6) 84,804| 45,950 11,220] 76.0 22.4) 6,362] 2,426 be : Ala,-01 7) Mobile=049sseees| 227,763 | 60.9) 141,974 4] 19.9] 1,248] 113.8 90,296 63.6| 84,804| 45,950] 11,220] 76.0| 22.4] 6,362] 2,426 : 077 |Montgomery.........| 115,246 | 3.4] 114,420 16.0 790 | 144.8 57,082| 49.9 78,084| 11,869| 24,467] 71.7] 25.5] 2,781] 1,286 B Ala.=01 Ea v Montgomery-051..| 115,246 | 3.4] 114,420 5) 16.0 790 | 144.8 57,082| 49.9 78,084| 11,869| 24,467] 71.7| 25.5] 2,781 1,286 078 |Nashvillesesssseesns 261,258 1.6 257,267 15.4 532 | 483.6 200,454 | 77.91 167,402] 68,102 21,763 83.9 26.2 5,543 3,038 Tenn,=41 Davidson=019,,.. 261,258 1.6 257,267 2 15.4 532 | 483.6) 200,454 77.9] 167,402 68,102 | 21,763 83.9 26.2 5,543 3,038 0 079 |New Haven,u.eeesses| 477,763 | -1.4| 484,316 ; 4.5 609 | 795.3] 473,402| 97.7| 385,74| €6,434| 12,138] 86.2] 25.0] 9,om| 5,297 Conn, =| 2 * New Haven-005...| 477,763 | -1.4| 484,316 olcsus 609| 795.3 473,402) 97.7| 385,744| 86,434 12,138] 86.2] 25.0] 9,0m| 5,297 080 |New Orleans........| 58,181 | 7.3] 544,964 9.3 608| 896.3] 386,609] 70.9| 510,408] 33,000] 1,556] 78.0] 21.3] 13,897] 6,910 La,-17 3 } Jefferson-026,.. 62,734 | 24.4 50,427 13] 26.0 409| 123.3 41,834) 83.0] 15,871 33,000 1,556) 65.3] 15.1] 1,740 531 Orleans=036..... 521,447 5.5 494,537 0 7.8 199 (2,485.1 3h, TTS 69.7 494,537 79.1 21.9] 12,157 6,379 01 |nT.. Northeastern 4 172|3,641.310,878,250| 94.21 903 681] 603,105 43,546 3| 23.1] 193,412] 122 New Jersey 10,703,37. =7.1 11,550,332 7.1 3 . 2878, +2 11090 s . . 3 2439 InN, J.-29 DIE -1.4 | 3,040,770 2.8 2 2551. 4 2,89%,818| 95,212,751,2917 257,432 32,047 5:2 23.11 55,007 33,499 § Bergen=-002 420,086 2.5 5 1 12,2 233 (1,758.1 399,675] 97.6| 367,195| 40,336 2,115 89.6 28.2 7,620 3,995 & Es8ex-007ce0eess| 824,845 | -1.5] 837,340 o| 0.5 128|6,541.7] 767,926] 91.7| 820,174] 16,393 773) 85.5 26.1) 15,175] 9,31 Bla Hudson=009.ceeee 597,092 8.4 652,040 0 “5.6 45 [14,48 8) 635,583 | 97.5| 649,767 2,271 2 85.0 15.6] 10,740 7,070 gr Middlesex-012...| 224,139 3.5] 217,077 2 2.3 312| 695.8) 211,229 97.3| 173,867] 35,387 7,823] 83.3] 19.0] 4,024] 2,148 Be Monmouth=013.... 172,054 9.3 161,238 3 9.5 4771 338.0 146,989 | 91.2 83,955 4993 12,290 87.2 26.4 3,483 2,566 Morris=0lbessses 127,250 1.4 125,732 4 13.8 468] 268.7 122,445) 97.4 56,0511 62,219 7,462 89.9 28.8 2,326 1,997 Passaic-016.04.. 293,623 =5.1 309,353 1 2.4 194 11,594.46) 302,444 | 97.8] 293,639 14,650 1,064 82,2]. 15.2 5,143 3,230 Union-020,. 1.7 328,344 a 7.6 103 (3,187.8 308,527 94.0 306,643| 21,183 518 87.7 29.4 6,496 3,179 In KN, Y,-31, «9,2 | 8,509,562 8,9 1,212|7,021.1 7,983,432 93.8(8,152,390| 345,673 11,499 83.7 23.1) 138,405| 88,940 Bronx= ees] 1,267,297 -9.11 1,394,711 0 10.2 41134,017.3| 1,370,319] 98.3|1,394,71 81.8 19.2 (2) (1) 2 Kings=024eeesees| 2,410,952 | -10.5| 2,698,285 0 5.4 7138,00,0] 2,587,951| 95.9(2,698,28 774 18.4 (1) (2) Nassau=030.s.0e0 421,058 4.3 406,748 1 34.2 3001,355.9 393,213 | 96.7) 195,750| 207,179 3,819 90.9 31.9 8,152 4,05 New York=031....| 1,607,097 | -14.7] 1,889,924 of 1.2 22 (85,005.64 1,577,625| 83.5|1,889,9 8.5 27.4|1120,304| 178,120 Queens=041, of 1,259,292 -2.8 11,297,634 0 20,2 108 2,015.1 1,270,731| 97.9|1,297,634 92,2 22.0 (1) (2) Richmond=043eeso] 156,562 | 8.9] 174,441 3{ 10.2 5713,060.4] 170,875| 98.0| 174,441 90.1] 21.3 (1) (1) Rockland=044. 8,269. =7.9 Th ,261 8 24.6 178] 417.2 71,038| 95.7 21,724 49,244 3,293 75.8 21.6 1,102 1,158 Westchester-060, 519,983 -8.9 573,558 0 10.1 435 1,318.5] 541,680 | 94.4| 479,921 89,250 4,387 89.0 35.8 8,847 55607 082 Norfolk-Portsmouth~| 3 ? Newport News...| 505,119 | 57.1) 343,423 14.8 799] 429.8] 229,467] 66.8] 252,183] 71,714] 19,526] 80.6] 26.6] 13,081) 4,928 Va.-45 » Elizabeth City-028| ®55,281 | 299.9] 32,283 25| 62.8 56| 576.5 25,275| 78.3 3,503| 27,005 1,775) - 86.1] 33.4 587 308 Norfolk-065.....| 333,849 | 50.8] 3s.e28 2] 19. 364] “oB.al 23,375] 65.2 2601] 8137 76.4] 2.9] 2,893 536 . Princess Ame-077] 25,801 | 30.7 19,984 461 28.7 267| 74.8 12,234] 61.2 2,600] 9,740 T,6441° 71.6] “23.32 718 388 Warm ck-095. 14+ 27,158 | 198.7 9,248 9 47 71| 130.3 6,703 72.5 7,278 1,970] 82.4) 34.8 749 172 ¥ TUDEPENTENT CITIES Hampton-108..... (2) (2) 5,898 89 =7.6 1 5,898.0 4,146) 70.3 5,898 87.0 37.8 569 117 Newport News-113| 52,940 | 42.8 37,067 21 77 £419,266.8 21,772] 58.7| 37,067 78.5 23.4] 1,59 589 Norfolk city-114) (®) (2) 144,332 4 11.3 28 5,154.47 98,248 | 68.1] 144,332 81.9 28.6 4,127 1,982 Portsmouth-116. . (3) (3) 50,745 13] 11.0 6 [8,457.5 31,268| 61.6 50,745 80.2 22.3] 1,628 758 8. Norfolk-120.. (3) (3) 8,038 83 2.3 2 4,019.0 6,446 | 80.2 8,038 80.3| 16.4 214 78 083 Oklahoma City. eds 256,559 5.1 244,159 10.1 709 | 344.4 220,875] 90.5] 211,016] 17,634 15,509 91.4 39.2 5,858 2,255 Okla,-35 Oklahoma-055....| 256,559 | 5.1) 244,159 2{Z10.1 709 | 344.4] 220,875] 90.5| 221,016] 17,634] 15,509) 91.4] 39.2] 5,858 2,255 084 Omaha-Council Bluffs 302,527 ~3.5 314,318 3.8 1,281 | 245.4 301,503] 95.9] 265,283 | 25,443 23,592 93.1 33.1 6,217 | 2 ’ In Towa=1beeseoss 59,397 | =1L.0| 68,756 has GLE] 70.6] 88,200] 90.2 AL,L39| 9,5L[ 16,063] 95.1] 27.5] 1,313 78 Pottawattemie 078) 59,397 | -11.0] 66,756 0} 45 96 | 70.6] 66,209] 99.2] 41,439] 9,254] 16,063] 95.1] 27.6] 1,313 678 In Nebre-26....sef 243,130 | -1.4| 247,562 6.3 335 | 739.0] 235,294] 95.0| 223,844 | 16,189 - 7,529] 92.5| 3es| sio04| 2,621 Douglas-028...4. 243,130 “Led 247,562 2 6.3 335 739.0 235,294 95.0| 223,844] 16,189 75529 92,5 345 4,904 2,621 % 085 | PeoriBisessseeaenes| 199,525 | 5.2) 211,736 13.0 | 1,277] 165.8] 208,546) 98.5] 139,211| 50,202 22,323) 93.0] 26.1] 3,943 2,325 z 111.-12 . = Peoria-072.....a| 142,832 | -6.9| 153,374 3] ua. 626| 245.8] 150,212) 97.9) 109,463] 32,426] 11,485] 93.11 27.5] 2,700] 1,826 Tazewell-070.... 56,693 -2.9 58,362 1 26.6 653 89.4 58,3341 100.0 29,7481 17,776 10,838 92.9 22.0 1,153 © 499 ty = ag) B B Ee 32 1Births end deaths for five counties of New York city shown in New York County (031). 2Elizabeth City County (028) incTudes Hampton city (108). 2Norfolk County (065) includes Norfolk city (114), Portsmouth City (116), and South Norfolk city (120). BEF FET SE = ~F pps = = EE : : x 4 * Table 2 TABLE 2—SELECTED DATA FOR METROPOLITAN AREAS AND METROPOLITAN Part 2 - Labor Force " Milwaukee (074) - COUNTIES—Continued Peoria. (066) LABOR FORCE—1940 : sae Percent of Population 14 Years Old and Over Employed Workers by Industry Group Le Ere METROEOLIIAY : Tater 3 In leading Metro, AS, Business nonagri- Area COUNTIES Percent | Percent porta- and cultural Gost AND oe a : Con- Biull Whole- | personal Other In | industry # CODES Total In labor ae lt Total Agri- | Minin 2] sic Manufac- ota, sale and | services | “oT | agri- 1 force ! L employed || culture . turing retail exclud- cul- te] in tion an iy, reported a Code 2] labor | labor 3 other d at ie (See |Per- 4 force force i os Jog cent Be an [() (19) 20) : @n 22) 23) @ [5] (26) @n (28) @) @n | 3y | @ 3 O74 [Milwaukee..........| 608,828 | 326,94k 80.0 28.3 | 273,090 2,598 173 | 11,611 | 106,941 | 20,817| 54,817| 52,723| 23,410] 1.0 & Wis.~ he Milwaukee-OMO...| 608,828 | 326,944 80.0 28.3 | 273,090 2,598 173 | 11,611 p 106,941 | 20,817| 54,87 52,723] 23,40| 1.0] 1910.9 4 075 Nimuseyoliessy raul 751,060 | 405,024 78.3 31.5 | 340,242 11,503 286 | 16,195 7,23 34,478 86,097 81,698 38,754) 3.4 3 nn. = 5 17,111 | 8,205 15. 20.4 | 6,801 2,025 2 aus 1,463 bol | 1,119 9% 472] 29.7| 636| 6.7 Leh 64g | 253,uk2 78. 32.7 | 213,839 5.635 169 | 10,398 44,203 | 19,659 | 55,569 | 53,897| 24,3%09| 2.6| 636/10.0 Remeey-062......| 248,203 | 133,571 79.2 31.0 | 111,074 1,239 11 | 5,174 24,010 | 13,809 28,183| 25,671| 12,877| 1.1| 636(10.1 ¥ashington-082.. 21,10 9,806 69.6 18.1 8,519 2,604 4 378 1,555 516 1,226 1,1% 1,096] 30.6 636] 5.9 076 MgsiLe wo ramekins 106,528 58,681 81.0 31.3 49,500 2,856 52 3,489 10,837 6,766 8,830 7,668 9,002 5.8 ; ~ a. Mobile-049......| 106,528 | 58,681 81.0 31.3] 49,500 2,85 52 | 3,489 10,837 6,766 8,830 7,668 9,002| 5.8 25 7.0 E> 077 Beatgamery, esloivesin 86,287 48,506 77.4 36.6 42,500 6,99 97 2,016 4,782 3,062 6,964 6,385 12,208 | 16.4] a. Sy Montgomery-051.. 86,287 48,506 77.4 36.6 42,500 6,9% 97 2,016 4,782 3,062 6,964 6,385 12,204 16.4 3711.9 =k 078 Semniite, esd ..| 200,985 | 107,366 17.1 32.4 | 94,179 4,108 170 | 5,%7 21,884 8,325| 18,157| 20,154] 15,474 LU ; 33 enn, = Davidson-019.... 200,985 | 107,366 7.1 32.4 | 94,179 4,108 |. 170 | 5,907 21,884 8,325 | 18,157| 20,154| 15,474] W.M| 636| 8.7 od 079 You Ravens aes aes 390,938 | 221,083 81.0 32.9 | 193,231 4,010 196 | 8,389 87,898 | 12,837 31,501 32,204 | 16,202) 2.1 5 A onn. wi New Haven-005... 390.938 221,083 81.0 32.9 | 193,237 4,010 196 8,389 87,898 12,837 31,501 32,204 16,202) 2.1 1814.4 A 080 Say Grisaas ea 431,345 | 237,761 81.0 32.2 193,993 2,243 335 | 11,959 34,571 26,402 45,274 42, u56 30,7531 1.2 ; Jefferson-026... 36,864 | 18,968 81.h 21.5 | 16,681 1,048 130 | 1,136 5,573 1,852 2,739 2,001 2,202| 6.3 16] 8, 5g Orleans-036..... 394,481 | 218,793 81.0 33.2 177,312 1,195 205 | 10,823 28,998 | 24,550 | 42,535] ho,u55| 28,551] 0.7| 636 2 N 081 |¥. Y.- Northeastern % 3 nel New Jersey.....| 9,%1,757 3:293.919 80.8 32,8 M4, 391,0 26,295 | 3,423 215,837 [1,247,088 | 384,210 | 892,831 [1,093,344 | 528,064) 0,6 x In N. J.-29.. Z.T58.655 1,377,927 8l.1 31.7 JL,169, Ha 15,876 | 1,427 | 55,933 35,083 | 101,212 199,%8| 239,406 FR 1.4 oe Bergen-002.. 329,294 | 181,554 81.8 29.7 159,45 2,1 118 | 9,569 55,872 14,1390 26,157 36,142 | 15,065] 1. 632 8.5 : Eesex-007... 680,935 | 379,559 80.5 32.5 39, io 1,086 125 | 1k,281 | 105,919| 22,615) 60,359| 74,662] ko,608 3 636] 8.3 Hud 800-009. 528,331 | 305,351 82.5 33.31 250,754 528 68 | 9,971 9k, 356 | 32,909 | u2,845| 50,408| 19,669 0.2] 636[ 6.9 Middlesex-012...| 172,90 | "99,059 80.7 33 83,848 2,k20 28 | 3,555 43,021 5.505 11,522 | 10,912 6,695] 2.9] 22] 9.1 : Nonmouth=013.... 131,087 67,594 16.9 26.8 57.291 4,719 un L,297 10,407 4,166 10,803 11,762 11,096) 8.2| 636] 8.2 A Morrie-Olk...... 101,302 50,575 74.8 25.8 4k hoo 2,378 593 2,620 | 12,757 3,517 6,613| 10,097 5,825) 5.4] 636/11,3 i Passaic-Ol0..... 252,321 | 1L8,387 82.9 35.2 | 124,796 1,200 172 | 5,489 59,339 7,333 22,618) 20,324 8,321 1.0 6[19.3 : Union-020....... 81.9 29.7 128,834 1,202 92| 6,151 53,2 | 10,777| 18,991| 25,099| 13,110] 0.9] 19] 9.1 20 InN. Y.»%,.... 80.7 33.2 [3,221,858 || 10, as 1,996 | 159,%0u | 812,005 | 282,998 | 692,923| 853,938| %07,675| 0.3 Bronx-003. 81.1 30.2 | 510,702 21 147 | 28.524 1%0,6% | 145,592] 124,775 123,789 46,968] 0.1 7/11.5 Kings-02h. 80.1 31.4 | 984,396 672 249 | 46,373 315,736 84,993 | 215,14 215,190 | 106,038] 0.1 0.3 Hassau-030. 19.5 26.0 | 146,226 3,511 ug | 12,177 21,210 | 13,799 271.7 8,389 | 28,922) 2.4 on 9.5 New York-03l....| 1,612,275 | 993,545 81.5 42.7 783,564 38 3» 23,954 | 147,063 | 57,984 171,098 | 266,%7| 116,163 636[11.6 Queens-0bl,..... 1,052,339 | 58h,495 82.9 29.14 | 501,562 1,169 2ks 29.32 129,562 | 55,162 | 101,291 | 126,981 | 57,823] 0.2| 632) 9.4 Richmond=0U3, 138,569 13:33 71-9 26.8 59,142 310 22 2422 13,475 1,685 5. 1h, +357 9,823] 0.5 37(11.7 Rockland-Olk,... 59,720 1652 63.2 26.5 23,139 822 180 1,478 5,666 1,832 3,284 7,182 2,695 3.6 ar 20.0 ; Westchester=060. 460,955 | 248,525 78.0 nh | 23,127 3,207 42 | 14,650 38,663 | 15,951 40,148 60,863 39,243] 1.5| 036[13.1 082 | Norfolk=Portemouth~ pt Hows, .. 271,131 | 153,881 | 82.7 28.5 | 140,287 6, 300 85 6,075 31,960 15,250 22,102 | 19,1® 39,385 | 4.5 3 < Elizabeth City-Ce8y 26,369 15,270 76.6 23.0 14,653 4 5 wy 2,11 1,122 1,480 8,68 2.2 2, Norfolio=065..... Saag torts 83.4 23.1 | 13,011 nl 8 151 b, 3 i 1,u52 9g ig 20.0 3 ey Prinoses Anne=077 14,6 7.847 82. 2k) 7,470 2,641 16 W52 33 hg 798 1,058 1,45] 38.4 37] 7.2 # Warwick=095..... 6,771 3,569 82. 20.1 3,193 172 133 1,480 212 4o1 3% 5.4 42,0 = INDEPENDENT CITIES ' ’ z ] | Hamptoa=108..... 4,918 2,808 81.9 34.7 2,525 5 127 456 164 wou 607 |- 62] 0.2 17.2 = Newport Nows=ll 29,199 | 16,762 8k.0 29.3 | 15,448 32 = 6,3 1,594 2,493 at ee 0.2 5 1.2 K Norfolk city-1l 116,459 67,906 84.2 n.8| a, 2 a 2,78 9,05 8,3 12,177 9,8 18,81 0.6| 37(19. Portsmoutb=l16.. 0,627 | 22,538 82. 21.6 | 19,918 126 2 652 6,4 2,5 2,748 2,3 5,078) 0.6 2122. 4 8. Norfolkwl20.. 6,047 3,092 81. 2.5 2,678 2% 1 18 343 351 507 327 209] 0.91 a2113.k 083 Jelshiong G417e.v.e 189,944 | 108,050 18.5 30.8 | 86,780 3,423 | 3,739 | 4,580 10,436 6,757| 22,709] 22,303| 12,833] 3.9 Oklahoma~055....| 189,94k | 102,050 78.5 3.8 | 86,780 3,423 | 3,739 | 4,580 10,436 6,157| 22,709 | 22,%3| 12,833] 3.9| 036] 8.9 : 084 | Omaha=Counoil Bluffs| 248,081 | 130,973 19.1 27.8 | 109,64 86 6 4.817 17,16 16,280 . 26,716] 11 .2 | In Iowa=lb....... Sra ee 17.5 Sr Rot —4 805 biich 3,67F Re 3h 148 2% Pottavattanie O78 51,243 | 2h,852 11.5 20.2 | 2,079 5,459 7 805 eo! 3,674 4,203 3,783 1,741] 25.9] 2311.9 In Meunier. 196,838 | 106,121 79.6 29.8 | 88,564 2,kok 62 | u,012 15,762 | “12,606 21,187| 22,933 9,598 2.7 196,838 | 106,121 19.6 29.8 | 88,564 2,4ok 62 | 4,02 15,762 | 12,606| 21,187| 22,933 9,598 2.7 5(10.0 025; 167,161 | 87,587 80.5 24.1 | 78,44 || 6,0 | 1,290 | U,364 26,072 6,154 | 1u4,516| 13,M49| 6,189] 8.2 123,284 | 65,568 80.3 26.4 | 58,879 3,126 9% | 3.26 19,327 L4b5 | 11,843] 11,116 4,871 5. 19[1k.2 wer | 299 | enzl are] ols | naw Bs! Del GAS wal zen zum aimelies| 13he.s 8 TTI fy ‘Table 2 an Part 3 ~ Housing TABLE 2—SELECTED DATA FOR METROPOLITAN AREAS AND METROPOLITAN z : Milwaukee (074) - COUNTIES—Continued ¥ - Peoria (085) - aro 650543 = - ; HOUSING—1940 7 a All Dwelling Units Occupied Dwelling Units Nonfarm Rural Farm Dwelling, Units Dwelling Units Bids ; METROPOLITAN 4 Metro. AREAS, joe " f Area COUNTIES, P P Median phones 2 Code AND Residential Percent | Percent Per- Percent | er Per- 3 CODES.» | ‘structures in Jor pi Pastime lh of Aiense i Persons 3 b Lh r rivate with mechan- monthly wil with. - Number Folly | Eatbiob | oasis Number gue: : pessons Number rent | Number run- | electric struc- or | lighting od refrig- | poco. (dollars) ning | lighting A tures shower p eration hold water ; (3) G4) 35) Ge) I- en 38) 39) 40) “n “2) “@) “wh 5) 46) “n 074 |Milwaukee,........ x 133,989 216,530 Ud 80.3] 99.5 209,682] 37.2 50,7 3426 214,308 | 35.04 2,222 | 48.8] 94.5] 128,647 Bs Wis, ~48 yi Milwaukee=040... 133,989 216,530 1.4 80.3" 99.5 209,682] 37.2 50.7 3.26 214,308 | 35.04 2,222 | 48.8] 94.5] 128,647 ; 075 |Minneapolis=-St.Paul 187,534 275,320 18.3 I 260, Th] 47.4 56.0 3.73 265,298 | 32.59 10,022 | 34.5] 62.5] 210,098 “ Minn,-22 : Bg . Anoka=002. 4.0000 5,879 6,243 1.0 33.1] 73.2 5,462] 66,2 31.2 3.43 4,418 | 20.61 1,925| 18.7] 45.6 1,799 ; Hennepin-027.... 112,034 170,721 20.6 76.1] 98.2 162,179] 45.0 59.6 3.08 165,743 | 33.54 45978 | 39.4 | T0.LL 130,428 Ramsey=062, +... 61,439 89,587 16.9 76.9] 98.9 86,251| 48.9 52.6 3,19 88,656 | 32,07 931| 52.1] 85.7 73,427 Washington-082.. 8,182 8,669 0.6 40.2] 77.2 6,852] 69.4 34.8 3.29 6,481 | 23.25 ,2188 | 29.8 | 46.4 Lybidids , 076 1Mobil8.eivneseensse 31,921 37,134 4,0 42.1] © 61,3 35,768] 39.6 35.7 3.77 3%,350 | 16.34 2,78. 22.2] 25.3 14,345 Ala,=-01 : Foe Mobile=049...s as 31,921 37,134 4.0 42.1] 61.3 35,768] 39.6 35.7 37 34,350 | 16.3 2,78, | 21.2] 25.3 1,345 e 077 |Montgomery......... 2,242 30,462 3.6 34.2] 57.9 29,520] 25.7 33.6 3.2 24,202 | 18.28 6,170| 8.2] 1.3 10,937 Ala,-01 Montgomery=051. , 24,342 30,462 3.6, 34.2] 57.9 29,520] 25.7 31.6 3.20 24,292 | 18,28 6,170 8.2] 1.3] ° 10,937 . 078 a 53,844 » 69,639 7.2 46.6] 86.6 66,923] 37.9 51.2 3.26 64,961 | 22.48 4,678] 2.7] 55.7 38,134 ; enn~/. p A Davidson=019.... 53,844 69,639 7.3 46.6) 86.6 66,923 37.9 51.2 3.26 64,961 | 22.48 4,678] 22,7] 55.7 38,134 079 |New Haven.......... 85,976 138,934 12,1 8.7] 98.0] 128,057] 38.3 60.6 3.38 135,820 | 33.89 3,114 | 71.7| 85.2] 8,291 Conn. + i New Haven=005... 85,976 138,934 12,1 8.70 98.0 128,057| 38.2 60.6 3.2 135,820 | 33.89 3,114 [- 1.7] 85.2 84,291 080 |New Orleans...se... 87,299 150,451 12.8 69.7] 8..8 145,766 25.9 30.4 3.2 150,124 | 21,50 387 | 54.7] 4.0 82,098 La,-17 : Jefferson-026... 10,899 13,286 3.7 52.2] @&.a 12,726) 49.2 2.3 3.51 12,950 | 16.72 327, 54.7) 7.0 273 X Orleans-036.. 76,400 137,165 14.0 71.4] 785. 133,040] 23.7 30,3 3.21 137,165 | 21,9 81,825 081 |N. Y.- Northeastern New Jersey.....| 1,373,231 372 46.2 g8.0| 99.1] 3,123,839] 23.4 66.6 3.311 3,377,826 ¢ 43.81 12,546 75.1 | 88.8]1,432,806 mN, 3229.00.40] 538,620 LT 18.6 WI oR. | B03.282] 35.5 62,2 3.00 | 859,695 | 30.21 5.076 | 60.7 . s 3 Bergen-002. 89,796 115,672 6.9 92,2] 99.0 110,446] 51.9 73.0 3.42 115,023 | 44.76 649 | 86.1] 93.3 69,306 Essex-007.. 120,978 230,916 24.8 85,8] 98.2 221,679] 30.3 62.4 .38 230,708 | 44.2 208 | 86.5 | 94.2] 128,638 Hudson-009,..... 72,531) . 184,121 38.7 8.9! 9.0 173,443] 20.2 59.0 .38 184,120 | 32,70 1 - - 61,530 Middlesex-012,.. 43,803 55,948 2.8 71.00 96.7 54,066] 45.6 55.1 3.61 54,056 | 32.30 1,892 | 59.1| 83.0 25,110 . Monmouth=013.... 58,229 63,544 2.2 73.8 9.7 43,7746 52.2 56.5 3.13 59,808 | 46.69 3,646 | 64.6 | 83.8 28,327 3 Morris-01.,.. 35,610 39,929 2.1 7he2| 95.3 31,750| 53.3 64.6 3,33 37,71, | 39.68 2,215 | 77.6 | 89.4 22, 1316 5: Passaic-016.. 53,729 90,191 1.7 82,0 97.6 83,082] 32,5 55.4 3.34 89,877 | 29.25 314 | 83.8] 92.9 15,540 # Union-020.. 63,044, 88,450 8. 90.0 98.7 84,870] 44.2 67.2 3.53 88,299 | 43.93 151 | 87.4 | 92.1 59,094 fv InN, ¥.-31. 834,611] 2,521,601 55,8 90.6) 99.4 | 2,319,957 19.1 68.1 3.28] 2,518,131 | 45.30 3,470 | 89.2 | 95.2] 992,945 wy Bronx-003 60,956 395,245 78.8 96.5] 99.8 377,8,3] 8.1 82,1 3.43 395,245 | 42.15 & 154,225 EL Kings=-024.. 250,983 762,526 46.2 90.1| 99.5 716,933! 18.8 65.1 3.46 762,526 | 39.32 1) 249,079 Nassau-03C. .. 108,119 123,401 5.5 90.4] 98.4 108,051| 56.8 72.2 ENA 122,024 | 55.57 L377] 93.9] 96.3 86,413 New York-03l.... 53,566 617,373 94.0 86.3 99.4 5,8,378| 1.2 53,8 2,75 617,373 | 49.18 (1) 189,660 i Queens-0dl.u...s 215,390 394,389 27.7 9L.6} 99.7 361,689] 36.7 78.3 3.29 394,389 | 46.39 (2) 181, 1883 Richmond«d43.... 37,192 48,839 4.9 g6.Ll 98.7 43,076 43.4 70.4 3.51 48,839 | 38.41] - (1) 21,078 Rockland -0dh... 15,784 18,615 2.7 76.8] 95.3 16,252] 55.0 57.5 3.23 17,746 | 36.57 869 | 84.3] 94.9 10,964 _ Westchester-060, 92,621 161,213 27.4 88.6] 99.0 17,735 33.5 72.8 3.43 159,989 | 59.22 1,224 | 87.5! 94.3 99,643 082 | Norfolk-Portsmouth= Newport News... 67,310 89,679 8.3 58.3 - 84.5 85,897| 37.0 48.7 3.29 84,931 | 23.78 LyU8 | 24,3 | 46.1 49,362 7 5,74 6,116 2.2 62.8) 86.4 5,859 57.4 5hoh 3.281. 55624 | 24.96 492 | 48.6 | 65.9 231 8,551 9,172 1.4 48410 IT, 8,912| 56.0 51.0 3.58 7,174 | 20,90 1,998 | 21,6 | 45.3 340 BY 5,572 5,835 2.2 M41] 0 66.3 4,754 52.8 41.8 3.57 4,041 | 29,90 1,70 | 16.7 | 38.0 1,535 s “2,22 2,454 1.4 57.3] 78.3 2,333] 71.3 60.5 3.47 1,990 «04 “4 | 40.3 | 59.4 U5 hE INDEPENDENT CITIES, 5 Hampton-108...+. 1,403 1,688 2,3 69.1] 90.8 1,649) 445 45.11 3.09 1,688 | 24.82 3,653 Newport News-113 6,808 10,004 11,9 56.6 85.5 9,724 29.9 42,9 3.30 10,004 20.68 8,677 Norfolk eity-114 25,285 38,753 13.3 64.1, 2 37,403] 28.4 50,7 3.2 38,753 | 25.88 126,526 ] Portsmouth-116.., 10,072 13,611 beds 53.7 86.2 13,225| 30.8 25.0 3,22 13,611 | 19.81 8,255 8. Norfolk-120.. 1,663 2,046 0.6 51,0] 85.1 2,038] 44.2 51,8 3.51 2,046 | 16,38 2} 083 | Oklahoma City 58,930 76,025 10.4 63.0] 88,2 69,951] 39.1 55.1 3,01 71,853 | 24.75 4,172 | 25,0 35.0 45,433 Okla,=35 : Oklahoma=055...4 58,930 76,025 10.4 63.0 88.2 69,951] 39.1 55.1 3.01 71,853 | 24.75 4,172 | 25,0] 35.0 45,433 08, |Omaha-Council Bluffs 73,575 91,693 13.4 68.00 94.1 © 86,849] 48,3 57,1 3,16 85,437 | 26.89 6,256 | 33.2 | 45.7 63,022 In Iowa=lbeess... 17,873 19,320 3.5 5L.8] 82.3 18,471] 50.7 42,8 3.23 15,100 | 19.50 4,220 | 30,9 | 36.4 11,210 Pottawattamis-078 17,273 19,320 3 54.8] 8.3 18,471) 50.7 42,8 3.23 15,100 | 19.50 4,220 | 30,9 | 36.4 11,211 In Nebr.-26...... 55,702 72,373 16,0 71,5 97.2 68,378| 47.6 60.9 3.14 70,337 | 28.46 2,036 | 37.9 «9 51,811 ’ Douglas-028..... 55,702 72,273 16.0 71.50 97.3 68,378] 47.6 60.9 3.1 70,337 | 28.46 2,03€ | 37.9 | 64.9 51,811 £ 025: i Peorla...vsvenveeve 52,426 61,113 5.5 55.61 “93.7 59,365] 53.6 64,7 3.08 55,474 | 31.21 5,639'| 28.2 | 67.6 37,460 ; 111.-12 k Peoria=072...... 36,797 24,330 7.2 59.6] 95.1 43,105 51.3 67.3 3.03 41,322'| 33.40 3,008 | 25.9 | 70.7 29,873 Tazewell=000..., 15,620 16,783 1. 45.2] 89.8 16,260 60.0 57.2 3.23 1,152 | 2.81 2,631| 30.9 | 63.9 7,587 & EF - i k i y i ¥ Norfolk city (114) includes S. Norfolk city (120). 34 rah oe % = ; dn i Fe © 0) = we EE = ® eT - o a y . 4 a 4 . Y Pa : : TABLE 2—SELECTED DATA FOR METROPOLITAN AREAS AND METROPOLITAN 3 , 5 - ) 1 Table 2 A COUNTIES—Continued Flee: tte 8 - Milwaukee (074) = 3 ' (Figures which have been rounded to thousands will not necessarily add to totals) Peoria (C85) ra AGRICULTURE—1945 1 AGRICULTURE—1940 ~ ™ P v Tne of Value of farm products sold, | Principal er- { aide o Work power traded, or used by source of Per- i wm property ’ farm household farm income | Type- ¥ METROPOLITAN : bs cent { farms : os of- Ry Metro. AREAS, Number of | Land in | Cropland | Number | of | [ih Percent from farming Rona > Area COUNTIES, farms farms | harvested | of farms | farms value A Number Li area 2; | i Code AND (1000s | (1000%s + * oper- | of Total ere of Ariodit ne code Jivin CODES Jan. 1, of of Api 1, | ated d- otal | age | |, coc | Number 0. | stod Code (See |: g pro: (1000’s | per f (1000s | and (See | Per- index 1945 acres) | acres) 1940 | by | “ya and/or 0 ‘ 3 ee 429 . ucts o arm 1 ‘rich of live- | Crops | pasa | cent| Pf \ ten- less dollars) (dol- mules ractors dollars) ek ps | p. ants | than oral {dol (over 3 8 oF mo. old prod- $400 ) ucts “8) “9) (50) G1) (2) 3) (54) 5) (56) 0 (8) (59) (60) 61 (62) (63) (64) 3 07. | Milwaukee, ....... Sl ayy 7 53 1,261] 27.9] 32.3] 27,226 14,630] 2,214] 1,062] 3,058] 32.4] 52.6 2] 34.5 Fis, -42 = < t Milwaukee=040, .. 1,477 ™ 53 1,261] 27.9 38.3] 27,226 [14,630 2,41 1,062 3,7580 32.4] 57.6 3| ‘34.5 412] 129 075 | Minneanolis-St.Paul 8,048 132 380 25571 21.2] 29.3] 72,216|8,439] 17,262 2,293] 12,302] 59.7] 29.1 ; “7 “inn, -22 4 ’ Anoka="02....... 1,554 210 9 1,607 23.70 30.7 9,299 | 4,09 3,597 597 1,291" 76.0] 11.4 20 21.7, 423 111 Hepneoin-027. 3,761 252 12 42151 21.2 30.3 39,041 | 9,262 2,062 1,367 6,705 53.7 34.5 2 3.3 422] 132 Ramsey=062...... 958 Lp 20 796] 11.9] 40.2 7,793 | 2.492 117° 261 1,621 38.3 55.6) 2| 39,6 422] 132 Washington-022,., 1,115 227 127 1,819] 22.2] 19.2 15,4% | 8,512 5,425 65 2,726) The? 13.3 2] 46.4] 422 124 076 [Moblle.. sures aesss 2,856 185 52 2,233] 19.5] 61.9 7,097 | 3,172 2,266 167 2,724 40.9] 33.7 2] 25.1 4 Ala,-01 v fobile=049eses.. 2,856 185 52 2,233] 19.5] 61.9 7,797] 3,172 2,266 167 2,024 40.9 38.7 2125.1 132 it . 077 | Montgomery. ....oess 3,076 Lis 12 3,772] 62.2] 7.1] 13,923] 3,707 6,116) 193 2,973] 42.7] 32.3 5 29.4 LS = Ala,-01 JIE “ontgomery-051. . 3,076 Bus 12 3,772| 62.8] 70.1] 13,923] 3,707 6,116 193 2,973] 48.7] 32.8 51 29.4 ull 63 1 072 |Nashville.......... 3,092 237 76 3,065] 25.7] 52.1 22,203 | 7,244 6,072 237 3,083] 55.2] 25.2 2| 36.3 No Tenn, -41 . Davidson=019.... 3,092 237 76 3,065] 25.7}. 52.1 22,203 | 7,244 6,072 287 3,083 55.2 25.8 2| 36.3 627) 134 079 |New Haven...eesosee 2,890 161 51 2,283 Todi 32,5 31,556 [10,946 2,226 290 7,779 67.3 i 24.2 2] 3..2 Conn, -06 New Haven-005..,[-~ 2,890 161 51 2,983 7:15.31,5 31,556 [10,946 2,226 290 7,729) 67.3 24.2 2| 34.8 452] 157 080 |New Orleans.....s.e 470 15 483] 37.7] 19.0 . 4,747 9,823 574 55 1,713 81.9, 14.5 a La,~17 7 Jefferson-026., 320 10 3 2841 40.1] 19.7 2,519 | 8,869 415 41 1,042 87.8 7.7 2] 77.3 132] 3105 Orleans-036.... 150 4 1 199) 34.2], 18.1 2,228 [11,195 159 14 671 72.8 25.1 2| 64.3 132 4 081 |N. Y,-Northeastern- New Jersey.....| - 8470 97 243 2,360] 16.3] 23.9] 176,266 [21,156 8,027) 4,240 34,252] 39.3] 356.5 -— In N. J,=29... 5,05 380 188 8,567] 15.5] 24.6] 95,512 [Lby 54h 6,039 3,231 22,723 45.7] 50.1 : Bergen-002. 616 «17 8 779] 19.3] 19.1] 12,450 15,923]. 455 312 3,712] 34.0{ | 63.7 8| 42.8 131] 161 Essex-007.. 221 8 4 211] 20,9 21.8 5,158 R4, 444 385 105 1,22% 66.4 31.3 2F 40,0 131] 168 Hudson=C09, 83 3 - 84 32.1 3.6 1,841 R1,912 24 9 844 60.7 38.6 11°59.% 13114] . Middlesex-0. 1,150 74 i 1,163] 1.1] 18,5 14,148 [12,165 992 633 4,166 33.5 60.9 5 30.7 131 140 Yonmouth=013.... 2,476 162 87]. 2,560 14.4 22.2 31,372 12,255 2,552 1,284 6,732] 40,1 54.1 5] 27.0 131 146 Morris-014... 1,303 99 37 1,179 13.4] 34.3] 19,096 [16,196 1,241 566 4,043] 58.9] 35.1 2| 37.5 430 19 Passaic-016 39 13 y 379] 19.0] 15.3 6,27, [16,572 253 176 1,636] 56.6] 40.5 2| 3.6). 131 19 Union=020.. 2u7 6 3 2121 17.9] 9.4 5,164 R4,357 130 96 2,352 5,30 4h? 2| 47.0 131 162 2 In N. ¥,-31, 2,055 117 55 5,793 “10.21 21.7] 21,354 5,373 1,939) 1,779 9,541 22,9 73.1 Bronx=003, 23 - - 21 - - 634 30,190 35 5 43 35.5 62.5 6| 36.7 131 Kings-024. is - - 39 - -| 1,09)26,395 24 365] 26.6] 72.2 8| 65.2 131 Nassau-"30, 658 32 25 636] 23.9] 21.4 32,293 60,209 620 497 3,635 13.6 22.3 8| 36.4 131] 162 New York-031l. 131 Queens=04l..esss 139 1 1 126) 21.9] 7.9 5,674 5,031 55 41 1,567 13.2 26,32 2] 73.2 131 \ Richmond-043.... 65 1 1 9% - - 3,024 [30,854] 9R 27 521 14.8 83.3 8]°57.0 131 Te Rockland=044.e..e 384 20 9 3550 12.40, 2L.1 6,333 (17,995 289 206 1,262 33.0 57.2 8] 23.9 131" 152 x Westchester-060, 5 63 20 518] 13.7 27.9 26,313 [50,796 814 233 2,092 32.7 54.3 3] 46.5 131 171 rv 1 082 | Norfolk-Portsmouth- Newvort Newsl,, 2,520 212 106 2,663] 21.4] 45.1 16,902 | 6,337 4,020 614, 5,013 34.3 55.9 i Va.-45 F Elizabeth City-028 304 13 iy 267] 10.1] 63.3 1,707] 6,393 272 32 323 59.8 29.4 2]. 37.3 624) 144 ; fa Norfolk-065..... 1,02 9% i) 1,107] 25.4] 40.6] 6,293 | 5,699 1,740 262 2,153] 32.8] 57.3 2| 23.7 131 121 1 . Princess Anne? gs 93 50 939] 23.4] 33.3 6,293 | 7,341 1,991 255 2,212{ 7 23.4] "63.3 s| 31,0] 131] 102 - Warwick-N95..... 303 n 3 355} 12,1} «76, 2,009 | 5,660 187 59, 265 63.3 16.3 2| 50,2 4 140 ’ INDEPENDENT CITIES . Hampton-108T«s.s Newoort News-113* Norfolk cityilst Portsmouth-116%. : # S. Norfolk-12013, : 5 083 [Oklahoma Citye....e 3,901 330 17 3,424] 42.6] 55.2 24,628 | 7,192 5,331 570 2,735 50.8 32.0 2} 27.2 > Okla,=35 I~ TT > Oklahoma=055.. os 3,901 330 17 3,424) 42.6] 55.8] 24,626 7,192 5,291 570 2,735] 50.8] 32.0 2lia7.2 | 1m Ly < : 084 | Omahe-Council Bluffs. 5,584 759 518 5,5541 46.8] 21.3] 79,433 04,1321 13,043 3,135) 17,095] 67.3] 27.1 Tn Towa=14e.esese 3,665 589 3 3,793] 47.9] 17.9] 56,408 lk, %72| 13,320 2,266] 11,95 Ty 26,7 1] 57.4 gs Pottanattanie-072 3,665 589 394 3,793| 47.9] 17.9] 56,408 fl4,272| - 13,20 2,266] 11,956] 67.4] 26.7 1] 57.4 511 129 = 84 In Nebr,-26...... 1,919 |. 169 124 1,761] Ah.3| 2%.7 22,020 [12,533 4,163 869 5,139 67.2 28,2 11 47.3 REE Douglas-02%,.... 1,919 169 124 1,761] 44.3] 29.7] 22,0%0 [12,538 4,163 269 5,139] 67.2] 28.2 1447.3 511] 125 : l 085 |Peorfas.cecessessce 4,469 |° 115 485 4,212] 45.2] 13.0 25,902 {17,252 14,223 3,264 17,916) 39.4 52,1 3 3 T11,-12 \ Peoria=0T2....s0 2,260 340 212 2,516 40.6] 21.3] 39.157 [15,563 6,942 1,5 4,795 46.4] 43.5 5] 33.4 51207135" Pe Tazewell=090.4. 2,209 375 2713 2,296] 50.2f 14.3 46,745 R0,359( . 7,381 1,750 6,122 33.9 53.9 5] 5641 5311135 hy 1Figures for independent cities of Hampton (108), Newport News (113), Norfolk (114), Portsmouth (118), and S. Norfolk (120) are excluded from the Norfolk-Portsmouth= 4 Newport News Metropolitan Area (082), since separate data are not available for these cities. aad TANI Od Tek : 35 / 4 = Table 2 TABLE 2—SELECTED DATA FOR METROPOLITAN AREAS AND METROPOLITAN Part § - Industry and Retail Trade COUNTIES—Continued , > Milwaukee (074) - Peoria (085) a dollar figures have been rounded to thousands and will not necessarily aid to totals) ” } % MANUFACTURING ESTABLISHMENTS—1939 MINERAL INDUSTRIES—1939 : RETAIL ESTABLISHMENTS—1939 / 1 - \ sd N METROPOLITAN Mis COON Value added : : rea A alue adaade: Code AND Wage Wares Value of by wianfsee You of | Number | Wages and Sales Active Employees Pay rol. N earners 000° roducts roducts of salarigs | Number of average CODES umber (1000's of fi ture {600 (1000’s of pro- f (1000 average | dollars) | (1900's of | (100% of {1000's of | persons (1000s of | “sores | CRIS | Be | or © GORE 5 . or year) : dollars) dollars) dollars) | engaged | dollars) year) (85) © 1) (C)) 69) 0) an @) @) 4) as) [W) [ww ¥ o7k i 1,657 80,255 i 112,060 596,556] 289,702 195 IL 116, 11,196 324,906 9,924 35,337] 39,348 16.~ Milwaukee-040...| 1,657 80,255 112,060 596,556 289,702 195 T 116) 11,196 324,906 9,924 35,337] 39,348 e 075 Migteapslinte Fat) 1,778 46, 394 156,761 1391,512 190,610 °g32 2202 “376 12,454 4,233] 11,525) 56,242) 61,383 nn, = Anoka-002...... 24 669 801 6,110 309 us (3 3) 24 4,26 2135 99 Hemnepin-027....[ 1,143 26,957 34,39 229,138 109,006) - A Jon : ‘6 x 202| I a 267,57 " % 34.303 38, 2h ‘ Ramsey-062...... 575 17,158 21,570 156,264 78,455 22 86 174 4122 172,060 3,847] 20,528] 22,045 Washington-082.. 36 1,610 (3) (3) (3) (3) (5) (3) 41 8] 7.423 400 812] 696 076 Hsbtle.. FRAT 158 8,819 7,059 47,180 22,408 (3) (3) 8.5 (=) 1,791] | 36,722 1,547 5,048] 3,929 a. = T T Mobile-0kg. 158 8,819 7,059 47,180, - 22,48 (3) (3) (3) 1,791 3,722 1,547 5,048 3,929 2 071 Houtgonery, urea “ 114 3,360 2,208 21,048 7.284 245 102 108} 1,159) 32,058 97u 4,483) 3,434 Be Montgomery=-051.. 1k 3,360 2,208 21,048 7,284 245 102 108] 1,159 32,058 974 4,483 3,434 . 078 Baskvilie er nH 17,427 16,964 121,918 58, 368 562 195 257 3,160] 90,782) 2,73} 11,472 9,836 ‘onn., =! Davidson-019. nk 17,427 16,964 121,918 58,368 562 195 257 3,160) 90,782] 2,73 11,72] 9,836 . 019 Fi Naren; ena 885 68,789 81,267 374,451 205,713 1,132 262 319 8,085) 200,553 6,773 20,495 22,625 Y nn. ps New Haven-005... 885 68,789 81,267 374,451 205,773 1,132 262 319 8,085 200,553 6,773 20,495] 22,625 080 Bow OETaMRes o. 699 24,219 18,983 169,849 76,993 =) | (3 (3) 7,378] 166, 350 6,59 24,460 19,864 . Jefferson-026... 55 4,512 3,087 43,297 16,689 (3) (3) (3) 705, 9,288 651 1,004 723 Orleans-036..... 6k 19,707 15,896 126,552 60, 304 (3) (3) (3) 6,673) 157,063 5,945) 23,456] 19m o8l ¥. Y.- Northeastern « . New Jorsey..... “10,6711 42,458 43.820] 180,196] 4,835,6 In ¥. -3.-29... 5,002] 1,515 RETR _ Bergen-002... 1h) : A 5,541 129,158 Besex-007.. $2 1 111 13,140) 385,212 Hudeon-009... (3 (3) (®) © 11,030 24,1363 Middlesex-012.. 1,259 . bsg 647 3,680 76,916 S .Monmouth-013... Lg 3,1 12,00 Morris-Olk... 3,14 Tn 1,045 2,025 43, Passaic-016.. 7 23 3 L462 13,621 Union-020.. (2) (3) 3 ,880 © 118,911 In N. Y.-31. 27,600) si3,0k2| o70,192| L,3L9,096| 1,983,177 “4,675 “883 ‘1,562] 131,292] 3,665,112 Bronx-003. 1,082 18,577] . 2l,100 115, 152 a a 17,088 348,870 Kings-024. 4,910 13. 22 155,948 870, (3) (3) (3) 38,748 169.087 ¥assau-03%0... 264 1,402 5,678 22,170 13, 1s 2,025 399 152 6,438 18,942) New York-03l. 18,94 300,102 See» 2,518,101 1,149, (3) (2) (3) 40,092] 1,588,756) Queens-Obl... 1,5 52,485 5,411 k23,bn 202, 806 (3). (3) (2) 16,699 35,133) Richmond-043.... 166 6,080 8,666 80,287 30,599 2,592) 50,778 Rockland-O4k.... 12 u 6 4,940 31,941 18,946 1,637 21% 516 1,027] . 23,411 9 ¥estchester-060. 523, 2,3 26,819 186,835 . 19,651 1,013 209 ny 8,608 267,105 7.360( 23,595] 29,663 082 | Norfolk-Portsmouth- : wy rt News... ny 18,254 59,018 892,491 31,53 (3) (%) (3) - 4,326 115,005 3,587) 15,742 13,472 BlisabetnCigp028 ‘11 og4 °12 575 °321 (3) (3) (3) 194 2,894 172 80 2M Worfolk-065..... 75 73,258 72,472 724,367 ' 8,813 (3) (3) (3) 219 2, HE bt od Princess Arme-0T7} 8 86, 4g 160 1 (3) 3) (3) 282 3,6 20 469 H2 Warwick-0ud,..., 4 188 (3) (s) (s) (A ” 989 4| oe 69 DOEPBGENT CITI 3 . Hempton=108.....|. (#) (e) (8) (e) (8) 133 4,367 120| 80 39m Newport News-113 28) 7,974 (3) (8) (3) 878) 18,893 468] 2, 2,310 Norfolk oity-1l4 181 6,181 5,332) 56,881 18,682 £2,048 63,832 1,642 8,93 8,018 Portsmouth-116, , 40 1,814 1,093 11,108 3,8! x 648 16,494 516) 2,82 1,767 8, Norfolk-120.. (7) (7) (7) () (7 2 93) 1,79) 80 19 154 083 , | Oklahoma City.....s 328) 6,107) 6,677) 68,533 26,4 4,189) 807 838| 3,884, 95,848] 2,941 12,603 12,118 - Okle,-38 Oklehoma-055, ... 328 95, 12,613 12,113 084 | Omaha-Council Bluffs 44 |___10.307 In Iowe-l4,...... 18,918 903 2,187 1,738 Pottawa ttamie-OP8 (3) 961) 18,918 903] 2,187 1,738 In Mebr.-26...... 387) 86 3,238 108,341 2,787| 14,088 13,689 Douglas-088..... 387) 56 108, 341 £2,787] 14,08 13,689 086 | Peoria. ......cecuss 28 2,020) 80,0000 2,413 9,88 9,861 I11,-18 Peoria-072...... ug 8 0d 11,98 so,0u1 40,78 2,730 1,333) 1,61 1,98 "66,949 1,742) 8,2 8,789 Tagewsl1-090.,..| 10,26 18,1 84,88. 44,88 694 341 401 72 13,101 671 > 1,138 = igxoludes Washington County (082), for whioh data are not shown separately. Bgxoludes Anoka (002) and Wasnington (082) Counties, for which data are not shown separately. 3Not shown b se of disclosure of operations of individual establishments. 4Exoluies Hudson (009) and Union (020) Counties, in New Jersey and Kings (024), New York (031) and Queens (O41) Counties, in New York, for which data are not shown separately. ®gxoludes Warwiok County (095) and Newport News olty (113) for wiich data are not shown separately. ®Eligabetn City County (028) includes Hampton oity (108). 7Norfolk County (005) includes B. Norfolk oity (120). SExoludes Pottawattamle County (O78) in Iowa, for wnioh dats are mot shown separately. 36 TABLE 2—SELECTED DATA. FOR "METROPOLITAN AREAS AND METROPOLITAN COUNTIES—Continued (All dollar. figures have been rounded to thousands and will nét necessarily add to totals) Table 2 : Park 6 ~ Other Economic Dat. tives (074) - Peoria (085) CR Sr : WHOLESALE SERVICE ESTABLISHMENTS—1939 BANK. DEPOSITS " TRADE—1939 . 1944 Major war supply Major war Fielites , contracts, Spo June 1940-Sept. 1945 | June | 0 June 1945 METROPOLITAN T_ Bond (1000's of dollar» (1000s of dollars) Metro. AREA, Numb. Total sales 1944 Area COUNTIES, Number Number . |Employees of . (1000s of AND of Sales of | Receipts | Active (average Pay roll | (demand | Time . | dollars at CODES estab- | (1000’s of | estab- (1 ’s | proprie-| pr ( s |*and time) | (1000's |jssue price) lish- | dollars) + lish- |of dollars)| tors you) 2 dollars) | (1000’s | of dollars) ments ments pl of dollars) Combat . Other Industrial | Military : equipment 8) a9 0) @1) (82) 83) (84) @) (86) (87) 8) (89) 90) on) 07h Milwaukee.eessevees [| 1,517 423,130 4,232 26,151 4,080 8,279 8,489 621,161 192,425 93,429 1,239,352 555,636 163,504 2,249 Wis,=48 3 Milwaukee-040...| 1,517| 423,130] 4,232| 26,151|. 4,080 8,279 8,489] 621,161| 192,425 93,429 1,239,352 555,636 163,504 2,249 075 |Minneapolis-St.Paul| 2,113| 951,601] 5,466] 36,995| 5,432| 12,287] 12,803] 846,589| 294,061 104,187| 932,686| 471,122 150,803 7,518 : Minn,-22 - Anoka=002....ese 15 604, 57 172 57 49 31 45304 2,611 9%9 106,246 21,510 Hennepin-027.. 1,421] 721,360] 3,504| 24,656 3,483 7,690 8,488| 587,165 215,148 66,509| 549,028 373,450 8,367 7,518 Ramsey-062. 649| 227,107) 1,806] 11,872 1,787 4, 0 4,227] 243,965 69,489 34,618 277,412 96,001 120,926 Washington-082., 28 2,530 9 295 105 57 11,155 6,813 2,111 1,671 eT 076 LT 193 45,126 557 4,502 530 4425 2,187 117,493 39,599 26,978 521,919 4,790 45,711 31,345 Ala,-0; Mobile=049..cusue 1931 45,126 557 4,502 530 4y245 2,187 117,493 39,599 2 26,978 521,919 44790 45,711 31,345 or? MTS EUBOTY, yur eoise U7 56,851 348 2,497] 319 1,347] 876] 48,787 13,122 8,745 1,493 7,687 42 22,972 Montgonery-05l.. ur 56,851 348 2,497| 319 1,347 876] 48,787 13,122 8,75 1,493 7,687 42 22,972 078 |Nashville....essees 413 131,045] 1,101 8,560 | 1,084 3,798 2,834) 158,788 | 144,692 18,661 190,342 33,799 15,011 14,096 Tenn, =41 Davidson=019.... 213] 131,045] 1,101 8,560 | 1,084 3,798 2,83) 158,788) 44,692 18,661 190,342 33,799 15,011 14,09 079 |New i ama 553| 157,305) 2,778| . 14,898| 2,695 4,239] 4,313] 513,677| 322,24 70,127| 1,005,152| 404,380 35,019 : Conn, = 5 . New Haven-005... 553| 157,305] 2,778| 14,8298 2,695 4,239) 4,313] 513,677| 322,21 70,127| 1,005,152| 404,380 35,019 080 |New Orleans........| 1,040] 441,180] 2,613| 19,581| 2,542| 11,010 7,640] 370,656 81,817| 60,099 709,955 68,581 69,168 55,548 ~ La,-17 Jefferson-026. 18 3,541 113 358 112 130 128 6,500 4,031 1,716 25,994 4,119 5,177 2,689 Orleans-036.. 1,022 437,639] 2,500 19,223| 2,430| 10,880 7,512) 364,156 77,786 58,383 683,961 64,462 67,991 52,859 081 |N, Y,-Northeastern % 2 New Jersey. 2331114,047,960] 1] 656 85,923] 180,948 232,475125,101,328| 8,678,543] 1,346,610 13,317,436] 5,5 786,013| 288,749 “InN, J.-29......| 2,651] 918,204) 17,225| 102,082] 16,578] 31,271] 34,091] 2,707, 1,475,048] 355,479| 7,151,760 2,591,697 56.608 | 133,135 46,550] 1,771 8,203| 1,748 2,188 2,219] 221,155| 125,061 32,855 219,390 | 411,415 80,837 2,726 420,146) 5,656 38,234 | 5,286 11,360 13,093) 1,028,415 493,405 122,398 859,149 547,719 65,774 14,511 228,589] 3,985 25,833| 3,878 8,901 9,667] 551,556 314,497 71,406 | 2,914,422 643, 117,936 46,214 2 62,064] 1,020 3,m7| 1,009 780 764] 131,546 79,721] 22,975 187,187 284,405 6,754] 43,437 Monmouth=013.... 150 23,605 885 4,188 868 1,117 1,075] ‘107,381 50,548 14,917 4,567 68,858 20,400 Morris-014.. 66 10,806 529 2,293 516 604 611 94,698 57,813 10,452 147,676 33,950 8,504 5,847 Passaic-016. Th,456] 1,789) 10,241| 1,755 3,488 3,564) 309,407 195,035 37,387| 2,139,794 365,281 46,753 51,988] 1,590 9,373| 1,518 2,833 3,098] 263,502| 158,968| 43,089 79,575 236,379 30,11 13,129,756 | 67,216 554,873 | 69,345| 149,677| 198,384|22,393,668| 7,203,495| 9914131| 6,165,676 | 2,925,144 429,345| 155,614 . 226,323) 8,463 46,719) 8,990| 11,196 12,819] (1 (2) (1) 3,237 170 627,985 18,267| 101,301 19,042| 26,702] 30,506] (3) (1) (1) 1,257,585 880,027 216,535 34,585 209 53,823 2,170| 12,130| 2,231 3,115 3,426] 254,630 144,155| _ 46,803 | 2,405,727 93,367 107,152 9,856 11,883,147] 26,468| . 326,642 | 26,900 91,353| 131,699 "1,688,213 |%,769,268| #894,817| 1,235,616 ( 1,008,526 27,799| 47,073 200,38 7,331 40,016] 7,507 9,907| 11,399 (1) (a), (a) 786,898 500,792 57,388 8m 16,413 824 3,392 839 813 gl (2 (2) (1) 305,231 24,835 5,926 16,146 . 4,549 227 1,082 237 249 264, 37,254 21,327 5,071 5,801 28,408 1,622| 42,522 Westchester=060, 397 117,132] 3,466 23,531] 3,599 6,342 7,380 413,571 268,75 4h 4420 165, 581 387,019 12,030 3,555 082 | Norfolk=Portsmouth~| * Newport News... 461| 3126,389] 1,391| 10,237| 1,347 5,051 4,363] 225,711 72,406 81,286 829,408 42,078 106,472 255,990 Va.=45 Elizabeth Ciy-028 10 1,552 40 154 45 71 40 5,131 2,023 44,710 41,225 432 411,651 3 Norfolk=065... 10 2,513 41 52 40 23 Bf ®2,560 51,062 858,809 18,671 631,276 884,801 “195,631 Princess Anne 4 285 43 110 43 AT 30 3,940 837 17221 - 1 Warwick=005...... 2 (7) 9 22 9 5 3 1,183 470] 16,546] °810,737 89,11 21,639] ©31l8A5 INDEPENDENT CITI® Ey 1 . Hampton-108..... 17 1,438 45 205 47 106 69 10,715 4,019 (4) 0) (4) (4 > Newport News-113 52 8,419 239 1,788 234 1,139 882 38,476) _ 15,003 (8) (8) (8) (8) a Norfolk city-114 328| 106,889 756 6,876 708 3,148 3,019] 131,65, 37,208) (e) (5) (5) {eo Portsmouth-116.. 35 4,515 186 893 190 442 275 32,052 11,784 (se) (8) (8) (8) S. Norfolk-120.. 3 778 32 137 31 70 32 (5) (5) (8) (8) (8) (8) 083 | Oklahoma Cityeseses 572| 194,467] 1,820 9,035| 1,799 3,536 2,962] 137,382 16,319| 26,650 467,896 21,085 5,931 36,086 kla,~35 7 I - Oklahoma=055.s¢0 572 194,467] - 1,820 9,035] 1,799 3,536 2,962 137,382 16,319]. 26,650 467,896 21,085 50,931 | 36,086 084 |Omaha-Council Bluffs| 796] 405,071] 1,895] 11 1,875 4,185 3,922] 253,711 45,802 8,640 36,893 30,562 15,108) 789 In Towa-lhesseoes 104] 13,019 395 1,230] 416 333 27 31,436 12,197 6,251 2,666 1,547 Pottawattamie-078| = 104| 13,019 395 1,230) 416 333 271 31,436 12,197 6,251 2,666 1,547 : In Nebre=26.. 692] 392,052] 1,500 10,594| 1,459 3,852 3,651] 222,275 33,605 32,389 34,227 29,015 15,108 789 Douglas-02¢. 692| 392,052] 1,500| 10,594] 1,459 3,852 3,651] 222,275 33,605 32,389 34,227 29,015 15,108 789 085 |Peorigesssese . 381 96,214 902 5,512 918 1,673 1,732] 136,011 39,472 20,981 78,239 621,222 2,851 Peoria=O072...... | 305 88,686] es8| 4,m6| 69a] 1,518] 1,575] 10,72] 3,08] 16,177] S443 620,82 44 | Tazewell-090.se.| 76 7.528 21 k 224, 155 157] “25,2m9 8,291) 4,804 23,809 398 2,507 » Included in New York County (031). 2New York County (031) includes Bronx (003), Kings (024), Queens (041) and Richmond (043) Counties. . ®Excludes WArwick County (09s) for which data are not shown separately. Elizabeth City County (028) includes Hampton city (108). Nor folk County (065) includes S. Noriolk city (120). and S. Norfolk (120) cities. N lishments. Norfolk County (085) includes Norfolk (114), Portsmouth (116), Barwick County (095) includes Newport News city (113). ot shown because of disclosure of operations of individual estab- 37 Table 2 Part 1 - Population ladelphia (088) - St. Louis (102) TABLE 2—SELECTED DATA FOR METROPOLITAN AREAS AND METROPOLITAN COUNTIES re — TOTAL POPULATION POPULATION—1940 EDUCATION NTAL 1940 STATISTICS 3 ESTIMATED 1944 \ POPULATION Land | P Total white Percent of n op- ercent o METROPOLITAN U.S. area Sen > population 25 Metro. AREAS / rank in per years old and Area | COUNTIES, Number | of |Powcent] oo 1 5 over who have Code 20, Colin change hes mile Percent Usb Rural | Rural | complet ; Percent| April | In # ’ ol an | nonfarm | farm Births | Deaths Number change Tt 9 pole a 1940 | 1940 { Number | total iles 5 pu- 5 or 3 Nod 1940- . more Hd 1943 1940 grades | * m @ @) “@ ©) 6) m ® ©) S10). an (12) “a3) (14) (15) (16) 086 |Philedelphia..s....| 3,002,565 | 1,7 [2,956,206 1.5 al 1,560.5 2,634,505 | 89.1 2,604,704 86.4 | 21.6 56,302 | 35,980 In No Je=29cs000e 418,798 | «1.3 424,959 2.0 1, 310.48 393,135 | 92.5 256,854) 85.8 | 19.2 is 5-168 Burlington=003.. 89,920 | =7.0 97,013 5 3.7 819 118.5) 90,00. 92.8 22,997] 85.7 | 20.7 1,902 1,253 Camden=004. ccs. 254,085 | =0.6 255,727 2 1.4 221 [1,157.1 237,693 | 92.9 204,523] 86.0 | 18.6 5,060 3,057 Gloucester-008. . 74,793 3.6 72,219 9 2.0 329 219.5 65,441 | 90.6 29,334] 85.4] 19.1 1,506 858 In Pa.-37.. 2,583,767 2.2 }2,531,337 1.4 804 3,148.4] 2,241,370 | 88.5 | 2,347,890] 86.5 | 22.0 {47,834 | 30,812 Delaware=023. 35,906 8.1 310,756 1 10.9 185 [1,679.8 287,912 | 92.6 228,240] 91.7 | 34.7 7,008 3,210 Montgomery=046. . 303,250 4.8 289,247 2 8.8 484 597.6| 274,881 221, 188, 316 190.6 | 31.4 5,508 3,378 Philadelphia-051| 1,944,611 0.8 [3,931,334 0 «1.0 135 [14,508.23 1 ,678.577 B69 1,931,334 85.0 | 18.6 | 35,318 | 24,224 087 |PhoeniX.sessseceses 206,095 | 10.7 186,193 23.3 9,231 20.2] 173,661 | 93.3 80,399 66,369 39,425 84.2 | 31.6 5,616 2,359 Ariz,.-02 Maricopa=007.... 206,095 | 10.7 186,193 3 23.3 9,231 20.2] 173,661 | 93.3 80,399 66,369] 39,425 84.2 | 31.6 5,616 2,359 088 [Pittsburgh.eese....| 1,960,103 | =7.8 2,126,801 2.6 3,412 623.3] 2,010,358 | 94.5 | 1,469,423 574,250] 83,128 84.7 | 22.1 | 37,511 | 22,683 Pa.=37 Allegheny=-002...| 1,322,387 | «6.3 [1,411,539 0 2.7 730 [1933.6] 1,321,122 | 93.6 [1,183,831] 208,486] 19,222 86.2 | 24.2 | 24,89 |15,721 Fayette-026..... 174,581 |=13.1 200, 2 1.2 800 251.2] 190,935 | 95.0 49,791 133,011 18,197 80.1 | 15.6 3,591 1,943 Washington=063. . 183,835 |=12.8 210,852 2 3.0 857 246.0) 201,064 | 95.4 89,228-100,942| 20,682 81.0 | 17.7 3,735 1,985 Westmoreland-065 279,300 | =7.9 303,411 1 2.9 1,025 296.0] 297,237 | 98.0 146,573] 131,811 25,027 82.6 18.3 5,286 3,034 089 |Portland, Me....... 152,877 [9A 146,000 8.4 881 165.7 145,524 | 99.7 107,514] 25,997] 12,489 93.1] 35.3 3,908 1,935 Maine-18 > Cumberland-003..| 152,877 | 6.4 | 146,000 Lk ms eel | 165.7] 45,524 | 99.7 | 107,514] 25,997 12,489) 93.1] 35.3 | 3,908 | 1,935 090 en Trae 511,229 | 24.0 412,229 yh 2,314 178.1 405,233 | 98.3 311,518 69,144 31,567 94.1 | 36.5 | 10,255 5,699 Oreg.- Clackamas-003... 62,934 | 10.2 57,130 2 23.6 1,89 30.2] 56,838 | 99.5 6,124 29,530] 21,476 93.5 | 28.2 1,232 676 Multnomah-026... 448,295 | 26.2 355,099 3! 5.0 424 837.5 348,395 | 98.1 305,294 39,614 10,091 94.2 | 37.8 9,023 5,023 091 Piatra 659,319 | =2.5 680,853 3.4 734 927.6 670,329 | 98.5 642,184] 31,549 7,120 84.2 | 20.7 |12,899 7,970 R. I.- = Bristol=00l..... 24,549 | =3.9 25,548 35 1:8 25 [1,021.9 25,475 1 99.7 25,548 76.3] 22.1 481 252 Kent=C02:00evsns 62,117 | 6.5 58,311 1 ns 172 | 339.0 58,031 | 99.5 50,787) ~ €,954 570 | 85.6) 19.1 | 1,290 654 Newport=003..... 50,444 | 19.4 46,696 15 12.1 115 406.1) 44914 | 96.2 30,532] 13,051 3,113 90.3] 23.6 1,256 521 Providence=004. . 522,209 | =5.1 550,298 0 1.9 422 [1,304.0 541,909 | 98.5 535,317] 11,544 3,437 84.8 20.6 9,872 6,543 092 |Pueblose.ssoraceans 73,268 | 6.4 68,870 L330 2,m1 28.7 67,305 | 97.7 52,162] 10,460] 6,248 | 84.5 | 24.9: | 1,695 | 1,128 Colo.=05 Pueblo=051eccees 73,268 6.4 68,870 9 4.3 2,401 28.7 67,305 | 97.7 52,162] 10,460 6,248 84.5] 24.9 1,695 1,128 093 |Racine-Kenosh&..s..s 154,167 | -2.1 157,552 2.6 610 258.3 156,831 | 99.5 120,374] 19,000, 18,178 88.7 | 20.9 2,952 1,537 Wis. =48 Kenosha=030.esee 62,460 | =1.6 63,505 10 Od 273 232.6) 63,297 | 99.7 48,765]. 7,323 7,417 85.8 | 19.9 1,231 616 FRacine=05leecces 91,707 | =2.5 . C4, 047 6 4e2 337 279.1] ©3,534 | 99.5 71,609] 11,677] 10,761 90.6 | 21.6 1,721 921 094 |Keading..eeeesesss| 223,095 | 7.8 | 243,884 hod 864 | 280.0] 239,560 | 99.0 | 144,757 65,650] 3,477) 7.4] 16.9 | 3,607 | 2,810 Pa.=37 Berks-006seseass 223,095 | =7.8 241,884 2 bed 864 280.0 239,560 | 99.0 144,757] 65,650] 31,477 87.4 | 16.9 3,607 2,810 095 |Fiehmond.esenseeess| 252,777 | 7.6 | 235,002 | 10.2 262 | 897.0] 166,688 | 70.9 | 193,042] 35,159] 6,801 85.0 30.8 | 4,718 | 2,781 Va.=45 > Henrico=04lssees 29,061 | =30.7 41,960 17 38.4 241 174.1 34,982 | 83.4 35,159] 6,801 88.2 | 34.9 618 216 Richmond city-118| 223,716 | 15.9 | 193,042 3 5.5 21 19192.5 131,706 | 68.2 193,042 84.3] 29.9 4,100 2,565 096 |Roanokesesssseoevss| 104,808 | -6.6 112,184 Tol x3. 770.2 96,033 | 85.6 | 78,479] 25,370] 8,335 85.0] 26.0 | 2,286 | 1,127 Va.=45 Foanoke=081..... 40,594 | =5.4 42,897 17 21.6 292 146.9] 35,561 | 92.2 9,192] 25,370] 8,335 83.5] 21.2 872 398 Koanoke city=119 64,214 | 7.3 69,287 9 0.1 11 | 6298.8] 56,472 | 81.5. 69,287 85.8 | 28.7 1,414 729 097 |Rochesterseeeeessss 418,655 | =4.5 438,230 3.4 673 651.2 434,452 | 99.1 363,276] 54,764 20,190 | 87.5] 24.3 7,763 4,930 N, Y.-31 x _ Monroe-028......| 418,655 | -4.5 438,230 1 3d 673 | 651.2] 434,452 | 99.1 | 363,276 54,764 20,190 | €7.5] 24.3 | 7,763 | 4,9% 098 |Kockfordseesseeeses| 126,110 | 4.1 121,178 li 32 520 | 233.0] 119,715 | 98.8 87,462 24,672] 9,004] 92.4) 25.3 | 2,763 | 1,272 I11.-12 = = ? Winnebago=101... 126,110 4.1 121,178 5 3.2 520 233.0] "119,715 | ©8.8 87,462] 24,672] 9,044 02.4 1 25.3 2,763 5,272 099 |Sacremento.........| 188,168 | 10.8 17¢, 333 20.0 o85 | 172.9] 156,793 | 92.0 | 109,011] 41,270] 20,052 | 0.0] 33.0 | 4,321 | 2,253 © Calif.-04 : Sacramento-C34..[ 188,168 | 10.8 170,333 3 | 20.0 o85 | 172.9] 156,793 | 92.0 | 109,011] 41,270] 20,052} 0.0] 33.0 | 4,321 | 2,253 100 |Saginaw-Bay City...| 206,551 | 0.5 205,449 8.0 | 1,258 | 163.3] 201,589 | 98.1 | 130,750] 32,647] 42,052) 87.5) 19.7 | 4,654 | 2,184 Mich,-21 Bay=009s..vseene 77,157 | 2.9 74,981 8 | 7.9 46 | 168.1 74,734 | 99.7 47,956] 10,673 16,352 | 83.9] 17.9 | 1,734 804 Saginew=073.004. 129,394 | -0.8 130,468 4 8,1 812 160.7 126,855 | 97.2 82,7041 21,974] 25,700 89.57 20.8 2,020 1,380 101 [St. Josephiseesesss 79,960 | =15.0 94,067 | -2.6 21 | 228.9 00,992 | 96.7 75,711) 8,404 9,952 | 1.2] 25.3 | 1,467 | 1,262 Mo.=24 Buchanan~C1l.... 79,560 | -15.0 94,067 6 | 4.6 LA1 | 228.9 90,992 | 96.7 75,711) 8,404] 9,952) 91.2 25.3 | 1,467 | 1,262 102 St. Louis.... .| 1,485,868 | 3.9 |1,432,088 5.3 | 2,520 | 568.3] 1,280,640 | 89.4 [1,164,446] 215,2 52,418 | 80.2 | 19.8 |27,532 |16,889 In I1l.-12... . 334, 5 6.4 316,248 449 1,401 225.7 287,464 | 90.9 213,175] 76,685 26,388 87.6] 16.1 6,406 3,607 Madison=060. “ 161,917 8.4 149, 349 4 3.8 731 204.3 142,213 | 95.2 104,638] 30,417] 14,294 87.3] 17.4 3,108 1,764 St. Clair-082...| = 172,665 | 4.5 166,899 3 5.8 670 | 249.1) 145,251 | 87.0 | 108,537] 46,268] 12,094) 87.8] 14.9 | 3,298 | 1,843 In Mo.=2f.essorss| 1,151,286 | 3.3 |2,115,840 5.5 | 1,119 | 297.2] 993,176 | 89.0 | 951,271} 138,539] 26,030 | €9.6| 20.8 |21,126 |13,282 St. Charles-092. 26,312 2.9 25,562 35 5.C 561 45.6 24,542 | 96.0 10,803 55131 9,628 88:0 | 12.8 537 St. Louis=095... 308,809 | 13.0 274,230 2 29.6 497 551.8 261,840 | 95.5 124,420] 133,408 16,402 92.8 | 31.1 5,915 2,791 St.Louis city-09%6| 816,165 - | ei6,018 0 =p. 61 lizzie] 706,794 | 86.6 | 816,048 88.6 | 17.8 | 14,674 |10,249 38 TABLE 2—SELECTED DATA FOR METROPOLITAN AREAS AND "METROPOLITAN Table 2 Part 2 - Labor Force Pl:11adelphia (086) 381,801 WW O 'COUNTIES—Continued st. Louts (102) CIE LABOR FORCE—1940 . P Population 14 Years Old and Over Employed Workers by Industry Group | / | METRO 3 ; In leading Metro) AREAG TAN p P Teone Business nonagri- Area COUNTIES, ercent | Percent porta- and cultu Code AND of of > a Co Hom, | Whole-..{ personal Other In | industry males : n- communi- . er CODES Total In labor rnd -— oe . Total Agi Mitiing |< strac: Manufac- | “Cb rs sale and | services | 4% | agri- force X g employed {| culture \ . turing » | retail | exclud- cul-- a in in tion an fade in reported fore Code ah tor abr vier Tarn (See |Per- force orce utili- : page | cent . ties services : 429) an (18) 19) @) @n 2) > 4) 5) 6) @n 28) (29) G0) | ay | 086 |Philsdelphis..e.... 2,371,342 1.307.303 50.2 1.4% LI 28 1,229 | 52,367 | 0% 11.138 Be.163 207,186 | 119,869 | 1.5 In ¥. Jo=29eeenee ne 10,375] 80.0 | -3i3- 148,107] 8,521 5 7.537 1,588 | 10,908 51 ,791 | 13,706 | 5.7 Burlington-003.. 76,642 ko,128 77.% 26.0 33, £55 3.978 1,938 12,603 2,035 «578 Hed 3,622 [11.8 17|11,5 Caaden~00M,.....| 203,907 | 111,190| 81.1 28.4 675 ha ni »37 39,566 7.0 15,227 [ 1h,u38 7.848 | 1.2| 19| 8.0 @loucester-008.,. 56,613 060 79.4 22,3 24.577 3. 0 | 1,222 ei 1,8 3,29 a8 2,236 (13.5 1b] 8.3 In Pacedlecee...o| 2,034,180 11,127,128 80.2 32.1 | 928,858 7. 1,074 | 44,83 607 | 66,8 185,064 | 184,395 | 106,163 | 0.8 Delavare-023.... ,665 | 129,955 81.1 2.2 | 115,598) 1. 138 | 5,624 9,1! 18, 892 Dg: 13,131 | 1.5) @36| 9.3 Montgomery-Ob6..| 230,045 | 121,035 77.0 29. : 109,562 WM, 476 | 5, hess 6.3 15,034 | 21,1 14,863 | 4.2| 036| 9.7 Philadelphia-051| 1,558,470 | 876,138] 80.6 33.4 | 703,698) 1.555 neo | 33,747 | 248,307 | 51,331] 151,138 | 138,991 | 78,169 | 0.2 | @36| 7.8 087 PUOUBLY, Ls s6432 135,857 68,076] 76.3 22.3 54,496 (| 12,139 514. | 3,205 3,939 3,314 | 13,200 | 12,190 5,995 | 22.3 Ss. $F . : Naricepa-00T.... 135,857 68,076) 76.3 22.3 54,490 fl 12,139 51% | 3,205 3,939 3,314 | 13,200 | 12,190 5,995 | 22.3 | 636 | 9.1 088 (Pittsburghe........| 1,651,099 | 832,454 78.0 22.4 660,43] 15,363 [55.287 | 27.161 | 223,467 | 55.273 | 114,853 | 110,374 | 58,685] 2.3 Pa.-37 i: Allegheny-002,.. | 1,114,200 | 573,198 78.7 24,5 | %63,073|| 3.806 [11,509 | 20,362 | 165, re 42,194 | 88,864 | 86,086 ,350| 0.8 17 Be Fayette-026.....| 146,869 ’ 75.9 17. 47,307|| 2.706 |16,716 | 1,b53 3 3,889 7.364 6,319 i 27 | 5.7 2 3h.7. Washington-063..| 160,097 17.839] 77.3 17. 63,043] 4,352 [15,839 | 2,110 ied 3,709 7.9%2 7,270 337] 6.9 2 | 2k.h Westmoreland-065| 229,933 111,571 76. 18.9 s7.080|f MN, 11,223 | 3,23 5,481 10,683 10,699 6,571 | 5.2 17 | 16.6 089 Bortlasd, Mos... .| 115,316 60,998] 77.9 29.0 52,030( 2.703 31 | 2,558 11,610 5,004 | 11,719 | 10,853 7.642) 5.2 Maine-18.. Cumberland-003.. 115,376 60,998 11.9 29.0 52,030 2,703 Nn 2,58 11,610 5,014 11,719 10,853 7.642 | 5.2 636 | 87 090 |Portland, Oreg.....| 345,394 | 183,987 78.6 28.5 | 156,173) 8.979 268 | 8,736 |" 30,396 | 17,159 | - 38,719 | 36,003{ 15,913] 5.7 45,221 22,33] 78.2 18.1 19,223) 5.24% 60 | 1,003 4,599 1,277 2,726 2,676 1,633|27.3| 1 71.2 300,173 | 161,651 78.6 30.0 | 136.950( 3.730 208 | 7,733| 25.797 | 15.882] 35.993 | 33,327 | 14,280 | 2.7 636| 9.4 091 sh2,79% | 308,320 £0.0 35.0 | 253.663|| M.177 12 | 12,047 | 117,026 | 12,312 | 43,242 | 39,984 | 24,663] 1.6 20,201 11,836 78.0 ho. kh 10,189 321 yy 5,855 360 1,170 1,141 £92 | 3.2 6 | 23.5 1209 2.739 £0.4 3 17 20,69 556 3] 1,208 10,882 918 2.951 2,472 1.40 2.7 6 | 31.2 37,620 20,663] 81.7 24.8 17.9 1,103 10 |- 1,167 3.771 750 2, 2,567 6,1! 6.1| 37|22.8 439,764 | 251,082 79.9 36.1 | 20h,801) 2,197 96 | 9.325 96,518 10,284 | 36,639 33,804 | 15,938) 1.1 6] 21.6 092 unio cig ree 53,985 24,912 71.7 20.% 20,972] 1,623 68 790 6,203 2,305 4,115 4,42 1,466 | 7.7 010. . Pusblo-051...... 53,985 24,912 n.7 20.4 20,972f] 1,623 | * 68 790 6,203 2,305 4,115 4 hoz 1,466 | 7.7 17 | 23.0 093 202 nef 0n0nkiy vas 123,684 64,475 80.4 23.1 53.299 54251 69 1,751 24,427 2,333 8,280 7.599 3.583 | 9.8 8. Kenosha-030..... k4g,899 26,447 81.3 23.6 21,303|| 2,136 19 112 .931 837 3,289 2,913 1,466 | 10.0 20 | 12.8 Racine-051...... 73.785 | 38,028] 79.9 22.8 31,996 3.115 50 | 1,045 1k,496 1,496 k,991 4,686 2,117] 9.71] 1917.0 09k Beating, nin irs .| 192,607 | 108,004| 80.5 32.0 ou,B21]| 6.817 24 | 3,700 45,751 6,027 | 12,813 | 13,173 | 6,099] 7.2 Bee: Berks<006...... .| 192,607 | 108,004] 80.5 32.0 94,621) 6,817 | 241 | 3,700 5,751 6,027 | 12,813 | 13,173 6,099 | 7.2 6 | 24.3 095 RICHIE 0s crdeery 190,544 | 112,567| 61.1 40.0 | 100,519) 1,535 103 | 6,116 25,517 9,492 | 21,248 | 21,183 | 15,325] 1.5 L Henrico-Olk..... 32,517 17,534 81.3 28.4% 16,356 2,331 7 | 1.379 3.723 1,528 3,114 2,892 2,332] 8.1 836] 7.7 Richmond cityll8| 158,027 95,033 81.1 42.3 84,163 204 % 4,737 21,79% 7,964 | 18,134 | 18,291 12,993 | 0.2| 22]10.9 096 B8330Re rx tress 86,883 b5,642| 71.9 29.0 4o,6u6(l 1,524 62 | 2,313 8,453 8,081 7.822 7,851 4,480 | 3.7 x a. o | Boanoke-08l..... 21.669 15,186 72.6 22.5 13,505) 1,459 n | 1,037 3 2,268 2,084 2,251 1,066 | 10.8 | 2313.0 Roanoke city-119 55,21 30,456 | 81.1 32.5 27,14 65 3 1,33 5,1! 5,813 5.738 5,600 3,4 | o.2| 2316.8 097 Bockotiatss veses . 358,632 | 192,828) 77.9 30.9 | 166,682] 5,746 14g | 7,243 68,766 | 10,256 | 26,896 | 30,109 | 15,476] 3.4 Nonros-028......| 358,632 | 192.228] 77.9 30.9 | 166,642] 5,746 148 | 7,243 68,766 | 10,256 | 28,896 | 30,109 | 15,476 | 3.4 | 22|17.2 098 i 97,065 52,612 81.1 27.2 ky, 404 2,885 57 1,831 22,820 1,998 7,967 6,967 2,819 6.1 V¥innebago-101... 97,065 52,612 81.1 27.2 u7,uoufl 2,885 57 | 1.8% 22,220 1,998 7.967 6,967 2,819] 6.1 1917.7 099 Sastamsia.... is 139,785 76,613] 76.1 29.9 64,085 7,500 707 | 3.991 5.770 £8,660 | 13,881 | 12,416 | 11,160 | 11.7 Sacramento-O3h.. 139,785 76.613 76.2 29.9 64,085 7,500 707 3.991 5.770 8,660 | 13,881 12,116 11,160 | 11.7 37 [13.4 100 Sagi ssubey City... | 154,205 79.238 0.3 n.t 67,994|| 10,532 917 | 2,831 23,269 4,047 | 12,046 9,149 5,203 | 15.5 Par 009.00 nes 56,293 28,708 78.8 22.6 24,556 4,124 346 1,125 8,06 1,470 4,168 3,138 2,120 | 16.8 20 | 12.9 Saginav-073..... 97.912 50,530 81.1 21.2 u3,k3gll 6,48 571 | 1,706 15,20 2,571 7.878 6,011 3,083 [14.8 2015.7 101 Br dosgier. suru 76,561 38,663] 76.4 26.0 31,99%{ 2,797 9% | 1,k98 7.436 3,059 7.882 6.331 2,891 | &.7 oe T Buchanan-Ol1.... 76.561 38,663 76.4 26.0 31,99%{| 2,797 9% | 1,498 7.436 3.059 7.882 6,331 2,891 | 8.7 5|13.5 102 |St. Louis... 1,154,348 632,200 g1.8 | 29.6 L331] 17,24 | 4,192 | 25,508 172,768 49,111 | 112,000 | 10k &®6 1,83 | 3.2 In I11.-12. re 127.079] 19.5 22.8 | 102,539] €,398 | 3,521 2 38,ch9 | 10,290 | 16,284 | 13.86% en 8.2 115,921 29. 1% ne gg ea bei97 157 1,919 5. ,163 3,210 7.299 6,565 3,215 | €.6 | 17{10.9 . , . . ' ,201 | 2,11 2,28 16,886 € Lob 4,656 | 7. ; In Mo.=24..... 906,510" | 505,121 2a 3.4 | 434,792 8,842 or 211508 134,719 shel 5 25 oF oo 1s 519.2 St. Charles092. 19,787 10,221 80.2 22.4 9,110 3,043 102 pact 1,846 1,239 1,282 669 | 33.4 15 | 11.0 St. Louis-095...| 214,573 | 113,099 £1.8 25.8 | 102,119) 5,227 283 | 6,85 26,021 g, > 21,607 | 21,599 | 11,993] 5.1 | 636] 9.8 St.Zouls city096 | 672,150 82.7 33.4 | 323.563 512 2 13,903 | 106,852 | 29906 | 72.900 | 67.8% | 31.303] 0.21 036 | 7.3 REESE SER kh - 5 7 = ’ Table 2 ] Fort Se Busing TABLE 2—SELECTED DATA FOR METROPOLITAN AREAS AND METROPOLITAN Philadelphia (086) = 2 ee os COUNTIES—Continued aro 680343 = HOUSING—1940 . : : : : ; Nonfarm Rural Farm All Dwelling Units Occupied Dwelling Units Dwelling Units Dwelling Units i METROPOLITAN \ tel e Metro, AREAS, i ps i e- Area COUNTIES P P P Median P phones, Code AND . | Residential Tercent | Fercent Per- | Feeent | number ered i CODES structures in5o0r | with Pace sha wih of Avery e i Pasest i) 3 more | private wi mechan- monthly wit wit Number fal | Saher {dic Number one ical gertons Number rent | Number run- | electric struc- or | lighting od | refrie- | poe (dollars) ning {lighting Be tures | shower P eration | p11 - water > 38) G4 35) (36) Gn (38) 39) “0) “n “@2) @) “0 5) 6) “n : 086 |Philadelphia....... 653,010 810,419 8.0 83.2 91.8 fi 43.0 60.71 3.39 197.137 33.30 13,282 58 82 415,229 InN. J.=29,..... 106,807 119,188 2.2 74.8 93.5 111, 3.5 59.2 3.38 111,909] 27.34 7.279 53.2] 771.5 51,159 . . Burlington=003..|' 23,969 27,498 1.2 64.9 88.8 24,785] 51.2 51.1] 3a 24,291 25.56 3,207] u4e.0f 71.2 10,150 ha Camden=00k., . 63,193 70,457 3.0 81.7 95.9 67,480| u7.5 62.0 3.40 69,294] 28.53 1,163] 58.0] 87.7 33,126 A : Gloucester-008,. 19,639 21,233 1.0f 65.0 91.7 19,429] 54.6 60.0] 3.31 18,324] 25.16 2,909] 57.0] 80.4 7.893 5 In Pa.=3Teccennns 546,203 691,231 9.0 84.6 98.5 658,179] 11.9 60.9 35 685,228 .28 6,003] 64.4 88.2] 364,070 ST Delavare~023.... 64,278 83,596 5.5 88.1 98.2 80,057| Uu8.7 76.31 3.16 82,091 I.gu 1,505 79.8 88.8 58,209 a Mont gomery=046. . 62,534 74,303 3.9 78.9 97.3 71,142] 55.8 T.6| 3.51 69.805 u8.70 ugg 59.2 88.0 54,809 or Philadelphia=051 419,391 533.332 10.2 84.8 98.7 506,980 38.9 57.0 3.36 533,332] 31.22 251,052 ra : ¥ 087 Phagnis. weees sive 48,336 54,358 4.3 56.0 81.9 50,455) u1.3 43.8 3.16 44,136] 21.56 10,222] 42.1] 59.9 20,351 2 Ariz.=02 Maricopa=00T.... 48,396 54,358 4.3 56.0 81.9 50,455 41.3 43.8 3.16 44 136] 21.56 . 10,222 42.1] 59.9 20,351 088 [Pittebugghs........ 404,058 547,294 6.6 54.7 95.4 534,544 | 40.0 58.50 ~ 3.58 527,516 | 29.67 19,778] 41.0] 64.1] 290,645 ‘Pa.=37 ’ Allegheny=002... 260,900 368,485 8.4 61.1 98.2 360,094 22.2 62.7] 3.47 363,690] 34.03 u,795| 54.9] 82.8) 222,067 g Fayette=026..... 8,5561 48,970 2.2 34.1 85.4 47,902 Lo.9 h.2 3.75 LL g29| 16.08 4a4l 37.31 57.1 14,634 . OF Waghington=063.. 3,063 53,514 3.0 40.9 88.9 52,333| Wi.4| © 53.6! 3.61 Lg 485! 19.73 5,029] 33.1] Uu8.€ 21,854 > Westnoreland=065 61,539 76,325 2.8 46.6 92.5 T4,215( L7.4 52.4] 3.65 70,512] 21.21 5,813] 33.9] 67.3 32,090 - 2 089 |Portland, Me....... 33.936 47.17% 11.0 63.5 91.8 38,636] 45.4 38.2] 3.18 43.471] 28.59 3,703] 54.3 72.1 27,308 7 Maine=18& ¥ Cumberland=003.. 33,936 47,174 11.0 63.5 91.8 38,636] Uus5.h4 38.2 3.18 43 471 28.53 3,703] 54.3] 72.1 27.308 090 |Portland, Oreg..... 116,164 145,799 17.31 78.3 96.0 134,936] 53.4 53.9] 3.60 135,962 2.38 9.817 57.4 77.6 87,4l2 Oreg.=3 Clackamas=003... 20,317 20,752 0.9 54.8 80.7 17,669] 68.3 38.4 2.87 13,827 18.29 6,925 52.1] 74.6 7.635 Multromah=026. .. 95,847] 125,047 19.7 82.2 98.6 117,267| 51.1 56,2| 2.58 122,155 25.96 2,892 70.1 8h.g 79,807 091 |Providences........ 117,088 191,156 8.9 76.9 98.1 178,831] 36.7] ~ bL1.5| 3.3 189,133 28.71 2,023] 56.3] 80.2 90,389 | R. 1.-38 = = Bristol=001..... 5,976 7,910 3.0 62.4 97.9 6,478| L7.1 6.2] 3.46 7,910) 27.18 3,567 Kent~002. 15,452 18,302 1.9 61.4 96.8 15,302| 52.6 1.5] 3.37 18,133 26.15 169 46.71 70.5 6,52 Yeuport=003..... 11,622 14,594 3.1 75.1 95.8 11,981 47.1 Lg.2( 3.21 13,783 35.73 g11| 64.2] 85.1 9,17 Providence=00k.., 84,038 150,350 10.5 7.7 98.5 145,070 33.7 W.2. 3.0 149,307 27.57 1,043 52.7] 78.0 71,125 3 16,325 19,331 7.0 52.1 88.2 18,232| 52.9 47.0 3.05 17,457( 20.04 1,874 20.3] Bu.7 11,438 Pueblo=051. . 16,325] 19,331 7.0 52.1 88.2 14,232] 52.9 47.0| 3.05 17,457 20.04 1,874) 20.3 Lu.7 11,438 093 |Racine=Kenosha, 37,745 47,020 2.9 70.2 98.1 41,756 Lug.1 51.2 3.38 L42,831| 28.49 4,189) u5.3 1.5 28,322 15,794 19,387 2.3 TOT 98.4 16,764] Lu7.4 53.5 3.43 17,573] 26.70 1,814) ug. 7| 93.4 10,468 ; 21,951 27,633 3. 69.8 97.9 24,992 u8.5 3.71 3.35 25,258) 29.73 2,375 L42.8| 90.0 17,854 3 55.897 66,503 3.6 67.6 93.6 63.692| 50.3 51.5 3.29 59.384 27.99 7.119) 39.3] 70.4 32,981 : 55,897 66,503 3.6 67.6 93.6 63,692] 50.3 51.5 3.29 59.384] 27.09 7:119| 39.3 70.4 32,981 Eg 45,042 63,719 9.1 63.0 91.0 61,611 36.5 62.6 3.28 62,125 30.07 1,594| 38.0] 59.9 39,804 i Henrico=Oll,.. 10,625 11,279 2.6 62.0 gi. lf 10,694] ‘71.5 72.3 3.45 ) 9,685 39.75 1,594] 38.0] 59.9 652 i Richmond gity-118 34,417 52,440 10.5 63.2 92.5 50,517 29.1 60.6| 3.24 52,440| 28.29 39.152 ps 8 096 Bomnoke. A e 23.171 28,905 1 50.4 89.8 27,949 u7.8 62.7) 3.46 26,992] 24.61 1,913 37.0] 57.7 16,007 ge Va.=l5 ’ ot Roanoke=081..... 9,449 10,468 1.8 48.9 82.8 103,000] 61.2 58.9 3.64 8,555| 22.u8 1,913] 387.0] 57.7}. 1,180 K Roanoke ¢ity=119 13,722 18,437 4.7 65.3 93.8 17.949) 40.3 64.9] 3.37 18,437] 25.61 14,827 097 |Rochester........ ou 95,313 127,776 9.8 85.6 98.6 121,086) U46.6 56.1] 3.20 122,256| 35.11 5,520| 48.8] 90.8 70,925 | N. Y.-31 = Monroe=028...... 95,313 127,776 9.8 85.6 98.6 121,086) U46.6 56.1] 3.20 122,256] 35.11 5,520| 48.8] 90.8 70,925 Fo 098 Botktordegraspee ss 27 4k 35 M483 6.9 70.2 96.1 34,818] 45.1] 56.9] 3.12 33,065| 29.13 2,418] 26.5) 67.3 22,825 ES I11,=1 2 ce 3 Winnebago=10l... 27,4uk 35,483 6.9 70.2 96.1 34,818) 45.1 56.9] 3.12 33,065] 29.13 2,m18f 26.5 67.3 22,825 oF 099 Ssovawento, rane . 41,437 51,715 10.5 79.1 96.8 49,134 50.8 63.1 2.84 46,190| 30.54 5,525| 85.0] 89.3 34,147 i Calif.=0 Sacramento-034.. 41,437 51,715 10.5 79.1 96.8 43,134 | 50.8 63.1] 2.84 46,190 30.54 5.525| 85.0] 89.8 34,147 100 |Saginaw=Bay City... 50,671 56,316 2.2 55.5 93.1 53,867| 66.2 52.0 3.38 us, g9h| 24,53 10,422] 21.6 73.6 20.042 Mich.=21 2 Bay=009...euses . 18,743 20,514 1.4 55.4 92.5 19,325 70.0 43.2) 3.45 16,683 22.97 3,831] 18.2] 70.2 9,896 Saginaw=073..... 31,928 35,802 2.6 55.5 93.5 34,542] 64.0 53.7 3.35 29,211 25.42 6,591] 23.6] 75.7 20,146 IE. 101 (St. Jest favearsain 22,671 28,673 9.7 54.1 89.7 26,816 u0.1 50.5] 2.91 25,825| 18.93 2,848] 1L.9 lo.s 1L,959 Mo, 2] > 3 Buchanan=0ll.... 22,671 28,673 9.7 54.1 89.7 26,816 40.1 50.5 2.91 25,825) 18.93 2,348 14.3] L0.8 1L,959 Be 102. 18t. Louis. seenune . He 428,668 13.3 €5.9 95.6 401,040] 38.0 63.2] 3.09 414,997] 27,k4 13,671] 22.4] u6.1] 231,252 . In 11142, 76,661 89,889 2.4 Lg, g 83.5 27,867 19.1 49.5 3.17 83,083] 21.0% 6.80 16.2] 35.3 \3N7 * Maiison=060..... 5,925 u,75 2.0 47.5 £9.0 40,882| 50.6 L9.6 3.23 38,042 21.61 3,792] 17.2] 36.3 21,52 on St. Clair-082... 736 48,138 2.7 43.9 90.0 46,985) 47.8 ug hl 3.2 Ls,047| 20.60 3,091] 16.2] 1.3 22,855 In Mo.=2le.vuennn 204,229 338,779 16.2 70.4 97.2 315,173) 34.8 67.1} 3.07 331,908] 29.03 5,871] 28.1] 56.8] 185,945 ie St. Charles=092.. 6,420 7.154 0.7 30.2 69.4 6,728] 53.2 39.0 3.26 L536] 19.02 2,563 2.2 nh] 2,859 i St. Louis=095... 69,148 80,015 6.7 TH.5 95.8 73,513] 59.0 7.2 3-33 75.712] 10.53 4,303] 39.50 71.9 25,025 St. Louis city-006 128,661 251,610 19.7 70.2 92.5 23h,872| 26.% 64.5 2.98 251,h10| 25.75 153,061 1 J ) TABLE 2—SELECTED DATA FOR METROPOLITAN AREAS AND METROPOLITAN ~ COUNTIES—Continued (Figures which have been rounded to thousands will not necessarily add to totals) Table 2 _ Part 4 - Agriculture Philadelphia (086) - St. Louis (102) : SH a 5 5 Ta Richmond Metropolitan Area (095) excludes Ricluand city (913), for which separate data are nut available. ®Roancke Uetropulitan Area (092) excludes Roancke city (118), fur which scparate data are nut-available, 41 er AGRICULTURE—1945 AGRICULTURE—1940 | Valooof : 1 Value of farm products sold, | Principal i Per. ( aye of Work power traded, or used by source of > Per- oy arm property farm household farm income | Type- . 18 k Oi i METROPOLITAN cent | £ ° | Rural : Metro. AREAS, Number of | Land in | Cropland | Number | of with Percent from farming- level ou : Area COUNTIES, farms farms | harvested | of farms | farms | 1.0 A Number L area’ | Sg : - Code AND (1000’s | (1000s oper- | of Total vets of Amothit wa code living 3 5 CODES Jan. 1, of of April 1, | ated d- otal | 28 | horses | Number pe); ioc Code | (See ind a Pro (1000’s | per f (1000s | and See | Fer ndex 2 "1945 acres) | acres) 1940 | by | yots of al and|or 0 ) hve | C ee | i paz i : fon. |= loss dollars) | (dol- miles i} fractors dollars) | stock rops | pad) 7 ants | hon {do fore 3 oe 4 $400 pe ucts = (48) “9 (G0) 1) (52) (53) GH “1 65) (56) GD (58) 59) (60) 61 (62) (63) (64) 5 086 |Philadelphié...... . 9,08 20 8,39 | 16.3] 27.6 113,912 [13567] 13,598 4,169 22,276 46.7 46.6 Br RR TIT ee We] ase pen [as | inset] WL] 33.0 Burlington-003.. 1,629 176 99 1,847 | 19.3 | 19.0 24,326 |13,171f 3,799 1,196 7,389 | 48.5] U6.9 2133.8 13 | 1b 1,111 23s 19 759 | 15.3 | 35.8 4,537 | 5.978 852 275 1,265 | 31.6] 59.2 o|26.1 13 | 147 2,255 115 68 1,775 | 15.9 | 18.8 13,134 | 7,399] 2,980 752) 4,907 | 32.9 0.7 6 | 36.9 131 | 13% 4,088 2 137 4,015 | 15.3 2:8 71,915 [17,912 5,967 1,946 8,715 55.2 36.6 ~ 6 fi 19 825 | 20.6 ol 23,216 [28,141 1,498 260 2,190 37.0 56.1 8 | 4.8 Les 159 z 5a 178 113 2,951 | 11.6 | 31.8 38,418 [13,019] 4,156 1,557 5,512 T1.1| 19.2 2 | 34h 463 | 1k49 Po Philadelphia-051 125 7 5 239 | 43.1 | 34.3 10,261 [43,015 313 129 1,014 CT. 38.9 8 | 68.2 463 i 087 | Phoenix........... . 6,479 1,041 305 4.632 | 19.5] 39.7 75.651 [16,332] 7,827 2,212] 17,978] 33.5] 63.8 5 [49.4 eo 2 , Ariz.-02 l , * Maricopa-007.... 6,479 1,041 305 4,632 | 19.5 | 39.7 75,651 |16,332] 7,827 2,272 17,978 | 33.5| 63.8 5 [49.1 791 99 ; 088 |Pittsburgh......... 17,052 1,232 451 |. 14,353 | 17.8 | 40.6 106,790 | 7,4%0| 21,853 3,828 15,689 56.0 23.0 z 1 Pa.~3] . i 2 Allegheny-002... 3,092 163 61 3,004 | 19.0 | 49.3 35,609 [11,854 ar 810 4,107 9.5 45.2 8 | 27.6 Led 137 . i Fayette-026..... 31% 258 8 £993 10.2 | 47.0 15,7uk | 5,157 1505 658 2,32k .6| 20.6 031.2 Lee | 111 phe Washington-063. . ,910 L429 142 L366 | 24.9 | 37.8 27,741 | 6,354 7,105 996 4,582 | 68.5 10.1 2 |39.k kee 121 - Vim Westmoreland-065 5,254 382 157 3,93 | 14.8] 32.1 27,696 | 7,047 ©,826 1,364 4,676 03.4 17.3 2|37.0 Lob 17 089 | Fortland, Me....... 3,485 253 48 2,937 6.5 | 43.9 12,968 | 4,115 2,03 722 3,631 57.8 24.2 227.2 i Maine-18 1C7 [San JoB@...ccereeens 191,811 11.3 174,949 20.6 1,30% | 134.1 168,921 | 96.6 107,412] 42,202 25,335 87.4 34.5] 4,100 2,532 1a Calif,=04 . Santa Clara-043. 191,811 11.3 174,949 3 20.6 1,305 | 134.1 168,921 | 96.6 107,412] 42,202 25,335 87.4 34.5] 4,10 2,532 108 |[Savannah....eeseess 150,111 28.9 117,970 11.9 441 | 267.5 65,027 | 55.1 95,996] 18,851 3,123 73.9 21.6 3,745 1,834 Ga.~10 Chathem=025..... 150,111 28.9 117,970 5 1n.9 441 | 267.5 65,027 | 55.1 95,99] 18,851 3,123 73.9 21.6) 3,745 1,834 1C9 |Scrantor#llkesBarre 584,282 | «21.3 742,761 =1.7 1,345 | 552.2] 740,934 | 99.8 606,558 114,954 21,249 76.2 18.6 | 10,206 7,591 Ba 91 Pa.-37 EZ Lackawanna=C35.. 228,854] -24.0 301,243 1 249 454 | 663.5 300,380 | 99.7 269,997| 22,761 8,485 76.3 19.2} 3,879 3,192 E Luzerne=C40....4 355,428 «19.5 441,518 X -0.8 891 | 495.5 440,554 | 99.8 336,561] 92,193 12,764 76.1, 18.1 6,327 4,399 a ” * z 110" 1Seatile..vuueesiss - 594,793 18.2 504,480 8.9 2,136 | 236.4) 486,970 | 96.4 382,214] 100,369 22,397 94.42 40.5] 13,984 6,706 Wash.-46 : King=017......0. 594,793 18.2 504, 780 0 8.9 2,136 | 236.4) 486,970 | 96.4 382,214] 100,369 22,397 9442 -40.5] 13,984 6,706 111 |(Shreveport........ . 139,693 -7.0 150,203 20.5 |, 900 | 166.9 86,363 | 57.5 98,167, 23,450 28,586 75.3 29.6] 3,704 1,514 la.-17 & Caddo=009.....00 139,693 =7.0 150,203 4 20.5 900 | 166.9 86,363 | 57.5 98,167 23,450 28,586 75.3 |. 29.6] 3,704 1,514 112 [Sioux City.eee..s .e £9,736 =-13.4 103,627 1.9 866 | 119.7 12,618 | 99.0 82,364 8,106 13,157 * 93,2 32.4) 2,120 1,327 = lowa-14 Woodbury -0u7, + « « 89,736] -13.4] 10,,627 50 1.9]. 866] 119.71 102,618| 99.0| 82,364 8,206] 13,157] 93.2] 32.4] 2,020 | 1,127 113 [South Bend.:..... . 173,111 7.0 161,823 1a 467 | 346.5 158,042 | 97.7 129,566] 19,087 13,170 91.6 25.32] 3,46 1,518 Ind,.-13 7 St, Joseph=C71.. 173,111 7.0 161,823 3 1a 467 | 346.5 158,042 | 97.7 129,566] 19,087 13,170 91.6 25.3] 3,461 1,518 114 |[Spokane........... . 172,352 6.0 164,652 9.4 1,763 93.4 163,368 99.2 122,001] 21,256 21,395 93.3 35.5] 3,804 2,345 Wash.-46 Spokane=(32..... 172,352 6.0 164,652 3 9.4 1,763 93.4) 163,368 | 99.2 122,001] 21,256 21,395 93.3 35.5] 3,804 25° 115 |Springfield........ 113,393 -3.8 117,912 545 880 | 134.0) 114,274 | 96.9 75,503] 26,301 16,108 90.8 26,3] 2,123 1,337 m.-12 r Sangamon=084.... 113,393 =3.8 117,912 5 5.5 880 | 134.0 114,274 | 96.9 75,503( 26,301 16,108. 90.8 26.3| 2,123 1,337 116 |[sSpringfield, Mo.... 85,256 = 5.8 90,541 9.2 677 | 133.7 88,325 | 97.6 61,238 11,132 18,171 90.8 28.0] 1,946 996 Mo.-24 or: Greene=039...... 85,256 -5.8 90,541 6 9.2 677 | 133.7 88,325 | 97.6 61,238 111,132 18,171 90.8 28.01 1,946 996 117 |Springfield, Ohio... 100, 406 5.0 95,647 5.2 402 | 237.9) 86,938 | 90,9 70,662| 13,237 11,748 93.5 26,71 1,996 1,259 x Ohio=i4 Clark=0lZ2..ceuue 100, 466 5.0 95,647 6 9eR 402 | 237.9] 86,938 | 90.9 70,662| 13,237 11,748 93.5 26.7] 1,996 1,259 118 |Springticld-Holyoke 394,640| =2.9 404, 568 -0.9 1,158 | 349.4] 400,655 | 99.0 359,949] 28,950 15,669 87.6 27.11. 7,237 4y 594 Muss, =20 T Hempden-0U7..... 321,299 =3.2 332,107 1 «1.0 621 | 534.8 328,451 | 98.9 304,016] 21,427 6,664 | * 88.1 27.1] 6,050 3,586 S Hampshire= U8... n,34) =1. 72,461 9 0.5 537 | 134.9] © 72,204 | 99.6 55,933] 7,523 9,005 85.4 26.8 1,187 1,008 119 IStockton.s ce.vis oe 151,805 13.1 134,207 30.4 1,410 95.2 121,294 | 90.4 69,849] 29,030 35,328 81.7 2.4) 3,37 1,984 Calif.=t4 ” San Joaquin-039, 11,605) 13.0] 1s? 4 30.4 | 2,410] 95.2] 121,294 | 90.4 | 69,849] 29,030 | 35,328) 81.7] 22.4 3,37 | 1,98 120 |[Syrecuse........... 283,237) = 4.0 295,108 3 1.2 792 | 372.6 291,780 | v8.9 225,028) 48,578 21,502 90.7 28.5] 5,331 3,449 N. Y.=21 : Onondugu=034.... 283,237 =4.0 295,108 1 1.2 792 | 372.6 291,780 | 98.9 225,028] 48,578 21,502 90.7 28,5] 5,331 3,449 Few } ’ “ & b Be RR \ RE TO EET a : F . : : 3 Tos A 3 2 TABLE 2—SELECTED DATA FOR METROPOLITAN AREAS AND METROPOLITAN Ses tab ares - COUNTIES—Continued : Salt Lake City (105) - Syracuse (120) aro mod \ LABOR FORCE—1940 : : , Percent of Population 14 Years Old and Over Employed Workers by Industry Group " Employed / METROPOLITAN Tins To In leading - : X Metro. AREAS, usiness nonagri- 5 Area COUNTIES, Percent | Percent poria- and cultural > Code AND, of i Il # Con Soa; Whole- | personal Olier In industry - males | females . - - : iQ CODES Total In labor He Total Agri- Mining |" stric- Manufac- ies sale and | services and oo Je force t . employed || culture tion turing RE retail exclud- cesta cul- Code : 2 2 = in 1 i a th trade ing Ported 1 ture See |P. 3 i fet py domestic ee - : ¢ Se orce orce uit tart page cen ag RC) (18) 9) 0) @n @) @*) (24) (25) (26) @n (28) 9 G0 | 3) | 32) ; = + " ” ‘ 103 [Salt Lake City.....| 156,%4| 77,007] 76.4] 22.7] s,m 2,206] 4,573] 3,720 9,552| 8,19] 16,437] 15,436] 6,620] 3.3 : Utah=43 Salt Lake-018...| 156,844 | 77,007] 76.4] 22.7] 66,1 2,206] 4,573 3,720 9,552] e,u0| 16,437] 15,436] 6,620] 3.3] 636] 9.5 104 |San Antonic........ 259,060 | 140,166 80.4 27.2] 110,108 6,747 992| 7,975 11,909 7,227) 27,170) 2,542) 33,445) 5.7 x Texag=42 / © Bexar=015.ssvsee 259,060 | 140,166 80.4 27.8} 110,108 6,747 o2| 7,075 11,909 7,227] 27,0] 24,542] 33,445] 5.7] 37]18.8 105 |San Diegos..yesesss| 235,980 | 121,142 76.7 24.5) 107,206 8,545 221| 5,724 12,263 £,703| 21,288] 22,214] 32,338] 2.0 gi Calif ,-04 2 San Diego=037... 235,920 | 121,142 76.7 24.5] 107,206 8,545 221 5,72 12,263 4,703 21,288] 22,214 32,338] 2.0 37]23.6 ; 3 106 [San Francisco-Oak- 18M enrreenaes| 1,235,273 | 675,761 78.8 29,6 586,082 18,262 1,385| 33,070| -121,407| ~63,507| 129,535| 145,316] 73,501] 3,1 Calif .-04 Alameda=-00l..... 428,644 | 222,586 77.9 27.1] 191,131 5,465 592 11,540 44,056 22,982 41,026 46,998 18,472] 2.9] G36] 9.8 Contra Costa=007| 79,154 | 42,148 82,5 18.8| 37,517 3,650 u7| 2,019 16,004 3,067 4,99 5,204 2,370] 9.7] 113.0 Marin-021....... 45,654 23,264 67.1 24.84 21,811 1,451 53 1,094 1,571 1,944 3,264 44183 8,251] 6.7 37{30.8 San Franciso-03§ 550,011 316,659 79.7 34.7] 271,306 1,050 468| 13,751 45.053| 30,849| 68589] 75,746| 35,800] 0.4] G36] 8.8 ; San Mateo-04l... 91,360 | 48,352 78.5 2,.8| 43,860 2,885 69| 3,575 8,209 3,796 8,922| 10,746 5,667] 6.6] G36] &.8 3 . Solano-048, 40,450 | 22,752 83.6 20.8| 20,448 3,761 56| 1,040 6,514 869 2,738 2,439 3,031] 18.4 21}26.7 107 [San Jose........ “ve 13,791 71,867 7M 25.7| 59,775 9,420 216| 3,741 8,628 3,639 12,524 1,072 7,535] 15.8 Calif,.-04 3 . Santa Clarg-043.| 143,791] 71,867 Thal 25,7) 59,775 9,420 216 3,741 8,628 3,639] 12,524] 1,072 7,535] 15.8] G36[12.0 East 108 |Savannah........... 91,217 | = 51,208 80,7 34.7] 42,692 886 16) 2,419 7,731 6,805 8,433 7,523 8,279) 2.1 £ Ga,.~-10 Chatham=025..... 91,217| 51,208 20,7 34.7| 42,692 886 16] 2,419 7,731 6,805 8,433 7,523 8,879 2.1] 23] 7.6 109 |Scranton-Wilkes 570,674 | 293,709 78.2 25,1| 201,116 4,353 | 56,962| 6,293 34,850] 15,992] 34,148] 32,043] 16,475] 2.2 = Pa.-37 Lackavanna-035..| 234,072 | 120,419 77.5 26,1 81,165 1,712] 17,910| 2,465 13,439 8,134 14,935] w,79 on) za 2[22.0 Luzerne-040.....| 336,602 | 173,290 78.6 24.4 | 119,951 2,641] 39,052| 3,828 21,411 7,858 10,213 17,264 8,68 2.2 2[32.5 110° |Seattle...ueerrans] 421,265] “224,153 77.9 27.9] 192,240 6,615| 1,453] 11,970 38,526| 20,265| 47,094 45,263] 21,054 3.4 dunn] 470265 224,153| 77.9] 27.0) 192,200 6,615) 1,453 11,070] 38,526] 20,265 47,004] 45,263] 21,054] 3.4] cz6lcl8 : 2 1m [shreveport Consul ese] 82.3] 3.2] soso 9,081] 3,076) 3,50 6,221 1,51] 11,650] 10,71] 10,889] 15.2 . : Bs Caddo-009.......| 115,311] 65,814 | 82.3) 3.2| so,e01fl 90m] 3,0%| 3,50] 6,231] 4,5] 11,650] 10,701] 10,889] 15.2] 636] 6.6 b Na 112 |Sioux City.....sees| 80,820 4291] ma] 27a] 36,179) 4,026] 20] 1,500] 6,230] 3,55] 9,355] 7,357] 3,207] 13.6 ey, 80,820 | 42,091] m.1| 2n1]| 360ml 4,92) 20 1,500] 6,230] 3,565|- 9,35] 7,357 3,27] 13.6] s|r08 ° 3 113 |South Bend.........| 125,93] ¢8,32| eo.9| 27.8] see2|l 2,506] 26| 1,77] 27,177] 3,200] 0,08] 10,8] 3,909] wu. 23 eti-0l..| we] SE] ws] 7s ss,812|l 2,506] 26] 1,77] 27,177] 3,209] 0,98] 10,8] 3,009] z.4| 20{27.7 ; Fen ceed] 15,313) 69,m9| 76.2| 26.0 s9,003|l 5,13] 267 3,257] 313] 6,054) w,0s2f w,2e0| 6,78] ele n = Spokane-032.....| 135,313 69,849] 76.2] 26.0] 59,093| 5,183] 267] 3,257] 8,313] 6,054] 1,052] _ 14,280] &,787| 5.6] G30] 5.5 115 Springfield. oo. 63] 49,51 mol zal mesll soo) 2,57) 1,93] 6u00| 3568] e104] eur] 63m] 100 _ Sangamon-O8k....| 94,463 | 49,335 m.0| 2n1| snees| 4,303] 2,57 1,053 6,400 3,568 804] eu01| 6,379] 10.3] 37] ous 16 |crringfield, Moo. T0| wel ms] as] 2s 4s] 1,07) 3,60] 4,09] 67m] sus] 2,680) ua ; : Greene-039......| 7L,660| 34,76] 7s.5| 215] 2e2u|l 4,58] oo] 1476) 3,0) 2,09 67m] susa| 2650) war] 23] ear El 17 | Springtiens, Ono. 75,020] 3,254| m2|- 2a] omll 2,000 ss] 1,006] 1,56) 2,00] ss]. 49m] 2,5: es : ; Clark-012.....ud| 75,320| 38,254] m.2| 23.1] 32,08 2,009] 38] 1,306] 13,56] 2,002] 5,55] 4,082] 2,532] s.8| 19] 0.7 : 118 |Springfield-Holyoke| 327,029 | 176,95| 78.0] 31.3] w7,802|| 5,030| 179] 5,91) so,eu3| e338 26,287 29,261] 13,085] 3.4 : He 3eg-007,..1.| 208,07 u6,uo| 7m. 313] 121,756 || 2,355] 166] 4,76 s1,038| 7,013] 22,666] 22,6m| 10,651] 1.9] 19 8.8 : 9d Hampehire-008...| 59.238 | 30,225| 71.6| 31.i| 26.046) 2.675 13] 18 8,605 925| 3,621] 6,5%| 2.43] 10.3] 3617.6 ° 19 stockton. .v.coco| 109,380] 58,90 7i6| 224] ass wneom| 22) 2005) amr] 3a] sel a2] 3,205 366 3 Bo: Sen Joaquin-039.| 109,380 | 58,90 | 77.6| 22.4 | 48,218 17,609| 224] 2,095] 4,817) 3,496] 8650] 8,132] 3,208] 36.6] 636] 7.0 = 120 |syracuse.........| 270M | 14000] 7r.6| ms) aosmell sar] 23] 377) saan) ees] aa) am] 10,0) se : = ed Onondaga-034....] 237,011, 124,000] 77.61 27.81 105,766 ll 5,497 2131 3,757] 3,413] 8,s53] 21,321] 21,332] 10,380] 5.2] G36] 9.2 pail 45 Table 2 Part 3 - Housing = | : TABLE 2—SELECTED DATA FOR METROPOLITAN AREAS AND METROPOLITAN -46 SE) Leng A. COUNTIES—Continued is HOUSING—1940 All Dwelling Units Occupied Dwelling Units Dia pa rn ! g Units eliing Units Recidoin Sil Tan T 7 1 Yor Fo CONES, Residential Percent | Percent P Percent Netan Per- ii SHS [owes “ome | pre | ct | |, er a (P| Number Pi a iad, Number | owner |™ . persons | Number nig Number fei hh struc- or | lighting hea refrig- n (dollars) ning | lighting tures | shower p eration | pia" water 33) 39 G5) (36) Gn 38) (L)) “w) “n. 2) 3) “9 (0) 6) “n 103 [Salt Lake City..... 44,706 59,07) 15.7] 80.0] 98.8] 56,621 53.8| 61.9] 3.35] seus8| 27.53 2,613 | 80.1] 95.8] 39,339 ath. 44,706 59,071] 15.7] 80.0 98.8 56,621 53.8| 6l.9| 3.35 56,458 | 27.53 2,613 | g0.1]" 95.8] 39,339 ‘104 [San Antonic........ hy 155 90,252 6.5] 62.6] 82.6 8,602 42.2 42.9] 321 85,069 | 20,90 5,183 | 47.0 4h.5| 46,253 iis 4155 90,252 6.5 62.6] 82.6 8,602 L2.2| 42.9) 3.21 85,069 | 20.90) 5,183 | 47.0| 4h5| 46,253 105 |San Diego.......... 8,964) 100,245) © 9.2] &4.9] 95.6 90,179) 45.4 | 57.7] 2.59 93,361 | - 28.99 6,88, | 85.0] 73.2] 56,725 San Diego-037... 84,944] 100,245 9.2] &.9 95.6 90,179) 45.4 | 57.7] 2:59 93,361] 28.99 6,88 | 85.01 m2] 56,725 106 [San Francisco-Oak= . ¥ land...eeeeeens| 330,935) 495,518] 23.6] 88.7] 99.1 462,603) 41.4 | 51.8| 2.64) 484,519] 36,07] 10,999 | 87.5| 85.9] 368,429 mi... 11,1550 173,00) 15.1] 0.8] 990.3 165,201] 46.7 | 51.6] 2.%2| 169,920] 34.62 3,111 93.3] 90.4] 136,335 Merino iene] dod am 55 oa sea] Dio sen| soe| am| I3mm| mes| EE| sor| ewe| iva San Francisco-03§ 108,882 222,176 39.1 86,6) 99.6 206,011] 31.3 48.11 o 2.45 222,176 | 37.39 171,171 © San Mateo-O4l... 34,006 37,230 3.9] 93.3] 98.9 33,516] 59.2 | 59.6 | 2.9% 36,178 | 43.61 1,052 | 92,0( 91.7) 24,003 Solano-048. ..... 13,299 15,312 4.9) &.8 9.5 1,559) 48.8 59.3| 2.80 12,550 | 29.35 2,762 | 76.9| 75.3 9,458 107 [San Jose.s....onn. 50,711 56,406 5a] eral 9.9 51,016 54.1 | 51.0] 2.82 48,471 | 30.37 7,929 | 93.7] 93.4] 39,650 vious. 50,711] 56,406 5.1 87.4 97.9 51,916] 54.1| 51.0 2.8 48,471 30.37 7,929 | 93.7| 93.4) 39,650 108 |Savannah........... 23,991 33,281 7.1] 49.5] 68.3 sn,mel 23.7] 30.3] 3.20 32,601 | 17.51 ‘680 | 39.1| 48a] 1,103 00%... 23,991 33,281 7.1) 49.5] 68.3 ,me| 23.7 %0.3| 3.20 32,601 | 17.51 680 | 39.1 48.1) 14,103 109 |Scranton-Wilkes Barre, 129,368] 180,083 3.7] 63.2] 97.1 4,49 43.9] 33.7) 3.8] 175,025 | 2. 5,058 | 44.3] 704) 62,628 writs 52,066 They h50 sal Zenon 72,37 447] 37.4 | 3.73 72,471 | 25.00 1,97 | 48.0] 78.1) 26,247 Luzerne=040...e.| 77,302] 105,633 3.4 62.2 96.4 102,117) 43.4 3L1| 3.93) 102,55 | 23.55 3,0m | 42.0] 65.5 36,381 110 |Seattle............| 135,130] 183,151] 23.5]. 76.7] 97.9 169,125) 50.9 | 47.2 | 2.53] 176,030 26.46 7,121 | 72.9] 92.6] 120,948 ion gay 135,110] 183,151 23.5] 76.7] 97.9 169,125) 50.9 | 47.2] 2.53) 176,030| 26.46 7,121 | 72.9 | 92.6] 120,948 111 |Shreveport....s.ses 37,251 42,566 2.8] 42.5] 65.9 40,350] 36.2 | 37.3] 3.22 35,120 | 22.52 7,446 | 81 114] 19,225 on, 37,251 42,566 2.8] 42.5] 65.9 40,350] 36.2 | 37.3 3.22 35,120 | 22.52 746 8a 1a] 19,228 112 [Sioux City..eeessss 24,060 29,630] © 11,0] 60.1] 89.0 28,394) 42.1 | 46.8] 3.19 26,259 | 23.98 3,370 | 33.2| 33.4) 16,926 TNoobry-097. ... 24,060 29,630 11.0] 60.1] 89.0 28,304 42.1 | 46.8 3.19 26,259 | 23.98 3,37 | 33.2] 33.4) 16,92 113 South Bend......... 39,567 4d BU2 3.3] 70.4) 96.0] - 43,80 55.9] ask6| 3.27 41,665 | 26.41 3,177 | 3.6] m.a| 25,812 ool. 39,567 14,842 3.3] 70.4) 9.0 43,804) 55.9 | 44.6 | 3.27 41,665 | 26.41 3,177 | 34.6 | Thk| 25,812 114 | Spokane. .ocuenen 43,552 54,376] 15.9] 70.4 92.4 49,863) 57.8 | 48.6] 2.73 48.048 | 23.03 6,328 | 49.5 | 57.3] 31,412 Spokane-032..... 43,552 54,376 15.9 70.4] 92.4 49,863) 57.8 |. 48.6 | 2.73 48,048 | 23,03 6,328 | 49.5 | 57.3] 31,422 115 |Springfield........ 29,381 33,943 5.1) 53.3] 93.1 33,207] 49.3 | s6.1| 3.09 29,585 | 28.77 4,358 | 19.0 es.9| 17,87 nll 29,381 33,943 5. 53.3] 93.1 33,207| 49.3 | 5%6.1| 3.09 29,585 | 28.77 4,358 | 19.0] 6&9] 17,878 116 |Springfield, Mo.... 24,140 27,612 5.2 50.2| 81.6 26,611] 49.2 41.6 2.9 22,410 | 18.82 5,202 | 16,5 | 37.9 13,99 asia. se 24,10 27,612 5.2| 50.2] 81,6 26,611] 49.2 | 41.6] 2.9 22,410 | 18.82 5,202 | 16.5 | 37.9] 13,99 117 |Springfield, Ohio.. 22,232] 27,540 45] 58.2] 94.9 26,653 45.7 | 55.3 | 3.16 2,682 | 25.28 2,858 | 28,6 | 83.2] 15,68 tn 22,232 27,540 4s 58.2] 949 26,653) 45.7 55.3 | 3.16 24,682 | 25.28 2,858 | 28.6 | 3.2] 15,684 118 |Springfield-Holyoke 66,971] 111,440] 20.0] 6.8] 97.3 105,195 37.4 | 53.8| 3.36] 107,491 29.35 3,99 | 69.7] 78.7] 66,925 Sempamne0.....| 52,5m| seu0| 220] m1] osa| e360 us| %0| 3.36] 90,26] 200m] 190 | ess] ma| 5,73 Hampshire-008: . , 1,398 19,200 6.1] 75.9] 93.5 17,835) 52.2 | 42.8] 3.35 17,245 | 27.38 1,955 | %.7| 78.4] 10,062 119 |Stockton...eseseses 33,842 38,2000 5.6] 75.1] 93.9 36,569) 49.4 | 55.0 2.9% 29,166 | 25.06 9,00 | 80.5 | 86.3] 18,112 oD ets 33,842 38,210 5.6] 75.1] 93.9 36,569] 49.4 | 55.0 | 2.94 29,166 | 25.06 9,044 | 80.5 | 86.3] 18,112 “120 |Syracuse........... 60,209 85,600 10.1] 76.8) 97.0 80,630 42.0 | 53.4] 3.22 79,58 | 32.28 6,065 | 47.1 | a7] 46,055 on. iv. 60,209) 85,649 10.1 76.8] 97.0 80,630| 42.0 53.4 3.22 79,58, | 32,28 6,065 | 47.1 | 84.7) 46,055 . ’ TABLE 2—SELECTED DATA FOR METROPOLITAN AREAS AND METROPOLITAN 4 COUNTIES—Continued Table 2 . Part 4 - Agriculture - = Salt Lake City (103) = (Figures which have been rounded to thousands will not necessarily add to totals) Syracuse (120) _— AGRICULTURE—1945 AGRICULTURE—1940 : p Valie of x Value of farm products sold, | Principal Ste f ve oe, ; Work power traded, or used by source of Per i ay propery farm household farm income | Type- METROPOLITAN cent | of- Metro. AREAS, Number of | Land in | Cropland | Number | of afime Percent from— formaing: Rus Area COUNTIES, farms farms | harvested | of farms | farms | } Number A area f Code AND (1000's | (1000's oper- | 4° Aver-| =f Rant | 2 code |}. CODES Jan. 1, of of April 1, | ated i) Total [age | ore | Number | Amount | stock Code Sie | 02 > prod- | (1000's r (1000’s | and Per- e | index 1945" acres) acres) 1940 by = and/or of : (See 423 t ucts of arm of live- | Cr azz) | cent P¢ el 1 tags dol mules tractors | 4 ) ops | p- ants | or dollars) | (dol- (over 3 ollars, stock t lars) 1d prod- $400 | ucts (48) “9 (50) Gn 32) $3) (54) (55) (56) [0] (8) 9) (60) (61) (62) (63) (64) 103 [Salt Lake City..... 3,202 50 61 2,005] mas | oozes] 17.112 [6.804] 2.693 2k3 3.0510 62.7,), 22.8 31320 Ttah-Y3 ? Salt Lake-018... 3,202 450 61 2,515 | 11.% 2.3] 17,112 [6,80] 2,693 23 3,337 | 62.7 | ‘es.g 30 20 613 1L3 104 [San Antonios. Stn 3,570 591 164 7,AR4 | 3.8 58.5 34,147 [9,320 2.352 1,025 2,36L 70.6 15.1 2] M.0 Texas-l2 3#xar-015eec.0.es 3,570 591 164 3,664 | 2h.2 5¢.5 3L,147 |g,320 8,962 1,025 3,384 70.8 15.1 2 | no 725). 13 105 [San Diego......... « 5,430 912 100 ea faze] 45.3 71.773 p2,345 £,177 1,437 11,258 | 46.2 Lg.6 7] e7.k Calif.-Ok San Dieg>-037... 5,130 912 100 Elk | 13.6 Le.3 71,773 [12,3L5 5,177 1,537 11,348 ve.o Lg.£ 71 2r 122] 17% 1C5 [San Francisco--C A Land. eveonnnel 7,235 1,358 377 7.3c7 | 2h.0 | 28.2] 165.203 [22334] 11.865 3,281 31,472 | Ls.2 52.4 Calif.-0% Alaneda-001..... 2,658 236 78 2,47 | 20.2 27:1 k&,339 [9,207 3,509 796 8,30% | 43.7 53.6 € | 16.4 121} 132 Contra Costa-007 1,765 329 11 1936 | 26.1 | 38.3] © 30,764 [20,533] 3.163 329 5,561 | 27.3 | 69.7 71 39.7 121] 15% Marin-021....... 618 2u7 22 628 | 36.0 25.5 1k ,921 [23,856 1,152 189 3,205 91.3 5.0 2 | 66.2 121 157 San Francisco-03 3 i - 91 - - 1,843 [20,25¢ (1) 9 £70 1.2 | 98.5 8 |.93.2 121 Sen Mates-Obl... 8 134 Yo g23 | 47.2 13.6 22,001 [26,523 1,850 237 L,302 || 35.5 £1.7 121 155 Solenc-OU8...... 1,312 12 125° 1,466 | 21.1 27.6 39,615 [27,023 2,001 1,061 £,557 47.2 51.0 1.33.2 113] 148 107 [San Suse wears ed 5,014 721 176 5,608 15.5 22.¢| 100,427 [17,908 3.957, 3,020 16,703 26.4 71.4% 7 | 52.8 Calif.-0! Santa Clara-0k3. 5,014 727 176 5,608 | 15.9 22.8 100,%27 p7,908 3,957 3,020 16,703 26.4 71.4 7] 52.8 121] 135 108 [Savannah.........ee 743 51 10 Yog | 22.4 | 67.5 3,418 [6,892 433 59 227 58.3 32.5 2°) 17.3 . ‘Ga.-10 7 Chathaz-025..... “T43 57 10 Los | 22.4% 67.5 2,k18 | 6,8921" 433 59 897 58.3 33.4 2 147.3 £34 ee 109 |[ScrantonWilkes Barre 3,952 286 111 3,806 | 10.1 1.3 24,217 | 6,216 5,211 1,12 4,k39 50.9 31.6 ; Pa.-37 ; Lackewanna-035.. 1,385 109 39 1,500 | 10.4 | 3:90 10,662 1.061 2.08 Lz€ 1,929 | 60.1 | -2k.0 2] Le.7 h13 122 Luzerne-Cho..... 2,567 177 72 2,386 | 10.4% 45.3 13,555 | 5.681 3,152 713 2,510 Lz.9 27.k 2 | 2s Lael 119 110 Bettioes SAP 6,495 166 47 5,760 | 18.9 uk.g 35,146 | 6,102 3,237 521 7.6 53.1 22.7 29° 23.3 Wash.= Eing-0L7.. vive 6,495 166 47 5,760 | 18.9 Li.8 35,146 | 6,102 3.237 331 74611 59.1 23.1 2 | 2913 teal 139 mm nreveport. ray L, 534 289 101 5,061 | 73.0 52.5 19,940 | 3,2%0 8,232 311 2,95, 15.4 70.5 5 | 66.% La.-17 i €addo=009....... L,53Y 289 101 5,061 | 73.0 52.6 13,9%0 | 3,9%0 8,932 nl 3.95% 15.4 790.5 6 | 66.4 714 82 112 Sioux City......... 3,133 4 533 351 3,102.1 57.5 | 13.4 43,817 13,727] 10,826 1,96€ 10,234 6.8 | 37.5 11 L6.7 Iowa-14% Woodbury-097.... 3,133 533 351 2,132 | 57.5 13.4 43,817 13,727] 10,826 1,566 10,324 55.8 37.5 1 | u6.7 EX “acs 113 [south Bend......... 3,075 240 143 2,783 | 23.8 42.0 21,334 | 7,066 4,765 1,063 2,983 57.1 0.1 2 27.0 Ind.-13 St. Josepk-071.. 2,075 240 143 J83:12%.2 2.0 21,334 | 7,666 4,765 1,063 2.083 87.1 30.1 2.4270 sh2| 124 114 Spokane............ Li, 683 8lg 325 4,20 20.4 39.9 42,032 | &,408 8,698 1,135 £,606 37.8 50.0 5 | 37.2 Wash.-4€ . Spokane-032..... L,683 8lg 325 k,999 | 20.4 39.9 L2,022 | &,%08 8,69¢ 1,135 6.506 27.8 £0.0 5 [31.3 mf oad 119 |Springfiela....... . 2,834 4eg 349 2,131 | 45.2] 18.9 58,574 [18,708] 9,111 2,036 9,210 | 47.2 he.5 5 | 3.8 mi.az ” Songanon-084.... 2,834 488 33 | 2,131 | u4s.2 18.9 5% 574 18,702 2,111 2,036 9.210 | ~k7.0 Le a 5 | h2.6 31] 122 116 Borivgfisid, Mo..c. 4,527 374 131 4,357 | 25.4 Lu, 2 23,072 | 5.297 8,313 L70 2,beg 71.0 20.4% 2 | 23.5 Mo.-24 : Greene-039...... 527 37H 131 4,357 | 25. LL 2 23,079 | 5,297 E215 Le 3,468 7.0 10.4 21 33.5 620] 102 117 fr ingfisid, Ohio.. 2,310 236 136 2.281 | 31.0 28.6 25,127 [11,016] 4,710 |* 1,16% 4.62 57. 35.) 1] 5a Ohis=3k4 ° TC Clarka012. ure k 2,310 236 136 2,281 | 31.0 | 28.6] es.e7|n,018] 4,720 1,164 L,6e3 | s7.% 26,1 1} 3a &51| 130 118 |[Springfield-Holyoke 6, 629 407 | 112 4,582 6.5 33.5 31,987 | 6,921 759 1,048 €,952 Lk. 4 L3.7 N 20 2 Mesa .- N Hampden-0U7....: 3,442 196 53 2,299 £.3 38.2 14,9917] €,521] 437 534 3,569 51.6 na 2 |. 28.l kgal 1h Hampshire-008... 3,187 211 59 2,283 6.8 28.0 16,936 | 7,545 2,322 46k £,383 %0.0 50.1 5 | 22.0 Yoel 132 1139 Steattem ceereens 5, 749 ™ 430 5,575 | 21.1 | 15.9] 117.648 |21,103] 7.045 2,269 26,645 | 23.7 7h.4 5 | 32.6 Califi-0 : San Joaquin-039. 5,749 ™ 430 5.575 | 21.1 15.9 117.648 (2,103 7,045 3,269 26,645 23.7 7h & | 22.8 1: 1h 120 [syracuse.......... L,830 385 186 L,ko-| 12.3 32.2 35,203 | 7,454 8,507 3.7173 7.022 63.7 29.0 2) us ¥. Y.-31 Onondaga-034.... Ly, 830 385 186 4,k90 1 12.3%" 32.3 35,203 | 7,954 8,507 1,773 7,022 €1.7 25.0 2113.5 nz 120 1less than three farms reported and data are therefore included only in State totals. ! 47 TABLE 2—SELECTED DATA FOR METROPOLITAN AREAS AND METROPOLITAN COUNTIES—Continued : (A11 dollar figures have been rounded to thousands and will not necessarily add to totals) Excludes Marin (021), San Francisco (038), and Solano (048) counties, ®Not shown because of disclosure of operati 48 ons of individual establishments. for which data are not shown separately. MANUFACTURING ESTABLISHMENTS—1939 “| MINERAL INDUSTRIES—1939 RETAIL ESTABLISHMENTS—1939 ‘METROPOLITAN Morel COUNTIES Value added . tod fel BD" ane | Moges | Taect | by mance | Jaseol | Nomber | Wogmand | ol ls | Active [ERRORS Py cll CODES Number (average ( I oll V4 ( f ’s of 6 000" ri I ’s of | persons | (1000s of | stores (1000 of x i for (000 f for year) ars, dollars) dollars) dollars) | engaged | dollars) J P year) ©) 6) 1 ® ®) a) a @ @) as a) as) J) 103 [Salt lake City..... 261 5,453 6,283 103,165 23,674) 44,089 5,375 8,729 2,241 87,062] 1,905 11,199 11,197 A etd .e 261] 5,453 6,283 103,165 23,674) 44,089 5,375 8,729) 2,241 87,062 1,908 11,199 11,197 104 [San Antonio........ 356 6,827 7 6,023 54,452 22,547 297, 151 147, 4,594 110,282] 4,094 15,807 12,995 Te cessans 356 6,827 6,023 54.4452 22,547 297 151 147, 4,594 © | 110,282) 4,094) 15,807] 12,995 105 |San Diegoieeeesenss 282 6,016 7,483 41,822 21,869 421 138 120 4,605] 120,707 4,319) 12,375 13,901 Sr a. - 282 6,016 7,483 £41,822 21,869 421 138 120 4,605] 120,707 4,319 12,875| 13,901 106 |San Francisco=-Oak- l1and.eeesnvenns 3,483 77,128 112,040 976,674 365,861 12,427 473 1801, 23,938 749,436 24,326) 79,650] 100,581 ol: sees 978 27,040 37,888 282,405 122,928] 1,438 237 434 7,911 250,580 7,690) 25,431 30,927 Contra Costa-007 126] 13,787 22,125 314,344 82,461 892 208 330 1,476 34,397] 1,476] 2,524 2,941 Marin-021....... 54 27 362 2,789 1,231} (2) (2) (2) 778 18,448 762{ 1,559] 1,966 maa TH BE 9 TH Em Ti Tul Tg WT mam ua] ane) ais S01an0-048. 4+ .r+ 42 753 1,076 16,038 5381) (=) (2) (2) mse 19,005 700] 1,675] 1,90 07: | San Tones ss. oiices 312 9,316 10,037 78,075 29,838 237 gs 102 2,786 79,769] 2,787 7,657] 8,902 rn: 312 9,316 10,037 78,075 29,838] 237 8s| | 102 2,786 79,769] 2,787 7,657 8,902 108 | Savannah... 16 6,129 4,684 66,057 18,506] (2) (2) (2) 1,603 36,405) 1,48] 5,136 3,923 Chathan-025..... u6 6,129 4,684 66,057 18,506] (2) (2) @) 1,603 36,405 1,480 5,136 ‘ 3,023 109 Sezer Wilkes Serve 579 31,451 27,127 132,922 66,101] 121,767 59,806 78,633] 10,469] 193,371] 9,721 21,497] « 19,409 Be Tomecioes| Bl BAR B32 Rl ZBL wm nme Zam 4 ZR 20 oom a 110 |Seattlesesecesssess 1,216 2,252 33,954 173,038 85,792 2,38. 1,058 1,477 8,389 238,317 7,686 26,302 31,379 Wer. enone] 1,216] 24,352 33,954 173,038 85,792 2,384 1,058 1,477 8,289 238,317 7,686 26,302 31,37 111 |Shreveport.cesesess 150 3,187 3,325 32,851 11,723 2,408 244 521 1,68. 52,385 1,436 6,845 6,040 nny, cesses 150 3 3,187 3,325 32,851 11,723 2,408 244 521 1,684 52,385 1,436 6,845 6,040 112 | Sioux City... 129 4,533 5,728 81,080 16,462] (2) (2) (2) 1,543 43,174] 1,368] 5,445) 5,004 go, Ave 129 4,533 5,728 81,080 16,462] (2) (2) (2) 1,543 43,174 1,368] 5,445] 5,004" 113 |South Bend......... 202| 20,840 29,625 157,818 71,6250 (2) (2) (2) 2,145 60,15¢| 1,014 6,810] 7,245 RE 202] 20,80 29,625 157,618 71,6250 (2) (2) (2) 2,145 60,154 1,914 6,8100 7,245 11, |Spokan@....ssesccss 259 5,482] * 6,785 48,821 19,231 165 102 © 103 2,431 71,307 2,268 7,895 8,373 We vese 259 5,482 6,785 48,821 19,231 165 102 103 2,431 71,307 2,268 7,895 8,373 115 |Springfield.ceceess 115 4,498 5,706 41,723 18,359 3,816 2,291 2,539 1,549 45,562 1,41 6,086 5,584 HL OAL, ie 115 4,498 5,706 41,723 18,35] ~ 3,816] 2,201 2,539 1,549 45,562) 1,4) 6,086] 5,584 116 | Springfield, Mo.... 115 2,385 2,152 20,684 6;639 270 167 us 1,475 28,856] 1,280] 3,638 2,844 tins 115 2,385 2,152 20,684 6,639 270 167 148 1,475 28,856 1,280 3,638 2,844 117 | Springfield, Ohio.. 157 10,325 14,451 106,359 48,058] 60 : 25 34 1,310 33,478 1,081 3,875 3,732 a a as57 10,325 14,451 106,359 48,058 60 25 34 1,310 33,478 1,081 3,875 3,732 118 | Springfield-Holyoke 767 42,817 50,248 244,552 124,599) 77 U1 179 5,722 161,032 4,741 18,192] 18,709 svc 650 36,446 44,4298 211,697 110,097, 609 125 155 4,59 136,671 3,718 15,939 16,513 Hampshire-008. . . 17 6,371 5,950 32,855 14,502 108 16 1,126 24,361] 1,023] 2,253] 2,196 119 | Stocktoneseesesenes 207 43350 5,248 46,692 18,319) 227 62 8 2,106 55,130] 2,256] 4,912] 5,702 Be in030, 207 4,350 5,248 £46,692 18,319 227 62 8 2,106 55,130] 2,256] 4,912] 5,702 120 Syracuseiccecscsses 405 25,644 -31,673 150,692 82,996 1,153 270 432 3,710 122,003 3,427, 13,505 14,068 Ne as ves 405 25,644 31,673 150,692] 82,996 1,153)¢ 270 432 3,710 122,003 3,427 13,505 14,068 TABLE 2—SELECTED DATA FOR METROPOLITAN AREAS AND METROPOLITAN rae A COUNTIES—Continued / § Pony 0m Ousy Pel =) Salt Lake City (103) - 7Y a1 dollar Figures have been rounded to thousands and will not Seer “add to totals) Syracuse (120) : 7 * WHOLESALE SERVICE ESTAB'™™'IMENTS—1939 | BANK DEPOSITS : ; 2.9 © TRADE—1939 1944 Major war supply Major war facilities BE contracts, : ; June 1990 unk. 1945 | June 1940 Tore. 1945 METROPOI {TAN f E Bind (1000's of dollars) (1000’s of dollars) : : Metro. ARE sales. 1944 " Ara COUN, Number Number : Employees Total ~~ |(1000’s of : Code of a Sa 5 o* Bese ts | Active Corsroge Pry a. pn PL els at 7 estab- ’s of | estab- ’s | proprie- and time ’s-1; : cObis leh | doll) | eb of dollr)| tors | 1% [of dolls) 1000’ | of dolls) [** P29) ; ments ments of dollars) : Combat Other | Industrial | Military equipment = (18) 19) (80) (81) 82) (83) (84) (85) (86). 8D > (88) (89) (90) on 103 [Salt eee City..... 4g1| 135,086] 1,106 7,280 1,084 2,529 2,406] 197,430 68,143 22,631 76,182 19,213 53,494 16,021 v : : ri iE. 481 135,086 1,106 7,280| 1,084 2,529 2,%6 197,430 68,143 22,631 76,182 19,213 53,494 16,021 104 (sen antonio... uss| 12,607) 1,860 9,976] 1,8%| WMog| 3,223] 208,430] 3,683] 34,095 36,379 27,305 185] 79,03 Texas-42 Bexar-015. 55) agh,e67| 1.860) 9,976 1,830 WMo9| 3,223) 208,430) 34,6831 34,095 36,379 27,305 185 79,03 105 |San rat) ese 51 65,351] 1,798 9,817 1,821 2,649 2,713] 329,813] 121,193 54,480| 2,008,532 25,029 52,117| 215,069 Calif.-0! : : San Diego-03T... 351 65,351] 1,798 9,817| 1,82 2,649 2,713 329,813 - 121,193 54,480 2,008,532 25,029 52,117| 215,069 106 |San Francisco-Oak- dead. san asinas 4,277] 1,584,191] 11,774] 90,827 12,503) 26,474| 33,180] 2,953,197] 1,508,368] 278,376) 3.213.175 777,664 363,845) 452,731 Calif .-0 Alameda-001..... 670 167,295 3, 2 21,364 3,808 -5,526| 6,860 654,997| 375,181 71,605 783,621 146,336 59,379] 236,519 Contra Costa-007 72 14,542 437 1,805 450 425 wal 115,878 65,943 37,455 1,451,421 7, Bx 98,066| 57,310 Marin-02l....... 42 3,809 291 1,333 330 298 8 bh Way 27,532 ° 11,631 247,704 17,621 Sen Framisco-0%| 3,359] 1,377,614 6,576] 61,893] 6,987| © 19,239| 24,67) 1,986,610) 949,272] 119,620 522,906 to, 4s 57, gor 65,378 San Mateo-O4l... 79 15,882 561 3,122 648 677 758 93,437 60,619 15.104 192,550 1,840 3,8 19,131 S01ano-0U8...... 55 5,049 258 1,30 280 309 336 57,828 29,821 2h, 361 14,973 850 126, se 74,393 107 |San dose ri 187 28,862] 1,096 5,736 1,199 1,476 1,629] 183,110 90,066 17,865 257,502 30,958 41,888 13,170 Calif.-0 E Santa Clara-0k43. 187| . 28,862 1,096 5,736| 1,199 1,476 1,629] 183,110 90,066 17,865 257,502 . 30,958 41,888 13,170 108 |Savannah........... 217 72,511 461 3,732 450 2,46 1,40 80,974 26,822 14,579 231,814 15,647 19,301 25,150 2 Ga.-10 : gh Chatham-025..... 217 72,511 461 3,132 450 2,446 1,410 80,974 26,822 14,579 23,814 15,647 19,301 25,150 . : 4 oh 109 | Scranton-WillesBarre 734] 137,392] 2,996] 11,060 3,085 3,035 2,610] 126,629 209,697 1,325 53,614 124,130 15,252 5 Pa.-37 I < Lackavauna-035.. 2 61,307] 1,150 5,117| 1,184 1,450 1,389] 132,903 77,54 15,366 13, i 35,951 11,956 4 Luzerne-040.. h 76,085) 1,8u46) 5,943] 1,901 1.58 1,221 193,726) 132,156 25,959 39,621 88,173 3,296) . ~ 110 |Seattle.. f Wash.-46 -. King-017. 1,571] 48,070] h4,051| 25,765 3,999] 11,3W 9,618] 741,958) 302,821 84,120 | 2,067,758 203,592 121,116{ 77,008 1,571 458,070 4,051 25,765) 3,999 11,341 9,618 741,958 302,821 84,120 2,087,758 203,592 121,116 77,008 111 | Shreveport.... 251 72,471 571 4,31 566 1,852 1,488) 110,272 19,162 11,673 25,128 5,673 3,753 11,958 = 2 De o9s.. 251 72,471 57 4,311 566 1,852 1,488] 210,272 19,162 11,673 25,128 5,673 3,753] 11,958 : ie 12 Sten Sity ~ 329| 152,093 664 ki, 164 664 1,201). 1,173 54,089 14,233 10,337 2,465 14,186 49 13,532 ¥ 8 Woodbury-097 329] 152,093 66M 14,164 664 1,201 1,173 54,089 14,233 10,337 2,465 14,186 4g| 13,532 He 113 | South Bend......... 194 = 50,171 699 3,305 692 1,080 1,000 94,598 36,698 27,033| 1,780,079 122,243 72,528 3 ty . Fu. our... 19% 50,171 699) 3,5 692 1,080 1,000 94,598 36,698 27,033| 1,780,079 122,243 12,528 : 3 } 11h Speke; rea Re ne 41 78,507 958 5,467 970 1,874 1,751 134,286 40,002 18,406 | 3,639 18,515 73.892] 52,552 & Spokene-032..... 341 78,507 958 5,467 970 1,874 1,751 134,286 40,002 18,406 3,639 18,515 |" 73.892] 52,552 115 Sytuetiend PN 182 36,461 514 2,736 519 887 805 65,373 15,306 © 10,453 103,492 265,243 51,236 3,249 2 Sangamon-084....| = 182 36,461 514 2,736 519 887 805 65,373 15,366 10,453 103,492 265,243 51,236 3,249 i 116 Syelugiien, Mo.. 191 31,259 522 2,341 531 850 692 36,402] - 5,471 6,161 5,299 6,156 4,896 : / A edad 191 21,259 522 2,34 531 850 692 36,402 5,471 6,161 5,299 6,156 4,896 117 |Springfield, Ohio..| | 87 11,268 418 2,058 43 672 654 54,057 26,700 8,512 215,263 67,376 5,800 i yetennse 81 11,268 118 2,058 3 672 654 54,057 26,700 8,512 215,263 67,376 5,800 118 | Springfield-Holyoke u68| 102,724] 2,019] 10,911% 1,049 35,114 5,185] 452,602| 315,608 40,575 476,672 267,523 61,427] 14,563 Sw vw wy eels uy oven um wee 119 Stockton. eas 253 46,981 827 4,762 897 1,582 1,%3| 160,896 65,301 17,800 87,796 11,939 9,877| 57,647 San Joaquin-039. 253] 46,98 827 4,762 897 1,582 1,%3| 160,896 65,31 17,800 87,79 11,939 9.877| 57.6% 120 |Syracuse........... h72| 168,256) 1,579 8,111 1,630 2,185 2,128 294,248| 188,358 27,813 654,102 1%,719 90,209 16,662 nondaga-03h. en 472| 168,256) 1,579 8,111 1,630 2,185 2,128 294,248 188,358 27,813 654,102 130,719 90,209 16,662 49 8 - y Rs } \ ht Fs k f ! ! “ Table 2 | : . ® : ’ Part 1 7 Forsispion \ - Tacoma (121) = ; J Youngstown (156) TABLE 2—SELECTED DATA FOR METROPOLITAN AREAS AND METROPOLITAN COUNTIES ; TOTAL POPULATION POPULATION—1940 | EDUCATION VIAL 1940 STATISTICS be ESTIMATED : 1944 ! CIVILIAN . gn POPULATION Land | Pop- | Total white Percent of : ne METROPOLITAN 1.'S. area ulation population 25 Be Metro. AREAS, rank in per ’ years old and bi Area COUNTIES, Nib of [Percent] oo sq. over who have Code ay onli change les mile Percent] Usb Rural Rural completed— fs: Percent] April 1 in ol ™an | nonfarm | farm ; Births | Deaths Number change 1940 percen- 1930- | 1940 [1940 | Number total Tihs ea tiles) | 1940 opu- 5 or 5 ge i : Nov) > | 1940- . ation more | ° oa : ; 1943 1940 5 grades | 5€M0° on @ ®) @ ©) ©) o ®) ©) (10) an 12) a3 (14) (15) (16) é 121 Reavis, ven siess 208,991 | 20.6 | 182,081 11.1 | 1,680 |108.% 178,307 | 97.9 | 117,297 | 4,641 | 20,143 | 92.6 | 30.0 4,778 | 2,732 Wash. Eg Pierce=027...... 208,991 20.6 182,081 3} 511.1 1,680 | 108.4%] 178,307 { 97.9] 117,297 | 4,641 20,143 92.6 | 30.0 u4,778| 2,732 Xu 0 7 re 122 [Pampa~St.Petersburg| 301,412 10.8 272,000 26.1 1,304 | 208.6] 224,200 | 82.4 | 190,232 | 56,726 | 25,042 8.5 | 28.9 6,818 | 3,738 b. Fla.-09 T Hilleborough-029| 201,987 | 12.1 | 180,148 3| 17.3 | 1,040 | 173.2] 148,528 | s2.k | 115.882 | ¥2,102 | 22,064 | 1.3 | 23.7] L,991| 2,257 Pinellas=052.... 99,425 8.2 91,852 6 u7.8 264 | 347.9 75.672 | 82.4 | Th,350 | 14,624 2,878 | 90.0 | 38.0| 1,87| 1,u8 : 123 tyre Baithssuerns 90.633 | -9.1 99,709 0.9 415 | 240.3 95,651 | 95.5 | 66,422 | 23,766 9,521 | 89.6 | =23.7| 1,m1| 1,332 nd, = Vigo-084.... cu 90,633 | ~9.1 99,709 6] 0.9 45 | 240.3 95,651 | 95.9 | 66,422 | 23,766 9,521 | 89.6 23.7] 1,m1| 1,332 : fi or 124 01818, 15 ene ngres 336,396 | -2.3 | 3uk4,333 -1.0 343 [1003.9] 329,180 | 95.6. 287,032 | 45,683 [ 11,618 | 90.5| 25.2) 6,523 | 4,285 ' Ohio=3 T Lucas=OU8....... 336,396 | -2.3 | 344,333 1| -1.0 33 | 1003.9 329,180 | 95.6 | 287,032 | 45,683 | 11,618 | 90.5| 25.2| 6,523 | u,285 '125 (TopeKBe.sss.ianaion 84,765 | -T.1 91,247 1.3 Su5H 167.4 84 lugs | 92.6 | 67,833 | 13,902 9,512 | 93.3 36.2] 1,750 1,196 Kans.=15 ” Shawnee~089..... 84,765 | =7.1 91,247 6] 7.1 545 | 167.4 84ugg | 92.6 | 67,833 | 13,902 | 9,512 | 93.3| 36.2| 1,7% |. 1,196 > 126 [trenton........ ceee| 296424 | -0.5 | 297.318 5.4 225 | 865.4 | 183,379 | 92.9 | 135.902 | su.556 | 6.860 | 83.2] 224 | 3.575] 2.6% 29 : F. J.=29 Mercer=0ll...... 196,424 -0.5 197,318 2 5.4 228 | 865.4 183,379 | 92.9 | 135,902 | 54,556 6,860 83.2 2.4 3,575 2,650 Xs 127 (Tulsdeee.oeensneoes| 213,200 | 10.3 | 193,363 3.1 | - 572 | 338.0] 173,752 | 89.9 | 14&,29% | 30,092 | 14,977 | 91.7] 38.3] u,774| 1,828 : ' Okla. =35 - Er : = : Tulsa-072.......| 213,200 | 10.3 | 193,363 2 3a 572 | 338.0] 173.752 | 89.9 | 148,294 | 30,092 | 14,977 | 91.7| 38.3 UW, 774| 1,828 128 |[Utica~Bomee.cce.... 258,433 -1.8 263,163 20. 2,669 98.6 262,092 | 99.6 | 183,688 | 48,796 [ 30,679 85.2 | 20.5 | 4,944 3,649 F. Y.-31 : Herkiner=022.... 56,677 | -4.8 59,527 11| -7.0 | 1,W42 | M1.3 59,471 | 99.9 8,485 | 10,281 [ 10,761 | 88.3 | 20.5| 1,088 739 Oneida=033eeeses 201,75 | -0.9 203,636 2 2.5 1,227 | 166.0 202,621 | 99.5 | 145,203 | 38,515 | 19,918 84.2 20.5 3,856 | 2,910 bit ® 129 [Wacoe...r.veernn.ns| 103,185 1.3 | 101,898 3.3 | 1,035 98.5 82,361 | 80.8 | 58,838 | 18,150 | 24,910 | ®.9| 25.2| 2,488 | 1,205 _ Teoxas=l2 Srey McLennan=155.... 103,185 1.3 | 101,898 5 3.3] 1,035] 98.5 82,361 | 80:8 | “58,838 | 18,150 | 24,910 | 8.9 | 25.2 | 2,i88| 1,205 ' 130 Washington, D. C...| 1,175,38% | 27.8 | 927,056 43.2 | 1,072 | 864.8 702,746 | 75.8 | 779,651 [117,999 | 29,406 | 90.7 | M1.4| 26,560 | 10,884 * » In D. C.-08 = k Dist.of Col.=001 816,982 24.2 663,091 o| 36.2 61 fin870,3 474,326 | 71.5 | 663,091 4 90.6 | 40.7 | 15,758 | 8,223 iy In Md.-19....... . 221,780 | 28.1 173,402 58.6 979 | 177.1] 148,203 | 85.5 | 25,997 [117,999 | 2940p | 89.7 | 0.7) 5.795| 1.726 p Montgomery=016...[ 104,155 | 24.1 83,912 71 10.5 hgh | 169.9 74,986 | 89.% 7.650 | 62,170 | 14,092 | 93.0 .51.7| 2,n8 817 ; Prince Georges-017| 117,625 | 31.9 89,490 6 48.9 485 | 184.5 73,217 | 81.8 | 18,347 | 55,829 | 15,314 | 86.3| 29.0| 3,077 * 909 By In Va.=45,...... .| 136,622 | 54.3 90,563 78.4 32 (2,830,1 80,217 | 88,6 | 90,563 93.1 | 48.1] 5,007 935 | eed Ea Arlington=007... 85,048 | 54.6 57,040 12| 114.3 24 [2,376.7 51,398 | 91.2 57.040 95.5 55.0 3.322 10 EF Alexandria citydd) 51,574 53.8 33,523 24| 38.8 8 [4,190.4 28,219 | 84.2 | 33,523 88.9 36.0 1,685 25 fe 131 Materlon, ass sien . 75,979 | -5.0 79,946 15.6 | ; 567 | 14.0 78,406 | 98.1 | 61,092 | 7,757| 12,097 94.4] 35.0] 1,634 sok ” Iowa~1 os = - ; Black Hawk~007.. 75,979 | =5.0 79.946 8 15.6 567 | 141.0 78,406 | 98.1 | 61,092 | 7,757 | 11,097 | 94.4 | 35.0 | 1,634 sol . Bs 132 (Wheeling...........| 204,373 | =12.8 | 234.,4n 1.4 | 1.0m | 225.2] 227,901 | 97.2 | 141,266 | 63,507 | 29.658 | 86.0 | 19.1] 3.679 2,472, Is ' In Ohio=34...... . 81,810 | -1L.L Za) 0.9 539 | 177.% 93,196 | 97.5 15,228 358 15,99% 83.8 16.8 1,563 1,051 ¥ Belmont=007..... 81,810 | -14.4 95,614 6 0.9 539° | 177.4 93,196 | 97.5 45,228 | 34,392 15,994 83.8 | 16.8 | 1,463 1,051 RL In ¥. Va,47.....| 122,563 | -11.7 | 138,817 1.6 502 | 276.5] 134,705 | 97.0 | 96,038 | 29,115 | 13.664 | 87.4| 20.6] 2,206| 142 : : Brooke=0054..... 22,292 | =12.6 25,513 35] 3.4 89 | 286.7 24,707 | 96.8 | 13,437 | 9,89 2,182 | su.5( 18.7 you 223 Marsrall=026...,. 36,015 | =10.4 40,189 18 0.9 306 | 131.3 39,308 | 97.8 21,502 9,74 8,973 84.1 7 61k 357 Ohi0=035.c0uesss 64,256 | -12.1 73,115 B15 107 | 683.3 70.690 | 96.7 61,099 | 9,507 2,509 90.0 24.2] 1,178 aul 133 [Wichita............| 194,945 | 36.0 | 143,311 5.1 999 | 143.5] 137,355 | 95.8 | 114,966 | 14,816 [ 13,529 | 9u.7| 38.0 4,725| 1,608 2 Kans.~15 y > : 3 Sedgewick~087...| 194,945 | 36.0 | 143,311 4 sx 999 | 13.5 137,355 | 95.8 | 114,966 | 14,816 ( 13,529 | 94.7 | 38.0 4,725] 1,608 : 134 [Wilmington......... 189,532 6.2 179,562 11.5 437 | 410.9 159,018 | 88.6 | 124,013 | 45,991 9,558 86.2 | 26.1 a1 | 2,218 Del,=0 Tov stem. 189,532 6.2 | 179.562 3| 11.5 437 | 410.9] 159,018 | 88.6 | 124,013 | 45,991 9,556 | 8.2 | 26.1) 4,214] 2,218 : 135 |Winston~Salem......| 109,847 | «13.1 | 126,475 13.2 bok | 298.3 85,310 | 67.5 | 719.85 | 28,772 | 17.888 | 76.7] 22.0 2,791] 1.045 N. C.=32 T Forsyth~034.....| 109,847 | =13.1 | 126,475 ul 13.2 hou | 298.3 85,310 | 67.5 | 79,815 | 28,772 | 217.888 | 76.7| 22.0) 2,791 | 1,085 : 136 [Worcesters......... 472,224 | -6.2 | s50M,470 2.7 | 1.532 | 329.3] 502,453 | 99.6 | uo2,751 | 82,3586 | 19,361") 85.4 | 2u.8| &,724| 6,109 Mass .=20 . : Worcester-Olk... yr2,224 | ~6.2 504,470 0 2.7 | 1,532 | 329.3 502,453 | 99.6 | 402,751 | 82,358 | 19,361 85.4 | 24.8] 8,724 6,109 137 YOTEsusvsvvensvsnes 170,363 | -4.3 | 178,022 6.5 914 | 194.8] 175,043 | 98.3 | 83,186 | 59,039 | 35,797] 91.4] 16.1 | 3,486] 1,868 \ Pa.=37 8 : 7 % ‘ York=067....... «| 170,363 | -+.3 | 178,022 3 6.5 914 TF 194.8] 175,043 | 98.3 | 83,186 | 59,033 ( 35,797 | 91.k| 16.1 | 3,486) 1,868 hl 138 Fousgetous, A eae 361,613 «2.9 372,566 3.7 | 1,049 | 355.2 351,232 94.3 273,370 68,156 | . 31,038 85.4 | 22.9 6,735 3,640 Ohio=3 . \ Mahoning-05C.... | 225,587 | =6.1 | 240,251 2) 2 ny 49 | 573.4] 223,154 | 92.9 | 197,050 | 30,920 | 12,281 | &4.7| 22.3 | u,0u8| 2,332 0 Trumbull=078.,,. | 136,026 2,8 | 132,315 hy voyy 630 | 210.0] 128,078 | 96.8 | 76,320 | 37,238 | 18,757 | 87.0| 24.0] 2.687] 1,308 gi 50 Re ET - \ ¥ : x ” Po + - = ; : S Table 2 TABLE 2—SELECTED DATA FOR METROPOLITAN AREAS AND METROPOLITAN SR i 3 21) a COUNTIES—Continued Bacon 1) — ——— LABOR FORCE—1940 : 4 : Percent of Population 14 Years Old and Over Employed Workers by Industry Group Employed METROPOLITAN Trans. ; In leading Metro, AREAS P P te Business “nonagri- Area | COUNTIES ereont Vibecen) pote a cultural Code AND of all | -of all tion, | Whole- | personal In | indust males | females | . : Con- communi- Derse Other : Ty CODES Total In labor Total Agri | Mini Manufac- : sale and | services agri- of who are | who are ining | struc- > cations, rr and not force . . employed || culture : turing d retail | exclud- J cul- in in tion an He 2 reporte Code g ture labor | labor other J : (See |Per- force force utili- lomssie page | cent ~ ties 422) an (18) (19) 0) @n @x) @*) @) 25) (26) @n @8) 29) 30) | 6) | (2) 121 TRED0E 41a wens hee 149,432 75,837 75.7 21.8 63,359 3,937 256 3,383 16,407 5,754 11,189 10,973 11,460] 6.2 Wash, -4 Pierce-027..e400 149,432 75,837 5.7 21.8 63,359 3,937 256 3,383 16,407 5,754 11,189 10,973 11,460) 6.2 37(13.7 122 |Tempa-St.Petersburg] 217,501 | 116,268| w.2| 33.6] o7,322|| o,3%6| 105] 5,600] 16,085] 7,156] 22,924] 20,737] 1,360] 9.6 Fla.-09 Hillsborough-029| 141,019 | eo0,738| “m9.5| 35.8] es,612|| 7,0m| 169] 3,080 15,133] 5,388] 15,132] 1,u6| 7,383] 12.1] 22|10.5 Pinellas-052.,..| - 76,482 | 35,5%0| 65.5] 20.6] si,miofl 1,445 26| 2,520 1.852] 1798] 792] 9,201] 6,086) 4.6] 636] 9.1 123 |Terre Haute........| 80,383 40,13] 7.5| 23.2] 30,387] 1,em| 1,638] 1,510 6,068] 3,272| 7,058] 6,282] 2,588] 6.2 Ind,-12 Vigo~084...o...| €0,383| 4o,43| 77.5| 23.8] 30,387| 1,871] 1,638] 1,500 6,068] 3,272] - 7,058] 6,282] 2,588] 6.2| 636] 9.4 124 |Toledo.... 27,928 | ws,0%0 | mou | 2r2| ueon| 2,703] us| 5,018] 42,215) 12,089] 25,256] 21,508] 9,021] 2.4 Ohio=34 Lucas-48.......| 274,928 u5,0%0| 70.4| 27.2) ms,00]| 2,73] wa| 5,008] 42,215) 12,009] 26,256] 21,598 © 9,121] 2.2] 20] e.8 125 |Topekfisesesssnsesss] 73,414 36,858 75.5 27.8 31,860 2,549 12 1,923 4,065 4,987 6,658 6,998 4,567] 8.0 Kans,-15 | Shawnee-089.....| 73,414 | 36,858| 7.5] 27] sn,ee0| 2,500 13] 1,923 4,065 4,987] 6,658] 6,998] 4,567] e.0f 231009 126 |Trenton............| 159,385 e8,534| .e| 33.) mes 2,60 ou| 3,60] 28,896| 4,382] 12,224] 1,32] 10,270] 2.9 NT Mercer=01l...... 159,385 88,534 77.8 33.4 75,857 2,169 94 3,460 28,896 4,382 12,22. 14,362 10,270] 2.9 G36]/10.1 127 150,608 80,512 79.7 29.0 70,052 3,402] 6,08. 3,968 11,002 5,105 16,231 15,956 8,304] 4.9 5 2 Tulsa-072....... 150,608 | 80,512 79.7] 20.0) 70,052( 3,202| 6,084| 3,968] 11,002] 5,105] 16,231] 15,956] 8,304] 4.9] 3|.8.3 128 |Utica-Rome.........| 212,309| 112,210] 75.0 20.8] 97,216] o,e84| 1s6| 3,436] 38,704] s5,4m| 14,923] 16,204] = 8,378] 10.2 N, Y.-31 Herkimer-022....| 48,176 | 26,784 | 7.6] 30.7] 23,361 3,400] 45 790| 11,010 go2| 2,633] 2,70 1,902] 14.6] 19|10.8 Oneida=033......| 164,223| 85.426 7.8] 20.5] 73955 ewurs| 111] 2,626] 27784] 4,669] 12,200 13,524] 6,476] s. 6/13.0 129 | WacOsessnesesssnnasl 77,752 39,110 74.8 27.1 32,977 7,080 93 1,499 3,453 2,213 7,625 6,754 44260 21.5 Texas=-42 McLennan=155.... 71,752 39,110 7.8 27.1 32,977 | 7,080 93 1,499 3,453 2,213 7,625 6,754 4,260] 21,5 G36 9.7 130 | Washington, D. C...| 753 75 4a sl ei] sgl pamell sansl orl 2000] 30.306 ¢ 67,029 ox 2261 157.6201 2.0 In BD, Cc. 08 ” 553,488 ,033 80.8 45.3] 308,900 537 125] 19,730 22,23! 21,132 52,581 A, A 0. Dist.of Col.-001| 553,488 | 344,033] 80.8| 45.3] 308,900 537| 125| 19,730| 22,238] 21,132] 52,581] 71,868] 120,689] 0.2] 37]29:0 In Md.-19....... J 128,357] “ee,762| mo.1| 27.1] Tes222| 7438] nr) sm 4,972 24,507 8.5m] 12,81] 19,562] 11.6 Montgomery=~016. 13 3u6s8| eo7| 20.0] 3maoL| 35% | 3.042 1014 1,853] 3,997] 7,515 11,301f 20.6] 37|23. Prince Georges=017 3244, 34,104 79.5 25.0 31,031 3,903 83 3,149 3,058 2,654 4577 5,346 8,261] 12.6 37] 19.. In Vas-45.vv..0s| 71,890 | 43,200] 85.2] 35.5] 40,654 200 30| 3.383 3,006] 3,05 s.ew| 6,787 17,369] 0.5 Arlington-007,.. 45,409 27,972 86,7 36.8 26,680 123 12 2,047 1,706 1,721 3,414 44351 13,306] 0.5 37| 43.2 Alexandria city 10) © 26,481 | 15,128| 82.6 33.2] 13,97: 77 18| 1,33 1,390 2,094 2,460 2,436] 4,063] 0.6] 37|18.7 121 |Waterlooi.iv.e.ee.d| 62,503 | 33,303) -82.4| 25.1 31,338( 3,620 ss] 1,3m2| 1,212| 2,250] ssn) 0 4,ms| 2,29) 11.6 Iowa=-14 z Black Havk-007..] 62,503 | 33,303] e2.| 25.1] 31,338) 3,629 ss| 1,372] 1,2712| 2,250] 5,757 4,ms| 2,249] 11.6] 19]15.2 132 |[Wheelingeeesesesess 180,796 88,573 75.0 22.1 71,212 6,040] 8,008 2,429 22,667 4,733 11,418 10,153 5,674) 8.5 1 In Obio=3ieeessee 3,513 35,239 75.9 18.5} 26,232 3,207| 5,039 873 6,409 1,588 3,997 3,223 1,896] 12.2 Belmont-007.....| 73.513 | 35,239 75.9| 18.5] 26,232 3,207] 5,039 873 6,400] 1,588 3,997] 3,223] 1,89] 12.2| 2|18.9 In W, Va,=474es.s 107,283 53,334 Th ols 24.6 44,980 2,833 | 3,059 1,556 16,258 3,145 75421 6,930 3,778] 6.3 . 18,729 9,372 79.8 17.7 8,006 31 hd 239 4,180 508 788 769 460] 4.0 17] 39.8 30,806 | 13,515| 63.2] 20.6) 11.360|| 1,758] ex 348 4,466 79] 1,281] 1,106 807] 15.5 1718.0 O0hi0=035........] 57,748 | 30,447] 79.3] 28.4] 25.605 757] 1,491} 969 7,612] 1,858] 5,352] 5,055 2,511] 3.0] 17|13.0 133 al ey 113,409 58,417 78.4 26.9 52,091 4,064 925 2,837 8,692 4,473 13,219) 12,748 5,133] 77.8 Kans,=15 Sedgewick-087...| 113,409 | 58,417| 78.4| 26.9] s2,001| s0et| 925) 2,83 8,602| 4,473) 13,29] 12,m8| 5,133] 7.8 a36 9.1 134 |Wilmingtons........| 13,187| 79,312] 80.6] 30.3] 70,578 2,885 79| 4,7] 23,720] 6,531] 10,647] 11,468] 10,401| 2.1 Del,-07 = R New Castle-002.. 143,187 79,312 80.6 30.3 70,578 2,885 9 45847 23,720 6,531 10,647 11,468 10,401] 4.1] 13|11.9 135 | Winston-Salem...... 93,767 57,333 81.6 42,8 49,809 3,893 71: 1,970 22,695 1,867 7,113 6,844 5,356] 17.8 N, C.=32 Foreyth-034.....| 93,767 | 57,333| e1.6| 42.8] 49,809] 3,893 | 1,970| 22,605] 1,867 mma] ems] 5,356] 7.8] 2226.0 136 | Worcester....eseees 401,897 | 211,991 76.3 29.8] 181,080 5,426 103 6,382 90,945 8,245 25,812 27,902 16,265 3.0 Mass.=20 Worcester-Ol4...| 401,897 211,991| 76.3] 29.2] 181,080) 5,426] 103| 6,382] 90,945] 8,245] 25,812] 27,902] 16,265] 3.0] €| 9.6 137 |Torkeseruruenenend| 137,705] 5,075) ero] 28.5] 7,200) e852 387] 3,382] 30,582] 3,005] 9,020] 7,408] 4,556] 13.2 Pa.-37 York-067.....0..] 137,705 | 75,075| 81.0] 28.5) 67,201] 8,52] 387] 3,382] 30,582] 3,005] 9,020] 7,408] 4,556] 13.2] 22 6.9 138 |Youngstomn.........| 291,252 | 150,745| 80.0] ® 22.1] 121,951 5,634| 472| 4,104] 0,501] 7,220] 19,137] 16,439] 8,345] 4.6 Ohio=34 Mahoning=050..,.. 189,032 98,219 79.2 22.7 79,175 2,448 394 2,897 37,560 5,188 13,425 11,520 5,743] 3.1 17{37.1 Trumbulle078....| 102,220 | 52,526| 80.0] 20.0) 42.76 3.186 7e| 1207 22j01| 25001) sim2| aoe] 2602 7a] 1736.3 748369 O—47T—5 5 i maine TABLE FSELECTED DATA FOR METROPOLITAN AREAS AND METROPOLITAN ars iin © Table 2 Tp : er COUNTIES—Continued : Bn te are ee T T it id : ES iT HOUSING—1940 3 i - : : i; = . Nonfarm Rural Farm : 3 5h All Dwelling Units Occupied Dwelling Units Dwelling Units Dwelling Units ee ( ME ROP TAN 2 y ol e z Metro. REAS, . i : i Area COUNTIES P |p Median phones ~ Coté Residential Percent | Percent Per Percent | | 1 Per- 4:53 er A structures in5or | with Pas cent wih of Average cent Percent = 5 ; more’ | private | wil mechan- monthly wit with 1 — Number Tris] Bote | pate Number | owner ical pessots Number pil Number run- | electric i 4 struc- or lighting ee refrig- | |e (dollars) . ning {lighting ; tures | shower Pl eration | p14 water { a) [) as) (36) an 6) | ® 0) “n “@) 9). “) “s) “6 “un 121 |Tacoma. 50,435 59.3712 12.1 73.2 95.8 54,711 | 00.7 3.3, an 52,523 | 20.77 6,849 | 65.8 | so.7| 31,912. 2 Wash. ‘- . Pierce-027...... 50,435 59,372 12.1 73.2 95.8 54,711 | 60.7 39.3 55 i 4 52,523 |- 20.77 6,849 | ©5.8 86.7 392 ‘ 122 |Tampe-St.Petersburg 10,036 93,575 8.5 08.8 83.0 78,830 | 45.3 34.8 | 2.91 86,724 24.09 6,861 | 30.6 43.9 33,537 Fla.-09 » ; Hillsborou;h-029 Lh Lg) 53,050 6.9 60.5 78.1 49,860 | L2.8 1.0 3.13 47,069 17.54 5,981 | 26.1 40.3 19,198 Pinellas-052.... 32,157 40,525 10.7 19.0 89.0 28,970 | 49.8 1.5 2.49 39,655 32.05 . 870 | ol.k4 65.7 1h4,339 123 |Terre Haute........ 27,252 31,13 L.0 37.5 88.7 30,080 | 46.7 38.5 2.88 28,586 18.22 2,549 | 14.3 52.8 14, 854 Ind.-13 > Vigo-084........ 27,252 31,135 L.o 37.8 88.7 30,080 | 46.7 38.5 2.88 28,586 18.22 2,549 | 14.3 52.8 1h,854 : 124 Tojeta, ST sre 80,150 9¢,965 8.0 81.4 97.0 96,079 | 50.2 57.6 3.14 96,99 29.29 2,969 | 35.0 ‘83.2 58,950 . _ | oOnto-3 . Lucas-048....... 80,150 99,905 8.0 81.4 97.6 96,079 | 50.2 57.6 3.14 96,9% 29.29 2,909 | 35.0 83.2] 58,950 % 125 Topeka. . uns rus nmin 23,817 28,009 | 5.4 55.5 91.5 26,376 | 49.0 56.0 2.93 25,193 23.99 2,810 | 22.1 47.8 16,700 Kans.-15 : - _Shawnec-089..... 23,817 28,009 5.4 55.5 91.5 26,376 | 49.6 56.0 2.93 25,193 23.99 2,8lo | 22.1 47.8 16,700 126 Prenton... avi. ok 39,008 49,802 3.0 19.7 90.5 48,501 | Mk.b 53.4 3.56 43,143 33.72 1,659 | 65.8 | 83.8] 24,925 $0 N. J.-29 5 gy Mercer-Oll...... 39,608 49,802 3.0 19.7 96.5 43,501 | 4u.b 53.4 lL 3-50 4g, 143 33.72 1,659 | 65.8 83.8 24,925 A . ey 27 TUT BB dvs piesa 47,369 57.857 9.6 03.8 | _ 87.7 5L,ol5 | 42.2 49.9 3.07 54,122 26.08 3,735 | 23.0 35.41 40,088 Okla.-35 Tul8a-072. nuns 47,369 51.857 9.6 63.8 87.7 \ 5h, 0k8 | l2.2 49.9 3.01 54,122 26.08 3,735 | 230 35.4 40,688 126 |Utica-Rome,........ 55,855 76,383 6.7 of.h 92.4 ©9,195 | 46.8 43.1 3.23 68,101 24,33 8,282 | 42.3 68.0 35,152 J . N. Y.-31 Herkimer-022 15,669 18,972 |. 3.b 01.9 87.9 16,412 | 52.3 43.1 3.19 10,123 21.62 2,849 | 42.9 64.9 7,754 Oneidn-033. 40,180 57,011 7.8 08.6 93.9 52,783 | 45.1 43.2 3.24 51,978 25.17 5,433 | 42.1 09.7 27,398 ”, 129 . 25,372 29,114 3.1 47.9 09.9 27,320 | 39.5 33.2 3.19 22,497 16.37 0,617 | 22.8 29.7 10,313 2 McLennan-155. ... 25,372 29,114 3.1 47.9 v9.9 27,320 | 39.5 33.2 3.19 22,497 | 16.37 o,617| 22.8] 29.7] 10.323 130 |Washington, D.C.... lok, 857 256,395 24.3 19.5 94.3 241,220 | 37.7 11.9 3.19 249,675 52.41 0,720 [ 86.2 52.1 | 208,564 . In D. C.-08 101,950 185,18 31.9 81.2 95.9 173,445 | 29.9 78.1 8.09 185,128 53.00 184,975 KE Dist.of Col.-001 101,950 185,128 31.9 81.2 9%.9 173.45 | 29.9 78.1 3.09 185,128 | 53.00 134,975 jer In Md.~19..... uh 41,948 45,603 3.0 09.5 Bo. ( 43,093 | ol.4 13-5 3.54 38,883 50.95 6,720 | 36.2 52.1 1,676 Montgomery-01b. . 21,1% 23,259 L.2 76.5 89.( 21,74 | ol.0 79.4 3.43 20,005 64.51 3,250 | 45.4 61.3 2.270 Prince Georges-01] 20,502 22,348 181-62] 83.5 21,353 | 58.7 67.6 3.67 18,878 36.55 3,40 | 27.6 43.5 17,%0 $ In Va.-b5........ 20,989 25, 0bY4 1.5 Blu 96.5 24,085 | 50.9 8h.2 3.19 25,0bk4 50.38 | > 3,913 4 Arlington-007... 13,451 lo, kk 6.8 66.8 97.3 15,914 | 54.9 89.2 3.09 16, LLL 53.61 . 18,453 ie Alexandria city- 101 1,538 9,220 8.9 19.9 95.1 8,774 | L3.7 75.1 3.38 9,220 L4.57 13,460 131 Weir 100, viverra 18,728 23,053 6.5 54.5 94.8 22,621 | 54.0 43.8 3.13 20,337 27.64 2,716 | 26.5 | 71.5] 15,166 Iowa-1 G Black Hawk-007.. 18,728 23,053 6.5 54.5 94.8 22,621 | 54.0 43.8 3.13 20,337 27.64" ‘2,716 | 26.5 11.5 16,166 132 |Wheeling........... 50,907 61,522 2.3 51.1 80.0 00,177 | 46.6 51.1 3.4 54,498 21.17 7,024 | 19.3 Wy.2| 23,408 i In Ohio-34. 21,839 25,59( 0.9 38.8 gl. L 25,040 | 49.8 1.7 3.40 21, 74% 17.53 3,852 | 18.0 ug.2 7.387 th Belmont-007 21,839 25,597 0.9 38.8 84.4 25,04 | 49.8 W.7 3.4% 21,74 17.53 3,852 | 18.0 ug.2 1.387 =! In W. Va.-b7 29,128 35,925 3.3 59.8 88.3 35,130 | Lh4 or 32 | 32,753 23.58 3,172 | 20.9 39.3 10,021 : Brooka-005. 5,466 6,261 0.7 49.0" 90.1] © b,208 | 42.4 bl.1 3.72 5,700 20.39 501 | 29.9 13.1 1,907 Marshall-02b.... 8,699 9,821 0.9 46.9 72.4 9,486 | 50.5 4.5 3.52 7.699 15.60 2,122 | 12.3 22.8 3,141 Oh10-035....0aus 14,903 19,843 5.3 09.5 95.6 19,437 | 42.0 65.3 3.28 19,294 | 27.58 549 | kb.1 12.2 10,973 133 [Wiohita......s.uviss 35,482 44,503 12.1 ob. 4 | 93.5 W268 | 45.1 | 56.7 2.93 40,835 23.89 3,608 | 25.9 54.1 34,876 3 : Kans.-15 ha Sedgewick-087... -35,482 Lk 503 12.1 ok. 4 93.5 42,408 | 45.1 50.7 2.93 Lo, 835 23.89 3,008 | 25.9 54.1 34,876 13 Wilmington. . 38,974 47,588 0.1 74.9 9315 45,948 | Lli.5 59.2 3.38 45,283 38.22 2,305 | 50.8 bb.5 0,284 © “1 Del.-07 New Castle-002.. 38,974 47,588 6.1 4.9 93.5 45,948 | Tuk.5 59.2 [ 3.38 45,283 | 38.22 2,305 | 50.8 | 66.5] 30,284 oS 135 |Winston-Salem...... 26,672 32,205 3.8 38.7 78.9 30,800 | 39.8 39.8 | 3.58 28,298 | 18.75 3,967 18.4: sui] 10,24 N. C.-32 d Forsyth-034..... 2b,672 32,265 3.8 38.7 78.9 30,800 | 39.8 39.8 | 3.58 28,298 | 18.75 3,967 | 18.4 | 54.4) 10,246 130 84,923 | 13,379 8.8 76.1 97.1 128,388 | Lo.2 45.3 3.39 130, 300 27.92 5,079 | 63.7 | '8l.8 76, 347 84,923 135,379 8.8 70.1 97.1 128,388 | 40.2 B.3| 3.39 130,300 | 27.92 5,079 | 03.7] ®¥1.8] 76,347 137 1YOTK:.vivuinirnnse 41,951 50,10k bel 49.9 87.7 48,252 | 53.4 53.0 3.26 41,53 22.78 8,633 | 38.2 57.1] 14,993 - $ Pa.-31~ Fase I= T 7 2 YOrk-067...u.uss 41,981 50,104 1.1 49.9 87.7 48,252 | 53.4 53.0 3.26 41,531 22.78 8,633 | 38.2 57.1 14,993 138 |Youngstown......... 61,102 94,470 2.9 ol. J 95.0 92,517 | 54.6 52.4 3.62 86,970 28.60 7.500 | 35.9 80.1 58,346 Ohio-3k ess Sh 5 Pd Mahoning=040. . .. 50,583 ©0,283 3.7 08.5 90.1 59,005 | 53.0 53.0°| 3.6 31.2 29.96 2,962 | 39.0 83.1 37,644 Trumbull-078.... 30,519 34, LE] Lo. 88.00 <-91y 33.052 | 57.4] "51.5 | 3.5 29,649 | 25.96 4,538 | 33.9 | 78.1] 20,702 TABLE 2—SELECTED DATA FOR METROPOLITAN AREAS AND METROPOLITAN : = : : COUNTIES—Continued Table 2 Part 4 - Agriculture = Tacoma (121) - * (Figures which have been rounded to thousands will not necessarily add to totals) 7 Youngstown (138) Ei AGRICULTURE—1945 * AGRICULTURE—1940 = | value of farm products sold, | Principal o Per- ¢ Value of Work power traded, or u: y source of ¢ Per. cent aH property, farm household farm income | Type- METROPOLITAN : cent | of- : “Maw AREAS | Number of | Land in | Cropland | Number | of | ‘ar Pegeent bow farming Run 3 Area | COUNTIES, farms farms | harvested | “of farms | farms | [jc A Number L area | 5 Code AND (1000's | (1000s oper | "flo oer] of coh Bl code |.0 CODES Jan. 1, of of April 1, | ated prod- | (q pd 28 | horses | Number (1000's shoe Code Pel Bee ne 1945 acres) acres) 1940 by PATA, T | andor of an (See pe) ucts ol arm of live- | C cent | PA ten- | Jess dollars) | (dol mules tractors dollars) A { Crops | p22 ants | than ora, re “| (over 3 stoc > rs) mo. old) prod- ucts 8) 49) G0) Gb 52) (53) - 49 55) (56) GD (£5) 59) (60) 6) | 6) | 63) 64) 121 Tacoma. aavis. ness 5, FEY 170 35 £622] 12.8 54.3 23,322] 5,216] 2,k51 728 5,783 5L.2 21.L 2| 22.9 Waeh.-U6 Pierce-027...... 5,554 170 35 5,622 | 12.8 54.3) 29,322] 5,216 2,451 728 5,783 54.2 3.4 2] es.q Le 128 122 |Tampa-St.Petersburg 4,204 310 51: 1,360 | 19.5 4C.9 27.146 | €,223 2,204 1,069 6,413 aL. £7.8 Fla.-03 Hillsborough-029 3,40 261 37 3,630] 21.2 30.0) 17,940 | 4,942) 2,081 £58 L,g60 |, 31.3 59.5 71 35.71 12d 109 Pinellas-052...% 5 733 4g 1 7132 | 10.2 Lk 9 9,206 [12,576 223 a 1,553 LL.o 52.2 71 lo. 24 13 122 [Terre Haute........ 2.217 199 104 2,09% | 22.9 51.9] 11,678 | 5,577] 3,437 62k 1,761 L2.k Luk 51 32.4 Ind.-13 7 Vigo-08h....... . 2,277 | 199 104 2,054 | 22.2 51.9] 11,678 | 5,577 3,L37 63k 1,761 La.4 Lh Lk 5| 32. 552] 10k 12% motezo.:. wa eleta vey 2,237 133 97 2,403 | 2u.7 u1.9 20,171 €,394 2,883 1,320 3,621 25.2 66.6 51 25.7 Ohio-2k = p= Lucee~OL€...eu.s 2,237 i133 97 2,h03 | 2u.7 u1.9 20,171 | &,394 2,882 1,220. 2,521 28.2 65.6 sl 2s.3 CR61 173 125 [Topeka.....ouuunnnn 2,026 323 166 2,200 | 3u.g 33.7 20,916] 9,507] 4,996 ®RE 2,958 58.7 30.2 1| 32.9 Kane.-1% Shawnee-0%9. .... 2,026 323 166 2,200 | 2.8 33.7 20,916 | 2,507 4,006 RRE 2,955 58.7 30.2 1| 32.9 £1 123 126 #| Trenton... . ava es 1,081 88 58 1,135 | 15.8 20.3 14,517 12,702) 1,081 890 4,156 Ls.g Lg.1 5] 33.09 N. J.-29 3 Mercer-Oll...... 1,081 88 58 1,135 | 15.8 20.3 1k, 417 12,702] 1,081 220 Leg Le.g Lg.1 | 33.0 131] 180 127 Pale. sh Hanis 3,542 324 137 2,689 | 50.6 L7.k 17.695 | 6,581 5,830 EE3 2,659 ug.& 36.2 2| 27.5 Okla.=35 Tulee=072..cuvan 3,542 324 137 2,689 | 50.6 | ur. 17,695 | 6.581 5,830 553 2,659 ky.5 26.2 2| 27.9 62] 98 128 [Utico-Porfe......... 6,489 795 309 7,022 | 11.8 21.9 sl,kod 7,760] 12,985 2,472 13,008 77:21 Saya N. Y.-21 Herkiner-022.... 2,069 289 120 2,716 | 13.9 20.6] 12,901] &,161 L605 832 b,6o1| 83.5 ey 2| 67.9 a3 12% Cneida-033...... 4,20 505 189 4,706 | 10.% 22.4 35,501 | 7,563 8,260 1,60 8,ko7 73.7 1.9 2| s7.7 L13l 135 129 |W EEE Bie airy 4,295 58 283 L,Lks | 56.6 25.5 20,01% | 6,753] 12,229 1,k15 4,09g 30.0 50.9 5| 52.6 - Texas-k2 McLennan-155.... 4,295 585 283 Luks | 56.6 25.9 30,01€ | 6,753] 12,228 1,415 L,g0g 30.0 £e.9 51 52.6 710] 100 130 [Washington, D. C3.. 4,316 Lu 151 L,312] 25.¢ 317.0 55,505 12,872] 9,815 905 7.232 2d My = In D. C.-0% 40 2 I 85 = - 6,101 [93,864 101 25 517 | 4b.0| 49.0 81 42.7 Dist .=f Col. -001 Lo 2 3 65 - =| £,101 p3,80l 101 25 517 Lg.5 L3.0 g| u2.7 In Md.-19........ 4,249 4 150 L,220 | 25.2 27.2 Lg Leg fi1,k4s5 9,683 873 6,6LL k2.0 LL.o Montgomery-01€. 2,179 2u7 99 2,062 | 11% 46.4 27,513 12,3432 5,187 LLg 3,369 67.4 139.2 2| 43.3 Lez 17k Prince Georges-(117 2,070 194 52 | -2,158 | 5.6] 28. 20,955 | 9,720] b,lg6 ~ hee 3.215] 1n7] 69.4 5] 53.1 281] 137 In Va.-bi53....... 27 1 - 27 - - 935 pl ,A17 3 : 7 71 33.8 62.9 2 | 61.8 Arlington-007... 27 1 - 27 - - 915 pgk,k17 31 7 7 33.8 62.9 8 | h1.g L63 Alexandria efty-10] | : : 131 LEE naa . 2,l3h 339 233 2,ug% | bu? 13.2) Lo,81€ 16,366) 6,861 1,710 6.526 71.9 18.7 1] v7.3 Iowa-1k T - Black Hawk-007.. 2,34 339 233 2,40 | Ju.7 12,2) Lo ,816 NIE, 264) €,261 1,710 6,526 71.9 18.7 1 |-k7.3 &71| 124 132 (Wheeling...... er 5, 1 1 6,204 | 22.3 ub, g 20,159 | %,700 0,574 583 h,g36 ss.6] 17.1 In ORfo-34.uu...n [7 25 : 8 % 3,L85 | 20.6 Toa 16.173 T,002[ 5,370 310 2.TET | 60.5 | 1k. 2 | 33.9 625] 103 Belmont-007..... | 2,989 266 ™ 2068 1 20.6 7.2 1:,172 | 4,092 5,370 210 2,467 .9 1L.6 2 33.9 625| 102 Ini. Va. 2. doar SERVICE ESTABLISHMENTS—1939 BANK DEOSHS Major war supply Major war facilities contracts, rojects, June 1940- . 1945 | June 1938 Joe 1945 METROPOLITAN E Bond (1000's of dollars) (1000 so dollars) Metro. AREAS, N sales 1944 rea COUNTIES, Number umber : ole lovers : Total : (1000's of i Code AND of Sales of | Receipts | Active | (overs Pay roll | (demand Time dollars at $ 4 L ' ge S s : CODES estab- | (1000s of | estab | (1000s |proprie-| ““¢ (1000s | and time) | (1000's |issue price) f lish- dollars) lish- | of dollars)| tors vos) of dollars) | (1000’s | of dollars) ments ments of dollars) Combat Other Industrial | Militory 5 equipment 3 ¥ ) as 0) @1) @ | @ ©) @5) @& | @n 8) 9 0) oy i 121 flecoms..ovonnnnen | 20] 6302) 2058] 5082 dow] 1,9] sel 6,363] 56,066] 24,759] 550,304] 40,043 18,897] 39,149’ : 5 Wash, -4 ; = ¢ Pierce=027....00 240 63,124] 1,058 5,082 1,044 1,319 1,548 146,363 56,066 24,759 550,304 40,043 18,897 39,149 > 122 |rampa-St.Petersburg | 475| 108,176] 1,393] 7,70] 1,3¢6| 3,620] 2,412] 164,628] 41,176] © 28,23] 246,758 13,485 19,189) 41,773 4 Fla.-09 . : ‘ Hillsborough=-029 376 95,771 885 5,021 872 2,623 1,642 104,474 27,822 20,640 246,505 8,588 17,589] 40,276 ¥ Pinellas-052.... 9 12,405 508 2,79 494 997 770 60,154 13,354 7,603 253 4,897 1,600 1,497 123 [Terre Haute........ 148 30,860 504. 2,302 499 823 726 57,648 20,068 5,834 7,100 8,945 35,935 5,797 : Vigo-084esesenes 18 30,860 504 2,302 499 823 726 57,648 20,068] 5,834 7,100 8,945 35,935 5,797 2 224 [ToledO.sesessssssce 525 136,755] 1,897 11,384 1,884 3,368 3,638] 254,492 44303 43,135 899,261|- 175,632 71,651 7,016 : Ohio=34 . Lucas=948..ceeee 525 136,755] 1,897 11,384 1,884 3,368 3,638 254,492 744303 43,135 899,261 175,632 71,651 7,016 i 125 Topeka. . essnssvssee Ul 21,057] 497 2,318 495 926 709 47,043 6,577 9,929 432 2,142 10,445 23,692 : Kans.-15 : Shawnee-089..... ul] 2,057] 497] 2,318] 495 926 709] 47,043 6,577 9,929 432 2,12 10,445 23,692 126 (TrentoN..eeesescees 209 41,191} 1,210 5,605 1,214 1,751 1,759 166,929 92,362 20,493 618,564, 160,952 24,487 4y491 A N, J.= . Mercer=0ll.....e 209 41,191} 1,210 5,605] 1,214 1,751 1,759 166,929 92,362 20,493 618,564. 160,952 24,487 44491 127 |Tulsaueneenneennens | 418] 85455] 1,008)" 6,397] 1,08] 2473] 2,002] 1m,667] 19,183] 21,165] 573,004 m6,018] 40,460 Okla.=35 Tulsa=072¢eveee0 418 85,455) 1,098 6,397 1,078 2,473 2,092 174,667 19,183 21,165 573,904 146,018) © 40,461 128 [Utica-Rome....eee.s. 322| 61,606 1,437] 5,652] 1,500] 1,427] 1,37] 2b2,906| 135,304] 29,450 323,873) 264,703 24,0%| 42,793 N, Y,-31 Herkimer=022,,.. 39 4,476 286 816 309 186 157 34 ,833 22,108 5,538 130,190 11,747 3,559 Oneida~033.4ssee 283 57,220f 1,151 4,836) 1,191 1,241 1,210 168,163 113,196 23,917 193,683 252,956 20,477 42,793 129 [WaCOesesssesssscsse 190 36,478 421 1,888 436 826 559 47,690 6,673 8,501 46,138] 44,680 31,333 15,087 7 Texas-42 = = - . McLennan-155.... 190 421 1,888 436 826 559 47,690 6,673 8,501 46,138 44,680 31,333 15,087 130 |Washington, D, C... 821 391,838] 4,371 43,326] 4,22 14,981 16,139 797,735 207,523 164,862 124 65,574 61,983 211,386 In D. Coo ea SaT 773 650] 30.291] 3.725] 13.610] 14.858] 692.708] 166,047] 148.464 8.622 15,505 30.256] 80.678 Dist.of Col.-001 753) u7,7m2| 3,830) 39,491 3.723] 137610] 14,858] 692,708| 166,947| - 128,484 8,622 19,803 49,23| 80,676 - In Md.=19...c...00 29 10,864] 333 2,192 332 737 718 63,846 28,533 9,164 67,926 43,51 44505 38,575 : Montgomery~016. . 10 gooe] 13 181 127 432 408] 36.034] 15,406 4,87 1,579 27,425 3,833 2,065 a *& | + Prince Georges-017 19 1,95] 199] 1,011] 205 305 310] 27,812] 13.127 4,288 66,34 16,089 672] 36,510 a In Vau=45.00eceee 39 33,202 208 1,643 169 634 563 41,181 12,043 17,21, 5 2,257 8,242 92,135 Arlington=007... 18 11,578] 110 940 103 372 327 17,912 5,299 7,214 576 1,780 85,633 3 Alexandria otty-10l 21] 21,62 98 703 6 262 23%] 23, 6.4 (1) ur 8,242 ; 131 |WaterloGesesssseses 131 21,875 366 2,028 388 682 609 33,046 9,496 .10,320 58,695 12,066 6,050 Iowa-14 ? Black Hawk=-007.. 131 21,875 366 2,028 388 682 609 33,046 9,496 10,320 58,695 12,066 6,050 132 |Wheelingeeseesesoes 262 248,792 955 3,381 947 1,029 893 94,061 46,497 14,697 142,725 111,115 7,740 Tn Ohio-34ssssssns 2 7,62 3 86] 390 01 BI[ 27,895] 15,825 7,820] 106,810 12,501 5,050 Belnont-007....+ 62 4,628] 380 86 390 191 191) 27895] 15,825 4,820) 106,810 12,501 5,050 In W. Va,-47..... 200| 244.184] 575] 2,525) 557 838 762] 66,166] 30,672 9,877 35,915 98,614 2,690 Brooke=005. 4... 1 675 68 179 6 51 55 5,070 2,683 1,067 3,558 6,181 Marshall-026.... 1n 1,421 130 275 135 64 41) 8,234 3,755 1,995 12,051, 5,212 7 OH10-035¢ sx ~v~ ov 175| 2az.088] 377] 2,07 856 725 ee8| se,e62| 24,28 8,815 20, 87,221 1,976 f 133 |Wichit@eeeseosssosce 419 105,875) 975 5,225 987 2,343 1,769 147,145 13,489 27,662 | 1,322,809 22,392 40,385 3,466 Kans,-15 v Sedgewick=-087.,. 419 105,875 975 5,225 987 2,343 1,769 147,145 13,489 27,662 | 1,322,809 22,392 40,385 3,466 . 134 (Wilmington......... 17%6| 138,192] 1,008] 5,501] 959] 1,566] 1,531] 319,004 86,275] 22,104] 255,182 69,791 26,750 11,108 Del.-07 New Castle-002.. 176 138,192] 1,008 5,541 959 1,566 1,531] 319,004 86,275 22,104 255,182 69,791 26,750] 11,108 135 | Winston-Salem... us| 42,382] a3] 2,600] 420] 1,196 893] 54,002] 10,014 6,249 39,464 73,356 3,837 1,173 Forsyth-034..... | 1U9| 42,382] 437] 2,600) 420 1,29 893| s4,092| 10,01) 6,249] 39,464] 73,35 3,89 1,17 2 136 |Worcester...eeesess 405 100,798] 2,339] 10,538| 2,261 2,961 2,715 491,578 359,346 42,140 139,170 589,771 22,267 Mass,~20 Worcester-0L4... 405 100,798] 2,339 10,538 2,261] 2,91| 2,735) 491,578| 359,346] 42,140| 139,170] 589,770 22,267 137 |Yorkessoesssssnssne 197 32,397 864 3,088 897 837 670 137,784 77,79 16,613 331,766 119,519 "10,392 Pa,=37 = Yorke067eeseesss 197] 32,397 ees] 3,088 e97 87 eo) 137,784 7,794] 16,613] 331,76] 119,519 10,392 138 Yomgstom. Pelco 333] su01] 1,423] 7,139 1,429] 1,925] 1,016] 168,612] 70,75] 40,435| 316,072] 313,469 61,504 9,093 0 3 Mahoning=050.... 275 68,389 982 5,728 959 1,634 1,676 118,180 47,685 26,99 97,674 214,582 13,017 Trumbull-078. ... 58 nol a3] um a0 201 20] s0432| 23,030 13,436] 218,308] 98,887 48,487 9,093 15xcludes ilexandria city (101) for which 2Figure for Ohio County (035) W. Va., includes ge 49. data sre not shown separately. Data for Alexandria city are included ablishments for Vheeling city only. Sales of two establishments included since they involve disclosure of operations of individual establishments. with Fairfax County (030), in Ohio County outside Vheeling are not shown only in Table 2, 55 Table § Part 1 -« Population ALA., Autauga (001) = Shelby (059) Vv TABLE 3—SELECTED DATA FOR METROPOLITAN AREAS AND FOR ALL COUNTIES, BY STATE sg TOTAL POPULATION POPULATION—1940 EDUCATION VITAL e 1940 STATISTICS ESTIMATED : 1944 - CIVILIAN Sy | POPULATION Land | Pop- | Total white Percent of . METROPOLITAN U.S. area |ulation population 25 Metro. AREAS, rank in per years old and = Area COUNTIES, Numb. of |Percent| oo sq. over who have Code AND UMOEr | counties | change 1 3 P. ! completed— CODES Peicunty Asli tn re Un | Red | Bud 2 p ercen ri ol nonfarm arm Births eaths Number change 1540 ’ | percen- 1930- | 1940 | 1940 Number total . : { \ N. tiles) | 1940 pu- 5 or od > | 1940- ation more Ha 1943 1940 grades | 5€h00 m @ ®) “) ©) (6) m ® [0] (10) (1n (12) 13) (14) as) 16) ALABAMA......| 2,718,273 | -3.9|2,832,961 7.1| 51,078 | 55.5| 1,849,097 | 65.3| 855,941 | 638,356 [1,338,664 | ©9.7| 15.7] 74,815 26,157 METRO. COUNTIES..| 852,087 | 13.8] 752,099 11.3] 3,794] 198.2 442,808| 58.9| 497,452|178,174| 76,473] 7s.2| 23.7] 21,569] 9,085 . Metro. areas: 4 Sr 3 ay 014 |Birminghan,...,.08 470,388 2.3| 459,930 6.6] 1,117 411.8 280,756 | 61.0| 3819,218| 115,953| 24,764] 79.0 24.6] 11,205] 4,961 028 [Columbus (pt.)%,057) 38,695 8.2 35,775 30.7 639 56.0 14,674 | 41.0 15,351| %,402| 16,c22] 51.0 8.0] 1,1: 362 076 [Mobile.......s..04d 227,763 | 60.97] 141,974 19.9) 1,248 113.8 90,296 | 63.6| 84,804 45,950| 11,220] 76.0| 22.4] 6,362 2,436 077 | Montgomery. .....05) 115,246 3.4] 114,420 16.0 790 | 144.8 57,082 | 49.9 78,084 11,869| 24,467 7.7| 25.5] 2.781 1.286 OTHER COUNTIES... : 1,866,186 | =10.8 | 2,080,862 5.6| 47,284| 44.0| 1,406,289 | 67.6| 358,489] 460,182(1,262,191| 67.0| 12.3] s52,846| 17,122 All Counties: Autauga... 001} 16,514 | -21.3 20,977 43 6.5 599 | 35.0 9,783 | 46.6 2,664 3,205| 15,008] 60.0| 10.8 478 201 Baldwin. .002 35,387 9.5 32,324 25| 14.8) 1,613] 20.0 24,240 | 75.0 17,933| 14,301] 72.5] 15.8] 1,082 376 Barbour. .003 27,600 | -15.7 32,722 25 0.9 899 | 36.4 14,563 | 44.5 6,269| 5,83¢| 20,619] 51.9] 10.7 858 265 Bibbesseessnn...004 17,086 | -15.5 20,155 45] .-3.0 625| 32.2 13,519] 67.1 9,715 10,440| 66.2 9.9 518 17 Blount.s..s.....008 23,944 | -18.8 29,490 29 5.2 640 46.1 28,227 | 95.7 6,264 23,226) 76.1 9.1 664 159 17,423 | -12.0 19,610 46] -1.0 615| 382.2 4,351] 22.0 3;107| 1,849] 14,854] 48.6] 12.1 514 221 26,533 [ -18.2 32,447 25 7.5 773| 42.0 16,759 | 51.6 5,075 7,288] 20,088] 60.9 10.7 787 240 70,610 | 13.6 63,319 10 13.9 610 103.8 50,328 79.5| 2,537 13,518] 17,264] 73.8] 16.6] 1,998 620 37,777 | -10.4 42,146 17 7.2 598| 70.5 24,210| 57.4 6,141 17,308| 18,702] 69.1] 11.7 856 339 15,891 -20.3 19,928 46 -1.4 600| 38.2 18,203 91.3 2,890 17,038] 72.8] 8.9 418 89 22,435 [ -19.7 27,955 s0| 13.7 699| 40.0 23,320 83.4 s,982| 5,071 18,902] 71.7 10.2 638 214 16,874 | -16.4 20,195 45{ -1.6 918| 22.0 9,468| 46.9 4,457 15,738] 60.4] © 9.9 531 146 Clarke... 23,354 | -15.5 27,636 31 6.2| 1,2a1] 22.3 13,215| 47.8 9,980 17,656] 62.7 11.8 652 220 Clay... 18,818 | -18.3 16,907 55| -4.8 603| 28.0 14,289 84.5 8,765| 18,142] 76.9] 11.8 338 124 11,143] -18.2 13,629 63 5.8 574 | 28.7 12,687 | 92.7 3,597| 10,082] 69.9 7.0 308 90 29,700 | -7.1 31,987 25 -1.7 677| 47.2 25,428] 79.5 4,353) 4,851 22,808] 67.2 9.9 733 156 35,493 4.1 34,093 23) 14.2 616| 55.8 25,518| 74.8 13,448] 6,987| 13,658] 75.9] 17.5 997 288 19,967 | -21.7 25,489 35 0.2 850 80.0 14,189 55.5 5,637] 19,852| 60.8 9.1 625 181 11,149 | -17.2 18,460 64 8.0 648| 20.8 8,563] 63.6 3,658 9,802 70.7| 10.8 283 96 35,341 | -16.7 42,417 17 2.6] 1,034] 41.0 $5,505| 83.7| 18,068! 5,287| =2¢,117| 69.7] 11.6] 1,0m S11 18,955 | -19.8 23,631 s8| ‘-0.1 611] 38.7 15,858 67.1 5,646) 17,985] 67.4 9.2 495 161 40,804 | -18.8 47,343 1a] 15.8 743] 68.7 46,761| 98.8 5,074| 4,814 87,455) 79.1 8.8] 1,242 261 23,243 2.5 22,685 | -2. 560| 40.5 17,446 | 76.9 s,601| 2,918] 16,166] 66.8] 10.5 594 202 50,896 | <7.9 55,245 12 0.3 976| 56.6 14,500| 26.2 19,834| 8,929{ s1,482] 56.0] 16.6] 1,556 878 De Kalb...so....028 36,490 | -15.3 43,075 16 7.4 778] 54.4 42,266 98.1 4,424 4,574) 84,077] 7.7 9.1] 1,050 302 ELMOre. sos oa. ..026 29,920 | -18.4 34,546 23 0.8 628| 55.0 20,928| 60.6 s,089| 9,320] 22%] ebs| 11.3 748 297 28,265 | -7.8 30,671 27 9.7 962 81.9 20,49¢| 66.8 6,528| 11,508 12,640 65.8] 11.9 869 298 77,085 6.2 72,580 9 14.5 555| 130.8 62,016 | 85.4 41,860 9,524 21,196 77.5 17.8 2,118 568 17,090 | -21.1 21,651 a2| 17.4 627| 34.5 18,565| 85.8 2,668) 2,050, 16,933] 78.3] 10.6 450 142 23,536 | -14.6 27,552 31 8.6 64s| 42.8 26,087 | 94.7 3,610| 4,980 19,112) 74.2 9.8] ms 205 24,899 | -14.6 29,172 29| -8.i 578| 50.5 25,147 86.2 2,808| 6,432| 19,937] 68.2 9.2 709 207 15,812 | -17.6 19,185 48| -2.8 645| 29.7 3,108| 16.2 2,877| 16,308] 41.5 8.2 438 187 21,48 | -16.4 25,533 | -2.8 663 38.5 7,177| 28.1 4,535] 20,998) 51.3 10.4 666 240 17,758 | -19.0 21,912 ai] -4.0 565| 38.8 11,204 | 51.1 ¢,981| 16,981] 59.1 8.8 619 192 HOUELON. 44400. +038 41,611 | -8.9 45,665 15] -0.6 578( 79.0 31,069 | 68.0| 17,194| 4,599] 23,872) 62.9] 13.0] 1,14 386 Jaekaon,........056 35,529 | -15.0 41,802 17| 18.8] 1,124 7.2 39,184 | 93.7 2,83¢| 10,660 28,308] 67.6 9.3) 1,09 278 470,383 2.3] 459.930 1 6.6 1,117] 411.8 880,756 | 61.0| 819,213] 115,958| 24,764 |" 79.0| 24.6] 11,295) = 4,961 15,708 | -20.8 19,708 46 9.5 606 | 32.6 16,781 | 84.9| . - 3,848 15,860}. - 78.7 9.1 392 95 45,614 | -1.0 46,230 15] 12.4 683 67.2 38,764 | 83.8| 15,043| 6,889 24,208] 74.5] 15.3] 1,256 411 24,751 | -11.2 27,880 31 3.5 686 | 40.6 21,600 | 77.5 5,607 22,328] 67.9 7.4 741 198 32,878 | -9.8 36,455 21 1.1 612| 59.6 15,840 | 48.4 13,189] 4,777 18,589] 61.9] 19.2 952 333 31,679 | -11.1 35,642 22| -2.7 545 | 65.4 26,810 | 75.2 — 4,342| 8,365 27,985] 63.3] 11.1 990 27 18,220 | -19.6 22,661 40| -0.9 716 31.6 3,457 | 15.8 2,845 19,816] 40.0 9.1 sa 216 26,816 | -8.0 27,654 31 2.0 616 | 44.9 4,946 | 17.9 3,937 | 8,097 20,620] 56.0] 14.1 755 305 cee. .045) 67,530 1.8 66,817 10 2.6 803 | 82.6 47,927 | 72.8] 1s,050| 20,910| se,357| 66.0 18.8] 1,799. ese voe...048 27,259 | -23.7 35,786 22] -1.9 978| 36.5 9,727 | 27.2 4,187 4,698] =26,901| 48.0] 11.3 770 334 22,316 | -22.4 28,776 29f 10.8 743| 38.7 27,775 | 96.5 7,486 21,200] 78.1 9.7 630 164 38,498 | -9.2 42,395 17 6.5 s71| 74.2 41,225 97.2| -8,049| 4,460| 29,886] 77.0 10.5] 1,058 290 076 227,763 | 60.9 | 141,974 4| 19.9] 1,748 118.8 90,296 | 63.6| 84,804 | 45,950 11,220] 76.0| 22.4] 6,862] 2,426 23,465 | -20.7 29,465 29| -2.0( 1,035] 28.5 13,848 | 47.0 7,406| 28,069) 59.4] 12.1 767 208 077 115,246 3.4 114,420 5| 16.0 790 | 144.8 57,082 | 49.9| 78,084 | 11,869| 24,467| 71.7| 25.5] 2,781] 1,286 45,576 | -5.3 48,148 14 4.8 574 | 83.9 89,998 | 83.1| 19,188| 5,624] 23,886] 7e.5| 15.1) 1,157 338 20,722 | -22.1 26,610 33 0.9 734 | 36.8 7,615 28.2 6,100 20,509| 54.0 11.9 838 226 23,681 | -14.4| 27,67 si] 1a 887 | s1.2 14,565 | 52.6 5,748 21,923) 59.3) 10.3 640 200 27,775 | -14.5 32,498 25 0.8 673| 48.3 17,307 | 68.8 7,065| 4,081 21,37) 60.2 18.0 816 S04 21,818 | -14.5 £25,516 | -5.0 581 | 43.9 19,652 | 77.0 ¢,168| 2,727 18,621] 67.1 9.0 513 190 028 8,695 8.2 85,776 ®2| 30.7 839 | 86.0 14,674 | 41.0| 18,351 | 4,402] 16,022] 5140 8.0] 1,131 362 St. Clair, 24,204 | -11.1 27,336 s1| 11.5 641 | 42.8 21,628 | 79,1 s9| 1s,267| 14,030 69.5] 10.2 667 235 ShO1bYesases +. +069 26,765 | -7.8 28,962 28 5.0 801 | 86.2 2s,112| 76.8 15,6701 13,2921 72.71 12.8 e68l. 240 1Remainder of Columbus Metropqlitan Area (028) is in Georgia. 56 i TABLE 3—SELECTED DATA FOR METROPOLITAN AREAS AND FOR ALL COUNTIES, ‘BY STATE—Continued Table 8 Part 2 - Labor Force ALA., Autauga (001) - Shelby (059) LABOR FORCE—1940 7 Percent of Population 14 Years Old and Over Employed Workers by Industry Group Si METROPCLITAN Tennis = In leading Wotro] ORES. Percent | Percent porta- Business nose Code AND of i I 5 J Con ton, | Whole personal Oth In | industry CODES In labor |: Males.) lemales. | Total Agi | Mini On | Manufac- | “™™™ | sale and | services | agri- Total who are | who are ining | struc- ¥ cations, , and not force : g employed || culture : turing retail exclud- cul- in in tion an. : reported Code Jab lab, th trade ing ture (See |P abor | labor 0 he domestic 9oy ex force force i i is poe cent 1€s an as) a9) (20) @n @) @) 9 @s) (26) @n 28) @9) Go | an | @ ALABAMA. ...... 1,979,481(1,017,188| 80.1 23.9 893,848 353,705| 30,172| 28,797] 155.419 | 38,470 | 89,895 | 90,541 | 106,849 | 39.6 6| 5.0 METRO COUNTIES,..: 564,263 302,993 80.2 29.3 257,347 18,752] 17,711] 12,338 59,178 | 22,233 42,963 39,129 45,043 | 7.3 Metro, areas: 2 014 [Birmingham...... 037 ™7,112| 181,548| 80.6 26.3 | 151,972 3,613 17,548 6,325 39,876 | 12,079 | 25,974 | 24 278 22,219 | 2.k 028 [Columbus (pt.)1.057 24,336] 14,258) 81.0 38.3 13,375 2 293 py 8 3.683 326 | 1,195 1,618 | 39.6 076 |Mobiles......... oug 106,528 58,681 81.0 31.3 49,500 2,856 52| 3,489] 10,837 6,766 8,830 1.52 9,002 | “5.8 077 |Montgomery..... L051 86,287 48,506| 77.4 36.6 2,500 6.9% 97| 2,016 4,782 3.062 6,964 6,385 | 12,204 [16.4 OTHER COUN".3S...| 1,415,218] 714,195 80,0 21.6 636,501 334,953] 12,461 16,459 96,241 16,237 | 46,932 51,112 | 61,806 [52.6 | All Counties: : 001 14,035 7,207] 81.8 22.2 6,752 4,392 5 157 83 102 292 332 689 | 65.0 | 19| 3.8 22,534 10,789 77.8 16.0 9,607 3.897 4 338 1,345 296 86! 918 1,940 [40.6 1| 8.9 21,98 | 11,744] 81.9 27.4 11,107 6,313 25 216 1,728 234 665 658 1,268 | 56.8 6| 1.2 13,452 6,190 9.2 11.7 5.573 2,380| 1,468 94 477 115 2 365 398 is. 2| 24.3 19,845 9,155) 80.8 | 10.1 8,687| 6,134] uM 156 478 121 465 508 354 | 10. 2| 45 15.090 7.029 19:7 30,4 6,551 4,593 ko 342 1 321 332 693 | 70.1 6 21,664 11,55| 81.5 21.0 10,478 5.968 11 305) 1,268 ny 4 709 1,236 | 57.0 9| 6.7 uy 536) 23,177 19.7 25.2 20,039 3, > 101 3 7,229 715 2,220 2,306 3,034 | 18.5 616.7 29,565| 17,878] 8. | 38.0 | 17,177 p38 275 7.538 1%0 895 © 853 2,098 [31.0 | 6] M41. 13,364 v 81.9 9.3 5,784 ,267 he 107 by iE) 233 350 218 | 73.8 9| 5.3 a 19,116 8,838) 78.8 13.1 | 7.9% 4,828 29 262 £9 258 584 587 576 | 60.8 9| 6.0 Ne So &.3 2 Eas 4 hs52 2 107] 916 98 221 »7 386 | 68.6 9 (10.6 18,725 9.389| 81.9 18.0 8,511 4,519 10 282 1,454 191 609 2 853 | 53.1 9|10.% 11,742 5,366| 79.0 12.6 4,833 3.217 5 128 M2 257 3 380 167.81 9] 5. 9,080 4,082] 80.0 1.8 3.72 2,453 19 01) 540 61 156 203 188 | 65.9 913. Coffee..........016 21,385 10,262) 80.9 15.7 9,396 6,186 189 875 19 2 695 695 | 65.8 6| 4.5 Colbert.ecesess £17 €3,920| 11, 78.1 20.4 9,024 3% 103 463 013 920 9 1,095 1,361 | 34.4 | 636] 5.7 16,677 8,013] 80.7 16.2 7.096 935 117) 152 410 42g 554 | 69.5 9] 5.0 9,035 4,363 80.9 13.8 4,049 2,173 15 87] 997 60 180 238 299 | 53.7 915.2 29,292| 15,822| 81.3 28.3 13.992 6,385 2 42g 3,187 2m 1,198 1,005 1,509 | 45.6 7] 9.2 16,1 7.961 . 82.8 16.5 6,828 4,794 5 155 462 92 IR ko 508 | 70.2 9| k.5 31,8 15,012| . 82.1 11.4 13.963 9,785 7 261 97 263 1,062 2 507 | 70.1 9| 4.3 15,551 7,55, 83.8 14.8 168; 4,068 7 218] IE 121 46k 570 Cd 9| 6.8 38,123 200 21 36.0 20,072|| 10,912 30 2 1,395 a7 W917 1,745 2,692 | 5h. 636 | uM ’ 13,848 80. 4,0 | © 13,192 9,172 35 Ti 1,251 219 756 ne 6 | 69.5 6| 6.5 Elmore cess s0 0026 24,155 11,778] TH.8 2.9 10,656 5.732] 44 268| 1,79 250 637 106 1,260 [53.8 |" 613.0 Escasbia,.......027 21,074 9.932| T1.6 21.0 8,200 ,011 26 256) 1,247 348 968 827 1,517 | 36.7 9| 6.8 0: 51,365) 26,260 81.1 | “2.9 22,938 W577 230 42 9,810 680 2,637 2,372 1,990 | 20.0 17{23%.7 14,6 7,002] 81.4 13.9 6,298 38s » 13 as 106 426 k2g 428 | 61.1 9| 81 18,085| * 8,224 78.4 12.2 6.757 070 3 1 645 158 528 560 409 | 60.2 | 636 | 4.9 19.5 9.309] 78.6 | 16.3 gue] 5.463 1 199 880 125 592 561 661 [ou] a36| 3. 12,904 7.327 19.9 35.9 6,932 5.485 4 7 190 7 287 266 SUT [79.1 | 636] 2. 16,878 9.925 83.6 38.3 9,226 7,148 6 181 300 168 EH 6 669 | 77.5| 636 2. 14,421 7,145) 82.9 17.7 5:38 4,984 99 273 60 8 322 299 | 78.1 | 636 2. 31,964 © 15,918 80.1 21.1 1,076( 6,648 9 476 1,328 521 1,68 1,592 2,213 [45.9 | 636] 4. 27,258) 12,928 78.1 15.9 11,095 6,828 90 329 1,386 251 6 £05 736 [61.5] 636 | M. ok 347,112| 181,548) 0.6 26.3 | 151,972 HE 17.548 - 6,385] 39,876 | 12,079 | 25.97% | 24,278 | 22,219 | 2. | 1715. 13. 6,579| 83.0 | 15.5 1069 5 be 6k in 101 30 8 303 | 75.0 | 636 | k. 31,947 5.096] 78.3 17.6 11,76 5,161 17 689 1.52 434 1,347 Y 1,296 |4k.0| 636 6. 18,24 8,38 79.3 12.7 7.048 5,492 9 185 1 £8 291 n2 437 | 77.9 | 036 3. b 7 7 PA + 0e0H1 25,188) 14,665) 81.h4 36.5 13,975 5.527 1 572 2,199 324 1,146 1,808 2,398 | 39.5 611. Limestone.......0u2 23,598 11,046) 81.7 12.8 9,460 6,800 1) 201 2 18 640 687 686 | 71.9 | 636 M. Lowndes. ....... Se 14,524 9,339] 87.2 43.7 9,001 7.420 93 392 106 222 204 564 | 82.4 9 | M. MBCORa es soraeses 18, +7 76.8 29.2 9,227 6,061 25 235 2 125 hg2 1,256 T9% | 65.7 | 63611. Mad i800, .00esq O45 45.575 22,u98 79.2 21.0 17,764 7.742 35 501 3,516 hu 2,020 1,822 1,687 | 43.6 6(16 Marengo. .......0U6 24,324} 13,715 82.7 31.7 12,632 8,695 1 228 9 259 "655 1,301 | 68.8 9 3. 18,797 697] s0.M 11.6 7.573 L, 41 812 133 550 138 433 479 287 | 62.6 210. 28,846 13,218) 79.0 12.6 12,138 7.63 3 22s 1,195 271 1,0h8 3% 658 | 62.9 6| 6. 106,528 58,681) #1.0 31.3 49,500 sad s2| 3.0k9| 10,837 6,766 0 7.668 9,002 | 5.8 25 7. 19,200 9,892] 82.8 2.7 9,123 54 1 189 1,117 156 8 561 809 | 64.0 9| 6. 86,287| 48,506 77.8 .6 42,500 6.9% ‘97 2.006) + M.782 062 6,964 6,385 | 12,204 [16.4 | 3711. ong] d6oh| 18 | dee | Trees] siae| | TSes| 2ke| M%e| 13s| 1Ar| izes |weo| 6 |i 17,075 9.939 82.1 36.4 9,253 6,775 178 485 T2 ny bod 78 | 73.2| 636 3. 18,477 9.127| ®.7 18.6 “8,665 5,820 6 138 1,066 196 395 582 | 67.2 9| 6. 22,538 11,832] 82.9 23.4 11,126 6,u87| . 4 302 878 224 ,013 878 1,34 [56.3] 036] W. Randolphes.... 056 17,251 8,534 19.7 20.1 8,029 4,955 137, 1,378 108 Who 7 514 |61.7| .6 (10. 028 ops 0 3 1.54 8.0 38.3 13,375 5,293 14 We 3,683 326 1,195 798 1,618 | 39.6 617. 8% 0181r00000.00058 18,593 8 17.4 12,1 7 3,083] 1,401 16 1,452 215 430 472 sus 5: 2/17. 820107 00s00esses059 19,8% 9,338] 78.4 15.0 2 2,812] 1,188 1,115 300 591 811 sok | 3h.8 2 (1. 1Remainder of Columbus Metropolitan Area (028) is in Georgia. nar PMRoWd Donor LHEFN NOUN Lbawa ray ET Fe = EARS gC NS Abe a a EE ERY HE on ah Zi = = v ’ = 3 ® ! Ee i Bi Table 3 | : oe tsotig TABLE 3—SELECTED DATA FOR METROPOLITAN AREAS AND FOR ALL COUNTIES, Bs KLA., Autauge toon) - ’ or Fa ie 2 2 Shelby (059) ; BY STATE—Continued a f ~ a aN HOUSING—1940 ’ s : : i Nonfarm Rural Farm : All Dwelling Units Occupied Dwelling Units Dwelling Units Dwelling Units a 4 METROPOLITAN : Metro. AREAS, tele- Area| COUNTIES, P P Median | phones Code AND Residential Fercent { Percent Per- Percent | | her Per. & CODES stroctufes in5or| wit Perzone ot wih od Aven e sont Percent] Jan. 1, : s more rivate | wit mechan- monthly wit with 1945" Number oD thtub | electric Number | owner ical ig Number rent Number run- | electric = struc- or lighting refrig- | | (dollars) ning | lighting x p b Ouse: ! : tures | shower eration | "} 14 water 33) G4) (35) (36) an 39) G9) (40) “n “) “) “9 “s) 46) “n 24 ALABAMA......| 627,283 | 708,043 1.5] 20.6] 43.2] em,e15| 33.6] 23.5) 3.8] 306,088) 13.36] 311,075) 3.4] 12.2] 130,14 gr : METRO, COUNTIES... 162,069 199,443 4e3 39.0 5 192,869 | 33.0 38.5 3.38 180,873 16,78 18,570 | 11.8 25.3 77,137 Metro, areas: § Ol Birmingham, ..,.:037 97,316 122,744 4.8 41,3 80.4 119,034 | 33.3 42,1 3.41 116,907 16,96 5,8371 17.5 50.1 50,334 : 028 [Columbus (part)ios7 8,490 9,103 0.4 12,6 38.6 8,5/7| 26,0 15.5 3.61 5,324 8.61 3,79] 1.9 41 1,521 x 076 |Mobile........ +049 31,921 37,134 440 42,1 61.3 35,788 | 39.6 35.7 3.37 34,350 16.34 2,784 | 21.2 25.3 14,345 077 |Montgomery......051 244342 30,462 3.6 34.2 57.9 29,520 | 25,7 33.6 3.21 24,292 18,28 6,170 8,2 14.3 10,937 OTHER COUNTIES...| 475,814 | 508,600 0.5 | 12.5] 32.3] 480,96] 33.9) 17.5) 3.82] 216,095 10.48] 292,505| 2.9] 12.0] 53,007 i All Counties: Autauga...eee..s001 5,102 5,407 0.3 8,2 19.7 4,973 | 29.4 12,0 3.70 1,710 8,10 3,697 3.9 78 274 8,691 8,901 043 20,8 39.2 8,000 os 20,9 3.51 5,401 9.69 3,500 | 14.1 30.6 1,026 7,490 8,085 063 11.8 22.82 7,657. 27.2 13,9 3.69 3,387 8,66 4,698 2.4 7.1 711 4,850 | 5,037 6.1 | 34.0 4,63 | 34.1 | 18.8] 3.e8 2,500 | 6.21 2,537] 3.0| 8a 191 6,883 7,096 0.3 5.0 24,1 6,665 | 44.5 12,1 4.02 1,709 8.50 5,387 oh 15.1 308 4,77 5,025 0.1 7.8 17.9 4,673 | 21,9 11.4 3.60 1,525 7.59 3,500 11 6.2 253 74347 7,808 0.3 10,1 .2 7,382 | 31,7 11,7 3.89 3,282 9.26 4,526 2,7 11.1 636 13,292 15,564 1,8 24.6 58,7 15,021 | 31.9 25.5 3.69 11,793 12,72 3, mm Lob 23,0 3,423 9,781 10, ‘671 0e5 1.6 47.9 9,888 | 22,0 25.1 3.7 5,998 6.86 4,679 3.0 12,9 204 Cheroke®,.......,010 ' 4,528 4,639 3d 45.2 4y419 | 33.4 1.3 4.07 71 Tehl 3,908 2.4 42,0 316 Chiltom..eeesees011 6,781 7,012 0.1 10.4 28.6 “© 6,585 | 40.2 13,2 3.77 2,549 =9,11 4,463 o2 13.7 361 4,848 4919 2.7 5.6 4,574 | 43.2 6.2 3.94 1,252 | 4.99 3,667| 2.0] 1.8 80 6,579 2713 8,3 16.4 6,379 | 50.6 11,7 3.7 2,608 7.78 4,105 1.4 47 544, 4,129 4y274 5.8 26,1 3,878 | 46.1 11.7 3.90 1,028 8.85 3,246 1,8 15.4 408 3,228 3,282 3.2 16,2 2,992 | 42.2 8.1 4.13 731 7.19 2,551 5 Toh 113 7,268 7,712 0.1 9.5 24.9 7,311 | 29,2 12,2 3.95 2,408 9.79 5,304 49 10.1 681 7,726 8,514 1.4 2.0 49,0 8,245 | 32,6 31,1 3.65 5,477 12,66 3,037 3.3 17.1 2,341 5,769 59942 061 6,8 12,7 5,650 | 42,0 8,1 3.9 1,554 8.50 4,388 1.8 3.3 322 3,260 3,344 A 22.2 2,971 | 38,9 11.0 4,03 1,023 6.63 2,321 1.3 14.0 95 Covington.......020 9,754 10,491 0el 13.8 31.4 9,970 | 34.3 18.5 3.81 5,012 10.05 5,479 2,7 10,0 1,321 Crenchaw,..ee..s021 5,766 6,074 0e2 7.2 21.9 5,608 | 31.2 9. 3.72 1,712 7.82 4,362 2.3 11.4 275 2 10,417 10,952 Ook 9.2 39.8 1060 | 47.1] 16.8] 3.99 2,55 | 12.13 8,39 | 3.5| 28.6 9% : 5,532 5,748 11.2 22,5 5,326 35,1 12,9 3.85 1,858 9.74 3,89 4.9 7.7 618 8 13,15 1,684 1.0 17.5] 29.5 13,733 | 19.0] 17.2] 3.28 6,853 | 12.52 nan ll 2] ssl lee ’ i De Kalb,.seesess025 9,974 + 10,230 0.2 A 34.8 9,898 | 46,2 15.1 3.93 2,575 11.18 7,655 1.7 21.9 1,743 ay E1NOTe..s.sss000026 7,921 8,408 Ook 13.9 34.8 7,755 | 31.2 19.8 3.80 3,156 9.59 5,252 | 4.7] 18.7 992 6,776 7,130 Ook 12.3 28,3 6,766 | Li.1 16.4 3.99 4,380 8.86 2,750) 4.0] “11.4 7%2 15,209 17,559 1.1 30,7 68,3 17,197 |; 33.1 32.6 3.79 12,977 13.46 4,582 42 33.0 3,873 : 5,049 5,275 063 7.2 126.5 4,950 | 43,7 15,0 3.95 1,287 10,11 3,988 1.5 12.1 338 / Franklin... ....030 6,156 6,447 067 9,0 21.6 6,090 | 39.5 13,2 4.10 2,196 9.27 44251 2,5 9.0 555 ; Geneva....e0...0031 6,666 6,957 10,2 20.5 6,600 | 33,0 11,3 4.03 ‘2,360 9.46 4,597 3.0 3.3 : 4,981 5,009 5.2 9.2 4,720 | 17.6 6.8 3.4 g73| 9.89 Lb 1.0). 3.2 178 : 6,040 6,340 062 6.5 14.7 5,952 | 27,2 10,2 3.70 1,268 8.69 5,072 | 2.3 6k 244, ’ 5,054. 5,222 10.4 19.0 4,857 | 25.5 12.3 4.03 1,259 9.82 3,963 5.6 8.7 284 ; Houston, uses ess.035 10,403 11,708 1.0 18,1 29.7) 11,161 30.9 18.5 3.63 5,907 | 13.29 5,801 | 3.4 buh) 2,304 x JackSON,assesesa036 9,307 9,571 Ooh 7.9 20.9 9,127 | 40.7 11.3 4.15 3,451 8.22 6,120 | 1.8 5.7 416 i 014 97,316 122,744 4B 41.3 80.4 119,034 | 33.3 42.1 41 116,907 16.96 5,337 | 17.5 50.1 50,334 4,568 4,717 03 4b 20.4 AWOL { 43.1 11,3 4.03 1,052 8,26 3,665 1.% 8.8 2. 10,31 11,173 1.0 17.0 40,8 10,828 | 38,5 24.5 3.83 5,838 12,93 5,335 3.6 16,3 2,244, a 9404 6,549 0,1 beh 15.9 6,216 | 31.4 11.4 04 1,550 «98 4,999 1,7 91 257 Reis 8,424 9,525 wong] TE 8,726 | 25.5| 21.8] 3.60 5,04 | 15.59 4481 3.4] 9.9] 1,390 7 8, Oel 7 24.5 8,042 | 30.6 1.4.9 3.99 2,002 12,39 6,258 2,8 11.7 648 k 5,633 s, ay 8.2 5,364 | 16,3 6.7] 3.57 813| 6.67 4963] 2.7] “42 14, 6,752 7,047 O,. 9.7 21.4 6,354 | 26.6 13.2 3.69 1,842 12,83 5,205 3.0 8,8 575 Madison,........045| - 13,880 15,897 0.6 1.7 43.0 15,325 | 26.8 20.6 3.85 8,771 11,53 7,126 3.5 10,7 2,404 Mazengtens curses 9,Lb 9,375 Tel L.3 8,651 | 25.1 10.8 3.53 2,628 8,76 6,747 2.1 4b 634 ¥ 6,297 6,524 542 24.2 6,252 | 43.5 13,7 4,15 1,869 8.54 2655 1.2 6.9 179 k 9,507 10,069 Ook 11.9 37.7 9,713 | 40,2 21,2 3.94 3,232 13,26 | ,837 1.7 18,5 758 076 31,921 37,134 440 42,1 61.3 35,768 | 39.6 35.7 an 34,350 16,34 2,78, | 21,2 25.3 1,345 i 6,893 7,001 0e2 6h 13.8 6,446 | 33.2 10.8 4.01 2,023 734 4,978 2,2 43 447 F om 24,342 30,462 3.6 | 34.2] 57.9 29,520 | 25,7| 33.6] 3.21 24,202 | 18.28 6,170 | 8.2] w.3| 10,97 i 10,759 12,148 1,1 22,1 50.8 11,815 | 35,9 28.6 3.50 6,741 12,98 5,407 2,7 13.6 2,620 6,155 6,389 Oe? 7.7 13.9 5,925 | 26,8 9.1 3.91 1,680 8.91 4,709 2.5 2,8 408 6,298 6,579 " 542 19.4 6,259 | 32,5 10.9 3.92 1 1636 8,16 44943 1.1 8.6 312 x Plk®sssssrseseesss 7,763 8,276 0.3 12,6 26,4 E 7,757 | 28.5 16,0 3.54 3.226 10.54 5,050 2.7 10.5 917 Randolph... .....056 6,057 6,232 8.2] ns 5,780 | 40.6 | 13.6| 3.96 1,807| 8.46 Has | 1.0) 17.7 419 3 028 | Russellssscssess057 8,490 9,103 Ook 12,6 38.6 8,547 | 26.0 15.5 3.61 5,324 8,61 3,79 1.9 4ol 1,521 8t, Claires.....058 6,282 6,709 063 7.8 45.1 6,275 | 38,8 20,5 3.90 3,442 6,18 3,267 2.3 2044 269 Bholbyoeeeseesed0s9 6,713 7,181 [A 8,9 Ah 6,797 | 37.9 19,3 3.81 3,981 7.34 3,200.1: 3.7] "23.7 4m 1fomainder of Columbus Metropolitan Area (02%) is in Georgia. \ 58 : & ’ = ; 3 = TABLE 3—SELECTED DATA FOR METROPOLITAN AREAS AND FOR ALL COUNTIES, irs BY STATE—Continued Table 3 : Part 4 - Agriculture > ALA., Autauga (O01) = (Figures which have been rounded to thousands will not necessarily add to totals) Shelby (058) folie AGRICULTURE—1945 AGRICULTURE—1940 : i A P Viluo of Value of farm products sold, | Principal : nn ' Te ere Gi Se ot Work power traded, or used by source of % Pers Gent arm property farm household farm income | Type- & METROPOLITAN cent | of- Metro. AREAS, Number of | Land in | Cropland | Number | of with J Percent from— farming- Rung Area COUNTIES, farms farms | harvested | of farms | farms | ,oj.0 A Number : area f Con (1000s | (io00’s ml ae a La] : | As Jan. 1, of of April 1 ated 3 oa 38€ | horses umber |- , | stoc ode Set: 13 1945 | acres) | acres 910" | by [Frew | (1000s | per | pier | “of | (1000's) and Seg | Por { Oct, finde ucts of arm of live- | C cent | P: ; ten- | | mules | tractors rops | p422) ess | dollars) |(dol- dollars) | stock ants | than bed fover 5 4 mo. old proc $400 ) ucts — “8) “9 (50) G1) (82) (53) (54) (55) (56) GD (8) G9) (60) 61) (62) (63) (64) ALABA"A......| 223,369 | 19,068 6,163 | 231,746] 53.8] 54.5] 512,426 [2,211] 354,115 7,633] 119,741] 15.9] 47.2 5| 43.3 66 METRO, COUNTTES..| 14,590 1,056 “281 13,000 50.5] 69.5] 35,741 |2,749| 15,213 529, 2,573] 42.9] 31.2 ” | Metro, dreas: > 3 0l, |Birmingham......037| 6,278 17 u6 4,455) 37.4 73.2] 10,303 [2,314 3,553 133 2,373 49.3] 15.1 2| 40.6 “ 023 [Columbus (pt.)*057 2,380 251 72 2,540] 74.0] 62.6 4,353 |1,7 3,273 36) 1,202] 19.7] 46.5 5] 43.1 A 076" | Mobile.....ee.. 049 2,856 185 52 2,233) 19.5] 61.9 7,97 3,173 2,266) 167 2,024] 40.9] 32.7 2| 25.1 077 | Montgomery. .....051 3,076 Lu5 12 3,72] 62.3] m.1] 13,9°3 [3,707 6,116 193 2,973] 48.7] 32.2 5] 29.4 OTHER COUNTIES...| 208,779 | 18,012 5,882 | 212,746] 59.3] 53.7| 476,626 [2,479] 338,902 7,109] 111,163] 13.2 ' 43.4 All Counties: Autauga..eees.. ol 1,665 223 61 2,253] 52.5] 59.5 4,972 [2,207 3,602 68 1,307) 12:20 93.2 5] 50.0 79| 57 _ | Baldwin.. +002 3,251 217 92 2,613] 17.4] 46.2 9,004 [3,439 3,217, 579 3,033] 21,9] 62.3 5] 51.6 12] ‘73 Barbour... +2003 3,547 416 130 3,372] 7.9] 49.3 6,375 [1,932 4y759 46] 1,753] 10.2] 53.9 5| 56.6 71 57 ¥ Bibb... +. 004 1,591 132 29 1,831 54.9 74.4 2,990 [1,633 2,152 23 5361 - 14.8] 31.2 0] 52.2 79] Mn : Blount..........005| 4,689 306 103 4,432] 43.0] 31.6 3,947 |1,996 7,064 1537 -( 2,791] 13,9] .51.3 5l.a4.5] mr 78 = Z a BullocKess esses s006 2,225 216 63 2,561] 81.7] 72.0 4,532 [1,772 3,655] 23 1,072] 19.6] 51.4 51 49.9 71] 4s A 007, 2,886 273 81 3,316] 56.1] 55.2 6,525 |1,963 4405 16| 1,652 10.4) 47.6 0] 40.3 7310 “57 ‘ 2,355 210 53 2,707| 56.5 42.3 6,919 [2,556 4,467 203 1,575] 18.11 45.5 5] 43.3 ne| 7 x ® 2,739 316 73 3,073] 64.5] 52.9 6,331 [2,760 4,769 36 1,523] © 19.0] 43.2 5| 46.1 n3| 75 2,670 228 90 2,279 63.3] 19.0 3,151 [2,831 5,605 361 2,240 5.2 60.4 5] 59.3 716 28 3,786 253 81| - 3,628 43.1] 61.0] 6,913 [1,905] 4,602 2] Lm 12.7 40.6 o| 45.7 79] ~€ 2;887 259 51 3,108] 5.1 72.9 4,025 11,2950 3,593 13 1,027 8,0] 20.8 of 67.3 731] 53 3,72 354 60 3,510 42.7| .84.0 4,370 [1,245 3,925 4 990| 14.1f 23.5 of 57.9 781] 61 . 2,3 228 51 2,624 49.3] 52.0 4,08, 1,556 3,552 56 1,963] 13.0/ 35.5 of 50.0 ns| 75 Cleburne,.......015 1,782 143 37 1,369 50.9] 63.0 2,766 |1,4°%0 2,532 33 638 8.5] 4ld4 0| 47.7] , m3 6 3 Coffee, . + sve... 016 3,951 329 166 3,733] 69.7| 32.6 9,084 (2,433 5,922 43 2,333] 10.8] 54.6 5] 53.6 31 7% Colbert.. sD 2,1k6 197 7! 2,267] 55.7 50.2 2,945 |3,946 5,209, 185 1,560 17.6] 44.6 5] 42.8 nel m3 2,568 230 &l 3,246 459 65.0 5,705 |1,758 4,129 33] 1,355] 13.1] 43.9 of 41.0 731] 60 1,0 179 25 1,676] 52.4] 65.8 2,308 |1,675 2,240 13 650 19.3 26.4 of 53.1 7i8| 67 - 4,136 357 153 3,975] 54.2| 47.7 8,577 2,158 5,526 40 2,209 15.3] 42.2 of 41.7 731 2,686 262 97 2,3 | €.4| 47.3 6,011 [2,136 4,332 40 1,495 12.5] 52.2 5] 50.3 731 70 7,119 376 161 6,877 46.2] 24.4] 15,007 [2,122] 10,976 112 4,726 8,11 60,7 5] 53.5 nr| 8 2,432 251 5 2,433 53.1] 46.4 5,67 (2,327 3,9 30 1,347 17.1 43.7 5] 38.7 731 73 4,857 475 ify 5,713] 23.0] 80.9] 12,047 {2,109 7,702 156! 2,095|" 26.7] 39.7 51 37.5 Ul 45 6,380 | © 395 170 6,526 49.8] 21.3] 14,487 [2,220] 10,930 90 4,271 8.5] 52.3 5] 50.8 77| 83 3,51 315 99 3,561] 60.3] 41.8 9,675 |2,717 5,213 7 2,129] 1.3] 57.8 5] 54.1 79| 7% 1,91 140 70 2,077| 41.7] 60.1 6,030 2,927 3,145 46 1,18] 1.3] 5. 5] 45.8 1321 55 3,545 23 | 8 3,444] 51.5] 39.0 9,030 [2,622 5,625 162 1,920 11.8 51.3 51 49.2 Tt vil 2,765 255 1 3,037] 49.3] 59.8 4,912 [1,617 4,197 93 1,203] 11.1} 30.5 Of 55.5 ny nr h Franklin........030 3,314 260 ™ 3,117| 52.9] 64.8 5,966 |1,914 5,503 90 1,139 9.7 33.0 0| 55.9 719| 67 ; Geneva...esseees03l 3,489 2571 146 3,333] 66.6] 33.5 9,334 |2,%00 5,3%6 32 1,841 11.4 50.8 5] 43.9 731 7 x 2,505 267 58 3,327| 82.4] 90.6 4,923 [1,481 4,120 37 3531 17.3] 41.5 5( 41.1 ul M4 d 3,128 303 81 3,350] 71.3] 82.5 7,541 1,959 5,022 110 1,243] 28.5] 35.0 of 35.2 7%1| 50 2,896 300 119 2,632 72.3] 36.3 7,352 12,933 4, 79% 61 1,692 8.9] 64.4 5] 63.2 731] 70 4,5! , 306 1 4,134) 67.9] 37.2] 12,184 (2,92 7,230 55 2,497 11.3] 60.0 5] 56.6 TILT 5,013 380 155 4,683] 55.6] 40,2 10,641 2,272 8,556 256 2,595 11.4 49.4 5] 48.4 716 A ol 6,278 bE 46 4,455] 37.4] 73.2] 10,308 [2,314 3,553 133 2,379, 49.3] 15.1 2| 40.6 716] 88 i 2,832 28 66 | 3,137| 55.9] 56.8 4,769 |1,520 4,799 51 1,286 10,1] 40.3 0] 47.5 n9| 7% ‘ oe 4,287 316 116 4,098] 55.1] 57.5] 11,721 [2,360 8,248 298 1,8550 144] 42.5 of 42.5 716] 67 Lawrence........040 3,293 255 132 3,489] 59.3 39.2| 10,783 |3,072 7,916 268 2,056 8.0] 57.9 5] 57.3 716] 66 3s Toe, eisrse svi Yo OA 2,492 217 81 2,m5| 67.8] 60.1 6,027 |2,220 4,096 42 1,577] 22.81 18, 50 43.3 ns] os 4 Limestone. su... 042 4,399 316 16 4,767] 63.1] 37.3] 15,311 (3,212 9,709 403 3,155 10.2] 60.3 5| 59.8] 716] 63 veess043 2,297 335 7 3,508) 2.1 77.8 5,916 |1,686 5,379 90 1,466) 23.4] 44.2 5| 42.3 741 40 O44, W117 2171 100 3,374 ThJT| 548 6,500 |1,926 4,335 7% 1,993) 11.3] 54.6 5] 53.7 719] 56 778 361 197| 5,187 65.3] 35.9] 19,981 [3,852] 11,349] - 691 3,212 9.5| 67.2 5] 60.9 716] 70 3,889 uy 102 5,389] The3| 24S 8,287 [1,592 7,119 67 1,651] 25.6] 38.3 5] 37.6 7% : 3.899 3 ” 3,629] 49.3 66.3 5,775 |1,591 5,633 a 1,300 9.3] 27.1 Q| 61.9 7n9| 73 : 5,351 288 141 5,505 57.1] 22,7] 13,285 |2,413 9,501 11 3,673 8.2| 61.0 5] 59.9 nl 8 076 2,856 185 52 2,233 19.5| 61.9 7,097 | 3,178 2,266 167 2,024 40.9] 38.7 2] 25.1 zi 17 MOrrS.. ssesrsse050| 3.392 315 El 3,939 62.5] 67.4 7,925 (2,012 5,056 37) 1,59 14.6] 43.2 5] 42.2 731 63 077 JontgmeerTus.. + 051 pore Lis 112 3,772| 63.3] 70.1] 13,983 |3,707 6,116 193 2,913] 48.7] 3.8 5] 29.4 741] 63 052 22 293 133 3,990] 54.3] 31.3] 11,459 |2,972 7,637 347 2,632] 12.6] 54.4 5] 53.3 716) 76 ’ ; 2,784 310 83 3,799 73.2] 8%.4 6,743 |1,776 5,057 93 1,110] 34.3] 27.3 of 37.6 7%] 48 X . 3.578 339 86 3,98, 63.5] 62,0 6,572 | 1,650 6,392 93 1,668] 11,7 41.3 0 44.1 79 6&4 y PIROL os vee vnnsea055 3,60 in 151 3,198] 71.4] 35.1 7,731 |2,433 8.404 46 2,070 12.3] 57.1 5) 55,2 731] 69 Randolphe. sss +. +056) 2,954 279 7% 3,524 50.3] 6L.7 5,993 |1,701 4,901 25 1,409] 13.2 41.6 of 43.7 713 68 028 057 2,380 251 12 2,540] 74.0 63.6 4,353 |1,714 3,278 36 1,202 19.7 46.5 5] 43.1 719 43 2,537 199 ug 2,583] 50,1] 43.8 4,209 [1,358 3,595 77, 1,385 10.3] 40.6 o| 46.5 NEY 730 ~ ; 2,195 181 Ww] 2,131 46.7] 56.4 5,173 [2,372 3,406 12 1,13] 27.5] 30.5 o] 40.1 TY6] 7 - 1Remainder of Columbus Metropolitan Area (028) is in Georgia. 3 RF REE Re \ RRA \ Table 3 Part § - Industry TABLE 3—SELECTED DATA FOR METROPOLITAN AREAS AND FOR ALL COUNTIES; BY STATE—Continued and Retail Trade ALA., Autauga (001) - od Shelby (059) (All dollar figures -have been rounded to thousands and will not necessarily add to totals) oro w0MI » MANUFACTURING ESTABLISHMENTS—1939 MINERAL INDUSTRIES—1939 RETAIL ESTABLISHMENTS—1939 METROPOLITAN Mere! COUNTIES, Value added : fea ue a A Code AND Wage Wages Vie of by manufec Vile of Funds Wigs and Nikos at Sales Active Employees Pav well CODES Number #AMerS | (1000's of | Products | ture (O00 of | pemons | (1000's of | stores | (1000's of | pro- | CSE 1(1000'sof a dollars) ( Sof | (1000's of 000’s of | persons 39 stores dollars) | prietors dollars) or year) dollars) dollars) Cass en, dollars) year) 7 (65) J EE) (88) ©) @) an a) [8 as gM _ 0 a ALABAMA. ..... 2,052| 116,800 92,018 574,671 247,384 41,685] 27,078 26, 340 23,916 435,973 21,715 51,8%| 37,826 METRO. COUNTIES.. 692 41,680 42,751 326,209 136,316 126,777 16,113 117,591 7,169 195,886 6,076) 26,407 21,215 Metro. areas: = O14 |Birminghsm...... 037 383 28,921 33,190 256,659 105, 8% 26,516| 16,301 17,476 3.899] 123,953] 3.246] 16,521| 13,646 028 |Columbus {reri303] 37 580 294 1,322 784 16 10 7 320 3,153 309 355 206 076 [Mobile.......... olg 158 8,819 7,059 47,180 22,408 (3) A) (3) 1,791 36,722 1,547 5,048 3.929 077 |Montgomery...... 051 14 3.360 2,208 21,048 7.284 245 02 108 1,159 32,058 974 b,ug3 3,434 OTHER COUNTIES... | 1,360 75,120 49,267 2u8, 62 111,068] © 114,908| 110,665 1g,749 16,747 240,087) 15,639] 25,423] 16,611 12 643 318 1,278 17 148 1,460 146 147 72 bs = 194 1, bs 681 381 5,018 379 462 217 It 1,k82 30 2,617 1,278 ©) (2) ©) 259 3,087 257 308 184 11 251 1 511 3 Lgg 1,278 ,148 154 1,948 139 18k 11 15 232 149 619 278 519 495 302 226 2,35 212 18 10 u 327 (2) ©) (3) 193 1,679 184 172 99 15 1,015 536 1,868 265 3,2uk 2 462 292 65 6.081 4,683 21,078 10,161 122 76 46 600 10,878 549 1,346 910 a 6,901 (3) (3) (2) 293 3.136 301 32k 201 a 224 112 548 249 99 ~ 81 50 185 1,305 140 12 31 28 601 29% 1,096 572 (3) (3) (3) 245 3,035 236 350 178 28 (3 223 1,092 589 155 1,265 1 3 % a 1,087 1,839 1,113 3 3 3 239 +50 25 289|¢ 1 3 176 7 7 158) 9 3 * H+ ie: 139 119 66 7 206 11 718 302 106 1,44 107 69 60 1 619 307 ' 2,389 633 29% 2,826 299 nk 193 24 4g6 33 2, i 9 2uk 105 108 36 5,158 2713 54 370 11 208 97 4 211 168 1,896 147 180 133 & 376 182 828] 25 (3) (3) (3) 94 162 90 hg 27 u3 3.389 1,776 8,026 3,072 399 6,257 325 656 427 5 70 32 237 8 gy s (3 191 1,998 177 170 112 2 oe | aol ml Pow Clef owl | swe Ml 0 sk 3 12 400 166 1,040 359 214 1,564 222 17 8 » 997 497 4,633 1,284 88 58 35 432 8,324 Lak 1,137 1 i7 929 551 1,768 828 (3) (3) (3) 306 3.578 278 309 188 17 696 Lu 1,719 877 73 56 3 304 3.01 27 357 202 20 1,298 802 3,025 1,652 (3) (3) (3) nl ‘ ,159 286 553 377 ~ 52 8,835 8,459 53,401 23, 1625 188 ia 103 637 1 8 532 1,697 1,281 2 3 3 1,850 781 (3) (*) (3) 10s 135 181 122 12 519 348 1,654 870 kok 24 169 a4 4 = 235 259 152 8 600 329 1,45 54k 234 2,697 225 2 16 6 119 67 189 Ith 107 1,585 ~“91 17 10 10 28 92 509 372 128 1,587 114 168 85 14 132 66 181 161 146 1,684 +151 169 100 36 671 bl 4,792 1,657 501 7.641 ug 9517 bbk JackS0n. «panes. 036 2 97h 538 2,513 1,2 s 326 +369 25 176 O14 |Jefferson.......037 383 28,921 33,19 256,659 105, G56 16m 4.76 3,899 ia 1.20 16,521 13,646 . 38 13 12 6 640 181 1k 1,608{ 112 13 17 22 8 5 2,926 1,1k0 384 7.158 In 176 621 1 (3) (3). (3) () 165 1,115 168 108 51 29 1,534 973 4,749 2,167 327 5,330 289 638 ko3 9 55 36 181 108 285 3.192 215 335 220 2 325 123 3 268 134 1,9 133 13 67 5 152 60 238 217 2,683 211 335 174 » 2,959 1,902 7.642 970 38 2 12 552 11,228 479] 1.3% 88h 15 478 232 1,073 583 (3) 3 a 268 3,158 2 3 212 A 10 Lh (®) ©) (3) 728 § oh ™ 43 174 2,080 > 165 105 25 1,061 619 L194 1,121 46 5,400 382 518 n6 076 158 8,819 1.0% 47,180 22,408 (3) (3) ©) 1,791 3,722 1,547 5,048 3.929 17 158 3 1,804 951 23 2,859 223 218 132 077 114 3,360 2,008 21,048 7.284 245 102 108 1,159 32,058 974 B,4s3 3,434 Morgan.........s 052 3 2,3% 2,090 8,527 3.721 (3) (*) Sei) 451 8,211 2 571 POIs vsnsnis ra 2 1 299 (3) 3) (3 mn 2,179 1 219 1 Piokens......... 05 20 718 380 1,288 581 145 2,207 13 232 145 Pikes vans 055 al Sh 267 3,073 843 (3) (3) (3) 332 4, 394 479 287 Randolph. ....... 056 17 1,100 601 3,052 1,269 a7 2,156 219 176 99 028 |Russell......... 057 37 580 29h 1,322 784 16 10 1 320 3,15 309 355 206 St. Clair....... 058 12 1,046 (3) (3) (3) 2,4 1,624 1,4 186 2,99 in 179 148 Shelby....evvuns 59 20 1,207 mm 2,515 1,854 1,343 1,102 885 209 2,719 203 277 160 lone County, Mobile (049), separate figures for this County. lishments. 60 which should be included in the "Metro. Counties" ®Rema inder of Columbus Metropolitan Ares (088) is in Georgia. Data included in Combined Counties at end of State. total is inoluded in the "Other Counties" total, since it is not possible to present 3Not shown beouuse of disclosure of operations of individual estab- TABLE 3—SELECTED DATA FOR METROPOLITAN AREAS AND FOR ALL COUNTIES, Teiln's : 3 Part 6 = Other Economic : BY STATE—Continued are ALA., Autauga (001) - S Z (A11 Yollap figures have been rounded to thousands and will not necessarily add to totals) Shelby (059) WHOLESALE - | SpRyiCE. ESTABLISHMENTS—1939 BANK DEPOSITS N TRADE—1939 1944 Majors vat ply Major war facilities rojects, / \ June 1940-Sepi. 1945 | June 1940 June 1945 \ METROPOLIT AN p Bond, (1000 s of ollars) (1000; s of dollars) Mel COUNTIES, [Number Number| Hey Total | Gi600's of < AND of Sales of | Receipts | Active Gaversge fa fl - (demand | Time | dollars at : x CODES estab- | (1000's of | estab- { 's | proprie-| "“¢ and He) (1000s |issue price) lish- dollars) lish- | of dollars)| tors year) |° lo (1000's | of dollars) = ments ments of ily Combat Other Industrial | Military’ equipment am | ow |e | on |e | @ @ ® @ ) @) ©) on ie. ALABAMA,..... | 1,943| 15,688] 9,001 | 31,361| 8,282 17,977 9,961) 756,451 | 177,046| 162,246] 1,113,039 370,245 u45,687| 187,403 $ 1 it 3 A . Y . vg METRO. COUNTIES... 860 | 291,907) 2,307 15,583] 2,203 9,688 6,008 372,730 | 100,284 72,569 803,497 104,480 7h,29L | © 58,235 e 2 hs Metro. areas: fg - $A O14 [Birminghsm......037 508| 189,531] 1,295 8,435 1,264" L,021 2,215] 202,962 46,143 35.985 280,085 90,213 28,541 3.918 iE 028 [Columbus (part)057| . 12 399 107 hg 90 75 30 3,488 1,420 861 1,790 a 076 [Mobile..........O0H9 193 45,126 557 4,502 530 4,245 2,187] 117,493 39,599 26,978 521,919 4,790 45,711 31,345 or 077 |Montgomery......051 147 56,851 348 2,497 319 1,347 876 48,787 13,122 8,745 1,493 7,687 h2 2,972 ~ aE : OTHER COUNTIES... | 1,083| 123,781] 6,694 | 15,778| 6,079 8,289 3.953| 383.78 76.762 8,680 309,542 265,765 37,393 129,168 - All Counties: . Autauga.........001 2 (2) 41 5 4 24 11 1,426 66 526 8,690 ™ 002 29 3,361 78 1 17 9k 35 6,721 1,523 1,512 54 24 2,057 101 177 87 80 45 4,2u6 306 1,289 12 11 310 99 125 95 8 23 1,248 208 658 930 1,229 E [B1ount. .........005 15 947 110 134 78 » 30 3,198 823 873 : ; (Bullock... us. 00.006 4 350 28 84 28 35 18 Jia 1,208 . -429 54 . 18 1,152 # 220 87 108 51 Jho2 1,092 825 98 36 6,263 247 175 243 329 208 25,075 7.639 8,456 33,080 10,488 2,628 39,747 5 340 93 231 102 114 © ub 1,314 1,n8 58,116 . Cherokee,.......010 6 208 121 150 8 92 oe Li 3,028 859 555 Ch1140R. ee ss....01) 21 1,501 116 181 122 149 uh 4,700 522 917 fs 61 9 247 137 173 7 177 56 1,204 12) 504 h22 . 10 787 178 203 185 148 57 4, 9h 1,117 Tu? 9 538 37 110 99 3 27 2,6 364 420 297 Cleburne........015 2 (2) 83 231 85 ug 18 1,053 1H 372 COLL06..0.00..0.016 2 1,895 18 21 9 153 67] 4,398 : 935 4,738 88 : Colbert.........017 2 2,606 99 223 82 136 66 7.617 1,03 | ‘© 3,101 358 21,962 104,820 497 Conecuh.........018 1h 1,366 27 58 25 ‘23 12 2,078 171 572 792 183 C0088. rseerses. 019 2 (2) 52 ™ 2 39 11 900 228 285 Covington. ......020 37 3.560 164 321 1 2.188 68 8,832 1,192 1,453 104 7,017 Oronanaw. s+ sss 021 13 932 93 170 n "108 u6 2,938 169 411 ’ 28 4,239 2571 488 251 258 90 9,092 1,709 1,576 23 2,057 101 139 11 139 4 3,104 1,647 31,n9 ’ 43 14,039 160 672 163 320 210 16,581 7.127 1,810 1,889 4,926 De X28lb.esss....025 16 1,519 216 2ug 119 173 54 5,879 350 1.299 10,538 56|- Elsmore.........026 9 643 129 159 94 96 u2 5,884 1,153 1,472 33.57 Zscambis........027 18 1,461 72 135 6 [0 36 8,262 2,112" 1,128 Etowah... 36 35,458 199 769 20! 401 223 21,301 6,726 5.216 39,520 13,796 21,760 18,886 Tayette....... 13 1,983 85 135 90 68 31 4,%05 623 82k 314 Franklin....... 10 568 135 162 157 151 | 55 5,479 822 1,224 |. 15,252 200 23 1,237] 103 154 | 104 9k 35 5,436 aug 3 23 33 1,667 Lh) 2 5 8 46 106 ot 73 20 1,941 ug 55 12 813 42 82 35 15 502 M9 666 & 7.926 165 534 mn 28 149 16,882 1,295 213 5,189 25 1,938 11 148 11! 116 45 5,863 1,311 1,528 1,408 508 169,531} 1,29 435 | 1,2 4,021 2,915] 202,962 46,143 35,985 280,085 90,213 28,54 3.918 9 193 1 bs 54 86 29 2,336 107 682 22 2,452 in u7 155 182 91 12,127 3,168 2,6M 18,831 5 103 61 7% 60 46 15 3,138 123 671 8,766 17 1,562 86 u32 » 262 154 8,400 2,130 1.635 1,763 1,366 Cen 20 2,302 11 209 10! 106 Ls 5,483 633 1,304 b 396 35 21 35 8 2 1,277 118 332 19 869 133 130 96 130 u5 3.085 335 787 1,844 6,488 39 8,306 183 736 172 389 217 17, M1 3.978 6,110 116 12,555 80,359 NATeTigD. sess seulb 16 2,310 59 91 56 60 28 4,571 409 319 399 597 MAT40D. oeusvs.. O47 11 ne2 0 111 78 68 23 3,87 358 Th2 90 Marshall........048 32 4,200 202 431 173 31 100 10,585 860 1,869 60 54 076 [Mobile..........049 193 45,126 551 b,502 5 k,245 2,187) 117,493 39.539 26,978 521,919 4, 7% 45,711 31,345 . Monroe. .........050 1 518 46 108 Bey Se 8 27 3,391 Lg2 863 : 077 [Montgomery......051 47 56,851 38 2,497 n9 1,347 876 48,787 13,122 8,745 1,493 7.687 42 22,972 - Morgan. .........052 28 3.876 127 546 134 256 188 13.279 1,972 2,70 22,631 12,330 2 M89 | : 3 PATTY.sesssenssi05 8 290 5h, 95 2 Lk 17 2,029 15 53 FE - Pickens.........05 8 768 55 115 82 3 3.9% 528 620 178 1,93 PIK#y eo. esse. e.058 39 2,345 108 220 110 13 10,163 2,933 1,272 1,084 » Randolph. .......056 1% 913 113 168 113 141 35 3.791 ¥ 907 6.392 ,028 |Ruggell.........057 12 399 107 149 90 7% 30 3.ues 1,420 861 1,790 8t. Clair.......058 5 264 ™ 119 4 61 23 3.997 511 66 6,198 Shelby. .........059 5 35 50 90 51 54 20 2,310 bP 73 3 | lnemainder of Columbus Metropolitan Area (02) is in 7eorgia. 2Nnt shown hecaune, of dinclosurn of operations of individual establishments. Data included in "Other" at end of State. 38ales figure for Etowah County (028) is for thirty-four antablishments in the city of fOasden only.” Salen of two entablishments in Etowah County outside Gadsden are rR not included here but in "Other" at end of State, since they involve diaclosure of operations of individual establishments. PRs EB ALABAMA | 67 COUNTIES \ - LAUDERDALE ——————— Tice Fe I y ; £ °N =" og, J LIMESTONE | } b oo” $ S$. | MADISON / JACKSON / COLBERT s h 3 s . ’ 5 " ‘N | t 7 fr ® =o em en «of | ‘all gw ra) / 1 LAWRENCE | A -d Nn 7 4 FRANKLIN I | . ’ -* { . MORGAN DEKALB 1 » / MARSHALL q K [em ee» em le —- o—- — —te mili T 1 1 | Lu a ——— MARION WINSTON STAN Pes / \, Ra L CHEROKEE L p= —- wd 2 : = Sanson b . ~° BLOUNT a ede ——— I -—— ta . \, nd : T | : 2 “ws e Raman yo : | 1 3 canoun i AYETT . & 1 ST. CLAIR =, ® ANNISTON prarbiagml 0] # $F awit 2 = ! -— ti | INGHAM s 7 / - T | le eer TALLADEGA pm PICKENS 8 TuscALOOSA ey + i cLay [ RANDOLPH J | TUSCALOOSA - . 1 rr 2 J — Lr 7 ym metre =e —Lp » Aer 3, --f y——p— BiBB ~ ' I ¢ s a 1 CO0sA | CHAMBERS ® GREENE ' g F - \ ' & { » Emad CHILTON rd | TALLAPOOSA § 3. ; \ i > HALE ; ] a NE <, 3 J Ca i! PERRY § ) | SUMTER Nag” ° 7 ) i=l ~ Meco] pr J ~ ~~ LE rt J S. I DALLAS MONTGOWERY «MACON re, Th ram MARENGO Sp 9 i... y fo auRstcn j I i W wantcomi mmm mm 4 - and » Se itetie ie » ~ . I > = 5 1 a BULLOCK i « ce @ alley ; ns CHOCTAW a —— ; & : WILCOX a re ¢ pee ' -—f BARBOUR . . | PIKE J ——) CLARKE 7 J l - ' » qt ; rl ah X < MONnoe I “ - - 5 - r | i HENRY S Tr SN : BALDWIN * COVINGTON METROPOLITAN CODE 14 BIRMINGHAM 28 COLUMBUS, GA. 76 MOBILE 77 MONTGOMERY | |; c bo AN AREAS HOUSTON 49 LEGEND @® PLACES OF 25,000 TO 100,000 (1940) X PLACES OF 100,000 AND OVER (1940) TE METROPOLITAN AREAS ARIZONA 14 GOUNTIES / Ae i . ] . § ’ 0 i $ rt i a 9 | ( ! ¢ | | ! COCONINO i I ’ . Ly ha j i N. ! NAVASO { APACHE oye : i i 1, ! i , | 1 : I : . ber arruiomy | ! he. i ! I ! ) | YAVAPAI l I i Age, | ! ~~] ] Sd ! t. 1 | mem fea te | l : 2 GILA | / ~~ Li ~1 a i \ "ol ; es \ ot} ! GREENLEE \ LT l Vv ; GRAHAM 2 » “ I \ ER os ! eee) aay ae ! @7vcson I PIMA i LEGEND i cocuise & PLAGES OF 25,000 TO 100,000 (1940) romani] % PLACES OF 100,000 AND OVER (1940) =NONE : t pored SANTA CRUZ i METROPOLITAN AREAS i METROPOLITAN AREAS 63 CODE 87 PHOENIX % Fe Pomgation TABLE 3—SELECTED DATA FOR METROPOLITAN AREAS AND FOR ALL COUNTIES, ALA., Sumter (060) - : RK. Palton (025) BY STATE—Continued EE : : TOTAL POPULATION ; POPULATION—1940 AON A Tics ESTIMATED : 1944 : CIVILIAN Total whi 52 POPULATION : Land | Pop- otal white : Percent of .| METROPOLITAN U.S. area |ulation | population 25 Lt Metro. AREAS, | rank in per years old and Area COUNTIES, Number of Percent| 44. sq. over who have 3 Code Ns Sofie change ed mile Percent Usha Rural Rural completed— ? i : Percent i mn of n : 3 ¥ Nuiber eet As percen- | 1930- | 1940 | 1940 | Number | tal nonfarm | farm Births | Deaths 7 Nov. | te): [1940 p- Jor (1h Hed : ov. > |'1940- ation - more 18 1 BE ; 1943" | o43 1940 = : grades | school ! ula > i 5 om @) 3) @ oy 6) m ®) © (10) (1m (12) 13) (14) (15) (16) BE ALABAMA—Con. . BG All Counties—Con. eK 3 x 5 x Sumter. ... .....060 22,377 -18.1 27,821 31 1.5 914| 29.9 5,621 20.6] — 6,611 20,710] 48.5 12.4 655 259 Bs Talladega 59,436 | 14.7 51,832 13| 14.6 750| 69.1 33,643 64,9] 15,567 18,716] 22,549] 68.3 13.4 1,843 486 no Tallapoosa 30,759 -12.8 35,270 22] 18.1 711| 49.6 24,028) 68.1 6,640] 10,772] 17,858] 69.5] 11.5 817 241 [5 67,977 -10.6 76,036 8| 18.5 1,340] 56.7 51,834| 68.2) 0,680 19,268] 26,088] 71.0] 19.5] 1,599 963 & = 57,507 | -10.4 64,201 10 8.0 809] 79.4 57,298] 89.2 9,402] 92,560] 22,289] 74.6] 11.5] 1,506 16 i 18,347 -17.6 16,188 56] -1.1| 1,069 15.1 10,023 61.9 6,803] 9,385] 60.7] 8.8 447 m2 Bo 22,838| -18.1| 26,279 33 5.6 900| 29.2 5.706] 21.7 4,905 21,374] 48.4 12.9 772] 290 E WinSton. «.v.... 087 15,471] -17.5 18,746 49| 20.2 633) 29.6 18,634] 99.4 4,680] 14,066] 75.4 9.6 511 110 ARIZONA..... 569,357| 14.5 499,261 14.6 118,580 4.4] 426,792| 85.5 178,981| 211,258) 114,022] 79.4] 29.0 14,225 6,205 METRO. COUNTY... 206,095 10.7| 186,198 23.3 9,231 20.2 178,661) 98.8] 80,399 66,369] 89,425] 84.2 31:6] 5,618] 2,359 Re Metro. nrea: } 087 | Phoenix........007| 206,095 10.7] 186,193 23.3| 9,281) =20.2| 173,661] 93.3] 80,399] 66,369 89,425] 84.2 s1.6] 5,616] 2,359 OTHER COUNTIES... 868,262 16.9] 813,068 10.0| 104,349) 3.0 258,131 80.9| 98,582 144,889 74,597] 76.4] * 27.4] 8,608] 3,846 All Counties: : Apache: +++ ....001 23,345| -3.1 24,095 a7 ss.6| 11,174] 2.2 7,505) 81.1 8,102 15,993] 43.6] 15.1 |. 447 201 002 35,605 9.8 34,627 23| -15.5| 6,256] 5.5 32,368 93.5 14,476] 15,834) 4,817] 88.2] 28.1] 1,052 39% 003 18,049 -3.8 18,770| 49] 88.5| 18,578) . 1.0 12,100] 64.5 7,702| 3,488] 7,630] 67.2] 25.8 413) 229 004 24,744 3.7 23,867 38| -28.0| 4,750] 5.0 21,081| 88.1] 10,868) 10,556 2,448] 80.6] 25.6) 726 268 z 005 11,366 -6.2 12,118 69| 16.8] 4,610] 2.6 11,062 91.8 7,582 4,581] 80.6] 24.5) 354 73 Greenlee. ... ...006 13,719 57.7 8,698 81| -12.0| 1,874] 4.6 8,674] 99.7 2,668] 4,772) 1,258) 80.1 29.0 389 7 ; 087 | Maricopa. ... ...007 206,095| 10.7| 186,198 s| 23.3] 9,231] 20.2 173,661) 98.3| 80,399 66,369] 89,425] 84.2 31.6] 5,616] 2,359 008 7,818) 9.0 8,591 81| 54.2] 13,260] 0.6 8,001 93.1 7,209) 1,882] 87.4 28.9 172 166 009 28,521 12.7 25,309 85 19.4] 9,011] 2.6 12,817| 50.6] 4,577] 7,762] 12,970] 63.6] 21.8) 728} 336 88,520 21.5 72,838 9| 80.8] 9,241] 7.9 63,201] 86.8] 36,818] 81,001 5,019] 80.4 35.4 2,281] 1,061 45,974 59.4 28,841 29| 30.6] 5,378] 5.4 24,085 83.5 20,169) 8,672] 72.4 19.9 804/ 352 Z 8,357 -11.9 9,482 78] -2.1] 1,246] 7.6 9,151 96.5 5,135| 8,200) 1,147] 75.5 28.9 225 © @7 22,257 -16.0 26,511 33| -6.9| 8,001] 3.3 25,968 98.0 6,018 17,172) 3,821] 84.3 29.1] 532 265 34,987 | 81.0 19,326 47 8.5| 9,985] 1.9 1v,168| 88.8 . 5,325 8,642 5,359] 80.3 24.5 486] 341 . 4 ARKANSAS......| 1,785,564| -10.9| 1,949,387 5.1| 52,725) 87.0| 1,466,088 75.2] 431,010] 406,470|1,211,007| 75.7] 14.9] 41,240 14,515 METRO. COUNTY....| = 165,771 6.2] 156,085 13.3 781| 199.9 112,877| 72.8] 109,176 25,864] 21,045| 83.3 30.1 “8,989 2,156 Metro. area: 066 | Little Rock....,080 166,771 6.2| 156,085 13.3 781| 199.9 112,877| 72.8] 109,176] 25,864] 21,045] 83.3 80.1] .3,989 2,156 OTHER COUNTIES...| 1,569,793} -12.4| 1,798,302 4.5| 51,944| 34.5 1,353,207| 75.5| 822,734] 380,606(1,089,962| 74.9] 13.4] 87,301 12,350 "All Counties: . { . | arkanses..... ...00| 22,664 -7.3 24,437 37 9.6| 1,035] 23.6 18,882 77.3] 5,628] 5,444] 13,365] 75.2] 15.5 527 181 Ashley. .002 24,630 | -8.0 26,785 32 6.5 933| 28.7 “14,481 54.1 4,801] 6,072] 15,822] 69.5] 12.4 615 154 3 Baxter. .... 003 9,823| -4.5 10,281 75 8.0 571| 18.0 10,281 100.0 2,984 7,297) 79.4] 12.3 205 58 Benton .. 04. 30,177 | -16.5 96,148 21 2.5 886| 40.8 36,061 99.8 6,814) 7,244| 22,590 89.0] 19.6 606 407 BOONE +++ ..r....005 18,555 -14,5 15,860 57 6.2 602| 26.3 15,860) 100.0| 4,238] 2,152 9,470 89.0] 18.1 333 130 14,690 | * -18.8 18,097 51 3.4 649] 27.9 11,849) 65.5 2,516) 7,063 8,518] 77.6] 13.8) 323 116 7,525 | -21.9 9,636 78] -1.2 628| 15.3 6,614 68.6 2,808) 6,828] 77.6] 10.1 163 55 10,979 | -25.5 14,737 61| -6.8 634| 23.2 14,728] 99.9 4,605| 10,132] 86.2) 15.1 221 119 25,568| -6.9 27,452 s1| =21.2 647| 42.4 11,418) 41.6 3,088] 5,140 19,229] 56.5 9.8 493 202 20,887 | -14.6 24,402 | -2a a78| 27.8 17,245 70.7 5,078) 6,374] 12,950] 79.0] 16.8 475 152 : 24,901 | -12.3 28,386 30 4.1 650| 43.7 28,384( 100.0 8,601| 19,785) 73.4 7.7 602 172 10,584 | -19.8 13,134 65| 15.5 595| 22.1| ' 13,138] 100.0 - 3,110) 10,024{ 83.0) 9.4 295) 8s 9,750 | -22.4 12,570 67] -1.4 601| 20.9 9,185 78.1 2,989 9,581 74.1] 9.0 198 70 26,218| -12.1 29,822 28 9.2 768| 88.8 16,324) 54.7 4,326] 5,087] 20,409] 74.1 14.4 460 . 202 16,687 | -22.5 21,636 ~~ 42| -1.9 560| 28.5 16,247 75.4 4,608] ~ 2,951] 13,977] 80.8] 12.3 483 136 42,835 -9.2 47,200 15 5.6 77| 66.8 45,558) 96.5| 11,729] 7,588] 27,888] 77.9] 14.3] 1,163 364 Crawford .. 20,662| -13.6 23,920 38 6.1 598| 40.0 23,012 96.2 5,422] 6,449] 12,049) 81.0] 13.8 518 143 Crittenden .....018 40,209| -5.3 42,473 17 6.9 623| 68.2 10,628) 25.0 8,369 6,284] 32,820 49.4] 7.7 1,064 376 Cross... ......0l9 24,662 | -5.3 26,046 34 1.3 626] 41.6 15,789) 60.6 3,633] 3,227] 19,186] 64.1] 9.8 512 151 Dalles .........020 11,715} -19.0 “anil: a -14 672| 21.5 9,140 63.2 3,429 4,112 6,980] 79.3 14.6 271 72 Deshs ...021 81,843 17.2 27,160 s2| 24.5 776| 86.0 10,955| 40.3 3,668] 5,125] 18,372] 60.1 10.7 588 226 Drew.....s.....022 21,191 6.9 19,831 46| -0.5 836 23.7 11,607| 58.5 8,650] 4,015] 12,186] 67.8) 13.1 427) 130 Feulkusr 21,770| =15.9 25,880 34| -8.8 856 89.5 22,414| 86.6 5,782] 2,708) 17,390 86.0" 17.1 482 189 Franklin.......024 11,405| -27.3 15,688 58| -0.5 616 26.5| . 15,358 97.9 5,842 9,841] 83.6] 11.1 274 72 Fulton. ........025 7,467] 27.2 10,258 75] -5.4 e11l 16.8 10,250/ 100.0 1,684 8,369] 88.5 8.9 168 61 re 64 ¢ Tw TABLE 3—SELECTED DATA FOR METROPOLITAN AREAS AND FOR ALL COUNTIES, BY STATE—Continued Table 3 Part 2 - Labor Force . ALA., Sumter (060) — ARK., Fulten (025) LABOR FORCE—1940 Population 14 Years Old and Over Employed Workers by Industry Group Penn of Employed . OL TaN Fos ie In leading si COUNTIES, Percent | Percent porta- a Donen: Code AND o 5 fo a Co ton, | Whole. | personal 0 In hy \ CODES - Total In labor i os om € | Total Au. Mining st "| Manufac- Som UM") sale and | services thet . | agri force | Who are | who are | orployed || culture g | shuc. turing | MOT | retail | exclud- | 2°¢ "OV | cul- in in tion an ade in reported to Code : labor labor other d Sh € | (See | Per- force | force utili- rn page | cent ties Serv 423) an (18) a9) @) @n @y @) @ @) (26) @n @) 29) 30) | 31. | 32) ALABAMA —Con, All Counties—Con. 18,224) 9,2) m2] 38 9,0] 6253 1 a 579 33 389) 4m 952 [67.2] 9 4.9 34,724 18,314 78.1 29,1 16,255 5,104 267 Lhd 5,306) 381) 1,255 1,491 2,007 | 31.4 6 | 26,5 i 24,830 13,923 82,9 29.9 13,076 4,450 4 276 5,168 198] 805] -. 795 1,370 | 34.1 6 | 31,5 55,350 26,237 Rob 23.0 22,937 6,244 734 838 3,852 1,191 2,676) 4,311 3,091 | 27,2 | G36 | 11,0 42,798 19,836 T.7 14,7] 14,141 3,335| 4,448 254 1,830 661, 1,255 1,398 960 | 23.6 2 [31.3 10,489 5,250 81.4 15.7 hobs 1,950 10 166 832 120) 185 246 915 | 44.1 1]12,2 17,086| 10,762 ol sue 10.6) 723 181 758 13 310] 388 733 | 750 | 9| 6ek 12,013 5,753 83.3 1,7 4,983 3,109 86 11 626 201) 306] 324 220 | 62.4 9| 8.3 355,059 | 180,247 77.3 21,8] 150,173 32, 337| 12,806 8,825 12,599 11,289 27,489) 28,469 16,359 | 21.5 | G36 | 8.7 ~ 135,857 68,076 76.3 22,3 54,496 12,139 514 3,205 3,939 3,314 13,200, 12,190 5,995 | 22.3 087 135,857 | 68,076 76.3 2,3 5,470 12,139 51 3,205 3,939 3,31%| 13,200 12,190 5,995 | 22.3 ‘ OTHER COUNTIES... 219,202 | 112,171 T.9 21.4] 95,677|| © 20,198 12,292 5,620 8,660 7,975 14,289 16,279 10,364 | 21.1 All Counties: x pache, 001 > 9,075 83.6 38,8 8,178 3,636 35 252 2,656 121 281 707 490 | 44.5 6119.7 002 25,136 12,663 Tek 18,0 11,089 1,152 2,040 559 1,367 92 1,591 1,452 2,136 | 10.4 418.3 003 12,506 6,99 81.7 26,7 6,065 1,870 12 312 834 423 841 1,216 557 | 30.8 | G36 | 7.6 004 16,761 8,111 78.3 15.5 6,652 543| 2,446 295 631 288 1,002 926 521 | 8,2 4 | 36,7 #005 7,965 3,69 75.6 13,5 2,870 1,182 57 261 66 11 448 452 293 41.2 | G36 | 7.8 +006 6,029 3,034 81.8 14.0 2,558 311 1,21 135 33 66 359, 291 152 | 12,2 4 | 47.3 087 007] 135.8s7| 68.076 76.3] 22.3] suv6|| 12,139) S| 3,205] 3,999 3,3L| 13,2000 12,190 | 5,995 22:3 | G36 | 9. »008 6,. 3,575 82,2 19.6 3,072 375| 1,020 ‘231 36 304 478] 417 211 | 12,2 433.1 «009 16,0. * 8,608 83.4 21,0 7,493 2,990 2% 350 752 1,231 770) 858 518 | 39.9 23 | 14.3 Pimt,cecscsecsss0l0 53,949 26,222 72.7 24.9 22,503 2,118| 1,361 1,600 1,168 2,581 4,493 6,043 3,139 | 9.4 | G36 [13.3 Piuslyvessss cial] 19,69 9,530 504 14.6 7,661 2,7%41| 1,606 321 302 310] 927] 841 613 | 35.8 4 21,0 Santa Crus, 6,698 3,363 .8 21.2 2,75 361 577 9 66 142 560 479 431 [13.3 421.3 _ 19,631 9,817 75.7 19,1 8,271 1,084| 1,676 446 602 735 1,324 1,708 696 | 13,1 4 | 20,2 YummoeeveeoneeneOli 13, 7,480 81.7 19,0 6,550 1,835 227 S 759 147 871 1,215 889 607 | 28,0 23 | 10,2 ARKANSAS,..... | 1,387,930 678,859 80,5 16,9| 583,9%4| 300,071 5,902 17,231 57,716) 24,916) 64,280] 61,554 52,274 | 51.4 | G36 | 4.9 METRO. COUNTY....| 122,602| 64,436] 77.1 29.8] 52,966) 5,122] 212] 2,761] 6,13] 547 11,357 12,051 | 9,858 9.7 Metro, areat = 066 |Little Rock, ....060 122,602 64,436 Tel 29.8 52,966 5,122 212 2,761 6,134 5,471 11,357] 12,051 9,858 | 9.7 OTHER COUNTIES... | 1,265,328] 614,423 80,8 15.5] 530,978] 294,949] 5,690| 14,470 51,582 19,445 52,923 49,503 42,416 55.51" All Counties: E 1 17,355 8,713 82,0 17,0 7,764 3,951 1 235 Th5 266 966) 761 839 | 50.9 5| 4.8 18,626 10,001 845 21,7 9,204 4,841 7 139 2,058 298 581 551 729 | 52.6 9] 91 7,069 3,323 80,6 10.0 2,584 1,603 5 16 85 162 206) 222 155 | 62.0 23 | 48 27,049 12,199 77.7 12,2 1n,017 6,238 59 409 595 344 1,386| 1,321 665 | 56,6 | G36 | 5.7 11,674 5,425 79.3 13. 4,581 2,288 41 209 338 628] 535 4 346 [49.9 | 636 | 5.2 ! 12,787 6,194 _ 82,7 14.1 5,413 2,109 23 87 1,657 125 505 41 493 {39.0 9 [27.8 | 6,642 3,081 80,2 1.6 2,691 1,604 10 41 481 69, 140) 18 198 | 59.6 9 12,2 t 10,753 4,938 81.4 9,2 44384 2,736 2 200 249 135 401 413 248 | 62.4 | G36] 4.2 19,581 10,291 84,2 20.5 9,512 6,61, 10 257 335 - 204 TRL 611 760 | 69.5 | G36 | 3.1 17,273 7,967 78.6 13.7 7,009 3,342 59 182 951 323] «709 789 654 47.7 9] 94 19,288 8,399 81,1 8.6 7,736 5,389, 2 167 310 139, 690| 591 398 | 69.7 | 836 | 3.7 9,024 4,173] 81.9 gg] 3401] 2,28 8 8, 204, 93 239 243 172 |&hek | 9] 7.0 8.468] 3,95] 81.8 g.8| 3,55). 2,432 2 45 481 65 173 189 167 [68.4 | 9]12.2 20,775 10,027 82.9 13,7 9,416 5,366 39 239 892 272 734] TR 722 | 57.0 91 5.2 14,705 6,915 81,0 13.0 5,727 3,749 2 122 360 128 534) 525 307 | 65.5 | G36 | 4.8 32,823 15,786 80,8 14.5 13,929 7,522 13 457 983 658 1,713 1,538 1,045 | 54.0 | G36 | 5.3 , 738 Ty 9R5 79.6 14. 6,020 2,763 27 28 863 473 765) 528 373 | 45.9 23 | 5.5 30,238 15,94| 85.4] 18.8] 4,863) 11,401 1 320 345 317 893 75 871 [76.7 | @36 | 2.1 17,756 702 82,4 Ul 8,143 5,710 7 201 315 311 534, 505 560 | 70,1 | G36 | 3.1 10,323 4yB42 78.7 15.0 45209 1,550 3 ” 1,261 132 403] 387 378 | 36.8 925.1 19,209|. 9,453 81,2 U.9 8,947 555% 2 456 496 507 667] 531 694 | 62.5 2. 4e3 13,612 6,418 81.4 12,9 5,797 3,487 6 U7 95 120 414) 431 39%] 60,2 9 .0 18,688 8,842 79.7 Le? 7,317 4y4TL 3 318 139 176 752] 901 557 | 61,1 | G36, 7.3 1uot0| s008| mal a] ums 2139] aw]. Ter % 91 45 316 2m sma 2 | 9.9 BR Berens 7s 3,237 79.2 8.9 2,599 1,894 3 ~ 49 100 62 172 194 125 [2.9 | G36] 4.1 x ay nh Et LR Table 3 ” Part 8 - Housing ALA. , Sumter (060) - ! ARK., Fulton (025) TABLE 3—SELECTED DATA FOR METROPOLITAN AREAS AND FOR ALL COUNTIES, BY STATE—Continued SE RE ERT i arc 680343 z ~ HOUSING—1940 . } y a ’ Nonfarm Rural Farm All Dwelling Units Occupied Dwelling Units Dw elling Units Dw. elling Units gn METROPOLITAN : g Metro. AREAS, ne he Area COUNTIES, P P P Median P phones 3 Code: AND Residential ! ercent ercent Per- ercent number er- 3 CODES drariurer in5or | wi Percent at o Average tou Perornt TF b s . more | private | wil - monthly wil wit % Number family | bathtub | electric Nawber.::1 ownes ical peons Number Tent Neale run- | electric struc- or | lighting ed refrig- | (dollars) ning | lighting tures | shower Pied | eration hold water @3) G9 (35) G6) Gn 38) 39) 0) “an “@) “@) “) 5) “6 “n ALABAMA~=Con i All Countics--Cun, be SUBLET a. venas.d 6.620 6.918 7-7) akg 6.381 | 23.0 | 11.4] 3.63 1,973 | 7.40 L,9451 2.0 0 Telledega. . 10,724 11,932 0.6 21.4) Wg 1,345 | 27.7 24.0 3.95 7,086 9.24 4846 3.5 1s 10 i Ta118p0088. « - «+ 8,179 8,769 0.4 16.9( M4.5 8,248 | 27.7 24.6 3.76 2465 9.71 4,304] 1.9) 15.7 7 : Tuscaloosa. ..... 15,995 18,430 1.4 20.8] 46.0 17,469 | 33.7 26.0 3.59 12,18 | 15.03 6,012 3.8| 1k.3 3,318 : Walker. .ouuesis 13,927 15,007 0.5 10.0 k5.6 14,718 | 37. 22.6 3.92 10,329 7.16 ‘4,678 | 3.4] 16.6 916 = Washington... 3.715 3.754 3.4 11.4 3,566 | 51.0 8.5 1.10 1,699 4.32 2,055 | 3.1 oi 98 Wilcox 6.271 6.355 5.8] 10.2 5,957 | 21.7 7.8 3.73 1,112 6.92 93 2.3 3 254 B Winston 4,002 4,162 7.4 26.1 4,037 | u8.5 14.9 h.2h4 1,190 9.99 2,972 1.0 10.3 315 ARIZONA...... 133,942 147,079 3.4 ug.6 70.5 131,133 | 47.9 40.0 3.23 114,916 19.32 32,163 | 26.6 30.2 43,080 : METRO. COUNTY.... 48,396 54,356 4.3 56.0] 81.9 50,455 | 41.3 43.8 3.16 44,136 | 21.56 10,222 | 42.1| 59.9 20,351 Metro. area: ’ : 087 |Phoenix......... 007 48,396 54,358 4.3 56.0 81.9 50,455 | 41.3 43.8 3.16 44,136 21.56 104222 | 42.1 59.9 20,351 k: OTHER COUNTIES... 85,546 92,721 2.9 b2.7 63.8 80,678 | 52.0 37.6. 3.27 70,780 17.91 21,941 | 18.8 16.4 22,729 ; ; All Counties: Apache. ......... 001 7.872 8,059 0.7 7-1 17.4 5.24% | 74.0 8.2 4.17 2,72 9.20 51587 2.1 2.6 303 Cochige. . .002 8,848 9,912 k.9 83.51 75.7 9,190 | 50.6 43.8 3.14 8,491 | 15.43 1,421 | 57.0] 28.1 2,439 Coconino. .003 5,168 5.597 2.8 30.3] 48.0 4,677 | 53.2 20.5 3.31 3,47 | 17.60 2;180 | 9.0 8.3 903 Gila... 004 6,591 7.17% 2.2 b5.7 74.6 6,616 | 51.9 39.5 3.15 $i 12.65 677 | 19.4 10.0 1,178 Graham. ...o vss 005 2,971 3,076 0.h4 36.8 50.4 2,894 | 59.6 39.6 3.77 1,949 14.03 1,127] 30.5( 23.3 Greenlee........ 006 2,081 2,255 2.4 7 78.2 2,185 | 47.8 8.9 3.54 1,935{ 12.85 320 18.1 22.5 322 087 |Mericopa. 48,396 54,358 4.3 56.0 81.9 50,4565 | 41.3 3.8 3.16 44,136 21.56 10,222 | 42.1 59.9 20,351 \ Mohave... 2,891 3,043 2.2 36.6] 64.6 2,654 | us.h 37.2 2.67 2,645 | 1L.08 398 | 30.2 22 & Navajo. 7.477 7.747 1.3 24.3 39.7 5,911 | 67.9 22.4. 3.72 3,801 15.74 3,946 3.2 6 1,125 PIB. x + ronnesny 18,906 21,266 y.2 62.4 81.8 19,050 | 49.9 51.8 3.17 19,923 | 27.54 1,343] 33.4 3.2 10,711 6,9u8 7.223 0.5 32.4 59.2 6,979 12.9 33.6 3.48 5,123 11. 2,100 | 26.0 30.2 1,065 2,311 2,631 2.2 kg.2| 60.2 2,377 | 36. 35.1 3.45 2,302 | 13. 329 | 53.8 25.8 515 8,376 9,286 4.7 45.0] 74.5 7.822 | b6.4 38.1 2.80 8,148 | 14.73 1,138 | kg.2| 37.2 1,645 5,106 5,452 2.7 46.1 67.2 5,083 | Lb.l 38.8 3.17 4,077 15.35 1,375 | 37.2 Loy 1,385 3 { i ARKANSAS......| lg7,h1 520,613 1.3 17.5] 32.8 495.825 | 39.7 17.2 3.44 243,976 | 12.32 | 276.637 | 2.7 8.0 81,972 % METRO. COUNTY,... 36,120 43,567 6.1 4g.2| 72.4 42,112 | 39.0 43.7 3.11 38,193 | 19.70 5,374 | 11.8 | 28.3 19,845 Metro. area: i 066 [Little Rock..... 060 36,120 43,567 6.1 hg.2| 72.4 42,122 | 39.0 43.7 3.11 38,193 19.70 5.374 | 11.8 28.3 19,845 OTHER COUNTIES...| 51,291 477,086 | 0.9 wal 2.2 453,713 | 39.8 14.8 3.47 205,783 | 10.95] 271,263 | 2.5 7.6 62,127 ) All Counties: / : . i Bh Arkansas 6,108 6,688 1.8 22.91 37.7 6.455 | 39.7 24.6 3-3 3.475 | 12.1k4 3,23 | 8.8] 12.9 931 Ashley 6,836 7,130 0.1 9.2| 29.0 6.789 | 27.8 A775 3.051 3.120 8.08 L,010| 1.8 2.9 819 Baxter 2,588 2,649 5.6] 21.6 2,520 | 55.3 11.5 3.63 815 9.15 1,834 1.8 6.8 276 Benton. 10,685 11,091 0.4 25.0] 45.0 10,101 | 56.2 16.1 3.14 4,789 | 10.33 6,302 | 10.7 | 2.7 2,330 BOON ss ve s'nr se 4,197 4,432 0.8 18.8| 38.2 4,221 | 57.3 19.5 3.36 1,876 | 12.77 2,556 | 3.7| 1k.2 1,098 k Bradley 4,311 4,632 03 12.7 25.2 4, hey | Muk 16.0 3.61 2,665 8.84 1,967 | 1.6 2.4 690 1 Calhoun. . .007 2,368 2,423 0.2 1.4 10a 2,269 | 52.6 6.9 3.78 759 5.56 1,664 | 0.8 2.1 159 Carroll.. .008 4,355 4,421 0.2 JUN 36.3 4,053 2 14.8 3.20 1,567 9.79 2,854 3-2 17:4 531 Chicot. .009 7.632 7.941 0.5 9.8 16.0 7.403 | 29. 11.4 3.15 2,651 8.99 5,290 | 2. 3.2 568 CYB. sors terns 010 5:9 6,296 0.h 16.6) 31.1 6,115 | 44.9 72 3.55 3,207 | 10.27 3,089 | 1.3 5.2 911 b OYEY «vo dus Aone 6.992 7,167 8.3] 22.9 6,961 | Lo.7 10.7 3.68 2,462 7.92 4,705 | 1.4 6.8 410 § Cleburne..... 3,233 3.330 0.3 6.5 16.5 3,193 | 63.2 9.0 3.72 885 8.00 2,u5 | 1.7 ot 271 Cleveland. . 2,981 3,059 3.7(° n.3 2,017 | 45.9 6.5 3.83 893 5.23 2,166 | 0.9 oY 126 i 7,405 7.743 0.2 11.9] 22.4 Js 39.9 18.1 3.51 2,780 | 14.05 4,963 | 1.6 ha 1,062. ; 5,004 5,195 0.5 1.2] 26.8 4,984 | L5.3 15.7 3.83 2,072 9.62 3,123 | 1.4 9.0 395 11,043 11,84k4 0.9 18.0] 38.9 11,584 | 36.9 16.7 3.67 5,382 | 13.46 6,462 | 2.29 10.8 1.158 ¥ 5,908 6,202 0.7 15.1 33.7 5,942 2.5 17.0 3.55 3,2 8. 2,936 | 2.7] 11.3 9il a 11,595 12,517 1.4 3 15.1 11,586 | 15. 8.3 3.07 3,276 10. 9,2 2.3 4.6 666 ¥ 1328 6.556 8.8| 20.3 6,299 | 29.8 10.6 3.64 2,042 | 11.56 Lsiv | 1.6 7.0 455 EB 3,530 3,689 0.6 10.1] 29.3 3,560 | 52.1 15.1 3.65 2,074 6.90 1,615 1.5 8.3 557 Is DOBRA «a «7a ives 021 7,116 7.363 0.3 13.9 19.0 7,129 | 25.4 16.1 3.26 2,661 10.4 4,702 | ka 3.0 575 },932 5,182 0.3 12.8) 19.4 4,955 | 36.1 13.9 3.46 2,153 | 10.5 3,029 | 2.0 1.7 51 6,256 6.599 0.5 16.7] 35.2 6,351 | L6.4 18.4 3.62 2,382 | 13.10 L,ar| 1.6] 15.3 8 3,834 3.970 6.0] 25.7 3,859 | 48.8 7-1 3.69 1,642 6.87 2,328 | 3.8 | 10.1 397 2,659 2,715 2.0] 11.0 2,546 | 59.9 La 3.58 576 7.48 2,139 | 0.5 2.0 70 TABLE 3—SELECTED DATA FOR METROPOLITAN AREAS AND FOR ALL COUNTIES, BY STATE—Continued (Figures which have been rounded to thousands will not necessarily add to totals) Table Part 4 - Agriculture ALA., Sumter (080) = ARK., Fulton (025) — AGRICULTURE—1945 AGRICULTURE—1940 . Value of farm products sold, | Principal Pe re ” Work power traded, or used by "1 source of Per = prop farm household farm income Tore. METROPOLITAN ; centelir oe Percent fore of | puna Metro. REAS, Number of | Land in | Cropland | Number | of | [ip ercent from farming- oe ha COUNTS farms (Jos baversd of farms | farms | Lp0 > hace Nowhsr L a1e8 or e s oper- f 7 1ve- code CODES Jan. 1, of of April 1, | ted ro TL Ld age | horses | Number Amount stock Code P See fing “1945 acres) Acres) 1940 ny t 3 = and/or of an (See | 423 ten- he s of arm | mules | tractors of live- | Crops | paz) | cent p ie dollars) | (dol- ey dollars) | stock , than ) over d 18) | mo. old) i e ucts 8) 49) (50) 6) 6) | 63 [€) (55) (56) (EU) (58) 59) (69) 6 | @ | 63 | 68 ALABAMA—Con., All Counties—Con. / Sumter... 3,41 374 90 3,821) 77.9] 20.4 7,325 [1,917 7,405 59 1,47] 32.1] 29.2 0] 37.2] m1 48 Talladega 3,179 2uL 81 3,232| 65,2 51.0 8,026 | 2,483 5,620 273 1,760] 12.6] 50.9 51 50,1 716 63 Tallapoosa. 2.893 291 60 2,991] 60.4] 46.6 6,026 | 2,021 4,327 35 1,548] 12.4] 45.6 DO 78 T4s0alo05%, ness +063 4,56! 387 104 4,559] 51.6] 55.4 9,258 | 2,031 6,105 87 2,322| 15.5] 44.6 5.1139.5" n9 66 Walkers ossenssa064 4, 621 216 57 3,943 33.9] 6&4.9 5,653 | 1,434 4,295 52 1,414 8.5] 27.2 0 62.6] 76 67 Washington, .....065 1,459 182 |, 29 1,574 31.0| 64.3 2,752 | 1,748 1,940 31 648) 15.6 14.4 of 56.5 781 50 WALCOXes season ea066 3,687 391 78 4,011] 73.0] 81.4 6,344 | 1,582 £4,870 59 1,355 26.4] 24.8 0 | 46.0] 741 46 Winstone. .s. se. 067 2,u86 184 46 2,317] 33.4] 54.4 3,170 | 1,368 3,177 is] 95 7.3] 33.7 of 57.6] 79 72 ARTZONA4..uos 13,142 | 37,856 652 19,468] “11.6| 49.3] 194,108 [10,510 76,479 4,129] 42,062] 48.0] 45.6 51 37.0 87 METRO. COUNTY: ess 6,479 1,041 305 4,632] 19.5] 39.7| 75,651 [16,332 7,327 2,272] 17,978] 33.5] 63.2 3 | Metro. ares: 087 |Phoenix.........007 6,479 1,041 305 4,632] 19.5] 39.7 75,651 16,332 7,87 2,272] 17,978] 33.5] 63.8 5] 49.4 OTHER COUNTIES... 6,663 | 36,815 3u7] 13,236] 8.9] 52.5] 118,449 8,561) 63,652 1,857] 24,0%| 58.8] 32.0 All Counties: 286 5,668 22 3,120] 1.5] 71.9] 8,452] 2,709] 12,290 49 1,653] 70.9] 3.7 1] 54.3] 21 26 1,013 2,980 9 1,076) 15.2 31.7] 15,083 [14,018 5,093 112 2,719] 84.2] © 5.9 1 &.6] cagz | 117 286 5,007 18 1,509 5.8] 59.4 9,132 | 6,052] 7,457 129 1,462] 75.1] 8.5 1157.1] «21 40 . in 693 4 595| 10.4] 41.2 3,098 | 5,207 3,064 23 862| 83,5 2.8 1| 63.4 241 97 Grahame see esssss005 592 1,976 27 676] 14,3] 16.4 9,408 [13,917 2,412 244, 1,875] 36,7] 56.1 5.15541 791 1. 105 Greenlee, .......006 208 357 3 239] 27.2] 27.2 1,795 | 7,510 1,463 37 389] 68.4) 18.4 1 | 56.7] 242 | 116 087 | MaricoPaas. «es. +s007 6,479 1,0k1 305 4,632] 19.5] 39.7] 75,651 [16,332 7,827 2,272] 17,978] 33.5 63.8 5 | 49.4 “791 9 MOhAVE. sees ses +s008 290 2,984 i 373] 12.3] 45.0 4,647 [12,458 2,920 16 586] 83.2] 2.6 1-72.50" 21] 102 NavajOuees esses s009 430 7,069 22 2,448] 3.3] 62.9 8,029 | 3,304 11,859 71 1,250 ary B 1] 49.0] -241 44 Piao veeesvesoneDlD 460 4,369 29 932| 7.2| 50.6 11,86 12,730 9,072 137 2,421 58.0] 35.4 14 40.3] 791 | ‘107 Pinaleeecessssre0ll 1,093 2,023 124 1,309 17.0 55.8] 21,602 [16,503 5,031 528 4,692] 30,2] 66.3 5] 65.7 791 85 Santa Cruz......012 195 377 5 174) 9.8 26.4 5,085 [29,224 1,546 40) 675| 86.7] 6.8 1 79.5 242 78 Yavapaisese.ss.a013 12 3,162 13 715 20,1] 37.2] . 10,243 [14,326 3,863 123 1,639 84.2] 6.2 1 60.1] 241106 YuMBaesssesoes sO 6 150 67 670| 20,0 21.6 9,951 [14,852 2,582 248 366| 43.1] 54.3 1 37.5 791 9% ARKANSAS,.....| 198,769|. 17,456 5,995 | 216,674) 53.3] 39.8] 564,451|2,605| 427,163] 12,564] 159,098] 15.8] 57.7 5 | 54.6 Th METRO, COUNTY... 3,925 237 .88 4,481) 42.5 57.2] 14,634] 3,266 6,047 277 3,378] 31.7] 44.9 Metro. area: . 066 [Little Rock.....060 3,925 237 48 4,481] 48,5 57.2| 14,634 | 3,266 6,047 277, 3,378) 31.7] 44.9 51 39.9 OTHER COUNTIES...| 194,844| 17,219 5,907| 212,193] 53.4] 39.5| 549,817] 2,591] 421,116] 12,287] 155,720| 15.5| 58.0 All Counties: Arkansas,.......001 2,133 43h 19 2,324] 47.8| 34.3] 13,219] 5,688 5,852 1,106 3,934 10.8| 76.6 5 | 76.3] 912 85 AShleYe.essssss.002 2,851 1 7 3,127] 65.7 39.3 7,050 | 2,255 7,183 83 1,961 8,9| 71.1 5 1.70.4 712 71 BAXtETs, vss sesse003 1,080 1 19 1,420] 33.7] 57.3 3,210 | 2,261 2,640 20 637] 41.5] 9.1 0 | 46.6] 632 % Benton. seessssse004 5,162 439 109 5,570! 32,3 49.0| 15,793] 2,835 9,413 280 3,926| 62,0| 15,0 3 | 3.8] 116 91 BOONEs sss sssesss005 2,282 288 43 2,192| 29.5| 55.7 5,651 | 2,578 3,873 37 1,130| 54.9| 6.0 0 37.5] 63 81 Bradleyes.......006 1,298 101 31 1,440] 29.7| 37.4 2,834 | 1,968 3,08, 24 862| 13.3] 50.1 5 | 46.6] 712 72 Calhoun, ess ssssa007 909 20 1,142| 41.1] 45.9 2,140 | 1,874 2,485 32 595| 10,2| 48.5 5] 47.9 TR2 73 Carrolleeees ses, 008 2,196 315 L7 2,452) 31.5] 52.7 6,192 | 2,525 5,074 42 1,406| 60.4 5.5 1 | 36.6 632 Chieobe ess oneees009 3,169 236 88 4,154) 75.3] 42.5] 10,470] 2,520 7,549 171 2,77 4ob| 76.5 5 | 75.9] TL 63 Clarkeue res rsreDl0 2,18 202 52 2,536] 47.8 35.2 5,056 | 1,99% 5,550 31 1,582 | 17.9|. 44.5 543.2 Mm Clayssessesesnsa0ll 3,217 302 153 3,307| 53.2 16,3] 10,639 | 3,217 9,359 326 3,408] 18.5] 58.9 5¢ 58.3] TL 85 2,092 212 16 2,181) 24.4| 33.5 3,509 | 1,609 3,969 37 1,271 18,0] 30.4 0 49.9] m3 79 1,479 157 30 1,748] 43.5 44.0 3,041 | 1,740 3,671 26 or2| 17.1] 46.8 5 | 45.7] m2 73 3,390 251 n 3,700| 51.2| 42.1 8,023 | 2,168 6,578 38 2,051 9.1| 53.9 5 | 52,6] 72 78 2,334 267 7 2,468] 42.5] 46.0 5,626 | 2,304 5,560 106 1,551] 15,1] 52.4 5 | 51.3] 713 69 5,175 356 215 4,541 56.2] 14.9 17,19 | 3,726] 12,192 479, 5,110 10,1| 69.0 5 | 67.8] TU 85 2,357 201 49 2,196| 34.2| 60.4 5,592 | 2,546 3,957 86 1,234] © 27.1] 44.0 027.6 m3 68 6,659 312 228 6,475] 89.5 16.0] 23,235] 3,588] 10,165 514 6,832 3.4| 83.8 5 | 83.6] 7] 64 3,504 258 134 3,236] 70.9] 22.5 9,556 | 2,491 6,761 EA 3,404 6,117. 72.3 51 70.4 TU 68 Deltas ns. os vea020 930 97 24 1,373] 31.9] 45.4 2,178 | 1,536 2,559 8 701] 1.4.1 39.1 0] 43.7] 712 69 Deshfyuseneesess021 3,180 225 98 4,050 77.6] 45.1] 9,250 | 2,284 7,829 183 2,415 Li] 71.9 5 Vga oT 62 DreW.s.ooes srs 022 2,153 222 61 2,685| 60,0] 41.0 4,196 | 1,563 5,284 24 1,393 9.5| 59.4 51 53.1 72 69 Faulkner. .......023 3,237 306 93 3,347] 43.3] 33.8 7,375 | 2,203 7,676 130 2,144] 17.5] 49.6 51484] m3 80 Franklin, ......024 1,713 197 2 2,12) 41.9] 54.2 4,206 | 1,964 4,505 40 1,010 34.1 26.3 0| 38.6 713 77 Fultonesssssses 025 1,747 264 36 1,939| 30.2| 42.6 3,248 | 1,675 3,629 12 996| 32.5] 12.8 0 | 53.8] 632 7, 1The State total includes $7,875 T48369 O—4T—6 for female silver fox and/or mink over 3 months old (kept in captivity) not distributed to individual counties. Table 3 Part 5 - Industry and Retail Trade ALA., Sumter (080) - ARK., Fulton (025) TABLE 3—SELECTED DATA FOR METROPOLITAN AREAS AND FOR ALL COUNTIES, BY STATE—Continued (11 dollar figures have been rounded to thousands and will not necessarily add to totals) 3 oro 80348 wt MANUFACTURING ESTABLISHMENTS—1939 MINERAL INDUSTRIES—1939 RETAIL ESTABLISHMENTS—1939 METROPOLITAN 3 yo cole, Value added ue a AND Wage Wages Value of by manufac- Vase of Souler Wages and Number of | +, S2les Active Enplogees Pay roll CODLS Number | S2mers (1000's of roducts ture oor f o (1000° ries f > (1000's of | pro- fk (1000's of (average dollars) (1000’s of (1000s of s of | persons s of stores dollars) prietors dollars) or year, dollars) Soller) dollars) | engaged | dollars) year) 65, 66) (1) (68) (89) 0) an 2) @) as (15) (16) 0) ALABAMA==Con. All Counties—Con, 1m 470 2 1,085 738] 154 2,069 153 210) 18 kg 4,849) 3,035 13,364 5,037 157 110 61 396| 6,669) 371] 708 4g2 4o 5,336 338 12,721 5,234 299 4,569) 299 L&T] 307 57 3,10 2,l2 14,461 5,253 920 533 355 565) 13,160] 499 1,69 1.272 26 727 476) 1,955 908 5,058 3,491 3,103 Loy 7,423 382 729 535 27 498] 230 1,007 525 (1) (2) (2) 137] 979 106 7 36 18 637 291 97h 531 181 1,758 176 129| 95 18, 436| 230 78M 372 (1) (1) (1) 128 1,569) 131 162 83 362 39,010 5,633 30,704 17,046 880 557 424 ARIZOMA........ 33 6,096 7,163 97,529 32,040 54,127) 10,432 16,987 6,242 162,003] 5,726 16,577] 17,119 * MBTRO. COUNTY.. 152 1,960 2,190 22,848 8,432 180 115 152] 2,381 66,688) 2,119) 7,051 7,437 087 152 1,960 2,19 22,848 8,432 180 115 152) 2,381 66,688) 2,119 7,051 7.437 OTHER COUNTIES. 180 4,137 4,973 4,681 23,610 53,947) 10,317 16,835 3,861 %.315|. 3,607] 9,526 9,682 — Soules ( (1) (1) (2) (1) 133) 2,449 103 192 188 Apache.......... 633 (1) 1) 1 1 1 1 3 . ; Cochise. . 3 1.017 (2) (2) (1) 12,088 1,797 3,109 45k 10,988 Lo9| 1,157 1,134 Coconino 16 467 502) 2,087 1,248 (1) (2) (1) 228| 6,750 213 661 727 Gila..... 15 469 (1) (1) (1) 9,565 1,926 3.359 270) 6,50} 261, 607 607 Graham....oonese 9 Yo 5 46h) 180 (1) (1) (2) 171 3,138 168| 214 266 Greenlee 3 2 1 27 16 3,076 1,208 1,770 103) 2,216 106 179 168 087 |Maricopa.. 152 1,960 2,190) 22,848 8,432 180 115 152 2,381 66,688 2,119 7,051 7,437 Mohave.... 4 21 26 1 82 2,510 800 1,29 164 4,201 151] 22 416 Navajo. . 1h 166 171 496, 378 ) (1) (1): 232 5,680 21} 37 479 BIB. overs ens 56 436 479, 3,182 1,644 9,774 1,218 1,898 872 28,603 809 3,193] 3,329 Pinal...c...0nes 6 147 (2) (2) (1) 8,251 1,7% 3,015 378] 5,443 345 507, 432 Santa Cruz 3 8 (1) (2) (1) 1,033) © 45 649 123 3,519 109 450 334 Jevasat. . 17 59) (2) (2) (2) 7,458 1,106 1,712 437 9,321 L371 880 939 AR 14 81 76 796 ~. 39% - 90 52 58 296| 6,503 282 647 663 em Counties? 364, 32,924 3,672 67,488] 19,671 100 55 47 ARKANSAS...... 1,178 36,256 24,577 160,167 67,39 8,325 bk67 3,817 20,328 298,301| 19,071 32,58 23,775 METRO. COUNTY... 12 4,576 3,386) 28,764 10,124 - 955 237 210 2,124 50,774 1,832 6,493 5,700 Metro. area: , 066 |Little Rock.....060 142 ,576 3,386 28, 76M 10,124 955 237 210 2,124 50,774 1,832) 6,493] 5,700 OTHER GOUNTIES...| 1,036 31,680 21,191 131,403] 57,266 7,370 4,23 3,607 18,204] 247,527| 17,289] 26,088] 18,075 25 Leg). 294 5,718 1,5% 275 5,054 240 478 352 20 1,l8h 1,192 ’ 3,216 189 3,355 171 355 304 2 (2) (1) (2) (2) (2) (2) (1) 127 875 130 68 39 24 179 17 709 316 (1) (1) (2) Lgo 5,147 L461 530 301 15 95 50 336 154 (2) [€] (1) ar 3,039 209 310 209 21 1,583 1,093 5,136 3,302 157 2,841 158| 320 232 8 222 101 311 212 68 566 69 38 25 16 85 3h 235 82 216 1,561 200 1 6h 13 198 104 47h 273 (1) (2) = (2) 2u1 2,965 262 3 184 17 585 303 1,466 ne (1) (1) (2) 259 3,l08 257 347 208 10 13 4o 298 155 288 2,506 305 278 1 5 170 (2) (2) (2) 12 96 134 13 7 1 262 133 337 201 8 758 Bl 47 2 : 21 541 287 1,588 707 252 4.217 252 403] 264 8 105 68 668 2u9 240 2,363 236) 225 140 29 528 9 2,ln3 1,377 1 (2) (2 518 1,557 Leg 87 611 8 19% 3 ; 57 160 8 (1) & 243 2,536 236) 2 160 12 322 (2) (2) (1) 13 5,519 359 522 3% 6 67 37 159 108 (2) (2) (1) 257, 2,793 255 256 175 17 8h 523 2,480 1,438 161 2,113 128 230, 164 6 104 63 245 106 221 2,948 4 199 276 188 16 563 289 1,334 601 181 2,386 175 201 126 4 3 3 339 118 267 3,219 256 363] ak 5 26 8 110 51 387 293 275 162 1,429 164 162 58 91 479 91 29 16 1Not shown because of disclosure of operations of individual establishments. Data included in combined Counties at end of State. ures are not shown separately because of disclosure of operations of- individual establishments. .shown for every county. corresponding State total. 68. Whenever data on wage earners have been withheld, 2Tncludes all counties, where fig- 3Includes all establishments and wage earners of counties for which wages and value date were withheld to avoid disclosure. The "Combined Counties" figure for number of establishments is excluded from the State total, since this item was that portion of the "Combined Counties" figure represented by such data is included in the TABLE 3—SELECTED DATA FOR METROPOLITAN AREAS AND ‘FOR ALL COUNTIES, aa BY STATE—Continued (All dollar figures have been rounded to thousands and will not necessarily add to totals) Table 3 tart, A —= Other Lconnmic Data ALA., Sumter (080) = AitK., Fulton (025) ee — WHOLESALE SERVICE ESTABLISHMENTS— 939 BANK DEPOSITS : TRADE—1939 rE 1944 Major war supply ‘Major war facilities contracts, Jiclects 8 June 1940-Sept. 1945 | June | Joss 1945 METROPOLITAN E Bond (1000's of dollars) (1000s of dollars) * Metro. AREAS, | sales 1944 : Area COUNTIES, Number Number Employees Tota . (1000's of Code of Sales of | Recei ge Active |“ lorage | Pa roll | (demand | Time | dollars at SX estab- | (1000's of | estab- ( proprie- | (- 1000's | and time) | (1000's |issue price) lish- | dollars) | lish- |ol dollars) tors yea) dollars)| (1000's | of dollars) : ments ments of dollars) Combat Other | Industrial | Military equipment i : mw a |.o @) ® ®) a) as ) on a8) 9 0) on a 11 628! 29 67 30 31 16 2,869 331 512 17 2,162] 115 1,080 114 163 91 13,225 2,566 4,908 177.714 11,152 138,582) 16 1,313 135 288 137 188 87, 5,616 871 1,433 on 17.736 38| 36 9,26 1 1,513 154 556 437 20,832 6,952 2,971 5.557 7.247 18,626) 7.388 Valker. 22 +2, 52 148 237 158 123 50 9.692 1,889 2,326 5,990 Washington......065 6 224 88 133 . 60 107 31 931 180 334) x Wilcox... ..066 6 750 47 117 +39 108 35 2,153 469 L425 Winston. . ..067 11 739 82 70 86 ke 15 2,366 531 531 68 Other. . ay rss 1g 2510 33,201 31,470 31,869 ARIZONA. .... 607 96,528] 1,819] 10,880] 1.867 3,283 3.185 235,777 60,332 47,110 gl, 85k 31,15 100,592 134,116 METRO. COUNTY.. 270 61,235 820 6,024 "842 1,838 1,865] 121,460 28,677 19,017 66,723 23,270 46,748 25,530 Metro. area: 087 270 61,235 820 6,024 842 1,838 1,865 121,L60 28,677 19,017 66,723 23,270 L46,7L8 25,530 327 35,293 999 4,856 1,025 1,45 1,320] 114,315 31,654 28,093 28,131 7.845 53,844 108,586 5 238 21 38 17 10| 6) 368 800 50 4,059 106 431 10M 120 103 17,617 6,225 3,406 27.298 22 2,038 52, 27 53 69 61 4,086] 966 2,920 sul 27,&51 25 2,130 62 256 61 61 50) 72349 2,104 2,215 14 ,ekg 13 1,350 un 228 46 66 67, 2,562 391 587 5 500 30 75 31 18 15 1,798 48g 818 : 27,611 ray 270 61,235 820 6,024 8L2) 1,838 1,865 121,460 28,677 19,017 66,723 22,270 Lg, 748 25,530 15 782 3h 146 36 29 39 2,558 451 868 225 12,758 17 1,800 50 161 53 39 32) 4,948 1,168 1,406 76 13,462 295 2,075 298 722 686} 47,783 15,059 8,327 25,211 6,141 7.465 20,602 23 1,135 85 238 95 23 L3) 5,0L9 295 1,169 1,690 5,036 17 1,089 39 107 io 30 23 L,599 959 511 37 2,752 109 L5G 112 116 103 9,270 2,970 1,968 60 1,975 32 3.958 75 380 19 112 92 6,726 839 2,172 30 14,363 t : 23,012 2878 ARKANSAS. ..... 1,785 2u8,916| 6,696] @2,672| 6,829 9,762 5.933] 471,223 6l,789 81,155 141,104 56,257 326,121 = 111,572 METRO. COUNTY.... 283 77.388 810 4,937 821 2,016 1,595 78,734 14,028 15,0u48 126,330 10,781 12,321] 26,749 Metro. area: - 066 | Little Rock..... 060 283 77.388 810 4,637 821 2,016 1,595) 78,734 14,028 15,048 126,330 10,781 42,321] 26,749 OTHER COUNTIES...| 1,502| 171,528] 5.886 17,735) 6.008 7.746 4,338] 392,592 5C,760 66,104 1h,77% us ,L76 283,800) gL, g23 All Counties: - 26 1,012 87 146 82 53 35) 12,590 £30 1,092 11,718 10 360 871 215 87 222 60) 4,362 556 87. 350 12 436 uo 3g Lu 14 3 1,707 550 50 3,451 157 283 162 116 us, 8,322 835 1,368 28 1,519 59 128 57 68 34 4,273 Lsg 678 Le Bradley. 11 867 69 138 76 54 25) 3,k01 817 Lg3 85 Calhoun. . 11 21 13 10 I 652 51 127 6,991 Carroll.. 20 616 79 13 81 66 26 3,786 45! Ly Chicot. 19 3,035 72 250 77 5; 43) 3.786 398 552 Clark. . srr n 20 1,096 103 282 110 104 Lg 6,065 1,205 gal 537 CIV, ven ius vs 21 47 138 141 148 82 27] L,722 17¢ 517 Cleburne 15 709 Lg 84 ol 52 19 2,758 3 Lol Cleveland 3 (4) 30 Lo! 29 17 5) 840 08 137 Columbia. 23 3,038 ol 269 66 102 56, 9.873 c83 07 Conway. sve oves 24 1,687 70 206 79 88 Lo 3.785 1Lo > ‘51k 1,253 Craighead... ....016 sul - 7,986 172 550 182 218 135 12,870 2,4y3 1,514 1,017 Crawford. ...... 017 8 1,681 64 97 73 13 4,700 571 672 53 Critteaden. ...0l8 19 1,994 72 Lg2 59 192 114 3,923 ks 545 = 19 1,101 88 117 91 54 24 4,770 11 59% 10 882 50 9 L6 50 21 L, 387 1,038 355 19 2,054 65 24g 63 04 68 4, 2¢5 586 770 & 803 Lg 93 hg 39 17 3,749 Ing 553 1,089 3,139 27 1,802 88 284 9 107 55) 3,394 195 sl 85k 6 152 5k 5 56 2 9 1,917 38 3ko 8 473 Le 38 nn 21 7 1,467 au 218 1Sum of establishments in counties for which sales data dre withheld to avoid disclosing operations of individual establishments. This sum is excluded from the State total since number of establishments is shown for individual counties. in Etowah County (028) outside the city of Gadsden. 2Combined figure for counties having sales Etowah County (028) outside the city of Gadsden. 3Undistributed. 4Not shown because of disclosure of operations of individual establishments. data withheld to avoid disclosing operations of individual establishments. Data influded in "Other" at end of State. Includes data for 69 the Includes two =stablishments located part of 04 ve W y 5 2 x 5 ’ EV CHA EE ERE 3 ARKANSAS i 75 COUNTIES Ld ’ I A T Te T ns i [og a= hy f~ i CARROLL : Ss ! 2 | r | | RANDOLPH | meme] A I I MARION i BAXTER frum td su ad pi [roome——. I { 'm; a L. om L 3 3 i SHARP 1 Se > t—- 7 GREENE : MADISON 1 1 hE - rr > jit é i LAWRENCE ’ WASHINGTON | ¢ Fo I Li a iy ih = - o-oo J i . No’ ede cm ceed i § ] I STONE ( i CRAIGHEAD — en wf — = of I ee : ° . : MISSISSIPPI ls r Lemme Login dy INDEPENDENCE ¢ femme SSISS . 1 ? ' . . . . SRawroRy. hb . . J VAN | r JACKSON | POINSETT | ! FRANKLIN I pon . BpRen : CLEBURNE - -Hph- . ‘ ¢ N\ I ~~ rd POPE fe—-— | o Leer emer +t y ® s? Sedma NN, 8 . . o . ( rory sr | rd «A | jeg a ; . TN Coil : i 4 . cross Li LOGAN pad 1 $ WHITE | * omTEnoew SEBASTIAN 1 \ g ' WOODRUF! I == NT J FAULKNER | > ¢ 2 cme dg LY i mein! Fo wn Pd. : ' : - om. — a » : J Nef So I oT Jd ST FRANCIS: ? | rormed i ss PERRY Sg L . v . . - oe w= —- —- wl { pie Y ay | 2h Bisons 3 LL Sei ! PRO I : Lee br eee” el 1 Ao : > LONOKE . : " 3 | Lo SALINE ay CB é . Monae Pr » MONTGOMERY | GARLAND § 3 r —-—-d 3, : POLK l : =e » = a :. ’ f Tr 2 . poem me adi T | | i i T Taig HOT SPRING I Y cnars 1. rita L ARKANSAS ot de J wii L =~ ‘ d vn ? 7 PIKE 3 e -— «om i - ~n $ ' r= RE | +N, § Howaro L . CLARK 1 . r =n sd es wef? Te en SEVIER Tis DALLAS \ i jo dH } | TR 4 5 } LINCOLN [ + 2a) 2. “ » ¢ 0 N CLEVELAND ! We . " came — . ESHA Bedod / Ney, - 3 fro—e—-don oEsH, LITTLE RIVER L HEMPSYEAD | ny or r -—-— 1 : wr v., I i Sion { CALHOUN ) Rew teeny his. } I Z, i - ——d ~ & ; SRaOLEY . » de xm deny S Vemma ; MILLER 3 LAFAYETTE / T ~ ee 3 : , 2 TE mee yd” ; | coor LEGEND . 0 ON ASHLE! e 7 l | i " | @® PLACES OF 25,000 TO 100,000 (1940) S - 2 i; i 5 l .% PLACES OF 100,000 AND OVER (1940)-NONE Me1RoFoLITAN pREas 2 METROPOLITAN AREAS 66 LITTLE ROCK p 3 CALIFORNIA 58 COUNTIES 7 wonre ! 2 SISKIYOU ] MODOC L E G E N D ty \ @® PLACES OF 25,000 TO 100,000 (1940) 8 $= Ad iat ga a ¥% PLACES OF 100,000 AND OVER (1940) - I < Ta } J SHAM A \ at METROPOLITAN AREAS / —y TRINITY S i LASSEN i ~ 1 : . it Cen : 1. - i 1 lS NEN METROPOLITAN AREAS ha o— e » CODE — vt : puduss 55% 47 FRESNO —————t? 7 sore Stee =d 67 LOS ANGLES r 1 GLENN 2 re 99 SACRAMENTO MENDOCINO \ FS" or fie Wevaon_ wo] 105 SAN DIEGO *o coun | { Ni 106 SAN FRANCISCO- OAKLAND $ LAKE 3 i Xi PLACER a 107 SAN JOSE . 19 ree nl ww. J" STOCKTON ELDORADO 0 \ \ «’/ 4 voLo Vip $ Slepaucvhy SONOMA NAPA SAN FRANCISCO SAN FRANCISCO — 8 SAN FRANCISCO BAY oy, SN . \ MARIPOSA io \ TULARE KERN -r BAKERSFIELD | . I ' | 1 SAN BERNARDING SANTA BARBARA Q SANE BARNA. S7 oe SMDENA @ SAN BERNARDINO AL §ANER 9 A amano IGTON CARH m= / LE @ RIVERSIDE RIVERSIDE -— a — IMPERIAL RR RE EGET Table 3 Part 1 - Population ARK., Garland (026) - CALIF., Calaveras (005) TABLE 3—SELECTED DATA FOR METROPOLITAN AREAS AND FOR ALL COUNTIES, BY STATE—Continued ee — ” TOTAL POPULATION POPULATION—1940 EDUCATION | sri: Be ESTIMATED RA : 1944 F¢ CIVILIAN Total whit ; Hh . POPULATION Land | Pop- ots White Percent of 3 METROPOLITAN US. area [ulation population 25 2 Meto.| AREAS, rank in “| per years old and Area COUNTIES of |Percent| s over who > Number iktch 1: a : 1 Code AND ; iii change | miles | mile Percent] Usha Rural Rural completed— 3 ODI Percent i in of rban i 5 Number oe Ad} * | percen- [1930- | 1940 | 1940 | Number | tou nonfarm farm Births | Deaths wt . # tiles) | 1940 - 5 I Nov. | 1940. ry or High er az’ ion more : 1943 1943 1940 grades school om @ ®) “) ©) ©) [G) ® ® (10) (1m 12) (13) 149 1s) (16) AS ARKANSAS—Con. Z Besiiy All Counties—Con. 87,888 | «6.7 41,664 17| 15.6 721| 57.8 36,595 87.8] 21,370] 12,510 7,784] 83.9] 22.9 837 453 9,109| -18.1 10,477 74 6.5 631| 16.6 9,559| 91.2 3,912 6,565| 83.7] 10.8] 222 50 24,282 | =-19.6 30,204 28| 15.6 579| 52.2 30,148) 99.8 7,079] 2,925] 20,200] ° 75.1 9.6 606| 189 26,327 | -19.7 32,770 25 6.2 735 44.6 18,787| 57.2 7,475| 3,480] 21,815] 76.8] 13.5 572) 240 17,540 | -7.3 18,916 49) 4.5 621| 80.5 16,696 88.3 5,290] 4,339) 9,287] 80.1] 11.8 437 151 12,895 | -22.4 16,621 55| -5.0 600| 27.7 12,650 76.1 2,782] 3,412] 10,427] 80.1] 11.3] ° 28s 9 20,156 | -21.4 25,643 35 5.9 755| 34.0] 24,842] - 96.9 5,267| 4,873] 15,508] 81.4] 14.1 488 160 10,062 | =21.6 12,834 66 -0.3 574| 22.4 12,694) 98.9 2,468 10,366] 86.1 8.2] 223 56 23,974 -9.3 26,427 33| -5.4 637| 41.5 22,850 84.6 4,321) 4,849] 17,757] 70.6] 10.6 687 185 g 72,752 | 11.8 65,100 10 1.5 890| 73.1 29,079 44.7| 21,200 11,427| 32,384] 68.6] 15.9] 1,680) 543 oh Ee 18,221 | -29.7 18,795 49 -2.6 676| 27.8 18,499) 98.4 3,118 4,870] 10,807 83.0] 11.8 329 12 : Lafayette... 037 14,074 | -16.5 16,851 55| -0.5 537| 31.4 8,725| 51.8 5,408) 11,448) 65.7] 10. 294 81 ~ | Lawrence ++... 038 20,332" -10.2 22,651 40 4.6 592| 38.3 22,811] 98.5 7,118 15,538] 74.4 9.5 585 135 Lee «cess 23,661 | -11.7| ‘26,810 32 0.6 620| 43.2 9,800] 36.6 4,449) 1,566] 20,795] 57.9 8. 554 165 Lincoln. 17,189 | -12.8 19,709 46 -2.7 565| 84.9 7,867| 89.9 3,239) 16,470 59.0 8.5) 363 119 12,349 -22.5 15,932 57 2.7 544| 29.3 10,087) 68.8 5,720 10,212) 69.8] 10.8] 292] 80 19,961 -23.1 25,967 3 7.7 727| 35.7 25,343 97.6 3,480 6,779] 15,758] 84.7] 12.9 431] 146 4 27,229 -8.6 29,802 28) -11.7 800| 37.3 21,181 70.9 6,774] 23,028] 73.2] 11.9 684, 183 we 11,633 | -19.9 14,531 61 9.0 832| 17.5 14,514) 99.9 1,761) 12,770) 82.7 6.9) 249) 71 6,762 | -28.6 9,464 78 6.6 628] 15.1 9,464) 100.0 2,083 7,481] 82.2 9.7 153] 52 : 30,015 -5.8 31,874 26 4.2 627| 50.8 22,815] 70.0] 11,821 4,952] 15,101] 75.9] 18.2 781 257 v 77,558| -3.3 80,217 7f 15.8 919| 87.3 55,117 68.7| 13,878] 9,409] 56,930] 61.9] 10.4 2,107 626 E 18,153 -14.1 21,133 43 2.3 617| 34.3 10,289 48.7 5,960 2,279 12259 52:8 3d 429 164 Montgomery, , 6,242 -29.7 8,876 80|- -17.6 801] 11.1 8,785 92.0 2,4 ,44 . . 114 53 Nevada.... . 050 15;479( -22.1 19.869 46 -2.6, 616 32.3 12.522 63.0 8,177 2,896) 13,796) 76.7 12.9 835 101 Newton. eeeeeess O51 7,908 -27.3 10,881 73 3.0 g22| 13.2 10,881 100.0 1,056 9,825 80.5) 7.1 167 “26 Ouachita 27,714 -11.0 81,15) 26 4.2 738| 42.2 16,446| 52.8 8,975 11,866] 10,810] 78.1 18.2 624] 222 Perry... 6,042 -28.0 8,392 82 9.1 556 15.1 7,983] 95.1 2,860 5,522] 77.5] © 10. 155| 35 Phillips 41,732 -9.2 45.970 15] 13.0 704| = 65.3 15,266] 83.2] 18,263] 7.082] 25.625] 59.4] 11.1 1,081) 434 Pikesivuses 9,689| -17.8 11,786 70| -0.1 615 19.2 11,116) 94:3 4,387 7,449 838.1 10.6 171] 25 Poinsett.......056 35,454 -5.9 37,670 20 26.9 762| 49.4 32,973) 87.5 6,066 5,3%| 26,214] 66.2 8.8 1,030) 238 ; o 12,409 -21.6 15,832 57 6.6 860| 18.4 15,826| 100.0 3,510 8,173) 9,149] 84.2] 13.3 345| 121 - 18,919 -26.3 25,682 s4| -3.3 816| 31.5 24,660 96.0 5,927| 6,099] 18,656] 82.1] 14.9 439 144 12,683 -15.8 15,304 59 0.8 674| 22.7 12,326] 80.5 5,031 10,273] 76.0 8.9 287 63 165,771 6.2] 156,085 3 ‘13.8 761| 199.9 112,877| 72.3] 109,176| 25,864] 21,045 3.3] s0.1 3,039 2,156 fk of 2 14,093 -28.1 18,819 51 8.6 637| 28.8 18,117 98.9 3,028 1,894 13,397] 74. 7.9 342) 86 i; 33,163 -8.0 36,043 21 7.9 636| 56.7 12,882 835.7 5,699] 8,829] 26,515] 62.4] 10.9 777 282 & 23,483 | 22.5 19,163 48 22.4 726| 26.4 18,239 95.2 8,502] 5,797) 9,864] 76.0] 13.0 459) 206 = 9,695 -27.1 18,800 65 12.7 898| 14.8 12,846) 96.6 5,717 7,583] 80.6 9.8 240) 53 v 9,412 -21.2 11,942 69 8.0 664| 18.0 11,934] 99.9 2,652 9,290 80.9 9. 237] 64 BE 58,253| -7.3 62,809 10 15.4 529{ 118.7 58,001| 92.5 ‘s6,584| 14,223] 12,002] 6.4] 23.0 1,6es] 548 k 11,790 | -22.7 15,248 59| -6.8 585 26.1 18,641 89.5 3,055 8,590 8,608] 83.1 15.6 287 100 H SE en ul Br TE a wns ws Bee ral my oH = = ’ -23. y . . y i y . 43 k 45,629 | -9.6 50,461 18| -9.6 ,052| 48.0 32,625| 64.7| 15,858 19,015 15,588] 77.4] 21.1 951 333 Be 9,099 [ -27.3 12,518 67 4.6 714| 17.5 12,378 98.9 2,638) 9,880 80.5 7.9 180] 67 > 31,827 | -23.8 41,114 18 4.7 963). 42.7 40,676 98.9] 11,581| 6,625) 22,958 87.4] 22.8 840) 334 : White. suvrerss O73 31,862 | -14.8 37,176 20] -2.9| 1,042] 85.7 85,564| 95.7 3,670| 9,447] 24,059 81.6] 12.3] 779) 229 is Woodruff... 18,564 | 16.1 22,1338 4] -2.4 592| 87.4 18,235 60.0 6,636) 15,497] 66.9) 9.8 473 100 Eo Yelluvussss 18,893 | -38.7 20,970 43 -1.6 942] 22.3 19,916] 95.0 7,520 13,450 81.1] 13.4] 314, 72 fs 5 CALIFORNIA.....| 7,881,694 | 14.8] 6,907,387 21.7| 156,808) 44.1| 6,596,763] 95.5|4,902,265[1,369,733| 635,389] 90.8] 36.9] 179,123] 90,802 ; METRO. COUNTIES..| 6,236,089 | 17.8] 5,325,609 20.5| 22,110| 240.9| 5,081,227| 95.4|4,333,080| 746,492) 246,087) o1.7| 39.1] 138,604] 71,014 i Metro. areas:® s : ‘ 047 | Fresno..........010| 194,652 9.0] 178,866 28,7| 5,985] 29.8 169,154| 94.7| 76,565| 45,259] 56,741] 86.3] 28.9] 4,873] 2,015 067 | los Angeles. .015,030| 3,292,050 | 13.0] 2,916,403 25.3| 4,858 600.9/ 2,788,364| 95.6|2,450,046| 418,725 52,632] 92.9 41.4] 70.793] 7.664 099 | Sacramento. 188,168 | 10.8] 170,338 20.0 985| 172.9 156,793| 92.0| 109,011| 41,270 20,052] 90.0 83.0] 4,321] 2,258 los Sen Diego.......087| 394,569 | 42.9| 289,348 38.0 4,258| 68.0 279,628| 96.6| 238,891 31,289] -19,168| 93.4] 89.8 ‘11,171 4.282 . 1 San Francisco-Oekland - ; 001,007,021,088,041,048| -1,822,964 | 26.0] 1,461,804 8.5| 3,314| 441.1| 1,397,078| 95.6|1,281,306| 143,717| 86,781] 91.2| 88.1] 89,972] 20,334 be 107 191,811 | 11.3] 174,949 20.6 1,305] 134.1 168,921 96.6] 107,412| 42,202] 25,385 @7.4| 84.5] 4,100] 2.582 2 19 151,805 | 13.1] 134,207 30.4| 1,410| 95.2 121,204| 90.4| 69,849 29,030| 385,328] 81.7] 22.4] 3,374] 1.984 r % * OTHER COUNTIES...| 1,645,656 2.4] 1,581,778 25.7) 184,693( 11.7| 1,515,586| 95.8| 569,185| 623,241 389,352] 87.6] _ 28.7] 40,519 19,788 All Counties: c 106 | Alamedaseesas...00 | 621,485 2.8 518,011 0 8.0 733 | 699.9 490,145| 95.5| 472,068| 29,786] 11,207 91.8] 41.1f- 13,686 6,91 13 216 | -33.1 323 99| 84.0 723| 0.4 212| 65.6 256, 67) 71.1] 22.4 9 1 = 6,337 | -29.4 8,973 80 5.6 594 | 15.1 8,718| 97.2 7,715 1,258] 87.8] 25.7 88 109 % 42,054 | -1.8 42,840 17| 25.7] 1,665| 25.7 41,917| 97.8| 13,708{ 18,667| 10,465] 91.0] 28.8] 1,054 634 ; 6,385 | -22.8 8,221 s2| 36.81 1,028] 8.0 8,1101. 98.6 6,498 1,7281 91.0] 25.7 109 96 72 > - —— 1 2d . 1 Table 3 > TABLE 3—SELECTED DATA FOR METROPOLITAN AREAS AND FOR ALL COUNTIES, rare’z- Labor Force : C x ARK., Garland ( 026) - BY STATE ntinued CALIF. , Calaveras (00S) aro 680343 = a % LABOR FORCE—1940 : : : Percent of 5 Population 14 Years Old and Over Employed Workers by Industry Group i] i METROPOLITAN In leading : Metro. AREAS Trans- Business nonagri- Ares CODNTIES, Percent | Percent . porta- a et : Code AND ofall | of all ton, | Whole. | personal In i ad ; males | females, . as Con- communi- a Other : ; CODES Total In labor Total Agri- | um Manufac- ! sale and | services d agri- : who are | who are ~ ming | struc- : cations, . | and not force x 0 employed || culture tion turing ed retail | exclud- reverted 1 2 | cod . Tit Yel other trade ng. 2 ture Sec Per. Y force | force utili- domestic page | cent Er ties services 423) a an (18) 19) 0) @n @) @) (24) @sy (26) @n @8) 29) (30) | an | G2) 5 4 ARKANSAS~Con, ] ; Fa All Counties—Con. Ke 32,106 15,930 70.9 28,3 13,511 1,812 33 592 1,315 609] 2,865) 4,366 1,919 | 13.4 3% | 9.6 - 7,305 3,338 78.2 10,2 2,921 1,339 5 72 855 82) 199 209 160 | 45.8 921.7 200808| 10,024] so.8| 13.3] e708] 5.413 | 209 822 3 ag lez | 7 4a : 23,084 10,935 Tek 15.4 9,649 5,428 7 244, 1,012] 28 9%8 783 941 ]56,3| G36| 4.0 Hot Spring. ss...030 13,351 6,153 T8e4 13.1 5,021 2,081 98 134] 1,226) 174 521 410 377 | Alek 9110.5 Cire Howard, ....ee.eo031| 11,738 5&6] s2.2| 13.2] somf 2,895 6 104 s7sf 120 455 4m 2158.9] 9] 7.7 : Independence, qq. 032 18,066 8,444 T9e5 13,0 6,545 3,443 303 228 483 210| 722 623 533 | 52.6 | G36 5.1 T2380 wessenais ON 8,886 4,012 80.5 Te5 3,208 2,311 58 64) 117] 83|. 201 236 138 | 2.0 | G36 | 4.3 18,127 8,953 82,9 Lie3 7,643 4,838 17 182 354 284] 709 583 676 | 63.3 | G36 | 3.4 Jefferson, eee. on 47,409 24,185 791 24.2 21,696 9,873 23 489 2,105 2,064) 2,531 2,142 2,469 | 45.5 23| 6.1 |Johnson, eesseses ox 13,156 6,050 80,0 10,6 4,417 2,186 467 126 320 119] 483] 454 262 | 49.5 2 10,3 11,77% 55551 82,1 11,7 4,870 3,189 93 89 333 153 323 328 362 | 65.5 9 | heb 15,288 7,043 79.5 10,9 5,928 3,44 18 114 298 236) 512 530 376 | 64.2 | G36 | 4.5 18,481 9,331 83.4 16,6 8,564 6,533 132 121 172 51¢ 452 635 | 76,3 | G36 | 2.8 Lincoln, esses ees 040 13,966 6,249 70.5 13.5 5,770 4,765 3 Kl 200 62 213 202 246 | 82,6 9( 2.9 Little River,...041 11,113 5,729 84.4 17.2 4,997 2,937 12 87 762 147 315 306 431 | 58,8 9] 8.8 042 18,337 8,420 80,0 11.4 6,244 3,311 291 224 305, 176] 881 392 | 53.0 | G36| 9.2 20,811 10,197 82,8 14.2 9,176 6,717 4 180 242 136) 737) 579 581 | 73.2 | G36| 3.2 9,987 4,727 85,2 6.7 4y294 3,502 5 64 126) 51} 177) 198 171 | 81.6 | G36 | 2.5 6,609 3,093 82,8 9.2 2,513 1,757 20 a8 152 Th! 132 161 129 | 69.9 | G36 | 3.7 MilleTeseosesoss046 23,121 11,871 82,4 21,3 9,932 3,903 100 413 986 576) 24760 1,242 1,236 [39.3 | G36 5.5 2 Mississippi.....047| , 54,956 27,754 8,5 16,2 25,048 17,174 4 505 1,024] 631 2,317, 1,727 »616 o6 | G36 | 3.1 r: MONTo8,seesssss e048 14,613 7,107 80,3 16,1 6,136 3,607 1 9 503] 285 530 511 600 | 58,8 9| 4.7 . Montgomery. . 6150 2.889] =0.7| 1002] 2,366| 1,644 6 57 207 151 181 9]69.5| 9| 6.6 Nevadasseesseseed50 13,707 6,576 82,0 13.7 5,764 3,475 mm” 116 641 163 460 420 412 3 9 7.5 Newbonao esse. s 0051 6,9 | 3,33 84.3 74] 2,861 22m 21 45 138 46 95 137 165 | 77.4 | 036 3.2 " Ouachita, . 22,015 11,132 80,8 21.4 9,706 2,553 385 254 2,838 417 1,058 934 1,267 | 26,3 11 | 12.4 Perryssees 5,649 2,590 81,0 8,8 2,045 1,317 9 -233 56 107] 140 113 | 644 9 7.7 Phillips,e.. 33,575 18,072 84.0 23.5 16,532 9,236 3 37 2,281 541] 1,455 1,052 1,587 | 55.9 9| 9.6 Pik®oecacsessees055 8,268 3, 80,7 8.9 3,178 1,909 U1 49 429 84 204, 235 127 | 60,1 9 10,1 Potnmattesss ses 036 25,124 12,72] 85.3] 12.0] 11,665) 7,678 9 234 1,355 265 834 622 668 |65.8| 9] 7.3 £0 11,260 5,308 - 81,0 12.4 4,480 2,263 20 121 686 154, 488 432 316 | 50.5 9|12,5 17,948 8,381 80,2 13,1 6,293 3,220 53 21, 507 219 773 72 595 | 51,2 | G36 | 6.1 10,435 4,982 81,0 11.4 4,258 2,947 1 9R 156 85 319, 290 368 | 69,2 | G36 | 3.7 wR 122, 64,436 77.1 29,8 52,966 5,122 212 2,761 6,134 5,471, 11,357 12,051 9,858 | 9.7 | G36 | 9.5 ts 12,524 5,872 81,9 942 4,962 3,298| 2 178 305 103 390 412 274 | 66,5 | G36 | 4.0 § 25,050 13,405(" 84.7 21,3 12,087 8,654 26 138 409 214) R7 Thi 925 | 71.6 | G36 | 2.7 id 14,262 5,764 67,8 11.9 5,127 1,712 590 203 934 186 495 618 389 | 33.4 4 | 11.4 A 9,143 4,248 82.3], 8.5 3,486 1,858 16| 85 702 73 235 251 266 | 53.3 916.6 : S0ATCT vase ense065 g,u2| 3.882 83.0 10.8] 3,231) 2,435 8 Ma ué 81 192 172 156 | 75.4 | 636] 3.0 Sebastian, .....s066 46,960| 23,628] 79.6] 23.0] 17,689 2,424] 478 67] 3,838 1,240 4,027] 3,063 | 1,92 |13.7| 636] 7.5 > 067 10,749 5,009 80,2 12,2 4,174 2,168 36 197 414, 209 436) 411 303°| 51.9 9| 6.0 7,817 3,498 7865 9.7 2,779 1,938 6 ” 98 65 187 250 156 | 69,7 | G36 | 4.7 5,693 2,938 86,7 8.9 2,277 1,713 3 42 180 28 9R 112 107 | 75.2 9 | 4.8 Union. eesssesess 070 37,009 19,019 81.5 22,5 16,432 3,817) 1,136 LA2 2,990] 924 2,457 2,116 2,550 | 23.2 91 7.7 . Van Buren,.ssses071 8,455 3,893 82.8 7.6 3,195 2,236 3 55 288 64) 191 196 162 | 70,0 9] 6.9 =~ i ashington.. ....072 30,55 | 14,251] 77.5 16,0] 12,505|| 6,078 12 511 810 516] 1,79] 1,990 882 |48.3 | 636| 2.9 : 1t@eesescseees073 26,433 12,304 79.6 12,1 10,670 6,743 317 1503 431 1,041 982 © 653 | 63.2 | G36 5.2 Woodruffeceeeses074 14,974 7,067 80,7 13,0 6,252 4,159 1 177 509 118 438 405 445 | 66,5 9| 5.1 : Yellecoasasecees075 14,661 6,965 81,5 11.8 5,640 3,461 1 213 543 127 407 496 379 | 61.4 9| 6.9 = 4 CALIFORNTA....a | 5,641,516 [2,948,427 77.2 26,4 12,525,281 | 265,416| 45,732 | 151,855 416,911 199,789| 551,545| 593,980 | 300,053 10,5 | G36| 8.6 METRO. COUNTIES. | 4,412,450 2,323,098] 77.3] 28.0[2,003,420|| 119,455] 19,010] 120,655] 368,063 165,120] 456,411] 503,834. 250,873 | 6.0 - = Metro, areas: . 047 [Presno..........010| 138,085] 69,881] 78.0 20,8] 58,816] 16,865 1,38 | 3,911 5,76] 4,022] 11,894| 10,804 | 4,190 | 28.7 : 067 |Los Angeles..019,0%| 2,410,156 [1,248,874 76.8| 28.1|1,079,048| 41,164 | 14,882| 68,114] 209,432] 77,083] 258,639) 290,880 | 118,854 | 3.8 3 099 [Sacramento......0% | 139,785| 76,613] 76.1| 29.9] ~ 64,085] 7,500] 707| 3,991 5770] 8,660 13,881) 12,416 | 11,160 | 11.7 a 105 San Diego.......037| 235,980 | 121,142] 76.7| 24.5| 107,296| 8,545 221 5,724] 12,263] 4,703] 21,288 22,214 | 32,338 | 8.0 fy I San Francisco Oakl . om, 007, LORMLM8| 1,235,273 | 675,761] 78.8| 20.6] 586,082 18,262] 1,385) 33,09) 121,407 63,507] 129,535 15,316 | 73,591 | 3.1 A 107 [San ToS€escesess043| 143,701 71,867 W.1| 25.7] .°59,775|| 9,420] 216| “3,741 8,628 3,639] 12,524 4,072 | 7,535 |15.8. ; : © 119 [Stockton,..e....039| 109,380 | 58,960 77.6| 22.4| 48,318] 17,699| 224] 2,095 4,817] 3,496] 8,650 8,132 | 3,205 | 36.6 : : 54 OTHER COUNTIES, | 1,229,066| 625,329] 76.9] 20.1] 521,861) 145,9%1| 26,713| 31,200 48,848 34,679] 95,134 90,146 | 49,180 [28.0 All Counties: 3Ey A 106 |Alameda....e....001 i286 | 222, 586 79 27.1] 191,131 ( 5,465 52 11,540] 44,056 2,98 41,026 46,99 18,472 2.9] o. 28 JALDiN®.ss coeaeeas002 2 u2 79% - 128 33 26 29 5 4 25, 4 3 ce) 75279. 3,417 66.2 © 18.0 3,115 473 962 13 132 227 407 507 264 | 15.2 4 | 30.8 e 33,691 | 16,484 Theol 18.7] 12,89 3,052 TRL 759 1,599 980 2,416] 2,323 1,043] 23.7 | G36 | 7.7 oh 6,607 3,527 80,7 16.0 2,958 508 826 134 405 10 366 369 210 |17,2 4 127.9 7 ’ ’ v Table 3 Part 8 = Housing ARK., Garland (026) = CALIF., Calaveras (005) TABLE 3—SELECTED DATA FOR METROPOLITAN AREAS AND FOR ALL COUNTIES, BY STATE—Continued ar = HOUSING—1940 . ; : : : Nonfarm Rural Farm ® All Dwelling Units Occupied Dwelling Units Dwelling Units Dvelizng Units Lav METROPOsITAN Metro. "ARE , pe Area CORTES: P P “|p Median P phones Code AND Residential -Fercent ercent Per- ercent number : er- CODES sotiTes in5o0r | with | Percent 2 wh i Average sont Percent| Jan. I, ‘ . o more private wit mechan- monthly wit wit 1945 Number family | bathtub | electric Number oer ical estone Number vert Number run- | electric struc- or | lighting Ted refrig- | poco (dollars) ning | lighting tures | shower eration | “p11 water 3) [£0] 35) (36) Gn 38) 39) 0) “n @) [] “) 5) 6) “n ARKANSAS—Con, All Counties—Con. Garland. ....:...026 10,568} 12,878) 10.1 39.8 68,0 11,525 | 41.4 26.4 3.00 10,907 | 15.85 1,971] 8.61 22.1 3,223 2,563 2,681 0.6 8,6 21.5 2,607 | 56.2 10,6 3.56 1,118 7.25 1,563 1 0.7 75 21% 7,121) 7,512 Ook 12,9 35.0 7,360 | 44.8 13.8 3.72 2, 11,40 4y626 | 1.4 9.2 830 7,841 8,351 0.2 13.7 246 8,079 | 38.5 12,0 3.61 3,155 | 11,01 5,196 [ 2.8 7.3 1,029 Hot Spring......030 4,738) 4,952 0,1 10,9 36.1 4,725 | 55.6 13.2 3.62 2,622 8.68 2,330 ( 1.5) 13.9 57 HoWard.eesseeessO31} 4,241) bold 1 043 8.1 27.5 4,169 | 43.4 11.5 3.55 1,817 92.07 2,624 0.7 5.2 431 6,123 6,417 0el 10.5 29.3 6,253 | 47.0 13.3 3.68 2,689 9.47 3,728) 15 9.8 681 3,200 3,282 1.2 949 3,103 | 51.0 45 3.72 702 5.7% 2,580 | 0,8 3.2 68 6,459 6,731 0.1 10.6 25,2 6,413 | 27,2 11.0 3.7% 2,521 10.08 44210 1.6 ed 580 Jefferson.e..ess035 17,330 18,881 1.2 24,0 38.0 17, 807 | 31.2 18.1 3.13 10,086 13.05 8,795 4.6 8.0 5,341 Johnson. eesesess036 4,692 4,876 1.0 10.5 28,6 4,706 | 49.6 8.4 3.57 2,242 8.20] © 2,634 | 1.1] 10,0 449 4,416 4,551 0,1 9.1 16.5 49274 | 35.0 11.6 3.43 1,572 8.93 2,979 1.7 3.2 408 5,406 5,623 0,3 5.6 22,7 5,429 | 41,6 12,8 3,80 1,946 7.81 3,677 1.0 6.5 320 6,741 7,030 0.3 6.9 13.8 6,819 | 24.0 8.1 3.34 1,945 9.85 5,085 1.6 3.9 336 Lincolnss esses 040 4,992 5,134 3.4 9.6 4,916 | 26,2 Tek 3.25 1,033 6.62 4,101 1.4 3.3 201 Little River...,041 4,316 4,413 0.4 8.2 15.3 4,082 | 38,0 10.9 3.47 1,740 6.84 2,673 | 0.6 1.0 2m 042 6,098 6,383 0.2 11,2 32,7 6,070 | 49.7 10.0 3.7% 2,559 9.83 3,824 | 2.6] 12.7 770 8,095 8,381 0.1 9.3 22.0 7,619 | 32.4 14.0 3.46 2,177 9.58 6,204 | 3.1 7.4 601 3,703 3,6 2.2 8.7 3,523 | 63.8 2.8 3.66 537 6.85 3,209 1.6 3.6 167 MATION: eesoosees045 2,405 2,452 04 1.6 12,7 2,340 | 60.2 6.6 3.61 613 5.77 1,839 | 0.9 3.4 43 Miller...seesses046 8,231 8,823 1.3 24,1 38.9 8,359 | 40.3 23.4 3.37 4,966 13.77 3,857 2,2 8.8 1,844 Mississipplees.s047 20,303] 21,333 0e5 10.5 24.3 19,891 | 18,6 13.7 3.53 6,803 12.44 14,530 3.3 7.7 * 805 5,307 5,530 0,1 11,2 20.5 5,291 | 32.4 9.6 3.44 2,533 8,21 2,997 0.9 3.7 *46L, 2,350 2,376 2.9 13.3 2,221 | 56.1 6,0 3,60 721 5.72 1,655 | 0.7 3.2 86 Nevada.seeeesess050 4,965 5,087 10.4 19.7 4,807 | 40,1 10.4 3.71 1,704 9.48 3,383 1.6 5.5 688 Newton.eeeeeesss051 2,631 2,658 0e5 6,1 2,455 | 69.7 1.4 4e1l 271 6.09 2,387 0.8 2,6 62 7,513 8,004 049 19,8 36.5 7,671 | 44,0 23,2 3.55 5,582 9.74 2,422 4e2 10.9 1,390 2,015 2,070 1.4 14.9 1,966 | 45.8 6,0 3.90 772 4.89 1,298 0.5 2.7 53 12,027 13,464 2.6 13.6 23.9 12,809 | 20.4 12.8 3.03 6,683 10.82 6,781 2.3 3.8 1,469 PikBeeersesseseal55 2,976 3,091 0,6 bok 17.7 2,953 | 49.4 7.9 3.57 1,230 6.20 1,861 0.8 1. 235 Poinsett.e.ce..ss056 8,697 9,076 0,6 Tole 23.0 8,757 | 24.5 » 11.4 3.88 3,10 9.52 5,936 1.3 5.5 677 Polkecvese 057 4,113 44247 0,2 10.5 20,6 4,070 | 55.1 1,2 3.44 1,965 7449 2,282 0.8 1.6 520 Pope... 6,213 6,541 0,2 14.9 31.4 6,342 | 43.5 12.6 3.61 3,403 9.69 3,138 1.2 5.71" 883 Prairie..... 3,740 3,889 0,5 7.6 24.1) 3,785 | 45.4 13,7 3.63 1,479 6.36 2,410 6.2 11.0 208 066 |Pulaski..es....s060 36,120 43,567 6.1 48,2 M24 42,112 | 39,0 43.7 3.1 38,193 19.70 5,374 | 11.8 28.3 19,845 | Randolph. se. ses061 4,507 44640 0,1 6.2 17.6 4,438 | 46.1 9.7 3.68 1,321 | 10.07 3,319| o.8 43 267 06 9,011] 9,770 0,5 9.6 20.4 9,223. 19.4 9.8 3.37 3,043 11.65 6,727 2.1 5.2 751 4,287 44527 0.5 13.3 41.0 4,412 | 51,2 17.5 3.47 1,948 9.00 2,579 5.2 24,1 500 3,390 3,447 6.1 24.8 3,320 | 41.8 8.2 3.62 1,564 5.82 1,883 0.6 3.3 258 2,839 2,898 2.4 12,6 2,803 | 58.8 6.1 3.90 751 6.83 2,147 0.5 2.2 15 15,352)" 17,136 2.4 39.7 62.3 16,765 | 45.9 32,6 3.32 1,178 15,40 2,958 3.4 8.8 6,728 3,790 3,971 0,5 13.9 28,5 3,822 | 50.2 1.6 3.60 1,889 8.87 2,082 1.0 4.6 434 3,013 5097 0.3 4.6 18.0 2,826 | 53.1 7.7 3.64 984 13.38 2,113 0.8 3d 2188) 2,233 0.2 065 9.9 1,986 | 60,0 543 3.90 315 6.38 1,918 | 0.6 3.2 67 Union. .esesessss070 12,765 13,867 1.8 31.4 48.5 13,275 | 42.7 33.4 3.37 10,161 | 12,93 3,706 | “5.3 8.6 3,560 Van Buren.......071 3,198 3,253 0,7 14.2 2,981 | 59.8 5.8 3.86 715 5.85 2,538 0.7 5.6 106 11,116 11,866 1.1 21,8 bbe? 11,099 | 52.9 18,7 3.30 5,468 | 14.25 6,398 [ 6,5 18.0 3,164 9,375 9,825 0,1 9.3 25,8 9474 | 4344 11,2 3.53 3,810 9.49 6,015 1.3 6.5 1,111 5,217 5,424 8.2 26,2 5,312 | 28,2 10,2 3.67 1,974 7.97 3,450 | 1.5] « 12.8 372 5,214, 5,354 0.1 6.4 24.1 5,096 | 40.3 8.8 3.68 2,073 7.46 3,281 1 “1.30 10.5 364 CALIFORNIA.....| 1,845,623 2,340,373 13.5 84.9 96.0 | 2,138,343 | 43.4 57.7 2,72 | 2,147,759 31,18 192,614 | 77.4 81,2]1,334,627 METRO COUNTIES...| 1,344,366] 1,807,149 16.7 88.0 98.5 | 1,875,132 | 42.3 59.8 2,68 | 1,734,797 33.30 72,352 : 82,4 87.0 1,147,817 Metro, areas: B : 047 |Fresno.....:....010 51,621 54,505 2.3 68.4 92.2 50,012 | 53.6 64.6 3.12 37,861 | 24.70 16,644 | 64.1 | 84.2] 25,913 067 | Los Angeles Hi ot 750,896] 1,010,550 16.3 90.0 99.1 934,629 | 40.4 64,2 2,67 995,223 33.19 15,327 | 91.9 92.9] 604,841 099 41,437 51,715 10.5, 79.1 96.8 49,134 | 50.8 63.1 2.84 46,190 30.54 5,525 | 85.0 89.8 34,147 Jos 84,944] 100,245 9.2 84.9 95.6 90,179 | 45.4 57. 2,59 93,361 28.99 6,884 | 85.0 73.2 56,725 330,915] 495,518] 23.6 88.7 99.1 462,693 | 41.4 51.8 2.64 484,519 | 36,07] 10,999] 87.5] 85.9] 368,429 107 |San T080u aes s es sOL3 50,711 56,406 5.1 87.4 97.9 51,916 | 54.1 51.0 2.82 48,477 30.37 7,929 | 93.7 93.4 39,650 119 |Stockton........039 33,842 38,210 5.6 75.1 93.9 36,569 | 49.4 55.0 2.94 29,166 | 25,06 9,044 | 80,5| 86.3] 18,112 OTHER COUNTIES... 501,257 533,224 2.6 68.1 87.0 463,211 | 47.6 50,0 v 412,962 | 22,14 | 120,262 | 72,9] 77.8] 186,810 All Counties: 106 |Alameda.........001 131,155) 173,031] 15.1 90.8 99:3 165,201 | 46.7 51,6 2.72 169,920 | 34.62 3,111] 92.2] 90.4] 136,335 : L002 ug 159 7.5 25.8.1 42.7 100 | 59.0 6.0 2.70 15 U.78 24 - - (1) wees s003 2,802 2,968 2.1 62,0 80,0 2,661 | 47.6 54,1 2.67 2,567 | 16.75 AOL. 93a] hg. 891 Butte ss eeerere 00% 13,751 14,488 2,2 60,5 85,8 13,41 | Sh. 52,7 2.72 11,118 | 17.68 3,370 | T.6| 81,3 4,5 Calaveras.......005 3,031 3,159 0.9 45.7 63.6 2,797 | 471.7 4h e3 2.46 2,518 14.85 641 | 62.1 35.6 505 1Served from adjoining county. 74 TABLE 3—SELECTED DATA FOR METROPOLITAN AREAS AND FOR ALL COUNTIES, BY STATE—Continued (Figures which have been rounded to thousanas will not necessarily 2dd to totals) Table 3 Part 4 - Agriculture ARK., Garland (026) - CALIF., Calaveras (005) ior AGRICULTURE—1945 ¥ AGRICULTURE—1940 Value of farm products sold, | Principal Per- Value of Work power traded, or u source of Per. elt aT property. farm household farm income | Type- 0 4 f METROPOLITAN conti pons °° |Rural Metro. AREAS, Number of | Land in | Cropland | Number | of | uh ] Percent from— farming- evel Area COUNTIES, farms farms ~| harvested | of farms | farms | (o] Nost Number ive: ri of Code AND (1000’s | (1000's : oper- | Total or of Neko Asoant iY Cod living CODES Jan. 1, of of April 1, | ated prod- | (1000's : horses umber | (1000's | 1° e | per. | (See index 1945 acres) acres) 940 by | ucts J and/or ol oF li (See cent | P423 ten- | | o arm | mules tractors doll ive- | Crops | paz2) ts | 5 | dollars) | (dol-| ([ver3 ollars) | stock j= 15) | mo. ald) prod- $400 2 ucts 8) “9) (50) Gn (2) (53) (54) 5) (56) GD 8) (59) (60) 1) 1 62) 63) (64) ARKANSAS—Con. ° All Counties—Con. 1,651 132 23 1,573 | 29.14 | 62.9 3,659 | 2,326 2,472 11 81 49.0 11.7 0 [37.2 632 80 1,255 ‘ rs 23| 1,246 | 23.4 | 55.1 1,942 [1,559] 2,085. 24 55711 16.51 nis 0 hs 112 78 3,535 276 BH ho Lb.0 £32 10,100 | 2,746 9,558 266 3,030 17.9 54.8 5 153.9 71k 7 3,486 301 ,0L8 | 58.1 1 8,%8 2,199 8,820 88 2,361 12.7 57.9 5 |52.8 712 7 1,770 2 30 2,054 | 29.5 | 56.2 3,394 | 1,652 3,37 3 912 | 21.0 | 33.5 0 [43.0 Tie 68 Ah 1,98; 159 2,094 | 50.3 | u3.4 4,379 | 2,091 4,270 98 1,519 | 14.0 60.6 5 |32.4 712 17 2,73 313 81] S22 | hb pz 7.142 2,093) 6,842 159 2,237 | 18.4 | 37.4 0 I3:6 632 1 1,698 242 el 2,511 | %2.a | ls 3,727 | 1,450] 4,395 18 1,3 20.8 | 25.0 0 [53.4 632 1 2,738 288 1 2,861 | 64.9 | 19.9 10,552 | 3,688) 6,777 473 ,24%5 8.1 | 64.3 5 163.5 714 75 5,900 324 169] 6,u84 | 78.7 | 39.1 15,64 | 2,113] 8,790 47 ,931 7.0 | 73.6 5 |12.8 1k 2,204 196 4g 2,347 =1 62.2 4,073|1,1% pte 54 1,080 PIR 0.7 0 |u3.1 713 67 1,825 13 52 2,178 6.6 | 37.6 5,576 | 2,560 ,607 112 1,629 5.8 | 12.1 5 |71.8 2 13 2,678 27! 1 2,757 | 4.7 | 22.6 8,463 | 3,070] 6,723 306 2,619 | 18.6 | 50.3 5 150.0 7 83 4,109 264 148 ,280 | 77.2 Xo 9,698 | 2,266] 7,890 258 3,157 4.9 | 8.2 5 79.6 Tih 60 2,813 227 92 3,575 | 4.2 | 47.9 6,891 |1,928| 5,863 106 2,118 5.5 | 173.8 5 11a TM 64 1,650 192 ug 1,960 | 60.1 | 43.7 5,106 | 2,605| 5,253 93 1,361 10.4 | 63.5 5 [60.2 72 70 2,756 279 4 2,792 | 36.4 | 45.6 6,777 2,427 6,512 59 1,616 1 33.4 31.9 0 |33.7 713 79 4,276 384 180 4, Lol 62.8 | 39.5 15,155 | 3,L¢3 8,802 769 3,846 8.0 13.1 5 {71.7 912 83 2,243 30k 56] 2,892 | 30.5 | 58.5 L,833(1,672] 5,365 25 i,27 | ma 9:3 0 |u8.1 032 70 1,261 170 24 1,537 | 30.6 | 63.1 2,986 | 1,943 2,945 13 4.3 8. 0 (48.5 632 73 2,161 188 60 2,716 | 58.5 ne 7,040 | 2,592 5,430 131 1,826 15.1 63.5 5 |62.2 712 70 9 493 49 7.806 | 77.4 | 1k.o0 51,215 | 6,511 19,879 1,052 | 13,4 3.9 86.8 5 |86.1 714 78 2,327 199 100 2,633 70.2 | 26.1 L365 | 2,117] 4,951 200 2,078 | 5.3 | 64.5 5 163.9 714 67 Montgomery...... 1,115 125 25 1,341 | 34.1 | 48.7 2,163] 1,837 2,942 17 3 27.1 18.2 0 |52.2 632 71 Nevada.......... 1,995 210 45 2,92 | 52.8 | 40.9 5,236 | 2,101 5,37 31 1,349 | 10.9 48.8 5 (45.7 72 78 Newton... ue... 051 1,537 in 27 1,926 | 27.4 | 71.0 2,377 1,234] 2,611 17 675 | 32.9 4.7 0 [60.0 632 61 Ouachita. .052 2,007 18 3 1,952 25.6 51.3 3,754 | 1,923 3,284 37 982 15.0 40.1 0 {l2.1 712 75 Perry.... .05 1,009 2° 2] 1,011 7 | 46.2 1,819]1,799| 2,307 16 516 | 16.7 | 45.7 5 |uk.5 632 64 Phillips. : . 295 174 5,774 | 81.3 | 36.8 14,485 | 2,509 8,988 384 4,123 4,3 79.4 5 |78.3 14 60 1,234 121 1,425 | 38.0 | 50.5 2,651 | 1,860 2,788 37 816 16.8 Lo. 1 0 |33.L 032 76 4,599 196 4,136 | 76.8 | 14.2 16,294 | 3,9% 8,70 550 5,047 6.1 78.8 5 |78.2 714 7% 1,8 16 30 1,975 og 60.9 3,195] 1,018 3, 10 815 30.0 23.8 0 |42.3 632 17 2,16! 2 62 2,677 1 | 51.0 5,693 | 2,127] 5,674 51 1,55 | 19.6 | ul.5 5 139.5 713 70 1,566 249 106 2,063 | 4.3 | 27.2 7,838| 3,799| 4,728 534 2,297 9.2 | 68.1 5 |o7.8 912 79 066 3.925 237 88 | Lgl | 48.5 | 57.2 | 14,634 3,266] b,047 271 3,378 | 31.7 | M4.9 5 [39.9 723: 00.75 2,327 296 2,469 | b2.3 | 36.4 7.025 | 2,845 5,862 222 1,914 | 25.2 | UL3.0 5 |42.6 632 82 5,088 307 10 | 5,46 | 80.5 | 30.2 13,983 | 2,563 8,702 338 L, lay L.1 | 78.0 5 Bg 714 60 Lp 119 26 2,025 | 26.2 | 64.2 3,606 1,781 2,770 58 873 | 34.6 | 16.7 0 (46. 632 79 1,611 153 37 1,546 | io | 46.2 3,090 | 1,999 3,651 | 7 786 31.8 24. h 0 [42.3 632 1,714 230 30 | 1,97 | 33.1 | T%9 3,076 1,572] 3,074 9 609 | 33.7 | 10.1 0 [54.1 632 65 2,257 180 3 2,407 | 40.6 | 58.0 5,623] 2,336 4,559 37 1,34 45.9 26.3 0 27.7 3 17 1,381 138 24 1,648 | 42.1 | 47.4 3,169 1,923 3,679 39 92k 23.8 38.8 0 [35.5 112 13 1,695 237 35 1,987 | 36.9 | 36.7 3,494] 1,758] 3,880 26 1,206 go 30.0 0 [45.0 632 78 1,282 15 23 1,602 | 31.7 | 55.1 2,127] 1,328} 2,500 20 e639 | 2ho | 11.0 0 [63.2 632 66 2,346 1 31 | 2,85 | 38.5 | 50.0 5,487 1,959] 4,39 23 1,559 | 15.5 | u3.k 5 [40.4 na 83 1,894 212 35 2,028 | 30.3 | 54.8 3,034 | 1,496 3,824 4 890 20.5 0.6 0 [46.1 713 70 1833 421+. 115 5,213 3:2 56.4 13,843 2,655) 9,754 220 3,160 54,1 19.0 3 [28.3 116 82 4,02 406 121 ,760 «7 {23.7 9,549 2,006 9,737 272 3,700 10.5 52.4 0 [36.5 71 81 2,21 230 118 2,747 | 73.9 | 22.4 7,590 2,763] 5,728 307 2,342 5.2 | 712.9 5 [11.5 Tx ™ 1,721 207 64 2,10 | 53.9 | 34.4 6,856 | 2,810 6,207 83 1,651 18.5 45.8 5 [U5.4 713 19 CALIFORNIA. .... 178,917 | 35.05% 7.536 | 232,658 | 19.1 | 25.4 ['2,4k4,526 [18427 | 188,808 55,191 | L465,u429 36.6 | 60.4 7 |e6.0 127 METRO. COUNTIES.. £5,959 7,191 2,294 | 55,984 | 18.6 | 25.2 |1,003,642|17927| 57,190-| 21,726 | 185,476 36.1 61.5 Metro. areas: 2 O47 |Fresno.......... 010 9,045 1,876 604 9,550 | 14.9 | 16.4 123,015 [12,881 | 1k4,257 3,345 27,091 19.1 77.8 7 [45.1 067 [Los Angele:.019,0% 18,735 1,026 ns 18,584 | 20.0 | 23.8 376,475 [20,258] 11,549 5,649 61,325 45.9 52.2 039 | Sacramento. .., 034 3,851 545 -193 3,456 | 18.3 o3 49,101 [14,207] 3,340 1,725 | 10,886 gs 05.4 5 |3L.0 105 |San Diego....... 037 5,430 912 100 5,814 | 13.6 | U5.3 11,7713 12,345 5.177 1,437 11,348 2 48.6 7 27.8 10b | San Francisco- Oakland . 2 0010070240 36041048 7,235 1,358 37 1.1 24.0 | 28.2 165,203 22,334] 11,864 3,281 31,478 45.2 52.L 107 |San Jose........ 0k3 5,914 727 17 5,008 | 15.9 | 22.8 100,427 [17,908 3,97 3,020 10,703 20.4 71.4 1 [52.8 119 [Stockton........ 039 5,749 ™ 430 5,575 | 21.1 | 15.9 | 117,6u48[21,103| 7,0L5 3,269 | 26,045 | 23.7 | TM.M 5 [32.6 OTHER COUNTIES... 82,958 27,863 5,241 76,674 19.6 | 25.5 [1,440,691 18,790 131,614 33,465 | 279,953 36.9 59.7 All Counties: > 106 |Alameda......... 001 2,658 236 18 2,447 | 20.8 | 27.1 46,999 [19,207 3,5C9 196 8,304 | u43.7 53.b 8 [16.4 121 132 Alpine....... ++.002 20 1 2 13 - 586 145, 851 104 5 5 75.0 18.0 1 [53.0 [+ 231 85 Anador.......... 00 372 29 1 47 | 16.0 | W.5 5,875 |L4, 435 192 80 802 74.5 15.3 1 [51.5 23 137 Sutte.... oven 00 2,810 681 150 2,564 | 14.5 | 37.2 33,464 12,950 2,156 1,204 5,964 30.5 [0] 5 [33.1 113 121 Colaveras RE 005 479 425 10 469 | 13.9 | 39.4 b,b0l |L4, 209 960 93 819 61.6 6.2 1 lot. 23 124 1The State total includes $192,402 for silver fox ami/or mink over 8 months old (kept in captivity) not distributed to individual counties, x TET ARI RR TITRE 1 Tuble 3 Part 5 = Industry and Retzil Trade. TABLE 3—SELECTED DATA FOR METROPOLITAN AREAS AND FOR ALL COUNTIES, BY STATE—Continued _ INot shown because of disclosure of operations of individual establishments, Date included in Combined Counties at end of State. of disclosure of opurutions of ures ure shown for every county, corresponding Stute total. the "Other Countiva®™ total since it {a not posaible to present aepurute figures for theae Sounties, not shown sepurately becuuse wages und value date were withheld to mvold disclosure. “Three counties, for which duta ure not shown separately. 76 Whengver dats on wugeé eurners have beon withheld, individual establishments. 3Includes all that portion of the "Combined Counties" ARK., Garland (028) = . : CALIF. , Calaveras (C05) (All dollar fisures have been rounded to thousands and will not necessarily add to totals) soos MANUFACTURING ESTABLISHMENTS—1939 MINERAL INDUSTRIES—1939 RETAIL ESTABLISHMENTS—1939 METROPOLITAN Ms cots, Value added Ares AND Wage Wises Value of by i es Value of | Number | Wages and Sales Active ploy Payroll “Cl Number | ¢arners 000 roducts roducts of aries | Number of ; (average ’ ODES (1000's of f i ture f i ih (1000's of | - pro- (1000's of (average | “jollars) | (1000's of | (10007, of | (1000's of | persons | (1000's of | stores | “goliare)” | prfetors | 1 dollars) for year) dollars) dollars) dollars) | engaged | dollars) year) : 5 en __| _ an (C] ©9) a) an @) ®) ad ()] (W] a ARKANSAS—GCona : All Counties—Con, Garland.......:.026 29 901 565 2,360 130] (1) ©) (ial ~en 11, a8 610] 1.69 Oranteces..re...027 1n ing 283 976 592 0 ™ 1.357 Greene..........028 19 651 12 1,333 sh2 283 3 x 264 406 278 Hempstead.......029 216 667 7 1,70] 879 (2) (2) (1) 276 +532 285 430 312 Hot Spring......030 23 908 511 2,48 1,297 126 67 ug 219 2,087 225, 175 123 HOWArdeseesss.es03 8 423 (2) (2) (1) 1 1 182 32h 186 2 Independence. ...032 18 212 17 52k 302 2) 169 { le es 227 3, 33m 234/ 2 a Isardeceieees...033 3 21 12 36 19] (2) (1) (1) 131 637 139 24 12 Jackson. ssseessO 16 176 98 1,223 375 (1) (1) (1) 253 3.519 247 463 244 Jefferson.......035 51 1,485 1,058 6.923 2,869 (1) (1) (1) 780 12,824 ‘125 1,558 1,169 Johnson. ........036 9 50 35 21 102 536 3 327 187 1,892 200 1 ‘110 Lafayette.......037 1 206 93 i 216 168 1,918 137 3% 102 Lawrence. .038 6 62 L2 m 3 (2) (1) (2) 216 2,2u8| 203 221 125 Lee...... ++.039 3 12 (2) (1) (1) 224 2,738 203 333, 23 L4ncolhee erases Ol 86 30 176 115 139 1.ab9l 18 £7 8 Little River....0k1 16 397 * 208 892 435 1 1 1 133 1,645 130, 145 72 LOgAN.aauaeasss O42 8 62 nH 234 110 ¢ lam {301 t J 2k 2,692 260 -2n pL benticosi sr iresesity 9 oul (1) (2) (1) 290 3.870 254% 365 234 Madison.eesesens 9 99 nh 127 3 wl 571 152 29 1 Marioneesessss 045 A (1) (1) (1) (1) a 367 96 15 4 Miller.e........086 17 M7 250 1,883 161 (1) (1) (2) 327 1.122 2n gil 680 Mississippi.....047 28 965 532 4,552 1,561 796 15,021 5 1,390 1,049 MONro®essessss. 048 17 220 111 668 397 165 2,226 148 232 158 Montgomery. .....049 4 120 81 301 196 &5 588 63 31 17 Nevada. .oeees...050 10 332 232 2,064 1,083 167 2,228 152 2ii3 153 Nowtoneesosssss 051 2 (1) (1) (1) (1) 102 318 92 18 6 26 1,748 1,524 10,951 3.927 (1) (2) (2) 300 5,050 264 578 452 vie 3 25 12 3 17 18 382 84 12 1 Phillips........054 26 2,157 1,310 5,610 2,628 383 7.051 369 78 572 PikOeosrasenesa.055 4 215 (1) (2) (1) 42 ks n 133 1,036 126 64 28 Poinsett..eees..056 pis 797 540 1,854 1,010 346 4,473 300 433 305 POlKesiavsesnseO5T 26 421 190 977 Wo (1) (1) (1) 197 2,340 206 213 119 . +4058 16 223 99 508 268 197 139 124 252 3.327 236 391 au7 «2.059 4 49 (2) (1) 15 1,188 1 11k 59 066 wx vw 0 04080 142 4,576 3,386 28,764 10,124 955 237 210 2,12 50,774 1,832 6,493 5,700 - .061 8 119 66 216 139 186 1,687 179 142 9 .062 14 303 162 1,830 621 (1) (2 3 (2) 350 4,472 330 510 33h .063 15 571 355 1,686 726 1,709 16 587 166 2,059 156 192 130 064 7 kh 301 1,193 895 (1) (1) (1) 140 1,389 138 106 ™ Searcy..........065 1 (2) (1) (1) (2) 126 613 124 30 13 veeeees0B6 a MW L040 18,114 8,145 1,203 912 37 762] "17:089 679] 2.093] 1,697 Sebastian 2 3 341 3 o 461 232 ) (1) (1) 148 1,532 145 163 92 118 588 19 35 15 1 (1) ) (1) (1) 61 Lik 61 22 13 53 2,161 1.937 ¥ 17.529 5,291 > 389 60 107 622 12,596 567 1,4n 1,243 4 50 26 Ic] ug 119 52k 106 22 3 33 508 230 2,593 933 (1) (2) (2) 476 8,269 481 826 591 13 166 ™ 467 298 386 4,292 369 hou 23 7 283 159 564 361 202 2,446 177 267 155 % 10 145 82 26 213 203 1,876 201 185 ol 352 81,334 767 5,692 2,50] 1,203 487 382 CALITORNIA.....| 12,329| 275.477 365.114) 2,798,180] 1,135,158 114,194 | 17,854 30,375) 112,428| 3,187,809 107,895 327,627| 383,155 METRO. COUNTIES.. | 10,497| 235,291 mM.972| 2,481,932 994,387 435,950 43,668 46,321 &5,.au5( 2,539,787 82,214 271,185] 320,572 Metro. areas: 5.751 oh oe 17 . 520.701 Loe 2.1% 3.623 v.18 1.300.609 u.aon| 150, % BLL 099 227 5.0L 6.107 08.18 18.838 5.081. 621 ing 2.7 nhs §: oil ig . 10% 282 6,016 7.483 41,822 21,869 21 138 1 0 +605 , . . . 0 5 |omeigs san| asl uses men) gan| caer) tpl ml ass mb se mes) wom cruel . B 3 ' . 4 , : ! 3 a 201 i350 5,248 16,692 18,319 227 62 86 2,106 55.130) 2,256) 4,912] 5,702 OTHER COUNTIES... | 1,832 40,186 50,142 316,248 0,7 478,244 | 414,186 424,054 26,583 6ug,022| 25,681 56,W2| 62,583 All Counties: : ¥ 106 | Alameda.........001 978 27,040 37,8068 282,405 122,928 1,438 237 Lik 7.911 ik 1690 25,4311 30,927 Alpine..........002 Behr itl 8] Ll lo sel ml wal Cenlcasel lt guide ell Butte. vol) Se 1,69 Jovy 31321 1. = : 1 2.799 wel aa] ta Calaveras. -y- 008 13 183 (2) (1) (1) 3.410 805 1.351 5 Y Includes ull counties where rig- establishments and wage earners of counties for which The "Combined Countius® figure for number of establishments is exoluded from the State total, since this item was figure represented by such data is included in the Marin (O21), Sun Francisco (038) und Solano (048), which should be included in the "Metro: Countivs™ totul are included in Skxcludes Marin (021), Sen Francisco (088), and Soluno (048) Counties 1 | / / For ATT EE RE x I IT Ee Tp VR ~ Fr TABLE 3— SELECTED DATA FOR METROPOLITAN AREAS AND FOR ALL COUNTIES, Table 3 ny . Part 6 - Other Economic BY STATE—Continued a Tien : # ARK., Garland (026) - |e (ALl dollar figures have been rounded to thousands and will not necessarily add to totals) CALIF., Calaveras (005) 4 Lhe BANK DEPOSITS 3 oil psALE SERVICE ESTABLISHMENTS—1939 ) TRADE—1939 1944 Major war supply Major war facilities p contracts, rojects, x June Ploeg, 1945 | June | 4 Ps 1945. METROPOLITAN SF Bond (1000's of dollars) (1000's of dollars) 1 AREAS, sales 1944 Maes. COUNTIES, [Number Number| = + |Employess Total 3 (1000's of Code AND of Sales of | Receipts | Active {average Pay roll | (demand Time | ollars at CODES estab- | (1000's of | estab- | (1000’s_|proprie-| “*'¢ = (1000s | and time) | (1000's |isque price) lish- | dollars) lish- | of dollars)| tors year) of dollars) | (1000s | of dollars) . ments ments ; of dollars Combat | Other | Industrial | Military equipment as) a9) ®0) an 3) (0) 85) (86) @n [)) _(®9) (90) on ARKANSAS=eCon All Counties—Con. ; a 4,411 22 14 221 673 515 14,012 1,491 1,989 1,910 Sd: > 186 % iv 26 17 12 826 18 7h Ct Greene. .... 24 2,307 104 190 127 102 46 8,755 1,713 664 1748] Hempstead..... 23 3,572 64 312 69 11k 73 6,570 1,648 801 ; 1 Hot Spring..... 20 931 57 94 61 26 17 3.769 110 622 985 32,759 LY 14 1,027 81 113 93 38 19 3,025 50 364 59 ar 30 3.278 ie 232 TH 190 69 %.0% 72 588 Si IsaYd. ov ocaves 03 2 : £2 — vS a i) = say o 2 Sats 5 4 nna Z 92| 17 27 23h 1.251) 237 496 sw2| 27,23 6.718 5,176 6.616) . 60,008 5,083 2 J RE 036 1 1,441 ug 147 53 66 36 2,833 51 589 502 A ind 2 1,036) 72 133 66 61 25 2,852] 4g7 ko 75 asi . Lawrence. .......038 11 715 81 294 81 120 78 3,419 605 , Sid D30seesssoraes +039 16 2,788 65 189 66 110 53 2,801 1 37 2 Lincoln........ 5 233 25 22 2 1 5 640 60 18 4 iver....041 6 un 120 39 63 27 1,155 34 2n 3 Gstie Rever ceea0U2 i oo 83 148 89 n 28 3.392 77 599 ; Lonoke se assess 3 37 2,214 115 280 116 106 55 6,253 14 m = Madison.........Ouk ¥ (2) 65 66 68 34 7] . 1.629 364 os 2 2 Marion........ ..0U5 2 (2) 39 39 42 17 T 173 1 7 < 627 WILAOrL iis hed 046 27,964 17 254 75 117 76 12,865 3.282 3,429 Mant = 10,473 220 1,573 206 545 393 16,540 1,496 2,085 §o3 9,313 : Monrose... .. us og 1 1,206) us 205 3 ? 1 i we 2 9 M used 1 2 23 ri td shes i 5 125 & 116 53 76 2k 2,792 192 366 4 4 4 8 7 621 9k 51 Tid earl os a o| 1 | soe sab loll 2M) pul 90.0 ; Porrycecss sess. .053 4 86 35 1 38 30 » Seed Phillips..ccses.. 054 8 7.736) 96 480 87 234 pron 7.53 954 1,231 : He Pike. pe Ean i 3% 203 n 68 65 3h 9 1 2 79 232 ; wadilead , 86 61 78 204 19 6,422| 55 glo i % 3 Ba 76 a 87 81 27 3,282 310 k31 Z 2u 2,425 82 255 92 171 60 5,764 712 712 51 6 +214 ug 57 50 0 10 1,527 129 207 % 066 283 77.388 810 4,937 821 2,016 1,595 78,734 14,028 15,048 126,330 10,781 42,321 749 12 618, 65 66 67 33 9 2,312 11 394 - 3 60 151 90 8,186 857 1,001 8 5 RE y = 2 ie = % 3 > 16 3,172 255 1,135 533 §2,623 v 3 8 220) Le 79 3 38 12 1,473 167 261 220 mn 34 25 3h 25 9 3 807 25 130 ; 24,8 2 1,272 245 Ley 350 39,899 9,903 4,510 “2,249 3.307 543) 33.255 pg ae Fl 2 Ez SB) 47 20 2,529 329 Lag 3 7 01 49 40 8 14 6 1,728 7 28 3 hy 1 22 25 2k 8 2 578 4 17 61 9,1 239 767 240 363 a7 17,898 1,885 2,u78 7.762 39.780 of [ 1 ¥ 38 5n 10 1930 1 150 g : 6 hh Ni nS 170 1kg 76 14,786 2,952 2,014 56 1,435 . 5 2,637 128 332 120 117 9 6,721 1 871 12 527 75 174% 72 4 7 2,896 57 381 a 36 265 11 180 17 100 29 1,985 9 o 29 5: 5 4161 8,881 y CALIFORNIA. ..,.| 14,414 3,840,129] 51,223| 328,141| 52,916 9u,602| 107,247] 8,675,446 3,750,545 1,068,830 14,255,117| 2,195,524| 1,013,778] 1,511,447 METRO. COUNTIES..| 11,991| 3,499,745] 43,246 290,741| W4,501| 85,388 | 97,929 7.425,728| 3,226,631| 828,259 | 14,011,814 2,060,156 8744819] 975,393 “ Metro. areas: 66 5 ey 41 560] 1,11 6,102 1,138 1,606 1,606] 178,992 65,130 18,911 54,694 3.207 839 7,8! Wr satis. pes 6.20% Seth 20 166,431 25.119 4g,808 53.317 i deans oe “1009 i hadoy gt Sol 253 1851226 4 seneveO3l 88 572] 1,1 066) 1,25 1,793 2, , , , , . f ; 3 i: A HE Fy iin 17% I 1,821 2,649 2,713] 329.813 121,193 54,480 | 2,008,532 25,029 52,117| 215,069 a 106 | Ban Francisco-Cakland : 0 452,731 ; ky, ,584,191 11,774 0,827| 12,503 26,474| 33,180] 2,953,197| 1,508,368| 278,376 | 3,213,175 7774664 363,845 52,73: : 107 SEE a : Pe 00 Ne 5 er 1,199 1,476 1,629] 183,110 90,066 17,865 257,502 30,958 41,888 1340 2] 119 |Btockton........039 253 46,981 827 2 897 1,582 1,403 160,896 65,301 17,800 87.796 11,939 9.877 57,647 3 OTHER COUNTIRS...| 2,423 3k0,384 7,977| 37.400 8,325 9.214 9,318] 1,249,720| 523.,925| 240,573 243,303 135,368 138,959] 536,054 5 106 ao Contes 610 167,295] 3.651| 21,364) 3,808 54526 6,860] 654,997 375.181 Ti 783,621 146,336 59,379] 236,519 e 4 1 8) (8) (8) (8) ki 1 61 861 elo 626 7.305 4,637 u57 56 33 u So 200 10 207 253 283 34,19 15,690 3, 7 202 ko 5.352 cha 10 19 n 72 29 9 1 4,10 2,427 535 x 1Not shown becnuse uf disclosure of operations of individunl establishments. Data included In "OLher" at end of State. hy a 2Sales figure for Miller County (048) is for twenty-eight ‘establishments in the city of Texarkana only. Sales of one establishment in Miller County outside Texarkana ° » are not included here but in "Other" at end of State, since they involve disclosure of operations of an individual establishment. " re 3Sum of establishments in counties for which sales data are withheld to avoid disclosing operations of individual establishments. Includes one establishment in Miller : i County (048) outside the city of Texarkana. This sum is excluded from the State total since number of establishments is shown for individual counties. an 4Combined figure for counties having sales data withheld to avoid disclosing operations of individual establishments. Includes data for the part of Miller County (048) z outside the city of Texarkana. 3 EUndintributed. 3 Shntn for Alpine (002) and Amador (03) Conntiss are combined. 78 . Ev 5 2 i ; i: Rs ER is ; . N N i . | : ‘ Table 3 Part 1 - Population TABLE 3—SELECTED DATA FOR METROPOLITAN AREAS AND FOR ALL COUNTIES, CALIF., Colusa (006) - ; v 0010." Baca (00S) BY STATE—Continued ry TOTAL POPULATION POPULATION—1940 - EDUCATION VITAL : 1940 STATISTICS ¢ ; ESTIMATED 1944 CIVILIAN Total whi POPULATION Land | Pop- otal white Percent of METROPOLITAN U.S., area ulation population 25 Metro. AREAS, rank in per years old and Area COUNTIES, Narber of | Percent . |osq. over who have Code 2. % : oils change 5 mile Percent Utha Rural: Rural completed— : ercent} April | mn ol man | nonfarm | farm Births | Deaths Number change {940 percen- | 1930-1940 | 1940 | Number | total N i tiles) 1940 pu- 5 or Hi 1943” 1940 Faton more 2) 1943 1940 grades | Schoo * m @ ®) 4) ©) 10] m ®) © (10) (11) 12) (13) (14) (15) (16) CALIFORNIA—Con. All Counties—Con. Colusa ..........008 8,881 | -9.3 9,788 77| -a.6| 1,153] 8.5 9,871] 95.7 6,007 3,781] 86.9] 29.7 164 143 106 [Contra Coste 218,690 | 117.7 | 100,450 5| 27.8 734 | 136.9 98,016| 97.6 51,786| 38,280] 10,884] 88.0] 33.1] 5,889] 1,589 Del Norte... 3,461 | -27.1 4,745 92 0.1| 1,003) 4.7 4,274 90.1 3,723 1,022) 90.7) 28.9 58 48 Eldorado. 9,961 | -24.7 18,229 65| 58.9) 1,725] 7.7 13,095) 99.0 3,064| 6,863 8,302] 92.5] 26.4 189 125 047 |Fresno.... 194,652 9.0| 178,565 3| 23.7| 5,985] 29.8 169,154 | 94.7| 76,565| 45,259] 56,741 86.3] 28.9] 4,878] 2,015 10,966 | -10.1 12,195 68| 11.5) 1,317| 9.3 12,040| 98.7 6,217 5,978] 91.5] 30.5 210 109 44,106 | -3.5 45,812 15 6.01 8,573| 12.8 43,808] 95.6] 17,055| 20,333 8,424] 90.5 24.4 982 59 43,104 | -27.8 59,740 1| -1.9( 4,284] 13.9 53,529| 89.6) 27,150 18,575 19,005] 78.2] 24.0] 1,506 538 16,978 | 122.7 7,625 84| 16.3) 10,091 0.8 6,662] 87.4 7,037 s88| 88.0] 84.1 171 122 Kerfi....overer. 015 141,541 4.7] 135,122 4| 63.6] 8,170] 16.5 129,338| 95.7| a7,030| 76,369 21,725] 87.2] 28.6] 4,498] 1,374 KiDgS--vrvrsan..016 34,397 | -2.2 35,168 22| 88.5 1,395 25.2 33,922| 96.5 8,234| 13,211] 13,728 @3.1| 24.4] 1,087 347 Lake.. + +n OTH] 7,440 | -7.8 8,069 83| 12.6] 1,256] 6.4 7,683 95.2 5,072 2,997] 90.6] 80.5 103 102 Lassen..........018 16,458 | 18.7 14,479 61| 15.0 4,548 3.2 14,239| 98.3 12,364 2,115) 91.8] 28.6 352 148 067 [Los Angeles.....019| 3,138,797 | 12.8] 2,785,643 o| 26.1| 4,071|684.3| 2,660,042| 95.5|2,373,548| 376,097 35,998 93.0] 41.6] 66,852] 35,860 Madera. ........020) 25,003 7.2 23;314 88| 35.8] 2,148] 10.9 22,080 94.7 6,457| 4,414) 12,443] 81.8] 21.5 686 225 106 64,669 | 44.5 52,907 12] 27.0 521 | 101.5 51,635| 97.6] 22,750| 27,195 2,962 92.0] 40.4] 1,36 617 3,112 | -44.5 5,605 90| 73.4| 1,455 3.9 5,389| 96.1 4,146 1,459] 92.6] 30.6 35 42 24,514 | -11.9 27,864 31| 18.5( 8,510] 7.9 26,392] 94.7 6,966| 12,228] 8,670] 85.1] 23.7 460 453 Merced... 46,632 | -0.8 46,988 15| 27.9| 1,983] 23.7 44,849| 95.4] 10,185 15,384 21,509] 81.7] 22,0] 1,391 462 MOdOC s+ + vrs’... OR5 14,259 | 63.7 8,713 81 8.4| 4,004] 2.1 8,382| 96.2 5,665 3,048 93.0] 28.4 361 149 MORO. +s a cass... 026 931 | -59.5 2,299 97| 69.0 3,045] 0.8 1,972| 85.8 1,868 431| ~ 89.8] 36.8} 18 1a MOnLA™eY. srs. ..027 84,802 | 19.2 73,082 9| 86.0| 3,324] 22.0 66,162| 90.6| 30,756| 27,928] 14,348] 8s.1| 28.7] 2,225 787 Napa: «eso. .028 39,320 | 38.0 28,503 30| 24.5 790 | 36.1 28,138| 98.7 7,740 13,805 6,958] 89.2] 27.2 730 917 Nevade . . 029 18,698 | -29.0 19,283 47| 82.0 979| 19.7 19,065| 98.9 5,701 11,377 2,205] 93.8] 29.5 290) 208 ' 067 | orange..........0%0| 153,253 | 17.2] 130,760 4| 10.2 782 | 167.2| 128,322| 98.1| 76,498| 387,628 16,63¢| 90.7] 86.8] 3,941] 1,80 Tr kid 2 sq Placer..... .....031 24,910 | -11.4 28,108 30| 14.9) 1,431] 19.6 25,918| 92.2| 10,666) 10,523 6,919] 88.3] 27.2 570 350 Plumes .., 9,874 | -14.5 11,548 7| 45.9 2,570] 4.5 11,178] 96. 10,848 700] 91.9] 27.6] 203 105 Riverside ......082| 122,285 | 20.1] 105,524 5| s0.2| 7,79] 14.7 100,779| 95.5| 53,363| 34,878] 17,783] ses.2| 4.6] 2,987] 1,455 099° | Sacrementc......084| 188,168 | 10.8] 170,333 3| 20.0 985 | 172.9 156,793| 92.0| 109,011] 41,270] 20,052] 90.0] 83.0] 4,321] 2,253 San Benito ... ..085 11,717 2.9 11,392 7 0.7| 1,396 8.2 10,609] 93.1 3,881 2,189 5,322] 82.5] 22.8 292) 138 . |sen Bernardino..036| 185,081 | 14.9| 161,108 s| 20.3] 20,131] 8.0 158,033| 98.1| 95,997| 48,771| 16,320] 87.5] 32.4] 4,526] 2,410 105 | San Diego..... ..037| 394,569 | 42.9 | 289,348 2| 38.0 4,258] 68.0 279,628| 96.6| 238,801] 81,289] 19,168] 93.4| 39.8] 11,171 4,232 106 | San Francisco .,038| 685,951 8.7 | 634,536 0 45 {1400.8 602,701 95.0| 634,536 91.0| 86.4/ 13,425] 9,151 119 | San Joaquin... 039 151,805 | 13.1] ‘134,207 4| 80.4] 1,410] 95,2 121,294| 90.4| 69,849] 29,080| 85,328] 81.7] 22.4] 3,374] 1,984 San Luis Obispo-040) 39,681 | 19.4 33,246 24 12.3) 3,326] 10.0 31,709] 95.4| 11,926] 12,005 9,315| 88.8] 81.5] 1,127 456 106 | Sen Mateo .....041| 136,574 | =22.2| 111,782 5| 44.4 454 | 246.2 108,661| 97.2| 80,094] 28,250 3,438] 92.5] 40.6] 2,960] 1,304 Santa Barbara ..042 74,629 5.8 70,5656 9 8.3 2,745| 25.7 66,341| 94.0 46,859| 15,260 8,435] 88.6] 36.5] 1,853 893 107 | santa Clara... 043| 191,811 | 11.3] 174,949 3| -20.6| 1,305] 134.1 168,921| 96.6| 107,412| 42,202 25,335] 7.4] 84.5] 4,100] 2,582 Santa Cruz ... . 044 43,709 | -3.0 45,057 15| 20.4 439 | 102:6 42,911| 95.2] 25,833) 11,726 7,498] 90.0] 80.2 912 731 Shaste .... ....045 26,598 | -7.7 28,800 29| 106.8| 3,846) 7.5 28,064| 97.4 8,109] 15,551 5,140] 92.7] 30.0 533 268 sierra .., 1,753 | -42.0 3,025 9 | 24.9 958] 3.2 2,957| 97.8 2,719 306] 92.3] 28.1 31 28 Siskiyou 35,045 | 22.6 28,598 s0| 12.2| 6,318 4.5 27,332| 95.6 23,135 5,463] 88.3] 28.1 506 263 106 | Solano .. 95,615 | 102.8 49,118 14| 20.3 827| 59.4 45,915| 93.5| 20,072| 20,256 8,790] 90.4] 30.1] 2,706 732 Sonoma ... 73,002 5.7 69,062 9| 11.0] 1,579] 43.7 67,488 97.7| 28,146] 20,828] 25,583] 88.7] 26.8) 1,508 1,040 Stanislaus ... ..050 81,348 8.7 74,866 8| s2.2| 1,508] 49.7 74,022| 98.9] 23,810] 23,240 27,86] 89.8] 27.9] 2,068 837 Sutter sus ou... DEL 17,947 | -3.9 18,680 49| 27.8 607 | 30.8 17,918| 95.9 4,98] 5,578 8,13¢| 89.6 26.3 413 168 Tehama 12,661 | -11.6 14,316 62 s.2| 2,974 4.8 14,065| 98.2 3,824| 3,657 6;835| 93.8] 29.2 265 210 Trinity .... 2,327 | -41.4 3,970 9a| a1.3| sae 1.2 3,849 97.0 2,795 1,175] 92.9 26.8 27 38 Tulare .........054| 108,283 1.1) 107,152 5| s8.a| 4,885] 22.1 108,408| 96.5| 86,503 29,289 42,360] 5.7] 24.1] 2,819 997 Tuolumne .... ..055 8,360 | -23.2 10,887 73| 17.4) 2,205] 4.8 10,682| 98.1 9,212 1,675] 91.0] 25.4 109 130 Ventura «.......056 75,992 9.1 69,685 9| 26.8] 1,857| 87.5 68,383| 98.1| 34,021 22,204] 13,460] @&5.4| 31.2] 1,888 926 27,813 2.1 27,243 s1| 15.2| 1,034] 26.3 24,613| 90.3 6,637 11,524 9j082| 83.6] 27.2 648, 307 Yube coe snares. D58 18,140 6.5 17,084 54 .50.3 638 26.7 15,935| 93.5 6,646 7,642 2,746] 89.0] 25.4 513 249 COLORADO. .....| 1,067,095 | -4.7 1,123,296 8.4|103,97| 10.8| 1,106,502| 98.5| 590,756| 280,848| 251,692 89.8] 31.7] 23,981] 12,258 METRO. COUNTIES..| 478,542 6.3] 454,157 14.0| 4,072] 111.5 443,584 “97.7| se8,601| 45,885] 19,671] 91.7] 36.7] 10,791] 5,781 Metro. areas: 035 | Denver. .008,016,030| 405,274 6.3| 385,287 15.9] 1,671] 230.6 376,279| 97.7| 336,439 35,425 13,423] 92.9] 88.8] 9,096] 4,653 092 | Pueblo... seen. ..051 73,268 6.4 68,870 4.3| 2,401] 28.7 67,305| 97.7| 52,162| 10,460 6,248] 84.5] 24.9] 1,695 1,128 OTHER COUNTIES...| 688,553 | -12.0| 669,139 5.0| 99,895| 6.7 662,918 99.1| =202,155| 234,963 232,021] 8.4] 27.7] 13,140] 6,477 All Counties: - AQErS ..........000 21,389 | -4.9 22,481 40 m.0f 1,247] 18.0 21,980] 97.8 6,204] 7,234 8,953] 87.8] 24.3 468 187 - | Alamosa... 8,225 | -21.5 10,484 7a| 21.9 720 | 14.6 10,416] 99.4 5,613] 2,084 2,787| 87.7] 32.9 245 75 035 | Arapnhoe. 85,857 | 17.5 32,150 25 | 42.0 827| 38.9 s1,872| 99.1| 10,852 16,034 5,264 95.2] 29.4 874 320 Archuleta. 2,583 | -82.1 3,806 94| 18.8| 1,364] 2.8 3,798 99.8 1,937 1,869) 71.1] 16.4 59 27 Bact... ..005| ' 6,083] -2.0 6,207 88| -a1.3| 2,565] 2.4 6,19¢| 99.8 2,925 3,282] 91.6] 18.6 156 53 Table 3 P 3s TABLE 3—SELECTED DATA FOR METROPOLITAN AREAS AND FOR ALL COUNTIES, Part 2 - Labor Force NE CALIF., Colusa (006) - ial ’ BY STATE—Continued : COLO. , Baca (005) 4 : : . " : Favs: TT ee mn LABOR FORCE—1940 “Population 14 Years Old and Over Employed Workers by Industry Group ercent of METROPOLITAN T In leading Metro, AREAS, P P Tans: Business nonagri- Area COUNTIES, ercent | Percent . porta- and cultural 3 Code AND ofall | of all tion, Whol 1 I Ne ’ males | females . Con- communi- ole: | personal |< Other ns Indesry 4 CODES Total In labor Total Agric | Mini Manufac- . sale and | services agri- ota who are | who are ining | struc- : cations, : and not force % 9 employed || culture : turing retail exclud- cul- in in tion and - tad i reported fan Code labor labor other rade gS. ure 1 (See i Pere force force utili- domesti page | cent ‘ ties 422) An 18) (19) 0) @n 22) @) 4) 25) (26) @n 28) 29) 30 | an | @¢2) > CALIFORNIA—Cong All Counties—Con. ® ColusBeseeesssss006 7,681 4,083 79.6 16.9 3,482 1,664 L us 87 250 505 534 280 [47.8 | G36 | 7.3 106 [Contra Costa,...007 79,154 42,148 82,5 18,8 37,517 3,650 U7 2,079 16,004 3,067 4,996 5,204 2,370 | 9.7 14 [13:0 [Del Nortee.e....008 3,754 1,841 7.9 18,7 1,386 230 26 140 19 35 281 302 173 [16.6 | G36 | 7.1 [Eldorado,.. +009 10,603 5,780 80.9 16.4 4,466 765 698 255 1,062 185 545 568 388 117.1 4 [15.6 047 [Fresnos.essssees010 138,085 | 69,881 78,0 20,8). 58,816| 16,865| 1,384| 3,911 5,746 4,022| 11,894| 10,804 4,190 [28,7 | G36 | 7.7 Glenn, .eeesecess01l 9,480 4,893 78.6 16.8 4,209, 2,144 9 170 170 213 623 544 336 |50,9 | G36 | 6.2 A Humboldts.. es se. 012 36.485 | 18,755 Th.4| 20.4] 16,428] 2,309 957 5,378 929] 2,616] 2,689 | 1,257 |L.1 18.2 42,209 23,737 83.7 19.8 20,783 9,355 139 1,019 7 1,088 by Lhd 2,716 1,475 |45.0 28 | 5.8 6,076 3,326 80,1 20,0 3,074 270 618 183 380 6 504 236 | 8.8 4 [20,0 101,123 52,188 80,1 19, 42,384 8,037] 7,527 2,415 2,543 3,416 7,518 T5475 3,453 |19. 3 [15.4 25,821) 13,11] 80.1] 17.6] 10,00 4,10] 1,152 in 812 s00| 1,583] 1,606 676 | 37. 3 [10.4 6,580 3,163 73.2 18,1 2,573 915 128 184 123 81 391 497 254 [35.6 | G36 | 7.0 11,009 6,234 8he6 18,6 5,476 760 "21 162 2,738 289 578 606 322 [13.9 9 (43.8 ¢ Los Angeles, , 2,306, 487 1,198,726 77.0 28,3 [1,036,984 32,481 12,839 | 65,441 205,138 75,115] 248,750| 282,312 | 114,908 | 3.1 G36 | 9.1 ; Madera, eeeessse020 16, 956 8,204 7.1 13.8 6,523 3,320 70 325 360 259 842 856 491 50,9 | G36 | 7.4 . 106 [Marin,eeescesees021 45,654, 23,264 67,1 24,8] 21,811 1,451 53 1,09% 1,571 1,9%4 3,264 4,183 8,251 | 6,7 37 |30,8 MaTipoB8e.eessss022 4,495 2,573 82,7 19.2 2,150 30 639 7 86 163 316 [14.3 4 [29.6 Mendocino, , 22.82, | 100252| 66.1| 15.9] 8480 2,082 10 595 ,730 534 1,47] 1,567 | - 615 |24. 10.4, : 35,273 18,557 80.4 17.5 15,713 7,626 207 721 951 674 »403 2,176 1,015 [48.3 | G36 | 5.7 6,791 3,767 82,1 17.2 3,328 1,161 41 193 720 229 3 355 267 |34.9 9.8 1,811 1,089 87.0 17.9 137) 17% 209 11 49 79 140 78 |15.6 4 [19.6 ’ 57,9%8 34,39% 83.8 25.8 27,218 8,128 100 1,489 1,861 1,056 5,964 4,991 3,629 |29.9 28 | 7.4 24,363 10,169 57.5 22,4 9,373 1,975 182 1,815 391 1,490 2,27 6 21.1 | G36 [15.5 15,213 7,727 795 hed 6,478 513| 2,59 545 235 319 890 911 469 | 7.9 4 40,0 bi 42,064 8,683 2,043 2,673 4.429% 1,968 9,889 8,568 3, 946 20,6 | G36 9.3 Orange.esceceese030 | 103,669 | 50,148 | Thed 23.2 Placereseseesss.031 22,650 | 11,742| 78.3 17.8 9,611 1,933| 8s 549 503] 1,9%| 1,418] 1,577 762 {20,1 | 23 [14.4 032 9,085 | 5,393| 85.7| 16.2] 4,475 281 835 236 1,11 556 541 561 | © 294 | 6.3 | 4 [18.6 81,375 | 40,751| 75.3 22.5 3,776| 8,779| 266 1,931 2,005| 1,843] 6,760| 6,820 | 6,372 [25.2 | 37 [12.3 139,785 | 76,613| 76.1| 29.9] 64,085) 7,500 707| 3,991 5,770 8,660] 13,881] 12,416 | 11,160 |11.7 | 37 [13.4 i San Benito, s.sss035 8,96 | 4,704 | 81.6 19.5] 4,201) 2,135] 244 U2 206 116 557 512 289 [50.2 | “4 | 5.8 San Bernardino..036 | 125,573 | 59,941| 72.21 22.1] 49,444) 9,291] 619] 2,80 4,976] 5,952] 11,572| 9,657 | 4,507 [18.8 | G36 | 9.2 $ 105 [San Diego.......037 | 235,980 | 121,142 | 76.7] 24.5] 107,296] 8,545| 221| 5,724| 12,263| 4,703) 21,288| 22,214 | 32,338 | 8,0 | 37 123.6 106 [Sen Prancisco...032 550,011 | 316,659| 79.7| 34.7] 27,306] 1,050| 468| 13,751 45,053| 30,849| 68,589| 75,746 | 35,800 | 0.4 | G36 | 8,8 119 [San Joaquin.,...039 | 109,380 | 58,960 77.6| 22.4| 48,318 17,699| 224| 2,095 4,817| 3,496] 8,650| 8,132 | 3,205 |36,6 | G36 | 7.0 San nis Obispo.040 26,505 | 13,464 | 75.4 22,1) 11,424 3,761 2L 622 476 934| 2,207 2,240 970 |32.9 | G36 | 8.2 4 San Mateo,.sse.s041 91,360 | 48,352 | 7B.5| 24.8] 43,869) 2,885 69) 3,575 8,209| 3,796 8,922| 10,746 | 5,667 | 6.6 | G36 | 8.8 56,138 | 29,551 77.5 27.4 | 26,283 5,467 US| 1,3% 1,261 1,298 5,628| 6,478 | 4,008 [20.8 | G36 [10,9 13,791 | 7,867 7.1 25.7] 59,775) 9,420] 216 3,741 8,628 3,639] 12,524 1,072 | 7,535 |15.8 | G36 |12.0 37,188 | 18,142| 73.5 22,1 15,184 | 3,430 82| 1,149 1,411 orz| 3,558 3,251 | 1,331 |22.6 | G36 | 7.5 |Shestaseeeessseall5 22,331 | 11,972| 81.5| 16.8] 10,042) 1,254 558 | 2,668 758 724| 1,603] 1,444 | 1,033 12.5 | 37 | 5.9 S168 eee eeses046 24m va] #6] 17.4] 1,29 10] 443 78 310 29 100 135 8 | 8.5 | 4 [34.2 04 22,576 | 12,210] 81,6| 16,7] 11,204 1,90| 89 418 3,19 1,353). 1,401} 1,729 2 [17.0 | 9 [21.7 40,450 | 22,752 | 83.6| 20.8| 20,448 3,761 56| 1,040 6,514 869 2,738| 2,439 | 3,031 [18.4 | 21 [26,7 57,028 | 26,647| T7.0| 20.0| 23,620] 8,238] 112| 1,300 2,012 1,002 4,695| 4,367 | 1,884 [34.9 | G36 | 8.3 58,204 | 28,612 76,5| 18,9] 23,037 8,769| 225) 1,185 1,949| 1,184] 4,171| 3,23 | 1,718 [38.1 | G36 | 7.0 1,306 | 7,414 | 80.5 15.0 5,729 | 2,848 58 384 213 365 né 706 439 [49.7 | G36 | 5.7 1,172 5,472 | 76.2 17.0] 4,800 1,963 15 292 200 107 759 735 |. 429 [40.9 | G36 | 6.9 3,263 | 1,69 74.2 15.3] 1,388 303| 51 96 33 40 121 17 137 [21.8 | 4 [36.7 Tulare soe. .eeee054 78,213 | 39,123] 78,1 17.3| 28,72 | 12,777] 122] 1,213 1,690 1,369] 5,200 4,180 | 2,221 [44.4 | G36 | 6.5 Tuolumne. «see ses055 8,812 4,7%1] 78.9] 20.1 3,530 345 521 217 642 316 621 587 281 | 9.2 | 4 |L4e8 Ventura, . 056 53,15, | 25,749 | 74.0| 20,9] 23,421| 7,123 1,825| 1,417 988 933 4,932| 3,880 | 2,323 [30.4 | G36 | 8.4 Y Yolo... “007 2,723 | 11,98 79.30 21.2] 9, m7| 4,22 25 417 525 634 1,409] 1,736 777 43.3] 6367 9.4 : Tubes: seeeesssee058 13.319 | 7m049| 7née| 19.3] sie] 1,126) 563 489 203 397) 1,1€2| 1,002 47 120.2 | 4 |1044 i COLORADO, ssess 855,116 | 421,493 76.1 21.8 | 349,735 73,546 | 15,897 | 17,869 35,567 29,002 67,346 173,200 37,308 [21.0 | G36 | 9.5 ¢ METRO, COUNTIES., 364,056 | 185,750 76.0 27.4 | 157,509 5,945| 1,017| 8,735 26,510| 16,821 38,188 39,519 | 20,774 | 3.8 Metro. areas: * 035 |Denver..003,016,030 310,071 | 160,838 76.7 28,5 | 136,537 4,322 949 75945 20,307 1,516 34,073| 35,117 19,308 | 3,2 092 [Pueblosssesssses051 53,985 | 24,912 nT 20.4 | 20,972 1,623 68 79 6,203 2,305 4,115 4,402 1,466 | 7.7 OTHER COUNTIES... 491,060 | 235,743 76,1 17.4 | 192,226 || 67,601 14,880 | 9,134 9,057| 12,181| 29,158| 33,681 | 16,534 [35.2 All Counties: . d = AdamBesseseeaessO01 16,615 8,305 | , 76.2 18,8 6,822 2,589 39 279 630 384 881 1,075 945 |38,0 | G36 [10,2 002 7,377 3,755 80,9 | . 18,7 3,010 790 8 134 120 512 611 593 242 [26,2 23 [12,6 24,037 | 12,127 78.9 19,1 10,313 1,492 51 937 1,514 836 2,040 1,648 1,795 [1.5 | 37 [11.9 2,485 1,205 79.9 12,7 875 527 12 31 : 20 29 101 89 66 160.2 | G36 | 4.5 4,504 2,261 78,2 17.6 1,764 986 1 58 12 54 224 267 162 [55,9 | G36 | 844 ER SR EET ~ ~ as 2 Table 3 ‘ Part 3 - Housing TABLE 3—SELECTED DATA FOR METROPOLITAN AREAS AND FOR ALL COUNTIES, CALIF., Colusa (006) =~ ; : COLO. Baca (005) . BY STATE—Continued HOUSING—1940 : . = : . ; FE} Te Nonfarm Rural Farm All Dwelling Units Occupied Dwelling Units Dwelling Units Dwelling Units wa 3 METROPOLITAN Metit, AS tele- : COUNTIES, Median phones AND Residential Percent | Percent Per Percent auinher Per- CODES stractures I in5or | with Pon il with of Average ot Percent In ] 2 - more | private | wil mechan- monthly with | with | 19 Number family thtub electric Number Swat ical petions Number rent Number run- | electric J 5 struc- or lighting oid refrig- | fol (dollars) ning |lighting Pe & tures | shower | eration | "p11 water Zz E : i & 2 : 39) GH) @5) 30) an a9) @9) (40) n w) 3) [CO] 45) 46) “n ! : : CALIFORNIA~-Con._ 1 @ . All Counties—Cone ; Colusa......: 3,036 3,125 0.6 68.4 83.3 2,911| 48.7 59.6] 2.13 1,934] 20.17 1,191 72.0| 69.6 1,085 x 106 [Contra Costa. 28,235 31,297 4.2 27.0 97.4 29,830] 52.2 61.3] 2.99 28,105) 27.91 3,192] 88.7 87.7 16,173 ie Del Norte. 1,777 1,836 0.7 56.3 63.9 1,567] 48.3 18.4 2.4 1,507 14.16 329] 61.7] 35.1 247 : Eldorado. . 6.578 6.726 0.9 io.3 60.2 4 20 .6 38.7| 2.46 5,405 28.56 1,321] 55.6 Lg.7 1,112 O47 |Fresnoe....... n 51,621 54,505 2.3 68. §2.2 50,012 53.6 64.6) 3.12 37,861 24.70 16,644 64.1] 84.2 25,913 Mr 617 3,745 1.6 63.0 88.3 3,527 56.2 65.7 2.99 2,008| 18.30 1,737 75.5 84.1 1,373 2 14,231 Bas 4.1 71.5 83.0 14,321) 51.4 2i.3| 2.73 12,358 19.22 2,528 81.2] 60.6 5,512 = 15,437 16, 3.1 46.0 80.6 15,263] 34.2 49,5 3.33 11,464 17.67 4,936 36.8 64.7 3,218 x 2,699 2,770 1.2 ug. 7 72.5 2,3712| 25.6 ug.g| 2.61 2,619] 17.32 151| 72.8] 80.1 6 : 37.684 39,801 1.8 68.0 90.3 37,961 Uu3.0 66.2] 3.12 33,639 22.83 6,162] 61.9] 82.2 17,521 “HEAR 10,589 11,110 1.7 56.1 87.8 9,615 u6.9 59.1| 3.20 6,403 19.73 4,707| 50.7] €0.3 3.165 ¢ L052 4,126 1.0 65.6 81.3 2,728| 58.7 48.9] 2.46 2,928| 20.68 1,198] 71.5 66.5 808 el 4,177 4,567 ha 57.2 86.5 Y,286 31-9 ug.5| 2.96 3,845 18.73 722| 48.6] 57.6 1.80 is & 067 706,948 961,531 16.8 90.2 99.2 893,602 0 64.6 2.66 951,129| 33.60 10,%02| 90.71 91.7 586,060 Ein 6,945 0.6 46.8 84.0 6,211] u3.8 49.2 3.30 3,191 19.13 3,754 54.1 €0.5 1,532 id 106 15,338 16,472 2.3 92.1 98.2 13,576 56.0 59.6] 2.70 15,590| 35.69 882| 90.7| 89.7 11,249 BE 1,983 2,229 10.2 33.0 55.6 1,983] L1.0 3u.6| 2.27 1,758 13.89 471 59.9] 21.8 359 2 8,389 8,625 1.0 61.0 71.1 7.800] 52.4 26.7 2.64 5,542] 17.1% 3,083] 66.7] Uu8.6 2,376 2 13,864 14,464 1.9 56.6 86.4 12,927 4.2 56.5 3.13 7,569] 21.33 6,895 64.3 79.2 3,724 3 2,873 2,979 1.8 39.5 75.1 2,695| L6.1 39.4 2.84 2,046| 13.63 933| 46.2] 65.3 ug 2 : 1,051 1,078 0.6 35.3 53.3 716 43.8 20.0 2.36 953 20.07 125| 48.8 42.4 Mn 21,298 23,154 3.5 76.4 92.6 20,057| 45.2 3.0] 2.91 19,100( 30.41 4,054 81.3 72.6 11,943 % 8,094 8,752 2.k 82.9 93.2 7.679 53.3 54.8] 2.55 6,095 24.71 2,657] 89.6] 84.3 410 H a 6,387 6,846 2.) 63.3 82.6 6,021 56.3 51.1 2.71 6,117| 20.18 729] 62.0] Uu7.3 1,905 067 |Orangese........030 43,948) 49,019 5.4 85.9 98.0 41,027, 49.1 4.0 2.78 Lh ,09%| 24.30 4,925 9u.u| 95.5 18,781 ; it = Placer..........031 9,981 10,332 1.0 69.7 88.3 8,4] 53.8 55.2 2.77 8,196] 38.25 2,136] 74.9] 80.4 3,390 Ed Plumas.... 4,057 4,159 0.6 51.7 80.0 3,489 23 37.40 2.64 | 3,912| 16.66 2u7| 68.8 74.5 600 eee Riverside... eu 36,663 4.2 72.1 90.3 2.9 9.3 %3.0( 2.71 0,733] 22.24 5.930 73.2] 74.7 12,616 . 099 |Sacramento...... 1,437 51,715 10.5 79.1 96.8 9,134] 50.8 63.1 2.84 6,190| 30.54 5.525] 85.0| €9.8 34,147 San Benito..... 3,350 3,403 71.6 85.8 3,256 50.5 38.5] 2.99 1,893] 17.80 1,510) 88.2] T4.0 1,503 San Bernardino. .036 59,229 63,175 2.6 76.1 89.6 47,666] 51.9 55.9 2.19 57,500 20.54 5.675] 89.9] 91.4 21,429 105 [San Diego.......037 8l4,94l 100,245 9.2 84.9 95.6 90,179 u5.4 57.7] 2.59 93,361| 28.99 6,884 85.0] 73.2 56,725 106 [san Francisco...038 108,882 222,176 39.1 86.6 99.6 206,011 3-3 Lgl 2.15 222,176] 37.39 171,171 3 119 [San Joaquin.....039 33,842 38,210 5.6 75.1 93.9 36,569 9. 55.0 2.94 29,166| 25.06 9,0u4| g0.5 86.3 18,112 F San Luis Obispo.0 11,289 11,80 1.6 73.8 85.6 10,231 48.3 by2| 2.7m 9,111] 22.13 2,780 83.8 60.7 5.339 = 106 [San Mateo..... ..041 34,006 37,230 3.9 93.3 98.9 33,516] 59.2 59.6 2.94 36,178| U3.61 1,052] 92.0] 91.7 24,003 : Santa Barbara...042 20,140 22,664 5.2 85.5 95.5 21,239) u0.0 bg.0| 2.80 Ba 32.0L 2,362] 90.9] 75.5 14,765 J Ok 50,711 56,406 5.1 87.4 97.9 51,916/ 5h.1 51.0| 2.82 4g, k77) 20.37 7.929 93.71 93.4 | 29,65 20,714 22,048 “2.8 86.0 92.9] “ 14,968| 54.9 i 2.46 19,591 24.61 2,157| 90.2] 81.5 7.807 | 9,387 9,762 1.3 47.4 73.6 8,985 L9.L 6.0| 2.70 7.994| 18.66 1,768 46.4 u4.3 2,011 EF 1,369 1,395 0.8 52.3 70.5 1,082 47.6 35.3] 2.30 1,279| 13.04 116 69.8 65.2 117 8,988 9,493 1.4 57-3 17-9 8,737] 41.9 L7.5 2.79 7,777] 16.02 1,716] 59.8 58.9 2,599 13,299 15,312 4.9 84.8 94.9 14,559 ( 48.8 59.3 2.80 12,550 | 29.35 2,762| 76.9] 75.3 9,498 25,526 26,831 1.6 81.1 93.6 21,641 56.3 46.0 2.60 17,960 22.66 8,871] 91.0] 87.9 9,952 u 21,315 22,848 2.7 72.5 95.0 21,883 53.2 59.8] 3.05 14,886 | 22.39 7.362] 86.5 92.9 426 i 5,456 5,686 1.0 60.9 89.9 5,539] u5.2 53.3] 2.93 3,252| 19.66 2,434 68.9 90.0 251 4,60 4,781 1.2 66.1 83.6 4,476 54.2 56.8 2.78 2,686| 17.83 2,095 68.8] 70.8 1,264 5 1,50 1,513 32.8 42.91 1,438 52.6 23.2 2.28 1,090( 10.99 y23 59.1 24.2 291 B 30,354 31,993 1.8 56.5 88.7 29,638] Uu5.0 54.8 3.20 20,176| 18.30 11,817] 73.2] 88,5 9,430 5 4,786 4,961 1.0 60.0 80.1 3,598| 46.8 51.9 2.53 4,351 26.89 } 610| 60.0] 52.1 g21 < 19,000 20,772 4.5 77.4 96.0 19,051 32-3 L6.5( 3.02 16,742| 22,20 4,030 89.9] 93.5 £,056 7,381 8,148 5.8 67.6 91.6 1.776 7.0 57.0 2.91 5,745| 22.8 2,403] 81.3 sk.g 2,769 & 4,883 5,268 1.1 49.4 79.0 5,001] 47.9 47.0] 2.8 4 467| 19.24 801 63.8 72.3 2,989 1 ; COLORADO. ..... 298,930 354,660 9.1 47.9 17.6 316,000| 46.3 35.1 3.03 279,002 22.40 75.658 21.3] 34.6 | 165.920 Eo METRO. COUNTIES.. 104,507, 141,628 17.9 66.5 94.5 132,749] u3.3 u5.7{ 2.8 135,657| 27.61 5.971] M1.0| 53.6 96.958 E Metro. areas: E 035 |Denver..003,016,030 88,182 122,297 19.6 68.8 95.5 14,517 k1.s 45.51 2.81 118,200 | 28.74% 4,097| 50.5 66.1 84,620 * 032 |Pueblo..........050| 16,325 19,331 7.0 52.1 88.2 18,232 52.9 u7.0( 3.05 17.457] 20.04 1,874 20.3) uh.7 11,428 E 4 OTHER COUNTIES... 194 423 213,032 3.2 34.1 66.4 183,251 u48.5 27.9 3.17 143,345 | 17.43 69,687| 19.3] 32.5 69,862 _ All Counties: Adams......... +4001 5.715 5,964 0.5 5 70.4 5,602| 51.0 24.1) 3.32 3,519] 17.34 2,1u5 i 48.6 1,446 4 2,588 2,885 2.8 .2 69.4 2,731 49.7 35.8 3.39 2,147] 19.33 738 .2| 36.2 970 8,822 9.355 1.5 52.9 87.8 8,977] 60.3 29.71 3.11 7,892| 20.01 1,462| 50.4 60.0 5,182 1,079 1,173 1.9 8.9 25.6 969 50.1 6.3 3.47 566 8.50 607 9.1 5.1 H2 1,920) 2,016 2.6 12.6 37.8 1,707] 7.5 13.4 3.24 gl2 9.05 1,074) 12.6] 12.9 27 ET PETE =~ wT TE RE RR ET TER So fants RR Fa 9 ‘ oo Bre TE eE aL TE E t Ee £ o # § TABLE 3—SELECTED DATA FOR METROPOLITAN AREAS AND FOR ALL COUNTIES, rane s : : Part 4 - Agriculture ; BY STATE—Continued : rig (Figures which have been rounded to thousands will not necessarily add to totals) .CCLO., Baca (005) ath AGRICULTURE—1945 AGRICULTURE—1940 Value of farm products sold, | Principal Per. i Value of r Work power traded, or u: source of | - Per- ont arm; property farm household farm income | Type- | | METROPOLITAN cent |p. of- - Metro. AREAS, Number of | Land in | Cropland | Number | of oy Percent from— firming] is Area COUNTIES, farms farms | harvested | of farms | farms | ,o1.e A Number i area ¢ Code AND (1000's | (1000's oper- | “of | po [AY] of Amount 1 HC code |.© CODES Jan. 1, of of April 1, | ated prod- | (1 oo’ 22€ | horses | Number (1000's stock Code P Sez pe 1945 acres) acres) fo40 by Tums f $ oo and/or of ¢ $| and (See he paz) Jngex ten- | Jess 0 aM | rules | tractors of live- | Crops paz) | ce dollars) | (dol- dollars) | stock ants | than ” {ove 3 J 7 proa- $400 m0. old} ucts “8) “9) (50) [)) G2) 3) 4) (55) (56) GD 8) (9) (60) 1 (62) 3) (64) CALIFORNIA—Con. All Counties—Con; 894 506 177 73 | 24.5 | 15.8 23,884 [32,718] 1,128 Bul 3,796 38.2 | 59.0 5 (42.7 113 | 185 106 1,765 329 ml 1,936 | 16.4 | 38.3 39,764 p0,539| 3,163 929 5,561 | 27.3 | 69.7 7139.7 121 | 154 308 43 u! 27 | 2u.7 BI 2,842 [11,508 393 62 372 | 80.8 4.3 2 |65.0 1 | 112 953 318 12 863 | 12.3 | L7.9 8,835 [10,238 801 200 1,294 | 33.9 | 54.5 7 [53-1 231 | 111 047 9,045 1,876 604 9,550 -| 14.9 | 16.4 | 123,015 p2,881| 14,257 3,35 | 27,091 | 19.1 | 77.8 7 [45a 1k | 13 1,u98 594 156 1,376 | 18.5 | 18.8 26,526 19,278 1,868 751 4,834 | 58.1 | 37.8 1 [34a 13 | 1a 2,491 901 37 2,065 | 25.5 | 32.9 29,770 fk, M16 3 600 4,185 82.2 6.7 2 |b7.a ni 123 2,932 gg 399 2,696 | 38.7 | 26.9 38,778 [14,384 ,156 1,263 | 13,885 | 24.1 74.7 5 5.2 122 | 100 173 188 8 228 | 36.4 | 53.1 8,032 [35,228] 1,6L43 42 825 | 58.8 | 35.8 1 |b3.y 231 | 124 2,710 3,497 363 2,185 | 29.1 | 12.5 76,874 135,134 5,261 1,879 | 17,760 | 23.1 | 35.2 5 [62.2 14 | 13 2,119 538 258 2,132 | 21.7 | 16.5 38,225 17,929 5,177 985 8,578 36.4 6l.1 5 |46.5 114 134 991 286 2 876 | 14.6 | 37.4 9,963 [11,373 1,039 3k 1,47 [32.2] 59.4 7 (50.3 12 | 136 : 37h 556 Lge | 18.3 | 30.2 9,570 [19,681 5,172 145 1,519 83.9 7:7 1 |61.6 231 139 067 13,114 = 269 | 12,475 | 24.6 | 22.6 | 240,369 [19,268] .9,608 3,437 | 6,921 | 58.7 | 44.3 2 [34.3 122 | 156 1,577 198 | 1,53 | 18.3 | 16.8 | 27,526 17,897) 3,255 193 6,146 | 2k2 | 73.3 5 153.0 us [15 106 618 2 22 628 | 36.0 | 25.5 14,981 [23,855 1,352 189 3,805 | 91.3 6.0 2 [66.2 121 | 157 2g 3 4 370 | 18.4 | 53.0 ,797 [10,262 86h 57 547 74.8 9.2 1 {69.1 231 113 1,875 1,178 47 1,843 | 16.9 | 36.7 2k, 805 [13,459 2,976 ugh 3,43 | 51.5 35.9 1 |23.6 121 113 ,072 1,2 238 3.7011) 5.1 | 15.1 62,836 [16,636 7,386 1,k2h 13,897 48.5 .2 2 |28.6 114 128 583 35 101 686 | 15.9 | 18.1 15,626 [22,778 6,940 288 2,692 | 60.4 | 32.9 1 |50.1 23 | 122 © 69 57 uy 92 - - 2,499 [27,165 856 15 45 | 85.8 7.9 1 [60.9 ex | m1 1,911 1,312 227 1,999 | 36.0 | 18.7 75,951 [37,994] 4,391 1,73% 15,487 22.1 76.5 6 |37.2 121 124 1,961 357 53 1,764 | 15.6 | 33.7 28,060 15,907 1,847 705 3,650 Lg. hh 43.5 7 [34.1 121 139 394 125 5 492 | 11.2 | 52.2 ,938 | 8,00k _ bol 72 531 60.9 16.3 2 |22.0 113 129 067 5,621 wr 147 6,109. | 10.7 | 26.1 "a 22,280 1,941 2,212 14, kok 20.7 78.1 7 153-5 122 136 1,470 272 s1| 1,41 | 16.7 | 32.3 | 13,810{9,518| 1,702 %9 | 3.580 | 22.6 | 71.9 7 [66.0 | 113 | 126 Plumas. . .032 155 15 23 167 | 12.0 | 28.1 3,610 [21,617 1,037 uy Bl 92.2 1.0 1 |72.6 23 123 Riverside.......033 5,109 723 230 4,672 | 13.7 | 32.2 69,161 [14,803 5,125 1,642 12,544 24.7 71.8 7 |bo.k4 122 122 099 |Sacramento......03% 3,851 545 193 3,456 | 18.3 | 35.3 49,101 [14,207 3, 34% 1,725 10,886 31.5 65.4 5 |31.6 13 | 129 San Benito...... 03 939 722 n 1,001 | 20.6 | 13.6 23,649 [23,625 2,048 677 4,169 36.0 62.2 7 133.3 121 127 San Bernardino..036 1.729 L23 135 6,110 | 8.4 | 29.1 92,496 15,138] 3,276 1,%4 | 15,925 38.3 59.0 7 |50.7|* 122 | 134 105 [San Diego....... 037 5,430 912 100 5,814 | 13.6 | 45.3 71,713 ios 5,177 1,b37 | 11,348 6.2 48.6 7 |e1.h4 122 1°15 106 |San Francisco...038 22 - - 91 - - 1,843 120,253 (1) 9 870 1.2 98.5 8 93.2 121 119 [San Joaquin..... 0 5, TH9 7 bi 5,575 | 22.1 | 15.9 | 117,643[21,103| 7,045 3,269 26,645 23.7 74.4 5 [32.6 1h | 124 1,789 1,784 2 1,916 | 34.8 | 30.2 . 42,060 [21,952 4,711 1,003 6,875 50.4 45.8 1 29.9 121 126 106 8 134 I) 829 | 47.2 | 13.6 22,001 [26,539] 1,84 297 4,392 | 35.5 | 61.7 o [28.9 120 | 155 1,381 89k 134 1,339 | 33.7 | 17.3 61,043 [45,588] 4,306 1,039 9,561 on 12.1. 5 [26.1 122 | 1ko 107 5,914 127 176 5,608 | 15.9 | 22.8 100,427 |17,908 3,97 3,020 16,703 26. 71.4 7 [52.8 121 135 2,222 11k 2 1,712 | 21.6 i 20,816 12,159 1,200 515 4 46g | 23.7 | 712.2 6 Da 12 | 13 1,378 nu 1,229 | 18.2 .3 13,682 11,133] 2,949 224 1,609 | 67.0 | 16.3 1 |l.s 231 | 106 55 51 14 86 - - 1,59 [18,488 453 24 248 | 86.8 4.7 1 [53.9 25 | 12 1,213 slg 133 1,208 | 21.6 | 26.9 18,327 [15,171 5,041 439 3,515 53.1 38.5 5 |37.9° 231 3 106 1,312 41g 125 1,466 | 21.1 | 27.6 39,615 [27,023] 2,001 1,061 8,547 | 47.2 | 51.0 1 (33.1 N31 6,322 54 137 6,209_| 17.5 2.3 70,509 11,350] 5,312 1,081 | 17,221 | ‘71.9 | 23.9 3 [50.5 121 | 1% 6, 905 281 5,734 [19.0 | 16. 88,275 15,395 8,941 1.7 17,654 50.3 46.9 2 [25.0 114 128 1,658 364 211 1,425 | 1k.2 | 16.2 38,232 [26/829] 1,476 1,208 8,858 | 1h.3 | 84.1 ‘5 |u2.2 13 | 119 1,761 1,125 i 1,744 | 20.8 | 35.9 21,750 [12,471 2,715 551 3,661 ak 25.5 1 |37.2 113 127 187 10 15.8 | 56.2 2,660 | 8,085 793 23 253 | 58. 9.1 1 39.6 23 | 103 6,386 1,27 429 6,372 | 15.4 | 13.5 | 122,236 [19,183 9,83 3,599 | 28,797 | 30.5 | 67.0 7 (39.7 1 | 112 508 254 8 43 | 1k.4 | 51.6 4,959 12,305 1,021 57 693 | 82.0 6.3 1 [61.1 23 | 13% 2,002 521 148 1.74% 13:9 14.9 | 102,5uk [58,764 3,516 1,664 | 14,645 | 10.0 | 88.6 7 163.1 122 | 138 1,304 503 os 1,339 | 2k.6 | 15.2 52,307 |39,064| 1,893 1,458 9,690 19.7 79.1 5 [54.2 113 | 126 35 209 562 | 21.5 | 30.2 12,046 [21,434] 1,0M0 309 2,115 | 37.3 | 59.1 7(3%-5 13 93 COLORADO. . ..... v1.68 | 36,28 | 6,035 | 51,3 | 37.2 | 29.5 | 2u99,u98 | 9,711] 224,284 | 21,423 | 208,700 | 56.0 | 37.3 1 40.6 106 METRO. COUNTIES.. 4,360 1,697 2u2 4,193 | 28.9 | 37.6 43,195 ho,302| 9,791 1,42 8,302 | 50.8 | 43.5 - Metro. arear: 035 |Denver..003,016,036 3,2u2 748 164 3,000 | 26.9 | W.1 32,533 [10,844] 6,026 955 6,048 | 52.1 | L2.g 092 |Pueblc.......... 051 1,118 9ug 18 1,193 | 33.7 | 29.0 10,662 | 8,987] 3,765 L571 2,255 47.3 | 45.3 5 [29.5 OTHER COUNTIES... | U43,258 34,521 5,792 47,243 | 37.9 | 28.8 455,943 | 9,651] 214,473 20,008 | 100,395 56.4 36.8 All Counties: ~ . Adams. .oinn.ns 00. 1,632 oe 169 1,729 | 31.2 | 29.7 16,055 | 9,286 4,779 913 3,551 43.8 51.2 5 (29.6 963 | 112 Alamosa. 460 7 69 608 | 28.8 | 37.3 5,953] 9,791 2,549 255 1,228 | 52.0 | ko.4 5 | 38.6 615 97 035 |Arapahoe 1,130 4gg 107 1,079 | 29.9 2 12,469 1,556 2,595 u77 2,52 | 61.7 3:1 2 |3k.u 323 | 118 Archuleta....... 284 223 22 Hh | 27.7 | W0.1 2,739 7.731 1,950 531 587 | 86.0 1 1 [73.0 233 ™ BBOR.soseseevsss 005 825 1,042 356 906 | 43.9 | 36.9 6,3% 6,992 2,001 699 1,194 32.4 59.8 5 159.7 222 98 1less than three farms reported and data are therefore included only 8The State Total includes £359,711 for female silver fox and/or mink in State totals. r 3 months old (kept in captivity) not distributed to individual counties. 81 a # 1Not shown because of disclosure of operations of individual establishments. Data included in Combined Counties at end of State. 2Includes all counties where fig- ures are not shown separately because of disclosure of operations of individual establishments. 3Tncludes all establisiments and wage earners of counties for which wages and value data were withheld to avoid disclosure. The Combined Counties figure for number of establishments is excluded from the State total, since this item was shown for every county. Whenever data on wage earners have been withheld, that portion of the "Combined Counties" figure represented by such data is included in the cor- responding State total. 82 A TABLE 3—SELECTED DATA FOR METROPOLITAN AREAS AND FOR ALL COUNTIES, and Retail Trade BY STATE—Continued CALIF., Colusa (008) ~ \ 3 COLO., Baca (005) (411 dollar figures have been rounded to thousands and will not necessarily add to totals) ero 880348. MANUFACTURING ESTABLISHMENTS—1939 MINERAL INDUSTRIES—1939 RETAIL ESTABLISHMENTS—1939 METROPOLITAN Meol COUNTIES Val Area ) ue added Code| AND Wage Wages Value of by manufac- Value of | Number | Wages and Sales Active |Employees Pay roll CODES Number | €amers (1000° f roducts roducts of ries | Number of ; (average 9 umber | Cage sof | (F000s of ture fooo’ : 1000's of (1000s of | pro- fi (1000's of ag dollars) Sot 1 (1000's of ( 5 persons | ( 50 stores -dollars) | prietors or dollars) or year) dollars) olan) dollars) | engaged | dollars) year) 6) (66) 0. ©) (69) a) (0) __@® 0) _) as) as) w) CALIFORNIA— Con. All Counties—Con. Colusa. ..... .006 1 54 45 26 199 179 411k 177 ul 390 106 126 13,787 22,125 ah, 30 82,461 892 208 330 1,476 34,397 1,476 2,524 2,941 1 88 112 237 160 1, 164 169 149 18 988 1,416 3,759 2,386 2,726 667 969 239 4,563 22 382 Lo3 ok7 259 4,933 5,299 51,537 18,881 3.87 119 205 2,885 78, 2,781 7.39 8,165 16 176 209 2,703 692 197 4,964 19% 378 Yo7 © 91 4,340 5,379 18,010 11,392 46 17 17 860 19,619 843 1,702 1,921 55 1 75 5,134 2,154 Se 146 188 851 23,721 796 2,143 2,388 12 102 1 692 378 1,3 430 677 153 | ,092 1kg 333 356 112 1,29 2,036 3,254 9,872 9,202 1,190 2,149 1,948 58,972| 1,84 5,370 6,302 ig 637 60 9,133 2,788 6,517 129 291 563 13,645 su6| 1,47] 1,290 16 2 12! 586 327 1 1k2 222 2,832 212 217 208 18 2,503 3,575 7,198 5,027 (1) (1) (1) 208 5,631 186 468 551 067 5,594 | 126,391 166,630 [ 1,219,434 512,527 18,941 1,847 3,316 44,505 | 1,3b,497| ¥0,710| 145,505 167,820 21 18 208 3,082 1,276 24 1h 2 338 6,984 348 589 598 106 [Merin........... 021 54 27 362 | 2,789 1,23 (2) (1) (1) 178 18,448 762 1,559 1,966 Mariposa... .022 5 70 (2) (2) (2) 1,570 369 550 91 1,662 83 140 139 Mendocino. .02 © ho 1,530 1,779 ly oly 2,946 8 565 9,106 559 685 2 Merced. . .02! 51 1,099 1,393 9,820 3,157 1,837 19 287 701 17,877 ni 1,L81 1,662 15 932 1,277 3,493 2,098 lL 164 2,467 168 1594 163 406 129 228 63 al 64 68 65 92 2,332 2,450 27,136 11,783 171 45 56 1,295 34,616 1,295 2,977 3.592 60 20 688 L451 1,840 616 157 19% 43 11,426 3 4 1,070 19 115 157 505 305 10,854 2,lk9 4,580 355 8,819 3 678 7 067 133 2,113 2,128 19,513 8,254 4,259 323 507 2,271 50,112 2,18 4,962 5,102 26 883 1,313 ,823 2,025 1,502 Wy 643 515 11,243 502 859 9719 21 1,18 1,627 »309 2,64 1y 626 978 23 3,971 261 3 3 \ 83 1,496 1,770 11,517 7,47 1,015 Hk 1 1,721 38,958 1,578 3.556 3,761 099 |Sacramento. .03 227 5,044 6,107 48,185 18,838 5,981 621 1,184 2,749 91,71 2,8 8,728 16,299 San Benfto...... 035 12 118 107 649 308 539 225 329 205 3,921 216 San Bernardino..036 122 2,951 4,261 25,562 15,398 10,490 1,492 2,729 2,538 59,747 2,329 5,582 5,878 105 |San Diego....... 037 282 6,016 7,483 41,822 21,869 yor 138 120 ig 120,707 A 12,375 13,901 106 |Sen Francisco...038| 2,172| 31,789 44,723 313,253 138,469 (2) (2) (2) 11,339 383,554 | 12,007| 44,829] 58,135 119 |Sen Joaquin..... 0% 207 4,350 5,248 46,692 15,219 227 62 86 2,106 55,130 2,256 4,912 5,702 _ | Sen Luis Obispo.O! 34 in 201 1,850 32 89 32 38 54 1k, 812 £03 1,34 1,445 106 |San Mateo.......04l 111 3,488 5,866 47,845 15,391 97 28 37 1,696 43,452 1,691 3,632 4,652 Santa Barbara. ..02 7 740 1,019 8,712 4,047 2,268 323 © 516 1,267 36, 344 1,188 3,77 }4,390 107 Senta Clara 3n2 9,316 10,037 78,075 29,838 237 85 102 2,786 79,769 2,787 7.657 8,902 Santa “Cruz 70 1,045 1,204 7,959 3,837 502 90 139 968 .21,663 970 2,025 2,191 Shasta. s..esivs 37 403 499 2,105 1,014 1,816 336 547 552 13,587 549 1,059 1,284 Sierra... i..h.es 5 4g3 690 2,889 1,416 764 202 354 62 901 . 66 71 68 : Siskiyou...... un 3,022 4,345 11,949 7,933 1,5% 231 361 54k 1,h1 515 945 1,028 10 Solano. 42 75 1,076 16,038 5,381 (1) (2) (1) 738 19,005 700 1,675 1,960 Sonoma. 185 1,56 1,613 17,250 5,848 - 293 17 123 1,3 35,765 1,427 2,759 3,023 Stanisla 105 2,715 2,562 25,851 7,844 1,156 190 282 1,176 34,641 1,143 3,034 3.428 Sutter 18 501 346 1,931 546 194 792 185 249 26 Tehama 17 17h 1h 1,409 463 (1) (1) (1) 292 ge 217 460 bd Trinity 3 8 7 3 22 1,368 266 397 68 835 63 59 56 Tulare 89 1,055 1,133 13,339 3,866 (1) (1) (1) 1,320 3,023 1,271 3,053 3,180 Tuolumne 14 921 1,287 2,807 2,134 527 150 203 230 5,120 235 409 457 Ventura 54 618 886 10,386 3,083 3,111 218 37 1,096 26,113 1,000 2,479 2,588 Tava, on Fl OB = Sm =m gy Gil Del] im] ET a er adhe y 2,928 1 ,618 0 1 1,151 Sonkined Cotntlest °18 3253 355 2,792 1,758 pi Zs 1,251 2 BH 3 S 5 COLORADO... .... 1,298 23,719 28,392 221,643 91,256 50,668 | 14,615 18,857 16,785 409,103 15,770 45,083 43,503 METRO, COUNTIES.. ‘123 17,232 21,611 154,223 67,494 1,074 550 989 6,404 216,225 5,840| 25,652 26,219 Metro. areas: 035 [Denver 003,016, 030 651 12,213 14,439 113,011 51,764 783 465 837 5,452 192,071 5,010| 22,878 23,531 092 |Pueblo..c..cse.. 051 12 5,019 1.172 41,212 15,730 291 85 152 952 24,154 830 2,714 2,688 OTHER COUNTIES... 575 6,485 6,781 67,420 23,762 49,594 14,065 17,868 10,381 192,878 9,930 19,431 17,284 All Counties: : 00 22 yay 570 11,656 3,486 (1) (1) (2) 273 , 861 264 351 9 31 45 506 175 172 W117 173 512 03% 16 358 . 556 1.133 1,069 bb 1h 15 358 1.833 330 705 661 6 7 3% 10 66 | (2) (2) (2) 50 51 68 67 1 (2) (1) (2) (1) 111 1,190 100 113 18 TABLE 3—SELECTED DATA FOR METROPOLITAN AREAS AND FOR ALL COUNTIES, BY STATE—Continued able 3 Part 6 - Other Economic INot shown because of disclosure or operations of individual establishments. 2Sum of establishments in counties for which sales data are withheld to avoid disclosing operations of indiwidual establishments. tal since number of establishments is shown for individual counties. Data included in "Other" at end of State. 3Combined figure for counties having sales data withheld to avoid disclosing operations of individual establishments. 4Undistributed. 748369 O—47T—7T 83 Data : CALIF., Col 006) - 3 (All dollar figures have been rounded to thousands and will not necessarily add to totals) ie ¥ i 3 wre denne OLESA Le SERVICE ESTABLISHMENTS—1939 BANK DEPOSITS TRADE— 1944 : : ye Major war supply Major war facilities contracts, rojects, June 1940-Sept. 1945 | June 1940 June 1945 METROPOLITAN E.Bond (1000s of dollars)- (1000’s of dollars) AREAS, sales 1944 COUNTIES, Number Number E I Total 1000s of AND of Sales | of | Receipts | Active Bntlogens Pay roll | (demand | Time {1000's 9 CODES estab- | (1000s of | estab- | (1000's |proprie-| “¢ q 's | and time) | (1000s issue price) : lish- | dollars) | lish- |of dollars)| tors of dollars)| (1000's | of dollars) ments ments year) of dollars) Combat ; 2 Other Industrial | Military equipment a) a | oo an @ ® | ® as) i) @n @) 9) 0) on CALIFORNI A==Con. All Counties—Con. COLUBBe sve sneisn 006 17 908 68 334 63 120 90 11,605 3,722 1,167 Contra Costa....007 72 14,542 437 1,805 450 425 ya | 115,878 65,943 37,455 | 1,451,421 477.517 98,066 57.310 Del Norte.e.s... 008 11 549 5 104 39 23 1% 2,352 * 939 230 1,330 Eldoradoe..s..s. 009. 15 2,361 7 176 50 ug 37 5.777 2,620 860 4,857 FrO8NO.e.ceresrs 010 MM 73.560) 1,117 6,102 1,138 1,606 1,606] 178,992 | (65,130 18,911 54,694 3.207 839 7.866 69 54 9,003 2,903 1,192 258 250 39.196 21,719 4,992 146,051 4,729 1,478 260 274 26,301 7,058 3,582 16,347 31 3h ,203 1,278 687 781 904 1,016 91,006 34,252 11,886 9,604 6,677 95,017 264 273 24,772 9,541 3.749 2,612 2,836 184 8,288 24 19 4,994 1,842 792 59 62 70 8,379 3.576 1,939 1,636 37,017 48,933 | 54,510 3,297,772 | 1,233,280 | Loz M22 | §,359,231 | 1,204,515 404023 108,066 7 64 12,919 ,126 1,583 60 | 298 318 uh yy 27,532 11,631 247,704 178 17,621 Mariposae....... 022 6 568 28 172 22 52 70 676 223 119 > 137 Neutootsen, +52 2 gan iu 435 BI 85 76| 16.058 fast §K 2,134 : 0TCOde sna ssens ’ 995 13 219 2371 35.537 1h, 748 1559 ,298 8,920 MOGs ses osiessss 025 1 994 40 106 Lo 24 2! 4,253 1,072 902 T 3 MOND saver even .026 y 16 6 1 5 5 33 Montereye.eeeses 027 139 20,9 367 2,20 394 S47 547 79,349 36,364 9.275 460 9.757 21,559 +4028 35 3,105 154 6 167 13 wy 29,100 15,623 3,010 36.970 553 550 1,185 .029 22 1,502 93 405 93 98 107 9.851 5.113 820 +030 184 37,604 mn 3.548 818 875 807| 128,365 39,745 13,877 24,197 2,907 230 75,160 L031 45 4,829 BS 519 42 98 101 20 uu 11,210 2,524 4,720 ene 032 9. 667 50 132 55 26 24 3,969 1,406 1,066 324 | © .033 148 24,791 542 2,251 | Bk 556 546 718,726 29,479 12,645 115,123 5,269 74,019 Sacramento, .....03l 288 77,572] 1.155 7,066 | 1,254 1 23 2,081| 193,583 103,548 23,528 6.687 3,937 2,000 45,684 San Benito...... 035 12 ,890 66 251 69 13,338 6,369 1,210 337 - San Bernardino. 03 211 44,303 750 3,569 762 928 915] 104,233 39.236 16,883 35,238 145,085 112,899 54,510 San Diego.......037 351 65,351 1,798 9,817| 1,81 2,649 2,713] 329,813| 121,193 , 54,480 | 2,008,532 25,029 52,117| 215,069 0% |san Francisco... 3.359 | 1,377,614) 6 = 1,893 6.987 19,239 24 67 1,986,610 949,272 119,620 522,906 140,343 57,997 65,378 San Joaquin..... on 253 46,98 4,762 897 1,582 1,403| 160,896 65,301 17,800 87,796 11,939 9,877 57.647. San Luis Obispo.OkO 58 6,263 x a3 215 209 29,104 11,598 4,522 961 19% 95,619 15,882 561 3,122 ug 677 78 93,437 60,619 13,704 192,550 11,840 3,822 19,131 125 23,288 Lay 2,485 520 6% 718 76,539 28,348 7.759 10,053 219 53,1 2 ghee oii Hy 6 L198 on 1,629 183.180 20.566 17,865 257, oe 0.9% 41,888 13,170 , 1 , 33 352 379 +91 ,887 3.81 y 2,612 45 4,953 150 u2 160 166 195 14,035 6,271 2,041 1% Sipe g Sierra... ceessOU6 2 (2) 1k 17 i) - - 22 3 158 51 Siskiyole.soanss o47 39 3,300 125 yn 137 110 86 18,109 8,434 2,814 231 3,293 801aN0. ees senses ols 55 5,049 258 1,310 280 309 336 57,828 29,821 24,361 14,973 850 126,960 74,393 Sonoma. ...e.se. 049 150 19,929 Lg 1,946 524 2 87 80,140 47,033 7.617 55 1,836 2,045 120 15,814 384 1,822 Lol 62 25 84,063 34,199 6,681 6.443 839 14,090 3.982 24 2,536 57 353 5 78 9h 9, = JLo 1,483 20 1,498 102 359 107 70 3 10,622 25 1,220 65 4 §3 9 14 9 2 2 600 187 158 hy 19,061 336 1,895 365 4g2 kn 81,361 23,404 9.236 16,167 82 20 1,204 47 227 51 63 61 5,550 3.139 610 6,564 124 28,125 343 1,690 350 502 hgh 64,623 21,430 5,924 6,277 Wn 7.823 132 843 13 228 224 25,158 11,947 2,516 21 2,533 129 698 1 152 166 19,017 8,830 2,137 208 32,222 2g 3249 488,563 44,046 46,616 COLORADO...... 2,296| 435,126) 6,18 | 27,473 6,333 9,422 8,221 | 650,938 | 151,484 92,232 244,634 116,920 170,350] 174,479 METRO. COUNTIES... | 1,125 359,021] 3,070] - 17,922| 3,067 6,612 6,023 392,092 99,903 49,087 24k 465 90,168 164,417 69,184 Metro. areas: 3 |Denver..003,016.030| 1,018 341,870] 2.695 16,122 | 2,691 6,027 5,514 354,291 86,763 41,759 236,787 73,206 158,703 38,756 PREDION: wae svees 051 107 17,151 375 1,800 376 585 509 37,801 13,140 7,328 “7,678 16,962 5,714 30,428 OTHER COUNTIES... | 1,171 76,105] 5,116 9,551 | 3.266 2,810 2,198 | 258,8u 51,580 43,146 169 26,752 5,933] 105,295 All Counties: > 32 2,512 7 274 2 16 64 3,119 218 708 21 1,640 56 199 59 60 50 5.176. 895 mn 19 687 be 222 7% 57 ko 8,192 2,433 1 gi 14,428 289 ygl 2,224 2 (1) 9 1 9 2 ugly 20 1,036 35 36 1 1 3,322 Wh It is excluded from the State to- Table 3 3 : : : £5 eat Fs : Part 1 - Population TABLE 3—SELECTED DATA FOR METROPOLITAN AREAS AND FOR ALL COUNTIES, ~~ COLO., Bent (006) a / . : : Yuma (063) : BY STATE—Continued S - ~, 5 i ’ Gro 6NOM3 = . : = § TOTAL POPULATION POPULATION—1940 EUAN I srs ESTIMATED : : 1944 CIVILIAN Total whi POPULATION - Land | Pop- otal white 2 - Percent of . METROPOLITAN : U.S" area |ulation population 25 Metro. AREAS, rank in per years old and 3 / Area COUNTIES, : Number of | Percent , sq. over who have i Code AND: Soules change miles mile Percent] Usb Rural Rural completed— ¢ i C Percent] Apri * (in tan 13g; y / : ril | ol nonfarm | farm Births | Deaths Fe Number change i 940 | percen- 1930- | 1940 | 1940 Number | total 3 { N I : tiles) 1940 opu- . 5o0r High ; ov. 2 |1940- ation more 18 / 1943 1943 1940 ) grades school / om @ ®) @ ©) ® om ®) © an 1n (12) 13) (19) as) (16) COLORADO—Con. All Counties—Con. |. T Bent.. 7,666 | -20.6 9,653 78 5.7 1,538] 6.83[~ 9,497] 98.4 3,232 2,948 3,478] 76.8] 23.4 154 106 33,896 | -9.5 37,438 20| 15.4 753| 49.7 37,192 99.8 20,364 9,560 7,514] 92.5] 34.4 697 400 7,191 | -11.3 8,109 83| -0.2| 1,039] 7.8 .8;083| 99.7 4,969|- 1,841 1,299] 87.4 26.4 140 87 Cheyenne... ....00 2,608 | -12.0 2,964 9 | -20.4| 1,772] 1.7 2,964 | 100.0 1,245 1,719] 93.9] 24.8 60, 8s = Clear Creek...,.010 _ 2,454 | -85.1 3,784 9a| 75.6 394| 9.6 s,777| 99.8 3,636 148) 94.5] 85.7 49 32 Cone JOS. sss vs seeOLl 9,587 | -18.1] . 11,648 70| 18.8] 1,271] 9.2 11,554 99.2 5,921 5,727] 68.8] 18.2 21 101 5,583 | -25.9 7,533 84| 380.4] 1,215]. 6.2 7,349) 97.6 4,110 3,428] 64.0] 12.8 109 39 4,592 | -14.9 5,398 91] -9.0 803| 6.7 5,313] 98.4 2,454 2,944] 85.3] 20.5 127 43 = 1,578 | -30.5 2,270 97 6.9 737] sa 2,268 99.9 995 1,275] 90.2[ 21.1 26, 14 18,658 | -17.1 16,470 56| 16.0] 1,157] 14.2 16,434 99.8 3,717] 4,429 8,324] 91.4] 27.6 S11 173 335,364 4.8] 322,412 1] 12.0 58 [5558.8 318,810 97.3 se2,412 92.5| 40.0] 7,533] 4,027 2,054 4.9 1,958 98| s8.7| 1,028 1.9 1,954] 99.8 - 955 1,008; . 91.2] 18.3 47 19 3,044 | -12.9 3,496 95| -0.1 843| 4.1 3,482] 99.6 1,587 1,99] 94.7] 29.0 53 51 4,546 | -15.2 5,361 o1| 36.6] 1,685) 3.2 5,359| 100.0 3,715 1,646 92.6] 28.2] 119 39 “| Elbert oun oeny L020 4,105 | -24.8 5,460 90| -17.0| 1,864 2.9 5,449) 99.8 1,502 3,958] 93.6] 22.6 62 36 - . EL Paso ....... .021 61,234 | 18.3 54,025 12 9.0| 2,158] 25.0 52,853| 97.8 86,789| 11,944 5,202] 94.0 87.11 1,83)~ 866 \ Fremont « 022 17,352 | =-12.1 19,742 46 4.5| 1,562| 12.6 19,564| 99.1 9,322 6,247 4,178] 87.4] 24.2 276 244 Garfield 023 9,258 | -12.4 10,560 74 5.9] 2,9%| 3.5 10,551) 99.9 5,998] - 4,567) 91.6] 28.7 190 106 Gilpin. 024 799 | -50.8 1,625 98| 34. 149] 10.9 1,625] 100.0 1,456 169] 94.3] 29.2) 10| 9 Grand ..........025 3,000 | -16.4 3,587 95 70.2 1,867| 1.9 3,579| 99.8 2,448 1,189) 95.2] 82.0 64 22 Gunnison....... 026 4,592 | -25.8 6,192 88| 12.0 8,242] 1.9 6,168] 99.6 4,795 1,897) 90.0] 's0.1 sel =m Hinsdal . 027 209 | -40.1 349 99| -2z2.3| 1,057 0:3 345) 98.9 245 104] 95.4] 34.3) 2) a Huerfano. . 028 11,048 | -81.8 16,088 57| -5.7| 1,578] 10.2 15,919) 98.9 5,855| 6,726 8,507] 66.6] 14.7 251 156 x Jackson. . . 029 1,727 | -3.9 1,798 9| 20.7] 1,623] 1. 1,798] 100.0 g 1,012 786] 94.2] 30.8) 39) 6 035 | Jefferson..... 030 94,053 | 10.8 30,725 27| 40.9 786| 89.1 30,597) 99.6 3,175| 19,891 8,159] 94.4] 38.7 689 306 x Kiowa.. 2,428 | -13.2 2,793 s6| -26.2| 1,792] 1.6 2,793] 100.0 1,283 1,60] 96.0] 25.6 48 27 Kit Carson 6,638 | =11.6 7,512 84| 22.8] 2am 3.5 7,512] 100.0 3,073 4,439] 93.4] 20.3 147 7 Lake... 7,809 | 13.5 6,888 85| 40.5 380| 18.1 6,879| 99.9] 4,774] 2,039 70] o1.af 29.3 133 78 La Plata 11,820 | -23.7 15,494 59| 19.4 1,689] 9.2 15,038] 97.1 5,887| 4,507 5,100] 86.5 28.1 301 134 Larimer: ««...... 03 30,170 | -15.1 35,539 22 7.2| 2,619] 13.6 85,517| 99.9| 18,396 7,237 9,906] 92.2) 84.1 639 356 Las Animas......086 25,980 | -19.7 32,369 25] -10.1| 4,794] 6.8 32,184] 99.3 13,223] 12,837 6,309] 69.6] 18.0 602 340 5,227 | -11.1 5,882 89| -25.1| 2,593 2.3 5,881| 100.0 2,668 3,214] 93.2] 27.0 17 38 15,485 | -15.7 18,370 sof -7.9 1,827| 10.1 18,285| 99.5 7,411] 2,717 8,242] 91.4] 29.4 392 133 29,170 | -13.7 33,791 2 s0.4| 3,313] 10.2 33,620| 99.5| 12,479 8,039] 13,278] 91.6] 30.4 712 349 Minersl..... ....040 625 | -86.9 975 99] v2.3 921 1.1 975] 100.0 826 wo 9g.2| ss.2 12 4 : . Moffat «ov. .....08L 4,186 | -17.7 5,086 91 4.6] 4,754] 1.1 5,082 99.9 3,165 1,921 98.8] 32.0 92 35 .042 7,858 | -24.9 10,463 74| sa.2| 2,09] 5.0 9,961| 95.2 5,448 5,015] 85.9] 21.2 208 102 .043 12,795 | -17.0 15,418 59| 31.3] 2,239] 6.9 15,375] 99.7 4,764] 3,327 7,327 89.4] 26.2 330 140 Morgan «er. ... .044 15,681 | -9.8 17,214 54| -5.9| "1,282| 13.4 17,180| 99.8 4,884] 4,285 8,045] 89.2] ‘26.7 370 187 OBE vrs + +s ves O45 24,311 3.3 23,671 ag| -3.4| 1,267| 18.6 23,130| 98.1|" 10,534] 6,307 6,730] « 85.4] 25.6 638 278 1,720 | -17.7 2,089 98| 17. 540| 3.9 2,089 100.0 1,423 666] 94.8] 28.8 26 14 1,771 | -45.9 3,272 9%] 69.5] 2,166] 1.5 * 8,271] 100.0 2,093 1,179] 95.4] 81.1 19 22 4,251 | -14.1 4,948 92| -14.6 680| 7.3 4,946 100.0 2,346 2,602] 96.2 24.4 95 45 PARAL ..eus. 1,202 | -34.5 1,836 98 3.7 97a| 1.9 1,831 99.7 1,122 714] 90.6] 26.5) 28 28 Prowers ... .... 050 18,201 | 47.9 12,304 68| -16.7| 1,626] 7.6 12,241| 99.5 4,445] 3,186 4,678] 89.8 26.4 360 12 092 | Pueblo... .... -061 73,268 6.4 68,870 9 4.3] 2,401| 28.7 67,805 97.7| 52,162| 10,460 6,248] 84.5] 2¢.90 1,695] 1,128 Rio Blunco 2,487 | -15.5 2,943 96| -1.2| 3,263] 0.9 2,992| 99.6 1,632 1,411] 94.4] 28.1 4 21 7 Rio Grande. 11,80 | -8.1 12,404 68 24.6 916| 13.5 12,392 99.9 3,208] 4,585 4,611) @4.6] 29.6 298 146 / Routt .... . 8,344 | -20.7 10,525 74| 12.5] 2,330 4.5 10,299) 97.9 7,386 3,139] 89. 24.8 185 77 Saguachc.., .. 055 4,661 | -24.5 6,178 89) -1.2] 3,204] 2.0 6,168] 99.9 3,648 2,526] 82.2] 25.1 189 57 San Juni. 1,049 | -27.1 1,489 99 -25.6 392| 3.7 1,497) 99.9 1,489 92.7) ‘81.1 22 18 San Micuel. 2,1067 -42.b 3,664 | 67.8] 1,283] 2.9 3,660) 99.9 2,806 8s8| 90.3] 28.0 50 24 Sedgwick........058 4,294 | -18.9 5,294 91 5.1 544] 9.7 5,213 98.5 2,615 2,679] 90.1] 27.1 18 37 Summite......... 059) 1,12¢ | -35.9 1,756 | © 98| 77.7 615| 2.9 1,762] 99.9 - 1,508 251] 97.7] 5.2 18 12 Teller .........080) 2,616 | =59.5 6,463 87| 56.1 554] 11.7 6,454 99.9 5,694 769) 95.2] 27.1 39 50 Washington 081 6,751 | -19.0 8,336 82| -13.1| 2,525 8.8 8,811f 99.7] | ~ 2,340 5,996) 94.6] 20.6 156 57 : Weld .... 082] 56,925 | -10.7 63,747 | -2.1| 4,004] 15.9 62,984 98.8] 15,995| 18,887 28,865] 87.8] 27.4] 1,369 485 Yuma. oe oe OBS 9,626 | =20.5 12,102 69| -11.1| 2,383 5.1 12,102| 100.0 4,706 7,396] 94.6] 20.8 238 82 = CONNECTICUT. ...| 1,748,402] 2.4 |1,709,242 6.4| 4,899] 348.9] 1,675,407] 98.0|1,158,162| 455,465 95,625] 86.4] 24.5] 34,278] 18,919 : METRO. COUNTS. .| 1,444,949 2.6 | 1,408,808 6.5| 2,357] 597.7| 1,877,992| 97.8[1,025,630| 834,266] - 48,987| 86.2] 25.2] 28,250] 15,828. Metro, nrean: 3 016 | Bridgeport... ...001] 434,265 3.8| 418,084 8.2 633 | 661.0 408,290 97.6] 290,798| 115,939] 11,647] “-salo| £4.8] 8,39] 4,630 053 | Hurt ford-Now Brit- : 7 Bla eeres. 002,004) 532,021 5.3| 506,188 7.1] 1,115] 454.0 496,960 98.1| 349,093| 181,898] 25,202] 84.8] 26.6] 10,889 5,396 079 | Now Haven. . ood] 477,768 | -1.4| 484,316 4.5 609} 795.8 a78,402| o7.7| se8b,744| 86,434] 12,188] 86.2] 26.0] 9,011] 5,207 oT Col Tiz...| 403,408 | 1.0] 300,354 5.7| 2,542] 118.2 297,418] 99.0] 1s2,527| 121,180] 46,638] e7.8] 21.2] 6,018] ‘8,596 Table 3 ABLE 3—SELECTED DATA FOR METROPOLITAN AREAS AND FOR ALL COUNTIES, » Bert & ='laber Porse COLO., Bent (006) - Yuma (083) BY STATE—Continued LABOR FORCE—1940 ~ : Percent of Population 14 Years Old and Over . Employed Workers by Industry Group Employed i METROPOLITAN In leading NS Meira AS, P { Tren 5 Business nonagri- 3 Area COUNTIES, : Percent | Percent pe and cultural thre Code ‘AND ofall | of all C ns . | Whole- | personal Other In | industry 5 CODES Total In labor idles fpndsh Total Agri | Minin or Manufac- ani sale and | services | 07 | agri- ? oa force | Who are | who are | orhloved || culture 8 ue turing 2 retail exclud- 4] {cod \ : in in tion and trade og reported | | Code Bor fobot ger ton odtic (See |Per- utili - : age | cent 8 ; : orce orce i services £28) { an (8) 19) @) @n @) @) (24) (25) (26) @1 28) 9) Go | 6n | 32) COLORADO~-Con. E All Counties—Con. B bets sasnesediG +10; ,112 64.1 16.5 2,611 93h 2 367 27 97 319 598 267] 35.8| G36] 16.2 ba ay ai 75.2 21.2 11,684 1,918 | 1,884 697 589 616 2,061 2,997 9221.16.4| 636 13.8 5.24 3,016 71.3 22.1 2,237 357 126 i n uy yi 4s 7 3% = 1 2.2 1,112 | 79.3 17.3 939 529 2 . . Clear re Be 1,524 83.0 14,8 1,150 31 492 94 38 @ 164 164 103] 2.7 4 42,5 c nn vs SOLE 7.26% 3,3 78.0 10.9 2,329 1,544 1k 66 50 66 238 22% 126| 66.3| 636 5.6 a eer | 2d | 7me| nol 1as| mo| 7 30 13 & 39 & | 65.0] 23] 6.3 3,881 1,826 76.8 13.4% 1,371 = 3 82 54 155 170 87] 51.5| 636| 6.9 1,720 gL 79.2 1h.5 704 29 23 31 4 61 7 57 57.4 636( 5.1 11,980 5,544 76.1 13.8 4,707 2,389 158 191 200 179 614 60 372] 50.8 636| 6.1 262,279 | 137,393 76.7 30.1 | 116,688 1,005 677 | 6.247 17,365 | 12,786| -30,316| 31,660| 16,632] 0.9| @36| 10.6 1,322 638 78.2 8.6 564 > 11 18 13 32 38 30| 52.3 ki 20.0 2,690 1,348 81.6 12.8 1,26 6 1 78 12 81 81 114 109] 51.8 3 7.4 3,937 | 2,078 | 8.2) 14.3] 1,868 578 | 490 4 59 173 159 200 135] 30. 26.2 3,985 2,059 84.3 1.9 | | 1,877 1,359 1 46 9 58 131 178 89 | 72.4] @36| 6.1 43,183 | 20,068 70.5 25.3 | 16,751 1,769 453 | 1,036 1,113 1,090 3,860 5,212 2,218] 10.6] 636] 14.2 Fremontes.... 15,386 6,305 61.0 16.6 4,872 1,07 798 175 | 3; 274 54 £97 476 | 22.0 2| 13.3 . |carfield... 7.960 3,789 17.1 15.0- 3.301 1,51! 8 207 8 197 458 533 277| 45.2| 636| 7.0 Gilpin... 1,261 682 84,0 15.5 541 34 239 4g 19 39 73 6 42) 6.3 Bi hi,2 2,696 1,4 82.5 15.1 1,150 395 1 14g 65 99 152 185 99] 34.3 231 57 4,576 2,270 18.5 15.2 1.915 480 554 | 75 0 12 209 303 162] 24.3 2| 23.9 233 153 7 21.1 po 4 3 1 4 5 Lo 14 49.5) 3u| 9.9 11,123 5,056 74.0 13.0 3.25 5 89 129 135 132 451 hy 220| 26.0, 2| 27.3 1,338 760 gd RY 19.4% 112 33 - 2 20 88 28 68 17 76] 46.5 9| 8.7 035 23,755 | 11,318 19.4 | 9,536 1,825 221 761 1,428 894 1.707 1,809 881 19.1| @36( 8.9 2,104 1,056 78.6 17.9 828 uk 1 18 3 62 88 122 60| 57.2| 636 15.3 3.he 2,701 78.2 17.2 2,221 1.28 1 55 ol a 276 320 179] 57.1| 036] 8. 5,21 2,809 84h 17.2 2,358 1,033 59 280 in 370 281 150| “1.9 4| 43,7 10,980 5,432 78.2 MH. 4,231 1,395 135 72 231 27 695 mm 355] 33.0| 636] 8.8 27,081 12,565 | TH.T 18. 9,873 2,896 81 76 195 Legg 1,808 2,260 1,068 29.3| 636 11.7 22,470 | 10,437 THT 16.3 7.318 1,432 | 1,678 194 | lg 604 1,122 1,187 656] 19.6 2| 22.9 4,401 2,275 79.7 19.6 1,913 78 3 55 16 151 274 276 160| 51.1 @36| 7.5 13,161 6,512 78.2 18.6 5,541 2,18 5 156 224 934 gli5 20 3.6| 636] 8.6 25,148 | 11,84 76.3 16.5 | 10,010 3,326 191 597 333 1,18 1,8! 1,696 3] 33.2 2 1.8 68k 37 83.6 16.3 334 4g 170 16 5 12 28 33 22| 1.4 50.6 3,816 2,089 Ly 19.0 1,827 806 118 117 72 £3 27 |" 252 162] W4.1| 636( 5.9 7,100 3,115 78.0 13.4 2,732 1, hh 1 107 189 87 313 3271 214 72.9 @36| 6.0 11,043 5,431 78.5 15.1 4,770 2,202 y 255 140 19% 597 611 329 b6.2 4 8.5 12,329 5.771 75.7 15.7 4,943 2,281 2 216 7 808 768 382 1 636| 7.6 17,012 7.872 75.9 16.7 6,195 1,836 5 239 387 1,0 1,077 1,076 531| 29.6| 23] 13.0 1,580 791 79.4% 15.5 673 228 121 3n 11 62 66 98 56] 33.8 ui 17.8 2,544 1,k01 82.1 18.1 1,235 432 nk | 5 34 a 120 163 85] 35.0 4 25.0 3,674 1,846 80.3 17. 1,623 822 » 3 276 |. 279 2 20.6 636| 8.5 te 1,k47 684 74.3 1, _ 552 264 n 17 18 22 47 7.8 4 12.3 8,873 4,201 76.9 17.2 3/510 1,358 5 216 182 22% 585 607 332| 38.7| 636] 7.9 092 (Pueble......,: 53,985 | 24,912 71.7 20.4 | 20,972 1,623 68 790 6,203 2,305 4,115 4,ko2 1,466) 7.7 17| 23.0 Rio Blanco.. 2,221 | [1,138 79.1 15.5 94g 18 28 3 16 32 81 2h gi] s4.6| 636) 6.4 Rio Orande. 8,520 5,059 17.5 15.6 3,237 1,15 118 14g 113 108 = 235) 43.7] 636! 8.0 Routt.... 1,723 | 4,0 80.1 16.4% 3,542 1,080 | 1,080 103 90 189 6 212] 30.5 2| 30.0 Seguache...... Lo hj 1,947 76.5 12.8 1,538 869 42 60 bl 1) 15 197 106| 56.5 636) 6.2 San Juan. ... 1,080 ‘620 | 86.5] 16.9 76 4 | 268 1 5 25 56 79 26) ol 3.3 San Miguel. 2,685 1,511 83.8 18.5 1,322 232 548 115 23 60 108 145 91] 17.5 4 9 Sedgwick. 3,83 2,057 81.6" 21.7 1,721 uz 92 96 211 25 113 49.3| 036( 7. fSummit......... 1,383 810 86.7 15.1 647 86 102 270 10 22 42 7 4} 13.3 4] 15.6 Teller......... 4,833 2,570 82.0 [— 17.3 2,1k2 ik | o2,10% 58 54 13 223 ‘289 7] 6.7 4! 51.9 Is Washington. 6,052 3,07 2.3 1%. 2,741 1,934 1 50 21 7 215 Ln 169) 70.6( 0636 6.7 \ Woldeo.ooos 45,869 | 21,u8 76. 25.1 17,842 8,308 700 670 838 1% 2,589 2,769 1,239] 46:6| a3€| 8.5 \ YuMBesoessseesss0B3 8,747 4,216 78.1 6 3,736 2,284 1 L 12 7 508 222| 61.1 636) 7.1 CONKECTICUT....| 1,375,329 | 770,003 80.2 32.4 | 620,450 || 26,453 594 | 33,285 | 295,707 | 32,980| 102,995 | 119,71%| 68,763] 3.9| 636 8.0 METRO, COUNTIES. 1,135,769 639,883 80.4 33.1 | 566,648 || 15.882 490 | 26,659 | 247,723 | 27,986| 88,395| 103,347 | 56,166 2.8 Metro. areas: 2 : 016 |Bridgeport......001 336,754 | 191,105 80.6 33.7 | 169,039 3,786 66 | 9.523 74.369 7.667 25,900] 21,571| 20,157] 2.2 053 |Hartford-New Britain : v 10.002,004] 408,077 | 227.695 19.7 32.7 | 204,372 8,086 228 | 8,747 85,456 7.482 30,994 | 43.572 19,807] 4.0 079 Wow Eaven......[005 390,938 | 221,083 £1.0 32.9 | 193,237 4,010 196 | 8,389 87.898 | 12,837| 31,501| 32,204 16,202] 2.1 OTHER comnnizs. .. 239,560 | 130,120 19.1 29.1 | 113,842 || 10,571 04% | 6,626 47,984 kgok| 4,600] 16,366] 12,597] 9.3 85 w rs 5 hd DD w TEE EX ATT T IF 5 > KE Mo be TPA FET PRs : : x 3! : oY ¥ ey - = - y i - oS X x y \ ! . Table 3 . 7 ; OL Se) TABLE 3—SELECTED DATA FOR METROPOLITAN AREAS AND FOR ALL COUNTIES, o oy nf - . Yuma (063) ; : BY STATE—Continued iis ere Sa. \ ng HOUSING—1940 ; . a 3 Nonfarm Rural Farm All Dwelling Units Occupied Dwelling Units Dwelling Units Dwelling Units uk METROPOLITAN i) Metro. AREAS, ‘ a ; 4 se: An COUNTIES, Revidential Percent | Percent Per. | Percent en Per- CODES slructures in5or| with | Percent ho wih Average at Pessue LN or more rivate wil mechan- monthly wi wit : Number family Ea electric Number owe ical portons Number rent Number run- electric struc- | or | lighting ied | Te8 | house- (dollars) ning | lighting tures | shower P eration | “poi water [£0] G9) G9) 9) on G9 9 “) “n “@) w) “0 “s) “9 “n COLORADO=-Con. All Counties—Con, . BORE ue conieiie res 2,402 2,644 2.8 20.5 63.2 2,422 120.9 33.2 3.29 1,61 14,22 1,031 2.5] 36.1 bul Boulder......... 11,947 13,649 3.8 50.5 81.7 11,327 44.7 37.6 2.92 11,08 21.11 2,565] 3.7! 53.3 6,029 Chaffee. ... 2,697 2,996 L.6 yk 75.8 2,392] 52.5 27.0] 2.718 2,t79| 14.88 517| 22.8] L3.R 933 Cheyenne... 960 993 1.1 12.9 LL.6 826 u5.8 17.40 3.0 u22| 10.57 sn| 8.2 21.7 192 Clear Creez..... 010 1.7155 1,969 5.5 38.6 72.9 1,172] L2.0 2u.1f 2.72 1,827 1.7 12 Le.6| 0.0 102 Conejns.........011 .2,666 2,893 0.8 135 34.6 2,556| 61.6 10.1] 4.09 1,552| e&.m0 1,381) 11.5) 19.1 432 Costillas...... 012 1,696 1,765 0.3 .8 30.8 1,635] 55.7 5.9] 4.12 IM| 6.61 | 5.2{ 25.9 100 Crowleye........ 01 1,115 1,521 2.5 20.1 51.6 1,405) 37.3 21.k| 3.39 783| 19.10 73€| 1b,5( 21.1 31k Custer..........01 a2 862 10.6 26.4 677| 58.2 5.4 2.36 381 7.91 yer 9.6] 11.8 139 De188. coc eveers .015 4,679 4,966 1.2 28.5 70.2 4,509] 55.0 27.1 3.28 2.681 14.70 2,285] 29.0] 57. 2,033 68,205 101,1k43 23.4 72.7 98.4 96,777| 38.4 u7.7 2.0 01,1431 29.99 74,619 602 607 X.3 28 533| 60.4 3.8 3.24 329 8.31 272 3.2| 08,2 16 1,199 1,224 32. 8.8 1,033 146.9 21.1] 3.09 61k | 13.90 610 35.6] 27.6 | _ 370 1,688 1,763 1.0 22.8 53.6 1,495 47.4 19.8] 3.19 1,155 12.92 608| 25.7] 20.5 309 1,684 1,742 0.7 11.9 38.5 1.5371 52.5 8.3] 3.19 uf 9.99 1,251 17.0] 22.5 501 17,003 19,561 6.8 64.6 90.6 16,532 49.5 ¥0.9| 2.72 17.754] 23.41 1,807 24.7| 30.5 11,196 5,289 5.749 2.6 40.0 79.6 5,2 51.9 25.6 3.01 bukh| 13.73 1,305) 25.3| b4.0 1.899 3,126 3,m5 4,8 31.4 58.2 3,063 5.21 27.8 3.01 1,397] 16.52 1,418) 25.2] 19.4 1,217 1,004 1,045 1.0 14.8 50.4 580 Uuj.1 7.3 2.9 us| 10.15 97 - - ‘62 1,6¢8 1,795 24.9 68.7 1,023 4.6 9.3 2.94 1,k22| 35.96 373| 26.0| 31.6 352 2,435 2,571 2.9 21.6 65.3 1,763] 45.9 18.3] 3.4 1,838) 13.96 739| 16.9| 30.6 549 323 323 3,1 29.7 12h | 66.9 0.8 2.5 255! Em 68 - - 11 3,885 4,336 1.5 21,} 53.1 4,066 48.2 16.4 3.47 3.471 9.68 86s g.0| 12.8 64k 770 789 13.2 46.3 525 | 52.€ 1-31 3.12 b1| 11.18 378| 19.6] 37.2 225 035 |Jefferson.......030 11,155 11,799 1.9 47.6 771 8,763 60.1 37.2 2.99 9.165| 22.50 2,634) 50.6] 69.9 4,819 Kiowa, .euvoore. 031 996 1,022 0.6 10.4 u1.2 819| 53.0 19.7 2.98 gl 9.64 6ou| 8,8 22.9 85 Kit Carson......032 2,187 2,279 0.9 18.4 49.1 1,999| Mi.7 17.3 3.33 gil | 11.04 1,335 13.5| 20.6 531 Lake, «coroners es03 2,200 2,391 £2 33.6 #5.6 2,90 | 56.2 W.3( 2.97 2,368 12.25 23 - - 435 La Plata........03 4,242 4,692 3 30.1 55.9 4,112] 53.5 24.7 3.29 3,253) 17.73 1,439 11.3 11:3 1,727 Larimer......... 035 12,853 14,231 3.5 45.9 74.6 10,324 | u8.g 3h.5 3.02 10,950 | 26.58 3,331| 26.6| 36. 4,781 ® 2 Lac Animes......036 8,061 9,18 2.9 24.0 62.8 8,220 | u5.5 21.6 3.40 7.281( 1103 1,008] 9.0] 16.9 1.9711 11ncOln. uses. +037 1,716 1,862 1.5 22.9 51.1 1,656 47.9 19.5| 3.0% 7] 14.39 1,005( 10.2( 21.4 579 LOEBN «se sinie vs 03g 4 ,66¢ 5,132 i? 34.3 60.3 4,663 u1.g 29.8] 3.43 2,907| 17.9% 2,225] 12.6|* 22.4 1,002 Messy. sores sesss 032 8,854 9.828 A 38.8 75.1 2.156 57.8 46.7 3.23 6,161 | 21.k2 3.667) 19.9 56.1 £,160 Mineral........ 0 595 601 10.1 49.2 294 41.8 19.2| 2.97 287| 12.51 nk 15.0) 32.5 nu Moffat, oo oacsss nll 1,654 1,799 hd 25.0 he.2 1,556 | 53.2 17.4] 2,78 1,023 19.05 7716 10.1| 10.0 Les Montezuma. ......042 2,783 2,913 1.0 17.5 38. 2,68 | 55.0 16.2) 3.52 1,592| 12.24 1,327 L.u| 10.2 536 Montroge........083 4,135 463 2.3 26.2 60.4 4,080 | 52.9 32.2 3.32 2,455 15. 2,0N8 D3 u2.5 1,397 Morgnn..........0uk 4,385 4,830 3.1 35.8 67.0 4.470 | b1.9 30.9) 3.38 2,607| 18.37 2,133| 21. ol ,153 OUAPOy. es ves tines ous 5.991 6,807 5.0 35.0 74.0 6,446 | Lu. 38.8] 3.19 4,988 | 15.19 1,819) 12.6) fa. 1 BPAY. se os vesns 662 692 38.1 69.9 625| 51.6 20.5( 2.94 4g7| 13.01 205] 2u.4| 17.6 199 Park,.. ovenvse 1,808 1,862 1.5 13.5 u1.& 1,959 | 48.6 5.9 2.5 1,137] 12.30 725| 18.2| 21.0 200 Phil1ipge..ce.... 1,454 1,508 1.9 31.7 63.0 1,395( 43.0 25.3 3.18 738| 12.93 770| 28.1 35.9 854 BItRYN. vive nnen 776 199 3.0 26.5 62.3 569 | 71.9 10. 2.76 571| 10.58 228| ug.7| 2u.3 127 Prowers... 3.420 3.752 2.9 27.1 64.7 3.299 | 38.7 35.2 3.27 2,265] 15.85 1,487) 6.5! 33.8 1,093 092 [Pueblo......... 16,325 13,331 7.0 52.1 88.2 18,232] 52.9 47.0] 3.05 17,457| 20.0k4 1,874 0.3 uh. 7 11,438 Rio Blanco... ... 52 97H 1,023 1.2 19.6 46.3 851 | 55.3 18.4] 3.08 466 | 13.91 557 19.%| 15.3 306 Rio Orande......03} 3,185 3,507 1.7 28.4 64.5 3,135] W4,7 23.8) 3.u8 2,211 15.40 1,296| 32.6| 51.3 1,707 POUL so ox x vesl 3.286 3.497 1.3 13.4 62.2 3,028] 43.3 16.3| 3.02 2,380] 13.13 1,117| 16.7] 14.0 802 |Saguache........ 1,787 1,826 18.1 45.6 1,556| 49.3] . 15.0 3.uh 1,042) 10.01 784 | 28.2| 31.0 50 San Juan........056 431 521 3.5 62.2 93.4 3931 47.6 10.5 3.02 521| 16.37 ; 83 San Kigiel......097 1,112 1,175 1.4 27.4 58.6 1,028| 52.8 1.2) 3.05 904 | 10.8k 2nn| u.8| 6.8 206 Sedgwick........058 1,388 1.525 1.2 26.0 66.0 1.385 ol 31.0 3.39 786| 15.15 733| 18.4] 33.7 uk Sumit... 00aesa0) 3 975 17.4 .6 666 3 8.2! 2.20 853 | 13.69 122 18.9] 21.3 sh Teller. ooessqs.060 2,3200 2,601 1.0 32.1 74.3 2,009 57.1 18.8] 2.717 2,182| 12.85 u19| 23.6] 2u.8 247 Vashington......061 2,353 2,424 0e® 14.9 Ly.9 2,200 | 47.3 11.3 3.36 720| 11.32 1,704 11.8] 27.8 612 Wold. .orinenss .062 16,627 18,476 4.3 34.0 66.4 16,865 | 33.8 30.7{ 3.33 10,389 | 18.50 8,087 19.6] 37.9 6.050 YUMB. verse essss0B3 3,430 3.557 1.5 22.7 h7.% 3,257 43.7 19.7 3.35 1,423] 13.19 2,134 | 22.3] 22.8 1,293 COMMECTICUT.... |, 319.271 448,543 12.1 81.7 96.5 Lug 682 | 140.5 61.5! 3.37 461,781 | 16,22 26,762| 68.2| #0.u | 105,265 METRO. COUNTIES... 2g, 657 395,261 1.1 83.5 97.8 368,224 | 38.7 62.91 3.39 381.931 | 37.8 13,330] 73.7] 87.5 | @%%,050 Matro. areas! ) ! 016 |Bridgeport....s.001 79.673 113.117 11.8 82.8 97.7 110,235 | 40.8 .5 3.38 115,559 ( 43.95 3,558 78.4) 91.1 76,951 053 |Hurtford=tew Britain : £3,008 137,210 18.2 €3. 97.6 130,532] 37.4 68.0 3.42 130,502 | 36.49 6,658) 72.1| %6.7 %.a1 079 85,976 138,934 12.1 8.7 98.0 128,057 38.3 60.6 3.38 135,820 | 33.89 3,14 7.7] 85. ,291 \ OTH:i® COUNT!ES... 70,614 93,282 3.6 66.9 91.3 79.858) uz.6 5k. 2 3.25 79,89 | 28.68 13,432] 60.9| 73.2 50,206 86 TN ay TABLE 3—SELECTED DATA FOR METROPOLITAN AREAS AND FOR ALL COUNTIES, BY STATE—Continued ; Table 3 Part 4 Agriculture COLO., Bent (006) - Less than three farus reported and data are therefore included only in State totals. 2LaPlata County (034) includes San Juan County (058), 3The State Total includes $46,792 for female silvor fox and, /or mink over 3 months old (kept in captivity) not distrituted to individual counties. (Figures which have been rounded to thousands will not necessarily add.to totals) Yuma (063) willl AGRICULTURE—1945 AGRICULTURE—1940 Value of farm “products sold, | Principal Por. oY elue of aly Work power traded, or u source of SETROEGLTEN Per- o prope farm household farm income | Type- cent - Metro. AREAS, Number of | Land in | Cropland | Number | of has Percent from— farming- Burg Area COUNTIES, farms farms | harvested farms | farms | O°} Number T area | ‘€Y¢ Code AND (1000's | (1000s oper- | Gp Aver-| . Live- : code v3 CODES Jan. 1, of © of April 1, | ated prod- | (1 fatal 38€ | horses | Number (1000's stock Code P (See living 1945 acres) | acres) | 1940 | by | qs ¢ | for | andor of oF and See | ‘=| pam [MT ten- | | o arm | mules | tractors live- | Crops p.42g | cent ants | E55 | dollars) | (dol- Gover 3 dollars) | stock ’ than ais) over ~ $400 mo. old) pigs “3) “) (50) Gn (2) (3) (54) (55) (56) Gn (8) (59) (60) 1) 2). (63) 4) C0: =Con. All Counties—Con. Bent...... ren 006 630 739 7 687| 53.6] 32.3 7,136 0,387 W911 250 1,361 52.8| 39.4 5| 36.2 616| 103 (Boulder 1,425 238 86 1,352| 39.5| 24.0| 14,536 10,751 1206 519 3,048 55.21 39.7 5 a 963| 117 Chaffee. . a 1 16 295 | 29.5| 37.3 2,623 | 8,802 1,159 80 Usk | 58.7] 28.1 1| 34.0 233| 102 Cheyenne. 962 119 Wet b7.2| 39.7 4,230 | 8,528 2,192 236 665| 71.6] 21.4 1] 56.3 323 116 Clear Creek. 23 1 1 ico - 424 | 9,021 164 50 17.6 3.1 2| 32.4 233| 122 Conejos......... 011 793 i 97 1,049 [ 24.6 h2.8 9,307 | &,872 3,794 307 1,836 | 56.6 36.3 1| 3h 615| 10 Costilla. .012 553 64 35 523 | 31.2( WN.2 2,866 | 5,480 1,k408 170 883 | 35.5| 58.5 5| 40.5 615| 50 . 503 4 51 532 | 58.8| 22.6 3,485 | 6,551 2,493 228 1,113| 27.9| 66.6 5| 49.6 616| 111 255 23 25 305| 24.9 31.1 2,858 | 9,370 1,783 68 4e3| 715.6] 12.2 1| 58.5 222] 100 1,686 286 58 1,699 | 31.7 32.8 9,415 | 5,541 5,442 296 2,270| U5.6| 43.5 1] 30.0 115| 107 19% 3 2 158 | 24.1] 25.3 1,720 [10,88 3 17 764 | 12.9| 87.0 8| 80.9 963 237 nl u3 236| 19.1] 26.7 1,025 | 4,343 513 160 300 3. 65.5 5 65.3 2330 ey 435 3 51 417| 36.5 16.3 6,011 14,115 2,348 2718 811] 78. 12.2 145.2 323| 125 256 22 29 329 27.1| 18.5| 5,510 16,748 2,622 80 1,234 | 69.6] 22.5 1{ 59.5 233] 1m 893 1,187 167 989 | 39.0 21.6 2,813 | £,911 5,537 600 1;554 | 75.2| 14.8 1| 52.9 323] mm 1,355 1,227 163 1,310 33.2| 32.0| 10,900] 8,321 5,954 522 2,425 T71.3| 22.0 1| k2.7 323| 138 9g og 22 987 | 23.4 | 54.0 4,279 | 4,943 2,132 133 205| 50.0| 35.5 1 2:1 222| 103 8s1 423 55 980 | 25.7 27.7 9,257 ( 9» 5.447 170 2,023 61.1 2.2 1| 47.8 233| 122 21 _18 1 51 - Lo 297 | 5.224 145 6 Ml 59.7 .3 1] 35.0 233| 98 216 333 39 253| 21.3| 21.3 4,290 16,957 2,467 56 1,038 | £2.1 7.0 1| 80.9 233| 108 2g 238 u6 362 | 11.3 | 30.7 6,618 18,282 3,64k 42 1,182 | 90.3 3.6 1 77.7 233 m 25 Ld 34 - - 450 03,235 470 106 | 79.7| 10.7 1 73.2 233| 8&9 567 801 35 696 | 21.0 63.8 3,878 | 5,572 2,788 97 571 76.5| 10.c 1|57.8 222| 63 155 29 9% 262 7.3 i 7,118 7,168 Wh27 73 992 88.6 7.8 1f79. 233| 100 1,918 257 55. 1,763 | 25.4 | B3.0| 18,343 10,404 3.397 461 2,758 | 54.1] 38.% 2| 18, 963| 13 82 86 81 4sh| Wi2| 36.8 3,389 | 7,465 | 2,064 202 640 | 83.3 6.5} 1 67.4 323| ‘113 1.058 1.2 280 1,1k8 | sha | 39.7 6,103 | 5,316 5,954 584 98h 7h. 14,1 1] 52.4 323| 110 20 15 4 rr 29 - - 302 (10,621 184 (1) 59 84,2 7.0 2 .0 233| 98 936 599 59 £1,046 me 233.2 26,795 *6,494 4,574 202 1,238 | 63.3 22.3 1 .0 233 85 1,766 746 147 1,825 | bo.s| 23.8] 23,674 2,972 6,986 868 5,103 61.6] 33.1 1{b7.2 963| 117 Las Animas......036 1,048 2,468 ™ 1,281 | 29.4 | 56.% 8,807 | 6,875 6,278 211 1,445 76.1 12.9 1] 59.7 222| 62 LANCOIN.eoesesns 037 163 1,549 152 834 | ug.2| 36.2 6,891 | 8,263 4,173 ih) 1,120 | 77.6| 12.7 1] 58.0 323| 119 |Loganee iver. ..038 1,447 1,092 2 1,575 53.9 | 21.6 17,587 [11,166 7,600 1,107 3,841 10] ght 1|b7.8 963| 113 Mash. + Jove ss ss+2039 2,624 608 2,652 | 19.5 | 20.6| 17,573 | 6,626 7,044 537 3,776 2.1 £.5 1{29.5 115] 109 Minerale........0l0 23 28 2 9 - - 737 ps.oa 269 1 0 64.1] 29.6 1| 46.5 2331 95 Moffat... uuvs..s 360 998 uy 527 | 18.2 | 31.9 5,961 [11,311 3,924 166 1,354 | su.& 9.1 165.7 233| 12 Montezuma. . ... Fo B11 8 1,043 | 26.6 | 30.0 5,597 | 5,366 3,871 352 1,503 | ho.4| 39.1 1f35.0 233 94 Montrose... . 1, 3 473 69 1,426 | 34.9] 21.5 .321 | 6,536 6,463 290 2,623 ug.7( k2.3 5| 37. 15] 102 Morgan. ..... 1,30! ™y 191 1,349 a: 23.9 14,823 10,988 7,069 117 4,071 61.8 Tt 1] 52.5 963| 115 Otero... .. 1,17 709 8 1,189 .5| 26.8| 10,510 | 8,839 4,452 3 2,540 46.0 £.5 5 32.1 616( 106 Ouray...... 118. 129 13 153 | 21.6 | 23.5 1,927 12,595 895 | 25 293| 79.9| 1.2 1| 68.5 233| 123 Parke. ..... 1! 635 WR, 306 | 21.2 | k2.5 4,954 16,190 2,799 & 2 19.2 11.4 161.8 233| 100 Phillips. 5 426 193° 626 | 51.3| 7.8 7.492 1,968 1,780 spl 1,281| 0.5] 51.0 9150.9 3k 130 Pitkin. . mn 91 12 169 i 25.4 1,999 [1,828 1,059 25 us6 | 65.8 25.1 152.5) 233] 14 Prowers. . 958 1% 191 1,022 .9 | 30.7 8,291 | 8,118 4,752 65 1,777| 52.0 39.3 5| 38.9 616| 106 092 [Pueblo... 1,118 9us 78! 1,193 | 33.7| 29.0 10,662 #,937 3,765 usy 2,255 | u7.3| B%.3 529.5 616 Rio Blanc 263 515 39] 339 | 17.1] 28.3 6,273 18,534 3,761 90 1,268 | gh.g 8.9 1] 7h.g 233 16 Rio Grand 693 231 92 675 | 35.7 | 14.7 12,552 [18,596 2,817 49g 3,049 37.1 38.9 5| 52.8 61% Routt. 600 . 199 E R29 | 28,7 | 24.1 9,579 11,555 5,502 238 1,012 75.0 | 16. 159.6 233| 108 Saguache. 359 481 8 505 | 35.2 33.7 8,513 16,857 3,431 _ 180 1,489 | 70.2| 24.2 156.3 615| 86 San Juan. 3 - i (2) | (2) (2) (2) | (2) (8) 1n| 96.8 2| e8.2 233 119 San Migue! 211 246 15 178 | 20.8 | 35.4 1,597 | 8.972 1,020 35 Luo | 84.7 5.8 1] 64.0 233| 101 Sedgwick. 466 306 126 505| sk. | "9.7| 6,501 p2,873| 1,957 wl 1,950 | h9.& 0.8 5(u4.9| 963| 129 1Summit. .. uy us 8 59 ed - 961 16,288 582 1 156 | 76.7 1.5 1|67.9 233| 100 Teller. ..... «+080 139 164 6 246 32 54.5 1,527 | 6,207 oll uy x 72.9 9.2 1| 45.5 233 119 Washington...... 061 1,285 1,435 361 1,439 3 24,5 10,107 | 7.024 R,33R{ | £29 1,87 4.6 15.5 1153.1 323| 110 Weld...... es ens 062 4,383 2,015 575 L,512 ES 13.3| 61,144 13,551 | 20,091 2,990 | 18,866 | uu. 3| 52.3 5| bok | 3 17 Yama, ree 063 1,526 1,415 37 1,765 1.6 | 19.2| 17,433] 9,877 7.827 1,050 2,658 54,0 37.5 51 37.2 n 120 CONNECTICUT. ... 22,211 1,593 433 21,163| 7.2| Y0.2| 5233428 11,030 16,998| 5,349 u7.8u2| 59.0| 31.7 2] 33.6 145 - METRO. COUNTIES. . 11,855 652 213. 10,745 6.5| 37.2] 150,9uk [14,048 9,070 2,976 29,617 ugk | Lu.2 % priagiert. "Mor 2,661 135 wl 2,772] 9.7] 53.8] 63.9 f30me| 1.m07 519] u.359| s7.e| 30.0 2] sen : ovnanae ++ .002, 004 6,304 356 121 5,090] 4.3| 32.6] 55.403 [10,885 5,037 1,567] 17.4710 2 37.6 56.7 079 [New Haven.......005 2,890 161 51° 2,83| 7.1| 31.5| 31,556 [10,946 2,226 890 7.7789 | 67.3 24.2 2| 34.8 OTHER COUNTI®S... 10,386 ¥ 9k 220 | 10,8 7.9] 42.6] R2,437( 7,913 7,928 2,373] 1s,224| "76.3 11.3 87 Table 5 : TABLE 3—SELECTED DATA FOR METROPOLITAN AREAS AND FOR ALL COUNTIES, Fezy SE Trade 2 J BY STATE—Co = ntinued : 3 3 COLO., Bent (078) - = Yuma. (063) : (411 dollar figures have been rounded to thousands and will not necessarily add to totals) ro won 8 S MANUFACTURING ESTABLISHMENTS—1939 MINERAL INDUSTRIES—1939 RETAIL ESTABLISHMENTS—1939 METROPOLITAN : » re] Mero COUNTIES Value added / ea » w Value of ae Value of | Number | Wages and ive |Employees f Code AND age Wages ue of by manufac- ue um a Sales Active Pay roll $ CODES ~ Number | eamers (1000%s ol Frode y tate pioduess of - Joe Number of (1000s of | pro- {orsiage (1000's of 3 (average |." gollars) | (1000's of | (10007s of | (1000's of | persons | (1000’s stores | “dollars) | prietors |") | dollars) for year) dollars) Jollars) dollars) | engaged | dollars) year) (65) (6) on 8) 0) ay a) a) an a) an —~ COLORADO——Con All Counties—Con, : Bont. ves cs rnese 006 8 a 1 1 ) 133 1.739 123 203 146 is JERE Ney! 007 2 Fi ¢ dg Dow Or 2,925 1,251 1,544 626 13,164 610 1,402 1,29% Chaffee.........| 008 7 i3 (2) (1) (2) 140 7 76 181 3,081 177 n 262 Cheyenne........ 63 629 [3] 38 Clear Creek..... 010 5 13 10 ug 28 1,210 382 548 78 1,381 78 149 1k2 Conejos. ........ 011 7 24 18 256 101 119 1,552 124 Ys © 105 Costilla........ 012 1 (2) (2) (1) (1) [| 78 592 17 26 5. 127 (2) (1) (1) 81 1,107 68 89 66 1 (1) (2) (2) (2) (1) (1) (2) ko 31k 42 25 17 16 181 173 +1,319 388 148 90°| 108 238 4,018 227 392 305 035 620 11,477 13,436 107.715 48,679 237 239 516 4,706 177.963 4,204 | 21,582 | 22,382 x 3 18 T 2 17 136 82. 110 24 232 24 10 8 : 6 128 bs) (2) (2) 26 13 10 66 706 60 52 3h Be ¥ n 52 16 109 4,279 ugh 776 90 1.296 £1 zs ™ Be 19 1 13 70 681 13 33 27 i BL 62 21 498 3,163 1,579 2,902 553 |. 740 1,004 23.78 913 | 3.055 2.952 16 189 238 1,676 996 1,565 9 994 308 1923 287 503 29 9 3 31 177 91 105 60 65 173 3.238 167 288 266 2 (x (2) (1) ©) 347 105 138 I 3 uh 37 22 9 53 57 128 105 120 1,497 132 123 106 y 46 4 161 108 1,319 692 81k 118 1,864 130 159 1k2 1) (2) (1) 8 bh, 8 |- 2 1 7 22° 165 76 1,547 955. 1,041 207 3,591 218 312 28k 3 96 a) (1) (2) 36 33 29 ul 508 36 46 37 035 15 378 7 3,543 2,016 502 221 308 388 6.275 386 591 538 R 1 (1) (2) (1) (2) 63 498 60 37 ) : 1 (2) (2) (2) (2) ; 11 1,691 13 152 102 \ 3 198 (a) (1) (1) 15,351 1,104 1,951 10 2,967 89 12 297 2 | 1 109 932 7: 80 60 48 208 4,939 208 72 467 47 681 71k 6,911 3,02) 102 51° 0 651 12,995 614 1,199 1,116 Las Animas...... 036 28 205 185 2,393 785 2,493 1,589 1,747 394 7.488 3 799 665 LincolBa. oon... 037 Zk (1) (2) 1 (1) 152 1, 1 157 93 Dogmatic: oivenrd 038 12 181 218 2,013 724 256 5,730 221 491 . rE 039 32 266 230 13596 687 206 149 125 429 11,860 yh 1.2% 1,159 Mineral......... 2 (2) (1) (1) (1) 475 146 199 27 293 25 1 13 } Re oll 3 y (2) (1) (2) 116 54 81 1,628 ™ 152 136 5 Montezuma 6 2 7 22 292 Wl 3 35 111 2,268 112 1 172 E Montrose 16 68 52 200 (2) (1) (2) 162 M463 1 Wo = Morgan 18 230 261 2,717 704 269 5,343 2 522 kor e Otero. 21 419 3.532 1,099 3 6,975 322 725 59 4 Ouray. 2 (2) (2) (2) (2) 536 96 155 uh 561 45 43 32 L Park. 5 18 | 12 20 17 1,352 385 607 89 £93 8 59 51 Philli; 3 6 (2) (1) (2) 108 1,%01 98 131 92° Pitkin.. 1 (2) (1) (2) (1) | . Ww 52 29 246 32 25 15 Prowers 16 7s 124 1,142 410 : 222 3.479 192 378 318 092 | Pueblo 72 5,019 7.172 ,212 15,730 291 85 152 %2 24,154 £30 2,774 2,688 i Rio Blanco 4 6 (2) (2) (2) (1) (1) (1) 866 33 73 67 | f Rio Grande 1 53 58 kuz 175 (1) (2) (2) 189 3.988 191 390 349 Routt... 9 3 32 128 17 1,786 1,174 1,250 159 3,059 1 257 225 i 3 (2) (1) (2) (1) (2) £3) 87 1,071 85 8h 60 San Juan 1 (2) (2) (2) (2) gay 278 502 | us uss u5 ug ¥2 San Miguel 1 a i ® a @ 1,522 521 724 = . Le x 3 i : p Sedgwick. . 12 x 1 1 » : Summit... 3 63 28 32 37 34g ko 36 24 = Teller hy 2 (2) (3) (1) (2) 3.112 769 1,005 122 1,908 115 185 bis Fag Washington. .....061. 2 (1 (1) (1) (1) 103 1,173 105 108 60 BE Weld . Ww 761 847 7.870 2,859 2,903 1,283 1,618 853 16,700 813 1,613 1,423 2 Yume 063 7 14 13 65 “34 197 2,802 196 255 193 : Combined Counties? 369 3915 1,057 13,371 3,422 1,836 533 719 oo : CONNECTICUT....| 2,936 | 233,525 276,274 | 1,229,586 692,187 2,917 125 934 25,873 717.262 | 21,715 | 70.248 79,905 METRO. COUNTIES..| 2,498 | 196,438 237,264 | 1,070,690 610,756 2,498 579 TH2 21,252 610,023 | 17,689 | 60,70 69,983 oe Metro. areas: : KS 016 |Bridgeport...... 001 843 59,607 69,726 348,104 187,911 293 79 118 6.367 188,099 5,309 | 17.436 20,816 Fx 053 | Hartford-New Britain RE aL. 002, 004 | 770 68,042 86,271 348,135 217.072 1,073 238 305 6,800 221,371 5,607 22,7713 26,542 2 079 |New Haven....... 005 885 68,789 -81,267 374,451 205,773 1,132 262 319 8,085 200,553 6,773 | 20.495 22,625 B ommR couriss...| uss | 37,087 | 39,000 | 156.896 81,431 lag 146 2) weal aoa] wed] sam] ase 1Not shown because of disclosure of operations of individual establishments. Date included in Combined Counties at end of State. 2TInciudes all counties where fig- “ures are not shown separately because of disclosure of operations of individual establishments. 31ncludes all establishments and wage earners of ¢ounties for which wages and value data were withheld to avoid disclosure. The "Combined Counties" figure for number of establishments is excluded from the State total, since this item 5 shown for every county. Whenever data on wage earners have been withheld, that portion of the "Combined Counties” figure represented by such date is included in tl corresponding State total. . 88 , BY STATE—Continued DATA FOR METROPOLITAN AREAS AND FOR ALL COUNTIES, Table § Part 6 - Other Economic Data ; COLO., Bent (006) = (A11 dollar ipores have been rounded to AESasiote and will not necessarily add to totals) Yuma (063) oro sess t ; : WHOLESALE SERVICE ESTABLISHMENTS—1939 BANK DEPOSITS TRADE—1939 1944 Major war supply Major war facilities { . contracts, rojects, June 1940-Sept. 1945 | June 1940- June. 1945 Metro. es | Area CONES, Number Number 2 (Employees Total ; (1000's of Code AND of Sales of | Recei 2 Active leverage Pa a (demand | Time | dollars at CODES estab- | (1000's of | estab- | (1 proprie- ws (1 and fine) (1000s | issue price) lish- | dollars) | lish- [of dollars) tors your) of dollars) S100 oe of dollars) od ments ments : of dol bat . a : A Other Industrial | Military _m a ®) on | @ | a ® as) @) @ ®) @) o) on | cOLORADO—Con. : All Counties—Con, Bente. srvsns ad 008 11 308) 37 66 37 19 13 2,451 Loz 623 1m I Boulders....... .007 uy 3,153 204 722 218 225 177 18,535 4,653 2,u32 69 5,405 Chaffee......... 008 15 489 59 153 6k uy 32 2,54 735 Lue Cheyenne........ 009 9 165 15 19 16 2 - 1,218 Nn 257 Clear Creek.....010| 2 (2) 23 47 22 9 ko2 66 136 Conejos... census. 01} 8| 437] 23 3 24 g 5 1,628 259 34 . Costilla........ 012) y 185 1 10 11 1 1 120 Crowley.es..ss..013 9 Loo 22 25 24 2 1 1,437 161 294 Custer....... «0 s014 2 (1) 9 15 8 = - 55 Deltaeeioesis +015) 35 1,417 98 232 104 51 28 6,577 840 1,023 035 .016| 993 340.989 Su7 15,74] 2.5% 5.917 5.439) 342,384 83,6uk 38,625 222,359 7,119 158,209 36.532 sei OH] 6 224 5 5 6 1 - - 120 . | .018 9 183 10 1h 10 1 693 in 186 f .019 5 117] 22 n 20 1 2 1,332 187 432 | 32,856 Elbert..........020| 17 280 17 2 17 2 3 1,189 241 280 El Paso........ .021 88 9.512} 348 1,680 348 621 531 41,098 9,012 5.978 1,918 118 56,303 Fremont........ .022) 22 1,705 105 250 111 67 39 7,015 1,923 1,042 169 Garfieldss......023 23 1,157 55 152 55 35 30 6.611 2,167 659 236 339 Gilpin. ...ee... 02M 2 (2) 5 5 6 - - 68 Grand...........025 1 305 17 23 13 10 5 1,352 162 3n7 5.219 Gunnison. .......026| 8 302} 23 271 228 219 215 2,304 278 :65 149 Hinsdale........027 (1) (2) (2) (2) (2) 8 Huerfanoe.......028 16 813 51 134 62 29 17 2,961 1,033 623 _ [Jackson.........029 2 (1) 11 23 11 3 2 185 035 |Jefferson...... 0320) 6 194 ™ 159 76 53 39 3,51 686 1,339 138 158 KAOWR. s enens + +4031] 5 92! 10 13 1c 3 2 1,044 el 332 Kit Carson...... 032) 26 538 30 52 32 13 8 3,584 596 526 IRER yerrvs irene 033) 9 574 L2 1h 43 41 30 522 93 456 15,312 La Plata..... ...034 25 2,651 327 75 101 -91 6,501 1,585 662 Larimeres...... .035 ui 2,262] 131 652 202 197 156 14,196 2,894 2,328 100 1,560 Las Animas......026 36 4,187 109 32 119 121 92 7.997 3,206 1,357 54 1,802 Lincoln.........037 22 578] 38 59 41 5 3 3,261 788 594 ® |Logale.eeuses.. 038] 56 3,844 80 231 78| 12 61 2,578 1,645 1,351 © |Mesa...... eeeees033 ou 8, u2k 174 7 198 213 196 14,722 2,183 2,359 56 Mineral........ .0L0) > (1) 4 3 4 41 Moffate...... ve aDHL 9 178 24 56 24 13 13 1,57 107 25 Montezuma, ......042 24 969 36 83 37 16 12 3,825 533 78 Montrose. .......043 22 2,224 56 177 oH «60 38 6,020 1,093 877 587 = Morgan,..... vou. OUb 1 1,195 81 232 87 6k 37 7.317 1,930 919 ; Oteroe..........045 6 2,810 115 334 1k 173 ™ 10,564 1,803 2,131 11,062 OUray.esee.nrs . .0k6| Ea) 13 19 13 2 1 © 754 76° 1m PEFR cust re vay 047! 6 181 11 20 10 2 2 382 61 128 Phillips........ oug| 23 1,261 32 53 33 24 7 2,967 325 Ls Pitkin...) nos ..0Ug 1 (1) 9 13 11 y 2 166 Lh 101 Prowers......... 050 4o 1,336 72 175 -% In 22 6,141 281 925 : - C92 [Pueblo....,..... C51 107 17,151 315 1,800 376 585 509 J1.801 13,140 7.328 7.678 16,962 5,714 30,428 Pio Blanco...... 052 2 (2) 10 24 9 5 L 1,191 37 209 345 Rio Orande...... 053 26 2,056 58 154 64 Ly 3H 3,106 113 665 Bout... v.rs.ie L054 9 328) 1 133 ih 35 22 2,961 375 798 152 |saguacne........ 055 11 643 20 36 20 3 2 2,371 157 298 "san Juan........ 056) 2 (1) 6 10 6 3 2 69 San Miguel...... 057] 3 1) 10 18 g 3 3 108 Sedgwick. ...... .058 22 641 3 66 n 12 6 2,39 254 421 Summit... eo... 05 T (2) 9 15 1 2 1 23 61 Meller. ..soinsne .060 4 165 39 88 38 25 25 1,770 126 196 Washington 19 609 22 28 23 i by 2. 16 27 51 - Weld.. 113 9,263 213 856 291 256 206 2:3] 7.078 3,317 983 1,117 Yuma. u5 1,623 ™ 45 19 11 5,384 410 936 Otherssessssssnesesd 318 4389 51,050 S52 51,816 COWNBCTICUZ....| 1,607 b13,134| 8,352 146,033] 8,192] 12,678{ 13,378] 2.074,070| 1,304,296 | 240,318 | 6,378,781 | 1,185,628 256,240 25,162 METRO. COUNTIES..| 1,12| 382,512] 7,226] 41,310] 7,061 11,536] 12,337] 1,789,542 1,079,176| 201,997 5,881,352 960,633 210,007 8,294 Metro. areas: > 016 [Bridgeport......001 348 #,903] 2,167] 12,589] 2,133 3.375 3,725] 519.575 343,790 55,179 | 1,457,647 306,187 45,406 405 053 |Hartford-lew Britain } eevee ties 002,004] 511 140,304) 2,281 13,823] 2,233 W922 . 4,299 756,290 413,172 76,601] 3,418,553 250,066 129,582 7.889 079 |New Haven.......005 553| 157.305) 2,778] 14,898 2,695 239 4,313] 513,677] 322,214 70,127" 1,005,152 40k, 380 35,019 OTHYR COUNTIES... 195 30,622] 1,126 4,723] 1,13 1,142 1,041 284,528 225,121 38,321 497,429 224,995 46,233 16,868 1Not shown because of disclosure of operations of individual establishments. 35um of establishments in counties for which sales data are withheld to avoid disclosing operations of individual establishments. Counties are combined. cluded from the State total since number of establishments is shown flor individual counties. closing operations of individual establishments. sUndistributed, Data included in "Other" at end of State. Data for Gunnison (028) and Hinsdale (027) It is ex- 4Combined figure for counties having sales data withheld to avoid dis- 89 COLORADO 63 COUNTIES r . SER AD fe me od MONTROSE es J 4 > - DELTA fre em ni woo ‘ =p ~, 8 ? $ CHAFFEE ¢ GUNNISON 8 ’ { / - S, a at phe ort ee ed oe a Y SAGUACHE SAN MIGUEL : ~ A adie ———l—————— . rr wei 3 DOLORES ¥ san suan J on -- - “> ——— wy © i % y i oO 3? 0) ¢ i ’ i SEDGWICK | r ; 2 i bei i / 3 ‘ ¢ LOGAN + MOFFAT , f{ JACKSON \ LARIMER ! 1 ! PARIS ek = wn my . i ROUTT { ~ | £LD r r- wegen) asm d Nene -~ N, 4 r em ——— eee mem —de may 1 Nida] J MORGAN i i . 1 \ 1 1 ms] i GRAND 8 gouloer §g 8 a RIO BLANCO I . i 3 | a a os - enn “ye oct J WASHINGTON ! o red plea demy Jee wt 1 | prem ———t | tL ., ~~ i : homme ame ym ——— a \. \« CLEAR Sn SRE ' ! tare N Na CARAPANGE: - fii aii GARFIELD ! &. Sem foram yy" a | ¢ pn : ' 0) 1 oo mmm nn ems a an Gus en = .- - . a cls meme —- pot SOUGLAS ELBERT i | KIT CARSON A § ' ' 1 PITKIN § Lake i Ya > { PARK nn re wR i { i ou Cal od 1 -f I — > G» ® — ; laid fo F MESA J > “- <2 l 1 LINCOLN . | TELLER] COLORADO SPRINGS EL PASO eememed FREMONT wns) 8 \ CUSTER : | \, LN : : L : : ; : od 1 BENT ! PROWERS Y J } s ' + ‘ wena 3 i -™e { RIO GRANDE 3 ALAMOSA y Q o / @ bq 9 mes L HUERFANO é / i -4=- t 0 LA PLATA LAS ANIMAS \ 1 COSTILLA ARCHULETA 3 ! =- ! | : ! fn «comm © og, #7 A y 1 1 \. p= = = = =e om of - L’ l~ 5 LEGEND @® PLACES OF 25,000 TO 100,000 (1940) * ’ METROPOLITAN AREAS METROPOLITAN AREAS CODE 35 DENVER 92 PUEBLO PLACES OF 100,000 AND OVER (1940) 16 ‘CONNECTICUT 8 COUNTIES \ \ I 2 ' td 4 1 ' 1 @ TORRINGTON TOLLAND |. s 3 1 WINDHAM : MYGHRIELD Tl 0 aE x AT I HARTRORD i cy 1 € oe 4 ) i : x ey = \ omisroc pied liberi ht 7 \ [IRL NEw BRITAIN. ee y N\ Le ; Js Nea . yo Ee: { rs = a en tes oie J : IT ey Lh ; NEW LONDON LER ge Phd oo fe. ex NEW Lovoon g ) i ain LA METROPOLITAN AREAS LEGEND ls Cl) G00 ' BRIDGEPORT : @® PLACES OF 25,000 TO 100,000 (1940) pr NORWALK... 53 HARTFORD —NEW BRITAIN - "KX PLACES OF 100,000 AND OVER (1940) : 2 ies; EP 79 NEW HAVEN Em arama ei Ee SL Te BT REE SS A a ee a Tas alle ----1 METROPOLITAN AREAS - Table 8 Part 1 = Population CONN., Fairfield (001) = FL4,, Hardee (025) TABLE 3—SELECTED DATA FOR METROPOLITAN AREAS AND FOR ALL COUNTIES, : = 3 : BY STATE—Continued ” ’ ; 5 ~ aro 680343 > a. 2 5 / : TOTAL POPULATION POPULATION—1940 EDUCATION | sriaLe : oT Bi ; L : : : POPULATION Land | Pop- | Total white Percent of METROPOLITAN U.S area | ulation = population 25 Metro. AREAS, rank : in per years old and Area COUNTES, Nuzrber of | Fercent| oq sq. over who have Code AND, © |counties | change i wile Percent {i Rural 1 Reral completed— CGIES P. | (in rban . . ercent| April | ol nonfarm | farm Births | Deaths : Number | oo ge| 1940 |percen- 1930-| 1940 | 1940 Number | total Nov. tiles) | 1940 opu- 5 or High ¥ ov. 1» 1 1940- ation more 18 1943 1943 1940 3 grades school a) @ ®) @ ©) ©) m ®) ® (10) an 12) 13) (14) (15) (16) CONNECTICUT—Con. All Counties: = 016 |Fairfield,......001] 434,265 3.8| 418,384] 1 8.2 633 | 661.0 408,230 97.6| 290,798| 115,939] 11,647| 88.0] 24.8] 8,359] 4,630 053 | Hartford, .002| 474,286 5.4| 450,189 I 6.9 741 | 607.5 440,962] 98.0| 322,598) 108,049 19,542 84.4] 26.0] 9,808] 4,565 Litchfield . 003] 87,662 0.7 87;041 7 5.4 93g| 92.8 86,348] 99.2| 34,662| 99,363] 13,016] 89.3] 23.9] 1,586 960 053 | Middlesex... ....004 58,635 4.7 55,999 12 9.0 374| 149.7 55,398| 98.9| 26,495 23,814 5,660] 87.8] 23.0] 1,081 831 079 | New Haven.......008 477,763 | -1.4| 484,316 0 4.5 609| 795.3 473,402| 97.7| 3885,744| 86,434] 12,138] 6.2] 25.0] 9,011 -5,297 New London 129,382 4.9] 125,224 4 5.3 672,-188.3 123,342| 98.5 62,509| 48,978] 18,787] 86.1] 21.4] 2,801] 1,678 Tolland.. 32,327 1.4 31,866 26] 1.2 416| 76.6 31,765 99.7| 10,978] 11,167 9,726] 86.8 19.2 599 330 Windham, , 54,080 -3.8 56,223 12 4.0 516| 109.0 55,960 99.5 24,388 21,681] 10,159] 86.9] 18.0] 1,033 628 DELAWARE......| 278,614 3.1| 266,505 11.8] 1,978] 134.7 280,528| 86.5| 139,432] 81,400 45,673] 84.9] 23.4] 5,993] 3,345 METRO. COUNTY....| 189,532 6.2| 179,562 11.5 437| 410.9 159,018| 88.6 124,013] 45,991 9,558] 86.2 26.1] 4,114] 2,218 Metro. area: , . 134 | Wilmington,......008 189,532 6.2| 179,562 1.5 437 410.9 159,018| 88.6] 124,013] 45,991 9,558 86.2] 26.1] 4,114] 2,218 & Pa OTHER COUNTIES... 84,082 | -3.3 86,943 12.4 _,541| 56.4 71,510| 82.2 15,419] 85,409] 36,115| 82.0] 17.5] 1,879] 1,127 All counties: KOE one ise oo 30,326 | -11.9| 34,401 23 8.2 595| 57,9 27,908] 81.0 7,467| 13,996 12,978] &2.0| 18.2 721 516 134 | New Castle 189,532 6.2| 179,562 el: 1.5 437 410.9 159,018] 88.6] 124,013] 45,991 9,558 86.2] 26.1] 4,114 2,218 SusseX..........003 53,756 2.6 52,502 13| 15.4 946| 55.5 43,602] 83.0 7,952 21,418] 28,137] 81.9] 17.1] 1,158 611 DISTRICT OF i COLUMBIA......| 616,982 | 24.2] ‘663,001 36.3 61 10870.3 474,326 71.5| 663,091 90.6] 40.7] 15,758] 8,223 METRO. COUNTY : Metro. area: 130 | Wash., D.C.{pt)1 001 816,982 | 24.2] 663,090 36.2 61 10,870.3 474,326 71.5| 663,091 90.6| 40.7] 15,758] 8,223 FLORIDA......| 2,012,046 6.4 [1,897,414 29.2| 54,262| 35.0| 1,381,986| 72.8[1,045,791| 550,740 300,883] 79.7| 26.2] 48,418] 23,500 METRO. COUNTIES..| 840,980 | - 12.1 749,882 45.9| 4,135] 181.8 583,680| 77.8| 582,453| 181,817 86,112 85.5] 81.1] 19,209] 9,697 Metro. areas: } 058 | Jacksonville....00l 245,128 |” 16.6 | 210,143 35.1 777 | 270.5 141,571 67.4| 176,631] 27,476 6,036) 82.3] 26.8] 5,926] 2,851 . 078 |Miemi...........00d 294,445 | 10.0] 267,739 87.3| 2,054 130.4 217,909| 81.4|° 215,59%0| 47,115 5,034) 88.8] 36:3] 6,465) 3,108 122 | Tampa-St. Petersburg] : reeveren ORD, O52 301,412 | 10.8) 272,000 26.1| 1,304] 208.6 224,200 62.4] 190,232| 56,726] 25,042] 84.5] 28.9] 6,818] 8,738 OTHER COUNTIES...| 1,171,066 2.0] 1,147,532 20.3| 50,127| 22.9 798,306| 69.6| 463,338| 419,423] 264,771 75.4] 22.5] 29,209] 13,803 All Counties: 36,241 | -6.1 38,607 19] 12.3. 892 | 43.3 22,628| 58.6] 13,757| 18,437 11,413] 69.9] 24.0 903 470 . 5,746 | -11.7 6,510 87 3.8 585| 11.1 4,999 76.8 3,860 2,650] 68.0 7.3 154 51 44,806 | 116.6 20,686 af ma 753] 27.5 16,465] 79.6] 11,610| 8,319 757] 76.1] 21.8] 1,0: 354 12,338 | 41.5 8,717 8 -7.3 293| 29.8 6,490| 74.5 3,444 5,273] 68.4] 11.9 341 98 Brevard.........008| 17,100 6.0 16,142 56 =21.5| 1,032] 15.6 10,871 67.3 5,720| 7,995 2,427] 81.0] 28.1 423 248 Broward.....ses. 43,115 8.7 39,794 18| 98.0] 1,218] s2.7 25,822|. 64.9] 91,564] 6,625 1,605] 81.8] 81.0] 1,136 481 7,488 | -8.9 8,218 82| 12.6 557 { 14.8 6,975| 84.9 5,119 3,099 65.6 9.8 272 62 = - 3,576 | -2.4 3,663 95| -8.7 705| 5:2 2,990| 81.6 3,417 246] 77.6] 22.5 59 47 . 4,792 | -18.0 5,846 89 6.0 570| 10.3 4,149] 71.0 4,818] 1,028] 72.8] 16.4 118 50 C1aY«svvs vnnssesOl 7,638 | 18.1 6,468 87| -6.7 598| 10.8 4,733] 73.2 5,161 1,307) 69.1] 21.6 224 190. COLlier.vrrenes.O 8,745 | -26.6 5,102 91| w77.0| 2,02] 2.5 3,279| 64.3 4,461 641| 65.6] 13.7 94 40 15,037 | -10.8 16,859 55| 15.2 786| 21.4 10,352] 61.4 5,836| 3,541 7,482] 65.4] 15.8 468 220 078 294,445 | 10.0 | 267,739 2| 87.3| =2,054|180.4| -217,909| 81.4] 215,590] 47,115 5,034] 88.8] 36.3] 6,465] 3,108 7,986 | 2.5 7,792 84 0.6 648| 12.0 6,198 79.5 4,055| 2,122 1,615] - 77.1] 21.9 218] . 109 . 5,932 | -15.5 7,018 86 9.3 688| 10.2 3,973| 56.6 6,528] 490] 60.3 8.7 162 63 058 245,123 | 16.6 | 210,143 2| 35.1 777 | 270.5 141,571| 67.4| 176,631] 27,476 6,086] 82.3] 26.8] 5,926] 2,851 87,335 | 26.5 74,667 8] 39.3 663] 112.6 57,036| 76.4] 37,449] 30,340 6,878] 80.0] 21.9] 2,868 958 J 2,205 | -26.6 3,008 9%| 22.0 483 6.2] 1,669] 55.5 2,256 752] 61.8] 13.6 39 38 . Franklin. .019 7,545 | 25.9 5,991 89| -4.6 544 11.0 3,994] 66.7 3,268] 2,640 . 83] 69.3] 16.7 188 69 Gadsden... «qe. ..0R0) 28,456 | -9.5 31,450 26 5.2 508| 61.9 13,939| 44.8] 10,998] 5,515] 14,937] 52.5] 12.8 692 734 3 - Gilchrist.......021 3,271 | -28.0 4,250 93 2.7 339| 12.5 3,612| 85.0 1,309 2,941] 65.6 9.2 88 27 1,739 | -36.6 “2,745 97| -o0.6 746) 3.7 1,691] 61.6 1,902 sas] 69.1] 12.6 45 15 7,072 1.7 6,951 86| 118.4 557| 12.5 4,566| 65.7 6,591 360] 66.6] 16.4 231 52 8,384 | -14.3 9,778 77 3.4 514 19.0 5,659] 57.9 4,276 5,502] 56.2] 10.4 229 97 HATES. severe. C25 8,430 | -17.1 10,158 761 -1.8 6301 16.1 9,433] 92.9 g,7101 2,297 5,151] 8s.2] 17.9 206 99 1Remainder of Washington,D.C., Metropolitan Area (130) is in Maryland and Virginia. 92 oe TABLE 3—SELECTED DATA FOR METROPOLITAN AREAS AND FOR ALL COUNTIES, BY STATE—Continued ‘Table § Part 2 - Labor Force CONN., Fairfield (001) FLA. , Hardee (025) : LABOR FORCE—1940 Population 14 Years Old and Over Employed Workers by Industry Group Percent o : METROPOLITAN 3 i Metro, AREAS Trans- Busi In leading Ara] COUNTIES Percent | Percent porta- Stopes cultunal Code AND ofall | ofall tion, Whol a al I o. oa CODES Inlabor | males | females | 1 1 fl Aon 2 Con- | Manufac. |communi-| Cb oe person! Other ny amdasy Total who are |- who are 9 * Mining struc- anytags cations Sele an Services and not agn. force . : employed || culture . turing r retail exclud- cul- be I ie ton 2 trade ing reported ture Code r labor " other : (See | Per- force | force utili- dometi page | cent ties 422) ? an as) as @) Qn @) @) @ 5) (26) @n 28) 29) (30 | 3) | 3 OONKEO?ICU?--Con. 5 All counties: a * : 5 ® o "sb i ? 016 |Pairfield.......00: 336, 7 191,105 80. 33.7] 169,039 3.7 9,523 74,369 7.667 | 25,900 | 27.572 | 20,157 | 2.2 | 19 . 053 |Hartford... ol . 362, » ZA 80.5 33.2| 183,760 HH 158 7.452] 77.363 6,711 | 28,154 752 | 17,791 | 3.5 17 = Litchfield. 0 69,491 38,436 gl.5 28.4 a 3.47 5 2,113 15,958 1,153 4,089 %,599 3.470 [10.0 18 | 13.6 053 |Niddlesex.. L004 bs 528 23,168 73.3 29.0| 20,612 1,707 | 1,295 8,093 m 2,84 3,820 2,016 | 8.3 | 636 | 10.4 079 |New Haven 005] 390,938 | 221,083 81.0 32.9 | 193,237 4,010 196| = 8,389| 87,898 | 12,837 | 31,501 | 32,204 | 16,202 | 2.1 | 18 | 14M New Lond 008 100,001 | 52,678 17.8 21.2 ,791 2,933 8T| 2.187] 15.139 2,783 6,804 7.093 6.565 | 6.5 6 | 16.6 Tolland.. 007] ne 13,474 76.2 27.9| 11,975 1,889 | 2 48 5,000 293 1,151 1,969 923 15.8 6 | 25.5 Windham. 008 356 | 25,532 80.1 35.1) 22,215 2,215 10 978| 11,287 765 2,556 2,705 1,639 [10.2 6 | 38.2 DELAWARE. .....| 210,343} 114,260| 80.3 28.1| 102,627 14,073 107 6.969] 29,643 7.920 | 14,738 | 15,207 | 14,080 [13.7 | 13 | 9.0 METRO. COUNTY....| 143,187 | 79.312 80.6 3.3| 70,578 2,885 79| W.s47| 23.720 6,531 | 10,647 | 11,468 | 10,401 | ka Hetro. area: 13% |¥ilmington...... 002) ~ 143,187 79.312 20.6 30,3 70,578 2,885 19 hb, 847 23,720 6,531 10,647 11,468 10,501 | 4.1 OTHER COUPES... 67.156 | 34,9u8 79.6 23.3| 32,089 11,188 28| 2,122 5.923 1,379 4,091 3.639 3,679 34.9 All Counties: > : 001, 26,635 | 13,867 17.8 24,9] 12,450 k,220 6 810 1,74 613 1,723 1,619 1,715 39 @3% | 6.1 13% 143,187 | 79.312 80.6 30:3| 70,578 2,885 79| M.847| 23,720 | © 6,531 | 10,647 | 11,468 | 10,01 | B.1 | 13 | 11.9 40,521 | 21,081 80.5% 22.2 19,599 6.968 1,312 179 766 2.368 2,020 1,964 [35.6 | 636 | 4.9 DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA......| 553,488 | 344,033 50.8 45.3] 308,900 5371 125| 19,730| 22,238 | 21,132 | 52,581 | 71,868 | 120,689 | 0.2 | 37 | 29.0 METRO, COUNTY....| 583,488 | 344,033| 80.8 U45.3| 308,900 537| ®5| 19,730 | 22,238 | 21,132 | 52,561 | 71,868 [120,685 | 0.2 Metro. area: : 130 |Vash.,DC..(pt)2.001| 553,482 | 3k,033| £0.8 45.3] 308,900 537 125| 19,730| 22,238 | 21,132 | 52,581 | 71,868 | 120,689 | 0.2 FIORIDA.....s| 1,456,519 | 786,808 77.6 30.9| 683,333 | 116,799| 2.612| 43,761| 80,138 | 5,411 | 139,166 | 130,703 | 124,743 |17.1 | @36 | 6.5 METRO. COUNTIES..| 601,170 | 332,690 1.1 3M.3| 287,699 16,019 313| 21,546| 35,845 | 26,722 | 70,689 | 68,486 | 48,019 | 5.6 Metro. areas: 058 |Jacksonville....016| 164,468 | 93,102 80.4 #6] 79.315 1,505 » 5.428 10,981 | 11,371 | 19,203 | 16,253 | 14,604 | 1.9 073 [Miami........... 013] 219,201 | 123,320 78.7 .g| 111,002 5,158 bl 10,518 7.8719 8,195 | 28,562 | 31,496 | 19,046 | 4.6 122 | Pampa-St.Petersburg] . i; cove sine +029, 052 217,501 | 116,268 74.8 33.6] 97.322 9.356 195| 5,600 16,985 7.156 | 22,924 | 20,737 14,369 | 9.6 OTHER COUNTIES... 855,349 | ksh, 11k 77.6 28.4] 395,634 | 100,7%0| 2,239| 22,215 44, 293 18,689 | 68,877 | 62,217 76.72% |25.5 All Counties: ” 575 " 2 : 28,7 14,7 75.6 = 13,168 3.48 80 653 1,297 6! 1,816 2, 2,613 [26.4 | @ 10.8 h, 19h 2,232 Bs 2 1,831 667 62 2 5 130 527 36.4 % 19.3 14,617 7.436 78.6 23.2 6,326 205 37h 1,762 sy 1,077 919 1,532 | 3.2 | 11 | 18.7 ,032 2,924 17.1 18.7 2,531 1,18 90 143 123 31 236 45.3 iji:7.9 12,50% 6,743 71.5 29.7 6,000 1,295 3 563 280 297 1,378 938 1,246 |21.6 | 28 | 6.6 31,107 18,680 20.7 7 17,116 4,895 22 1,767 627 938, 3.282 3,119 2,866 28.6 | 636 4,7 ’ 2,709 81.5 16.2 2,159 1 108 626 57 17 195 279 |33.2 8 | 14.7 2,8% 1,873 5. .0 1,258 153 122 13 82 213 263 352 12.2 11 13.2 k,261 2.15 76.9 22.3 1,7 a %| , 120 170 69 231 243 bs 18.5 1 13-3 4,889 2, # 17.% 1,8 >] 115 211 70 77 , 197 610 [23.9 1 1b0 3,882 2,m2 88.6 20. 2.5% 679 1] 16 563 52 259 256 386 [29.0 9 | 18.1 12,105 5,998 17.2 21. 5,4 1,793 5 356 598 181 669 845 953 33.2 636 9.0 073 219,201 | 123,320 78.7 34.8) 111,002 5,158 148 | 10,518 7.879 8,195 28,562 31,496 19, .6| 636 | 6.9 5,888 3,182 74.1 33.4 2,754 520 73 3% 41 477 [18.9 | 10 | 12.6 5,119 2,763 85.8 16.8 2,480 151 28 hg 1,405 243 187 383 | 6.1 9 | 3.7 058 168,468 93,102 80.4 n.6 19,375 1,505 30 5,428 10,981 11,3 19,203 16.253 14,608 | 1.9 | 636 6.2 55,507 30,205 22.8 24.4] 23,989 965 19 1,763 2,632 1,578 3.513 3.170 10,349 | 4.0 37 | 29.3 2,259 1,24 85. 18.4 1,180 321 79 109 70 102 92 boy [27.2 1 25.5 hae 2,256 80.9 24,2 1,682 3 95 381 89 38 220 5h8 | 1.8 1] 17 23, 10,934 6.8 30.8] 10,328 5,41k 110 326 837 193 1,043 1,347 1,058 |52.4 | 636 | 9.8 2,819 1,363 80.3 11,1 1,237 768 28 38 29 94 7 203 [62.1 | 1] se. 2,051 1,212 87.0 20.9 1,121 572 101 73 51 80 98 146 [51.0 | 1 | 5.8 5,002 2,871 £7.3 24.3 2,388 91 92 1,053 166 269 222 hos | 3.8 | 11 | 20.7 6,583 3,383 82.2 19.6 3,067 1,420 67 391 200 254 686 (46.3 1] 13.4 7.413 3,928 79.1 25.2 3,428 1,920 2 78 1 129 534 338 281 [56.1 | 636 | M.5 Remainder of Washinaton, D.C.,Metropolitan Area (130) is in Maryland and Virginia. a 3 i = y Table 3 ’ > ~ : ’ = Tato Sete 0 TABLE 3—SELECTED DATA FOR METROPOLITAN AREAS AND FOR ALL COUNTIES, 3 FL... Hirdee (025) BY STATE—Continued : ! i 3 HOUSING—1940 7 Ss ; : : . : : : Nonfarm Rural Farm d 2 All Dwelling Units Occupied Dwelling Units Dwelling Units Dwelling Units ha i METROPOLITAN - ¢ tele- f Metro. AREAS, y ng Aro COUNTIES, ilenti Percent | Percent Percent Median Per- 5 Code AND Residential rercenl [rere Jd Per ! number : UCT in5o0r | with | Percent wil f Aver cent | Percent] Jan. |, Z " CODES os more rivate ith cent | echan- 9 mon! with ith 1945 = Number x P! ky Number | owner| persons | Number V1 Number with family | bathtub | electric pi ical rent run- | electric struc- or | lighting od refrig- | |e (dollars) ning | lighting tures | shower Prd | eration hold water a 80 ® | ow | ow lowl ww | w @ @ w lw! wl o@ g CONNECTI CUT--Con. ‘ > All Counties: : : B 016 19.673 119,117 11.8 82.8 97.7 110,235 | 40.8 59.5 3% 115,559 | 43.95 3,556 | 78.4] 91.1) 76,951 ; 053 67,957 119, 302 20.6 85.4 98.3 116,448 | 35.3 68.8 3.43 114,351 37.07 4,951 76.3 88.4 83,515 i i 22,103 27,829 1.8 73.9 91.8 23, 300 i 56.7 3.31 23.13% 3. 4,093 | 4.3 79.0 18,381 053 15,051 17,908 2.9 6b.L 93.2 16,084 | 5h.9 61.9 | 3.26 16,201 | 32.03 1,707] 60.1| 8.9] 10,32 079 85,976 138,934 12.1 84.7 98.0 128,057 2-2 60.6 |. 3.38 135,820 | $8.89 3,114 | 71.7 85.2] 84,29 o 28,178 38,319 4.8 70.1 93.7 32,834 .6 56.5 3.23 34,647 31.20 3,672. 55.6 na 18,901 8,532 10,398 2.3 33-5 85.1 8,491 | 56.9 50.6 | 3.17 1.103 23,49 2,695] 51.711 713.3 3,063 A 11,801 16,736 4.9 56.1 88.7 15,229 | 43.5 50.6 3.26 13,76 20.59 2,972 | 52.1 68.1 L861 : DELAWARE...... 65,348 75.567 4.3 60.8 81.8 70,541 | M7.) 49.5 3.26 63,210 33.95 12,37] 35.1 1.0 38,759 METRO. COUNTY.... 38,974 47,588 6.1 | Th 93.5 45,948 | M5 59.2 3.36 45,283 | 38.22 2,305] 50.8] 66.5] 30,284 ) / Metro. area: : - ' 134% [Wilmington...... 002 38,974 L7,588 6.1 74.9 93.5 45,948 | Lk.5 59.2 3.38 45,283 38.22 2,35 | 50.8 06.5 30,284 - x I > OTHER COUNTIES... 26,374 27.979 1.1 34.0 62.0 24,593 | 51.8 R.75 3.05 17.927 | 2313 10,052 | 19.0] 35.2 8,475 F, All Counties: ’ ; 2 KORG +s vivre 001 9,692 10, 362 1.4 3:8 60.2 9,672 | 50.1 28.3 3.03 6,994 | 18.44 3,368 | 16.5 6 2,719 hy 134 |New Castle...... 002 38,974 47,588 6.1 7h.9 93.5 45,948 | Wu.5 59.2 | 3.38 45,283 | 38.22 2,305] 50.8 5] 30,284 RE : SUSBOX.... au... 003 16,682 17,617 1.0 35.2 63.1 14,921 | 53.0 33.2 3.07 10,933 26.16 b,684 | 20.2 37.0 5,696 % DISTRICT OF v. ~ ¥ COLUMBIA...... 101,950 185,128 3.9 82.5 95.9 173,445 | 29.0 78.1 | 3.09 185,128 | = 53.00 J 134,975 METRO. COUNTY . Metro, area: \ 13% Wash.,D.C. (pt.)1.001 101,950 185,128 Rn.9 82.5 95.9 173,445 | 29.9 78.1 3.09 185,128 53.00 134,975 = a FLORIDA. ..... 498, kok 590,451 7.6 54.8 66.5 519,887 | 43.6 34.4 | 3.09 su,707 | 23.50)" 78,784 19.3 22.5) 164,113 METRO. COUNTIES. . 186,953 241,863 12.6 13.2 84.9 209,929 | W1.4 ug 3.02 23n,832 29.26 10,031 | 35.8 47.31 97,116 ~ Metro. areas: : ? 058 |Jacksonville....016 45,592 57,816 1.2 62.5 80.0 55,1 «1 qs 3.27 56,316 | 22,77 11,500 | 42.7] M7.7] 25,980 073 |Miami....,....... 013 6h, 723 90,472 20.3 79.4 90.0 15.93 1.4 8] 2.93 88,792 38.56 1,680 | 51.1 61.2{ 37,599 122 |Tempa-St.Petersburg woes sasshi 028, 052 76,638 93.515 8.5! 68.8 83.0' 78,8% | 45.3 M.8| 2.91 80,724 | 24.09 6,851 | 30.6| U3.9) 33.537 OTHER COUNTIES... 311,451 348,588 4.1 u.6 53.7 309,958 | 45.1 27.3 | 3ak 279.875 | 18.71 68,713 | 16.6] 18.9] 67,197 All Counties: - r » 001 9,763 10,562 1.2 34.7 uo. 9,892 | u6.2 26.0 | 3.28 7.651 | 16.85 a9 | 13.2] 1k7 2,403 : 1,497 1,551 c.u 1-3 16.5 1,506 5.3 8.2 | 3.8 1,041 5.82 510 i 3.8 20 i 5,816 6,303 1.2 36.9 59.3 5,477 3 © 21.6 id 6,115 | 17.79 188 | 1b. 1 1,390 2,170 2,2% 14.8 28.1 2,102 .6 13.9 3.66 988 9: 1,257 6.9 1k k 80 ¥ 5,324 5,865 4.0 53.4 60.7 4,918 | 50.0 32.2 | 2.69 4,992 | 17.50 873 | 52.2 uk 54 11,989 15,944 13.6 65.4 73.1 11,600 | 48.4 5.4 | 2.86 15,178 32.04 766 | 18.4} 2.3 3,660 2,041 2,092 3 23 1.2 23.1 1,968 | 47.9 1.7 3.80 1,384 5.54 708 | 2.8 12.1 53 1,254 1,2 5. ko.2 59.9 1,126 | 50.4 21.0 | 2.71] HE] 12.1 95 - = 235 1,833 1,912 1.2 27.4 36.9 1,698 | 46.7 16.2 | 2.89 1,665 8.22 247 | 19.8 | 20.5 93 1,8 1,97 1.7 34.0 38.7 1,782 | 49.2 19.8 | 2.9% ‘ 12.27 s¢a| 26.2] 16.2 197 < 1,714 1,991 10.7 2a. 29.2 1,699 | 18.2 13.1 2.3% 1,686 | 10.67 305 | 10.2 8.5 ’ 4,239 4,667 1.5 19.2 27.1 4,190 | Y%0.0 1h.3] 3.33 2,902 | 13.61 1,765 | 5.4 5.3 073 ok,723 90,472 20.3 79.4 90.0 75,934 | W.b 60.8 | ' 2.93 88,792 | 38.56 1,680 | 51.1| 6.2 31.599 2,255 2,394 1.9 36.2 46.0 2,188 | 47.9 26.2 | 3.05 1,861 9.53 533 | 2.2] 22.9 1,620 1,965 2.1 11.8 46.6 1,88 | 23.7 10.1 | 3.32 1,832 7.68 | 188 | 8.3] - 7.6 058 45,592 57,616 1.2 62.5 80.0 55,165 2:1 31.5 3.21 56,316 | 22.77 x, u2.7| M7.7] 25.9% 16,588 18,567 2.2 40.9 66.4 18,105 7 h.6 | 3k 17.0712 16.81 1,496 | 13.9] 271.0 5,571 3 916 956 0.5 2.5 26.4 943 2:3 16.1 | 2.63 112 8.35 2 12.7] 131 2h \ 1,828 1,970 1.1 2.3 u.0 1,605 .0 1.1 | 3.22 1,946 9.92 2u - - 8s 6,586 6,918 0.8 18.1 24.3 6,518 | 38.8 12.5 3.53 3,373 | 12.78 3.5% 1.0 6.1 bikd ; - Cd 1,083 1,087 11.6 11.7 1,037°| 53.0 9.5 3.69 369 8.37 ns | 12.7 1.5 4 157 905 9.1 19.6 22.4 827 | 39.4 11.1 2.1% bn 6.74 2th | 23.0] 9.2 1 5 1,885 2,051 2.9 a.5 47.5 1,785 | 32.8 16.1 | 3.39 1,955 | 1.3 96 - ‘- 1% 2,440 2,594 0.2 10.8 17.1 2,3 | 31.0 9.0 | “3.50 1,215 8.11 1,319 | 3.6 2.2 9% : 2,0l6 2,807 1.3 24.3 35.6 2,700 | 86.2 22.4 | 3.38 1,466 | 10.71 1,341 | 8.8] 10.6 205 1Remuinder of Washington, D. C. Metropolitan Area (130) is in Maryland and Virginia. = = ; 94 Ng ar 7 Se 4 ‘ 1Remainder of Washington, D., Ce, Metropolitan Area (130) is in Maryland and Virginia. 8less than three farms reported and data sre therefore included only in Stute totals. Zz = a, ww % = J 1 or - TABLE 3—SELECTED DATA FOR METROPOLITAN AREAS AND FOR ALL COUNTIES, : BY STATE—Continued 3 : Table 3 | Sma CONN., Fairfie. 01) - (Figures which have been rounded to thousands will not necessarily add to totals) FLA., Hardee (025) ee AGRICULTURE—1945 : AGRICULTURE—1940 Value of farm products sold, | Principal Per- i Value of Work power traded, or used source of Per: oo Rr property farm household farm income | Type- | MmeTROPOLITAN Li )icent Yop ps P : a % Red Metro. AREAS, Number of | Land in | Cropland | Number | of | ercent trom farming- ik Arerr| COUNTIES, farms farms | harvested | of farms | farms | , je A Number : area its Code AND- (1000s | (1000's oper t ope | py [A “Ament | EE code |. CODES Jan. 1, of of April 1, | ated pod 4 total 38 | horses | Number (100° stock Code P (See fog 1945 acres) | acres) 19 byl ate ( 0° | for | andlor of a and | See | (| Dz index ten- | | > arm | mules | tractors 2 live- | Crops | p.zz) | cent ants | less | dollars) gd {over 3” dollars) | stock than ars) oe d) prod- $400 50 ucts : “8) “9) (0) £2) 32) 9 9) 5) (56) GD (58) (9) (60) (61) (62) (63) (C0) CONNECTICUT—Con. # All Counties: 1 016 |Fairfield....... 0 2,661 1» ¥ 2,772'1 9.7 | 53.8 63,984 3,082] 1,807 519 4,359 | 57.8 20.0 2 |38.4 452 | 161 053 |Bartford....... 4,304 2 3,791 | 4.6 2.3 uk 580 h1,759| 4,126 1,252 | 1s,111 | 3.9 | 60.2 5 50.7 452 | 155 Litchfield.. 2,870 320 82 2,79 | 8.4 = 34,913 02,401 3,306 784 5,854 | 20.0 7.6 2 = 3 | 143 053 |Middlesex... 2,000 11k 29 1,299 | 3.5 2.2 10,82k | 8,333 911 315 3,359 | 48.9 | 1.8 8 | 34. 2 | 145 079 |New Haven. 005 2,890 161 51 2,883 1d 2-3 31,556 10,946 2,226 ‘890 7,789 67.3 24.2 2 [34.8 452 157 New London 6 2,921 262 57 2,947 8.4 3.0 20,024 | 6,795 1,914 010 4,731 79.51 8.9 2 [42.2 452 | 138 Tolland. 8;852 167 2 2,229 7.4 | 8.8 14,353 | 6,439 1, 506 ,510 61.0 5.8 2 [28.3 452 129 Windham. 2,343 91 3 2,447 | 7.0 | W.1 13,147 5,373 1,368 473 13 | 80.5 1.1 3 |46.6 2 | 13 DELAWARE. ..... 9,296 923 6 8,994 | 32.6 | 27.5 06,527] 7,397] 21,043 2,661 17,952 | + 62.5 27.7 3 |46.5 126 METRO. COUNTY.... 1,743 197 L) 1,587 | 35.2 | 26.5 28,390 [17,889] 4,886 723 3,129 | 57.5 | 30.4 a Metro. area: . i134 |Wilmington..... .002 1,743 197 & 1,587 | 35.2 | 26.5 28,390 [17,889 4,886 723 3,129 57.5 30.4 2 [3H.b OTUWER COUNTIES... 70553 726 In 7.407 | 32.0 | 27.7 38,1371 5,149 16,157 1,938 14,823 63.5 27.1 All Counties: ; 2,656 308 135 2,742 |.38.9 | 28.7 16,511 | 6,022] 7,428 908 3,631 | 46.1 | 39.2 2 {0.0 13 | 112 134 1, 743 197 & | 1,587 | 3.2 | %6.5 28,390 [17,889] 1,886 723 3,129 | 57.5 | 30.4 2 |B. 463 | 148 4,897 1g 196 4,665 | 28.0 | 27.1 21,626 | 4,636] 8,729 1,03 | 11,192 | 89.2 | 23.2 3 [64.2 13 | 119 Eo DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. ..... ko 2 1 65 - - 6,101 [93,862 101 bl 517 | 49.9 | 49.0 8 |42.7 METRO. COUNTY Hetro. aregt 130 (Wash. D.C.(pt)’.001 40 2 i 65 - - 6,101 [93,862 101 25 517 49.9 49.0 8 |u2.7 FLORIDA: ..... 61,159 13,084 1,809 | 62,248 | 25.2 | 48.7 371,858] 5,974] 56,64 7,703 | 88,904 | 21.3 68.7 7 |28.9 17 METRO, COUNTIES.. 6,648 us ™ 7,237 | 21.9 | W4.3 49,691 | 6,866 3,43 1,627 13,893 41.8 52.0 Metro. areas: 3 ( . : : bend % Jesktemniiien 0 x Se 6 1.1% 15.9 9 [110 3.1 569 0 1.47 $4 18.2 2 |47.9 SBS. lilo. 1, ; ‘ 14,775 hh0,268 8 , y . o i i Petorarers ; 23 39 | 35.3 3 9 115 55! 5,663 56.2 2 135.0 NSE anes ..029, 052 4,204 310 1 4,362 | 19.5 | %o.0 27,146 | 6,223] 2,704 1,069 6,113 | 3.h4 |” 57.8 OTHER COUNTIES... 54,511 18, eg 1,731 | 55,011 | 25.6 | 49.3 322,167 | 5,856] 53,024 6,073 | 75,011 17.5 71.8 L901 34h 9% 2,108 | 28.8 | 37.8 7,101 | 3,369 3.205 200 2,24 23.1 56.9 5 |32.6 634 78 362 37 1 ho 33.2 | 59.2 1,034] 2,382 531 , 12 323 | 15.7 | 63.6 5 [25.0 634 50 = 2k 2 162 | 21.0 | 52.5 460 | 2,840) 128 ; 1 143 | 61.4 | 10.9 2 [M41 13 68 87 1 901 | 28.5 | 51.2 1,861 | 2,065 802 22 502 | 17.0 | 61.4 | . 7 [32.3 634 79 900 200 | x 764 3.9 | 47.9 10,301 fL3,482 167 130 1,187 16.7 78.5 7 ln.3 124 | 102 1,104 108 2 9u6 | 59.5 | 29.7 6,566 | 6,951 588 | | 252 I 22. 6. 6 66.1 | 1m 9 639 78 2 518 | 32.8 | 54.2 1,270 2,U52 TH 16 | Bin =I ed 0 [40.7 7 B 50 2713 1 102 | 24.5 | 67.6 ko3| 3,951 64 11 92 | 62.9 | .1 “1 [47.9 > 100 361 151 0 217 | 12.k | 57.6 732 3,378 240 28 164 | 47.5 23.9 0 [27.0 124 71 330 104 . 290 | 15.2 | 64.5 1,943] 6,700 304 34 219 | 51.0 | 30.b 1 [21.0 124 86 55 34 1 86 - 893 [10,384 109 782 5.4 | 9k.0 6192.0 | 1 56 1,082 3 Wl 3,383 | 39.6 | U3.y nl 1m 9 913 | 29.1 glo il| 6 2) 073 |Dade......... ++.0% 1,159 78 23 1,439 | 35.3 | 43.9 2D 0,268 558 an 5.863 hak Zt i) 2 ino] 119 De Sot0......:..0L 1 39 7 604 | "8.8 | 61.3 3,868 | 6,404 297 126 513 | 36.0 | 51.7 7 Ee 124 80 DEXL@eresiessnns +015 1 198 . 194% | 18.6 | 67.5 746 | 3,848 ab 7 127 | 67.7 9.7 1 [48.2 634 47 058 |Duval........... 016 1,285 66 6 1,4 15.9 | 57.9 770] 5.411 5 4 1.81 i 8 47. 4 Ly Bscabis........0L7 1,210 66 23 1,1 25.6 | 65.7 has Dru a I = gout 15F 2 i let Fleglér......... 018 3 6 107 | by | 2.5 1,094 po,2:4 as 59 559 | 15.9 | ®&.2 5 |66.6 124 n Franklin... ..... 019 21 - 16 - - 53] 3,313 4 | 80.5 | 12.0 1 34.7 31 50 Gadsden. ........020 1,519 234 6 1,46 | 31.5 | 57.8 5,970 | B,072| + 2,255 68 2,092 | 15.5 | 705} 5 él 3 60 Gilehrist....... 021 431 98 26 529 | 25. 24.0 1,330 | 2,514 866 22 bus | 29.6 .8 0 [27.8 6 4 Glades. .........022 127 n b 159 24 54.7 1,99 p2,5%7| 130 mn 570 | 76.2 os 1 or 1 k gulf. .... coer. 02 3h 2 5 - - 158 | 1,859 56 (2) 78 | 47. 9.3 9 26.7 73 in Hamilton........ 02! 1! 3h 928 50.3 29.3 2,u35| 2,074] 1,304 2 677 | 13.3 | 61.7 5 [58.8 634 63 |Hardee......... .025 1,03 333 17 1,132 | 23.6 | u.3 4,654 | 4,111 819 168 899 | 17.9 | 68.3 | 7 |40.9 124 83 95 aw name 5 SELECTED DATA FOR METROPOLITAN AREAS AND FOR ALL COUNTES, EL reas le Part 5 - Industry BY STATE—Continuved ~~ : ARB Se ~ CONN., Fairfield (001) - ; : wy FLA., Hardee (025) ‘(A11 dollar figures have been rounded to thousands and will not acesairily add to totals) Soe wre woea 5 = 7 = T : : 5 . A P > MANUFACTURING ESTABLISHMENTS—1939 MINERAL INDUSTRIES—1939 - “RETAIL ESTABLISHMENTS—1939 METROPOLITAN { Metn| AREAS, Viscaliad : cy Aa COUNTIES, Wage Value of |} BS aan Value of | Number | Wages and . Sales Active |Employees Pe jo ot ! Number | camers ij f roducts roducts of lair Number of (1000's of (average (1000 / ODES _ (average dollars) (fooo’ s of (1000 of (fooo's of | persons | (1000s of | stores dollars) on for oy! ; "| for year) dollars) Gola) dollars) | engaged dollars) year) (65) (6) (0) ) ©) av) a 2) —» 4) ®) as) (w) CONNECTICUT~-Con. r All Counties: . 016 |Pairfield....... 001 843 59,607 69,726 348,104 187,911 293 79 118 6,367 188,099 5,309| 17,436 20,816 053 |Hartford. 002 671 62,245 80,424 326,667 204,719 gko 184 253 5,974 "199,928 4,903 20,766) 24,252 i Litchfield. 208 15] 10,559 12.045 48,529 29,021 189 36 50 1,288 31,069 1,169 2,63 2,817 3 053 [Middlesex ‘ 99 5,797 5,847 21,468 12,353 133 54 52 8 21,443 704 2,007 2,290 079 |New Haven.. .005 885 68,789 81,267 374,451 205,773 1,132 262 319 8,085 200,553 6. 1 20,495 22,625 > "|New Londo .006 181 13,267 14,682 61,488 29,609 23% 110 14 1,945 48,157 4,633 4,875 Tolland.. -007 55 3,93 4,052 17,247 6,94 : Lk3 7, 4k 2s 592 559 Windham. . ..008 87 9,325 . 8,23 31,633 15,856 945 20,569 82! 1,689 1,671 DELAWARE...... 429 20,392 21,960 114,754 55,183 . 242 “6 102 4, 544 110,052 4,001 10,972 11,168 ET METRO. COUNTY.... 2k) 15,633 19,111 98,1445 47,703 (1) (2) (1) 2,798 78,115 2,367 8,189 - 9,109 / Metro. area: - - 5 : s ya 134 |wilmington...... 002 2u1 15,633 19,111 98,445 47,703 (1) (1) (1) 2,798 18,115 2,37 8,189 9,109 OTHER COUNTIES... 18% 4,760 2,849 16,9 7.480 (1) (1) (1) 1,74 31,937 1,634 2,783 2,059 59 1,427 875 5,853] 2,702 708 11,955 627 1,264 915 C134 2k] 15,633 19,111 98,445 47,703 (1) (1) (1) 2,798 78,115 2,37( _ 8,189 9,109 129 3,333 1,974 10,45 4,778 (1) (1) (1) 1,038 19,982 1,007 1,59) 1. DISTRICT OF : COLUMBIA. ..... 497 7.871 11,772 79.875 ny (2) (2) (2) 6,893 = 402,768 5,498 48,072 56,007 : METRO, COUNTY | - 3 Metro. area: ” 130 |Wash. D.C.(pt)2.001| - 497 1,871 11,772 19.875 uk, 317 (2) ®) (2) 6,893 402,768 5.498) 48,072] 56,007 FLORIDA......| 2,083 52,732 37,883 241,539 | 118,006 11,155 3,480 3,182 28,614 61k, U6 25,251 73,190] 6k,244 5 METRO. COUNTIES. . 210 24,277 20,126 132, 056 65,479 “868 “218 4300 11,643 313,370 10,127 39,603 36,918 7 J Metro. areas: : i A ' 058 |Jacksonville....0l6 249 1.751 6,271 53,145 25,018 2,584 11,628 2,126| 10,306 9,241 ’ O73. [Misnt........... 013 321 3,54 3,631 22,995 13,526 868 278 300 4,624 137,605 3,942) 17,114 17,344 is 122 |Tampa-8t.Petersburg - : ! / ee Raan 029 052 340 13,021 10,224 55,916 26,935 (8) (0) (8) 4,435 98,137 4,059 12,183] 10,533 > OTHER COUNTIES... | “1,173 28,454 17,751 109,483 52,537 410,287 43,202 42,882 16,971 01,094 15,124 33,587 27,326 All Counties: . ; LE 00! 5k 820| _ ko6 3,168 1,233 547 9,836 h74 1,180 875 10 79 2 322 93 1% 132 82 7h 14 6k 63 0 22 1,268 (6). 5k (8) (8) 268 4,735 2u8| 502 ko1 12 4g 16 180 81 125 1,398 108 133 81 15 88 72 329 210 409 5,366 381 637 ¥30 2 275 229 1,594 08 (os) (8) (8) 112 16,061 122 1,769 1,493 8 216 107 438 242 73 967 - 67 69 1 5 4 14 11 58 38 78 1,051 nn 117 71 1} 92 52 281 166 375 246 1L6 -82 1,0 13h 111 1H, x7 8 53 2% 238 103 89 767 83 6), 3S a 9 397 229 762 1 97 1,174 8 108 Es : / 18 273 118 522 27h 211 3,171 1 ott 3 073 32 3.5% 3,631 22,995 13,5268 868 278 300 4,624 137,605(~ 3,942| 17,11 17.1 12 382 210 1,442 531 138 2,012 107 256 160 2 8 1,529 (®) (®) (8) 75 1,284 67 120 96 058 249 1.711 6,2n 53,145 25,018 2,584 17.628 2,126] 10,306 9,24 76 2,166 1,541 11,023 5.433 (e) (8) | (») 729 19,070 66k 2,512 1,860 1 22 b 93 28 59 47s ug 9 33 ; Loo 24 675 ue 92 1,027 80 106 72 2 479 196 1,432 7 477 17 155 259 5,119 238 528 381 6 17 8 1% 63 ! 9 k 6 zl ® (8) (8) 8) 3 2 Z "3 I 14 1,055 (®) (®) (8) 80 1,076 6 101 19 15 298 161 854 389 108 1,084 97 17 Il - 5 60 23 : 107 61 154 2,021 137). 223 154 Not shown because of disclosurs of operatiens of individual establishments. 8Statistics for two common clay and shale mines which’were the only Mineral operations reported in the District of Columbia are included with statistics for Maryland. SRemainder of Washington, D. C. Metropolitan Area (180) 4s in Maryland and Virginia. 2 “Iwo counties, Hillsborough (029) and Pinellus (052), which should be included in the "Metro Counties” total are included in the "Other Counties” total, since it ie . not possible to present sepuruste figures for these eountier. ®Not shown because of disclosure of operations of individual establishments. Dats included in Combined RTS Counties at end of Slate. Fc TABLE 3—SELECTED DATA FOR METROPOLITAN AREAS AND FOR ALL COUNTIES, ; & (All dollar figures have been rounded to thousands and will not necessarily add to totals) BY STATE—Continued Table 3 pd Part 8 - Other Econamic Data gy CONK., Fairfield (001) - FLA., Hardee (025) i WHOLESALE SERVICE ESTABLISHMENTS—1939 BAM Deposns : : i TRADE—1939 Major war supply Major war facilities ! contracts, idlects, - Jone 1905 1% Jue 1240=June | 945 METROPOLITAN E Bond | (1000's of dollars) | (1000's of dollars) Metro. ARE. ly Total sales 1944 ea| COUNTIES, [Number Number| = . |Employees ola | (1000's of da yi of Sales of | Receipts | Active (arsrage Pay roll | (demand | Time | dollars at : CODES estab- | (1000's of | estab- | (1000s | proprie- Pe A s | and time) (1000's |issue price) 7 lish- | dollars) | lish- |of dollars)| tors year) dollars) | (1000’s | of dollars) ) ments ments of dollars) Combat | Other | Industrial | Military equipment m __ @) (30) B81) a 84) iL) 36) 0 (58) (9) 190) on CONNECTI CUT— Con. : All Counties: : 016 |Pairfield....... 001| 38 84,903 | 2,167 | 12,589 | 2,133 3.315 3,725 | 519,575 | 343,7% 55,179 | 1,457,647 306,187 k5,406 Los 053 |Hartford........ hg2 | 134,162 | 2,088 | 12,815 | 2,035 3,630 3,999 | 689,714 | 360,053 72,38 | 3,319,498 221,044 128,910 7,889 Litchfield ” ko 4,6 312 1,168 329 272 23% 86,815 66,142 7,569 57,137 54,237 5,252 053 |Middlesex....... 29 6,1 193 1,008 198 292 300 66,576 53,119 4,373 99,055 29,022 672 079 55 157, 2,778 14,898 | 2,695 4,339 4,313 513,677 322,214 70,127 | 1,005,152 Lok, 380 35,019 : 7 22 ¥ iy 492 2,326 473. 596 574 | 131,311 | 106,420 21,679 435,626 77.290 22,002 16,868 10 928 91 287 96 72 54% 29,084 25,284 1,724 588 38,284 33 4,239 23 9u2 233 202 178 37,38 27,275 4,115 4,078 55,184 16,529 12,934 12,450 DELAWARE...... 316 157,474 | 1,44 6,758 | 1,388 1,977 1,799 379,313 109, 362 28,895 263,032 80,032 26,864 21,787 : METRO. COUNTY... 176 | 138,192 | 1,008 5,541 959 1,566 1,53 319,004 86,275 22,104 255,182 69,791 26,750 11,108 Metro. area: q . 134 | Wilmington...... 002] 176 | 138,192 | 1,008 5,541 959 1,566 1,53 | 319,004 86,275 22,104 255,182 69,791 26,750 11,108 OTHER COUNTIES...| 140 19,282 436 1,217 429 ul 268 60,371 23,089 6,790 7,850 10,24 | 114 10,679 All Counties: 59 5,45 178 . 576 167 . 18 128 25,952 9,514 2,091 4,000 4,561 8,739 13% oe 176 | 138,192 | 1,008 5,54 959 1,566 1,5 319,004 6,275 22,104 255,182 69,791 26,750 11,108 Sussex..........003 81 13,827 258 61 262 23% 1 3H,119 13,575 4,029 3,850 5,680 11h 1,9% Others esssvesvessss 1870 DISTRICT OF . COLUMBIA. ..... - 753 M7,772 | 3,8% 39,491 | 3,723 13,610 14,858 692,708 | 166,947 14g, Lak 8,622 19,803 49,236 80,676 METRO. COUNTY - Metro. area: 130 - | Yasha, D.C. (pt Y2001 3 | 47,772] 3.830 | 39,41 | 3,723 | 13,610 | 14,858 | 692,708 | 166,947 | 1.8, lsh 8,622 19,803 49,236 80,676 = / FLORIDA......| 2,696 525,889 | 8,235 46,558 | 7.94% 20,765 15,113. | 978,783 190, 390 163,222 682,930 118,495 69,972 555,979 METRO. COUNTIES..| 1,339 | 356,754 | 3,962 | 28,172 | 3,718 | 12,279 9.699 | 554,077 | 103,973 | 3,48s 438,539 43,731 47,040 170,772 Metro. areas: 3 = : 058 |Jacksonville....0lb 7 152,476 845 6,765 156 ,662 2,50 188,023 39,906 22,920 148,879 5,763 23.6% 69,610 073 [Miami o..sevesss 013 yyy 96,102 | 1,724 13,607 | 1,596 ,997 4, 78 201,426 22,891 32,325 42,902 24,483 ,156 59,389 122 | Tampe-St.Petershurg » .eeeeers029,,052 475 | 108,176 | 1,393 7,74 | 1,366 3,620 zz | 164,628 41,176 28,243 246,758 13,48 |- 19,189 41,773 OTHER COUNTIES.:..| 1,357 | 169,135 | 4,273 | 18,38 | L,222 8,486 5,44 | 24,709 8,417 19,731 24, 391 14,764 22,932 385,207 - All Counties: ko 5,333 128 686 155 308 202 12,007 |* 3,515 2,049 2,194 1,614 2,237 4 182 ; 27 26 6 4 588 236 139 ’ 23 2,49 ug 2a 50 128 84 12,025 990 7.561 113,904 1,508 12,619 15,435 8 420 21 28 19 13 8 2,011 536 790 3 2,602 89 333 89 122 80 6,637 1,692 1,437 550 6,002 45 5,023 196 1,082 202 569 3n 3,703 5,696 4,232 6,906 4,449 7.619 4 511 19 n 20 18 11 1,261 130 137 8 k21 19 51 17 7 12 824 150 283 1 927 15 847 20 28 22 3 867 192 190 117 a 1 (3) 1 16 1 y 2 1,125 430 1.772 45,973 9 594 13 46 15 14 10 503 55 199 2,902 16 1,531 42 211 ko 82 27 4,98 1,618 702 7,081 073 hy 96,102 | 1,724 | 13,667 | 1,596 4,997 L784 | 201,426 22,891 32,325 42,902 2k, 4g 4,156 - 59,389 22 1,573 4g 110 ks 63 38 2,911 |. 865 601 413 13,8 3 136 13 2 13 7 4 478 42 209 1,483 21° 058 ° ny 152,476 845 6,765 756 3,662 2,503 | 188,023 39,906 22,920 148,879 5,763 23,695 69,610 76 14,015 192 1,292 185 1,292 L38 29,173 7,011 7.470 8,406 1,786 1,206 66,186 5 157 7 18 5 5 3 567 308 93 9 492 18 27 16 11 1 1,556 2 728 172 2,798 16 1,792 47 169 51 102 46 7.633 2,497 870 3 29 14 26 9 19 12 53 in 64 7 6 1 6 3 2 69 1 (3) 12, 4s 12 38 20 1,728 290 383 4,920 hy hy 25 23 3» 1 1,034 290 2n - 18 1,628 38 he 39 26 13 2,29 440 437 lUndistributed. 2Remainder of Washington, D. C., Metropolitan Area (130) is in Maryland and Virginia. 3Not shown because of disclosure of operations of individual establishments. Data included in "Other" at end of State. 97 98 DELAWARE i 3 COUNTIES LEGEND PLACES OF 25,000 TO 100,000 (1940)—NONE PLACES OF 100,000 AND OVER (1940) * @ METROPOLITAN AREAS METROPOLITAN AREAS CODE 134 WILMINGTON o J FLORIDA 67 COUNTIES - 8—L¥—0 69¢8¥L ; EN A jon J » 1 io F- 7 LIBERTY vi el NN "5 RE an t FRANKLIN J LEGEND @ PLACES OF 25,000 TO 100,000 (1940) % PLACES OF 100,000 AND OVER (1940) METROPOLITAN AREAS METROPOLITAN AREAS GODE . 58 JACKSONVILLE 73 MIAMI . 122 TAMPA- ST. PETERSBURG 66 7 | ho i] A HOLMES 5 } | ! etn Jackson Q - y, } SANTA ROSA | OKALOOSA § 7 ' %\ | waren Cmomcron) -—4 ma T . ! - YY »°" Leon Co 24 T ‘ oO 3 HAMILTON ’ MADISON ~~ ¥ Fenn tf ' SUWANNEE ' TAYLOR | ay No ! | araverre \ A - —— ! DIXIE ~~ 4 x 3 - {rn Ng | " 4 NS, Vvorusia ° LEVY YT i Xa Som x —l | TE, oe Be t CITRUS HARDEE | MANATEE 7 7 | dl \__ WEST PALM BEACH -—— mm ® \ oe | LL ier . eri ao . 3 = PALM BEACH pep -— — — BROWARD coLLIER ne on pn W fea = “= V 3 x 3 3 : i . PN = a oy 3 : a ne i aT pa . & : ; ed = oz i 3 3 SafR= f Ei i Table 3 a QT BOTE] ; ROD( mn Q : Lh o ¢ io Part 1+ Popstioye ~ TABLE 3—SrLECTED DATA FOR METROPOLITAN AREAS AND FOR ALL COUNTIES, 2S = 5 FLA., Hendry (026) = = 5 TATE (os: : - 3 Lh : wy GA., Berrien (010) ; 3 BY STATE—Continued i ; re : : | ~ : # a 4 x 1 1 | ose = = Ee = ; 2 rps TOTAL POPULATION | - : POPULATION—1940 IUCN ores at a ESTIMATED : : 2 = : SRPCE ’ CIVILIAN : Total whi A - : = 5 . he . POPULATION Land | Pop- otal white Percent of ; 7 ~ | METROPOLITAN U.S. | area |ulation : population 25 ; Fon Metic, AREAS, rank in per years old and ar Aron COUNTIES, > Noha of |Percent| go sq. . over who have Code 2. : Soe change ah mile 4 Peers Usb Rural Rural completed— Percent] April 1 m of roan f f Birth: Death 1 nonfarm arm, irths eaths Number change f 940’ | percen- 1930-1 1940 |1940| Number | total : = tiles) | 1940 | . pu- 5 or High 3 . Nox Js 1940- : ation more oa : : 1943 1940 / x grades | °C ~~ om @ 3) “) (5) (®) om ®) © (10) an (12) a3) (14) as) as) 3 FLORIDA—Con. ’ ‘All Counties—Con. ~ : Hendry... 4,633] -11.5 s,207] ef soo] 1,187] a.a 3,370] 64.3 4,550 ea7| 70.3] 18.3 117 43 4,814 | -14.7 5,641 | 14.0 as3| 11.6 4,044) 71.7 3,588 2,108] 77.7] 20.9 181 57 i 14,397 | 55.7 9,246 79 0.6] 1,041] 8.9 7,302] 79.0 s,280| 1,727 1,289] 81.6] 29.5 298 171 » 122 201,987 | 12.1] 180,148 3] 17.3] 1,040] 173.2 148,528] 82.4] 115,882] 42,102] 22,184] 1.3. 23.7] 4.0m] 2,257 13,308 | -18.9 15,447 59] 19.5 483) 32.0 14,681] 95.0 5,386] 10,111] es.2 7.5 428 102 2 8,065 | -10.0f 8,957 80| 83.2 511| 17.5 5,288 70.2 ®, 00 4,078 1,829] 77.0] 22.8 212 100 2 33,385 | [3.2 34,428 23 7.7 942| 36.5 22,019] 64.0 5,079] 8,769] 20,580] 61.2] 11.3 981 ny Ena 10,041 | -16.5 12,082 69| -10.3 s98| 20.1 4,025] 33.5 4,825 7,207] so.2| 11.3] 271 114 3,080 | -50.1 4,405 93 1.0 s4s| 8,1 3,971] s0.1 1,485 2,920] 68.6 9.4 94 28 24,795 | -9.0 27,256 a1 17.7 996| 27.4 19,663] 72.1 7,617] 15,219 4,419] 80.4] 28.9 580, 346 20,959 | 19.8 17,488 53) ° 16.7 785| 22.2 18,530 77.4] 10,604 5,480 1,454] 78.9] 27.5 433 238 36,437 | 15.1 31,646 26| 34.8 585 46.2 15,540] 49.1] 16,240] 7,163 8,248] 69.5] 28.0 906 328 : 10,456 | -16.7 12,550 67 0.8] 1,108] 11.4 7,719] 61.5 8,044 _ 4,506] 63.4] 11. 229 116 Fria 2,831 | -24.5 s,7e2| eal 7.7 838) 4.5 2,827] 75.3 2,541 1,21] s4.8 9.2] 83 31 Fhe 13,8971 -14.2 16,190 | “— 56 3.7 702| 23.1 8,460] 52.3 2,730) 8,387] 10,123] 86.7] 10.4 381 156 ° = 2a,202] -7a1 26,098 | 34] 16.0 701| 97.2 19,212] 73.6] 14,530f 7,012 4,556] 81.8] 27.3 555 264 29,769 | -4.7 31,243 26 5.6] 1,617] 19.3 17,572) 56.2 8,985 12,180] 10,077] 73.2] 20.1] 78 360 6,186 | =2.5 6,295 83| 23.2 559) 11.3 4,048] 64.2 5,771 s24f 77.8] 24.9) 86 62 aS © 19,889 | 46.8 14,078 62 3.8 994] 14.2 1,513] 81.8] 12,927 956 195] 79.3] 17.9) 509 268 a 10,859 0.4 10,826 7s] 18.5 650] 16.7 7,185| 66.4 3,492| = 4,700 2,634] 71.3] 15.4 253 121 16,980 | 23.9 12,900 66] 30.3 938 18.8 11,747| 91.1 8,024 4,876] 72.0] 12.4 428 167 3,112 3.7 3,000 96 | -27.3 780] 3.8 2,441] 81.4 2,286 784] 78.0] 14.9 66 32 77,814 | 10.3 70,074 9| -s0.9 916| 76.5 53,132] 75.8] 44,511] 19,563 8,000] 83.9] 34.3] 1,738 877 ve 049) 8,671 | -14.3 10,119 76) -5.4] 1,325] 7.6 8,046] 79.5 3,228 5,397 1,497] es.8] 22.4 150 158 Palm Beach... 050 80,982 1.2 79,985 8| 54.5] 1,978] 40.4 51,680( 64.5) 57,167] 16,673 6,159] 81.8] 28.7] 1,733 958 : : : A PRSCOLevsvsesesslbl 13,044 ~6.7 18,981 53 82.2 781 18.6 11,705] 83.7 2,561 7,266 4,154 81.2 21.6 323 178 122 | Pinellas... 99,425 8.2 91,852 5 47.8 264 | 347.9 75,672] 82.4] 74,350] 14,624 2,878] 90.0f 88.0] 1,827 1,481 3 Folkees 89,222 2.0 86,665 7] 19.9] 1,881] 46.6 68,147| 78.6] 46,062] 28,838] 11,765 80.8] 24.3] 2,207 993 Putnam. 17,488 | -6.8 18,598 49 3.3 803| 28.3 10,809) 57.8 7,140 8,167 3,81] 70.3] 19.7 819 243 St. JOMNSsseses 18,962 | -5.2 20,012 45 7.2 608) 32.9 12,951) 64.7) 12,090] 6,299 1,62 78.4 .24.1 387 236 2 St. Lucies.. 18,048 9.9 11,871 70] 88.2 ‘588| 20.2 7,791] 65.6 8,040] 1,608 2,2ent 77.80 sa. 498 125 = Santa Hosn. 14,674 | -8.8 16,085 57) 14.2] 1,024] 15.7 14,143) 87.9 9,885 8,700)" 68.6 9.2 437 141 iio Sarasota... 18,383 | 14.1 16,106 e7l =z9.5 585( 27.5 12,526] 77.8] 11,141} 4,140 azhi 86.0] 86.4 8:3 269 , i Seminole. ss. 19,068 | -14.5 22,304 40| 19.0 321] 69.5 11,550] s1.8] 10,217] 9,051 3,086] 7.7 22.2 498, 243 + Sumter... ees 9,425 | -14.6 11,041 72 3.7 561( 19.7 7,961] 72.1 6,324 4,m7] « 76.8] 140 260 9 Suwanee s 15,281 | -10.5 17,073 54 8.5 677| 25.2 11,585) 67.9 3,427] 8,229] 10,417] 66.3] 11.4] 448 161 Taylor. 9,952 | -19.1 11,565 71] -12.0| 1,082] 11.2 7,881] 68.1 2,668 6,478 2,419] s2.4] 11. 229) 101 Uniofe.esssvess 063 6,982] -2.3] 7,094] 8] -4.5 240] 29.5 5,029] 70.9 4,116 2,978] 62.3] 10.7 125 7 VOluSiBaaiaenss 48,680 | -9.4 53,710 12] 25.6] 1,115] 48.2 38,905] 72.4] 84,007] 14,827 4,756] 85.4] 82.2] 1,030] - 747 3 5,299 | <3.0 5,463 90] -0.1 614) 8,9 8,617 66.2 4,217 1,206] 86.7] 10.1 15 39 us 13,188 | 7.4 14,246 e2| -2.3] 1,026] 13.6 12,251) 86.0 2,670f 5,208] 6,468] 70.9] 10.8] * ues 133 WaBhiNgton. eqs s067 11,185] -9.1 12,802 68 1.0 597| 20.6 10,087] 81.5 5,642 6,660] 66.9 9.1] 382 100 GEORGIA. .....| 2,976,645 | -4.1]3,123,723 7.4| 58,018) 63.4| 2,088,278] 65.3[1,073,808| 865,949|1,363,966] 68.8] 17.2] 76,540 29,401 METRO. COUNTIES..| 953,504 | 10.2] 869,962 19.5] 2,477] sua. 582,743| 67.0| 686,448] 171,428] 62,086] 77.5] 6.2] 22,787] 10,184 Metro. areas: # 007 | Atlenta,,.C44, 060 486,862 1.9] 479,828 23.4 792 | 605.8 342,716 71.4| 956,341) '95,548| 27,944] s2.2| 50.4] 10,728] 5,090 009 | AUGUSLE +4 aesse soli] 88,871 9.3 81,863 12.2 325 | 251.9 48,494 | . 59.2] 65,919] 8,863 2,081] 67.4] zo.) 2,178] 1,092 5 03 Chat tanooge(pts)t. 146] £29,064 «5.8 81,024 18.4 448 69.2 28,789 | 92.8 7,047 11,270 12,707 76.9 13.3] 764 191 Bg 0:8 | Columbus (pt )8 +. 108 97,285 | 28.9 75,494 31.2 220 348.2 49,478) 65.5 ‘58,280 17,107 5,207) 70.7{ 20.1] 2,764]. 804 EA 069 | MA0ON.vaseaaeana0lli 101,811 | 21.5 83,783 8.7 2v1 | 833.8 48,239] 7.6] 57,865] 19,794 6,124] 69.9] 23.2] 2,063] 1,128 ¢ 108 | Savannah....eeee025 150,111 | 28.9] 117,870 11.9 241] 267.5 65,027| 95.1] 95,995] 18,851 3,128] 73.9] 21.6] 3,745] 1,834 % @ OTHER COUNTIES...| 2,028,141 | -9.6 | 2,253,761 3.4| ©6,041| 40.2| 1,455,535] 64.5| 47,360) 514,521|1,301,880] 64.7] 18.0] 58,808 19,267 | All Counties: ” ~ . ~ ; k § Appling, 001 12,706 | -12.4 14,497 61 8.9 b14| 28.2 11,856] 81.8 2,916] 1,736 9,845] 66.4] 10.2] 335 77 - Ea Atkinson, 6,259 | -11.8 7,093 85 z, s18| 22.8 5,422] 76.4 2,750 4,383] e1.7| 10.2 193 27 BaCOR sss 6,927 | -14.4 8,096 83] 14.8) 29s] 27.6 2,082( 87.0 2,782 5,364] 64.5) 10.0 281 72 BAKCT aus 6,125 | -16.6 7,344 85| -6.1 as | 20.7 3,049 41.5 s89| - 6,455] 48.5 6.4 164 45 Baldwins g2,015 | 7.3 24,190 37 5.7 265] 91.3) 12,602] 52.5 6,778] 11,050 6,362] 57.7] 12.9 353 932 Banke seaees 6,683 | -23.5 8,733 81| -10.0 281] 87.8 8,072 92.4 1,350 7,388] 70.4 7.5 143 a Barrow 7 11,72] -10.0] 13.064 65] 5.8 171 76.4 10,608] e1.z| 8,974] 1,808} 7.697] 75.8] 13.3 289 181 Bartows 00} 23,288] -s.1 25,263 | -o0.3 476 | 53.1 21,073] 83.8 6,141] 6,618] 12,529] 68.2] 11.9 evs] 219 ten Hill. 12,722 | -~12.4 14,523 61] 11.3 255] 67.0 9,674 66.6 7,388 1,067 6,088] 70.4] “16.4 371 145 Berrien. 12,689 | -18.4 15,870 59 4.9 466 | 38.0 13,0831 84.8 4,5761 10,7941 63.6 7.3 361 MY ER / gs = ~~ ljwnuinder of Chattunoopu Metropolitan Area (023) is in Ceorpia &nd Tennessce, . z ; 2 Rigmaindor of Columbus Metropolitan Area (028) is in Alabama, . ; \ ed i EE REET We = - fe + : ol 5 Table § TABLE 3—SELECTED DATA FOR METROPOLITAN AREAS AND FOR ALL COUNTIES, - Part 2 - Labay Force : BY STATE—Continued Ee RE as LABOR FORCE—1940 Population 14 Years Old and Over Employed Workers by Industry Group forcent of METROPOLITAN - In leading Metro, AREAS, P P : . Toon 5 Business nonagri- ’ | Area | COUNTIES, ercentVercent potas and cultural. Code AND of 3 ol 2 C tion, | whole. | personal Oth In | industry CODES Total In labor |; Males females | Tomal Agri | Mini On | Manufac- | OM) sale and | services ther 1 ogni who are | who are ining | struc- > cations, and not | force n % employed || culture fon turing ad retail exclud- | ed cul- Cod Lr hy x otlier trade ing P ture S e p J r 3 or ol domestic dg “ orce orce ig services rs cent an as) (19) 20) ey @) @) en es) 5) @) 8) 29) en | an | a Ne FLORIDA—Con. 3 5 5 All Counties—Con. . gh.3| 1hs| 1,8% uss 204 5 21 182 182| 26. 16.8 uN uid 2.2 1,750 os 14% m3 i= 2 Fr 223 § 25:0 : 8.0 = : . o 3 1 7 511 8| 25.4 28] 9.7 ; 122 1 3-8 Si Lm 169 305 15.43 5,358 15,12 11,446 13 12.1) 22[10.5 : . . . ’ 50 3 38 5( 58.1 917.9 80.3] 33.1] 3.62 1,%% 1 169 12] 1 2 5] 28] 7.8 n.7; 16.1] 8s 4,599 10 241 573 2 1 pi 1 i 2 636 I 3 +235 9 5 361 5 71.2 26.4 3,922 1,951 98 438 95 270 22| 49. 9| 6.9 82.8 14.3 i 52 91 14 79 100 142] 64.0 1] 5.2 76.4 25.2] 9,235 | 2.65% 10 un 978 28| 1,82] 1,58] 1,478] 28.7| 636] 7.1 76,8 | 30.8 6,130 868 78 90 pe 1,2 1,354] 1.2 . 8], Sug) 20% 3 fh um 3 vem ihe 35rd Thos g g2.2|' 19.7] wmue2| 1,31 19 210 1,157 1 33 348 23] n.2| “95.1 H &.2| 19.0 ghe | i& 87 30 2! 55 102 153] 19.1] 8&[17.6 . * . B2. 21.0| 5,35 3,000 1 116 857 94 391 357 689] 56.6 10] 4.3 : 74.8 34.0 9,846 3,269 11 459 1,086 56 1,934 1,4 1,317] 33.2] 28] 5.6 Fe 78.%| 26.5] 10,693) 3,562 168 ¥77 17028 a 1,719 1,514 La 33 836 2a 28 nn. 20.7] 2,502 inn 322 169 139 398 70 2 16.5 3] 5.9 : 78. 23.7 3.931 128 5 339 195 308 80k 81h + . 37(17.% % g.7| 13.1) 3,405 557 70 1,078 206 59 n2 723) 16.8] 11[15.0 3 78.1 11.1 3,231 1,003 160 1 8 42 Yo! . o 80.4% 20.5 893 192 87 = 7 ie or Zz 232 a 5 78.1 35.01 27,2712 3,588 8| 1,654 2,110 1,239 7,478 6,266 4,929 13.2 28] 9.0 | 67.4 21.3 3,114 527 3 291 704 126 5 506 4o2| 16.9 917.1 80.8 43.71 35,988 9,268 18| 2,73 1,267 1,40 7.454 6,831 6,889] 25.8 G36] 5.1 4.3 24.5 4,634 II 1,196 5 1 1,202 1 672 . 122 505 29.6 31,710 1,445 26 2.32 1,852 10 1.7% 5.000 6,986 Bp. on 3 17.6] 3.8] 32272 6,771 | 1,282] 1,270 5,075| 1,6 7.30| 4.686! 4,238] 21.0] 5/10.9 7 17.7) 21.1] “5.87 1,086 98 161 1,196 2lig 926 g32| 1,327] 18.5 910.3 8 75.9 30.6] 7.10% 973 363 308 88] 1,343] 1.685] 1.564] 13.7] 636] 8.9 St. Lucie....s.s 8,963 5,119 80.1 2.2 4,655 1,309 18 : Santa Rosa..... wa | be2| pz| Bal 3 % 15% 1 2 2 3 Lg ga = 2 22 = Sarasots........ 12,71 7,04 | 75.3] 35.5 ouliés 758 15 19 274 291] 1,58 1,767] 1,32] 11.7] 636] 7. Seminole. ....... 16,8 9,923 | 80.5] 36.7] 9.134| 3,2% 201 588 gha| 2k Tl LEE Rd x we 80% | u,209| ez] 20.3] 3700 1.7 1 w2| ow 11,879 Praz 80.6 18.2 5,488 L1% i 192 : i 2 od 34 v2 - 23 Jo 8,285 216 | 83a 184] 3,689 462 au 1,438 135 361 305 ak 12.7] 93H. 5,51 | 1.768| k2.0| 15.5) i.ke9 697 16 "13 2 9 ® Salis P53 : 43,2 21,761 72.5 30.4 | 18,312 1,6 18 | 1,228 ¥ 1 Ds | ies| mez| 7a] ‘hess 1% 3 | ME El OME OD a Pha 3,702| W37| 713.5) 16.2] mAT| 1,207 225 563 79 328 364 il 37.2] 9) 7 \ 4 8,322 3,938 78.3 16.6 3,183 1,453 181 395 62 246 21 572| 45.6 8| 6.7 \ i : GEORGIA. ..... 2,232,132 1,225,705 82.0 29.3 1,107, M2 || 375,543 | 4,078| M1,694| 205,229 | 52,190| 129,679| 126,460) 172,539] 33.9] 6 7.7 - METRO. COUNTIES..| 671,251 | 388,352 8.8 37.7) 334,874 || 14,272 869 |, 19,380 13,%0 | 3,728| 67,084 62,881 65,260] 4.3 ey a Metro. areas: 3 = = 007 |Atlanta...0Md, 060 375,132 | 216,658 80.5 .7| 189.081 6,22 5 009 |Augusta......... 121 42.5% 35,824 | 78.2 I! 29,977 || 2.02 3 Ly he 17.38 nae was 7.26 23 | 03 |omattencogar)iilel 2,17a | il9es| gaz) F3| doen || ases| asl we ile ARERR TRE Te i 028 |Columbus.(pt)Z,.106 56,674 | 15,126 ni 43.8 3,025 1,004 ¥2| 1,606 10.856 1,547 4,921 3,885 7 Teh ? y 5 069 -.o11| 63,90 | 37,608 | £1.9| 33.4 L338 || 1,557] 173] 1,%0 T29| 3621] soem] asa bibos| b. 3 108 sar | sues| ®7| 1] Ride s6| 18] zwas| 1om| ms aisy| 7as| ses za - 1,560,861 | 837,353 | 82.5 | - 25.5) 772,538 || 361,271 | 3,209 | 22,;M| 131,629 =20,462| 62,595| 63,579] 107,279] 46.8 1 9,299 4,525 79.8 16.8 4,15 2,218 1 y dey £13 Zouk 3:5 221% ay 3 1 a i Ie i 5% Ee 1076 : , : . : : 97 3 ug 209 167 365] 62.5| 1| 8.0 JT | 2,516) 87.3] 20.0] 2,361] 2,007 8 : : 19,750 | 7,35] 51.7] 24.6] 6561 1,49] 3 579 Wa ~~ Lolh ae zon Zz 2s 5,910 | 2,808 | 83.4] 12.0] 2,280) 1,8M 1 ig sus | s2.8| 33.8] hol 22m te 1 128 2 3 13 5 a: SRE pRB BE iEpial ve BE BBB TOE ’ #12 2 . ’ ' 78 5271 654 551 0 611. wa23 1” sel eel wil wll 393 i 19 n 2 ay ol Bol. Shia igemainder of Chattanooga Metropolitan Area (023) is in Georgia and T Shesainder of Columbus Metropolitan Ares (026) is in Alabama. rniouien) oR he 455 i = 14 IRE ¥ 7 Tn RYE SET I or & x - Z 3 x : 3 / : 7 ® \ . ¥ Table 3 ; 1 a Boietag, TABLE 3—SELECTED DATA FOR METROPOLITAN AREAS AND FOR ALL COUNTIES, 2 FLA. , Hendry (026) - . 14 a Gh., Berrien (010) BY STATE—Continued ! 2 we ema . HOUSING—1940 3 ; / 0 ow : ; _ Nonfarm Rural Farm All Dwelling Units pied Dwelling Units Dwelling Units Dwelling Units 3 MET ITA Fi Metro. y h phones dea COUNTIES: Residential Percent | Percent P Percent Modion Per- CODES structures in5or | with | Percent cont |b | of Srey cent | Percent Jan I more rivate | wil m - mon! wil wit] Number fauily Ea Sy Number | owner ical pesons Number “eit Number run- | eectr struc- or lighting occ | refrig- (dollars) ning | lighting : pied | Fo house- 3 tures | shower eration | “pit water V a) GH as) 9 an a9 a9 (C)] “n w) “3 “) “s) “9 “n : FLORIDA--Con. 7 All Counties—Con. 1,533 1,864 5.1 26.7 46.5 1,714 | 28.6 24.1 | 2.57 1,646 9.96 218 12.%| 17.5 150 b 1,636 1,762 1.6 32.5 45.8: 1,592 | 49.5 23.2] 3.02 1,181 | ' 10.84 581 23.1| 24.6 202 : a 2,593 2,687 0.6| 56.1 59.8 2,499 | 43.7 3%.9| 3a7 2,327 | 16.57 360| 35.6] 27.1 719 122 4h hg) 53,050 6.9 60.5 78.1 49,860 | k2.8 31.0 i 47,069 | 17.54 5,981 | 26.1| k4o.8] 19,198 3,498 3,575 6.0 15.7 3, 46.4 5.9 .08 1,310 6.73 2,265 2.1 6.8 67 2,684 2,944 5.9 51.6 58.3 2,563 | 46.5 29.0 3.03 2,521 1.9 592| 52.5 | 43.5 425 8,408 8,693 0.1 13.6 22.8 8,181 | 4.1 13.3| 3.63 3,759 8.72 4,934] ha 8.1 500 3,020 3,067 12.1 16.3 2,950 | 42.7 8.5| 3.18 1.338 9.25 1,729 5.3 5.5 198 1.116 1,162 0.4 8.8 14.5 1,037 | 52.0 10.3 3.69 IW 6.26 728 | 10. 7.2 » 8,302 8,994 3.0 49.5 59.5 8,003 | 49.1 m5 2.90 7,604 | 1h.9% 1,390 47.0) 49.3 1,692 - 5,351 5,787 4.1 56.8 65.9 4,994 | u2.7 0.7] 2.97 5,37 24.73 470 35.1| 28.8 1,189 7.542 8,826 2.8 h.2 4.6 8,380 | 37.4 16.6 | 3.19 0,853 | 20.25 1,973| 10.0 8.7 3,032 3,420 3,569 0.7 14.1 22.9 3,351 2 12.0 3.21 2,433 6.88 bo 6.9 8.0 9% 936 954 4.9 11.2 9u6 | k7.6 9.5| 3.49 673 3.93 281) 11.4] 10.7 (2) . 4,107 4,356 0.7 13.0 16.5 3,960 | 35.6 9.6| 3.58 1,757 8.83 2,599| 8.3 7.0 1 7.864 8,921 5.3 52.0 65.8 7,448 | 45.5 26.3| 2.98 7.024 | 19.73 1,297] nol 26a 2,123 8,492 9,051 1.2] 4 46.0 8,429 | 53.9 19.9] 327 6,340 | 13.27 2,711 19.3| 25.5 1,43 2,087 2,511 11.5 9.6 65.6 1,979 | M.6 27.1 2.4k 2,%5 1.77 206| 22.8 22.3% 27s 4,078 k,Lg6 1.9 19.3 78.1 3,975 | 39.2 29.2] 2.97 ,369 | 18.34 117] 2u.8| 19.8 963 :) 2,546 2,747 0.5 21.3 42.8 2,668 | 50.3 19.6 | 3.52 2,176 | 12.39 571 | 17.5| 16.6 455 3,576 3,628 23.0 | — 33.8 3,057 | 51.0 15.5 | 3.7% 2,550 | 12.59 1,078 5.8 3.6 267 8 ’ 905 2.7 n.5 37.5 82h | 53.8 a.1 3.13 705 7.14 25.5 21.0 89 19,617 23,298 6.7 63.1 75.5 20,413 | L8.1 45.2 2.95 21,hk 24.22 1,884 49.9 55.2 8,195 ' 3,771 2.0 47.2 65.5 3,202 | 54.7 27.6 2.49 ,283 | 13.14 ugg | 28.9| 25.3 281 22,538 28,360 11.6 61.7 71.0 23,880 | 37.5 k1.0 2.74 26,191 31.75 2,169 | 22.6 34.5 6,616 x 4,543 4,873 1.1 37.0 55.0 4,255 | 55.0 26.7| 2.69 3,523 | 10.83 1,%0| 3%.8| 39.2 385 2 122 32,157 40,525 10.7 79.6 89.6 28,970 | 49.8 L.5( 2.49 39.655 | 32.05 870 61.4| 65.7) 14,3 ' ; 23,0% 25,954 4.1 51.6 67.6 23,971 | 2.7 30.8| 3.16 22,769 | 16.00 3,185 | 34.1 | 39.9 8,1! . 5,531 5,917 0.9 3-6 L2.4 5,366 | 52.3 20.1 2.9% 4,913 10.48 1,004| 29.9] 35.5 699 < 5,473 b,264 hu sh.2 62.1 5,628 | W4.6 29.7] 3.00 5,812 | 16.32 2 | 31.6 30.2 1,782 3,163 ,609 5.1 48.8 59.3 3,316] 39.1 37.3] 3.01 2,824 | 17.5% 785 | W.L| 36.0 663 3,909 ,000 6-2 10.0 21.3 ,808 | 51.1 7.9 3.83 2,6 6.57 1,368 5.3 12.4% in 5,382 6,097 6. 67.2 71.0 658 | 47.6 43.5 | 2.83 5,849 | 30.75 2ug >.3 2: 2,653 ,282 6,771 2.6 | 39.6 49,3 6,239 | 46.4 28.8 3.09 5,800 | 12.28 971 | bs.2 5 1,203 2,908 po 0.2 19.8 36.1 2,953] 51.5 16.7 3.25 1,863 7.92 1,171 | 12.1 24.8 105 4,264 R 0.2 15.0 21.8 4,113] 50.9 10.2 3.65 1,899 | 10.86 2,521 5.7 6.4 293 3,158 3,447 0.8 16.7 24.6 3,138 | 33.2 12.7 3.2 2,907 7.98 540 2.8 1.9 2u7 1,366 1,397 12.9 21.1 1,254 | 37.3 11.b 3.7 701 8.09 696 3.2 6.8 an v 17,187 19,99 5.6 62.5 73.4 16,129 | 50.5 36.0 2.73 18,531 " 23.15 1,462] 39.5 48.7 4,037 1,429 1,4 8.4 19.7 1,341 | 59.7 10.3 3.62 1,166 6.78 278 3,2 2.2 (€9) 3,500 3,562 14.6 20.6 3,350 | 55.9 12.3 | 3.84 2,119 8.09 1,443] 2.9 2.2, 27 Washington... 3,021 3.153 0.3 11.4 17.5 2,%\ | 52.3 10.1 | 3.76 1,649 1.25 1,508 | 3.1 3.5 204 GEORGIA......| 695,148 |. 796,715 2.9 24.6 46.6 752,241 | 30.8 2h.7| 3.59 475.696 | 15.53) 321,009] 5.0] 16.1} 190,804 : METRO. COUNTIES.. 174,538 237,758 8.8 46.7 73.6 228,990 | 29.6 4.9 3.26 223,293 20.66 14,465 | 17.4 39.5 § 121,398 Metro. areas: 007 |Atlanta...OMk, 060 91,0u4 130,890 22.1 |. 52.% 78.9 126,113 | 33.0 47.2| 3.26 124,360 | 24.31 6,53 | 17.2 | 4.34 72,816 009 |haguste......... 121 18,105 22,247 by h2.y 66.6 1° 21,201 | 25.4 37.3| 3.27 20,566 | 15.82 1,681 19.0 ( 26.7) 10,292 023 |Chattancoga (pt)® 146 7,222 7,586 0.5 21.k 63.7 7.296 Ye, 34.1 3.82 4,649 | 12.28 2.937%: 8:5 39.2 1,877 %028 |Columbus (pt.)*.106 15,955 19,906 ae 31.9 72.9 19,503 | 21. 3.7 3.38 18,764 | 16.77 1,182 16.0] 30.5] 10,462 069 ..011 18,221 23,848 .6 2 62.6 23,159 | 2u.5 34.5 3.12 22,353 | 1k.20 1,495 | 23.5 3 11,8h8 . 108 23,991 33,281 7:1 9.5 68.3 31,718 | 23.7 30.3 3.20 32,601 17.51 080 | 39.1 2 14,103 OTHER COUNTIES... 520,610 558, 957 0.4 14.3 3.0 523,251 | 31.3 17.5 3.76 252,403 | 10.97 206,554 h.3 15.0 09,406 All Counties: ® Appling 3,011 3,158 0.9 8.9 22.7 3,032 3.8 12.8 4,27 1,196 9.9% 1,902 1.8 9.6 259 EB Atkinson. . 1,624 1,659 0.8 10.2 25.4 1,585 2 15.8 2% 701 6.52 958 5.2 17.1 98 & Bacon... 1,732 1,829 0.7 6.3 29.5 1,789 3.4 11.6 1 697 8.uy 1,Y324 “0:7 18.3 86 i Baker... 1,710 1,7% 4.0 9.9 1,667 | 19.8 5.0 | 3.89 280 6.18 1,516 20 5.6 28 Baldwin 3,684 4,251 1.0 16.9 43.8 4,006 [ 29.% 2h | 3.2 2,119 | 13.22 1,472 1 8.5 628 ‘ Banke... ...0u res 2,143 2,162 1.8 19.5 1,926 | 32.5 8.5| u.10 385 4.86 1.70 2.) 14.8 (2) i Barrow 2,870 3,355 0.7 13.1 u5.2 3,290 | 31.3 19.8 | 3.48 1,586 | 11.10 1,767 2.5| 22.0 239 i Bartow. 5,626 6,105 0.5 17.0 43.1 5,828 | 30.3 24.2 3.88 3,276 11.03 2,829 4.6 16.1 998 ’ Ben Hill 3,375 3,720 0.3 28.2 52.6 3,569 | 37.3 25.7 io 2,304 10.57 1,l16 6.4 20.0 759 Berrien 3,546 3,683 0.1 6.4 1747 3,493 | 32.2 10.2 .02 1,289 7.15 2,394 1.9 3.0 129 1Served from adjoining county. 2Remainder of Chattanooga Metropolitan Area (023) is in Georgia and Tonnesaca. 3Remainder of Columbus Metropolitan Area (028) is in Alabama. 102 TABLE 3—SELECTED DATA FOR METROPOLITAN AREAS AND FOR ALL COUNTIES, : 7 BY STATE—Continued oe. Table 5 | Part 4 - Agriculture FLA., Hendry (026) - (Figures which have been rounded to thousands will hot necessarily add to totals) Gh., Berrien (010) ey AGRICULTURE—1945 AGRICULTURE—1940 : ; Value of farm products sold, | Principal \ Per- f Value of Work power traded, or u: "| source of 2 . ; Por- vent arm property : farm hou:ehold farm income | Type- METROPOLITAN cent | farms of- ! Meta] AREAS, | Number of | Land in | Croplahd | Number | of | ‘are: Percent from— farming| Rural Area COUNTIES, farms farms | harvested | of farms | farms | oj. A Number L : area Code AND (1000s | (1000s oper- | of Total ves: of Amount ye code Wing CODES Jan. 1, of -- of April 1, | ated prod- | (1 000" age | horses | Number (1000s st d Code Per. | (See [index 5 1945 acres) | acres) 940 | by 5 oo andor of an (See 420) 3 ucts of arm of live- | C cent | P ten- | Joss dollars) | (do mules | tractors dollars) ae tops | paze) . ants | yoo of fal {over $ $400 mo. y ) ucts “8 “9) (0) GI G2) G3) 9 (55) (56) Gn (8) G9) (60) [CLV IC) 3) [QO] FLORIDA=—Con. : it gh All Counties—Con. A . 5 endry. . 17 362 26 156 | 21.2| 57.1 11,179 [11,660 156 143 1,896 6.1] 92. s| 88.4 wy 70 erasnds 287 37 6 &| 18.3 | 66.3 2,236 | 4,099 379 29 206| Lb.3 he 7| 23.4 124 89 [Highlends 503 15 389 | 4.1 30.3 8,uls5 p1,710 126 7% 1,481 22.6] 75.8 7] 67.7 4 97 122 [Hillsborough....029 3,U71 261 37 2,620 | 21.3 | 39.0 17,940 | 4,943 2,081 858 L,860| 31.3| 59.5 71 26.7 124 109 O RES ever ns 030 1,629 15 59 1,672. | 46.0 5h.1] 3,240 | 1,938 2,278 9, 752 19.4 21.8 of Le.y 731 62 754 181 21 C2 | sa 36.5 9,191 12,387 115 169 1,lg1 5.51, 92.5 71 713.9 auc tae 3.871 378 1B 3,585 | L1.6| 56.5 8,390 | 2,3%0| 5.360 52 1,807) 19.6 Lk.6 5] ui.) 77 se : 1,146 180 1,288 | 46.5( 70.3 L,101 | 3,254 1,520 5€ 538 25.8] 36.3 0| 3k. 3. br 3 81 24 sug | 29.4 | 26.6 1,23 | 2,597] 763 kl Blo| 19.1 55.7 5| 52.9 63 77 1,663 199 uw 2,007 | L.| ugk 20,165 | 9,99 og 259 2,l16| 10.3| 85.0 7| 64.7] me 97 368 104 8 291 | 15.5] 35.1 3,119 [10,718 198 132 1,246 10.k| 86.7 g| 35.8 Lf 200 & 1,105 154 Wn 1,483 | 56.3] 77.4 3,527 [2,Mu4 1,575 50 si4| ik] 20.2 o| 37.3 73Y 5% 640 2i3 40 g51 | 2309] L7.6 2,902 | 3,10] 1,L81 55 Guo | 7.1) 33.9 il 374 - 6 62 229 h2 6 253 | 15.8 62.1 Log | 1,618 161 7 1131 ko.3| 16.2 o| Lo.y 731 49 1,406 218 » 1,490 | bh.5| k.of L,115 | 2,745] 2.056 75 1,007] 23.2 W.u 5| kag 634 61 834 282 12 676 | 20.1 32.5 6,288 | 9,302 657 196 2,532 2.8 87.4 6| Ls.y 141 99 A 2,286 405 o 2,14 | 16.0 | 61.2] 9.795 | 4.564 2,577 298 1,054| e22.0( 87.5 7] 0.4 63ul 79 263 176 6 117 | ko.2 47.9 1,065 | 9,1C3 82 50 291 1k.1 83.6 6] 59.3 141 95 55 2 1 9k - - £76 | 6,128 (2) 3] L3.5 51,1 7] b5.3 141 20 : 347 43 5 531 | 15.3] 52.0 1,430 | 2,623 nz 20 620 70.8 11.0 3] 52.9 24 68 , ekelocsa. oe... L046 eeu | © 67 24 898 | M1.4| 69.0 1,996 | 2.178] 1,113 19 310 22.0 22.8 0] 53.4 73 72 E) Okeechobee. . .... 047 210 265 - 174 | 13.2] 61.5 857 | 1,925 213 35 ws 62.1] 18.6 1| ko. 124 81 i Orange. . okg 1,919 421 us 2,399 4.5 45.0] 2¢,971 2,076 341 319 3,967 12.4 8.3 71 7:.3 124 108 Osceola. ..049 353 813 4 LL2 | 10.6] Ubs5.7 4,131 | 9,346 Le2 0k 508 44.0 45.2 7] wm.3 124 98 Palm Peach..... L050 1,139 278 3 go8 | 3u.9| 20.9 9.995 [12,270 522 3g 7.21 8.91 90.2 6] e1.M 1a 68 ¥ 1,067 267 16 1,107 | 12.9 61.7 6.368 | 5,771] 593 10k 956 31.5 53.1 7] 47.4 124) 93 4g 1 732 | 10.2] Lk.9 9.206 12,576 223 211 1.553 bh. 52.3 7] u0.Y 124 131 3,79 960 101 4,273 | 11.4 29.1 50,700 [11,865 1,520 655 10,702 7.5 88.8 71] 84.3 124 92 1,059 134 12 £50 6.9 61.5 4,798 | 5,645 sok 112 1,019 21.8 68.8 5| 41.9 124 74 2 17 12 3kg | 10.1 39.1 2,087 | 5.957, k70 67 929 21.3 65.2 5| 52.4 124 63 549 292 24 598 5.0 37.1 8,020 [13,428] ish 188 1,572 8.8 90.1 7| 60.4 124 s1 1,651 115 u2 1,222 | 36.2| 58.7 2,930 | 2,398 1,553 35 547 18.5 L1.6 o| 39.6 731 £9 3 239 8 191 | 19.4% 33.5 3,078 [16,115 106 127 1,283 9.7 88.9 6| 61.5 141] 10k < 663 173 15 760 9.2 39.6 8,925 [1,743 563 215 3,199 4.9 92.8 6] 72.1 121 78 1,126 169 25 zok | 23.9 L1.Y 2,lgs5 | 2,001 1,340 Tu 821 27.0 59.3 6| Lo.1 12} 80 Y 1,905 285 89 1,877 32.3 35.2 L,669 | 2,487 2,650 100 1,326 19.4 sl.5 5] 47.2 634 [3 550 79 7 Lg3 | 25.1| 69.6 1,010 | 2,091 510 5 220 | Lou 22.1 o| 37.2 731 5 - hoé 82 13 sL7 | 32.4 50.1 1,549 | 2,832 75% he 342 20.1 L2.5 5| 29.g 634 6! 1,575 234 16 1,518 1. 56.5 12,340 | 8,129, 398 102 1,658 1.0 60.0 8 | 28.u 124 103 353 38 8 2 16.1 ET.3[ L63 | 1,619 210 3 125 37.6 11.3 0] 48.1 731 R2 1,095 116 32 1,028 | 32.9 632.8 1,611 | 1,567 1,099 12 Leg 29.6 26.9 0 u2.6 731 56 1,188 106 |’ 33 1,259 | 30.7 71.7 1,861 | 1,478] 1,422 9 Ls50 25.1 20.8 0+ 53.1 731 ’ GEORGIA...... 225,897 | 23,676 7.824 | 216,033 | 60.1 | 3u.7| 557,987 | 2.768] 351.%75 | 9,327 | 165,956 | 1k.6| 57.% 5] 51.0 73 “ METRO, COUNTIES. . i 11,294 nol. 209 | 10.004 | v2.0] ss. 37ve39 [3.775] 12.863 643 8,592 45.9 '30.2 ; \ Metr:s. areas: : 2 a 007 |Atlanta...Ouk, 060 5,840 288 ,89 4,909 | b5.3 58.3 18,k92 | 3,767 £,119 254 4,122 53.1 2.2 009 |Angusta...... 12 fl 1,185 8 £ goo | 46.7| 16.3 3.355 | 3.647 1.341 7¢ B34 | 2h.3| 56.4 51 39.0 5 2 023 [Chattanooga (PHE1M6 || 2,266 177 2,332 | 34.6) 53.3 6.159 | 2,770 3,646 125 1.293] er. | 3A 0] 36.0 Columbus (pt)3..206 |! 309 bo n 528 | 58.91 60.2 2,495 | 4,638 767 38) © 520 60.6 19.1 2 | 50.0 = Sra ! A | 1 ho) 24 829 | 39.1 50.2 3.620 | 4,367 1,157 89 506 30.5 43.5, 2| 29.7 : 3 57 10 496 | 22.4 | 67.5 3,418 | 6,01 L33 59 897 56.3 | 31.5% 2| 47.3 OTHER COUNTIES... |! 214,603 | 22,957 7.615 206,009 | 61.0] 33.7] 560,148 |2,719| 339.012 8,682 | 157,364 | 10.9 58.8 ® All Counties: - APPLING... eu... L001 1,463. 192 Wy 1,459 | u6.€ 18.2] 4,071 | 2,790 2,156 of 1,176 12.2 ug.9 5 | LE.S| 731 69 Atkinson. ..002 73 122 El 662 | 51.5 13.4 2,247 | 3.394 1.039 25 850 11.0 58.6 51 56.3 731 17 Bacon. . ..003 | 980 115 31 99% | 19.3 15.2 2,255 | 2,269 1,k2h 19 £01 9.9 59.4 5] 56.8 731 7 Beker. . ..00 1,343 136 56 1,093 | 76.3] 35.8 2,193 | 2,006] 1.809 33 687 | 10.7] 6ka 5| 60.9] | 57 893, 136 34 805 | 64.3 | 38.00 2,516|3.125| 1.436 25 696 | 37.7 | 39.2 5| 31.8 ng 69 1,204 u 1.371 | 64.2 48.8 2,343 | 1,710 1,907 33 654 g.l 45.9 0] uu.g 718 73 3 1.497 % 2 . 1.558 65.1 25.5 $iae 2,664 2.373 3 398 8.5 58.9 5 | 58.3 718 e€ y 2,095 213 66 1.861 | 65.7] 26.8 5,300 | 3,165 3.50% 2058 1.559 7.6 | 53.5 51 6c. 716] BO 873 103 3 900°| 53.8 21.9 3,009 | 3,343 1,681 L2 197 11.2 67.8 5| 62.9 731 76 1,582 228 58 1.79 | 62.7 9.4 5,855 | 3.367 2,861 77 1,859 2. 67.5 s | 60.9 m 79 1 goss than three farms reported snd data are thersfure included only in State totals. Remainder of Chattancoga letronolitan Area (023) is in Geargia and Tennessee. Remainder of Columbus Metropolitan Area (028) is in Alabama. TERS a TE RET Le ? i ; 7 > . ~ $ EE 14 . BG Tales TABLE 3—SELECTED DATA FOR METROPOLITAN AREAS AND FOR ALL COUNTIES, 2 ~ Indust : [0 Er Tae 5 : BY STATE—Continued ie FLA., Hendry (026) ~ : bz = 3 GA., Berrien (010) (all dollar figures have been rounded to thousands and will not necessarily add to totals) Ee or : Re ) BB 53 MANUFACTURING ESTABLISHMENTS—1939 MINERAL. INDUSTRIES—1939 RETAIL ESTABLISHMENTS—1939 [a P METROPOLITAN a Metro. TEAS ? Val ded . Re Area COU i ue a Br Code AND Wage Wages Value of by monte Value of - | Number | Wages and Silas Active | Employees Pay roll =) Numb. earners v products roducts of salaries | Number of | {000% of (average 1000's of ¢ CODES umber | (1000's of 1000s of ture (foo ; (1000's of ( s of pro- ee ( sol % » average | Jollars) | SOF 1 (1000's of 3 oft; persons 30 Bowes dollars) | prietors dollars) -for year) dollars) dollars) dollars) : engaged | dollars) - year) i E 65) (66) ©) ©) ©) a) an a a as as) as) an et FLORIDA==Con. . \ All Counties—Con. 4 be 336 (2) (x (2) 80 1,384 59 120 108 10 122 47 257 128 543 167 126 79 1,349 63 133 96 13 301 179 945 503 166 2,364 143 283 206 122 263 12,301 9,511 01,278 2k,043 (1) (1) (1) 2,780 56,411 2,530 7.079 5.933 13 3n 135 511 a9 110 731 106 oq Indien River....031 8 22 21 110 66 192 2,502 178 250 200 Jacson... ..032 12 19% 68 675 29% 274 4,349 264 k15 332 . Jeffers 03 12 181 82 k27 221 121 1,103 ~ 112 102 52 Lafayett 03 3 1 1k 7 29 7 376 85 34 16 Lake. . ..0%H 30 861 hye 1,923 1,051 (1) (1) (1) 2 7,010 47 750 581 Bee... 00, 036 16 536 281 930 686 304 6,244 263 761 615 LOOK. «sve ces 037 0 769 L56 2,kek 1,375 HL &,784 31k 1,163 928 LOWY. asain 038 27 749 386 1,381 928 168 96 59 164 1,578 137 126 84 Liberty. . ous 039 by 108 uy 293 72}, 37 210 33 23 11 MadiBon..ivuuuan 0 17 330 135 550 291 178 2,063 178 249 155 Manatee......... ol 22 827 ke 2,467 1,162 21 21 1 367 7.075 341 121 566 Marion. ...eeuus. ok2 39 13% 382 2,447 1,239 233 189 98 362 7.73% 306 800 684 Manel: sinned: OF 8" 61 32 1% 94 134 1,61 1s 201 14 Monroe. ....vu... o 1k Lo n 281 173 (1) (1) (2) 9 2,75 256 369 23 Fassau.......... ous a 515 387 2,09% 996 (1) (1) (1) 154 1,794 1k2 192 135 Okaloosa. cu... . ole 8 306 151 627 344 140 1,725 116 177 128 Okeechobee. . . ... ou7 3 3 1 51 19 5k 759 ug 73 Rye Orange. .... EN n 1,124 82 5,991 3,027 (2) (1) (2) 1,192 31,510 1,045 3,729 3,423 Osceola......... olg 12 Luk 2h 1,020 65 146 2,144 12 228] 157 = Palm Beach...... 050 64 430 56 2,835 1,758 1,684 35,90 1,49 3,687 3,807 T PBBOG.. cvs. viens 051 8 951 595 1,905 956 202 2,218 180 2ug 158 122 |Pinellas........ 052 71 720 ns 4,638 2,892 (1) (1) (1) 1,655 4,726 1,529 5,104 4,540 POY ovo evi 05 92 3,750 2,129 15,100 5,987 7.177 1,786 1,872 1,428 27,297 1,185 3,120 2,552 PutBale.ounss a 05 26 850 527 2,589 1,764 283 123 n 18 ,215 266 409 325 4 St. Johng....... 055] _ 16 138 121 657 34 8 6,019 B71 786 St. lucie. ...... 056 16 23 21 1,4%3 MH 19, k4,601 169 46g kos oy Santa Rosa. ...:. 057 10 1k 8 393 155 12 1,L4g 112 181 122 Baragota........ 058 2h 125 100 559 358 (1) (1) (1) © 23 7.605 _ 320 840 703% Seminole........ 059 16 250 163 1,ksg 695 11 5,189 357 630 k29 . SURtEE. senses 060 n 239 98 549 2734 =n) ) () 132 1,262 113 105 60 Suwannee. ....... 061 I] 118 © Ink 195 205 2,560 198| 280 173 PRYIOY +. vu vinnie 062 16 1,271 875 3,716 2,442 11 2,004 114 247 173 UnoR. coon vives 063 2 (1) (1) (1) (1) 58 433 50 3 20 £ 5 Volusta........ oes] 59 621 u67 2,451 1,430 v8) 19,34 op7l 2.23%) 1,786 #2 Wakulla......... 065 5 ug 23 179 124 63 673 60 21 i 8 ¥alton..... vere d066 10 158 91 382 3 130 1,680 126 179 121 rf Washington. .....067 8 lig 21 11 102 1,036 97 107 70 1: Combined Counties® 352 34,194 3,108" 25,443 10,116 815 271 262 B 3 - . GRORGIA...... 3,150 | 157,804 108,083 677,403 283,316 8,077 3,910 2,761 32,870 624,765 28,797] 78,047] 58.87k Be A E METRO. COUNTIES.. 1,050 60,729 6,952} 369,571 149,363 41,061 4517 4379 10,471 315, kok 8,658] 43,176 36,066 Metro. areas: . 007 |Atlanta.. O4k 0bO 620 26,164 23,292 193,831 79,561 su £186 £162 5,551 197,222 L324 26,575] 23,572 009 fAugueta....... «121 78 5,814 3.791 2,878 9,357 2hs 14g 97 1,084 26,037 gly 3,854 2,840 = 023 |Chattanoogs (pt)®146 22 3,878 2,960 12,k08 5,823 13 + 131 70 259 3,761 267 372 245 Ey . 028 [Columbus (pt)7...106 83 12,496 8,408 Lb ,069 24,915 (1) (1) (1) 938 3,15 791 3,348 2,k52 Bo 069 |Macon........... 011 101 6,248 L811 28,328 11,111 24g n 50 1,036 26,82 855 3,891 2,394 Bs ’ 106 |Savannah........ 025 1 6,129 68k 66,057 18,596 (1) (1) (1) 1,603] 36,405 1,480 5,136 3.923 4 I om COUNTIES... 2,100 97.075 61,131 307,832 133,953 47,016 43,393 42,382 22,399 309,361 20,139 35,771 22,808 Bi All Counties: : Appling. .e.vnsn .001 22 32 12 335 105 133 1,509 12k 162 105 4 Atkineon........ 002 15 13 i 230 ko 13 Lah 60 26 13 E BOBORY. Tess vanes 00 6 8 3 9% 38 117 1,214 116 132 58 BOXOF ou vnesini 00! 2 (1) (1) {ay «= (1) 52 273 46 22 8 Baldwin.,....... 005 16 357 165 1,118 Leg (1) (2) (2) 204 3,183 180 423 269 \ |Banke. o.oo... 006 50 © 188 ug 8 2 BAITOW. + vvssenss 007 15 1,603 874 5,463 2,064 138 1,688 135 209 11h BRrEOW: coin x viens 008 25 1,1 2 1,207 5,536 2,347 78% 3% 262 220 3,639 203 92 287 Ben Hill........ 009 1k 663 9 1,5% 701 184 3,316 168 2 288 Berrien.........010 13 55 2! Jou 174 i 2,048 125 220 15 1Not shown because of disclosure of operations of individual ~establishments. Data included in Combined Counties at end of State. ® Includes all counties where figures are not shown seperately because of disclosure of operations of individual establishments, 3 Includes all establishments and wage earners of counjies for which wages and value data were withheld to avoid disclosure. The "Combined Counties" figure for number of establishments is excluded from the State total, since this item wa shown for every county. Whenever data on wage earners have been withheld, that portion of the "Combined Counties” figure represented by such data is included in the corresponding State total. “Two counties, Muscogee (106), and Chatham (025) which should be included in the "Metro Counties™ totel are included in the "Other ©. Counties" total, since it is not possible to presont separate figures for these counties, BExcludes Fulton County (060) for which dats are not shown separately. Ry / \ SRemainder of Chattanooga Metropolitan Area (023) is in Georgia and Tennesse. 7Remainder of Columbia Metropolitan Area (028) is in Alabama, : 104 ’ 3 , TABLE 5 SELECTED DATA FOR METROPOLITAN AREAS AND FOR ALL COUNTIES, RY STATE—Continued (All dollar figures have been rounded to thousands and will not necessaril; ad Table 3 Part 6 = Other p Bdoronse Data. wre som Sea SERVICE ESTABLISHMENTS—1939 PANE eros — . Major war supply Major war facilities contracts, projects, ; June 1940-Se t. 1945 | June 1940-June 1945 METROPOLITAN : Bond, (1000's of dollars) (1000's of dollars) Metro. AS, . sales ra COUNTIES, Number Number| = |Employees Total (1000's of Code of Sales of “| Receipts | Active (rsiags Pay roll | (demand Time | Yolfars at 2 estab- | (1000's of | estab- | (1000's |proprie-| ““"¢ =" | (1000s } and time) | (1000's issue price) lish- | dollars) lish- | of dollars)| tors yer) of dollars)| (1000’s | of dollars) ments ments of dollars) Combat Other Industrial | Military equipment a) a9 0) @1) ®2) 83) 8) 5) 6) an ®&) ©) on | wy ORI1DA~—Con. . 7 , All om, Hemdry.....onvss 026 6 965 25 hy 21 17 9 1,165 2s 6,368 Hernando........ 027 8 514 2k 51 22 22 10 1,307 hol 343 2,339 Highlands....... 028 1k 96 3H 109 32 o% 28] 4,957 730 1,021}- 4,81 118 18,067 122 |Hillsborough....029 376 95.71% 885 5,021 872 2,623 1,042 104, 7k 27,822 20,640 2lo,50 8,585 17,589 Lo, 276 HOLMES... uur. 030 6 585 25 26 1 5 1,254 202 32 J 209 | Indian River....031 23 1,746 La 350 42 155 86 2,849 269 733! 8,303 Jackson......... a3 21 2,043 65 188 65 10k 62 7.723 1,128 916; 75 7,943 Jefferson....... 03 10 851 2 50 21 18 10 1,795 495 284 | Lafayetts....... 03 1 1 20 13 7 L 5 13 1ake....... th. ..035 53, 6,615 107 263 10k 111 66 14,088 2,215 171 = 4g3 26 2,239 89 1 85 174 133 8,849 1,948 1,519 308 15,853 28 3,286 65 2) 6b 238 173] 12,515 3,692 o7h 18,021 13 397 26) 1 2k 15 8| 656 9) 1,860 1 (1) 9 11 10 2 1 9 554 47 95 Lg 58 24] 2,13 57h 10% 21 2,772 94 ae 9 80 59) 9,499 2,522 \958 1,129] 36 3,082 66) 38 6! 167 108] 10,530 2,537 4,465 1,363 9 2 33] 106) 29 21 22 1,473 298 5,821 MOAT08....ouvas ok 20 1,02 65 191 61 110 67 4,291 952] 12k 2,294 43,095 NRESOR. ov vss ne ss 0H % ks 32] 107 3 71 47 2,00 1,040 3,149 Okalo088. + us nu. 0b] 5 7 20 46) 23 20 11 1,638 178] 167 29,222 Okeechobee. ..... oly 8 5 12] 21 10 7 4 521, Lg) | Orange. ...couee.s oug 146 26,347 369 2,208 360 843 e714 Ly, 293 7,016 503 1,495 1,31 16,357 | = | Osceola.....u... OM 9 821 37 108] 42 2 14 2,760 Ts 1,170 Palm Beach...... 050 101 14,914) 49g] 2,783 501 1,03 825! 4g, 29% 7,994 1,450 663 184 10,689 Pas00. ind 1h 1,642 Ly 91 uy 34 21 2,14 u52 3 1,178 122 | Pinellas. 99 12,405 508! 2,719 hgh 997 179 60,154 13,354 253] 4,897 1,000) 1,497 Polk... 117 22,733 193 1,635 392 658 L50] 4,177 ©,405 18,003 11,465 629 6,961 Putnam, 26 1,579 56) 193) 59 70 Lp) 4 ky 1,190] 1,061 697 St. Johns....... 23 2,400 88 37 81 164 108 8,083 2,900 6 St. Lucie 28 3,177 49] 528 4g 190 157 6,094 1,078 903! 636 1,603 Sants Rosa...... 3 205 24 lo 27 29 11 1,361 2 432 Sarasota. ....... 058| 18 2,273 105 588! 108 272] 22 10,538 2,091 1,771} 101 3,566 Seminole........059 55 12,278 131 502] 125 190 12 5,821 1,501 1, 080; 280 966 6,547 6 435 3h 56 31 26 17] 1,074 210 27 3 80 19 1,636 7% 171 13 86 51 4,730 1,553] LL7| 2,256 11 663 26| 17 21 35 24 1,715 L20 32) 760 1,637 1 (1) 12 12) 12 2 2 125 249 kg] 69 5,511 270 1,003 274 392 293 20,549 4,735 23 7,229 2,336 16,740 5 145 8 1 8 1 2 2,215 ~ ; a1 1,082 29, 70 29, 33 17] 3,264 805 = by 26) 51 23 27 14 1,288 161 160| Othersssessecnesasd Bg 3283) 13 48,448 iB,535 \ GEORGIA......| 3,032] 806,238] 10,098] 45,057] 9,465 23,440 1k, 38; 996,106 215,363 167,727| 807,182 593,512 110,479 285,752 METRO, COUNTIES..| 1,562| 624,672] 3,363] 27.773 3.166] 13,855 9,811] 599,286 145,129 17.1% 372,194 251,235 27,210, 119,801 Metro. areas: 007 |Atlanta.....044,060f 1,039 476,782] 2,119] 18,8820 1,9 8,773 6,680} 385,822 83,296) 42,737 127,229 102,046 2,874 36,294 009 | Auguste......... 121 125 3,959 251 1,560) 2h2 835 527] 40,64 13h 5,398 4,312 15, %6 209) 37,648 023 | Chattanooga (pt)%146 10 1,260 ™ 227, 75 131 81 3,185 1,215 1,369 75,992 2,230 L 028 | Columbue (pt; 8, ..106 74 18,575 208 1,392) 202 659 454 45,41 11,545 6,394 8,839 25, 16k 51 | 069 | Macon ..... RE) 97 24,565 210 1,974 261 1,011 659 aod 8,820 6,713 17.080 4,718 18,479 108 | Savannah........025 217 72,511 4g1 3,732 450 2,446 1,410 80,97 26,822 14,579 231,814 15.647 19,301 25,150 OTHER COUNTIES...| 1,470| 181,566] 6,715] 17,284 ; 6,299 9,585 L571 396,821 70,238 90,537 474,988 m2,277 u3,200] 165,951 All Counties: Appling.........001 10 521 47 . 92 3H 58 24 1,425 190] 287 Atkinson... 1 (1) 14 23) 12 9 i 119 BaCOD.cevausiis 2 2 (1) 28] 68| 28 37 16 6ug 5! 108 = Bakersivs + ves ee 0 1 (2) 11 iy 7 5 1 359 5 105 Baldwin. ........ 10 1,790] ko 136) 38 76 36 6,114 2,092 961 15,000 1,092 4,506) 10 11 9 14 3 58 . 9 565 Ll 117 51 51 2,090 154 37k 6,853 1 1,013 56 155 54 72 bi, 864 897 970 " 2,090 4 13 1,387 58 129 [2 ‘18 bk 2,590 5h2 Lgg 689 7.565) 12 1,731 39 7 n 54 : 2,380 540! 341 Not shown because of dinclosure of operations of individual establishments. which sales data are withheld to avoid disclosing operations of individual establishments. 3Combined figure for counties having celes date withhold to avoid disclosing operations of individual establishments. for individual counties. mainder of Chattanooga Metropolitan Area (023) io in Georpia and Tennesnee, It 4s excluded from Date included in "Other" at end of State. nder of Columbus Metropolitan Arca (028) 1s in Alabama. ® Sum of establishments in counties for the State total since number of esjablishments is shown Undistributed He- 105 EE — - AIRE » 7 - = v EE —— - ’ z \ Ei be i . Table 8 ; : i ) : : Bet Ls Pupsianion TABLE 3-—SELECTED DATA FOR METROPOLITAN AREAS AND FOR ALL COUNTIES, - . : 7 . Jeff Davis (080) : BY STATE—Continued ER : TOTAL POPULATION POPULATION—1940 EDUCATION VITAL 1940 STATISTICS ESTIMATED 1944 POPULATION Lind | Pop. | Tol wit Percent of op- ercent ol “| METROPOLITAN : B.S: area |ulation population 25 Metro. AREAS, rank in per years old and Area COUNTIES, Numbe of | Percent i sq. over who have AND umber ties | change | g completed— CODES P ia miley. alle Percent] 1p | Rural | Rural p ercent| April | mn ol nonfarm | farm Births | Deaths Number change 1940" percen-| 1930-1 1940 | 1940 | Number | total N tiles) | 1940 pu- 5'or High vt 1940- Fo more i 1 1943 ,|L1940 grades | 5°10 m @ d “@ ©) ®) om ®) ® (10) (1n 12) 3) 149) {s) (16) * GEORGIA—Con. All Counties —~Con, . 069 |Bibb..ueee..e. i011 101,811 | 21.5) as,78s 7 847 251 | 333.8 48,239 | 7.6 6,124] 69.9) 23.2] 2,563] 1,128 8,598 | -10.9 9,659 77 5.7 219 | 44.1 6,551 | 6.6 7.1%] vs.0] 8.9 226 61 6,181 | -10.0 6,871 8 | -0.3 447 | 15.4 ‘0,727 | 83.4 4011] edz] e.0 210 49 17,826 | -15.5| 20,497 aa | -3.9 agz| a1.7 9,990 | 48.7] 4,400] 1,602] 14,35) be.1| 12.a 503 161 5,589 | -11.1 6,288 88| 5.6 439| 14.3 3,750 | 59.4 4,271 2,007] ova 9.2 152 63 21,861 | -16.0| 26,010 sa] -1.9 684 | 8.0 16,168 62.2 5,026] 8,276] 17,706] 66.2] 14.8 596 186 22,135 | -16.5] 26,520 ss] 9.8 832 | 81.9 6,654 | 25.1 3,798| 3,674 19,003] 44.9] 10.6 641 237 8,044 | -12.4 9,182 79] -1.7 185] 49.6 4,891| 53.3 s,418| 5,764 63.9] 13.2 185 11 9,172 | -12.1| 10,438 7%) -.3 289 36.1 3,309 31.7 2,998 7,440] 48.4] 11.7 261 91 Camden. «evs... 020) 6,409 | 8.4 5,910 89 |\ -6.8 696] 9.0 2,465 | 42.1 4,121 1,789] 51.5] 10.8 178 69 Candler. ........041 6,947 | -23.7 9,108 wl 1. 251 | 86.3 5,996 | 65.9 zzozl ee ez.z|- 1.2 152 51 27,648 | -19.1| 34,156 zs]. -0.3 495 | 69.0 26,908| 78.8 6,218] o,2u8| 22,709] 74.5] 12.0 677 277 11,065 | 26.2) 12,199 68| 29.5 167 | 73.0 11,876 | 97.4 5,000 6,649] @0.4| 12.0] 27a 80 Charlton. . 4,852 | -17.2 5,256 91| 20.0 799| 6.6 3,760 | 71.5 3,041 1,715) orca] 13a 109 38 108 |Chathem.........025| 150,111 | 28.9] 117,970 5 11.9 441 | 267.5 65,027 55.1] 95,996] 18,851 3,128) 78.9] 21.6] 8,745] 1,884 Chattahoochee. .,02 1,463 | -39.7 | 15,138 60| 70.2 253] 59.8 12,110] 80.0 12,968| 2,170] 8.1 29.2] 112 88 Chattooga. .027 18,216 | -1.7| 18,582 50| 20.3 317 | 58.5 16,720 | 90.2 3,800] 7,08 7,m4] 72.5 12.4 441 91 16,929 | -16.9] 20,126 45] 0.6 428| 47.0 19,229] u.o| 2,651] b,064| 12,411] 74.0] e.8 452 145 26,799 | -5.6| 28,398 50] 10.9 125 | 227.2 18,33 | 64.6] 20, 8,148 4,600] 73.5] 28.4 869 298 Cl8Y.sersnrsn.. 030) 6,068 | -14.1 7,064 8| 1.7 224 31.5 2,077 | 29.4 2,029] 5,005] 51.0] 14.3 214 53 Clayton... .081 11,229 | -3.7 11,65 70] 13.6 149] 78.2 8,671 74.4 a38| 4,975] 6,344] 76.9] 12.9 268 82 Clinch 5,245 | -18.5 6,487 87| -8.2 796 | 8.1 3,938 61.2 5,065 1,07) 60.5) 10.1 182 31 Cobb... 42,915 | 12.1 38,272 20| 8a 348 110. 31,99| 83.6 8,667 14,475] 15,130] 75.3] 16.4] 1,088 335 Coffpe 19,589 | -9.1| =21,541| 42] 9.1 613 85.1 16,166| 75.0( 5,178| 8,s2s| 13,045] ev.8] 13. 668 187 Colquitt, ..ss...035 30,897 | -6.4 33,012 24| 7.8 563 | 58.6 24,955 | 75.6 10,147] b,000| 17,770] 7.0 14.1] 1,088 293 Columbia .036 7,970 | -15.5 9,438 78| 7.3 306 | 80.8 5,769 | 40.0 2,200 55.0] 12.3 288 72 Cook. . .037 9,805 | -17.7 11,919 | 5.4 226 | 52.7 8,728] 73.2 4,49 66.9 11.0 267 89 Coweta. . .ou8| 24,956 | -7.5| 26,972 sz] 7.5 443 | 60.9 16,149] 9.9] _ 7,182 7,508 70.1| 16.2 53¢ 177 Crawford... ...039 5,853 | -17.9 7,128 e5| 1.8] ‘ =:13] 22.8 3,105 | 43.6 1,088 wl 7. 170 62 Crisp...cos.....080] 15,749 | -10.2| 17,500 831 ia 296 | 59,3 9,426 | 53.7 7,929 744 60.3 15.9 430 199 .041 5,812 | -1.4 5,894 89 | 42.2 166 | 85.7 5,097 | 95.0 2,204 3,600] 69.8] 11.5 151 85 .042 3,969 | -11.4 4,479 93| 27.9 213| 21.0 4,415] 98.6 oo1| 3,928] 70.9] 5.5 7% 11 048 21,848 | -1.8| 22,234 a1] -5.9 612 | 86.5 11,473 s1.6| 6,302] 4,501) 11,381) 59.9] 13.9 207 268 007 L044 79,497 | -8.6| 86,942 7| 88.7 269 | 323.2 72,978 | 84.0 4o,bo5| so,218| 11,174) ss.4| 38.5] 8,08 782 .045| 16,366 | -2z.1| 21,022 43 |. -2.7 499 | 42.1 14,080 | 66.8 s,s] 2,726| 14,98] e1.1| 8.0 81 105 13,962 | -17.3 | 16,886 55 | -6.8 394 | 42.9 7,085 | 44.7 4,005] 1z,881] ob. 10.0 366 117 31,021 | 8.6] 28,566 80 | 28.1 826 | e7.6 15,028 | 4v.6| 19,085] 4,406| o,0u4| 61.2] 23a 8ae 370 8,571 | -14.7 10,068 76| 6.8 201| 60.0 7,880 | 78.4| 2,05 1,074 6,424) 74.0] 11.8 194 58 16,486 | -11.7 18,679 |© 49 2.2 526 | 35.5 9,060 | 48.5 2,774 1,644| 14,261] ov.6| 8.9 508 138 2,349 | -20.7 2,964 % | 8.0 425| 7.0 1,899 | 84.1 1,722 1,242] 48.8] 4.7 61 1 8,448 | -12.4 9,646 78 | -5.1 480 | 20.1 5,644 | 58.5 4,184 | be62| 61.1 9.2 251 80 15,561 | -20.7 | 19,618 47 8.1 362 | 54.2 1,887 | 60.6| 6,088] 1,609 11,821 74.1] 16.5 437 162 18,324 | -22.1| 28,517 38 | -2.4 686 | 34.3 15,206 | 64.7 3,570 8,047 15,89) ez.2| 11.8 476 163 n 6,102 | -17.6 7,401 8 | 4.2 186 | 89.8 4,908 | 66.3 3,078 4,528] 66.1] 12.8 196 51 Fannin. ...co.e. 12,989 | -12.8| 14,762 61 18.7 896 | 87.3 14,675 | 99.5 4,502 9,800] 69.0] 9.3 858 111 Fayette. 7,124 | -12.8 8,170 8s | -5.7 199 41.1 5,503 | 67.4 1,475) 6,60] 68.2] 10.2 142 58 53,187 | ~5.3| 56,161 12| 18.4 514 | 109.2 47,500 | 84.6| 26,282 15,334| 14,526] 72.5] 16.8] 1,264 482 9,690 | -16.8 11,822 72 6.6 243 | 46.6 11,281 | 99.6 1,19 10,18 74.5 6.9 287 81 13,946 | -10.7 16,612 58 -1.8 269 | 68.0 13,342 | 85.5 3,748 11,869 72.0 18.3 350 98 406,866 | 4.2 | 892,888 1| ‘23.8 528 | 761.2 | 269,743| 68.7 810,786] 65,330 16,770 81.s| 28.6] 8,692] 4,308 8,719 | -8.1 9,001 80 | 22.6 439 20.5 8,952 | 99.5 2,669) 6,482] 66.2] 7.4] - 268 | 60 3,740 | -17.7 4,047 98|' 8.6 142 | 82.0 3,826 | 78.1 1,080| 3,467| 64.8] 9.3 108 22 41,898 | 91.1] 21,920 41] 13.0 423| 51.8 13,356 | 60.9| 15,08] 5,417 1,468 71.4) 21.1] 3,180 892 15,012 | -18.6 18,445 50 9.5 368 | 51.5 17,242 98,6 2,900 4,421 11,069 71.8 9.5] #04 102 16,985 | -18,6 | 19,604 a7| 8.4 467 | 42.1 12,98 66.8| 4,658 2,079) 12,922] 60.6] 10.7) 4&7, 164 12,094 | -11.8| 18,709 63| 8.7 «04 | 33.9 6,664 | 47.8 5,065 8,144] 62.1| 12.0 ol 189 25,054 | -18.9| 29,087 29| 4.4 487] 68.6 25,761 | 88.5 4,191] 6,451| 18,4db| 74.4] 11.5 588 189 13,200 | -10.6 | 14,771 61| 16.9 208 | 62.2 14,104 | 95.5 7,117 7,604] 75.6] 16.0 245 16 32,139 | -7.7 34,822 22| 14.9) 426 61.7 81,488 90.4] 10,243 10,824] 13,756] 7v.6| 18.7 748 258 Hancock.........070| 10,966 | -14.2 12,764 66| -2.3 486 | 26.3 8,681 | 28.1 2,462 10,802] 58.0 10.7 804 86 Haralson. .......o71] 11,706 | -18.6 | 14,377 62| 8.4 286 | 50.4 12,868 89.4 5,080 9,287 76.9 10.8 278 7 10,213 | -10.6 11,428 71 2.6 466 | 24.6 4,626 | 40.5 2,612 8,816 54.7) 16.8 226 100 12,699 | -18.1| 15,512 v8] 2.2 267 | 60.4 11,651 | 74.5 2,512 13,0008 71.4] 11.1 238 110 7,082 | -17.7| ; 8,610 81 -b.4 301| 28.6 6,023 70.0 911 7,699] 67.1] 7.9 122 63 HONTY.eosrone...078] 13,660 | -10.3| © 15,119 60 56.1 381 | 45.7 7,966 | 62.6 8,212 11,907] 68.1 11.8 356 157 Houston.........076| 106,695 | 28.9 11,808 vz] om 479 | 29.8 3,984 | 8p.8 2,669| 8,634] 01.7] 12.8 542 114 Irwin... 11,882 |--12.4 | 12,936 66 6.0 372 | 4.8 8,178 | 68.2 8,011 9,925] 60.1 9.0 822 81 Juckeon. 17,362 | -13.6| 20,089 | -7.0 337 | 69.8 16,648| 82.4 8,204] 4,062] 12,768] 71.1] 11.8 458 116 JnBpaT.... .079) 7,184 | -18,7 8,772 80 za 373 23.5 3,777 | 48.1 8,677 6,000] 68.3] 11.1 168 116 Jeff Luvin... ...080 7,400 | -16.2 8,841 aol 8.9 su1 | 26.7 7,281 @1.8 2,419] 6.4221 66.01 9.0 247 53 ~ L 3 Table 3 TABLE 3—SELECTED DATA FOR METROPOLITAN AREAS AND FOR ALL COUNTIES, art. 2 - Ips Pes Gite b - BY STATE—Continued g EEE Get avs 0) LABOR FORCE—1940 Population 14 Years Old and Over 3 f Employed Workers by Industry Group erty of *| METROPOLITAN : : Toons In leading Metro.) AREAS, P P / Sohal te Business nonagri- Aa| COUNTIES, Trl > posta and cultural Code AND 0 i for a Li C E - ini Whole- | personal Other In | industry CODES 1 In labor | Males | lemales } 7, Agri | Mini OP 1 Manufac- [OTM | sale and | services | agri- Y otal who are | who are | ining | struc- i cations, and not « force : 9 employed || culture i turing retail exclud- 4 | cul- xn in, tion an trade oe reported | Code fehor Labor oer domestic (See | Per- orce orce . utili- : page | cent ; ; ties . SorViges 423) an a8) 9) 20) @n @) @* @) 5) (26) @n 8) 9) G0 | an | 3 GEORGIA-~Con. All Counties—Con. 63,900 | 37,608 81.9 39.4 | 31,338 1,537 173 1,%00 7.239 3.027 5,984 5,370 6,608] 4.9] 6 | 8.6 2545 3,382 84.2 20.4% | "3,085 1,908 68 3 65 214 224 be 61.8] 7 | 6.6 4,610 2,197 76.8 12.4 1,9 2 139 |, 3 n 81 120 yy 1 | 15.6 13,713 7.42 83.5 hd 7.121 4,636 125 569 2 44g kok gu] 65.1 9 | 3.5 4,306 2,116 80.5 1.7 1,952 733 mm 182 162 137 597 | 37.6 119.7 17,580 9,157 8-1 20.6 | 8,489 5,185 218 69 1kg 724 743 1,102] 61.1 636 3.3 18,231 | 10,529 | 33.6 9.92 [| 7.095 2 155 | be 187 515 532 969] 71.5 "9 | 3 6,511 L410 82.2 23.8 | 3,080 1,587 103) “435 97 237 2 on 51.5| 6 | 11.9 7,093 1056 85.7 30.7 3.813 | 42.527 19 288 ST 201 225 36 | 66.3 | @36 3.3 4,050 2,001 80.5 17.3 | 1.833 361 88 500 62 150 192 4go| 19.7 8 | 17.7 6,241 3,180 85.7 16.6 | 2, 2,016 3 93 121 194 219 290 | 67.2| 636 | 4.3 23,897 | 12,343 82.4 21.8 | 11,803 6,046 § 232 2,559 2 868 802 1,018 51.2| 6 | 14.7 8,783 5,095 86.3 20.1] 4,761 1,327 3 164 1,089 ' 130 328 255 1,465] 27.9 37 | 21.5 3,423 1,823 86.7 18.0 | 1,611 403 k2 55 124 124 515) 25.0 1 | 20.0 108 91,217 | 51,208 80.7 3h.7 | 42,692 886 16 2,49 1.731 6,805 8,433] 7.523 8.8719] 2.1 23 | 7.6 13,118 | 11,616 97.4% 28.3 | 11,536 + 2 , 80 9 90 230 10,538 | 4.9] 37 | 88.4 12,689 7,11 81.3 3.2 | 6,382 1,796 19 11 3,238 82 i» 430 373] 28.1 6 | Wo.7 13,981 6,832 82.7 16.0 | 6,242 2,866 26 98 1.90 1101 432 3 45.9] 6 | 18.5 21, | 12, 82.0 42.0 | 12,000 1,177 2 712 28 592 1,895 2,424 2,770| 9:8| 6 | 12.6 k,830 2,759 82.3 33.9 | 2.623 1,873 u3 2% 135 71.4] 636 | 3.4 8,242 4,155 80.5 20.7 3,908 1,274 3 351 811 185 536 °° 349 399 | 32.6| 10 | 3.7 4,410 2.315 85.6 16.% | 2,119 332 1 7 485 51 128 176 © 869 15.7 1 | 31.3 27,743 15,147 £2.4 27.9 | 13, 3:58 6 675 3 750 3.750 1,285 1,732| 27.0 6 | 12.0 14, 7.721 84.7 25.0 | 7.285 +2; 1 231 1 236 8 528 1 25.2 1] 49 22,782 | 11,485 80.4% 21.1 | 10,709 5:2 321 1,379 223 1,063 1,023 1,h466 9] 636 | 4.7 6,411 Wb 83.7 22.5 ,201 2,024 103 384 51 138 182 319) 63.2] 9 «6 8,0 22k 82.5 21.1 3 2,553 1 122 136 67 328 26 5763.1 1 Ws 19.113 10,940 83.0 33.6 | 10,210 3.373 256 3,301 201 gh 79 1,371] 33.0 6 | 28.5 ,686 2,587 85.2 25.2 | 2,374 1,641 | 38 n 290 % 81 164 | 69.1 9 | 10.6 12,413 6,622 81.5 27.4 6,142 2,642 2 77 691 bt 736 696 1,014 | 43.0 @36 | 4.9 3.977 1,722 70.5 10.3 | 1.4 6k 3 91 288 60 98 96 121 | bh. 1.3 2,951 | 1,437 17.5 16.6 | 1, 919 | / i 23 172 10 2% 56 341 73.9 3 12.8 15,305 8,196 18.8 30.0 | 7.639 3.589 52 139 1.00 235 688 681 1,158 | 47.0 636 | 4.8 007 66,602 | 36,683 81.3 31.5 | 32,818 3 300 218 2,366 5,6 3.21 7.071 6,849 5,099 7.0] 636 | 8.4 ws | 7,350 | 84.5 | 20.2 6,855 | 4.098 3 131 Sl 133 505 485 956 59. 8 1] 5.4 11,382 6,506 86.9 28.7 | 5.927 4,375 . 72 319 15 293 307 ug6 | 73.8| 636 +0 21,626 | 13,628 84.7 u4,3 | 12,508 1,988 9 930 1,831 836 2,280 1,742 2,892] 15.9] 636 ie 6,884 3,423 a 20,1 | 2.9 1,508 120 512 106 236 251 201 | 51. 6 | 8.8 12,506 6,473 gh,3 20.9 | 6,135 4,540 108 267 63 353 324 ugo | 74.0] 636 3:3 2,052 1,045 86.5 9.7 1,017 351 33 83 23 19 46 462 | 34.5 1 | 39.6 6,737 3,514 | - 83.2 20.5 | 3,110 1,501 9 10 493, 126 1 228 534 | ug.3| 1°| 6.2 13,920 3% 80.8 26.1 | 6,992 2%" 205 164 1,219 137 5 XB 5 2! 16 | 9.0 15,869 8,116 84.6 17.8 | 7.659 ,591 2 230 ko2 121 596 6l2 1,075 59.9 1 Gl 5,037 2,hu8 80.6 17.5 | 2,303 1,195 68 256 186 212 ps @36 7 9,483 4,605 82.4 ik,7| 3.810 1,833 551 138 383 Ie 322 285 elf heal Mf alk 5,531 2,629 82.5 13.2 | 2,431 1,762 ug 198 u2 11 140 122 | 72.5( 636 | 3.9 nas 22,961 80.9 Be 21,108 2,939 38 9M 9,423 643 2, 2,323 2,467 13.9 6 | 27.2 7.566 4507 82.8 23 > 2,699 3 13 22 107 155 64) gh.5| 36 | 3.5 10,700 ,913 78.6 14.2 , 2,891 4 9 453 29 5h Jue 311 64.5 6 | 7.0 007 308,530 | 179.975 80.4 39.0 [156,263 3,923 55 9,599 30,162 | 14,777| 34,194 | 33,346 30.207| 2.5| 036 | 6.8 6,066 3,250 85.7 22.4 | 2,898 4501 60 whl 50 15 159 1351.8] 7 | 19.7 2,961 1,785 88.2 32.8 1,635 1,277 1 16 68 17 LS 128 | 78.1] 636 | 3.2 16,051 9,609 83.7 3.6 | 8,567 534 2,124 559 1,405 1.759 1,888 ws 13 | 7.2 12,902 1:33 82.8 31.9 ,867 Joe 6 131 2,145 155 471 g| ul, 6 | 16.3 13,317 6,997 84,3 21.6 ,613 077 187 650 98 493 389 961.7] 5 | Wd 9.616 | 5,653 82.6 36.4 | 5.272 2,457 77 1,299 109 nk 3 13| 46.6) 6 | 16.3 Gwinnette....uos 067 20,449 | 10,11 82.1 17.1 9:21 1529 1k 324 2,070 208 815 688 £0 ug.9| 15 | 16.2 10,075 },98! 19.8 20.5 +150 1,700 26 166 719 203 & B 3| 41.0] 036 | 8.9 eq 3 4 82.1 2.2 11,835 3, 9 8 4314 3,450 1,h27 1,40 1,186 29.5| 6 | 24.1 8,405 2984 | | 84.3 34.2 762 3,29 10 12 hgh } 198 235 23] 69.2] 9 8.9 9,880 5,065 79.1 24,2 | b,u26 2,157 5 113 1,009 132 336 337 aw hg.7| 7 [26.3 7.769 3,845 81.8 17.3 HE 1,925, 12 578 76 189 233 54.1 2 11.3 10,712 5,309 79.4 19.7 +9! 3,647 3 88 255 n 2 3 303 | 4.3] 0 2d 5,688 2,639 82.8 10.3 | 2,501 1,907 28 1867 7 80 1 208 | 76.2 2 10,493 5.162 82.3 16.1 | %,912 3,170 23 66 520 132 38 210 413 | 6k. 3.9 7.486 | Wwush | 85.9 | 34. u,38 | 2,9u8 15 58 361 51 235 233 nyl6e3| 9 | 3.8 8,399 k, 85.7 ud bk 2,979 63 65 167 216 478 iy 1 io +078 13,960 1.3 82.3 24.4 | 6,864 3.673 1 162 1,563 100 439 us2 473) 53.5) 6 | 12.7 Jasper..........079 6,114 2,997 17.6 21.6 | 2,719 1.703 | a in 179 421 | 62.6 036 | 3.5 Jeff Davis..... 080 5. THY 2,8 5.3 1.8 | 2,54 526 56 n 172 202 u79(%59.9] 1 12.3 EOE PETE ETRE Table 3 Part 3 + Housing GA., Hibb {011) = Jeff Davis {080) TABLE 3—SELECTED DATA FOR METROPOLITAN AREAS AND FOR ALL COUNTIES, - BY STATE—Continued HOUSING—1940 i : E 4 : Nonfarm Rural Farm All Dwelling Units Occupied Dwelling Units Dwelling Units Dwelling Units iy METROPOLITAN - | e Metro, AREAS, : es i COUNTIES, Residential Percent | Percent Per. | Percent Molign Per- CODES structures in5o0r | wi Peon — wil Average eat Percent Jn J 5 more rivate wil mechan- monthly wit wil 1 Number aly Cas Vid Number | owner wal pesions Number rool Number nd 00 struc- or | lighting : boo vefrig- | poo (dollars) ning | lighting tures | shower P eration | joi water 89 8) G5) 9) Gn 68) a9) 0) “ny “@) “@) “) @) | “n GEORGIA~Con. All Counties—Con. 069 |Bidd... .011 18,221 23,848 4.6 36.2| 62.6 23,159 | 24.5 34.5 3.12 22,353 | 14.20 1,495 | 23.5 | 36.3 11,848 Bleckley. ¥ 2,364 2,512 0.2 aE 2,322 Ze 13.6 3.68 767 8.95 1,74 1.9 9.8 25k 1,550 1,562 6] 1.6 1.,k57 % 9.6 4,16 728 4.67 3 1.7 Ly 52 4,795 5,02 0.4% 11.1 22.9 4,668 | 31.4 8.2 3.82 1,726 &.89 3,297 | 4.2 9.3 $90 1,445 1, 0.5 10.6) 17.3 1,439 | 38. 8.5 3.84 1,067 5.73 27 | 8.4 72 8 5,855 6,332 0.5 11.9 33.1 5.943 | 30.9 15.0 3.86 2.329 11.46 4,003 5.1 21.2 633 7.469 74675 0.2 8.7] 16.1 6,873 | 16.1 11.3 3.27 2,301 8.23 Se31¢ 3.2 5.3 ¥11 2,383 2,537 13.7 4.0 2,278 | 28.6 18.7 3.51 1,081 | 11.42 1.4561 3.6 | 19.8 2 2,7%0 2,903 9.5| 21.0 2,609 | 18.2 133 3.47 955 8.58 1, 3.7 | 10.0 aka | 1,631 1,690 15.9] 23.4 1,438 | 57.0 1k.5 3.56 1,260 8.88 30 | 10:7 61] , 15 2,135 2,21 0.2 23 32.2 2,019 | 271.7 12.5 3.91 643 9.33 1,572 | wh] 23.5 232 8,092 oe 0.5 13. Lig 8,356 | 35.0 22.5 3.59 3,247 11.69 5.507 2.8 25.3 1,214 2,611 2,683 11.1) 61.2 2,585 | 57.9 3.9 3.78 1,136 0. 12.11 1,547 | 10.5 | 55.5 156 - 1,262 1,290 11.2 21.6 1,22k | 34.2 12.3 3.82 957 6.42 333 | 4.2 5.2 120 108 23,991 33,280 ; ug.5| 68.3 31,718 | 23.7 30.3 3.20 32,601 | 17.51 680 | 39.1 | u8.1 14,103 578 5% 2.5 a. 521 | ‘21.5 9.1 4.26 123 7.16 67 | 5.1 | 16.5 (2) 3,881 4,416 2.7 10.1 54.0 4,207 | 29.7 27.0 3.97 2,721 8.74 1,695 | 3.5 19.9 © Los 4,603 4,932 g.2| k2a 4,691 | 36.1 23.9 3.87 2,006 9.41 2,926 | 3.3] 20.0 Loo 6.227 7.616 1.6 33.6) 62.1 7.01 | 33.3 36.9 3.34 6,568 | 17.24 1,048 | 10.0 | 27.0 2,735 1,798 1,874 0.4 10.1] 20.2 1.696 | 24.1 13.3 3.62 628 5.76 1,246 | 8.4] 11.3 125 2,880 3,010 18.2 53.2 2,795 | 42.5 30.2 3.70 1,524 12.14 1,486 | 14.1 34.9 25 1.730 1,776 8.3] 20.3 1,580 | 25.9 7.2 3.61 1,497 5.83 219 | 3.2 3.3 I 9,134 9.737 0.6 24.90 66.9 ,335 | 42.0 33.2 he 6,0 13.48 3.697 i2 u7.h 2,769 4,750 5,069 0.5 3 29.5 W824 | 3h 18.9 +00 2,218 11.01 2,851 2 14.2 37 7.182 7,831 0.6 1, 19. 39.3 7.467 | 30.1 20.1 3.92 4,072 | 12.65 3.759 | 4.9 | 19.8 908 Columbia. .......036 2.357 2,k20 0.2 1.3 22.7 2,169 | 25.3 15.8 3.89 651 6.95 1,769 5.5 2 123 Cook. s. sexe .037 2,714 2,831 0.2 10.2] 25.9 2,772 | 36.1 10.5 3.91 1,2k2 8.33 1,569 | 3.3 | 1k.s 25 Coweta. 038 6.528 7.178 0.4 17.0] U5.6 6,604 %.5 19.3 i 3,978 | 11.19 3,200 | 3.8 | 13.5 1,09 Crawford. ie 1,673 1,693 6.3] 1k. 1,555 | 31. 7.2 03 385 5.89 1,308 | 6.6 £.3 83 CPSP ee. or nss k,117 +700 0.1 16.7] uk.3 4,422 | 28.4 17.4 3.45 2,561 | 11.16 2,139 | el | 30.2 628 Boos bx vie suns oll 1,266 1,287 0.4 Lol 23.k 1,222 8 13.7 4.29 466 6.29 g21 | 4.1 | 1kg DaWEOR..vuvnus. ol2 981 | + 982 0.9 9.3 961 | #31 3.8 4.01 92 - 890 | 0.9 3.9 (2) Beeaturs ny sihs 5,295 5,627 16.6] 27.2 5,302 Ee 12.6 3.71 2,915 9.24 2,712 1.4 7.9 705_ 007 |De Kalb....uow.. 19,907 23,680 2.8 57.0 81.3 22,648 | Lg.2 58.7 34 21,031 28.40 2,649 | 23. 53.5 R26 PodES: +r ssn cnn ol L787 5,030 0.3 8.5 23.9 4,773 | 30.7 12.9 3.97 1,698 8.47 3,392 2.9 11a 25 DoolYeseresnns. 046 4,201 4,378 0.1 9.0] 15.5 3,951 | 23.2 10.4 3.80 1,156 7.61 3,223 | 3.9 3.8 235 Dougherty.......047 5,691 7.716 1.3 33.4 56.3 7.421 | 20.0 26.0 3.32 6,258 | 15.58 1,458 | 13.3 [ 17.8 2,900 Dougles.........048 2,361 2,478 12.6] uz 2,320 | 38.4 19.1 3.86 928 8.98 1,5%0 fee 21.1 206 Barly... cece olg 397 4,581 0.1 9.1] 23.3 4,382 | 23.8 i 3.76 1,281 glk 3,300 «31 22.5 252 Bchols..........050 5k 859 0.7 7.2 768 | 29.4 3 3.51 532 2.33 327} 22 13 (1) Bffingham,......051 2,4ug 2,468 8.5 19.5 2,296 | uh.2 9.0 3.61 1,072 5.18 1.39 | %.5] 16] er . 4,407 i887 0.2 1 39.9 4,706 | 30.2 20.6 3.65 2,243 12.25 2,644 | 5.5 20.8 660 5.574 5.958 0.3 1+ 23.5 5,498 | 25.0 11.9 3.79 2,101 9.68 3,857 | 1.8 9.5 410 1,723 1,883 0.3 11.5] 29.6 1,749 | 33.4% 11.8 80 821 £.65 1,062 | 6.2 | 15.1 206 3,138 3,211 0.2 8.8) 32. 3,106 | 61.1 19.0 30 1,159 8.77 2,052 | 5.1 | 11.3 100 2,116 2,167 5.4 18.4 1,846 30.9 6.9 3.9% 451 1.15 1,706 | 2.9 | 11.6 14 11,693 14,080 1.2 29.0| ©67.5 13,811 | 28.1 37.3 3.56 10,845 | 14.97 3,235 | 5.8 | 30.0 4,107 2,647 2,708 2.0f 33.0 2.586 | 37.4 6.0 3.92 302 8.53 2,501 | 0.9 | 27.8 74 3.471 3,682 0.1 9.1 1. 3,h8b 3.3 15.3 | - 3.98 991 9.46 2,601 | 3.8 | 21.3 aus 007 71,137 |# 107,210 14.2 51.4] 78. 103,465 | 29. 1 3.22 103.329 | 23.48 3,881 | 12,9 | 38.1 60,500 Gllmeri...uu... 061 2,023 2,094 0.7 671 “16.7 1,951 | 50.1 9.3 4.10 591 | 10.46 1,503 | 2.7 2.0 Glascock.. .....062 1,017 1,03 4.5 24.6 1,000 30.3 5.7 4.16 219 £.15 756 a 17.6 (1) 5,607 6,19 0.6 ko.8| 64.6 2.1 36. 33.3 3.31 5.787 | 17.13 hoy | 2k.3 | 16.0 1,755 L228 TE 13.6 49.3 312 | 38.1 2.1 3.86 1,907 | 10.62 2,521 | 2.3 | 26.8 433 4, k77 4,700 0.2 10.2) 27. 4,520 | 37.4 9.4 3.88 1,770 9.8L 2,930 | 6.8 1k.9 352 Greene......... 3.377 3.565 8.3] 31.2 3,254 25 20.8 3.64 1,507 8.07 2,058 | 2.5 | 12.1 474 Gwinnett... 6.875 7.173 10.6 9.0 6,822 | 38. 13.2 3.83. 2,751 | 10.51 yu22 | 3.3| a1.6 g22 Haberehan. . 3,385 3,532 0.4 18.5(° b7.b 3,380 | 43.1 22.9 1.86 1,79% 8.91 1,738 | 8.5 | 26.6 2g 7.318 8,386 0.7 22.6 53.4 8,109 | 35.9 24.0 3.86 5,371 13.55 3,015 3.2 13.9 1,669 3,200 3,282 6.3 13.5 2,745 | 2h.6 9.4 b.o7 702 69 2,560 | 1.8 6. 7 3.536 3,668 0.1 al 36. 3,459 | 42.5 22.9 3.72 1,417 9.46 2,251 | 2.1 | lek 436 2,76 2,616 0.2 14.2) 26.2 2,621 | 33.2 13.5 3.82 160 8.80 2,056 | 13.4 | 19.4 159 3,502 3,611 9.2 29.9 3,487 | 28.6 14.5 £9 701 | 11.29 2,9 2.4 | 20.6 2lg 2,154 2.173 1.8 18.0 1,903 | 33.5 7-1 ’ 2% 7.28 1,934 | 0.9 | 13.4 29 3.726 3,843 9.1 29.2 3.493 | 29.3 15.7 3.82 gk | 11.3 2,896 | 3.2] 16.1 359 2,841 2,974 9.1 23.7 2,657 | 23.9 12.7 .66 83k 9.86 2.,140,1 7.4 12.8 626 2,768 2,895 0.7 10.8] 28.6 2.715 | 28.9 16.7 15 861 7.98 2,03 7.2] 2.5 152 Jackson, ... 4,530 4,87 0.7 11.5 35.6 4,640 | 29.8 16.6 3.88 1,935 10.15 2,938 2.1 14.7 663 Jasper... 2.18 2, 0.2 10.5) 26.7 2,146 | 28.8 12.4 £33 801 | 11.02 1,703 | 4.3 | 13.4 196 Jeff Davis..... .080 1,899 1,986 8.3] 23.2 1.901 | 35.7 12.2 22 (3 8.50 1,382 | 2.6 | 13.0 126 1Sorved from adjoining county. 108 SR ; be x yA ONE vow. 7 ERR, TABLE 3—SELECTED DATA FOR METROPOLITAN AREAS AND FOR ALL COUNTIES, BY STATE—Continued (Figures which have been rounded to thousands will not necessarily add to totals) Table 3 Part 4 - Agriculture GA., Bibb (011) - Jeff Davis (080) —— AGRICULTURE—1945 AGRICULTURE—1940 P Value of Value of farm products sold, | Principal r= { Bie 0 2 Work power traded, or used by source of ; Per- | Gi arm properly farm household farm income | Type- METROPOLITAN cent | farms pl Metro}. AREAS, Number of | Land in | Cropland | Number | of | ih Percent from Gru i Area COUNTIES, farms farms | harvested | of farms farms | oo1oe A Number Li Bren hot Code AND (1000's | (1000's oper- | of Total ver- of Aen foe. code living CODES Jan. 1, of of Apnl'l, | ated prod- | (1 000" 28¢ | horses | Number (1000's stoct Code P (See |indes 1945 acres) | acres) To40 by ( $ = andor of and (See | “| ony ucts f arm of live- | C cent | PA ten- | Jess | 4 la ) | (dol mules | tractors dollars) ' tops | paso) ants | than olla, " (over 3 stoc : $400 5) | mo. old) pol br “8 “9) (0) GD G2) G3) (59) (55) (6) GD (8) G9) (60) 1) 62) (63) (64) GRORGTAm~Con. ‘All Counties—Con, 951 ™ 24 g29 | 39.1| 50.2 3,620 | +,367] 1,157 83 926] 39.6] 43.5 21 29.7 ny oe 997 ae 5 916 |. 67.2 15.3 3.002 | 2,277 2,065 51 891 12.2 *-0 51 52.9 7190. 7% 659 u 679 | 33.7] 10.2 1,475 12,172 250 12 E131 10.41 vey, 51 L9.2 634 £9 2,698 276 103 2,236 | 59.4 Bf 6.628 | 2,064 .3,812 128 1,734 15.8 63.6 51 keg 721] 67 Lok ™ 11 378 | 22.2 3.5 1,29% | 3,423 513 19 302( 18.2] 3h. 9] 26. e352 Bulloch 3,085 354 134 2,82 | 60.4 15.8 9,978 | 3,511 4,856 128 2,807 18.0 £3.2 5 5.8] 731 82 Burke. . 2,362 368 179 2,360 | 78.4] 20.9 8,351 3:03 5,822 197 2,819 6.2] 717.0 si 76.1 719 2 Butte. . 1,049 87 & 950 | 70.1] u3.1 2,280 | 2,h00] 1.621 2k 574 9.6 59.6 51 52.9 718 80 1,493 130 1,347 | 86.6] 38.0 3,052 | 2,268] 2,003 58 827 50 ha 51 71.7] 731] 60 405 y 308 7.1] 65.3 590 | 1,916 16¢ 4 198 35.8 13.1 of 36.7 634] 57 1,215 137 o 1,14 | 66.2] 12.5 3,422,990 1,930 30 1,129 12.5]. 63.7 5] 61.94 730 £3 3,886 272 4,377] 58.2 38.6 9,512 | 2,173 W715 64 2,362 11.0 5L.1 51 53.4 718 82 1,114 87 21 1,306.| 34.0] 55.3 3,753] 2.866] 1,616 41 696] 29.3 36.0 0] 22.3 716} 101 248 55 5 297] '30.3| 5.5 10 | 2,084 £2 3 172 n.e| 2.2 of k%o.3 £12k 53 743 51 10 4g6 | 22.4 67.5 2,118 | 6,891 433 £3 g97 5g.3 33.4 2| by.3 634]. eg % 4 269 | 61.7] 59.1 570 be 393 9 133] 16.3) to.7 51 39.7 719] 76 1,2 142 % 1,234 | 55.2 23.6 JE 3,129 2,588 113 1,019 17.1 kg.2 5 | Lh.3 716] gy 2,238 194% 2,u35 | 53.3 Lh.7 1,763 | 1,956 2,794 L6 1,%03 22.5 [= 32.2 0 41.3 718] 20 130 22 757 | 58.5 ol 2.80% | 3,704 1,214 52 01] 26.6| “b7.7 51 13.2 ne 7e 1,221 110 uy 989-| 80.8 3.9 2,140 | 2,164] 1,525 f2 sst] uma 70.2 5 | 66.9) | 0 1,094 62 22 1,023 | sk.3| 71.2 2,871 | 2,808] 1,231 3u 46g | 28.9( L1.9 5] 30.3 718 gl 2 8 268 | 11.3 23.5 90 3.321 352 7 3ug 28.9 23.5 o| 27.9 63k 5 2,61 147 uy 2,826 | ug.2| 61.7 7.03% | 2,631) 3,113 90 1,222 25.3 38.9 0 3u.5 ns 393 2,508 27 84 2,087 | 57.3] 21.5 6,611 | 3,248] 2,917 17 1,860 ( 22.2] 59.8 5| 58.0] 4470 3,64 310 118 2,880 | 64.7] 12.9 9,981 | 3,466] 5.153 103 2.931 1.2] 67.3 5| 58.2 3 16 909 113 32 1,200 68.6] M74 2,652 | 2,207] © 1.779 Lg 74) 18.2] V5.0 5 | 3.0 nel 67 1,153 135 47. 1,326 | 60.2 L.5) ,206 1 3,172 2,087 51 1,612 10.3 64.7 5] 52.6 731 £2 2,301 215 %® 1.853 63.61 u7.7 5,081 | 2,742] 3.21 «98 1,277) 20.5] 58.7 5] Lo.g| ne n 900 119 od 751] 59.0 37.5 2,183 | 2,546 1,064 £5 698 1-1 62.1 51 30.29 719 63 1,278 161 T 1,226 | 67.9] 13.3 5,158 | 4,207] 2,734 110 1,k2 10.5] 712.8 5] 66.3 731 TH 557 52 9 57171 3.7 51.6 1,424 | 2,468 826 30 298 18.3 32.8 of 47.9 716 68 Je 77 12 1k | 55.4% €6.3 ggg | 1,446 mM 2 213 6.9 3.7 o| 56.9 633 68 ly 53 245 92 1,563 | L6.8 Ly, g| 5,048 3,250 3.206 20 1,547 15.4 Bh. 5| 60.7 731 £9 2,516 - 98 33 1.3571 38.3 61.9 7.876 | 4,025 1,770 116 1,888 eh.5 1.0 2] =6.4 718] 109 1,953 221 87 2,033{ 59.3] 271.3 6,115 | 3,008] 3,955 57 1,608 | 14.5 58.0 5 | sk. 719 ek 1,852 212 1k 1,680 | €9.2] 11.8 6,788 | 4,040] 4,076 11 2,249 4.5 78.0 51 70. 731 75 895 160 5 666 | 74.8 2-0 3,349 | 5,028] 1,276 gh 634] 15.7) 68.9 5] k9.2 | 67 1,196 89 2! 1,135] 55.4 6. 2,254 | 1,986] 1,633 33 6341 18.7| U5.8 51 1.5 718 76 3,2 237 131 2,232] 75.6 27.1 5.79% | 2,596] hall 88 1,64 8.0 6&.3 51 66.8 731 2 193 62 1 230 | 41.7 26.5 6 3,035 296 7 192 19.5 37.8 51 35.71 634] 821 176 28 gar] 3k. 26.8 2,236] 2,704 1,322 39 73% 17.31 55.5 5 47.2 63Y 72 1,956 17h 59, 1,893 64.3 35.5) 3,844 | 2,031 2,946 60 1,102 4.8 63.5 5 | 62.7] 71%] 79 2,202 297 101 2,ul | 66.81 22.7 6.868 | 2,810, 4,467 68 2,059 | 12.9] 60.4 5] 58.3 7" 713 7 27 707 '%5.2] 17.5 2,227 2.80] 1.145 3 6i2| 15.0] 3.1 gl Log 731 82 1,631 115 15 1,649 28.2] 69.7 2,29 [1,36 1,205 24 517 16.1 19.3 0] 65.0 633 7 1,098 102 34 1,132 | 66.7 4b.3 2,375] 2,098] 1,7¢9 22 695] 19.4| 52.8 51 49.3 78 70 : 2,078 205 2,085 | S&.3| 34.2 6,326 | 3.034 3,763 221 1,636) 23.4] Lrg 5 .8 76) Sk Forayth.. 1,7 123 2,009 | 62.1] 36.4 3% 1,681 2,610 kg 1,163 | 1£.8 Lg.0 51 v6.1 ns 719 Franklin. 2,247 148 55 2,139 | 64.5 71.8 603 | 2,152] 3,322 66 1,249 7.5 52.5 51 58.1 ne 25 007 [Fulton,.........060 3,324 190 57 2,052] 50.0] 55.9 10,615 | 3,596 1,349 138 2,234] 43.4 27.2 o] 2z.4 718] 115 Gilmer..... 1,066 125 15 1,226 | 37.3] 62.2 1,904 | 1,553 976 11 Log | 11.0f 23.% 0 | 60.5 6331 65 Gluscock. 765 68 28 s61| 67.7] 13.9 1,321 1,998] 1,054 (1) uo 6.0] €9.2 51 68.5 719] 17 Glynn.... 387 47 3 170| 18.2] €0.0| 1,117 | 6.571 157 12 225 51.0 11.5 2] 38.8 63h 98 Gordon... 1,943 174 4g 2,158 | %€.0 29.0 2951 2.50 3.517 151 1,55 10.2 87.1 5] 55.3 716] gl OradY vee ense rns 2,337 216 LA} 1,923] 50.7 20.0 6,371 | 3,313 3,405 2 2,026 16.5 61.3 5 16.2) 731 75 Greene.....i....066 Ya 169 51 1,337] 68.1] Ls. 2,720 | 2,034. 2.176 ~ 43 TH] 12.8 $25 0 | Wy 718 75 Owinnett........067 3.452 239 83 3,309 £2 42 €,46211,353] L,pE3 63 1,760 1 14.1 £.2 5 | u.7] 718] 82 Habereham....,..068 1, 101 21 1,388 5.2 51. Ji | 2,267 1,700 37 815 12.2 L3.k 0 | 43.2 63 gs Hall... J, 1°) 2,785 213 4g 2,405 | ®6.2 43.6 W538 | 1,887 3,069 39 1323 21.9 42.0 5 | ko.9 718, 4 Hancock, .....%..070 1,611 218 53 1,679] 78.8) 52.9 2,839 11,72 24563 22 75 6.6 §7.3 51 55.7 718 59 Haraleon....... L071 1,519 14 3 1,629 | 52.7 371.1 3,323] 2,040 2.139 Ln 962 7.6] 57.9 5 | 46.6) 718] 90 Barris...oe..v. 072 Fe 17 25 1,212] Bu.5| 59.7 2,763 | 2,280] 1.577 ko 745 35.4 20.7 0 | 28.0 718 €5 Hart. ove ieee O73 2, 144 69 2,308) 71.3 23.8 5,077 | 2,200 2,703 60 1,566 7-1 71.2 51 70.% 718 ge Board... vo sueey 07 1,21 136 32 1,324] 60.1 67.17 2,378 | 1,796 2,063 25 fi96 10.8 50.5 5 | hg. 718 67 HOY oe vversns O75 2,023 177 12 1.893 | 67.8] 35.6 5.565 | 2,90] 3,149 106 1,415 €.0| 66.93 51 50.4 ns| e2 Houston. .ou uuu 076 88 180 78 1,008 | 68.0 29.6 L,3251 b,201 2,421 142 1,h04 8.5 78.7 51 58.1 731 69 Irvin... ce aDTT 1,618 183 2 1,586 | 72.3 7.2 5.686 | 3,585) 3,069 59 1,779 | 10.2] 6k. 51 61.5 mm 19 Jackson. . 078 2,279 191 8 2,223] 66.1] 36.3 5,050 |'2,272] 3.532 13 1,377 9.3] 60.4% 5 83.8 Te 718 Jasper... «+4079 849 139 39 802| 63.8 37.7 2,696 | 3,362] 1,6hk 66 Thy 17.0 £9.7 5 9.0| 718 7€ Jeff Davis......0K0 1,015 123 32 961 | 59.4| 15.1 2,%112,509] 1,339 ~ 16 gok| 10.0) 53.2 5] 52.9) me 1 Less than three farms reparted and data are therefore included only in State totals. ed $ 2 Table = TABLE 3—SELECTED DATA FOR METROPOLITAN AREAS AND FOR ALL COUNTIES, Part 5 - Industry wr .and Retail Trade . BY STATE—Continued .GA., Bibb (O11) - Jeff Davis (080) (All dollar figures have been rounded to thousands and will not asessarily add to totals) MANUFACTURING ESTABLISHMENTS—1939 MINERAL INDUSTRIES—1939 RETAIL ESTABLISHMENTS—1939 METROPOLITAN : Mee! COUNTIES, Value added ue a Code AND Wage Wages Valse of | by manufac- Vale of Nosh Wages and Number of | Sales Active Engloress Pay roll CODES | Number | camer | (1000%of | products | ™ wpe" | producs | of | sie |Numberof | (1000% of | “pro | (428 i000 average | "gollars) | (1000's of | (1007s of | (1000's of | persons ores |" dollars) | prietors o | dollars) for year) : dollars) dollars) dollars) | engaged | dollars) year) (6) 6) on (5) ®) a9) ay (2) 3 a8 o® ow Lo GEORGI A==Con., All Counties —Con. 069 101 6,248 3.01 28328 1,111 249 n 50 1,036 26,826 855 3.891 2,994 6 290 (2) (2) (2) (2) ~ (2) (2) 98 1,081 91 133 69 12 12 190 53 61 351 59 32 1 19 301 149 78 r 376 153 2,037 155 222 12 13 55 22 208 & 80 501 78 47 19 Bulloche eessees 1 104 670 246 Y, 5 466 285 St EA 249 3 606 25 5 uve 23 208] we Buttseessecssss 5 388 (2) (2) (1) 107 1.273 89 1% 87 Calhoun. . - 8 3 39 106 198 126 1,030 103 147 66 15 51 354 125 8 858 ™ 85 47 5 9 ™ 34 9k 1,319 & 140 23 ei 1,1%0 4,295 1,801 323 Cy ns 16 i. 3 92 (2) (2) (2) 87 6u3 87 47 3 11 66 187 8 59 556 52 62 32 108 146 6,129 4,684 66,057 18,59 (1) (2) (1) 1,603 36,405 1,480 5,136 3.923 5 41 17 pL] a 22 152 21 9 10 16 3.564 2,356 9,138 3,608 17 2,706 15 425 m 18 1,405 (2) (2) @ (1) (2) 4 194 2,340 19 200 1 2,184 1,397 7.186 1945 (1) (2) 1) 346 10,104 30 1,387 6 60 22", 120 55 . o% ™ 82 53 5 87 248 119 1 8 101 6 2 226 106 694 280 3 i a ] 27 2,127 1,486 6.177 3,244 ho3 6.321 387 n3 7 28 172 111 1,297 12 198 3,191 16 362 220 36 1,180 852 8,236 2,367 306 5,131 27 02 10 158 ™ 38 172 (2) (2) (2) ™ yoy 8 uy 15 10 39 19 242 99 118 1,554 16 170 99 2 > 2,058 9.73 4,215 i “5 #7 3972 262 39 302 1 1 1 1 1 1 10 26 a ¢ Ye ®) 696 { ) 6s 9 207 vie 1 hau 294 2 1 (2 (1) (1) (2) (2) (2) 6 6 6 15 9 3 t 2 o (4) ® % % te 1 1 25 802 ugh o224 +223 (2) (2) (1) 230 3.225 199 91| 247 007 30 1,146 1,147 4,674 2,392 usu 186 162 597 12,017 u97 1,k30 1,024 20 1 9% 332 - 186 2,050 1% 6 145 6 198 420 161 138 3s 135 168 75 5n 1,218 861 7.731 S17 2 10,418 335 1,48 1,0 2717 (2) (2) (2) 97 1,060 83 100 68 11 57 21 181 16 2,34 130 221 13% 3 4 (1) (2) (2) 2! 5% 18 15 11% 30 199 86 83 135 a %9 26 24 866 822 3.372 1,698 403 23% 188 230 2,618 2u7 ny 1183 29 188 12 834 268 301 2,878 258 28 155 12 35 22 227 1% a 1,112 88 118 68 3 23 (1) (1) (2) 1 780 pL" 98 48 47 1 1 6 0 62 1 5? 9.093 Dose ns N96 (1) (2) (2) ok m3 kos rod 1 103 7 205 1 362 m7 174 1,869 19 12 mn 007 590 4,718 22,1! 189,157 17.169 (2) (2) (1) 4,954 | 185,208 3.827 25.105 22,548 4 473 29 . 1,233 586 (1) (2 (2 650'|. 69 8 19 4 50 10 70 a (2) a IR 5 292 4s 3 35 1,337 1,062 7.615 3.847 345 6,379 208 9 . 597 3 1,976 981 5.179 2,223 (1) (2) (2) 193 2,527 183 25 167 18 284 123 1,075 510 i 131 2,392 122 273 184 11 972 506 2,40 1,163 97 1,480 104 167 Ln 1m 1,042 (2) (1) 1 291 2,979 293 326 154 12 551 (2) (1) 3 3) 1 3 in 2,07% 12 220 117 27 3,080 2,162 8,788 4,316 1 ¥ 1) 375 7.328 366 am 618 27 & 551 2u7 (2) 1 (2) 120 1,1 13 112 61 7 1,012 1 1 2 JIT 118 14 £2 10 hy 9) 42 4 ) 286 o 151 12 J i ” " 28 5 154 3 i" iB] 98 962 92 106 58 2 (2) 1 1 1 & 3 56 12 6 12 228 131 576 337 (2) (2) (2) 13 1,k27 129 164 ™ 8 na (2) (2) (1) (2) (2) (2) «, 96 1,488 60 169 ‘a 1 £2 32 470 158 79 1,077 12 108 67 1 1,448 (2) (1) (2) 183 2,403 17h 258 12% JO8per. ei eaeies 079 12 126 25 260 x 88 945 13 116 5 Jeff Davise..... 020 1 16 6 172 ho 6 62 109 6 Not shown because of disclosure of operations of individual establishments. Data included in Combined Counties at end of State. 110 TABLE 3—SELECTED DATA FOR METROPOLITAN AREAS AND FOR ALL COUNTIES, BY STATE—Continued = Part 6 - Uther Econonic i 2 Coton fon) - a (All dollar figures have been rounded to thousands and will not necessarily add to totals) Ts Davis (080) Tero e004 7 % 7 Jol EsAL SERVICE ESTABLISHMENTS—1939 BANE DEPOTS : ‘ ; Major war supply Major war fille ? contracts, Sis fs 4 5 June tobe Fi 1945 Jue 1 1543 on 1945 METROPOLITAN E Bond dollars) on coli, Number Number : Elonors of 4 , s Code of Sales .| of | Receipts | Active Employees) p., iol (demand | Time | doll 000 Ye | (average 1000" X 3 ollars at op estab- | (1000's of | estab- a s_|proprie-| 1000's | and time) | (1000's |jssue price) lish- | dollars) | lish» |of dollars)| tors your) dollars)| (1000s | of dollars) ments | ments of dollars) Combat Other Industsial | Military equipment @) @) ®9) én | @2) 3) (84) (85) (86) 6D (88) (89) . (90) oy GEORGTA-=Con, All Counties—Con. or | 2a,55| 20] 19m] 20| 1,011 659 | 43,253 8,420 6,713 17,080 478] 13,479 2 604 36 84 29 60 27 1,328 13 240 "570 | - 3 67 18 35 18 27 6 106 10 412 40 9 .37 50 17 2,731 355 594 2 (2) 28 58 25 36 7 595 40 187 25 3,601 100 244 97 129 56 5,072 302 725 1,688 21 1,830 69 159 63 7% 36 3,34 1,009 594 y 6 2 22 46 2% 39 1 1,25 284, a I 15 1,330 45 69 i 36 12 1,75 45 295 2 : mdeNe assess easD20 3 126 1 26 15 26 8 595 129 197 133 Candler, , ss2.2400) 15 1,184 24 54 20 28 1 982 363 . 80 200 28 5,011 151 302 16 130 TR 5,678 72 913 2,579 1,253 12 17 12 6 3 658 185 613 3 138 9 12 8 6 2 1,632 48 9% 108 [Chathamesssesses25 | 217 72,501] 461] 3,732 | 450| 2,446] 1,410| 20,97 | 26,%22| 1,579] 231,34 15,647 19,301] 25,150 Chattahoochee, , 702 1 (1) 27 93 | 27 46 32 1,252 : 35,613 x (1) 59 127 63 119 52 2,511 328 | 702 31,222 11 810 141 179 159 108 45 5,013 1,272 587 2,843 ” 42 10,110 22 607 232 192 2,362 1,451 1,610 108 11,225 716 5 18 24 16 12 i 1,010 118 123 3 | 20 30 18 10 4 738 60 23 966 i ‘mel =a | 19 y, 5 1u1 15 2,517 9. 257 105 104 55 10,803 3,183 6,257 248,986 3,444 56,933 20 2) 320 45 123 “46 66 29 3,546 328 194 5,348 21° 4,039 0 280 83 us 65 8,956 1,39 1,159 : 278 6,546 6 159 34 35 37 44 11 436 62 170 1 1,102 28 0 2 21 12 1,99 187 343 : 16 5,740 92 266 96 135 kd 7,298 1,530 966 4,221 4,766 39 ¢ 2 2 23 vd 22 7 360 45 = 13 1,417 34 156 35 89 54 3,87) 165 672 3,547 1,526 45 431 lw 21 17 24 20 5 28 13 12 1 6 3 85 17 1,399 57 137 58 7 31 5,830 1,312 393 1,733 67 7,906 18 4,641 195 1,012 17m 535 328 17,411 5,903 2,030 14,169 DoAgE ease esess OLS 7 653 56 103 53 60 29 1,740 388 1349 2,397 DoOLYeseessssses046 16 1,412 47 68 50 31 10 2,139 113 422 247 54 16,294 113 617 112 282 176 13,504 3,500 © 2,873 8,390 59 8,701 3 290 33 47 27 20 1 961 159 243 151 13 1,101 35 97 26 44 | - 20 2,993 262 333 Echols. .essssses050 4 5 5 - - L Effingham, eessss051 | 3 114 21 27 17 13 4 818 248 212 +05. 1 1,535 53 172 55 9 50 3,422 222 579 1,364 27 2,034 55 125 53 71 34 3,511 523 382 { 12 653 22 47 24 19 10 1,207 11 222 3 317 3» 73 39 39 15 1,085 536 255 3 101 20 16 15 18 4 793 31 165 . 31 5,584 121 678 115 “344 226 15,270 4,011 |, 2,536 23,536 2,786 1 42 47 37 23 9 933 137 193 1,474 43 49 43 9 711,635 38 376 1,021 | 472011 1,924 | 17,270 | 1,759 | 8,238] 6,352 368,411 77,393| 40,707 | 127,229 27,877 2,874 | 36,29 2 (2) 18 39 19 27 9 2,001 848 286 131 4 63 15 16 13 4 3 318 45 - 26 5,711 86 657 56 £38 212 14,236 3,72 6,338 123,533 2,220 13,591 16,283 +064 5 639 68 299 60 97 52 3,808 1,280 377 > 5 0radyescecsesssadbs 12 2,819 55 114 55 109 9 3,449 901 529 ow Bl ii a 2 (1) 26 ‘50 25 33 12 2,067 21, 396 1,101 Gwinnett... 15 1,383 101 164 96 82 30 3,62. 238 1,013 2, a Habersham, oo 12 971 64 105 55 67 23 3,28 73% 668 HAY. vs oe 2069 29 4,259 99 437| 110 242 u2 9,086 802 1,672 1,817 15, Ta Hanoockessssess «070 8 270 31 36 32 31 8 375 25 219 Haralsonssseess oo 2] qa) 28 67 24 In 16 Lol am 283 1,598 J 2 (1) 1 7 CT 2 735 133 228 9 565 12 5) 9 41 23 1,072 287 355 o 30 49 3» 36 8 A10 209 18 : HONrYoseoasecess075 2 (1) 26 44 25 16 6 2,150 | - 326 473 5,336 ousimens eesees076 6 430 19 55 Lv 39 12 1,516 52 2,837 172 31,003 6 287 33 94 33 30 18 1,669 205 360 15 1,247 60 117 62 50 23 2,580 | . 49 487 2,510 7 375 36 63 | 25 41 18 1,739 348 315 ‘Weff Davisesssea0%0 4 756 18 38 17 32 8 954 2 256 iNot shown because of disclosure of operations of individual establishments. Data included in "Other" at end of States 111 \ Table 3 Part 1 - Population GA,, Jefferson (081) - TABLE 3—SELECTED DATA F OR METROPOLITAN AREAS AND FOR ALL COUNTIES, Washington (150) BY STATE—Continued * rs = TOTAL POPULATION POPULATION—1940 EDUCATION yk 1940 STATISTICS ESTIMATED 1944 : CIVILIAN : POPULATION Land | Pop. | Total white Percent of METROPOLITAN J U.S. area Julation population 25° Metro. AREAS, rank in per ’ _ years old and Area COUNTIES, . Numbe: of . |Percent| 0 sq. ¢ over who have Code AND UMDEr | ounties | change 1 al completed— Ops ’ . & hes miles | mile Petcent Thien pug Buna p & ercent rl 1 of nonfarm arm Births eaths Number change P 40° | percen- 1930-1 1940 | 1940 | Number | total N : tiles) 1940 opu- 5 or Hich ois’ 1940+ ation more he | 1943 1940 grades | S€°° om 2) 3) 4) (5) (6) (0) 3) 9) (10) an a2 (13) (14) (15) (16) GEORGIA—Con. All Counties—Con. Jefferson. . 17,618 | -12.1 20,040 4s | -3.3 ss2 | 37.7 8,583 | 42.8 5,685| 14,355] 7.7] 13.1 511 146 10,000 | -15.6 11,843 70| -8.3 351 | 38.7 5,306 | 44.8 2,820 464 8,559] s0.1 9.9 269 118 9,664 | -25.4 12,953 6 2.) 313 | 41.4 8,029 | 62.0 2,980 9,973] 59.3 9.1 280 58 6,943 | -16.7 8,881 82 7.4 402 | 20,7 38,250 39.0 2,227 6,104 57.0 13.4 174 78 8,897 -11.8 10,091 76 8.6 181 | 55.8 5,668 | 56.2 3,585 1,505 5,051 66.1 14.8 225 104 d 5,129 8,9 5,632 90 8.5 167 83.7 4,017 | 71.8 2,154 8,478 60.8 8.8 88 41 27,939 | -16.9 388,606 24 2.8 8l1 | 41.4 19,861 | 59.1 7,814 2,862 28,430 62.0 12.8 813 327 6,391 | -18.5 7,837 84 | -5.9 855 | 22.1 1,895 | 24.2 1,490 6,347 88.3] 10.2 211 85 10,409 (21.1 8,595 81 5.4 5101 16.9 . 3,077] -85.8 38,920 4,675 51.8 9.9 261 108 « |Eineoln........ 5,967 -15.38 7,042 86 | -10.8 253 | 27.8 3,423 | 48.6 897 6,145 61.2 9.1 148 21 LOD. sesrsannne 3,332 -18.5 4,088 9% -2.2 403 | 10.1 2,625 | 64.2 1,881 2,205 62.3 10.2 76 28 31,122 |° -2.3 31,860 26 5.2 506 | 63.0 17,188 53.9 15,595 4,629 11,636 68.0 17.7 965 325 5,455 | -12.3 6,228 88 | 26.3 292 | 21.3 6,008 | 96.5 1,791 4,432] 64.7] 10.9 158 “2 McDuffie. 10,078 ~7.4 10,878 73 20.7 263 | 41.4 5,565] 51.2 3,088 897 6,893 58.4 14.2 260 78 McIntosh... 5,644 647 5,292 3 -8.2 481 | 12.3 2,185 | 40.8 4,523 769 58.1 14.7 156 75 J SOU - 13,425 | -15.8 15,947 57| -4.2 -399 | 40.0 5,058 | 81.7 4,825| 11,122] 53.7] 12.4 411 174 11,076 -17.5 18,431 64 | -10.0 281 | 47.8 10,826 | 80.6 2,405 11,026 65.4 8.9] 276 102 5,182 =11.1 6,954 86 -0.2 365 | 19.1 8,128 45.0 1,717 5,287 61.3 10.1 202 76 18,996 | ~138.9 22,055 41 =-1.7 499 | 44.2 10,834 | 46.9 3,417 | 4,522 14,116 61.4 15.3 548 156 Millere...oauns 8,765 | -12.3 9,998 76 10.2 287 | 34.8 6,758 | 67.5 1,884 8,184 56.1 8.5 196 7% Mitchell........101 20,108 | -13.8 23,261 39 =-1.5 511 | 45.5 10,996 | 47.3 5,167 1,356 16,788 54.0 11.7 609 216 Monroe...... 9,018 | ~16.1 10,743 74 -7.4 399 | 26.9 4,596 | 42.8 4,212 6,537 61.8 15.2 235 - 117 Montgomery. 7,677 | -20.6 9,668 77 | -3.5 285 | 41.1 5,788 | 59.9 3,338 - ;6,380| 64.0 9.8 177 52 Morgan...... 10,958 | -13.8 12,718 67 1.8 356 85.7 5,986 | 46.7 3,400 9,813 57.7 15.1 276 117 |Murray.........,108 9,589 | -13.9 11,187 72 20.9 342 | 82.6 10,756 96.6 2,717 8,420 69.3 9.6 282 74 028 | Muscogee. 97,285 28.9 75,49% 8 a1.2 220 | 343.2 49,478 | 65.5 53,280 17,107 5,107 70.7 20.1 2,764 804 17,728 | -4.6| 18.576 50| 7.4 273 | 68.0 12,154 | 65.4] 7,016] 2,011] @,649] 68.8] 12.5 501 187 6,377 | -15.8 7,576 84| -6.3 186 | 40.7 5,317 | 70.2 1,151 6,425| 66.2 11.4 182 45 9,802 =-21.1 12,430 67 -3.8 432 | 28.8 6,934 | 55.8 2,078 10,357 62.7 9.4 813 100 10,998 | -14.3 12,832 66 4.1 818 | 40.4 11,534 | 89.9 2,990 9,842 72.1 6.3 240 79 10,581 2.1 10,878 7% 1.41 151 | 68.7 4,012 | 38.7 4,953 779 4,646 60.7 17.3 288 128 7,368 | -19.4 9,136 79| 5.7 225 | 40.6 8,656 | 94.7 3,344 5,792] 70.1] 10.7 178 77 10,278 | -12.9 11,800 70 | -5.8 342 | 34.5 9,346 | 79.2 3,321 8,479] 69.2 10.8 338 112 8,388 | -19.2 10,875 7% ~4.4 280 | 45.1 5,810 51.2 > 1,840 8,585 62.2 11.5 243 87 26,603 | -6.5 28,467 30| 13.2 312 | 9.2 23,698 | 8s.2| 12,789] 8,378 9,300] 89.6] 12.5 615 191 8,974 | -8.7 9,829 77 9.2 254 | 38.7 4,470 | 45.5 3,000 393 6,436 | 53.8] 12.6 281 79 7,364 | -13.5 8,514 81 1.8 350 | 24.3 3,417 | 40.1 2,832 5,682] 85.7] 13.0 159 95 Quitman. .eee..s.118 2,959 | -18.9 3,435 95 | -10.1 170 | 20.2 1,057 | 30.8 705 2,730 {+ S3.1 8.8 86 28 R&bUD.. uses 6,499 | -16.9 7,821 84 | 23.5 369 | 21.2 7,686 | 98.3 2,857 5,164| 74.2] 17.6 204 21 Randolph. ... 14,034 | -15.5 16,609 55 | -3.8 436 | 38.1 5,205] 31.3 3,447] 1,845) 11,317] 53.5] 13.0 428 149 009 |Richmopd........121 88,871 9.3 81,863 7 "an,2 325 | 251.9 48,494 | 59.2 | 65,919 8,868 7,081] 67.4] 20.3] 2,178] 1,092 Rockdale........122 6,844 | ~11.4 7,724 84 6.6 128 | 60.3 5,276 | 68.3 2,962 4,762 69.5 10.2 176 52 4,374 | -18.1 5,038 92 =5.9" ‘162 81.1 1,999 | 389.7 1,119 8,914 61.5 11.9 117 380 16,721 | -17.8 20,353 44 | -0.7 651 | 81.8 8,746 | 43.0 2,591 | 2,992] 14,830] 52.8 9.6 464 128 Seminole....... 7,987 | -6.5 8,492 82 | 14.9 274 | 31.0 5,035 | 59.3 2,508 5,989] 56.2 11.0 13 75 Spaldifg....... 26,098 | -8.2 28,427 sc | 21.0 201 | 141.4 19,485 | 68.5| 13,222] 7,744 7,461) 67.9] 14.9 596 286 13,361 3.0 12,972 66 10.5 180 | 72.1 11,116 | 85.7 5,494 1,562 5,916 75.8 17.1 391 46 9,183 | -13.4 10,608 7 | -4.6 463 | 22.9 2,882 | 27.2 3,514 7,289] 53.5] 12.0 233 9 2,611 | -7.5 24,502 36 | -8.6 asl | 49.9 9,504 | 38.8 9,281 1,874 18,347] s8.1{ 19.1 560 289 TB1bot.eess.s...130 7,084 | -13.6 8,141 83 | -8.7 390 | 20.9 2,460 | 30.2 45 | 2,960 5,136 | 56.3 9.7 182 75 Taliaferro......181 4,709 | -25.0 6,278 88 1.7 195 | 82.2 1,997 | 31.8 1,510 4,768| 87.9] 12.0 94 46 Tattnall. 14,527 | -10.6 16,248 56 5.4 493 | 32.9 12,076 | 74.3 5,915| 10,328] 65.2 9.4 278 114 8,972 | -16.7 10,768 “74 1.4 400 | 26.9 5,586 | 51.9 3,011 7,767) 87.2 8.6 233 60 12,720 | -16.0 15,145 60 1.0 440 | 34.4 10,358 | 68.4 6,306 8,839] 64.5 9.6 266 1m 15,208 | -9.4 16,675 95 | -8.8 329 | 50.7 4,714 | 28.3 s,681| 1,135| 11,869| 46.9] 12.2 386 180 34,022 8.7 31,289 26 | -4.1 540 | 57.9 17,309 | 55.3| 12,683] 4,515 14,091] 63.7] 16.2 840 a 17,626 | -5.2 18,599 50 | 15.8 266 | 69.9 13,106 | 70.5 5,228| 4,740 8,651] 67.4] 14.7 501 181 14,677 | -13.4 16,952 54 | -1.2 369 | 45.9 12,434 | 73.3 4,109| 3,074 9,769] 66.2] 13.6 415 us 3,960 | -19.6 4,925 92| 13.3 172 | 28.6 4,925 | 100.0 847 4,078] 77.3] 11.0 a9 1 5,641 | -26.1 “7,632 84 1.9 194 | 39.3 5,333 | 69.9 2,489 5,143] 57.4 7.5 139 51 42,810 | -2.1 43,879 16] 19.4 447 | 98.2 27,527 | 62.7 | 29,460 | 4,446 9,978] 67.1] 16.7] 1,095 439 9,33 | -13.9 10,846 78'[ "=9.1 293 | 87.0 7,036 | 64.9 3,078 7,768] 61.7] 10.1 189 75 8,269 | -9.3 9,117 79 8.9 365 | 25.0 3,263] $5.7 1,288 7,83 | 47.5 9.5 205 77 6,630 |7-13.7 7,680 sel m1. 319 | 24.1 7,669 99.9 824 6,856 | 78.7 7.0 178 28 22,263 | -11.2 25,064 36 | 28.5 333 | 75.3 17,877 | 69.8| 13,916] 4,046 7,002] 66.8] 11.7 595 186 29,064 | -5.8 31,024 27 | 18.4 448 | 69.2 28,789 | 92.8 7,047 | 11,270| 12,707| .76.9| 18.3 764 191 18,842" | -9.3 20,777 “i 1. 330 | 63.u 14,168 | 68.2 4,068| 9,463| 13,146] 65.3| 10.8 506 201 26,665 | -4.5 27,929 30 5.2 912 | 30.6 20,389 | 73.0| 16,763| 4,788 6,383] 71.5] 19.2 808 305 Warren... 9,339 | -8.8 10,236 7 | -8.5 284 | 36.0 3,571 | 84.9 2,243 7,993] 85.5] 11.8 225 92 Washington......1%0 20,625 ~14.9 24,2380 a7 -3.2 674 | 85.9 10,857 | 42.7 3,566 3,997 16,667 58.2 11.4 598 196 = ~ BY STATE—Continued A TABLE 3—SELECTED DATA FOR METROPOLITAN AREAS AND FOR ALL COUNTIES, Table 3 Part 2 - Labor Force 2i., Jefferson (0S1) - :ashington (150) aro sous LABOR FORCE—1940 . Percent of Population 14 Years Old and Over . Employed Workers by Industry Group Employed METROPOLITAN Tint In leading Metro.) AREAS, P P ry Business nonagri- Ara | COUNTIES, gal oy " and cultural Code AND o i fo 3 ; ry Son) . | Whole- | personal Oilizz In | industry CODES In'labor | ‘Tates | lemaies 1 ropl Agri- | pos Of | Manufac- | “TMM | gle and | services agri- Total who are | who are ming | struc- : cations, . 1 and not force x 0 employed || culture ; turing retail exclud- cul- : in in tion and ls ie reported tere Code labor labor other d . (See | Per- f f utili- omethe age | cent orce Laniere.........086 3,866 1,803) 75.5 12.0 1,721 976 156| 125) 16 87 282 |56.7| 1 | 8.9 * |Lanrens..s......087 23,068f 11,751] 83.3 19.6 11,149 6,468 3 298] 870 26M 989 941 1,316 | 58.0 | 636 | 4.6 > 8604 vevessses OBE 5,299 2,932 88.9 23.8 2,843 2,220] 6 Eat gu] 43 83 91 223 | 78.1 | 636 2.2 Libertye..ss....089 5,920 2,822] 76.7 16.9 2,623 881 65 654 66) 191 197 565 |33.6| 9 |14.8 LAncolne. cs. ....090 4,758 2,383 82,2 19.2 2,297 1.71: 6 27] 20 9 99 111 130 | 74.5 9 8.2 LONgueessesasses0I1 2,745 1,317) 83.4 10.7 1,210 552 37 15) 28 15 [45.61 1 {17.1 LOWNdes.s oa .essss092 22,607 12,394) 80.4 31.6 11,667 3,490 1 416 1,580) 521, 1,722 1,527 2,510 29.9 | 636 | 5.1 LUMpiin. aeveees sd 4,109 1,918) 84.1 9.4 1,647 953 49 75 197 22 174 9657.9 | 9 |10.7 McDuffie sous. .09 1.672 4,523] 4.8 34,2 4,291 2,020 3h 167 860 3 333 308 ug6 |u| 1 | 9.7 Melntoshes......095 3.627 1,799] 80.5 19.2 1,477 206 4g 552 138 15% 335|13.9| 9 |18.7 MBEOT, oo xianenss .096 10,817 5,985 85.1 28.9 5,766 3,650 2 130 3) 158] 301 368 663 | 63.3636 | 3.4 Madison. ...e....097 9,304 4,u780 79.3 16.3 4,067 2,924 33 55 218] ko 229 243 325 |71.9]636 | 3.5 MArioN.ssseeasss 038 4,560 2,489) 86.7 23.3 2,299 1.595 42 204 21 100 118 213 |69.4| 9 | 7.2 Meriwsther......099 15,105 7,646 79.8 23.5 7,052 3,766 123 1,048 278 449 612 776 {53.4 | 6 [11.4 Millers.ss.ss..s100 Js 3,526 84.0 23.8 3,373 2,645 60 66 21 126 160 295 | 78.4 | 636 2.8 Mitchell........101 15,429 8,169 83.1 24.3 7.801 5,100 1 167 504 108] 570 471 280 | 65.4 | 636 | 3.3 MOnros...... 7,351 3,761) 81.0 23.1 3.395 1,58 93 520) 110) 258 332 502 | 46.5] 6 | B.2 } Montgomery. . 6.365 ae 85.2 15.0 ,840 1,79% 7 198] 37 151 180 406 163.2] 1 | 6.5 | 8,752 615) 81.8 2k.9 k,248 3,007 1 60, 218, 98| 226 232 406 | 70.8 | 636 | 3.1 | 7.224% 3.733] 82.4 20.0 3,422 1,756 37 72 992) 51 148 183 178 | 51.3 7 13.1 . 028 56,674] 35,126 83.4 43.8 31,025 1,004 42 1,606 10,856) 1,547 4,921 3,885 7.16% | 3.2! 6 |24.6 13,217 7,350] 80.5 31.6 6.756 2,176 174 2,516) 122 499 519 750 | 32.21 6 | 34.1 5,363 2,735] 82.0 20.8 2,550 1,800 46 139 25 139 137 204 | 70.6 | 636 | 3.8 8,231 4.417 86.2 21.3 4,150 3,022 58 38] 366 37 17 162 320 | 72.8 6 5.6 8,927 4,636) g2.1 19.1 4,156 2,584 11 216 689 81 172 199 204 |62.2| 6 | 9.2 1.321 4,288) 82.9 36.8 3.976 1,959 1 156 377 pL 368 402 568 149.3 1636 | 5.5 6,239 2,938] 81.6 12.6 2.653 1,306 134 52 663 u1 151 165 121 [9.6 16 [16.1 7.662 3,865 82.8 18.1 3,62] 2,363 63 133 68 2) 249 508 | 65.2 1 5.4 6,965 3.647] 85.4 19. 3,402 2,389 65 310 40 160 170 268 | 0.2 6] 5.8 19,635 10,962] BLM 31. 9,904 2,027 36 240 4,674 341 265 761 960 [20.5| 6 [10.9 6.739 3.734 85.2 27.4 3,436 2,021 93 273 ug 2n 278 u52 158.8 [636 | 3.6 5,794 3,294 83.4 31.9 2,994 1,496 80 555, 35 231 188 09 [50.0] 6 | 8.4 2,258 1,302 84.6 32.4 1,224 862 18 148] 17 52 46 glo) 9 8.4 5,280 2,598] 82.3 15.8 2,085 1,137 3 127 112 68 159 278 201 [54.5 | 636 | 6.4 11,M1 5.866] 83.7 22.6 5,578 3,335 2 110 536) 111 338 472 674 |59.8] 9 | 7.3 My, 009 62,549 [“ 35,824 78.2 38.5 29,977 2,024 102| 1,94 7.185] 2,117 5.51 5,143 6.31 | 6.8] 6 [121 ! 5, kk 2,982 4.4 26.0 2,765 1,280 19 57 583 3H 228 195 219 [46.3] 6 {19.9 3,392 1,781 86.6 20.4 1,683 1,013 21 2h2 32 88 108 179 (60.2 9 | 9.5 Scrovenss.......12 13,640 7.1839 85.2 20.6 6,865 4,636 87 to B6Y 161 392 385 640 [67.5] 9 | 4.7 Seminole........125 5,670 2,943 87.6 18.3 2,743 1,686 1 97 187, 33 199 199 341 | 61.5 | 636 | 4.2 Spaléing........126 20,717 en 83.1 44,9 12,086|| . 1,85 2 300 5.374 269 1.351 1,060 1,838 [15.4 | 6 | 40.9 Stephens. .......127 9,118 962| 81.1 29.1 4 4 1,335 5 172 1,hay) 159 20 Lo 423 (30.1 6 |13.9 Stewart.........128 7,016 3,602) 82.b 23.0 1,344 1,931 50 hs) 121 19 27 387 [57.7] 9 [11.8 Sumters.........129 17,552 9,660 5-9 29.8 8,715 3,726 7 297 965! 390 91 971 1,505 | k2.5 | 636 5.3 PalbOtusrsessss130 5.399 2,859 7% 23.0 2,710 1,281 12 17 592 87 146 146 369 |47.3| 9 |15. B Taliaferro......131 4,247 2,110| 81.2 19.3 1,913 1,154 8 202 47 86 109 231 [60.3] 9 | 9.1 “IPattnalle.eee.s.132 11,274 5,239 70.1 17.8 622 2,827 1 279i 78 335 341 621 [61.2 {636 | k.2 BBYIOF yee sess ld 7.170 3,665 84.0 19.4 Piz 2,132 19 100 2 65 204 205 398 [62.1 9 | 5.1 i BOLealr.. sous esol, 10,362 5,217 82.6 17.5 ,698 2,317 98 56 108 hol 399 916 | 49.3 1 9.2 \ Porrell.....«..+135 11,541 L649 | 84.8 33.1 6,379 4,379 99 401 92 382 356 670 | 68.6 | 13 | 3.2 Thomas. .vu.ese .136 22,514 | 12,214] 82.1 29.17 ~ 11.27% 4,14 33 in 1,219 394) 1,463 1,511 2,043 3%. 636 | 6.6 MELE, eve ssrenssd3] 13,083 7.218 83.3 27.8 6,815 2,996 219 691 234 830 658 1,187 [bh.0 [636 | M2 Toombs. .........138 11,648 5,851 82.6 18.7 5,402 2,705 1 188 336| 191 694 562 725 | 50.1 | 636 | 5.2 Towns,.vvrnnaesd39| | 3.290 1,552 84.7 7.8 1,307 962 47 62 13 66 116 41 | 73.6 | 636 | 6.6 Treutlens.......l 5,203 2,657 718.8 20.3 2,369 1,459 146 67 27 110 164 396 |61.6 | 1 | 7.3 Troup. esseessssslll 31,418 19,186 8-3 40.9 16,952 2,298 3 Yu2 7,487] 398) 1,865 1,476 2,983 [13.6 | 6 |k0.1 Urner... ...... 0142 7.509 3.937 5 20.2 3.731 2 77 161 78 247 259 5165.5 1 | 3.6 Twiggs. veananadl 5,950 3,101 85.2 18.8 2,897 1,740 393 38 284, ko 85 97 220 160.1 | ® |13.6 Union. out veressd 5,088 2,389| 86.5 5.9 2,051 1,620 1 > 79 21 19 103 98 | 19.0 | 636 | 3.5 UpBones..aeseseo1lf 17,530 11,005 85.2 42.0 110,136 1,660 2 5,140 132 852 639° 1,469 [16.4 6 |L7.4 023 |Walker..........146 21,779| 11,928 2.1 21.3 10,761 2,598 203 496 4.58 244 10 165 962 [24.1 | 6 | 30.0 © |walton....uu... 247 14,520 7.666 81. 25.6 7.256 3,921 1 96 1,43 105 81 531 687 | 54.0 6 | 14.6 WArO, sores nese INB 19,833 10,507 80.3 21.8 9,218 1,518 1 270 799 1,642] 1,614 1,49 1,925 16.5 | 23 | 14.7 WATTeN. ssssns.. 149 ,990 3,708 86.1 21.6 3.575 2,406 63 55 188, 108 174 188 393 [67.3] 9 3.7 Washington,.....150 16,584 9,057| 85.1 26.1 8,540 5,034 Nn 163 1,052 161 S41 537 961 |58.9| 9 1.8 pd ud Ww . | \ ; ‘Table 3 : : : iy = Xa Hh TE 3 = Housing TABLE 3—SELECTED DATA FOR METROPOLITAN AREAS AND FOR ALL COUNTIES, E 4 GA., Jefferson (081) = : = - A nt phi 2 BY STATE—Continued = HOUSING—1940 5 te ; : x : Nonfarm Rural Farm ; All Dwelling Units . jr Dwelling Units Dwelling Units Dwelling Units % ‘| METROPOLITAN ; - Mie! COONTIES Med; § rea y x 1an i : Code| AND Residential Percent | Percent Per-| Percent | number A fo] pe I CODES shvciues in5 or vi b Petasit cent os of es e cent sgt more vate wil = = wil Number family Co. SH Number ivi ical persons Number i Naber | run | electric struc- or lighting Ted refrig- (dollars) ! ning | lighting tures | shower P eration | pit water - oF a) &) @5) @9) an [£0] 9) 0) an 2) “@) @) “s) “6 GEORGIA--Con. : | All Counties—Con. f ! i Jefferson .081 5,044 5,281 03 9.0 23.9 4,637 | 26.6 15.4 | 3.77 1,638 | 10.58 3,643) N.2| 11.9 : +082 3,282 3,434 Ol 8.0 16.3 2,893 [30.7 13.4] 3.55 958 7.82 2,476 | 3.4 6.7 i .08 3,021 3,127 0.2 7.6 19.5 3,033 24.3 9.8 | 3.84 872 9.11 2,255 | 2.6 8.0 > .08 2,036 2,096 5.6 2.7 1,953 | 29.5 12.10 3.67 629 7.39 1,467 5.0 8.7 .085 2,419 2,677 0.3 16.5 48.9 2,k8l | 32.2 23.0 | 3.57 1,k08 | ' 11.27 1,269| 6.9] ;21.1 086) 1,188 1,238 5.4 15.8 1,220 35.2 9.2] 3.99 491 6.75 Pl aa 3.2 L087 7,817 8,352 o.4 11.6 26.3 7.821 | 26.7 12.4] 3.8 2,848 | 12.54 5,504 | 1.5 9.4 088! 2,244 2,295 EE 9.8 2,010 B.3 8.0 3.29 Usk 8.00 1,840 ka 247 .089 2,052 2,106 9.6 22.4 2,018 | 65. 12.0 $99 1,064 7.44 1,042 LW.4| 10.4 .090 1,723 1,748 0.3 §.3 17.8 \ 1,503 | 34.5 n.z .25 253 6.73 1,495 | 1.7 8.2 091 994 1,006 3.5] 12.5 932 | 45.1 12) 391 513( hob w3| 2.6] 2.9 .092] 7.174 7.882 2.0 25.6 39.5 7,620 | 31.6 19-p go 5.30 14.01 2,522 | 6.0 8.4 09 1,446 1,479 9.5 20.1 1,403 | 50.1 9. .02 73 9.32 1,006 1.6 3.3 .09! 2,508 2,721 12.4 28.0 2,605 | 22.5 19.1 | 3.64 1,133 | 11.05 1,594 | 1.8 4.7 .095 1,557 1,588 1.1 21.0 24.3 1,375 | 61.1 14.7 3.26 1.319 9.63 209 | 27.8 23.3 096. 3.927 4,209 2 10.0 26.1 3,845 | 27.2 14.0 3.51 1,524 8.72 2,685 5.4 14.2 097, 3,209 3.29 3.3 24.8 3,082 | 30.0 1.7 3.85 669 97 2,624 2.4] 16.3 .098 1,690 1,7 5.8 14.6 1,597 | 32.7 9.2| 3.83 529 7.72 1,217] 4.8 6.5 : Meriwether. 099 5,362 5,545 16.6 3.2 5,119 27.2 13.6 17 2,152 | 10.11 3,393 3.6] 10.8 v Miller..... 100 2,184 2,2uk 7.4 14.1 2,182 | 25.8 6.4 14 9.42 1.7711) 3.0 6.0 Mitchell. 101 5,411 5,699 0.1 12.0 28.3 5,282 | 25.0 15.0 3.87 1,846 9.80 3,853 6.8] 19.5 Monroe. .102 2,753 2,874 11.0 30.8 2,503 30.7 11.0 383 1,213 7.76 1,661 4.8] 14.6 Montgomery .10 2,121 2,168 6.0 20.6 2,061 | 30.2 131 .29 8u5 7.68 1,323 2.6 12.8 Morgan. . .10 3,251 3,432 9.6 23.3 3,092 { 24.3 16.6 +59 1,066 9.08 2,30 | 3.3] 12.3 MUPTEY «+ seses re 105 2,319 2,116 0.2 8.4 32.6 2,362 | 41.8 11.7 .26 8 8.13 1,758] 3.6] ‘22.5 028 | Muscogee..... ...106 15,955 19,906 3.2 31.9 72.9 19,50 21.4 31.7 3.39 18,764 16.77 1.142 18.0 30.5 Hewton.......... 107 4,235 L819 0.2 14.0 51.8 i088 24.9 26.5 38 ih 9.05 2,110 2x 22.4 Oconee.......... 108 1,8 1,893 4.9 31.2 1,71] 31.5 12.7 3.82 342 9.85 +11,551 .3 23.3 Oglethorpe. .....109 2,862 2,91 4.7 20.1 2,741 | 26.2 10.2 | 4.03 613 6.93 2,338 2.3 i Paulding........ 110 2,848 2,910 4.6 23.4} 2,788 | 40.8 10.2 h.18 611 8.79 2,299 1.2 1h,2 Poach......+se. 2,507 2,753 0.2 223 He 2,572 26.4 19.1 3.50 1,56 10.03 1,190 | 15.1] 14.0 Pickens. ... 2,216 2,262 | 8.4 3H.7]\ 2,014] 35.0 17.3 95 2 9.17 1,398| 2.1| 11.0 Pierce. .... 2,578 2,671 0,7 9.6 3.8) 2,587] 38.8 13.6 »11 gig | 10.05 1,729 | W.9| 22.9 Plke....... 2,533 2,615 171 28.1 2,319] 26.7 16.0 3.89 542 9.05 2,073 4.4| 20.6 FOYE. sr, reins 5,966 6,517 0.3] 26.4 51.0 |, o,b28 | 28.7 2.3 3.95 4,588 | 10.69 1,929] 1.5 9.7 J Pulaski..... 2,4ko 2,703 0.2 11.6 21.6 2,492 23.2 13.2 3.38 l1,069 19.60 1,634 2.0 6.1 / Putnam...... 2,275 2,k21 0.7 1.6 19.6 1,97 22.0 13.7 .68 784 [8:30 1,637 2.3 2:3 Quitman....... - 8L47 88 2.1 8.1 743 | 18.7 9.1 07 197 7.02 686 3.2 2, : Rabun...... 2,165 2,19 26.2 36.10, 1,712 54.1 16.3] 4.120 1,042 | 13.06 1,152 | 20.8 18.6 gr Randolph........ 4,069 4,345 0.3 8.7 18.2 3,9 33.41 12.2] 3.58 1,567 8.43 2,758 3.8 6.6 009 |Richmond........ 18,105 22,247 by h2.y 66.6] 21,201 | 25.4 ¥ 3.3 3.27 20,566 | 15.82 1,681 | 19.0| 26.7 Rockdale. . 1,873 1,948 11.4 43.3 1,824 |' 31.5 15. 3.78 815 8.48 11330: 5.0]. 25.3 Schley... 1,167 1,238 8.0 ws 1,127] 29.7 n.1 3.89 33 8.58 925 5.7 8.3 ' Screven. . — 5,03 5,214 0.2 Ta2 14.7 ,636| 25.2 8.2 3.83 1,56 7.58 3,650 3.2 5.7 Seminole........12% 1,887 1,983 0.3 12.4 21.2 1,906 | 36.2 10.4 3.95 bu3 10.46 1,3% 9.6 20.1 Spalding,,..... .126 5,976 7,388 13 22.8 65.00 7,006] 23.4 32.2] 3.53 5,523 | 13.25 1,865 | 11.1] 29.6 Stephens. y 2,748 3,030 0. 17.6 43.6 2,972] 39.3 23.3 3.89 1,742 | 12.13 1,288 2.9 16.7 Stewart. . 2,542 _ 2,698 0.2 8.0 18.5 2,398 | 23.9 11.5] 3.75 928 7.23 1,70 3.5 1.8 Sumter... 6,269 6,947 0.9 18.8 30.1 6,267 | 23.9 21.0 3.3 3,296 | 12.30 3,651 | 8.4 10.5 PREDOe ss eens ves 2,189 2,192 5.8 14.9 1,834 | 29.5 11.0] 3.9% 83 6.80 1,31 1.9 5.7 Taliaferro 1,550 1,606 4.5 19.0 1.372 0.2 12.5 4.00 ‘435 6.52 117% 1.4 10.0 | Tattnall. 3.565 3,69 0.2 9.8 27.7 3, hug 37.4 10.9 4.04 1,32 8.94 2,364 [ 3.9] 14.8 . Taylor... 2,654 2,73 0.2 9.1 254 2,k2| 35.9 17.5| 3.8 877 7.5 1,858 | B8.9| 13.2 Telfair.. . 2ive3 ,692 0.8 9.0 2.5 JM28 [37.9 12.5 393 1,732 8.07 1,960 [ 2.2] 11.9 Terrell.....c..s 137 L403 0.2 12.1 23.3 JA23| 20.3 13.9] 3. 1,522 9.24 2,861 5.7 9.9 . 7,538 8,156 0.9 23.5 ¥5.5 7.779 | 34.9 11.9 3.49 1,86 11.9% ,293| 9.7] 22.0 i 4,157 4,781 0.9 19.8 39.7 4,548 | 26.9 2b.5 a a 12.54 15% 5.31 25.7 3,525 3,834 0.7 14.6 28.2 3,734 30:5 16.8 .03 1,871 10.64 1¢963 23 8.4 1,075 1,077 4.5 23.2 1,053) o4.0 5.0 4.26 222 7.53 85 3.7 15.5 1,671 1,750 4.9 21.0 1,621 | 24.5 9.41 ka 5% 7.61 1,160 | 2.0) 14.7 9,456 10,452 0.6 20.9 54.5 10,608 | 22.1 21.9 3.68 8,604] 11.29 2,248 3.6] 14.6 2,603 2,864 1.8 8.2 5.3 2,567 | 24.7 1b.6| 7.66 981 8.46 1,883] 3.7 B.h 2,089 2,158 4.3 10.6 1,985 | 20.6 7.0 gab 341 8.73 1,817 2.3 5.1 1,782 1,767 . 21 34.6 1,706 | bl.2 3.1 -10 222 5.97 1,565 | 2.27 10.0 5,178 6,018 f 0.5 | 39.0 62.8 5,890 | 19.7 25.5] 3.76 4,473] 11.u 1.5% | 5.1] 24.3 023 | Walker...... vere 7.222 7,546 L 0.5] 20m) ox 7.296 | 48.3 S41 3.82 4,649 | 12.28 2,937 8.5| 39.2 Walton. 4,914 8.12270 “0.1 13.2 48.4 4,893] 23.9 18.7 3.78 2,082 10.83 2 3.5 0.7 5 Ware... 6,292 7.117 1.3 28.5 54,4 6,710 | 36.5 21.7 3.61 5.7% | 12.39 1,387) 6.2]. 21.6 Warren. 2,485 2,576 0.2 1.5 17.2 2,399| 23.2 13.1 3.68 710 9.2 1,866 YT. 6.1 Washington 5,798 6,254 | 0.1 9.6| 2.9 5,704 | 22.2 8.5] 3.70 2,134 9.4 4,120 | 44 | 120.4 { Yorved from adjoining county, 114 TABLE 3—SELECTED DATA FOR METROPOLITAN AREAS AND FOR ALL COUNTIES, : BY STATE—Continued Table 3 Part 4 - Agriculture GA., Jefferson (081) = (Figures which have been rounded to thousands will not necessarily add to togals) washington (150) be Bin AGRICULTURE—1945 AGRICULTURE—1940 rif Wed i] i, | lire [tid Per- i arm property farm household farm income Type- METROPOLITAN cent | pre Pe i of |p eal Metro. AREAS, Number of | Land in | Cropland | Number | of | Lup ercent from— farming- Rus Area COUNTIES, farms farms | harvested | of farms | farms value Number : area oe Cott AND (1000s | (1000's oper- | “| gop Aver- | 7 Aco | Le code |. CODES Jan. 1, of of April 1, | ated pod | 1 oa 28¢ | horses | Number (1000 stock Code P (See Joins 1945" | acres) | acres) | 1940" | by [Pin | (1000's | oper | oangior | of s| and Boe [00 | oy [OE ucts of arm of live- | C cent | P ten- | | mules tractors rops | paz) ants | E55 | dollars) gl (over 3 dollars) | stock Sa ars) | me. old) \ prod- ucts A “8 “9) (0) Gh | G2) (53) (4) (55) (56) G7 (58) 9) (60) ®1) 62) (63) (64) GENRGIA=—Con. All Counties—Con. Jefferson. ......081 2,086 259 129 1,976 | 68.6 16.4 6,251] 3,550 z,94L 117 1,963 £.2 7r.1 5] 70.5 19) 78 Jenkins. ...082 1,087 167 68 1,243 | 62.8 22.2 L,288 | 3,L50 2,37 74 1,290 10.1 66.4 5] 4.3 719) £7 Johnson. ...08% 1,549 163 he 1,526 | 71.8 1t.2 3,865 | 2,437 2,711 22 1,426 5.) 57.2 ec] eke 71! 76 Jones ...08k 748 125 22 70 | 55.2 LE. 2,335] 3,185 1,196 Ly &ua 20.5 51.7 of 26.9 71¢ £s LaZBT sass saenas ogs 788 90 30 7h - £L.6 LE.1 2,264 | 2,186 3,32 gh 51k 18.2 Leg.7 5| ko.7 71% 2 Lanier... svere 086 637 63 17 580-| 56.7 13.2 1,788 | 3,083 £38 18 [ 12.2 65.% s| 62.7 rid 72 Laurens. +. 0f7 3,741 367 179 2,569 | 62.2 26.2 10,391 { 2,011 6,647 £5 2,701 10.8 62.7 5] 60.5 712 62 Lee..... ++ .088 964 208 65 gui | 20.4 15.2 3,050 | 2,224 1,673 48 1,033 1.5 7.1 5] 66.2 721 £2 Liberty. ++ 4029 721 80 8 SVR SALT 76. “,52%11,77: 21 22 3 13.h 22.8 0] 329.2 £3 £6 Lincoln......... 090 860 102 27 1,032 | 63.C bz.) 1,693] 1,651 1,538 25 shk 7-8 5e.L 5| =g.0| 718 73 Long... 253 34 6 Lon | 27.8 50.0 €96 | 2,240 533 2ce 12.0 23. cl 33.0 63k 57 1,91 213 72 1,252 | sho) 25.2 6.557 [ 3,835] 2.689 102 1.6050 1.2) €0.2 el 51.8 2 42) 79 12 ghy | Isg.2 86.2 1,077 | 1,28 732 n 172 g.1 35.8 ol 51.1 633 56 1,002 117 40 a5 | 70.6 28.5 2,055 | 2,065 1,840 17 897 £.1 6.0 5] 62.3 718 & 291 46 2 130 13.1 686.6 1,101 | 8,469 sk 5 75] 23.8 20.9 Of kb.z fk 52 1,6 232 6 1,340 | 65. 27.0 6,114 | L,522 2.222 166 1,%75 3.0 62.6 5| &0.2 721 67 i] 2 ¢ 3 €:2 3.6 k,1cg | 2,225 2,02 68 1,158 6.0 0.6 el 89.1 71% 78 Merion. £14 162 3 702 | 65.2) 14k 1,752 2,2€x] 1,20 15 Lag g.7] 6l.e 5] 52.¢ ng 66 Meriwether..... 1,941 234 ™ 1,256 | 66.9 LLL 5.549 | 2,990 3.298 ok 1,743 12.0 67.2 £5] 36.3 718 6g Miller. ,. uveeedl0D 1,603 pt » 1,00 | 62.0 36.% 2,208 | 2,2¢ 2,728 3 2e1( 10.3] 6.7 sl 6o.k 730 Mitchell. L101 2,941 285 139 2.862 | 65.0 aL.e £,320| 2.211 b,734 2° 2,116 14.5 61.7 el ko.9 731 £1 Monrze. 202 1,008 173 28 915 | 57.4% sh. 2,8 2,628] 1,k3% Lh 701 38.4 32.2 2| 22.0 718 £g Menteemery. .....103 865 109 37 1,085 | 63.0| 28.8 2,090 | 2,8k8] - 1,718 3 tsa] 16.2] 30.7 0] La. 73 6h Morgan. 10k 1,469 195 62 1,13 71.0( 26.3 Loh | 2,056] 2,704 108 1,500 1:0 62.1 5| 63.5 1g] 76 MUFPRY. «coco ruse 105 1,206 116 28 1,258 | 56.6 26.1 2,963 12,758 2,16, 102 792] 10.6 53.7 o| s.0 716 £0 028 [Muscogee........ 309 Lo 11 538 | 58.9 | 60.2 2,495 | 4,822 767 3 520] 60.61 19.2 2| 50.0 719 7 Me ee 1,648 143 57 1,198 | 62.0 25.3 3,218 | 2,686 2,071 62 1,012 21.3 56.9 5] 53.2 718 7¢ Oconee 1,046 105 41 gal | 63.4] 33.0 2,784 | 7013] 1.981 67 647 2.9 03.6 5] 62.0 718] 83 Oglethorpe... 1, 600 178 62 1,593 | 67.8 | lo.7 3,508 | 2,251 2,807 93 1,068 5.91 63.6 5] 61.9 Tiel 72 Paulding. ...... 1,926 135 38 1,788 | 51.2] 3K.5 2,323 | 1,#88) 2,300 19 9ks gi .s of 45.9 7g 17 537 83 4 433 | 55.0 22.2 3,186 | 7.358 1,198 136 973 7-0 80.8 5 39a 73 72 926 86 13 oi | 80.3 LESS 1,751 | 1,86¢ 1,226 12 470 1.4 345.3 0] 50.0 633 80 1,318 168 45 1,375 | 50.5 13.¢ 4,263] 2,100 2,102 39 1,427 1b.7 €e.5 5) 63.3 63h 81 1,187 110 uh 1,150 | bs.2| 29.2 3,333 | 2,876] 2,024 66 975 5.71 69.0 5] kg.2 718] © 75 1,526 119 36 1,493 | 60.6 34.0 3,284 | 2,601 2,756 86 ok 11.8 55.6 5] 52.9 716 £8 931 128 4g ghh | 71.8 16.8 2,832 | 3,006 1,383 52 oe €.9 7™.2 5] mn. 731 el 896 18 21 813 | 72.9 51.1 2,266 | 2,720 1,281 68 £15 hk 30.2 2 3ka 71g cg. Lg 68 17 5 | 79.2] 2.5 797 | 2.184 545 7 206 1.5 %1.3 5] 55.9 | sk glk 52 1 1,037 | 33.2 45.2 2,337 | 2,284 77 10 582 11.2 26.9 o| €0.6 A37 77 2,121 192 34 1,952 | £0.3 39.7 4,308 | 2,207 2,086 sh 1,18C 6.8 74.9 5] .72.3 721 59 009 [Richmoend....... «12 1,185 82 32 920 | Y6.7 46.3 3,355 | 3.647 1.241 7e e3h 24.3 56.4 5] 23.0 719 89 Rockdale. . 122 1,016 70 25 809 | 61.8 37.2 1,720 | 2,200 1,198 28 Lee 12.4 50.6 5 B#e.e 718 £0 Schley. . 637 85 29 €29 | 67.2] 22.7 1,57 | 2.237] 1.73 33 495 7.1 64.2 E1597 Ts 78 Screven. 2,285 281 105 2,320 | 66.2| =ze.2 6,252 | 2,695] 3,991 hn 1,722 12.8] 632.6 S(-61.7 719; 63 Seminole... 1,099 147 58 950 | 52.0 23.7 3,422 | 3,602 1.962 61 860 2h.0 50.9 5] 4g.6 731 ce Spalding....... 1,088 97 35 250 | 50.5| 39.6 3.662] 4,071] 1.552 £8 7631 11.4] 65.8 Siri nel ces Stephens. . 895 73 17 eg! 5k.5 | 54.6 1,927 2.164 1.136 26 415 18.3 30.3 0] k.7 ne 17 Stewart. 99¢ 202 1,002 | 63.0( ku.e 2,607 | 2,kc9| 1,619 33 67h] 13.8 59.3 5) %6.4 1 58 Surter.... 1,686 266 108 1,567 | 67.9 19.5 7.088 | 4,523 3,436 219 1.9181 12.94 “71.6 5] b7. 18] 60 Palbob ess anes 3 157 26 g31 | 62.0 60.2 1,862 | 2,24 1,126 Ll, £87 1.2 53.3 7] 20.8 718 gh Taliaferro...... 131 6 80 18 g07 | 66.8 51.5 1,2¢3 | 1,590 1,242 20 Ly 2.7 5] 60.8 71k 06 Tottrall.. .132 1,7 204 6 1,696 | 53.7 4.7 4,826 | 2,846 2,701 52 1,672 1k.7 5| u9.7 731 gl Taylor.. .133 1,169 191 53 1,15 £5.9 35.2 2,013 | 2,604 1,941 35 895 17.5 1 22 719 69 Telfair. W134 1,358 166 55 1,413 | 52.7 ko.1 4,108 | 2,907 2,416 2 ols 19.1 5] 36.1 19 57 Terrell... .135 2,091 174 92 ,003 | 82.0 22.8 5,370] 2,681 3,348 165 1,605 5.2 5] 75.0 721 63 Thomas... . 2,778 257 101 2,065 | 58.1 30.8 7.511 | 3,637 3,716 90 1,763 21.7 5) 38.8 731 76 MeL, 1,683 15 59 1,344 | 60.3 12, 5,845 | It, 34g 2,63 96 1,753 13.7 51 59.1 731 12 Toombo 1,451 153 52 1,563" 60.5| 16.6 h,558 [ 2,014 2,609 2 1,335) 10.h sl sea 731 75 Towns, 4s 811 9 81] 3.3 78.1 1,103 | 1,489 830 1 22% 10.8 ol 69.1 632 €8 Treutlen,. ™ 80 28 867 | 66.2| 27.3 2,379 | 2.776] 1.397 6 6€1 14.5 5] Le.0 79] 66 i RR 1,438 161 35 1,235 | 56.0] 60.1 3,364 | 2,724 1,926 52 695 22.7 o| 3.1 718 59 Turner. . 1,303 145 66 1,300 | 75.0( 16.0] hoi] s3.ouuf 2,532 gil 13h 23 5| es.ol 73 78 Niger... 910 119 39 1,014 | 70. Lh .g 2,378] 2,345] 1.598 35 597 9.0 &| he. 719 56 Union... 1,292 87 17 1.325] 30.9 51.1 2,069 | 1,502 12 23 £79 14.0 0] 69.1 633 65 Unuom, .v' srinsens 9 pe i) 32 921 | %6.5 60.2 3,049 | 3.711 1,435 75 754 12.2 7] “1.8 718 £1 023 [Welker.. 2,266 177 42 2,332 | 3.6] =3.3 6,459 | 2,770] 3.6% 15 1,29 27.1 ol 3.0 716] &9 Walton 2,694 201 91 2,286 | 73.8] 12.% s,08k | 2,618] © 2,999 91 sam 5.9 &| Ag. 718] 85 Ware... 1,124 14g 25 1,0] 4.2] a 3,136 3,048) 1,330 foo) 978 19.k S| 13,3 634] 71 Warren... 1,266 134 55 1,235 | 77.) 26.2 2.62) 2,17 2am 35 912 3.7 5] 1.2 718 > Washington... ....150 2,980 320 124 2,506 | 74.0 hoki 7.383 | 2,946] 1.373 117 1,097 8.0 5] 63.0 7n9l 66 TIRMH O—IT 9 Table 3 Part 5 - Industry and Retail Trade GA., Jefferson (081) = Washington (150) TABLE 3—SELECTED DATA FOR METROPOLITAN AREAS AND FOR ALL COUNTIES, BY STATE—Continued (All dollar figures have been rounded to thousands and will not necessarily add to totals) ore sores MANUFACTURING ESTABLISHMENTS—1939 MINERAL INDUSTRIES—1939 RETAIL ESTABLISHMENTS—1939 METROPOLITAN Mem! COUNTIES Value added A A € a ; Ch AND Wage Wages Value of by manufac- Value of Noser Wages and Noor of Sales Active Employees Pay roll CODES Number | €3M€S 1} (1000's of Products ¢ ture products, 2 1000" ¢ um To8) (1000s of | pro- tor £¢ 1(1000’s of (average | "gn 0" | (1000's o (1000s of ( s of | persons | ( $0 stores dollars) | prietors dollars) for year) dollars) dollars) dollars) engaged | dollars) year) (65). (66) 67) (68) (69) (10) an 2) 3) a4) (5) as) __ a GXORGIA==Con., : All Counties—Con. Jofferson.......081 18 . 286 116 821 336 ! 226 2,h22 20k 3n0| © 148 [enkins....... ..082 11 130 56 337 181 109 1,310 88 154% a Johnson. seus ..083 1 1k 4 213 Wn 130 1,209 125 123 61 JONES. ouresss. 084 5 217 (1) (1) - (1) iy uh u3 38 20 Lanar,........ ..085 7 883 588 2,778 1,562 114 1,348 101 194% 97 Lanier,.........086 6 21 143 521 41 4 Laurens.........087 22 368 152 1,482 634 = 4 426 250 i) - LBs alas vs se vess OBE ¥ (1) (1) (1) (1) 42 450 36 21 Liberty. ........089 17 264 129 6 361 93 37 88 7% Lo Lincoln.........090 4 46 11 20 66 518 70 32 14 LONG + vs esses a09L 12 41 15 129 50 6 2 28 12 Lowndes... ......092 uy 894 L97 L741 1,628 8 1502 2 943 685 Lumpkin o.......09 2 (2) (1) (1 (1) 73 358 7 26 15 McDuffie.s......09 10 734 421 2k 1,193 (2) (1) (2) 123 1,580 117 211 101 McIntosh........095 8 467. 108 b 209 86 642 18 n 38 MACON. + asrnnans 096 4 186 73 389 164 122 1,588 113 199 97 Madison......... 1 (1) (1) (1) eohany 823 100 62 Marion..eeese....098 4 35 13 69 * $030 : 66 631 62 hh 25 Meriwether......099 9 896 (1) (2) (1) 239 1,948 210 202 146 MilleTaornerens +100 4 uh 17 73 38 28 97 .82 12 36 Mitchells..s..s.101 18 209 94 1,74 419 220 2, 16 402 260 Monroe... .......102 18 543 240 1,570 66k 108 1 Shi 1 152 Montgomery......10 11 107 62 298 132 89 635 90 69 33 Morgana es. eesss.10 92 38 301 82 98 1,273 8 159 86 MUTTAY. vvensene 105 11 363 144 701 352 159 30 64 17 770 18 4g 25 028 |Muscogee........106 8 | 12,496 8,408 16,069 A,951 (1) (2) (1) 938 25,153 1] 3.u8| 2.492 Newton. ..oos. 15 2,525 (1) (1) (1) 190 2,979 195 361 229 Oconee. ... 1 (2) (1) (1) (1) Hl 226 55 8 5 Oglethorpe. 4 270 (1) (2) (1) (1) (1) (1) 9 726 92 47 24 Paulding........110 7 2% 114 Lol 7 : I 817 79 ug 27 Peach......... e111 pi 294 147 995 462 106 1,949 80 2L0 149 10 646 (1) (1) (1) 42g 133 91 64 9u1 62 76 52 10 36 (1) (1) (1) ] 123 1,510 117 143 87 8 259 7 195 85 6u2 n 68 uw 22 3.932 2,949 13,734 5.346 (2) (1) (1) 261 4,970 222 566 389 10 160 68 465 201 107 15470 85 201 121 16 433 263 1,386 702 91 1,154 76 133 86 27 143 25 12 4 RADUD. 4 sasearss.119 3 25 11 36 2 (1) (1) (1) 87 1,012 85 86 4g Randolph........120 15 21k 99 588 33 188 2,001 151 243 148 009 |[Richmond........121 78 5.814 3.791 22,878 9.357. 2u5 149 97 1,084 | 26,037 941 3,854 2,840 Rockdale +122 5 364 (1) (1) (1) 92 991 88 123 6h Schley.... .123 4 88 (2) (1) 45 430 uy 37 16 Screven... 124 19 316 136 133 Loy 196 1,895 167 186 13 Seminole.. .125 [ 52 21 230 64 98 1,068 79 106 49 Spelding 38 5,224 3,525 12,322 6,682 322 7.329 278 935 688 15 3 1,658 916 129 2,114 17 218 140 25 248 109 had 100 1,113 9k 148 68 30 877 Lk 3,348 1,144 28 4,315 2u2 614 348 12 222 72 gL 277 (1) (1) (2) = 538 69 ug 24 sl 3 3 BB 3 sl om ou #5 & 1 1.797 1 20 101 10 143 5 Lol 138 (1) (2) (2) 103 1,074 97 105 Wn 27 nn 30 512 2 181 1,936 145 210 123 Wh 206 (€)) (1) (2) 170 2,027 139 219 139 25 759 349 3,091 1.174 (2) (2) (2) 388 5,708 3 |. 733 539 23 S41 327 3,986 1,001 283 i,230 204 | | 551 3s 22 178 70 3 251 we 2,13 ig 328 = 1 1 7 10 6 1 5 1m 69 56 763 59 I 37 38 6,024 4,382 20,568 8,336 52 11,635 7 1,312 1,011 6 21 12 106 ro 1,350 104 167 85 3 26 (1) (1) (1) 1,067 525 365 61 13 60 28 10 1 ) (1) (1) (1) 68 230 68 11 3 20 ,850 (1) (1) (1) 229 4,628 203 525 378 023 |walker........ 22 3.878 2,960 12,408 5,823 13 m 0 "259 .761 267 372 2us Walton..... 15 1.314 855 3.605 1,555 186 3a 180 321 197 WarGesuuiieesoos 35 635 343 2,651 1,083 u22 8,087 361 1,095 743 Warren..........149 10 124 47 3M 158 (1) (2) (1) 79 878 7 ‘ Washington......150 34 693 281 1,595 692 375 237 126 2u6 2,452 -232 319 161 INot shown because of disclosure of operations of individual establishments. Data included in Combined Counties at end of State. 116 "TABLE 3—SELECTED DATA FOR METROPOLITAN AREAS AND FOR ALL COUNTIES, (All dollar figures have been rounded to thousands and will not necessarily add to totals) BY STATE—Continued Table 3 Part 8 - Other Economic Data GA., Jefferson (081) - Viashington (150) + HOI pSALE SERVICE ESTABLISHMENTS—1939 BANK DePosirs TRADE—1939 . 1944 \ Major war supply Major war facilities contracts, projects, June 1940-Se t. 1945 | June 1940-June 1945 METROPOLITAN E Bond (1000's of dollars) (1000's of dollars) Metro. AREAS, Total sales 1944 Area COUNTIES Number Number : . |Employees ola (1000s of os N= of Sales ol Receipts | Active Gevorags Pay roll | (demand | Time | dollars at : CODES estab- | (1000's of | estab- | (1000's |proprie-| “'¢ (1000's | and time) | (1000's |issue price) "lish- | dollars) lish- | of dollars)| tors your) of dollars)| (1000's | of dollars) ments ments of dollars) Combat Other Industrial | Military equipment 8) 9) (80) 81) 82) (83) (84) (85) (86) @n (88) 89) (%0) ©) GEORGIA—Con, ‘| All Counties—Con. 23 2,062 98 191 92 154% 52 2,ko3 212 595 268 6 x 28 81 29 ko 18 1,699 206 Je 1,030 10 L 58 57 57 58 16 1,39 52 17 9 22| 7 12 6 a 66 142 : 3 174 29, 66 22 32 19 1,992 531 490 612 L 875 11 24 8 21 7 ni 248 88 28 3,859 169, 372 3 211 107 5,885 806 708 92 8,262 3 (1) in 5 3 2 - 103 2 (2) 21 2 20 22 5 1,252 53 1,39 21,915 6 171 37 ko 55 13 798 170 102 2 i rns Ad 23 pl ay 25 34 26 27 8 66 ug 8,526 98 Lbs 110 2hk 145 10,515 3,160 1,klg 9,730 1 (2) k2 68 26 51 17 513 213 : 13 2,743 36 9k 33 n 26 3,031 236 506 817 116 15 21 13 9 Y nz 209 162 Eevee 4 210 27 55 25 30 16) 2,555 234 u77 183 25 25 21 11 5 871 52 201 5 215 30 37 26 21 1 709 52, 142 Meriwether. . 5 190 69 118 6k 58 25 2,964 587 463 6,209 Miller .... coun 100 7 50k 22 54 18 27 10 1,688 269 216 , 8 Mitchell. 23 1,24 13 100 65 5 23 4,708 850 618. Monroe... 10 387 38 81 37 3 12 3,052 145 470 1,L26 Montgomer, 3 uly 3h 33 35 29 6) 826 45 101 Morgan. . 3 556) 27 90 28 Lg 20 1,969 364 382 192 MUrray....oov us 19 15 18 5 2 | 802] 33 247 1L6 028 |Muscogee... TH 18,575 208 1,392 202 659 45k) 45,412 11,545 6,394 8,839 25,164 51 Newton. 11 973 56 1k8 59 93 38] 3,060] 107 Tuk] 18,1396 Oconee... 7 11 1 20 5 92 Oglethorpe. x (1) 8 10 8 5 2] 706 104 195 Paulding... 3 172] 16 25 13 22 7 1,575 580 278 13 1,743) 23 66 20 36 17] 2,330 93 Loo 9L9 381 13 542 20 28 21 19 5 x 197 340 5 949 ko 80 38 46 20 2,002 115 343) 2 (1) 22 28 19 12 3 1,237 195 231 14 1,171 7 260 62 130 80) 6,292 1,710 1,629 26,287 43 9 748] 27 70 26 3h 18 1,977 26 252 9 3TH 27 L5 25 31 13) 1,232 126 291 2,898 1,39 1 (2) 9 10 9 13 5 1h 2] (1; 23 46 24 25 9| 988 272 17 1,474 92, 129, 76 83 n 2,154 12 ny 420 009 125 30,99 251 1,566 2k2 835 40,640 13,431 5,398 4,312 15, 306 266 37,648 5 har 25 ™ 2u 27 1,298] 78 257 4,783 1 (1) 9 16 10]. 6 661 22 132 15 88: 52 95 51 89 2,108 196 353 133 9 1,1% 30! «LPB 25 Lh 1,793 268 216, 15 4,558] 81 426 17 2ug 8,473) 1,624 1,227 1,339 12,776 1 Yb) 53 104 5 53 2,218 108 96 20,310 16,712 1,43 1 7 27 3 26 19 1,610 111 262, 24 2,5704 106, 272, 102 132 0,575) 1,23% 984 7,934 3 165} 21 49 20 n 830 222 1 (1) 19, 18 20 9 1 10 ix 6 309 7 16 67 103 2,529, 291 7 - 2 6 501 22 63 18 52 1,5k8| 78 190 Telfair.. Wl 16 1,137 51 92 ko 35 1,628 87 13 Torreld...uuuas 135 17 1,00 53 12 3 61 4,032] 383 575) ' 3 W171 101 326 91 162 7,870 1,0k4 1,447 551 L,557 27 2084 70 2uy hl 139 5,731 1,344 950 52 851 23 2,230 53 109 56 62 3,208 267 Ly 1,287 11 19 12 11 706 100 2 (1) 28 51 0 47 BYE) 148 134 3 5.877 125 k29 12 221 13,975 3,546 2,451 1,783 "76,564 10 bbl) 23 43 2 33 2,651 534 228 4 17) 15 19 & > 1 (1) Ay 5 57 Lg 13 . 8| 927, 59, 216 60 123 3,879 460 1,28 9,679 023 10 1,260 74 227 1% 131 ie 1,215 1,369 75,992 2,2% 7 1,197 kg 159 Lg 19 ,032 538 790 BLL 29 3,659 19 an 1 172 6,873 1,360 1,247 950 2,159 by 206) 15 22 16 19 2,192 2u5 Veshingten. .....150| 25 1,521 132 196 127 93 2,973 2k 458 Li, 164 Nid shown hecause of disclosure of operations of individual establishments. Data 1ncluded in "Other" at end of State. 7 : 117 GEORGIA 20 159 COUNTIES v 7 No J ’ | FANNIN ‘ - 3 ed - J J ¢ RABUN 9 MURRAY, ™ 1 UNION Lv % LEGEND \ | ’ ® PLACES OF 25,000 TO 100,000 (1940) * PLACES OF 100,000 AND OVER (1940) ¢ - / 3 rir ® | g : WHITE { g : / AS LUMPKIN y g 0 - -* x cratroosa SORDON. \, -{ a J ¢ { PICKENS 7} Ma / oo - - Ss 1 7 = Plan me] SRY { oe) 5 J RO Sr? BANKS HART ® ? HALL 3 FLOYD BARTOW CHEROKEE | FORSYTH i. (i y Sy POLK / oh wasn tog. + PRad B nns ; . J 1.077. fn METROPOLITAN AREAS METROPOLITAN AREAS BARROW SET ’° 5 li CODE 4 OGLETHORPE 7 ATLANTA 9 AUGUSTA 23 CHATTANOOGA, TENN. 28 COLUMBUS 69 MACON 108 SAVANNAH a { 1 WALTON 1 { WILKES N LINCOLN i MORGAN Shue Coy ir ? X Es 3 coLumBIA 3 \ or AL "% AUGHSTA » Be 7 > . ! i Ny y yu rl Z pf Done 2 | PUTNAM ~~" A, Ne iis) CARROLL \ HANCOCK ote ait # ] A= ry \ Ry l \ ii Aig euske PC WASHINGTON 4 \ ] oy af a: “\ gsi He A. JENKINS : TALBOT 5 , 2’ 4 y:rovons \ LAs 2 4 WIGG! - 3 - : vz. ¢ % ” 3 Z EMANUEL y SN of TAYLOR { Pd | ~~ ~~ oF ~ \ - ’ * ~ . / fh + LAURENS » Y \ ) oon aceoxier AN freeurien J CANDLER ¢ 3 1°73 Lo 1 + x $ \ ei a purines \ errimanam / -- l f 1 Fore 7 1 Pan R + § I X \ A A ba XN z Zi 1 od oooLY ld DODGE aL $ ¢ | | eT y 3 & --— i “AN x eh I wiLcox Ne” fe Ny Wed 4 t iN Quitman So fz TT" Na, re ™ LIBERTY ii: r RANGOLPH 5 TERRELL f LEE ¢ Se =, BEN HILL Sr sii ns rine LONG oop ee AN re t = pind Ga CLAY IRWIN L § WORTH - COFFEE 4 — WAYNE i BACON Ny Mc INTOSH SCREVEN (RUSSELL | "3 STEWART CALHOUN \ DOUGHERTY 3. mom erie of A wv rf re Files 1 boy T 5 1 A Cy 1 an an HS igen. ke \ . -| ? PIERCE . sf No Ya _ BERRIEN ATKINSON I -~ = { GLYNN miter V \ 1 yd Qe me = BRANTLEY t ! A r—- WARE [oy nN } meer | COLQUITT / cook aod Lo \ ~ rr rbd Sie \, LE ~ { . \ CLINCH / Toa ; SRADy THOMAS BROOKS |r ot x - 1 CAMDEN -— 4 £ é J | | 2 Xx. 4 1 w r ECHOLS A 118 Ey IDAHO 44 COUNTIES BOUNDARY i i : + BONNER fo © cnn 0 °° pot dus "~ i LEGEND KOOTENAI : @ PLACES OF 25,000 TO 100,000 (1940) best} % PLACES OF 100,000 AND OVER (1940)— NONE ° SHOSHONE ca + fr] Re ——— ne sous | iii] METROPOLITAN AREAS — NONE PRON BELT bee econo ie LATAH | : pa) CLEARWATER eet A R2 ” ) NEZ perce Yuen ; ¢ LEWIS ort IDAHO ev S, > Leet \ LEMHI ) ¥ ~~ =—_MONT. / YO. £2 ° oP VALLEY fats \ S YELLOWSTONE NAT’ L.PARK . ped . CLARK i FREMONT o 9. CUSTER ol = ¥ J i omc gd BOISE x >, { Leeej 3 ~~ cay pe . #4 Asa J bs +9 EY J Jereenson Le orson | TETON s, \ L¥) . 1 TR | Se pr 3 J “, 2 Sui Jeger - ® ‘rn r &, “ \ jeorse city : < i s, apatite | camas r™ | \ o . ¢ BLAINE Saw BONNEVILLE ELMORE ! uy Ley! : wa mmm meme meq BINGHAM | deere i gre wo ma © wo un © == t oon, t . ! i @ : Y ¢ foray ae r ve ¢ tL. CcamiBOU — Na JEROME Penta A POWER \ BANNOCK - . Soo ! od . ™" A OWYHEE : Sy wn. JS ! ° i. 3 |. 3N 3 ! Lhd i CASSIA rr yt Ty BEAR LAKE i | ONEIDA ’ FRANKLIN YL WYO. 1 1 “ UTAH 119 Table 3 Part 1 - Population GA., Wayne (151) - IDAHO, Yellowstone “National Park (045) TABLE 3—SELECTED DATA FOR METROPOLITAN AREAS AND FOR ALL COUNTIES, BY STATE—Continued ore /ITAL 2 P 2 LL EDUCATION V 2 ETATES TOTAL POPULATION OPULATION—1940 1940 STATISTICS 1944 CIVILIAN Total whit POPULATION Land | Pop- otal white Percent of METROPOLITAN U.S. area |ulation population 25 Metro. AREAS, rank in per years old and Area COUNTIES, Ninh of |Percent| sq. over who have umber leh A J loted— Code ox J counties | change | miles | mile Percent Usb Rural Rural complete Percent] April | (in ol Toan f f Births | Death: pri |, 3 nontarm arm irths Deaths Number change 1940" | percen- 1930 1940 | 1940 | Number total tiles) 1940 opu- 5 or Hioh Norl, 1940- Jo more hi 1943 1940 grades om ) £3) @ (5) 6) om ®@) 9) (10) an a2) 13) (14) (15) (16) GEORGIA—Con. All Counties—Con. Wayne...oee.....151 12,104 =7.8 13,122 65 3.8 646 20.3 10,328 78.7 2,903 3,528 6,696 65.9 10.5 428 123 3,734 =-21.0 4,726 92 -6.1 195 24.2 1,834 38.8 695 4,081 53.6 11.0 118 22 6,547 =-23.8 8,585 81 6.7 306 27.9 5,855 68.6 2,198 6,337 60.2 7.4 154 49 5,465 ~14.8 6,417 88 6.0 243 26.4 6,050 94.3 1,600 4,817 69.9 8.7 138 52 Whitfield.......155 26,558 1.7 26,105 34 25.5 281 92.9 24,640 94.4 10,448 5,598 10,059 73.4 12.5 676 171 WilcOX.essaiaess 156 9,859 -22.7 12,755 66 =5.1 383 83.3 7,879 61.8 3,219| 9,536 62.0 8.7 267 74 12,617 =16.4 15,084 60 -5.4 472 32.0 6,041 40.0 3,537 934 10,613 58.6 16.6 339 138 9,149 =-17.0 11,025 72 1.7 458 | 24.1 5,618 51.0 4,741 6,284 57.8 11.2 243 89 Worth....se0.4..159 17,922 =-16.2 21,374 42 1.3 580 86.9 11,397 53.3 ’ 4,302 17,072 53.5 8.6 595 175 IDAHO. «suse 473,166 -9.8 524,873 17.9| 82,808 6.3 519,292 98.9 176,708 148,149( 200,016 93.3 30.1 12,241 4,673 49,073 2.6 50,401 14 32.9 1,140 44.2 50,151 99.5 26,130| 12,915 11,356 94.3 39.1 1,205 559 3,260 -4.3 3,407 95 18.8 1,377 2.5 3,407 | 100.0 1,680 1,727 95.5 21.9 77 29 35,025 0.8 34,759 23 11.2 1,820] 19.1 33,868 97.4 20,824 5,916 8,019 92.8 34.7 1,131 298 6,719 =15.1 7,911 83 0.5 988 8.0 7,904 99.9 2,824 2,123 2,964 93.7 27.6 208 76 Benewah.........009 6,093 -16.9 7,832 85 15.1 791 9.3 7,010( 95.6 4,448 2,884 91.2 22.8 114 72 Binghem.........006 19,498 =7.3 21,044 43 13.4 2,072| 1Q.2 19,990| 95.0 3,681 5,882 11,481 90.9 26.0 546 193 4,312 | -18.6 5,295 91 40.5 2,649 2.0 5,288 99.9 8,821 1,474 95.4 34.2 98 48 1,288 | -44.8 2,333 97 26.3 1,913 1.2 2,328) 99.8 1,529 804 94.0 22.8 24 23 12,806 | -18.3 15,667 58 19.1 1,736 9.0 15,642 99.8 4,356 4,913 6,398 91.4 21.4 313 148 Bonneville......0lQ 22,138 | =-13.8 25,697 - 84 30.7 1,846 13.9 25,394| 98.8 15,024 2,042 8,681 94.6 31.0 647 174 Boundary........0ll 4,802 | -18.3 5,987 89 31.4 1,275 4.7 5,860 97.9 2,736 8,251 90.6 22.6 114 53 1,909 1.7 1,877 gs -2.9 2,240 0.8 1,878] 99.8 701 1,176 94.0 28.7 50 8 1,036 | =-23.8 1,360 99 =-3.6 1,057 1.3 1,354| 99.6 625 785 95.8 80.0 27 ? 39,247 -4.1 40,987 18 82.5 580| 70.7 40,805| 99.6 19,421 4,428 17,148 93.8 29.5 1,016 411 2,144 =-6.1 2,284 97 7.7 1,175 1.9 2,282 99.9 1,422 862 94.1 30.4 67 15 12,348 | -14.4 14,430 62 10.0 2,544 5.7 14,419| 99.9 5,329 2,029 7,072 93.6 80.3 344 110 778 | -22.6 1,005 99| =-10.4 1,751 0.6 1,008 99.8 531 474 96.0 30.2 26 4 6,906 | -16.2 8,243 82 24.9 2,522 3.3 8,149 98.9 5,899 2,344 90.0 21.6 145 117 2,395] -32.5 3,549 95 12.2 4,933 0.7 3,542] 99.8 2,087 1,512 91.4 24.0 60 27 ElmOre..........02q 6,768 22.7 5,518 90 22.9 2,968 1.9 5,486 99.4 8,688 1,885 95.2 28.7 148 65 Franklin........02) 8,554 | ~-16.4 10,229 76 9.1 541 18.9 10,215( 99.9 4,236 1,371 4,622 94.4 35.5 295 74 8,302 | -19.4 10,304 7% 3.8 1,819 5.7 10,254| 99.5 2,719 3,470 4,115 95.2 26.9 243 59 7,217 -24 .4 9,544 78 28.6 555 17.2 9,525 99.8 8,203 1,733 4,608 98.5 23.5 190 93 7,641 =-17.5 9,257 79 22.1 722 12.8 9,243 99.8 2,568 1,721 4,968 94.4 31.9 225 68 Idaho..ccsse....029 8,661 -31.8 12,691 67 25.6 8,515 1.5 12,421 97.9 6,152 6,539 92.8 24.2 182 117 Jefterson.......026 9,015 -16.2 10,762 74 17.3 1,089 9.9 10,746 99.9 4,391 6,371 94.5 24.0 263 54 Jerome..... 027 19,112 93.1 9,900 77 18.4 593 16.7 9,840| 99.4 3,537 1,154 5,209 90.2 26.9 243 108 Kootenai. ..024 22,773 2.2 22,283 41 14.5 1,256 17.7 22,176 99.5 10,049 5,166 7,068 938.3 26.9 594 267 Latah... 15,452 | -17.8 18,804 49 5.7 1,090] 17.3 18,778| 99.9 6,014 4,970 7,820 94.6 33.1 316 182 Lemhi... 4,569 -29.9 6,521 87 40.4 4,585 1.4 6,493| 99.6 4,075 2,446 94.0 24.8 112 39 3,770 -19.2 4,666 92| «10.9 478 9.8 4,532| 97.1 2,646 2,020 94.9 27.8 60 40 3,550 | =-16.1 4,230 93 30.5 1,208 8.5 4,206| 99.4 1,959 2,271 91.5 80.2 89 32 7,253 -21.0 9,186 79 10.5 473 19.4 9,001 98.0 3,487 1,184 4,565] 92.9 81.0 ~21 61 8,372 -15.2 9,870 77 17.5 750 13.2 9,848 99.8 3,167 1,473 5,280 93.0 27.4 253 69 14,578| -22.8 18,873 49 7.3 847| 22.3 18,142] 96.1 10,548 2,89 5,429 98.1 34.4 3856 172 4,083] -24.6 5,417 91 -7.7 1,191 4.5 5,411 99.9 2,781 422 2,264 91.9 26.1 121 33 5,111 -9.6 5,652 90 37.8 7,648 0.7 5,436 96.2 2,259 8,898] . 89.1 22.2 129 41 7,768 -18.1 9.511 78| 30.0 403| 23.6 - 9,509 100.0] 3,322| 1,962] 4,227] 95.8] =29.6 191 79 3,278 -17.5 3,965 94 -11.0 1,411 2.8 8,762] 94.9 1,955 2,010 89.0 238.6 96 38 18,844 | -11.2 21,230 43 11.4 2,609 8.1 21,216 99.9 8,074 12,242 914 93.4 81.7 464 185 3,192 -11.4 3,601 95 0.8 459 7.8 3,601| 100.0 N 1,627 1,974 93.6 24.8 93 17 31,812 | =-12.6 36,403 21 22.0 1,942| 18.7 86,812| 99.8 11,851] 10,111 14,441 98.8 32.7 861 293 4,303 6.6 4,035 %| 15.7] a,m9| 1.1 4,024 99.7 2,839 1,196] 94.3] 29.9 8s 27 Weshington......044 7,306 -17.5 8,853 80 11.2 1,475 6.0 8,846 99.9 8,663 1,068 4,124 94.7 27.4 199 88 Yellowstone National ' Park..s...s....,044 99 58 ILLINOIS......| 7,563,770 -4.0 | 7,897,241 3.5 95,947) 141.2| 7,504,202| 95.0|5,809,650| 1,119,488 968,108 89.5 24.1] 142,005| 88,180 METRO. COUNTIES..| 5,177,927] -1.3|s5,253,006 3.5 6,817] 770.6| 4,910,134| 93.5(¢,776,397| 850,468) 126,47] 9.2] 25.6] 96,632] 57,896 Metro. areas: } 024 | Chicago (pt)! z «es C16, 022, 049 | 4,203,354 -1.8 | 4,287,916 2.6 1,742 |2461.3| 3,985,866| 98.0[4,109,000| 146,047 32,860 88.8 26.2] 77,284| 47,085 032 | Davenport-jpd |: woline(pt.)..08) 116,325] 3.0] 113,323 15.4 420| 269.8] 111,722| 98.6 9e,732| 12,224] @,367| 9s.8| 26.0] 2,388 1,400 034 | Decaturcccccsessl 84,638 «0:1 84,693 3.6 8771 146.8 82,5471 97.5 59,208! 14,381 11,087 93.6 25.8 1,75% 920 IRamuinder of Chicago Metropolitan Area, (024) is in Indiana. SRemuinder of Davenport-Rock Island-Moline Metropolitan Area (032) is in Iowa. 120 TABLE 3--SBLPCTED DATA FOR METROPOLITAN AREAS AND FOR ALL COUNTIES, BY STATE—Continued Table 3 Part 2 - Labor Force ame (151), ~ Fhe] Tellowstone Nati ly Park (045) aro neosil LABOR FORCE—1940 Deoatur.......058 id number employed in "professional and related services" “Hema inder of Chiomgo Metropolitan Area (024) is in ludiana. *iemainder of Davenport-Kook laland=Moline Metropolitun Area (032) is in lowa. (oude G30). a : P f ; Population 14 Years Old and Over Employed Workers by Industry Group Es a AN Tras In leading Metro, EAS, p P = : Business. nonagri- Area COUNTIES ; opont ereent poe and cultural Code o i o 4 GC So . | Whole- | personal Other In | industry CODES In labor |} THA'€S.. | 16a 65, KS Tota) Agri- . O0- | Manufac- | “M1 sale and | services | agri- Total who are | who are Mining | struc- : cations : and not force : £ employed || culture . turing x retail exclud- cul- in in tion an tole ie reported tore Code labor labor other domestic (See | Per- force force uh. OrVices oe cent an 8) (19) 20) 1) @2) 23) (24) 25) (26) en (28) (29) Go | an | 6 GEORGIA--Con. All Counties—Con. Wayne. ace vio» L151 8,890 4,627 83.8 18.5] 4,129 1,612 1 157 564 198 362 348 g87| 39.0) 1 [12.1 Webster........152 3,170 1,655 87.1 18.9 1,566 1,206 1 12 25 ¥o 73 66] 77.0] 9 | 6.9 ¥heeler........15 ,693 2,564 Io. . 9.8] 2,313 1,638 51 62 35 ‘89 125 307| 70.8] 1] 7.2 WHILE, oo euae ds .15 226 2,033 8h.1 1.0] 1,716 1,268 23 51 127 10 57 100 8] 73.9/. 9 | 6.2 Whitfield......155 18,152 | -10,6k46 78.1 ¥0.7| 9.992 1,792 mn 4,8l9 219 886 896 g19| 18.1f 7 |25.2 Wilcox... hee 156 8,492 4,476 85.0 20.2 4,214 2,885 1 ™ 193 58 225 279 Log| 68.5 1 | 47 Wilkes... x.uuis 157 10,500 5,897 | ' 83.8 29.7] 5.m12 3,122 by 90 680 89 375 381 en} sr.71 91 1.7 Wilkinson......158 - 1.6771 4,171 85.7 20.4 3,907 1,785 432 62 813 Wy 186 210 374] bs.7| 16 11.9 WOPFth..oaess.s159 14,152 7.%07 86.2 19.1 7.172 5,252 ’ 84 396 7 289 364 113] 73.2| 636 | 3.1 IDAEO.....s 384,290 | 191,196 78.6 16.6 | 158,606 || 58,130 | 6,735 7.187 12,559 | 10,428) 25,954| 24,085| 12,628] 36.6 636 | 7.4 All Counties: Bais aivn sv aes 00 39,348 20,071 76.4 24.9 17,018 3,207 1 1,197 1,168 1,192 3,867 3.797 2,441 18.8] 636 | 9.2 Adame. oven... .002 2,510 1,322 83.2 1.1 1,081 577 2 . 83 64 30 102 102 99| 53.4] 636 | 5.2 Bannock..... 003 24,926 | 12,242 78.4 18.0 | 10,305 2,083 :Y § 406 674 2,457 1,980 1,893 795| 20.2] 23 [19.0 Bear Lake...... 5.511 2,524 76.8 10.5] 1,951 923 5 65 ig 265 260 283 102| 47.3 23 [10.6 Benewah... .....005 5,430 2,768 78.8 kl 1,909 613 16 60 399 121 256 268 176) 32.1] 8 [14.8 Btaghan.. vse 005 1h, 43 6,689 76.1 12.0 5.943 3,338 12 184 194% 193 91! 771 332| 56.2] 636 | 7.4 . 3,946 2,108 83.1 17.3] 1,839 537 228 90 39 100 23 7 114) 29.2] 34 [15.4 1,763 986 83.0 12.8 791 265 222 51 59 21 ™ u7| 33.5 4 [28.1 11,580 5,706 76.8 15.2) 3.767 1,101 94 154 792 191 533 42 360| 29.2] 8 [11.5 17,758 9,084 80.5 18.9] 7,806 2,523 18 ko9 374 u77 2,016 1,434 555| 32.3] 28 | 8.6 4,33 2,1 78.3 13.4 | 1,662 663 58 90 155 155 187 195 159] 39.9] 23 6.7 x; 690 82.9 13.5 613 394 16 13 7 18 61 66 38| 64.3] 636 | 5.5 9 L485 0.1 12.3 411 266 10 1 5 15 24 54 30| 64.7] 636 | 7.1 30,932 | 15,087 77.8 17.6] 12,483 5,171 39 614 973 925 2,121 1,864 776] ¥1.4| 036 | 7.8 1,662 784 76.7 13.3 122 312 . 8&0 31 28 39 70 109 53] 43.2] 4 [11.1 9,911 4,872 78.1 16.2] 4,139 1,928 19 157 287 14g 724 606 270] 46.6| 636 | 7.1 760 403 82. 12.0 367 195 2 19 26 271 25 ko 33] 53.1 9 | 6.5 6,192 3,162 17-9 13.5 1,945 450 52 119 526 68 261 300 169| 23.1 8 15 2,606 1,328 78.2 12.7] 1,089 516 158 38 22 _- 126 97 7. 4 [2k 4,1 2,085 78.8 13.9] 1,803 619 195 83 66 238 253 105| 34.3] 23 [10.9 6.723 3,050 17.7 11.1 2,556 le 5 97 1h 114 2% 340 x 53.4] 636 $2 7,016 3,279 75.4 13.8) 2,73 3 125 52 96 36 358 2li2| 52.0] 28 | 6. 6,975 3,232 17.0 11.5] 2.580 1.09 27 182 yg 7 251 282 182] h2,8| 9 16. +667 3.383 80.7 15.7 300 1,735 1 99 65 128 377 Ls 175 57.2| 636 | 7. 9,432 948 79.4 17.2 2097 1,991 478 130 153 109 33 553] | 352] be.6| M4 |11.7 1.065 3,213 17.4 g.4| 2,695 1,751 5 90 33 96 id 21 135| 65.¢| 636 He 6,98 3,337 78.8 10.8] 2,928 1,776 12 89 69 97 7 290 ig8| 60.7| 128 [*h.7 17,219 8,163 75.4 15.8 5.797 1,315 108 336 1.279 321 851 9TH 613] 22.7 9 [14,0 1b, kk7 7.215 17.6 18.5] 6,033 1,938 3 236 82! nk 955 1,257 u7g| 32.1| 636 [12.8 4,751 2,487 80.5 13.8| 2,012 924 298 68 50 64 225 229 154 =: 4 [1k.8 3,488 1,719 79.5 3] 1,477 687 8 uy 164 182 187 115] 46.5 9 | 8.2 2,998 1.577. 82.5 13.7] 1,405 819 5 17 19 102 120 161 102| 583| 23 | 5.3 6,211 2,836 75.4 13.6 2,7 1,288 3 78 136 85 315 352 160] 53.3] G36 | 8.3 6,940 3, kok 80.7 12.4 2,901 1,604 3 176 108 135 382 332 161] 55.3] 636 | 6.3 1%, 754 7.416 76.6 22.0| 6,190 1,378 17 340 891 un 1,236 1,304 553] 22.3] 636 [10.1 ,720 1,621 13.6 10.4) 1,361 805 3 50 ks 36 150 17% 98] 59.1] G36 | 7.1 ,110 2,196 82.9 12.3 1,889 1,332 100 51 15 19 97 160 115) 70.5 4 | 5.3 7.122 3.366 76.7 m.6| 2,69 1,238 10 135 142 161 us) 375 183 45.9] 036 | 6.1 2,879 1,k2s 78.8 13.7] 1,28 723 5 1 19 84 1 167 103| 56.3] 036 | 7.9 16,478 9,259 86.0 17.4 8,327 146 | 4,04 204 1,045 304 1,096 1,070 ug] 1.8] 4 |us.5 2,332, 1,054 76.6 8.7 933 589 10 26 21 104 103 51| 63.1] 636 [ 5.6 Twin Falls.....0k2 26,8%9 13,554 2,3 17.5 | 11,667 uy, 78k 158 516 | 552 588 2,529 1,866 791] 41.0] 28 | 6.9 Valley..... ..Ch 2,980 1,515 gl. 11.1] 1,128 361 70 25 239 51 147 114 121] 32.0 9 [12.1 Washington. ....0 6.667 3.430 82.6 16.4] 2,825 1,383 28 102 101 130 Lg 398 234 Zz 636 | 6.3 Yellowstone National ParkKe....oones ILLINOIS..... | 6,316,023 3,360,823 19.5 27.0 | 2.871451 || 284,131 [Ug,208 | 117,247 821,489 | 257,676] 560.684 541,321 242,675] 9.9] G36 | 7.3 METRO. COUNTIES. | 4,250,333 [2,369,738 81.3 30.8 |2,084,565 || 41,025 | 8,919 | 82,323| 685.,2u1| 198,607, 432,581 L16,178, 169.689] 2.0 — - Metro. areas: 02 | Chicago (pt)® g 016, 022, oy 3,486,331 1,970,847 81.6 32.1 L691,107 13.823 | 1,067 | 66,714| 564,618| 169,528] 372,375 361.730 141,252] 0.8 -Ro Devenpeet: % Bend 90,087 4g, oul 81.1 24,2] 44,107 2,284 134 1,857 19,997 3,224 7.197 6.681 2,133] 5.2 Moline (pt.) OU: 66,788 | 34,034 79.1 24.31 29,276 2,922 212 1,402 1.285 3,845 6,078 5,086 2,386) 10.0 Table 3 P=rt 3 ~- Housing GA., Wayne (151) = ICAHO, Yellowstone National Park (045) TABLE 3—SELECTED DATA FOR METROPOLITAN AREAS AND FOR ALL COUNTIES, ? BY STATE—Continued wo seme HOUSING—1940 . . . . . Nonfarm Rural Farm All Dwelling Units Occupied Dwelling Units Dwelling Units Dwelling Units i METROPOLITAN e Area i phones Code AND Residential Percent | Percent P Percent Volga Per- CODES structures in5o0r | with | Percent Si vi of Average so Percent] Jan. I, more | private | wi mechan- monthly with | with 1945 Number family | bathtub | electric Number ON ical Done Number rent Number run- | electric struc- or lighting pied refrig- | oie. (dollars) ning | lighting tures shower eration hold water G3) Go 35) (36) Gn G8) (9) 40) “n “2) @) “0 5) 46) “n GLOFGIA~Con, All Counties—Con. Wayne... L151 3,008 3,247 0.2 0.40 23.1 2,087 | 35.6 L.L 3.99 1,638] 8,16 1,609 | 3.2 8.9 427 Webster, «152 1,083 1,095 Lal 15,3 1,019 | 25.2 6.2 4.13 179) 5.95 916 4e8 11.4 TU Wheeler... «123 1,0L0 1,946 3.6 22,4 1,827 | 29.6 12.7 4.21 559 5.61 1,387 2.5 17.0 109 White..... i LTA 1,447 1,460 42 26,2 1,394 | 48.8 7.0 4421 43 6.79 1,047 3.3 16,7 10 Whitfield...... «155 5,692 6,207 03 25.7, 70.1 6,080 | 42,2 25.9 3.87 33986) 15,07 2,221 5.5 37.4 1,056 Wilcox, 2,973 3,087 043 7.0 16.1 2,875 | 26.6 9.5 4.04 863 7.10 2,224 2.2 445) 100 Wilkes, 3,944 4,136 042 8.0 18,2 3,613 | 33.7 12,2 3.52 1,319 8.39 2,817 1.6 7.0 391 Wilkingon.......158 2,706 2,85. 4.0 19,2 2,640 | 28.9 11,9 3.60 1,292 6,08 1,562 2.4 Sed 92 Wortheussssesera159 5,129 59344 6.2 20,1 4,88, | 21,2 6.4 3.83 1,280 7.38 4,064 2,5 11.94 379 IDAHO. evsese 140,819 152,835 3. 39.0 79.1 11,727 | 57.9 41.7 3.26 98,909 . 18,21 53,926 | 31.3 59.4 55,048 All Counties: 3 daeiesscanessas0C] 13,064 15,062 7.0 59.5 95.0 14,423 | 56.4 60,5 3.01 12,008 25.71 3,054 | 48.0 86.4 8,602 Adams. 1,046 1,057 0.7 11.¢ 43.0 971 | 62.3 16.2 3.15 557 8.95 500 | 17.2 21% 131 Bannock 8,083 9,401 6.3 57.5] 89.6 8,892 | 56.2 57.5 3.46 7,300 4.24 2,060 | 31.7 50. 5,028 Bear lake.. 2,085 2,192 0.8 37.2] 86.6 1,961 | 69.9 29,1 3.68 1,440 14.11 752 | 35.2 71, 677 Benewah.........005 2,243 2,319 1.5 27.5 54.8 2,103 | 62,1 17.3 3.01 1,496 11.47 823 | 28,2 29, 376 Bingham 4yB42 5,328 2,5 28,5] 79.6 4,964 | 57.9 36.4 3.70 2,524] 15,93 2,804 | 23.5 66.2) 1,591 Blaine 1,638 1,708 0,6 25,6 73.5 1,473 | 55.3 34.9 3.11 1,320] 16.84 388 | 15.2 32.9] 403 Boice va 934 972 2,6 11,7 44.5 7531 59.2 19,0 2.63 728 8.75 244 | 37.7 14.0) 5 BOnner..vssese+4009 4,950 5,122 1.28 25.6 63,8 4,606 | 65.1 17.8 2.94 3,166) 12,07 1,956 | 28.8 37.4 630 Bonneville......010 5,821 6,812 7.6 46.3 90.5 6,467 | 53.4 47.7 3.57 4,698] 21.95 2,114 | 34.7 82,2] 2,835 Boundary.ses....011 1,736 1,817 3.1 28,2 67.2 1,657 | 63.9 22,7 3.12 901 13,42 Q16 | 26.0 51.7) 260 Butte.. 558 568 1,1 16,0 37.5 504 | 65.9 16,2 3.27 242] 10.5 326 | 13.2 18,2) 9R Camas... 424 428 12.9 43.2 360 | 62,9 19.5 3.31 182 12,61 246 | 1.2 23,0) 114 Canyon... 10,758 11,653 3.1 43.4 89,2 11,225 | 57.1 49.6 3.20 7,192] 17.64 4,461 | 39.1 81.1 5,234 Caribou..esssse 70. 739 1.6 39.0 66,2 630 | 51.9 33.8 3.2 442] 16.88 297 | 19.9 28.4 173 Cassia 3,526 3,769 2.1 32.9 80,3 3,488 | 60,9 41.6 3.1 1,997| 16.52 1,72 | 27,3 65.6 1,105 Clark. 289 300 23,0 52,0 276 | 57.6 23,7 3.08 173] 10,76 127 5.5 540) 60 Clearwater......018 2,249 2,L07 3.4 23,5 50.1 2,254 | 56.7 19,6 3.01 1,722] 12.30 685 | 18,2 15.2 480 Custersseeseese 1,083 1,127 1.8 43.2 1,008 | 61.4 12,3 3.10 733] 11.63 394 | 12.4 15.0 259 Elmore....ses...020 1,607 1,651 0.7 37.3 7043 1,549 | 57.0 43.4 3.09 1,152] 14.19 499 | 24.6 41.3 473 Franklin,..e...s021 2,149 2,452 1,2 424 91.7 2,357 | 69.4 49.9 4.00 1,437) 17.44 1,015 | 53.4 82,0 909 Fremont, o 2,718 2,883 1.6 29,3 154 2,430 | 63.2 30.7 3.76 1,803] 15,21 1,080 | 23.2 55.8 702 Gemysa.s 2, 2,730 1.3 32,7 80, 2,601 | 63.9 41.3 3.29 1,446] 15.80 1,284 | 30.7 66.4, 748 Gooding, . 2,472 2,59, 2,8 27.1 R.2 2,451 | 53.5 43,6 3.34 1,275 15.71 1,319 | 28.4 50,6) 507 Yahoos ve sss ss s025 3,699 3,825 0.8 26.6] 45.5 3,543 | 63.0 20.3 3,01 2,105| 10,77 1,720 | 35.2 27.2) 1,3mM Jefferson... ....026 2,483 2,625 07 23.3] 70.1 2,522 | 62,6 28.2 3,98 1,143) 12.30 1,482 | 22.3 69.1 647 2,613 2,657 062 24.0] 79.7 2,546 57.3 42,8 3.50 1,245] 15.32 1,412 | 26.6 68,5 625 7,676 8,031 2,9 42.1 73.0 6,723 | 65,1 29,0 2,93 5,844] 18.49 2,187 | 41.6 43.5 2,179 5,126 5,738 Le 44.7 76.7 5,355 | 55.6 40.6 3.14 3,423] 21,20 2,315 | 30.9 52.0 3,179 2,012 2,068 1.0 10.1 48.1 1,890 | 61. 21.4 3.04 1,349] 12.60 79 | 12.8 23.6 370 1,461 1,508 1.8 28,5 64.8 1,302 | 59.1 31.1 3.15 g8ic| 10.11 698 | 31,1 35.7 811 1,177 1,222 1.4 23.1 60.2 1,137 | 51.8 38.4 3.23 620] 14.67 602 | 20.6 35.1 207 2,059 2,27 2,1 38,2] 80.0 2,098 | 63.2 36.8 4.05 1,202] 17.17 1,072 | 20.9 65.2) 788 os 2,528 2,711 4e2 26,7] 91.7 2,563 | 62,1 45.6 347 1,355 15,08 1,35 | 27.6 86.8 671 Nez Perce.......035 5,188 5,920 7.2 54.1 81,6 5,620 | 52,1 51.2 2,91 4,364] 19,63 1,556 | 50.3 52.4 2,838 Oneida.esseeseas036 1,481 1,586 Ook 28,2 68,6 1,285 | 65,2 21,7 3.88 834 16.71 752 | 15.4 39.1 40. 1,694 1,729 06 11.4 5343 1,526 | 65.2 29.9 3.28 752 8.67 977 | 16.9 35.0 (2) 2,623 2,838 2.2 37.0 87.8 2,687 | 57.2 43.4 3.14 1,680| 14,93 1,158 | 36.5 78.5 1,276 1,118 1,208 4a] 29,0 59,9 1,033 | 60.0 | 30,7] 3.39 632| 13.56 576 | 19.3 | 28.4) 297 5,711 6,291 3.6 57.2 92,1 6,073 | 47.0 47.8 3.01 6,020) 18.35 2111 55,7 43.3 1,886 829 878 Red 21,5 67.1 817 | 66.6 12,5 411 408| 13,56 A70 | 13.4 45.8) 282 10,006. 10,694 3.3 38.0 91.6 9,979 [ 50.0 55.0 3.28 6,715] 18,93 3,979 | 31.1 85.3 4,598 1,211 1,316 23.6 58.9 1,162 | 56.7 25.0 3.16 9561 17.18 360 | 16.0 13.2 238 Washington......044 2,437 2,625 2,2 34.6 7,6 2,454 | 59.7 L414 3423 1,477) 15.16 1,148 | 26,7 46,6) 981 Yellowstone National Park.eeeesssss 045 ILLINOIS......| 1,522,217 | 2,280,826 19,2 64.7] 89.9 | 2,192,724 | 40.2 53.9 | 3.17] 2,021,068] 30.54 | 259,758 | 16.1 | 38.5[,361,740 METRO. COUNTIES.,| 818,330 | 1,517,273 28,1 77.5] 97.8 | 1,454,551 | 33.6 64.0 3.21 | 1,485,119] 34.43 32,154 | 28.5 62,0] 976,086 Metro. areas: 024 |Chicrgo (pt) 2 +o. 01€, 022, 049 583,866 | 1,239,483 33.4 82,6 99,0 | 1,183,220 | 30,0 65,6 3.23 1,231,811 36.02 7,672 | 49.3 86,5] 820,191 032 |Daveuport=Roc: Island Moline (pt), 081 26,459 32,494 5.5 58.0 94.9 31,725 | 50.9 68.8 3.11 30,228 29,24 2,266 | 23,2 58.6] 19,865 034 |Decatur.........058| 22,093 24,868 40 54.8] 90,0 24,349 | 47.3 | 53.2] 3.08 21,867] 26,06 3,001 | 21.6 wg 13,560 15erved from adjoining county. ®lemainder of Chicago Metropolitan Area (024) is in Indiana. Sliemainder of Davenport-Rock Island-Moline Metropolitan Area (032) is in Iowa. 122 TABLE 3—SELECTED DATA FOR METROPOLITAN AREAS AND FOR ALL COUNTIES, BY STATE—Continued ° Table 3 Part 4 - Agriculture GA., Wayne (151) - IDAHO., Yellowstone (Figures which have been rounded to thousands will not necessarily add to totals) National Park (045) ca ihhg AGRICULTURE—1945 AGRICULTURE—1940 P Vale of Value of farm products sold, § Principal ere i aug o r Work power traded, or used by source of Per Gout arm property farm household farm income Tope Ln cent |g = of- ; Metro. AREAS, Number of | Land in { Cropland | Number | of i Percent from farming: Rung Area COUNTIES, farms farms | harvested | of farms | farms | (ope A Number : area | © Code (1000s | (1000's oper- | Total Yep: of Amonnt Live. code living CODES Jan. 1, of «of Apil 1, | ated | 4 ota | a2 | horses | Number it | stock Code Gn (Tye pr (1000s er (1000’s | and Per- ee [index 1945 acres) acres) 1940 by p I and/or of ¢ a (See 29) ucts of arm i of live- | C 3 ) | cent P: ten- less doll 9 ( ol mules tractors dollars) k T0pS | pA22) ants | {han ollar \ 01 (over 3 stoc ats) | mo. old) prod- : y ucts 8) “9 (50) Gh (2) (3) (54) (55) (56) GD G8) 59 (60) ©n | 62) 63) (64) GEORGIA—Con, All Counties—Con. Wayne..osssssss 151 1,047 138 Ly 950 | 40.3 | 15.3 3,3%2 [3,560 1,536 43 999] 22.2 49.2 5| 45.2 634 67 Websterses,..aeels? 651 107 36 576 | 66.0 | 35.1 | 1,339 [2,325 1107 39 390| 7.4 | 75.5 5{72.3| m1 | 65 Wheeler... +153 121 bs 989 | 63.7 | 22.6 2,853 | 2,385 1,79 |- 19 797 | 11.4 47.7 5] 43.6 719 70 Whitesssss +154] 1,039 81 16 924 | 36.7 | 43.9 1,319 (1,427 1,047 9 457 2.0 35.0 0 56.2 633 72 Whitfield... ee. o155] 1, 136 36 1,586 | 46.0 | 39.0 4,027 2,539 2,438 87 936 | 21.6 | 38.3 0|38.9| 7né 82 Wilcox.. +156] 1,294 184 64 1,385 | 64.8] 22.5 4,174 | 3,014 2,947 52 1,202 743 69,1 5] 66.1 731 73 Wilkese... +157| 1,642 220 4g 1,757 | 60.8 | 46.2 3,763-| 2,142 2,976 76 1,002 | 14.1 53.1 5] 52.4 718 65 Wilkinson. 158 1,000 166 39 1,092 | 57.3] 33.7 2,485 | 2,276 1,674 | 23 TOL | 9.5 | 4heb 0f 43.9] 79 64 Wortheesseesssssl59 2,949 294 128 2,664 | 74.7] 21.2 7,302:[:2,741., 5,082 122 2,423 8.4 70.9 5] 64.3 731 67 IDAHO... ....| H1,498 | 12,503 3uu2 | 43,663 | 25.5| 21.2[1432,938|9,915| 170,589] 11,103] 91,730| 44.2 | 46.9 5| 43.3 115 All Counties: : AQ. vvuieaneves O01 112,505 432 ™ 2,689 29.4] 22.9| 21,560]8,018 6,345 375 4,289 | 63.7 | 22.0 2] 35.8] 612 | 126 342 210 24 410| 16,6 | 22,7 3,691 | 9,002 1,881 66 919 | 53.7 34h 1] 41.2 232 102 1,595 648 174 1,723| 18.8| 26.6] 17,320 10,087 7,290 431 2,963 | 46.3 | 43.9 5043.0 341 | 116 730 337 91 7i| 11,5] 25.7 6,102 | 8,582 3,342 89] 1,022 70.0 | 21.0 1a.) 21 ns Benewah, ss... +4005 523 161 Lg 6,3] 20,5] 36.7 4,753 | 7,392 1,311 154 750 | 29.2 | 46.0 5| 45.4 311 | 109 Bingham. ss... «N06 2,123 532 130 2,217] 29.5] ‘13. 22,814 [10,290 9,065 558 5,285 | 38,0 5543 5] 54.9 952 116 Blaine, 297 192 30 318| 28.0 19.5 3,486 (10,962 2,154 88 969 | 80.9 12.1 1] 58.5 232 121 Boise... 201 277 13 195| 18.5] 31.3 1,256 | 6,441 1,062 21 169 | 57.3 | L.& 1{ 39.3] 23 93 Bonner, . 1,45 278 L2 1,550 15.21: 55,3 5,879] 3,790} 2,166 112 839 | 54.2 13.9 0| 27.9 631 29 Bonneville 1,512 479 169 1,672 33.1 8.7| 23,190[13,870f 6,935 576 5,362 | 39.7 55,2 51 55.1 952 125 Boundary. . ssssse 2) 566 113 35 762 | 14.2| 50.1 4,597 | 5,926 1,329 132 761 | 34.6 | 47.0 5| 46.4] 631 | 111 Buttessss. 240 127 2k 264 | 23.5] 18.9 2,715 (10,284 1,714 60 618 | 72.2 20.5 1) 51.7 232 112 Camas... 171 169 61 193| 12.4 | 10.9 4,023 [20,345 984 134 559 | 30.2 | 64.5 5] 64,5] 232 | 119 Canyon. . 3.771 270 138 3,631 31.9| 13.1 29,508 | 8,127 9,392 831 7,433 | 46.6 4.2 5] 30.2 612 119 Cariboues esses. 015 190 168 247| 17.0] 28.7 2,786 [11,279 1,547 90 480 | 55.6 36.8 5 36.8 341 128 Segaieirns cies DIO 1,295 360 108 1,296] 23.6| 11.3| 12,428] 9,59 6,795 280 3,49 | 42.6 | 50.1 5049.8 951 | 123 98 227 15 113| 13.3 24.8 1,792 [15,858 1,513 16 389 | 86.4 7.8 1| 65.9 232 125 472 109 28 531( 20.3( 31.3 2,832( 5,333 1,589 111 498 | 30.2 41.7 51 40.5 631 102 339 118 37 365| 17.8 | 24.3 4,084 [11,139 3,001 62 842 | 74.9 | 15.1 1) 55.3] 232 | 102 399 ns 32 476] 23.1] 30.7 3,745 | 7,368 2,136 80 860 | 53.7 32.4 1] 41.7 232 122 1,058 221 83 996| 8.61 9.3| 10,43510,477 3,828 264 2,143 | 46.2 | 46.8 5] 45.0 341 | 129 88k 385 120 967| 27.0| 10.9| 10,858 [11,229 3,894 379 2,326 | 36.1 | 56,0 555.6] 952 | 115 90k 300 4 900 | 17.8 | 26.1 6,643 | 7,337 3,064 169 1,823 | 55.0 | 34.2 1|29.7| 612 | 105 1,057 161 72 1,006| 40.8| 9.8] 9,699 9,641| 4,642 191] 2,563] 59.5 | 34.2 1{ 35.3] 951 | 124 T3200, 1 vv es siees 028), 72,320 5 175 JA6h| 22,5| 24.5) 17,993 [12,290 7,531 366 2,967 | 42.7 | 44.5 5| 44.3 | ‘311 | 113 Jefferson,......026| 1,336 312 9k 1,297] 24.7| 17.0] 11,177] 8,618 5,443 311 2,354 | 43.3 | 47.5 5| 47.0] 95 | 110 1,060 123 79 969 | 42.6 54 12,593 (12,996 4y 345 341 3,197 | 26.8 67.4 5] 66.3 951 15 1,609 307 Ie) 1,735 1 18.2 | 46.1 8,745 | 5,7%6 2,812 31 1,516 | 44.6 34.7 5] 29.1 631 109 1,566 375 19% 1,777] 23.6| 25.0| 20,837 [11,726 4,213 686 3,046 | 27.3 | 58.7 5] 57.7] 311 | 122 540 181 50 530| 17.4| 17.0 6,355 (11,991 4,669 85 1,320 | 66.3 23.0 1] 48.4 232 103 188 2uY 111 546| 27.8] 8.8| 11,040 20,220 2,370 260 1,674] 17.9 | 4.7 51 %.6] 311 | 133 460 102 37 41) 35.1] 10,7 £4,420 [10,023 2,465 129 1,135 | 54.1 | 37.5 5037.41 951 | 123 84k 270 4 1,012 | 24.7 | 17.7 10,296(10,174 3,243 375 2,124 | 30.9 | 62.4 St 62.1195 | 113 989 75 50 1,048 | 30.4 9.3 8,902 | 8,494 3,690 156 2,970 | 47.8 47.5 5] 47.1 951 121 Nez Perce.......035 1,185 551 150 1,282 26,6] 31.1 15,699 [12,246 Ly246 368 2,370 31.4 56.9 5153,0 311 116 Oneidaeesessssss036) 581 28 118 64, | 13.5| 11.3 8,923 (13,7¢3 3,730 227 1,523 | 36.4 56.7 5156.61 341 | 112 756 19 55 273 | 20.6] 34.4 7,599 | 8,704 6,513 207 2,168 | 57.8 | 36.4 1| 44.8] 612 97 1,051 143 3h R21 27.2) 19.2 6,403 | 6,945 2,394 199 1,612 | 47.2 42,1 1 25.4 612 113 406 398 122 505| 25.9| 11.7 7,242 [14,31 3,391 220 1,458 | 26.4 | 68.6 5168.6 341. 122 Shoshone... ss. +.040 188 22 3 192 10.4 | 39.1 926 | 4,323 233 17 211 | 69.2 9.4 21°50. 631 128 TOON. 00 0srs2seDAY] 396 173 69 492 | 25.2| 13.7 4,320] 8,902 2,11 150 891 | 45.3 | 44.0 50 42.5] 952 | 111 Twin Falls.. 042 2,847 367 198 2,n7| 39.0] 10.2 40,842 [15,032 11,089 1,157 9,245 | “32.5 [WA 5158.7 951 123 Valleyeeuoos oa 115 34 361| 13.0| 36.0 3,591] 9,947 1,551 75 615 | 41.1 47.5 6] 31.1 232 113 Washington. ....044 88! 508 61 976 25.2 | 21.1 8,555 8,765 5,032 191 1,263 | 62.6 26,0 1] 39.1 612 113 Yellowstone National Park.sevasasees 045 TLLINOIS......| 204,239 | 31,602 | 20,302 | 213,439 | 43.1 20.3 Pa,033,551 [13, 45 | 620,810 | 126,069] 454,584 | 45.3 | 45.9 5] 41.9 116 METRO, COUNTIES,.| 26,610 3,383 2,333 | 27,5%3| 41.6| 20.1| 429,523 [15,572 | 74,604 | 17,160) 61,405 | 44.5 | 47.2 Metro, areas: 024 | Chicago (pt)® ... 016, 022, 049 6,805 577 hk 7,026 | 37.7| 23.7] 122,715[17,313| 15,042 4,496] 17,015] 41.0 | 52.2 032 | Davenport-Rock Is— . land-}oline (pt)*08l| 1,91% 44 132 1,924 | 3%.5| 13.4 24,029 (13,17 5,423 1,186 3,336 | 66.1 23.2 1] 47:2 034 | Decatur.........05% 2,370 345 280 2,335 49.6 20.0 50,310 R1,546 5,566 1,754 6,293 | 28.6 64.8 5| 63.4 1The State Total iacludes $200,448 for female silver fox and/or wink over 3 months old (kept in captivity) not distributed to individual counties. 2The State Totul iacludes 232,008 for {eile silver fox and/or wink over 3 months old (kept in captivity) not distributed to individual counties. 3Remainder 4Remainder of Chicago Metropolitan Area (24) is id Indiana. of Daveaport-Rock Island-Moline Metropolitan Area (032) in Iowa. 123 and Retail Trade TABLE 3—SELECTED DATA FOR METROPOLITAN AREAS AND FOR ALL COUNTIES, Ooiso, Terlowsions BY STATE—Continued Hational Park (045) {All dollar fizures have been rounded to thousands and will not necessarily add to totals) MANUFACTURING ESTABLISHMENTS—1939 MINERAL INDUSTRIES—1939 RETAIL ESTABLISHMENTS—1939 METROPOLITAN Mewol COUNTIES Value added Area s Code AND Wage Wages Value of by Ra Value of | Number | Wages and Neral Sales Active Enployen Pay roll CODES Number | camers | (1006 of | products tg Jodvers 1 of ples | Umer oll (1000s of | pro- | XC (1000's of (average dollars) (1000's of (1000s of (1000s of | persons | (1000's of f stores dollars) | prietors oF dollars) for year) dollars) dollars) dollars) | engaged | dollars) year) (CO) ®n (C)) [C)) av) an a) @®) ay s) as) an GEORGI A==Con. All Counties—Con. 23 U6 136 656 318 150 1,784 142 202 108 10 158 (1) (2) (2) 3 250 30 13 4 6 10 y 127 32 59 ko1 52 2 25 2 (2) (2) (2) (1 11 10 5 6 265 49 8 b 45 5,281 3,121 18,777 855 (1) (1) (1) nk 5,944 263 622 us58 8 106 4g 321 103 110 942 107 101 u3 19 354 143 1,024 360 162 1,740 153 204 97 13 107 43 152 su 1,958 1,087 661 109 926 96 Ii} 35 13 148 75 508 172 157 1,477 131 197 8s 3234 | %17,681 11,320 53,423 22,854 1,881 741 620 IDAHO. oun. 549 10,877 12,754 90,475 31.770 21,918 4,989 7.980 6,804 175.873 6.223 16,549 16,189 All Counties: ABS. oo ieeennsees 52 439 565 5.33 1,876 1 1 1 - 606 24,695 562 2,60 2,798 Adams. . 3 3 1% 3 25 i fd 3 52 613 49 8 In [Bannock, 35 392 438 8,086 2,105 1 1 1 ; 470 14,097 7 1,19 1,493 [Bear Lak 27 2u 233 60 1m 2,133 108 179 146 [Benewah,........005 20 468 456 1,760 1,014 95 1,530 90 120 104 (Binghan, eu... ..006 13 221 208 2,108 628 24 4,716 204 407 379 Blaine. .........007 5 13 12 108 %0 1.716 282 408 132 2.1717 122 195 162 [Bois 008 5 116 120 38 137 ™5 149 237 38 89 3 27 23 Bonner. . .009 3 680 798 2,913 1,364 3 36 207 3,hgk 191 315 309 Bonneville,.....010 32 394 351 3,354 1,306 295 11,776 257 1,161 1,203 9 91 108 351 191 (2) (2) (1) a 1,669 £0 126 124 2 (2) (2) (2) (1) 33 392 30 3 20 (1) (1) (2) 29 296 24 23 19 uy 730 997 8,110 2,208 (1) (1) (1) 457 13,512 uy 1,294 1,276 0) 7 in 175 36 (1) (1) (1) I 7 32 57 55 9 187 (2) (2) (1) 185 4, k4g5 173 wz 375 2 (2) (2) (2) (2) 18 190 1 12 13 18 597 618 2,212 1,059 10 17 23 92 2,111 83 165 168 1 (2) (2) (1) (2) 251 & 95 172 877 66 62 54 6 33 24 90 62 428 165 209 107 1,732 88 179 152 9 176 155 1,970 6s 116 2,555 94 2u8 212 6 23 (3) (2) (2) 123 2,375 111 185 161 6 692 (2) (2) (2) (1) (2) (1) 98 2,826 85 234 231 6 8 9 85 37 118 2,668) 109 285 199 8 19 17 158 58 1,191 255 376 168 3,200 151 oy 226 2 (2) (2) (2) (2) 114 1,846 102 139 116 11 107 2) (2) (2) 115 2,820 101 269 24 29 1,157 1,470 5.723 3,128 4 (1) (1) 300 5,847 300 532 460 24 763 97h 3.549 1,980 (2 (1) (1) 236 6.140 214 611 599 6 18 18 145 37 482 182 238 109 2,105 109 143 137 2 (2) (2) (2) (2) 17 1,300 ri 87 70 3 15 58 88 54 7 9 167 152 1,909 575 97 2,k26 216 20 8 118 (1) ( ) (2) 116 2,581 106 21! 1 18 1,358 1,864 518 3.564 (2) (2) (2) 280 9,613 2n 25 920 4 12 pt 2713 5 3 66 1,224 52 149 101 1 (2) (2) (2) (2) 357 63 101 14] 909 60 56 51 15 232 152 1,183 357 131 2,85 117 253 226 3 5 ° 22 56 1,120 54 68 56 Shoshone 2 46 (1) (2) (2) 15,694 3.52% 5.917 316 8,686 303 830 870 ToLon. eu. neresr OUI | y 9 1n 203 23 (1) (1) (3) 54 539 59 37 27 Twin Falls : % 27 32l x we 1,988 & Ve , 33 1.458 1,466 ValleY.eooesess sO 8 200 1 1 1 " 14 130 om roo 1h 7% 66 620 228 9) (2) (3 125) 3.23 103 19 37 Yellowstone Natior:l Pores eorsrinns Comrsaed Sli 876 82,089 2,812 27,124 6,473 1,021 236 383 ILLINOIS...... | 12,980| 596,476 750,239 | 4,794,861 | 2,201,595 90,601 | 38,071 46,848| 109,132| 2,857,646] 100,099| 332,003] 829,072 METRO, COUN?IRS.. | 10,632 | 4ok,941 643,759 | 4,147,882 | 1,903,784 “16,790 “gaz “12,154 TL.717| 2,148,511 63,524] 255,144) 276,704 2 Mores 3 ong! ! o24 oni t - Y : -.. 516, 22, og | 9.331] 403,329 621,214 | 3,374,065| 1,562,709 61,565| °1,209 ©3,014) 58.624| 1,808,852| 51,548 215,297] 238,348 032 rt-Rock 3 [iia aire rom 151 14,651 20,302 9.996 | - 146,877 326 109 130 1,646 ko 430 1,509 4,731 4,246 034 IDecatureeeoossesdO5 101 5,3 5.916 1.2% 20,678 (2) (1) (2) . lar 34,683 1,027 4,425 3,885 1got shown because of disclosure of operations of individusl establisiments. Data included in Combined Counties at end of State. 2Includes all counties where figures arg not shown separajely because of disclosure of operstions of individuul establishments. 3Includes ell establishments and wuge earners of counties for which weges and value date were withheld to avoid disclosure. The “Combined Counties” figure for number of establishments is excluded from the State total, since this item was shown for every county. Whenever date on wage earners hgve been withheld, that portion of the "Combined Counties” figure represented by such data is included in the corresponding State total. “one county, Macon (038), which should be included in the "Metro Counties” total is included in the "Other Counties” total, since it is not possible to present separate figures for this county. SRemainder of Chicago Metropolitan Area (024) is in Indiena. SExcludes Du Page (022), Lake (049) and Macon (058) Counties, for which date ere not shown seperately. 7Remainder of Davenport = Rock Island - Moline Metropolitan Area (082) is in Iowa. 124 ’ TABLE 3-—SELECTED DATA FOR METROPOLITAN AREAS AND FOR ALL COUNTIES, BY STATE—Continued (All dollar figures have been rounded to thousands and will not necessarily add to totals) Table 3] - Part 6 - Other Economic Data OA,, Wayne (151) = IDAHO, Yellowstone National Park (045) Jo esas SERVICE ESTABLISHMENTS—1939 | BANK DEPOSITS Major war supply Major war facilities 940- Sept. ram June 1940-Se, . 1945 | June 1 4 June 1945 METROPOLITAN E Bond (1000's of dollars) (1000's of dollars) Metro. 5 Arca COUNTIES, Number Number : 6 Irlovers Total : (1000s of Code AND of Sales of | Receipts | Active Greroge Pay roll | (demand | Time | dollars at CODES estab- | (1000's of | estab- | (1000’s_|proprie-| “'¢ ~ (1000s | and time) | (1000's |isque price) ish- | dollars) lish- | of dollars) | tors yeer) of dollars) (1000’s | of dollars) ; ments ments of dollars) Combat Other Industrial | Military equipment am a) & @ ® ®) ®0 9 ® on io o o) on GEORGIA—Con., All Counties—Con. Wayne....... deaelB) 9 . mo 40 66 40 35 13 1,664 339 452 Webster... +«152 1 (1) 15 17 15 26 4 49 Wheeler... «153 x (1) 30 26 31 10 3 85 White,... «e154 1 (1) 36 30 33 12 3 123 Wnitfield.......155 1 1,88 109 650 91 231 m| 10,52 4,053 1,435 3,282 7,740 Wilcox. «156 2 (1) 46 70 46 42 1 2 4 208 . Wilkes, 157 1 1,116 46 122 42 77 31 2,113 335 481 1,497 “1,48% Wilkins 158 5 217 40 75 38 68 23 1,017 148 240 Worth.. 159 13 991 45 88 41 58 19 1,853 61 388 Others... .e 243 32,018 44,337 AMO.......| 989] 105,510] 2,120] 8,630 2,227 2,397 2,08) 277,519] eu,258| us,642 12,049 6,421 27,049] 101,992 All Counties: AdB.sesasseneses00L 8s 18,601 256 1,541 270 457 448 43,150 12,34C 5,055 11,795 871 10,866 00 5 1 12 13 1n 3 2 892 88 310 TU 8,474 167 928 165 3 268 18,325 54314 3,456 624 26, 10,644 12 398 36 7% 38 16 9 1,939 620 498 546 13 440 26 55 27 20 13 1,616 416 367 100 47 3,129 59 156 63 25 16 8,544 2,032 1,255 8 285 20 38 19 ” 6 1,861 445 322 3 5 3 105 . 11 563 51 130 53 24 15 3,847 1,298 661 Bonneville......010 60 12,245 87 573 99 124 133 18,460 4,310 1,605 BOundary........011 9 465 20 81 21 9 8 1,878 7%7 354 60 3 8, 8 526 59 52 53 1,001 13 206 8 483 10 31 7 5 4 - 208 63 7,922 175 21 18 187 us| 27,416 6,046 2,61 42 5 uo 19 30 18 4 3 2,211 452 29 2,811 54 182 2: 55 35 6,690 932 785 3 63 2] (5) (5) (5) (s) 57 8 434 15 36 1 8 8 1,636 197 424, 6 218 17 29 n 2 2 422 ba 243 25 Elmore. .........020 1 381 28 7 28 19 10 3,264 %2 590 13,661 FPranklin........021 12 824 30 82 38 20 15 2,103 633 563 Fremont. . ..022 27 1,7 33 75 20 24 16 4,045 70 73 Gem...... +4023 9 735 24 86 28 21 15 3,233 924 491 Rr” Gooding. . «e024 15 1,582 37 101 36 33 24 4,150 569 556 Idahoeseesssssss025 21 1,686 4 93 45 19 15 5,291 695 932 Jefferson.......026 21 1,57% 30 60 33 16 7 1,699 3.8 551 : 19 1,724 29 8, 31 17 13 4,864 751 997 26 1,529 112 292| 120 67 50 6,620 1,960 1,198 18 166) o 38 4,051 92 323 96 84 TU 14,200 4,647 1,416 2,383 Lemhiceseneesess030 13 817 27 71 31 11 7 2,250 439 381 Lewis.eeeesseees3l Lu 1,140 21 45 21 8 & 2,634 339 511 10 539 24 43 24 7 5 1,799 510 305 32 1,431 38 103 42 34 21 2,710 491 626 10 677 37 103 39 16 13 3,977 672 574 '1,340 43 7,215 75 510 80 U4 159 16,099 4,193 1,922 1,343 15 808 26 53 25 10 5 3,592 1,057 445 7 227 18 25 21 3 3 318 83 329 20 1,202 48 175 50 59 25 4,180 522 603 0 9 825 19 4 17 9 9 2,014 136 344 25 3,661 80 349 81 101 R” 16,244 3,994 1,717 410 12 506 16 29 16 4 3 1,231 181 24 100 12,024 153 984 162 363 306 25,391 3,011 3,138 154 ” 11 550 20 35 17 8 6 1,653 151 40 21 1,209 42 us 43 38 21 4,070 865 633 Otheressess . 5,500 ‘64,930 ILLINOIS......| 14,498| 4,998,766 | 42,697 294,956 | 43,140 84,810 98,074 | 6,936,778 | 1,705,535 865,368 | 8,408,602| 3,476,789] 1,289,103 208,414 METRO. COUNTIES..| .9,782| 4,538,374] 30,420| 255,82] 30,072 74,822] 90,162) 5,676,548 1,400,506 | 655,305 | 7,445,867 2,992,734| 1,004,890 . 148,040 Metro, areas: : 3 024 [Chicago (pt) ov: 0000016,022,089| 8,334| 4,166,370] 26,148] 234,248) 25,812 68,408 84,055] 5,105,473 | 1,206,848 558,87, | 6,815,057| 1,713,798 4,161) 104,281 032 |Davenport=Rock lalan. ~Uoline (pt.y 081 159 29,576 631 2,660 637 4 685 7,566 37,410 16,750 48,465 88,354 25,125) 523 034 IDecatur.........058 U7 27,339 415% 2,335 425 760 668 52,214 8,636 8,865 39,805 3,895 42,408) for individual counties. Sputte Coumty (012) includes : A Kot shown because of disclosure of operations of individual establishments. Dets included in ®Other” at end of State. which sales data are withheld to avoid disclosing operations of individual establishments. It is excluded from the State total since number of establl: Combined figure for counties having sales data withheld to svoid disclosi ti data for two establishments located in Clark County (017). Be Tia] nelsoni Rock Island - Moline Metropolitan Area (032) is in Iowa. "Sum of establishments in counties for ts is shown Undistridbuted, ®Remainder of Chicago Area (024) is in Indians. = "Remainder of Davenport = 125 Table 3 Part 1 - Population ILL,, Adams (001) = Mason (063) TABLE 3—SELECTED DATA FOR METROPOLITAN AREAS AND FOR ALL COUNTIES, BY STATE—Continued TOTAL POPULATION POPULATION— 1940 EOUCATION Sink. ESTIMATED 1944 CIVILIAN Total whi POPULATION Land | Pop- otal white Percent of | METROPOLITAN U.S. area |ulation population 25 Metro. AREAS, rank m per years old and Area COUNTIES, Number of |Percent| 0 sq. over who have Code As es change as mile Percent vl Rural |: Riad completed— . | Percent] April | mn o Soe f I Births | Death pril 1, - ; nonfarm | farm irths eaths Number change | 1940’ | percen- 19301 1940 | 1940 | Number * | total | tiles) | 1940 opu- Sor High Nov.1: 1940- fen more ne | 1943 1940 grades | 50° . om @) 3) ()] 5) (6) om ®) [CJ] (10) (11) (12) 13) (19) (15) (16) ILLINOIS—Con. Metro. areas—Con. 085 |Peoria... 072, 090 199,525 | -5.8| 211,736 18.0 1,277 165.8 208,546 | 98.5| 189,211 50,202| 22,328] 9s.0| 26.1] 3,943] 2,305 098 |Rockford........101] 126,110 4.1] 121,178 5.2 520 | 233.0 119,715 | 98.8| 87,462 | 24,672 9,044] 93.4| 25.3] 2,763] 1,272 102 |St.Louis (ptF 060, 082-| 334,582 6.4 | 316,248 4.9| 1,401 225.7 287,464 | 90.9| 213,175| 76,685| 26,388| 87.6] 16.1| 6,406| 3.607 115 |Springfield.....084|- 113,398 | -3.8| 117,912 5.5 880 | 134.0 114,274 | 96.9| 75,503 26,301| 16,108] 90.8 26.3] 2,128 1,387 OTHER COUNTIES...| 2,385,848 | -9.5 | 2,644,235 3.5 49,130 | 53.8| 2,594,068 | 98.1(1,038,253| 769,026 | 841,956 90.2| 20.9] 45,373| s0,284 All Counties: 58,590 | -10.2 65,229 10 3.9 866 | 75.3 63,847 97.9 40,469 | 10,282 14,478 92.8 19.4 1,104 840 20,166 | -20.9 25,496 | 13.1 224 | 113.8 17,006 | 66.7 | 14,407 | 6,119 4,970| 74.9] 16.4 406 276 18,025 | -10.4 14,540 61 0.9 s83| 38.0 14,480 | 99.6 3,391 | 4,364 6,785| 89.4] 16.6 220 149 14,788 | -2.7 15,202 59 0.8 283 | 53.7 15,170 | 99.8 8,094 | 1,797 5,811 95.1| 21.9 317 199 6,424 | -20.2 8,063 8s 2.0 307 | 26.2 8,051 | 100.0 3,418 4,635) 92.8 17.8 101 85 33,688 | -10.4 37,600 20 | <-s.2 868 | 43.3 37,589 | 99.8| 10,234 | 14,085| 18,281| 90.0] 23.5 593 447 6,563 | -20.0 8,207 a2 2.2 259 | 81.7 8,207 | 100.0 2,564 5,643] 84.2 7.8 134 69 17,165 | -3.6 17,987 51| -2.4 468 | 38.4 17,925 | 99.7 4,792| 6,141| _7,054| 98.8| 25.1 331 214 18,903 | -15.4 16,425 56 | -0.7 370 | 44.4 16,425 | 100.0 6,505 | 4,474 5,446| 92.4) 21.9 269 179 68,158 6.3 70,578 9 9.8 1,000 | 70.6 68,410 96.9 87,366 17,017 16,195 94.9 86.5 1,605 688 33,613 | -12.8 38,564 19 2.7 709 | 54.4 38,466 | 99.7 | 14,279| 12,582| 11,708| 88.8] 19.2 675 394 15,756 | -16,4 18,842 49 5.4 505 | 87.3 18,839 | 100.0 5,301] 8,906 9,685( . 92.8] 18.0 257 185 15,485 | -18.3 18,947 49| 17.3 464 | 40.8 18,944 | 100.0 5,474 | 4,605 8,868| 92.8] 15.8 317 147 19,565 | -14.6 22,912 39 7.2 498 | 46.0 22,768 | 99.4 3,225 | 11,245 8,442 | 88.7 9.6 388 196 34,181 | -11.8 38,470 19 3.1 507 | 75.9 38,298 | 99.6| 24,024] 5,129 9,817) 92.5 21.7 704 431 3,968,320 | -2.3 [4,068,342 0 2.0 954 (4259.3 | 3,764,342 | 92.6(3,956,153| 89,882| 17,307| 88.6| 25.8] 72,678 44,746 18,652 | -12.4 21,294 az 1.0 442 | 48.2 21,291 | 100.0 4,311| 8,58 8,399] 93.1] 21.1 s18 224 9,466 | -19.1 11,698 70| 12.8 347 | 33.7 11,698 | 100.0 4,434 7,264] 92.7] 15.4 193 9% 33,959 | -1.2 34,388 23 5.3 636 | 54.1 34,212 | 99.5| 16,456 7,877| 10,555| s4.8| 28.9 684 358 15,966 | -12.5 18,244 51| -1.9 399 | 45.7 18,187 | 99.7 6,331 5,318 6,595| 95.0 23.3 307 199 15,112 | -14.1 17,590 53| -1.8 420 | 41.9 17,571 | 99.9 2,838 | 7,804 6,948| 93.2 24.0 281 178 - 112,482 8.7 | 108,480 5| 12.5 331 | 812.6 108,184 | 99.7| 73,204| 23,288 6,993] 95.4 37.8] 1,999 992 21,682 | -11.2 24,430 87 (+ -2a 628| 38.9 24,199 | 99.1 9,281 5,620 9,529 92.9) 23.5 398 270 7,957 | -11.3 8,974 80 8.1 225 | 89.9 8,923 | 99.4 4,865 4,109| 92.8] 19.9 162 112 18,058 | -18.0 22,034 4] 15.9 483 | 45.6 22,034 | 100.0 6,180 | 6,452 9,402| 92.3 17.8 374 204 23,351 | -19.9 29,159 29 | 24.1 718 | 40.6 29,011 | 99.5 5,288| 8,808 14,978| 89.4] 14.4 452 266 13,481 | -10.2 15,007 60 -8.1 488 | 50.8 14,978 | 99.8 3,106 | 5,341 6,560 | 95.3 27.8 241 168 45,489 | -14.5 58,187 12 | -10.6 434 | 122.4 58,026 99.8 26,594 | 16,478 10,065 80.3 12.6 828 586 40,517 -9.2 44,627 16 1.5 874 | 51.1 44,511 99.7 11,577 | 18,270 14,780 | / 91.7 21.9 777 455 Gallatin........030 9,164 | -19.7 11,414 nn 18.1 328 | 84.8 11,209 98.2 5,685 5,729 80.4 10.2 196 114 Greend..........081 17,751 -12.5 20,292 45 -0.6 543 87.4 20,269 99.9 5,582 6,088 8,622 89.7 20.8 862 251 18,282 ~0.6 18,3898 50 =1.5 482 | 42.6 18,374 99.9 6,145 6,176 6,077 90.8 20.2 417 208 12,857 -8.2 13,454 64 8.5 435 30.9 18,454 | 100.0 2,528 1,655 9,271 88.8 9.8 210 125 28,887 =-11.1 26,297 33 -0.5 797 83.0 26,267 99.9 2,575 11,885 12,887 94.1 25.2 416 298 7,660 -1.8 7,759 84 11.6 183 | 42.4 ?.712 99.4 8,442 4,317 77.1 10.1 17? 82 7,582 | 15.8 8,949 80 1.9 381 | 28.5 8,915 | 99.6 4,094 4,855 94.4 22.8 177 96 87,726 -18.9 48,798 16 =0.1 826 | 53.0 43,528 | 99.4 28,587 7,449 12,812 92.9 28.2 729 494 28,45¢ | -12.4 82,496 25 -1.8 1,122 | 29.0 82,843 | 99.5 8,744 | 12,542 16,210 92.8 21.8 587 270 82,681 | -13.8 87,920 20 6.8 603 | 62.9 84,999 92.3 17,526 9,411 10,988 86.2 19.8 636 881 Jasper... ......040 10,872 | -19.1 18,431 64 4.9 495 | 27.1 18,416 | 99.9 4,279 9,152 94.0 11.4 197 129 Jefferson.......041 81,872 -8.7 84,375 ‘28 10.8 574 | 59.9 88,629 | 97.8 14,724 6,576 18,075 89.1 15.8 652 | 3389 12,667 -7.1 18,686 638 8.6 374 | 86.5 18,595 99.7 4,809 2,998 5,884 88.2 15.6 280 144 19,629 -1.8 19,989 46 -1.2 614 | 382.6 19,976 | 99.9 4,126 7,288 8,580 94.0 19.6 887 264 8,057 -24.9 10,727 74 5.1 845 | 381.1 10,571 98.5 8,590 7,187 86.3 12.1 176 108 129,669 -0.4 180,206 4 8.9 516 | 252.8 128,221 98.5 99,984 19,406 10,816 92.9 27.0 2,411 1,768 60,978 0.2 60,877 1 21.5 680 | 89.5 58,908 | 96.8 25,980 | 28,608 11,889 80.8 18.2 988 1,458 10,190 -8.2 11,105 72 5.2 820 | 34.7 11,100 | 100.0 5,624 5,481 96.2 26.4 190 108 48,224 -7.7 52,250 13 1.8 728 | 71.8 51,140 | 97.9 82,094 8,977 11,179 95.2 80.7 882 610 122,552 6.5 121,094 5 16.0 457 | 265.0 118,840 97.7 79,652 | 82,882 8,560 91.2 81.1 2,607 1,297 2.9 97,801 6 0.1 1,158 | 84.8 97,587 99.7 65,388 | 18,568 18,910 89.4 20.9 1,861 1,181 Lawrence. 21,075 43 =-8.7 374 | 56.4 20,872 99.0 ! 6,218 6,288 8,574 90.0 19.8 880 £230 Lee..... 8 84,604 238 7.0 729 | 47.5 84,108 | 98.6 10,671 | 12,892 11,041 88.6 25.5 566 506 Livingston. 85,578 -8.4 38,888 19 =-0.6 1,043 | 87.2 38,080 98.0 9,585 | 18,705 15,548 92.9 21.7 644 885 26,721 -9.2 29,438 29 2.0 622 | 47.38 29,015 | 98.6 12,752 7,587 9,099 88.5 20.6 432 369 25,478 | -5.5| 26,944 52-14 582 | 46.8 26,801 | 99.5| 11,6%0| 5,488 9,786] 95.6| 28.2 534 326 37,46 1.7 87,811 20 6.4 611 | 61.1 87,261 | 99.9 18,161 | 12,075 12,075 95.1 25.4 726 408 65,458 | -11.5 78,980 8 1.1 1,178 | 68.0 78,064 | 98.8 89,851 | 15,127 18,952 93.9 29.4 1,281 816 034 84,638 =-0.1 84,698 7 3.6 577 | 146.8 82,547 | 97.5 59,3085 | 14,331 11,087 98.6 25.8 1,756 920 Macoupin. 40,453 | -12.6 46,304 15 -4.9 872 | 58.1 46,278 | 99.9 19,217 | 14,180 12,907 86.8 15.4 654 508 -, A 102 |Madison.. 161,917 8.4 149,349 4 8.8 781 | 204.3 142,213 | 95.2 | 104,888 | 80,417 14,29¢ o7.9 17.4 8,108 1,764 Marion... 89,504 | -17.7 47,989 14 4.7 580 | 82.7 468,725 97.4 £238,028 11,808 18,188 92.0 21.2 859 458 Marshall. 11,236 | -14.7 18,179 65 1.2 895 | 88.4 18,168 | 99.9 7,588 5,656 92.0 24.5 228 134 Mason.... ..068 13,644 | -11.2 15,368 59 1.8 541 | 28.4 15,839 | 99.9 8,999 5,880 5,979 91.7 21.8 280 172 1Remainder of St. Louis Metropolitan Area (102) is in Missouri. 126 TABLE 3—SELECTED DATA FOR METROPOLITAN AREAS AND FOR ALL COUNTIES, Table 3 Part 2 - Labor Force ILL., adams (001) BY STATE—Continued Mason (083) LABOR FORCE—1940 % GC Percent of Population 14 Years Old and Over Employed Workers by Industry Group Employed METROPOLITAN In leading Metro. AREAS, . P P Business nonagri- Area COUNTIES, . econ cea and cultural Code AND : % I Co a Con. Whole- | personal Other In | industry CODES li labor: | Paes | lemales 1° Foul Agric | Mini “| Manufac- sale and | services 3 agri- Total who are | who are ining | struc- : : and not force . 0 employed || culture , turing retail exclud- cul- in in tion . reported Code trade ing ture labor labor ‘ donicstic (See | Per- force force : page | cent services igo an 18) 19) 0) @n 22) @*) (24) (25) @n (28) 29) 30) | 3D | (32) ILLINOIS—~Con, Metro, areas—Con, 085 |Peoria... 072, 090 167,361 87,587] 80.5] 24.1] 7g] 6,430] 1,290] 4,364] 26,072 1,516 | 13,449 6,189 8.2 098 [Rockfordess.... 101 97,065 52,612 21,1 27.2 47,404 2,885 57 1,831 22,820" 7,967 6,967 2,879] €.1 102 |St. Louis (pt) o6c, 022 247,838] 127,079 79.5 22,8] 102,539 8,3 5521 44202) 38,049 16,344 12,864 7,871] 8.2 115 [Springfield.....08% 94,063] 49,335] 70.0 2m] Tanéssl| 4,303] 2,578] 1,083 6.400 804 | 8401 6,379 1.2 OTHER COUNTIES...| 2,065,690] 991,085] 75.8] 19.0] 839,868] 243,106 40,280 34,924 136,248 128,103 | 125,143 | 72,086| 22.0 All Counties: a AdAMS.s.vasseses001 62,579 25,213 73.9 22,3 20,599 44450 53 802 4,878 4ylU42 3,494 1,7961 21.6 | G36 8.4 Alexander. ......002 19,005) ouren| mal 25. 6.2m 916 27 257] 1,030 1,2% | 1,006 7514.6 | G36 6,8 ; 126( sae mul 139 Joull 1,006] 138 206 477 564, 586 358l42.2 | a36| 6.7 12,238 6,349 81,2 21,0 5,867 1,922 14 181 1,607 770 705 408} 32.8 19] 13.2 6,269] 3,045| 20.2] L.s| 2,566] 1,203 16 9%| 98 333 307 236) 54.2 | a36| 5.8 20,70 u,263] 78.3 16.6] 12,060] 4,8] ams 542 1,557 1,9%6| 1,65 geela7.8| 18] e.1 5,938 2,908 81,0 11.9 2,302 1,445 5 8g) 109 168 193 2261 62,8 | G36| Lub ua esol 78.1] uel eos] 20326 7 299 249 890 71 722)38.2 | 23] 10.4 12,592 5,846 74.2 17.1 4,580 1,543 25 208] 361 747 697 458133.7| G36| 7.0 Chauipedgn. +.» +010 56,260| 29,e38| 80.4 23.5] 27ésol| 4es9) s| a, 1,600 4,860 | 6,665 6,07917.7 | 37] 16.3 Christian.......0l1 29,660 14,107 77.5 17.0) 11,773 3,528] 2,109 391 761 1,795 1,509 940} 30.C 2) 17.2 uml moe mal we ef 2 a 255 522 695 526) 23.6 | 636| 5.4 14,244 6,845 78.3 16.2 5,026 1,072 732 256) 691 8,1 664, 362 33.3 3] 12.3 17,0241 8,530 eo.e| 17.4] 70m 2.661] 503 205 gaa 863 808 506 37.6 | 636| 5.7 30,116) 15,200] 7.3] 2.7] 13,182f 2)e20] ies 555] 2,213 2,432 | 2,060 1,089] 21.5 | 15] 10.6 024 3,300,786|1,875,547| 81.7] 32.5|1,605,583| e,534| oee| e2,u08] 43,07 358,930 | 344,444 | 125,071 0.5] c36| 7.2 16,6000 703] meal 15.8] 6rserf| 1j0es| 576 234] 1,002 93% 891 sie} 30.1| 3] se 8,805 4,336 79.7 18,5 3,850 1,904 28 124] 661 301 3 312] 49.5 15| 14.0 amu63| 13,708] 7e.0| 21.2] 120603] 3le1s 12 577 2,782 1,939 | 1,956 8130.3 | 17] eu 1,123] 6,608] 7.7] 16s] © sam03| 20102 6 309 239 75 831 01) 36.9] 2311.2 13,476 6,277 77.6 15.8 5,410 2,090) 4 278) 268 876 817 52738.6 | G36| 7.6 024 79,976 40,453] + 79.6] 22.3] 36,868) 2.446 6o| 2,062] 8,466 6,439 | 8,567 3,725] 6.6| 636| o.8 19,052] 9,046] 77.2] 17.5] mere] oso 39 402 863 1,233] 1,108 60238.7 | G36| 6.6 we 6,916 3,205 77.8 15.3 2,715 1,158) 95 131) 382 338 301 198] 42.7 7176.1 Effingham.......025 16,523 2,130 80.0 17.3 7,486 2,606] 436 387 239 1,098 1,017 61713..8| G36| 6.6 21,952] 10,379] 73.9] 15.9] 9,060) 3,08] 972 or Bt 1,167 976 60737.6| 3] 10.7 1,609] sem m1 16a] seenll’ zie 6 323 206 831 760 45343.9| a36| 6.9 40,600) 18,826] 7.2] wm. 12,28) 1200] 5,260 310, 483 1,949 | 1,552 000] 9.8| 242.7 3,75] 16,276] 7.1] ue] 13,%0| ili] 15281 462] 2,685 1,790 | 1,752 1,829.2 | 19] 12.5 Gallatin........030 8,398 3,294 77.7 11.2 2,535 1,347 9% 138] 88 318 300 1751 3,11 GI6 | ‘6,1 Greene..........031 15,423] 7007 wa] wm.s] s,om0l 2,70 57 239 459 783 755 s54)45.3 | 636] 6.3 Grundy... «e032 14,4404 7,170 7€.8 10.8 6,636 25004] 413 253 1,564 871 749 440] 30,2 11] 12,0 Hamilton. .......033 10,155 46m] cal ama oar) 20157 75 153 542 389 413 2752.5 7] 9.1 Hancock 034 20,732 9,595 77.3 15.7 8,536 44,112 51 318 423 1,181 1,260 783] 48,2 | G36 8.5 Hardin. esse eee «035 5,458 2,554 79.6 11.4 1,903 564, 697 7 17 175 187 1391 29.6 4 36.3 Henderson. ......036 6,701 3am) mw. 12a] 27e6| 1,620 53 110 52 264, 305 234) 58,6 | @36| 6.5 3,886 17,155] 78.e| ews] 15.507) 4.601] 300 553 3,948 2,209 | 2,007 1,153 20.7 | 17] 15.7 25,0m3| 12,7] mo] 169) 110eel| 5.393 4 599 553 10580 | 1.438 208 48.7| @36| 70 28,810] 13,747 76.1 19.1] 10,524 2,512 43 LAE 1,238 1,839 1,591 9761 23.9 | G36 7.7 10,212 4,852 81.4 21,2 4,28 2,765 15 138 199 420 412 301 63.1| G36| 5.0 26,260| 13,037] 7.0 19.6] 10,68] 2,668 eur] we] 2,23] 1,600 | 1,299 sauf2s5.5| 21) 6.7 10,375 5,31 79.9 19.6 AVANTE 1,818 26 188 776 529 535 3831 41.2 15| 8.8 15,573 7,600] 80.7] 15.3] ele20f 3048 31 224, 672 955 724, 550] 46.0 | G36| 5.4 mess au0e| 7s | 2)08|| 10536 39 138 90 281 302 178] 56.7 | 636] 6.6 105,607 53,748 75.0 21.5 48,625 4,005 82 2,053 17,514 7,937 8,792 3,999] 8.2 | G36| 9.2 waso| 2,513 63.1] wus| 19:5) 3,200] 107 686| 5,283 3,047 | 3,92 1,208016.9 | 036 | 13.1 8,718 4,236 79.2 15.0 3,942 1,713 34 175 568 468 441 346} 43.5 171 7.4 41,85) 20,689] 78.0] 21.2] 18,32] 3.620] 367 633] 3,200 3,136 | 2,995 1,819.7 | 23] 9.9 024 560 seer) ena| 287] amlese|| 2leu3 | 2,154 12,07 7,006 | 8,79 | 12,356 5.8| 3715.1 76,72] 39,163] 78.0] 22.5] 33,478|| 6,012] 7e6| 10310] 10.80 5,550 | 4,658 2,331|18.0 | 16] 11.7 15,816) 6,279] 7.1 12.0] ser 1,51] ss7 24 1,023 698 740 480l27.6 | | 13.4 21363) 1,em| ees] « 17.2] 10es3) 362 i 506] 1,575 1,620 | 1,847 813]33.3 | 636] 10.6 30,082 13,122 64.7 16.5 11,804 4,974 65 613 857 1,719 1,764 1,254)42.1 | G36| 7.9 23,451 9,560] 5.3] 16c6] ela) 3i1es| wo 344, 467 1351] 1.700 757|38.0 | G36 | 12.7 21,194 9,ese| 76.1] 17.9] msl 3179 9% 385 839 1,525 | 1,57 153036.5 | 636] 9.1 29,850] 15,645) 80.1] 22.0] w,613| 4,408 29 7850 3,503 2,057 | 1,929 1,21]30.2| 18] 9. 58,238| 28,195| 76.4 22.1] 24,400] 5,926 3g] 1,180] 2,301 4,675 | 5,446 2,267|24.5 | @36| 9. 034 66,788 34,034 79.1] 24.3] 29,276|| 2,002} 272 1,402] 7,285 07 | 5,086 2,386]10,0 | 23| e. Macoupin........059 37,046 17,248 71.3 13.8 13,631 44014] 3,457 429 570 1,827 1,644 937129.4 2] 25, 102 |Medinon.........060| 115,001) 59,298] w.0| 2s.8| ssers|| 4,007] 1,007 1,010 21,163 7,299 | 6,565 3,215] 8.6] 17/10. 36,767) 18,821] enco| 18.2] 1e,3enf| 2.557] 359% 664] 1,799 2,562 | 1,925 1,002|15.6 | 3 | 22. 10,266 5,069 78.6 18,2 by 5hd, 1,858 69 174 599 631 576 384140,9 | G36| 6, Mason. seusueens 063 11,917 5,754 78.5 16.3 4,958 1,989 29 189 386 821 671 616140,1 1 @361 6, 1Remainderof 8t Louis Metropolitan Ares (102) is in Missouri, CWO WE 127 ble 8 Part 3 - Housing ILL., Adams (001) - TABLE 3—SELECTED DATA FOR METROPOLITAN AREAS AND FOR ALL COUNTIES, BY STATE—Continued Mason (063) . (All dollar figures have been rounded to thousands and will not necessarily add to totals) es HOUSING—1940 a > : ; Nonfarm Rural Farm All Dwelling Units Occupied Dwelling Units Dvielling Units Dwelling Gaits An METROPOLITAN | e Metro. AREAS, ; . oe Area COUNTIES, P P P Median P phones AND Residential Percent | Percent Per. | Percent ober er- CODES struclures in5or | with | Percent — wih o Averes ou Percent] Jan. I, , more rivate | wil mechan- monthly wil with 1945" Number family nih ote Number | owner ical pestons Number rent Number run- | electric struc- or lighting 0CCUs | refrig- h (dollars) ning | lighting tures | shower pied. || orarion | Nouse- hold water [t)) GH (35) (36) Gn (38) 9) (40) “n “2) “) “w) 45) 46) “un ILLINOIS~Con, Metro areas=~Con, 085 [Peoria... 072, 090, 52,426 61,113 5.5 55.6] 93.7 59,365| 53.6 64.7] 3.08 55,474 | 31.21 5,639 | 28.2 67.6] “37,460 098 |Rockford.......,101 27 bbs 35,483 6.9 70.2 96.1 34,818] 45.1] "56,9 3.12 33,065 29,13 2,418 | 26,5 67.2 22,825 102 |StIouis(ph1 060, 082 76,661 89,889 2,4 48,8 89.5 87,867] 49.1 49.5 3.17 83,089 21,06 6,800 | 16.8 35.3 44,307 115 |(Springfield.....084 29,381 33,943 5.1 53.2 93.1 33,207 49.3 56.1 3.09 29,585 28,77 4,358 | 19.0 64.49 17,878 OTHER COUNTIES,.. 703,887 763,553 1.4 36.4 74.0 738,173]: 53.2 33.6 3.11 535,949 19,63 227,604 | 14.2 35.1] 385,654 All Counties: : Adams. ...e0ee0..001 16,415 19,366 2.4 43.9 81,2 18,694] 47.2 32.8 2.95 15,29 19,30 4,070 | 11.6 41,2 10,090 6,084 7,330 3.7 25.7 5447 7,230 33.7 17.5 3.03 6,146 13,03 1,184 2,2 8.7 2,014 4,215 4474 Ood 18,6 59.6 4,325] 55.6 23.7 2,27 2,570 15.22 1,904 5.9 22,9 1,656 4,165 4,478 0d 51,6 85.9 4,375] 54.5% 48.6 3.12 3,108 21,10 1,372 | 16.8 60,1 2,719 2,495 2,625 13,0 44.2 2,463] 51,2 1.6] 2.27 1,200 | 10,72 1,425 | 6.7 9.2 1,341 10,671 11,057 0e3 40,0 80.6 10,793] 55.6 38,2 3.10 7,481 16.72 3,576 | 26.1 51.9 6,006 2,265 2,325 6.5 33.5 2,152] 54.0 13.4 3.47 814 9.97 1,511 5.4 13.8 398 5,172 5,481 0p2 40,7 72.4 5,289 53.7 34.6 3.00 3,554 17.82 1,027 | 16.9 36.4 4,298 oes 4,623 4,904 0,5 3445 68,2 4y 744) 50.2 22,8 3.09 3,426 13.67 1,478 | 14.1 19.9 2,088 |Champaign.......010 ,951 19,865 5.8 53,2 88,3 19,443] 45.6 51,3] 3.06 15,592 | 34.24 4,273 | 28,6 | 56, 12,982 Christian..,...,011 10,758 11,252 6 29.9 75.5 11,060| 50.0 32,7" 3.10 8,060 | 16.11 3,192 | 13.2 | 32.9 £4,826 5,665 5,775 043 21,2 47.0 5,553| 61,2 21,5] 2.95 2,951 | 14.64 2,824 | 4.8 9.0 2,643 5,229 5,656 046 15,8 52,9 5,421 58.4 19,2 3.2 3,129 | 16.7% 2,597 |: 73,3 | 11.0 2,205 5,703 6,064 0,1 19.4 76.5 »91. 55.1 22.9 3.35 4,212 14.73 1,852 5.9 47.8 1,558 110,234 11,556 2:22] wir ma 11,225) 52,9] 32.5 3.02 8,079 | 20.94 2,57 | 9.9] 27m.el 612 024 {CoOKsesvesrnseed0lb 522,239] 1,170,557 35.3 83.2 99.1] 1,125,468] 28,6 65.5 3.22 1, 165,745 35.93 3,812 | 47.0 85.4 | 7,112 6,159 6,472 1.1 27.0 56.1 6,267 59.0 30.5] 3.03 4L0L | 15.37 2,458 | 8.5| w.2| 4,088 3,321 3,397 10.8] 36.6 3,291] 61.2 11.0] 3.08 1,408 | 12.29 1,989 | 2.6 8.9 o%3 . 9,125 10,123 0,9 60,7 89.5 9,871] 52.9 5445 3.12 7,357 24.13 2,766 | 41.2 70.1 6,918 De Witt,ussesssas020 5,095 55394 Osls 37.2 The3 5,246 49.7 30.8 3.10 3,563 18,18 1,831 | 13.2 38.9 2,117 Douglas,.eessses021 4,958 5,205 07 28,3 69,8 5,073] 51.6 33,2 3.07 3,328 16.58 1,877.11 35.¢ 31,1 2,599 024 26,585 28,291 1.2 81.7 97.7 27,538) 64.1 7.2] 3.48 26,630 | 41.46 1,660 | 46.3 | 88.2] 24,74 7,126 7,554 0.9] 28a 67.7 7,202 52. 28.4] 2.97 4,779 | 16.70 2175 [13.0 asa 3,134 2,663 2,806 1.7 58,9 2,724.1 63,1 U2 2,92 1,591 12,03 1,215 3.2 23.7 1,307 5,573 6,060 0e5 25,5 59.4 5,844 63,7 28.8 3.30 3,674 20,92 2,386 4.7 10,7 3,278 7,338 7,972 049 16.4 49.2 7,811 53.8 19.1) 3.18 4,270 | 16.5 3,701 | 4.2 74 2,79 44316 4,488 « 41.7 71.5 4,380 47.5 37.8 3.10 2,756 19,55 1,732 | 20,8 34.7 2,935 14,795 15,642 069 18,2 74.6 15,462] 59.7 21.8 3.09 12,916 10,04 2,726 3.2 27.4 3,682 12,725 13,585 1.1 252]. 76.0 13,248) 55.2 30.5 3.00 9,404 | 16,21 4,181 | 10.7 | 41.9 7,875 Gallatin........030 3,138 3,316 0,3 6.2 42,7 3,123 52.4 12,6 3.25 1,804 8.07 1,512 3.0 15.3 698 Greene, sss... s031 5,780 5,955 22,5 61,1 5,763| 51.1 24.3} 23.20 3,616 | 11.52 2,339 | 7.0| 26.2 1,776 5,016 5,350 1.0 42,2 8.8 5,115 52.3 48,1 3.25 3,814 20,82 1,536 | 20,8 58.4 2,931 3,734 3,916 0,2 6,8] 34.5 3,7€2[ 59.9] 11.2] 3.10 1,389 | 13.05 2,527 | 0.9] 11.8 892 8,299 8,645 0e2 23.3 65,3 8,090| 55.5 19.2 2.82 4,917 12,30 3,728 | 14.5 36.7 4,178 1,948 2,061 3 5.7| 4.5 202251] 13] 30 992 | 8.9% 1,069 | 1.3 7.5 219 2,719 2,830 Sy 1.5 51.7 2,595| 51.6 19.8 3.08 1,454 9.38 1,376 | 15.0 26,6 93 4200 12,970 10 40.4 84,3 12,733| 53.4 42.4 3.09 9,578 19.33 3,392 | 25.6 53.0 8,845 9,208 9,478 01 33.9 67,9 9,182 48,8 26,5 3.16 5,140 17,13 4,338 | 19.1 37.3 5,187 9,958 10,776 009 29.9] 63.0 10,543] 52.9 21.1] 3.20 7,995 | 16.70 2,781 | 4.2] 16.6] 3,340 JaBPerssseessses040 3,883 3,985 Ook 11,3 35.9 3,812| 64.4 12,1 3,08 1,416 11.99 2,569 1.7 13.3 1,013 Jeffersonssessss04l 9,159 10,129 1.6 25,7 63,0 9,857] 58.0 1943 3.10 6,464, 19,17 3,665 2.9 21.5 4,078 3,712 3,939 0a7 17.9 54.7 3,802] 57.2 21.9 3,12 2,392 1.83 1,547 7.1 17.1 1,120 5,676 5,999 04] 32.9] 70 5.760] s8.2| 27.5] 3.09 3.787 | 13.24 2,212 | 18.9 | 45.7] 3,307 2,930 3,013 0,2 sorta 2,930] 60.1 9.4 3.29 1,137 | “&.0 1,87 | 1.7] 74 387 30,764 35,666 2.4 76.6 97.0 34,617 53.5( 59.2 3.18 33,210 31.14 2,456 | 39.2 83,3 26,583 12,949 1,804 1.8] 57.3 9.3 13,899] 50.3] 47.8] 3.23 11,711 | 24.83 3,09 | 30.0 | 64.2] 7,492 3,215 3,291 42.7 82,5 3,053 52.8 47,1 3.32 1,789 19.93 1,502 | 42.1 69.6 1,858 14,039 15,980 2.4 51.4 84.9 15,495 51.6 46.5 2.9 12,831 22,84 3,149 | 20.2 45.5 9,381 024 35,042 40,635 3.3 65,2 97.3 30,214 50.9 62,3 3.37 38,436 35.05 2,199 | 55.4 87.1 24,335 25,053 27,038 14 57.6 88.9 26,389| 57.8 48:5 3.31 22,172 23.88 4,866 | 29,5 53.5 15,837 5,831 5,982 0,2 30.8 57.% 5,781 58.0 28,2 3.21 3,715 LU.7 2,267 | 10.5 18.9 2,940 8,140 8,751 0,5 48,9 82,7 8,517| 51.6 43.3 3.18 5,877 25,03 2,87, | 28,7 54.9 5,620 Livingston, 9,882 10,257 005 47.0 79.9 10,004| 51.1 40,6 3.17 6,247 19.67 4,010 | 27.8 57.2 6,552 i 7,046 7,316 09 38.8] 7.8 7,144] 48.9] 35.4] 3.22 4,96 | 18.15 2,370 | 21.0 | 45.4 | 4,103 McDonough... ..s0055 7,990 8,441 11 32,1 Mek 8,172 52.3 28.5 2.91 5,576 17.39 2,865 | 13.8 35.9 6,244, McHenry «056 12,078 12,798 Ook. 56.1 90.0 10,330 53.7 51.5 3.25 9,799 25,54 2,999 | 32.9 8,1 7,968 McLean L057 19,040 21,564 3.3 52,1 87.1 20,967| 45.5] 48.6] 3.08 16,536 | 27,06 5,028 | 25.8 | 58,8 13,501 034 |Maconm... +058 22,093 24,868 440 54.8 90,0 24,349 47.3 53.2 3,08 21,867 26,06 3,001 | 21.6 43.8 13,560 Macoupin........059 13,918 14,316 0,1 20.5 74.8 13,89) 59.5 22.9 2,97 10,738 1,06 3,578 5.3 26.8 4,656 102 |Madison.........060 35,925 41,751 2,0] 47.5] 89.0 40,882] 50.6| 49.6] 3.23 38,042 | 21.61 3,709 | 17.2 | 36.3 | 21,452 Marion, ....s... 11,671 14,012 1.80 23.90 7.1 13,808 52.3] 23.9] 3.07 10,39 | 21.37 3,622 | 6.6| 25.4 | 5,907 Marshall... 3,752 3,901 0.8 35.4 71.7, 3,794] 55.3 39.6 3.08 2,475 15,60 1,426 | 20.4 52,0 1,871 MBBOR....0eusssl063 5,001 5,219 0.9] 27.2] 70.0 4,603] 48.3] 30.4] 2.98 3,32 | 13.58 1,877 | 20.2 | 46.4 | 2,865 1Hemainder of St. Louis Metropolitan Area (102) is in Missouri. 128 TABLE 3—SELECTED DATA FOR METROPOLITAN AREAS AND FOR ALL COUNTIES, BY STATE—Continued Table 3 Part 4 - Agriculture ILL., Adams (001) - (Figures which have been rounded to thousands will not necessarily add to totals) Mason (063) sid AGRICULTURE—1945 AGRICULTURE—1940 Value of farm products sold, | Principal P = ole NS Work power traded, or used source of Per G4 prope farm household farm income | Type- METROPOLITAN 3 cent lip oe P Ro of- Rial Metro. AREAS, Number of | Land in | Cropland | Number | of | [op ercent from: farming Burg Area COUNTIES, arms farms | harvested | of farms | farms | , 1. A Number x area Code AND (1000s | (1000's oper- | of [poy | ver-| "of son Live- code liv: CODES Jan. 1, of of April 1, | ated prod- | (1 000" age | horses | Number ( 1000". stock Code P (See jving 1945 acres) acres) fo40 by t ( 3 a and/or of $| and (See [| Ter 229) index ucts of arm of live- | C cent | P! ten- | Jess dollars) | (dol mules tractors | 4 ov ) tops | pA22) ants | than ofars, O° | (over 3 ollars) | stock 15) | mo. old) prod- ucts (48) “9 (50) GD 2) (53) 49) (55) (56) GD (58) (9) (60) (61) (62) (63) (64) TLLINOIS ~Con, Metro. areas—Con. 085 [Peoria... 072, 090 4,469 715 L35 4,812 | 45.2 | 18,0 85,902 |17,%52| 14,223 3,264 10,916 39.4 52.1 0938 |Rockford........101 2,012 291 189 | 2,110 | 40.2 | 16.2 29,604 (13,556| «6,143 1,370 4,200 | 78,5 | 13.6 1 (43.3 102 |st. Louis (pt)i.... sewssuns 080, OBZ 6,208 729 488 6,285 | 39.7 | 20.4 59,390| 9,449| 19,091 | 3,054 9,834 | 41.0 | 45.4 115 |Springfield.....084 2,834 480 340 3,131 | 45.2 | 18.9 58,57418,708 ail 2,036 $,810 47.9 45.9 5 |43.8 OTHER COUNTTES... | 177,629 | 28,219 | 17,969 | 185,856 | 43.3 | 20.9 [2,503,896|13,472| 555,206 | 108,909 | 393,179 | 45.4 | 45.7 All Counties: ; ABMS, 0 veees.tea001 ‘3,320 506 251 3,270 | 40.5 [ 16,6 32,918(10,064 | 10,923 1,515.1: 5,992 \L 51.5 { 36,9 1 36.9 541 | 110 798 101 43 845 | 48.6 | 45.9 4,112 | 4,266 2,203 179 729 27.0 56,8 5 [53.2 620 66 1,482 2271 123 1,585 | 39.2 | 22.5 9,281 6,234 4,730 567 1,938 60,7 26,1 2 [29.3 622 102 1,104 175 122 1,175 | 50.0 Leb 18,290|15, 566 3,969 911 3,060 76.3 16.7 2 44.3 412 134 992 181 70 1,100 | 42.5 | 16.3 3,863 8,057 3,628 429 2,028 58.2 29,6 1 [48.1 541 110 2,9 528 376 3,040 | 56,1 | 4.9 63,261 [20,810 9,366 2,658 | 10,110 | 46.9 | 44.9 5 [42.9 512 | 134 919 144 ur 991 | 30.2 | 18,7 7,089 7,153 2,917 342 1,286 36.8 39.4 1 [26.8 541 100 1,608 270 154 | 1,623 | 48.4 | 9.4 23,847|14,693| 5,921 1,015 4,183 1.8.0 } 1a 1 [60.8 571 | 134 946 219 133 1,053 | 49.4 | 13.9 15,573 |14,789 3,915 696 2,39 41,0 49.5 5 |48.1 531 116 3,267 616 520 3,122 | 56.2 4e2 91,361 (29,264 8,444 3,240 | 11,789 20,8 73.6 5 [73.3 531 133 2,347 37 333 | 2,501 | 51.3 | 13.6 46,406[17,910| 6,978 1,93 | 7,265 | 27.8 | 66.4 5 158.0 541 | 116 2,149 301 157 2,358 | 32,9 | 33.3 13,454 | 5,706 5,206 904 2,37 54.0 30.5 1 (36.8 552 106 1,993 267 13 | 2,086 | 29.6 | 35.0 9,557| 4,581 5,493 548 1,604 | 45.3 | 30.6 5 |28.4 63 | 103 1,755 279 wa] 1,724 | 46.6 | 10.9 15,927| 9,238| 6,825 831 | 2,987 | 51.1 | 32.1 5 1311 62 | 105 COleBassassnsssdlls 1,936 310 223 2,083 | 4449 | 16.3 33,545|16,104 4,948 1,422 5,288 34 57.5 5 156.7 531 118 024 |Cookeesrernseesd016 3,535 238 182 3,996 | 38.8 | 22.6 62,909(15,743| 7,089 2,416 9,886 | 24.4 | 69.3 8 145.3 42 | 138 Crawford, . 017 1,920 2! ny | 2,046 | 26.3 | 40.8 12,240] 6,276] 4,217 696 | 1,957 | 61.8 | 20.6 1 [42.8 552 | 106 Cumberland,.....012 1,6 204 120 1,779 | 30.4 | 35.1 10,861| 6,105 4,239 769 1,721 55.1 28,1 1 |35.0 a3 157 De Kalb... 01 2,22! 384 IN] 2,251 [i53.1-]) (546 51,813[23,018| 7,287 2,331 | 9,027 | 63.5 | 27.2 1 [53.5 S71 | 14 De Wittesieeassa020 1,343 239 185 1,420 | 57.4 9.0 31,116{21,913 4,093 1,201 4,209 30.5 62,7 5 |62.6 531 126 Douglaseseesssss021 1,283 2 212 1,358 | 53.8 5.7 35,910 (26,443 4,303 1,330 4,786 24.4 69.6 5 169.4 531 127 024 1,503 143 110 1,353 | 40.8 | 23.2 22,961|16,970 3,264 1,015 3,392 55.8 38.3 2 [28.4 412 139 2,121 38 281 2,084 | 45.3 | lhe 40,871 (19,612 5,671 1,562 5,891 40,2 53.8 5 |52.5 531 122 993 131 6g | 1,030 | 29.2 | 29.0 6,527| 6,337 2,938 347 1,058 | 63.5 | 21.0 1 (42.0 552 | 103 Effingham,......025 1,88 281 157 2,086 | 29,0 | 20,9 13,148 6,303 6,819 678 2,228 54 oh 26.4 5 [25.6 622 111 Fayette,...o... 026 2,869 415 208 2,997 | 33.2 | 28.0 15,755] 5,257 8,970 916 2,933 47.1 35.1 5 [32,1 622 101 027 1,435 300 2u8 1,476 | 66.0 2.1 37,691 (25,536 5,256 1,489 5,502 26.2 +| 66.5 5 166.0 531 ul 028 2,312 186 79 2,489 | 19.4 | 69.1 6,349] 2,551 4,633 343 1,027 44.8 20,0 0 [34.6 623 86 029 » L489 27 3,199 | 46.3 | 18.4 38,384 111,999 9,175 1,940 5,715 55.9 33.6 1 [45.2 512 16 030 1,0 160 10) 1,070 | 36.2 | 26.1 7,982 | 7,460 3,182 423 1,492 39.4 45.8 5 [43.0 552 91 031 1,666 317 3 1,737 | 42.7 | 15.8 19,835(11,419 6,500 967 4,671 60,0 31.8 1 [49.4 541 112 032 1,24% 247 1 1,35, | 62.3 | '5.5 | -30,060[22,201| 3,%0 1,337 4,402 | 23.9 | 70.8 5 [70.3 531 | 135 033 2,017 219 83 2,257 | 31,0 | 50,1 7,655] 3,392 5,803 265 1,269 51,2 20,4 1 29,0 623 89 034 2.991 470 212 | 3,177 | 42.7 | 15.9 35,095 11,047 | 10,126 | 1,695 5,980 | 56.7 | 34.4 1 [4344 s12 | 116 035 79 81 18 740 | 12,8 | 68,1 2,057] 2,780 1,5 63 2 55.1 13.0 1 {40,1 620 83 Henderson... s+s4036 1,128 21h 132 1,060 | 48.9 | 9.2 18,023 [17,008| 3,877 811 3,25 | 58.8 | 34.3 1 [52.3 512 | 116 037 3,196 510 3 3,023 | 55.1 6.4 56,830 18,799 9,8% 2,662 9,372 64.1 29,2 1 [54.8 512 135 038 $5 700 5 3,613 | 2,1 | 4b 78,201 [21,644 ( 13,767 3,085 | 11,288 | 27.4 | 66.3 5 [64.3 531 | 134 039 1, 260 x 2,38, | 30,5 | 41.8 | 13,074| 5,484 | 6,244 669 | 2,035 | 45.8 | 31.1 124.7 | 6&0] 96 JasPeTr,.. sees ees040 2,230 298 in 2,359 | 30.4 | 25.6 12,025| 5,097 6,695 816 2,251 53.8 26.9 1 [28.8 €23 108 Jefferson, ......041 3.27% 287 120 3,308 | 22,4 | 59.9 10,669 3,225 7,000 460 1,682 49.0 27.5 1 [24.8 623 93 Jersey... 042 1,212 207 103 1,269 | 30.7 | 23.9 12,529] 9,873 4,020 609 2,603 46.8 45.3 5 138.0 541 105 Jo Daviess,. 1,975 348 158 2,018 | 40.5 7.7 22,763 [11,282 7,475 1,119 3,75 79.9 6. 1 |50.8 571 128 Johnson... 044, 1,271 165 3 ,579 | 25.0 | 62,5 4,904 | 3,10 3,957 Ul 880 45.6 29.7 1 131.8 620 89 Kane....eceeees e045 2,029 298 225 2,071 | 46.0 | 14.5 42,421 120,483 7,084 1,772 8,100 76.9 19.3 1 [41.6 412 136 |Kankakee....... 046 2,46: 410 3 2,353 | 47.5 | 11.2 43,252 [18,382 6,937 1,873 6,272 | 30.6 | 63.6 5 [59.2 531 | 132 04 ik 195 1 1,129 | 54.5 7.0 26,245123,246 3,426 1,137 3,967 50:% 44.7 5 144.3 531 U2 2,5 29 2 2,609 | 48.5 | 10.8 | 46,246(17,726| 7,964 | 1,9% | 7,037 | 51.2 | 42.8 5 [42.4 512 | 123 024 1,761 1 122 1,737 | 32,7 | 26.5 36,845 [21,212 by 1,065 3,737 n.5 19.4 | 2 (38.2 a2 137 Ia Salle........050 3.807 6 522 3,858 | 57.0 5.5 91,067 (23,605 | 10,834 3,881 12,685 28.3 66,0 5 [65.1 531 134 Lawrence........051 1,497 20 112 1,590 | 31,8 | 38.5 10,433] 6,562 3,536 553 1,462 48.3 36.8 5 [34.6 552 108 y 8 ne 3 2at7 55.5 5.5 as Hh gi 2,251 a 274 46.3 3 $3 z 1 3,3 3s 3. 1,2 43 8 23, 9. . 53 11957 381 ne | 19m 82 Mats hsae| WE 1% 6,782 | 25.2 | 67.8 5 les. | sm | 130 MoDonough,..... «055 2,213 360 236 2,334 | 48.2 | 12,0 3R,547 (16,515 6,967 1,624 5,792 | 53.2 | 39.8 1 [43.7 s12 | 122 MOHONTY sou es. s056 2,504 351 231 2,535 | 49.3 | 12,0 43,378 (17,112 | 9,049 1,73 6,634 | 85.9 7.5 2 (62,3 42 | 138 3:733 7 588 3,899 | 59.8 7.9 102,632 [26,323 | 12,685 3,780 1, U9 30,2 63.7 5 162.9 531 131 034 2,370 3 2800 2,335 | 49.6 | 20,0 50,310 [21,546 5,566 1,754 6,293 28,6 6.8 5 [63.4 531 123 3,242 51 292 3,180 | 45.0 | 18,8 28,497| 8,961) 10,573 1,653 5,822 56.5 32.6 1 |38. 541 107 102 3,428 386 » 3,446 | 38.3 | 22,0 32,001| 9,313 10,201 1,630 5,453 | 45.7 | 42.0 5 [36.2 2 | 120 2,361 306 1 2,946 | 28,6 | 46.6 12,514 | 4,248 6,862 59% 2,072 40.9 38,5 5 [21.4 623 95 1,1% 230 163 1,181 | 59.4 4.6 27,016 [22,876 3,360 1,156 4,018 37.1 56.3 5 |5544 512 137 1,203 303 gos 1,322 | 59.2 7.1 20,451 [15,470 4,957 975 3,5T 23.0 69.4 5 [6r,1 531 121 iRemainder of St. Louis Metropolitan Area (102) is in Missouri. 129 Table 3 TABLE 3—SELECTED DATA FOR METROPOLITAN AREAS AND FOR ALL COUNTIES, Te str BY STATE—Continued and Retail Trade ILL., Adams (001) = Mason (063) : (All dollar figures have been rounded to thousands and will not necessarily add to totals) - MANUFACTURING ESTABLISHMENTS—1939 MINERAL INDUSTRIES—1939 RETAIL ESTABLISHMENTS—1939 METROPOLITAN Mero COUNTIES Value added Area y ue a Code AND Wage Wages Value of by mendlac. Value of | Number | Wages and Sales Active Employees Pay roll earners ) products roducts of es | Number of 9 (average n CODES Number (1000s of ture ) (1000's of | pro- f (1000's of (average dollars) . | (1000s of (1000's of (1000s of | persons | (1000's of | stores dollars) | prietors or dollars) for year) dollars) Sollers) dollars) | engaged | dollars) year) (55) (66) 0 8) ®) 0) an a ay a4) @) 8) m ILLINOIS—Con. Metro. areas—Con.| 085 |Peoria... 072, 090 283 18,960 28,114 173,666 85,331 | 3.424 1,674 2,020 2,709 80,050 2,h13 9.559 9,861 098 |Rockford........101 266 17,466 21,497 86,503 50,961 213 13 88 1,641 4g ,812 1,452 5,464 5,737 102 |St.Laute(pt) 060, 082 385 30,677 41,010 324,129 118,869 744k 3.765 4,363 4,421 90,122 4,161 9,582 9,043 115 |Springfield..... 084 115 4, hog 5,706 41,723 18,359 3,816 2,291 2,539 1,549 5,562 1,44 6,086 5,584 OTHER COUNTIES...| 2,348 | 101,532 106,480 647,529 297,811 273,811 | 228,950 23) 604 37,115 709,135 36,575 | 76.859 62,368 All Counties: Mans 106 3,580 | 3.375 20,000 13.09 253 98 11 874 18,866 802 2,475 2,011 28 1,007 728 5,261 1, 188 95 66 291 5,383 247 691 ugk 13 240 209 1,853 686 (3) (3) (3) 186 3,037 184 285 226 17 1,088 1,201 7.386 3.642 (3) (3) (3) 227 L831 21k ugh L455 3 53 (3) (3) (3) 109 1,267 119 178 95 27 675 732 4,798 1,570 37 225 164 710 9,217 718 901 6% 3 23 (3) (3) (3) 97 1,1%0 12 85 1 152 11% 1,415 395 (3) (3) (3) - 339 5,165 334 hol 336 9 319 (3) (3) (3) (s) (s) (3) 298 4,400 297 565 388 63 945 1,052 8,105 3.227 972 29,504 931 3,626 3.252 24 ug1 509 4,298 1,612 6,322 2,151 2,604 560 10,564 539 1,051 803 12 386 267 1,388 Lugs 102 55 38 28k 3,583 278 399 261 g 595 4o7 1,541 992 220 3,867 231 ko 273 21 634 g% 3,315 1,322 204 218 133 331 3,554 21 05 225 n 1,947 1.3 6,6U6 3,063 531 12,774 99 1,463 1,199 024 9,126 393,837 508 ,L2k 3,286,086 1,515,768 1,565 1,209 3,01k 55,696 | 1,781,986 48,870 | 207,802 | 230,242 Crawford.. 22 787) 1,019 11,125 3,865 91 32 1 313 | - b6ub 298 553 356 Cumberland. . 018 9 sll (3) (3) (3) (3) (3) (3) 107 1,246 103 121 17 De Kalb... 45 2,270 2.425 21,512 7.813 542 12,798 535 1,213 1,041 De Witt.. 9 160 87 804 © 259 270 5,047 27% S47 397 3 180 164 1,021 472 282 4,378 282 gs 362 024 1,156 1,472 9,836 5,755 (3) (sy (3s) 1,176 | © 30,431 1,058 2,806 2,994 25 646 535 4,625 1,507 65 | ~ k2 359 6,544 1351 725 508 a 7 399 217 507 310 (3) (s) (3) 118 1,493 116 148 92 Bffingham.......025 15 757 555 1,898 1,057 378 6.321 384 680 506 Fayotte......... 026 17 974 glug 4,206 2,294 uh 22 bt 359 7.316 346 798 563 Yord.... ..027 12 184 34 | 1,092 459 271 4,586 259 u61 357 Franklin........028 24 250 292 1,423 906 14,059 6,365 7.269 699 10,417 619 1,049 JH Tulton.... y 22 1,011 (3) (3) (3) 5,405 1,329 1,657 610 19,300 578 1,112 [15] 3 54 25 13 57 172 96 63 134 1,b52 126 173 10h 10 ot 177 605 304 68 ug 3 256 52 252 80 255 23 1.3 1,529 7.313 k,18! 533 172 2 333 +63 360 12 321 1 35 23k 1,048 3 (3) (3) (3) 1k7 1,385 14g 142 68 19 186 16 1,281 528 (3) (3) (s 419 4,702 us uss 313 1 (3) (3) (3) (3) 1,527 589 02 95 758 97 52 35 7 63 31 Jo 69 56 36 2k 10 1,014 102 88 5 37 2,751 2,82 12,447 7.282 1,283 366 510 65 12,972 690 1.30 1,03 21 310 13 aay 476 503 7.625 525 80! 571 26 1,230 gls 4,732 2,041 2,755 88h 1,323 567 9,605 500 1,064 768 8 93 55 25 123 149 1,773 149 160 99 Jefferson....... ol 28 2,036 2,109 15,020 5,801 (3) (3) (3) 456 9.117 4h3 968 782 Jersey. . ..042 9 536 (3) (3) (3) (3) ©) (3) 166 2,654 163 216 225 Jo Davie ok 35 354 287 1,961 580 345 4,661 367 gl 3k2 Johnson. 0! 70 35 76 Wl 67 62 ko 132 1,236 138 156 mn Kane...... .0l5 229 13,377 15,800 17.175 45,018 (3) (3) (3) 1.731 51,920 1,634 5,705 5.757 Kankakee ok 62 4,707 5.358 26,637 11,832 510 119 210 806 19,441 760 2,121 1,905 Kendall. ..04T 9 329 3h 1,278 689 (3 (3) (s 120 1.935 128 159 126 Knox... ..0Ug 2,516 2,33 17,092 7,001 1,246 3u3 0 766 17,946 Th 2,047 1,751 024 |Laks.. ..0kg 1a 8,336 11,318 78,143 41,186 (s (3) (3) 1,752 46,435 1,620 4,689 5,112 La Salle 050 124 9,338 11,k15 57.685 34,747 3.685 1,052 1,443 1,620 32,496 1,607 3.59% 3,083 Lawrence........ 051 15 590 (3) (3) (3) 78 26 23 12 4,695 b> 4u3 320 Lee....... 33 1 33 X 32 9,571 3,362 103 37 58 15 9.379 1 968 £9 Livingston.. 23 51! gl 2,160 1,080 215 57 60 35 94575 hi 2,058 846 Logan 15 350 297 1, oo 801 231 124 193 Ll 7.61 9 9 71k McDonough 26 776 616 3,450 1,449 (3) (3) (3° 4o5 7.69 426 856 607 McHenry....... ..056| - ko 2,622 2,755 11,143 6,673 115 31 55 731 14,150 746 1,209 1,092 McLean. . ..057 56 1,325 1,495 9,360 4,697 3 & 3) 1,107 26,587 1,001 147 2,720 034 101 5,360 5,916 47,250 20,678 s s 8) 1,127 34,683 1,027 Hes 3.885 27 169 133 1,224 361 5.035 2.292 3.027 7060 9,230 719 8 657 102 162 18,023 24,828 169,764 | _ 71,452 3,060 1,739 2,031 2,119 43,802 | +f 2,022 4,641 4,194 3 1,438 1,136 7.395 + 3.353 Lys 232 2 696 18,072 700 1,798 1,635 9 L168 426 1,771 929 (3) (3) (3) 208 3,06 205 282 225 15 224 206 852 390 272 3.79 266 319 270 1Remainder of St. Louis Metropolitan Area (102) is in Missouri. B0ne county, Macon (058), which should be included in the "Metro Counties" total is included in the "Other Counties" total, since it is not possible to present sepa- rate figures for this county. 3Not shown because of disclosure of operations of individual establishments. Data included in Combined Counties at end of State. 130 TABLE 3—SELECTED DATA FOR METROPOLITAN AREAS AND FOR ALL COUNTIES, BY STATE—Continued Table 3 Part 6 - Other Econowic Data ILL., Adams (001) = i Mason (063) / (A11 dollar figures have been rounded ‘to thousands and will not necessarily add to totals) a SERVICE ESTABLISHMENTS—1939 PANE Deeoqrs Major war supply - Major war facilities contracts, Spiess, ; June 1940-Sept. 1945 June | 40-June 1945 METROPOLITAN E-Boad (1000's of dollars) (1000's of dollars) Metro. EAS, sales 1944 } ; Area COUNTS, Number Norton v F loyess Total : (1000's of Code AND of Sales of Pas js Active | Pay roll | (demand Time dollars at 5 "¢ | (average 5 ars CODES estab- | (1000's of | estab- proprie-{ “(75° (1000's | and time) | (1000's |issue price) lish- | dollars) | lish- -|of dlr) tors year) of dollars)| (1000's | of dollars) ments ments of dollars) Combat Other Toduttlel |: Military equipment i’ . @®) a_ #0) @n G2) @®) 0 @5) @) an @8) ®) ©) on ILLINOIS~Con. < Metro .areas-~Com, 085 |Peoria... 072, 8% 381 96,214 902 5.512 918 1,673 1,732] 136,011 39,472 20,981 78,239 621,222 2,851 098 |Rockford........ 204 21,195 568 2,991 585 837 857 4,667 21,5uk 11,981 108,061 51,303 25,050 8,642 102 [St. Louis (pt) is 375| 155,219] 1,242 5.360| 1,276 1,483 1,360| 171,244 71,230 27,401 252,238 248,919 124,062 27,754 115 [Springfield.....084 182 36,461 514 2,736 519 887 805 65,373 15,366 10,453 103,492 265,243 51,236 3,249 OTHER COUNTIES...{ 4,716] 1460,392| 12,277| 39,114] 12,968 9,988 7.932] 1,260,229| 305,030| 210,060 963,245 484,055 24,213 63,965 All Counties: Soir Manse ...eeeens 001 1k 14,825 346 1,326 359 376 284 34,226 14,374 4,13 28,176 4k, 536 39 Alexander.......002 47 10,795 65 260 69 122 83 6,670 1,579 1 on 5.527 1,824 3,096 ue ABO s sania ns :® 2 1:72 2 13 5 3 3 = i j BOON®. .veassnres 1, $ ,270 102 270 BIYOWR os ns ve es 005 20 1,435 ko 94 46 23 12 3, 35% peat i 3 Brea, ...cs«oss 006 108 7.337 207 460 216 100 n 23,535 6.719 2.110 1,loY ™ 35 Calhotny esses... 007 164 48 66 52 2y 10 2,055 400 320 Carrolles. seuss .008 36 1,785 98 198 105 35 26 10,337 4,121 1,893 2,795 8,935 Cass...... on inisia 009 34 1,504 gl 204 103 56 38 8,214 1,310 1,147 2,054 Champaign...... .010 163 25,982 376 1,828 383 582 525 46,430 5.505 6,212 1,187 12,193 46 18,920 Christian,......011 70 6,801 159 uy 175 [4 9k - 66 14,719 2,461 2,831 530 CYArKes sos vees.2012 43 2,419 91 192 97 126 16 7.329 in 1,11 3% C1870 v's 10s mieienDOL 35 5,342 59 213 62 n 50 6.935 1,470 1,180 21,990 3,2u8 C14nt0n. es rere 01 23 1,245 87 192 85 27 19 €,545 4,630 1,039 Coles..... weave 015 7. 7.254) 185 817 200 226 183 17,242 623 2,568 024 |CooKerrrrnnnnns L016 8,197| 4,149,845] 25,311 | 229,714} 24,934 67,208 82,813] 5,015,380 | 1,166,267 538,715 6,798,842 1,655,135 768,611 27,352 27 1,383 105 236 112 65 33 ,658 2,770 1,384 3,079 14 388 41 ™ 43 11 7 2,905 hh 602 60 8,977 160 603 167 130 114 29,932 10,456 4,000 20,780 21,388 2,492 4g 3,859 243 90 34 30 8,450 232 1 1586 53 4,821 98 213 109 | uy 33 11,174 24 1,788 1,543 38 2,685 351 1,925 +369 iy 459 37.711 17,455 7.767 6,627 4,287 63 5,645 124 343 138 76 47 14,938 697 1,835 3.158 15 136 42 109 30 19 2,225 497 or 65 4,180 140 328 150 82 46 9,517 2,353 2,039 1,200 Fayette......... 026 58 6,858 119 294 133 90 63 8,397 1,077 1,403 1,906 Ford... sees oes02] 57 3,976] + 107 268 112 47 31 9,983 751 1,629 Pranklin....... .028 Sh ,562 173 460 182 115 82 10,431 1,294 2,749 729 Fulton. .........029 69 422 190 541 193 119 92 19,032 2,448 3,464 670 3,940 Gallatin........030 16 968 I] 64 50 13 6 2,301 143 496 35 1,914 103 2u9 108 49 25 8,060 1,304 907 > 37 7,164 101 255) 11 58 Wl 13.750 3,196 1,363 2,431 160 9 t 43 60 8h 59 23 13 2,261 11 Bug 203 63 2,775 145 271 160 45 28 11,920 B.273 1,857 188 3 130 32 47 33 9 6 2,439 ho! Lig 426 16 1,261 35 59 37 13 7 3,740 614 Lg7 5 6,403 201 520 209 114 2 29,272 10 13 3,696 11,727 11,128 351 101 9,152 123 330 131]. 48 36 17,144 906 3,143 64 4,767 245 791 ur 284 186 12,055 2,636 2,317 55,837 990 uy ,239 19 787 42 |. 79 bi 13 6 3.825 370 732 : 50 4,419 170 525 180 178 133 8,939 463 2,012 4,978 14,316 937 24 1,624 55 98 61 21 13 33 2,128 707 ™ n 1,952 81 193 La 46 26 1,2 35] 1,488 2,510 Johnson. 10 27! Lg 42 50 16 5 1,895 372 266 Kane,... 11 17,165 676 3,376 Tk 941 927 79,134 28,045 12,988 167,774 119,763 7,464 Kankakes........046 116 13,528 278 1,138 297 297 28k 26,840 9.907 3.949 15,645 19,166 2,782 Kendall.........047 16 1,997 19 36 25 6 L 3.936 708 TH 64 * KNOK ssi vs v5 4008 95 16,718 295 1,088 320 307 256 33,451 10,169 3,644 12,062 31, oe 351 3,688 024 |Lakes..oorennns .0kg 99 13,840 440 2,609 509 753 783 52,382 23,126 12,392 . 9,588 Bu, 3 5,550 ,929 Le Salle........090 162 £3,255 423 1,628 455 379 302 61,572 21,159 10,528 198,399 21,614 13,566 Lawrence. .......051 u7 2,002 109 271% 115 n 51 6,608 1,430 1,714 17h 8,825 11,189 Lee..... eesvessa0B2 (11 6,730 149 473 149 107 92 18,930 7.324 2,839 48,495 8,104 21,54 Livingston....,.05 111 10,286 159 L22 165 a Bu 24,021 1,653 3.307 450 FOES, cans 1108 ™ 4,808 151 458 162 95 hi] 18,315 4,160 2,289 MeDonough. . .....055 56 4,356 125 438 131 96 n 18,167 3,033 ‘2,632 639 Lag 21,233 McHenry... sr. ...056 41 2,683 181 531 191 129 98 24,041 10,580 3,860 527 2,547 1,680 McLean. .........057 169 19,1430 7 1.796 11 467 L385 51,158 5,519 6,ugu 34 485 8.876 2 on 147 27,339 15 2,375 a5 760 668 52,214 8,636 8,865 39.%05 3.895 42, kos Macoupin..... +..0%9 18 4,550 207 38 222 Nn 49 16,533 2,352 2,933 102 (Madison. ....... .060 120 15,671 €20 2,31 649 639 549 82,610 33.392 15,042 234,394 173,801 91,436 10,926 MRri0M. cevurrnns 061 96 16,014 22% 888 233 271 23 21,141 6,398 2,962 X Marshal®,.......062 33 4,221 87 147 2) 1 8,804 1,857 1,403 2,019 Mason... ...00..0.063 53 3,460 100 221 10 I'L] 28 7,156 373 1,318 586 Uiommirder of St. Lowis Matropolitan /rea (102) is in Uimnourd, TARA ) A4T——10 131 F ’ a 3 hy \ 102 COUNTIES 05> Wq ] : waskEcan of LEGEND a | Jooone] womenny [eax : ROG FORD @ . A & PLACES OF 25,000 TO 100,000 (1940) SE of 1 £3.72 —dep emg 4- Kk PLACES OF 100,000 AND OVER (1940) CARROLL Sls Freeman Yeon off EVANSTON g 1 ' I 4 PARK 6A%° 0] METROPOLITAN AREAS 0 ir? ' Ouica60 of 1: A ae 1 { A : . . WHITESIDE | LEE D- CIGER OM » £ Ww ¥ _scorr- ff. ' agy Di YPORTg lo ae po I 95%0, 10 | | BUREAU ’ HENRY | A 1A SALLE MERCER : | be, : I= moe of Sm -— b T 5 - GALESBURE | MARSHALL a | { sao] e go - Ss I | KNOX / -— i - | | £ @ warmen § | LIVINGSTON : 1owa + | podem © wy | | ie yi pm 3 l = IROQUOIS : =r — ad > fl 5 MC LEAN FORD seg ms inca ey Mc DONOUGH I . FULTON 5 222 NoToN, i - bose} J iar En A \ ow — ae MASON 0 i goad Pd | 1.cpmen ~: say oak | OE WITT ( domme § VERMILION : an? . ° ADAMS | srowy "Tt cass R YN purr | eAViLLE 8 ouiNcy ! dis hein 23 : L ; foo § Ar Le) bm ~ow=) Fy Samoan gi R Lg rd overt ill 4 MORGAN LENE A ' PvE oh D3 ose -l— 1 EOGAR boo GL ag CHRISTIAN i Ly | COLES 2 -— -— ' . | v : - ’ 1 GREENE | i eh p¢ o suey I~ -- 1 Sam : 1 z J) macourin MONTGOMERY § CUMBERLAND ‘ f= Poems enol 2X JERSEY ' | ! | EFFINGHAM ranooLpn 3 PERRY METROPOLITAN AREAS CODE 24 32 34 85 98 102 115 CHICAGO DAVENPORT, IOWA-ROCK ISLAND-MOLINE, ILL. DECATUR PEORIA .ROCKFORD ST. LOUIS, MO. SPRINGFIELD — FAYETTE | | UASPER § CRAWFORD bpm -— BOND —-— A . — aid / RICHLAND LAWRENCE /S CLINTON | MARION -_— So LE om LoenTRALIA | ps Va 3 ean ’ WASHINGTON | JEFFERSON g eee ed wine 0 I HAMILTONS WHITE FRANKLIN g F sm tm goede smn ' h—i a homies JACKSON 8 SALINE BGALLATIN | WILLIAMSON . 1 . SS @ ms wi wen 2 suf mam o in -am ' | HARDIN UNION | JOHNSON | POPE ! ego fm —A £rosl paan\ S i \ E 2 » INDIANA Lae 92 COUNTIES MISHAWAKA ! 1 OHIO . H --— = . 42 EVANSVILLE | : Sli Arcs § T “rowon | i 45 FORT WAYNE . | roman se -f Ronit | 56 INDIANAPOLIS - 3 kL or | ; RusH g FAYETTE | UNION 68 LOUISVILLE,KY. oils i v | seer SRE 13 SOUTH BEND A oe 7 eyo -—- 1 MORGAN | JOHNSON | [1 aia 123 TERRE HAUTE 32%. 1. mn ' ‘ ‘ TT coawean re OWEN mom mh 0 pm 0 dm qd 1 + 4 » } \ | ? DECATUR } ’ ’ iar L = dh — Jd | BROWN I BARTHOLOMEW | 1” * SULLIVAN | ; Moe . . r hme” £* . GREENE pee eel, oem - Jone “ | be : a 1 “ § JENNINGS | . Si: ary JACKSON | Some. oo 4 | LAWRENCE ' - 4 { ’ yet JEPFERSON | SWITZERLAND a " como ‘ KNOX ( DAVIESS l MARTIN | ! i S$ 3 5 £2. S— a SCOTT 8 7 4 fd ! STN mee =f ORANGE 1 wwe. 0 s I 1 | oveos F rewsalid Sisson 1 ’ J CRAWFORD “Tea etme gr 1, LEGEND ; . . 7 BARC ~ 3 iy % PLACES OF 25,000 TO 100,000 .(1940) : ’ . Posey oie J KX PLAGES OF 100,000 AND OVER (1940) 4 ° f 3 -. METROPOLITAN AREAS v an 4 EE i NA 0 IK 7 133 55) Fogg EE ——_— EE sic RI > RRC a3 A vy & 3 : ME SN 4 ~ 4 % : aole 3 : ; 5 : : aol Fart 1 - Populatisn TABLE 3—SELECTED DATA FOR METROPOLITAN AREAS AND FOR ALL COUNTIES : ILL., Massac (064) - “BY STATE—Cont d 2 IND,, Daviess (014) » ontinue; oro mows : TOTAL POPULATION POPULATION—1940 EDUCATION | Taal ps ; ESTIMATED : 1944 ; CIVILIAN Total whi : POPULATION Land | Pop- otal white Percent of METROPOLITAN u's. area ulation population 25 Metro. AREAS, rank in per years old and ; Area COUNTIES, Numbe of |Percent| oo , over who have i umber YE : q | ¢ Code AND counties | change | miles | mile Percent Rr Rural completed— A : CODES P (in F[ Utban | oul | Ruma Baad d ercent| April | ] ¥ ol nonfarm | farm Births | Deaths Re / Number change 1940’ | percen- 195 1940 [1940 | Number | total Bigs Nort tiles) opu- 5 or Hich bese 1943’ 1940- ation more” he | . Rea y 1943 1940 grades | S¢h00 A m @ @) “ ©) ®) @ ® © (10) (11 (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) | Bir ILLINOIS—Con. . 7 All Counties—Con. ! 12,869 | -17.2 14,937 60 6.1 246 | 60.7 18,282 | 88.6 6,287 8,406 5,244 84.0 14.0 244 187 8,815 | -17.3 10,663 74 0.8 312 s4.2 10,620 99.6 2,586 38,243 4,834) 92.0 21.2 150 128 16,083 -9.38 17,701 52 6.4 556 | 81.8 17,696 | 100.0 2,598 6,462 / 8,646 95.3 25.9 811 172 11,846 | -7.1 12,754 66 8.1 380 | 33.6 12,742 | 99.9 6,476 6,278 85.3 9.5 204 130 28,566 | -17.2 84,499 28 | -2.2 706 | 48.9 34,299 | 99.4 14,124 8,750 11,625 88.4 16.0 504 362 81,168 | -14.3 86,378 21 6.2 565 | 64.4 35,228] 96.8 19,844 6,849 9,685 85.7 24.2 449 692 11,460 | -15.0 13,477 64 1.7 345 | 89.1 13,476 |'100.0 8,101 8,948 6,433 91.1 22.3 260 125 28,020 -6.2 29,889 28 6.2 757 | 89.5 29,850 99.9 7,025| 10,681 12,163 95.8 26.5 546 331 142,832 -6.9 158,374 3 8.5 624 | 245.8 150,212 | 97.9| 109,468 32,426 11,485 98.1 27.5 2,79 1,826 20,241 | -18.6 28,438 38 2.9 443 | 52.9 22,839 | 97.4 10,661 5,727 7,050 83.8 18.38 396 218 i 12,514 | -14.6 14,659 61 -6.0 437 38.5 14,655 | 100.0 2,523 5,700 6,436 94.3 25.0 281 147 free. 20,927 -17.4 25,340 85 4.0 829 | 80.6 25,286 99.8 2,884 9,866 12,590 92.2 19.8 354 287 ke - 5,668 | -29.1 7.999 83 - 381 | 21.0 7.889| 98.0 2,439] 5,560] 83.3] 10.8 104 8¢ 2: 12,602 | -20.6 15,875 57 7.0 204| 77.8 9,931 | 62.8 9,798 6,077 76.6 112.0 257 177 en Putnam..........078| 4,546 | -14.0 5,289 91 1.0 166 | 31.9 5,280 | 99.8 2,998 2,291 82.3 19.4 92 63 aS Randolph. . .079 29,511 | -12.2 38,608 24 14.7 594 | 56.6 81,758 | 94.5 8,774 | 15,188 9,646 85.1 11.5 472 847 ie Richland .080 14,409 | -15.9 17,187 54 21.9 364 | 47.1 17,183 | 100.0 7,881 2,194 7,112 95.0 20.7 297 150 > 082 [Rock Island. 116,325 3.0 118,328 5 15.4 420 | 269.8 111,722 98.6 92,782 | 12,224 8,367 93.8 26.0 2,858 1,400 i 172,665 4.5 166,899 3 5.8 670 | 249.1 145,251 | 87.0| 108,537 | 46,268 12,094 87.8 14.9 8,298 1,843 ~ 80,722 -19.3 88,066 20 2.6 384 | 99.1 36,719 | 96.5 16,844 | 12,238 9,484 88.1 18.6 642 411 fey 5 ’ 3 118,898 -3.8 117,912 5 5.5 880 | 134.0 114,274 | 96.9 75,508 | 26,801 16,108 90.8 26.3 2,123 1,887 oe 9,242 =19.1 11,430 71 ~-2.1 434 | 26.3 11,429 100.0 4,974 6,456 92.6 20.4 188 111 By & 6,507 =20.4 8,176 83 -4.3 251 82.6 8,175 | 100.0 4,109 4,067]. 90.8 17.4 118 105 pa 22,237 | -15.4 26,290 33 3.2 772 | 34.1 26,276 | 99.9 4,092 8,077 14,121 92,7 16.2 439 S01 i ; 7,766 | -12.6 8,881 80 -3.8 291 30.5 8,871 99.9 4,415 4,466 96.1 27.1 138 105 d 39,586 -2.6 40,646 18 1.5 568| 71.6 40,092 98.6 22,366 7,481 10,849 94.5 28.1 730 487 b 56,698 -2.9 88,362 11 26.6 653| 89.4 58,384 | 100.0 29,748) 17,776 10,888 92.9 22.0 1,153 499 pe 18,714 | -13.1 21,528 42 8.3 414 | 52.0 21,861 | 99.2 4,092 7,447 9,989 80.2 14.3 366 549 be 76,222 | -12.2 86,791 7 -2.9 898( 96.6 88,564 | 96.3 48,981 | 22,704 15,106 88.0 20.2 1,423 1,067 Fa 18,188 | -8.9 18,724 63 4.0 221] 62.1 18,717 99.9 6,987 2,176 4,51 91.0] 20.8 232 150 7 B 19,122 | -10.2 21,286 42 -2.1 542 | 89.3 20,908| 98.2 9,096 4,050 8,140 95.5 29.2 351 217 18,587 -14.0 15,801 58 =-3.0 565 | 28.0 15,798 | 99.9 7,811 8,49 84.8 10.2 204 151 18,843 | -17.0 22,092 41 15.5 715 80.9 22,091 | 100.0 4,008 4,058 14,026 90.9 12.2 411 192 19,427 -8.0 20,027 45 10.3 501 | 40.0 19,867 99.2 4,098 6,672 9,257 88.7 15.1 374 229 r Whiteside.......098 40,809 -5.8 438,338 16 * 11.1 690 | 62.8 43,802 99.9 22,122 9,512 11,704 95.2 28.0 881 468 h Je " » Wille.oeeeoosess099 116,322 1.8 114,210 's 3.1 845 185.2 110,774 | 97.0 47,608 52,799 18,808 89.8 20.0 2,182 1,210 k 44,39 | -13.7 51,424 18 -4.6 441 | 116.6 50,258 | 97.7 26,914 | 138,996 10,514 82.7 12.7 807 546 4 098 126,110 4.1 121,178 5 3.2 520 | 283.0 119,715 98.8 87,462 | 24,672 9,044 92.4 25.38 2,768 1,272 a : Woodford........102 17,462 -8.7 19,124 48 1.8 537 85.6 19,122 | 100.0 10,3806 8,818 92.4 28.0 800 187 Cm BN N 2 8 ) DODIANA......| 3,888,312 | -1.2| 3,427,796 5.8| 36,205| 94.7| 3,205,328] 96.4|1887,712| 727,488| 812,651) 91.1] 24.5] 71,354] 89,378 Eo METRO. COUNTIES..| 1,460,984 5.8] 1,390,654 7.9 8,649 | 891.8| 1,289,905| 92.81,118,267 | 188,414 98,9738 90.5 26.0| 30,872] 15,625 5 024 |Chicego (pt)i...045 805,188 4.1 298,196 12.2 514 | 570.4 265,801 90.7 | 264,780 | 19,570 8,845 85.6 28.8 6,608 2,626 Bin 025 |Cincinnati (pt)2015 21,124 -8.4 £23,058 9.5 808 | 75.8 22,848 | 99.1 9,241 5,504 8,218 90.7 18.3 414 2% ‘3 042 |Evansville (pt)3082 151,245 15.7 180,788 15.4 241 | 542.7 123,216 | 94.2 97,062 | 25,475 8,246 88,5 21.2 8,172 1,667 S 045 152,688 ~-1.5 155,084 5.7 671 | 281.1 152,511 98.8| 118,410| 16,981 19,748 94.2 26.6 8,508 1,722 # - 0b6 491,053 7.8 460,926 9.1 402 |1)46.6 408,800 | 88.7 | 890,879 | 57,558 12,492 92.7 80.7 10,078 5,850 068 75,944 15.0 66,081 1.0 588 | 124.0 62,946 | 95.3 86,907 | 15,436 13,738 89.6 18.2 1,630 718 118 |South Bend......071] 178,111 7.0 161,828 1.1 467 | 346.5 158,042 | 97.7 | 129,566 19,087 18,170 91.6 25.3 3,461 1,518 i 128 | Terre Hauts.....084 90,833 =-9.1 99,709 0.9 415 | 240.3 95,651 | 95.9 66,422 | 28,766 9,621 89.6 23.7 1,711 1,832 OTHER COUNTIES...| 1,922,378 -5.6 | 2,087,142 4.5| 82,606| 62.4| 2,015,418| 98.9] 774,445 | 544,019 718,678 91.6 28,5) 40,782 28,751 Se All Counties: ] EB AdemS....c0s +001] 19,792 -6.9 21,254 42 6.5 845| 61.8 21,248 | 100.0 5,861 4,890 10,508 93,1 20.6 448 188 Bg 045 |Allen..... 152,688 ~1.5 165,084 3 5.7 671 | 281.1 158,511 98.8| 118,410| 16,981 19,748 94.2 26.6 8,508 1,728 { > Bartholomew. 28,978 2.5 28,276 30 18.7 402 70.3 28,095 99.4 11,738 7,424 9,114 90.9 22.2 [1)8 818 = Benton.... 10,295 T=7.4 11,117 72 -6.5 409] 27.2 11,099 99.8 5,747 5,870 93.0] .80.1 218 116 4 12,311 =10.7 18,7838 63 1.2 167 | 82.5 18,780 | 100.0 7,110 2,877 8,796 91.9 21.9 230 146 Re % 20,962 5.1 22,081 41 =0.9 427 51.7 21,995| 99.6 6,629 5,041 10,511 95.8 26.1 450 274 ae 5,146 | -16.9 6,189 89 19.8 324) 19.1 6,183| 99.9 1,747 4,442 82.5 12.8 91 47 18,799 | -10.5 15,410 59 2.4 874| 41.2 15,899 99.9 7,818 $,097 95.0 26.4 298 187 84,266 -7.2], 86,908 21 6.9 415| 88.9 36,552 | 99.0 20,177 7,108 9,628 92.7 23.7 688 660 068 87,765 22.01% 81,020 27 0.8 884| 80.8 29,210] 94.2 11,498 11,740 7,787 88.7 17.8 89¢ 808 21,486 | -15.3 25,865 a5 -4.2 864 | 69.7 25,047 | 98.7 8,126 8,812 8,427 89.1 18.3 408 295 26,510 -6.7 28,411 a0 4.0 407 | 69.8 28,381] 99.7 18,706 5,977 8,728 92.8 24.7 580 340 8,571 =15.7 10,171 76 0.1 812 32.6 10,168 | 100.0 . 8,282 6,939 83.8 11.8 164 108 24,171 =7.6 26,168 4 1.8] 4331 60.4 .26,021| 99.5 9,812 5,770 11,081 91.3 20.1 582 © 806 134 1Remainder of Chicago Metropolitan Area (024) is in Illinois. 2Remainder of Cincinnati Metronolitan Area (025) is in Kentucky and Ohio. SRemainder of Evansville Metropolitan Area (042) is in Kentucky. /4Remainder of Louisville Metropolitan Area (088) is in Kentucky. rey y TABLE 3—SELECTED DATA FOR METROPOLITAN AREAS AND FOR ALL COUNTIES, BY STATE—Continued Table 3 Part 2 - Labor Force ILL., Massac (064) - I.r., Daviess (014) : LABOR FORCE—1940 , * & ; Population 14 Years Old and Over Employed Workers by Industry Group Porcent of ran Tans In leading a COUNTIES Pegoent | Percent 1 a i es Code ol a oka >. | \Whole- | personal In | industry CODES In labor males | females Total Agri- Mini Con- Manufac- | €©™™UM | gle and | services Other agri- Total who are | who are ning | struc- : cations, : and not force |" employed || culture . turing retail exclud- cul- in in y tion an ole Ga reported tiie Code labor | labor other To (See |Per- : force force ube Services ox cent an a8) 9) @) @1y 2) 3) @) 25) L 2) @n (28) (29) a0 | ay | 3 ILLINOIS==Con. All Counties—Con, | 5.88 79.37 23.8 4,198] 1,299 20 1571 1,019 231 640 2 , 8,286 3,787 75.2 15.1 3,279 1,38 267 154 122 210 hy a 3 23 l wi 13,742 6,415 78.1 13.4 5,748 2,824 101 226 500 2u2 692 Toh 59 | 49.1 | 636 | 6.8 9,923 4,883 82.1 12.1 k,491 2,168 191 172) 395 29 473 439 356 | 48.3 | a36 | 4.5 27,019 12,490] 76.1 15.8 9,688 3,403 37 356 1,198 614 1,487 | 1,393 0 [35.1 | @36| 71.7 29,228) 13,191 66.9 24.1 11,145 3,001 6 514 1,286 520 1,931 2,86 1,022 | 26. a 2 10,255 857] Th.S 19.7 282 1,85 1 198 665 165 Sh 397 He 3% Hor 23,489 11,813 79.4 19. 11,002 4,046 Bh k79 2,261 6us 1.4 1,240 80 [36.86 12| 8.0 085 123,284| 65,588 80.3 26. 58,879 3,126 935| 3,216] 19,327 4 us 11,843 11,116 k.871 | 5.3 19 | 14.2 17.81% 8k32| 177.6 16.3 6,308 1,515] 1,496 18 595 36 932, 767. Ws | 24.0 223.5 11,229 5,223 76.6 16.4 4,696 2,135 J 28 198 247 578 6u8 603 | us. @ .8 19,706 9.429! 77.5 15.9 7.708 3.886 21 288 592 384 869 9s 6! 50.8 po un 5,9 2,923 8.2 13.h 2,052 1,225 ™ 3 56 72 157 29 176 [59.7 | 636 | 5.6 11,575 5,558 76.6 18.9 3,251 1,138 8 ns 286 392 3m 248 | 35.0 9 [15.6 ,12 1,963| 75.2 15.8 1,491 752 53 i] ™ 69 77 175 112 [50.4 | 636 | 7.5 26,571 11,367 59.5 20.4 9.293 2,536 663 382 1.976 521 1,117 1,02 1,073 | 27. 15 | 12. 13,156 6,562 79.4 21.4 5.942 1,752 665 258 91h 268 855 »3 HY 23 1 12:9 032 90,687 §,24| 8.1 24.2 44,107 2,284 134 1,857) 19,997 3.224 7,197 6,681 2,733 | 5.2 | 19 |27.0° 102 [St Clair... 131,917 67.881] 79.9 22.8 53,564 k,201( 2,114 2,283 1886 7,080 9,045 7.299 8,656 | 7.8| 5] 9.8 Saline. 28,874] 13.274] 76.5 15.1 8, 1,431] 2,249 U3 340 5(5 1,438 1,234 649 [17.4 2|27.a 15 ol, h63( 149,335 79.0 27.1 41,686 4,303| 2,578] 1,953 6,%0 3.568 8,104 8,401 6,379 | 10. 7 9 8,782 3.95) 76.3 10.7 346 1,373 78 13 156 07 368 346 3 Ff ot Ww 27 2,858 715.9 13.8 2,218 1,199 12 11 58 133 254 293 215 [52.6 | a36 | 6.8 20,194 9.492] 77.9 15.7 8,208 4,091 13 291 628 423 985 1,016 643 [49.8 | 36 | 6.6 6,900 3.300 79.1 15.2 2,993 1,504 38 ko 164 139 349 ns 20 50.2 | 636 | 7.8 2,296 16,450 79.8 23.6 15,063 3.74 17 54 3,769 1,105 2,3% 2,315 1,240 | 24.8 | 2 8 085 3.877) 21.999 81.2 17.4 19,565 He 355 1,18 6,745 1,709 2,6 2353 1,318 | 16.8 3 i 16,523 6.942 66.0 16.4 5.477 2,1% kg 219 199 266 907 01 38.9 | 636 (11.9 67,917| 32.M49| 73.1 21.4 M27 4,016 2.293 970 4,296 2,675 4,878 5,11% 2,185 [15.2 | 636 | 9.7 10,607 5,101 77.3 18.8 “4,319 1,059 uh 696 460 663 537 356 | 24.5 3| 8.5 16,788 8,014| 76.5 19.5 7.325 2,762 39 324 579 455 1,195 1, 6 . 636. | 8.1 12,346 5,728 78.1 12.2 2% 2,611 162 i 155 257 611 = a al 0% - 5.3 16,328 7.953| 80.2 1.8 ,691 3,108 466 221 106 227 780 695 ugg | 6.4 3| 7.0 15,264 7.278] 715.8 18.0 ,009 2, h® 248 562 288 | * «921 170 hug | 38.1 3 7.4 33,229 16,616) &o.k 18.1 15,143 3.973 36 689 4,613 791 2,126 1,89 1,096 [26.2 | 17 |19.%4 91,833 | Lk,u5 70.4 22,7 36.9% 4,575 382| 1,426] 11,388 4,400 6,122 5,568 082 [12.% | 17 8.6 39.535 17.60 13.0 15.5 301508 1,391 3,012 359 19 6% 1.59 1,385 2 875 [13.9 7 30.0 198 ve 97,065 52,612 51.1 27.2 47 ok 2,40 51 1.4 22,820 1,998 7.967 6.967 2,87 33 19 (17.7 Woodferdeeesoees 102 1%, 818 715.7 14.3 6,411 2,69 101 343 693 2 865 601 [42,0 | 636 | 6.8 INDIANA...... | 2,665,328|1331,378| 78.5 21.2 [1,151,703 | 204,915] 13,470 50,206 345,585 ®,18 | 188,178 | 176,620 | 9= 558 |17.8 | 636 | 7.0 METRO. COUNTIES... | 1,096,328| 580,012| 80.5 25.9 | Mos,u97| =21,209| 2,388| 20,79%| 189,786 | 41,105 | 93.252 | 87,296 42,667 | 4.2 ook Narre. Se. 6 "o | : ” Chicage (pt):...0N5 225,612 | 118, 82.3 19.6 103,614 2,21 21 2,985 59,632 Ak 13,9%6 12,38 2 2s} 025 [Cincinnati (pt)s015 17,81% 9.112 »s 20.6 3 2 6 re 2 952 33 3 = a ? | 26.5 042 [Evansville (pt)i082 103.277 53,621 79. 26.4 45,871 1,707 ww 2,080 17.995 3.165 9.232 7.707 3.555 | 3.7 O45 [Fort Wayme......002 122,304 | 63,397| 19.0 26.1 55,823 4, h32 2.421| 19.2% 5,099 | 11,18 9.580 3:07 | 7.9 058 |Indtanspolis....O43 369,676| 201,254) ®1.0 29.8 | 175.31 2,943 153| 8,%99| 50,655 | 16,831 | 37,44 | 37.635 | 21,081 | 1.7 068 | Louisville (pt)* 5d 51 25,403] 78.2 21.9 20,542 3,28 70] 1,034 5.948 1.953 3.536 2.756 1,958 J16.0 13 \35i5ey| Gena| wo. | 21.8 | seme 2. ® 157. eran] 3.29 9.9% | 10.288 | 3,909 | ub 123 £0,383 %0,243| 77.5 23.8 30,387 1,871 | 1,638) 1.%10 ,168 3.2m 7.058 6,282 2,588 | 6.2 1,569,000 | 751,366 77.1 17.8 | 653,206] 183,706 11,082 29.M12| 155,799 | 39.076 | 94.926-| 89.314 | kg,.E9) |28.1 15,834 7.720 79.4% 16.9 7,088 2,598 3 291 1,789 214 955 - 173 U3 [36.7 | 10 | 6.1 ols 182,304 | 63,397| 79.0 26.1 55,823 b 32 2.821 19,2 5.099 | 11,18 9.580 3.07] 7.9 | 1916. 21,615| 10.58 78. 18.4 3.13 2,2 23 467 3,068 46 1. % 1,001 Qo [23.9 | 19 (11, 43 | way 79.5 | (16.0 3] 1,9 1 188 128 1 3 498 egy [51.3 | 036 | 6.7 10,564 5,308| 80.4 20.4 ,660 1,020 13 176 1,633 193 nt 524 34 (21.9. 16 [10.8 17,569 8,194 77.6 15.7 Ta 2,966 2 4385 a7 Wy 1,122 1,009 521 | 40.0 | 636 | 6.2 ,399 1.9% ™.2 8.5 1,57 761 2 3 oe » 105 163 238 | 48.3 a3 6.2 11,998 430 LH 13.7 4,876 2,246 2 268 wi 288 6397 582 412 46.1 | @ 6.4 “ e 58) ME 73. 23.7 13,122 2,50 69 630 2,992 1,609 2,265 2,057 979 |19.2 3 | 9.0 068 23,578 11,426] 718.7 18.3 8,879 2,065 49 us 2,257 162 1,848 1,106 gud 123.3] 13 7a 01874.00s0e 01 19,804 8,936 76.5 13.0 6,539 1,637 = 23 1,002 363 3 901 STL [25.0 2 [12.7 Climten. 012 22,007 10,303 78.2 15.4 9,150 2,621 b 1.55 1,163 1,08 1.85 T26 |28.6 | 23 9.7 |Crawtord 01 Jin 3.8 15.2 6.8 2,51 1,18 38 8 23 12 234 27 162 [55.2 | 036 | 6.3 Daviess.cose.. 0 19, 8.3781 717.0 14.5 7.498 2,854 200 nk 626 9 1,091 936 %01 (38.1 | 23] 9.2 1Remainder of Chicago Metropolitan Area (024) is in Illinois. SRemainder of Cincinnati Metropolitan Area (025) is in Kentucky and Ohio. SRemaindef of Evansville Metropolitan Area (042) is in Kentucky. ‘Remainder of Louisville Metropolitan Area (088) is in Kentucky. i wy HE Table 3 Part 3 - Housing ILL., Massac (0o4) =, IND., Daviess (014) TABLE 3—SELECTED DATA FOR METROPOLITAN AREAS AND FOR ALL COUNTIES, BY STATE—Continued se = HOUSING—1940 . s . ; N Nonfarm + Rural Farm = All Dwelling Units Occupied Dwelling Units Duwellirig Units Dwelling Unité Sn METROPOLITAN : i Metro. ARES. Medi front Aug cou AND Residential Percent | Percent Per Percent a Per- CODES struction in50r| with | Percent ode wi Aver. cent | Percent Jan b more | private wil mechan- monthly wil with 1 Number family | Dathiuh | dheric Number Der ical perso ns | Number ord Number run- | electric struc- or | lighting joc! ed refrig- | | (dollars) ning | lighting pH + tures | shower eration | “} 11 water G3) G9 (35) 36) Gn 38) 39) (40) “n “@) “) “0 @) 1 “we “n ILLINOIS—Con, BE er All Counties—Con. « Massac., xevassiOl 3,863 4,323 1.2 17.4 53.0 4y246 | 53.9 15.7 3.10 2,836 11,46 1,487 2.7 8.3 899 a 3,032 3,156 045 23,2 69.4 3,085 | 51,0 31,0 3.06 1,836 | 12.7% 1,320]. 15.8] 44.7 1,243 (5% 5,184 5,368 0.1 28,1 67.3 5,156 | 53.0 37.6 3.09 2,018 13.75 2,450] 26,11 41.7 3,559 5 3,418 3,593 21.9 61.8 3,489 | 51.3 23.6 3.29 2,010| 15.76 1,583] 7.4] 334 1,749 aE 10,134 10,39 042 24.5 72.3 10,155 | 57.9 26.4 2.99 7,162 13.22 3,228) 7.9] 28.1 4,191 8,607 9,501 1.9 36.2 75.8 9,251 | 47.6 32,1 3.05 6,892| 20.81 2,609| 12.1| 30.1 4yl5h ' 3,687 3,924 049 20.4 65.0 3,827 | 48.7 25.5 3.04 2,234 14.46 1,690] 11.6 3445 1,519 8,440 9,022 046 43.3 77.3 8,722 | 52.1 43.0 3.04 5,732 22,03 3,290| 23.6 52.1 5,608 085 36,797 44,330 7.2 59.6 95.1 43,105 | 51.3 67.3 3.03 41,322 33.40 3,008) 25.9 70.7 29,873 POrry.ceeceessss0?3 6,419 6,745 045 23.6 63.8 ,536 | 60,0 24.6 3.22 44,907 14.55 1,838 2,8 8.8 2,452 Platt.eiieseess 07 4,178 4,266 0.3 30.8 | 69.3 4,247 | 48.7] 30.5| 3.16 2,564 | 15,37 1,702! 19.2 34.3] 2,195 7,466 7, 047 13.9 54.9 2424 | 51.7 22,0 2.97 4,143 11.51 3,691 6.0 27. 2,841 2,328 2,438 045 5.0 19,2 2,229 | 56,6 Th 3,17 784, 8.42 1,654] 1.3 3.7 367 ve 4,074 4,335 049 12,3 45.9 4,273 | 41.4 16.2 3.28 2,771 8.64 1,564 3.9 19.2 70 Putnam. .......0.078 1,58, 1,622 21.5 71.2 1,518 | 52,0 27.1 3.15 999 8.49 623 27,1 43.6 710 Randolph. sss. .ss079 7,930 8,521 0.7 22,7 65,7 8,260 | 56.7 25.1 3.22 5,952. 15.55 2,570 6.0] 21.5 3,186 Richland........080 4,841 5,341 1,1 26.9 60,0 4,971 | 59.8 26.7 3.03 3,191 19.45 2,150 4.6 eh 2,821 032 |Rock Island.....081 26,459 32,494 545 58.0 9449 31,725 | 50.9 68,8 3.11 30,228 29,24 2,266 23.2 58.6 19,865 102 (St. Clair... 40,736 48,138 2,7 49.9 90.0 6, 985 | 47.8 49.4 3.12 45,047 20,60 3,091 16,2 34.2 22,855 Saline.sesseees +2083 10,116 10,983 1.4 17.9 69.2 10,850 55.9 21.9 3.15 8,409 12,67 2,57 2.9 22.2 2,733 115 |SangamoN.ssesss on 29,381 33,943 5.1 53.3 93.1 33,207 | 49.3 56.1 3.09 29,585 28,77 4,358 19.0 64.9 17,878 3,297 3,402 16.2 40.3 3,275 | 51.9 15.6 3.09 1,566 | 12,52 1,836 7.6] 13.6 1,252 2,429 2,509 0,2 17.3 56.2 2,390 | 48.8 25,7 3.04 1,389 | 10,77 1,120 10.4| 30.0 675 = 7,734 8,005 0.5 17.6 51.1 7,737 | 56.8 18,7 3.00 4,019] 13,32 3,986 6.3] 17.2 4,386 = 2,513 2,616 0,8 32.0 7.5 2,563 1 53.5 33.1 3.10 1,409 15,06 1,207 | 22.4 48.0 1,716 = Stephenson 10,747 12,036 2.4 55.4 86,1 11,669 | 52.4 47.8 3,10 9,123 | 24.85 2,913 | 21,6 56,7 8,997 ”~, 085 |Tazewell., 15,629 16,783 1,0 45.3 89,8 16,260 «0 57.8 3.23 14,152 24,81 2,631] 30.9 63.9 7,587 § Union. es 5,018 5,288 1.1 22,6 46,8 5,105 | 52.4 19,0 3.36 2,639 17,13 2,649 3.8 12,2 1,570 Vermilion,.ss.. 22,522 25,222 head 39,0 83.5 24,576 | 49.3 29,5 3.03 21,168 | 18,22 4,054 | 19.2| 39.7] 11,796 Wabash....eeeee.093 3,799 4,054 047 32,1 73.7 3,936 | 57.4 2447 5.08 2,803 17.45 1,251 8.7 31.8 2,205 Warren. .oesssoee094 6,147 6,466 1,2 37.1 756k 6,252 | 51.5 22 3.02 4,113 18,14 2,353 | 23.8 44.6 4,364 4,508 4,664 13.6 5345 4,491 | 58.7 © 3.12 2,439 13.78 2,225: = 3.6 23.7 2,615 6,025 6,302 042 12,3 ih.2 6,107 | 58.9 oe 3.22 2,425] 17.21 3,877 731.77 eld 1,712 5,366 053864 048 15,3 56.6 5,691 | 52,3 18.6 3.08 3,383 13.91 2,481 440 24,1 2,685 11,703 12,597 1.1 44.9 84.3 12,314 | 51.7 | 36.2 3.15 9,503 | ,22,91 3,094 | 18.4 51.3 9,178= 25,596 29,979 3.2 55.8 93.8 29,045 | 52.4 46.2 3.33 26,458 26.44 3,51] 25.6 70.4 18,577 1,223 15,107 1.0 19,0 69.4 1,858 | 62,1 19,1 3.09 12,160 | 10,28 2,91 2.3 pa 3,657 198 27,444 35,483 6.9 70.2 96.1 34,818 | 45.1 56.9 3.12 33,065 29,13 2,418 | 26.5 67.3 22,825 Woodford. sess 102 5,331 5,488 0.1 39.5 83.5 5,256 | 57.1 49.4 3.25 3,187 | 23.05 2,301 | 30.2| 67.7 3,627 INDIANA. . eau 878,936 | 1,005,952 4.0 46.6 84.0 961,498 | 53.1 41.1 3.12 783,485 22,27 222,467 | 17.9 49.2] 531,136 METRO. COUNTIES., 314,305 398,523 8.3 62,7 94.7 384,989 | 46.4 51.6 3.17 374,899 26,70 23,624 | 24.6] .63.8] 233,567 : i Metro, areas: ° Bas 024 Chicago (pt)'...045 54,706 79,140 12.9 73.3 96.9 75,902 | 42.9 57.1 3445 77,092 | 29.05 2,048 | 34.8| 62.2] 37,588 ’ 025 [Cincinnati (pt) 015 5,745 6,672 1.2 26,1 75.2 W447 | 60,8 37.9 3.18 4,513 19.90 2,159 . 39.8 2,485 042 |Evansville (pt)*082 30,165 36,949 45 55.8 942 36,227 | 44.0 49.5 3.16 34,910 | 24.62 2,039 | 28.9 | 76.4] 21,533 045 [Fort Wayne......002 37,621 43,315 3.3 67.6 95,5 42,223 | 56.5 58.2 3.22 38,656 29,73 4,659 | 23.8 68.0 35,456 056 | Indianapolis...,049| 101,587 136,877 12.1 65,1 97.5 131,660 | 41,0 54.1 3.03 133,469 | 28,31 3.408 | 41.2| 89.9] 85,719 068 | Louisville (pt)* «aie ++4010, 022 17,602 19,593 1.1 Lo.L 79.3 16,646 | 53.7 La.3 3.13 16,008 | 16.87 3,565 | 10.3 | Lo.2] 10,120 E - 113 39,567 44,842 3.3 70.4 96.0 43,804 | 55.9 Aho6 3.27 41,665 26,41 3,177 | 34.6 Vode 25,812 123 [Terre Huute.....084 27,252 31,135 4.0 37.8 88,7 30,080 | 46,7 38.5 2,88 28,586 18,22 2,549 | 14.3 52,8 14,854 5 OTHER COUNTIES...| 564,631 607,429 1.2 34.7 76.9 576,509 | 57.6 | . 34.1 3.09 408,586 | 18,17| 198,83 | 17.0 | 47.4] 297,569 All Counties . 5 Eas Adams,.s.s. 5,313 5,565 02 32,5 81.0 5,455 | 62,8 35.3 3.47 3,098 | 18,71 2,467 | 15,3 63.7 2, ” 045 |Allemy...... 37,621 43,315 3.3 67.6 95.5 42,223 | 56,5 58,2 3.22 38,656 | 29,73 4,659 | 23.8| 68.0) 35,456 Bartholomew. 7,832 8,406 1.1 32.6 19.2 8,146 | 50,5 36.9 3.08 5,838 18,79 2,568 | 13.5 53.9 5,188 Bentonsseses 3,069 3,169 36.6 64.6 3,072 | 50,7 36,2 3.21 1,794 15.25 1,375 | 27.6 30.7 1,813 Blackford... 3,790 4,057 0.6 36.1 89,2 3,948 | 62.8 38.7 3.09 3,006 | 14.69 1,051 12,5] 70.3 1,332 6,525 6,881 1.0 36,1 86.2 6,640 | 55.6 30.4 2.92 3,677] 17,50 3,204 |. 22.4 | 78.3 4,912 1,907 1,907 2:1 17.9 1,618 | 68,5 7,3 3.19 595| 10,76 1,027 2 6.6 238 5,025 59131 23,8 49 4,599 | 58.3 31.0 2,95 2,760 15.12 2,371 27.0 61,9 3,138 9,598 10,588 2,0 43.3 85,7 10,343 | 54.4 35,7 2,95 7,876 | 18,78 2,712 | 19.7| 54.8 6,165 068 8,470 9,141 0.8 32.8 | 72.4 8,5. 5443 3.1] 3.20 7,07% | 15.46 2,067] 9.1 33.8] 4,113 Clayes sues 7,4L 7,663 01 | 15.5 66.4 7,348 | 63.9] 22.8] 3.05 5,259 11,10 2,408 77] 32.8] 3,388 Sia 7,922 8,562 2.1] 39.9) 8.2 8,35 | 53.7| 40.8] 3.02 yo08 | 17.88 2,55, | 27.3 én.2| sme Crawford..... 2,803 2,865 9.9 28.8 2,736 | 74.0 13.6 3.25 1,059 9.76 1,806 ( 2.8 3.8 511 Daviess.........0L4 6,845 7,331 0.3 25.3 68,1 7,067 | 60.3 28.9 3.23 44505 14.69 2,826 7.9 33.0 2,805 a ea 1Remainder of Chicago Metropolitan Area (024) is in Illinois. 2Remainder of Cincinnati Metropolitan Area (025) is in Kentucky and Ohio. SRemainder of Evansville Metropolitan Area (042) is in Kentucky. 4Remainder of Louisville Metropolitan Area (068) is in Kentucky. 136 Clark County (010) omitted. TABLE S=SAELED DATA FOR METROPOLITAN AREAS AND FOR ALL COUNTIES, Table : BY STATE—Continued ies Tie 57 Astonia : ILL., Ma: 064) - # (Figures which have been rounded to thousands will not necessarily add to totals) . ., SE oe i AGRICULTURE—1945 AGRICULTURE—1940 a Pen Vals of Value of farm products sold, | Principal St") “farm property Work power traded, or used by source of TETROTOLIR Per- | 5% I farm household farm income | Type- Ap . centel'pi Percent from— °° | Rural Metro. Number of | Land in | Cropland | Number of with ercent from farming-| fur Area COUNTIES farms farms | harvested | of farms | farms Number area | level Code (1000's | (1000's oper- i I Aver-| “ot A Live- code |,.9f CODES fn bs of of 1 Aprll, | ated | pil 8 ee horses | Number (1000's sock Code Per. | (See Jvfng HI i] 9 acres) acres) 1940 by il acts ; | andjor of an (See p423 Sa ten | Jess o arm’l mules | tractors live- | Crops | paz2) | cent on - ants | hon dollars) | 3 over 3 dollars) | stock 3 $400 419) | mo. old) prod ps ucts 2 “8) “9) (0) Gn (52) 3) 4) (55) (56) GD (58) (9) (60) (61) (62) 63) 64) 4 © TLLINNIS—Con, 1 s All Counties—Con. ' MESS8C. .ueuees 06 1,020 124 491 1,096 | 23.0 40.8 4,605 ' 4,202 3,176 157 1,063 | 51.8 | 33.9 1 {29.7 620 91 E i 06 ‘892 192 135 980 | 51,7 | 11.9 18,195 [13,568 . 3,47% 671 2,651 | 42.4 | 49.9 5 | 48.9 531 120 on 1,898 336 201 1,925 | 46.1 | 3.0 32,46) [16,2€4] 6,554 1,324 6,282 | 56.2 | 37.8 148.2 512 | 127 Hr 1,4 220 108 1,403 | 44.2 | 13.3 12,320 8,781 4,634 822 2,255 | 34.0 49.1 5 | 47.0 622 | 110 20 Montgomery... ...063 2,629 405 2u7 2,816 | 40.4 | 17.6 25,960 9,219] 9,068 1,372 4,576 | 51.1] 36.6 5135.8 541 | 108 = MOTZaN as. se see sab 1,907 347 223 2,058 | 44e4 | 11.5 33,102 (16,025 7,267 1,192 6,132 49.1 44.1 5143.2 541 118 E 1,269 213 168 1,278 | 47.9] 9.5 25,817 [20,201 4,007 932 3,731 | 25.4 | 67.8 5 (67.5 531 ( 120 - 2,627 473 335 2,780 | 50.5 | 10.3 42,685 [17,513] 8,784 2,269 7,505 | 62.4 | 31.4 1 |45.5 571 | 136 085 2,260 3 212 2,516 | 40.6 | 21.3 39,157 [15,563] 6,842 1,51 4,795 | 46.4 | 43.5 5 (38.4 512 [ 135 4 1,762 21 102 1,557 | 29.5 35.4 7,223 | 4,639 4,682 455 1,135 | 44.9 28.2 527.0 623 92 SP 1,131 265 222 1,250 | 58.7] 7.5 41,297 133,028 4,250 1,315 4,847 | 24.9 | 69.5 5 | 69.4 531 | 120 . = 2,556 Lgl 218 2,836 | 40.5 | 21.2 27,3291 9,636] 9,309 1,162 5,811 | 51.9 | 38.5 142.9 541 | 108 ¥ 1,115 139 37 1,237 | 26.9] 56. 3,486 2,813 3,084 3 50.1 19.3 1130.4 60 89 £ 107 52 958 | 28,1 | 51.0 4,470 | 4,666] 2,636 160 700 47.0 | 32.9 130.3 620 ; 1 93 61 5051 52.3] 9.3 9,778 [19,362] 1,307 488 1,407 | 49.0 | 44.6 5 | 441 512 | 122 2 Randolph. +079 1,981 318 158 2,161 | 36,0 | 21.3 14,526 | 6,722] 7,461 886 2,7 47.3] 35.8 5134.5 622 | 100 4 Richland... .....080 1,70 219 111 1,833 | 25.2 | 39.8 9,204 | 5,021] 4,293 519 1,294 | 59.0 21,8 134.8 623 | 102 032 [Rock Island,....n8} 1,9 239 132 1,824 | 38.5 | 18.4 24,029 [13,174 © 5,428 1,186 3,336 | 66.1 23.2 147.2 571 123 » 102 | St. Clair.......0%2 2,781 3 236 2,839 | 41.5 | 18.4 27,298 | 9,615 8,890 1,424 4,381 35.1 | 49.7 5 145.1 622 120 Saline,,........0%3 2,162 189 % 2,136] 21.4 | 62.7 9,377 | 4,431 4,469 287 1,296 | 53.6 | 22.5 117A 552 89 115 | Sangamon... 2,834 488 349 3,131 | 45.2 | 18.9 58,574 [18,708] 9,111 2,036 9,810 | 47.9 | 45.9 5 |43.6 san | 121 2 Schuyler, 1,394 258 if 1,509 | 46.4 | 19.1 14,301 | 9,477) 4,583 723 2,353 | 53.9 235.9 1141.9 5,1) 113 bas 810 155 798 | 49.7 | 10.4 10,144 [12,712] 2,934 482 1,899 | 40.2 [ 51.7 5 | 50.8 541] 115 “y 3,187 459 232 3,458 | 43.7 21.3 36,021 10,417 8,454 1,269 5,586 | “41.4 | 48.1 547.9 541 | 112 961 176 126 955 | 53.4 | 6.3 21,178 [22,176] 2,361 | 871 3,197 | 45.2 | 50,1 5 (48.8 512 | 134 2,561 346 221 2,59 | 46.7 | 6.2 34,739 [13,392] 8,018 1,860 5,843 | 76.1] 15,0 139.2 571 129 . 085 2,209 37 273 2,296 | 50.2 | L.3 46,745 [20,359] 7,381 1,750] 6,121 33.9] 58.9 5 | 56.1 531 135 1,683 192 73 1,724 | 2444 | 38.3 7,902 | 4,584] 4,813 359 1,844 | 27.4 | 56.5 7 [29.6 620 . 3.228 2 Yo 3,330 | 45.9 | 20.5 58,496 [17,566] 7,551 | 2,418 | 8,437 | 32.9 60.1 5 |58.2 5 | 113 g Wabash,.........093 727 12; 7 907 | 31.6 | 28.9 8,329] 9,183] 2,4. 440 1,042 1 46.3 |: 40.7 538.7 552 | 107 \ Warren...eees.+e09% 1,8 337 2 1,839 | 50,1 8,6 38,899 21,152 5,870 1,466 6,261 60,8 33.4 1 | 53.0 512 130 a 1,9 315 2 1,999 | 41.9| 12.0 15,338 | 7,673] 7,766 715 2,815 | 38.3 | 44.9 5 [40.5 2 106 Te 3,017 375 168 3,398 | 30,0 | 41.5 14,333 | 4,231] 9,252 591 2,192 | 53.1 | 24.7 1 {29.2 623 96 wh 1,822 290 155 1,233 | 37,0 | 26.1 15,997 | 8,495) 5,880 43 2,314 | 42.8 43.2 5140.8 552 | 101 2,532 blk 290 2,602 | 57.3| 8.4 43,602 [16,257] 9,053 1,98 7,198 | 57.7] 36.0 1038.5 571 | 124 3 2,817 Wh WT] 2,99 46.2 | 12.4 | 5L,473017,163] 8,703 | 2,490 | 7,565| 38.6| 54.2 £00 ea eran 2 ihe 2,003 156 59 2,405 | 21,6 | 70.2 6,647] 2,764] 5,076 217 936 | 42.5] 22.7 0,..5 623 a3 35 93 2,012 291 1% 2,110 | 40.8. | 16,2 28,604 113,556] 6,143 1,370 4,200 78.5 13.6 1143.3 571 129 Nig Woodford. .......102 1,778 319 23 1,942 | 50.4 | 10.6 46,182 [23,781 5,667 1,589 6,224 | 32.5] 58.5 5 | 55.4 531 | 139 : Ree 2 . INDIANA......| 175,970 | 20,027 | 10,912 184,549 | 23.3 | 29.1 [1,492,408 | 8,087 395,095 | 73,221 | 247,046 | 57.1 |. 30.5 135.0 115 4 = ; : ee ur & METRO, COUNTTES,.| 20,488 1,767 969 | - 20,121 | 23.7 | 38.1] 159,334 | 7,919] 37,629 7,347] 23,533] 4.7] 38.2 Metrn, areas: 02 [Chicago (pt)%...045 1,886 210 m2 1,926 | 33.3 | 34.9 21,105 [10,958] .4,265 938 3,237 | 55.9 | 34.9 1 [26.5 025 | Cincinnati (pt)3.015 1,887 181 57 1,335 | 19.1 | 24.3 9,337 5,116] 4,184 458 1,733] 51.9 25.0 5121.7 4 : 042 |Evansvilla (pt)s.032 1,554 118 ki] 1,641 | 16,5] 43.0 12,661 | 7,718] 3,284 441 1,778 30.9 51.0 5 [37.9 2 045 | Fort Wayme......002 Joa 383 245 3,697 | 26.6 | 18.9 36,308 | 9,956 3,327 2,034 5652 | 52.3 | 36.0 5 [31.3 FE = Sites eee 2 i717 112 3,083 | 26,2 | 51.7 32,279 [10,470 3,37 1,115 3,601 39.4] 51.5 8 [29.1 . He sv. eo . hY; evsenene 010,022 3,112 250 91 3,062 | 15.9] 42.3 14,082 4,509] 5,493 614 2,749 | 49.2 34.2 113 | South Benu,.....071 3,075 240 1b 2,73 | 23.2 | 42.0 21,884 | 7.680] 4.785 1,083 2,993 | 57.1] 30.1 2 |27.0 i 123 | Terre Haute...y.N3. 2,217 199 10 2,00, | 22.9 | 51.9 11,678 | 5,577 3.437 634 1,761] 22.4 hh 5 |32.8 OTIFR COUNTTFS...| 155,482 | 18,260 | 9,943 | 164,422 | 22.2 | 28.0 (1,333,002 | 2,107| 357,466 | 65,374 | 223,513 | 52.0 | 29.6 “He All Counties: , 1,971 210 142 1,999 | 32.6 | 8.3 12,249 | 9,129] 5,412 1,31 3,96 | 53.5] 33.9 5 32.8 561 | 128 045 3,843 383 245 3,697 | 26.6 | 18.9 36.978 | 9,756] 3,327 2,03 5,652 | 52.3 | 36.0 5 |3L.3 561 | 128 1,682 1 118 1,°15| 29.9 | 24.6 17,392 | 9,5%2| 4,57 a03 2,0] 40.2 |' 49.1 5 [40,1 551 | 107 BOnton. su... 004 1,092 250 201 1,101 | 56.0 | 2.3 26,996 RA4,520| 3,552 Los RM] ULL 9.6 5 159.0 531 | 143 Blackford. ......005 877 95 51 941 | 26.8 | 20,9 7,645 2,04 1,7% 433 1,362 | 55.6] 33.1 1 {36.7 561 | 120 BOONG...sesesssa0b 2,546 2% 176 2,643 | 3.1] 16.9 24,345 [10,725 5,009 1,365 4,32 | 6.2 21.1 1 |49.6 551 | 126 BroWNesese esses s? 923 9 16 283 | 16.0 | 49.0 2,415 2,735) 1,333 11 497 | 1.6] 31.2 0 [26.6 626 | © 87 Carroll, 1,682 22% 146 1,742 | 36d | 9.2 21,296 (12,219 3,731 1,100 | 4,265] 55.0 | 36.7 1 {40.1 551 | 128 . 2,056 ay 147 2,202 | 2.3 15.1 21,336] 9,629 4,937 9, 3,681 | 63.9 | 24.0 1 44.1 551 1. 119 068 | Clarke. .oeeesess010) 1,889 1 63 1,687 | 19.1 | 22.7 9,129 | 5,411] 3,679 411 2,0 51a] dk 5 [29,8 626 | 104 SINYarsess eens suid 2,100. 195 96 2,153 | 20,0 | 50,2 10,608 | 4,927) 3,816 608 1,405 | 49.1 | 24.6 0 [26,1 552 98 2,024 251 180 2,750 | 37.6 | 11.3 28,052 [13,684 4,473 1,227 5,257 | 62.8 | 30.7 1 [49.9 551 |. +123 1,465 156 34 1,509 | 13.3 | 60.0 3,435] 2,276 2,699 108 706 52,5 13.0 0 |31.9 626 91 2,303 250 131 2,434 | 26.0 | 40.5 14,573] 5,991] 6,250 577 2,097 | 58.4] 25.8 137.7 552 | 101 The State Total includes $88, 026 for female silver fox and/or mink over 3 months old (kept in captivity) not distributed to individual counties, 2pemainder of Chicago Metropolitan Area (024) is in Illinois. 3Remainder of Cincinnati-Mstropolitan Area (026) is in Kentucky and Ohio, ‘Remainder of Evansville Uetropolitan Area Sou) is in Kentucky. SRemainder of Louisville Metropolitén Area is in Kentucky. air TABLE 3—SELECTED DATA FOR METROPOLITAN AREAS AND FOR ALL COUNTIES, pe Lieu : BY STATE—Continued ILL., Massac (064) - > 7 : IND., Daviess (014) (All dollar figures have been rounded to thousands and will not necessarily add to totals) we soos E MANUFACTURING ESTABLISHMENTS—1939 MINERAL INDUSTRIES—1939 | - RETAIL ESTABLISHMENTS—1939 \ METROPOLITAN ; ! Meo! COUNTIES Value added Area ue adde 3 Code AND Wage Wages Valse of by manufac- Yue of Nother Wages and Number af Sales Active Banal ng Pay roll CODES Number | 3T€TS | (100(’s of | Products ture fo ucts a salaries umber.ol (1000's of pro- 8€ 1(1000’s of (average dollars) (1000 of (1000’s of (1000s of | persons | (1000's of | stores dollars) | prietors or dollars) for year) dollars) dollars) dollars) | engaged | dollars) year) y (65) (66) 67 (68) ©) ao). an a2) @) a4) @) as) an ILLINOIS=eCon . All Counties—Con. 1k 1,016 610 2,738 1,206 (13 (1) (1) 234 2,394 2ug uh 1 1 Lo 29 185 | 87 255 188 154% 158 2,205 .155 229 1 6 152 120 386 251 81 62 56 259 3.758 2kg 370 274 9 ig u7 515 167 260 83 95 202 3,036 189 306 22 22 1,033 1,034 8,394 2,385 glk ky 518 515 8.476 517 908 605 24 934 ‘884 3,763 1,764 (1) (1) (2) 462 11,193 57 1,339 995 13 508 (1) (1) (2) 177 2,303 171 247 170 42 1,857 2,059 11,498 L774 302 47 82 423 7.627 | Loy 64h 577 085 219 8,704 11,922 88,842 40,781 2,730 1,333 1,619 1,989 66,949 1,742 8,218 8,729 20 452 329 3.652 1,242 4,701 13528 2,007 320 4,975 294 545 392 11 1ko 122 919 321 189 2,887 184 288 204 12 350 224 1,728 L67 (1) (1) (1) 350 © 4,651 367 420 305 2 a) (2): (2) (1) (1) (2 @ 81 768 75 90 60 7 42 2u8 931 4° 506 (1) 8 3 191 1,580 18k 192 112 1 (1) (2) (1) (1) 85 724 83 39 35 26 1,766 1,700 10,338 4,835 1,638 597 701 418 5,686 428 569 Lok 1 883 (2) (1) (1) 24 4,611 214 526 368 032 151 14,651 20,302 99,996 46,877 328 109 130 1,646 40,430 1,509 4,731 4,246 102 223 12,654 16,182 154,365 47,417 4,384 2,026 2,332 - 2,302 16,320 2,139 k4,941 4,8k49 Fi 18 156 149 1,266 534 6,584 2,591 3.398 459 8,480 Lo5 u6| * 709 115" | Sangamon... J ogd| 115 | uhog 5,706 | 41,723 18,359" 3.616 | 2.291 2,539 1,549 | Ms.s62| 1.1] 6.086 5,584 : Schuyler. . 085 7 71 58 1,112 206 96 102 61 140 1,838 150 199 122 Scott. . ..086 3 Lo 15 55 39 25 24 13 113 1.311 113 117 82 Shelby. ..087 13 420 R34 . 1,848 | 669 27 37 19 347 4,267 374 Kg 288 BURTK. ... snes 088 8 50 (1) (2) (2) 41 3 27 146 ‘1,898 pig 74 122 91 2,856 3,276 30,864 10,756 601 14,662 590 1,584 1,448 085 64 10,256 16,192 84,824 Ll 550 694 341 Lov 720 13,101 671 1,34 1,132 1h 72k slg 2,537 1,276 (2) (1) (1) 211 3,933 199 Le] 298 86 3,431 3,536 “21,409 9,760 3,653 | 2,350 2,352 1,200 2.6221 1,087 | 3,119 2,573 11 569 67 1,987 1,045 [fo] Lo 32 207 3.79% 203 384 289 14 307 306 1,324 593 38 32 25 333 6,811 355 139 571 15 66 42 381 183 470 319 305 243 2,740 258 270 166 9 427 (2) (2) (2) 222 3,821 216 34g 261 13 Lgg 276 1,125 502 65 3 28 280 L,123 275 Ley 263 Whitesides ssssss098 55 3,773 4,573 22,440 11,39 34 17 9 623 13,200 599 1,338 1,158 Willee rs uinessssa0 125 8,061 10,828 90,026 34,176 3,398 673 1,142 1,41 33,471 1,390 3,924 3,577 20 193 225 1,227 650 3,826 1,593 1,729 596 10,177 591 1,149 835 198 266 17,466 21,497 86,503 50,961 213 73 88 1,641 48,812 1,452 5,464 5,137 15 181 127 1,301 551 134 174 139 276 5,106 296 465 352 Combined Countiesd 3117 34,952 4,869 35,118 14,207 1,965 754 1,008 INDIAMA......| 4,337] 277,467 345,475 | 2,227,648 970,212 33,749 | 11,988 14,833 47,317] 1,066,383| 44,003| 123,192 110,895 METRO. COUNTIES..| 1,875 157,094 | 4215,683 | 41,522,033 4626,243 56,761 | 52,364 £3,360 18,376 523,255 16,149| 63,885 63,106 Metro. areas: % 024 | Chicago (pt)B...045 236 58,825 92,690 736,550 268,087 263 42 85 3,790 101,961 3,310 10,662 11,063 025 | Cincinnati (pt)”.015 30 1,506 1,700 19,297 2,595 (1) (1) (1) 316 4,842 303 504 425 042 | Evansville (pt)®.082 203 13,854 |. 16,744 133,419 61,914 535 188 211 1,724 47,243 1,539 5,804 5,647 045 | Fort Wayme...s..002 180 14,175 19,064 120,531 54,253 (1) (1) (1) 2,114 61,129 1,926 Ts 3568 75240 056 | Indianapolis. ...049 818 38,838 48,139 294,512 139,153 458 158 306 5,790 197,234 4,855 26,526 26,157 068 | Louisville (pt)® evnenanseeOL0, 022 85 4,060 102,113 1011,230 104,842 11196 1g 11¢5 964 13,884 940 1,544 1,185 113 | South Bend. «ss +071 202 20,840 29,625 157,818 "71,625 (1) (1) (1) 2,345]. 60,154 1,914 6,810 7,245 123 | Terre Haute.....084 121 4,996 5,608 48,076 17,724 5,309 1,914 2,693 1,533 36,808 1,362 4,467 4yLids OTHER COUNTIES...| 2,462| 120,372 °4129,792 4705,615 4343,969 526,988 | 59,624 811,473 28,941 543,128 27,854] 59,307 47,789 All Counties: ° AdamS...eeeessss001 32 1,412 1,494 18,454 5,898 119 % af’ 265 4,812 237 575 466° 045 | Allen.sessse 180 14,175 19,064 120,531 54,253 (1) (1 (1) 2,114 61,129 1,926 7,568 7,240 Bartholomew... 58 2,318 2,074 17,489 7,819 (1) (1) (1) 397 8,178 342 963 74d Benton. uses 6 n 55 341 |. . 186 169 3,324 160 287 202 Blackford. ..ee. 23 1,328 1,411 6,872 "3,365 209 3,719 210 488 365 28 666 530 3,855 1,922 300 5,849 291 676 521 1 (1) (1) 0) (1) 71 504 69 53 30 17 167 110 582 309 . 219 3,458 234 328 225 53 2,450 2,124 11,705 6,155 261 59 48 522 11,220 470 1,371 1,175 068 ]Clarkeessssssse 27 1,504 (1) (1) (1) 196 62 65 402 5,286 388 545 390 Clay .esvvseasss 23 720 758 2,628 1,730 2,450 822 1,051 334 5,832 335 574 4 Clinton... 25 1,164 1,268 6,335 2,762 399 9,443 356 1,041 88. Crawforde sass 6 38 17 9% 43 (1) (1) (1) : 142 1,000 Li 76 4 Daviest.sessssss0l4 28 450 308 2,27 878 152 105 80 325 5,248 332 562 427 : . 1Ngt shown becausd of disclosure of operations of individual establishments. Data included in Combined Counties at end of State. ®ncludes all counties where fig- ures are not shown separately because of disclosure of operations of individual establishments. 3Includes all establishments and wage earners of counties for which wages and value dota were withheld to avoid disclosure. The "Combined Counties" figure for number of establishments is excluded from the State total, since this item was shown for every county. Whenever data on wage earners have been withheld, that portion of the "Combined Counties" figure represented by such data is included in the cor- responding State total. 40ne county, Clark (010), which should be included in the "Metro. Counties" total is included in the "Other Countles" total, since it ls not . possible to present separate figures for this county. ® Four counties, Dearborn (015), Allen (002), Floyd (022) and St. Joseph (071), which should be included in the "Metro. Counties" total are included in the "Other Counties" total, since "18 is not possible to present figures for these counties. 8 Remainder of Chicago Metropolitan Area (024) is in Illinois. 7 Remainder of Cincinnati Metropoliten Area (025) is in Kentucky and Ohio. PRemainder of Evansville Metropolitan Area (042) is in Kentucky. ®Remainder of louisville Metropolitan Area (068) is in Renbusigye 10Fxcludes Clark County (010) for which data are not shown separately. !!Excludes Floyd County (022) for which data are not shown separately. 3 : 138 TABLE 3—SELECTED DATA FOR METROPOLITAN AREAS AND FOR ALL COUNTIES, Table 3 : ; 7 a BY STATE—Continued Tory Sar Bretous : ILL., Massac (064) - (All dollar figures heve been rounded to thousands and will not necessarily add to totals) IND., Daviess (014) Find # Taro 630343 i i WHOLESALE SERVICE ESTABLISHMENTS—1939 BANE Derosus: a TRADE—1939 : Major war supply Major war facilities contracts, rojects, ® June 1940-Se t. 1945 | June 1940 Jone 1945 a METROPOLITAN i : £ Bond (1000's of dollars) (1000's of dollars) ; A . RE. sales 1944 Ye COUNTIES Number Number : . |Employees Total ; (1000's of ane DES © of Sales of | Receipts | Active (varie Pay roll | (demand Time | dollars at =X CODES | estab- [(1000’s of | estab- ’s | proprie-| “¢ =" | (1000's | and time) (1000s issue price) - “a lish- | dollars) | lish- |of dollars)| tors yest) of dollars) | (1000's | of dollars) 52 ments ments of dollars) Combat Other Industrial | Military LRA 7 equipment e (T®) 9) (80) (81) ) _(83) 84) (85) (86) (87 88) = 9 (90) on ILLINOIS=Con. » All Counties—Con, = Massac. . 23 1,907 ™ 169 76 51 29 4,891 1,889 558 26 1,326 59 121 60 18 12 5,874 L423 570 30 1,512 83 164 91 34 20 7.315 941 1,18 399 2 15 670 52 13 55 24 1 197 3,868 770 : : , 67 4,508 154 335 157 66 42 17.825 5.439 2,098 135 6m X TH 6,811 181 628 196 187 122 17,910 2,990 1,691 13,691 1,k34 4 4,934 54 147 55 31 22 5,281 151 890 86 55 6,432 7 230 78 50 41 15,128 5,004 2,958 178 28,168 351 305 88,686 688 4,746 694 1,518 1,575 | 110,732 31,181 16,177 54,430 620,824 hy 30 1,268 102 245 113 61 39 7,012 1,915 1,237 161 3 [Platte..eae.n...OTH 52 5,351 67 131 69 19 12 8,260 937 1,553 : on’ H Pike... 51 2,785 Lh 227 152 37 22 10,401 3.029 1,193 Y M77 - 1 Pope. 5 172 25 34 28 9 5 909 225 181 Pulaski.. & 194 51 88 51 18 10 2,274 Lh 383 Putnam. ........ 17 998 12] 30 12 1 1 2,218 mm 559 4 [Randolph........ 36 1,970 100 320 107 55 40 11,308 4,78 1,749 4,614 . Richland, woraey 35 2,321 95 287 105 87 66 5,063 1,406 1,058 157 a 032 [Rock Island..... 159 29,576 631 2,660 637 74 685 7,566 37,410 | 16,750 4g 465 | - 88,354 25,125 523 OnE 102 [St. Clair.. 255 139,548 622 2,989 627 sul 811 88,634 37.838 12,359 17,8uk 75.118 32,62 16,828 J ’ Balin .eeereis 41 3,643 160 Ly 159 106 69 12,607 2,115 1,955 18 : | 115 [Sangamon....... 182 36,461 514 2,736 519 es7| 80s 65,373 15,366 10,453 | 103,492 265,243 51,236 3,249 Schuyler. 14 821 37 76 ul 10 7 3,685 615 635 Scott. 16 801 b2 88 u5 13 9 3,4 507 382 . Bheldy 62 3,220 139 224 148 4g 26 g,7 1,201 1,531 1,023 611 Stark. . 26 1.979 59 109 62 17 8 5,311 1,075 ni ” 351 Stephenson. n 7,429 243 957 261 2ug 202 26,185 9,574 3,351 10,170 17,105 2,452 Sse % 085 [Tazewell. 76 7.528 21k 766 224 155 157 25,2719 8,291 L gol 23,809 398 2,507 : g Union.... 22 2,393 80 245 86 65 ko 6,237 1,133 1,200 664 hg & Vermilion.. 4 170 18,019 410 1,728 u23 566 un 35,820 6.985 5.695 93 10,614 8,125 as Wabagh......... 26 1,829 55 195 5h | 64 46 5,670 Lok 965 4,740 2,688 Pe i Warren.......... ) 46 5,804 127 378 140 17 56 14,818 1,910 1,733 972 4 Washington. 28 1,352 83 142 97 29 8 7.166 3,194 788 Wayne. ..... 31 3,626 9 184 82 4g 23 6,942 100 1,146 2,043 966 : ) i White.... . Lg 2,520 131 273 148 80 42 10,923 2,586 1,801 4,146 ; 4 Whiteside.......098 60 4,616 200 763 199 172 165 24,208 7.854 3,309 97 9,406 106 17,273 Lo2 1,917 iy sug 493 Lh 6u1 13,001 12,126 254,470 50,025 129,134 53 4,190 136 583 219 119 83 1.845 391 2,368 | 222 204 27,195 568 2,991 585 837 857 74.667 21,544 11,981 108,061 51,303 25,050 g,6u2 i 45 4,236 70 170 3 25 15 11,264 1,863 2,293 351 ’ i ! DLUER seers Tarssse 12,398 io i" \ 3 \ : INDIANA...... | 4,842 847,035 | 16,662 | 64,131 [17,164 20,434 17,479 | 1,862,640 593.659 341,624 | 7,667,883 | 1,215,775 961,425 186,035 v METRO. COUNTIES.. [| 2,001 610,434 | 7,029 37.093 | 6.934 12,657 11,792 955,493 316,455 192,475 | 6,725,398 755.729 733.905 33,455 et Metro, areas: 024 [Chicago (pt)®..,045 195 35,933 | 1,083 4,583 | 1,074 1,386 1,321 107,369 47,390 40,035 346,022 310,705 151,930 025 [Cincinnati (pt)®015 34 2,524 73 249 75 64 49 10,357 3,12 1,881 7,106 Nae 042 |Evansville (pt)*0g2 232 52,400 655 3,710 652 1,323 1,224 | 120,414 45,435 25,095 893,765 51,961 55,313 ea 045 [Fort Waynes esss.002 259 54,940 m 3,727 765 1,212 1,009 | 121,923 52,824 23,534 937,250 05,575 49,276 13,563 : 056 Fatma 872 377,524) 2,929 | 18,442] 2,856 6,518 6,214 | 417,676 | 102,478 57,252 | 2,323,182 181,607 179,024 7,180 : ] 068 [Louisville (pt ol wens sass ns e010;022 67 6,073 315 775 321 251 169 25,508 8,438 11,811 438,000 7,587 189,899 6,912 oN L071 194 50,171 699 3,305 692 1,080 1,000 94,598 36,698 27,033 | 1,780,079: 122,243 72,528 3 : 084 U8 30,860 504 2,302 499 823 726 57,648 20,068 5,834 7,100 8,945 35,935 5,797 . ae OTHER COUNTIES... | 2,841 | 236,601) 9,633 | 27,038] 10,230 7,777 5,687 | 907,149 | 277,202 | 149,149 932,465 460,046, 227,520 | 152,500 5) All Counties: A 001 34 5,184 87 229 95 48 |- 35 12,643 6,247 2,070 4,311 1,811 2,838 A 259 54,940 77 3,727 765 3,02 1,099] 121,923 52,824 23,534 937,250 65,575 £9,276 13,563 7, Bh 57 | 3,916 123 341 127 103 7” 19,962 6,427 3,273 22,417 54,029 2,625 | Bentoneesesessss004 40 3,228 37 90 38 26 18 5,661 379 1,089 ? or HE + |Blackfordesss...005 20 983 51 162 59 4a 27 4,077 1,452 707 1,59 3 BoON@..eesresee 006 Q 2,245] 116 280| 125 id 46] 10,195 1,750 14869 25,328 1,230 : . oy Browns... 007 3 (¢) 15 42 15 17 8 564 31 231 ! Carroll. 35 3,021 81 174 92 30 19 7,781 2,328 1,088 126 ; i Ca88s verse vesenss009 63 7,509 174 700 173 263 104 19,247 6,947 2,823 766 3,534 176 : o 068 [Clarkes esssssses010 18 1,458 105 229 108 75 4 11,940 3,842 10,124 437,824 4,160 189,900 0,012 | C1RF eave wes ve vesOLL 16 98 7 26 86 60, al 10,608 43420 1,029 230 Sa Clintoness. L012 47 3,854 118 395 12s 115 78 13,257 647 1,527 : 771 3 a Crawfordessccse.013 6 217 67 88 76 23 8 2,337 C04 349 1 Daviessee sess se 014 19 1,668 102 300 102 85 7 9,351 2,438 1,796 29,336 7,202 a LUndistributed. : . : Z : Eltemainder of Chicago Metropolitan Area (024) is in Illinois. z ‘ i Remainder of Cincinnati Metropolitan Area (025) is in Kentucky and Ohio. . . : Eom 4llemainder of Evansville Metropolitan Area (042) is in Kentucky. . ; : JIE Remainder of Louisville Metropolitan Area (068) is in Kentucky. Si Re ®Not shown because of disclosure of operations of individual establishments. Data included in "Other" at end of State 139 nae Table 3 Part 1 - Population IND., Dearborn (015) = Vigo (084) TABLE 3—SELECTED DATA FOR METROPOLITAN AREAS AND FOR ALL COUNTIES, BY STATE—Continued PRT TOTAL POPULATION 140 POPULATION—1940 EQUCATION. © cori os ESTIMATED 1944 + CIVILIAN Total whi POPULATION Land | Pop- otal white Percent of METROPOLITAN us area |ulation population 25 “Metro. AREAS, rank in “per years old and Area COUNTIES, Noiskior of Poreant oT sq. over who have ercent| April | o nonfarm | farm Births | Deaths Number change | 1940’ |percen-| 1 930-1 1940 [1940 | Number | total Nov} tiles) | 1940 opu- 5 or Hich ods | 1940- 5 nore | High 1943 1940 grades | schoo m @) ®) @ ©) ©) m ®) ® (10) an 12) a3) a4) as) (16) INDIANA—Con. ’ . |All Counties—Con. 21,124 -8.4 23,053 89 9.5 806 75.8 22,848| 99.1 9,241 5,594 8,218 90.7 18.8 414 292 16,543 -6.7 17,722 52 2.4 870 47.9 17,718] 99.9 6,065) 4,085) 7,572 91.6 21.3 858 258 28,112 -6.6 24,756 36 -0.6 865| 67.8 24,693] 99.7 9,700 6,299 8,757 94.1 25.9 501 308 75,429 0.6 74,963 8 11.4 400| 187.4 71,907) 95.9 49,720 15,200 10,043] 92.8] 26.9 1,788 8ss 20,885 -7.5 22,579 40 9.9 4388) 52.1 22,578| 100.0 8,857 4,558) 9,164 85.9 18.2 457 207 70,125 =-8.5 72,634 9 5.5 468| 155.2 72,064 99.2 47,887) 10,457 14,340 94.8] 25.5) 1,558 785 20,264 4.4 19,411 47 0.9 215( 90.8 18,869| 97.2 12,898 2,180 4,383) 92.3] 23.9 435 226 88,179 8.9 85,061 22 1.2 149) 285.3 83,786) 96.2 25,414 8,696 5,951 90.5 19.0) 786 412 16,052| =-12.8| 18,299 51 1.8 897| 46.1 18,298| 100.0 8,760 7,598 6,941 91.1 22.6) 336 217 18,105 -9.1 14,412 62 -0.6 894| 86.6 14,411( 100.0 5,569 8,843 90.0) 18.9) 245 160 18,899| -10.8 15,577 58 3.6 867| 42.4 15,536 99.7 3,835 8,514 8,228 95.4] 26.1) 276 210 28,197 -8.2 80,709 27 5.2 499| 61.5 29,969 97.6 10,854 9,144 10,711] 90.8 21.0 600 299 54,838 =-1.7 55,818 12 9.8 421| 182.6 54,264 97.2 80,255) 14,842 10,716] 86.8 24 1,156 718 26,597| -15.1 81,830 26 =-0.5 549| 57.1 81,817| 100.0 9,681 9,52¢ 12,125 89.7 18 454 330 28,721 -8.6 24,614 36 5.0 403| 61.1 24,258| 98.5 5,575 8,056 10,988 95.0 28 458 827 17,220 -0.5 17,302 58 4.2 805 56.7 17,251 99.7 4,821 5,896 7,085 94.9) 27 319 218 15,214( -11.1 17,106 54 -0.9 479 85.7 17,007| 99.4 5,444 11,662 88.2 15 846 187 19,417 -3.6 20,151 45 2.2 417 48.8 19,976) 99.1 9,959 10,192] 94.0] 31 404 228 40,441 0.6 40,208 18 14.1 400| 100.5 89,788( 98.9 16,620| 18,827 10,261] 92.6 25 989 478 45,986 =-8.7 47,752 14 2.8 298| 168.0 46,502) 97.4 88,795 6,277 7,680 92.2 23 1,101 548 27,451 -8.8" £29,931 28 3.0 890| 76.7 29,980| 100.0 18,908 6,564 9,464 98,6 28 547 867 25,708 -3.4 26,612 83 12.1 520 S51. 26,493" ~99.6 8,620 7,416 10,576 87.9 19. 634 800 13,241 -8.0 14,397 62 7.5 562| 25.6 14,898] 100.0 3,214 2,890 8,298 89.9 22 844| ~ 182 20,852 =7.7 22,601 40] 8.4 886 58.6 22,487) 99.5 9,140 4,088 9,873 938.4 20.7, 443 267 19,199 -3.6 19,912 46 8.8 866 54.4 19,501 97.9 6,928 4,508 8,481 85.2 17.0 878 402 12,441 -9.1 18,680 63 15.9 377) 86.8 18,459) 98.4 8,112 8,194 7,374 81.3 17.0] 245 171 23,222 3.2 22,493 40 8.6 815| 71.4 22,199) 98.7 6,264 7,625 8,604] 92.7 28.9 498 320 KnoOX.vessveoess.042 40,224 -8.5 43,973 16 0.4 517| 85.1 43,712| 99.4 23,338 8,948 11,687 89.7 22.0 888 507 Kosciusko... «043 27,1438 -8.2 29,561 28 7.5 588) 54.9 29,522 99.9 6,378 9,754 18,429 95.2 27.5) 578 884 18,281 -7.5 14,352 62 4.2 879| 87.9 14,385| 99.9 5,088 9,314] 93.9) 23.6 292 188 \ 805,188 4.1 298,195 1 12.2 514| 570.4 265,801| 90.7| 264,780 19,570 8,845 85.6 28.8 6,608 2,626 67,631 6.1 63,660 10 5.2 608| 104.7 62,509 98.2 42,656 9,374 11,680 89.0 21.8 1,341 788 80,956| ~11.7 85,045 22 -1.5 459| 76.4 84,869| 99.5 15,907 8,590 10,548 86.6 18.4 740 869 91,707 8.5 88,575 7 6.9 458] 195.5 86,929| 98.1 57,286 17,896 18,898 92.8 24.2 2,044 914 491,053 7.8 460,926 1 9.1 402] 1,046.6 408,890| 88.7 890,879| 57,555 12,492 92.7 30.7] 10,078 5,850 Marshall........050 24,984 =-8.7 25,985 34 3.4 444| 58.4 25,827| 99.6 5,718 8,847 11,875 98.6 26 514 284 9,463 -8.1 10,800 75 1.9 845 29.9 10,297| 100.0 4,282 6,068 86.4 13 212 68 26,121 =6.5 27,926 30 -3.8 880 73.5 27,787| 99.3 12,432 6,690 8,804 98.1 24 526 815 84,449 =5.7 86,534 21 1.6 412| 88.7 86,086) 98.8 20,870 6,676 8,988 90.4] 24 750 S14 24,646 -9.5 27,881 81 0.9 507| 9538.7 27,011] 99.2 11,089| 6,810 9,882 94.8 30 443 865 Morgan........,.05% 19,568 -1.2 19,801 46 1.9 406| 48.8 19,787 99.9 5,009 6,282 8,510 98.2] 25 480 242 9,581] ~11.5 10,775 78 8.5 418| 26.1 10,766 99.9 5,723 5,052 98.0 25 198 182 20,699 =-9.1 22,776 89 a7 410| 55.6 22,767| 100.0 5,481 7,112 10,288 95.8) 24 476 299 8,544 -6.3 3,782 94 0.9 87| 48.5 3,722) 98.4 1,780 2,052 90.8) 16 ” 51 14,222 -17.8 17,811 53 -0.8 405| 42.7 17 ,092| 98.7] 8,494 8,817 89.1 17 288 207 OWen...co00e000.080 10,126| -16.2 12,090 69 6.5 891 80.9 12,074) 99.9 5,149 6,941 91.8 20 187 128 14,682] -15.4 17,858 58 4.8 451) 88.5 17,817| 99.8 9,177 8,181 90.6 23 268 205 15,197 -14.5 17,770 52 6.9 884| 46.8 17,751) 99.9 5,895 4,697 7,678] 838.0 12 364 167 14,552 -14.6 17,045 54 4.2 835| 50.9 17,010| 99.8 8,075 6,260 7,710] 88.9 15 256 176 29,188 4.7 27,886 81 22.0 425| 65.5 27,808) 99.9 8,786| 10,392 8,708 92.8 29 530 261 18,461 -3.8 19,183 48 7.4 414| 46.8 18,814| 98.1 5,688) * 5,652 7,898 86.0 17 87” 221 11,022 -8.6 12,056 69 7.7 438| 27.8 12,047) 99.9 4,748 7,308 91.8] 19 264 128 19,040 -8.6 20,889 43 1.9 490| 42.5 20,481| 98.3 4,872 5,141 10,826 98.5 28 804 247 28,908| -10.7 26,766 82 7.7 457| 68.6 26,666) 99.6 8,888 6,434 11,494 94.0 25.6 495 320 16,102| -14.8 18,898 49 4.5 442| 42.8 18,890 100.0 8,065 5,188 10,695 87.4 14. 862 184 17,299 -8.6 18,927 49 =2.5 409 46.3 18,675| 98.7 5,960 4,667 8,800 94.6 27.2 876 286 178,111 7.0 161,828 8 1.1 467| 846.5 158,042 97.7| 129,566) 19,087 18,170 91.6 25.3 8,461 1,518 9,526 6.1 8,978 80 84.7 198| 46.5 8,978 100.0 4,446 4,632 90.8) 20.1 278 ‘95 24,264 -6.5 25,958 Ey -2.3 409| 638.5 25,588) 98.6, 10,791 6,055 9,107 93.0! 22 464 812 14,808) ~-11.7 16,211 56 -8.0 896| 40.9 15,878 97.9 7,181 9,080] 87.8 15 299 171 13,854 8.9 12,208 68 15.4 811| 89.4 12,245 99.9 5,848 6,412 84.4 17 824 159 11,979) -12.8 18,740 63 2.8 810| 44.3 18,722 99.9 3,141 4,228) 6,876 97.1 31 £251 179 21,602) -20.0 27,014 82 -4.0 457) 69.1 26,989 99.8 5,077( 11,928 10,009 89.7 20 417 6,750| =-17.4 8,167 83 =-8.1 221| 87.0 8,142) 99.7 2,186] 6,081 $0.8 15 105 109 62,761 8.5 51,020 18 7.8 501| 101.8 50,610 99.2 85,088 6,415 9,087 94.4 a3 1,187 670 13,908 =-8.1 15,186 80 =0.5 261| 68.0 16,184 100.0 5,101 8,750 6,284 94.6 23.6) 287 167 5,450 -9.4 6,017 89 2.3 168 35.8 5,980 98.6 2,728 8,298 91.4 24.6) 78 64 181,245 15.7 180,788 é 15.4 241| 042.7 © 128,216] 94.2 97,062 25,470 8,246 88.5 21.2 3,172 1,667 18,082) -17.1 21,787 42 -6.2 263 82.8] 21,734 99.8 7,092) 10,848] 4,847 84.7 16. 877 258 128 |V1g0uussrensns. 084 90.688] -9.11 99.709 sl 0.9 418] 240.8 95,661] 95.9] ee,e22l 23,766] 9,621 ee.6l 2a.7l 1,71] 1,88 TABLE 3—SELECTED DATA FO R METROPOLITAN AREAS AND FOR ALL COUNTIES, BY STATE—Continued : Table 3 Part 2 - Labor Force IND., Dearborn (015) = Vigo (024) aro aoe LABOR FORCE—1940 : : Percent of Population 14 Years Old and Over Employed Workers by Industry Group Employed METROPOLITAN T A In leading Metro. AREAS, Tans. Business nonagri- Area COUNTIES, Percent | Percent posta: an cultural Code AND W Fes A 3 4 C tion, | Whole- personal Oth In | industry CODES In labor] Tacs lemaesi], .Foml Agri- . o0 | Manufac- | 9M | sale and | services | agri- Total who are | who are 2 Mining | struc- - cations, p and not force 4 : employed || culture / turing retail exclud- cul- in in tion an tale og reported br Code labor labor oie domes (See | Per- force force oh services I cent an (18) (19) 20) @n @) @) (24) 25) (26) @n 28) (29) 30) | an | @¢2) 1EDIARA~=Con. " All Counties—Con. . 4 025 orn. 17,814 9,112 20.1 20.6 8,137 2,160 6 398 2,952 433 865 807 516 | 26.5 5 | 20.8 13,627 38 16. 15.9 5.725 2,353 58 309 u57 339 909 86 Lay [41.1 | 636 | 6.9 19,334 9,368 79.0 18.1 8,379 ,528 13 324 1,871 916 1,134 98 609 [30.2 | 23] 8.3 57.718| 30,140| 81.0 3.3 26,329 2,518 27 110m 11,112 1,462 4,492 3.743 1,704 | 9.6 [ .20 |13.6 16,398 7.783 80.8 1.7 7.385 2,348 7 251 2,512 n9 165 665 455 [31.8 | 10 | 22.6 56,317 28,695 79.3 23.2 26,244 3,127 17 898| 10,806 2,276 3.815 3.504 1,991 [11.9 22 [10.7 14,829 7.532| 81.3 13.1 6,925 1,267 8 186 2,972 229 975 766 522 [18.3 | 19 [11.5 ~ 068 27,721 13.977] 717.8 2h.8 11,663 1,222 21 583 3,691 1,191 2,291 1,650 1,01% [10.5 9| 6.0 14,142 6,516] 77.0 13.5 5,486 2, 161 a WI 163 399 |37.3 | 17] 7.7 10,615 4,948 78.4 12.1 4,561 2,54 8 1 Wik 11 uy 555 294 | 55.7 | 63 7.7 12,183 5.724] 77.5 15.2 5,221 2,222 = 1 233 592 267 726 54 426 [42.6 | 036 | 5.8 23,371 10,612| 77.0 13.9 8,648 2,638 909 390 196 892 1,220 1,160 643 | 30.5 2| 8.71 43,253 20,409 n.7 21.0 17,668 2,679 4 6,426 867 2,665 2,854 1,392 [15.2 | 636 | 8.4 23,9 10,969 77.4% 13.1 7.99% 2,312] 1,187 365 621 518 1,296 1,079 616 | 28.9 2 [14.4 19, 9,514| 78.1 17.0 8,522 2,950 1 5% 1,634 1,307 1,086 580 [34.6 | 22 7.4 13,790 6,592 77.9 17.5 6,008 2,016 15 353 1,040 35% 920 762 552 3-6 20 | 6.9 12,775 5.975 79.5 10.9 5.329 2,904 93 18 682 207 43 525 298 [54.5 | 636 | 5.2 16,097 7.396] TH. 15.7 6,861 2,669 10 1 860 319 996 983 613 38.9 | 636 | 7.0 30,772 14,702] 77.9 17.1 13,335 2,509 1h 562 5,281 543 1,803 1,74 882 18.8 | 20 [26.% 36.409 18,084 77.8 21.8 15,577 1,957 7 532 6,702 585 2,548 2,052 1,194 [12.6 17 [17.5 23,461 10,892 76.2 17.4 9.117 2,586 42 89 2,338 186 1,459 1,n4 703 | 26.6 | 636 | 7.5 20,044 9,898 18.5 20.2 8,522 2,525 19 19 2,255 582 1,142 909 6n [29.6 | 15] 5.0 10,755 5.152 78.2 1b.4 4,686 2,385 19 272 173 163 90 676 308 | 50.9 | 036 | 8.3 os 17.479 8,753 79.1 20.3 8,114 2, 43 217 2,662 237 1,128 87 2 29.7 | 16 [12.3 Jeffersons......039 15,851 JT45| 69.9 15.1 6,0uY4 2,542 3 254 737 198 188 1,029 93 [42.1 | 036 | 9.8 Jonnings..se..s 10,380 4,559 | 69.7 12.9 3,908 1,78 24 212 507 21 402 472 230 [45.6 | 636 | 7.1 Joh oe 17,665 8,394| 76.5 18.0 7.405 2,397 4 1,367 3B 1,125 1,084 70 | 32.4 | 636 | 7.0 Knox. . ~ 33,370| 16,265| 79.1 18.4 B18 3.179 1.185 1,97 5 2,l 2,004 1,098 | 24.1 2| 85 A 22,%1| 10,821] 78.1 15.6 10, 3.78 3 458 1,738 529 1, 1,276 760 | 37.8 | 036 | 5.5 lLagrangee.c..... 10,509 4,873] 79.6 11.4 4,560 2,462 8 223 3 160 493 505 39 | 54.0 | 036 | 6.7 ou 118,740 | 82.3 i 103,614 2,213 2a| 2,985 59,632 7,143 | 13.9% | 12,38 5,283 | 2.1 | 17 |%.2 25,196| 712.1 .3 22,283 2,797 1 9,363 1,568 3.192 2,7! 1,706 [12.6 | 19 | 8.9 12,291 77.4 17.3 7.375 1,340 148 8 1,769 52 1,352 1,2 nz (18.2 | 16 [12.3 35.12 75.4 25.6 3,122 2,828 Ml 1,105 14,029 1,400 . 708 3,698 2,313] 9.4 | 19 28.0 056 1,2 81.0 29.8 | 175,311 2,943 153| 8,59] 50,655 | 16,831 | 37.u44 | 37,635 | 21,051] 1.7 636] 8.1 9,518 77.% 18.4 8,62 3,193 6 383 1,225 sn 1,24 1,420 692 [37.0 | 636 [10.4 3.049 | 78.3 13.0 2.610 1,07 99 159 451 103 2m 219 20% %o.8 Yi-°7.3 10,473 717.2 17.6 9,360 2,31 28 408 1,85 1,217 1, 1,222 690 (26.0 | 23 10.3 12,448 ™.9 17.3 3:95 1,180 370 548 1,987 7 1,6 2,147 80 12.6 | 636 (13.9 10,498 79.1 19.3 9, 2,85 13 535 1,679 535 1,592 1,434 787 [30.3 | 636 | 6.5 6,905 71.5 13. 6,309 2,267 24 400 905 33 812 29 58) 35.9 | 636 | 7.7 3,860 78.1 1 2 3.569 1,527 18 245 172 223 6 2 v8 036 | 6.8 8429 77.6 17.2 7.702 2,776 9 3a 1,694 335 1,033 945 589 3. 19 | 6.3 1,879 82.1 14.6 1,345 665 55 190 9 146 112 |g. 5| 1.5 6.089] 78.5 13.1 4,985 1,880 28 192 586 2 1 1,040 373 | 37.7 | 636 | 6.9 4,036 73.9 12.2 322 1,462 125 155 304 178 383 265 | 84.0 | 636 | 6.6 aoe 77.2 13.2 Lie 2,012 290 203 2% 358 633 ™ 340 [41.7 | 636 | 7.9 6,23 77.5 16.3 5,134 1. 160 1,778 135 508 355 |26.9 | 10 [22.0 5.657 17.3 11.1 iy 1,277 921 192 167 258 hol 508 22 | 30.9 2 [20.0 10,523] 719. 16.8 9, 1,95 9 561 2,949 839 1,375 1,298 & | 20.2 | 1719.2 7,006) 79.1 15.5 5.934 2,308 268 267 951 215 8 661 M45 138.9 | G36 | 5.1 4,235) 79.4 13.2 3.905 3.213 3 187 206 129 h 47 276 | 56.7 | 036 | 5.3 7.043 67.7 13.8 6,327 2h 7 in 551 nus 857 1,045 561 | 36.3 | a36| 8.9 0.003 78.4% 16.2 9,257 2,9%3 36 2,38 21 1,282 [ 1,139 626 [31.8 | 16( 8.7 6, 9.7 12.1 6,187 2,985 n 193 1,072 25 587 682 416 | 88.2 | 10 [21.8 6. 17.2 16.2 6,282 2,636 2 2 9 2n 764 901 518 [42.0 | 036 | 7.8 13 68, 8.9 27.8 58,812 2,596 1,767 27.177 3.209 9.980 10,148 3.909 | bu. 20 | 17.7 3AM 0.6 19.5 3,063 959 9 10! 34 9a 18 | 31.3 526.8 10,110| 76.9 19.8 8,870 2,04 23 09 2,003 376 1,3% 1,149 666 = 10 | 5.7 5.612 77.3 11.7 5,071 2,476 197 03 385 186 53 611 hoo |ks.8 | 036 | 7.2 4,298| 76.0 1,2 836 1,82 17 1m 357 9 21 320 | 47.2 | 036 | k.7 4,694 Th.3 11.3 43 2,048 232 655 646 ae 46.7 | 036 | 6.8 9.478] 77.0 12, Olly 1,76 1.157 258 278 5 887 90M | 28.9 2(17.8 2,901 61.3 8. 2,619 1,821 67 75 27 280 149 8-3 636 | M.5 P4DPecanss......079 20,11 76.9 24.0 18,128 2,5n 28) 1,023 3.124 1,481 3.330 5,032 1,569 |1h.2 | 036 [17.3 PAPYORe cc oeesss 080 11,467 5,301] 77.1 15.0 4,629 1,859 2 168 1 637 60 10 [40.1 | 036 6.8 081 ui , 644 21M] 78.7 13.7 2,022 913 2 97 3 5 2 23 i ns.2 6 6.5 ou2 103,277 53.621 79.4 - s,m 1,707 430 2,080 u.393 3.165 9.232 7.201 3.595 | 3.7 19 | 14.9 17,0% 8.137 76.9 16.7 728 1,080 138 151 3 Tl 373 | 22.8 215.0 123 0,383) M0243] 77.5 23.8 30,387 1.6m! 1,638] 1,50 6,168 3.212 7.058 6.282 2.588 6.21 0361 9.4 141 Table 3 Part 3 - Housir ID., SE - TABLE 3—SELECTED. DATA FOR METROPOLITAN AREAS AND FOR ALL COUNTIES, Tigo (08a) : BY STATE—Continued ’ HOUSING—1940 ; : ; ; : Nonfarm Rural Farm All Dwelling Units Occupied Dwelling Units Dealing Units Dueling Units La METROPOLITAN Meo] AREAS, tele- Area COUNTIES, P P P Median phones Code AND Residential Percent | Percent Per. | Percent | ber Per- CODES structures in5or | with Pasoue cent | i of Average id Percent fn b more | private wil mechan- monthly | wal wit Number emily’ | bathed | elsesic Number | owner waa pessoas Number ik Number ron {el ae struc- or | lighting a relies 1g oes "| (dollars) ning |lighting tures shower ps eration hold water 33) 39 35) (36) Gn 38) 39) (40) “n 2). @) “) 5) 6) “n INDIANA—-Con. All Counties—Con. 3 025 |Dearborn 5,745 6,672 1:2 26.1 75.2 6,447 | 60.8 37.9 3.18 4,513 19.90 2,159 7.2 39.8 2,485 Decatur. . 5,145 5,385 0.6 27.1 61.7 5,066 | 58.5 20.5 2.99 3,287 1.18 2,098 | 13.1 Lo.3 2,647 De Kalb.. 7.287 7.493 0.3 43.0 81.2 7.200 | 65.1 33.2 3.04 L,o54 17.74 2,539 | 21.6 57.0 3,019 Delaware. 18,691 22,181 3.2 49.0] 96.2 21,719 | 51.7 52.3 3.03 19,297 23.38 2,884 | 36.2 | 86.3 11,096 eee spe 5,419 5,738 0.3 34.9 62.2 5,597 | 72.0 27.6 3.56 3,6Lk 18.44 2,094 4.2 12.6 3,173 tarseanes 19,571 21,218 1.7 62.8 9039 20,632 | 59.7 46.2 3.12 17.512 21.26 3,706 | 39.2 62.9 14,767 L,031 5,613 2.0 43.4 88.4 5,455 | 46.8 Lha.7 3.15 1.652 21.27 1,161 | 17.7 64.8 3,100 068 9,192 10,452 1.4 47.0 85.3 10,102 | 53.3 49.3 3.07 8,934 + 17.99 1,518 | 12,0 L8.8 6,007 5,272 5,478 0.3 23.0 63.0 5,362 | 56.5 23.0 3.01 3,485. 12.40 1,993 | 12.4 25.0 2,648 3,877 4,067 0.2 14.8 54.2 3,831 | 62.2 21.7 3.26 1,752 12.82 2,318 8.1 31.9 glg 5,250 5,409 0.6 29.8 14.5 4,615 | 59.8 27.5 2.97 2,9%0 19.92 2,469 | 21.8 51.9 2,930 8,253 8,810 0.8 28.4 69.7 8,563 36.3 28.5 3.19 5.928 15.29 2,882 7.1 32.7 4,557 14,735 16,185 1.8 42.9 gl.L 15,783 | 55. ug kt 3.02 13,109 17.97 3,076 | 34.9 80.4 8,532 9,060 9,L88 0.6 15.5 63.2 9,150 | 65.2 23.1 3.05 6,052 10.68 3.436] 4.3 26.3 2,656 7.547 7.924 0.6 28.1| 85.2 7.462 | 58.9 34.6 2.92 4,518 | 15.16 3,406 | 24.3 7.3 4,396 5,224 5,479 0.2 35.4 85.8 5,276 | 61.9 3h.k 2.90 3,351 15.55 2,128 | 27.7 15.2 3.176 L,574 4,746 0.1 8.8 Lok 4,562 | 71.5 18.7 3.38 1,661 11.23 3,085 2.9 26.8 2,455 5,846 6,107 0.1 26.2 80.7 5,896 | 58.9 36.1 2.95 3,061 17.29 3,046 | 19.2 68.7 3,202 10,335 11,670 2.4 43.4 91.5 11,252 | 56.5 La.5 3.09 9,059 | 18.92 2,611 | 28.2 78.6 6,002 12,256 13,693 1:7 48.1] gh.2 13,528 | 53.8 41.5 3.12 11,5th | 19.76 2,179 | 32.%| 78.5 6,947 8,595 8,870 0.3 41.6] 89.1 8,557 | 60.3 35.9 3.08 6,173 | 15.86 2,697| 25.1) 75.2 5,226 JBCKAON. + evrrnnn 036 7,058 7.1468 0.7 27.8] 72.8 7.296 | 60.4 30.0 3.23 4,769 | 15.72 2,699| 9.3 u2.3 2,722 . 3,857 3,94 0.3 29.2] 59.1 3.859 | 53.1 24.1 3.26 1,882 | 17.87 2,058 | 10.9 | 32.8 1,577 1392 6,871 If 28.3] 79.8 1666 | 59.6 34.9 2.97 L,2uk [15.29 2,627| 13.3| 57.5 3,109 5,12k 5,614 1. 20.1f 57.4 51,293 | 59.7 22.5 2.98 3,105 | 1L.ag 2,509 | Uu.9| 22.6 1,820 3,528 3,632 16.4 u2.k 3,428 | 64M 21.4 3.23 1,580 | 13.57 2,052| 2.8 13.2 997 +309 6,760 0.8 3.7] 83.1 6,516 | 54.9 30.8 3.01 4,263 | 16.59 2,497 | 18.1 68.4 2,855 11,832 12,662 0.8 31. 78.5 12,330 | 51.9 34 3.16 9,619 | 1k.73 3,043] 13.1 M.e 5,124 11,362 11,771 0.4 35.1 81.5 8.653 61.9 29.8 3.02 7.965 30.24 3,806 24.1| 58.4 6.055 L,68Y 4,762 24.1 68.9 3,86 64.9 25.3 3.17 2,332 15.28 2,430 25.9 Lg.3 2,160 o2k 54,706 79,140 12.9 73.3 96.9 75.902 | 42.9 57.1 3.45 77.092 29.05 2,048 | 34.8 62.2 37.568 x 16,266 18,534 ¥.1 60.6| &71.2 16,788 | 55.7 43.0 3.21 15,382 | 25.34 3.152 2k.0f 50.9 10,835 9,477 10,116 0.4 29.9 69.5 9,611 | 52.9 22.8 3.26 7,341 11.87 2,715 5.8 28.7 2,180 22,816 26,178 3.9 51.4 95.2 25,325 | 53.7 50.5 3.03 22,8 22.47 3,760 | 33.7 82.5 14,781 056 101,587 136,877 12.3 65.1] 97.5 131,660 | L1.0 54.1 3.03 133,469 28.31 3,%08| K.2| 89.9 85.719 7.638 7.952 0.4 39.8 81.1 7.329 | 61.5 3.7 3.11 4,871 23.21 3,081 | 30.7 63.6 4,221 2,579 2,704 0.4 10.2 u2.1 2,600 | 66.3 13.0 3.L8 1,187 9.67 1,517 8.5 17.3 Lg2 7,955 8,472 0.8 1.2 87.0 8,168 | 57.1 34.4 3.02 5.922 | 16.83 2,50 27.3| 66.0 4,913 ene 9,187 10,228 1,8 30.4 71.8 9,981 | 54.3 37.8 3.26 7,925 20.10 2,30, 6.4 26.5 4,805 Montgomery. L054 7.948 8,656 1.2 33.7 76.5 8,305 | 54.7 31.9 2.91 5,800 16.62 2,85 22.0 h.5 4,905 Morgan... ..055 5,763 5.976 0.3 23.7 62.9 5,690 | 55.8 19.5 3.07 3.422 14.26 2.554 9.7 30.1 2,338 Newton... ...056 3,088 3,156 0.2 39.6 62.5 3,022 | 54.1 36.7 3.13 1,735 15.70 1,421 30.4 21.9 1,850 NOBTE. x vs v's nous 057 7.148 7.659 0.1 374 77.4 6,598 | 63.1 25.1 3.02 4,754 | 16.30 2,895 | 26.2 56. 2,752 ONL. v's ssnwwnss 1,119 1,188 19.4 6k. 1,118 | 62.0 26.0 2.96 613 13.78 575 4% 4 Lh 5 624 4,813 5,034 1.0 21.4 50.6 4,748 | 64.2 20.0 3.20 2,594 11.48 2,4lo 5.6 20.3 5ug 3,656 3,760 0.1 12.0 39.9 3,478 | 64.2 17.9 3.08 1,705 12.52 2,055 4.8 9.1 1,170 3 5,109 5,254 0.1 15.2 61.2 5,016 | 58.4 20.0 2.97 2,899 9.k2 2,355| 13.8 42.9 2,541 L221 4,653 1.0 1.5 51.1 4,533 | 65.9 17.4 3.51 2,770 12.35 1,883 2.8 7.4 985 4,723 4 ,9k0 0.7 10. 51.6 4,759 | 60.9 25.1 3.19 2,814 9.94 2,126 2.3] 17.3 1,315 7.782 g,lkg 1.8 57.6] 82.8 7.703 | 59.5 48.5 3.25 6,209 | 27.92 2,240 36.3 54.9 4,ksg 5,240 5,740 1.7 17.0 59.9 5,437 |, 52.6 20.8 3.05 3,693 11.54 2,047 1:0 22.4 2,689 3,305 3,358 0.2 23.0] Lo.g 3,216 | b1.b 19.5 3.32 1,470 | 13.56 1,888 | 15.6] 21.7 1,556 5,786 6,138 1.5 28.3] 66.0 5,886 | 59.9 32.0 2.94 W265 17.97 2,873| 1.0| 39.0 2,793 7.725 8,320 0.8 31.6) 74.0 8,066 | 58.6 |* 35.1 2.91 922 16.17 3,398 | 17.5] ‘L7.2 5.227 5,075 5,426 0.6 19.2 56.7 5,213 | 67.8 20.2 3.18 2,517 14.65 2,909 LL 29.2 3,145 Fslr.s sss ons L070 5,407 5.677 0.2 30.5] 717.5 Sika 52.4 28.8 2.92 3.208| 1k.91 2,469 | 20.4] 62.2 3,316 113 | St. Joseph...... 071 39,567 ul, 842 3.3 70.4 96.0 43,804 | 55.9 44.6 3.27 41,665 26.11 3,177 3u.6| 74.4 25,812 Scott..... ceases 072 ERTS 2,642 0.2 14.4 61.2 2,550 | 62.7 20.0 3.15 1,402 1.21 1,2k0 2.3 27+3 515 Shelby....evses .07 7.933 8,353 0.6 30.5 78.6 7.815 | 56.6 29.3 2.93 5.636 15.44 2,717]. 18.2 63.4 3,649 Spencer......... 07 L,k27 4,605 0.5 10.8) 39.1 L,1n3 | 58.9 1k.2 3.23 2,128 9.60 2,477 3.01 10.8 1,889 SLarke. .u...ines 075 3,945 4,025 0.3 28.4) 60.2 3,438 | 63.5 22.9 3.11 2,274 1.11 1,751 16.5| 28.7 1,334 Stadben. .veiesss 076 6,166 6,332 0.1 30.8 82.7 4,148 | 64.7 31.3 2.88 L,h3 24.01 1,919 | 17.6 64.5 2,019 Sullivan. 077 7.841 8,163 0.8 15.3 68.1 7.939 | 61.9 18.8 3.01 5,243 9.50 2,920 5.9 Lh. 6 3,hkg Switzerland L078 2,423 2,562 0.4 7.5 41.8 2,438 | 62.1 11.2 2.92 802 11.44 1,760 2.7 22.9 1,110 - Tippecanoe. .079 12,803 “14,750 3.2 54.50 88.7 14,305 | 48.4 50.1 3.09 12,172 29.70 2,578 | 22.7] 51.5 10,194 Tipton. 080 4,274 4,531 0.7 33.5 81.4 ~l4,385 | 54.2 30.4 3.06 2,068 14.07 1,863] 24.7 62.6 2,505 Union...... L081 1,611 1,886 25.2 71 1,793 ee a 2.88 917| 14.01 969| 21.3 os 556 042 | Vanderburgh.....082 30,165 36,949 L.5 55.8 gh.2 36,227 .0 9.5 3.16 34,910 24.62 2,039| 28.9 76. 21,53 Vermillion...... 08 6,451 6,697 1.0 15.0 75.2 6,506 [ 51.1 22.1 2.99 5,530 8.12 1,167 AE 28.3 1,9 123. LY R0. i ah ee 08 27,252 31,135 I) -37.8| 88.7 30,080 | 46.7 38.5 2.48 28,586 | 18.22 2,549 | 14.3( 52.8 14,854 : RX E i : ’ 7 o 7 ¥ 3 | TABLE 3—SELECTED DATA FOR METROPOLITAN AREAS AND FOR ALL COUNTIES, : wi 7 ‘table & { 234 BY STATE—Continued iio 2h “ IND., Learborn (OLD) = (Figures which have been rounded to thoussnds will not necessarily mdd to totals) ” Vigo (0#4) . 4 AGRICULTURE—1945 AGRICULTURE—1940 ; Tati Value of farm products sold, | Principal 5 ¥ 1 Per. eet Work power traded, or used by source of . o Per- ” prop farm household farm income | Type- | ol METROPOLITAN : cent | forme P | of- fp al id Metro, ARF ".S Number of | Land in | Cropland | Number | of | Lip ercent from— farming- Rud Co Area COUNTIES, farms farms | harvested | of farms | farms | Lp c A Number ” fos ii | Code AND (1000's | (1000's oper- | of Total vers of A i Live- code i HK CODES Jan. 1, of of April 1, | ated prod- | (i 000° 28¢ | horses | Number (1000, stock Code P (See living 2M 1945 acres) acres) Toso by ucts ( 3 T | andlor of ‘ $| and (See | Per- hod index : ten- | | ol aM | mules | tractors o live- | Crops | pazz) | cent i ess | dollars) | (dol- dollars) | stock ned ants | hon (over 3 : : : i lars) mos old) : prod- 4 * | ucts | Wd (48) “9) (50) G1) $2) (53) G4) 155) (56) (57) (58) (59) (60) (61) (62) (63) (64) La INDIANA—Con. 4 All Counties—Con, 025 [Dearborn...... ..015 1,887 181 5 1,835 | 19.1 | 24,3 9,387 | 5,116 4,184 45g 1,733 51.9 25.0 5 | 23.7 625 | 115 Ne Decatur. . ...016 1,756 225 12 1.745 29.0 | 22.8 17,264 |9,%93 by, 764 A71 2,839 74.6 13.5 1|61.5 551| 107 : [De Kalb.. 017 2,107 221 128 2,12 29.8 | 13.2 16,035 | 7,549 4,408 1,041 2,715 62.1 22:9 1 2:1 561 | 123 ad nin Delaware. ..018 2,391 225 1m 2,462 | 29.0 | 19.7 24,10% [9,742 4,340 1,124 3,356 69.4 16. 1, bh.g 551 | 129 Nga [Dubods,....... ..019 1,810 251 108 1,902.| 13.5 | 29.6 9,541 [5,016 5,702 182 1,795 | ~49.2| 21.6 122.3 626 99 = Blkhart.........020 3,046 259 152 3,182 | 23.7 | 28.3 | 23,951 7,527 7,288 879 3,970 | 57.0| 29.8 2| 27.2 561| 121 3 Fayette. vo e021 97% 129 69 986 | 32.3 | 23.1 10,763 [10,916 2,472 Lg0 1,6 71.1 17.1 1] 5%.6 551 | 116 ! 068 [Floyd... .022 1,223 73 27 1,375 | 11.9 | 59.0 4,953 | 3,602 1,814 | - 203 73 43.2 33.6 2|23.3 626 | 108 ‘ Fountain.. 100% 1,502 233 148 1,621 | 36.5 | 22.6 15,911 | 9,816 3:30 951 2,501 57.8 33.5 1| 40.6 551 | 116 § Franklin. ....... 0: 1,874 238 93 1,860 | 32.2 | 20.% 12,868 | 6,918 L,shg 701 2,733 54.3 31.1 1| 34.8 626 | 110 / p22 1,680 214 118 1,967 | 29.9 | 14.9 14,655 | 7,450 4, 2hg 588 2,848 65.1 20.9 136.4 561 | 125 + 1 1,966 257 150 2,290 | 29.2 | 3h4.b 19.637 6,828 5,405 956 2,lugg 49.9 36.2 1 263 552 | 106 | 2,396 242 150 2,547 | 30.5 | 24.3 2h,3h7 | 9,559 3,762 1,339 3,675 65.7% 25.2 1 | buh 551 | 126 . 2,996 291. 117 3,060 | 19.7 | 5%.3| 13,306 |L4,348 5,421 526 1,8 43,1] 30.9 129.3 552 | 100 2,324 2371 153 2,573 | 30.6 23.5 29,703 p1,544 4, 78k 1,267 4,17 63.0|" 29.9 139.6 551 | 125 . ancock. .030 1,669 185 125 1,837 | 29.7 17.9 20,201 [10,997 3,683 77 2,912 54.4 3h 1] 36.1 551 | 127 oo rison.. 031 2,575 5 1] 2,586 | 16.4 [ 42.1 9,570 | 3,701 5,061 46 1,867 | 61.3 | 1k.7 3] 29.2 626 | 102 7 endricks. .032 2,328 ahs 155 2,396 | 29.0 | 25.6 23,886 | 9,969 4,789 1,139 3.01 75.2 15.9 150.4 551 | 127 2 enry.. .03 2,253 236 1 2,320 | 31.1 | 21.%| 23,133(9,971 4,522 1,178 3,466 | 68.4] 21.3 1| kel 551 | 126 | oward. ........ .03 1,8 181 123 1,820 | 30.3 | 21.6 | 21,207 [11,280 3,117 1,057 2,956 | 66.4] 26.5 148.0 551 | 123 ntington..... .035 2,138 230 142 2,400 | 32.6 | 17.0 21,210 | #,838 4,680 1,303 3,292 72.2 15.3 1| k2.5 561 | 125 Jackson... .036 2,238 262 11 2,286 | 22.9 | 39.0 | 14,208] 6,215 4297 615 2,161 | 43.3] 38,1 5 | 27.2 626 | 103 ! Jasper. 037 1,829 329 20 1,782 | 45.0 | 15.7 19,641 [11,022 ols 1,121 3,751 4h Lg,7 5 | 46.5 R42 | 120 2 Jey..... .038 2,125 235 142 2,431 32.8 | 22,0 | 17,29%| 7,16 L,li56 1,000 2,759 52:2 26.7 1 39 561 | 121 2 Jefferson...... .039 1,878 192 56 2,113 | 22.2 | 30.8 8,301 | 3,929 b, 384 116 1,799 J kas 5] 34.1 626 | 101 | Tenning®...ooe.s oko 1,536 191 61 1,748 | 22.3 | 41.0 6,310 | 3,610 3,648 ugly 1,244 UY, 5 3h. 5 3 626 | 94 x 2 Johnson. 1,722 179 115 1,945 | 32.5 | 23.5 20,654 10,619 4,602 967 3,671 62.6 30.2 1 ol 551 121 { Knox. ... 2,0H 301 198 2,224 | 31.7 | 29.3 20,921 | 9,L07 5,883 1,065 3,446 uL.3 L7.2 5| 30.0 552 | 106 Kosciusko. 3,03 327 183 3,192 | 29.9 15.2 24,815 | 7,774 7,523 1,001 5,035 64.5 24,1 1] 29.4 111127 [Lagrange 1,910 234 131 1,821 | 32.7 | 1k 15,766 | 8,658 6,221 iso 2,736 69.3 17.0 135.4% 561 | 123 \ Lu 024 [Lake..eecessess O45 1,886 210 142 1,926 | 32.3 | 34.9 21,105 {10,958 4,265 98E 3,237 5.9 34.9 126.5 W2| 129 » x Fee [La Porte.. 046 2,239 317 193 2,b76 | 26.3 | 30.0 | 24,564] 9,921 6,143 1,093 3,971 os bi.2 5] 36.5 su2 | 121 cl 2,023 215 58 2,126 | 17.2 | 57.0 7.467 | 3.512 S480 365 1,523 | ‘52.3 27.4% 1]29.8 626 87 2,90u2 257 174 3,336 | 22.0 | 31.4 32,033 | 9,602 646 1,582" 4,519 59.5 22.9 1| 40.6 551] 12% 2,854 177 112 3,083 | 26.2 | 51.7 32,279 10,470 3,874 1,115 3,641 | 39.4] 51.5 829.1 551] 136 2,572 265 147 2,560 | 29.5 | 19.7 | 20,970 8,191 6,098 gr7| 3.653] 70.6] 17.1 1] 35.6 561] 127 ; 950 116 IU 1,165 | 18.5 | 61.6 4,343 | 3,728 2,392 18 621 53.5 19.% 1] 36.3 626 91 > 1,81 212 13+ 2,069 | 33.3 | 17.4| 20,385|9,83 k4, 389 97 3,350 | 61.3] 26.6 1| 40.2 551 | 121 A 2,159 186 47 2,119. | 16.2 | 70.5 6,837 | 3,227 2,721 24g 908 52.7 16.3 029.4 626 29 ] 2,196 304 139 2,u56 | 36.8 | 21.1 25,712 [10,469 5,319 1,309 4,186 69.7 20.3 1] 53.4 551 | 121 2,032 221 102 2,069 | 27.2 | 37.1 13,486 | 6,51% 3,730 762 2,291 57.5 28.4 140.1 552 | 106 1,022 237 151 |. 1,051 | 46.2 | 15.1 18,942 [18,023 3,645 756 2,719 by, 1 Lg, 2 5 | 40.0 542 | 135 2,126 2L7 13 2,175 | 32.2 | 11.7 16,632 | 7,647 6,064 780 3,614 56.5 31.0 1] 32.9 561 | 125 i ns 52 1 uog | 20.9 | 18.1 2,908 | 5,839 1,066 10 sha 52.8 33.3 15] 33,2 625 | 117 el i 1,838 200 53 2,030 | 15.8 | 53.0 6,825 | 3,362 3.375 31 1,327 60.3 21.4 1] 32.9 626 | 103 po] 1,628 136 57 1,702 | 23.9 | 53.6 6,106 | 3,588 3,096 306 a33| su.7| 18.7 1] 33.9 552 | 102 = 1,734 2l3 115 1,971] 31.7| 31.1 12,954 | 6,572 4,073 732 2,624 | w5.7 32.0 1] 3%.0 551 | 10% 4 1,439 172 50 1,609 | 13.5 | 56.1 4,273 | 3,029 3,511 175 771 52.4 13.% 0 32.3 626 25 3 7 1,766 143 60 1,557 | 20.9 | 52.0 5,796 | 3,723 3,143 316 1,022 | &2.5| 27.1 1] 35.6 626 | og | 1,79 203 128 1,879 | 29.6 | 32.0 | 18,455] 9,22 4,5 973 2,928 | 51.8] 35.9 5 36.3 ug | 132 ; £4 »A 1, 766 243 14g 1,679 | 34.5 | 25.8 in %,293 ,3 81h 2,180 40.1 47.2 5| 46.2 552 | 103 $A 1,538 256 152 1,650 | 33.2 | 14.3 1k,%79 | 8,775 , 28 860 2,994 52.7 34.3 5 33.6 shiz | 121 % 2,288 289 132 2,409 | 23.9 | 31.82 | 15,633|6,4%9 5,046 183 2,902 68.5 12.5 1] 50.4 551 | 113 BA 2,700 281 182 2,8% | 31.1 17.8 25,324 | 8,775 5,6u4 1,356 4,014 67.0 19.3 1| 44.0 551 122 a 2,346 228 90 2,634 | 17.7 | 28.9 10,945 | 4,155 5,472 739 2,272 ug, 8 26.7 5] 25.4 626 | 106 Na a 1,828 253 170 1,769 | 39.4 | 7.7] 27.347 [15.459 ky, 223 1,190 4,214 74.0]. 17.0 1] 63.1 551 | 125 “4 3,075 240 1 2,783 | 23.8 | 42.0 21,334 | 7,666 4,765 1,063 2,983 al 30.1 2| 27.0 sho | 12h 9 98 3 965 | 13.4 | 33.7 3,k24 | 3,548 2,041 197 737 0.7 34.1 5] 25.4 626 | 106 of 2,097 24h 16 2,273 | 35.2 | 16.1 25,06% [11,029 5,470 1,224 3,478 57.2 30.6 1] 36.4 551 | 115 g Spencer 1,738 222 11 2,024 | 31.4 | 33.2 10,361 | 5,119 5,591 452 1,858 45,2 30.9 5] 29.9 552 | 100 Starke... ..... ..075 1,409 170 95 1,534 | 25.9 | 41.9 10,24¢ | 6,681 2,697 60% 1,671 41,5] 4.1 5 30-5 542 | 111 ‘ 1,552 186 89 1,507 | 30.8 | 12.5| 10,339 6,81 3,342 545 2,317] 66.9] 18.2 1 34.6 561 | 12k | 2,208 238 122 2,641 | 20.3 61.6 11,554 | 4,375 4,357 600 1,652 54.3] 27.1 1] 35.8 552 | 93 | 1,247 127 33 1,503 | 29.3 | 21.4 6,118 | 4,071 3,248 162 1,374 35.7 47.6 5| 46.6 625 | 107 2,016 293 196 2,039 | 36.5| 16.2 | 26,363 12,029 4,630 1,323 4,693 | Lg.7| L3.9 5 2.1 551 124 1,424 161 114 1,441 | 39.4 1.6 19,242 [13,353 3,012 12 3,390 51.7 41.8 1] k.7 “551 | 123 618 99 56 684 | 42.3 | 16.1 9,394 [13,731 1,276 26 1,398 73.1 17.5 1] 59.9 551 | 130 O42 (Vanderburgh. 1,554 118 75 1,641 | 16.5| 43.0| 12,661] 7,715 3,284 Lh 1,778 | 30.9| 51.0 5 37.9 552 | 125 Vermillion.. 876 125 6] 1,100] 36.7] 37.5 %,221 | 7,474 2,258 516 1,736 52.9 37.8 1 40.7 551 95 123 Jrigo... 00s 2,277 199 104 2,094 | 22.9 51.9 11,678]5.577 3,437 634 1,761 beh) bk 5] 32.8 552 | 10M 143 3 Table 3 IND., Dearborn (015) - TABLE 3—SELECTED DATA FOR METROPOLITAN AREAS AND FOR ALL COUNTIES, BY STATE—Continued Vigo (084) (ALY dollar figures have been rounded to thousands and will not necessarily add to totals) -o 200843 . MANUFACTURING ESTABLISHMENTS—1939 MINERAL INDUSTRIES—1939 RETAIL ESTABLISHMENTS—1939 METROPOLITAN Mos COUNTIES Value added Area ue a . ; 1 Code AND Wage Wages Vales of by manufac- Valse of Noer Wager and Number of Sales Active Gr Pay roll CODES Number | amers (1000" s of I ucts ture f ucts 0 id umber of | (1000's of pro- average | (1000's of (average | "golly | (1000's of | (10007 of | (1000's of | persons | (1000's of | stores | *gojlarg) | prietors | fF. |" dollars) for year) dollars) dollars) dollars) | engaged | dollars) year) (®) % | on (C)] ©) - a9) an a) @) a4 as) (LW) a INDIANA~Con, All Counties—Con, 025 Dearborn, ...es.N15 30 1,506 1,700 19,897 8,595 (2) (1) (1) 316 4,842 303 504 425 18 301 269 1,722 531 8 65 28 290 4,699 268 542 403 4 1,528 1,429 7,486 4,181 (2) (1) (2) 397 6,924 416 724 591 108 10,478 | = 13,90 67,626 30,657 106 33 3% 1,022 25,949 938 3,216) 2,962 2 2,209 1,738 8,664 3,817 n 59 36 310 4,525 310 450 320 154 8,194 2,946 47,902 28,600 (2) (1) (1) 978 25,139 286 2,652 2,350 25 2,310 2,898 12,707 6,677 (1) 3 (1) 247 5,314 211 652 540 58 2,556 2,113 11,230 4y842 (2) (2 (2) 562 3,598 552 999 795 12 662 748 2,403 1,287 163 9 9 264 4,631 238 435 289 6 68 (2) (1) (2) (1) (2) (2) 193 2,341 212 213 138 Pultoneesesssess025 15 243 193 1,573 526 258 3,935 270 413 287 B4b8ON, eessseses026 19 322 (2) (2) (1) 1,650 649 788 413 5,688 405 624, 499 Brant. .coeeeeess®? 102 5,356 6,191 36,352 17,069 208 42 40 793 17,082 %6 1,917 1,615 Breen, su. .ess 0.28 23 373 302 1,179 651 3,327 978 1,309 466 6,125 477 632 445 Hamiltonees ses es29 25 1,043 783 6,608 2,186 1) (1) 1) 362 6,322 355 709 503 HaNCOOks ss 00e0s030 19 259 186 1,081 515 (1) (2) (1) 290 4,459 280 461 332 HarTi80n,.e.es.031 y 382 291 2,321 659 165 66 195 2,118 190 197 131 Hendricks, sos. ss032 1 - 91 3% 195 91 282 4235 282 365 270 HONTYoesssoseese33 42 4y247 5,335 19,010 8,679 (2 o 5 542 10,755 509 1,176 957 HoWardesoeoeoesss3 55 5,789 7,608 35,625 16,723 (2 1) (2 é3 16,281 590 2,013 1,763 Huntingtons... .035 57 1,889 1,76 8,421 4,587 179 63 55 435 8,777 447 989 783 Jack8ONs ss esrss.036 40 1,942 1,440 8,678 3,482 19 7 5 412 6,299 390 699 521 T8808 e000 es esse? 9 46 29 281 81 (2) (2) (2) 209 3,768 212 365 278 J8Yevserssssseesdd8 30 2,576 2,792 10,955 5,49 (2) (1) (2) 361 6,078 359 641 496 Jefferson, ....ss139 28 428 303 2,873 973 (2) (2) (1) 283 4,228 268 500 370 Jennings, sess es040 16 258 143 431 354 (2) (2) (2) Ud, 2,157 139 244 165 ‘|Johnson, us. ... 01 3% 1,246 933 7,482 3,118 331 5,719 332 650 501 39 1,478 1,37% 9,508 4,373 3,002 1,187 1,616 677 12,521 677 1,422 1,162 3% 845 772 4yT54 2, (2) (2) 1) 39 7,930 375 764 609 6 103 (2) (2) (1) 218 3,105 217 247 159 236 58,825 92,690 736, 550 268,087 263 8s 3,790 101,961 3,310] 10,662] 11,063 9% 7,136 7,783 52,518 27,153 (2) (1) (2) 911 21,922 791 2,389 2,179 13 1,726 1,878 7,281 4,316 881 149, 192 409 6,997 387 725 539 117 13,031 17,298 79,315 44,4695 Lid 36 42 1,272 29,201 1,177 3,443 2,970 218 38,238 48,139 294,512 139,153 458 158 306 5,790 197,234 4,855 | 26,526) 26,157 Marshall........050 20 758 715 Lm] 2,000 (1) (1) (1) 382 6,941 381 723 526 Martine eseossssaSl 5 43 (2) 1) (2) 33 40 22 120 1,41 120 134 89 Mant, euueso00es052 32 1,341 1,139 4,931 2,269 (2) (1) (2) 94 7,520 408 929 735 MONT084sssesesesd53 54 1,918 1,958 7, 4y304 1,526 503 656 449 11,016 393 1,298 1,072 Montgomerys sees «054 9 1,295 1,460 8,492 3,936 (2) (2) (2) 430 8,476 418 936 738 | UO 29 461 78 1,729 898 18 15 1n 281 4,956 27% 533 367 Newton, eseeseessD56 6 51 2% 1,02 138 (2) (2) (1) 174 3,053 192 281 221 NObl6sseesssrsssD5? 3% 1,247 1,075 6,138 2,813 366 5,977 357 609 463 OhiOessessesssss5d 4 36 22 12 37 55 59% 55 62 40 Orange. .oeeesese059 21 366 252 1,509 27 1 13 6 231 3,426 204 332 209, OWenesssossoses sO Pec ang 97 739 288 248 113 122 172 2,286 166 200 140 ParkeocesseossssDbl 11 66 46 392 us 300 191 178 253 3,455 252 135 218 POrTYo0000000000067 2 1,638 1,263 4,311 2,402 67 59 35 249 2,557 257 219 172 PikBooossssesessD6l 9 26 17 101 49 4,022 991 1,546 260 2,925 275 241 162 veeieiih ed 23 700 739 2,972 1,673 (1) (12) a} 461 8,517 47 835 686 17 45 319 2,600 724 (1) (2) (2) 258 3,547 240 415 295 10 104 7% 470 220 £ - 17 2,807 168 263 168 11 139 %1 2,921 1,593 332 101 122 305 4,739 292 503 353 31 1,798 2,058 9,191 byhSh (1) (2) (1) 403 6,635 398 783 578 30 891 782 3,461 1,874 28 16 305 4,126 302 310 226 Rush, eescssnenssd?0 | 20 642 529 3,186 1,329 (1) (2) (3) 262 4,498 238 485 388 113 (St, Josephessse.07L 202 20,840 29,625 157,818 7,625 (2) (1) (2 2,15 60,154 1,9% 6,810 7,245 800ttesessesnesolT2 10 1,696 (1) (2) 1) o a a 120 1,513 118 180 122 8h61bYeeesesssse?3 41 1,622 1,210 477 3,317 1 (2 1 344 7,881 327 929 739 BpeNcersssseeess07 16 121 IA 650 249 216 9 9 226 1,975 250 211 116 Btarkeoeoeseoses?5 9 156 9% 525 21, (2) (2) (2) 224 3,121 238 259 177 Bteuben,.eeeeese76 15 100 (2) (1) (2) 303 4,825 300 “oe 358 Sullivan, ,.eee..077 12 | Ed 441 262 2,630 1,087 1,180 378 4,840 364 418 311 Switserland,,,..078 3 8 (2) (2) (1) 133 853 18 101 50 T4pPecance,.....079 ih 2,161 2,684 14,855 7,091 (1) (1) (2) 651 22,423 567 2,645 2,493 | P1ptonessseeeneann0 20 663 467 3,439 2,139 208 3,275 212 us 252 Unione eesssoesesdBl 4 111 (1) (1) (2) 7 1,541 ” 138 109 042 |Vanderburghe...,N%2 203 13,854 16, 7k 133,419 61,91, 535 138 211 1,724 47,243 1,539 5,804 5,647 Vermill1onss....083 u 249 192 403 905 525 511 37% 4,839 359 464 316 123 |VigOssssosseseseBh 21 4,99 5,608 43,076 17,7% 5,309 1,914 2,693 1,533 ,808 1,862 4y46T| 4,244 Not shown because of disclosure 144 of operations of individual establishments. Data included in Combined Counties at end of State. REE TR ETE TRA EET PEE BE eo TREES EIT es 3 \ : a ’ - Tr TABLE 3—SELECTED DATA FOR METROPOLITAN AREAS AND FOR ALL COUNTIES, rama s > : "BY STATE—Continued Part § = Other Eoononts (All dollar figures have been rounded to thousands and will not necessarily add to totals) © ve Pe (025) - RECS ore sani 5 Sy TULSA SERVICE ESTABLISHMENTS—1939 BANK DEPOSITS : i = —I 1944 Majik vai supply Major va t facie Fi . : : Jo 1940-5 = 1945 | June | 4 i 1 1945 - = METROPOLITAN E Bond | (1000's of dollars) wk dollars) tog Metro. AREAS, . sales 1944 x Area COUNTIES Number Number : Total - 1000's of ’ Code “AND of Sia of | Recei Active Explesens Pa A (Geinte) Time (ooo a CODES estab- | (1000's of | estab- 4 proprie-| A and time) | (1000's |{sgue price) lish- dollars) lish- olla) tors year) dollars) § 000s ) of dollars) Conia ments ments of dollars, mbat : 1: Bom Other Industrial | Military 3 . ml __a 81) @ | 6 (L)] 5) 801 GD (88) 9) 50) on TNDTANA=-Con All Counties—Con.. 3% 2,524 7 249 75 64 | 10,887 3,12 1,881 7,106 37 2,410 102 201 108 63 3 7,538 1,452 1,219 835 33 3,284 124 304 10 62 32 10,712 4,869 1,975 1,143 9,924 226 106 13,531 385 1,628 388 535 410 | 44,307 8,538 7,097 £0,908 30,112 10,712 32 1,67 127 *261 151 82 36 8,757 3,609 1,424 226 a2 9,075 329 1,210 355 325 318| 42,244 19,27, 5,271 11,146 29,347 1,162. 23 3,242 53 128 5, 48 36| 11,304 4,216 2,678 40,211 6,738 534 49 4,615] 210 546| 213 176 125 13,568 4,596 1,687 176 3,427 30 1,608 83 195 91 58 40 7,478 832 1,200 Franklin... ... 02 23 9%3 42 87 mn 17 12 4,962 1,141 899 Pultenersrseies elif 30 2,129 69 179 7% 36 23 7,138 2,593 704 702 026 41 3,019 127 342 133 83 6 13,636 3,382 1,71 140 168 &7 6,186 300 1,149] 298 421 us| 25,878 8,776 3,7 7,630 61,329 1,120 Vo ad 22 1,524 130 259 148 81 35 10,006 2,562 1,349 vi Hamilton, sseess029 38 2,938 130 280 139 €9 42 10,621 3,003 1,7M2 45,903 1,261 : i ea Banoosksreesnes?®| 31 Lf 7 199] #0 45 29| © 8510] 1,95] 1,250 7 A 15 574 58 83 & 20 9 4,863 1,406 770] ° ! 25 1,433 9 218 107 35 1 8,581 1,758 1,048 5 29 2,626 185 475 193 128 9% 16,049 3,367 2,806 12,563 3,381 657 | | 11,895 26, 720 PLY 257 184 16,148 4,861 4,489 118,488 18,216 5,108 661 2 42 3,818 168 420 179 108 82 11,665 4y346 2,17 10,378 10,020 545 Sasa 4 2,058 122 331 130 103 58 12,06, 4,595 1,726 685 4,900 16,130 83. 43 2,587 51 123 54, +18 n 7,600 1,307 827 351 : be 26 2,01 106 306) 11 68 471 10,29 3,705 1,501 1,301 5,766 = 36 2,99% 102 260 106 106 58 8,007| 3,381 876 75 3,088 752 = 8 257 41 122 47 46 27 4,003 1,509 528 187 oh 26 1,344 98 272 107 80 56] 10,860 2,201 1,264 5,539 4,523 38,831 - 57 6,452 239 705 253 200 155 18,289 2,790 2,120 375 1,413 36 1,906] 118 302 126 72 55 14,567 5,662 1,870 16]. 8,875 296 i Lagrangeeseeess044 17 895 63 86 66 10 5 4,832 1,611 614 Yo y 024 _|lakeseuessonssselh5 195 85,933] 1,083 4,583] 1,07 1,386 1,321 107,369| 47,39 40,035 346,022 310,705 151,930 LE «e046 68 7,826 273 1,084 276 335 293 39,822 21,76), 7,160 180,672 86,610 61,637 = 30 2,756 142 322 159 84 & 11,376 3,084 1,587 2,997 3,113] , 3,000 3 96 9,033 464 1,536 475 500 395 36,901 9,627 13,086 97,632 35,800 26,647 4 056 [Marioneeseees..e049| 872] 577,524| 2,929| 18,442| 2,856| 6,518 6,214 | 417,676 102,478 57,252 | 2,323,182 181,607 179,024 7,180 | farshall....oooc00) 30 300] us u9| 1% 68 | 15000] 7,006] 1,555 2,248} 292 195 5 L051 6 207 4 77 39 32 1 2,095 251 448 1,528 2,776 TL,0L ; 36 3,739 153 397 175 107 7%] 14,433 5,139 1,843 4,592 2,312 986) ' 18,371 Fs. 31 (2) 131 621 us 222 170 15,634 5,742 1,745 91,367 2,422 2,619 $ pe Montgomery ass 054 € 4y554 200 536 217 164 108 14,949 943 1,717 . 893 ~ TE8Nesesessess055 17 698 m 247 118 48 30 5,756 1,068 985 056 25 1,479 52 130 58 27 20 4,860 343 841 Fin 47 3,018 147 311 147 21 46 8,178 2,293 1,469 3,049] © 3,975 24 i 3 53 21 42 2 10 4 1,671 615 240 245 2 a 19 1,413 €9 119 bid 33 10 4,899 933 554, 1,952 288 3 1 606 69 112 7 3% 13 2,288 34 366 25 1,040 g2( + 131 85 49 2 4,612 259 817 HE 637 9% 117 9% 29 13 6,858 3,972 751 4y372 213 962 eR 19 782 73 126 84 39 20 5,012 1,862 692 : : 31 2,740 122 478 125 132 134 10,227 3,843 1,999 2,600 812 $74 26 2,037 76 127 78 47 20 8,603 2,703 1,221 fs 2, 2,674 55 135 52 33 16 6,221, 2,852 831 32 1,334 97 236 103 103 50 8,903 2,208 1,204 1,454 58 5,08, 150 340 156 67 ih 12,355 1,363 1,767 4,046 117 : 3 RAD1ey.r sess sss 069 30 1,155 9% 164 102 25 15 9,776 4,798 1,426 592 £2 : ElBerssarsnass 00 % 1,457) 116 254 117 69 42 10,032 1,263 1,433 70 : Leh 113 [St. Joseph 19, 50,171 699 3,305 692 1,080 1,000 9%.,598 36,698 27,033 | 1,780,079 122,243 72,528 3 N sl 12 404 31 9%| 30 22 1 2,692 413 413 aE 38 2,08 128 360 139 110 75 11,209 1,945 1,59% 2,012 11,256 | Spencer sess ses sal7h 17 2,063 7n 126 7 40 22 3,502 642 826 : Fig Starke. esoesses075 27 1,530 55 97 & 15 10 5,17, 2,338 611 2 33 998 20 208 98 47 31 5,879 2,520 778 Sullivanes esses 077 27 1,448 95 214 103 50 33 6,062 1,457 1,201 Ah Bwitzerland,....078 6 79 nl=-"4o 39 7 3 2,551 1,064 253 > £e Pippecances «ss .«079 65 8,651 178 97 126 358 331 34,641 15,305 4,704 2,636 9,815 == x 4 Miptoneees ses sss080 26 1,961 kel 200 26 i, 2 7,766 3,109 971 53]. i 000008 6 15 8 1 8 5 2 3,412 645 516 +a 042 [Vanderburgh.....082| 232 52,409 655 3,710 652 1,323 1,2 120,41) 45,435 25,095 293,765 51,961 55,313 ermi11ion,.....083 28 1,881 105 210 105 4 43 4,072 10 1,117 17,529 235 9,095 Yak 123 Wigosiessenseee 084] se 30,260 504 2,302 499 823] 726 57,648 20,068 5,834 7,100 8,945 35,935 5,797 : 1Not shown because of disclosure of operations of individual establishments. Data included in "Other" at end of State. % 145 Table 3 Bs Part 1 = Population : IND, Wabash (085) = : IOWA, Howard (045) TABLE 3—SELECTED DATA FOR METROPOLITAN AREAS AND FOR ALL COUNTIES, BY STATE—Continued : - — w TOTAL POPULATION POPULATION—1940 EDUCATION VITAL L / ? 1940 STATISTICS Bg ESTIMATED 1944 ’ 7 § CIVILIAN 1 : J POPULATION Land | Pop- otal white Percent of Po METROPOLITAN U.S. area [ulation population 25 : Metro. AREAS, rank in per years old and I Area COUNTIES, Nuralics of Percent | 4 sq. | over who have Code No, 3 tie change oo. mile Percent i Rul Ruz completed— > ercent| April | mn i of ™an | ponfarm | farm Births | Deaths £ Number change | 1940’ pe Is 1940 [1940 | Number | total 2 les pu- 5 or i i. Nov. 1. 1940- 9 ation more Hh \ 3° 1943 1940 grades | S€Mo0 54 om @ ®) @ 6) ®) om ®) ©) (10) n (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) f IDIANA—Con. ; All Counties— Con, : Webash..........085 24,925 | -6.3| 26,601 38 5.7 421 63.2 26,498| 99.6| 12,823 4,740 9,038] 94.7| 28.8 528 336 7,874 | -18.0 9,055 | -1.2 368 | 24.6 9,081 99.7 3,558 5,497 94.0 21.5 155 9% = 18,338 | -5.6 19,435 47 6.6 391 | 49.7 19,078 | 98.1 4,526 6,158) 8,756] 87.8] 17.7 355 214 : Washington......088] 15,061 | -11.4| 17,008 54| 4.4 516 | 88.0 17,007 | 100.0| 8,194| 2,892[ 10,922] 91.5| 15.8) 309 144 i Wayne...........089 58,699 | -0.9 59,229 1} isa 405 | 146.2 56,492 | 95.4 395,147 14,167 9,915) 92.5| 28.5] 1,225 851 : 17,651 | -7.6 19,099 48 3.7 368| 51.9 19,092 | 100.0 5,417 | 8,95¢ 9,728 93.9 23.4 356 281 = 14,855 | -12.8 | 17,087 54 7.6 497 | 4.8. 17,087 [ 100.0| 8,158| 5,949 7,985] 94.0] 25.2 295 186 Whitley.........092 15,969 | -6.1 17,001 54 6.7 336 | 50.6 16,998 [ 100.0 | 4,219| 4,%08| 8,474} 96.5] 24.7 356 186 RE 2,276,876 | -10.3 | 2,538,268 2.7 | 55,986 | 45.3 | 2,520,691 | 99.8 (1,084,231 | 537,269 | 916,768] 94.5| 28.5] 46,564| 26,09 : METRO. COUNTIES..| 585,849 | -5.3 | 620,054 8.2 | 4,139|149.8| 608,702 | 98.2 | 484,989 | 59,052 76,018) 94.4| s4.6] 12,107| 6,42: 1 4 Metro. areas: : 019 [Cedar Rapids....057 87,246 | -2.1 89,142 8.8 718 | 125.0 88,459 | 99.2| 66,841 | 8,472| '13,829| 4.8 85.6] 1681 941 i 082 |Davenport-Rock . ks Tsland-Maline (pt.)2 082 84,919 | 0.2 84,748 9.6 453 | 187.1 83,861 | 99.0 69,182 | 6,228| -9,343| 96.4| 27.8] 1,776 951 4 036 |Des Moines......077| 188,572 | -3.1| 195,885 13.3 594 | 329.7 189,149 | 96.6 | 164,071 | 19,240 | 12,52¢| 9s.8| 40.5] 3,598] 1,920 } 084 |Omaha-Council Bluffs bi (pt)e... ..078| 59,397 | -11.0 66,756 -4.5 946 | 70.6 66,209 | 99.2| 41,439| 9,254] 16,063] 95.1] 27.6] 1,818 678 7 112 |sioux City. 097 89,786 | -13.4 | 108,627 1.9 866 | 119.7 102,618 | 99.0 82,364 | 8,106 18,157| 9s.2| s2.a| 2,220] 1,127 181 {Waterloo eess..007 75,979 | -5.0 79,946 15.6 567 | 141.0 78,406 | 98.1| 61,092| 7,757 | 11,097| 4.4] 385.0] 1,63 804 OTHER COUNTIES...| 1,691,027 | -11.8 |1,918,214 1.1 51,847 | 87.0 | 1,911,989 | 99.7 | 599,242 | 478,217 | 840,755| 94.6| 26.5] 34,447] 19,678 & All Counties: rs Adefr..ieeee...001| 11,527 | -12.6 13,196 65 | -5.0 569 | 23.2 18,190 | 100.0 4,778| 8,418] 96.6] 25.3 235 120 y Adens.... 8,420 | -17.1 10,156 76 | -2.7 426 | 23.8 10,148 | 99.9 8,581 6,575| 97.6[ 22.3 172 8s 14,762 | -14.1 17,184 54 5.2 639 | 26.9 17,167 | 99.9 2,972 | 4,507 9,705| 91.6] ‘18.7 309 186 3 19,116 | -21.2 24,245 37 | -2.4 523 | 46.4 23,965 | 98.8| 8,418| 7,65 8,176| 88.0] 19.6 402 256 y 10,132 | -14.1 11,790 70 | -3.9 448 | 26.3 11,790 | 100.0 4,39] 7,45 7.1] ma 214 95 ! 20,220 | -11.6 22,879 | oa 718 | 81.9 22,871 | 100.0 7,65 | 4,639| 10,875| 96.6] 25.6 397 239 181 75,979 | -5.0 79,946 8| 15.6 567 [141.0 78,406 | 98.1| 61,092 | 7,757 | 11,097] 94.4| 85.0] 1,634 804 Bir 26,306 | -11.7 29,782 28 1.7 573 | 52.0 29,738 | 99.9| 12,873| 5,506] 11,908] 91.7] 24.7 456 a2 ; 16,134 | -10.0 17,932 52 5.2 439 | 40.8 17,982 [ 100.0 | 4,156 | 4,627 9,249) 90.4| 22.8 s10 187 3 19,040 | -9.3 20,991 43 7.4 569 | 36.9 20,967 | 99.9| 4,342 | 6,492 10,157] °94.4| 26.4 376 364 5 Buena Vista 17,178 | -13.4 19,838 46 6.8 573 | 34.6 19,887 | 100.0 5,274 | 5,724 8,800] 96.1] s2.2 32 208 5 Butler... ..012 15,245 | =15.2 17,986 51 2.1 582 | 80.9 17,984 | 100.0 7,756| 10,281| 94.3] 22.6 285 165 i Calhoun ..018 15,278 | -18.1 17,58¢ 88 | -0.1 572 | 80.7 17,567 | 99.9 8,541 9,043] 96.0| 27.6 s42 140 be Carroll ..014| 20,398 | -10.4 22,770 | 2.0 574 | 89.7 22,763 | 100.0 5,889 | 7,016( 10,366| 96.0| 23.7 487 190 Cess..... +015 16,969 | -9.0 18,647 49 | -4.0 559 | 83.4 18,689 | 100.0| 6,802 | 4,292 8,558] 97.3] 29.8 366 199 at Codar.....csees.016 14,478 | -14.3 16,884 55 0.7 585 | 28.9 16,888 (100.0 | 2,518| 5,085 9,331 97.0 26.8 278 188 ; Cerro Gordo. ....017 87,548 | -14.4 43,845 16 | 14.0 576 | 76.1 43,497 | 99.2| 380,844 | 3,808 9,198] 95.0 s4.5 763 395 ! ..018| 16,988 | -12.0 19,258 ng 2.8 578 | 83.6 19,246 | 99.9| 7,469 | 8,426 8,363| 88.6] 24.6 308 285 # 019 18,211 | =-18.2 15,227 59 4.0 505 | 80.2 16,225 [100.0 | 2,938 | 8,523 8,771] 95.4] 22.8 274 151 § ..020 8,586 | -16.1 10,238 76 | -1.5 429 | 23.9 10,205 | 99.7 s,2a1 | 1,851 5,601| 96.2] 25.8 148 98 OLaYa sn ee vunanaoOZL 15,275 | -14.0 17,762 52 | 10.3 671 | 81.1 17,755 [100.0 | 6,599 | 2,964 8,199| 96.4] 32.9 359 158 Clayton ..022 21,376 | -12.2 24,334 s7| -0.9 778 | 81.8 24,328 | 100.0 11,088| 18,261] 934 21.8 398 287 Clinton.. ..028 48,543 | -2.6 44,722 16 0.8 695 | 64.8 44,550 99.6 | =26,270| 7,168| 11,28¢| 96.6| 26.0 861 544 ; Crawford........02¢| 17,797 | -18.3| 20,588 “| -2.8 716 | 28.7 20,522 | 99.9| 4,361| 5,355] 10,822) 95.5] 20.7 380 171 i Dallas..........025| 21,806 | -11.5 24,649 s6| -3.8 597 | 41.8 24,389 | 98.9 5,977 8,628| 10,049] 4.8| 29.6 412 269 4 5 DaviB...iuees...086 9,365 | -16.9 11,136 72 | -0.1 509 | 21.9 11,114 | 99.8 2,782 | 1,406 6,999] 98.9 19. 164 118 Re 11,7117 | -16.4 14,012 62 | -6.0 530 | 26.4 14,011 | 100.0 6,436 7,576 | 92.9| 2£5.1 249 148 15,684 | -16.7 18,487 50 2.0 878 | 82.8 18,468 | 99.9 8,762 | 4,254{, 10,471| 96.0| 28.2 850 198 89,690 7.8 36,804 21 | -3.6 409 | 90.0 36,588 | 99.3| 25,882] s,781| 7,191) 92.7] 24.8 786 44s 9,986 | -18.0 12,185 68 | 11.0 s82 | 81.9 12,181 | 100.0 6,537 5,648 95.9] 381.7 191 86 58,741 | -7.9 63,768 10 «2 608 | 104.9 63,699 | 99.9 43,892 8,528) 11,358] 95.8| 24.2] 1,245 770 11,812 | -14.1 18,408 64 4.3 395 | 83.9 13,406 | 100.0 | 5,651 2,128 5,638] 96.1 28.7 282 188 . 26,916 | -11.1 29,161 29 728 | 40.0 29,042 | 99.6 7,801 | 7,760| 18,590| 95.1] 27.5 45¢ a9 17,865 | -11.4 20,169 45 3.8 508 | 40.1 20,165 | 100.0 | 8,681 | 3,492 7,99 | 96.0 30.8 430 203 i 18,948 | -14.9 16,879 56 586 | 28.0 16,366 | 99.9| 4,006 | 3,085 9,288| 95.8| 24.2 308 168 11,788 | -19.5 14,645 61 | -5.7 512 | 28.6 14,640 | 100.0 6,602 8,043] 95.0] 81.0 244 136 18,165 | -20.7 16,599 55 | 0.4 869 | 29.2 16,892 | 100.0 | 4,088| 3,808] 8,708] 97.2 30.8 258 15¢ 11,890 | -12.0 13,618 84 | -4.6 501 | 27.0 18,517 | 100.0 5,730 7,788| 96.7 | 35.6 226 116 14,712 | -14.8 17,210 56 | -0.7 596 | 28.9 17,209 | 100.0 7,810 9,900] 97.2] 26.6 18 164 17,265 | -18.3 19,922 46 =-5.0 577 | S4.5 19,920 | 100.0 6,738] 8,742 9,442 96.8 28.2 343 184 18,768 | -10.6 185,402 9 | 4a 570 | 27.0 16,597 | 100.0 6,068 9,389| 95.0 24.6 304 181 20,754 | -7.9 22,530 | -1.8 574 | 89.2 22,472 | 99.7 7,978| 5,688] 8,869] 96.5 80.4 sa? 239 19,488 | -14.4 | 22,767 39 | -8.8 698 | 82.9 22,761 | 100.0 8,99¢| 7,571 11,202| 96.2| 24.8 403 £18 17,807 =1.0 17,994 51 1.9 440 | 40.9 17,868 | 99.3 4,610 5,798 7,891 93.0 27.9 2868 817 Howard...cooeee.045 11,965 | -11.8 18,681 64 8.4 471] 28.7 18,624 | 99.9 8,880 2,419 7,582 92.7 88,1 243 148 iltenainder of Davenport-hock Island-Moline Metropolitan Area (032) is in Illinois. Sitemainder of Omuha-Council Bluffs Metropolitan Area (084) is in Nebraska, 146 TABLE 3— SELECTED DATA FOR METROPOLITAN AREAS AND FOR ALL COUNTIES, BY STATE—Continued Table 8 Part 2 « Labor Force IND,, Wabssh (080) - 104A, Hownrd (04%) Z < LABOR FORCE—1940 Population 14 Years Old and Over Employed Workers by Industry Group erent of METROPOLITAN In leading Metro. AREAS, P P Tram. Business nonagri- Ares COUNTIES, aa gear po Whol and I guliaed i: 7, ole- | personal n | industry CODES Toul | Inlabor | moles |females | gop fopgi fo) Com pana, | communi| lend | ervices | Other | ogi force | WhO are | Who are | opmoloved || culture gol! tring | retail | exclud- cul in in tion an, hi He reported fire Code ify de Whit Jodie (See | Per. orce orce utth- : age | cent he | | tenis 29) an (8) (19) @n @n @2) @) 4) 3) 28) @n 2) 9) Qn | an | G2) INDIANA-=Con. All Counties—~Con. 88he00eseees 085 20,78 9,906 | 76.6 18.5 9,227 251 29 390 2,644 437 1,315 1,246 655 [27.2 1.9 arren. . . see 6,793 Jd21 | 77.9 11.2 2,169 1,568 40 132 149 132 236 30% 207 [96.6 | 636 62 ) larrick.. 0.087 4,777 Ju] 76.5 13.1 5, % 1,88 ™S n 790 2% [34] 609 33.3 13. hingten......088 12,89 5.711 76.9 10.5 5.1 2,693 35 1 769 wm 468 us7 hoz [52.3 | 10 | 8.5 .083 46,699 278) 77.1 23.6 21,057 2,618 17 923 8,0 1,123 3.525 3.097 | 1,723 [12.4 | 19 [16.6 .090 1h, 854 2: B 17.2 | 23.8 6,011 2,55 39 ¥% 2 03 729 42.7 | 036 | 6.1 «es091 13,038 6,168 | 78.6 ik.2 5,682 2,401 2 625 2 ns 65 42.3 | 036 | 5.3 092 13,098 Je 78.7 18.1 6,090 2,311 2 301 1,452 x6 763 6 3m [37.9 7] 8.8 I0WA..o.0ede | 1,959,091 | 957.869 78.2 19.2 | 862,781 || 308,735 | 6.343 | 36,208| 98,727 | 56,662 | 144,913 | 139,161 | 72,03 [35.8 | 636 | 7.9 METRO. COUNPIES.. 489,737 | 255.926 | 79.8 26.3 | 224,507 | 26,030| 1,062] 10,555| us,017 | 20,187 | 50,103 | 46,519 | 21,93 [11.6 Metre. areas: 2 019 [Cedar Rapids....057 7,313 | 36,%2| ®.1 25.2 33,254 i, 804 53| 1,654 7.515 2,848 7.315 6.373 2,632 |1%% 032 enport=Rock : Ieland-Moline (ptf os? 67.661 | 35,520 | 80.6 24.9 32,654 3.468 2 1,m| 9.9m 2,089 6,905 6,138 2,13 [10.6 036 [Des Moines......O077 156,191 83,168 h.2 2.7 70,003 3, Tu 998 | 3,513 11,643 5,792 | 16,508 | 18,123 9,682 | 5.3 5 (pt) roe 51,243 | 24,852] 77.5 20.2 21,079 459 7 805 1,%07 3.6 4,203 3,783 1,70 [25.9 Ptleeecccrened » ’ . o o » » ’ » ’ ’ . 112 [Sioux City......097 80,820 | 42,481 79.1 27.1 36,179 $90 20| 1,50 6, 3,5 9,355 2 3,27 [13.6 131 [Waterlooe..se..s! 62,503 | 33.303 | 82.% 25.1 31,338 3.629 s5| 1.372 11,272 2,25 5,757 I'S 2, 11.6 OTHER COUNTIES... | 1,469,35%| 701,943 | 77.7 16.7 | 638,274 || 282,705 5.181 25,653| 50,70 | 36,475 | 94.810 | 92,642 | 50,098 |Wh.3 All Counties: 10,012 4,689| 8.5 11.9 %, 403 2,759 2% 169 % 179 Leh 490 262 [62.7 | 36 | 6.5 7.727 3.né| 8.7 13.2 3,463 2,090 1» 96 § 120 m5 398 223 160.4 | 036 | 6.2 12,913 6,195| 79.6 13:3 5,613 3,228 1 21 163 178 ns 638 472 |57.% | 636 | 6.5 18,467 8.408 | 75.2 16.6 6.n2 2,186 | 1,083 189 298 5 = 937 503 ig 2 [16.0 g 8,870 | Mu32| 62.4 15.1 ¥,129 2,510 135 160 1% 8 37 258 [60.8 | 636 | 6.0 17.561 8,307 17.7 14.6 7,572 3.901 29 299 196 526 992 964 51.5 | 636 | 6.9 131 62,503 | 33,303 | &.k 25.1 31,338 3.629 55 1,372 11,272 2,259 5.151 745 2,249 11.6 | 19 [15.2 25,291 | 10,603 | Th. 16.5 9.358 3.397 ugs 360 363 1,19% 1,406 1,483 657 3.3 a36 | 8.8 18,702 6,358 | 17.3 4.5 6,010 3,039 1 267 300 208 95 781 Wig [50.6 | 636 | 6.9 16,313 17.376 |. N.2 15.5 6,703 3, 12 265 200 241 2.0 1,005 530 [51.4 | 036 | 9.7 Buena Vista,....0l1 15,515 7.593 | 7.8 16.7 6,974 3.154 2 1 378 291 1.27 1,077 564 [45.2 | 636 | 7.8 Butler... 13,635 6,393 79.0 13.3 5.971 JSH22 23 7 157 232 37 488 157.3 | 636 | 6.2 13.436 293 | 78.0 16.5 5,179 2,966 2 267 1% 261 2% 805 he |51.3 | G36 | 7.8 16,615 8,190 80.2 18.2 7.551 3.358 9 243 301 [5% 1,339 1,233 657 5 | 636 52 ; 14,638 7,127 79.6 | 17.5 6MT5|| 2,94 9 295 288 30 | 12 992 | M88 |u5.5-| 636 | 7.8 13,314 6.17 | 77.7 12.7 5,84 3,440 12 223 110 28 hey © 661 459 [58.9 | 636 | 6.0 33.891 | 17,388| 79.3 | 2.2 | 15,585 3.148 * 678| 302 | 1,2 3.335 2,887 | 1,182.120.2 | 5 [10.8 15,093 1560 | 69.5 15.5 6,085 2,926 1 230 188 3 826 1,028 532 |48.1 | 636 |10.3 11,504 5,688 | 81.0 15.5 5,305 3,074 § 196 in 13H 2 654 353 [57.9 | 636 | 7.2 1.71% 3,562 | 176.9 13.8 3.192 856 10 98 bs 152 ko 399 200 [58.1 | 636 | 7.1 13,560 | 6,773| So. | 18.4 6.269] 2,894 2 282 2n 27 1,109 oe] 521 [46.2 | 636 | 6.5 18.54 | £83] 719.5 139 8.125 k.6h2 2 29 28 woh ‘983 903 586 [57.1 | €36 | 6.0 35.1] 17.627 79.5 20. 16,167 %,166 25 3.672 1,392 2,612 2,362 1,098 [25.8 5 1. 15,480 7.599 | #0.7 1h. 6,701 3.928 2 221 99 296 a6 Bus %61 [58.6 | a36 ] 19.17% 9.098 | 78.6 15. 8,107 3.235 nn ny 3 1,232 1,155 635 139.9 | 636 | 7. su2z| 3.877] 79.8 | 12a dell 2,208 2| 107 54 9% 349 352 [63.3 | a36 | 6.0 10,566 on 73.8 13-5 ir 2,261 5 154 125 1k = 557 345 a: 2% 8.5 13,713 6,510 | 79.2 1h. 6,061 3.438 3 223 172 246 9 720 520 156.7 | @36 | 6.3 29,581 | 1,627 78.4 22.4 13,305 2,438 12 468 3.012 1,392 252 2,0% 1,238 [18.3 | 10 | 1.7 9,227 586 80.7 16.1 ,100 1,851 3 202 123 © 191 659 u28 145.1 | 636 | 6.3 48,816 24,701] 77.5 25.2 21,99 3.119 30 £11 5,911 1,533 4,061 1,078 ,79% [17.2 | @36 [10.6 10,157 4,948 | 78.4 16.7 §,5 iis 3 20% 225 ¥% 627 3 360 {42.5 | @36 | 6.9 22,139 | 10,248 | 78.0 13.5 9,514 4h 9 360 308 1,264 1,2 1,227 593 [47.0 | 23 | 9.9 15,55 pas 0.2 17.2 7.097] . 2.736 in 209 1.38 275 9 875 630 [38.6 | 13 12.0 12,534 L031 | 80.4 13.2 5.569 3.366 2 201 151 23 602 631 403 [60.4 | 636 | 6.1 11,114 5.275 | 78.0 15.2 %,600 2,694 5 1h 9 189 53 351 [56.6 | 636 | 8.0 12,675 6.176 80.8 15.5 5,710 3,092 27 233 168 248 822 37% [54.2 | 636 | 7.1 10,585 5,187 | (82.2 13.5 i,924 2,978 2 180 105 166 595 537 361 [60.5 | 636 | 5.8 13,018 6,031 77.6 13.7 5,499 3,142 66 201 102 234 676 691 87 [57.1 | @36 | 6.9 15,288 7.381 78.3 16.4 6.704 3,231 1 328 ho2 304 1,066 897 75 [48.2 | 636 | .6.5 HAS00CK. + ee eer «sO uwa| 5.603] sas | 13.5 | sen 3.9 1| 20 95 178 6 586 60.6 | 436 | 6. HEardine..oce....082 17.798 8,145 72.9 16.2 7,500 3,206 27 x 287 42 1,288 1,217 2 42,7 > a Barston... 003 ~ 16,805 7.823 77.6 13.8 6,723 3.577 1 Bn 85 i 914 902 §79 22 a36 | 7.2 Henryeesoasones . 14,489 5.988 | 68.2 1h.3 5,519 2,576 9 212 27 n 960 us |b6.7 | 636 [10.9 Howard. ..coooess 045 10,151 5,021 | 80.5 16.2 4,652 2,652 6 180 116 134 79 591 294 I57.0 | 636 | 6. : > ~ 1Rgmainder of Davemport-Rock Island-Moline Metropolitan Area (032) is in Illinois. 2Remainder of Omaha-Council Bluffs Metropolitan Area (084) is in Nebraska. 748369 O—47—11 147 ee : are an e ef 5 v END EE pr 3 TT 3 IR ETT mT Z = = < ” % + " or. BS 7 i WE 3 7 kg t e Bs . T go Parts = busine TABLE 3—SELECTED DATA FOR METROPOLITAN AREAS AND FOR ALL COUNTIES, Biv, “ishash (06) - : BY STATE—Continued IGA, foward (048) ore sei HOUSING—1940 3 ge 7 / : z ; : : . Nonfarm Rural Farm 5 All Dwelling Units Occupied Dwelling Units Dwelling Units Dwellitig Units a METROPOLITAN el Metro. AREAS, : h e- Area COUNTIES, Median pones _ Code AND Residential Percent | Percent Per. | Percent | number Per- CODES |S etrariares in5or | with Port cent | vith of Avera sont Petsent Is } { more rivate | wil mechan- monthly wi wit] Number fomily a tb | oy Number see ical persons Number weil Number run- | electr struc- or | lighting ed refrig- | ose (dollars) . ning | lighting tures | shower P eration | “p14 water } . i J Be GH) as) 8) Gn a9) 9 “) “n “@) 3) “) 5) “) “n Ls INDI AFA—Con, : Eo : All Counties~Con. i: Mebash... vues... 085 7,306 7.763 0.9 41.1 86.2 7.561 | 57.3 25.3] 3.06 5,328] 17.19 2,435] 139.5] 69.3 b,669 4 larran..... 2,60k 2,635 16.6 62.4 2,529 | 50.3 25.1 3.22 1,137] 9.41 1,498 15.1] 48.5 676 Warrick... 5,292 £,5%2 0.5 18.7 52.3 5.4331 57.4 28.0| 3.8 3,277] 13.84 2.5 5.8] 23.8 2,183 4.627 4,766 13.3 45.3 4,662 | 6k.6 16.2 3.21 1,911) 12.47 2,855 4.4] 21.0 1,259 14,058 16,779 .9 49.3 9k.2 16,456 | ug.k u9.4| 3.07 14,087| 22.30 2,692| 25.3 77.0 10,249 5.586 5,712 28.1 79.4 5.537] 62.1 29.8| 3.09 2,954) 14,47 2,758 14.5] 6L.6 2,642 5,192 5.35€ 0.4 21.2 61. 1813 53.4 21.7%: 3.07 3,255] 15.31 2,103| 14.7| 28.0 2,693 ; 5 5,236 5,461 0.5 32.5 81.¢ 4,934 | 63.0 32.0| 3.03 3,033| 16.17 2,upg| 22.2] 66.4 3,493 = I0WAs ere ense 657,354 726,654 3.4 43.0 76.7 701,824 | 51.5 34.8) 3.18 489,913 | 20.98 236,7M1| 21.5] 39.5 | ur2,855 METRO. COUNTIES... 149,868 182,376 8.9 59.0 91.8 176,546 | 49.8 50.3| 3.08 162,477] 26.60 19,899] 30.6] 51.4 121,438 Metro.’ Areas: y td 013 [Cedar Pnpiis...057 23,061 217,156 5.6 69.3 89.8 26,378 | 54.2 45.7 3.00 23,3568] 271.25 3,800 23.3] 47.1 20,423 032 PDavenport=Rock IsTand=boLine (p)082 18,927 24,77 9.3 60.4 94.5 24,166 | 46.3 68.2 3.04 22,362| 30.06 2,511] us.0| 72.2 17,663 036 [Des Yoines......077 47,219 58, 11.8 60.4 94.9 56,516 | 51.3 51.6] 3.01 55.063 | 271.72 3,381] 27.0 61.4 39,049 084 |Ozeha Adair. ..........000 3.786 3.889 21.7 49.8 3.763 | 50.8 18.1 3.18 1,598 | 13.60 2,291 | 16.8] 20.4 2,397 Adams, L002 2,980 3.11k 1.3 20,4 52.1 2,930 | 50.6 22.71 3.13 1,210 | 13.67 1,904 [ 15.3] 31.2 1,837 Allamkee, .00 4,390 4,008 0.8 28.8 53.9 4,500 | 62.1 19.3 3.44 2,299 | 15.36 2,389 | 17.0] 24,1 2,657 Aupanonse. . 07 ,840 7.223 1.2 20.1 62.4 6,975 56.1 13.2| 3.08 4,882 | 10.72 2,341 | 5.3] 15.4 3,184 Audubon... 0s... a5 3,151 3,311 hs 28.8 58.7 3,225 50.4 19.7 3.35 1,365 15.03 1.946 | 35.0| 33.0 EXT (Benton. .ee.re.ns 006 6,366 6,584 0.4 37.5 80.1 6,435 | 55.4 1.1 3.15 3,795 1k.49 2,789 | 30.6 59.2 4,772 ~ 131 [Black Hawk......007 12,728 23,053 6.5 54.5 9k.8 22,621 | 54.0 3.8 3.13 20,337] 27.64 2,m6| 26.5 71.5.| 16.166 Boone... 1.595 8,194 2.1 u1,3 75.0 7.917] 54.2 31.8| 3.16 5,3 | 17.9% 2,850 | 20.6 2-4 5,173 Bremer. 4,787 5.056 0.4 38.1 75.1 4,962 | 57.1 25, 3,26 2,852 | 19.11 2,204 | 17.6( Le.7 3,442 [Buchanan . . 5,213 5,542 0.6 27.6 65.8 5,348 | 53.6 23.3] 3.19 2,967 1.31 2,575 | 12.7] 34.0 3,506 [Buena Vista 5,280 5,651 1.5 u3.k 80.8 5,482 v9.3 35.7) 3.29 3,369 | 20.50 2,282 | 26.9] 58.9 3,840 i L888 5,074 0.2 28.1 67.3]. b,983| s2. 22.2 3.24 2,515 | 16.67 2,559 | 13.1] k2.3 3.129 4,876 5,058 0.2 3-3 82.1 8 50.4 32.5| 3.28 2,786 | 15.69 2,272 | 21.7] 63.3 2,133 > 5,523 5,815 1.0 1.5 81.4 5,697] 51.9 W.6| 3.49 3,530 | 19.57 2,285 | 28.6| 57.6 4,729 5,348 5,680 1.1 y2.2.| 66.9 5,465 | 49.0 30.9| 3.09 3,265 | 16. 2,115] 37.1] 29.7 4,097 y 4,825 4,929 0.2 42.2 74.6 4,845 | 53.3 4.6 3.14 2,u74 | 18.94 2,455 | 35.2] 55.7 3,519 11,101 12,766 4.8 49.3 89.8 11,693 L7.3 2.9] 3.3 10,562 | 26.60 2,204 [17.0] 53.4 7.086 Bal. Z 4,338 4,670 0.8 38.0 17.6 4,606 | 45.7 36.0( 3.39 2,647] 18.5% 2,023 | 29.0| 51.2 2,972 = 4,022 4,20) 0.9 29.9 53.3 4,110] 56.7 14.6 3.27 2,025 15.20 2,176 | 10.g| 16.1 2,051 3.017 3,204 0.7 18.6 49.6 3.047] Lg.2 16.8] 2.95 1,550 | 13.18 1,654 8.8] 13.2 1,805 3 4,539 5,016 3.2 5.4 75.1 4,902 us.7 371.71 3.21 2,931 | 22.91 2,085 | 18.5| us.h 3.2719 x +55 5,957 0.4 32.6 63.0 6,650 | 57.8 23.3 3.26 3,629 | 15.50 3,328 | 23.8 1 3.7131 11,803 12,768 1.2 60.9 gh.8 12,443 | 56.4 39.7] 3.29 9,953 | 21.11 2,815 3.6 4 8,763 3 5.330 5.550 0.7 33.3 84.9 5.361 49.0 5 3.46 2,873 14.74 2,677 | 34.9 2.8 3.215 6,972 7.388 2.5 38.5 75.6 7.178 50.5 3] 3.06 4,599 | 15.04 2,789 | 2u.7| be.3 5,140 / p: 2 3.202 ra 14.6 40.5 3,207 54.0 16.5] 3.07 1,319 13,78 2,015] 7.2( 13.9 2,269 ,078 AT 19.5 51.2 3am 50.5 16.0 3.11 2,017] 11.00 2,157{" 1.8] 15.71 1,788 Y,885 5:135 0k 26.5 64.3 4,903 | 50.8 21.0] 3.35 2,603 | 15.04 2,532 | 17.8] 37.8 2,487 . 10,130 11,150 2.1 A 84.1 10,875 58.4 v1.2] 2.99 gash 21,77 1,9 21.0 ne 8,797 Dickinson. 5,480 5,609 0.5 38.0 8l.1 2. hg. k 27.0| 1.30 b,a17| 21,82 1,492 | 18.2] kL9.3 1,945 Dubuque. ....... 12,908 16,268 5.6 57.8 87.1 15,915 u8.5 35.6 Zell 13,797 | 22.64 o 2,471 | 19.4] 38.1 10,914 ; Bonet. ouus 3,634 0. 33.8 76.4 3,548 | Us.6 3. 3. 2,257] 21.50 1,377 11.1] 5.7 2,396 Br Fayette. . 7.701 8,152 0.6 36.4 67.7 7.919 56.9 26.8 3.27 760] 17.16 3.392 | 16.9 32.1 L,837 be Floyd...........03 5.355 .5,839 1.1 31.7 7.17 5.706 | 52.3 24g] 3.15 3,695] 17.24 2,14 | 17.8] 29.8 3,531 i Franklin........035 1,288 4,538 +9 30.6 17.7 JMu6 | bg. 26.7 3.34 2,181 | 18.16 2,357| 18.9] 62.5 2,3 Fremont.........036 4,168 Yi, 364 0.6 22,3 54.5 4,143] 45.4 25.6] © 3.17 2,075] 13.03 2,289 18.0 27.5 2.197 2 Greene... . 4,585 4,840 7 32.5 72.2 4,725 | 43.3 33.5 3.14 2,495 | 16.62 2,345 | 20.8] 47.3 3.2 Grundy..... 2-623 3.727 0.3 36.5 85.5 JJ03 | 5L.4 39.9 3.34 1,784 | 18.38 1,943] 32.0) Tub 2,498 : Guthrie. we 897 5.059 0.8 27.3 55.9 889 | 51.5 19.1 3.14 2,357] 12,72 2,702 | 22.5| 271.5 3,836 ke Hanilton........040 5.148 5,494 LI) 39.61 79.6 5.380| 51.1] 30.2| 3.35 3.122 17.72 2,312 | 22.0 57.1 3,797 Hancock... .....041 3,919 4,025 29.0 73.9 3,965] 51.1 27.9| 3.52 1,796 | 16,31 2,229 1 17.51 57.3 2,472 Hardin, .. L042 6,131 6,451 0.2 42,5 78.4 301 s2.k4 2.8] 3.14 4,24 | 18.22 2,327| 25.6| 9.2 5.403 Harrison. ou3 6,210 6,536 0.6 28.5 53.2 6.143 1 4.0] 3.30 3,445 1 12,40 3.091 | 23.1] 17.3 3.489 i - Henry. . .0 4,80 5.028 0.8 35.8 | 68.2 4,85 | 55.7 27.1] 2.3% 2,9 15.42 2,079 | 25.3] 36.1 3.816 = Howard, ..oesss. 045 3,496 3,673 25.3 54.6 3,592 | 55.5 18.0 3.4 o 1,844] 10,96 1,829 | 8.5] 25.6 2,373 Sr Remainder of Davenport - Rock Island - Moline Metropolitan Area (032) is in Illinois. ¥ SRemainder of Omaha - Council Bluffs Metropolitan. Area (084) is in Nebraska. - EET EE Rs 7 = "i ATER n EET RY oD da $ 2 > TABLE 3—SELECTED DATA FOR METROPOLITAN AREAS AND FOR ALL COUNTIES, . BY STATE—Continued Table 5 : Part 4 - Agriculture IND., Wabash (08S) - (Figures which have been rounded to thousands will not necessarily add to totals) IOWA, Howard (045) di AGRICULTURE—1945 AGRICULTURE—1940 Vile of farm products sold, | Principal Per- ; Value of Work power traded, or used by | source o Par gee arm property : farm household farm income Tye METROPOLITAN cent | - ol- Metro, AREAS, Number of | Land in | Cropland | Number | of inh Percent from farming- Bu) Area COUNTIES, farms farms | harvested | of farms | farms | [0 A Number L area | © Code AND (1000's | (1000's oper- | of Total ver-[ of Amada ive. code living CODES Jan. 1, of of April 1, | ated prod- | (i 000° 28¢ | horses | Number (1000's ta Code Per. | (See [index 1945 acres) | acres) | 1940 by $1 fer | andor of an (See 423 ucts of arm . of live- | C cent | P ten- | | mules | tractors tops | p22) ess | dollars) | (dol- dollars) | stock ants | than 5) over 3 on $400 a, old) ucts . “8) “9) (0) Gb a2) 3) GY (56) 8) GD (8) (9) (60) 62) 3) 4) INDIANA=-Oon, % All Counties—Con, ! 2, an bL5 2,210 34.8] 17.5] 21,114 9,55 4,569 1,193 3,113 T4.2| 16.2 1 bs. 2 551 | 12% on 211 ™ 1,184 HOR 18.1 17,789 [15,024 027 810 2,616) Wu.6| N7.7 5| 47.1 531 123 L% 12 4 2,051 | 26.3 56.1 9,588 | 4,675 +801 Yh 1,295 52.7 26.7 1] 27.5 5521" 97 2,212 286 90] 2b70f 15.5 37.0 9,669(3.95| Wm2 us| 2,183| 51.1] 29.7 1| 24.2 626] 100 2,1 2u2 140 2,182 | 32.9| 2u.7| 22,894 ho,492 4, bok 1,121 4,343 60.1] 31.1 1 W.3 551 132 26 230 145 2, 32.7 11.7| 19,196 8,509 by, ugk 1,3uk 3,205| 62.3] 25.9 1| 35.7 561| 124 1,785 304 209 1,715 | 46.3 | 10.1| 25,193 14,690 | - M,N 1,257 4,159| 50.9] k2.1 5| bh, 531| 126 2,088 208 13 2,022 | 28.3| 17.0( 14,737) 7,288 4,386 840 2,630 66.8 20.2 1| 37. 561] 124 IOWA, oyueves 208,934 | 3,54 | 21,562) 213,318 | 47.6| 9.6/ 8,269,153 15,325| 773,893 | 128,516) 561,837 61.5| 29.6 1| 46.0 127 METRO. COUNTIZS.. 18,128 2,473 1,621] 18,633 | Wu.9| 18.1] 271,468 [14,569] 55,765 11,017) usM5| 65.0 27.2 Metro. ; S 019 [cedar Rapids. [057 | 3.702 430 ap| 3.728| 38.8] 17.0 so.i9sfr3ues| 9.se9| 1,908) T.u6| 69.3] 20] 1]wea 032 Rock Island- 2 Moline (Phe)E 082 2,363 271 175 2,287 | Wa.4| 13.6( Y%o0,202117,578 7.242 1,719 5.389 75.9 15.4 1] 50.0 036 [Des Moines...... or 2,83 310 197 3,139 | 33.4| 31.5| M4o0,02712,752 7,127 1,48 6,268 | 52.1 39.3 5| 38. O84 -Oeanail Bluff (pt)s..... Ble re 3,665 589 39% 3,793 | 47.9] 17.9| 56.408 [14,872] 13,880 2,266) 11,956| 67.4] 26,7 1| 57.4 112 [Stoux City...... 097 313 533 351 3,192 | 57.5] 13.%| 43,817)13,727| 10,826 1,966] 10,334| 56.8! 37.5 1| 86.7 131 |Waterloo........ 2,43 339 233 2,404 | Bu,7| 13.2( 40,816 16,366 6,861 1,710 6,526| T1.9| 18.7 1| 47.3 OTHER COUNTIES... | 190,806| 31,981 19,9%1|7194,685| ¥7.8| 8.8[2,997,456 15,396 | 71s,128| 117,899) 513.422] 61.2| 29.9 All Counties: . : : 2,043 360 19% 2,098 | 53.%| 6.1 24,071 [11,478 8,610 1,021 4,233 66.9 21.k 1 52.3 S41 | 127 1,534 266 13 1,582 | ug.3| 11.9 17,619[11,137 5,576 Th2 2,537| 69.0 17.8 1] 52. S41 | 125 2,080 382 15 2,088 | 3k.0| 9.1] 21,617/10,353 8,271 sul 3.375] 19.9 4.0 1 pou 571] 120 1,985 317 122 2,092 | 34.6| 31.9| 12,751] 6,095 6,102 389 2,070| 65.3] 15.3 1 .9 s41| 97 1,781 28Y4 177 1,820 | 52.7| 6.6| 26,085 [14,332 6,999 1,019 bukg| 69.7 20.1 1| 53.7 511 | 129 Benton. :........006 2,156 Lug ou] 2.490] uo.5| us| sua29021,739| 9,265) 1,908] 550 63.1] 29.5 1/511] mel 13s 12 poeta fo Bt 339 Bs] 2mow| wi7| 13.2 wo.mefeises| e.eer| 1j0f eoses| tual sz] 1|%r3| sp ae Boone... . 2,u77 353 255 2,504 | 45.6| £.6| u2,361[16,917 7.604 1,672 7.078 53.6] 38.% 1]39.1 52 | 120 Bremer. .. 2,050 268 177] 2.060 u7.6| 5.81 28,204 113,691 €,009 1,236 4224 79.5] 10.2 Y 383 571 | 128 2,315 353 229 2,367 | 48.6| 6.5| 31,073(13,128 8,416 1,290 5,097 72.4| 17.3 C1] kek 571] 125 2,1; 60 2 2,110 | 52.8 | b.7| U5,6u4[21,632 7,197 1,829 7.396| 61.3] 32.60 1|M9.3| su] 136 Ein 3 od 2,361 | 5k. 6.5] 36,435 15,432 8,892 1,453 6,361 53.5 36.4 5] 36.2 571 131 2,133 357 285 2,097 | 54.9 6.0 5, 875 [21,876 7.518 1,657 7,153 36.6 56.9 51 56.8 524 | 134 2,1 361 258 2,119 | Lg.k| L.7| 142,103 019,869 8,391 1,kg2 6.878 | 55.2] 36.4 1|%3.0 511 | 135 2,1 357 21% 2,205| 50.6 6.5| 30,329 (13,755 8,160 1,253 5.965| T2.2| 19.7 1| 60.5 511 | 129 2,188 22 2,227 | Mg.u| 7. u5,k12 [20,392 7.785 1,605 7.331] 7171.5] 13a 166.4 512 | 137 Cerro Gordo.. 2,01 3 ? ee ,1,99 | sk.0 8 35,948 18,010 6, Tuk 1,618 ,077| 61.8] 30.1 18.7] “5m 131 Cherokee. . . 1,85! 364 261] 1,824 | 59.5 | 3.3| 38,669 [21,200 7.510 1,521 8477] 64.0] 30.7 156.5 511: 136 Chickasay. . 2,024 310 198] 2,058] M6.M| 8.2] 22,642N11,029| 8,575 957] Muh} Th7i 3a 1| 42.6] 571] 128 Clarke. I,358 259 126 | 1,50 | 50.3 | 13.0| 12,178] %,399 5.598 509 2,381| 62.2] 2k.0 147.5 S41 | 117 1,860 in 264 1,840 | 53.2 | 4.2| ko,521 [22,022 1.1713 1,513 7.407 58.8 15.7 1| 45.9 52h | 134 2,928 Bo 23 2,970 | %o.n| 7.5| Y4o,886[13,766| 11,u51 1,692 5.847 21.8 2.9 1 nd 571 12¢ 2,641 416 25 2,649 | 45.1 6.8 | hu, 21% 16,691 9,559 1.847 8,451 17.5 15.7 1|66.7 512 | 132 2,502 uy 2,507 | 53.3| 4.1| Uo,141 116,012 | 10,949 1,n2 7.579| 62.3| 28.0 1] 52.9 511 | 129 2,335 368 29) 2,ukg | ug.g| 12.9| 38,573 15.757 7,545 1,517 6.175) 55.0 36.7 1 bo.8 52k | 127 1,810 310 122 1,852 1 17.9 | 12,425] 6,709 5.97% k69 2,655| 64.3) 20.4 143.7 sh1 | 111 1,773 326 128 1,019 | 6.3 | 20.5 13,584 7,079 6,572 hol 2,376] 66.2 17.7 1] 47.6 su [ 11h 2,223 352 222 2,248 | 47.8 | 6.0] 3h,628 N15 kok 9,017 1,197 s.w02| 77.81 12.7 1| 48.2 571 | 128 1,605 232 132 1,726 | 34.2| 1.51 21,253 12,21 5,463 1,006 3 : 26.6 1| 51.0 512 | 124 1,291 236 170 1,256 | 5%.5| 5.6| 23,789 18,940 5,185 958 122! 9] U5.M 5 | W4.& 524 | 132 2,24 365 196 2,303 | 33.3 8.7 33,087 [14,367 9,980 1,081 5.155 17.8 9.9 151.2 571 | 124 1,262 247 186 1,315| 58.2| 5.9) 26,763 [20,352 5,597: 1,018 4,239] s50.3| k2.2 5| 41.7 524 | 136 2,929 Lug 269 3,109 ( ¥u.8f 7.7] 37,109[11,936| 11,738 1,482 5.555 | 78.6 9.2 1(43.9 571 | 129 1,8uL 309 220 1,897 [ 49.9 6.2] 30,472 [16,063 6,124 1,388 5,591 67.2| 25.8 1| 46.5 571 | 131 2,146 363 268 2,158 | 53.1 | M4.5| k2,b36 [19,665 8,110 1,702 7.905| 56.6) 37.2 1| 42.0 52k | 134 1,676 312 178] 1,742 | 47.6] 10.7| 29,M1006,883 | 7,113 e3|] 5.705| usu | lus.3 5|u0.2] su 125 2,034 361 271 2,159 | sk.2| 6.9 43,993 [20,377 7.730 {\ 1,577 6,635| 45.1 Uu7.7 5| 47.5 524 | 137 1,87 320 236 1,788 | s4.5| 2.5 u2,Lug 23,740 6,688 ' 1,395 7.596 | 7.7] M6.9 5| 46.7 512 | 1k 2,219 372 213 2,394 | b7.9| 9.6| 28,438011,879 8,137 1,181 5,060 56.0| 33.1 1|k2.7 541 | 127 2,176 365 281 2,161 | 49.5 5.2 45,999 [21,286 7.491 1,732 7.594 51.8 42.5 5| 42.2 524 | 137 1,964 356 257 1,998 53.5 2.7 38,946 19,k92 7,999 1,684 5.973 56.6 32.8 138.5 524 | 136 2,126 51 254 2,062 | 47.9] Mb 32.03 19,269 | 7,088 1,554 7.329 | 53.7 at 5139.1 524 | 135, 2,L46 i 27 2,637 | 57.6| 12.9 29,645 1,242 9,640 1,299 5,270 | U7.6 1.7 5 | ho.9 511 | 121 1,802 2 147 1,866 | 41.3 | 12.6| 24,162 2,949 6,113 997 k,103 61.%| 28.9 1| 46.0 512 | 122 1,743 297 182 1,749 | 46.0] 5.8| 19,615]1,215 7.363 1,008 3,226, 72.0 11.5 1|43.3 571 | 127 1The State total includes $z28,805 for female silver fox and/or mink over 3 months old (kept in captivity) not distributed to individual counties. ZRemainder of Davenport-Rock Island-Moline Metropolitan Area (032) is in Illinois. 3 Remainder of Omaha-Council Bluffs Metropolitan Area (084) is in Nebraska. 149 \ Table 3 TABLE. 3—SELECTED DATA FOR METROPOLITAN AREAS AND FOR ALL COUNTIES, BS ey BY STATE—Continued IND., Wabash (085) - > l / IOWA, Howard (045) (All dollar figures have been rounded to thousands and will not necessarily add to totals) : MANUFACTURING ESTABLISHMENTS—1939 MINERAL INDUSTRIES—1939 RETAIL ESTABLISHMENTS—1939 METROPOLITAN Metro. Al 5 Area COUNTIES, Value added Number | W. 4 % Employees Code AND Wage Wages Yolge of y manufac- Yale of no T wo Number'of Sales Active Cir Pay roll CODES [Number | camers | (1000iof | products | * Tyre™ | produc ins (1000s of | pro- | (&*ers€e (1000's of (average dollars) | (1000s of (1000's of ( s of | persons | (1000's o stores dollars) | prietors ) dollars) for year) dollars) dollars) dollars) | engaged | dollars) year 65) (66) 7 (68) (69) 0) an a a4) (5) (76) am INDIANA—Con, < All Counties—Con. u7 2,142 2,112 10,198 4,669 75 uh 46 27 8,086 399 931 736 86 43 ko 110 1,210 108 79 60 12 197 133 881 291 1 id 67H a 232 3,291 236 308 241 22 71k 500 1,764 701 (2 (2) (1) 218 2,537 219 228 139 7 8 6.410 33,446 16,932 157 34 38 834 20,521 751 2,464 2,146 7 2 ps 229 1,36 554 8) BR) & ) 221 4,648 231 511 388 = 12 639 511 2,09 912 1 1 1 283 4,067 272 352 260 Whitley......... 092] 22 1,108 821 5,611 1,875 1 248 4,306 278 Lob 276 Combined Counties® 398 34,266 3,448 39,018 17,903 1,765 586 608 I0WA........ 2,670 65,314 73.1466 718,532 244,795 10,816 6,260 6.052 39,024 822,905 37.111 87,684 72.514 METRO. COURMIES., 834 30,186 37.682 381,316 133,802 41,265 4717 “788 8,712 260,545 7.889 32,058 30,501 M “ i z 019 Bet ae os 17 5,246 6.763 80,314 28,796 11 32 29 1,300 38,808 1,211 4,611 4,269 032 | Das t-Rock 5 Tolandotel . 130 4,616 5,233 34,854 16,535 (1) (1 (1) 1,092 37.681 0) k,6u1 4,375 036 270 7.109 8,681 76.208 30,177 1,030 647 121 2,736 6,898 2,b65| 11,181 13,k22 084 ¥ 6 6 6c 4,736 1,951 (2) (1) (1) 961 18,915 903 2,187 1,738 112 4 1 *.005 Sion 81,080 16,462 (1) (1) (1) 1,543 43,174 1,368 5,4L5 5,004 131 | Waterloo........ 007] 102 8,086 10,715 104,124 39,881 94 38 38 1,080 35.069 993] 3.993 3.693 OTHER COUNTIES...| 1,836 35,126 35.784 337.216 110,993 49,551 | 45,543" 45,264 30,312 562,360 | 29,222| 55.626 42,013 All ties: Commies 4 14 (1) (2) (1) 23 3,032 231 302 162 y 1 (1) (1) hi: n 80 50 | 15 2,015 137 210 130 19 42 39 868 10% 305 4,435 315 392 279 17 158 121 1,667 L55 863 1,018 609 350 5.381 345 57h 370 13 154 127 1,431 278 5 189 3,053 193 267 17h 1 20 132 1.2717 334 (2) (2) (2) 372 6,408 ks 527 411 n 1 Soe 0a 104,124 39,881 9k 3 38 1,080 35,069 993 3.993 3.693 — 18 175 17 1,594 589 751 508 598 451 8,577 L3 gus 635 u3 231 2 3.287 787 (2) (1) (2) 286 6,014 an 2 409 18 153 117 1,840 268 327 4,865 308 35 Y 4 k,g89 693 Log 7.266 385 738 502 2 3 2 1,00 172 (1) (1) (2) 280 Y,34g 266 340 213 Bla 8 wm Boo ooo | BOE BOB OB 22 211 1 2,215 9 1 1 , 18 1k = 1,397 576 Ls3 6.912 Lis 656 k72 1 28 : 84g 96 2713 5,024 260 hol 305 2 2,153 2 32,620 8,615 510 1 223 663 18,628 606 1,953 1,845 11 66 = 43 187 (1) (1 (1) 219| . 5.670 260 56 408 17 60 56 1,205 162 25k 3,873 2n 3 234 4 3 16 325 62 (1) (2) (1) ko 2,180 1 245 135 18 102 8 815 363 10° 7.669 300 711 620 36 171 139 2,412 397 (1) (1) (1) 23 5239 Ls 415 280 56 2,479 2,633 20,529 8,355 (1) (2) (2) 753 16,18! 706 1,736 1,439 € 23 23 201 101 333 5,19 312 gg 312 Eel) 238 2,919 703 1,120 654 792 393 7.254 363 718 525 2 (2) (1) (1) (2) (2) (1) (1) 148 1,928 1k 17k 129 10 Lg 33 578 131 213 2,850 201 303 176 18 63 57 1,374 166 258 4,296 228 394 263 70 2,400 2,190 12,527 5.787 (2) (2) (2) 532 14,077 452 1.721 1,545 7 20 17 329 155 (2) (2) (1) 296. 3.97 288 392 263 21° 4, © h,72k 26,176 10,955 (2) (1) (2) 876 23,589 819 2,631 2,331 x on ay! (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) 235 921 210 7 5 38 171 1kg 2,964 756 (1) (1) (1) 451 8,277 Lg 752 o 24 1,072 (1) (1) (2) (1) (1) 4) 33 51966 333 17 5 19 115 121 1,209 368 (1) (1) 1) 23 4,685 225 293 I 1 18 m | 19 f 242 2,kg9 246 222 135 ] Fr 57 4o7 179 |~ 56 Wn W 283 4.9 290 ko2 27n 16 129 17 1,152 23 222 43,795 221 312 226 1 43 25 533 8 73 8h 52 351° 3,600 367 334 186 19 328 290 3,66 83 291 5.973 274 629 sh 1 Wy hy 10 pry 221 4,089 226 332 254 3 105 > 2 Res 364 105 35 23 Lo 8,18 426 m 521 1 16 (1) (2) (2) 351 4,96 350 u77 331 1 90 56 3 183 230 3,843 213 380 258 Howard. 16 3 33 822 128 191 3.219 181 293 224 Not shown because of disclosure of operations of individual establishments. Data included in Combined Counties at end of State. ®Includes all counties where fig- ures are not shown separately because of disclosure of operations of individual establishments. ncludes all establishments and wage earners of counties far which wages and value data were withheld to avoid disclosure, The "Conbired Counties" fijzure for number of establishments is excluded from the State total, since this item was shown for every county. Whenever dats on wage earners have been withheld, that portion of the "Comidned Counties" fire represented by such data is included in ths corres- ponding State total. “Three countios, Scott (082), Pottawattamie (078) and Woodtury (097), which should be included in the "Metro. Counties" total are included in the "Other Counties” total, since it is not possible to present separate figures for these counties, “Remainder of Davenport - Rock Island - Moline Metropolitan Area’ (082) is in Illinois. %Remainder of Omala-Council Bluffs Metropolitan Area (084) is in Nebraska. 150 TABLE 3—SELECTED DATA FOR METROPOLITAN AREAS AND FOR ALL COUNTIES, : BY STATE—Continued : Part, © — Other keonamie ; é Dnt i v , . ND. Hubush (OF) = ; ge (A11 dollar figures have been rounded to thousands and will not necessarily ndd to totals) Toh, isl { ( 41 : a 3 = rs 3 FOL EAE SERVICE ESTABLISHMENTS—1939 | BANK DEPOSITS : re . Major + hay Spply Major war facilities d : Joe 1 1940p 1985 | June RT 1945 z : METROPOLITAN E Bond olan) dollars) Metro. Al N 3 sales Aten | COUNTIES, ~~ |Number Number| ~~ . |Employses Total ; (1000's of Code AND of Sales of | Receipts | Active Pay roll | (demand | Time | dollars at 4 ij ® | (average A ars a CODES estab- | (1000's of | estab- ( s_|proprie-| { s | and time) | (1000's issue price) vy lish- | dollars) | lish- |of dollars)| tors year) | 0 dollars)| (1000's | of dollars) . i ments ments | © of dollars) Combat Other Industrial | Military ] equipment : 1 Rt : 1 19) an | @ (83) (L)) (85) (56) En (88) 8) (5) oy INDIANA—Con, ; y 7 2 All Counties—~Caon. er ¥ r Wabash. .evse...085] 48 3,754 162 402 180 105 60 9,085 1,125 1,953 14,668 7,566 97 Warren... 86 20 1,103 17 58 19 10 7 ‘2,397 95 655 ! Warrick,. 15 626 69 ur 70 25 15 7,325 3,716 1,055 134 4 Washington... ...088 22 721. 7% 116 78 Wh 1% 6,124 1,118 %2 79 Wayne. eecesses 44089 82 12,733 356 1,213 381 336 267 35,370 8,982 4,97 12,721 6,411 7,134 32 3,865 7 194 79 10 28 8,004 2,743 1,381 ; . 56 3,806 113 312 122 39 28 6,373 877 931 - 501 25° 1,403 84 165 89 31 17 8,191 2,198 1,043 439 5,149 > ; 134 257249 34,597 ®195 34,948 i : \ ’ # : IOWA...vuen.| 5,802] 790,518] 13,756] 47,727] 14,185] 13,412 10,854f 1,271,662] 364,435] 281,654] 688,296] 394,022] 158,155 £45,364 2 METRO. COUNTIES..| 1,340 423,745] 3,563 19,789 3,623 6,334 5,871 356,447 120,329 69,083 534,528) 287,204 96,525 19,728 = Metro, areas: i 019 [Cedar Rapids....057 191 41,340 508 2,562 520 “808 705 65,678 24,5414 9,937 187,981 67,482 1,040 * 032 |Davenport-Rock : 5 A Island-Moline (ptyéoRe| ~~ 162| © 50,836 394 2,361 395 789 710 63,711 30,108 9,378 68,944 7,772 21,311 | 036 |Des Moines......077| 423| 144,582] 1,236| 7,244] 1,240 2,521 2,403] 108,487] 29,754 22,860| 213,777 44,151] 68,075 6,196 08, |Omaha-Council Bluffs 2 Fi (PE)2, s vevnsnesO78 104] 13,009] 395 1,230] 1 416 333 271] 31,436) 12,197 6,251 2,666 1,547 hu 112 [Sioux City 329 152,093 664 4,164, 664, 1,201 1,173 54,089 14,233 10,337 2,465 14,186 49 13,532 Ps ‘131 |Waterloo.. 131] 21,875] 366] 2,028] 388 682 609] 33,046 9,49| 10,520 58,695 12,066 6,050 oe OTHER COUNTIES...| 4,462] 366,773] 10,193| 27,938] 10,562] 7,078] 4,983] 915,219] 244,103] 212,572] 153,768] 106,818] 61,630 25,636 wa {All Counties: 3 (5 AdEiTe.senssssss00L 29 2,883 55 92 62 17 10 1,82 ug 1,553 - 4 Adams. ... +4002 16 775 8 91 48 29 19 4324 101 1,091 Allamakee,. +.003 40 2,194 7% 130 76 27 16 8,134 3,108 1,786 § Appanoose. +.004 41 1,552 134 268 138 69 40 8,134 2,959 1,411 913 955 179 3 Audubon. . +... .005 29 2,125 62 118 62 21 15 5,120 1,090 1,79 : 46 2,742 134 443 134 : 49 36 11,968 3,816 3,467 131 131] 21,875] 366] 2,028] 388 682 609] 33,046 9,496 10,320 58,695 12,066 6,050 wl e011 436 155 135 07) 12,004) 3,809] 3,027] 509 | 37 - Lise] Tm 199] 3% 25] 12,636 6007 2,u7 60 Buchanan. ..... al 2,3 wm 179] 12 37 al mel 2,321 1,76 : f . 1 ’ Buena Vista.....011l ” 5,775 120] 333 131 bi 49 14,109 3,071 3,153 407 = y 51 3,615 78 154 75 3% 19 8,631 1,585 1,71 4 . 81 5,228 114 179 118 31 1 9,406 1,470] 2,589 A Son Carrollesssyss. 0k 83 7,825] 138 386] 11 116 64 15,919 3,678 3,394 2 CasSeeessonssses0l5 51 2,842 134 337 135 69 48 10,854 2,539 2,043 v JCedar.cieeeseess016 38 1,529 63 120 63 22 20 9,639 3,459 1,798 Cerro Gordo,....0l7 105 20,860 237 1,382 249 400 359 21,355 5,638 3,942 1,400 351 Cherokee, ..018 41 2,832 120 315 122 69 44, 12,085 3,361 2,789 Chickasa 019 43 2,579 83 159 88 2, 1 6,559 2,570 1,430 4 Clarke... .+020 21 581 51 116 61 24 1 2,579 791 SA > | CIaYessnorovass sO mn 4,812 ns 454 133 116 g| 10,875 3,293 2,897 2 Clayton. . ..022 65 4,516 128 231 129 33 20| 10,645 3,701 2,586 i Clinton, +023 76 5,711 235 873 246 204 166 24,663 8,765 44343 11,936 21,016 752 5,828 i Crawford. +002 58 2,958] 110 252 110 64 26 9,687 2,656 2,356 on Dallas.seeeessss025 61 2,533 117 276 118 82 41 11,977 2,319 2,938 E i 5 DaviS.esaessness026 21 922 50 11 54 16 10 2,036 448 1,053 x ‘ Decatur. . ..027 26 696 66 98 67 22 1 3,040 966 i Delaware. ..028 35 1,735 92 228] 95 59 % 6,359 2,066 1,466 Des Moines... ...029 7) 12,382 1m 561 190 15 17] 22,729 7,276 5,102| 113,833 3,083} 52,485 Dickinson. ......030 3% 2,334 8 194 8 43 29 4,183 632 1,441 3 " Dubugue. . 105 24,692 272 1,233 278 352 286 36,804 16,345 4,731 8,819 20,934 Ct Emmet....... 45 £4,316 72 215 73 55 35 7,179 1,410 1,716 40 ; Fayette..... 57 3,600 154 4m 160 138 106] 10,729 2,560 2,948 - Floyds... - 15 3,650] 108 332| 118 80 53] 100173 2,780 2,11 3,388 3,938 387 Franklin...... 32 3,427 62 146 66 29 22 6,345 1,374 2,010 351 J Fremont. swe sveeD30 31 1,478 95 V4) 9% 27 15 5,391 562 1,401 3 2 56 2,819] 109 239] 120 53 31 9,212 1,495 2,280 37 2,172 73 145 78 27 21 7,342 1,324 2,637 351 58 2,819 112 190 112 53 24 73443 1,513 1,655 65 6 3597 112 290 124 70 56 11,046 1,502 2,640 511 1,183 351 46 2,551 7% 154 78 25 15 7,146 1,426} 2,305 61 4,764] 13 %0| ub 88 52] 12)821 1,878 2,539 351 X 50 2,075 153 272| - ‘152 51 28) © 8,408 1,975 2,241 : 40 2,076 | + 190 91 32 18 8,672 2,081 1,767 838 . $i HoWarde es ess sss s045 38 4,773 bid u7 81 29 16 6,229 2,470 1,214 ; ul E o : 2 *Sum of establishments in counties for which sales data are withheld to avoid disclosing operations of individual establishments. It is excluded from the State to- by tal since number of establishments is shown for individual counties. = 2Combined figure for counties having sales data withheld to avoid disclosing psTations of individual establishments. = 3Undistributed. 4 Remainder of Davenport - Rock Island - Moline Metropolitan Area (032) is in Illinois, BRemzinder of Omsha - Council Fluffs Metropolitan Area (084) is in Nebraska ; i 151 2st IOWA 99 COUNTIES osceoLa DICKINSON Some ail 2 a mes LYON | WINNEBAGO oe de — KOSSUTH PALO ALTO HANCOCK 1 CERRO GORDO - — e— de = — - —- —- emo — 1 PLYMOUTH I HUMBOLDT | POCAHONTAS WRIGHT . CHEROKEE | BUENA VISTA FRANKLIN \ 1 . . -——— adn. — —- i : ae i GUTHRIE . DALLAS JASPER 1 ! “ent am anf cr . _ Cass | ADAIR | MADISON WARREN 1 . s | MARION 1 Jd I I Say md — — r ' ! im | bi meen 0 ib | POWESHIEK 1 — J | CHICKASAW . met mw mb sn fn mw eo mm sf er rs em i - — L | . i 1 4 WEBSTER | 1 ? CALHOUN | yg HAmiton f HARDIN I 1 | | | : N ' ’ . - - — t ptr bee mp fe ge le | | ‘ ! [ 1 I ' ' - . | TAMA CARROLL | GREENE BOONE | STORY | MARSHALL ' . 1 | ' ———_t oy BENTON WINNESHIEK ALLAMAKEE - - af— + ' FAYETTE I CLAYTON ’ : v a. ' | a BUCHANAN i DELAWARE | L L: ’ CLINTON CLINTON ® so. i . KEOKUK | WASHINGTON ¢ : | LOUISA lo mela ? . | HENRY | DES MOINES BURLINGTON * LEE 36 DES MOINES MALS | MONTGOMERY | ADAMS | UNION | CLARKE seas. 1 maak, 'y WAPELLO | JEFFERSON crm mm — =+ ‘ ¥ ‘ ] orrumma ' -— — e— Sn —_ - em— e—— ig — - e— L ' . I ' Gk | T 8 - —_ FREMONT : PAGE L TAYLOR I RINGGOLO | DECATUR | WAYNE | appaNoOSE ! oAVIS ! VAN BUREN | A'S ' ; ’ : | | bin \ Zi Ks) ®! METROPOLITAN AREAS CODE \ GODE Y - IL BLUFFS, IOWA 19 CEDAR RAPIDS 84 OMAHA,NEBR. — COUNCIL 32 DAVENPORT, IOWA ~ ROCK ISLAND- 112 SIOUX CITY MOLINE, ILL. 131 WATERLOO LEGEND @ PLACES OF 25,000 TO 100,000 (1940) % PLACES OF 100,000 AND OVER (1940) METROPOLITAN AREAS eet KANSAS \ 105 COUNTIES ‘% I res i i i i i ! . CHEYENNE i RAWLINS I DECATUR NORTON I PHILLIPS 8 SMITH I JEWELL i mEpoaLD i WASHINGTON MARSHALL NEMAH . S . | | | I | oh bring | ' v » ' 1 ' i sey ‘ Te ee hk 1 pn vst - prem mm ween epee = ol = ct | I : ' i cLouD | M1 ’ I SHERMAN |, ! | THOMAS s SHERIDAN | GRAHAM | ROOKS OSBORNE MTC L | car | YT AATOME 3 i i ' : br mnt ' RILEY : I = — on p+ thn = — i: . 1 Re semen cr mes uc | k Nov, ) 1 LINCOLN 1 RUSSELL i bed L Blas i WABAUNSEE GOVE DICKINSON rT ol i dis | : ; : T ye infirm ma [io fri 00 F me 1 SALINE | ea yp pb ee ELLswonTH boo lk MORRIS be aneeLey bias | scorT I ae ita nusH Ld po mmm] 1 Ei oy | se i i “— = | hel bom. oi) RICE ! NERY ; paRION J cHAsE i | | ] A ne TT helio 0 eed sworn wi So] en foe LY oi] SW feted | i : i fr oe | once ; epee ee fo be rite be or |r | ed bd oi hog | | Tr eT pd wonton Pious RR for Ran bomen do] see | comer an free re | ne ! i | | | ! : i ; , ES METROPOLITAN AREAS LEGEND 3 : CODE @ PLACES OF 25,000 TO 100,000 (1940) re KBNSas SITY, KAN. 8. MO. % PLAGES OF 100,000 AND OVER (1940) 133 WICHITA METROPOLITAN AREAS ~ ET TE TE ETE A han rH Tw y ” « £ 24 TF » Vou } i ? a % i 4 ”» 2 . i v “Table 3 4 4 : : - Part 1 - Population TABLE 3—SELECTED DATA FOR METROPOLITAN AREAS AND FOR ALL COUNT IES; IOWA, Humboldt ii = BY S : : . 3 “. Kanb., Barton (COS TATE—Continued ~ : ! y ® pe 3 TOTAL POPULATION POPULATION—1940 EDUCATION VITAL 1940 STATISTICS a ESTIMATED : 1944 us CIVILIAN 1 whi POPULATION : Land | Pop- | Total white Porsaptof ; U lati tion 25 » «9. area |ulation population Hie Metro] METROPOLITAN rank in per years old and 0 ae AREAS, Niibes of |Percent| so sq. over who have ¥ Code COUNTES: ’ pate change | miles | mile Percent Ube Rural Rural completed— < ercent| April | mn of man | ponfarm | farm Births | Deaths . CODES Number change | 1940’ | percen- 1930-1 1940 | 1940 | Number | total tiles) | 1940 ¥ 5 Nov. | pope ° | High 1943" 1940- 94 ation more 5 | : 1943 1940 grades | SCho0 [0] @) ®) “) 3) 6) m ® © (10) (11) 12) (13) (149) (5) * (16) 7 IOWA—Con. % All Counties—Con. 11,448 | -15.0 13,459 64 1.9 435 | 30.9 13,459 | 100.0 2,819| 4,053 6,587 | 97.3 29.8 224 11 2 9,004 | -18.5 11,047 2| -7.4 431 | 25.6 11,047 | 100.0 4,950 6,097| 96.1] 23.6 192 72 7 14,972 | -12.0 17,016 54 -1.8 584 | 29.1 17,0138 | 100.0 7,515 9,501 97.2 28.4 279 182 17,358 -9.5 19,181 48 3.8 644 | 29.8 19,179 | 100.0 4,076 5,392 9,718 94.3 21.2 808 238 : 28,240 | ~10.8 31,496 26 -4.4 736 | 42.8 31,440 | 99.8 10,462 8,446 12,588 95.1 28.7 597 295 % \ 13,8387 | -12.2 15,762 58 -2.9 436 | 86.2 15,702 99.6 6,773 2,185 6,804 94.6 29.8 267 169 31,946 | -3.8 33,191 24 9.6 620 | 58.5 33,097 | 99.7| 17,182] 4,810 11,199] 95.2] 42.2 674 332 E 17,857 | -10.5 19,950 46 3.9 585 | 34.1 19,890 | 99.7 6,615 | 3,854 9,481| 5.6] 24.1 314 209 15,487 | -15.9 18,406 50 | “-3.9 579 | 31.8 18,404 | 100.0 8,881 10,075| 97.0) 26.7 281 194 23,704 | -11.0 26,630 32 4.6 9 | 27.2 26,616 | 99.9 4,954 | 6,225| 15,451] 94.0] 26.0 519 190 ke 39,319 | -4.3 41,074 18] -0.5 522 | 78.7 39,882 | 97.0| 29,139] 3,354 8,581| 93.0] 23.0 814 518 i 87,246 | -2.1 89,142 6 8.3 713 | 125.0 88,459 | 99.2| 66,841| 8,472 13,829] 94.8 85.6] 1,581] 941 i 10,103 | -11.3 11,384 715 ~1.9 403 | 28.2 11,383 | 100.0 5,348 6,08 | 94.6| 28.6 173 136 ; 11,339 | -22.2 14,571 61 | -3.6 434 | 33.6 14,555 | 99.9 5,75¢ | 2,172 6,645] 92.8] 24.4 222 187 Finn 1900+ st esses +2080 13,191 | -14.2 15,374 59 0.5 588 | 26.1 15,873 | 100.0 2,556 | 3,955 8,863] 94.7 19.9 299 112 os Madigon.........061 12,170 | -16.2 14,525 61 1.4 565 | 25.7 14,522 | 100.0 8,631 2,363 8,581 96.4 27.4 229 172 =FES Mahaskd eses062 22,182 | -16.2 26,485 83 2.6 572 | 46.3 26,319 | 99.4 11,024 4,220 11,241 94.5 26.5 461 261 Marion... .063 23,099 | -14.5 27,019 32 5.0 568 | 47.6 26,896 | 99.5| 10,574 | 6,612 9,833 88.7| 20.4 421 320 Marshall.. .064 31,760 | -10.3 35,406 22 5.0 574 | 61.7 35,067 | 99.0| 19,240| 5,739| 10,427] 92.5| 31.7 604 383 2 RE TE CI a 12,862 | -14.6 15,064 60 | -5.1 431 | 35.0 15,041 | 99.8 4,501 | 8,654 6,909) 83.6] 24.2 224 158 iH Mitchell........086 12,158 | -13.9 14,121 62 0.4 467 | 30.2 14,116 | 100.0 3,196 | 3,288 7,692] 95.6] 25.7 250 129 14,467 | =20.7 18,238 51 0.1 689 | 26.5 18,233 | 100.0 3,438 5,164 9,636 94.8 25.5 828 136 5 11,505 | -20.9 14,553 61 | -3.0 435 | 33.5 14,351 | 98.6 5,157 | 2,275 7,121] 88.7| 18.8 243 143 > 13,725 | -12.6 15,697 |. 58 | -6.3 422 | 37.2 15,658 | 99.7 5,763 | 8,399 6,535) , 96.5] 82.0 261 174 3 29,089 | -7.2 31,296 26 6.5 439 | 71.3 31,214 | 99.7 | 18,286 | 5,244 7,766 | 94.5| 22.3 584 “353 ; 15,965 | -17.2 19,298 47 4.8 575 | 33.6 19,292 | 100.0 3,768| 6,642 8,888] 95.1] 26.0 333 155 x Osceola 9,302 | -12.3 10,607 74 4.2 398 | 26.8 10,606 | 100.0 4,440 6,167 94.9] 20.1 206 55 BC Page..... 22,072 | -11.3 24,887 36 -38.9 535 | 46.5 24,678 | 99.2 11,751 4,734 8,402 95.5 30.4 406 895 Bi Palo Alto 14,099 | -12.8 16,170 56 5.0 561 | 28.8 16,170 | 100.0 3,374 | 8,897 8,899! 94.9| 28.8 339 120 pa Plymouth... 20,215 | -14.0 23,502 38 | -2.7 863 | 27.2 28,500 | 100.0 5,953 | 5,468 12,681| 94.6] 22.8 430 174 or ; Pocahontas. . 13,792 | -15.2 16,266 96 3.7 580 | 28.0 16,265 | 100.0 6,840 9,426| 95.2| 28.8 295 128 086 |POlkeseessse....077| 188,572 | -3.1| 195,835 2| 13.3 59 | 329.7 189,149 | 96.6 164,071 | 19,240 | 12,524| 93.8| 40.5] 3,593] 1,920 5 084 |Pottawattanmie...078 59,397 | -11.0 66,756 10| -4.5 946 | 70.6 66,209 | 99.2 | 41,439| 9,254| 16,068] 95.1 27.6] 1,313 578 : 16,749 | -10.7 18,758 49 0.2 589 | 31.8 18,732 | 99.9 5,210 | 4,482 9,116 | 96.4) 81.7 325 216 ; 9,006 | -19.1 11,187 72 | -6.9 538 | 20.7 11,137 | 100.0 4,100 7,086) 93.7| 28.7 186 111 > 15,393 | -12.7 17,659 52 - 578 | 30.5 17,687 | 100.0 3,165 | 5,684 8,790] 95.9] 27.8 350 148 84,919 0.2 84,748 7 9.6 453 | 187.1 83,861 | 99.0| 69,182] 6,223 9,343) 96.4] 27.3} 1,776 951 14,423 | -13.7 16,720 55 | -2.4 587 | 28.5 16,720 | 100.0 3,727 | 8,308 9,685| 97.0 22.1 342 127 24,309 | -10.7 27,209 az 1.5 766 | 35.5 27,207 | 100.0 2,681 | 9,798] 14,770] s2.8] 17.5 544 209 31,692 | -5.2 33,434 24 7.4 568 | 98.9 33,359 | 99.8| 15,908 | 7,460| 10,066] 95.0] 42.0 697| | 330 - 19,116 | -14.8 22,428 40 2,0 720 | 81.2 21,931 | 97.8 2,832 | 8,061] 11,585! 9s.8| 26.0] 394 226 ; 11,871 | ~16.7 14,258 62 | -4.0 528 | 27.0 14,245 | 99.9 5,915 8,343] 97.0] 23.7 208 167 Union. es essesss 088 13,635 | -16.2 16,280 56 ~6.6 426 | 38.2 16,257 | 99.9 8,033 2,464 5,783 97.3 29.5) 239 186 I Van buren ..089 10,591 | -12.1 12,053 69 | -4.4 487 | 24.7 12,040 | 99.9 5,352 6,701 96.7| 25.8) 171 140 * Wapello.........090 42,639 | -3.7 44,280 16 9.4 437 | 101.3 43,791 | 98.9| 31,570 4,45 8,254 | 93.3] 25.6 954 473 x Warren..........091 15,293 | -13.6 17,69 52 = 572 | 30.9 17,688 | 100.0 4,123 | 4,150 9,418 95.7] 30.8 294 167 Washington. .....092 17,011 | 14.7 20,055 45 1:2 568 | 35.3 20,013 | 99.8 5,227 | 4,789| 10,089| 95.6| 29.1 377 206 Wayne..... 11,076 | -16.8 13,308 65 -3.5 532 | 25.0 13,302 | 100.0 5,492 6,816] 95.4] 22.0 227 153 i Webster... 35,722 | ~14.0 41,521 17 2. 718 | 57.8 41,305 | 99.5| 22,90¢| 6,78¢| 11,838) 94.3] 30.1] 817 376 73 Winnebago 11,857 | -15.1 13,972 63 6.3 402 | 34.8 13,961 | 99.9 2,545 8,812 7,615] 93.5| 23.4 258 142 18,923 | -15.0 22,263 41 2,9 688 | 32.4 22,248 | 99.9 5,308 3,99 12,970 94.3 18.9 385 230 RY ge 112 89,736 -13.4 103,627 5 1.9 866 | 119.7 102,618 | 99.0 82,364 8,106 18,157 93.2 32.4 2,120 1,127 10,171 | ~11.2 11,449 71 2.6 401 | 28.6 11,398 | 99.6 4,595 6,854 92.4 22.0] 185 8b 17,041 | -15.0 20,038 45 | -0.9 577 | 34.7 20,087 | 100.0 6,99 | 4,245 8,798| 96.2| 29.9 ar? 165 ; KANSAS. ......| 1,678,722 | -6.5 [1,801,028 -4.3| 82,113 | 21.9 | 1,734,496 | 96.3 | 753,941 | 442,309 | 604,778| 92.9| 28.2] 34,976 | 18,535 ks A % METRO. COUNTIES..| 464,392 | 12.5 | 412,986 5.9 2,171 | 190.2 876,385 | 91.1 | 308,236 | 66,392 | 38,328] 92.3 2.1] 10,248 4,702 \ Metro, areas: 061 |Kansas Cities (pt)? | wenn enevs086,: 105 184,682 s.5 | 178,398 5.9 627 | 264.5 154,542 | 86.6 | 125,437 | 37,674 | 1s,287| 89.9| 25.1] 3,778] 1,898 ; 125 |Topeka..s.s.....089) 84,765 | -7.1 91,247 7.1 545 | 167.4 84,488 | 92.6 | 67,833 | 18,902 9,012) 93.3 6.2} 1,750] 1,196 ¢. 183 |Wichita.........087| 194,945 | 96.0 | 143,311 5.1 999 | 143.5 187,355 | 95.8| 114,966 | 14,816 | 13,529] 94.7] 38.0] 4,725| 1,608 : OTHEK COUNTIES.<.| 1,214,330 | -12.1 |1,388,072 -6.9 | 79,942 | 17.4 | 1,358,111 | 97.8| 445,705 | 375,917 | 566,450| 93.1| 27.1] =24,7268| 13,838 ee All Counties: ba AlleR....ay.....001| 5 18,787 | -20.8 19,674. 46 | -7.1 505 | 39.4 19,360 | 97.4 7,244 | 5,240] 7,890] 98.0] 26.2] - 296 264 re Anderson... a....002 9,436 | -19.1 11,658 70 | -12.7 977 | 20.2 11,598 | 99.5 2,607 | 2,643 6,408] 95.5) 20.0 181 104 2 3 Atchison. 18,458 | -16.9 22,222 41 7.2 421 | 52.8 20,536 | 92.4 12,648 £2,437 7,137 93.1 25.0 380 289 Barber. 6,961 9,073 79 | -10.9| 1,146 | 7.9 9,052 | 99.8 4,827 4,246] 94.5] 29.4 147 7” BRILON. «4s essa 00 24,439 25,010 36 | 26.5 892 | 2870 24,327 | 98.11 12,763! 4,916 7,881] 94] 8.2 670 204 thsmaindsr of Kan: 154 - Sities Metropolitan Area (061) is in Missouri f 7’ be > Table 3 . : od ! ad.e TABLE 3—SELECTED DATA FOR METROPOLITAN AREAS AND FOR ALL COUNTIES, eran . 5 mbold 5) - BY STATE—Continued KANE. Darton (005) : ' - . 1 Z : a LABOR FORCE—1940 = £ : - - } Population 14 Years Old and O Employed Workers by Industry G Desens] opulation ears Old and Over mployed Workers by Industry Group Employed ; METROPOLITAN ra 2 Trans, : In leading Metro, AREAS, Busiriess nonagri- Ara| COUNTIES, yi fPeente 1 Poy : pote: and cult] Code AND = Ee : ge : Con: hah Whole- | personal Othe: In | industry CODES In labor Total Agri- | pens Manufac- : sale and | services agri- i i Total who are | who are ining | struc- \ cations, y and not . \ i force . 2 employed || culture . turing retail exclud- | cul- in in tion and ? reported Code labor | labor other trade d oo ei x tne | See {Per : force force utili- $ page | cent So ties Services 422) Wx Kio "an (18) 19) 20) @n 22) 23) [eX] 25) (26) @n (28) 29) 30) | 3) | (32) 5 I10VWA~—Con, All Counties—Con. 10,125 | 4,851] mal 15.6] 4439] 2,260 4 209 165] _ 197 635 606 363] 50.9| 636] 7.3 : 8,533 4,181 80.4 15.3 3,837 2,133 ~ U8 62 134 518 510 332 55.6| G36] 6.8 13,040 6,234 79.5 13.7 5,954 3,422 2 251 293 180 723 723 360} 57.5| G36| 6.8 14,427 6,955 79.2 15,0 6,339 3,41 20 289 179 294 821 793 5291 53.9{ G36 6.9 io Tasper..es......050| 23,87 | 11,379 | 79.9| 15.0] 10,195 [| 4,047| 9% 315 2,005 31 1,200 1,202 719] 39.7] 19] 12.6 2 A a Jefferson.......051 12,342 5,940 79.2 16.5: 5,462 2,263 1 204 837 239 701 752 452) L1.4] G36] 7.2 Te 26,320 | 13,196 | 76.4 | 25.4] 12,336 | 3,709] 20 | - 501 342 539| 1,89 4,155 991] 30.8| 636] 24.9 15,589 7,178 67.9 18.6 6,708 3,578 28 220 440 243 859 7.3 627] 53.3| G36| 6,1 2 voael| 6355 | 780] 0.7] see 3344] 3 220 212 278 697 723 37, | 56.9] 36] 6.7 3 Kossuth....e....055 19,307 9,313 79.1 L.3 8,752 4,968 2 388 168 248 1,233 1,104 6411 56,8| G36| 6.4 | I8Cuvuennsvesyss00 32,531 | 15,415 71.3 2.2) 13,608 || 2,664] 24 531 3,583 1,529.1 2,161( 1,855 1,351} 19.4| 2210.5 = 019 71,319] 36,592 80.1 2442 33,254 44804 53 1,654 7,515 2,848 7,375 6,373 2,632 | 14.4 5] 12,7 5 8,553, 3,958 77.0 12.8 3,509 1,925 6 134 130 155 465 428 266 54.9] G36) 7.0 = 10397] © 4los3| mez | 125) 39% || 1083] 1m 119 92 192 547 53, | 293] 50.4] G36] 7.2 % 1,090 | 547m | gaz | 1.0| 50 3,07 2 176 % 21 579 587 320 60.9| 636] 6.6 : Madison.ses..e..061| 11,032 | 5,005 | 76.8 | 12.7) 4,656 [| 2,694] 35 163 & 180 447 485 570] 57.9]. @36| 6.0 ; Mahaska ..eeen. 062] 20,700 © 9.726 | 7a | 16.8] esse || 3.626] 217 306 565 589| 1,300] 1,275 0142.4] 636| 7.8 ) 20,870 I 9,093 | 68.7 | L.7| 7,913 3,146] 609 313 127 35] Tonn| 1302 650] 39.8| 636] 12.0 ; 27,641 | 13,300 | 76.0 | 20.0| 12,29 t 3,290] 56 487 1,087 1,085] 2,176] 2,02 96s | 28.4 | @36| 8.7 ! 11,591 4,756 67.2 14.1 44335 2,240 3 164 54 293 505 748 330) 51.7| G36] 11,7 10,687 | 5,280 | 7m.6| 17.3] 4,85 2m 4 232 123 1m 665 611 378 | 55.4] 636] 8.6 13,372 6,546 80.3 15.1 5,841 3,142 x 427 91 243 753 721 466] 53.8] G36] 6.7 11,010 5,126 76.2 14.7 3,981 1,926 388 87 82 203 512 459 324 § 48.4 2| 9.6 - 12,219 5,810 78.7 16.6 5,284 2,262 19 264 338 329 856 815 401) 42.8] G36] 7.3 3 24,412 2,317 79.3 21,5 10,990 2,817 33’ 504 | 2,956 515 1,780 1,488 897 | 25. 221-12.7 a um | 705] mel 16.6] 66 3,05 1 318 205 mel 1,12 923 612 46.7] 636] 7.0 x 7,749 3,730 80.0 13.7 3,535 2,055 5 170 9n 131 425 397 261) 58.1| G36| 6.5 I » 19,859 9,318 72.4 21,2 8,613 3,558 5 310 390 438 1,670 1,426 7461 41.3 | G36| 8.7 5 “ o7| nsw | ssi] 780 | U.o| 5,00 || 25800 2 183 86 200 7 5 389 55.1] 636] 7.0 Re Plymouth........075| 17,79 | 8,617 | 79.6| u.7| 7,80 | 4,488 1 266 186 275 1,033] 1,050 561) 57.1] 636] 7.2 ia Pocahontas......0”6|" 11,979 | - 5,776 | 70. | wa] 5426 3,051 229 138 188 782 672] 366] 56.2] a36| 6.6 036 |Polkeuer.rneers.077] 156,101 | 83.168 | 79.2 | 29.7| 70,003 || 3,724] 998 | 3,513] 11,&43| 5,792 16,508] 18,123] 9,682) 5.3| G36] 8.8 5 084 |Pottavattamie...078| 51,243 | 24,852 | 77.5 | 20.2| 21,07 || 5,459 7 805 1.07] 36m] 4,203 3,783] Lui|2s.9| 23) 1109 i Poveshiek, .v.s.e.079 14,611 6,782 77.2 15.5 6,248 3,062 249 356 290 843 980 4681 49.0 G36] 9.2 Ringgolds.s...s..080 8,395 3,835 79:4 11.2 3,488 2,221 3 119 33 120, 330 422 2401 63.7] G36] 7.3 S8C,uenssesensss08l 13,372'| 6,525 | 80.3 | 15.8] 5,980 3,104 /13 233 155 258 922 9 516] 51.9] 636] 6.6 Ai i 032 [Scott eee. 67,661 | 35,520 | 80.6 | 24.9 | 32,654 || 3468] 29 | 1,71 9,91 2,009| 6,905| 6,138] 2,413|10.6] 17| 9.4 g Shelby..... 12,104 | “see | ene| 13.1] sus 3.267 241 91 2 636 624 358 60.2| 636] 6.2 ] Sioux. . . 19,513 9,172 80.1 12,7 8,400 dy 25k, 294 209 343 1,031 1,050 605 | 57.7| G36| 7.1 : SLOTY esse seee e085 26,383 13,307 78.0 23.1 12,063 3,561 1. or 697 482 537 | 1,935 3,378 1,459 | 29.5| G36] 17.6 & TamBy'ss ve nvie ds »s080) 17,314 8,172 71.9 14.3 7,668 4,186 22 f 357/ 315 392 938 856 602 | 54.6} G36| 6.0 3 wiilleerl 10006 | sme | soi | Lub | 4m 273] 39 | 16 9% 19 59 587 376) 57.7] 636] 7.1 3 Union. eseeesssss088 12,797 5,873 75.8 16.9 5,162 1,944 10 235 146 © 504 1,026 859 4381 37.7] G36] 17.7 Tl Van Buren.......089 9,475 | 4,217 | 76.3 | 12.5) 3,700 | 2,206 76 107 150 121 425 456 240 58.5| 636| 7.0 We Wapello.........090| 34,139 | 16,807 | 79.6 | 19.7] 1,522 || 2,259] 258 538| 4,0] 1,52) 2,73 2,100 1,033[15.6| 521.6 Warren. ..eeeesss091 13,478 6,140 71.0 12,6 5,717 3,145 65 lol 192 245 645 763 ATL] 55.01.6360 7.5 . % Ro! 09. 15,368 7,361 78.9 17.2 6,824 3,225 5 263 529 331 1,021 920 530 | $7.3 | G36) 6.9 > 100366 | © 4. 74.3 | 1] 3909 | 2177 132 92 236 461 513. 299) 54 | 636] 704 Webster.....es.a09 31,773 15,856 78.9 21.0 14,190 3,760 8, 521 2,243 1,158 2,963 2,385 1,076 | 26.5| G36 7.8 Winnebago. ... +4095 10,388'| 5,068 78.7 16,0 4y THO 2,509 1 251 162 177 664 632 34152:9| G36| 7.4 Winneshiek......096 16,881 8,210 81.3 13.92 7,608 4,406 10 296 249 228 991 905 5231 57.9| G36] 6.4 g 112 |Woodbury,.. +097, 80,820 42,491 79.1 27.1 36,179 4,926 20 1,500 6,239 3,565 9,355 7,357 3,217) 13.6 5] 10.8 Worth... +098 8,667 4,257 80.8 13.7 3,932 2,308 22 18 81 271 449 LOL ~249158,7| G36] 5.7 is Wrighteseessesss099 15,245 7,313 78.9 15.4 6,734 3,212 1 313 181 618 1,030 854 525 | 47.7 | G36] 6.7 A KANSAS. .,...a| 1,394,500 | 669,815 76.7 19.2 | 583,826 || 183,363 [15,211 24,867 53,071 49,714 | 101,445 | 102,136 54,019 | 31.4 | G36] 8.4 ia ° ; -3 8 : METRO, COUNTIES..| 326,243 | 167,707 | 78.3 | 26.4 | w3,011 || 10,50411,273 | 7,795] 28,424 18,224] 31,806] 30,4481 15,47] 7.4) 5 Metro, areas: : > : 061 [Kansas Cities (pt)* oi a «vues ve ssOhby 105 139,420 724432. 79.7 25,1 59,960 3,981 235 3,035 15,667 8,964 11,929 10,702 55447 1 6.6 ' AS 125 , |Topeka.seseessss089 73,414 36,858 | 75.5 27.8 31,860 2,549 113 1,923 4,065 4,987 6,658 6,998 4,567] 8.0 i 133 [Wichita.........087] 113,409 | 58,417 | ~ 78.4 | 26.9 52,000 || 4,064] o25 | 2,37 81692 | 4473 | 13,219] 12,m8| 5,133] 7.8 OTHER COUNTIES...| 1,068,257 | 502,108 | 76.2 | 16.9] 439,915 || 172,760 13,938 | 17,072| 24,647) 31,200] 69,639 | 71,688] 38,872 )30.3] _ All Counties: / : +00. 15,480 7,153 7545 17.4 6,048 2,095 156 226 756. 377 1,025 923 400) U.bl G36] 7.3 i 8,968 44220 77.2 16.1 3,763 1,950 92 117 115 174 533 468 31 51.8] G36] 6.6 mao] Baus] 7a] 22.1] Tell 217] 300 1,088 585 1,200] 1,70 615 § 20.2 | 36 | 1004 . 6,921 3,A32 80,1 17.9 3,149 1,351 71 97 120 0 525 523 I TA. [1 G6). 8.0 “|Bartons esses es s005 18,683 9,378 80.9 19.3 8,604 2,154 1 1,275 450 413 781 1,512 1,368 1: 651 | 25.0 3Lar.6 pp = 1Remainder of Kansas Cities Matropolitan Area (061) is in Missouri, 155 Table 3 Part 10WA, 3 - Housing Humboldt (048) - KANS., Barton (00S) fo TABLE fu DATA FOR METROPOLITAN AREAS AND FOR ALL COUNTIES, BY STATE—Continued ee HOUSING—1940 r : : ; s : Nonfarm Rural Farm All Dwelling Units Occupied Dwelling Units Dwelling Units Dwelling Units = METROPOLITAN ! Metro. AREAS, py i Area COUNTIES, Median pones Residential Percent | Percent Percent Per- AND esiden : Per- ; number A CODES structittos in5or | with | Percent : el i ih ns Percent| Jan. 1, Number Jnote Kind with Number | owner | ™¢5"2% | persons | Number | ™°R¢ Number | WH with 1945 family thtub | electric — ical in run- | electric struc- lighting oo | refrige | pose. (dollars) ning | lighting tures der PX eration hold water G3) G4) (35) (6) Gn G8) o9) 40) “n “) “w) “) “s) 46) “n IOWA—Con, : All Counties—Con. 3,436 3,620 0.7 29.6 80.7 3,565 53.6 27.4 347 1,999 17.26 1,621] 18,1 63.5 2,233 2,968 3,073 042 43.9 70.2 3,024 | 45.8 23.2 3.33 1,570 17.08 1, 3503 40.5 42,1 199% 4,504 4,762 36.9 67.1 4,662 | 56,0 29.0 3.29 2,347 14.05 2,415 28.9 41.3 3,287 5 5,118 5,393 De5 33.8 63.5 5,198 | 59.9 25.0 3.2% 307] 14.23 2,361 15.3| 29.1 3,491 JaSPeTearnnnas 8,582 9,179 1.6| mel m2 gar | sus| 32.7 3m 5, 17.78 3,40 23.0) 45.1] 5,9% Jefferson.......051 4,492 4,808 1a 38.4 61.4 4y641 | 52.4 26,3 3,00 2,863| 17.84 3945 1.6 16,9 3,313 8,516 9,623 5.2 53.9 80.1 335 | 51.7 41.2 3.05 6,675 29,50 2,948] 27.9 43,0 6,985 4,958 54237 066 36.9 72.2 5,144 | 54.0 27.4 3.23 2,878 15,71 2,359] 27.2 50.1 3,045 5,606 5,725 27.2 62,3 5,520 | 61.3 23.1 2.94 2,877 11,11 2,8,8( 18,7 32,5 4,101 Kossuth. ....... 6,285 6,587 0.3 | 32.5] 70.3 6,511 | 48.6| 27.0| 3.69 3,168] 21.55 419 18.4] 79] 4m Lo8ururnrnenaesa056] 10,500 12,045 2.3| s0.1| 80.7 11,425 | 54.2 3.1) 3.01 9,630| 19.55 415] us| 26.8] 7,780 019 23,061 27,156 5.6 60,3 89.8 26,378 | 54.2 45.7 3.00 23,356 27.25 3,800 | 23.3 PAA 20,423 3,304 3,419 0e3 23,7 63,6 3,265 | 51,2 25.4 3,08 »756 11,26 1,663 21.3 38.8 2,117 4,050 4,363 2,0 26,5 60.6 4,187 | 51.3 20.3 3.08 2,468 14420 1,895 9.8 18,1 2,476 Lyonesseesescnes 3,605 3,811 1.0, 27,0 64.5 tT 3,T2 | 46.3 20,8 3.73 1,912 16,35 1,899] 13.1 33.7 2, 1338 MadiSon...s..s..061 4,263 4,423 05 | 22.2] 49.9 4,215 | 50,7] 19.0] 3.08 1,90] 1338] 3,483] 15. 18.6 2419 7,263 $929 Le? 35.1 mn.6 7,696 | 53.5 24.5 3,00 4,852 17,02 3,077] 20.3 35.4 4,410 7,114 747 06 | 28.0 65.3 7,29] 52.6] 22.9] 3.11 4792] 15.56 2.685 122| 2207] 4283 8,825 9,914 2.8 48.4 87.7 9,702 | 50.4 41.2 3.17 7,260 22,20 2,65 30.4 60.6 7,562 MIX18.0 sursnevelBS 3,709 3,866 1.2 27.3 61.0 3,662 | 48.2 28,2 3.18 1,942 13,72 1,924 | 20.9 32.2 2,042 Y JMitenell.. sus. 066 3,810 3,969 0s1 32.6 65.2 3,833 | 56.8 22,1 3.28 2,042 15.26 1,927 16.3 37.4 2,484 067 4,837 5,065 003 | 24.9] 60.7 4,861 | 45.3] 29.6] 3.3% 2,550 | 14.69 2,515| 23.2] 33.2] 2.0m +068 3,881 4,127 048 20,1 5542 3,964 | 53.9 14.0 3.18 2,226 11.11 1,901 6.6 15.3 1,439 069 4,512 4,778 1.3 48,0 68,5 4,606 | 50,5 36.6 3.07 2,969 17.55 1,809 | 22.3 27.7 3,879 «070 8,500 9,572 2,8 46.0 87.1 9,259 | 51.6 44.8 2,98 7,498 17.72 2,074 | 28.5 56.5 5,767 +071 5,070 5,230 0e5 41,3 83,3 5,185 | 49.7 33.4 3.35 3,126 «31 2,104 | 2446 61.5 3,633 072 2,616 2,706 24,2 68.8 2,689 | 48,1 25,6 3.58 1,294 20.43 1,412 | 10,2 43.5 1,614 +073 6,372 6,963 2.6 42,0 69.5 6,678 | 49.1 36.1 3.09 4,559 18,27 2,404 | 27.7 25,6 5,483 074 3,883 4,071 0e6 26,9 62,3 4,009 | 48.6 26.4 3.61 2,051 17,01 2,020 1 12,0 31.0 2,576 Plymouth... seesses0?5 5,882 6,145 046 39.4 66.4 6,001 | 46.7 24,2 3.54 3,105 17.32 3,040 | 31.7 36,2 3,730 Pocahontas, .....076 4,139 44263 02 30,2 76.0 4,204 | 48,9 32,0 3.48 1,988 18,17 2,275] 15.8 5842 2,549 036° 1PoYk uses vioinssOTT 47,219 58,444 11.8 60,4 94.9 56,516 | 51,3 51.6 3,01 55,063 27,72 3,381| 27.0 61.4 39,049 08, |Pottawattamie,..078 17,873 19,320 3.5 54.8 82.3 18,471 | 50,7 42,8 3.23 15,100 19.50 44220 | 30.9 36.4 11,211 Poweshiek. ......079 5,118 5,527 2] 3.o| mb 5,38 | 51,8] 34.9] 3.11 3,092 | 16.98 2,435 24.8| 46.8] 4,123 Ringgold.ese.ss 4080 3,301 3,426 13,2 45.7 3,264 | 48,7 15.8 3.02 1,335 10,12 2,091 8.3 16.9 2,007 4,830 5000 | oul 419] 76s 4,763 | sou | 32.0] 3.3 2,75 11] 2.2%] 3n.6| 53.9] 3,5: 032 18,927 | 24,773 | 9.9 60. | ous | 24,166 26,3] es.2| dos| 22,362 30.06] 241] us0| 72.2] 17,663 4y21% 4,366 0e5 31.3 68,2 44255 | 49.8 29,7 3.49 2,091 17.61 2,275 31.3 42.1 3,214 6,544 uo | o3| 2@5| wma 6,67] 50,9| 22.3) 3.70 3,571 168] 3,172] 2.9| 49.5] 4,75 8,484 9,406-| 33 | s0| e829 9,286 | 52,6| 44.0] 3.18 6,9 | 2or| 2,627] 22.2| wad 7,39 TAM. seosseasess080 6,160 6,354 065 35.7 71.9 6,237 | 58.1 31.3 3.19 3,401 15.92 2,953 | 30.1 46.5 4,719 TBYLlOTeasssesees087 4,283 4,400 19.9 50,1 4,276 | 51.2 15,9 3.03 2,000 10,18 2,400 | 14.2 18.8 3,534 Unionseseseessss088 4,693 5, 1.5 37.7 69,7 4,848 | 51.4 29,2 2,96 3,35 1.51 1,655 | 13.5 19.3 3,213 Van Buren.......089 3,839 3,933 10.5 48.4 3,702 | 57.6 12,6 2,83 1,881 8.44 2,052 7.1 Ud 2,826 Wapello..seeesss090 11,552 13, 4el 40.4 82.6 12,834 | 56,0 41.4 3.03 10 1920 19.38 2,287 | 12.6 26.5 9,115 Warren..eeeseess091 5,095 5,334 1,0 24,7 57.4 5,110 | 52,7 23,0 3.09 2,684 15.62 2,650 | 12,2 24.2 3,226 Washington......092 5,639 5,968 0s7 35.8 70,0 5,746 | 55.9 32,3 3,08 3.238 16.48 2,730 27.1 42.3 4,810 Wayne. ..........093 1,098 1243 03] 177] 52.2 4,006 [-52.8| 12.1] 2.91 2,187 9.26 21056 | 7.2 | 19 3543 Webster...cee..s094 9,755 11,618 8.3 46,6 85.9 11,374 | 48.4 33.9 3.24 8,629 23,61 2,989 | 17.3 55.2 7,737 Winnebago.......095 3,390 3,609 0,1 26,2 67.8 3,555 | 50.1 18,4 3.55 1,842 17.72 1,767 | 11.8 40.7 2,637 5,480 5,942 0e6 28,8 53.7 5,807 | 60.4 21,2 34d 2,831 18,18 3,111 | 1.8 22,9 3,504 112 24,060 29,630 11.0 60,1 89.0 28,394 | 42.1 46.8 3.19 26,259 23,98 3,371 | 33.2 3344 16,926 2,898 3,055 0s2 25.9 60,5 3,006 | 51.5 22,1 3445 1,372 17.40 1,683 | 15.7 3443 1,919 Wright..eeeeeees099 5,334 5,5 08 41,2 84.5 5,442 | 48,2 33.0 3.30 3,39 . 2,177 | 19.9 66,7 3,704 KANSAS. 0000s 502,905 545,721 247 41,7 715 511,109 | 51.0 39.6 3.07 370,954 17.38 174,767 | 15.7 27.3] 306,770 METRO. COUNTTES., [ 106,127 124,688 | 6,7 57.3 | 92,9 119,081 | A 50.1 56,2 3.01 113,808 22,43 10,880 | 26.6 57.1 82,353 Metro, areas: x 061 [Kansas Cities (pt)? . : hy: ssssenes 046, 105 46,828 52,176 2,8 52.3 93.2 50,237 | 54.5 55.9 3.13 47,780 20,35 4,396 | 30,2 65.4 30,777 125 [Topekaseeessssss089 23,817 28,009 5e4 55.5 91,5 26,376 | 49.6 56.0 2,93 25,193 23.99 2,816 22,1 47.8 16,700 133 [Wichita,....s...087 35,482 444503 12,1 64.4 93.5 42,468 | 45.1 o7 2,93 40,835 23.89 3,668 | 25.9 5441 34,876 OTHER COUNTIES... 396,778 421,033 1.5 36.1 65.7 392,028 | 51,2 3445 3.09 257,146 15,13 163,887 | 14.8 25.3 | 224,417 All Counties: ; : : 2 x Allen. ceeeeees001 6,173 6,439 048 3444 63.6 6,020 | 53.4 30.4 2,90 4,251 10.44 2,188 9.9 21% 2,516 Anderson........002 3,588 3,721 Ok 20,7 48.6 3,404 | 51.9 25,2 3.05 1,830 10,06 1,891 6.7 11,8 1,421 Atchison........003 6,024 6,660 3.5 40.9 72.0 6,217 | 50,6 35.2 3.07 4,634 16,44 2,026 | 10.4 25.8 2,970 Barbere.eeesess 004 2,644 2,79 1.3 36.7 63.0 2,574 | 50.4 33.3 3.17 1,630 14.12 1,169 | 18,0 24,8 1,431 Barton.sesseesss005 6,301 7,191 2.6 47.3 78.3 6,790 | 47.7 48.4 3,26 5,279 22,40 1,912 25.3 32,3 4,131 Romainder of “ansas Cities Metronolitan Area (0681) 4s in iilssouri. 156. res z= = ETT NPS = y g TIRE TRE TTT - . i. Ey z » TS TE -~ = 7 X ¥ RY cg 3 ; 7 5 = ¥ TEER TABLE 3—SELECTED DATA FOR METROPOLITAN AREAS AND. FOR ALL COUNTIES, % ; : > BY STATE—Continued Table 3 4 Part 4 - agriculture IOWA, Humboldt (045) - (Figures which have been rounded to thousands will not necessarily add to totals) KaN., Barton (COS) 3 a i AGRICULTURE—1945 AGRICULTURE—1940 : Value of farm products sold, | Principal > Per- f Value of : Work power traded, or used by source of ; Per: tot afm; properly farm household farm income Tage METROPOLITAN, cent | of- : : Metro. AREAS, [Number of | Land in | Cropland | Number | - of ae Percent from— fering, Rus) 5 Area COUNTIES, farms farms harvested of farms | farms | Lop 0 A Number L area | = AND (1000’s | (1000s oper- | of Total Vel sof Aiotot he code livin : CODES Jan. 1, of of April 1, | ated prod: (1000 38€ | horses | Number (1000's stoc! Cols ou) ee ig 1945 acres) acres) fo40 by ios 5 er | andor of . and (See | © : p423 : ten- | Jess | 4 2 aM | mules | tractors d I ) live- | Crops | pase) | cen atts ollars) | (dol- (over 5 ollars) | stock than rs) prod- $400 mo. old) pros | “3 “9) (50) Gn (52) G3) (54) (5) (56) Gn (8) (9) (60) (61) (62) (63) 64) 10WA—Con. 3 All Counties—Con. 1,507. 273 212 1,425 | 47.5 2.0 33,847 p3,752| 5,170 1,303 5,32 | 50.0 k2.9 5 (42.6 524 | 134 1,508 271 197| 1,389 | 61.1 | 4.2 | 26,834p9,319| 5,54 [ 1,063 | 5,060 | 00.3 | 32.5 1 (49.0 | 511 | 135 2,095 3M 202 2,155 | k2.7 Lh 35,383 16,419 8,493 1,439 5,802 75.1 16.0 1 [58.7 512 134 2,109 382 165 2,227 ge 8.8 27,476 n2,338| 8,653 939 4,815 | 80.1 7.5 1 [63.2 571 | 125 2,848 51 269 | 2,988 Ana 145,292 05,158 10,u431 1,776 7,565 | 67.7 | 23.3 1 [52.4 512 | 127 1,721 260 x 1,782 | 42.3 | 12.0 18,256 [10,245 6,395 133 2,985 65.8 19.5 1 49.7 541 116 2,497 377 218| 2,573 | 36.0 | 8.2 41,839 N6,261( 9,303 1,678 7,30 | 73.4] 17.1 1 [56.3 512 | 129 2,104 351 195 2,139 | 83.9 | 6.5 35,834 116,753] 8,155 1,184 7,074 | 76.1 | 16.5 1 [59.1 571 17 129 2,u95 360 189 2,532 | 38.4 9.0 29,93 [11,823 9,092 1,20 5,700 62.5 25.7 1 |k8.9 512 125 i 3,169 609 473 3,106 | 54.7 | 2.8 69,460 [22,363] 12,785 2,8 10,670 | 53.9 | 38.4 5 |38.1 524 | 136 2,0 2 1 2,106 | 33.3 | 23.9 19,113( 9,075 6,528 839 3,231 63.5 2h.1 1 (k2.6 541 112 - 019 2 = 3,728 | 38.8 | 17.0 50,198 13,465 9,829 1,908 7.94 | 69.3 | 20.4 1 {49.1 512 1-127 1,311 234 135) 1,306 .3 |-10.9 19,346 1k,813| L,L36 900 3,753 1. 67.3 | 23.9 1 (59.7 512 | 12k 1,644 262 106 1,665 | ul.1 | 22.3 11,023] 6,861 5,674 ny 1,822 | 72.9 | 10.2 1 (u9.u 5m | 112 1,874 366 282 1,870 [62.3 | 3.3 38,408 (20,539| 8,345 1,289 6,966 | 55.0 | 38.6 | 1 [v2.5 511 | 129 1,959 340 62] 2,088 | k2.7 12.3 22,718/10,830( 7,274 938 46 | 61.8 | 29.4 1 {50.8 su | 122 2,553 350 196) 2,728 | 42.5 | 13. 32,198 [11,803] &,848 1,185 5,959 | 66.5 | 23.7 1 |b9.8 512 | 123 2,320 338 157 2,459 | 40.9 | 13.1 23,662] 9,623] 7,979 902 5,121 | 66.1 | 23.1 1 [51.6 5u1 111 2,292 351 233 2,302 | 48.1 9.4 42,439 18,436 7,814 1,678 7,706 58.0 %.9 TdT.) 512 133 1,405 273 167) 1,500 | 48.8 | 13.1 25,066 16,711] 5,634 922 4,160 | 58.1 | 3.0 1 |ug.1 511 | 126 1,711 291 206 1,738 | 45.5 6.3 26,045 [14,986] 6,577 1,229 4,870 67.6 | 23.5 1 {47.9 571 129 1,98 us 227 2,091 | 56.1 5.6 31,304 14,971 8,112 1,429 6,171 43.9. 49.1 5 [49.0 511 125 : 2526 268 95 1,643 | 34.1 | 24.3 10,811 | 6,580 5,397 329 2,066 74.0 10.8 1 [56.2 541 108 i Montgomery. ..... 069 1,642 269 167| 1,633 | 52.8 | 10.2 24,559 15,039] 6,179 uy 3,908 | 69.4 | 22.9 1 [59.1 511 | 13 Muscatine....... 070 1,858 268 160 1,7 7.4 | 8.3 28,234 16,189 5,644 1,285 5,207 | 58.8 32.6 1 (45.4 512 | 128 O'Brien... vues o71 1,948 35 270] 1,98 | 57.7 | 3.7 45,734 [23,028] 7,706 1,652 7,606 | 58.5 .6 1 |W.0 511.0 137 Osceola......... 072 1.327 2 199 1,306 | 58.3 | 2.1 28,523 (21,840 5,632 1,049 4,937 46.8 iy 5 [45.1 524 | 134 PBER evox nen 07 2,119 338 199] 2,100 | Bui | 10.5 30,432 /14,491| 8,205 1,048 5,066 | 57.2 B51 1 |uk.s 511 | 121 Palo AltO....... 07 1,873 356 ann] 1.864 | suk | 2.2 37,631 [20,188] 7,524 1,498 0,360 | 19.5 3.2 5 [43.1 524 | 134 Plymouth. ....... 075 2,89 543 41| 2,842 | 59.0 [ L4.5 51,609 [18,159] 11,910 2,043 8,781 | 51.0 | u.2 5 |u.0 511 | 131 Pocahontas. ..... 076 ,990 362 287 2,039 | 52.9 2.6 46,746 [22,926 7,655 1,755 6,970 43.8 4g.1 5 (48.1 52k | 139 036 |Polk...... foxes 077 2,831 . 310 197] 3,139 2a 31.5 40,027 12,752] 7,127 1,48 b,264 | 52.1 | 39.3 5 [35.8 524 | 121 084 |Pottawattamie...078 3, 589 oul 3,793 | 87.9 | 17.9 56,408 [14,872] 13,880 2,266 | 11,956 | 67.4 | 26.7 1 [57.4 511 | 129 Poweshiek....... 079 2,126 363 2151 2,161 | 51.6 | 7.4 35,576 16,43] 8,009 1,512 6,025 | 68.1 | 23.71 1 (56.3 512 | 136 Ringgold........ 080 1,733 337 147 1,853 | 49.7 | 12.5 15,811 8,533] 7,604 541 2,893 | 60.2 | 24.8 1 |4.0 541 | 120 1,996 364 269] 2,058 £2 5.1 43,916 21,339 8,101 1,645 7,33 | 50.3 | k2.9 5 |U2.6 511 | 138 032 2.39 2 1 2,287 Jb] 13.6 40,202(17,578| 7,242 1,719 5,389 | 75.9 | 15.4 1 [50.0 512 | 126 2,1 7 263 2,148 | 52.3 | bu 37,771 [17,584] 9,767 1,391 5,666 68.2 | 22.0 1 [56.9] 511 127 a 2,998 1 380 3,028 26.5 4.8 56,432 [18,637] 12,293 1,861 10,895 66.6 26.2 1 [51.1 511 126 ,290 353 261] 2,292 | bg, 6.7 43,911 [19,158] 7,919 1,611 7,548 | 50.8 | L2.9 5 (h2.3 524 | 135 2,753 Like 274) 2,724 | 43.4 | 6.9 49,773128,272| 9,537 1,963 8,177 | 62.0 | 29.6 1 (49.9: 512 | 133 2,096 337 + 2,208 | 48.9 | 1h.7 21,473] 9,72 8,254 766 3,294 | 64.6 | 21.2 1 |48.3 54 | 119 4 1,507 285 12 1,603 | 49.2 | 15.7 15,075 | 9,40 8.28 590 2,630 | 66.3 | 24.5 1 {50.6 si | 120 1,758 297 117 1,756 38.0 | 15.9 12,7401 7,255) 5.9 552 2,296 65.6 37.1 1 |ko.3 541 113 1,891 251 117] 2,008 | 39.5 | 26.1 16,860 | 8,408 5,313 729 3,262 | 58.9 | 29.9 1(3%.1 54 | 115 Werren..........091 2,220 3u3 25 2,487 | 42.3 | 17.9 23,208] 9,332 7,889 949 4,086 | 69.8 | 19.8 1 [52.4 sh | 116 Washington. .....092 2,226 350 2,266 | 45.0 | 8.0 36,094 [15,928 7,655 1,440 6,060 74.9 14.3 1 5.2 512 | 126 Wayne........... 09 i= £22 159] 1,74 | 48.6 | 14.1 14,622 8,403 6,878 468 2,7 | 67.7 | 16.0 1 |Ls.5 5m | 115 Webster......... 09! 2, 36 329 2,678 20-2 8.3 52,348 [19,547 8,84 2,193 8,204 | 40.9 | 52.5 5 |52.0 524 | 126 Winnebago. ......095 1,645 251 178) 1,646 | 52. 5.9 26,136(15,878| 5,534 1,177 3,998 | 61.8 | 271.5 113%.3 571 | 129 Winneshiek 096 2,858 429 239| 2,887 | 37.8 | 8.5 33,664 [11,611 | 11,716 1,%0 5,088 | 79.4 4.1 149.3 571 | 124 112 [Woodbury 097 3,133 533 351 3,192 | 57.5 13.4 483,817 [13,727] 10,826 1,966 | 10,334 | 56.8 | 371.5 1 |b6.7 511 | 122 Worth... 098 1,518 250 174 1,533 | 51.4 .9 23,724 [15,478 5,106 1,234 4,095 | 69.2 | 20.5 1 |46.0° 571 132 Wright +2099 1,917 365 284 1,987 | 56.0 4.0 42,724 [21,502] 7,512 1,693 7,946 43.7 49.7 5 (49.4 52k | 135 KANSAS. ...... W1,102 | us,589| 22,87] 156,327 | wg | aus 1,675,469 [10,718| b28,833 | 95,139 | 226,985 | 51.3 | 38.3 5 {37.0 18 METRO, COUNTIES. . 8,861 1,233 ™9| 9,101 | 38.3 | 32.0 | 103,135 [11,332] 19,808 4,247 | 14,429 | 47.8 | b3.2 Metro. areas: 061 |Kansas Cities (pt)® coon -+.046, 105 3.810 327 12 3,011 | 36.2 | 42.3 | 34,557] 9,570 7,496 959 | 4,623 | 55.6 | 34.9 135 |Topeka........ «+089 2,026 323 1 2,200 iis 33.7 20,916| 9,507 4,9% 886 2,955 | 58.711 30.2 1 |32.0 ~ 133 |Wichita.........087 3,025 583 412 3,290 3.0 | 19.5 47,662 1k, 487 7,316 2,42 6,851 37.9 54.5 5 [51.4 = OTHER COUNTILS...| 132,331| 47,357| 22,068) 147,226 | 45.3 | 24.3 [1,572,324 10,680| 409,021 | 90,892 | 212,556 | 51.5 | 37.9 fie All Counties: ; fo. ALlen......... ..001 1,57 309 158 1,949 | 48.8 | 29.3 11,024 5,656] 5,032 834 1,875 52.8 | 30.8 5 129.5 561 111 Anderson. . hi 348 163 1,671 | 42.6.| 25.0 10,564 | 6,322| 5,553 655 1,793 | 58.7 28.7 x .3 581 108 Atchison.. 1, 267 145 1,732 | 43.3 | 21.7 14,684 | 8,078 ,108 793 2,259 42.0 43.6 5 |b2.3 511 111 x Barver.... ale 889 668 238] 1,03 | 45.5 | 11.9 19,509 [18,941 L770 903 3,596 | 54.9 | 40.1 1 [48.5 4 | 129 Barton...... 1,522 566 398] 1,723 | 46.0 | 2u.2 32,U71 18,846] 3,138 1,680 2,187 | h.2 | uw. 5 |u.7 ab | 123 1The State total includes $9,070 for female silver fox and/or mink over 3 months old (kept in captivity) not distributed to individual countles. 2Hemsinder of Kansas Cltiss Metropolitan ares (061) ie in Missouri. 157 Goo ESE Soke gore IG Ey TRG ¥ a ro eas RR NA 2 BR 1 3 po J; { ; - . x 3 Table 3 TABLE 3—SELECTED DATA FOR METROPOLITAN AREAS AND FOR ALL COUNTIES, Part 5 - Indust 3 . 7 and Retail Trade ; \ y BY STATE—Continued IOWA, Humboldt (046) - \ = KANS., Barton (005) (All dollar figures have been rounded to thousands and will not necessarily add to totals) so F ; MANUFACTURING ESTABLISHMENTS—1939 MINERAL INDUSTRIES—1939 RETAIL ESTABLISHMENTS—1939 A METROPOLITAN Z : oe counties, Value added ; Area > alue adde: Code Wage Wages Value of be inate Value of | Number Wages and Sales Active |Employees Pay roll N earners ) roducts roducts of salaries | Number of ’ verage 2s umber ( (1000's of (1000s of ture - F000" (1000s of : (1000's of pro- Gr (1000 average dollars) So | (1000's of ( $0 1 persons 10 Stores dollars) | prietors os : for year) dollars) dollars) dollars) | engaged | dollars) year) 5) (6) 67) NC) ©) ao an @) a) [) as) as) fw} r 10WA==Con. All Counties—Con, Hazboldt....... ou6 13 59 55 1,055 335 (1) (1) (1) 2u2 3.649 247 9 2 : 1884s. Coerues o47 9 56 55 536 EL 197 3,124 201 = Ls a Towae...haeoesd oLg 18 190 148 1,391 319 (1) (1) (1) 253 . 4,985 2u1 92 335 mL A Uackeons...... 049 22 67 67 1,137 190 100 30]. 22 327 5,192 306 u73 6 N Jasper....... ..050 2y 1,575 (1) (2) (2) 5 59 55 392 7.930 381 765 575 ' Wefferson......051 |. 19 604 579 3,333 1,771 (1) (1) (1) 261 4,258 260 yoy 302 fe Johnson. ,......052 24 168 206, 1,727 165 104 43 47 4hg 13,543 L21 1,482 1,287 a Jones. ...ee.ans 053 23 378 251 2,694 09 12 16 1 281 5,034 250 458 330 Keokuk ousounsn 054 8 105 97 kot 262 (1) A eb (1) 307 4,710 283 368 252 Kossuth........ 055 22 85 81 1,361 229 398 1.572 397 687 500 = : % lLeeasc..u.. 200056 59 2,492 2,815 22,800 11,683 674 11,783 601 1,387 1,121 “X 8 019 [Linn.ee..snnees 057 147 5,246 6,763 80,314 28,796 | 32 29 1,300 38,808 1.211 4,611 4,269 ke ! Louisa.........058 11 90 59 300 150 175 2,978 166 209 | .163 Be ’ Lucas. oss ueses 059 6 3 ; 3 480 117 611 3% 433 188 3, 521 171 351 245 c g Lyones.eouecns 060 9 38 28 433 136 (1) (2 (2) 260 3,243 255 318 201 pei Madison........061 || 10 30 27 481 150 (1) (2) (2) 203 3.459 210 325 223 Z Mahaska, .......062 24 380 335 1,981 880 bul 261 247 38 7,595 27 896 720 Marion, ...... ..06 17 261 168 1,181 517 1,118 612 578 17 6.921 51 679 537 Marshal l.......06! 51 1,459 1,51 15,684 5,269 98 42 42 517 13,356 ugy 1,38 1,116 : ME1ABaacs seven ss 065 7 55 (2) (1) (1) 221 3,158 203 330 226 Er 3 Mitchell,,.....066 | 17 16 61 1,079 160 (1) (1) (1) 215 195 221 239 234 : . Monona, ........067 9 8 54 882 185 264 212 269 394 263 ; Monroe. ........068 6 28 21 102 56 220 203 162 211 2,752 201 286 169 FY Montgomery. . ...063 16 219 182" 1,81 1,0Lg 292 5,061 285 535 398 Ep |Muscatine......070 57 2,377 1,n2 10,514 | 4,912 180 58 70 515 10,486 507 1,184 892 f Sp on 19 99 76 1,456 339 3% 6,554 319 62 ug s : Osceola,.......072 1 52 (1) (1) (1) (2) (2) (1) 162 2,992 151 251 182 PRER. . vi vvsriiss 07, 28 195 165 1,759 676 97 78 67 y2 10,586 kog 1,148 881 : Palo Alto......07! 1 53 42 819 148 * 26 4,566 27 421 287 > Plymouthe...... 075 1 66 56 102 213 319 5.350 303 593 456 ¥ ! Pocahantas.....076 1n 68 61 953 161 ‘253 4,210 247 346 230 hte 036 |Polk...... os e2207] 270 7,109 8,681 76,208 30,177 1,030 647 721 2,73 86,898 2,465 11,181 11,422 5 084 [Pottawattanie..078 56 596 562 4,736 1,951 (2) (1) (1) 961 18,915 90 2,187 1,738 = Poweshiek......079 11 250 155 1,112 340 257 5,504 25 546 193 2 : Ringgold. ......080 EY (1) (1) (1) (2) 133 1,819 1h3 159 91 : » BEL sess vn osriaBB) 1h 12 62 659 184 (1) (1) (1) 307] - 5.076 292 483 331 ga 032 |8cotbacereras. 082 130 4,616 5.283 34,854 16,535 (1) (2) (1) 1,092 37.681 949 4,641 4,375 Bovioe ARO 9 68 459 186 28 4 Loo 213 393 275 { Bs B10UXe. cee asns.D 22 117 124 2,374 450 (2) (1) (1) 18 6,135 ung 23 383, 2 BYOTYeuecensss 085 36 280 238 3.371 178 575 13,280 520 1,50 1,138 i Tans... .0.....086 | 15 241 211 2,439 588 (1) (1) (2) 381 5,715 : 376 482 336 PAYIOTue es ans .087 10 4g uy 620 113 52 My 36 238 2,46h 231 226 © 13 ’ Unione eooees.. 088 16 102 12 1,222 207 286 4,895 21 571 ul Van Buren......089 y 28 2 636 9 113 78 57 193 2,018 1 182 29 % ¥apallo,.......090 43 2,983 (1) (1) (2) 420 255 228 589 14,137 1,615 1,445 UE Warren.........09 8 52 44 261 136 17 112 109 32 3,647 We 9 209 Washington.....092 17" 506 254 2,399 791 (2) (2) (1) 285 6.386 284 627 ws : Wayne. cose... 09 8 43 29 366 «11k 56 9 37 199 2,l29 19 221 11 » 2 Webster. .......09 ug 1,673 1,894 19,271 | * 7.7192 802 249 313 596 17,437 5 1,773 1,525 Winnebago, .....095 18 135 99 1,288 188 250 4,569 223 409 287 = Winneshiek.....096 28 172 133 2,029 410 : 322 5,517 327 545 381 112 | Woodbury... ...097 129) 4,533 5.728 81.08 wase| () (1) (2) 1.563) game] 1,368) s.u5| 5.004 Worth..........098 13 25 26 572 63 33 26 22 175 2,502 169 207 132 Wright.........099 18 17 59 994 253 325 5.693 322 4gs 153 Combined Counties® 3140 36,912 7,688 79,858 21,991 1,088 375 338 KANSAS, ...... 1,494 31,614 36,938 46k, 354 118,952 14,512 5,647 5,568 27,545 473,551 | 25,780 | 56.490 | 42,510 METRO. COUNTIES. Lug 17.263 21,559 264,237 63,330 1,306 3m 383 5.937 134 425 5.480 | 17,007( 14,373 Metro. areas: 061 | Kansas Cities(pt)* 5 ee enens UE, 105 wel 9.696 12,03] 177.5% 34,174 505 189 2s| 2uu0| us.6w| 2.300) u.é26 393 125 | Topeka. .o....s.083 108 2s 2,915 29,713 11,402 161 119 83 2,197 57,569 1,984 7.9%6 598 133 | Wichita........087 193 0 5,731 56,993 17,884 640 62 85 1,300 33,216] 1,96] L.M35| 3,838 OTHER COUNTIXS.. 1,045 14,351 15,379 200,117 55,622 13,206 5.217 5,185 21,608 339.126| 20,30 39.473} 26,137 All Counties: ; 15 3% 406 3.233 2,000 Ly 58 n 307 4,393 291 470 3 8 17 (1) (1) (2) f iB iB] x 186 2,215 181 217 136 25 £76 780 9.213 2,533 1 1 1 322 5,350 326 608 477 5 79 (2) (1) (2) (2 (1) & 168 2,667 156 280 199 27 230 233 3,683 54 (2 (1) 1) in 8,115 348 957 802 Not shown because of disclosure of operations of individual establishment: thay Data included in Coutdred Counties at end of State. ®Includes all counties where fig- ures are not shown 5 parately because of disclosure of operations of individual establishments. 3Includes all establishments and wage earners of counties for which wages and value date were withheld to avoid disclosure. The "Comtdned Counties" figure far number of establishments is excluded from the State total, since this item was . shown for ayery county. Vhenever data on wage earners have bsen withheld, that portion of the "Combined Counties" figure represented by such data is included in the corres=~ , ponding State total, ‘Remainder of Kansas Cities Metropolitan Ares (061) is in Missouri, 158 - TABLE 3—SELECTED DATA FOR METROPOLITAN AREAS AND FOR ALL COUNTIES, Table 8 BY STATE—Continued ~~ * Pru ox Ouier Wetionte (All dollar figures have been rounded to thousands and will not necessarily .add to totals) een ar : WHOLESALE | SERVICE ESTABLISHMENTS—1939 | BANK DEPOSITS : Major war supply Major war facilities contracts, rojects, June 1940-Sept 1945 | June 1030 Je 1945 METROPOLITAN E Bond (1000's of dollars) (1000's of dollars) Metro. AREAS, . sales 1944 Ara| COUNTIES, [Number Number| Employees Total | (1000's of Code AND of Sales of | Receipts | Active Pa io (demand | Time | oll > : "® | (average y ; ollars at CODES estab- | (1000's of | estab- ( s_|proprie-| © Al and time) (1000s issue price) : lish- | dollars) | lish- |of dollars)| tors year) dollars) 000’s | of dollars) : f ments ments : of dollars) Combat Other Industrial | Military equipment a) a) ®0) a) @ & @s) 6) on 8) ®) 60) on IOWA—Con. All Counties—Con. | Humboldt. . 61 5,169 91 200 91 7 6,467 +760 2,126 351 \ 5 Ida.. In 1,497 66 108 bu 23 > 51865 656 1,455 Iowa. a 1,686 106 186 106 53 28 7.3271 2,178 1,744 912 Jackson 3 3,536 106 215 100 ih 26 8,758 2,484 1,865 107]. | Jasper. 53 2,836 137 385 JUS 95 66 17,056 617 4,212 2,714 5,515 265 2 36 1,551 82 210 85 ks 30 7,150 2,005 1,207 1,779 50 37% 123 71 125) 270 227 16,966 6,080 | 3,285 6,051 27 1,523 101 225 99 Lg 25 12,657 51098 1,782 56 1,122 32 1,298 94 162 99 18 13 10,671 3.965 2,239 ; 88 1.333 124 353 129 8h 58 11,841 682 3.773 351 1,272 . 66 4,016 216 769 225 201 153 26,448 12,642 3,762 6,531 15,207 295 019 191 41,340 508 2,562 520 808 705 65,678 24,541 9.937 187,981 67,482 1,0k0 18 1,171 55 105 56 37 19 5,106 1,387 1,203 27 2,076 62 232 66 4g ur 4,277 968 1,023 931 un 2,339 97 179 97 32 19 5,134 740 1,898 26 726 7 190 7 46 26 Jie 354 1,420 58 4,521 111 362 12 11 80 9,062 1589 2,059 285 2 ko 3,181 133 31k 149 92 50 10,697 2,775 2,664 80 11,826 195 778 190 226 192 18,206 4 hgh 4,162 1,111 2,439 Mills..... 3 20 774 78 137 81 n 15 5.633 1,212 1,221 Mitchell, .066 : Ls 3,176 B 12 83 27 18 7.280 2843 1,833 y Monona. 067 u6 2,407 10 195 111 3 18 7.324 1,%03 1,828 Monroe. .068 21 6u5 52 1h 53 21 17 3.324 593 934 Montgomery 069 43 4,281 105 298 109 78 5k 9.635 ,0Lk 1,833 : Muscatine 0 56 6.907 171 552 181 165 119 18,659 7,185 2,713 6,102 3,171 O'Brienc........ 78 6,188 130 304 132 66 u2 11,339 2738 2,770 U5 i Osceola. . b2 2,185 63 107 6 2u 1h 4,957 1,055 1,596 236 J Page..... Lg 2,761 205 Lio 21 130 79 12,54% 1,801 2,211 1,550 1,262 S Palo Alto 4g 4,672 82 190 85 26 23 8,253 342 1,752 Plymouth.s.e.... 075 31 2,084 103 266 112 kg 28 11,595 3.372 2,437 Pocahontas. .....076 60 4,917 96 261 103 65 7.512 985 2,767 036 SE 423| 144,582] 1,236 7.44 1,240 2,521 2,403] 108,487 29,754 22,860 213,777 44,151 68,075 66,196 084 |Pottawattanie...078 104 13,019 395 1,230 416 333 271 31,436 12,197 6,251 2,666 1,547 Poweshiek...... .079 42 2,276 85 209 91 58 30 8,993 2,135 1,615 1,062 Ringgold.e......s 080 19 623 yi T™ Ly 18 9 2,869 37 835 BAC sere eivnrers 08L| - 69 4,219 8 165 82 39 26 11,609 1,944 2,690 47 032 |[Scott. . 162 50,836 39: 2,361 395 789 710 63,711 30,108 9.378 68,9Lk 147,772 21,311 Shelby. . Wn 2,151 86 157 17 34 18 8,111 2,667 1,713 Sioux. 63 6,409 185 363 179 68 ug 11,998 2,270 3,267 StOrFesesssssess 86 6,088 240 1,167 230 455 330 17,308 ~ 3,550 k, 28k 5,244 MBM, ess nein ess 086 63 3,497 118 239 120 50 21 12,392 2,070 2,894 356 351 Taylor. 33 1,057 106 161 107 30 16 3,246 129 1,165 J Union.. 28 2,033 91 250 97 62 36 6,425 1,598 1,346 Van Buren 3 172 69 133 7h 37 18 3,897 750 964 < Wapello. eevee. s 57 9,579 178 810 189 234 199 18,758 6,175 3,9h4 1,99 3,984 17.27% Warren..... ees..091 30 2,201 116 252 128 58] ko 6,186 755 1,485 oshinguon: 37 1,6u4 104 322 111 78 47 12,257 3,192 2,387 ’ Wayne. ..... 30 1,566 65 82 65 18 9 3,882 423 1,098 4 Webster. 123 19,980 212 878 226 2713 238 19,221 4,786 k,288 2,375 Vianebago.. eienrs 2095 39 2,305 67 150 67 32 21 5,210 659 1,953 Winneshiek...... 096 52 bi, 54Y 116 260 120 75 47 8,9kk 3,456 1,744 112 |Woodbury........097 329] 152,093 664 4,164 664 1,201 1,173) 54,089 14,233 10,337 2,465 14,186 49] - 13.532 Worth...e.......098 27 3,767 ug 79 52 17 1 3,596 66 1,486 Wright... ..+099 53 3,828 100 227 103 26 1h 8,955 2,016 2,794 351 OtheTsesssvsveceses 13,693 KANSAS... .... ,130 427,651 | 10,047 30,397] 10.333 10,191 6,990 911,340 11k,410 177,791 2,421,744 114,500 369,545 207,625 METRO. COUNTIES.. 745) 178,167 2.235) 10,677| 2,272 L,184 3,217] 270.613 Lg,647 55.384 | 2,246,355 59,918 95,298 40,489 ob Metro. Srey : 1 |Eansas Cities (pt 5 En , 105 185 51,235 763 3,134 790 915 799 76,425 28,581 17.793 923,114 35.384 i 468 13,331 ) Z Ty 125 [Topeka....:...»» 089 pS 21,057 L97 2,318 L95 926 709 47,043 6,577 9.929 432 2,142 10,kk5 23,692 \ 133 [Wichita......... 087 419| 105.875 975] - 5.225 987 2,343 1,769 | 147,145 13,489 27.662] 1,322,809 22,392 40,385 3,466 ; OTHER COUNTIES...| 14,385| 2lg,184| 7.812] 19,720] 8.061 6,007 3.713] 640,732 65,7631 122,411 175,389 54,562(. 274,247] 167,136 # All Counties: : \ Allen..... wivind 001 L2 2,236 87 210 90 “43 26 5.273 Lat 1,067 1,078 £ Anderson .002 24 1,378 56 95 56 16 12 3,423 267 58 76 ‘ ] Atchison... 903 47 5,445 120 333 13 105 69 8,549 1,174 1,418 123 1,637 1,076 Barber... . 34 1,458 52 1 5 20 12 6,113 623 1,000 Barton....e.....005 89 4,228 154 162 147 11% 18,465 2u8 2,863 7,065 1Undistributed. : 2Remainder of Kansas Cities Metropolitan Area (061) is in iissouri. 159 Table 3 Part 1 - Population TABLE 3—SELECTED DATA FOR METROPOLITAN AREAS AND FOR ALL COUNTIES, ! KANS., Bourbon (005) - Pottawatomie (C75) BY STATE—Continued ; EE : : TOTAL POPULATION POPULATION—1940 EDUCATION VITAL = 1940 STATISTICS : ESTIMATED : 1944 CIVILIAN 3 : POPULATION Land | Pop- | Total white Percent of = METROPOLITAN U.S area | ulation population 25 * Metro. AREAS, rank in per years old and Area COUNTIES, Naber of |Percent ; sq. over who have Code am, ; pats change 3 mile Percent UG Roel {" Rul completed— ercent| April | m o a | nonfarm | farm Births | Deaths 2 Number change 040’ |percen-{ 1930-1 1940 |1940 | Number | total N tiles) 1940 pu- 5 or . ot 3 >| 1940- ation more Hd ; 1943 1940 grades | S€h00 5 : m @) ®) @ ©) ©) m ® ©) (10) an (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) KANSAS—Con. All Counties—Con, je 16,859 | -19.5 20,944 438 -6.4 689 | 82.8 20,122 | 96.1 10,557 2,040 8,847 98.2 22.6 827 282 13,307 | -238.5 17,3895 53 | -15.4 578 | 30.1 16,950 | 97.4 6,110 2,619 8,666 94.7 27.7 256 181 28,560 -10.8 82,018 25 | -10.8 1,445 | 22.2 81,785 | 99.1] ' 18,866 7,708 10,444 94.7 28.1 552 227 4,848 | -28.6 6,845 88 -8.7 774 8.2 6,288 | 99.1 8,079 3,266 94.1 80.2 99 42 Chautauqua......010 6,510 | -29.5 9,283 79 | =10.8 647 14.3 9,184 | 98.9 4,588 4,700 93.4 21.8 140 838 Cherokee........011 25,215 | -15.4 29,817 28 =5.2 587 | 50.8 29,334 | 98.4 12,698 8,817 8,802 89.0 18.1 571 811 4,912 | -21.0 6,221 88 | -10.5 1,027 6.1 6,221 | 100.0 2,272 8,949 92.7 21.7 101 38 is 8,319 | -18.7 4,081 94 | -14.9 984 4.1 4,075 | 99.9 2,152 1,929 94.8 82.8 51 27 11,442 | -13.8 13,281 65 -8.8 658 | 20.2 18,228 | 99.6 4,518 2,043 6,720 95.8 25.8 228 07 E 14,569 | -15.5 17,247 538 -4.2 711 | 24.8 17,219 | 99.8 6,255 8,682 7,810 92.8 28.8 329 197 10,178 | =17.1 12,278 68 | =10.1 656 18.7 12,262 | 99.9 5,118 7,165 95.9 22.3 2038 128 8,656 | -17.1 4,412 98 | -15.8 800 5.5 4,412 | 100.0 2,262 2,150 95.8 83.7 81 82 3 88,944 | -11.0 38,189 20 -6.8 1,186 | 88.6 87,149 | 97.4 22,258 6,446 9,435 92.3 29.1 700 442 7 388,306 | ~13.3 44,191 16 | -10.4 598 | 78.9 43,427 98.3 20,125 | 14,842 9,224 85.9 21.9 671 496 a 6,066 | -18.4 7,484 85 | ~16.2 899 8.3 7,484 | 100.0 8,129 4,305 95.2 28.6 119 69 20,845 =9.1 22,929 39 | ~1l.4 855 | 26.8 22,674 | 98.9 9,475 4,119 9,885 94.3 29.3 385 215 * 10,408 | -19.5 12,986 66 -8,0 891 | “88.1 12,831 95.8 5,488 7,448 92.4 21.4 198 118 26,924 7.0 25,171 35 0.1 468 | 53.8 28,515 | 938.4 14,3890 8,298 7,483 94.8 89.3 527 823 5,347 | -16.2 6,377 88 | -12.6 614 | 10.4 6,350 | 99.6 8,548 2,829 94.0 28.5 95 41 6,128 | -25.1 8,180 83 | -11.2 647 12.6 - 8,180 | 100.0 8,867 4,313 96.0 22.1 100 70 16,034 -8.4 17,508 53 10.1 900 | 19.5 17,458 | 99.7 6,385 4,880 6,748 89.2 27.2 392 146 8,220 | -16.6 9,855 77 -2.7 723 | 18.6 9,781 99.2 5,854 4,501 90.9 26.6 125 92 11,188 10.8 10,092 76 -8.4 1,802 7.8 9,863 | 97.7 6,285 660 8,147 91.2 81.2 288 122 17,627 2.2 17,254 53 | -16.4 1,083 | 15.9 16,995 98.5 8,487 8,987 4,780 93.8 33.4 456 190 18,256 | -12.6 20,889 43 -5.2 577 36.2 20,357 97.5 10,193 2,868 7,828 94.7 26.8 855 230 14,453 29.4 15,222 59 6.0 399 | 388.2 18,941 | 91.6 8,507 3,785 2,980 98.0 29.2 352 189 & 4,026 -16.0 4,798 92 | -15.1 1,070 4.5 4,776 | 99.6 1,721 8,072 91.8 23.8 89 41 x 4,404 | -27.5 6,071 89 | =-21.9 891 6.8 5,706 94.0 2,086 8,985 90.9 21.1 102 49 1,959 0.7 1,948 98 | -87.1 568 8.4 1,944 | 100.0 912 1,084 95.7 29.4 538 10 4,69 | -1.6 4,773 92 | -23.2 869 | 5.5 4,755 | 99.6 2,012 2,761| 91.8 25.2 92 ss Greeley.... 1,517 -7.4 1,638 98 -4.3 783 2.1 1,638 | 100.0 846 792 94.7 80.6 81 - 9 Greenwood... 12,971 | -21.4 16,495 56 | ~14.2 1,150 | 14.8 16,467 99.8 3,808 5,678 7,019 94.6 26.0 262 146 i 2,58 -4,2 2,645 97 | =20.5 992: 2.7 2,688 | 99.7 1,485 1,160 94.8 29.7 64 22 9,576 | -20.6 12,068 69 5.9 801 15.1 12,015 | 99.6 2,878 9,868 5,832 94.9 28.2 174 108 Be HBrVeY.coeesses 040 20,012 -7.8 21,712 42 -1.8 540 | 40.2 21,256 | 97.9 11,048 4,150 6,514 93.0 80.5 386 188 EB Haskell...eeeses041 1,977 =5.8 2,088 98 | -25.6 579 3.6 2,088 | 100.0 985 1,158 94.6 29.4 57 8 Hodgeman. 2,897 -18.0 8,585 95 | -15.0 860 4.1 8,508 | 99.2 1,147 2,388 94.2 24.6 \ 52 26 £ Jackson.. 043 10,470 | -21.8 18,882 64 -9.4 656 | 20.4 12,977 | 97.0 2,885 2,147 8,350 98.8 24.2 172 118 Jefferson... 044 10,228 | -19.6 12,718 67 | =10.0 549 | 238.2 12,538 | 98.5 4,885 7,888 96.1 28.8 158 120 Jewell.... «045 9,341 | -22.0 11,970 69 | -17.2 915 | 18.1 11,965 | 100.0 4,060 7,910 98.7 27.4 159 116 40,229 20.7 88,327 24 22.6 476 | 70.0 82,526 | 97.6 8,979 | 20,425 8,928 95.4 86.1 746 389 2,206 ~12.6 2,525 97 | -21.0 853 8.0 2,522 | 99.9 1,140 1,985 91.5 25.9 40 24 10,470 | -12.8 12,001 69 2.8 865 | 18.9 11,983 | 99.8 8,213 2,889 6,449 | 94.2 27.5 287 105 - 4,155 | -18.7 5,112 91 | -15.8 720 7:31 5,112 | 100.0 2,421 2,691 96.2 30.4 70 48 © 80,674 1.1 80,852 27 -8.2 654 | 46.4 28,648 | 94.4 14,294 6,889 9,169 91.9 24.7 560 400 LS 2,567 -9.0 2,821 9 | -16.8 720 8.9 2,819 | 99.9 . 1,287 1,534 94.8 28.1 74 25 35,852 -8.8 41,112 18 =-8.7 465 | 88.4 36,562 | 88.9 19,220 | 14,095 7,797 88.7 21.7 647 474 6,282 | -24.7 8,338 82 | -14.1 726 | 11.5 8,331 | 99.9 8,100 5,288 9.3 22,5 128 69 9,713 -18.8 11,969 69 | ~11.6 607 19.7 11,789 | 98.5 4,458 7,511 94.0 20.8 170 108 2A 8,712 0.7 3,688 95 | -11.0 1,078 3.4 8,549 | 96.2 1,985 1,758 94.2 28.6 83 21 f 22,400 | =15.2 26 ,42¢ 33 -9.6 852 | 81.0 25,767 97.5 18,188 3,843 9,898 94.6 83.2 4338 282 4 22,904 «5,2 24,152 37 2.4 886 | 27.0 24,110 | 99.8 7,194 6,228 10,730 98.0 29.8 471 220 x 16,249 | -14.8 18,951 49 -8.6 959 | 19.8 18,919 | 99.8 8,689 10,262 89.4 28.0 821 178 = 17,582 | -16.2 20,988 43 ~-9.0 911 | 28.0 20,985 99.8 4,055 6,449 10,482 95.1 26.6 306 189 5,027 =-9.0 5,522 90 | =19.5 976 5.7 5,466 | 99.0 2,636 2,886 93.9 380.0 99 51 Miami...coceess 061 16,555 | -15.1 19,489 47 -8.8 592 | 82.9% 18,771 | 96.3 7,656 1,935 9,898 89.0 21.4 286 308 Mitchell. 9,605 | -15.8 11,389 72 | -11.2 716 | 15.8 11,815 ( 99.8 8,765 2,399 5,175 96.4 29.6 194 128 Montgomery. 46,768 -6.0 49,729 14 -3.3 649 | 76.68 45,961 | 92.4 34,734 4,599 10,396 91.9 28.9 1,126 582 Morris.... 8,836 | -14.7 10,363 75 | =12.6 707 14.7 10,215 | 98.6 2,875 1,870 5,618 95.2 27.2 168 107 MOrton...seeess.065 2,287 2.8 2,188 97 | -46.6 726 8.0 2,183 | 99.9 1,826 860 94.7 28.6 56 17 f Nemaha..........066| 18,691 | -18.3| 16,781 56 | -8.8 709 | 28.6 16,690 | 99.6 6,914 9,847) 95.7] 23.2 297 148 18,880 | -17.2 22,210 41 =-2.0 687 37.8 21,760 98.0 10,142 8,861 8,207 98.5 25.3 388 217 % 6,395 -6.8 6,884 86 | -17.9 1,081 6.3 6,868 | 100.0 2,968 8,89 91.2 24.6 110 59 i 8,404 | -14.5 9,831 77 | -16.0 880 | 11.2 9,808 | 99.7 2,762 2,328 4,741 95.5 26.0 177 111 11,751 | -22.3 15,118 60 | -18.8 721 | 21.0 15,087 | 99.5 6,678) 8,440| 92.7) 24.8 231 171 o 7,443 | -24.3 9,838 77 | =15.0 898 | 11.0 9,819 | 99.8 4,550 5,280 96.0 29.0 106 88 ® 7,802 | -20.3 9,284 79 -6.1 723 | 12.8 9,194 | 99.7 4,208 5,016 95.4 25.2 121 84 7 9,004 | ~12,1 10,800 7 «2.0 749 | 13.8 10,186 98.4 3,588 2,559 4,208 76.8 25.8 187 282 x > 8,696 | ~16.7 10,480 75 | -14.2 906 | 11.5 10,898 | 99.6 4,483 5,952 95.1 21.7 198 87 7 11,529 | -17.7 14,015 62 1 ~-11.6 850 | 16.5 18,9411 99.5 6,284 7,781 98.0 27.5 207 121 Eve a RT Sy scorn se ER Ey I RE ET EE ETT Table 3 TABLE 3—SELECTED DATA FOR METROPOLITAN AREAS AND FOR ALL COUNTIES, 72; heer toms : BY STATE—Continued Pottawatonie (075) : as \ i LABOR FORCE—1940 a - ; ) Percent of Population 14 Years Old and Over Employed Workers by Industry Group Formed 3 : : Tens - In leading : Metro METROPOLITAN Business nonagri- Area AREAS, Pout Percent bose: and cultural Code| COUNTIES, - ofall oiel C tion, . | Whole- | personal | In | industry AND Total In labor cls hig Total Agri- Minin _— Manufac- snindi e and | services a ho agri- CODES force | WhO are | who are | opploved || culture 2 fee turing ol retail exclud- - rid cul- Cod i labor Gor other trade ing p ture See p { { utilis domestic ote orce orce a Services ee cent an 8) a9) 20) @n @) @*) @) (25) (26) 210 28) (29) Go | a3) | 32) ara KANSAS—Con, All Counties—Con. BourboNe ss esses e006 16,662 7,620 73.6 18.1 6,583 2,481 63 223 440 730 1,034 1,095 517] 37.7 G36] 7.5 13,623 6,068 Thodl 15.1 5,413 2,613 21 230 133 278 76 853 516 48.3 G36| 7.6 24,592 11,591 77.9 15.7 10,291 3,126 924 403 1,440 579 1,4 1,486 8.7] 30.4 14(11,1 i 4,851] 2,250] 7.6] 13.5] 1,086) 1,03 U 79 25 196 206 28, u6| 52.2] 636 8.1 7,020| 3,301) 86.5] 11.8] 2703) 1,509] 220 87 22 86 378 307 174) 52.00 3] 7.8 G Cherokee........011| 22,483| 10,318 7.5] w.o| mmol 2,183] 1,6m 266 497 us| 1,150 1,063 516] 28.0] 4[17.9 \ Cheyenne, . 4,39 | 2,136] eLi| Lua] 1,959) 1238 1 39 1 Id 212 254, 130] ©3.2| 636] 8.0 £ Clarkes... 3,057 1,468 78.7 14.3 1,270 6L5 7 55 10 61 178] 201 113] 50.8| G36] 8.0 1 Clay.... 10,459 | 4,848] 76.4] 16.5] 4,017] 2,15 9 157 224 202 664 69 322| 28.6] 636] 7.8 ¢ Cloudessssnsssss015 13,359 6,341 T7.1 18,9 5,485 2,280 10 200 322 319 962 962 430] 41.6| G36] 9.3 CoffeYarensssns 016 9,559 | 4,u48| 78.0) 13.9] 39m] 2,301 16 118 61 201 532 463 250] 57.9] G36] 5.9 Comanche, . 3,289 1,574 78.2 15.6 1,331 698 2 Ld 16 50 198 246 77] 52.4 G36( 9.4 Cowley... 29,812 | 13,221 72.5 17.5] 11,550 3,055 466 522 976 1,085 2,247 2,242 957] 26.4| G36] 9.3 Crawford 35,399 16,612 76.0 18.3 12,543 2,396 1,687 421 965 1,399 2,503 2,266 906] 19.1 2|13.2 Decatur.........020 5,606 2,700] 7.9| 17.3] 220 10313 60 15 6l 303 332 211] 57.1] 636] 9.3 Dickinson. ......021 17,999 | 8,401| 77.2 16.6 7,468 2,784 31 256] 426 912 1,259 1,271 529) 37.3| G36] 8.5 Doniphan. , 022 9,957 | 4,711 80.8] 11.51 4,337 2,567 12 248 179 147 436 466 282| 59.2| G36] 6.0 Douglas... 20,39 | 9,737 75.3| 2.4] &m6| 2,27 20 423 “619 569] 1,629] 2,369 860] 25.7| 636|14.8 Edwards. . 4,883 2,252 76.9 15.4 1,895 896 6 40 47 112 300 363 131] 47.3] - G36] 9.7 vee rave 6,206 | 3,000 80.9 13.7 2,627 1,304 156 106 70 125 293 317 166] 53.1| G36] 6.2 7 E11i8esecseven 12,000 5,675 77.3 17.4 4,577 1,551 348 167 140 282 727 954 408) 33.9 G36/12.1 Ellsworth... ; 7,537 3,544 78.7 14.7 3,170 1,451 261 133 58 138 409 487 233] 45.8] G36| 8.5 Finney.... 7,370 3 3733 80.8 19.1 3,327 1,185 7 183 195 213 670 600 274) 35.6] G36] 8.7 ! [Forde.eess 12,940 6,331 76.4 21.9 5,373 1,337 19 in 313 570 1,330 1,141 492] 24.9| G36|10.3 Franklin, . 16,603 g 025 78.8 ~16.9 7,216 2,607 137 416 360 ; 738 1,268 1,072 618| 36.1| G36| 7.0 Geary... 12,091 6,962 85.0 21.5 5,930 987 11 217 15 313 782 697 2,778] 16.6 37/39.9 Gove, ... 3,284 1,570 80,1 12.4 1,402 898 26 16 46 U5 167 64.1| G36] 7.6 . Graham, . 44359 1,989 73.0 15.2 1,596 1,011 1 27 11 37 165 245 99] 63.3| G36| &.8 Grant... oe 1,3 702 81,5 18.0 329 2 20 29 21 8 101 58] 51.1 G36| 6.8 GraYecesssssss 3,330 1,547 71.9 13.2 1,327 761 28 pA 48 153 198 125) 57.3| G36] 8.7 Greeley.vess.. 1,155 609 8.9] - 17.8 538 283 1 16 33 67 78 40] 52.6] G36] 8.4 Greenwood . 12,464 5,844 77.0 15.1 5,054 2,127 573 172 126 268 663 770 355) 42.1 3[{11.3 Hamilton... 1,907 950 77.9 17.4 385 28 6 47 U1 EPA 45.9] G36] 9.7 Harper... 9,211 44299 77.0 16,0 3,829 1,756 5 227 73 202 691 590 285] 45.9| G36| 7.7 Harvey. .oesees 16,70 | 8,018 77.5 20.8] 7,32 1,947 187 318 446] 1,087 1,191 1,536 612| 26.6 ©36]12,2 1,494 736 78.5 16,8 652 379 1 7 16 20 73 103 43] 58.1 G36] 8.3 | 2,552 | 1,218] 78.0 13.9) 1,04 672 2 47 4 34 79 126 70] 65.0] 636] 7.9 5 10,257 44701 76.1 13.3 4,151 2,484 4 14d 99 103 496 471 350) 59.8] G36] 6.2 9,886 44498 77.2 11.5 4,035 || = 12,447 2 169 le 17. 401 468 259) 60,6] G36] 6,7 9,242 4,337 78.8 Aol 3 2,417 % 67 uy 129 382 498 263| 63.5| G36] 8.3 061 26,127 13,043 80.4 19.7 12,238 2,828 106 790 1,555 1,261 2,199 2,127 1,372] 23.1| G36| 7.3 1,782 908 78.5 17.1 799 480 1 22 9 24 85 122 56| 60.1 G36| 8,5 3 8,851 4,238 79:4 1L.9 3,740 2,001 30 121 90 131 522 541 304] 53.5| G36( 7.8 . 3,860 1,759 76.2 U7 1,599. 831 3 39 22 111 213 254 128| 52,0| G36| 8.9 Labette.....q...050 2,023 | 10,92 w%.3| ea] of 2,804 7 332 430] 1,669] 1,576 1,470 650] 31.1 23|14.3 he LanG. sees seses 5 2,100 996 77.7 14.8 875 488 »e 8 36 116 130 69] 55.8| G36] 8.6 ; Leavenworth, 34,U6 | 12,04, | 48.7 20.7] 11,243 2,504 31 486 1,04 512 1,616 1,987| 3,073] 22.4| 37[20.4 1 6,360 2,909 77.0 12.9 2,584 1,538 A 93 36 70 289 344 170] 59.5| G36| 7.6 9,379 44255 77.3 11.9 3,705 2,148 99 102 70 179 427 445 235] 58,0| G36| 6.3 2,655 1,275 79.7 U.1 1,12/ 535 28 15 75 164, 200 107| 47.6) G36{10.5 Lyne ssessesess 056 20,682 9,907 8.2] 19.0) gem 2,90 26 380 320] 1,176) 1,649] 1,759 620] 33.2| 636] 9.6 E : !icPheraon, «e057 18,438 8,577 78.1 15.3 7,993 3.115 424 299 585 419 1,267 1,281 543] 39.0| G36| 8.0 v ilarion,... «.058- 14,399 | 6,534 76.0 1,0 5,938 3,162 78 171 109 282 876 873 387] 53.2] G36] 8.3- Marshall. .......059 16,238 | 7,97] 79.8] 16.0] T7002 34m 50 242 201 507 996| 1,010 517] 29.7] 636] 6.7 Le load. vo... ses. .060 3,90 | 1,922| 80.3] 15.6] 1.eee 869 2 63 25 7% 236 253 u7| 51.5) 636] 7.2 : Mims esesenens 061 15,724 | 6,791 7.8] u.9|, 6,129 2,558 109 190 137 1 78 1,02 gal 41 2 ; 06 gr | us| meal | ses|l en] 13] 19 119 2 fit eae 327) toio| oa| 5:8 38,483 17,818 76.3 17.6 15,048 2,757 412 644, 3,056 1,503 2,844 2,59% 1,238] 18.3 1] 7.5 5 7.937 ao| 7ra| 16 32g 1704 4 11 107 ’30L ’381 *u2 *232| 51.8| 036] 7.2 1,617 m2) 76.5] 17.6 653 301 40 1 18 93 119 71| 46e1| 6361.2 : 12,345 5,753 77.1 15.3 5,262 2,926 6 197 123 184 678 721 427] 55.6| G36] 7.6 = wo | em | ma| 173] Tae 2lesr| 202 21 640 639] 1,120] 1,076 510] 37.3| 636] 7.0 3 46h | 2aa06| mw 150 2, 1,239 6 35 26 79 232 292 165] 59.7| G36] 8.8 2 7,700 3,77 76.8] © 21.8] 3,290 1,498 3 104 9 123 467 740 256 is. 636]14.2 ; shiiiibiadintle od 1,27 | 5497 m3) 1209] A096 2640] wb 18, 121 287 564, 585 369] 52.8| G36 6. 08h0TN6. 4 4a erasa0TL 7,603 3,621 7.6] 15.2 3,17 1,645 4 106 61 158 7 0! 2 . ottava. L072 Bik | nae] ms| bie] sor|| es 1 7 43 % Ve A EC Bed BR Parmee, uses. . 073 83-3580 639] Th onal 1k 5 24 7 11 73 #48 21) 23.3] 636]12.5 : Phi111pa, ses. ..07 e006 | 3,723) mes| 137] a3 ile 10 108 101 155 122 47 236] 55.2| 636] 6.9 1 Pot tawatomte, . ..N7) 10,715 5,050 75.7 1.9 ANA 2,473 4 180 72 212 593 645 313) 55.1] G36] 8.5 : : 161 : 5 x KING x t > > i 4% ' »N . Table 3 : ; Part 3 - Housing . TABLE 3—SELECTED DATA FOR METROPOLITAN AREAS AND FOR ALL COUNTIES, BS Suton fe BY STATE—Continued : : HOUSING—1940 : a y A 3 bo ro 2 Nonfarm Rural Farm All Dwelling Units Occupied Dwelling Units Dwelling Units Dwelling Units Beis METROPOLITAN tele “Metro. AREAS. Medi . phones Ca oD ’ Residential Percent | Percent Pore Percent pi Per- CODES structures in5or | with Posen te wih oF Averice elk Patoont LY ] y 3 more | private wil mechan- monthly wit wit Number family | bathtub | electric Number | owner ical persons Nusber ont |. Nomber run- | electric ; struc- or lighting 9 refrig- | oe. (dollars) ning | lighting pi . ouse: tures | shower eration | “p14 water a3) G9) 35) 36) Gn 38) (39) (40) “n 2) “) “) 5) “s) “un KANSAS—Con. All Counties—Con. Bourbon. ....... .006 6,184 6,657 2.0 33.1 58.1 6,354 | 50.0 3.5 2.90 4,172 12.83 2,485] 5.7 12.1 3,399 Erown. .. ..007 5.27% 5,454 0.k 35.4 68.7 5,080 | Lg9.0 29.4 3.01 3,011 12.09 2,43] 2.5 39.1 3,11 Butler 008 9,233 9,776 X.7 37.3 73.2 9,210 | L3.5 48.6 3.12 6.674 15.71 3.102 13.2 35.9 4,618 Chase... ..009 1,858 1.93 1.4 24.4 Lg.7 1,835 | 50.4 31.4 2.07 gh | 11.49 94g | 13 2k.2 901 Chautauqua. .... .010 2,812 2,87 20.6] ub.6 2,665 | 51.7 24.6 3.06 1,h47¢ 9.76 1,396 | L.5| 10.4 1,011 Cherokee....... .011 8,559 8,904 1.0 25.2 58.0 8,656 | 56.0 26.6 3.09 6,541 8.58 2,363] 6.0 18.1 2,747 Cheyenne. ...... 012 1,678 1,724 0.3 23.6] 49.1 1,590 | 55-1 26.1 3.56 73] 13.09 1,051 | 17.2| 26.4 875 Clark... iver .013 1,195 1,221 3.9 58.1 1,107 | 51.0 32.0 3.28 643 13.38 584 | 24.1 22.4 671 Clay. i vesassen o1k 4,057 Lan 0.1 3.70 67.5 3,96k | 54.0 30.6 3.05 2,178 | 13.66 1,993 | 15.8 36.2 2,392 Cloud, cc ices 015 k4,896 5,265 2.2 ko.k 62.0 5,001 | b9.3 27.9 3.05 3,133 17.34 2,132 | 14.0 17.8 3.113 Coffey... euu.s .016 3,921 3,998 0.1 19.5] Lg.8 3,679 | sk.3 23.1 2.95 1,754 9.99 2,244 | 7.6] 18.0 1,898 Comanche. ....... 017 1,323 1,374 35.1] 68.5 1,241 | 49.6 3h4.2 3.26 Thu 12.13 630 | 26.8 39.4 Cowley. .usvivens W018 11,018 11,93 2.1 52.0] / 76.9 11,102 | Lk.7 bs.g 2.95 9,055 14.57 2,876 | 12.9 28. 5.721 Crawford........019 13,328 14,106 2.6 37.0 76.3 13,614 | 56.5 34.5 2.91 11,563 10.75 2,543 9.0 27. 6,498 Decstur...... +4020 2,331 2,368 0.h 25.3 45.5 2,062 | 54.7 20.8 3.32 1,027 12.69 1,381 | 17.7 15.1 1,171 Dickinson...... .021 6,710 7.107 1.3 b5.21 79.4 6.632 ol 39.6 3.07 4, L4hY 15.82 2,663 | 20.4| 51.7 4,688 Doniphan........ 022 3.873 3,9 0.3 15.8 50.6 3,663 9.5 20.1 3.11 1,634 10.62 2,122| 11.0 24.9 1,902 Dougles......... 023 7.594 8,k2g 2.6 49.1) 78.5 7.897 | 52.1 2. 2,8k 6,140 | 21.76 2,288 | 21.2] 36.5 5,459 Edwards ..... «e028 1,990 2,023 u1.5| 66.6 1,834 | 51.6 35. 3.13 1,165 | 15.11 858 | 27.9 | 32.1 981 EK..... orevnee 025 2,544 2,620 18.0 46.0 2,468 | 50.2 25.6 2.92 1,302 9.59 1,318 £ 8.7 1,124 Bll%u. vis seins 026 3,806 k,229 2.2 39.0] 66.4 3,939 | 51.7 43.0 3.75 2,820 | 20.46 1,409 | 13.6] 18.7 1,714 Ellsworth.......027 2,692" 2,822 0.h 6.2] 62.2 2,676 2 2:0 3.25 1,582 | 16.80 1,240 26.5| 25.0 1,53 Finney......... .078 2,635 2,911 1.8 1. 75.0 2,706 | bs.2 0.3 3.24 2,043 | 18.61 868 | 19.6 | 37. 123% Ford. .....couii 029 4,532 9 2.2 52. 5.5 4,579 | kk.g Ls. 4 3.23 3,588 17.97 1,378 | 38.7 BUR 2,9 Franklin........030| . 6.311 6,582 0.5 36.5 67. J117 | 52.3 32.6 2.93 4,142 14.32 2, 11.1 23.8 3,6! Geary veer 032 3.139 3,692 5.3 ug.5 82.0 3.527 | 47.8 Li.0 3.03 2,844 18.86 sug | 22.3 30.3 3,409 Gove... vee.032 1,245 1, 18.9 46.8 1,138 | 57.9 20.1 3.79 Les 11.58 771 | 18.2 20.2 Lb Graham... ..03 1,846 1,900 0.8 12.6) 34.5 1,572 | 49.0 12.2 3.36 700 10.39 1,200] 7.9 12,4 us57 Grant. .vseeeees 03 550 574% 22.6] 51.2 boy | Mi.0 31.1 3.51 215 | 12.02 299 | 24.7| 25.1 200 OFBY eens os ives O85 1,361 1,378 } 30.7] 52.9 1,200 | 46.1 27.9 3.58 62k | 12.53 754 | 28.4 | 22.8 643 Greeley.........036 75 ug2 22.6] 54.0 u29 | s0.8| es.7| 3a 266 | 10.70 26 | | 20.3 106 Greenwood. ......037 4,916 5,099 1.0 21.7 59.8 4,764 | 43.0 39.4 3.09 2,983 11.20 2,116 { 11.0 a.7 2,025 Hamilton.. ..038 gy 4 23.9 9 707 | 49.4 30.3 3.37 L76 12.21 428 8.4 21.1 Bat. Harper... op 3,485 3,659 0.8 35.9] 64.5 3,481 | 52.9 34.7 3.10 2,080 | 14.66 1,619 | 18.7 Jes 2. Hervey......... . 5,878 ,261 33 56.3] 81.1 5.973 | 55.8 kk.0 3.22 4.512 | 19.29 1,749 | 24.6 5 4,14 Haskell......... okL 616 618 33.3 | 58.9 541 | Lg. 27.1 3.44 295 | 11.28 323 | 36.2 / 29.2 185 Hodgemen........0u2 1,011 1,013 26,71 46.9 892 | 51.9 27.8 3.64 335 | 13.37 678 | 4.9 8 y f P-DLYY SU 0k3 4,122 1259 0.6 17.3 46.6 1909 | 50.6 1h. 3.00 1,178 11.13 2,481 | 7.8 / 15.6 2,065 Jefferson....... ull 3,917 4,027 15.1 42.5 3,748 2.2 16.0 2.98 1,648 9.62 2,319 | 10.3 13.0 1,578 JOWNlY Jes rian ols 4,150 4,264 0.8 15.1 bo.7 3.603 | be.2 al.l “98. 1,483 9.56 2,781 7.9 17.8 2,131 061 |Johnson 9,994 10,237 0.4 54.0) 85.1 9,686 | 6h.1 56.5 3.07 7.552 30.94 2,685 | 27. 57.9 10,335 Kearny, 781 795 21.5 57.4 671 | M4. 29.0 3.28 332 | 10.62 463 | 19. 37.0 251 Kingman 3,215 34411 1.9 33.5] 64.8 3,212 | 5.4 36.3 3.71 1,748 | 14.29 1,663 | 19.0] 35.0 1,971 Kiowa..... 1,497 1,551 1.0 38.2] 58.7 1,395 & 36.4 3.25 799 | 15.91 I= 33.6 | 27.7 820 Labette....... 6,629 9,255 0.5 h.s| 67.7 8,889 | 49.7 33.5 2.91 6,606 | 13.65 3 1 KaN., Bourbon (008) - - - (Figures which have been rounded to thousands will not necessarily add to totals) ; Pottawatomie (075) Ts ~ AGRICULTURE—1945 AGRICULTURE—1940 Value offarm products sold, | Principal Per. Svdag of Work power traded, or used by source of : : A Per- property z farm household farm income | Type. METROPOLITAN cent | forms 0.3 Metro. AREAS, Number of | Land in | Cropland | Number | of | yuh Percent from fog, Rodd Area COUNTIES, farms farms | harvested | of farms | farms vali % Number B area 4 Code A (1000s | (1000s oper- | ~o¢ Total vere ofl Reason Live- code livin CODES Jan. 1, of of April 1, | ated prod- (1000° 38€ | horses | Number (1000s shock Code Paps | Ben {or iy z : 1945 acres) acres) 1940 by IAG 5 3) and/or of an See | 7 423) , ucts of arm of live- | C cent | P: ; ten- | | mules tractors Il tops | p422) ess | dollars) | (dol- dollars) | stock ants | yhan (over 3 | ars) mo. old) prod- A ucts i (48) (9) (50) G1 (52) (53) (54) (55) (56) GD (58) (59 (60) (61) (2) (63) 64) ; - KANSAS--Con. : 1 All Counties—Con. | : 2,053 398 166 2,120 | 46.7 -]29.5 11,126 | 5,248 | 7,378 599 2.021 '{ 70.0" | 12a 1 [52.6 581 | 102 1,920 356 234 | ~ 2,034 [50.5 | 10.7 25,918 p2,742 | 7,ho8 1,076 3,902 | Lg.3 | La2.2 5 [u1.6 511 113 2,l65 glib 270 | 2,482 | 51.3 | 19.7 31,024 2,500 | 9,832 1,569 5,023 | 69.5 | 22.2 1 [57.6 251 | 122 g 669 L492 7% 743 | B5.6 | 18.4 | 13,745 hs,499 | 3,166 Luh 2,164 | 73.6 | 20.8 1 le7.0 251 | 120 wi 97% 376 17 1,134 | 46.4 | 29.7 8,222 7,250 4 521 341 1,k461 66.4 18.5 1 [52.5 251 109 ied 2,211 325 188 2,312 | 49.7 | 37.8 10,171 | 4,399 | 5,183 846 |~ 1,980 5.9 49.6 5 [48.9 62% 98 A 87 633 189 Jug 5.8 16.2 | 12.397 h3.063| 3438 me | 1,519 5 47.8 5 |v7.8 | 314 | 120 ol Lo 661 157 553 5 | 21s 9,907 7,915 | 1,818 520 1,595.) 75.3" 20. 1 |70.2 3k |o128 : RE 1,598 Ld 23 © 1,809 |Y45.6 | 12.3 | ~19,198 10,612 5.520 1,228 2,994 h2.7 47.2 5 [47.0 |= 3ud 124 0 1,725 27 1,938 [47.2 | 17.2 18,910 9,757 | 5.23 1,211 2,631 | 38.9 | 49.2 5 [48.5 uh laa hg COTTOY a's swiss oi 1,792 2 180 1,956 | 45.0 | 24.1 13,858] 7,085 | 6,898 807 2,612 | 69.2 | 19.5 1 [52.0 581 | 113 . | Comanche. . 420 8 17 547 | 45.5 | 16.8 | 10,187 18,623 | 1,462 53k 1,612 | 63.2 | 3.9 1 55.7 34 | 130 2 Cowley... 2,326 173 2 2,483 | 48.1 | 19.8 25,562 10,295 | 8,434 1,277 3,967 | 51.2 | 38.0 5 |35.6 1 | un SA Crawford. . 2,25 337 $181 2,464 | h2.7 | 40.6 10,755 | 4,365 6,322 829 2,122 47.3 35.8 5 [33.2 824 | 102 i Decatur... 987 565 196 1,174 | 46.8 | 40.8 10,41 | £,859 | 3,679 709 97 | 66.6 | 17.8 1 [47.8 nu | 115 i Dickinson. ...... 2,166 540 33 2,366 1 37.8 | 12.9 3,41 13,297 | 6,906 | 1,80 4,232 | L6.5 |~U5.8 5 |45.0 uk | 126 2 y Doniphan. . 1,598 232 12 1,670 5.5 17.5 | 15,608] 9,346 | 5,998 573 3,185 | 46.3 | 43.3 1 [s.2 | 511 | 108 i 1,759 289 hh 1,854 ik 25.1 15,84 | &,544 | 4,921 993 2,642 2:2 oo 5 23-8 581 | 123 i oy 736 387 276 827 | 46.6 | 27.3 14,876[17,988 | 1,111 818 1,299 .6 7.9 5 [47.5 34 | 126 1,080 386 103 1,167 | 46.6 | 19.7 8,713] 7,518 | 4,707 426 1,633 | “70.6 | 16.7 1 53.7 251 | 11h 1,116 61 254 | 1,235 | 36.1 | 43.0 15,372(12,447 | 3,553 979 9ug | 69.6 | .7.2 1 [43.7 3 [103 1,060 a 3 1,205 Lg 27.8 he 14,406 3,286 979 1,508 65.1 22.6 1 [48.2 34 | 128 91k 819 308 879 | 50.4 | 39.5 10,617 12,078 | 1,519 724% 1,288 | 48.8 | 45.5 5 [45.0 3h | 107 1,231 671 #2 1,485 | 45.1 | b5.5 20,676 13,923 | 1,41 1,277 1,242 | 56.6 | 32.6 1 [34.7 33 | 120 2,020 349 mn 2,153 | 40.7 | 25.7 14,914 6,927 5,822 97 2,714 | 62.9 | 26.7 1 |3®.7 581 | 110 & i © 650 222 83 687 | 0.1 [11.2 10,099 [14,700 | 4,271 467 1,277 gal 36.7 1 2 251 | 125 . 579 513 156 822 | 38.6 | 35.8 9,769 [11,884 | 1,742 612 6h.5 20.6 1 9,0 3k | 106 9 532 200 98h | 48.9 | 48.8 8,186 8,319 2,671 623 585 55.3 19.4 1 {3.7 3k 99 197 256 126 272 | 52.6 | L6.3 4,890 [17,978 307 296 345 n.7 48.7 5 [48.7 33 121 662 329 866 | 52.7 | Lba.7 12,030 [13,891 586 765 701 | 48.0 | 38.7 5 138.7 33 | 116 Greeley..... 20.036 110 225 6 209 | 45.9 | 34.0 2,210 (10,574 391 184 358 67.9 21.1 1 [58.3 323 113 Greenwood. 1,656 72 15! 1,733 [51.2 | 26.7 17,520(10,110 | 7,506 76% | 2.9% | 73.6 | 16.7 1 64.5 251° | 115 Hamilton. . 299 Ls 1 43.5 | 43.8 3.501] 9,237 n2 260 ny | 4.8 | Mio 5 [43.9 | 323 | 116 Harper. 1,327 495 315 | 1,571 [46.3 | 10.0 | 23,375[1k,879 33 1,323 | 4,172 | 28.6 | 66.0 5 |66.2 | 34h | 129 HATVOY «vx. very 1,529 324 221 1,614 | 46.7 [13.3 26,0314/16,130 , 340 1,343 3,760 | 46.6 | 46.3 5 [46.0 3h | 133 oy Haskell. 327 290 203 hoz [49.6 | 35.5 6,463 [15,279 204 Lol 520 | 49.4 b1. 4 5 41.3 331 125 Hod geman 664 512 269 759 | 49.1 | 52.0 9,015 [11,877 | 1,026 ol 546 | 78.0 9.1 1 [57.5 34 | 113 Jackson. 1,985 390 177 2,090 | 47.0 | 21.0 15,4691 7,397 | 7,089 79 2,335 | 49.6 | 37.1 5 136.6 511 | 107 Jef ferso 1,830 332 159 1,943 [uk.6 | 21.0 15,483 7,969 6,162 835 2,110 49.7 37.4 5 136.4 581 108 Jewell. . 1,99 563 310 2,393 | 49.3 | 27.7 17,374] 7,260 6,476 1,182 2,425 Lg. 7 38.2 5 [38.1 521 115 < 061 Johnson. 2,276 267 1k 2,082 | 43.1 | 28.3 22,439 10,778 | 5,758 758 3,342 | 57.9 Ju 2 [28.3 581 | 152 [Kearny.... L58 128 | 471 [51.6 | 52.4 5,137 {10,907 692 ng 500 | 45.5 .5 5 46.5 32 110 * Kingman... 1,449 540 322 1,666 |U5.2 | 11.4 £5,682115,415 | 4,299 1,442 3,80 | 37.2 | 55.9 5 {55.7 3 126 Kiowa. .... ges 460 221 735 | 47.3 | 18.9 11,954 [16,264 | 1,351 663 1,405 55.2 37.9 1 {u5.4 nk | 13 |Labette...L..... 2,23 393 198 2,464 [u7.2 [26.1 13,968] 5,009 6,346 1,136 2,574 | 55.7 3.3 1 (29.2 82x | 109 lizme, ve sins. vs 051 Lsu 431 134 552 | 45.3 | Lg.4 7,105 [12,871 | 1,024 u57 993 | 86.5 6.4 1 480.0 34 4 115 [Leavenworth..... 052 2,098 |, 267 138 2,084 7:2 31.9 15,762] 7,563 | 5,38. | 766 2,451 | 48.6 | W.7 5 {37.6 581 | 110 Lincoln.........05 1,239 hd 233 1,382 .6 | 23.8 15,321 [11,080 | 3,634 1,020 1,92 | 59.9 | 29.5 1 |bu.3 3 | 119 Ldn, Sas 05 1, 362 159 2,023 | 42.9 | 29.0 10,222] 5,053 | . 6,260 601 1,982 | 52.6 | 31.5 1 [3.5 581 | 106 Logan. .......... 055 392 566 142 511 | 38.0 [48.3 4,588| 8,978 | 1,296 367 bo | 63.1 | 27.2 1 [50.0 323 | 119 L7O0Re casi cures 056 2,286 546 207 2,56 |W1.1 [26.8 20,974] 8,727 | 7.992 1,045 4,125 | 74.3 | 16.5 1 160.6 251 | 109 McPherson. ...... 057 2,274 561 313 2,575 [4.9 |12.6 42,228 16,399 | 5,748 2,142 5,057 | “0.0 | 51.7 5 [50.9 uh | 131 Marion.......... 058 | 2,246 580 3 Jo [6.3 [11.2 | 32,499012,795| 7,295 2,062 | L812 1 50.7 21 5 38.9 | 34k | 125 7 Marshall........ 059 | 2,478 564 319 | 2,686 |u8.1 [11.9 | 27.886)10.382] 9,709 | 1,437 | M070 | M.o | K7.9 5 |i7.5 | 5e2 | 120 Meade. .......... 060 626 529 { 255 750: [40.5 [21.9 | 1zi258[16,344 | 1,229 172 | 1.325 | 54.3 | 31.9 1 uo | 3m | 129 Mlami...ooounnnn 061 2,022 53 170 2,216 [43.5 [25.4 13,618] 6,145 | 6,385 876 2,55 | sw.4 | m.8& fo. 1 [32.2 581 | 110 Mitchell........ 062 1,345 55 28 1,41 [46.0 | 31.0 Lie 11,775 | 2,801 1,093 1,476 | 8.8 | 37.5 5 [36.6 3k 1 120 Montgomery. ..... 063 | 2,706 x 16 2,462 [Wh2 [34.9 | 1uo3|5.700| 5.809 | 1,017 | 2.202 | 55.2 | 28.5 i je.7 | 62x | 105 Morris... ue.ns 06 1,191 m5 1b [%.9 [17.5 | 17,189 [12,142] 5.13% 868 2,529 & 25.8 15k es | ub OPYOT evra sns 065 231 pes 5 3% [53.3 |M.8 | 2,939) 8,789 227 305 5 | 15.3 | 16.3] 5 fees] om | ug HERAND. vis tas vi 43 O66 | 2,05k 435 als 2,280. |51.3 [12.0 | 24,720,810 9,510 | 1,021 3,8% | 61.0 | 27.0 1 fue.0 | 51 | 12 Neosho.......... o67 | 1,926 37 161 | 2a75 |B5.7 [29.1 | 11.989) 5.502] 6010 gs | 21265 | 57.5 | 26.b | 1 s6.0 | sex | 105 Nese............ 068 936 637 319 | 1,059 [43.5 [Mb | 12,88112,165 | 1,553 988 go7 | 75.4 | 10.2. 1 53.8 | Ak | 13 Nop afyuees sent 069 f° 1.182 625 1 1,437 [45.0 | 46.5 | 10,936 7.610 | L217 087 geo | 65.7 | 16.5 1 {%.0 | 520 | 103 x Peage........... oro | 2,189 - h39 193 | 2,309 [38.4 |28.9 | 16,929) 7,332 | 7,260 903 | 2,961 | 72.6 | 16.3 1 [5k.9 | 581 | 115 08borne......... 071 1,231 61 277 1,48 [45.0 |21.7 1,295] 9,738 3,958 965 1,660 57.6 28.2 1 139.6 Uh 125 Pttava.......... 072 1,300 36 2k 1,48 [45.6 [15.1 18,410 hi 3,360 1,071 2,674 | 53.2 Be 1 a2 Sus | 129 Pawnee......... +07 Lon 504 3170 1,102 | 47.5 |2u.8 21,833 [19,812 |, 1,513 1,213 1,858 | L2.8 -9 5 [47.7 34 | 123 Phillips........ o7h 1,817 533 226 1,657 | 43.3 | 37.0 12,063] 7,280 | 5,277 789 1,151 | 67.2 | 12.b 1 {0.2 521 | 110 5 Fottawatomie....075 | 1,731 505 188 | 1.985 |ul.2 [19.0 | 19.575] 9.861] 7.538 867 | 3.077 | 58.6 | 3.1 1 ue.8 | 251 | 120 3 TISIGOO AT 12 v \ KS * KANS., Bourbon (008) = Pottawatomie (075) BY STATE—Continued (All dollar figures have been rounded to thousands and will not necessarily add to totals) TABLE 3—SELECTED DATA FOR METROPOLITAN AREAS AND FOR ALL COUNTIES, Not shown because of disclosure of operations of individual establishments. Data included in Combined Counties at end of State. 164 : MANUFACTURING ESTABLISHMENTS—1939 MINERAL INDUSTRIES—1939 RETAIL ESTABLISHMENTS—1939 METROPOLITAN Ma COUNTIES Vale added : Area , ue a Code AND Wage Wages Yale of by‘manulac. Value of Nysher Wages aad Nakedei Sales Active ¢ ploy Pay roll CODES Number | camers (1000s of i ucts tire roducts o ries umber of | (1000%s of pro- average | (| (()’s of (average dollars) (1000s of (1000's of ( 000’s of persons (1000° s of stores dollars) prietors for dollars for year) dollars) dollars) dollars) | engaged | dollars) year) ©) (66) =D (C] ©) 0) @) @) as @ | @® | a KANSAS~Con. | All Counties—Con. 26 2% 2,250 160] 96 106 52 5,148 324 635 422 =710 3% 38 46 134 247 3,969 226 452 2%0 22 84 1,288 31,578 4,071 69 39 29 475 8,760 473 910 699 4 5 4 33 20 88 1,090 13 93 69 6 15 13 n 50 129 1,%9 19 220 146 1b 1 1 1 9] 1.6 1,998 99 4,850 360 513 342 1 Ri & IR a 52 7 EA 1,7 75 135 106 2 (2) (2) (2) (2) 7% 1m = - 1 ae 3 8 5 1,188 255 232 5 $3 = 1 1,838 4o9 (2) (1) (2) = i 213 538 398 4 28 (1) (1) (1) ™ 177 2,607 157 286 157 2 (1) (2) (2) (2) 85 1,251 78 125 98 ol oi CuEE Mn load Bl | wml LEME 2 y v > , , y , ’ A 3 ” 50 28 9% 3; 114 1,249 114 10h 101 2 2 219 137 866 ng 5,859 406 71 479 BE Ba (2) W | ow X= =| BL OZ 29 482 388 4,056 1,635 (2) (2) (2) 399 8,550 382 1,090 Tht 4 20 (1) (1) (2) ; 119 1,387 111 151 99 4 9 (2) (2) (2) (2) (1) (1) 121 | 1,344 121 1k7 79 1 1 9, TH 222 216 4, ukg 186 516 383 5 3 (2) n, a) (1) (1) (2) (1) 164 2,009 1h 209 145 17 170 162 1,610 478 156 4,289 12! -501 ni 20 125 11k 1. 1460 301 6,118 274 8l9 6l5 16 163 160 1,883 ugh 62 54 | © 31 30 5,308 292 6lb 03 1 51 61 78 200 (2) (1) a) 179 3,782 | 173 Wu3 3 81 729 81 58 5 ¥ (1) (2) (1) 3 (2) (2) (2) 87 158 86 83 42 1 [©] (2) (1) (2 32 406 28 42 28 70 185 68 10] Lug 2 (1) (2) (1) (1) 29 23 26 2 18 7 19 1 106 54 (2) (1) (2) 267 3,881 265 3 235 1 (1) (2) (1) (1) i 69 46 62 80 63 10 n 0 L22 9 (1) (2) (2) 233 ,157 240 349 243 22 226 236 k, 340 1,005 (1) (2) (2) 306 +286 284 883 607 : 6 3 29 3 28 1 @ ) i) (1) ® | © % %o 50 3 2 : 9 5 3 306 116 205 2,150 184 250 133 Jefferson. ’ 4 24 (1) (2) (2) 17h 1,512 172 135 80 Jowell... 05 3 9 (2) (1) (2) (2) (1) (2) 147 1,677 lo 177 10 061 |Johnson. 15 102 10 570 2% 99 5 usb 939 451 6; 438 Kearny. 1 a) 1 (1) 3 2 Wa 3 8 3 Kingman. 5 3» (2 1 (2) (1) (1) (2) 206 2,586 188 26% 180 Kiowa... 2 (1) (2) (2 (2) 92 987 92 101 67 Labette......... 050 22 226 180 1,994 599 29 20 1 439 7,436 [hth 890 626 EA 2) Sm ar gy (2) (2) 1 629 ly 70 54 Leavenworth. . 28 581 561 4,158 1,585 8 (2) 4 133 7.719. Ws 1.0 7 Lincoln... 5 6 (2) (1) (2) (x (2) (1 116 1,251 115 1 80 3 1k 3 4 (2) u3 59 25 192 1,938 . 182 158 85 2 (1) (1 1) (2) 80 780 5 85 51 22 139 13 1,04 505 (2) 1) 1) uo 1.816 380 1,001 12 28 380 uh 13,232 2.13 (2) & 3 To 6,439 37 743 565 1h 59 os In 17 218 he 76 267 425 211 14 126 96 1,0 405 97 46 46 379 Jus 380 436 281 3 4 2 27 16 (2) 1) (2) 19 1,432 63 13 91 9 2 2 232 91 256 J21 224 373 258 9 2 32 266 88 HH porn 186 378 249 58 2,288 2,994 26,298 9,279 69 23 38 789 14,367 76% 1,776 1,229 6 36 3 0 (1) 180 1,972 nn 202 120 2 (1) (2 (2 (2) uh 519 33 53 39 9 76 (2) (2) (1) 2,806 237 289 178 2 43 379 , 616 1,786 (2) (2) (2) 2% , 364 = 611 3% 1 (1) (1) (2 (2) 134 1a? 138 11 65 1 72 55 661 202 (2) (2) (2) 128 1,862 124 22h 151 8 43 (1) (2): (1) 228 255 . 166 252 2,537 238 2m 1 7 16 13 47 3 7h 1,958 176 243 1h : is » eo ws 1 : ol ip oy wo 1 : 1 " i ww ® (1) ) 81 8 Wl fowl ma BH 2 Pottawatomis....075 8 17 1 152 12 230 2.907 227 30 179 TABLE 3—SELECTED DATA FOR METROPOLITAN AREAS AND FOR ALL COUNTIES, BY STATE—Continued (All dollar figures have been rounded to thousands and will not necessarily add to totals) Table 3 Fart 6 - Other Eccromic Data KANS., Bourbon (008) - Pottawatomie (075) Dio Esus SERVICE ESTABLISHMENTS—1939 BANE Desomrs . . : Major war supply- Major war facilities contracts, rojects, June 1940-Se . 1945 | June 1948 me 1945 METROPOLITAN 3 E Bond (1000's of ollars) (1000's dollars) Metro. AREAS, sales 1944 Aea| COUNTIES, [Number Number| ~~ = “Employes Total : (1000's of Code AND of Sales of Receipts Active (average Pay roll (demand Time dollars at CODES estab- | (1000's of | estab- | (1000's |proprie-| “¢ 1000s | and time) | (1000s [issue price) lish- | dollars) lish- | of dollars)| tors or) of dollars)| (1000’s | of dollars) ments ments of dollars) Combat Other Industrial |“ Military equipment as) a9) (0) @1) 82) ) @®4) 5) (86) 7) (88) (89) 90) on KANSAS—Con. - All Counties—Con. Bourbon........ 006 2 1,921) 122 us| 123 134 76 5,976 136, 1.175 622 BIOWR.esvessess 007 5 1,875 101 209 106 29 6,646 554 1,290 Butler.e...... .008 80 2,836) 167 L480 181 153|. 92} 14,542 1,082 2,901 6,670 Chase....... ..009 13] Log 22 32 20 2 1 2,283 70 374 Chautauqua. ....010 25 623 Yo 82) 45 19 8| 2,870 532 Lo6 Cherokee. ..... L011 35 2,672 106 213 103 82 39 10,693 460 1,668 12,126 30,901] Cheyenne. Pk 32 1,159, 33 59 32 19 3,8 Lik 730 Clark... 27 650) 28 39 28 7 uf 3,211 373, 570 Olay... in 1,517 83 216 88 58 38 6,019 250! 1,047 Cloud... + vised 75 3,480 98 199 15 61 37] 8,199 1,265 1,182 1,786 Coffey........ 016 38 x 35 68 143 7 23 9 4,392 59 892 Comanche. . 20 75 39 72 38 20 12] 2,657 197 ug7 Cowley..... 79 8,086) 215 594 220 198 136) 16,250 1,350 3,342 233 7.929 Crawford... 96 8,645) 267 810 276 230 157, 14,839 2,064 3,459 2,978 291] Decatur.... 35 723 38 55 ko 11 6) 3,679 aL 1,243 Dickinson...... 021 80 3,123 155 323 156 90 56} 13,019 2,298 2,318 6,291 Doniphan. ....i. 1,117 61 105 65 a 12 L,229 kg 701 3,260) 128 528 138 231 143 12,971 1,221 3.36 68,036 4,108 193,981 11 1,342 47 82 50 16 9 , 9H 541 23 36) 63 78 63 12 5 2,315 55 392 60 2,646) 17 212 11 51 7.420 260 1,225 30 7.917 47 1,652 122 60 31 5,649 600 962 1 31 1,350) 53 222 51 7% 6,87k 176 1,392 8,087 66 6,775) 97 380] 108 129 12,513 7% 2,462 85 72 7.656 3,491 117 L2s 119 125 10,013 860 1,606 340 28 79 285 81 9% 7.223 1,558 2,%7 185 28,671 ~ 29 26 33 28 1k 2,077 116 363 y 17 18 a 18 ? 2,34 179 Ls9 11 13 25 13 1,171 233 32 25 52 28 1 3,063 98 mm . h 10 15 10 646 15! 19% Greenwood. . 95, 173 98 u7 5.072 348 1,018 Hamilton. 13 11 16 11 1 2,450 196| - 288 83 89 225 93 61 6,415 539 1,223 53 123 369 143 125 8,795 606 1,884 513 1 10 2 12 g sg 27 33 12 18 21 17 3 1,561 2}. 1 18 n 91 67 28 3,266 166 723 20 12 186 75 17 k,101 32 Skil Jewell.........0U5 37 59 91 61 16 fi : mm 5 061 |Johnson....... 46 129 328 133 7% 11,554 2,49k 3,222 55 13,200 Kearny, .... 7 18 23 17 2 1,328 20} 2715 Kingman. . 63 62 105 63 26 5,407 301 958 3,545] Kiowa. . ..049 25 37 58 36 10 2,547 140 621 Labette........050 79 163 ug5 164 150 11,000 1,138 3,343 63,511 33,705) Lane... veers .051 13] 1 30 18 5 2,242 297 - 672 Leavenworth. ...052 43 1 537 137 216 16,823 3.978 3.212 © 11,608 11,336 139| 716 Lincoln........05 45 4 51 5 6 488 481 960 v 28 73 121 69 26 3.507 1h 800 56 26 27 lug 30 hy 1,975 286 423 61 158 539 173 203 9,808 “1.317 1,618 1,306 85 156 392 165 12k 13,786 2,099 2,210 78 66] ° 89 159 91 27 6,781 630] 979 81 162 297 171 82 9,u457 1,333 1,302 113 507 2u| 35 62 36 12 4,419 265 767 40 90 205 99 75 6.518 1,039 1.497 56 7% 137 80 46 74259, 502 1,233 86 259 75. 266 266 20,385 2,714 3,600 31,058 5,081 6,792 15,957 26 52 8 51 25 3,892 689 61 1¢ 21 19 17 3 1,3 7 ko 8 99 157] 102 38 6,636 1,265 1,097 : 7 104 310 114 82 74868 828 1,325 635 30 ug 57 47 33 ? 1843 345 617 1 68 37 22 1018 78 787 5) 76 140 75 Yo 3.9271 213 799 216 9 64 104 68 25 6,154 588 959 b 49 8 4g 15 4,865 702 3 39 9 23 47 6.872] 71 1,m2 301 76 65 20 4,478 3 853 Pottavatomie. » 075 35 72 111 72 30 5.1631 8 822 165 . Table 3 \ Part 1 - Population KANS., Pratt (076) = K%., Clark (025) ~ TABLE 3— SELECTED DATA FO . BY STATE—Continued R METROPOLITAN AREAS AND FOR ALL COUNTIES, “itemainder of kvansville Metropolitan Area (042) is in Indiana 3{emainder of Huntington-Ashlund Metropolitan Area (055) is in sitemainder of Louisville Metropolitan Area (088) is in Indiana, 166 Ohic and ¥est Virginia rr " TOTAL POPULATION POPULATION—1940 EOUCATION | wis rim oe ESTIMATED ” 1944 CIVILIAN Total whi : POPULATION Land | Pop- otal white Percent of METROPOLITAN : U.S. area |ulation population 25 ~ Mike, AREAS, rank in per years old and Aves COUNTIES, Norter of |Percent| ; over who have’ Code RE counties | change | ifes | mile Percent Uh Rural | * Rigeal completed— X Percent] April | (in of an | nonfarm | farm Births | Deaths’ : Number , change 1940’ percen- 1930- | 1940 | 1940 | Number | total N | tiles) 1940 opu- 5o0r Hi 5 ov. 1, 1940- ation more 18! = 1943" | 043 1940 grades | school m @ [6] @ 5) 6) om ® © (10) (an (12) (13) (149) (15) (16) KANBAS—Con. All Counties—Con, \ 11,779 | -4.6 | _ 12,m8 68 | -7.2 729 | 16.9 12,021 | 97.4 6,591] 1,524 4,298) 94.8) 8201 324 114 4,791 | -27.6 6,618 87| -10.1| 1,078] 6.1 6,618 | 100.0, 2,487 4,181 98.9] 24.9 95 34 48,129 | -7.7 52,165 18 9.2| 1,255] 41.6 51,242 | 98.2] so,018| 9,051 18,101] 94.0| 82.8] 1,111 485 10,844 | -21.2 13,124 65 | -11.0 719 18.3 18,124 | 100.0 2,580 2,697 7,847] 94.8 24.1 194 119 14,647 | -14.9 17,218 54 | 24.7 721 | 23.9 17,085 | 99.8 4,497 | 6,870 5,846| 95.2| 85.6 261 130 . i 20,861 | -1.2 20,617 44 3.7 624 | 83.0 20,187 | 97.9 11,659] 2,409 6,549] 94.6] 48.7 486 215 7,525 | -11.4 8,497 82 | -10.9 898 9.5 8,423] 9901 3,967 4,530] 95.0] 26.4 179 72 7,188 | -13.8 8,285 82| -8.9| - 724 11.4 8,266 | 99.8 3,691 4,594) 90.1] 23.1 148 60 12,088 | ~10.6 13,464 64 | 21.9 897 | 15.0 13,417 | 99.6 4,819] 3,068 5,582) 93.8] 29.8 254 83 8al108...sesss. 085 32,974 | 11.6 29,585 29 0.7 720 | 41.0 28,972 | 98.,1| 21,073| 2,280 6,282] 95.3 86.5 638 366 SCOLL.esansases 086 8,629 | -3.8 3,778 9% | -5.1 728| 5.2 3,771 | 99.9 2,080 1,748] 96.2] 30.8 95 © 24 194,945 | 86.0 | 143,811 4 5.1 999 | 148.5 187,855 | 95.8| 114,966| 14,816 18,529 94.7| 88.0] 4,725 1,608 8,006 | 22.4 6,540 87 | -19.0 639 | 10.2 6,484 | 99.1 4,410 497 1,688] 95.0] 85.0 229 95 84,765 | 7.1 91,247 8 7.1 545 | 167.4 84,488 | 92.6| 67,883) 18,902 9,512] 93.8] 86.2 1,750| 1,196 4,050 | -23.8 5,312 91 | -12.0 893 | 5.9 5,802 | 99.8 1,546 8,766 92.8] 20.6 81 25 5,884 | -8.4 6,421 88| -18.2| 1,055| 6.1 6,420 | 100.0 3,306 460 2,665| 94.7| 26.6 144 49 9,479 | -10.4 10,582 74 | -21.9 893| 11.8 10,582 | 100.0 3,928 6,654 96.6] 20.8 170 108 8,958 | -14.6 10,487 74 0.8 794 | 18.2 10,456 | 99.7 5,005 5,482 94.4] 80.4 175 102 1,426 | -1.2] _ 1,448 99 | -82.9 676 | 2.1 1,448 100.0 888 755| 94.5 28.7 84 10 2,803 | -12.2 3,198 96 | -81.4 729 | 4.4 3,082| 96.5 1,618 1,580] 95.1| 28.0 82 26 21,241 | -18.8 26,163 3a! -9.7! 1,183] 22.1 25,858 | 98.8 7,246 8,311] 10,606] 95.1] 28.0 385 231 5,698 | -11.3[ 6,425 87| -12.4| 1,070] 6.0 6,418| 99.9 3,559 2,866] 96.3 88.7 130 51 4,272 | -26.6 5,822 90 | *-10.0 01] 6.5 5,793 99.5 2,248 3,574 92.0 24.1 9% 2 7,186 | -22,1 9,219 79 | -14.9 791] 11.7 8,880 | 96.4 3,297 5,982| 94.6] 21.4 104 82 2,093 | -5.6 2,216 97| -23.1 o11| 2.4 + 2,185] 97.2 994 1,222] 95.1 25.1 47 18 12,614 | -20.8 15,921 57 -7.0 891| 17.9 15,917 | 100.0 5,786 10,186] 94.6] 19.8 240( 116 1,877 | -14.1 2,185 97 | -15.3 724| 3.0 2,178 99.7 946 1,239] s2.6| 22.7 42 9 14,105 | -20.4 17,723 52| +6.0 574 | 30.9 17,688] 99.5 6,900] 8,767 7,056| 92.0] 22.6 296 198 6,268 | -21.8 8,014 83 | -6.0 504 | 15.9 7,998] 99.8 3,767| 4,247] 95.6 22.2 102 70 061 | Wyandotte.......105| 144,458 | -0.4| 145,071 4 2.7 151 | 960.7 122,016 | 84.1] 121,458] 17,249 6,364 88.6| 22.4] 3,027 1,559 KENTUCKY. .....| 2,549,108 | -10.1 | 2,845,627 8.8| 40,109] 70.9| 2,631,425| 92.5| 849,327 758,401|1,267,899| 78.7| 15.5] 64,225( 28,87 * T METRO. COUNTIES..| 665,134 7.0| 628,407 © 5.2] 1,291 482.9 562,501 | 90.2| 496,171| 88,618) 43,618] 88.1) 21.3] 14,488] 8,084 Metro. areas: 025 |Cincinnati(pt)? warvsias 009, DOF 160,809 | ~-1.4| 165,057 -1.1 317 | 520.7 160,452 | 97.2| 129,873| 23,254| 11,9%0| 0.2| 18.0] 3,078] 1,2 042 | Evansville (pt}*.051 28,750 6.4 27,020 2.8 440 | 61.4 22,829 | 84.5! ‘13,160 8,982 9,878 80.8) 16.6 683 333 055 | Huntington-Ashland (Pt)2essusnsess0l0 42,800 | -6.8 45,988 4.8 159 | 288.9 45,046 | 98.1| 34,081] 7,672 4,208) 88.2 22.6] 1,096 414 068-|Loutsville(pt)4.056| 432,775 | 12.3| 385,392 8.5 375 [1,027.7 334,174 | 86.7 | 319,077| 48,710 17,606] 88.0! =22.9| 9,668| 5,816 OTHER COUNTIES...| 1,888,974 | -14.9 | 2,222,220 9.9| 8,818] 57.2| 2,068,924 | 93.1 853,156] 654,788(1,214,281| 75.4] 13.4] 49,742] 20,387 All Counties: AdaiT.iesnnees. 001) 15,502 | 16.5 18,566 50 | 13.2 398 | 47.2 17,463 | 94.1 3,288 15,828] 75.1 8.0 288 174 12,601 | -18.7 15,496 59 2.1 364 | 42.6 15,128 97.6 8,597| 11,899 70.3 7.9 284 145 7,863 | -12.0 8,936 80 5.2 206 | 43.4 8,436 | 94.4 2,676 6,260] 83.8] 14.9 159 75 8,172 | -13.8 9,480 78| -4.3 259 | 36.6 8,710| 91.9 8,520 5,960] 81.4] 12.5 171 102 Barren..........008 24,545 | =10.9 27,559 51 6.6 486 | 56.7 24,838 | 90.1 5,916| 3,202 18,842) ,71.6| 11.4 613 810 BAER rve res e008 9,847 | -18.4 11,451 7 8.4 287 | 39.9 10,687 | 93.3 8,538 7,98] 75.4] 10.5 216 120 39,762 | -9.2 48,812 16| 13.1 370 | 118.4 42,197 | 96.3] 15,689 20,874 7,779] 64.1] 11.8] 1,234 428 10,361 | -4.2 10,820 73| 12.8 252 | 42.9 10,511 | $7.1 4,414 6,406| 87.9) 16.8 214 128 16,021 | -10.7 17,942 52 -0.7 800 | 59.8 14,729 | 82.1 6,697 3,702 7,588 82.4 23.2 860 220 055 |BOoyd..sonsarsss 010 42,800 ~6.8 45,938 15 4.8 159 | 288.9 45,046 | 98.1 34,061 7,672 4,205 89.2 22.6 1,056 414 7 BOYL®v ese vesreesOll 15,912 | -6.8 17,075 54 4.9 181 | 9.3 14,244 | 83.4 6,734 | 4,288 6,055| 81.5] 2¢.8 228 198 Bracken. . .012 8,336 | -11.2| _ 9,889 78| -2.4 206 | 45.6 9,166 | 97.6 3,816 6,073] 86.9] 12.6 156 8 Breathitt. .013 17,919 | -25.2 23,946 38 | 13.2 486 | 49.3 23,818| 99.8 3,470 20,476] 61.7 8.4 568 182 ‘| Breckinridge. ...014 14,254 | 19.7] 17,744 52 2.2 566 | 31.3 16,946 | 96.5 5,090 12,654] 78.9 7.8 348 167 BULLI .e er 0044010 8,759 | 7.9 9,511 78 7.3 300 | 81.7 9,213 96.9 3,603 b,908| 76.4] 11.2 208 97 BUL1OTssecensss 016 10,873 | -24.3 14,371 62| 13.9 443 | 382.4 14,099 | 98.1 3,441) 10,980] 66.4 6.0 274 118 Caldwell 12,672 | -12.6 14,499 61 5.2 357 | 40.6 13,085 | 89.9 5,889 2,120 6,990] 78.7] 14.6 269 me Calloway 16,388 | -13.9 19,041 48 7.8 407 | 46.8 18,101 | 96.1 8,773| 2,917 12,361] 88.1 15.8 328 188 025 |Cempbell. 87,964 | -2.8 71,918 9{ -2.0 151 | 476.3 70,842 | 98.5| 8,786) 7,306 5,828) 90.2| 18.4] 1,299 848 Carlisle........020 5,809 | -23.4 71650 84 3.9 196 | 89.0 7,482] 97.2 2,568 5,082] 88.2) 12.8 118 79 28 Carroll.. 7,566 | -12.6 8,657 81 8.2 181 | 66.1 8,348| 96.4 2,910 1,887 4,160] 82.7] 16.8 167 90 Carter... 20,476 | -19.8 25,545 35 7.2 402 | 68.3 26,496 | 99.8 9,721 15,824) 67.7 7.9 628 163 » Casey..... 18,365 | -23.0 19,962 46 | 19.2 435 | 48.9 19,883 99.6 ; 2,676 17,386] 67.2 8.4 467 108 Christien. 36,813 | -0.9 36,129 21 5.4 726 | 49.8 25,150 | 69.6] 11,724| 6,997| 17,408] 68.6] 15.4 784)" 741 Clarkes rv vssees ORD 16,876 | =9.0 17,968 51 2.0 259) 69.5 15,652 | 86.5 8,59 | 1,874 7,520) 80.3] 21.7 228 226 1Hemninder of Cincinnati Metropolitan Ares (024) 1s in Indiana and Ohio TABLE 3—SELECTED DATA FOR METROPOLITAN AREAS AND FQR ALL COUNTIES, } BY STATE—Continued 3 ‘e Table 3 Part 2 - Labor Firce KANS., Pratt (078) - KY,, Clark (025) 1lRemainder of Cincinnati Metropolitan Area (025) is in Indiana and Ohio. “Remainder of Evanaville Metropolitan Area (042) is in Indiana. SRemainder of Huntington-Ashland Metropolitan Area (055) is in Ohio and West Virginia. “Remainder of Louisville Metropolitan Area (068) is in Indiana. B3ame number employed in "railroads" (code 23), 167 : : LABOR FORCE—1940 : ; Percent of Population 14 Years Old and Over Employed Workers by Industry Group Employed Tore ; In leading Metro] METROPOLITAN P P re Business nonagri- Area AREAS, ecent j= ercent 3 an cultural Code COUNTIES, 7 of all | of all C 10% | Whole- | personal Other In | industry AND Total |oIn labor fyales fates Total Agri- | Minin on Manufac- oy sale and | services | 4% | agri- CODES osal force | WhO are | Who are eyployed || culture 3, |S turing J retail exclud- d cul- Code] mn mn tion an trade ing reporte ture | Lode labor labor other dorcitic (See |Per- force force ul Services J cent an 0) a9 0) @1 @) @® | oo 25) (26) @n (28) (29) Go | an | @ KANSAS—-Con. All Counties—Con. PPBLE ey svar sores 076 Jig 4,396 75.3 17.9 3,960 1,317 23 166 115 470 761 750 358 | 33.3] 636 | 8.6 Rawlins ernie 077 i160 2,351 80.4 14:5 2,123 1,311 2 125 16 47 216 256 150 | 61.81 636 | 7.5 42,059 19.261 76.8 19,5 | 17,339 3,921 647 927 2,000 | 1,275 3,902 3,172 1,495 | 22.6[ 636 | 7.2 10,370 1926 |, 79.1 13.7 Ler 2,631 1 150 70 202 523 571 2% 59.0( 636 | 6.9 13,050 6,254 79.8 15.1 5.912 1,779 | 1.154 211 255 336 887 B64 30.1 3 | 18.1 16,401 8,331 7.2 25.7 7.426 1,902 15 392 292 beet 1,113 2,176 3 25.6] 636 | 18.3 6,271 2,985 78.6 15.3 2,600 1,332 88 70 38 12! 356 388 204 | 51.2| 636 7.6 6,057 2,857 78.2 14,2 2 1,333 13 112 29 111 319 386 170 | 53.9] 636 8.5 9,973 hg 81.2 14,3 4,41 1,439 820 263 91 21 666 585 335 | 32.6| 3 | 18.6 23,212 11,590 78.6 22.8 10,385 1,967 26 525 1,086 95 2,648 2,242 937 | 18.9| G36 | 9.6 2,737 1,425 83.4 18.2 1,270 _ 58 4 47 ug 83 182 114 | 46.1 636 7.8 133 nL 58,417 78.4 26.9 | 52,091 y, 925 | 2,837 8,692 | 4,473 13,219| 12,748| “5,133 | 7.80636 | 9.1 ,851 2,392 78.0 20.3 2,119 539 40 ie] 87 195 571 40 203 | 25.4) 636 | 7.6 125 73,414 | 36,858 15.5 27.8 | 31,860 2,5 13 | 1,923 4,065| 4,987 6,658 6,998| 4,567 | 8.0 23 1.9 3,617 1,800 81. 13.5 1,54 1,051 30 12 uo 18 185 108 | 68.1] 636 | 7. 4,697 2,273 78.2 17.0 2,073 £38 43 256 376 75 160 | ko.4| 23 | 10.3 8,212 3,885 78.3 1b.4 3,289 1,98 2 a 82 118 log 3 225 | 60.2] 636 | 7.2 7.832 3,715 78.6 16.0 3.3% 1,641 178 114 12 13 478 551 243 | ug.k| 636 | 8.0 985 51k 19.6 18.6 9 281 15 2 17 us 81 45 | 57.5] 636 | 9.6 2,288 1,123 81.0 15.1 1,006 518 5h 22 43 ko 104 154 71 | 51.5] 636 | 8.5 20,175 9,292 76.7 15.3 8,168 3,510 | 129 314 313 846 1,24 1,198 617 | u3.0f 23 | 7.6 4,773 2,275 77.4 15.3 2,047 951 60 53 9 317 329. 178 | 46.5] 636 | 7.5 ,109 2,116 84.1 16.5 1,835 1,106 19 ko 21 7 234 249 119 | 60.3] G36 gp 7,052 3,288 78.1 11.7 3,005 1,895 8 26 167 316 326 192 | 63.1] 636 | 6. 1,653 868 83.0 16.2 769 2 1 7 ie 79 92 61 | 57.5| 23 | 8.2 12,179 5,856 80.4 13. 5,284 3,279 5 185 105 201 593 583 333 | 62.1| 636 | 6.0 1,573 796 20.7 18. 690 395 12 g 21 78 109 67 eng 636 | 9.0 13,703 6,354 76.9 15. 5,480 2,215 61 205 739 355 759 738 408 RAN 6.7 ,211 2,903 78.5 13.6 2,529 1,261 137 121 2 162 322 328 156 1.9 636 | 6.1 061 113,293 59,389 79.6 26.3 47,722 1,153 129 2,245 1,112 7,703 9,730 8,575 4,075 2 5 | 12.9 KENTUCKY.......| 2,040,363 | 998,700 79.9 17.6 | 847,563 || 309,146 | 60,552 | 35,607 | 100,80%| 53,344 | 106,331 103,767 78,012 | 36.5 2 | 6.k METRO. COUNTIES..| u89,642 | 261,573 0.6 28.3 | 224,535 9.789 g2k | 12,ugl 62,145 | 25,289 46,884 | u2,423 | 24,687 kb Metro. areas! 025 |Cincinnati(pt)® . . ceresiens.019, 059 130,586 70,001 81.7 26.9 60,380 2,716 32 2,887 17,160 7.216 13,516 10,626 6,221 4.5 042 |Evansville(pt)3.051 20,3 10,041 79.3 19.6 8,215 2,904 332 292 1,223 335 1,152 995 982 _| 35.3 055 |Huntington-Ashland (Pts. nenes ..010 32,972 15,947 77.9 20.1 12,660 655 211 638 : 3.817 1,432 2,460 2,048] 1,399 | 5.2 068 |Louisville(pt)4.056| 305,744 | 165,584 20.5 30.2 | 143,280 3.51% 2u9 | 8,677 39,945 | 16,306 29,756 | 28,754 | 16,079 | 2.5 OTHER COUNTIES...[ 1,550,721 | 737,127 79.6 14,1 | 623,028 || 299,357 { 59.728 | 23,113 38,659 | 28,055 59,447 | 61,344] 53,325 | ug.0 Cougs) 6 4 4,245 119 1 : 61 307 335 247 6 k Mair....... oe «2001 12,579 | ,050 5.8 9.0 +51 2 2u5, 9 ] 77.0| 63! . A100. uiies +4002 11,388 5,414 |’ 4 10.4 hiss 3.52 6 88 39 75 334 267 205 { na 7 i Anderson....... 00 6.633 3,191 83.6 11.8 2,968 1,82! 19 103 27 117 191 i 25 J 227 | 61.5 5 oe Ballard........ .0 7.207 3.384 £0. 13.1 2,877 1,937 12 85 95 256 2 188 | 67.3] 036 1 Barren. ......00.005 19,912 9,922 8h, 14.5 9,216 5,763 96 268 451 132 920 827 699 | 62.5] 636 | 3.5 BAR cv vaereess 008 7.987 3,781 82.6 10.5 3,178 2,218 5 gl 37 95 182 237 250 | 11.7| G36 ko Bell...vsees...,007 28,570 | 12,527 Th. 13.3 9,594 684 | 4,001 363 897 580 1,203 1,031 835 | 7.1|: 2 | W.5 BOONS. «01 .e.as. 008 8,238 3,863 79.0 1.7 Ge 1,831 2 20 311 265 318 363 316 oi 636 | U.& Bourbon. ...... ..009 13,450 6,856 80.7 20.7 5,80 2,890 11 25 129 278 703 771 768 8) G36 | 6k 055 |Boydeevieeennns .010 32,972 | 15,947 77.9 20.1 | 12,660 655 211 638 3.817) 1,432 2,460 2,0b8F 1,399 | 5.2| 17 | 19.0 Boyle.s.oeese.ss01l 13,003 6,437 17.1 22.3 5.578 1,860 29 330 436 582 734 921 686 | 33.3) 636 | 8.1 Bracken. ........012 7.101 3,352 81.5 1.7 fi 1,971 1 111 282 128 202 2u6 170 | 63.4] 15 | 7.0 Breathitt.......0L 14,260 6.827 £0.8 13.0 ,887 3,h35 326 128 83 118 230 323 2uh | 70.3] 2 | 6.6 Breckinridge. ...0l! 12,648 6,028 82.3 11.0 5,450 3,848 Lg £5 8 18 31 333 253 | 70.6 7] 40 Bullitte........015 6,961 3.3719 80.9 12.9 3,069 1,651 ols 43 29 210 23 Al 53.8| 85 [87.3 Butler..........016 9,876 4,625 84,6 6.3 S34 2,751 200 7% 76 15 196 196 165 | 73.7 21( 53 Caldwell........ 017 1,112 5,367 78.1 18.8 ies 1,918 12 181 653 326 uy iy Wz | u3.0 6 | 10.4 Calloway...\....018 14,846 6,949 81.4 12.4 6,276 3.756 4 217 3 128 643 n3 423 | 59.8] 036 6.7 © 025 [Caapbell........019 57,173 | 30,851 82.2 26.0 | 26,552 1,391 13] 1,168 8.003] 2,049 5.832 Y,578 | 3.478 | 5.2] 37 | 7.8 Oarlisle........020 5,771 2,765 80.5 13.7 2,267 1,524 2 60 57 9 207 179 159 | 67.2) 636 | 4.5 Carroll.........021 6,532 3.176 81.1 14.8 2,670 1,388 24 134 169 11k 69 2n 201 2.0 036 *3 Carter...... «234022 16,382 7.390 77.9 9.6 5,950 2,913 713 151 808 207 8 382 308 | k9.0| 16 | 11. Casey. .ovrunns .02 12,659 6,058 87.3 5.5 5,524 4,620 2 69 185 is 199 270 184 | 83.6( 9 | 2.6 Christian....... 02! 28,041 13,234 4.2 20.5 11,268 4,631 254 377 1,080 Lis 1,k22 1,620 1,439 | 81.1] 036 1.5 CAR ees vensvn .025 13.557 6,919 19.7 22.6 5.916 2, 28 101 nez| . 366 818 817 188 | 42.0] 036 | 6.5 “ay » Table 3 Part 5 - Housing TABLE 3—SELECTED DATA FOR METROPOLITAN AREAS AND FOR ALL COUNTIES, S., Pratt (076) — GBA ] BY STATE-—Continued = aro 830343 - HOUSING—1940 pe : ; ; i . ; Nonfarm Rural Farm 5 : off All Dwelling Units Occupied Dwelling Units Dwelling Units Dwelling Units od 3 - METROROLITAN 7 \ Z y Metro. AREAS, : i oe: 3 Area COUNTIES, p P Pe Median P phones E> Code AND Residential Percent ercent Per- ercent number ee er- » > CODES stractates in5or | with | Percent ot with of aes e . ont Percent| Jan. 1, Number | [more | private | with Number | owner | ™echan- persons | Number | ™" Number | Wi | with 1945" ; family thtub | electric a ical o rent run- | electric Ee struc- A or | lighting pied refrig- |} ce (dollars} ning | lighting Z tures shower eration hold water = 69 ao 9) 6) an 69 6 | an an w) @ wn w | ww “n ‘ _ KANSAS—Con, i - All Counties—Con. i Pratteyeee ss 076] 3,327 3,678 2.2 52,0 76.9 3,467) 53.8 53.9 3.10 2,.90 19.47 1,188) 34.5 38.0 2,063 £ 1,823 1,866 Qed 27,2 50,7 1,701 | 59.7 25.4 3.49 761 14.58 1,105] - 21,7 24.2 1,044 14,130 15,770 32 5044 83,2 14,772 | 52.2 45.2 3.07 12,268 18,88 3,502] 25,2 41.1 8,796 | 2 44299 44427 06 22. 45,0 3,099 53.7 15,7 2.95 1,857 12.25 2,570] 10.0 13.2 2,117 RicC@ueasarassesslBO 4,720 54200 0.7 45.7 77.5 4,988 49.7 51,6 3.08 3,472 18.46 1,728] 32.8 42.0 3,186 = -JRileYeeeesesaess08l 5,423 6,465 5.7 49.8 77.9 6,074 | 48.1 47.0 3.01 44509 26,66 1,956) 22:0] .- 33,2 43554 Rooks. . 2,487 2,546 0,3 26.4 53,2 2,355| 53.0 28.6 3.25 1,232] 12.8, 1,7, of 21.8] 1,47 2,257 2,347 042 29.5 55.9 2,161] 56.8 31.8 3441 1,163 15.41 1,184 17.7 24.5 1,181 3,610 3,937 1.0| 34.9] 66.9 3,706 | 45.6) 42.7 3.21 2,407| 17.68 1,53] 16.0] 25.9] 2,157 a 7,787 8,854 3.8 56,8 85.9 8,394 ( 48.5 55.9 3.13 7,029 22.59 1,825] 18.0 43.7 5,308 pai 1,130 1,131 37.0 62.5 9921 47.9 30.9 3.32 590 15.54 541| 19.6 33.0 435 i 133 35,482 44,503 12,1 64.2 93.5 42,468] 45.1 56.7 2.93 40,835 23.89 3,668) 25.9 5441 34,876 1,855 1,995 1.3 45.0 76.5 1,800| 39.7 54.43 3.29 1,479 15,86 516] 29.1 27.9 86 125 23,817 28,009 5.4 55.5 91.5 26,376 | 49.6 56.0 2,93 25,193 23,99 2,816 22,1 47.8 16,700 fr a Sheridansecesss 1,427 1,433 21,3 40.0 1,254 55.7 19.7 3.76 A851" 12,53 978| 19.5 18.6 454 Sherman. ........091 1,785 1,887 1.5 41. 65,8 1,741| 50.8 35.2 3.28 1,135 16.85 7521 25.8 28,1 925 i 3,732 3,811 19.1 40.0 3,205 52.4 17.5 2,95 1,449 10.70 2,362 2 11,0 1,921 3,022 3,142 38,0 65.8 2,9211 51.2 37.4 3.26 1,561 17.20 1,581 2 38.8 1,803 485 486 18,2 42.3 365] 47.1 26,1 3.63 220 9.06 266| 19.5 15.6 94 914 947 1.3 25.1 52,5 852 39,7 32,7 3.23 495 12,32 452] 27.2 19.0 356 7,740 8,001 045 41.8 68,7 7,602 | 49.8 35. 3.06 4,949 13.79 3,052 2 32.5 4,708 [5 1,868 1,958 1,6 36.2 65.4 1,747] 50.3 36.2 3.28 1,125 16.30 833| 22.2 27.8 999 3 1,566 1, 3.1 28.8 52.1 1,462] 51.5 23,8 3.57 707 15.25 957] 19.4 19.8 546 : 2, 79% 2,815 0e2 13,2 4443 2,603] 53.9 19.3 3.16 1,094 9.40 1,721 11.2 19.2 2,045 k 7 . ¥allace.sseessesl00 674 677 23.8 46.9 598 | 56.0 21.8 3.28 313 1.24 364 20,1 16.7 240 5; Washington......101] 4,797 4,950 val wl m2 4600] 51.5) 17a 3.01 1,969 11.26 2,91 9.5 16.0] 2,98 i 02 . 608 618 1.1 20.9 54e5 56L| 55.3 32.8 3.47 283 12.2. 335 20.0 27.2 168 ¢ 5,217 5,48, 1.0 34.3 61,9 5,244 | 48.9 32.0 2,98 3,459 11,57 2,025 8.5 15.7 2,534 i 2,380 2,443 23.0 47.8 2,323 | 48.6 25,6 3.10 1,228 9.9% 1,215 5.7 945 890 061 36,834 41,939 34 51.9 95.2 40,551 | 52.2 5543 3.14 40,228 18.26 1,711] 34.7 772 20,442 Bee KENTUCKY s00uas 651,445 729,206 2.6 27.2 52.4). 698,538 | 4s.C 28.5 2452 435,432 17.97 293,774 4.2 15.0] 193,222 : METRO. COUNTIES... 136,198 178,904 7.7 61,8 91,3 170,775 | 42.4 5544 3.16 168,057 25430 10,847] 19.2 4944 93,470 ’ Metro, areas: = 3 025 | Cincinnati(pt)? - seesssss 019, 059 37,424, 48,711 42 70.6 93.5 46,237] 47.1 67.2 3.12 45,573 27.58 3,138] 16.3 45.8 24,709 2 042 |Evansville(p:)2.051 6,870 7,679 0.8 24.3 58.3 T,414 | 43.1 23.4 3.19 5,080 14.24 2,599 5.1 19.2 1,992 2 055 | Huntington-Ashland A \ J (Pt) 2c serssresaOl0 10,157 11,280 2.2 56.3 os 10,956 | 44.7 49.8 3.711 10,448 20,58 832 94 37.2 5,165 068 | Lovisville(pt)*.056 81,747 111,234 10.4 61.1 9344 106,168 | 40.0 53.1 3.12 106,956 25.32 4,278) 32,0 72.5 61,604 OTHER COUNTIES.., 515,247 550,302 0.2 15.2 39.7 527,763 | 49.8 19.8 3.67 267,375 13.23 282,927 3.6 13,7 99,752 E All Counties: ; 4,286 44395 4e2 15.5 a7 64.1 9.1 3.83 866 9.60 3,529 Ao 8.2 213 3,957 4,108 45 24.6 . 3,964] 53.6 8.8 3.43 999 9.59 3,109 1.1 14.1 688 ™ 2 267 2,426 13.4 44.0 2,404) 59.6 25,1 3.27 79 15.5 1,630 3.3 28.3 468 x 20641 2,772 0.2 6.0 30.7 2 1633 55.5 94 3.28 1,102 |, 6.89 1,670 1.6 16.2 854 BarreN,.........005 6,844 7,268 Ok) Dh] 382 6,058 52,6 17.5 3.48 2,566 236 4,702 2.5] 17.2] 1,464 Bath. sess usssre 006 2,785 2,829 6,2 23.8 2,792] 52.3 11.2 3.68 994 7.87 1,835 2.5 11.0 249 8,058 | 9,534 1.9 19.6 5045 95229 | 3644 23.5 +21 8,128 10,35 1,406 4.8] 11.0 1,177 3,066 3,119 1544 52.3 2,983] 56.5 29.4 3.17 1,363 16.58 1,816 10.9 32.5 1,175 9 4,731 5,105 1.1 31.8 58.5 4y875| 45.6 34.2 3.23 3,191 14.42 1,914 | 16.4 33.3 1,490 on * 055 |Boydisesesseeses010 10,157 11,280 2,2 56.3 82.5 10,956 | 44.7 49.8 3.71 10,448 20.58 832 Sed 37.2] - 5,165 E Boyle.. L011 4,148 4,610 2,1 3443 62,7 4,549 | 47.7 35.4 3.25 3,135 20,17 1,475 9.2 31.2 1,916 = Bracken.. 012 2,511 2,642 9.4 41.7 2,550 55.9 19,9 3424 1,008 11,97 1,634 2.9 27.6 48 a Breathitt. vessss013 4,765 4,870 0d 4.0 8.8 4,637 47.1 6.2 4.69 832 8.49 4,038 0.5 1.2 132 T Breckinridge....014| = 4,606 4,829 0.1 4.8 20,0 4,508 57.4 10.8 3.47 1,548 8.06 3,281 1.7 3.8 647 b A Bullitt.seeee...015 2,408 2,517 3 7.7 45.6 2,448 55.7 23.6 3.39 1,040 10.65 1,477 5.3 33.4 450 K Butler..........06] = 3,501 3,57 0.4 2.9 7.0 3,391] 58.2 43] 3.88 911| 6.08 2,665) 0.5 1.3 206 » - Caldwell, «017 3,809 4,199 1.1 17.9 40,1 4,008 51.7 16.9 3.22 2,228 12,10 1,971 2.1 5.5 1,035 Calloway. . .018 4,984 5,403 0.8 15.1 30.5 5,202 ( 56,5 15.5 3.28 2,010 14.95 3,393 1.6 6.9 1,777 025 | Campbell.. .019 16,410 21,183 3.6 70.7 93,0] - 20,029 48.2 68,0 3.10 19,698 28,99 1,485] 12.8 41.7 622 5; Carlisle...q....020 2,000 2,136 7.7 22,3 2,062] 55.4 8.3 3.30 795 7.89 1,341 2.5 5.1 636 i Carroll..... 2,373 2,481 [A 16.1 49.} 2;388| 45.3 2440 3.23 1,377 14.15 1,104 3.4 12.0 522 5,461 5,552 oi 25.0 5,284 53.7 9.3 4439 2,259 7.98 3,293 2.0 6.5 365 4ylT6 44519 1,5 8.9 4,258 62.5 545 4431 684 7425 3,835 0.8 5.2 138 Et 9,031 9,842 1.6 19.41 « 41odk 9,195] 43.9 23.1 3.20 55547 13.72 44295 5.1 15.3 2,281 e Clarkesess.ssssa025 4,593 5,172 1.5 32.9] 60.9 4,976 | 47.1 32.4 3.13 3,265 16.31 1,907 9.2| 34.0] 1,59 ES = 1Remainder of Cincinnati lietrcpolitan Area (025) is in Indiana and Ohio. BS. 2Remainder of Evansville lietropolitan Area (042) is in Indiana. ; 3Remainder of Huntington - Ashland lietropolitan Area (05S) is in Chio and West Virginia. = 4Remainder of Louisville iietropolitan Area (063) is in Indiana. 168 ER I TS TU TR og VE A RTO TE mm ® 5 0 TABLE 3—SELECTED DATA FOR METROPOLITAN AREAS AND FOR ALL' COUNTIES, : BY STATE—Continued Table 3- Be | Part 4 - Agriculture . i 3 - KANS., Pratt (076) - et (Figures which have been rounded to thousands will not necessarily add to totals) > KY., Clark (025) - 3 a ] AGRICULTURE—1945 AGRICULTURE—1940 : = P Vauod Value of farm products sold, | Principal x el f a ue of Work power traded, or used by source of 3 Per. cent arn property farm household farm income | Type- METR(C 20LITAN cent Si of- Metro. AREAS, Number of | Land in | Cropland | Number | of fons Percent from Grin, Burd dg Area COUNTIES, farms farms harvested of farms | farms | Jo) 0 Aver. Number . L area | 1% 3 Code AND (1000s | (1000's oper- | of. Total Lid of Nout hee code living = CODES Jan. 1, of of April 1, | ated prod- | (1 los , | 28° | horses | Number (1000's sto Code Par. ) Soe ny : 3 1945 acres) | acres) 940 | by 5 | andor of an (See 23 : ucts of arm of live- |-C cent | P ten- | Jess Jory] (a) mules tractors dollars) ve ~Crops | p423 2% ants | goo oars, {do jouer 2 ? 3 I 2 $400 mo. old) pie i 8) (49) 60) Gn G2) | 63) Gy | 65): (56) Gn 58) (59) 0) on | 6) | 3 (64) XANSAS-~ Con. ; 0 All Counties—Con. : - 3 . a 1,02 450 302| 1,118 | 4.9 |14.6 | 21,677 9,389] 1,776 1,172 2,635 | 25.2 | 68.3 5 [68.1 4 | 130 ! 57 647 216 1,154 1 30.5 | 15,752 [13,650| 2,967 891 | 1,39 | Wk | k5.3 5 [45.1 ak | 119 eee 3,058 807 537 3,265 2.1 | 16.5 54,336 [16,642 6,153 2,706 6,770 2.3 60.0 5 [58.5 34h 129 J 2,006 437 272 2,209 | 45.3 | 15.2 19,573 | 8,861 6,948 1,298 2,818 2.7 44,7 5 [44.3 522 115 yg 54 1,332 450 297| 1,487 {50.1 [15.7 | 26,370 17,734] 2,723°| 1,35 2,908 | 6.4 | L3.8 5 [43.3 344 | 138 2 1,278 341 133 1,495 | 40.5 | 18.1 17,809 [11,912 4,867 870 2,671 61.6 29.3 1 (42.9 251 120 he 1,053 5u5 271] 1,250 | 49.0 | 35.4 | 12,033 | 9,626] 2,996 760 1,003 | 59.2 | 25 1 [38.1 3 | 12 = 1,0 u55 296 1,128 | ¥.2 | 31.4 | 106,763 [14,861 1,307 1,123 9u7 61.0 19.3 isTa nk | 119 1,066 521 254 1,270 | 50.5 | 29.2 | 17,18 [13,53 2,821 1,058 1,292 | 55.6 28.3 1 35.0 3h | 118 4 1,422 357 225 1,667 | 43.8 | 19.2 22,352 [13,4c9 3,790 1,266 2,621 4g.7 43.2 5 .6 Hh 122 = d hh ug2 151 528 | 45.1 | 41.1 6,794 [12,867 850 hy 761 | 59.0 3:2 1 [48.1 32 125 \ 2 133 3,025 583 n2| 3,29 od 19.5 | 47,662 |14,487| 7,36 2,402 6,851 | 37.9 | 5h4.5 5 [51.4 3 128 . 355 372 189 478 | 58.6 | 24.1 6,676 13,967 112 Lz 953 | 34.2 | 60.4 5 60.0 331 | 118 125 2,026 323 166 2,200 She 35.1 20,916 | 9,507 4,996 886 2,955 | 58.7 30.2 1 (32.0 581 1a3 739 540 13 929 3.9 | 30.6 9,682 [10,lh22 2,116 676 925 52.6 n.5 1 {35.3 nL | 111 584 580 227 705 | 47.4 | 26.8 7,571 [10,739 1,338 575 843 53.6 3.8 5 [34.7 nh 113 5 1,637 8 25] 1,963 | 47.5 | 33.6 | 12,49 | 6,342| 6,035 857 1,548 | 57.0 | 27.6 1 [33.8 521 | 111 1,163 . 2] 320 1,32 | 50.8 | 8.2 | 25,33 [19,311] 2,716 1,387 3,185 | 21h | 72.2 5 (71.8 bh | 136 211 3 161 223 | 38.6 | 35.0 3,248 [14,565 179 270 54.9 | W.0 1 [49.9 331 | 113 in 336 233 433 | 54.5 | 34.9 5,082 [11,737 hg 506 32.7 56.8 5 [66.8 331 118 3 2,523 726 99 2,840 | 53.3 | 8.8 39,102 (13,768 6,112 2,399 6,859 30.8 | 63.1 5 [62.3 34h | 128 703 TH 230 955 | 43.9 | 28.6 | 12,240 [12,817] 1,19 1 1,219 | 38.8 | 52.8 5 [52.8 34 | 131 ws 783 5h2 go sgh | ug.k | 37.9 10,295 [11,646 1,727 188 6 63.6 14.9 1 (u.9 nL | 115 Wabaunsee.......099 1,365 Ley 13 1,516 | 40.2 | 20.6 | 17,106 [11,284| 5,575 783 2,659 | 71.6 | 20.1 1 [59.1 251 | 111 Wallace......... 100 38 478 gl 328 | W1.2 | 32.9 3,433 10,466 1,433 27 580 72.7 18.0 1 [62.8 323 115 Washington...... 2,301 38 290 2,60 | 46.7 | 10.7 25,004 | 9,507 8,996 1,471 4,227 46.7 Y2.h4 5 [42.2 522 118 Wichita... ve 297 3 118 395 | 4.1 | 36.5 4,532 [11,473 8 306 0 60.0 32.8 1 (47.5 323 1 ~ ¥ilsos.. 1,603 3 150 | 1,856 | 48.8 | 23.2 | 11,327 | 6,103] 5,450 766 1,952 | 51.4 | 2.6 1i{s1.3 62x | 10 Woodson. 1,011 270 121 | 1,091 | 48.0 | 26.8 7,142 | 6,54 3,669 493 1,144 | 60.2 26.1 1 of 581 113 061 [Wyandotte 1,534 60 28 | 1,529 | 26.7 | 61.3 | 12,118 | 7,9:5| 1,738 201 1,280 | 49.8 | 37.3 2 [27.6 581 | 127 KENTUCKY......| 238,501 19,725 5,322 | 252,894 | 33.1 | 51.2 [921,755 | 3,615 | 456,323 11,927 | 174,492 34.5 38.4 5 |36.6 83 z METRO. COUNTIES.. 8,844 649 246 8,610 | 26.7 | 45.1 | e1,842 | 7,183] 17,53 1,261 8,215 | 45.5 | 36.6 Metro. areas: 025 |Cincinnati(pt)® seeanes ug 25% ~2, 764 3 Yo 2,621 | 19.0 | 41.9 | 14,705 | 5,610] 4,622 215 2,045 | 51.5 | 26.3 Ok2 |Evaneville(pt)®.051 1,978 2 123 1,985 | 45.8 | 25.3 | 14,388 | 7,2u8| 6,672 438 2,57 | 0.7 | 43.5 5 40.2 055 Huntipgton-Ashland J : PE) alin. 010 1,011° 6 10 837 | 25.9 | 68.8 3,171 | 3,789 88h 21 503 | 63.4 5.2 2 [35.7 068 |Louisville(pt)®.056 3,091 166 73 3,167.1 21.3 [53.9 | 29,578 | 9,339| 5,358 587 3,110 | k2.5 | 2.7 2 |a.5 OTHER COUNTIES... | 229,657 | 19,076 5,077 | 2u4,284% | 33.4 | 51.4 | 859,891 |,3,520| 438,787 | 10,650 | 166.277 | 34.0 | 38.5 All Counties: an 2 68 ste =% ; 4 A281 Rese rang 5,001 , 3.331 | 29.8 [51.6 | ©» , 5,375 69 | 1,676 | 3.2 | 28.6 0 [39.2 | 26 | 78 liens. e0s ls 002) 2.01 20 21 2.09 | 3.8 53.6 | 5,54 | 2,007 k.792 wr | 1393 | Jor | ek] 5 Bp. | 6 | 79 : Anderson........ 00 1,276 18 25 | 14s | 3.9 | 322 6.116 | 4132] 2.908 16 1071 | 34.5 7.8 5 [47.6 8 105 a Bailerd........000 | 1,402 ns 61 | 127 | 36.0 [30.1 | 5,257 | 3.79%] 3.876 @ | a9 | ls | ase | 5 is.2 | shoal ; Barren..........005 3,01 27! 99 4,264 432.3 | ab,es2 | 3,436) 8,058 24 3,352 | 32.9 3.2 5 [42.5 626 87 BRN. vvsranssn .006 1,701 146 35 1,686 | 41.6 | 38.8 7,609 | 4,51 377 3 1,465 29.2 51. 5 |s1.2 83 87 Y Boll. ..ooursnnns 007 1,248 30 91 1.385 | 32.1 [78.3 | ;'gp 53 Sl [O) wy | 13.6 is o lesz | 633 rt BUnnS,:. yoyvs soe oozf- 1,458 3 Bl LA B02 | ws [1a] sm 10 | 1.5% | W7.s | s.0 | 5 [m.2 | 831 | 110 5 ~ |Bourbon.........009 1,891 189 54 1,343 .3 | 9.8 | 28099 [20.923] 5.03 206 3.772 6.3 8 5 h 5 831 | 106 055 [Boyd.........n.. 010 1,011 65 10 837 | 25.9 | 68.8 371 | 3.789 8 21 503 | 63. 5.2 2 [5.7 633 78 BOyle..vasrrnnns 011 1,449 113 33 1,307 .0 | 37.9 10, = 2 6 u 42.6 0 hy. 8 Brecken.........012 1,480 123 28 1,370 #2 10.1 lye 1.5% ol 8 1.74 22.4 oe : ol = Re Breathity....,..003| = 3,M22 35s Ph poe | E1182 | 390 lio] 2777 | (9 1.005 | 11.9 | 7.5] 0 fez | em | ko Breckinridge... O10 2,247 327 33 2,815 | 35.4 | 48.6 7.262 | 2.581 6.50 113 1,709 | 36.9 | 33.9 5 [38.6 626 82 Bullitt.........015 1,106 | 108 30 | 1.4777] 27.7 | 40.8 | 500k | 4328 eo 14 947 | 56.8 | 19.6 1 [32 626 | “9% 1,82 213 56 2,091 31.0 | 61.9 ,840 | 1,838] 4,384 145 8 0 | 12.6 0 [48.1 626 62 : Lh 15 511 1572 | 2215 | 559 | Risse | 2ieoe| 3.089 153 20 | tes 6 1 feri2 | 626 | 78 / 2,418 185 61 | 30M | 29.7 | 36.8 | g.600 | 2.829 Zo 126 | 1,918 | 22.0 £3 5 [50 | en | a 025 1,012 I 2 1,292 | 13.5 | 38.2 6,934 | 5,37] 2,526 97 984 | 51.4 | 23.9 2 [29.8 £m 123 i 3,001 10 1,143 | 30:4 | 36.1 | 3,927 | 3.026] 376el ™ 796 | bg | 271 | 1 [ma | el | 92 : L947 80 19 953 | 56.6 [15.4 | oli2 : : am | oh | | ams es | wey [0a Son | RX Sa Ec EI] REI Ba ae 3.137 234 61 | 3,369\ 28.4 | 52.8 | 6.055 | 1,905] 5,199 7 | 1,709 | 23.5 | 37.4 o [37.8 | 26 | 66 & 2, 356 wz 3,027 | 42.9 | 39.4 | 13.70 | b,539] 7,37 431 2,82h Ah oe 5 2. ul 81 1,623 159 4) 1,605 | 37.6 | 28.3 | 15,u0 10,283] 3,738 69 2,h28 Ge 47.6 5 |u7.2 83 | 101 xs !The State totel includes §£1,700 for female silver fox and/or ‘mink over 3 months old (kept 1d captivity) mot distributed to individusl counties. ®Remainder of =F 3 Cincinnati Metropoliten Area (028) 1s in Indiana and Ohio. Remainder of Evansville Metropolitan Ares (042) is in Indiana. Remainder of Huntington-Ashland Metro- 5 politan Area (068) is in Ohio and West Virginia, SRemninder of Louisville Metropolitan Ares (068) is in Indiana. ©Less than 3 farms reported and data are therefore included only in Btate totals, : 2 169 ET ti RTT —— TE TT ER NW We A gis g x 2 + 3 { aes ” iN : 3 k A : y / Table £ : TABLE 3—SELECTED DATA FOR METROPOLITAN AREAS AND FOR ALL COUNTIES, 4 ae ny 3 “+BY STATE—Continued y RS ioe C (A411 dollar figures have been rounded to thousands and will not necessarily add to totals) z 4 } 3 oro M03 * - Bid ~ MANUFACTURING ESTABLISHMENTS—1939 MINERAL INDUSTRIES—1939 RETAIL ESTABLISHMENTS—1939 Be : \ i : Co 7 Metro. ! a A COUNTIES, Wage Water. Value of Yio slid Value of | Number Wages and Sales Active Employees Pay wl CODES Number | €amers | (1000's of pioducn re Judas of salaries Number of (1000's of eh average | ((()) ' (average |" gojlary) | (1000's of | (1g00r, of | (1000s of | persons | (1000's of | stores dollars) | prietors sd ly for year dollars) lars) dollars) | engaged | dollars) year, z ©) ($6) (2) .. (©) a0) an 2) _@) 4) as) a8 am £ KANSAS—Con. £ All Countfes—Con. 9 ug ug 466 202 2k h,124 192 510 01 i y 7 3 6 6 6 15 11 1,091 103 105 70 ! * 55 1,17 1,262 14,336 4,346 625 124 182 783 1#,596 718 2,485 2,053 - 6 2 10 82 51 220 2,457 195 27 179 12 2% 244 1,658 815 301 120 127 2719 4,906 260 538 437 1 2 8 8 1 1) 1 3 7,984 308 9k2| 701 > »” 2 2 = tw t 2) 1 j= 143 205! 127 : 3 Ww (2) (1) (2) 13 fa 125 175 118 9 46 54 811 226 233 Lhe 216 472 329 uh 6l2| 648 15,722 4,258 (2) (2) (1) 507 23 455 1,552 1,261 4 27 (2) (a). } (1) : 68 1,031 67 106 ™ 133 193 5,074 5.18 56,993 “17,664 640 62 85 2,197 57,569] 1,984 7,956) i : 2 2 308 gi on He 8) 83 1 1 3 1 1% § 3 z . 11, , . , . . 125 108 2,493 2,915 29,713 92 : Re 33 Bi % i : 7 19 18 180 60 104 1,958 9 212, ss # 5 b 19 88 52 164 1,665 155, 221 111 3 21 (2) (2) (2) 134 2,515 122 287 203 26 361 ak 2% 19 : 2 (2) (2) (2) (1) (1) (1) (1) 47 606 hy 69 49 4 ’ 18 1 172 ,596 al. 9 10 375 5.861 358 675 ug2 # 2 (2) #2 (2) z (2 af (2) = 132 2,074 112 205 167 2 (1) £9 (1) (2) 97 1,052 88 121 Th 1 (1) (2 (2) (2) 145 1,1 145 133 63 1 (2) (1) (1) (2) 43 38 45 37 20 6 28 24 kos ™ 240 2,k21 234 264 136 3 10 (2) (2) (1) 22 593 23 67 51 22 549 694 Sree 1,828 (2) (2) (2) 2hg - 3,307 252 322] 206 Woodson... i 2 (1) (2) (2 (2) 158 1,301 163, 144 15 i 061 |Wysndotte....... 1105 133 9,594 12,810 176,961 33,944 4o6 136 177 1,954 37,701 1,843 3,991 3,499 RY Combined Counties? 2135 3969 889 13,365 3,881 2,597 1,142 760 2 - ? \ k KENTUCKY. .... .] 1,640 62,79% 61,902 481,030 187,40 81,897 52,384 55,202 30,919 520,135] 28,970] 55,062] 46,090 4 METRO. COUNTIES.. 757 L1,380 45,856 383, 394% 142,353 41,503 4574 4591 7,827 200,806 6,920| 24,131 22,473 : do : a8 0 Cincinnati (pt \ sme | wy] sqm] eam maw] ese] (a) 1) 2.2m wo] 2008] mess u2u : O42 |Evansville(pt;®.051 25 922 606 3,423 1,390 270 184 157 310 5,387 272 680 502: % 0 ington-, re . 5 rs 3 3.59] 6,059 39,108 12,466 533 122 8 568 12,15 541 1,416 1,22 B \ 068 584 3,11 32,216 30k,528 111,905 700 268 353 4,675 138,78 3,998] 17,366] 16,49 : 883 21,kk 16,046 97,636 45,047 480,394| 451,810 454,611 23,092 39,329] 22,050] 30,931 23,617 : 0 29 186 82 190 1,304 193 10 39 \ : : 2 119 2g 221 Hi (2) a 156 1,769 151] 167 86 : 9 1 11k 1,055 361 (€} (1) (2 92 1,354 89 127 81 ; . y 33 9 54 22 108 921 116 61 38 : 18 261 146 559 334 (2) (2) (2) 22 4,936 289 598 39: ~ g ’ 3 wa) (2) (1) ; uy 911 125 70 32 = 18 708 461 a 1,099 2,861 . 2,528 2,282 361 7.068 305 69k 552 3 27 (2) (1) © (2) il 1,147 13k 65 ; 5 14 13 hb 56 in 3,335 162 pre 306 : 055 a 3.597 6,059 39,198 12,466 533 122 81 568 12,155 sul 1,06] 1,226 12 520 348 2,044 1,015 (2) (1) (1) 219 4,996 206 539 476 I Ld 239 161 689 300 138 1,292 133 3 1) & 112 68 232 912 23% hd 12 129 8 762 Us| (2) (2) (1) 218 1,473 221|/ 116 72 i ’ T (1) (2) (2) (2) : 82 .o9al 88 5 hb Be Liha 016 19 uw 12 200 695 15 20 Dab. 9 023 29 1,072 565 169 © 5 wel 2,180 160 diz] 1% Calloway. 9 180 100 L10 18 200) 2,822 222 269 178 025 |Campbell. 3 3,822 4,694 dR 8,92 (2) (2) (1) 1,017 18,813 952 1,883 1,808 Garlisle........020 2] ay (1); a (1) n i] 76 69 » / RE sR iy AR EE ORprOLY, ha se en 6 120 63 1 204 (1) (2) (2) 123 2,024 105 265 184 ig 8 187 6% 5 1,053 sm boo 339 us| zioss| 26h 15 6 CRBBY..suseruus 2 12 2 s - = 4 ur in 2 . 2 2 h 2 § 2 529 2 v BE SarIviAn, oie 1 239 108 75 372 (2) (1) (2) 248 4,168 a 27 » Y ? 1 Not shown becnuse of disclomurs of operations of individual establishménts, Data included in Combined Counties at end of State, . ® Includes all counties where / figuran nre got. shown separately becuse of disclosure of opurations of individusl establishments, 3 Includes all establishments and wage earners of counties for which g whyat and value dntn wera withheld to svoid disclosure, ‘I's "Combined Counties™ figure for number of establishments is excluded from the State total, since this item . wht shown for every county. Whonaver dats on wage wsrners havo been withheld, that portion of the "Combined Counties” figure repressnted by such data is included in the i \ corresponding Date totnl, 40ne county, Campbell (019), which should be Yio luded in the "Metro Counties" total is included in the "Other Counties® total, athce it ia Ea 2 3 not pomndble Lo prarsnt separate figuran Tor this county. Pemsinder of Cincinnuti Metropolitun Area (025) is in Indiana and Ohio. ®Remainder of Evansville Metro- % Lis 2 politnn Ares (GAR) im tn Indinna, “Remainder of Huntington-Ashland Metropolitan Ares (OBB) ts in Ohio and West Virginia. ® Remainder of Louisville Mutropolitan Areas (68) tv Su Tudinmm. BE 170 TABLE 3—SELECTED DATA FOR METROPOLITAN AREAS AND FOR ALL COUNTIES, BY STATE—Continued Table 8 Part 8 - Other liconomie Data KANS., Pratt (078) = (All dollar figures have been rounded to thousands and will not necessarily add to totals) KY., Clark (025) WHOLESALE SERVICE ESTABLISHMENTS—1939 BANK DEPOSITS | : TRADE—1939 1944 Major war supply Major war facilities > contracts, $i) jects, oof, June 1940-Sept. 1945 June 1940-June 1945 wErROrOuTA E Bond (1000's of ollars) (1000's ot dollars) Metro. sales i Area | COUNTIES, ~~ |Number Number| = vel Empl Total | (1000% of Code AND of Sales |. of | Receipts | Active |" Uc.) Pa jo (demand | Time | dollars at CODES estab- | (1000's of | estab- ff 's | proprie- or 4 and time) {1007s issue price) lish- | dollars) - | of dollars)| tors cn) dollars) (1000's | of dollars) ments ments y of dollars) Combat Other Industrial | Milita equipment ; y a) @) @) | 6) 82) @) 84) @5) (86) en (88) (89) [CON on > KANSAS=Con, All Counties—Con, ~ Pratt....... ve2 2076 60 2,826 85 27% 86 8k 54 10,170 819 1,%63 7.825 Rawling.........077 3 1,337 26 32 26 4 3 4,288 1,210 96 0 ewe waa we 07 175 30,117 369 1 3230 379 518 324 29,345 2,900 3.971 855 230 17.573 Republic... ..... 079 62 2,929 86 16 79 37 18 54290 1,033 824 084s visa vase sue 080 75 4,833 103 267 109 86 59 7.684 275 ,025 97 132 138 515 138 180 119 10,224 1.515 1953 1,456 3 3 ze Lh 67 Ly 18 12 4,100 147 662 ko 1,096 BY 91 56 22 12 5,695 749 726 3,817] 1 3.564 65 163 64 64 4 9.226 1,426 1,472 Saling......xv. 085 136 21,195 “225 895 239 297 218 18,231 1,205 3,532 72 L0,157 SEO. sve unaivre 086 13 Ly 24 u3 23 10 6 2,452 36 8L5 138 | Sedgwick........087 W119) 105,875 97% 5,225 987 2,343 1,769] 147,1k5 13,489 27,662] - 1,322,€09 22,392 40,385 3,466 Seward......... 088 28 3,389 4g 161 55 50 30 7,066 326 1,090 9,506 125 |Shawnes......... 089 1h1 21,057 ug7 2,318 495 926 709 47,043 6.577 9,929 432 ~2,1k2 10, 4s 23,692 Sheridan...... +090 2k 600 27 39 28 19 4 2,710 650 542 ~ Sherman...... retgl 27 1,460 Lo 93 Lh 20 16 4,419 986 691 SEith. oes eaes 092 uy 1.122 59] * 103 58 19 10 4,090 282 786 41 2,719 62 13 60 35 24 6,457 197 1,618 9 382] 10 17 7 7 2 ‘936 8 282 15 226 16 27 17 7 2,094 182 Loi 8h 4,781 106 247 108 68 39 11,864 980 2,678 43 2,731 43 101 uh 21 13 5.306 1,153 915 27 758 27 Lh 29 8 5 2,974 170 Lg7 ko 1,236) ol 127 BY 23 13 3.238 233 397 9 108 5 6 5 1 5 932 62 185 55 2,443 92 126 92 23 11 5,752 1,001 866 Wichita........ 102 7) oe Sry 14 21 15 9 1 1,590 1 302 NV ¥Wilson.......'.. 103 39 1,014 91 197 100 50 26 » 51182 1,083 9k3 2,445 Woodson. ...uuens 104 2k 588 61 100 62 23 1 1,943 21k 391 : 061 -|Wyandotte....... 105 139 439,597 634 2,806 657 8371 755 64,871 26,087 14,571 923,114 35.329 Lk 468 nn Other .eeceecocscees 11,674 KENTUCKY. .... J 2.74] ue4,u32| 9,364 34,093] 9.205] 13,385 9,760] 923,23] 154,708] 132,553 377.734 204,159 305,219] 168,136 METRO, COUNTIES.. 795| 251,271] 2.891] 16.651 2,862 6,123 5,364] 366,314 80,068 49,952 306,877] 169,807 210,937] 15,204 Metro. areas: 025 |Cincinnati(pt)? vei + ve024019,059 94 12,298 720 3,039 47 812 700! 54,317 25,349 7.786 10,298) 21,352 ,728 042 |Evaensville(pt)®.051 32 6,433] 83 344 87 138 93 12,060 2,641 1,891 7.215 1h, 874) 055 Fustisetan dain (Db) een vsnie sd 15,705 177 747 187 243 198] 17,812 4,237 3,173 5,284 17,617 19,576 068 |Louisyille(pt)S. ae 620| 216,835] 1,911 12,521] 1,8k 4,930 4,373 282,125 47.80 37.102 291,295 123,623 166,759 15,204 OTHER COUNTIES...| 1,379 213,161] 6,473] 17.442] 6,343 7.262 4,396] 557,108 Th 64k 82,601 70,857 34,352 9k, 282) 152,932 6 Leg 62 gl 42 62 16 3,692 261 9 366 51 107 55 39 16 2,943 531, 31 934 8 uy 361 13 28 1 9 7 k,2u5 687 355 1,868 6k 8 317 42 66 4s 13 6 2,088 5 319 24 5,210 91 205 97 83 8,235 unl 1,052 220 < 4 191 29 5h 33 11 3 3,014 20 ) 29 5,892 82 373 81 hy 93 8,621 889 i 43 8 133 29 50 29 10 5 4,4 1,568 534 13 5,716 36 119 k2 Lg 28 8,103 1,372 700 1,14 055 4g 15,705 177 13 187 243 198 17,812 4,237 3.173 5,284 17.617 19,576 18 2,010] 61 306 61 148 109 8,876 988 769 295 2,439 3 8h 35 72 ko 6 5 3.638 1,112 349 : 2|- (8) 147 66 24 ko 10 1,796 731 256 ~ 5 181] ™ 64 17 19 6 2,958 403 L458 385 Bullitt 1 (8) 29 66 32 23 7 2,515 588 376 258) Butler ms Ble ey Le 28 31 8 2 1,416 32 193 Caldwell 9 928] 31 101 33 51 30, 4,631 615 410 Wy Calloway 28 2,668 95 218 103 82 39 5.856 1,568 715 824 025 [Campbell 32 2,704 315 1,485 326 363 311 23,467 12,005 3.229 4,619 8,370 9.728) Carlisle 7 296 23 40 2k 17 7 1,313 2u3 : Carroll 16 4,071 30 7 29 20 1k 3,297 786 349 x Carter 6 950 Lh 65 43 27 10 4,291 722 455 Casey 1 (8) 42 4g 40 42 11 1,952 57 258 Christian 37 7.320 116 430 132 mn 129 13,381 1,154 1,987 1903 47,2711 OlaTk. ccveue ee. 19 1,913 68 276 81 95 51 10,013 2,342 816 857 351 lyndistributed. 2Remainder of Cincinnati Letropolitan Area (025) is in Indiana and Ohio. 3Remairder of Evansville Metropoli i *5 der of Huntington - Ashland letropolitan Area is in Ohio and West ie, ; Lo ; politen Aves (0/2) 15 17 incieney, Mrensin- clocure of operations of ie Sika Ne rH Ressler of Iamenille stropglages ares 1068) Tsim Inder, Sob, glnwy beceurs of cis | 171 RT -. rT TIT = —— . LF jE 3 g : EDF . \ ee . . Table 3 / Fort. 1 Fanulation TABLE 3—SELECTED DATA FOR METROPOLITAN AREAS AND FOR ALL COUNTIES, KY., Clay (026) - +s : Owsley (095) BY STATE—Continued a TOTAL POPULATION POPULATION—1940 Ji VEDUCATION | Tatil ESTIMATED ; 1944 CIVILIAN ’ 1 A POPULATION Land | Pop- otal white Percent of - > 3S, area} ulation population 25 Metro] METROPOLITAN rank in per years old and Area AREAS, Nosiber of [Percent . sq. over who have Code COUNTIES: bounties change os mile Pevient Usb Rural Rural completed— Percent| April | mn 0 ™an | ponfarm | farm Births | Deaths CODES Number | ponce| “Tog. |percen-| 1930-1 1940 | 1940 | Number | total : “¥ tiles) | 1940 opu- 5 or Hich or 1940- ation more 4 | o 1943 1940 grades | "°° a @ 3) @ (5) 6) m ® © (10) (11 (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) KENTUCKY—Con. 3 All Counties—Con. 19,026 | -20.4 | 28,501 s8| 29.0 475 | 50.3 23,508 | 98.4 4,82 19,719) 60.2] 6.7 760 108 8,714 | -15.2 10,279 75 | 14.2 206 | 49.9 10,226 | 99.5 1,655| 8,62¢| 74.2] 5.2 259 55 Crittenden. 10,175 | -16.0 | 12,115 69 1.5 365 | 33.2 11,878 | 98.0 4,360 7,755" 77.0] 10.6 251 124 Cumberland. 9,154 | -23.2 11,923 70| 16.8 as | ss.l 11,148 | 93.5 2,148 9,775) 64.5] 6.4 212 81 Daviess..... 49,228 | -5.9| 52,835 18 | 19.5 466 | 112.3 48,828 | 93.8| 30,245| 5,391] 16,699] 86.7| 21.4] 1,87 525 9,082 | -19.9 | 11,304 71 1a 304 | 87.8 11,190 | 98.6 2,509| 8,885] 60.6] 6.8 290 92 6,746 | -22.6 8,713 81 | 15:1 240 | 36.8 8,713 | 100.0 669| 8,084| 65.3 ' 4.4 186 39 14,114 | -21.5 17,978 51| 5.8 262 | 68.6 17,876 | 99.4| 3,631 4,127] 10,220] 69.2 9.5 391 125 77,085 | -2.3| 78,899 8| 15.1 280 | 261.8 62,192 | 78.8| 49,304 19,834 9,761 82.6 31.2] 1,488] 1,160 11,098 | -16.7 | 13,327 64 3.1 350 | s8.1 12,776 | 95.9 4,25] 9,112] s2.7| 11.9 269 158 44,249 | -16.5 52,986 12| 26.3 402 | 181.8 52,005 | 98.1 29,854 | 23,132| 66.4] 7.7] 1,659 367 21,064 | -9.6 | 23,308 39 | 10.7 211 | 110,56 21,187 | 90.7| 11,492| 5,410 6,406] 82.6] 28.5 402 274 18,682 | -11.2 | 15,418 59 8.3 205 | 75.2 12,370 | 80.3| 38,308 5,287 6,818) 76.0| 15.5 275 165 3,652 | -15.2 4,307 93 | -2.9 100 | 43.1 4,168 | 96.8 1,m5| 2,502] 82.8] 11.9 86 85 10,076 | -15.4 11,910 70 3.0 234 | 50.9 10,525 | 88.4 3,512 8;398| 75.6] 14.2 265 100 8,752 | -11.4 9,876 77 - 250 | $9.5 9,733 | 98.6 3,140 6,736] 81.5 12.9 184 110 27,646 | -18.0 81,768 26 3.2 560 | 56.7 29,754 | 93.7| 8,619| 4,828| 18,321) 88.7| 13.1 613 3m 14,710 | -16.2 17,562 53 3.0 514 | s4.2 17,456 | 99.4 3,844 | 13,m8| 71.0] 7. 360 178 10,259 | -16.7 12,321 68| 8.1 282 | 43.7 11,418 | 92.7 2,198| 10,128] 72.3] 6.3 199 98 20,084 | -19.6 | 24,917 36 1.5 ss0| 71.2 24,747 | 99.3 18,870 11,047] 74.4] 10.7 567 208 5,648 | -17.0 6,807 8 | 10.7 187 | 36.4 6,557 | 96.3 1,738 5,069] es.8| 10.8 18 67 29,874 | 40.2 | 29,108 29 | 39.2 616 | 47.3 27,908 | 95.9| 8,667 | 12,678] 12,763] 8.5] 19.2 579 S11 58,279 | -22.6 | 75,275 8| 16.6 469 | 160.5 67,787 | s0.0| 9,272 s5,201| 10,808] 70.5| 10.6] 2,138 511 12,252 | -19.0 15,124 60 1.8 S08 | 49.1 14,181 | 9s.8| 4,840| 1,897 8,387| 8s.2| 15.7 241 198 Fatt oe vee - 13,974 | -18.9 17,239 54| 6.6 425 | 40.6 15,637 | 90.7 3,781| 18,508] 73.0| 8.3 325 189 042 |Henderson.......051| 28,750 | 6.4 | 27,020 s2| 2.8 440| 61.4 22,829 | 84.5| 13,160 8,982 9,878] 80.8] 16.6 683 333 Henry. . 1,8 | -8.9| 12,220 es | -2.7 289 | 42.3 11,201 | 91.7 4,501 7,629 80.0] 15.1 226 158 Hickmen.... 6,808 | -25.5 9,142 79] 4.8 248| 36.9 8,127 | 88.9 2,416 6,726] 80.3 15.1 145 a Hopkins. . 32,901 | -12.9 | 37,789 20| 0.9 555 | 68.1 $3,390 | 88.4 | 13,627 11,778] 12,384 78.2] 12.0 777 433 * |Jackson.. 12,048 | -26.3 | 16,389 56 | 56.1 337 | 48.5 16,318 | 99.9 2,824 18,515] 66.3] 4.5 414 9 © 068 |Jerterson ..056 432,775 | 12.3 | saes,se2 1 8.5 375 [1,020.7 334,174 | 86.7 | 919,077| 48,710| 17,605| s8.0| 22.9] 9,666] 5,318 Jessamine 057 10,572 | -13.2 12,174 69 | -2.1 177 | 68.8 10,692 | 87.0| s8,192| =2,867| 6,115) 77.4] 19.9 192 98 Johnson. . ..058| 20,098 | -22.0 | 25,771 «| 12.2 264 | 97.6 25,757 | 99.9 11,705 | 14,066 71.8] = 9.8 580 198 025 |Kenton. ..059 92,825 | -0.3 93,189 6| -0.4 166 | 561.1 89,610 | 96.2| 71,088| 15,949| 6,202) 90.2} 17.8] 1,779] 1,129 KnOtt...........060| 16,801 | -18.1 | 20,007 45 | 381.4 356 | 56.2 19,739 | 98.7 4,680 | 15,327 63.91 6.4 620 100 22,677 | -26.9 | 81,029 27 | 18a 373 | 8s.2 30,409 | 98.0 1,575| 10,891| 19,063] 67.7 9.5 827 252 8,906 | -7.4 9,622 78| 5.8 260 | $7.0 9,098 | 94.6 2,657 6,95] * 75.8] -10.0 190 110 20,389 | -20.7 25,640 35 | 21.5 448| 57.2 25,296 | 98.7 7,247 | 18,398] 72.6] 10.4 651 180 12,539 | -27.4 | 17,275 53 3.4 426 | 40.6 17,180 | 99.4 4,793| 12,482| 69.0] 7.1 382 154 8,044 | -25.9 | 10,860 78 | 11.6 210 51.7 10,761 | 99.1 3,411 7,449) 68.2 9.0 165 58 9,386 | -37.3| 14,981 60 | 89.2 412 36.4 14,956 | 99.8 1,367 | 18,614] 60.7] 7.2 428 59 33,437 | -17.6 | 40,592 18 13.7 339 | 119.7 38,534 | 94.9 9,428| 15,780 15,384) 71.4 9.2] 1,256 308 12,472 | -20.5 | 15,686 58 | 9.6 485 | 32.8 15,656 | 99.8 4,158 11,538] 70.2] 6.6 350 160 16,260 | -18.1 19,859 46 | 12.3 340 | 58.4 18,307 | 92.2 6,799 | 1s,060| 74.2] 12.8 432 211 7,377 | -19.2 9,127 79] ‘6.0 s18| 28.7 8,908 | 97.5 2,928| 6,199] 78.7 9.1 166 9% 19,714 | -15.6 | 23,345 s8| 6.7 563 | 41.5 20,027 | es.8| s,983| s,5%]| 15,772 wr.3| 14.8 441 259 7,711 | -15.0 9,067 79| 6.3 262 | 34.8 7,823 | 86.3 3,902| 5,165] 73.4 9.5 116 68 42,84 | -11.8| 48,53 14] 4.9 251 | 198. 41,551 | 85.6) ss,765| 6,137] 8,632) 84.7] 19.5 938 558 16,681 | -4.7 16,451 56 | 12.5 421| 89.1 16,418 | 99.8 7,404 9,047] 62.8] 5.7 502 125 9,371 | -18.1 11,446 7 3.4 257 | 44.5 11,199 | 97.8 4,488 6,958] 82.4] 12.2 241 104 - 28,038 | -1. 28,541 so| 3.8 446 | 64.0 25,018| 87.6 7,336| 5,975 16,231] 75.0] 21.6 608 2680 Magoffin, 11,461 | -34.5 17,490 53 | 11.8 308 | 57.7 17,482 | 99.8 3,185 14,305] 72.3] 7.4 364 62 Marion... 14,892 | -11.9| 16,918 55 9.1 4s | 49.3 16,462 | S1.4 3,786 | 2,198 10,98) 72.8] 14.2 462 150 13,020 | -21.6 16,602 55 | 28.8 336 | 49.4 16,446 | 99.1 7,462| 9,140] 82.9|- 15.0 287 121 8,602 | -21.6 10,970 73 | 27.8 231| 47.5 10,970 | 100.0 2,958 - 8,012] 56.4] 5.0 48 60 16,593 | -18.0| 19,066 48| 1a 239 | 79.8 16,99 | 89.0 6,572 5,224 7,270] 85.1] 19.6 395 231 8,043 | -8.9 8,827 80 | 9.8 "s08| 28.7 8,461 | 95.9 2,723 6,104] 82.0 9.4 198 89 4,240 | -25.5 5,691 % | 14.8 210| 27.1 5,667 | 99.6 729| 4,962| 68.3] 5.0 124 8 12,718 | -13.1| 14,629 61 1X 256 | 57.1 18,356 | 91.3| 4,673| 1,922| 8,034] 2.2 18.3 258 150 9,115 | -16.0 10,858 78 | 16.8 296 | 36.7 10,317 | 96.1 1,200 9,653] 66.7] 5.6 197 92 12,875 | -8.5 14,070 62| 7.6 334 | 42.1 18,620 | 96.8 2,602 11,468] 72.6] 6.2 366 1s 10,981 | -10.6 | 12,280 68 | 5.3 204 | 60.2 10,658 86.8 4,782| 2,325 5,173] 78.7] 20.0 2 180 11,959 | -28.9| 18,827 55 | 11.2 369 | 45.6 16,825 | 100.0 2,020| 14,807 73.5] 5.5 34 93 29,813 | -20.6 37,554 20 | -0.6 a82| 77.9 85,883 | 94.1| 4,199] 19,510| 18,845) 71.5 9.2 894 347 16,651 | -7.5 18,004 51| 8.8 438| 41.1 16,267 | 90.4 3,152 ¢,857| 10,488] 78.0 17.3 457 186 6,999 | -18.8 8,617 81| 0.5 204 | 42.2 8,121 | 9.2 2,829| 5,788] 81.8] 14.7 140 1s 17,880 | -27.0| 24,421 37| -o0.2 896 | 41.0 23,707 | 97.3 8,767| 15,664 82.4] 9.5 4s2 210 10,667 | -1.4 10,716 74 | 44.8 184 | 58.2 9,415] 87.9 6,000 4,618] 77.8] 14.8 156 98 7,662 | -30.9 | 10,92 7s| 2.2 861 s1.2 10,489 | 95.9 2,274| 8,668] 79.4] 10.5 132 99 6,440 | -28.1 8,971 el 24.0 1971 45.5 8,906 | 99.4 736] 8,221] 69.4] 6. 157 15 ny FEE ON TSE 3 Sg RY EE TET EE CT ET TRE TESA EE _ Table 3 4 TABLE 3—SELECTED DATA FOR METROPOLITAN AREAS AND FOR ALL COUNTIES, Part 2 - Labor Force : KY., Clay (026) = i : BY STATE—Continued A oro sae) : : Ee LABOR FORCE—1940 : f = : a Percent of Rl Population 14 Years Old and Over Employed Workers by Industry Group Peed = METROPOLITAN Titne: In leading | Metro) AREAS, } Business . nonagri- vay Aea| COUNTIES Percent | Percent porta. and altar = 7 Code AND of 3 2 al C tion, | Whole. | personal Oth In | industry 4 CODES In labor | Males | lemales | Top Agri- . On" | Manufac- | OM" | sale and | services er | agri- ¥ Total who are | who are Mining | struc- : cations, . and not force 2 0 ar€ | employed {| culture |- : turing retail exclud- | ¢ d cul- Cod n in tion an trade ing reporte ture | bode Toes Lay ofa onatic (See | Per- orce orce uhili- : page | cent ties Services 422) an a8) a9) 0) @n @) @3) (24) (25) (28) @n (28) 29) G60 | ey | 62 KENTUCKY--Con. All Counties—Con. 14,287 6.9 84,2 10.5 6,158 4,447 667 67 117 64 269 279 2u8 72.2 2 | 10.7 6,754 21 asl 9.1 2,752 2,261 33 57 57 27 128 102 127 |81.0 | 636 1.9 8,862 ,129 £2.1 10.4 3, 1,740 128 113 245 232 277 {49.9 4 | 18.1 7,943 3,736 85.2 7.6 3,34 2,609 7 T - 132 52 160 162], 145 [78.1 | e36 | 2.5 = 38,887 | 20,399 80.6 25.8 17,546 4,459 801| 1,066 3,766 780 2,435 2,486 1,753 |25.% | 19 | 10.9 a 7.334 3.367 81.8 1.7 2,538. 1,829 159 52 86 Le) 125 143 95 [72.1 ¥| 4a 5.352 2,588 86.4 7.4 2,373 2,037 38 35 27 19 70 75 72 |85.8 | 636 | 2.2 1,721 50k 79.7 13.4 4,202 1,982 164 95 368 570 354 18 an 4.2 | 23| 11.6 | 63,447 | 31,783 72.0 28.7| 27.223 3,h87 132 2,071 1,704 2,000 6,271 Tar W214 12.8 | 636 | 12.5 9,836 4,678 82.1 10.9 4,332 3,016 1% 239 72 80 312 309 290 |69.6 | 636 | 3.9 32,380 14,238 77.2 8.8 11,110 3,037| 5,096 210 7 hy3 817 776 560 27.3 2 | b3.8 18,191 9,564 75.0 30.8 8,689 1,897 3 547 1,915 Fd 970 1,236 1,770 |21.8 | 37 11.9 11,443 5,579 79.0 19.0 4,837 1,825 12 19 639 623 51 5 | 37.7 9 | 57.8 3. +589 82.7) 1k.0 1,3 5 65 40 123 18 132 [60.9 | 10| M412 8,525 4,053 80.0 13.5 3.702 2,5 8 100 13 12 n3| , 299 252 |68.7 | 636 | W.1 7.496 3,504 80.4 10.1 3,261 2,226 2 79 50 150 276 281 197 |68.3 | 636 | X. 24,466 12,270 80.7 20.1 10,632 3,000 162 387 1,969 289 1,152 9h3 721 [47.1 2 12. 12,218 ,658 83.2 7.5 4,975 3.7 36 2 83 108|. 335 315 232 Ba G 3.3 8,788 284 87.5 1&3 3,961 3,224 8 75 65 47 191 181 170 |81.k | 6036 | 2.0 16,745 7.873 79.5 12,2 6,638 2,493 119 208 | 932 1,509 519 502 356 137.6 | 23| 21.1 N b,968 2,416 82.5 12.1 2,030 1,312 2 54 101 4g 12; 126 123 | 64.6 2 3.4 ; 22,678 | 13,525 87.5 7] 12,551 3,537 95 363 473 246 80! 887) 6,146 28.2 | 37 | 45.9 N hg, bsg | 22,813 79.6 1, 19,809 3 12,621 37 780 703 1,730 1,534 1,080 3:3 2 63.1 Wy 11,625 5,680 82.2 1h, 5,216 W201) 16 239 138 170 56. 72 419 |61. 636 1 4 12,273 5,819 83.7 7.8 5,399 ,082 ko 115 102 104 387 341 228 | 75.6 | 636 | 2.9 ; ok2 20,3% | 10,041 79.3. 19.6 8,215 2,904 332 2 1,223 335 1,152 995 982 | 35.3 | G36 2k 5 9,095 4,238 20.6 11.0 3,813 2,592 13 147] « 30 95 320|- 33 280 |68.0 | G36 4 6,832 3,276 82.0 11.5 2,812 1,977 7 81 7 215 199 193 70.3 | 636 | 3.7 28,350 | 13,042 79.4 12.3| 10,025 2,1 | 2,738 ug 3 Leh 1,220 1,257 816 | 27.6 2| 27.3 9,562 S714 88.7 7.2 4,217 3,227 433 47 1 72 134 150 113 | 76.5 2| 10.1 p68 305, Tul 165.53 £0.5 30.2| 143,280 3.51% 249) 8,677 39,945] 16,306] 29,756] 28,754] 16,079 | 2.5 | 636 | 7.8 9,070 +323 79.3 15.3 3,722 2,121 45 187 58 130 390 451 340 1 636 | 7.5 16,819 71.832 ed 11.8 5,694 2,395 1.219 150 137 213 634 510 376 |k2.2 2| 20.1 025 73,113 39,150 81, 27.5| 33.828 1,325 19| 1,719 9,117 5,167 7.684% 6,048 2,749 | 3.9 | 23| 9.5 11,858 5,204 77-2 9.5 3,701 1,778 963 70 229 51 230 224 156 | 48.0 2| 25.2 20,138 9,412 79.6 12.6 7.618 3,527] 1,419 18 269 588 522 608 502 |46.3| 2 18.5 Ga 6,965 3,364 83.7 12,3 3,030 1.98 20 13 109 12 278 255 182" £3 636 | 3.7 16,863 1.973 81.0 12.2 6.303 3, 520 202 193 hs 574 555 b22 |sh.3 2| 8.2 11,578 5,331 80.6 9.3 4,030 2,619 179 8 1 236 294 24g SS 23 4.3 6.959 3,112 7hM| 13.0 1,917 860| 365 38 9% 191 159 165 |uhg | 3] 11.6 8,526 3.877 80.9 8. 2,537 1,876 7 L 95 16 107 170 m9 173.9 | @ 6.0 24,752 | 10,815 76.6 8. 8,797 2,019] 4,4 1 426 185 562 658 388 3 % 50.1 iy 10,432 hh, 861 76.9 12.2 4,021 2,519 1 86 568 259 185 205 185 [62.6 | 15 2-2 o 13,497 6,214 79.3 11.6 5,380 3.523 12 181 192 209 13 450 400 [65.5 | @36 .6 6.608 3,069 82.5 1.2 2,509 1,495 226 180 60 61 158 150 179 |59.6 4| 9.0 17,276 8,036 £0.9 11.4 7.147 b, 584 43 19 334 210 622 578 582 |64.1 | 636 ’ oT 2,706 54,2 13.6 2,215 1,177 un ihe 203 104 168 158 246 53.1 | 37 4 37.881 9.176 80.1 25.5] 16,208 1,964 35] 1.333 2,916 2,674 3,168 2,377] 17M 12.1 | 23 11.3 9,970 467 17.8 15.1 3.398 876 1,223 99 363 7 212 225 163 |25.8 2 | 36.0 8,285 3,803 78.5 10. 3,012 1,824 130 113 267 7% 212 225 166 [60.6 10 | 6.0 20,832| 10,222 19.2 19,4 9,081 4,539 ug In 322 261 1,028 1,565 947 150.0 | 636 | 10.7 10,438 5,001 © 83.3 10.1 v 8 3,031 2 56 89 62 123 212 15 [78.2 | 636 | 4.2 11,403 5,569 81.7 16.5 1967 2,761 23 158 386 150 438 600 451 5:6 636 | 6.9 12,358 5,945 82.5 22 3 L855 2,314 2| 1,34 156 137 368 32k 212 [47.7 | 036 | 2.8 6, 2,788 77.6 2,209 1,608 252 19 27 1 75 12 75 | 72.8 2 8.9 ws] 7.424] s.7| 20.7] 6. 2,501 1 312 966 307 900 743 595 |39.5 | . 6,215 2,902 81.6 8.6 2.060 1,620 37 97 93 162 220 1a 23 x 2 3, 1,802 83.1 11.4 1,84 1,060 26 105 SAY 72 65 73 |. 9 + 11,135 5,425 79.8 18.0 4,725 2,500 3 212 229 176 515 620 52.9 | 636 | 5.9 7,560 3.585 85.4 1.7 3,238 2,736 63 68 17 112 138 100 [84.5 | 636 | 2.3 k +509 h,322 €0.8 8.8 3,758 2,893 3 54% 135 be) 231 201 192 77.0 | 6 0 i >on 4,276 78.0 17.0 hie 1,838 6 186 160 115 472 533 412 Ly 3 3.0 5,130 85.9] 5.7 \ligg 3.772 46 104 52 50 hh 202 129 |83.8 | 636 | 3.0 26,2 12,07% 79.1 11.5 8,471 2,730| 2,781 235 265 369 791 745 555 |32.2 2 | 32.6 i Nelson.. 12,742 6,305 79.8 18.2 5,595 2,826 nu 335 629 152 430 688 524 150.5 5 | "9.2 . ® . A Nicholas..... 6,474 3,080 81.5 0.1 2,748 1,957 2 102 35 uy 200 231 177 (72.2 | 636 | 4.6 Ohio. ... ni 8,022 79.9 8.5 5.97% 3,718 5B 156 169 176 433 460 289 [62.2 2| Wy Oldham. . 8,7 2,966 42.5 17.0 2,617 1,282 159 72 148 250 340 362 [49.0 | 636 | 7. Owen.... 8,179 3.775 81.3 7.3 S51 2,738 6 103 ko by 188 245 138 |78.2 | 636 | 3. OWSleYeceoeeonn 5.759 | 72.827 85.8 8.8 2,138) 2,011 8 43 78 1 88 97 99 [82.5 | 636 | 2 . on 73 < Table 3 Part 3 - Housing KY., Clay (026) - TABLE 3—SELECTED DATA FO BY STATE—Continued R METROPOLITAN AREAS AND FOR ALL COUNTIES, Owsley (095) ero 680343 HOUSING—1940 7 h 3 v x Nonfarm Rural Farm All Dwelling Units Occupied Dwelling Units Dwelling Units Dwelling Uuits rs METROPOLITAN i e Metro. AREAS, 5 tele- Area | COUNTIES, Median phones Code AND Residential Percent | Percent P Percent aaabor Per- CODES Strattoros in5or | with Pesont So wih of Avge ot Percent| Jan. 1, more | private | wit mechan- monthly wit with 1945 Number family | bathtub | electric Number | owner ical Perione Number wont | Number run- | electric struc- or lighting i refrig- Tons: (dollars) ning | lighting tures | shower Pied | eration hold water G3) 34) 35) 5) Gn (38) 39 0) “n “2) 3) “) 5) (46) “n KENTUCKY —Con. All Counties--Con. 4,626 4,687 Q.1 1.7 8.8 4,527 | 51.4 6.4 4.94 984 5.25 3,703 0.7 3.4 63 2,365 2,384 2.1 8.7 2,287| 63.9 2.8] 4.07 373 6.4% 2,011] 0.8 2.8] 15 3,205 3,438 0.3 7.4 23.5 3,203]. 59.7 9.5 .38 1,269 9.79 2,169 1.0 3.9 549 2,758 2,719 . 31 8.9 2,622 | Sh.k 39 15 520 8.08 2,259] 1.2 1.8] 18 12,302 14,192 1.5 35.1 67.1 13,556 41.3 3k.0 3.28 10,014 19.39 4,178 6.2 19.1 4,548 2,591 2,630 2.7 14.0 2,557] 59.0 5.6 .95 blz 5.74 1,988 0.5 1.5 187 1,759 1,762 0.2 1.6 1,74 | 59.7 1.0 .63 155 5.80 1,607 0.5 1.2 (1) 3,871 3,996 0.4 16.7 31.5 3.853 52.7 172 4.21 1,862] 9.92 2,144 1.4 4.7 695 17,960 21,963 6.9 51:0 83.2 21,044 | 37.0 46.5 3.07 19,689| ~ 27.26} 2,274) 35.1] 53.9] 10,890 3,551 3,728 0.3 5 33.2 3,582| 58.7 17.0 3.28 1,327 13.31 2,401 3.1 21.7 812 10,3 10,792 0.1 8.3 uk. 6 10,47 39.2 24.5] leh 6,565 9.08 4227] 2.9 T1.2 450 5,34 6,280 2.3 43.0 70.0 6,040 | L2.8 37.7 3.20 4,629 24.30 1,651 9.6 32.6) 2,434 3,734 4,205 0.5 2h.1 50.2 4,080 | 4.7 26.9 3.31 2,531 12.71 1,674 7.8 23.2 1,552 1,178 1,259 8.2 Ly. 8 1,188 u49.6 20.0 3.23 53 1.71 708 4.5 23.5 191 2,881 3,0 0.5 10.8 38.6 2,915| 56.1 20.9 3.56 996 14.00 2,044 6.1 29.4 555 2,757 2,859 9.9 37.6 2,7 | 58.4 16.2 3.17 1,005 15.18 1,854 2.50 23.1 801 8,178 9,063 0.8 15.8 39.5 8,747| 52.2 14.5 3.23 4,013 12.56 5,050 3.0 12.4 2,084 4,392 4,585 0.1 31 16.3 4,361 | 63.2 9.1 3.51 1,157 8.83 3,428 2.2 2.9 869 2,978 3,094 .6 18.2 3,077] 55.5 8.1 £33 613 10.25 2,481 1.8 10.0 152 5,588 5,763 0.6 20.9 45.7 5,456] 55.1 23.4 12 3,351] 15.45 2,ln2| 2.4 7.9 857 1,797 1,879 0.6 6.4 21.0 1,780| 62.1 10.11 3,38 529 8. 1.3% 33 3.4 324 5,84%0 6,394 0.6 14.7 4.3 6,091 56.3 23-3 3.32 2,988 14.74 3,406 od 23.3 2.575 14,806 16,14 1.9 11.8 12. 15,846] 21.1 33. 27 1k4,046 10.01 2,095 23.5 37.6 1,25 4,096 4 362 2 21.9 53.1 4 243] 51.2 27.3 3.15 2,051 15.84 2,311 .3 31.0 1,37 4 Wo 4,603 0. 6.5 26.4 4,320 57.1 12.6 3.47 1,1%0 10.43 3,473 2.0 15.9 6,870 7,679 0.8 24.3 25.5 7,44] k43.1 23.4 3.19 5,080 14.24 2,599 5.1 19.2 1,992 3,261 3,485 0.2 6.3 39. 3.321 52.2 16.9 3.21 1,446 11.43 2,039 2.8 23.0 934 2,371 2,551 0.2 9.8 23.3 2,h2| 51.4 11.2] 3.34 135 9.55 1,816 5.1 8.6! 172 9,856 10,749 0.7 18.3 52.9 10,321 45.7 24.3 2 7,425] 10.91 3,324] 2.0] 12.6 2,308 3,517 3,542 0.9 6.0 3,249 | 70.6 2.2 .59 716 5.16 2,826 0.7 3.7 24 81,747 111,234 10.4 6.1 93.4 106,168 | Y40.0 53.1 3.12 106,956 25.32 4,278] 32.0 72.5 61,604 3,123 3,351 0.9 18.7 46.0 3,252| 48.6 22.5 02 1,862 12.59 1,489 10.1 29.4 647 5,646 5,705 10.7 34.0 5,527| 51.8 19.6 8-0 2,725| 10.88] , 2,980] 1.7 9.3 hk 21,014 27,528 4.6 70.5 93.8 26,208] 45.9 66.7 a 25,875 26.51) | 1,653] 19.4 49.5 24,087 3,772 3,815 0.1 1.9 18.8 3,762] 49.4 6.9 .96 1,080 6.50 2,73 | 1.5 6.5 10 6,685 6,771 0.1 11.4 27.7 6,500 54.0 12.9 4.36 2,91 9.49 864 1.6 5.6 229 2,461 2,565 7.6 34.2 2,472| 62.4 15.0 3-3 758 11.06 30% 2.50" “17.3 520 5,592 ,689 0.4 9.8 21.0 5,460 64.2 10.4 22" 1,859 8.54 3,830] 3.8 8.7 470 3,978 4,015 0.2] * 10.5 14.0 3,747| 56.6 10.0 4.16 1,306 7.93 2,709 1.5 2.3 189 2,394 2,421 0.2 3.4 13.7 2,280 55.7 8.6] k.22 89 5.46 1,527 1.8 3.5 56 2,197 2,850 0.9 3.9 2,744 | 56.9 2.1) 5.21 334 6.64 2,516] 0.6 1.1 52 7.964 8,536 0.3 1.3 57.0 8,102] 32.b4 28.2| lk.55 5,689 9.42 2,847 2.6] 18.4 536 pene $ID 3.6 22.4 ,700( 55.1 10.6 3.75 1,126 8.10 2,809] 0.6 10.5 392 598 +790 0.6 9.2 29.7 ,616| 60.7 13.1 3.87 1,781 9.01 3,009 3.9 18.9 578 2,425 2,549 “0.7 2.4 8.8 2,399| 56.4 5.1 3.36 B46 7. 98 1,703] 0.8 2.3 23 5,843 6,257 0.4 12.1 28.9 6,090 | 49.9 15.4 3.31 vo 2,254 12.75 J g0% 3.7 9.6 1,121 1,967 2,083 0.6 13.1 25.4 1,942| 51.3 14.9 3.049 719| 11.43 1,36 0.9 1.8 158 11,582 13,826 3.4 36.2 12. 13,462] L2.1 30.3 oi 11,560| 15.72 2,266] 9.1 36.1 4,690 3,328 3,384 Ly 4.2 3,30 52.2 20.0 61 1,651 6.66 1,135 22.8) iday 287 2,898 3,117 7.0 32.0 2,988 55.6 14,7) 3.49 1,304 8.05 1,813] 1.9] 10.7 ng 6,946 7,434 0.9 20.8 43.0 7,175] 49.9 21.9 47 3,703] 17.11 3,731] 6.4] 180 1,796 3,445 3,466 be 10.7 3,441 56.2 5.9 Lee 786 6.39 2,680| 2.1 3.0 134 579 866 0.7 4 35.1 L793 54.1 17.4] 3.89 1,590 13.02 2,276 W.7| 16.7 817 2322 ,611 7-5 30.0 +3719] 55.5 16.4 3.37 2,046] 12.96 2,565| 1.1 6.14 831 2,113 2,128 1.6 12.9 2,056| 56.6 7.1] 5.00 655 6.91 1.73 1. 4.5 (1) 4,625 5,282 3.0 26.3 62.4 5,096 42.7 M7! 3.30 3,479) 18.11 1,805 6.0] 35.7 1,582 2,176 2,265 3,2 35.3 2,185| 60.2 18.8 3.58 786 9.12 1,479] 3.1) 25.5 13 1,265 1,275 1.4 5.9 1,221] 62.5 3.9] 4.17 199 6.17 1,076] 0.6 2.4 37 3,638 4,006| * 1.0 16.9 50.6 ,932| 55.6 23.1]. 3.25 1,950| 1k.8k4 2,056] 5.7| 28.4 1,301 2,738 2,807 / 0.8 12.2 2,683 55.8 5.5] 3.64 356 6.14 2,51 1.0 9.8 (1) 3,309 3,393) O.4 4.0 15.4 3,258] 54.6 6.2] i 3.85 693] 7.71 2,700 1.1 6.2 “18k 3,035 , 1.4 29.5 46.6 3,204 | 48.6 26.2 32 2,122| 13.55 1,203] 13.2 21.5 6k 3,682 3,710 1.8 £3 3,557] 59.9 3.4 .29 500 7.63 3,210 0.6 1.9 6 8,672 90319 0.6 10.1 - 9,1 Bi 15.2 3.73 6,121 7.67 3,358) 2.4 6.9 1,290 3,975 ,278 0.5 14.3 4 L,1gk| sh.6 29.5) 3.65 1,928 _1L.4% 2,3%0]| 5.71 29.5 1,3%7 2,358 2,510) ¢ 0.6 11.8 37.1 2,393] 51.9 15.6 3.15 919| 10.8 1,591 4.0| 20.5 511 8% ,697 0.1 6.0 19.9 6,312| 60.1 10.3] 3.Lk 2,l77 8.45 220 1.6 4,3 1,13% 2,116 2,225 0.3 18.8 58.8 2,096| 50.4% 32.3 3.27 1,063 17.15 1,162] 15.9) lk2.h 800 2,947 3,130 |. 5.7 33.4 2,998 52.7 16.9 2-2 779] 13.06 2,31] 2.1] 242 332 1,976 1,987 0.3 1.3 5.0 1,883 62.6 2.9 .35 193 8.68 1,794] 1.1 2.3 119 © 18erved from adjoining county. § TABLE 3—SELECTED DATA FOR METROPOLITAN AREAS AND FOR ALL COUNTIES, Table 3 7 BY STATE—Continued x Ne iaitoaliase : Li x 1 #4 EY., Clay (0x6) = ». \ y: (Figures which have buen rounded Lo thousands will not necessarily add to totals) a Owsley (096) es A yirrhig AGRICULTURE—1945 AGRICULTURE—1940 2 P Valo ol Value of farm products sold, | Principal = Ere f i Work power traded, or used by source ‘of : Per cent arm propeny farm household farm income | Type- : METROPOLITAN : Sl eent fms Perceitt om— °° Rural 3 Metro.| + AREAS, Number of | Land in | Cropland | Number | of | uh : erent irom farming-| | aq » 3 : Area COUNTIES; farms farms | harvested | of farms | farms value A Number : J area vs 5 | Code AND (1000's | (1000's oper- | Toa AEE] of Acant J code |.° an CODES Jan. 1, of of April 1, | ated | jog] 000" 3g¢ | horses | Number (100° stock Code | Gee (re : Q e 1945 acres) acres) fo40 i ( ¢ $ £3 and/or of ¢ $| and (See | £6 p423) index REN ten- | Jess iy AM mules | tractors | 1 ) live- | Crops | pas) | cent A i x ® ants | dollars) Gol, (over 3 ollars) | stock i ‘ $ 400 . ars) | oo. old) prod- : ~; ucts Lr PE (48) “9 (50) G1 2) G3) 4) (55) (56) 67 (58) (59) (60) 1) ©2) 63) 64) a x KENTUCKY—Con. . All Counties—Con. OYRY's ev '¢ en's 10 026 2,718 218 34 3,574 | 43.1 76.3 4,438 | 1,042 3,260 (1) 1,145 13.8 21.6 of Bll 633 ug Clinton... ves 027 1,460 105 34 1,574 | 19.8| 75.C 2,727 {1,133 2,376 15 557 35.4 18.6 0] 43.9 626 6g Crittenden..... .02% 1,624 205 51 1,641 | 19.0 58.3 4,212 | 2,567 235 109 218 56.6 11.6 1| 37.2 626 25 Cumberland...... 029 1,684 16k 35 1,064 H2 64.0 4,305 | 2,192 3,101 4 ‘47 36.1 27.8 ol 33, 626 6 Daviess. .030 3,201 250 17) 3.29% | 37.6] 17.317 |5.215 7.619 u79 2,”u8| 34.2| Lg.0 5( b5.7 552| 9 i EAMONSON. seve os 031 1,457 127 33 1,818 [ 26.7] 65.3 3,082 | 1,695 2,550 33 759 40.3 23.3 0] 35.6 626 60: . FlMoft,.. ....s 032 1,457 130 23 1,487 | 33.9( 71.1 1,960 [1,318 2,060 (1) 531 23.5 26.1 0| 50.0 633 58 Betill.. +4033 1,732 129) 21 1,940 | 35.9 75.5 3,101 | 1,598 2,376 13 6g 32.6 18,6 ol b7.0 626]. 63 \ _|Payette......... 034 1,692 170 52 1,198 | 2r.5| 19,2| U41,621 B4,7h2 6.333 196 4,370 39.2 5.8 5] 49.6 831] 143 Fleming. ..o... ..035 2,260 192 46 2,433 1 39.6) 32.2 11,552 |b, 748 4,73 58 2,299 37.9 5.3 5] 4.8 231 97 5 FLOYA.e sv aeessse036 4,380 ® 163 28 4,026 | L0.1| 82.8 5,799 | 1,4k0 3,303 5 1,106 13.0 eo of 21.8 633] 66 - Pranklin...... «037 1,704 127 27 1,363 | 32.5 27.4 q,842 | 7,271 3,403 68 1,583 32.0 54,2 5] 53.0 #31 108 PUIEON. vase rials 038 1,054 113 60 1,020 | U5.6| 22.9 6,745 | 6,613 3,179 192 1,545 35.3 52.7 5 aug gh 89 Gallatin... ...039 704 57 1 720 | 50.5| 25.1 3,361 | 4,610 1,500 37 635). 26.7 52.1 5| 48.8 R32 93 . Garrard. .... \...0l0 2,092] =~ 135 3 1,922 | 36.1| 26.5| 11,393 ]5,928 3,890 I] 2,022 32.4| 51.0 5] 51.0 831 96 i J Brant, . vices 0M 1,516 154 32 1,545 | 30.5| 24.3 2,426 | 5,454 3,12 25 1,490 30.6 53.2 5] 53.0 #31] 100 ! 0] i Graves, ... ou... 042 3,977 319 11 4,2u7.| 32.0] 43.5 11,109 | 2,616 10,256 188 2,592 35.5 38.0 51 35.2 aly 86 i Grayson...... i0a0U3 2,1 254 6 2,016 | 22.2| 63.2 5,386 | 1,847 5,887 g2 1,304] 16.9] 16.3 0} 36.1 626 T1 = Fx Grant... sx 1-08 2,182 157 47 2,605 | 40.9 3%.0 6,47Y | 2,485 4472 63 1,482 24,0 42.7 5| B2.6 626 23 3 Greenupi...oe..s 5 1,836 1567 23 2,094 | 2u.6| 66. 4,307 | 2,057 2,5€7 34 ’43| . 21.6| 33.6 0] 43.% 633 90 a Hancock. oe 982 91 27 1,086 | 31.b 2. 3,128 | 2,880 2,072] ° 112 6u2 29.9 us 5| 4u.8 626 37 Ns Hardin.... ou7 2,728 297 + 81 2,e16°| 26.1] b7.4| 10,755 | 37792 6,728 187 2,057 50.7] 24.3 1] 33.5 626 #8 Farlan.... OUR: 1,555 53 7 1,632 | 39.7 73.% 2,434 (1,426 991 3 546 | 21k 7.0 0| 67.6 633 72 z Harrison........ 2,512 188 43 2,562 | 47.0| 23.1| 16,050 |6,250 4,766 5 2,599] 33.0] 55.0 5 on £3 101 2,573 225 51 2,979 | 37.2| 32.7 7,06 | 2,822 5,749 40 2,21 26.6|, 47.2 5 47.7 626 al * J ’ 1,978 265 123 1,085 | 45.8| 25.3 1b,3%% | 7,748 6,672 43g 2,557( Mo.7( lis 5] un.2 552) 192 1,915 172 ~ 42 1,501 | 35.%| 10.2 11,527 | 7.680 4,556 g1 2,179 29.0 57.5 5 57.4 831| 101 1,297 139 80 1,188 | 32.1| 23.4 5,984 | 1,311 4,318 15 1,388 | 46.7 31.0 1] 37.2 gh1| of > L, 2,42 2hy 79 2,343 | 31.2| 57.0 6,200 | 2,002 5,462 ol 1,277 33.40 39.1 5] 24.6 626| 75 1,7 116 25 2,535 | 16.5 | 63.4 2,536 | 1,000 2,009 54 16.% 23.7 0] 59.2 633 56 OF |Jefferson....... 056 3,091 166 73 3,167 | 21.3] 53.9 29,57¢ | 9,339 5,35% 527 3,110 v2.5 42,7 2| 21.5 626| 131 Jessamine....... 057 | 1,535 106 40 1,148 | 34.8 | 17.7 1k,000 p2,274 3,235 79 1,%96 ILM 56.7 51 56.2 831| 102 Johnsor. 2,l24 133 19 2,644 | 25.7 | 75.5 3,739 | 1,414 237%} 865 | 22.32 5.1 0| 70.8 633 717 025 [Kenton.. 1,352 |¢ 75 17 1,329 | 24.4 | b5.5 7.771 | 5.847 2,096 118 1,061 51.6 28.5 2| 26.6 £31) 14 Knott... ivasnte 2,587 146 14 2,65 | 30.6| 824.8 2,77€ | 1,050 1,662] (1) 707 9.4 3.8 0} 85.7 633| us Knox... + ee DBY 2,841 159 33 3,432 | 35.7 | 82.0 4,150 | 1,212 2,970 10 got | 19.1 2.7 “0 11.0 633| +59 ba Larne... een 062 1,458 148 41 1,332 | 21.2] 30.0 5,520 | 4,140 3,590 120 1,247| 53.2] 22.4 aliy.e 626| 93 7 Laurel... Juss 063 3,429 153 46 3,631 | 22.8 | 67.7 5,929 | 1,633 4,026 7 1,309 | - 20.5 22.1 0] 56.6 633 70 Lawrence 06k 2,508 211 26 2,508 | 2%.1| 71.7 L107 [1,674 2,661 1 982 1.8 5.5 0 51.8 633 72 Lee” . FN. 2] 1,186 72 12 1,306 | 26.1] 4.2 1,678 | 1,202 1,183 3 uh 18.6 5.1 0| 75.5 633 61 Leslise., lve ee 266 1,974 147 12 2,334] bwo.k| 74.1 2,372 | 1,019 1,45 723 8,8 5.7 0] 84,6 633] Wn = LetoReT sas seven 067 2,625 109 16 2,670 | 31.6| 71.2 2,%2k4 | 1,058 1,796] (1) 862 8.5 9.1 of 20.7 633 62 ] Laviseesosaeonnn 06% 2,037 227 35 2,282 | 33.0| 52.8 5,057 | 2,210 3,370 56 1,193 29.4 40.7 51 39.3 626 80 bi Lincoln es vaeses 069 | © 2,925 185 55 2,802 | 25.9 | 51.7 10,038 | 3,9C4 5,071 9k 1,971 37.1 3%,8 5| 38.5 626 81 os Livingston...... 070 1,151 178 45 1,25 26.1] 53.2 3,916 | 3,115 3.807 100 £11 61.7 1:7 1| 52.0 626 1% es LOZAN ever onsen 071 2.859 305 111 3,045 | 33.5 L2.k 12,424 | 4,080 7.725 355 2,523 29.7 50.6 5 50.4 841 29 3 Lyon. . “nr vOT2 7 87 2h 914 | 32.2| 38.% 2,850 | 3,118 2,124 67 bul L3. 2 24.1 1] 31.4 626 ol 3 McCracke L073 1,646 100 35 1,937 | 23.2| 53.5 6,11% | 3,158 3,679 137 1,122| 35.5) 33.0 of 30.4 gull 93 McCrear, n7h 1,275 50 9 1,675 25.1 7H.7 1,441 260 280 | (1) 4g6 n.z2 5.5 0] 81.2 633] - 62 She 4 [McLean.. -075 1,154 138 59 1,397 | 37.6 31.2 5.476 | 3,920 3,618 272 1,001 37.0 36.7 51 35.8 552 90 * TE - | * Medison. 3,714 261 56 3,643 1,6] k2.7 18,489 | 5,075 6,847 60 3,243 hh 1 .8 5] 41.6 R31 9k x > Magoffin, 2,213 162 23 2,670 | 35.5] #%.7 3,353 | 1,256 2,672 691 13.1 7.4 of 79.4 633 58 i Marion 1,632 186 £3 2,122 | 35.8| u0.3 9,104 | 4,290 4,020 66 1,569 Lg 2 33.8 1] 36.7 831 23 TE ~ Marshall 2,081 155 46 2,172 | 23.2| s6.2 6,009 | 2,754 k4,Lo6 12 1,024 32. 29.5 0 36.2 gi1| 86 5 Martine. . veces 020 1,420 37 7 1,304 | 33.4 90.0 1,391 99% Tue 274 16.2 2.9 0] 79.8 633 4s Ss Mason... 1,833 14 Ly 1,530 | 4g.2| 11.1] 14,785 |9,663 3,752 103 2,563 29.2] 60.2 5159.6 #31 104 3 Meade. 1,036 hh 39 1,295 | 23.0 4,7 5,089 | 3,930 3,304 128 919 Lg, 2 26.1 1{ 33.9 626 a7 hE Menifee. 743 68 9 950 | 23.5| 76.8 1,188 | 1,251 1,082 4 285 21.0 1e2.h ol 50.6 626 60 HP Mercer... oo. 1,969 14g 46 1,932 | 31.2| 27.3| 13,322 6,795 b,100 86 2,071 W.z| M64 5] b6.2 8311 102 iA Metcalfe 1,627 156 uy 2,205 | b41.9| 36.7 4,926 | 2,261 4,096 50 1,363 21.1 51.7 5] 51.5 626 17 Hi MORPGEs vain ivi 086 1,969 183 55 2,322 | 37.5] 50.2 4,222 |. 2,079 4,174 95 1,219 31.8% 31.9 0] 34.9 626 17 7 Montgomery... oo. 087 1,239 107 23 1,100 | 34.3 Buh 9,061 | 9,055 2,692 50 1,565 39.6 Lg.7 5| Ug.2 &31 ay a Morgars ... «vues 088 2, 191 29 3,008 | 2%,%| 72.7 rT 1,505 3,533 6 974 19.6 3h.8 0] 45.1 633 66 ~ : Muhlenberg... ..«0%9 2,28 222 73 2,868 | 29. 70.5 4,260 | 1,695 L Lys 172 1,007 33,1 23.2 of 42.5 626 65 g Nelsons. ...veas 090 2,087 237 68 1,068 | 26. 29.2 11,349 | 5,767 5,314 195 2,411 Lg 5 33.1 1| 35.3 831 95 2 3 6 Nicholas. ......f 1 1,535 118 23 1,485 | 39,4 23.4 g,572 | 5,772 3,2%3 ko 1,544 33.8 4o,.6 5| 4o.5| ,®#31( 10k “nd Ohne de vnmene 092 3,024 282 80 3,b29 | 27.9] 50.8 1,196 | 2,099 6,91k 189 1,505 30.0 29.6 0] 38.9 626 72 | Oldham... . 093 915 - 121 46 802 | 27.6| 27.8 7.709 | 9,612 2,u82 178 1,355 59.1 27.7 1] 32.6 831 105 : OWenss vse ee sud 094 2,193 198 34 1,993 | 39.67 15.3 9,044 | L,g8g 4,007 32 2,121 27.4 shi 51 53.7 231| 100 Owsley. ...ve.es.095 1,353 89 16 1,713 | 33.5] 67.8 2,175 | 1,270 1,775 606 12.4 27.5 of 58.7 633 59 lless than three farms reported and date are therefore included only in State totals. INot shown because of 176 disclosure of operations of individual establishments. Data Included in Combined Counties at end of State. = 7 iE ETT EERE ENLIE Table 3 TABLE 3—SELECTED DATA FOR METROPOLITAN AREAS AND FOR ALL COUNTIES, gon a BY STATE—Continued KY., Clay (026) = ; Owsley (095) (All dollar figures have been rounded to thousands and will not necessarily add to totals) ero 680343 = 3 MANUFACTURING ESTABLISHMENTS—1939 MINERAL INDUSTRIES—1939 RETAIL ESTABLISHMENTS—1939 METROPOLITAN Mare COUNTIES Value added Area y ue a : Code AND Wage Wages Value of by manufac- Value of | Number | Wages and Sales Active |Employees Pay roll earners 9) roducts roducts of salaries | Number of (1000's of | (average (1000's of CODES Number (1000's of f ) ture f : 1000's of sof | pro t s of (average dollars) ( s of (1000's of 000s of | persons | ( s ol stores dollars) | prietors or dollars) for year) dollars) dollars) dollars) | engaged | dollars) year) (65) (66) on 8) @ | a an a2) a3) (0) as) as) an KENTUCKY =-Ccn, All Counties—Con, C107 suave ns eseel6] 2 (1) (1) (3) (1) 325 389 203 211) 1,063 109 31 15 Clinton.........027 1 (2) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) 110) 683 119 17 7 Crittenden, .....028 4 17 (1) (1) (1) 1,012 511 426) 117] 1,410 118 123 ii] Cumberland .029 7 33 13 59 112| 826 12 57 25 Daviess... .030 58 2,837 2,368 11,270 6,554 133 142) 72) 613 12,381 581 1,469 1,264 [Edmonson. ee. e.es031 1 (1) (1) (2) (2) (2) (1) (2) 143) 646 91 37 15 (1) (1) (1) 93 414 77 15 5S 6 258 (2) (2) (2) 188 1,792 171 140 100 58 630 683 9,711 4,263 WU] ~ 54 53) 902 34,139 732 44215 4,041 [F1emingee sess sse035 6 12 10 77 35 (1) 2) (2) 167 1,621 158 165 85 Floydeseeseseees036 5 29 16 61 8,323 5,235 6,268) 4820 ¢ 5,680 461 | 370 326 17 1,249 915 6,661 2,803 (1) (1) (1) 273 6,82, 241 792 670 13 591 345 1,612 613 (1) (1) (2) 263 3,795 256 |- 419 284 1 (2) (2) (2) (2) a 62] 506 56 65 35 3 13 (2) (2) (1) 121 1,554 118 151 92 2 (1) (2) (1) (1) : 12) 1,701 13 152 97 17 1,255 1,200 5,173 2,402 508 157 138 356) 5,571 382 543 400 os 6 8 5 103 33 (1) (2) (1) 232) 1,609 223 140 84 Green. suens ares Old 7 34 18 115 51 134] 894 106 57 29 Greenup. sas ee.es045 7 201 198 1,577 610 5 10 3 221 1,937 232 136 87 Hancockesessaeas046| | 1 (a) (1) (2) (1) 128 35 42 78 652 77 55 33 12 32 18 761 475 1) (1) (1) 345] 5,390 134 542 423 17 383 258 1,053 605 23,924 13,751 16,429) 524) 13,583 431 1,265 1,149 8 38 3 368 158 1) (2) (2) 210| 3,665 215 304 267 6 19 10 68 27 207] 1,608 215 131 83 25 92 606 3,423 1,390 270 184, 157 310) 5,387 272 680 502 2 (1) (1) 1) (1) 14 1,740 155 134 ” 4 17 15 167 86 76| 976 82 87 52 20 68 47 585 27 5,078 3,099 2,487) 410) 7,213 391 U8 514 JACKSON. 0 va aess 3 469 224 137| 75 U2 20 10 068 lefferson...s..s056 584, 31,114 32,216 304,528 111,905 700 268 353 4,675 138,784 | 3,998 17,366 16,496 © 7 lecsamine. £057 5 18 |. 10 172 65 (a) (1) (1) 172 2,185 +168 216 156 Johnson, .058 th 25 23 138 81 1,299 801 969) 248 3,303 206 255 201 025 [Kenton., £059 80 1,925 2,281 18,928 7,666 1,257] 25,667 1,157 2,786 2,441 Knotteseesssssss060 : 752 531 558 186 735 18 24 17 * 4 [KNOXessesenesresOB 9 154 86 313 170 1,115 928 837 266) 2124 |. 227 18 98 Larue. L062 7 47 (2) (2) (1) 122] 1,156 120 83 52 Laurel, . .063 9 47 (2) (2) (1) 85 116 50} 227 2,240 240 Lé 112 Lavrence.. «064 5 19 13 211 87 (1) (2) (1) 190 1,063 190 54 36 LEOu va versnessnslb5 1 (1) (1) (2) (2) 242 106 74) 127 U8 128 45 23 Leslie...... 2 (2) (1) (2) (1) 124 543 12. 19 1 Letcher, L067 12 65 42 287 146 6,722 4,396 5,441] 371) 4,517 323 368 31 4 427 (2) (1) (1) 126 859 133 56 47 6 22 15 222 69 236] 1,945 243 132 103 695 312 261 85) 605 87 27 2 U 200 180 | 1,135 428 (2) (2) (2) 238 3,130 237 300 199 2 (1) (2) (1) (1) 67 801 7 75 43 45 2,501 1,993 9,994 5,370 (1) (2) (1) 599) 15,125 522 1,886 1,480 4 249 (1) (1) (1) 1,675 1,028 1,258] 168 1,622 138 106 97 4 169 116 379 21 12| 16 .8 115) 1,053 17 71 39 MAA 120M. 0 0a asoea076 7 207 ag 468 291 319 5,428 324 575 385 Magoffin, . (1) (2) HY 183) 618 185 21 11 Marion... 10 72 46 542 201 (1) (1) (1 132) 2,271 152 211 140 Marshallese... 079 4 179 (1) (1) (2) 163) 1,592 158 137 8 MATtAn. eos es s080 1 (1) (1) (1) (1) £07, 202 234) 91 399 90 Lu Soil MASON ss eeseeeslB] 13 793 720 6,683 1,926 275) 5,147 273 547 429 3 LL (1) (1) (1) (1) (12) (2) 105 877| - 100 55 31 1 (1) (1) (1) © (2) (1) (2) (1) 57] 326 58 6 5 7 38 28 500 181 (1) (1) (1) 177] 2,636 180 288 183 1 (2) (1) (1) (2) 84 4LE8 94 28 0 5 8 5 64 18 154 1,004 Ls 53 28 Montjomery. . ‘9 88 52 202 133 = 154 2,566 151 293 201 Morgan... . 1 (1) (2) (2) (1) (1) (1) (2) 185 795 91 35 21 Muhlenberg, 11 58 39 373 153 2,753 2,781 2,207, 308 4,884 271 443 296 NOlSON.ereerans 13 166 116 1,406 575 (2) (1) (1) 160) 2,443 165 252 165 Nicholas, esse 3 8 6 7 21 (1) (2) (1) 88 1,105 87 123 91 7 30 16 185 79 394 333 250] 285 1,997 282 154 107 1 (1) (1) (1) (2) (1) (2) (2) 8 1,037 86 104 61 1 (1) (1) (1) (2) 98 1,308 112 92 63 (2) (2) (2) 83 363 82 8 2 - TE ETC 5 RE TE ETT Sid 7 5 z 2 on . 5 i TABLE 3—SELECTED DATA FOR METROPOLITAN AREAS AND FOR ALL COUNTIES, Tiles a - aig . % - Ti - ner Ei HE : BY STATE—Continued Data : +2 \ KY., Clay (023) - ni ' (All dollar figures have been rounded to thousands and will not necessarily add to totals) Owsley (095) 2 wl WHOLESALE SERVICE ESTABLISHMENTS—1939 BANK DEPOSITS ; TRADE—1939 1944 Major war supply Major war facilities contracts, Sidjects, June Bi bh 1945 Jona 540 Juns. 1945 & METROPOLITAN E Bond, (1000s of dollars) ( s of dollars) 7 Metro. AR s : sales 1. A 7 Aea| COUNTIES, [Number Number| ~~ NF aployees Total | (1000s of % ode AND of Sales of | Receipts | Active il Pay oll (demand Time dollars at : CODES estab- | (1000's of | estab- | (1000’s_|proprie-| ““'¢ - 1000's | and time) | (1000's |jssue price) lish- | dollars) | lish- |of dollars)| tors oo) of dollars) | (1000's | of dollars) ments ments of dollars) Combat | Other | Industrial | Military quipment (18) 9) (80) (81) @ | ® (84) (85) (86) (8D (88) (89) (90) on 3 KENTUCKY~—Con. > All Counties—Con. y 1 1 ey 026 11 702 4g 60 24 32 10 2,383 191 207 CLANLON. « . pref LINCOLN — A bo. © wonide ! OUACHITA ’ : JACKSON \, = r d c= . Res ~db——y ge? ; LEGEND @ PLAGES OF 25,000 TO 100,000 (1940) RC —— 4 J ! Leo rret : - fs nt ¢ | % PLAGES OF 100,000 AND OVER (1940) | NATCHITOCHES « 2 4 SAranouEa § . LA SALLE ; mame a \, win id METROPOLITAN AREAS ge J CONCORDIA Len li METROPOLITAN AREAS - . 9 x vernon ] narioes ry “80 NEW ORLEANS | 3 111. SHREVEPORT : \ AVOvELLES A i a) 1 gd f 7 T 7 op ® C= Ss o cabame -f -~ . ; { 7 ! 1 T Tr om m—o - Jj WEST S | . Si . o \ C FELICIANA ' geuiciANA Gs. nessa \ BEAUREGARD | ALLEN Faerie ll, 7 ot ™~ ® 5 ror cours "NTF : ¥ i june ly, , "2 SaEavRLE / ASCENSION 5 TY ’ mle As hot 4 ¢ he? . J ~./ by a Norte, Rath { IE X i ; ven | ee eh meronk_{ i CHARLES o) ag RD,” J! US ie ™ | i Ey TL a, - : iy ) vr Ld I TERREBONNE SN 748369 O—47—13 Table 3 Part 1 - Population KY., Pendleton (096) = LA,, Maiison (08:) TABLE 3—SELECTED DATA FOR METROPOLITAN AREAS AND FOR ALL COUNTIES, BY STATE—Continued Gre main EDUCATION ITAL TOTAL POPULATION : POPULATION—1940 1940 STATISTICS EITNAIED 1944 LIAN : POPULATION Land | Pop- | Total white Percent of . U.S. iatea’ [ulation [7 ] population 25 Metro] METROPOLITAN rank iin “per years old and Arde AREAS, Nimher of |Percent| oo) pe over who have Code CORTES: counties change Bi mile Percent Usha Rural Rural completed— Percent| April | (in of man | ponfarm | farm Births | Deaths CODFS Number | change | “o40" |percen-| 1930=| 1940 | 1940 | Number | total aaj mma oma Lamas % Nov. | tiles) 1940 - sv opu- 5 or High ov. 3 | 1940- # ation more || “80 1943 1943 1940 « grades school m @ ® @ ©) ® @ ®) ©) (10 an (12) ay | ae as) (16) KENTUCKY-—Con. All Counties—Con. Pendleton.......09 8,406 | -19.1 10,892 75 | -48 27987.2 10,220 | 98is 3,000 7,892] 83.4 10.5 128 108 39,608 | -17.2 47,828 14 13.8 343 | 139.4 45,765 95.7) 7,397 | 21,984[.-18,447| 70.0] 10.1] 1,e40 285 63,354 | -10.9 71,122 9| az. 786 | 90.5 70,108 | 98.6 4,185 | 29,008): 97,934) 65.9] “s.z| 2jzn an 5,488 | -28.5 7,671 8 | 82.8 173 | 44.3 7,446 |" 97.1 2,484 5,187] . 64.4 7.1 171 55 31,294 | -21.5 39,863 18 J+ 11. 676 | 59.0 139,048 | 198.0 6,154 | 7,922 25,787| 72.9 9.2 897 301 2,767 | -19.1 3,419 9 2.2 101 | ssi9 3,379 | 98.8 708 2,m6| 86.5] 10.7 66 26 14,534 | -15.8 17,165 54 | 28.3 | S127" 86.0 17,136. 99.8 : 5,818] 11,852 .. 6643 6.6 415 87 10,807 | -19.1 12,734 67 | 16.9] 290 | 48.9| 12,718 99.9 I 5, 7,928] 71.8] 12.3 363 a1 11,965 | -12.1 18,615 63 | 14.1 282 | 48.3 13,375 | 98.2 2,246 11,369] 77.4 5.8 192 95 12,773 | -10.8 14,314 62| -0.6° 284 | 50.4 12,190 | 85.2 4,420 2,242 652] 79.8] 20.4 266 155 16,312 -8.1 17,759 52 0.5 884 | 46.2| \ 15,201..85.6. 4,392 2,836 10,581 83.4 19.6 S42 201 10,121 | -18.9 11,752 70 3.7 239 | 49.2 .10,021| 85.8 3,940 392 7,420] 75.1] 14.9 204 130 5,286" 22.5 6,757 ‘86 2.3| 293] ss5.0 6,277 | 92.9 1,481 5,276 77.0 10.7 15¢ 49 12,728 | -6.1 18,556 64 | 12.5 284 | 47.7 12,407 | 91.5 4,514 9,042] 76.8] 10.9 zal 172 12,5447 11.9 14,234 62 5.3 877.| 97.8 11,022 | 77.4 5,121 9,113) 67.8] 1s 272 166 9,694 | -24.2 12,784 66 2.0 466 | 27.4 10,663 | 83.4 8,106 9,678] 70.6] 9.5 213 106 4,702 | 1-161 5,601 9 4.7 146 | “88.4 5,579 | 99.6 ‘8l0| ‘a,791] 84.3] 11.0 98 51 Union... 17,088 | -1.9 17,411 53 2.1 343 | 50.8 15,308 87.9 3,079| 7,511 6,821 83.2 16.6 396 218 Warren... L114 33,207 | -9.3 36,631 21 8.8 546 | 67.1 81,897 | 87.1| la,585| 5,812] 16,234] 76.3| 20.8 794 401 Washington. .....115 11,339 | -12.5 12,965 66 2.7 307 | 42.2 11,681 90.1 | . 8,308 9,659] 78.2| 14.4 290 107 Wayne. 116 14,477 1] 116.9 17,204 54 8.6 485 | 35.8 16,741 | 97.3 4,017| 13,87] 61.8 6.8 “40 128 Webster. 117) 16,149 | -15.9 19,198 48| -6.5 339 | 56.6 16,502 | 86.0] 4,307| 7,682 7,119 80.6] 11.1 sal 195 Whitley. .118| 27,668 | -16.6 33,186 24 | 11.6 460| 72.1], s2,821 98.9| 16,318] 11,978 14,895) 77.2] 10.8 781 265 Wolfe... L119 7,398 | -26.0 9,997 7 | 18.7 227 | 44.0 9,990 | 99.9 1,562 8,435] 71.5 9.0 240 72 Wo0d£ord........120) 10,485 | ~11.7, , 11,847 70 7.9 198 61.4 9,843 | 83.1 2,548| 3,548) 8,751 77.1) 22.8 211 14 LOUISIANA:....| 2,316,681 | -1.8 2,363,880 12.5 | 45,177 52.8) 1,511,739| 64.0| 980,439 533,069| 850,382 63.5] 17,5] 61,060 23,567 METRO. PARISHES..| 723,874 4.2] 695,167 11.5], 1,508 461.0 472,972 | 68.0| 608,575| 56,450| 30,142] 77.4| 23.0] 17,600] 8,424 Metro areas: le y " . 8 2 080 | New Orleans 026, 036 | 584,181 7.8] 544,964 9.8 608 | 896.3 386,609 | 70.9| 610,408| 883,000 1,886) 78.0| 21.8] 1s,897| 8,910 111 | Shreveport......009| 139,698 | -7.0{- 160,208 20.5 900| 166.9 88,369 57.8 | 98,167 | 28,450 28,586] 75.3] 29.6] 38,704] 1,514 OTHER PARISHES..,| 1,592,807 | -4i3| 1,668,718 12,9 48,669 | 38:2 1,038,767 | 62.2 371,864 476,609 820,240] 56.3| 14.7] 43,449) 15,143 All Parishes: \ u 4 40,711 [.-=12.0 46,260 15 {17.6 ‘6621 69.9 87,941 | (82.0 14,497 | 8,674| 23,089] 48.0 12.0] 1,187 U7 16,041 | -8.5 17,540 53 | 14.9 776 | 22.6 12,986 | + 74.0 3,988( 7,146 6,461 -'88.0| 13.4 508 189 18,788 | -11.7 |. 21,218 a3| 15a 300 | 70.7 18,267 |"62.5| “3,889 | 7,252 10,074] - 49.9] ‘11.1 506 186 16,761 | -9.6 18,541 5011.0 87 | 51.9 11,010 | 59.4 . 8,881 9,660] = 89.8] 7.2 Tas 178 ,34,289 | -12.7 39,256 19) 12.4 826 | 47.5 28,677" 73.1|. “3,875| 10,608| 25,078] 82.0 11.7 956 288 014338 | -0.74 14,847 60| 1.9] 184 128| 12,286" ‘eela| 3,750| 8,809 “7,788| @s.e| 15.9 428 168 119,670 | =17.8 23,988" 38 0.6 826 | 29.0 12,442 | 52.0 6,621 | 17,312] 65.0] 18.9 837 167 29,683 1:9 33,162 24 | | 16.8 841 | 39.4 16,495 | 49.7 5,786 | 9,901 17,475] 60.4]..17.9 907 279 139,699 |“ =7,0| 150,208 44 20.5 900 |'166.9| ° 86,363 | ®7.5| 98,167 | 23,450| 28,586 75.3| 29.6] 8,704| 1,814 73,028.[ 29.8 56,506 12 | 34.7 | 1,108] 61.2 41,5644 73.5] 27,968] 19,462 9,081 .67.8| 21.2] 1,900 578 | 10,296. 14.5 12,046 69 18.5 850 | 21.9 8;850| 71.01% 5,247 6,799) 68.0] 14.0 267 “100 5,460 | ~24.2 7,208 8 [19.0 | 1,444] 5.0 6,688 | 90.7 2,964 4,289" 50.9| 10.7 105 28 12,252 |. =16.2 14,618 61 17.4 732 | 20.0 9,278 63.4 3,940 10,678 54.8 9.6 881 95 24,908| =16.6| 29,805 28| -7.5 766 | 89.0 12,770 | 42,8... 3,497] 5,569(" 20,809] 63.8] 14.4 529 179 12,970 | 20.97" 14,562 61 | 14.0 709 | 20.5 4,787 | 82.9 2,807 2,986 8,719 45.9] 10.0 -329 158 De Soto... as...016 25,0081] -18.9 31,808 26 2.5 899) 86.4 11,688 se.e| 4,065| 6,208 22,880] 58.6] 18.9 784 288 East Baton Rouge .017 21.1 88,415 7 29.6 462 | 191.4 54,774 | 62.0| 384,719 48,360 10,386] 72.1] 80.3] 2,797 986 E -17.1 19,023 48| 20.3] 482) ee.0 6,202 | s2.8 s,711| 1,189] 16,178] 49.9 8.9) Bee 179 -2.4 18,039 51 8.4] ase] ss. 6,387 | $5.4 5,884 | 2,148| 10,507] 83.2] 11.6 368 809 -4.8 30,497 27 | 19.7 872 | 45.4 23,498 | 77.0 3,781 6,188] 20,643] 36.9] 7.1 517 176 -12.8] | s2,s82 25 61 648 | 50.0 19,763 | 61.0 2,834 | 2,252 27,208] 54.1 9.5 806 235 -3.2 15,993, |i 1.4 670 | 23.8 11,954 | 76.0 8,887 7,096] 65.1] 13.8 432 180 “8:4. [97,188 181.9 588 | 83.2 23,785 | 63.8 17,19 7,56¢| 18,610] 47.3] 14.8 988 a 25,210 | -6.9| © 27,721 12.5 611 | 45.4 13,512 | 48.7 5,049 | 12,108| 10,669] 41.1 9.7 631 330 JaokSORi4 +... 025 14,663 | -17.7 17,807 29.0 583 | 30.5 12,194 | 68.5 2,639 6,971 8,197 73.8) 14.5 410 144 080 | Jefferson. ......026 62,734 | 24.4 50,427 13( 26.0 409 | 123.8 41,834 | 83.0 18,871 83,000 1,686] 65.3) 15.1] 1,740 531 Jefferson Davis.027 22,793 | -b.8 24,191 37 | 22.4 658 | 36.8 18,174 | 75.1 7,343 7,382 9,616] 51.2 16.1 885 164 : 41,686 | -5.1 43,941 16] 1s.2 283 | 155.8 £9,838| 67.9| 19,210 5,395] 19,336] «8.9 18.2] 1,188 a6 Lafourche. ......029 35,406 | -8.8 38,615 19 19.) 1,157] 38.4 32,660 | 84.6 5,851 | 17,961 | 14,818) «0.2 10.1} 1,011 297 La Salle........080 11,766 7.4 10,959 78) | -6.1 8s8| 17.2 9,587 | 87.8 7,060 9,899 78.8] 16. 883 89 Lincoln... 20,609 | -16.9 24,790 36 8.6 469 52.9 13,551 | Be.7 7,107| 2,470 15,212] 98.8] 22.8 484 208 Livingston. .....082 15,655 | -12.0 17,790 be | -2.8 665 | 26.8 15,180 | 85.2 6,897 | 11,498] 68.4] 11.0 446 18 Madison... 088 15,586 | -15,7 18,44 50 24.4 6621 27.9 5,686 | 80.7 8,712 1,808 11,888 49.2 10.0! 48 178 180 TABLE 3—SELECTED DATA FOR METROPOLITAN: AREAS AND FOR ALL COUNTIES, BY STATE—Continued Table 3 Part 2 - Labor Force ©Y., Pendleton (096) - LA., Hadison (033) Gro mo LABOR FORCE—1940 © 080 3, =, i i 2m P t of Population 14 Years Old and Over ‘Employed Workers by Industry Group ans Teand- In leading Metro METROPOLITAN { Business nonagri- Area AREAS, Percent! | Percent porta; | cultural Code COUNTIES, { | of all of all ; tons | Wigle- personal In industry C * i males | females . Con- communi- : Other ) y AND Total In labor ho are | wh Total Agri “| Minin struc- Manulac- cations salé’and]| services and not | 287" CODES force | WhO ari] Who are | ohloved || culture cd By turing a retail exclud- cul- V in in tion an, i ee reported ture | Code labor labor | © ot Jomatic (See | Per- . tili- ¥ oy ; force force | : : seyices 155 cent an (18) 19) 20) @n 22) @3) (24) (25) (26) (27) (28) (29) 30) 3) | (32) KENTUCKY-~Con. > All Counties—Con. : : Peitipton.) i. .096 7,854 3,540 78.7 5.3 3,2uk 2,248 4 125 53 123 241 273 177 | 69.3 | 636 | u.2 Perryii... po.8.. 097 28,988 13,137 77.5 11, 10,686 2,40k | 4,828 175 539 480 855 ‘gut 558 | 22.5 2| Us.2 Pike... Ves. 098 3, he 19,438 78.0 9.8 | 16,425 6,132 | 5,177 363 |, 698 676 1,37 1,205 857 | 37.3 2 31.4 Powell..... Veeed099 L,q41 2,194 | © 76.1 9.2 1,543 972 81 52 80 43 103 [10 © 100 112 | 63.0 30 A. Pulaski... ....100 26,803 | 12,306 80.5 10.6 | 10,327 6,177 191 330 u59 8h 960 » 193 573] 59.8 | 23| 6.3 Robertson..i.... 101 2,562 1,126 78.8 1. 5.4 1,031 803 i 35 3 17 64 68 L1177.9' | 636] L.2 Rockcastle. .....102 10,893 4,720 75.8 |. 19.1 4,011 2,509 290 102 97 239 311 219 au | 62.6 2] 5.8 Rowan, ...... +{..103 8,220 3,846 80.1 11.7 3,195 1,Lkg prin 129 ish 133 286 381 220 | 45.3 16 11.3 Russell... ....104 8,975 4,251 85.5 7.8 3,647 3,008 1 Ls 76 150 189 148 | 82.5 636| 2.4 Set. ivihieris 105 10,933 5,280 79.5 16.2 4,872 2,151 6 206 100 152 Lgo 670 501 | 56.6 | G36| 6.8 Shelbyi...s {sve .106 13,551 6,624 81.1 15.5 6,138 3,585 5 250 198 233 588 633 6U46 | 58.4 | 1636 | L.5 Simpson... iss. 107 8,926 4,307 80.7 16.8 3,785 2,291 12 97 218 98 ITS 1315 338 “es G36 | 3.3 Spencer.........108|" 4,715 2,362 2d 11.4 2,220 1,675 2 63 33 34 125 154 134 | 75.4) 7636 | 3.7 Taylor...... + 04109 9,601 4,538 83. 10.7 4,115 2,57% 4! 192 185 84 436 3 300 | 62.6. | “G36 | 3.8 B88, us oh orer e120 10,463 5,146 8.5 13.9 4,330 2,816 12 88 183 139 338 326 428 | 65.0 | 636] 3.5 Priggs.... ss o De «111 2.16 4,316 83.0 8.9 3,452 2,466 34 55 128 Bl 21k 227 2u7 | 71.40 0636 | 2.9 Trimdble.......,.112 40 1,903 80.8 9.2 1,757 1,410 58 8 3 mn 95 78 | 80.2.[636| 3.0 Union.i..... 1 12,6 5,800 76.6 13.5 bby 1,863 770 132 112 162 Lg3 512 430 | 41.6 2] 17.1 Warren; 31% 27,476 | © 13,136 78.6 18.3 | 11,54 ,667 125 603 763 712 1,637 1,750 1,289 | 40.4 | 636 | 6.3 9,009 Li, 264 82.9 10.6 4,011 2,853 [4 134 51 n 285 350 259 | 71.1 | 636| 4.8 11,155 : 5,25 83.7. 9.6 4,570 3,297 1m 65 195 BY 287. 261 265 | 72.1 9| 2.6 14,532 6,47 78.4 10.7 4,967 1,943 | 1,304 108 126 170 520 473 323 | 39.1 2| 26.1 22.153 110,11 17:2 14,1 7,593 2,482 | 1,331 | 23 250 996 807 810 698 | 32.7 217.4 6,19 or 8h. 13.6 2,378 1,806 95 : 36 23 115 185 84 | 75.9 [2636 | 5.9 8,671 436 80.5 20.8 4,015 2,030 12 22 25k 120 329 70 558 | 50.6 | G36 | 7.2 LOUISIANA. .vv.| 1,710,456 | 884,164 80.0 24,2 | 771,142 || 2Ug,696 [14,819 | 34,936 99,120 | 50,523 | 112,620 104,296 106,132] 32.2 | 636| 6:0 METRO. PARISH....| 546,656 | 303,575 81.3 32.6 | 253,794 || 11,324 | 3,411 | 15,463 40,802 | 30,981 | 56,924 | “53,247 | u1,6u2| W.5 Metro areas: A oe [Kew Orleans 026 036 431,345 | 237,761 81.0 32.2 | 193,993 2,243 335 | 11,959 34,571 26,402 | M5, 274| u2,u56 | 30,753 1.2 111 |[Shreveport......009 115,311 65,814 82.3, 3n.2 59,801 9,081 | 3,076 3,504 6,231 4,579 11,650. 10,791 10,889 | 15.2 OTHER PARISHES ..| 1,163,790 | 580,589 79.5' | "19.9 | 517.3u8 | 237,372 |11,408 | “19.473 58,318°| 19,542 | © 55,696 | 51,049 | ‘64,490 | U5.9 All Parishes: : { |Acadia....... ...001 30,770 | 14,L2g 79.1 15.1 | “12,410 6.110 310 387 ge2 Log 1,685 1,270 1,17] 49.2 | "636| 5.4 Allen,..... S15 «002, 12,315 5,898 77.2 17.3 4,707 1,420 45 95 1,439 186 511 Loi 5451 30.2 | 9 22.8 Ascension... ..00 14,867 7,196 78.3 18.5 5,910 3,199 99 * 231 uly 154 637 547 “556 | 4.1 G36( U.4 Assumption... ...00! 12,788 5,835 17.2 13.4 5,341 3,1kg 38 158 1g TH 36 355 783] 59.0 11 6.3 Avoyelles.......005 26,697 | 12,728 81.3. 13.2 | 11,967 7.613 322 321 330 247 1.1 858 1,162] 63.6] ‘636| L.0 Beauregard. .....006 10,492 4,791 75.511." 15.0 3,653 1,342 69 135 643 153 422 431 Use| 36.7] 9| 8.6 Bienville.......007 16,258 7,901 81.2 1k,9 7.392 4,601 3 143 815 19 Us2 sls 606 | 62.2 3! 5.9 Bossier....... ..008 24,1 14595 86.6 28.5 | 14,043 6,187 202 421 1,160 18 1,068 71 3,844 | M41 37 20.8 111 [Caddo...........009]| * 115,311 | 65,81 82.3 34.2 | 59,801 9,081 | 3,076 | 3,504 6,231 4,579 | 11,650 |" 10,791 | 10,889) 15.2 | 636| 6.6 Calcasieu.......010 40,625 20,373 77.3 22.9 16,956 2,061 | 1,36 qu 2,200 1,764 3.343] 2,578 2,700] 12.2 3] 8.0 8,351 3,940 78.7 14,7 3,514 1,619 123 813 128 236 274 316 | 46.2 9 19.4 4,872 2,232 79.8 7.2 2,122 1,027 305 195 15 13 112 148 247 | bel 3014.4 9,649 4,575 80.7 12.0 4,279 3,066 37 92 202° 53 24 254 334) 71.7 | “836 28 20,363 10,197 80.9 20.3 9,589 6,042 46g 161 koh 219 68Y4 657 953 | 63.0 <3 .9 10,533 5.393 | © 82.6 19.7 5,055 2,923 3 276 504 208 353 274 5141 57.8 9| 6.7 De S0t0.....:4..016 21,870 | 12,268 83.0 30.0 | 11,67 74879 137 184 934 262 657 641 985] 67.5 “636 | 3.2 East Baton RougeOl7 67,352 36,815 89 31.6 33,2 2,822 183 2,482 7.095 1,759 5,782 6,142 6,979] 85 14] 11.9 East Carroll....018 13,L78 7.016 84,2 20.1 6,627 4,667 1 210 253° 138 373 379 606'| 70.4 9] 3.0 Bast Feliciana..019 13.528 6,024 57.6 3.7 5,801 {| "4,091 u2 9 217 92 231 599 434} 70.5 | ‘636 | 8.5 Evangeline. .....020 20,198 9,628 1.6 11.8 8,710 6,024 h62 15 250 86 638 594 502 | 69.2 3 4.9 21,489 10,172 82.3. n.3 9,846 7.627 8 171 252 162 540 566 520 | 7745) 2636 | 3.7 11,135 4,910 75.1 11.3 3,862 1,634 89 155 74 21k 298 390 308 | 42.3. 9 | 12.7 26,116 13,522 82.7 21.1 12,180 4,039 942 655 1,062 Lgg 1,907 1,232 1,844 | 33,2 3 4.5 20,05 10.333 77.4 24.6 8,u6k 3,663 195 327 1,039 293 897 799 1,251 | 43.3 94 6. 12,4 6,U7k 81.6 22.7 5.770 2,048 3 134 2,001 1 kg 66 521] 35.5 fsa | 22.2 ) |Jefterson.......026 36,864 18,968 81.4 21.5 16,681 1,048 130 1,136 5,513 1,852 2,739 2,001 2,202) 6.3 16 i . Jefferson Davis.027 16,447 | 8,107 80.0 11:7 6,882 2,896 439 263 309 3271 926 745 977 | 42.3 3] e. v ..028 30,645 | 15,215 80.1 20. 1k,0L47 5,634 161 166 61 866 2,140 2,012 1,849 | 0.1. 636 | 7.4 .029 26,076 12,323 80.3 13.2 10,877 4,324 614 nh 86 431 1,387 937 1,906 | 39.2 1] 8.2 La Salle........ 030 7.780 3,546 76.4 13.4 2,135 730 216 20 700 113 269 315 312 | 26,1 9122.2 Lineoln....:.iee031 17,56% 854k 78.8 19.4 7.9 3,875 21 524 510 207 17 1,063 971 | 48.8: .636| 8.8 Livingston, .....032 11,857 5,511 75.2 13.8 4,557 2,728 u2 146 594 81 36! 334 268 | 59.9 9] 6.5 Madison... ines 033 13,342 7.11k 85.5 19.6 6,695 3,718 14 134 | 1,061 205 545 h67 551 | 5545.1 10.9 | 11.0 181 Table 3 ‘Part 3 - Housing KY., Pendleton (096) — LA., Madison (033) TABLE 3—SELECTED DATA FOR METROPOLITAN AREAS AND FOR ALL COUNTIES, BY STATE—Continued HOUSING—1940 0. s : : Nonfarm y Rural Farm All Dwelling Units Occupied Dwelling Units Dwelling Units Dwelling torlts . METROPOLITAN dre Metro, AREAS, ; joe: Aea| COUNTIES, J Median phones Residential Percent | Percent Percent Per- AND in5 He Per- 5 number A CODES ; De ivat cent | echan- of or qr he hes more rivate mon wil wit] Number ily toh Number ose ical pevions Number voit Number run- | electr struc- | or ed | iE | hogse (dollars) ning | lighting tures | shower P eration | “pod water ®) GH [£5] 36) a9) 39) 0) “n “2 3) #0) 5) “6 “n KENTUCKY-=Con. All Counties—Con. Pendleton....... 096 2,930 3,016 0.2 Je. 2,814 | 60.4 13.3 3 gu1| 15.73 ,07 2.6| 21.6 711 POrr¥.ccscsians .097, 2.2% 9,629 1.3 12. 9,lkl a 23.1 .69 6,335 9.10 3,29 1.4] 13.8 750 Pike. voxes ewes 098 14,621 15,250 0.3 10.2] 13,987 Ab 19.3 4.66 8.183 9.85 7,067] 3.2] 15.6 692 Powell..........099 1,712 1,750 0.3 1.8 1,646] 55.0 6.1 4.16 622 6.10 1,128) 2.4 5.5 19 Pulaski.........100 9,050 9,420 0.3 13.1 9,053 | 61.7 16.9 3.93 3.671 11.53 5,749 1.9 9.0 1,116 Robertson.......101 927 977 4.2 lg | 52.2 11.9 3.22 228 15.43 uel 2. 20.7 105 Rockcastle ..102 3,761 3,869 1.0 3.7 3,711 | 60.2 7-1 4.11 1,392 6.67 2,877): 2.8 L.6 307 ‘| Rowan. ... ..103 2,862 2,903 0.2 13.6 2,731 60.0 14.6 4.18 1,366 | 12.18 1,537 0.7 5.1 333 Russell ..104] 3,067 3,097 1.7 2,984 | 64.6 6.8 %.12 605 4.90 2,k92| 1.3 6.0 106 Seott. iranian 105) 3.688 4,061 1,1 22.0) 3,942 | ug.2 26.5 3.18 2,072 17.50 989° 6.8 32.6 1,013 Shelby.,..... +. +106) 4,572 5,029 1.1 19.1 4,770 16.2 27.0 3.24 2,261 | 18.92 2,768) 9.8| 40.0 1,368 Simpson..... 2,998 3,238 1.0 17.2) 3,123 5 15.9 3.33 1,284) 12.76 1,954 5.1 16.3 684 Spencer... 1,570 aA.707 iL 1,649 | 47.7 18.2 3.65 436 12.28 1,2711| 3.1] 23a 421 Taylor... 3,365 3,480 1.7 3,381 | 61.1 17.7 3.56 1,304 1k.07 2,176] 2.2 12.7 668 TORE. i enrennelen 3,743 3,929 0.1 7.6 3,717 | 46.0 14.6 3.38 1,505 9.68 2,24 3.6 9.9 768 Brigg. cave erase 111 3,225 3,332 4.7 3,131 | u48.6 9.3 3.60 868 | 8.24 2,u64| 0.9 2.2 382 Trimble.........112 1,480 1,552 0.8 1.5] 1,443 55.9 6.8 3.46 291 11.29 1,261| 0.6 5.3 384 Union...... verse113 4,210 4,602 12.8 4,390 | kg.5 27.6 3.51 2,887 9.18 1 75 4.6] 25. 1,09% Warren..........11h 9,254 10,284 2.1 29.0 9,797 | 48.0 28.9 3.30 6,050 | 18.49 4,23 7.5] 19a 2,660 Washington......115 2,937 3.097 0.2 10.4 3,049 | 59.5 19.2 3.69 854 1%.96 2,243 2.5 19.8 819 Wayne. oe.e...e0allb 3,885 3,938 4a 3,734 | 62.5 1.6 4.21 1,040 7.74 2,898| 1.3 5.1 201 Webster... cou. 117 5,325 5,682 0.1 8.1 5.37% | 50.0 16.0 3.18 3,664 7.58 2,018 0.7 7.8 740 Whitley. oesess JIE 7.230 1.575 1.9 16.4 7.288 | 52.1 16.7. L.o7 k,389 9.21 3,186| 1.2 7.6 1,107 Wolfe...c.eruse 119 2,060 2,08k 0.8 2,068 220 Jed 4.37 382 6.42 1,702| 0.6 3.2 (2) Woodford. .......120| 2,913 3,113 0.2 25.5 2,971 | b6.0 2h. 3.47 1,776 | 15.02 1,337) 15.6] 28.4 806 LOUISIANA.....| 527,550 619,233 3.7 34.3 592,528 | 36.9 23.5 3.44 Lik, bs6 | 16.61) 204,777 5.9 9.8] 169,389 METRO. PARISHES..| 124,550 193,017 10.7 63.7 186,116 | 28.2 31.9 3.23 185,244 | 21.70 7.773] 10.0 14a] 101,323 Metro. areas: 080 | New Orlsans.026, 0% 87,299 Ran 12.9 69.7 145,766 | 25.9 30.4 3.23 150,124 | 21.50 327| s4.7| 74.0 82,098 111 | Shreveport......009 37,251 2,566 2.8 42, 40,350 [ 36.2 37.3 3.22 35,120 | 22.52 7.446] 8] 11.4 19,225 OTHER PARTSHES.., 403,000 426,216 0.5 20.2 406,412 | 40.8 19.6 3.55 229,212 12.47 197,004 5.7 9.6 68,066 All Parishes: Acadise.........001 10,917 11,203 0.2 21.4 10,971 | 47.3] 22.2 3.77 6,067 | 11.07 5,136 8.1| 12.0 1,384 Allen...........002 4,326 }4,526 0.7 14.8 bike [47.1 20.4 3.46 3,025 7.53 1,501] 6.9 4.8 651 Ascension....... 0s ATT 5,129 0.1 16.5 Tk 55.2 13.2 3.58 2,886 8.27 2,543] 6.2] 13.0 pl Assumption..... . 1353 ,u76 0.3 15.1 ,263 | Lo.7 10.8 3.74 2,109 5.13 2,367 | 13.8| 22.6 2kg Avoyelles. ......005 9,552 9,824 0.1 13.7 9,500. 41.3 17.4% 3.69 3,899 | 10.58 5.925) 2.6 9.2 768 Beauregard. ..... 006] 3.739 3,8k%0 16.6 3.772 63.9 17.9 3.59 1,944 8.65 1,896 6.6 i 667 Bienville....... 007 5,8 6.020 8.8 5,671 | 41.0 12.2 3.75 1,900 8.90 ,120| 2.0 5 574 Bossier.........008 7,911 8,156 0.5 19.3 8,100 | 29.1 21.9 3.21 3,654 | 14.10 4,e02| L.k 55 128 111 [Caddo...........009 37.251 42,566 2.8 42.5 40,350 | 36.2 37.3 3.22 35,120 | 22.52 7.446) 8.) 11. 19,225 Calcasieu...... .010 13,798 15,151 1.3 36.5 14,522 | 52.9 38.5 3.4 13,142 | 16.70 2,009| 15.1 | 17.5 k,999 Caldwell......,.011 2,937 3,051 9.4 2,902 | 45.8 14.9 nn 1,378 8.31 673] 3.E 4.8 358 Cameron......... 012, 1,819 1,842 1k.5 1,698 | 52.0 26.3 3.8 829 | 10.44 1,013} 12.0 6.1 Catshoula.......01 3,872 3.980 23 10.7 3,522] 37.2 11.7 3.66 1,361 7.18 2,619 2.3 3.0 108 Claiborne....... 01 7.47 7.626 0.3 16.3 7.0361 35.8 19.8 3.71 2,635 10.81 4,991 3.9 9.2 1,116 Concordia....... 015 1248 1,513 0.6 9.6 4,131 | 22.6 7.5 2.98 1,850 8.01 2,663| 5.3 3.3 351 De S0tOueusennss 016 8,168 8,462 0.4 10.1 7.897 | 3u.4 11.9 3.40 2,736 9.51 5.726 2.5 bol \ 7% Eest Baton Rouge.Ol7 21,53 23,940 2.70 52.6 23,016 | U4.7 46.1 3.34 21,300 | 22.69 2,640| 20.1| 33.2 13,187 East Carroll....O0l8 4,932 5.327 0.5 8.3 5,206 | 19.9 10.1 3.05 1,631 9.41 3,696 2.1 5.8 269 East Feliciana..019 3,313 3,384 0.6 10.7 3,263 | 31.1 12.6 3.56 9k | 10.22 2,43 L.7 5.3 339 Bvangeline. ..... 020 7.658 7,910 0.2 6.8 7.678 | 35.9 11.3 3.50 2,867 8.71 5,023 1.6| "2.3 302 Franklin........021 8,378 8,544 0.1 6.3 7.981 | 22.6 3:2 3.56 1,658 9.91 6,886 1.6 0.4 377 BrBIE ove veresers 022, 4,201 4,266 8.5 3,915 L7.9 1k.5 3.59 2,587 6.00 1,679| 3.6 8.4] 168 Iberia....co... 02 8,659 9,312 0.3 28.1 8,904 [ u3.1 26.8 3.69 6,431 13.33 2,881 11.1 17.2 1,978 Iberville... ..02 6,801 7,674 0.6 18.0 7,001 | 36. 11.5 3.25 4,704 8.5 2,970 7.0 11.3 923 Jackson. ........ 025 4,197 It, 490 0.7 14.8 L,355 | Lh. 25.0 3.65 2,570 9.97 15920 ( 1.9 5.7 517 080 |Jefferson...... .026, 10,899 13,286 ; 1.7 52.3 81.1 12,726 | 49.3 31.3 3.51 12,959 16.72 3274 54.7 74.0 273 Jefferson Davis.02] 5,949 6,336 0.9 26.2] 31.7 6,046 | 47.6 30.8 3.54 +05 12.16 2,282| 10.7| 10.7 1,%21 Lafayette....... 028 10,206 10,709 0.2 32.8] Lo.6 10,321 | k6.0 24.3 3.75 6,570 | 16.25 4,239 7.7 1-1 2,622 Lafourche....... 029 8,589 8,972 0.6 23.0 U5.6 8,638 | Lu.u 15.1 3.96 5,559 | 10.78 3.423) 17.1 26.4 1,149 Le Salle....... .030 2,848 2,929 0.2 10.9 35.4 2,737 | 50.3 17.3 3.63 2,059 6.55 gr0| L.8 8.4 419 Lincoln......e. .031 5,926 6,270 0.2 18.0 31.3 6,005| 4.0 20.6 3.63 2,611 16.5¢ 3,659 2.7 10.6 1,169 Livingston...... 032 4,527 4,596 | 6.7 26.5 4,258 | 61.5 8.6 3.80 1,706 6.01 2,890 | 4.4 13.3 15 Madison......... 033 4,630 5,125 0.8 10.4 24.3 5,012 | 19.2 1.3 3.13 2,147 9.59 2,978] 4.0 5.1 38 182 18erved from adjoining county. TABLE 3—SELECTED DATA FOR METROPOLITAN AREAS AND FOR ALL COUNTIES, BY STATE—Continued (Figures which have been rounded to thousands will not necessarily add tok totals) Table 3 Part 4 - Agriculture KY., Pendleton (096) = LA., Medison (0833) 7 Bg AGRICULTURE—1945 AGRICULTURE—1940 Value of farm products sold, | Principal Per- Vloe of Work power traded, or u source of . Por. 5% ann property farm household farm income | Type- METROPOLITAN cent of- Metro. AREAS, Number of | Land in | Cropland | Number | of farms Percent from— farming- Reg Area COUNTIES, farms farms | harvested | of farms | farms | [je A Number | 3 area | '© ; Coe AND Jan. 1 Ho's 00's 1 oper o Total int El Number | Amount Live Cod i ling CODES an. |, o of April 1, | at . 3 orses umber nt | stoc e ; 1945 ages) acres) 1940 by prod- | (1000's per | andfor of (1000's and See Per- Bee index ten- Joie of farm mules tractors of live- Crops | paz) cent | P ants i dollars) (al (ovet 3 dollars) sort ars, . old prod- $400 mo. old) acts “8 9) 50) (6) 6G) | 63 4) (55) (56) GD 8) [2] 0) 6) Le 3 | ® KENTUCKY—=Con . All Counties—Con. 1,720 168 1) 1,741 | 30.8 | 18.0 8,631 | 4.957] 4,094 61 1,782| ko.g| No.5 5| uo. 107 3,145 135 16 3,268 | 34.9] 67.0 377 913 1,758 (*) 1,134] 11.5 3.1 0 pr 55 6,818 300 32 6.633 | 32.k| 72.8 1,436 3,651 5 2,088 10.8 3.1 of 84.3 59 1,049 9 in 9l7 3% 79.5 1,98 [1,582 1,169 13 266| 25.7] 23.2 0] 50.2 58 y,u69 311 39 5,186 | 2k.2| 62.3 10,129 1,953 7.757 72 2,206 | 33.1 26.8 o| 39.5 n 665 57 10 737 | 42.2 |4 17.4 3,524 | 4,782 1,466 14 631 28.1 55.5 5] 55.4 103 1,810 134 35 2,366 | 26.3 | 67.5 3.396 | 1,435 3.078 21 sn] 21.91 22.7 0] Ls.9) 58 1,425 120 23 1,345 | 17.5] 75.) 1,798 | 1,337 1,498 1 11 19.8 20.2 0 2-9 76 2,238 156 50 2,194 | 25.2| 58.8 W163 | 1,897) Sis 671 975| 32.1 24.5 o| n.j 69 1,852 175 37 1,617 | 39.3| 15.2 17.588 [10.877 +201 96 2,992 2s. 63.8 5| 62.9] 106 2,7 2% 72 2,086 | u2.8| 11.9] 21,034 10,083 6.253 270 3.024 M1u| us.0 5| ¥7.7] 13 1,31! 1h % 1,u84 | 46M | 18.9) 8,571 5.776] 4,525 256 1.677| 32.6] 51.0 5| 9.4 99 1,007 11k 33 1,115 | 45.7 | 15.3 6.926 | 6,212 2.99 gl 1.435) bk2u| W6 5] wu. 100 1,061 14 51 1,829 | 26.1 3 6.251 | 3,418] 3,926 157 1,316 32.1 No.l 5 39 95 1,78 21 31 1,766 | 36.7 RY 7.268 | k,118] b,184 23h 1,521 32.1 5.0 5 9 78 1,135 181 51 1,609 | ¥2.1| 39.6 5.748 | 3,572 3.957 | ~ 188 1,39 | 33.3] 38.4 5| 38.0 sul 78 1,235 89 22 1.084 | 41.7 24.0 3.825 3,529) 2,237 69 915 20.8| 61.9 5| 60.4 831 100 167 18 1,217 | 32.0| 25.6 10,886 | 8,945 5.018 359 2,052 52 30.7 1| 50.8 552 9k 3,606 306 15 3,608 | 33.k| 36.8 15,994 L.k33 7.892 2719 3.070] Lb. 3% 5 2:3 ly 88 1,955 179 46 2,043 | 35.6| 22.6 10,277] 4.796] 4.709 45 2,058 38.3 .£ 5 5 831 102 2,222 226 uy 2,37 | 21.3] 67.3 4,366 [ 1,792) 3.593 51 1,174 Fi 19.2 of 39.8 626) 60 1,608 177 5 1,647 | 32.8 | uk.g 5,560 3,376] 4.320 189 1,002 2.21 {9.3 5 5 552 80 2,988 152 51 2,796 | 26.0] 87.4 3,228 1,155 2,805 8 652| 23.2 7.3 of ee. 633 60 1,21% 100 15 1,642 | k2.4 £5.1| 1,986 | 1,210 1,721 (1) 380 18.1 20.2 o| 61.4 633 59 1,342 129 3 820 | 38.3 9.9] 16,955 [20,677] 3.157 118 2,721 21.8 67.2 5| 67.1 831] 101 LOUISIANA..... 129,295| 10,00 3,490] 150,007 | 59.4 | u2.6| us0.430| 3.003] 317.282 9,476 | 114,047 | 12.2] 66.4 5] 61.5 64 METRO. PARISHES. . 5,004 304 105 5,544 | 69.9 | 49.7] 24,687 | M.W53| 9,506 366 5.667 | 35.5 53.6 Metro areas: 080 [New Orleams 026, 036 Ly 15 3 ugy | 37.7 19.0 4,747 | 9.828 57k 55 1,713 | 81.9 | 145 111 |Shreveport......009 4,534 289 101 5,061 | 73.0 52.6] 19,9%0| 3.9%0| &,932 3m 3.953 | 15.4 70.5 5| 66.4 OTHER PARISHES... 124,291 9,736 3,3%5| 144,463 | 59.0 M2.3| L25,74k| 2,947 307.776 9,110 | 108,380 | 10.9 | 67.0 All Parishes: Acadia........ «.001 3.517 289 154 3,937 | 64.4 | 15.2] 20,302] 5.157] 12.399 925 54665 5.1 | 80.8 5 +6 91 © 57 Allen......o....002 8 9 28 1,302 | 30.3 | Uu6.5 3,215] 2,469] 3.015 121 1,083 15.8 57.6 5 5 911 5 Ascension.......003 1,3 9 35 1,01 | 32.0) 49.2 i,305| 3,051 3,081 114% 1,251 | 12.3] 66.9 5] 51.6 921 |Assumption......00k 59 90 53 551 | 36.5 | 33.8 ,899 10,706] 2,316 211 2, 3.6 | 90.2 5| 90.0) 921 53 Avoyelles.......! 005 4, 194 102 5,242 | 60.3 | 53.2 11,862| 2,263] 11,103 168 2,637 7.0 71. 5 104 761 60 Beauregard...... 006 1,562 132 16 1,709 | 2.6 | 61.1 3,604 | 2,109] 3,073 3n 74 | Wa | 22.2 o| 36.3 712] 710 Bienville.......00T 2,357 220 57 3,083 | 52.0 | 40.3 5.209 | 1,690 5,156 2a 1,718 5.9 62.3 5] 61.2 nz 16 Bossier.. +4008 2,280 194 9 3,079 | 62.3 57.5 11, 34753 5.596 192 2,326 10.0 72.3 5| 10.8 714 76 111 |Caddo...........009 4,534 289 101 5,061 | 73.0| 52.6] 19.9%] 3.9% 8.932 311 3.953 | 15.4 | 70.5 5| e6.uf 714 82 Calcasiou.......010 1,598 199 33 1,776 | 43.9 | 38.2 9,010 5.073] 6,334 93 2,585 | 1k.0| 68.8 5| 67.4 911 80 Caldwell........011 1,176 86 24 1,252 | 38.8 |\ 32.3 2,662] 2,126|, 2,206 95 153 8.0 | Lu.M of u6.7 112] 716 823 114 21 si2 | 57.0 | Us.8 3,006 | 3.570] 3.292 103 746 | 19.2] 65.0 5| 63.8 911 72 2,016 15 41 2,29 | 71.0] 19.7 Lug 1,991 &.200 12 1,114 9.7| 65.0 5] 6k. Tu 61 2,117 286 3 3.758 | 66.0 | k2.7 7.802] 2,076] 6.422 37 2,043 8. | 59.2 5| 58.5 ne 7 1,460 170 32 1,824 | 79.2 | 58.2 50 2,996 3,964 181 1,027 11.4 68.8 5( 67.2] .718 5 D8 S0L0. serene .016 3,085 2h 57 4,397 | 6h.7 1k 7,517 | 1,710{ 7.580 13 2,130] 15.3 56.4 5| 55.1 11el 57 East Bata Rouge.017 1,956 173 3 1,853 | 37.7 .1 7.932] 4,281 Yas 110 1,367 | 51.4 16.7 2| 34.0 132] 106 East Carroll....0l8 2,302 146 8 2,876 | 82.0 | 25.3 8,260 | 2.872] 5. 176 2,028 3.0'} EV.7 5 | 81.3 71k 58 East Feliciana..019 2,098 236 ug 1,971 | 68.7 77-8 4,556 | 2.312 3.772 |. 27 831 39.0 28.2 o| 32.2 132] o i 3,966 176! 107 4,578 | 71.0 30.0 9,822 | 2,145 11,723 169 2,991 7.8 Bl.k 5 | 64.0 761 4,653 281 107 5.865 | 78.4 35.1 11,766 | 2,006) 9,846 247 3,188 5.2 70.0 5| 69.8) 714 62 1,700 91 24 1,423 | uk.5 58.9 3,282 2,306 2,544 51 641 12.0 51.4 51 47.8 712] 66 1,308 136) 89 1,314 | 54.3] 16.3 8,142 £.156 4,846 156 2,522 8.0 82.4 5] 76.2 921 ® 5 99 39! Ju fe 42.8 5,070| 6.842 3.140 118 1,397 | 10.0 | 81.7 5| 80.8 921 9 |Jackson.........025 1,353 107 2 1,638 6] 57.3 2,788] 1,702] 2,359 1 696 | 13.3] 1.8 of k2.2 Tne 1s 080 |Jefferson....... 026 320 10 2 284 | Lo.1 19.7 2,519 8,870 us 41 1,042 87.8 1-1 211.5% 132] 105 Jefferson Davis.02] 1,237 293 11 1,665 | 59.3| 35.5 13.71h) 8,237] 6.916 ™ 3.553 g.2 | 82.3 5| 82.0 9uf 65 Lafayette.......028 3,152 151 » 3,441 | 66.1) 2h.6| 11,855( 3.445 10.613 66 2,576 | 10.0| 68.1 5| 66.8 761 50 Lafourche. ......029 1,159 222 78 1,120 | k2.7 20.4 9,173 | 8,190) 3,512 206 2,152 7.4 81.9 5] 18%2 921, Le La Salle...... 628 33 6 704 23.3 45.0 1,207] 1,714 1,252 1 354 | 19.6 | 19.8 o| 58.2 nz 1 Lincoln... 2,304 220 56 2,842 | 54.9 oh 6,496 | 2,286] 4,887 28 1,695| 12.3 57.8 5] 53.6 712 19 Livingston. 1,897 82 15 2,162 | 28. 43. 3.852] 1,782] 2.572 Wh 1,318 10.1 58.8 7| bo. 132] 67 Madison. 2,011 233 63 2,524 | ss. 39.0] 8, 3.433) +205 234 1,691 1.7 76.3 5.1. 15.7 TH 55 1less than three farms reported and'data are therefore included only in State totals. & snes TABLE 3—SELECTED DATA FOR METROPOLITAN AREAS AND FOR. ALL COUNTIES, Part 5 - Industry BY STATE—Continued and Retail Trade KY., Pendleton (096) - LA., Madison (033) y (All dollar figures have been rounded to thousands and will not necessarily add to totals) MANUFACTURING ESTABLISHMENTS—1939 MINERAL INDUSTRIES—1939 RETAIL ESTABLISHMENTS—1939 METROPOLITAN i Morel COUNTIES : Value added : rea 3 3 ue adde Code AND Wage Wages Yalte of byl manufac. Yelle of Runde: Wages and aor) | 2] Sled Netive Employer Pay rol CODES Number Pron (1000's of Fores ture Fo00r"%¢ o 1000's ¢ Ae) Tob (1000s of pro- f 8€ 1(1000's of ayerage dollars) ( SOF 1 (1000's of ( s of | persons | ( 59 stores dollars) | prietors or dollars) for year) dollars) dollars) dollars) engaged | dollars) 1 year) (65) (66) 1 [C)) 69) 0) an a) a) as) aw [a KENTUGKY== Con : i 8 : All Counties—Con, Pendleton. ..... .096 { 3 1 10 52 E16 128 1,%0 131) 143 Lo 83 Perry... 8 366 | 249 607 Lhe 7,24 4,496 5,055 400 7,319 3 3 548| 558 Pike. ... 13 161 101 551 2713 1,233 4.030| 5,099 653 7.761 51 538] 528 Powell 45 (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) a3 (1) 7 283 17 16 . Pulaski. 16 182 86 696 328 » 30 25) 138 4,190 37h 46k 294 Robertson y j . : 47 403 5 27 14 Rockcastle 2 (1) (1) (2) (1) 157 126 5 202 980 193 uly 20 Rowan... 3) 457 582 1,1% 897 259 194 20 172 1,590 17 135 102 Russell. od 1 (1) (1) (1) (1) 136 859 3 raligy 22 seo... . 5 08) 1 i 21 200 94 (1) (1) (1) 162 2,697 166 255 189 8 108 ‘81 518 237 169 3,498 183 ne 235 8 134 60 376 121 (1) (1) (1) 131 2,118 143 258 152 2 (1) (2) (1) (2) 52 612 43 51 36 11 © 88 59 560 256 1k2 1,827 128 161] 98 11 116 13 624 184 (1) (1) (1) 150 1,421 153 126 69 5 1h (2) (2) (1) (1) (2) (1) 91 1,017 99 18 nn 54 298 55 22 10 6 2 15 100 53 BUT | 808 518 179 2,b23 195 305 192 26 391 325 3,002 1.13% 53 66 2k 477 8,107 502 945 645 3 17 (2) (1 (1) (2) (1) (1) 107 1,732 122 163, 112 10 & 6 273 89 (1) (1) (1) 148 1,33 155 109[' 60 9 22 4 140 53 1,373 1,369 933 229 2,718 224 257 167 19 128 12 615 372 622 738 520 350 4 851 333 hh 21323 (1) (1) (1) 88 369 93 21 7 120 I © 250 (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) 129 2,013 122 197 133 Combined Counties® Sg8 31,860 1,378 8,968 3,852 2,423 1,145 793 : LOUISIANA. .... 1,861 71,218 55,084 565,265 200,086 14,539 2,105 2,979 25,469 486,250 22,845 63,638 49,000 ‘METRO. PARISHES. . 849 27,406 22,308 202,700 88,716 42,408 ‘au, 4521 9,062 218,735 8,032 31,305 25,904 Metro ueani . a x 8 080 |New Urleans 026 , 036 699 2,219 18,983 169,849 76,993 (1) (1) (a) | 7,378 166, 350 6,596] 2h,460| = 19,864 111 |Shreveport..... .009 150 3,187 3,325 32,851 11,723 2,48 2h 521 1,684 52,385 .1,436 6,845] © ©o,040 OTHER PARISHES... 1,012 43,809 © 32,776 362,565 111,370 412,131 41,861 42,458 16,407 267,515 813 32,333 23,096 All Parishes: ¥ : 32 574 285 6,656 1,569 (1) (2) (2) 486 7.162 453 1,039 665 12 1,308 972 3,39 1,608 162 1,857 ‘1h8 225 139 11 303 1 1,10 492 218 2,848 202 422 ‘269 at 581 . 3 5,021 1,154 : to 165 2, 34k 135 274 153 Xl 212 72 3 532 211 500 4,195 45k 527 301 1h we ; 229 2,3% i 168 2,028 149 260 163 10 34 22 1,333 3 18 2,571 179 215 157 18 394 (2) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) 200 4,262 206 Lg 356 111 150 3,187 3,325 32,851 11,723 2, hos 2h 521 1,684 52,385 1,436 6,845 _b,0k0 Ly 1,248 1,058 10,813 3,821 (1) (1) (1) 155 16,003 633 2,127 1,792 3 728 (1) (1) (1) 90 1.510 80 120( 90 2 (1) (1); (1) (2) ’ 89 93 91 uel oi 23 5 126 65 250 167 (1) (1) (1) 112 1,111 10b 100 52 11 167 104 521 . 258 300 53 82 250 3,526 246 362 26k 1 ~ 213 164 611 33% 135 1,770 125 216 146 De B00... nus 016 1 453 341 1,860 897 249 3,503 232 333 254 East BatonRouge.0l] 51 3,519 5,216 101,979 30,510 977 35,043 815 4,510 3,652 East Carroll,...018 6 149 52 399 238 132 2,061 10b 233 173 East Feliciana..019 3 84 5 196 85 (1) (1) (1) 120 1,052 124 83 43 Evangeline. .....020 9 58 19 a7 12 319 62 18 32 2,561 323 346 206 10 231 82 Li a7 21k 3,083 179 338 231 1 589 469 1,hk42 704 (1) (1) (1) 1ke 1,021 123 1230 ux! 18 5 1,281 190 6,994 3,339 1,834 497 410 hg 7.153 420 1,017 671 28 1,04 475 é 861 1,469 { 295 3.593 24g 439 264 12 1,681 (1) 7) (1) 128 2,908 110 281 239 080 |[Jafferson....... 026 55 4,512 3,087 43,297 16,689 (1) (1) (1) 1705 9,288 651 1,004 123 Jefferson Davis.02] 12 148 115 1,144 409 (1) (1) (1) 264 }4, 491 23 631 119 Lafayette....,..028 28 Ly 243 2,367 930 537 8,451 490 1,264] . 784 Lafourche....... 029 23 1,219 539 9,180 2,999 370 7.243 361 900 |, 634 La Salle........ 030 6 662 | 429 1,2 839 ; 14 1,995 105 165 125 Lincoln.... 031 16 265 154 1,0 516 (1) (1) (1) 199 3,534 172 380[ 203 Livingston, .032 b 189 123 2 324 170 1,543 148 120 18 Madison,.... wav +033 2] | 931 571 2,h2 1,132 . 146 2,632 125 329 207 INot shown becuuss of disclosure of operations of individual estubiishments. Data included in Combined Counties or Purishes ut end of State. "Includes all counties where figures ure nut shown sepurutely because of disclosure of operations of individuul estublishments. 3Inoludes all establishments und wage eurners of oounties for which wages and velue duta were withheld to avoid disclosure. The “Combined Counties" figure for number of establishments is excluded from the State total, sinoe this {tem was shown for every county. Whenever data on wage eurners have been withheld, that portion of the "Combined Counties" figure represented by such data is inoluded in the corresponding Utute total. Two purishes, Jefferson (O26) and New Orleans (036), which should be included in the "Metro Purishes® total are included in the "Uther Puriuhes” totul, since it is not possible to present separate figures for these parishes. 2 184 TABLE 3—SELECTED DATA FOR METROPOLITAN AREAS ‘AND FOR ‘ALL COUNTIES, BY STATE—Continued (A11 dollar figures have been rounded to thousends and will not necessarily ndd to totals) i oldu Table 3 Part 6 -'Other Economic Data KY., Pendleton (098) - Lav, Madison (083) ore esou1 WHOLESALE Ent, SERVICE ESTABLISHMENTS—1939 BANC Defosms Melo: war supply Major war facilities ontracts, $id ects, June 1940-Se t. 1945 | June | a0 Jun 1945 METROPOLTAN. E Bond (1000s of dollars) (1000's of dollars) Metro. AR sales Nees COUNTIES, Number Number ; 41 Employees Total 3 (1000's of Code of | Sales f. | Receipts | Active Pay roll | (demand | Time | doll S i "® | (average | i x ollars at ns estab- || (1000's of | estab- | (1000's |proprie- For (1000s |" and time) | ' (1000's |jssye price) lish-- | dollars) | lish- |of dollars) | tors year) of dollars) ’s | of dollars) ments ments of dollars) SEonit Other Industrial | Military quipment Io) a» ) @ | | o ® ® ® @ - ® | om on KENTUCKY— Con. All Counties—Con. Pendleton.... 1:09 19 4 707 28. 4 30 14 1 3,158 861 Lo6 : 23 2,465 112 302 111 115 93 5,871 1,243 1,436 58 : . 19 2,986 117 306 93, 194 110 11,691 3,151 1,280 75 250 2 (1) 19 19 20 26 5 770 236 66 ; 28 2,720 126 292 13, 153 86 10,084 3,311 860 ‘207 3 144 17 23-52 1d} 8 % 1,168 398 151 132 53 82 55, 62 6 1,684% 333 313 5 176 5 85 53 46 17 2,724 838 244 726 5 278 37 56 nn 35 7 2,225 229 4 300 33 114 37 Lg 32 4,953 2 765 162 > 18 5,536 8 225 uy 70 60 7,064 34 8l9 16 934 % 11 46 45 23 3,224 165 596 3 (1) 16 32 151 6 3 1,083 2k 14 1,579 56 9 51 24 1 3.757 3 368 ; 9 183 ie 86) . bu 35 16 666 60 62 TH TH 3| 175 13}. 33 14 24 8 2,21h 260 5 124 27 26 28 11 4 1,254 4g 199 17 1,209 45 88 4g 3» 19 6,758 905 763 : 36,173 37 13 149 567 162} 283 168 12,022 912 1,572 3,878 1,212 410 8 1,243). M2 122 4g 47 20, 4.907 622 361 | 6]. 241 29 50 29 33 10 2,712 33 348) 9 524 53 122 52 27 16 6,705 285 536 51 21. .2,3% 119 2711 127 109 52 9,223 2,908 938! 135 g 20 21 14 2 4 616 . 76. . 3 85 30 16} 26 1 10 ¥, 293 347 649 204 L428 293 38,255 411,273 4467 LOUISIANA. .... 2,391 | 706,%02] - 0,857| 36,402] 6,766] 18,552] 12,786 897,089| 178.959 148.755 897, 340 461,966 388,362] | 253,885 METRO. PARISHES..| 1,200 513,651] 3.184) 23,892 3,108] "12,862 9,128| 148,928] 100,979 71,772] 735,083 74,254 72,921 67,506 Metro. areas: 080 |New Orleans..026,036| 1,040, 441,180] 2,613} 19,581| 2,542[. 11,010 7,64, 370,656 81,817 00,099 709,955 | ©8,581 69,168| 55,548 111 _|Shreveport......009 251 72,471 571 4,31 566 1,852 1,488) 110,272 19,162 11,673 25,128 5,673 3,753] 11,958 OTHER PARISHES...| 1,100 192,751}. 3,703 12,510 | 3,658. 5,690] 3,658) 416,158 17,980 76,983 162,257 387,712 315,441 | 186,379 All Parishes: | Acadiac... dp. vps of 42 6,542 141 348 144 175 93 16,419 846 1,265 Allensu. sons runs 002 8 646 33 111 3 37 23 2,212 301 657 817 179 Ascension. ...... 003 19 1,991 Lg 81 50 28 13 3,275 661 696 » Assumption...... ool 6 491 39 36 ko 9 5 3,013 462 535 Avoyelles....... 005 25 3,299 92 167 89 ™ 37 7.432 1,542 1,023 Beauregard... ... 006 9 82k 27 67 28, » 17 4,870 1,175 768 4,896 Bienville. 007 9 489 37 87 1 30 16 3,562 647 562 Bossier. 008 8 2,638 50 266 54 120 | 98 5,108 1,039 1,826 8,247 111 |Caddo... 009 251 72,471 571 4,311 566 1,852 1,488 ro,272 19,162 11,673 25,128 5,673 3,753 11,958 Calcasieu.......010 g2| . 21,32}. 218 931 227 L491 300 30,994 4,638 971 466 12,533 155,490 5,774 Caldwell..... an-OLl y 37 20 Lg 29 19 10 2,463 81k 318 68 Cameron... . 5 165 8 12 8 3 2 238 007 Catahoula. 6 - 600 20 2% 19 10 5 1,451 100 216 Claiborne 15 1,045 68 194 72 93 52 7,148 1,234 1,023 Concordia... ... 015 8 429 32 143] 30 70 47 2,255 328 297 De Soto...... 44.016 13 1,278 54 88 61 50 17 4,501 724 607 | 3,087 1,313 East Baton Rouge.0l7 76 20,322 300 1,995 310 926 722 43,341 13,119 11,027: 2,968 254,528 81,710 8,506 Zast Carrol..... 018 6 267 C27 178 26 4g 3 2,331 120 362 East Feliciana..019 y 395 12 20 11 8 3 2,105 499 319 Evangeline...... 020 9 2,090 67 52 of 25 9 4,078 694 Franklin........ 021 13 2,181 53 263 Lg 9k 107 5,224 889 476 Grant..... Yerves 022 8 893 3 % 29 11 6 1,489 25 909 33,852 Iberia....c..... 02 29 6.381 9k 02 101 116 70 14,255 3,835 1,781 76 791 Iberville. ...... 02 15(, 1,0 56 88 53 28 16 6,793 2,081 859 83 Jackson... co... 035 5 223 28 121 a1 52 36 3,107 ol 605 501 080. |Jefferson....... 026 18 541 113 358 112 130 128 6,500 4,031 1,716 25,994 4,119 1,177 2,689 Jeferson Davis..027 27 ,979 47 15 uy 76 k2 1.3% 468 1,305 721 256 Lafayette. ...... 028 u6 7,135 144 445 148 198 125 13,658 1,459 2,133 Lgg 4,387 603 Lafourche. ...... 029 28 4,133 3 66 3 19 1 12,036 1,154 1,33 14,006 14,230 La Salle. i.10-. 030 6 247 36 63 2 15 9 2,69 479 Lh Lincoln. .ssv.s ..031 12 2,684 56 239 120 iI 6,755 1,526 854 sul 2,430 Livingston...... 032 5 ugg 24 24 21 14 5 922 216 58 Madison. ...e.ues 033 12 3.081 56 253 54 102 61 3,703 Lgl 2 1lot chown because of disclosure of operations of individual establishments. 38um of esteblishments in counties for which sales data are withheld to avold disclosing operations of individual esteblishments. tal since number of establishments is shown for individual countivs. 3Combined figure for counties having sales data withheld to avoid disclosing operations of individual establishments. 4 Undd4 stributed. Data included in "Other" at end of State. It is excluded from the State to- 185 Table 3 Part 1 - Population TABLE 3—SELECTED DATA FOR METROPOLITAN AREAS AND FOR ALL COUNTIES, LA,, Morehouse (034) - : es BY STATE—Continued Cg = TOTAL POPULATION * POPULATION—1940 EOUCATION 1 of tics PIMA 1944 CIVILIAN : POPULATION Land | Pop- | Total white Percent of U.S. area [ulation population 25 Metro.]| METROPOLITAN rank in per years old and Area AREAS, Number of [Percent] go sq. over who have Code COUNTIES: panies change | miles | mile Percent Ush Rar: | Rural) completed— Percent] April | » lin of Than f f Birth Death: pri nonfarm arm irths eaths CODES Number change | 1940 |percen-| 1930-1 1940 | 1940 | Number | total ” Nor. 1 tiles) | 1940 pu- +5o0r Hich Oa’ | 1940- ation more 18 1943 1943 1940 grades school [0) @ 3) [0] 5) ®) [U) @® © (10) (an (12) 13) (14) (15) (16) LOUISIANA—Con. All Parishes—Con. Morehouse. ......034 24,927 | -9.6 27,571 a1 | 16.4 804 | 34.8 11,432 | 41.5 6,626 3,751] 17,194] s3.5| 12.7 669 245 35,844 | -12.6 40,997 18 6.5| 1,297] 381.6 21,010 | 51.2 6,812 7,208] 26,977] 51.9] 13.7] 1,059 307 080 521,447 5.5 | 494,537 0 7.8 199 [2.4850 344,775 | 69.7 494,537 79.1 21.9] 12,157| 6,379 57,658 | -2.6 59,168 1 8.9 642 | 92.2 38,141 | 64.5| 36,869 9,688] 12,611) 73.9] =22.9| 1,557 603 Plaquemines.....038 10,806 | -12.3 12,318 68 | 28.2 984 | 12.5 6,864 | 55.7 8,040 4,278| 52.5| 12.4 312 104 Pointe Coupes...039 20,223 | -15.8 24,004 a7 4.3 564 | 42.6 10,448 | 43.5 5,492| 18,512] 36.6 8.6 662 217 Rapides... 88,654 | 20.8 73,370 8| 12.1] 1,329 ss.2 46,458 | 63.3| 31,%63| 20,976] 21,031) 65.9] 19.6] 2,414] 1,017 Red River. 13,330 | -16.1 15,881 57 | -1.2 413 | 28.5 7,883 | 49.6 3,151 12,7%0| 50.6] 10.5 346 187 Richland.. 042 24,996 | -13.3 28,829 29 9.3 576 | 50.0 15,768 | 54.7 5,920] 22,909] 56.0] 11.2 763 244 Sabine.. 043 20,554 | -12.9 23,586 88 | -2.2| 1,029] 22.9 18,826 | 79.8 10,448| 13,143] 65.3] 13.9 588 154 St. Bernard.... 7,384 1.4 7,280 85| 1.8 510 | 14.3 5,854 | 80.4 6,487 793] 57.2] 10.8 200 56 St. Charles.. 11,628 | -5.6 12,321 68 1.7 304 | 40.5 8,412| 68.3 10,202 2,119] 95.8] 13.7 309 9% St. Helena... 7,845 | -17.8 9,542 78 | 12.4 420 | 22.7 4,49 | 47.1 1,108 8,434] 57.5| 10.1 155 4 St. James.......047 14,417 | -13.1 16,596 55 8.2 249 | 66.8 8,368 | 50.4 10,362 6,234] 47.1] 10.5 “1 148 St.John the Baptist .048 13,222 | -10.5 14,766 61 4.9 225 | 65.6 7,89 | 53.4 11,447 3,319] 45.4] 11.1 an 128 St. Landry......049 66,581 | -6.9 71,481 9| 19.0 930 | 76.9 37,660 | 52.7| 14,222] 12,812] 44,747] 37.6] 10.1] 2,059 649 St. Martins......050 23,193 | -12.1 26,394 83) 21.8 738 | 25.8 16,743 | 63.4 3,501| 6,889| 16,004] 29.8 6.6 717 197 St. Mary........051 32,059 1.9 31,458 26 7.0 605 | 52.0 17,152 | 54.5) 11,243] 10,879 9,33] 47.2] 12.2]. 98 365 St. Tammany.....052 22,848 | -3.3 23,624 88 | 12.9 908 | 26.0 16,316 | 69.1 6,987 | 10,950 5,687 68.2] 17.4 588 238 41,662 | -8.5 45,519 15] -1.5 803 | 56.7 20,476 | 67.0| 10,034] 9,884 25,601] 60.0 14.9] 1,138 «27 13,236 | -17.0 15,940 57 5.6 623| 25.6 4,742 29.7 3,502 12,438] 43.5] 10.3 356 165 35,334 | -1.5 35,880 z1| 20.3) 1,391] 20.8 25,997 | 72.5 9,052 14,656] 12,172 44.7| 10.3] 1,181 301 18,208 | -13.1 20,943 43 1.0 906 | 23.1 13,683 | 65.3 4,687] 16,256] 70.9] 12.5 418 151 39,245 4.0 37,750 20| 12.1) 1,224] 0.8 82,706 | 86.6 9,510 9,673] 18,57| 386.8 8.2 846 273 25,201 | 31.9 19,142 48| ~4.5| 1,360] 14.1 16,722 | 67.4 2,829| 6,336 9,977] 73.9] 14.3 630 269 32,546 | 5.5 34,443 23| 15.2 665 51.8 23,626 68.6 14,604| 3,73¢| 16,105] 70.8] 17. 916 275 33,762 0.3 33,676 24 14.3 626 | 53.8 19,429 | 57.7 9,499| 8,006] 16,171] 72.4] 18.9 854 282 10,410 | -7.6 11,263 72] 15.9 201| 56.0 4,404 | 39.1 4,660 6,603] 41.9 8.9 234 107 16,542 | -14.1 19,252 47| 38.6 356 | 54.1 15,001 | 77.9 3,514| 15,738] 69.5 9.9 471 107 10,101 | -13.8 / 720 7.8 410 28.6 2,765 | 23.6 2,261 9,499] 87.7 8.7 209 12 14,205 | -16.1 16,923 55 | 14.6 0 | 17.8 12,645 | 74.7 4,512 4,225 8,188] 71.3 15.2 829 132 782,312 | -7.3| 847,226 6.2] 31,040| 27.3 844,543 | 99.7 | 843,057 938,719] 165,450] 91.6] 28.8] 17,762| 10,279 METRO. COUNTY.... 152,877 6.4 146,000 8.4 881 | 165.7 145,524 | 99.7 | 107,514] 25,997 12,489 93.1 85.3 3,908 1,985 Metro. a : 089 |Portland........008 152,877 6.4 146,000 8.4 881 | 165.7 145,524 | 99.7 | 107,514 25,997 12,489 93.1 39.3 3,908 1,985 OTHER COUNTIES...| 629,435 | -10.1 | 701,226 5.8| 20,189 | 23.2 699,019 | 99.7 | 285,543 312,722] 152,961) 91.2( 27.0] 13,854] 8,344 All Counties: Androscoggin. . . .001 73,716 | -8.9 76,679 8 7.7 478 | 160.4 76,627 | 99.9| 8,415 11,225 7,099) @6.9] 23.1] 1,566 908 Aroostook. ......002 79,791 | -15.5 94,436 6 7.5| 6,808] 13.9 94,206 | 99.8 8,149| 52,680 83,607] 80.4] 20.9] 2,902 840 089 |Cumberlend......003| 152,877 6.4 | 146,000 4 8.4 88) | 165.7 145,524 | 99.7| 107,514 25,997| 12,489] 93.1] 85.3] 8,908 1,98 Pranklin........004 16,469 | -17.2 19,896 46| -0.2| 1,m7| 11.6 19,887 | 100.0 18,863 6,013) 95.5 82.0 as) 223 HANCOCK... . 0... .008 27,095 | -16.4 32,422 25 5.5] 1,82] 21.0 82,406 | 100.0 8,911 21,857 6,604] 97.8] 29.1 520 410 0086 68,193 | -11.7 77,231 8 9.3 865 | 89.3 77,111 | 99.8 44,998] 19,212| 13,021) 91.7 s0.0] 1,418] 1,087 L007 22,875 | -15.8 27,191 82 -1.8 362 | 75.1 27,117 | 99.7 8,899 | 12,749 5,043 95.1 28.5 47% 381 Lincoln. uss... .008 16,403 0.8 16,294 26 6.1 437 | 35.7 16,291 | 100.0 9,519 6,775] 97.1] s1.0 338 254 OXFOrd..uensss 009 45,809 | -16.1 42,662 17 2.8| z,08| 20.6 «2,623 | 99.9 8,447 | 23,488 10,727] 92.1| 28.0 753 408 L010 86,442 | -11.0 97,104 6 5.1 | u,408| 28.5 96,396 | 99.3| 44,020] 26,188) 16,896] 2.4] 30.7] 1,844] 1,244 L011 17,147 | -7.1 18,467 50 1.8] 8,948 4.7 18,457 | 99.9 14,162 4,305] 95.6] 28.5 323 234 Sagadahoo.......012 20,643 8.0 19,123 48 | 13.0 257 | 74.4 16,826 | 98.4 | 10,238] 6,722 2,166] 95.0| 29.3 301 286 Somerset........013 40,870 | -19.3 38,240 20 | -2.2| 3,948] 9.7 38,205 | 99.9 6,001] 19,665 | 12,579] 9z.5| 27.3 698 399 014 16,026 | -24.3 21,159 as 4.8 734 | 28.8 21,150 | 100.0 5,540 | 6,636 8,983] 96.6] 26.3 379 300 01 29,843 | -20.9 47,767 20 | -0.z| 2,53] 14.8 87,251 | 98.6 8,507 | 19,745 9,515] 94.7] 24.0 500 412 YOTKevrvvessvs+2010 88,123 7.9 82,550 7| 13.2 1,000] 82.6 42,466 | 99.9) 28,421] 44,991 9,138] 91.0] 25.1] 1,898 1,008 MARYLAND. .....| 1,982,947 9.8 {1,821,244 11.6 | 9,887 [184.2 | 1,518,481 | 89.4 |1,080,301 | 497,883 | 243,060] 82.2| 20.8] 43,913] 22,648 METRO. COUNTIES..| 1,429,216 | 14.7 |1,256,702 14.9 | 2,08 | 602.7 [ 1,086,727 | 8z.5| 926,968 | 263,617 | 66,117| 88.0| 22.2] s1,093| 15,708 Metro. aress: 011 [Baltimore ee002, 003, 004 | 1,207,446 | 12.5 1,083,800 10.0 | 1,106 | 979.5 888,524 | 82.0 900,971 |14p,618| 86,711] 82.1| 19.5] 20,798] 13,982 130 |Washington,D.C. (@.2 rons eeneetolis, O17 221,760 | 26.1 | 178,402 28.6 979 [177.1 148,208 | 86.5 | 28,997 | 117,999 | 29,406] 89.7] 40.7] 8,795| 1,726 OTHER COUNTIES... ©068,731 | -1.2 | bee, 042 8.0) 7,802 72.4 481,704 | 86.8) 183,883 | 284,216 | 176,945] wo.al 16.7) 12,3221 6,90 iiemainder of Washington, D. C. Metropolitan Ares (130) is in District of Columbia and Virginin, 186 3 TABLE 3—SELECTED DATA FOR METROPOLITAN AREAS AND FOR ALL COUNTIES, ey) - Labor force BY STATE—Continued da og LABOR FORCE—1940 Population 14 Years Old and O Employed Workers by Inisity © Presto} opulation ears Old and Over mployed Workers by Industry Group Employed METROPOLITAN . Toons: In leading Metro. AREAS, P P . Business nonagri- Area COUNTIES, efoent a po 2 and cultural ion, < Code AND ar sl : Co: comni Whole- | personal Other In | industry CODES T In labor Total Agri | Mini Manufac- L sale and | services agri- otal who are | who are Mining | struc- : cations, and not force 3 s employed || culture . turing retail exclud- cul- in in tion and . reported Code I trade ing ture labor labor other domed (See | Per- force force utili- Somat page | cent ties 422) an 18) (19) (20) @n (2) 3) (24) (25) (26) 1 (28) 29) (30) | 3) | 32) LOUISTA"A—Con, All Parishes—Con. lorehouse.......034) 19,585 9,863 81.7 12.5 9,150 5,009 24 150 1,502 229 672 682 282 | 54.7 1111.2 Natchitoches....035 27,712 13,914 79.5 21.2 12,766 7,500 46) 426 1,099 289 ace 1,269 1,229 | 58.7 | G36] 5.9 080 |Orleans.........036| 394.481 218,793] 8L.0| 33.2] 177,312] 1,195] acs] 10,223 | 22,998 | 24,550 | 42,535 | 40,455 | 28,551] 0.7] G3€| €.6 Ouachita........037 woti2| 2038s] eo.o| 30.8] 21,223f| 30323] 323 1j0e s97| Les | Lar | us| 3e02]acie| ok] ele Plaquemines.....038| 8,414 4,558 85.7 17.3 4,085 1,194 57° 378 457 128 254 109 £26 129.2 1fu.C Pointe Coupee. ..039 16,51) 8,646] er] 19.5 76ll 5,647 16] 29 282 162 57C 39 mz |es.o| a3e| 2.6 Rapides..eseeoes040) £3,983 26,537 7%.5 25.1 22,735 6,042 178 993 2,758 1,425 2583 4,040 3,710 | 26,€ GE] 9.2 Tor7s2| sio3c| eo.e| 130] Liem) 3.5e0 £7 531 + 100 2 238 265 27 | 762 | cae | 3.% 19,511 o,531] ews] 15.5] e,0%ll e704 7 119 266 122 533 477 ee |7e.c | caf 2.2 B2bine< seve ran Db3 16087] 7360] mer] 13. 621 3.377 2c] 12 1,136 11e 1€7 soc uclee| Tolizu St. Bernard.....044 5,112 2,552 79.1 12.0 2,017 657 9 102 401 113 L269 178 28e 132.6 S| 11.4 St. Charles.....045 8,344 3,87¢ 78.5 14.2 3,061 793 77 102 £07 215 380 257 43C § 25.9 14 121.7 15t. Helena......046 6,205 3,365 83.4 23.3 2,947 2,466 2 c1 50 1e e7 1d 201e3,7| G3€] 3.9 St, James.......047 11,421 5,281 78.9 13.5 3,941 2,059 10 A 662 10% 3L5 335 351152.2 5115.8 St, Jom the Baptist048 10,146 4,8LE 77.4 17.5 3,773 1,432 7 92 1,155 113 38 249 329 {38.1 5128.2 St. Landry......049 45,548 23,477 8l.4 21.8] 21,558 13,406 335 541 923 518 2,033 1,612 1,990 | 63.1] G3€| 3.8 17,026 8,286 £3.8 12,2] 7,564 4,647 54, 26° 307 103 582 442 1,160 | 61.4 1] 8.2 2,138] 11,007] so.a| 19.3] 10,2) 3.56] 433] eel 1,613 nel 1,17 gee | 1eu0)23.2| 5] 9.4 St Tamnany.....052 16,749 8, 76.6 19.4 6,366 1,315 62 499 1,096 365 1,010 205 1,214 }2c,7 | G26 | 7.2 Tangipahoa......053 32,199 16,439 gl.1 20.9 14,725 7,537 64]. LE 1,945 3e2 1,666 1,381 1,372 } 50,9 9] €.2 Tensas.........054 11.305] s.éa0] 821] ae] Tsiaf a, 167 233 104 290 2€2 306 | 72.4 | 9 3.2 Terrebonne......055 23,874 11,534 79.5 15.8] 10,265 3,25 ag7 479 1,110 448 1,38 912 1,7€8 | 31.2 3] 8,6 Union... +24056 14,461 6,651 78.3 12.9] 6,243 4,218 58] 136 528 %1 362 431 419] 67.€ 9 4.8 Vernilion.......057 25,572| 11,951] eo.2| 12.6] 10,402f 5,835] 21] 3se 508 235) 1,100 ao | 1,005)s6.1| 5] 5.0 Vernon.ses.ess.058 13,345 6,146 77.7 12,6 4,629 2,085 32) 126 892 196 437 470 436 | 44.5 9| U.2 Washington... ..059 23.810] 12,006] 80.4] 20.2] 10,226) 4,002 23] 325 2,29 3e,| 1,13] 1,100] osgf3e.l| 11fw.e Hebsters........ 23,835] 12,399 e1.9| 21.7] 11,426) zu] e23] 326 2,318 got] 1oe1| om | 1,253]36.3| 1]12ee West Baton Rouge0bl g,162| 4,190] 82.2] 20] 3,557 2,00 2| 19 3m 101 275 187 320) se.e| 5] 2.2 West Carroll....062 12,67 6,32 s1.el ww] s.omf 45498 1] 10 205 63 340 351 2075.2 9] 3.0 West Feliciana..063 8,675 3,533 45.8 31.4 3,328 2,165 8 41 340 56 162 150 406 | 65,1 9] 7.2 Winneeeesess veed064 12,013 5,497 77.3 12.9 4,698 1,981 150 205 899 253 377 386 LAT) 42.2 91 10.5 WADNE.......| 641,795] 330,421] 76.6] 26.2] 270,03] 36,477] s62| 12,050 | 01,642 17,100 s1,7e7| 42,890] 36,432]13.1| €| su. METRO. COUNTY....| 115,376| 60,998] 77.9] 29.0] 52,030| 2,703 31] 2458] 1,610] s,om| n,m0e| 1c,es3| 7,42] 5.2 Metro area: 5 089 |Portland........003| 115,376] 0,998] 77.9] 29.0] 52,030 - 2,703 31] 2.458] sm,e0| som | 11,70] 10,853) 7,62) 5.2 OTHER COUNTIES... 526,419] 269,423 76.3 25.6] 227,006 33,774 531 9,592 80,032 12,176 30,068 32,037 28,796 | 14.9 All Counties: Androscoggin, . «+001 58,799 34,109] 78.5] 38.9] 30,375|| 1,628 10] 1,08] .16,313| 1,035] 4,076) 3,081] 2,284) s.i| 622.5 Aroostook. 63,168] 30,390 76.8] 17.0] 23,52.) 9,17 1] eoq| 2301] 1,305) 3,59 212] 3,055] 3e.0| a6 7.2 089 |Cumberland 115,376 60,998 77.9 29.0 52,030 2,703 31] 2,458 11,610 5,014 11,719 10,853 7,642] 5.2 1.6361 8.7 Franklin........004 15,002 7,844 79.4 23.5 7,265 1,18 11 268 3,184 227 618 ol, 725] 182.1 10112,3 Hancock. «snes. s.005 2,853] 115555] 73.6] 18.6] 9,001] 1,138] 203] ew 1,203 sto] 1,052] 1,42] 220) e386) 77 59,94] © 30,845] 72.5] 30.5] 27,045) 3,03 2| 1,155 oum6 | 1,606 | 3685] 4,48 vaofiiz| elm 210753] 100670] mee| 23.2] “elke2| 111 97| uo? 1,710 07) Lag | 10a] 1e6e|13.7| oe] 6.€ 12,7) 5,063) 1.2] ee] sme) 1,12 2| 36 680 233 602 6e3| 1000]23.2| 1 7.2 31,911 16,426 77.0 23.9 14,554 2,283 6 455 6,002 520 1,448 1,776 1,76. 11.7 11 | 16,6 2,10] 35,867] 76.2] 22.6] 30,052) 3,727 4 1,703 e305 | 2,200] 51780 s5.403| 3,752]1e2| 11|2c.e 13,935] “6.e17] 75.8] 20.5] Ts ék2 822 70| 204 1,710 836 615 ml ex |u.c| 23) nw uje2r| 7516] m0] 230] 603 438 | 268 3,476 231 84s 775 ses | €2 | 21] zo 28,960 14,762 76.1 24.6 11,691 2,.86 ko 491 3,°L €20 1,200 1,579 1,301121,2 6] &.6 16,064 ‘7,933 76.7 20.5 6,558 2,139 58 327 1,19 371 696 804 97] 32.6 15| 6.6 Washington . 28,362 14,146 76.0 22.4 9,680 1,366 20 390 2,806 634 1,258 1,299 1,007] L..1 5310.7 ¥ OTe ve evens vas s016 63,377 34,520 77.8 31.2 31,101 1,961 9| 1,289 16,866 992 3,558 3,500 3,006 6.2 6| 23,8 MARYLAND. .... 1,410,270 767,001] 79.7] 26.3] 690,011 68,567 2,024] 30,288 | 180,472 | 58,251 | 1m,709 | 1,672 | 110,782) 9.0] 636] 7.0 METRO. COUNTIES.. 991,810| 545,627] 79.8] 30.5] 495,420) 16,212] 78] 28,765 | 130,373 | 45,211 | 89,725 | 90,783 | aes] 3.2 Metro, areas: 011 [Baltimore vv..002, 003, 004 863,453 476,865) 79.8] 31.0] 431,207|| 87m] eon] 22,5m | 134,401 | 40,704 | 1,351 | 77,022 | €s,080] 2.0 130 |[Washington, D.C.(pt)* : 016, 017 128,357] 68,762] eo] 2m] e222] 7438] 17] 6,101 or | 4,507] 85m |. 12,861 | 19,562 | 11.6 OTIER COUNTIES,,. 427,460 221,46 79.3 23,01 195,482 52,3551 13.306] 10.523 41.105 13,140 25.024 23,889 26,140 120.8 1Rémainder of Washington,D. C., Metropolitan Area (130 ) is in District of Columbia and Virginia. 187 Table 3 Part 3 - Housi IA., Morehcuse (034) — TABLE '3—SELECTED DATA FOR METROPOLITAN AREAS 'AND FOR ALL COUNTIES, BY STATE—Continued ME., York (016) HOUSING—1940 , : . : : Nonfarm Rural Farm All Dwelling Units Occupied Dwelling Units Dwelling Units Duwalfing Units. oid : METROPOLITAN | Metal AREAS, , Area COUNTIES, P P P Median P phiofies AND Residential r ercent ercent Per ercent number er- CODES structutes in50r | with | Percent oo wih of Ave unt Pettis he b more | private wil mechan- monthly wit wit] Number family | bathtub | elecuic Number outer i al Jerson Number rent Number run- | electric struc- or | lighting ied | efri8 | house. (dollars) ning | lighting 3 tures | shower P eration | “poi water a3) [2] GS) 36) an G9 ™) #0) “an @) “@) _W) “s) 4) “n LOUISIANA=Con. All Parishes—Con. Morehouse. ...... 03k 7,163 7.685 0.6 1.8 27.0 7.284 | 26. 17.0 3.3 3,261) 11.08 bug | 3h 4.7 883 Natchitoches. ...035 10,202 10,492 0.3 10.7{ | 217.7 9,851 | 35. 9.4 3.65 3.995 | 10.33 6.497] 2.0 4.5 906 080 |Orleans.:....... 76,400 137,165 14.0 7.4 85.1 133,040 | 23.7 30.3 3.21 137,165 21.96 81,825 Ouachita:....... 7 14,096 16,317 1.9 3.0 63. 15,836 | 32.1 32.3 3.26 13,242 | 1,704 3,075] (6.1 | 11.6 5.962 Plaquemines..... 038 2,77¢ 3,013 0.3 24.5 | LE. 2,918 | 49.3 21.9 3.65 2,046% 9.00 967 | 28.2] k8.9 137 Points Coupee. ..23S 5.810 5,965 12.8] 27.5 5.767 |. 22.5 11.3 5.53 1,523 ER Lus2 | 8.7 19.4 243 Rapides.:....... obo 17,108 18,125 0.7 29.4 u2.6 17,651 | 40.7 27,4 3.48 13,302 | 15.73 5,123 | '8.3| 11.4 5,680 Red River,...... 041 4,130 4,201 0.1 5.7 11.5 3,896 |. 22.6 52 Je 880 11.22 3.321 1.0 2.5 152 Richland:....... ou2 7.189 7.478 0.2 9.3 17.6 7.112 | 25.1 12. 3.49 1,963 9. 5.515 3.2 4.7 499 SBbING. iy 4 desis 043 5.677 5,800 0.4 7.9] ‘18.5 5,605 | 51.2 9.8 3.77 2,793 1.53 3.007 | 1.3 3.8 587 St. Bernard..... ol 1,584 1,833 0.3 34.0] 67.9 1,779 | 46.5 [25.4 | 3.74 1,639 | 11.52 194 | 85.7.1 77.7 (1) St, Charles..... ols 2,751 3,027 1.0 24.2 52.7 2,895 | 50.1 27.5 3.74 2,467 9.23 560 | 13.6 36.2 180 St. Helena...... 0lb 2,371 2,394 2..0 3.8 2,215 Sod 1.9 3.80 345 5.70 2,049 | 1.1 1.3 27 St. Jumes....... ok7 3.711 3.992 13.9 1.6 3.799 | W1.7 9.5 | 3.74 2,569 5.04 1,423 | 1.51 25.2 172 St. John she Baptistoks 3.117 3,522 2.0 16.0 3.9 3,393 | 45.6 15.0 3.72 2,698 6.57 82k | 11.9 | + 29.6 1kg St. Lundry...... olg 15,461 15,882 0.1 15.9] 24.6 15,576 |. 35.2 14.3 4.06 740251 120.54 8,857 | M.T 6.6 1,707 St. Martin...... 050 5.724 5,842 12.9 20.8 5.672 | L7.4 9.1 4.21 2,570 7.26 3.272] 5.1 7.0 459 St. Mary........ 051 7.430 8,015 1.0 23.4 us. 74633 | 39.4 17.5 3.57 5,635] W.11 2,380 | 8.7] . 24a 1,194 St. Tammany..... 052 6,556 6,629 0.1 33.0] u6.3 5.97% |. 53.7 17.0 3.39)! 5.369 | 11.11 1,460 | 18.6 | 21.9 1,202 Tangipahoa. 11,232 11,908 0.2 20.2 38.8 11,363 | 46.3 11.4 3.50 5,701 |. 10.82 6,207 | 8.6] 18.6 1,574 Tensas 4,702 4,974 0.3 7.1] 13.5 L489 | 18.7 9.3 2.99 1,214 9.86 3.760. 2.3 4.1 263 Terrebonne 7.948 8,573 0.5 25.4 39.8 8,152 | 53.0 16.9 3.83 5,841 | 11.14 2,732 10.2 16.2 1,806 Union..... %,094 5,172 6.8 18.3 5, 04 |. 51.6 12.5 | 1.3.67 1,362 9.23 3,810 1.6 3.2 468 Vermilion....,.. 057 9.130 | 9,254 0.1 17.2] 30.5 €,959 |. 50.1 17.7 3.80 | 4 ,9u1 8.32 4,313 5.91 10.8 1,038 Vernon...\...... 058 4,767 kL gal 0.2 9.2 20.7 4,765 | 67.6 10.6 |. 3.58 2,51% 6.80 2,377] 15 4.2 669 Washington. .....059 8,639 9,004 0.3 2.6 uw7.7 8,583 |. Lg. 4 21.9 30 512% 10.81 3.769 | &.3 ih 1,662 Welster.........060 8,313 8,931 0.6 21.2| k0.3 8,430 | 36.7 21.1 3.49 W930] ak. 3.997 | 3.7 9. 1,532 West Baton Rouge06l 2,716 3,18 0.7 16.5 28.0 3,007 |. 28.0 14.6 3.17 1,266 9.30 1,882 | 10.9 10.2 (2) West Carroll....062 L,613 4,751 0.2 5.1 1.2 L,r15 |. 35.3 12.2 3.86 1,062 8.47 3,689 1.0 25 161 West Feliciana..063 2,312 2,365 11.4 14.5 2,182 |. 16.5 8.2 3.42 719 6.33 1,646 8.1 1:3 234 Winn. J. oul 4,24 4,350 16.1] 20.1 4,180 | 54.9 13.8 3.65 2,381 9.20 1,969 | 1.7 2.9 479 MAINE. ..... 216,302 260,659 4.9 TI IO 216,968 | 57.3 26.9 3.29 215,211 |. 23.98 lp, hug [)'33.4 | 50.3) 11k,118 METRO. COUNTY.... 33.936 47,174 11.0 63.5] 91.8 38,636 | 5.4 38.2 3.18 43,71 | 28.59 3.703 |i 54.3 | 7202 27,308 Metro. ares . y Cs9 |Portland........ oul 33,936 N77 11.0 63.5 91.8 38,036 | U5.4 38.2 3.18 43,471 28.59 3.J03 54.3 724 27.308 OTnER CUUNTIES... 182,366 213,485 3.5 k0.9 17.8 180,332 | 59.8 26.9 3.32 171,74%0 22.719 L1,745 | 31.0 h9.5 86,810 All Counties: . ; Androscoggin. ...0ul 13,832 21,012 14.7 60.2 93.5 19,562 | U3.k4 Wu. 33 19,164 24.31 1,848 | ¥1.9 65.6 10,778 Aroostook, ... .. 19,0k4 20,716 1.2 26.0 65.7 19,853 | 61.8 21.6 .20 13,617°| «15.54 7.099 | 27.8 | 50.2 8,238 089 | Cumberland...... 13,936 47,174 11.0 63.5 91.8 36,636 U5.4 38.2 3.18 43,471 28.59 3.703 | 54.3 72.1 27,308 Franklin. ....... 5,952 6,6! 1.0 3.4 67.5 5,332 | 62.8 24.0 3.24 4,897 14.64 1,7 3 43.5 2,562 ..005 12,658 13,278 0.5 7.1] 1.6 9.390 | 71.7 22.7 3.00 11,125 ( = 35.98 2,153 | 31.4 | 56.6 4,250 006 17,560 28,084 4.3 5.1] 86.2 19,250 | 54.2 34.3 3.35 18.393 | 23.91 3.641 | 30.9 | 60.0 11,093 007 9,563 10,bbb 81 37. 17.9 8,176 | 65.7 23.3 2.79 8,065 | « 22.59 1,999 | 37.1 | 60.5 1106 . 08 7.720 7.912 0.5 35. 73.1 4,846 [79.7 21.6 2.87 5.520 33.52 2,392 | 24.3 54.0 2,535 Oxford. . .009 11,030 13,176 5.1 L.2 13.1 11,011 | 59.1 19.6 3.35 10,162 | 19.44 3,004 | Lg.8 | L8.7 4,766 Penobsco 010 22,4ko 26,571 2.6 uW.o 82.2 24,307 | 57.9 30.4 3.42 22,070 20.20 4,501 | 19.7 46.1 11,479 Piscataqui 011 5,468 6,008 0.4 33.2 6x.3 5,086 | 63.1 24.5 3.16 b, 745 13.93 1,263 | 271.7 33.6 1,865 Sagadahoc. .012 5,678 6,505 1.9 38.5 75.1 5,346 | 65.3 33.5 3.08 5.787 17.34 718 | 27.3 43.2 3.2711 Somerset. . .01 10,478 11,779 0.8 32.5 71.5 10,213 | 61.8 21.8 Son 8,380 16.69 3.399 | 32.9 LI. 3,985 Waldo. .....s.vs 00 7.3713 7,849 0.4 23.9] 60.9 5,943 | 70.8 16.6 3.05 5,127 | + 17.76 2,722 | 23.5 33.6 2,672 Wasnington ..015 10,593 3,08 0.1 22.7 60.9 10,164 | 71.9 15.6 3.23 8,598 11.0 2,617 | 16.1 34.9 3,211 Yorkies... e1renr ole 22.917 28,1 4.6 54.8] 89.9 21,853 | 6.3 32.5 3.26 25,490 | «32.0 2,636 | W.2 {62.1 11,999 MARYLAND. . ... 41k sll 500,156 hb 62.9 £5.9 465,683 | 47.4 Lg.1 3.35 440,977 2u.77 59,179 | 3v.0 42.6 238,383 METRO, COUNTIES.. 275,700 3u5, 849 5.4 72.8) 9u.7 323,323 | 46.3 53.6 3.33 330,552 | 33.15 15,207 | 42.0 | 60.7] 186,553 Metro. areas: 7 011 |Baltimore ' 4 £00002, 003, 0h 233,752 300,246 5.8 73.3 96,0 | 280,230 | 4.0 50.5] 3.30 291,669 30.78 8,577 | 48.5 87.4 14k ,877 130 | Washington, D. C. ; (pte)s,,..016, 017 b1,9u8 45,603 3.0 69.5 86.7 43,093 | 61.4 13.5 3.54 38.685 | 50.95 6,720 | ®8.2 | 62,1 41,676 OTHER COUNTIRS 138,844 154,307 2.0 35.9] 66.2 142,360 | 49.9 38.6 3.39 110,425 | 19.56 43,682 | 25.2 | 36.3 51,830 1Served from adjolinliy, connty. 8Romainder of washington, D. C. Metropolitan Area (130) is in District of Columbia and Virginia. 188 TABLE 3—SELECTED DATA FOR METROPOLITAN AREAS: AND: FOR ALL COUNTIES, BY STATE—Continued Tables Party 4 - Agriculture LA., Morehouse (034) = (Figures which have been rounded to thousands will not necessarily add to totals) MAXME, York (016) od) ” AGRICULTURE—1945 ..AGRICULTURE—1940 Value of farm products sold, | Principal Pas eh 7 Work power traded, or used by source of Per- co property. farm household ‘farm income | Type- METROPOLITAN : cent farms P f ol he R 1 Metro. AREAS, Number of | Land in | Cropland | Number | of | Luh i ercent from— ~ |farming- a Area COUNTIES, farms farms | harvested | of farms |-farms'| [1c A Number 7 area or Code AND (1000s + (1000s .}. - oper- | of Total “Aver. of is Kitiount Live- s code I CODES Jan. 1, of of April 1, |-ated prod: 1000 38¢ | horses | Number (100° stock Code P ? (Gee oh 1945" | acres) | acres) (f.1940° |oiby. | Picts | (1000s | oped opgior fof sand | See | [| Laon [MI ten- | | 9 farm mules tractors of live- Crops p42) cent P ess | dollars) | (dol- dollars) | stock ants | pon \ (over 3 ; ars) mo. old) pio ” 3 ucts “8) “9) GY) - Gl) 2) [2] 8 5) 56) GD 8) 9) (60) 61) ©) 63) ©) 10UISI ANA=~Con, All Parishes—Con. Morehouse... ....034 28 219 5 seul s1.7| 35.4 9,225| 2,u64 6,745 122 2,209 4.0] 75.9 5 | 75.4 Ti4| 60 Tatohiseches 2 20 212 0 ile 65.3 Bn 10,663| 2,182 10,133 211 2,667| 8.3 ' 62.8 5 | 61.1 ney 53 080 |Orleans... 150 hy 1 199 34.2] 18.1 2,228(11,196 159 1h én| “72.8 ‘25. “2 Cie 132 Ouachita........ 1,884 1h 4 2,499 59.0 50.3 1.523| 3,010 3,811 109 1,500" “17.4| "56.8 5 | 53. Ti 80 Plaquemines... 635 7 602| 18.1 58.0 2,870 &, 767 677 68 W72| 16.0] - 68.7 71 2.0 132| 60 Pointe Coupees...039 2,888 202 i 2.828) 78.6 33 10,024 3,545 7,556 110 2,364 10.0] 68.6 5 | 65.8 761 58 RapideBe.ecessss 3,54 233 72 3,368| 47.6] BM. 13.78 4,088 7,444 366 2,729) «19.8 62.6 5 | 58.9 4 4 Red River....... 1,857 170 53 2.338 ™.3| bu0 ,102| 2,610 b,254 125 1,459 6.0] 7n.7 51 n.0 nul 6 Richland........ 4,091 2uy 93 ’ 76.8| 38.2 10,785 2,216 5,919 156 2,639 4.6 70.3 5 | 69.9 ny 66 Sabine. .c.ceevee 1,957 146 25 2, 38.6| 51.1 3,924] 1,545 4,260 n 1,143) 11.2] 42.0 0 | 45.8 nz es St. Bernard 148 18 3, 111 47.7] 23.4 171] 6,946 196 35 154 53.8] © 38.5 2 | 42a 132] Nn St. Charles 8 n 8 253| M9.M| 31.2 1,488] 5,881 40 56 408| 30.7] SH.M 5 | 43.2 132| 68 8t. Helena. 1,k 110 24 1.7% 42.5| 86.7 2,763|1,617 2,12 21 Ll 30.6 39.0 0 | 28.4 132 61 8t. James, 318 59 28 43 2.2 25.1 3.304 7,613 1,420 168 1,141 2.8| 88.8 5 | 84.3 921| M9 St, John the Baptist.0l8 33 20] 181 .8| 32.0 2,698 04,906 The 55| 546 3.5] 9N.6 5185.8 921 ub St. Landry......00| 7,164 296 as 7.883] 15.5] 33.9] 19.676] wu9s| | 21.59 al s.a05k os.) 65.3] 5 | eueloiter] uz St. Martin..... .050 2,063 109 L 2,i0 | 69.9] 33.3 7.547] 5.093 6.978 66 1,991 8.2] Th.8 5. | 70.51 wif 921] 36 St. Mary........ 051 8 105 387] 43.7] 29.5 4, 84502 519 1,686 198 1,732 3.2 91.3 5 |. 90. 7fu sll 92¥ St. Tamsany.....052 1,321 110 29 1,245 17.8| 63.6 3.40( 2,763 1,621 ‘60 599| 3k.1| 20.% 0 | u3.7 132 63 bl Beseton 05 4,238 1 uy 4,521 | 38.0] 38.1 8,39%| 1,857 5,045 ie) 3,541) 19.8) © 62.6 7 | 50.6 132] 71 Er vaaedes 1,973 216 C64 2,371 84.0 9:2 Hi $566 465 221 1,705( 10.[° 74.0 5. 73.7 Tk 2 Terrebonne...... 055 701 116 4 917 2.t ¥.7 6,335 6908| 1,920 129 1,17 7:2 79.2 5 | 76.7 921 uy Talon, Ce esesetrs 056 2,607 218 (3% 3,248 31 33.7 5.683| 1,750 5,118 37 1,662 9.7] + 51.71 5 | 55.2 2 ™ Vermilion....... 057 3,186 364 159 3.392| 52.6 17.3 19,048| 5616 11,865 856 4, 705 6.9 ®.2 5 | 19.9 9| 55 VOrnoR....ss.ses 058 2,070 109 19 1,885| 21.4 59.9 2,924) 1551 ge 21 go2| 18.7 2u.2 0 | 55.0 ne| 64 Washington... ...059 3,028 21 7 3,261 | 35.3] 51.4 6,880| 2110 1930 50 1,688] . 23.9] 36.6 0 | 38.6 132 77 Webster......... 060 2,0n 18 ug 2,785| 58.1 M71.2 6,377/ 2,290 4,881 10 1,504] 10.5] 54.3 5. 53.4 nz West Baton Rouge.061 457 51 27 501| 67.9] 54.1 2,816] 5621 1,986 86 ae 6.9" 8.6 5 | 83.4 921 62 West Carroll....062 2,708 152 70 3,275| 60.6] 36.1 7.837] 2393 6,484 153 1,865 5.5! 69.2 5 | 69.0 TN Vest Felicia, 063 1,0 135 3h 1,253 80.7| 76.9 4,525) 3,611 3,461 33 1,135) 15.4] 63.5 5 | 56.5 132 WN ARS vases 0 1,33 89 21 1,641 | 28.0 42.9 2,641) 1,609 2.477 16 B37| 12.7] 32.6 0 | 51.1 mn2| 60 MAINE. ...\. L2, 184 4,613 1,316 38,980. 6.5| %.9| '160,m9|M123| 37,651 8,093] 50,508] 35.7| 43.5 5 | 37.4% 118 METRO. COUNTY.... 3,485 253 68 2,937| 6.5( 43.9 12,968 4,415 2,031 Te2 3.631] 57.8] 24.2 Metro. area: 089 |Portland........003 3.485 253 68 2,937) 6.5] 43.9 12,968 b,415 2,031 122 3,631 57.8 24.2 2 | 27.2 OTHER COUNTIES... 38,699 4,360 1,248 36,043 6.5| 40.7| 147,617|%096| 35,616 7.371] 46,878] 3u.0( 45.0 All Counties: : Androscoggin....001 2,231 15 62 2,111 6.3] ¥.0 8,176) 3,873 1,536 470 2,011 61.5 . 14.5 2 | 33.2 ues 123 © Aroostook. ......002 5,411 342 5,706 7.8] 11.5 48,832| 8558 | 11,023 2,288] 18, = 5.2 84. 5 | 84.1 931| 102 089 |Cumberland..ss. +00 3,485 253 68 2,937] 6.5] 43.9 12,968[ 4,415 2,031 3,631 57.8) 24.2 erg ke5| 129 Franklin..e.....0 1,351 180 43 1,469 6.9 37. 4,957,374 1,5 208 1,511 53.2] © 9.7 2°| 30.2 465) 124 Hancocke...... +005 2,14 1! 38 1,804) M.8 28 5,124 | 2,840 816 209 1,349] u5.4| 14a 0 | 30.4 ues 117 Kennebec... ....006 3,828 3 117 3.449] 6.9 8 12,422] 3,602 2,795 3,088] 55.2| 17.7 2'| 33.1 ues! 120 | XmOXee ve sere as007 1,672 122 36 1,544] 6.8) 43.0 J00k4| 3,241 278 1,633 56.8| 15.7 3 | 35.4 u65| 118 LANCOLRas sees. ss008 1,684 155 E14 1,810) 5.8) 55.5 786 2,644 920 215 1,215) 57.1 9.4 3 | 3.0 u65| 122 0xfordesse....s0009 2,560 333 62 2,5%9| 7.0] M0.2 8,327] 3,319 2,177 hug 2,410 k8.7| 16.4 2 | 24k 465) 118 Penobscote....s.010 4, hss 510 141 3.932| 6.5 351 13,479 3,h28 4,208 569 M408] M1.5| 34.1 51] 29.5 465 120 Piscataquis.....0l1 1,104 149 30 977| M.9| bu, 3,159 3,288 1,059 152 976] u0.0| 30.8 5 | 26.8 122 Sagadahoc... ....012 892 89 23 669 2.2) 52.3 2,186(3,268( = 517 im 651) 66.3( 11.7 2 | 35.9 465) 111 Somerset. . 01 2,868 3 100 2,863| 7.1] Mm. 9,701 3,388 3,062 476 2,742] 57.5) 14.7 2 | 36.6 u65| 118 Valdo..... «e01 2,52 276 1. 2,93 1.7] 51. 6,636) 2,559 2.11% 430 2,1%| 53.5| 20.6 2 | 26.8 465| 108 Washington....,.015 2,589 280 72 2.358 32 2 . 5,420| 2,299 1,422 [0 1,411 32.0] 23.0 0 | 30.9 465| 101 Yorke suooosenoss016 3,479 27 ™ 2,24 0] §3.7 9,406 4,182, 1,545 640 2,78 64.5) 15.9 229.1 u65( 133 / MARYLAND, ,... 1,275 4,200 1,745 42,210] 26.1 32.8 326,999|7.765| 10M,697| 10,335] 64.084 u6.9| 38.5 2] 23.9 110 1] MBTRO. COUWTINS.. | 9,18 831 310 9,598 | 20.8] 36.2 103,957[10831| 20,511 2,169 14,579 lf 45.3 Metre. areas: , 011 {Baltimore ] "w «v044002, 003, % 5,369 3% 159 | 5.378| 17.3| 3.1 55,48810,318| 10,828 1,296 7.935 U4o.2| u6.M 1 D.C.(gt) Eo ie, 17 | | 2k ae! 180 | w220| 25.2] 37.2| MsMe9luNEs| 9.683 a3] 6iewm| nag wo OFEER COUNTIMS...' 31,857 3,369 1,436 | 32,512| 27.7] 3.2| 223,042|6,860| 84,186 8,166] u49,%5| us.6l 36.5 1The State total includes $188,990 for female silver fox and/or i mink over 8 months old (kept in. captivity) mot distributed to individual counties, 2Remainder of Washington, Ds Co Metropolitan Area (180) is in District of Columbia and Virginia. 189 LA., Morehouse (034) - ME., York (016) TABLE 3—SELECTED DATA FOR METROPOLITAN AREAS AND FOR ALL COUNTIES, * BY STATE—Continued ’ (A1l dollar figures have been rounded to thousands and will not necessarily add to totals) ar MANUFACTURING ESTABLISHMENTS—1939 MINERAL INDUSTRIES—1939 RETAIL ESTABLISHMENTS—1939 YE 1ROPOLITAN Metro. Ara| COUNTIES, Value added Fol -~ AND Wage W. Value of by manufac- | Value of | Number | Wages and Sales Active Ployees| poy roll Number | cammers 000, f oducts of ries Number of 1000's of (average 1000’ of CODES uml (1000's of fo ture i 1000" of ( s pro- t s average | "gli | (1000's of | (1000 of | (1000's of | persons | (1000's of | stores | “ollars) | prietors | fo |" dollars) for year) dollars) dollars) dollars) | engaged | dollars) year) _(%) (7) 0) ®) a) an @) @™) a4 as) a9) a) LNTTSTANA=Con, : All Parishes—Con. 13 1,268 (2) (1) (1) 178 3,638 140 420 321 23 "9 42 1,646 855 333 4,332 287 i 338 nan 644 19,77 15,896 126,552 60,304 (2) (2) (2) 6,673 157,062 5,95 | 23,456] 19,141 . 67 2,515 2,337 1R, 421 6,679 (2) (2) (2) m3 20,385 608 2,635 2,097 uemines,....n3% 8 153 37 37% 190 (1) (2) (1) 128 917 130 66 38 inte Couvee,,.039 9 227 129 245 3% 283 2,631 279 236 194 pldes,.cooes, sO ss 2,103 1,3%4 8,362 4,252 245 88 122 768 15,406 én 2,047 1,58 River,......0%1 3 25 Lu 3 21 96 1,32% 9% 118 7% 5 217 26 231 1m 208 2,936 172 320 194 3 629 6 1,229 9 217 2,510 207 267 169 Barnard,....0%. 13 1,446 (1) (2) (2 90 677 a1 86 49 . Charles..,..nL5 9 30 (2) (1) 8 163 1,508 160 175 95 Helang,.....0%b 45 316 48 20 9 James... uo. 047 13 847 4 9 (1) 184 1,632 © 184 101 St John the Baptist 04 13 791 (2 (2 (1) 160 1,667 152 219 137 St. Landry......049 33 661 318 2,7 846 672 9,831 61 1,184 M2 St. Mertin......050 12 375 203 2.9m 265 24 2,613 327 251 13 St. Mary... 32 1,94 911 8,348 2,375 356 4,379 330 573 362 St. Tawnany,....052 21 612 00 1,6mM 95 162 6 50 292 3,537 251 493 290 1,477 _L, 3,826 2,272 12 51 40 450 7,573 393 918 566 "166 "2 *138 "206 125 1,408 121 155 104 13 1,362 420 3,993 1,547 410 7,76. 3% 929 69, 4 179 194 505 275 166 1,291 155 143 93 20 Lhd 260 4,97 1,127 Ul 4,N7 IR 545 355 2 m 4m 1,870 1,435 (2) (2) (1) 175 2,195 157 237 156 23 1,3%2 1,551 13,577 5,099 n 35 25 312 5,945 235 621 468 Woh tar, ..oveees 19 1,372 1,260 2,164 2,294 322 17° 117 m 5,434 29 536 433 West Raton Rouge, 061 7 249 187 2,123 629 95 1,179 0 118 75 Want Carroll, ...062 3 21, (1) (if (2) u7 1,405 137 182 102 West, Foliciana,, N63 7 219 206 526 259 75 n ™ 35 Winn, ..oeeensees 13 452 237 1,132 548 (1) (2) (1) 130 2,058 107 234 155 Combined Parishes? 2104 88,508 7,235 107,501 20,999 8,768 903 1,535 WAT¥......| 1,210 75,656 63,434 345,369 152,423 866 439 448 13,455 221,356 | 11,821 | 28,113( 26,079 VETRO, COIMTY.... 22% 9,260 2,206 49,531 21,812 (1) (1) (1) 2,167 65,240 1,705 7,427 7,751 222 9,2 2,406 48,531 21,812 (1) (1) (1) 2,162 65,240 1,M5 7,427 7,751 OTHER CO'NTTES... 942 6,39 59,628 296,338 13,611 798 439 448 1,287 216,116 | 10,116 | 20,626 | 18,328 AT Coun) 172 L 1,00 3,108 2,882 Androscogein, 153 14,308 11,995 55,948 26,522 22 15 20 1,19 29,4 200% , , casos 7 2,195 1,790 1317 4,221 (1) (1) (1) 1,175 27.065] 1068] 1, 1,619 029 |Cumberland, 228 9,260 2,ank 48,531 21,712 (1) (1) (1) 2,162 65,240 1,75 7,427 7,751 Pranklin,. cesses 43 2,698 2,378 1,749 4yhh us 5,421 317 390 339 Rancock. i. esses 26 1,033 1,120 9,773 3,9% (1) (2) (1) 76 17,339 629 98 Rg Nb 72 2,627 2,248 7,197 17,579 (1) (1) (1) 1,177 27,033 1,035 2,811 2,501 43 1,461 1,262 6,149 3,247 Im 140 166 573 9,439 L192 973 210 12 212 uh 638 314 U0 5,445 293 427 384 24 5,193 4,962 25,453 9,237 20 15 12 595 11,47 528 982 905 127 ©,999 6,422 41,324 12,400 (1) (1) (1) 1,17 34,512 1,137 3,427 3,273 » 1,284 3,71 2,152 (1) (1) (2) 2M 4,2% 229 365 306 27 3,451 4,47 21,759 7,151 25 25 12 295 5,991 265 576 537 26 3,7” 3,09 14,475 6,376 610 9,375 541 803 634 19 6R3 Ir 2,226 a9 (1) (1) (1) 368 4,984 33” 397 340 7% 2,518 1,487 11,043 4,422 29 23 n #98 9,06 663 77 580 7 13,020 10,217 42,257 20,924 (1) (1) (1) 1,78 26,692 1,517 2,637| . 2,260 423 211 228 VAPYTAND..... | 2,793 | 141,A43 156,723 1,027, 35 422,849 492,451 | 43,276 43,831 25,566 619,273 | 23,77% | ™M,7%0| 66,079 WETRN, COVNTTES,. 2,107 | 106,757 122,120 fR,926 345,769 3,M6 915 1,03 17,647 466,951 16,295 54,764 53,249 Metro, asreast 011 | Ralttmora \ eee 002,003, 04 2,054, | 116,305 127,628 506,885 344,205 1,410 527 561 16,360 422,500 [ 15,150 | 50,58 | 49,017 130 [Wamhington, D, ©, (pt)B... ML N71 53 452 492 3,041 1,564 2,29% 399 473 1,287 Lh 451 1,145 4,180 4,232 OPEN COMMTTES, 77% 34,827 28,663 152,422 77,080 4,745 2,961 2,797 7,919 152,322 7,479 | 15,986] 12,830 Not shown becsse of disclosure of operations of individual establishments. Data included in Combined Parishes or Count igs at end of State. *Includes all par- ishes or counties where figures are not shown separately because of disclosure of operations of imdividual establishments. Includes all establishments and wage essm- ors of Purinhes for which way nd value data were withheld to avoid. disclosure. total, since this item was shown for every Parish. Whenever data on wage earners data is included in the corresponding State total. Statistics for two common Columbia wre included with statistics for Maryland. ®Remainder of Washington, 190 The "Combined Parishes” figire for number of e stablishments is excluded from the State have been withheld, that partion of the “Combined Parishes" figure represented by such clay and shale mines which were the only Mineral operations reported in the District of D.C. Metropolitan Area (130) is in District of Columbia and Virginia. TABLE 3—SELECTED DATA FOR METROPOLITAN AREAS AND FOR ALL COUNTIES, BY STATE—Continued Table 3 Part 6 - Uther Economic Data LA., Morehouse (084) - (All dollar figures have been rounded to thousands and will not necessarily add to totals) MATHE, York (018) WHOLESALE SERVICE ESTABLISHMENTS—1939 BANK DEPOSITS TRADE—1939 1944 Major war supply Major war facilities contracts, rojects, ge ans” | et” METS oRoIas % By {1000's of ) {000 ) Met: es Ara| COUNTIES, [Number Number| ~~ Employees Total (1000's of Code AND of Sales of Duss Active Gere Pa 2A (demand | Time | dollars at oN. estab- | (1000's of | estab- | (1000’s_[proprie-| “=” | (1 and time) | (1000's |issue price) lish- | dollars) lish- | of dollars)| tors vo) of dollars) (1000’s | of dollars) ments ments of dollars) Combat Other Industrial | Military . equipment a | 8) oo | ay ®4) 5) (86) _&n 8) (%) on LOUISIANA— Con. | All Parishes—Con. 674 32 157 27 85 59 4,612 705 755 1,687 1,802 59 ah 57 125 60 7.33%) 1,629 818 1,086 920 080 437,639] 2,500 19,223 2,430 10,880 7,512 364,156 77.786 58,383 083,961 ol, 462 67,991 52,859 18,914 234 1,296 232 681 479 26,810 5,823 3,869 Legg 5,394 20,915 8,950 510 9 20 84 5 3 ugly 6,309 1,311 1,133 55 8h 60 29 13] 3.711 51 499 10,062 189 1,022 178 453 298) 38,846 7.668 6,290 200 505 50,254 292 3 2 18 “ L i 553 2 oe 1,1 142 88 , 205 2 12 Lh = 2 19 11 . b,224 810 Bi 23,093 12]. 24 12 7 b 3,275 1,536 kg 3 1,780 290 25 us 25 18 9 1,514 609 586 200 22,922 st. Ssists, 1. 000 by 5 4 2 1 654 94 135 St. James....... oul 12 1,256 58 116 24 51 13] 2,593 380 487 St.John the Baptist. OLS] 9 673 36 38 - 36 8 35 * .1.3%5 89 Leg St. Landry...... 049, 4) 3,858 157 297 159 156 81 17,488 1,k28 2,067 “122 St. Martin...... 050 5 216 45 68 50 20 8 3,346 3 St: Mary........ 051 21 2,406 ug 122 45 57 3 10,004 2,571 2,40 20,917 St. Tammany..... 052 18 1,426 58 110 59 43 23) 3,608 1,4%3 1,152 8,027] 357 1,006 Tangipahoa. ..... 05 Lg 9,564 94 239 95 85 56 6,542 927 1,749 8,938 69 2,115 TRIAS. cv oe'srny 05 9 589 37 2 37 23 10, 2,435 394 322 Terrebonne. ..... 055! 36( 6,203 83] 27 [2 107 69 Js752 2,317 1,554 905 931 15,275 Union. cous vuness 056 6) 1,632 37 17 3% 23 12 3,330 538 393 Vermillion...... 057 28 2,550 75 152, 13 39 2 12,104 618 1,587 : Vernon.......... 058] 9 885 34 75 3% 29 13] 5,096 833 1,831 100 181 43,698 Washington. ..... 059! 20 2,149 84 278 8 181 107 ©,b08 2,322 1,662 331 Webster......... 0 20 1,686 83 27 8h 130 ™ 7.527 1,152 1,866 99,922 0,764 39,059, West Baton Rouge06l 3] (2; 12] 26 11 5 5 1,298 396 268 West Carroll....062 7 865 47 98 47 35 17, 1,53 10 276 West Portoiore. 06 2] (1) 7 10| 1 2 1 701 115 218 Winn... oven. 06 9| 619] 2h 62 24 32 19 1,34 85 289, 52 OLRET + sheorvnnooss 25) 3327, 42,715 43,108) 42,298 MAINE...... 1,032] 165,848 4,303 14,701 4,239 4,642) 3,814 513,598] 333,713 60,190 892,942 318,907 34,681 57,338 METRO. COUNTY.... 211 69,482] 796 4,628 hh 1,652 1,635 139,651 79,378 18,317 315,299) 24,613 0,683 27,360 Metro. area: 089 |Portland........ 003] 211 69,482 796] 4,628 74h 1,652 1,635) 139,651 79,318 18,317 315,299] 24,613 30,683 27,360 OTHER COUNTIES... 821 96,366] 3,507 10,073 3,495 2,99 2,179] 373,949] 254,337 41,872 577.643] 294,294 3,998] 29,978 All Counties: Androscoggin. ...00L 8 13,080 409 1,639 410 534 432 59,391 Lk 450 4,399 1,079) 76.971 221 Aroostook. ...... 002] pi 21,568 bl 917 472 236 158] 34,996 15,294 5,076 ... u69 15,905 089 | Cumberland...... 00 211 69,482} 796) k, 628) Thy 1,652 1,635 139,651 19.378 18,317 315,299] 24,613 %,683 27,360 Franklin........ 00 11 659 124 238 124 72 53 10,823 8,260 870 i4,765 Hancock. ........ 005 29 1,820 171 ug 177 125 92 13,493 8,813 1,245 5,120) 1,233 Kennebec. ....... 006! 7 10,374 365 1, 2 366 403! 325 51,581 38,490 4,067 98 62,039 EROX.covnervcnns 007 Lg] 4,774 159, 2 151 1.8] 105 16,040 10,453 1,454 21,677 2,378 613 Lincoln. ...esa.s 008| 13 1,075 8s 179 68 54 30 b, 384 4,285 492 16,975 13 OXfOrds ve. rvvnss 009) 25 2,227 200 Lgl! 205 141 86 17,384 12,907 1,490 9,949 Penobscot....... 010| 138 23,510 455 1,631 hy 480 392] 64,031 38.59 4,708 1, 48k) 24,532 8,730 Piscataquis..... 011 12 1,193 88 197 89 38 24 7,676 5.5 887 18,433 nz SagadahoC....... 012] 13 2,228 14] 269, nn n 56) 17,237 12,066 4,210 508,571 5,438 3,771 365 Somereet....... .013| 3H 2,067 180 366 182 72 51 13,202 10,321 911 40,144 =% WaldO..cveeeese 01k 16) 1,646 112 297 109 15 87 6,190 3,916 845 927 9.998 5 Washington...... 015 Lg| 5,029 195 367 195 17! 68 12,03 8,233 929 981 263 YOrkee siesness 016) Lg) 5,116 439 1,222 429 289 219 43,486 32,712 10,489 26,712) 28,124 1,073 MARYLAND.....| 2,464 688,989] 8,497] U5,218| 8,415 17,461 15,498] 1,334,209] 617,200] 168,696] 4,003,335 644,657 237,704 277,262 METRO. COUNTIES..| 1,739] 607,776] 6,451 37,681] 6,332] 14,892] 13,517] 1,055,513 486,639) 136,668) 3,649,623 588,459] 147,795] 90,428 Metro. areas: 011 |Baltimore ee00.,002,003,004| 1,700] 596,912] b,118 35,489 6,000 14,155 12,799] 991,667| 458,106] 127,504] 3,581,697] 544,945 143,200, 51,853 1% |Washington, D. C. (pt)e... +.016,007 29 10,864 333) 2,192 332 737 ns 63,846 28,533 9,164 67,926) 43,514 4,505) 38,575 OTHER COUNTIES... 125 81,213] 2,046 7.587 2,083 2,569 1,98 278,696] 130,563 32,027 353,71; 56,198 89,909] 186,834 Not shown because of disclosure of operations of individual establishments. 8Sum of establishments in parishes for which sales data are withheld to avoid tal since number oY establishments is shown for individual parishes. 3Combined figure for parishes having sales data withheld to avoid disclosing operations of individual estanlisinenta, 4Undistributed. - Data included in "Other" at end of State. disclosing operations of individual establishments. ®Remainder of Washington, D. C, Metropolitan Area (130) is in District of Columbia and Virginia. It is excluded from the State to- 191 MAINE 16 COUNTIES = po = wo od CODE 89 PORTLAND PISCATAQUIS r = | \ PENOBSCOT \ : - . # . Lb y 2 a r \ \ 1 \ op ou — -} . r ° 1 J . I \ WASHINGTON \ FRANKLIN 2 \ : q r — R he Te hy Le \ e* a HANCOCK \ X vo §F R. i ) © ~~ 2 t a oo 5 1. » ‘ OXFORD & wd Ia I i ¢ KENNEBEC Ir, boy, LEWISTO ty ~ rd : knox oe ANpRDsT Gam TI $ LINCOLN 3 Ei] LEGEND { = METROPOLITAN AREAS ® pLacEs oF 25,000 TO 100,000 (1940) % PLACES OF 100,000 AND OVER (194 0)yvone METROPOLITAN AREAS 192 e261 MARYLAND (23 GouNTIES AND | INDEPENDENT = GITY) AND DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA 7 ~~ ALLEGANY WASHINGTON / cEOIL J CUMBERLAND ®, scensrown 3 aD ) GARRETT J / 3 FREDERICK ! / LEGEND aie METROPOLITAN - AREAS if - 4 CAROLINE A & TALBOT - { yl WICOMICO ¢ J | av xX ys J * ) WORCESTER $ SOMERSET J $ & : METROPOLITAN = AREAS CODE 11 BALTIMORE 130 WASHINGTON, D. C. Table 3 MICH., Antrim (008) TABLE 3—SELECTED DATA FOR METROPOLITAN AREAS AND FOR ALL COUNTIES, BY STATE—Continued . J] TOTAL POPULATION POPULATION—1940 EDUCATION: 1 spa Biiics ESTIMATED : 1944 CIVILIAN T hi POPULATION Land | Pop- otal white Percent of METROPOLITAN U.S. area |ulation population 25 Metro. AREAS, rank in per years old and Area COUNTIES, Number of |Percent ihe i over who have gle Sx, foaties change mis mie Percent Urba Rural Rural completed Percent] Aon 1 mn of ™an | ponfarm| farm Births | Deaths Number change it 940° perce, a 1940 | 1940 | Number | total tiles i 5 or ; Nov. I, | 940- oy High , ation more 1943" | 03 1940 grades | school m @ @) “@ 5) ©) om ® [LU] (10) an 12) (13) (14) (15) (16) 81,302 -6.5 88,973 7 10.0 426 | 204.2 85,651 | 98.5 50,707 | $0,054 6,212 86.5 18.3 1,686 854 011 77,070 25. 68,875 10 23.9 417 | 164.0 50,524 | 78.9 13,069 43,451 11,855 77.2 19.7 1,768 923 011 |Baltimore.......003| 202,425 30.8 155,825 3 25.1 610| 255.4 145,295) 93.2 28,802 | 102,167 24,856 85.0 28.7 4,906 1,868 O11 | Baltimore City..004| 927,941 8.3 859,100 0 6.7 79 (0p74.7 692,705] 80.6| 859,100 = 81.9 18.9] 19,124] 11,191 Calvert....c....00 10,549 0.6 10,484 74 10.0 219| 47.9 5,604| 58.5 3,586 6,898 68.2 12.2 283 130 16,047 -8.6 17,549 53 0.9 820| 54.8 14,102| 80.4 9,375 8,174 77.2 16.8] 858 232 39,899 0.9 89,054 19 8.5 456| 83.6 86,973] 94.7 4,692) 19,784 14,578 83.8 15.2 679 640 82,0585 21.4 26,407 83 2.2 352) 75.0 24,051| 91.1 3,518| 14,565 8,324 77.2 18.1 878 457 19,78¢ 20.0 17,612 52 8.9 458| 88.5 10,384| 59.0 7,929 9,683 70.4 15. 635 184 Dorchester......0l 24,264 | -13.4 28,006 30 4.4 580| 48.3 19,917] 71.1 10,102 9,541 8,363 71.9 12.6) 491 365 Frederiok.......0l 51,774 -9.7 57,812 11 5.3 664| 86.3 52,607 91.8 19,658) 18,453 19,201 86.0 17.9 1,095 é81 18,534 | =-15.7 21,981 41 10.4 668| 32.9 £21,976 100.0 10,962 11,019 80.0 12.. 467 201 42,8% 4.6 35,080 22 10.9 448] 78.3 81,076| 88.6 4,967 | 15,730 14,963 85.3 22.1 1,189 407 18,481 7.6 17,175 54 6.2 251| 68.4 14,369 83.7 10,522 6,658 83.0 17.6 417 165 13,071 -2.9 138,465 64 «8.5 284 47.4 9,404| 69.8 2,760 6,501 4,204 73.9 19.2] 300 180 130 104,155 24.1 83,912 ? 70.5 494 | 169.9 74,988| 89.4 ?7,650| 62,170 14,092 93.0 51.7 2,718 ai? 180 117,625 81.9 89,490 [3 48.9 485| 184.5 78,217| a1.8 18,847 | 595,829 15,314 86.3 29. 3,077 909 12,194 | ~-15.8 14,476 61 =0.7 873| 38.8 . 10,129| 70.0 7,348 7,128 70.9 11.2 281 , 158 17,877 22.2 14,626 61 -3.7 367| 89.9 9,901| 67.7 6,433 8,193 69.0 11.6 556 208 17,269 | -17.6 20,965 43| -10.3 882| 68.1 13,904 66.3 8,9%08| 10,716 6,341 78.6 18.5 877 297 16,190 | -13.8 18,784 49 1.1 279| 67.3 13,048) 69.5 4,528 7,589 6,717 77.6 18.6 334 258 ¥ 69,89 1.8 68,838 9 4.5 462] 149.0 67,048] 97.4 32,491 | 23,842 12,505 85.7 17.4 1,526 798 32,960 -4.5 34,530 23 10.6 880| 90.9 27,085| 78.3 18,813 11,069 10,148 77.7 17.1 674 464 19,201 -9.8 21,245 3 -1.8 483| 44.0 14,575| 68.6 2,789 10,267 8,289 68.5 18.7 406 274 MASSACHUSETTS...| 4,093,072 -5.1 | 4,816,721 1.6 7,907 | 545.9 | 4,257,596| 98.6|8,859,476| 963,213 94,088 87.9 80.4] 78,209| 51,688 METRO. COUNTIES..| 3,885,133 «8.1 | 4,098,630 - 1.8 5,692 | 720.1 | 4,043,919| 98.7|8,716,452| 308,257 78,921 87.8 80.5] 74,597| 49,089 Metro. areas: 015 | Boston...008, 009, 011, 012, 018 | 2,677,740 -8.1 | 8,824,958 1.8 2,446|1)54.9| 2,782,427| 98.5(2,625,806| 169,407 £29,742 89.3 83.7] 82,2380 83,800 043 | Fall River- . New Bedford....008 42,029 -8.1 864,637 556 | 655.8 858,384 98.3| 327,946| 27,542 9,149 80.8 16.4 6,406] 4,536 118 | Springfield-Hn) yoke : eessseee 007, 008 392,640 -2.9 404,568 «0.9 1,158] 349.4 400,655| 99.0| 359,949 28,950 15,669 87.6 27.1 7,287 4,59 136 | woreester.......0l 472,224 -6.2 804,470 2.7 1,538| 329.3 502,453] 99.6) 402,751| 82,358 19,861 85.4 24.8] 8,724 6,109 OTHER COUNTIES... 207,939 -4.5 218,081 3.2 8,215| 98.5 818,677| 98.0| 143,024] 54,955 20,118 89.6 28.7 8,612 2,649 3,7%| -1.1| 97,208 20| 15.4 399] 93.5 s4,750| 9.2 12,001 20,988] 4,06] 91.1] ss.5 64s! 539 118,704 -8.4 122,278 E) 1.3 942] 129.8 121,185] 99.1 98,757 17,762 5,754 88.7 25.6) 1,945) 1,381 342,929 6.1 364,687 1 ’ 556 656.8 8358,384| 98.3 327,946] 27,548 9,149 80.8 16.4 6,408) 4,536 5,011 | =-10.7 5,669 90 14.5 106| 853.5 5,249] 92.6 4,953 716 89.0 83.0 98] 74 E880X.cossee 460,098 7.8 496,313 0 =0.8 500| 992.6 494,401 99.6] 467,534| 24,430 4,349 88.0 27.8 8,522 6,108 Frankli@........008] 47,824 «3.8 49,453 14 -0.38 722 | 68.5 49,325] 99.7 28,865| 11,252 9,93 90.2 80.1 eae 598 118 321,299 -3.2 332,107 1 =1.0 621 | 534.8 328,451) 98.9| 304,016| 21,427 6,664 as.l1 27.1 6,050 3,586 118 71,841 =1.5 72,461 9 =0.5 587 | 134.9 72,204 99.6 55,988 7,528 9,005 85.4 26.8 1,187 1,008 018 916,726 -5.5 $71,390 0 3.9 829 | L17L8 961,786| 99.0| 891,684) 69,709 9,997 90.8 8.3] 17,998] 10,805 2,670 | -20.8 3,401 F] -7.8 46| 738.9 s,les| 98.1 3,401 95.5 35.0 45) 83 018 830,079 1.5 325,180 3: 8.6 $98 | 817.0 328,914 99.6| 280,406] 41,065 8,709 93.2 43.5) 6,304 3,768 0186 163,587 8.0 168,824 3 4.0 664 | 254.3 164,868| 97.7| 122,934| 34,208 11,687 $0.0 30.9] 8,228 2,186 015 807,808 2 863,248 0 =1.9 55 [L864 837,464| 97.0| 863,248 86.7 81.1] 16,181] 10,978 136 | Worcester.......0l4 472,224 2 504,470 [1] 2.7 1,082 829.3 502,453] 99.6 402,751] 88,358 19,861 85.4 24.8 8,724 6,109 MICHIGAN......| 5,377,829 2.4 | 5,206,106 8.6 | 57,022] 92.2| 5,089,643] 95.9 3,404,867 | 941,087] 860,208 88.8 24.5] 114,700] 54,374 METRO. COUNTIZS..| 3,515,904 | 7.1 | 3,287,761 8.6| 5,800 | 561.0] 3,098,350| 9e.2(2717,5%0( 396,561] 173,670 ee.9| 25.9] 72,824] 31,6290 Metro. areas: : 087 | Detroit.......080, 063, 082 | 2,612,118 10.0 | 2,877,829 9.2 1,965 [1209.8 2,204,551 92.7 | 2,121,113 202,958 58,861 87.9 85.9] ©2,442| 82,364 O44 |Flibteeesieoass 080 228,183 0.1 227,944 7.7 644 | 354.0 221,118| 97.0] 154,920| 48,159 24,860 92.6 24.8 5,278 1,908 049 | Grand Rapids 231,381 «68.1 246,388 2.4 862 | 285.8 249,436| 98.8] 169,191 52,279 24,868 91.9 25.8 8,000 2,557 060 | Kalamazoo. 101,716 1.7 100,085 9.5 567 | 176.8 98,809 98.7 54,097 | 32,052 18,936 92.0 29.0 2,178 1,270 064 | Lansing. . 185,908 4.1 180,616 12.0 B59 | 238.7 128,847 98.6 87,459 | 28,469 14,688 9.0 84.6 3,280 1,851 100 | Saginaw-Bey C esessses 009, 206,581 0.8 200,449 8.0 1,2%8| 163.3 201,889| 98.1] .130,750| 32,847 42,002 87.0 19.7 4,604 2,184 OTHER COUNTIES...| 1,861,420 -5.3 |1,968,340 8.d>| 851,187 88.5| 1,941,293| 98.6 737,387 | 544,476] 686,032 88.7 22.0] @ ,876| 28,748 All Counties: 4,338 | -20.0 5,463 90 9.5 677 8.1 5,428] 99.4 1,889 3,574 81.8 12.9 109 a3 8,408 | -17.0 10,1687 76 9.0 918] 11.1 10,108] 99.4 4,409 8,082 2,676 74.4 16.0 198 111 36,729 | -12.2 41,839 1? 7.4 829 | 80.5 41,081 99.3 7,954] 10,419 23,466 93.4 20.8 842 46) 18,760 -9.0 £20,768 4 11.8 868] 36.6 20,756 | 100.0 12,808 1,520 6,438 76.8 14.6 459 219 8,848 | -23.9 10,964 73 9.9 4771 23.0 178 108 194 10,8971 99.4 8,301 5,663 86.9 19.8 TABLE 3—SELECTED DATA FOR METROPOLITAN AREAS AND FOR ALL COUNTIES, BY STATE—Continued Table 3 Puzt 8 - Labor Yorce MD., Allegany (001) - MICH., Antrim (008) wre mi LABOR FORCE—1940 Percent of Population 14 Years Old and Over Employed Workers by Industry Group a METROPOLITAN Trane: In leading Metro, AREAS, P P t Business nonagri- 3a COUNTIES, ~ Sess Soe pole Weel and : i gulsund e A % e- | personal n industry CODES Total In labor males | females | Agri | Mini Con- Manufac- [Om | gale and | services Other agri- ota who are | who are loved ining | struc- : cations, . and not force g « employ culture : turing d retail exelud- d cul- in in tion an Calo ing reported | | Code Jihes loos oer Somatic (See |Per- orce orce utili- : page | cent ties Services 429 an as) (19) 20) @n @) -@ @) (25) (28) 217 (28) (29) 30 | any | 32 MARYLAND==Con. All Counties: ’ Allegany........001 65,817] 34,000] £0.1 23.9 27.721 921 1,m2 947 11,146) 3,626 4,193 3.507 1,669 |. 3.31 13(25.6 011 [Anne Arundel....002 52,763| 26,002] 70.3 22.7 23,731 2,868 59| 1.786 3.309 1,411 3,011 3,102 8,185 | 12.1] 3722.6 011 pelts... 209 120,255 , 8.1 22.4 59,118 5,133 289] 4,016 20,899] 4,633 7,540 8,9%1 7.667 8.71 17|1k.0 011 [Baltimore City.. 90,435 | 388,417| 80.6 33.0 | 348,358 3 253] 16,772 Mea 34,660 ,600 5,879 | 49,228 | 0.2] a36| 7.5 Calvert.........005 7,281 3,744 4b 15.5 3.567 1,917 2 236 Yo 240 291 537 | 53. 1| 5.0 Caroline........006 13,451 6.956| 80.8 21.2 6,423 2,752 4 311 1,222 197 666 658 613 | u2.8 22| 7.8 Carroll. ..ee... 007 30,781 bly 12.71 21.5 13,619 4,472 47 905 3.25% 5853 1,464 1,810 1,118 | 32.8 71 1.9 Cocdleenusnons.s008 20,349 9.436 68.2 19.7 8,365 2,168 66 769 1,301 753 927 1,287 1,09% | 25.9] 036 | 9.2 Charles.........009 12,100 6,450 81.4 20.1 6,050 2,514 3 543 874 109 93 470 1,084 | 41.6] 1311.3 Dorchester......010 21,848 12.358) 179.3 32.0 10,560 2,691 5 456 2,657] 392 1.51 1,109 1,69] 25.5 5 9.9 Frederick .011 43,391 21,828] 79.0 21.6 19,237 5.456 ul 1,160 3% 1,589 2,565 2, 2,038 | 28.4 636 | 8.5 Garrett .b12 15,333 7.391] 19.1 13.4 5,838 2,068] 1,192 197 5 280 lis Tn 536 | 35.4 219.6 Barford .01 6,962| 15,058 83.8 22.0 13,923 3,499 98 866 1,914 102 1,23 1,686 3,922 | 25.1 3719.9 Howard. .01 12,607 6,526) 80.5 20.5 4 1,898 1 478 1,028) 402 665 59 737] 31.7] 636] 7.0 Kent... .015 10,477 5.47 79.8 21.5 986 2,015 2 258 246 129 5711 528 1,231 MT] 9.5 130 [Montgomery......016 64,11 34,658 £0.7 29.0 33,191 3.535 34 3.082 1,914 123 3991 7.515 | 11,301 | 10.6[ 3723.2 130 [Prince Georges..Ol7 64,2! 34,104 79.5 25.0 31,031 3,903 83 3.149 3,058 2,6 S577 5.346 8,261 | 12.6] 3719.4 Queen Annes.....018 10,988 5,870 83.8 18.5 5.584 2,673 312 233 11k 6u7 bind 1,215 | 47.9] “1| 8.4 St. Marys.......019 9,880 5,102| 80.5 18.1 4,820 2,570 3X 267 151 £9 325 977 | 53. 110.4 Somerset........ 020 15,921 8,075) 77.4 22.9 6,841 2,213 240 993 286 1,343 631 1,135 | 32.3] 2810.9 Talbotasossss.ss021 14,5937 8,047 82.9 27.1 7.177 2,052 7 uu6 626 267 1,030 1,001 1,748 | 28.6] 636 | 6.2 Vashington......022 52,316 26,425| 78.6 22.8 22,581 3.537 110( 1,046 6,394 2,540 3,649 3,226 2,019 | 15.71 23| 6.8 Wiookitons..s 2, 083 27,167] 15,602) 81.6 33.5 14,153 3,726 4 673 3,603 874 2,057 1,778 1,438 | 26.3] 711% Worcester.......02 16,197 8,705 82.4 2h. 8,059 3.213 8 n2 1,150 198 919 829 1,330 | 39.3 9 %.2 MASSACHUSETTS... | 3,449,873] 4,844,260 77.1 31.5 [1,534,787] 35.945 1,515| 68,610 564,165 100,038 | 287,622 | 309,110 | 167,782 | 2.3 @36| 9.% METRO. COUNTIES... | 3,276,935} 1.753.903| 77.0 31.7 |L457,273| 30.251 1,286] 63.992] 536,269] 95.631 | 276,192 | 295.797 | 157.855 | 2.1 Metro. areas: 015 |Bost n...005, 009 oF 011, 012, 013 | 2,256,587] L199.,413| 76.9 31.4 | 994,686 15,762 926( 46,993] 314,185 72,994 | 204,161 | 221,314 | 118,351 | 1.6) 3 [Fall River- New Bedford....003 290,522| 165,534] 78.1 37.3 | 133.705 4,033 78| 4.638 7.96 6,054 19,932 | 17,320 | 10,154 | 3.0 118 |Springfield=-Holyoke cexereev 007, 008 27,929| 176,965) 78.0 31.3 | 147,802 5,030 1790 5.979 59,643] 8,338 | 26,287 | 29,261 | 13,085 | 3.4 136 [Worcester.......0l4 1,897 211,991 76.3 29.8 | 18,080 5,426 103| 6,382 90,945 8,245 | 25,82 | 27,902 | 16,265] 3.9 OTHER COUNTIES... 172,938 90.357 17.5 27.17 17.51% 5,694 229 4,618 27,896 4,407 11,430 13.313 9.927 7.3 All Counties: 3 Barnstable......001 29,262| 13,777] T™.8 20.5 11,331 £75 2| 1,614 462 T21 2,186 2,349 Ja22 | 71.7 636] 9.0 Berkshire.......002 97,193| 52,78 78.4 31.0 45,323 2,298 203] 1,732 21,167] 2,029 403 7.321 ap | 5.3 "6|17.6 043 |Bristole........003 290,522| 165,534 78.1 37.3 | 133,705 4,033 78| 4,638 TL,496| 6,054 19,932 | 17,320 [ 10,15% | 3.0 6] 26.M Dukes. .eeee- ve 4,403 2,166| 79.0 21.8 1,797 165 2 293 42 135 322 356 ug2 | 9.2 636( 9.0 015 |Essex.......... .005 400,585 219,661 77.7 33.5 | 181,438 3,201 97| 6,822 85,978] 8,483 | 29,82 | 28,633 | 18Mm2| 1.8 615.2 Franklin........006 39,417] 20,423] 77.0 26.7 17.991 2,215 22 £03 6,200] 1,426 2,348 3,064 1,853 | 12.6 636 9.1 118 |Hampden.. .007 268,691 146,740 79.4 31.3 121,756 2,355 166] 4,796 51,038, 7.413 | 22,666 | 22,6 10,651 1.9] 19| 8.8 118 |Hampshire .008 59,238 30,225 T1.6 nk 26,046 2,675 1 1,183 8,605 925 3,621 6,530 2,434 | 10.3 636 17.6 015 |Middlesex.. ,009 767.848| 400,532] 76.5 30.1 | 337.385 6,112 52h| 17,415] 103,839 26,368 | 66,249 | ‘77.240 | 39,638 | 1.8) 636|10.7 Nantucket. . .010 2,663 1.211) 18,8 14.9 1,072 8 176 25 96 mn 223 300 | 7.6] 37|11.9 015 |Forfolk.. L011 260,482| 132,326 76.6 28.2 | 116,659 2,010 165 5,574 nu, 7m 7.703 | 21,156 | 28,106 | 17,171 | 1.7] 636 (11.7 015 [Plymouth .012 136,359| 69.897] 75.0 27.8 58,289 3,953 46 3,215 21,119 3.271 | 10,254 9.999 6,432 | 6.8 1519.3 015 [Suffolk.. .013 691,313 376,997| 77.4 33.5 | 300,915 Lg6 94| 13,967 68,475 27,169 | 76,690 | 77,336 | 36.698 | 0.2] 636 (10.8 136 [Worcester 01k 401,897| 211,991 76.3 29.8 | 181,080 5,426 103 6,382 90,945 8,245 | 25,812 | 27,902 | 16,265] 3.0 6 9.6 MICHIGAN...... | %4,036,893|2,125,877| 80.5 23.3 [1,824,953| 213,950| 15.846] 73,144| 699,993| 100,367 | 295,748 | 279,754 | 146,151 | 11.7] 2019.5 METRO. COUNTIRS..| 2,543,396(1,387,817| 82.5 25.6 |1,200,065| 39.365| 2,453 47,393 548,756] 66,059 | 208,063 | 193,730 | 94.246 | 3.3 Metro. areas: 037 |Detroit.......C50 a 3, 082 | 1,852,314/1,030,266| 83.5 26.3 | 886,776| 12.664 TI0| 34,855| L2u 448] 48,935 | 152,929 | 144,673 | 67.562 | 1.M ot [Flint.....c00e0.025 168,106 88,881 81.9 23.0 78.270 3,831 suf T2,lk3 41,587 2,821 | 12,270 | 10,048 5,216 | 4.9 049 [Grand Rapids....OWl 190,329 97.323] 78.6 25.0 85,666 5,909 701 3,584 30,480 6,130 ( 16,783 | 15,115 6.9 6.9 060 |Kalamazoo.......039 78,209 39,530 76.5 25.2 35,637 3,050 2 1,651 14,276 2,005 5,609 5,986 3,030 | 8. 064 |Lansing.........033 100,233 52,579 79.7 25.9 45,722 3,379 1 2,029 14,696 2,121 8,426 8,759 6.211 7.4 100 |Saginaw=Bay City eesesees 008, O73 154,205 19.238 80.3 21.7 67.99% 10,532 917 2,831 23,269 4,047 12,046 9,149 5,203 | 15.5 I ommEr cours... 1,493,497 | 738,060 71.2 19.1 624,888|| 174,585) 13,393| 25,751 151,237 34,308 87,685 86,024 51,905 | 27.9 All Counties: Alcona. ...... «+4001 4,039 2,006| 78.6 12.0 1,689 943 3 123 ™ 61 158 165 162 | 55.8 636| 5.1 Algere.eresess 002 7.1456 3.753] 75.6 17.6 2,634 Lisl 113 1,035 9 303 320 319 | 17.2] 1114.6 Allegan..... 2s +003 31,847 15,648 79.1 16.83 14,125 5,834 343 558 2,869 455 1,674 1,442 950 | ¥1.3} 11] 7.3 ALpense. ss sses +004 15,029 7.778 79.9 21.2 6,745 1,690 35 273 1,90k 316 949 173 495 | 25.1] 16] 9.7 ARSPim..ccnenses 005 7,841 3.137 1.7 13.0 3,085 1,533 5 99 Lg2 113 04 33 206 | 49.71 6361 6.2 TINE O—3T—— 14 Table 3 part 3 - fousing TABLE 3—SELECTED DATA FOR METROPOLITAN AREAS AND FOR ALL COUNTIES, uit. pin fl (008) BY STATE—Continued ’ we mmo = HOUSING—1940 . . . : . Nonfarm Rural Farm All Dwelling Units Occupied Dwelling Units Dwelling Units Dwelling Units T METROPOLITAN Residence Metro. C AREAS $e. A i phones 2 UNTEES, Residential Percent | Percent Per. Percent Helin Per- CODES structures in5or | with | Percent eh LT Ararnie cent | Percent Jan. 1,1 more | private | wil mechan- monthly wit with 1945 Number | family | bathtub electric Number ose ica Persons Number Tent Number | run | teeic tone | ped | on | bot lien he, (Fe hold water a3) G4) (39) (6) Gn 39) ™) (40) “n “2 “) “wh “s) 46) “n MARYL AND==Con. All Counties: 3 Allegany,....... 001 17.645 22,333 3.5 50.6 32.0 21,842 hk.4 51.9 1,53 2c ,869] 22.8s 1,h64| 23.2] W6.6 8,608 011 [Anne Arundel,...002 20,943 22,151 0.7 52.71 83.7 15,115] 56.4 52.8 1.45 19,191] 132.26 2,960 32.8 51.1 2,552 011 [Baltimore...... .00 37.258 41,653 1.6 6L.2 23.2 37.533] 57.9 61.7 3.54 ok 3.8 5.5171 83.9] 7.0 25,435 011 [Balttrore City..00 175,505 236,42 1.1 16.8 97.5 227,562 Lo.g| kg.5f 3.26 236,u.2| 10.31 110,890 Calvert......... 005 J19% L252 25.0] mm. p.3e) 55.510 Fan.9l 3.77 2,57]. 20.57 1.674 11.1) 13.7 811 Caroline........ 006 5,003 5.172 0.3 26.0 Lg.u L,g62| 507.0 21.2 3.01 2.2m] 14.90 2,198] 11.3] 23.4 1,542 Carrolleavasnsar 007 8,824 9,857 1. 36.6 76.7 9.4931 57.0 38.2 3.28 6,227] 17.22 3,630] uh] =7.7 4,291 Beet), scnnuesss Ong 7.135 7.695 0.k4 34.2 63.1 W333 br.2 36.6] 3.uL SMELL 20.2) 2,2u}, u1.0f 53.2 2,638 Charlege. cones. 009 L,25 4,306 0.2 20.7 25.0 3.779] 53.¢ 24.9 3.98 1.0uel 35.74 2,358] 13.6] 21.2 1,000 an) ob 7.348 7.803 1.3 ae] Le 7.239| 47.6] 21.3] 3.28 5.756] 13.62 2,007 12.6] 14.7 1,990 Frederick.,.....0l1 13,235 14,676 1.4 38.9 70.4 14,306] 51.2 38.7 3.6 10,u50| 21.70 4,224] 20.8] uE.7 £,231 GArrett...c..ou.. 012 5,090 5,416 0.6 22.8 LE.3 4,95 56.4 15.3 3.97 1,041] 1k.01 2,375] 22.8] 13.2 9h2 BArfort,.. oeenn 013 8,250 8,799 1.0 1.3 74.1 g,27 53.4 43.9 3.39 £.2u2| 22.17 3,557] 41.2] 59.9 3.922 Hownrde.essessss 014 3,872 4,068 0.5 33.5 72.8 1,965) 5k.2 sha 3.80 2,475] 22.17 1,593] u6.0| 59.8 1,920 Wont. Jas dun ses 015 L,092 4,363 2.7 27.1 50.1 J102| 51.5 21.6] 3.13 3.203] 13.60 1,160] 41.9] 30.5 1,478 130 [Montgomery...... 016 21,146 23,255 4.2 76.5 22.7 21,740( 64.0 79.4] 3.43 20,005| 64.51 3,25 Ls.u| 61.3 24,276 130 |Prince Georpes..017 20,802 2z,3u8 1.8 62.1 3.5 21,353 58.7 €7.6] 3.67 18,878 36.55 3.470] 27.6] 43.5 17,400 Cueen Arnie . 4,149 4,282 0.1 17.5 39.2 3,91 Lb, 16.5 3.23 2,%2| 11.73 1,780 16.6] 20.4 1,016 8%. Marys. 3,571 3.573 15.8 25.9 3,08 3 10.2 L212 1,910) 1k.62 1.682 13.1] 17.8 858 Somerset. 5,815 6,108 1.6 13.4 42.7 5,5u4| 5g. 39.3] 3.27 4,307] 10.16 1.801 13.0 22.5 900 TIVO ee wise vias W707 6,092 2.1 «1 56.1 5.267] 47.1 26.4 .05 W.mgl 16.23 2,073] 30. 30.5 1,937 biiiitold A 022 14,739 18,351 5.6 a: 85.4 17,697 4.36 48.6 3.0 15,478) 21.62 2,873 53 55.1 7.343 Wicomico.ses....02 3.338 10,101 1.1 34.2 62.0 9 50.5 35.1 3.12 7.30 19.46 2,'n| 17.6| 27.6 3,719 Worcester....... 02 6.526 7.042 1.6 3.1 50.8 5.9811 50.2 23. 3.07 L,665( 25.87 2,3771 16.1)" 21.7 1,654 MAS ACHUSETTS. . . 760,576] 1,221,252 12.5 83.0 97.6] 1,120,694| 38.1 50.7] 3.36 1,195,020 | 33.34 26,2321 71.5] E14 | 697,634 METRO, COUNTIES.. 636.958] 1,143,238 13.1 82.3 9%.0] 1,060,622] 37.3 50.8 3.37 1,122,794] 32.95 20, luk| A9.3| 84.2 653,711 Metro. areas: 015 [Boston...005, 709, 011, 012, 013 Les, 1e0 795.779 18.2 63.8 9%.3 730,298 37.2 53.2 3.38 786.728] 35.63 8,981] 75.3 7.6] 46,949 043 |Fall River= New Bedford, ...003 59,944 100,710 10.4 73.2 97.4 96,741] 3u.k4 37.3] 3.30 98,275| 21.23 2,435 65.0] 85.8 us go 118 |Springfie’4=Ho)yoke sede sny .007, 008 88,971 111,440 20.0 86.¢€ 97.3 106,195 37.4 53.8 3.36 107,191 29.35 3.949) 69.7] 78.7 66,925 136 |Worcester...... 014 84.923 135.379 8.2 76.1 97.1 128,388 2 ug, 3 3.39 130.3] 27.92 5,079] 63.7] 81.8 76,347 53,618 78,014 4,2 72.2 91.3 60,072] 51.5 48.6) 3.20 72.226) 39.42 5,788) 4.3 TL.7 43,923 21,035 21,861 0.6 65.3 88.6 11,047 66.2 us.31 2,87 20,750( 61.85 an) nn. n.g 3 see 25,426 35,481 7.1 17.7 9k.2 32,629] u4.6 50.5] 3.3% 33,790| 28.72 © 1,691 72.9] 1.6 23 34k 043 59 ,9uk 100,710 10.4 13.2 97.4 96,741 | 3.4 213 3.30 98.275| 21.93 2,u35| 65.0] 85.8 145 {490 3.719 3,799 61.2 81.7 1,699] 69.¢ 8.9] 2.28 3,508] 65.65 291 69.1] 95.7 1,377 015 95,021 146,960 10.7 82.5 97.7 133.919] 39.7 43.1 3.26 145,620] 31.14 1,340] 72.9 99.9 82,658 11,e10 15,228 4.3 10.2 9.1 13,708] 88.0 ug.1 3 12.533 21,47 2,695 76.8 73.4 8,880 116 52,513 92,240 22.9 8.1 98.% 87,360| s4.b 56.0 3.3 90,2! 29.73 1,994 64.8 73.1 56,763 118 14,398 19,200 6.1 B-8 38 17,835 2.2 u2.8( 3.35 17,245] 27.38 1,955) 74.7] 78.4 10,162 015 170,483 258,613 9.2 85. 98. 2ul 859 | k1.3 57.1 3. 255,6u0| 37.03 2,973] 73.9] 89.4] 163.14 Nantucket. 1,568 3 91.2 97.9 989] 58.3 27.1] 2.92 1,645) 37.u8 A. 960 015 |Norfolk.........011 69,30 5.8 6.4 81.1 99.0 £3,251] 53.1 66.2] 3.45 88,397| u46.17 1,008] 84.3] 9u.8 20,899 015 |Plymouth........012 50, oo =D Thu 95.3 u7,965| 51.4 47.8 3.06 60,731] 38.04 3,660) 10.0] 83.1 32,818 015 [Buffolk........s00 99,769 236, 24.0 &.1 99.2 220,304 | 22.0 51.2] 3.39 236,300 32.47 . 105,436 136 (Worcester. ......0ll 8,923 135,379 8.8 76.1 97.1 178,388 40.2 is.3| 3.39 130,300] 27.92 5,079] 63.7) 81.8 16,307 MICHIGAN. .....[ 1,237,478] 1,519,378 7.3 63.2 92.1 1,396.m4] 55.4 51.0] 3.33 | 1,281,453] 29.35 237,929] 28.2| 68.6] 8u0,N6 METRO, COUNTIES.. 668,712 905,906 11.3 77.0 98.1 264 435] 49,7 60.3] 3.3 860,255) 32.66 us,651| 36.8 85.2 | 589,850 Metro, ar-us! : 037 [Detroit...... N90, 063, J82 Lu5, 204 645,649 URN 82.7 19.1 616,510 45,7 62.0 ER" 631,563| 34.85 14,086) 43.0 93.2 Lp2, 314 [ITH SET PORN |} 5k ,4u5 62,119 2.7 60.1 97.0 60,380] 59.8 63.1] 3.u9 56,362| 26.39 6.417 i 24 u1,274 049 [Grand Papids....O41 59,446 72,903 L.5 m™m.7 96.3 69,220 55.4 53.5 1.16 66,171] 25.16 8,752 71 my. L761 N60 |Kalamazoo.......039 26,026 29,768 gl 60.5 95.5 27,564 | 58.7 56.3 3.12 25,810 28.19 3,98 38.5 80.6 19,649 064 |Lansing.........033 32,920 381 ov b3 65.9 97.6 36,894 | 58.1 56.2 3.16 34,395] 3.12 G,096| 38.7] 8e.9 29,099 100 |Saginaw=Bay City 2 vines eves 00g, 073 50,671 56,316 2.2 55.5 93.1 53,867] 66.2 52.0 3.38 Lh B94 | 24.53 10,422] 21.6] 73.6 30,042 OTHER COUITIES... 568, 7166 613,472 1.3 40.5 83.2 531,579 | 64.8 35.7 3.22 121,198 22.51 192,274) 25.8] 64.6 | 250,477 All Counties: Alcona, ...ae...00 1,756 1,766 10.1 642 1.412 sou 16.9] 3.u3 M1] 17.19 in 1.3] sk.2 251 ALEOT.oeeiarnsns 02 2,601 2,836 8.4 26.2 n.a 2,486 05.4 20,5 3.55 2,188) 14,42 17. 55.2 572 Allegan. ........00 13,480 14,062 0.4 1.3 .7 11,676] 70.4 uel 3.8 6,945] 25.81 7.113] 37.6] 76.2 4,806 ALDARA, 2 vases .00 5,309 5,609 0.5 2.7 70.4 5,217] 71.5 B71.) 3.57 4,193] 19.6% 1,63 5.3] 22.0 1,6€2 ARETAM. cuvosees009 4,081 i,170 24.6 56.4 2,958) 71.0 13.1) 3.22 2,528] 23.82 1,668] 21.7] 27.4 £54 196 TABLE 3—SELECTED DATA FOR METROPOLITAN AREAS AND FOR ALL COUNTIES, BY STATE—Continued (Figures which have been rounded to thousands will not necessarily add to. totals) Table B Part 4 - Agriculture MD., Allegany (001) = 'MICH., Antrim (005) er AGRICULTURE—1945 AGRICULTURE—1940 Value of farm products sold, | Principal Pere hie od Work power traded, or used by source of Per- Er property farm household farm income | Type- METROPOLITAN i A Percent ming.| Rural Metro, AREAS, Number of | Land in | Cropland | Number.| of | [op Srcent rom farming- level rea COUNTIES, farms farms | harvested | of farms | farms | Jo}. A Number ; area oe AND . (1000's | (1000's oper | Moff fol Around. | Live code |.° CCOES Jan. 1, of of April 1, | ated pod. 41 Iota 38€ | horses | Number 1000" stock Code P (See Jig 1945 acres) | acres) fo40 by ( $1 P| andor of $| and See [VE | on [P= ucts of farm of live- | C cent | P ton: | oes dollars) | (dol mules tractors dollars) rops | p422) ants | hon oltars Ol | (over 3 ollars) | stock rs) mo. old) wk A ucts “9 “9 Lo) Gn (2) G3 4) LG) (56) Gn G8) (9) (60) (61) (62) 63) (64) MARYLAMD-—Con. : All Counties: , Alegany........001 1,161 12 19 1,132| 13.4] 52. 5,129| 4,881 1,346 129 864| h2.7| 26.5 0 | 28.9 u62| 114 011 [Anne Arundel....002 1,488 122 40 1,556| 25.4| 29.8) 12,324] 7,920 3,296 351 2,492 27.8 59.4 5 | ¥0.1 851 128 011 Bajiliore, sci: e i203 3,592 265 118 3,737] 13.9| 2.9 40,922(10,950 7.414 919 5,148| 47.8) 37.9 2 | 23.7 463 143 011 [Baltimore City.. 89 2 1 85 ‘- - 2,242(26,376 118 26 295) 12,9 84.2 8 | 69.6 Calvertec.......008 1,347 105 21 1,177 51.3] 15.0 5,386| 4,5 2,000 17 1,364 6.8 78.4 5 | 78.3 851 92 1,776 172 19 1,817| 33.6] 32.2 8,516| 4,687 4,730 378 2,360) 47.6 37.6 3( 28.7 131) 110 3,128 26 157 3,188| 20.2| 24.9| 20,509] 6,433 8,515 an 4,980| 59.2 25.8 2 Da 463 117 1,326 16 7 1,456) 28.1 32.3] 13,502] 9.273 3,694 496 2,471 66.1] 19.5 2 | k7.8 463 117 1,346 174 38 1,276 %.2| 19.3 7.311| 5.730 2,985 321 1,746 9.6| 72.7 51 Ra 851 96 1,509 191 2 1,486 33.6 33.9 8,546( 5,751 3.57 612 2,223| 26.6] 58.4 6°| 38.6 131 8 3,352 346 186| 3.466 26.3] 29.1] 28,092] 8,205] 11,765 836] 6.07] eval 22.6] 2 |u39| u63 ma 2,154 220 58 2,068| 10.8 us.2 8,874 4,291 31% 317 1,543 50.3 12.9 0 al ug6| 96 2,199 200 79 2,269| 13.8 28.3] 21,441] 9,480 +599 759 nual 67.1] 19.8 2 LY 463 124 1,037 122 55 1,007 13.9| 23.2 11,633|11,552 ,188 2n 1,884 62.2] 22.3 2 36.1 463) 120 724 154 3 852| 47.9] 25.2 11,216(13,164 ,211 481 1,986 55.3] 33.2 2 | 35.2 463 97 130 [Montgomery......016 2,179 247 99 2,062 14.4) W6.4| 27,513(13,343 5,187 Lys 3,369] 67.4] 19.2 2 | 43.3 463 17M 130 Prince Georges..017 2,070 19% 52 2,158. 3-8 28.4 20,955| 9.710 496 428 275 17.7] 69.4 5 | 53.1 851 137 Queen Annes.....018 1,207 213 99 1,2] b7.1| 26.1 13,072[10,285 5,841 452 2,365| 58.4 26.5 2 | 32.9 ug3| 95 St. Marys.......019 1,483 146 43 1,347] 42.3] 22.6 8,525| 6,329 2,924 239 1,584 13.7| 62.6 5 | 62.3 851 81 Somerset........020 1,179 101 4% 1,193] 24.9] 37.7 5,012| 4,201 2,179 333 1,697| 35.2] 53.6 3] 21.2 131 83 2alb0t..........021 976 154 17 1,033 35.7| 22.5 13,477|13,046 4,086 552 2,064 u7.1| 39.4 5 | 21.6 463 104 Washington.e....022 2,46 229 125 2,516 27.4] 34.7| 17,316] 6.882 7.459 426 3,458 Wo.2| hkl 5 | 26.9 463) 114 Vicomicos.......023 1.983 141 7h 2,191| 23.9] b.u 7.884] 3,598 ,909 232 2,754 28.1 61.7 3 | 22.6 131| 102 Worcester.......024 1, 161 67 1,767| 29.4) 32.1 7,600] 4,301 ,021 31h 3,332] 50.1] M.2 5 3h 131 99 MASSACHUSETTS... 37,007 2,078 581 31,897 7.1] 36.7] ‘2u8,665| 7,796 19.713 7.335] 68.449 58.7] 31.6 2 | 32.1 12 METRO. COUNTIES.. 30,238 1,528 Lug 26,106| 6.7| 36.5| 207,160| 7,935| 14,918 6,113 58,615 59.6 31.4 Metro. areas: 015 |Beston,.....005,009 011,012,013 | 13,048 549 167 11,857 7.3] 39.7] 110,174] 9,292 5.379 2,549 ( 29,947) 55.9] 37 O43 (Fall River- New Bedford....003 4,056 140 Wn 3.833 7.5] 27.8] 24,109 6,290 1,954 1,007 8,664 71.5 19.0 2 | ua.2 118 (SpringfieldeHolyoke eeviasens 007,098 6,629 Lot 112 4,582| 6.5| 33.5 1,987] 6,981 3.7599 1,048 8,952] u4.6| 43.7 136 |Worcester.......0lk 6,505 433 128 5.834 | 5.0) 37.8 ,890| 7,009 3,826 1,509] 11,052] 72.3] 15.8 2 | 46.8 OTHER COUNTIES... 6,769 550° 132 5,791 8.9| 37.6] M,261| 7,125 4,792 1,222 9,835 53.3] 32.7 All Counties: Barnstable......001 1,251 24 7 1,422| 10.1] 38.0 8,814 6,198 196 207 1,891 32 53.2 7 | ¥2.9 452) 145 Berkshire.......002 2,529 272 65 1,684 | 8.4] 37.2 15,671] 9,306 2,374 uh2 3,200| . 76. 8.4 2 | 55.9 413 136 043 Br itoLusns sass 08 4,056 1k0 41 3.833 7.5 27.8| 24,109] 6,290 1,354 1,007 8,664 TL.5| 19.0 2 | k2.2 452| 131 2n 22 2 208| 15.4 3-6 1,934| 9,298 121 uy 206| 54.8) 15.3 2 | 35.9 452 1ks .005 2,517 “125 u5 2,288| 8.1 bi.7| 21,842] 9,546 1,393 595 4,692 60.8) 30.7 2 | 34.8 452) ahh 006 2,694 226 57 2,434 | 8.1] 38.5| 14,401] 5,917 2,073 520 4 43 43.9(. 42.3 5 | 31.8 452 13 007 3,ul2 196 53 2,299| 6.3] 38.9] 14,991 6,521 1,437 584 3,569| 51.6 34.1 2 | 28.4 y52| 1 008 3,187 211 53 2,283| 6.8) 28.0 16,996] 7,445 2,322 Leu 5,383 40.0| 50.1 5 | 32.4 y52| 132 009 2694 210 n 3.475) 6.2] 26.2| 36,966(10,638 2,138 1,084] 11,581 56.0 38.3 2 | 21.0 u52( 1 +010 24 6 1 43 - - 441 10,256 28 9 107 59.4 32.9 2 | 46.0 u52 011 1,531 58 17 1,229 5.6 30.8] 12,858|10,462 3H 323 3,826 75.5| 18.8 3 | 39.8 452| 159 012 4,214 155 35 4,843 | 8.2] 51.0 37,584] 7,760 1,092 581 9,416 47.3] Wa 7] 31.6 452 1k6 01 92 1 - 22 - - 925 42,015 22 6 431 18.5) &.b 8 | 67.1 u52 ol 6,505 433 1238 5,834 5.0| 37.8 40,890| 7,009 3,826 1,509 11,052 72.3 15.8 2 | 46.8 52 139 MICEIGAN...... 175,268 18,392 8,521 187,589 | 17.0| 30.51,172173| 6,249 | 351,687 66,524 209,720 51.1 33.2 2 | 24.6 11% METRO. COUNTIES.. | 36,004 2,792 1,487 36.921 | 16.9| 37.4| 279.138 7,560 60,443 | 15,180| 1,524 M7.1| 39.5 Metro. areas: 037 |Detroit....cs «+4050 s 063,082 | 12,028 768 Log 11,557| 20.5| u4.0| 107,087 9,266| 16,931 4,954 13.543 u6.2| 1.8 OM [Flinte......e..s02® 4,816 319 179 ,281| 14.3| 50.8| 34,507| 6,534 7.527 1,970 L012 56.5) 26.4 2 | 26.7 049 [Grand Rapids....Ol 5,284 i39 205 5.623 | 15.8| 35.1| 34,092| 6,063 8,460 1,739 6,184 | 16.5) 37.1 2 | 27.8 060 |Ealamazo0..... +4039 2,703 275 135 2,909 | 17.0] 36.8 20,18 6,937 5,103 1,041 3,384 51.0 36.1 2 | 24.6 064 [Lansing......... 033 2,966 306 158 2,999| 21.2| .28.8| 23,465( 7,824 5,848 1,511 3,736| 63.0] 25.5 2 | 28.0 100 |Saginaw=Bay City ox ses eeve es000,073 &,207 6g5 Lo2 8,552 | 12.8 24.8 59,808| 6,993 16,574 3,964 10,664 38.2 48.9 OTHER COUNTIES... | 129,264 | 15,600 7,034 150,668 | 17.0| 26.8| 892,132 5,921| 291,229 | 51,344] 168,196] 52.1 31.6 All Counties: Alcona. .........001 871 129 3k 792 8.2| 30.8 3,661| 4,622 1.5n 180 660 49.7 22.2] 0 | 26.9 431 109 BUEO san snsssins 002 552 si nu 568| 6.2] 48.1 1,750| 3.C81 605 125 3715) 59.7 11.6 2 | 40.0 431 80 Allegan.........00 5,268 410 207 4,775| 15.0( 25.6| 28,619] 5,994 8,780 1,641 5.473 56.4 30.0 2 | 29.6 125 126 Alpens....... an 1,215 169 56 1,362 7.9| 33.3 ,129| 4,500 2,668 269 1,139 4k.9 26.6 0 | 26.8 431 96 Antrim..........005 1,071 158 Ub 1,249 9.4) 31.7 4,965| 3.975 2,09% 28 1,075] 29.9 34.8 0 | 24.4 431| 108 1The Stata total includes $243,640 for female silver fox and / or mink over 3 months old (kept in captivity) not distributed to individual counties. 2The State total includes $903,920 for female silver fox and / Or mink over 3 months old (kept in captivity) not distributed to individual counties, 197 Table 5 TABLE 3—SELECTED DATA FOR METROPOLITAN AREAS AND FOR ALL COUNTIES, Tery Beka Tne BY STATE—Continued MD. , AL 001) - MICH, provid} (005) (All dollar figures have been rounded to thousands and will not necessarily add to totals) MANUFACTURING ESTABLISHMENTS—1939 MINERAL INDUSTRIES—1939 RETAIL ESTABLISHMENTS—1939 METROPOLITAN Metro) AREAS, Val ded = COUNTIES, Wage Wages Value of | | or Velue of | Number | Wages and Sales Active |EmPloy Pay roll CODES Number | eames | (1000's of | products | ye" | produc | of ies | Number of | (1000 of | pro- | ("e138 |(1000’s of (average dollars) (1000's of (1000's of (1000's of | persons | (1000's of | stores dollars) | prietors for dollars) or year) dollars) dollars) dollars) | engaged | dollars) year) (6) 6 (8) ©) an an -@) a) 4) qs) as) a) MARYLAND=-Con. 4 All Counties: 0 72 11,157 12,764 60,961 36,052 2,058 1,617 1,544 1,114 28,050 983 3,207 3,049 22 568 67 8,918 2,53 237 56 65 783 15,059 ™ 1,647 1,lk 011 Baltlustesss 2480 97 29,181 45,916 210,894 92,293 938 320 2m 1,461 27,338 1,350 2,699 2,258 011 [Baltimore City.. 1,935 76,556 81,065 646,073 249,376 235 151 222 14,116 380,108 13,058 46,238 45,345 Calvert.........005 6 52 45 183 95 (2) (1) (2) 165 1,894 163 in 125 50 1,600 863 5,664 1,784 278 3,888 262 381 291 80 3,068 2,160 11.3% 4,664 85 3 n 436 8,845 ni 873 6U1 26 892 681 3. 1,367 hh 9 11 370 25 31 523 hoy 10 28 17 129 83 209 3,0 SL 2 250 179 69 2,753 1,523 13,778 4,701 uu 6,482 432 122 521 68 2,578 1,968 1,285 5,553 253 99 75 34 17,445 673 1,856 1,415 13 76 49 40 187 1,180 90k 828 208 3,935 203 302 230 56 636 82 |* 1,933 911 353 112 110 Ly 8,730 405 897 660 1 551 19 5,129 1,268 268 4,334 267 35 266 1% 155 91 553 279 27 4,047 248 360 257 22 172 177 1.M7 578 31 24 9 519 2k,339 481 2,299 2,352 3 280 315 1,624 986 2,265 364 yeu | 708 20,112 664 1,881 1,880 16 138 65 455 161 205 2,798 21k 254 172 4 18 8 58 23 213 2,271 227 153 103 Lk 792 357 2,285 876 339 2,949 333 318 192 37 622 242 1,727 726 300 6,510 310 608 4g3 95 5,227 4,540 23,944 12,376 nl I & 976 21,729 886 2,666 2,166 72 3,457 2,082 11,26 4,948 (2) (2) (2) 554 12,130 517 1,16 1,142 45 1,087 426 3,985 1,028 387 7.334 380 684 514 Combined Counties 2 i 31 18 13 i MASSACHUSETTS... | 9,007| 460,674 500,923 | 2,459,771 1,188,319 5.230 1,617 2,528 59,217| 1,737,680 47,538| 203,312] 212,96€ METRO. COUNTIES.. 8,703 | 437,954 475,261 | 2,347,096| : 126,554 4,252 1,284 2,127 55,656 | 1,643,843| 4, u89| 193,9u4| 203,195 Metro. Tress 015 |Boston.. 005 ,00 ~ 011 ,012’,013 6,037 252,634 279,628 1,499,755 693,555 2,810 910 1,688 38,257 1,177,396 30,093 | 142,190] 151,248 3 | Fall Rivers New Bedford...,003 780 64,130 56,495 225,951 109,922 U5 113 127 5,241 119,420 4,534 13,335 12,459 118 | Springfield=Holyok Sa 07 508 767 42,817 50,248 24,552 124,599 ny 41 179 5,722 161,032 4,741 18,192 18,709 136 |Worcester.......0l4 1,119 78,373 88,890 376,838 198,478 380° 120 133 6,436 185,995 5,121 20,227 20,779 OTHER COUNTIES... 304 22,119 25,662 112,675 61,765 978 333 Lol 3,561 93,837 3,049 9,368 9,771 All Counties: ’ Pirate 907 36 222 206 1,510 52 (1) (2) (2) 878 20,479 695 1,845 2,129 176 18,136 20,659 90,378 48,949 766 262 300 1,718 49,406 1,497 5,198 5, 3 = 819 Ses pen id 922 345 113 127 5 29 i Ae 4 a 13, = 12 v 1 1 » E880Xe..piees...005 1,081 73.489 78,265 341,640 160,649 43h 143 188 7,515 178,338 6,293 21,002 20,243 Frankline.......006 83 4,328 4,756 20,600 11,936 (2) (2) (2) 728 18,955 646 1,854 1,751 650 36,446 4,298 211,697 110,097 609 125 155 4,596 136,671 3.718 15,939| 16,513 117 6,371 5.950 32,855 14,502 108 16 24 1,126 |* 24,361 1,023 2,253 2,196 1,585 7% 5 8,562 506,907 230,247 1,247 349 547 11,153 301,377 8,721 34,288 33.971 Nantuckete......010 2 (1 (1) (2) (1) 78 1,923 n 179 209 015 [Norfolke..... ++4011 ut 22,005 2.26 mae ole ne 1 1 Aa gions hpi 0 2. Fg 5 os. 708 sod 223 224 03 | 120966] s15.0u3| 9.6| 67.216] 76.07 136 | Worcester.......0ll 1,119 78.373 88,890 376,838 198,478 380 120 133 6,436 185,995 5,121 20,227 20,779 Combined Counties? 39 333 42 187 127 210 7 100 MICEIGAN...... 6,311 522,242 789.976 4,348,223 1,798,404 53,013 13,297 18,362 67,414 | 1,820,798 61,129| 198,018 | 204,026 METRO. COUNTIES.. 4,030 | U14,808 | 4586,967| 43,118,665 | 41,261,182 54,609 51,308 51,999 39,528 | 1,248,911 | -34,635| 141,083] 154,130 Metro. areas: “Bl pm] CWT men gel can onl omal wm) um) unl um 191 25.0 29,256 136,137 71.952 46 | ° 3 220 3,289 gi u69| 3.067] 120.935] 10.511 179 11,025 14,2091 92,2 i588 (2) (1 (2) 1,296 41,096 1,1% 4,408 4,47 +033 129 12,768 (1) (2) © 11k 23 27 1,576 55,230 1,368 6,805 6,855 100 | Saginaw=Bay City wvereees009,.073 258 18,101 24,747 105, 411 53,665 730 421 607 2,506 68,460 2,343 7.878 7,256 OTHER COUNTIES... 2,281 107,435 4203,009 | “1,229,558 4537,222 Sug,kok | 511,989 516,363 27,886 570,887 26,u94| 56,935| 149,896 1 (1) (1) (1) (1) (2) (1) (1) 5 1,019 76 u5 36 x 640 679 3,827 951 ut 2,645 127 217 188 5 1,476 1,660 11,164 4,059 637 10,498 634 966 737 19 1,618 1,696 7,384 3,865 1,630 uh2 630 2n 6,265 258 586 524 6 366 326 1,453 535 140 1,812 136 13 97 INot shown because of disclosure of operations of individual establishments. Data included in Combined Counties at end of S.ate. 2Includes all counties where fig- ures are not Shown separately because of disclosure of operations of individual establishments. 3Includes all establishments and wage earners of counties for which wages and value data were withheld to avoid disclosure. The "Combined Counties" figure for numbei of establishments is excluded from the State total, since this item was shown for every county. Whenever data on wage earmiers have been withheld, that portion of the "Combined Counties™ figure represented by such data is included in the cor- responding State Total. “Iwo counties, Genesee (025) and Ingham (064), which should be included in the "Metro Counties" total are included in the "Other Counties" to- tal, since it is not possible to present separate figures for these counties. S0ne county, Kalamazoo (039), which should be included in the "Metro Counties” total is included in "Other Counties" total, since it is not possible to present separate figures for this county. Excludes Oaklend County (063) for which data are not shown separately. 198 TABLE 3—SELECTED DATA FOR METROPOLITAN AREAS AND FOR ALL COUNTIES, BY STATE—Continued (All dollar figures have been rounded to thousands and will not necessarily add to totals) Table 3 Fart 6 - Other Economic Data MD., Allezany (001) - MICH., Antrim (005) EE a SERVICE ESTABLISHMENTS—1939 BANE erosS ; lig ’ Major war supply Major war facilities contracts, eds, June RS 1945 | June 1 40- June 1945 000’s of 1000° Il rs, s of dollars METROPOLITAN E Bond (1000's of dollars) | ( ) Metro. AREAS, sales Area COUNTIES, Number Number : {Empowers Total Z (1000's of Code AND of Sales of | Receipts | Active | “(000 ge Pay roll | (demand Time | dollars at CODES estab- | (1000's of | estab- | (1000's |proprie-| “¢ ~ 000’s | and time) | (1000's |issue price) lish- | dollars) lish- | of dollars) | tors yenr) of dollars) | ( ’s | of dollars) ments ments of dollars) Combat Other Industrial | Military equipment (18) @) (30) @1) 82) @3) (84) (85) (86) &n (®9) (90) oy MARYLAND —Con. - All Counties—Con. Allegany........01 87] 1s,02] soe| 1,090] 300 407 se1| 37,572 | 20,647 3,754 26,657 17,381 12,282 011 | Anne Arundel....002 27 16,267 151 695 185 215 182 21,099 9,414 6,526 13,534 2,497 120 40,385 011 | Baltimore.......003 19 2,017 425 1,243 430 334 259 44,342 22,347 21,056 220,406 82,034 48,570 011 | Baltimore City..004| 1,664 | 578,628 | 5,542 | 33,551 | 5,405 | 13,606 | 12,358 | 926,226 | 426,345| 100,122 | 3,347,757 460,414 94,600 11,468 Calvert.........00| 1 576 37 68 40 26 10 3,736 2,274 384 2,008 10,538 Caroline 24 6,815 68 203 72 62 51 8,367 3,607 712 sl Carroll. 24 1,843 149 519 150 102 85 26,275 | . 18,684 1,431 2,990 840 Cecil... 14 1,157 73 334 7 103 92 12,674 5,386 2,241 122,160 9,015 6,523 51,212 Charles.... 17 996 22 57 21 12 6 6,797 3,849 2,462 123 14,198 Dorchester......010| 68 4,323 170 461 173 150 99 14,070 6,249 1,124 5,489 2,648 Frederick. 47 4,024 193 678 | 208 240 164] 35,070| 13,950 2,490 4,138 4,038 6,585 660 Garrett. 9 681 45 96 48 33 18 5,569 2,373 545 Harford. 23 7,086 13 531 123 139 102 17,695 7,158 6,200 | 935 324 38,927 39,733 Howard. . 7 216 34 13 32 29 21 3,930 1,904 554 72 2,346 Kent.... 31 1,286 48 86 54 30 15 7,238 3,359 621 1,143 130 | Montgomery... 10 8,908 134 1,181 127 432 408 36,034 15,406 4,876 1,579 27,425 3,833 2,065 130 | Prince Georges. .0l7| 19 1,956 199 1,011 205 305 310 27,812 13,127 4,288 66,347 18,089 672 36,510 33 1,842 27 70 28 17 13 5,144 2,062 432 7 448 37 94 38 48 19 4,550 2,306 388 35,939 321 1,449 85 3,405 93 172 98 56 33 8,062 5,364 592 3,672 1,975 Talbot....... 32 3,049 90 353 9 130 9% 12,816 6,741 904 1,852 880 Washington. 112 16,259 324 1,435 323 590 451 34,799 12,373 3,800 176,013 10,694 10,610 4,452 Wicomico. . 68 8,303 133 840 133 299 266 20,859 7,275 1,732 5,820 2,412 “454 Worcester. 26 2,992 81 239 82 9% 59 13,473 4,002 1,094 537 Other...... 1567 177,910 | 3 MASSACHUSETTS. ..| 5,960 | 2,232,117 | 24,783 | 138,433 | 24,211 | 41,030 | 42,566 | 5,301,657 | 3,145,948 | 419,232 | 3,889,449 | 2,789,065 368,522 | 199,017 METRO. COUNTIFS.. §,779 | 2,207,590 | 23,728 | 153,687 | 23,146 | 39,787 | 41,335] 5,105,344 | 2,997,304 | 375,457 | 3,820,571 | 2,689,203 349,437 | 152,889 Metro. aress: 015 | Boston. .....005,009 011,012,013 4,564 [1,945,734 | 17,501 | 105,058 | 17,083 | 31,497 | 33,611 | 3,855,228 | 2,100,835 | 272,765 | 3,075,249 | 1,648,374 262,203 | 117,308 043 | Fall River- New Bedford....003| 342 58,334 | 1,869 7,180 | 1,853 2,165 1,824) 203,936 | 221,610 19,977 129,480 183,535 3,540 21,018 118 | Springfield-Holyoke| veenese..aaU07,008] 468 | 102,724 | 2,019 | 10,911 | 1,949 3,114 3,185) 452,602 | 315,603 40,575 476,672 267,523 61,427 14,563 136 | Worcester.......0l4] 405 100,798 | 2,339 10,538 | 2,261 2,961 2,715 491,578 359,346 42,140 139,170 589,771 22,267 OTH-% NOUNTIES...| 181 24,527 | 1,055 4,746 | 1,065 1,293 1,250 | 198,311 | 146,551 43,776 68,878 99,862 19,085 46,128 All Counties: 29 4,252 206 1,314 197 383 411 30,672 20,987 2,980 54 414 42,116 104 16,276 541 2,234 556 588 s39| 107,720 81,601 12,126 65,640 76,600 16,075 043 342 58,334 | 1,869 7,180 | 1,853 2,165 1,824 | 303,936 | 221,610 19,977 129,480 183,535 3,540 21,018 3 2 63 174 83 57 49 3,317 1,531 207 1,073 104 015 390 69,213 | 2,714 | 12,343 | 2,704 3,715 3,486 | 457,355 | 362,635 35,366 328,437 466,532 38,580 881 Franklin. ....... 006, 43 3,741 204 837 205 235 198 52,637 | ‘39,805 3,851 2,111 22,744 2,429 976 118 | Hampden. : 98,279 | 1,708 9,465 | 1,642 2,642 2,779 | 379,190 | 255,473 36,954 453,020 213,237 55,549 14,563 118 | Hampshire. 4,445 310 1,446 307 * 472 406 73,412 60,130 3,621 23,652 54,286 6,078 015 | Middlesex. 147,733 | 5,358 | 26,261 | 5,336 7,922 7,555 | 709,695 | 531,172 52,137 805,540 575,300 72,891 45,059 Nantucket. (2) 41 187 44 30 34 3,965 2,629 186 735 015 | Norfolk.. 27,755 | 1,449 8,586 | 1,374 2,569 2,504 | 234,167 | 167,326 29,533 | 1,008,925 102,994 25,370 18,738 015 | Plymouth........012 20,691 917 3,702 935 913 817 154,351 119,035 16,029 481,731 159,652 40,888 14,080 015 | Suffolk... 1,680,342 | 7,063 | 54,166 | 6,734 | 16,378 | 19,150 | 2,209,662 | 920,667 | 139,700 | 450,616 | 343.896 84,474 38,550 136 | Worcester. 100,798 | 2,539 | 10,538 | 2,261 2,961 2,715 491,578 | 359,346 42,140 139,170 589,771 22,267 Other... 4258 124,426 1581 12,301 MICHIGAN. .....| 8,908 | 1,926,474 | 22,624 | 133,271 | 22,533 | 38,155 | 41,725 | 3,475,445 |1,483,401 | 705,847 |18,675,056 | 1,765,128 | 1,234,234 80,186 METRO. COUNTIES..| 4,371 [1,674,397 | 15,270 | 106,587 |14,965 | 30,832 | 35,735 | 2,656,498 |1,049,574 | 550,400 | 16,213,766 | 1,262,568 | 925,678 | 33,007 Metro. areas: 037 | Detroit.........050 083,082| 3,100 | 1,392,215 | 11,512 | 85,742 [11,518 | 24,631 | 29,648 2,160,074 | 805,444 | 443,539 [12,884,726 | 1,050,348 | 707,714 | 29,097 044 | Flint...........025 181 75,991 896 4,407 793 1,206 1,251 93,970 58,305 33,425 | 1,738,546 5,995 101,826 1,257 049 | Grand Rapids....04l, 509 90,678 | 1,190 7,784 | 1,185 2,546 2,390 150,403 71,113 21,829 172,094 70,653 30,835 602 080 | Kalamazoo. . 134 23,311 488 2,514 492 679 718 55,293 20,884 8,450 |. 121,763 31,414 356 064 | Lansing.........033] 1e8| 340] 519] 2,043 515 899 o11| 77,403 | 27,630 | 21,466 | '1,052.885 44,120 55,234 100 | Saginaw-Bay City " * sasensenses » 279 58,151 6685 3,197 662 «871 817 119,355 66,198 21,691 243,752 62,038 27,713 3,041 OTHER COUNTIES...| 2,537 | 252,077 | 7,554 | 26,684 | 7,568 7,321 5,990 | 818,947 | 433,828 | 155,445 | 2,461,290 502,560 310,556 46,189 All Counties: Alcona..........001 3 188 18 28 21 5 3 184 10 424 18 38 21 5 3 1,998 1,131 433 248 51 5,128 153 339 155 51 34 10,244 4,885 2,252 440 192 25 2.627 50 222 63 56 44 9,009 5.970 1,240 6,412 5,861 32 3,981 10 399 27 45 30 8 2 1,158 840 387 + 1Undistributed. 8Not shown because of disclosure of operations of individual establishments. tal since number of establishments 1s ‘shown for individual counties. 4Combined figure for counties having sales data withheld to avoid disclosing operations of individual establishments. Data included in "Other" at end of State. 33um of establishments in counties for which sales data are withheld to avoid disclosing operations of individual establishments. It is excluded from the State to- 199 002 MASSACHUSETTS 14 COUNTIES FRANKLIN oy SERRE @ PITTSFIELD ® BERKSHIRE METROPOLITAN AREAS LEGEND °% BsosToN ; 43 FALL RIVER—-NEW BEDFORD @® PLACES OF 25000 TO 100,000 (1940) 118 SPRINGFIELD— HOLYOKE + PLACES OF 100,000 AND OVER (1940) 136 WORCESTER Salads METROPOLITAN AREAS ’ Gogesic bem @® PLACES % PLACES METROPOLITAN AREAS MUSKEGQN CODE 37 a4 49 60 64 100 | dn i METROPOLITAN AREAS MICHIGAN 83 COUNTIES . 0 . 3 BARAGA | I : A hi ie - MARQUETTE | ’ byes ALGER go wn 4 | CHIPPEWA IRON L - —-— 1 | or : DICKINSON fo emu Jd h ' . te J SCHOOLCRAFT -— ew f— DELTA : [yr — MENOMINEE EMMET ? CHEBOYGAN ' PRESQUE ISLE - CHARLEVOIX jeremy o—- - * MONT ANTRIM ) OTSEGO i MORENGY ' ALPENA LEGEND EE 1 . ' ‘ OF 25,000 TO 100,000 (1940) | GRAND | xatxaska | snawons | 0SCODA | ALCONA ENZIE Benz § TRAVERSE § cm rm ef dp em hi me OF 100,000 AND OVER (1940) 10sco MANISTEE WEXFORD MISSAUREE a oGEMAW | lal Ee LL | ARENAC OSCEOLA I CLARE i GLADWIN ey DiiEe | i : 1 | % ' ’ C11 pemeter-tpmk I MONTCALM \ GRATIOT ; Gag Lo Ta MUSKEGON Bd ex a DeTRer md igs 1 Te n LAPEER CORT HURON IT. CLAIR ply RAPIDS Tonia I cunvion a 1: KALAMAZOO el LANSING ™ SAGINAW —BAY CITY CALHOUN ; meq hme ® ST. JOSEPH | BRANCH i HIASDAVE | eaves | MONROE 8 201 Table 3 Part 1° = Population WICH., Arenac (006) - St. Joseph (075) TABLE 3—SELECTED DATA FOR METROPOLITAN AREAS AND FOR ALL COUNTIES, BY STATE—Continued - Es TOTAL POPULATION POPULATION—1940 EDUCATION VITAL 1940 STATISTICS ESTIMATED 1944 CIVILIAN . POPULATION Land | Pop. | Total white Percent of METROPOLITAN U.S. ares. - lulation population 25 Metro. AREAS, rank in per years old and Area COUNTIES, Nomis of Percent| go 5q. over who have Code AND counties | change | miles | mile Percent Rul’ Rural completed— CODES Numbe Percent April 1, (in 1930— of Urban nonfarm | farm Births | Deaths umber | change | 940 | Ppercen- 1940 | 1940 | Number | total tiles) | 1940 ? opu- 5 or Nov. 1, 1940 i High 1943 1940 ain more | school 1943 grades m @ 3 @ ©) (6) m ®) ©) (10) (11) (12) 3) (14) (5) (16) MICHIGAN—Con. All Counties—Con. Arenac..........006 7,684 | -16.8 9,288 79 15.8 868 | 25.1 9,170 | 99.8 8,026 6,207 77.6, 12.4 152 111 6,429 | -31.8 9,356 79 2.1 904 | 10.8 8,768 | 98.7 2,564 8,106 8,686 78.2 14.6 158 86 20,909 | -7.5 22,613 0) sa 549 | 41.2 22,597 | 99.9| 5,175 4,742 12,696| 95.9 23.0 408 270 100 77,157 2.9 74,981 8 7.9 446 | 168.1 74,784 | 99.7 47,956 | 10,623 16,852 838.9 17.9 1,734 804 6,171 | -20.6 7,800 84 18.4 816 | 24.7 7,683 | 98.5 4,176 8,624 91.7 23.1 176 95 938,448 5.0 89,117 6 9.9 580 | 158.6 86,648 | 97.2 41,015 | 22,845 25,757 90.2 24.4 2,102 1,058 24,891 =-38.7 25,845 34 7.9 506 | 51.1 25,787 99.8 7,343 6,898 12,104 | “94.8 24.0 483 360 99,590 5.7 94,206 6 8.2 709 | 182.9 91,087 96.7 57,051 | 21,458 15,697 92.1 27.5 2,247 1,338 21,770 =0.6 21,910 41 4.9 488 | 44.9 20,419 | 93.2 5,007 6,818 10,585 92.8 22.0 408 288 Charlevoix. 10,922 | -15.8 | 13,081 65| 8.8 414 s1.5 12,755 | 97.9| 2,904| 5,285 4,892] 87.2] 19.4 249 140 Cheboygan. . 10,911 | -20.0 18,644 63 18.6 725 | 18.8 18,524 | 99.1 5,673 2,554 5,417 84.1 16.1 261 134 ; Chippewa 26,163 -2.1 27,807 31 11.0 1,580 | 17.6 27,258 | 98.0 15,847 5,875 6,585 83.6 20.8 663 268 Clare... 8,074 | -11.9 9,163 79 | 30.3 572 | 16.0 9,158 | 99.9 4,117 5,046 | 90.7| 18.8 166 95 Clinton. 27,124 1.7 26,671 32 10.8 571 | 46.7 26,654 | 99.9 4,422 7,446 14,808 93.5 19.2 578 308 Crawfordececees 2,647 | -29.7 8,765 94 21.6 563 6.7 3,746 | 99.5 8,230 585 88.1 20.7 56 29 Deltaceecseessss02l 28,098 | -17.4 34,037 238 5.4 1,180 | 28.8 83,798 ( 99.3 19,802 7,726 6,509 82.8 19.2 © 628 824 22,664 | -21.1 28,731 29| -4.0 757 | 88.0 28,725 | 100.0 | 20,579 | 5,417 2,785 | 87.0 19.1 438 244 83,335 -2.3 84,124 23 7.6 567 | 60.2 84,085 | 99.9 12,508 6,717 | © 14,904 95.4 24.6 796 444 11,979 | -24.1 15,791 58| 4.5 461 | 34.3 15,082 | 95.2 6,019 | 4,347 5,425| 88.7| 24.8 294 160 228,183 0.1 227,944 2 7.7, 644 | 354.0 221,118 | 97.0 | 154,920 | 48,159 24,865 92.6 24.8 5,278 1,908 7,881 | -16.6 9,385 78 26.4 508 | 18.7 9,872 | 99.9 2,716 6,669 85.0 14.8 220 100 24,819 | -21.9 81,797 26 0.7 1,112 | 28.6 381,696 | 99.7 21,040 6,761 8,996 76.8 20.9 480 330 21,952 -6.1 - 28,890 38 16.9 464 | 50.4 28,258 | 99.4 14,455 1,950 6,985 89.1 28.7 469 492 29,189 -9.5 82,205 25 6.5 566 | 56.9 82,154 | 99.8 10,241 6,187 15,827 91.2 21.0 725 359 28,104 | -3.4 29,092 29 6.1 601 | 48.4 29,085 | 100.0 | 6,381 7,381| 15,330] 95.2] 28.5 578 340 86,939 | -22.3 47,681 14 -9.9 1,080 | 46.2 47,625 | 100.0 18,176 | 26,804 7,651 75.4 16.7 781 568 28,835 | -11.5 32,584 25 | 4.7 822 | 39.6 32,578 | 100.0 | 2,624 9,445 =20,515| 81.1] 12.8 704 299 185,958 | 4.1 | 130,616 412.0 559 | 233.7 128,847 | 98.6 | 87,459 | 28,469 14,688] 95.5 34.6] s,280( 1,851 33,553 | -6.0 85,710 22 1.8 575 | 62.1 85,294 | 98.8| 10,481 | 11,527 13,702] 92.7 20.9 732 43¢ 7,456 | -12.7 8,560 81 | 18.9 547 | 15.6 8,536 | 99.7 5,222 3,338 | 84.4 .20.3 168 71 16,411 | -18.9 20,243 45 -2.7 1,197 | 16.9 20,281 99.9 7,057 9,582 8,654 75.7 18.5 320 147 22,090 | -15.0 25,982 34 28.0 572 | 45.4 25,444 | 97.9 8,413 3,430 14,139 89.8 22.6 552 259 95,022 2.1 | 93,108 6 0.9 705 | 182.1 90,193 | 95.9 | 49,656 | 28,261| 15,101] 92.4 26.4] 1,974] 1,021 101,716 1.7 | 100,085 5 9.5 567 | 176.5 98,809 | 98.7 | 54,097 | s2,052| 13,936 | s2.0|' 29.5] 2.175] 1,270 Kalkaska........040 3,540 | -31.4 5,169 91 | ss.8 564 | 9.1 5,093 [ 98.7 2,151 3,008 [* 88.7] 15.8 75 51 049 |Kent.ceoooaooses04l 281,381 6.1 246,838 2 2.4 862 | 285.8 243,436 98.8 | 169,191 | 52,279 24,868 91.9 25.8 5,050 2,557 2,852 | -27.7 4,004 9 | -21.1 544 | 7.4 4,004 | 100.0 3,704 300 | 68.4 6.3 52 40 4,028 | -16.0 4,798 92 | 18.0 572 | 8.4 4,071 | 84.8 1,944 2,85¢ | 80.4 14.7 59 72 80,229 | -5.9 32,116 25 | 13.8 659 | 48.7 81,906 | 99.3| 5,365] 10,723 16,028] se1.0| 18.2 564 431 Leelanau....... 6,581 | -21.8 8,436 82 2.8 849 | 24.2 8,169 | 96.8 2,885 5,501 81.7 17.7 143 78 Lénawee........ 52,998 | -0.2 53,110 12 6.5 754 | 70.4 52,912 | 99.6 | 17,151|.16,569| 19,390] s4.6| 29.0] 1,241 686 Livingston... 20,510 | -1.7 20,863 43 8.2 571 | 36.5 20,782 | 99.6 s,748| 6,77| 10,378] 93.4] 26.5 409 313 Luce...... 6,606 | -11.0 7,428 85 | 13.7 9a | 8.1 7,346 99.0| 2,732| 3,659 1,082] 71.0] 16.3 137 180 Mackinac 7,047 | -25.1 9,438 78| 7.5( 1,014] 9.3 9,190 | 97.4 2,669 | 4,821 2,448) 79.7| 16.7 162 71 037 |Macomb..........050| 189,195 | 382.2 | 107,638 5| 89.5 481 [223.8 105,453 | 98.0 | 48,226 | 41,5¢¢| 17,868] 89.9] 19.8] 3,215 999 Maniste 15,458 | -16.1 18,450 50 6.0 558 | 83.1 18,243 | 98.9| 8,694 8,999 5,817 | 86.1] 18.2 290 220 Marquett 40,741 | -13.4 | 47,144 15 7.0| 1,801 | 25.6 46,945] 99.6| se.ese| 10,529| V4,s83| ez.7| 22.6 903 487 Mason... 17,155 | -11.3 19,378 47 3.3 493 | 39.3 19,205 | 99.1 8,701 | 2,736) 7,941| 86.9] 19.6 360 220 Mecosta. 14,599 | -13.6 16,902 55 7.4 563 | 80.0 16,652 | 98.5| 4,987 | 2,378 9,642 | 90.2| 20.2 357 207 Menomine 21,339 | -14.2 24,883 36 4.6] 1,082 24.1 24,770 | 99.5| 10,230 | 4,681 9,972 | 82.3] 17.5 458 241 Midland. ........056 28,402 4.8| 27,09 s2 | 41. 520 | 52.1 27,019 | 99.7 | 10,329 | 6,8¢8 9,922| 89.6] 24.0 875 194 Missauke 057 6,520 | -18.8 8,034 8s 14. 565 | 14.2 8,008 | 99.7 2,100 5,934 89,5 14.9 15% 77 Monro .e 058 61,079 4.2 58,620 11 11. 562 | 104.8 67,987 98.9 18,478 | 21,559 18,588 88.7 17.2 1,346 590 Montcalm....s...059 25,640 | -10.3 28,581 30 4. 712 | 40.1 28,487 | 99.7 5,821 7,59 15,665 92.8 20.6 547 401 Montmorency.....060| 8,016 | -21.5| . 8,840 9 86. 555 6.9 3,838 | 99.9 1,617 2,228 84.7 16.2 60 338 Muskegon........061| 104,763 | 10.9 94,501 e| 1. 504 | 187.5 92,608 | 98.0| 63,7447 20,678] 10,179) 91.5] 20.9] e,725| 1,104 Newaygo. ........062 17,424 | -9.7 19,266 47 | 13.8 87 | 22.5 19,049 | 98.8 2,620| 4,084 12,682] 89.9 18.6 364 223 037 297,878 17.0 254,068 2 20.3 877 | 289.7 248,661 97.9 | 148,108 | 91,662 19,300 94.5 81.1 6,477 2,859 13,279 | -10.3 14,812 60 7.8 536 | 27.6 14,659 | 99.0 5,388 9,429 90.3 18.4 276 207 6,826 | -21.7 8,720 e1| sz. 574 | 1b.2 8,719 | 100.0 3,861 4,809| 85.3] 16.8 199 95 8,928 | -21.4 11,859 71 2. 1,821 8.6 11,858 | 100.0 6,262 5,097 72.6 14.8 162 106 12,580 | -5.5 13,309 65 3. 81 | 22.9 18,282 | 99.8 5,163) 8,146] 88.6 17.8 293 172 2,004 | -19.2 2,543 97 | a7. 565 | 4.5 2,543 | 100.0 1,316 1,227] 92.3] 19.3 43 22 4,89 | -16.1 5,827 89 4. 530 | 11.0 5,814 | 99.8 3,082 2,740 79.4 19.2 119 o7 Ottawa... «oeese.070] 59,040 -0.8 59,660 11 8. 564 | 100.8 59,578 | 99.9 26,428 | 18,806 19,482 92.6 19.1 1,39 568 wl Presque Isle....071 10,176 | -16.8 12,250 68 8. 654 | 18.7 12,248 | 100.0 8,072 3,866 5,812 75.1% 11.8 269 87 . |romcommon.....,.072 3,110 | -16.2 3,668 9 | 78. s21| 7.0 3,642 99.3 2,718 ob) 91a 21.7 52 29 100 |Sagtinaw.. ..078| 129,394 | -0.8| 130,468 4 8. 812 | 160.7 126,856 | 97.2| .2,794| 21,974| 25,700] 89.6] 20.8] 2,920] 1,380 St. Clair 074 76,770 0.8 76,282 8 12. 740 | 108.0 74,863 | 98.2 39,863 | 16,370 19,989 88.5 20.8 1,708 894 St. Joseph......07% 29,158 -8.2 81,749 26 8. 508 | 62.0 81,610 1 99.6 18,924 7,912 9,913 95.2 27.9 bes! + 897 202 TABLE 3—SELECTED DATA FOR METROPOLITAN AREAS AND FOR ALL COUNTIES, SR iaweirare BY STATE—Continued MICH., Arenac (006) = st. Joseph (075) - LABOR FORCE—1940 . Percent of Population 14 Years Old and Over Employed Workers by Industry Group Employed METROPOLITAN Tisris: In leading : Metro, AREAS, P P Business nonagri- Area | COUNTIES, eet | oes oi [Poe and cultural Code AND a i i A Con COT Whole- | personal Other In | industry CODES Total Inlabor |} ales | lemaresy gop) Agri | Mii Manufac- . "| sale and | services agri- otal who are | who are ining | struc- : cations, : and not force : : employed || culture . turing retail exclud- cul- in in tiom an rade is reported ture Code labor | labor other d : (See | Per- force force utili- oma page | cent . 2 ties 422) an (18) 19) 20) @n @2) @) 24) 25) (26) @n (28) 29) 30 | 3) | (32) MICHIGAN==Con, All Counties—Con. ATenac...esssss 006 6,756 3,327 79¢4 13.5 2,883 1,680 42 113 108 68 364 287 212 | 58,6 | G3€ | 4.9 6,978 3,563 79.3 15.2 2,024 570 9 147 555 55 268 264 156 | 28.2 olle.2 17,185 8,257 78.4 16,1 7,545 3,225 5 327 1,527 238 764 863 596 | 42.7 19] 7.6 100 s56,203| 28,708] 7eie| 22.6 Yoo) coo ap [EO auRy vin Tos goes] 1,470] 2,0ee | 3,138] 2,120 16.8 | 2012.0 Benzie...s.enss sont T2lsus] ivao) Tae] Nio0E 667 2 163 g 222 274 28. 219 |3.e| 23] 9.2 Berrien. su.s.se 011 69,58, | 36,137] eo.2| 22.4] 32,267|| 6,750 3 1,0 mom 9m sme sl 297]|m.el 1 7.2 ie 20,126] - “oje67| 7g] ow] Tojous|| 32m 4 352 1,950 330] 1.266 | 1.040 726 | 37.3 | 636 | 6.0 73,273 37,664) 76.8] 25.5] 32,006 3,0 18] 1,211] 11,ese| 2,526] 4,038 | 5,781 | 2,89 |11.2| 5[12.6 17,259 8,206 71.2 15.5 T5244, 2,201 2 360 1,380 307 89g 768 628 | 40.0 17. ]7.6 9,608 44559 75.9 16.2 3,707 1,447 3 193 475 189 491 474 435]39,0 | G36 | 6.0 Cheboygan. . .016 9,834 4,718 75.6 16.0 3,59 1,409 3 230 417 192 532 486 327 [39.2 636] 5.6 Chippewa. .e.. ss .017 10507] 10j6sc| en7| ewe] elies|| 1050s 7 350 1,788 73 1,212 | 1,07 | 1,813 |17.e| 3715.3 Clare.... .o12 6,50] 3;083] 7m. mal 2m 1,075] 220 261 9% 103 389 305 225 a0 | 3] 8.2 Clinton.. .019 19,587 9,631 80.4 15.0 8,7el 4,082 Lu 342 1,415 205 1,178 912 633 | 46.5 20 | 9.2 Cravford...e....020 2,755 1,504 80.6 20.4 906 88 2 101 139 44 178 228 126 | 9.7 9] 9.2 Doltase lvauines 25,005] 12,465] 7.6] 1.8] ems 1,23: 8 331 2,147] 1,005] 1,503 | 1,20 | 1,005]15.2| 910.3 Dickinson, . 2,547 10,75 mee] ee] elm ue8| 400 21 2,072 mol 1,21 993 526 | 7.7] 20]20.2 Eaton... 25,000 12,505] 77.3] 17.4] 11,826) 3,015 7 475 2,71, 221] 1,489 | 1,361| 1,041|34.3[ 20]10.0 Emret.... 11,644 5,684 71.1 10.9 4,673 1,273 3 29. 664. 264 825 879 471 127.2 | G36 | 9.3 OL |Genesee...n.. 168,106| se,ee1| ei.o| 23.0] 7e2m| 3,31 sa| 2,043] 1,587] 2,821 12,270 | 10,048 | 5,216 | 4.0] 2046.6 Gladwin, . 6,622 3,128 78.3 11.0 2,752 1,528 200 150 id 55 283 286 171 | 55.5 3 | Te3 Gogeble. aan. 2,e21| 12,5m| 78a] 17.9] 70m 395| 2,254 279 1,241 sal 1420] 1,219 65, | 4.9] 428.2 Grand Tfaverse..028 18,155 7,966 67.3 20.4 6,877 1,751 4 377 793 380 1,365 1 ‘11,560 647 | 25.5 | G36] 12.5 Gratiote... +029 24,054 11,259 76.8 15.0 9,927 4,377 108 362 1,192 417 1,471 1,244 756 | 44.1 | G36] 6.5 Hillsdale. ......030 22,283 - 10,672 7e.2| 16a] gees) i230 9 230 1,601 seal 1,197 | 1,16 727 |as.7| 636] 5.9 Houghtons sss .sss031 37,265| 18,410] 76.8] 18.0] 11,420) 1,393] 2,689 355 1,316 s30| 2,188 | 1,803 | 1,056 |12.2]| 423.5 TOT vn sus on on 002 230e05| 11,584 78.5 13.6] 10.643] 6.035 35 362 77 3870 1,254 97h 879 |56.7| 5] 2.8 064 | Ingham. 2.033 100,233] 2,579 m9.7| 25.0] asym22f| 353m 41 2,029 1,608] 2,321] 8426 | 8,759 | 6,271) 7.4] 20]2200 21,72] 12,586 66.8] 10.1] 10j0ms| 3202 8 386 2,508 373] 1380 | 1,382| 1,055 35.4] 636] 6.5 6,331 2,969 76.0 14.1 2,401 818 10 U6 253 203 315 321 335 | 34.1 16 | 7.2 15,705] 8,049] 78.2] 170] 4,2 430] 1,001 170 537 177 750 705 354 |10.2| 425.8 18,97%6| 9,335) mal 172] emi 3,663] én 315] 77, 247 1,036 | 1,03 e037] 3 7.9 73,85, 35,733] 68.7] 24.0] 30,192f 35502 13] 1,052 0,437] 3,613] 5,23 | 4,468 | 2,e71|116]| 20] 9.3 060 78,200] 39,530] 76.5] 25.2] 35,637(| 3,050 | 1.651) . 1,276] 2,005 5,609| 5,98 | 3,030] 8.6] 11]18.3 Kalkaska sesso d040 3,602 1,821 81.2 12,8 1,355 770 66 145 37 101 135 101 | 56.8 8| 8.4 049 |Kentuseeueesenno02l] 190,320 97,323] 78.6] 25.0] s,666| 5,009] won| 3,504] 30,460] 6,130 16,783] 15,105 | 6,064) 6.9] 10| e.g 3,118 1,669 81.8 1644 611 37 269 33 45 5) ik 45 100 | 6.1 4 | 43.9 3,641 1,784 Ted 15.8 1,291 651 . 69 55, 42) 18 174 152 | 50.4 | G36| 5.4 . 24,465 10,275 68.8 13.1 9,498 Lykd5 3 338 1,473 310] 968 1,352 609 | 46.8 | G36| 9.3 Leclanau........045| © 6,030] 2,02) esl 3] 203e8|| 10: 160 & &7 222 261 253 | 56.2 | @36| 6.5 Lenawee. s.......046 41,659] 20,562] 7e.1| 21.7] ae,0u1f 5,492 31 651 4,665 766 2,617) 3,131| 1,588]29.0| 636[ 10.6 16,139 7,174 76.6 16,9 7,118 2,847 35 384 1,24) 240 873 973 525 140.0] G36] 7.5 5,655 2,324 61,2 16.1 1.224 152 101 634 71 254 466 146 | 8.3 | G36] 20.0 6,657 3,379 78.6 16.0 ..2,233 462 3 274 290 275] 317 340 372 119.8 8| 7.9 037 7¢,00| 39,526] eo.0| 16.7] “ssiass|| 4,591 | 1,7) 15,002] 1,30 4,683 | 3,960 | 4,028|12.9| 20] 25.8 1,264 7,355 T9e4 21.9 5,894 1,420 12 250 1,77 407] 815 157 459 | 24.1 231" 8. Marquette. . 36,136 | 17,06] 75.2] 20.2] 13.716 668] 3,07 588 2.78] 1,208 2,95] 234 1,27] 2.9] 42. Mason, ... 1,075] 7553] 7o.7| eo] eam) 2,325 é 22 Tom 3 1353727] 636] Mecosta 12,502] s5.e36] 75.8] 13.8] sos 201 12 187 608 15 659 613 372 48.9 | c36| 6. lienonines.... 18,31 9,351] e0.3| 1700 7313) 23305 4 281 1,962 409 909 829 614 31.5] 10 on idland, sees. ..056| © 18,936] 9,21] 78.5] 15.9] e,2e0f 1,856] 2m 430 3,134 208] L895 793 22.4] 1333. Missaukee. , 54555 2,644, 78.4 11,2 2,247 1,438 9 113 9% 43 209 199 144 | 64.0] G36] 5. 43,05 20,071 7e.6| 16.1] aelzo0l| 46s 70 648 6,440] 1,058 2,232| 1,00 1,418|25.2] 1]. 21,881 10,376 76.6 15.9 9,583 Ly2L€ 83 377 1,657 303] 1,183 1,034 698 | 44.3 19 | 10.. 2,723 1,396 81.3 13.3 1,082 623 3 67 59 11 15 124 80 | 57.6 | G36| 6. . 70,734) 37,636 83 2.3] 3,83) 1,003 60 939| 16,732] 1,337] 5,0 | 3,926| 2,027 5.7 19]|17. 14,254 6,873 A 15,8 5,898 3,112 3 220 840 150] 589 611 375 | 52.8 5] 8. 037 187,771 97,518] e2.0| 20.7} © e6,u82| 2,330] 200] 3,997] 40,373] 4,076] 12,975 | 13,509 | 7,022 5.0| 20] 35. +064, 11,077 5,199 76.1 1.5 4,512 2,417 4 185 463 97] 521 507 318] 53.6| G36] 5. OgeMuWe ss eeesese065 6,231 3,089 80.8 13.3 2,547 1,261 90 155 101 [3 326 311 241] 49.5] G36| 6. Ontonagon. ae... 066) 8,622 4459 81.0 14.0 3,064 895 8 144 1,000 118 351 309 239 | 29.2 9 13. 082€01. 40 veses e067 9,82, 4,673 77.8 13.2) . 4,052 2,200 19 154] 367, 117| 495 451 249 | 54.3 | G36] 6. 06! _1,804 87 76.5 17.2 663 27% 9 50 8 9 87 86 | 41.3] G36| 6. 4,071 1,994 71.5 16,2 1,601 TLL] 3 83 72 57 266 271 129 | 44.6 | G36] 9. Ottaws.eseessess070 45,035 22,752 80.1 19.3 21,015 4,661 106 981 7,935 852, 2,789 2,162 1,529 | 22,2 10| 7. Presque Isle, ...071) 8,535 4,480 82,3 16.9 3,691 1,612 225 181 538 147 362 331 295 | 43.7 16] 7. [{OLCOMNON. 40 ese ol’ 2,703 1,405 71.9 20.5 958 177 3] - 98 a7 31 205 218 139 | 18.5 34:7 100 |Saginavie..eessss073 97,912 50,530 81.1 21.2 43,438 6,408 571 1,706 15,204 2,571 7,878 6,011 3,083 | 14.8 20 | 15, St. Clair, 07. 57,518 29,207 79.8 20,5 25,729 5,089 21 930 7,974] 2,630] 3,706 3,173 2,126 | 19.8 20| 6. St. Josep 24,869 12,656 78.4 22.8 11,624 2,793 6 503 4,021 409 1,666 1,383 843 124.0 11] 9. ONTO PUMWww OV HOE WHR®BRIO VO IW Table 3 Par MICH t 3 - Housing H., Arenac (006) TABLE 3—SELECTED DATA FOR METROPOLITAN AREAS AND FOR ALL COUNTIES, RY STATE—Continued St. Joseph (075) aro wanes HOUSING—1940 : A ; : a Nonfarm Rural Farm All Dwelling Units Occupied Dwelling Units Dwelling Units Dwelimg Units ai AY oH Metro. he ee Area COUNTIES. Ts P P P t Median P phones e AND Residential : oo Troon P Per- Sr number A oF CODES i ii | raed cont | opere| 2 monthly wh | Percent] Be , ‘ ur 1 Number family ia electric Number What ical Porong Number rent Number run- | electric struc- lighting og} reftie | poe,. (dollars) ning | lighting tures Jat pH eration water : hold 33) G4) 35) 36) GD (38) 39) 0) un “@2) @) “0 5) 46) “n MICHIGAN—Con, f All Counties—Con. 2,848 2,911 «13.2 54,0 2,358 | 75.8 18.3 3.37 1,213 «89 1,698 Ted 37. 485 2,286 2,430 0.8 22,1 63,1 2,389 | 64.5 20,7 3.51 1,533 11,67 897] 11.5 37.2 337 8,307 8,553 0,1 28,7 83.7 6,592 [ 70.3 42,0 3.00 4,691 25,80 3,862 19.4 71.9 3,787 100 18,743 20,514 1.4 5544 92,5 19,325 | 70.0 49.2 345 16,683 22,97 3,831) 18.2 70.2 9,896 3,335 3,435 045 39.1 77.5 2,208 | 70.6 26,5 3.08 2,310| 54.35 1,125| 27.0] 52.8 72 Berrien,........0l1 26,911 29,704 1.6 59.1 92,1 25,332 | 60.7 42.6 3.10 22,206 27,22 7,498| 45.3 80,8] 15,531 Branch, ..sesss..012 8,413 8,879 1,0 32.3 86.6 7,713 | 64.1 33,8 2.92 5,176| 20,63 3,703| 20.6] 75.6 2,625 Calhoun «04013 24,737 28,406 3.3 59.2 94.7 26,817 | 57.1 54.45 3.06 23,909 23.30 4yh9T| 26,2 78.2 18,405 BRSS 0s seve verssOlh 8,847 8,992 0.1 32.7 78.0 6,508 | 67.7 27.6 2.9 5,667| 22.76 3,325 21.5| 60.9 2,073 Charlevoix......015 4yllb 4,523 Ok 39.0 66.5 3,513 | 73.8 14.8 3.20 3,195 36.72 1,328| 23.8 29,1 1,479 Cheboygan. ......016 4,587 4,768 0e4 37.2 65.9, 30441 | The 20,3, 3.33 3,435 21,63 1,333 8.8 21.3 1,081 €hippewa........0L7 6,791 7,634 45 37.2 68.8 6,725 | 62.6 271] 3.53 5, 19.69 LL) reli ral 3,62 Clare.ssssssssss0l8 2,857 2,963 20,6 57.0 2,451] 67.7 23,1 3. 1,570 15,14 1,393| 12.3 30.9 813 Clinton..ssss...019 7,482 7,754 042 28.0 86,0 7,255 | 70.8 33.8 3420 3,744 15.68 4,010 26.3 78.5 2,331 Crawford........020 1,245 1,288 25.9 65.1 97 | 69.5 20.9 3.34 1,152 15,22 136( 11.8 19.7 250 Delta.sssesssassO21 8,179 9,216 0.9 40.4 81.4 8,72 | 60.4 17.3 3.44 7,552 16,62 1,664 | 10.6 4844 3,138 Dickinson.......022 7,058 7, 0.4 39.2 91.3 7,506 | 64.8 28.4 3.49 7,054 12.39 652 15.2] 54.0 2,423 EatoNeesssssssss023 10,072 10,584 0.3 36.8 90.7 9,982 | 67.2 40,0 3.04 6,213| 17.31 4,371] 27.9| 83.8 5,028 . 5,431 5,748 1.2 44.8 70.4 44209 | 67,1 24.6 3.22 4,302 36,13 1,446] 18.0 30.8 1,936 044 | Genesee.........025 54 4445 62,779 2 60,1 97.0 60,380 | 59.8 63,1 3.4 56,362 26,39 6,417 39.2] 90.3] 41,27% | Gladwin. ssees.ss026 2,763 2,808 1.7 5764 2,397 | 7i.1 22.8 345 1,105 16,78 1,703 9.3 45.9 514 Gogebicessssssss027 7,467 8,328 1,0 41.0 87.0 8,091 | 57.9 33.3 3450 7,355 15.46 18.6 44.47 3,133 Grand Traverse. i 6,654 7,151 1.7 Add 75.6 5,842 67.6, 29.0 3.15 ,163 28,66 1,988 32,1 39.8 2) 937 5,839 9,397 046 30.1 7784 8,831 | 61,1 29,9 3.19 4,884 16,89 4,513 | 23.2 62.3 2,931 8,911 9,373 042 29.3 83.4 8,576 | 64.7 33.7 2, 4,841 16,54 4,532 | 20.5 72.0 4,38 Houghton..sess.s031 11,707 13,374 2,0 37.0 85.8 12,554 | 61.5 19.5 3.35 11,567 9.94 1,807 | 19.1] 42.9 4,028 HUTONassassses0s032 9,057 9,287 0.1 29,7 80,0 8,069 | 74.2 2%,1| 3.55 4,19 | 20,09 5,001 17.9| 68.7] 2,831 064 | Ingham......s..4033 32,920 38,491 443 65.9 97.6 36,894 | 58,1 56.2 3.16 344395 31.12 4,09 | 38.7 88.9 29,099 Toniaseeseeeesss034 9,967 10,573 0.8 36.6 86.1 9,535 5 35.0 3.03 6,588 15.60 3,985 | 26.9 72.3 3,605 T08COsesssacssse035 3,600 3,651 042 30,6 7442 2,347 73.5 28,6 3.19 2,5 20,00 926 | 11,0 46,1 892 Iron. vusvsereess0IO 4,878 5,427 04 31.9 79.7 5,237 | 63.3 19.8 3.43 4.4490 12,22 937 | 22.3 41.8 1,544 Isabellassses..e037 6,513 7,010 1.0 28.7 76.5 6,693 5 26,9 3.35 3,423 22,19 3,587 | 16.0 61,6 2,127 Jacksoneesesss..038 24,743 27,764 3.1 5542 93.8 25,148 | 57.3 5048 3.08 23,355 24,68 4y409 | 29.5 78.6 17, 1850 060 |Kalamazooe......039 26,026 29,768 3.7 60.6 95.5 27,564 | 58,7 56,3 3.12 25, 2.19 3,898 | 38.5 80,6 19,649 Kalkaskas.eessss040 1,663 1,683 r 11,8 27.5 1,363 | 72.6 1.7 3.29 8,8 11,38 835| 12.3 6.6 049. |KentisasasoseessO4L 59,446 72,903 45 70.7 96.3 69,220 | 55.4 53.5 3.16 66,171 25,16 6,732 | 40,1 8l.4 47,461 Keweenaw, ss... es042 1,265 1,449 12,5 68.3 1,070 | 61,0 8.4 3.27 1,360 7.79 89 - - (2 L2ke. vs eeveserdlhd 2,602 2,613 10,8 42.9 1,454 | 77.1 1.4 2,66 1,723 | 20.44 17.8| 28.7 207 Lapeer.eeeeessss044 8,031 8,398 0,2 29.4 90.0 7,402 | 66,1 37.5 #33 byls 17.96 44266 | 25,0 85.8 3,639 Leelanau, eee. .ee045 3,185 3,243 0,2 349 58.9 2,145 | 77.0 A 3.41 1,685 53.64 1,558 | 35.91 35.9 700 Lenawee... .....046 15,783 16,666 0.4 40.5 89.3 14,835 | 62,9 39. 3.07 10,999 22.49 5,667 | 26.0 78.2 8,007 Livingston......047 8,511 8,740 0.1 28.8 90.6 5,710 | 66,0 45.5 3.12 5,726 21,25 3,014 | 28.8 83,9 3,038 Luce... .. 048 1,511 1,596 0.3 26,7 64.0 1,488 | 60.3 17.8 3,59 1,346 | 14.62 250 | 8.0] 41.5 450 Mackina +049 3,456 3,577 0.8 26.3 62,9 2,362 | 68,7 11,9 3.43 2,989 28,94 588 9.5 27.4 660 037 | Macomb... 050 27,909 29,473 0.9 50,7 96.8 27,509 | 72.1 52,0 3.50 24,879 | 22.85 4,59 | 41.4] 96,1] 14,203 Manistee........051 5,720 6,148 0.4 40,5 79.1 5,230 | 70,7 23,7 3.1 4,408 14.67 1,740 | 27.0 44.1 1,747 Marquette.......052 10,253 12,367 W Lol 90.2 12,077 | 56.0 30,1 3.40 11,258 | 18,70 1,109 | 21.4| 51.3 5,320 MaSON.sssesases 053 6,131 6,672 0,8 4haT 76.9 5,°41 | 67.4 22,7 3.16 4,267 | 21.45 2,405| 47.8 52.5 2,622 Mecosta,sesessses054 5,143 5,355 0,5 25.7 68,3 4,631 | 69,1 26.4 3.17 2,652 17.15 2,703 | 24.3 49.6 1,624 Menominee. ......055 6,177 6,813 5 35.7 71.0 6,373 | 68.5 23.9 3.47 44236 16,68 2,577 9.2 37.0 2,537 Midland......es.056 7,085 7,352 045 35.8 82.9 6,930 | 69.3 5244 3.52 4,770 | 24.89 2,582 | 19,2 64.7 4y TTT Missaukee,......057 2,223 2,264 0,2 Yio 46.7 1,997 | 72.2 11.3 3.48 97 11.15 1,467 | 26.9 31.6 739 MOnroe..sssssess058 16,498 17,628 1.0 4042 94.8 15,122 | 61,2 43.7 3.46 12,827 24.422 4,801 | 25,0 90.5 6,328 Montcalm, sessess059 9,612 9,929 2 23.8 R43 8,352 | 67.5 26.2 5.01 5,127 15.08 4,802] 22.1 53.6 3,291 Montmorency.. «..060 1,595 1,620 Tel 32.7 972 | 77.2 8,2 3.47 1,032 25,51 588 8,0 22,4 132 Muskegon. .......061 24.273 28,012 3.3 55.1 93.9 25,77 | 60.6 40.6 3.28 25,257 24.65 2,755 IF 36.2 784 14,747 NEWAYEOsaeonso0a062 6,652 6,908 0.3 20,0 66,2 5,366 | 72,0 2,1 3. 2,863 15.22 4y045 | 29.9) 56.9 1,941 037 | Oakland.........063 67,520 74,653 3.2 64.3 97.1 66,587 | 61,0 61.5 3445 69,356 31.17 5,297 | 46.9 90.0 47,353 CBRTR ssa seses 4,971 5,172 1,0 30.5 59,0 4,128 | 69.0 13,0 3. 2, 17.96 2,766 | 40.6] 40,5 1,612 0gemaW. 4 esssesssQdS 2,979 3,041 04 18.1 50,8 2,267| 70.0 20,8 43 1,695 19.80 1,346 | 14.3| 37.8 9%5 Ontonagon, «22066 3,077 3,161 «3 16.7 68.3 3939 | 70.2 22,0 3.41 1,825 10.75 1,336 | 13.8 55.1 309 Osceola, 067 45024 4,111 22.3 59.8 3,57 | 72.3 23.1 3.29 1,706 | 11,56 2,405| 31.5| 43.0 1,403 Oscoda, 068 809 813 11.8 60.6 Ve2 20.5 3.31 514 10,28 299 | 17.4 49.8 233 Otsego. 069 1,815 1,863 0,3 21,1 48.8 1,375 | 74.8 14.0 3. 1,216 23,76 647| 22.4 15.5 329 Ottawa... .070 16,841 18,256 0,3 55.6 94.8 16,075 | 69.9 40.7 3.35 13, 1258 28,65 4,998 | 46.1 87.3 19,310 Presque Isle,...071 3,232 3,335 22.4 55.8 2,759 | 73.1 1.1 3.R 2,059 22,85 1,276 7.7 32.6 614 Roscommon, s. ....072 2,473 2,572 2.1 1.2 69.4 1,102 | 72.9 7 2.8, 2,289 | 44.32 283 | 15.5] 34.1 133 100 | Saginaw.........073 31,928 35,802 2,6 5545 93.5 34,542 | 64.0 53.7 3.35 29,211 25.42 6,591 | 23.6 75.7 20,146 St. Claing......074 23,369 24,920 1.2 54.45 9449 20,691 | 64.7 5044 3.28 19,609 23.1 55311 | 25.6 91,1 12,766 St. Joseph......075 10,69 11,257 0.9 45.4 86.5 9,501 | 65,1 41,6 94 8,160 | 23.58 3,097 | 23.1] 64.7 3,198 15erved from adjoining county. 204 ‘TABLE 3—SELECTED DATA FOR METROPOLITAN AREAS AND FOR ALL COUNTIES, BY STATE—Continued (Figures which have been rounded to thousands will not necessarily add tototals) Table 2 Part 4 - Agriculture MICH., Arenac (006) - St. Joseph (075) wid AGRICULTURE—1945 AGRICULTURE—1940 . Value of farm products sold, | Principal Per- Jeli of Work power traded, or used by source of Per- te BI, propery farm household farm income | Type- METROPOLITAN cent | forme P i of- Rural Metw| AREAS, [Number of | Land in | Cropland | Number | of | with — farming-| | 4%3 Area - COUNTIES, farms farms | harvested | of farms | farms value A Number 3 area ore Code AND (1000's | (1000's oper | "of | oo [AE of Amon 1 25 code |.© CODES Jan. 1, of of April 1, | ated pod | (1 000" | 28€ | horses | Number ( 1000" stock Code P (See Ihe 1945 acres) acres) 1940 by ts ( $1 Per | andfor f S| and (See | “| [429 mex tone ooo of farm I iract of live- | Crops | pasa) | cent Pp! “| less | dollars) [(dol-| (5, | "2% | dollars) k Pp ants oars °5 | (over 3 stoc than 9) | mo. old) prod- $400 ucts “8 “9 (50) Gn (52) (3) (54) (5) (56) ¢D (8) (9) (60) 61) (62) (63) (64) MISHTGAN~—Con, All Counties—Con, 1,342 146 63 1,359 | 13.7 | 23.1 6,212 | 5,013 3,067 333 1,319 | 44.6 | 37.4 5 134.9 431 | 112 692 60 18 850 [ 4.9] 59.8 2,4 | 3,229 435 236 405 | 56.5 7.2 2 |42.5 431 93 2,823 310 134 3,111 | 20,1] 31.2 17,072 | 5,423] 5,976 900 3,07, | 60.6 | 22.4 2 [26.2 542 | 121 110 «+009 2,966 238 % 3,190 2.3] 22.2 19,421 | 6,722 6,357 1,291 3,97 31.6 55.1 5 147.9 LAY 125 Benzies.s exes es0l0) 795 89 23 8 9.51 58.4 ,025 Li 953 161 669 36.1 Lh .R 7 [29.0 125 118 Berrien... e..ss.011 2258 310 188 5,32, | 11.8 | 31.0 38,261 | 7,157. © 7,625 1,975 7,004 20,1 63.4 7152.2 125 126 2, 296 152 2.79% | 24.7] 21.0 17,771 | 6,365 © 6,221 928 3,130 | 69.6 | 15.3 2 [30.1 561 [ 125 3,106 372 174 3,523 | 23.0] 31.2 22,003 |.6,246 7,59% 1,144 3,975 | 61.1 | 22,5 1{27.5 542 | 137 2,465 259 118 2,466 | 21.5 | 32.2 17,012 | 6,299] 5,404 639 2,529 | 54.2 | 22,6 125.9 542 | 18 Charlevoix.. «...015 992 133 36). 1,124 9.1 36.9 4,143 | 3,63 2,017 252 228 | 46.4 | 23.7 0 [28.4 431 | 112 Cheboygan. ......015 1,110 139 5% 1,122 | 6,6] 43.6 3,709 | 3,306, 1,936 185 633 | 48.4 | 16.2 0 [32.8 431 101 1,445 199 85 1,584 84 | 39.3 5,369 | 3,705 2,735 375 1,275 46.2 33.9 5133.1 431 83 981 155 uh 899 | 16.6 | 20,0 4,214 [4,657 2,157 212 262 | 6.4] 10.5 227.4 ml mr 2,884 34 198 3,141 | 20,6 | 17.5 25,544 | 2,132] 6,950 1,746 4,3%, | 56.9 | 31.6 5129.6 M1 129 91 15 3 101 | 18.8 | 43.6 298 | 2,940 176 32 76 | 60.7 48 2 {34.9 431| 104 1,472 205 50 1,426 | 6.5 41.8 5,712 ol 2,099 403) 1,083] 63.5] 11.2 2|s0| 421] os 593 82 18 623 6.3 | 47.8 2,445 | 3,925 723 166 41 59.3 7.5 2 [42.9 431 105 3,326 3LY4 181 3,35, | 21,1] 13.7 24,458 17,292] 7,212 1,535 4,292 55,6 | 30.0 5126.7 441 129 125 3 1,120 | 9,1 36.1 4,073 | 3,637 1,770 261 917 | 41.9 27.4 0 [22.5 431| 103 OL, |Genesee,........025] 4,816 319 179 5,281 | 14.3 | .50.83 34,507 | 6,534] 7,527 1,971 4,012 | 56.5 | 26.4 2 | 26.7 M1| 130 Gladwin, .seeee 0026) 1,306 162 53 1,296 | 17.2 | 26.2 5,591 | 4,314 2,964 287 1,101 | 66.0 8.5 2 [32.1 431 116 Gogebic... ses eee027| 79 us 15 242 3,11 67.2 2,986 | 3,546 574 150 373 49.7 14.5 2 | 39.0 431 102 Grand Traverse, ,028| 1,279 145 56 1,61 | 10,8 | 35.1 2,603 | 5,333 2,537 401 1,653 35.9 45.7 7127.3 125 109 Gratiot. sees. ss029 3,041 331 206 3,346 | 32.0 17.0 24,672 | 7,374 6,423 1,730 4,593 52.3 36.4 51353 441 123 Hillsdale. L030, 3,329 365 181 3,601 | 26.6 | 20,7 21,069 | 5,351 7,844 1,207 L021 1.7] RT 2 (32.5 561 | 124 1,554 156 55 1,644 | 18.5 44.0 5,605 3,409] 1,496 512 1,158 | 55.3 | 18.2 2 [42.0 431) 110 3,803 hgh 311 4,155 | 15,5 7.0 34,772 | 2,369 11,979 2,007 7,671 34.2 52.3 5 | 50.9 441 127 064 2,966 306 158 2,999 | 21.2 | 28.8 | 23,465 |7,%24) 5,33 1,511 3,736 | 63.0] 25.5 2 (28,0 41] 128 2,634 333 131 3,041 | 22,6 | 20,2 21,99 1,25 7,18 1,284 4,427 | 56.2 | 31,0 125.7 41] 1m 781 113 33 7%1| 15.9] 33.1 3,700 {4,993 1,695 15% 611 614.0] 1n.8 128.5 431 120 928 83 21 857 5.4 | 55.9 2,945 | 3,436 336 233 436 54.47 8.4 0 | 35.4 431 108 2,603 301 150 2,619 | 24.9 | 17,2 16,779 6,407 6,139 955 3,457 | 52.4] 33.4 532.6 41 118 2,737 369 153 3,386 | 16.8 | 34.7 23,280 | 6,275] 7,159 1,118 3,997 61.0 23,6 2 [27.9 441 130 060 2,703 2715 135 2,909 | 17.0 | 36.2 20,180 | 6,937] 5,103 1,041 3,3% | 51.0 | 36.1 2 | 24.6 542 | 143 593 92 2k 690 | 11.6 | 44.2 2,013 [2,917] 969 170 4m | 43.2] 29.6 0 [26,1 431 95 049 5,284 439 205 5,623 | 15.2 | 35.1 34,092 | 6,063 8,460 1,739 6,184 | 46.5] 37.1 227.8 125] 132 9 6 £ 140 | 7443 | 80.7 169 | 1,207] 73 3 39 46.2 3.8 0 [48.3 431 98 52 81 20 697 | 10.2 | 43.3 2,548 | 3,65 1,102 97 430 55.1 15.4 0129.0 431 95 3,357 387 1% 3,444 | 20.9 | 21.6 24,281 | 7,050] 8,895 1,095 4,580 57.7 27.7 2 | 33.0 LAL 125 Leelanau, esses se045 993 137 8 1,19 6.5 | 25.1 6,237 | 5,574] 2,077 257 1,095 29,5 42,0 0 | 26,2 125 109 Lenawee, so. sss. 046) 4,005 436 269 4,186 | 27.9 | 16,0 34,936 [8,346] 2,670 2,458 6,791 | 68.2 21.8 A]32.2 561 | 133 2,228 296 129 2,236 | 21.8 | 25.3 18,528 [8,226] 5,159 972 2,810 | 63.5 | 22.5 2 [30.9 411 130 297 34 8 189 8.5 | 40,7 899 | 4,756 280 58 194 43.4 33.1 5126.8 431 60 , he 54 22 511 | 5.9 | 41.3 1,722 {3,370 792 123 361 | 49.9 | 15.1 0[32.6| 431| 88 037 4,298 238 1h 3,969 | 16,5 | 32.0 33,332 [2,411] 6,590 1,718 5,15] 47.1 [T43.2 2 | 26,7 LAT 17 130 Manistee... .....051 1,049 129 40 1,338 | 8.3 | 43.0 4,569 | 3,415] 1,920 277 U3 | 42.4 | 32.5 0 [23.9 125°] 103 Marquette .052 860 58 2 1,030 | 13.8] 53.9 3,957 | 3,842 95 221 676 42.4 16.2 2 | 35.¢ 431 96 Mason, .053 1,574 179 1,858 | 13.7 | 29.2 9,295 | 5,003 3,11 569 1,675 52.2°1.°27.7 *2:1:30,% 125 113 Mecosta. 2054. 1,890 250 90 2,14 | 20,3 | 26,2 8,591 |4,007) 4,477 441 2,129 oss 2 | 25, 2 | 22,5 431 112 Menominee, .055 2,0l9 300 8 2, 002 | 7.1] 30.9 9,512 [4,754 3,351 497 1,765 | 66.1 10.7 2 [42.8 431] 103 Midland. .eeee..056 2,120 191 79 2,113 15.3 ¢ 42.1.1 . 10,609 |5,0%) 3,909 674 1,676 | 4R.L 33.3 5131,8 441 113 Missaukee, 2057 1,005 179 55 1,214 | 16.6 | 23.6 5,522 |4,59% 2,564 252 1,444 | 65.1 | 19.4 1|29,5 431] 109 Monroe... ,058 3,642 306 211 4,165 | 21,9 | 28.2 30,010 | 7,205 6,917 2,048 5,459 | 42.5] 42.9 5 29,4 561 | 126 Montcalm sss. sss059 3,240 361 166 3,625 |- 19,6 | 25,7 19,425 | 5,271 7,404 967 3,627 | 49.2 | 36.0 5133.1 431 | 119 Montmorency.....060 hea 56 16 500 2,6 | 45.0 1,79 | 3,438] 233 116 316 1. 50.2 16.4 0] 32,2 431 91 1,642 133 55 2,277 | 12.7 | 48.0 10,672 [4,637] 2,316 676 2,m2.| 47.3 35.1 2 (27. 2125 118 2,24 238 86 2,799 | 16,0 | 35.8 11,911 (4,220 4,470 763 2,05 | 52.4 | 29.2 2] 29,7 431 109 037 4,054 351 161 4,03 | 23.6 | 43.9 | 3%,976 [9,657] 6,696 | 1,612 | 4,604 | 56.4 | 30.4 al200s | "oui fo 1e 2,090 215 82 2,015 | 11.6] 33.2 9,643 | 4,726 3,480 507 1,97, 39.0 42.7 7123.5 125 115 1,093 162 4g 1,080 | 13.6 | 32.2 5,216 [4,830 2,473 227 051 59.41 12.8 027.4 431 109 hoi 109 34 1,239 6,0 | 54.1 3,59 2,901 901 352 590 61.2 92.0 2 (41.1 431 105 1, 2% 78 1,929 | 15.4 | 27.0 8,181 [4,241 4,209 304 1,620 58.3 20,5 2| 32,0 431 118 279 11 247 | 9.3 | 13.4 1,330 | 5,39 600 107 295 | 47.6] 22. 027.4 431] 103 Lys 85 24 514 5.1] 23.3 2,106 | 4,097, 296 105 449 39,2 28,2 031.3 431 105 Ottawa... .r...070 4,131 291 159 4,369 | 12,2 | 25.5 24,333 [5,569] 7,230 1,223 5,33% | 52.5] 23.6 225.4 125) 128 Presque Tsle....071 1,012 166 53 1,105 7.1} 25,3 5,215 [4,719] 2,350 253 90 | 41.2] 25.6 0] 30.4 431 97 Roscommon, 146 20 5 197 | 13.2 | 46.7 U3 13,772 235 53 119 [ 52.5 2.6 037.5 431 106 100 |Saginaw... 5,241 Lup 26 5,362 | 14.8 | 26.4 40,387 [7,532] 10,217 2,673 6,690 | 42.0 | 45.2 5140.7 441] 123 St, Clair, 3,990 3712 19 4,533 | 13.2 | 32.5 26,339 | 5,910 9,118 1,53 Ay 511 59.1 22.5 2] 3.2 441 12% St. Joseph......075 2,255 286 135 2,336 | 22,2 | 29.0 15,345 | 6,569 5,222 714 2,657 5544 29,0 1{24.7 542 126 205 Table 3 Part and 5 - Industry Retail Trade MICH., Arenac (006) - TABLE 3—SELECTED DATA FOR METROPOLITAN AREAS AND FOR ALL COUNTIES, BY STATE—Continued St. Joseph (075) (All dollar figures have been rounded to thousands and will not necessarily add to totals) a MANUFACTURING ESTABLISHMENTS—1939 MINERAL INDUSTRIES—1939 RETAIL ESTABLISHMENTS—1939 METROPOLITAN Med COUNTIES Value aded rea y alue a x Code AND Wage Wages Value of by manufac- | Value of | Number Wages and Nanber ad | Ses Active ng Pay roll Number | amers 1000 f roducts roducts of salaries umber of | (1000s of 5 average 1000 of CODES um ( ( sof | (f000's of ture F000" . (1000's of : pro Gr be so average | ° Jollars) sof | (1000's of ( s persons so Slotcs dollars) | prietors dollars) or year) dollars) dollars) dollars) | engaged | dollars) year) (5) (66) [Q) (68) 9) 0) qn @) @) 4) 5) (16) a MICHIGAN=-Con. All Counties—Con. - Arenac..........006 6 22 22 260 75 140 2,161 14 196 1 BAraga.......... 007 11 611 (1) (2) (1) 110 2,113 I = BaArrye.eceeeae. .008 16 821 854 5.816 3.702 (1) (2) (1) 247 4,763 2u6 451 369 100 [BOY uses se enerees 209 99 5,946 1,527 36,895 16,273 258 135 251 970 2L 437 942 2,700 2,L47 Bensie........ 010 1 5 35 513 183 148 2,098 149 201 149 Berrien.........011 167 9,052 10,156 51,023 24,286 (1) (1) (1) 1,346 1,60 1,235. 21 2,931 Branche......... 012 33 1,299 1,184 6.331 3,006 | (1) (1) (1) 44 Ly = 2 a LY Calhoun.........013 129 9,775 13,18% 88,052 52,909 (1) (1) (1) 1,276 34,097 1,109 3,831 3,682 CBBB ves reuse vere 01k 21 670 678 3,473 1.875 327 5,028 292 482 383 CharlevoiXxe.....015 7 304 (1) (1) 230 3,u24 218 303 275 Cheboygan. ......016 8 310 2u2 1,811 664 220 3,468 221 34h 275 Chippewa........017 24 1,473 1,817 10,559 4,108 (1) (1) (1) 369 8,624 365 917 872 Clares.seess+...018 8 25 24 2717 97 159 2,552 161 249 166 Clintons........019 18 219 262 7.173 2,589 326 5,740 129 528 y15 Crawforde.......020 6 87 (1) (1) 97 1,481 90 141 119 Deltles.ivaisninns u7 1,554 1,616 2,930 1626 (1) (1) (1) Lo ,970 40 8 8 Dickinson 23 1,628 (1) (2) 3 1,403 276 497 18 330 35 0 &5 ul 903 780 4,568 2,165 31 22 18 73 8,054 67 45 630 17 598 54 3.699 2,097 (1) (1) (1) 292 6,802 281 691 678 oll 139 33.085 (1) (2) (2) 43 1 18 2,698 85,265 2,043 8,676 9,269 Gladwin. 5 18 16 151 50 (1) (1) 1) 123 1.813 127 162 110 Gogebice... 35 995 846 2,236 1,290 11,233 2,120 3.311 456 9, Min 405 977 2 Grand Traver 3 822 584 3,801 1,773 294 9,196 264 96k 927 Oratiotssese.... 29 983 973 12,658 3.659 (1) (1) (1) 450 8,967 431 Bok 671 Hillsdale.,..... 32 1,593 1,513 11,829 2,13 413 6.265 395 569 433 Houghton,.......031 51 949 790 13,562 4,669 9.7 3,409 3.191 634 12,731 79 1,418 1,072 HUTONvssisesnisssv 022 32 540 533 6,696 Jin (1) (2) (1) veo 2 Jt 632 iF 064 |Inghdm...uvuuens 03 129 12,768 (1) (1) ¢ 114 23 27 1,576 55,230 1,368 6,805 6,855 Ionia.. 203 39 1,430 1,277 11,147 168 (1) (1) (1) 521 8.317 520 807 612 10880, « .uxons vos 035 i 175 (1) (2 (1) (1) (1) uy 2,222 pn 183 136 IRON sonra ns 22 236 170 891 338 4,699 1,066 1,453 268 0 256 ugg 420 Isabella. . 21 373 416 5,292 1,677 \ 298 25% 2 658 561 Jackson. . 125 6,938 9,793 5k, 801 25,969 (1) (1) (1) 1.185 32,924 1,069 3,720 3,510 060 |Kalamazoo 179 11,025 14,291 92,2uk 45.935 (1) (1) (1) 1,296 11,096 1,195 Li, koe L,hyy Kal kaska, . 54 784 56 37 Ol [Kentecsusuens a 08) 491 23,985 29,256 136,137 1,952 u96 143 220 4k 4 Keweanaw, ..0h2 2 1) 1) (1) 1) 32% 1% 2 oe 13:92 oeeh Lake... 08 : 99 42 102 57 Y lapaer. sen Dl 25 600 597 2,200, 1,065 47 7.449 40g 599 488 Lroelanau,.......048 2 (1) (1) 1) 1) pt 1,318 147 97 66 Lenawre,s..o... 046 89 3,149 3,339 22,962 10,730 104 Lo 50 177 15.972 772 1,618 14303 Livingstone..... ou7 14 507 596 2,780 1,492 (1) (1) (1) 312 6,068 294 528 36 8 I] 4 24 152 61 1,932 51 172 162 8 25 13 106 31 (1) (1) (1) 181 2,211 161 233 179 62 4,512 6,764 65.663 20,545 172 49 70 1,284 28,471 1,238 2,396 2,428 3 1,769 1,429 7.910 3.878 (1) (1) (2) 304 5.165 nL 508 390 6 1,632 1,415 5.856 3,228 12,351 2,807 4,000 603 14,050 573 1,579 1,246 27 1.030 196 Len 1,963 (1) (1) (1) 293 5,462 293 543 453 16 462 u5g 3.897 1,039 p 257 4,082 251 420 310 42 1,b42 1,589 9.172 3.nk 284 4,162 277 370 318 1 2,489 (1) (1) (1) (1) (2) (1) 297 7.352 312 616 5712 3 6 (1) (1) (1) 89 1,74 91 122 91 oe 50 4, 2uk 5.215 25,805 13,614 (1) (1) (1) 150 15,024 652 1,394 1,322 Montcalm. .......059 2h 1,079 1,005 9,890 351s 1) (1) (2) 507 7,080 509 667 62 Montmorency.....N0h0 1 (1) (1) (1) (1 66 788 66 59 42 Muskegon. . ...... 061 125 13,493 16,010 81,860 38,690 (1) (1) (1) 1.162 31,625 1,042 3.447 3.236 Nevavgoes.ses... ob 1% sl (1) (1) (1) 235 3.570 229 319 2k2 037 |Oaklande..e.....063 139 16,133 (1) (1) (1) 64g 190 267 2,832 83,019 2,500 7.994 8,201 Oceande.. ous... aNblt 21 326 132 2,004 51 221 3,070 221 2n 197 OgOmAW. avvenses 085 4 15 (1) (1) (1) 128 2,376 136 183 153 Ontonagon.......066 19 87h 119 2,914 1,142 152 2,301 145 192 47 08ceolles.i.enes 067 9 248 134 1,436 530 (1) (1) (1) 197 2,906 194 268 177 OBEORR, «sven ny N63 1 (1) (1) (1) (1) 5% 538 61 49 25 O%B870c vee orsns 069 3 8 7 68 03 116 1,762 120 138 118 Ottawhy.eovonss 070 129 6.027 6,183 34,893 18,257 uy ” 7 1 18,464 815 1,764 1,524 Presque Isle....0/1 5 137 (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) 163 2,353 49 201 152 Roscommon. s.....072 2 (1) (1) (1) (1) 132 1,421 145 123 I) 100 [Saginaw......... n7 159 12,155 |- 17.20 68.516 31.392 Lr 286 356 1,536 44,023 1,407 5,178 4,809 St. Clair,.....« of 12 5,324 6,898 39,118 20,113 161 51 68 1,006 26,105 1,706 2,543 2,110 8t. Jagaph...... ni 56 3.262 3.hbl 23.219 10,662 566 10,291 538 1.012 812 Data Included in Comblned Countles at end of Slate. !Not shown hecausu of dlaclosure of operations of Individual establishments. 206 TABLE 3—SELECTED DATA FOR METROPOLITAN AREAS AND BY STATE—Continued (All dollar figures have been rounded to thousands and will not necessarily add to totals) FOR ALL COUNTIES, Table 3 Part 6 - Other Economie Data 1ICH., Arenac (008) = St. Joseph (075) Cr MIOLESAE, SERVICE ESTABLISHMENTS—1939 BANK DEpusis ; Major war supply Major war facilities iz contracts, rojects, : June Lil 1945 | June. 1940 June 1945 METROPOLITAN E Bond (1000 s of ollars) (1000's of dollars) Metro. AREAS, T sales 1944 Area| COUNTIES, Number Number | ... [Employees] otal | (1000s of Code AND of Sales of Recei ts Active (average | P71. roll (demand Time dollars at CODES estab- | (1000's of | estab- | (1000’s_| proprie- for (1000's | and time) [ (1000s issue price) lish- | dollars) | lish- [of dollars)| tors vear) | of dollars)| (1000's | of dollars) ments ments of dollars) Combat Other Industrial [Military equipment (8) 9) (80) @1 2) 3) 84) (85) (86) 8D (88) (89) (90) on MICHIGAN~Con, All Counties—Con. Arenac... ..006 18 708 25 50 29 6 3 2,683 1,78 374 ..007 7 310 25 28 28 18 3 1,559 653 412 ~...008 22 1,076 42 133 45 3 22 8,379 4,400 1,200 5,090 602 392 100 aan 0D o1| 16,559 209 go8| 21 177 161] as508| 24,764 6,140] 137,030 41,553 2,721 Benzie...,s0....010 7 3 32 86 33 27 19 2,538 1,181 360 Berrienssees.s.s011 120 13,005 326 1,395 355 403 328 41,631 13,456 8,779 57,544 59,965 4,613 36 L811 102 287) 105 69 55] 11,257 6,059 1,702 7,739 12,161 38 7] 18062] 61] 2,263] 52 726 6éo| s1,708| 26,282] 12,15 50,004| 128,217 10,841 20,126 23 112 58 u2 59 37 28 7.446 3,634 1,057 1,787 7,089 10, Charlevoix,.....015 15 679 56 ue 59 15 13 5313 1,787 638 933 1,602 Cheboygan. ......016 17 1,307 47 190 49 4d 38 3,384 2,341 533 1,888 47 4,615 9 412 9% 150 125 0,683 5,291 1,763 1,087 8,7€C 10 456 31 99 32 23 18 3,019 1,615 483 36 7,816 97 209 113 41 22 9,537 5,245 1,318 5 168 14 44 13 18 10 906 313 233 1,456 53 6,107 135 454 10 99 93 15,599 9,973 1,711 3,134 40 4,360 92 330 92 9% 61 9,112 5,347 1,064 76,276 1,812 457 52 3.216] 150 as] 15 7 sa] 11,703 6,072 1,518 15,747 6,167 25 2,713 72 308 A 82 7 8,712 4,089 699 197) 04l 181| 75,001 96| 2,207] 703] 1,206! 1,251] 93,070] 58,305] 33,425] 1,738,546 3,995] 101,826 1,257 16 988 35 96 42 24 16 1,534 821 278 35 3,894] 113 362| 119 98 66 7,3 4,600 1,818 3% 2.766 uh 309 16 11 78] 1clo8s 4,658 1,562 6,477 260 483 3,297 60 ne86] 1% Im| ue g8 60] 12,001 6,886 1,750 579 2,017 195 38 3,701 105 329 108 91 65 11,291 6,343 1,903 6,706 902 58 5,951 168 518 17c 145 98 20,257 11,638 2,275 886 »258 . 66 6,010 119 321] 116 62 3) 12a 7,215 1,510 3,331 375 064 168 34,051 519 2,043 515 899 911 77,403 27,630 21,466( 1,052,885 44,120 55,234 3% 2.606] 16 316] 152 9’ | 10,276 5,419 2,226 22,049 2,549 1,463) 9 328 2 42 24 13 8 2,166 1,008 544 2,586 19 1,045 54 150 56 60 3 5,183 3,101 1,065 43 4,130 75 212 82 51 43 9,534 5,170 1,190 542 4,977 100] 15,90 407] 2,120] 389 600 533] 146,026] 19,885 7,078 28,007 59,720 7,329 272 060 1% 22 nili asa 2k 292 679 ms| 55,203] 20,884 8,450 121,763 31,414 356/ 4 16 6 6 6 l 1 651 412 102 049 s09| 90,678] 1,190] 7,784] 1,185] 2,546] 2,300| 150,403] 71,113] 21,829] 172,004 70,653 30,835 602 2 (1) 7 10 10 6 3 431 209 83 : ; (2) 16 60 19(. 28 24 1,373 989 204 31 1,874] 108 uo| 115 61 w| 1068 6,590 1,813 1,09 1,046 223 17 216 26 64 29 20 7 1,052 480 315 Lenawee... [3 60 5,202] 23: 768] 241 178 335) as ual Gav,u42 4,200 61,863 13,759 17,980 Livingeto 047 2 1,595 7 233 79 50 prs 9,47 5,340 1,435 354 Tuceseesss +048 6 828 16 36 17 7 5 1,241 510 380 164 Mackinac «049 15 535 27 70 2 17 1 1,177 480 339 037 |Macomb..esessss e050 55 5,915 334 1,022 346 231 195 35,625 24,044 7,200 334,895 51 31,722 9,59 Manistee. .......051 25 1,945 mn 159 72 36 22 7,039 4,907 1,009 2,904 2,441 Marquette.....:.052 68 8022] 178 708] 180 254, 18s] 2] 13366 3,129 11,116 Mason. 053 31 2,102 7 265 75 57 43 7,380 2,201 1,149 870 21,600 Mecos’ 054 12 1,085 61 204 64 7% 36 5,248 2,756 662 2,107 516) Menominee.......055 29 3,898 83 264 87 59 59] 9,955 5,039 1,209 8,261 1,241 Midland.........056 15 1,201 56 260 67 7% bl 3,580 £4,135 4,082 20,070 7,440 ~O 10 276 19 37 18 5 5 1,083 1,048 221 47 4,984 198 688 197 179 140 21,997 12,907 4,988 17,906 4,436 15,314] 48 4,370 129 313 134 67 42 8,872 4,952 1,580 44,211 2,762 337 Montmorency. 3 120 11 21 1 4 2 134 Muskegon....,...061 “113 15,219 330 1,594 328 472 400 60,565 32,478 15,735 363,049 37,565 15,384 Newaygo.........062 17 662 63 ur 63 33 19 7,292 4,143 954 037 |0akland. 105] 20,16] me] eh] ml 96h o57| eej201| 43,717) 26,409) 2,445,910 146,559 49,425 2, 979 53 82 53 Ci 1 4,001 2,185 754 543 12 648 28 54 29 10 8 1,457 706 318 93 Ontonagon.. az 617 45 17 47 30 14 2,275 1,276 482 Osceola. 2 1,169 39 92| wo 20 12 3,159 1,601 551 Oscoda 3 66 17 16 16 4 3 56 Otsego. 9 v.97 19 51 24 22 11 1,733 966 256 Ottawa........ 79 6,535] 2m 7 200 208 156] 30,202] 16,089 4,995 3,732] “14,768 1,362 Presque Isle...,071 13 431 35 83 3% 15 1 2,192 1,264 572 Roscommon... 4 268 16 20 17 3 2 940 485 170 100 |Saginaw... 188). 41,592] 456] 2,389 48 69% 656] 73,847 41,434] 15,551 106,722 20,485 24,986 3,041 St. Clair, 76] 18,360] 233] 1,26] 226 355 36] 3e,6| 22,3 6,112 91,034 146,602 28, 80 St. Joseph.. 43 4,528 13 16] 152 116 9 15,407 6,712 2,03 7,065 1,720 1,014 INot shown because of disclosure of operutions of individual establishments. batn included in "Other" at end of tate. 207 Table 3 Part 1 - Population MICH., Sanilac (076) = MINN., Morrison (049) TABLE 3—SELECTED DATA FOR METROPOLITAN AREAS AND FOR ALL COUNTIES, BY STATE—Continued EE I TOTAL POPULATION POPULATION—1940 EON STaiucs ESTIMATED 1944 FooiaN LL P Total white P { PULATION and op- otal whi ercent of ; METROPOLITAN : U:'S. area |ulation population 25 Matro. AREAS, rank in per years old and Area COUNTIES, N of |Percent| sq. over who have Code AND umber ies | change 1 3 , leted— : CODES oie 2¢ | miles | mile Percent Urb Rural | Rural tompete Percent] April | mn of Fan f. {; Bi D pri > nonfarm arm irths eaths Number change | 1940" | percen-| | 930 1940 | 1940 | Number | total N tiles) | 1940 opu- 5 or High og 4: 1940- more 14 | 1943 1940 grades | S€No°! m @) 3) “) (5) (6) m 8) © (10) an (12) 13) (14) (15) (16) MICHIGAN—Con. All Counties—Con. 26,599 | -11.7 30,114 28 8.5 91 | 31.3 30,105 | 100.0 8,989 | 21,125| 87.7 15.0 624 316 7,682 | -19.3 9,524 78 | ‘12.21 1,09) 7.9 9,446 | 99.2 5,399 | 2,313 1,812] 86.5 18.8 193 91 88,980 | -5.4 41,207 18 4.3 540 | 76.3 41,199 (100.0 | 17,551 | 8,516] 15,140] 93.6) 21.4 873 482 33,963 | -4.8 35,694 22 8.4 816 | 43.7 35,605 | 99.8 8,070 | 10,557 | 22,067| 86.1 17.0 743 444 32,212 | -8.2 35,111 22 7.6 607 | 57.8 34,285 | 97.6 4,745| 12,044 | 18,822) 91.3] 24.5 669 467 97,829 | 21.1 80,810 7 |. "28.8 716 | 112.9 77,036 | 95.3 | 41,986 | 23,853| 15,021| 92.3| 87.9] 2,317] 1,086 2,175,542 8.0 [2,015,623 0 6.7 607 (33208 | 1,850,437 | 91.8 (1929,781 | 69,749 | 16,093| 87.0| 25.6| 42.750 | 19.006 Wexford.........083 15,284 | -15.0 17,976 51 6.8 563 | 31.9 17,942 | 99.8 9,855 | 2,538 5,588 | 90.2| 20.3 344 198 MINNESOTA.....| 2,525,558 | -9.4 |2,792,300 8.9 | 80,009 | 34.9 | 2,768,982 | 99.2 |1890,098 | 496,762 | 905,440 | 91.6| 24.8] 56,113] 26,458 METRO. COUNTIES..| 1,085,556 | -4.0 [1,134,624 7.8| 7,621 |145.1| 1,123,711 | 99.0| 991,228 | 75,015| 68,881 92.6] s2.1| 23,216] 11,368 Metro areas: 038 |Duluth-Superior (pt). ; cirenneeein....089] 182,944 | -11.6 | 206,917 1.1 6,261 32.9 205,904 | 99.5 | 152,562 | 24,942 | 29,418| es.1| 25.3] 3,968] 2,084 G15 pol 48-St , Paul 02,027,0€2,082| 902,612 | -2.4 | 927,707 9.4 | 1,540 [602.4 917,807 | 98.9 | 838,666 | 50,073 | 38,968| 94.4| 33.6] 19,248 9,284 OTHER COUNTIES...| 1,440,002 | -13.1 [1,657,676 9.7 | 72,188 | 23.0 | 1,645,271 | 99.3 | 398,870 | 421,747 | 887,059 | 90.8| 19.2] 32,897 | 15,085 All Counties: ALTKAT. esse ee e00L 12,856 | -28.0 17,865 52 | 19.0 1,824 | 9.8 17,751 | 99.4 5,204 | 12,661] 87.4] 15.2 275 189 075 [Anoka........ 28,771 5.9 22,443 40 | 21.9 425 | 52.8 22,412 | 99.9| 12,461 | 2,794 7,188| 90.6] 18.8 509 243 Becker....... 21,166 | -20.8 26,562 33 | 18.0| 1,315] 20.2 24,418 | 91.9 5,005| 6,102 | 15.445] 87.7| 16.7 534 230 beltrami 20,448 | -21.7 26,107 34 | 26.1 2,517] 10.4 23,559 | 90.2 9,427 | 5,487 | 11,193| 88.6| 18.6 543 225 Benton. . 14,497 | -10.0 16,106 57 7.0 404 | 39.9 16,106 | 100.0 5,735 | 2,277 8,094 | 85.3] 14.9 349 109 big Stone.... 8,664 | -17.1 10,447 75 6.2 510 | 20.5 10,444 | 100.0 5,229 5,218] 94.0] 22.5 208 87 Blue Eerth......007 31,915 | -11.8 36,203 21 7.0 740 | 48.9 36,183 | 99.9 | 15,654 | 6,276 | 14,273] 94.0] 27.2 699 366 brown... ous 28,211 | =9.1 25,544 35 9.0 613 | 41.7 25,543 [100.0 | 11,666 | 3,942 9,93 | 90.9] 17.4 546 191 Carlton 009 21,139 | -12.7 24,212 a7.(v14.0 860 | 28.2 23,677 | 97.8 7,304 | b5,974| 10,98¢| 81.5] 18.6 453 305 Cerver.. 15,860 | -9.9 17,606 52 4.0 458 | 49.2 17,603 | 100.0 7,702 9,904 | 89.4 13.3 310 138 14,896 | -27.9 20,646 44 | 32.4 | 2,003] 10.1 18,871 | 91.4 9,56 | 11,100| 89.5( 20.5 393 191 13,718 | -19.0 16,927 o85 7.4 582 | 29.1 16,924 | 100.0 5,220 | 3,482 8,275 | 4.3] 21.0 308 134 Chisago. 11,207 | -14.2 65 | -0.5 419 | 31.3 18,121 | 100.0 4,853 8,271 | 89.8| 16.2 220 168 018Y. esse 014 22,733 | -10.3 a5 9.6 | 1,00 | 24.1 25,321 | 99.9 9,491 | 5,959 9,887 | 9z.8| 24.1 516 199 Clearwater. 9,162 | -17.9 72 | 16.8 1,005] 11.1 10,749 | 96.4 3,064 8,089 | 87.9) 12.2 216 79 Cooke... 2,150 | -28.6 96 | 24.4 | 1,408] 2.2 2,703 | 89.2 2,259 771] 90.5] 22.2 34 13 18,614 | -15.7 56 9.2 640 | 25.2 16,142 | 100.0 2,807 [= 4,170 9,166 | sz.0| 20.1 324 123 25,271 | -16.4 28 | 17.9 999 | 30.3 30,207 | 99.9 | 15,025 | 5,812 9,589 | 90.4| 21.2 622 284 39,909 0.6 19] 14.7 v71 | 69.5 49,613 | 99.9 | =23,239| 5,556 | 10,865] 88.7] 20.0 956 385 11,175 | -18.6 12,981 66 6.6 435 | 29.7 12,981 | 100.0 4,762 8,169| 95.4] 21.2 267 183 18,242 | -10.4 20,369 44 8.3 637 | 12.0 20,357 | 99.9 5,001 | 3,708| 11,610] 91.0] 16.7 475 196 21,781 | -9.2 23,941 38 | 10.6 718 | 33.6 23,941 | 100.0 3,702 | 7,864 | 12,375] 92.4] 21.3 450 216 22,639 | -12.4 25,840 44 4.4 8v9 | 30.1 25,828 | 100.0 1,175 | 14,655] 4.4] 19.2 469 210 28,892 | -9.1 31,760 “6 | 10.6 702 | 45.3 31,732 | 99.8 | 12,200| 5,576 | 14,004] s9s.9| 21.1 701 249 28,442 | -9.9 31,964 26 | 0.8 708 | 41.6 31,433 | 99.6 9,92 | 7,529| 14,078| 93.8 20.0 620 347 Grent..... 8,457 | -13.9 9,628 7 2.8 5:7 | 17.6 9,828 | 100.0 3,603 6,226 | 9u.7| 17.9 170 80 075 | Hennepin 263,024 | -2.2 | 568,899 0 9.9 565 | 1,006.9 563,496 | 99.0 | 522,830 | 26,708 | 19,361] a4.8| 36.0] 11,557 8,650 Houston. 12,794 | -13.2 14,735 61 6.4 ued | 26.1 14,707 | 99.4 6,160 8,555 | 91.5] 16.2 294 154 Hubbard. 8,783 | -20.8 | 11,085 72 | 1.5 93z | 11.9 11,071 | 9s 9 2,643 | 1,789 6,653| 92.1| 18.3 185 96 Isanti.. 10,966 | -15.8 | . 12,950 66 7.2 442 | 29.3 12,930 | 49.8 4,205 8,745] es.3] 1.7 177 164 28,978 | -12.2 32,996 2v | 21.2] 2,663] 12.4 35,550 | 98.0 4,875 | 14,646 | 13,475] 83.7] 22.4 709 228 14,379 | -14.4 16,805 5% 5.9 698 | 24.1 16,508 | 100.0 2,840 | 3,220 10,740] 92.8| 19.2 283 116 8,330 | -18.7 9,651 78 | 12.8 525 | 18.4 9,650 | 100.0 2,121 2,550 91.0] 14.4 183 76 24,291 | -8.4 26,524 a3 | 12.5 824 | 32.2 26,507 | 99.9 7,623 | 6,505 | 12,596 sez.0f 17.2 516 282 9,171 | -14.4 10,117 74 | 10.6 1,124] 9.v 10,700 | 99.8 4,979 6,798 | 90.1| 16.6 186 84 13,980 | -17.4 16,930 54 | 20.8] 3,129] 5.4 16,721 | 98.8 5,626 | 5,079 6,225 | 67.8] 18.8 339 156 18,472 | -13.1 15,509 58 0.7 773 | 20.1 1,509 | 100.0 5,923 9,586 | 9u.1| 17.7 275 119 6,579 | -b.4 6,956 8 | -1.6| z,82| 8.3 6,952 | 99.9 4,046 | 1,810 1,600] 9.7) 20.6 122 74 3,994 | -33.2 4,975 89 | 4z.5| 1,308] 4.8 5,974 | 100.0 2,164 3,811| 90.6] 16.2 89 44 16,929 | -12.0 19,227 48 6.9 441 | 43.6 19,226 | 100.0 9,444 9,783 89.5] 18.5 361 160 9,443 | -12.5 10,797 73] -4.5 540 | 20.0 10,796 | 100.0 4,558 7,244] 93.1) 14.3 220 88 18,972 | -12.0 21,569 az | 11.6 713 | 30.3 21,560 | 100.0 7,675 | 4,276 9,618 94.4| 22.3 488 186 19,397 | -9.3 21,380 az 4.2 498 | 42.9 21,380 | 100.0 3,887 | 5,998 11,495] 89.2 16.1 417 182 6,426 | -20.2 8,054 83 | 30.9 574 | 14.0 6,639 | 82.4 8,159 4,89] 88.0 13.7 161 84 15,072 | -17.9 18,364 0 8.0| 1,800] 10.2 18,861 | 100.0 8,320 13,044| 88.0) 14.1 41 156 21,79 | -11.6 24,656 26 | 10.1 707 | 34.9 24,656 | 100.0 6,988 | 5,399| 12,269] 9s.3| 22.2 519 205 -10.0 19,277 47 7.6 620 | 31.1 19,264 | 99.9 3,920 3,741| 11,606] 90.9] 1b.9 34 151 15.1 15,538 8 | 10.5 868 | 27.4 18,198 | 97.7 6,468 9,090 90.6] 15.8 281 172 Morrison. ... 28,948 | -12.8 27,478 al 8.0! 1,36! 24.2 27,462 | 100.0 6,047! 4,801 17,1211 es.2l 13.4 546 234 'Hemainder of Duluth - Superior Metropolitan Area (038) is in Wisconsin. 208 TABLE 3—SELECTED DATA FOR METROPOLITAN AREAS AND FOR ALL COUNTIES, BY STATE—Continued : Table 3 Part 2 = Labor Force MICH., Sanilac (076) = MINN. , Morrison (049) Gre mont LABOR FORCE—1940 Percent of Population 14 Years Old and Over Employed Workers by Industry Group Empleyed T In leading Metro] METROPOLITAN p P i Business nonagri- Area AREAS, eco creo or o> and cultural Code COUNTIES, i y A C 19% | Whole- | personal Other In industry AND Total In labor Tue ee Total Agri | Minin on Manufac- i sale and | services | 4 o agri- CODES gia force | Who are | who are | ohloyed || culture g | strie turing gelions retail exclud- | J cul- in in tion an trade oe reportel Tre Code labor labor other Asai (See | Per- force force wh sarvices Jae cent an (18) (19) (20) 21) (22) (23) 24) (25) (26) 27) (28) 29) (30) | 31) | (32) MICEIGAN==Con. All Counties—Con. Sanilac.........076 22,505 10,932 81.0 11.1 10,251 6,673 2 338 479 294 1,013 813 633 |65.1 | 636 | u.2 Schoolcraft. ,805 3,381 78.3 15.4% 2 326 93 130 n7 129 410 355 286 13.3 8 [10.1 Shiawassee 31,157 15,484 78.6 19.4 13.5% 3,912 63 h3s 3,190 1,440 1,964 1,535 981 [28.2 20 | 7.4 Tuscola... e.....079 26, 84k 12,554 77.4 12.5 11, 6,050 91 473 1,093 369 1,355 1,349 684 | 52.28 | 636 | 6.1 Van Buren.......080 27,692 13,0¢4| 76.4 15.8 11,676 4,949 150 566 1,622 476 1,656 1,360 837 [42.4 | 636 | 5.4 65,410 33,168 3.4 28.2 30.871 3,974 24 1,456 7.497 1,k45 4 kok 9,110 2,761 [13.0 | G36 [20.4 037 1,586,443 | 893,222 83.8 27.4 | 764,84 3,743 461| 29,087| 369,073 | 43,499 | 135,271 | 127,195 | 56,512 | 0.5 | 20 [30.4 Wexford.........083 13,272 6,482 75.9 20.8 5,245 1,209 Ly 237 1,349 338 926 754 b2g [23.1 | 636 | 7.1 MINNESOTA. .... 2,152,104 | 1,101,464 18.2 22.9 931,499) 282,213 7.935| 37.456] 115,959 65,163 | 172,696 | 167.648 | 82,429 [30.3 | 636 | 8.6 METRO. COUNTIES... 916,129 | 490,832 78.3 30.2 401,259 16,790 | 5,155 | 19,061 78,323 | 41,h42 99.719 95,302 | u5,ko7 | b.2 Metro. areas: 038 [DulutheSuperior(pt)?| . pe snaseessnns eet) 165,069 | 85,808| 718.0 23.6 61,017 5,287 4,869] 2,866 7,092 | (6,964 | 13,682 | 13,604 6,653 | 8.7 075 [MinneapoliswSt.Paul £02,027,062,082 751,060 | 405,024 | 78.3 31.5 | 3ko0,2u2|l 11,503 286| 16,195) 71,231 | 34,478 | 86,097 | 81,698 | 38,754 | 3.4 OTHER COUNTIES... | 1,235,975| 610,632 78.2 16.9 | 530,240 265,423| 2,780| 18,395| 37.636 | 23.721 | 72,917 | 72,346 | 37,022 | 50.0 All Counties: : .001 13,067 6,295| 75.9 14.2 4,847 2,875 6 1k 284 172 508 576 282 | 59.3 | 636 | 6.0 075 002 17,111 8,205 75.3 2034 6,810 2,025 2 245 1,463 ud 1,119 990 42 129.7 | 636 | 6.7 00 19.291 9.895| 719.7 17.9 7.808 4,18 6 282 370 262 992 9k7 531 | 56.6 | 636 | 6.1 00 18, 9,246 | 76.5 [ 18.2 6,771 2,623 4 249 735 353 1,089 1,180 538 | 38.7 | 636 | 9.0 005 11,253 5,688 81.5 16.0 4,792 2,408 9 139 461 230 Tol 509 332 | 50.2 | 636 | 5.3 ..006 7.764 4,046 80.4 20.3 3.337 1,695 38 116 69 121 572 506 220 | 50.8 | 636 | 8.0 [Blue Earth......007 28,058 | 13,805| 77.7 20.5 12, 4,906 27 552 934 576 2,391 1,972 1,086 gt 636 | 8.0 IBrowheessssess..008 19,210 9.405 79.3 17.3 8,38 3.645 g 381 809 299 1,437 1,204 597 | 43.5 | 636 | 7.4 18,408 9,140 [ 76.3 18.3 7.182 2,263 y hk 2,191 406 800 930 Wy 1.5 11 (15. 13,121 6,3T4| 77.6 15.8 5,853 3,519 = 196 316 197 615 610 395 | 60.1 | 636 | 5.7 14, 802 7.079 75.3 15.7 5,209 2,439 2 173 3715 201 561 1,038 420 | 46.8 | G36 [10.3 12,762 6,432 80.3 17.4 5,530 2,726 2 6 169 372 958 759 338 | 49.3 | 636 | 6.7 10,375 4,924 | 77.4 11.7 4,552 2,819 1 137 239 136 Lay 470 266 | 61.9 | 636 | 5.0 18,976 9,6M@| 719.9 13.1 8,325 3,426 20 297 455 1,653 1,225 569 [41.2 | 636 | 7.2 8,033 4,317 83.1 1.2 3.505 2,239 1 63 191 97 308 30 198 | 65.8 | 636 | 5.0 000K uv rvanes 006] 2,275 1,302 82.9 17.4 826 78 61 176 93 161 232] 9.4 1 (17.3 Cottonwood .017 11,919 5.704 | 78.7 14.0 5,2u4k 3,105 1 233 114 149 706 589 5 59.2 | 636 | 5.7 lcrow Wing.......018 22,332 | 10,968 77-9 17.2 7.805 1,924 365 i 655 1,176 1,34k 1,394 599 | 24.6 | 23 |12.0 29,774 | 14,413] 72.4 20.1 12,880 3,432 5 81 3,603 985 1,893 1,52 958 | 26.6 2 20.7 9.51 4,576 | 80.3 10.7 4,223 2,157 3 155 132 146 400 3 206 | 65.3 | 636 | 5.0 15,452 1.873 81.2 17.2 6.970 ,887 3 221 199 214 1,082 890 7h | 55.8 | 636 | 5.7 17, 8,389 1-1 14.8 7.541 116 2 263 27h 259 1,132 911 584 | 54.6 | 636 | 6.1 19,717 9.281 76.9 13.7 8,330 , 864 271 ai 223 259 1,011 959 676 | 58.4 | 636 | 5.7 24,168 | 12,534 | 81.8 18.6 11,350 5.090 2 7 1,603 5 1,600 1,294 799 | bk. 8 51] 9.6 24,783 | 12,207 77.0 18.0 11,192 1,955 27 358 1,565 466 1,451 1,461 909 | Wk,3 | 636 | 6.7 7.383 3.599 | 81.5 13.8 3.293 2,080 102 41 106 408 368 185 | 63.2 | 636 | 5.3 075 , 253,442 | 78.h 32.7 213.839 5,635 169| 10,398| 4,203 | 19,659 | 55,569 53.81 24,309 | 2.6 | 036 {10.0 11,182 5.593 | 81.0 1.7 921 2,97 198 190 127 549 8 332 | 60.4 | 636 | 5.9 1.952 915 77.6 25.3 3:99 1-53 2 9 158 359 Lo 276] 51.9 | 636 | 6.8 10,064 565 713.3 13. L067 2,5 10 1 97 396 514 214 | 63.5 | 636 | 1.6 24,290 | 12,214 78.6 15.5 8,974 2,433| 1,770 2m 97 323 1,121 1,419 687] 27.1 4 119.7 12,588 6,345 | 82.4 13.6 5.947 3.195 202 £9 190 660 581 430 | 63.8 | 36 | 5.5 7,098 3.528 19.2 13.9 3,039 2,065 12 93 82 278 -269 165 | 67.9 | ‘036 | L.7 20,389 9.7117| 15.9 15.6 8,533 4,134 10 45k 2 685 1,331 1,113 576 | 48.14 | 636 | 6.7 7.923 L280 | 82.8 16.1 3,666 2,362 6 3 95 7 3M 284 | 64.4 | 636 | 5.9 12,364 6,655 | 81.4 37] 5.172 1,238 1 hs 1,744 267 173 635 369 | 23.9 | 11 [18.0 11,558 5.726 80.2 13. 5,064 3,254 12 132 67 126 652 550 2n 3 | 636 | 6.2 5,620 2,880 | 78.4 18.2 2,056 202 23 95 115 1 279 374 261| 9.8 | 23 [30.4 k,392 2,427 83.1 16.5 1,814 1,040 51 113 57 208 186 159 | 57.3 | 636 | 4.8 14,619 6,886 76.8 14.9 6,200 3,202 28 189 452 217 943 705 464 | 51.6 | 636 | 6.0 8,083 4,008| 80.2 13.0 3,682 2,467 1 17 7 94 387 358 181 | 67.0 | 636 | 5.8 15,978 8,016| 19.7 17.4 7.136 3,306 4 311 2n 376 1,353 1,041 um | 46.3 | 636 | 6.7 16,316 1.75 78.1 14.6 7.069 3.967 3 228 281 a7 1,061 855 457] 56.1 | 636 | 5.9 5.457 2.1 11.5 16.0 1,887 1,193 1 38 ou 199 225 113] 63.2 | 636 | 6.7 13,236 6,981 83.1 14.5 6,265 4,317 127 94 168 561 603 395| 68.9 | 636 | 5.3 18,277 9,044 | 80.3 16.1 8,280 4,011 1 368 611 324 1,166 1,070 669 | 49.2 | a36 | 5.4 14,322 7.056 79.8 14.1 6,361 3,862 2 24 202 in 897 630 383] 60.7 | 636 | 5.0 1,7 5.504 | 77.9 14.4 4,540 2,554 16 154 144 148 © 626 638 260| 56.3 | a36 | 6.5 19,234 9.5071 79.5 15.5 1.716 4,822 6 176 301 2u3 880 894 usul 62.0 | 036 | 6.8 1Remainder of Duluth - Superior Metropolitan Area (088) is in Wisconsin. 3 Table 3 Part 3 - Hous ., Sanilac (076) - 1ONN., Morrison (049) TABLE 3—SELECTED DATA. FOR METROPOLITAN AREAS AND FOR ALL COUNTIES, BY STATE—Continued HOUSING—1940 ; ; ) : : Nonfarm Rural Farm All Dwelling Units Occupied Dwelling Units Dwelling Units Dwelling Units ois METROPOLITAN 2 Metro. AREAS, 5 he ee Area COUNTIES, P P P Median P phones Code AND Residential r ercent ercent Per: ercent number er- : CODES situctutes in5 or with Percent eat ih of i e oo Percent Jan. 1, Nurnber more | private | with Number | owner | ™€220- | persons | Number [WI Number | ™® with 1945 family | bathtub | electric ical on rent run- | electric struc- or lighting occ= | refrig- h (dollars) ning | lighting pied : ouse- tures shower eration hold water G3) Gh) 35) 36) an 38) 39) 0) An @) “3 “) 5) “) “n MICHIGAN—Con. All Counties—Con. Sanilac....oses 9,409 9,613 22.1 81.6 7,999 72,7 22.9 3.33 3,706] 22,51 5,907| 18.1] 73.8 2,539 Schoolcraft 2,435 2,655 0.9 30.5 69.4 2,366 65,7 19.7 3.55 2,210 15,40 445 5.6] 29.3 870 Shiawassee. 10,996 11,915 1.1 4042 90.4 11,3531: 65.3 42.3 3.21 7,757 17.84] 4,158] 32,5 79.5 4,907 Tuscola.... 9,701 10,070 29.2 79.5 9,302| 70.9 32.0 3.30 4,051 15,26 6,019] 24.3 70,3] 3,260 Van Buren,..... 12,864 13,820 3.5 40,7 84.9 10,573 ‘68,7 31.3 2,89 7,412 24,57 6,408] 36,6] 75.1 4,226 Washtenaw....... 20,430 24,116 jo 59 65,1 96.5 22,198] 56.5 66.9 3.04 20,042 38,13 4,074 44.9 90,4 17,004 037 [Wayne.......... 349,775 541,523 16.7 87.0 99.4 522,414 | 42.4 62,6 3.44 537,328 35.86 4,195] 39.6 9.4 360,758 Woxford..ceeeesss 5,118 5,469 Ook 27.9 7.6 L877 68.) 25,9 3.23 3,832 16.58) 1,637 21,3 28,6 1,956 \ MINNESOTA.....| 640,413 773,042 7.0 4644 75,8 728,350 | 55.2 36.0 3.27 554,462] 26.80] 218,580] 12,2] 29,9] 462,723 METRO. COUNTIES. | 237,194 337,299 16,4 704 94.6 317,367] 49.1 51.5 3,15 318,308 31,18 18,901 22.5 45.6] 243,741 Metro areass 038 | Duluth-Superior(pt)y coleainaisionvvue 2069 49,660 61,979 7.9 5344 83,2 56,623 | 56.9 30.9 3.24 53,100 24,12 8,879] 9.1 26.8] 33,643 075 | Minneapolis-St ,Paul 002,027,062,082 187,534 275,320 18.3 Th o2 97.2 260,744 | 47.4 5640 3.13 265,298 32.59 10,022 34.5 62,5] 210,098 OTHER COUN‘ TES... 403,219 435,743 1.3 26,6 61,2 41,992 60.0 23.8 3.58 236,084 R0.85 199,679 11.) RBe5] 218,982 All Counties: . 5,134 5,264 [9] 8.3 34.8 4,668] 68,2 7.0 3.38 1,812 14.56 3,452 3.2 14.5 1,749 075 5,879 6,343 1.0 33,10 473.3 5,462 66,2 31.2 3.43 4y418| 20,61 1,925) 18,71 45.6] 1,799 7,331 7,756 1.5 10.8 40.8 6,455] 62,6 10,7 3.64 4,072 19,25 3,684 2,0 6.8] 2,383 Beltrami, 004 6,877 7,335 2:3 16.1 47.1 6,649| 69.2 12,2 3.46 4,353] 19.50 2,982 3.0 8.3 3,009 Renton..........005 3,515 3,779 23,9 57.7 3,648| 61.9 17.5 4,01 2,059 117.71 1,720 55 1746) 698 Big Stone....... 2,511 2,750 0.8 22.6 61.2 2,577] 45.2 21,1 3.66 1,532 16,9 1,218) 6.21 21.3 1,235 Blue Earth. . 8,920 10,012 244 42,7 77.8 9,657| 56.8 37.2 3.23 6,446 26,11 3,566] 18,0 46.9) 7,307 Brown,..... 5,932 6,559 065 33.7 79.7 6,468 62,5 33.8 3,53 4,369 24,19 2,190] 15.0 47.1] 4,839 Carlton...... 6,164 6,501 1.0 26.3 66.7 6,075| 74.6 21.2 3.46 ,542| 21,58 2,959] 12.4] 39.1 2,738 Carver... 4,305 4,592 043 31,5 80,8 4,9] 66,0 27,0 3.66 2,373| 19,47 2,219] 27.6] 66.8] 2,427 CSS. ueren ove +01] 5,856 5,952 042 10,5 32.9 5,146 69.8 7.5 3.46 3,181 14.97 23TTL1 3.2 10.3 1,497 Chippewa. .012 3,930 4,352 1,6 24.2 67,2 4,293] 51,6 32,3 3,61 2,465 19.64 L887 7.9] 1.9 2,37 Chisago. . .013 3,919 4,099 0) 20,8 53,8 3,629| 64.9| 21.6 3.26 1,750 15.77 2,349) 16.3] 26.8 2,254 ClaY.eesess «e014 5,502 6,380 Leb 30.7 67.2 6,229| 52.1 26.6 3.63 4,137 22,18 R243 9.0 17.3 3,047 Clearwater.....,015 2,928 2,083 0a? 3,7 2.2 2,790] 72.2 43 3,63 11,80 2,086] 1.9 6.0 890 COOK eas seniesonss016] 1,460 1,492 10.9 45.0 794 | 70,0 6.9 3.15 1,214 16,20 278; "1.2 25.2] 329 Cottonwood. . 017 3,803 4,052 065 24.8 66.0 4,012 58.3 26,0 3.69 1,975 20,52 2,077 9.2 40,2 2,230 Crow Wing 8,792 9,469 2,3 26,5 67.1 7,884 | 63,9 19,7 3,36 7,105 21,48 2,364] 7.9] 28.2 3,937 Dakota... 8,869 9,924 1.9 51,7 86,7 9,616 62,7 47.3 3.62 74454 26,04 2,470 25.9 59.6) 2,237 Dodge... .vssass 3,218 3,360 Oe? 24,0 5843 3,315 56.0 23,1 3.53 1,432 15,97 1,928] 12,7 34.40) 1,636 ita 5,901 6,299 0.7 71.1 63.8 5,280 61.2 20.2 3.51 3,348] 23.34 2,951] 7.6] 35.5 2,906 5,739 6,233 0,7 33.1 72.9 6,123 57.7 29,6 3.57 3,345 18,70 2,888 21,7 48,1] 4,634 64639 7,007 0e2 25.8 57.9 6,878| 58,2 18.8 3.39 3,411 18,21 3,596] 16.9 26,7 5,002 Freeborn, 75445 8,304 3.0 38,3 76.6 8,200 56.6 29,9 3.55 5,019] 25,28 3,285 23,4] 49.0] 4,339 Goodhue. . 7,854 8,635 07 38.3 72,1 8,363 | 58.4 29,1 3.38 5,218] 21,70 3,417| 18.6 38.3 6,108 GTN ys se vive nines 028] 2,457 2,634 09 142 48.6 2,479 5.8 19,7 3.64 1,176 15,09 1,458 54 15,7] 1,363 075 | Hennepin. 027] 112,034 170,721 20,6 76.1 98,2 162,179] 45.0 59.6 3,08 165,743 33.54 4,978] 39.4) 70.4] 130,428 Houston,... 3,768 3,961 042 20,6 5540 3,777 61.1 19,0 3.58 +884 16,17 2,077 22.4] 29.4 2,667 Hubbard. . 4 3,534 3,632 065 943 32.4 2,87 | 65.2 7.9 3.38 1,748] 17.50 1,884 2,6 6,6] 1,072 Isanti.....ss.+4030 3,233 3,390 16,5 35.8 3,098| 63.3 13,9 3.46} 956 19,11 2,434) 21,2 16,9) 1,990 8,819 9,381 1,3 23.7 51.7 8,478 68.3 22,2 3.45 5,715 16,70 3,666 4e2 11.2} 3,503 3,967 4,218 1.0 23,0 64,5 4,178] 57.4 25.4 3,70 1,735 20.60 2,483 10.8 4340 2,291 2,545 2,671 Ook 10,3 33.9 2,496 | 66,5 11.4 3.45 675 16.48 1,99 48 16,0 976 6,139 6,930 1142 25,1 6944 6,308] 54.1 28,2 3.56 3,982 21,80 2,948] 7.7 40.7 3,565 2,540 2,62 7.7 43.2 2,532 68,8 15.2 3.719 1,054 13.901 1,569 2.5 14.9) 1,121 4yA35 4,822 Lol 20,5 58.2] 4,497| 67.0 17,9 3.23 3,047) 17.92 1,775| 2.3 1442 1,551 3,503 3,776 0a 18,0 49.2 3,75] 46.2 17.5 3.81 1,593 16,97 2,183] 7.2] 16.9) 1,74 2,060 2,282 1.8 47.6 75.7 2,087 71.9 23.8 3.03 1,803 20,08 4M 17.5 49.8 1,326 1,650 1,686 7.8 29.3 1,501] 76.9 6.9 3.47 639| 14.33 1,047] 2. 545 485 5,073 5,397 067 30.2 70.5 5,154 67,3 26,9 3.37 2,826 20,28 2,571] 20.9 45.6 2,21, 2,546 2,706 15.5 46.2 2,661] 54,0 13,5 3.2 1,035] 15.18 1,671 8.4 15.9) 1,382 4,753 5,404 244 30.3 65,8 5,343] 47.2 30,3 3.61 3,300 21.14 2,104 11,3 21.4 3,361 5,155 5,579 063 33.1 74.0 5,482 65.3 2443 3.55 2,909| 20.24 2,670 22,4 52.3 3,328 Mahnomen. 1,828 1,879 0.6 7.8 29,0 1,780 62,0 8.3 4,06 808 11.53 1,071 1.6 8.3 278 Marshall... 045 4,309 4,507 049 9.3 35.1 4y274| 64.8 9.9 3.9% 1,427 13,2 3,p80 3.2 9.8] 2,110 Martin. ....... 5,876 6,393 1.2 37,0 75,1 6,255 53,7 33.8 3.61 3,595] 23.46 2,798 15.3 48.3 4,977 Meoker, ..o.ouss 4,570 4,857 067 24.4 71.5 £4,756] 59,1 26,2 3,68 2,171 19,06 2,686) 15,9 53.8 2,068 Mille Lacs,.....048] 4,696 4y942 05 12,1 47.7 4,133] 65,9 12,3 3.4 2,590 15.55 2,352] 4.8 20.3 2,673 MOTT 180N. 4s ss vss049) .6y 6,908 Ook 13.7 45.1 6,321" 66,7 11,9 3.87 3,079] 17.51 8,028) 4.8] 17 2,529 1Remainder of Duluth-Superior Metropolitan Area (038) is in Wisconsin. 210 TABLE 3—SELECTED DATA FOR METROPOLITAN AREAS AND FOR ALL COUNTIES, BY STATE—Continued (Figures which have been rounded to thousands will not necessarily add to totals) Table 3 Part 4 - Agriculture MICH., Sanilac (076) = ¥INN., Morrison (C49) a AGRICULTURE—1945 AGRICULTURE—1940 Value of farm products sold, | Principal Poy Mii So Work power traded, or used by source of Per- fe prop farm household farm income | Type- METROPOLITAN cent of- Metro. AREAS, Number of | Land in | Cropland | Number | of farms Percent from— farming: Bog Area | COUNTIES, farms farms | harvested | of farms | farms | Number : area | lov Code AND (1000's | (1000s oper- | of | poi Aver-| Tf A Live- le od CODES Jan. 1, of of April 1, | ated pti od hols) age | horses | Number (1000's stock Code P See fg 1945 acres) acres) 1940 by ¢ ( sl per | andlor of $| and See | Per index tena yiey of farm i t of live- | C 5 | cent | p43 less mules ractors rops | p.422) dollars) | (dol- dollars) | stock ants | thon i) (over 3 $400 18) | mo. old) prod ucts 8) “9) (50) Gn G2) (3) (4) (55) (56) 6D (8) (9) (60) 1) (62) 63) (64) MICHIGAN=~Con, All Counties—Con. Sanilac.........076 4,625 583 337 4,897| 18.9 12.3| 30,.879| 6,306 13,439 1,927 7.316 49.9] 37.5 5 | 36.7 Mal 127 7 478 40 10 382| 10.2] 47.6 1,261 3,301 u77 8 269| 49.2 3.5 5 | 30.2 43 85 3,002 136 Ju | 22.9) 21.5 2u,162| 7, 6,590 1,672 4,175 53.6 ged 5 15.4 441 127 3,985 261 L590 | 19.5) 21.6| 32,554 7,092 9.598 2,123 6,826 38.5 9.9 5 | 48.5 Wl 125 4,089 328 157 4,348 16.0( 37.0| 24,97 5,744 6,841 1,328 4,166 35.1] 49.8 7 | 29.8 125) 121 3,006 375 193 3.363] 19.0 27.6] 32,752 9,739 7.617 1,695 5,13 69.41 19.2 2 | 28.9 Wilf 138 3,676 173 103 3,552 | 21.4 57.4) 3,729 9,777 3,645 1,624 3,7 32.5] 56.5 8 | 26.2 hu1| 136 1,030 147 4 1,336] 12.4 bug 4,129) 3,091 2,051 209 g46| 53.6] 20.6 2 | 29.2 431| 104 MINNESOTA..... | 188,952 | 33,140 | 18,559 | 197,351 | 32.3| 16.4 11,865,499| 9,453 | 636,593 | 105,075] 3u4,076| 56.5 30.7 5 | 28.8 118 METRO. COUNTIES.. 14,901 1,316 537 16,489 | 14.8| 45.3| 96,591 5.858 | 23,578 5,403] 16,287 58.6] 24.9 Metro areas: 038 [Duiuth-Superior(pt)® on Kiri 45101065 6,83 584 158 7.932| 8.0| 62.6] 2u4,374| 3,073 5.316 2,520 3.985 55.1 12.0 2 | 38.8 nneapolis=8t. 002,027,062,082 8,048 732 33% 8,557| 21.2| 29.3| 72,216) 8,439 | 18,262 2,883] 12,302| 59.7 29.1 OTHER COUNTIES... | 174,051 | 31,84 | 18,021 | 180,862 | 33.9| 13.85(L,768,248| 9,777| 613,015| 99.672] 327,788 | 56.4) 31.0 All Counties: Altkin....e.....001 2,264 297 81 2,858 | 19.2| 37.1 8,556 2,994 4,727 683 2,055 | 62.3 11.2 2 3-2 431| 100 1,554 210 90 1,627] 23.7] 30.7 9,899| 6,084 3,597 597 1,891 76.0 | 11.4 2 | h.y 21 1m 3,062 Skl 220 3,321 | 29.0 25.4| 15,539] 4,679 9,760 905 3,229 | 61.5) 18.8 2 | 28.8 w21| 98 Beltrami........00 2,345 336 99 2,596 | 12.3 u3.0 8,096) 3,119 4,215 % 1,666| 50.0 21.6 2 [27.4 un| 8 Benton. ....s....005 1,516 27 137 1,615 28, 9.1| 10,309 6,383 5.553 547 2,253 | 64.9] 15.8 2 | 30.2 421 11 Big Stonme.......006| 1,027 in 196 1,131 | 57.6| 6.8] '12,601(11,141 4,260 901 2,552 | 38.5 52.8 5 | 52.2 528 126 Blue Rarth......007 3,075 63 301 3,046 | 36.2] 5.7 us. 3 14,883 | 11,006 2,313 6,866 | 61.3 27.7 1 | 32.5 k22| 130 Brown...........008 | 2,086 379 238 2,073] 35.3 2.5 33,b3116,127 8,832 1,68 5,650 50.1 37.7 5 | 35.2 4¥22| 132 Carlton.........009 2,469 238 7 2,510 ( 11.5| 40.8 10,069| 4,012 3,446 790 1.781 | 68.4] 10.0 2 | i5.2 431 | 104 CArvereees.. s..010 1,987 220 13 2,053| 25.5| 6.8| 25,512|12,427 7.540 8659 4,088 77.3 8.6 2 | 40.7 k22( 126 Ca88e.cecesnnnss0ll 2,052 327 100 2,530 | 21.3| 44.5 7.834] 3,096 5,175 452 1,590 | 63.5 6.8 2 | 33.3 4¥31| 90 Obippeva........012 | 1,710 358 250 1,757| 45.2] 6.0| 23,307/|13,265 6,898 1,452 4,222 u5.4| us.8 5 | 45.1 523| 128 Chisage.........0L 1,878 239 103 2,035 | 27.1| 15.6| 13,098] 6,436 5,115 615 2,382 Tha 9.9 2 | 40,2 21 120 C1872 vers snaseeddD 2,097 6271 332 2,128 | 4,2 7.6| 20,176] 9.481 9,057 1,483 4,300] 38.2] 53.2 5 | 52.0 M2| 118 Clearvater......015 1,643 275 91 1,803 | 19.7( 32.7 6,863| 3.806 4,005 533 1, 5.8) 22.3 2 | 21.3 431 93 BOK it sv sin wie026 1 17h 13 3 161 6.8) 64.0 492| 3,058 91 2 75] 47.5) 11.0 0 2-0 un 8s Cottonwood......017 2,028 405 290 1,978| 40.7] 3.3| 32,560|16,461 7.868 1.7 6,341 48.1 u5.1 5 | 45.0 5241 130 Crow Wing.......018 1,759 2m 78 2,076 | 20.2] 43.1 7,487| 3.606 3,746 388 1,387| 62.5 5.2 2 | 33.7 in| 97 Dakotao....0.ses019 | 2,172 331 215 2,358 gi: 15.9 26,782(11,358 7.858 1. 4,247] 64.3). 23.8 2 | 35.0 22| 126 Dodge... e.s...020 1,742 268 157 1,796 | 43.71 7.2] 19,531[10,875 6,622 1,206 3,311 77.3] 10.2 1 | 34h 22! 129 Douglas.........021 2,551 393 229 2,695 | 29.5| 14.0| 18,146] 6,733 9.219 1,023 3.55 | 66.8] 14.2 2 | 31.6 21 116 Faribault.......022 2,500 Ls 322 2,525| WO.b| 3.8) M6,238[18,312 9,857 2,119 8,576] 55.4 37.8 5 oo 24 | 135 PL11ROT@0 00 i0s02 3,089 526 292 3,169 | 42.3 7.5| 32,939(10,39% | 13,212 1,512 5,691 76.2 10.6 1 5.5) 22| 125 Froeborne.e.....024 | 3,035 bh 28 3,069| 39.0| 5.9| 38,795[12,64Y( 10,593 2,309 7.344 | 65.7] 25.0 1 | 33.6 u22| 127 G004hUe.. 00s ..00025 3,008 26! 3,037) 39.9 7.6| 33,358/10,984 | 11,kko 1,905 5.647 66.5 20.7 2 | 32.1 k22| 129 OT8Rteseeoosess 026 1,346 336 212 1,384 | 49.6 5.1 13.58 9,825 5,267 1,079 W357 3 u5.20 . 5 | us,2| 528! 127 07% |Honnepin........027 3,761 252 142 4,215| 21.8] 30.3( 39,081 9,262 8,062 1,367 W005 53,7 34.5 2 3:3 k22| 132 Houst0n.......0.028 1,79 336 137 1,845 36.5 7.8 18,355 9.948 6,836 875 2,984 75.8 9.5 1 5 y22| 12 Bubbard.........029 1,284 221 8 1,489 | 27.8| 37.7 4,229| 2,840 2,859 294 936| 58.9] 10.2 2 | 32.3 ul 9 I080tie.. 00ers. 030 1,756 24g 104 1,95 | 29.3] 21.9 8,910| 4,555 4, m2 549 1,781 60.8] 21.4 2 | 331 421| 116 Itasca..........031 2,772 268 70 3.105 9.8| 57.6 9,306 2.997 3,485 517 1,542 wi a3. 0 | 3u.6 431 104 2.276 ilo 321 2,285 | uWi.0 2.1| 42,823(18,741 9,029 2,014 7,528 aa 33 5 irs 524 134 »625 226 82 1,755 | 27.2] 24.3 7.608| 4,335 4.418 478 1,452) 78.6 3.9 2 | u.9 k21| 110 2,620 pe 303 2,619 0.2 7.5| 26,828(10,244 10,128 1.715 5.770| 53.7 35.9 5 | 35.6] 523| 120 1,430 547 308 1.48 | 24h 11k] au.261 9. 3.925| 1,167 3.3% | 27.1] 63.9 5 | 63.9 342] 112 1,267 166 us 1,552 | 7.2] 52.6 5.217 3,361 1,762 be eg | W.9| 26.3 0 | 27.8 un 8 2,065 Lugs 23 2,094 52-3 ae 26,651(12,727 8,216 1,749 k,925| 40.0] 50.6 5 | 50.4 523| 130 yy 28 | 5. .0 1,242] 3,022 202 hi) 154 | 61.3 3.1 2 3.6 k31| 9s 154 53 1,072| 6.6 “5g 3,988] 3,720 1,288 wu3 168| 31.1 50.0 5 .9 wn 92 2,028 274 170 2,125 | 26.9 .1| 26,238)12,3u7 8,159 1,159 3,868] 59.3] 23.9 1 | 32.8 u22| 129 1,581 133% 229 1,564 | 47.4) 2.9 18,468(11,821 6,644 1,079 3.460 49.3 .3 5 | 39.3 524 | 126 2,027 ite 287 1,976 | 51.7] 3.5 3.0 15,048 8,554 1,5% 5,932 43.0 0.2 5 | 48.3 524 | 127 2,497 308 210 504 | 28.7| 3.3] 31,368[12,527 9,393 1,h78 5.415) 63.8) 20.0 2 | 28.8 k22| 128 910 220 Wo 983 | 31.8) 23.8 5,016] 5,103 3.762 3% 1,048) 59.3 19.2 2 | 25.7 y21| 92 2,635 860 2,879 | 28.0| 13.9| 21,099| 7.329 8,378 2,155) b,33| 37.2] 49.9 5 | 49.8 3u2| 113 Martine ..o.oo.. 046 2,539 uy i» 2.957 48.0| 2,9) us,136[18,85| 10,177 2,164 8,952 51.9] M1.0 5 | 39.6 524 | 136 Mookeroo...... 0047 L432 in : 2hy 2, 36.4 5.8] 26,705(10,751 9,197 1,447 5.167 %9.9| 29.5 5129.1 h22| 125 Mille Lacs,.....OM8 1,976 3 92 2,132] 24.5| 18.1] 10,538) b,943 5,075 583 2,094 | 69.9 9.7 2 | 38.3 u21| 106 Morrison. .ec... 09 | 3,330 538 269 3.418 | 24.3] 18.8] 18,895] 5,528] 10,806 873] 3.37] 69.2 7.8 2 | 36.1 u21| 106 The State total includes $641,149 for silver foxes and/or mink over:3 months old (kept in captivity) not distributed to individual counties. inder of Duluth~Supericr Metropolitan Area (028) is in Wisconsin. TAR O—AT—15 211 Table 5 TABLE 3—SELECTED DATA FOR METROPOLITAN AREAS AND FOR ALL COUNTIES, and Retail Trade BY STATE—Continued MICH., Sanilac (076) = MINN., Morrison (049) (All dollar figures have been rounded to thousands and will not necessarily add to totals) ro 080843 7 - MANUFACTURING ESTABLISHMENTS—1939 MINERAL INDUSTRIES—1939 RETAIL ESTABLISHMENTS—1939 METROPOLITAN Mel COUNTIES Value added ue adde: Code AND : Wage Wigs Vike 4 by manufac- Yilte of Number Wa es. and Nonder of Sales Active Employees Pay roll CODES Number ( (1000s of F000 ture f ucts o ties umber of | (1000's of | pro- (average (1000's of average | dollars) ( s of (1000's of (1000's of | persons | (1000's of | stores dollars) | prietors for dollars) for year) dollars) dollar) dollars) | engaged | dollars) year) ars (®) 6) on __ (68) ®) T) a 2) _® 4) (0) (6) an CHIGAB=~Co! All Counties Con. Sanilac. 23 181 136 1,874 627 439 6,822 135 Yug ly fe o 16 351 392 2,407 1,161 (2) (1) (1) 1 2,783 106 255 5 Shiavasse: oo 47 1,563 1,520 6,892 3,154 402 197 270 579 12,641 545 1.353 1,535 Tuscola, 25 623 621 4,056 1,551 196 308 4us5 466 9,156 b52 736 578 Van Buren....... 54 1,148 980 6,474 3,082 (2) (1) (2 646 10,472 621 6 82 Washtenav, 118 4,852 6,494 31,613 16,106 (2) (2) - A 1,295 35.786 1,159 wan 3.972 037 haynes 2s 2.63 25.199 51.99 2.19 3 1.063.003 2,%06 u63 790 01 792,901 20,875 91,991] 105,163 0XT0rdeccconcssd » ’ ’ . [Combined Counties 3368 | 351,855 88,472 560,021 asin 5,929 1,170 1,752 kgs 341 = i Yk MINEESOTA,.... &,008 79.753 96,887 845,772 310,628 98,711 8,027 13,156 Lo, uug| 1,017,195) 38,932| 106,282| 104,204 METRO. COUWPINS.. | 2,001 50,974 462,917 “438,417 4208, 701 S75,188 | 5,101 9,948 18,567 581,488 | 14,379 65.219 70,439 Metro areas: 038 BRS ot (JOD eednrseiraiur 22 4,580 6,1 bo, , ’ , , PUR 5 A00Cat Hi NE 3 5 56 905 18,101 72,296 4,899 8,572 3.103 80,255 2,85 8,977 9.056 002,087,062 , 00 1,778 46,394 756,761 7391,512 7190,610 eg32 8202 ®376 12,454 471,233 11,525 56,2u2| 61,383 OTHER COUNTIS... | 2,007 28,778 33,970 “413,355 101,017 25,583 | 52,926 y,208 24,891 u65,707| 24,553] 41,063] 33,765 17 105 79 820 159 1 1 240 24 801 6,110 3.149 {3 {3 fs ie 21363 2 13 iH 21 32 85 1, 241 (2 (1) (1 295 5,370 2n 490 ko? 26 289 2uk 1,639 631 (2 (2) 4 376 7,515 356 786 819 29 un 552 3.691 1,276 (1 (1) 1) 250 3.75% 2ug 313 222 9 26 3 u27 95 (2) (2) (2) 27 .703 215 1 238 60 536 3 7.069 2,449 149 50 6 620 12 ,166 608 1 o 1. 2 ug n3 601 7.757 2,490 1 (2) (1) 383 8,890 385 786 708 n 1,808 2,063 13,299 7,160 (2 (1) (2) 335 6.361 38 430 437 28 301 270 3,484 765 (2) (2) (1) 293 4, bok 306 321 228 22 16 115 na 238 15 RN 2 2 18 17 11 105 1,801 hd a : a 2 oa 3% 28 1 1l 3,428 50 289 2,992 2M 218 147 19 13 139 2, : 570 (2) (2) (1) 524 7.886 317 754 jt 11 9 38 8 152 1,963 140 173 122 13 228 (2) (1) (2) 6 8 6k 82 2 Cottonwood......017 15 38 36 u23y 89 BS 4, i 228 388 oe bru Ying... gle 2 x io : uo Hp 5 >= 3,406 515 697 a 9.914 2 861 Tu2 eves oo . " » » 83 27 27 1 10,935 545 2! 87 Dodge... ever... 020 19 67 53 1,240 165 176 2,747 180 > 2% as. ..021 29 9k oh 1,780 ns 58 6,058 u2 2 428 Faribeul +4022 3 us2 232 3,260 983 lor 15% ok 2 463 Fillmore 02! i i 91 2,052 28% (2) (1) (1) u68 6.14 Lugs ug2 347 Prooborn ..02! : 1,587 19,538 3.255 u26 10,78 375 1,003 968 Goodhue. ........025 65 1,362 1,8 12,591 3,426 (1) (1) (1) 527 10,515 525 935 831 Orante...e.00.0.026 10 22 22 683 78 170 2,197 166 201 140 O75 |Hennepin........027| 1,143 26,957 84,800 229,138 109,006 611 116 202 7.671 287,487 7.04 34,503 38,324 Houston veees028 18 37 33 788 128 23 3,301 2! 266 119 Bubbard, oo... ..029 10 22 17 338 5 0 157 2,36 154 205 136 Teantie..reass 00 3 ™ 6 1,033 221 ; 171 2.43 164 219 159 104031 42 65; 637 3.76 1,479 20,750 1,822 2,961 450 8,169 406 725 667 032 17 5 % 2 132 219 4,12 221 337 249 ~03 10 32 36 688 92 (1) BY R 138 2,009 129 188 124 vow e03 26 120 114 1,662 469 (2) 1 1) 386 8,271 403 127 60% K4tt80n. +00 ee00.035 7 19 1h 3285 5 177 3,007 172 2u8 185 Koochiching.....036 21 1,577 (1) (1) (1) . 30 %,183 280 hy 431 Lec qui Parle...037 13 27 2 by 93 0 33 35 2 3.607 234 302 197 Lakeoseeoesnooes038 10 127 111 2 209 (2) (2) (3) 131 2.27 132 209 166 Lake of the ir 17 16 11 190] 2 127 1,440 125 117 88 Le Sueur........0 23 180 us2 7,010 2,547 (1) (2) (2) 304 4,696 332 349 25 14000100. 0us.00s04 12 u2 38 638 93 159 2.218 155 156 11 LYOR..oeosssss. OU2 21 139 115 1,927 428 357 8,330 370 THE 566 McLeod... wis 32 183 163 8,054 835 378 6.789 363 559 uy MaRNOmOD, . veer es 6 26 21 320 60 8 1,322 85 102 17 Marshalle...... 048 13 28 » 67 87 247 5,487 220 301 208 Martin, ..... vee sOME n 66U ug2 3.963 1,448 406 8.671 7 608 671 Moker. , O47 33 167 121 2,u57 415 3 nk 4,977 308 i an Mille L ..048 17 u6 6 1,108 145 8) 8) {4 2%6 4,259 249 29 319 Morrison... ,....049 33 129 129 2,247 463 (2 (2 (2 480 5,668 5h uss 361 1Not shown because of disclosure of operations of individual estsblishments. Date included in Combined Counties et end of State. %Inoludes ull ovunties where fig- ures are not shown sepurately because of disclosure of operations of individual estublishmentu. %Inoludes sl] estublishments and wage earners of counties for which weyes end velue dutu were withheld to @void disclosure. The "Combined Counties™ figure for number of establishments is excluded from the State total, since this item was shown for every county. Whenever dsta on wisge earners have been withheld, that portion of the "Combined Counties® figure represented by such date is tnoiuded in the cor- responding Btute total. . %Une County, Washington (082), which should be included in the "Metro Counties” total is inoluded in the "Uther Counties" totsl,since it is got pussible to present sepurute figures for this county. ®Two counties, Anoka (002) and Washington (082), which whould be included tn the "Metro Counties" total wre 5 cluded in the "Uther Counties” totul, wince it is not possible to present separate figures for these counties. SRemainder of Duluth - Superior Metropolitan area (038) is in Wisconsin. "Excludes Wushington County (OHR) for which dats wre not shown separately. ®Excludes Washington County (08:2) und Anoka County (002) for which datas sre not shown uepurately. 212 TABLE 3—SELECTED DATA FOR METROPOLITAN AREAS AND FOR ALL COUNTIES, BY STATE—Continued (ALL dollar figures have been rounded to thousands and will not necessarily add to totals) Table § Part 8 - Other liconomic Data MIeH., Sanilac (076) - MINN. , Morrison (049) ns rr SILBAE SERVICE ESTABLISHMENTS—1939 BANK UosTS : iy ik Majors vat rvaply Major war fective June 1940-5 = 1945 | June 1940] 0 1945 METROPOLITAN Et Bond (1000's of dollars) (1000's of dollars) Metro. ARE sales 1944 i COUNTIES, Number Number . [Employees Total | (1000's of AND of Sales of Rots Active (verege Pay roll (demand Time | dollars at CODES estab- (1000's of estab- A proprie-| © fo 1000's | and time) | (1000's |issye price) lish- | dollars) | lish- dollars) | tors year) dollars)| (1000's | of dollars) ments ments of dollars) Combat Other Industrial | Military equipment wi a eo | on |e | a ®) 5) (88) en | @ 5) 50) on MICHIGANemCon « Counties—Con., 514 12 2 110! 30 21 9.961 5,159 1,286 : 3 oo. 33 % 36) n 30] 2,610 1,267, 440 69 5,651] 187 537 197 118 115 17.749 10,306 2,976 5,610 3,846) 3,383 63] 5,199) 145 Log 147 82 57 14,201 8,766) 2,012 698 63) 994 170 5031 172] kL gi 1k,788 5,545 2,288 94 3h J ae 466 2,575| 476] 810 812) 60,538] 32,166 10,954 1,316,128 20,447 98,55 5,169 037 2,9%)| 1,357,154 10,432] 81,059 10,231] 23,434 28,496] 2,088,248 737,683] 409,84 10,103,921 1,003,738 626,56 19,501 301 3.173 ™ 228] ™ 95 53 5.399 3.169 823 » 168 CEHiP ews ens hated is 2109 3, a 70,8 S442 MINNESOTA.....} 6,460 1,458,224 14,063] 63,963 14,586] 18,606] 18,111f 1,583,935 644,055 262,368] 1,054,216 539,916 329,503) 8,057 METRO. COUNTIES..| 2,452 1,060,513 6,442 41,429) 6,453 13,568 14,071] 967.680 349,500 125,162] 1,008,221 496,211 159, 744 7.518 Metro areas: 038 | DulutheSuperior(pt)¥ A evs srermervesed b, 434 ,021 1,281 1,268) 121,091 55,439 20,975) 75,535) 25,089) 8,941) 075 |Minpeapolis-St.Paul «e .002,027,06€,082 36,995 5,432] 12,287] 12,803] 846,589 294,061] 104,187 932,686 471,122 150,803 7,518 OTHER COUNTIES... 22,534 8,133 5,038] 4,0%0] 616,248 294,551 137,205 45,995 43,705 169,759 539 170) 111 = 28 4,186 2,182 768 075 172] 57! 31 4,304 2,611 9l9 106,246) 21,510] 180) 75 uy 35) 6,042 3,125 1,242 307 161 89 66} 5.381 2,463 1,175 130 76 29 19 3,869 1,965 818 101 72] 20 14 3,466 1,074 950! 971 262] 225 199 19,713 9.031 3,800 324 1,633 351 Lizz 111 1k 96 12,890 7,255) 2,183 825 202 93 33 26 6.828 3,766 1,678 5,523 234) 95! 36) 25 9.453 6,500 997 135 95 32, 1 3.239 1,381 890. 87 214 59 58 3 6.915, 3,025 1,712 96 59 13 6) 5,186 3,219 915 89 82] 283 7 81 (34 8,367 3,082 2,063 512 86 59 20} 9 3,149 1,684 616 62) 31 3h 21 540 249) 152 200 86 30 7,200 3,007 1,594 233 564 188 136 93 10, a1 5,209 1,576 290) 1,759 116 377 522) 20,784 8,852 4,103 3,126 162,593) 143 57 15) 11 k,291 1,852 926 = 239 101 65 Ih 7.311 3.931 1,638 416 427 145 7 60 13,405 5,960 3,060 351 a 169 59 ko) 12,258 6,683 2,511 5 1314 111 101, 12,168 4,722 W971 9,269 38) 501, 153 119 108 15,782 9,070 2,851 3,648 11; 52 1h 10| 4,012 1,935 973 075 24,656] 3,483] 7.690 8,488 587,165 215,148 66,509 549,028 373,450 8,367 7.518 162 68 29 15 7.384 4,325 1.297 101 51 30 17 1,797 676 521 162 53 53 38 4,199 2,583 705 263 318 160 112 72 8,826 5,093 2,102 64 133 63 27 23 6.815 2,550 2,058 351 ko 29 9 i 2,028 951 630 370 117 90 67 9,158 4,718 2,052 351, 16 54 15 8 2,732 38k 1,092 247 134 8k 60) 4,013 2,360 978 840 9k 59 12 7 k,646 2,130 1,639 126 63 31 19 2,865 2,055 662 38 32 8 3 1,547 758 266 199 98 39 23 6,958 4,002 2,069 351 91 L9 9 6 2,784 B74 1,012 32h 113 mn 54 10,562 3.157 2,895 322 152 51 35 8,198 L,382 1,705 351 32 3 6 3 1,139 213 363 124 66 26 20 5.710 2,217 1,652 ug2 12 110 86 13,014 5.033 3.135 197 351 Meeker. .... 191 8 37 26) 7,030 3,663 1,808 639 Mille Lacs. 130 70 18 10 3,7k2 1,588 784 186 Morrison...... 230 122 56 31 7.161 480 1.204 since number of establisiments is shown for individual counties. establishments, *Undistributed. igum of establishments in counties for which sales data are withheld to avoid disclosing operations of individual establishments. combined figure for counties having sales data withheld to avoid disclosing operations of individual 4Remainder of Duluth Superior Metropolitan Area (038) is in Wisconsin. 213 It is excluded from the State total KITTSON ROSEAU — Gs a me) t Lake to wa a ss of ns i sn 1—44 . . MARSHALL § Te et fn es se] x Ls 3 RED LAKE _ | LR p— | ! i POLK { sh ear =f uf e -f Fl i got Si NORMAN | MAHNOMEN | ' 1 rs pdr ols BECKER CLAY o ) : i cme 1 WILKIN OTTER TAIL 1 cir. | oo DOUGLAS TRAVERSE ! ¢ -— — STEVENS | POPE 4 1 BIG STONE L . <4 “ LAC Qui PARLE SWIFT . CHIPPEWA rd r ol 4 frm me mm sed enn om op whee te ve] KANDIYOH} a MINNESOTA 87 COUNTIES OF THE WOODS KOOCHICHING BELTRAMI J——— vast ITASCA o, | \rq ) L y \ HUBBARD a - — — — § Limon of - ¢ b 1 wp) ' ! # ' AITKIN | r ‘ 1 WADENA ! i A | CROW WING | ree Too) ' e dba ' | V——meed f= PINE Toop 1 MILLE 8 ’ | MORRISON etd r J 1 | xanaeec | l.< ms mi i ai \ BENTON | » ’ Nem de kL 3 ISANTI » me : STEARNS LL 1 Mc LEOD | rg YELLOW MEDICINE iN RENVILLE <4 ods hey |S == = ——— Te r bd ~ scott 5 T J 2 i SIBLEY few wr es LINCOLN won 1 ~~ a ! | Oy sitar JS LE suEUR | mice GOODHUE 3d . 1 | | LEGEND @ PLACES OF 25,000 TO 100,000 (1940) % PLAGES OF 100,000 AND OVER (1940) METROPOLITAN AREAS METROPOLITAN AREAS - WABASHA fo «> cm in — > BROWN “~. - 1 nm a a. - - CODE 1 Pl Ped Tt + Pe Thee 38 DULUTH, MINN-SUPERIOR, WISC. rresrone| murray | corronwooo Y Vas coroian i BLUE EARTH borias STEELE i 0ODGE I ue J eo OR 75 MINNEAPOLIS-ST. PAUL 1 ! s ee fm ema mh meen mpm fend a ' . NOBLES | JAGKSON MARTIN ; FARIBAULT ; FREEBORN i MOWER FILLMORE | HOUSTON 214 * LEGEND PLACES OF 25,000 TO 100,000 (1940) METROPOLITAN AREAS PLACES OF 100,000 AND OVER (1940)/NONE = og, CLAIBORNE MIS SISSIPPI 82 COUNTIES | To IN . ALCORN - 1 DE SOTO . ny BENTON ! by, ! s V~ aaa - 4 MARSHALL i i TIPPAH — — “4 i - x : 4 1 : ' 1 2 TUNICA TATE PRENTISS - 1 L—- Lae 3 | -— — -———— : 1 vee aha N r- No | ' ~~ COAHOMA 1 QUITMAN . | PANOLA % \ = — = do | LAFAYETTE homed T 8 PONTOTOC SN te | ITAWAMBA ! ees be pam nape darren R I | vaosusua | T ' - . 1 TALLAHATCHIE ox 1 CALHOUN | CHICKASAW ONO -— ’ | msn SS Pl pred ae | = : | se or soe et : CLAY haw ipso rd : | & : WEBSTER 4 . unmoneal LEFLORE I : & | i oe = 8 f | % y SanRoLL L¢ 3 e > 3 okveemin: AT owes ‘ - 4 I< ~~ s | oroctaw i SATHIGTON Lage \dg “~o ~~ w mln wp flues amg ar ont so me ] numernersd > : ! - - Hokus ! ATTALA [4 WINSTON ' NOXUBEE ¢ Un s ; snanxey, b= = = Se. J on fn = ype se oe 2 0 bd I ' - ¢ ' 8 oS YARD J I LEAKE § NESHOBA KEMPER Seon or. ad : | | » MADISON A 4 r= Of bm 0 —- fn = —— wales 5 se 5 mo " 7 J \ i | WARREN ' SCOTT ! NEWTON ' LAUDERDALE 7. (JACKSON ) | MERIDIAN sani RANKIN i 1 [oom finesse SMITH JASPER CLARKE METROPOLITAN AREAS CODE S7 JACKSON | SIMPSON - COPIAH N o a. 3 A XL. a + - JEFFERSON A Se = 1 ' a formas a 1 L COVINGTON ! WAYNE -— — — wk = JONES 1 1 uncows a \ : | ADAMS ® FRANKLIN ’ ' I x | 3 a" T!- ple se om mm nls emf gw Ps pon smn nals wpe —— i : ’ ’ i | | L MARION 1 Lamar ! S$ ; I GREENE WILKINSON ’ AMITE 3 PIKE & ¥ permy | | | | ——— hy ' : “ i ; 1 1 3 1 \ - alas “ny — ye + T "= T" ceonae 1 STONE PEARL RIVER | k x ' kaa tome k posal 1 . 1. | ackson ol : HARRISON : Hancock | Table 3 Part 1 - Population WINN., Mower (050) = MISS., George (020) TABLE 3—SELECTED DATA FOR METROPOLITAN AREAS AND FOR ALL COUNTIES, BY STATE—Continued aro mnt TOTAL POPULATION POPULATION—1940 EDUCATION VITAL 1940 STATISTICS ESTIMATED 1944 CIVILIAN Total whi POPULATION Land | Pop- otal white Percent of METROPOLITAN i. S. area | ulation population 25 Metro. AREAS, rank in per years old and Area COUNTIES, Number of |Percent| 0 sq. over who have Code 30 oulies change i: mile Percent Usb Rural Rural completed— Percent| April | n of rban f f : pri nonfarm arm Births | Deaths Number change 1940" | percen- 1930- | 1940 | 1940 Number | total N files) | 1940 opu- 5 or Hi hed + | 1940- more bh 1943 1940 grades | S€h°° [0] @) ®) “) 5) (6) om ®) ©) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) MINNESOTA—Con. All Counties—Con, 34,490 -4.5 36,113 21 28.7 703 | 51.4 36,093 | 99.9 18,307 5,714 12,092 95.0 25.9 857 304 12,893 | -14.4 15,060 60 8.3 708 | 21.3 15,059 | 100.0 4,883| 10,177| 93.5) 17.5 366 87 17,143 | -6.2 18,282 51| 10.5 459 | 39.8 18,227 | 99.7 9,37 | 1,211 7,624] 92.5] 19.9 289 428 19,081 | -10.1 21,215 43 18.9 712 | 29.8 21,211 | 100.0 5,918 4,916 10,381 95.5 19.9 475 154 11,545 | -21.7 14,746 61 4.9, 885 | 16.7 14,742 | 100.0 5,214 9,532 93.1 16.0 257 112 37,155 | -12.9 42,658 17 20.4 655 | 65.1 42,628 | 99.9 26,312 4,674 11,672 96.2 33.6 905 543 44,458 | -16.4 53,192 12 4.8 2,000 | 26.6 53,112 | 99.8 10,848 9,883 82,461 87.4 15.7 956 627 10,676 -17.3 12,913 66 23.1 622 | 20.8 12,911 | 100.0 6,019 1,178 5,716 91.0 20.9 247 136 17,386 | -19.1 21,478 42 6.0] 1,412] 15.2 21,130 | 98.4 6,657 | 14,821| 87.2] 14.0 391 179 12,825 =7.0 13,79 63 12.7 464 | 29.7 13,687 99.2 4,602 2,935 6,177 96.4 21.6 291 108 31,670 | -16.1 37,734 20 4.8| 2,012] 18.8 37,713 | 99.9| 10,672 | 6,609| 20,453] 90.5) 18.8 729 s21 11,601 | -14.3 13,544 64 3.5 681 | 19.9 13,539 | 100.0 2,564 | 2,558 8,422| 2.0 17.8 275 124 299,842 «3.3 309,935 1 8.1 160 {1937.1 305,549 | 98.6 293,729 | 12,074 4,132 93.9 31.0 6,685 3,128 6,283 | «15.2 7,413 85 7.6 432 | 17.2 7,413 | 100.0 2,559 4,854 82.7 14.4 179 59 20,264 -9.1 22,290 40 8.1 874 | 25.5 22,041 98.9 3,27 6,206 12,764 9.2 19.1 489 173 21,768 | -11.6 24,625 36 4.1 980 | 25.1 24,623 | 100.0 9,736 | 14,889] 91.1] 17.4 533 187 28,632 | ~11.0 32,160 25 7.3 495 | 65.0 32,097 99.8 19,060 2,541 10,559 85.7 23.8 616 314 8,795 | -19.6 105933 73] -0.3 485 | 22.5 10,929 {100.0 3,014 | 1,746 6,073] 96.3] 18.0 230 68 12,820 | -15.1 15,103 60 | 19.7| 1,676] 9.0 14,990 | 99.3 4,523] 10,580] 87.2] 13.3 308 123 182,944 | -11.6 | 206,917 2 1.1| 6,281] 32.9 205,904 | 99.5| 152,562 | 24,942 | 29,413] e4.1| 25.3] 3,98 2,084 14,267 | -8.5 15,585 58 | 10.4 302 | 44.3 15,507 | 99.8 8,000 7,585] 85.4) 14.1 311 162 8,277 | -20.8 10,456 7% 7.7 438 | 23.9 10,385 | 99.3 2,185 | 2,708 5,563] 92.5| 19.1 173 90 13,655 | -17.9 16,625 55 4.8 581 | 28.6 16,623 | 100.0 5,940| 10,685) 88.8) 13.1 291 124 58,296 | -13.3 67,200 10 8.2 1,356 | 49.6 67,140 | 99.9| 22,20| 18,875| 26,075] 91.3] 18.6] 1,516 575 18,037 | -8.7 19,749 46 6.9 425 | 46.5 19,718 | 99.8 8,694 | 2,351 8,704] 93.7 23.7 382 169 10,033 | -9.1 11,039 72 8.4 570 | 19.4 11,039 | 100.0 3,214 | 1,801 6,024] 94.4] 22.1 268 106 13,434 | -13.2 15,469 59 5.0 747 | 20.7 15,466 | 100.0 2,729 | 4,010 8,730 91.9] 18.8 385 126 22,136 | -19.3 27,438 81 4.8 947 | 29.0 27,431 | 100.0 2,952 | 7,177| 17,409] 89.3] 14.6 502 234 Traverse... 7,153 | -13.6 8,263 82 4.3 572 | 14.5 8,278 | 99.9 3,272 5,011) 91.7| 19.6 194 65 Webasha..... 15,262 | -13.4 17,653 52 0.2 521 | 33.9 17,653 | 100.0 3,204 | 6,388 8,061| 93.1] 20.9 350 191 Wadena. .........080 11,618 | -9.0 12,772 66 | 16.2 536 | 23.8 12,771 | 100.0 2,916 | 2,183 7,723] 85.2] 16.0 263 140 Waseca. . 13,409 | -11.7 15,186 59 5.4 415 | 36.6 15,182 | 100.0 4,270 2,789 8,127 91.8| 19.7 296 19 075 |Weehington.... 25,945 | -1.8 26,430 83 6.8 390 | 67.8 26,350 | 99.7 9,648 | 8,497 8,287 93.4| 21.8 497 263 Watonwan........083 12,573 { -9.6 13,902 83 8.6 | . 433] 32.1 13,894 | 99.9 3,400 | 38,452 7,000 93.6] 21.0 269 116 Wilein....o..s...084 9,314 | -11.1 10,475 74 7.0 752 | 13.9 10,473 | 100.0 2,746 | 1,828 5,902 92.2] 18.6 220 78 Winona... 32,705 | -13.5 37,795 20 7.5 625 | 60.7 37,775 | 99.9| 22,498 | 5,379 9,926| 93.0 23.9 657 372 Wright. ..eon....086 24,757 | -10.1 27,550 31 1.6 671 | 41.1 27,550 | 100.0 9,443| 18,107] 86.9] 16.0 490 265 Yellow Medicine.087 15,302 | -9.5 16,917 55 1.8 758 | 22.3 16,813 | 99.4 6,698| 10,219] 93.4| 17.9 332 128 MISSISSIPPI....| 1,996,333 | -8.6 2,183,796 8.7 | 47,420 | 46.1 | 1,106,327 | 50.7 | 432,862 | 351,030 | 1,899,884 | 68.2 1v.9] 56,940 20,666 METRO. COUNTY....| 110,836 s.8]| 107,273 26.0 877 | 122.3 51,826 | 48.3 62,107 | 12,156 | ss,010] s0.1| sz.8] 2,706] 1,08 Metro. urea: 057 |Jackson.........025| 110,836 3.3] 107,273 26.0 877 | 122.3 51,826 | 48.3| 62,107 | 12,156 | us,010| s0.1| 32.8] 2,205] 1,088 OTHER COUNTIES...| 1,885,497 | -9.2 [2,076,523 7.9 | 46,543 | 44.6 | 1,004,501 | 50.8 | 70,775 | 338,874 [1,366,874 67.5] 14.9] ve,285| 19,081 All Counties: AGADB.«usesses 001 25,276 | 7.2 27,258 EVI RET 448 | 60.8 10,344 | 38.0 15,296 | 3,99 7,977 63.1 17.8 731 av1 23,719 | -12.1 26,969 sz | 14.0 405 | 66.6 22,246 | 82.5 7,818 | 4,198] 14,958) 79.5] 14.7 574 252 17,219 | -21.4 21,892 411] A%el 729 | 30.0 10,338 | 47.2 3,779 | 18,113] 68.2] 11.7 613 183 25,105 | -16.9 30,227 28 | 16.1 724 | 41.8 16,848 | 55.7 4,200 a7 | z1,761) 73.4] 13.6 757 278 Benton. .........005 7,826 | -25.0 10,429 7% 6.3 a1z | 20.3 5,919 | 96.8 1,138 9,291) 68.2 8.5 244 56 Bolivar.........006 61,383 | -9.2 67,574 10 | -4.9 917 | 73.7 18,070 | 26.7 4,189 [ 11,765 | wv1,620] 48.7) 10.1] 1,848 743 17,620 | -1.7 20,893 43 | 1v.6 v9z | 45.3 16,319 | 78.1 5,438 | 15,499] 79.7] 14.2 467 126 15,618 | -24.4 20,651 44 4. 638 | 32.4 8,836 | 42.8 z,212| 18,439] 64.9 9.3 501 175 . 18,054 | -13.4 21,427 42 2.8 506 | 42.3 11,410 | 53.2 6,170 | 1,207] 71.8] 15.» 527 176 ChOCLAN. +uussss 010 11,146 | -17.7 13,544 64 9.8 417 | s2.8 9,657 | 71.1 2,618 | 10,985) 80.3] 14.2 292 80 Clatborne.......0Ll 11,221 | -12.4 12,810 66 5.4 466 | 26.4 3,411 | 26.6 2,748 | 1,050 9,012] 60.6) 13.3 266 133 17,004 | =14.8 20,496 44 4.7 697 | 29.4 12,320 | 59.8 7,088 | 13,508] 67.0] 11.8 515 187 16,915 | -11.1 19,030 48 6.1 414 | 46.0 7,496 | 39.4 v,627 | 1,128 | 12,270] 20.7) 17.7 500 191 Oma «ses 44,271 | -8.4 48,553 14 4.3 270 | 84.8 10,991 | zz.7 | 12,068 | 3,89 | az2,z70] bus.o| 12.8] 1,228 519 COPLAR..asraesa OLD 24,460 | -16.2 43,974 2 7.5 781 | 48. 16,107 | 47.4 5,979 | 4,619] 28,376] 69.1] 16.2 828 300 Covington. ......016 19,208 | -10.7 17,080 va | 18.8 416 | 40.9 11,743 | 69.0 3,09 | 13,934] 78.4) 13.0 456 118 De Soto.. 24,086 | <9.7 6,665 uit 4.8 478 | bb.8 7,211 | 27.0 2,900 | 28,708] 5.3 9.7 701 21% Forrent.. 44,238 34,901 zz | 16.9 469 | 74.2 23,963 | 68.7 | 21,026 | 7,023 6,852] 81.3] 28.0] 1,19 438 ¥ranklin. 9,667 12,508 67 1.9 568 | 22.0 7,523 | 60.2 4,539 7,965] 68.9] 11.7 237 118 GONTE® a rasenssallO 8,542 8,704 al 1v. an | 18.1 7,464 | 85.8 3,278 v.46] 75.71 1.7 263 79 216 TABLE 3—SELECTED DATA FOR METROPOLITAN AREAS AND FOR ALL COUNTIES, BY STATE—Continued Table 3 Part 2 - Labor Force MINM., Mower (050) = MISS., George (020) PT LABOR FORCE--1940 Percent of Population 14 Years Old and Over Employed Workers by Industry Group a METROPOLITAN Trans ; In leading Metro. AREAS, P at Business nonagri- Awa| COUNTIES, Percent | Percent posse. and colirak Code AND of 3 J 4 C SRI . | Whole- | personal Otlier In | industry CODES In labor (| [aes (iemacs | Total Agri- . On- | Manufac- | OM gle and | services | yc | agri Total forc who are | who are | loved a Mining | struc- wring | 9" | “retail | exclud- and not |") ° in in ploy tion and ds ne reported ture | Code labor labor oes donate (See | Per- force force Uke soivices ope cent an (18) (19) (20) @1) @) (23) (24) (25) (26) @n (28) 29) 30 | 3h | (2) MINNESOTA-=Con. All Counties—Con. | Mower. .vsveeres 050) 26,693 | 13,964 82.0 20.9 12,911 3,905 17 548 3,670 bul 1,694 1,461 982 |30.2 5 |26.9 MUPTAY ee rersenss 051] 10,830 5,617 83.9 12.9 5,048 3,k12 2 142 69 125 556 2 249 |67.6 | 636 | 5.0 Nicollet........052) 1k, 388 229 67.6 16.1 5,821 2,745 24 252 287 257 3 1,045 372 [47.2 | 036 |12.0 Noblese.......s 05 15,597 7.817 g0.2| 17.3 7.167 3,693 1 300 251 32 1,17 27 509 |51.5 | 636 | 6.2 Norman. .........05 10,987 5,805 81.9| 17.5 '5,031 3,269 2 12 92 163 560 5 338 |65.C | 636 | 5.0 Olmeteds..sese. 055 33,325 17.881 76.7 33.6 16,319 3,929 24 oe 624 637 2,755 6,023 1,389 [24.1 | 636 |24.9 Otter Tail......056) 39,836 18,961 76.2 15.2 16,631 || 10,215 2 3 532 52k 1,825 2,043 1,047 [61.4% | 636 | 7.0 Pennington. .....057 9,729 5,067 79.6 353 y, 3g 1,071 140 1hg 267 08 65 261 |U45.3 | 636 | 7.3 Pine..... »ssnees058 16,002 7.901 76.2| 1b.g 6,719 y,buy 9 102 ech 275 62! 68! 354 166.2 | 636 | 5.5 Pipestone.......059 10,107 5,173 81.3| 18.6 },762 2,162 12 250 162 216 902 672 386 |u5.4 | 636 | 7.1 Polk. + .060| 28,349 | 1k4,452 80.0| 17.7 12,496 6,955 8 300 410 65 1,782 1,095 801 [55.7 | 636 | 6.6 Pope. .061 10,202 5,190 8Y,2) hb 4,561 2,820 1 152 95 241 509 81 252 [62.0 | 36 | 5.7 075 | Ramsey. L062] 248,203 | 133,571 79.2 31.0 | 111,074 1,239 11| 5,174| 24,010 | 13,809 | 26,183 | 25,671 | 12,877 | 1.1 | 636 |10.1 Red Lak: .06 5,156 2,685 82.3] 14.7 2,389 1,471 1 57 126 67 257 257 153 [61.6 | 036 | 5.9 Redwood. ?. .06 16,387 8,079 80.6 1b.1 7.432 . 24 283 186 225 | 976 866 472 59.2 | 636 | 5.8 Renville .065 18,143 9,204 81.2 13.6 8,308 5,273 us 263 18 213 1,010 856 500 [63.5 | 636 | 5.4 066) 24,7 10,993 69.%| 19.2 9,722 3,815 7 310 910 410 1,337 2,201 732 |39.2 | G36 [16.3 8,351 Lu, 83.0| 15. 3,980 2,390 5 140 100 134 532 Lug 230 |60.0 | 636 58 10,7 5.761 83.9 15.4 5,084 3,485 132 120 108 505 pi 314 168.5 | G36 <9 038 165,069 | 85,808 78.0 23.6 61,017 5,287 | u4,869| 2,866 7.092 6,96! 13,682 | 13,60 6,653 | 8.7 | 636 [11.9 11,725 5.273 70.0) 15.0 4,723 2,475 3 178 266 181 729 556 335 [52.4 | 636 | 6.2 8,089 3,304 58.2 pL 2,748 1,598 3 71 116 100 326 335 199 |58.2 | G36 | 7.4 12,59 5,742 75.3] 10.7 5.320 3.759 1 123 172 17 keg 310 70.7 | 636 | 3.8 47,395 | 22,728 THT | 19.% 19,463 7,886 54 520 1,785 1,165 2,909 3,570 1,574 140.5 | 636 |11.5 15,105 7.595 79.6 19.3 7.079 3,270 16 292 597 239 961 1,158 546 (46.2 | 636 | 7.7 8,134 4,223 8l.8| 17.3 3,805 2,099 x 169 92 132 516 508 288 [55.2 | 636 | 6.4 Swift.. 076] 11,501 5.771 80.4| 15.5 5,063 2,8l0 1 165 126 163 8lg 655 264 |56.1 | @36 | 6.9 Todd... we eO7 19,699 9,312 78. 12.3 8,103 5,151 3 191 270 457 800 79 43g [63.6 | 636 | 5.6 Traverse. ...078] 6,112 3,080 8l.k| uz 2,731 1,695 1 114 34 66 33 32 172 |61.5 | 636 | 5.6 Wabasha e..eoens e719 13,324 6,308 78.1] 13.8 5,452 2,919 1 183 318 246 705 709 371 [53.5 | 636 | 7.5 Wadena. ........ .080 9,080 4,477 79.7] 16.1 3,923 2,049 11% 275 136 627 468 254 |52.2 | 636 | 6.0 Waseca....... ve Of 11,541 5,522 78.4 1k,2 i,924 2,799 164 205 215 687 520 334 |56.8 | 636 | 5.3 075 |Washington...... 082] 21,106 9,806 69.6 18.1 8,519 2,604 4 378 1,555 516 1,226 1,140 1,096 |30.6 | 636 | 5.5 Watonwan. .......083| 10,458 5,057 80.2 13.7 +5 2,h12 1 177 103 28k 698 543 328 |53.1 | 636 | 5.8 7.612 ,8U48 80.5| 16.5 3,492 1,926 91 40 331 459 ny 228 [55.2 | 23 | 7.3 29,076 | 1k,536 77.9| 21.8 12,104 3,h22 37 520 2,008 798 2,105 2,0u2 1,172 |28.3 | 636 | 8.6 gl 20,660 9,860 78.5] 12.5 8,783 5,525 1 2718 374 226 947 967 465 162.5 | 636 | 5.7 Yellow Medicine.087 12, 6,312 80.7| 13.3 5,709 3,550 13 199 86 206 759 591 305 [62.2 | G36 | 5.9 MISSISSIPPI......| 1,519,533 | 808,462 81.6 25.5 727,455 || 419,705( 1,917| 24,151 66,765 21,812 59,652 | 60,817 72,636 {57.7 | 636 | 4.2 METRO. COUNTY,,... 79.821 | 47,741 83.4 39.1 42,848 11,230 348 2,470 4, hls 2,600 6,726 7,465 7.564 |26.2 Metro. area: 057 |Jackson....e... .025 79.821 47,741 83.4 39.1 42,848 11,230 3u8 2,470 4,hks 2,600 6.726 7,465 7.564 {26.2 OTHER COUNTIES...| 1,439,712 760,721 81.5| 24.7 | 684,607 uo8,475| 1,569] =21.681| 62,320 | 19,212 | 52,926 | 53.352 | 65,072 |59.7 All Counties: ; 20,381 | 12,223 83.9 38.7 10,489 3,263 Ls 667 1,727 553 1,336 1,132 1,766 [31.1 | 636 | 4.6 19,410 | 10,026 g2.0| 22.5 8,208 3,556 2 302 1,347 351 1,014 69 767 [43.3 71] 6.6 1h, 354 7.668 gh.2| 20.9 7.163 5,232 7 125 692 103 265 358 381 {73.0 9 | 6.8 20,274 | 10,ulk 80.7] 22.8 9,507 5.73 9 419 1,302 123 548 596 777 [60.3 9] 6.2 6,882 3,398 83.0] 14.6 3,027 2,47 79 130 29 93 96 126 [81.7 9] 3.2 47,698 | 28,534 85.5) 34.9 26,905 || 21,006 2| wv Ls2 332 394 1,608 1,306 1,775 {78.1 a36 2.6 14,028 ,628 80.9 | 12.7 5,866 3,799 160 721 n 345 397 373 |64.8 9 (11.1 13,517 7.207 81.8| 24.0 6,613 5.487 26 81 168 52 210 227 362 {83.0 | G36 | 2.6 1k,502 7.537 79.8] 25.1 6,849 k,669 1k 219 200 177 438 442 690 [68.2 | 636 | 4.0 9,096 4,507 gL | 17.4 4,000 2,707 209 291 61 193 259 274 167.7 9 | 6.7 9,013 4,704 82.8 22.9 4,520 2,785 6 96 sul 71 257 270 491 161.6 9] 5.6 Clarkes sien es ..012 13,928 7.331 82.3| 23.7 6,555 3.253 20 176 1,629 11 415 361 590 {u9.6 6 [12.2 Clay... xs teav2400 13,216 7.672 83.1 35.6 6.798 ,175 2 Lh 540 175 541 456 765 |61.% 71] 3.8 Coshoma. . «se... .0l 35,406 | 21,212 85.0 35.8 19,748 || 13,1403 6 uss 676 52 1,509 1,362 1,808 [67.9 | 636 | 2.9 Copiah..........015 23,161 13,064 g3.%| 30.1 11,935 7.698 59 288 1,268 20! 836 750 832 [64.5 9 | 40 Covington.......016 11,105 5,241 79.6 15 4,210 3,620 ¥ 158 165 61 258 300 247 |75.3 | 636 | 3.7 De S040. serene 017 18,500 9,675 80.1| 2k.2 9,320 74955 119 - 97 311 288 460 {85.4 | 636 | 1.9 Forrest.........018 25,817 | 1h,264 80.5| 32.3 11,631 1,033 54 bul 2, 769 2,133 1,983 2,166 12.3 | 636 | 7.5 Franklin........019 8,564 4,188 82.1 14h 3,596 2,188 8 5 569 79 201 18 267 [60.8 9 |11.0 GEOTgesssassss. 020 5.753 2,762 79.41 14.6 2,01k 1,016 1 1 207 60 151 21 216 [50.4 | 636 | 5.7 Table 3 Part 3 = Housing TABLE 3—SELECIED DATA FOR METROPOLITAN AREAS AND FOR ALL COUNTIES, A So BY STATE—Continued HOUSING—1940 . . . 5 : Nonfarm Rural Farm All Dwelling Units Occupied Dwelling Units Dwelling Units Dwelling Units a METROPOLITAN 1 Metro. AREAS, i ge Area COUNTIES, P P P Median P paones Code AND Residential Percent | Percent Per- ercent number er- CODES structures in5o0r | with Peon or vi of Average cent | Percent] Jan. |, more | private wit ; mechan- monthly wit with 1945 Number fernlly. | Fthiuh | demic Number | owner ical persons Number oy Number i struc- or lighting ocoe | vefrig- tiniise: (dollars) ning | lighting tures shower Pi eration hold water 33) G4) (35) (36) Gn . (38) @9) #0) “n “2) “) “w) 5) 46) “n MI NNESOTA=Con, All Counties—Con. Movers. icsnees 0! 8,24 9,582 3.3 46.2 77.6 9,292] 55.7] uu. 6 3.52 6.636 26.51 2,84 14.5 31.0 6,215 MOTTBY.. sivas sa 051 3.332] 2 0.2 16.4 59.8 ig 53,6 28.7] L.oa 1,364 16.78 2,160] 9.3] 1.2 1,507 Nicollete.u.....052 3,751 124 0.2 Ly, 3 77.9 061) 53.7 39.29] 3.56 2,417] 25.48 1,701 21.2] £0. 1,525 Nablese..... v+:x+05 k,966) 5,328 1.0 26.0 THN 5,264 52.7] 27.2 3.68 3,008 21.20 2,320 10.7] 46.3 3,389 Norman. ....ee.us 05 3,463 3,677 0.3 12,2 u3.g 3.593 57.5 11.5 3.80 ag 14.12 2,258 g.1] 14.6 1.942 Olmated, .. course 055 8,6u6) 10,473 6.9 51.2 79.0 10,275] 52.3 45.8 3.42 7.681 34.6 2,792] 16.9] 32.4 7,086 Otter Tail...... 056 14,261 15,123 0.5 15.6 Lg.1 12,799] 60.7] 15.2) 3-8 7.055 23.18 8,068 4.4 19.0 6,586 Pennington...... 057 2,979] 3.325 3.0 23.5 55.6) 3,188 62.6 17.0) 3. 1,9200 19.77 1,405 3.3 7.9 1,867 Ding, oe vores «+2058 5.953 6,147 0.3 11.4 39.2 5,490 63.3 12.7 3. 2,031 17.72 u,116 5.1 18.4% 1,893 Plpestone....... 059 3,152 3,442 1.7 33.9 72.6 3,416 50.2] 30.8 3.82 2,092 20.51 2.35 ‘© 9.28 37.3 2,L0b Pokus ivneses +..060 4,871 9,586 1.8 22.5 52.3 9,185 60.5) 17.8 “3.70 4,716] 19.11 4.870 6.3] 14.9 4, 7 BOB sist sis ve 061 3,433 3,690 2.1 20.7 Lu. 5 3.327] 55.5 17.7 3.74 1,701 18.45 1,989 1.7 11.5 2,148 075 |Ramsev....... 04062 61,u2 89,587 16.9 76.9 98.9 86,251 18.9 52.6, 39 83,656 32.07 931 52.1 85.7 73.427 Red Lake........063 1,663 1,743 10.3 38.2 1,696] 66.5 10.8 .01 654 14.3 1,089) 5.20 8.0 682 Redwnode...ss...064 5,161 5.529 0.9 26.8 62.5 5,409] 54.1 25.8 3.76 2,650] 20.33 2,875 11.5] 33.5 2,519 Nenvilie.. «so. -:008 5,655 6,010 0.2 23.6 43.0 5,942 56.4] 24.8 3.8 2.6571 17.17 3,353] 13.3]. 42.6 ,108 Ri08u uo cnvavini 066 7.018} 7.381 1.9 38.8 77.4 1.57 as 3.3 ia 5.274 23.72 2,607] 18.2] 40.1 559 ROCKers vrais +067 2,621 2,818 1.2 27.8 61.6 2,789 6.1 23.0 3.55 1,423. 18.98 1,395 13.3] 258.8 1,39% Rose. eu. .... 068 3.557 Lm 1.1 6.1 30.7 3,618 74.9 8.0 3.19 1,219] 13. 2,558 2.2] 8.9 1,RL6 038 [St. Louiss......069 43,660) 61,379 1.9 53.4 83.2 56,623] 56.2 30.9] 3.24 52,1000 2b.12 £,867 9.1] 26.8 23,Au3 Scothecssus vers 3.829 bu, 000 0.5 30.4 73.6 3,675] 67.0 24.50 3.69 2,289] 19.21 1.0 22.2 -sh.7 1,526 Sherburne... .... 2,552 2,657 0.2 15.3 41.1 2,339 60.8] 16.0] 3.52 1,176] 17.53 1.48 6.4 12.5 813 Sibley. vesrvnins 3,914 4,084 0.1 28.8 69.7 4,038 64.2 27.7 3.80 1,703] 24,52 2,281 21.9] 52.9 1,481 Stearns.........07 13,286 14,793 1.5 2.8 71.7 14,288) 57.7 uy x99 9,834 20,83 4,959 1.6] 30.5 €,565 Steele....... V5.07 4,623 5,048 2.1 12,5 17.6 4,998 59.3 30.7 2.5 3.050] 2u.83 1,998] 20.1] 55.3 3,134 Stevens........ 075 2,hu3 2,694 0.8 25.4 53.3 2,644 Lg.0 21.5 3.81 1,35) 21.11 1,33 7.5 20.2 1,572 BITE a sinn ns -OT5 3.452 3,826 1.2 20.5 52.3 3,761] 51.3 19.1 3.75 1,857] 18.02 1,969] u.,5 14.0 2,196 Todds... AI yr v 7,205 1.2 14.2 ir,n ,jo0l G1.b 12.6 3.70 2,992) 15.40 4,013 3.04 14.5 3.167 Traversa........078| 1,915 2,077 1.5 19.8 49.0 2,033 Li. sn. 37 946] 16.63 1.43 Bal 1.6 973 Wabasha.........079 ly hea 4,761 0.5 32.0 68.0 4,590] 60.0 25.0 2.38 2,922 16.88 1.839] 18.9 27.0 3,370 Wadena. .........080 3,085 3,245 0.2 17.1 ua 3,109] 60.1 2 3.62 1,409] 16.71 1.836) 1.6] 8.3 1,606 WABECA...v.usss 081 3, 74k 3.979 1.0 4.6 71.0 3,014] 81,0] 25.71 2.50 2,113] 20.19 1,866] 20.1] 43.9 2,306 075 |Washington..... 8,182] 8,669 0.6 .2 17.2 W852 69.4 34.8 3.29 6,481] 23.25 2,188 29.8 46.4 4 hl Watonwan. .......083 3.329 3,607 0.5 32.2 81.4 3.559] S5s.2 38.1 3.55 1,985] 22.20 1.622 15.50 63.0 2,227 WELRABe sane nnes 084 2,300) 2,49) 1.7 23.2 5.4 2,433 50.1 27.2] 3.8 1,228 18.23 1,271 9.4 15.6 1,035 Winona... a 9,128| 10,270 1.9 52.5 24.0 9.9%] 3.9 36.4 3.34 8,024 24.46 2,246] 22.2 ub.6 5.499 Wright..........086 7.172 7.583 0.3 23.4 52.6 7,085] 62.4 15.2 3.48 3,106] 16.35 4 u77| 22.2] 29.0 3,684 Yellow Medicine,087 3,946 4,273 0.6 19.9 56. 4,202] 51.2 22.1 3.69 1,906] 17.46 2,367] 8.1] 25.4 2,223 MISSISSIPPI.... 517.360 557.246 0.7 14.6 28.3 534.956] 33.3 1.8] 3.5 222,23 12.93 335,017 3.2 8.5 62,080 METRO. COUNTY:s ae 22,315) 27,l4ok 2.6 34.4 56.9 26,921] 30.3 30.30 3.0 19,956] 2'.00 mug 5.3 7a 11,113 Metro. area: 057 |Jnckeon....e...s025 22,315 27,40k 2.6 34.4 56.9 26,921 30.2 30.3 3.0 19,956] 24.00 TNE SH 7.3 11,113 OTHER COUNTIES... 1495,0l5) 529, 842] 0.6 13.1 26.8 8,035] 33.4 m.0] 3.5 202,278] 11.83 327,564 3.1] 8.5 56,967 . 6,194 7.7 3.2 21.4 hak 7.556] 23.8 15.3] 3.00 5.839| 13.28 1.9% 3.71 5.0 1,362 6,222} 6,964 1.2 18.3 43.1 6,755 19.4 24,2 3.56 3,48 13.15 336 31 15.6 1,223 5.317 5,390 0.1 5.5 10.3 5,035] L2.0 6.9 3.83 1,055 7.49 335 2.1 “2.0 192 7.006) 7.23 0.2 7.8 19.4 6,937] u2.2 9.8 3.88 2,260] 9.51 4.97% 3 3. 670 Benton. 2,423 2,ug 1.4 1.1 2 3131 RN.) 8.2? 3.87 308 6.81 2,176] 0.8 5.3 » Bolivar 18,1465) 19,191 0.2 9.8 17.6 18,138 15.3 10,6] 3.16 5,062] 11.41 14,129] 3.00 6.5 1,352 Calhoun L854 5,090 0.7 4.9 18.6 4,924] Yo. 11.8 3.82 1,499] 7.92 S59 1.5 5.9 hy Cnrroll 4,732 4,893 0.1 3.1 13.7 4,746] 25.8 7.9 3.80 764 8.31 ,129, 1.1 6.4 155 Chick 5.027] 5.274 13.3 24.3 5,085] 32.2 13.4 3.69 1,817 9.00 3,457] 2. .1.59 ugg Choctaw 3.105) 3,212 0,2 4.1 13.1 3,007] 53.5 1.8 3.99 677 ER" 2,535 0.7] 1.3 115 Claiharne 502] pen 0.1 10.1 13.8} 385] 25.9 10.3]: 3.20 1,154 10.10 2,537) 2.9 31 219 ,203 +998 0.1 1.4 26.4 JB03| 50.4 13.1 3.78 1,94%0 6.37 3,058 4.20 1b.3 265 4,516 L888 1.2 12.0 33.5 4,709] 3.3 17.6) 3.42 1,971 11,8 2,917] 2.1] 18.2 616 12,991 14,035 1.1 14.4 23.3 13,529 13.2 13.9 3.02 5,112 14,88 8,923 3.7 6.1 1,626 8,1 8, 711 0.4 9.7 20.8 8,252 3.5 Bh 3.59 291 9.n 5,790 2.9] 6.8 872 3.92U 3.994 6.1 18.3 3,792] 51.7 8.8 4,01 828| 7.76 3,166 1.9] 10.0 359 6,640) 6,854 6.7 14.2 5,660] 18.9 9.2 3.46 956] 12.39 5.638 4.1] 8. 360 7.831 9.436 2.0 29.0 sl, 7 3,098] 6.4 26.2 3.35 7.825 13.12 1,611] 10.4 21.6 2,808 3,169 3.267 3.9 15.5 3,061 39.8 6.1 3: 1,278] 5.48 1,959 0.8 2.4 29, 1,9%% 2,008 0.2 9.4 20.7, 1,942 66.7 10.8 ol 878 5.74 1 IPG 38.7 135 218 TABLE 3—SELECTED DATA FOR METROPOLITAN AREAS AND FOR ALL COUNTIES, BY STATE—Continued Table 3 Part 4 - Agriculture MINN, , Lower (050) = (Figures which have been rounded to thousands will not necessarily add to totals) MISS., George (020) calls AGRICULTURE—1945 AGRICULTURE—1940 Value of farm products sold, | Principal Per. f Value of : Work power traded, or used by source of A Pers oent arm property farm household farm income | Type- cent | - 02x Metro) AREAS Number of | Land in | Cropland | Number | of yg Percent from {sting Burl Area AND farms farms | harvested | of farms | farms | ,o1.e A Number Li a Code CODES (1000s | (1000's * oper- | Total ere of Aiton i code living Jan. 1, of of Apil 1, | ated | oq. a 000" 38 | horses | Number (1000s so Code Per | Soe {Inde 1945 acres) acres) fo40 yrs S| PT | andfor of a (See cont | P24) ten- ase o arm mules tractors dollars) ve- Crops p422) 2 ants dollars) dal lover 3 ollars) | stock than t ars) mo. old) prod- ucts “8) 49) (50) GD) 2) (3) (4) (55) (56) G7 (58) (9) (60) (61) (62) (63) (64) MINNESOTA—Con. All Counties—Con. 2; ly 276 2,574 | W1.2 8.3 30,398(11,810 9,853 1,836 5,710 67.6] 22.4 1 38.4 422 128 5 2 oe 2,100 | 48.8 M4.6| 33,056]15,741 8,633 1,784) 6,322] lg.1f Mu3 5 Biz 524 | 133 1,489 273 172 1,496 | 34.9) 3.2( 24,376/16,29% 6,822 1,260 4,194 60.0| 29.0 1| 32.8 b22| 135 2,258 446 327 2,211 | 52.5| 2.8 M1,676/18,849| 10,708 1,660 7.673| 52.0] M1.6 5| b1.5 524 | 128 1,915 536 301 2,003 | 37.0| 12.1| 18,666] 9,319 8,003 1,462 3,130 k9.9| 38.2 5( 38.1 32| 118 Olmsted......... 055 2,408 403 237 2,u53 | W2.0f 8.5| 26,882(10,959| 10,035 1,bok 4,768 | 74.3] 14.0 1] 36.1 h22| 123 Otter Tail..... 6,828 1,187 615 7,031 | 3h.1| 13.1| U42,512| 6,046 23.833 2,522 8,993| 67.2] 15.4 2| 32.5 k21f 111 1,290 42 161 1,366 | 30.0| 19.0 8,139 5,958 W173 791 1,647 57.9) 27.9 5 27.6 421] 106 3,096 8 148 3,506 | 21.6| 25.6| 14,499 4,135 8,045 T46 2,875 67.3 9.5 2 2.7 u21| 109 1,352 292 217 1,319 | s4.2| 3.2| 20,192[15,309 5520 992 3,694 | 60.h| 33.1 1| \.7 524 | 130 4,253 1,175 73 u,3u2 | 20.7] 11.5] vuo,023| 9,218 13,614 2,985 7.677| 38.8] 49.9 5| 4g. k 3u2| 116 1,939 9 270 1,864 | 38.8| 11.0| 16,056 8,614 7.252 1,096 3,088 | 59.3] 26.3 1] 27.8 523 | 121 20 896 | 11.9 40.8 7,793| 8,698 1,178 261 1,681 38.3] 55.6 8 39. 422| 132 9 7 134 985 | 29.4 | 12.9 6,302] 6,398 3,558 556 1.269 55.4] 28.6 5| 28.5 k21| 111 2,7 547 347 2,663 | 46.1| 2.3| Uu3,359/|16,282| 10,928 2,254 7.787 k2.9| Uu7.5 5( 47.3 523 13 3,116 615 396 3,095 | 41.0 2.1 46,920(15,160 12,010 2,736 8,943 49.4 41.1 5| 40.9 523 | 133 2,321 305 193 2,388 | 28.2| 8.8| 26,950({11,2%6 8,748 1,283 4,399 | 67.2 19.4 2| 33.2 u22| 123 1,38 230 1,368 | 59.7| 2.7| 26,341{19,255 6,611 1,059 4,299 | 58.4 3.6 1{h.0 524 | 131 2,272 EA 273 2,33 | 1h.5( 19.1| 13,982 5,747 5, 800 1,547 3,230 | 37.2 8.2 5] 48.1 421 102 6,853 584 158; 7,932 8.0 | 62.6 24,374 3,073 5,316 2,520 3,985 55.1 12.0 2| 38.8 431| 103 1,590 216 ny 1,598 | 24.3| 6.2| 18,868|11,807 6,160 Tou 2,965| 67.7] 16.5 2| 3h.8 ho2| 124 Sherburne. .-... 1,162 2ug 119 1,211 | 33.8 15.9 7,217 5.960 3,642 Luis 1,528 | 62.4| 20.9 2| 31.7 h21| 116 Sibley... 2,247 364 229 2,326 | 32.6 u.1 33,681 14,480 9,619 1,593 5,238 | 62.5 23.3 1] 32.0 422| 131 4,703 833 510 4,685 | 31.1] 7.4 B3,771| 9,343 | 20,035 1,829 7.660 67.1] 16.2 2] 31.9 422| 116 2,013 272 173 1,970 | 33.0| 5.9] 2%,903|12,6M1 7,950 1,385 4,609 | .69.9| 20.0 129.6 h22| 131 1,274 8 250 1,337 53.2] 4.5] 16,239(12,146 5,423 1,109 3,232 46.2| Mu.5 5| u4.0 523 | 128 1,824 8 318 1,876 | B7.5| 6:3| 19,783(10,54% 8,109 1,288 38 3| 48.6| 0.7 5| 40.7 523] 126 3,628 547 269 3,720 | 3.6| 10.1| 21,297| 5,725| 12,109 1,198 ,796 | 65.8] 15.6 2] 35.2 b21| 112 1,087 352 223 1,102 | F1.,1 2.h 13,269[12,041 4, 3h 1,0ul 3,136 30.1 Al.1 5] 61.1 23 | 130 1,651 323 168 1,696 | 37.0| 6.7| 17,719/10,448 7,399 1,092 3,707 58.1 27.5 129.2 22| 127 1,593 273 97 1,624 | 32.1| 20.7 6,581] 4,052 4,521 42g 1,54 4.1 4.3 2| 40.9 421| 102 Waseca... 1,701 263 162 1,703 [ 37.9| 4.9| 24,800|14,563 7,345 1,212 3,888 | 60.8 27.1 1] 28.7 ¥22| 131 075 | Washington. 1,775 227 127 1,819 | 22.2| 19.8 15.3 8,512 5,k425 658 2,726 74.8| 13.3 2 k6.4 422| 124 Watonwan. .......083 1,474 275 177 1,468 | 41.3 2.1 26,084(17,768 5,680 1,303 4,532 50.6 L1.k 5( 41.1 524 | 131 1,254 ks 235 1,250 | 56.2| 3.7| 1M4,549(11,639 5.547 1,077 3,165 | 34.6) 56.6 5] 56.6 2 123 2,012 10 177 2,089 | 31.9| 10.3| 22,783|10,906 8,256 1,114 3,649 | 68.5| 15.6 2] 29.8 b22| 125 Vright....... ...086 3,762 17 2m 3,798 | 30.0 11.2| 31,066 8,180 | 11,339 1,491 5,607 | 68.7 15.2 231.6 k22| 121 Yellow Medicine.087 2,228 4g1 293 2,222| 49.5! 3.8] 29,028|13,064 8,634 1,794 5,796 | 39.5| 51.0 5] 50.9 523| 128 MISSISSIPFI.... 263,528 19,617 6,473 | 201,092 | A6.2| 49.0| 598,577| 2,056 | 4us,664 10,577] 158,941 10.7 61.1 5] 59.2 METBO. COUNTY... 5,991 u57 125 6,396 |-73.8| 56.5 13,221] 2,067 9,869 164 3,133 16.0 52.8 Metro. area: 057 |Jackson......... 025 5,991 457 125 6,396 | 73.8] 56.5| 13,221] 2,067 9,869 164 3,133 | 16.0| 52.8 5| 47.2 OTHER COUNTIES... | 257,537] 19,160 6,348 | 284,696 | 66.1| u8.8| 585,356 2,056 | 435,795| 10,k13| 155,808| 10.6] 61.3 All Counties: .00] 1,459 173 30 1,641 | 81.7| 64.9 ,161| 1,926 3,053 34 725 19.2] W7.9 5| 46.1 Tu2| ug . 2,875 205 67 2,835 | 53.0] 62.5 999 1,763 5,250 103 1,114 | 15.4 id of 48.8 | 78 2,927 278 61 W868 | 55.5 sk.g& 5,837| 1,509 5,496 49 1.798 "18.) 5.6 5 bu.2 2 73 3 353 82 518 57.5] 59.0 6,387) 1,ik 7,084 120 1,837 15.2 40.6 of 2.5 ns Nn 1.7 173 41 1,746 | 68.6| 67.5 2,512 1,439 3,405 57 680 12.7| M..5 0] us.2 15 63 10,217 435 311 12,005 | 90.3 | 17.7 35,969| 2,996 14,054 9k3 10,564 1.9 86.1 5| 85.9 1% 65 2,909 265 33 3,237 | s4.7| 68.2 £143 1,898 6,896 137 1,225 | 16.4] 26.3 of 55.0 ns| 2,860 296 7% 3,745 | Th.2| 52.7 5,674 1,515 5,878 92 1,727 8.8| 53.6 553.1 2 67 2,805 2h I] 3,177 9.4] 72.3 5,203| 1,638 6,424 7 1,105 24.9( 33.0 of b.k4 ml 75 1,761 184 3 2,115 | 41,9 72.1 2,729( 1,790 3,706 36 71h 12.6 2h.6 of 58.6 715 76 bar 228 4o 1,800 [ 74.3 | 60.6 3,772| 2,096 3,441 85 859 | 18.7 3.2 5 50.5 TH2| 61 2,500 221 40 2,525 | 136.8] 71.1 3,599 1,u4 3,193 21 898 | 15.2] 33. of b6.7 75 66 2,196 201 5 2,689 | ph.2| 73.2 5,040 1,87 5,102 ™ 985 | 35.3 23.7 of 40.6 ™| 62 6,707 276 19 7.758 | 93.2 19.1] 26,524 3,419 8,303 ug7 6,364 1.9| 88.3 5.87.6 TIM AM 4,559 382 67 4,526 | A1.3| s1.1 7,018) 1,551 7,023 82 2,00 | 11.0] 58.7 6| 33.2 ™2| 70 Covington.......016 2,319 180 56 2,F09 | k2.5| UuA.8 3,901] 1,495 k,0u9 31 1,344 wo| 69.9 5| 8.4 781 78 De Soto........ .017 4,959 285 110 5,536 | 82.3 | u6.M| 11,968] 2,162 7.823 158 3,328 | 23.7 56.3 5] 55.9 cd PoOrreste..cooe.s 018 1,182 97 22 1,270 | 2A.1| 52.8 2,729] 2,149 1,652 33 709 31.8 23.6 of 43.2 781 79 Franklin........019 1,295 163 28 1,M91| 50.4 56.2 ?,554| 1,510 2,739 30 40 | 16.6 38.2 o| 1.6 742 66 George. .........020 1,427 100 26 972 | 18.4| 60.6 1,987] 2,044 1,257 13 370| 23.9] 26.9 of 48.7 781 170 Table 3 TABLE 3—SELECTED DATA FOR METROPOLITAN AREAS AND FOR ALL COUNTIES, Part § - Indust: and Retail Trads BY STATE—Continued MINN., Mower (050) - MISS., George (020) (All dollar figures have been rounded to thousands and will not necessarily add ‘to totals) MANUFACTURING ESTABLISHMENTS—1939 MINERAL INDUSTRIES—1939 RETAIL ESTABLISHMENTS—1939 METROPOLITAN Morel COUNTIES Value added Area y ue a Code AND Jape Wass Valo of y manufac- Vie of a Wager and Neber of Sales Active |Employees Pay roll CODES Number ( 1S | (1000's of (fooore’s § ture fooore"s ¢ o 1000, f umber of | (1000's of | pro- i Tag | (1000's of average | "dollars sof | (1000's of | (1000's of | persons | (1000's of | stores | dollars)” | prietors | fr |" dollars) or year) dollars) Jollars) dollars) | engaged | dollars) year) (5) (66) 7 (68) (69) 10) a y @) _@) 4) (5) (6) a MIKNESOTA==Con. All Counties—Con. Mower...........050 36 3u6f (® (1) 33 19 16 16s 13,075 us| 1,073] 1,028 JUETay. savssssni0BS 5 i 2 2 5) 200 3,322 210 2 "158 Nicollet.. 052 20 109 106 1,085 u7 (2) (2) (1) 194 3,497 221 27 208 Hobleses.essoss 05 13 200 (1) (1) (2) 237 7.223 297 684 2 [Horman, cose... .05 13 29 30 695 £0 23 3,311 138 28¢ 196 O1mstedss.......055 36 385 uL6 4,083 1,518 (2) (2) (1) 486 17,867 u23 2,0 1,964 Otter Tail......0% iis 293 264 3.887 603 11,499 583 10% ou [Pennington......057 19 99 96 1,004 276 159 4,696 165 453 398 [Pine......0 .058 27 76 72 1,432 261 3 4,173 299 351 246 [Pipestone.......059 19 113 96 1,4 351 (1) (2) (1) lig 5,422 245 i 346 POLK vsenseensss0B0 36 263 315 5,307 1,293 (2) (1) (2) 579 10,31 79 1,038 88 [Pope 18 61 790 173 205 Si oe % 0 075 [Ramsey.......... 575 17,158 21,570 156,264 78,455 221 86 174 4,122 172,060 3,847) 20,528 22,015 [Red Lake 11 62 46 502 136 12u 1,573 113 115 86 Redwoods. sess s..06 20 58 60 1,066 219 39 21 10 ug 6,608 360 499 400 Renvilles.......065 24 62 57 1,203 189 105 37 3 i] 6,698 88 511 2 ¥7 760 660 7.781 2,330 29 9,240 16 894 3s 8 2 £2 694 130 (1) (1) (1) 163 3,240 170 302 225 17 5 3 660 122 187 3,021 184 258 184 223 4,580 6,156 40,905 18,101 72,296 4,899 8,572 3,103 80,255 2,854 8,977 9,056 Beotlesure even .070 | 21 47 149 3,137 1,274 6 4,042 6 a Bherburne.......071 9 48 Lh 610 139 % 2,103 in in 1A 17 155 69 1,666 352 229 3,698 225 2u1 200 102 1,146 1,330 9,692 3,924 149 80 3 1,011 18,743 1,014 1,823 1,570 Bte0leusrssecs OF ug 361 ih L,1k9 1,536 63 20 19 251 6.977 232 640 545 Stevens.e.... 12 32 25 u33 98 UL 3.455 137 272 234 16 110 102 2,396 430 249 4,425 263 ung 281 25 198 178 2,313 Lok 341 5.131 336 455 337 5 12 11 197 36 126 2,239 110 200 146 Wabasha. 2u 255 255 4,993 1,008 321 4,582 326 3 272 Wadena, cesses eeaDB0 2 L nit 1 ii ii jin 1 on 2% : .27 2 1 B| 16m] ay (a ) @ | iag| phe3| wo| ma| fe 21 14 90 1,365 228 226 4,521 231 393 302 7 28 23 538 98 167 2,529 157 ang 154 71 1,266 1,425 17,569 5.867 131 20 22 589 Lp Sa 1,373 AL 46 312 196 32 795 505 6.492 499 509 340 Yellow Medic 15 u9 u7 6! 122 (2) (1) (1) 257 4,470 263 368 265 Combined Counties? 3119 36,731 8,791 102,698 26,380 586 282 241 MISSISSIPPI.... 1,294 46,3593 27,437 174,937 73.462 1,427 584 Lhs 18,032 282,40 16,360 32,514 22,735 METRO, COUNTY... 113 2,860 1,893 20,058 Z,17 (1) (1) (1) 968 31,978 63 4,564 3.113 Metro, area: 057 |Jackson........s025 113 2,860 1,493 20,058 8,171 (1) (1) (1) 968 31,978 63 4,564 3,773 OTHER COUNTIES... 1,181 43,493 25,5ul 154,879 65,291 41,427 “584 4445 17,064 250,462 15,597 27,950| 18,962 All Counties: . 25 1,687 1,002 6,861 3.457 (1) (1) (1) 321 5,666 316 8u3 547 17 1,011 611 3.972 1,49 (1) (1) (1) 294 L461 276 515 354 11 206 153 a2 378 14h 1,112 131 100 Lu 32 1,01k 591 3,860 1.374 199 3.306 191 369 203 73 326 72 22 13 Bolivar, 16 186 11 1,374 429 664 8,491 653 832 538 Calhoun. 28 593 340 1,561 ATL 12 1,408 129 91 56 Carroll. 6 161 59 Log 21 (1) (2) (2) 96 982 909 100 46 Chickasaw, 1 128 82 516 23 182 1,654 185 208 94 Choctaw. .......010 15 140 57 Lue 170 88 830 86 7 Wn Claiborne..,....011 1 360 173 1,25 36 113 1,lk0Y 104 157 116 Clarke. . ve 2y 1,156 575 1,962 1,01 135 1,625 130 153 87 18 455 258 1.15 545 167 2,223 150 303 200 19 434 333 3,619 964 473 8,079 426 207 681 21 4 350 2,133 quis (1) (1) (1) 249 3,851 225 u62 291 1 (1) (1) = (1) 131 1.118 134 108 68 2 (2) (1) (2 (1) 163 1,905 137 156 120 43 1,638 1,092 8,424 4 4g? 83 U5 32 400 £2,970 326 1,162 860 5 374 (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) 102 877 99 7 4g 5 €1 (1) (1) (1) 73 1,020 68 82 50 I1Not shown becsuss of disclosures of operations of individual estublishments. Dut included in Combined Counties at end of Ytnte. 2Includes all counties where fig=- ures are not shown separutely becsune of disclosure of operstions of individual estsbhlishmenti. 3includes ull estublishmentn und wage earners of counties for which wiuyes snd value dats were withheld to avold disclosure. The "Combined Countien™ figure for number of establiuhments is excluded from the tute total, since this item was shown ror every county. Whenever duls on whge esrners hive been withheld, that portion of the "Combined Counties” figure represented by such deta is included in the cor= responding Ltuste totul. 4ncludes one county, Hinds (020), which should be shown in "Metro Counties” total, for which sepurnte dats nre not available, 220 TABLE 3—SELECTED DATA FOR METROPOLITAN AREAS AND FOR ALL COUNTIES, BY STATE—Continued (All dollar figures have been rounded to thousands and will not necessarily add to totals) Table 3 Part 6 - Other Economic Data LIN. , lower (050) = VISS., George (020) IOESME SERVICE ESTABLISHMENTS—1939 PAM DEPOSITS { Major war supply Major war facilities contracts, rojects, June 1940-Sept. 1945 | June 1940-June 1945 METROPOLITAN E Bond (1000's of dollars) (1000's of dollars) Metro. A EAS, Numb N E T sales 1944 Area COUNTIES, umoer umber : ._ |Employees otal : (1000’s of Code AND of Sales of | Receipts | Active | (ouerace | Pay roll | (demand | Time | dollars at ’ 5 4 ge > : s CODES estab- | (1000's of | estab- | (1000's |proprie-| “'¢ (1000's | and time) (1000's | issue price) lish- | dollars) | lish- |of dollars){ tors year) of dollars) | (1000’s | of dollars) ments ments of dollars) Combat Other Industrial | Milita equipment @) a9) (80) 81) (82) a3) 0 5) (8) 7 (88) 89) 90) on MINNESOTA~-Con. All Counties—Con, HoWeresssenssnss 67 5,516 17 606 195 116 99 13,714 5.876 3,607 Murray... ko 3.362) 5 136 54 19 13 4,569 1,406 1,489 Nicollet. 31 1,778 90 275 101 58 4g 5,356 3.056 1,283 580 Nobles... 66 4,673 109 328 116 66 51 9,856 3,131 2,385 Formate. ovessss 65 2,894) 67 102 70 7 8 5,258 2,521 975 Olmstedaesss.ons 64 5,890) 216 1,483 234 in 367 19,564 8,518 3,278 3.593 2,388 Otter Tail. 102 L480) 211 496 213 17 951 15,069 6,480 3.616 257 Pennington. 40 5,744 62 190 71 46 33 4,075 1,586 1,033 = 1,187 74 113 75 27 12 5.194 2,878 1,042 5,614 72 216 75 ug 35 6,932 2,285 1,508 158 ¥,105 196 517 211 140 93 13,674 5,264 3,208 99 32 2,065 54 109 53 15 13] 3,232 1,k21 9ko ; 075 64g| 227,107) 1,806) 11,872] 1.787 14,476 4,227] 243,965 69,489 34,618 277742 96,001 120,926 35 1,0) 27 33 30, 4 1 1,900 893 345 88 5,242 106 291 114 ug 34 8,594 4,012 2,271 66 4,542) 121 265 123 35 23 9.327 4,189 2,127 351 53 2,971 126 385 140 100 68 11,569 6,093 2,344 2,939 57 36 2,010) 62 166 63 33 23 5,346 1,478 1,062 L2 2,491 56 87 61 20 10 4,115 1,722 90k 038 339] 108,912] 976 4,434 1,021] 1,281 1,268 121,091 55,1439 20,975 75.3% 25,089 8,941 v 42 2,103 81 198 92 35 21 51593 3,298 1,215 34,889 1,180 365 539 J 20 590 26 36 26 4 3 2,783 1,650 587 o 25 1,515 78 139 83 1 1 5.227 3,166 1,178 305 0 112 7.k01 346 1,09 368 270 21h 23,113 11,645 14,015 3,059 1,384 09 Steele... 07h 47 3,454) 74 293 76 82 I 12,491 5,713 2,21k 1,188 15 Stevens .075 30 2,678 4g 159 52 37 34 1,567 1,611 1,062 Swift.. .076 55 3,736) 73 187 81 = 26 6,872 3,384 1,365 Todds... 077 52 2,068 75 213 79 23 7.760 4,369 1,385 398 Traverse. 078, 3h 1,744 Lo 75 ul 14 7 3,072 1,094 768 Wabasha. . .079 38 1,363 106 202 116 26 13 6,583 3,423 1,248 106 Wadena. 080 30 2,375 51 88 53 21 13 5,283 2,557 859 Waseca... 081 hy 3,720 56 158 68 29 17 7.571 4,267 1,329 3,623 351 075 | Washingto .082 28 2,530) 99 295 105 72 57 11,155 6,813 2,111 1,671 Watonwan. .. .083 59 L,356 66 1 67 23 22 181 3.628 1,407 1kg Wilkin. .08Y Lk 2,795 35 135 32 19 19 3,254 1,314 823 Yo .085 65 6,723 212 813 229 199 168 2h ,9l5 13,726 2,616 418 7,206 Wright..... .086, 65 2,137] 136, 263 138 54 31 8,941 5,044 1,906 517 Yellow Medicine.087 55 3,401 80 226 89 37 24 4,715 1,679 1,808 Othereseesceccssses 15,212 MISSISSIPPI....| 1,425] 25,154 6,389] 20,834 6,076] 11,991 6.261] 459,332 89,623 93.179 378,539 88,722 56,406] 192,708 METRO. COUNTY.... 154 38,090 368 2,510 379 1,169 838] 50,119 11,627 6,977 8,248 9.912 Metro. area: 057 |Jackson....... ..025 154% 38,090) 368 2,510 379 1,169 838 50,119 11,627 6.977 8,248 x OTHER COUNTIES...| 1,271| 207,064 %6,021{ 18,324 5,697] 10,822 5,423] 409,212] 77.998 86,199 378,539 80,474 568406) 182,15 All Counties: Mans. .... «eeveebOL 38 4,566) 81 Lo6) 80 253 155, 7.117 1,389 872 2,548 1,1m 750 Alcorn..... 24 3,362} 12h) ~ 429 111 239 121 4,273 go 1,789 7.785 Anite.. ot 2] -i(=) 65 68 55 54 17 1,980 398 7 AVSBlE. ee. us esas OON 20 1,547 65 169 [A 99 48 4,808 587 827 Benton. e vesses 005, 3 67 38 38 Yo 16 7 528 IL 126 Bolivar.........006 47 6,750} 164 693 164) Lko 203 8,778 456 1,649 Calhoun. ........007 11 827] 68 109 63 13 29, 3,004 86 570 301 1,700 Carroll.........008 7 29 42 55 5 28 7 1,247 86 22 Chickasaw.......009 21 1,32 59 162] 63 56 28 3,143 306 650 59 Choctaw. ........010 8 310 61 107 63 99 32 1,357 144 356 51 Claiborne. ......0l1 5 1g) 34 95, 30 a 35 2,559 509 2L 190 Clarke..........012 6 881 0 68 31 16 2,054 51 51 ClaF ins nnn se +01 uf 859 8 122 50 140 33 3.599 676 734 us1 61 Coahoma, sess ves OL 65 15,17 123 770 120 353 268, 13,649 3,189 1,910 3,668 Copiaheecsssssss015 15 1,539) 96 226 81 120 561 6.762 1,682 1,138 932 Covington.......016 1 (2) 67 113 69 k2 20 1,837 88 35 De S0t0.uesesessOl] 2 2 26 73 21 3 a 2,718 666 67 Forrest.........018 7710 128 681 127 351 214 17,815 5.887 4,228 324 8,247 35.215 Franklin........019 2| (e) 41 67 4 60 25 1,166 297 282 GeOrge. «evs se...020 3 24 22 30 18 15 7 1,942 600! 300 yndistributed. 2\ot shown becauso of disclosure of operations of individual establishments. Data included in "Other" at cond of State. 221 Table 3 Part 1 - Population TABLE 3—SELECTED DATA FOR METROPOLITAN AREAS AND FOR ALL COUNTIES, MISS., Greene (021) - : Yazoo (082) BY STATE—Continued ee TOTAL POPULATION POPULATION—1940 EDUCATION VITAL 1940 STATISTICS ESTIMATED 1944 CIVILIAN . POPULATION Land | Pop. | Total white Percent of METROPOLITAN U.S. area |ulation population 25 Metro. AREAS, rank in per years old and Area COUNTIES, Numb of [Percent] go sq. over who have umber : , ! Code AND counties | change at mile P completed— CODES Ponty dogty | 2 SE Ut] Rudd | Rou ‘ercent rl 1, of nonfarm | farm Births | Deaths Number change 1940 percen- 1930- | 1940 | 1940 | Number total N tiles) 1940 opu- 5 or i; 43 tof 19%0- futon more igh 1943 1940 grades | S€h00 m @ ®) @ ©) (6) m ®) © (10) (1 (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) MISSISSIPPI—Con. All Counties—~Con. Greene..........021 7,904 | -16.9 9,512 78 | -10.6 728 | 18.1 7,528 79.1 4,851 5,161 71.5 14.5 268 48 19,399 1.8 19,052 48 13.4 447 | 42.6 7,984 | 41.6 5,881 1,995 11,226 66.6 16.0 588 206 10,639 «6.1 11,328 72 -0.8 485 | 238.4 8,955 | 79.1 4,138 4,904 2,286 75.0 19.4 281 119 65,505 29.8 50,799 13 15,1 585 | 86.8 40,742 | 80.2 36,008 9,915 4,876 78.7 26.6 1,775 646 057 |HindB.oeoesasses025 110,836 3.8 107,273 5 26.0 877 | 122.8 51,826 | 48.38 62,107 12,156 | 88,010 80.1 82.8 2,705 1,085 HOlmeB. covers es 026 34,958 | -12.0 89,710 19 3.1 764 | 52.0 9,209 | 23.2 5,440 5,009 29,261 68.2 12.9 1,041 870 Humphreys. +027 24,215 -7.8 26,257 383 6.2 410 | 64.0 6,958 | 26.5 38,789 1,661 20,807 52.5 9.2 694 285 Issaquena. .028| 5,210 | -19.0 6,438 87 12.2 415] 15.5 1,228 19.1 402 6,081 40.0 6.6 145 45 Itawamba. .......029 15,800 | -20.7 19,922 46 9.3 541| 36.8 18,869 | 94.7 1,753| 18,169] 83.4 8.6 416 118 Jackson. ........080 37,872 | 85.1 20,601 44] 29.0 744 | 27.7 16,214 | 78.7 8,942| 8,315 3,44) 78.0] 21.8] 1,089 251 JaBPOr..cesssssas 081 17,126 | =-12.1 19,484 47 4.6 683 | 28.5 9,945 | 51.0 8,065 16,419 74.8 18.9 468 1585 Jefferson.... 11,917 -14.7 18,969 63 -2.3 520 | 26.9 8,206 | 28.0 2,887 11,582 52.5 10.1 382 182 Jefferson Davis.033 18,971 | -12.0 15,869 7 | 11.1 414 | 38.3 7,087 | 44.7 1,719] 1s,150| 7s.6| 12.8 442 106 Jones....... 46,790 =5.0 49,227 14 18.6 706 | 69.7 85,061 71.2 28,205 5,439 20,588 76.5 18.2 1,867 478 Kemper..........085 17,504 | -20.0 21,867 41 =0.1 757 | 28.9 8,665 89.6 8,927 17,940 62.8 10.7 485 178 Lafayette 18,135 -14.7 21,257 42 6.4 679 | 81.3 12,683 | 59.7 8,483 2,017 15,807 75.9 18.9 488 198 11,807 -2.4 12,096 69 -5.9 500 | 24.2 10,006 | 82.7 4,672 7,424 78.7 15.8 809 87 56,981 -2.2 58,247 11 10.4 721 | 80.8 85,485 ( 60.8 85,481 5,89 17,872 77.0 22.8 1,898 734 Lawrence. . .089 12,501 | ~-10.6 18,988 62 12.1 483 | 82.8 8,762 | 62.7 3,088 10,945 74.0 14.1 38s 102 Leak®..coveseees040 19,787 =-19.7 24,570 36 12.7 586 | 41.9 14,569 | 59.8 4,767 19,808 74.7 12.2 584 187 Le@iiiesienases 041 82,858 | -15.4 38,838 19 10.0 455 | 85.4 26,622 | 68.5 8,212 ,897 24,229 79.8 16.8 779 801 Leflore..... 48,365 -9.4 58,406 12 -0.2 588 | 90.8 14,394 | 27.0 14,767 4,791 38,848 57.7 15.8 1,587 501 Lincoln. +043 22,919 -16.7 27,506 S1 4.4 586 | 46.9 17,888 64.8 6,282 8,191 18,088 78.1 18.7 668 270 Lowndes... L044 34,902 | -1.0 35,245 22| 17.5 508 | 69.4 15,562 | 44.2| 13,645 ,690| 17,910] 68.2] 18.4] 1,086 366 Madison... ues... 045 83,574 | -10.5 $7,504 20 4.8 751 | 49.9 8,787 | 28.4 6,011 ,057 | 27,436] s6.5| 18.1] 1,075 357 Marion. 2046 22,008 -8.6 24,085 87 20.9 550 | 43.8 15,161 | 62.9 6,064 2,866 15,155 75.9 17.8 604 205 Marshall .047 28,858 -8.5 25,522 85 2.6 710 | 86.0 7,556 | 29.6 2,750 2,130 20,642 64.0 11.8 787 216 MODTO8. +s evsse. 048 32,682 | -13.3 87,648 20 4.2 769 | 49.0 21,528 | 57.2 8,478| 8,139 26,086 75.0| 13.4 921 34s Montgomery .049 14,830 | -5.6 15,708 58 | 4.6 408 | 39.0 8,945 | 57.0 2,582 2,116 11,055] 75.9 15.3 404 1s8 Neshoba. .050 24,055 | -13.7 27,882 30 4.5 568 | 49.1 20,881 | 74.9 8,711 1,726| 22,445] 78.2] 14.2 668 198 Newton..........051 20,222 -16.6 24,249 37 5.8 580 | 41.8 15,588 | 64.1 6,889 17,910 80.6 18.4 571 184 20,628 | -19.6 25,669 4 0.4 695 | 86.9 5,640 | 22.0 4,534 21,185 538.8 12,7 659 245 19,440 | -12.2 22,151 41 15.9 454 | 48.8 9,068 | 40.9 4,900 1,709 15,542 70.7 21.4 506 199 29,569 | -14.1 84,421 23 20.2 704 | 48.9 18,876 | 40.3 7,015 26,906 66.1 12.6 852 268 Pearl River.... 16,915 =11.6 19,125 48 -1.4 828 | 238.1 14,973 | 78.3 5,129 6,526 7,470 78.4 20.1 500 176 POrryccccsecess 8,126 | -12.5 9,892 79 13.4 658 14.2 6,869 | 73.9 3,724 5,568 71.85 15.0 244 65 81,787 -9.3 85,002 22 8.7 410 | 85.4 19,291 | 55.1 9,898 9,498 15,611 75.6 20.1 877 898 18,425 | -19.6 22,904 39 3.9 501 | 45.7 18,229 | 79.6 s,814| 19,090| 81.5] 12.2 470 187 17,748 | -15.2 20,921 43 8.6 418 | 50.1 18,522 | 88.5 4,927 15,99 74.6 12.2 504 161 23,616 | -18.1 27,191 32 7. 412 | 66.0 9,120 | 83.5 4,058 238,188 61.5 8.8 799 263 24,440 | -12.5 27,934 so| s7.2 800 | 34.9 13,260 | 47.5 10,300 | 17,63¢| 65.6] 14.5 622 568 20,902 -9.7 238,144 389 10.7 615 | 87.6 18,251 | 57.8 2,785 8,827 16,582 72.5 17.5 572 178 14,430 «6.5 15,438 59 11.2 486 | 85.4 4,817 28.0 2,668 12,770 52.4 10.1 450 141 17,870 | -18.9 22,024 41 5.4 587 87.5 14,985 | 67.8 5,617 16,407 76.5 15.5 510 169 14,940 | -28.0 19,408 47 5.4 642 | 80.2 15,728 | 81.0 2,608 16,795 80.6 14.8 455 126 Stone...coeeseq.066 5,362 -12.9 6,155 89 79 448 | 13.7 4,562 | 74.1 8,588 2,622 77.7 20.4 124 62 Sunflower. 55,081 -9.7 61,007 11 =-8.1 698 | 88.0 17,465 | 28.6 8,604 6,660 50,748 54.1 10.4 1,626 545 30,457 | -10.9 34,166 28 -s.9 644 | 53.1 11,676 | 34.2 5,759 | 28,407| 50.6 9.7 989 306 16,879 | -12.6 19,309 47 9.8 411 | 47.0 7,741 | 40.1 2,972 16,387 62.3 12.6 550 157 16,721 | -15.0 19,680 46 5.5 464 | 42.4 16,244 | 82.5 4,287 15,448 79.6 14.38 427 186 Tishomingo......071 14,488 | -18.0 16,974 54 3.4 451 | 87.6 15,949 | 94.0 4,245 12,729 79.7 9.4 400 115 Tunic 072 21,624 -4.8 22,610 40 6.5 458 | 49.4 3,265 | 14.4 2,569 20,041 40.8 6.9 664 266 Union.. .0738 18,456 | -16.6 21,867 41 2.8 422 | 51.8 17,585 | 80.4 3,602 2,290 15,975 88.6 13.4 431 178 Walthall .074 15,094 -18.9 17,534 538 26.4 408 | 48.5 9,872 | 53.4 1, 15,670 56.6 12.9 519 141 Warren...ceee.04076 86,054 -8.9 89,595 19 10.6 566 | 70.0 17,810 | 48.7 24,460 6,022 9,118 71.0 21.2 ‘888 474 Washington «076 62,756 =7.1 67,576 10 24.4 728 | 92.8 18,668 | 27.5 24,592 7,141 85,8438 58.2 18.4 1,891 764 .077 14,398 | -14.9 16,928 85 10.7 827 | 20.5 11,156 | 65.9 5,198 11,785 71.5 12.4 475 110 .078 11,407 -19.4 14,160 62 16.8 416 4.0 10,612 | 74.9 3,106 11,054 73.4 18.5 281 98 .079 16,875 2.6 15,956 57 14.3 675 | 28.6 4,011 | 28.8 5,124 10,881 58.6 10.8 729 265 .080 18,847 | ~-17.2 22,751 40 7.1 606 87.5 18,688 | 59.9 3,451 ‘2,024 17,276 76.6 14.2 551 171 .081 15,918 | -13.4 18,387 50 8.6 504 | 86.5 9,872 | 538.7 38,840 1,870 18,677 74.0 15.9 428 167 Yaz00ee0e00s0e,.082 85,644 =-11.1 40,091 18 7.6 938 | 42.7 18,882 84.5 7,258 4,163 28,670 56.7 18.1 1,019 37% 222 Table 3 TABLE 3—SELECTED DATA FOR METROPOLITAN AREAS AND FOR ALL COUNTIES, pars. aver rere BY STATE—Continued W%0,: Qrsssaiival).» ore mdr LABOR FORCE—1940 Percent of Population 14 Years Old and Over Employed Workers by Industry Group Employed METROPOLITAN Trans ; In leading Metro, AREAS P P Business nonagri- Area COUNTIES, creat oun Ps oe and cultural Code AND o i eo a C oh: i.| Whole- | personal | In | industry CODES In labor | W's | lemales [ pop) Agri | Mini O | Manufac- | “MUM | gale and | services er | agri- Total who are | who are ining | struc- ; cations, r and not orce L s employed || culture . turing d retail exclud- d cul- in in tion an le i reported | 0 Code Liber lth oe Jomostic (See | Per- orce orce utili- : page | cent ties services 422) [1] (18) 19) (20) @n (22) (23) 2) (25) (26) [£1)) (28) (29) 30) | ay | 32) MISSISSIPPI-=Con. All Counties—Con, 6,271 3,007 79.8 | 14.3 2,363 1,108 y 112 471 60 140 169 299 | 46.9 911.4 13,211 7,282 82.4 28.9 6,631 3,314 3 198 832 236 700 30 818 | 50.0 9| 6.4 8,056| 3.755 73.1 20.0 2,571 280 28 203 use 211 376 35 586 110.9 | 636 | 9.7 38,186 19.956 na 33.5 | 16,823 703 x 1,077 4,316 1,052 2,8U47 3,667 3,131 | 4,2 5| 15.6 057 79,821) u7,781 83.4 39.1 | 42,848 11,230 3 2,470 4, 2,600 6,726 7,465 7.564 | 26.2 | 036] 6.6 2,198 14,707 83.1 28.1 13,770 9,741 53 338 479 290 846 806 1,217 | 70.7 | 636] 3.0 17,8 9,851 85.3 25.3 9,098 7,150 18 119 165 73 1 439 683 | 78.6 | 636 | 2.3 Burk] 2,559 85.9 27.8 2,107 1,86 13 8 1 1 12h | 88.5 | @36| 1.6 13,357| 6,201 80.7 12,0 5,315 ,025 10 103 509 46 203 269 150 | 75.7 9| 5.2 14,725 8,066 80.3 28.2 6,290 519 1 350 3,105 294 718 756 147) 7.5] 11[13a Jasper.........,031 12,886| 6,068 78.6 15.4 ene 4,367 i 76 Lug 11 209 258 283 | 76.4 9| 5.9 Jefferson. . 9,612 1256 83.0 5 9 3,905 4 92 239 70 187 159 328 | 78.4 9| 2.2 10,332 921 81.7 13. 4,683 818 1 78 36 193 248 219 | 81.5 | 636 | 3.4 34,579 17,178 17.8 22. 15,053 ,5u2 Wn 479 4,305 Lol 1,673 1,692 1,827 130.2 16| 9.5 4,152 7,134 83.5 17.3 6,739 4.875 3 105 780 75 203 271 27 | 72.3 9| 9.9 14,697) 7,204 79.6 18.7 6,383 4,008 294 139 125 Lgl 687 649 | 62.8 | 636 | 7.2 8,133 3,945 78.7 17.8 3,0 1,799 1 109 273 1 241 253 342 | 58.2 | 036 4.8 43,153 23,278 77.6 33. Bs 3,937 55 811 3,440 1,870 3,013 2,960 3.368 | 20.2 6| 6.8 9,203 ,389 80.7 13.2 L074 2.9% 6 11h 222 2 196 | 71.7| 636] 3.6 15,920 , 7.740 84.0 12.5 7.267 5,047 x 119 bul 64 323 397 275 | 15.0 9| 5.2 suse 27.551] 14,560 82.1 24.9 | 11,95 6,207 16 392 1,034 388 1,388 1,191 1,34% | 51.9 7] 5.2 Leflore.........042 38,173 2.55 8.5 34.0 | 20,736 || 13,027 90 5 792 586 1,94 1,579 2,216 | 62.8 | 636 2 Diels: orien. O08 18,888 43 80. 20.3 8,066 W578 13 209 895 200 721 707 743 pet 636 6 Lowndes... ...... 0! 24,843 14, ko1 82.8 35.7 13,087 5,419 59 401 1,772 688 1,344 1,304 2,100 | bhi, 4| 036] 5.4 Madison. ........0H5] 24,845] 13,864 84.6 27.9 13,273 8,926 21 342 1,353 234 704 699 994 | 67.2 917.1 Marion..........046 16,617 9,051 81.2 27.5 8,156 4,214 6 3h 1,345 156 651 624 816 | 51.7 11 6.7 Marshall........ON7 17,061 9,010 85.2 21.5 8,395 6,448 1 164 11 128 415 8 666 | 76.8 | 636 33 Monroe... cou... oug 26,091] 13,854 81.8 26.1 12,765 7.860 67 300 1,17 545 us 847 1,054 | 61.6 9 x} Montgomery..... .049 10,675 5. 80.4 20.6 ¥,616 2,948 101 245 97 347 478 | 63.9 9| 4.2 Neshoba....... ..050 18,292| 8,562 79.6 14.0 8,034 5,719 4 193 526 76 493 537 426 | 71.9 9| 5.5 HOWEOR. «vo vsses 051 16,516 7.934% 3s 16.1 7.371 4,969 5 18 550 195 465 553 486 | 67.4 9( 5.1 Noxubee..... ves 052 16,588 8,895 8l.1 25.2 8,313 5.2 1 95 217 110 405 39! 704 | 76.0 | @36| 2.6 Oktibbeha....... 05 14,714 7,272 79.2 21.9 6,492 3,466 1 207 502 1% 510 92 743 | 53.4 | 636 | 10.0 Panola.......s0.05 23,626 12,158 85.2 17.2 11,565 8,139 87 920 226 13 609 519 931 | 70.4 | 636| 2.5 Pearl River.....055 13,246 6,830 79.8 22.6 5,642 1,8 8 215 1,243 152 550 562 1,072 | 32.6 910.0 POPPY vives visions 056 6,231 2,924. 79.2 13.3 2,351 1,204 10 243 307 34 143 171 239 | 51.2 8| 7.1 Bln, vi inn es 057 2k,g10| 13,083 79. 27.6 | 11,135 3,925 10 519 1,513 1,308 1,338 1,198 1,324 | 35.2 23| 9.5 Pontotoc. .......058 35.872 . 1.265 79. 12.9 6,020 k,396 2 137 169 103 379 L5g 8 73.0. 636 | 5.0 Prentiss....... .059 1 20 6,768 78.4 17.0 5,763 3,593 3 124 643 125 391 4go 62.3 71 5.4 Quitman.........060 18,74%7( 10,270 81.5 26.1 9,933 8,337 1 213 62 97 397 | 376 450 | 83.9 | 636 | 2.2 19,932] 8,671 67.3 19.4 8,162 ,010 1% 306 #97 182 465 826 462 |-61.4| 636 | 8.0 15,kg5 1.5% 80.9 16.1 7,018 31 61 229 704 122 470 478 639 | 61.5 gl ‘®.2 10,621 5,5 81.7 22.6 5.325 4,09 12 7 136 90 32 267 go 76.9 | 636 | 2.9 Simpson.........064 W925 bE 79.4 18.0 6,575 L,523 27 154 327 12% 39 599 7 | 68.8 | 636| 6.7 cr .065 12,7 6,2 83.4 12.6 5,822 ,6lg 19 235 95 37 214 316 257|79.9| 636] 3.4 Stone... .. vues +065 4,399] 2,233 80.2 20.9 1,778 630 1 60 34 52 141 191 79 | 35.4 1 10.8 Sunflower.......067 42,606 23.030 78.5 271.7 | 22,321 || 17.798 289 220 308 1,223 1,062 1,k21 | 79.7] 636] 2. Tallahatchie....068 23,14] 14,026 86.6 33.2 13,227 10,956 ¥ 131 213 123 517 7 815 | 82.8 | 636| 2.0 PAE ss sv esses 069 13,348| 6,977 84.8 19.5 6,620 5,189 126 125 57 316 311 hob | 78.4 | 636] 2.7 Ppl, ys oe vnins .070 13,304| 6,202 80.0 13.2 5,301 3,496 246 368 82 340 go 309 | 65.9 9| 6.3 Tighomingo......071 11,703| 5,20 78.8 10.0 4,08 2,627 13 92 hay 115 276 286 250 | 64.3 9] 9.1 Punles, ovesneess 2 16,311] 9,22! 88.4 24.4 9,09 7,841 104 112 70 330 236 4o1| 86.2 | a36| 1.2 BriONe. esr nny 0 15,474 7,607 80.3 19.2 6,538 4,039 184 588 191 506 513 517 | 61.8 7) 5.3 Walthall........ oF! 11,122 5,265 80.7 12.8 5,059 4,199 109 1 37 198 242 163 | 83.0 | 636] 3.1 Warren.......... 075 2.42 17,910 83.9 35.9 | 15,314 3,55 20 | 1,398 1,728 1,111 2,091 2,172 3,235 | 23.2] 636 6.4 Washington...... 076 9,672| 28,024 85.0 2.1 | 24,974 13,07 73 1,212 2,069 Tul 2,597 2,237 2,968 | 52.4 | 636| 3.8 WETnE. sues suns 077 11,048 5,274 80.2 1h.y 4,626 2,812 12 134 658 78 238 350 34k | 60.8 9| 9.3 Webster..... ee. 078 9,628| k4,700 81.1 16.1 4,171 2,885 1 102 217 1 289 307 262 | 69.2 9| 5.8 Wilkineon....... 079 10,709 6,136 87.3 26.2 5.799 628 20 124 914 79 339 264 431 | 62.6 9] 11.9 Winston.........080 15,029 7,469 81.6 17.6 6,808 L461 i 107 604 242 k21 Lhg 524 | 65.5 9| 6.5 Yalobusha. ,.....081 12,671 6,147 79.4% 18.8 ,ug2 3,500 10 160 24h 220 403 409 536 | 63.8 | 636 3.7 ¥27000 ce senso ..082 27,299] 15,118 85.2 25.9 | 1k,274 9,819 347 472 370 328 945 847 1,146 | 68.8 | 636| 2.9 5 Table 3 1 Served from adjoining County. 224 Parts fomtey TABLE 3—SELECTED DATA FOR METROPOLITAN AREAS AND FOR ALL COUNTIES, id a BY STATE—Continued : HOUSING—1940 ° All Dwelling Units Occupied Dwelling Units Nonfarm Rural Farm 2 P g Dwelling Units Dwelling Units Bits METROPOLITAN oor Metro. AREAS, i 2 © Area COUNTIES, P P P Median P phones Code AND Residential Percent | Percent Per- | Percent | number er- CODES Siructires in5or | with Peont — wih of Avene 2 Percent J ) more | private | wil mechan- monthly wit with 1 Number family | Lethieb slestre Number ales ica pervons Number rent Number run- | electric nid ) lighting viel refrig- | |ouse- (dollars) ning | lighting res shower eration hold water 3) G9 Gs) (36) an 38) ®) (40) “1 @) “@) (C)) “s) 6) “n MISSISSIPPI=-Con. Counties—Con., Greene 2,030 2,077 0.2 4.8 14.1 2,044 | 62.3% 10.1 | W.20 1,059 hn 1,018] 4.2 4.8 12 Grenada. . 4,227 4,586 0.6 14.1 28.8 4,493 | 27.2 16.3 3.66 2,156 13.77 2,430 1.9 6.0 561 Hancock. . 3.989 en 0,1 43.9 53.5 2,808 | 07.8 21.7 3.56 3,154 13.56 486 | 18.3 31.1 543 Harrison. 12,461 14,062 2.3 47.5 63.7 13,020 | 48.2 27.7 3.26 12,593 15.85 1,169 23.5 29.5 3,901 057 |Hinds..... 22,315 27,404 2.6 3.4 56.9 26,921 | 30.3 30.3| 3.ko 19,956 | 24.00 7.848 5.3 7.1}: 422,113 Holmee 9,297 9,815 0.2 11.4 17.8 9,54 | 25.8 10.2 3.51 3,170 10.34 6,645 2.3 hy 893 Humphrey s .027 ,636 7.311 0.6 7.4 16.0 6,522 | 15.7 9.3 3.44 1,643 11.56 5,468 2.1 1.2 309 Issaquena. . .028 1,893 1,974 by 12.4 1,719 | 15.2 5.51 2.97 130 6.56 1,844 41 10.4] (2) Itawamba. .029, 4,705 4,856 2. 18.2 4,562 | 43.8 12.1 3.95 458 9.15 4,398 0.8 13.3 113 Jackson......... 030 4,964 5,451 1.0 28.5 54.0 5,191 | 56.4 24.0 3.45 4,647 11.48 8ok| 19.5 38.5 1,518 JaBPer..esernse. k, 354 by, 4k5 4.8 15.8 4,308 | 51.0 9.6 | 4.02 867 7.21 3,578] 2.1] 10.0 78 Jefferson 3,756 3,796 5.7 10.0 3,538 | 25.5 7.0 3.31 754 7.% 3,042 2.3 3.9 119 Jefferson Davis. 3,689 3,747 4.8 12.8 3,527 | 45.1 1.5] 3.96 534 | 10.36 ,BL3( "2.5 1:5 275 JONOB. cvinn snes 10,498 11,869 0.h4 17.5 4.2 11,626 | 44.0 18.8 3.74 7.33 | 11.9% 536] 5.0] 15.8 2,111 HOMper. sea cisuns W199 4,922 0.1 3.7 7.9 4,746 | 36.5 4.9 3.99 1,038 5.50 3,884 2.4 2.3 ug Lafayette 4,869 5,298 1.1 12.1 27.3 5,157 | 35.9 16.2 3.64 1,609 15.91 3,689 1.9 8.6 b28 Sekine 2,871 3,00 0.2 8.6 2.7 2,857 | 56.5 14.0 3.80 1,351 5.02 1,652] 4.7| 10.0 134 Lauderdale. 12,713 15, 32 0.9 0.2 49.5 14,894 21 24.2 iE 11,262 | 13.97 4,002| 5.5] 15.2 4,792 Lawrence. 3,206 3,299 0.2 2? 15.2 3,178 9.3 8.3 .00 826 7.53 2,473 0.8 6.2 140 128KS. vue resinns 5,516 5,6u4 0.3 .6 16.4 5,487 | 46.0 9.2 4.01 1,349 8.25 4,295 1.7 7-3 178 Lee..... 8,719 9,893 1.1 15.4 b5.2 9,653 | 33.7 25.7 3.49 4,156 13.30 5,731 5.4 26.0 1,789 Leflore 13,L8l 14,712 0.6 19.3 32.1 13,979 | 12.6 17.2 3.27 5,748 15.59 8,964 4.6 11.4 1,864 Lincoln. . 0.333 6,830 0.6 13.1 25.4 0,59 | 47.3 H.5 3.68 2,591 11.31 4,239 2.7 5.6 728 Lowndes. §,29 9,302 0.7 18.1 40.6 8,991 | 29.8% 19.1 2 4,958 12.80 hy, 3 4.0 15.6 1,516 Madison.,...... 045 8,490 9,133 0.2 9.5 19.0 8,861 | 22.3 7.8 3.62 2,886 11.62 6,247 2.4 3.3 55 Marion.......... olb 5,548 5,811 12.0 5.4 5,622 | 50.4 11.9 3.73 2,352 9.58 20459 b.5 8.5 455 Marshall 5,911 6,185 0.1 1.2 16.9 5,967 | 26.6 9.6 3.71 1,h82 10.92 , (03 1.9 4.5 9 Monroe 8,769 9,409 0.2 11.8 29.7 8,988 | 34.1 19.6 3.68 33 11.37 b,0(2 2.6 13.0 1,170 Montgomery. 3,692 3,953 0.7 10.6 20.8 3,716 32.0 13.2 3.62 1, 2 9.92 2,550 1.2 2.3 ug7 Neshoba......... Lusk 6,606 7.9 17.2 6,303 5.1 10.6 3.96 1,51 10.78 5,092 3.9 6. 333 Newton......euss 5,424 5,684 n.a 19.8 5,528 | L9.2 11.6 3.88 1,648 9.95 4,036 2.4 5.0 Lo8 Noxubee. . y 6,307 6,630 1.2 14.2 6,010 | 24.u4 9.7( 3.65 1,348 8.82 5,282 2.6 6.7 286 Oktiboeha.. .05 4,806 5,204 0.8 17.4 3h.1 5,090 | 8.4 19.4 3.78 1,885 16.05 3,319 3.6 15.8 705 4 7.997 8,371 0.3 8.4 20.5 8,250 | 26.0 11.9 3.59 2,113 12.1% b,258 2.2 7-2 712 4 554 4,750 0.5 16.1 36.¢ 4 hl | 52.b 20.2 3.68 3,122 7.971 1,626 11.2 21.2 L37 POrIYecverrinrs 056 2,062 2,137 8.4 15.5 2,067 | 59.1 11.0 4.10 93 5.62 1,204 5.0 3.9 54 Fike... .057 8,020 8,934 0.5 23.4 u.5 8,651 | 45.6 16.8 | 3.51 5,15 11.62 Joo 7.0| 10.6 1,865 Pontotoc. .058 5,417 5,674 0.1 5.0 271.3 5,459 | Lo.k 15.9 3.17 1,160 9.92 51k 1.4 18.2 23 Prenties. 4,868 5,092 0.1 8.6 25.5 5,000 | 38.6 15.3 3.74 1,380 9.17 3.7121 2.4 11.b 554 7,0L41 7.325 0.6 1.9 1k.o 6,867 | 14.1 9.8 3.33 1,266 | 10.71 6,039 | 3.0 5.4 221 5,678 5,890 0.2 6.1 20.6 5,608 | 42.8 9.2 3.69 1,835 8.83 4,055 | 3.6 9.3 275 5,221 5,374 8.3 18.7 5,259 | 51.5 12.0 3.89 1,719 | 10.70 3,655 | 2.7 5.5 Lg 4,054 4.170 0.3 8.8 16.7 324 13.2 10.6 3.33 192 14.76 3,378 3.2 8.2 192 5,107 5,232 0.1 9.2 19.1 L975 | u8.2 11.2 os 1,440 8.71 3.792 2.5 7.0 263 4, 346 L,15 2.6 16.3 4,235 | 53.1 9.0 1k 123 6.85 3,692 1.7 9.2 17 1,489 1,550 14.1 21.8 1,500 | 61.3 17.6 3.67 9 5.73 620 7.9 4.6 163 15,053 15,598 0.1 10.3 19.5 14,889 | 10.2 11.1 3.39 3.) 12.78 12,454 4.3 9.3 909 8,132 9,005 0.4 8.1 14.1 8,598 | 14.6 9.1 3.38 1,719 9.51 7.226 3.1 5.6 389 4,701 4,843 0.2 6.9 17.4 4.6x7 | 23.8 10.5 3.53 935 12.92 3,908 2.2 7.2 36/ 4,613 L,786 7.6 18.6 4,577 | 40.3 11.3| 3.8 1,099 | 10.99 3.087 | 1.4 4.5 280 T4iehomingo...... 071 4,048 4,209 5.2 22.4 3,978 | 47.4 10.5 3.81 1,215 7.34 2,994 0.6 8.7 Los Tunica... “2072 6,254 6,532 0.3 6.2 9.8 0,271 7.9 6.9 3.05 887 13.56 5,645 2.4 3.5 215 Union.. IT 5,171 5,585 (a3 9.0 32.8 5,417 8-3 19.2] ‘3.56 3,721 2.20 3,805 1.7{ 27.8 491 Walthall........ o7 3,991 4,050 0.2 6.2 13.1 3,899 8.7 7.6 3.95 492 12.37 3,558 uh 6.0 181 Warren.......... 9,968 11,751 3.0 27.7 52.71 11,471 | 30.6 23.5 2.9 A 14.08 2,429 8.5 1k, 7 2,67 Washington.... 17,861 19,760 1.3 15.2 34.3 19,0b/ | 20.4 1b.2 ioe 9,690 13.63 10,070 I'm" 9.6 2,82! Wayne. ... 6 3,699 4,816 0.2 5.5 10.6 3,700 | 52.6 8.6 08 1,347 6.73 2,469 1.0 1.5 162 Webnter......... 3,266 3,410 4.8 14. 3,320 | be.3 6.6 3.79 863 8.52 2,547 1.4 4.3 137 Wilkinson....... 079 851 4,001 0.5 8.2 19.0 3,810 | 26.0 6.3 og 1,462 8.15 2,539 3.) 2.9 51 Winston, ........060 982 5, 20k 0,2 1.5 16.9 p.o4 Lg.g 10.2 03 1,489 11.00 3,715 1.2 2.3 32 Yalobusha.......081 4,276 616 0.8 12.2 25.8 W505 | 35.0 14.9 3.50 1,423 10.15 3,193 3.0 8.5 511 Y8800..0...0.0..082 9,625 10,129 0.5 9.9 2.5 9,872 | 22.8 11.9 | 3.50 3,311 12.90 L,6lE| 3.0 5.5 622 TABLE 3—SELECTED DATA FOR METROPOLITAN AREAS AND FOR ALL COUNTIES, BY STATE—Continued Table 3 Part 4 - Agriculture MISS., Greeno (021) = (Figures which have been rounded to thousands will not necessarily add to totals) Yazoo (002) “a ig AGRICULTURE—1945 AGRICULTURE—1940 Per. Vale of Voi Value sim proucy sold, | Principal cot i} am property ork power traded, or u y source of METROPC" (TAN Per | “of farm howselold * | farm income | Type- \ cent of= Metro, AREAS, Number of | Land in | Cropland | Number | of forme Percent from— farming-| Rural ONES. farms farms : graiel of farms | farms | yojye Aver.| Number L area level s s oper- 1 erst oof ive- code |,.° CODES Jan. 1, of of Apiitt, [ated | 2 Total 38 | horses | Number Amount | stock Cod living . . e : 1945 acres) | acres) fos0’ by pod 00's * | andfor of oes and See | Per Be index ten- | jess 3 arm | mules | tractors 2 live- | Crops | pass) | cent P dollars) | (dol- dollars) k ants | than i over % Short mo. old) prod- $400 ucts “) “) 50) 6) | 6 64 [oN IE) 6D 8) em | eo |e |] | ® Srss1ssIprI—ton. ounties—Con. Greene,. .. 021 81 20 923 13.5 8 1,7%9 11,938 Grenada. oz 1,752 181 R| 233 ws| eu heed hic i S| 2 2 en = & tancock,. oc) 903 52 | mmol mi] Lunfaad Te 23 27] 39i5| 220 o|3m.8| 1:2] m r130Massseses . 1 ) 2. %) 3,360 | 3,262 79 68 520 | 30.0] 23.1 2|26,9] 132 057 | Hinds..ueessnea025 5,991 57 125] 6,396 | 73.8. s6.5| 13,221 [2,061 9,869 16] 3,133] 16.0] s2.8 51472] 2 & Holmes. sss. «0.026 ,3%0. uy 1w2| 6,350 7, a] 11,656 | 1,836 Humphreys... » 350 190 126] 4,30 ra Z Lene by ¥% = i a ald : os oe a Tssaguena. .. 1,218 103: w| 1,158] 80.1| 52.1 W573 | 3d 1,7%9 21] 1l008| 4.7] e306 s|ass| mal ss Itavanba. 2.911 8 8 58 5.2 6.2 5.1% 11458 5,67 6) vas 12.6] 25.2 ojenal ms| m he : 3] 60. 1923 | 2,554) s 3 457 47.3] 20.2 o|3009| 132| 7% Jasper.eeiee 2,911 2u6 6 1 % ],2 Jefferson, 2,087 235 ®| Ix at & nia Dem ais BD] mR BI 20 184 BB OZ Jo77srsvn ja 179 (34 2,233 | 52.2 | 45.4 4,952 | 1,718 4,323 35 1,530 4.9] 65.8 5164.8 781 76 meee bm| Bog WEE BRR OE Of BB a im om oz rane y : : . : , . 3 ,155 7] 3» o|47.0| ms| e2 lafayette.......036| 3,065 307 68| 3,405 62.2] 73.3 5,420 [1,592 6,121 69] 1,192] 13.9] 40.5 o|45.0] ms] 70 LaMar. e.vnernss 1,357 17 1] 17] 29.9 56.6 2,239 | 2,108 2,038 20 706 | 22.0 42.7 o|3.2| m1] 7 Lauderdale. . 2,768 254 G8 2aLl 16a] &0 5,539 | 1048 4,042 50 1,23 | 24.5| 30.5 o|z2.5| ms| 69 Lawrence... ....s 1,987 179 v2 | 2,319] 48.3 55.6 3,522 [1,519 3,604 39] 1,00] 61] 38.4 557.8] m1 73 Leake...s...res.040] 3,928 253 76| 4,205] 47.9] 51.9 6,085 | 1,447 6,366 65| 1,85] 8.5] 53.3 5|52.8| ms| 7 4,507 2Y 00| 4,91 63.7] 3.7] 10,733 2,158 81% 138] 1,95 | 24.9] 33.7 ols my 7 6,514 29 w8| 7727) oa2| 1609| 2007 [2,612 8,30 we| eu3r| 2.2] 83.2 s|82.9| 7a| 67 2,967 275 60 | 3,617) 44.6] 53.6 5,734 | 1,335 5,47 ss] 1.6er| 15.5] 45a 5|laae| m2] Lowndes 0s 323 o m| 330 6.2 Go| 7902 2,373 6,76 199] 1mi| 26.0] 43. 5039.0 1 66 rreaere , 7] 553m 70] 47. 0,205 | 1,43 8,24 m| 2m0| ea] maz 57005] wm2| os Marion..eeeeesss 046 §: 758 2 2 i 4 45.7 $a Lo 4718 16 1,545 9.4 56.9 5| 54.9 781 7” : 79.0 | 76.5 46 | 1,567] 770 76] 1,513] 19.0] 51.0 0. 7 132 385 wa 5272 eb | 62.5| 11,246|2,133 9,461 256| 2.284] 15.3] 45.0 Hoa 7s = : 2,0 202 wi| 2,275] 61.4 | 55.5 3.200 [1,670 3,737 61| 1004| 13.7] 39.5 o|lssar| ms] wm Neshoba.ss.....a050| 3.712 an 85 | 4.3% | 48.2] 42.5 7.385 | 1,685 7,011 mi 2m] oul a2 slags| msl m Newtonsssosesss Die 278 72 3,483 42.7] 43.2 6,09 | 1,750 6,230 70 1,263 11,0] 48.5 5] 47.6 ns 84 "uf 369 wy | 4267] 72.3] 19.2 7.216 [1,691 7,560 105] 1.535] 31.5] 40.2 5| 4004] ml 1 275 209 sol 2s| snr 62is| seen |213 4m ARE BE ed TRE Ty SE Sham HB BF BEE BEE Of HM HE IEE ® rege : : =| 6. : 193° " 3.0] 32.1 ol 36.0] mf = PErTYorcaenseseal56 1,08 6 ° . { Bittoenentl Sa ae om] mall LILY Rl BW EH Za omg EZ 3,601 272 8 | 3,975| 57.4) 60.6 7,191 | 1,809 8,073 22 a0] 21.2] 29.0 o| 472] ms| so 2, 209 67] 3.113] 56.6] 65.6 5,076 | 1,759 5,273 2| 1.202] 20.5] 24.8 o| s2.8| wi| m 5,033 221 we | sisi Ail 21.0| 14,081 2,55, 6,258 197 4196] 2.0] 85.3 sjasal onl mw 3,28 300 65] 3,605] 51.7] 46.0 6,271,709 5,427 | 2,007] 19.2] 47.3 s{ 42.9] m1 3,267 217 66| 3,398| 46.8] 39.6 5,322) 1,568 5,820 g1| 1jm9| 131] 16:6 5liea| msl 1,993 12 17] 22 2.2] 29.7 7.0705 | 334] 3,624 205| 2,213) 2.1 82. 5|827| mu] m 3,018 252 n 3.369 | 45.2 | 47.2 5.456 | 1,619 5,178 153] nem| 9.9] s4.3 551.6] m1] a 2 217 3,299 | 42.9 34.2 5,393 | 1,640] 5,620 26 1,939 62 BZ 5] 51. 781 a 670 58 15 16| 12.8 63. 1,27 Sunflower.......067| 9,869 421 316 10,99 92.7 AC a Si we IN 2 2 : 2 = 2 Tallshatchie,...068| 5,832 325 Wo | “6.215 B6i2| 27.4] U,me52| 2,315 8,653 331] 4,456) 2.5] 79.6 5079.4 | TU] 69 Totes venus 068 en a1 » 3,9 | 0.0) 57.5 6.92% | 1,766] 6,002 76] 1,900| 20.7] 53.4 552.9 w2| 8 hee 3,004 | 53.4 | 59 5,211 | 1,738 6,444 wy aol ma Ra ol 47.5] ms| so Tishomingo......07L| 2,095 157 us| 2,402] 47.3] 69.2 3,113 | 1,206] 3,531 27 3s6| 10.3] 30.5 ol sso] msl wm orton. ov on L607 208 wpo| som0| 93.3] 15.3] 13,73 | 2,704 5,739 10] 4,020] 1.1] ao. . Union..... 3.363 234 8] 332] 59.0] 58.2 6.798 | 2,055 6,291 01] 1Lug| 21.9 oo : 3 Js > Walthall, . 2,855 207 ™ 3,419] 49.5] 52.8 5,302 | 1,551] 4,922 7A 1,561 8.5 66.0 5] 63.7 731 77 Warren. ... 1,816 236 su| 2,310] 65.5) e2.s 5,213 | 2,257 51 won| 1,00] 215] 42.3 s| 20.2] 2 6 Reshingion......076| 1.25) 375 abs| Tous) me) 20.5 27148 | nio0| 10,02 uel ees] 39] m3 353 Hl Torre 22 OR | 22 Baal TEI an Bl {2 Bel nal HG FOS En reiies : , ’ ’ : 3 | 313 o| 52.7] ms| so Wilkinson... 1, 22k . . Ee posames 2.07 226 | Rl Rd asl hom|uis See 21 123 sl B30 ZI Ey 4 Yalobush@su,eees08%1 2,612 243 57 2,922] 66,5] 76.1 4,423 | 1,531 5,118 75 967 17.3 33.9 ol 47.6 Th2 71 R100 en tncrni a DEE J182 153 33] eel 202] 392] 13121 (2,163) 9,261 u3l 30 Te2| Te sl 75.51 w2| eo Table 3 TABLE 3—SELECTED DATA FOR METROPOLITAN AREAS AND FOR ALL COUNTIES, Part 5 - Industry . and Retail Trade BY STATE—Continued MISS., Greene (021) - . Yazoo (C82) (A11 dollar figures have been rounded to thousands and will not necessarily add to totals) a MANUFACTURING ESTABLISHMENTS—1939 MINERAL INDUSTRIES—1939 RETAIL ESTABLISHMENTS—1939 METROPOLITAN Mord COUNTIES, Value added Area ue adde Code AND Wage Wazes Value of by mnie Value of | Number | Wages and 3 ; Sales Active ng Pay roll earners 0) roducts roducts of salaries umber of | (1000°s of average | (1000's of CODES Number (1000s of f ] ture ) ( s of pro- 6 ( 50 (average dollars) | 4 000s of (1000's of (1000's of | persons | (1000's of | stores dolar). | prietoss or dollar) for year) dollars) dollars) dollars) | engaged | dollars) year) (65) _ (66) 67) (68) (69) 0) an 2) (3) a8 (0) (76) an MISSTSSTPPT~=Con, 11 Counties—Con, Greene, s..essess02l 13 270 133 43 233 70 734 64 53 37 13 398 204 2,437 8 16 2,564 151 269 212 12 82 6 359 17 (1) (2) (1) 138 1,292 130 137 73 55 2,660 1,016 7,460 3,305 700 11,333 602 1,434 1,036 057 |Hindsesss 113 2, 1860 1,293 20,058 2,171 (2) (1) (1) 968 31,978 763 4,564 3,713 HolmeSeesusseesal26 17 239 UO 637 319 (1) (1) (1) 310 4,139 300 450 273 2 6 124 ke! 563 228 154 2,467 ‘16 232 170 28 294 28 25 21 6 215 91 49% 207 (2) (1) (1) 12 739 135 70 41 Jacksons sseessss030 27 2,050 1,640 11,894 4,416 239 3,049 236 301 189 Jasoeresessessss3l 12 109 46 153 107 149 1,401 12 110 54 Jefferson, esssesN32 5 9 35 126 7 93 1,117 9% 138 85 Jefferson Davis,N33 5 33 13 82 43 20 1,252 87 100 61 4 3,827 2,783 9,752 4,502 461 2,548 376 1,049 731 10 691 504 1,556 1,036 151 1,143 120 105 60 8 58 31 152 23 130 2,373 97 260 169 2 (2) (1) (2) (2) 85 730 81 63 30 57 2,6%, 1,557 9,722 3,924 580 12,332 437 1,761 1,333 5 146 (1) (1) (2) (1) (2) (2) 119 1,141 125 95 57 LoakosseessnsessD40 1 333 164 229 493 167 2,223 159 153 83 189, vaunersanessl 25 RRL 533 3,535 1,404 360 6,080 336 663 534 042 26 Uhh 315 4,69 1,207 442 9,728 380 1,111 892 17 760 364 1,997 354 (1) (1) (1) 237 3,743 217 426 280 31 1,621 933 5,033 2,193 164 89 57 351 5,773 302 359 503 13 1,236 ans 3,09 1,707 220 3,319 206 365 195 u 967 521 2,7%0 1,36% 208 3,235 201 385 246 3 23 12 33 28 219 1,283 223 175 116 28 643 337 1,854 735 100 60 44, 289 44565 269 514 347 9 222 102 415 122 13% 1,697 127 183 108 Neshobeis es ass sesd50 12 399 165 945 448 138 2,566 | 110 266 156 Newtons ssseoosss51 21 423 18% 1,422 629 174 2,286 142 ‘223 126 Noxubee, ... «N52 12 249 144 1,3 359 168 2,166 149 201 158 OktibbehaeesssssN53 13 303 167 2,196 60 156 2,507 10 300 199 PanolasessescsssN5s 13 116 76 n7 269 (2) (1) (2) 247 4,034 232 391 267 Pearl Rivery.,..055 22 1,275 614 2,77 933 (1) (1) (1) 196 2,932 166 341 263 Perry, 5 122 53 247 151 (2) (2) (2) 61 639 55 67 38 Pike, 27 1,430 a0 4y 375 2,217 385 6,024, 323 782 477 Pontotoa, ¥ 5 41 hy (2) (1) (1) (1) (1) 173 1,593 175 157 87 Prentiss «N59 5 220 (2 (2) (1) 174 1,498 148 1187 m Quitman, .sseeeseN60 2 (2) (2) (2) (1) 202 2,245 183 229 145 Rankin, .yoesese,061 16 R63 566 3,237 1,709 166 1,628 150 U2 7 16 472 280 1,224 730 172 2,973 141 285 204 4 133 51 253 96 116 1,920 4 219 183 5 40 25 211 1 165 1,736 163 135 a2 3 h (1) (1) (1) (2) (2) (1) 132 957 107 63 36 6 216 (2) (1) (1) 72 241 6&4 68 41 9 % {3 {2 (1) 431 6,040 400 538 401 7 122 a 1 (2) 200 2,510 193 217 135 3 47 (2) (2) (2) 170 1,643 167 174 11 T4pnRhe «see sess e070 1 106 42 321 114 Ld 1,474 135 97 41 T3homingo, sess sN71 5 ” (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) 123 924 126 66 33 NT2 5 93 (1) (1) (1) 193 2,413 157 270 132 11 466 273 1,243 59, 210 2,018 233 208 131 Walthall, sseeessN7 7 9 40 226 152 a8 1,883 an 136 115 Warren, ,cueessesN75 38 1,158 mn 3,737 1,726 3 8,295 330 1,160 866 Washington,.,... 76 30 1,505 997 2,350 3,353 (2) (1) (1) 547 11,847 519 1,311 1,033 Wayne 077 21 257 93 408 199 121 1,33 97 160 el Webnte 7? 13 121 45 352 134 127 1,618 132 132 68 W11KINGON, sss e079 16 1,064 619 2,555 1,263 166 1,954 120 203 108 Winstone... 0 8 36, 210 1,412 642 (1) (1) (1) 138 2,068 136 230 152 Yalobusha,, 10 23 51 Lhd 135 169 1,911 158 232 122 2004 00anss ses sOR2 13 222 153 1,042 430 237 4y543 275 490 17 Combined Counties? 370 1,636 8u5 6,060 2,080 1,081 390 311 Not shown because of disclosure of operations of individual establishments, Data included in Combined Counties at end of State. “Includes all counties where figs ures ure not shown separately because of disclosure of operations of individual establishments, SIncludes all establishments and wage earners of counties for wages and value data were withheld to avold disclosure. The "Combined Counties" figure for number of establishments is excluded from the State tdtal, since this item wa shown for every county, Whenever data on wage earners have been withheld, that portion of the "Combined Counties" figure represented by such data is included in the corresponding State total, 226 \ TABLE 3_SELECTED DATA FOR METROPOLITAN AREAS AND FOR ALL COUNTIES, BY STATE—Continued Inhle 3 Part 8 = Other Economic Data MISS., Greens (021) = (A11 dollar figures have been rounded’to thousands nnd will not necessarily add to totnls) Tazoo (042) 0 Ess, SERVICE ESTABLISHMENTS—1939 BANK Ditosirs - Major vay spy Major war facilities injects, June 1940-Sep , 1945 June | ane 1945 METROPOLIT AN E Bond (1000 s of ollars) (1000's ol dollars) Metro. AREAS, sales 1944 Area | COUNTIES, |Number Number =~ Employees Total | (1000s of Code AND of Sales of “| Receipts | Active Pay roll | (demand Time doll 3 y . average y : ollars at CODES estab- | (1000's of | estab- (i s | proprie-| 1000's | and time) | (1000's |isgue price) lish- | dollars) | lish- |of dollars)| tors year) dollars) flo, of dollars) Cosa ments ments of dollars mbat . ™ it Other Industrial | Military ® 19) (80) (81) (62) 83) 4) (85) (86) 87 88) a.) (80) on MISSISSIPPI~-Con, All Counties—Con, y 155 16 18 pt 6 1 699 149 195 16 1,838 68 290 64 138 64 5,114 229 1,262 6,605 143 31,870 6 684 36 39 29 1 2,825 1,618 433 52 6,900 205 1,104 212 891 383 19,796 5.993 5.975 6.921 1,256 ug, Tul 154 38,090 368 2,510 379 1,169 838 £0,119 11,627 6.977 8,248 9,912 18 3,149 92 124 92 82 32 6,815 815 1,278 66 1 1,963 61 235 51 115 68 3,030 4 51 1 7 6 6 1 63 21 (1) 155 157| 160 154 17 1,294 56 361 205 10 733 Le 143 52 79 35 10,284 2,34 3,763 314,216 1,188 10,531 634 4 170 65 8 58 n 15 2,426 690 412 3 17¢ -15 2 15 25 7 802 105 286 273 25 61 26 21 18 1,972 319 u5g 33 4,590 in 580 142 255 158 16,963 6,475 2,u97 8,773 3.119 2| (1) 68 ou 33 69 13 1,259 278 183 10 676 8 131 89 12 Lo 3,386 600 3 57 37 59 36 Lo Cae 1,387 267 286 58 (1) 156 926 156 458. 293 21,054 4,361 3,701 4,095 5,763 2 115 43 47 39 62 16 1,386 155 370 234 66 102 66 7 19 2,322 183 549 213 51 7.797 139 463 139 187 107 9.765 629 1,810 92u 3,141 12 42,406 137 954 132 457 321 14,804 1,808 1,951 1,378) 7.415 23 2,470 115 406 119 173 102 6.377 1,905 967 Lkg 28 5,613 83 310 Ii 144 83 12,207 2,635 2,385 1,796 7,496 15 2,536 gh 297 78 145 88 4,725 658 1,264 1,977 1,026 19,307 k,358 Marion. .........046 15 1,030 127 321 23 | 188 8h 5,784 1,538 965 5,458 368 Marshall.. os 11 685 61 162 63 103 33 i820 1,701 551 Monroe. co. sss. 048 16 1,230 hy 265 133 208 82 7.97 770| = 1.95 37,254 780 25,617 Montgomery. .....049 13 1,122 nn 147 66 64 3 3.353 go 595 Naghoba........+050 1h 1,967 43 129 hy 77 4 6,052 1,447 hl Newton. eeeeuens 051 16 1,457 67 180 54 151 60 3.592 6u3 695 3.278 HOXUDE®a oe sunsn .052 15 1,914 ug 143 2 95 uy 175 54 682 59 Oktibbeha. ......053 9 666, 7 147 51 136 us | 823 790 788 Nk 564 Panola. es... 054 2h 2,664 55 175 58 70 37 4,960 90 938 2,103 Pearl River.....055 12 1,215 60 143 58 60 ko 3,408 1,116 690 2,668 PerT¥on ses nse «056 by 178 21 16 21 8 3 873 135 237 Pike, so oes'es. 057 19 2,454 120 463 109 281 137 8,057 1,872 1,449 664 Pontotoc....s...058 7 866 58 82 63 59 2u 3,677 88 60l Prentiss.. 10 398 103 176 57 182 ug 3,582 128 559 242 Quitman... 10 1,672 43 242 hy 115 59 3,118 5h 659 Rankin... 21 %ta) 50 y2 u9 22 8 2,584 540 475 Scott... 20 1,172 4 122 y2 95 47 },995 1.357 638 103 Sharkey. 9 452 20 Ie) 17 141 25 1,642 128 429 Simpson... 8 477 88 133 87 36 16 2,552 L2y 5T4 105 Smith. ..e.s.....065 2] u5 28 32 24 6 97 146 352 SEONe ease es ca es066 6 190 25 Ly 25 28 1 1,108 7 "205 Sunflower... 22 6,882 105 480 104 236 13 &,957 817 1,297 Tallahatchie 1 857 53 127 55 55 23 3,653 112 8ug Tate. soso 6 440 59 71 58 25 12 3.205 18 567 Tippah. ee... ; 1h 35 90 153 70 8 32 3,319 33 516 96 Tishomingo... ...071 4 160 ™ 102 % 122 h7 2,490 & 453 TUNICA eves ssiss0T2 9 1,104 21 85 21 45 26 2,249 0 721 . 20 2,005 78 198 8 28 52 k4 495 762 3.822 6 377 24 123 22 56 32 2,6u46 640 478 42 210,257 9 T 92 96 265 14,228 6,005: 2,399 222 8,242 50 14,758 4 2 164 is 295 17,111 1,560 2,664 yoy 9,147 8 337 45 eu 39 45 16 1,586 203 108 5 581 93 164 98 151 45 2,582 320 499 Wilkinson.......079 11 1,032 n 104 47 5 26 2,370 155 846 24,995 Winston... 12 815 7 29 7% 80 oh 2859 320 57 Yalobusha. 22 776 72 180 12 170 70 3,367 650 548 Yazoo. 21 1,935 159 359 158 172 123 10,341 2,561 1,376 CLE, os se menses one 372 413,504 7,717 581 81,375 1 Not’ shown because total since TH369 O—47 16 Sales of one of disclosure of operations of individual establishments. for forty-one establishments in the city of Vicksburg only. + State, since they involve disclosure of operations of an individual establishment. closing operations of individual establishments. number of establishments individual establisiments. “Combined figure Includes data for the part of Warren County (075) outside the city of Vicksburg. Data included in "Other" at end of State. establishment in Warren County outside Vicksburg are not included here but in “Other” at end of 3Sum of establishments in counties for which sales data are withheld to avoid dis= Includes one. establishment in Warren County (075) outside the city of Vicksburg. is shown for individual counties. Sundistributed. * 2Sales figure for Warren County (075) 227 is This sum is excluded from the State for counties having sales data withheld to avoid disclosing operations of K FETT Table 3 Part 1 - Population ¥0., Adair (001) = ¥cDonald (060) TABLE 3—-SELECTED DATA FO R METROPOLITA AREAS AND FOR ALL COUNTIES, BY STATE—Continued x — TOTAL POPULATION POPULATION—1940 EOUCATION | sis ESTIMATED 1944 CIVILIAN Total whi POPULATION Land | Pop- otal white © Percent of METROPOLITAN u.s. area [ulation population 25 Metro, AREAS, rank in per years old and Area COUNTIES, Neha of |Percent| sq. over who have umber . A g Code op. ini change | miles | mile Percent i Rural Rural completed— Percent] April | mn of an | nonfarm | farm Births | Deaths Number change tS > | percen-| 1930-1 1940 | 1940 | Number | total tiles) | 1940 opu- 5 or : Nor) >| 1940- ation more Hab 1943 1940 grades | S€h0° m (2) 3) 4) (5) (6) m 8) © (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) MISSOURI......| 3,524,790 ~-6.8 | 3,784,664 4.3] 69,270 | 54.6 3,539,187 93.5|1,960,696 | 705,324 | 1,118,644 88.6 22.0] 67,990| 42,248 METRO. COUNTIES..| 1,802,395 1.411,778,276 4.0 2,810 | 632.8 1,607,501 90.4 | 1,503,464 | 205,198 69,614 90.5 25.6 33,043 21,467 Metro. areas: 061 |Kansas Cities(pt]048| 485,893 1.7 | 477,828 1.6 603 | 792.4 434,808 91.0| 415,244| 47,123] 15,461 92.3 36.3] 8,504] 5,927 101 |St. Joseph......O0ll 79,960 | -15.0 94,067 -4.6 411 | 228.9 90,992 | 96.7 75,711 8,404 9,952 91.2 25.3 1,467 1,262 102 [St. Louis (pt)® s+0044.092,095,096| 1,151,286 3.3 11,115,840 5.5 1,119] 997.2 993,176 | 89.0| 951,271 138,539 26,030 89.6 20.8] 21,126] 183,282 116 |Springfiela.....0%9 85,256 -5.8 90,541 9.2 677 | 133.7 88,325 97.6 61,238 11,132 18,171 90.8 28.0 1,946 996 OTHEK COUNTIES... 1,722,395 | -14.2 | 2,006,388 4.5| 66,460 | 30.2| 1,931,886 | 96.3| 457,232 500,126 [1,049,030 86.6 18.3| 34,947 20,781 All Counties: - Adair.cesseeese 001 16,449 | -18.8 20,246 45 4.2 574 | 85.3 20,151 | 99.5 10,080 2,817 7,849 90.9 24.2 314 234 10,391 | =20.2 13,015 66 -3.4 430 | 30.3 12,980 | 99.7 4,351 8,664 94.8 19.9 149 124 10,410 | -19.8 12,897 66 | -2.9 549 | 23.5 12,896 | 100.0 5,388 7,509] 95.2| 29.6 205 101 21,393 | -5.6 22,673 40 2.7 692 | 32.8 20,915] 92.2] 11,725| 2,774 8,174 | 92.8] 24.9 439 230 Barry.ceseeessq+005 19,435 | -17.5 23,546 38 3.8 800 | 29.4 23,543 | 100.0 3,819 4,126 15,601 87.5 16.5 435 209 Barton. .........006 10,908 | -22.9 14,148 62| -2.8 594 | 23.8 14,143 | 100.0 2,992| 8,231 7,925] 91.7 17.9 197 143 15,875 | -18.7 19,531 47 | -11.5 841 23.2 19,413] 99.4 2,958| 5,228/ 11,345] 92.2] 18.8 283 196 8,900 | -20.1 11,142 72| -4.8 742 | 15.0 11,036 | 99.0 2,712 8,430| 85.4 11.7 150 109 9,643 | -25.2 12,898 66 5.1 621| 20.8 12,892 | 100.0 > 2,075 10,823] 77.3 7.6 177 95 BOONG. + ssssssss 010 33,128 | -5.3 34,991 22) 12.9 683 | 51.2 31,683 90.5| 18,399 4,918| 11,674] 91.3] 34.2 559 367 101 |Buchanan........0ll 79,960 | -15.0 94,067 6| -4.6 411 | 228.9 90,992 | 96.7| 75,711 8,404 9,952| s91.2| 25.3] 1,467] 1,262 29,526 | -13.9 34,276 23| 44.6 716| 47.9 31,608 92.2| 11,163| 4,097| 19,016] 72.1] 12.1 811 339 9,703 | -16.6 11,629 20| 7.0 430| 27.0 11,584| 99.6 4,953 6,676 94.2] 24.9 124 157 20,612 | -10.7 23,094 39| 15.9 835 | 27.7 20,619 89.3 8,297| 3,427 11,370] 76.1] 18.1 302 458 Camden. svesss. 016) 6,312 | -29.6 8,971 80| -1.9 655| 13.7 8,955 99.8 3,142 5,829 78.0] 11.8 147 71 Cape Girardeau..016 32,722 | -13.4 37,775 20 13.8 576 | 65.6 36,169| 95.7 22,539] 3,081] 12,205] 86.0 20.7 706 383 13,965 | -21.6 17,814 52 | -10.7 694 | 25.7 17,319] 97.2 4,070| 3,832 9,912| 93.8] 21.4 278 180 4,432 | -28.8 6,226 88| 13.1 506 | 12.3 6,226 | 100.0 2,808 3,418] 80.8) 11.5 74 38 17,648 -9.7 19,534 47 -6.8 698| 28.0 19,332] 99.0 8,655 10,879 93.6 24.0 274 239 Cedar.eseseessss020 9,293 | -20.6 11,697 70 5.0 496 | 23.6 11,697 100.0 3,853 7,844 88.7 12.1 168 127 Chariton........021 18,933 | -23.0 18,084 51| -7.7 759| 23.8 16,591] 91.7 6,734 11,350] 89.7 19.1 230 189 10,822 -20.1 13,538 64 2.8 567 | 23.9 18,525 99.9 3,264 10,274 85.9] 13.6 205 126 8,770 | -13.7 10,166 76 | -0.9 509| 20.0 10,139] 99.7 4,023 6,143] 94.4] 17.9 139 102 33,437 9.9 30,417 27| 13.4 413| 73.6 29,591 97.3] 11,150 11,765 7,502 | 92.7| 28.8 633 415 C1i0tON..sasess.025 11,406 | -14.0 13,261 65| -1.8 420| 31.6 12,718] 95.9 3,512| 3,868 5,881] 95.7] 29.3 182 130 C0184 + 04 +0 ++028) 31,392 | -10.1 34,912 22| 13.2 385| 90.7 32,587 | 93.3| 24,268 2,917 7,727| 89.4] 27.3 541 296 COOPOT + evuunsss 027 16,026 | -11.3 18,075 I 563 | 32.1 16,248 89.9 6,089 8,070 8,916 | 90.0 20.4 296 194 Crawford. 9,018 | -29.0 12,693 67| 12.5 760 | 16.7 12,678| ‘99.9 181) 4,344 8,168] 80.5 11.6 207 98 Dade. ... 8,911 | -20.8 11,248 72{ -4.4 504 | 22.3 11,128] 98.9 3,344 7,904 88.6] 15.9 126 109 Dallas.. 9,429 | -18.2 11,523 71 9.3 537 | 21.5 11,523 100.0 2,533 8,990 | 85.7] 11.6 172 87 10,150 | -24.2 13,398 64 -7.1 563 | 23.8 13,308] 99.3 4,747 8,651| 95.5] 23.5 161 138 7,897 | -19.0 9,751 77] -5.a 423] 23.1 9,732| 99.8 108 3,180 6,468] 96.9] 19.9 117 113 9,620 | -18.2 11,763 70 7.2 756 | 15.6 11,763] 100.0 3,151 1,247 7,365] 83.8] 12.9 193 116 11,802 | -24.3 15,600 s8| 11.8 809| 19.3 15,593] 100.0 2,485 13,115] 81.0 9.9 228 131 DURK140.ss.sa.. 085 39,613 | -11.9 44,957 | 25.6 543| 82.8 43,909] 97.7 9,008| 9,024] 26,925) 70.2] 11.8] 1,109 363 Freanklin........038 31,053. | -8.3 33,868 24 11.0 932 | 36.3 33,297| 98.3 9,092| 10,997| 13,779] 86.3] 12.2 610 340 Gasconade. ......087 11,126 | -10.4 12,414 67 2.0 520 | 23.9 12,406] 99.9 5,756 6,658 88.6 8.4 220 126 Gentry...oe.. 10,660 | -20.2 13,359 64| -6.9 488| 27.4 13,358] 100.0 5,945 7,414] 97.0] 22.3 182 143 116 |Greene.. 85,256 | -5.8 90,041 6 9.2 677 | 133.7 88,320| 97.6) 61,288) 11,132| 18,171 90.8] 28.0] 1,946 996 Grundy. sess... 040) 12,638 | -19.6 15,716 v8| -2.6 435| 36.1 15,641] 99.5 7,046] 2,218 6,457 92.5] 21.6 216 168 Harrison. 13,870 | -16.1 16,525 56 | -4.1 720| 23.0 16,511| 99.9 2,682 8,521 10,322] 95.2] 20.2 256 171 17,932 | -19.6 22,318 a0 -2.7 787 | 30.3 21,942 98.3 6,041 6,014 10,258] 91.2] 20.7 338 252 4,782 | -26.5 8,506 87 1.2 410] 15.9 8,505 | 100.0 1,479 5,027 88.0] 14:1 86 57 9,492 | -23.9 12,476 87-1. 456 | 27.4 12,442 99.7 5,762 6,714] 93.2] 24.9 162 128 10,423 | -20.0 13,026 6b | -3.4 469| 27.8 11,277 | 86.6 2,608 3,776 6,642| 87.2] 25.4 169 187 17,865 | -19.8 22,270 a1] 13.2 920| 24.2 22,111 99.3 4,026 4,279] 138,95] @5.6] 17.5 450 193 7,874 | -24.6 10,440 7 8.3 v54| 18.8 10,308 98.7 ®©4,774 5,666] 73.6] 11.1 185 110 061 485,895 1.7 | 477,828 1 1.6 603 | 792.4 434,808| 91.0| 415,244 47,123 15,461] 92.3] 36.3] 8,504] 5,927 75,963 | 6.0 78,705 8 6.6 642 | 122.6 77,502 | 98.0| 53,833] 12,236| 12,636] 90.3] 24.5) 1,672] 1,065 27,201 | -15.1 42,023 25 | 16.2 667 | 48.0 30,999 | 96.8] 13,158) 8,329 10,536] @5.9| 13.9 540| © 328 18,643 | -13.8 21,617 4z| -3.6 826 | 26.2 20,781 | 96.1 5,868 4,297| 11,452] 91.8] 26.8 344 257 7,207 | -18.8 8,878 80| -8.1 s1z| 17.3 8,81z| 99.3 3,090 5,788] 95.5] 18.8 116 11 18,405 | -1.4 18,718 49 | 14.7 770 | 24.3 18,549 99.1 5,020 1,811 11,882] 83.9] .14.5 415 177 24,170 | 13.2 27,856 81) a. 634 | 43.9 26,268 94.3 8,874| 7,622| 11,360] 88.2] 20.8 439 284 Lawrence........0bb 21,288 | -1u.8 24,637 86 4.6 619| 39.8 24,584 | 99.8 4,682 7,819 12,186 90.38 19.8 3890 289 LOWLBouauaessss e056 9,665 | -16.9 11,490 7n| -5.0 505 10,923 | 95.1 5,488 6,007) 92.2] 2b.3 174 132 Lincoln. . 12,468 | -14.1 14,39 62 3.3 629 13,608] 94.9 5,897 8,498| 89.5 1b. 176 139° Linn... 18,386 | -14.1 21,416, 42| -8.2 624 20,962 | 97.9 9,380 | 8,829 8,207| 98.5 22.1 s12 208 Livingston. 14,430 | -19.8 18,000 51) -u8.3 533 17,599 [ 97.8 8,012] 2,253 7,735 | 93.6] 25.1 252 209 MeDOnA Ld. ve... 0 060 13,402 | -14.9 15,749 981 13.0 940 15,7281 99.9 4,386 11,3631 87.11 14.5 328 134 litem nder of funons Cities 228 lotropolitun Area (061)4s in Kansas. Biennindor of Ut. Louls Metropolitan Area (102) is in 111inois. TABLE 3—SELECTED DATA FOR METROPOLITAN AREAS AND FOR ALL COUNTIES, BY STATE—Continued . Table 3 Part 2 - Labor Force MO0., Adair (001) = McDonald (060) are 68003 LABOR FORCE—1940 Percent of Population 14 Years Old and Over Employed Workers by Industry Group Employed Trans In leading pr Busi 4 Metro METROEIAN Percent | Percent porta- ess bu Code COUNTIES, of all | ofall C ton, | Whole. | personal Other In | industry AND Total In labor ales io ales Total Agri- Minin on: Manufac- ning sale and | services el ook agri- CODES ota force | Whoare | whoare} o\ojoed ll culture |S | SUC turing T retail exclud- 2) cul- Cod in mn tion an rade ing reporte ture ode labor labor ger donate (See | Per- force force utili- ; page | cent 2 2 ties Services 422) an (18) (9) 20) @n @) 3) 4) 25) (26) @n (28) (29) eo | an | 6) MISSOURI......| 2,964,182|1,521,086| 79.7 23.6 [1,297,094 305,488 12,458] 56,493 2uh,904 | 99,019 | 238,154 | 225,249 | 115,329 | 23.6 | 636] 7.1 METRO. COUNTIES... | 1,449,091 799,887) 81.7 31.0 | 681,873) 20,149 1,220 32,790 183,756 | 65,438 | 160,778 | 149,163 | 68,579 | 3.0 Metro. areas: 061 |KansasCities(pt) 1048 394,360 | 221,927| 82.2 32.8 | 18,79 4,352 365| 8,510] 37,961 | 19,525 | 50,366 | 46,650 | 19,064 | 2.3 101 [St Josey copy Pl 76,561 38,663 76.4 26,0 | 31,99 2,797 9%| 1,l98 T2436 3,059 7,882 6,337 2,891 | 8.7 102 [St Louis (pt een 2092,095,096 906,510| 505,121 82.4 31.4 | uzh, M2 8,842 (323 2.36 134,719 | 38,821 | 95,746 | 90,722 | 43,965 2.0 116 |Springfield.....039 71,660 34,176 75.5 21.5 28,294 4,158 9| 1,476 3.640 4,033 | | 6,784 5,454 2,659 | 14.7 OTHFR COUNTIES...| 1,515,091 721,199| 77.9 16.0 | 615,221| 285,339] 11,238] 23,703] 61,148 | 33,58. | 77,376 | 76.086 | 46,750 [46.4 _All Counties: AQRIT. vueee eee 001 16,079 1.922 717.5 21.0 6,674 2,469 87 240 679 386 1,125 1,218 510 [37.0 | 636] 9.7 ADATOW. eso sss 002 10,355 h,ou5 80.4 13.7 4,510 2,710 14 158| 136 197 488 532 275 60.1 | 636 | 7.2 Atchisone.......00 9,825 682 79.1 14.0 haul 2,438 3 170 17 21k ugh 513 335 | 57.4 | 636] 6.4 Andraine..e....s0 17,798 9,483 82.8 24.0 8,836 2,587 NM 294 2,660 413 1,146 1,028 667 129.3 16 | 17.9 BAYTYeeoseeesss005 17,232 7.731 78.3 10.1 6,29% 3,462 25 210 236 533 759 ni 352 | 55.0 23| 6.2 BArton.cesesss.s006 10,904 4,863 76.0 12.0 4,138 2,204 109 148! 185 190 527 472 303 | 53.3 | 636] 5.9 Batess...erseesoD0T| 15,229 7.000 77.8 13.0 6,075 3.421 133 243 42 275 733 731 397|56.3 | 636 | 5.4 Benton..ss......008 8,377 3,881] 79.5 10.8 3.373 2,222 22 9 98 106 38 317 201 165.9 | 636 | 5.0 Bollinger. ......009 9,070 4,300 80.0 6.8 3.436 2,540 17 50 15 62 211 239 171 33 636 | 4.3 Boon®.e.svees...010 27,749 14,332 79.0 25,6 13,053 3,216 101 930 824 631 2,076 3,733 1,542 | 24.6 | 636 [17.2 101 (Buchanan........0l1 76,561 38,663 76.4 26.0 31,994 2,797 9h 1,498 7.436 3,059 7.882 6,337 2,891 | 8.7 5113.5 Butler..........012 3.28 11,217 23 1k. 9,18 4,194 55 5u2 550 739 1,256 1,068 783 | 45.7 | 636 | b.8 Caldwell........01 +25 4,230 8. 12. 3.7 2,183 22 158 60 188 u67 446 229 | 58.2 | 636| 6.2 Callawayeo. oes 0ll 18,641 8,458 68.7 19.6 7.593 3,082 210 333 866 295 815 Li 608 [40.6 | 636 | 12.7 Camdense........015 6,465 3,032) 78.3 12.4 2,369 1.215 pes & 11 66 248 21 182 [51.3 | 34 | 8.4 Cape Girardeau..016 28,736| 14,638] ®.1 22.2 13,080 3,404 35 705 3.163 723 2,025 1.925 1,100 [26.0 | 1512.5 Carroll.eise....017 13,870 6,503| 80.4 12.5 5.775 7.29% 13 195 92 358 ™3 6 396 | 57.0 | 636 | 6.1 Cartere.......+.018 h,172 1,837 76.1 6.8 1,240 598 22 oF 194% 64 10k 131 “93 | hg.2 9 53 COBBueerseseneesDly 15,522 1. a 19.7 15.9 6,799 3,669 41 2 331 35 868 181 523 | 54.0 | 636 | 5. Cedareesssssn...020 8,972 3.7 ™.3 8.8 3,30]. 2,1 18 104 59 87 376 35 201 | 64.0 | 636 | 5.6 Charitonessss.s021 13,978 6.4771 TM 10.7 5,823 3,667 23 184 98 306 602 574 369 §3.0 036 | 5.1 Christian.......022 10,113 ,6001 79.5 8.9 3,888 2,598 32 129 149 106 19 35% 205 | 66.8 | 036 | 5.2 01arke.secseeess2 8,017 3,763 78.5 13.6 3,292 1,942 7 102 116 176 373 356 220 | 59.0 | 636 | 6.2 CIN. vue essdsnsDB 24,325 12,282] 79.4 21.5 11,014 2,230 242 554 1,835 967 2,043 2,380 763 | 20.2 | 636 9.0 Clinton. .e.eee..025 10,531 5,048 80.0 16.2 430 2,117 27 24 155 232 672 6u3 343 [47.8 | 636] 6. 0018. cevansreces 026 28.209| 13,%02| 61.5 30.3 12,044 2,121 62 739 1,605 mm 1,768 1,84 3.129 {17.6 | 37/19.5 COOPeTrssssassss.027 14,181 6.577) 13.9 16.2 5,668 2,647 37 291 216 IT 108 854 541 | 46.7 | 636] 8.7 Crawforde.......028 9,108 4,127 715.1 11.7 3,191 1,648 3 103 331 129 382 340 227|51.6| 636] s.1 D8de.seessssess-029 8,637 3,808 77.1 10.0 ,299 2.175 36 79 67 9% nk 320 .213 165.9 | 636 | 5.2 Dallase.........030 8,288(- 3,562| 715.0 5.3 2,967 2,105 5 83 78 226 236 190 | 70.9 | 636 | ku Daviess.........031 10,620 5.095| 80.1 13.1 4,397 2,826 50 95! 0 161 Lg 480 231 [64.3 | 636 | 5.3 De Kalb..eos....032 1.770 ,519 78.2 10.5 3,212 2,121 24 93 4 122 25 316 170 | 66.0 | 636 | 5.5 Dont..cesensssss.03 8,639 ,251 79.0 | . 17.1 43h 1,629 15 120 487 129 18 3 307 | 47.4 7! 5.8 Douglas. ...ce.. 0 10,536 4,823 79.4 9.4 170 2,9% i 82 167 78 292 296 256 | 1.8 | G36 | L.b Dunklin..eees...035 30,755| 14,968 19.5 16.2 12,198 +809 6 31 1,134 435 1,47 1,213 805 | 55.8 7! 6.4 Franklin, .e.....036 25,713 3.4 82.6 22,4 12,288 4,390 153 673 3.1 556 1,404 1,138 785 | 35.7 1519.8 Gasconade.......037 9,629 1958 82.5 18.5 4,669 1,970 116 326 1,09 151 40 on .229 | h2.2 15 | 20.5 Gontryecscses...038 10,440 4, 8h0 78.5 13.3 4,216 2,356 3 146 1% 262 EI 90 255 | 55.9 | 636 | 5.9 116 [Greene..........039 71,660 34,176 75.5 21.5 28,294 4,158 90| 1,476 3, 4,033 6,7 5,454 2,659 [14.7] 23] 8.7 Orundyeeecesss 0 12,473 5, 76.3 hh 4,920 2,14 5% 18 153 601 31 697 372 (43.6 | 23 | 8.4 HArrison..ee....04 12,813 6,071 80.2 13.5 5,490 3,25 70 186 113 205 660 661 364 | 58.9 | 636 | 6.1 HONIYeoeessoeess 17,465 8,291 77.8 16.8 7,091 3,187 284 233 668 356 988 sok 571 (44.9 | 636 | 5.1 ? Bisko¥es sees sliy 950 2,212] 719.4 9.3 1,981 1,425 56 20 hy 150 170 116 | 71.9 | 636 | 5.2 Holtyeeusnscuses 9,705 4,565) 79.3 12.6 4,061 2,283 18 304 57 195 483 yn 250 [56.2 | 636 | 6.1 HOWATdoeooesers 045 10,254 4,919 M.S 15.1 4,321 2,217 21 235 95 308 465 563 751.3 636 | 7.3 Howell..oeever. O46 16,176 7.572] 711.0 16.0 5.975 2,119 5 330 364 268 937 54 538 |u6.5 | @36 | 5.6. ITO0N. caecsasesssOUT 7,210 +320 75.0. 15.9 2,253 197 107 107, n 125 235 309 260 | 35.4 | 636 | 9.0 061 |Jackson..e......0U8 394,360 | 221,927 82.2 32.8 | 186,793 4,352 365] 8,510 37.961 19,525 | 50,366 | 46,650 19,064 | 2.3 | 636 | 8.1 JB8DOr.seecoes 049 61,490 ,882 76.2 23.3 23,597 2, 1,137 1,117 5,053 1,787 5.323 355 2,18 [11.2 036 | 6.9 Jefferson.......050 24,319| 12,343] 80.1 19.6 10,818 2,633 108 627 3.758 680 1,348 1,093 57 [24.3 | 16 |1%.3 17,466 7.883 75.4 15.1 6,856 3,651 32 211 278 346 862 1,005 471 [53.3] 636] 7.9 * 7,045 ,312| 80.8 11.2 3,026 2,046 9 87 26 112 287 2 166 [67.6 | 636 | 5.5 13,585 567 16.7 19.0 5,29 2,548 1 168 655 164 101 5 hol [48.1 1] 8a 21,820| 10,505 79.0 15.9 9,27 3,785 NT 410 820 519 1,234 1,146 613 [40.8 2] 1.9 19,157 8,647 75.3 15.5 7.181 3,306 US 266 34 397 830 1,116 518 J 46.0 | 036 | 9.6 9,242 4.426] 79.5 15.2 3:5 2,001 28 145 187 164 ugs 515 337 |51.7| 636] 7.1 11,482 5,675| 80.1 15.9 962 2,637 20 188] 236 Lek 527 366 | 53.1 7) 1.6 17,040 8,195| 78.5 17.8 7.134 2,658 227 202 617 3 1,145 916 = 33 23] 7.8 14,253 6,371 76.8 1k.0 5.585 2,467 38 250 257 278 in 860 4.2 | 036 | 7.3 11,211 4,958] 715.7 10.3 3,762 2,219 12 135 183 98 hug 400 266 |%9.0| 036] 5.7 1Remainder of Kansas Cities Metropolitan Area (061) is in Kansas. 2Remainder of St. Louis Metropolitan Area (102) is in Illinois. 229 Table 3 Part 3 - Housing MO., Adair (001) - TABLE 3—SELECTED DATA FOR METROPOLITAN AREAS AND FOR ALL COUNTIES, BY STATE—Continued YicDonald (060) HOUSING—1540 All Dwelling Units Occupied Dwelling Units Nonfarm Rural Farm Dwelling Units Dwelling Units eth METROPOLITAN i Metro. AREAS, psd Co oD Residential Percent | Percent Per. | Percent Per- CODES structures in5or | wi Peta ed] vy Auge sont Pe hn 3 more private wil mechan- monthly {| - wil wit Number aly | Eetboub {-olocuic Number | owner ical Number oot Number hog Orin struc- or lighting i] refrig- (dollars) ning | lighting tures | shower Pied | eration water (LV) G0) Gs) [£0] an a8) [t)) #0) (CI) “@) (C)) “s) “) “n MISSOURL...... 905,19% | 1,140,493 9.5 4,0 70.6 | 1,068,642 | Lk,3 41.0 828,652 | 22.48) 311,841] 6.3] 15.9] 531,603 METRO. COUNTIES..| 353,035 552,046 18.3 68.8] 95.9 513,103 | 35.9 62.2 532,616 | 27.39 19,430| 25.0 50.4) 310,656 Metro. areas: 061 |Kaneas Cities(ptOME| 101,995 156,982 26.7 71.2] 96.6 144,503 3590 57.6 152,473] 26.51 4,509 | 36.6| 61.0 94,756 101 St. Joseph...... 011 22,671 28,673 9.7 sh. 89.7 26,816 ol 50.5 25,835 | 18.93 2,8u8| 14.9 Lo.8 14,959 102 (St. louis (pt)? eee0004092,095,096| 204,229 338,779. 16.2 70.4 97.2 315,173 nd 67.1 331,908 29.03 6.871 | 28.1 56.8 186,945 116 |Springfield..... 039 24,140 27.612 5.2 50.2] 81.6 26,611 | 49.2 u.6 22,410 | 18.82 5,202| 16.5| 37.9 13,996 OTHER COUNTIES...| 552,159 588,447 RY 19.3] 46.8 555.539 | 52.0 21.2 296,036 | 13.54 | 292,411] L.9| 13.6] 220.947 5,630 6.457 5.4 28.2 59.0 6,113 | 51.9 26.0 4,076 15.50. 2,381 3.4 11.3 2,310 Andrew. 3,971 4,112 0.5 15.9] Sl,5 3.895 ale 28.0 1,499 | 11.19 2,613 1.00 | 32.8 2,064 Atchison. 3,513 3.756 0.9 2.4 55.0 3.583 | 43.9 32.8 1,640 | 15.03 2,116] 17.6 | 32.5 2,212 6,169 7,053 23 26.3] 6b.6 6,775 | 46.0 28.0 4,604 | 16.76 2,9 6.0] 21.6 3,496 6,344 6.529 0.2 19.5 35.1 6,276 | 58.7 11.6 2,436 12.43 4,093 k.9 8.1 1,704 4,298 k,366 0.3 35.9 49.7 4,168 | 51.2 17.9 2,072 9.49 2,29%| ka 20.6 1,374 6,147 6,364 0.b 1b.7|] ko.2 5.933 | 49.0 14.3 2,869 9.72 3,495) 4.5] 12.9 2,886 3.562 3,64 8.4 2u.l 3,166 | 59.5 10.3 1,127 9.85 2,517 2.6 6.3 1,356 3.368 3.427 0.1 1.3] 12.6 3,190 | 66.1 5.8 600 7.67 2,821 1.2 4.2 250 9,347 11,038 6.5 38.8] 70.3 10,490 | 47.0 36.1 7.621 40 3.07 8.2 23. 5,886 101 22,671 28,673 9.7 su. 89.7 26,816 | 40.1 50.5 25,825 | 18.93 2,848 | 14.9 | ko.8 14,959 8,185 8,747 1.4 16.7| 39.6 8,459 | 50.2 18.2 4,293 | 12.79 husk] 1.7 8.3 1,734 3,648 3,795 0.6 13.7 47.1 3,611 | 49.2 12.3 1,792 8.4% 2,03 8.1 12.9 2,108 5,670 6,190 2.0 19.0] 47.7 5.810 | 52.9 24.9 2,802 | 16.17 3.388 6.6| 17.9 2,506 2,808 2,850 0.2 0.1}. 26.7 2,401 | 57.8 1.3 1,250 | 10.4y 1,599] 3.1 6.7 268 Cape Girardeau..016 9,012 10,057 1.4 38.2| 64.8 9,822 | 56.3 36.7 6,999 19.3% 3,058 4.3 14,7 5,725 CAYTOLl.ovin vas 5,455 5,6u8 0.4 18.4 Lg.2 5,294 | 49.1 22.8 2,533 13.07 3,115 6.0 | 17.2 333 1,519 1,550 3.9 19.7 1,507 | 54.5 7.1 735 5.76 81 3.4 k.9 1 6,067 6,350 0.3 15.9| 50.0 5.914 | 50.9 18.8 2,966 | 12.65 3,38 8.1 | 19.1 3,097 3,645 3.730 0.3 11.0 28.4 3,488 | 57.5 8.9 1,311 9.34 2.9 1.3 L.o 1,363 5.235 5,470 0.2 12.1 39.2 5,191 | 53.9 14.3 2,184 9.72 3.2 4.5 14,1 2,929 3.927 4,001 0.3 8.1 24.7 3,727 | 64.4 10.6 1,082 8.21 2,919 5.9 10.7 1,410 on 33.61 0.2 9.3] bs5.2 3,104 | 59.1 13.5 To 8.54 1,918 L.g| 22.8 1,6u1 8,712 9,722 4.3 39.7) 78.7 9,201 | 54.8 42.0 7,39 18.57 2,328 | 17.8 | k0.1 2,959 4,062 4,330 1d 23.41 56.6 L,063 | 49.5 23.2 2.88 | 10.79 1,842 9.7| 16a 2,010 LOY: avin ss sine 026 6,921 8,679 3.9 50.0] 78.9 8,264 | 50.4 49.8 6.736 | 31.23 1,943 7.3 2 6,750 * |Cooper... 027 lt ,865 5,280 0.7 25.6] 51.1 4,976 | 50.6 24.8 2,710 | 16.65 2,570 7.9] 21.0 2,062 Crawford. 3.533 3,620 0.1 9.0] 26.6 3.357 | 55-9 11.0 1,362/( 10.1} 2,258 5.2 9.6 1,341 Dade... 3,437 3,477 9.4 21.1 3,267 | 58.1 10.8 1,088 7.81 2,389 L.g 6.8 1,069 Dallas........ ..030 3,152 3,166 L.7 15.8 3,065 | 61.9 7.6 736 9.29 2,430] 0.7 4.4 Lg9 L222 4, 4h5 13 8.6 35.6 4,128 | 50.8 11.2 1,678 9.16 2,767 4.2 7.0 1,513 3,072 3,138 9.0 39.8 2,953 | 52.0 15.8 1,134 9.49 2,004] 5.7 15.8 1,350 3,315 3,321 16.7 35.1 3.145 | 56.3 11.4 1,316 12.45 2,005 2.1 5.8 618 3,849 3,930 0.4 4, 6[ 10.3 3,780 | 66.0 5.2 692 9.02 3,238 1.5 2.4 317 10,579 11,382 0.4 9.9 38.5 11,017 | 32.6 18.0 5.035 10.35 6,347 1.6 13.1 1,405 9,571 10,377 0.9 29.6 58.9 9,216 | 58.7 30.3 6,405 15.86 2972 7.9 19.4 4,514 Gasconade..... 3,543 3,693 0.3 2k.7 47.9 3,428 | 61.1 23.2 1,766 15.36 1.9271 2.3 7.9 1,870 Gentry. 3.997 4,195 0.4 17.4% 4h.g 4,009 | 51.5 17.0 1,9¢0 10.03 2,215 5.9 1.2 2,390 116 |[Oreene. 2h,1 27,612 5.2 50.2 8l.b 26,611 | “9.2 “h1.6 22,10 18.82 5,202| 16.5 37.9 13,996 Grundy.......:.. 4,709 5,064 2.1 28.1 58.9 4,80 3.2 27.9 3.076 2.16 1,988 5.5 11.3 2,212 Harrieon........ oll 4,981 5,185 0.3 11.4 38.7 4,921 | 49.8 13.4 2,074 10.90 1,111 4.0 12,8 2,120 Henry.... L042 6,702 7,115 1d 2v.2 5u.7 6.796 | 53.9 18.4 4,020 12.28 3,095 4a 9.1 3,700 Hickory 2,012 2,038 1.7 22.4 1,886 | 56.8 11.4 gg 6.92 1.533 1.8 1-2 356 3,720 3,877 0.3 16.0 47.0 3,608 | 48.3 24.8 1,910 I 10.69 1,967] 10.4 21.7 2,501 3,761 Li, 06k 1.2 22.6) 52.6 3,83 | 52.2 26.3 2,076 | 13.18 1,988] 8.6| 22.5 1,755 Howell.e.oudasa 5,946 6,195 0.4 15.6 33.4 5,944 | 59.0 12.4 3.27 2,457 11.79 3,738 1.9 5.5 1,174 IPOR sv ui ole 2,584 2,657 0.3 9.2] 26.1 2,530 | 56.0 12.8 3.56 1,304 9.83 1,353] ba 8.8 Jug 0bl |Jackson.. 101,995 156,982 26.7 71.2] 96.6 144,503 | 35.0 57.6 2.82 152,73 | 26.51 ‘ 36.6 | 61.0 94,756 Jasper... 21,33 2k,128 5.2 43.9] 78.4 23,491 | 49.8 36.2 2.93 20,690 | 14.86 3.438) 15.2 | 32.3 9,711 Jefferson 10,391 11,117 0.8 25.1 Tho 8,790 | 59. 45.2 3.19 7.181 14.99 3,330] 16.2) Wh.9 2,701 Johneon. vuueiess 051 6,468 6,768 0.7 23.2 u3.6 6,351 22 16.7 2.95 3.197 14.57 3.571 7.0 8.6 3,603 Knox... L052 2,689 3,015 0.8 8.6 40.6 2,739 | 54.2 10.2 2.87 1,063 8.19 1,952 2.5 19.0 1,479 Lecleds. . 5,036 5,294 To1 13.4 34 5,038 | 56.0 15.9 3.26 2.172 | 12.78 3,122] 2.2 7.2 1,500 Lafayette 7.692 8,370 3.3 23.4] 60.9 6,035 | 50.0 2h.8 3.07 5.135 | 12.77 3,235] 13.7 | 24.5 ui, 607 Lawrence........ 055 6,922 7.183 0.6 22.6 51.5 6.935 | 58.6 17.2 3.07 3.669 10.70 3.514 9.2 20.2 2,255 LOWE. co vviniannis 056 3,681 1,869 15.8 ge 3,637 | 54.2 17.7 2.73 1,958 10.0 1,114 5.1 30.5 1282 Lineoln .057 4,541 4,791 10.1 5.2 4,388 | 59.4 18.1 2.81 2,106 11.1 2.685 3.9 19.7 1,842 Linn... 058 6,344 6,809 0.8 27.8] 61.8 6,500 | 56.0 22.8 2.93 h332 | uuu) 2,477) 5.9] 15.8 4,139 Livingston. .059 4,99 5,340 1.6 28.3 54.2 5,136 | 52.5 25.8 3.01 3.05% 14.73 2,285 U.5 1.2 2,430 McDonald...... +060 4,51 L574 [0 10.0{ 29.3 3,182 | 56.5 10.4 3.3 1,510 8.63 3,084 7.0 20.7 595 Remainder of Kansas Cities Metropolitan Area (081) is in Kansas. Remainder of St. Louis Metropolitan Area (102) is in Illinois. 230 TABLE 3—SELECTED DATA FOR METROPOLITAN AREAS AND FOR ALL COUNTIES, BY STATE—Continued i (Figures which have been rounded to thousands will not necessarily add to totals) Table 2 Pert 4 - Agriculture ¥C., Adair (001) = McDonald (00) a AGRICULTURE~—1945 AGRICULTURE—1940 P : Value of Value of farm products sold, | Principal er. f Blie.0 Work power traded, or used by source of J Per cent of: farm properly farm household farm income | Type- METROPOLITAN cent of- Metro] - AREAS, Number of | Land in | Cropland } Number | of forme Percent from— farming- Rug Area COUNTIES, farms farms | harvested | of farms | farms | , jc A Number L area | 5 Gods (1000's | (1000's oper- | of Total ol Amount hs tade livin CODES Jan. 1, of of April 1," | ated | 0g. | 000° 38 | horses | Number (1000's stoc! Code | p (See {in re 1945’ acres) acres) fo40 bye: hi ( ¢ 8 | PE' | andor of oF and (See = paz) tone {Spee 17 0 arm | mules | tractors live- | Crops | pazz) | cent | P* ants | 2 i| dollars) | (dol- (over 3 dollars) | stock than | over | 15) | mo. old) prod- $400 ucts “8 “9 (50) [2] (52) (3) (54) (55) (56) Gn (58) (9) (60) (61) 2 (63) 64) MISSOURI...... 2k2,934 | 35,278 12,902 256,100 | 35.6] 34.7/11,383,391| 5.402 45,155| 69,863] 261,837) H4.2| 21.5 1| 35.3 96 METRO. COUNTIES.. 15,832 1,360 599" 16,199 | 33.2] 38.9] 1k1.878( 8.758] 33.432 3,936] 19,112 45.9 36.1 Metro. areas: 061 |Kansas Cities (pt)Soug 3,897 295 132 3,868 9.9| 46.2] 37,583 | 9.716] 7.317 748 5.575! 60.1 29.6 2| 28.9 101 |St. Joseph...... 011 2,5 239 118 2,44 | W1.3| 35.7] 19,200] 7.856 5.659 620 2,801 5.4 | 36.0 5 271.1 102 St. Louis (pt)® «024092, 095, 096 k, 864 452 218 530] 31.0 29 62,016 [11,214 12,143 2,098 7.262) 33.7| 53.4 5| 40.0 116 |Springfield..... 039 4,527 3 131 W357 25.4 .2| 23,079 5.297 8,313 470 3.M68( 71.0) 10.4 2| 33.5 OTHER COUNTIES...| 227,102 | 33,918 | 12,303 | 239,901) 35.8 34.41,241,483 | 5,175 665,206 1,219] 2u2,725| 54.5 26.8 a Suse: 4,948 6,849 282 1,953 n 0 0.4 1 sul 9 333 108 2, 2.5 32.8 10,930 4.9 ’ » . 10. 5 7 263 116 2 ie 16.7 18,102 81107 6,386 606 3.031 6h.7| 12.5 1 us 511 115 32 180 1,513 | 46.3 6.7 26,74 17.676] 7.920 80 982 S46 36.7 1| 49.9 511) 128 7 185 2.107 20 23.5| 14,625] 6,941 8.373 68 2,962| 69.9] 17.0 1| 55.6 sul 106 391 109 3.341 | 27. 50.6 10,068 3,014 7,450 176 1,927| 56.7] 16.4 1| ‘28.5 116 - 89, 327 1 1,992 | 45.3| 29.7 10,460 | 5,251] 5,991 645 2,021 47.0 38.4 5| 37.9 581 101 505 23 3,011 | L9,1 30.5 16,892 | 5,610 TR 933 3,026 60.1 26.0 1 0d 581 99 398 108 19 | 31.8] Goof 9.370 B.u22 % 1.635| 70.8 Tok 1 2 620 93 292 80 2,175 | 21.1] 6.0 L403 | 2,484 6s 1 1,283 uk7.8| 15.0 0 3 620 82 376 116 2,837 | 33.5) 37.5] 14.621 (5,154 | 8,523 350 2,628 62.4) 15.5 1 R1 sul 99 239 118 2,Wi | U1.3| 35.7] 19,200| 7.856] 5.659 620 2,806 u5.M oe 5| 271.1 581 114 272 103 3.3713 | 29.5| 52.2 7.841] 2,325 7.255 169 1,863 31.6 oH 5 3 nu 62 270 123 1,796 | 46.8| 17.4] 11,241] 6,2 5.877 439 2,089| 61. 15.1 1 2.8 541 109 459 118 2,833 31.1 Lib 13,921 4,91! 8,847 372 2,516| 66. 13.3 1| us.6 sul 97 243 34 | 1.306 | 26.7 56.0 3.802| 2,911 2,568 46 797) 56.9] 13.2 1| Wa) 620 8 39 135 2,664 | 24.0) 28.6] 14,308] 5.371 8.635 33 2,563 57.3] 17.2 1 32.9 620 98 6 206 2,674 | W7.0| 22.4) 22,062] 8,251 8,776 951 3.911 k2.8| M4.6 5 ug 511 107 8 1 660 | 23.0| 77.6 1,3% | 2, 7 1,265 18 188| 57.5 J 1 Wa. 620, 68 2k 200 2,797 Ae.8 21.9) 21,1147, 9,161 882 3.536 59.8] 2.9 1| 33.2 581 111 269 Eo) 1,980 | 34.1 | Lo.2 6.875] 3.4712 5.210 221 1,302] 55.9] 14.0 1| 32.7 sel 93 y27 181 2,774 | 37.71| 25.3 18,734 ( 6,753] 9. 699 3,347] 53.0 31.0 1| 39.6 s41| 106 281 3 2,461 | 24.3| 36.7 8.427 Si gia 195 1,786 69.7 13 1| 31.6 620, 93 308 110 1.673 | 37.8| 23.3 9,681 | 5,787 5.713 3 1,662 58.0 24.0 1| 38.6 541) 102 228 89 1,935 | 36.0| 22.6 19,691[10,176 5.140 ; 4,088 69.6) 16.2 1| 56a 561 122 258 118 1,582 | W4.6| 19.8| 15,657] 9.897] 5.018 3.085) 70.3] 17.3 1| 60.9 511 110 238 7. 1,725 | 23.2 33 10,328 22 +328 383 1,811 66.0 10.4 1| 37.5 620 99 339 Ad 2,074 | 35.2 23. 13.560 6,548] 7.111 543 2,717 63.8 19.6 1| 50.5 581| 100 273 7 1,875 | 26.1 | 66.3 6,781 3.617 i 140 961 | 63.8 1:3 11 37.0 620 83 281 102 2,075 ad 4 8,219 | 3,961 oh 310 1,761 58.3] 24.5 1 3.6 581 101 287 12 1,933 .1 2 5.934 | 3,0 JH 12k 1,159 67.1 9.3 1| 37.5 620 87 337 154% 2,368 | Wu.3| 21.5 14,317] 6, +570 Lgg 2,633 64.3| 18.6 1| 45.9 S41 104 259 17 1,782 | 43.0) 14.6] 13.513 7.583 5.776 ug 2,402 5s 18.7 1| 46.3 S41 110 272 4g 1,756 | 19.0| U9. 5.24] 2,918 3.73% 53) . 1.74 3 6.0 1 b5.5 620 eo uo2 67 2,823 | 23.6 | 48.7 5.816 | 2,060 5.696 85) - 1,460] 63.6 4.8 0] 30.5 620 79 288 221 3.475 | 58.7] 10.3] 19.183 5.5 1364 683 5.486| 11.7] 78.1 5| 76.2 TiN 87 460 i 3.384 S| 33.7] 20.069 HE 8,487 8931 3.205| 60.3] 18.3 1| 27.0 620| 101 294 1,564 33 33.1 7.052 4.509] 4,293 43g 1,151 53.4) 15.0 o| 31.0 620 107 300 119. 2,021 | 43. 17.8| 14,061 6,957] 6.875 33 2,579 70.2{ 11. 1| 52.9 sk 113 Ih 131 4,3 Ba We.2| 23,079] 5.297] © 8.313 70 3, 71.0 10.4 2 33.5 620 102 263 109 1,800 2| 26.8) 10,473] 5.689] 5.825 304 1.815] 65.9) 16.4 1 4.1 541) 102 HArrison.e...... ol 2,550 16 2,831 | Wu.7| 19.4 17.999] 6.358 9.322 igo 3.083| 69.9) 11.4 1] ws sul 105 bi . hl 1 2,756 | 39.2] 32.5 1k,112) 5,120] 9.177 621 3,606] 66.1 21.5 3 2.2 581 102 Hickory... 232 66 1,386 ba 39.8 4,857 | 3.504 3.372 pt 911| 66.6 5.5 1 ny 620| 92 263 142 1,586 3.3 9.5 18,033 [11,370 +528 67 3.89 49.1 35.0 1 M 511) 11% 269 8 1.611 | 31.7] 27.8] 11. +978] 796 317 2,17 62.5| 20.7 1 8 suf 107 376 n 3.250 | 26.4) 57.4 6,890 2 1190 5,26 88 1,497| 63.0 4.2 0 fs 620 85 128 4 1,205 | 26.0| 85.3 2,855( 2,369] 1.862 20 528 u1.3 9.1 0 JJ 620 75 2 132 3,868 39:2 46.2 3083 21 T3517 748 5.575] 60.1 29.6 2| 28.9 581 137 3 75 3,053 J W7.7 1k, peo%e 686 o 49.3 30.6 5 25.9 116 103 296 7 2,6 20.7| 55.7] 16.128 6,100] M52 600 1,62 61.1 14.2 2| 26.0 622 103 48 203 3.057 | 37.8| 25.7| 18,215| 5,958 10,740 713 3.458) 63.5) “22.9 1] bg 581 103 31 124 1,623 | 36.0] 2k.0 9,757| 6,012] 5.880 433 1,802 65.9 15.6 1 2s su1| 105 354 IL 2,719 | 28.1| 50.9 8.707 3.202] 5.606 22 1,907 68.3 10.6) . 1 o 620] e&1 378 210 2,803 | 43.6| 18.6 25,968 ne 10,806 2 4,518 53.3 34.2 1) 37.9 511 107 367 145 3,067 | 30.7| 39.4] 13,030 4,248 7,058 12) 2,264 59.2 21.5 2| 2u.8| 116] 102 Y. 10 1.695 35.8 23.2 5.786] 5.82 43 1,953 63.8) 19.6 1| b5.8 U1 1 20 E40 we 22 29.7 io 1350 6.103 6.8 ool TIE SY Bel MoE omy 2,1 359 138 2, EH 5:2 2k.) 2b,977/ 6.379] 7.105 392 2, i 66.9| 18.0 1] 4a sill 10 Livingstem ......059 1,947 312 1 2,14 A 21.7 12,793 | 5.975] 6.092 523 2s 55.8 30.0 1] k0.3 S41 104 NcDonald........060 2,242 250 52 2,464 | 31.7| 62.8 5.984 | 2, 4,389 76 1,076) 56.8] 15.2 o| 27.3 116] 6 iThe State total includes $29,470 for female silver fox and/or mink over 3 months old (kept in captivity) not distributed to individual counties. 2Remainder of Kansas Cities Metropolitan Area (031) is in Kansas. SRemainder of St. Louis Metropolitan Area (102) is in Illinois. 3 x i FR ¥ 5 = / Tobie 8 ian TABLE 3—SELECTED DATA FOR METROPOLITAN AREAS AND FOR ALL COUNTIES, “ r ria oo Retatl or BY STATE—Continued MO., Adair (001) - McLonald (060) (All dollar figures have been rounded to thousands and will not necessarily add to totals) -’o as0243 : : oy MANUFACTURING ESTABLISHMENTS—1939 MINERAL INDUSTRIES—1939 RETAIL ESTABLISHMENTS—1939 METROPOLITAN Morel COUNTIES, Value adged rea % ue adde > Code AND Wage Wages Value of by manufac- Yale of Noster Weces and Nismber cf Sales Active Employess Py roll CODES Number earners (1000's of fo ucts ture fa ucts ol ries umber of (1000's of pro- oy age a pool (average dollars) (1000’s of (1000's of (1000's of | persons | (1000's of | stores dollars) | prietors or | dollars) for year) dollars) dollars) dollars) | engaged | dollars) year) (©) (6) «1 [C) ©) av an a a 0) a) a9) an Ww MISSOURI...... 4,796 | 178,538 190,736 | 1,388,056 587.962 27,108 | 10,464 11,068 53.196 | 1,102,503 | 49,328 | 132,583 | 119,237 METRO. COUNTIES..| 3,502 | 131,630 | 151,896 | 1,123,789 1473,376 2,758 1,221 1,600 26,173 727.4892 | 22,95 | 92.798 92,537 Metro, areas: 061 | Kansas Cities(pt)®olg 851 26,050 31,615 268,395 101,993 616 255 332 6.673 242,411 5.717 | 32.639 31,907 101 | St Joseph....... 011 11% 5.735 6,199 72,243 20,096 208 83 70 1,387 30,614 1,256 4,242 3.558 102 | St. Louis (pt) : . 092,095,096 | 2,422 97,460 | “111,930 4762,467 434) 64g 1,664 716 1,0 16,638 425,611 14,697 52,279 54,228 116 | springried..... 039 115 2,385 2,152 20,684 6,639 270 167 1 1,475 28,856 1,280 3,638 2,844 OTHER COUNTIES...[ 1,294 46,908 138,840 1264,267 111k,586 24,350 9,243 9.468 27,023 375,011 | 26,378 | 39.785 26,700 All Oousties: oy 16 580 (5) (3) (3) 176 185 127 287 5.505 287 590 u25 1 (3) 4) (3) (%) 163 1,615 152 153 96 6 12 12 53 35 163 2,752 158 261 156 23 2,258 1,589 8,219 5,079 2u3 109 9k 286 5.605 296 633 435 18 127 50 43g 157 310 3.330 296 360 208 9 100 59 657 164 222 113 83 201 2,153 224 187 105 8 25 17 £0 51 920 191 24g 288 §.2 219 294 198 y 11 (8) (3) (5) (®) (3) 3 166 1,567 165 1 68 3 % (2) (2) (8) (%) (8) (* 1h 869 155 25 29 6 542 3,445 2,164 95 88 Lg 12,100 420 1,485 1,191 101 11k 5.135 6,199 72, 2 20,096 208 83 70 1,387 30,614 1,256 4,242 3,558 BUtIor. sq. vies .012 19 278 180 865 430 (8) (2) (s) 378 5.997 338 690 in 3 6 (8) (8) ¢) 183 2,2k2 173 224 127 [] 550 y52 2,326 201 ug 183 200 258 3.721 2u9 37h 261 3 1 6 42 30 21 20 13 1h3 820 151 56 n ko 2,466 2,342 13,648 6,549 283 153 135 496 11,438 461 1,351 1,099 y S| of ©) bg | zobs| ams | os| 209 6 122 51 172 82 75 600 n 33 15 13 216 185 62 403 (®) ) 9 326 3.852 309 379 232 10 6 ko 17 : 173 1.409 175 132 61 g 18 12 96 64 us 96 22 2kg 2.8 239 293 161 5 23 19 462 63 (8) (8) (®) 164 1,338 187 101 Lg 3 7 (2) (®) £8) (2) (%) (3) 161 1,613 169 122 65 63 2,734 3,386 38,415 12,528 325 340 238 517 10,505 568 1,086 B54 & 57 3h 251 126 220 3.206 211 319 199 26 1,460 1,065 5,316 2.827 7 66 412 10,965 384 1.0% 1,070 Cooper... 10 333 202 1, 670 23 69 115 236 3,851 23 1 304 Crawford. 7 178 130 493 213 {8 6 } 8} 167 1,876 179 182 102 Dade... 2 (®) (2) $2) 5) 3 5 » 145 1,232 155 124 59 Dallas. 3 3 (8). 3) (®) 142 999 162 13 5 Daviess......... 031 3 17 (0) {s {) (®) *) (®) 170 1.726 162 199 104 Diath rer OE 2 © (®) {e) (®) 159 1.338 157 118 5 A 1 254 126 721 316 (8) (8) (®) 212 2,0! 204 210 136 : 15 (®) (®) (2) 152 1,27 14g 104 57 1 999 545 2,411 1,099 Lg6 8,16! 470 765 ugh 42 2.937 2,409 14,442 6,288 43 29 17 580 7.530 587 Tus L489 1k 1,033 (8) (8) (8) 135 78 46 202 2,315 207 19% 138 9 26 21 284 93 172 2,20 164 254 138 116 115 2,385 2,152 20,684 6,639 270 167 148 1.475 28,856 1,280 3.638 2,84 12 137 61 820 219 (3) (*) (8) 219 3,335 218 u35 269 7 3 (®) (8) (®) 9k 87 uy 216 Joe 210 ba 178 15 591 522 b,388 1,422 1,114 306 uy 369 619 373 33 274 1.) (*) 85 uss 89 30 1 5 32 11 35 172 2,028 168 224 127 8 55 28 168 5 66 ug 25 159 2,160 159 as 125 Howell yuu...n. 16 91 61 26 262 276 3.849 307 391 1 Iron. 5H oe 8 176 78 137 80 143 113 105 1,230 1 104 69 061 | Jackso ...048 851 26,050 31,615 268, e.32 -101,993 616 255 32 6,673 242,511 5.17 | 32,639 31.907 Jasper ...049 120 4,068 3,437 24,53 J 841 k27 36 1,290 26,339 1,182 3 was 2,634 Jette ...050 22 3,294 (®) (®) (s 308 86 115 Loo 6.365 37% 63! 432 Johnson . 081 15 17% 109 1,085 296 n 25 20 315 4.139 32 Ls3 305 . 2 (®) (8) (®) (®) 126 1,193 13 9 53 16 562 332 1.996 655 262 3.090 266 42 232 2 Su 539 4,176 1,483 691 840 Lge 435 5,849 28 687 L12 20 59 a? 6,618 1,663 (2) (8) (®) 349 3.723 35% 361 2u7 9 157 125 294 7 *) (®) (®) 202 1,886 20% 174 97 1 u53 23% 1,284 537 us 28 26 194 2,674 190 280 71 12 % (®) {e (¢) 143 194 105 339 4,111 313 506 35k 16 1 108 1,115 mn . 252 4,382 25% 520 354 McDonald........ 060 6 9 103 us (®) () (®) 189 2,106 200 185 14 one county, St. Ctaries (092), which should be included in tho "ietro Counties” total, is included in the "Other Countios" totul, since it is not possible to present separcte fisures for this county. Reminder of Kansas Cities Metropolitan Arca § “Excludes St. Charles County (092) for which data are not shown soparstaly. cluded in Combined Counties at end of State, 232 061) 1s in Kensas. Not shown because of disclosure of operations of imd dividual establishments. inder of St. Louis Metropolitan Arca (102) is in Illinois, Data 1n- V i / TABLE 3—SELECTED DATA FOR METROPOLITAN AREAS AND FOR ALL COUNTIES, Table 8 ; Part 6 - Other E 1 BY STATE—Continued i ior Beonomie J MO., Adair (001) - {A11 dollar figures have been rounded to thousands and will not necessarily add to totals) McDonald (060) WHOLESALE SERVICE ESTABLISHMENTS—1939 BANK DEPOSITS : TRADE—1939 ! 1944 Major war supply Major war facilities x T contracts, rojects, June 1940-Se . 1945 | June 1930 une 1945 z METROPOLITAN E Bond (1000 s of ollars) (1000's Ol dollars) M AREAS, a sales 1944 Aws| COUNTIES, [Number Number| = [Empl Toul (1000's of Fen SVE. of Sales of | Receipts | Active Gavetage Pa (demand | Time | dollars at CODES estab- | (1000's of | estab- | (1000's |proprie-| “¢ J 's | and time) | (1000's |isque price) lish- | dollars) | lish- |of dollars)| tors year) dollars)| (1000's | of dollars) ments ments of dollars) Combat Other Industrial | Military equipment mm | om | ew | en ® | 89 ® a @) on 0) on NISSOURI...... | 7,649 | 2,261,256 | 20,498 | 98,936 | 20,606 | 34,665 31,378]2,157,959| 453.389 | 297.480| 2,697,582 72k, 641 537,504] 143,653 METRO. COUNTIES..| k,g01|2,068,42|11,947| 78.M22|11,603| 27,955| 27,402]1,576,015| 381,568| 182,880 2,618,597 508,510 | 516,106 28,787 Metro. areas: 061 [Kansas Cities (p2048 | 1,530 766,347) 3,478] 25,437 3,397 9,111 8,886 462,18 71,174 57,147 810,146 142,650 162,364 1,976 101 [8t. Joseph......011 238 86,504 511 2,865 515 1,051 914 55,087 17,892 7.063 5,760 5,307 102 (St. louis (pt)? 0ee0.0:092,095,096| 2 842 | 1,184,032) 7.436] Uu7.779| 7.170 16,943 16,910 Sy 287,031 112,509 | 1,803,152 353,944 353,742 16,608 116 |Springfield.....039 191 31,259 522 2,31 531 850 692 36,002 5.471 6,161 5,299 6.156 4,896 OTHER COUNTIES... | 2,848| 193,114) 8,551 | 20,514) 8,993 6,710 3,976] 581,947 71,820 | 114,595 78,985 216,131 21398] 114,866 All Counties: Adalr. ioivioen +001 35 2,5 122 322 134 117 60 6,611 1,099 gui 5,137 Andrew....... «..002 22 352 73 98 70 19 .8 3,1 185 689 Atchisch.coes.s 00 3 1,049 uy 101 51 27 18 5.992 u7 905 Andragn.....4...00 Nn 2,696 93 359 3 118 81 8,155 1,238 1,473 3,60 BArTY.coesssssss 005 38 2,148 2 143 81 ko 16 6,836 478 1,008 Barton. ........ 006 3 1,334 76 126 81 33 20 4,70 956 709 Bates....cooenss 007 7 1,698 118 202 A128 52 32 4,788 168 756 105 Benton..........008 13 ne 4h 59 48 9 4 3,001 = 477 Bollinger...... .009 5 135 4g 57 52 36 15 1,116 70 242 Boone. . vere... 0104 53 3.557 185 880 180 I 27h 13.17 168 2,297 551 4,669 101 [Buchenan........0l1 238 86,504 511 2,865 515 1,051 91k 55,087 17,892 7.063 5,760 5.307 Butler... c.vesss 012 35 3,814 13 258 118 125 | 55 7.452 1,107 851 10,319 Caldwell........013 26 657 67 102 68 17 6 3,371 13 689 Callavay........0Ll 21 1,064 76 251 81 87 5 L622 679 756 iho |camden..........015 Ly 148 31 Lo 32 13 2,024 250 280 . |Cape Girardeau..016 uh 4,711 143 592 157 209 139 14,987 5,316 2,361 5,502 Carrolles.ces.. 017 ub 2,120 80 219 8 42 35 7.016 472 1,068 1 (3) 2h 43 25 20 6 593 » 153 40 1,516 93 172 101 39 16 7,565 181 1,549 8 793 50 99 5 20 1 2,788 3n2 346 49 1,686 n 107 75 3 13 5,286 207 809 \ 12 786 53 82 60 18 5 2,558 Ll Ly 17 567 50 83 51 12 12 2,685 146 Loi ug 17.934 164 564 176 189 145 14,la8 2,993 2,420 54,115 8,937 39 1,050 82 157 EN 47 28 5,463 466 1,007 37 2,660] 1 suf in 254 182] 22,107 7,367 2,136 7.370 28 1,789 n 239 7 17 Sh 6,020 869 12 31 68 3 20 8 2,306 6 433 Dade. ..........0029 18 800 66 I ™ 3 9 2,196 10 304 Dallas...... .222030 5 3k hg 53 17 6 2,223 108 320 Daviess.........031 29 1,01k & 105 32 17 3.687 0 754 De Kalb......... 032 25 34 56 103 51 25 11 3.790 213 625 Dent.y.iveeiss ..03 12 657 12 1k n 43 18 3.134 339 388 978 Douglas. .......s0 7 519 28 45 28 15 4 1,947 369 Dunklin.........035 38 3,261 168 u3g| 181 175 1b 13,466 759 2,696 1,322 8,54 Franklin........036 4g 2,571 in 335 181 81 43 11,421 3.566 1,79 14,036 Gasconade... ....037 25 25 52 53 54 10 3 2,783 335 49 5,135 Gentry.escs.....038 36 1,969 oh 113 66 31 -18 4,381 543 756 116 [Greem€.......... 039 191 31,259 522 2,31 531 50 £92 36,402 5,471 6,161 / 5,299 6,156 4,896 Grundy. ..cev....0l 36 1,340 92 213 105 63 33 5,174 897 mm 145 Harrisen........04l 40 1,408 85 141 89 45 19 5,309 585 918 Henry. .ovossees .o0k2 52 2,955 1 2u0 2 76 46 6,802 285 1,262 |. 17,246 Bichoryassnns: 1 O03 5 181 1 37 h2 9 L 1,186 10 158 Holt. yeoinesoans 28 1,h84 61 93 59 27 15 4,432 81 610 Howarde..eoeones 045 17 1,002 51 135 50 38 2h 4,2, Lay 806 465 5,073 “111 188 119 45 .25 74255 T43 851 ‘219 17h 36 78 uy 30 1% 2,040 360 260 51 766,347 3.478| 25.437 3.397 9.111 8,886| 462,180 TLATH 57,147 810,146 142,650 162,364 1,976 27,067 386 1,816 or 633 483 35,345 4,045 L746 © 16,065 4,752 2,295 7 270 80 53 45 8, ll 2,870 1,581 3% 219 1,656 101 251 116 61 33 7.839 TH3 1,948 1,265 300 38 54 41 10 3 2,559 295] ' 519 1,795 81 129 88 7 23 5,610 991 698 340 2,868 147 319 148 108 62 10,781 1,k27 1,89 923 107 203 107 52 25 4,378 122 781 479 Lewis.......... 056 25 1,638 70 92 12 17 8 3,913 426 605 Lincoln ee. snes 057 26 1,280 57 80 63 22 8 4,682 87 728 138 150 Linnee.sessen ...058 ug 1,813 119 255 118 86 41 7.718 360 1.175 2,67 Livingston......059 3 3,096 87 181 89 51 32 6,448 521 916 149 128 McDonalde...ss.- 060 11 466 52 55 54 23 9 3,024 199 589 ljemainder of Lznsas Cities letropoliten Area (057) is in Zansas. lemainder of St. Louis Metropolitan Area (102) is in Tllinois. 3lot shown because of disclosure of operations of individual establishments. Data included in "Other" at end of State. 233 1454 MISSOURI 114 COUNTIES | INDEPENDENT CITY Pinas x | . : Tt a ATCHISON | 1 ym Te PUTNAM Ga | SCOTLAND en LEGEND 1 NODAwAY r HARRISON RT Jesmond) me ly 1 cs wn @® PLACES OF 25,000 TO 100,000 (1940) ? GENTRY SULLIVAN ADAIR | | HOLT rm GRUNDY i KNOX LEWIS * PLACES OF, 100,000 AND OVER (1940) ‘ ' ] he to ol donee Jor smesenl wey cron sme METROPOLITAN AREAS ) LINN i “BOSEPH 2 1 1 Macon | SHELBY | MARION -— tw y oa—— CALDWELL iis T 1. dr OLINTON ’ v I | LS pr—-—-dq L SHARITON | ' MONROE 1 Ras 2 oe ecm Camo mawoouen | i PLATTE | AY | ~~) ' 4 i H ad an PA m———— WYANDOTTE | raf 1 J “~. — ' das 2 po) p 1° ~~ AUDRAIN \ i 4 4 SALINE LL Howaro ,¢ : Fr = TY vLaraverre 2 2 fr —— — - / memnnh Boone ! «0° SALTON. Demme me ee - w° ADE ’ COOPER N *y } CALLAWAY sop deni s ' L l SphsaN PIR Peeapmnd INE ~Y0 Yorisr STHours cass 1 | MowTeau / Na i! 8 YILLE a: 7 =r 3 ¢ COLE — ot . : 5 NH oP un # OSAGE ' HENRY | DRA A 2 & | FRAT | sr.iouis CITY wave | 4 BENTON r mm sm mse]. | | Es Ss . ee ee el . bY rh, MILLER h ARES i Slain a a | had ! | 4 Wes stocuan a CAMDEN a ¥ cai: An a > pi Ho HICKORY | PHELPS i i | {ie GENEVIEVE VERNON Sree] : Ir bX ~7 PULASKI 1 | : le ee ' -—t ce . 3 CEDAR 1 ik l .. } 1 bf ST. FRANCOIS ~~ LACLEDE N\ I : | 4. oan reatme""} 5 | SANTO — I MADISON xT ! y Loo — dy anos i | COIRARDEAU ') fd Et oF | TEXAS | i ye WEBSTER WRIGHT JASPER 1 ! | SHANNON io J WAYNE | r = 4 JOPLIN a. - rt —- \ KAN. FO ee. Freres pee of I aed Fd yl o—— So CARTER le —— . Ro fois ~ I ooUGLAS | bai i T =f STODDARD dssissiens 4 1 2 - HOWELL i oe po vr ily 4 1 5 = om ee nf 1 i ‘ s L BUTLER g BARRY | i is San | OREGON | RIPLEY 1 Mo DONALD 1 i boa I | Sd ~~. METROPOLITAN AREAS CODE i 61 KANSAS CITY, MO. & KAN. PA 101 ST. JOSEPH | 102 ST. LOUIS 116 SPRINGFIELD MONTANA 56 COUNTIES TOA p——y : [] 8 % ~ I : : { { f DANIELS i LIN ~~ S GLACIER ! oss | ; | 4d ' i 4 SHERIDAN INCOLN 3 ay | 0 kelly HILL 0 i | bce al me 4, I \ I 5 | S r Tn 3 1 f d ¢ | I FLATHEAD —-— 4 : | . BLAINE ‘ 1 OOSEVELT a : Xe PONDERA 1d -~ J rey 4 ( / PHILLIPS r Vacrey. J 2 - cm — oc ad no Pm ar — S Mi I 1 i Cul bas: oy ) 1 ha 4 CHOUTEAU i pel ‘ y L SANDERS ’ LAKE y ( A ab x I~ I ~ J | —y She a 2 CTH Ka: Ti c= Z Notion Jel id Mc CONE fo 3 6% | @ GREAT FALLS i ‘ a" i + 1 L | CASCADE 0 Jf— J ’ GARFIELD 2 DAWSON gd bey -— LEW i g ea, FERGUS ( \ qm J ! AnD 1 : oy um & MISSOULA | CLARK 1 — ™., L sr | Tr ROLEUM § i by wri TE L - } 1 oo ————- Tee An WIBAUX - 1 = fs of eT y : ey ~ N J sb jo rr! ol wsaner ~T Sy | ¢ ; | { : { ! S GRANITE A - WHEATLAND § gorpen § MUSSELSHELL J — i 9 | o [ron | ! vaiLey , | § FALLON RAVALLI ) Tt + JEFFERSON oti) ye! prossnel ROSEBUD 3 pipe : 1 a J. edie L ' ! : : “in I ss 0 | rt Rernn y | 1 7 Given get ~~ | | sweer amass f ’ YELLOWSTONE r | Lh \ iy Bn Y ao | 1 i STILLWATER { y | ik i PARK 8 | CARTER \ § Ru -’ BIG HORN = Aves N MADISON { r 7 / Foil d J ro AVERHEAD L 3 BEAVE 1 ! \ i 1 I LL CARBON ney sh a 7 men | oi I § oo YELLOWSTONE 3 = S Me LEGEND | 1 2 ! <- @® PLACES OF 25,000 TO 100,000 (1940) ; 3 % PLACES OF 100,000 AND OVER (1940) — NONE <> a a x r 35 : oii. | -METROPOLITAN AREAS -—-NONE i ‘ x X 7 Ee HE { a x X : re - . \ i Table 3 Fost 1 - Yoputatees TABLE 3—SELECTED DATA FOR METROPOLITAN AREAS AND FOR ALL COUNTIES, ¥0., Macon (061) - i WORT. , Daniels (010) BY STATE—Continued | X 71 : TOTAL POPULATION _ POPULATION—1940 EDUCATION VITAL : 1940 STATISTICS K ESTIMATED : 1944 bs POPULATION Land | P Total white Percent of La n op- ercent of c METROPOLITAN U.S. area |ulation Popilstion 25 Metro. rank in per years old and Area COUNTIES, Number of |Percent| sq. over who have Code Os counties change es mile Percent Usb Rural Rural completed— Percent] April | n of than f ( : % pril 1, nonfarm arm Births | Deaths : Number | change | “Togo” |percen-| 1930-1 1940 | 1940 | Number | total ; Nov. I, tiles) | 1940 pu- 5 or High 1943’ 1940- ation more i | 1943 1940 grades | Schoo ) @ @ “) s) ®) [u) ® .|l ® (10) an a2) a3) a4) (1s) (16) A MISSOURI—Con. 2 All Counties—Con, | 16,887 | -21.1 21,396 42] -7.3 814 | 26.3 20,921 | 97.8 4,206| 5,27| 11,983] 90.6] 17.5 265 277 8,749 | -9.4 9,656 77 2.5 496 | 19.5 9,520 | 98.6 3,414 | 1,686 4,5%6| 85.1] 15.7 205 93 5,950 | -31.1 8,638 81 3.2 526 | 16.4 8,638 | 100.0 1,328 7,810 80.3 8.1 164 75 ’ 26,975 | -14.6 81,576 26 | -5.7 40 71.8 29,614 | 93.8 20,865| 3,940 6,770 91.6 21.3 533 386 ; 7,099 | -19.0 8,766 so] --s.2 456 | 19.2 8,761 | 99.9 2,608 6,163 93.7| 15.2 107 95 12,354 | -16.5 14,798 61 | -11.5 603 | 24.5 14,744 | 99.6 2,500 | 2,374 9,83 | 88.2] 13.4 253 120 23,313 0.7 23,149 39 | 46.9 411 56.3 16,504 | 71.3 5,082 | 4,141] 1s,826| 67.0 11.1 604 199 Moniteau. 10,148 | -13.8 11,775 70| -s.3 418 28.2 11,462 | 97.3 2,525 | 2,592 6,658) 91.7] 15.6 185 15¢ Monroe. 10,831 | -17.9 13,195 65 | -2.0 669 | 19.7 12,580 | 95.8 4,93 8,261) 94.1] 20.8 173 176 = Montgomery. .....070 10,662 | -14.3 12,442 67 | “-4.4 534 | 23.3 11,684 | 95.9 5,456 6,986] 90.1] 17.7 194 134 Bs Morgan. ... .071 9,258 | -16.9 11,140 72 1.6 596 | 18.7 10,955 | 98.3 3,633 7,507 86.3] 14.2 173 8 z New Madrid......072 38,365 | -3.6 39,787 19 31.5 679 | 58.6 83,350 | 83.8 18,964 | 25,828 67.0 9.6] 1,023 U3 27,647 | -4.8 29,039 29 7.7 629 | 46.2 28,807 | 99.2 6,247| 7,097] 15,695| 87.2] 18.7 698 287 20,866 | -18.4 25,556 sl -3a 877 | 29.1 25,522 | 99.9 5,700 6,048 13,808| 96.1 27.9 413 296 10,116 | -24.5 13,390 64 9.6 784 | 17.1 13,390 | 100.0 3,505 9,885 78.8] 10.8 250 97 10,589 | -14.4 12,375 68| -0.7 601 | 20.6 12,314 | 99.5 3,957 8,418] “79.6 7.4 216 105 8,782 | -18.4 10,766 74 | 12.9 756 | 14.2 10,766 | 100.0 1,182 9,634] 80.6 7.3 237 77 42,739 | -8.8 46,897 15] 25.7 488 | 96.0 $7,111 | 79.2 9,240| 6,204] 381,413) 66.4] 10.5] 1,072 saz 13,135 | -14.5 15,358 59 | 12.0 476 | 32.3 15,283 | 99.5 3,907 | 2,65 8,797| 88.4 8.8 a9 119 29,381 | -11.9 33,336 24| -3.8 679 | 49.1 31,145 | 98.4| 20,428) 2,345| 10,53] 89.9] 22.7 857 427 21,014 | 20.5 17,487 53 | 13.9 677 | 28.8 17,366 | 99.6 5,141 | 4,486 7,810) 85.9] 18.5 saz 212 15,550 | -15.2 18,327 51 1.8 e81 | 26.9 16,354 | 89.2 4,669 | 4,998 8,660| 90.2 20.8 308 223 12,224 | -11.8 13,862 63 0.3 414 | 33.8 13,564 | 97.8 5,867 7,99 | 94.1] 24.7 202 124 14,454 | -17.0 17,400 8a -2.3 642 | 27.1 17,387 | 99.9 2,686 | 2,682| 12,082| 89.0 16.8 268 164 12,442 | 15.5 10,775 73 0.2 951 | 19.6 10,771 | 100.0 8,689 7,086] 87.7 12.5 275 141 j 9,567 | -17.3 11,327 72: -1.% 818] 21.9 11,328 | 100.0 3,358 7,969] 92.4] 14.3 169 115 8,066 | -19.7 10,040 76 | -6.2 478| 21.0 9,580 | 95.4 3,484 6,556 | 91.9] 17.8 138 96 gl 20,641 | -15.8 24,458 | -7.5 484 | 50.5 22,962 | 93.9| 12,920 4,164 7,874 91.8] 23.7 317 305 : 15,081 | -19.1 18,584 %0| -6.4 574 | 32.4 17,989 | 96.8 4,240] 4,576 9,768] 88.9 17.9 245 192 x { 6,721 | -28.3 9,370 78 5.0 azz | 11.4 9,370 | 100.0 2,884 6,486 75.1 8.2 172 64 9,965 | -21.0 12,606 67 | 12.8 639 | 19.7 12,608 | 100.0 2,870 9,736] 75.9 8.5 282 18 102 26,312 2.9 26,562 3 5.0 561 | 45.6 24,542| 96.0 10,803| 5,131 9,628| 88.0| 12.8 537 242 : .093 10,175 | -22.6 13,146 ssl 103 699 | 18.8 12,973 | 98.7 3,981 9,165] 86.0] 14.8 170 116 Ros St. Frencois....094 81,806 | -11.5 85,950 21 0.3 457 | 78.7 35,735 | 99.4 12,869] 16,508 6,523] 76.9| 16.8 712 418 102 |St. Louis.......095 208,809 | 13.0| 274,280 2| 29.8 497 | o51.8 261,840 | 95.5 124,420 133,408| 16,402] 92.8) s1.1| s,915 2,701 102 |Bt. Louis city .096| 816,165 816,048 o| -0.7 61 134778 708,794 | 86.6| 816,048 88.6| 17.8] 14,674] 10,249 Bte. Gensvieve..097 9,820 | -9.9 10,900 73 8.0 s00| 21.8 10.700 | 98.1 2,787| 2,368 5,75 83.3 8.6 222 88 Saline... 26,002 | -15.0 29,416 29| -3.9 759 | 38.8 27,095 | 92.1| 11,603) 6,459] 11,304] w7.8| 23.0 wz se Bchuyler. 5,427 | -18.1 6,627 87| -4.7 306 | 21.7 6,626 | 100.0 2,445 e282) 96.3 19.9 % 76 2 « Scotland. 6,746 | -21.2 8,57 81| -3.3 “l| 19.4 8,549 99.9 3,017 5,540 96.4] 19.2 99 89 - 28,238 | =7.0 30,877 27] =. a8 72.7 28,114 | 92.6 10,993 8,871] 10,613] 78.2] 13.2 758 288 = 7,986 | -32.9 11,831 70 8.6 999 | 11.8 11,881 | 100.0 3,718 8,113] 78.0] 10.9 200 69 9,181 | -18.2 11,224 7| -8.0 502 | 22.4 10,847 | 96.6 4,831 6,393] 94.4 21. 136 150 28,783 | -12.8 33,009 ea | 20.2 837 9.4 31,228 | 94.6 3,108] 6,501] 23,400] 73.0] 10.6 819 257 Stone... 9,401 | -17.2 11,298 22] 2,9 809 | 22.2 11,298 | 100.0 3,016 8,2u2| 80.3 11.6 198 67 Sullivan.. 11,414 | -16.7 13,701 63| -9.9 654 | 20.9 13,684 | 99.9 4,408 9,29| 92.7 16.6 197 148 7,M5 | -24.0 10,323 7% | 16.4 656 | 16.7 10,322 | 100.0 3,428 6,895 s2.2| 16.1 168 9 18,228 | -8.0 19,813 46 6.6| 1,183 16.7 19,813 | 100.0 4,07] 15,506] 84.6] 13.2 386 167 21,655 | -10.4 25,086 a 2.2 838| 30.5 25,587 | 99.8) "8,181 5,579 11,826] 90.4] 20.8 363 436 Fa Warren..........110 7,016 | -9.3 7,734 84 | -4.3 a28| 18.1 7,423 | 96.0 2,973 4,761] @8s.2| 12.6 99 71 Washington. . 12,370 | -29.3 17,492 v3] 21.1 760| 23.0 17,279 | 98.8 10,707 6,785| 66.7 8.2 299 132 = 9,020 | -29.4 12,794 66 4. 777 | 16.5 12,782 | 99.9 4,469 8,325| 78.2] 10.6 167 9% 14,016 | -18.8 17,226 54 6.7 590 | ©9.2 17,216 | 99.9 \ 4,415 12,811| 83.7] 18.1 314 161 4,941 | -22.1 6,340 88 | -z.9 267 | 23.8 6,345 | 100.0 2,007 4,338) 96.4] 20.0 93 80 Wright...eveeessllB 14,824 | -20.3 17,967 51 7.3 684 | 26.3] 17,787 | 99.0 5,181 12,748 81.7 12.6 300 158 MONTANA. .....| 470,038 | -10.8| 509,456 4.1 [168,316 | 3.8 540,468 | 96.6] =211,085| 172,214] 170,707) w1.7| 29.1] 10,043] 5,662 All Counties: Besverhesd......001 5,547 | -20.1 6,943 86 4.3] bos] 1.2 6,926 | 99.8 2,004 1,028 2,401] v.86] 32.5 88 68 .002 8,494 | -18.5 10,419 72 | zz.0| sos) 2.1 8,416 | 80.8 4,630 5,784| 88.5 22.8 229 123 .003 7,789 | -19.1 9,666 78 6.2| 4,267 z.2 7,672 | ‘80.2 4,766 4,800] 89.3] 22.1 190 62 y .004 2,228 | -3b.4 3,451 | 26.0| 1,243] z.8 8,435 | 99.0 2,084 1,417 94.9) ze.8 38 Pn { 008 9,187 | -22,6 11,865 70] -b.6| 2,07] bu 11,808 | 99.9 2,950 3,600 b,360| 84.9] 21.8 190 9 o y 2,63 | -19.7 3,280 | -20.7| 8,33] 1.0 3,280 | 100.0 azo 2,401] 9s.e| 20.7 46 23 < 42,016 41,999 17 2.1 | 2,608 15.8 a1,012| 98.8| xo,9z8| 6,07 v,714| sz.1| sa. 1,182 40 3 5,04) | -24.3 7,316 8 | -15.3| 3,920] 1.9 7,077 | 96.7 2,908 a,008| 93.8) 26.0 188 54 = 9,220 | -11.0 10,422 | -7.5| 3,760] z.8 10,822 | 99.0 7,313 9u2 2,187 s9e.6| 31.2 218 110 3,080 | -21.0 4,863 98 | -17.8| 1,448] 3.2 4,026 | 99.8 1,940 2,616] 90.0] 21.8 99 24 TABLE 3—SELECTED DATA FOR METROPOLITAN AREAS AND FOR ALL COUNTIES, BY STATE—Continued Table 3 Part 2 - Labor Force ¥0., Vacon (061) < WONT., Daniels (010) LABOR FORCE—1940 3 Percent of Population 14 Years Old and Over Employed Workers by Industry Group Ech METROPOLITAN Tons : In leading Metro. AREAS, P P rte Business nonagri- Toa COUNTIES, etcont So PY and cultural Reis AND : Sn fener : Con- Henle Whole- | personal Other In | industry CODES Total In labor oe Total Ae Mining | struc. Manufac- ations, sale and | services and rot |aere force ? : employed || culture . turing retail exclud- 1 cul- C in in hon an trade ing reported | 1, | Code feber Joes oer domestic (See | Per- orce orce ubili- 3 page | cent ties services 422) an 8) (19) (20) @n 22) @3) (4) 25) (26) @n 28) 29) a0 | ay | @ HIBSOURI==Con. All Counties—Con, 17.123 7.956 78.2 13.8 7.195 3.750 321 269 187 351 U5 868 50% | 52.1 ( 636 6. 983) 3.5 79.3 ( 18.5 3,029 1,105| 167 132 630 133 ny 36 229 St EH ns 6,127 2,854 78.9 9.1 FRI 1,118 23 49 126 106 193 109 | 72.7 | 636| 5.5 25,089| 12,902| 78.0 26.1 11,489 2,022 38 L438] 3.429 1,107 1,965 1,500 9% [17.6 | 22|21.% Morcers.........065 6,762 3,309 82.4 13.1 3.035 2,105 4 78 35 92 27 285 162 | 69.4 | 636] 5.5 NilleT..eseoees066 10,798 5.069 79.0 13.4 4,055 2,24 23 130 230 286 42g 468 246 | 55.3 | “636 | 5. 15,965 8,200 81.8 17.8 ,885 4,197 1 163 TM 193 635 512 460 [61.0 | 15] 5. 9.327 4,716 80.9 20.4 4,219 1,970 45 183 n2 193 432 ‘w2 212 | 46.7 71 9. 10,611 5,243] 82.5 15,1 4,85 2,800 39 143 372 177 503 462 39 | 58.2 6. 9,832 4,595) 78.7 13.5 4,277 2,224 118 152 276 203 gy 468 349 | 52.0 | 636 5. Morgan.e........0T1 8,266 3.907 78.8 13.6 3.077 1,755 37 79 175 146 55 46 184 .0 | 636 o pv Madrid,.....0T2 26,667] 12,717 7.9 10.7 10,908 7.31 7 280 695 202 2. on 626 ie pi : 0 21,414 9.671 75.3 1.2 1.712 goes 283 387 817 389 1,166 906 596 | 41.5 | 636 | 5. Bodavay. aes 19,811 9,319 17.7 16.2 8,341 L401 1 297] 222 yo7 1,105 1,318 580 | 52.8 | 636 | 9. Oregon. cecsss...075 9,374 4,098 77.5 e.8 3.263 1,965 5 101 160 225 17 301 189 | 60.2 | 636] 5. Os8ige...c000....076 8,941 4,382) 80.0 18.4 3.803 2,480 26 11 153 173 254 365 au [65.2 | 636| 5. 7.234 3.2% 719.7 6.3 2,729 2,125 3 46 35 117 186 132 | 77.9 = i, 32,197 15,552 78.9 15.3 11,983 7.21 8 296 961 355 1,261 1,056 835 | 60.2 15 | 4, o 11,098 5.913 82.8 20.5 5.255 2,464 9 201 1.245 139 ns 435 7 | 46.9 15 | 20. POt1n...u.nuts .080 26,284 12,%3| T6.& 19.9 9,949 2,80 13 355 82 1,724 1,791 1,499 &0 | 28.9 | 2312. |Phelpsec.ccs... 08 13,056 6,523] 16.0 | , 22. 5,638 2,074 42 279 ™9 n2 756 870 556 | 36.8 | 15| 8 1k,567 7.270) 79:1 19. 6,57 3,096 63 362 43 3 720 638 601 | 47.2 70 1. 10,911 5,195 80.2 12.3 4,624 2,425 20 253 320 2 526 567 273 | 52.4 | 636 | 6. 13,288 5,882 76.8 11.3 5,143 3,331 139 12 122 530 5% 359 | 64.8 | 636 6. 7.875 3.564 77.0 11.1 2,590 1,385 7 % LJ 123 386 353 158 | 53.5 | 636 | 6. 8,506 3,742 79.0 1.7 3,451 2,183 204 70 39 129 301 328 197 | 63.3 24 5. 7.825 3. 719.5 12.8 3.39% 1,983 60 8 433 122 244 256 214 158.5 | 15] kM. 19,958 9,601 16.3 19.0 8,320 2,156 60 294 1,061 1,194 1,432 1,14 677] 25.9 23 9. 1k, 6,956 80. 12.0 5,966 3,053 T0 179 183 27. 654 625 330 | 51.2 21a. Roynolds........090 6,228 2,809| 76.5 9.7 2,012 1.142 5 65 215 166 167 158 | 56.8 9] 5. tv BiPlOYeeesesesss091 8,696 4,122 79.7 11.0 3,269) - 2,094 23 55 21 83 283 284 230 | 64.1 | 636 M4. 102 Charl 092 19,787 10,221 80.2 22.4 9,110 3,043 102 549 1,846 380 1,239 1,282 669 | 33.4 | 1511. 9,9%0 4,500] 77.3 11.2 3,810 2,432 33 113 be) 99 98 426 230 | 63.8| 636 | 6. : 26,634 11,804 T1.2 17.6 8,730 1,129| 2,285 299 953 506 1,7 1,h44 697 [12.9 | 26. 102 St. Louis.......095 214,573] 113,099 81.8 25.8 | 102,119 5.227 283] 6,54 26,021 8,535 21,607 | 21,599 | 11,993} 5.1 | 036| 9. 102 [8t. louis city 098). 672,150| 381,801 82.7 33.4 | 323,563 572 286] 13,903] 106,852 | 29,906 | 72,900 | 67.841 | 31,303| 0.2| 636] 7.3 Ste. Genevieve..097 7.918 4,039 83.8 1k.3 3.580 1,613 33 131 33 178 274 223 296 [45.1 | 16 (10.1 8a11n6....c0....09 23,550] 11,285 75.1 20.1 9,16 3.907 385 1,393 651 1,257 1,3% 693 [40.2 | 15 9.2 Schuyler... 249 2,u56| 81.5 11.7 2,228 1,ko0h 1% 73 1 106 237 23 129 | 63.0 | 636 | 5.7 Scotland,......,100 6,853 3.2271) 8.5 11.9 2,918 1,910{ 9 3 122 230 296 166 | 65.5 | 636 | 5.% Seottes... nae. 101 22,004 Tis 80.7 22.1 9,167 2,953 1 Hug 1,835 850 1,230 1,032 788 [32.2 | 15| 8.3 Shannon. 102 8,061 3 80.0 11.0 2,948 1,560 6 5h 650 87 211 220 160 | 52.9 14.8 Shelby.. 9,161 238 11.2 n.7 3,88 2,127 7! 120 70 245 574 470 268 |54.8 | 636 | 5.6 Stoddard. . 22,841 10.667] 19.7 10.0 8,934 5.9% 25 255 554 2 79 nm 7166.5 | 636| k.0 BONS. ee seeieene 105 1.875 3,597 80.4 8.4 3.205 2,208 1 © 0 17 249 256 165 | 68.9 | 636 | 5.1 Sullivan........106 10,516 B64 77.3 9.9 4,246 2,896 y 94 ks 168 427 392 220 | 68.2 | 636 | 5.0 PAROY.ecenseessa107 7.212 3.216] 76.1 10.7 2,599 1,367 2 96 148 113 321 67 185 | 52.6 | 636 | 7.1 14,057 6.328] 771.6 10.6 5,228 3,305 8 118 n3 142 532 Be 3k | 63.2 | 636 5.2 20,3 8.8 70.2 16.5 7.582 3.521 3 264 220 665 1,015 5.2 615 fub.4 | 036] 9.9 6.227 3.023] 19.6 1.7 2,845 1,512 9 95 29 117 2 2n 201 |53.1| 636 | 5.6 11,605 548 719.5 10.1 3,847 1,33 1,019 75 %19 154 15 289 245 | 34.6 4 | 26.5 8,851 4,112 79.1 9.9 3:38 1,713 89 188 226 224 305 284 358 | 50.6 | 636 | 4.7 12,55 5.814) 79.8 11.4 5% 3,148 6 102 206 149 505 407 267 165.7 636 | 4.7 , 80k 2,219] 8.2 11.0 1, 1,306 1 3M 20 55 192 a7 119 [67.2 | 636 | 6.0 12,854 5,826 78.6 10.9 4,765 3,032 5 98 177 162 57 453 267 63.6 | 636 4.8 u27,821| 224,994 0.2 19.9 | 185,5H| 59,083| 13,526 8,838 13.797 | 14,883 | 29,315 | 29,590 | 16,282 31.8] 636| 7.6 5.599 3,186; 82.6 20.0 2,673 1,2%9 195 [ us 148 uo 390 aug [47.1 | 636[ 7.2 7.296 3,810) 82.5 134 3,097 1,842 6 15% 17 62 346 IM 196 | 59.5 | 636| 6.8 3] 3,603 81.2 16.8 2,891 1,661 21 96 91 80 360 368 “214 | 57.5 | 836 6.4 2,6 1,508 84.0 18.6 1.5 500 233 175 25 52 124 135 85 | 37.6 417.5 Carbon.c..o.....005 9,024 4,502| 78.8 15.3 3 1.933 285 8 53 110 ¥11 38 215 | 55.7 2| 6.6 Carter..........006 2,385 1,296] @au.2 15.2 1,147 861 3 56, 6 7 69 85 6075.1] 636] 5.3 32,995 17.926 5.5 25.6 15,053 1,995 563 698| 2,477 1,678 3.284 3,167 1,191 | 13.3 18 | 10.0 5.653 958] a. 13.6 2,558 1,718 17, is 24 202 300 167 | 67.2 | 0636] 6.5 8,220 vA71| 76.6 21.1 3,348 mm 17 20 2 619 670 Bus 335 (23.1 | 23[15.1 3.335 1,803] 83.4 15.9 1,9 909 1n 24 19 39 162 187 98 162.7! 636] 6.1 & . MHOOO NOWVWRWYW ANWEN ANWYHWN PNYINRN worm E Table 3 Part 3 - Housing M0., Macon (061) = MONT., Daniels (010) ’ x TABLE 3—SELECTED DATA FOR METROPOLITAN AREAS AND FOR ALL COUNTIES, BY STATE—Continued HOUSING—1940 : i 3 : . Nonfarm Rural Farm All Dwelling Units Occupied Dwelling Units Dwelling Units Dwaliing Units ol METROPOLITAN Sifenes Metro. AREAS, d Medi phones des COUNTS, * | Residential Percent | Percent P Percent Nan Per- CODES straciret in5o0r| with Poon Aig] “h of Avy e sel Percent hn, 3 more | private wit mechan- monthly wit wit 1 Number family | bathtub | electric Rober. [owas ical Be Nupher reat Noe run- | electric struc- or | lighting oe refrig- | pouse- (dollars) ning | lighting tures | shower Ped | eration be water hold @3) G4) 35) 36) an (38) 39) 0) @n 2) 3) “8 45) 6) “@n MISSOURI-Con, All Counties—Con, 6,620 6,964 0.4 14.4 46. 6,559 | 57.8 21.0 86 3.11 11.25 3.753 3.6 15.6 3,164 2,432 2,620 0.9 16.3 38. 2,487 | 60.8 18.0 3.43 1,436 12.27 1.184 2.7 L.6 2% 2,260 2,310 3.71 © 15.7 2,172 | 62.6 6.7 2.52 440 9.77 1,870 1.8 3.6 65 8,558 9,929 1.5 43.0] 83.0 9,395 | 48.0 41.9 2.95 7.587 17.09 2,042] 9.6 k0.5 5,161 2,74k 2,851 7.8 25.8 2,625 | 55.6 9.3 2.95 859 10.14 1,992 1.6 4.9 690 3,911 4,070 0.2 1.3 33.3 3,915 | 58.7 13.7 3.35 1,554 | 11.05 2,516] 3.1 7.4 1,369 5.371 5.963 0.8 9.5 0.6 5,710 | 22.4 15.4 3.50 2,585 | 11.20 3,378 1.8 5.3 782 3,k27 3,616 0.4 13.9 3.6 3,422 | 62.1 13.5 3.00 1,649 11.96 1,967 2.5 12.8 2,264 ha73 4,378 0.1 13.3 38.9 4.082 | 55.6 15.1 2.80 1,717 11.42 2,661 3.0 13.2 2,312 3.857 3,986 0.5 1, 7.1 3.787 | 59.4% 16.7 2.87 1,873 9.59 2,113). 5.01 "17.2 2,562 3,22% 3,337 8.5, 21.5 3,046 | 54.1 9.0 3.18 1,264 11.57 2,073 2.0 8.1 1,300 9,037 9,607 0.9 5.4 26.5 9,349 | 22.8 10.6 3.81 3,802 8.17 5,805 | 1.1 7.9 Tug 8,029 8,301 0.8 21.1 ua 7.975 | 54.9 19.8 3.20 L,011 11.93 4,290 | 10.2] 18.4 1,859 7.276 7.702 0.6 22.7] 48.9 7.3715 8.2 21.8 3.01 3,835 | 13.45 3.87 9.5| 14.6 5,117 3,391 3, 7.5 22.1 3,317 | 62.9 10.9 3.57 981 9.51 2,459 | 1.8 L.2 802 2,999 3,105 6.0 29.9 2,966 | 68.4 32.7 3.79 1,065 10.11 2,040 1.4 g.7 1,136 2,724 2,729 1.1 3.6 2,600 | 68.7 1.8 3.73 337 6.13 2,392] 0.8 1.4 88 11,687 12,595 1.1 g.8| 28.3 11,687 | 20.9 14.7 3.58 4,525 | 10.85 8,070 | 2.3| 10.9 1,066 3,600 3,870 15.8 43.4 3,719 | 64.9 22.9 3.63 1,753 13.41 2,117, 2.6 14,1 1,613 9,283 10,518 | 2.3 32.5 67.9 9,870 | 47.3 31.7 2.98 7,221 1k uh 3,097 9.4] 18.5 4,899 4,630 5,050 1.6 25.2] Lg.5 4,877 | 52.2 25.9 3.07 2,877 16.74 2,173 3.8 7.6 3,550 5,585 6,060 1.4 19.5] 55.8 5,751 | 52.6 23.7 2.73 3,398 12.47 2,662| 71.3 20.9 2,964 k,199 4,373 0.5 19.5 51.9 4,123 | 51.1 29.8 3.01 2,008 | 13.48 2,355] 13.0] 31.3 1,776 5,194 5,24 10.8] 28.5 4,946 | 59.5 12.7 3.10 1,692 | 10.33 3,552 | 2.5 7-8 2,317 2,994 3,056 5.7 25.5 2,925 | 55.2 10.5 3.271 1,151 8.26 1,905] 2.5K 6.2 mm 3:285 3,398 8.4 28.8 3,251 | 57.9 8.4 3.05 1,024 8.4 2.214] 3. 8.4 1,216 3,024 3,101 0.6 6.4 50.8 2,958 | 55.2 17.9 2.98 1,099 9.42 2,002 4.8 33.2 1,173 7.166 7,992 1.1 33.6 68.4 7,6 51.4 28.7 2.82 5,700 15.57 2,292 5.4 15.6 3,786 5,666 5,882 0.2 15.5] 42.6 5,559 | 51.0 13.0 2.99 2,827 10.14 3,055 5.9 11.2 1,965 2,405 2,443 | 2.0] 12.0 2,185 | sh.4 5.3 3,86 776 6.07 1,667 | 3.5 5.7 15: 3,191 3,293 0.2 6.6 17.7 3,115 | 59.5 8.8 3.64 870 9.76 PAP 1.2 EN ey 185 +102 6, 7.154 0.7 30.2 69. 6,788 | 53.2 39.0 3.26 4,586 19.03 2,568 8.8 21. 2,859 4,070 4,112 6.5 25.5 3,794 | 52.8 8.6 3.03 1,393 2.82 2,719 2.2 5 J 864 8,306 9,003 1.3 25.3) 74.7 8,831 | 57.7 29.9 3.41 7.321 12.71 1,682 4.8 23.3 3,348 102 69,148 80,015 6.7 74.50 95.8 73,513 | 59.0 77.7 3.33 75.712 | 40.53 4,303 | 39.6| 71.9 25,025 102 [St. Louis city .096| 128,661 251,610 19.7 70.2] 98.5 234,872 | 26.8 64.5 2.98 251,610 | 25.75 159,061 Ste. Genevieve..097 2,685 2,839 9.2 44 hy, 2,644 | 66.3 26.5 3.71 1,44k | 14.33 1,395] 3.1 14.6 1,05 7.878 8,581 IJ 27.7 61.9 8,183 | 47.9 27.9 2.97 5,252 | 14.15 3,329 | 10.8 24.8 3,73 2,169 2,226 0.2 8.5, 43.1 2, 64.2 1.2 2.86 860 8.39 1,366 341 16.3 1,345 2,759 2,853 11.5 38.4 2,634 | 60.4 10.0 2.88 1,072 10.2 1,781 3.9 11.0 1,481 7,115 8,005 21.1 21.0 61. 7.713 | 39.1 28.7 3.48 5,599 12.76 2,406 3.3(+ 13.3 2.307 2,913 2,996 0.5 1.) 13.5 2,8 54.0 6.8 3.74 997 5.09 1,999 0.9 L.5 154 3,605 3.785 0.5 12.8] 49.5 3.571 | 57.3 12.3 2.72 1,714 | 10.00 2,011 3.317191 2,632 7.901 g,2ul 0.4 8.6 27.4 £,019°| 40.3 11.2 3.70 2,643 10.04 5,601 1.) 6.9 1,165 3,060 3,093 0.3 6.1 21.2 2,906 | 60.2 10.5 3.36 918 7.79 Ro X15 V.iii3+3 1:2 306 Lt, 004, 4,116 0.2 7. 31.6 3,969 | 54.6 6.9 3.08 1,533 7.65 2,583 2.3 7-1 1,923 3,561 3,605 0.1 15-9 33.0 2,759 | 58.4 12.8 3.25 1,701 16.72 1,904 3.8 7.5 356 5,428 51535 0.2 4, 21.3 5,101 | 65.1 8.9 34h 1,311 8.55 4,224 1.6 11. 663 6,883 7.39% 1.0 19.3] 48.8 7,095 | 51.0 23.9 2.89 3,834 | 1k.b2 3,560 | 2.6| 10.5 3,127 2,221 2,354 15.5 40.3 2,212 | 62.1 20.8 |, 3.01 928 | 16.19 1,426 | 4.8 11.8 1,39% 4,255 4,357 0.2 6.5) 17.8 4,119 | 42.8 9.0 3.81 2.614 6.16 1,743 3.5 7.4 Leu 3,162 3,283 4.8 20.7 3,115 | 55.3 9.2 3.63 1,253 8.79 2,030 | 2.2 5.0 172 4,694 4,830 0.5 7s) 21.9 4,538 | 58.1 9.5 3.36 1,368 9.66 3,462 2.9 Ly 1,562 1,886 1,94%0 8.1 35.9 1,825 | 51.8 14.5 3.05 681 9.21 1,259 5.0 13.4 1.345 4, glk 5,010 0.5 8.1 21.9 4,737 | 62.8 10.2 3.35 1,528 8.93 3,482 2.6 5.3 915 MONTANA...... 156,124 177,443 7-0 38.0 70.7 159,963 | 52.0 37.2 2.99 123,522 19.87 53,921 | 14.7 27.8 5%,002 All Counties: ; : 2,422 2,627 3.3 30.3 67.3 2,321 | 42.7 28.2 2.51 1,765 18.58 862 | 16.5 40.7 610 2,516 2,688 3.5 18.3 35.5 2,516 | 47.7 23.0 3.60 1,243 15.14 1,445 8.7 8.0 2u7 2,598 2,791 3.1 16.3] 47.9 2,4u3 | 62.7 23.9 3.36 1,425 | 15.48 18 7.0] 1Lk.6 299 978 1,0 2.6 16.7] 54.3 958 | 52.1 27.4 3.09 643 | 13.92} 1.3] 19.3 185 3,256 3,397 0.k4 25.9] 63.8 3,303 | 53.8 23.2 3.16 2,041 | 11.44 1,356 | 15.1] 23.3 541 1,121 1,142 3.4 29.0 910 | 68.2 6.1 3.13 27 8.85 86 2.7 14.6 38 9.967 13,368 19.3 51.5 88.1 12,442 | L2.7 53.7 2.87 11,50 25.97 1,86 21.9 hn. 6,458 2,860 2,881 0.3 16.5 40.0 2,121 | 58.9 2h. 2.98 98k | 13.08 1,897 | 6.7 17.3 Lol 2,787 3,245 7.6 45.31 80.7 2,958 | 46.2 55.2 2.9% 2,552 | 19.56 693 | 14.6 26.3 1,408 1,385 1,400 0.4 11.1| 43.0 1,172 | 54.0 1k.0 3.34 568 | 11.65 832 | 2.8] 16.4 16% iThe State total includes {128,500 for female silver fox and/or mink over $ mpnths old (kept in captivity) not distributed to individual counties. oT prem f } 7 3 { & a ; \ TABLE 3—SELECTED DATA FOR METROPOLITAN AREAS AND FOR ALL COUNTIES, BY STA'1—Continued Table 3 Part 4 - Agriculture . MD., Macon (081) (Figures which have been rounded to thousands will not necessarily add tc totals) MONT., Daniels (010) ny AGRICULTURE—1945 AGRICULTURE—1940 Value of ~ | Value of farm products sold, | Principal Per- auc 0 Work power traded, or used by source of Per: oo farm property \y farm household farm income | Type- ol HET f. OPOLITAN : cent | ¢ Percent Tome °° | Rural Metro. ad Nowhr of fond in | Cropland Noobs oo hd Nii ereent Hom! faming Teva) Area | I ES, arms arms arvest of farms | farms I _ | Number x f a} conn (1000's | (1000 oper- | "5 Aver | Live ode 1,2 Al \ ol Total age Numbe: Amount | stock Cod iving CODES Jan. 1, of of April 1, | ated | og. (1000's ; | horses umber | (1000's | 09 Te Per. | (See |indes 1945 | acres) | aces) | 1940 | by | ics ¢ ° | fer | andlor of oF i c { cent | PEER" ten- | Jess doll ) Tol mules | tractors | 4 rh Tops | p422) ants | oo ollars: ( ol {over 3 Soo) 5 1s) | mo. old) Li “2 “9) (0) ()) (2) [ED] (54) (55) (6) Gn (58) (59) © 1 @n (62) (63) (64) NISSOURI—Con. All Counties—Con. |Macone. oases ..061 053 4g6 16, 3,379 34.9] 35.9 15,592 | 4,614 10,380 430 2,958 69.2 11 1] 47.9 541 101 Nedtovnarry ...062 te 141 2 ug | 21.1 25-3 3,230 | 3,k0M| 2,235 ug ’550 5 15.1 1] ¥3.0 620 77 Maries..........06 1,L68 284 61 1,566 | 25.4 3.2 5.486 | 3,503] 3,943 128 1,126 3 21.4 Ww 37.7 620 84 1,496 262 101 1,643] 34.9 28.5) 11,980 | 7,292 4,876 508 2,472 65.1 21.0 1 k3.k 5L1 112 1,495 250 83 1,794 | 39.0| 28.7 8,640 | 4,826 5,717 223 1,547 69.5 7.0 1| 46.2 541 | 105 Miller. ......... 1,974 304 67 2,144 | 27.7 k2.3 7.539 25 1,495 200 1,468 57.9) 11.8 1| 36.3 620 88 Mississippi 2,200 193 uh 2,320| 81.2 16.9 10.923|L,708| 4,733 436 3.503| 17.0 72.9 5| 70.9 71k Th 1,712 251 85 1,697 28.2] 32.1 7.778 | 4,583 5,459 296 1k12| 63a 16.1 1| Uk.g 620 97 2,11 39 137 2,327 | 33. 24.2 12,490 5.367] 7.844 522 2,696| 66.2] 15.7 1] 50.3 s41| 110 1,940 2 105 1,933| 30.0| 28.8 9.735] 5.036) 5.766 370 1,817 61.2 16.4 1| Lo.k 541 101, 1,735 274 70 1,826| 36.1| 50.9 6,990 | 3,828) 4,932 239 1,127 55.5| 1k.6 137.2 620 87 2,964 335 277 3,473 82.5 7.7 19,182 | 5,523 9,554 701 7.082 8.7 84.2 5| 83.8 714 79 3 311 131 3,514 | 35.0 49.5) 12,96, | 3,690 6,451 42g 2,306 54.3 24.2 2] 30.2 116 92 3,227 545 251 3,433| 6.6( 13.2 32,729 9,534 13,827 878 5,713] 60.8| 24.9 1| b1.6 511| 11, 1,924 340 us 2,006 19.7( 57.3 4,692 | 2,33 3.913 37 1,021 64.0 5.6 1| 3.2 620 82 1,914 359 82 1,858 20.7( 37.0 8,573 | 4,614| 4,978 322 1,334] 58.5 1.5 1] 39.1 620 87 1,831 311 u3 2,115| 20.8| 56.6 029 | 1,905) 4,161 uy 9k 5-0 4.7 of 38.6 632 Ia Pemiscot... 3,677 267 224 3,002| 70.0 6.2 22,660 | 7.548] 9,954 508 7,092 2] e1. 5| 86.9 714 84 1,718 254 97 1,860 | 22.5| 25.6] 11,591 6.,232| 5.657 359 1,923 59.3| 17.3 1| 37.5 620 95 Pettis..... 2,542 423 197 2,534 | W1.9| 28.6 16,399 | 6,472 7.945 729 3,104 62.3 23.1 1 ka 581 103 Phelpe..........081 1,905 306 55 1,919 | 27.2 ois 6.673 | 3.477] 3.745 123 1,190 63.1 7.0 1( 38.5 620 86 Pike.... .082 2,093 386 128 2,119| 28.5| 34.2] 13,692| 6.462]. 7.420 563 2,894 60.0| 25.8 1| ke.2 5M1| 102 Platte .083 1,759 234 111 2,065 | uu.b| 22. 19,979|9.675| 5.125 658 3,095 1.7| M22 5 40.3 se1| 112 i 2,98 383 110 3,055| 28.5 32.1 11,108 3,636| 8,229 239 2,392| 65.1 10.7 1| 32.9 620 96 1,221 178 37 1,570] 3.5] ke.9 5,081 | 3,236 2,933 1kg 1.046) 53.5) 14.7 1| 35.9 .620 87 1,858 315 101 2,013 | 32.9 35.2 ,280 | 4,610 6,320 134 1,576] © 71.8 4.2 1] 50.0 541 98 1,643 267 104 1,618 | 32.6| 33. Som 5.612] 5,5 Log 1,634] 66.5| 16.6 1| bye 541 | 102 1,981 285 90 2,012 33.5| 37.8] 10,220|5,080] 5,867 308 1,707| 66.3] 12.2 1| 46.2 5u1 99 2,187 329 152 2,466 | 38.6 19.4 19,535 | 7.922 7.473 592 3,840 54.6 25.9 1| ku. 511 102 1,142 180 32 1,282] 25.7 70.7 2,894 | 2,257 ol 3 Lgl Lg.7 6.2 of 43.5 620 66 1,634 179 L3 1,94% | 27.8| 49.6 3.922 2,022| 4,108 77 958| 39.4) 11.5 0] 47.2 620 78 1,931 280 125 2,188 8 25.2 19,940|9,113| 6,186 1,013 2,903] Mh.5 40.9 5| 40.0 622 103 2,017 366 121 2,305 3.0 31.0 9,573 | 4,153 6,175 Lg 1,787 57.1 17.8 1| 33.2 581 92 1,471 170 L2 1,k73 25-3 61.6 6,755] 4,586 2,9 156 8ul| 65.9 9.1 1 32.9 620 3 St. Louis.......095 2,877 172 93 3.259 | 26. 34.8 40,917 12,555 5.883 1,079 4,191 27.3 60.6 8| 21.7 622| 1 St. Louis city..096 56 1 - 83 - - 1,159 [13,964 ™ 6 169 6.0| 89.7 B| 66.3 Ste. Genevieve..097 1,2u4 2ko 63 1,320 19.5] 34.8] . 6,722] 5,092 3.551 205 1,098| 53.1] 16. 1| 38.9 620 91 Seline..........098 2,kuy Why 228 2,637] w1.8| 18.7] 26,732 0,137) 10,811 96k 5,130 5Sh.| 33.3 1] bs.7 511| 107 _ 1,049 186 60 1,192] 31.1] 20.0 6,097 | 5.115) 3.612 ae 1.321) 73.3 73 1| 45.2 541| 108 Scotland. .......100 1,486 are 103 1,575| 36.6| 20.1 8,926 | 5,667| 5,193 361 1,757| 66.7| 15.0 1| 47.5 541 | 108 Scottieiesiede .101 1,894 232 153 1,832 62.0 18.1 10% 6,033] 5.293 517 2,546 23.2] 63.8 5 2a 71k 93 Shannon. . .102 1,436 202 4h 1,687). 28.6| 56.8 3,u43 1 2,040] 3,508 hn 796| 49.1 4.2 o | ukk 620 69 Shelby..... .103 1,660 4 121 1,816] 37.2| 24.8] 10.563 317 6,094 usg 2,226| 67.6] 20.0 1| 54.5 s41| 107 Stoddard........10% 4,038 6 24g 3,956 | L9.h 25.1 16,658 | 4,211 | 10,642 684 4,490 23.7 61.0 5| 60,8 714 85 Stone. - vsesnns 105 1,764 259 bl 1,868 | 28.1] Uu9.0 5,088 ['2,724| L,071 43 1,106 57.8| 15.0 1] 34 632 83 ) 2,34% 398 127 2,427 39-6 20.1 12.388 5,104 8,460 168 2,612) 61.7] 17.5 1| W.3 541 102 1,371 253 27 1,499 | 2k.1| 57.8 3,h42] 2,296] 3,286 38 721| 53.7 3.9 0] %0.7 632 81 3,342 490 101 3,427 | 18.9] 50.4 8,345 | 2,435| 6,456 182 1,876 58.4 k.6 ol 36.2 62u 86 Vernon. .... wenel0Y 2,843 477 229 3,197 | W.9| bo.5 14,877 | 4,653) 9,271 173 2,504 53.7 29.5 1| 33.0 581 9k 1,326 218 1,202| 27.9] 25.6 7.777] 6.470) 3.517 kos 1,232 49.9 30.3 5| 30.0] * 620 103 1,118 197 4 1,428 | 28.2| 63.4 L905 3,435) 2,939 126 676] 57.6 6.6 1 43.2 620 5 1,254 186 4 1,572] 25.9] 67.9 4,416 | 2,8 3,000 102 705| 50.2] 10.8 of 38.1 620 7 2,848 359 82 2,819] 27.4] 35.4 g,89 3.1 6,114 127] 2,052] 71.6 bs 2| 34.5] 620] 92 982 166 % 1,080 io, 16.9 7,009 | 6,490| 3,809 246 1,316 69.1 9. 1| 50.3 541 110 2,724 372 76 2,914] 20. 49.6 7.220 | 2,478] 5,592 104 1,571] 68.9 3.4 1| 32.6 620 86 WOWTANA......| 3T.TMT| 58,787| 7,439 M1.s23| 27.8| 2h.1| 475.862111,378| 239.903 | 22,567 | 91.5u8| s.7| u3.0 5| 41.9 13 Lo7 1,256 | 20 18.2 | 13.8] 14,364 [31,431| 10,026 145 137 82.9] 11.7 1] 69.1 232] 113 959 2,557 nel Tn 13:2 -17,012 5,423] 8,011 649 227 ug) 49.3 5| 49.2 961| 105 917 2,128 179 1,078| 21.7| 25.3] 12,890 11,957) 6.543 663 2,873 ug.k| b5.1 5| 45.0 322 107 293 592 55 268 | 28.0| 10.1 4,371 16,710] 2.271 133 773] 56.3] 33.6 1| 39.8 232| 12 979 T0 112] 1,074 | 33.3] 14.3] 11,177 po.ko7| 5.745 568 2,335 38.7| 50.8 5| 49.9 g61| 116 519 1,746 101 637 17.0 33.8 5.784 9,080 5,513 7 1,110] 87.4 4.2 1| 63.2 221 1,18 1,467 21y 1,401} 27.8] 26.6 18,802 [13,420 1003 887 3,390) 5.3] 38.9 5| 37.0 20 11 1,189 2,320 386 1,383 3 17.3] 19,218 [13,896 4,ku7 1,188 3.221 23.3 70.4% 5) 70.4 321 122 518 2,234 83 bg6| 3:71 36.9 6.345 [12,752] 4,992 238 1,082) 66.1] 26.4 1| 50.6 221| 108 Em &07 316 £| 10.7 6,759 | 8.,407| 2,830 602 1,503 9.9| 83.7 5| 83.7 312| 13 2% Table 3 ; Part 5 - Industry and Retail Trade MO., Macon (061) = MONT., Daniels (010) TABLE 3—SELECTED DATA FOR METROPOLITAN AREAS AND FOR ALL COUNTIES, (All dollar figures have been rounded to thousands and will not necessarily add to totals) BY STATE—Continued MANUFACTURING ESTABLISHMENTS—1939 MINERAL INDUSTRIES—1939 RETAIL ESTABLISHMENTS—1939 METROPOLITAN Mae COUNTIES : Value added Area y alue a ; : Code AND Wage Wages Value of by mantles Value of | Number | Wages and Sales Active Employees Pay rol CODES Number | €2™M€rS | (1000's of | products ture roducts | of | salaries |Numberof| (1900 of | pro. | (average (1000's of (average dollars) (1000’s of (1000's of sof | persons | (1000s of | stores dollars) | prietors for dollars) for year) dollars) dollars) dollars) | engaged | dollars) year) (65) (66) 67) (8) (69) (10) an @2) M3) 4) (5) (76) an MISSOURI—Con. All Counties—Con. Magon:. seins 7 67 40 u57 166 810 2ug 280 319 4, 7h 311 433 280 Madison g 660 {() () (}) 781 208 245 133 1,600 139 156 100 Maries 2 (1) (1) (1) (%) 70 47 27 72 385 72 17 10 Marion 30 3.124 (*) (2) (2) *) (*) (2) 495 9,280 L469 1,138 852 Mercer 1 ) (1) (1) } 96 1,253 89 121 68 Miller 8 182 (3) {*} *) 204 2,31! 1% 239 135 Mississippi 13 519 260 1,197 572 267 3,75 2k2 461 272 Moniteau. 7 657 311 980 578 (4) (1) (1) 173 2,179 184 188 108 Monroe... 9 87 (2) (*) (1) (1) (*) 2) 171 2,493 174% 252 17h 6 117 4 3) (2) 153 85 62 201 1,991 202 200 113 5 12 9 47 26 (1) (1) (1) 153 1,868 140 160 102 13. 421 310 1,037 461 (* 2) a 4o2 le 366 4 328 19 413 327 4,216 1,239 396 136 155 318 1397 362 +39 282 1h 92 68 845 237 (*) (*) (*) 3h 5715 343 587 Loz 0s eran 3 11 £3) (Y) 2) % 1h2 1,422 hk 99 47 A 3 68 21 189 55 18 15 5 137 1,079 155 86 42 1 (*) {1) (*) *) 96 535 89 20 9 Pemiscot 12 760 2) (1) (*) ©) (1) 2} Lek 1.531 372 732 Lg2 12 870 (*) (1) (1) 193 2,661 21 236 173 reranietes 24 3k 258 3,304 1,175 459 g,623 410 1,176 874 Phelps. seeees 7 654 (*) (2) (2) 79 26 17 283 3.825 274 460 303 Pike... . 12 602 310 1,233 611 1) (1) (1) 284 3,730 27 361 240 Platte. 7 22 16 298 80 43 34 24 201 2,342 2 155 95 Polk... 7 19 15 168 72 259 2,614 219 230 118 Pulaskl......... 085 3 7 y 24 1h 196 1,692 189 188 8h PULRER. + «cs vas 086 x *) (2) (1) (2) 65 96 u3 11 1,264 139 17 70 Ralls... 3 287 2} (1) (1) 307 112 121 100 947 102 87 55 Randolph 19 905 {%) (*) () glug 75 336 366 6,010 360 74 571 8 106 76 347 174 358 37 266 273 2,779 2 311 198 3 30 13 63 39 99 619 1 35 18 2 2) (2) (1) (2) (*) ) 2) 129 1,322 118 121 62 102 20 1,306 (*) (1) (1). 271 81 102 383 6,132 368 650 504 3 7 (*) {1} (1) 2 (*) (*) 179 1,325 178 131 59 27 9l6 632 3,014 1,325 11,152 2,348 3,685 467 8,341 422 881 628 102 161 6,621 7.909 45,783 26,322 1,026 Lee 46: 3,094 65,619 2,766 6,405 6,244 102 |[St. Louis city..096( 2,241 89,533 104,021 716,684 318,326 367 2 481 13,161 353,860 | 11,563 | k45,224 47,480 Ste. Genevieve..097 1 780 659 3.353 1,625 575 19 225 130 1,766 123 157 118 Saline......%-.. 21 1,259 1,105 8,997 3.233 (1) (1) (1) 371 5,898 376 655 473 Schuyler........ 2 *) (1) (1) (1) 120 1,138 122 80 42 Scotland........ 3 62 39 115 1,470 129 124 13 Soothe... ov iin 101 22 1,540 1,178 6.917 2,530 40g 5.912 363 637 4g Shannon. . .102 15 252 14 613 359 109 933 8 66 31 Shelby. .... .103 6 90 57 1,653 215 194 2,2 193 231 124 Stoddard .10k 12 361 213 1,543 421 [6] (H) *) 297 3,629 281 3ho 207 SEONG are ssiv soir d .105 18 207 32 253 96 - 139 1,041 139 76 31 Sullivan....... .106 7 17 {3} (3) (*) 181 1,451 169 135 71 DANGY + eisor va lr win 107 2 (+) (1) (2) (*) 186 1,185 190 116 61 Texas. .108 10 97 53 607 44 249 2,682 261 222 108 Vernon ..109 1% 102 89 599 265 102 69 51 351 4,669 335 628 41g Warren.......... 110 7 208 148 636 256 ko 13 6 115 1,200 A309 121 ol Washington...... 111 13 136 3) (*) *} 590 220 217 164 1,680 167 111 68 Wayne. ..... L112 [ 58 25 J113 60 (3) (t) (*) 149 1,429 137 120 69 Webster YY 1 111 (2) (2) {2} 230 2,630 234 217 17 Worth. e321 1 4) ) i) *) 80 1,051 88 101 56 Wright 115 wrt su 81 537 163 232 2,722 237 238 107 Combined Counties? 3288 | 315,078 12,842 78,121 40,696 1,310 675 476 MONTANA...... 585 9,171 12,148 151,885 39,790 37,334 | 10,800 16,247 8,481 222,008 7.867 | 19,963 21,505 All Counties: = Beaverhead......001 5 8 1 86 : 41 L39 139 200 152 3,599 153 290 323 Big Horn. 6 118 (*) H) 4) 130 2,856 106 192 219 Blaine. . 8 175 $5) (3) (2) *) *) ) 14g 3.583 123 313 306 Broadwater. 3 7 (1) (1) (1) 521 148 196 50 1,160 ko 82 78 Carbon. . ...eusss 13 36 23 287 105 770 281 400 184 2,632 in 208 167 Carter... ....v. 1 *) *) 1) (1) 43 395 41 26 16 Cascade. . u6 1,508 2,234 56,232 11,495 935 453 601 585 22,417 553 2,184 2,543 Chouteau. 1 (2) (1) 1) (1) 28 22 12 93 1,872 85 154 149 Custer... 13 hy 51 355 202 22 16 13 138 4,539 113 kbg 443 Daniels......... 5 7 9 79 37 81 1,325 67 17 106 1Not shown because of disclosure of operations of individual establishments. Data included in Combined Counties at end of State. ures are not shown separately because of disclosure of operations of individual establishments. * responding State total. 240 * 2Includes all counties where fig- 3Includes all establishments and wage earners of counties for which wages and value data were withiield to avoid disclosure. The "Combined Counties" figure for nuber of establishments is excluded from the State total, since this item was shown for every county. Whenever data on wage earners have been withheld, that portion of the "Combined Counties" figure represested by such data is included in the cor- - TABLE 3—SELECTED DATA FOR METROPOLITAN AREAS AND FOR ALL COUNTIES, PEEL : 3 BY STATE—Continued * Part 6 ~ Other Economic sane Data : = (A11 dollar figures have been rounded to thousands and will not necessarily add to totals) Ti) 0) : pe] sag SERVICE ESTABLISHMENTS—1939 BANK DEPOSITS ps 1944 : ah : Major war supply Major war facilities : contracts, rojects, By June 1940-Se . 1945 | June 1840 June 1945 METROPOLITAN . E Bond (1000's of dollars) (1000s of dollars) Metro. AREAS, sales 1944 Avia COUNTIES, Number Number : x Employees Total } (1000's of Code AND of Sales of Receipts Active Yavorags Pay roll | (demand Time dollars at NEE CODES estab- | (1000's of | estab- | (1000's |proprie-] “'~ (1000's | and time) | (1000's |isque price) lish- | dollars) | lish- [of dollars)| ters yours of dollars)| (1000's | of dollars, , ’ Nei ments ments of dollars) Combat Other Industrial | Military 2 equipment oa : . % < a) a9) (30) 81) 82) (83) (84) (35) (86) &n (88) (89) (80) 01) { UISSOTPI==lon. 2 All Counties —~Con., i MBO. cas va din 261 22 2,270 113 213 17 a 30 6.233 157 1,080 usb Madison. . 12 339 ug 8 52 13 17 2,5u1 737 L406 3u8 892 Maries... (1) 1 2L 20 8 2 1,202 81 237 2,163 Marion... . 55 4,153 122 603 20% 185 122 12,340 3.133 2,078 5,719 21.239 180 Mercericse esse 15 560 33 35 3= 3 L 2,152 395 : | 19 sug % 121 53 5 2 3.909 Lio Sau 68 : 23 1,775 67 261 ” 122 £7 5.363 BL uso . 7 Monitea: 25 213 50 96 24 11 2,90l LbT4 62rj 5,244 ol Monroe. 083 1 uz 35 103 41 21 13 4,597 Lg2 828 Montzozery. 070 23 733 55 103 5 18 z 1,169 us5 58L % Morgzal..... 071 12 173 L2 72 : x 19 1,584 139 372 3,380 21 1.15% 122 336 12 101 2% 6,475 106 2385 1.58 5 23 2.039 £7 12) Ta dt 7.255 1, 0k 1.623 42,845 61 2,253 192 252 113 7 4 19,163 1,428 1,752 1,107 10 322 Lo £1 ul 20 6 2,087 12 Yagi 6 231 26 L3 26 11 £ 2,000 263 233 ou : ~ 22 17 2 2 1,309 19 188 Peziscot. 30 2,082 96 13 85 142 15 8,702 2u7 1,033 Perro... 5 LL2 73 126 7 25 18 5,578 2,22L 720 2,167 Pettis. cove sssa? 52 L,671 152 502 155 123 27 11,301 1,975 1,750 452 9.623 24 1,835 82 198 7 68 Lo 2,921 1,003 226 0 1,198 25 1,181 ™ 133 7% 22 15 5,617 n 1,026 5,672 13,222 aL 328 50 170 52 12 L 5.353 250 976 581 u 2,046 8g 119 04 39 12 L566 0g 705 23 1.924 53 62 56 2p g © 3,328 361 1,624 81 46,118 15 677 33 81 37 19 19 2,683 210 u52 2 n 400 Ly 63 Ln 15 6 1,182 120 299 ug 2,213 103 L038 117 153 112 9.155 35 1,425 43,929 28 1,312 13 162 2 13 4,762 n 1,048 > . 158 38 58 uo 36 15 m 132 204 : 10 Lug 40 62 Lo Ra 12 31k 290 10 1,913 123 283 122 72 51 11,843 L,219 1,194 142,253 10,855 £1,604 12 £36 67 73 34 37 12 2,165 26 52 i 3 4,273 113 223 113 112 32 7.831 1,662 1,203 1,180 1,000 2 129 13,012 863 3,551 872 1,105 337 81,7% 32,617 13,743 20,451 13,281 26,845 7,819 . 102 st. Louis city .096| 2,663| 1,164,102 &,uut| 43,939) 6,170| 15.766| 15,022 928,337 250,135 37.572| 1,640,448 329,808 2L5,293] 8.789 : : ~ |ste. Genevieve..037 12 Lal 33 1L3 3h 20 13 3,089 943 624 2,303 = : - Saline... eve» 98 L3 2,197 127 341 1ko 116 Ts 10,333 £09 1,818 1,567 21,358 y & Schuyiers.......099 1k 608 34 Lg 37 7 3 2,393 4 326 S20t1a03 0. ceases 100 16 Lol 29 50 3 1 E 2,6Lk 577 SeOtte cistron +101 32 5,590 1.8 L32 1232 184 37 9,014 705 1,486 8,049 ke 2 Shannon. . ue 4 102 LL 0% LL 39 14 894 . 177 2 Shelby... 26 2,558 77 153 73 24 13 3.897 283 707 eh Stoddard. 2k 1,219 102 178 102 n 29 L 692 211 839 <43 5 7 2% Li Lg L7 12 4 1.612 294 20 837 80 39 23 26 10 2,886 61 558 be 10 25h 37 65 u2 eh 12 1,528 g 236 11 633 | 120 93 57 21 3.936 208 61k : HEE? Ly 2,94 110 269 127 92 £1 7.476 52 1,017 51 2,072 2 ; { 12 Lig 37 62 prt) 6 L 3,130 855 332 13 2E6 37 69 uy 6 18 2,855 700 315 [£] 257 eu 17 73 9 16 1,228 95 222 : 2 1,12 93 10L 95 66 12 2,7) 45 576 1 348 Lo 33 37 11 4 2,261 213 Lol |. 3 2 1,720 7% 88 77 43 12 3.749 148 u32 146 : 4 “148 418,624 444° _ MONTANA. ..... 1,336) 130,584 2,632 10,358| 2,754 2,522 2,L13| 305,669 61,808 59,004 12,966 15,031 12,956) 41,106 All Counties: s [Beaverhead, .001 12 521 50 137 55 30 25 6,100 2,089 524 . 31 650 n 7 31 9 8 3,005 639 591 aX 13 594 Ls 100 Le 14 10 k,283 585 931 . hog 19 38 18 6 1,065 161 238 \ 32 1,389 57 162 62 13 10 L127 1,307 897 210 2 (1) 6 6 6 1 - 678 2u2 145 : 94 18,053 230 1.273 232 335 382 36,896 6,759 5.976 8.2 27,660 52 2,292 2910. 63 30 6 L Lgg 347 1,439 2h 1.959 u3 22k 48 59 u0 6,487 1.191 998 3 22 -610 22 41 22 5 3 3,149 513 1,044 ; in ‘1Not shown because of disclosure of operations of individual establishments. Data included in "Other" at end of State. 2Sum of establishments im counties for which sales data are withheld to avoid disclosing operations of individual establishments, It is excluded from the State total since number of establishments is shown. = for individual counties. SCombined figure for counties having sales data withheld to avoid disclosing operations ofrindividual establishments. “undistributed. 4 241 a Table 3 Part 1 - Population MONT., Dawson (011) - NEBR, Buffalo (010) TABLE 3—SELECTED DATA FOR METROPOLITAN AREAS AND FOR ALL COUNTIES, BY STATE—Continued rg TOTAL POPULATION POPULATION—1940 EDUCATION VITAL ESTIMATED 1940 STATISTICS 1944 \ CIVILIAN Total whi 2 POPULATION Land | Pop- | "otal white Percent of ‘ METROPOLITAN U.S area |ulation population 25 Metro. AREAS, rank in per years old and Area COUNTIES, Number of |Percent| go sq. over who have Code Ms founies change as mile Percent Ub Rural Rural completed— Percent| April | in of ‘than | oof 1 : onfarm arm Births | Deaths Number change fo 40’ | percen- 1930-1 1940 | 1940 | Number | total : Noi tiles) | 1940 opu- 5 or 1943 + | 1940- ation more Hib 1943 1940 grades | S€100 m @ 3) “@ (5) 6) (0) ®) ©) (10) 1n an (13) (14) (15) 6) MONTANA—Con. All Counties—Con. 7,59 | -11.8 8,618 81 | -12.8| 2,388 3.7 8,605 | 99.8 4,524 720 3,374 | 92.2] 26.3 219 69 14,061 8.2 18,627 63 | -16.4 738 | 18.5 13,538 | 99.8 | 11,004 | 1,609 1,014| 88.4] 29.4 308 382 Fellon.... .013 3,068 | -17.6 3,719 95 | -18.6 | 1,633 | =2.3 3,717 | 99.9 1,748 1,971] 90.7] 21.0 63 24 Fergus. .014 11,491 | -18.2 14,040 62 | -15.1 | 4,250 | 8.3 13,866 | 98.8 5,874 | 2,739 5,427 | 93.5) s0.8 284 157 Flathead. . .015 19,367 | -20.2 24,271 87 | 26.4 | 5,177 | 4.7 24,124 | 99.4 | 10,847 | 5,754 7,670) 9s.8| 27.9 441 250 Gellatin........016 14,934 | -18.3 18,269 51 | 18.8): 2,507 (7.8 18,168 | 99.4 8,665 | 8,831 5,778 | 94.9] 6.4 301 "169 Garfield........017 1,999 | -24.3 2,641 97 | -87.9 | 4,798 o0.6 2,641 | 100.0 830 1,811| 93.5] 23.1 49 18 Glacter.........018 7,949 | -12.0 9,03¢ 80 | 70.5| 2,974 3.0 5,453 | 60.4 2,509 | 4,260 2,265| 86.7 27.4 255 108 Golden Valley. ..019 1,144 | -28.8 1,607 98 | -24.4 | 1,178] 1.4 1,606 | 99.9 607 1,000 | 91.7] 26.4 22 17 Granite.........020 2,605 | -23.4 3,401 ow |= 12.9 Fo1,mn] m0 3,395 | 99.8 2,429 972 | 9s.0| 28.0 40 26 M1, .0enisvahesD2) 11,108 | -16.5 13,304 65 | -3.4| 2,944 4.5 12,407 | 93.3 6,427 | 2,475 4,402 90.6| 29.5 316 107 .022 3,444 | -26.2 4,664 zl ize] 31,680 z.8 4,642 | 99.5 3,194 1,470| 85.8] 25.0 59 37 .023 3,094 | -15.3 3,655 95 | -30.2 | 1,880 | ‘1.9 3,653 | 99.9 1,419 2,286 | 91.5| 29.4 51 25 LEAKS «xiv srs sls + 4024 9,911 | -26.5 18,490 64 | 41.4 1,500 9.0 11,747 | 87.1 6,134 7,956 | 90.7 | 26.8 215 150 Lewis and Clark.02b 18,083 | -16.3 22,181 41 | 21.4 3,478 6.4 21,707 | 98.1 | 15,056 | 4,526 2,549 | 93.5) 37.5 427 269 " Liberty.........026 1,676 | -24.1 2,209 97 0.5 | 1,459] 1.5 2,206 | 99.9 865 1,344 | s2.6| 25.1 39 25 Lincoln .027 6,354 | -19.4 7,882 sa n.ejl ams za 7,842 | 99.5 5,298] 2,584| 92.6) 25.0 188 60 .028 2,562 | -33.5 3,798 9 | -20.7 | 2,638 | 1.4 3,797 | 100.0 1,097 2,701 | s91.8| 19.2 69 18 .029 4,979 | -31.7 7,29 85 | 15.4 | 3,58 | 2.1 7,238 | 99.2 3,854 3,440 | 93.5| 29.4 84 61 Mesgher.........030 1,615 | -27.8 2,297 97 | -1.0| 2,34] 1.0 2,233 | 99.8 1,186 1,01 | 94.6] 29.0 24 19 Mineral.........031 1,617 | -24.3 2,135 98 | 81.3] a 2s] 1.7 2,132 | 99.9 1,699 436 | 87.8] 26.2 25 25 Missoule........032 24,187 | -18.2 29,038 29| as.s| 2,620] 11.0 28,752 | 99.0 | 18,449 | 6,892 3,697| 9s.0| 36.3 530 320 Musselshell. ....033 4,964 | -20.2 5,717 90 | -21.1| 1,886 | s.0 5,717 | 100.0 2,644 | 1,774 1,299 | 86.6 23.2 95 52 Park...... .034 9,474 | -18.1 11,566 71 5.9 2,627 | 4.4 11,528 { 99.6 6,642 | 1,99 2,930 | s9a.9( 29.0 199 124 Petroleum. ......085 831 | -28.3 1,083 99 | -47.0| 1,664] 0.7 1,088 | 100.0 502 581 | 93.9] 28.1 10 9 5,906 | -25.2 7,892 83| -3s.8| 5,264] 1.5 7,358 | 93.2 4,208 3,689 | 92.0] 23.1 181 56 5,394 | -19.7 6,716 85 | -3.6| 1,643 4.1 6,159 | 91.7 3,166 3,550 | 92.8] ‘© 28.9 129 59 2,468 | -22.0 3,159 96 | -19.2 | 3,285] 1.0 3,159 | 100.0 642 2,517| 93.4] 22.7 63 16 5,651 | -8.1 6,152 89 | -0.8| 2,337] =2.6 6,099 | 99.1 3,278 | 1,271 1,603] 91.7] 25.6 12¢ 65 2,075 | -18.9 2,410 97 | -38.8| 1,727 | 1.4 2,409 | 100.0 1,430 980 | 88.4| 20.0 58 19 10,206 | -21.4 12,978 66 | 20.8] 2,384] 5.4 12,916 | 99.5 5,660 7,313| 93.6] 28.8 228 122 8,737 | -14.4 10,209 76 6.0 2,065| 4.9 10,180 | 99.7 2,978 | 1,695 5,536 | 92.8 23.8 231 68 8,696 | -11.3 9,806 99 -8.0| “e,085:10 4.1 7,524 | 76.7 5,620 4,186 | 87.6] 23.0 227 90 5,644 | -12.9 6,477 87 | -11.8| 5,02] 1.3 5,314 | 82.0 3,712 2,765 | 8b.8( 23.5 151 69 Sanders.........045 5,807 | -16.2 6,926 | =z. | zeal cas 6,408 | 92.5 3,569 3,357 | 1.8] 25.9 9 63 Sheridan........046 5,963 | -28.7 7,814 84 | -z0.8| 1,700 4.6 7,716 | 98.7 3,552 6,262) 92.6] 19.0 165 72 : 46,355 | -12.9 53,207 12] -6.6 716 | 74.3 52,857 | 99.3 | 37,081 | 15,340 786 | 90.0 26.4 894 630 Stillwater..... 5,158 | -9.4 5,694 %.| -8.9| 1,797 | 3.2 5,677 | 99.7 2,347 3,347 | 93.9 26.5 8s 45 Sweet Grass.....049 2,928 | -21.8 3,719 | -5.7| 1,846] 2.0 3,718 | 100.0 1,685 2,054 | 94.5] 27.8 57 41 5,976 | -14.7 6,922 85 | 14.1 294 | 3.0 6,858 | 99.1 2,785 4,187 | 93.2] 26.4 134 53 5,482 | -19.0 6,769 86 0.8] 1,965] 3.4 6,720 | 99.8 2,538 | 2,348 1,088 | 94.3] s2.6 180 54 : 1,08 ~1z.5 1,499 99 | -9.8 984 | 1.5 1,498 | 99.9 514 985 | 89.5| 26.3 21 7 ¥ Valley..........053 9,777 | -35.6 15,181 59 | 95.8] b,08 | 3.0 14,706 | 96.9 3,799 | 7,080 4,352) s92.7| 27.8 250 86 2 Wheatland...... 2,811 | -14.5 3,286 9 | -12.4 | 1,485] 2.3 3,208 99.1 2,278 1,008| 95.2] 80.7 64 29 Wibaux... 1,890 | -12.5 2,161 97 | -21.9 889 | 2.4 2,161 | 100.0 700 1,461] 90.1] 20.9 39 20 Yellowston: 87,907 | -8.0 41,182 18| 383.8) 2,635] 18.6 40,884 | 99.3 | 26,015) 5,719 9,448] 92.5) 36.4 986 430 Yellowstone National Park..057 (4) (4) 43 99 - 269 o.2 43 | 100.0 38 5 - - NEBRASKA. .....| 1,176,023 | -10.5 |1,315,83¢ -4.5 | 76,658 | 17.2 | 1,297,624 | 98.6 | 514,148 | 306,239 | 495,447 | 9s.3| 28.7] 24,875] 12,588 METRO. COUNTIES..| 935,920 | -3.3 | 348,147 4.5] 1,180 | 295.0 334,894 | 96.2 | sos,ses| 23,736 | 18,683| 9s.6| s7.0| 6,789] 3,716 Metro. areas: 088 [Lincoln usses.. 00 92,795 | -7.7 | 100,585 0.8 845 | 119.0 99,600 | 99.01 81,984 | 7,547 | 11,004] 96.0 4s.1| 1,885| 1,098 084 |Omaha-Council Blurfs(ptf....028) 243,130 | -1.4 | 247,082 6.3 336 | 739.0 235,294 | 96.0 | 223,844 | 16,189 7,529 | 92.5] 84.5) 4,504] 2,621 OTHER COUNTI#S...| 840,098 | -18.0 | 967,687 -7.4 | 75,473 12.8 962,730 | 99.5 | 208,320 | 282,503 | 476,864 | 9s.2| 25.4] 17,818| 8,869 All Counties: AdARS. .eeetsnels00] 26,758 8.9 24,676 | -6.8 362 | 438.7 24,468 | 99.6 | 15,145] 3,89 5,641 | 95.0] s1.2 672 891 Antelope. 10,086 | -20.3 13,289 65 | -12.6 853 | 15.6 18,289 | 100.0 5,037 8,252 | 94.0| 23.9 207 118 Arthur. 783 | -5.1 1,045 99 | -22.2 708 | 1.5 1,045 | 100.0 204 sal | 98.3] 22.8 21 ¢ Banner. 1,215, | -13.4 1,403 99 | -16.3 738 | 1.9 1,408 | 100.0 108 1,297 | 97.5] 22.2 24 9 Blaine....sv.s...000 1,247 | -18.9 1,538 98 | -2.9 m| ee 1,687 | 99.9 345 1,198] 95.8] 24.8 25 11 ; BOONE. «iv seseese 006 10,818 | -1b.0 12,127 69 | -17.7 683 | 17.8 12,127 | 100.0 4,939 7,188] 9a.2| 2.8 188 108 lox Butte 12,180 | 13.0 10,736 74 | -9.5( 1,088] 10.1 10,895 | 98.7 6,268 1,088 3,447 | 94.2] 30.9 296 188 Boyd. . 5,141 | -1b.2 5,060 89 | -1b.5 838 | 11.3 6,058 | 100.0 2,363 3,697 | 90.s| =0.8 125 58 isrown..... 4,898 | -17.8 5,962 89 8.3] 1,218) 4.9 5,961 | 100.0 2,810 3,102 | 9s.8| 26.8 108 69 nq Buffalo.........ulv t 23,074 2.9 £3,600 88 -2.8 952 | 24.8 £23,642 99.9 9,648 5,279 8,788 94.8 30.8 498 248 LViepnrate data not avallable, - ¥lomainder of Omubn-Council Bluffs Metropolitan Area (084) ia in Town, 242 TABLE 3—SELECTED DATA FOR METROPOLITAN AREAS AND FOR ALL COUNTIES, i BY STATE—Continued Table 3 Purt 2 - Labor Force MONT., Dawson (O11) = MWEBR., Buffalo (010) aro moun LABOR FORCE—1940 oF makin Nun nEuba Percent of Population 14 Years Old and Over Employed Workers by Industry Group Ford METROPOLITAN Tears: : In leading Metro, AREAS, P : * Business : nonagri- Area COUNTIES, Percent | Percent potta- and cultural Code AND of oy i all C ton, | Whole. | personal Other In | industry CODES T In labor | males | females | po) Agri- fs on | Manufac- | ©™™™ | sale and | services | agri- otal ( who are | who are cd | Mining | struc- S cations, i Jud and not I orce . . employe culture . turing retal exclua- d cul- C d mn mn tion an trade ing reporte tare ode labor labor oer domertic (See | Per- force force utili- ; page | cent ties Services 499) an (13) 19) 0) @n (22) 23) (24) (25) (26) @n 28) 29) (30) | 3D | (32) MONT ANA=Con, All Counties—Con, Dawson..e...es.e011 6,47 3,344] 80.5 18.4 2,794 1,092 2 109 38 529 372 Lug 204 [39.1 | 23 [15.7 y 10, 5,628 79.5 20.9 5,005 237 616 97 2,060 370 546 836 243 | b.7| 1837.6 2,664 1,395 #.2 19.4 1,148 687 7 22 y 3 124 155 76 159.8 | 636 | 7.9 10,847 5,602 78.8 20.5 4,862 2,082 128 168| 272 259 765 sul 34 42.8 | 636 | 7.7 18,476 9,1 78.6 16.0 7,039 1,646 92 388 1,085 877 aR 1.140 639 [23.4 | 23] 9.6 14,245 7.348 78.1 22.4 6.177 2,005 36 308 301 535 1,016 1,256 720 | 32.5 | 636 [10.3 1,934 1,061 83.3 15.4 901 675 2 21 3 y 52 92 52 | 74.9 | 636 7.1 6,437 3.435) 80.5 18.3 2,599 749 354 178 166 106 408 422 216 | 28.8 313.5 1,250 659| 80.2 15.2 557 380 6 9 3 29 28 .55 47 |68.2 | 636 | 6.8 2,730 1,502) 82.1 17.8 1,2ig 351 353 uy 41 6 136 1hg 99 | 28.1 4 | 28.3 9,932 5,236 80.6 20.2 4,361 1,478 26 160 13 652 aur 739 346 | 33.9 23 | 12.7 3,637 1,7%2( 72.5 Ih. 7 1,h97 491 366 65 76 141 209 105 | 32.8 Bau 2,781 1,492] 80.9 16.5 1,325 869 30 17 12 4g 101 153 95 | 65.6 | 636 | 7.5 ARB, «ovo iivesaneDB 9,7 4,734 77.8 14.0 3,838 2,054 8 318 161 97 485 463 252 | 53.5 | G36 | 6.6 Lewis and Clark.025 17,546 9,492| 19.2 | ‘21.2 8,135 1,017 493 Lgy 805 694 1,396 1,845 1,398 [12.5 | 37 [11.8 Liberty.........026 1,665 930 83.5 16.4 812 572 6 13 5 16 70 80 50 | 70.4 | 636 | 5.7 Lincoln.........027 5,817 3,018] 79.7 15.6 2,347 5g 121 6k 728 173 275 291 237 [19.5 9 | 21.3 McCone..........028 2,739 1,431] 80.1 15.0 1,173 869 8 42 5 12 62 101 TH 74.1 | 636 | 6.1 Madison.........029 5.555 3,039 82.1 15.9 2,622 1,252 532 88 32 76 212 278 152 | 47.7 4 [20.1 Meagher.........030 1,821 1,096 84.8 20.7 953 620 15 31 7 47 3 106 54 | 65.1 | 636 | 5.0 Mineral.........031 1,698 907| 77.1 17.0 668 98 73 68 16 152 a 85 92 |14.7 | 23 [18.6 Missoula........032 22,925| 12,596 81.0 24.7 10,439 1,041 70 &39 1,392 1,054 2,106 2,152 1,985 [10.0 | 3713.7 paaciineli a 54 2,391 80.7 18.6 1,832 453 606 3 ko 95 241 240 114 f2u,7 233.0 PATE. ov seen a 9,122 4,717| 80.2 18.2 3.959 1,017 182 200 117 838 nt 605 283 [25.7 | 2318.3 Petroleum.......035 825 471 84.8 16.9 387 235 30 8 3 4 37 36 2h 60.7 3| 7.5 Phillips........036 5,831 3,194 82.9 15.8 2,574 1,417 177 87 30 118 288 292 165 | 55.0 4| 6.8 Pondera,........037 925 2,526 80.5 14.7 2,223 1,236 Lg 70 35 68 298 328 139 |55.6 | 636 | 7.2 Powder River....038 2,352 1,286 83.9 15.1 1,150 898 5 26 6 7 Ly 95 69 | 78.1 | 636] 5.7 FORTE: sx00:2 01000 4,978 2,387 66.5 18.0 1,950 599 195 u6 119 329 225 277 160 (30.7 | 23 |1k4.8 Prairie.ceceeess 1,815 M3 79.7 18.0 670 369 1 18 5 ug 81 96 54% 155.1 | 636 | 7.3 Bavallie.ees...oO41 9.785 4.697| 77.7 13.0 4,005 2,068 27 270 267 9% 478 un 334 | 51.6 | 636 | 5. |Richland........042 7.295 3,884 83.1 17.2 3,100 1,787 28 117 133 9% 367 & 193 | 57.6 | 636 | 6. Booseveite..essn dis 6,956 3.456) 77.1 17.8 2,565 1,224 15 115 - k2 130 392 30 217 |47.7( 636 | 8, Rosebud. ....u.es 4, 754 2,556 81.7 19.6 2,073 1,037 0 8h 31 150 235 288 178 [50.0 | 636 | 7. Sanders.........045 5,193 2,673] 719.4 15.8 2,108 891 4 160 126 174 20k 283 223 (42,3 | 636 | 6. Sheridan, .......046 5.764% 2,934 78.0 17.4 2,248 1,365 37 39 19 6 283 269 173 [60.7 | 636 | 7. Silver Bowse....O047 42,907 22,963 80.6 23.4 18,034 254| 6,983 485 937 1,47 3.510 3.9% 1,13 | 1.4 y | 38. Stillvater......048 4,273 2,118 79.8 16.4 1,946 1,186 15 55 25 99 17 2 146 [60.9 | 636 6 Sweet Grass.....O049 2,809 1,541 82.8 17.4 1,348 850 1 38 27 3h 141 160 87 | 63.1 | 636 | 5. POtON..uraranss .050 5,165 2,717 82.7 15.2 2,487 1,520 2 174 19 % 275 270 177 | 61.1 | 636 | 5. P00l€essesnes...051 5,108 2,887 84.8 20.8 2,524 811 298 5 220 160 Lo5 372 183 | 32.1 3 (11. Treasure........052 1,076 545| 81.9 10.8 49g 310 22 2 bo 38 38 |62.2 | 37 k. Valley..........053 10, 840 5.792 82.5 17.3 4,571 1,560 5 136 104 325 nr 692 432 [34.1 | 37 6. Wheatland... ....05H 2,556 1,376 &2.h4 17.94 1,193 518 1 43 k2 206 137 150 96 [u3.4 | 23 15. WibAUK... o.oo. s 055 1,588 835| 81.9 16.5 691 Loy 5 7 2 13 67 67 36 [71.5 | 636 | 6. Yellowstone... ..056 31,368 16,373| 80.7 22.3 13,895 2,809 42 966 1,164 1,496 3,440 2,826 1,152 | 20.2 | 636 | 8. Yellowstone National Park..057 34 22 - - 19 3 3 2 8 7 - 37 = NEBRASKA...... | 1,008,473] 501,013] 78.7 20.1 | 433,427| 161,954 606 17,000( 29,725 | 33,775 | Tu.M89 | 78,392 | 37.476 |37.4| 636 | 8M METRO. COUNTIES... 278,830 | 147,168] 77.7 29.6 | 123,736 6.1771 © | 5.966] 18,605 | 16,009 | 29,28 | 32,932 | 14,697] 5.0 Metro. areas: 065 [Limcolb..s......055 81,992 k1,047 73.1 29.2 35,172 3,773 8 1,954 2,843 3,403 8,093 9.999 5.099 |10.7 084 (Omaha~Council Blurfs(ps)....028 196,838| 106,121 19.8 29.8 88,564 ERT 62| 4,012 15,762 | 12,606 | 21,187 | 22,933 9.98 | 2.7 OTHER COUNTIES... 729,643( 353.845) 79.0 | 16.3 | 309.691] 155,777] 536) 11.044] 11,020 | 17,766 | Uu5,209 | u5M60 | 22,779 | 50.3 All Counties: i 001 . 19,560 8,791| 69.9 21.4 1,650 1,768 7 297 677 637 1,813 1,785 666 | 23.1 | 636 (13.1 002 9.838 4,657] 78.9 134 4,183 2,59 : | 109 68 136 492 es 295 162.1 | 636 | 6.1 00 167 nil 83.9 16.9 398 oo 6 2 7 18 20 | 15.6 | 636 | 8.3 ..00 1,031 529 | 85.4 10.6 501 29 10 1 1 9 28. 23 | 85.6 | 636 | 5.0 005 1,126 612| 87.3 14.7 5712 kog 1 12 4 15 3h 60 38|7n.3| 636| 6.5 veee06| . 8,843 4,281 78.0 16.3 3,468 2,08 83 45 104 437 451 264 160.1 | @36| 7.0 007 8,126 4,248) 79.7 21.8 3,733 1,122 8 145 162 564 706 726 301 | 30,0 | 2312.1 008 4 M3k 2,160| 78.5 15.4 1,866 1,162 35 19 60 215 251 124 | 62.3 | 636| 8.5 ..009 4,308 2,2u2| €2.1 19.0 1528 1,012 1 51 37 103 or 292 123 | 52.5 [ 636 | 7.7 ++.010 18,206 8,744] 76.8 18.5 7.498 2,969 7 293 287 597 1,5 1,396 50k 139.6 1 636] 9.5 1Remainder of Omaha-Council Bluffs Metropolitan Area (084) is in Iowa. THOT —IT Table 3 Part 3 - Housing MONT., Dawson (O11) - NEBR., Buffalo (010) TABLE 3—SELECTED DATA FOR METROPOLITAN AREAS AND FOR ALL COUNTIES, BY STATE—Continued | HOUSING—1940 ' ; : : : : Nonfarm Rural Farm All Dwelling Units Occupied Dwelling Units Dwelling Uits Dwelling Units Es METROPOLITAN . fole- * Metro. AREAS, Medi phones . a COUNTIES, Residential Percent | Percent Percent = Per- AND si en! in5 ith | P. Per- wi umber Average cent |P Jan. 1 CODES Stic Nor poy er i cent | echan- | © monthly wil pr 1945° Number family | Bathtub | electsic Number | owner : persons Number ot Number run- | electric struc- or | lighting gcc. (dollars) ning | lighting pied : Se- tures | shower eration water hold 33) G4) (35) (36) en 38) 39) (40) @n “2 “3) [C0] 3) (46) “an MONTANA—Con. All Counties—Con, DEWEON. + \vn run 011 2,165 2,476 5.3 32.1 62.8 2,265 | 49.1 38.41 3.34 1,466 22.58 1,010 3.4 20.1 720 Deer Lodge...... 012 3,669 4,323 8. 64.1 94.1 4,062 48.1 36.9| 2.86 4027 | 20.79 296 32.1| 59.6 1,493 Fallon, «evans 01 1,183 1,203 0.8 17.8 47.1 9% [51.9 25.3 3.46 548 14.18 655| 3.5 11.9 206 FOrgus...ocssess ol 3,872 4,292 6.5 36.3 £39 4,037 | 49.8 26.3| 3.00 2,671 | 17.28 1,621 <17.5¢ 28.5 1,368 Flathead........ 015 7.275 7.821 3.6 39.0 76.6 7,111 | 60.2 36.6| 3.00 5,592 | .17.88 2,235 | 26.1 5.5 2,133 Gallatin... ss 016 5,640 6,385 4.6 48.1 77.4 5,249 | U8.8 43.8 3.04 4,712 22.13 1,673 31.2 40.6 2,8 Garfield........ 017 878 891 2.8 21.7 758 | 69.1 5.9] 2.96 292 9.71 599) 2.2 5.0 (2) Glaciers....ss.is 018 2,390 2,573 3.3 31.8 *60.8 2, 296 51.6 32.2 3.23 2,010 17.48 563 9.1 10.6 645 Golden Valley...019 505 512 7.0 Wy.5 3| 62.6 18.8 3.02: 210 8.66 21-07.90719.9 85 Granite......... 20 1,458 1,525 1.6 24.8 61.1 1,143 h7.2 37.7 2.53 1,047 12.34 78| 19.2 35.7 262 HILL. inn ivan .021 3,393 4,021 8.3 ‘4.3 68.8 3,556 | 54.0 hh. 7 3.26 2,658 | 23.37 1,363 8.4 19.3 1,2% Jefferson....... 022 1,266 1,307 24.6 68.6 1,224 | 53.7 38.1 2.86 82| 1.711 55. 25.5 37.8 199 Judith Basin....02 1,260 1,272 | 15.3 45.7 1,027 | 51.2 18.6 3.23 495 8.83 771 16.5] 22.3 93 Take. aoa siinns ol 4,267 4,357 © 0.6 21.8 62.7 3,640 [ 63.4 37.2 3.24 2,215 16.12 2,142 | 22.9 49.1 2u2 Lewis and Clark.025 5,855 7.434 13-1 56.8. 83.6 6,745 | uk.b 57.0 2.74 0,722 25.98 712| 23.6 25.4 3,809 Liberty........ 026 669 679 0.7 9.1 51.0 647 | 68.5 20.7 2.90 275 | 12.94% oh| 9.4] 27.5 70 LANCOIN. eae ties 027 2,642 2,684 0.2 29.7 55.6 2,347 | 60.5 23.7 2.93 1,874 11.42 810 | 20.4 17.9 542 MeCone. ..... lus 028 1,212 1,223 3.6 33.7 1,004 | 65.6 9.4| 3.27 372 8.82 851| 2.6] 15.6 39 Madison.........029 2,220 2,298 17.0 65.1 2,136 | 51.2 25.8 2.80 1.3% 11.63 968 | 17.4 41.2 399 Meagher. ........ 030 703 Thy 30.4 57.6 659 | 60.1 a4. 2.59 36 | 14.50 308| 26.9] 21.3 106 Mineral...s..... 031 782 791 31.0 62.0 727 | 55.6 29.9| 2.37 660 | 10.93 131 | 49.6|' 13.4 (2) Missoula...... es 032 1.353 8,779 9.7 58.1 89.3 8,296 | 54.5 54.3 2.94% 7,729 | 25.00 1,050 | 35.5 503 4,570 Musselshell.....03 1,683 1,752 1.1 21-1 76.7 1,677 | 57.9 4.3 3.01 1,366 11.77 386 8.8 14.9 id Park... vise un ~ 3,397 3,787" 5.8 51.3 73.2 3,454 | k9.9 39.2 2.94% 2,829 18.85 958 | 30.7 30.4 1,44 Petrolewn....... 035 375 381 5.8 43.4 333 | 55.0 18.4. . 2.68 188 7.88 193] 3.1 9.9 6 PRIILIIPS.. «curso 036 2,506 2,657 2.8 15.1 47.1 2,304 | 56.7 20.9 2.89 1,379 13.26 1,278 6.5 12.9 os POndera......... 037 2,003 2,089 3.4 23.6 52.2 1,794 | 55.8 28.9| 3.28 98 | 16.72 2,109(' "9.7" 24.8 i Powder River....038 1,187 1,191 6.5 17:1 924 | 68.0 5.6| 3.06 198 | 13.83] 993 9.8 1.1 (1) Powell, ....nnsns 039, 2,126 2,251 1.0 37.4 64.0 1,852 | u47.0 32.9 2.58 1,52 15.22 728| 22.5 31.0 580 Prairie... vu» 0 690 716 2.0 15.8 50.3 647 | 63.8 18.3 3.29 L2! 11.99 292| 10.3 12.4 13 Ravalli......... oul 3,795 3,981 1.8 28.0 71.1 3,724 | 59.0 28.5 3.10 1,880 15.35 2,101 | 23.4 56.2 1,1: Richland........ ol2 2,755 2,925 1.6 19.0 58.0 2,625 | 55.9 22.5| 3.48 1,30 | 17.01 1,505| 7.5 29.8 69 Roosevelt....... oh 2,723 2,793 0.6 16.8 51.8 2,462 | 61.5 26.1 3.49 1,586 | 12.95 1,207] 2.74 15.8 69. Rosebud. ........ of 1,90 1,96 0.6 20.5 43.5 1,74 | 57.5 26.1] 3.17 1,0 12.65 go4| 7.9] 1k5 289 Sanders......... 045 2,28 2,h02 3.1 21.2 60.3 2,065 | 60.3 24.9 2.90 1,328 12.67 1,074 | .20.2 32.8 323 Sheriden....... .0k6 2,222 2,270 0.3 8.8 47.9 2,011 | 57.6 12.7.0 2::3.52 "1,025 | 11.63 1,205 00 ve, 2 li ag.ef iY Silver Bow...... ouy 12,62 17,161 173 59.6 97.6 16,594 | 46.32 40.5 2.71 16,873 21.39 288 | 4u.1 hob % Stillwater...... 0L8 1,76 1,810 1.5 17.3 Ly. 1,592 | 55.0 23.01 3.41 789 | 12.37 1,021 | 9.4| 20.0 3 Sweet Grass.....049 1,126 1,192 26.7 49.6 1,109 | 54.9 2kh.8 2.90 539 16.58 653| 18.7 12.9 Le PBEON. + ove sls ..050 2,318 2,m7 2.9 17.6 59.5 1,99 | 62.8 2.0 3.04 966 16.44 1,51 | 12.6 38.5 247 P0018: 1 xe died 051 1,987 2,149 4.9 30.0 60.3 1,973 | 56.3 .6| 2.98 1,560 | 19.15 589 | 8.5| 22.8 be Treasure........ 052 ng 421 12.4 46.6 395 | 47.6 19.5 3.38 145 13.13 276 9.4 29.2 L Valley... x ues 053 4,390 5,094 5.9 21.5 62.5 4,096 | 55.5 27.3 3.19 3,683 1k.58 1,41 3.0 11.5 155 Wheatland....... 05k 921 1,011 5.8 36.3 73.2 911 | 50.4 40.9 2.99 : 737 15.73 214 | 14.2 20.2 25 Wibaux, Jv. ivins 055 628 005 3.2 8.4 32.7 564 | 51.2 10.0 3.43 215 12.95 450 2.7 9.8 0 Yellowstone..... 056 9,737 12,162 11.3 53.1 85.6 11,542 | 4.5 54.0 3.07 9,676 27.55 2,486 | 15.6 46.4 6,20 Yellowstone National Park..057 16 18 - - - 18 - - - 16 - 2 - - NEBRASKA. .... 4 350,082 387,368 5.1 44.0 70.5 360,744 | 47.1 36.9 3.22 247,873 20.09 139,495 | 22.3 28.5] 203, METRO. COUNTIES.. 80,311 103,217 15.1 70.5 95.8 97,507 | 46.9 01.3 3.09 97,943 27.68 5,274 | 27.4| 50.2 72,68 "Metro. areas 065 |Lincoln......... 055 24,609 30, 844 13.1 68.0 92.3 29,129 | 45.1 62.2 2.97 27,606 25.70 3,238 | 20.8 41.1 20,87) 084 | Omaha-Council Bluffs(pt)?....028 55,702 72,373 16.0 7.5 97.3 68,378 | 47.6 00.9 3.14 . 70,337 28.48 2,036 | 37.9 64.9] 51,811 OTHER COUNTIES... 269,771 284,151 1.4 33.6 6l.3 263,237 | 41.2 27.8 3.27 149,930 15.12 134,221 | 21.9 27.7] 130,76% All Counties: BRBBE vv be vn ts 001 6,093 6,764 4.8 56.2 78.8 6,301 | 45.8 46.3| 3.18 5,118 | 18.79 1,646 | 14.5] 20.6 3,866 Antelope........ 002 3,742 3,873 1.0 EURTS 43.5 3,568 | 42.0 14.2 3.34 1,628 11.39 2,245 | 24.5 13.8 1,468 APEHUP.. cv vevves 00 267 276 9.1 39.1 269 | 56.1 13.0 3:63 60 - 216 | 20.8 27.3 (2) Banner.......... 00 429 Lh 10.8 29.5 362 | 51.4 9.7 3.7 0 - hou | 3.7 29.2 (1) BRING. «vs eivsinn 005 hak 427 11.0 36.8 395 | 58.7 2.5 3.58 110 8.22 317 | 18.6 2.5 1 BOONE, cy vvivsnres 006 3,519 3,590 29.1 47.9 3,117 | 34.6 20.1 3.52 1,470 | 14.05 2,120 26.4) 19.0 1,728 |Box Butte....... 007 2,755 3,152 4.9 he. k 69.1 2,915 | Lo.5 | 34.4 3.18 2,169 22.16 983 | 20.9 19.7 1,721 BOYE: ve vs svn dnny 008 1,712 1,753 14.7 39.1 1,566 | 39.2 10.6 3.40 697 8.84 1,056 | 10.1| 11.9 525 Brown: doves suns 009 1,647 1,750 0.3 271.7 55.6 1,569 9.2 19.8 3.40 902 14,33 848 | 15.6 7-1 724 Buffalo. ....on.s 010 6,605 7,200 3.3 4.5 66.8 ,646 | 46.3 30.5 3.13" 4,595 15.36 2,605 | 23.6 19.1 3,593 1served fron adjoining county. 2Remainder of Omaha - Council Bluffs ifetropolitan Area (084) is in Iowa. 244 TABLE 3—SELECTED DATA FOR METROPOLITAN AREAS AND FOR ALL ‘COUNTIES, BY STATE—Continued (Figures which have been rounded to thousands will not necessarily add te totals) Table 2 3 Fart 4 - Agriculture NCNT., Dawson (011) = NEBR., Buffalc (01C) 1The State total includes $87,705 for female silver fox and/or mink over 3 months old 2Remainder of Omaha-Council Bluffs Metropolitan Area (084) is in Iowa. (kept in captivity) not distributed to individual counties. 245 er AGRICULTURE—1945 AGRICULTURE—1940 Value of farm products sold, | Principal Per- f Value of : Work power traded, or used by source of : Per: Rent arm: property farm household farm income | Type- METROPULITAN cent | farms of- Metro, "AREAS, Number of | Land in | Cropland | Number | of | Luh Percent from farming- Bury COUNTIES, farms. farms | harvested | of farms | farms | [10 x Number Li area |} AND (1000s | (1000s oper- | of Total ver. of About ie code ving CODES Jan. 1, of o April 1, | ated | prog | (ro | 28 | horses | Number I | stoc Code See {ion ’ pr (1000's r (1000's | and See | Per- index . 1945 acres) acres) 19 by oc and/or of 3 (See 423) ucts of arm 1 of live- | Crops | paz) | cent P ten- less doll dol mules tractors dollars) k ps | p# ants | than ollars) Gol (over 3 stoc 1s) mo. old) prod- ucts : (48) (49) (50) G1) (52) (53) 4) (55) (56) 5D (58) (59) (60) (61) (62) (63) 4) MONTANA—Con. All Counties—Con, DAWEOR. + sess 011 192 1,272 253 834 | u3.0| 32.7 5,922 7,101 6,370 498 1,074] 36.4[ 52.4 5] 51.2 322| 105 Degr Lodge...... 012 167 206 19 179 | 21.2] bu.7 1,777] 9.927 glug 30 325 64.7 24.6 1| 25.8 232] 115 Pallon....--x-» 013 nk 936 149 510 42.2] 19.2 4,788 9,788 3,498 293 864 33.0 57.5 5| 57.5 322| 120 Fergie... -di.v 01k 1,356 2,038 326 1,486 | 33.4] 18.6| 18,405(12,326 8,537 1,030 3,082 31.3 60.b 5] 59.8 321 11 Flathead........ 015 LEM 327 au 1,701 17.4| 41.3 11,397| 6,700 4,162 345 1,570 U43.5 34.7 5( 30.7 631| 110 Gallatin........ 016 1,180 1,010 172 1,242 | 38,6] 1k.3| 22,731018,302 7,682 664 4, 212| 57.7] 35.4 1| 2.5 232| 123 Garfield........ 017 L455 1,896 97 587 17.7| 60.8 2,951] 5,027 5.3 209 70 79.6] 10.3 1| 58.6 2211 90 Glacier......... 018 517 1,332 94 495 | 20.8| 32.1 6,596 (13,325 4,610 201 1,386 63.7 29.4 1] 48.1 321 87 Golden Valley...019 aul 722 35 268 | 22.4] 24.3 2,593] 9,675 1,677 119 580 65.4 25.7 1] 43h BOLI 117 Granite......... 020 181 31k 33 205 | 17.1 23.4 4,1f220,302 2,314 53 519 82.4 7.7 1| 66.0 232| 120 1,035 1,658 316 1,245 | 24.7] 23.b 12,007 9,644 3,697 1,058 2,199 22.8 70.5] ~~ 5] 70.4 322| 106 298 388 31 331) 26.6| 24.5 3,298 9,9¢4 2,133 a4 6u8 69.3 17.7 1| 33.0 232| 122 528 869 171 590 | 39.2] 11.4] - 8,764[14,A31 3,2A1 463 1,736 41.5 52.4% 5| 52.4 321 12% 1,536 399 37 1,673 | 24.0| 30.6| 11,801 7,054 6,417 354 2,092| s4.2| 30.9 5] 29.3 614| 114 9 1,112 57 532 | 21.8| 29.3 8,501 (15,979 4,046 185 1,493 | 73.5) 18.2 1| bs. 232| 113 38 806 142 20 13.2 12.) 7,093 [16,832 1,738 398 1,174 21.3 68.3 5| 68.3 322| 120 28 11 14 534 | 1b.o| 55.1 2,180] b,0%2 1,300 ug 325 51.0 11.8 of 30.3 631 110 683 1,39 191 754 | 30.1] 3k.1 5,300 7,029 £,260 ug3 972| 37.2 52.1 5| 52.0 322| 101 699 1,011 33 655 | 28.1] 14.8 11,758(17,951 6,328 i 2,199 70.8 20.6 1| 51.9 232] 115 191 920 5 228 | 7.5] 271.6 7,191 [31,539 2,997 by 1,262 92.1 1.9 1| 68.0 232| 119 86 31 4 112 | 17.0] 36.6 s79| 5,170 392 20 9k 51.9 19.4 0] 26.2 631| 116 770 2 LY 716 | 20.7] 39.7 6,787| 8,746 3,167 164 1,258 58.3 28.4 1 34.6 614] 119 318 1,084 38 314 | 26.1] 29.3 2,635] 8,3c2 2,008 141 545 63.9 23.1 1| 40.5 221| 107 610 835 83 623 | 35.3| 18.8 9,899 (15, 889 4,865 269 1,708 | 65.5 25.3 1| 45.6 232 1k 161 509 25 180 | 23.3] 38.3 1,409 7,828 1,8 69 216 mn.5| 112.2 1.49.6 221| 110 925 1,679 196 1,04A | 2u.7( 17.4 9,567.| 9,146 8,717 580 1,956| 39.3] 51.0 5| 50.9 322| 106 787 922 223 279 | 27.1] 16.4 13,877(15., 787 3,008 796 2,087 26.0 67.2 5] 67.2 321( 123 509 1,l52 83 682 | 18.9) 137.5 6,069] 8,821 6,265 245 1,086 79.0| 11.0 1| 6u.8 221 100 265 830 63 309 | 20.4] 18.1 7,800/25,2L3 3,667 87 1,285 79.0 13.9 1| 54.2 232| 103 25k £50 90 257 | 28.8] 27.6 2,694 10,482 2,276 168 4hg 55.9 36.0 1 36.8 221| 106 1,381 350 69 1,501 | 2u.3| 20.1 11,366] 7,572 5,124 365 2,750 48.3 39.9 5] 30.7 614] 117 1,099 1,135 2ks 1,218] 31.4| 19.4 9,887| 8,117 6,433 915 3,017 36.2| 57.9 5] 57.5 322| 106 slg 868 287 1,083 | 25.1| 22.1 8,669 8,312 4,062 780 1,754 14.9] 77.8 5| 77.6 312| 108 719 2,949 8 690| 26.5] 35.1 9,887|14,329 6,379 345 1,758| 61.6] 731.6 1] 50.3 221| 103 671 375 3 854 | 19.8] 43.3 4, gu2( 5,670 3,107 104 gi2| 65.1 19.0 1 Lo. 631 108 1,113 1,007 379 1,238 39.7 19.0 9,184] 7,W18 3,164 In 1,769| 12.7 78.5 5| 78.5 312| 107 161 134 9 202 Be. 5.5 1,349| 6,678 1,095 24 u02| 79.9 12.% 2| ¥5.7 232 137 122 931 123 796 | 30. 1k. 8,7F1 (11,008 L, 54g 400 1,840| 4g.7| k2.5 5| 42.1 961| 120 426 1,113 57 463 | 29.2] 18.1 8,267/17,855 3,825 147 1,527 83.0 10.2 1| 62.3 221| 125 1,053 1,185 260 1,081] 21.5] 12.1 17,05115, 77% 3,900 87h 2,712 ha 51.9 5} 51.9 321| 123% 42 1,113 117 569 | 18.6| 20.9 9,2u41 [16,241 2,211 476 1,304 50.3] 42.8 5| 42.7 322| 12h 182 Lk2 19 203| 37.4| 19.2| 2,09310,301 1,500 178 57 m.5] 57.0]. ‘5|s7.0] 221] ne 1,271 1,650 351 1,297 2u.1| 17.7| 11,696( 9,018 7,000 1,069 2,394 | 28.6] 62.2 5| 61.9 322| 103 218 892 4h 229| 26.2| 18.8 4,836(21,118 1,961 116 qus5 | gel 7.5 159.9 221| 135 337 485 11k 373| u2.4| 12.3 3,060| 8,204 2,146 282 76| 24.2) 68.5 5| 68.5 322 113 Yellowstone..... 056 1,651 1,295 163 1,703| 36.9] 18.9| 18,296|10,743 7.517 987 4,889 | 39.5( 53.3 5| 51.8 961| 118 Yellowstone : ; National Park..057 NEBRASKA. ..... 111, 756 47,753 19,596 | 121,062 | S2.8| 17.7 *1,396,223|11,533| 510,468 70,761| 212,811 61.3 28.8 1| 47.5 119 METRO, COUNTIES.. 4,625 685 495 4,676] 49.3) 22.0 54,374|11,628 13,758 2,385 9,020 59.8 33.0 Metro. areas: . Lincoln.... enn. 5 2,706 516 in 2,915| 52.3| 18.0| 32,294/11,079 9,595 1,516 3,881 50.0] 39.4 5 36.1 Omaha-Council Bluffs (pt)%....028 1,919 169 124 1,7A1| uk.3| 28.7 22,080(12,538 4,163 869 5,139] 671.2 28.2 YiiN7.3 OTHER COUNTIES... | 1C7,131| U47,068| 19,101) 116,386| %%.0| 17.5 p,341,761|11,529| 496,710| 68,376| 203,791 | 6A1.M| 28.7 * All Counties: 1,325 334 201 1,456 | 56.3] 17.8 | 12,433 8,539 4,593 918 1,664 | u2.1| 45.7 5] Wu.4 521 112 1,895 550 33h 1,940| 5A.9| 12.2 16,772] 8,648 8,372 939 3,583 | 64.5] 24.7 1| 50.9 522 | 122 162 Lot 60 181| 26.5] 11.0 4,305(23,785 2,37 31 598| ar.3 1.0 1| 85.8 221| 10 291 473 97 323 u2.7| 22.9 4,213(13,0u43 1,601 286 651 51.3 42.9 1| 4.6 314] 120 pa sinns 241 56 118 276 29.3| 18.8 3,108|11,261 2,601 57 ug2 | 86.6 2.5 1] 90.0 221| 116 aes eine we 1,571 429 263 1,672| 69.9] 33.9 15,399( 9,210 6,480 921 1,461 65.9 18.7 1| 46.9 522| 117 702 661 228 854 | 52.6 29.6| 10,271(12,027 2,982 718 1,249 | 5A.9| 34.8 1| 39.6 221 1g edi 820 335 160 913| F1.9| 19.5 £,376| 6,984 4,106 une 1,001 6.1 18.2 1] 47.1 522| 110 een 621 122 216 733] u2.4| 20.5 6,833] 9,322 5,983 194 1,112 75.0 11.3 1] 58.1 221| 119 2,094 596 32h 2,27A| s2.9| 19.2 19,A36| &,627 9,557 1,358 3,147 52.8 37.2 1| 3F.2 522 120 fable TABLE 3—SELECTED DATA FOR METROPOLITAN AREAS -.AND FOR ALL COUNTIES, Part 5 - Industry and Retail Trade BY STATE—Continued ' MONT. , Dawson (011) - s NEBR., Buffalo (010) (All dollar figures have been rounded to thousands and will not necessarily add to totals) eso : MANUFACTURING ESTABLISHMENTS—1939 MINERAL INDUSTRIES—1939 RETAIL ESTABLISHMENTS—1939 ; METROPOLITAN Med COUNT Value added Area ES, ; ue adde Code AND Wage Wages Value of by manufac- Value of | Number | Wages and Sales Active Employees Pay roll earners ) roducts roducts of salaries | Number of ; (average " CODES Number (1000s of fi y ture f oc \ (1000’s of | pro- | ° (1000s of (average dollars) ( s of (1000s of (1000's of | persons | (1000's of | stores dollars) | prietors or dollars) for year) dollars) dollars) dollars) | engaged | dollars) year) . 5) (6) @n (6) 9) a) ay az) a) a4) as) as) an MONTANA=—Con, : All Counties—Con. DAWSON. ssueasan .011 5 16: 15 U6 76 122 2,965 98 302 256 Deer Lodge......012 13 1,358 2) (1) (2) 361 107 U5 187 5,340 188) 467 521 L013 2| *) (1) *) 60 1,042 53 8 68 01, 13 134 180 2,139 800 273 91 108 229 5,131 204 SRL". 48 Flathead......",015 46 765 850 3,698 1,725 193 69 91 333 9,718 320 935 881 Gallatin........016 26 261 326 2,968 1,353 49 15 23 310 9,21, 288 79 836 1 *) *) (1) (1) : 37 349 35 36 28 15 98 139 2,440 590 () (1) {x 128 3,885 99 353 373 26 199 27 6 & 2 2) (*) (*) *) 1,122 268 404 7% 1,280 75 80 Th L 68 86 796 375 2 16 u 21, 5,914 204 611 643 7 18 1 140 41 1,347 244, 376 8, 1,208 88 7% 68 Judith Basin....023 2 *) (1) (*) * (1) (1) (1) 63 915 53 52 49 1aKB, 4 caus sinss 02h 16 9% 93 669 227 185 3,280 185 265 237 Lewis and Clark,025 34 559 (*) (1) (*) 1,592 418 635 331 11,505 206] 1,120 1,349 Liberty..cee....026 3 (1) (1) (1) (1) 34 625 24, 30 30 Lincoln... 12 524, (1) 1) (1) 1m 64 % 121 1,931 112 173 167 McCone,... (1) (a) « Qa) 38 475 34 33 27 5 2 2 56 20 1,812 $85 684 120 1,631 115 18 101 2 2) *) * af ¢ a) 53 a6 55 56 49 (1) (1) (2) 52 460 56, 21 17 28 1,186 1,495 7,404 3,673 63 10 12 423 15,334 394| 1,487 1,696 4 13 18 80 2 1,293 584 T% 104 1,882 103 141 126 1 64 Lp2 378 157 325 151 200 212 4,762 217 445 435 Petroleum.......035 2 (1) ) (*) £1) ¥ 19 218 19 19 uy Phillips. .......036 4 9 13 68 28 805 pie 327 14 2,415 100 229 233 7 23 21 154 46 (ye. (a (1) 114 2,508 9% 210 231 2 (*) (2) (1) (1) 13 9 8 28 427 27 24 23 5 15 19 125 53 365 128 178 102 2,104 87 163 180 1 2) ) hy ty: 40 622 3 55 47 24 256 258 1,204 508 (1) (1) (1) 164 3,487 149 294 27 8 167 *) 1) ) (+) (1) i) 125 3,181 17 259 293 8 1 11 118 46 13 17 8 157 3,208 126 268 240 3 1 (1) *) (*) \1) (1) (13 108 1,806 95 161 151. Sanders.........045 9 95 170 2 263 (1) (1) 102 1,447 9 107 88 Sheridan........046 3 7 7 49 27 23 21 iA 105 1,613 96 140 1m 047 60 487 695 4,586 2,368 22,735 6,506 10,334 798 21,212 817| 2,484 3,292 048 5 6 6 103 vy 733 95 1,529 8 97 89 Sweet Grass,...,049 3 3 (*) 0) (2) 54 1,109 46 84 UU TOON ss ssa esses 050 3 3 (3) £2) 1) 111 2,110 9% 138 125 1 U2 () (*) (*) 147 2,956 129 244 247 27 373 27 31 27 10 54 57 456 261 (1) (1) (1) 276 6,243 252 574 585 4 33 (1) (*) . (2) 72 1,354 62 100 83 (1) (1) (1) 30 355 25 35 29 53 7 1,052 13,443 4,847 (1) (1) (1) 540 21,282 524 2,055 2,227, Yellowstone National Park..057 > Combined Counties? 128 » 3,118 4,254 LL, uo4 10,804 1,938 300 416 NEBRASKA. .s..o | 1,161 18,807 20,624 273,525 69,087 1,323 557 [7 19,330 397,196 18,004| 44,353 36,221 METRO, COUNTIES, , 512 12,819 15,176 210,474 48,394 4105 | 455 456 4,470 19,347 3,817 19,742 18,673 Metro, areas: 065 |Lincoln.........055 125 1,675 1,765 1,946 7,062 (1) (1) () 1,235 41,006 1,030] 5,659 5,014 08, |Omaha=-Council 2 : Bluffs(pt)®,...028 387 11,144 13,41 195,528 41,388 105 55 56 3,275 108,341 2,787| 14,083 13,659 OTHER COUNTIES,., 649 5,992 5,448 63,051 20,693 1,718 502 388 14,860 247,849) 14,187 24,611 17,548 All Counties: Adams. .vuussess 001 13 518 491 4,194 1,550 (1) (1) () ed 8,018 227 o6y 608 9 21 15 307 78 197 2,626 169 234 164 16 83 15 7 3 9 52 9 1 1 Blain@..ceseeess005 2 217 22 13 7 BOON®. 4 usesessss006 6 11 7 78 13 172 2,443 162 235 5 13 56 49 85 276 170 4,452 152 474 A 14, 1,328 106 98 55 7 «ih 9 152 6&4 92 1,603 91 119 91 20 168 | 173 1,515 466 4031 7.422 387 816 579 Not shown because of disclosure of operations of individual ostablishments. Data included in Combined Counties at ond of State. ZIncludes all counties wher fig- ures are not shown separately because of disclosure of operations of individual establishments. Includes all wustablishments and wuge earners of counties for which wages and value data were withheld to avoid disclosure. The "Combined Counties" figure for number of establishments ia excluded from the State total, since this item was shown for every county. Whenever data on wage earners have been withheld, that portion of the "Combined Counties" figure rupresented by such data is included in the corresponding State total. “One county, Lancaster (005), which should be included in the "Mstro Counties" total Is included in the "Other Counties" total, since it is not possible to present separate figures for this county, BRumainder of Omaha - Council Bluffs Metropolitan Area (084) is in Iowa, 246 TABLE 3—SELECTED DATA FOR METROPOLITAN AREAS AND FOR ALL COUNTIES, BY STATE—Continued (A11 dollar figures have been rounded to thoussnds and will not necessarily add to totals) Table 3 Part 6 - Other Economic Data MONT. , Dawson (O11) - NEBR., Buffalo (010) oLEsaE, SERVICE ESTABLISHMENTS—1939 PAVE DEbOSITS : —19 : 5 Major war supply Major war facilities contracts, rojects, Jot Jodp 2 b 1945 June 1980 1945 METROPOLITAN E Bond, ( s of dollars) ( s of dollars) Metro. AREAS, sales L jo COUNTIES, Number Number . |Employees Total : (1000's of Code AND of Sales of Recei ts Active (eversge Pa roll (demand Time dollars at CODES estab- | (1000's of | estab- | (1000's |proprie-| *“¢ (1000's | and time) | (1000's issue price) lish- dollars) lish- | of dollars) | tors yee?) of dollars) | (1000's | of dollars) ments ments - of dollars) Combat Other Industrial | Military equipment [CO] 9) (80) @n (82) (83) (84) (85) (86) (87) (88) 9) (%0) on MONTANA—Con. : All Counties—Con. DaWEOn. ....enuns 011 27 1,303 54 146 53 47 23 6,398 1,602 97 Loo Deer Lodge...... 012 9 628 7% 35 Th 76 73 5,311 2,434 1,872 192 Fallon.....s. es 01 1h 439 15 26 14 3 2 2,150 517 ues POTZUB. esuresss 01 76 4,675 70 252 80 56 45 8,230 647 1,76 4,060 Flathead........ 015 22 2,07h 109 387 124 95 ™ 12,280 4,098 2,062 Gallatin........ 016 32 3,048 110 yo7 112 87 90 12,218 2,803 1,724 1,752 Garfield........ 017 1 (1] 6 7 1 1 = 232 Glacier......... 018 21 1,442 30 102 36 26 20 3,292 478 839 3,666 Golden Valley...019 4 136) 1 10 12 - x = 1 Granite......... 020 6 128 12 43 14 9 6 195 133 337 Hillev..ovsucne, 021 64 4,969 81 281 87 62 54 8,360 1,261 2,050 Jefferson....... 022 9 231 21 35 22 3 1 812 286| , 255 Judith Basin....023 28 936 12 16 1 1,788 165 un . Lakes... oesees 02 20 456 51 102 5 28 15 3,507 681 67 176 Lewis and Clark.025 33 3,974 124 632 130 158 165 16,815 3,072 2,62 100 1,283 1,784 Liberty....ces. 13) 880 x 22 13 1 1 208 Lincoln. » 12 212 3 70 35 7 5 1,64 526 503 McCone. . 10 196! 10 20 10 1 - 1,312 19 611 Madison. 10 254 3 55 32 3 2 1,283 19 L43 er 3 30 16 2 17 - 1 1,309 52 271 wrens ens 4 77 8 10 8 3 2 130 37 7,170 145 888 151 276 27 15,606 3,467 2,294 1,194 9 595 18 ko 20 9 6 1,6u5/ 5 os 23 1,263 51 208 55 7 55 5,482 1,462 1,01 600 3) 56 5 4 5 1 - 88 Phillips........ 24 750 28 Fy 28 11 5 3,150 62 906 . Pondera. . . ..037 25 2,835 35 89 38 12 11 3,671 197 992 Powder River....038 2 (1) 3 3 3 1,279 299 217 a0 10| 295 2! 59 23 14 12 3,252 877 616 8 77 5 6 1 1 1,725 Lol 333 15 336 57 154 60 49 3 4,606 1,074 702 77 22) 1.170 hn 107 45 26 15 5,109 550 1,k%03 35, 1,223 56 EF 56 10 6 6,687 919 1,618 16| 657 2h 2h 1 2 10 1,483 196 615 10 199 25 47 25 3 1,859 503 kg 39 Bul 21 55 21 8 7 by, ugh 226 + 1,449 101 28,100 283 1,576 289 381 451 36,178 10,712 4,274 1,005] 297 26) 799 35 51 34 6 5 2,032 283 593 | 12,182) 9 222 6 27 18 9 5 2,3 787 Loi 35 1,781 2 ho 2 5 1 2,761 174 987 26) 1,696 3 174 1 36 33 4,064 377 889 5 ~ 203 hy 5 796 ko 222 4g 2,698 58 203 62 67 62 5,134 101 1,572 3,936 8 245 19 36 21 12 5 1,827 422 41g 10 237 12 19 11 5 3 1,251 234 ns 97 24,400 167 1,190 183 352 37 30,881 5,066 3,852 12,866 1,739 Yellowstone National Park..057 Othersseessvarenves 25 62 4762 NEBRASKA......| 3,391 566,975| 7.619] 26,372 7,820 8,511 6,715| 687,667 98,081 138,608 791,297 40,800 103,152) 195,100 METRO. COUNTIES.. 875 Larus] 2,052] 13,732 1,992 5,004 4,648 278,223 42,602] 43,513 64, 306 33,331 20,247 18,650 6 Metro. areas: a 065 |Lincoln...... ++.055 18 5, 552 sd 5 1,152 99 ,948 8, 11,124 0 4, . . (Linum 3 35,43 3,138 33 5 7 55,9 997 1 3,079 316 5,139] 17,861 Bluffs(pt)®.,..028 692] 392,052] 1,500 10,594 1,459 3,852 3,651] 222,275 33,605 32,389 34,227 29,015 15,108 789 OTHER COUNTIES...| 2,516] 139,489] 5,567| 12,640 5,828 3,507 2,067 k4o9,uus 55,480 95,093 726,991 7,469 82,905 176,450 All Counties: , Mams...ouornn.s 001, et 7.672 138 521 150 169 116 14,083 3,176 2,796 1,543 Ly 2,824 65,292 Antelope........002 20 , 636 82 96. 81 21 13 3,319 273 965 Arthur... 2 (3 T 611 89 63 61 107 Banner.... ’ 2 (7) (7 (7) (7) 163 Blaine..........005 5 53] 8 7 1 1 461 93 127 30 787 7 109 13 3 13 3,538 369 699 33 4,109 82 277 87 112 67 9,3 1,812 108 14,044 8 276 37 52 38 20 6 1,325 45 58 oy 1) 459 52 107 56 33 14 1,916 36 463 4,579 57 3,872 146 33 157 105 61 9,851 191 2,770 10,816 1)Not shown because of disclosure of operations of individual establishments. which sales data are withheld to avoid disclosing operations of. individual establisiments. 3Combined figure for counties having sales data withheld to avoid disclosing operations of individual establishments. for ipdividual counties. eIncludes data for 2 establishments located in McPherson County (059). SRemainder of Omaha - Council Bluffs Metropolitan Area (084) is in Iowa, County (053). Data included in "Othar” at end of State. Sum of establishments in counties for It is excluded from the State total since number of establisiments is shown 4 undistributed. 7Included in Kimball 247 Table 3 Part 1 = Population TABLE 3—SELECTED DATA FOR METROPOLITAN AREAS AND FOR ALL COUNTIES, a NEER., Burt (O11) - BY STATE—Continued ~eward (080) eg TOTAL POPULATION POPULATION—1940 EDucaToN STics ESTIMATED 1944 CIVILIAN ; Total whi POPULATION Land | Pop: otal white Percent of _ METROPOLITAN VS. area {ulation population 25 Metro. AREAS, rank in per years old and Area COUNTIES, Nutnber of |Percent| oo sq. over who have Code 2. couples change it mile Percent] Usb Rural Rural completed— Percent| April |, | tin of han f f Births | Death pri js 5 nonfarm arm irths eaths Number change | [940 |percen-| | 930- | 1940 | 1940 | Number | total tiles) | 1940 opu- 5 or Hich Nov): 1940- ation more a | 1943 1940 grades | SChoO! ) 2 3) (4) (5) (6) m 8) ©) (10) an (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) NEBRASKA—Con. All Counties—Con, 2 BUPteesessesves OL 10,836 | -13.6 12,546 67 | =4.0 474 | 26.5 12,510 | 99.7 5,764 6,782] 95.5] 27.5 234 % 10,854 | -17.2 18,106 65| =9.0 582 | 22.5 13,089 | 99.9 5,457 7,649] 89.4] 20.3 186 107 15,034 | -11.5 16,992 54] -3.9 552 | 30.8 16,972 | 99.9 4,268| 5,305 7,419] 94.6] 25.8 258 161 13,326 | -11.9 15,126 60 | -7.9 743 | 20.4 15,124 | 100.0 5,580 9,546 94.2] 19.7 S11 108 Chases cvenrsss OLD 4,541 | -14.5 5,310 u| -az 8% | 5.9 5,810 | 100.0 2,359 2,951] 96.1 24.7 113 43 CROITY oeuvre... 016 6,726 | -30.2 9,637 78| -11.6| 5,982] 1.6 9,517 | 98.8 4,040 5,597| 94.4| 26.6 198 70 9,737 2.4 9,505 78| -6.7| 1,186| 8.0 9,485 | 99.8 3,388] 1,657 4,460) 95.4) 29.7 229 82 9,864 | -5.6 10,445 75 | -23.0 570 | 18.3 10,444 | 100.0 5,071 5,374] 94.1 25.3 187 in 9,344 | -12.1 10,627 72%| 7. 405 | 26.2 10,619 | 99.9 2,808| 2,386 5,433] 89.0 19.3 167 9% 11,558 | -14.8 13,562 63| -5.3 571| 23.8 18,540 | 99.8 2,510] 2,578 8,474 91.6 17.2 236 101 17,507 | 22.5 22,591 40| -13.7| 2,562| 8.8 22,678 99.9 2,968| 5,679 13,944| 95.0| 26.1 381 166 8,464 | -13.9 9,836 77 3.5 255 | 38.6 9,656 | 98.2 4,556 | 1,746 3,534) 94.5) 24.2 223 71 9,824 0.4 10,128 76 | -11.9| 1,389 7.3 10,063 | 99.4 4,262 2,586 3,280] 95.0] 82.7 214 106 16,086 | -10.3 17,890 52 0.1 983 | 18.2 17,867 | 99.9 3,688 5,956 8,246| 9a.4| 29.2 391 160 DOUBL.ssveressss025 8,238 | -9.7 3,580 95 | -10.3 435 | 8.2 8,579 | 100.0 1,651 1,929 94.8] 30.1 96 26 DAXOB4 se eursess 026 9,023 | -18.3 10,413 75 | -10.1 480 | 21.7 10,412 | 100.0 4,096 6,317| 93.3] 22.9 187 98 23,246 | -2.3 23,799 s8| -5.8 529 | 45.0 28,764 | 99.9| 11,862| 4,893 7,044) 93.5] 27.3 440 254 243,180 | -1.4 | 247,562 2 6.3 335 | 739.0 235,294 | 95.0 223,844) 16,189 7,529| 92.5] 34.5] 4,904| 2,621 . 4,198 | -18.1 5,122 91 | -8.7 921| 5.6 5,122 | 100.0 2,812 2,810] 95.2] 24.2 89 24 9,940 | -12.9 11,417 71| -12.0 577 | 19.8 11,418 | 100.0 5,199 6,218] 94.0] 26.2 190 91 6,333 | -18.2 7,740 84 | -14.9 578 | 13.4 7,740 | 100.0 3,444 4,296 93.0] 21.0 104 66 5,052 | 21.3 6,417 88 | -20.9 966 | 6.6 6,417 | 100.0 2,160 4,257] 94.5 23.7 114 57 7,998 | -20.8 10,098 76 | -16.8 722 | 14.0 10,098 | 100.0 5,337 4,761] 95.8] 28.6 147 110 24,889 | -15.9 29,588 28| -2.2 858 | 34.5 29,507 | 99.7| 10,883 7,658] 11,047] - 90.9| 26.0 511 371 3,721 | -20.5 4,680 92| -8.2| 1,685| 2.8 4,669] 99.8 1,775 2,905) 95.5] 26.6 75 31 2,775 | -19.4 3,444 95 7.4 570| 6.0 3,444 | 100.0 1,383 2,061] 91.9] 23.7 71 3 2,707 | -26.6 3,687 9 | -14.0 466 | 7.9 3,687 | 100.0 869 2,818] 94.9) 21.1 61 15 1,109 | -16.4 1,827 99 | -7.0 762] 1.7 1,327 | 100.0 758 569| 95.3] 85.9 19 8 Greeley..... 5,257 | -23.2 6,845 86 | -18.9 870 | 12.0 6,843 | 100.0 2,808 4,042] 92.2) 24.1 120 61 Hall............080] © 28,570 3.8 27,523 31 1.5 540 | 51.0 27,431 99.7 19,130 1,886 6,507] 94.8): 29.7 672 ae Hamilton... 8,261 | -17.2 9,982 76 | -17.9 541 18.5 9,082 100.0 3,922 6,060] 96.1] 22.4 148 m1 5,689 | -20.2 7,130 85 | -20.4 575] 12.4 7,125| 99.9 3,191 3,939] 96.3] 26.3 121 66 2,892 | -19.1 2,958 9% | -17.9 71] 4.2 2,958 100.0 519 2,439] 94.5] 22.3 40 12 5,338 | -16.6 6,404 88 | -11.9 722| 8.9 6,404 | 100.0 3,140 3,264] 93.7] 24.2 104 53 13,417 | -18.9 16,552 56 0.3| 2,408] 6.9 16,551 | 100.0 2,532 3,969 10,051] 92.7| 24.0 501 181 1,22 | 1.7 1,253 99 6.2 922( 1.7 1,253 100.0 755 498] 94.8) 30.1 87 4 7,016 | -16.7 8,422 82 | -15.9 566 | 14.9 8,421 100.0 2,993 5,429] 90.7] 21.6 141 78 13,080 | -16.1 15,532 s8| -8.3 577 | 26.9 15,530 | 100.0 6,304 2,59 6,608] 93.6 23.9 282 147 7,082 | -18.6 8,662 81| -b.4 377 | 23.0 8,662 | 100.0 3,677 4,985] 93.7] 23.2 138 68 6,009 | -12.3 6,854 86| -15.3 512 | 13.4 6,853 | 100.0 3,002 3,802] 93.8] 25.4 99 83 6,081 | -27.0 8,433 82| 24.0] 1,072| 7.8 8,331 | 100.0 8,159] 1,834 3,340] 95.6] 30.9 143 9 2,831 | -27.9 4,285 96 1.0 769 4.2 3,231 99.9 639 2,596) 95.6] 17.1 39 ‘14 3,550 | -9.3 4,913 94 | -16.3 953 | 4.1 3,913 100.0 2,174 1,739) 9s.4| 82.3 85 33 13,978 | -15.2 16,478 06 | -13.8| 1,124 14.7 15,744 | 95.5 6,035 10,445] 91.2] 18.8 303 148 065 | Lancaster.......055 92,795 | -7.7| 100,585 bv 0.3 845 | 119.0 99,600| 99.0| 61,984 7,547 11,054] 96.0 43.1] 1,868] 1,098 L10COLn4 ess... .058 21,576 | -15.1 25,425 | -0.8| 2,525] 10.1 25,247| 99.3] 12,429 4,414 8,582] 94.6] 30.8 501 200 1,859 | -22.0 1,742 98| -13.5 570 | 3.1 1,742 | 100.0 579 1,163] 92.9] 26.1 36 7 1,485 | -16.5 1,777 98| -2.3 574 | 3.1 1,777 | 100.0 use 1,898] 96.4] 20.7 27 4 980 | -16.6 1,170 99| -13.5 as] 1.4 1,175 | 100.0 189 986| 96.7| 20.8 21 2 Mad180n.........060 21,461 | -11.6 24,269 a7| -6.8 572 | 42.4 24,237 99.9] 10,49 9,151 8,628] 90.6 25.8 374 328 Merriok.........061 8,182 | -12.5 9,354 79 | -11.9 467 | 20.0 9,342 | 99.9 4,452 4,%02| 98.0] 25.8 174 9 7,803 | -17.3 9,436 78 -5.2 1,408 6.7 9,420 99.8 4,456 4,980 90.5 23.8 177 82 6,109 | -20.2 7,65% a | -12.2 438 17.5 7,641 99.8 3,368 4,285] 92.0] ‘21.7 108 78 9,380 | -26.6 12,781 86 3.4 399 | 32.0 12,776 | 100.0 3,699 2,799 6,343 94.8] 27.7 198 127 8,482 | -18.8 10,446 7 | -17.8 579 | 18.0 10,439 | 99.9 2,650| 2,443 5,353] 95.7| 26.3 183 92 15,501 ~18.4 18,994 48 -4.6 613 | 31.0 18,929 | 99.7 7,889 3,22% 8,430 92.3 28.9 42 178 6,469 | -24.0 8,014 81 -9.6 433 | 19.7 8,bl4 | 100.0 3,148 b,u66 93.8 24.1 114 74 4,376 | -15.8 5,197 91| -10.9 ed | b.9 8,196 | 100.0 1,840 8,357] 95.8] 24.6 134 81 7,528 | 15.3 8,402 8z| -8.7 bab | 15.8 8,434 99.8 8,360 1,227 3,865] 94.8) "28.9 146 84 8,390 | -17.8 10,211 76 | -7.8 873 | 17.8 10,211 | 100.0 8,746 6,465] 89.7) 18.6 187 66 17,009 | -15.% 20,191 | 4. 872 | 10.0 20,180 | 100.0 7,682( 2,961 9,598] 89.9 22.2 871 170 7,057 | -19.3 8,748 81 | -13.3 ass | 20.2 8,748 | 100.0 3,226 8,022) 98,7] 26.0 128 73 10,992 -8.0 11,951 69 | -13.8 718 16.7 11,942 99.9 6,812 1,904 8,880 4.4 29.7 298 116 15,700 | -17.8 19,178 48 -3.3 248 | 38.0 19,040 99.3 6,148 4,726 8,807| 92.7| 25.8 s21 182 3,008 | -23.1 8,977 94 18.2 1,012 3.9 8,977 | 100.0 1,882 2,098 94.3 22.1 60 16 13,004 13.4 15,010 80 -8.2 B75 | 26.1 15,009 | 100.0 4,088 4,718 7,254 90.2 24.7 212 141 11,417 18.2 10,83> 73 4.2 230 | 47.1 10,806 99.7 6,268 4,567 92.8 24.1 268 88 16,814 | -6.0 17,892 82 | -11.3 756 | 23.7 17,888 | 100.0 2,648 8,807 10,037] 92.6] 23.8 288 174 Scotts Bluff.... 22,000 | -8.5 83,917 28 | 18.4 726 | 46.7 33,060 | 98.9| 1b8,61| 6,080 12,676] 91.0] 31.2 760 235 Beward..........,080 11,843 | 16.4 14,167 62 | =-11.1 B72 | 24.8 14,161 1 100.0 2,826 8,379 7,962 92.8 21.4 2238 109 248 Teble 3 TABLE 3—SELECTED DATA FOR METROPOLITAN AREAS AND FOR ALL COUNTIES, Part 8 - Labor Torce BY STATE—Continued wR, Bars (02) - LABOR FORCE—1940 Population 14 Years Old and Over Employed Workers by Industry Group oreent of " METROPOLITAN Tianss Bo of In leading etro.) P P ta- usiness “ nonagri- Area con OHTIES, creat ea por . and cultural Code AND o i i 2 C 5 ton, | Whole. | personal Other | I industry CODES To labor |. Toes |, ‘emacs i To) Agri * | Mini O0 | Manufac- | ©™™™" | sale and | services | agri- Total who are | who are ining | struc- y cations, and not force < 4 employed || culture : turing retail exclud- cul- in in tion an ole 0 reported foe Code labor | labor : | other do ie (See |Per: force force ake Services po cent an 8) 9) 20) @n @) @) (24) 25) (26) _ en (28) (29) 30 | an | 62 NEBRASKA--Con. All Counties—Con. - 9.417 4,526 80.2 13.1 4,024 2,319 1 172 79 160 hs 497 295 | 57.6] @36 | 6.2 10,014 4,631 11-1 13.2 4,05 2,kg1 3 3 i 144 538 312 | 61.1] 636 | 7.2 13,127 6,133 78.2 13 ,21 2,%02 162 2! 46 ae 609 693 338 | 46.1] 636 | 6.8 10,8 5.375 80.8 15.1 4,931 3.132 5 129 68 1 536 592 329 | 63.5] 636 | 6.4 3,8 1,897 81.7 13.8 1,719 1,001 55 19 kg 226 239 131 | 58.2 636 | 7.3 7.048 3,810 82.9 18.6 3,448 2,081 136 3 17 40s 436 239 | 60.4) 036 | 6.8 7.021 3,506 80.9 16.9 3,202 1,477 1 #3 251 1 2 213 | 46.1 636 | 7.6 8,247 3,713 76.0 14.0 3,199 1,7 4 54 163 217 | 55.2 636 | 8.7 8,238 | 79.8 12.5 2 1,948 y 87 56 147 Lg3 457 220 | 57.1 636 | 6.7 10,143 871 £0.6 13.0 583 2,909 16 122 62 127 519 511 317 | 63.5] @36 | 6.0 16,627 8,123 19-8 15.6 7.307 4,476 6 167 255 865 1,001 | Mug | 61.3] G36 | 7.3 7,164 3:39 78. 16.5 2,861 1,220 1 102 270 212 385 396 215 | 42.6 5 | 71.0 7.862 ,101 80.3 22.3 3,534 1,156 3 158 14 nz 633 on yoy 2.1 636 | 9.6 13,301 6,453 80.0 15.5 5,734 2,770 6 3 192 330 89 380 24 636 | 7.1 2,700 1,366 80.9 16.7 1,232 658 3 16 T™ 187 198 65 | 53.4) 636 | 8.8 7.687 3,706 79-9 13.3 3.2719 2,030 98 36 136 436 206 | 61.9 | 636 | 8.1 18,495 9,075 78.8 20.3 1.919 2.599 29 457 623 1,753 1,454 7x2 | 32.8| 636 | 7.9 ost 196,838 | 106,121 79.6 29.8 | 88,56 2, 62 | u,012 15,762 | 12,606 214 22, 33 9,598 2.7] 5 [10.0 3,687 1,848 81.5 15.6 1,586 50 2; 64 57.1] 636 | 7.% 9,004 4,221 78.3 15.9 3.679 2,089 3 110 92 1% M78 287 | 56.8| 636 | 7.% 862 2,855 81.1 1k.2 2,342 1,393 Wy 43 301 32k 162 | 59.5| 636 | 8.0 83 2,495 [33 5s 2,247 ’ 5 28 3 B 207 289 126 | 66.6 036 | 8.6 7,81 3,680 17.5 16. 2,964 1,519 1 7 150 hy) 222 ol.2 636 | 9.5 22,910 10,483 74.1 17.4 9,183 3,7 16 307 828 685 1,453 1,487 658 .8| 636 | 8.1 3,35 1,615 19.7 11.3 1,476 983 2 67 1 50 128 177 58 | 66.6 636 | 7.7 Garfield........ 036 2,469 1,249 81.2 16.7 1,082 653 22 12 3 47 139 78 | 60.%| 636 | 7.9 Gosper.. .037 2,750 1,392 1 11.9 1,290 g7 143 1 22 7 101 67.8| 636 | 6.0 Grant... 038 970 23 ahh 1.1 508 279 21 5 33 5 ™ b2 | 54,9 636 | 6.7 Greeley op 4,880 2421 78.3 17.7 1,963 1,2% 29 22 57 196 295 124 | 63.2] G36 | 9.6 HEalYesptnescesns 21,314 | 10,559 78.5 21.9 9,108 2,012 8 ng 632 1,213 2,274 1,852 699 | 22.1 636 | 8.8 7.701 3,542 77.2 1.1 3,145 1,952 1 ™ 65 2 331 381 1 62.1] @36 | 7.7 5.495 2,688 78.9 17.8 2,268 1,258 60 65 13 301 nz 159 | 55.5] 636 | 7.4 2,082 1,03 83.5 10.7 9u5 ja 12 3 86 79.0 | 636 | 6.8 k4,601 2,167 76.7 16.1 1,762 978 3 Bn 25 59 251 286 119 | 55.5] 636 | 9.% 12,024 6,017 82.3 15.6 5,386 3,254 3 128 91 166 Bho 396 | 60.4) 636 | 6.2 912 429 75.8 15.0 u3 156 1 37 11 25 15 78 37.8| 636 | 8.7 6,368 2,932 78.5 9.8 2,621 L779 1 68 37 101 221 218 136 | 67.9] 36 | 6.1 11,945 5,687 79.0 16.7 881 2,108 22 139 4g 838 7% 43,2] 636 | 7.4 6,553 3,136 79.2 16.4 2,751 1,596 5 11 83| 92 267 365 212 | 58.0] 636 | 7.5 5,419 2,669 79.7 17.6 2,366 1,362 62 so] . 83 243 359 207 | 57.6| 636 | 9.0 6,081 3,144 82.1 15.3 2,901 1,089 4 632 43 FL h22 362 208 | 37.5] 6 LX] 2,213 1,150 82.8 13.9 1.053 796 10 15 12 13 97 50 | 75.6| @ 6. 2, 1,523 80.3 18.5 Ts 721 2 76 17 69 199 2 120 | 50.0 G36 | 7. 12,181 6,025 80.9 14.6 5,255 3,408 2 n £2 145 553 308 | 64.9 G36 | 7.3 065 £1,992 | 1,047 73.1 29.2 | 35,172 3.173 g8| 1,95 2,843 3,403 8,093 9,999 | 5.099 | 10.7] G36 [13.6 18,879 9,737 81.8 19.2 8,563 2,800 12 434 253 1,1 1,561 1,h4 588 .| 32.7| 23 [12.1 1,269 83.1 15.3 586 401 10 6 17 50 65 37 | 68.% | 636 8 1,335 705 89.0 11. 1 503 9 3 2 31 59 78.5] 636 | 7.3 836 425 87.5 9.9 ¥o0 339 6 3 1 n 16 | 82.7( 636 | 6.1 18,938 8,775. 73.6 19.8 7.473 2,3n 5 253 431 587 1,59% 1,527 705 | 31.7] 636 (10.1 7.147 3.525 79.9 17.0 3,109 1,654 5 ™ bid 137 513 22 53.2| 636 | 7.5 6,720 3,242 77.8 14.4 2,792 1,637 9 95 70 131 345 340 165 | 58.6 | 636 | 6.6 5,616 2,647 75.4 14,3 2,24 1,39 3 51 30 88 248 285 1 62.4 | @36 | 7.5 9,720 4,607 79.9 1.1 3,854 1,99 18 280 60 175 493 bith 7 | 51.7] 036 | 8.7 7.954 3,805 79.6 15.2 3.370 1,665 9% 204 196 531 235 | bo.k| 036 | 7.1 14,537 7.14% 78.9 18.2 6,021 2,814 12 188 nh 306 952 5 y %6.7| 636 | 7.5 6,51! 3,081 19.7 13.0 2,7 1,754 88 26 100 269 337 17% | 63.2] @36 | 7.6 3.793 2,008 85. 15,6 1,867 1,153 1 38 n 53 238 216 137 | 61.8] 836 | 6.2 6,671 3, 79. 18.6 2, 1,373 : ¥ 80 119 511 479 46.2| 636 | 8.5 7.67 3,7 81.3 13.9 3, ll 2,193 3 116 72 101 365 370 194 | 64.2 636 | 5.7 14,11 7.170 78.7 17.3 6,152 2,916 20 183 206 no 983 918 516 | 47.%| 636 | 7.7 6,798 2 8 78. 15.1 2,927 1,793 10 86 a 86 332 382 207 | 61.3| 636 | 7.6 9.053 ,564 79. 21.7 3.50 1,151 b 128 1 536 835 57 z 29.6] 23 [10.0 14,496 6,862 78.4 15.5 5,847 2,670 50 240 197 512 858 864 45.7163 | 7.2 2,868 148k 82.5 16.6 1,306 834 29 12, ho 1 154 79 | 63.9] 636 | 6.7 11,927 Seltke 77.2 13.5 kt, 84s 2,491 3 121 h21 176 621 726 286 | 51.4 636 | 8.1 8,381 Ju27 82.6 13.5 4,049 1,327 10 140 504 207 403 391 1,067 | 32.2| 37 [23.1 13,853 6,477 78.4 12.7 5,843 3.526 5 172 3 270 7 714 34 | 60.3] 636 | 7.0 ’ 23,963 | 12,103 80.5 17.3 | 10,288 3,907 10 529 1 607 2,175 1,621 691 | 38.0| 636 | 7.0 Seward..........080 10,912 4,997 78.1 13.0 4,476 2,576 116 145 188 565 588 298 157.61636 | 7.2 3 Table 3 Part 8 - Housing TABLE 3—SELECTED DATA FOR METROPOLITAN AREAS AND FOR ALL COUNTIES, NEBR., Burt (01) = Seward (080) BY STATE—Continued HOUSING—1940 ; 3 . ; ; Nonfarm Rural Farm All Dwelling Units Occupied Dwelling Units Dwelling Units Dwell boils i METROPOLITAN : R - el ois = Area ; i phones Code AND Residential . Percent | Percent Per. | Percent Medien Per- CODES stractures in5or | with Patan od wih oF Avery e cent |Percent| Jan. I, more | private | wi mechan- monthly with | wit 1945 Number fanaly | Bothrub dec Number Gi ial persons Number a Number es struc- or ighting 7 | refrig- ollars, ning | lightin; tures shower pied eration horse water ne 33) Gh) (35) (36) Gn G8) G9) (40) [)) “@) @) (4) 45) 46) “n NEBRASKA Con, All Counties—Con. . BUF eye. shuerney 011 3,403 3,503 0.1 34.2 68.5 3,450 | L4.3 29.8 3.33 1,701 14.08 1,802 26.7 46.3 2,044 Butler... ....sen 012 3,917 3.970 0.3 26.2 53.5 3,658 | 56.1 18.7 3.23 1,827 11.91 2,143] 15.0 26.6 1,843 0888. ies sv unnnis 01 L,987 5,300 2.0 28.7] 66.2 L,96k Li 3.4 3.05 3040| 12.5 2,260] 2L.6| 34.5 2,729 CedRre, sui vits os 3,810 3,919 93 27.6 53.3 3,750 | Lo.3 15.6 3.66 1,635] 12.08 2,284 28.4 28.1 2,137 CHEBD, «+ cis syenne 1,455 1,500 0. 27.1 57.2 1,013 ( 49.3 2li.g 3.39 696 14.99 8o4| 23.6 29.4 662 Cherry 2,566 2,723 0.4 26.3 53.6 2,443 | 50.6 30.4 3.53 1,165 13.89 1,558 29.9 32.6 65% Cheyenne. 2,467 2,652 3.5 uk 66.1 2,453 | L2.8 34.6 3.kg 1,452 18.32 1,200 23.9 32.0 1,LLY CRY vo oe niss ss g'ein 018 3,662 3,683 0.2 33.6] 57.9 3,154 | 51.0 17:3 2.95 1,0L5 7.54 1,738 16.2| 20.5 1,060 Colfax 3,109 3,195 0.6 33.3 62.7 3,038 | 60.7 21.9 3.17 1,678 | 1k.57 1,517] 28.3] 3.5 1,913 Cuming. eeeesss «+020 3,506 3,582 0.k4 35.5 68.8 3,459 | 53.4 26.7 3.54 1,521 17.87 2,061 42.2 50.6 1,870 Custer. 6,514 6,697 0.2 25.1 bs5.1 6,132| L2.8 21.1 3.52 2,703 12.24 3,994 | 28.8 14.7 2,868 Dakota. 2,647 2,722 27.6] 7121 2,562 | 47.3 24.4 3. 1,832 11.87 890| 26.7 35.8 900 Dawes 2,788 3,083 2.8 Lg.l| 70.5 2,789 | 47.0 41.3 3.13 2,080 | 17.64 1,003| 24.1| 2k 1,k91 Dawson 4,889 5,179 1.3 w.0| 62.9 4,01k | 47.5 25.3 3.28 2,881 | 16.16 2,298| 17.6| 25.6 2,709 Deuelseoenn... ..025 1,005 1,016 33.1] 63.5 929 | by. 34.1 3.62 a7 14.30 sus | 22, 35.1 506 DAO os anoiens 026 2,792 2,883 0.2 28.2] 54.7 2,759 | 43.1 16.2 3.45 1,290 11.21 1,593 ( 25.8 23.7 1,895 DOAEO. «reves es 027 6,732 7.2uk ~ 3:3 52.0] 81.5 6,829 | 49.3 42.9 3.12 5,290 | 18.19 1,954 31.7] M3. 4,459 084 |Douglas.........028 55,702 72.373 16.0 1. a7.1 68,378 | 47.6 60.9 3.14 70,337 28.46 2,036| 37.9 64.9 51,811 Dandy. ovens son 029 1,457 1,524 23. LL.3 1,358 | U5.5 18.9 3.44 676 13.42 slg | 14.7 17.7 541 Fillmore..... «2.030 3.549 3.610 0.1 28.2 53.2 3,319 | 51.9 22.0 3.01 1,712 11.33 1,898| 13.9| 18.9 1,k08 Fragklin........031 2,503 2,583 0.2 22.8] 79.8 2,246 | 48.5 17.0 3.07 1,194 8.71 1,3 12.7 15.7 1,520 Frontier........ 32 2,050 2,093 22.4 L0.5 1,797 | 47.6 17.7 3.23 729 11.04 1,364 16.4] 15.5 1,067 FUrna®u cere cre «33 3,274 3,388 0.8 29.8 56.8 3,022 | 47.9 24.0 2.99 1,790 11.05 1,598 | 16.9 19.6 1,954 GagR saves ries 03h 7.861 8,110 2.0 39.1) 76.3 8,023 | 50.2 34.9 3.13 _ 5.353 16.81 3.,057| 19.0] k2.9 4,274 Garden... ........ 035 1,213 1,309 19.8] 52.9 1,249 L3.8 24.2 3.43 49g [ 12.97 8l10| 18.6( 28.9 158 Garfielde....... 036 891 9k2 0.7 4.1 49.3 895 k2.9 14.6 3.45 hz 12.4 530| 22.3] 19.1 469 Gosper.....s....037 1,126 1,170 21.50: 32.1 1,002 Lk.g 17.2 3.45 215 11.91 895 9.0 13.8 256 OPante ve sven ces L038 3k 347 u.5 69.1 337] 571.3 44.2 3.53 210 15.38 137] 48.9 56.9 108 Greeley......... 039 1,686 1,929 25.3] 42.8 1,655 al 15.6 3.73 171 10.26 1,158 26.6| 12.9 132 3 RL RE oko 7.208 8,331 6.0 53. 81.6 7.825 .0 Lau 3.11 6.360 20.70 1,971| 23.0 30.5 4,064 Hamilton........081 3,192 3,267 1.0 32.71 51.1 2,910 | 42.9 21.6 3.11 1,423 9.50 1,844 19.8 20.7 1,719 ABs wrsnny ou 2,26k 2,39 0.3 24.4 52.5 1,999 | 46.6 26.3 3.271 1,041 | 10.63 1,288 1.4| 21.5 1,102 | Hayes.....o.... O43 833 846 9.9] 31.6 7k8 | us.2 14, 3.61 152 9.kk 694| 19.6| 23.5 82 Hitchoook.. eu. oLl 1,786 1,880 0.8 31. = 1,721 6.1 22, 3.38 962 | 11.45 91§| 20.5| 26.2 1,114 Holt se sennisesr L045 4,369 4, k2g 20.0) 3.6 L,228| 52.0 17.3 3.k4g 1,840 | 14.31 2.588) 12.2 16.0 1,792 HOOK®Fsevvvass. 046 517 349 31.5 59. 381) 47.7 31.6 3.48 208 | 1k.30 WY 36.9 15.8 90 Howard..........04 2.599 2,628 0.4 20.2 51.8 2,305 | 52.3 17.2 3.37 988 | 10.80 1,680 17.0] 27.9 710 Jefferson....... ous 1368 4,772 23 36. 69.9 4,503 | 45.8 37.0 3.14 2,890 | 14.69 1,882 17.3 32.2 2,125 Johnson. ........0k9 2,478 2,582 0. 23.2 58.0 2,468 | 49.b 25.2 3.15 1,204 12.35 1,378 12.9 28.0 1,297 Kearney........ .050 2,218 2,263 0.5 2. 53.9 1,954 | 51.3 27.4 3.12 986 | 12.29 1,217] 13.5] 24.7 1,168 Kedtheu.esoenss 051 2,102 2,262 1.6 34.0) £2: 2,168 | 46.6 39.3 3.47 1,384 | 17.70 878| 29.0| 35.7 769 822 853 7.5] 2k. 191 | 52.5 8.2 3.75 199 8.51 654| 11.9] 1h.8 173 1,186 1,2k2 1.2 37.9 9.2 1,050 | 46.4 27.4 3.29 628 | 15.76 614 | 26. 23. 476 k,u53 4,606 0.2 21.9 2.1 4,345 | 41.0 11.9 3.42 1,878 | 10.9% 2,728| 20. 13.9 1,962 065 24,609 30,844 13.1 68.0] 92.3 29,129 | 45.1 62.2 2.97 27,808 25.70 3.238 20.8 MW. 20,871 6.432 11% 3.3 by. 69.5 6,759 | L6.k 39.8 3.33 4,763 20.39 2,320| R0.0 22.3 3.571 sg 13.8] 45.0 L53 | 6.1 17.1 3.45 162 | 10.98 302 3.1 29.5 223 hy sg 7.4 35.0 us9 | L6.2 13.1 3.49 18| 10.73 r| 19.6 18.2 102 355 359 8.9] 26.5 18 | 49.7 6.7 3.35 69 - 290 21.7| 21.8 78 6,323 6,829 1.9 51.2] 76.6 6,478 | uu.3 35.2 3.19 4,801 17.70 2,028 38.2 30.5 3,448 2,801 2,878 1.4) 3s 61.1 2,608 | 45.9 23.3 3.19 1,455 | 12.00 1,423) 17.0 27.4 1,272 2,249 2,406 1.8 2 3.6 2,313] 39.0 26.4 3.70 1,198 | 13.77 1,208 13.0| 30.8 570 2,192 2,216 31.0 9.1 1,950 | Lo.7 21.4 3.ke 982 12.09 1,234] 17.1 19.0 761 3.651 3.953 1.7 26.4 68.2 3,712 ve.7 33.5 3.09 2,123 | 14.31 1,830 20.2 Mu.2 1,614 3,209 3,131 0.6 29.7 55.4 2,971 | Lu.9 23.6.0 =. 3.16 1,694 11.33 1,637 15.0 18.0 1,334 5,292 3.6% 2.1 12 12.5 n,371| 49.8 34.6 3.18 3.238 | 15.32 2,k21| 2. | Uus 3,145 2,486 2.8 22. 52.9 2,350 6 16.6 3.24 1,026 | 10.92 1,508 | 11.2] 26.8 1,129 1,403 1, a 1.) 24 55.7 1,350 L3.k 32.3 3.50 555 [ 19.33 894 | 26.0] 36.1 388 2,629 2,119 0.8 ko. 70.3 2,812] 47.0 36.9 23 1,507 | 15.62 1,272 17.3 38.1 1,873 Pioroe........ ..070 2,721 2,803 0.2 23.5] 46.9 2,703 | 1.9 15.8 3.46 1120 13.30 1,682 25. 18.8 1,229 Platte..os.s.s..071 5,028 5.292 1.1 39.6] 67.5 4,96L | 51.1 3%. 3.66 2.884 | 20.97 2,k08| 28.3| 35.4 2,530 Polke rensysnrs+ U2) 2,675 2,703 0.2 35.6] 62.1 2, hee | Leg 25. 3.22 1,126 10.52 1,577 18.8 39.9 1,286 Red Willow......073 3,338 3.670 3.1 u3.9 69.9 3,298 u7.3 34.2 3.24 2,465 18.89 1,208] 19.5| 20.8 2,179 Richardson......0Ts| 5,181 5.511 1.3 35.2] 65.2 5,297 | LL.9 32.0 3.26 3,194 15.47 2,17 21.9 30.9 2,848 ROCK... ve0een.s075 1,045 1,081 11.9 40.6 1,016 | Lg.3 12.4 3.55 409 11.67 72 8.0 15.7 pL) Saline..........076 L724 “u,856 0.6 37.9 61.9 4,608 | 60.2 24.8 2.94 2,674 13.18 271838 20.2 26.0 2,216 SRPPY...iviinivee 077 2,798 2,821 36.3] 74.3 2.638 57.0 L1.6[ 3.43 1,586 | 19.13 1,235| 36.0 50.7 674 Saunders........0T¥ 5,454 5,574 0.4 3.0) 59.9 5.152 55.1 25.3 3.18 2,602 13.10 2,972 2u.1 30.7 2,497 Scotts Bluff....079 8,089 9,075 2.7 2.1 78.7 8,501 39.9 Lh. 3.54 5.727 20.27 3,348] 24.4 61.1 1,08 Seward.......... 080 u,2u3 4,151 -0.9 31.7, 63.3 L036 w1.6 24.8 3.18 2,086 12. 2,265| 17.7 36.0 2,16 TABLE 3—SELECTED DATA FOR METROPOLITAN AREAS AND FOR ALL COUNTIES, BY 'STATE—Continued Table 3 Fart 4 - Agriculture NER., Burt (011) - (Figures which have been rounded to thousands will not necessarily add to totals) Serard (08C) i pd AGRICULTURE—1945 AGRICULTURE—1940 Value of farm products sold, | Principal Per. ue of Work power traded, or used by source of Pers property farm household farm income | Type- 'METROPOLITAN ; cent | farms Percent from— ming.| Rural Metro. AREAS, Number of | Land in | Cropland | Number | of | (ih farming- Tevd) Area COUNTIES, farms farms | harvested | of farms | farms | ,.j.0 A Number § area ify J Jan. 1, ol of April 1, | ated 2 ota 8 | horses umber , | stoc Code See 3 194 acres) | acres) 1940 | by ped 400 5 = and/or of (1000s | and See | Per Be index ten- | Jess | 4 lars) Fit mules | tractors | I ) live- | Crops | paze) | cent ants | than 0 { 3 (over 3 ollars) |" stock ars) mo. old) ord ucts “8 9) (50) (2) (2) (3) 4) (55) (56) Gn (58) (59) (60) 61) (62) (63) (64) NEBRASKA—Con. All Counties—Con, PUPEenessvensesslll] 1,475 289 191 1,502 | 61.5 6.2 22,288) 14,730 5,353 1,238 4,730 67.9 25.3 158.2 511 130 Butler,. 1,730 366 258 1,296 | 47.1] 20.2 24,742] 13,071 7,683 1,127 1,781 50.9 28.4 1{3.2 522 113 Casseeee. 1,8 3h 237 1,993] 51.2 L.% 26,334] 13,2°0| 7,00 1,138 3,191 53.2] 35.2 137.5 sii 1224 Cedar, 2,067 6 323 2,10 &.0] 7a 24,%24|11,221( 9,213 1,318 4,318 | 59.4 | 29.9 148.0 511 | 125 Chase. 592 541 158 7%] 47.1 17.3 9,u4112,213| 3,3 im 1,767 | 60.2 | 33.2 152.5 3 | 122 Cherrye... 1,042 3,64 604 1,207:40 33,2114. 31,744] 26,023 17,541 453 4,384] 99.4 6.4 1l|23.3 221 124 Cheyenne. 1,036 761 287 1,167 51.2] ua 15,70 13,458] 2,314 1,12, 2,563 | 29.8 | 64.7 5] 64.5 3 | 126 Clay.ee... L238 315 217 1,551 | 56.5] 21.5 13,800 2,897| 4,472 918 1,577 49.6 | 36.4 536.3 521| 119 Colfax.. 1,3 258 189 1,416] 39.3 17.3 16,930] 11,956 5,101 1,034 1,829 59.9 24.6 142.6 522 116 Cuminge so. aeesss020 1,915 362 262 1,925 45.8] 11.7 22,922| 14,972 7,791 1,543 5,605 | 86.4 5.8 1177.4 511 126 CUSteressusasessOZL] 2.976 1,666 593 3,413 | 55.9] 19.4 30,308] 8,290| 19,237] “1,462 Lin. aa 8,7 1] 61.1 s22| 117 766 148 101 m5] 57.2] 7.5 9,936] 12,221 2,943 564 2,665 48.7] 45.5 5 | 4ha7 511| 118 6 &3 161 844 | 449 17.7 10,471] 12,406| 4,665 550 1,599 | 74.6 16.4 1| 62.0 221] 32 1,817 311 1,919 54.7] 15.8 28,229 14,471 2,194 1,337 7,227 75.7] 20.5 1 70.0 522 | 123 Deuel..... 432 281 123 515 | 48.9| 11.8 7,684] 14,920 985 485 1,611 | 27.9 63.1 5] 62,0 3 | 135 DixONeess. 1, kly 293 202 1,475] 5%.9| 6.0 15,220(10,360| 5,930 913 3,362 | 53,9 30.6 149.6 s11'| 125 Dodge. 1,843 330 229 1793 | 52.0] 12.3 28,619(15,962| 6,095 1,447 3,328 | 61.3 27.5 1] 44d s11| 127 084 | Dougla 1,919 169 124 1,761 | 44.3] 28.7 22,020|12,538| 4,163 869 5,139 | 67.2 | 28.2 1)47.3 511 125 Dundye.... 584 561 160 652 | 46,0 | 14.6 2,765| 13,443 3,426 431 1,339 55.1 36.5 146.0 521 115 Fillmore........030 1,576 354 269 1,762 | 57.0] 17.4 17,212] 9,792] 5,6%5 1,062 2,124 54.3] 34a 136.0 521| 122 Franklin,.......031 1,108 362 157 1,201 | 51.1 29.2 8,664 7,214) 3,975 574 1,16, (1 © 54.1 | 32.0 133.2 521| 111 Frontier.. 1,028 605 214 1,169 | 51.3 |* 27.9 10,955] 9,371 5,107 703 LZ 73.00 U0 1| 54.7 5211 © 117 Furnas.... 1,166 53. 199 1,334 | 50.6| 35.7 11,099| #,320 4y112 705 1,478 73.1 13.6 1 56,2 521 121 Gage... 2,576 536 368 2,270 [ 54.3] 10,0 36,472|12,703| 11,219 LLY a,419 49.5] (32.2 5 | 37.5 511( 123 Garden..cee...4s035 573 1,021 176 652 | 47.6] 11,6 12,970( 19,262 5,003 388 2,292 65.2 30.1 1159.7 221 119 Garfield...... Coe 363 113 490 52.2] 21,6 4,035( 8,238 3,475 93 632 176.31 12.4 160.2 221 113 GoSper.... 665 2717 125 767 | 54.8] 39.5 7,325) 9,550 2,361 - 473 626 68,2 16.4 1149.6 521 112 Grant,.. 97 1,079 87 119] 13.5] 17.6 9,600(80,672 3,516 34 1,344 95,1 0.7 1|94.0 221 132 Greeley. 8 158 956 | 62.3 | 23.5 8,148] 2,523 4,732 358 2975 ToT 9.5 1] 58.5 522 115 Hall.. 1,k08 305 180 1,567 | 52.4 | 24.2 15,049 9,604 4,967 99 2,515| 61.3] 29.3 146.1 522 | 116 Hamilton.. 1,486 338 233 1,623 | 60.5] 18.1 14,775| 9,103] 4,767 1,052 1,9%4 | 60.8] 28.2 140.3 522 | 123 Harlan,... 956 6 % 1,121 50.1] 36.0 9,490| 2,466] 3,300 635 977| 58.2 | 26.6 1| 34.7 521 | 119 HayeS..... 529 8 138 561 | 45.8 | 13.5 7,337|13,167| 2,630 339 891 | 66.4 | 22.2 1] 54.2 521 117 Hitchcock, 79 Ls 160 802 | 4%.3| 24.7 9,163|11,425( 3,072 586 LU] 65.71 24.2 1] 50.5 521 | 119 Holteesoos 2,196 1,579 646 2,305 | 45.3 17.4 21,703( 9,416 13,063 795 3,458 78.4 8.6 1] 60.3 221 116 Hooker, ... 9% 226 28 123| 37.4] 23.6 1,%2|15,024( 1,311 17 219| 89.0 0.8 1] 76.6 221 125 Howard.... 1,301 346 183 1,402 | 52.0] 19.4 10,661) 7,604] 5,811 614 1,480 5 ma ian,y 1] 50.6 522 | 114 Jefferson, 1,54 360 2 1,611 | 55.0 9.5] . 12,020|11,185| 6,357 92) BIER AA late 5023.9 522| 118 1,207 232 1! 1,282] 55.21 1.0 13,156[10,262 | 4,668 745 1,%6| 47.01:-40.2 5 40.2 511 | 123 1,027 316 172 1,155 50.3 | 22.0 12,790111,073 3,295 758 1,357 52.2 35.7 5] 35.4 521 | 126 Keithesoss 051 635 68 18 706 | 49.4 5.5 1,783]20,939( 3,511 629 2,704 4943 Lh 6 5| 44.3 31 120 Keya Paha, 052 519 51 148 . 572] 45.6] 15.2 5,034] 8,201] 4,045 190 957 | 83.0 4.8 170.4 522 | 112 b27 .58 12 515.1 53.21 23.9 6,771(13,148 982 554 1,021 31.0 63.4 5] 63.4 31 133 2,245 710 380 2,46 [764.1 | 22.2 21,046] 8,541 10,275 1,218 3,345 64.0 22.1 1] 48.9 522 112 065 2,706 516 in 2,915] 52,3 12.0 32,294(11,072 9,595 1,516 3,281 50.0 39.4 5 36.1 511 114 Lincoln,.. 1,881 1,524 429 1,962 | 49.2 | 17.7 23,914]12,188| 11,70 958 4,565 | 63.4 | 29.6 1] 53.7 521| 113 Logan... 236 392 » 269 | 49.2 | 15.6 3,734|13,2e1| 2,017 112 552 77.4 | 16.3 165.8 221] 112 Loup.eeses 295 56 31 | 51.0] 1.4.0 3,155/10,048| 2,448 89 463] 63.5] 23.3 1147.6 221 ( 112 McPherson. 223 5 105 264 | 40.2] 18.2 2,956(11,196| 2,659 39 451] 86.7 4.2 1173.3 221 106 Madison,... 1,842 376 253 1,874 | 52.2 | 23.4 18,788|10,026| 6,287 1,072 2,400] 7.3] 15.7 1{48.2| +522] 120 Merrick..... 1,164 288 177 1,238 54.7] 4.5 13,833(11,174 5,147 682 2,287 70.2 19.7 155.1 522 126 964 802 184 1,007 | 55.7 | 16.6 12,025|11,941| 5,699 525 2,373] 42.0] 50.5 5] 50.2 96 | 118 892 271 155 961 | 66,0 | 19.5 9,793(10,190 4,799 509 1,213 69.3 17.0 1| 50.8 522 119 1,313 243 153 1,411 | 46.5] 1.4 19,655|13,361| 5,33 849 3,050] 46.8 [ 42.9 5 38.7 511| 122 1,232 351 198 1,373 | 61.9 22.9 12,099] 8,212] 5,217 644, 1,810] 66.81 22.5 1| 50.2 521| 112 2,016 319 255 2,215] 54.5] 10.7 27,193|12,277| 8,057 1,29 3,657] 44.6 | 43.6 541.5 s11| 125 1,132 255 138 1,362 | 49.9| L.5 13,326] 9,784 | 4,950 737 11,2701 51.2) 33.3 1( 34.7 511| 120 76; 577 247 297] 54.4] 9.1 11,822|13,179( 2,520 766 2,177] 22.9] 65.1 565.1 ul 1a 1,07 33 205 1,161 55.4 | 20,0 15,129|13,031( 2,833 779 1,600| 60,0 30.4 L416 521| 120 Pierce..........070 1,561 352 2u0 1,601 61.9] 12.5 16,263(10,158| 6,523 866 2,306| 67.8] 19.3 151.1 522 | 120 Plattece.e.o.. e071 2,072 42 296 2,094 | 50.1] 21.5 23,966(11,445 7,309 1,388 2,392 65.0 18.6 1] 44.3 522 112 Polk.... 072 1,320 27 197 1,3% | 57.2 | 15.9 15,691|11,321 4,562 9 1,658 53.9 26,7 141.6 522 125 Red Willow., 872 431 in, 1,047 | 48.4 | 36.4 _9,5%6| 9,156 3,425 5 965 65.4 20,1 144.9 521 107 Richardson. .....07 1,774 Bu 210 1,915 52.9| 11.6 24,752|12,925 [ 6,261 1,005 3,918] 52,0 38.3 1( 33.5 511{ 119 ROCKessssosssees075 516 80 207) 593 | 46.5 1.4.8 6,233111,607 4,931 219 1,11 26.9 2.9 173.2 221 112 1,865 357 263 2,057 | 42.1] 12,2 25,798]12,537 7,109 1,340 2,555 45.4 38.1 511.37.9 522 121 937 139 1,064 | 46.6 23.2 14,567(13,691| 3,250 645 2,260] 53.3] 37.9 1( 39.7 511| 131 2,605 yi 340 | 2,668 | 45.4 11.1 37,328]13,91 9,939 1,734 4,576 47.2 40.1 5139.6 511 121 Scotts Bluff,...079 1,762 by 13 1,900 | 55.8 | 10.7 27,079(14,252| 6,796 1,367] 10, 43.3] 53.7 5153.3 962 | 119 Seward..c..e.e.s080 1,926 361 2654 2,076 | 52.7| 18.3 24,214(11,664 | 7,280 1,178 2,126] 52.9 33.0 5 32.2 522 | 114 251 Part and NEER., Burt (011) = 5 Industry Retail Trade Table 8,’ TABLE 3—SELECTED DATA FO R METROPOLITAN AREAS AND FOR ALL COUNTIES, BY STATE—Continued Seward (080) (All dollar figures have been rounded to thousands and will not necessarily add to totals) MANUFACTURING ESTABLISHMENTS—1939 MINERAL INDUSTRIES—1939 RETAIL ESTABLISHMENTS —1939 METROPOLITAN Mol COUNTIES Value added ; jue a Area Es, Wage Wages Value of by nnarilac, Value of Nowe Weer and Noches at Sales Active Employees Pay tol CODES Number | mers | (10067 of Jiducte ture oducts o 000 of | stores | (1000s of | pro- rage |(1000's of (average dollars) (1000's of (1000's of (1000's of | persons | (1000's sores dollars) | prietors | . '°" dollars) for year) dollars) Jilkors) dollars) | engaged | dollars) year) (©) (6) on (68) ©) (70) an @) 3) [0] {s) [WD] [ww] NEBRASKA ~Con. All Counties—Con, 8 27 17 477 88, 179 3,039 mn 266 181 5 11 10 94 37 2% 2,021 237 159 105 9 U6 493 2,809 1,531 587 205 1% 252 2,911 239 238 161 5 12 10 56 29 Eo 3y (1) 197 3,020 196 284 168 4 3 2 57 22 9 1,792 89 159 124 3 6 b 33 13 160 2,523 155 208 152 1 » b 226 87 166 3,183 12 ng 262 3 10 52 2) (3 188 1,632 188 186 91 8 20 11 184 58 (2) (1) (1) 194 2,771 209 284 177 5 13 9 66 35 *) £2) (*) 7 3,bk2 179 36 222 9 18 14 140 64 370 5,23 356 536 341 2 *) (2) *) () 119 1,67 119 128 90 18 39 038 216 176 3,583 188 23 266 16 112 100 998 316 13) (1) (*) 289 ,653 294% 61 422 66 1,200 64 120 67 2 @) (1) 3} (2) 1 1,885 1h 185 10 3 246 20 2,748 892 69 23 20 We 8,9 u15 991 7 387 11,144 13,411 196,588 41,332 105 55 56 3,2% 108, 361 2,787 14,083 13,659 3 3} (*) 3) 72 1,125 78 89 61 5 a 16 1h% 59 153 2,071 142 a2 7S 5 18 10 270 66 1 1,b 125 122 61 2 (2) (2) (2) (2) (3) (2) (h x i 100 105 62 5 46 (3) (1) (*) 211 2k 198 23 148 2 569 568 4,616 2,123 uly 7.753 408 2 2 (1) (4) 3?) 3) 79 810 12 Th) 1 (2) 4) () (%) 60 763 63 671 39 . 28 499 33 24 1h 0 568 29 a 33 y 10 7 154 29 98 1,142 89 103 61 26 319 410 4,085 1,451 43) 2) (3) 429 10,881 382 1,423 1,172 : 24 (2) *) (2) 128 1,718 112 174 110 ue 35 811 173 116 1,202 115 116 65 16 179 13 18 10 3 5 5 97 2k (*) 3) (33 104 1.3% 100 19 19 10 25 22 ugh 122 257 3,h82 265 328 192 1 3?) (*) (*) (*) J] 87 20 6 61 6 15 10 87 26 139 1,326 129 11 64 1h 17% 123 1,uk8 388 50 50 20 2 4,168 229 Ye 291 5 60 41 50 105 140 1,562 142 1 9) 6 26 29 17 101 98 1,173 9 1ko T y 19 18 8 53 () (3) (*) 142 462 1 29 1 (1) (1) 6} (2) n Sie 5 % o 2 (*) tt) (1) (*) 3 1,289 7 114 111 10 bo] 26 47 106 2 2,89 23 2% 147 125 1,675 1,768 14,946 7,062 (1) (*) (2) 1,2% 41,006 1,030 5,659 5,014 18 9 88 938 459 363 9,435 Ho 1,008 vs 29 37 bo 2k 1 Hoan 22 152 126 1,966 548 (*) (3) (1) 436 8,041 m7 899 655 9 64 3 706 124 3) (3) (3) 188 2,140 1 229 120 3 5 IW 5H hl (2) (3) (*) 1% 2,206 ie 208 We 1,08 9 1 Tl : 18 164 46 () (1) ?) 185 Las 18 3 17% 11 155 176 2,120 901 147 2,1% 138 194 126 16 27h 189 1,958 79 (1) 2 (*) 354 4,927 U5 ugk Ie 8 9 8 51 n 12 1,504 108 139 82 2 *) (1) 2) 0?) 8 1,618 ®s 119 89 1 59 bz 1,028 2u5 (3) 13) ?) 1 2,850 138 n9 229 4 19 12 329 61 15% 2,098 139 187 113 17 109 9% 949 #6) (3) *) (*) 283 5,503 263 540 bok 121 1,389 131 133 68 10 51 55 599 229 (1) () (1) 224 4,951 206 515 . boy 15 ® 72 1,804 n9 (*) () *) 27h 5,197 271 © 543 ‘38 3 6 (1); 3) (*) “ 912 ol nm 45 12 168 155 3.925 728 255 21 255 322 198 6 10 10 111 60 (1) (2) (1) 101 Fe 107 113 n 13 105 8 1,421 340 (2) (}) () 291 4,053 23 319 255 3 669 768 9,941 2,898 (*) (1) (1) 452 14,278 4 1,282 in 8 119 98 1,001 281 258 2,802 237 278 162 INot shown because of disclosure of operations of individual establishments. 252 Data included in Combined Counties at end of State. TABLE 3—SELECTED, DATA FOR METROPOLITAN AREA» AnD FOR ALL COUNTIES, BY STATE—Continued Table 3 Tey 8, - Other Economic wean. Burt (011) - (A11 dollar figures have been rounded to thousands and will not ne’. ssarily¥add to totals) eward (080) TIGLESALE, SERVICE ESTABLL .'MENTS—1939 PANE DEPOSITS : : iy GFE Major war supply Major war facilities contracts, rojects, une 1940-Sep. 1945 | June 1940 June 1945 METROPOLITAN : Bond, Jone s of dollars) (1000's of dollars) Metro. sales WY COUNT Number Number| ~~ . + AE mplovees Total | (1000's of Code of Sales of | Receipts | Active tage Pay roll | (demand Time | dollars at : a. estab- | (1000's of | estab- | (1000's |proprie-| ““'¢ - (1000s | and time) | (1000's |issue price) lish- | dollars) lish- | of dollars)| tors year) of dollars)| (1000's | of dollars) : ments | | ments of dollars) Combat Other Industrial || Military equipment 8) @) (80) (81) (82) 83) #4) (85) (8) 87) (88) (89) (%0) on) | NEBRASKA—-Con. : All Countigs—Con. | ..011 28 952 69 146 7 16 12 6,157 983 2,090 2 1,013 72 93 12 11 6 4,796 613 1,427 1,310 97 155 9% bo) 14 6,988 1,475 1,687 138 35 1,032 60 116 61 20 13 5,163 788 935 19 726 35 54 Lo 3H 10 3,625 160 677 25 85 50 87 52 18 14 4.213 453 1,229 63 ah 63 134 66 > 27 6,247 650 2,008 276 28,532 43 1,093 71 103 75 11 2,786 135 959 6,483 42 1,892 55 98 62 17 7 3,54 . 9 1,115 18 1,246 76 185 TH uh 26 7.450 1,142 1,4 72 2,927 154 212 158 Wh 20 7,433 162 1,633 9 688 42 101 uy 17 12 1,658 2u8 908 19 2,290 61 160 63 54 hE 4,892 923 1,027 1,356 63 2,137 101 235 109 18 36 9,581 881 1,904 12 962 31 56 28 12 6 2,324 224 615 22 6k 52 15 55 13 6 3.307 312 716 x 17 4947 178 431 178 122 78 15,633 2,715 2,640 669 30,060 5,642 084 692| -392,052| 1,500] 10, 53% 1,459 3,852 3,651 222,275 33,605 32,389 34,227 29,015 15,108 789 14 437 25 Le 29 15 4 1,381 29 966 \ 41 1,792 62 13 63 45 20 5,130 139 1,499 7.422 29 54 56 82 59 27 8 1,852 180 521 17 336 36 4g 38 9 5 2,574 52 L6g 34 607 81 136 82 42 1h 4,692 nh 927 69 L,890 175 423 180 122 8h 12,512 917 2,335 9,923 3,138 1k 2h 33 33 33 5 2 2,162 50 50k Garfield..:..... 0 4 1 27 28 30 4 1 1,058 219 Gosper... x 1 & 10 17 12 b 2 8h1 257 Grant.... 1 (1) 8 11 1 2 - 1,777 265 185 Greeley. . y 9 © 119 51 60 51 12 4 1,611 20 451 : Ball. esos ses 86 17,33 167 730 183 23% 190 18,424 5,293 3,511 52,908 24,694 8,516 Hamilton........ oll 25 1,04 49 100 53 16 8 3,299 320 865 22 87 Ly 72 46 23 8 2,381 86 670 3 111 7 6 7 607 28 ' 262 2 1,076 33 6 31 9 3 2,770 252 748 31 8lg 78 1h 81 33 19 6,486 66 1,300 2 (1) 12 20 10 3 2 738 181 119 29 618 hy 67 45 20 5 2,154 142 720 Jefferson. . 37 3,081 18 235 83 6k 40 8,191 2,895 1,078 Johnson... 29 1,024 kg 89 5 12 1 3,343 30 767 2k 610 43 75 hg 17 9 3,058 76 ™9 21 1,190 43 125 52 38 18 4,353 bol 172 6 2 12 12 12 1 - 187 207 16 42 29 256 250 29 27 2 379 17 828 43 816 85 129 87 1h 7 ,191 317 1,348 y 065 183 35,434 552 3,138 533 1,152 997 55,948 997 11,124 3,079 4,316 5,139] 17,861 42 4,709] 17h 564 191 173 109 10,052 900 2,308 126 5 i 10 13 10 2 1 695 32 155 5 38 9 8 8 3 1 436 12 88 ye (2) (3) (3) (3) 81 62 5,512 162 677 168 247 176 10,492 1,584 1,757 Merrick........ .061 23 1,591 61 118 ol 37 19 2,454 109 758 Morrill. . .062 2% 579 Lg 78 53 1k 9 2,854 298 613 i 16 2 uk 60 52 10 5 2,533 419 677 ol 34 1,603 4 152 78 i 28 4,96k 17k 1,030 309 37 1,122 66 132 67 15 3,978 aul 935 163 67 4,586 iz 24 3 73 36 9,666 176 1,885 534 27 586 76 21 1 3,115 328 508 » or 1,270 29 59 35 23 10 2,84 255 831 27 2,40 55 110 51 25 14 4,851 759 1,075 1,430 21 8l3 62 98 65 16 9 3,021 187 792 ; 52 2,252 95 286 97 106 13 8,095 1,339 1,500 1,U74 16 554 52 93 54 29 10 3,129 356 83 i : [Red Willow. 2 2,657 78 272 82 84 63 7.474 1,396 1.213 9,567 Richardson, 2,557 123 292 135 "68 Ih 9,131 1,975 2,26 Boek... nls 9 86 19 46 20 34 12 TH 22 269 Saline ul 1,768 105 is 106 53 20 6,912 2,322 1,965 459 Sarpy... 4 91 20 20 7 3 1,794 179 1,092 634,958 23,853 Saunders... 54 1,687 99 a 105 24 11 9,742 1,855 2,591 26,964 Scotts Bluff. 65 8,180 164 657 162 157 127 16,148 2,uh 2,752 : 6,661 Seward...... 46 1,235 87 163 83 uy 5 6,636 1,62 1,255 3 116 1Not shown because of disclosure of operations of individual establishments. 2Includes data for 2 establishments located in Banner County (004). 3Included in Arthur County (003). X ta included in "Other" at end of State. vse NEBRASKA 93 COUNTIES ’ | . » . e KEYAPAHA FS on 200 CA h Dawes 4 k b-~. a” k- : eed (& 3 | ; e 3 r l I KNOX | ceoarn z sioux I ! _—". | : : ! ! Youon T cance ae i SHERIDAN i { BROWN L ROCK { HOLT i » - ge 4, — : endl rere ear Eo re uTTE } | : ' 1 ' | | WAYNE T ANTELOPE mmole i mpm onl h me dp eee fT pe cde ia - : | : | | i : L MADISON <\ CUMING SCOTTS BLUFF | | ’ GRANT | HOOKER § THOMAS BLAINE tour GARFIELD | WHEELER Poo maw © : ve 1. ower 3 . q . 1 1 2 vi MORRILL y em eee he Le] SDNE Fe -le— | hy : I GARDEN ? | I ' ' 1 | Sone a, BANNER, | V arTHUR I Mc PHERSON : LOGAN VALLEY I GREELEY I > ky PLATTE doo . \ "i, 8 ® ew ® aw @ ' 1 - he- i -» ems ® comm 7 4 - p=r—bmpe— el —. CUSTER be - i = jn NANCE Lyord.- YE 4 . . Q dl ® ® KIMBALL | CHEYENNE a. 1 ; | | nikRaN 3 Susss Lat zo | BUTLER | SAUNDERS pCO KEITH i MERRICK . SARPY 1 oeuee . ’ ' ! “4 J hr - au Som,» Teaed LINCOLN beet bent w= / ln i i i | RD Lk Suse PERKINS i | DAWSON | BUFFALO ’ HALL 1/amiiron Yon Seva (© OLN - dm . -— ! | . r U sane gee . > CHASE | HAYES FRONTIER ’ me eg ake an. gin oie. vl gn oft bd | i Sosrerl PHELPS © KEARNEY ADAMS | CLAY | Fmore : ” i 4 Ly o JOHNSON § NEMAHA greemulse idsmstiyior me dt cmbu afr nisr uss A -— i GAGE p— - sms PAWNEE 1 RICHARDSON HITCHCOCK REDWILLOW | Fi | F! wi T THAYER JEFFERSON | A 1 i URNAS 1 HARLAN RANKLIN EBSTER NUCKOLLS 1 et L ] ] | ] | ea : LEG END METROPOLITAN AREAS oe @ PLACES OF 25,000 TO 100,000 (1940) 65 LINCOLN * PLACES OF 100,000 AND OVER (1940) 84 OMAHA, NEBR.- GOUNCIL BLUFFS, IOWA : 111] METROPOLITAN AREAS NEVADA 17 GOUNTIES HUMBOLDT ELKO YY - = cece] ad WASHOE be TT m= | Lory . | persuing Z i \ ! / em / T re ies cones \ Woes 7 ’ J R { ! Pee] YN, iis i nil i en md —y Minis” J J - DOUGLAS ( : / i ® pa , 4 \. $ NYE \ \ ’ \ J ~, i N—-—-—" | ia] ESMERALDA ‘LINCOLN Bry Y | | | | LEGEND @® PLACES OF 25,000 TO 100,000 (1940)— NONE % PLACES OF 100,000 AND OVER (1940)— NONE CLARK .:i1::] METROPOLITAN AREAS—NONE 255 Table Part 1 - Population NEB. , Sheridan (081) - N.H.,. Sullivan (010) TABLE 3—SELECTED DATA FO R METROPOLITAN AREAS AND FOR ALL COUNTIES, BY STATE—Continued aro moins . | TOTAL POPULATION POPULATION—1940 EDUCATION VIAL 1940 STATISTICS ESTIMATED 1944 CIVILIAN | whi POPULATION Land | Pop | Total white Percent of METROPOLITAN U.S. area |ulation population 25 Metro. AREAS, rank in per years old and rea COUNTIES, Nutaber of Percent{ sq. over who have ode 2% p Souptie change mis mile Pees) Usb Rina Rural completed— ercent| April | in, : ol man | ponfarm | farm Births | Deaths Number change | [940° | Ppercen- 1930-1 1940 | 1940 Number | total N tiles) | 1940 opu- 5 or High hid: 1940- 0 more 5 | 1943 1940 grades | 5€N°° - Mm @ ® [0] (5) (6) @ ®) ® (10) (1n (12) 3) (14) (15) (16) NEBRASKA—Con + All Counties—Con, A Sheridan........081 8,788 | -11.5 9,869 77 -8.6 2,466 4.0 9,780 99.1 4,681 5,188 98.9 26.7 184 94 5,860 | -24.5 7,764 84 | -14.9 570 | 18.6 7,761 | 100.0 2,968 4,796 85.7 19.6 148 58 3,017 | -24.6 4,001 9 | -14.8| 2,068) 1.9 3,993] 99.8 612 3,389 91.3] es.s 34 16 5,75¢ | -16.5 6,887 86 | -11.8 481 | 16.0 6,886 | 100.0 2,022 4,865| 89.2] 17.5 124 50 10,645 | -13.2 12,262 68 | -10.4 577 | 21.3 12,262 | 100.0 5,898 6,369] 93.4 21.6 216 12¢ 1,184 | -28.8 1,558 98 2.8 716 2.2 1,558 | 100.0 784 769 92.9 25.8 34 18 7,812 | -23.7 10,243 75 | -2.1 390 | 26.8 8,078 | 78.9 4,790 5,458 89.8 20.7 190 91 6,910 | -15.3 8,163 83 -1l4.4 870 | 14.8 8,168 | 100.0 3,450 4,713 90.2 28.2 134 97 9,652 | -16.6| 11,678 n| -4.3 385 s0.1 11,578 | 100.0 3,289 | 1,887 6,402] 95.0 20.4 188 104 8,462 | -14.4 9,880 77 5.5 443 | 22.8 9,879 | 100.0 2,719 1,188 5,978 94.6 24.9 162 62 6,624 | -19.2 8,071 83 | =21.0 575 | 14.0 8,071 | 100.0 3,872 4,699 9.9 24.6 181 99 1,686 | -24.8 2,170 97 =7.1 576 3.8 2,170 | 100.0 443 1,727 89.4 20.2 £8 4 YOrKeosoaseos ss 099 12,756 | -16.2 14,874 60 | -18.7 577 | 25.8 14,847 | 99.8 5,383| 2,812 7,179] 94.6) 27.1 274 175 NEVADA: cooooe 130,687 20.1 110,247 21.1 | 109,802 1.0 104,030 94.4 48,291 | 51,881 15,625 88.7 34.8 8,028 1,647 All Counties: . ] Churchill.. 5,072 -4.6 5,817 9 4.8 4,907 1.1 4,979 98.6 \ 2,585 2,782 88.5 29.6 118 67 Clark. 86,608 | 122.4 16,414 56 | 92.4 7,927 2.1 15,941 97.1 8,422 6,768 1,229 98.3 89.1 846 295 Dougl, 1,608 | -22.0 2,056 98 11.7 724 2.8 1,791 | 87.1 1,259 797 89.8 27.9 27 21 Elko. . 9,722 | -10.9 10,912 73 9.6 | 17,140 0.6 9,776 | 89.8 4,094 4,715 2,108 87.4 80.9 191 117 Esmeralda... 768 | -50.6 1,064 98 44.3 8,570 0.4 1,507 $7.0 1,437 117 91.8 80.2 11 18 Eureka... 944 | -50.8 1,861 99 2.1 4,182 0.8 1,286 | 94.5 1,088 328 86.9 24.4 23 12 Humboldt 4,817 =9.0 4,748 92 25.0 9,702 0.5 4,382 | 92.4 3,946 798 86.1 80.9 92 68 Lander.. 1,781 =1.4 1,746 98 1.8 5,621 0.8 1,510| 86.5 1,524 281 85.7 80.1 26 21 Lincoln... 4,080 =-1.2 4,130 93 14.7 10,649 0.4 4,095 99.2 8,346 784 94.9 35.8 121 40 Lyon.essesos 8,002 | -28.3 4,076 94 7.0 2,012 2.0 3,724 91.4 2,251 1,825 86.3 . 24.4 68 48 Mineral. 5,706 | 572.4 2,842 97 25.7 8,734 0.6 1,916 | 81.8 2,027 8156 86.2 81.7 175 48 NY®eveusees 4,693 | 80.1 8,608 98| -9.6| 18,064] 0.2 3,210| 89.0 2,997 609| 82.7 sl. 10¢ 187 OTmBDY. seossses 018 8,231 0.7 3,209 96 44.05 141 | 22.8 2,981 91.3 3,091 118 90.7. 47.2 80 42 > ' eeess014 2,483 -8.5 2,718 97 2.8 5,998 0.5 2,663] 97.8 2,214 499 86.8 : 27.8 80 36 8torey.. «+015 421 | -6B8.4 1,218 99 82.3 2682 4.6 1,190 97.9 1,158 63 89.0 28.6 8 9 Washo®..... «+018 85,785 10.2 32,476 25 19.6 6,281 5.2 81,163] 95.9 26,630 8,508 2,388 89.0 89.4 840 558 White Pine......0l7| 10,531 | -14.9 12,3877 68 6.1 8,898 1.4 11,986 96.8 4,140| "7,488 749 88.1 829.8 873 114 NEW HAMPSHIRE... 458,888 =7.7 491,524 5.6 9,024 | B4.b 490,989 99.9| 288,280 | 146,650 61,649 90.5 26.5 8,548 8,189 METRO. COUNTY.... 136,089 =6.1 144,888 3.4 890 | 162.8 144,779 99.9 114,589 | 20,699 9,680 87.0 22.8 2,543 1,788 Metro. area: ” 071 |Manchester......008 136,089 =8.1 144,888 3.4 890 | 162.8 144,779 99.9] 114,539 | 20,699 9,680 87.0 88.3 8,548 1,738 OTHER COUNTIES... 817,294 -8.4 846,636 6.6 8,134 | 42.6 346,210 99.9 168,686 | 185,951 51,999 91.9 828.2 6,008 4,451 All Counties: } 21,984 -9.7 24,828 387 7.5 401 | 60.7 24,280 99.8 18,484 7,401 3,398 81.9 28.5 481 386 12,929 | -17.1 15,689 58 9.2 938 | 16.6 15,569 | 99.9 12,482 3,107| 96.7] s0.8 210 219 33,622 =3.8 34,908 22 3.8 717 | 48.7 4,928 | 99.9 18,882 14,854 6,287 91.8 26.3 651 401 81,821 =20.0 399,274 19 0.8 1,826 | 81.5 89,268 | 100.0 19,084 14,944 5,246 88.8 J22.4 589 888 88,818 | -18.1 44,640 18 4.38 1,717 | 86.0 44,604 99.9 12,161 | 24,218 8,866 93.9 81.1 788 8288 186,089 -8.1 144,888 4 8.4 890 | 162.8 144,779 | 99.9] 114,089 | 20,699 9,600 87.0 88.8 8,043 1,738 49,0599 -18.8 60,710 11 8.1 981 | 65.2 60,687 99.9 $3,920 | 18,740 8,040 $0.8 29.7 838 908 59,472 2.6 88,142 11 8.2 691 | 84.1 87,979 | 99.7 25,619 | 21,874 10,849 98.3 80.6 1,288 778 42,877 =1.6 48,0038 16 12.9 877 | 116.5 43,044 | 100.0 88,138 7,608 2,787 91.9 25.8 8s 878 Bullivanesessees010 £26,797 2.8 BD, 442 as 4.8 537 | 47.4 20,408 | -99.9 17,448 8,980 4,069 90.1 86.2 507 £284 256 TABLE 3—SELECTED DATA FOR METROPOLITAN AREAS AND FOR ALL COUNTIES, BY STATE—Continued Table 3 Part 2 - Labor Force NEBR., Sheridan (081) = N. H., Sullivan (010) oro seout LABOR FORCE—1940 Percent of Population 14 Years Old and Over Employed Workers by Industry Group Sa METROPITAY Tonnes In leading Metro. P P : . Business nonagri- Area COUNT, 5 i oo : 47 Re and cultural Code Sr Iadss i Cin: et Whole- | personal Other In | industry CODES Total In labos Toda Tol Ad Mining | strae: Manufac- tions, sale and | services | “i 1 agri- orce ‘ £ employed || culture sy turing retail exclud- 3 cul- C in in tion an: ole oe reported | ode Jehor Johor aller Somatic (See | Per- orce orce utili- : page | cent : ties Services 422) an as) a9) 0) @n ® | & 4) (25) (26) @n (28) 29) G60 | ay | 32 HEBRASKA==Con. All Counties—Con. Sheridaf...e....081 7.346 3,772 8.9 18.4 3 2 1,812 1 105 62 109 507 517 226 Sherman.........082 5.702] 2,761] 79.6 | 14.9 2,356( 1. 2 106, 39 © 207 293 155 | Bad % 12 2,84 1,465) 84.3 12.2 1,377 1,076 26) 6 32 sh 126 5778.1 | 636] 7.0 5,206 2,608] 84.0 12.2 2,37 1,693 2 57) 25 k2 180 221 151 | ns | 636) 8.7 Phayer..........085 9.276 4 kgl| 80.1 15.4 3.890 1,941 104 332 154 542 531 28 | 43.9 | 636] 7.4 SHOWS ver 1086 1,108 S5T4| 82.7 16.% 468 252 10 3 8 8 7.105| 3.355) 75.8 | 1h.6 562 1,55 1 53 27 > 2% 52% 2¢ | tars 3 6,167 oko 8.5 16.0 2,698 1.55 2 115 55 82 356 62 171 |57.6| 636] 7.1 e896 Wal ez] wo moll 21s 162 £2 = 223 HoH 30 oka 2 I 7.483 3.558 19.5 13.7 3.303 2,022 104 5 6: 2 201 2 0 6,321 2,863] 75.8 | 13.2 2,53 1.490 2 91. 27 = 358 p 164 fe % 3c 1,545 as #.2 | 16.9 691 513 8 6 1S 3 | 68 39|m.2| a36] 6.7 1,51 5.327) 76.5 16.5 8,637 2,297] 2 101 124 207 | m 196 339 [49.5] 636] 9.0 MEVADA.cocoee 47,003 47,979 80.8 21.2 41,462 6,326) 6,262 3.057] 1,864 5,166 6,811 7.877 4,099 | 15.3 4115.1 All Counties: ? 4,083 2,125 78.6 11.2 1,873 797 175 109! 45 96 au 263 14% | 42.6 4 23 12,472 6,655] 80.3 19.8 5,828 2 Wy gal 177 974 1,163 1,269 49 | 5.6 Wl 7. 1,693 974 82.8 18.0 a7 1 11 96) 25 27 87 117 83 | 47.3 | @36| L.7 8,392 4, 8u9| 84.5 20.5 4,243 1,053 520 275, 38 768 600 674 315 | 24.8 2 14.0 1,287 m 85.5 13.3 683 49 380 15 26 5 80 7 36] 1.2 55.6 1,128 738] 88.7 16.9 607 208 117 26) 3 123 46 46 38] 34.3 419, 3,686 2,147 83.2 20.5 1,792 428 3M 109) 19 222 285 217 111 23.9 4 0 1,380 7 81.6 30,2 51 159 212 62) 3 & 88 110 5321.2 4 | 28.2 2,921 1,542) 81.9 15.2 1,251 191 366 49 13 251 152 17 8215.3 429.3 3,267 1,902| 4.2 19.3 1,699 ™ 231 82 28 172 137 169 139 | 43.6 &| 13.5 1,948 1,180 83.0 18.3 950 87 228 97] 2 83 105 117 25 9.2 4| 24.0 2,912 1,588 179.3 17.8 1,380 260 517 65| 1 kh) 177 186 103 | 18.8 B| 37.8 2,631 1,205 61.5 27.0 1,086 56 85 97] 1 57 160 248 m2| 5.2] 3725.8 2,168 1,319 85.7 19.7 1,164 267 34h 67] 24 106 138 12 761 22.9 %| 29.6 1,020 597] 86.1 16.4 511 20 290 17] 9 32 55 54 341 3.9 b | 56.8 26,772] 14,148 77.1 25. 11,928 896 264 909 594 1,713 2,7 3,409 1,02] 7.5| 636] 9.9 9,2u3 5,392] 86.9 16. ’ 388 1.734 158| 786 387 553 602 261] 8.0 4] 35.6 NEV HAMPSHIRE...| 385.114 206,919 77.9 30.0 | 175.999) 15,442 318 9.008 69,530 950 | 24,946 | 28,541 | 19,264] 8.8| 15|12.3 METRO. COUNTY.... 114,898 65,071 78.8 36.0 54,132 2,543 92| 2,214 25,598 2,353 8,565 8,151 4,606) 4.7 Metro. area: 071 |Manchester......00 114,898] 65.071 78.8 36.0 54,132 "2,543 92| 2,214 25,598 353 8,565 8,151 N,616| M.7 OTHER COUNTIES... 270,216 141,848 77.5 27.4 | 121,867] 12.899 226) 6,794 43,932 6,597 | 16,38 | 20,390 | 14,648} 10.6 All Counties: Belknap. ... 19,062 9,670 74.5 | - 27.4 8,247 859 2 552 2,749 h27 1,246 1 1,062 [10.4 | 1911.1 12,121 5,828] 75.5 20.0 4,805 692 63 k69| 816 13 586 io] 47 | 14.4 5 8.1 27,19%| 14,46 80.0 25.6 12.38 1,186 46 8337 S.h11 655 1,578 1,908 1,363] 9.1] 6 9.4 2 15,1 79.0 21.9 12 kek 1,428 3 460 5,119 622 1,610 1,898 1,344 [11.8 | 1130.0 Grafton...... ©..005 W513] 17.834 78.1 24.9 15,731 2,262 996 3,839 1,035 2,124 3,211 2,235 | 14.4 | 636 (11.0 071 |Hillsborough....006 114,898 65,071 78.8 36.0 54,132 2,543 92| 2,214 25,598 2,35 8,565 8,151 4,616 hu. 15 | 19.6 Merrimack, . 00 48,120 24,558 Th.3 28.9 20,935 1,989 us| 1.3m 5,720 1, 3 2,971 4,296 3.130 os = hs Rockinghas. 46,077) 23, on 1.3 26.8 | 20,616 2,437 1 1,036 7.673 | 1,02 2,852 3,253 2,330 |11.2| 15]|17.5 Strafford 34,1431 19,565 79. 36.0 16,489 978 18 Jo1 8,177 m1 2,279 2,259 1,366 | 5.9 15|25.9 Sullivan........010] 19,749| 10,845] 79.5 29.6 9,580 1,068 9 406 } 42g 367 1,135 1,196 In|. 19/121 257 Table Part NEBR. 3 3 - Housing , Sheridan (081). - N. H., Sullivan (010) TABLE 3—SELECTED DATA FOR METROPOLITAN AREAS. AND FOR ALL COUNTIES, BY STATE—Continued oro 630843 HOUSING—1940 ) ; ; . : Nonfarm Rural Farm All Dwelling Units Occupied Dwelling Units Dueling Lite Dwelling Units 5 METROPOLITAN - R e Metro. AREAS, . i ge Area COUNTIES, SN P P P Median P paones Code AND Residential Fercent ercent Por- ercent number er- CODES structures in5or | with | Percent oy foil a Average cent | Percent| Jan. I, Number mote |. private | with Number | owner mechan- persons | Number monthly Number with with 1945 family | bathtub | electric fii ical to rent run- | electric : struc- or lighting pind refrig- | | oce. (dollars) ning | lighting tures | shower eration | “pit water 33) 34) 35) (36) an 38) 39) “0 @n “2 3) 44) 5) 46) “1 NEBRASKA=-Con. All Counties—Con, Sheridan. . .081 2,751 2,967 Re3 30.8 58.2 2,709 us.5 23.7 2.30 1,490 15.19 1,477] 31.9] 25.3 1,285 Sherman. .082 2,292 2,323 18.5 28.5 2,026 | 40.3 15.2 3,0 "889| 12.08 1,439] 16.3 7-5 uk0 Sioux... .083 1,183 1,207 15.7 41.8 ,1,036( ug.0 17.) 3.52 198] 12.05 1.0091 .22.9 " 23.9 181 Stanton. 08k 1,961 2,017 0.2 27.0 45.0 1,858 45.6 19.1 3.16 6u7| 1k.3:1 1,370| 34.9] 2n.b £83 PHAYer ye sieerrs 085 3,518 3,694 0.9 28.3 52.7 2,u26( L6.O 18.7 3.2 1.88 11.7. 1,796] 12.0 22.5 1,542 THOME. «ae ev eines 086 LLo Luz 20.5|' 58.3 zk | 55,3 25.1 3.17 2u2 2.26 206| 22.2 25.9 108 Thurston.:......087 2,440 2,532 0.7 19.6 L2.0 2,451 37.6 13.1 3.10 1,254 .10.9 1.278] a6.5( 15.3 731 Valley..........088 2,409 2,522 26.1 Sh.2 2,307( b3.2 19.1 3.2% 1,140 13.31 21,3820 27.2] 22.6 1,287 Washington. .....089 3.288 3.365 32.1 64.9 3,197] s1..0 32.9 3.31 1,578| 1k.28 1,807] 26.5| Lp.b 1,868 WBYN8.vuessenses 2,658 2,740 0.4 38.2 57.4 2,647] uhh 23.6 3.2 1,204 | 17.59 1,536| 29.3 30.0 1,532 Webster. . 2,728 2,12 0.2 2h. Ls.5 2,367] u471.5 16.9 3.04 1,218 8.23 1,554 1L.0| 13.3 1,606 Wheeler. 591 539 m.5 22.7 528 | uL.9 12,3 3.78 170 6.96 k2g( 15.6] 12.2 137 OT. ora ain sed 4 L466 4,71 2.0 40.0 65.1 4,287] 49.1 23.7 3.07 2,607] 1k.25 2,104| 22.3] 30.3 2,625 NEVADA. ...... 33,508 36,770 4.4 58.3 80.8 33,201| L6.1 le. 2.70 31,993] 25.712 h,777| 43.1) Yo.s 14,941 1,667 1,722 1.5 46.5 72:6 1,562| &L.5 u5,1| 2.98 914| 17.63 g03| uu 74.0 1,000 4,539 5,082 4.3 64.8 88.2 4,823 | M1.2 65,5] ‘2.77 4,762 2u.52 320| 43.8 61.6 2,l7g 938 1,028 0.7 66.1 88.9 5991. 757.4 36.0 2.76 789 | 72.99 239| 6L.9| 8.2 411 3,306 3,607 5.0 43.1 68.0 3,24 | u7.5 38.1 2481 3,005 19.92 6n2| 32.9] 26.3 959 787 739 13.8 72.6 620] lug.2 31.5 1.97 762 2.57 27 - - 19 wea, eh. a 006 563 571 1.2 20.8 h.0 461 | 54.4 9.3 2.36 451 | 10.32 120| 80.%| "17.7 (1) Humboldt. . ..007 1,409 1,462 46.7 60.6 1,395 u7:b 38.8 2.76 1,216[* 19.14 2k6| 33.3] ‘19.8 395 Lander. . + 2008 712 730 0.7 2.5 9.7 583| k49.1 Pr.2y 2.33 650 | 13.89 0 - ~ 75 LABIA erin 0ng 1,156 1,242 0.4 32.0 73.9 1,143] 45.4 48.6 3.26 1,734 15.70 208| 32. 44, 2 110 LYOR. sn vies nines 010 1,115 1,k29 36.2( © 78.7 1,201 | 54.0 41.8! 2.8 834 | 14. ka 995 ohs.2l m.9 305 Mineral. W011 883 897 23.4 56.1 1711] 50.5 26.6 2.179 | 12.7% 106 16.0| 12.3 30 Nye..... .n12 1,696 1,722 0.8 23.2 66.8 1,380 61.7 27.3 2.08 1,874 12.05 248| 20.6 6.1 281 Ormsby e.ueennans 013 8756 991 4.9 75.9 91.9 935| 51.8 52.9 2.51 954 | 28.53 37 - - 489 Pershinge....... ok 886 920 46.4 68.5 867 39.8 37.4 2.49 784] 14.69 136| UA.2| 50.0 189 Storey. . 5 396 hs 58.2 94.1 9% 83.7 43.5] 2.46 of 13.59 13 - = 76 Washoe. .vsiensn 9,062 10,766 9.8 75.2 92.9 10,025 | u6.2 54.8 2.65 10,026 36.91 Two | 58.9] 62.5 7,704 White Pine...... 017 3.157 3,389 2.0 53.3 30.0 3,278 31.9 51.4 3.13 3,137] 19.19 252( 28.2] 11.3 420 NEV EAMPSHIRE, .. 123,190 158,044 71 61.7 87.0 132,936 51.7 39.0 3.16 138,809 | 24.18 19,235) 57.4] 63.2 72,341 METRO, COUNTY.... 26,854 k2,797 16.4 73.9 93.0 39,180 | 1.2 u.5| 3.2 39,85| 22.77 2,972] 56.5] 71.5 21,343 Metro. area: O71 [Manchester..... .006 26,854 42,797 16.4 73.9 93.0 39,180 | L1.2 41.5) 3.20 39,825( 22.71 2.972| %6.5| n.5 ‘21,343 OTHER COUNTIES... 96,336 115,247 3.6 55.2 85.9 93.756] 56.0 37.9 3.15 98,984 | 24.74 16,263 B6.3( 61.7 50,998 All Counties: Belknapeess.s.. .001 8,585 9.978 3.9 48.0 82.8 6,7u1 | 34.7 37.4 2.97 g,go0| 27.09 1,178] MW.1| 55.9 3,879 Carroll. ..0n2 W439 6,705 0.4 42.8 74.6 Luz 71.7 31.0 2.97 5,720] 21.29 985] 53.7| 64.h 2,102 Cheshire... ..00 10,134 11,905 2,3 55.5 83.6 9.675| 55.8 37.8] 3.14 9,8ug| 2.08 2,057| #f0.7| 64a 5,880 Coos. ... 2500 74057 10,264 6.6 65.2 88.1 9,529 | 5.6 32.2 3.52 2,937 18.37 1,327| 76.0] 49.8 4,296 Grafton... cece ng 12,741 14,646 2.7 57.1 73.5 12,201 | 55.8 33.7 3.14 12,283 23.75 2,u03| 70.8] 51.7 6,083 071 [Hillsborough....006 26,854 42,797 16.4 73.9 9340 39,180 | 1.2 n.5l 3.20 39,825| 22.77 2,972(:56.6{ «71.5 21,3u3 Merrimack. ......0N7 15,444 18,697 3.4 58.14 87.1 15,861 | 56.3 38.9 3.10 16,097| 23.22 2,600| 51.3| 62.6 8,9L8 Rockingham 2 19,062 21,900 2.3 51.7 87.0 16,511 | 61.6 43.1 3.05 18,312| 31.73 3,588 u7.9| 74.2 10,198 Strafford,..... 9.953 13,120 5.0 57.2 90.1 11,827] 50.2 h.u 3.21 12,219| 21.58 901| 38.3| 6.6 6,056 SUITivan..,.v... 6,321 8,032 7.1 56.9 82.0 6,568 | 52.0 37.7 3.17 6,808 25.02 1,224| 64.1] 55.6 3,556 Yi i 1 Served from adjoining county. 258 TABLE 3—SELECTED DATA FOR METROPOLITAN AREAS AND FOR ALL COUNTIES, BY STATE—Continued (Pigures which have been rounded to thousands will not necessarily add to totals) Table 3 Part 4 - Agriculture NEBR., Sheridan (081) = K. H., Sullivan (010) iin AGRICULTURE—1945 AGRICULTURE—1940 P Valte'ol Value of farm products sold, | Principal er f ae Work power traded, or used source of Per. cent arm property farm household farm income | Type- METROPOLITAN cent | of- Metro. AREAS, Number of | Land in | Cropland | Number | of i } Percent from— farming- Burg Area COUNTIES, farms farms | harvested | of farms | farms | (je A Number : area | Code AND (1000s | (1000's oper- | "of" |p| ver of Ao aoe code |.9 CODES Jan. 1, of of April 1, | ated prod- | (| 000° age | horses | Number (1000s stock Code P (See {ing bs 1945 acres) | acres) To40 by 5 on and/or of an (See | “| Jarry ucts of arm of live- | C cent | PA ten- | | mules tractors tops | p42?) ess | dollars)| (dol- dollars) | stock ants | hon or fover 3 i $400 mo. old) A (48) “9) Go Gn 2) 3) (34) (55) (56) GD (58) (9) (60) (61) (62) (63) (4) NEBRASKA--Con. All Counties—Con. Sheridan. . ..081 1,067 1,58 in 1,23 |%.0 [13.7 21,138 |17,102 9,005 812 2,987 79.1 12.8 1 [69.9 221 124 Sherman. . 1,112 347 168| 1,167 [62.7 [31.1 7,837 | 6,716 5.551 Lh 921 75.1 7.2 1 [50.5 522 106 622 Lip 91 699 |39.3 |16.5 | 10,842 |15,510| 4,503 366 2,293 | 75.5 | 18.5 1 (70.0 221 | 12 1,173 263 174) 1,218 [53.8 |16.7 14,501 [11,906 | 5,055 819 2,150 | 81.7 7.8 1 |67.8 522 | 119 nel 1,541 359 226 1,641 [53.4 [16.0 15,878 | 9,676 5,985 881 1,898 51.6 33.9 5 133.5 521 120 fereacaees 1 369 7 189 | 35.4% [19.0 2,083 (11,021 1,958 21 355 89.0 he 179.3 221 11 1,07! 22 169] 1,100 [59.2 [19.0 | 11,869 [10,790 | 4,382 587 2,124 | 6l.6 | 2h.7 1 |54.3 511 | 10 1,101 3 172| 1,173 |58.5 |22.8 | 10,265 | 8,751 | 5.619 566 1,682 75.6 14.6 1 |62.3 522 | 117 1,u8h 243 168| 1,577 [50.2 |14.5 | 20,817 |13,200( 5,160 1,173 3,321 | 57.8 | 33.4 1 |%.2 511 | 124 1,110 286 217] 1,1 |61.8 [10.3 | 18,853 [12,993] 5.778 1,058 3,150 | 79.6 | 10.6 1 [66.9 su | 125 1,174 352 172 1,283 |58.8 | 30.8 8,507 | 6,631 +535 555 1,078 57.4 26.5 1135.9 521 112 291 322 95 377 | 47.5 | 26.8 3,473 | 9,212 2,557 107 684 | 88.0 2.8 1|76.8 221 | 110 1,794 361 259| 1,829 |56.0 [14.8 | 20,139 |11,011 5,321 1,295 2,34 56.2 31.3 1 [36.7 522 | 118 3,429 6,178 487 3,573 | 14.4 | 29.8 | 172,588 | 20,316 36,411 681 12,133 | 79.4% | 13.2 157.2 12 614 124 32 597 | 19.8 | 24.3 5,310 | 8,894 2,703 121 1.1727] 65.3 ¥.25.3 Vi 2.1 611 | 124 342 27 5 | 362 | 16.4 | 47.2 2,316 6,563 1,108 72 486 | 53.7 3-2 225.2 2m ‘| 138 131 217 20 127 6.3 8.7 6,413 | 50,496 1,561 65 995 89.5 .6 170.0 611 126 143 2,n8 13 491 5.3 |.29.9 17,975 | 86,609| 10,971 89 2,853 88.2 6.9 178.0 211 109 19 pL - 25 - - 493 | 19,720 470 10 1615782, 10.0 1(55.3 2M 10k 45 16 19 59 ~- - 3,151 | 53,507] 1,53 ti 423 | 29.1 3.1 172.6 211 95 221 38 65 226. | 10.6 | Wu.7 5,753 | 25,456 3,799 32 921 89.2 3.4 121 211 119 38 461 2 54 - - 1,909 | 35,352 1,738 8 549 | 93.2 2.1 1|8k4.3 211 99 3 59 217 | 19.4 | 35.5 1,827 | 8,lne 1,135 13 332 Uiys.2 1in1.2 155.1 21 134 336 239 35 2 | 22.2 [14.6 | 6,406 [18,731] 2,136 87 | 1,098 | 67.3 | au.2 1 wo. | en | 123 2 304 1 83 - - 310 B13 252 I 43 | 86.2 5.7 4 ha aly 98 144 105 2 1 | 9.9 | 36.9 2,030 | 14,394 L1® 17 427 | 87.9 2.8 174.6 2 | 115 39 21 3 28 - - 594 | 21,214 2h vi 75 | 86.9 7.4% 2|52.2 611 165 127 1 21 108 [21.3 | 8.3 3,h01 | 31,490 1,105 47 612 | 42.5 | 51.8 5|51.8 611 | 114 Sterey.. 9 81 | 1 8 - - 23 | 29,375 3% | (3) 21 1.7 7.9 1|W.5 611 | 143 Washoe. . 509 767 32 516 |1k.3 | 32.2 10,963 | 21,246 3,616 75 1,35 82.2 10.1 1|4.3 211 115 White Pine 157 5 23 189 19.0 [15.9 | 3,434 [18,169] 2,256 29 33k ese |r 8.7 1|w5 | an | 13h NEW HAMPSHIRE... 18, 786 2,017 us6 | 16,554 | 6.4 | 39.5 | °78,583 | 4,747| 13,999 3,129 | 22,939 | 66.0 | 11.5 23.6 126 METRO. COUXTY.... 2,927 269 59 2,607 4.9 | 38.1 12,399 | 4,756 1,653 548 4,172 71.6 11.8 Metro. area: O71 | Manchester...... 006 2,927 269 59 2,607 4.9 | 38.1 12,399 | 4,756 1,653 548 Baye |i 71.6 {-31.8 3 (40.0 OTHER COUNTIES... 15, 89 1,748 377] 13,947 | 6.6 | 39.7 | 66,120 | 4, 7M1| 12,342 2,581 | 18,767 | 64.8 | 11.5 All Counties: 1,116 126 24 854 | 7.3 35.8 4,291 | 5,024 886 186 1,192 | 58.0 | 15.0 2 | 32.6 465 | 124 1, 120 20 742 | 3.9 | ln.s 3,256 | 4,388 590 134 gk2 | 61.7 | 10.9 3 | 32.0 465 | 12 1,339 147 28 1,551 8.2 | ¥.7 8,uoo | 5,395 1,047 262 2,24 66.1 8.0 3 = 465 12 1,171 206 ug 1,136 | 9.9 | 26.6 5,909 | 5,202| 1,978 107 1,613 | 63.6 | 11.4 2 .0 465 131 2,339 346 73] 2,034 | 7.4 | 33.2 | 10,609] 5,216] 2,551 21 2,862 | 65.5 8.3 2 | 43.0 465 | 132 071 2,927 269 5! 2,607 4.9 [38.1 | 12,399 4,756] 1,653 5ug 41788 971.6 [511.8 3 | 40.0 452 | 129 2,503 276 5 2,120 5.0 os 9,605 | 4,581 1,668 471 3,208 65.2 9.6 3 [29.6 452 123 3.597 236 63 2,993 5.8 5 13,217 | 4,416 1,603 631 4,009 71.2 12.9 3 (39.5 452 126 Strafford. oe 1,u2 121 33 1,226 | 5.1 [ 47.6 5,161 | 4,210 801 259 1,485 56.5 24.3 2 |28.k 465 | 128 Sulliven........ 1,276 170 35 1,285 8.0 | hk.2 5,673 4,115 1,218 220 1,3k4 59.6 7-1 2 | 35.7 L465 117 The State total includes $8,540 2less than three farms reported and data are therefore included only in State totals. 3The State total includes $63,658 for female silver fox and/or mink over 3 months old (kept in captivity) not distributed to individual counties. T8369 O—T—18 for female silver fox and/or mink over 3 months old (kept in captivity) not distributed to individual counties. 259 Table TABLE 3—SELECTED DATA FOR METROPOLITAN AREAS AND FOR ALL COUNTIES, rt 5 - Indust : A ew BY STATE—Continued NEBR. , Sheriden (081) = N. He, Sullivan (01C) (All dollar figures have been rounded to thousands and will not necessarily add to totals) MANUFACTURING ESTABLISHMENTS—1939 MINERAL INDUSTRIES—1939 RETAIL ESTABLISHMENTS—1939 METROPOLITAN Re COUNT, Value added 1 in Wage Wazes Value of by Sou Value of | Number Wages and Sales Active |Employees Pay ol. AD. Number | carers (1000's ol Jroduts toe products of salaries Number of (1000's of | * pro (average (1000 (average dollars) (1000's of (1000's of (1000's of | persons | (1000's of stores dollars) Prictors for 1000s of for year) dollars) dollars) dollars) | engaged | dollars) year) 1 ©) on 8) 0) ao a a) a) an as) as) an NEBRASKA~—Con, r All Counties—Con, Sheridan....... 081 8 13 11 159 57 176 3,606 156 203 237 3 6 (1) (1) (1) 106 1,125 aq 102 60 1 *) 23 LB HE EE] 201 36 18 LU 4 10 8 10% 41 70 aog 66 8g 48 Thayer..e..ss...085 6 291 151 775 Rt h (1) (2) 196 2,749 176 260 149 Thomas..ssessss,086 19] 310 39 22 a Thurston, .. 1 (%) (2) () (1) 120 1,720 121 118 {2 Valley..... 5 18 15 172 56 104 1,010 , ar 185 100 Washington. .....089 6 24 18 113 55 : 136 2,177 18 2 : 170 5 21 19 184 55 131 2,289 131 218 154 3 6 3 50 16 115 1,766 121 164 104 26 165 21 12 5 3 10 61 55 275 2 214] 45120 207 450 319 Combined Counties?, 348 3297 226 8,214 791 512 224 158 NEVADA. .sv00s 105 1,093 1,642 20,582 11,728 25,171 5,71 9,072 2,045 61,828 2,004 5,800 7,204 All Counties: Churchill,.....s001 6 30 31 461 116 JER 2) 63 7 2,514 78 225 287 10 157 199 686 457 1.517 401 STH 304 9,457 275 971 1,138 3 15 ) &) (2) 45 920 40 68 97 6 15 20 9 66 2,104 420 AEE 23 5,209 252 424 466 2 (1) 3) (3) (*) 2, 53 ale 10 e878 37 72 88 101 93 148 0 318 ai» 20 8 4 10 10 76 i 2,069 224, mn as 2,611 96 212 253 197 Ui Toes 46 753 45 51 54 Lincoln. sesessss009 2 (*) i ay * 649 331 513 7 1,231 60 123 13 §0tsssrres srs 4 9 un 21 ni) (*) ) 78 1,113 82 52 62 2 (*) () (1) ye 226 & 112 4 763 41 81 75 3 AY u 61 45 2,037 48S) 773 103 1,967 9 U6 196 3 8 *) (4 *) 4) (2) 2) 59) 1,492 61 150 170 3 3 5 1 17 1,37 280) 403 49) 1,035 50 90 101 1 (*) *) 1?) *) 1,258 131 549 27 398 2 38 36 50 S511 691 5,316 2,199 103 47] 88 592 25,21 579 2,590 3,366 White Pine... 6 321 (*) 2) 1) 9,98, 2,139 1,509 17) 5,953 Us 519 694 Combined Counties® 319 3349 662 18,619 8,751 546 150 209 NEW HAMPSHIRE, ,, 806 55,781 52,735 237,39 105,188 653 316 53 7,435 183,100 6,600 | 18,149 17,322 PEIN. COT eves 245 22,284 20,966 103,898 43,488 98 50 44 2,091 56,385 1,783 6,305 6,010 Metro. oreng 071 |Manchesters sas, oO0 245) 22,28) 20,966 103,898 43,488 98 50 4h 2,091 56,385 1,783 |° 6,305 6,010 OTHER COUNTY ouuus 561 33,496 31,769 133,498 61,700 555 266) 309 5,344] 126,715 4,817 | 11,844 1,312 All Count Belknap.... 50 2,178 2,200 6,898 4,497 379 9,448 328 891 814 Carroll.. 30 372 (1) (1) *) ) (2) ed 5a 3 5,338 339 426 3% Cheshire 81 4,119 4,064 16,790 9,129 110 53 85 455 11,654 398 1,092 23 CooBaues . 19 2,894 2) () ) 562 12,469 485 1,088 952 Grafton. ..sessss005 69 2,735 2,406 11,939 5,001 156 57 50 716 17,706 655 1,599 1,65 071 Si isvoranih. 00 245 20,284 20,966 103,898 43,488 98 50 4d 2,091 56,385 1,783 6,305 6,010 Merrimack, . 89 4,578 Ly) 17,689 8,085 134 Th 90 829, 21,627 . 62 2,095 2,089 Rockingham 91 4,932 4,194 16,586 7,978 42 32 31 1,070 22,250 989 2,112 1,99 Strafford, 82 8,754 7,1 32,25, 14,982 Lh 17] 21 661 17,226 578 1,680 1,55 Sullivan, ..ssssd010 30 2,93% 2,8L 11,361 5,701 (2) *) (*) 315 8,997 283 861 &0 Combined Counties®. 369 33,266 3,887 19,981 6,326 69 88 32 © 1Not shown baonuse of disclosure of operations of individual establishments, Data included in Combined Counties at end of State, ® Includes all counties where fig- ures are not shown neparatoly because of disclosure of operations of individual establishments. 3includes all establishments and wage earners of counties for which wages and value data wore withheld to avoid disclosure, The "Combined Counties" figure for number of establishments is excluded from the State total, since this item was shown for every county. Whenever data on wags earners have boen withheld, that portion of the "Combined Counties" figure represented by such data is included in the corresponding Htate total, 260 TABLE 3—SELECTED DATA FOR METROPOLITAN AREAS AND FOR ALL COUNTIES, BY STATE—Coniinued Table § Part 6 - Other Economic Data NEBR., Sheridan (081) - (All dollar figures have been rounded to thousands and will not necessarily =dd to totals) N. H., Sullivan (010) x WHOLESALE SERVICE ESTABLISHMENTS 1939 BANK DEPOSITS TRADE—1939 1944 Mejor war supply a i 2 facies ntract: une 1940-Sep, 1945 June 19405 4 1945 E Bond June 140 of ) (1000's of dollars) METROPOLITAN i 1944 Metro. AREAS, Numb Nuith Total sales | Area COU NTIES. umber umber . 4 Employees I Ti (1000 s of Code AND of Sales of | Receipts | Active Grogs Pa il (demand ime | dollars at ] CODES estab- | (1000's of | estab- | (1000's |proprie-| “'¢- (1000s | and Line) (1000's issue price) e lish- | dollars) lish- | of dollars)| tors year) of dollars)| (1000's | of dollars) ments : ments of dollars) Combat Other Industrial | Military equipment @) ®1) 82) 3) L840 @5) (86) @n (38) 9) (90) on) NEERASKA~—Con, All Counties—Con. 3 Sheridan. a 719 47 122 52 16 12 5.656 90k 938 un 143 38 75 39 17 8| 1,229 40 25 3 35) 6 1 6 1,367 109 280 2 177 29 uw 31 9 y 2,810 696 711 42 1,207] 90 183 95 36 12) 4,860 695) 1,042 208 6,110 2 (2) 9 8 8 - =| 505 56 120 18 650! 40 91 42 1 13 2,183 289 800 15 1432) 5 101 50 39 16 2,607 410) 570 Washingt 20 880) 3h 118 34 20 12] 3,961 252) 1,595 622 75 Wayne. 1 697 51 120 53 27 17 b,147 239 870 214 Vevate y 1,19, 51 81 53 pL 8 2,778 379, 825 Wheeler 3 7 5 7 172] 15] 11 > York. 11 2,519} 86 226 9k 93 46) 6,292 1,647 965 Others... ay 365 41, 540 NEVADA....... 176 23,249 593 3,348 617 830 969 95,741 33.566 15,377 1,521 32,402 151,542] 88,050 All Counties: Venee 21 82 2 19 21 2,571 757, 387 a “002 2 3 i 90 500 2 145 156! 16,125 4,802] 3.787 1,308 31,416 151,013 11,782 Douglas 4 249, 11 18, a1 1 1 1,979 791 206 573 0 15 1,388 Lg 206 43 k2 uy 8,471 2,826) 1,183 Esmeralda i 100 4 8 by 38 BUTERA. ovnieesbes 2 4 8 3 1 3 763 367 10 Faas ; 10 2 173 21 122 2k 25 25 4,359 1,605 53 Lander... x Li 164 9 10 8 1 1 880) 408! 176 LinColBe.e.enes Ly 213 16 39 17 6 Wy 1,300 ul 350 186 : © 2 1k 2 16 1 1 1,k%01 379 2u7 g (1) 5 6 ! 6 1 - 260 529] 52,052 7 Lgl 24 59 25 6 6) 2,070 Lgl 523 15,810 3 297 23 86 23 17 16| 1,791 734] 216 Pershinges.s.... 014 5 25k 11 36 10 1 12 1,718 683] 23 Storey... .015 3 6 3 1 1 28 Washoe..... L016 58 13,020 2u5 1,018 262 502 611 45,575 16,374 4,148 .a3 800 7.833 White Pime. .017 1k 1,219 43 218 uy 51 69 6.738 3,003 1,104 Otherseceedseesss oe 24 3190 41,728 NEW HAMPSHIEE... 363 64,263] 2,204 a,h2g| 2,268 2,974 2,48 365,913 276,288) 36,258 25,551 "343,675 32,757] ‘20,245 METRO. COUNTY.... 135 29,803 783 3,670 782 1,299 1,018] 127.685 94,405 9,703 13,746 142,057 | 533 10,512 M . : 2 oft |Manchester.roioo6| 135] 29.03] 7e3| sero] veel n.se| nou] aer.ees| shod aes] 1.u6| wes 533 10.512 OTHER COUNTIES... 228 3k,k6o| 1,k21 5,759 1.486] = 1,675 1,k00] 238,228) 181,882 26,555 11,805 201,618 32,224 9.733 All Counties: snd ow 168: 01 17 2,561 98 394 a2 113 104 18,089 13,988| 1,713 1,811 12,613 609) Carroll. + +4002) 13 qu3 93 370 ab 95 80! 6,213 1137] Sli 115 Cheshire........003 23 4,830] 125 611 133 165 148] 24,163 16,45 1,845 © 30H 32,182 976 C008. ....e Look) 35 4,094 184 Lgl 195 96 73 17,069 12,993 1,695 » Orafton.. cou... 005 32] 4,067 164 755 171 225 21 26,234 19,374 2,267 42,985 222) 651 071 |Hilled h..,.006 1 29,80 783 3,670 782 1,299 1,018] 127.685 9k, 405) 2,703 13,746 142,057 533 10, pig z Norton cure » Be 240 1,105 260 305 259 59,066 Lg, 14} 2,369 6,646 21,235 Rockingham. ...,.008 29 6.925 265 1,073 27h 15 300 36,500 26,737] 12,273 182 31653 30,564 1a Straffard....... 009 22 3,259 159 583 167 145 124) 33,917 26,153 2,520 2,862 56,942 829 Sullivan........ 010 18 2,281 93 hoy 98 116| 100 16.977 12,911 1,269 22,670 1 Not shown because of disclosure of operations of individual establishments. which sales data are withheld to avoid disclosing operations of individual establisiments, for individual counties. ‘Data included in "Other" at end of State. 4Undistributed. 2Sum of establishments in counties for It is excluded from the State total since number of establishments is shown 3Combined figure for counties having sales data withheld to avoid disclosing “operations of individual establisiments. counties where figures are not shown separately because of disclosure of operations of individual establishments. 3 Includes all 26% NEW HAMPSHIRE 10 COUNTIES LEGEND PLACES OF 25,000 TO 100,000 (1940) PLACES OF 100,000 AND OVER (1940)-YON. METROPOLITAN AREAS 10208 METROPOLITAN AREAS CODE 71 MANCHESTER >, ™~ 5 e. LL \ I \ / ’ Wi 7 ’ \ GRAFTON pu -t { CARROLL \ MM Co ‘A 2 J Ne Se A) ® F~ - < vd BELKNAP Sm / tL { Y ’ A : a \ SULLIVAN / : NN ) \ : ». ’ STRAFFORD L MERRIMACK STO X_ =" } / \ f Reba > x” eo) ut 5 2 inn Laan) CHESHIRE ksi LLL ern 262 NEW JERSEY COUNTIES SUSSEX WARREN p : F onions of atk / ; vs ordinary SPEIL isso ORANGE Sa. Noosa] S 2 6... . ORA BUCS MOR OK ; | EORANG ESN heer, 3 oben { “x y fhpenen HUNTERDON 2 SOMERSET ‘MONTGOMER zn ®: HoRRSTOWN PA. -— ATLANTIC CITY CUMBERLAND LEGEND @® PLACES OF 25,000 TO 100,000 (1940) % PLACES OF 100,000 AND OVER (1940) \ itl METROPOLITAN AREAS METROPOLITAN AREAS CODE 8 ATLANTIC CITY 81 NEW YORK- NORTHEASTERN NEW JERSEY 86 PHILADELPHIA, PA. 126 TRENTON 263 Table 3 Part 1 - Population N.J., Atlantic (001) - N.M., Valencia (031) TABLE 3—SELECTED DATA FOR METROPOLITAN AREAS AND FOR ALL COUNTIES, BY STATE—Continued ya TOTAL POPULATION POPULATION—1940 EOUCATION 1 ESTIMATED 1944 CIVILIAN 3 Total whi POPULATION Land | Poj otal white Percent of METROPOLITAN U.S. area [ulation population 25 Metro. AREAS, rank in per years old and Area COUNTIES, Number of | Percent = sq. over who have Code a: Goines change | miles | mile Percent! Ui Rural Rural completed— : Percent| April | in of rban f. - nl farm Births | D Number change fo40’ percen- 1930-1 1940 | 1940 | Number | total wats Nov. | tiles) | 1940 % Sot ras | 1940- ol Bo Tore ih 1943 grades | 5 m @ ®) (0) ©) m ® (10) (11) 12) 13) 4) (15) (16) ] 3 gs — 1 . NEW JERSEY.....| 4,080,485 -1.8] 4,160,165 2.9 | 7,522 [| 553.1] 3,931,087 | 94.5 [3,394,773] 633,173} 135,219] es5.8| 22.5] 76,265 47,815 METRO. COUNTIES..| 3,715,577 | -1.8]3,787,113 2.5 | 4,132 | 916.5] 3,575,389 | 94.4 |3,244,467| 470,481| 72,165 | 85.8 | 22.6 | 69,038 | 43,027 Metro. areas: 008 [Atlantic City...001| 107,491 | -13.3] 124,066 -0.6 575 | 215.8 104,057 | 83.9 | 100,420] 18,384| 5,262 | 84.6 | 22.2] 1,088 1,710 081 | New York-Northeast-! ern New Jersey(pt): 002,007,009,012 013,014,016,020 | 2,992,864 | -1.4 | 3,040,770 2.5 | 1,960 [1,551.4] 2,894,818 | 95.2 |2,751,291| 257,432] 32,047 | 86.0 | =23.1| 55,007 | 33,499 -086 | Philadelphia (pt)2 . ee....008,004,008] 418,798 | -1.3| 424,959 2.0 | 1,369 | 310.4| 393,135 | 92.5 | 256,854| 140,109] 27,996 | 85.8 | 19.2| 8,468 5,168 126 | Trenton.........0l1| 196,424 | -0.5{ 197,318 5.4 2284 865.4| 183,379 | 92.9 | 135,92] 54,556 6,860 | 83.2 | 22.4| 3,575 2,650 OTHER COUNTIES...| 364,908 | -1.9| 373,052 +7.7 | 3,39 | 110.0| 355,698 | 95.3 | 150,306| 162,692] 60,054 | 85.9 | =21.2| 7,227 4,788 008 107,491 | -18.3| 124,066 4| -0.6 575 | 215.8] 104,057 [83.9 | 100,420] 18,384| 5,262 | 84.6 | 22.2] 1,988 1,710 081 420,086 2.5] 409,646 1} 12.2 233 |1798.1| 399,675 | 97.6 | 367,195] 40,336] 2,115 | 89.6 | 28.2] 7,620 3,995 086 89,920 | -7.0 97,013 sl “a. 819 | 118.5 90,001 | 92.8 22,997| 61,158] 12,858 | 85.7 | 20.7] 1,902 1,253 086 254,085 | -0.6| 265,727 2] l.a 221 |1,1571| 237,693 | 92.9 | 204,523 46,565) 4,639 | 36.0 | 18.6] 5,060 3,057 28,075 | -1.9 28,019 | / 29] -1.9 267 | 108.3 26,277 | 90.9 12,405] 14,374 2,140 | s5.9| 20.1 564 560 78,870 0.3 73,184 8| 4.7 503 | 145.5 67,785 | 92.6 3g,712| 21,386] 13,086 | 80.0 | 18.8 1,494 962 081 |Essex..... 824,845 | -1.5] 837,340 of o.5 128 |6,5417 | 767,926 | 91.7 | 820,174] 16,393 773 | 85.5| 26.1 15,175 9,314 086 | Gloucester. 74,793 | 3.6 72,219 9] 2.0 329 | 219.5 65,441 | 90.6 29,334 32,386] 10,499 | 85.4 | 19.1] 1,506 858 597,092 | -8.4| 652,040 of -5.6 45 flagsos| 635,583 | 97.5 | 649,767| 2,271 2| 85.0| 15.6]-10,740 7,070 34,245 -6.9 36,766 21] 5.9 435 | pa.5 36,176 | 98.4 7,064] 17,846] 11,856 | 90.0 | 19.8 551 460 196,424 | -0.5] 197,318 2| 5.4 228 | 865.4| 183,379 | 92.9 | 135,902| 54,556] 6,860 | 83.2 | 22.4| 3,575 2,650 224,139 3.5] 217,07 2] =z. 312 | 695.8 211,220 | 97.3 | 173,867| 35,37 7,823 | ss.3| 19.0] 4,024 2,148 172,054 9.3 161,238 3 9.5 477 | 338.0 146,989 | 91.2 83,955 64,993] 12,290 87.2 26.4 3,483 2,566 127,250 1.4] 125,732 4| 13.8 468 | 268.7| 122,445 | 97.2 56,051| 62,219] 7,462°| s9.9| 28.8] 2,326 1,997 37,088 [ -0.1 37,706 20 | 14.0 639 | 59.0 36,359 | 96.4 34,746 2,960 | 87.7 | 22.4 757 548 293,623 | -5.1| 309,353 1] “2.2 194 [1,594.6 | 302,444 | 97.8 | 293,639] 14,650] 1,064 | s2.2| 15.2] 5,143] 3,230 42,599 33 42,274 17| 14.8 350 | 120.8 37,251 | 88.1 15,106) 19,074] 8,004 | 86.7 | 21.1 950 452 68,661 | -7.7 74,390 8| 14.2 307 | 242.3 72,538 | 97.5 41,231] 25,719] 7,440 | 84.7 24.9] 1,500 849 32,283 8.9 29,632 28| 6.5 528 | 56.1 29,494 | 99.5 9,542| 12,827) 7,263 | 90.4] 21.9 601 347 333,775 1.7| 328,344 {7.6 103 [3,087.8 | 308,527 | 94.0 | 306,643 21,183 s18 | 87.7 | 29.4] 6,49 3,179 48,587 | -3.2 50,181 1] 1. 361 | 139.0 49,819 | 99.3 26,246] 16,720 7,215 | 89.1] 19.8 810 610 NEW MEXICO.....| 490,119 | -7.6] 531,818 25.6 [121,511 4.4| 492,312 | 92.6 | 176,401| 178,308 177,114 | 71.0| 23.3] 15,585 5,500 All Counties: Bernalillo. 001 69,794 0.6 69,391 9| 52.7 | 1,163 | 59.7 66,881 | 96.4 35,449] 24,071] 9,871 | s1.9| 35.2] 2,145 839 002] 3,151 | -35.4 4,881 92| 48.7 | 6,89 0.7 4,871 | 99.8 2,435 2,446 | 77.0] 17.8 121 34 003 28,844 | 20.3 23,980 s8| 22.7 | 6,094 3.3 23,466 | 97.9 13,482] 3,147 7,35:| e2.7| 20.3 843 224 ..004] 15,194 | -18.8 18,718 a9| -2.3 | 3,765 5.0 18,580 | 99.3 7,607 7,377] 3,734 | 76.0| 22.5 459 172 CULTY.eseenssnes 005 20,452 | 12.6 18,159 51| 14.9 | 1,408 | 12.9 17,808 | 98.1 10,065] 2,776] 5,818 | 90.8| 28.6 585 206 De Baca.........006 4,825) 29.5 3,725 95| 28.8 | 2,358 1.6 3,723 | 99.9 2,207 1,508] e.1| 20.2 123 | 61 27,128 | -10.8 30,411 27| 10.8 | 3,804 8.0 29,658 | 97.5 8,385 9,199] 12,827 | 61.0 20.3 897 295 29,679 | 22.1 24,811 37| 53.5 | 4,168 5.8 23,814 | 98.0 11,187| 7,468] 5,656 | 79.9] 29.5 973 274 20,415 8.1 20,050 45| 5.2 | 3,970 5.1 19,880 | 99.2 5,084] 12,136 2,870 | 73.11 25.0 641 231 6,967 | -19.4 8,646 81| 23.0 | 2,998 2.9 8,644 [100.0 6,076| 2,570 | s7.8| 12.7 206 70 3,022 | -80.9 4,374 93| -1.1 | 2,136 2.0 4,372 [100.0 1,901 2,383 | 76.2| 16.8 80 34 4,292 | -11.0 4,821 92| -4.0 | 3,447 1.4 4,791 | 99.4 3,101 788 932 | 77.4| 25.6 139 565 16,311 | -22.9 21,154 43 | 244.3 | 4,393 4.8 20,404 | 96.5 10,619 8,188] 2,347 | 91.3| 35.9 545 119 7,134 | -16.6 8,557 81| 18.9 | 4,859 1.8 8,541 | 99.8 5,500] 2,967 | 73.7| 22.8 202 77 Luna..... .8,812 | 36.5 6,457 87| 3.4 | 2,957 2.2 6,385 | 98.9 3,608] 1,335] 1,514 | 77.5] 27.5 243 98 McKinley. 24,443 3.4 23,641 38 | 14.5 | 5,456 4.3 11,227 | 47.5 7,081] 6,828] 9,773 | 53.6] 17.2 794 vz 7,013 | -22.9 10,981 78| 6.4 | 1,942 5.7 10,980 [100.0 3,801) 7,180 | 46.8 7.8 296 96 11,418 8.5 10,522 7a| 7.6 | 6,638 1.6 9,551 | 90.8 3,90 3,45] 38,1571 ‘76.2 22.9 324 149 10,120 [ -16.4 12,111 69| 11.8 | 2,883 4.2 12,039 | 99.4 6,194] 1,780] 4,187 | 85.7 25.5 325 97 20,604 | -18.7 25,352 35| 18.6 | 5,855 4.3 23,562 | 92.9 11,239 14,113 | 44.3 8.8 785 208 13,667 | -6.1 14,549 61| 31.0 | 2,455 5.9 14,546 [100.0 5,004] 1,201] 8,214 | 91.2] 23.1 335 108 11,906 | -14.3 13,898 63| 24.7 | 3,811 3.6 9,859 | 70.9 8,298] 5,600 | 46.¢ 8.0 443 117 10,308 | -39.8 17,115 54| 16.4 | 5,515 3.1 8,649 | 50.5 4,776] 12,339 | 57.9] 18.7 309 165 23,099 | -17.2 27,910 s0| 18.1 | 4,749 5.9 27,868 | 99.8 12,362] 6,447] 9,100 | s5.2| 15.6 947 384 28,593 -7.2 30,826 27| 57.5 | 1,943 | 15.9 29,987 | 97.3 2,325 5,371) 5,130 | 7.6] 29.1 793 254 5,230 | -24.9 6,962 86 | 34.3 | 3,034 2.3 6,902 | 99.1 2,9%0| 2,194] 1,828 | 76.2| 23.9 78 69 8,658 | -24.2 11,422 7n| 18.8 | 7,772 1.5 11,140 | 97.5 3,mz| 3,08 4,672] s8.3| 15.7 233 108 14,523 | -21.6 18,528 50| 28.7 | 2,256 8.2| 17,654 | 95.3 8,604] 9,924 | s2.7| 11.6 484s 153 9,200 [ -15.7 11,026 72] 19.0 | 3,340 8.3 11,021 [100.0 5,635] 5,391 | 64.6] 18.5 341 124 6,202 | -31.8 9,095 79| -17.6 | 3,817 2.4 9,068 | 99.7 3,88] 1,506 4,311 | 85.6 24.3 211 83 18,125 | -10.5 20,245 45| 25.1 | 5,637 3.6 16,441 | 81.2 3,088 9,316] 7,891 | ‘54.4 12.7 635 229 Remainder of New York-Northeastern New Jersey Metropolitan Area (081) is in New York. 2Remainder of Philadelphia Metropolitan Area (086) is in Pennsylvania. 264 TABLE 3—SELECTED DATA FOR METROPOLITAN AREAS AND FOR ALL COUNTIES, BY STATE—Continued Table 3 Part 2 - Labor Force N. J., Atlantic (001) N. Mex., Valencia (031) wre sae LABOR FORCE—1940 P t of Population 14 Years Old and Over Employed Workers by Industry Group Eeosd " METROPOLITAN Trois In leading Metro AREAS, P Business nonagri- Area COUNTIES, ercent | Percent ports: and cultural AND of 3 3 3 C tion, | Whole. | personal Otic: In | industry CODES fnlabor | Mees i lema'es | op. Agri- . o | Manufac- | ©" ™™ | sale and | services | agni- Total who are | who are Mining | struc- : cations, : and not force . > employed || culture . turing retail exclud- cul- in in tion and ide o reported tits Code [her Jalon oes doe (See | Per- orce orce utili- : page | cent ties Services lac2) an (18) (9) 29) @n @) @) [20] 25) (28) @n (28) (29) Go | an | ¢2 NEV JERSEY | 8,855,059 1,867,340 80.5 30.8 }1,669,059 || 47,965 | 3,560 | 78,376 | 571,849 | 126,936] 265,229 | 310,127 | 164,516] 3.1 | G36| 7.6 METRO. COUNTIES..| 8,058,886 |1702,358 80.7 81.5 [1,485,050 || 28,200 | 1,807 | 89,877 | 830,431 | 119,624 | 245,870 | 200,020 | 149,842 Metro. areas: 008 | atlantic City..001 | 101,683 | 55,522 79.1 32.5 | 42,452 1,823 21 | 2,047 4,964 3,122 | 10,637 | 13,461 5,477 | 4.3 081 | New York-MNortheast~ orn New Jercey(pt)? ru on a2 2,458,655 11,577,027 | 81.1 | 87.7 |Lee,254 || 15,876 | 1,427 | 55,055 | 435,085 | 101,212 | 199,908 | 239,408 | 120,389] 1.4 2 ‘ Te vees003 ga lot) 387,162 | 10,375 80.0 26,9 | 148,107 8,421 155 | 7,587 61,488 | -10,908 | 28,101 | 22,701 | 13,708] 5.7 126 | freaton........0Ll 150,885 | 88,534 77.8 55.4 | 175,867 2,169 94 | 3,460 28,896 4,82 | 12,224 | 14,362 10,270 2.9 OTHER COUNTIES. . 208,174 | 154,982 | 78.0 24.9 | 183,409 || 19,6768 | 1,863 | 8,501 41,418 7,512 | 19,359 | 20,607 | 14,678] 14.7 All Counties: 008 | Atlsatic.......001| 101,68 55,522 79.1 32.9 | k2,M52 1,823 21 | 2,9% 4,964 3.302 10,637 | 13.461 5.477 | 4.3] 311.6 081 .002 32. 181,554 8.8 .7 | 159.458 2,141 18 | 9,569 55,872 | 14,390 | 26,157 | 36,142 | 15,065] 1.3 32| 8.5 086 ‘ 76.6 40,125 77.8 .0 | 33.85% 3.978 | 1,938 12,603 2,035 8,578 ld 3,622 [11.8 | 17|11.5 086 203,907 | 111,190 81.1 28.8 | 9,675 1,119 n| wm 39,566 7.029 | 15,227 | 1b,438 7.848 | 1.2| 19] 8.0 23,502 | 11,198 72.1 22,0 8,983 629 26 | 1,206 1,022 108 1,799 1.11 1,86 7.0] 37] 9.2 8,732 | 31,473 78.1 30.1 | 27,343 4,088 238 | 1,187 10,611 1,163 k, 300 +523 2,263 [15.0 | 16 | 14.2 081 20.935 379.5% xs 32.5 | 319.857 1,288 125 | 14,261 | 105,919 | 22,6) “35 des 608 | 0.%| 036] 8.3 086 56,613 | 29,060 19. 22.3 517 3.324 bo | 1,222 ane 1, J 3.296 2,236 [13.5 | 14] 6.3 081 528,331 | 305,351 82.5 33.3 | 250,75% 528 68 | 9.91 . 32,909 | M2, 50,408 | 19,669 | 0.2 | 036 | 6.9 29,891 | 14,861 18.5 19. 13,198 3,821 36 55. 3,087 668 1,576 1,7 1,380 [29.0 | 17] 6.7 126 159,385 | 88,534 17.8 ER 75.8571 2,169 ob | 3,460 28,896 4,382 [ 12,224 1, 10,270 | 2.9 | 036 10.1 081 172,900 2.4 80.7 33.1 | 83, 2,820 218 +555 43,021 505 | 11,522 | 10,912 Soe 2.9| 22| 9.1 081 131,087 | 67. 16.9 26.8 | 57.291 ¥, 719 5 +297 10,407 ,166 | 10,803 | 11,762 | 11, 8.2 | 036 8.2 081 101,%2 | 50.57% ™.8 25.8 | 4k, 400 2,378 593 | 2,620 12,757 3.517 6,613 | 10,097 5,825 | 5.%| 036113 30,635 | 15.135 76.5 21.0 | 12,27 1,085 16 ba 853 966 2,258 Se 2,466 | 8.6] 3| 8.9 081 252,321 | 148,387 82.9 35.2 | 124,79 1,200 172 | 8, 59,339 7.333 | 22,618 | 20,324 8,321 | 1.0 619. 32,632 | 17.702 82.7 22.6 | 15,8 2,699 17 755 1.1717 623 1,694 3e 1,875 17.0 1328. 59,641 | 31,324 5 28.2 | 21.M18 2,064 89 | 1,52 10,232 1,653 3.717 5,040 3,061 | 7.5| 036 | 8.9 23,070 | 11,782 0. 19.2 | 10,238 2.629 | 1,227 n3 1,292 389 1,364 1,670 954 | 25.7 b [11.9 081 262,85 | 145, kkg 81.9 29.7 | 128,834 1,202 92 | 6,151 53,412 | 10,777 | 18,991 | 25,099 | 13,110 He 3 9.1 40,071 | 21,57 80.8 25.9 | 18,120 2,691 224 192 Tok 1,1 2,501 | 2,278 1,258 |1h.8 8.3 NEW MEXICO... 359,779 | 177.908 78.4 18.7 | 140,269 || Mu,s9% | £,831 | 8,364 8,973 9,300 | 21,633 | 23,551 | 14,723|32.0| 036| 8.5 All Counties: J 50,122 | 24,900 17.0 23.3 | 20,0% 2,069 RB 1,601 1,30 2,161 ¥, 751 5,015 3,046 | 20.3 | 036 | 11.3 3,252 1,708 85.6 9.8 1,474 152 1 116 116 12 100 103 111 | 51.0 {11.1 16.938 8,5u8 80.1 134 1.182 2.50 60 nk 28 12 1,512 1,372 827 | 32.6 | 036 | 8.3 13,1! 6.23 76.1 16.6 5,005 1,085 | 1,060 eM 163 1 150 07 ws | 21.7 2|20.8 13,242 6,671 79.8 19.6 5,821 1,592 5 306 245 801 1,322 1,093 us7 127.3 | 23| 9.1 2,56! 1,263 79.4% 13.8 1,063 51k 1 on 1 19 133 147 91 |us.h| 036 7.2 ah 9.976 80.1 18.0 8,127 3.959 36 ne 156 nl 98% 1,191 926 | 48.7 | 036 | 8.0 16,873 8, 4.7 17.8 1.79% 1,459 hed 3 1,208 3.3 827 | 22.8 ¥ | 10.0 13,728 6.712 17.8 1.2 5,721 1,659 240 579 25 673 968 596 | 13.1 4 | 29.0 5,425 2,697 80.7 1h,3 1,79% 181 13 150 $ 15 302 221 163 | 43.5 | 036 | 6.9 2,8%9 1,357 71.0 13.0 ™ Wye § 66 ‘7 36 100 155 7% | 50.5 | 636 [10.1 3,266 1,711 80.9 n.7 1b mn 19% ] 32 hh mn 259 137 22.2 | 036 | 7.9 15,229 1.973 83.0 4 1 2,208 397 296 us 1,36 1,22 608 0.1 329.9 0 2,767 74.0 16. 1.6; 5 131 10 158 259 386 264 | 42.6 | 036 | 10.5 v 2,260 76.1 2.3 1, 136 83 188 366 3s 2u0 [25.9 | 036 7.1 19,260 | 9.109 | 82, 3. s.ov [| 2,W0 [ 78M u 1,691 uh 902 991 513 [3.3 6[1.7 +767 3,068 I bE 1,9% 1,296 7 i 59 a 134 212 165 | 66.2 | 036 | 8.4 7.29% 238 17.6 17.9 2,8 813 8 170 usg 187 392 bah 361 | 28.9 9 9.6 8,551 32k 0.5 17.8 3.4 1,18 3 326 n k22 579 562 265 [34.5 | 23| 9.3 15,680 6.768 4 10.3 4,158 2,4 12 240 216 100 267 gs 324 | 58.8 [ 036 | 9.4 10,286 N, 18.1 13.9 ba77 2,355 5 148 mm 134 601 565 258 | 56.8 | 036 | 7.6 8,657 vl 81.7 16.2 3.819 1,989 37 12 591 99 202 2 181 | 58.2 9 6.1 10,643 5.9 19.5 30.5 5,175 2,913 101 170 9 80 08 uk2 250 | 56.3 716.3 18,354 8.0% 12.6 1k, u, 852 1,621 29 319 101 Lob 120 1,014 ‘582 | 33.4 | 036 133 21,054 10,530 ™.2 25. 7.528 926 363 551 353 340 1,391 1,815 1,789 | 12.3 37 | 14.9 5,013 2, lk 7.9 17.2 1,958 62u 151 196 38 69 30M ko 173 3-3 036 | 9.6 1.603 3.522 16.5 12.7 2,292 1,103 55 108 37 96 286 385 222 | bs.1 | 036 [11.1 11,38 5,071 76.8 11.5 2,913 1,433 122 172 3 139 439 265 | 49.2 | 036 33 I 3m 6.3 10.9 3,)2 1,68 8 128 6 161 282 287 127 | 61.8 | 636 6.5 372 3.1 76.1 16.3 2,l02 1,16! 1 12 28 17. 2 89 202 | ue.5 | 636 | 9.6 12,838 } 18.7 11.0 4,463 2,239 32 203 2715 521 3 264 [50.2 | 23]10.1 lRemainder of New York-Northeastern New Jersey Metropolitan Area (081) is in Mew York. SRemainder of Philadelphia Metropolitan Area (088) is in Pennsylvania. 265 Table 3 Part 8 - Housing N.du, Atlantie (001) - N. Hex., Valencia (031) TABLE 3—SELECTED DATA FOR METROPOLITAN AREAS. AND FOR ALL COUNTIES, BY STATE—Continued ere e030) = . HOUSING—1940 : : ; . ; Nonfarm Rural Farm All Dwelling Units Occupied Dwelling Units Dwelling Units Dwelling Units we METROPOLITAN : ; Metro. AREAS, * hy es Area COUNTIES, P P P Median P phones Code AND Residential Percent | Percent Per- | Fereent | number a CODES structures in5or | with | Percent at i o Ave e on Percent| Jan. 1, more | private wit! mechan- monthly wit with 1945 Number family | bathtub | electric Number Snel ical pessoms Number rent Number 1un- | electric struc- i lighting wri refrig- | | ooce. (dollars) ning |lighting tures shower eration hold water @3) Go) (35) (36) [1] 38) @9) (40) “n “) “) “w) “s) 46) “n NEW JERSEY..... 839,728] 1,223,887 hk 82.0] 95.6] 1,100,260 39.4 60.3] 3.37 | 1.187.860 37.43 36,026] 61.3] 80.3] s77,7M7 METRO. COUNTIES, 715,724) 1,080,984 16.0 82.8 97.3 998,717 37.8 61.1 3.39 1,061,366 37.63 19.618] 62.6 82.4} 531,055 Metro. areas! ong |Atlantic City...001 30,689 L3,223 16.7 83.1 al.6 34,680] 35.7 53.9 3.03 41,613] 33.56 1,604 62, 81.0f 15,110 081 |New York-Northeast- ern New Jersey(pt)! 002, 007, v 012, : 2 013, 014, a: 538,620 868,771 18.6 84.1 94.0 803,882 35.9 62.2 3.80 859,695 39.1 2,076] 69.7) 86.4] 439.861 086 |Pniladelphia(pt)® ...003, 004, 008 106,807 119,188 2.2 74.8 93.5 111,694] 43.5 59.2 3.32 111,909 27. 7.279] 3.2 77.5 51,159 126 |Trenton........ .011 39,608 4g, 802 3.0 79.7 96.5 ug, 501| uLL.6 83.4 3.56 ug, 143 33,72 1,655 55.8 83. 2,025 OTHER COUNTIES... 124,004 142,903 2.4 62.2 91.0 101,543] 55.4 52.5 3.16 126,495 35.76 16,408] 58.0 77.8 Lis, 062] All Counties: 008 [Atlantic 30,689 43,223 16.7 83.1 94.6 34,640] 35.7 53.9 3.03 41,019 2 56, 1,604 o©2.3 gl.0] 15,110 051 |Bergen....... 89,796 115,672 6.9 92.1 99.0 110,446] 51.9 73.0 3.42 115,023 .16 649] 8b.1 93.3 09, 306 086 23,969 27,498 H1e2 bk.Q 88.8 24,785 he 51.1 3.4 2k,291 25.55 3,207] 48.0 jx.2 10,14 086 63,199 70,457 3.0 81.7 95.9 b7,480 7.5 62.0 3.L0 69,294 28.53 1,103] 58.0 87.7 33,126 19,801 25,005 7.4 74.9 95.1 8,632] 59.2 Y3.3000 2.77 24, kok 54.25 boll 5h. 83.3 4, 8k0 18,100 21,519 2.1 59.6 90.1 19,842| 55.2 48.8] 3.13 18,503] 21.69 2,956] ©3.3| 8l.e 9,039 081 120,978 230,916 24.8 85.8 98. 221,079 30.3] 62.4 3.38 230,708 uy, 23 208| 80.5 9.2] 128,038 08b 19,639 21,233 1.0 65.0 91.7 19,429] 54.6 60.0 3.31 18,324 25.10] 2,909] 57.0 80.4 7.893 081 72,53 184,121 38.7 82.9 99.0 173,443) 20.3 59.0 3.38 184,120 32.70) X - - 61,530 10,132 11,385 0.4 47.0 85.1 10,317] 59.b 52.2 3.10 7,917] 23.00 3,08 50.1| 74.2 3,523 126 £3,508 49,802 3.0 19.7 96.5 48,501 Lh.o 53.4 3.56 ug, 143 33,72 1,659] ©5.8 83.8 24,925 081 Re vanrss 3,803 55,948 2.8 71.0 96.7 54,060 45.0 55.1] 3.01 54,056 o> 1,892] 59.1] 83.0] 25,110 O81 | Monmouth........0l3 58,229 03,5u4k 2.5 13.8 94.7 L3, 740] H2.2 56.5 3.13 59,898 .69 3,00) ol. 83.8 28,327 081 |Morris. 35,010 39,929 2.3 4.2 95.3 3,750] "53.3 oli.b 33 37,714 9. 68) 2,215] 11.6 89.4] 22,16 23,351 2k, 376 0.6 65.5 92.5 10,921] oh.9 52.70 2.9 23, lok 9.65 972 ov.3| 8l.7 6,370 081 53,729 90,191 14.7 82.0 97.06 63,862 3 5 55.4 3.34 89,877] 29.25 34 83.8) 92.9] U5,5 10,908 12,437 1.5 50.0 80.8 11,458) hh.9 59.7 3.23 10,213] 22.22 2,224 39.5 12.7 5,084 Somerset........018 16,kk0 19,499 1.9 76.6 95.3 18,401 5u.5 v3.2 3.40 17,424 36.94 2,075 78.3 88.4 8,331 SUBBOX.s sss... 019 12,429 13,344 0.6 52.0 86.8 8,080| 5u.b 47.8 3.24 11,343 25.00 2,001] Hb.7 17.6 3,206 051 [Union.vesecese.ss 020 03,944 85,450 8.4 90.0 98.7 84,870] Lh.2 67.2 3.53 85,299 43.93] 151] 87.4 92.1 59,094 Warren......vvs. 021 12,717 15,278 1.9 56.7 89.5 13,892] 48.9 46,5 3.19 13,227 23.33 g,051] 51.3 9.7 6,203 NEW MEXICO..... 132,730 145,642 2.5 28.5 49.2 129,475 57.3 27.0 3.54 99,693 15.49) 45,949] 13.8 17.5] 28,275 All Counties: ; Bernalillo...... 001 16,362 19,020 5.7 L7.5 80.2 18,0/9| 5v.8 43.5 3.27 10,753 23.76 2,293) 22.4 48.1 9,156 Batrolese lid, 002 1,831 1,850 0.3 5.1 18.8 1,33 b3.4 bf 3.28 825 5.88 1,031 7.8 5.4 29 Chaves, ......... 00 9,952 6,578 2.5 41.6 ol.5 0,091] 47.3 43.6) 3.44 4,611] 19.07 1,967] 27.2 33.6 2,509 COLLAR ls +o vires 00 9,182 5,707 1.0 27.7 69.3 4,634 L3.0 28.1 3.46 4,657 13.86 1,050 1le.7 21.7 1,110 OMPPYeainiainvsrson 005 4.58% 5,149 3.0 45.3 7.2 4,809( 49.2 u1.8 3.3 3,723 17.67 1,426) 36.3 38.2 1,505 De Baca 974 1,011 1:3 19.2 3.2 934| 63.0 20.9 3.60 566 11.44 us| 17.1 21.1 14h Dona Ana 6,744 7.703 3. 23.7 50.0 7.270] 43.8 26.3 3.64 4,026 12.57 3077] 20.7 38.5 1.10 Eddy..... 5,542 6,207 2.9 42.3 66.6 0,099] L1.8 50.6) 3.48 4,861 19.50 1,346) 23.0 33.4 2,200 Grant. 4,790 5,252 2.2 37.9 58.5 4, gy90| L2.8 33.4 3.48 hate 12.51 876] L2.9 26.6 139 Guadalu; 1,937 2,062 1.0 11.3 23.5 1,908| 62.9 13.8] 3.89 1,83 7.26) 5719] 3.1 3.4 115 Harding 1,109 1,222 2.8 7.9 26.6 1,057] 56.5 10.9 3.01 522 8.58, 700 13.4 16.0 52 Hidalgo 1,197 1,319 2.4 33.3 55.4 1,246] k9.4 In, 7 3.34 1,044 13.31 215] 4.5 19.1 167 Lea, ive. 6,213 6,750 4.9 55.2 17°% b,lbl| 49.2 57.9] 3.05 6,084] 17.20 b66| 55.31 27.3 1,293 Lincoln. 3,022 3,132 1.2 13.8 49,3 2.1190 H5. 17.9 3.41 2,297 13.5% 8351 15.7 17.5 200 Luna. 1,701 1,897 1.8 4.7 54.6 1,087 bl.b 35.1 3.2b 1,3% 12.67, ho1| 54.9 35.8 L871 McKinley 6,416 0,870 1.3 21.b h.2 5,318] b3.M4 22.0 .93 3,881 15.54 2,989 1.9 2.0 813 Mora. 2,43 2,693 0.9 3.8 1.6 2,399] TH.4 2.5 mY 1,059 4.02 1,594 3.1 3.7 67 Otero. 2,934 3,107 0.5 28.2 47.8 2,b38| 5b.1 21.5 3.48 2,285 11.92 822 19.3 15.1 k20 Quay. . 3,293 3.59 2.0 29.9 ug.5 3,212 53.9 28.6 3.35 2,319 15.bb| 1,276] 20.1 17.7 678 Rio Arriba...... 020 5.116 6,095 a8 Ji 12.6 5,499] 77.0 3.0 hab 2,876 6.24 3.219 1.9 5.5 al Roosevelt....... 021 3,728 3,84 0. 2.8 43.1 3,608 56.0 23.0 3.57 1,741 15.93] 2,099) 19.3 23.4 439 Sandoval........ 022 L603 88H 1.2 u.5 19.7 3,082] 75.0 5.9] flo 2.38 a 1,517 6.2[ 12.6 17 San Juan..... ...023 605 690 0.1 12.6 26.5 3,750) 74.5 15.7 4.12 1,429 PUR 3,261 3.1 9.6 393 San Miguel...... 024 6,433 1.229 2.9 17.5 33.1 6,330] 66.0 13.0 3.76 5,015 11.53 2,214 8.6 6.9 8b2 Santa Fe........ 025 5,730 8,049 5.6 37.4 I) 7.2891 53.1 23.0 3.5 b,TH4| 21,62] 1,090 10.7] ' 22.2 2,251 BLOPTRe vais creas 026 2,193 2,349 1.2 19.8 43.3 1,%8| 53.2 20.2] 2.99 1,824) 12.34 525] 11.6 9.1 160 B00OIT 0. cv vaunnns 02] 2,782 3,080 1.0 14.0 21.1 2,bbb| 67.0 10.2 3.78 1,805 8.18 1,215 3.0 4.9 14 PROB. + snes eruies 028 4,410 4,772 0.8 6.5 15.1 4,109( 78.3 4.9 4.03 2,499 8,41 2,273 2.9 6.0 21h TOrrunce. .i..... 029 2,111 2,862 0.2 9.5 20.0 2,628 bh.6 6.7% 3.71 1,472 7.94 1,390] 6.9 b.k4 93 Union. vesunenns ux 2,571 2,40 1.1 20.2 39.2 2 ok hg,2 1¢.3 au LL 12.10 1,08) 14.2] 18.7 418 Valenola........ 031 4, 8h 9,046 0.3 11.4 26.2 4, bos| 72.5 10.1 .06 3,24 8.0b 1,805 3.4 7.6 295 Remainder of New York-Northeastern New Jorsey Metropolitan Area (Oil) ¥Remainder of Philadelphia Metropolitan Area (086) is in Pennsylvania, 266 1s in New York. TABLE 3—SELECTED DATA FOR METROPOLITAN AREAS AND FOR ALL COUNTIES, BY STATE—Continued (Figures which have been rounded to thousands will not necessarily add to totals) / Table 3 Part 4 - Agriculture N. J., Atlantic (001) = N. MEX., Valencia (031) wiles AGRICULTURE—1945 AGRICULTURE—1940 Value of farm products sold, | Principal Per fa ’ Work power traded, or used by et Per- | %f property farm household farm income | Type- METROPOLITAN i cent | of- Meo AREAS, Number of | Land in | Cropland | Number | of | with Percent from— Brings Run Area COUNTIES, farms farms | harvested | of farms | farms | (216 A Number - area yo, AND (1000's | (1000s oper- | “of | pp | Av] of A Live- code |. © CODES Jan. 1, of of April 1, | ated prod- (1000 38€ | horses | Number (1000 stock Code ? (See living 1945 acres) acres) 1940 | ey ¢ s pe and/or of . $| and See | Per- 2s index ten- oe doll ) ri mules tractors dol ) live- Crops | p423) cent ants | hon ollars gt Gres 3 ollars stock mo. old prod- $400 od) ucts (48) “9) (0) [)) G2) (3) G9 (5) (56) GD (58) G9) (60) (61) 62) (63) (64) NEW JERSEY..... 26,226 1,818 916] 25,835 | 15.6 | 24.3 [281,289 | 10,888) 31,713 | 12,920 78,918 [| 55.3 38.9 2]29.1 143 METRO. COUNTIES.. 14,077 836 hug 13,701 | 15.2 | 24.1 | 160,092 | 11,685 15,358 6,874 | 5,100 | Lh.8 | 50.2 Metro. areas: 008 [Atlantic €ity..,001 1,586 Ly 19 1,618 8.0 | 30.2 8,167 | 5,08] 608 530 2,738 52.4 39.9 3]50.5 081 |New York-Northeast— ern New Jersey(pt)2 002, 007, 009,012, 013,014, 016, 020 6,415 380 188 6,567 | 15.5 ( 24.6 [ 95,512 1h4,544 6,038 3,231 24,711 45.7 50.1 086 [Philadelphia (pt)? ' ++.003, 004, 008 4,995 324 184 k.38 | 17.2] 22.1 | 1,997] 9,586] 7,631 2,223 13.561 n.3| 53.0 126 |Trentonesessss.s01l 1,081 88 58 1,135 | 15.8 | 20.3 | 1b4,M7|12,702 1,081 890 ,156 | 45.8 U9. 5 | 33.0 OTHER COUNTIES... 12,149 982 467] 12,134 ( 16.1 | 24.5 | 121,124) 9,982 16,348 6,046 33,752 | 69.4) 23.8 All Counties: 3 008 | Atlantic. a 1,586 uy 19 1,618 | 8.0] 3.2 8,167 | 5,048! 608 530 2,738 | 52.4] 39.9 3 [50.5 131] 131 081 . 616 1 8 779 | 19.3 | 19.1 | 12,450 [15,983 455 n2 3,712 2 63.7 8 |L2.8 11 | 161 086 1,629 17! 99 1,847 | 19.3 | 19.6 | 24,326 13,171] 3,799 1,196 7,389 8.5 | 46.9 233.8 131 | 1k 086 1,111 33 19 759 | 15.3 | 3.8 4,537 | 5,978 852 275 1,265| 3.6) 59.2 626.1 13 | 17 502 32 1 hg | 11.7 | 23.0 2,163| 5,175 393 180 709 60.1 29.2 3 | 43.8 13 132 2,944 119 2,750 | 9.7| 21.2] 17.720] 6, 2,475 1,127 6,986 | U5.5| us.7 335.7 13 | 1% 081 221 8 i 211 | 20.9 | 21.8 5,158 | 2i.LL5 385 105 1,221 | 66.4] 3.3 2 ol 131 | 168 086 2,255 115 66 1,775 | 15.9 | 18.8 | 13,134| 7,399] 2,%0 752 4,907 | 32.9| 60.7 636.9 13 | 136 081 83 1 - gl igh | 21,917 2k 9 sul | 60.7 | 38.6 159.5 1n| 1a ess whe 2,356 210 111 2,431 | 13.2 19.0 | =27,302|11,23| 3,063 1,599 5,865 | 83.9 7.5 2| 43.0 wif 137 126 | Mercer..... 1,081 88 58 1,135 | 15.8 | 20.3{ 14,la7|12,702] 1,081 890 4,156 | 45.8] 49.1 51 33.0 131 | 150 081 | Middlesex...... 1,150 74 uh 1,163 | 14.1 | 18.5 | 14,148 12,165 998 “68 4,166 233 60.9 5] 30.7 131 | 1k 081 | Monmouth........ 2,176 162 87 2,560 | 14.4 | 28.2 3,372] 12,255 2,552 1,28 6,732 el 54.1 5| 27.0 131 146 ORL MOrPi Be. evans 1,303 99 37 1,179 | 13.4 | 34.3 19,096 | 16,197| 1,24 566 4,048 58.9 3H. 2137.5 h3 149 Ocean 663 30 9 875 [yg BN 6,081 | 6,950 305 177 2,342 | &L.L4| 13.3 3| 74.9 13 144 08lL | Passaic. 19 13 4 3719 | 19.0 | 15.3 6,284 | 16,580 o3 176 1,63 | 56.6 40.5 2| 3.6 13 149 Salem... er veenes 1,609 130 | 70 1,547 | 23.9 | 21.2 12,785 | 8,264 3,k% 8g 5,036 50.1 43.9 2| 3.2 13 138 Somerset........ 018 1,328 17 56. 1,319 su | 35.6 | 22,516 | 17,070] 1,807 759 2,9% | 715.8| 15.8 2] 39.9 3 | 1k SUSBEX. x cre seras 019 1,179 185 66| 1,273] 26.6 | 19.6 | 17,279|13,573 2,524 546 5,653 | 88.6 5.7 2( 77.1 M3 133 OEY | Unton........... 020 2u7 6 3 212 | 17.9 9.4 5,16 | 24,358 13% 96 2,%2 | 54.8 ui2 2| 47.0 13 | 162 Warren.......... 021 1,568 160 n 1,52 | 23.6 | 23.0 | 15,277 10,0 2,377 810 4,225 | 76.3| 16.2 2| 57.4 43 | 129 NEW MEXICO..... 29,695 Lg, 608 1,957 34,105 | 17.0 | 52.1 | 4248,140 | 7,276] 127,268 5,832 47,171 57.4 3.5 144.5 67 All Counties: Bernalillo...... 001 1,795 554 43 1,646 | 12.0 | 71.2 6,089 [ 3,699 3,14k 100 1,044 | 50.4 30.2 2 34.3 21 76 - tse 1,578 6 641 | 13.1 | 51.8 4.881 | 7,615| 3,200 28 923 | 80.2 3.2 169.6 24 64 996 3,684 8 979 | 28.2 | 21.1 | 18,23 |18,626| 5,175 19 4 49g | 55.8 | MO.L 1 | v2.1 792 9Y 584 1.533 61 659 | m.3| 29.0 | 12,409 |18,83% a0 230 2,136 | 80.7 152 170.0 222 9 1,133 869 412: 1,191 | 33.6 | 10.1 | 13,811 [11,596 2,hig 1,01 3,332 | 30.1 6l.6 5 | 64.5 331 107 294 1,591 6 m7 | 22.0 | 33.1 6,338 [18,265| 2,37 3» 933 | 85.9 8.5 277.9 222 86 1,349 175 E 1,574 | 31.3 17.3 18,978 [12,057 5,199 552 4,236 | 13.3 81.6 5176.2 792 69 13 2,168 1 655 | 32.2 | 15. 11,807 {18,026 3,557 294 2,357 37.8 | 57.8 5156.9 792 88 3 1,177 6 618 | 18.9 30.7 | 12,609 | 20,403 3,3M I] 2,305 1.8 22.2 1|73.2 2k2 83 1,517 9, 476 | 13.4 | 60.9 3,807 | 7,998 2,530 9 726 85.5 5.7 1]|66.3 222 39 3% 1,196 Lg 475 | 25.7 | 45.9 5,556 | 11,697] 3,158 158 722 | 85.7 5.0 1.77.1 222 n 183 1,165 3 228 | 14.0 | 28.5 3,293 | 14,443 1,537 17 593 | 78.0 | 14.6 1 £3 242 98 666 2,80 35 549 | 16.0 | 25.7 10,501 | 19,128 3,082 70 1,752 93.1 1.4 1743 2h 136 548 2,1 11 640 | 24.2 | 36.6 7,515 | 11,742 3,467 29 1,434 | 83.0 7.9 1 | 62.9 242 78 39 803 12 308 | 18.5 | 28.9 4,beo 14, U8) 1,469 100 1,026 | 59.9 | 35.6 152.5 22 82 1,161 | 3,159 1 1,996 | 1.8| 75.0 3,965 1,986 8,14 21 5 | 59. bY 03.7 am 25 1,192 1,006 31 1,222 | 13.3 75.3 5,393 4,k13| 3,564 = 995 | 79.4 6.0 ¥ 21 222 29 568 | 1,711 1h 656 | 2i.3| 37.7| 5,080 | 7,74L| 3,603 1,221 [ 65.9] 20.9 1(53.8( 2 ee 988 1,7 192 999 | 28.7 | 28.2 | 10,9uk4 [10,955] 3,861 498 1,918 | 66.8 | 25.9 1] 56.4 331 97 R10 Arriba...... 020 2,440 1,667 51 2,622 | 6. 6.0 6, 2,6 6,778 9 1,030 1.2 | 16.8 133.3 233 26 Roosevelt.......021 2,006 1,629 318 1,797 aE Be £0 HT 6,342 805 3,291 2 43.0 5|%0.3 31 | 102 Sandoval. .......022 1,023 945 19 1,710 1-5 78.7 3,874 | 2,265 5,006 25 888 | 55.5 17.8 1[ug.4 233 21 San Juen....... .023 1,255 1,828 31 2,383 | 9.3 | W4.6 7,435 | 3,120 8,686 91 1,778 | Lh.b 3.0 130.0 al 50 San Miguel......024 1,671 2,149 4 1,482 | 11.1 78.3 7.962 | 5,372 6,103 uh 1,162 | 76.8 6.7 1 63.6 222 28 Santa Fe........025 895 893 31 97 5.8 2.8 4 h2o0 | 4,543] 2,069 92 704 | 55.5 | 23.9 1] 2k5 233 47 Blerra......... 026 | 322 763 5 397 | 19.4 | 49.6 4,115 | 10,365] 2,333 18 529 | 72.9 | 11.3 159.0 2h2 6k 8060rT0M. us. ..027 837 1,703 23 798 | 17.9 51.6 4,773] 5,981 3,120 52 sul | 61.1 23.0 1/50.1 242 52 Taos............028| 1,u3 416 27 1,80 6.7 | 83.6 3,791 | 2,103 1 32 sui | 43.8] 15.4 039.7 233 35 Torrance..... +4029 10k 1,769 149 FW 26.0 12.9 7,360 | 5,657 ,953 ya | 1ke2| ua.2| My 5 ol 222| 61 Union....... +000030 818 2,161 101 1,0 34.7 | 44.6] 10,728 10,365 5,712 293 1,826 | 88.2 Lh 177.8 222 91 Valencis........031 1,394 2,487 32 1,9 11.3] 69.7 6,664 | 3,026 5,499 90 1,031 | 54.6 20.7 136.4 241 32 1The State total includes 272,345 for female silver fox and/or mink over 3 months old (kept in captivity) not distributed to individual counties. ®Remainder of New York-Northeastern.New Jersey Uetropolitan Area (081) is in New York.' %Remainder of Philadelphia Metropélitan Area (086) is in Pennsylvania. “The State total includes $43,239 for female silver fox and/ \ or mink over 5 months old (kept in captivity) not distributed to individual counties. 267 Table 3 TABLE 3—SELECTED DATA FOR METROPOLITAN AREAS AND FOR ALL COUNTIES, TE iy BY STATE—Continued TTT N. J., Atlantic (001) N. MEX., Valencia (031) (All dollar figures have been rounded to thousands and will not necessarily add to totals) oro eas " MANUFACTURING ESTABLISHMENTS—1939 MINERAL INDUSTRIES—1939 RETAIL ESTABLISHMENTS—1939 .| METROPOLITAN Mol COUNTIES Value added Area , ue at . Code AND Wage Wage Vale of | by manufac- Yate o Nome: Wages and Number of Sales Active Enployes Pay roll CODES Number | €37Mef® | (1000's of | J cts ture Poa o 1000 eof (1000's of | pro- rage (1000's of (average | * Jollars) ( s of (1000's of ( s of | persons | ( 3 stores dollars) | prietors oF dollars) for year) dollars) dollars) dollars) | engaged | dollars) year) ® | @ | on _® om | on | eo 1 oe» a | iw] NEW JERSEY.....| 7,98) 433,47 521,569) 5,428,947| 1,52,14| 14,12 4,010) 5,926 68,851( 1,580,401 | 59,277 153,673 | 171,619 METRO. COUNTIES.,| 7,495 400,921 483,179| 3,181,994| 1,376,111 17,233] 11,907 12,704 61,523] 1,441,858 | 52,681 | 141,095 | 159,712 Metro, areas: 008 | Atlantic City...001 us 3,417 2,926 13,763 7,602 (2) (2) (2) 3,023 60,214 2,657 7,540 7,455 081 |New York-Northeast- 3 N ern New Jersey(nt)® 002 5 007 , 209 »02 013, O14 , 016,020) 6,538] 329,071 397,379| 2,720,989 1,145,191 46,002] *1,575 42,238] 48,904] 1,170,587 | 41,488 112,718 | 130,876 086 | Philadelphia (pt)s ees 003, "04,008 485 43,104 54,231 320,800 151,159 981 253 316 6,271 126,789 | / 5,592 12,125 12,273 126 |Trenton....es.. 011 326 25,329 28,643 126,442 72,159 250 1) 150 3,325 84,268 2,944 8,712 9,108 OTHER COUNTIES.., 489 32,549 38,390 246,953 148,003 16,891 12,103 13,222 7,328] 138,543 6,506 | 12,578 11,907 , [Al Counties: | 008 [Atlantic........001 146 3,417 2,926 13,76 ,60 of Borer: SH hel ial a A 3 3% (2) 2h (2) (2) “ 3a oot $51 Je 7,455 086 [Burlington. 122 9,408 10,591 nah 17,387 478 sa 1 1.497 26,000 1.3% Lee eee. 086 290 29,028 37.480 222,708 108,342 lok 84 1% 3.738 8 "534 5 8.279 8.644 33 478 hug |. 1,766 1,018 (2) (3) (2) 1,172 18.735 1,048 1,712 1,559 9,539 8,633 37,911 20,722 . out 8,008 v5 908 612,38 250.088 Jit > : a bi 10 = ps ay "ou 0,160 56,251 25,430 99 29 | 1os| iess| 9 1, 1,4 081 86.131 109,362 765,854 m3,9%| (2) (2) (2) 11,00 24,363 9,55 1908 a7 2,519 3,158 13,952 7, > 126 25,329 28,6043 120,162 121199 50 7 B51 3 hon aa al o el 36.170 b1.438 165,084 115.656 1,259 189 647 3.680 76.916 Ea se Silos 7.134 6,734 30,232 16,143 1 uh ug 3,146 72,006 2,696 6,900 7.507 081 . : 6.338 1.538 3.5 1500 8,141 mn 10k 2,09 43,400 1,718 4,203 4,525 081 56.947) 60.639 6,651) 141.0% 997 23 m| shea eem| war ikon Se \51 (2) (2) (2) (2) (3) (2) 650 13,905 551 1.78] 1.073 Som By eiveses 018 8Y 6, . meres SB Ge ae amt mom G3 a osm om osm sa 081 09] 2m Woz 223.03 1p.00( wo | om vol Sood wim wa ei Combined Countiee®, 768| 77.811 11,287 102,388 ho 1 io = ne 15:00 MLE dem NEW MEXICO..... 272 3,250 2,913 25,124 8,N12 23,L89 6,491 8,33 6,617 125,765 6,139 12,846) 11,59 All Counties: ye ae a e/58¢ or 5 = Sua 25,333 871 2,93 2,691 20 163 147 2,137 965 (3) (2) (8) 359 8 22 = = sy K 2 52 301 177 1,863 1,098 1,198 29 4,9 272 505 u3 7 95 846 mn 303 8,37 280 789 68 1 (2) (2) (2) (2) 62 748 62 ug 11 153 109 1,1% y (2) (=) s 2 17 158 196 2,680 > 6,155 880 : ) 673 a iy = 23 5 | ai] ow (s) (2) 9.199 2,025 2,700 21h 14,904 201 2 is (2) (2) (2) (8) 121 1,469 125 139 119 2 (8) (2) (2) (2) 802 > 15 i » 1 52 19 383 267 1,765 9 > pd RL A = ! Lin 01 2 (a) ym (2) (a) (8) (9) (9) 155 1, 3 151 fae Tes ses eaenssiveDlB 28 26 191 84 84 76 (1) 126], 2,223 110 220 188 McKinley........0lb 10 6 Werte rie iOl] 1 " (8) % (2) 2 (8) 1s 101 985 3,022 255 6,548 224 581 568 Ot8r0..sevversss 018 11 376 296 1,477 600 i 2 5 a > _ Dye rer enrinssrOl9 7 2% » 17 er] (m (a) (a) it 183 353 291 Rio Arriba......020 Roosevelt.......021 n 4 D a 4 n n tn 3s LI 366 16 12 Sandoval... 022 6 32 287 896 66 16 23 13 10 ea 13 on Te ave snresDEY 6 17 (2) (2) (9) (8) (=) (8) 137 2,066 135 172 138 San Miguel......024 7 2 ug 2! I Santa Te.......,025 18 13 17 > i n 432 0a 0 7 2 sas 2s " 3 Sierra... 1! 02% 2| (a) (1) *) 3 (H = i 3.00 30 dae Abi OFF. .susns. 02] 2 (s) (2) (2) (2) Eo) % 2 » 1.458 135 116 102 Ta08.... 0.0.0 .028 1 (2) Torrance........029 3 (2) 2 (2) . o o in in is 2 118 193 3 127 Union... 0rrs...030 by 10 11 58 15 } 1.00 132 3! . Valencia. .......031 10 201 13 458 255 (#) (* (9) A 3:30 i 18 16 Comhined Counties®, 780 7198 260 6.568 484 1,048 op Bel 2 25% 1% 9 29 Three counties, Atlantic (001), Hudson (009), and Unio . ’ n (020), which ghould be included in the "Metro. Counties" total Sines 1 Js net # boise 3 pra nt se) mainder of Hew fork = Jountiss, v 2 nn because of disclosure of operations of ee Ds = Northeastern New Jersey Metropolitan Area (081) is in New York. ) Saunt ee, for Whig separate data are not available. Remainder of Philadelphia Metropolitan Area (086) Falk Povey . A dn fugess (000) — Wien i nay os PATEL y because of disclosure of gperations of individual establishments. Includes all establishments and wage earners of counties for —— a Yue LE ro IN Sank Jaw: {19:08 ry id of establishments is excluded from the State total, since this item Si ro Siey saunty y portion of the "Combined Counties” figures represented by such dats is included in the corresponding 268 TABLE 3—SELECTED DATA FOR METROPOLITAN AREAS AND FOR ALL COUNTIES, (A12 dollar figures have been rounded to thousands and will not necessarily add to totals) BY STATE—Continued Table 3 Part 6 - Other Economic Data * N. J., Atlantic (001) = MEX,, Valencia (031) Metro. Code 008 081 086 126 081 086 081 126 081 081 081 081 3Undistributed. County (025) is for twenty-one establishments in the city of Sante Fe only. they involve disclosure of operations of an individual establishment. here but in "Other" at end of State, since data are withheld to avoid disclosing operations of individual establishments. sum is excluded from the State total since number of establishments is shown for individual counties. 1Remajnder of New York - Northeastern New Jersey Metropolitan Area (081) is in New York. “Not shown because of disclosure of operations of individual establishments. disclosing operations of individual establishments. Includes data for the part of Santa Fe county (025) outside the city of Santa Fe. Includes one establishment in Santu Fe County (025) outside the city of Santa Fe. 7 Combined figure for counties having sales data withheld to avoid 269 = oes SERVICE ESTABLISHMENTS—1939 BANK DEPOSITS RAD! Major war supply Major war facilities - contracts, rojects, Jue 1940 Sept. 1945 |June 1840 June 1945 , METROPOLITAN E Bond, (1000s of dollars) (1000's of dollars) AREAS, les COUNTIES, umber umber | . |Employees Total I (Ts AND of Sales of |Recei ts Active Gress Pa roll (demand Time [dollars at CODES estab- [(1000’s of | estab- | (1000's |proprie-] “¢ (boo s |and time) (1000%s fogue price) lish- | dollars) | lish- [of dollars) | tors your) dollars) iy s [of dollars) ments ments of dollars) Combat Oth . oh 0 er equipment Industrial | Military 9) @) | @) | ®3) 4) (LO) (86) Nn #8) ® | om on NEW JERSEY.....| 3,531 [1,075,302 |ee,664 [124,580 [22,180 [ 38,019 40,081 | 3,874,455 | 1,775,330 | 460,009 | 9,171,225 | 3,1e3,197 452,716 | 293,811 METRO. COUNTIES..| 3,289 |1,082,472 | 21,209 | 119,434 |20,528 | 36,692 | 39,022 | 3,148,400 | 1,664,723| 426,385 | 9,067,673 | 3,002,088 | 429,150 | 187,012 Metro. areas: 3 Atlantic City...001 147 24,590 9a1| 4,087 922 1,335 1,122 55,969 12,379 7,940 20,099 7,768 7,709 New York-Northeast-| ern New Jersey (rtf 902,007,009,012, ....013,014,016,020| 2,651 | 918,204 | 17,225 | 102,082 |16,578 | 31,271 34,091 | 2,707,660 | 1,475,048 | 355,479 | 7,151,760 | 2,591,697 356,668 | 133,135 Philadelphia (pt)? vee....003,004,008] 232 | 48,487 | 1,833| 7,660 | 1,814 2,335 2,050 | 217,842| 84,984 42,473 1,277,250 | 241,671 47,995 | 41,677 Trentom.........00} 209) 41,001) 1,200] 5,605 | 1,214 | 1,751 1,759 | 166,929 92,362 20,493 618,564 | 160,952 24,487 4,491 OTHER COUNTIES...| 292 | 42,830 | 1,655| 5,096 | 1,652 | 1,327 1,0s9| 226,055| 110,609] 33,624 103,552 | 181,109 23,566 | 106,799 All Counties: 4 Atlantic........00l| 147 24,590 941 | 4,087 922 1,335 1,122 55,969 12,379 7,940 20,099 7,768 7,709 138 46,550 | 1,771 | 8,208 | 1,748 2,188 2,219| 221,155| 125,061 32,855 219,390 | 411,415 80,837 2,726 32 7,72 a7 | 1,064 | 362 265 230 | © 45,291 21,912 6,710 16,884 | 48,801 17,862 | 41,522 166 34,049 | 1,212 ,47 | 1,208 1,758 1,502| 138,145| 50,349 29,681 | 1,242,504 77,319 29,055 155 Cape May........005 30 2,760 239 741 230 213 159 18,166 4,536 2,286 1,713 9,366 610 14,239 Cumberlard......006| 81 12,180 325 | 1,289 340 355 208| 42,678 12,365 4,791 8,748 56,639 167 3,779 ESSeX...... 420,146 | 5,656 | 38,234 | 5,286 | 11,360 18,008 | 1,028,415| 493,400| 122,398 | 859,149 | 547,719 65,774 14,511 Gloucester. 6,726 243) 1,125 249 312 318 34,406 12,673 6,082 17,862 | 115,551 1,078 Hudsom..........009| 439 | 228,589 | 3,985| 25,833 | 3,878 | 8,901 9,667| 551,556 | 814,497| 71,406 | 2,914,422 643,69 117,936 46,214 Hunterdon. ..... 21 6,175 92| 1s7 88 20 13] 25,404 14,965 2,499 2,174 3,191 43 209 | 41,001] 1,210 5,605 | 1,214 1,751 1,759 | 166,929 92,362 20,495 | 618,564 | 160,952 24,487 4,491 181 62,064 | 1,020] 3,717 | 1,009 | _ 780 764| 131,546 79,721| 22,975 187,187 | 284,405 6,754 | 43,437 MONMOUtH «+ + vues 150 23,605 | 885] 4,188 | e68 1,117 1,075| 107,381 50,548 14,917 4,567 68,858 20,400 MOTTiS..........014] 66 10,806 529 | 2,298 516 604 611 94,698 57,813 10,452 147,676 | 33,950 8,504 5,847 Ocean. . a7 3,826 252 746 255 198 163 25,613 11,608 3,184 1,892 1,409 15,256 Passaic 356 74,456 | 1,789 | 10,241 | 1,755 3,488 3,564| 309,407 195,085| 87,387 2,189,794 [- 365,281 46,753 salem.. 34 3,731 124 318 122 76 56 23,484 9,729 5,655 38,611 36,853 449 Somerset. 39 6,672 264 m7 | 258 205 176 42,652 27,211 5,239 6,223 21,469 270 13,967 Sussex. 22| 2,374 11 372 114 84 66 20,077 12,886 1,748 4,543 Union.. 168 51,98 | 1,590 9,373 | 1,518 2,833 3,008| 263,502 158,968 43,089 679,575 | 236,379 30,110 Warren. 26 5,112 248 746 245 176 128 27,981 17,309 3,000 44,101 | 47,639 960 OEREr cv ossvsresesl 85,222 321,067 | 359,558 NEW MEXICO....| 542 66,387 | 1,612| 6,352 | 1,575 2,202 1,74] 155,768 25,760 31,247 11,138 9,356 13,325 | 101,506 9% 19,577 278| 1,885 290 680 s7e| 41,818 12,794 6,257 7,167 4,052 268 7,569 1 *) 9 8 9 1 1 56 46 6,098 120 669 132 225 181 16,545 1,067 2,491 630 22,208 22 2,051 64 192 67 51 36 8,563 2,107 1,100 3,800 703 40 5,276 115 429 126 141 m| 10,979 432 2,003 8,233 7 191 19 32 22 13 6 1,336 50 213 120 3,819 23 2,591 81 306 74 105 78 5,041 70 1,203 633 36 2,636 88 413 57 135 99 11,602 983 2,069 54 2,934 4,059 7,511 17 1,864 49 212 50 82 68 4,188 306 1,644 13 733 18 34 2 7 Ya 2,271 236 241 4 % 20 32 21 6 3 78 x 7 650 14 24 15 8 5 1,498 210 220 1,675 40 6,297 85 435 85 159 143 4,947 342 1,299 50 6,997 12,935 6 162 24 25 23 6 4 1,199 114 333 Tung: vse vaassa0lH 6 344 24 n 24 2 13 2,895 166 801 62 9,299 McKinley. . 12 ‘3,786 48 188 50 65 53 5,448 1,690 983 12,993 2 (4) 17 40 18 5 2 303 47 100 1 997 32 69 33 29 17 2,512 136 975 9,029 20 1,068 59 110 60 36 28 4,325 543 859 | 5 256 15 17 17 5 2 1,517 a7 318 17 967 61 142 10 45 24 5,520 604 628 2 (*) 14 12 16 3 1 126 San Juen.... 9 947 32 61 32 15 7 3,276 850 470 2,061 San Miguel.. 15 2,657 50 167 49 66 39 3,515 857 784 1,667 Santa Fe. 22| 54,269 58 417 -63 173 142 8,157 631 1,446 124 4,53 Sierra... 8 299 34 7 34 23 17 1,421 7 276 Socorro... .. 10 528 31 62 34 19 10 178 160 TBOS..eensesess 028 6 191 51 7 51 26 13 1,068 89 230 19 479 33 43 31 12 6 242 15 833 38 83 38 22 15 2,232 61 393 1 345 31 56 34 13 8 3,597 1,120 602 8s 201 32,438 ®Remainder of Philadelphia Metropolitan Area (086) is in Pennsylvania. Data included in "Other" at end of State. Sales of one establishment in Santa Fe County outsida the city of Santa Fe are not included S sum of establishments in counties for which gales Sales figure for Santa Fe This NEW MEXICO 31 COUNTIES v g f jh 3 : r 1 { i i : } | . ] COLFAX ’ | RIO ARRIBA 1 ACS ’ i UNION SAN JUAN i / { ' | ¢ : ! N fs wie ' | =ememuq *N . —nem ogee == : 8 . J \ baeen ® an een oy © aE © Gm » : - MORA 1 yg -d--q bomen. 2 "2 } HARDING ! : i be meme sem en Voici ; \ Me KINLEY ! SANDOVAL ) ! \ i SANTA FE SAN MIGUEL * 1 | tq. ! . Fem sd tue snide ' \ res Pus ces came ene en | : \ stiay ie s . : T ouar . \ BERNALILLO Pe - om -d | a i VALENCIA . fy i o Yon ol” OR nuts ol | GUADALUPE r . : ee | pr f rd lL oust _— a_i. EW —_. ¢ Toho { pred pf CURRY ’ NN. ' i i 1 i 3 | on . : h rea DE BACA ) Came { a \ | ° . ; 1 ! | L. ud ge LT ’ : ; vii eal i ROOSEVE SATRON | SOCORRO I ' x t ee I 2 | . LINCOLN ® hi =) -dew we J ps . > } ber memiem \ CHAVES ¢ | i I ee ———— & cmomomsa ea day 2 . . . ec ) SIERRA | =] ’ a By ~~ r | : 1 \ Io e i : LEA -wy ® a unl i 1 ' | 9 : OTERO 1? ! s ! | . Ly OY . i . ’ i ! 1 ’ ’ i ! [ 1 ) . LEGEND @ PLACES OF 25,000 TO 100,000 (1940) % PLACES OF 100,000 AND OVER (1940) - NONE METROPOLITAN AREAS — NONE 270 NEW YORK 62 COUNTIES . 1 \ }. s CLINTON v 1 1 FRANKLIN \ S ST. LAWRENCE \ dem" . rr’ LEGEND so \ \ D 1 @ PLACES OF 25,000 TO 100,000 (1940) Oo i : { ~N ar" ESSEX PLACES OF 100,000 AND OVER (1940) veerEssow oj rg” 3 ®, rAerown r’ , METROPOLITAN AREAS ORLEANS Ta wn wid NIAGARA | @RONE. FALLS rIcaX: ew. o— MSTERDAM @ MONTGOMERY _g7 cmd ¢ ONTARIO MADISON i ¢ - a Ay WYOMING hem r 1 A - — 7 \ 1008 £ LvINGSTON 3 ‘L iss Le Yo = cormane . OTSEGO ni 1 14 bh al s TOMPKINS : ¥ cHEnANGO 8 ~L 7. i f § SCHUYLER | d » Sv ~ t Sita CATTARAUGUS | Aiiecany i sTeusen Liq r Cae @ JAMESTOWN . i } cHEmuna ¢ i2%a - OOME - - - - DeLapans em” i 1 | | ecimipa ."@BINGHARTON 7 Pe. 77 weston | Z 2 ULSTER 4 DUTCHESS METROPOLITAN AREAS Sem Se \@rovenkesesie 1 CODE A, 5 ALBANY- SCHENEGCTADY- TROY NEWDURGH GT mm” 13 BINGHAMTON ge» Y roman 17 BUFFALO— NIAGARA OE 81 NEW YORK- NORTHEASTERN NEW JERSEY , lf 97 ROCHESTER 2 a oe 81 pl 120 SYRACUSE Rocio aS x SEITE PLAINS 7 rin. & 7 2 JF 128° UTICA-ROME 2 SOVKERS oo Xoo HELLE . SUFFOLK ™) POS” = T QUEENS £2 KINGS NEW YORK & 4 ricumonnp Table 3 Part 1 - Population TABLE 3—SELECTED DATA FOR METROPOLITAN AREAS AND FOR ALL COUNTIES N. Y., Albany (001) - BY STA E . 2 Tioga (054) TE—Continued reo TOTAL POPULATION POPULATION—1940 EDUCATION VITAL 1940 STATISTICS ESTIMATED ; 1944 CIVILIAN I whi POPULATION Land | Pop- | Total white Percent of METROPOLITAN U.S. area |ulation population 25 Metro. AREAS, rank in per years old and Area COUNTIES, Number of Percent| oo sq. over who have Code 2. Solis change is mile Percent Usb Rural Rural completed— Percent| April | mn ol rban { f - i ) pri es nonfarm | farm Births | Deaths Number change | [940 | percen-| | 930 1940 | 1940 | Number | total Nov. 1 tiles) | 1940 opu- 5 or High oe’ | 1940- ation 18 more 1943 1943 1940 grades school mn @ 3) “ (5) (6) om ®) © (10) an 2) (13) (14) (15) (16) NEW YORK......|12,442,784 | 7.4 [13479,142 7.1| 47,929 281.2 12,879,546 | 95.6|11,065,898|1,59%,487| 715,812 85.6| 22.9] 229,534 | 152,364 METRO. COUNTIES..|10,243,181 | -7.5 | 1,095,942 7.6 | 9,048 [12263 | 10,581,972 | 94.9|10181,456 | 740,992 | 178,494] s8e.8| 23.1] 186,899| 120,015 s Metro. areas: 002 [Albeny-Schenectedy- . Troy...001,042,047| 446,558 | -4.1 | 465,643 1.9| 1,405] 3s1.4 460,668 | 98.9| 953,494 | 86,294 25,85| 90.1| 25.7] 8,177] 6,088 013 |Binghumton......004| 164,448 | -0.8 | 165,749 12.7 710 | 233.4 164,942 | 99.5| 114,050| 96,891 14,808| 8.2| 21.5] 3,289 1.974 017 |Buffelo-Nisgura veesesssss.0165,032 961,345 0.4 | 958,487 5.1| 1,587 | 604.0 934,606 | 97.5| 789,580 | 119,996 48,961| 88.0 21.1] 19,040] 11,088 081 [New York-Northeust- ern New Jersey(pt)! 003, 024, 030, 031 041, 043, 044, 060| 7,710,510 | -9.2 |8,509,562 . 8.9] 1,212 |70211| 7,988,432 | 93.8|8)52,390 | 345,678| 11,499] @s.7| 23.1] 138,405 88,940 097 [Rochester.......028| 418,655 | -4.5 | 438,230 3.4 673 | 651.2 434,452 | 99.1| 363,276 | 54,764| 20,190| 7.5 24.8] 7,763 4.9% 120 |Syracuse........034| 283,287 | -4.0 | 295,108 1.2 792 | 372.6 291,780 | 98.9| 225,028| 48,578] 21,502) 90.7 28.5] 5,381 sea 128 |Uticu-Rome..022,033| 258,488 | -1.8 | 263,163 «0.1| 2,669] 98.6 262,092 | 99.6| 183,688 | 48,796| 30,679| 80.2 20.5) 4,944] 3.649 OTHER COUNTIZS...| 2,199,608 | -7.2 [2,383,200 4.5| 38,881 | 61.8| 2,347,574 | 98.5| 984,437 | 896,445 | o42,318| 89.3| 21.6] 42,635| s2,s849 All Counties: 002 |Albany..........004 210,138 | -5.0| 221,315 2 4.4 531 | 416.8 217,806 | 98.4| 172,634 | 8,45b| 10,226] 90.3| 26.5] 3,708] 2,864 Allegany. .002 36,534 | -7.9 39,681 19 4.4] 1,048] 97.9 39,517 | 99.6 5,942 | 20,506| 13,288] 96.0] 26.0 777 501 081 [Bronx.... .003| 1,267,297 | -9.1 |1,394,711 o| 10.2 41 [34012.3| 1,870,319 | 98.31,394,711 81.8| 19.2 (2) (2) O13 [Hroome..........004| 164,443 | -0.8| ‘165,749 sf iz 710 | 233.4 164,942 | 99.5| 114,050 36,891| 14,808] s8.2| 21.5] 3,289] 1,974 Cattaraugus... ..005 63,514 | -12.6 72,652 9 0.4] 1,385 54.4 71,184 | 98.0| 32,728 22,168 17,761] 91.4] 22.4] 1.383 840 .006 59,435 | -9.3 65,508 10 1.3 699 | 98.7 64,804 | 98.9| 85,758 13,573 16,182] 90.5] 20.2] 1,117 861 L007] 118,793 | -7.9 | 121,580 4| -2.3| 1,080 (114.4 23,098| 99.6| 7v,812| 23,908 23,810 90.1] =o2.6] 2,089] 1,462 .008 75,893 3.0 73,718 8) 1.3 412 | 178.9 72,016 | 98.4 52,505 14,572 6,641 92.7) 26.1 1,590 916 L009 34,674 | -4.9 36,454 21 5.2 908 | 40.1 36,229 | 99.4 8,694 | 13,849) 18,911| va.6| 23.6 730 500 .010 42,997 | -16.2 54,006 12] 15.7] 1,009 51.0 53,208 | 98.6| 21,181] 18,238 14,887] ses.0| 17.3] 1,029 549 Columbia. .......011 35,190 | -15.1 41,464 7) -0.a 643 | 64.5 40,348 97.3] 11,517) 19,538 10,04 88.3 18.7 567 574 L012 29,852 | -11.3 33,668 2 6.2 502 | 67.1 33,602 | 99.8| 18,809 6,542 8,2 93.6| 26.1 669 450 .013 34,193 | -16.6 40,989 18| -0.4| 1,470] 27.9 40,878 99.7 6,709 | 17,870 16,410] 93.7] 21.1 858 528 .o14| 114,177 | -5.3| 120,542 5] 14.3 816 | 147.7 116,239 | 96.4| 56,477 | o1,382| 12,783) 80.9] 20.8] 1,794] 2,098 017 01] 795,364 | -0.4 | 798,877 0 4.7 | 1,004 |757.5 776,408 | 97.2| o66,868| 100,382| 81,127| 88.1| 20.9] 15,482] 9.277 E880X.ueennsns.a016 2,208 | -14.4 34,178 23 0.6| 1,826] 18.7 34,089 | 99.7 8,404 | 19,071 8,708 90.4| 23.4 596 430 Franklin........0L17 41,217 | -6.9 44,286 16 -3.1] 1,68] 26.3 42,865 | 96.8| 19,466 | 12,171| 12,649] 85.6] 19.9 918 537 Fulton. 02.018 a4,523 | -8.4 48,597 14 4.4 497 | 97.8 48,335 | 99.4] s4,153| 8,800 5,689] 91.2 17.3 785 637 Genenee.........019 41,482 | -6.7 44,481 16 : 501 | 88.8 43,627 98.1] 21,680 10,452 2,349] vo.7{ z=. 790 541 Greene..........020[, 24,807 | -11.2 27,926 30 8.2 653 | 42.8 27,194 | 97.4 5,429 | 15,099 7,398¢ 92.3 17.7 441 386 Hamilton. .......01 8,150 | -24.8 4,188 93 6.6] 1,747] 2.4 4,187 | 100.0 3,209 979| e2.1| 22.9 61 a 28 |Herkimer........022 56,677 | -4.8 59,627 13. 7.01 Lada] arn 59,471 | 99.9| ss,485| 10,281) 10,761| 8.8] 20.5] 1,088 739 Jefferson. 023 77,184 | -6.4 84,008 7 0.5] 1,293 ev.0 83,808 | 99.8| 7,592 28,248 18,163 94.0] 24.2] 1,755] 1,096 081 |Kings..... .024| 2,410,952 | -10.u | 2,698,280 0 5.4 71 [88pu0 | 2,587,951 | 95.9 | 2,698,285 77.4 18.4 (& (x) Loin. 10s 100nne 080 19,851 | -18.0 22,815 s9| -2.7| 1,203( 17.6 22,798 99.9 3,578 9,408 9,779 90.9] 18.8 456 277 [iiviniston. .026 43,476 | -13.1 38,510 19 2. 638 | 60.4 87,970 | 98.6 8,506 | 18,648] 11,356] 89.7] 24.4 622 545 Maddison. . 027 37,780 | -4.6 39,598 19) -0.5 661 59.9 89,425 99.6| 14,441] 13,080 2.0771 ws.5| ze. 807 56 097 |Monroe.... 08] 418,600 | -4.b | 438,200 1 3.4 673 | 651.2 434,452 99.1| 963,276| 54,764 z0,190| ‘s7.5| 24.8] 7,768] 4,980 Montgomery. .....02 53,415 | -9.7 59,142 1n| 1s 409 | 144.6 58,940 | 99.7| 38,676 | 12,250 8,216| 85.0] 16.8 919 72 081 |Nassau...... 421,008 4.3 406,748 1] mez 300 [1,356 8 393,213] 96.7] 195,750 | £07,179 8,819] 90.9 81.9] 8,102] 4,008 081 |New York........0o81| 1,607,697 | -14.7 | 1,889,924 0 1.2 22 fave. | 1,577,625 83.5 1,889,924 84.5] 27.4] 120,304| 78,120 .03z| 165,981 4.1| 160,110 3 9.2 533 | 300.4 158,208] 98.8| 122,662| 19,514) 17,88 87.4] 21.9] 8,608] 1.761 03] 201,786 | -0.9 1 203,688 2 z.0| 1,227] 166.0 202,621 99.5) 145,208] 38,515 19,918] 84.2 =zo.5| s,8%| 2.910 120 | Onondaga. . 034] 283,237 | -4.0| #108 1 1.2 792 | y72.6 291,780 98.9( =ovb,028| 48,578 21,502] 90.7| 28.5] b,381| 39.449 Ontario. .e......085 49,874 | -9.8 55,807 12 1.9 649 85.2 %4,969| 99.4| 23,876 16,92 14,502 89.9] 25.9] 1,08 671 Orange..........086| 125,37 | -6.5| 140,118 4 7.5 829 | 169.0 185,971] 97.0| 77,120| 44,509| 18,48¢| 88.9] 19.7) 2,875] 1,982 orleans vee s0U? av,ee4 | 901 27,760 s1| -s.6 396 | 70.1 27,001 99.2] 10,081 7,376 9,853] 91.2] 18.8 478 380 Onwego. v0 0UB 63,559 | -10.1 71,875 9 2.3 968 | 73.6 71,200 99.9) 3b,424| 16,158 19,698] 9s.1| 20.7] 1,348 848 Otsego. SR 41,157 | -10.7 46,082 1 | -Ls| 1,008] 45.5 45,929] 99.7| 14,330] 15,767| 1b,985| 94.7] 24.9 943 634 PULDAR. ... eet. .040 14,507 | -12.1 16,50 vy | 20.5 285 [ 70.4 16,405 | 99.1 13,858 2,697 2.5] 26.6 211 212 081 | Queens. 041] 1,259,292 | -2.8|1,297,634 o| 20.2 108 za. | 1,270,731 97.9]1,297,634 o2.x| 22.0 (+) 002 |Reunneluer az n1,ve2 | -s.e | 121,884 H 1.7 665 | 183.2 121,089 | 99.4| 85,351) 24,682] 11,801 91.5 =z1.9) 1,974] 1,780 081 [iichmond. .043 -8.9 174,441 3 10.2 v7? [8,060.4 170,875 98.0 | 174,441 90.1 21.8 Gh) vit 081 |Kockiund........044 7.9 74,261 8| 24.6 178 | 417.2 71,098] 95.7 21,724] 49,244 3,208] 7v.8| 21.8) 1,02] 1,188 St. Lawrendge....04 -6.1 91,098 6 o.2| 2,772] ae.9 90,829 99.7| 99,991| 24,076] 27,081] ws9.7| 21.8] 2,029] 1.259 SHratog ....... 046 61,974 | -u.p 65,606 10 3.6 8l4 | 80.6 64,982) 99.0| s4,635| 19,825| 11,146) 90.1] 20.4] 1,270 851 002 |Sehensctndy.....047| 124,858 2.0] 122,49 4] -2.0 209 | 586.1 121,778 99.4 | 95,509] 23,157 s,88| 88.5] 27.9] 2,500] 1,446 Yohohar ie. 048 18,733 | -10.0 £20,812 44 5.8 25 | 33.3 20,705 | 99.5 2,617 7,808] 10,837 94.7] 18.9 380 263 Schuyler. L049 11,464 | -11.7 12,979 66 0.5 881 | 29.2 12,891] 99.3 2,918 4,698 5,413] 91.8] =a 248 169 £01OCA. «verses 050 £5,911 0.7 £5,792 34 3.0 330 | 78.0 26,610] 99.5] 10,462| 8,717 6,008] 91.2] 18.2 17 583 Steuben.........0b] 79,996 | -b.9 84,92 7 £7] 1,408] 60.3 84,644 99.7| 39,107 2o,326| 20,494] 9s.8f 23.0] 1,730] 1,078 Suffolk... L002) zoa,17 4.2] 197,u08 2| ze. 922 | 214.1 188,186 | 95.4 | 34,424 142,680 20,201) 78.5) 20.0] 8,801) s.647 Sullivan........003 82,586 | -14.2 87,901 20 7.05 986 | 38.4 87,520 99.0 7,520 18,747 11,629] wsv.6] 17.8 539 48d TIOGA eeresses O84 24,768 | -8.8 87,078 88 6.2 528 | 51.6 26,907 | 99.4] 10,818] 7,517 9,087| 98.6] 20.9 521 379 1Remainder of New York-Northeastern New Jersey Metropolitan Area (081) is in New Jersey. #Birtha and deaths for five counties of New York City shown in New York County(0Sl). 272 TABLE 3—SELECTED DATA FOR METROPOLITAN AREAS AND FOR ALL COUNTIES, BY STATE—Continued Table 3 Part 2 - Labor Force N. Y., Albany (001) = Tioga (054) LABOR FORCE—1940 Percent of Population 14 Years Old and Over Employed Workers by Industry Group my METROPOLITAN . Taos. : In leading Metro, AREAS, P p 4 Business nonagri- Area COUNTIES, Sent on pona- and cultural Code AND ° i % a C zoe, . | Whole- | personal Oils: In | industry CODES In labor | aes [ lemaes J: Total Agri | Mini O01 | Manufac- | ©™™U™ | sale and | services agri- Total who are | who are ining | struc- ; cations, . and not force . 5 employed || culture . turing retail exclud- cul- in in > tion and de oo reported wre | Code Jair Jha ole do (See | Per- orce orce utih- : page | cent ties services 422, an 18) 19) 0) @n (22) @3) 24) (25) (26) @n @8) 29) 30) | 3) | (32) NEW YORK...... | 10,915,285 (5962,199 7.1 30.8 [4,974,518 210,434 | 8,899 | 242,378 1,357,410 412,680] 982,792|1,167,512| 592,413] 4.2| 636 | 9.1 METRO. COUNTIES.. | 9,021,537 5,022,708 80.2 32.1 4,159,638) 53.569 | 3,117| 197.221 1,161,186| 359,722| 863,823|1,020,168| 500,832) ‘1.3 Metro. areas: 002 |Albany-Schenec - Troy. ..00L,042,047 380,551 | 205,242 | 79.6 29.6 A 1,261 w2| 7,874 53,247) 17,864 33,647 30,843| 23,559) W.2 013 |Binghamton. 004 130,208 71,704 1:8 33.1 64 ,0l9 3,107 29| 2.72 29,861 3,433 10,330 9.753 L064] 4.8 017 [Buffalo-Niagara .015,032 759.631 | 400,632| 79.5 26.2 | 329,570 11,655 433] 12,555| 124,100 30,845) 61,783| 57.899] 30,300| 3.5 081 [New Yor rtheast- ern New Jersey(pt)* 6,943,102 (3,916,052 | 80.7 33.2 [3,221,858| 10,419| 1,996 159,904| 812,005| 282,998| 692,923 853,938| 407,675 2.3 097 358,632 | 192,828 77.9 30.9 | 166,642 5.746 148 7.243 68,766| 10,258| 28,896 30,109 15,476] 3. 120 237,014 | 124,040 77.6 27.8 | 105,766 5.497 213 3,751 il 8,853 21,321 21,332 10,380] 5.2 128 212,399 112,210 75.9 29.8 97.316 9.884 156) 3,416 38, 5.471 14,923 16,294 8,378] 10.2 OTHER COUNTIES... | 1,893,748| 939,491 73.9 24.5 | 8,880 || 156,865 5,782] u5,157| 196,224 52,958 118,969] 1u47,3u4| 91,581] 19.2 All Counties: 002 |Albany..........001 180,688 | 99,961 80.5 31.7 85,288 2,927 106| 4,159 18,385| 11,730 17,617] 16,370( 13,994] 3.4 37 [10.7 29,844 | 14,295 76.9 18.2 12,614 3,321 | 1,365 04 1,787 647 1,481 1,927 1,382] 26.3] 3 [10.7 081 1,130,304 [ 624,055 81.1 30.2 | 510,702 217 147 28,524 140,630 u5,592| 124,775| 123,789 46,968] 0.1] 7 |11.5 013 130,208 | T71,704| 77.9 33.1 64,049 3,107 29 2,472 29,861 3,433] 10,330 9.753 5,064 4.8] 15 |27.9 56,183 | 27,785| 716.7 21.5 24,443 L574 759 952 5,808 2,217 3.625 i, 046 2,u62| 18.7| 636 | 8.9 52,705 26,125 72.2 25.5 23,148 4,338 2 949 7.773 1,031 3.160 3.363 2,496) 18.7) 19 | 7.7 98,717| 51,676 78.9 26.4 45,420 6,631 1,542 17,612 2,136 6,829 6,715 3.911 14.6 10 |11.8 58,929 | 29,221| 72.5 26.6 25,263 1,656 26 1,059 8,136 2.33 © 4,99 4 n3 2,651] 6.6] 19 |12.8 28,825 15,026 78.9 24.6 13,522 298 10 620 2,921 72 1,669 1,941 1,339] 31.8( 636 | 7.3 40,529 | 19,200 67.7 20.2 16,037 3,558 329 689 2,007 866 2,083 2,597 3,908] 22.2| 37 [17.1 33,652 16,736 ™.9 23.7 1,477 3,26 24 oe $a 969 1,758 2,104 1,695] 22.5 6| 8.7 26,413 | 14,627| 78.9 31.8 13,327 2, 18 52 706 546 1,906 1,839 1,144) 19.8) 7] 9.2 31,882| 16,011 79.0 19.4 14,577 5,549 92 sol 2,332 719 1,685 1,941 1,455) 38.1 636 | 6.8 98,792 | 45,804 | 66.L 26.4 40,148 3.963 121 3,109 8,9 2,547 Muu 10,748 4,274] 9.9] 636 [18.2 017 |Eriee....e......015 633.693 333.131 79.3 26.3 | 269,762 6.925 386| 10,705 95,556 27,246] 53,576] 50,079| 25,287 2.6] 17 | 9.4 EsseX...........016 26,202 12,940] 74.7 22.9 9,889 1,526 569 622 1.3% 495 1,289 2,637 1,417] 15.4] 636 |14.k 33,267| 16,410 72.6 24.6 12,977 3.390 22 522 1,457 766 2,043 2,980 1,797] 26.1 636 |12.6 39,501| 24,228 £0.1 43.4 19.957 1,187 16 660 10,819 663 2,627 2,67 1,309] 5.9] 15 [38.9 . 34,645| 17,682| 76.8 2h.9 15,702 3.399 189 533 IR 982 2,383 2,349 1,381] 21.6| 636 | 8.5 Greene...c. css .020 22,816 10,918| T1.9 21.5 9.092 2,115 19 661 1,745 559 1,272 1,683 1,038] 23.3| 636 | 7.8 BEamilton.e......021 3,276 1,655 | 77.% 18.9 1,137 168 140 101 38 123 343 224 14.8 34 [13.0 128 0; 48,176 | 26,784 | 79.6 30.7 23,361 3,409 45 90 11,010 802 2,633 2,710 1,902) 14.6| 19 [10.8 65,849 | 33,539 17.7 23.7 28,993 5.631 51| 1,249 5,827 1,982 4,946 5,026 4.281) 19.4] 636 | 7.9 081 2,169,260 | 4,199,092 | 80.1 31.4 | 984,396 672 249 | 46,373| 315,736| #4,993| 215,145) 215,190 106,038] 0.1] 7 [11.3 17,172 8,291 75.4 18.2 7.45 2,880 20 288 1,6k2 610 99 782| 38.7| 11 [14.5 30,288) 14,262 T1.0 22.5 12,310 3,343 169 520 2,264 809 1,428 2,552 1,225] 27.2| 636 [13.1 31,234| 15,675| 7171.5 21.8 14,224 Lk, 208 3 a] 2,887 648 1,810 2,466) + 1,529] 29.6| 636 | 9.2 097 358,632 | 192,828 77.9 30.9 | 166,642 5.746 1kg| 7,243 68,766 10,258 28,896| 30,109] 15,i76| 3.4] 22 [17.2 48,657 28,552 €.3 37.4 25,164 2,607 31 819 13,022 972 3,214 2,938 1,561] 10.4 6 [35.2 081 319,680 | 166,115 79.5 26.0 | 146,226 3.517 ng) 12,177 21,210 13,799 27,734| 38,38%9| 28,922| =2.4f 636 | 9.5 081 1,612,275| 993.545| 81.5 y2.7 | 783,564 385 330( 23,954| 147,063] 57.984| 171,098( 266,587 116,163 -| 636 [11.6 017 125,938| 67,501 | 80.9 25.3 59,808 4,730 471 1,8% 28,542 599 8,207 71.820 5.013] 7.9 13 |10.k 128 164,223 | 85,426 74.8 29.5 73.955 6,475 11 2,626 27.784 ,669| 12,290| 13,524 6,476] 8.8] 6 [13.0 120. 237,004 |. 12h,040 | 77.6 27.8 | 105,766 5.497 213| 3.757 3,13 8,853) 21,321 21,332| 10,38| 5.2] 636 | 9.2 43,963 | 21,695 TM.3 25.4 19,295 4,596 hn 833 4,302 1,360 84 3,589 1,730] 23.8 G36 [11.5 113,986 | 58,23 13.8 26.9 50,239 6,002 99| 3,2u8 10,639 4,815 8,556 ER 7.438] 11.9] 636 | 9.9 22,570 10,9 76.9 20.6 9.376 375 35 Ly2 1,7 552 1,137 1,284 787] 36.0 5 | 8.3 55.655 28,131 16.8 23.1 23,5% +503 27| 1,268 7.747 1,310 3,035 3,044 2,656] 19.1 11 | 8.0 36,920 18,006 75.9 21.6 16,174 5,170 23 82) 1,377 1,k87 2,422 3,088 1,781) 32.0| 636 [10.5 13,247 6,826 | 78.8 20.9 5,668 700 93| 1,060 265 626 776] 1,29 852] 12.4] 636 (11.5 081 1,052,339 | 584,495| 82.5 29.4 | 501,562 1,169 248| 29,326| 129,562 55,162 WL 126,981 57,823] 0.2] 32 | 9. 002 98,702| 53,027 78.8 30.6 45,120 3.363 Wf 2,134 14,189 3.879 8, 7,74 5.327 1.5] 7] 9:1 081 138,569 [ 73.573 ( 17.9 26.8 59,142 310 22| 3,k22 13,475 7.685 9,448 14,957 9.823] 0.5 37 |11.7 081 '|Rockland.. ..0ll 59,720 | 26,652 | 63.2 26.5 23,139 822 180 1,478 5,666 1,832 3,284 7,182 2,695] 3.6| 636 [20.0 St. Lawrence....045 68,808 | 33,200 75.2 20.4 29,613 8,188 us5| 1,120 6,720 1,38 3.637 4, 3,250] 27.6| 18 10.9 8aratoga........046 52,557| 27.980 | 78.5 27.8 {45 2,763 105 1,157 8,267 2,056 3,388 3,851 2,083] 11.7| 11 |11.1 002 |Schenectady.....Od 101,161 52,254 78.8 24.9 ,029 971 22 1,58 20,673 2,255 7,590 6,699 4,238] 2.2] 19 |35.5 16,421. 7,941 77.8 16.5 7.141 3,347 15 kn 590 257 707 1,031 ‘723| 46.9] 636 | 6.9 10,159 4,650{ 73.6 16.8 4,082 1,231 3 2719 822 167 us6 ‘624 s00| 30.2] 19 | 7.9 Seneca..........050 , 9,034 | 66.0 20.1 8,223 1,774 9 310 2,502 2n 988 1,729 6u0| 21.6 19 [15.1 Steuben.........051 65,987| 31,968 73.4 21.8 28,629 5.650 56| 1,425 7.14% 25 3,834 4,125 2,766] 19.7| 16 |12.6 Suffolk.........052 161,426 70,236 .8 21.6 60,036 6,037 207| 5.822 6,341 ,326| 10,420 16,886 9,997] 10.1{ 636 [17.3 Sullivan........05 30,92 1,612 71.5 19.3 12,247 2,91 23| 1,203 626 mn 2,220 3,093 1,395] 23.8] 636 | 9.0 T10€8.c cuse.ses0b 21,001 10,342 75.7 22.9 9,222 2,33 12 us51 2,114 860 1,195 1,309 gusl 25.31 151 9.9 1Remainder of New York-Northeastern New Jersey Metropolitan Area (081) is in New Jersey. Table 3 Part N. Y. 3 - Housing , Albany (001) - Tioga (054) TABLE 3—SELECTED DATA FOR METROPOLITAN AREAS AND BY STATE—Continued FOR ALL COUNTIES, 1Remainder of New York — Northeastern New Jersey Metropolitan Area (081) 274 is in New Jersey. HOUSING—1940 : . . : | Nonfarm Rural Farm All Dwelling Units Occupied Dwelling Units Dwelling Units Dwelling Units METROPOLITAN 0 Metro. AREAS i ge. Area COUNTIES, P P P Median : phones Code AND Residential Percent | Percent Per. | Percent | omber Per- CODES siruetimes in50r| with | Percent — vj of Avery e 2 Percent| Jan. 1, ] more rivate | wil mechan- monthly wit with 1945 Number ally thiob |" electric Number | owner ical pessons Number ot Number run- | elecuric : struc- or | lighting Ei refrig- | (dollars) ning |lighting tures shower pr eration hold water 2 33) 39 (35) 36) GD 38) 39) “0) @n 2) 3) “w) @s) |. 4) “n NEW YORK......| 2,018,917 | 4,032,460 36.8 fan 96.4 | 3,662,113 | 30.3 61.6 3.2, | 3,827,054 | 39.81] 205,406 | 44.1| 67.9}1,721,800 METRO. COUNTIES,.| 1,355,744 | 3,264,448 44.8 88.0 98.9 | 3,017,802 | 24.7 65.3 1,27] 3,215,735 | 42.25 48,713 | 49.4 | 80.1J1,386,721 Metro. areass : 002 [Albary-Schenectady- Troy. + «001,042 ,047 95,618 142,035 5 75.9 96.5 132,309 | 43.6 62,7 3.11 134,248 | 31.60 7,787 | 47.9 74.3) 77,939 013 |[Binghamton......004 33,496 46,942 J. 79.7 hil 43,739 | 49.2 53.8 3.29 42,825 30.73 4,117 | 51.8 62.9 23,860 017 |(Buffalo-Niagara $ seeeseseass015,032| 180,642 264,062 604 81.4 98.5 250,886 | 40.2 56.7 3.38 250,590 | 30.91 13,472 | 44.9 85.9] 139,85 081 [New York-Northeast- ern New Jersey(pt)?* 003, 024, 030, 031 041, 043, 044, 060 834,611 2,521,601 55.8 90.6 99.4 | 2,319,957 | 19.1 68,1 3.28 | 2,518,131 45430 3,470 | 89.2 95.2) 992,945 097 [Rochester.......028 95,313 127,776 9.8 85.6 98.6 121,086 | 46.6 56.1 3.20 122,256 | 35,11 5,520 | 48.8 | 90.8] 70,925 120 . |Syracusesssseess034 60,209 85,649 10.1 76.8 97.0 80,630 | 42.0 5344 3.22 79,584 32.28 6,065 | 47.1 84.7 46,055 128 [Utica-Rome..022,033 55,855 “76,383 6.7 67.4 92.4 69,195 | 46.8 43.1 3.23 68,101 | 24.33 8,282 42.3| 68,0] 35,152 | om couriEs...| 663,173] 76,002] 2.6 | seo | ss.e| eas,om1| se.e| 4s | 3.1) ese | zees| 1se.ees| 41.8 | ed.o| sss,on 002 42,060 66,641 9.07 75.4 96.9 62,616 | 38.9 | 63.9 3.11 63,710 | 34.54 2,931 | 46.11 74.7) 38,765 11,3713 12,303 1.0 57.8 75.7 11,191 | 62.7 39.2 3.13 8,468 21.39 3,835 | 46.8 47.1 5,328 081 60,956 395,245 78.8 96.5 99.8 377,843 8.1 82.1 3.43 395,245 42.15 5 154,225 013 33,496 46,942 9.0 79.7 9d 43,739 | 49,2 53.8 3.29 42,825 30.73 4,117 | 51.8 62,9 23,860 19,413 21,466 1.1 66,1 88.1 19,869 | 59.4 44.6 3.22 16,309 | 23.07 5,157 | 52,5| 68.5] 10,493 17,064 20,310 2.6 5447 BLT 18,057 | 59.1 |= 40.8 3.09 15,470 26,06 4,840 | 24.4 59.9 9,809 33,663 40,527 3.3. A 94.0 35,976 | 54.2 43.3 3,06 33,388 27.89 7,139 |, 45.2 76.2 1,666 17,608 21,751 2,8 Te2 94.4.2 20,576 | 49.0 46.7 3.08 19,754 27,98 1,997 | 41.5 60.5) 12,264 10,151 11,670 13 5644 76.8 10,387 | 61.1 35.4 3.04 » 22,01 4173 | 57.4 | 52.0 44221 10,875 12,730 2,5 47.4 73.6 11,859 | 51.9 32.0 3.56 9,237 21.93 3,493 | 25.8 44.07 4,492 11,798 1,189 1.6 50.5 85,9 11,708 | 51.5 51.4 3.01 10,870 | 27.79 3,319 [ 51.8 | 71.4 6,662 8,467 10,555 42 63.2 88.4 9,689 | 54.6 4h5 3.03 8,226 25.41 2,329 | 55.6 2 5,854 11,948 13,372 0.6 56.7 70.3 11,414 | 61.0 35.9 3.19 8,745 18.86 4,627 | 77.2 49.7 4,600 «+ 0L 23,992 31,82. 6.1 69.6 92.8 28,532 | 43.6 64.6 3.15 27,779 31,18 4,045 | 68.4 85.5 16,637 017 [EBrie..cseeseesss015 146,147 219,553 6.4 83.1 98.8 208,868 | 38.1 56.7 3.37 211,153 31.00 8,400 | 50,7 86.4 118, ESS0X. vse eveees0lbd 9,605 10,538 1.7 58.8 80.1 8,707 | 58.3 36.3 3.30 8,686 34429 1,852 | 55.6 55.3 3,956 10,680 12,249 3.3 51.7 TTL 11,186" 53.7 28,2 3.35 8,948 21.55 3,301 | 29.2 48.1 4,787 13,345 17,251 2.3 66.6 90.9 14,648 | 54.6 47.7 2.90 15,751 23.97 1,500 | 35.3 65.7 8,874 11,109 12,535 1.2 56 34 92.7 11,872 | 58.7 4d 3.28 9,202 24.89 3,333 | 28.2 8.6 6,644, Greene.s..sss.ss020 95249 10,500 1.0 55.7 86.3 8,201 | 63.0 48,3 2,87 7,954 | 22. 2,546 | 56.6 | 75.9 3,515 Hamilton........021 2,534 2,548 52.2 70.4 1,18, | 69.2 38.1 2.95 2,231 40.76 317 | 52.4 59.0 386 128 15,669 18,972 3.4 63.9 87.9 16,412 | 52.3 43.1 3.19 16,123 21,62 2,849 | 42.9 64.9 7,754 22,610 26,943 51 57.2 86,1 23,113 | 51.5 36.8 1.3 21,846 | 23.92 5,097 | 24.6 | 6l.4]| 12,346 081 250,983 762,526) 46.2 90.1 | © 99.5 716,933 | 18.8 65,1 3.46 762,526 | 39.32 249,079 6,201 6,668 067 40.6 73.7 5,980 | 69.9 30.7 3.31 4,266 | 17.87 2,402 | 40,0 | 56.2 2,065 10,523 11,285 Ou 46.4 8.51 .9,%521 38.2 45.2 3.25 8,012 | 30,21 3,273] 33.0] 62.5 £4,862 11,308 12,765 2.5 50.1 83,8 11,272 | 63.0 40,9 3.06 9,201 | 22,73 3,47 | 42.9 | 63.2 6,781 097 95,313 127,776 9.8 85.6 98.6 121,086 | 46.6 56. 3.20 122,2% 1 35.11 5,520 | 48.8 | 90.8] 70,925 11,835 17,338 5.1 67.3 93.4 16,497 | 49.7 47.9 3.19 15,131 23.12 2,207 | 30.8 69.7 8,826 081 |[NassaUese.......030| 108,119 123,401 5.5 90.4 98.4 108,051 | 56.8 72.2 3.44 122,024 | 55.57 1,377 | 93.9 96. 86,413 081 [New Yorkuses.ses031 53,566 617,373 94.0 86.3 9.4 548,378 | 1.2 53.8 2,75 617,373 | 49.18 189,660 017 |Niagara. 2032 34,495 44,509 6.8 7342 97.2 42,018 | 50.5 56.7 3.40 39,437 30.44 5,072 |: 35.3 85.0 21,439 128 |Onéida.. «033 40,186 57,411 7.8 68,6 93.9 52,783 | 45.1 43.2 324 51,978 25,17 | 5,433 | 42.1 69.7 27,398 120 |Onondaga.. 034 60,209 85,649 10.1 76.8 97.0 80,630 | 42.0 53.4 | 3.22 79,584 | 32.28 ,065 | 47.1 | 84.7] 46,055 g Ontarios.csseses035 15,167 16,951 1.4 55.9 85.1 14,869 | 59.6 41.0 3.20 12,961 28,62 3,990 | 30.4 64.9 7,835 OTange..csessses036 34,217 43,12 2,2 67.2 91.9 36,975 | 47.1 54.0 3.08 38,302 | 29,60 4,840 | 59.0 | 82.0] 20,855 8,238 8,772 0,2 43.0 | 86.3 7,954 | 61.7 33.5 3.04 5,681 17.73 3,091 | 21.3 75.0 3,346 19,667 21,958 1.1 50.3 86.5 19,554 | 62.4 37.8 3.15 16,208 | 22,61 5,750 | 25.2 69.7 9,027 14,140 15,914 a7 5542 77.1 13,486 | 62.6 36.5 | 2.9 11,063 22,58 4,851 | 51,0 51.6 7,338 7,336 7,985 1.2 72.9 90.9 4,428 | 49.9 61.8 3.15 7,151 48,06 834 | The2 85.6 3,008 081 215,390 394,389 27.7 94.46 99.7 361,689 | 36.7 78.3 3.29 394,389 46.39 181,883 002 26,989 38,159 2.5 67.7 94.1 34,447 | 46.5 574 3.08 34,434 26,69 3,725 | 49.3 73.2 13,855 081 37,192 48,839 4.9 86.4 98.7 43,076 | 43.4 70.4 3.51 48,839 | 38.41 21,078 081 15,784 18,615 2,7 76.8 95.3 16,252 | 55.0 57.5 3.23 17,746 | 36.57 869 | 8.3 | 9.9] 10,94 23,199 25,324 1.0 2,9 | 18.5 23,058 | 57.6 35.2 3.36 18,153 | 19.99 7,171 | 16.9 | 53.3 9,490 16,85, 20,622 2,5 61.3 88.6 18,271 | 56.5 4945 3.1 17,466 23.76 3,156 | 33.5 68.4 8,676 002 |Schenectady. 26,569 37,235 6.1 8544 98.2 35,246 | 48.9 65.6 3.1 36,104 31.12 1,131 | 47.9 76.5 25,319 6,489 7,657 6.4 33.0 71.7 6,116 | 67.0 34.0 2,9% 4,380 20.74 3,277 [2534.2 55.0 2,687 4,016 44232 0.6 41.5 eT 3,780 | 64.9 36.7 2,98 2,535 20,64 1,697 | 27.2 55.7 1,298 Seneca. .eesesss050 6,690 7,061 0,1 46.8 80.8 6,351 | 64.9 35.9 an 5,111 | . 20.71 1,950 | 18.7 | 56.1 2,986 Steuben...e.....051 22,385 25,532 1.6 56.6 79.7 23,575 | 59.5 41.3 3.10 19,425 22,02 6,107 | 33.1 37.4 12,522 72,735 75,586 07 69.7 88,1 47,626 | 60.2 54.41 3.1 72,128 34.82 3,458 | 80.0 88.8 32,404 0 17,643 23,206 14.9 53.0 85,0 10,810 | 64.5 41.9 2,98 18,195 32,00 5,011 | 7443 78.7 5,011 TI0ZRve ns vases selBh 7,649 8,521 1.2 50.3 71.6 7,914 | «63.2 36.6 2,99 5,880 19.98 2,641 | 39.3 50.2 3,968 TABLE 3—SELECTED DATA FOR METROPOLITAN AREAS AND FOR ALL COUNTIES, BY STATE—Continued Fart 4 3 = Agriculture N. Y., Albany (001) = (Figures which have been rounded to thousands will not necessarily add t§ totals) Tioga (054) bl bg AGRICULTURE—1945 AGRICULTURE—1940 P Vousol Value of farm products sold, | Principal l= { 2Ue g Work power traded, or used by source of Per- son am, property farm household farm income | Type- . METROPOLITAN ; cent | fore Pe of- Rural Metro. AREAS, Number of | Land in | Cropland | Number | of | [up ercent trom farming- — Area COUNTIES, farms farms | harvested | of farms | farms | ,ojue A Number Li area | 1% Code AND (1000’s | (1000s oper- | of Total Vere of Ansount ioe code livin CODES Jan. 1, of of April 1, ated prod- 1000" age horses Number (1000's Po Code Per See 950 1945 acres) acres) 1940 by ts $ a and/or of ‘ an (See | “| Lazy ten- | Jo of arm | tractors 0 live- | Crops | paza) | cent | P = [ less | dollars) | (dol-| (o dollars) {ye ants | ypon olfars dl (over 3 ne IS, a mo. old pr $400 ) ucts “8) 9) (50) (1) (2) (3) (54) (55) (56) GD (58) G9) (60) (61) (62) (63) (64) NEW YOPK......| 1b49,b90| 17,568 6,922] 153,233 | 12.3 25.6 [1,260,676] 2,227) 275,281 | 52,906 | 273,175 | 61.2 | 26,7 2 140.9 132 “ETRN, COUNTTES.. 34,651 3,232 1,41] 36,117 | 12,7] 29.3 354,147| 9,206 60,661 16,113 64,433 53.5 35.3 Metro. areas: 002 (Albany-Schenectady- Troy 001, 042, 047 4,985 561 225 5,790 9.2( 32.1 41,359 7,143 2,331 2,722 8,57 61,9 22,9 013 |BinghamtoNeesss«004 3,169 359 122 2,851 9.3! 36.6 19,357] 6,790] 4,596 335 4,005 | 72,2 [A 2 [56.9 017 9,u38 707 365] 10,042 | 14.3 31.9 22,752] 8,241] 16,463 5,631 | w,622] 45.3] 41a 081 ern New Jersey(mt)? 003,024, 030, 031, 041, O43, O44, 060 2,055 117 55] 1,793 | 19.2] 21.4 81,354]45,373] 1,999 1,009 9,541 | 22,9| 73.1 097 |[Rochester.......028 ,685 308 179] 4,129 | 13.7| 26.7 39,570 9,593] 7,760 2,316 7,602 [ 3.3] 56.9 5 (20.7 120 | Syracuse..ss«s +034) , 830 385 186] 4,490 | 12.3 32.3 35,263) 7,954] 3,507 1,773 7,022: 63,71 25.0 2 [43.5 128 | Utica-Rome.022, 033 6,489 795 309 7,022 | 11.2] 21.0 54,492| 7,760] 12,965 2m 10081: 77.20 1A OTHER COUNTIES...| 114,839 14,337 5,081 117,121 | 12.8] 24.5 | 905,811| 7,734 214,609 | 42,796 | 208,742 | 63.5 | 24.0 All Counties: 002 [Albany.... 1, 760 203 86] 2,177 | 1.0f 29.5 17,116 7,862] 3,147 854 3,223 | 56.9 | 22.2 2 [34.0 413 | 151 Allegany.. 3,068 456 149 3,012 | wu. 25.5 16,468] 5,457] 6,241 1,127 3,602 | 66.7 [ 15.3 2 144.0 41311134 091 |BronX... 23 - - 21 wa 634|30,190 3 5 48 35.5] 6.5 6 |36.7 131 013 [Broome.s..e..s+s004] 3,169 359 122 2,951 9.3| 36.6 19,357| 6,790 4,596 335 4,005 78.2 6.4 2 | 56.9 413 140 Cattaraugus. ....005 3,996 541 159) 4,124 | 13.4] 29.9 25,006| 6,064 7,216 1,223 5,327. | 7.2 7.9 2 [59.6 413 | 130 Cayuga ee sseess e006 3,250 376 195 3,359 12,4] 23.5 22,222] 6,794 7,038 1,616 5,258 63.4 23.1 2 33.7 413 128 Chautauoua, .....207 5,776 514 185 ,573 | 10.9] 24.9 32,961] 5,914 9,143 2,068 7,591 | 59.7 | 25.9 2 [33.7 13 | 132 Chemunge se... ...008 1,529 175 56] 1,503 12.8 36.1 2,98 5,267] 2,330 559 2,109 | 63.9] 22.3 2 131.2 413 | 138 Chenango, .......009| 3,l85 Lug 151 3,371 9.8] 24.6 21,947| 6,511 6,195 837 6,425 | 83.2 5.3 2 [59.4 413 | 130 Clinton, sess. sss010 2,767 426 14g 2,753 12,1] 25.7 19,502] .7,084 5,597 553 4,004 | 64.9 | 12.5 2 [53.1 Ay nz Columbiass..a...011 2,273 310 125 2,153 2,3| 27.5 22,150(10,222 3,663 1,015 4,376 | 85.5 1 32.6 2 (37.8 413 | 13 ir 1,693 2ug 92 1,787 | 11.4] 17.7 1,622] 3,216] 3,281 623 4,340 | 80.0 9.1 2 [61.4 413 | 128 3.571 654 183] 3,78 9.1| 4.6 30,336 3,116 7,612 559 3,22, | 83.7 449 2 [69.1 43] 129 2,536 66 132] 1,952 | 13.2 17.8 36,573(1%,679| 4,038 1,086 5,743 | m.6 | 20.1 2 [50.4 413 | 5 017 5,779 5 215) 6,171 | 15.2| 34.5 50,537| 3,139] 9,831 2,978 8,768 | 52.8 | 33.8 230.7 42 | 18 1,k2h 219 54 1,604 3.2] 39.6 9,071| 5,655 2,520 266 1,610) 57.5 | 12.0 2 | 39.0 413] 125 Franklin. . +. 017 2, 6% 325 124 2,761 | 11,7] 30.9 15,676] 5,678] 5,189 393 3,7U | 67.9 | LS 2 | 55.0 413 | 108 Fulton.... ..018 1,017 104 37] 1,323 | * 6.6] 48.4 6,909 5,222 1,79 347 1,73 | e717) na 2 | 48.0 413 | 16 Genesee... +.C19 2,283 267 14] 2,487 | 16.6( 25.3 21,971) %,%76 5,520 1,571 5,326 | 44.2 | 46.9 5 [29.0 M2 | 128 GTreen€es see ses e020] 1, 214 1,653 7.6 30.3 13,245| 3,018 2,154 495 2,371 70.8 10.2 2 [45.9 413 131 Hamilton........021 189 19 3 248 2.4 61.7 1,450] 5,8.7 201 Y 101 | 29.7 4 0 [58.3 a3] 124 128 |derkimer....... 2,069 289 120 2,316 13.9) 20.6 12,901] 2,161 4,605 232 4,601 83.5 442 2 | 67.9 413 125 3,985 607 280) 4,208 | 22.6] 7.2 31,%97| 7,525] 9,220 1,750 6,948 | 82.8 5.3 2 165.8 413 | 128 0=1 41 - - 39 - 1,029(26,385 24 365 | 26.6 | 72.8 8 | 65.2 131 2,099 38 115 2,126 6.7] 16.6 17,298] 8,132 4,379 626 3,687 81,3 2.82 2 | 68.7 413 121 Livingston... 2,034 36 156 2,155 | 21.2] 21.3 20,240] 9,392 6,598 1,200 4,567. | 52.7 | 36.1 2 [330 M2 | 136 Madison. .... 2,786 3 1! 2,752 | 10,9 17.8 21,416] 7,782 5,%2 1,181 5,722 | 75.0 | 14.6 2 | 57.2 413 | 132 097 |Monroe...... 3,685 308 1} 4.329) 23.7) 26.7 39,570( 9,523 7,760 2,316 7,602 | 34.3 | 56.9 5 20,7 R26 | 157 Yontgomery. . 1,664 218 ml 1213] 1.7 19.9 15,340 8,737 3,602 1,036 3,441 | 80.9 6.7 2 [63.0 413 | 132 081 [NassaUsase.eesee030 658 32 25 636 | 23.9] 21.4 38,293(60,209 630 L97 3,685 | 13.6 | 82.3 8 | 36.4 131 | 162 021 |New York........031 ] 131 017 (Niagar@.........032 3853 262 150 3,271 | UL.3| 27.6 2,215] 8,322] 6,632 2,703 5,913 1 35.5 51.9 7 | 26.5 R6| 136 128 |Oneida.eces...0s033 L420 505 189 4,706 | 10,2 22.6 35,591] 7,563] 9,360 1,640 8,407 | 73.7] u.9 2157.7 413 t 1135 120 |[Onondaga........034 4,830 385 186 4,490 12,3] 2.3 35,263| 7,854] 8,507 1,773 7,022 63.7 | 25.0 2 [43.5 413 139 Ontariossessessa035 2,673 316 162 3,093 | 17.6] 16.9 23,708] 7,665 6,654 1,205 5,977 | 36.4 | Sl. 5 |27.5 M2 | 132 3,378 314 17 3,513 20.2 19.3 42,894 (12,210 4,740 1,356 9,653 70.3 22,8 2 | 54.6 413 138 1,909 202 wal 2,361 | 21.2]-171 17,405( 8,054 4,859 1,460 4,626 | 25.3 | 65.7 6 [26.6 126 122 4,311 379 126 | 4,426 8.3] 35.7 20,900| 4,722| 6,709 1,156 5,020 | 62.6 | 20.5 2137.8 413 | 123 3,014 514 173 3,752 9.7| 20.4 | -26,311| 7,013 7,380 1,016 6,916 | 22.6 4a? 2 | 58.9 413 | 127 ue 63 17 Ub [| 21.7] 27.2 7,923 (22,99 713 131 1,005 | 83.2 6.1 2 [55.0 413 | ug 031 |QueenSeseeeses.a04l 139 1 2 126 23.2] 17.9 5,674|45,032 55 41 1,567 13.2 86,3 8 | 73.2 131 002 |Rensselaer.....,042 2,330 275 103 2,675 Toh 34.4 17,514] 6,547 3,93 767 3,971 67.0 17.3 2 [41.1 413 138 081. «e043 65 1 98 - - 3,N2,]30,257 R 27 521 14.8 83.3 8 | 57.0 131 081 |Rockland........04L 384 20 9 355 | 12.4) 21.1 6,232(17,994 289 206 1,262 |. 38.0] 57.2 8 123.9 131 152 St, Lawrence....045 6,050 924 342 6,236 | 18.0| 20.2 42,209] 6,265] 13,055 1,546 8,972 | 80.0 3.6 2 | 64.7 413 17 Saratogaes ee. ss 046 2,481 247 36 2,591 2.4) 36.9 14,997] 5,732 3,355 229 3,125 65.4 14.3 2 | 43.7 413 127 002 O47, 8 8 37 938 | 10,0| 31.2 6,729| 7,174 1,251 401 1,320 | 59.0 | 24.8 2 [34.7 31 1155. 2,188 31! 124 | 2,453 | 10.5] 20.8 17,111] 6,976] 4,27 762 4,501 | 76.5 | 10.2 2 | 60.4 41301123 1,1 146 51 1,126 | 10,1] 32.3 5,329] 4,736 2,027 43% 1,257 | 61.6 | 19.9 330.8 413 | 122 1,286 162 92 1,413 | 16.%| 20.9 10,164| 7,193] 2,544 935 2,210]. 51,6/] 37.0 2[2%6 M2 | 123 4,286 677 251 4,513 | 13.6] 21.6 25,173] 5,57 9,707 1,476 y 60,1 | 23.9 2 | 39.6 M3] 125 2,107 121 73 2,34, | 16.0] 12.5 55,000|23,464] 1,567 LBA 16,5701 2%5| 57.5 5133.6 11] (142 2,841 255 n 2,778 7.0] 31.1 23,521) 8,467] 3,371 289 3,332 | 72.6 5.6 2 | 36.2 43 128 TiogBeeseereaeed5h 2,076 2 37 2,127 7.0] 29.6 1,811) 5,553 3,5%0 631 3,259 78.7 7.1 2 | 44.9 413 123 The State total includes $718,054 for female silver fox and/or mink over 8 months old Remainder of New York - Northeastern New Jersey Metropolitan Area (081) is in New Jersey. TRIG O—dT——19 (kept in captivity) not distributed to individual counties. Table 3 Part and 5 - Industry Retail Trade N. Y., Albany (001) = TABLE 3—SELECTED DATA FOR METROPOLITAN AREAS AND FOR "ALL COUNTIES, BY STATE—Continued : Tioga (054) (All dollar figures have been rounded to thousands and will not necessarily add to totals) eso MANUFACTURING ESTABLISHMENTS—1939 MINERAL INDUSTRIES—1939 RETAIL ESTABLISHMENTS—1939 METROPOLITAN Meol COUNTIES\ Value added Area # ue adde Code AND Wage Wages Value of by resale Value of i Wages and Hihersk Sales Acre Employees Pay roll CODES Number | S3M€S | (1000’s of products ture products 9 52 a11€s umber of | (1000’s of [ 1ro- average | (1000's of (average (1000’s of > (1000's of | persons | (1000's of | stores * or f dollars) (1000's of dollars) prietors dollars) or year) dollars) Sollars) dollars) | engaged | dollars) year) (65) (66) (67) (68) (69) (0) an a2) 3) a4) as) (16) an NEW YORK......| 34,506] 957,854 1,163,785 7,134,400| 3,341,895 28,19, 6,932 12,487] 209,425 5,578,159] 191,259] 567,150 660,093 METRO. COUNTTES.. 31,375| 807,715| 1,010,250 6,224,344 | 2,937,862 19,396] 12,145 13,589) 168,783] 4,709,041] 152,351| 428,404 585,877 Motro, areas: 002 |Albany-Schenectady- Troy.001, 042, 047 579 36,367 46,163 245,199 126,695 2603 2146] 2259 7,648 210,476 7,147| 22,119] 23,191 013 [inchamton......004 207 27,679 30,426 129,294 61,8295 163 34 63 2,201 64,804 2,059 6,876) 6,845 017 ffelo-Niagara $ . weinneeeensOLS, 0321 1,490 91,322 127,123 905,221 394,337 1,556 436 777 13,868 365,316] 12,760 39,804] 40,271 081 [New York-Northeast-— ern Kew Jersey(pt)® 003, 024, 030, OF, ‘ 041, 043, Ok4, 060 | 27,510 | 543,042 670,192 | 4,349,696 1,983,177 44,675 4883 41,582 131,292| 3,665,112| 117,732 375,767 469,934 097 Rochester.......028 203 51,331 70,961 345,900 208,662 707 222 291 5,900 190,675 5,301) 20,982] 22,722 120 [Syracuses.......034 405 25,644 31,673 150,692 82,996 1,153 270 432 3,710 122,003 3,427 13,505 14,068 128 Utica~Rome.,022,033 401 32,324 33,712 157,742 80,004 539 154 185 4,169 90,655 3,925 9,351 8,846 OTHER COUNTTES... | 3,131| 150,140 153,535 850,056 £404,033 118,798 4,787 12,898 40,637 869,118) 38,908| 78,746 74,216 All Counties: 002 306 12,900 14,772 95,003 45, 564 547 131 235 3,824 116,292 3,54 12,207] 13,175 71 1,102 1,506 12,72, 4:473 (5) - (8) (5) 584 11,370 569 1,005 83 021 1,022 18,577 24,100 115,752 63,218 17,088 348,870| 16,463] 26,342] 32,883 013 207 27,679 30,426 129,29), 61,895 163 34 63 2,201 64,804 2,059 6,876 6,845 Cattaraugus, ...005 12 £4,256 4,719 33,218 14,042 137 44 51 1,058 27,147 1,056 2,740 2,354 Cayugae cesses 006 75 5,59 5,935 32,734 15,480 (5) (3) (®) 1,058 23,491 1,052 2,389 2,154 Chautauqua. « 218 13,787 14,647 63,307 37,169 61 20 20 1,847 12,479 1,79 4y537 3,966 Chemung... 91 6,379 7,59 31,469 17,046 Kc 27 37 1,211 32,250 1,136 3,629 3,444 Chenango. » 58 1,862 1,61 13,322 6,656 ~ 678 14,106 664, 1,112 1,005 Clinton,.. 33 1,307 1,307 8,695 4,073 1,145 376 49% ns 15,515 687 1,346 1,333 Columbia, . .011 58 3,091 3,155 14,917 7,726 378 111 159 87, 13,998 871 1,083 1,007 Cortland. .... 61 44224, 4,225 20,907 8,298 (s) (8) (®) 57% 14,665 503 1,47 1,300 . 56 1,345 1,514 9,561 3,705 126 2 29 773 15,531 73% 1,03 976 153 7,145 6,990 35,169 20,149 1,218 A7] * ap 1,863 £49,953 1,751 4y312 4680 017 [Brieceescseeees015| 1,249 70,489 98,033 706,799 £291,393 1,443 3%, 732 11,523 304,049| 10,615| 33,685 34,172 ESS€Xeeeonsseseaall 21 1,441 1,295 5,964 2,384 (%) (5) 3) 632 11,686 557 906 832 A 981 775 3,929 1,540 825 15,437 806 1,502 1,272 9,218 8,338 33,000 15,766 (8) (3) ¢) 767 18,89, 786 1,868 1,759 3,524 3,726 24,031 12,007 na 205 349 613 15,848 591 1,523 1,386 1,335 1,257 6,063 2,740 280 84 109 676 9,467 680|- 723 682 52 45 276 174 170 1,397 165 11, 88 9,363 9,473 33,460 19,059 142 40 52 1,032 19,112 999 1,818 1,559 3,784 4,482 28,76, 12,270 ) a8) (5) 1,493 32,022 1,370 3,282 3,045 135,422 155,948 870,579 424,89 (5 {* (8) 38,748 769,057| 36,696| 65,972| 80,109 1,197 1,218 9,277 3,270 (3) (5) (3) 365 5,517 359 295 27 1,781 1,74 10,479 6,186 (3) (3) (3) 650 11,012 634 863 46 1,207 1,313 6,645 3,348 (3) ®) (%) 04 14,627 668 1,251 1,09 51,331 70,961 345,900 208,668 707 222 291 5,900 190,675 5,301 20,982 22,722 11,649 11,115 55,704 31,059 182 46 73 983 21,372 1,003 1,943 1,847 4,402 5,678 22,170 13,575 2,025 399 752 6,438 181,942 5,608 14,571] 17,584 300,102 378,630 | 2,618,701 1,149,488 (5) (5) (®) 40,092 | 1,588,756 83,817] 201,600 256,695 20,839 29,090 198,422 102,944 113 42 45 2,345 61,267 2,145 6,119 6,099 22,961 24,239 124,282 61,035 397 114 133 3,137 71,543 2,926 7,533 7,287 25,644 31,673 150,692 82,99 1,153 270 432 3,710 122,003 3,427| 13,505) 14,068 } 35326 3,670 17,757 8,706 247 63 80 821 19,347 757 1,929 1,920 8,843 8,49 38,806 20,320 224, 72 85 2,569 59,376 2,464 5,210 5,282 1,627 1,277 12,205 6,567 75 23 24 430 7,855 426 700 572 6,205 6,965 47,595 18,268 (3) (5) (5) 1,087 21,083 1,004 1,893 1,660 786 711 8,189 2,227 56 16 15 856 18,149 815 1,633 1,591 PUENAM, ¢ ee ese soe040 9 33 41 137 %” *) 5) (8) 359 8,075 274 503 627 081 [Queens.seeeeesss04l | 1,544 52,485 65,411 423,431 202,806 (5) «(8) (*) 16,699| = 435,133] 14,472| 37,708 46,142 002 166 11,713 11,862 64,208 32,523 56 15 24 2,009 43,514 1,923 4,618 4yTT5 081 166 6,080 8,666 80,287 30,599 2,592 50,778 2,307 4y211 4,859 081 72 4y632 4,940 31,941 18,946 1,637 275 516 1,027 23,470 1,009 1,768 1,999 St. Lawrence....045 97 4,739 6,395 | 70,835 22,949 3,725 593 823 1,57 27,683 1,329 2,375 2,097 Saratoga. ..esss sib 66 6,134 6,009 35,240 14,317 529 162 ‘174 1,210 20,597 1,204 LA 1,721 002 107 11,754 19,529 85,298 48,608 (8) 5) *) 1,815 50,670 1,710 5,29 5,241 20 297 269 1,640 793 107 25 35 331 6,327 340 403 350 13 585 725 4,263 2,506 253 3,427 261 271 206 22 1,418 1,487 54595 3,099 363 5,562 349 442 372 9% 5,346 6,617 30,082 19,396 (5) (8) (3) 1,204 26,610 1,116 2,643 2,282 183 3,156 3,320 14,243 7,798 2,506 336 675 3,842 88,925 3,606 6,658 7,255 . 47 239 222 1,381 666 1,192 18,635 1,170 1,275 1,331 TogaevsiersressDEh 27 1,058 847 5,985 2,59% (5) (®) (5) 432] 8,081 422 616 508 Four Counties, Kings (024), New York (031), Counties" total, since it is not possible to present separate figures 3Remainder of New York-Northeastern New Jersey Metropolitan Area (08l) is in New Jersey. data are not shown separately. 276 SNot shown because of disclosure of operations of individual establishments. for these counties. Queens (041) and Schenectady (047), which should be included in the "Metro Counties" total are included in the' "Other 2Excludes Schenectady County (047) for which data . are not shown separately. “Excludes New York (031), Kings (024) and Queens (041) Counties, for which) Data included in Combined Counties at end of State. TABLE 3—SELECTED DATA FOR METROPOLITAN AREAS AND FOR ALL COUNTIES, BY STATE—Continued. Table 8 Part 6 = Other Economic Data N. Y., Albany (001) — (A11 dollar figures have been rounded to thousands and will not necessarily add to totals) Tioga (054) Pr Mio EeAy SERVICE ESTABLISHMENTS—1939 BAYNE [ProsITS — Major war supply Major war facilities contracts, rojects, June [a0 1945 | June 1940 June 1945 METROPOLITAN E Band (1000's of dollars) (1000's of dollars) Metro. A s $a.c8 As COUNTIES, Number Number J or | Emplovees Total . (1000's of Code AND of Sales of Receipts | Active irtess Pay roll | (demand | Time | dollars at CODES estab- | (1000's of | estab- | (1000's |proprie- tor 1000’s | and time) | (1000's issue price) lish- | dollars) lish- | of dollars) | tors year) of dollars)| (1000s | of dollars) ments ments of dollars) Combat Other Industrial | Military equipment ®) 9) (80) 81) 82) 83) (84) 85) (86) Cu) (88) 89) (%0) on NEW YORK...... 30,389(14,508,479| 92,300| €65,540| 96,540] 177,285| 225,816|26,572,203|-9,814,710| 1,504,779] 14,441,099 5,841,792] 1,114,320 434,603 METRO. COUSTIES..| 2g,109|14,185,826| 81,560| 626,026 84,379 168,660] 217.947/25,038,104| 8,848,297] 1,289,797] 13,737,116] 5,109,106 975.903 254,380 Netro. areas: 002 |Albany-Schenectady- So EE 631] 180,385 2,726] 14,165 2,898 3,721 3,941] 510,30] 369,330 57,793 1,458,473 610,969 145,620 34,333 013 |Binghamton......004 176 38,389 836 3,538 926 83 822 108,217 £6,911 17,080 263,317 177,224 27,704 017 |Buffalo-Niagara saeeeeeeeas015,032| 1,215] 458,470 5,075 26,505] 5,281 7,480 7,782] 1,012,329| 581,047 113,624 L,143,682 486, 294 325,412 3.252 081 [New York-Northeast- ern New Jersey (it) : 003,024,030,031 «+s 0L1,043,044,066 | 24,680|12,129,756] 67.216| 554,873| 69,345 1u49,677| 198,384|22,293,668| 7,203,495| 991,131| 6,165,676] 2,923,144 29 345 155,614 097 |Rochesteresss...028 613 148,874) 2,691 12,182| 2,799 3.327 3,523 516,313 303,852 52,906 727,993 515,953 33,577] 1,720 120 [Syracuse...e.s. 034 h72 168,256] 1,579 8,111 1,630 2,185 2,128] 234,248 128,358 27,813 654,102 120,719 0,203 16,662 128 (Utica-Rome..022,033 322 61,656) 1,437 5,652] 1,500 1,527] 1,367] 202,996] 135,304 29,450 323,873] 264,703 24,036) 42,793 OTHER COUNTIES... 2,280 322,653 11,340 39,514] 12,161 8,625 7.869) 1,534,102 966,117 154,983 703,983 732,686 138,417 180,223 All Counties; 002 |Albany. ..001 yog| 125,013] 1,462 8,652 1,553 2,297 2,547] 300,304] 222,799 20,957 14,321 LL 574 19,155 13,461 Allegany........002 4 1,656 180 370 189 © 13 51 20,702 8, Ll 2,h23 be Lk ,900 3,276 081 [Bronx.. ...003 862| 226,323 8,463] 46,779 8,9%| 11,196! 12,819 (2) 2) (2) 3,237 170 89 013 (Broome. ...00k 176 38,389 836 3,538 926 843 822 108,210 66,911 17,080 263,317 177,224 27,70! Cattaraugus, ....005 56 7.249 273 1,025 304 218 184 43 uy 22,057 4,706 12,814 19,128 Cayuga,eesennss .006 nn 6,837] U8 1,124 372 208 183 51,915 37.537 4,911 5.866 20,213 3,384 Cratauqua.......007 133 17,417 507 1,725 562 409 359 81,867 2,655 11,122 1,091 40,658 7.563 Chemung. ........008 101 21,048) Wr 1,067 478 380 365 55,059 29,14L 7.174 223,624 65,456 16,988] 8,862 Chenango. .......009 35 6,037 194 535 208 82 57, 21,112 11,080 2,837 118 22,757 36 Clinton...s.....010 50 9,713 176 627 191 139 126) 16,209) / 9,98 2,188 1,040 2,107 Lm Columbid....... .011 39 3,407 180 609 192 119 i 28,662 21,59% 2,115 2,243 12,784 Cortland... .012 9 W334 197 "597 21k 109 89 30,655 22,510 1,956 34,804 16,575 2,269 Delaware. .013 9 , 787 193 433 25 67 43 21,118 10,836 4,183 78,701 3.553 7,810 680 Dutchess. .01k 90 16,141 517 2,830 612 681 684 100,564 68,787 7,710 74,312 50,681 27,041) 1,134 017 |Erie. .015| 1,107| Luk hugl k 388 23,317] 4,560 6,707 6,9991 892,698| 517,640 94,1321 14,068,133 412,269 258,565, 503 Essex. . .016 26 1,992) 159 4ko 172 17 67 9.795 3843 1,543 389 14,708 Frankli 017 56 6,996 210 643 231 154 125 17,423 8,706 5 488 1,528 527 Fulton. .018 58 13,062 287 1,162 320 310 318| 36,306 22,000 3,279 938 34,812 Genesee .019 45 7.297 184 578 223 103 86 26,692 13,562 3,308 12,378 7+108] Greene..... .020 13 1,785 132 Lo3 138 & 69 16,646 12,109 1,k87 6.035 1,010 Hamilton........021 3 85 46 62 54 13 8 432 309 163 128 |Herkimer........022 39 4,476 286 816 309 186 157, 34,833 22,108 5,533 130,130 11,747 3.559 JeffersoNess.sss 023 106 14,431 559 1,569 598 309 287 69,272 4g, 784 4,939 25,859 9,034 2,700] © 23,605 OBL {Eingeeveesens von o2k| 2,523 627,985] 18,267| 101,301| 19,042| 26,702 30,506 (2) (2) (2) 1,257,585 880,027 216,535 34,585 Lowi Roce sinrengs 025 12 1.217 114 261 n 27 22] 8,806 5.329 1.14 202 Livingston......026 3 3,516 152 366 162 uy 31 15,743 8,310 2,130 53 17,160 Mad 1800e. sears ss02]7 Ll 180 543 19% 95 fod 25,822 17,205 2,865 23,307 7,951 475 097 |Monroe......... -028 613 148,874 2,691 13,182 2,799 3.327 3.523 516,313 303,852 52,906 727.993 51£.953 33.517 1,720 Montgomery. .....029 55 10,810 308 1,170 343 202 181 52,892 40,032 5,133 1,109] 113,168 £10 081 (Nassal......... .030 209 53.823] 2,170 12,130| 2,231 3,115 3,426 254,630 144,155 46,803 2,405,727 93,367 107,152 9,856 081 |New Yorke...... .031| 19,997|11,883,147| 26,468 326,642] 26,900] 91,353| 131,699[21,688,213 (26,769,268 =289k,817| 1,235,616] 1,008,526 27,799 47,073 017 [Miagara......... 032 108 14,022 687 ,188 121 173 783] 119,631 63,407 19,492 75.549 4,125 66,847 2,749 128 [Oneida...... en s03, 283 57,220] 1,151 ,836( 1,191 1,241] 1,210 168,163] 113,196 23,917 193,683 252,956 20,477 42,793 120 [Onondaga........ 03 472| 168,256) 1,579 8,111] 1,630 2,185 2,12 294.248 188,358 27,813 65k ,102 130,719 30,209 16,662 Ontario. ........035 60 6,47 286 1,017 308 203 176 37,505 21,799 3,306 1,522 2,15 861 Orange..........036 157 31,935) 800 2,894 874 657 620 117,604 84,049 8,596 7.123 39,046 39,608 Orleans.........037 42 4,164 129 683 133 169 184% 12,050 5,272 1,276 2,429 OBWEEO ee rrnns “63 7.269 300 917 326 183 1k 40,035 30,570 4,067 26,1445 53 612 Ot8£0u=. vneses 46 6,674 221 627 235 2 106 30,427 19,517 2,917 oul u73 Pubnam. ve sisnee Lolo 7 508 63 182 6 2k 27 8,610 5,350 1,088 081 [Oueens.......... o41 584 200,384 7,331| 40,016 7,507 9,907 11,399 (2) 2 (2 786,898 500,792 57,388 1,877 002 [Rensselaer......042 116 31,192 591 2,506 610 633 618] 100,660 one § hw 5.992 65,494 334 081 [Richmonde.......043 76 16,413 824 3,392 839 813 891 (2) 2 (2) 305,231 24,835 5,926 16,146 081 [Rockland........Olk 32 4,549 227 1,082 237 249 26k 37,254 21,327 5,071 5,801 28,408 1,622 42,522 St. Lawrence....045 88 9,528] 429 1,045 Lusk 211 165 37,522 21,715 5.030 50 18,918 30,628 625 Baratoghe...... L046 23 i, 641 mel 1,022] 360 184 165) 27.095] 18.55% 2,791 1.433 37,380 385 002 [S8chenectady.....O47 106 24,180 673 3,007 135 91 776] 109,376 75,882 27,792] 1,438,160 500,901 26,131 20,878 Schoharie. ......048 12 1,104 ™ 318 73 78 76 10,616 7.221 1,061 68 Bchuylers....... 0o4g pin 1,613 54 141 53 30 23 5.356 2,895 554 3,669 Beneca..........050 22 1,798 114 242 13 22 17 12,294 8,314 1,392 8,845 19,297 113 27.674 Steuben.........051 18 8,669 368 1,215 399 212 202 35,311 16,335 5,794 802 38,L54 98 Buffolk.....0...052 162 25,026 95% 4,469 390 1,217 1,176] 150,766 100,984 11,324 32,685 8,740 7.885 14,485 LL 2 6,62 204 757 20u 2! 177 25,409 13,714 5,202 69 IP10g8..........00 1 m 220 117 28 18 11,061 5,828 1,180 609 394 1Remainder of New York = Northeastern New Jersey setropolitin Area’ (081) is in New Jersey. New York County (031) includes Bronx-{002), Kings (024), Queens (041), and Richmond (043) counties. 277 Table 3 Part 1 - Population TABLE 3—SELECTED DATA FOR METROPOLITAN AREAS AND FOR ALL COUNTIES, ¥. Y., Tompkins (055) - . d N. C., Hoke (047) BY STATE—Continue TOTAL POPULATION POPULATION—1940 EDUCATION VITAL . 1940 STATISTICS ESTIMATED 1944 POPULATIO Lind | Pope | Total whi Percent of PULATION nd op- pili ind ercent of METROPOLITAN U.S. lati opulation 25 area |ulation pop Metro. AREAS, rank in per years old and Area COUNTIES, Number of |Percent| sq. over who have Code AND counties change he mile Percent Rol Rurel completed— CODES Numbe Percent| April 1, (in 1930 of Urban nonfarm | farm Births | Deaths umber | change | “To40" | percen-[ 1930 | 1940 | 1940 | Number | total Nov. | tiles) 1940 opu- 5 or Hi 1943’ 1940- ation more ligh 1943 1940 grades | S¢M0° m 2) @) [O) (5) (6) om ®) (9) (10) 1n (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) NEW YORK—Con. All Counties—Con. Tompkins. .......056 40,565 | -4.2 42,340 17 2.0 491 | 86.2 41,55 | 98.1 | 19,730 | 12,914 9,69 | 95.2] 36.4 834 484 Ulster..........056 76,994 | -11.5 87,017 7 8.6 | 1,143 76.1 84,763 | 97.4 | 36,505 | 84,744 | 15,7%68| 88.4 17.9] 1,121| 1,099 +.057 24,312 | -4.8 36,035 21 5.4 883 | 40.8 35,918 | 99.7 | 18,836 | 12,675 4,524 | 93.9| 25.9 661 482 Washington. .....058 40,915 | -12.4 46,726 15 0.5 837 | 55.8 46,189 | 98.8 | 18,298] 15,937 | 12,491) 91.7) 19.4 788 631 Wayne...........059 51,699 | -2.0 52,747 13 5.5 607 | 86.9 52,613 | 99.7 | 16,218 | 17,069 | 19,460| 89.8 19.9 827 634 081 |Westchester.....060| 519,983 | -8.9 | 573,558 o| 10. 435 [128.5 541,680 | 94.4 | 479,921 | 89,250 4,887 | 89.0 35.8] 8,847 5,607 Wyoming. ..081 29,067 | -7.4 31,394 26 9.1 598 | 52.5 81,059 | 98.9 8,022 | 11,992 | 11,380 93.8] 21.2 523 360 XatoU.cervssiiess0BE 14,924 | -8.9 16,381 56 | -2.8 344 | 47.6 16,242 | 99.2 5,308 | 4,891 6,682 | 95.2] 24.5 258 236 NORTH CAROLINA...| 8,846,987 | -6.1 |3,571,623 12.7 | 49,142 | 72.7 | 2,567,635 | 71.9 | 974,175 | 940,947 [166,601 | 72.1 | 18.7| 90,629 | 29,890 METRO. COUNTIES.. 584,498 | -5.9 | 621,216 15.5 | 2,562 [242.5 459,874 | 74.0 | 390,033 | 129,620 | 101,563 | 79.9 | 28.0 14,328 5,349 Metro. areas: 006 97,428 | -10.4 | 108,755 11.0 646 [168.4 92,598 | 85.1 | 51,310 | 30,627 | 26,818| 8s.2| 29.9] 2,287| 1,006 022 146,168 | -3.7 | 151,826 18.6 542 | 280.1 108,507 | 71.5 | 100,899 | 28,756 | 22,171] 81.1] s3.1| 3,769| 1,363 039 80,481 0.3 80,244 19.4 299 | 268.4 51,708 | 64.4 | 60,195 | 11,272 8,777{ ‘75.1| 25.6] 2,128 663 050 |Greensboro......041| 150,579 | -z.2 | 153,916 15.7 651 [236.4 121,781 | 79.1 | 97,814 | 30,198] =25,909| 81.3] 27.8| wu,se8| 1,272 135 |Winston-Salem...034| 109,847 | -13.1 | 126,475 18.2 424 | 298.8 85,810 | 67.5 | 79,815| 28,772 | 17,888| 76.7 | =22.0| z.,791| 1.045 OTHER COUNTIES...| 2,762,489 | -6.1 |2,950,407 12.1 | 46,580 | 63.3 | 2,107,761 | 71.4 | 584,142 | 811,327 [1,554,938 | 70.2 | 16.4] 76,301 | 24,061 All Counties: Alamance. .......001 57,582 0.8 57,427 1 | 26.3 434 [132.3 46,832 | 81.6 | 16,537 | 24,317 | 16,573] 77.6] 18.9] 1,450 4%4 Alexander.......002 12,478 | -7.8 13,454 64 4.1 258 | 52.8 12,516 | 93.0 3,385 | 10,129) 7s.8| 10.9 288 128 Alleghany. ......003 6,834 | -18.1 8,341 82 [ 16.1 230 | 36.3 8,082 | 96.3 1,38 2,007 | 77.5] 11.9 131 “ ..004 25,265 | -11.2 28,448 0 | -3.1 533 | 53.4 14,518 | "1.0 3,587 | 6,108| 18,748 | 64.0] 1z.8 663 230 ABS... cn sree 00D 18,778 | -17.1 22,664 40 7.8 427 | 83.1 22,189 | vr.% 2,612 | 20,052 | 69.9 9.2 487 164 AVOrY..uursssss 006 11,607 | -14.4 13,561 64 | 14.9 247 | 54.9 13,302 | 98.1 4,215 9,346 | 70.7 | 13.6 363 88 81,812 | -14.1 36,431 21 4.0 831 | 43.8 22,631 | 62.1 8,59 | 8,567 | 19,295) 64.2] 15.3 866 369 23,346 | -10.9 26,201 43 1.4 693 | 37.6 11,324 | 48.2 6,710 | 19,491] 63.1| 14.1 704 225 24,553 | -9.6 27,156 2 2.9 879 | 30.9 15,981 | 58.8 6,972 | 20,184 | 66.7) 11.7 793 239 16,986 | -0.7 17,125 84 8.3 873 | 19.6 11,326 | 66.1 7,599 9,526 | 63.2 10.4 547 160 0s 97,428 | -10.4 | 108,755 5 m.0 646 [168.4 92,598 | 8.1 | 51,310 30,627 | z6,818| s3.2| 29.9] 2,287] 1,008 85,328 | -8.5 88,615 19 | 31.3 506 | 76.3 25,444 | 91.8 10,265] 15,250 | 13,080 | 70.4 16.5 926 379 Cabarrus. 61,156 3.0 59,393 11 | ss.0 360 | 165.0 49,592 | 83.5 | 15,872 | 29,047 | 14,674 | 75.7] 16.7] 1,347 326 Caldwell... 014 233,460 | -6.5 35,795 22 | 27.8 476 | 7b.2 33,117 | 92. 7,598 | 12,610 15,587 | 75.8| 14.9 999 pr Camden..........0l5 4,824 | -11.3 5,440 91 | -0.4 239 | 22.8 3,195 | 88.7 2,043 4,397 | 68.1 9.5 123 54 Certeret ..016 17,68 | -3.2 18,284 81 8.2 532 | 34.4 1b,581 | 85.2 6,967 | 7,257 4,060 76.5] 11.3 32 178 c 1 017 18,095 | -9.7 20,032 45 | 10.0 485 | 46.1 10,918 | 54.3 2,541 | 17,491 | 60.6 9.5 480 146 ..018 46,768 | -9.5 b1,603 18) 1m. 406 | 127.2 46,488 | 90.0 | 18,894 | 15,811 | 17,448 | 79.9 =z1.5| 1,321 364 Chatham. ..019 22,020 | -10.9 24,726 26 2.8 707 | 35.0 16,813 | 68.0 7,646 | 17,081 | 73.5] 14.0 510 198 Cherokee 16,565 | -11.9 18,813 49] 16.8 467 | 40.3 18,602 | 98.9 6,960 | 11,853 | 74.0 14.4 557 104 Chowan. . 10,812 | -9.2 11,872 71 2.6 180 | 64.3 6,139 | 83.0 3,835 230 7,507 | 66.9) 16.6 337 12 Clay.. 6,842 | -29.1 6,405 88 | 17.9 219 | 29.2 6,326 | 98.8 991 v,416 | 73.3( 10.6 173 52 Cleveland 63,008 | -8.6 88,055 1m| 1.8 466 [124.6 45,208 | 77.9 | 20,584 | 8,489 | 28,982| 70.5| 17.0] 1,589 333 Columbus. 42,180 | -7.7 45,663 tl =a 919 | 48.6 30,988 | 67.9 3,011 | 10,303 | 82,299 | 65.5] 12.5] 1,443 387 Craven..........025 85,669 | 14.0 31,298 26 2.1 725 | 43.2 17,265 | 86.2 | 11,815] 7,283| 12,230] 67.9 16.9 915 440 Cumberland......028 62,810 23.5 89,320 11 31.2 8681 | 89.7 38,883 | 65.5 17,428 | 21,969 19,928 72.4 20.7 1,849 652 Currituck ..027 5,042 | -17.2 6,709 86 278 | 24.6 4,371 | 65.2 2,682 4,027 | 98.7] 13.4 124 47 Dare... ..028 4,633 | -21.2 6,041 89 | 16.1 388 | 18.6 5,570 | 92.2 5,811 230 | 74.9] 15.5 18 49 Davidson ..029 49,870 | -6.8 88,477 12| 11.» 048 | 97.4 47,481 | 89.0 | 21,891 | 13,186 | 18,600| 76.5] 15.6] 1,1% 3b4 Davie. .....ss...030 12,088 | -18.6 14,909 60 4.6 264 | 06.5 12,730 | 85.4 3,508 9,406 | 69.8 12.9 328 130 84,992 | -11.9 39,789 19: 19.2 822 | 48.3 25,672 | 64.3 9,412 | 80,327 | 67.0] 14.6] 1,017 294 80,481 0.3 80,244 7] 19.4 299 [268.4 51,708 | 64.4 | 60,195 | 11,272 8,777 | 75.1] 25.6] 2,128 663 43,009 | -12.5 49,162 14 2.8 511 | 96.2 22,498 | 45.8 | 19,126 | 4,491 | ep.048| v9.8| 17.3] 1,211 a 109,847 -18.1 126,470 4 18.2 424 | 298.3 8d,310 | 67.0 79,815 | 28,772 17,888 76.7 22.0 2,791 1,040 27,270 | -10.% 30,382 27 3.1 494 | 61.0 17,839 | 87.1 7,868 | 22,514 | 64.8] 13.0 676 237 91,271 4.8 87,531 7) a= 808 | 244.5 74,941 | 80.8 | 32.461 40,897 | 14,173) 70.7] 15.3] 2,248 s22 8,908 | -11.5 10,060 76 | -4.7 843 | 29.3 5,088 | 20.8 2,252 7,808 | 67.5 13.8 231 90 11,676 | 81.9 6,418 88 9.9 89 | 21.8 6,244 | 97.3 2,274 4,46 | 63.0 8.3 223 39 26,%68 | -9.b 29,844 29 2.2 84s | 84.0 14,379 | 49.0 3,991 | ©,149| 20,206 | 66.5] 17.2 782 276 16,140 | -18.0 18,848 50 | -0.6 269 | 69.0 10,464 | 06.4 2,004 | 16,486 | ve.3 9.8 493 106 Guilford 180,079 | -2.2 | 103,918 s| 16.7 651 [236.4 121,701 | 79.1| 97,814 | 0,198] 8,909 | 1.3) 27.8] uueu| 1,27 Halifex. 50,618 | -10.4 6,512 12 6.1 722 | 768.3 24,432 | 43.2] 11,104 | 14,780 | 30,627 | os.0| 13.8] 1,875 420 Harnett....oe00.048 40,660 -8.1 44,289 16 16.7 606 | 73.0 81,990 | 78.3 5,206 10,630 28,403 67.8 14.2 1,128 300 Haywood. ss... 0.044) 80,249 | -13.1 84,804 ez | 23.1 84s | 64.1 33,910 [ 97.4 7,977 | 11,470| 10,37] 75.9] 18.8 787 £28,668 9.1 26,049 a4 11.3 882 | 68.2 23,916 91.8 ©,881 9,107 11,b11 79.2 ©8.9 2 16,748 | -18.9 19,302 47 10.3 806 | D4.4 7,904 | 40.8 6,772 12,080 6b.2 17.9 404 HOK® oveoosoess 047 18,928 -6.6 14,987 60 4.9 414 46.1 5,708 | 38.9% 8,041 11,896 59.8 18.3 401 278. TABLE 3—SELECTED DATA FOR METROPOLITAN AREAS AND FOR ALL COUNTIES, BY STATE—Continued Table 3 Part 3 - Labor Force N. Y., Tompkins (055) - W. C., Hoke (047) are maint LABOR FORCE—1940 279 ; Percent of Population 14 Years Old and Over Employed Workers by Industry Group Fs VETRDPOLTAN In leading Metro, AREAS Trans. Business nonagri- Ara| COUNTIES, Percent | Percent ports an cultural Code AND of all of all ton, |. Whole ersonal In indust CODES tsb males | females | 1... Asti. os Con- Manufac. | communi-| 150d Sat Other tt ry Total "| who are | who are 2) g Mining | struc- > cations, : and not | 28 force S s employed || culture on turing a retail exclud- teamed cul- Cod I l - oles trade ing D ture s i: p wi oe utili- dontstis — - ties services pr an (18) 19) 0) @n (2) 23) (24) (25) (26) @n (28) (29) (30) 31) | 32) NEW YORK~=Con, All Counties—Con. Tompking........055 33,842 17,528 75.4 29.0 15,646 2,212 42 841 2,623 712 2,551 4,979 1,686 | 14.1 | G36 | 22,2 Ulster..........056 70,128 34.644| T3.4| 24.2] 28,870 4,670 178] 3,049 6.057 2,021| 2,702| 5,107| 2)985|16.2| 636] e&.5 Warren..........057 28,741 15,457 78.5 30.8] 12 1665 1,011 49) 729 3,346 597 2,502 2,89 1,535| 8.0 7] 9.0 Washington. ....058 } 18,169] 72.6] 24.2] 15,617) 308m 3290 704 4,303 ou6| 10920| 1881] 1)553| 25.5 11| we Wayne...eseessss059 42,317 20,482 76.1 21.0 18,067 6,579 8 77 3,304 1,134 2,373 2,623 1,319 | 36.4 | G36| 8.4 081 |Westchester.....060 460,955 248,525 78.0) 31.44 213127 3,207 402 14,650 38,663 15,951 40,148 60,863 39,243 | 1.5| G36 | 13.1 Wyoningesssessss061 25,304 12,245 66.5 25.9 11,207 3,624 28 447 2, Lhd, 1,175 1,466 1,154 | 32.3 6 11,8 Yates.eeeeeeeses062 12,986 6,490 77.8 22, 2737, 1,953 2) 31 1,053 267 Ad 859 545 | 34.0 | G36| 8.3 NORTH CAROLINA...| 2,491,830(1,333,773| 80.1] 27.71,208,690|| 405,923 | 2,914] 46,970 | 325,539 | 41,123 | 126,712 | 132,209 | 127,299 33.6 | 6] 15.7 METRO. COUNTIES... 465,490 273,539 80,7] 38.8) 244,441] 20,758 304 12,375 85,193 12,838 40,175 42,198 30,603 | 8.5 Metro, areas: 006 81,251 42,535 75.9] 30 36,291 44324 53 1,797 8,347 2,355 6,345 8,029 5,041 11.9 022 10500 68,154 82.0] 39.0] 3.0m 4,3 60| 3,981 | 16,251 4,703 | 12,89 | 11,257 | 9,59] 7.0 039 61,015 36,539 80.8 41, 31,304, 2,186 35 1,776 11,528 1,054 4,816 6,426 3,483 | 7.0 050 or 1,867 68,978 82.00 39 63,958] 5,97 g2| 2,851 | 26,372 2,859 | 9,007| 9,642] 7,17 | 9.3 135 |Winston-Salem,..034 93,767 57,333 81.6 42, 49,809 3,893 7 1,970 22,695 1,867 7,113 6,844 5,356 | 7.8 OTHER COUNTIES...| 2,026,340|1,060,234 80.0) 25,0] 964,249|| 385,165 | 2,613] 34,596 | 240,346 | 28 285 | 86,537 | 90,011| 96,69 | 39.9 All Counties: Alamance. .......001 41,606 25,510 82.0] 41.3] 24,309 3,424 1 878 12,994 645 2,331 2,090 1,936 | Li. 6| 48.8 +400; 9,119 4,478 79.14 20, 4,152 2,089 4 15 1,023 7% 273 303 239 | 50.2 6] 16.3 5,758 2,623 79.8 11. 2,138 1,417 159 108 38 109 18 159 | 66.2 | G36| 4.5 . 19,088 9,912 79.9 25, 8,952 4,563 83) 256 1,573 235 627 651 964 | 51.0 6] 10.3 Ashe.......00...005 15,006 6,939 81.0 11.,. 5,37 3,653 19 172 329 365 382 387| 68.0 G36| 4.7 AVEITerenereess006 8,m6| 4,134 77.5] 16. 3,100] 1,626 ua 19% 68 195 372 207| 52.5 | 636] 9.2 Beaufort..... 25,233] 12,249] 719.4 19.0 10,910] 5,629 333 1,115 24 | 1,270 1,050 1,249] 51.6] 636] 4.6 Bertie...... 17,446 8,354 79.8 16 7,901 5,400 125 698 89 422 484 683 | 68.3 8| 4.8 Bladen...... 17,i66| 8,858] 80.6] 20. 8106] 4.628 209 1,645 106 458 534 526 | 57.1] 9] 9.3 Brunswick.......010 11,295 5,018 75.7 hE 4,428 2,257 236 8 103 256 288 476 | 51.0 13| 8.7 006 |Buncombe........01l 81,251 42,535 75.9) 30. 36,291 44324 53 1,797 8,347 2,355 6,345 8,029 5,041] 11,2 | G36] 10.6 Burke..... 012 26,009] 1,131] 75.0] 31.2 13,u0| 2,217 1 m9 6, 2g| 1022| 143 1046|16.0| 6]30.e Cabarrus... 12,281 27685 83.3] 4m.9| 26,242) 2,55 3 633] 16,408 38s | 2.05, | L,87| 2,358] 9.7| 6] 60.9 Caldwell... 23,787 12,521 82.0 23, 11,125 1,836 20| 408 5,845 239 973 924 880 | 16,5 10 | 28.5 Camden........e4015 3,73 1,836 82.6 11. 1,589 1,036 isd 1 39 93 84 71) 65.2 8| 7.2 Carterete.......016 13,307 6,126 Tek 20,5) 4,933 - 37 2| 259 532 216 616 598 1,773] 19.0| G36| 5.1 12,916 6,205 82,2] 12, 6,059 439% 1 83 53 238 282 322| 72.6 6 6.8 36,154 21,303 82,2 37. 19,851 3,582 9 905 9,336 587 1,969 1,844 1,619 18.0 6] 32.2 17402] e.o02| 8.0 19. s.u8u| 3,886 7 23 2,347 18, 530 546 2%1fs5.8| 6 9.8 Cherokee. . ve. +r.020 12,529 5,591 The 13. 44243 1,786 50| 601 462 155 397 390 402 | 42,1 G36 5.3 Chowani.eeeeeseesO21 8,019 3,997 80,8] 20, 3,9 1,872 9 521 80 316 399 492] 49.5 6| 6.0 4,307 2,025 82.0 10. 1,589 1,090 2 33 168 32 68 101 95 | 68.6 9| 6.7 39,591 21,648 81.7 28. 20,207 7,432 38 567 6,922 415 1,668 1,634 1,531 36.8 6] 31,2 5556 14,802 80.9 18. 14,103 9,056 1 452 1,363 198 1,058 ,068 907 | 6%.2 9| 4S 21,98, 11,316 80.0 2 9,581 3 T6284 295 1,659 345 1,326 1,090 1,182} 38,5 9.6.8 42,181 23,981 83.3 26, 22,351 4y 722 8 1,297 3,533 538 2,312 231k 7,627] 21.1 37 245 4,868 2,476 - 82.5 16, 2,088 1,315 91 137 48 109 10 278 | 63.0 37 2.9 44401 2,314 78.2 25, 1,445 35 83 45 5 212 234 71] 2.4 37 14.9 37,847 20,591 80.9 28,3 19,125 3,611 10 9,789 490 1,538 1,699 1,319 18.9 6| 25.6 10,447 5,075 77.9] 18.3] 4,739 2,103 2 184 1,517 55 307 276 295 | 4ho4 6| 25.4 26,426] 12,082] 81.8 16.0 12,160| 8,78 2 289 728 130 #01 689 m3| m.e| o36| 3.4 039 61,015 36,539 80.8 41,5) 31,304 2,186 35 1,776 11,528 1,054 4,816 6,426 3,483] 7.0 221 27.7 33,450| 18, g0.4| 31.6] 1648 7,972 10509 | 1,003 | 1,636| 1,55] 2,100] 48.4] 6] 5.1 135 [Foreythorsses se 0% 93.767] 57.333] 81.6] 42.8 49.800| 3.893 m| 1,07] 220605| 1,867| Tom3| 6,eus| 5.356] 7.8| 22] 26.0 Franklin, ..e....035 20,392 9,698 80.7 1. 8,853 5, "928 2] 178 844 ™ 594 608 620 67:0 6| 4.9 Gaston...eeesese036 60,656 37,182 82.0 41, 34,616 2949 22 995 20,578 962 3,167 2,855 3,088 8,5 6] 55.7 Gates..ceeesesss037 7,001 3,285 77.3 15, 3,0m 2,091 52 369 29 119 151 260 | 68,1 8 7.5 Graham..eeeesess038] 4,131 2,098 84.2 LU. 1,427 620 3 ih 298 105 57 134 133] 43.4 8| L.2 Granviile.......039 19,864 10,027] el.2| 19.3] 9.253 5,766 2 195 905 100 m3 801 ub) 62.3 636 5.2 |Greene.......sss040 » 5,627 81,4, 11.5 5,302(| 4,524 65 12 219 233 203 | 85,3 G36 3.3 050 114,867 68,978 82,0 39. 63,958 5,971 82| 2,851 26,372 2,859 9,007 9,642 7,174) 9.3 6] 26.0 Im28| 19.618] 78.7 272] emul 766s 2 us 5,093 a | 1am| Lue| 1,753[42.2| 6] 21.2 Harnetteeseesds e043 29,370 14,209 179.5 16, 13,571 7,089 ° 33 282 2,635 228 1,039 1,101 1, 52,2 6] 13.5 Haywood. ss ss ess sObd 23,55| 11,100] 77.5] 16.3 9,328 2,7: n| 4m 3,217 237 89 | 1,000 72] 29.5] 1120.8 19,037 9,3 76.9 23,0] 8,435 2,656 7 583 1,740 271 1,078 5 948| 31,5 6| 1.5 13.286] 6, nol 17.4] 6.019) 3.251 166 a6 89 553 19 615) 5400] 10] 62 Hok@sososoooeass047 9,659 4,781 78,7, 20, 4,431] 2,989 1 128 342 46 210 440 275] 67.5| G36| 7.7 Part 3 = Hovsing TABLE 3—SELECTED DATA FOR METROPOLITAN AREAS AND FOR ALL COUNTIES, dk Nl BY STATE—Continued N. C., Hoke (047) HOUSING—1940 . i i . Nonfarm Rural Farm All Dwelling Units . Occupied Dwelling Units Dvallicg Units Dyielizng Uits 3 METROPOLITAN R 8 Metro. AREAS, tele- Atea| COUNTIES, Median phones Code AND Residential Percent Percent Per. Percent Auber : Per- CODES structures in5or | with | Percent Co if with of Average cent | Percent| Jan. I, . Number more | private | with Nailer Leones mechan- perio) Number monthly Number with | with 1945 family | bathtub | electric Se ical iy rent run- | electric struc- ‘or lighting vie refrig- | oc. (dollars) ning | lighting tures | shower eration | “poi water - 33) [€)) 35) (36) @n (38) 39) “0 “n “2) 3) [CD] 5) (46) @n NEW YORK—Con. All Counties—Con, . TOmPKANS assess .055 10,781 13,393 4.6 6u,2 87.3 12,345] 55.7 53.3 3.00 10,611 34.47 2,782] 35.7 60.1 £,015 26,737 30,361 1.8 57.6 90.54 24,761 56.0 52.0 2.98 25,563 27.89 5,392 $0.5 84.0 12,129 11,423 13,203 3.4 64.2 86.1 10,348| 57.5] Lu8.0 | 3.03 11,794 28,50) 1,409( uu, u9.8 6,973 12,292 14,047 1.5 49.6 79.9 12,369] 61.7 Mi.4| 3.20 10,419 20.22 3,628 38.9 60.0 558 15,435 16,668 0.6 43.3 25.8 15,023| 61.9 36.4 2.92 10,736 22,90 5,932| 23.4 7.2 7,039 031 92,621 161,213 27.4 88.6 99.0 147.735) 33.5 72.8 3.43 159,982 59.22) 1,224 87.5 94.3 99,643 y 8,909 9,662 0.7 52.0 86.0 8,310 61.0 38.1 3.10 6,327 20.21 2.335] 39.5 70.6 4,230 Y34080s ue srs ves062 5,820 6,298 1.0 39.1 77.3 Loug| 62.7) 33. 2.98 4,162 20.35 2,135 22.7| 52.4 2,616 NORTH CAROLIMA... 755,858 220,882 1.3 24.6 sl 4 733,659 | u2.h 28.2 3.99 473,71 16.59 W717 6.9 22.4 170,490 METRO. COUNTIRS.. 129,41k, 156,159 L,2 LY, 79.6 150,235) 37.6] u2.8| 2.59 133,642] 21.81 22,517] 20.2 | uh.5 61,271 Metro. areas: 3 006 |Asheville.......911 2u,627 28,233 4.5 49.0 71.9 26,375 uk.5 36.7 3.53 22,155 19.42 5,078 29.0 34.9 g,861 022 (Charlotte. +4060 23,924 37.175 5.5 0.2 79.2 36,320 33.0 Lh 3.62 32,365 25,38) 4,210] 19.2 bb 18,205 029 (Durham... ..032 16,021 20,618 3.0 bo.7 79.7 19,898 23.2 uu | 3.50 18,593] 22.88] 2,025] 10.5 | 31.6 8,186 050 |Greeneboro......OLl 32,270 27,267 3.8 40.8 26.0 36,842 39.9] 47.3 | 3.67 12,231 21.93 5.637] 16.4 | 55.3 15,773 135 [Winston-Salem...034 26,672 32,265 3.8 38.7 78.9 30,800( 39.8 39.8 3.58 28,298 18.75 3,967| 18.1 £y.L 10,246 OTHER COUNTIES... 626,445 £64,729 0.7 19.1 48.5 639,424] u3.6 24.8 | 4.08 340,099 14.53 324,630] 5.8 22.0 109,219 All Counties: Alamancees......001 12,079 13,254 0.7 3.2 71.9 13,024 48.5 48.1 3.88 9,611 17.58 3,643] 12.5 46.0 3,587 ..002 2,996 3,021 8.8 39.4 2,890 64.3] 15.9 | kas 871 3.16 2,150] 5.2] 25.4 170 2,169 2,18 8.3 32.9 1,988 T71.h 8.0 3.72 4k 13.47 1,767) 9.4 27.0 116 6,037 6,2u2 0.1 13.1 38-3 5,977] 34.3 17.8 4.29 2,408 11.91 3,831 2.3 20.7 ell 5,186 5,233 5.1 23. L,e68| 70.3 L.6| 4.23 651] 10.65 4,58] 10.1 | 19.3 103 2,872 2,910 0.2 12.2 29.0 2,764| ob.l 8.3 35 992 10.40 1,918| 17.9 18.6 75 8,315 8,736 0.3 17.5 34.4 8,154| 49.8 20.2 | W.01 4, u63| 13.09 u, 273 3.7 £.7 1,212 5,262 5,399 0.1 7.9 23.9 5,353] 37.8] 10.7] 4.35 1,75| 10.58] 3,693] 2.0 3.2 351 5,947 6,095 0.1 5.9 25.5 5,621 57.5 10.7 4,35 1,248 12.41 L2u7| 2.5 12.7 224 Brunswick.......010 3.737 3,817 10.3 22.0 3,673] 68.7 7.6 | u.18 1,863 6.98 1,948] Lu | 11.2 97 006 [Buncombe........0l1 24,627 28,233 4.5 49.0 71.9 26,375 u4.5| 36.7 3:53 22,155 193.k2 6,078] 29.0 | 3.9 8,861 7.718 3,099 0.8 21.2 59.7 7.783| 58.1] 29.9 13 5,548| 12.96 2,551] 8.9 | 27.0 1,236 11,987 13,430 1.0 30.1 79.8 13,176] 37.7) Uus.6 | 3.98 10,542 14,06 2,887] 13,9 | 34.8 3,828 7.606 8,026 0.4 18.8 67.1 7.617 56.5 2u.9 | L.27 4,849] 13.31 3,177] 10.3 | 16.9 1,008 1,287 1,308 4.1 19.3 1,271] u2.8| 12.2 3.79 £24 6.99 784 4.1 | 14.5 (1) Carterete..... 4,321 4,600 0.4 22.1 49.5 4,261 71.5 17.5 3.86 3,684 1L.66 916| 6.0 19.0 781 Caswell... vs! 4,018 4,065 0.3 4.6 27.0 3,916] 38.8 19.5 4.61 637 10.42 3,428) 3.2 21.2 110 10,890 12,049 0.8 28.1 18.5 11,79) 52.1f 3h.7| 3.97 €,385( 14.57 3,664 9.01 u9.1 2,728 5,629 5.758 0.1 9.9 31.5 5,368 53.9] 21.6 | L.13 1,936] 10.84 3,822] 4.5 | 15.9 393 +140 i,229 0.1 17.2 28.6 L,c21| 56.2] 16.2 | ua? “1,767 10.84 2,u62| 6.3 8.3 321 2,564 2,691 0.4 15.2 35.8 2,539| uW1.5 15.9 4.04 1.99 14.00 1,652] 3.4 12.9 611 1,451 1,L483 2.4 12.0 1,h01| 59.8 41 | La 2l6 6.15 1,237 32 Id & Cleveland.......023 1,713 12,810 0.5 21.0 64.2 12,474] 36.3] 28.5 | 4.17 7.002] 13.11 5,808 B. 38. 2,05 Columbus........024 9,978 10,146 0.1 11.1 22.7 9,798 52.9] 15.0 | k.24 3,143] 11.46 7.003 2.6 11.1 779 Craven..........025 7.093 7.697 0.5 20.1 49.6 7.367 Lu.3| 23.9 | 3.78 5,012 13.01 2,685 4.2 | 22.8 1.568 Cumberland......026 11,323 12,161 0.4 20.0 46.7 11,960 31-3 25.8 4.04 8,190 14.69 3.900 49 | 21.3 4,016 Currituck... ....027 1,709 1,739 6.5 20.4 1,663| L7.6f 14.5 | 3.55 nr 5.38 1.0220 7.5% | 17.8 (1) Daresss esses ss+s028 1,763 1,81 0.9 22.6 48.0 1,54] 83.0 15.9 3.58 1,745 10.47 68 ~ - 243 DavidsoNes.ass.s029 11,L89 12,17 0.5 2.3 78.6 12,029 54.1 31.8 3.94 3,022 12.61 4,152 10.7 62.3 2,906 Davie..... pan s030 3.369 3,398 0.3 17. 53.5 3,320 48.9] 24.4 | Lo 1,26 9.36 2,130| 5.3 | 4.6 394% DUPL nyo venanes .031 g,927 9.177 0.3 1.3 21.0 8,683] 47.9] 11.5( W11 2,320 9.77 6,857] 2.0 | 10.5 472 039 [Durhame..es.....032 16,021 20,618 3.0 40.7 19.7 19,898| 29.2) ub. | 3.50 18,593] 22.88 2,025] 10.5 | 31.6 2,186 Edgecombe. ..033 9,658 10,776 0.8 22.4 51.5 10,332] 24.8) 2u.5| kL.1s 5,746 16.17 5,030] 4.0 [ 23.6 4,619 135 |Forsyth.........03l 26,672 32,265 3.8 38.7 78.9 30,800( 39.8 39.8 3.53 28,298 18.75 3,967] 18.4 54.4 10,246 Franklin..... ...035 6,427 6,692 0.4 7.8 29.3 6.522] 3h.2|r 17.2] Raa 1,27¢| 10.04 4,74 3.0| 17.8 492 GRESONsiuivs vin .036 18,063 19,697 1.4 28.3 80.4 19,529] 35.4 3.9 4.05 16,854 11.8¢ 2,243 11.3 40.0 3,124 BRLEE. cvs rrens 037 2,130 2,174 3.8 18.0 2,124 53.4] 12.5 | L.21 507 9.11 1,667] 2.3 11.3 &7 Graham. ........+038 1,321 1,345 n.7 16.2 1,316] 55.6 9.0 | Lub 523 5.61 822| 9.1 7.6 26 Granvilless.....039 6,156 6,472 0.6 11.6 28.3 189 uu 17.4 ka 2,101| 1k.07 4.3711 2.1 9.6 1,051 Groene..........040 +531 3.573 6.4 37.9 3,556 23.2] 16.7 | u.68 uss! 17.35 3,118] 1.9 | 32.2 116 050 |Guilfordasssee... oll 32,270 37,868 3.8 40.8 86.0 36,8u2( 39.9 47.3 3.67 32,231 21.93 5,637] 16.4 | 55.3 15,773 Ralifax.. sevens O42 10,761 11,598 1.0 20.2 u2,.3 11,446 28.4 18.8 | 4.29 6,191| 12.87 5.707 2.3] 1.8 1.703 Harnett....... ..043 9,031 9,475 0.2 12.0 42.1 9,205] 35.3] 24.0] k.32 3,70 10.50 5.725] *3.7 | 21.5 1,016 Haywoode.ceaus.s oly 7,848 8,1k2 1.0 25.3 50.0 7.651 su.u 27.9 4,08 4,897 13.4 245] 17.5 21.5 1,240 Henderson... ....045 7,236 7,540 1.8 38.5 65.0 363] 55.1] 29.5 | 3.56 W731 17.75 2,803] 22.8 | 40.2 1,180 Eertforde.......046 3,831 4,109 0.4 13.5 28.1 4,024] 36.5 16.0] L.30 1,631 13.32 2,178 2.3 7.4 52 Hokey sin vsomn L047 2,852 2,350 0.2 11.3 20.6 2,0mn| 28.8 13:2 4, 54 7 11.76 2,243] 2.6 6.5 210 1Served from adjoining county. 280 TABLE 3—SELECTED DATA FOR METROPOLITAN AREAS AND FOR ALL COUNTIES, BY STATE—Continued (Figures which have been rounded to thousands will not necessarily adi to totals) Table 3 Part 4 - Agriculture N. Y. Tompkins (055) = N. C. Hoke (047) oo — AGRICULTURE—1945 AGRICULTURE—1940 Value of farm products sold, | Principal Per. f Value of Work power traded, or u source of Por: so arm property farm household farm income | Type- METROPOLITAN cent of- Metro. AREAS, Number of | Land in | Cropland | Number | of farms Percent from— Berg Area COUNTIES, farms farms | harvested farms | farms | L100 A Number L area | C0 Code AND (1000s | (1000's oper- | of Total vel. of Aviousy ve- code livin .CODES Jan 1, | of of | April, [ated | pg | (oi. | 28° | bores | Number [ (O05 | stock Code |p. | (See [inde 194 acres) acres) fo40 by s tag and/or of a (See a2 ! ucts of ain > of live- | C cent | P en- | | mul tractors lla rops | pA) ants | © | dollars) | (dol- 3 dollars) | stock than ) oer 3 prod- $400 mer ucts “3 “9) [C)] Gn G2) (£)) [6] (5) (6) [2] [C)) &) (6) (1) ®) (3) [(] HEV YORK=-Con. All Counties—Con. Tompkinsee....o .055 1, 894 218 90 1,966| 8.2] 3M.7| 12,617] 6.m18 3.25 ons 2,896 73.0] 13. 2 | 3.4 m3| 138 iar rsnrresesd 056 3,696 318 110 3.286| 7.0 29.9| 38,263/|11,650 3.430 £95 5.79% 50.2 32 7] 26.0 mil 12s Warren... .......! 0 1. 132 1 1,096| 8.7] 50.8 %,505( 4,110 1,082 98 m9] M85 11.6 o| n.2 n3| 128 Washington... .... 058 2,748 408 1 2,93 | 9.3 22.6] 19.,215/ 6,549 5.706 96 4.9%) 78.1 8.6 2 | 57.1 wm3| 126 7 Wayneasseeasnen .059 4,161 335 172 4,334)" 14.9| 20.4] 29,332] 6,768 7.548 2,121 8,u86| 26.6 63.9 7] 2.9 126| 127 081 |Vestchester.....060 ™ 5 2 | 518! 13.7] 271.0 26,313 (50,797 1% 233 2,092 38.7 a 8 | 46.5 In| 1n Wyoming.e.e..es 061 2,70 340 149 2,616 16.4| 20.3] 19.1 7.324 6,208 1,17 4,887 58.0] 29.2 2| wm.3 83] 132 T8808. cs icnsrens 1,357 176 n : W,.9| 22.31 11,3 7.335 2,918 80% 2,280 M6.1] 39.5 5 | 2.2 442 122 WORTH CAROLINA...| 287,12 | 18,618 6,126 | 278,276( Lu.4| 27.7 1872,390| 3,135] 37.468] 12,756] 262,438 9.8] 65.2 5 | 62.3 85 METRO. COUNTIES.. 18,116 1,106 330 18,555) 31.5 40.9] 77.656] 4,185] 21,630 1,405] 14,897] 24.6) M1.5 Metro. arsas: 006 |Asheville....... 011 5,710 258. ug 5.426 22.2 a 15,984 Ege 3.503 2] 3,026 33.5 16.% o| 9.2 022 |Charlotte...... v 2,896 237 % 32 45.31 B1.0| 17.722 5,499 5,191 402 2,60) 36.0| 38.3 S| 33.1 039 |Durhame......... 032 1,4 i; 29 1,476| 49.3( 26.2 5.393 3,654 2,033 a 1.453 13.8) 56.2 5 | 55.2 050 |Greensboro...... ok1 4,669 30 % 4,941 30.5] 27.8] 20,k58| k,1ko 6.813 hgh 5,917 19.2 0 5 | 46.5 135 |WinstoneSalem...034 3,270 194 5 3, 26.9| 38.1| 18,100( 5,188 4,090 349 2,832 19. 2 5 | W.7 OTHER COUNTINS...| 269,296 | 17,512 5.796 | 253.721 45.3| 26.7( T794.730| 3,060| 352,838) 11,351 247,540 8.9 66.6 5 2,720 217 66 2,%02| 26.0 25.9] 7.9%] 3.310] ¥,117 2s1| 2.286] 19.4 M22] 5 | w3| ns| om 1,945 137 38 1,988| 18.8] 49.6] 4,099] 2,062 2,152 ™ 1,059 11.8) ¥7.9 5 | M.8 2) 1,602 129 21 1,690 14.5 61.8] 5,345] 3,163 1,39 19 765 Wu.8 7.1 0 | 45.9 6331 1 2,36 246 83 2,324| 52.9) 28.5 6,014 2,588 4,169 136 1,919 9.9] 59.h 5 | 58.6 ns n 3.955 247 u3 4,153| 17.9. 66.8] 10,357] 2,hgu 2,388 n 1,557 35.1 16.8 0 | 46.6 633 2,173 107 27 1,584 | 13.4 53.9 3.111) 1,964 860 10 803 12.5 a.7 0 | 61.9 3 T2 3,443 237 100 3,256| 38.2 15.0] 11,430| 3.510 5,037 2uk 4,463 6.0 8.2 5 | 80.2 83 3.35% | | 237 5 3.095| 63.01 9.5 9,231) 2,983 y 201 3.470 3.3] 8.6 5 | 81.8 9k2| 83 3,ke0 239 3.297| 33.4| 26.2| 7,002 2,124 3,803 e| 29 7.2] p.3] 569.3] 6 17 1.799 12 26 1,722 20.2| 36.7| 3.275| 1.903 1,722 69 1,229| 10.5| 58.8 5 5.5 624| 67 5, T10 258 yg 5.426 22.2] 58.6 15,984) 2,946 3.503 8 3,026 33.5| 16.4 0 | hg.2 633| 100 2,026 124 3 2,228| 23.7] 61.0 5, 2,667 2,003 12 1,052| 25.2] 13.9 0 | 57.7 2 715 1,986 191 66 1,843 38.4| 32.2 8, 4,473 3.708 332 1k) 26,7 m.o 5 | 38.2 ns| 1m 2,507 165 37 2,705 17.7] nN.8 6,660 | 2,462 1,863 112 1,006 20.8 o| 5.0 gel 76 515 55 32 561| 43.5| 21.2 2,830| 5,045 . 102 7%; 16.6 69.8 5 | 68.7 624 85 1,085 61 16 nk| 24.5) 25.2 2,019( 2,828 957 15] 785 9.8 75.3 5 | 62.4] 624 m™ 2,689 218 50 3,000 60.8] 14.5 7.432| 2,477 4,017 118 2,882 2.6 Th.8 5 | hn 21 ® 3,040 206 80 3,082 29.4 22.9 10,120 | 3,284 4,090 227 2,01 17.1 %0.3 o| Mm.3 ns| 100 2,801 296 63 3.173] 3.8 +0 7.633 | 2,406 4,343 162 2,1 30.8) 34.0 5 | 33.6 ns| 9 2,007 134 20 2,182| 25.9| 73.5 3,086( 1,514 1 1 né| 1a 6.4 o| 11.9 633] 17 1,048 76 32 1,006 47.6 21.8 %,819| 4,790 1,878 110 1.856 17.2 69.2 5 | 59.% 9k2| 8&7 1,048 53 n 1,097} 33.5] 59.1 1,599 1,458 929 12 439 14.0 8.% 0 | 77.0 633| 67 5,443 273 137 4,75%0| 61.0| 10.2| 18,074| 3,805 7.745 253 §,524 9.6 62.7 5 | 62.1 ns| 93. 5,761 280 105 5,426 He3 15.8 14,541] 3,680 6.535 108 5.947 3 715.8 5 | 10.2 624 ® 2,266 135 47 2,226| #7.7| 10.7 7.026 | 3,156 3,212 5 2,738 v9 8.7 5 | sou 64) 1 3,319 231 91 2,960| 48.6] 27.0 8,746 | 2,955 4,246 1s 2,729] 10.1 69.9 5 | 66. 122 19 in ™ 34 778] 33.9| 29.0 3,064 | 3,988 1,%08 65 3 18.7 67.9 5 6.2 624 77 2 wt] | a mi pi uli Bl | ed 3 HH SIR WE 3,507 3,298] 20.6] 39. 11, 3.478 W647 387 2,503] 18.5 .8 5 o] nel 98 1,647 Fv 2 1,521 32.9| 35.6 L349] 3,517 2,521 223 1,115[ 28.6 37.6 5 | 36.1 nel 96 5,654 306 117 5.35 ug.4| 15.6) 13.218 2,455 6,677 16 5.902 6.2| 16.0 5 | 66.6 624| 86 039 [Durham.....ee... 1,47 113 -29 1,476 49.3 26.2 5.393] 3.654 2,03 a 1,453 13.8 56.2 5 | 55.2 821| 104 Bdgecomde....... 03 3,615 261 17 3,15 77.7| 6.6] 16,187] 5,129 7.0 198 5.345 5.3] 83.4 5 | 83.1 2 15 135 |Porsythe...e.... 03 3:30 19% % 3.489 26.9| 38.1] 18,100] 5,188 4,090 349 2,832] 19.1 M8. 5 | wv g21| 108 , 140 267 8 3.630| 59.2| 12.0 10,162| 2,799 5,524 65 3.953 2.9| 716. 5| 76.3 721) 8 159 56 2,207 31 26.3 8,731 3,95 3.239 ary 1,906] 26.3] 0.2 5| 37.0 nel 99 107 37 1,308 A 2.9 3,948] 3,018 2,31 9k 1,255 16.9) 58.9 5] 57.3 942] & ko 6 818| 29.3] 53.% 967| 1,182 3 332 9.1 7.6 0 | ®.2 633| 60 256 66 3.555 65.6) 14.5] 10,472 2,946 5.664 " 3.638 bal na 5| na 2 a 134 66 2,355 76.2 2.1} 10,964 4,6 3.995 36 4179 1.5| 85.8 5| 85.8 12 99 = % 4,941 2 27.8 Bt hl 6,8 ha Asi 19.2| 50.6 5 | 46.5 52 Wn 32 122 5! 2. 20. , » 1.9 a2 252 3.8 17.7 51 77.3 9 2us EL i 51.6( 10.3 15.0% 3.549 6, 97 5.948] 3.5] Md.2] 5] 18.5 21 9% 158 26 3,119] 28.9) 49.7 9.789 Joist 2,822 %0 1.77 27.3] 22% 0 49.1 633] ™ 135 39 2,323] 2.6] %6.9 7.126 3, 2,031 87 1,22 24,7 25.5 0 | 49.2 633] 95 121 50 2,023| 70.4 LY 6,805 | 3,364 3,486 133 2,410 4.9 79.0 5| 18.6 9! 90 po 57 1,687| 70.5] 14.6 5.874 | 3,he2 2,601 35 1,833 3.0] 8.5 5| ®2] TA] DB iThe State total includes $3,800 for female silver fox and/or mink over 3 months old (kept in captivity) not distributed to individual counties. 8 Table 3 TABLE 3—SELECTED DATA FOR METROPOLITAN AREAS AND FOR ALL COUNTIES, Part 5 « Ind * . and Retail Trade BY STATE—Continued N. Y., Tompkins (055) N. C., Hoke (047) (All dollar figures have been rounded to thousands and will not necessarily add to totals) MANUFACTURING ESTABLISHMENTS—1939 MINERAL INDUSTRIES—1939 RETAIL ESTABLISHMENTS—1939 METROPOLITAN Morel OONTIES Value added Area , ue adde Code AND Wage Wages Value of y manufac- Value of | Number Wate and Sales Active [Employees Pay roll earners 000° roducts roducts of aries | Number of ; (average J CODES Number ( (1000's of f Ee ture f a (1000's of : (1000's of pro- or (1000's of average |" gollarg) | (1000's of | (1000 of | (1000's of | persons sof | stores |" dollars) | prietors dollars) for year) dollars) dollars) dollars) | engaged | dollars) year) (65) (66) €0) (69) 0) an (12) @) 4) (5) (16) a) NEW YORK~Con. | All Counties—Con, Tompking........ 055 51 2,150 2,548 8,293 5.335 456 130 189 622 18,161 570 2,118 2,035 Ulster.......... 056. 2 5,051 4,253 18,831 9,453 170 79 87 1,663 31,475 1,634 2% 2,432 Warren........ :. 057 Lg 2,848 2,780 17,654 8,690 368 (34 121 687 19,595 626 1,945 2,066 Washington...... 058 47 2,900 2,849 13,993 5,308 261 88 83 721 10,896 692 875 843 A Vaynlne see sued 059 73 3,083 2,570 16,153 6,855 2) (1) >) 176 18,331 TH 2,837 2,048. 081 |Westchester..... 060 523 21,342 26,819 186,835 79.651 1,013 1209 31h 8,608 267,105 Tig 23,595 29,66 Wyoming. ....... 061 47 2,437 2,100 10,796 5,803 ) “ re 462 ‘8,616 ’ 707 56 b 77 7 IR 062 24 956 766 3,231 1,529 221 4,528 188 439 7 Combined Counties?. 5,756 1,956 4,814 " A NORTH CAROLINA...| 3,225 | 270.207 199,290 [ 1,421,330 545,952 4,257 1,997 1,443 33,826 633,240 29,890 | 79.k0k4 60,052 METRO. COUNTIES.. 699 73,190 36,759 | 174,301 385,699 (*) 2) ?) 6,443 183,679 5,339 | 25,708 21,760 Metro. areas: 006 | Asheville.......011 73 6,709 6,608 29,573 19,998 (*) (1) (*) 1,1%0 29,982 967 4,396 3,606 022 [Charlotte 185 12,067 10,544 55,735 254973 1,435 50,997 1,14 74289 6.393 039 | Durhen.. 75 8,165 [ (1) ’ 13) 2 2 : 897 +153 46 | 3,M93 2,911 050 [Greensboro vs 252 25,176 19,607 88,993 39,728 12) (2) *) 1,576 ,282 1,285 ‘6,057 5,104 135 | Winston-Salem. ..034 1k [21,073 *) ) (1) *) *) *) 1,395 32,665 1,201 4,473 3,746 OTHER COUNTIES... 2,526 | 197,017 | %162,531 | ®1,247,029 460,253 4,257 1,997 1,443 27,383 449,561 | 24,551 | 53.696 38,292 All Counties: Alamance. ....... 001 101 13,255 11,306 4k, qko 21,163 *} (*) (1) 600 13,975 525 1,517 1,327 Alexander....... 002 16 6! 347 1,629 666 109 1,089 98 134 66 Mleghany....... 003 y 30 10 28 19. (*) (2) (*) 90 571 79 61 34 AnSOR.eceenennns 00k 24 1,026 59 2,999 1,189 352 95 98 222 3,348 18 38k 232 ABR. vescnnsnnny 005 9 73 38 285 89 , 229 1,216 23 136 68 BIER unisn sins 006 g 132 9 199 124 78 73 49 115 549 89 33 15 Foozirs, advan 007 22 650 id 2,067 966 455 5,561 IN] 791 4go Bertie........ +.008 12 507 212 697 378 238 2,621 221 216 162 BYaten, so earsss 009 24 1,321 672 2,587 1,107 203 2,820 173 29 174 Brunswick....... 010 19 531 304 2,564 949 : 179 1,152 162 9 3H 006 | Buncombe 3 6,709 6,608 29,573 19,998 (2) (1) (*) 1,140 29,982 967 4,396 3,606 BUrkS. essere kg 5,688 4,417 17,884 8,849 (1) 1) (1). 326 §3% 267 584 '553 Cabarrus 46 21,066 (1) %) (3) 578 1k,057 528 1,74 1.33 Caldwell 53 ,082 3,701 16,919 7.673 319. 5,408 2n 639 16 Coamden..........l 1 1) (*) (*) (2) 59 206 60 n 3 Carteret 20 463 244 1,172 645 234 2,955 au | 347 3 Caswells.......s TY 111 71 334 135 119 1,028 114 67 7 Catawba. ........ 120 8,805 6,076 24,765 10,897 (1) SY) (*) 513 10,026 459 1,25 953 Chatham. ........ 50 1,508 954 4,702 1,989 (1) (2) (1) 227 2,696 216 23 160 Cherokee ~9 296 16 650 32h (1) (1) (1) 167 1,680 150 178 11h Chowan. . 12 368 179 89k 381 17 1,722 120 226 132 Clay.... 3 118 (1) [) (1) 52 170 4g 9 3 Clevelan 55 6,643 4,450 22,163 9,934 (2) 3 3) 419 9,067 hoy 1,002 667 Columbus 36 813 364 2,156 977 (2) (1) (2) 91 6,496 368 2 423 Craven. . 32 1,121 674 3.357 1,554 2) (*) (*) 11 5.950 386 879 5 Cumberland is 2,077 1,352 6,685 2,859 *) (2) (*) 467 10,072 429 1,392 967 Currituck 2 (1) {1} (*) (*) 83 477 83 20 § Dare. ccssicnns 3 26 15 ko 27 133 789 128 70 45 Davidson 83 €,386 5,598 23,772 10,233 (2) () (2) 1 8,17 368 921 693 DRY Ons int ans 1 1,201 () (1) ®) 131 1,60 122 1 11 DUEPLifiscsnssvns 22 437 190 9lg Lug 391 3,853 383 29 241 039 |Durham.......... 75 8,165 1) 2} (*) 897 25,753 746 3.493 2,911 Edgecombe 26 1,0 598 3,686 1,676 3 yh2 8,838 394 1,262 858 135 | Forsyth......... 114 21,073 } (2) 2) ®) ?) () 1,395 32,665 1,201 4,473 3.746 Franklin 12 537 270 1,738 965 228 | 2,706 218 300 182 Qa8t0Rs a cs renees 134 19,698 13,565 59,554 25,650 1) 3) *; 799 35,650 721 1,984 1,506 Gates.sesa esses 5 L2 20 88 29 76 6 78 by 1 Graham... cones 1 (2) 3) ) *) ue 350 37 22 1 Granville 12 313 184 906 408 241 3,578 222 468 354 CTOONe sc rnisversl 3 13 1) 1) 1 117 1,493 | 117 97 1 050 Guilford 252 2116 19,607 pr 5.728 0) (2) (*) 1,576 uy, 282 1,285 6,057 5.100 HolifaX.......:. 33 ,566 3,489 12,858 6,437 (1) (2) (2) 542 8,591 413 989 672 Harnett......... 38 2,370 3 *) *) 3) *) *) 381 5,489 363 706 438 Haywood. ........ 2 2,152 2,369 16,664 8,227 {*) (2) {1) 275 5.408 239 588 Lk2 Sorter eon w| 13% 93k 3229 veer |) *) *) 266 5.59 253 658 u62 Hertford 13 601 307 1,130 669 172 2,523 165 320 209° BokBena snes wiv 8 278 117 658 165 89 1,349 75 143 98 “1Not shown because or disclosure of operations of individual establishments. Data included in Combined Counties at end of State. 2Tncludes all counties where fig- ures are not shown separately because of disclosure of operations of individual establishments. 3Two counties Durham (032) and Forsyth (034), which should be included in the "Metro Counties" total are included in the "Other Counties" total, since it is not possible to present separate figures for this county. 282 TABLE 3—SELECTED DATA FOR METROPOLITAN AREAS AND FOR ALL COUNTIES, BY STATE—Continued (A11 dollar figures have been rounded to thousands and will not necessarily ndd to totals) Table 3 Part 6 = Other Economic Data N. Y., N. C., Hoke (047) Tompkins (055) = tn TUOLESAE, SERVICE ESTABLISHMENTS—1939 BANK DEPOSITS E—19 1944 Major war supply Major war facilities contracts, Jicjests, June 1940-Se, . 1945 | June | 40-June 1945 METROPOLITAN E Bond | (1000's of dollars) | (1000's of dollars) Metro. AREAS, sales 1944 Area COUNTIES, Number Number i Employees Total (1000's of f Sal of | Receipts | A | Pay roll | (demand | Ti Code AND of es ope ctive (average ro} man ime dollars at CODES estab- [ (1000's of | estab- | (1000's |proprie-| “¢~ (1000 s | and time) | (1000's issue price) ; lish- | dollars) lish- | of dollars) | tors of dollars)| (1000’s | of dollars) ments ments yea) of dollars) Combat 1 1 Mi / : Other Industrial | Military equipment 5 ® BA oo Lan @1 @ La G0 5) 86) & &) 29 09) on NEW YORK—Con, All Counties—Con. Tompkins. .......055 29 3,790 127 530 134 U5 11 36,962 20,632 4,049 29,782 14,057 107 18,186, 397 1,449 422 359 328 73,298 55,752 4,785 21,258 6,216 1,848 58,767 39 5,540 197 819 223 189 205 21,600 18,859 2,577 520 7,454 4,108] 1,017 21 2,261 192 565 216 66 9A 17,660 10,037 2,147) 7 11,878 10,949 1,581) 63 75430 24, 1,146 226 260 268 32,521 16,457]. 3,503 1,095 75) 081 397 117,132) 3,466 23,531] 3,59 6,342 7,380 413,571 268,745 4d 4440 165,581 387,019 12,030 3,555 20 1,550 116 359 124 56 40 17,811 10,824 2,145 3,237 10,150 9 "672 38 160 43 38 27 11,093 5,938 828 8,17 2,494 14,022 1918 NORTH CAROLINA...| 2,859 831,251] 10,502 42,121| 10,259] 21,791 13,770] 960,939] 205,664| 166,434 648,472 730,381 102,207 379,979 METRO, COUNTIES.. 881 381,551] 2,122 15,385 2,041 7,291 5,480 283,143 52,105 36,531 71,031 264,743 17,754] 66,552 Metro, areas: 006 0. 111 19,035 390 2,494 395 1,251 852 31,958 6,056 4,864 644 29,377 3,707 022 334 209,069 494 4,398 472 2,017 1,547 105,343 15,860 11,667 25,161 38,639 12,728] 9,834 039 69 39,035 289 2,070 259 1,032 79 38,719 13,658 4,692 231 14,724 875 43,958 050 (Greensboro. 218 72,030 512 3,823 495 1,795 1,392 53,031 6,517 9,059 5,531 108,647 314 7,880 135 Winston-Salem. ..034 U9 42,382 437 2,600 420 I, 196 893 54,092 10,014 €,249 39,464 73,35 3,837 1,173 OTHER COUNTIES...| 1,978 449,700] 8,380| 26,736 8,218 14,500 8,290 677,786] 153,555 129,905 577,441] 465,638 84,453 313,427 All Counties: 4 Alamance....ss..001 38 9,177 202 919 198 37% 259 17,520 5,307 2,860 31,226 13,395 44201 4 229 46 117 54 69 24 1,660 7 238 67 76, 68 66 16 1,116 577 272 54 12 2,155 62 196 56 136 61 6,116 1,336 1,075 63 16 1,210 84 117 108 89 35 3,086 513 586 2 (3) 2 23 2 5 1 1,426 535 206 54 7,500 10 336 150 191 97 8,367 1,984 1,058 2,089 7 748 32 41 33 32 11 5,777 542 862 un 1,405 56 120 60 63 28 3,091 576 677 5 139 53 66 37 72 23 893 209 155 9 859 006 BREE 19,035 390 2,494, 395 1,251 852 31,958 6,056 4,864 344 29,377 3,707 1 1,173 130 346 117 208 113 7,317 2,303 1,387 50 6,114 7,728 18 by 14d, 169 638 17 267 205 20,669 2,5 2,945 56,403 13 1,805 72 357, 73 128 92] 8,398 1,598 1,261 4,605 3 119 Lu 5) 13 18 1] : 121 35 ,488| bad 228 69 11 65 4y11, 1,050 748 135 2,311 2 17 24 16 - 9 5 1,220 550 417 33 2415 191 677 204 289 205 17,081 5,129 2,751 16,109 13 1,044 47 136, 54 60 32 3,402 863 583 287} : 11 1,404 58 104 51 53 28 1,994 474 567 731 41 9 1,653 A 137] 50 82 35 3,924 ~.1,09 439 14,177 2 (2) 12 7| 10 1 | el 5 70 30 4,879 12 423 138 216 125 13,948 2,740 2,236 11,522 29 5,347 83 178, 82 11 65 9,754 1,913 1,569 502 Craven...essees 025 3% 5,888F 118 360 128 159 95 8,164 1,541 2,429 8,557 681. 68,901 Cumberland... ...026 49 6,366 154. 668 152 370 241 16,766 3,382 4,180 2,761 51,154 02 8 143 29 28 28 21 3 749 237 156 168 76 18 607 18 38 20 21 9 806 294 182 2,173 89 20 2,887 125 374 6 175 108 11,442 4,193 1,641 15,38, 3 195 7% 126 81 75 . 4b 2,040 965 554 20,617 Duplin..ceeeesssO3l 34 3,800 113 138] 104 38 4,873 1,079 199 039 |Durham... 0; 69 39,035 289 2,070 259 1,032 79% 38,719 13,658 4,692 231 14,724 875| 43,958 Edgecombe... ....033 35 5,784 108 385 110 200 121 11,016 1,242 2,855 13,103 135 |Forsyth.. 149 42,382 437 2,600] 420 1,196 893 54,092 10,014 6,249 39,464 73,356 3,837 1,173 Franklin, .......035 8 573 38 97 37 69 31 3,435] 817 644 Gaston..........036 65 23,007 231 862 232 409 280 21,750 3,735 4,781 48,214) 3 81 17 25 22 40 8 2,363 778, 293 1 (2) 19 21 LY 6 455 97 1,383 Lu 10,206 56 221 65 121 73 7,380 1,823 1,254 60 2,067 1 (2) 21 23 21 12 1,692 59 357 050. 218 72,030 512 3,823 495 1,795 1,392 53,031 6,517 9,059 5,531 108,647 I, 7,880 43 5,019 164 484 137 254 154, 12,354 2,134 1,792 10,158 14] 1,662) 102 341 Ex 203 93 8,825 1,77 1,315 2,566 1 1,42 125 319 12 177 107 4,851 1,298 1,860 830 6,328] 19 2,150 50 238 51 118 63 4,379 731. 1,067 209 19 4,386 33 103 36 63 31 5,443 836 646 Hok@oooosooseeas0l? 5 334 18 52 19 17 13 2,322 347 402 1Undistributed. i 2Not shown because of disclosure of operations of individual establishments. Data included in "Other" at end of State. 782 NORTH CAROLINA I0O0 COUNTIES ASHE “Ghany | : o = HORTHAMPTO > 3 Sree usd 0 A " sunny | sroxes | rookinaram bossweistrenson ol £) WARRE! | 2 y | ——— a Po, x! AX -— = fT “4, O 5 = seg amy # HALF \ : 3 4 oN N \ —. WILKES V i ; Sam IA a 3 A ot YADKIN A A a. © ‘ No a BERTIE ar %, WAVERY APT WINSTON= A Orin, “og, GC, fe 4 P . 1 _ROINT I RAW has 6 PO ) NY 5 «( \ \ SYANCEY? v7 OER Davie Y SM MARTIN © 2 «t DARE \ MADISON . “x Sw ar { “\. 3m meons *~§orviosons s ’ va" ? wr’ ’ C—-4- “> * BURKE A - RANDOLPH | CHATHAM l R alE6H WILSON X - NW encoi Mc DOWELL 4° cATawea CN { ROWAN 4 | : 7 hguoy’ No. PITT 7 BEAUFORT B 5 HYDE SWAIN os bbe lg oe No erp rl uy wails ol MSs JOHNSTON § GREENE y - : utHerForo 8 \_ 0" OABARAUSS / yr Y 1 wayne Sr” WIN > ananam o 4 \ i Joreve™ p Yo . “ HARNE i won 4 5 ~, — L-~ Jackson f= in 1 hy J LanD "{gaston MepLorrE ANY “omen, MORE A ~~ L, ~<_ CRAVEN Ne 4 ~N CHEROKEE -d, MACON i 4 Fi 4 ls nl] ~ 1 J ~o PAMLICO, pv 4 cay 4 men { vox Nos & ( ENIAPEON * JONES UNION i ANSON ? § DOUPLIN ) aN \ A i ee” Nery { ORY METROPOLITAN AREAS J: sain \, RY u—- === CODE R I BLADEN [3 ASHEVILLE LEGEND Kon PENDER A 22 CHARLOTTE ® PLACES OF 25,000 TO 100,000 (1940) f SA ER 9 DURHAM coLumaus.. _# ws WILMINGTON 50 GREENSBORO % PLAGES OF 100,000 AND OVER (1940) or 5 135 WINSTON -SALEM J erunswick | Hanan :| METROPOLITAN AREAS Q a8c NORTH DAKOTA 53 COUNTIES GOLDEN | VALLEY i . ' T ! T T T : DIVIDE Sune =| rin I | : . 3 i Le BOTTINEAU : ROLETTE i CAVALIER PEMBINA [= es = ce = — — : { 1 b. —————- » Y h TOWNER 1 ih ia]. eed odie | | RAMSEY # I WARD Me HENRY PiEsoe i lL C ry aS D y | , BENSON 0 af r ] | ails, 1 i St NELSON . GRAND FORKS pase rsd ytd] Ie \ Me LEAN J { i EDDY | eek i \- No au r SHERIDAN i WELLS h % 3 ! ! — / | ; | FOSTER | GRIGGS STEELE DUNN l MERCER \ i ! ! ' 1 ) L Le seit Se ims eh 4 \ KIDDER J —— | | 1 . STUTSMAN | BARNES \ cass a 1 * Vm os cee 0 ee ———L— = dee T sLopPe | : | / ! i som ; i HETTINGER | Er rp - A LOGAN ! LA MOURE \ RAN i rm > tes. 5 ce cn se Rr GRANT 4 ' - — — RICHLAND J Yori] 7 ; EMMONS we -o—— —— a—— fpouses — gird BowMAN . ADAMS | Sloux MO INTOSH | DICKEY | SARGENT | [eos Y i i LEGEND PLACES OF 25,000 TO 100,000 (1940) PLACES OF 100,000. AND OVER (1940) —ANONE @ * METROPOLITAN AREAS—WNONE Table 3 Part 1 - Population N. C., Hyde (048) = N. DAK., Cavalier (010) TABLE 3—SELECTED DATA FOR. METROPOLITAN AREAS AND FOR ALL COUNTIES, BY STATE—Continued ore soins TOTAL POPULATION POPULATION—1940 EDUCATION ym 1940 STATISTICS ESTIMATED 1944 CIVILIAN g : POPULATION Land | Pop | Total white Percent of METROPOLITAN U.S. area [ulation population 25 Metro. AREAS, rank in per years old and Area COUNTIES, Number of |Percent| go sq. ’ over who have Code aD. > ponies change i me Percent Usb Rural Rural completed— ercent{ April | n of oan | nonfarm | farm Births | Deaths Number change fo 40’ | percen- 1930-1 1940 | 1940 | Number total Nov. | tiles) | 1940 pu- 5 or Hich ov.2' | 1940- ation more '8 Mm @ ® 4) 6) (6) [U) ®) © (10) in (12) 13) (14) (15) (16) NORTH CAROLINA—Con. All Counties—Con. Hyd@..ceeeeeeas 048] 6,346 | -19.1 7,860 83 «8.1 634 | 12.4 4,618 | 58.8 + 2,847 5,018 72.0 12.9 146 66 45,865 -9.0 50,424 14 8.0 591 | 85.8 40,849 | 81.0 18,182 9,586 28,716 78.6 19.2 1,149 399 15,628 -19.8 19,366 47 10.5 499 | s8.8 17,963 | 92.8 5,502 13,864 69.4 15.4 434 115 55,332 | -13.3 63,798 10 10.7 795 | 80.2 50,827 | 78.9 3,678 14,63| 45,488) 67.8] 11.3] 1,63 44 9,663 | -11.6 10,926 73 4.8 467 | 23.4 6,127 | 56.1 2,262 8,664 62.0 10.8 S12 72 17,993 -4.0 18,743 49 10.3 258 | 73.5% 18,898] 71.5 4,960 4,150 9,638 75.6 14.5 58% 164 88,356 -6,9 41,211 18 15.4 891] 108.4 28,398 | 56.8 15,388 4,905 20,918 64.9 18.1 1,167 428 22,114 -8.6 24,187 8? 5.7 308 | 78.5 20,890 | 86.4 4,525 5,938 18,724 74.0 16.6 597 168 20,529 | -10.7 22,996 39 18.1 442 | 58.0 21,166 | 92.0 8,889] 13,294 6,818 78.1 14.0 564 152 18,719 1 -13.6 15,880 57 16.1 520 | 80.95 15,414 97.1 4,768 11,112 75.8 11.9 458 99 17,476 | -22.4 22,522 40 10.9 456 | 49.4 22,800 | 99.0 8,616 18,906 69.1 11.3 478 149 23,362 | -10.5 26,111 s4| 1.6 481 | 54.3 18,427 | 51.4 3,966 4,765| 17,380] 6s.1| 15.6 725 202 146,168 -3.7 151,826 3 18.68 542 | 280.1 108,507 | 71.5| 100,899 | 28,756 22,171 8l.1 88.1 3,769 1,368 18,7%1 -13.9 15,980 57 14.9 220 | 72.6 15,912 | 99.6 4,758 11,827 71.1 11.7 393 97 15,38% =5.0 16,280 56 0.4 488 | 88.4 12,888] 77.0 8,243 8,087 78.8 16.4 382 116 £29,800 -3.8 80,969 27 9.8 672 | 46.1 21,623| 69.8 8,285 | 18,744 14,000 75.1 19.4 ‘723 230 49,755 | -10.9% 55,608 12 5.4 552 | 100.7 32,255 | 358.0 18,690 8,988 38,080 63.9 15.7 1,838 459 79,070 65.0 47,935 14 11.5 194 | 247.1 80,857 | 64.4 38,407 11,876 2,652 78.6 27.8 2,414 728 25,5688 «9.6 28,299 30 4.2 540 | 52.4 10,766 | 88.0 7,685 20,674 55.1 12.8 708 161 27,471 53.1 17,989 51 17.3 756 | 23.7 18,077 | 72.9 4,33 18,608 65.8 10.6 705 230 21,8838 -5.2 23,078 89 9.0 898 | 88.0 13,911 69.0 3,65¢ 8,086 11,882 75.9 25.0 546 177 8,620 | -11.2 9,708 7 4.4 341 | 28.5 6,328 | 65.2 5,714 3,992 71.2 10.5 232 81 22,944 11.6 20,568 “ 7.4 229 | 89.8 11,804 | 57.4 11,564 3,362 5,642 70.8 21.6 640 242 16,428 7.8 17,710 52 12.9 1887 | 20.7 9,491 | 53.6 6,208 11,504 65.9 12.0 B11 191 Perquimans.... 9,307 -4.8 9,778 7? -8.4 861] 87.4 5,045 | 51.6 3,159 6,614 62.9 18.9 245 96 POrson..cceesss 078 RE ,227 =11.2 £26,029 38 13.8 400 | 62.6 15,688 | 62.7 4,599 3,218 17,212 66.8 18.6 711 141 Pitt 074 856,960 -8.6 61,244 11 12.4 656 | 93.4 82,187 | B2.5 15,654 8,598 86,992 85.7 17.3 1,608 462 Polk... 078 10,077 | -18.1 11,874 70] 16.2 234 | 80.7 10,231 | 86.2 4,829 7,045 78.8 19.4 288 84 Randolph. 076 38,789 | -13.0 44,0054 16 22.9 801 | 85.6 40,226 90.3 6,981 15,360 22,218 76.8 18.9 981 308 Richmond... 077 84,947 =B.1 36,810 21 8.2 477 77.8 24,538 | 66.7 8,768| 1b,460 12,0682 69.1 14.8 897 868 Robeson. . 73,838 -3.9 76,860 8 15.6 .%44 | B8l.4 34,658 45.1 5,808 | 19,921 51,1386 63.1 16.5 2,440 689 54,052 -6.68 7,898 11 13.8 872 | 101.2 45,843 | 79.2 10,887 | 25,838 21,6738 71.2 18.0 1,208 “us 56,475 -18.4 69,206 9 22.1 0617 | 188.9 56,288] 81.3 22,109 | £28,049 18,548 78.4 19.0 1,414 524 88,807 -14.9 45,577 1% 12.7 %66 | 80.5 39,440 | 86.5 8,987 14,548 22,042 78.7 14.8 1,040 328 42,799 | -9.8 47,440 14] 18.4 963] 49.8 30,449 | 64.2 3,807| 6,007 87,876] 70.7| 14.1] 1,280 368 £21,678 -6.7 £23,232 39 18.2 817 | 78.8 10,788 | 46.4 5,688 4,184 18,863 56.5 13.9 741 218 30,090 -8.8 82,834 2 8.7 399 | 82.3 28,916 | 88.1 4,080 15,773 13,001 74.8 17.2 767 249 18,878 -17.68 22,886 40 1.6 459 | 49.4 £0,364 | 89.9 2,728 19,928 89.3 9.2 480 188 40,168 | -3.9 41,783 17 8.1 837 | 77.8 39,252 | 93.9 9,020 10,661] 2e,202| 71.8] 13.9] 1,097 307 Swalifeiessones 12,111 =0.d 12,177 68 5.38 B44 | 22.4 10,627 87.3 3,817 8,660 69.9 1.4 838s “ Transylvania....088) 12,079 | -1.3 12,241 68| 27.7 s79| ss.3 11,400 93.1 s,061| 2,778 6,402 77.7] 2s. 373 9 089] 4,660 -16.0 5,506 90 7.8 399 18.9 3,545 | 63.8 1,%10 3,646 69.9 11.8 138 47 090 36,431 | -6.8 $9,097 19] -4.6 643| 60.8 29,920 | 76.5 6,475| 9,395 27,287] 74.9] 17.3] 1,047 301 081 27,040 | -9.7 29,961 28 9.8 269 | 111.4 15,996 | 53.4 7,647 8,12» 14;189 68.3 18.9 784 278 Wake..coeoeeees 092) 108,369 | -B.6| 109,544 s| 18.6 866 | 126.8 72,712 66.4| 46,897| B7,688( s4,961| 77.8] a1.3| 2,477] 1,08¢ Warren.. “ee £0,606 -10.8 23,148 a9 =0.9 445 | 88,0 8,088 34.7 6,628 16,022 68.0 17.8 620 281 Washington. 11,002 -6.7 12,823 68 6.2 386 | 386.7 6,887 28.6 6,148 6,180 66.0|. 16.0 3s8 186 Wataugs.. 18,608 | -14.9 18,114 81] 19.4 320| 86.6 17,780} 98.0 «250 13,864] 76.7] 14.8 «4s 74 Wayne. ..rroons. 098) 89,161 1.4 88,328 1] 10.0 558 | 105.1 83,018 8s.6| 20,208] 9,297 28,888) 62.7] 16.6] 1,878 744 WilkeSoooooooss 097 36,808 | -14.3 43,008 17 18.9% 76d | 06.2 40,177 93.4 4,478 7,691 80,834 69.0 10.2 1,097 88 0,713 | -9.0 80,219 14] 11.8 373 | 134.8 29,148| 88.0 19,234 »b,167| 25,818] es.0| 16.8] 1,208 808 17,761 | -14.0 20,657 “| 16.7 330 | 61.7 19,482 94.3 5,060] 15,697] 79.0 9.3 387 189 12,981 | -24.5 17,202 se] 18.7 311 | 85.3 17,066 | 99.1 2,404 14,748] 66.8 9.3 423 n 536,010 | -16.4| 641,998 -8.7| 70,004] 9.2 631,464 [ 98.4 131,923) 182,814 327,498] ea.1| 28.8] 13,880] 8,116 e208 | -11.1 4,664 92 | -£6.5 990 | 4.7 4,664 | 100.0 1,888 2,776] 89.4] 22.9). 101 48 14,031 | -18.4 17,814 oe| -b.3( 1,488] 12,0 17,808 | 100.0 8,917 8,35 8,043] 93.8] 25.9 389 108 10,126 | -19.8 14,629 e7| -v.2| 1,412] 8.9 11,363] 90.0 5,881 7,48] 88.2] 19.8 240 110 1,709 | -ue.5 2,531 97] -19.64| 1,189 =z. £2,030 | 100.0 400 2,181] 74.6] 18.0 48 14 10,887 17.9 18,203 én| -10.8 1,699 7.8 19,188 | 99.0 4,950 8,308 90.9 80.3 308 110 8,242 | -16.0 3,860 9¢| -za.8| 1,170] s.3 3,807 99.9 1,623 2,237) 92.1] 88.1 78 I 6,442 | -10.8 7,808 se| -es.0| 1,21 6.8 7,603 100.0 3,412 e200 v2.4] g8.9 184 83 19,299 | -l4.2 22,738 «| 10.0 1,868] 13.8 ee.662( 99.7] 15,496 1,991 8,249) 90.4] 88.1 B18 178 40,560 | -13.8 BE, 849 18 8.4) 1,749] so.x o2,788| 99.9] ae,0e0| 7,900] 12,314] 94.0] 36.0] 1,080 «80 Cavalier........010 11,880 | -108.0 13,928 [1] -4.3 1,018 9.8 18,8041 99.b> 4,408 9,080 87.0 19.8 7? 111 286 TABLE 3—SELECTED DATA FOR METROPOLITAN AREAS AND FOR ALL COUNTIES, BY STATE—Continued Table 3 Part 2 - Labor Force K. C., Hyde (048) = WN. DAK., Cavalier (010) LABOR FORCE—1940 P t of Population 14 Years Old and Over Employed Workers by Industry Group be METROPOLITAN Trans bid In leading rl COUNTIES Percent | Percent i i i Rede AND ns od : Con- ls Whole- | personal Other In | industry CODES Tots) In labor teil whe oc Total Agri Vining | sirec: Manufac- Siow. sale and services | Ly) agri- force x g employed || culture tion turing retail exclud- | ed cul- Cod obo be ia oh trade ing po ture ©. 2 P es Fo _ domestic Pe —_ ties Services 422) an (18) (19) @) @n @) 23) @ 5) (26) @n 8) 29) en | ay | a NORTH CAROLINA—Con. All Counties—Con, 2,751 £3.8 19.7 2,27 1,35 58 63 49 154% 1% 61.1636 | 5.2 19,19 8.2 28.0 | 17,977 5,272 8 652 6,498 398 1,779 1,848 1,522 | 29. 6 | 22.0 5,909 75.6 13.9 &, 647 2,25 an 262 679 186 366 515 398 at 636 6.8 20,488 80.0 16.5 | 19,269 || 12,41 1 b56 1,967 234 1,395 1,4%3 1,362 |64.6| 6 | 5.8 3,%9 79.3 14.9 3,020 2,384 4 65 123 13 106 156 169 | 78.9 [636 | 3.7 6,761 80.1 22.5 5,946 2,368 12 266 1,069 198 786 710 537 139.8] 9 | 6.1 15,919 79-9 32.1 13,529 6,739 1 433 1,42 235 1,729 1,643 1,322 89:8 636 5.4 272 82.0 29.6 8,805 3,930 & 232 2,7 1m 673 585 74 |Wi.6 | 6 |2%.8 7,892 76.6 24,2 6,773 1,294 49 7 2,955 205 648 615 700 [19.1 | 6 [28.8 497% | 77.9 | 13.0 3,791 || 2,034 % 2h 305 9 5 3% 403 |53.7 [636 | 5.4 7.2 83.7 11.5 6,466 Ny, 1 1h i 2! .7 |G: k.9 8,1 5.77. 371.3 7.662 » > in 5 1 & oh > a1 i” 3.7 022 68,154 82.0 39.0 63.013 , 384 60 3,981 16,251 §,703 | 12.89% | 11,257 9,549 | 7.0| 6 [13.0 4,975 80.4 14,5 058 1,59% 392 20 813 150 5 bo] ong 139.3 6 | 7.7 5,833 78.2 22.9 5,433 1,764 1h 218 1,893 199 1 n59 [32.5 | 6 [18.% 11,265 17.4 26.7 9,982 2,922 98 93 1,763 280 959 2,020 1,547 (29.3 6 | 9.2 19,313 79.9 23.4 | 17,227 9,295 2 7 1,632 981 1,7% 1,607 1,533 [54.0 6 5.1 20,287 19-6 33,8 | 17.88 (| 1,128 3| 1,204 3,268 2,654 3,216 2,792 sock 6.3 23 | 8.3 9,028 75.7 21.0 8,578 5,618 n 157 1,019 111 364 530 748 | 65.5 |636 | 3.9 5,487 79.0 12.3 5,149 3,651 1 153 Rn 72 2710 26% b24 170.9 9 3.7 3. 7 153 ga Si 2,601 y 478 1,614 ge So 1,647 1,006 | 31.6 |@36 |1hk.1 ’ . Y y 1, 1 TY 1! Sl o 8,529 82.7 31.8 71,569 1, : 3 2 2,115 J 22 % 138 a3 6 iy 6,393 8.2 26.3 5,708 3,876 2 184 591 ™ 306 09 366 [67.9 9 | u.6 3,197 11.9 141 2,955 1,674 82 376 50 243 239 291 |56.6 | 9 6.4 8,546 82. 19.4 8,248 4, 304 1 20 2,04 1! 2]. © . 22,984 £2 n.2| 20,085 wi 5 = 1,0 2 i {Je 1 re 636 23 4,079 17.9 23.2 2796 1,556 3 19 881 105 248 406 ug |m.oo| “6 [19.2 17,388 79.5 3.8 | 16,622 3,954 22 680 8,208 302 1,208 1,130 1,122 |23.8| 6 33 14,019 18.7 33.0 | 12,7715 2,805 2 366 k,527 1,138 1,226 1,088 1,623 |[22.0| 6 |29. S| 33 BEE a By | By bm | om] MEE flay 28,792 a. 6 2003 | 3s | @1| 0 12297| 200| ze| zor| zs |isa| 6 |ded 16,425 £0. 25.4 T.03 2:55 22 496 2.2 hoo 1,087 1,298 1,023 | 32.7 6 | 33.7 15,217 80.2 16.8 | 14,7 10,617 1 30h 1,036 95 903 919 861 |72.0| 9 of 8,762 80.9 32.8 8,134 3,782 2 186 2,00% 164 643 549 sok |%6.5| 6 [17.6 12,968 8.2 %.2 | 12,089 2,615 8 479 5,860 19% 1,052 998 883 |2a1.6| 6 [37.5 7.2% 83.1 10.4 ,876 5,450 102 hog 58 263 294 211 | 79.3 | 636 .2 14,482 80.5 22.0 | 13,158 5,416 202 hhh 3,617 259 1,255 1,156 809 BR: 6 | 16.0 3,592 76.0 14.6 2,39 1,023 89 7 2» 126 221 257 226 |W.1 (036 | 7.6 4, ho2 80.8 2.0 761 6 § 261 1,560 hb A . 1,925 82.0 18.4 3a 679 52 a 2 bi Eo] & 4 a xl 12,9%5 81.0 16.5 | 12,263 6,709 uy u35 1,683 379 1,13 994 888 |5h.7| 6 | 8.6 10,89; 79.6 26.1] 9,450 3,597 86 280 2,198 263 1,123 1,027 876 [38.1 | 6 |17. HT 76.1 29.8 | -39,144 9,131 145 2,399 3.33 2,405 5,923 7.751 8,059 | 23.3 | 636 9. 7.526 19.9 19. 6,877 4,578 2 ko 1 kg 2 ul o 4,175 8.9 22 3,69 ye 149 0 a 293 i os £6 - ae 5,749 1. 13.8 | 5,071 2,999 1 286 8 115 379 588 2 59.1|636 | 7.5 19,265 Th. 20.5 | 17,699 8,310 23 625 2,h39 403 2,066 2,093 1, 47.0636 | 5.7 13,876 79.5 18.6 | 12,091 ol 1h 1 ,184 2h lL 880 4 3 18,379 81.0 27.0 | 15,6 Hz 4 - 3 Shs ou ne 1,774 122 ho he i] 6,507 79.8 11.8 6,346 3,989 1 178 1,000 76 % 393 304 162.9) 6 | 9.0 5,185 20.0 10.8 4,387 2,690 272 118 508 | 124 177 260 238 | 61.3 4 6.1 464,700 | 235,661 79.8 18.1 | 200,39 || 106,962 987 %,083 5,002 | 10,158 | 27,468 | 28,888 16,248) 53.5 | 636 | 7.9 3,297 1,697 80.7 16.6 1,426 ssh 26 % o 13,400 6,686 77.8 18.2 5,610 2,930 1 a 160 A 1% i We ge ox Is 8,992 hb, 564 79.2 15.8 3.719 2,38 A 54 26 100 Hh i 311 | 65.6 | 636 | 7.6 Bi11iDg8.ce.eses 00! 1,729 934 87.9 1.0 802 638 § 9 y iL 28 5 45 179.6 | G36 5.7 Bottinesu....... 005 9,781 5,025 81.1 15.9 4,325 2,872 1 2 35 112 45 53 267 | 66.4 | 636 | T7.B 2,88 1,518 8.1 17.6 1, 80 8 11 5 . 51601 2,7% 80.4 13.8 un 1.3% 52 40 18 i 0 1 iy 3 $1 16,801 9,018 77.4% 29.9 1.118 1,766 31 22 313 515 1,%0 1,670 1,655 [22.9] 31 |15.5 . 22,076 80.0 28.3 | 19,299 4,567 1 3 1.333 1,506 4,719 4477 2,052 | 23.7 | 636 | 11.0 9,720 5,077 s2.71 15.61 M,3% 3,009 3 109 118 b5 290 168.5 1636 | 6.6 % Table 3 Purt Ne. C. 3 - Housing , Hyde (048) - H. DAK., Cavalier (010). TABLE 3—SELECTED DATA FOR METROPOLITAN AREAS AND FOR ALL COUNTIES, BY STATE—Continued ; 680347 HOUSING—1940 . . . . : Nonfarm Rural Farm All Dwelling Units Occupied Dwelling Units Dwelling Units Dwelling Units . METROPOLITAN Residence Metro. AREAS, tele- Area COUNTIES, P P Median phones Code AND Residential Percent | Percent Pere Porcent:[i 5 15 Per- CODES structures in5or | with | P tg cent i of Avy e “on Percent ie 1 more private wit mechan- monthly wit with 1945 Number family | bathtub | electric Number ese ied pofsoas Number rent | Number run- | electric struc- } or lighting yied refrig- | | co (dollars) ning | lighting tures shower eration hold water 33) 34) 35) (36) Gn 38) (39) 0) “n “2) “@3) “9 5) 46) “n NORTH CAROLINAm-Cnon All Counties—Con. HY3R. saevsanivnie kg 1,335 1,927 0.6 2.5 22.5 1,720] 57.2 6.9 L.07 741 7.09 1,186 1.0 9.8 L2 L043 10,828 11,660 0.5 23.3 63.0 11,433 Uuh.3 26.6 2,92 6,852 14.35 Lk. 8&7 7.2 35.7 2,634 050 4,126 L,21l 0.2 13.3 2L.6 u 00g] €3.4 1.0 | L,33 1,330 10.72 2,834 12.0 |. 13.1 183 L051 12,655 14,256 0.3 10.0 31.3 13,813] 35.6] 16.3 | k.18 4.5831 11.82 9,673] 4.1 | 16.1 1,251 .052 2,235 2,272 3.3 12.7 2.135] 37.6 10.3 4.55 592 9.20 1,680 1.2 2.8 91 L053 2.953 Y ug 0.5 21.4 48.6 N,142 WM.8 30.1 Loy 2,208 14.35 2,011 5.8 20.2 1,08 L054 g,50k 3,098 0.8 22.0 50.7 2,3) 29.3] 24.9 | 3.02 u,739| 16.62 L350 5.4 | 23.6 1,767 .055 £,162 £.336 18.7 58.1 5,190| 45.9] 23.7 | kis 2,603( 10.40 2,733) 6.6 | u2.5 2h .056 L020 5,173 0.8 12.2 £931 5,015| us.8 28.2 4,10 3,796 8.83 1,371 10.1 16.7 561 .057 3.796 3,855 0.2 12.4 24. 3,489 66.1 11.8 [ 4.13 1,337 © 1.8 2,518] 5.9 11.6 224 Madison.. .058 5.088 5,150 0,2 8.0 15.7 4,46 sh.7 13 4.20 924 837 L,226| 10.6 A.8 207 Martin..... 053 L, ogy 5,300 0.8 11.2 20.7 5,14] 35.8 19.1 4.53 2,0u1 13.77 3,259] 1.5 13-1 uy 022 [Mecklenburg 060 29,824 31.175 5.5 50.2 79.2 36,320] 33.0 Ll y 38 32,365 25,18 L, 210] 19.2 uh 18,205 Mitchell... .061 3,482 3,518 0.1 13.7 22.0 2,392] 63.0) 13.9 | k.25 1,148 S.77 2,370] 12.4 | 21.0 165 Montgomery. L062 3,554 3,669 0.5 12.0 39.0 2,533] 41.3 13.9 4.06 1,954 9.67, 1,735; 2.2 11.0 562 Moore. . .063 6,977 7,222 0.6 26.5 Lk.9 5,719] =5.51 24.7 > 4,324 17.71 2,898) 8.1 | 16.9 1,lkg Banhuvivvin 08k 11,237 12,154 0.2 20.0 Le.3 1,18) 30.3; 25.2 «17 5.507] 16.23 6,647] 2.6 22.7 3u3 Ney Hanover .065 12,147 13,681 1.5 58.3 76.2 12,054 38.3 39.4 3..7 13,061 23.46 620| 39.2 54.5 7,107 Northampton... ..066 5,607 5,748 6.0 23.8 5.622] 35.3] 11.4 | Luz 1,229] 10.52 3.99 1.2 9.4 391 Onslow. L067 3,843 2,250 5.2 13.3 3.1m 52.2 8.3 4.22 1,128 11.28 2,822 1.2 k.9 359 Orange. .06¢ 5,186 5,425 1.2 23.1 62.1 £233] 48.2] 33.3 2:33 2,518] 22.15 2,507] 7.3 | ¥.1 1,243 Parlico.. .069 2,202 2,271 5.7 2.2 2,170]. 65.9 13-3 .01 1,367 5.44 © 904] 4.8 | 16.6 156 Pasquotank. .070 4,591 5,022 0.4 27.9 50.6 4,367] ‘W1.2 2L.9 iB 3,758 15.45 1,264 4.4 14,2 2,205 Pender..... L071 1,091 4,133 3.8 23.8 3,754 62.2] 1u.h .17 1,521 €.94 2,612] 9.4 | 20.4 95 Porquimans......072 2,344 2,437 0.2 10.7 21.0 2,269] Luo 8.8 3.78 800 13.50 1,637] 2.7 7.8 205 PersoN..e.eses.s 5,006 5,272 0.3 nl 35.7 5,213] 31.7] 2a.2 | 4.39 1,807 112.77 3.465] 2.6 | 18.3 477 PELE, ceoerensend 12,095 13,115 0. 19.6 Ls5.7 12,7331 27:3) 25.0.f - 4.22 5,969 18.29 7.146 1.9 | 22.0 2,250 Eerste ess 2,875 2,948 0.3 26.2 46.6 2,679] 49.8 21,2. 3.88 1,409 16.74 1,539| 6.2 19.2 531 Randolph... 10,126 10,555 0.3 16.7 60.1 10,318 60.4 33.3 5a 5,664 14.32 4,891 5.2 3.8 1,499 Richmond... 7,758 , 0.6 21.2 55.2 8.094 34.7] 29.6, 02 5,825 11.07 2,575 6.0 13.6 1,383 Roheson..... 15,592 16,163 0.3 14.5 31.0 15,741] 32.4 19.2 | L.34 6,383] 13.11 9,78 2.5| 10.6 1,793 Rockingham. 12,576 12,228 0. 19.0 69.0 12,923] 39.3 7.11 3.99 8, h2k| 13.40 4,804| 6.9 | L1.3 2,534 Rowan...... 15,214 16,788 0.7 31.4 79.3 16,336) ka. 6.2 .78 12,905] 15.09 3,883] 15.0 | 46.0 L, 3k Rutherford. 9,782 190,303 0.3 15.7 66.0 2,98] 37.0 30.7 +11 5,679 9.10 4,624 6.1 yy, 3 1,320 Sampson... .. 9,992 10,173 0.1 TMH 22.6 9,766] u8.1| 13.4 | 4.36 2,321 n.a9 7.592] 2.3] 12. 7h Scotland...... ..08 4,540 5,007 0.2 14.9 38.6 4,917 21.9 17:7 | a5 2,500 12.49 2,507 5.6 9.1 630 Stanly..... oe 7,258 7.759 0.7 22.9 68.0 7.575] 43.0 32.7 3.92 5,071 11.47 2,632] 6.38 33.1 1,l15 Stokes. 5,079 5,133 0.3 3.6 aul 4,838 u7.2 13.5 8.22 692 9.99 Luyl 2.1 17.2 75 BUPPrY, isos sinew 9,101 9,512 0.7 15.7 46.8 9,190 53.3] 23.2 1 4,623 13.06 Y, 27 31.9] 12.2 1,6u3 SWAIN, vs vxsnn 2,601 2,608 14.3 19.2 2,505] 52.3 9.2 | 4.2 37] 12.21 1,7) 8.5 5.9 20 Transylvania....088 2,818 2,966 0.4 28.5 51.5 2,663] u48.0 24.5 4.11 1,451 14.94 1,515 23.7 32.7 230 PYrrelloesev ones 089 1,184 1,259 5.7 15.8 1,210] 58.0 10.6 4.12 u3 8.86 3.6 2.0 59 UREOR. suis css ieeies 090 8,h21 8,678 0.1 12.8 Leg.g 5,508] h.4 18.9 4.15 2,385 12,12 5,693] 3.9 36.2 1,138 Vance......seuss 091 M3 £,550 0.5 12.0 43.0 6,394 31.6 24.9 | “19 3,704] 1h.89 2,846] hb | 17.6 1,544 Waites. vosnasiin 092 21,583 25,248 4.5 36.1 66.5 24,330 35.6] 43.8 | 3.79 17,481 26.79 7,707)" 7.1 | 26.8 a,854 Warren. cus sivsns 093 4,539 4,660 0.3 11.6 23.9 4,532 u2.3 16.1 4.52. 1.5 13.13 3,129] 3.1 10.1 497 Washington...... 03k 2,431 2,702 0.2 11.3 23.6 2,604 45.5 19.6 | Lk. 1,046 11.0 1,256) 2.2 8.2 23 WatAUgR. ove enens 095 4,062 L,146 0.8 17.9 uy. 3 2,846] 67.5 11.6 | 4.21 1,172] 23.35 v 2,974] 22.0 32.6 398 or 096 11,435 12,274 0.7 21.4 46.6 12,019] 30.5 24.4 | k.09 6,398 16.58] 5.876] 2.7 | 16.3 2,126 Wilken. c.:seuns .097 9,078 9,283 0.1 10.9 Lo.4 9,049] 66.0] 17.1 | L.30 2,837] 13.32 6,446 5.0 | 25.6 811 HEYSON, uo ceived 098 10,071 11,217 1.5 21.1 50.6 11,061 26.2] 23.8 | 4.04 J 18.11 5.077] 2.5 | 28.4 2,106 Yih. veces 099 “hy, pu2 4,692 2.1 L2.4 h,su2| 60.3] 20.3] ka2 1,254] 10.65 3,438 Wa | 31.7 134 Yancey. oeeeenrs 100 2,738 3.776 0.1 6.7 16.6 3.585] 60.3 7.6 | 4.32 595 6.41 2,181] 10.7 | 12.2 170 NORTH DAKOTA.... 148,438 162,881 3.6 20.7 53.8 152,043] 49.8 20.5 3.73 84,181 18.24 78,700] 6.0 15.5 58,172 All Counties: 1,343 1,372 0.9 13.2 40.9 1,149 56.4) 16.2 [ 3.59 2 14.43 839] 2.7] 13.9 543 4,168 4,791 5.6 23.0 60.8 4 uu6l Lo.sl 21.0 | 2.62 2,6L8| 18.49 2,113 5.5 | 17.9 1,792 3,018 2,093 0.2 5.7 1.1 2,328] 50.8 11.5 5.00 1,304 11.17 1,789] 3.5 16.9 | 879 598, 61k 0.8 3.6 16.6 562] 50.9 6.3 | u4.03 101 (2) 513] 6.0 7.9 1 3,674 3,800 0.2 6.3 37.8 3,351] 51.9 14.9 3.50 1,565 11.38 2,235 2.6 11.0 1,319 1,139 1,165(. 0.6 11.4 47.0 1,033] 58.4 20.9 3.34 489 11.50 676] 5.2 | 20.5 yn 2,161 2,154 4.6 47.8 1,929] 53.4 12.5 3-3 936] 10.81 1,258 2.3 | 16.0 624 4,294 Ls 13.7 uy. 7 76.9 5,472] 2-9 ns 3 4 Lkgg| 29.87 1,291) 5.9 | 10.2 2,816 10,264 13,722] 14.0 49.5 85.6 13,222 W.2| 43.3 a 10,992] 30.06) 2,730] 17.8 | 4.1 7.415 3.273 3,526 0.8 7.2 38.5 3,118 52.2 8.8 .01 1,212 13.01 2,224 3.6 wm.7 754 1iverage monthly rent 288 not shown where base is less than 100. Only 98 reported contract or estimated monthly rent in Billings County. o TABLE 3—SELECTED DATA FOR METROPOLITAN AREAS AND FOR ALL COUNTIES, BY STATE—Continued (Pigures which have been rousded to thousands will not necessarily add to totals) Table 3 Part 4 - Agriculture ¥. C., Hyde (048)- MN. DAK., Cavalier (010) sil i AGRICULTURE—1945 AGRICULTURE—1940 Per. Value of Workoomas Value of fam phoducts sold, Piseipd farm property pe y I Par so farm household farm income | Type- METRuruLITAN cent | of- Ma| AREAS, |Number of | Land in | Cropland | Namber | “of | ‘ame Pon liom farming Rural Area COUNTIES, farms farms | harvested | of farms | farms | (of, A Number L area | Code AND (1000’s | (1000's oper- Total vere) of Adioant) 2 ving CODES Judo | of CofC Apr, | aed | pg. | (GAS | oe | Bones | Number | (05% | od Code | per. | (See index 1945 acres) acres) 940 by ‘| “acts s & and/or of of i (See cent | P42 ten- | jess | 4 lars) Gol mules | tractors dollars) ive- | Crops | paz) ants | han 0 {al (over 3 soc $400 mo. old) poe “s “0 Go) Gh G2) G3) GH 5) (6) GD 8) G9 (9) (61) ®) 63) ©) - NORTH CAROLINA— Cond 2 All Counties—Con, ¢ Hyde............ og) 80 60 3 996 | uu.3 | 43.5 2,901 | 2,913] 1,58 8k 664 | 21.1 | 56.2 5 | 55.1 624 ™ Iredell. uuvesss okg 3,918 343 123 3,905 | 3.3 | 3.1 | 12,998 | 3,329 6,13 394 2,891 17.3 50.7 5 | 49.2 718 94 Jackson. ..e..... 050) 2,30 125 19 2,565 | 20.2 | 56.5 4,531 | 1,766 1,449 12 1,005 12. 13.0 071.8 633 gk Johnston........ 051 17.77% 400 170 7,0 59.7 | 5.9 | 25,8647 3,383] 11,332 125 | 10,127 3:6 89.7 5 [80.4 12 88 JORBB. i ive sunes 052] TY. 121 43 1,k93 | 63.9 7.3 4,770 | 3,19 2,061 43 1,839 3 78.1 5171.9 624 82 L180 uve vnen ss 05 1,73 117 32 1,620 | W7.2] 2.5 4,698 | 2,900 2,014 Wn 1,628 6.6 67.8 5 | 66.6 72 93 1en0Lr.. vusvanss 05 3,848 195 26 L519 | 684 6.3 13,674 | 3,836 5,387 105 5,248 5.0 81.8 581.1 72 90 Lincolnes.sseson 055 2,503 163 60 2,548 | 43.2 | 20.5 8,222 | 3,227 3,927 237 2,129 12.9 50.5 5149.0 718 93 McDowell. .eeon.. 056) 1,982 105 19 1,243 | 26.5 L47.9 2,1 2,197 1,116 37 678 | 16.9 20.6 0 {59.5 821 72 Macon... ...u... 057] 2,350 136 2 2,243 | 21.3 | 48.6 3,606 | 1,626] 1,663 2 1,052 | 1k.3| 145 069.1 633 I Madison......... 058] 3,652 217 36 3,891 | 36.4 | 40.2 8,057 | 2,071 22 16 2,117 17.4 32.6 0 33.3 633 13 Bartin, «oie oenns 059 2,868 196 n 2,406 |. 02.1 | 5.7 | 10,026 | 4,167 ,603 173 ,261 4.4 | 2.6 5 | 80. gk2 87 022 | Mecilenburg..... 060 2,896 237 % 3,223 | 45.2 | k1.0 17,722 | 5,499 5,191 4o2 2,670 36.0 38.3 5 33.1 718 112 Mitchell........ 061, 1,0kL 82 22 2,175 | 15.2 | 59.0 4,159 | 1,912 1,248 8 820 11.8 15.0 070.1 633 1 129 31 1,284 | 34.2 | 49.3 3,014 | 2,347 1,679 92 892 8.0 53.1 0 NH 718 89 214 48 2,243 | 28.7 | 3.2 5,855 | 2,610] 2,582 143 1,%7 | 13.4] 53.7 545.6 72 91 280 nk 4,04 | 67.5| 6.0 | 17,9% | 3,63 53 158 0,584 3-3 79.7 5179.5 72 83 26 10 324 | 12.3 | 42.6 2,142 | 6,611 2 17 758 | 26. 65.1 6 | 34.b 624 | 121 221 98 2,951 | ek.k | 1k.0 11,027 | 3,749 5,659 172 2,983 4.2 76.7 5 | 76.4 gl2 73 141 39 2,188 | 46.3 | 16.4 5,171 | 2,363] 2,99 59 1,969 5.9 75.2 5 14.7 624 80 180 nn L043 | 33.6 | 25.4 5,706 | 2,793 2,824 165 2,007 18.2 by, 3 5 nl 718 93 58 27 2 21.2 | 5.5 2,752 | 3,265] 1,389 61 1,163 9.21 71.3 5 | 7h.4 624 70 76 us 8 19.9 | 26.8 5,008 | 6,005] 1,93 150 1,271 | 19.7 | 68.0 557.5 624 8 130 2 1,965 | 29.7 | 42.6 4,935 | 2,511 2,283 117 1,54, | 13.7| 63.0 538.3 624 70 98 1,056 | 46.7 | 5.9 4,199 | 3,976 2,110 115 1,139] 19.6] 61.5 5159.1 9k2 86 218 51 2,832 | 67.8 | 8.4 7,484 | 2,643] 4,677 51 3,002 1.9 | 76.0 5175.9 82 85 320 145 5,650 | 73.5 4.6 2.28 4,318] 9,244 190 9,256 3.0 86.8 5 | 86.2 12 89 89 21 1,271 | 45.6 | 21.9 2, 3 1,938 1,35 25 78k 9.7] 33.7 055.8 718 96 350 8 2% | 22.1 { 59.5 11,3 2,675 5,281 391 2,090 24.6 33.2 o| 38.8 718 96 159 kg 1,790 | 47.8 | 39.9 5,303 | 2,9€3 2,406 98 1,509 10.5 66.0 552.7 12 17 426 221 7,797 | ©8.7 6.8 26,472 3,395 11,342 92 9,661 2.7 83.0 5] 82.2 122 79 285 70 4,220 | 54.7 | 17.9 11,886 | 2,813 5,271 155 4,002 5.5 352 5169.7 82a 92 259 101 3,47 | 31.2 | 39.2 | 14,969 | 4,381] 5,150 597 2,511 | 22.6 | uh. 5 | 40.8 718 | 106 227 76 3,796 | 45.4 | 30.9 9,288 | 2,W47 L,697 86 2,397 10.9 43.5 0 | bu.k 718 90 383 158 o,k3 | 46.9 | 13.4 18,056 | 2,802 8,704 99 ,999 4.3 79.1 5] 71.2 720 87 1 61 1,702 | 76.7 | 19.4 5,b| 3,181 2,89 36 1,626 41 | 82.3 5| 67.5 720 62 189 68 2,408 | 29.4 | 39.7 6,998 | 2,906 »92) 319 1,453 17.8 1-7 0|k.6 718 95 241 5h hom | 53.8 | 13.3 9,61 | 2,368 1605 8l 3,682 3.3 gi 565.6 821 93 2u7 57 bu7L | bo.k 27.6 | 11,537 | 2:580| 5.029 97 3,715 8.9 | 61.1 5 [59.1 821 81 47 6 1,617 | 35.3 | 40.1 2,081 | 1,287 818 5 836 | 10.1 5.4 o | 8.5 633 68 2 14 1,010 | 26.3 56.9 2,587 | 2,5€1 666 28 502 22.1 23.6 053.8] | 633 81 1 16 599 | n.21 29.9 1,831 | 3,057 959 16 623 22.5 56.7 5 | 56.1 62 81 338 0 4,552 | 50.7 | 26.7 | 12,50 [ 2,755 7.73 420 3407 | 17.0] 57.1 5 | 56.0 718 93 1 2,19 {| 05.8] 9.9 7,718 | 3,542 3,20 3 2,630 33 7.8 5|7L.3 821 79 ng 136 5,255 | 50.8 | 18.2 20,556 | 3,912 7,913 179 7,1% 9. 69.5 5 | 68.0 720 102 217 60 2,558 | 50.8 | 29.9 6,710 | 2,623 3,717 81 2,019 4.67 64.9 561.7 72 5 60 25 969 | 43.1 | 2k.0 3.911 (3,801) §.,693 57 1,077 | 12.8 | 65.8 5 (60.7 942 81 16 29 2,696 | 16.6 | 54.7 7.181 | 2,604] 1,961 18 1,397 23.6 33.0 0 | us7 633 87 27 130 4,378 | 64.6 5.9 17,456 | 3,987 7,288 93 0,197 3.7 82.7 580.3 2 87 336 62 5,350 | 10.8 | 70.4% | 10,291 | 1,924] 3,506 126 2,067 24.8 | 17.6 0 | 54.4 82 69 203 102 4,118 | 76.4 | 3.7 | 18,269 | 4,u30( 6,746 75 Jil 2.2 | 8k5 5 | 84.3 721 88 188 58 2,948 | 33.8 | 18.1 8,882 | 3,013 3,829 153 2,513 8.6 66.6 5165.8 g21 9k 24 26 2,884 | 28.3 | 53.0 5,56 | 1,892] 1,984 5 1,53] 12.3] 19.8 0 [64.3 633 66 69,520 | 41,001 | 20,817 73,962 | 45.1 | 15.3 |*646,686 | 8,743| 345,212 | 49,361 | 115,239 | 33.9 | 53.1 5 [52.9 108 660 602 258 753 | 33.6 | 35.1 5,756 | 7,644] 2,066 604 668 | 30.9 | 56.1 5 | 56.1 322 | 110 2,011 928 608 1,999 | 56.1 | 11.7 | 18,861 | 9,435| 8,861 1,386 3,003 [ 4.9 | k1.3 5139.5 313) 11 1,58 821 L717 1,648 | bg.8 | 7.7 | 13,985 | 8,486 8,664 1,056 3,271 27.3 | 62.1 5 | 62.0 313| 10 381 425 91 471 | 46.5 | 46.3 2,838 | 6,025 3,%6 179 7 | $1.6 24.6 139.9 322 90 1,935 1,026 576 2,219 | 47.9 | 12.7 | 17,852 | 8,045] 7,086 1,43 3, 27.8 | €.2 5 | 60.0 313 | 110 511 668 200 659 ae 20.0 4,850 I= 1,991 460 gus | 34.9 | 53.4 553.4 322 | 116 1,078 629 326 1,201 3 38.0 7.757 | 6,459 3,998 695 857 33-6 47.7 5147.7 312° we 1,137 980 313 1,212 | 51.4 | 15.5 8.175 | 6,745] 6,818 675 1,902 1.3 | W.k 5 43.4 32 | 19 2,516 1,095 TH 2,592 | 43.4 6.3 42,168 16,269 12,060 2,534 7,534 39.0 51.6 551.1 3h2 122 .2,017 910 531 2,104 | 45.6 | 13.9 | 19,823 | 9,422] 8,837 1,387 2,855 29.3 | 54.8 5 | 54.8 313 110 1state total includes $51,420 for female silver fox and /or mink over 8 months old (kept im captivity) not distributed to individual counties. Table 3 Part 5 - Industry and Retail Trade N. C., Ryde (048) = N. DAK., Cavalier (010) TABLE 3—SELECTED DATA FOR METROPOLITAN AREAS-AND FOR ALL COUNTIES, BY STATE—Continued: (All dollar figures have been rounded to thousands and will not necessarily add to totals) ures are not shown MANUFACTURING ESTABLISHMENTS—1939 MINERAL INDUSTRIES—1939 RETAIL ESTABLISHMENTS—1939 METROPOLITAN | Men! COONTIE Value added ! ue Aes UNTEES, Wage Value of 7 analacs Value of Number Wages and Nusbar Sales Adtive Epos Pay roll CODES Number | S2mers ges? s ot roles ture Prides of aries of umber of | (1000's of | pro- rage (1000's of (average (1000's of | (1000’ of | (1000's of | persons (1000°s stores dollars) | prietors dollars) for year) dollars) dollars) dollars) | engaged | dollars) year) I o) 0 5) a9) an — —2 ay as) a) (w] NORTH CAROLINA—Goa. Con. rn a 1 (1) 3) (*) (*) 104 Lay «94 39 16 Iredell. 8 | . 5,89 u,27 19,438 1.312 (2) (2) (MH 512 8,266 yl 1,207 788 Jackson 10 367 2 2,624 1,007 1k2 2,011 133 178 120 Johnston. . 27 998 539 2,639 1,198 9s 7.471 kgh 800 sul SOROS. .userasss 052 x ) 3} *) (*) 5 623 12 36 23 36 892 558 3.275 1,721 £3) (*) (*) 190 3.713 168 455 326 22 967 Lgs 2,483 1.121 393 8,948 359 1,113 847 31 2,147 1,31 5,412 2,513 2} (1) (3) 226 3,014 20k 346 230 26 2,67 1,60% 6.812 3.311 (*) (3) (2) 187 2,848 184 336 214 8 n 50 251 19 9k 33 18 149 1,654 134 154 98 8 65 30 126 52 93 55 3 195 1,294 130 125 11 15 559 uk 3.066 1.346 260 3.936 269 482 295 022 185 12,067 10,544 55.735 25.973 1,435 50.997 1,1% 7.289 6.393 12 u1s 31k 1,460 816 394 286 160 136 1,597 123 15¢ 115 33 1,330 m 3.007 1,54 166 2,284 161 22 150 ug 1.618 1,059 4,995 1,671 239 8 18 307 4,687 237 570 396 26 1,366 913 5,748 2,076 (*) 2) (*) Lye 8,791 352 1,089 803 61 2,606 1.77% 17.610 9.121 ny 15.970 651 2,079 1,493 13 2us 1 ug 270 186 1,609 193 87 63 9 148 8 21 153 ; 180 1.518 187 130 66 19 880 562 1 938 1,035 205 3.447 199 373 289 5 17 7 7 37 100 us? 98 22 12 58 1,639 1,001 L,190 2.%7 271% 4 ,9hs 21 689 42g 1H 226 9k 325 186 143 1,320 127 109 56 8 230 132 3 364 112 1,184 112 161 a 23 1.776 ?) (2) (*) 202 3,019 186 3 208 36 598 349 3,244 1.390 550 11,885 504 1,466 1,042 g 535 347 1,542 652 97 1,034 69 112 69 67 5,862 ye 16,351 7.067 *) 3) (3) 398 5,643 367 629 ur2 n 1030 9.622 Lauy 21% 5.930 2uk 828 543 1,286 7%9 RH 1,328 629 10.976 554 1,330 856 4 7.806 Q) of (1) 0?) to) (3) 668 10,312 629 1,150 913 5,812 4,183 20,064 10.137 612 222 162 678 15,257 576 1,987 1,6 33 5.115 3,333 15,827 6,760 25 10 7 L3k 5,863, 8 mn ul 39 598 213 1,360 641 396 5,143 60 546 326 2 1,826 67 6.383 1.762 209 3.283 163 ug3 12 FH 4,835 3.82 20.738 11,706 3) (2) () 313 6,046 267 108 72 7 18 122 S17 7 (2) (3) (2) 193 1,450 162 19 61 33 4,824 3.531 14,949 6.137 (%) tH) (1) 42k 7.072 h21 839 527 8 163 89 360 ak 154 106 82 106 176 96 3 3 1 901 682 3,746 1,561 (1) (t) 3) 95 1,809 82 ar 146 : 80 27 92 3 65 L22 63 uy 17 32 969 608 828 2,0 361 872 3 529 348 22 1.658 42 L62 1,634 WR] () (*) 303 6,031 2h 196 629 93 2,088 1.483 8,706 4,18 (1) (*) 3} 1,132 31,465 860 4,194 3.628 8 34 mn 1,201 508 202 2,265 175 274 187 Vashington.. 6 2n 161 532 285 1m 1,260 140 140 67 Vatsuge. 5 ug 20 80 8 : { . 15 1,82) 181 174 112 Yayme.. 5 1.833 1,048 %,806 2,7 (*) *) (2 yin 569 10,849 518 1,363 99k ¥ilkes....... .097 30 2,082 1,40 6.938 2,979 362 b 39 14 581 388 Vilson.. +098 30 596 389 3.397 1,290 : : % sib 7] Le 82 Yadkin.. ..099 85 7 2k 104 *) *) *) 146 1,208 13% 69 52 XWHOOY, ve onvrrss 100 : 90 1 31 164% 187 1.8 80 147 61% 102 35 16 Combined Counties®. 364 | 63,788 80,418 721,036 281,007 2,098 881 673 NORTH DAKOTA... 350 2.637 2,m 43,767 11,102 2.503 1,078 1,040 8,549 156,137 7.818 | 18,227 12,960 001 5 10 6 108 25 us us 26 ™ 990 weve 8g 6! ..002 1 68 73 837 299 218 4.678 253 ub 39 . 12) 3 £10 (3) (1) (*) 151 1.69% 152 1% 91 3 (3) *) 3) 17 102 18 3 00% 4 10 (*) (1) (1) 196 2,502 181 167 134 Bowman......... 006 Lu 6 u 38 17 (1) (1) (1) [3] 1,068 1% 91 3 ..007 23 76 n 128 1,150 120 89 59 . .008 13 12 132 1,356 253 28% i£] &7 aus 9.26% a1 1.10 1.162 ..009 u7 ss! 1,201 18,185 4 k99 719 23.993 623 2.17 2,638 vy 3 a 2) =) (*) 201 2.417 200 187 138 - of disclosure of operations of individual establishments. Data included in §omblned Counties at end of State. ®Includes all counties where fig- Lely because of disclosure of vperations of individual establishments. 3lncludes all establishments and wage earners of oountise for which wages and value dats were withheld Lo avoid disclosure. The “Combined Counties” figire for number of establishments is excluded from the State total, since this item was shown for every county. responding State wtal. 290 Whenever dats on wage earners have been withheld, that portion of the "Combined Counties" figure represented by such data is included in the eos y TET FER 7 3% Say i \ Sache ; dog y “ 5 A 1 ; EA TABLE 3—SELECTED DATA FOR METROPOLITAN AREAS AND FOR ALL COUNTIES, Ios ~ - r Econamic : BY STATE—Continued Data : ’ N. C., Hyds (048) = (All dollar figures have been rounded to thousands and will not necessarily edd to totals) N. DAK., Cavalier (010) wn i JO ESMIE SERVICE ESTABLISHMENTS—1939 PANE DevOSITS : | : Major war supply Major war facilities contracts, rojects, June 1940-Se; pi 1945 June 1940 une 1945 METROPOLIT. AN (1000 s of ) ( 1000’s dollars) Metro. AREAS, sales 1944 Area | COUNTIES, [Number Number| =~ | I Total | (1000's of Code AND of Sales of Rasps Active Gaverage Pa (demand | Time | dollars at CODES estab- | (1000's of | estab- | (1000's |proprie-| “'¢ (1000's | and time) | (1000's |isque price) lish- | dollars) | lisk- |of dollars)| tors your) of dollars) | (1000’s | of dollars) ments ments of dollars) Combat Other Industrial | Military 1 equipment a | @® ®) @1) ®2) 3) @®4) ®5) iL] 0 ®) ®9) 59) on NORTH CAROLINA—=Ocn All Counties—Con, & Hyd@.esesssaesss048 12 443 38 27 40 38 8| 666) 116 136 1,480 35 6,482 243 663 258 345 187 12,579 3,895 1,981 284 16,313 5 490 43 155 41 80 38 2,39% 913 491 29 4,862) U2 349 135 197 100 11,717 2,003 1,167 550 JoNeS.essenssess052 2 (1) 16 1 7 LU “4 "17 L1eeicrcinncansss053 26 44757] 51 193 54 116 59 6,487 75 1,385 2,480 1,985 n| 17,97] 0 1436 93 293 160] 13,008 1,975 1,512 1,458 13 3,225] 126 306] 1% 19 % 4,416 1,044 959 2,747 9 1,312 kd 183 T2 112 55 3,240 652 883 176 3,822 2l 91 105 81 4 17 1,346 102 485 5 616 103 76) ed 35 13 3,080 1,368 457 27 5,337 81 147) 84 18 54 7,082 957| 1,174 431 022 33] 209,09] 404] 4,398] 472] 2,007] 1,57 105,343 15,860) 11,667 25,161 38,639] 12,728 | © 9,83 8 845 38 é8 3 49 18) 23236 1,049) 350 115 Montgomery... ...062, 1 1,453 id 149] 87 133 451 2,970 239 280 MOOT®. ve vseessss063 15 1,175 6 259 61 177 «al. 521 73 1,311 1,404 33] 2,18 92 489 8 229 1159.0 15,019 3,363 878 ou| 24,67] 23:| 1,510 205 918 647 37,080 9,389 10,161] 435,001 5,362] 20,479 4,626 Northampton. .a . .066| 4 496 49 70 51 31 15 5,023 1,126 724, OnS1oWea esse esss067] 6 599 43 91] 40 43 19 5,691 1,074 2,024 73,9% 4 327 65 238 69| 103 65 4,841) 1,620 1,332 15,923 9,693 12 436 22 23 28 12 3 539 41 210 37 4,429 86 317 100| 162 83 11,678 4,802 1,803 23,221 713 719 15,312 . 12 538 36 66 35 45 22 1,47 581 950 .33,918 Perquimans. .....072 12 548 45 68 51 55 16 25 582 344 Person.cescsssss073 1 ,916 53 138 50 a5 35 4,541 1,510 840 17,502 s8| 42,517 131 44 136 268 130] 20,315 2,018 2,341 2l 38 89 23 60 29 1,241 293 304 oe o 13 ,388 140 413 158 219 113 10,342 2,832 1,235 1,454 5,470 Richmond. .......077 10 1,787 53 239 50 127 82 6,294 1,404 1,910 7,654 14,195 Robeson....ess.0078 54 15,885 154 592 141 367 185 16,669 3,826 2,830 2,253 783 079 | ue] 1% glo] 156 379 £6) 14,697 5,286 2,521 38,705 65 11,070 254 916) 252 454 281 15,128 5,058 2,904 17,323 16 1,072] 123 271 123 148 88 6,402 1,965 1,5% 17,806 34 3,825 1 302] 139 205 ) 5,841 1,549 1,008 59 21 3,749 50 135 43 81 38 6,307, 1,134 929 770 9,831 24 1,852 107 263 101 160 81) 5,737 287 1,839 121 318 4 27% 57 80 50 24 9 860, 259 418 x 4,29] 1a 49 6 181 108] 10,799 ,383 2,157 251 75,154 Swain.cscosssess087 4 427 ‘48 54, 43 19 7 767 32 713 y Transylvania. ...088 5 2,425 27 94 29 50 25 1,559 362 706 245 Tyrre. +089 4 238 15 17 14 13 5 663 185 76 32 3,808 136 327 U0 224 95 6,632 1,429 2,000 5,324 32 11,298 kad 325 267 174 119 11,982 2,768 1,064 49,437 205 133] 36,043] 309] 2,511 259] 1,237 912] 45,235 6,700 5,550 1,684 2,010 12 2,235 41 89 3” 88 37 3,217 553 651 8 651 39 102] 44 54, 27) 1,914 381 510 8| 665 107 135 116 137 4), 2,107 543 387 73 WaYNeeasenanssaaldP6 ss] 10,205] 138 ¢go| 138 338] 216] © 16.188 3,479 2,822 62 1,887 15,202 WiTnessssvecessdl] 23 3,732 172 333 150 244, 109 8,054 3,646 919 310 56] 41,525] 123 536 120 292 163] 18,465 3,786 1,894 2,543 2,810 1 4 65 87 62 43 20 2,315 1,042 697 1 1 83 73 57 58 17] 1,234 502 407 93 Obhereesssinsenssne £1 %1,604 45,496 450,000 . | NORTH DAKOTA....| 2,682] 170,252] 2,500 6,643] 2,553 1,760 1,407] 283,701 61,603 66,056 1,582 5,938 120 1,572 27 610 19 32 20| 4 1 2,811 421 640 78 3,126 bid 194 Le 6 42 6,457 1,294 1,672 391 68 1,952 2 40 30 4 2 4,228] 658 1,110 | 2l (1) 97 Bottineau. ......005 78 2,299 67 126 65 23 u, 4,802 182 1,769 BoWmAN. ses 0e0e0 0008 24 95 24 39) 25 5 3 2,635 284 505 Burke.... 007| 35 596 53 49 51. 7 3 1,679 59 1,024 f Burleigh, ~008! 48 6,715 84 374) 85 138 116 17,675 5,388 2,228 Cass. ...s 009] 2190 60,648] 225] 1,518] 225 549 532] 35,212 9,870 5.276 1,378 1,341 831 Cavalier... .... 010 81 2,981 57 “78 62 9 [3 3,385 270 1,407 1Not shown because of disclosure of operations of individual establishments. figures are not shown separately because of disclosure of operations of individual establishments. THR ef Te) Data included in "Other" at end of State. sales data are withheld to avoid disclosing operations of individual establishments. dividual counties. Combined figure for counties having sales data withheld to avoid disclosing operatd ons of individual establishments. 4 Undistributed, 2%um of eststlishments in counties for which It is excluded from the State total since number of establishments is shown for in- Includee 211 counties where 291 HETCET N * Table 3 Part 1 - Population N. DAK., Dickey (011) - OHIO ,Athens (005) TABLE 3—SELECTED DATA FOR METROPOLITAN AREAS AND FOR ALL COUNTIES, BY STATE—Continued Toro esa TOTAL POPULATION POPULATION—1940 EDUCATION VITAL 1940 STATISTICS ESTIMATED 1944 POPULATION Land |P Total white Percent of 1 ny op- ercent ol METROPOLITAN 0.8. area |ulation population 25 Metro. AREAS, rank in per years old and Sra > Number of Percent 8 sq. over who have Code ap. . Satlis change es mile Percent u ba Rural Rural completed— ercent| April | mn : o ™an | ponfarm | farm Births | Deaths Number change | 940° | Ppercen- 1930-1 1940 | 1940 | Number | total ) Nov. 1 tiles) | 1940 : opu- 5 or pa v 1943 » | 1940- ation more Ha 1943 1940 grades | S€h00 a @ ®) @ ©) ©) m ®) © (10) an (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) NORTH DAKOTA—Con. All Counties—~Con. DACKOY + ssssass0Ll 8,067 | -16.8 9,696 77] -10.9| 1,144 8.5 9,695 | 100.0 4,276 5,420 89.3) 22.4 187 87 5,580 | -21.3 7,086 85| -26.5| 1,%08| 5.4 7,076 | 99.9 2,694. 4,302] 92.8] 17.9 185 52 6,675 | -20.8 ‘8,876 82| -12.4| 2,068 4.1 7,984 95.3 1,987 6,439] 77.7| 12.6 202 47 4,545 | -20.8 5,741 % | -9.5 643| 8.9 5,701 | 99.3 2,637 3,104| 92.2] 20.4 109 85 FOMONS +e e0veees 9,308 | -20.4| 11,699 70| -6.2| 1,546 7.6 11,698 | 100.0 | - 4,222 7,477 74.1] 10.6 275 57 Foster. 4,698 | -19.8 5,824 89 | -8.3 648 | 9.0 5,818 | 99.9 2,828] 2,99] 92.0] 23.8 105 39 Golden Valle 2,995 | -14.4 3,498 95 | -15.1| 1,014| 3.4 3,498 | 100.0 1,572 1,926] 93.7] 26.4 86 18 Grand Forks. 29,621 | -14.2 34,518 23 8.0] 1,438] 24.0 34,493 | 99.9| 20,228) 4,355 9,985| s92.2| 29.2 710 389 6,365 | -23.0 8,264 82 | -18.5| 1,672] 4.9 8,242 99.7 2,188| 6,126] 78.1| 10.5 242 42 GriBES. + vseesss 020 4,697 | -19.3 5,618 190 | -15.5 714| 8.1 5,811 99.9 2,128] 8,690) 95.3] 19.4 182 52 Hettinger.......021 6,680 | -10.4 7,457 85| -15.2| 1,135] 6.6 7,456 | 100.0 2,630 4,827 82.6] 16.7 161 58 5,599 | -16.3 6,692 87 | -16.7| 1,377 4.9 6,692 | 100.0 2,147| 4,545] 84.0] 16.5 162 47 8,794 | -14.6 10,298 75 | -10.6| 1,187 9.1 10,295 | 100.0 3,971 6,327| 90.0] 18.0 237 72 6,802 | -16.7 7,561 |° 84] -6.5| 1,008] 7.5 7,561 | 100.0 2,267 5,20¢| 67.0 7.7 164 47 12,080 | -18.9 | 14,034 62| -9.1| 1,890] 7.4 14,029 | 100.0 5,265 8,769| 86.0] 18.9 282 81 7,687 | -15.0 8,984 80 | -6.6 993| 9.0 8,984 | 100.0 3,652 5,882 62.6] 8.4 188 54 6,456 | -23.4 8,426 82| -13.2| 2,810] 3.0 8,387 | 99.5 2,423] 6,008] 94.3] 16.8 185 57 18,706 | -14.8 16,082 57 | -10.6 2,289 7.0 14,985 | 938.2 5,871 10,211 85.0 16.4 864 101 8,019 | -16.6 9,611 78| 1.0] 1,002| 8.8 9,414 | 98.0 4,012 5,599| 74.2] 10.0 197 63 Morton. ... 17,511 | -13.2 20,184 45 2.7 | 1,933] 10.4 20,155 99.9| 6,685] 4,365 9,134) 81.9] 17.3 458 204 Mountrail. 8,928 | -14.8| 10,482 74 | -22.6| 1,900| 5.5 10,445 | 99.7 3,872 6,610 91.7| 17.8 216 84 7,549 | -17.8 9,129 79 | ~10.5 997 9.2 9,123 | 99.9 8,587 5,592 91.1 19.8 140 82 3,201 | -17.1 3,859 9a | -9.5 720| 5.4 3,859 | 100.0 711 3,148 81.3) 11.5 75 16 12,762 | -18.6 15,671 58| 6.2| 1,124| 13.9 15,589 | 99.2 7,083) 8,588] 86.0 21.2 302 122 7,780 | -15.5 9,208 79 1.5| 1,063 8.7 9,208 | 100.0 3,400 5,808 84.9] 17.2 281 64 12,944 | -17.1 15,626 s8| -3.9| 1,214] 12.9 15,417 | 98.7 6,204 | £,870| 6,552] 91.9] 27.0 812 136 8,191 | -18.6 10,061 76 | -8.4 863 | 11.7 10,061 | 100.0 4,474| 5,587] 92.6] 22.0 169 82 5,204 | -4.3 5,538 90 | -23.8 9oL| 6.1 5,532 | 100.0 1,795 3,788) 94.1] 19.6 125 53 16,994 | -17.2 20,519 44] -2.3| 1,450| 14.2 20,479 | 99.8 s,747| b5,888| 11,88¢| 90.0] 21.0 382 147 9,204 | -26.1| 12,588 67 | 16.9 913 | 13.8 8,098 | 64.4 4,012 8,571] 77.2| 15.5 371 108 7,114 | -18.2 8,698 8L| -6.5 855 | 10.2 8,645| 99.4 3,164 5,529] 91.7] 18.3 207 62 5,111 | -22.7 6,616 87 | -10.3 995| 6.6 6,615 | 100.0 1,928) 4,608 73.6 9.5 185 42 3,154 | 28.6 4,419 93| -5.7| 1,122] 3.9 2,692 60.9 2,074 2,345] 78.5] 15.6 96 40 2,355 | -19.7 2,932 96| -29.3| 1,226] 2.4 2,982 | 100.0 739| 2,198] 90.9] 20.8 59 18 13,458 | -12.7 15,414 59 0.5 1,319] 11.7 15,412 | 100.0 5,899 | 2,609 6,966| 77.6] 19.7 392 11a 4,247 | -31.4 6,193 8s | -11.2 70( 8.7 6,193 | 100.0 1,811 4,382] oa.1| 19.5 116 40 20,396 | -13.2 23,495 s8| -10.0| 2,274] 10.8 23,476 | 99.9 8,790 | 5,452 9,253| 86.6] 20.5 455 300 TOWDOT +0 vse0ses 048 5,820 | -19.2 7,200 85 | -14.2] 1,044 6.9 7,188 99.8 2,781 4,419] 91.0 21.5 184 49 Traill, 11,099 | -9.8 12,300 6s). -2.¢ 861 | 14.3 12,300 | 100.0 5,369| 6,981 95.0] 25.8 248 98 Welsh..... 17,361 | -16.8 20,747 4 8.5| 1,287] 16.1 20,732 | 99.9 4,070| 4,971 11,706] 88.0! 17.5 378 169 Wardeeooes 27,125 | -15.2 81,981 25 -4.8 2,048 | 15.6 81,886 | 99.7 16,577 5,700 9,704 92.8 29.8 646 276 Wells..... 9,765 | -12.8| 11,198 72| -15.7| 1,300 8.6 11,198 | 100.0 4,595| 6,608] 89.3] 18.1 253 73 18,459 | -17.5 16,315 56 [ -16.6 | 2,100| 7.8 16,089 | $8.6| 5,790| 8,587 6,988 91.8] 23.0 sae 124 OHIO........| 6,828,352 | -1.1|6,907,612 3.9 | 41,122 168.0 | 6,566,551 95.1|4612,986 [224,327 | 1070,299| 90.5) 25.4 133,508] s0,198 METRO. COUNTIES..| 4,291,192 2.9 | 4,172,835 s.2| 6,126 (681.2 3,883,328 | 93.1|3517,346 | 463,285 | 192,204 @9.4| 26.7] s2,%08| 48,245 Metro. areas: 868,652 7.1 389,405 -1.4 413 | 821.8, 825,467 | 95.9| 292,817 | 82,986 18,602 92.2 28.9 7,829 8,892 CANtON.eeesessss076] 247,668 5.4| 234,887 5.9 | . 580 | 405.0 227,665 | 96.9| 165,380 | 47,138| 22,369| 91.0 22.8] 5,049) 3,740 025 |Cincinnati(pt)h.081| 652,348 | 4.9] 621,987 5.5 414 [1502.4 | 557,572 | 89.6| 544,766 | 61,610] 15,611| ®9.3| 24.1] 12,226 8,060 Cleveland.......018| 1,228,808 1.0 | 1,217,250 1.8 456 |2669.4 | 1,129,604 | 92.8(1,188,490 | 26,704 7,056 87.4 27.9] 22,118( 18,271 415,980 7.8 888,712 7.7 588 | 722.5 849,619 | 89.9| 380,268 42,861 15,5838 92.7 85.0 7,967 5,070 838,688 14.6 295,480 8.0 465 | 635.4 278,506 | 92.6 223,914 | 52,801 18,765 92.9 28.1 7,446 3,640 cereseseecessss009] 123,304 | 2.6] 120,249 5.4 471 | 255.3 14,243 95.0 84,568| 22,088| 13,598] 90.5] 22.7] 2,648] 1,300 095 | Hunting ton-Ashland (Pt)Rueeceeess 084] 40,474 | -13.3| 46,705 4.9 456 | 102.4 45,101 96.6| 15,851| 15,627 | 15,227] 84.3] 15.5 908 497 117 |Springfield. 100,466 5.0 95,647 5.2 402 | 237.9 86,938 | 90.9| 70,662 | 18,27{ 11,748] 98.5] 26.7] 1,996] 1,259 124 [ToledOs.osss 836,396 -2.8 344,383 =-1.0 8438 | 1,008.9 829,180 | 95.6 | 287,082 | 45,688 11,618 90.5 25.2 6,528 4,285 132 | Wheeling (pt) 81,810 | -14.4 95,614 0.9 539 | 177.4 93,196 | 97.5| 45,228 34,892| 15,994] ses.8| 16.8] 1,468] 1,051 138 |Youngstown..050,078| 61,618 | -2.9| 372,566 3.7 1,049 | 855.2 951,282 | 94.8| 278,370 | 68,158| 31,038] 5.4 22.9] 6,785] 3.640 OTHER COUNTIES...| 2,587,160 | -7.2 |2,784,777 5.0 | 4,99 | 78.1| 2,683,208 | 98.1|1,095,640 | 761,042 | 878,095| 92.3] 23.4] s51,205| 81,48 All Counties: AqemS....eneee..001| 16,886 | -22.2 21,705 42 6.5 568 | 36.9 21,611 | 99.6 8,880 | 12,825] 88.4] 14.7 402 228 AlleN.cssccnces.002 80,819 10.8 73,308 8 5.6 410 | 178.8 71,872 | 97.4 47,797 | 18,604 11,902 94.1 26.7 1,700 909 .003 27,918 | -6.8| 29,785 28 | 10.9 426 | 69.9 29,736 | 99.8| 12,458| 7,251| 10,081) 96.6] 29.4 526 382 +004 63,784 7.1 68,674 10 0.5 706 | 97.3 68,400 | 99.6| 84,931 15,596| 18,147] @9.3| 25.8] 1,255 886 AthenB..cceseee.005 87,144 | -19.5 46,166 | - 15 4.5 504 | 91.6 44,983 | 97.4 15,911 | 17,695 12,560 82.9 22.3 687 626 Remainder of Cincinnati Metropolitan Area. (025) is in Indiana and Kentucky. 2Remainder of Huntington-Ashland Metropolitan Area (055) is. in Kentucky and West Virginia. ~~. Remainder of Wheeling Metropolitan Area (132) is in West Virginia. TABLE 3—SELECTED DATA FOR METROPOLITAN AREAS AND rol ALL COUNTIES, ~~ BY STATE—Continued Table. 3 Part 3 - labor Force ¥. DAK., Dickey (011) = OHIO, Athens (005) are emia _ LABOR FORCE—1940 % Percent of Population 14 Years Old and Over Employed Workers by Industry Group dort METROPOLITAN ” Trans- Busi In leading Metro. 3 usiness nonagri- oe COUNTIES, Dotett Paced ue an cultural Code AND 9 # oe E ! Con. Te Whole- | personal | 4 | In industry CODES 1 Tot | Ibo | BS | whore | ring | fe | Mining | st. | Moi cats | S57 | SGT | and mot [5 in in P tion and gle is reported ture Code hey fay whey domaic (See | Per- orce orce - utih- : page | cent ties Serves 422) an as) a9) @) @n @ @*) A) @) 2%) @ @) 29) en | ay | 6 FORTH DAKOTA--Con. * All Counties—Con. 1,078 582 80.2 7 3,098 1,79 52 122 105 36% hk 223 |57.8|636 | 8.% 5,260 2% 81.1 34 2,346 1,585 46 17 25 174 203 2u7 176 | 67.6] 036 | 5.6 256 2,975 8.5 1.1 2,521 1,967 5 16 10 » 151 26 126 | 78.0|63% | 5.6 262 2,249 81.1 37-7 1,616 1,057 2 50 n 236 2% 121 |58.2|0636 | 7.0 7,498 3,625 79.9 14.0 3,000 2,226 1 29 1 228 261 199 | T4.2| 63 | 6.0 134 2,104 81.1 15.9 1,79% 1,015 51 23 66 275 25 133 |56.6|636 | 6.6 2,493 1,298 81.4 16.4 1,120 2 19 % 156 168 tH 57.963 | 8.7 26,191 13,608 80.6 23.1 | 11,68 3,686 2 Wk 137 1,128 | 2,357 2,51 1,086 | 31.5[636 | 9.4 In 2,63 82.8 11.3 2,326 1,785 17 10 1 u3 151 198 115 | 76.7163 | 5.% 058 2,338 81.8 15.3 2,059 1,389 1 36 15 52 a7 212 137 |67.5|636 | 5.2 Hettinger....... 4,926 2,0 79.3 14.3 2,101 1,33 nj » 3 55 ‘ak 266 155 | 63.6|036 | 6.3 | x1dder.... .0 ut, blk 2 83.0 13.1 2,028 118% | 1 10 61 1k8 180 15 [72.%|0% | 6.0 7,33 3,570 80.0 13.0 | 3,075 2,029 1 50 » B 302 363 216 | 66.0|63% | 6.9 4,977 2,436 81.8 11.0 2,100 1,584 10 15 163 168 120 | 75.%{ 0636 | M9 9,973 5,021 81.4 15.7 4,339 2,85 8 67 39 1a 37 kg 335 |65.2|63 | 6.1 6,177 2,821 80.0 9.3 2,284 1,612 h3 15 51 a7 210 1 70.663 | 5.3 6,076 3.217 84.0 15.0 2,671 2,066 6 25 10 2 179 220 1 77.3| 03% | 5.5 11,2984 5,552 79.7 13.1 4,823 3,205 11h 73 28 12% %09 582 328 | 66.5(036 | 7.1 6,265 3,050 83-3 a.2 2,508 1,624 231 1 16 7 203 226 118 | 68.8 2 | 9.2 1%,030 6,721 76.8 16.3 5.3% 2,677 EY) 7! 208 7! 728 40 6h | M9.6)| 036 | 7.8 7.621 3,94 82.3] 1k 3,333 (| 2.270 1 3 > 10% ‘337 he 210 | 68.16% | 5.2 6,846 3,368 78.9 13.0 2,822 1,887 n 33 88 2% 03 18% | 66.9 | @36 | 6.2 2,620 1,384 87.2 11.7 1,254 1,015 11 1 11 1% 39 65 92 | 80.9] 636 | 4.0 11,226 5,548 | 80.5 154 b,743 || 2,886 2 hp a9 2 496 470 | 60.8| 636 | 6.0 6,210 3,107 80.4 16. 2,703 1,793 28 bi M6 158 | 66.3] 836 | 7.% 11,480 5,945 79.8 20.5 5,027 2,286 120 145 25% 890 8% M7 | 45.5 036- | 8.5 I» 3,65 78.5 1k.7 3,091 1,779 1 57 x 25 369 350 237 | 57.6| 23 | 6.6 4,1 2,131 81.5 15.6 1,832 1,286 2 1h b 157 172 138 | 70.2| 636 | MW. 15,295 7,815 0.8 16.5 6,997 hoe 172 169 3 854 879 55 | 57.7| 636 | 7.0 8,380 4.231 76.7 20.9 2,870 1, 60 32 T n6 501 229 | 58.0] 636 [13.0 6,256 3,225 81.0 16.2 2,751 1,902 2 k3 2 69 263 261 191 | 69.1] @ o] 4,552 2,161 78.9 10.0 1,902 1,456 13 1h +] 138 any 11% | 76.6 ” al 2,784 1,24 70.9 13.7 767 433 25 6 13 2 130° 101 | 56.5] 636 | 13.3 2,092 1,175 85.3 16.9 1,033 18 2 & 5 53 [4] ~ 65 | 76.0] 03% | 5.3 10,434 5,116 [ 78.5 18.1 4,176 1,973 8 76 19 200 648 132 343 | 7.2] 636 | 10.3 4 51% 2,33 83.5 13.8 2,039 1,%70 9 33 1hg 189 170 | 72.2| 63 | 5.5 17,638 1.975 70.4 17.9 7,029 3,178 2 157 im 669 | 1,003 1,306 5k3 b.2 636 | 12.0 5,327 2,815 81.9 16.9 2,427 1,575 1 26 70 268 2h2 203 9) 636 | %.9 9,359 k 849 80.7 17.0 42844 2,59 90 78 m 562 499 349 | 60.6) 63% | 6.5 15,38 7.%8| 77.2] wl 65% 39 2| 13 62 | om 826 506 | 60.0] 636 | 7.6 23,657 12,18 79.4 22.8) 10,m7 33% 218 21h n2 1,098 2.52 2,020 892° 21 63% | 9.9 8,027 2 .3 14.2 3,2 2,168 k2 19 160 366 97 260 3.5| 636 | 6.6 12,197 +333 19. 19.4 5,023 2,438 38 10h 97 b2 837 708 389 | 48.5| 636 | 7.2 OHIO. ...c0en 5,448,355 [2,765,687 78.2 23.4 |, 344,967 || 257,267 | 32,430 | 101,337 | 783,197 | 173,696 | 408,654 | 383,128 | 205,262 fa1.0| 17 | 6.8 METRO. COUNTIES..| 3,338,727 759,933 79.4 26.7 1,476,776 || %0,580 | 8,436 | 62,906 | 566,829 | 113,297 | 282,221 | 269,301 |133,206 | 2.7 001 |Akron... 267,259 | 139,37 19-7 24.8] 112,556 || 2,269 20% | 3,569 | 55,013 6,448 | 19.421 | 17,49 8,163 | 2.0 018 | Canton... 184,826 53.208 78.4 22.0 80,522 4,003 805 | 2,8%| 3,893 5,841 | 13,688 | 11,917 5,560 | 5.0 025 | Cincinnati (p 502,208 | 264,607 79.8 28.0 | 228,987 3,573 235 | 12,36 | 77.522 18,698 | 45,770 | 47,027 | 23,846 | 1.6 026 |Cleveland... 994, 546, 370 8.2 29.6 | u453,649 3,166 73 | 18,173 | 172,95 36,783 | 92,582 | 89,329 | 40,287 | 0.7 029 |Columbue........ 313,790 | 160,668 75.6 28.2] 139,891 3,954 19 | 7,606 2s 14,590 | 30.08 | 3,820 | 18,677 | 2.8 033 ORs rr ae 23,54 | 123,616 78.4 26.7] 109,988 ||. 3,808 110 | Bug L891 4,942 | 19,086 | 17,89 | 10,809 | 3.5 051 |Hsmilton-Middletown SEA 91,823 | u46,922 79.1 23.5 40,879 2,9% 89 | 1,925 | 18,628 1,823 6,13 6,203 3.132 | 7.2 055 |Huntington-Ashland (PtIR cr eeriss ok 33,612] 15,027 73.8 14.7] 10,946 2,19 508 645 2,451 1,24] 1,59 1,398 as |a.2 . 117 |Springfield..... 7, qi 19.2 23.1| 32,981 2,909 a 1,36 | 13,566 2,092 5,5 4,982 2,532 | 8.8 124 | Toledo......... ous| 274,928 | 145,9% 79.4 27.2| 118,194 2,793 1 5,018 | 42,215 12,049 | 25,256 | 21,598 9,121 | 2.% 132 |Wheeling(pt)t...007 73.513 35,239 75.9 18.,5| 26,232 3,207 | 5,039 £13 6,409 1,588 | 3,997 22 1,89 [12.2 _ 138 |Yousgstown..050,078| 291,252 | 150,7 80.0 22.1 | 121,951 5,634 472 | 4,19! L501 7,229 | 19,137 | 16,439 8,385 | L.6 OTHER COUWTIBS...| 2,109,628 1,005,754 76.3 18.0 | 868,151 || 216,687 | 23,994 | 38,431 | 216,368 60,399 | 126,433 | 113,823 72,056, | 25.0 All Counties: 00. 15,897 7,087 76. 9.7 579! 3,428 2 218 398 254 554 584 342 [59.1] 636 5.6 57,420 | 28,235 TH.7 23.9 | 24,565 || * 2,905 9] 1,03 6,987 2,727| MW,607 4, kok 1,808 |11,8|0636 | 7.8 25,282 11,554 79.2 20.4] 10,84 2,602 60 1 3,435 Wo| 1, 1.297 97c |2Wio| 22 | 1.5 sh,59u| 26,785 78.6 18.6 | 22,535 %,829 22 3 3,773 4,902 3,518 2,96 1,684 |20.4| 23 | 12.1 %,113] 15,448 | 71.2 16.4) 11, 1,837 | 2,524 429 1,058 7 1,856 2,021 1,010 |16.1 2 |a.3 1Remainder of Cincinnati Metropolitan Area (025) ie in Indians and Kentucky. 2Remainder of Funtington-Ashland Metropolitan Area (055) is in Kentucky and West Virginia. SRemainder of Wheeling Metropolitan Area (132) is in West Virginia. 293 FE Table 3 Part 3 - Housing N. Dax., Fe (011) - « ‘ozo, Athens (0US ) TABLE 3— SELECTED DATA FOR METROPOLITAN AREAS AND FOR ALL COUNTIES, BY STATE—Continued i ; “ro 60084 i » HOUSING—1940 _ v Th : ; Nonfarm Rural Farm All Dwelling Units Occupied Dwelling Units Dwelling Units Dwelling Units Wor METROPOLITAN. ” Metro, ARE ; fle. 4 phones ied Count Residential Percent | Percent Per. | Percent Medion Per- ¥ ] in 5 or Percent | with Average cent |Percent| Jan. 1 CODES 7 Smehures 3 more rivate | . with cent | 1 echan- of monthly wi with 1945" Number “| “of Hah on Number owes = paris Number vent | Number run- | elocr struc- lighting ied | 78 | house (dollars) ning | lighting tures St pi eration | pi water a3) G9 39) G9) an a9) on “0) “n “@) “) “) 5) “6) “n NORTH DAKOTA-—Con,. All Counties—~Con, DickeYesasooassalll 2,349 2,516 14 | | 24.2 49.6 2,375 | 46.9 16.41 3.70 1,215 | l.64 3,30 27.4) U7 787 2,166 2,216 1.3 6.71 36.4 1,878 | 55.8 1.6( 3.37 759 | 12.69 1,457 1.8| 10.6 576 1,938 1,973 0.8 3.8 28.2 1,814 | 57.6 8.1 4420 524, 10.24 1,449 3.0| 10.4 223 1,33 1,439 1.3 18.1 55.9 1,363 | 41.2 13.5 5773.77 693 | 13.88 6 3.8 20.8 531 2,252 2,319 8.4 38.8 2,268 | 51.3 75 4.61 936 10.80 1,443 5.31 11.0 349 Foster.iesesess.016 1,393 1,497 1.6 17.8 51.4 1,394 | 42,1 17.8 3.84 789 14.31 708 5.1] 15.7 463 Golden Valley...0l7 980 1,015 045 17.5 47.6 896 | 56.6 15.5] 3.45 451 | 12.30 564, 7.1] 18.2 427 Grand Forks. ....018 7,264 9,004 8.3 41.5 75.5 8,616 | 46.8 32,5| 3.52 6,670 | 26,26 2,334 5.5| 16.6 £4,966 ..0 1,964 2,002 0. 44d 30.9 1,802 | 50.4 6.9 4.10 “s91 | 11,05 1,411 2,6 11.0 212 1,567 1,611 8.3 38.7 5410 | 41.6 11.5 3.83 584, 13.19 1,027 2.9] 11.3 400 1,761 1,833 2.2 1.9 49.2 1,622 | 53,0 16,6 4,10 684 1.58 1,149 LT) 24.7 809 1,59 1,632 043 5.5 37.5 1,507 | 53. 6.8 4.05 588 9.87 1,044 Leb | 16.5 16 2,58, 2,627 12,9 45.0 2,388 | 46.8 13.2 3.9 1,098 | 12.54 1,529 8.6 14.5 45 1,59 1,637 42 36.6 1,574 | 53.9 6.9 4.27 59 11.75 1,041 0.8] 12.3 132 MeHenry.........025 3,480 3,59 0.3 11,0 40.9 3,355 | 54.6 8.7 3.68 1,492 | 10.64 2,102 3.41 11.3 1,191 EY 1,985 2,061 0.2 5.8 45.7 1,995 | 57.5 10.6 | 4.02 970 | 12.10 1,091 1.75: 0,8 180 2,503 2,519 4.6 31.6 2,179 | 61.2 7.9| "3.18 677 | 10.9% 1,842 2.8| 14.8 230 3,963 4,051 8.9 40.2 3,806 | 56.3 Dal- 3.1% 1,585 | 12,08 2,466 2.6] 12.2 908 2,128 2,197 0.3 6.9 47.0 2,075 | 63.7 13.2] 4.15 1,047 | 10.19 1,150 2.312 373 4234 4,659 2.3 24.5 60.1 4,482 | 56.7 26.0 | 3.87 2,793 | 19.11 1,866 6.2] 129° 2,129 2,972 3,017 0.2 6.1 33.4 2,679.| 57.7 un.51 3.5% 1;123°4 20.21 1,89 1.1] 9.0 921 2,256 2,337 1.1 8.8 49.8 2,185 | 51.1 12,0| 3.88 986 | 12.79 1,751 4.9 18.7 1,065 Oliver. .ssusssss033 885 898 2:3 23.2 57.2 4] 4.2% 187 | 1,1 711 2.7] 13. 10 Pembina es. eesss034 3,680 3,809 0e4 10,0 48.6 3,625 | 64.9 15.0 | 3.49% 1,829 | 12,82 1,980 7.6| 20.7 1,415 Plerce..csssse..035 1,993 2,108 0.5 9.8 42,3 1,993 | 50.8 11.9 held 881 15.34 1,227 1.7] 13.2 602 RAMSEY sessessesIb 4452 3,981 6.2 22.3 63.8 3,70 AA esr ian 2,402 | 20,15 1,573 5.1| 18.8 1,821 0; 2,439 2,581 0.5 25.6 48.7 2,449 | 47.8 18.9 | 3.7% 1,244 | 16.35 1,237 | 30.3) 11.1 885 1,592 1,617 0.1 Tu2 37.0 1,461 | 50.3 1.4( 3.38 570 | 10.29 1,047 2.5] 11.9 858 4,627 4,983 1.5 23.1 57.4 4,867 | 49.7 22,50 3.81 2,484 | 17.09 2,499 8.5| 20.5 1,795 2,627 2,751 0.8 8,3 32.3 2,663 | 53.8 10.2| 4.11 921 | 13.10 1,830 0,8 8.8 51, 2,131 2,228 0.2 13.8 40.0 2,120 | 45.9 AL.6| 3.82 902. | 10,91 1,326 | 41,2] 10.0 582 1,524 1,568 6,7 34.0 1,484 | 47.2 8.21 4.03 512 | 10.91 1,056 2.3] 11.6 349. 1,009 1,043 0.7 7.8 29.5 942 | 58.0 10.5 | 4.21 499 9.28 544, 1.78" 5.2 35 883 897 0.7 10.8 | 38.9 6 | 54.7 11.01 © 3.51 260 | 10.65 637 473 21.8 42 Stark...........045 3,161 3,599 3.8 23.8 64.7 3,3% | 54.9 25.8 | 4.03 2,227 | 18.90 1,372 5.1] 13.2 1,200 Steele...siiess 046 1,522 1,564 Td 36.5 1,425 | 46.8 6.6] 3.9 487 | 1.10 1,077 4.8] L.3 372 Stutsman. ......047 5,164 5,676 3.1 28,5 58,0 5,166 | Alok 24.3] 3.68 3,34 | 19.62 2,332 2,2 [11.3 1,700 1,825 1,888 0,3 9.9 48.9 1,755 | 43.8 10.9 | 3.8 795 {13.52 1,093 547 2,873 3,042 0.6 1.7 52,7 2,897 | 54.0 17.2 | 3.82 1,478 | 15.05 1,564 6.5] 18.7 1,573 4,546 4,81, 0.8 13.2 50.5 4,555 | 63.7 Yd| 3.9 2,096 | 16.15 2,718 4.7] 20.3 1,900 7,37 8,567 8.2 32.4 70.6 8,139 | 42.3 33.8 3.47 6,015 | 21.45 2,552 1.5] 13.8 4,651 2,762 2,913 2.0 17.0 51.5 2,682 | 43.6 13.401 3.8 1,307 | 14.33 1,606 6.2] 19.4 91g Williams... .. [053 4,175 4,571 3.4 21.5 57.8 45307 | 53.0 20.41 3.35 2,605 | 17.32 1,966 2.1] 13.8 1,890 OHIO.......s | 1,596,777 | 1,977,693 7.0 62,7 90.6 | 1,897,796 | 50.0 51,7 | 3.20 §1,696,73¢ | 27.67 §| 280,955 | 23.2| 59.3 J,160,475 METRO, COUNTIES..| 861,545 | 1,184,280 10.9 (A 96.8 | 1,144,007.| 44.8 59.6 | 3.22 {1,137,040 | 31.19 47,200 | 35.1] 74.8 § 772,555 Metro, areas: 001" {AKrOn..oeeesssss077 79,585 3,99 42 75.7 97.6 91,561 | 52.9 62,8] 3.32 90,805 | 27.62 3,199 | 50.4] £8.5 68,352 018 {Canton......c...076 545534 63,4711 - 3.9 73.0 95.3 62,183 | 54.7 57.5 3.32 58,152 28.59 5,312 40.8 | 75.9 44,796 025 |Cincinnati(pt)*.031| 116,437 192,218 18.5 67.1 97.1 181,342 | 38.6 7.1, 2.97 188,495 | 31.65 3,723 | 52.7] #3.9 | 114,861 026 |Cleveland.......0l8| 213,789 348,063 17.0 87,7 98.8 336,519 | 39.1 57.51 3.2, 346,132 | 35.17 1,931 ; 59.1] 92.2 {| 235,584 029 85,295 109,737 7.6 71.4 97.5 105,742 | 42.6 4 | 3.15 105,681 | 32.88 4,056 | 10.6] 87.2 78,242 033 66,727 83,963 Th 65.8 97.2 82,139 | 46.8 63.9 3.18 79,120 | 30.48 4,83 | 36.51 83.0 67,909 051 8 esnvres eg s009 28,639 33,366 2.9 53.2 94.0 32,496 | 49.6 53.0] 3.2% 29,944 | 27.18 3,422 | 25.4] 78.8 19,114 055 |Huntington-Ashland . OEY ove nenn Obl 11,216 11,89 0.7 29.9 60,7 11,430 | 51.2 27.7 3.62 8,318 14.47 3,578 5.4 | 20.0 3,330 117 |[Springfield.....012 22,232 27,540 4.5 58,2 94.9 26,653 | 45.7 55.31 3.16 24,682 | 25.28 2,853 | 28.6 £3.2 15,68, 12, [T0ledOusyesssess048 80,150 99,965 8.0 8L.4 97.6 96,079 | 50.2 57.6 3.4 96,996 | 29.29 2,9%9 | 35.0] 8.2 58,950 132 |Wheeling(pt)®. ..007 21,839 25,597 0.9 38.8 8.4 25,046 | 49.8 a7 3.40 21,745 | 17.53 3,852 | 18.0] 48.2 7,387 138 |Youngstown..050,078 31,102 94,470 2,9 64,7 95.0 92,817 | 54.6 52.4 | 3.62 86,970 | 28.60 7,500 | 35.9] 80.1 58,346 OTHER COUNTIES...| 735,232 793,413 1.1 43.3 81.3 753,789 | 57.7 39.6 | 3.18 569,608 | 20,50 § 235,715 | 20.5| 56.2 | 387,920 a» All Counties: $ Adams... eeesssss001 5,870 6,106 0.4 6.4 42.0 5,883 | 57.4 a7) 3,20 2,816 9.91 3,290 1,6. 4.3 1,076 17,740 20,650 5.3 61,2 93.6 20,255 | 52.3 47.1) 3.6 17,501 | 23.06 3,149 | 20.8] 70.2 15,532 8,278 8,08, 1,8 52.7 20,8 8,673 | 61.6 47.7] 3.08 6,205 | 24.69 2,79 | 21.0] 53.1 5,791 20,398 22,327 1,2 50,3 90.5 19,573 | 62.9 43.0) 3.13 17,000 | 23.65 5,327 | 29.9| 69.1 12,129 Athens. cee. .s.sa005 11,808 12,713 1.0 22.7 75.0 12,251 1 52.7 28,5] 3.19 9,928 | 16.52 2,785 | 11.7] 39.2 £,635 Remainder of Cincinnati lietropolitan Area (025) is in Indiana and Kentucky. 2Remainder of Huntington - Ashland ietropolitan Area (085) is in Kentucky and West Virginia. SRemainder of Wheeling Metropolitan Area (132) is in west Virginia. 294 TABLE 3—SELECTED DATA FOR METROPOLITAN AREAS AND FOR ALL COUNTIES, BY STATE—Continued = ° (Figures which have been rounded to thousands will not necessarily add to totals) Table $ Part 4 - Agriculture Ne D., Dickey (011) - OHIO, Athens (005) te AGRICULTURE—1945 AGRICULTURE—1940 Valve of Value of farm products sold, | Principal { Lo 0 Work power ed, or used by source of Per- arm property farm household farm income | Type- METROPOLITAN cent oh ; Metro, AREAS Number of | Land in | Cropland | Number | of Percent from— farming- Pung: Area COUNTIES farms farms - | harvested | of farms | farms A Number L a Code AND (1000's | (1000's oper- Total vere of i code HA CODES Jal, | of of | Apil1, | ated Jota | 22 | horses | Number sho) Code | pe, | (See |inder 1945" | acres) | acres) | 1940" | by (1000s | per | goer | of an See | Pox: | Bo ten- 9 arm | mules | tractors live- | Crops | pa | c@ dollars) | (dol- stock ants ) (over 3 ; mo. old) prod- : ucts 48) “s) 0) Gb) (2) (4) G5) G6) GD 9) (9) 6) ®@) 6) 69 NORTH DAKOTA Con. All Counties—Con. 1,217 663 353 1,274) s6.8| 15.5 9,212] 7,231 6,476 788 51.5| 36.6 5] 36.6 Ww3| 120 1,241 763 343 1,306 | 43.4) 29.7 8,290| 6,348 3.923 878 22.8 60.4 51 60.% 312| 106 1,2! 1,238 379 1,359 | 9.8] 22.8 10,063 7,405 8,292 735 46.3 33.7 5] 33.7 322 96 618 386 206 678 55.9) 10.8 4,884 7,20% 385 40.1 46.9 5| ¥A.7 n3| 16 1,386 920 51 1,813 | u48.7| 15.9 9,637] 6,820 9,h27 810 35.2] W.5 5] 1.5 32 a2 POStOr...... ncn 016 607 398 239 661| 60.7 9.8 5.395| 8.162 3,489 hol uo. 7 47.7 s| ¥7.7]. 313] 116 Golden Valley...017 L6b 507 1% 507| 36.7] 12.h 4,962 9,787 2,419 420 24.60 67.6 5] 67.6 322| 121 Grand Forks.....018 1.981 862 601 2,065| bo.3| 6.6 27,254[13,198 8,069 1,894 30.8! 60.9 5| 60.8 3u2| 121 Grant. . 1,23 1,021 374 1,233 us.3| 21.3 8,401) 6,813 7,100 653 1.31 39.8 5| 39.8 322| 95 ah Why 250 o4o| 60.1] 12.0 7.883] 8,386 ,018 5 46.9) 36.8 5| 36.8 313] 118 957 122 332 1,055 | 43.2] 1k.0 9,308] 8,823 ui, 229 764 21.5 65.6 5| 65.6 322| 109 990 sol 08 1,025 | 48.2| 17.0 5.7271 5.587 6,08 us55 53.0 30.9 5] 30.9 312f 103 1,421 12 52 1,429) s2.3| 17.2] 11,252 7.87% 6.589 30 49.1 3.8 5|.34.8 nil 1m 15 304 1,0uk | Wu 3} 12.5 6,441) 6,170 7.642 93 ug.0 31.3 5] 31.3 312 9k 1,835 1,124 532 1,992| ¥3.7| 15.2] 14,288} 7,173 9,034 1,051 39.7] 18.3 5] bg.2 313] 106 1,108 616 342 1,8] ¥.3| 17.1 7,65] 6,838 1.795 521 u7.8! 22.6 of 29.6 312| 86 1,34 1,065 325 1,563 | 31.2] 33.5| 11,225) 7,182 7,911 983 30.2] 58. 5| 58.1 322] 99 2,208 1,326 672 2,423 | B3.5| 17.6| 15.866 £548 11,721 1,390 2.1 57.3 5] 57.2 312| 10% 1,019 60 271 1,057 | 38.7| 15.7 7.719 7.303 6.855 594 6.7| 36.3 5| 36.3 322| 9% 1,633 1,212 472 1,755] 37.4) 15.9| 16,422 9,357| 10,682 1,087 83.31 39.3 5] 39.1 322| 102 1, 73% 1,136 468 1,831 | 34.8) 25.7 9,238{ 5,045 6,509 1,031 26.5 59.8 5159.7 n2] 103 e177 611 365 1,268 | bs5.4| 10.4| 12,545) 9,894 5,53! 9u3 48.91 35.8 5] 35.8 3131 115 35 451 177 638 W1.4| 11.9 5,108{ 8,006| . 3,8 387 ug.2| 39.5 5 39.5 322| 103 1,741 69% 458 1,811 25.0] 5.4%) 25,071[13,.844 4,968 1,763 24.2 66.3 5| 66.3 32 1k 1,118 665 420 1,137] 47.8) 4.6] 10,166] 8,941 6,357 671 | 2.1 63.5 5| 63.3 313| 108 1,346 748 485 1,497] 53.8] 9.3 17,010(11,363 7.476 1,136 29.0] 59.5 5] 59.4% 313 1k 1,187 549 315 1,257 | 52.0) 10.9 10,1k8| 8,073 5,942 75 u3.9 ky. 8 5| u3.8 m3 12k 936 521 315 1,056 | 45.91 17.7 1.776 7.36% 3.559 TL 35.0 49.1 5| 49.1 3131 115 2,54 856 543 2,490 | 4£.6| 3.9) 27,091/10,8%0| 11,600 1,355 30.5 58.6 5| 58.6 u3| 122 1,286 51k 267 1,254 | u2.0| 26.8 8,333] 6,645 5.788 502 36.1 b5.8 5] 45.8 313 91 1,219 512 236 1,285| 51.8 3.6 10,k10| 8,101 9.532 847 39.7 49.3 5] 49.3 3w3f 120 569 237 1,018| 54.5] 9.0 6,715} 6,596 6.380 520 33.0 sk. 5| sh.0 312| 108 369 513 118 wl 37.6) 39.8 3,016] 6,747 2,839 17 We 32.2 5| 31.8 322] 717 51 613 178 589 | 37.71 16.0 B,u55] 7,564 2,762 hol 2h.6| 67.0 5| 67.0 322) 115 136 835 336 1,320] 38.3] 11.1{ 11,616] 8,800 7.203 960 30.0] 54.0 5| 53.9 322) of uug 9 981 | 56.5] 9.6] 10,859[11,070 3.695 gg h.5| 50.8 5] 50.8 313] 1k 2.32 1,341 3 2,256 | 5€.5{ 15.2] 15,350] 6,804] 11,798 1,278 1p hy 8 5] wu 3 313| 10k g Bu UOE 1,030| 60.0] 6.0] 12,262[11,905 5,600 852 26.41 64.2 5| 64.2 313! 119 1,428 542 403 1,498 1 41.5 5.9 22,711{15,161| 5,581 1,551 29.0 61.8 5| 61:7 mz| 121 2,237 818 517 2,490 | 28.7| 10.0 29,193 [11, 72k 7.809 2,135 17.8 70.7 5] 70.6 32 115 2,197 1,202 B47 2,871 47.1] 17.3] 16,847] 6,885 9,808 | ~~ 1,4%9 32.7 sM.7 5] 53.5 313| 107 1,478 800 504 1,527] 56.3) 6.5) 13,114) 8,588 8,419 1,019 218 58.2 5| 58.2 n3| 1s 1,895 1,219 Lgg 2,080 | 38.7( 38.7 13,662] 6,568 6,250 1,290 26.5 57.8 5] 57.1 32 98 ORI0........ | 220,575 21,928 10,837 | 233,783 | 26.3 11,721, 692 7.364 u47, 052 89,999 55.5 20.4 1) 26.3 119 METRO. COUNTIES..| 18373 | 2,660 | 1,2u9 | 41,293] 22.0 325,696] 7.887| 61.66| 1k,727 47.4} 38.1 Metro. areas: J 2,881 128 2,986 | 20.8 21,842| 7,315 3.132 998 38.8) uk 8| 23.5 +369 267 > k,707| 18.3 33.575] 7.133 7.355 1,569 51.1 30.k 2| 27.5 2,236 134 2,866 20.5 33,191]11,581 4,339 854 39.5| ¥7.7 gf 24.7 2,2 4 2,500] 23.1 30,148{12,059 2,121 1,028 15.0 715.5 8| 52.8 Columbus. 3.121 257 153 3.513 27.1 37,01510,537 5,566 1,662 57.50 31.9 1| 26.8 033 | Dayton... 2.057 3,612 231 135 ,163| 27.6 35,056] 8,h21 6,205 2,001 45.6 b1.9 51 31.1 051 [Hamilton-Middletown Sens di Aigner 009) “2,78 210 146 2,926 | 30.5 29,47510.078 5,734 1,k21 66.6| 20.2 1| 35.9 055 |Huntington-Ashland tI conn 2,4 175 34 2,798] 17.8 7,097 2,536 J.158 96 29.4 | 35.1 of 3ul7 117 | Springfield.....012 2,310 236 136 2,281 31.0 25,127 [11,016 73.0 1,164 57.41 35.1 1] 35.1 124 |Toledo........ . 048 2,237 133 97 2,403 | 24.7 20,171 | 8,394 2.883 1,320 25.2 66.6 5] 25.3 132 | Wheeling(pt)*...007 2,989 266 i 3.465 20.6 14,179 4,092 5,370 310 60.9 14.6 2] 33.9 138 | Youngstown.050, 078 1,215 489 192 6,685] 13.7 38,820} 5.807! 10,833 2,304 57.1] 22.6 OTHER COUNTIES... | 182,202 | 19,268 9,588 | 192,490 27.2 1,395,819| 7.251 | 385,566 75,272 57.0] 28.9 All Counties: Mens. .......... 1 2,724 301 81 2,684 | 28.6 10,346] 3.855 5,463 375 u3.h| 31k 5031.1] B25 oe A 300yeveney ...002 2,511 227 150 25M | 32.1 22,103| 8,587 4,796 1,391 56.4[ 31.3 1| 30.3 5611 125 Ashland........ . 908 2,283 242 118 2,336 | 25.6 15,183 6,500 5,167 7 62.6] 20.3 1f 24.7 ueh| 128 Ashtatuls....... 4,407 361 ko 4,746] 15.8 2,126] 5,083 7,109 1,913 55.9] 29.3 2] 36.3 heul 128 Athens. ;....... . 2,634 247 ug 2,113] 18.3 8,409 3,485 3,654 296 60.51 15.7 2| 24.7 625] o1 iThe State total includes $178,882 for female silver fox and/or mink over 3 months old (kept in captivity) not distributed to individual counties. ®Remainder of Cincinnati Metropolitan Area (025) is in Indiana and Kentucky. SRemainder of Huntington-Ashland Metropolitan Area (055) is in Kentucky and West Virginia. “Remainder of Wheeling Metropolitan Area (132) is’in west Viginia. © (ALL dollar figures have been rounded to thousands and will mot 4 £3 MANUFACTURING ESTABLISHMENTS—1939 MINERAL INDUSTRIES—1939 METROPOLITAN : AREAS : COUNTIES, w Value aided | 3 & y manufac- CODES (1000s of oducts | pe dollars) sof | (1000%s of dollars) Fostere....ou.. .016 Golden Valley,..O01l7 Bun TH Ha —y - a § ¥s¥ay swmus nsfsd eval Grant...... Origgse.ceesss..020 Hettingere......021 «+02 - Mountrail...coos Helson.... ..032 o g — WIE FW WIEN aH EFNN WE n 270 550010. 000ue..s 2) Btutsman....... 7” 1,033 308 ‘ 6 *) 19 u22 2 33 wy 104 238 221 2,998 935 569 a Tel 67) ™ 2 : in 3267 208| - 4,274 803 79 ho 3 598,397 812,676 4,584,666 | 2,125,474 53.799 J 2,141,293 | | 270.425) 21,073 439, 849 624,845 3,554,411 1,654,639 415,871 1,668,315 192,172 204,838 40,155 65,505 332,926 166,566 366 131,173, 15,693 CRBYON. sve ns 07 32 28,898 42,117 224,735 107,931 1,784 7 86,910 54: 9,185 Cincinnati (pt)b. 031! , 67,014 83,637 551,861 252, 1,008 . 275,006 566 B 34 Cleveland.. " 125,876 178,522 596, TOU 489,383 449 426 ase . 21 25,606 29,983 181,602 30 1,198 172,974 = 39.367 60,089 277,134 287 ’ 119,899 4 » 14.878 1,700 1,860 8,279 608 50 8,154 834 664 10,325 1h 45) 106,353 60 25 1 J M78 8 3.732 30,676 43,656 249, 836 ; 4 1 Wheeling(pt)?... 3,319 3,999 19,145 6,4 8,125 A 6,01 20 ne : Youngstowr,050, 078 52,290 79,414 491,743 8918 8 «8s 129,815 OTHER COUNTIES... 158,548 “187,831 1,030,255 . 437,928 y J 38,532 772,978 All Counties: 001 an] ew gis *) *) 264 2,930 294 : $6,164] - 6,840 %. Lo2 ue 11 1,078 27.653 3 12% | 2,821 30266( 1,94 (1) ) ) 397 2,435 2,808 nN 266 *) (*) 1,068 24 on 658 638 3.263] a3] 3.037 2203] 2393] en ‘3 Not shown because of disclosure of operations of individual establishments. Data included in Combined Counties at end of State. ® Inciuaes all counties where tig ures are not shown separately because of disclosure of operations of individual establishments. 3 Includes all establishments and wage earners of counties for which wages and value data were withheld to avoid disclosure. The "Combined Counties" figure for number of establishments is excluded from the State total, since thiu item was shown for every county. Whenever data on wage earners have been withheld, that portion of the "Combined Counties" figure represented by such data is included ‘in the corresponding State total. 4 0ne county, Trumbull (078), which should be include in the "Metro. Counties" total is included in the "Other Counties" total since. it is not possible to present separate figures for this county. 5 Remainder of Cincinnati Metropolitan Area (025) is in Indiana and Kentucky. Remainder of Huntington=- ~ Ashland and Metropolitan Area (055) is in Kentucky and West Virginia. 7 Remainder of Wheeling Metropolitan Area (132) is in West Virginia. ®Excludes Trumbull tora) somty, for Mich ‘data are not shown separately. » i 3 14,623 21,612 114,514 ; 232 39,94 : Ne TABLE 3—SELECTED DATA FO R METROPOLITAN AREAS AND FOR ALL COUNTIES, BY STATE—Continued (11 dollar figures have been rounded to thoussnds and will not necessarilf add to totals) Table 3 Part 8 - Other Economic ~ . Data H. OHIO, Athens (00S) DAK. Dickey (011) - SHOLESALE. SERVICE ESTABLISHMENTS—1939 BANK DEFOSHS : . . Major war supply Major war facilities contracts, ojects, June 1940-Se . 1945 | June 1940 June 1945 METROPOLITAN E Bend, (1000's of ollars) (1000's of dollars) Metro. , es rea| COUNTIES, [Number Number| =~ . |Employees| Total (1000's of AND os : Se 5 a Re ts Active Gaverags F; roll fdenand Hine dollars at > CODES estab- | ( s of | esta ( s_|proprie-| (i000 and time) | (1000's issue price) y 7 - | dollars) | lish- |of dollars)| tors yea) dollars) Yio of dollars) Cate ments ments of dol mbat Oth Industral Milita k ry equipment \ as) 1 ®2) a3) 0 a5 36 6D 3%) = ®) on 46 1,117 32 52 3 8 5 2,723 225 47 41 763 uy 56 ae 9 7 3.973 167 on 22 346 29 31 29 2 - 1,936 397 24 906) 27 60 28 n 8 1,964 I 554 37] 903, 19 31 18 4 2 3,143 66! 533 oR 8 won Yio 4 105 11,00 134 599 145 184, 150 20,093 6,71M 4,212 20k 2,644 120 29 388 22 22 22] 2 1 2,226 270 460 36 813 18 29 19 4 3 2,749 691 641 38 1,23 31 ug 31 11 7 5,068 1,226 896 2 ey : Hy 3 5 = 2 5 2 | 22 3 i ew 338 "39h 76 1,860) 39 “58 42 6 yy 4,702] 517 1,233 2 2 2 3 5 J 71 i Bm x : ol 17 © He 10 : 3:28 1.055 1,766 28 51 29 30 10 2,765 39 50 2,539) 68 191 7% 50 3H 8,401 2,094 1,410 47 1,587] 34 42 3 6 5 4,875 284) 1,416 Tr 9.3 : 4 Dann : 76 3,789 70 93 69 17 10 6,728 1,002 1,987 35 1,361, 28 61 27 10 7 k,361 355 1,079 87 4,881 7 198 70! 53 39 7.788 1.519 1,738 ™ 5 9 9 2-3 4 FYE = 4 4,897] 91 211 92 50! 391 7 15 2,647 1,668 7 39 1,387] 25 56 25 16 12f 2,866 273 708 3 1,563] 31 kg! 28 8 8 1 2 336) 603 - 36 756) 22, 35 20, g 5 1,459) 366 368 8 ‘ 3159 11 1 i 3 : 30 3 1, 7 51 2,761 Sh 150 59 35 25| 10,208 2,958 1,305 269 Steele........ + 046) 2 901 22 23 22 2 1} 1,984] 311 663 . Stutsman. «047 8 4,253 83 261, 89 n 45 8,189 13747] 2,013 Towner . 46 1,671 42 59! 46) 9 3 2,731 . 328 1,060 55 4,622] 58 100 58 2 11 8,222] 4,816 1,793 101 5,581 67 152 73 38 27 10,567] 2,493 2.895 17 11,806) 181, 654 189 176 146 20,134 14,000 3.755) 518 . 79 2,013 60) 10 60 13 8 4,727 875 1,176 ¥Williams........053 67 4,035 74 181 78 37 20 8,908} 1,615 2,514 Obhereseessosesonsd 25 339 41,003) ARID ies 9.588! 2,630,784] 34,174 175,094 34,463] 50.57% 52,174] 4.873.300 1,879,500] 759.167] 11,242,947| 4,577.505| 1.2184610 166,406 METRO. COUNTIES..| 6,469] 2,312,530] 22.281] 134.735) 22,084 ko,M17 u3,uu7| 3,602,947) 1,293,418] 561,078 18,009,798 5,475,218 859,870 95,967 Metro. areas: > : 001 | Akron.. 364 6,098} 1,908] 8,858) 1,926 2,743 2,65 209,535) 82,765 61,417) 1,094,734 603,196 54,640 Canton..... 234 7 \1,183| 5,295 1,211 1.599 1,457] 139,030) 58,343) 28,968) ,197.672| 230,408 65.58 1,597| 673.630] 3.261 24,847! 3,219 Jefe 876] 647,578 176,78" 83,253 2,259,966 413,689 188.9 4,533 2,287| 959.724 7.95] u8,917| 7.307 1k.k25| 16,6u2| 1.595.821 651.0 184,789 3 aon633 1,223,803 2k2,1. 6,313 521| 165,550] 2.092] 13,337] 2.065 4,182 4,369] 254,780 66,564 41,994 614,866 154,658 30,791 3550 119,164 1,628 9,781] 1,617 2,928 3,167] 182,690] 45,229 51,605 868,232 175.486) 82, 38,221 76 18,468 467 1,937 490 564 469 61,110 22,224 10,746 235,460 94,056 14,74 28 2,095) 129 326) 133 78 6 7.347 2,907 1,404 6,829 10,938 47,1 87 11,268 418 2,058 41 672 54,057 26,700 8,512 215,263 67.376 5. .OUE| 525 136.755] 1.897 11,384 1,88 3,368 3.638] 254,492] 74,303] yi 4135 899,261 175,632 71. 7.016 132 | Wheeling(pt)?...007 62 4,628 380) 856) 3% 191 131 27.895 15,825) +820) 106,810 3 5,0 138 | Youngstown. .059,07! 333 75.401) 1,423 7.139 1.,k29 1,925 1,916] 168,612 70,715) ko, 435 316,072 313.469 61,50 9,093 OTHER COUNTIES...| 3,119] 318,254} 11,893] 40,359 12.379] 10.157 8,727] 1.270,355| 586.086] 198,084 1,233,149 1,102,293 3718, 70.09% 24 791 100 138 101 22 114 5,613) 2,061, 630) 191 . 110 14,0l1 366, 1,824 319 567 504 39,903) 13,011 10,734 211,5 160, 20,9 4,837 22 2,659 114 346) 17 106 70 18,01 8,546) 2,085 1,516 12,260 3 z 63 6.1 298 58 309 a7 % 31,592 . 16,700) 4,185 10,938 he 18, Athens.......-.. 41 bial 163] be 181 113 7 11,69 PRT 1,770i 1627 1Not shown because of disclosure of operations of individual establisiments. which sales data are withheld to avoid dfscl for individual counties. SRemainder of Cincinnati Metropolitan Area (025) is in Indiana and Kentucky. ginia. 7Remainder of Wheeling Metropolitan Area (132) is in West Virginia. osing operations of individual establishments. 3combined figure for counties having sales data withheld to avoid disclosi SRemaindier of Huatington ” Data included in “Other” at end of State. Sum of establishments in gounties for It is excluded from the State total since number of establishments is shown ng operations of individual establishments. = Ashland Metropolitan Area (055) is in Kentucky and West Vir- 4Undistributed. 297 PET ERE TE TR » 3 . : " i : - y a Table S : 4 : eo : Nr A TABLE 3—SELECTED DATA FOR METROPOLITAN AREAS AND FOR ALL COUNTIES, 2 EE HIO, i ~ E Shelby (075) BY STATE—Continued { ; ; / 3 “ : i : > ere wo ¥ TOTAL POPULATION : © POPULATION—1940 "EDUCATION VITAL BS 1940 STATISTIC! : , ESTIMATED Fa : 1944 zo 3 saa la P Total white P, f : nd op- ercent of P 1 METROPOLITAN us area ulation ! ulation 25 ; N pop! } Metro. AREAS, X rank in per : years old and ’ : Area COUNTIES, Nurober of [Percent] oo sq. over who have i Code OND: i change | ifes 4 Percent Uh Rural Rural completed— i . \ Percent] April | n of rban [3 Bi oaths pril I, nonfarm | farm irths | Deaths Number change | 1940" |Ppercen- 1930~ | 1940 | 1940 | Number | total N tiles) | 1940 opu- 5or Hi b or. 3: 1940- Z ation more ih : 1943 1940 grades | School | om @ @) @ ©) ©) om @®) ©) (10) (11) 12) as (14) (15) (16) . OHIO=—=Con. ; All pi : Auglaize........006 25,835 | -7.9 28,087 su = 400| 70.1 28,010] 99.9 10,757 7,089] 10,241] 95.4] 21.3 558 361 Ea 182 «024007 81,810 | -14.4 95,614 6 0.9 539 | 177.4 93,195 | 97.5| 45,228 34,392] 15,994| es.8| 16.8] 1,468] 1,051 £5 18,225 | -186.8 21,638 a2 7.4 401] 44.1 20,879 | 96.5 8,717| 12,921 9s.0| 16.3 308 278 p) 051 123,344 2.6 | 120,249 5 5.4 471 | 255.3 114,243 95.0| 84,568| 22,088) 13,598} s0.5| 22.7] 2,648] 1,340 < ¢ Carroll.........010 15,49¢ | -11.2 17,449 53 8.7 396 | 44.1 17,192 | 98.5 s,922| 4,908 8,624] 93.4] 18.8 323 191 5 Chempaiga.......011 24,813 | -1.8| 25,258 35 4.8 433| 58.3 24,172 | 95.7 8,335] 7,23 9,688] 93.3 25.9 548 363 5 100,466 5.0 95,647 6 5.2 402 | 287.9 86,938 | 90.9| 70,662| 13,287| 11,748] 93.5] 26.7] 1,996] 1,259 Str 81.685 | -7.9 34,109 23| 14.5 a8] 74.0 83,823 97.7 19,715] 14,39] 91.4] 19.6 611 365 ay 24,513 8.6 22,574 40 4.8 412] 54.8 21,950] 97.1 5,971] 7,533) © 9,070} 9v.0| 27.2 419 s238 ee 85,612 | 5.0 90,121 6 4.2 535 | 168.5 89,679 | 98.4 54,717] 18,599| 15,805] 92.0| 20.8] 1,692] 1,075 ? 25,788 | -15.7 30,594 27 5.6 562 | 54.4 .%0,878| 99.3| 11,509] 7,822| 11,268] 98.9 21.9 475 329 3¢,118 | -4.1 36,571 22 0.6 404 | 88.0 35,289 | 99.2 2,749 | 8,396 9,426] 94.9] 25.9 702 445 < 1,228,808 1.0 {1,217,250 0 1.8 456 |2669.4 | 1,129,604 | 92.8(1,183,490| 26,704 7,056 87.4 27.9] 22,113 13,271 ) 95,956 | 7.4.) 38,891 19 2.2 605 | 64.2 38,579 | 99.4 7,745 | 11,520] 19,586) 95.0] 20.5 745 473 A DOf1an06.uessas 21,996 | -9.7 24,367 37 7.8 410 59.4 24,356 | 100.0| 12,293| 2,104 9,970) 94.9] 25.8 45¢ 297 y Delaware........021 22,187 | -17.3 26,780 32 2.9 459 | 38.3 26,126 | 97.6 8,94¢| 6,112] 11,72¢] 9.8] siz] ase $50 022] - 44,187 2.3 48,201 16 2.5 264 | 163.6 41,979| 97.2| 24,874) 11,182 7,195] 91] 24.9 845 567 .029 44,217 | -8.8 48,490 14] 10.2 505| 96.0 48,104 | 99.2] 21,940( 13,015| 18,588] 95.2] 24.6 913 509 / .024| 19,800 [ 6.9 21,385 42 3.0 406 | 52.7 20,707 | 96.8 9,402| 3,199 8,784! 9s.2| 20.5 411 285 < 025) 413,930 7.3] ses, 712 1 7.7 538 | 722.3 849,619] 89.9| s30,268| 62,861 15,883) 92.7] ss.0| 7,967] 5,07 .026| 22,183 | -6.2 £3,626 s8 0.6 407 | 38.0 28,620 | 100.0 3,016| 8,045] 12,565] 9.9] 22.9 480 268 .oz7 21,940 | -12.0 24,930 36 8.2 471 | 2.9 23,633 94.8 7,882 5,02] 12,074] v.68] 15.5 426 383 3 16,267 | -16.3 19,450 | 26.1 407 | 47.7 19,176 | 98.7 8,288 11,172] 92.3] 27.4 sz . 210 42,988 | 25.1 36,863 £1 7.8 «16 se.2 2,337 | 90.2| 1s,182| 12,087 10,624] 93.6] 31.9 888 ade Quérnsey........030) 31,616 | -18.6 38,822 19] -6.4 529| 73.4 38,228 98.6] 15,044 12,689] 11,089) 90.5] 17.9 567 470 025 | Hamilton........081| 652,348 4.9] s21,987 0 5.5 414 | 15024 557,572 | 89.6| 544,766] 61,610] 15,611] e9.3| =4.1| 12,126] 8,060 Hanoook .032 34,936 | ~14.4 40,793 18 1.0 sse | 76.7 40,591 99.5| 22,361] 5,606 12,826] 9b.9| 350. 748 524 Hardin.. .033 28,486 | -6.0 27,061 se| -2.1 «67 57.9 26,729 | 98.8 7,598 8,806 10,662] 93.7] 25.3 839 387 Harrison.. .034 17,025 | -16.2 £0,313 a 7.8 a1 | 49.4 19,727 97.1 2,808| 9,873 7,632 s9s.8| 20.1 308 213 . Henry.. .038 21,96 | -3.8 £22,756 40 1.0 416] 84.7 £2,754 | 100.0 e825 5,941] 11,99 92.9 19.4 396 241 Highland........038 28,018 | -7.7 27,099 se 6.6 v54 | 48.9 26,185 | 96.6 8,941 6,142 12,016 96.2! 20.6 481 367 16,295 | -24.2 £1,804 42 5.4 421 51.1 21,419] 99.8 6,177 7.708 7,871 91.7 16.9 s18| 214 16,280 | -8.9 17,876 52 6.9 ea 42.2 17,876 | 100.0 6,715 11,161] 97.3] 17.0 397 178 i . 29,972 | -13.9 34,800 2s 3.3 497| 70.0 34,409 98.9] 16,005| 7,391] 11,466{ 93.8] 26.0] « 72 «92 wa JaoksoB..ossnes 22,684 | -18.0 £7,004 32 7.8 420 | 64.3 28,889 | 98.8 11,838 7.872 7,800 88.8 17.0 526 801 Joffereon...... 868,089 | -12.8 98,129 8 11a 411 | 288.8 93,308] 95.1 50,269 | 87,838 10,082 82.7 18.9 1,578 888 Bel 28,227 -9.0 31,024 27 5.7 33 | s8.3 so,e62| 98.8] 10,12c| 9,742] 11,160] 96.4] 29.2 608 398 5 26,189 | 10.4 50,020 14| 20.0 232 | 216.8 49,437 | 98.8] 2¢,282| 18,582 7,206] 92.0] see 1,189 381 oN ona 40,476 | -13.3 45,708 1 4.9 456 | 102.4 45,1001 | 96.6] 15,831| 13,687| 15,227 84.3 15.5 908 497 ! L 80,800 2.4 62,079 10 3.9 686 | 90.8 61,474 $8.7 81,487 14,049 16,843 9.4 27.2 1,118 ae? \ £6,903 -9.2 29,624 28 2.2 461 64.3 29,086 98.8 9,808 9,287 10,829 96.2 £28.68 a7 384 113,482 1.0] 112,39 5 2.9 aso | 227.1 108,826 | 96.8 78,97b| 17,91 15,474] 89.83] es.7| 2,198] 1,286 336,896 -2.8 344,388 1 =1.0 3848 | 1,008.9 329,180 9.8 | 287,088 | 45,683 11,618 90.0 £5.2 6,583 4,285 20,401 | -6.3 21,811 a2 7.7 46s | 47.0 20,720 | 95.0 4,697| 8,760] 11,349] 90.2| z2.6 398 266 22,087 8.1 £40,801 2 1.7 419 | 873.4 223,154 | 92.9] 197,080 $0,920 13,281 84.7 22.8 4,048 2,388 45,060 0.3" 44,898 18] -1a 408 | 110.9 6¢,499| 99.1 30,817| 6,088 8,049] oB.2| 26.3 989 565 33,347 0.9 38,034 ee 11.3 42] 77.9 se,7%0| 99.3 10,806| e,p6e| 13,618] 95.8] 30.4 608 394 19,698 | -18.3 24,104 37 0.8 4s | 08.8 23,593 | 97.9 6,937 | 6,477 10,680] 89.9] 105.8 386 263 Mercer.... 23,684 | =11.8 £6,206 83 4.6 454 | 07.8 86,229 99.9 4,841 7,844 18,871 24.9 19.4 493 283 Miami. coco0000.00D 82,868 0.4 B2,682 13 2.8 407 | 129.3 b1,478 | 97.8 28,620 11,811 12,696 94.4 25.7 1,192 859 MONTo@. uve. ss. .0D8 16,903 | -19.8 18,641 «0 1.2 185 | 61.0 18,59¢ | 99.8 J s,m0] 11,701] sea. 1s.3 254 198 033 [Montgomery 838,888 14.8 £299,480 1 8.0 465 | 835.4 273,606 ( 98.6 | 223,914 | BE,801 18,780 98.9 28.1 7,446 8,640 10,788 | -24.2 14,227 ee 6.7 «18 34.0 13,850 | 97.4 5,499 8,728] 9.7] 18.9 194 160 14,673 -8.2 1,648 o8 8.0 404 38.7 1b,628| 99.9 6,380 9,856 97.8 80.1 808 188 64,947 | -6.9 69,790 y 5.6 667 | 104.6 67,488 | 96.7| 87,000] 17,461) 14,834] es.8| us.0] 1,380 808 10,871 -28.9 14,087 81 404 | 36.1 14,862 | 99.8 0,410 9,172 98.9 16.4 184 148 £4,027 1.4 24,360 37 263 | 92.8 24,210 | 99.4 4,508 | 11,760 8,116] 91.0] =2e.3 408 288 18,270 | -16.0 18,527 58 a8 | 37.8 16,235 | 98.1 7,080 7,947] 90.0| 19.0 289 148 24,104 | -22.2 31,087 27 «09 | 76.0 80,686 | 98.7 6,939 | 14,260 9,888] 93.0] 19.9 472 S41 £0,618 -8.1 27,889 $0 507 | 85.0 27,287 97.8 7.982 1] 18,638 Bl.4 19.8 479 888 .088 12,bu2 -£1.9 16,118 0? 443 | 38.4 10,884 97.3 6,890 9.218 8l.0 12,9 see 13 - .087 49,588 6.2 46,660 16 204 | 92.6 45,876 | 98.8 17,119 13,88] 18,877] 92.4 29.0 294 808 .088 22,076 «3.2 23,329 a8 428 | D4.D 23,202 99.0 3,008 8,410 11,367 94.38 84.0 a4 296 069 19,908 | -20.2 ,Eb,016 86 486 | 01.8 20,011 | 100.0 11,044 13,978 94.8 18.0 807 287 * «070 72,881 ~l.4 74,803 8 499 | 148.0 71,878 97.8 48,797 | 17,828) 18,734 94.4 88,1 1,897 804 46,199 | -11.4 88,147 13 687 | 75.9 49,386 | 94.7 80,129 | 18,292 16,728 8b.l 20.0 1,098 898 42,100 2.6 41,014 18 410 | 100.0 40,626 | 99.1 £0,478 9,18¢ 11,4082 $4.7 Be.4 ass 473 > 71,020 | ~18.0 86,060 ? 609 | 142.1 84,921 | 9a. 46,490 | B3,834 18,761 80.8 14.3 1,888 841 46,08) «4.0 48,499 14 bl | 88.0 48,188 | 99.8 87,488 4,981 14,108 $5.0 28.8 fas B74 UhelbY.eoaesnsa 07D £2b,181 =-3.0 £26,071 34 409 | 63.7 80,890 | 99.3 9,780 8,076 10,708 90.4 81.8 °o8 87% - i 298 TABLE 3—SELECTED DATA FOR METROPOLITAN AREAS AND FOR ALL COUNTIES, Table 3 Part 2 = Labor Force OHIO, Auglsize (006) = BY STATE—Continued Shelby (075) ero mie LABOR FORCE—1940 : 1 Percent of Population 14 Years Old and Over Employed Workers by Industry Group Foe) re] METROPOLITAN Trans- Business bids: yy AREAS, Percent | Percent porta- od Ne Code COUNTIES, . of all | of all tom, | Whole- | personal In | industry 2 In labor males’ | females Total Agri- . Con- Manufac- | €©™™UM| sale and | services Other agri- CODES Total who are | who are y 2 Mining | struc- © cations, . and not | 28 force . o employed || culture tion turing ad retail exclud- sorored cul- Cod e labo abe 0 h trade ing po ture S, e J r or oiler domestic (See | Per- orce orce ulih- + page | cent ties Services 422) an a8) as) on) an 2) @) @) @) 5) an @) . @®) on | ay | a ,9% | 0477 Ts] wma] 9:8 2,95 45 mn 2,392 389 | 1,454 | 1,137 663 |31.3| 22] 5.7 132 73,53 | 35,239 © 75.9] 18.5] ‘26,232 3,207] 5,039) es 6,009| 1,588 | 3,997| 3,223] 1,862.2] 2|189 16,741 7,927 9.4] 13.5] 6,87 3,836 8 364) 656 236 705 662 207 (55.8 | 15 5.3 051 91,823 | 46,522] 719.1] 23.5] 40,8m| 2,95] 89| 1,925 18,628| 1,823) 6,13%| 6,203] s,132] 7.2] 17]|16.9 13,389 6,547 sl 17s] soll 1,795) um 221) 1,538 276 519 480 397 {31.5 | 1615.8 i 19,525 8,931] 75.2] 15.5] 7,08 2,858 2 25 1,431 324 | 1,238] 1,025 65% 35.8 G36] 5.5 17 95,320 | 38,25 M.2| 23.) 32,981 2,909 38] 1,308 13,566 | 2,002| 5,55 | 4,982] 2,532] a.8| 19] 9.7 2,48 | 12,45] 78.0] 15.5] 10,919) 3,427 57 764 2,488 583 | 1,355 | 1,348 507 [31.3 | 636] 5.5 ; 17,871 7,911 75.0 12.9] 7,096] 2,719 51 483] 806 285 | 1,102 1,035 615|38.3| 17| 7. Columbiana, .....015 p79 | 35,209) 784 22.5 29,920(| 3,425 1,17] 1,040] 12,305 | 1,627 | 4,39% | 3,577| 2,378|1.4| 16] 20.4 Coshocton, ses...016 23,696 11,544 Tle5 19.0 95920 2,608) 588 424) 2,522 476 1,276 1,123 503 | 26.3 22) 7.3 28,089 | 13,897] 78.4 20.2 J750(l. 2,790] + 45 459 3.566 | 1,492] Liem | 1,53 94 | 21.0 | 23] 89 026 9%,650 | 546,370 81.2 29.6] 453,649 3,166 373] 18,173] 172,956 | 36,783 | 92,582 | 89,329 | 40,287] o0.7| 17]|11.0 30,000 | 13,810 76.2] 15.2 695 261. 75 99 1,915 508 | 1,910 | 1,496 8141.4 | 636] 5.3 Defiance..ss...s020| 18,665 8,562] 76.2] 14.6) 1,573 %7| 1,219 97% 556 133.0] 19] 8.8 Delaware, ......s02l| 20,942 9,639] 76.3] 16.5 8&7 467) 1,2 2,497 932 | 38.4 | 636 9.9 22| 34,624 | 16,610] 72.8] 21.8 4,419 1,412] 2,300| 2,136] 1,560]13.4| 636] 6.2 37,240 17,651 74.2 10.6 5,354 912 21% 1,75] 1,250 22.2 1 2.0 16,403 22] Tal 16.9) 80 299 | 1,1 824, 559 1 38.9 | G36] 5.1 029 313,790 ¥ 75.6] 28.2 32,784 | 14,500 | 30,041 | 31,820 | 18,677] 2.8] 636] 9.7 18,243 8,419] 76.9] Wu. 1,029 382 | 1,064 %7 621 43.0 636] 6.2 1a,7:3 TAI 65.9) 12.8 253 319 m8) 1,000 4511 44.1 63% 12.8 913 7,635 ei 179 1,289 . 21,993 | 13.61 77.8] 18.4 1,959 s3| 1,mo| 1,885) 2,219]|23.6| 37| 1.0 30,495 | 1,261] 7.1] 17.4 2,283 538) Le7| 1401 5]21.9 10.2 025 502,208 | 264,607 79.8] 28.0 7,522 | 18,698 | 45,770 | 47,027| 23,26] 1.6| 636| 8.7 32,09 | 15,320, 77.0] 19.0) 3,263 Tr | “20s06| Lm7| 10154 | 26.1] 636] 6:0 BE mE oR gy unas 15 a 1A 732 , . HONIFeoceseseaess035| 17,337 7,86] 76 12.1 475 30 1,083 791 472 | 48.0 | 636] 5.7 ~ Eighland....... 036 21,150 9,885 76.3] 17.3 1,316 295 | 1,244 1,022 650 | 41.4| 15] 8.1 15,842 7,290] 75.0] 1.7 1,27 285 5 639 507)18.5| 16| 9.4 12,767 5,971) 9.2] 12.3 391 235 489 463 353.8] 636] 4.6 27432 | 12,88] 7.6] 18.3 1,020 | © 1,99 | 1,652] 1,467] 1,132|25.6| 23|11.9 JackSOheesesess040| 19,988 9,012) 7.3 16.1 1,447 587 953 a2 2.0) 2| 7.4 Jeffersoneee.ee Ohl] Thy)499 | 37,640] 80.0] 18.6 w,75 | 2,26] 4,500 3,787) 2,297] 4.5| 17] 30.9 042 2,503 11,628 Tol | 11k Zs br) 15m L429 1,001 | 29.1 636 7.5 9,119 | 20,032 sls img 397| 1,45 2 2,645 1 n.7| 13| u. 055 3612 | 15.027] 738] 1m 2451 1, 1,593 | 1,398 ‘me la.2| 63%] 7.2 Licking.ecesee. 045] 49,500 | 23,8830 77.1] 19.3 5,383 | 1, 3,260 2,903] 1,82)202| 16] 8.3 LOgaN..eeeeeees 046] 23,222 | 10,460] 74.6] 15.2 en | 1,209) 1,550] 1,357 811 30.9] 23|10.3 88,849 45,559 80,2 21,1 18,154 2,602 2736 5,547 2,675 9.4| 17] 30.2 124 214,928 uno m4 21.2 42,215 | 12,049 | 25, 125 21,598 sia] i) = £3 4 . 59 ¥ Y 138 189,032 | 98,219] 9.9] 22.7] 37,50 | 5,188 13,09 n,50| s5m3| 3a] 17|37a 4,793 | 16,831 78.2] 18.9 3,980 | 1,675] 2,532| 2,362| 1,227)16.5| 19]13.5 Ta ew wa be al @| El El mle] gel ea 19,651 9,480] Ti 16.7 1,801 22 | 1,002| 1,104 Beli] Se] &3 Mianloeeeceeses055| 40,949 | 20,328] 78.4| 21.5 6,929 76 | 2,79 | 2,364 ,583 117.8] 19] 9.8 BORro®. ee.essrsd056] 13,946 5,988] 73.6] 10.5 237 435 432509 | 636] 6.9 033 235,546 123,66 Tl 26.7 (8,01 | 4,2 19,086 | 17,89% | 10,809 | 3.5 1 214 . 13.0 9 49.5| G36 6,5 : 12,07 | 5, 76.2] 1.7 737 205 478 446 6 |s01| 19] 7.6 Muskingua.......060| 53,818 | 26,651] 77.9] 21.8 7,078 | 1,545 | 3,632] 3,321] 1,99 |u.0| 16|1701 Mobleyes.ssrsess06l 11,075 4977] 76.9] 10.5 1 92 323 402 287] 58.9| G36| 6.6 19,209 3.267 maf 26a 1,945 543 | 1,119 3 ns 25.9] 16] sa 02 13.0 2 210 582 396 1 49.3 | G36] 5.9 26, | 100871 75.2 1m 1,658 508 991 962 5319.0 2/1820 21,595 8,860) 65.9] 13.6 P| a,067| 1,138 6342.7] 936] 9.2 11,253 Ha 7.8 1.3 293 + 380 419 287 47.1] 636] 7.9 Moe | eam| mel ina howl amy Tew| hel Vali] Gel su 18,588 | &720] 78.2] 13.5 *458 390| 1123 8m 5791513] 6] 5a 58,45, | 28,395] 72.4] 2200 1,55 | 1,217] 3,89) 3,438] 2,J07|1.1| 19]|18% Ely oly zl gl gl uw mld va ” 9. In © 1;208 | 22, 0 62,67 | 31.654 78.6] 2207 g0s8| 2,89) nm1| 303] 1.92100] 15]|15.5 7,418 | 18,023] 75.8] 20.0 4,725 | 1,021 | 2,438] 2,289] 1,415] 22.5| 19] 9.8 19,773 9 7.90 16.3 2,37 3271 1,12 mn 6301325] 19] 14.8 299 Table 3 Part 3 - Housing TABLE 3—SELECTED DATA FOR METROPOLITAN AREAS AND FOR ALL COUNTIES, OHIO, Auglaise (006) - . . guise 1008) BY STATE—Continued : wo woes 2 HOUSING—1940 Ce : . : . Nonfarm Rural Farm : : All Dwelling Units Occupied Dwelling Units Dwelling Units Dwelling Unis “i METROPOLITAN i Metro. AREAS, fol. Area COUNTIES, P Pe Median P phones Code AND Residential Fercent Percent Per: ercent | mber er- CODES structures in5or| with | Percent ri 1 Average cent | Percent] Jan. 1, Number foie rivate | with Number | owner mechan- persons | Number monthly Number with | wit 1945 family | bathtub | electric ik a rent run-{ electric struc- or | lighting oc | refrig- (dollars) ning |lightir pied : house- ghting tures shower : eration hold water 33) 39) 35) 36) an G8) (€)} 40) an 2) 3) “@) “s) (46) “n | OHIO—Con, All Counties—Con. | - Auglaize, .......006 7,739 8,139 046 39.4 85.4 7,931 | 63.9 31.6 3.11 55429 16,79 2,70 | 19.9 66.9 4,667 132 |Belmont.eeses..s007 21,839 25,597 0.9 38.8 84h 25,046 | 49.8 41.7 3.40 21,745 17.53 3,852 | 18.0 48.2 7,387 coves val0B 6,291 6,629 04 12,2 49.7 6,256 | 60.8 17.4 3.01 2,953 12.26 3,676 | 4d] 24.0 2,217 051 eeesees009 28,639 33,366 2.9 53.2 94.0 32,496 | 49.6 53.0 3.29 29,944 27.18 35422 | 25.4 78.8 19,114 Carrollseeesses 010 4,713 4,958 05 32.0 71.1 4,726 | 66.4 29.1 3.27 2,726 16.32 2,232 | R.4 51.8 1,139 Champaign.......011 7,028 7,516 046 31.4 86.5 7,263 | 55.6 36.2 3.05 4,853 | 15,69 2,663 | 16.8] 76,6 3,683 117501 Clark, coe eevee D2 22,232 27,540 4.5 58.2 94.9 26,653 | 45.7 55.3 3,16 2,682 | 25,28 2,858 | 28.6| 83.2] 15,684 Clermonts.......013 95544 10,208 04d 21,8 7440 9,732 | 61.3 36.9 3.07 6,319 15.63 3,889] 17.1 S442 5,116 Clinton. .ees....0L 6,555 7,005 1.1 31.9 78.7 6,824 | 54,0 35.0 2.87 4,398 | 16.68 2,607 | 16.9| 58.7 3,230 Columbiana......015 22,963 25,307 1.2 Shel 87.8 24,435 | 57.1 49.6 3.28 20,957 21.64 4,350] 32.3 59.7 14,387 Coshoctona......016 8,613 9,196 1.3 36.8 73.9 8,720 | 61.5 33.2 3.13 6,049 19.88 3,147 | 20.4 yma 2,995 9,935 10,755 0.97 57.8 90,1 10,386 | 59.0 21.2 3.04 8,252 | 21.57 2,503 | 26.7] 71.6 4,809 026 213,789 348,063 17,0 87.7 98.8 336,519 | 39.1 57.5 3.24 346,132 35.17 1,931] 59.1 92,2§ 235,584 11,035 11,494 0.3 31.0 79.9 11,145 | 55.5 29.4 3.04 6,074 16.45 5,420 | 17.8 64.6 hy Defiance........020 6,745 7,152 0,7 36.9 81.1 6,860 | 61.9 32.7 3.16 4,432 | 18,39 2,720 | 25.0| 57.0 3,585 Delaware....:...021] 7,734 8,072 0d 36.4 85.7 7,586 | 59.9 36.5 3.04 44725 18,28 3,347 | 22.8 78.3 3,817 12,554 13,748 1.3 66.4 92.9 12,042 | 57.3 58.0 3.09 11,780 [ 30.26 1,98 | 38.6 83.5 8,850 wovss023 13,541 14,572 1,3 42.8 84.0 13,274 | 58.7 44.8 3.16 10,872 | 23.20 3,700 | 22.8 60.2 ,896 Fayette.soe.....024 5,955 6,256 0.44 33.6 73.8 6,066 | 48.5 29.9 3.07 3,806 16.21 2,450 | 19.6 S5he5 3,056 029 |Franklini.......025 85,295 109,737 7.6 77.4 97.5 105,742 | 42.6 60.4 3.15 105,681 32,88 %,056 | 40.6 87.2 78,242 Fultofee....:..+026) 6,906 7,087 0.1 41.8 83.1 6,801 | 63.7 37.5 3.10 3,722 | 16.60 3,365] 36.8] M.2 4yh52 Gallise coves se 027 6,125 6,400 0.6 18.3 50,9 6,051 | 61.4 17.5 3.25 3,162 | 15.81 3,238] “ 6,2] 25,7 1,518 Geauga esesessses028 5,778 6,027 0.3 40.7 78.5 5,193 | 63.6 42.2 3.32 2,944 20,99 3,0831 39.1 70.1 2,972 Greene.s..ss...s029 9,173 9,959 1.3 40.5 83.1 9,661 | 52.5 45.3 3.06 7,156 20.74 2,803 | 24.8 63.1 4,937 Guernsey..... «+4030 11,093 11,672 0,3 31.7 71.0 11,055 | 60.8 27.5 3.1 8,443 13.35 3,229 | 13.6 33. 445900 025 |Hamilton........031| 116,437 192,218 18.5 67.1 97.1 181,342 | 38.6 71.1 2,97 188,495 | 31.65 3,723 | 52,7| 83.9} 11,861 Hancock, .032 11,241 12,198 2.3 53.9 89.6 11,950 | 56.9 43.7 3.05 8,678 23.15 3,520 | 20.3 70.5 7,162 Hardin, .033 7,924 8,261 0.3 33.0 77.2 7,966 | 55.5 25.2 2.97 5,198 15,01 3,063 | 16.4 54.8 3,400 Harrison........034 5,431 5,79 0.4 28,6 67.9 5,545 | 60.0 36.1 3.24 3,753 1.62 2,041 | 25.3 36.1 1,258 Henr¥eoeesessess035 6,397 6,59 0,1 34.5 82,8 6,320 | 58.5 31.5 3.24 3,421 | 16.89 3,173.) 21.4) - 0.7 3,597 Highland........036 7,923 8,320 0.3 23,0 69.2 8,014 | 57.1 22.3 2.96 4,815 15.41 3,505 8.7 47.3 3,283 Hockingesease..s037 5,692 5,988 0.44 26,7 58.2 5,729 | 53,1 29.0 3.30 3,974 13.75 2,014 8.0 18.8 1,519 HolmeSeeesssesss038 4543 4,736 29,7 61.8 4y532 | 65.4 26,7 3.42 2,099 | 12.62 2,637 | 29.8| 44.4 1,317 Huronessesesess.039 9,787: 10,334 0e4 55.4 90.3 9,920] 62.9 38.8 3.07 7,178 20,22 3,156 | 22.7 77.0 7,713 Jacksonaesss «es 040) 7,090 7,381 0.1 23.4 62.5 7,079 | 65.2 21,8 3.34 5,496 | 12.87 1,885 | 6.0] 18.3 2,032 Jefferson.......041] 20,416 25,119 3.7 50.2 89.1 24,565 | 46:0 52.6 3.60 22,780 | 24.81 2,339] 20.1| 48.9] 11,551 KnoX.eeesesessss042 8,877 9,571 0.8 47.7 76.7 9,153 1 59.5 37.2 2.97 6,237 20.82 3,334 | 23.3 47.7 5,371 Lake.esseeaeneas043 15,201 16,471 1.5 69.0 97.3 13,774 | 57.1 61.5 3.27 14,269 30.32 2,202 | 60.8 90.8 9,783 055 |Lawrence,.......044 11,216 11,89% 047 29.9 60.7 11,4301 51.2 27.7 3.62 8,318 | 14.47 3,578 | 5.4| 20.0 3,330 Licking.eu.ue.se045 18,524 19,818 1.2 51.5 87.1 18,346 | 58.6 49.2 3.00 15,149 | 22.03 4,669 | 22.9 64,0] 10,462 10,417 10,919 05 30.4 84.6 8,767 | 60.2 33.9 2.97 7,975 21,78 2,944 | 16.1 57.8 5,146 27,285 31,666 R42 70.7 96,3 30,228 | 57.9 55.1 3.33 27,648 26.87 4,018 | 40.3 87.0 20,984 124 80,150 99,965 8.0 8l.4 97.6 96,079 | 50.2 57.6 3.1 5 29.29 2,969 | 35.0 83.2 58,950 5,334 5,660 043 29.9 71.9 55451 | 45.4 28,2 3.18 3,197 17.04 2,463 | 15.8 49.7 2,867 138 [Mahoning........050 50,583 60,283 3.7 68, 96.1 59,065 | 53.0 53.0 3.67 57,321 29,96 2,962 | 39.0 83.1 37,644 Marion..eeesee. 051 12,077 13,119 2.0 55.0 92.5 12,761 | 54.0 39.5 3.10 10,692 | 20.58 2,427 24.10 75.2 7,639 Medina...eeeeees052 9,355 9,961 0.5 55.4 93.1 9,307 | 65.3 52,8 3.19 6,272 23.52 3,689 | 36.6 88.6 5,902 MeigSeseeeesesss053 6,892 7,145 0.1 20,1 58.5 6,708 | 63.3 24.3 3.16 4,170 10.35 2,975 7.6 26.7 2,466 sesesee054] 6,988 7,188 0.3 25.5 82.8 6,658 | 65.9 25.9 3.42 4,000- 16.77 3,188 | 10.8 67.3 2,515 Miami.eeeeeoeesd055 14,106 15,433 0.7 53.0 945 15,047 | 53.7 51.2 3.08 12,148 21,66 3,285 | 27.5 85.5 8,602 MONroB.sessessse056) 5,159 5,337, 043 12,6 32.0 4,915 | 68,8 11.7 3.32 2,143 A 3,194 8.1 13.7 1,538 033 |Montgomery..s...057 66,727 83,963 Ted 65,8 97.2 82,139 | 46.8 63.9 3.18 79,120 30.48 ,843 | 36.5 83.0 7,909 Morgan. seesss.ss058 4,214 Lyh26 0.7 19.4 37.7 3,973 | 63.8 21.1 3.10 1,874 12,13 2,552 9.2 12.0 1,512 MOrTOWs saseassss059 44584 4,771 05 20.4 69.7 4,571 | 62,6 18.5 3.01 2,113 14.33 2,658 | 11.8 57.6 1,564 Muskingum. ... . «+060 18,496 20,602 2.5 45.8 83.5 19,845 | 55.9 44.6 3.10 16,579 20.57 4,023 | 18.2 47.8 10,703 Noblesasoseessas06l 4,317 4,415 0.1 1,8 33.4 4,017 | 7.9 13.2 3.22 1,797 | 10.14 2,618 | 12.1] 14.1 1,080 Ottawa. 062 8,008 8,29 047" 50.9 86.7 6,886 | 62.4 43.6 3.16 6,028 | 19,09 2,266 | 28,7| 70.2 3,202 Pauldin, 063 44545 4,627 042 19.2 69.2 4,38, | 56.1 23.6 3.11 2,386 10.51 2,241 | 10.4 51.8 1,996 Perry.. +064 8,332 8,665 0,1 20,6 66.9 8,357 | 62.3 29.6 3.22 6,141 12.07 2,524 | 12,1 30.4 2,359 Pickaway........065 6,814 7,177 Ook 27.0 72.0 6,960 | 49.7 30.9 3.1 4,298 15.58 2,879 | 13.5 55,9 2,605 Pikeesassvesess 066) 4,046 4,103 6.8 31.2 3,919 | 59.3 12.4 3.66 1,890 8.96 2,200 2.20 12.1 902 Portage.eses...s067 12,381 13,293 1.3 51.8 89.3 12,798 | 62.2 49.5 3.28 9,225 | 23,28 4,068 | 35.11 79.5 7,034 Preble. ..ueees «2008 6,603 6,970 0,2 26.3 80,2 6,764 | 55.2 33.4 3.02 3,812 15.71 3,158 | 20.8 66.9 3,752 Putnam. ..sess.s069 6,585 6,779 0.1 28,1 80.2 6,493 | 63.5 28,2 3.39 3,319 14.37 3,400 | 17.7 66.7 4,262 Richland. .......070] 18,054 20,611 2.5 64.3 90.5 20,050 | 57.3 55.6 3.15 17,200 | 29.14 3,411 | 26.6| 61.7] 15,685 ROBSaso senses ssO7M 12,285 13,459 1.8 36.4 69.5 13,095 | 48.8 35.9 3.26 9,308 | 21.54 4,151] 9.7] 33.6 6,137 Sanduskye eesee.«072 11,268 12,034 1.0 56.5 89.0 11,6911 59.5 44.2 3.09 8,973 22.83 3,061] 27.9 68.4 5,790 Sci0t0seensasess073 20,22/, 22,397 1.7 39.5 78.6 21,590 | 45.0 38.8 3.56 18,506 | 18.32 3,801 | 6.8] 36.5 8,890 Seneca. couse. ss074) 12,481 13,638 1.1 50.5 90.4 13,205 | 56.2 43.3 3.16 10,160 22, 3,478 | 18.7 7.6 8,154 Shelby.esessssas0?5 6,699 7,233 0.8 35.6 89.0 7,009 | 55. 37.9 3.21 4,59 | 19.52 2,639 | 13.3] 79.2 3,526 300 TABLE 3 SELECTED ‘DATA FOR METROPOLITAN AREAS AND FOR ALL COUNTIES, BY STATE—Continued (Figures which have been rounded to thousands will not necessarily add¢to totals) Table 3 Part 4 - Agriculture OHIO, Auglaize (008) ~ Shelby (075) $ els AGRICULTURE—1945 AGRICULTURE—1940 - : Value of farm products sold, { Principal f Value of Work power traded, or u source of amy property, 1 arm household farm income | Type- | METR : of ROO Ay Number of | Land in | Cropland § Number : Percent from— farming- Burg COUNTIES farms farms | harvested | of farms A Number Li area of ww 1 Hos fol: od Toul | age | po Amount | sock Cade |, | 2k living an. 1, of "ol il | . orses ’ e re CODES 1645' | acres) | acted | lod0’ gos per, | andlor {000s and (See Pa: = am | mules dolla live- | Crops | pazz) | ceo dollars) dil. (over 3 ollars) | stock —te ) mo. old) prod- i 5 ucts “8 “9) (G0) — Gn GH (5) (6) G8) G9) «) on ©) 3) ©) OHIO— Con. All Counties—Con. linglaize........ 006 2,329 2m 162 2,387] 29.4 -21,586| 9,043 5,426 3,800 62.3 24.9 1 34.6 5611 127 [Belmont ......... 007 2,989 266 i 3,465 | 20.6 14,179] 4,092 5.370 2,b67| 60.9] 14.6 2| 33.9 625| 103 BBrown........... 008 3,212 295 89 3,326 | 34.8 1k, 855| b,46R 6,740 2,889| uh.3| 36.1 5] 35.5 625] 108 IPutler.......... 2,718 270 146 2,926 | 30.5 29,475/10,073 5,3 3,705 66.6 20.2 1 32 551) 120 Carroll......... 010 1,680 198 69 1,930 | 15.1 8,613] u,h63 3.728 1,477] * 65.5 9.2 2] 25. 625| 112 L011 2,042 260 160 2,055 | 38.5 22,25410,829 5,118 4,162| 67.0 25.9 1| bo.1 551] 122 Clark. . .012 2,310 236 135 2,281 | 31.0 25,127}11,016 4,710 4,623 57.4 35.1 1| 35.1 551] 130 Clerronf .013 3,074 251 84 3,465] 24.9 19,176] 5.534 5,8 2,670] Sh.7| 22.3 of 22.9 625) 117 Clinton.... .01% 1,952 257 u2 2,020 | 38.8 21,802{10,793 4,820 3,745 73.6 17.3 1] 56. he 121 Columbians. .015 3,305 2uh 10% 3,683] 18.1 17,332 4,758 5.895 3.523 57.5 2h.8 2] 30. 118 2,407 308 91 2,h97| 14.8] 31.4 13,694] 5,u8k 5,076 2,522 64.1 17.1 1] 29.5 625) 112 1,871 238 154 2,053 | 28.3 | 11.0| 19,050] 9,279 5,166 4,0u7| 65.2| 21.8 1| 36.9 561] 127 2,21 Fh 29 2,500 23.1} 50.3 30,148[12,059 2,121 3,780 15.0 75.5 g| 52.8 hel | 1kg 4,487 370 250 4,680| 41.6) 13.2] 35,671] 7,622 9,557 6,858 | s6.2| 32.8 5] 31.2 551) 12% 1,973 250 162 2,11 | 32.8] 12.2 19,665| 9,185 b, gh 3,336] us.8| 39.3 51 35.8 561 128 2,720 2 1 2,780] 25.2] 2u.6| 21, 7.73% 5, 554 3,992 6h.9| 2b.1 1] 28.6 1] 121 1,352 i 2 1,560 | 20.2 | 24.2 EX 8,615 2,719 2,h22| 3.1 s3.2 51] 30.7 oh 130 2,870 278 147 3,031 | 23.1| 24.7] 23,509] 7.756 6,643 3.817 62.3] 23.6 1] 35.7 625) 119 1,490 254 155 1,564 | B1k| 14h 23,703115,155 h,552 on 70.1 22.5 1] 60.1 5511 117 3,121 257 153 3.513] 27.1} 37.5 37,015{10,537 5.586 1,663 57.5 31.9 1] 26.% 551| 130 2,548 252 178 2,7m | 35.0] 1h.9| 24,752] 8,933 5,b81 4,628 68.9] 21.8 1| 29.8 561] 133 2,688 2kg ™] 2,736] 17.8 | sk.2| - 8,550] 3,125 k,089 1,530| bL8.4| 23.5 of 27.9 625) 91 2,504 208 T 2,u97| 24.3 37.9 21,396| 8,569 4,689 2,996 61.6 15.4 2| 37.% heh! 129 2,289 235 137 2,164 | 37.7| 19.5| 24,352[11,253 5,192 4,124 65.4 | 26.3 1| 46.9 551] 13k 2,645 28h [=] 2,767 14.3] 45.5 8,899] 3.216 h,88 1,687 63.2] 10.2 0] 26.0 625| 100 2,236 134 54 2,866| 20.5| 50.2 | 33,191{11,581 4,339 3,024 39.5| h7.7 8| 2k.7 625] 143 2,707 322 226 2,830| 40.0| 7.8| 28,287) 9,999 6,15 5,141 | 58.1| 32.5 1} 35.1 561| 128 2,085 280 188 2,358 | 37.6| 12.6| 23,288] 9,876 5,195 b,324| 58.9) 31.8 1] 38.4 561| 123 1,492 19% us 1,88| 20.2] 36.2 8,583| b,721 3,325 1,k5( 65.0 6.5 of 27.4 625| 116 2,386 257 199 2,h50| ®W1.3]| “7.9| 28,392|11,589 5,39 5,149 | 43.6] u7.8 5] 85.1 561] 128 2,862 337 180 2,086 | 33.1] 25.9| 19.380] 6,490 6,773 3,506| 72.3 | 13.6 1| 46.6 625| 110 1,585 170 41 1,503 | 20.4] 55.8 4,691 3,3ub 2,346 827| 18.3 20.2 ol 30.5 625) 92 2,134 24k 106 2,286] 23.1| 15.9 16,791| 7.345 7. 3,286| 68.8) 16.0 1| 24.9 Wgh| 117 ~2e3 285 7 2,857 26.9| 19.9| 17,970 7.314 h,961 3,346 us.2| 35.8 5] 29.h ugh | 127 1,677 165 38 1,757| 14.9] 63.3 5,327| 3.032 2,547 928| u6.9| 18.5 of 33.9 625| 5 1,489 145 i") 2,001] 19.1| 55.6 8,082 hh66| 2,966 1,202 55.9| 1k.2 0] 29.1 625| 112 2,659 317 131 2,293 | 23.6| 23.8] 17,674 6,109 5,606 3.76| 67.8) 16.6 1{32.1 625| 125 1,608 85 35 1,601 | 17.3 | 49.6] 17,807|11,122 1,740 2,740| 16.3] 73.7 g| 53.9 heh | hg 2,4 175 34 2,798] 17.8| 67.6 7.097| 2.536 3,158 1,322 29.h| 135.1 of 34.7 625) gh 3,994 397 TL 3,994 | 28.9 31.F| 27,374 6,854 7.798 bh2g| 68.3] 17.7 1] 28.8 625| 126 2,456 279 158 2,493 W| 22.11 19,524 7,832 5,541 3.673 65.6] 23.2 1|36.9 61] 121 3,179 248 136 3,423 8| 27.0| 27,962] 8,169 5,890 5,012 u7.2| 0.9 2] 21.9 26s 132 2,237 133 97 2,403 41.9 20,171) 8,394 2,883 .521| 25.2] 66.6 5| 25.3 561] 138 1,53% 293 192 1,552 13.0 | 25,237|16,2F1 5,499 2260 67.9] 24.8 1 2.3 551] 121 2% 191 8 2,632 37.9.| 17.517} 6,655 b,536 2,812| 56.8] 24.0 21] 33. ben | 137 051 1,600 236 157 1,838 15.9 19,481/10,599 3,850 3,605] eu.3| 26.7 1| 40.0 561] 123 052 2,991 23 120 3,126 32.3| 22,682 7,256 5,662 3,549 | 64.7] 18.8 2| 34.8 hel 132 053 2,312 21 y 2,703 59.6 7.642| 2,827 3,396 1,42] s53.6[ 15.8 0] 30.2 625) ok Mercer. ...coceees 2,624 282 2 2,795 11.2} © 25,631 9,170 822 4,302] 60.0] ‘25.3 1 34.6 5F1| 124 Miami.,..... 024055 2,682 239 2,867 17.8 | 25,667] 8,953 5,009 5.084 | 49.7; lo.o 5] 36.6 551| 132 MODr06...nv.e..s 056 2,274 231 49 2,986 54.2 7.810] 2,616 4,068 1,541 55.8 1-1 0] 35.4 625| 97 Montgomery. ..... 057 3,612 231 1 k,163 33.8 35,056 8,421 6,205 5,191 b5.6f m1.9 5] 31.1 551| 1ko Morgan. ..ooennn. 1,708 223 52 2,186 39.4 7.213} 3.300 3,734 1,24 66.2 f.2 of 26.9 625) 118 Morrow..;.i..c.. 2,355 250 126 2,315 20.7| 13.829] 5.97% 5,1 2,k22 67.2 12.7 1 34.1 625| 120 Muskingum. ...... 060 90k 339 93 3,381 b5.8| 15,235 Bb, 5,564 2,333 65.5! 11.0 1| 26.4 625] 117 Noble. ..........061 2,016 .2271 ug 2,193 39.3 7.561] 3,us8 4,066 1,379 70.7 1.8 1| 32.0 625] 103 Ottawae..cosonees 1,611 139 97 1,680 17.1| 15,271 9,090 3,145 2,b61| 27.8] 61.1 5] 39.5 561| 132 Panlding. ccc... 063 1,601 250 1 1,758 13.5! 22,1400 12,59 3,699 3,640 32.3| 60.b 5| 58.1 561] 121 POrTYeceveceens 2,075 13% 1 2,130 86.5 8,431] 3,958 3.326 1,457| 60.3] 13.8 1] 29.8 625 108 Pickavay........ 065 1,99 324 200 1,869 12.9| 26,907(14,396| 6,066 W436) 57.4) 35.8 143.8] 551] 1 Pike...... ceeees066 (1,656 20l 52 1,702 52.6| 6,399 3.760 3,218 1,234 M.6| 31. 5] 30.9 625| 87 Portage. ........ 7 3,490 24k 106 3.368 35.6| 20,299] 6.027 5,639 .660| 55.5] 26.9 2] 33. beh | 128 Preble.......... 06g! 2,572 265 157 2,588 16.1] 24,685 9,538 5.776 .721| 60.7| 30.0 1] k2.% 551| 125 Putnam. .....e.. L069] 2,17 298 219 2,867 8.6| 29,981) 10,457 +540 5.120] 53.3] 36.5 5( 34.4 561] 130 Richlend..... ...070| 2,920 282 1% 2,857 24M | 18,180 6,363 6,155 3,187| 57.6] 23.0 1] 24.8 ugh | © 12% ROSS. .oeeenns Lon] 2,554 362 m5 2,765 »-3 20,705] 7.h88 6,323 3,226 57.6] 27.7 1| 41.1 5511 97 Sandueky:.r..072| 2,282 238 1 2,383 13. 23, 9,960 5.258 3,920 Uu3.5| u5.5 5] 35.0 561| 128 801080. 0u.reens .0 3,144 237 2 3.35 68.0 9,295 2,771 3,896 1,611 Ba. 24.9 of 34.1 625| 871 Seneca. .........07 2,6u3 339 - 2,781 8.5] 26,072 9,375 7.505 5,078 8.8| 38.1 5] 35.6 561] 12% Sheldy..........075| 2,179 2 = 2,253 9:8| 19,423 8,621 5,201 3,612] €0.6| 29.0 1| 29.6 561 121 Table 3 Part 5 - Industry and Retail Trade OHIO, Auglaize (008)= TABLE 3—SELECTED DATA FOR METROPOLITAN AREAS AND FOR ALL COUNTIES, BY STATE—Continued Shelby (075) (All dollar figures have been rounded to thousands and will ot necessarily add to totals) — a 3 MANUFACTURING ESTABLISHMENTS—1939 i MINERAL INDUSTRIES—1939 RETAIL ESTABLISHMENTS—1939 METROPOLITAN . . Me OTIS Value added Aa 0 Wage Wess: Value of b Re aed Value of | Number Weces wad Sales Active Employees Pay roll eamers 0 yous y duis of salaries | Number of | (000° oF average | (1a of CODES Number ( (1000s of x ture (foo (1000's of | stor (1000's pro- for |(1000’s0 average dollars) i Re y (1000's of persons S Stores dollars) | prietors ) dollars) or year) dollars) ao! engaged | dollars) year / = (®) (6) @n NC) ®) an) an Zo _m [} as) as) fw) bE OHIO=Con, 2e All Counties—Con, Auglaize........006 57 1,685 1,481 9,88, 4,552 6 29 27 448 7,131 432 822 566 132 |Belmont,. 50 3,719 3,989 19,145 6,444 8,125 4,937 6,013 1,339 20,531 1,243 1,980 1,642 Brown.,.. 15 510 363 1,461 564 (*) () (*) I 3,751 360 344 2 051 [Butler,.. 130 14,523 21,612 114,51 46,267 232 60 55 1,347 39,941 1,493 4,153 4,112 Carroll...ocees . 17 1,264 1,502 4,743 2,473 a20 481 565 30 3,015 218 235 “186 Champaign. . L011 26 839 893 5,704 2,271 (3) (1) (1) 173 6,731 364 673 515 117 |Clark,. 012 157 10,325 14,451 106,359 48,088 60 25 1% 1,310 33,478 1,081 3,875 3,732 Clermont, +013 2 681 465 2,062 1,311 221 62 ‘ 52 514 7,033 504, 522 4 Clinton,, 2 e001 23 550 602 2,220 1,307 (*) (*) Y} 407 7,383 388 699 535 Columbiana, .....015 125 6,671 8,626 29,131 16,252 1,497 644 706 1,411 30,260 1,320 ,022 2,659 Coshocton.» 4016 45 2,106 2,163 10,856 5,687 512 139 2 L2 8,176 391 849 732 Crawford... ......017 6 2,754 3,058 19,272 9,275 (3) ) be] 580 11,48 547 1,253 970 026 ; 125,876 178,522 996,704 489,38 449 368 640 16,716 506,426 | 13,805 | 58,367 65,452 986 767 6,798 2,286 (3 3) (*) 585 10,238 550 925 n7 1,398 1,382 7,83 1,653 366 7,048 360 711 534 460 462 2,600 1,270 15 80 68 39, 6,967 393 758 575 / 3,462 3,789 23,597 11,009 ar) 211 300 709 15,722 653 1,555 1,447 Pairfield......,02} 48 5,139 4,913 19,598 10,772 U2 Ty] 51 614 12,553 619 1,265 1,067 Fayette.... 25 703 541 3,2% 1,464 1m 48 288 7,037 "261 787 627 029 |Franklin........025 521 25,606 29,983 181,602 90,905 1,108 361 528 4,933 172,97 4,185 | 21,915 22,086 Fulton... 30 692 61, 4,858 1,623 361 7,155 359 505 470 u 96 8, 657 269 150 111 7% 245 4,719 217 37 284 16 AT 470 2,544 1,538 (t) 0?) (2) 24 4130 231 5 346 « 29 903 854 4,867 2,971 177 48 51 405 »950 369 953 _ B09 GUOTNESY. ess rs 200 33 1,637 1,57 4,890 1,139 850 510 | 623 548 8,970 514 1,015 781 025 |Hamilton........031] 1,525 67,014 83,637 551,861 252,849 1,008 76 595 8,877 275,006 7,578 | 32,566 35,534 Hancock, .vaoseee032 48 2,568 2,947 20,960 7,350 177 81 11 843 12,266 508 1,39 4256 Hardin, .. 033 13 530 497 2,683 1,377 190 102 14 hdd 6,586 450 665 503 Harrison 034 14 552 670 1,909 1,121 3,048 1,319 2,113 256 3,508 256 295 238 Henry.... 035 30 280 239 2,000 718 330 5,860 329 507 383 Highland, ......,036 31 87 709 3,448 1,755 94 61 40 441 7,291 430 765 557 20 1,071 996 3,705 1,786 480 317 319 253 4,192 21, 420 304 21 159 158 732 345 / 81 70 53 202 3,516 210 253 181 ) 86 1,448 1,229 7,473 3,745 *) 1) (t) 574 11,193 or 1,092 918 28 1,010 93% 5,558 1,902 521 333 362 139 »37 1344 643 497 - 55 9,417 14,167 92,489 26,191 7,507 3,978 4,783 1,333 32,838 1,010 3,270 3,070 3% 1,678 2,317 11,528 6,027 n7 7% .102 416 9,277 1391 979 786 51 4,020 5,447 31,383 17,461 29 8 10 702 17,647 587 1,803 1,664 055 37 1,700 1,860 8,879 4,743 608 363 340 508 8,15 454 834 664, Licking... ess ss045 67 3,428 4,690 29,564 11,269 191 61 7% 858 19, 112 2 1,998 1,754 2-7 70. TORN «V1 32 518 521 1,387 1,455 82 Nn 19 530 8,508 522 908 660 123 14,777 21,632 126,443 57,258 (*) *) 2} 1,551 37,192 1,416 3,758 3,532 124 49 30, i 43,6% 249,400 11,475 836 123 Lé 4,212 144,008 1,57 677 18,16 15 164 1,145 519 3) *) (*) 291 5,848 278 a6 419 138 210 13, py 49,537 304,795 ag, 640 018 309 414 2,732 91,671 1421 9,620 10,098. 82 2,951 1,507 18,248 9,589 236 65 59 552 14,298 47% 1,552 1,429 37 2,021 2428 11,416 5,100 160 49 52 483 10,9689 448 877 808 L 200 151 910 506 2m 242 181 300 4,902 302 AT? 386 37 1,402 1,329 9,282 449% (t) (1) *) 39% 6,759 385 687 $30 90 4,59% 5,026 6,537 17,566 4 o8 157 709 ,986 628 1,809 © 1,476 6 12 11 120 s4 24 32 9 211 2,115 213 15 89 033 461 39,367 60,089 277,134 162,254 287 87 116 3,515 119,8% 1,084 | 14,491 4,878 u U6 1m 899 276 106 86 ” 175 2,367 180 210 Ld 12 327 (t) (*) 2) 169 2,623 168 239 170 7 §,727 7,197 28,493 15,303 2,088 867 1,253 WS 23,419 865 2,668 »419 = 8 n 67 248 12 LC) 24 27 222 1,929 243 138 89 = 1 1,941 2,487 13,205 7,899 1,%4 317 492 4 7,303 380 732 651 i 10 124 126 1,158 wl *) *) 248 3,287 233 281 180 oy F 28 1,281 1,294 1,%3 2,410 2,041 1,396 1,13 386 5,827 3% 1533 44 ¢ Plekamy,.......005 22 498 LN 7,177 2,070 (*) (*) U2 5,509 32% 584 423 Pik@sesionineess0bb 9 35 10 15% 86 (*) (*) (1) 195 2,040 204 15% 101 Portage 067 60 3,247 4,118 29,80 10,888 419 14 ul 592 12,369 846 1,189 1,014 Prehle, OLR 26 * 180 ,130 89% LL6 59 28 25 399 6,008 366 5135 381 Putnam..... oo 24 MY 184 1,420 494, U2 58 55 416 5,572 446 462 320 ; Richlam,.. 070 100 9,537 12,115 71,850 20,693 100 11 37 %S 27,201 8 2,793 2,707 Roney. coe 7 2,988 1,080 19,42) 8,889 117 43 19 573 13,266 5% 1,473 1,28 Sandusky, 78 1,362 3,8% 10,828 10,292 fe 226 257 598 13,043 510 1,358 1,157 loto,.. 84 8,059 2,18) 37,99 17,481 464 149 154 1,100 22,524 1,007 2,562 2,194 Seneca, ,. U, 1,700 4,136 21,289 12,844 643 197 197 727 15,516 668 1,746 1,468 Shelby. .... 41 1,700 2,082 9,098 5,007 (h) (3) (2) 355 6,822 334 + 860 Not shown Laecause of disclosure of operations of individual establishments. 302 Data included in Combined Counties at end of State. (rR SEEN 23 & § : 5 aie ii AES eT eS BIT = Bie ET - » ay —— is v bi 7 TABLE 3—SELECTED DATA FOR METROPOLITAN AREAS AND FOR ALL COUNTIES, Table 3 BY STATE—Continued FI% Bn uur Boronia ; OHIO, Auglaize (006) = (A11 dollar figures have been rounded to thousands and will not necessarily mdd to totsls) Shelb, La : oka SERVICE ESTABLISHMENTS—1939 BANK DEPOTS Go ¥ Major war oy war supply Major war facilities rojects, June 1990-50 pe 1945 | June | 40-June 1945 METROPOLITAN E Bond (1000's of dollars) (1000s of dollars) Metro. es A ES, Number Number ! Total : 1000's of Cote Con of Sales of | Recei i Active Employes P; (demand | Time (d's CODES estab- | (1000's of estab | (1 proprie-| 4 ’s | and time) | (1000's |isque price) lish- | dollars) | lish- |of dollars) tors year) dollars)| (1000’s | of dollars) ¥ ments ments . | of dollars) Combat Other Industrial | Military equipment * @®) om ®) @1) ®) 8) ®5) 6) 0) 8) 9) ®) LR OHIO—Con. C —Con, Anglaise....... 006 65 8,308 14 365 155 86 50 15,526 7.142 2,154 5.519 10,865 132 |Belmont... 62 4,628 380 856 390 191 131 27,895 15,825 4,820 106,810 12,501 5,050 Brown..... 26 2,345 89 152 100 22 1 8,323 2,937 592 051 |Butler.... 76 18,k68 u67 1.937 40 564 k6g 61,110 22,224 10,746 235,460 94,056 14,743 Carroll. 5 259 TH 172 bad 36 23 5,337 2,890 Lgy 732 5,166 Champaign. 42 5.177 109 237 114 63 36 12,796 2,650 1,641 616 13,356 117 |Clark.. 87 11,268 418 2,058 3 672 654 54,057 26,700 8,512 215,263 67.376 5,800 Clermont. . 22 762 11 270 112 08 21 10,995 b4,261 1,407 2,874 Clinton....... ..014 39 2,151 109 359 12 131 83 14,078 3.746 1,829 1,678 25 1,945 Columbiana 85 7,135 459 1,707 469 438 343 49,007 21,370 5.942 34,715 28,490 6,194 Coshocton..u....016 34 2,254 160 L21 161 122 76 15,101 7.445 1,526 13,565 9.377 Crawford... ... 46 1.513 157 410 169 91 60 23,713 9,066 2,819 11,757 58,621 56 2713 026 | Cuyahoga. . 2,287| 959.724] 7.495 hs. 7.307 14,425 16,642] 1,595,821 651,054 184,789 | 3,194,633 1,223,803 242,124 6,313 Darke..... 88 7.057 213 215 69 51 20,1271 8,000 2,98 35 Defiance... 45 L384 124 338 132 50 34 9,851 3,266 1,718 5,757 7.172 29 1,388 123 353 136 93 65 9,625 3.696 1,099 Lou 1,658 51 6,122 245 1,089 257 231 278 26,959 13,576 3.777 125,345 3.304 70,565 35 3,033 180 582 193 127 93 20,723 6.805 2,101 363 967 29 6,753 103 332 108 9k 17 9,220 1,781 1,322 65) 2,483 029 521| 165.550) 2,092] 13,337] 2,065 4,182 ,369 25re 66,564 1,994 614,866 154,658 | 30,791 uy 3,875 107 252 115 Wl 26 14,723 8.773 1,608 eu 2,279 43,692 17 1,235 65 195 75 36 20 7.238 3.312 934 J 12 ugy 61 152 66 26 20 7.321 1,898 977 78 34 6,891 97 7 0k 133 um 15,218 1,347 8,485 3.059 29,825 3 3.952 161 457 182 132 98 14,512 8,850 1,609 61 6,710 5.059 025 1,597| 673.630] 3.261] 2u,suy| 3,219 1.7% 8,476] 647.578| 176.789 83,25 Sam 413,689 188,927 4,533 62 9,uls 189 639 204 150 119 18,641 6,837 2,7 33.726 550 Lg 3.797 3 312 150 55 ko 14,009 3,970 1,801 b, 17 1,463 87 132 89 22 13 74313 3.332 1,057 42 4,992 88 230 95 39 32 9.819 5.451 1,337 33 2,309 107 331 123 mn Ls 11,253 2,289 1,559 3.581 11,206 610 11 541 68 203 67 Ly 32 3,210 - 1,137 740 21 204 92] - 192 104 30 11 5,840 3,324 77 ko 4,330 189 ky 19% 13 91 2h ,296 14,971 968 339 2,063 17 © .h8g S7 225 104 52 33 10,679 5.912 1,266 2,573 2.847 68 8,356 435 1,811 364 512 479 39.328) 22,418 5,123 14,976 26,000 9,623 25 2,767 429 159 93 67 15,038 6.232 2,230 18,621 24,699 734 24 2,715 185 851 207 198 208 24,106 13,417 4,107 75,406 16,246 20,623 055 28 2,095 129 326 133 78 63 7.347 2,907 140k 6.829 10,938 47,185 62 5,453 240 931 259 258 210 31,994 14,762 4,508 7.482 26,211 26,525 52 5,047 157 hig in 96 — 9.936 693 1,724 5,624 ‘2,002 + 38 76 9,551 496 2,156 508 555 17 65,876 41,904 11,892 77.519 81,319 2.523 124 525| 136.755) 1.897 11,384] 1,884 3.368 3,638] 254,492 74,303 43,135 899,261 175.632 71.651 7.016 28 2,118 84 185) © 93 30 22 10,346 2,068 1.227 349 2, 138 275 68,389 982 5.728 959 1,634 1,676 118,180 47.685 26,999 97.674 214,582 13,017 nn 5.292 182 Ley 190 128 2 22,7719 8,814 3,829 30,488 gl, 882 26,362 5.435 29 2,009 147 378 148 67 22,082 15,163 3,002 1,234 7.210 946 28 1,745 91 239 100 y7 28 5,836 1,851 1,285 396 76 42 3,836 127 348 139 89 Ly 19,188 9,961 2,026 1,782 61 5,596) 205 ‘715 28 165 134) 31,928 9,219 5.506 100,753 59,176 3,045 17 (1) 60 109 61 19 9 2,420 1,423 oul 033 355| 119,164) 1,628 9.781 1,617 2,928 3.167] 182,690 45,229 51,605 868,232 175,486 82,500 38,221 19 963 y1 5 24 16 4,300 2,593 421 13 9 21 : 2! 7 5 4,633 2,402 121 2,025 79 11,098 295 1,278 295 376 347 27,791 14,282 3,617 9.620 9.897 50 Hoble... 28 668 35 n 42 15 2 3.277 2,196 380 Ottava.. Wn 3.490 96 380 100 5 5 13,219 7,996 2,709 25.019 2,589 5,172 5,261 Paulding 36 3.350 75 138 72 1 5.109 2,368 850 20k * : Perry... 13 56 93 224 93 oh Ly 8,875 5,004 976 305 35 3.760 100 223 106 bub 23 11,466), 3.470 1,121 6 299 56 12 57 Ly 23 2,480 717 482 31 1,675 197 2,913 198 966 1,38 26,280 17,265 u,gu47 137,121 34,688 67.765 11,360 4 1,935 131 316 134 59 ko 11,998 5,86! 1,365 125 1,161 7 64915 108 200 118] 56 25 11,434 L,67 1,634 90 1,177 34g 1,529 354 uh 390 51,126 22,169 7.560 64,888 {17.878 3,219 6, lll 36 1,606 145 481 151 119 86 19 358 8,194 2,611 29,ugk 2.157 2,546 63 5,719 257 835 235 191 147 22,0k1 14,000 2,527 1,002 10,808 100 76 11,229 356 1,225 362 392 308 20,971 10,602 3,563 37.255 22,17 8,297 81 7.762 213 us 304 263 179 27,083 13,912 3.370 14,058 24,416 4,793 us 8,642 118 290 123 68 50 12,032 2,030 1,983 13,090 26,259 2,081 lot shown because of disclosure of operations of individual establishments. Data included in "Other" at end of State. OHIO - 88 COUNTIES IND. “ 4 FULTON ht remedy WILLIAMS SANDUSKY Pr—r—cm—- jit mt i 132 WHEELING, W.VA. 138° YOUNGSTOWN . PAU . | .~ PORTAGE LOING ' 2ENEGR | HURON . r= wmeoma - PUTNAM | | = . SE - 4 Ty I HANCOCK emp — el aL Heme Lo go r= = ~ | i : . Ya Hers. pm } WvANOOT © crawromo § | ASHLAND | €--~- Rhy r bo—omod | | .y . WAYNE Ceram b= om ey | Aven I . ' . WARE.) ol I Woanron coLuMBIANA - @Lima L cade amor d y : ws ON Ty Tea HARDIN pe MARION _ 2 N pl meme = any. = ' r : ' I e. 4 - CARROLL eg MEE I Apo re dee — . aman | - -—- MORROW . ~e=—- . " 3 8? | be=-L, I ROR hmmm TUSCARAWAS Lia of q JEFFERSON LoGaN 2 psy of a ! : ’ vd i “1 i sreveEnyILLE g . i F —_— : UNION y SELAWARE on % 4 COSHOCTON re HARRISON i bt o— } - ' Pra Ly 4 “hy dod LF DARKE i = CHAMPAIG . — aoa DIDI - . . . =e=- i T ar io a ucking . CLL WHEEL Me flgorio | @ NEWARK I : bias Lo euimony If - FRANKLIN | MUSKINGUM . oy of Lt uaiBON Yi : tT rp-L, ; ef 7 Wa £5 LL) L. ZANESVILLE k- i re fo PREBLE . MoNTaouERy : Wome ania : Fo: ; io Fad ea a 1 FAIRFIELD 5 PERRY S i i MONROE Mi Brn me ! ’ rioxaway § TI -d | HE i Ww. va es . - L. MORGAN. _ : MDE ong, me—-d FAYETTE I eg I 15.4 ¢ dnd ~~. ° ® —- ' ' . . — . r : =~ A r= Lo i WASHINGTON / Foa-I"— -4 L . Ross ; 1 ATHENS 1 r v vinton : 83. METROPOLITAN AREAS* mm i lem. CODE So 5) pon | AKRON i 1. 18 GANTON I Pm Li hums 25 GINGINNATI .: ! 7 I 4 25 CLEVELAND I I song. tobe == awn 29 coLUMBUS | AT 33 Davey . own 1 ut 2 LEGEND ’ v- of Rat 5 HAMILTON — MIDDLETOW 55 HUNTINGTON, W. VA.~ASHL AND, KY. @® PLACES OF 25,000 TO 100,000 (1940) z 117 SPRINGFIELD ; 124 TOLEDO * PLACES OF 100,000 AND OVER (1940) ASHLAND, Gs 4 - caBELL 2 QLUNTING GH METROPOLITAN AREAS &. Boyd. A 2304 cog OKLAHOMA 77 COUNTIES : i ' \ ar : ot] ) OTTAWA CIMARRON I TEXAS * BEAVER I HARPER | wooDs oH GRANT | KAY or > | g rows] CRAIG z —p fori Nh ee HH -— ' METROPOLITAN AREAS SI ”] : 3 EAE pod eed cone tq ancen § 1 i hoon = Ld H ? 83 OKLAHOMA GITY Re J era o NN 4 PITTSBURG j nme e LE FLORE 127 TULSA tend te : ool GARVIN | rontoros J" —- F-=1a | sackson iad Tomanche el | COAL J wT i - = / as uy a STEPHENS ers p-—t e go Sn ; ? - 5 — I Mpeg : bap ed | PUSHMATAHA 3 TILLMAN § baa, * ATOKA | | COTTON |= = ammo cu of Tr JOHNSTON § a CARTER t 3. 1 of x fn ws mite a———, Sp SH» ' MO CURTAIN JEFFERSON ———— MARSHALS’ i CHOCTAW S$, «> LOVE . BRYAN SAE » 4 4 \ ok 3 7 ~ : 3 : Table 3 : : ; : ; TOI omnis TABLE 3—SELECTED DATA FOR METROPOLITAN AREAS AND FOR ALL COUNTIES, : 115, Stark (07€) - i A . ; VLA, McCurtain (045) ; BY STATE—Continued a 5 : TOTAL POPULATION POPULATION—1940 EDUCATION VITAL 1940 STATISTICS ; ESTIMATED 1944 CIVILIAN Total whi POPULATION U.S Land | Pop- otal white Posen oe Ee ion ulation METROPOLITAN : ate. fufstio Papubsiiop £5 Ve Mera | MC AREAS ran| in per years old an . Aven COUNTIES Number of Percent sq. sq. over who have bore AND counties | change | miles | mi Percent |. | Rual | Rul | completed— j tin { rban 2 fi co Percent April | : of nonfarm | farm Births | Deaths Ee DES Number change 1940" | percen- 1930- | 1940 | 1940 | Number total “7 ; : Nev. | tiles) | 1940 : pu- 5 of Hi h : \ 1943” 1940- ation more Ee - i 1943 1940 grades | *¢ ’ (1) 2) 3) 4) 5) (6) om (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) ne & L 247,668 | 5.4 | 234,807 2 5.9 580 | 405.0 227,665 | 96.9 | 165,380 | 47,138 | 22,369| 91.0] 22.8] 5,089] 2,70 ! : 363,652 7.1 | 239,405 1) 7:0 413 | 821.8 325,467 | 95.9| 292,817 | 32,986 | 1s,602| 92.2| 28.9] 7,329] 3.392 5 : 136,026 2.6 | 132,315 4 7.5 630 | 210.0 128,078 | 96.8| 76,320 937,238| 18,757| 7.0 24.0] z.687] 1.308 62,949 | -8.% 68,816 10 0.9 571 | 120.5 67,882 | 98.6 | 37,401 | 18,741 12,644] 93.5] 19.6] 1.229 805 ; . 18,270 | -8.7 20,012 45 4.3 434 | 46.1 19,751 | 98.7 4,087 | 5,779] 10,096) 95.0 26.6 317 250 21,813 | -20.4 26,789 32 1.8 409 | 66.4 26,638 | 99.5| 11,887) 4,185) 10,667] 4.7| 23.2 44 271 8,709 | -24.7 11,87% 711 1a 411 | 28.2 11,549 | 99.8 5,875 6,198 90.6| 1.9 215 110 31,500 5.4 29,894 28 9.3 ws | 78.3 29,216 | 97.7 8,401 | 10,086 | 11,407] 92.4] 23.1 657 saz ig 36,487 | -16.2 43,587 16 2.6 637 | 68.3 42,573 | 97.3| 14,543] 12,435) 16,959] su.s]| 21.9 727 552 : 49,378 | -2.3 50,520 1 7.4 561 | 90.1 50,143 | 99.3] 18,797 | 16,294 17,429] 94.4] 26.9] 1,108 330 & y 23,085 | -9.6 25,510 | ow 6.9 421 | 60.6 25,506 | 100.0 9,107 5,707| 10,696] 96.0] 21.8 462 327 45,578 | -12.0 51,796 18 2.9 618 | 84.8 21,514 | 99.5| 13,263| 20,838| 17,695] 92.6] 24.5 880 543 17,134 | -10.8 19,218 48 1.0 406 | 47.5 19,213 100.0 6,891 | 3,594 8,733) w.z2| 22.7 s23 180 i ’ y o “le » . . i 1,987,941 | -16.7 | 2,486,420 -2.5 | 69,283 | 55,7 {. 2,104,228 90.1| 79,663 |w,050 | 926,741] es.z| 26.2] 46,725] 18,925 METRO. COUNTIES..| 469,709 7.4 | 437,022 6.9] 1,201 | 341.0 394,627| (90.2 | 389,310) 47,726] 20,488] v1.u| se.e| 10,632] 4,083 aw . v ici Metro. areas: Seid 083 |Oklehoms City...058| 206,509 5.1 | 244,159 10.1 709 | 344.4 220,875 | 90.5 211,016 17,636 | 15,509) 91.4 39.2] o,8%8| 2,288 J 127 |Tuls@...........072| 213,200 | 10.3 | 193,362 3.1 572 | us8.0 178,752 | 89.9 | 148,294 | 20,092| 16,977] 91.7] 88.3] 4.774| 1.88 as > ; ? OTHIH COUNTIES...| 1,518,162 | -19.6 | 1,898,912 -6.4| 68,002 | 27.9| 1,709,601 | 90.0| 520,353 | e82,506 | 896,255 | 8a.6| 20.3] s6,093| 16,862 3 7 # fe All Counts, # Adair... 13,603 | -13.7 15,705 58 6.6 569 | 27.7 11,967 | 76.0 4, 90| 10,816] zz] 11.5 316 164 ™ Alfalf 10,333 | -26.9 14,129 ez | -7.z sss | 16.0 14,126 | 100.0 2,503 | 3,689 7,887| 9s.6| 0.2 176 108 i Atoka 13,506 | -27.8 18,702 49 | z8.7 992 | 18.9 17,088 | 91.4 zoe8 | 3,599) 12,009) 72.2| 11.6 375 138 beaver 6,972 | -19.4 8,648 81 | -ze.5| 1,798] 4.8 8,647 | 100.0 2,220 6,428) 92.9] 21.1 165 58 = Beckham. ..... 18,753 | -18.4 22,169 a] -z3.8 ave | 24.7 21,814 | 98.4 8,054 | 3,472| 10,639| 88.7| 19.8 aus 167 Bletne....... 15,280 | -17.8 18,243 wl 9.3 92t | 20.0 16,274 | 87.8] ‘“z,828| «,611| 11,004] w6.9| 20.6 uu6 160 Brymn...... 30,729 | -19.4 38,138 20 | 18.2 913 | 41.8 25,090 | “92.0 10,027 | 7,719| 20,392] 0.6] 19.9 729 244 Caddo. 35,286 | -15.1 41,567 17) -18a] 1,278] 32.6 37,337 | @9.8| 5,579 | 1u,%66| 25,002] s4.¢| 17.3 9u2 316 Canadian. .... 24,604 8.9 27,329 si} -2.8 88s | 10.9 25,603 | 95.7) 10,078) 807] 11,464] w9.8] 25.0 330 229 Carter..........0l0 32,611 | -24.7 au,292 16 as weg | sz.2 37,825 | e7.4| 16,888 | 13,026| 13,360] 84.8] 28.» 737 263 ! Cherokee 16,780 | -20.2 21,050 as | 20.4 782 | 26.9 16,725 | 79.5 3,027 | 2,53| 15,460] 71.5] 11.9 449 158 Choctaw. 19,866 | -29.9 28,308 wl 17.8 784 | 36.2 22,108| 78.0 5,909 | 6,260| 16,209] 73.8] 18.5 470 19 2 . Cimarron... 3,429 | -6.2 3,604 9s | -az.4| 1,882] 2.0 8,654 | 100.0 1,606 1,998) 93.4] 23.0 97 27 Cleveland 014 30,262 9.2 27,726 uy La 547 | 0.7 27,278 | 98.4 | 11,429] 6,361 9,938] av.6| 20.0 826 381 pe Coals crsernse 8,387 | -m.5| 12,81 66 | 11.2 526 | 24.4 11,867 | 92.6 4,604 8,157] 78.0' 12.8 207 80 Eg 46,980 | 45.0 28,968 19| 12.6] 1,088] 30.8 85,879 | 92.0] 18,005| 9,884| 11,069) wes.e| 25.7] 1,808 278 10,178 | -21.0 12,684 66 | -16.6 629 | 20.p 12,389 | 96.2 4,570 8,814 @.0| 17.2 270 77 : 17,164 | -18.6 21,083 as | 16.8 764 | 27.6 19,363 | 91.8 2,685 | 5,740 9,608. ®2.9( 19.2 332 339 40,108 | -27.7 55,203 1z| -13.4 972 | 7.1 48,037 | 86.5] =22,602| 10,067 ( 22,834) el.e| 19.1 978 al Custer... 20,608 | -11.3 23,088 29 | -16.2 999 | 23.1 22,093] 95.6 9,240 | 3,%08| 10,323] @7.7| 26.2 448 198 Delaware. 12,247 | -38.6 18,592 wl 21.0 778 | 23.9 15,670 | 86.3 6,291 16,301) 76.4] wu. 290 180 ; Lewsey... 8,313 | +30.6 11,981 69 -s.6 990 | 12.1 11,688] 97.8 3,490 8,491) 88.8] 17.0 21¢ es i 21139. 0 rwe ne 8,501 | -23.2 8,468 82 | -19.7| 1,202] 6.9 8,486 | 100.0 2,922 0,546) 91.7] ‘19.8 168 er : Garfield... 49,677 | -12.8 40,480 18] -0.2| 1,09 | 42.2 e4,311| 97.6] 28,081 o,za8| 12,167] 1.9] 82.0 961 «88 5 5 Garvin. .eo... 22,996 | -x6.2 31,150 26 | -0.8 81 | 38.2 29,218] 93.8 »,106 | ©,8% | 17,210] 0.0] 16.4 631 248 liao b 2,878 | -14.0 41,116 18| -13.7| 1,092] 37.2 38,970 | 94.8] 14,101] 6,620| 20,380) @o.1]| 21.8 833 384 ke 9,688 | -26.¢ 18,128 | -7.2 999 | 13.1 13,118 | 99.9 6,59 8,03] 94.2] 28.3 164 $7 g . 12,645 | -13,1 18,500 81 | -z8.3 637 | 22.8 16,003) 96.3 4,195 2,698 7,609] 87.8] 20.4 286 7 a 7,801 | -22.1 10,019 7 | -27.8 saz | 18.8 9,80¢ | 97.8] 2,782 671 6,616] us.1| 16.2 19 68 : 8,162 | -20.0 6,406 a7 | -16.8| 1,08 6.2 6,401 | 100.0 2,708 8,749] 9u.8| 23.1 104 29 i i Haskell, 12,380 | =28.8 17,324 ve 8.8 614 | 28.2 16,800 | 94.1 6,308 11,081 73.8 2.9 882 ] EF Hughes. , 19,816 | -32.1 29,1689 29 | -3.8 810 | 36.0 86,018 | 87.4 6632 7,027| 10,830] 80.8] 16.9 260 188 k Jackson. 20,461 | -9.9 2,708 | -21.5 700 | 29.1 21,387 | 94.2 8,598 | 4,015) 10,000] 9.8} 21.9 618 198 Bo Jost. 11,130 | -26.3 18,107 60 | -18.1 780 | 20.0 18,788 | 97.9 6,630 8,677] 83,3] 16.4 276 112 B Johnston... 10,290 | -30.0 15,960 87 | 22.0 687 | 24.3 16,702 | 92.1 8,676 | 10.284] 77.2] 14.1 239 87 Key..... sa,001 | -8.9 47,084 Iv 9s | 49.9 44,922 | ou.4| 28,088] 7,876) 10.680 9u.2| s1.8 7e8 436 ‘ Kingfisher. 11,806 | -24.4 10,617 o8 | -2.1 894 | 17.5 13,708 | 87.8 3,302 | 2,480 9,765] wb.8| 22.9 216 117 EL Kiowa... 12,603 | -14.7 2% 417 a9 | -23.0| 1,082] 22.1 21,100 | 92.0 0,177 | o,769| 11,87] ae.1| 21.0 49 j6a cl Latimer. 8,547 | -32.6 12, 540 | 10.7 737] 16.8 11,028 | 93.1 6,06 6,126] 70.5] ‘1u.1 253 87 Le Flore........080 si,008 | -a1,2 4,866 15 sv] 1,07] 29.1 ax,799 | 98.3 s,000 ( 2,107 19,739] 76.7] 11.0 806 £78 4 Lineola... 20,688 | -30.0 Ly, ouy zw | -1z 975 | 30.y 26,660 | 90.3] 2,738] w,e0| 18.21) ea] 10.7 445 Bax i Logan. 8.7 “b,140 wi oui 747 | 3u.8 19,805 | 78.6| 10,018] ¢,u87| 10,560] es.9| 23.8 400 39 Lovn.. 11,838 7n| 1s. boa | 22.7 10,693 | 98.0 2,97 4,861] 78.4) 10.2 149 63 : MeCintn, 19,208 ss 11.0 uey | B44 18,569 | 96.7 sue e,uvs| 1x00] 80.6] 14.7 347 HM F Lo MeCurtnln.......0851 39,9491 -27.p 41,814 17] sew] eel zz. 20,9901 75.0 3,609 | 12,249) 20,380] 70.6] 10.8 811 276 A wi y RE 3 % bi) Table 3 4 TABLE 3—SELECTED DATA FOR METROPOLITAN AREAS AND FOR ALL COUNTIES, Part 2 - Labor Force OHIO, Stark (076) = BY STATE—Continued OVih., McCurtain (045) oro mean i LABOR FORCE—1940 . : : : Percent of Population 14 Years Old and Over Employed Workers by Industry Group Ss METROPOLITAN 1 In leading Metro. AREAS, P p pan: Business nonagri- Area COUNTIES, ee a“ bot r and cultural Code AND a od ] Con annie Whole- | personal Other In | industry . CODES Total In labor wlincte dato are Total Agri- Mining | ‘sivuc. Manufac- eAtionE. sale and | services not | 2815 force x ¢ employed || culture : turing i retail exclud- J cul- in in tion an, Late ine reported | | | Code labor Isher otjer domestic (See | Per- force orce 3 utih- ; age | cent i ties services £55) an (18) (19) (29) 1 @) 3) ® (25) (28) @n 8) 2) 0 | an | a OHIO--Con. All Counties—Con. 018 184,826 | 93,208 78.14 22.0 | 80,522 4,003 85 | 2,835 35,893 5,841 | 13,648 | 11,917 5,580 | 5.0| 17 | 27.0 001 267,259 | 139,347 19.7 24.8 | 112,556 2,269 204 | 3,569 55,013 6,448 | 19h | 17,k69 §,163| 2.0| 22 | 33.k 138 102,220 | 52,526 80.0 20.9 Nil 3,186 78 | 1,297 22,941 2,081 5,712 k,919 2,602] 7.4| 17 | 36.3 52,860 | 24,647 76.6 16.0 | 20,656 2,614 | 1,739 170 6,513 1,459 3,203 2,637 1,521 3s 16 [13.2 15,624 7,108 76.8 14.4 6,643 2,93 19 Hl 273 1,03 772 539 | uh.2 | 636 | 5.5 20,861 9,809 75.7 18.2 ee 2,906 65 ng 1,311 615 1,h28 1,272 és3 33.2 | 636 6.6 8,317 3,700 Th.4 11.9 2, 754 246 121 212 172 189 279 25k | 33.0 | 636 | 8.2 22,716 | 10,809 76.1 17.9 9,722 2,718 35 543 2,944 k20 1,176 1,12 763|28.0| 11 | 7.2 33,477 | 15,060 ™.8 15.5 | 12,558 3,818 519 Tho 1,797 658 2,017 1,80 1,205 | 30.%| G36 | 6.6 38,732 | 18,178 76.1 17.1 | 16,894 4,910 212 4 3,803 1,081 2,550 2,333 1,300 (29.1 (636 | 7. 19,956 9,498 76.6 17.8 §,810 2,96 23 363 1,646 787 1,29% 1,088 683 31 23 | 5.3 39,71 18,933 76.3 17.9 16,007 4,292 29 13% 3,261 1,311 2,304 2,225 1,660 .8| 16 9.2 1k4,78 1,0 7.9 15.7 6,378 2,600 160 33% Idd 369 919 756 W62 | 40.8 | 636 | 5.8 OKLAHOMA......| 1,703,553 | 804,582 75.3 18.6 | 658,739 || 28,13 [35,009 | 26,858 50,758 33,362 | 113,583 | 114,388 66,651 | 33.1636 | 7.9 METRO. COUNTIES..| 340,552 | 182,562 79.0 30.0 | 156,832 6,825 | 9,823 | 8,548 21,b38 | 11,82 38,9% | 38,259 | 21,137] 4. Metro areas: 7 X : 083 189,944 | 102,050 18.5 3.8 | 86,780 3.423 | 3,739 4,580 10,436 6,757 | 22,709 22,33 | 12,83 i 127 150,608 | 80,512 79.7 29.0 | 70,052 3,402 | 6,084 3,968 11,002 5,105 | 16,231 15,956 8,30! .9 1,363,001 | 622,020 Tb 15.6 | 501,907 || 211,305 | 25,186 | 18,310 29,30 | 22,500 74,643 | 76,129| u5,514|h2.1 10,655 | 4,391 | T1.1 8.8 , 461 2,159 3 80 218 11 324 202 20k | 62.4 | 636 33 10,577 4,710 139 13.5 ,285 2,181 1h 333 50 155 610 653 289 | 50.9 | 636 fig 12,383 5.552 76.2 9.8 b,547 2,914 70° 103 267 1h6 372 395 280 | 64.1 [63€ | 5.1 6,283 3,032 78.7 1k.2 2,616 1,789 [51 29 88 208 298 143 | 68.1 636 | 7.8 16,199 7.69% 76.6 18.0 6,206 2,766 28 180 289 234 1,179 1,093 437 | 44.6 | 636 7.9 1319 6,104 76.3 14.3 5,098 2,635 . 38 1hY 211 i 13% 709 679 481 [51.7 (636 | 6.7 26,761 | 12,1% 2.8 13.8 9,k7h 4,925 109 337 310 298 1,392 1,471 632 | 52.0 | 036 | 8.1 28,987 | 12,928 74.6 13.0 | 10,395 5,848 | 267 |- 277 ao 237 1,43 1,370 673 [56.36% | 6.8 20,533 9,109 69.0 16.1 7,54 2,989 18 oe 770 1,103 1,003 950 139.6] 23 | 7.8 3,75 14,628 75.3 17.4 11,M5 3,163 | 1,175 518 597 2,200 2,132 1,190 | 27.7 3 |10.2 14,125 5,910 7.3 | 10.8 4,599 2,849 1% 128 296 91 »H2 566 3]61.9 (63 | 8.2 19,372 8, 80k 76.3 13.6 6,633 3,922 16 143 32 260 736 Tk 159.163 | 6.2 2,694 1,345 80.3 13.7 128 687 1 53 10 kg 154 176 96 |55.8|63% | 7.0 21,395 8,922 64.8 18.8 1. 2,433 108 211 % 322 1,191 2,138 761 | 32.6 | G36 |17.2 8,764 ¥,130 19.5 12.3 3,14 | 2,099 76 n 68 294 298 187 | 66.8 | 636 | 5.6 29,37 | 16,451 83.1 22.2 | 13,738 2,608 103 533 Wo u50 1,98 1,867 5,779 19.0 | 37 | 36.9 9,235 4,136 15.6 12.5 3,178 1,854 u7 1 66 397 378 230 |58.31636 | 6.9 15,885 6,508 | 65.3 14.1 , 719 2,556 65 470 147 206 801 988 b4.7 (636 |10.h 39,957 | 18,159 73.8 16.7 | 1k,392 3,961 | 2,149 352 1,542 8u5 2,254 2,187 1,102127.5| 3 [1h.9 16,989 1,7% 73.8 17.4 | 6,5T% 2,678 15 279 264 266 1,303 1,315 45h | 40.7 | 63% |10.8 12,832 5,710 75.1 9.5 ,598 2,808 18 395 293 78 I ’ 293|61.1 (636 | 5.5 8,uU87 3,89 76.7 12.1 3,382 2,160 7 a 12 9 3% 195 | 63.9 | 636 | 6.2 6,300 2,912 76.5 13.5 2,575 1,573 6 73 339 287. 158 | b1.1|@36 | 5.8 35,126 | 16,797 75-1 22.5 | 14,74 Si 263 68k 1,538 1,137 21566 3,068 1,34) 21.5(036 | 9.0 21,966 9,965 75.8 1.9 8,059 W493 83 2k2 19% 320 1,17 1,029 581 | 55.8 | G36 | 6.2 29,539 | 14,080 76.4 18.2 | 11,172 5,339 19 269 583 ugh 1,85 1,718 835 | 47.8 @36 | 7.6 9.972 4,737 78.4% 14.6 1, u2k 2,751 22 14 8 12 521 502 290 | 62.2 | 636 | 6.0 10,861 4,514 65.3 14.1 3,581 1,83 10 3 123 109 523 577 313|51.7|63% | 9.0 7.19% 3,255 75.8 13.5 2,500 1,456 1 93 hy 59 288 360 200 | 58.2 | 636 | 8.1 4,695 2,338 80.5 15.4 2,017 1,111 1 19 32 62 282 261 143 (55.1 | 636 | 6.6 1,832 | 8,952 | Tea] 10.3 3.58 (| 2m 87 58 56 57 310 ny 186 | 69.0 [ 636 | 6.1° 20, 324 9,017 4.6 12.7 7.125 3,679 339 181 180 221 [158 1,086 498 | 51.6 | G36 1-1 16,886 7,84 76.1 16.4 5,953 2,502 3 182 292 1,171 1,0 438 | 42.0 | 636 | 7.6 10,599 4,830 75-1 13.7 3,730 2,085 38 97 2 151 501 % 271 5.9 636 23 10,922 4,834 75.5 10.8 3,559 2,329 17 9k 1 82 354 188 65.8 | 636 | 7. 35,694 | 16,796 75.6 19.1 | 14,663 2,846 n3 722 2,994 172 2,61 2,675 1,328 19.4 | 14 [12.6 11,3 5,312 75.4 16.4 | 4,591 2,587 17 134 19 9 6 597 3|56.3|636 | 7.1 16,471 1,650 76.3 16.3 5,800 2,19 103 153 166 20 1,058 8% 501 | 86.9 (636 | 7.% 8,523. 3,847 15.1 15.6 2,496 1,199 67 7 a3 58 282 147 | 48.0 | 636 | 14.8 31,032 | 13,447 74.3 10.8 9,528 4,595 385 294 987 507 1,011 1,123 626 | 48.2 | 636 - &.9 21,144 9,384 74.6 12, 7,756 4,43 269 193 209 228 972 959 495 157.1 (636 | 6.% 18,737 8,652 78.0 18.6 6,978 2,718 221 265 408 349 1 1,198 686 | 39.0 | 636 | 9.0 7.821 3,530 11:1 8.8 2,642 1,803 § 62 2 63 3 28h 142 | 68.2636 | 6.6 13,227 | - 5,957 17.2 1.4 4,905 3,070 38 142 69: 158 571 543 3k 62,6 636 | 6.0 27,710 | 12,7131 11:2 12.7 | 10,207 5,465 15 202 1,768 189 860 1,005 703153.5! 9 113.0 TSG O—4T—21 8 Table § Part 3 - Housing TABLE 3—SELECTED DATA FOR METROPOLITAN AREAS AND FOR ALL COUNTIES, OHIO, Stark (076) - . 10 Sr L000) Tos BY STATE—Continued = HOUSING—1940 ; ; ; ; ; ; Nonfarm Rural Farm All Dwelling Units Occupied Dwelling Units Dwelling Units Dwelling Units wh METROPOLITAN i Metro. AREAS, oe Area COUNTIES, Zeid P P P Median P Plones Code AND Residential Percent | Percent Per- | TeTCM | number er- CODES Strucires in 5 or | wi Perccat al, i of Avge Gr Percent| Jan. 1, more | private | wit mechan- monthly wi with 1945 Number family | bathtub sheetie Number yung el poo Number pi Number run- | electric Tr | ve [os ped | 8. | tr ig | hold water a) oY 0s) 09 on on om | ww @ @ « “0 @ | we «n OHIO—Con, Counties—Con, 012 [Stark.sssevenss076 544534 63,471 3.9 73.0 95.3 62,183 | 54.7 575 3.32 58,152 | 28.59 5,319 | 40.8 7549 44,796 001 79,585 93,994 442 75.7 97.6 91,561 | 52,9 62,8 3.32 90,805 | 27.62 3,189 50.4| 88.5f 68,352 138 30,519 34,187 1.5 58,0 93,1 33,752 | 57.4 51.5 3.93 29,649] 25,9 4,538] 33.9( 78.1} 20,702 Tuscarawa 18,066 19,263 0.5 53.0 86,7 18,925 | 50.8 41.8 3.24 16,0 16.57 3,17 | 29.5] 51.0 7,452 Union... 5,743 5,938 0.1 27.5 83.6 5,757 | 63.7 30.8 3,01 3,15 15.17 2,781 U.6| 74.8 2,222 Van Wert,......,081 7,530 7,886 0.6 33.1 83.8 7,%7| 59.9 35,7 3.05 4,951] 18.95 2,935| 15.1| 62.5 3,466 Vinton., 3,055 3,141 10.8 38.4 2,956 | 62,2 U.l 3.44 1,518 10.37 1,623] ° 4.7 17.1 361 Warren..... 7,903 8,706 0.8 26,5 77.5 8,205 | 52.7 41.2 3.15 5,508 | 18,82 3,108| 19.0( 58.8 3,409 Washington... ...,0 12,031 12,701 045 40.1 61,6 12,116 | 60.7 33.0 3. 8,310 16,70 4,301 11.8] 21.2 5,241 WayNOeusiueseses0BS 12,730 13,779 065 53.0 87.3 13,497 | 61.8 43.1 3.26 9,611 21,48 4,168 | 37.5 72.6 8,194 Williams +4086 7,658 7,979 0.1 42.5 83,9 7,662 | soe 34.4 2.94 4,920 17.20 3,059 | 25.8 64.1 3,110 Wood.... +4087 14,365 14,086 0.1 39.7 88,5 14,581 | 60.1 40,8 3.17 10,166 19,47 4,820 | 25.7 75.8 5,314 Myandot.........088 5,442 5,595 Ook 39,8 75.6 5,430 | 61.6 32.1 3.12 3,231 18,17 2,364 | 20,1 53.4 2,836 OKLAHOMA.....o| 590,434 647,485 3.4 34.5 55.1 610,481 | 42.8 30,9 3.33 415,47 | 16.47) 232,008] 80 | 14.4] 220,95 W¥ETRO, COUTIES,, 106,299 133,882 10,1 63.4 88,0 124,59 | 40.5 52.8 3.04 125,975 25.37 7,907 | 24.0 35.2 86,121 Metro areas: . 083 | Oklahoma City...055 58,930 76,025 10.4 63,0 88,2 69,951 | 39.1 55.1 3.01 71,853 | 24.75 4,172 25.0] 35.0] 45,433 127 | Tulsaiiseeees.s 072 47,360 57,857 9.6 63.8 87.7 54,645 | 42.2 49.0 3,07 54,122 | 26,08 3,735| 23.0] 35.4] 40,688 OTHER COUNTIES...| 484,135 513,603 1.6 25.9 46.5 485,885 | 43.4 25.24 3.42 289,502 | 12,60] 224,200| 7.3) 13.7] 134,835 . . All Counties: , Mair,.iiiiiaee.,001 3,600 3,709 Oud 6.7 19.5 3,652 | 50,7 9.1 3.89 1,293 6,95 2,416 2,5 2,6 257 4,026 4,192 048 2.5 hg. 5 3,062 | 54.9 28,5 3.13 1,908 | 11,83 2,284 | 15.7] 45.9 2,221 4,399 4,473 0.1 9,1 16.6 4,417] 33.0 9.7 3.81 1,69 7.81 2,777 0.6 1.6 261 2,692 2,70 15.0 37.6 2,352 | 53.6 18,1 1.7 718 8.88 2,022 | 22,6| 24.6 620 6,205 6,634 1.4 26,9 49.1 6,075 | 39.0 23.9 3.25 3,501 11,51 3,133 5.3 15.3 1,813 4,920 5,132 0d 19,0 46.5 4,847 | 47.7 23.3 3.41 2,163 | 11,36 2,969 | 10,7| 25.1 1,829 Bryan, 8,87 9,637 1.3 15.7 35.1 9,347 | 34.5 17.7 3.63 5,006 12,63 4,631 2,5 3.3 1,550 . Caddo, .. 10,553 11,015 11 21.1 39.6 10,483 | 39.2 18,1 3.50 4,822 | 11.59 6,193 | 7.0] 13.2 3,40 Canadian 6,018 7,378 2.2 37.7 67.0 7,003 | 48.4 34.2 3.29 4,286 | 18,66 3,092) 11.7| 37.0 3,269 Carter. iusssess010| 10,880 11,784 1.7 33.1 53.9 11,235 | 38.1 35.2 3.39 8,698 | 13,06 3,081 8.4 7.6 3,327 Cherokee, ..s...011 4,966 5,119 0.7 9.0 18.0 4,926 | 46.9 9.1 3.79 1,588 | 11,02 3,5 2.2 2.4 436 6,824 7,275 1.2 11,0 24,2 6,992 | 37.9 12,8 3.59 3,527 7.80 3,748 1.4 1.9 99 1,294 1,304 17.3 41.2 1,010 | 50.6 17.8 3.19 57 9.78 731 | 22,6 16,2 203 6,494 7,234 3.4 47.5 66.7 6,823 | 44.1 42,3 3.29 4,730 23,11 3,504 13.5 24.6 3,086 3,005 3,166 | | 0.4 6.6 23.5 3,125 | 43.4 12.0 3.69 1,35 5.48 1,816 1,2 5.7 245 vee244016 8,99 10,177 4.0 34.8 62,6 9,237 | 46.4 35.7 3.27 7,25 16,38 2,921 7.4 17.3 5,674 «4017 3,584 3,699 067 18,1 38.7 3,37 | 42.2 18,2 3.43 1,393 9.25 2,306 5.6 17.6 647 +4018) 4,590 5,058 1.9 17.9 42,2 4,871 | 46.9 19.1 3.33 2,651 | 13,38 2,407| 2.6] 10.5 1,050 +4019] 1,413 15,239 2,7 30.3 52.5 14,562 | 42.3 34.1 3.34 9,827 10.25 5,412 | 20,6 17.0 3,815 CUBLOTr, case se0e020 6,028 6,548 2.0 29.6 53.6 6,001 | 48.0 27,9 3a 3,725 15,08 2,823 6.9 19.6 2,851 jd Delaware.......,021 4,771 4,024 449 13.6 4,500 | 52,7 5.6 3.69 1,300 7.66 324 | 3.8 4.5 165 02. 3,375 3,472 9.1 40.3 3,185 | 50.7 13.2 3.39 1,137 8,51 2515 5.8 2.6 991 2,531 2,587 0.7 20,3 4h3 2,382 | 58.6 16.2 3.25 970 | 10.04 1,617] 17.9] 22.1 86 12,336 13,700 3.5 52,8 78.6 12,944 | 51.8 Lh 3 3.03 10,498 18,18 3,202 | 19.3 39.8 7,720 Garvin. .seseeees025 7,609 8,0% 062 18.8 37.1 7,12 1536,7 19,3 3.57 3,924 11.16 4,112 4.6 8,3 1,417 Orady.eseeseess 026 10,404 11,290 1.9 27.7 49.4 10,757 | 39.9 20.4 3.39 6,215 13.05 5,075 7.3 13.1 3,383 3,948 4,011 Vel 22.4 57.5 3,815 | 54.3 29,2 3.10 1,535 11,30 2,476 | 12,0 39.1 2,308 4,139 4,403 0.7 24.3 45.2 3,776 | 37.8 22,8 3.30 1,972 10,25 2,431 6.6 13.4 1,101 2,858 2,980 17.9 7.2 2,572 | 38.3 23.0 3.49 1,005 10.89 1,975 443 16.3 699 1,921 1,985 0% L.1 45.0 1,74 | 52.5 18.4 3.25 soe 11,22 1,177 | 10.1 2441 607 3,942 4,043 Tih 17.7 3,07 | 36.8 12,0 3.94 1,622 6.21 2,421 | 0.6 1.1 425 6,088 7,297 1.3 22.5 34.8 7,005 | 36,5 22,2 3.74 3,833 10.70 3,464 3.3 5.8 1,177 6,262 6,695 1.8 25.9 52,7 6,159 | 38.4 28,1 3.32 3,669 11,28 3,026 5.9 19,8 2,023 3,912 4,079 Ook 17.6 36.4 3,837 | 40.6 19.8 3,51 1,023 9.18 2,156 8,5 10.7 6356 Johnaton.seeesss03% 3,853 3,997 08 6.3 22.7 3,878 | 40,1 10.4 3.69 1,608 6.32 2,392 2,8 4.3 266 KaYiavesseansee 036 12,914 13,854 2,0 55.2 7%.5 13,218 | 46.0 39.3 1 10,784 18,03 3,070 | 15.0 35.5 7,191 Kingfisher...... 4,425 4,584 0.9 24,0 55.1 4,220 | 50.7 37.0 3.28 1,837 13.51 2,747 | 12.9 36.4 1,7%6 Kiowa ,uoseeessss038 6,545 6,971 1.1 23.7 47.6 6,191 | 41.4 25.9 3.34 3,364 11,30 3,607 6.8 18,9 2,028 3,012 3,109 043 7.1 22,3 2,981 | 50,2 10.7 3.75 1,713 6.43 1,39 14 2.9 219 10,855 11,34 063 8.3 23,6 10,949 | 39.6 12,5 3m 6,894 6.53 4,420 1.3 2.6 1,109 8,027 8,173 0,1 19,0 35.1 7,707 | 43.2 18.8 3.36 3,455 9.21 4,718 5.1 7.6 2,065 7,301 7,662 1,0 32.9 50.4 7,045 | 46.3 29,7 3.13 4,660 14.05 3,002 9.5 13.6 2,447 2,723 2,832 10,0 25,1 2,772 | 36.1 1 3.7% 880 8.71 1,95] 3.9 9.3 300 4,657 4,820 0ek 11.7 35.1 4,646 | 37.0 15.5 3.78 1,984 10.97 2,836 3.9 13.0 869 9,779 10,062 0.5 7.0 17.8 9,754 | 37.1 10,6 | 3.80 4y345 6.69 5,717 1.2 1.3 «621 308 TABLE 3—SELECTED DATA FOR METROPOLITAN AREAS AND FOR ALL COUNTIES, : BY STATE—Continued Table 3 Part 4 - Agriculture GHIO, Stark (076) - (Figures which have been rounded to thousands will not necessarily add to totals) CKLA., McCurtain (045) Sibu AGRICULTURE—1945 AGRICULTURE—1940 Value of farm products sold, | Principal Per- tarde of Work power traded, or used by source of Per om Property farm household farm income Tope METROPOLITAN ; cent | pre Percent from— ( 9 Rul Metro. AREAS, Number of | Land in | Cropland | Number | of | ih arming-| | Area COUNTIES, farms farms | harvested | of farms | farms | je A Number L areal Code AND (1000's | (1000's oper- | of Total yerel, i of Abin 93 code living CODES Jan. 1, of of Apl 1, | ated | oq. (1000" 38 | horses | Number (1000's sao Code | po. | (See index 1945 acres) acres) fod0 by s| Per | andfor of a (See 423 ucts farm of live- | C cent | P ten | Jess | 4 ollars) | (dol mules | tractors dollars) re Tops | p422) ants | than ) fore: 3 a $400 mo. old) Pra “8 “@) Go) GH 2) G3) G4) G5) 6) [2] 8) 9) (69) ([Q)] ©) 3) (QO) OHIO—Con. - Counties—Con, 018 4,369 267 145 b,707 | 18.3 | W.7 33,575] 7,133 7.395 1,569 5,062 S1.1 30.4 2) 21.8 ugk | 133 001 2,881 128 55 2,986 | 20.8] 56.9 21,842] 7,315 3,132 998 2,982| 38.8) huh 8| 23.5 Eu 135 138 4,450 298 107 4,053 | 13.8 B5.5| 21,303] 5.256 6,297 1,283 3,547 58.M| 21.6 2] 37.2 ben | 125 3,007 . 285 96 2,832 16.6| 37.1 14,767] 5,21h 5,537 562 2,7%4| 60.9] 16.9 2] 31.0 625 116 2,242 267 159 2,332 | 28.5| 16.6 21,135) 9,063 5, lh) 1,160 3,699] 75.8] 14.7 1] 39.9 561] 121 2,169 5 196 2,312 | 37.3 9.9 26,196 (11,084 5,269 1,403 4,612 36.0 56.3 5| 54.2 561] 125 3.203 1h 24 1,306 | 18.1 68.1 2,858] 2,188 1,770 110 532] 50.7] 11.8 o| 36.5 625| 93 2,33 238 17 2,59 | 31.6] 26.1 -22,595( 9,189 5,534 1,089 3,292| 64.5 23.8 1] 36.3 551 118 3,110 310 n 3,836 | 18.9] 55.9| 12,990| 3,386 5,302 394 2,108| ho.k| 22.0 o| 28.2 f25| 108 3,465 330 193 3,776 | 27.8] 18.3| 31,491( 8,340 9,264 1,406 6,648| 59.8] 27.h 5| 23.3 uk| 125 2,200 259 162 2,384 | 36.1 8.3| 20,155 8,54 5,520 1,399 3.728 67.3 19.9 1] 33.7 5€1| 128 3,202 3 295 3,h06| 38.0| 10.9) 39,175/|11,502 6.372 2,623 6,663] 39.5] 52.4 5| Bb. 561| 128 1,769 2! 163 1,010] 34.9 9.6] 18,950| 9,921 4,676 1,016 3,667] 0.3] 28.7 1] 33.0 561 123 OKLAHOMA. ..... 164,790 | 36,162 | 14,088 | 179,687 | S¢.B| 36.211,018,166| 5,666] 4o1,838| M45,369| 176,766| 38.8] M3.6 5| Bh 91 METRO. COUNTIES. . 7.443 653 253 6,113 | ®6.1| 52.1 42,321] 6,923 11,711 1,123 5,394 50.2 34.1 Metro areas: 3 083 |Oklahoma City...055 3,901 330 ny 3,h24 | 42.6) 55.8| 24,626] 7,192 5,881 570 2,735| 50.8 32.0 2| 27.2 327 [Pododeecsereenes 072 3,542 324 137 2,689 | 50.6] B7.M 17,695 6,581 5,830 553 2,659 49.5 36.2 2| 27.5 157,347 | 35.508 | 13,835 | 173,57#| S4.7| 36.3 975.845] 5.6221. 4go,127| Wh,2u6| 171,372 38.4| 3.9 2,130 178 47 1,704 | 43.3] 72.9 3,227| 1,894 3,970 34 602| 37.7| 16.1 of kh.g 116 1,87 502 “341 2,012 | 39.2] 11.1] 29,302|1k4,56k 3.457 1,kg2 5,471 | 28.8 6h.8 5| 64.5 34h) 122 1,791 325 56 2,069 | 67.1] 54.6 i k21| 2,137 6,984 Nel 1,147 ft 25.2 0 5-1 632 1,447 1,079 460 1,659 | 38.%| 25.0 14,776] 8,907 3,702 1,165 2,263 8.4) k1.8 5| M.7 331 112 2,169 536 262 2,uok | 5.3 21.2] 13,031) 5,376 £8,147 592 2,565| 34.6) 47.6 s| 87.1] TM| 99 1,935 558 285 2,160 | 45.7] 15.2 21,466] 9,938 h,893 1,175 3,366 34.7 53.3 5) 53.2 331| 106 Sir Leu 168 puie 66.5| 38.0] 11,505 3,276] 11,1kh 270 2,527] « 26.8] MW6.h 5| 43.0 T12| 716 373 818 398 L425 | 59.3| 20.0| 28,848) 6,519] 13,722 1.33 8,775] 34%] 50.5 5| 49.6 m| 9s 2,3 22 297 2,u36 | 46.1] 20.0 27,715111,377 6,778 1, 3,326 4g.6 39.7 5| 39.0 34k | 112 2,290 3 7 2,517 | 57.7 47.8 9,412] 3,759 1,115 9 1,697 43.5 25.6 0| 30.5 2k5 89 2,470 229 64 2,507 | 50.8| 58.6 4,956 1,977 6,719 61 1,068 | 37.9] 24.1 of 36.7 16| 55 2, 328 - 3.082] 63.8) 60.1 5,431] 1,785 8,103 55 1,440 | 22.6) 34.6 of ¥2.6 ne| s9 560 1,035 605 | ¥2.6| 35.5 6,898(11,402 1,263 543 832 W.6| 50.9 5| 50.9 331| 108 1,915 100 2,061 | 52.6 a1 11,417] 5,540 5,555 392 1,715 41.0 36.1 5| 33. 172 94 1,156 253 50 1,558 | 61.8) #8.6 3.854] 2,h7h 5,450 64 1,017| 47.8 28.5 1f 37.1 632) 13 Comanche. ..... ..016 1,918 526 192 2,039 | s2.u| 27.4] 14,572] 7,147 6,423 7s 2,273 69.9] 16.6 1| 39.9, ml 90 ve 1,368 i 202 5 56.2 29.3 11,346] 7,348 4,296 37 1,288 55.5 27.9 1{ 29.7 771| 104 1,985 30 165 2,156 | 45.7| 41.0 11,861| 5,501 8,214 514 2,102 62.6 20.0 1] 83.7 62% 80 2,792 Lek ul 3,156] £7.0| M4.3 8,151| 2,583 8,507 165 1,844 | 23.9 39.3 5| 36.8 772| 88 2,222 [30 343 2,290 | *h3.9| 12.8 20,948| 9,18 6,6u3 1,248 3,850 38.2 48.5 5| ks.2 331| 110 2,352 10 T 2,683 | 38.1| 61.6 7.525] 2,805 6,667 179 1,230 45.9 15. 0] 37.6 116 69 1,569 ou 236 | -1,931| b5.0| 21.9 13,h1b| 6,947 6.067 819 2,367( 35.k Woh 5 ine 331] 99 1,347 748 253 1,463 | 38.7] 22.0| 11,078] 7.677( &,237 685 2,314 | 51.6] 36.7 1:37.31 3911 1) 2,634 655 425 2,900 | 4.1] 13.4 41,113 14,177 4,320 2,147 6,262 25.7 67.3 5| 66.9 34k | 126 3,150 us 180 3,125 63.4) 29.3| 14,786] 4,732| 10,111 554 2,840| 30.5( 48.9 5| 43.3 172 3,531 666 8 3,827 | 56.3] 27.0] 23,144) 5,954 12,812 960 3,996 41.9] k2.5 5] 39.8 71 89 1,934 606 416 2,250 | 44.2] 10.3 35,211 [15,649 3,910 1,955 6,025 24.2 69.8 5 69.7 34 | 128 1,479 386 183 1,674 | 53.8] 17.6 11,145 6,658 k, 701 bug 1,974 27.9 54.2 51 53.7 771| 106 1,196 320 1% 1,248 | 48.6] 1k.9 8,082 | £,476 3,791 Lugs 1,299 22.4 57.3 5] 56.7 T7| 10% 170 513 22 qus | 37.5] 30.6 9,142] 9,674 3,149 582 1,221 69.6] 20.3 1] 53.7 331| 107 1,867 2u3 69 1,866 | 68.0] 38.3 3,720 1,994 5.677 56 1,231 27.4] 40.6 5 34.8 nil n 2,259 55 pi 2,740 | 68.0| 11.0 7,969] 2,908 8,246 88 1,680( 33.5] 36.7 5] 33.4 772) '79 1,842 Lad 2,048 | 49.1 13.1 17,476 | 8,533 4,989 1,068 2,401 31.8) BN.0 5| 53.7 771 106 1,422 ues 122 1,59 | f1.3]| 2h.7 11,040] 6,925 6,084 219 2,215 63.2 24.8 1{ 51.5 245 95 1,187 3271 4g 1,736 | 62.6) 51.3 7.862 4,529 5.765 9 1,uu4( shg| 2.8 1| 43.0 2u5| 73 2,485 565 331 2,663 | 51.6] 21.2| 30,199/11,3%0 5.613 1,607 4,370] 36.6] 55.3 5] 53.7 34 1k 2,106 564 345 2,292 45.9| 15.0 27,165/11,852 3,631 1,502 3,862 31.7] 58.3 5| 58.0 34 116 2no3 621 355 2,602 | s4.1| 22.4 23,188] 8,912 4g 1,558 3,228 ih 49.9 5 b9.7 771| 105 1,22 148 22 1,192 | 51.0] 66.5 1,874] 1,572 3,246 8 519 6.7] 12.4 o| ¥o.7 632| 66 3,554 3B 88 3,927 57.8] 55.1 6,529] 1,663 9,854 67 1,974 25.2 36s 7 0} 37.9 73 63 3,265 2 150 3,862 | 57.1] 39.2| 13,914) 3,603| 10,134 ugg 2,470| 39.3] 36.4 5] 30.6 m2| 92 2,191 39 184 2,316 | 53.7( 35.1 15,100] 6,520 L421 783 2,268 35.8 49.0 5| 42.1 772| 102 8 220 29 1k | 66.1] 37.0 5,556 | 3.929 +580 160 1,066 37.1 35.7 5| 30.9 2us 81 2.031 3 2,266 | 61.5] 17.9| 12,887] 5,687 6,851 521 2,627 32.1] +mL.3 5 Lg.6 772| 84 3,62 311 7 4,427] 57.9| 62.8 6,560] 1,482] 11,0u9 ko 1,952] 23a] kb o| ¥1.0 na2| sg 309 mies TABLE 3—SELECTED DATA FOR METROPOLITAN AREAS AND FOR ALL COUNTIES, t - . any BY STATE—Continued OHIO, Stark (076) OKLA., McCurtain (045) (All dollar figures have been rounded to thousands and will not necessarily add to totals) MANUFACTURING ESTABLISHMENTS—1939 MINERAL INDUSTRIES—1939 RETAIL ESTABLISHMENTS—1939 NE ROroLTAN Metro. > . + Area COUNTIES, Value added Ww d Employees Code AND Wage Wages Vis of by manufac- Valent Node en Number of dee f average Cu roll CODES AMES | (1000's of fo uc ture Se (1000's of et ( s o or sof (average dollars) ( s of (1000's of (1000s of | persons s of stor dollars) ) dollars) for year) dollars) dollars) dollars) | engaged | dollars) year (66) 7) 48) [CO ao) 1) @2) ® 4) (16) an QHIO=-Con All Counties—Con, 018 28,898 42,117 224,71 107,931 1,784 571 672 ,077 86,910 9,541 9,185 001 40,155 65,505 Soe 66,566 366 66 112 1162 131,173 1h, h25| 15,693 138 19,21 2.81 1% ue $9.40 (2) (*) {3) 4 1,58 =u hie) $s +558 »502 +55 571 2,581 1,329 1,3 1,047 » » , : 4 (*) 5 3 a 42 16 7 288 5,810 55. 465 608 ol ,010 1,496 (*) ) y 340 7,166) 816) 605 161 () ! a1 (t) 258 166 124 in 1,206) 63 38 1,546 1,617 11,59 5,126 » (*) (2) 399 7,315 701 515 791 798 484 2,181 219 123 102 551 10,274 1,179 943 2, 2,945 18,313 7.386 163 56 60 748 16,188 1,544 1,401 A 1,249 £33 3,209 *) (3) (2) hel 8,103] 775) 583 2,861 3,84 25,970 15,207 289 96 114 856 12,459 1,113 896 536 559 3,070 1,732 390 1m 169 295 5,645 551, 439 3992 99 6,508 2,541 1,860 581 636 OKLAHOMA. ..... 28,114 30,465 312,168 103,118 32,101 €,200 10,094 28,722 513,091 59,984 48,953 METRO. COUNTIES. . 12, 49Y] 14,305 139,019) 51,845 4,545 870 1,330 5,975 169,919 22,194 21,137 Metro areas: 083 | Oklahoma City...055 6,107, 6,677 68,533 25,435 4,159 507] £29 3,284 95,65 12,613 12,11 127 6,387 7,628] 70,1486 26,410 386 363] 13 2,691 74,274 9,581 9,02 15,620 16,160 173,149) 51,273 27,556 7.330) &,764 22,747 343,172 37.794 27,816 39 16 54 2 139 1,036 123] 63 13 10 150 & ) (1) 2) 189 2,498 24g 178 85 by 229 138 (2) (2) 2 168 1,636 168 99 ¢} (*) {2} (*) (2) (2) (2) 98 969 82 55 162 137, 1,926 509 *) (+) 2) 342 5,035 596 391 Blaine 16M 170 1,706 952 206 70 n 250 3,583 393 24% Bryan. 112 gg 1,03 384 359 5,895 553 419 Caddo... 192 ay 2) (1) 501 6,999 752 467 Cenadian 197 220 5,420 1,431 339 6,125 716 505 Carter 238 22h 3,526 93 243 68 17 570 8,71 1,061 885 Cherokee. . , 10 {2) *) *) RY (*) (2) 184 1,880 180 121 Choctaw. . .012 124 88 1,010 281 233 2,917 301 202 Cimarron. . .01 71 830 76 58 Cleveland. y 67 52 426 249 315 5,598 731 519 10 5 33 23 61 59 43 119 1,k%21 160 99 164 149 1,941 624 ©) {2} (*) 466 9,69 1,108 845 32 28 358 95 145 2,591 283 192 33 29 211 129 19 16 9 228 3,724 367 2713 1,000 1,102 13,212 2,227 1,825 327 542 719 10,504 1,25 902 143 132 1,43 Usk 1) (1) (2) 349 5,5 651 169 (2) (1) (*) (1) (2) () (*) 158 2,1 2 9 (2) (1) ) {*) 3) *) *) 182 Wi i 3 (*) (2) (*) () 2 128 1,681 158 101 921 917 19,610 1,470 ) *) ) 627 16,995 2,138] 1,723 52 3h y72 204 hy 4 hg 4g 316 212| 193 2,430 674 513 7.85% 9 697 & ” by A 38 ® 6 (*) (2) (*) 2 gles > i 7 3 12 20 2,710 202 22 (*) *) ¢) (1) (2) ) 3 a i51 101 7 7 119 28 103 1,039 136 58 29 19 51 42 121 63 65 142 1,611 136 115 32 20 17h 99 132 3% i 268 ,988 L459 319 TLE 2 = iE = = ; i 2,051 20 1 28 (2) H *) {*) *) *) 153 pet 12 70 1,789 2,670 28,426 467 *) *) *) 65 13,7 1,51) 1,2 n (*) (1) A 2 i : ee ti 340 a 88 50 800 146 *) *} (2) 309 Jig 526 324 52 27 174 64 18 17 10 118 1,13 111 ol 509 339 1,510 45. 578 552 316 oz 4,689 478 284 106 93 181 336 : 163 ko 60 8 ,629 219 139 nl 2,406 L5H oO *) *) he 252 = 509 (1) 2) *) (2) 118 998 78 hy 31 26 254 79 22) 2,056 219 120 1,183 806 2,506 1,680 320 3,461 357 222 Not shown because of disclosure of operations of individual establishments: Data included in Combined Counties at end of State. ures are not shown separately because of disclosure of operations of individual establishments. 310 £Includes all counties where fig- SIncludes all establishments and wage earners -of counties for which wages and value data were withheld to avoid disclosure. The "Combined Counties" figure for number of establishments is excluded from the State total, since this item was shown for every county. Whenever data on wage earners have been withheld, that portion of the "Combined Counties" figure represented by such data is included in the'cor- responding State total. TABLE 3—SELECTED DATA FOR METROPOLITAN AREAS AND FOR ALL COUNTIES, BY STATE—Continued (A11 dollar figures have been rounded to thousands and will not necessarily add to totals) Table 8 Part 6 - Other Economic Data OHIO, Stark (078) = OKLA., McCurtain (045) 1 SERVICE ESTABLISHMENTS—1939 BANK DePosms TRADE— 944 : ; Ak ; Major war supply Major war facilities contracts, ". projects, June 1930-Sep. 1945 | June 1940June. 1945 3 METROPOLITAN E Bond (1000's of ) (1000's of dollars) etro. es Area ’ Number Number Total 1000’, Code Coie, of . Sales of Ruan. Active Boploges Pay roll | (demand Time {000s of CODES estab- | (1000's of | estab- 's | proprie-| “p (i000 and time) | (1000's issue price) lish- | dollars) | lish- |of dollars)| tors year) dollars) 1000s of dollars) L ments ments : of dollars) mbat . .: “ah i Other Industrial | Military ) ™ ™) @) 2) a) a0 as) @) an a ) 9) on 018 234 49,7491 1,183 5.295| 1,21 1,599 1,457 139,03 58,343 28,908 197.672 23,48 65,586 001 Jol 96,098 1,908 8,858| 1,926 2,743 2,465 209,535 82,765 61,417 1,094,734 603,196 54,640 138 58 7,012 yy 1,k1 470 291 240 50,4 23,030 13,436 218,398 98,887 1g, 487 9,093 Lg 3,982 297 590 30k 189 150 34,2 21,054 3,499 3.89 52,116 466 31 2,281 8 1% 89 3h 2 6,408 2,132 1,19 7 Van Wert........ 081 53 k, 641 14 yy) 15% 90 0 10,904 3,886 1,63 3,452 Vinton .082 (1) 33 73 36 12 6 1,553 21 = 1,81 Varren.. 083 n 749 010 0357 99 110 88 10,148 1,401 1] 27,991 2,182 11,470 Washington...... 0 51 6,073 148 569 159 146 107 18,618 10, 380 2,237 210 5,089 2,47 56 4,257 RM | % i Tye 291 19 143 29,361 13,098 4,186 15,261 1,177 475 us 5,714 162 Lh 173 94 62 16,098 9,533 2,133 37.271 14,387 71 5,937 268 691 281 13 89 24,283 14,313 3,316 6,228 9,153 5,123 ko 2,91 89 256 96 32 10,872 4,675 1,54 575 98 21g 3358 410,248 43,116 OKLAHOMA. ..... 3,998 461,519)10,726 | 35,963|10,989 | 13,321 9,742) 774,284 79,91 | 150,884 | 1,130,234 294, 2k 224,964 | 273,066 METRO. COUNTIES.. 9% | 279,922] 2,918 | 15,432 2,877 6,009 5,054] 312,049 35,502 47,815| 1,041,800 167,103 91,392 3,086 Metro, areas: 083 194,467] 1,820 9.0% | 1,799 3,536 2,962 137, 16,319 26,650 467,898 21,085 50,951 1086 127 85,455 | 1,098 6,397 1,078 2,473 2,092 1726 19,183 21,165 573,904 | 146,018 ho, 461 * 181,597| 7.808 | 20,531 8,112 7.32 4,688] 462,232 44 446 | 103,068 88,434 127,14 133,572] 236,980 511 54% 36 19 10 1,623 208 39 2,338 9h 178 95 4g » 4,747 255 1,204 1,462 57 19 64 ko 16 1,410 1,092 ih 47 5 9 5 2,462 236 mn 2,660 126 391 132 150 95 8,094 616 1,%9 2,560 88 198 92 62 3, 5,606 570 925 58 2,370 86 320 88 100 7 L646 670 1,153 1,167 2,kos 186 45 192 165 92 10,966 361 2,166 250 3,638 96 302 103 118 72 10,788 1,283 2,432 4,195 820 5,653 200 617 210 212 160 9.347 832 2,380 294 8,294 825 23 107 60 59 27 2,074 89 596 2,168 6 159 66 79 Wo 2,486 61 526 100 505 26 43 26 11 6 2,188 32 551 1,24% 118 - 470 118 183 148 9.853 1,599 2,502 2,558 2,174 83 2k 27 9 5 65 13 553 4,248 184 660 189 254 185 12,74 721 4,906 507 19,769 290 56 112 59 n 24 2,152 13 546 . d 1,929 52 172 61 56 39 k, = 5 987 1,224 702 2,019 219 604 237 157 101 8,02 1,668 2,6ul 6,173 4,082 137 397 1 142 86 8,337 87h 1,618 3 12,555 : 71 36 66 39 24 8 897 1k 383 952 66 72 65 16 7 3,117 259 502 778 1,46 51 71 56 19 11 2,409 37 Lug - 8lio 26,731 27h 920 280 346 251 21,39 1,78 3,876 17,370 6,588 2,162 155 HY 165 124 62 9,127 274 1,510 3,296 184 565 200 232 137 12,800 1,128 2,469 69 ,316 2,81, 3,192 72 126 69 23 15 5,625 1,203 53 3 1,65 88 219 90 68 36 4.0% 70 878 52 110 56 MH 17 2,151 571 847 39 59 ko 17 8 2,348 56 60 220 46 83 46 11 9 1,522 49 32 2,581 973 89 159 90 ‘80 36 ,260 134 1,076 161 5 3,612 100 339 10H 1m 72 7,075" 291 1,754 8,1% 46k 54 127 52 59 » 3,940 43 560 i 167 58 78 59 26 11 1,0u43 16 388 87 5,891 238 720 24 248 183 17,812 * 2,050 1,459 ,810 y 19,524 1,6 2,025 61 150 70 56 23 4,977 322 1,310 3 os i » 2,668 133 334 142 112 [2 8,019 129 1,586 1,226 475 53 43 38 11 1,076 65 269 68 ’ 1,066 119 21 128 87 50 4,718 226 991 136 755 65 118 6 3M 20 8,482 1,720 1,152 139 2,003 121 04 12 105 65 8,881 1,142 1,425 199 35 59 2 19 8 1,699 85 252 5% 62 11h 3 3H 19 3.771 385 902 na £9 147 88 i 3% 3,452 897 1 Not shown because of disclosure of operations of individual establishments. , sales data are withheld to avoid disclosing operations of individual establishments. 3 Combined figure for counties having sales data withheld to avo dividual counties. Data included in "Other" at end of State. 25um of establishments 4Undis ir. counties for which It is excluded from the State total since number of establishments is shown for in- id disclosing operations of individual establishments. trituted. 311 Table 3 Part 1 - Population OKLA., McIntosh (046) - OREG., Polk (027) TABLE 3—SELECTED DATA FOR METROPOLITAN AREAS AND FOR ALL COUNTIES, BY STATE—Continued oro 680343 TOTAL POPULATION POPULATION—1940 EDUCATION VITAL 1940 STATISTICS ESTIMATED 1944 PORN Total whit P f . LATION Land | Pop- while ercent of moTROPOLITAN U.S. area |ulation population 25 Metro. AREAS, rank in per years old and Area COUNTIES, Nisiber of Percent| 4. sq. over who have Code Fo prs change a mile Porcent a Rural Rural completed— Percent| April | mn of rban f. f Bi pril nonfarm | farm irths | Deaths Number | onge | “F040” |percen-| 1930-| 1940 | 1940 | Number | total Nov. 1 tiles) | 1940 pu- 5 or High ov. 2’ | 1940- ation more 18! 1943 1943 1940 giodes school m @ [©] [0] ©) 6) m ®) © (10) 1n 12) 13) 14) (15) (16) | OKLAHOMA—Con. All Counties—Con. o MCIntosh. sss. s.. 046 17,676 | -25.8 24,097 w| -s. 715 | 88.7 18,533 | 76.9 6,326 17,770] 71.7| 12.1 436 176 9,268 | -22.5 11,946 69 | -2.1 945 | 12.6 11,914 | 99.7 3,883 8,563| 89.6] 17.7 214 78 9,811 | -20.8 12,384 68 | 12.3 414 | 29.9 11,496 | 92.8 2,504 | 2,104 7,686] 78.8| 14.9 198 85 21,311 | -1.6 21,668 | n.3 680 | 31.9 19,788 | 91.1 2,501 6,522| 12,645| 80.9| 15.2 587 164 MUTT8Y «+ eae ees 0.050) 9,975 | -27.9 13,841 63 | 11.5 428 | 32.3 18,165 | 95.0 4,970| 8,254) 5,617) 82.8] 19.0 228 119 MUSKOGE€ + «vss 1051 62,851 | -4.6 65,914 10 -o0.8 822 | 80.2 48,949 | 74.8| 92,332 | 13,634] 19,948] s0.1| 24.1] 1,451 757 11,044 | -25.5 14,826 60| -2a 744 | 19.9 18,702 | 92.4 5,045 | 2,725 7,056 | 91.2| 23.3 240 114 11,963 | -24.2 15,774 58 | 15.9 577 | 27.8 13,767 | 87.3 3,904 | 4,310 7,560 85.0 17.3 256 154 18,525 | -29.5 26,279 33| -9.4 638 | 41.2 18,652 | 71.0 3,811| 6,597| 15,871) 76.5) 14.7 485 165 083 |Oklahoma........056| 256,569 5.1 | 244,159 2| 10a 709 | 344.4 220,875 | 90.5| 211,016 | 17,634| 15,509] 91.4| s9.2| s5,858| 2,265 40,240 | -19.7 50,101 14 | -11.4 700 | 71.6 s7,872 | 75.6| =22,956| 11,627| 15,508] s0.5| 21.0 931 479 27,682 | -83.3 41,502 17 | -12.3| 2,208 18.1 87,966 | 91.5 8,710 | 19,801| 12,991| 86.0| 21.8 557 232 81,400 | -12.4 35,849 21| -7.0 483 | 74.2 34,416 | 96.0 14,193| 12,502 9,154| 84.6f 17.1 847 358 12,316 | -29.2 17,395 53 | -12.5 591 | 29.4 15,866 | 91.2 5,252 | 8,545 8,598 86.5 18.2 286 138 80,301 | -16.0 | 36,057 2 2.8 697 | 51.7 84,246 | 95.0 17,800| 6,488| 11,774] 89.2] s0.1 661 277 Pittsburg.. 42,871 | -12.5 48,985 14| -3.5| 1,359 36.0 43,544 | 88.9| 14,997 16,059| 17,929 78.3| 17.0| 1,038 398 Pontotoc... 27,621 | -30.6 39,792 19| 22.6 719 | 55.3 97,804 | 95.2| 16,143| 8,692| 15,957| 83.8| 23.8 702 261 Pottawatomie 42,760 | -21.4 54,377 12 | -18.8 799 | 68.1 51,172 | 94.1| 22,053| 12,504| 19,820| 87.8] 21.9] 1,018 409 Pushmataha. . 12,171 | -87.5 19,466 47 | s2.0| 1,428] 13.7 17,988 | 92.1 3,254 | 5,783] 10,429] 72.7] 10.8 290 181 Roger Mills. 6,497 | -89.5 10,736 74 | -24.2| 1,124 9.6 10,641 | 99.1 2,744 7,992] 89.5| 15.1 161 4 ROGOTS...0e 18,826 | -10.7 21,078 43| 11.2 718 | 29.6 19,728 | 93.6| 4,13¢| 5,467| 11,477] a1.6| 17.8 461 174 35,490 | -42.0 61,201 1 | -28.1 629 | 97.8 61,917 | 84.8| =21,862| 21,001| 18,338] 84.0 21.1 885 336 17,008 | -26.5 23,138 39 | 18.6 708 | s2.9 19,935 | 86.2 7,041] 16,097) 67.6 9.8 497 146 26,652 | -14.3 31,090 27 | -6.0 893 | s4.8 80,546 | 98.2( 12,106 4,883| 14,601| 86.7] 21.0 715 214 9,468 | -4.4 9,89 77 | -29.8| 2,056 | 4.8 9,891 | 99.9 5,076 4,820] 93.1] 26.2] 190 75 20,281 | -2.5 20,754 44 | -14.9 861 | 24.1 18,328 | 88.8 5,109| 4,18¢| 11,461] 86.1] 21.7 424 152 213,200 | 10.3 | 193,363 2 3.1 572 | 338.0 178,752 | 89.9| 148,294 | 30,092 14,977| 91.7| s8.3| 4,774] 1,828 16,935 | -21.7 21,642 42| -3.5 584 | 87.1 15,960 | 78.7 3,585 | 4,470| 18,687 74.8] 12.1 446 125 24,978 | -18.8 30,559 27 | 10.0 425 | 71.9 bs,a11 | 9s.0| 16,267| 6,822 7,470] 89.4 33.6 570 234 17,400 | -21.9 22,279 41 | -24.3 1,009 | 22.1 21,949 | 98.5 2,776 4,046 15,457 87.4 17.1 866 129 12,872 | -18.7 14,915 60 | -12.8 ,2n | 1.7 14,915 | 100.0 5,085 8,005 6,855 93.1 28.7 817 128 13,568 | -16.6 16,270 56 2.7] 1,285] 13.2 16,240 | 99.8| 5,406 | 4,048 6,816| 90.2| 23.4 265 284 ‘OREGON. «sssss| 1,172,674 7.8 |1,089,684 14.2 | 96,850 ( 11.8| 1,075,781 | 98.7 | 581,675 | 801,726 | 256,283 98.6 82.7] 24,150| 18,158 METRO. COUNTIES.. 511,229 24.0 412,229 7.2 £2,814 | 178.1 405,233 | 98.8 | 811,518 | 69,144 81,567 94.1 86.5] 10,255 5,699 Metro. area: 090 |Portland...005, 026 511,229 24.0 412,229 7.2 2,814 | 178.1 405,288 | 98.3 | 811,518| 69,144 81,567 94.1 86.5] 10,255 5,699 OTHER COUNTIES... 661,445 -2.2 677,455 19.0 | 94,086 7.2 670.498 | 99.0 | 220,157 | 232,588 | 224,716 938.3 80.0) 18,895 7,454 All Counties: BaKeTsosuaass 0001 13,228 | -27.7 18,297 51 9.2 | 38,084 | 5.9 18,189 | 99.4 9,342 | 8,919 5,086 | 94.3] 27.9 298 4192 Bento. es ssosss 002 21,902 | 17.6 18,629 | ' 50 | 12.5 647 | 28.8 18,599 | 99.8| 8,392 | 4,002 6,235| 95.8| 44.0 465 197 090 |Clackemas +.008 62,98 | 10.2 57,130 12 | 23.6 | 1,890 .80.2 56,838 | 99.5 6,124 29,580 | 21,476| 93.5| 28.2] 1,282 676 Clatsop. +4004 25,173 7.3 24,697 36 | 16.9 820 | 80.1 24,420 | 98.9 | 18,201] 8,305 3,101] 89.2] 28.6 514 275 Columbideeessss 005 19,958 | -4.9 20,971 43 4.6 646 | 32.5 20,891 | 99.6 4,504 | 8,745 7,922| 90.7| 23.2 403 171 GO00Bssseesesssssl06 27,185 | -16.2 82,466 25 | 14.4] 1,611] 20.2 32,323 | 99.6 | 12,848 11,577 | 8,041] 93.9| 27.7 572 335 Crook. +.007 5,785 | 4.6 5,533 9% | 65.9] 2,980 | 1.9 5,533 | 100.0 3,850 2,183 95.3] 28.6 138 4“ Curry.. ..008 3,464 | -19.3 4,301 93 | s2.1| 1,622| 2.7 4,177 | 97.1 2,768 1,588] 92.9] 27.3 63 40 Deschute +.009 18,508 | -0.7 18,681 50| 26.8| 8,0e1| 6.1 18,598 | 99.8 | 10,021 | 4,400 4,210] 95.0 81.7 322 195 DOUgLES.«eussss 010 25,760 0.2 25,728 s¢ | 17.1 5,062] 5.1 25,620 | 99.6 4,924 | 10,747 | 10,057| 90.5| 27.0 485. 386 Gilliam. sseo...s0l1 2,072 | -27.1 2,804 9 | -18.0 | 1,211] 2.3 2,837 | 99.8 1,577 1,267| 94.9] 30.0 a2 25 ..012 5,369 | -15.8 6,380 88 7.4| 4,582 | 1.4 6,859 | 99.7 4,044 2,386 94.6| 26.4 a3 50 ..013 4,243 | -21.0 5,374 91 | -9.2| 10,182 | 0.5 5,218 | 97.1 2,566 | 1,257 1,551] 94.4] 81.9 69 4 ..014 10,092 | -12.8 11,580 70 | 29.6 529 | 21.9 11,098 | 95.8 3,280 | 2,782 5,518] 94.3] 83.1 229 101 Jackson. + ¢evsss 015 39,068 7:9 36,218 21 | 10.0] 2,817 | 12.9 36,129 | 99.8 | 16,025 | 10,138| 10,050] 94.2| 33.6 794 492 Jefferson.......016 2,355 | 15.8 2,042 98 | «10.9 | 1,79¢| 1.1 1,567 | 76.7 1,10 | es1| 91.0| ss.2 55 81 Josephine..... 15,175 | -6.9 16,301 56 | -41.8| 1,625] 10.0 16,265 | 99.8 6,028 | 3,788 6,490] 93.8 27.3 301 209 87,809 | -7.9 40,497 18| 25.0 5,978] 6.8 89,100 | 96.6 16,497 | 17,078 6,922| 94.5] 81.0 864 357 5,483 | -12.9 6,293 8s | 30.2| s,270| 0.8 6,271 | 99.6 4,415 1,878| 94.8| 28.4 108 48 72,299 4.7 69,096 9| 26.8 4,59] 15.0 69,019 | 99.9 | 27,269| 23,585 | 18,202| 95.0| 84.3] 1,670 696 13,758 | -5.3 14,549 61 | 46.9 1,006 | 14.5 14,224 | 97.8 10,711 3,838 93.1] 26.2 811 140 33,701 | 10.5 30,485 27 | 28.4| 2,294 | 1s.3 30,454 [ 99.9| 8,383| 7,992 14,110] 93.4] 28.0 784 356 14,656 | -25.9 19,767 46 | 75.4 | 9,870 2.0 19,610 | 99.2 3,561 | 4,782 | 11,48¢| s4.5| 27,1 43 110 72,715 | -3.4 75,246 8| 24.8) 1,178] 64.1 74,647 | 99.2| 98,898 | 19,589 | =21,874| 91.0| s0.1| 1,481] 1,157 3,868 | -10.9 4,337 93 | -12.2 | 2,089 | 2.1 4,329 | 99.8 1,998 2,344| 95.0| 28.8 81 38 448,295 26.2 855,099 - 1 5.0 424 | 837.5 848,395 | 98.1 | 805,394 | 89,614 10,091 94.2 87.8 9,028 5,028 POLE... vaives ne nsOB7 19,952 | -0.2 19,989 46 | 18.6 739 | 27.0 19,834 | 99.2 8,579 | 7,784! @,626l 93.3! 20.7] 360 161 312 Table 8 TABLE 3—SELECTED DATA FOR METROPOLITAN AREAS AND. FOR ALL COUNTIES, Part 2 - Labor Force : OKLA., McIntosh (046) = BY STATE—Continued OREG., Polk (027) py LABOR FORCE—1940 Percent of Population 14 Years Old and Over Employed Workers by Industry Group tay METROPOLITAN Wais: Bas In leading. rl coins Parent | Percent a ig AND of 2 o 3 Con Maik Whole- | personal Other In | industry CODES Total In labor a es on € 1 Total Agri Mining o> Manufac- ations sale and | services and not | 22 force | V ome Wi oa employed || culture ton turing and eid exclud- seported cul- Code trade ng ture labor | labor other : (See | Per- force | force utili- domestic page | cent ties Sel¥ices, 422) an (18) a9) (©) @n @) @) 4 >) @) @n @) @) Gn) | an | @ 15,961 6,985 Tho 2 10.7 5,558 3,831 8 U1 66 85 480 553 39% | 68,9] G3§ 5.8 y 4,135 9.1 16.7 3, 2,328 2 100 57 106 425 370 27 | 64.2] G36 5.4 ner2| md 0.7] 2) 1 8 102 38 100 332 36s| 189 | 59.0] 0% 6.1 15,163 6,854 Tho 12,5 5,724 2,905 3 M1 101 169) 751) 682 322 | 50.8] G3 6.1 9,963 4,274 70.5 1.7 3,381 1,342 17 156 Th 150 580) 677 275 | 39.7| G36 10.5 48,751 23,103 73.1 22.4 18,284 5,305 213 661 , 1,080 1,438 3,707] 3,642 2,238 | 29.0 G36 10,2 9 5,063 75.4 13.8 4,317 1, 325 242 179 6 563 332 | 43.3 3 7.5 Bl 7B XM nl bE oR nm 5 71 | nd od Oklahoma..veoeoo055 | 189.944 | 102,050 78.9 30.8] 86,70) 3.423) 3,739| 4,580 10,8%| 6,757] 22,709] 22,%3| 12,833 | 3.9] 63 8&9 Olwulgee........05 | 38,087 16,507 74 18.4 1,m8( 3,8] 1,012 301 1,693 539] 2,00 2,01| 1,063] 26.9] 636 8.4 057 29,992 13,404 73.0 14.4 10,916 3,335| 1,642 341 860 605 1,418 1,487) 1,228 | 30.6) 3 U9 » T5.4 19.0 10, > 2,831 518 575 542 1,565 1,483 832 | 17.5 4] 27.8 12,531 5,175 68,71 12,1 4,201 1,833 285 139 215 156 547 609 417 | 43.6 G36 8.2 9 12,536 73.9 19.8 10,788 2,764 294 464 976 575 1,896] 2,662 1,134 | 25.7] G36 1U4.2 35,880 | 14,355 60.) 15.3 9,966 4,010 33 326 420 523 1,725 1,629] 1,001 | 40.2| G36 8.6 28,39 13,093 77.1 15.4 10,723 3,196 959 A447 1,026 A 1,861 1,790 8 3 8.3 » 17,969 M43 17.6 14, 4,119 1,348 4% 884 1,000 2,797 2,704 1,158 | 28.4, 3 9.2 12,959 2 76.8 1.3 4,339 2,377 9 128 504 19 A464 299 | 54.8 9 9.2 > 3,610 80.0 1n.7 50: 2,157 3 LJ] 35 hb 2% 300 12 | 71.0] G36 6.0 15,0%| 666 724 19| sms 2,m2| 39] 26 139 220 ne seo] 527 47.8] 36] 7.2 43,259 20,185 76.0 «0 9221 3, 3,463 500 838 mm 2,985 2,641 1,413 | 22.3 3] 21.1 Sequoyah. +068 15,298 6,607 7.2 1n.1 4,916 3,124 31 140 316 14 387 499 305 | 63.5) G36 6.7 Stephens........069| 22,32| 1.0,47| 77.9 15.6] &a0s( 3157 ews| 3 355 303| 1,229) 1,33 681] ef 3 9.7 Texa8..ernereresl?O 7408] 36m ma 1.8] 368 1,58 97 65 134 42 559 256 | s0.0| 63 8.7 Tillman on| 107 és 75.4 u.8| susf eu mw 160 169 21 886 a00| 496 | 48.2) 636 7.3 y 80,512 79.7 29.0 70,052 3,402| 6,084 3,968 11,002 5,105 16,231 15,956 8,304 4.9 3 8.3 Filta, ere rrarae 14,656 6,520 75.4 11,3 5,311 3,617 134 92 89 124 AN 443 ll G36] 4.6 Lt 23,117 11,685 78.3 23.4 10,264 1,266| 2,496 491 1,400 453 1,419 1,569 1,170 | 12.3 3| 24.2 Washi’ 15,846 7,054 76.6 11,2 6,042 4,019 4 130 kel 16 685 699 314 | 66.5 G36 6.2 11,230 5,177 75.1 16.4 4,529 1,965 2 17% 178 301 810 784 308 | 43.4] G36 8.7 ward. ss. ens $077 12,271 5,321 69.4 15.9 4,609 1,831 23 469 ; 128 239 7 786 336 | 39.7] G36 8.9 8 OREGON. c0ceee 875,553 | 453,382 78.4 23.1] 389,798| 71,335| 2,953| 20, 81,569 30,803 73,694 72,385 36,359 | 18.5] ess] 8.0 METRO. COUNTIES. . 345,39 | 183,987 78.8 28.5) 156,113 8,979| 268] 8,76 30,39| 17,159 38,79) 36,003] 15:8 | 5.7 Metro, area: Portland, ..003, 026 345,39 | 183,987 78.6 28.5| 156,173 8,979 268| 8,736 30,3%| 17,159 38,719] 36,003| 15,913 | 5.7 OTHER COUNTIES... 530,159 | 269,395 78.3 19.4) 233,625| 62,356| 2,685| 11,964 51,173 13,644] 34,97| 36,382] 20,446 | ‘26.7 All Counties: 2 Baker. . 001 14,219 7,505 80.8 19.8 6,680 1,968 573 265 736 488 1,073 1,058 519 | 29.5 4| 8.6 Benton, . 002 1%,878| 7,306 7%.8 22.8] 6,538 1,552 12 304 998 253 %7| 1,87 586 | 23.7 G3618.4 Clackamas 003 45,221 | 22,336 78.2 18.1] 19,223 5,249 6 1,003 4,599 1,27 2,726 2,676) 1,633 | 27.3] 11] 7.2 Clatsop... 004 20,099 | 10,895 80.6] 21.2 9,844 653 2 639 3,130 73 1,530 1,381 1,727) 6.6 814.0 005 16,219 8,285 80,1 15.9 7,271 1,439 17 362 3,258 337 691 70; 19.8 9|20.8 . Coos. 006 25,198 | 13,381 80.8 21.3] 11,466 1,535 a 461 4,215 1,727 1,59 921 | 13.4 9| 22.2 ook 007 44225 2,445 86.61 18.0 2,239 830 55 122 517 Th 244 174 | 37.1) 9| 14.9 008 3,330 1,785 80,2) 17.6 1,473 389 50 80 43 155 207 134 9(15.0 Deschutes 009 1, 7,957 21.3 7,193 1,18 51 448 2,491 1,098 1,082 507 | 15.5 - 9]26.6 Douglas. . +010 20,320 9,814 7. 17.7 8,504 2,723 161 245 1,648 1,223 1,327 77} 31.7 9( 9.1 2,290 1,356 8, 23.4 1,286 597 9 25 us 184 161 105 | 46.4] 23] 5.7 2 2,630 83, %.9 2,431 953 258 19 315 1m 25 246 204 | 39.2 8 7.0 4,119 2, 8.5 20.6] 2,175 778 17 463 97 220 291 196 | 35.8] 9(19.4 . 8, 4,512 16,9 3, 1,341 1 247 479 306 619 507 256 | 35.6] G36| 6.4 Jackson.e.......005 28,643 | 14,000 7.2] 19.3] 1,718 2,813 341 657 1,627 ™ 2,241 »143| 1,099 | 24.0 G36] 8.0 JO100808, 11400016 1,532 871 85.2] 20.0 781 326 37 66 43| 38 65 13 93 | 41.7] G36] 9.0 12,892 | 6,457 1. 18.0 5,263 1,642 473 264, 533 197 823 895). 436 | 31.2] 4] 9.0 3, 17,963 85 22,2| 15,542 2,312 29 784 5,165 1,324 2,71 2,260 957 | 14.9 9| 24.9 Lake. essssssssss019 4,870 2,750 &. 16,7, 2,413 818 4 106 672 53 27m 32 163 | 33.9) 9[12.6 ) PTR... 54,119 | 26,882 Te 20,0| 23,263 3,725 131 1,370 6,296 1,656 3,898] 4,207 1,980 | 16.0 9[13.5 021 11,265 5,813 78. 20.0 y 48 ko) 312 1, 206 Td, , 726 536 | 14.8 915.8 23,513 | 11,398 78.4] 15.7 9,990 3,505 45 406 2,149 533 1,384 Les 732 | 35.1 8| 8.5 4,327 7,560 82 L.8 6,724 3,865 50 427 17% 221 810 373 | 57.5] G36] 5.5 60,309 | 27,802 69, 21,6) 22,634 5,768 52| 1,17 3,668 838 3,864 4,333] 2,938 25.5 G36]10.3 3,333 1, 82, 16.6 1,661 933 2 7% 88 98 163 202 119 | 56.2] G36| 7.2 3 02 »173 | 161,651 78. 30.0] 136,950 3,730 208| 7,733 25,797 15,882| 35,993] 33,327| 14,280 | 2.7| C36 9.4 ) 51 SR 15,259 7,571 80, 7 15.7 6,630 2,329 2% 279 1,833 2, 695 TI 477] 35.1 9l13. Table 3 Part 3 - Housing OKLA., OREG. ieIntosh (046) - , Polk (027) TABLE 3—SELECTED DATA FOR METROPOLITAN AREAS AND FOR ALL COUNTIES, BY STATE—Continued aro 080343 HOUSING—1940 : : ; : . Nonfarm Rural Farm All Dwelling Units Occupied Dwelling Units Dwelling Units Dwelling Unis METROPOLITAN R Men! COUNTIES > A 3 ones Code AND Residential Percent Percent Per- Percent og Per- ? CODES «structures in 5 or wi Pesent cont 1h of Avery e sea) Percent I 5 more | private | wi mechan- monthly : wit with 1945 Number family | bathtub | electric Number | owner ical ivi Nose ent Ble min. | electric struc- or lighting 0CCUs | refrig- houses (dollars) ning | lighting tures | shower pr eration | “p14 water 33) G9 35) 36) Gn (38) (39) (40) “n “2) 3) “9 5) (46) “n OKLAHOMA~-Con, All Counties—Con. MeIntosh........ 5,404 5,618 0.7 9.5 18.1 5,395 | 34.0 12.2 3.99 1,838 8451 3,780 1.4 1.5 523 Major..... 3,233 3,320 0.2 16.5 i 3,188 | 54.5 18.3 | 3.36 1,073 | 11.54% 2,247 | 7.7 23.7 1,321 Marshall. . 2,915 3,034 12.9 24. 2,987 | 35.3 11.5 3.69 1,277 9.66 1,751 2.9 1.7 369 Mayes... 5,688 5,892 0.8 11.2 os 5,428 | 19.5 12.6 | 3.52 2,716 | 12.1% 3,116 | 3.3 9.1 790 MUrray...ocoose.. 3,458 3,653 0.5 27.5 «5 32k | b5.2 21.9 3.42 2,260 11.75 1,393 6.5 11.0 699 Muskogee. ....... 15,569 17,54 5.2 39.8 56.9 16,910 | 41.3 27.6 3.28 13,084 1h. kp 4, koL 6.0 10.0 6,136 Noble... ,11 ,323 0.3 29.1 52.4 4,096 | 47.3 33.3 3.21 2,357 11.90 1,966 1.5 16.4 1,526 Nowata.. 4,116 4,341 1.5 18.4 39.5 4,193 | 50.3 23.8 3.31 2,431 11.24 1,910 6.2 10.6 82h Okfuskee. . 6,360 6,626 1.3 16.9 0.5 6,270 | 35.0 17.3 3.72 3,084 9.26 3-542 2.3 4.3 770 083 |Oklahoma....e... 58,930 76,025 10.4 83.0 88.2 69,951 | 39.1 55.1 3,01 71,853 | 24.75 , 172 | 25.0 35.0 45,433 Okmulgee, . ovvase 12,900 13,633 2.5 4.3 55.4 12,909 | 45.9 30.4 | 3.36 10,058 | 10.48 3,515 | 6.3] 12.9 3,541 Osage. 11,350 11,776 1.7 36.9 55.5 10,797 | 36.5 38.6 3.4 8,359 [ 10.13 3,417 19.4] 23.0 2,268 Ottawa... . 9,568 10,423 4,2 2h.1 59.8 10,119 | 52.6 19.9 3.14 8,156 9.85 2,267 8.4 15.6 2,013 PAWNO®. + sssrens 4,730 4,851 0.3 22.2 43.0 4,588 | L4.2 g2.2{ 8.27 2,564 9.4% 2.287 T1010 1,283 Payne....... ....060 9,996 30,696 1.5 46.2 66.7 9,969 | 42.9 35.5 3.21 7,564 18.80 3,132 8.8 17.8 4,502 Pittsburg. coe... 11,154 11,989 1.6 23.7 4.9 11,560 | 42.9 19.8 3.47 7,937 10.00 4,052 2.8 4.5 2,369 Pontotoc. ... 9,841 10,642 1.6 33.5 53.4 10,155 | 44.1 33.8 | 3.51 6,891 | 15.75 3,751 | 10.9 | 10.8 2,171 Pottawatomie.. 13.521 14,570 2.0 37.9 58.9 14,134 | 43.3 33.8 | 3.38 9,825 | 13.27 L,745 | 10.0 | 12.8 3,907 Pushmataha. . ,603 4,798 0.3 4.9 15.9 4,639 | 41.9 8.5 5.71 2,510 6.13 2,288 | 0.8 1.3 191 Roger Mills..... 2,939 3,022 0.5 7.8 32.3 2,838 | L46.7 11.6 3.47 825 9.75 2,197 6.1 16.8 453 ROGerS..cunvds.s 5, 304 5,623 1.5 21.3 .3 5,438 | U4. 18.4 3.42 2,814 12.1% 2,809 5.0 10.9 1,223 Seminole. . 14,837 15,715 2.5 33.2 55.8 15,138 | 43.6 42.3 35 11,708 11.59 4,007 | 11.6 11.4 2,282 Sequoyah. . 5,215 5,358 0.6 6.1 16.3 5,277 | 42.4 8.2] 3.9 1,801 6.53 3,557 | 10.0 1.3 282 Stephens........ 7,874 8,374 1.1 30.7 49.1 8,029 | 39.9 28.7 3.45 4,781 | 13.77 3,593 | 8.6| 11.9 2,555 3,189 3,277 0.6 30.4 49.1 2,7% | 52.6 32.6 | 2.25 1,618 | 12.49 1,659 | 27.4 | 18.6 1,190 6,126 6,508 0.9 22.4 45.0 5,618 21 1.9] 3,25 2,799 | 12.11 3,709 | 12.6 | 23.5 1,477 127 47,369 57,857 9.6 63.8 87.7 54,645 2 9.9 3.07 54,122 | 26.08 3,735 | 23.0 35.41 40,688 5,179 5,287 12.8 21.6 5,147 | 37.4 8.6 3.72 2,2 7.09 3,021 2.2 La 587 8,082 8,910 2.6 il 72.0 8,624 | L8.0 39.1 3.13 7,063 23.35 1,847 9.5 26.8 4,034 6,317 6,525 0.3 1k 39.7 5,838 | 47.1 19.5 3.46 2,07 10.32 4,452 6.0 21.0 1,782 4,148 L4, 62l ho 33.4 65.1 4,255 | 52.6 32.4 | 3.08 2,67 15.02 1,90 9.8| 30.8 2,420 3,952 4, 357 2.8 26.3 57.4 4,052 | 50.9 22.6 3.22 2,393 15.02 1,964 8.6 21.2 1,7% OREGON. ..... + 323,311 369, 811 9.4 63.5 85.8 337,492 | 55.4 43.4 | 2.79 288,813 | 20.88 80,998 | 50.8 | 59.7] 155,291 METRO. COUNTIES.. 116,164 145,799 17.1 78.3 96.0 134,936 | 53.4 53.9 | 2.62 135,982 | 24.38 9,817 | 57.4% | 77.6] 87,442 Metro. area: 090 |Portland...003, 026 116,164 145,799 17.1 78.3 96.0 134,936 | 53.4 53.9 | 2.62 135,982 | 24.38 9,817 | 57.4 | 77.6 87,442 OTHER COUNTIES... 207,147 224,012 4.3 52.0 79.1 202,556 | 56.8 36.4 2.91 152,831 17.74 71,181 | 49.2 57.2 67,849 All Counties: : Baker 5,451 5,824 2.2 45.3 75.6 5,4%6 | 55.9 39.9 2.96 4,358 14.80 1,466 | 32.4 40.0 1,79 Benton. 5,616 6,224 4.7 60.2 4.7 5,669 | 52.9 43.0 | 2.90 4,202 | 24.30 2,022 | 49.2 39.3 2,544 090 |Clackama 20,317 20,752 0.9 54.8 80.7 17,669 | 68.3 38.4 | 2.87 13,827 | 18.29 6,925 | 52.1 | 74.6 7,635 Clatsop. 7,961 g,huy 8.5 65.4 91.2 7,605 | 51.1 32.9 2.74 8,532 23.53 915 | 71.5 71.8 3,465 Columbia. . 6,382 6,603 Tel 47.8 82.2 6,240 | 62.2 35.4 | 2.99 4,238 | 13.93 2,365 | 49.5 69.0 1,791 Coos. ... 10,211 11,212 4.9 51.1 78.9 10,177 | 55.5 25.2 | 2.85 8,694 | 15.52 2,518 | 62.0 | 47.4 1,863 Crook... 1,649 1,721 1.7 2. 62.6 1,585 | 59.1 28.2 | 3.09 1,042 | 15.39 679 | 34.5 | 29.7 538 Curry. .... 1,542 1,572 0.4 3.7 52.1 1,12 | 56.7 09.3] 2.55 1,065 |. 11.29 507 | 62.3 | 24.9 183 5,474 5,786 2.9 4g. lh 77.6 5,543 | 58.7 38.3 2.97 4,550 18.75 1,236 | 25.0 a 1,723 8,198 8,556 2.5 47.4 67.2 7.872 | 57.6 27.6 | 2.80 5,267 | 13.13 3,289 | 53.2 MN 2,490 973 1,010 1.5 48.3 51.7 815 | 55.6 42.0 3.10 534% | 13.50 476 | 56.5 16.7 73 1,986 2,04 1.3 ®-3 55.7 1,93 | 57.7 25.9 | 2.98 1,39 | 11.60 648 531 29.1 27 x 1,747 1,8 2.9 .8 60.1 1,630 | 56.0 35.3 | 2.86 1,252 | 17.87 592 | 1k.7 | 10.1 17h Hood River...... 4,114 Ly, 348 2.0 47.1 86.2 ,408 | 54.0 £3 3.01 2,066 | 16.21 2,282 | 57.2 | 80.9 1,019 Jackson. coensrns 015 11,688 12,509 3.2 60.1 85.3 11,39 | 57.8 .0| 2.80 9,338 | 17.86 3,171 | 54.1 | 68.7 4, 806 Jefferson....... 016 764 mm 30.0 39.4 630 | 54.8 18.1 | 2.79 437 | 12.% 334 | 43.7 | 10.8 14 Josephine. ..017 5,849 6,034 1.4 37.0 69.7 5,320 | 63.3 28.0 2.54 3,722 | 13.64 2,312 3.3 58.5 96 Klemath... .018 11,607 13,122 8.4 53.5 87.3 11,977 | 46.9 48.3 | 2.95 11,014 | 21.45 2,108 23 69.7 4,143 Lakes rs vursesee 019 2,311 2,433 2.3 30.9 59.1 1,926 | 50.6 29.1 | 2.89 1,513 | 19.14 920 | 17.4 | 26.9 185 Lon. s ve esrsensns 020 20,233 22,195 4.6 55.9 80.8 20,922 | 53.6 20.3 2.93 16,728 | 20.01 5,467 | 52.6 | 55.5 8,664 Lincoln. cas eeises 021 5,777 5,990 1.0 48.8 71.2 4,711 | 55.4 21. 2.66 4,696 14.42 1,294 | 49.7 29.9 733 LARIG oe ts viis nna 022 ,211 9,628 2.1 46.7 68.4 9,135 | 59.5 30.7 2.98 5,466 14.91 4,162 | 1.2 43.2 3,481 Malheur......... 023 5,252 5,459 1,2 24.7 68.1 5,19 | 61.9 38.2 | 3.38 2,521 15.56 2,938 | 16.8 | 53.8 1,372 MBPAOT, « voronr ve 02k 20,254 25.569 11.0 58.6 90.0 20,862 | 58.5 h.9| 2.92 15,703 | 20.06 7,866 | 47.6 | 77.4 9,113 MOrYoW. ..ccvnves 025 1,366 Ju21 2.0 46,2 58.5 1,243 | 56.9 33.9 3.09 670 11.96 751 | W9.7 36.4 481 090 [Multnomah....... 026 95,847 125,047 19.7 82.2 98.6 117,267 | 51.1 56.2 | 2.58 122,155 25.06 2,892 | 70.1 8L.8 79,807 POlKvviesinesoiens 027 5,9% 6,220 2.0 51.5 80.1 5,867 | 57.9 32.6 | 3.01 3,613 | 13.74 2,607 | 55.1 | 62.7 1,494 TABLE 3—SELECTED DATA FOR METROPOLITAN AREAS AND FOR ALL COUNTIES, BY STATE—Continued (Figures which have been rounded to thousands will not necessarily add to totals) $ Table 3 Part 4 - Agriculture OKLA., McIntosh (046) =~ OREG., Folk (027) a AGRICULTURE—1945 AGRICULTURE—1940 Per. Vile of Wok ons Valse of rw prods, Principdl ‘ cent farm property pow y source of Per- {3 farm farm income Tope. METROPOLITAN 5 cent | farms om— - Mewo| © AREAS, — |Number of | Land in | Cropland | Number | of | with Percent fr farming | Rural Area COUNTIES farms farms | harvested | of farms | farms | ,oj0 A Number L area | 1 Code AND (1000s | (1000s : oper- | of Total Vere] of Avot ve- code |,.@ CODES Jan. 1, of of io 1, | ated {i prod (1000's 32 | horses | Number (1000's sod Code | p.. | (See living 1945 acres) | acres) 940 | by | yes per, | andlor of of 3 (See pid) index u of arm | les live- | C cent / tet] Jess 1 dollars) | (ol factor | golem) | pag jp péz2) ants | thay ) ved po $400 mo. . ucts J “8 9) [£)) Gn) 6) |- 69) 5h 55) [£) 6D 9 cn @ low l@| & | ® OKLAHOVA—Con. All Counties—~Con, : NoIntosh........046| 2,486 329 133 2,654 | 69.2 | 37.9 6,706 2,527] 8,470 123 1,758 | 20,0 | 5.8 552.4 73 7% 1,790 538 231 2,145 | 42.8 | 22.8 18,022| 8,402 4,007 1,167 3,185 | 30.0 | "59.1 558.3 us| 107 894 181 44 1,252 | 63.6 | 40.6 5,297| 4,231 3,917 125 us| 37.7| 37.0 5 | 34.6 72 73 2,345 326 130 2,534 | 45.0 | 46.1 9,575| 3,779 7,426 378 1,786 | 47.7| 29.8 5 | 29.2 62K 7 885 225 46 959 | 53.7 | 34.7 4,287| 4,470 3,255 105 850 | 55.8 | 22.9 1|28.8 2%5 85 3,352 389 181 3,614 | 64.9] 38.9 12,546] 3,471] 10,632 342 2,970 | 29.0 52.1 5143.7 73 ” 1,495 424 208 1,653 | 55.94 L.4 15,932] 9,633 3,775 991 2,591 m.2| x3 5 | 54.0 us| 17 1,706 319 101 1,736 | 46.1] 51.6 7,575] 4,363] 4,825 398 1,219 | 60.1| 19.9 137.9 62x 8, 2,435 374 141 2,657 | 69.0 | 40.0 8,141 3,064 7, 175 1,820 | 25.4 | 50.9 5 | 45.1 mm % 083 3,901 350 17 3,424 | 42.6 55.8 24,626) 7,192 5,881 570 2,735| 50.8| 3.0 227.2 m| 1m Okmulgee........05| 2,776 325 129 2,847 | 64:4 | 48.3 8,319] 2,922] 7,920 200 | 1,804 | 34.7] 38.3 s|3sa| m3] 7 0888. eeeeesessa057| 2,562 1,431 158 2,464 + 60,2 | 33.7 24, 9,777] 11,001 512 4,676 | 76,0 | 13.8 1| 66,2 251 Im Ottawa..........058 1,870 220 96 1,965 | 50.0 | 50.9 ,371| 4,260] 4,733 259 1,325 | %2.8| 23. 130.1 62x 8, Pawnee..........059| 1,921 462 122 1,218 | 57.3 | 33.6 8,194 4,507] 5,995 3 1,526 1 ‘s1.5| 27.5 1] 34.0 772 R PAYNO.casssesess 2,452 388 125 2,543 | 54.5] 35.8 11,934] 4,693 7,068 593 1,981 9 2d 5|28.5 T2| 100 Pittsburg.......061] 2,678 519 103 3,462 | 6.5 | 45.6 2,294] 2,392] 10,546 112 2,131 | 36.2 | 31.3 0| 3.4 632 Th Pontotoc.e.s....062| 2,280 374 76 2,580 | 56.1 | 47.8 3,649] 3,352 7,429 19 1,667 | 47.7 24.6 1]27.9 TR 84 Pottawatomie....063| 3,003 419 120 3,595 | 52.8 | 46.7 13,070] 3,636 8,158 364 2,633 | 39.8| 37.2 5|28.4 ™m 93 Pushmataha......084| 1,560 284 42 1,919 | 53.5 | &.2 3,111 1,81 5,5% 13 813| 37.7| 13.6 048.2 632 2 Roger Wills.....065| 1,512 750 203 1,919 | 45.7 | 17.4 | 11,126f 6,117) 7,111 605| 2,309 | 44.9 36.5 5136.3 3311 9% ROBETSeassesesss066| 2,501 384 132 2,29, | 51.0 | 48.6 9,426] 4,109] 6,714 358 1,74 | 55.0] 25.2 1] 30.4 62x 8 Seminole........067| 2,271 285 72 3,019 | 61.6 | 60,8 7,677) 2,543] 7,347 7 1,469 | 31.3| 34.0 0] 3.6 ™ R Sequoyah........068| 2,308 251 68 2,504 | 57.1 | 61.6 hy 1,846] 6,434 66 1,212 oh | 42.5 5139.5 713 60 Stephens........069| 2,425 493 151 2,592 | 63.4 | 47.6 9,928| 3,830} 8,651 24 1,635) 51.0 27.3 1]33.0 m 85 TeXaS.c00erees.s07| 1,805 1,238 620 1408 | 43.8 | 28.1 16,715|11,271| 1,940 1,304 1,%7]| 37.7] %R.2 552.1 31] 121 2,081 545 268 2,119 | 44.9 | 12.2 26,46212,488( 3,35 1,589 2,610 | 22.8 | &.7 5| 64.7 m| 1s 127 3,542 324 157 2,689 | 50.6 | 47.4 17,695] 6,581 5,830 553 2,659 | 49.5] 36.2 2] 27.5 62x 9% 2,454 554 188 2,404 | 68.2 | 36,0 9,755). 4,058 1, 375 1,996 | 30.7| 50.7 5| 47.9 73 7 1,681 240 71 1,348 | 39.4 | 48.2 6,652] 4,935] 3,673 207 1,192 63.4 | 14.9 141.8 62x 93 3,085 638 412 3,447 | 48.8 | 13.3 28,013| 8,127 7,563 1,723 4,618 | 28.3| 57.0 5] 56.8 m| 1m 1,544 766 300 1,799 | 38.1 | 16.2 21,226(11,865| 5,327 1,112 3,39 | 36.1| 55.7 5] 55.2 331| 113 Woodward. eees.s077 1,512 706 255 1,521 | 37.3 | 24.9 13,311| 8,750 5,649 79 2,548 55.0 | 36.4 1| 40.4 | 77 CREGON.......| 63,125 | 19,754 5,276 | 61,829 | 18,2 | 35.9 | 1572,049| 9,349| 140,199 | 17,077 | 107,551 | 49.8 | 39.1 525.1 122 METRO. COUNTIES..| 8,155 383 140 7,735 | 17.6 | 44.2 51,772] 6,693] 7,608 1,807 9,409 | 46.3] 10.1 Metro. area: 090 |Portland....005,028] 8.133 583 140 7,735 | 17.6 | 44.2 s1,7r2| 6,693 7,608] 1,807 9,409 | 46.3 | 40.1 OTHER COUNTIES...| 54.992 | 19,371 3,136 54,004 | 18.3 | 2.7 | 25,764 9,79) 132,591 | 15,270 | 98,12 | s50.1| 39.0 1,088 867 110 1,259 | 27.2 | 21.3 16,334 (12,974 8,052 181 3,067 | 73.3 | 16.8 1f52.8 2 | 119 1,279 21 n 1,507 | 2L1 | 34.2 12,866 8,537] 2,005 ofl 2,306 | 47.8| 38.8 531.8 451| 123 090 5.832 30% 112 5,475 | 15.6 | 4h.1 33,910| 6,194 | 5,845 1,279 5,390 | 46.1] 36.9 3]18.7 4511 130 004 910 63 11 661 | 11,2 | 36.6 4, 7,056 470 1 850 | 7.0 13.2 2 | 38.0 411 | 126 Columbia,.......005| 2,082 160 28 2,060 | 12.5 | 54.0 9,59} 4,657] 1,652 354 1,651 | 53.4 | 20.6 2(27.3| 41) 19 Teo0mecnsnensses. 06] 152 289 19 1,953 | 19.2 | 39.4 |, 11,701] 5,991) 1,793 254 2,311 | 65,7 9.2 2 | 46.0 a 112 Crookes esses ssss007 y sul} 495 | 16,0 | 17.0 7,507(15,166| 3,393 11 1,545 | 65.5 | 28.4 1149.9 211 | 123 CUITYeeeenennese008 615 131 4 375 | 13.6 | 37.9 3,259| 8,691 485 56 50 | 79.3 5.3 2|3s.4| 411] 109 Deschutes.......009| 1,002 gs 36 1,047 | 20.3 | 29.0 6,249] 5,9%8| 2,769 173| 1,782 | 53.3 | 34.9 53%. | 211 118 Douglaseeeesesss010[ 3,205 6 7 2,73 | 18.6 | 29.2 20,369 7,450] 3,628 750 3,41 . 18,3 3] 26.1 112 | 116 G11148m, 4000000011 24 TH 121 292 | 22.6 | 12.7 8,970(30,719| 1,933 168 1,640 | 45.1] 50.9 5] 50.9 311 12 Grate. eeseness, O12 523 1,088 520 | 13.1 | 17.4 9,960|17,172| 5,32, 88 1,839 | 85.9 41 1| 7.0 2% | 119 HATNeY,eesesssss013 392 1,174 101 436 | 15.4 | 30.3 9,456(21,638| 6,747 70 1,707 | 86.9 7.6 1 75.4 211 | 123 Hood River......0l4| 1,032 39 17 1,12 | 11.5] 350 7,742 | 6,779 31 24m | 12,8) =0.0 7| 77.3 a| 121 Jacksonue..es.ss015) 2,936 36 ™ 2,702 | 15.6 | 46.3 19,998| 7,401| 4,077 668 3,538 | 40.8 | 46.7 7] R.3 nl ms Jefferson... ....016 282 36 43 227 | 15.0 | 29.5 4,807(21,176] 1,499 100 584 | 69.3 | 24.7 1| 52.7 211 | 116 Josephine.......017| 2,157 12! 23 1,94 | 14.0 | 56.7 8,712 4,481 1,487 261 1,567 | 39.7 | 40. 5] 25.0 112 9 Klamathe.e.s....018 1,421 1,393 165 1,552 | 14.7 | 35.9 22,292(14,754| 6,573 580 4,962 | 43.2 50.6 5] 49.6 211| 120 ‘| Lakesesssesneesd019 433 1,116 120 484 | 16,1 | 30.2 10,606|21,913| 5,676 110 1,693 | 85.0 6.8 1| 66.4 211| 120 Langu, eeneseres020]| 5,232 512 124 LodSh | 16.2 | 42.9 2,481] 7,298 4,912 1,228 5,460 | 48.5 36.3 3] 23. 451 119 Lincoln, «uueess,021 96; 120 10 972 | 21,2 | 51.0 4y484| 4,613 836 (i) 660 | 62,0 7.0 2| 32.2 | 115s LiMNececeeneenes022] 3,248 465 206 3,325 | 22.1] 27.6 29,071 2,743] 5,233 1,338 5,640 | 47.1] 41.4 5] 35.5 451 Ig Malheur.........023| 2,560 1,030 169 2,545 | 20,6 | 22.8 21,102] 8,292] 12,901 7] 59m | 55.8] 36.3 4 612 | 106 ¥arions.eesssses024| 5,194 385 183 4,785 | 18.5 34.9 43,832] 9,160 6,598 1,659 8,210 [ 34.0 56.0 5| 34.6 451 122 MOPTOWarovaessa025 985 148 540 | 21,7 | 16.3 10,174|18,81| 2,662 202 1,%7 |: 59.8] 33.4 1] 38.7 311 |. 2135 090 | Multnomah, ...s+.026) 2,301 9 28 2,260 | 22.3 | 4h 17,862 7,9C4 1,763 528 4,019 46.5 45.0 2| 28.3 451 143 Polkesssrerserse®@] “TAS, 203 98 1,743 | 20,5 | 32.1 17,707|10,159| 2,333 751 3,255 | %u.2| 55.2 5) 40.4 451) 125 1The State total includes $512 ,857 for female silver fox and/or mink over 3 months old (kept in captivity) not distributed to individual counties. Table 3 Part 5 - Industry and Retail Trade OKLA., McIntosh (046) = OREG., Polk (027) TABLE 3—SELECTED DATA FOR METROPOLITAN AREAS AND FOR ALL COUNTIES, BY STATE—Continued (All dollar figures have been rounded to thousands and will not necessarily add to totals) Not shown because of disclosure of operations of individual establishments. wages and value data were withheld to avoid disclosure. shown for every county. responding State total. 316 Data included in Combined Counties ures are not shown separately because of disclosure of operations of individual establishments. at end of State. a 5 MANUFACTURING ESTABLISHMENTS—1939 MINERAL INDUSTRIES—1939 RETAIL ESTABLISHMENTS—1939 METROPOLITAN Metro. COREA y V. on oN Wage Wages Value of Folie died Value of | Number Wager and Sales Active Employees Pay roll CODES Number | Samers (1000's of roducts ture jlodusts of y Number of (1000's of pro- (average (1000's of ? (average | "gollyry) | (1000's of | (10007 of | (1000's of | persons | (1000s of | stores | “dolla) | prietors | FI" dollars) for year) dollars) dollars) dollars) | engaged | dollars) year) ©) ©) © ®) ® a) m | ® @) an @) as) mm OKLAHOMA~Con, All Counties—Con., McIntosh. eases. s046) 4 9 5 59 26 189 2,019 192 165 101 5 64 (2) (*) ?) *) *) (2) 163 1,731 150 184 109 4 1 10 50 32 : 125 1,546 124, 171 9 4 16 n 55 33 311 2,899 298 272 193 6 20 20 179 76 559 159 139 226 2,137 226 259 U5 67 896 587 6,248 2,146 156 106 62 855 14,923 7% 1,886 1,517 9 30 28 180 11 (2) *) 2) 211 3,126 203 302 224 8 42 46 197 120 25 3 2% 164 2,545 168 273 193 Okfuskee. sss... .054 7 23 19 172 Jul 6 () 4) (2) 278 2,903 262 321 234 083 |Oklahoma.sssess 055 325 6,107 6,677 68,533 25,435 4,159 507 838 3,28, 95,645 2,941 12,613 12,113 OKMULEees assess s056 33 1,320 1,860 11,326 3,741 459 250 283 644 9,906 619 1,124 887 088g€0eesesaess057 18 309 381 4,322 1,522 2,397 358 566 501 8,033 494 769 610 Ottawa. eseeseasd058 19 186 167 1,550 563 10,744 3,082 3,507 420 7,033 404 757 574 PaAWNOC. .0areesss059 7 117 (*) ) (1) 75 26 33 230 2,59% 215 27 186 PAYNE ueeesesess060 29 585 780 11,178 2,277 92 29 31 550 10,206 559 1,217 887 Pittsburg. .s....061 23 167 129 1,237 615 432 336 295 506 7,991 494 923 687 POntotoCesesssss 28 626 661 6,730 3,164 1,568 190 304 518 9,644 507 982 827 Pottawatomie....063 39 519 408 4,715 1,51 1,122 109 196 764 12,838 719 1,530 1,216 Pushmataha......064 10 254 ub 635, 292 17 1,789 152 155 110 Roger Mills.....065 2 (2) (2) (*) (2) 132 1,160 m nm 56 2066 9 24 21 169 80 118 60 58 297 3,110 275 3m 256 « 2067 25 168 199 1,110 707 3,485 472 828 739 13,049 699 1,359 1,163 068 2 (*) () {2) *) () (*) {*) 175 1,463 186 150 66 Stephens......s.069 21 388 2) {23 (*) 389 6,206 398 647 500 TeXASe00reeessssl70 7 15 46 185 2,937 183 267 197 Tillman, eeeeeess071 10 132 ) (*) 2) 286 3,212 260 356 269 127 [TulSReeesesseensl?2 265 6,387 7,628 70,486 26,410 386 363 492 2,691 Vy 27h 2,37 9,581 9,02, Wagonerae..ee...073 3 7 52 38 655 154 219 201 1,847 206 155 103 . Washington......07 20 985 1,233 7,970 4,570 100 88 199 382 9,204 370 973 828 Washita......sss075 7 24 19 139 61 224 3,073 205 31, 217 W00dBaeesseesess076 13 82 75 1,376 373 236 3,961 226 436 329 Woodward. eessses077 1 16 65 993 273 2) 2) (2) 230 44699 233 516 364 Combined Counties®, 3102 2,074 1,187 18,508 4,988 2,208 633 676 OREGON.......| 2,248 63,622 77,586 365,374 172,175 5,120 1,485 1,897 16,458 442,360 | 15,757 | 41,720 44,154 METRO, COUNTIES,, 904 20,562 25,381 154,029 66,199 477 19 211 6,068 203,216 5,669 [ 21,386 23,730 Metro, area: : 090 Portland, 003 4026 904 20,562 25,381 154,029 66,199 4m 19 211 6,068 203,216 5,669 | 21,386 23,730 OTHER COUNTIES...| 1,344 43,060 52,205 211,345 105,976 4y643 1,33 1,686 10,390 238,944 | 10,088 | 20,334 20,424 All Counties: Bakers seeossssss00L 25 479 572 3,348 1,361 1,474 419 518 306 7,286 301 635 621 BentoNassessssss002 46 769 759 2,937 1,600 35 2 23 264, 7,942 283 702 688 090 |Clackamas.......003 82 1,968 2,395 14,249 5,749 128 47 42 692, 12,472 667 1,020 942 Clatsopeseesssss004 78 3,259 4,098 21,991 9,182 (2) {1} (1) 495 11,159 462 1,034 1,107 Columbifieessssss005) 45 2, 3,627 14,731 7,413 () (2) (2) 289 5,354 293 363 336 €00Besesasseseas00b 88 3,460 4454 16,528 8,953 51 26 25 526 11,837 493 952 1,066 CTO0K, oy veeeesssIOT 7 442 695 1,935 1,169 7 9 9 55 1,498 42 126 130 CUFT e0esseeeesaldB 1 327 39 1,471 748 102 1,169 11, 87 61 Deschutes, ......009 24 2,342 3,562 8,573 6,026 ®) (2) (2) 277 8,668 249 759 821 Douglas. .eeessss010 55 1,120 1,073 4y34d 2,483 542 1n7 17 458 7,886 446 595 580 1] ® (2) (2) *) 69 1,339 53 131 125 8 432 £2) (2) (*) 1,034 191 312 118 1,949 110 160 155 5 652 (*) (2) *) 91 2,423 93 1m 196 21 506 513 1,799 885 *) (*) 2) 185 3,812 188 302 298 Jackson. ss sesess015 61 us 1,420 5,439 2,926 245 85 97 527 13,442 524, 1,258 1,258 Jefferson.ss....016 1 * *) (2) (*) *) 2) (*) 32 561 22 Ld 43 Josephine. ......017 26 21, 220 1,326 569 236 97 17 275 5,355 27, 458 467 Klamath. sesso. s018 73 5,101 7,723 24,199 14,511 7% 21 23 © 56] 21,457 529 1,846 2,166 18KOy 10s neersresll9 20 564 875 2,766 1,520 (2) {) (2) 86 2,553 78 216 257 18Ne. esses esses s020 169 4,717 4,919 15,902 9,107 157 100 98 942 25,514 909 2,197 2,221 LincolNeeseessss021 28 1,148 1,321 3,835 2,191 30 9 6 340 4,281 338 333 271 LilNeeesesssaeeel22 8, 1,611 1,579 7,464 3,378 *) (4) (*) 422 8,447 426 %7 678 Malheur. ....:...023 16 | 183 (*) *) J n 8 262 5,1 245 402 3% Marion.eeseessss024 7 3,808 3,686 22,951 9,116 97 28 3% 3,00 2,5 1,053 2,471 24% MOTTOWessasesese025 43 19 id 090 | Multnomah. .....026 822 18,59, 22,986 139,780 60,450 349 102 169 5,376 190,74) 5,002] 20,366 22,788 Polk,sesassesseslR7 46 1,715 2,071 6,633 3,825 75 28 36 263 3,728 257 302 245 2Includes all counties where fig- Includes all establishments and wage earners of counties for which The "Combined Counties" figure for number of establishments is excluded from the State total, since this item was Whenever data on wage earners have been withheld, that portion of the "Combined Counties" figure represented by such data is included in the cor- TABLE 3—SELECTED DATA FOR METROPOLITAN AREAS AND FOR ALL COUNTIES, BY STATE—Continued Table 3 ! Part 6 - Other Zeonenic Data OKLA., McIntosh (046) = (All dollar figures have been rounded to thousands and will not necessarily add to totals) ORSG. , Polk 027) SOL EsME SERVICE ESTABLISHMENTS—1939 BANK DPPOSHS ; pt Major war vas apply Major wi {250s June 1940-5 Ps June 1 il 1945 METROPOLITAN E Bond, (1000's of (1000's of dollars) Met es Aea| COUNTIES, |Number Number| ~~ |Emploees Total | (1000's of Code AND f Sales of | Receipts | Active |“(0race Pa ol (demand | Time | dollars at CODES estab- | (1000's of | estab- ( 's_|proprie-| “gy y s | and time) (1000's [issue price) lish- | dollars) lish- | of dollars)| tors year) dollars)| (1000s | of dollars) ments ments of dollars) Combat | Other | Industrial | Military . equipment _@) (0) @®n ®) | @ ®4) 9) 6) (0 _@) 99) on OKLAHOMA— Con. All Counties—Con. 16 729 51 8 56 19 1 3,562 ugk 911 a 56 2,477 67 94 2 23 10 3,000 360 539 8 285 > ri 20 11 2,149 215 429 28 1,053 8 140 ™ 5 25 3.985 595 1,274 81,957 84,561 18 588 » 123 83 2 19 2,29 1 541 106 14,836 288 1,109 296 472 n2 18,491 2,482 4, Lg7 1,378 39,360 ug 1,97 92 153 98 32 2 3,332 232 1,034 62 22 1 1 ug 1 51 3H 23 2,371 298 788 1 815 89 1 82 70 37 4,882 656 655 083 572 194,467| 1,820 9,035| 1,799 3,53 2,962] 137,382 16,319 26,650| 467,896 21,085 50,931 36,086 68 3,846 201 782 208 248 197 8,370 987 2,158 2,354 593 3,749 Yo 1,492 151 38h 163 122 a 5,289 638 1,892 89 5,615 In 2,900 1 6 1i 102 18 9,475 7 1,79% 2,447 9,k11 994 1 363 5 116 59 2 9 L061 422 m 504 55 3,171 194 680 206 283 171 10,563 1,873 2,507 6,872 453 Pittsburg.......061 us 4,868 1 3719 150 188 102 12,213 1,831 2,569 349 5,173 79,810 Pontotoc. . 47 4,270 186 523 188 183 125 8,513 300 1,727 1,172 58 6,237 310 759 308 293 201 13,627 3,062 2,807 671 2,127 8 603 ko 5 5 16 12 1,966 56 391 32 uk5 ig 12 u7 21 10 1,437 13 3m 3 998 118 260 125 98 46 3,863 684 1,080 178 1,174 9,099 291 691 292 228 170 8,333 1,315 2,171 90 2 651 60 176 65 88 54 1,597 162 427 L) 2,284 129 L2g 138 126 84 12,441 883 2,069 10,886 15,750 65 1,638 16 13 80 32 17 8,145 175 1,294 2,177 39 1,206 118 278 15 133 19 7.062 322 1,558 1,698 7.290 127 ug 85,455 1,098 6,397| 1,078 2,473 2,092] 174,667 19,183 21,165 573,904 146,018 ko, 461 23 493 56 87 53 » 17 3,056 663 7 2,169 160 689 166 248 18 23,115 2,719 2,857 4,468 @ 1,205 9 159 85 5 26 ,936 684 1,134 3,434 103 2 109 5 I] ,090 151 1,299 2719 2,558 53 2,302 0 261 89 62 3,459 19 970 4,095 11,797 195 OREGON. .... 1,934] 441,30] 6,256] 34,203] 6,428| 11,376| 10,910) 929,627 =299,369| 170,692 1,629,809 182,825| 100,603| 163,842 METRO. COUNTIES..| 1,019| 338,679| 3,028 21,426] 3,053 7,986 7.837| 519,286 197,051 95.256 | 1,607,855 128,599 -. 89,409 7,603 Metro. area: 090 |Portland...003, 026 019 338,679] 3,028) 21,426] 3,053 7,986 7.837 519,286 197,051 95,256 | 1,607,855 128,599 89,409 7,603 OTHER COUNTIES... 915| 102,631) 3,228 12,777] 3.375 3,3% 3,073] 4o0,349| 102,39 75,436 21,954 54,226 11,194 156,239 25 3 33 98 3h 102 15 92 8,589 1,223 1,708 3,667 224 18 2 121 529 135 168 149 12,421 3,138 2,483 2,210 3,097 090 28 184 6% 203 118 97] 23,783 9,319 3,94 1,681 k2 5 102 ko 585 157 155 7 ,815 5,820 3,178 8,937 2,479 375| 18,387 18 1,203 79 250 80 76 49 7,797 3.12 1,992 gL 5,999 2 4,081 JH 854 179 305 356 16,845 4,545 2,731 5,982 10,005 583 252 y 281 1 ie 15 14 12 2,657 361 493 276 4 122 23 56 26 1 5 1,278 239 301 129 36 5,092 89 16 86 123 19 10,037 2,701 1,937 88 8,941 37 2,856 133 ko2 132 68 I] ,338 2,54 2,192 68 1,891 1,281 17 955 27 57 24 16 1h 2,322 213 ns 6 =o 33 57 35 9 6 2,5% 190 608 327 9 2 26 104 29 3 24 2,839 555 693 4% 23 1,479 58 234 65 65 56 6,484 1,423 1,619 58 43 1.732 uy 993 154 254 266 23,897 6,031 3,178 1,076 31,657 3 150 3 8 2 3 3 40 122 4.5 18 1,108 79 286 86 72 57 oa 2,428 1,b57 188 2 69 9,738 163 1,015 18 278 285 25,120 5.722 4,591 909 14,297 5 436 21 107 2 14 15 },158 173 815 306 489 61 9,872 264 1,126 295 336 259 46,386 13, 8 6,193 1,541 4,008 2,722 275 29 1,207 9 252 96 50 » 5,787 1,094 1,011 247 2,948 43 4,14 136 uk 151 110 82 20,240 y 3,463 2,2uk 97 33 3,085 ™ 2% rif 66 58 8,887 1,1l0 1,2 88 12,315 396 1,619 396 425 384 52,798 16,035 6,747 142 10,607 4,572 880 7 266 16 62 13 19 15 3,365 373 TH 59 0% 991 | 588,185) 2,844] 20,791| 2,850 7.868) 7,740] 495,503 1, A 91,35 | 1,607,855 126,918 89,409 7.603 12 197 & 176 85 26 18 6,987 1,434 1,33 1,376 1Undistributed, 317. g81¢ OREGON 36 COUNTIES ' CLATSOP | COLUMBIA . Fs pub | J £ i Po ™ = : WALLOWA od WASHINGTON be ; ; He Jd \ 3 | a UMATILLA 1 4 0! TILLAMOOK _ “i ia haps 1 ( 7 | | ? di 3, 1 elias or ' J srenman GILLIAM ® MORROW } - Fe “ie J I ! iL, | T UNION y WASCO 0 \ 5 Ly i 3 i lt cg Rar aid ) ] ee + +f eatin mim imi sup een NN Smad TT ~ is ei} J -> ' ) 1 WHEELER | = ” BAKER ’ ’ - JEFFERSON —— | } en i ———a GRANT { / - - EE td Zo L. i | = CROOK | 1 ’ fr —— DESCHUTES ey —t— on amen om om—_— 4 ¢ - eure wut rites ir i | | : DOUGLAS 1 MALHEUR gon { sso ~ ; : ~] | ' LAKE i ry nnd” ! sn Lad Y : KLAMATH | 1 ! ! : ' JOSEPHINE | JACKSON I i 3 | 1 | | | i i i LEGEND METROPOLITAN AREAS @ PLACES OF 25,000 TO 100,000 (1940) % PLACES OF 100,000 AND OVER (1940) METROPOLITAN AREAS CODE 90 PORTLAND hay © PENNSYLVANIA 67 GOUNTIES ’ RRR { 3 | ' pete le RSE Bel Td ’ ' | | i i I i i ] Me ean | TIOGA \ BRADFORD 0 SusgUname i C CRAWFORD . | i | \ ! bo ware eh mem : 1 T bie a / bh Pe © g— FOREST . ] Poe oe om \ ; ’ Lr - I J i i CAMERON > _ -L 5 | VENANGO 1 - 1 ’ PIKE MERCER s pt k pe ~ / \; LYCOMING \N Ms ® swaron | s : Wy L HG a EN a ib d “UN bmemg ctor | 7 a tO TN NS WILLIAMSPORT. ah ! po a= © amy, ,, / >? a r~ -"%e § § JEFFERSON § - - \ Jin } @ VEW CASTLE KS 4 | x A J | fon cormens Lawrmnie 4 V Grange’ : in y ee i Tour { Jd BUTLER, | f= -— od . CENTRE r / > i = = oo od . ’ 0 - ¢ - < i. I i | ARMSTRONG J | 7 7 r : AY . 2’ lg SNYDER » - BEAVER / dl % ~~.” - te. +. SCHUYLKILL ALIQUIPPA INDIANS, it Eh Ter Tg 7 MIFFLIN rs is. \ 7 nr hii 7 7 SOMERSET f / BEDFORD ’ ¢ FULTON / METROPOLITAN AREAS CODE CODE 3 ALLENTOWN-BETHLEHEM-EASTON 86 4 ALTOONA 88 41 ERIE 94 52 HARRISBURG 109 59 JOHNSTOWN 137 63 LANCASTER ? / ° ® p asso ™4 v 7 Id PERRY [Cn - = - A AA ’ 2” / < CUMBERLAND » ADAMS \ FRANKLIN Y . ; 1 LEGEND P F 100,0 4 PHILADELPHIA © LACES OF 25,000 TO 100,000 (1940) PITTSBURGH % PLACES OF 100,000 AND OVER (1940) READING = — SCRANTON -WILKES BARRE Slit METROPOLITAN AREAS YORK © (FG Lins i Sy SES CN er Table 3 Part 1 - Population OREG., Sherman (028) - PA., McKean (042) TABLE 3—SELECTED DATA FOR METROPOLITAN AREAS AND FOR ALL COUNTIES, BY STATE—Continued ry TOTAL POPULATION POPULATION—1940 EDUCATION VITAL ESTIMATED 1940 STATISTICS 1944 CIVILIAN . T ; POPULATION ie Land | Pop- otal white Peruasta} “O area [ulation population 25 Metro. METROPOLITAN rank in: per years old and Area AREAS, Number of Percent| 44. sq. over who have Code CONES, p i ig change he mile Percent Ush Rural Rural completed— ercent| April | In of man | nonfarm | farm Births | Deaths CODES Number change 940° | percen- 1930-1 1940 [1940 | Number | total Nov. | tiles) | 1940 opu- 5 or Hi 1943 * |ie- ation more io : 1943 1940 grades | SChoO om @ ® “@ ©) ©) m ®) ©) a0) an (12) 13) a4) (15) (16) OREGON-——Con. All Counties—Con, 1,649 | -29.0 2,821 97 | -22.1 830 | 2.8 2,517 | 99.8 1,044 1,277 | 95.6] 86.1 36 14 12,855 1.0 12,268 68 8.7 1,18! 11.0 12,281 | 99.7 2,751 | 5,358 4,154 | 94.1| 28.3 342 134 29,670 | 14.0 26,030 34 6.7 so51| “8a 25,242 | 97.0 8,847 | 7,504 9,679 | 90.2| 28.7 513 380 15,672 | -9.9 17,399 53 | -0.5| 2,02] 8.6 17,335 | 99.6 7,747 | 4,905 4,747 | 9a.6| 32.3 348 177 5,860 | -23.1 7,623 84 | -2.4| 3,178 2.4 7,59 | 99.6 3,646 3,977 | 94.2] 26.0 185 4 10,608 | -18.8 18,069 65 3.3( 2,387 | 5.5 12,477 | 95.5 6,266 | 2,645 4,158 | 94.2 81.9 226 183 43,802 | 12.0 39,194 19 | 29.5 716 | 54.7 38,907 | 99.3 3,747 | 17,866 | 17,581) '93.2| 27.5 833 365 2,576 | -13.4 2,974 96 6.8 1,707 | 1.7 2,974 | 100.0 1,817 1,157 | 93.5| 28.6 45 18 26,105 | -0.9 26,336 33 | 19.5 709 | 87.1 26,115 | 99.2 6,666 | 7,483 | 12,237 | 94.2] 30.2 567 350 PENNSYLVANIA....| 9,278,242 | -6.3 |9,900,180 2.8 | 45,045 {219.8 | 9,426,989 | 95.2 [6,586,877 [3,408,185 | 905,168 86.2| 20.9] 178,370 | 110,383 METRO. COUNTIES..| 6,728,421 | 5.1 [7,091,917 2.1 | 11,562 | 618.4 | 6,657,901 | 93.9 [5,468,174 [1,295,225 | a28,518| 85.6| =21.1| 126,583 | 79,888 Metro. areas: 008 |Allentown-Rethlehem- 382,921 | -3.9 | 346,492 1.3 721 | 480.6 344,793 | 99.5: 252,820 | 68,141 | 26,081| 88.8| 18.5] 5,977| 3,846 004 126,001 | -10.2 | 140,358 0.4 530 | 264.8 189,181 | 99.2 | 100,465 | 29,917 9,976 | 91.7| =20.9| 2,478] 1,587 041 185,179 2.4 | 180,889 3.2 812 | 222.8 179,412 | 99.2 | 134,355 | 26,107 | =20,427| 89.8| 25.3] s,971| 2,079 052 178,677 | -1.9 | 177,410 7.4 520 | 341.2 166,274 | 93.7 | 119,721 | 45,811 | 11,878| s9c.2| =27.1| s,208| 2,211 059 187,384 | -12.2 | 213,459 5.1 695 | 807.1 211,083 | 98.9| 114,567 | 83,261 | 15,681| 82.0| 17.0| 3,968] 2,034 063 |Lancaster.......086| 201,649 | -5.1 | 212,504 7.9 945 | 224.9 209,893 | 98.8| 94,992 | 71,443 | 46,129| 93.5| 17.9] 4,252] 2,867 086 | Philadelphia (pt)? ....023, 046, O51| 2,588,767 2.2 |2,581,387 1.4 804 |3)48.4 | 2,241,870 | 88.5 2,347,890 | 156,652 | 26,795| 86.5| 22.0] 47,884| 30,812 088 | Pittsburgh 002, 026, 063, 065| 1,960,108 | -7.8 |2,126,801 2.6 | 3,412 623.83 2,010,358 | 94.5 (1,469,423 [574,250 | 88,128| 84.7| =22.1| 87,511 22,688 094 |Reading.........006| 228,095 | -7.8 | 241,884 4.4 864 | 280.0 289,560 | 99.0 | 144,757 | 65,650 | 31,477.| 87.4| 16.9] 3,607 2,810 109 |Scranton-Wilkes-Barre vesesseees035, 040| 584,282 | -21.8 | 742,761 -1.7 | 1,345 552.2 740,934 | 99.8 | 606,558 [114,954 | =21,249| 76.2 18.6] 10,206 7,591 137 |YOrKeeseseses...067| 170,368 | -4.3 | 178,022 6.5 914 | 194.8 175,043 | 98.3 | 83,186 | 59,089 | 85,797 91.4| 16.1] 3,486| 1,868 OTHER COUNTIES.. | 2,544,821 | -9.3 |2,808,263 4.6 | 83,483 | 83.9 | 2,769,088 | 98.6 (1,118,708 [1,112,910 | 576,650 87.9| =20.4| 51,787 | 80,445 All Counties: Adams ..ivaes 37,079 | -6.0 39,435 19 6.2 526 | 75.0 89,182 | 99.4 5,916 | 18,747 | 14,772] 91.4| 15.4 803 440 088 | Allegheny. .002| 1,322,387 | -6.3 |1,411,539 0 2.7 730 [1935.6 | 1,821,122 | 93.6 [1,183,831 | 208,486 | 19,222| 86.2| 24.2] 24,899] 15,721 Armstrong. .003 69,678 | -14.1 81,087 7 2.3 660 | 122.9 80,099 | 98.8| 23,562 | 40,790 | 16,735| 90.2| 16.4] 1,582 787 Beaver... .004| 158,463 1.1 | 156,754 3 5.2 441 | 355.5 150,244 | 95.8| 103,888 | 40,462 | 12,404| 81.2] 19.8] 8,140] 1,440 Bedford... ...005 36,130 | -11.5 40,809 18 9.4 | 1,018 40.1 40,579 | 99.4 3,268 | 22,182 | 15,359| 89.6] 15.8 784 402 094 |BerkS...........006| 223,095 | -7.8| 241,83¢ 2 4.4 864 | 280.0 289,560 | 99.0 | 144,757 | 65,650 | 31,477| 87.4 16.9] 3,607] 2,810 004 .007| 126,001 | -10.2 | 140,858" 4 0.4 530 | 264.8 189,181 | 99.2 | 100,465 | 29,917 9,976 | 91.7| =20.9| 2,473] 1,587 .008 46,368 | -8.4 50,615 18 3.2| 1,47] 4¢.1 50,475 | 99.7 | 15,988 | 14,750 | 19,927| 9s.9| 21.6] 1,082 647 .009| 109,042 1.2| 107,115 5| 11.4 617 | 174.6 105,732 | 98.2| 81,635 | 51,358 | 24,727| 91.5| =21.4| 2,099| 1,168 BUL1eT.sessesss.010 81,818 | -7.2 87,590 7 8.8 794 | 110.8 87,306 | 99.7 | 24,477 | 89,206 | =23,907| 90.7| 22.1] 1,712 929 059 |Cambris.sss.....011| 187,384 | -12.2 | 218,459 2 5.1 695 | 307.1 211,083 | 98.9 | 114,567 | 83,261 | 15,631| 82.0| 17.0| 8,98| 2,03 Cameron... ves ...012 6,519 | -4.9 6,852 86 | 29.1 401| 17.1 6,830 | 99.7 3,775 | 2,530 547 | 93.8| 30.3 155 63 Carbon. .018 52,983 | -14.2 61,735 10] -2.6 405 [152.4 61,729 | 100.0 | 87,361 | 20,568 3,811] 84.2] 15.9 968 621 Centre... .014 47,318 | -10.1 52,608 18| 18.6 | 1,115] 47.2 52,210 | 99.2 | 15,498| 25,170 | 11,945| 92.0 27.3 974 478 Chester.see.....015| 124,994 | -7.8| 135,626 4 7.1 760 | 178.5 122,557 | 90.4 | 53,342 | 51,852 | 80,482| 87.0 25.8] 2,639 1,723 Clarion.........0l6 33,094 | -13.8 38,410 19] ne 599 | 64.1. 38,387 | 99.9 3,798 | 21,830 | 12,782] 93.7| 18.4 756 390 Clearfield .017 78,477 | -14.8 92,094 6 6.2 | 1,144 | 80.5 91,756 | 99.6 | 24,874 | 48,259 | 18,961| 85.0] 17.5] 1,664 939 Clinton.. .018 32,827 | -6.5 34,557 23 6.9 902 | 38.3 34,514 | 99.9| 14,594 | 15,757 4,206| 93.6] 24.2 690 364 Columbia. .019 46,847 | -8.9 51,418 13 5.3 484 | 106.2 51,325 | 99.8| 22,980 | 17,675| 10,758 87.5| 21.4 921 528 Crawford... ....020 71,807 0.2 71,644 9| 13.8) 1,016] 70.5 70,756 | 98.8 | 27,045 | 20,111 | =24,488| 94.2| 28.2] 1,510 849 Cumberland. .....021 75,149 2,1 74,806 8 9.6 555 | 184.8 75,602 | 98.4 | 96,887 | 24,146 | 13,793| o94.2| 25.7] 1,610 797 052 .022| 178,677 | -1.9| 177,410 3 7.4 520 | 341.2 166,274 | 98.7 | 119,721 | 45,811 | 11,878| 90.2| =27.1| s,298( 2,211 086 .023| 385,906 8.1| 310,756 Ng 185 [1,679.8 287,912 | 92.6 | 228,240 | 75,881 6,685| 91.7| 84.7 7,008 3,210 .024 30,689 | -11.0 34,443 23 3.0 809 | 42.6 34,358 | 99.8| 18,861 | 11,751 3,831] 85.7] 21.1 573 329 041 |Erie.ceeeesss...025| 185,179 2.4 | 180,889 3 3.2 812 | 222.8 179,412 | 99.2 | 184,355 | 26,107 | =20,427| 89.8| 25.3] s,97m1| 2,079 088 |Fayette.........026| 174,561 | -18.1 | 200,999 2 1.2 800 | 251.2 190,935 | 95.0 49,791 [183,011 | 18,197| w®0.1| 15.6] 3,591| 1,943 Forest.... .027 4,441 | -23.3 5,791 9 | 11.8 420 | 13.8 5,791 | 100.0 4,367 1,424| 92.6) 20.5 84 43 Franklin.......:028 60,830 | -12.8 69,378 9 6.7 754 | 92.0 67,846 | 97.8| 28,177 | 21,780 | 19,421| 94.2] 19.5] 1,506 798 Fulton... 8,992 | -15.8 10,673 74| 15.6 435 | 24.5 10,577 | 99.1 3,514 7,159| 91.6] 12.8 222 98 Greens. cesesees 38,648 | -13.5 44,671 16 7.0 577 | 77.4 44,253 | 99.1 4,801 | 25,909 | 13,871| 88.3] 16.0 807 475 33,858 | -19.1 41,836 17 7.2 895 | 46.7 40,796 | 97.5 | 11,938 | 20,827 9,076 [+ 92.3| 20.4 845 458 68,911 | -18.7 79,854 8 5.9 831 | 96.1 79,257 | 99.8 | 18,184 | 42,880 | 19,340| 85.4| 18.5] 1,507 730 46,917 | -18.8 54,090 12 3.8 652 | 83.0 54,026 | 99.9 | 20,263 20,785 | 18,042 89.5] 18.6 824 497 Junigtasese.ses 13,492 | -12.2 15,378 59 7.3 387 | 30.7 15,290 | 99.5 8,375 6,998 | 95.7 | ‘14.6 310 168 109 |Lackawamna......085| 228,854 | -24.0 | 301,243 1] 2.8 454 | 663.5 300,380 | 99.7 | 269,997 | 22,761 8,485 | 76.3| 19.2| 3,879) 3,192 063 201,649 | -5.1| 212,504 2 7.9. 945 | 224.9 209,893 | 98.8 | 94,932 | 71,443 | 46,129] 93.5| 17.9| 4,252] 2.367 93,094 | =3.9 96,877 6| -0.2 367 | 264.0 94,805 | 97.9| 58,541 | 26,298| 12,038] 86.2] 22.2] 1,855 968 67,956 | 6.4 72,641 9 8.3 363 | 200.1 72,371 | 99.6 | 85,187 | 25,708 | 11,796| 90.8] 17.5] 1,521 815 003 172,736 | -2.7 | 177,533 3 2.7, 347 | 511.6 177,053 | 99.7 | 182,021 | 83,526 | 11,986| 91.4| 19.3] 2,961] 2,000 109 355,428 | -19.5 | 441,518 1f~0.8 891 | 495.5 440,554 | 99.8 | 836,561 | 92,198 | 12,764] 76.1| 18.1| 6,327| 4,399 90,984 | -2.8 93,633 6 o.2| 1,215] 7. 92,473 | 98.8| 61,445| 19,517 | 12,671| 98.6| 24.6] 1,778| 1,149 MCK®@n es ss ss ees 042 49,347 | -12.9 56,673 12 2.7 997 | 56.8 56,465 | 99.6 | 23,824 | 26,643 6,206 1 91.71 26.2 968 547 1Remainder of Philadelphia Metropolitan Area (086) is in New Jersey, 320 TABLE 3—SELECTED DATA FOR METROPOLITAN AREAS AND FOR ALL COUNTIES, BY STATE—Continued Table 3 Part 3 - Labor Force OREG., Sherman (028) = PA. McKean (042) LABOR FORCE—1940 ; Percent Population 14 Years Old and Over Employed Workers by Industry Group rice o METROP! i Br Trans- Busia lds Area] COUNTIES, Percent | Percent porta- Sl Code ND. of ol babi Con oom, . | Whole- | personal Other In |. industry males emales . a = 2 ! ni- . 3s Tota) In labo: ee Tag Agri Wining |“ struc- Manufac tions, sale 4d seis end not agn € in a employ culture tion turing an retail exclud- reported cui- Code labor labor other trade ing We | (See | Per force force utili- domestic age | cent G services a el ies an (18) (19) (29) @n 2) 3) A 25) (2%) @n 28) 29) 30 | a3) | 32) OREGON==Con, All Counties—Con, herman, coe. .ee028 1,989 1,002 82.1 16.5 962 565 1 41 7 56 114 95 83] 58.7| G36| 4.8 9,534 by 924 78,2 20,1 4y27h 1,033 10 241 1,177 165 555 686! 407) 24.2 2(16,5 20,729 10,297 75.9 19.2 9,258 3,641 25 497 812 684 1,397 1,470 732] 39.3| G36] 7.9 13,564 | . 6,758 80,2 18.4 5,769 1,559 19 278 934 672 R1 979 407] 27.0 9(10,3 5,903 3,076 82,8 15.0 2,651 1,520 4 67 225 87 237 310 201 57.3 G36 5.4 10,581 5,519 79.2 22,6 4,892 1,500 5 234 456 450 880 | 957 410] 30,7| G36| 9.5 30.767 15.052| 7a| 17.5] 3,008 4306 18 636 2,543 853] 1,823] 1,77 1,042] 33.1] 8] 6.8 2,295 1,274 85.0 14.1 1,179 528 6 30 343 23 64 112 73] 44.8 9|25.8 20,657 10,267 77.5 19.2 9,016 3,044 23 409 1,870 327 1,377 1,310 656] 33.8 9; 8.3 PENNSYLVANTA.... | 7,693,214 [3,9°6,000 | 78.5 | 25.413,230,167 || 192,546 [224,942 | 142,783 | 1,072,891 | 248,500 | 528,524 | 518,807| 301,17) 6,0 17| 8.5 METRO, COUNTIES.. | 5,569,029 [2,944,870 79.1 27.3 [2,390,586 || 72,579 [136,335 | 102,652 | 830,048| 189,913 | 421,015! 407,687 | 230,407 | 3.0 Metro, areas: > 003 ALLO Sy thlehem- 272,661 146,642 20,2 27.7] 128,427 6,331 | 1,410 5,222 65,151 7,958 17,527| © 16,303 8,525| 4.9 8 orseeelsy, Ot - 107,239) 49,84 | 74.6] 12.9] 41,012) 1,627| 657 1,626 5,441 15,317] 7,192 5,932| 3,220] 4.0 140,754 12,477 9.2 23.9 61,269 4,707 44 2,004 25,805 4,460 10,296 9,200 4,753] 7.7 12,1 75,019 | 7.1| 29.9) 64,975] 2,72 1,187| 2,98] 17,043| 7,100 10,81| 11,087| 12,031 4.2 156,4 76,597 77.2 18,7 62,909 1,615 | 18,707 1,706 17,479 3,307 8,351 7,875 3,269] 2.6 i 50 036| 162,916] 86,981 | =0.1| 22.1 79,735 17 3m™| 3,7m4| 31,872| Les] 10,901 9,87] 6,031] 15.4 036 Eo taseiphia ot 2 oi Joi025, 046, 051 | 2,034,180 1,127,128 80,2 32,1] 928,858 7,%95| 1,074 | 44,830 332,607 66,830 185,064 | 184,395 106,163] 0.8 Pittsbure 202, 028, 063, 065 1,651,009 | 832,454 | 78.0 22.4] 660,463 15,363| 55,289| 27,161| 223,467| 55,273| 114,853| 110,374| 58,685| 2.3 094 [Reading .......006 192,607| 108,004 | 80,5| 32.00 94,621| 6,817 241 vo| 45.751] 6,027| 12,813 13,173| 6,09] 7.2 11kes-Parr 570,674 293,709 78.2 25,1] 201,116 4,353 | 56,962 6,293 34,850 15,992 34,148 32,043 16,475) 2.2 137,705 75,075 81,0 28,5 67,201 8,852 387 3,382 30,582 3,005 9,029 7,408 4,556] 13.2 OTHER COUNTTES.. | 2,124,1%5[1,041,130 | 76.9| 20.2| 839,581 | 119,967 83,607] 40,131 242,%3| 58,587 107,509| 111,170| 70,767] 14.3 15,038 ~T8.8 23.5 13,495 3,759 167 mm 4,451 431 1,382 1, 986} 27.9 15( 9.3 573,198 73.7 24.5| 463,073 3,806 | 11,509 | 20,362 165,902 42,194 88,364 | -86,086 44,350 0,8 17{19.2 27,99% | 7.3 1.6] 22,751 2,531 4,538 1,136 7,03 1,136 2,596| 2,077] 1,434] 11.1] 2[16.1 59,359 80.4 13.1 49,228 1,642 451 1,168 27,865 3,436 6,257 55354 3,055] 3.3 17(46.0 13,468 | 76.8 12.8 11,129) 3,024| 1,060] 1,703 1,337 70] 1,135 1,189 9511 27.2] * 2| 77.4 108,004 80,5 32,0] 94,621 6,817 241] 3,70| 45,751 6,027| 12,313 13,173 6,09| 7.2 6[24.3 49,384 Tob 18.9 41,012 1,627 657 1,626 5,441 15,317 7,192 5,932 3,220| 4.0 23(33.5 18,321 76.4 19.2 16,052 5,023 25 2,899 2,073 1,851 2,135 1,332} 31.3 23|10.5 84,233 45,724 80,1 27.7 40,734 6,232 255 2,367 16,637 1,920 4,836 5,295 3,192] 15.3 6| 9.2 65,835 31,79 7.6 16.8 26,377 4,407 | 2,612 946 8,062 1,393 3,648 3,326 1,983 16.7 17|15.5 7 > 059 156,400 76,597 | 7.2| 18.7] e2,900|| 1,65|18,707| 1,6] 17,479| 3,307| 8,351 7,875] 3,869] 2.6 2/29.6 s,m n1w| mel sa] 26 20 104] 1,47 193 277 242 236] 1.7] 19[52.0 auo| 23,397 7.9| 21.7] 18,828 6s1| 4955) sm| smal 2,097) 1,883 1,983) 1,009 3.5 2/256 38,876 18,184 72,5 19.4 ,88% 2,32 | 1,153 835 2,610 73 2,090 3,536 1,579] 15.6) G36(15.9 Cheater, sess. ses0l5 105,525 | 53,363 76.1 24.1] 47,058 2,19 180 2,609 14,648 2,682 5,270 7, 5,222) 17.4 17|11.5 . « Clarion, .essesss016 27,875 12,675 76.4 12.8 10,285 2,239 | 2,476 430 1,299 626 1,121 1,19 845] 21.9 2|19.0 66,843 | 31,316 75.0 16.9| 22,988 1,559 | 6,560 838 4,332 1,934 2,990 3,004 1,721 6.8 2(26,1 25,929 12,598 76.9 19.3 9,904 718 168 370 3,712 1,453 1,275 1,348 860| 7.2 23(12,1 39,553 | 20,178 72.5 23.0] 16,766 2,492 951 593 7,179 657 1,859 1,873 1,162] 14.9 6[15.4 55,412 | 27,44 73.3 21.5) 24,620 5, 179 955 7,912 1,911 3,005 3,160 1,898] 22.7| 22(13.6 57,777 29 20.. ol 26,426 3 175 2,161 2,690, 3,898 3,640 3,914 13.0 37 9.5 WG HS = #5 B26) 3438| IB| Boe 1303] 7a] 100ma| 11,087) 120031] 4i2| 3713. 245,665 | 129,955 81,1 26,2] 115,598 1,740 138 5,624 42,665 9,149 18,392 24,259 13,131 1.5 G36] 9.3 25,39 | 12,317 75.9 18.8] 10,162 463 | 1,227 296 4,263 681 6). 1, ue 938] 4.6] 19/177 140,754 T2,4T7 79.2 23.9 61,269 4,707 4d 2,004 25,805 4,460 10,296 9,200 4,753) 7.7 1913.8 146,869 69,346 75.9 17.5 47,307 2,706 | 16,716 1,453 5,433 3,839 7,364 6,319 3,427] 5.7 2|34.7 4,245 1,935 Thu 11.9 1,418 1 125 130 483 67 110 15 196] 11.4] 16(14.0 52,665 26,445 77.1 23.7 24,171 4,913 138 2,428 7,269 1,152 2,906 3,190 2,175] 20.3 19(12.4 7,522 3,646 80,9 13.7 3,246 1,439 108 608 17 90 246 268 316] 44.3] G36] 3.8 32,080 | 14,447 | 76.4 11.8] 11,29 2,470 4,292 464 297 s47| 1,09) 1,264 867] 21.9] 2[33.6 30,78| 13,532| -67.8| 17.9] 10,375(| 1,810 1,132 705 2,262 mu) 1,212 1,367] 1,613] 16.6] 2] 8.4 57,911 26,330 75.7 14.7 20,377 3,047 | 7,288 294 1,384 999 2,649 2,629 1,487] 15,0 2(35.4 39,923 18,543 75.8 16.3 13,619 2,025 | 3,026 552 1,845 1,302 1,849 1,931 1,089] 14.9 3]20,1 11,236 5,285 77.5 16.1 4,280 1,577 12 275 955 261 348 403 « 449] 36.8 7 5.6 234,072 | 120,419 | 77.5| 26,1] 81,165 1,7M2 [17,910 2,465 13,439 8,13 | 1,935] w,7m™| 7,71] 2.1] 2|22.0 162,916 86,981 80,1 28.1 7,735 12,317 379 3,744 31,872 by Bld 10,901 9,847 6,031 15.4 6[11.4 74,540 36,622 78.2 19.9 25,982 2,356 833 Th2 9,251 2,314 4,300 3,792 1,844) 9.1 1717.7 55,061] 30,377 | sual 29.9] 27,572 2,4 .6| 1,216) 13,503] 1,103 3,432] 2,957] 1,661f 9.8] 17]15.3 140,105 | 75,786 | 80.5 28,5] 6,536| 3,239] 277] 3,005 31,420 4,709] 10,378 9,119 4,389] 4.9] 17[10.4 16,602 173,290 | 7.6| 24.4] 119,95 || 2,641] 39,052 3,228] 21,411) 4858] 19,213] 17,264 8,684) 2.2) 2[32.5 72,96 | 37,088 7.2 24.8 31,11 3,135 1,226 11,829 2,791 4,707 24 2,787] 10.1 6| 7.1 MoKeaneeeseseeesD42 42,828 21,508 78.2 21.3 18, 666 9% 1 4,636 72 4,406 941 2,577 2,738 1,862] 4.3 3124.6 1Remainder of Philadelphia Metropolitan Aree (086) is in New Jorviy: N Table 3 Part 3 - Housing OREG., Sherman (028) - PA., McKean (042) TABLE 3—SELECTED DATA FOR METROPOLITAN AREAS AND FOR ALL COUNTIES, : BY STATE—Ccntinued : HOUSING—1940 A . " : Nonfarm Rural Farm All Dwelling Units Occupied Dwelling Units Dwelling Units Dwelling Units ty Reis METROPOLITAN Mol © COUNTIES Med phones Area . ian Code AND Residential Percent | Percent Per. | Percent | ober Per- CODES structures © «fm5or| with Poet ? cont wih of Avery e eo Pesont wn 3 ! : more rivate | wil mechan- monthly with | wit Number fly oh | Number | owner = pestons Number ent Number run- | eleetric : struc- or lighting be refrig- | }ouse- (dollars) ning | lighting tures shower PH eration hold water 33) 34) @9) 36) GD (38) 39 (40) 1 w) 3) “) “s) “6 “n \ . OREGON-——Con, | All Counties—Con, ; 867 868 65.3 57.8 | HT | 43.9 38.0 2.80 4og 10.45 eo | 77.2 39.2 322 by, lly 4,752 3 62.3 83.6 3,714 | 53.8 27.1 2.90 3:53 haze 1,216 79.3 66.1 1,148 7,534 8,221 5 52.8 79.6 7.451 | 51.7 45.2 2.88 5,001 18.25 3,180 | 48.5 58.6 3,333 5,191 5,744 6.2 53.8 81.0 5,316 | 55.6 38.4 2.96 4,262 15.82 1,482] us5.2 5.4 938 2,12 2,5u 2.2 34.9 64.9 2,172 | 60.9 28.2) 3.15 1,332] 15.84 1,209 | 4o.%| 35.9 514 4,043 “4,400 Ch 60.2 I 4,017 | 55.8 43.8| 2.86 3,090 | 19.29 1.0 56.6 33.1 2,121 Washington. . 12,347 12,825 1.5 54.0 gh.5 11,890 | 67.8 38.7 2,9 7,317] 16.49 5,548 i 75.3 2,564 Wheeler... . 913 959 2.9 31.6 43.2 888 | 45.5 20.4 3.04 610 10.50 349 | Lh, 12.0 285 Yambille ives 7,815 8.161 1.5 56.6 87.4 7,883 | 62.4 Mol 2.93 4,559 | 15.49 3,602 64.4| 78.0 2,360 PENNSYLVANIA....| 2,095,886 | 2,618,056 5.1 63.9 92.3 | 2,515,524 | 45.9 50.3 3.46 2,397,815 27.66) 220,241 | 37.9 57.641,232.024 METRO. COUNTIES..| 1,447,595 | 1,868,682 6.4 68.2 96.1 | 1,802,787 | 43.0 54.5 3.47 1,792, 340 29.84 76,342] 41.8 67.4] 941,852 Metro. areas: ? : 003 |AllentownBethlehem- Easton. ...039, 048 74,309 91,593 3.3 63.5 95.6 88,875 | 45.7 49.4 | 3.43 85,498 | 27.19 6,095 £0 74.9 48,451 004 |[Altoona.........007 nl 37,227 3.8 65.7 93.7 Fn 46.9 45.3 3.42 3% 21.86 2,277 2:3 63.6 20,0 O41 |[Erie...... «+0 Jho2 50, 346 3.5 72.9 | -9%.9 - hg,010 | L7.4 k2.3 3.33 ,923 25.53 5,423 | 34. 67.3] 27,047 052 |Harrisburg......022 36,256 4g,051 4.6 66.0 95.0 46,572 | 44.8 56.8 3.26 45,456 29.37 2,595 | 34.9 59.9 34,146 059 |Johnstown.......011 goal L4g,2lo 3.9 46. 92.7 48,512 | 43.6 1 3.92 4,010 | 19.72 3,230 2 56.5] 16,936 063 |Lancaster....... 036) ,629 56,950 2.L 57. 89.5 55,876 | 51.8 0} 3,33 46,819 | 25.21 10,131 .6| 68.6] 29,921 086 |Philadelphia(pt)l ; ; .....023, 046, OSL] 546,203 691,231 9.0 8L.6 98.5 658,179 | 41.9 60.9 3.39 685,228 | 34.28 6,003 | 64.4| 88.2] 364,070 088 [Pittsburgh 002, 026, 063, 085 Lok,058 547,294 6.6 54.7 95.4 534,544 | 40.0 58.5 | 3.53 527,516 | 29.47 19,778 | M.0| 64.1] 290,645 094 |Reading.:....... 006 55,897 66,503 3.6 67.0 93.6 63,692 | 50.3] 51.5( 3.29 59,384 | 27.09 7,119| 39.3| 70.4] 32,98 109 | Scranton-Wilkes-Barre 3 Siena +4035, 040 129,368 190,098 3.7 63.2 97.1 174,491 | 43.9 33.7. 3.84 175,025 24.1 5,058 | 4.3 70.41 62,628 137 XYOrRe cuieic mnie sain 41,98 50,1 17 49.9 87.7 4g,252 | 53.4 53.0 3.26 41,53 22.78 8,633 | 38.2 57.1 14,993 OTHER COUNTIES.. 648,291 749, 374 1.9 50.2 82.9 712,737 | 53.2 39.8 3.62 605,475 21.16 143,899 | 35.3 52.11 290,172 All Counties: 9,530 10,648 1.2 36.3 72.2 10,194 | 58.5 34.0 3.36 7,114 16.92 3,534 | 26.68 45.3 3,336 088 260,900 368,485 8. 61.1 98.2 360,094 | 38.2 62.7 | 3.7 363,690 | 34.03 4,795 | 54.9 | 82.81 222,067 18,487 20,718 1.4 37.9 75.6 “20,098 | 50.0 38.9 3.65 16,646 16.47 4,072 | 28.0 H4.9 8,095 31,776 39,485 4,1 59.8 94.9 38,832 | u8.7 56.7 | “3.65 36,541 25.25 2,944 | 34.0 70.5 20,984 9,588 10,463 0.7 21.6 57.4 10,188 | 57.7 21.5 3.47 6,938 13.91 3,525 | 25.4 3.7 2,40 gk 55,897 66,503 3.6 67.6 93.6 63,692 | 50.3 51.5 3.29 59,384 | 27.09 7,119 39.3 ( 70.4] 32,98 004 31,975 37,227 3.8 65.7 93.7 36,284 | 46.9 45.3 3.42 4,950 21.8 2,277 2.3 63.6 20.00 14,232 15,370 0.5 45.6 76.3 13,936 | 63.2 34.8 3.18 9,507 16.70 5,863 | 38.2 59.5 6,8! 26,878 30,624 1.0 61.6 92.6 28,112 | 60.5 fe.2 5 24,002 26.33 6,622 | 55.5 82.8] 14,160 20,889 23,573 2.6 45.9 81.4 22,225 | 55.8 Ly. 3.48 17,357. 21.62 6,216 | 33.7 59.0 10,597 059 38,517 4g, 240 3.9 283 92.7 4g,512 | 43.6 38.7 3.92 46,010 | 19.72 3.250 gl-2 56.5) 16,936 1,520 1,882 8.9 56. 88.1 1,872 | 49.1 | 55.2 3.16 1,734 | 18.56 1g | kg.o| 55.1 568 11,687 15,115 1.8 58.4 94.2 14,780 | 50.7 35.2( 3.04 14,638 | 20.52 777 | Ws.8 | 68.7 4,880 12,007 3.4 45.9 81.2 13,271 | 52.4 45.0 | 3.42 11,416 | 22.39 2,438 | 32.3 52.7 5,803 28,575 34,470 2,7 64.8 88.4 33,046 | ug.2 58.2 ER 26,809 28.88 | 7,601 64.8 74.9 16,696 9,359 10,072 02 33.6 62.6 9,730 | 61.1 32.3 3.47 6,976 | 15.94 $036 26.5 | 34.1 4,171 21,143 23,288 1 38.0 81.6 22,657 | 56.2 28.6 3.61 18,948 14.53 ,340 | 31.6 56.5 6,524 1.766 9,172 3.0 53.2 84.7 8,904 | 49.2 38.8 | 3.40 8,199 | 17.77 973 | M.6| 51. 3,340 11,535 14,042 2.4 51.0 81.h4 13,565 | 55.3 3.6 3.35 11,385 | 18.12 2,657 | 29.2 | hho 5.38 19,295 21,878 3.9 55.0 85.9 19,960 | 59.5 2.6 | 3.1% 15,230 | 28.16 6,648 | 28.9 | 64.2 7.156 17,717 21,459 2.9 55.2 84.3 20,419 | 50.0 4.0 3.19 18,264 24.95 3,195 | 19.3 46.6 5,423 052 ,256 48,051 4.6 66.0 95.0 46,572 | L4h.8 56.8 3.26 15,456 29.37 2,595 | 34.9 59.9 34,146 086 64,278 83,596 5.5 88.1 98.2 80,057 | 48.7 76.3 | 3.46 82,091 41.94 1,505 | 79.8 88.8 58,209 7,599 8,329 0.8 61.8 8.4 8,000 | 56.8 49.8 | 3.74 7,47 21.88 855 | 35.0 | 48.0 2,215 ok Lo, ko2 50, 346 3.5 72.9 94.9 48,010 | L7.4 42.3 3.33 Lh 923 25.53 5,423 | 34.4 67.3 27,047 088 38,556 48,970 2.2 34.1 85.4 47,902 | 40.9 n.2| 3.75 44,829 | 16.08 Ya | 37.3 | 57.1) 14,634 2,056 2,131 27.6 43.2 1,558 | 59.4 27.7] 3.23 1,647 | 12.20 hgh | 23.1 | 21.8 383 15,828 18,469 1.5 46.8 17.3 17,766 | 50.1 35.1 3-33 14,030 | 18.95 4,439 | 22.0 | U4.6 7,162 2,585 2,721 1k.5 39.0 2,614 | 66.5 |. 12.9 3.6 998 15.2 1,723 | 12.9 24.5 203 10,309 11,355 0.8 28.3 58.5 10,944 | L4.7 37.5 3.63 7,880 14.68 3,475 | 26.6 13.9 4,109 9,517 10,728 2.0 34.8 12.3 10,4%5 | 53.5 0.7] 3.85 8,676 | 15.82 2,052 | 27.5 | 39.2 2,669 17,861 19,723 0.8 30.6 78.1 19,221 | 45.6 33.1 3.71 15,136 16.07 4,587 | 28.1 50.2 4,823 12,674 13,943 1.3 Lo.6 72.30 = 13,5101 ‘57.5 30.6 | 3.55 10,773 IE 3,170 | 28.8 | 34.6 4,329 3,784 biz 1.0 24.1 51.8 3,979 | 62.2 18.4 3.45 2,470 13.9 1,661 | 22.0 30.6 819 109 52,066 74,450 hi 64.7 98.1 72,374 | Mu.7 fd 3.73 72,471 | 25.00 1,979 | 48.0 | 78.1] 26,247 063 18,629 56,950 2.4 57.6 89.5 55,376 | 51.8 6.6 3.33 46,819 | 25.21 10,131 | 44.6 | 68.6] 29,92 Lawrence....... 037 21,838 25,471 2.9 59.6 95.1 24,797 | 51.6 52.0 3.48 22,613 22.54 2,858 | 11.0 11+1 15,935 Lebanon, sue... 038 15,679 20,226 2.8 53.7 91.6 19,028 | 48.6 43.9] 3.35 17,597 | 20.95 2,629 | 31.8 | 66.6 1,593 003 |Lehigh......... 039 39,015 47,074 2.8 6h, u 95.5 45,563 | 45.4 48.9 3.04 hy, 321 27.1 2,753 oa 69.8 21,090 109 |Luzerne........ 0 77,302 105,633 4 62.2 96.4 102,117 | 43.4 31.1 3.93 102,554 | 23.55 3,079 | 42.0 65,5] 36,381 Lycoming... ov. oll z2,l68 27,108 .1 62.7 86.9 25,704 | 50.2 39.0 3.20 23.17% 22.74 3,334 2 4g.8| 14,547 McKean... ...... ok2 14,122 15,73 2.3 70.1 89.5 15,212 | 53.7 57.6 | 3.32 154,016 | ‘24.87 1,715 .6| 56.0 9,730 lhemainder of Philadelphia Metropolitan Area (086) is in New Jersey. 322 TABLE 3—SELECTED DATA FOR METROPOLITAN AREAS AND FOR ALL COUNTIES, BY STATE—Continued (Figures which have been rounded to thousands will not necessarily add to totals) Table 3 Part 4 - Agriculture OREG., Sherman (028) - PA., McKean (042) iS AGRICULTURE—1945 AGRICULTURE—1940 Value of farm products sold, | Principal Per- { Value of Work power traded, or used by source of Per i Arm properly farm household farm income Ie METROPOLITAN | cent | farms mir Metro AREAS, Number of | Land in | Cropland | Number | of | (uh Percent from— {arming ford COUNTIES, farms farms ested | of farms | farms | (10 A Number i area | AND (1000's | (1000s oper- | 4 Tol ver- of Aomic Live- code livin CODES Jan. 1, of of April 1, | ated prod: (1000° age | horses | Number (1000's stock Code Per. | Gee [in ne 1945 acres) | acres) fo40 by | fe | andlor of and (Seer | LC | aon) uc of arm of live- | C cent | P ten- | Jess | gill ) | (dol mules | tractors dollars) ve. rops | p42) ants | than ol ars, ct fover 3 2 oe} $400 mo. ol prod=, z 2? ) ucts “8) “9) 50) GD (2) 63) 64 (5) (6) Gn G8) 59) (60) 6) | © 3) (CQ) 1H 292 468 132 343 | 40.5 6.4 12,224 (35,638 2,105 227 1,789 | 17.6 78.6 5| 77:6 311| 15 927 82 11 960 | 22,0 | 23,2 11,175|11, 6.1] 843 140 1,795 85.5 3.2 217.9 411 125 2,105 L364 366 2,312 | 23,1 | 24.4 43,759] 18,927, 7,674 833 7,923 33.1 [9%] 547.5 3 125 1,192 6 123 1,255 | 18.4 | 22.3 14,219(11,208 5,084 352 2,393 55.7 31.7 1136.9 232 125 812 675 76 989 | 22,1 | 17.7 11,980(12,113| 6,787 188 2,373 76.2 13.2 1:]°57.5 232 128 845 976 104 1,007 | 18.0 | 27.6 13,455|13,361 4,891 409 2,362 40.3 51.7 5132.1 311 118 4,519 239 116 4,348 | 16,3 | 39.3 34,641 7,967 4,717 1,120 5,837 45.3 41.8 2] 25,2 451 126 . 248 761 20 249 | 10.8 | 22.1 4,390(17,631 2,456 70 938 87.9 42 Lo 1] 62.6 211 121 Yamhill.,e.eeeee036 2,809 276 129 2,817 | 18.8 | 33.6 24,778] 8,796 3,798 1,088 4,104 45.2 43k 5120.7 451 122 PENNSYLVANTA,...| 171,761] 15,020 6,604] 169,027 | 16,0 | 33.6 [11,129,388] 6,682 299,767 | 54,842 | 235,088 | 56.8| 26.9 229.0 121 METRO. COUNTIES... €2,196 4,335 2,248] 59,293 | 17.2 | 32.3 | 47,636] 3,006] 107,107 | 21,086| 96,614 52.9| 33.5 . Metro. areas. 703 | Allentown=-Bethlehem Easton,, 039, 04% 4,625 326 232 4,671 | 16.5 | 27.4 37,01¢| 7,828 7,975 2,504 8,415 | 43.2] 43.7 004 - | Altoona, .007 2,084 153 65 L931 | 19.0 | 41.4 10,%27| 5,607] 2,°02 512 2,550 | 45.9 36.2 2129.1 O41 | Eriessss ses vase e025 4,600 382 159 4,503 | 11.4 | 34.1 25,505] 5,664 7,671 1,635 5,360 48.3 36.5 2]31.2 052 | Harrisburg......022 2,188 177 110 2,098 | 20.4 | 29.4 1,015] 6,690] 4,722 678 3,350 1 63.0] 22.0 2127.6 059 | Johnstewn.......011 3,057 188 76 2, M94 14.2 1 47.3 10,799] 3,962 3,001 577 2,100 | 3%.7| 22.0 031.2 063 | Lancaster.......036 8,823 509 360 8,446 | 25. 13.9 91,609|10,%6| 21,136 3,462 24,549 51.1 40.4 5 | 344 086 | Philadelphia(pt)2 ; : «ee..023, 048, 051 4,088 230 137 4,015 15.3 | 33.6 71,915|17,912 5,967 1,946 3,715 55.2 36.6 022 | Pittsburgh 002, 026, 063, 085] 17,052 1,232 us| 14,353 | 17.2 | 40.6 | 106,790| 7,440| 21,253 3,28] 15,699 | 56.0] 23.0 094 .006 4,863 375 247 5,541 | 21.5 (433.5 37,263] 6,233] 10,261 2,412 9,302 58.3 | 29.5 2,[27.2 109 |Scranton-Wilkes- : .035, 040 2,952 286 iil 3,806 | 10.4 | 41.3 24,217| 6,216 5,211 1,149 4,439 50.9 31.6 1373] York. ice siviesny 67 €, 864 476 300 7,120 | 16,3 | 25.8 44,137] 6,199( 15,712 2,333] 1,437 57.0] 29.6 3]28.0 10, 684 4,357 109,734 | 15.1 | 34.2 | 654,462] 5,964 | 192,655 | 33,756 | 132,474 | 59.5] 22.3 265 159 3,070 17.4 1-31. 17,949] 5,%5 6,973 1,167 £4,290 48.2 37.3 7 119.4 463 119 02g 163 67 3,004 | 19.0 | 49.3 35,609 [11,254°| 3,417 810 4,107 | 39.5 | 45.2 2 127.6 466 | 137 2684 95 3,047 | 15.4 1 475 13,769 | 4,519 4,397 3 2,202 57.7 12.9 0 [28.2% 466 114 157 51 2,047 | 18.4 | 52.3 11,766| 5,742 2,59 460 1,576 59.4 14.9 2 34.2 466 128 418 129 2,99, | 15.8 | 32.7 13,610( 4,546 5,475 809 3,259 59.8 15.9 2 35.2 - 462 104 094 375 247 5,541 | 21.5 | 33.5 37,863 | 6,233| 10,261 2,412 9,302 | 58.3 | 29.5 2 {27.2 463 | 130 ons 153 65 1,931 | 19.0 | 41.4 10,827] 5,607 2,802 512 2,550 45.9 36.2 2129.1 462 115 555 196 4,269 | 11,3 | 26.3 21,976] 5,148| 7,900 1,308 5,995 | 81,8 Leb 2 152:3 413 | 120 267 173 4,299 9.2 | 27.4 46,131110,731 5,636 2,481 9,560 53.0 38.3 6 123.9 463 138 Butler. .........010 309 133 4,528 | 12,9 | 45.0 26,149] 5,775 6,050 1,328 4436 | 54.9] 21.8 0 |23,0 466 | 122 059 | Cambtriaseeesss.s011 3,057 188 76 2,79 | 14.2 | 47.3 10,7%9| 3,9%8| 3,091 577 2,101 37,7 28.0 . 031.8 L466 | 112 162 18 2 165 42 | 60,6 482 2,921 121 29 28 46.1 7.1 0 | 46,3 466 122 73 68 29 67% | 4.7 35.2 3,844] 5,703 1,001 251 835 | 45.1 [ 34.9 5 | 24.6 466 | 117 2,030 236 112 1,977 | 29.4 | 27.1 1,032] 7,00%( 4,72] 283 3,293 | 60.6 | 21.7 2 133.4 L620 11 4,172 383 188 4,290 | 16,7 | 24.2 63,537 [15,998 9,075 2,197 12,918 56.9 35.9 2 139.5 463 137 Clarions..... 2,280 209 90 2,199 | 13.1 | 33.1 11,507 | 5,233] 3,676 770 1,%3 | 61.1] 10.3 0 |28.3 466 | 116 Clearfield.. 3,128 oe ™ 3,530 | 11,9 | 61.4 10,341 2,929 2,718 622 1,937 | 40.2 | 12.1 0 |40.2 466 | 105 886 35 762 | 22,0 | 28.9 4,345] 5,7CR 1,359 277 957 51.8 26.3 2 129.7 466 122 2,201 191 101 2,099 | 12,5 | 23.6 11,049] 5,264 3,751 798 2,850 51.6 [ 30.4 5 121.9 462 117 Crawfordas es... .020 5,335 L483 176 5,596 | 11.5 | 36.2 26,336 4,76| 10,070 1,313 5,037 | 66.3 | 13.2 2 [43.2 464 | 125 Cumberland......021 2,562 231 153 2,209 | 33.3 | 24.6 20,291 7,224] 7,270 904 4,3 sn.6 1027.2 2 | 30.7 463 | 123 052 | Dauphine, s.....022 2,188 177 110 2,098 | 20.4 | 29.4 14,015] 6,620 4,822 678 3,350 63.0 22,8 2 |27.6 463 135 086 669 L5 19 225 | 20,6 | 40.1 23,216(28,141| 1,49% 260 2,190 | 37.0 | 56.1 8 40,8 463 | 159 843 62 20 720 5.7 | 50.0 3,100{ 4,306 692 208 537 | 47.2 21.5 0 | 30.6 466 114 041 4,600 382 159 4,503 | 11.4 | 34.1 25,505 5,664 7,677 1,635 5,860 48.R 36.5 2131.3 464 132 082 | Fayettes..oss..a026 3,796 258 5 3,053 | 10,2 | 47.0 15,744 | 5,157 ,505 65% 2,4 | 46.6] 20.6 0 [31.2 466 | 111 Forest.... 217 21 5 276 | 9.4 | 55.1 935 3,3£8 277 eY 13] 47.0] 15.6 0 36.1 466 | 116 3,560 336 203 3,731 | 27.5 | 26.9 25,231] 6,923 10,132 1,192 6,195 51.6 | 35.4 2 |27. 463] 115 1,464 173 51 1,417 | 18.9 | 33.4 5,808) 2,192] 2,522 302 1,237 49.8 17.3 0}]31.1 462 107 Greeness.sesssss030 2,860 307 65 2,650 | 21.6 | 38.5 14,110] 5,325] 4,613 240 2,052 | 65.8 49 0 {27.8 466 | 111 Huntingdon. .....031 1,765 255 18 1,625 | 18,1 | 34.0 8,344 5,135 3,573 455 1,%2% 57.6 15.9 2 | 30.6 462 107 3,463 319 124 3,235 | 11,5 | 40.2 15,491 4,7¢9 5,239 853 3,001 51,2 22.4 0 | 25.4 466 | 109 2,458 201 84 2,356 9.3 | 43.9 9,435| 4,005 3,173 547 1,906 50.7 21,0 027.6 466 108 1,354 137 62 7,501 {| 12, 25,0 7,253 4,225 2,917 438 2,082 56.0 18,6 3]28.5 462 113 109 | Lackawanna,.....035 1,385 109 33 1,510.1 10.4 | 34.9 10,662| 7,061 2,059 436 1,929 60.1 24.0 2 140.7 413 122 063 | Lancaster. 0 8,823 509 360 8,446 | 25.4 | 13.9 91,609(10,246( 21,136 3,462 24,549 51.1 404 5 | 34.4 463 128 Lawrence. . 2,4ko 173 81 2,155 | 12,9 | 34.2 12,722| 5,903 3,711 716 2,478 65.2 (17.0 2 | 384 LE | 125 Lebanon... ......038 1,842 142 99 1,920 | 25.3 | 21.2 16,025] 8,378 4,99 335 3,99 | 66.6] 20,2 2129.5 LA3| 128 003 | Lehighesseeseses039 2,317 162 116 2,07, {37.5 1:26,3 17,926 2,643 3,977 1,179 3,940 | 40.2 47.9 5134.3 463 121 109 2,567 177 72 2,386 | 10.4 | 45.3 13,555] 5,621 3,152 713 2,510 4349 37.4 212.1 466 119 2,942 2 115 2,718 | 12,0 | 28.6 15,358 5,650 4,922 756 3,321 53,0 23.5 2 | 26.3 M6 117 1,173 10¢ 25 1,234 9.2 | 55.2 5,236| 4,729 1,292 246 IR 69.6 8.7 2 | 54.0 466 141 1The State total includes $239,688 for female silver fox and/or mink over 3 months old (kept in captivity) not distributed to individual counties. 2Remainder of Philadelphia Metropolitan Area (086) is ir. New Jersey. 323 Table 8 Part 5 - Industrv and Retail Trade OREG., Sherman (028) PA., McKean (042) TABLE 3—SELECTED DATA FOR METROPOLITAN AREAS AND FOR ALL COUNTIES, BY STATE—Continued (All dollar figures have been rounded to thousands and will not necessarily add to totals) ' MANUFACTURING ESTABLISHMENTS—1939 MINERAL INDUSTRIES—1939 RETAIL ESTABLISHMENTS—1939 METROPOLITAN Mel COUNTIES Value added Area 5 ue adde . Code AND ’ Wage Wages Yolss of by manufac- Yalge of Noajie Wages and Nombes of Sales Active En hoyees ‘Pay roll CODES Number Sons (1000° s of fo ucts ¢ ture oo I. 9 | 000's ¢ umber of | (1000s of | pro- f 2€ (1000's of ea dollars) ( Sob 1 (1000's of ( s of | persons | ( so stores dollars) | prietors 5 dollars) or year) dollars) dolar) dollars) engaged | dollars) year L) (66) 6D (68) (69) a 1 a oi @) a9 as) qs) a) OREGONe=Con . All Counties—Con. Sherman... (2) *) (*) 50 625 43 hy 34 Tillamook 50 764 878 4,216 1,884 & 234 3,901 232 28k 267 Unatilla.. 36 790 725 7.378 2,261 ng 10,009 394 924 906 Dots nes eins s 24 964 1,199 4,106 2,173 306 6.327 289 556 515 Wallowa. ........ 11 166 177 710 288 115 2,270 11 160 162 Wasco... 20 295 335 3,264 781 2u7 6.534 218 625 619 Washington. 63 1,952 2,090 9,519 4,310 (*) (r) 4) 50 9,315 4801 660 593 Wheeler 6 363 2) *) () yl 800 39 52 3 Yamhill... 6) 1,095 854 5,398 1,896 (2) (1) 1) ko2 8,231 422 683 587 Combined Counties? 337 31,658 2,842 8,433 5,341 578 172 204 PENNSYLVANIA....| 13,801 | 858,296 | 1,003,349 | 5.475.925 | 2,489,129 512,945 | 199,009 262,439 | 134,543 | 3,133,377| 125,532 347,790| 338,718 METRO. COUNTIES..| 10,689 | 662,839 | 4783,898 | 44,348,030 | * 1,984,118 260,819 | 131,25 176,609 96,491 | 2,418,876 89,016 | 275,97%| 279.360 Metro. areas: 003 | Allentown-Bethlenem| 6 ' wy i om i Easton. . 624 55,343 8,667 280,592 141,721 3,443 1,320 1,830 5,417 119,723 y 13,67 12,765 004 | Altoona 105 5,105 A (2) (1) 906 = 530 1,678 43,340 hgh 5,240 4,372 o41 | Erte... 309 19,251 25,026 142,393 72,226 238 1 oh 2,687 61,868 2,581 6,861 6,414 052 | Harrisburg. 251 15,685 16,716 109,585 L9,587 2,302 1,156 1,678 2,658 67,004 2,365 8,254 8,031 059 | Johnstown. 133 14,191 19,057 102,060 36,151 304649 18,223 21,873 2,110 59,8 1,882 6,820 5.994 063 | Lancaster. 431 27,718 25,115 131,382 65,824 703 294 227 4,024 72,543 3,761 7.845 6,938 086 |Philadelphia(pt)® ... 023,046 051 | 5,231 | 257,072 310,096 | 1,863,237 837.279 2,159 1,09% 2,344 37.557 960,782 | 34,923 | 110,348| 119,365 088 | Pittsburgh ] 002, 026, 063 a 2,063 169,109 235,957 1,301,222 564,462 105,102 47,952 68,703 22,985 703,032 20,799 | 80,350 82,696 094 | Reading......... 006 506 40,612 1,697 154,765 83.978 705 264 248 4,556 82,035 4,271 9,194 8,82 109 | Scranton-Wilkes Barre) 3 A op 035, 040 579 31,451 27,127 132,922 66,101 121,767 | 59.806 78.633 10,469 193,371 9.721 21,497 19,409 137: | YOrEeesnsreres +067 sy 27,302 2k, 440 129,872 66,789 1,245 uso 479 2,350 55,322 2245 5.891 L,89k OTHER COUNTIES...| 3,112| 195,458| 219,451 | 41,127,895 4 505,011 143,726 | 67.753 85,830 38,052 714,501 | 36,516 71,816 59,358 All Counties: Adams...........001 70 4,192 3.068 14,978 6,974 563 189 215 535 7,600 553 769 525 088 | Allegheny .002[ 1,571 | 124,216 174,609 | 1,007,976 427,179 25,967 | 12,913 20,053 15,389 523,420 | 14,001 | 61,730 66,872 Armstrong .003 52 4,062 L,842 24,506 15,023 6,507 3.771 4,437 847 16,972 781 1,588 1,281 Beaver. 00k 165 26,659 39,471 218,913 88,550 3,049 867 1,093 1,805 42,567 1,730 4,313 3.630 Bedford. . .005 36 386 273 1,320 674 1,276 672 665 517 7.962 539 40 hgh 09% | Berks.. .006 506 40,612 1,697 154,765 83,978 705 264 2u8 4,556 82,035 4,271 9,194 8,482 004 | Blair.. .007 105 5,10 *} (2) 3 906 656- 530 1,678 43,340 1,484 5, 4,372 Bradfor .008 41 2,37 2,185 13,910 5.918 {* *) (2) 764 12,943 131 1,13 935 Bucks. . .c09 185 10,899 10,963 L4g,840 26,325 1,15 250 314 1,655 26,787 1,658 2,21 2,034 Butler. ..010 83 4,855 7,085 44,122 15.377 3,020 1,637 1,564 1,010 24,768 1,024 2,396 2,0k2 059 | Cambria L011 133 14,191 19,057 102,060 36,151 30,649 | 18,223 21,873 2,110 59.856 1,882 6,820 5,994 Cameron .012 4 1,696 (1) i (2) a 12) (1) 106 2,023 9k 19 154 Carbon. .01 59 5,590 (3) *} (2) 787 3.403 4,691 922 12,076 883 1,16 885 Centre .o1 50 2,019 2,427 9,652 5,436 1,kgh 1,099 897 681 15,090 661 1,656 1,313 Chester. . ..015 181 10,651 11,826 59,083 25,949 hy 130 108 1,873 42,067 1,765 4,056 3,641 CIAETOR. bs aes 38 910 1,046 5.413 3,296 2,619 1,541 1,683 459 8,696 gg 663 5% Clearfield .017 n 2,963 2,910 12,991 6,470 6.639 5,181 4,801 1,051 19,219 947 1,966 1,538 Clinton. . .018 4 3,273 3,137 21,665 7.324 202 157 122 Lgl 8,948 se 926 730 Columbia. ....... 019 17 5,455 bell 21,367 9,145 1,680 577 823 680 11,973 618 1,376 1,052 Crawford........ 020 73 5,839 7.341 32,867 16,544 17 36 373 980 21,924 972 2,253 2,050 Cumberland...... 021 107 5,9k41 4,317 21,598 10,829 Lue 196 153 1,038 20,564 967 2,099 1,684 052 | Dauphin......... 022 251 15,685 16,716 . 109,585 49,587 2,302 1,156 1,678 2,658 67,004 2,365 8,254 8,031 086 | Delaware........ 023 214 26,520 39,887 256,125 95,554 613 217 265 3.297 91,077 2,949 9,631 9,510 ATR A 02k uy 3,37h 3,953 24,375 9.832 1,316 1,043 1,148 2 7.592 384 37 666 O41. Brie. vsisvenesn 025 309 19,251 25,026 142,393 72,226 238 41 6k 2,687 61,868 2,561 6,861 6,41k 088 | Fayette......... 026 118 3,864 4,348 18,737 9.787 35,309 | 13,037 19,806 1,819 48,583 1,569 5,291 4,478 Porest.e. si vues 027] in 421 (2) *) 5) 82 2 23 73 916 68 75 56 Franklin........ 028 95 5,942 5,812 28,548 15,964 247 135 93 876 17,517 833 1,943 1,461 FultoR. ver ennys 029] 12 35 19 116 56 437: 2 332 178 1,265 185 108 66 Greene.......... 030 1k 106 106 ug6 265 8,922 3,463 5.525 421 7.750 L425 691 540 Huntingdon...... 031 41 2,106 1,781 6,807 3,607 2,499 1,144 1,304 545 8,834 gg 838 64g Indiana......... 032 4 | 654 689 3.313 1.757 10,591 6.453 8,499 868 17.298 836 1,692 1,386 Jefferson....... 033 Lg 1,360 1,405 7,365 3,656 3,593 2,138 2,437 608 12,814 606 1,26 952 Juniata, voi ree 03h 22 611 406 885 578 (1) *) Y) 231 2,663 246 231 155 109 | Lackawanna...... 035 272 12,429 10,763 51,025 25,146 32,984 16,966 22,184 4,192 See 3,879 9,159 8,306 063 | Lancaster....... 036 431 27,718 24,115 131,382 65,824 703 294 227 4,024 724543 3,761 7.845 6,938 Lawrence. ....... 037 9k 9,750 13,018 51,034 25,957 3,295 1,105 1,529 1,295 29,603 | 1,258 3.255 2,809 Lebanon. ........ 038] 157 10,9k2 10,070 Ly,274 17,791 5,712 1,199 1,632 1,125 22,323 1,060 2,302 1,912 003 | Lehigh....uu.uns 039 346 22,709 20,616 107,308 46,672 935 335 Luz 2,819 63,964 2,609 7.486 6.993 109 | Luzerne......... 0 307 19,022 16,36} 81,897 40,955 88,783 42,8L40 56,449 6.277 110,921 5,842 12,338 11,103 Lycoming......u. oll 153 9,297 a 49,957 22,176 381 202 184 1,381 28,943 1,204 3,304 2,866 MeKean.......... 042 9% 3,805] + U.ou8 30,552 12,kg1 126 36 51 767 18,595 Tu] 2,027] 1.866 INot shown because of disclosure of operations of individual establishments. Data included in Combined Counties at end of State. 2Includes all counties where fig- ures are not shown wages and value data were withheld to avoid disclosure. shown for every county. responding State total. sible to present se;arate figures for this county. 24 separately because of disclosure of operations of individual establishments. 3Includes all establishments and wage earners of counties for which The "Combined Counties" figure for number of establishments is excluded from the State total, since this item was Whenever data on wage eamers have been withheld, that portion of the "Combined Counties" figure represented by such data is included in the cor- “One county, Blair (007), which should be included in the "Metro Counties" total is included in the “Other Counties" total, since it is not pos- Remainder of Philadelphia Metropolitan Area (086) is in New Jersey. TABLE 3—SEi. “%D DATA FOR METROPOLITAN AREAS AND FOR ALL COUNTIES, BY STATE—Continued (A11 dollar figures have been rounded to thousands and will not necessarily add to totals) € Table 5 Part 6 - Other Econonie Data OREG., Sherman (028) - PA., McKean (042) WHOLESALE SERVICE ESTABLISHMENTS—1939 BANK DEPOSHIS TRADE— 1939 : 1944 Major war supply Major war facilities T ¥ contracts, June 1940 3 June 1 4 June 194 1945 METROPOLITAN E Bond (1000's of dollars) | ~ (1000's Metro. 3 : Number Number Total 1000; As] COUNTIES, of | Stes |" | Recep | Acie Enplosssstp coll | (demand | Time Ys CODES estab- | (1000's of | estab- | (1000's |proprie-| “'( 4 and time) | (1000s [ioe price) lish- dollars) lish- | of dollars)| tors year) dollars) ! i) of dollars) : ments ments ol 0 t Other . rs ii yi Industrial | Military a) a) (9) (1) &) ®0 @5) 5 (Lu) ) (9) oy OREG0N—CTon.. ! r Counties—Con. Sherzman....o...s 023 10 1,027 21 37 20 6 4 1,384 57 571 T4118%00Ke 4 vas 023 22 3,324 54 155 57 38 27 6,646 1.995 1,u54 162 17,571 Unatill®e.. ccves 030 u6 3.134 1 578 141 162 155 21,848 3,301 3,589 1,227 26,371 Unione een. conse 031 -~ 3.320 115 23k 123 gu 61 8,515 1,888 2,211 1,286 WRi10Wa.. ae ees 012 10 84 ug 113 50 11 6 2,856 364 676 BBC: ns rine .033 30 3,495 7% 389 76 198 107 12,825 2,467 1,605 1,874 Washington...... 03h 22 3,479 113 £62 113 88 82 22.671 8,085 3.329 367 625 821 Wheeler.e....... 03% 4 256 20 23 13 1 1 1,106 109 292 51 Yamhille...esune 036 IE £,151 130 37 139 83 54 18,784 4 bot 2,195 127 1,244 y72 HRT esr vies errs 17,398 1939 08s 034 00k 059 082 086 oll 08g 109 063 023 109 PENSSYLVANIA.... | 11,450 | 3,347,488] 45,149 ( 213,100 | u6 136 61,959| 60,830) 7,440,187 2,839,538 | 917,919 7.459.930 | 5.159, 772| 1,277,209| 265.279 METRO. CCUNTIES.. | 9,466( 3,107,055] 3L,94k| 182,000] 35,711 55,303 £5,711 | 6,150,057 | 2,203,854 729,743 | 5,604,476 | 4,110 817 871,692 130,126 Metro. areas: Allentown-Bethlshem- Easton. ....039,048 380 76,182) 1,817 7.750] 1,82 2,074 2.oen 200,302 106,019 nun 669,108 226, Altoona.........007 146 23,651 1k 2 655 735 +561 40,201 12,009 9.819 19,835 9. Brie.Tesveveeies025 139 30,025 gol 3.686 953 958 902| 120,395 38,513 21,881 235,339 138, ‘ 254 55,988 915 4,911 922 1,605 1,469 112,790 39.17 19,881 62,473 60, 145 25,683 681 2,573 701 686 551 58,014 26,696 15,483 327 46, 30k 58,777] 1.065 4,035( 1,106 993 896| 131,042 53,147 12,973 52,346 85, Pittsburgh ...002,026,063,065 | 2,445 943,032) 8,337] 47.158| 8.610 13,342 | 13,691} 1,929,235 514,475 | 226,785 1,022,896 | 1,069 Yesnses «0.006 281 45,386] 1,kok 5,510] 1,394 1,439 1,392 130,875 48,052 17.053 1,373 128, 570 58,920 133 461 395 54,659 198 41,970 10,115 175 4,929 575 10,320 9.353 vee0...025,046,051 | 14,391 | 1,678,542) 15,347| 89.731 15,546 29.593| 30.898)2,962,7%0|1,078,035 | 316,459 | 3,004,799 | 2,100,9% 379.427 93.806 1890 280,382 | 1.378 Sim 438 14,979 sewnsernmes5, 040 734 137.392] 2,396 11,060 | 3,085 3,035 2,610 326,629 209,697 41,325 53,614 124,130 15,252 YOTKu seer seesae 067 197 32,397 864 3,088 97 837 6m] 137.784 77.79% 16,613 331,766 119.519 10,392 OTHER COUNTIES... | 1,984 | 2u0,u33| 10,205 31,100 | 10,785 6,656 5,119] 1,290,130 | 635,684 | 188,179 | 1,846,454 | 1,048,955 405,517 135,153 All Counties: Adams. 15 2,09 72 2u1 17 59 50 23,046 14,012 1,730 111 13,507 Allegheny. . 2,046 888,5 6,060 139,072| 6,222| 11,234 12,007] 1,682,010 | * 412,168 | 177,767 861,474 836,447 229,071 6,920 Armstrong k2 5,013 226 667 229 153 11} 32,27 17,076 4,921 1,018 12,973 2,052 Beaver 90 16,423 537 1,627 575 239 222 56,656 24,663 18,943 220,887 138,155 91,497 Bedford. 16 2,762 139 345 151 73 46 10,941 5.413 1,378 1,632 BOTke.. +s eernsey 281 5,386 1,k0u 5,510] 1,39% 1,439 1,392 in 875 48,052 17,053 111,373 128,438 14,979 9. BYEAY. ,bovils snd 146 23,651 614 2,98 655 735 561 ,201 12,009 9,819 19,835 9,733 461 Bradforde...... 58 4 561 192 616 208 98! I) 22,812 13,816 3,005 177 22,521 509 Bucks...... . 51 4,089 355 816 34 125 98 57,965 30.928 9.159 249,696 57,958 19,959 389 Butlers..ee.... 1359 11,284) 303 1,193 323 263 2ui0| 43,559 | 17,664 7.398 81,803 16, 504 807 1,638 Cambria. 145 25,683 681 2,573 701 686 551 58,014 26,696 15,483 327 46, Lee 4,929 Cameron 5 301 21 ug 22 9 9 9 1,801 703 33,131 8,250 1,299 Carbon. i 3 3,142 231 427 237 39 23 2k,378 18,028 3,566 490 7.3% 586 Centre......... i3 5,920 153 623 mn 186 148 21,580 9.167 3,391 7.611 13,049 2,783 Chester 80 10,499 489 1,866 07 456 400 78,708 39.539 9.31 9,786 80,659 32,269 9.583 Clarion...c.... 17 1,226 103 206 112 25 16 24,122 12,934 2,388 1,619 Clearfield. 50 7,106 263 702 247 175 130 29,716 15,377 4,311 8,510 2,761 Clinton.... 27 2,693 133 uu a 98 63 16,647 6,942 2,563 42,112 3,098 2,647 Columbia... 38 3.157 19% Lys 100 68 29,012 17,057 4,630 520,672 56,130 5,010 Crawford. 0 57 3,827 237 876 255 213 161 36,130 14,382 4,807 9,323 13.793 59.295 Cumberland. .....021 u7 5,897 291 1,129 297 2u3 195 37.19% 15,038 5,225 2,496 2 976 3.388 48,296 Dauphin. .n22 25k 55,988 915 4,911 922 1,505 1,469 112,790 39.m7 19,881 62,473 60,738 41,971 10,115 Delavare. .023 120 17,671] 1,213 5,364 | 1,275 1,475 1,354 97,866 36,513 ¥.012| 1, 3, 959 700,166 94,619 Elkye.» .024 20 2,026 106 262 121 50 37 17.952 5,301 2,267 6,601 8,203 6 Erie... .025 189 30,025 904 3,686 953 958 902 120,395 38,513 21,881 285, 339 138,395 54,659 Fayette .026 120 14,246 519 2,488 619 641 535 42,4701 11,703 11,261 17.356 829 2,012 458 Forest 027 1 (3) 23 52 25 4 2 1.715 816 30 Frarkli .028 66 7,790 235 829 251 20k 165 45,703 15,918 y,72 769 43,252 3,040 33,257 Fulton. .023 7 34 56 109 61 25 17 3,113 2,007 360 : Greene. .030 14 1,305 116 308 127 46 CAS 10,621 3,996 2,160 348 308 Huntingdon. L031 20 2,544 121 260 119 43 33 11,892 5.136 1,677 1,703 2,049 2,144 Indiana.... .032 40 6.917 265 ny 282 128 97 27,892 14,368 3,534 17. 29 2,116 810 Jefferson .03 uy 3.40 179 [511 201 135 83 20, 7.593 2,934 5,425 1,030 1,661 Juniatl.........03 9 214 89 170 95 51 18 7.742 4 Lob 734 Lackawanna. . . ...035 330 61,307] 1,1%0 5,117] 1,184 1,450 1,389] 132,903 77,541 15,366 13,993 35.957 11,956 Lancaster. . .036 304 58,777] 1.065 4,035 1,106 993 896] 131,042 53,147 12,973 92,946 85,575 10,320 9,352 Lawrence. 98 12,109 376 1,315 399 358 289 43,030 18,437 9,006 85, $2 81,861 42,572 Lebanon... 55 4,974 325 993 349 225 183 40,076 20,467 5,079 985 14,160 3.768 21,239 Lehighi..s cues 234 39,65) 1,088 L864 | 1,042 1,321 1,431 90,992 11,202 11,917 373.879 47.575 11,620 Luzerne... 40 Wo 76,085 1,85 5,943 3 12 1,221 19%, 1e6 i 23.9% 39,621 ap Al Lycoming. . 12,537 1,802 8 9 17 5,020 13,70 707 149,45¢ 39. McKean. .........042 1 80 150d 23 886 237 207 et} 43,848 14,599 3.720 17,956 1k,345 $3 595 1Undistributed. 2Remainder of Philadelphia Metropolitan Area (086) is in New Jersey. 3Not shown because of disclosure of operations of individual establishments. Data included in "Other" at end of State. TARDY) Od T2222 325 RHODE ISLAND S COUNTIES WASHINGTON 1 ho METROPOLITAN AREAS ; LEGEND Sone PROVIDENGE i : ® PLACES OF 25,000 TO 100,000 (1940) Kk PLACES OF 100,000 AND OVER (1940) — AONE In METROPOLITAN AREAS Ry, 326 L3e SOUTH CAROLINA 46 COUNTIES Pe” | \ 7 i \ : | 2 | % CHEROKEE A - 2, “ } on 5 SPARTANBURG ep \ . rrr 5. 1 i ' PICKENS | lige. \ ® cree LE f ema e——( Be ih yk ] >” { / ~, ‘ UNION . ( -J =a i p) - \ yi rh \ E . J). CHESTERFIELD 3 MARLBORO. } ANDERSON »{ inns > vo 3 od h) Pr / CHESTER / 3 Nm . .. 7 A 4 { FAIRFIELD ) ~~ “3 / DILLON J 2 < Na / K KERSHAW en PIE 2 2 ° “ ” NEWBERRY ’ . Pa x ~*~. J“ N - / 5 > - 4 ABBEVILLE " ~ 1 3 tt A) n LA HH i GREENWOOD v mo . A cio y A ot y pd . Sf “— ne % MARION 5 oF Sm / 2 I FLORENCE ' o Ny > Noa” \ ‘ 1,8 . vie SALUDA ’ x ¢ CoRMICK ol 3 J Ta < ~ . HORRY Mo A A LEXINGTON : SUMTER o ” ~~, , ASN hy? o, 3 . »”~ / —— N ’ ~, 7 sanwwme \ 7 i it { Sameera & o 2 BERKELEY I~ 2 ™N DORCHESTER ~--\ af ~~ a ~ . ? MAEDA - % COLLETON LEGEND PLACES OF 25,000 TO 100,000 (1940) METROPOLITAN AREAS CODE 20 CHARLESTON KX PLACES OF 100,000 AND OVER (1940)— NONE 27 COLUMBIA oe An METROPOLITAN AREAS Table 3 Part 1 - Population PA., Mercer (043) - S. C. Dillon (O17) TABLE 3—SELECTED DATA FOR METROPOLITAN AREAS AND FOR ALL COUNTIES, BY STATE—Continued aro 630343 TOTAL POPULATION POPULATION—1940 EDUCATION VITAL 1940 STATISTICS ESTIMATED 1944 CIVILIAN Total whi POPULATION Land | Pop- otal white Percent of METROPOLITAN U.S. area {ulation population 25 Metro. :AREAS, rank in per years old and Area COUNTIES,. N of |Percent| go sq. over who have Cod AND umber ies | change 1 4 leted e Ds 5 oli 2¢ | miles | mile Pan Ush Rural | Rural completed— ercent| April 1 mn of an | nonfarm| farm Births | Deaths Number | change | “F040” |percen-|1930-| 1940 | 1940 | Number | total Nov. tiles) 1940 fo 5 or ‘High 1943’ 1940- ation more Bs 1 1943 1940 grades | Schoo m @ @®) @ (5) (6) m @®) © (10) an (12) 13) (14) (15) (16) PENNSYLVANIA—COR. All Counties—Con. Mercer..........043 102,721 | 1.7 | 101,089 | 5 1.8 681 | 148.4 98,625 97.6| 59,005| 22,579| 19,365| 87.8] 24.9] 2,065 1,077 39,055 | -9.2 42,993 17 6.6 431 99.8 42,717| 99.4| 16,014 20,877 6,102| 93.9] 19.5 854 468 26,840 | -9.9| 29,802 28 5.4 611| 48.8 29,562 | 99.2| 12,500| 10,762] 6,850| 92.2] 22.9 510 343 ,803,250 | 4.8] 289,247 2 8.8 484 | 597.6 274,881 | 95.0| 188,316| 80,771| =20,160| 90.6| 381.4] 5,508] 8,378 MONEOUT «ov vss + 2047) 16,616 7.4 15,466 59 6.5 130 | 119.0 15,406 | 99.6 7,122| 4,936 3,408] 84.9 19.4 235 344 . 008 |Northempton.....048] 160,185 | -5.2 | 168,959 3]..-0.2 s74 | 451.8| 167,740 99.8| 120,299| 34,615| 14,045] 86.0 17.5] 8,016] 1,846 Northumberland..049] 105,230 | -17.1| 126,887 2] ~.3 454 | 279.5 126,733 | 99.9| 70,993| 46,279 9,615| 1.6 17.6] 2,028 1,364 POITY.ssseesess 050) 19,972 | -14.0 33,213 39 6.8 550 | 42.2 23,182 | 99.9 14,108 9,05 93.4 17.8 477 301 086 | Philadelphia....051] 1,944,611 0.8|1,931,33¢ of | -1.0 135 [U06.2 | 1,678,577 | 86.9 [1,981,334 85.0| 18.6] 35,318 24,224 PiKEueennsassss 052) 6,559 | -12.0 7,452 85| -0.4 545 | 13.7 7,430 | 99.7 5,450) 2,002 91.7 18.2 69 101 Potter... 14,389 | -20.9 18,201 51 4.1] 1,092] 16.7 18,180 | 99.9 3,197| 8,352 6,652 91.1] 21.2 276 218 Schuylkill.. 186,361 | -18.4 | 228,331 oy =8.0 783 | 291.6 227,908 | 99.8| 180,222| 85,698 12,411| 75.9| 14.8] 8,312 2,440 Snyder..... 18,427 | -8.8 20,208 45 7.8 329 [61.4 20,194 | 99.9| 2,877| 9,278 8,058 93.7| 16.3 359 240 Somerset. 78,547 | -13.4 84,957 7 5.2| 1,08¢| 78.4 84,789 | 99.8| 17,787| 47,186| 20,084| 82.1] 14.8] 1,495 747 Sullivan. 6,048 | -19.4 7,504 84 0.1 478| 15.7 7,508 | 100.0 4,347 8,157| s86.2| 15.2 126 87 27,566 | -18.7 33,893 23 0.3 836 | 40.5 33,808 99.7 7,006| 12,389 14,548| 88.9 18.7 564 se2 29,221 | -16.5 35,004 22 9.8 1,150 30.4 34,884 | 99.7 3,665 17,730 13,609] 92.4] 23.4 664 412 19,207 | -5.1 20,247 45| 15.9 s18| 63.7 20,023| 98.9 3,571| 11,650 5,026] 90.3] 21.3 388 204 59,818 | -6.5 63,958 10 1.2 675 | 94.8 63,397 | 99.1| 34,017| 19,107| 10,83¢| 90.5] 24.0] 1,162 816 WATTON.. «vue... 062] 38,216 | -10.7 42,789 17 3.2 910 | 47.0 42,706 | 99.8| 14,801| 18,667 9,231] 92.1 24.0 ‘696 718 088 | Washington......068 183,835 | -12.8| 210,852 2 3.0 857 | 246.0 201,064 | 95.4| 89,228 100,942| =20,682| 81.0] 17.7] 8,785] 1,985 WAYDC + eee ness s 064 25,783 | -13.9 29,934 28 5.3 744 | 40.2 29,759 | 99.4| 5,687| 11,131| 18,116] 85.9] 17.5 426 381 088 | Westmoreland....065| 279,300 | -7.9| 803,411 1 2.9] 1,025|29.0| 297,287| 98.0| 146,573| 181,811| =25,027| 82.6] 18.3] 5,286] 3,034 Wyoming... .«.. 066 18,553 | -18.9 16,702 55 7.6 396 | 42.2 16,696 | 100.0 9.202| 7,500] 88.5 21.8 242 217 187 |York............067| 170,363 | -4.3| 178,022 3 6.5 914 | 194.8] 175,043| 98.3| 83,186| 59,089| 's5,797| 91.4| 16.1] 3,486] 1,868 RHODE ISLAND....| 694,616 | -2.0| 718,346 3.8| 1,058 | 674.2 701,805| 98.4| 653,383| 50,170 9,798 85.1] 20.9] 18,75¢| 8,409 METRO. COUNTIES..| 659,819 | -2.5| 680,853 3.4 734 | 927.6 670,329 | 98.5| 642,184 31,549 7,020 84.9] 20.7| 12,899 7,970 Metro. area: 091 | Providence ...001,002,003,004f 659,319 | -2.5| 680,853 3.4 734 | 927.6 670,329 | 98.5| 642,184| 31,549 7,120| 84.9] =20.7| 12,899 7,970 OTHER COUNTIES... 35,297 8.8| 32,493 10.8 324 | 100.2" 31,476 | 96.9] 11,199] 18,621 2,673] 87.8] 23.2 855 439 All Counties: 091 |Bristol.........001 24,549 | -3.9 25,548 35 1.8 25 1,021.9 25,475 | 99.7| 25,548 76.3 22.1 481 252 091 002 62,117 6.5 58,311 ul 13s 172 | 339.0 58,031 | 99.5| 50,787 6,954 s70| 85.6] 19.1] 1,29 654 091 003 50,444 | 19.4 46,696 15] 12a 115 | 406.1 44,914 | 96.2| 30,532| 18,051 s,118| 90.3| 23.6] 1,256 521 091 ce00..004] 522,209 | -5.1| 550,298 0 1.9 422 [1,304.0 541,909 | 98.5| 585,317 11,544 3,437 | 84.8] 20.6] 9,872] 6,543 Washington... ..005) 35,297 8.8 32,493 25| 10.8 324 [100.3 31,476 | 96.9| 11,199| 18,621 2,673| 87.8] 23.2 855 439 SOUTH CAROLINA...| 1,789,662 | -5.4 | 1,899,804 9.3| 30,594 | 62.1| 1,084,308| 57.1| 466,111) 520,381 928,312| 64.0] 18.2 51,467] 18,189 METRO. COUNTIES..| 278,99 | 25.4| 225,948 19.7 | 1,693 188.5 123,959 | 54.9| 187,179 55,633| 83,13¢| 69.1] 27.6] 8,554] 3,412 Métro. areas: . : 020 |Charleston......010| 161,819 [ 37.5| 121,105 19.8 945'[ 128.2 61,487 | 50.8| 71,275| 88,862| 15,98| 68.6] 28.9] 5,802] 1,799 027 |Columbia........040| 117,175 | 11.8| 104,843 19.6 748 | 140.2 62,472 | 59.6| 4 65,904| 21,771| 17,168| 69.5] 81.5) 3,162] 1,618 OTHER COUNTIES...| 1,510,668 | =-9.6|1,673,856 8.0| 28,901 |" 57.9 960,349 | 57.4 328,932) 464,748| 880,176] 63.2] 16.7] 42,918) 14,727 4 _ All Counties: J . Abbeville. ......00l 18,376 | -19.9 22,981 39| -1.7 509 | 45.1 18,190 | 57.5| 4,950| 4,546] 13,435| 68.3] 17.9 425 182 46,108 | -7.6 49,916 14 5.3| 1,097 | 45.5 28,995 | 58.1 '8,797| 18,958| 22,166] 60.3] 14.6] 1,208 487 11,115 | -14.8| 13,040 65| -1.9 418 31.2 3,630 | 27.8 : 4,036 9,004 49.1 14.3 338 104 Anderson... . 76,566 | -13.7 88,712 6| 9.6 776 | 114.3 65,323 | 73.6| 24,678] 26,992| 37,042 69.9] 17.8] 1,935 666 BEmbOrg. ss... +005 15,505 | -16.8| 18,643 49| -4.0 395 47.2 7,339 | 39.4 3,000] 4,656| 10,987| 56.7] 18.4 428 154. Barnwell... ....008, 16,001 | -20.5 20,138 45| -5.1 553 | 36.4 7,519 87.3 6,005 14,183] 48.7] 12.2 518 178 Beaufort. 22,215 | 20.8 22,087 4 1.0 672 | 32.8 7,265 32.9 3,185| 8,012| 10,880] 48.9] 15.4 739 309 Berkeley. 24,471 | -9.8 27,128 s2| =22.0| 1,214] 22.8 9,548| 35.2 8,609 18,519 47.4 9.6 845 254 Calhoun........ 18,452 | -17.1 16,229 66 | 2.9 389 | 41.7 4,351 26.8 3,133] 13,096] 51.3] 15.9 412 140 020 | Charleston. . 161,819 | 37.5) 121,105 5|- 19.8 945 | 128.2 61,487 | s0.8| 71,275| 383,862] 15,968] 68.6] 23.9] 5,892] 1,799 Cherokee. ... 28,820 | -13.4| 33,290 24 3.4 394 | 84.5 25,495 | 76.6 7,63 7,919] 17,785] 63.7] 13.4 786 233 Chester..... 27,305 | -16.2| 32,579 25 2.4 585 | 55.7 16,948 | 52.0| 6,892| 10,283] 15,93¢| 58.6 15.9 735 277 Chesterfield... 30,596 | -14.9 35,968 21 4.7 793| 45.4 22,262 | 61.9]. 4,497| 7,061] 24,405] 61.0] 13.7] - es2 266 Clarendon .014 26,184 | -16.9 31,500 26 a.) 694| 45.4 8,923] 28.3 5,686 25,814] 52.0] 11.7 784 308 Colleton. 015 24,652 | -6.2 26,268 33 1.7| 1,048| 25.1 12,249 | 46.6 s,a78| 5,598] 17,297] 6.9] 12.0 791 234 Darlington 4016] 41,853 | -7.4| 45,198 15 9.1 545 | 82.9 22,627 | 50.1| 11,635 9,966 28,597] 57.9] 17.4] 1,258 455 Di110De+sssnssss01? 26,410 | -10.9 29,625 | 28] 15.1 4071 72.8 14,9101 50.3 3,867] 5,520 20,288] 57.2] 15.0 819 266 328 TABLE 3—SELECTED DATA FOR METROPOLITAN AREAS AND FOR ALL COUNTIES, BY STATE—Continued Table 3 Part 2 - Labor Force Pie, Mercer (043) - S. C. Dillon (017) LABOR FORCE—1940 329 : - Percent of Population 14 Years Old and Over Employed Workers by Industry Group Er METROPOLITAN: Trane. : In leading . Metro. AREAS, P P : Business nonagri- &| COUNTIES, aul | dal on, | Wie. | peor pia AND : ; aL e- | person n | industry CODES Total In labor gals Joules Total Age Mining Low. Manufac- Si sale and | services Oke ot | 28 force | WhO are | who are | opployed || culture : turing Oo retail | exclud- ed | cl in in tion an tale oe report Ee Code foot id oles domestic (See | Per- orce orce utili- . page | cent 3 ties Services 422) an 18) 19) 29) (24) @) @) @) @5) (28) @n @) @9) @) | an | (2) 78,018 37,175 76.5 17.8 29,212 3,716 561 85 11,243 2,323 4,164 4,077 2,303] 12,7 17|19.6 31,338 16,019 Teh 25.1 12,913 1,399 184 499 6,031 569 1,750 1,407 1,074] 10.8 13(28,0 23, 11,508 Tok 21,3 9,363 1,175 23 698 2,447 1,512 1,936 12.5 6 9.7 230,045 121, 035 77.0 29.8| 109,562 4,600 476 5,459 41,635 6,350 15,034 21,145 14,863] 4.2| G36 9.7 Montouressssssss04? 12,320 4,858 62,7 17.5 3,70 796 39 161 766 1 a7 1,102 268] 21.5 G36/24.0 003 [Northampton,....048 132,556 | 70,856 79.8 26,9] 61,891 3,092 | 1,133 2,217 33,731 3,249 7,149 7,184 4,136] 5.0] 17|20.4 berland, .049 96,191 47,209 71.2 20.9 33,603 2,533| 7,400 1,101 7,590 3,057 5,033 4,439 2,450] 7.5 221.9 Pe: TTaesssusrensti 17,204 8,116 75.9 17.6 6,910 » 3% 541 1,109 - Tbk 837] 28.9 23] 9.2 086 |Philadelphia 051| 1,558,470 876,138 80,6 33.4] 703,698 1,555 460| 33,747 248,307 51,331 151,138| 138,991 78,169] 0.2| G36 7.8 eens TER 6, 2,843 74.3 18,7 2,042 285 5 201 3 263 306] 1.4.0 23(11.9 [Potterssceeceses053 13,778 6,634 6.7 16.9 5,353 1,547 312 287 1,183 313 577 668 466] 28,9 G36] 6.5 Schuylkilleeess 054 174,310 89,089 78.1 23.3 58,843 2,616( 18,728 1,644 10,351 4,620 8,439 7,866 4,579] 4ob 2|31..7 Snydersseseeeess055 15, 7,168 73.9 19.4 5,659 1,929 65] 262 1,474 ~ 266 524 634 455] 34.1 6| 9.8 Somerset, ...eees056 62,103 29,198 76.8 1.4.0 23,408 3,680( 7,993 2,296 1,662 1,134 2,569 2,597 1,577) 15.7 2(33.5 Sullivan, cess sse057 5,564 | 2,805] 78.7] 19.4] 1,839 700 2 93 421 48 16a 207 +137 38.1] 7] 9.2 Susquehanna, ....058 25,617 11,933 75.9 1.9 9,654 3,758 560 467 946 1,029 1,073 1,055 766] 38.9] 23] 81° IT10g8ce0s0sesses059 26,424 12,337 76.4 15.1 10,578 3,149 620 463 2,349 500 1,178 1,391 928) 30.0 15(10,6 Unionseccssses ssl 15,95 6,347 61,6 16.0 5,081 1,18 21 284 1,173 273 555 916 675] 23.3] G36/11.2 Venango. eeesssss 48,867 21,828 7.1 18.8] 170585 1,655| 1,175 610 5,482 1,402 2,481 2,866 1,94) 9.4] 19 9.2 ArTON, secs ens 33,529 | 15,307 72.3 18,7] 12,346 1,885 539 431 3,984 676 2,078 2,072 1,181) %.7| 17] 9.7 088 [Washington .....063 160,097 77,839 71.3 17.4 63,043 4,352 15,839 2,110 17,484 3,709 7,942 7,270 4,337] 6.9 2| 24.4 Waynesscssccses 23,37 11,237 2.2 20,5 9,419 3,507 178 458 1,865 469 986 1,210 746] 37.2 MN 7.3 088 [Westmoreland,...065 229,933 | 111,871 76.6 18.9 87,040 4,499 11,223 3,236 34,648 5,481 10,683 10, 699 6,571] 5.2 17|16,6 ssscsnnes 12,630 5,711 The8 12.9 4,513 ,687 108| , 27 521 269 611 566, 476] 37.4] G36] 6.7 137 [Yorkeeeesseossss067 137,705( 75,075 81.0 28,5] 67,201 8,852 387| 3,32 30,582 3,005 9,029 7,408 4,556] 13,2 22| 6.9 RHODE ISHAND,... 568,354 | 321,644 79.9 34.7] 264,723 5,024 189| 13,064 121,270 12,731 44,665 41,708 26,072] 1.9 6/21,6 METRO, COUNTIES,, 542,79 | 308,320 80,0 35.0 253,663 4,177 112] 12,147 117,026 12,312 43,242 39,984 24,663] 1.6 Metro, area: + 091 |Providencé +4001 ,002,003,004 542,794 | 308,320 80,0 35,0] 253,663 4,177 112] 12,147 117,026 12,312 43,242 39, 24,663] 1.6 OTHER COUNTIES... 25,560 13,324 Tl.3 28,0 11,060 847 kad 917 hy 244 419 1,423 1,724 1,409) 7.7 All Counties: Bristol.ceeeesss001 20,201 11,836 78,0 40.4 10,189 321 3 447 5,855 360 1,170 1,141 8921 3.2 623.5 002 45,209 | 24,739| 80.4 29.3| 20,697 556 3| 1,208 0,882 o18| 2,97| 2,472] 1,691} 2.7] 631.2 7,620 | 20,663 81,7 24.8] 17,976 1,103| 10] 1,167 3,71 750 2,466 2,567 6,142 6.1] 8722.8 439,764 | 251,082 79.9 36,1] 204,801 2,197 96| 9,35 96,518 10,284] 36,639 33,804] 15,938] 1.1 6|21,6 25,560 | 13,324 7.3 28,0] 11,060 847 Nn? 4y24h 419 1,423 1,724 1,409) 7.7 6 32,2 SOUTH CAROLINA... | 1,202,783 | 730,780| 81.3] 32.1] B61,073| 260,761] 1,331| 22,363 150,923| 19,186 61,904] 64,944] 79,661] 39.4 6[15.2 METRO, COUNTIES.. | 166,807| 93,567 7.0] 36.2] ens9s|| o,mus| 109] 4s] wm,106| 5,609] 13,517] 15,268] 18,500] 11.7 Nstre, areas: 020 leston......010 86,857 50,880 83.6 35.7 44,102 5,240 2 2,413 9,278 3,222 6,866 6,183 10,378] 11.9 027 (Columbia, eessees040 79,950 42,687 n.s 36,8 37,493 4,305 87 2,438 4,918 2,387 6 651 9,085 7,622) 11.5 OTHER COUNTIES,.. | 1,135,976 | 637,213 81.8 31,5] 5M,478|| 251,216] 1,222 17,512 136,727 13,577 48,387 49,676 61,161} 43.4 All Counties: Abbeville. . .....001 15,866 | 9,380 82,6] 38.5] 8,693 4,148 2 322 1,837 281 5 620 929] 47.7] 617.1 Aiken, ¢ 000000000002 35,297 20,627 83.3 34,7 18,452 6,502 mn 519 5,015 422 1,527 1,495 2,593] 35.2 6]23,1 Allendale, .s...003 8,895 4,888 “79.3 32.4 hyh24 2,968 3 139 23 9 256 273 476] 67.1 9| 3.3 Anderson, «a ee.es004 62,104 | 34,457 81.4 30,9] 31,363 10,133 1 802 11,108 556 3,003 2,759 3,001 32.3 6(32.6 Bambergeseeee 000005 12,285 7s 84.1 36,7 6,755 4y3 209 492 127 478 LAT 6! 64.9) G36] 3.5 Basievil, soiree iB 13,418 8,4124 83.6 42.9 7,941 5,750 134 440 89 409 414 705 oh 10] 3.5 Beaufort. . +007 15,820 | 10,110 86,3 37.5 9,195 3,679 233 652 179 458 548 3,446] 40,0] 37/28,6 Berkalsy. . 17,197 9,241 83.5 22,5 8,074 3,736 21 945 1,579 184 412 526 671 3 9| 8.7 Calhoun, «sees es009 10,278 5,233 82,2 21.3 4,851 3,488 5 ub 252 76 217 283 384) 71.9 G36] 2.8 020 [Charleston,.....010 86,857 50,880 83.6 35.7 44,102 5,240 | 22 2,413 9,278 3,222 6,866 6,123 10,878) 11.9 371 9.9 Cherokees eeeeess01l 22,552 ¢ 12,538 80,7 31.9 11,283 4,469 101 22 3,766 257 839 7 702] 39.6 6] 30.4 Chester, eeseees012 2,406 13,006 81.9 36.0 12,174 4,662 309 3,915 291 867 3 1,267} 38.3 6]30,2 Chesterfield, ,.,013 23,489 11,834 81.5 20,0 10,341 6,189 15 27 1,161 244, 788 830 8441 59.8" 9 5.1 AarNadsh eure ill 19,604 10,514 82,9 25,1 9,834 7,097 21 T41 80 Lhd 509 642| TR.2 9| 3.8 olle 174652 9,278 82.8 28.0 8,272 4,499 5 335 973 194 TU, 632 R20} 54.4 9 6.5 0 30,175 17,213 82,5 33.3 15,769 7,696 2 Uh 3,245 269 1,327 1,199 1,687] 48.8 6| 8,6 soseeceses01T 19,097 10,335 80,7 29.2 9,253 6,165 im 880 117 603 602 709] 66.6 6] 5:8 Table 3 Part 3 - Housing PA., Mercer (043) — TABLE 3—SELECTED DATA FO R METROPOLITAN AREAS AND FOR ALL COUNTIES, BY STATE—Continued ‘Sa. C., Dillon (017) HOUSING—1940 : . , ; Nonfarm Rural Farm All Dwelling Units Occupied Dwelling Units Dwelling Units Divelfing Units oe METROPOLITAN 1 1 e Metro. AREAS, S i e- ea COUNTIES, 2 P tp t P t Median P phones Code AND Residential vereent | Tercen Per- | “67M | number or CODES pi in 5 or wi Passes _] of Avery e soy Puri ke k more private wil mechan- monthly wil wit! Number Janily | Sotbioh | dari Number | owner dl perio Number Sent Number | struc- or | lighting rit refrig- | poise (dollars) ning | lighting turés shower pe eration Told water (33) 34) (35) (36) an (8) (39) “0 @n 2) 3) “) 5) (46) “n PENNSYLVANIA—Con. All Counties—Con. Mercer.. ....... 043 23,988 26,542 1.1 58.2] © 91.1 25,771 | 57.6 49.7 3.48 21,630 | 24.88 4,912 | 31.9] 69.8 14,07, Mifflin. 9,351 11,200 2.5 50.7 79.7 10,908 | 8.3 34.5 3.48 9,860 | 20.47 1,3 39.0 | 32.4 4,37 Monroe.... 9.4097 10,295 2.0 66.7 86.7 8,079 | 53.9 39.6 3.26 8,.487 31.20 1,808 | 50.3 ok.4 4,088 086 _ |Montgomery. 62,534 74,303 3.9 78.9] 97.3 71,142 | 55.8 7.6 3.51 69,805 | Lg.70 4,498 | 59.2 88.0 54,809 Montour. ..euss.. oL7 3,166 3,565 1.7 43.2] 76.14 3,468 | 50.9 25.7 3.20 2,729 | 16.26 836 | 18.8 | 33.2 1,144 003 |Northhampton....0Lg 35,294 44,519 3.8 62.5 95.7 43,312 | L6.1 50.0 3.4k 41,177 26.95 3,342 | 34.3 79.1 27,361 Northumberland. .0lUg 25,004 32,194 2.1 56.3] 92.3 31,632 | 48.6 31.2 3.59 29.927 21.89 2,267 | 31.4 48.5 10,104 BRED ries «5s nes 6,037 6,539 0.2] ' 30.7] 62.8 6,208 | 62.0 24.2 3.27 4,228 | 13.64 2,311 | 21.2] 34.3 2,033 086 |Philadelphia.. 419,391 533,332 10.2 Bu. 98.7 506,980 | 38.9 57.0 3.36 533,332 | 31.22 251,052 Pile. carnsans 2,840 2,930 0.2 56.4 76.5 2,314 | 68.8 34.3 2.85 2,320 24.08 610| 55.7 62.0 7h40 POLEOr. uve rsrns 053 5,54 5,823 0.1 45.0] 57.7 5,068 | 62.7 33.4 3.17 3,810 13.83 2,013 | uu.3| 34.5 1,955 Schuylkill......O5k 46,154 5k4,469 1.3 53.2 93.2 53,621 | Lg.7 31.8 3.85 51,733 22.18 2,736 | 40.9 57.1 14,943 Snyder.... ..055 4,901 5,578 : 29.3 63.1 21348 a2 23.1 3.28 3,638 13.62 1,940 | 15.0 27.3 1,148 Somerset . ..056 17,728 21,207 1.6 33.2 77.3 20,h423 8.9 25.8 3.70 16,720 1k.77 4, hgy | 43.8 49.1 3,982 Sullivan........ 057 2,280 2,411 29.4 63.3 1,927 | 66.7 18.7 3.4l 1,543 15.77 « 868 | 30.3 46, 883 9,365 10,513 0.7 0.3 72.0 9,025 | 61.1 25.5 3.33 6,485 | 15.89 4,028 W.0| 51.2 3,215 9,615 10,390 0.5 39. 73.4 2:61 ig 28.6 3.21 6,592 14.69 3,798 | 43.1 59.6 4,746 L,562 5,1k0 1.3 L3.8| 76.1 4,909 | 54.5 36.9 3.18 3,956 |. 19.45 1,184 | 18.7 | Lg.9 2,206 15,699 17,475 1.5 60.4 80.4 16,277 | 53.9 k.9 3.30 14,454 23.57 3,021 | 26.7 38.0 8,409 10,956 12,058 0.5 59.7| 75.5 11,105 | 59.1 ha.h 3.20 9,529 | 19.89 2,59 | 31.9| 31.6 6,089 088 43,063 53,514 3.0 40.9 88.9 52,333 | 41.b4 53.6 3.61 48,485 19.73 5,029 | 33.1 48.6 21,854 8,504 9,135 0.2 us| 76.4 7.785 | 67.1 30.6 3.28 5,512 | 21.19 3,623 | 42.3 | 61.3 3,194 088 61,539 76,325 2.8 L6.6 92.5 74,215 | 7.4 52.h 3.65 70,512 21.21 5.813 | 38.9 67.3 32,090 5,106 5,431 0.1 39.3 76.0 4,538 | 60.2 30.9 3.22 3,534 20.34 1,897 | bs.l 61.8 1,894 137 41,981 50,164 3.7 L9.g9 81.7 4g,252 | 53.4 53.0 3.26 41,531 22.78 8,633 | 38.2 57.1 14,993 RHODE ISLAND.... 127.566 203,469 8.4 76.3 97.7 187,706 | 37.4 41.8 3.30 200,550 | 28.61 2,919 | 57.3 | 77.7 96,839 METRO. COUNTIZS..{ 117,088 191,156 8.9 76.3] 98.1 178,831 | 36.7 41.5 3.31 189,133 | 28.01 2,023 | 56.8 | 80.2 90,389 Metro. area: ! 091 [Pw~vidence ...001,002,003,004 | 117,088 191,156 8.9 76.9] © 98.1 178,831 | 36.7 41.5 3.31 189,133 | 28.01 2,023 | 56.8 | €0.2 90,389 OTHER COUNTIES... 10,478 12,313 1.0 56.6) 91.7 8,875 | 50.8 47.8 3.10 11,417 | 38.54 896 | 56.6 | 72.0 6,450 All Counties: ¢ 291 5,976 7,910 3.0 62.4 97.9 .6,478:| 47.1 36.2 3.46 7.910 | 27.18 3,567 091 15,452 18,302 1.9 61.4 96.8 15,302 | 52.6 5 3.37 18,133 26.15 169 | 46.7 70.5 6,523 091 11,622 1k,594 3.7 75.7] 95.8 11,981 | 7.1 4g.8 3.21 13,783 | 35.73 811 | 64.2 | 85.1 9,17k 091 84,038 150,350 10.5 79.7] 98.5 145,070 | 33.7 h.2 3.31 149,307 | 27.57 1,043 | 52.7 | 78.0 71,125 10,478 12,313 1.0 58.6] 91.7 8,875 | 50.8 47.8 3.10 11,117 | 38.54 896 | 56.6 | 72.0 6,450 SOUTH CAROLINA...| 411,214 158,899 1.8 2.7] u6.2 434,968 | 30.6 25.9 3.81 268,925 | 1k.76 | 199,974 | 5.3 | 16.7 71,052 METRO. COUNTIES.. 43,370 59,479 9.1 Lo.k 61.7 56,117 | 29.8 34.9 3.31 51,974 21.05 7505 9.7 15.3 21,749 Metro. areas: 020 |Charleston......010 22,892 34,249 12.6 36.9 58.4 31,907 | 28.9 30.4 3.20 30,496 19.97 3,753 | 11.2 13.0 10,225 027 |[Columbia........040 20,478 25,230 4.4 b5.1| 66.3 24,210 | 30.9 Lo.7 3.44 21,478 | 22.57 3,752 | 8.2] 17.6 11,524 OTHER COUNTIES... 367,844 399.420 | 0.7 18.4 u3.8 378,851 | 30.8 24.5 3.89 206,951 | 13.18 | 192,469 | 5.1 | 16.7 49,303 All Counties: Abbeville.......001 5,343 5,754 0.5 11.9 35.8 5,299 | 34.7 19.4 3.72 2,549 9.04 3,205 33 12.9 565 Adken..... 002 12,166 12,993 0.5 19.1] U6. 12,18 | 29.7 28.1 3.53 7.657 | 12.99 5,336 | 9. 17.2 1,638 Allendale. 003 2,930 3,008 0.h 13.0 23.0 2,916 | 19.9 12.4 3.87 1,001 | 10.12 1,967 | '3.5| ‘10a 217 Anderson. . ool 19,146 21,506 0.6 19.8 63.5 20,746 | 24.5 32.3 3.78 13,302 11.44 8,204 | 6.9 30.0 2,773 Bamberg. ...... +4005 |. k,186 4,ho7 0.3 7) 25.1 4,202 | 28.8 15.6 3.88 2,067 9.32 2,3%0 | 3.6 5.6 386 Barnwell,........006 5,087 5.251 0.4 11.9] 18.7 4,780 | 25.5 12.1 3.72 1,814 9.99 3.437 | 3.3 by 328 5,085 5,197 16.1 21.4 4,935 | 63.7 15.2 3.33 2,537 | 10.42 2,660 | 6.7 £3 553 5,747 5,986 0.3 7:5} 17.8 5,779 | 62.7 9.3 4.16 2,230 | 13.69 3,756 | 3.6 6. 67 3,770 3.899 0.6 11.8 19.3 3.610 | 29.9 1k.3 3.99 892 | 11.56 3,007 | 6.9 | 11.4 217 020 |[Charleston...... 22,892 3h4,249 12.6 36.9 58.4 31,907 | 28.9 30.4 280 30,496 | 19.97 3,753 | 11.2 | 13.0 10,225 Cherokee. . 7.088 7.612 0.5 4.3] 53.1 7.248 | 30.8 22.7 .10 3,925 | 11,04 3.687 | 3.9 | 23.5 1,079 . Chester..... 7.366 7,895 0.7 26.3 47.9 7.374% | 26.6 28.4 3.89 4,191 11.36 3,704 | kL.8 15.1 1,371 Chesterfield.... 7.680 8,041 0.2 9.5 30.5 7.601 | 35.0 14.9 k,22 2,964 | 11.03 5,077 | 3.4 | 15.2 535 Clarendon.......0ll4 6.295 6,518 0.2 7.5 17.6 6,377 | 25.2 12.3 4.39 1,490 11.19 ,028 | 4. 7.9 25 Colleton.. 6,431 6,60 0.3 10.7 18.9 6,145 | 45.4 16.1 3.79 2,434 10.25 ,206 | L.2 8.1 76 Darlington.. 9,801 10,639 0.4 15.6 38.9 10,269 | 28.4 24.4 3a 5,626 12.52 39 ol 15.2 1,218 Dillon..... 6,291 6,477 0.2 12.0] 32.0. 6,180 | 23.9 16.8 31 2,393 | 11.67 ,08! 1513.9 608 330 TABLE 3—SELECTED DATA FOR METROPOLITAN AREAS AND FOR ALL COUNTIES, BY STATE—Continued (Figures which have been rounded to thousands will not necessarily add to totals) Table 3 g Part 4 - Agriculture PA., Mercer (0438) = 8S. C., Dillon (017) pei hae AGRICULTURE—1945 AGRICULTURE—1940 Value of farm products sold, | Principal Pi idee Work power fader o gel Jy > gue of Pere arm househol arm income | Type- of ype METROPOLITAN cent of- Metro. AREAS, Number of | Land in | Cropland | Number | of forms Percent from— farming Burd ea COUNTIES, farms farms | harvested | of farms | farms | (joe A Number . area ee AND Jan. 1, (000s 000% 1 opel: Total to of Nabe Amount Live, C gode ling CODES an. of ol April 1, | ate . ; horses umber ,. | stoc ode : 1945" acres) acres) fo40 by prod- | (1000's oe and/or of (1000's and (See Per fee index ucts of arm of live- | C cent | P ten | Jess | oll Jol mules | tractors dollars) ve Tops | pa22) ants | than ollars) 0 I (over.3 tiers oc ¥ . old proc: $400 Bo. ucts 48) 49) (50) 61) 62) | 63 [€) (55) (56) nD (58) (59) (60) 6) | @ | 63) | © IPENNSYLVANIAeCon. All Counties—Con. Mercer... ~s0t3 4,353 351 14% 3.764 | 9.8] 32.8) 20,839] 5.536] 6.759 295 3.906 65.3 13.8 2| 37.8 hek| 1 Mifflin 1,179 124 55 1,147 | 26.8] 2u.2 7.524| 6,560 2,983 376 2.73 61.3| 23.2 2| 29.8 yg2| 11 Monroe. ols 1,219 116 40 1,183 7.9] Lub 6.805] 5,752] 1,326 358 98 53.7 20.5 0 3 466 125 086 |Montgomery......0M6 3,294 178 13 951 11.6] 31.8] 38,48[13,019] 4,15 1,557 5,512 7l.l| 19.2 2 Sh 463| 149 MOntOUT es s.aess OUT 783 72 43 637| 26.4] 2u.8 3,786] 5,943] 1,429 287 830 57.3 25.5 2| 28.9 ¥62| 105 003 |Northampton.....048 1308 165 116 597 | 15.8] 28.2] 19,092( 7.352) 3.998 1,325] WM750 47.0 39.9 5| 34.3] 463 126 Northumberland. .049 2,118 182 106 1,812] 19.3| 23.1 9,983 23 2d 2 547 2,652 48.6 32.8 5| 23.6 h62 118 POrTY ceeniosnnss 050 1,788 189 85 1,885| 18.3| 22.7 8,659 k,59 o Hug 2,706 57.1 23.9 3| 23.7 462 121 086 |Philadelphia....051 125 1 5 239| 43.1 34.3 10,281 [43,017 313 129 1,014 7.4 88.9 8| 68.2 463 Pike...... FEREPR 052 Lo5 4g y ues5| 7.3] 52.5 3,174 6,826 349 103 309| 54.9 8.6 0] 34.6 heo| 127 Potter 1,400 222 55 1,420] 1k.4| 32.2 6,990 4,923 2,407 286 1,592] 59.9 19.4 2| 42.4 n3 120 Schuylkill 2,184 166 92 2,032| 8.86] 30.9 10,993] 5.40 3,942 635 2,698 2.6| 26.9 3| 25.6 463| 120 Snyder. 1,584 139 7 1,667| 27.3] 27.5 6,492| 3,894 3,092 520 1.9 6.3 33.6 5| 28.0 4g2| 112 Somerse 3,466 405 152 3,627 11.1 35.7 21,702| 5,983 5,888 1,265 4,543 ko.8 28.1 5| 24.0 466 107 Sullivan 6lg 5 2u 651] u.9| 32.4 3,331 5,117] 1,211 124 627| 63.1 6.0 2| 32.3 466 109 Susquehanna. 2,739 416 119 3.227 9.6] 30. 17,964( 5,567] 5.75% 7 4,382] 81.8 3. 2| 60.6 4; 122 Tioga 2,727 400 139 2,783 | 16.7 23 15,004| 5,391] 5,401 : 3.643 77.9 32 2| 55.9 w 124 Union... 1,006 91 57 1. 31.2] 23.1 6,316] 6,050, 2,351 416 1,458) 52.2 sez 2| 29.8 u62| 123 Venango . 1,988 17. 54 2,294 | 12.4 «2 8,796] 3,817] 2,493 624 1,525 58.0 14.9 2| 32.0 466 120 Varren 1,893 + 19 55 2,028 | 11.4 2.7 8,584) b,233] 2,805 479 2,050| 67.1 11.5 2| 6.5 he4| 122 088 |Washington 4,910 429 142 4,366] 24.9| 37.8 27.741 6.354 7.105 996 4,582| 68. 10.1 2| 39.% u66| 121 Wayne........ as 2,k3 303 86 2,834 6.9 24.9] 17,565| 6,198 +040 %s 4,004 Tog 6.6 2 00 n3| 120 088 |Westmoreland 5,25 382 157 3.9 14.8 32.1 27.696] 7.047] 6.826 1, 4,676] 63.4] 17.3 2| 37.6 466 17 Wyoming 1,385 152 8 1,3 9.9 31.5 7.515| 5.608] 2,127 ay 1,766] 71.5] 13.2 2| 50.9 u13| 124 337 {Xork.. cx denen ,8 476 300 7.120 16.3| 25.8) 44,137 6,199] 15.712 2,383| 11,643 57.0 29.6 3| 28.0 . 463| 129 RHODE ISLAND.... 3,603 265 62 3,014 10.3( 26.4 *31,140(10,332 +129 1,008 8,247 68.8 22.3 2| 46.2 135 T : = METRO. COUNTIES.. 2,899 189 47 2471] 9.8] 25.5] 26,133(10,576 W719 769 6,780 70.8 20.% Metro. area: 091 |Providenge «++001,002,003,004 2,899 189 47 28471| 9.8| 25.5 26,133/10,576 719 769 +780) 70.8| 20. OTHER COUNTIES... Tok 76 15 543 | 12.5) 30.8 4,990 | 9.190 406 239 1,466) 59.8 31.0 All Counties: 192 9 y D6 12.1 35.4 2,532|12,291 170 4s 24 75.7] 15.4 2| 51.8] 452 478 2 6 Usk 2:0 27.1 4,082| 8,991 2% 133 re 321 4) 2 ne 452 130 6 16 472| ah.6| 18.4 7:721/16,358| 574 210 1,481 2-8 32.4 2| 41.3] 452 138 1,5! 102 21 13 7.9] 25.9] 11,799] 8.812 683 378 3,880 Th.0| 17.8 2| W7.5| 452 135 Tou 76 15 3 12.5( 30.8 4990 | 94190) Loé 239 1, 59.8| 31.0 2| 38.0] 452 | 136 SOUTH CAROLINA... 7,745 | 11,022 4,149 137,558 | 56.1| 33.7 405,878 | 2,951| 200,863 4,791] 110,749 9.5| 68.7 5| 63.8 72 METRO. COUNTIES.. 4,038 280 88 4,552 | 35.8 72.0| 15,573] 3.42 979 32 8,782| 20.3] 68.5 Metro. areas: 020 |Charleston......010 1,800 108 33 2,124 | 19.7 84M 7.361] 3,466] 2,089] « 182 1,903 6.6| 81.1 5| 42.2 027 |Columbia...... «040 2,238 in 55 2,428| 49.9| 61.2 8.212| 3,382) 2,890 130 1,828 34.6 u3.1 5| 31.% OTHER COUNTIES...| 143,707| 10,742 4,061 | 133,006| 56.8) 32.4 390,305 2,934 195.884 4,479 107.017 9.1| 68.9 All Counties: 2,374 203 64 2,474 | 64.1| 31.9 5,363| 2,168] 3,463 101 1, 7.6 8 2 3,847 362 147 3,390 55.6| 36.3 he. 2,709) 2:99 147 22 10.7 Ep : FA nis n 1,074 133 63 35| 70.3 2x3 3.599 2. ™ 945 7.4 80.6 5| 65.5 719 67 6,371 lio2 191] 6, % 67.7 21. it 3,087) 9.914 303 5.033] 8.5 67. 5 66.7 718 1 1,527 167 ™ 1,643 60.4] 24.5 £14 2,930 3,001 52 1,517 10.5 i 5 59.0 719 % 2,l17 239 10 1.787 65.5] 20.9] 5.5 3.0% 3.35% 1,688 6 8. 69. 19 La300 = g a 14 ¥s uf poe 199 Lie x ‘97k 30 103 { A] { ’ ’ . o 018] 2,1 2, 1,013 20. 1. > 2 3 1,698 158 w| Tra| s35| So3| cigss| 3.00 us 2 93 2 A3 An | A 1,800 108 33 2,124 19.7 su. 7.361] 3,466] 2,089 182 1,90; 6.6] 81.1 42.2 2 2,866 in 7% 2,670 61.7| 22.6 6.872] 2,574 4,032 80 19 3 8.1| 62.7 : 61.5 a r 2,450 259 13 2,518 64.2 3h. 6,660| 2,645) 3,8 11% 1.71 11.5| 62.6 5 61.0 78 7 3,390 295 111 3.001 51.5] 24k 8,387] 2,705] 5.1! 13 2,759 5.9 71.9 5| 68.9 719 12 3,980 216 118 3,270 64.4| 32.9 8.227] 2,516] 4,748 29 2,902 4.2 (1 75.8 1 66 2,815 340 19 2,6u1| 33.7] 51.3 7.796] 2.9 ha 50 1,618) 20.1 de : 5: Jd 61 3,967 260 125 3,360 65.6 16.0 11,896] 3,5 i 91 3,620 6.7| 716.2 5| 75.0 719 70 3,1 159 al 311] 78.1] 9.2] 11,888 3.821] BNO Te] 3.564 3.7] 83. 5-831) 72 ™ 1The State total includes $16,892 for female silver fox and/or mink over 8 months old (kept in captivity) not distributed to individual’counties. 331 Table 3 TABLE 3—SELECTED DATA FOR METROPOLITAN AREAS AND FOR ALL COUNTIES, Fart 5 - Indust: 3 : pik JEL BY STATE—Continued PA., Mercer (043)- S. C., Dillon (017) (All dollar figures have been rounded to thousands and will not necessarily add to totals) ‘aro 080343 MANUFACTURING ESTABLISHMENTS—1939 MINERAL INDUSTRIES—1939 RETAIL ESTABLISHMENTS—1939 T ‘METROPOLITAN Merl COUNTIES Value added A y ue a s Empl | Cf Mote | ge | Veoh | by mam. | aeoh | Norber | Wag lp] ii | Acie (me |e AN ¥ s r0- s CODES Number + (average Ly (Fo00's of (1000s ol (f ’s of | persons | (1000s of | stores dolla) Poy for, dollars) for year) dollars) dollars) dollars) | engaged | dollars) year, (65) (66) 67 (63) (9) 0) an @) _® a4) (5) (6) an PENNSYLVANIA—Con. All Counties—Con. 15,512 86,118] 32,786 521 269 805) 1,359 31,564 1,344 6,586 19,615 12,451 556. 2% 309 651 11,841 [Sh 1,985 g,Lgp 4,899 (*) ¢) ) 673 11,019 58Y 086 38,518 188,856 89,504 1,511 Yahi 502) 4,161 105,053 3,916] 636 2,374 1,299 86 18g 12) 173 2,1 173 003 38,051 173,284 95,049 2,508 985 1,387 2,59 55,759] 2,375 5,487 23,704 12,157 20,343) 6,800 10,099 1,874 30,010) 1,777 3m 1,396 786) (4) (2) t) 32 3,891 329 086 231,691 1,418,256) 652,221 3% 3) 1,577] 30,099 766,622] 28,058 72 382 197 | 165 1,609 172) Potter.......... 26 923 755 4,791 1,748 279 Y4,798 307] Schuylkill... 201 8,516 6,264 30,025 14,854 36.962 16,585 23,163 3,804 51,551 3,570 Snyder... 33 1,009 670 2,960, 1,231 (*) (2) 3) 280 2,759 291 Somerset. 55 415 378 2,086 1,008 9.589] 5,873 6,512) 9ko 18, 75% 87k 5 280 183 1,704 m5 89 93] 6 13 od 1k 27 yok ag 1,492 801 623 288] 323 480 6,487 478| 3 1,950 2,1 12,632 6,632 620 356) 351, 488 8,179 1496) 3 956 &13 14,116 1,476 *) E05] *) 7 4,036) 304 68 3,648 41 36,616 11,290 450 126) 13 98, 17,281 647 58 2,684 3,321 22,346 8,932 129 28 % 473 16,967 51 088 3 14,473 20,870 105,603 uy 587 30,044 14,556) 19,621 2,hhk 55,870 8,50) 1 1,455 934 4,748 2,187 51 26| 2) 453 7.287 b5 088 243 26,556 36,130 168,906 82,909 13,782 7,446) 9,223) 3,333 75,159 2,949) ¢ 17 lly L2g 3,749 1,082 2) * {Y 290 },uko 21H 332 137 67 27,302 2k, uo 129,872] 66,789 1,245 1450 479, 2,350 55,322 2,215 5,891 4,894 Combined Counties®, 372 2,812 12,648 61,280 30,465 307, 181 137 RHODE ISLAND.... 1,40] 106,275 105,407 516,391 238,289 828 259 322 10,485 275,447 9,100 30,301 30,978 METRO. COUNTIES..| 1,410| 101,629 101,023 499,338 230, kok “56 417] 4180 9,898 261,635 8,573 29,045| 29,722 Metro. area: 091 |Providence 001,002,003 ,004 .| 1,40] 101,629 101,023 499,338 230, kok 8546 S147 8180 9,898 261,635 8,573] 29,085 29,722 50 4,646 ki, 38h 17,053 1,885 4282 4112] 414) 587 13,812 527 1,256 1,256 091 4 4,671 4,185 i 24,067 8,237 (2) {2 2) 350 5,612 814, 5828 495 091 | 8 6,943 6,370 34,676 15,476 (1) 2) () 909 16,648 798 1,538 1,464 091 27 1,132 878 2,629 1,502 75 2 18 720 17,316 628 1,818 1,830 os1 1,256 88,883 £9,590 437,966 205,189 u71 12! 162 7,919] 221,859 6,833] 25.157] 25,933 Washington. ..... 005 50 k, 646 ky, 384 17,051 7,885 198 87 118 587 13,812 527 1,256 1,256 Combined Counties®. 84 25 . SOUTH CAROLINA... 1,331] 126,983 86,616 397.513 169,847 3,457 1,400 1,065 18,520 332,224 15,759] 4,119] 29,093 METRO. COUNTIES.. 184 9,u483 6,472 k2,732 17,736 $315 %119 6132 2,608 67,909 2,228 8,834 7.117 Metro. areas: 020 |Charleston...... 010 92 5,383 3,582 27,098 10,504 i (*) (*) 1,116 12,781 1,265 4,322 3,278 027 |Columbia........ oko 92 1,100 2,890 15,634 7.232 35 119 132 1,192 3,128 963] 4,512 3,839 OTHER COUNTIES..| 1,147| 117,499 80,144 354,781 152,111 63.142 ©1,281 ¢933 15,912 264,115) 13,53) 32,285) 21,976 All Counties: Abbeville....... 001 7 1,450 1) 1) (1) 263 2,511 242 308]. 155 Alken...........002 2 he3l (3) *) *) 1,170 499 322 582 6,238 539 621 435 Allendale. ..00 7 92 52 287 180 (*) (2) (*) 132 1,261 116] 158 79 Anderson. o 51 9,980 6,486 28,689 11,74 878 14,814 728 1,927 1,289 Bamberg, 10 433 250 931 466 196 2,572 155 285 14% 12 457 198 1,215 172 226 2,089 202 256 117 12 30 ™ 465 188 234 2,521 175 23 163 12 653 353 1,211 ee 207 1,938 162 1 140 16 171 68 519 219 2) (1) 3) 159 1,791 159 166 % 020 92| 5,383 3,562 27,098 10,50 (2) mom 1,116 s2,78| 1,265 u,322| 3,278 3 3,391 2,089 8,099 3,975 187 116 Ld 306 4,ko9 272 567 382 16 3,588 2,46 9,52k 3,895 268 5,074 230 = 388 25 778 38 2,289 989 ni 4,225 2719 4 283 9 456 245 716 519 211 2.953 152 i 172 Colleton. 24 383 171 889 90 250 3,32 194 3 253 Darlingto 34 2,999 2,152 11,333 5,872 2) ® £1) 116 7.159 342 a 640 DILION. aus veves 15 635 ny 1,623 575 256 3,804 . 207 258 Not shown because of disclosure of operations of individual estabiishments. Data included in Combined ounties at end of State.. ®Includes all counties where fig- ures are not shown separately because of disclosure of operations of individual establishments. 3Includes all establishments and wage earners of counties for which wages and value gata were withheld to avoid disclosure. The "Combined Counties® figure for mumber of establishments is excluded from the State total, since this item was shown for every county. Whenever data on wage earners have been withheld, that portion of the "Combined Counties® figure represented by such data is included, in the cor- responding State total. “Two counties, Bristol (001) and Kent (002), which should be included in the “Metro Counties® total are included in the *Other Counties" total, since it is not possible to present separate figures for these counties. %Excludes 2 counties, Bristol (001) and Kent (002), for which data are not shmm separately. %ne county, Charleston (010), which should be included in the "Metro Counties" total is included in the "Other Counties" total, since it is not possible to present sep- arate figures for this county. * 332 TABLE 3—SELECTED DATA FOR METROPOLITAN AREAS AND FOR ALL COUNTIES, (A11 dollar figures have been rounded to thousands and will not necessarily add to totals) BY STATE—Continued Table 3 Part 6 - Other Economic Data PA., Mercer (043) - S. C., Dillon (017) TRADE—1939 1944 Major war supply Major war facilities contracts, rojects, June 1940-Sept. 1945 | June 1940 Jus 1945 METROPOMT AN E Bond (1000's of ollars) (1000 $ Ol dollars) Metro. REAS, Numb Narshat Total sales 1944 ; Area COUNTIES, umber um ; . |Employees otal (1000s of Code AND of Sales of | Receipts | Active e¥orass Pe Il (demand dcllars at : CODES estab- | (1000's of | estab | (1000's |proprie- Fr and time) | (1000s |issue price) lish- | dollars) | lish- [of dollars)| tors yey 9 io) (1000s | of dollars) ments ments of dollars) Combat Other Industrial | Military equipment 8) 9) (80) 81) (82) (83) (®4) (35) (86) nD (88) (89) (90) on PENNS YLVANIA=~Con. All Counties—Con. Mercer. . ™ 10,011 Lek 1,490 512 365 262 59,384 32,553 12,874 176,740 109,732 5,014 18,762 Mifflin, 51 4,588 183 612 196 158 127 15,053 6,781 3,551 5,103 15,251 3,646 Monroe. . 30 2,575 123 447 121 133 11% 16,389 9,603 2,137 5,218 10,500 92? 086 |Montgome: 198 38,771) 1,300 5.926 | 1,354 1,573 1,472] 154,107 67.275 25,520 583,234 150,594 51,578 1,803 Montour. 8 1,237 46 117 45 27 18 6,480 3,836 1,005 36,596 5.279 19,028 003 |Northampton.....048 146 36,531 781 2,886 800 = 640 109,310 64,817 ” ou 295,229 178,995 47,300 Northumberland. .O49 81 11,015 496 1,202 517 140 47,290 25,702 5, 2 21,630 38,512 855 1,111 92 i 97 31 23 8,181 U4, 545 934 2,389 > 1,622,100] 12,834 78,401 | 12,917 26,551 28,072] 2,710,817 | 974,247 248,927] 1,241,606 | 1,250,23 233,230 92,003 (1) in 1 7 6 3,050 1,632 Les 3 1,119 50 100 55 13 8 5,966 3,082 731 53 23,252 982 2,530 1,023 Luis 325 £9,751 57,409 11,118 30,826 20,130 30,150 450 123 322 136 46 26 8,107 4,380 63 1,684 Somerset... i 3,147 245 745 260 118 72 27,656 13,697 3,8 3,472 116 Sullivan........ 3 ™ 30 66 3 37 19 2,376 1,513 326 Susquehanna, 22 1,245 91 231 98 30 22 9,728 6,040 1,339 966 3,783 Ti0gBes sess 26 3,034 131 370 15 61 ot 12,754 6,613 1,893 2,313 150 Union..... 21 1,167 106 2ug 105 58 Ly 10,325 5,204 888 14,169 167 46,046 Venango. 55 11,940 234 855 251 201 159 47,156 16,142 4,208 14,461 65,100 5,447 Warren....e..... n 5,783 134 518 hy » n 29,015 13,098 3,047 14,562 15,799 © 705 088 |Washington 128 19,776 677 2,389 4 667 505 81,593 34,520 14,443 30,359 73,278 36,936 WAF®. cess ss 21 2,152 103 334 108 32 2 16,729 12,468 1,616 238 2,430 088 |Westmoreland 151 20,436] 1,021 3,209 | 1,055 800 6! 123,162 56,084 23,514 113,707 159,536 12,363 Wyoming. 15 1,086 63 132 65 1h 9 7.444 4,739 845 1,198 137 [York.. 197 32,397 864 3,088 897 837 670 | 137,784 77.79% 16,613 331,766 119,519 10,392 Other. 23 379 “2,467 4472 RHODE ISLAND.... 762 239,03| 3,938 21,243 | 3,886 6,123 6,098 746,085 442, 749 66,989 439,676 785,899 84,056| 158,864 METRO. COUNTIES.. 752 | 238,361 3.797 20,638| 3,739 5.991 5.968] 13,200 U1g,688 63,696 434,593 758,188 83,756| 63,962 Metro. area: 091 |Providence ..001,002,003,00l 752 | 238,361 3,797| 20,638| 3.739 5,991 ,968( 713,200 k18,688 63,696 | 434,593 758,188 83,756 63,962 OTHER COUNTIES... 10 652 pL} 605 47 132 130 32,883 24,061 3.293 5,083 27,711 300 94,902 7 951 98 263 102 I+] 61 11,718 8,575 998 11,017 104,325 3,726 17 1,854 226 692 224 134 119 23,363 17,100 1,301 35,253 13,207 25 5,605 202 1,146 205 368 8 4h 33; 33,770 12,942 706 2u6 | 8,137 63,962 703| 229,951| 3.271| 18,537| 3,208 5,114 5.460 633,7 359,243 48,455 387.617 640,410 1,893 10 652 141 605 47 132 130 32,883 24,061 3,293 5,083 27,711 300 94,902 SOUTH CAROLINA... | 1,450 | 297,211} 5,351| 18,877 5,053 | 10,730 5,982 391,546 57.552 86,080 53.907 587,478 60,038] 157,216 METRO. COUNTIES.. 291 83,638 722 5,433 693 3,058 1,987 98,611 22,488 32,220 49,078 21,7153 53,129 85,008 Metro. areas: § 020 [Charleston 151 36,196 360 2,3% 351 1,422 867 57,559 17,249 23,767 49,078 i2,636 42,283 45,866 027 [Columbia ....... 140 47,42 362 3,093 32 1,636 1,120 41,052 5,239 8,453 15,117 10,846 39,142 OTHER COUNTIES... | 1,159 | 213,573| 4,629| 13,uk4| 4,360 7.672 3.995] 292,935 35,065 53.857 4,829 559.725 6,909 72,208 20 1,262 87 142 91 64 ® 2,831 587 1,321 753 22 2,088 104 240 1m 91 9 14,890 267 1,k80 49,362 920 5 1,601 30 54 30 7 18 1,144 129 2m 60 9,467 319 902 291 9 239 16,861 2,625| 2,569 28,888 356 22 1,016 3 94 66 87 20 2,046 17h 295 19 1,677 es 136 77 102 25 1,950 253 hak 1,179 7 620 he 73 41 42 27 3,497 415 1,243 22,322 12 1.112 39 57 33 28 n 185 re 768 : 16 1,842 70 148 65 99 22 1,948 212 82 137 020 |Charleston...... 010 151 36,196 360 2,340 351 1,422 867 57,559 17,249 23,767 49,078 12 oe 42,283 45,866 Cherokee... o 12 1,169 105 261 91 148 83 336 1,522 46 Chesterse.e..... 16 3,840 n 218 n 153 5 5,480 610 755 24 2 Chesterfield....013 20 2,344 93 161 87 108 37 3,712 178 al Clarendon... ... 22 1,24 51 29 Lg 16 1,538 382 87 Colleton... ’ 27 1,93 58 110 52 87 29 4,961 1,937 523 95 3,297 Darlington. 30 5,815 100 325 88 170 96 8,201 1,304 1,589 2,766 693 DIOR: conenves 22 6,193 81 .173 67 86 36 4,330 156 646 55 ‘Not shown because of disclosure of operations of individual establishments. Data included in "Other" at end of State. sales data are withheld to avoid disclosing operations of individual establishments. 3Combined figure for counties having seles data withheld to avoid disclosing operations of individual establishments. individual counties. 2Sum of establishments in counties for which It is excluded from the State total since number of establishments is shown for Undistributed. 333 Table 3 Part 1 - Population S. C. » Dorchester (018) - S. DAK., Hyde (035) TABLE 3—SELECTED DATA FOR METROPOLITAN AREAS AND FOR ALL COUNTIES, BY STATE—Continued pry TOTAL POPULATION POPULATION—1940 EDUCATION VIAL 1940 STATISTICS ESTIMATED 1944 CIVILIAN Total whi POPULATION Land | Pop- otal white Percent of METROPOLITAN U.S. area [ulation population 25 Metro. AREAS, rank P. ] in per years old and rcen Ara | COUNTIES, Number | of |iment| sa. | so ave; Vio lve gs, AND outer change | miles | mile Percent] Ush Rural Rural completed— CODES Percent| April | in of a0 | nonfarm | farm Bi irths | Deaths Number change | [940 |percen- 1930-1 1940 |1940| Number | total Rossy tiles) | 1940 opu- 5o0r . 1943’ 1940- 0d more Ha 1943 1940 grades | SCM00 m @ @) @ (5) (6) om _® ® (10) an 12) 13) (14) (15) (16) SOUTH CAROLINA— Con. All Counties—Con, ~ Dorchester......018 20,676 3.8 19,928 46 5.1 569 35.0 8,484 | 42.6 © 8,028 7,099 9,806 57.3 17.3 684 236 Edgefield... +019) 15,446 | -18.7 17,894 .52 7.4 481 37.2 6,594 | 86.8 4,666 18,228 61.6 18.0 418 148 Fairfield. +020 20,606 | -14.8 24,187 87 3.9 699 84.6 9,214 | 88.1 3,181 7,141 13,865 55.4 15.8 590 157 Florence.. .021 64,809 -8.2 70,582 9 15.7 805 87.7 38,627 54.7 18,576 | 10,702 41,304 64.1 19.9 2,064 730 Georgetown. .....022 25,697 -2.5 26,352 338 21.2 813,| 82.4 10,976 | 41.7 5,559 9,004 11,789 46.3 16.9 840 232 Greenville......023 140,862 2.8 186,580 4 16.7 789 173.1 106,142 77.7 87,083 | 66,115 33,882 78.1 20.9 3,382 1,282 37,043 -7.6 40,083 18 11.1 458 | 87.5 25,280 | 62.9 13,020 18,919 13,144 72.9 21.4 884 353 15,672 | -10.8 17,465 58 1.3 562 81.1 7,370 | 42.2 6,695 10,770 49.5 10.1 506 167 48,230 -7.2 51,951 138 81.9 1,152 | 45.1 87,879 | 72.9 5,066 8,931 37,954 62.3 11.8 1,518 413 8,686 -21.1 11,011 73 10.2 578 | 19.1 8,955 85.9 4,906 6,105 46.6 10.3 331 98 84,812 5.8 32,913 25 2.6 786 | 41.9 15,811 | 46.5 5,747 74281 19,885 57.6 18.6 784 254 22,432 | -33.1 33,542 24 19.9 504 | 66.6 22,147 66.0 4,480 11,902 17,210 65.1 15.1 801 253 86,446 | -17.5 44,185 16 5.0 7183 | 62.0 27,843 | 63.0 12,598 9,999 21,588 65.4 16.6 775 344 18,363 | -26.3 24,908 36 3.4 409 | 60.9 8,590 | 84.5 2,995 1,344 20,569 48.6 14.7 666 236 85,762 -046 35,994 21 -1.4 716 50.3 27,067 75.2 2,745 | 15,058 18,196 72.7 16.4 957 838 7,997 -22.9 10,367 75 -9.6 403 | 25.7 3,330 82.1 . 2,768 7,604 55.1 12.8 269 92 27,608 -8.6 80,107 28 10.6 480 | 62.7 18,287 | 44.1 10,1388 8,804 16,165 61.1 17.2 849 287 29,071 { -12.6 88,281 24 5.2 482 69.0 15,052 | 45.2 4,895 6,827 21,559 52.5 15.7 891 286 29,283 | -12.8 88,577 24 -3.2 630 | 58.3 19,885 | 57.6 10,782 5,668 17,127 68.2 17.5 765 288 80,959 -15.2 86,512 21 9.4 670 | 54.5 80,743 84.2 2,820 | 11,825 22,867 72.8 15.2 831 261 58,3897 -8.8 68,707 10 -0.2 1,120 | 56.9 28,791 37.8 10,521 | 12,928 40,258 60.4 18.4 1,917 678 88,948 -8.5 87,111 20 10.1 501 | 74.1 82,220 | 86.8 5,183 | 13,476 18,452 72.8 16.0 864 254 027 117,175 11.8 104,843 5 19.6 748 | 140.2 62,472 59.6 65,904 | 21,771 17,168 69.5 81.5 8,162 1,618 18,900 | -19.1 17,192 54 -5.3 442 88.9 9,548 | 55.5 188 2,286 14,768 69.8 17.1 809 98 Spartanburg... ..042| 121,475 -4,9 127,738 4 9.8 880 | 158.9 97,260 | 76.1 36,848 | 51,077 40,808 70.7 17.6 8,057 1,126 Sumtereeesessss.043| 49,165 -6.8 52,463 13 14.8 689 | 76.1 18,692 85.6 15,874 9,850 27,289 60.4 19.9 1,427 558 24,785 | -21.1 31,860 26 1.4 515 | 60.9 20,112 64.1 8,478 | 11,118 11,764 59.6 12.9 690 251 84,207 =~16.6 41,011 18 17.5 981 | 44.1 18,789 | 88.5 8,182 2,949 34,880 52.4 18.0 1,265 354 YorKesseaes 55,857 =5.6 58,663 11 9.8 685 | 85.6 37,247 63.5 24,490 9,525 24,648 67.8 20.4 1,526 500 SOUTH DAKOTA... 544,866 | -15.2 642,961 -7.2 76,536 8.4 619,075 | 96.3 | 158,087 | 178,204 | 306,670 91.9 24.9| 12,769 5,650 9 - 42 99 - 518 0.1 25 - 43 - a 4,426 | -17.8 5,387 91 | -24.5 711 7.6 5,384 | 99.9 1,723 3,664 94.2 19.4 96 42 16,641 | -15.8 19,648 47 | -14.8 1,261 | 15.6 19,598 99.7 10,843 2,019 6,786 94.4 30.8 370 204 2,292 | -42.5 3,983 94 | -138.2 1,187 3.4 2,764 | 69.4 1,574 2,409 84.5 20.1 60 23 8,616 | -15.9 10,241 75 | -12.7 580 | 17.7 10,210 99.7 4,261 5,980 84.2 18.4 148 87 18,522 | -18.8 16,560 55 =1.7 801 | 20.7 16,556 | 100.0 5,846 2,860 8,354 95.2 29.3 304 125 25,844 | -14.6 29,676 28 =5.7 1,677.1°17.7. 29,640 99.9 17,015 8,900 8,761 93.4 81.8 590 296 4,970 | -19.8 6,195 88 | ~16.5 829 7.5 6,181 99.8 2,882 8,818 95.0 24.38 120 50 1,428 | -22.9 1,858 98 -4.0 494 3.8 999 | 58.9 947 906 87.1 20.7 64 25 7,017 | =12.3 8,004 83 -6.8 2,251 3.6 7,99 99.9 3,954 4,050 91.9 27.7 168 7” 4,311 | -14.3 5,088 92 -10.6 768 6.6 5,028 | 99.9 1,571 3,462 78.5 10.4 91 50 10,571 | -21.4 18,449 64 | -19.5| 1,181 | 11.9 11,786 | 87.6 4,826 8,628 87.0 17.6 224 117 7,571 | -15.5 8,955 80 | =-18.8 976 9.2 8,955 | 100.0 38,108 5,852 94.2 20.0 180 68 8,857 -12.9 9,592 78 -4.9 403 | 28.8 9,590 | 100.0 3,824 1,027 5,241 95.6 30.1 189 84 15,857 =9.7 17,014 54 -2.5 691 | 24.6 17,009 | 100.0 10,617 1,421 4,976 98.5 28.2 384 175 5,500 | -18.6 6,755 86 -29.2 2,525 2.7 5,078 | 75.1 2,926 3,829 80.2 16.0 156 85 5,188 | -14.7 6,023 89 12.5 1,552 8.9 6,008 99.7 8,812 2,211 94.0 28.0 84 47 12,1 -17a 15,836 59 -8.8 432 | 35.5 15,299 99.8 10,633 771 8,982 95.2 84.9 280 178 11,090 | -18.2 18,5685 68 =7.1 1,060 | 12.8 18,3856 98.5 5,529 8,086 90.2 18.9 299 98 7,858 | -12.9 8,450 82 -8.2 636 | 18.3 8,449 | 100.0 2,729 5,721 92.8 16.5 1389 54 4,901 | -14.2 5,709 90 | -11.8 1,898 38.0 8,663 | 64.2 2,944 2,765 86.5 19.8 117 49 5,251 =-17.8 6,848 88 | -12.8 435 14.6 6,342 99.9 2,029 4,819 88.1 14.9 139 81 7,147 -8.5 7,814 84 | -10.8 1,158 6.8 7,811 | 100.0 8,118 4,696 88.0 15.4 143 60 10,085 24.1 8,089 83 -7.5 1,748 4.6 8,060 | 99.6 4,083 1,759 2,247 92.6 28.6 222 96 FaulKeceosoossss025 4,953 -4.2 5,168 91 | =-25.0 997 5.2 5,167 | 100.0 2,147 8,021 95.6 22.2 84 41 Granteeececesss 026 8,820 | -16.4 10,552 74 1.6 684 | 15.4 10,547 | 100.0 2,745 2,047 5,760 93.0 19.0 213 85 7,794 | -18.4 9,654 78 | -16.3 | 1,028 9.8 9,240 96.7 8,705 5,849 88.9 20.1 199 7 2,860 | ~18.6 8,515 95 | =-24.9 1,815 1.9 38,491 99.3 1,322 2,198: 95.1 26.5 83 32 6,526 | -18.7 7,562 84 -8.9 520 | 14.5 7,562 | 100.0 2,933 4,629 91.0 18.6 119 71 5,898 | -24.7 7,166 85 | -24.4 1,486 5.0 7,165 | 100.0 2,117 5,049 96.1 19.5 130 49 4,217 | -21.9 5,400 91 =-11.9 43) | 12.5 5,895 99.9 1,586 8,814 95.1 20.1 110 44 2,597 =18.7 8,010 96 | =-16.1 2,688 1.1 3,010 | 100.0 820 2,190 98.8 21.8 69 18 5,709 | -13.8 6,624 87 =-5.5 762 8.7 6,398 |" 96.6 4,322 659 1,643 9.9 41.7 149 70 Hutchinson. 11,294 | -10.8 12,668 67 -8.9 8l4 | 165.6 12,668 | 100.0 4,857 7,811 80.0 14.0 226 76 Hyd€esocsooee 2,717 =12.7 4 8,118 96 =-15.6 869 3.6 3,104 99.7 1,205 1,908 94.0 24.6 58 22 334 TABLE 3—SELECTED DATA FOR METROPOLITAN AREAS AND FOR ALL COUNTIES, BY STATE—Continued able 3 Tt Part 2 - L.bor Force $5. C., Dorchester (018) = S$. DiK., Hyde (035) aro Bs0i3 LABOR FORCE—1940 Percent of Population 14 Years Old and Over Employed Workers by Industry Group Employed METROPOLITAN Tits. Ses In leading usiness nonagri- Yh | DRE, Percent | Percent porta: and = Code AND of 4 oo 3 Con a, Whole- | personal Other In industry males | females - . - - : I CODES Toi) In labor ee Total Agri- Ming sae: Manufac- ations, sale and services ad ot agri force x . employed || culture . turing retail exclud- a] ak {co in in tion an trade ing reported [ [Lode ier Jy oer Soriadiic (See | Per- orce orce utili- : page | cent ties Sorvieet 422) an 8). a9) 0) Qn 22) @) (24) 5) (26) 20) _@ @9) 6 | an | @ ISOUTH CAROLINA=-Con.| All Counties—Con. Dorchester......018 13,221 7,167 83.9 25.8 6,544 3,106 i 348 1,053 120 511 600 805] 47.5 9] 7.3 = 0 12,039 6,203 81.1 22,7 5,751 3,764 2 130 563 83 320 382 507] 65.4) 9 5.4 [Fairfield 15,833 9,462 83,2 37.0 8,711 4,102 208 206 2,071 167 483 523 951 47.1] 6[17.7 [Florence... 47,315 25,476 81,2 28,1 23,472 12,134 3 784 1,417 1,399 2,664 2,521 2,552] 51.7] G36] 5.3 |Georgetown.,....,022 ,896 9,227 82.1 28,9 7,921 2,698 7 303 1,727 ’263 778 697 10448 34.1 11|12.8 Greenville,....,023 99,145 55,641 794 34.6 50,417 7,559 13 1,875 19,984 1,873 6,559 6,422 6,132] 15.0 6] 33.0 Greenwood. ......02% 28,951 | 18,067| 83.6] 42.4] 16,827( 3,23 6 485 7,416 422| 1,566] 1,612] 2,084] 19.2] 6|36.0 Hamptoneeeseess025 11, 6,974 84.0 35.6 6,326 3,915 4 106 725 116 399 390 671] 61.9 9] 7.5 HOTTY oe enaensses026 32,439 | 17,389 8.1] 22.4) 16,125| 10,76 i 504 1,268 190 1,050] 1,253] 1,020] 66.6] 9] 5.6 JBEPET eee eeseesd027 7,128 3,784 80.7 26,1 3,293 1,489 122 703 71 207 351 350] 45.2 9|18.4 Kershaw.........028 21,57 11,346 78.9 27.1 10,013 55255 41 274 1,358 165 7 965 1,178] 52.5 6| 6.3 Lancaster.......029 22,262 12,655 83,1 31.6 11,525 3,713 85 37 44431 165 894 778 1,082 32,2 6(34.5 Laurens.sesess.s030 31,003 17,316 79.9 32.7 16,141 5,825 363 5,590 280 1,131 1,311 1,641) 36.1 630.1 Le@eereessnessed03l 16,097 8,506 82,9 24.6 T5749 5,725 1 5 352 64 449 382 631] 73.9 G36] 2.8 Lexington, ......032 25,144 13,594 81.9 27.5 12,557 44,992 120 622 2,875 376 1,291 1,162 5,119] 39.8 613.4 McCormick,eceees033 6,883 3,689 80.0 28.4 3,208 2,181 49 2 53 175 180 286| 68.0 9| 8.2 20,078| 11,861] e1.4| 38.1] 10,822] 5,892 3 333 1,37 186 978 951) 1,105] 54.4] 9 84 2,848 12,451 3.5) 32.2] 11,000] 6,57 2 25 1,423 166 800 785] 1,013 59.7] 6 8.1 23,812 13,648 82,1 33.5] 12,699 5,382 34 315 3,454 217 945 988 1,364 4244 6|22,8 Oconee.sesseses 2037 24,352 12,393 80.2 21.9 10,641 5,011 1 351 2,308 175 855 1,038 889] 47.1] 6/16,9 Orangeburg. .....038 42,237 23,025 82.4 28.5 20,678 12,338 5 589 1,769 309 1,706 1,838 2,124) 59.7| G36| 5.0 Pickens..sses444039 25,108 13,482 81.0 27,1 12,165 43945 80 416 3,624 147 894 1,146 913] 40.6) 6 2644 027 |Richland.......s040 79,950 42,687 71.8 36.8 37,493 44305 87 2,420 4,918 2,387 6,651 9,085 7,622] 11,5 G36|11.5 Saluda...ceeenses04l 1, 2628 2454 83.7 27.5 6,035 4,436 168 403 85 261 394 2 73.5] G36] 3.9 Spartanburg. . ...042 90,500 | 50,140 79.4 32.7] 45,053] 10,175 nj 1,243 18,112 »677 4,488 4,380 4,967] 22.6 6[35,5 Sumter....eeeess043 34,673 20,753 82,9 38.4 19,528 9,358 2 654 3,264 505 1,732 1,856 2,157] 47.9] 10| 6.3 UnioneseeesesessObd 21,471 12,675 80.2 39.3 11,137 3,588 3 206 4,351 236 816 819 1,118 32.2 6]36,8 Williamsburg. ...045 25,575 14,803 83,2 33.8 2 10,621 7 290 819 162] 686 737 Thd| 7545 9| 3.2 Yorke gs xen sass voll 40,822| 24,500 &.4| 36.7] 22,390] 6,889 u 512 7,723 460| 2,076] 2,288) 2,428] 30.8 6|32.4 © SOUTH DAKOTA... | 477,255| 239,826] 78.7| 19.3] 204,514| 98,204| 2,867| 6,208 9,260] 8,044] 30,002] 32,422] 16,498| 48.1] G36] 8.8 All Counties: Armstrong. 001 31 18 - - 17 16 1 - - Aurora. 002 4,028 2,012 79.6 16.5 1,683 1,112 25 30 35 141 192 148] 66,1] G36] 7.3 Beadle... 003 15,136 7,772 79.1 22,8 6,356 2, "076 3 181 509 644, 1,176 1,125 642] 32.7] G36| 8.3 Bennett. .......004 2,71| 15407 80.0] 17.7] 1,194 "27 2 59 21 22 122 Ul, 97| 0.9] 636] 7.1 Bon Homme... ....005 7,727 3,9] m.4| 16a] 3,209 1,944 1 7 48 % 399 453 200| 60.6] G36] 8.5 Brookings...... «Jo 12,525 6,279 80.1 18,5 5,532 2,853 173 82 189 769 ,019 447] 51.6] G36/12,0 Brownsssses «00 22,518 11,723 79.3 24.7 10,034 3,202 4 259 513 881 2,307 1,947 921| 31.9] G36] 8.9 Brulesssssees ne 4,706 2478 78.5 22.9 2,195 1,219 1 58 37 62 322 322 174) 55.5 G36| 7.8 Buffalo.ssssssss009 1,277 59%. 71,8 16.5 433 269 33 2 4 13 65 47] 62.1] G36[13.4 Butt@.sssssseesd010 5,830 3,011 81.8 17.4 2,640 1,337 13 116 120 104 417 357 176] 50,6 G36] 6.1 Campbelli.......011 3,406 1,59] . 78.1 12,3 1,306 985 12 n 33 76 109 80| 75.4) G36 6,0 Charles Mix,....012 9,595 4,556 76.7 15.2 3,811 9459 84 52 82 3% 502 236] 64.5 G36 9.1 Clarkeeesssseess013 6,593 3,313] 80.4 15.3 2,863 1,918 49 30 66 298 315 187| 67.0 G: Te3 ClayesseaseessesOlh 7,379 3,839 81.9 19.7 3,413 1,852 103 69 96 395 627 271] 54.3| G36[11.6 Codington.......015 12,794 6,527 78,6 22,7 5,612 1,772 3 170 533 300 1,186 1,095 §53| 31.6] G36 8.8 COrsoNassssssses016 Lybdd 2,093 754 12 2461 943 1 13 7 59 109 224 105] 64.5 G36|11.6 4,469 2,250 78.6 17.6 1,820 606 120 72 285 78 195 304 160| 33.3 G36/10,2 11,802 5,948 77.3 25.6 5,001 1,191 9 203 285 408 1,226 1,172 507| 23.8 G36/12,0 9,918 5,035 80.4 16.0 4,277 2,604 91 51 134 559 559 279| 60.9| G36] 7.3 Deueleseessessesl20 6,184 3,126 79.8 14.6 2,846 1,990 1 53 29 54 230 279 210] 69.9] G36] 6.0 DeWeYeuosansases02L 3,79% 1,748 72.6 17.1 1,257 596 34 63 n 46 132 231 LUk| 47.4 G36[12,3 Douglas.sssessss022 4y522 2,331 82.6 18.0 1,944 1,258 i 25 21 46 192 246 155) 64.7] G36| 7.8 Edmunds... ......023 5, 2,627 78.3] 16.4] 2,85) 1,470 1 19 33 63 205 273 121 67.3] 636] 7.7 Fall River......024 6,319 2,688 59.2 21.4 2,271 720 15 58 62 203 340 688 185] 31.7| G36|21.5 Faulk.eeoeaeesss025 3,827 1,918 77.9 17.7 1,653 1,005 27 x 48 191 238 133| 60.8] G36| 8,8 Grants. eeeeeases026 | 74804 3,912 81.2 15.6 3,412 1,968 70 mm 68 105 459 426 239] 57.7] G36[ 6.6 Gregoryaesesesese027 6,893 3,326 71.5 15.7 2,967 1,838 1 64 43 yi 318 407 219] 61.9] G36] 8,2 ODsaeeessses028 2,617 1,376 80.5 18.3 1,247 772 1 30 11 47 148 148 90| 61.9] G36| 6.6 5,661 2,818 79.1 15.7 2,467 1,561 1 67 53 52 274 288 171] 63.3| G36| 6.8 ar e30 5,218) 2,665] elo] 15.9] 2.218] 1.658 54] 23 4 227 262 17} 68.6] G36 6.7 80D. vue seesaa03L 3,948 ,9%| 80.7] 1.6) 1,672) 1,183 2 3% 12 30 138 17% 95| 70.8] @36| 7.3 in, 2,241 1,265 83.5 18.3 1,122 856 2 16 6 13 53 107 69] 76.3] G36| 5.7 5,042 2,728 79.9 30,1 2,342 569 2 107 63 119 382 502 598| 24,3 37| 20,6 9,195 W262 78.7 13.2 3,700 2,381 2 mn 55 88 388 425 290| 64.4] G36] 6,9 asl Tiel ezil 13s| dom ew 21 15 25 1 132 80] 62.51 @36| 7.3 Table 3 Part 5 - Housing TABLE 3—SELECTED DATA FOR METROPOLITAN AREAS AND FOR ALL COUNTIES, S.C. s ) - . Se re BY STATE—Continued : HOUSING—1940 ; ; . : ; : Nonfarm Rural Farm \ All Dwelling Units Occupied Dwelling Units Dwelling zis Dwelling Units Bil METROPOLITAN Weiss, AREAS, | Medi a Code COUNTS, Residential Percent | Percent P Percent in Per- tH seructar in5o0r | with | Percent er | wid f Aver. cent | Percent] Jan. | CODES ! i Number more | private | with Number cent | mechan- iL Number — Number with | with 1945’ family | bathtub | electric owner |. "cal | P® a rent ha run- | electric struc- or | lighting 0h refrig- | ice. (dollars) ning | lighting | turas shower PH eration hold water : G3) G4) (35) (6) an 38) (9) “0 “n “w) “@) “w) 5) “) “n SOUTH CAROLIN’-Con Ail Countiez—Con. Dorchester... 4,543 4,711 15.9] 30.3 uu73| u6.s| 17.8] u.ou 2.656 | 11.68 2.o5li 23 5a 568 Edgefield... 4,367] bulge 0.1 13.1 25.0 4,035] 28.6 15.7 3.81 1,372 9.36 3n26| 5.6] 12.0 312 Fairfield.. 5,216 5,736 0.5 13.2] 31.5 5.266 | 26.2 19.1 4.03 2,676 9.16 3,060 3.8 10.0 302 Florenc~,.. 14,833 16,314 0.8 2.4 39.9 15,597 | 31.4 25.7 3.98 . 1.262 17.01 8,552] k.2| 14.0 2,563 Georgetown...... 5.172 6,396 3.1 18.9] 32.5 5.994 | 46.5 20.5 3.90 3.995| 17.35 2,401] 3.6 7.0 534 Greenville...... 023 29,371 5,093 2.5 28.8] 75.1 33,813 | 28.0 lo.1 3.57 27,792 17.08 7.391 10.1] 5.2 8,645 Greenwood. . L024 8,655 9,859 1.5 29.5) 60.1 ER 22.3 36.7 3.64 6.779 11.98 3.060] 7.4 27.2 1,688 Hampton. . .025 1,346 iy, 420 0.1 12.8] 19.6 k,106 324 14.6 ae. 1,837 8.20 2,583] 5.1 4.9 136 Horry.... 026 11,986 12,393 0.6 17.0 28.6 10,831 Us.5 14.5 .36 L,u28| 27.56 7.965 3.0] * 10.7 694 Jasper.......... 027 2,514 2,597 0.5 10.6) 18.7 2,490 | uL.3 12.5 3.80 1,332 6.56 1,265 5.0 5.4 13% Kershaw.........028 7.449 7.923 0.3 14.3 24.6 7.189 | 31.8 16.0 4.02 3,hok 12.%0 4,519 3.2 iy 132 Lancaster oie 7.216 7.865 0.7 22.6 53.5 7.360( 25.8 2.8 L.08 4,076 11.86 3.789 2.9 28. 535 Laurens... 9,897 10,782 0.4 18.1 52.9 10,106 | 26.6 29.3 3.75 54054 12.54 5,128 5.1 29.5 1,033 L08ys serves : 5,412 5,721 0.5 10.2] 19.5 5.311 2e.2 17.7 L.10 1,156 11.49 Losn| 7.2] 10.4 285 Lexington 8,124 8,708 0.2 18.1 3 8,399] Wh.6 23.1 3.83 L621 11.5 4,087] 7.1| 23a 998 McCormick... .....033 2,507 2,569 6.0] 15.6 2.2n| 23.7 9.4 igs 694 7.39 1,895 2.8] 6.2 Marion... 03h 6.274 6,822 0.1 17.5 38.2 6,600 33.8 22.5 .06 3,603 12.31 3,219] W.A| 17. 88k Marlboro, 7.418 7.859 0.4 13.4 24.9 7.259 19.9 15.9 4.06 3,073 12.71 L,786| 3.7 &3 822 Newberry. ‘ 7.758 8,424 0.1 22.1 L5.0 7,960! 31.0 23.8 2 4,318 10.02 4,106 5.1 18. 1,132 0CONe8.e.v.unnss 7.958 8,595 0.3 12.8] k0.3 8,080 | 32.5 17.8 ol 3.706 8.90 4.869 2.9] 17.8 838 Orungeburg......038 14,408 15,526 0.5 n.6 31.5 14,651 | 30.1 18.6 i 6,607 | 11.46 8,919 5.7 11.4 1,521 Pickens.... .039 5,226 8,737 0.3 15.9] 59.1 8,281 31.6 i .02 4,676 9.68 4,061] S5.7| 33.1 6 027 | Richland. .oko 20,478 25,230 4.4 u5.1 66.3 24,210] 30.9 1 3.0 21,478 22.57 3.752 8.2 17.6 11,524 Saluda. Lob 4,078 ui, og 7.4 23.6 3,861 | 36.6 13.2 3.95 77 9.20 3,529 3.6] 13.8 188 ‘Spartanburg. ....042 26,781 30,08 1.0 23.5] 68.3 29,497 | 25.6 35.6 3.86 21,635] 13.75 8,3 8.5] 37.4 5.789 10,531 11,835 0.8 18.8 35.5 11,521 | 2k.M4 21.3 3.96 6.555 1k.74 5,260 4.4 8.4 2.3% . 6.728 7.266 0.1 30.2] 55.6 W908 | 26.5 29.8 L.03 4,777 10.04 2,489 3.21 17a 7 Williamsburg. ...045 &,303 8,675 0.3: 1.7 16.3 8,31 32.1 12.3 4.40 1,682 | 15.43 7.093 2.7 1.2 3 Yorkecs vaisreoess olb 12,771 13,953 0.6 21.3 571.5 13,22 28.5 29.2 3.94 5,444 1h.5 5,509 6.3 21.5 2,348 SOUTH DAKOTA....| 166,527 179,744 2.9 26.5 56.6 165.428 | 45.0 24.6 3.43 98,368 | 16.84 81,376 11.8] 17.9 4,312 All Counties: we 19 19 1 - - - 19 (2) 1,627 1,639 0.5 1.3 38.8 1,398 | L1.8 12.3 3.32 508 9.37 bid 6.9 15.4 46 5,141 5,657 4.0 4.3 68.7 5.231 36.9 35.9 3.34 3.813 | 19.01 1. n.3| 13.6 2.9% 1,110 1,138 5.7] 34.6 991 ga 6 8.9 3.53 ius 8.63 693 5.9 15.8 2,836 2,942 1:2 16.5 + 50.2 2,769 7:3 15.9 3.35 1,365 11.03 1.577 5.1 18.9 1,619 © 4,037 4,420 2.7 29.7] 58.7 4,266 | u2.0 25.8 3.52 2,387 | 20.00 " 2,033] 6.2] 1.8 2,589 6.971 8,219 7:3 50.2] 74.3 7,11 w.5 3h.9 3.35 5:93 21.25 2,285 | 62.8] 21.4 uy, kel 1,786 1,872 1.) 19.9 46.1 1,674 42a 19.3 3.3 BRL 14.31 1,018 bd 13.1 652 us 47k 3.6 7.20 22.6 uk! 53.9 9.1 3.84 2 5.82 233] 3. 8.7 o 2,252 2,442 2.6 21.7 55.1 2,138 7.0 26.8 3.23 1,234 16.19 1,208| 8.5) 18.0 6ls 1,172 1,196 3.5 © 34.3 1,120 47.9 8.7 4.01 bau 8.18 PR 32 10.8 130 3.663 3.709 0.3 1a 3 3.233| 6L2 1.7 3.69 1,262 10.06 2,427 6] 13.0 1,076 2,562 2,610 11.0} Jd 2,315 3.0 12.7 3.52 962 10.33 “1,68 3.9 ih 854 2,550 2,74 1.4 28.9] 59.7 2,619 | L3.3 2-9 3 1,13 19. 1,431 10.9 7 1,257 4,208 4,670 L.5 39.5 16.6 4,318 | 40.3 u.0 3.48 3.473 19.12 1,197 3.1 18.2 2,338 Corson... 1,941 1,959 6.5] 21.5 1,567 53.6 11.7 3.77 74 8.16 1,185 2.5 7.6 Custer... 1,965 2,035 1.1 16.3] ko. 1,708 | 50.8 16.9 2.94% 1,155 | 12.93 80 | 6.1| .10.8 un Davison... 3,660 4, uli 9.8 42.2] 80.2 iis gh. 37.2 3.15 3,403 | 21.28 1,042 13.6 22.6 2,307 DAY. ev exr 3.429 3,661 1.5 13.9] Ls. 3.3 8.0 13.1 3.68 1,700 | 12.81 1,960 J] 126 1,282 DeusYo.srsenes ..020 1.987 2,078 0.5 ¢.8 10.3 2,038 | Y0.6 10.5 3.79 766 | 10.96 1,312) 2.8] 13a ug? Dewey........ «+021 1,524 1,548 0.8 7.8 og 1,338] 53.1 n.2 3.76 817 7.9% 731 1.0 11.2 176 Douglas. . 1,643 1,668 0.3 14.7 3.4 1,579 u2.7 13.8 3.62 594 | 10.98 1,074 | 12.8 | 18.7 1,101 Edmunds. . ; 1,923 1.977 12.9] 39.4 1,830 | 49.9 12.7 3.85 875 | 1.31 1,102 142 | 11.8 503 Fall River. ve 2,137 2,364 5.1 30.2] 67.2 2,073 “fk n.7 3.08 1,631 | 14.96 133] 6.81 31.2 £12 FAULK. ooo viens 02% 1,511 1,531 21.8 50.1 1,329 3.5 23.5 3.49 661 10.08 870 | 34.7 26.4] © T20 Orant...........026 2,624 2,811 0.9 18.1 55.2 .6¢s 45.9 17.2 3.64 1.4 13.82 1,381 'R 15.0 893 Gregory. . 2,557 2.606 0.2 14.1 Jig 2, 39.7 1.9 3.56 1,045 9.90 1,561 5.2] 12.5 1,000 Haakon... 1,176 1,218 1.6 9.7 1.0 1,004 | 58.7 14.1 3.06 k29 | 13.07 789 ga 18.3 278 Hamlin... 1,947 1,988 12.4 Ls. 1,893 "n.3 11.8 3.57 876 11.34 1,2] Au. 18.1 121 Hand. ., vee ive 030 2,018 2,064 16.1 Ll.0 1,795] 39. 13.4 3.57 659 12,08 1,405 | 18.2 17. 589 Haneon.......... 031 1,420 1,453 1.4 12.7] 43.5 1,368 | 39.4 13.6 3.55 523 | 10.9% A bi] 15.8 613 re 938 1 33.4 831 | 67.1 Lb 3.21 210 9.70 Gel 8.4 | 20.4 102 Hughes ..........03 1,791 2,050 8.6 ue.3l 71.3 1,858 | 40.9 ub. 3.00 1,555 | 2r.21 495 | 6.9 | 12.7 957 Huschinsen...... 03 3,176 3.289 0.2 16.2] Kl.4 3,111 Su. 16.5 3.08 1, 2 10.07 1,850 | 8.8 20.2 "1,583 Hyde..oeuiin..d 038 81k 861 1.6 13.1] Ls. 788 L3.5 18.7 3.371 JW 12.0 5171 19 28. iServed from adjoining county. ; = 336 TABLE 3—SELECTED DATA FOR METROPOLITAN AREAS AND FOR ALL COUNTIES, BY STATE—Continued (Figures which have been rounded to thousands will not necessafily add to totals) Table 3 Part 4 - Agriculture 8. C., Dorchester (018) = S. DAK., Hyde (085) AGRICULTURE—1945 AGRICULTURE—1940 17he State total includes $60,200 for female silver fox and/or mink over 8 months old (kept in oaptivity) not distributed to individual counties. Included in Shannon County (057). 3Less than three farms reported and data are therefore included only im State totals. ‘ Value of farm products sold, | Principal Par: BL Work power traded, or source of Per- on Property farm household farm income | Type- METROPOLITAN ¢ cent | pone P i of- Ruel Metro. AREAS, Number of | Land in | Cropland | Number | of | ih ercent from— farming-| os | Area COUNTIES, farms farms | harvested | of farms | farms | 21.0 A Number ; area os Code AND (1000's | (1000's oper- | of Total Verealte sof Atak Live- code I 9 CODES Jan. 1, | of of | April 1, | ated | og. | ola | 2 | horses | Number | {OCR | stock Code | po. | (See [inde 1945" | acres) | acres | Todo’ | by [Pro [0 0's | per | andor | of f° | and (See | Fore | zy |e ten- | Joss 9 arm | mules | tractors d Ia ) live- | Crops | paz) | cent ants | poo dollars) 3, Gover 3 ollars stock 'S) | mo. old prod- $400 ) ts “8) “) (0) Gh [3] (3) G0) (5) (56) Gn G8) G9) (60) 61) ®) 3) [Q) SOUTH CAROLINA—Con | All Counties—Con. Dorchester...... 018 2,046 158 52 1,622| 32.7 50.7 3.402 | 2,097 2,048 35 1,161 29.4 M8. 5] 46.1 634% 64 Bdgefield....... 019 2,311 223 2,151] 65.8 32.8 6,438 | 2,993] 3.204 89 1,570 7.6 65.2 5| 53.9 718 Is 2,150 2 53 1,868| 58.6] 140.6 4,297 | 2,300] 2.5% 37 1,164 9.4| 59.6 5( 59.1 718 6 6,075 3 12) 5,085 6u.4| 12.6] 18,407] 3.076 8. 53 6,197 h.6| 77.6 574.7] 721 8 2,029 12 28 1,772| 26.3] 69.3 3,161] 1,78 1,450 21 687 9.8] 63.1 5| 59.7 634 ks 7,34 34% 144 5.607| 51.5 1 19,084 | 3,404 8,223 221 3,621 17.3] 55.4 5| 51.7 718) 105 1,995 187 55 2,099| 57-9 ud 6,337 3,019] 3,070 120 1,230) 17.1] 53.5 5| 51.6 718 £9 1,692 194 63 1,646] 47.1 59.4 650 2,825 2,399 67 1,058| 15.1 58. 5| 49.7 719 66 6,715 320 120 6,462] uu.9| 15.2 20,682 3,201) 7,316 55 6,757 2.5| 78. 5| 76.7 721 82 1,085 99 22 1,075| 36.7 87.4 1,901 | 1,7 23 253| 15.1 hy, 0| 37.0 634 50 2,91 31 86 2,532| 52.5 38.8 6,590 | 2,603] 3.857 £0 1,907 9.0| 66.6 5| 65.2 19 60 2,99 2! 62 2,462] 58.3] 28.9 6,217| 2,525 3.626 n 1,709 8.9 59.4 5| 58.2 18 79 4,168 349 129 3,285| 63.3 28.0 9,879 Dot 5,483 150 2,587 8.8] 69.3 5| 66.1 718 81 1804s sveee os 2,792 208 110 2,18 66.2 16.7 9,308 | 4,268 4,208 59 2,586 ho| 82.6 5| 82.3 719 671 Lexington.......032 3,736 301 104 2,91 33.9] 36.5 8,162] 2,801 3,969 in 2,117 15.9 53.9 5| 43.9 719 90 NeCormicke..... +03 1,270 1 33 1,290| 73.6 U47.8 2,114 1,639] 1,789 35 710] 11.%| 57.7 5| 57.1 ns 62 Hr 2,799 1! 55 2,117 65.9| 16.1 8,493 | 3,514 3:26 a 2,460 5.1| 79.8 5| 79.6 721 69 2,989 189 107 2,881 79.0| 15.8 11,608 4,029 199 132 3,117 3.8 85.8 5| 83.1 19 63 2,778 270 83 2,881 53.6] 29.8 8,560| 2,971 4,186 172 2, 1.9) 61.2 5| 60.5 78 79 3.722 254 76 3,595( 58.7 35.9 8,149] 2,267] 4,914 63 2,178 11.8] Uus.1 5| 46.3 718 81 6,90 52k 251 5,804 | 53.7| 30.9 20,786| 3.581 10,878 254 5.904 | 12.4 72.4 5| 67.7 719 72 3.088 210 72 3.227 nd 35.0 8,955| 2,775 4.600 mn 1,925 13.5] M9.7 5| b7.b 718 94 2,238 in 55 2,428 9] 61.2 8,212 3,382 2,890 130). 1.828| 34.6| M3. 5| 37.4 79 £1 2,116 222 72 2,496] 53.2| 33.1 6,846 | 2,743 3.770 170 1,974] 19.8| 56.1 5| bus 718 8h 7,039 372 191 6,761| 60.3] 27.3 21,640 3,201] 9,916 359 5,304 9.3 65.7 5| 50.6 718 92 3,144 235 128 3,228| 66.5) 25. 10,597 | 3.283 5.854 50 3.746 6.6 78.2 5( 77-1 719 61 2,008 203 51 1,915( 66.5 Ml. 4,273] 2,231 2.870 [2 1,066| 10.9] 53.5 5| 51.7 78 76 5,829 331 136 5,263| 60.8 7.3] 11,813) 2,25 6,939 37 %,097 bul 78.3 5| 72.9 12 [2 4,043 326 109 3,848 | 65.3 .7| 11.619( 3,019] 6,096 250 2, 18.2 56.3 5| 52.0 718 75 68,705 | 43,032 | 16,525 | 72,u54| 53.0 19.9 669,720 |9,243| 342,076 | M4,154| 107,966 | 58.6] 30.5 1] %o.7 108 6 1 - (®) 38 | 5,429) 65 1 Sez} () 1] 89.3 221 8 875 1 2m 896| 64.0 26.8 6,372] 7.112] 4,148 522 861| Th.6| 14.4 1| 49.3 522| 1 1,612 2 Ly 1,724 | 68.5] 24.9| 11.554) 6.702) 6,685 1,080] 1,703 61.0| 23.6 1137.7: © 3 13 91 172 559 | u8.1| 37.2 5.515 | 9,866] 3,246 259 701| 63.6] 23.8 1| 55.0 221 79 1,349 362 246 1,368| 51.2 18.6] 12,129|8,866 5,917 813 1,347 76.% 6.0 1| keg 522 112 1,880 495 341 1,929 | 57.3 3.6| 22,809 p1,824 7.860 | 1.392 bk ot 36.6 1] 37.8 523 12k 2,096 1,054 734 2,222 58.0) 12.6] 22,328 l0,049| 8,262 1,784 4,079 ad 51.0 5| b9.2 n3| 123 7 515 256 862| s4.9| 18.2 6, 7.495) 3.858 Lugs 1,000 60.3| 25.4 1| 2.7 522 120 157 2ug 3 203 .2| 30.5 1,819 | 8,961; 1,328 sl 369| 80.6) 10.2 1] 70. 522 T 707 1,316 115 800] b1.5| 23.5 74950 | 9,938) 4.059 459 1,783 67.7 23.4 1| 47.3 22a| 122 721 473 240 751 S4.2 35.2 5,351 | 7.125] k.M20 ugh sui | 49.0] 30.2 5] 30.0 312 95 1,762 687 I) 1,927] 60.7| 35.2] 13,247] 6.874 8,134 939 1,638 76.1 6.9 1 2 522| 107 1,371 577 35 1,521 | 68.7| 15.1 11,337 7.454 6,198 917 2,071 W.0| M25 5 343) 16 1,228 250 mn 1,224) s3.| 11.1] 17,636 k,408| 4,200 989 3.444 76.8| 18.0 1] 67.6 511] 123 1,155 421 298 1,170( 61.4 7.0 11,684] 9,986 5.687 738 2,304| 39.1| 51.3 5| 51.3 523| 118 860 | 1,354 255 923| u0.8| 50.9( 5.723 | 6,200 4,981 us6 63 ug.5| 32.8 5| 32.3] e2a1| eu 453 627 61 5 25.6 0 b,028| 7.211] 3.072 198 85. 1.3 1{ na 221 100 915 272 179 918| 65.5 22.4 8,179 | 8,910] 3,838 517 925| 76.5| 12.1 1] k2.6 s22| 116 1,918 oul 436 1,825| 50.6 8.2 15. 8,363 8,827 1,132 2,947 S| 3.6 5 43.5 U3 16 1,277 394 254 1,283] 61.6 4,0| 13.989 10,903 6, 807 2,9 S| 50.3 5 50.3 523| 121 523 843 121 3( us. 58.1 2,885 | 5,12.) 1823 222 335 62.7 13.0 1] 39.4 221 80 913 283 1 ae 6d 17.4 8,201 | 8,201] hoc 612 1,007 75.1) 10.9 1 Ta 522| 116 997 660 3 1,103| 56.9] 20.9 7.660] 6,945 6,158 708 1,082 51.3 28.5 5| 28.5 312 108 oe 517 940 587| 26.6] 37.8 5.237 8,9 3.07 36 791| 89.6 1.9 | 7.1 221 1k Faulk. ...c00p.04025 809 594 337 g02| 57.1 18.5 7,099 | 8,85 3.611 638 1,069 2 26.8 1| 1.9 312 125 1,358 hk 264 1,379 3 6.7 13,503 | 9,79 6,101 922 2,848 MW.0 50.5 5| 50.4 523 119 1,272 660 1,361 Jd 17.3 3.1 » 6,083 653 1,666) 60.6| 25.3 1 hyn 522| 113 567 1,041 148 631] 2u.2| 37.2 +925 7,80 3:39 355 660| 77.1 13.0 1| 62.6 221 13 1,063 312 229 1,068 62.5 5.3] 10,741 [10,05 +868 670 2,452 34.6( 57.5 5| 57.5 523| 118 1,220 895 u33 1,283] %59.7| 18.9 9.521] 7, 6,686 787 1,753 Sea 35.7 1| 37.8 32| 122 82 2n 175 8s5| 68.71 11.9 8,297] 9,7! k,l 546 1,017 66.5) 19.0 1 4a 522| 120 479 1,592 122 0 19.7] 30.1 €.433 11,41 4.7 235 1,051] 85.3 5.£ 1] 59.4 221 102 431 36 137 3 3-1 29.4 2, 6.5: 2,735 196 523 | Tha 1k.5 1] 52.9 312 110 1, 519 350 1,7 3 9.6] 17,996/10,378) 8. 1,220 2,239 = 5 1| 38.7 522 11k S41 | ase 593| 62.7| 33.4 3.995 6.737] 3.832 252 675 2 . 11 k6.7 312| 120 Table 3 Part 5 - Industry and Retail Trade S. C., Dorchester (018) = S. DAK., Hyde (035) : TABLE 3—SELECTED DATA FOR METROPOLITAN AREAS AND FOR ALL COUNTIES, BY STATE—Continued (All dollar figures have been rounded to thousands and will not necessarily add to totals) “Not shown because of ures are not shown wages and value data were withheld to avoid disclosure. . Whenever data on wage earners have been withheld, that portion of the "Combined Counties" figure represented by such data is included in the cor- shown for every county responding State total 338 disclosure of operations of individual establishments. separately because of disclosure of operations of individual establishments. The "Combined Counties" figure for number of establishments is excluded from the State total, since this item was Data included in Combined Counties at end of State. oe soon MANUFACTURING ESTABLISHMENTS—1939 MINERAL INDUSTRIES—1939 RETAIL ESTABLISHMENTS—1939 METROPOLITAN Mel COUNTIES Value added Area ue adde Code AND Wage Wages Value of. olin ny Value of | Number | Wages and Sales Active |Employees Pay roll’ N earners ) products roducts of ries | Number of | (19007 of | (average (1000s of CODES umber (1000's of , ture 1000's of (1000's of | st sof | pro Gr 50 (average dollars) (1000's of (1000's of ( s of | persons 59 Stores dollars) prietors dollars) for year) dollars) dolars) dollars) | engaged | dollars) ‘ year) 65) (66) 67) (68) (69) (70) an ho (1) 3) 4) (5) (6) an OUTH CAROLTNA=~Con, All Counties—Con., [Dorchester, «sss. .018 12 505 278 1,099 (95 (2) {ry (*) 209 2,434 184 270 163 Edgefield, . ,019 1 295 194 902 424 174 1,950 167 178 96 Fairfield, 020 24 2,056 (*) (3) M (2) (1) (2) 183 2,635] 165 288 188 Florence, 021 4 726 461 3,121 1,705 723 14,600 565 1,798 1,284 Georgetown, + ss + +022 19 1,240 (3) (2) *) 281 3,932 262 382 280 Greenville, ......023 118 18,231 13,857 65,138 24,948 1,358 37,737 1,099 5,115 3,970 Greenwoodss ses ess024 39 6,723 4,951 20,697 7,486 (1) (1) (1) £97 8,979 416 1,259 880 Hamptons eessessse025 16 553 273 854 505 1d 1,442 120 164 85 Horrye. seseesD26 23 224 469 1,560 93 483 8,181 402 746 555 JaSDETs 00sssessea2? 10 796 444 1,151 695 73 640 & 46 4 KershaWessssesess028 28 757 446 2,087 264 317 3,835 295 49% 290 Lancastersesssses029 19 4,092 2,641 11,000 4,677 (1) (1) () 264 4,904 209 647 445 Laurenseseseessss030 21 5,182 3,818 16,095 6,707 423 6,534 365 787 580 Leeesenveresorsnsdil 1 4 604 129 | 219 2,878 177 330 176 Lexingtons sss sess032 40 1,377 783 3,753 1,73% 428 14 163]. 391 4,033 338 448 248 McCormicke ssssses033 9 154 (2) (1) (*) 98 867 7 91 49 Marionssessessssed: 21 1,393 795 3,112 1,780 (1) (*) (2) 289 5,141 210 622 418 30 758 388 1,547 77 98 35] - 31 269 4,320 223 624, 358 29 3,111 2,166 8,443 49246 (1) (1) (1) 380 5,529 350 611 411 23 1,787 1,157 4,897 2,066 313 4,283 289 506] 292 41 1,398 812 Ly 541 1,99% *) (1) (1) 737 9,585 %6 1,089 677 21 2,935 1,903 6,733 3,043 (2) (*) 4 365 4,883 335 578 371 92 4100 2,390 15,63, 7,232 315 119 132 1,192 35,128 963 4,512 3,239 Saluda, see eeseeseldl 1, 241 89 353 123 165 1,151 146 33 Spartanburgesss..042 104 17,536 12,208 51,77 23,079 1,085 27,190 904 3,439 2,563 SUMterseeseesseeeds3 40 2,954 1,643 6,918 3,09 432 9,964 356 1,332 900 UnioNesssseesssesObd 21 3,672 2,470 8,923 3,505 265 5,337 199 641 451 111iamsburgs «045 11 465 262 324, 456 (*) (2) (2) 296 3,829 258 47 246 Yorkyssssssvesenedib 43 6,99 5,008 24,529 11,658 {*) (¥) (2) 578 10,839 458 1,321 933 Combined Counties®.. S84 39,781 7,282 86,325 14,307 1,260 487 839 SOUTH DAKOTAssees 468 5,538 6,036 81,172 19,955 22,630 2,924 5,520 9,817 169,396 8,954 17,307| 13,592 All Counties: ATmStrongssesesss001 A 6 3 61 18 8 823 90 €9 32 LU 299 (*) 2) *) 294 6,749 247 765 632 54 478 4 39 30 7 15 12 21, 51 153 1,817 ur 232 110 Brookingsesesssss006 10 31 33 601 202 256 5,238 234 554 387 Brown, sseesessses007 20 241 205 2,052 905 452 11,126 £409 1,313 1,120 Brule,, 008 2 7 8 55 31 130 1,697 116 192 121 Buffalo +4009 1 11 5 2 Buttes vesnsesss 010 7 118 120 1,027 362 252 45 49 170 3,337 154 279 266 Campbellyseesssssll 51 483 57 38 15 Charles Mix. .see012 ; 1 8 125 31 143 1,732 133 191 108 0larkessssssessseDl3 4 9 6 69 24 130 1,514 127 158 92 C1aYeeesasseneeeedll 5 21 19 202 87 12 2,26, 129 240 163 Codingtonsssessss015 24 331 3d 7,180 1,105 (*) *) (1) 289 7,693 260 807 663 COTSONsssssssssss0lbd 1 (*) (*) (1) ™*) 85 221 73 65 31 19 166 12 622 401 [A 45 29 112 1,566 109 10 115 21 243 199 3,101 926 : 311 7,277 268 863 698 13 EN 65 1,412 206 198 3,067 188 267 179 5 6 7 190 3% 117 (1,195 113 83. 43 DeweYesoesnessees021 62 38 29 86 805 20 69 50 DouglaSeesessssss022 100 960 100 89 46 EdmundSeesssessssD23 3 7 (*) *) {2} 92 1,132 9% 85 47 Fall Rivers essess024 25 |- 2 176 an 40 20 25 150 2,042 140 22, 175 Fanlkysvussneses 025 2 * *) (*) *) 114 936 13 65 37 Granteseeesesesss026 12 26 104 79 315 191 20 29 155 2,132 142 202 133 Gregoryeseses ees 27 5 16 (2) {2) 3) : 140 1,608 137 135 77 HB2KONe sos sesssss028 205) 12) *) (*) 68 927 €0 88 68 Bamlineseseessees029 5 16 15 502 54 130 1,286 124 100 55 HaldeseeeeenssesadI0 3 8 (*) () (*) 80 1,389 - 70 7 101 HANSON4 sseseessssO3l 4 5 4 55 12 (2) (1) {*) 61 528 53 68 30 HardinZesesesssss032 2 *) *) Eee ity ?) 23 373 36 23 16 Huzh88.seeeeseess033 4 30 38 152 97 *) *) (*) 123 2,802 110 270 259 os! 8 20 1 543 29 173 2,163 166 208 133 Hydessssesess 2 (*) (*) *) (*) 41 789 47 7% 49 2Includes all counties where fig— 3Includes all establishments and wage earrers of counties for which TABLE 3—SELECTED DATA FOR METROPOLITAN AREAS AND FOR ALL COUNTIES, Table 5 BY STATE—Continued Terie ~ Gier Bsonmls 8. C., Dorchester (018) - (A11 dollar figures have been rounded to thousands and will not necesrarily add to totals) S. DAK., Hyde (035) ar | WHOLESALE SERVICE ESTABLISHMENTS—1939 BANK DEPDSITS TRADE—1939 1944 Major war supply Major war facilities contracts, rojects, June 1940-Sept. 1945 | June 1940 June 1945 METROPOLITAN E Bond, (1000's of dollars) (1000s of dollars) Met y es Fong COUNTIES, Number Number ; Employees| ; Total (1000's of Code AND of Sales of Bus ts | Active Grense: roli | (drmand | Tne | Jollars at CODES estab- | (1000's of | estab- 's_|proprie-| ““¢ Cibo > | and ime} (1090s |ieque nrice) lish- | dollars) | lish- |ol be) tors year) of dollars) | (1000s | of doilars) ments ments of dollars) Combat Other industrial Military equipment a) [) (30) 31) 3) 4) (85) (86) 0 3 89) (99) on SOUTH CAROLINA—Con. All Counties—Con. Dorchester......,018 1 693 38 59 34 39 1€ 2,323 338 486 3,471 10 1,210 88 137 87 15, 48 3,12 223 3U 6 (1) 45 113 41 78 36 2,011 712 600 1,076 36 67 17,563 12 592 132 311 211 15,422 1,712 2,405 404 4,000 Georgetom......022 9 1,234 57 185 56 239 Th 3,238 363 916 55277 Greenville......023 161 58,862 475 2,376 452 1,130 72 49,675 1,93 6,381 89,223 10,931 0: 29 3,103 19 408 16 260 112 8,474 1,651 1,492 763 79,274 1,090 8 871 13 57 11 18 L 1,124 100 336 6,987 1,068] 29 3,078 101 220 91 126 69 9,117 961 1,351 195 iyh59 Jasper. uns. sea027 2 (1) 3 4 2 4 1 850| 280 123 Kershaw.........028 16 2,364 89 209 93 115 6&4 6,638 1,41 639 9,095 Lancaster +029 9 1,640 66 158 61 86 36 4,421 948 823 20,369 Laurens... 27 3,117 136 446 106 256 10 6,8,8 335 1,231 14,329 Lesusuaas 1 1,358 59 103 52 59 "25 1,781 57 339 Lexington.......032 22 1,785 97 255 95 137 58 2,497 196 1,079 211 204 McCormicka......033 1 746 34 47 25 65 12 48, 1 173 3 26 11,212 75 191 60 152 7% 9,541 417 728 973 222 22 3,369 52 163 45 81 51 4,875 52 858 5,277 27 3,628 135 208 124 152 85 4,904 - 783 1,052 10,662 0CONEt. uvaraes 2037 13 1,892 126 280 135 212 88 4,215 329 1,033 1,957 2 Orangeburg..... 2 75 7,266 247 479 255 312 134 13,403 2,782 1,988 3,492 4,665 039 20 1,763 172 257 169 ue 60 5,125 1,021 616 52 027 10 474442 362 3,093 342 1,636 1,120 41,052 5,239 8,453 15,117 10,846 36.142 Wh 1,004 KG 122 69 90 20 1,647 1 392 6,160 9% 25,387 339 1,727 335 820 521 27,288 2,029 5,694 155,948 1,290 10,471 33 6,429 92 496 87 306 167 12,446 2,273 2,007 2,403 8,513 20 1,582 111 299 106 155 93 3,489 166 789 10,019 Williamsburg. .e pr Lu 1,511 61 110 64 71 25 3,509 788 YorKeyosiesesessOlb 41 6,979 152 503 137 295 162 13,538 4,289 2,231 363 27,581 OLHEr.vecsrsreeenss 28 3704 42,990 43,209 SOUTH DAKOTA....| 2,022 133,396] 2,964 8,205| 2,990 2,560 1,750] 225,623 48,398 56,842 201 4,584 150 65,908 17 5 29 44 32 9 3 1,182 192 365 45 2,992 101 376 103 161 113 7,323 1,560 1,59 4 185 9 25 20 10 5 469 22 150 28 640 56 7 57 8 4 2,329 365 772 48 3,39% 75 202 7% 66 43 6,666 2,304 1,761 1,107 Brown...eseeeess007 144 13,680 10 582 11 218 171 14,963 3,823 3,178 363 . 23 1,069 36 84 38 34 12 1,924 212 570 iw) 3 4 3 1 1 109 Butte....es0....Q10 22 1,885 49 11 51 39 20 4,990 1,247 550 Campbell........0l1 10 198 1n 15 1 2 - 599 37 223 | Charles Mix.....012 41 1,059 42 83 41 19 10 2,387 285 1,081 . 31 1,060 33 52 29 15 9 1,590 178 682 2 725 38 125 37 38 23 4,489 1,234 1,125 244, | 54 5,847 93 333 96 116 69 8,377 2,048 1,474 98 81 2,497 9 153 21 26 21 2 2 1,868 321 378 9 212 31 53 34 19 7 1,058 169 331 345 54 3,881 1m 388 114 165 101 6,747 1,697 1,250 | 2,609 4 1,535 59 124 61 19 13 3,612 472 1,267 Deuel.ssseesesss020 24 1,073 24 42 25 2 1 2,463 990 900 Dewey.ceeeeseses02l 15 211 21 17 21 4 i 518 109 290 Douglas . 27 1,142 23 35 23 9 5 1,432 152 425 Bdmunds.... 41 700 22 37 25 [} 2 2,832 787 673 Fall River......024 17 473 40 86 41 29 17 2,000 182 1,101 679 26,031 Faulk.cseeseeses025 40 919 25 29 22 11 4 1,536 198 480 £026 46 1,838 55 9% 61 22 11 2,992 U7 912 +027 22 854 39 66 40 33 8 2,502 206 759 .028 13 415 21 19 5 2 1,339 173 271 «04029 24 1,158 35 "58 35 8 5 2,465 624 900 Hand.esseeaessss030 17 473 26 38 26 7 4 2,901 666 747 Hanson..eeessess031 19 483 18 37 20 6 3 1,616 385 492 3 47 5 7 3 3 1 913 122 260 23 1,384 42 163 43 54. 38 3,114 288 657 4,124 39 1,325 65 90 66 15 8 3,934 242 792 . E26. eevessessea035 q 282 18 35 19 5 3 1,083 324 300 ‘1Not shown because of ' disclosure of operations of individual establishments. Data included in “Other™ at end of. State, ®Sum of establishments in counties for which sales data are withheld to avoid disclosing operations of individual establishments. It is excluded from the State total since number of establishments is shown for individual counties. 3Combined figure for counties having sales data withheld to avoid disclosing operations of individual establisiments. 4Undistributed. 339 ove HARDING PERKINS BUTTE ! mmo led eri ny oo S— pe— ow em © MEADE . : ? ! § } ' SOUTH DAKOTA 69 COUNTIES Mc PHERSON 1 . ¢ cameeere | CORSON J) 3 «co ES a J WALWORTH | EDMUNDS |} s . I DEWEY Peden ' J 9 POTTER | FAULK beter i zl y MSTRON 0-4 S—_~. - > — IEBACH I AR S770 G iP T ™— SULLY meme PR foi Sl \ { Yo — —- oC HYDE BROWN pfs be “ — SPINK sd me nm eed { | ; 1 | MARSHALL | ROBERTS . . — © oe em 4 : y | pay & -—- . GRANT © c— oy = a ! copinaTON J -— —- — gi. DEVEL . | HAMLIN | CLARK Je | \ ' +4 edie peg LAWRENCE ; - ~y \ J rm oem eo ade meow) 2 HUGHES STANLEY L HAAKON em ade = PENNINGTON ery & J em—- Ld CUSTER — ee WASHINGTON FALL RIVER ’ | SHANNON . : Leo m = J! | . i HAND . i rm ; BEADLE deme tee JERAULD =! Tee) Fomor y : . ae es es ’ JONES ' JACKSON LYMAN -—=T pi 1 Pr - wee Anna ' | WASHABAUGH MELLETTE : ! 4 L 5 wits msm sin ii i wn] TRIPP | ; | BENNETT © TODD L i 8 h Fr : | ~ s BUFFALO [ . oom ohio m= ’ h 1 BRULE | AURORA 5 : -t- — Lome domes \ w. DOUGLAS “> Fi GREGORY 3 - « ~ CHARLES MIX ~ «> LEGEND PLACES OF 25,000 TO 100,000 (1940) PLACES OF 100, @® * | SANBORN 3 Aer lo ; DAVISON HANSON mpd La 3 > BON one | YANKTON T | KINGSBURY | BROOKINGS een 2 MINER | . | MOODY 1... LAKE Mo COOK MINNEHAHA SIoUX FALLS @® rp TURNER LINCOLN HUTCHINSON 3 CLAY Juron 000 AND OVER (1940)— NONE METROPOLITAN AREAS - NONE 1¥—0 69867 ¢6 ve TENNESSEE 95 COUNTIES METROPOLITAN AREAS J { noserrson 4 g Macow L Suay Ls5~ SN : 4 Lun 1 "A J SUMNER fe pn rt Y Vr ae $ os J Rue WILLIAMSON 7 I £ 2 > © © © N oo . SULLIVAN Ye Jo " an. BR | eckson OVERTON S we, PRIN 7 ail ’ a be - wf ’ Nr A 7 [ JE mon (7 ue APS HOHNSON CITY oo 7 SS areene 8% oi oS WILSON \ { PUTNAM = $ MORGAN xX. -, Wad v TROUS Yomi 44 ~- & & Sept, TF £3 tr Jot LEGEND tn @® PLACES OF 25,000 TO 100,000 (1940) Fr % PLACES OF 100,000 AND OVER (1940) CODE CODE eli 2 23 CHATTANOOGA 72 MEMPHIS 10d METROPOLITAN AREAS 62 KNOXVILLE 78 NASHVILLE Table 3 Part 1 - Population S. DAK., Jackson (036) = TENN., Dickson (022) TABLE 3—SELECTED DATA FOR METROPOLITAN AREAS AND FOR ALL COUNTIES, BY STATE—Continued —— TOTAL POPULATION POPULATION—1940 EDUCATION VITAL 1940 STATISTICS ESTIMATED : 1944 ._ CIVILIAN Total whi POPULATION Land | Pop- otal white Percent of METROPOLITAN U.S. area fulation populatior 25 ; Metro. AREAS, rank in per years old and rea COUNTIES, Number of Percent 0. sq. over who have Code 0 y c ] change | mies | mile Percent lis Rord Rural completed— Percent| April 1 mn ol rban f f. y D pri nonfarm | farm Births eaths Number change | 1940’ | percen- 1930-1 1940 | 1940 | Number | total Noel tiles) | 1940 pu- 5 or Hich 1943’ 1940- ation more I 1 1943 1940 grades | S€h00 m @ ®) @ ©) 6) m ®) © (10) an (12) 13) (14) (15) (16) SOUTH DAKOTA—Con All Counties—Con., Jackson. .036 1,481 | -26.8 1,955 98| -25,8 809 | 2.4 1,929 98.7 909 1,046| 92.4 27.0 27 21 4,161 | -12.4 4,752 92| -18.3 528| 9.0 4,750 | 100.0 1,947 2,805 94.1 23.6 8 52 2,101 | -16.3 2,509 97| -21.0 973] 2.6 2,506 | 99.9 1,016 1,493) 95.0 26.7 50 20 9,602 | -11.3 10,831 73| -15.4 819| 13.2 10,827 | 100.0 4,537 6,294 94.6 23.3 209 82 10,238 | -17.6 12,412 68| 0.3 571 21.7 12,408| 100.0 5,018 1,521 5,873] 94.8 28.7 245 105 10,681 | -44.1 19,093 48| 7.2 800| 23.9 19,045) 99.7| 11,620] 5,478] 2,000 94.1 34.2 241 146 11,378 | -13.6 13,171 65| =5.4 576 | 22.9 18,170 100.0 2,518 2,904 7,749] 93.8 20.8 233 108 4,062 | -19.5 5,045 92| -20.4| 1,685 3.0 4,673 92.6 1,846 3,199| 94.3 21.4 93 49 7,886 | -19.5 9,798 | -5a 577| 17.0 9,790 100.0 3,752 6,041] 92.5 . 20.5 172 58 6,89 | -17.5 8,353 82| -4.8] 1,18] 7.8 8,352 | 100.0 2,734 5,619] 70.3 11.2 126 58 7,398 |. -16.7 8,880 80| -6.9 a75| 10.1 8,500 | 95.7 3,394 5,486] 92.4 19.1 148 70 8,548 | =-9.6 9,735 77| -15.2| 3,466| 2.8 9,723] "99.9 3,008 1,544 5,183 93.8] 24.8 170 74 2,807 | -81.7 4,107 98 | -22.4| 1,306| 3.1 2,833| 69.0 1,397 2,710] 85.1 18. e9 46 MAN6T +: ossseess 049) 5,774 | -16.5 6,836 86| -18.4 571| 12.0 6,836 | 100.0 2,428) = 4,408] 97.9] 23.5 11's 59 Minnehaha.......050 57,385 | -0.5 57,697 11] 13.4 815| 70.8 57,463 99.6 40,832| 5,889) 11,026] 95.7| 83.2] 1,585 532 MOOAY + eee vssssasa05]] 7,708 | -17.5 9,341 79| -2.7 523| 17.9 9,153 98.0 3,560 5,781 96.3 24.1 166 81 22,864 | -3.9 23,799 s8| 18.5] =2,776| 8.6 23,507 | 98.8| 13,844 5,7%0| 4,225] 94.9] 36.0 611 225 5,268 | -20.0 6,585 87| -24.5| 2,866] 2.3 6,571| 99.8 2,308] 4,187] 92.6] 21.1 102 4 4,040 | -12.4 4,614 92| -19.9 887| 5.2 4,581| 99.3 2,258 2,356] 94.2] 20.3 95 38 13,311 | -16.2| 15,887 57 0.7 1,111] 14.3 14,629] 92.1 2,518] 2,896 10,478 89.9] 17.1 377 144 4,449 | -22.7 5,754 %| -21.5 571| 10.1 5,754 | 100.0 2,085 8,669] 94.2 21.1 88 51 8,919 | -45.2 7,156 85| 21.6 2,100] 5.4 1,510] 21.1 2,500| 4,655] 74.3 14.6 200 80 10,168 | -18.8 12,527 67| -18.1| 1,506] 8.3 12,520 99.9 6,056 6,471| 91.4] 25.2 219 164 1,557 | -20.5 1,959 98| -17.7| 1,495 1.3 1,871| 95.5 844 1,115| 94.6 27.3 29 10 2,219 | -16.8 2,668 97| -30.7| 1,061] 2.5 2,650 99.3 762 1,906| 93.6] 23.2 40 9 4,008 | -29.9 5,714 | -3.a| 1,388] = 67,461 > phe 55Q 1,924 1,506) 10,542 32,956 20,715 18,372 67.629 4,930 1.309 072 ..079 700| 435,232] 1,545] 12,846 1,55 5,700 4b 227,272 59,432 2¢,898 198,057 129,279 47.770 69,4 078 019 n3 131,045] 1,101 8,560 1,08 3,798 2,83 158,788 LL 692 18,661 190,342 33.799 15,011 14,096 OTHER COUNTIES...| 1,090( ©136,417| 5,442 13,795 5.452 6,713 3,434] Lu6,204| 100,746 80,187 194,033 188,580 257,870) - 93,792 All Counties: 2 (1) 57 11 60 L2 24 5,093 2,215 1,133 Liz 100 20 ‘992 85 210 84 101 u3 7,031 1,690 987 5,163 55 5 n 70 75 79 43 10 2,300 867 533 2 (2) 28 u3 26 22 9 860 343 152 10 1,502 95 298 107 143 120 10,777 4,125 1,116 65,165 789 11 1,370 108 322 125 139 17 9,724 3,16k 811 1,240 6,249 15 1,896 49 112 50 51 33 6.742 3,083 1,000 : 3,959 1 (2) 61 4g 70 21 4 1,467 269 286 25 1,559 TH 113 80 51 21 7,015 1,130 621 us52 6 gls5 51 224 46 11 76 3,586 970 842 472 378 1 (1) 31 36 33 26 3 1,217 332 181 6 963 36 114 33 36 29 2,911 302 436 1,881 10 1,kh68 3 52 Ll 33 5 2,844 401 Ff LE 28 33 22 20 5 754 Lo 296 4 80k ko 137 Lo 64 32 3,187 1,055 463 8 1,116 97 150 108 gl 26 6,596 477 1,590 4,099 32,703 G 15 699 60 122 61 26 14 4,696 535 Cumberland......0l8 i 1,439 20 57 19 33 16 2,774 811 513 1,232 078 |Davidson....... .019 ns 131,045] 1,101 8,560 1,084 3,798 2,834 156,788 ul 692 18,661 190,342 33.799 15,011 14,096 Decatur........ 1 (1) Ly 3 47 28 4 1,524 195 336 125 De Kalb. 4 131 65 6k 51 33 8 2,720 419 159 Dickson. 13 1,022 51 123 81 37 20 4,351 725 651 1.971 1xMot shown because of disglosure of operations of individual establistments. Data included in "Other" at end of State. 2 Washington County. included with Shannon County effective in 1943. 33um of establisiments in counties for which sales data are withheld to avoid disclosing operations of individual establishments. It is excluded from the State total since number of establislments is shown for individual counties, “Combined figure for counties having sales data withheld to avoid dis- closing operations of individual establishments. SUndistributed:. ®pata for two establishments in Hamilton County (038) which should be included in the "Metropolitan Counties” total are included in the "Other Counties” total, since it is not possible to present separate figures for these two establisiments., Remainder of Chattanooga Metropolitan Area (023) is in Georgia. 8Figure for Hamilton County (033) includes establishments for Chattanooga city only. Sales of two establishments in Hamilton County outside of Chattanooga are not included since they involve disclosure of operations of individual establisiments. J : 347. Table 3 Part 1 - Population TENN., Dyer (023) - Wilson (085) TABLE 3—SELECTED DATA FOR METROPOLITAN AREAS AND FOR ALL COUNTIES, BY STATE—Continued — TOTAL POPULATION POPULATION—1940 EDUCATION VITAL 1940 STATISTICS ESTIMATED 1944 CIVILIAN 1 : ; : POPULATION Land | Pop- otal white Percent of METROPOLITAN U.S. area [ulation population 25 Metro. AREAS, rank in per years old and Aes Number of Percent . sq. over who have Code 3, a Goi change obs mile Percent Ush Rural): Rural completed— ercent| April | mn ol ™an | nonfarm | farm Births | Deaths Number change | 1940’ |percen-| | 930- | 1940 | 1940 | Number | total Nov. 1 tiles) | 1940 opu- 5or Hi 1943 1940- ation more on 1943 1940 grades | S€M°° on @ @) [)) (5) ©) m ®) ©) (10) an (12) 13) (14) (5) (16) TENNESSEE~Con. All Counties—Con. 81,847 -8.8 34,920 22 11.2 527 | 66.3 29,801 | 85.8 10,084 5,634 19,252 75.8 13.4 801 317 26,821 | -11.5 30,322 27 5.0 704 | 43.1 8,343 | 27.5 8,796 26,526 58.1 8.6 793 256 12,554 | -12.0 14,262 62 29.2 499 | 28.6 14,262 | 100.0 4,191 10,071 63.4 6.4 426 54 22,914 -4.1 23,892 ‘88 9.6 561 | 42.6 21,301 | 89.2 2,760 7,567 18,565 75.0 16.9 595 159 GibSOneseeeanss 43,623 -2.7 44,835 16 -8.6 607 | 73.9 85,612 | 79.4 11,595 5,274 27,966 82.4 15.2 1,074 426 GileSeeeesseses 028] 25,500 | -12.8 29,240 29 4.4 619 | 47.2 22,294 | 76.2 5,814 2,917 21,009 75.0 14.2 609 263 Grainger.... 11,509 | -19.8 14,356 62 12.7 810 | 46.3 14,094 | 98.2 1,481 12,875 68.2 7.0 294 142 85,187 | -10.7-| 39,406 19) 12.2 617 | 63.9 38,141 | 96.8 6,784 | 8,177| 29,444] 76.5| 15.0 834 359 10,479 -9.3 11,552 71 18.9 358 | 32.3 11,486 99.4 8,018 3,534 70.4 8.3 349 83 17,848 | -4.1 18,611 50 | 12.0 174 | 107.0 16,996 | 91.3 8,050 | 2,094 8,467| 77.8 19.3 466 177 023 179,269 | -0.7 | 180,478 3 3.2 576 | 313.3 140,845 | 78.0| 181,102| 85,283| 14,008| 81.1 =24.3| 4,2a7| 1,963 10,004 | -10.9 11,231 v2 | 16.1 231 | 48.6 10,997 | 97.9 740 | 10,491] 59.0 5.8 228 52 22,085 |, 6.6 23,590 38 6.3 655 36.0 14,774 | 62.6 8,545 15,045 69.5 12.0 540 452 13,827 -22.8 17,806 52 9.8 595 29.9 16,284 91.5 6,981 10,825 76.0 10.5 ~ 880 143 Hawkins.........087 27,363 -4.1 28,528 30 18.3 494 | 57.7 27,522 96.5 6,191 22,832 71.6 11.2 726 198 Haywood ...sss...038| 24,539 | -11.4 27,699 81 6.3 519 | 53.4 10,138 86.6 4,012 1,495 22,192 62.4 10.4 661 250 16,409 | -14.6 19,220 48 8.9 515| 37.3 17,519 | 91.1 2,526 | . 4,854] 12,340| 75.8 8.1 389 155 24,192 -6.5 25,877 34 =-2.1 599 | 43.2 21,524 | 83.2 6,395 5,282 14,200 8l.2 14.3 485 248 11,925 | -19.8| 14,873 60 9.8 613| 24.3 13,886 | 93.4 4,704, 10,169] 74.2 7.6 272 103 5,388 | -16.2 6,432 87 | 15.8 207 | 31.1 5,959 | 92.6 1,918 4,519 73.1 9.3 129 73 10,182 | -18.4 12,421 67 3.2 555 | 22.4 11,725 | 94.4 3,885 8,58] 75.7 11.0 236 123 12,104 | -19.7 15,082 60 | 11.0 327 | 46.1 14,872 | 98.6 1,804 | 18,778) 69.9 5.4 346 93 17,097 | -8.2 18,621 50 3.9 318| 58.6 17,533 | 94.2 2,576 | 2,930| 18,115] 68.2] 15.6 426 157 11,246 | -13.5 12,998 66 6.5 299 | 43.5 12,805 98.5 2,802 10,196 66.7 9.7] 288 119 195,516 9.6 178,468 3 14.5 517 | 345.2 160,259 (| 89.8 111,580 37,735 29,153 8l.2 24.9 4,359 1,998 11,871 3.2 11,285 72 7.1 164 | 68.5 8,014 | 71.3 3,817 7,918| 58.9 9.8 313 105 23,619 | -3.9 24,461 36 4.5 487 | 50.2 15,344 | 62.7 2,784 | 8,820| 17,857 67.4) 11.0 609 244 25,765 | -10.8 28,726 30 7.3 634 | 45.8 28,025 | 97.6 3,807 | 6,008 18,911] 77.1 9.3 765 187 4,787 | -19.0 5,849 89 | 11.2 285 | 20.5 |, 5,585 | 95.5 2,556 3,293) 74.5 8.0 125 34 24,205 | -11.i 27,214 32 7.0 581 | 46.8 23,066 | 84.8 4,68¢| 38,282] 19,248) 78.1| 13.9 563 251 21,789 9.8 19,838 46| 11.4 240 | 82.7 19,229 | 96.9 7,390 | 3,244 9,204 72.9] 12.3 548 184 27,181 | -11.7 30,781 27 6.1 435| 70.8 28,946 | 94.0| 10,202| 4,926| 15,563] 78.5| 14.2 745 280 16,156 | -20.9 20,424 44 2.6 569 | 85.9 19,076 | 93.4 6,302 14,122] 77.6 8.2 455 178 12,294 | -17.5 14,904 60 7.4 304 | 49.0 14,676 | 98.5 2,464 | 12,440] 62.5 4.4 289 103 Madison..,......057 58,275 -1.6 54,115 12 6.0 561 96.5 84,621 | 64.0 24,332 8,656 21,127 78.2 19.6 1,255 554 Marion..........058 18,498 | -3.4 19,140 48 9.1 507 | 37.8 17,724 | 92.6 14,320 4,820 75.3] 12.8 530 181 15,618 | -2.6 16,030 57 2.9 377 | 42.5 13,981 | 86.9 s,582| 2,367| 10,081] 78.2| 17.6 357 164 36,780 | -8.9 40,357 18| 18.6 614 | 65.7 80,225 | 74.9| 13,668| 8,675| 18,014] 77.5| 17.2 831 429 4,968 | -22.38 6,393 88 4.3 213 | 30.0 6,043 94.5 711 5,682 71.7 11.7 148 42 MOnroe.......s..062 22,259 -8.3 24,275 37 18.6 665 | 36.5 23,374 | 96.3 2,593 4,067 17,615 68.8 12.8 672 197 Montgomery. .... 82,840 | -1.5 33,346 24 8.0 543 | 61.4 23,507 | 70.5| 11,881| 8,926| 17,589 73.1| 16.4 701 347 8,557 | -13.1 4,098 98 1.4 122 83.5 3,842 93.9 624 3,469 80.2 10.9 71 30 18,157 | -18.7 15,242 59 | 12.0 539 | 28.3 14,828 | 97.8 6,839 8,403 70.5 8.3 384 62 26,984 | -12.9 30,978 27 6.5 550 | 56.3 26,874 | 86.8 7,256 8,317 15,405 82.0 16.3 556 330 Overton....ecae 15,857 -18.7 18,883 49 4.4 442 | 42.7 18,767 99.4 4,434 14,449 69.7 6.8 397 89 POITY.ueeeensss 068 6,168 | -18.2 7,535 84 5.4 419| 18.0 7,298 | 96.9 2,579 4,956 | 77.5 8.1 155 59 4,761 | -23.4 6,218 88 10.7 174 | 85.7 6,206 99.9 812 5,401 77.8 5.0 104 16 18,713 | ~-11.4 15,473 59 =-1.4 436 385.5 15,390 99.5 8,081 7,392 69.4 13.2 380 109 21,674 | -17.4 26,250 33 10.5 408 | 64.3 25,687 97.9 4,364 6,818 18,568 75.21 , 11.7 565 177 18,950 | -14.7 16,3853 56 17.9 885 | 48.8 15,490 94.7 8,847 7,506 | 79.7 18.4 421 153 RoOBNE..cavesess e073 81,071 | 11.8 27,795 31 18.6 879 | 73.8 26,387 94.9 9,601 7,546 10,648 74.1 18.9 859 278 Robertson. .o74 22,594 | -22.2 29,046 29 3.0 474 | 61.3 23,312 | 80.3 6,668 4,752| 17,626 73.8| 18.7 561 259 84,565 2.9 88,604 24 4.1 630 | 538.3 26,824 | 79.8 9,495 4,627 19,482 74.7 19.5 785 418 14,835 | -7.1 15,966 57 13.4 549 | 29.1 15,965 | 100.0 8,057 7,909 | 64.4 8.4 457 9% 4,612 | -8.5 5,038 92 | 24.5 273| 18.5 5,080 | 99.8 1,668 8,5] 77.3] 11.7 151 45 21,809 -6.4 23,291 89 18.7 603 38.6 28,078 99.1 5,292 17,999 69.1 11.1 610 188 072 | Shelby. a78,108 | 5.6 | 358,250 1| 16.9 751 | 477.0 202,955 | 56.7 | 292,942 | 23,875| 41,433 80.2| .25.5| 8,108| 4,147 Smith. . 12,837 | -20.5 16,148 56 4.4 325| 49.7 15,118 93.6 3,639| 12,509) 75.1 9.7 251 118 Stewart 9,390 | -30.7 13,549 64 2.0 484 | 28.0 13,053 | 96.3 2,907 | 10,6a2| 72.8 6.9 222 87 Sullivan. 77,490 | 12.2 69,085 9| s5.2 428 161.4 66,889 | 96.8| 28,408 19,417 =21,260| 77.3] 21.6] 2,088 481 Sumner. 29,645 -9.4 82,719 25 14.3 552 | 59.8 28,815 | 86.5 | 4,829 5,476 22,414 78.8 18.2 595 278 Tipton... 26,938 | -3.9| 28,036 30 2.0 458 61.2 17,049 | 60.8 3,513 2,982| =21,591| 68.3 10.2 789 223 Trousdale. 5,436 | -11.1 6,113 89 8.6 116 | 52.7 4,980 | 81.5 1,714 4,899 68.2] 12.0 132 60 Unicoi... 13,196 | -6.6 14,128 62| 11.4 185 | 76.4 14,117 | 99.9 3,350 | 5,078 5,706 72.1| 14.3 379 102 Union. . 7,928 | -12.3 9,080 80 =20.6 212 | 42.6 9,028 | 100.0 918 8,112 67.6 5.0 178 66 Var Buren.... 3,384 | -17.8 4,090 9 | 16.3 255| 16.0 4,009| 98.0 1,521 2,569| 66.8 6.7 91 21 Werren...... 17,478 | -11.6 19,764 46 -2.2 443| 44.6 18,441 93.3 4,649| 2,452] 12,663] 81.3] 13.3 455 191 Washington 50,566 | -2.1 51,681 18| 12.7 327 | 157.9 48,528 | 94.0| 25,332| 9,205 17,004] 75.5) 21.2] 1,178 431 Wayne...........09l 11,829 | -18.3 13,638 63 12.4 741 | 18.4 13,244 | 97.1 3,917 9,721 72.9 7.6 316 99 Weakley... ......092 23,740 | -19.5 29,498 29 0.8 576 | 51.2 27,062 | 91.7 3,587 | 6,417 19,404) 82.5] 13.2 472 285 14,081! -12.2 15,983 57 2.8 385| 41.5 15,326 95.9 2,506 3,009 10,468 71.8 9.6 411 157 22,179 | -12.1 25,220 35| 10.4 594 | 42.5 19,594 | 77.7 4,120 2,978] 18,122] 72.3] 17.7 491 229 WLlSOD..sesssss 095 23,188 | -8.2 25,267 35 5.6 5801 43.6 20,704 | 81.9 5,950 | 8,649] 15,6681 79.7] 17.3 480 234 348 TABLE 3—SELECTED DATA FOR METROPOLITAN AREAS AND FOR A LL COUNTIES, Table 3 Part 2 - Labor Force TENN., Dyer (023) - dD Ehonbn 0ohbhk Lorhh Labbar LLEELY DBHoLL LLIBVEM LEERRED bar BY STATE—Continued wilson (095) LABOR FORCE—194C Population 14 Years Old and O Employed Workers by Infiiiey 6 Pesut of opulation ears Old and Over mployed Workers by Industry Group Employed METROPOLITAN Tinks In leading Metro, AREAS, P P a Business nonagri- Area COUNTIES, ercent | Percent porta- and cultural Code AND of 4 3 3 Con c a, . | Whole- | personal Other In | industry CODES T Inlaboy {| ‘ales (females 1 p,) Agri | Mins On | Manufac- | ©" | sale and | services | agri- otal who are | who are ining | struc- . cations, ) and not force . $ employed || culture . turing retail exclud- Jd cul- in in tion an, le i reported | | | Code labor labor other d : (See | Per- force force utili- Roetie page | cent ties 422) an (18) (19) (209) @n 2) @*) A) (25) (26) (@n (28) (29) (30) a1) | 32) TENNESSEE~-Con, All Counties—Con. IDYer.sesssssesss023 25,396 13,088 83.2 19.3 11,105 5,555 5 428 1,233 406 1,360 1,164 954] 50.0 6| 5. Fayette. . +0024 19,874 9,919 84.9 14.3 9,578 8,101 1 140 69] 96 335 373 463] 84.6] G36] 2. (Fentress. 8,919 3,936 79.9 7.1 3, 1,503 448 102 527 [JA 172 178 152] 47.8] 912, 16,79] 8,203] 80.1] 188] 7ame|| 3ar2| 139 24, 929 331 568 868 825] 47.1] 36 6. 33,278 16,886 82,0 20,1 15,094 8,833 2 344 1,492 334 1,476 1,322 1,291] 58.5 G36 4. 20,726 10,079 82,7 15.3 9,55 5,863 199 230 82 179 803 78 731] 61.3] G36] 4. 9,751 4,87] 82.1 6.8] 4088] 3.67 13 135 165 47 192 197 170| 77.5] ©36| 3. 27,484 13,183 81.3 1.6 12,446 7,895 ZA 355 1,024 263 1,006 1,133 746] 63.4] G36] 5. 7,618 3,480 79.0 11.7 2,114 540 697 46 226 72 199 193 141] 25.5 2| 32, 13,596 6,555 78.3 19.6 5,904 2,227 20 227 1,087 260 866 703 514] 37.7 6 9. 023 1é,m1| 75,000] 80.3 31.7] 6u,ss0f 2,25] a0 4,136 22,208] 4,703] 11,258] 11,000] 8,71 3.5] 612. 722) 308 & 4.7) 2960 23551 17 50 38 21 “82 114 as| 86.2] G36 3. we31| 761] 721] 13.7] ersall 4150 3 161 381 167 433 698 528] 63.6] G36| 7. 12u2| smell e.s| 17] 4653) 255 4 256 531 10 148 336 393) 54.7 9| 6. Hawkins...eeeese037 19,361 - 8,884 80.5 1.2 8,130 4,921 21 275 1,028 229 523 590 543] 60.5] G36| 4. Haywood. ss eeeses038 19,135 10,413 86.5 22,2 9,625 7,382 15 106 133 563 542 754] 76.7 G36] 2. Henderson... ....039 13,435 6,338 80.5 13.6 55212 3,615 3 134 317 91 365 413 274) 69.4 G36[ 4. Henry. . 040 19,714 9,835 81.1 19.1 8,608 4,282 85 346 6 526 903 886 754] 49.7 Tn 5. Hickman 041 10,055 | 4,817] e2.7| 11.4] 4127] 2.454 30 % 628 101 259 275 281) 59.5 8 4. Houston. » “042 4,499 2,078] mua] 11.9] 1,653 Lu 78 199 80 11 17 137] 53.7] 36] 5. Humphreys. +0043 8,722 4,123 79.7 13.6 3,434 1,977 22 151 308! 135 250 270 321] 57.5 Tl 4 Jackson, , «e044 9,981 4,659 85.5 6.7 4,258 3,449 1 69 165 33 198 mm 170| 81.0] G36| 2. Jefferson..essse045 13,129 6,031 79.2 12.8 5,470 3,113 356 186 497 15 387 485 331] 56.9 oJ [3 Johnson. . +4046 8,623 3,692 78.8 7.5 3,165 2,12, 34 98 310 58 160 209 172| 67.1 G 4 062 |KnOXosenrvnrnins0d7| 133.825) 71i424| 78.4] 30.7] 62,280) 4,529 1,092] 3,524) 16,82] 4,955 12,416] 10,994 7,908] 7.3] ¢|10. 18Ke.saseesseessO48 8,003 4,647 87.6 26.4 3,735 2,483 8 116 9% 278 247 408] 66,5 G36 2, mes7| gel 19.4 163 7997] 5,69 12 181 161 126, 621 561 639] 71.2] 636] 3. 19,488 9,445 80.6 16.5 8,538 5,034 10 347 QL 203 689 790 491] 59.9 7 6. 3,955 1,893 82,5 12.5 1,362 610 29 97 277 28 118 128 75] 44.8 9 8. 19,303 9,378 79.6 17.8 8,828 5,283 8 261 876 185 3 737 705 59.8] 7 4e 13,866 T4347 80.2 26.8 6,453 1,949 50 mm 2,715 178 518 476 390 30.2] 6| 30, 2720] 10,345 7ei1| 17.8] esas | 3,300 69 48¢ 2,387 604, 956 890 642] 35.4] 6 Lu. 14,135 6,340 79.8 - 9.5 5,511 3,834 156 332 128 414 416 231 69.6] G36] 4. 10,424 4,761 8.5 5.9 $549 3,601 4 95 206 80 198 246 119) 79.2 9 3. 10.604 | 210u6| 1.3] 25.1] 18626| 6.049 3 661 2,352| 1,020] 2,717 2,483] 2,11] 32.5] 23] 7. 12,921 5,709 75.1 11.9 4,505 1,018 1,029 164 787 307 479 419 302] 22.6) 2|22, 12,285| 5,900| 81.6] 16.3) su] 28m i 198 992 131 528 508 259] 50.5 15 6. 29,496 15,400 81.3 24.0 14,466 4,997 467 562 3,019 488 1,654 1,532 1,747 34.5 13| 9. 4,213 1,970 80,1 9.9 1,735 1,112 23 219 103 29 68 100 81] od 9 4. 16,169 7,633 80.2 12.9 6,396 3,5 65 235 1,066 154. 435 526 401 54.9] 6] 10. 2,283) 13,213] e268] 2n7| mom 4,506 2% 460 2,517 se] 1,313] 1,186] 1,521) 37.7] 22|m. 2,972 1,384 81.5 10.8 1,289 918 5 47 92 14 46 82 85] 71.2] G36] 2. 10,383 4,065 63,0 8.9 3,317 1,093 1467 155 625 294 178 230 2751 33.0 9| 14. 23,233 11,822 79.9 22,6 10,588 4,619 9 404 1,573 390 1,197 1,073 1,323] 43.6] 15] 5. 12,636 5,635 81.3 7.5 4,217 2,940 120 83 205 1 244, 263 291) 69,7 G36] 4. 5,23 2,39] e0.7 gs] 1,80 1,202 4 62 123 37 13 u7 a1] 69.0] c36| 5. 3088] 1,810] 84.2 6.2] 166) 1525 6 56 109 12 75 7 67 75.7 636] 3.7 10,098 4,514 78.6 11.2 3,660 1,243 539 197 626 170 267 350 268] 34.0] 4 14.7 18,150 8,155 76.2 14.6 6,474 2,817 87 275 825 277 783 738 - 672] 43.5] G36 6.2 1,254 | 5.627] e2.0| 17.2] arses] 1735] 1m 734 83% 158 432 452 07] 35.2 6] 9.9 19,237] 9,469 77.0] 21.8] 7,908[ 2,106] 1a 488 2,469 352 816 825 666] 26.6] 621.6 2.u7| 100355] eno| 16.3] o.s60| 5.279 9 234 1,423 194 894 793 7) 55.2] 22] 8.2 2.965| 1200] 76.a| 2.1] 1003| 5.62 u| 9 88s 375| 1,33 1,503] 1,31] 46.5 636] 7.8 . 10061 4533] 7] is] Tues %7| 391 97 921 31 265 316 235] 26.2] 9|20.5 Sequatchie. .. ».e077 3,22] 1489 82.6 6.8] 1127 195] us 9% 133 % , 87 63 429 2|12.9 Sevier. .euens.ss078 15,492 6,9 78.5] 1.0| 6,181] 3,672 20 45 720 105 408 532 349] 59.7] G36] 4.6 072 283.436 | 162,570| 82.8] 34.3| wo.ssa|| 11.724) 1lo| 8,5%| 25,107] 13,621 31,817 26,895] 22,754] 8.3] G36] 6.6 11,910 5,610 83.4 10.1 5,206 3,751 = vA 212 75 122 367 1363 312| 72.1] G36] 3.6 . 9,234 4,127 81.0 6.6 3,422 2,545 2 92 102 [A 153 220 M.4| G36] 3.9 Sullivan........082 49,058 | 24,569] 78.0] 23.1|. 22,476 3.303 gs| 1,099 9,108] 1,344 2,950| 2,582] 2,065] U7 13[1215 SUMNET sss eseesss0B3 23,699 11,632 80,1 17.6 10,957 6,075 26 354 1,456 273 857 913 1,003] 55.4 151 7.4 084 19,389 9,924 83.7 17.9 9,364 6,800 170 305 170 666 620 633] 72.6] G36] 3.7 wah | 20172 seo] 119] 25057) 1438 97 22 40 138 152 150] 69.9 G36| 3.4 9,492 44354 73.6 18,0 3,338 817 51 1s 97 661 301 342 254] 24.5 2317.7 6,079 2,684 80,7 6.2 2,276 1,704 27 73 136 42 107 14 73] 74.9] G36] 3.1 2,601] 1,201] 7.6] 6.9 79 sl 48 48 8 12 29 39 so 60.8| 8 €.2 u,164| 6,822] 79.8] 16.6 6,350] 3,3%| | 220] 1,005 155 552 578 us| 52.8 6] 619 38,221 | 1713] e6.s| 20.1] wm,763|| 3324) 101 601 3,200 760] 2,400] 2,736 1,533] 22.5] 636|10.2 8,949 4,373 83.2 14.0 3,946 2,528 3 170 470 115 273 213 174 64.1 9 7.4 22,419 10,966 81.6 16,0 9,839 6,177 30 224 754 298 888 807 661] 62.8] G36] 4.3 11,185 5,224 75.9 18.2 4yL9% 2,369 91 ns 753 100 352 346 365] 52.7 7110.9 17,820| 8,925 80.9] 19.0] 8,261) 4,598 25 250 683 22, as] 7me| 1,060] 55.71 636 4.8 Wilson... 19,68 9.35%] so.1|l 18.5] 8,76 22 12 306 1,068 218 897 934 gs7l 50.81 G36] 5.9 349 Table 3 Part 3 — Housing TENN., Dyer (023) - Wilson (095) TABLE 3—SELECTED DATA FOR METROPOLITAN AREAS AND BY STATE—Continued FOR ALL COUNTIES, % HOUSING—1940 ; ; : . . Nonfarm Rural Farm All Dwelling Units Occupied Dwelling Units Divelling Units Dwelling Units 3 METROPOLITAN 1 e Metro. AREAS, i e- Area COUNTIES, paones Cots AND Residential Percent | Percent Des Percent Per- CODES structures in5or | with Persons cent 4 wih Avene on Percent| Jan. 1, : . more | private | wit mechan- monthly wit] with 1945 Number family | bathtub | electric Number | owner ical Number rent Number run- | electric struc- or lighting ied refrig- (dollars) ning | lighting tures | shower Pied | eration water (3) G4 35) (36) Gn 38) 39) “0 “2 @3) “4 5) 46) “n ITENNES SEE=Con. All Counties—Con. | DFO ovens iansins 02 8,026 9,214 1.0 4.14.0 1.2 2,016 | 30.8 19.8 4.573 12.06 yeur| 2.7 12.1 1,732 Payette... oc. res oz 6,866 7.254 0.4 3.4 7.9 6,813 18.8 4.9 1,16 8.54 6,090 | 1.4 1.6 322 Fentresse....... 025 3,011 3,043 2.0 14.1 2,838 | 54.7 7.2 999 5.52 2,044 1.3 5.0 69 Frenklin........ 026 5,456 5,718 0.1 15.5 40.9 5.505 | 53.2] 26.7 2,605: ‘12,72 3,113) 6.7 | 19a 1,388 G1b80R. .vvnnsnes 027 10,927 12,190 0.2 13.2 37.2 11,84] 42.3] 15.3 5,062 10.66 7.128] 4.2 | 15.5 3,980 0110800 ssvenenss 028 7,116 7.535 0.8 3.7 31.8 7,191 | u2.9| 20.5 2,307| 11.48 5,228| 5.5 | 15.2 1,194 Grainger........ 029 3,594 3,603 1.8 7.0 3,233 | 61.5 2. 386 6.77 3,217| 2.8 k.2 143 Ireene. «a nen 030 9,194 9,uL7 0.6 11.8 22.6 9,065 58.0] 16.2 2,h91| 15.38 6.956 5.5 | 19.0 1,160 Grundy.......... 031 2,752 2,802 0.5 10.5 23.1 2,50 | 57,8 1015.7 2,116 6.15 7661 2.5 | 5. 167 Hamblen......... 032 4,299 4,645 1.2 20.6 L6.7 4,550 [ 55.6 17.6 2,676 13.64 1,969 | 6.0 14.9 1,71) 023 [HamiltoR...... ..03 38,054 47k 17.3 49.9 82.7 us,9u2 | 36.7] Lh.7 Lh,178| 19.97 3,236] 13.4 | Mi. 23,97 Hancock. ...ooeve 03 2,43Y 2,436 eI 1.2 2,343 | 62.2 1.4 152 12.22 2,2 1.5 11 (1) Hardeman. ....... 035 5,002 5,282 0.2 7.5 18.7 5,033 | 34.9 3.2 1,800 8.72 2,482] 2.0 4.0 527 Hardin... «ve 036 4,299 4,375 5.0 22.1 4120 | Lz.7| 12.6 1,857 5.91 2,518| 1.8 | 11.0 284 Hawking. ........ c37 6,544 6,687 0.7 6.3 27.0 Aus | 61.0 11.2 1,650 10.31 5,037] 4.3 | 14.7 650 HayWool. oeoeese.s 038 6,330 6,740 0.1 8.5 15.6 6,541 | 23.6 11.1 3.72 1,679 12.1 5,061 1.9 5.1 ng Henderson.e..... 039 4.577 L847 0.1 5.0 15.4 L611 | 47.1 9.2 | 3:77 1,8k 1.3 2,953 | O.4 3 805 Henry. ...os.o...040 6,579 7,249 1.2 13.5 33.3 6,803 W.7| 17.5 2,34 3,11 11.74 3,838 2.1 6 1,951 Hickmen......... oll 3.551 3.623 0.3 5.0 17.6 3.39 | 52.3 13.6 3.95 1,186 6.66 2,u37] 2.3 5.9 Houston. .eeeeses ou2 1,522 1,576 4a 20.7 1,512] 60.0 13.5 3.75 512 7.32 1,0 2.4 5.1 94 Humphreys. ...... ou3 2,964 3,074 5.5 21.6 2,958 | 49.0] 14.3 | 3.77 1,055 8.97 2,009] 2.0 5.6 390 T8CKSON. ve varens »502 3.556 2.3 14.3 Jub 47.3 4 f.07 328 8.15 3,228 2.5 10.8 331 Jefferson....... ok5 1356 1,398 11.6 30.9 2641 57.2] 19. 32 1,355] 1.8 3,003 3.4 [ 10.7 689 JONSON. uous ol 2,871 2,890 6.7 14.0 2,825| 63.8 5.8 21 5 7.00 2,175 | 13.8 7.3 27h 062 NoX,erssssen nes ol7 38,836 45,483 [5.3 43.8 7.4 43,990 42] Wo.z | 3.55 38,542] 20.21 WML a7. | M3 19,738 EAE 2 ie se were ole 2,315 3.271 0.3 8.9 21.7 3,046] 13.3 13.2 3.21 1,075 10.38 2,196] 1.u 2.7 350 Lauderdale...... ok3 £,790 132 0.2 9.9 21.2 5,961 | 28.z| 13.0 | 3.53 1,870] 11.11 4,262] 1.6 5.8 790 Faience. cee hed 0 6,400 6.777 0.6 11.2 27.6 6,535| 45.6 15.1 3 2,607 9.5L 4.3701 2.3 5.6 612 LouiB, scorers 051 1,312 1,363 7.5 23.4 1.503| 46.5| 15.9 Ol 621 6.57 mel 3.3 [0 7.9 93 Line0N. ns eninss 052 6,495 7,030 0.6 10.7 38.1 6,651 1.0] 22.2 | 3.64 2,336| 11.35 4,694 | 8.2 | 12.7 1,519 Loud. vo snsvins 053 4,591 4,779 0.2 15.3 Le.7 4.571 50.1 25.0 3.90 2,616 9.95 2,162| 8.0 12.9 951 MeMinn..ooeenens 05k 7.321 7.655 0.5 20.5 52.3 7.316] 56.9 23.2 3.74 3.973 11.34 3.682 ( 13.0 20.9 1,531 MCNairye...oonrs 055 4,830 5,014 2.7 21.7 4, gue | Wu.2| 10.6 38 1,712 7.01 3,302 0.5 8.8 585 Macon. e.vvavs «+056 3.685 3.197 2.2 27.1 3.691 53.9 9.8 3.6 672 7.45 3,085] 2.5 16.6 75 Madison....s....057 12,440 14,845 1.7 26.5 56.1 14,360 [ 33.1] 23.5 | 3.30 9,724] . 15.06 5,121 7.2] ara 5,137 Marion. ........058 4,205 4,358 12.6 | 36.4 Lg | s2.7| 22.7 | 4.05 3,293 7.1] 1,065) 9.9 | 10.8 853 Marshalle....... 059 4,135 JMHT70 0.4 13.6 2.4 4,260 | 49.6 2.0 3.36 1.700 13.23 2,753) 8.1 23.9 1,250 MEET ue vse v nininin .060 Log 10,850 0.7 20.7 53.7 10,377 | 1.4 32.0 3.39 6,210 13.44 4,640 ES 26.8 3,166 Meigs. oe uersves .061 1,482 1,491 2.3 22.5 1,395| 47.1] 12.3 | Lak 183 9.64 1,308 | 2. 16.8 38 MONTO€. a eunnnnn 062 5,307 5,509 0.2 9.7 26.3 5,328 | 52.4] 16.0 | k.1b 1.715 30,62 3,796 3.3 7.1 610 Montgomery...... 063 7.951 &,754 1.3 16.5 uh. 7 g,288 | W2.2| 25.2 | 3.52 4,438 14.46 4,316 3.4 | 21.2 1,850 MOOT Ey. «neeevsr .0 1,031 1,059 3.6 26.9 1,031 52.1] 15.7 | 3.58 © 190 9.04 869| 9.7 | 20.8 1k2 3,163 3,198 0.2 3.3 29.2 3,085| 56.6 16.0 | k.21 1,438 5.53 1,760 ( 2.0 | 12.1 201 7,615 8,402 0.3 19,8 46.1 8,268 | u1.0 23.5 3.34 463 n.2 2.9391 7.2 23.2 2,599 4,14 4,206 3.3 9.3 4,064 | 55.1 6.2 | b.20 1,075 5.89 3.131] 1.3 3.6 21 1,880 1,915 1.7.{ 1125 1,770] v5.4 | 10.4 | 3.92 ug] 5.13 1,267 0.9 | ¥.2 108 1,360 1,361 1.0 5.3 1,282 | 65.4 5.1 | 4.u5 193 4.40 1,168 2.7 2.6 (2) re 2:31 ol 2.0 39 30 2 23.9 4.28 1,882 8.57 108 3. 10.6 ys51 , , 8 3 . ’ 31, . 2,702| 12. . .2 | 10.0 1,01 3,738 4,001 0.4 11.6 Le.5 9 27:3 33 38 EAL 2a 33% 2:3 19.6 EH 6,072 6,515 0.2 18.8 47.9 6,295| 49.2| 28.1 4,130 11.05 ,385| 4.5 | 10.3 1,584 6,954 7,366 0.3 11.0 2 7.182 40.2| 19.2 3,065 12.47 4,301 | 3.8 | 21.1 1,506 €,010 8,857 0.9 17.6 6.5 8,381 Lus.4| 25.2 3,994 | 1h4.44 4,83] 7.1 | 24.9 2,899 3,349 3,395 5.7 23.1 3.349 | 56.4] 11.9 1,857 5.54 1,538 | 1.6 8.9 192 1,096 1,137 5.6 18.9 1,111 59.1 10.1 u17 6.39 720 | 6.4 5.1 148 5,380 5,436 0.1 8.5 19.0 5,078 | 56.9 9.5 4.17 1,361 10.81 4,075 | 3.3 5.0 370 072 8hetby. vue vsiinve 079 72,619 99,113 | 11.9 43.6 7.6 96,7691 31.7( 38.7. 3.22 89,629| 21.49 9,784] 18.0 | 33.9 53.931 Smith. oeeeosnss080 4,217 4,313 5.1 26.5 4,168 51.2 16.2 | 3.49 1,006 9.02 3.307| 5.71 11.8 1,157 SLOWArt yo sie nses 081 3,023 3,086 1.2 14.0 3,049 | 53.6 8.9 bot 781 5.77 2,305 | 0.7 6.1 217 Sullivan........082 14,737 16,372 2 33.8 67.8 16,079 | 53.7| 39.4 | 3. 11,654 | 19.90 813.8 | 27.7 29,697 8,015 8,359 0.1 12.6 42.5 8,146 | 54.0 | 18.71 3.58 2,925| 12.20 5,434 | 6.0 | 28.8 1,571 6,455 ,891 0.4 8.9 23.8 6,775.4 30.7 13.2 3.63 1,879 10.76 5,012 | 2.4 12.1 674 1,502 1,549 i. .9.0 uk .6 1,534 2:3 23.4 8 Ligg 9.32 1,061 6.0 | 34.6 95 3,075 3,153 0.2 24.6 41 3,050 | 62. 26.5 .20 1,956 n, 1,197 | 14.9 11.3 57 2,163 2,174 2.9 12.1 2,004 | 61.6 3.8 | 4.08 295| 11.83 1,879] 3.8 7.3 4g Van Buren. . 918 924 .9 6.0 Bol | 63.4 2.8 4.27 32h 2.73 600 | 1.0 1.3 (1) Warren. .... 4,909 5,218 0.2 11.6 3-3 4,939 | 55.8 17.1 | 3.58 2,020 11.19 3,198 | 2.4 8.5 €00 Washington. 10,657 11,980 4.3 30.5 57. 11,690 | 51.4| 31.8 5 g,040( 17.88 3,940 | 9.6 | 23.5 3.924 Wayne. ... 3,162 3,187 4.1 15.2 3,081 | 50.%( 10.9 Lok 994 7.13 2,193 0.6 0.7 172 7.711 8,343 0.1 11.0 2.2 8,092 50.9 12:8 3.25 2,976 9.78 5,367 | 2.6 3,2 3,029 3,902 3,966 8.6 22.6 3,733] 58.2] 12. 3.89 1,k41 9.27 2,525 | 2.5 L.8 392 6,084 6,493 0.4 14.0 23 L080 | U7.1| 20.0 | 3.60 1,072] 1k.68 4,521 | g.5 | 18.5 1,524 Wilson... 6,549 7,007 0.8 15.2 La, 6,699 | 55.1 22.8 3.31 2,800 12.41 4,207 | 8.7 24.4 1,973 1Served fram adjeining county. 2Includes Bristol city (102), Va. 350 TABLE 3—SELECTED DATA FOR METROPOLITAN AREAS AND FOR ALL COUNTIES, BY STATE—Continued Table § Part 4 - Agriculture TENN., Dyer (023) = (Figures which have been rounded to thousands will not necessarily add to totals) Wilson (095) Te AGRICULTURE—1945 ; AGRICULTURE—1940 : Value of farm products sold, | Principal Per- f Value of Work power traded, or used by. source of Per- font arm property farm household farm income | Type- METROPOLITAN cent | form : Pooch © | Metro. AREAS, Number of | Land in | Cropland | Number | of | ih > ercent from— farming-| evel Area COUNTIES, farms farms | harvested | of farms | farms | o}0 A Number ; area Fo AND (1000's | (1000's oper. | 5 py | Avert Anca | 2% toe (10 CODES Jan. 1, of of April 1, | ated pod-| or 3 | horses | Number (1000's stock Code: P (See he 1945 acres) | acres) 1940 by ( : oo andor of and See | | Hany ucts ol arm of live- | C cent | P: ten- | ass mules | tractors ¥ rops | p422) dollars) | (dol- dollars) | stock ants | han ) ow : a $400 mo. old) Do “9 “9 (50) Gl) &® | 6) GH G5) (6) Gn 8) G9) ©) on le) © | TENNESSEE~-Con. : All Counties—Con. 2,820 195 125 3.217 | 65.8] 19.7| 13,77 %2n 7.450 435 3.352 2.71 59.6 5 | 57.7 2 87 4,949 352 uy 5.669 | 82.7| 59.9| 10,286/1,8 9,499 152 2,18] 11.9 HS 5 1 53 1,k499 0 23 1,m0| 23.7] 70.1 2,154 | 1,238 1,692 8 49] 16.6 19. 0 2 33]. 53 2.0% 213 8 2,500 | 38.2 34.1 9,870 | 3,948 5,701 187 2,062 26.8] uk.9 5 | 40.9 626 86 5,47 326 169 6,227 52.0| 30.8| 18,767|3.014| 12,784 505 4,287 21.1| 54.5 5 | m.2 ™e| ® L047 361 1m 4,413 | 48.1 42.6] 15,59 | 3,533 9.234 192 3,142 us.2| 20.4 0 | na 627| 83 2,220 145 36 2,451 29.4 | su.5 6,365 | 2,597 3,507 35 1,261 30.7| 30.3 0 | 37.2 633 69 6,155 324 129 5,601 | 32.3| 32.9| 22,592 |4,03% 9,922 232 4,240 33.0] 36.0 5 2 633] & 1,065 15 623 | 20.4| 63.6 1,303 | 2,091 1,010 24 33.4] 19.8 0 o 626| 53 1,928 96 39 1,853 29.8| 46.7 7.549 [074 2,685 73 1,232 37. 30.7 0 | Rn.3 633] 2,353 108 30 2,391 23.3] 12.1 8,709 | 3,642 2,895 151 1,108| 39.0 26.2 0 | 34.5 633 105 1,697 120 30 1,768 20.4 32.5 4,917] 2,781 2,335 26 1172| 26.9] 27.5 0 7 & 61 3,027 323 7 2,961 65.6] u5.2 6,321 (2,135 5,650 96 1,597 16.7] ¥5.1 5 | 43.6 T 2,245 220 gd 2,223 %0.1| 52.9 5.227 2.30 i, 29% 138 1,066) 17.2] 4.1 0 | ¥0.2 628 © 3,846 256 7 3,938| 23.4] 52.4 13,558 | 3,443 5.498 104 2,205| 31.8 30.0 o | 37.0 633 8. 4,866 277 1 4,873 | 78.8 | Mi.M| 11,8972, 8,72 m2 2,620 8.7] 61.4 5 | 60.3 ™e| &® 2,670 257 » 2,692 u43.5| 35.4 5.618 | 2,087 5.66 107 1,520 ‘14, 43.9 5 | 43.5 ™e| 69 2,720 26 86 3.548 | %0.5| 39.5 10,518 | 2,964 1.865 192 2,191 29. 37.8 5 | 37.0 an 79 1,566 19 1,941 30.3| 50.8 5.715 | 2,944 3.47 127 1,219 43.5( 16.5 0 3.2 628| 16 569 2 13 699 | 29.0 6.5 1,800 | 2,575 1,297 28 3% 9| 28.9 o | k2.0 628) 718 1,381 206 Yo 1,%07| 37.5| 41.6 6.727 | 4,781 8,182 81 1,067| 33.3] 32. 0 | 31.9 628| 78 2,151 177 46 2,556 | W4.3| 47.1 6,438 | 2,519 4,419 52 1,432 21 18.0 0 .1 eet Nn 1,951 148 53 2,124 | 28.4 | 45.9| 10,055 (4,734 },242 128 1, 6] 33.4 5 | 27.9 633] = 2,222 116 29 1,740 | 13.6 | 57.4 "ie 3.098 1,597 34 907| 24.:2| 33.8 0 | 40.0 633 12 5,208 237 3 5,033 | 16.5| 69.5 " +850 5,982 306 2,546 u3.1| 23.6 0 | 32.8 633| 98 681 4 62 408 | 68.4 | Lh 6.257 05,336 2,173 183 1,473 1.2] #2 5 | 83.8 m2| 8 3,658 2 107 3.437( 72.2| 22.7 10,284 2,992 6.943 207 2,931 12.3] 68.7 5 | 63.9 we 75 3,592 290 103 3.649 | H6.T| 55.7 8,118 | 2,307 6,778 145 1,630 22.3 3.2 0 | k2.7 6| 69 2 56 10 T| 37.3| 68.1 1,218 | 1,343 1,001 20 2 22.2] 19.2 0 | 56.8 28| Th 3,802 339 121 4,289 | 55.b| 38.5| 16,002|3,731| 10,081 200 3,1 42,0| 31.9 5 | 30.3 627 &7 1,476 1 1,49 | 24.4 | 48.0 6.517 | 4,593 2,925 106 1,025) 35.7 28.0 0 5-0 633 78 21737 2 B| z9n| 2109] usi2| ss |2.871| ui6es 93| 1.82 3.7] 22] o|Euo| 76 es 2,615 258 ™ 2,849 | 50.6 | 54.3 4,857 | 1,705 5.938 53 1,225 33.7)- 40.8 0 | 43.9 m2 70 2,596 178 54% 2,691 | 37.9| 34.8 5.507 | 2,046 ,810 62 1,577 20.8 39.3 0 Bs 626| 16 4,117 289 1k 4,151 | 62.5 43.9 13,383 | 3,224 8,832 2u5 2,628 171.9 54,2 5 .8 U2 fl 818 84 28 2 | 17.1 8-3 3.211 | 3.81% 1,561 T2 736| 33.9| 38.2 o | 37.2 633 1,992 210 69 2, 39.8 o 9.665 | 4,195 5.949 98 1,658 65.3 13.5 130.9 627 971 3.5 357 136 3.439 | 42.8| 36.2( 19.682 5,723 9,285 208 3.165| 85.7 30 5 | 31.0 627| 8&7 7 100 25 7 30.4 | 33.7 3,191 | 4,070 1,817 38 578 29.8 .0 0 | bo.5 633| ® 2,205 216 62 2,496 | 24.3 | 53.7 7.693 | 3,082 4,283 & he] 28.6 30.7 o | 37.9 633| 13 2,699 268 8 3,232 | 46.8| 30.4 12,170 (s,765| 6,014 346 2,731 27.4| us.g 5 | 47.5 | 719 2 n q b| 45.7( 1.9 2,767 | 8,232 1,946 527| U45.8| 19.2 0 | 34.2 627 90 1,631 21 1,632 | 19.3] 9.2 2,09 (1,281 1,464 3 589 17.5 9.4 0 | 70.3 633 69 2,937 305 140 3,118 ¥1.9| 25.0 16,338 5,240 8,374 628 3.2] us.h| 36.2 1 | 40.5 42| 93 2,590 187 46 2,854 32.6| 77.3 3.595 | 1,277 3.702 17 8713| 31.0 7.7 0 | 58.1 626| 58 1 1h 2 965 | 41.9] 34.3 3.434 | 3,559 1,920 53 60 35.6] 24.7 0 | 37.1 628 13 515 5 3 1,092 .5| 68.1 1,933 |1.,770 1,391 hay | 32,0 9.4 0 | 56.6 626| 61 63 1 1,074 | 37.4 38.6 3,026 | 2,818 1, 675 20.8| 25.2 o | 52.7 né6| s 2,82 198 51 3.349 | 31.7| 6u.8 7.242 | 2,162 y,h2g 25 1,517| 29.0 17.4 0 | 52.4 626 65 5 88 26 1,247] 32.%| ¥6.0 261 3,M17 1,920 57 75 26.2] 34.5 o | 38.7 633 8 ROANS..eeeesss. 073 1,500 128 30 1,615| 27.4 | 54.3 6,48 | 4,013 2,920 93 1,034 28.2] 3.5 o [37.1 633 72 Robertson.......0TH »215 283 110 in 54,9 | 23.4 | 14,400] 3,9 6.567 518 3,613| 13.7] 68.1 5 | 66.9 ga 89 Rutherforde.....075 +210 IN 13 M50 | Bu. 7| 49.8 17,548(3,943| 10,089 250 So 56.7] 22.9 1 | 25. 627| 8 8COttasacoseesss076 1,755 8 1 1,507 | 21.8( 80.9 1,395| 926 1,3 n 14.6 5.6 o | 78.2 633| 55 Sequatchi 560 36 1 ,665| 23.6] 75.0 1.i2|a, 5 11 254 35.4 13.0% 0 | 49.4 633| 68 Sevier.... ..078 3,078 211 5k 3.422 | 35.1] 51.6 9,470 | 2,767 4,263 69 1,874 33-3 ! 4 0 | n.9 63 76 7,514 347 147 7.785 | 63.5| 47.2 , *.039 12,373 3% 5,305 24.6] v7 5 | 87.3 83 2,357 188 55 3,167 45.1] 37.8| 10,8543, 6.386 ®| 2.25 u3.9 3.7] 1 B31 627| se 1,166 146 a 2,069 45.8| 39.9 5.761 | 2,784 ioe 18 1,505| 20.3 8.2 5 | k7.8 628 4,211 195 66 | 3.824 | 19.0| 58.1| 16,290 | 4,260 564 105 2,019 37.5 22.6 o | 39.5 633] 90 4,466 318 115 4,84 | 36.7 37.9 20.541 |M,2u4 9,836 217 3,681 3.4 u3.2 5 | 371 627] &@ 4,362 220 119 4,166 .3| 26.0 13.0% 3,130 8,122 271 3,292 9.0 73. 5 | 72.7 742] 1,008 2 26 gud | 42,8| 22.5 W374 (4,633 2,732 4 812 5| u2. 5 |m.9| 627 93 1,058 41 1,100 | 24.5( 69.8 1,983 | 1,803 (TH 1 363] 12.1) 29. 0 [55.7 633 63 1,488 0 21 1,423 | 22.6] 52.6 3.565 | 2,505 1,796 12 699| 22.6] 28.3 o | 7.6 633| 68 586 Lug 1 ugg | 20.9| 68.4 813 | 1,666 3 175 33.4 8.8 0 | 56.2 626| 52 2,k25 218 73 2,777| 271.3| 57.1 6,895 | 2,u83 §,991 86 1,359 29.9 -22.8 0 | k6.b 626 T7 3,976 176 7 3,233 19.5 M24 14,418 (4,460 5,155 94 2,237 33.1] 33. 0 | 32.5 633| 87 1,629 189 37 1,509 | M4.3| 45.2 3.152 | 2,089 3,005 ko 3| 22.5 28.6 o | k7.2 628| 67 4,410 wn 134 4,686| 36.9 83 13,195 | 2,816 | 11,455 304 2,900| 39.2] 3.4 5 | 27.8 | er 14985 1 51 2,196| 29.5 3 5,306 | 2,416 3,453 uo 879 35.3] 14.5 0 | us.k 626| 62 3,119 320 11% 3.534 40.5| 47.0| 20,614 5,833 9,950 2u6 2,794 0.2 25.5 1|25.9 627| = 3.785 3m 108 3,879 | 34.4| M3. 15,396 | 3,969 8,591 152 2,783 61.2] 1.1 1 | 37.6 621| 92 Table 3 TABLE 3—SELECTED DATA FOR METROPOLITAN AREAS AND FOR ALL COUNTIES, Part 5 = Industry . and Retail Trade BY STATE—Continued TENN., Dyer (023) - Wilson (095) (All dollar figures have been rounded to thousands and will not necessarily add to totals) so MANUFACTURING ESTABLISHMENTS—1939 MINERAL INDUSTRIES—1939 RETAIL ESTABLISHMENTS—1939 METROPOLITAN Meel COUNTIES Value added Area ue a Code AND Wage Wigs Value of by manufac- Value of Nuthey Wages and Number of Sales Active Empl oY oes Pay roll CODES Number | %2™€™ | (1000's of fo cts ture f dicts 0 a (1000's of | pro- 8¢ 1(1000's of (average dollars) ( s of (1000's of (1000's of | persons | (1000s of | stores dollars) | prietors or dollars) for year) dollars) dollars) dollars, engaged | dollars) year) _(6) (6) on 8) ©) 9) an) a) _@®) a9 5) - a TENNESSEE=~=Con, All Counties—Con. 25 940 611 3,921 1,699 323 7,239 287 906 613 3 22 (1) (*) (*) 150 2,013 10 181 113 10 167 77 406 175 527 557 424 90 1,213 81 79 47 21 555 349 1,997 1,056 343 18 132 168 3,018 167 326 203 GAbBON.sseesssse027 27 1,248 653 3,060 1,346 440 6,109 455 682 387 G11080000e0e0000028 18 500 337 2,547 683 (*) () () 298 3,963 287 389 237 Grainger.,.....029 5 19 7 30 12 {2} (2) 2} 106 857 112 45 22 Greene.sueseeses 26 56 412 3,019 1,010 (*) (3) (2 362 5,329 350 356 4 40 2e 135 65 (3) (2) *) 80 79 78 % 56 19 1,081 541 2,873 1,546 176 3,947 175 448 313 023 261 20,074 17,344 87,228 41,225 228 U1 ns 2,244 60,172 1,871 7,462 6,331 87 410 83 12 6 6 72 25 87 48 206 2,226 201 210 111 16 176 92 584 340 Vid 1,358 109 152 72 Hawking. o.soesee037 7 170 (*) *) (*) 256 2,454 252 212 123 Haywoodessssssss038 8 1 7 127 67 : 196 2,985 187 368 215 Henderson. ......039) 4 255 ue 704 279 : ; 153 1,938 U1 165 95 HONIYoeeseoossss040) 16 503 280 1,630 655 207 » 64 258 44171 248 507 298 Hickman, , «041 3 257 *) ?) ) {* (ty (1) 124 1,041 125 76 40 Houston. sees... 0042 10 160 a: 517 187 (*) *) () €1 497 50 32 15 Humphreys... ....043 7 175 {4 () (1) {3} (1) @*) 101 1,270 105 118 57° Jackson, , Olds 1 (1) 3 *) (2) 117 1,001 116 48 27 Jefferson 045 8 264 119 1,150 ds {1 03) 32) 127 1,712 136 u7 89 Johnson 046 3 123 3 1y 3) (1) {* (*) 104 711 101 70 27 062 |KnoxeausecereersDAT 1% 14,893 11,834 60,753 29,429 2,429 1,278 1,352 1,608 56,408 1,49 7,754 6,346 LakesessorseneoshB 3 91 *) *) *) : 121 1,670 108 246 104 11 135 54 217, 113 246 3,722 228 445 230 18 590 338 1,779 629 246 3, TR 21, 328 209 2 (*) (*) (1) (1) (1) (1) (*) 50 698 50 46 28 Lincoln. ...ss ss s052 16 411 217 1,305 600 23 3,872 239 380 243 Loudon, ee.essesa53 23 2,578 1,636 6,305 2,562 : : 173 2,873 159 287 179 32 2,045 1,370 6,247 3,212 *) *) *) 27m 5,06. 249 587 8 4 20 9 Sa 19 181 1,725 175 141 62 1 (t) (1) (*) (1) 3 : 5 9 988 ur 56 23 50 2,105 1,476 2,018 3,408 (2) (2) 2) 488 12,427 445 1,739 1,261 8 601 530 1,771 1,087 1,260 754 778 195 2,438 178 216 135 13 864 6h8 hs 513 1,712 (1) *) 3) 153 3,046 150 347 225 37 1,908 1,410 8,193 4,110 2,398 1,200 1,012 a2 0 7,675 388 899 610, 3 40 15 78 39 3% 208 35 5 2 MONI00s ss ssesses062 1] 676 415 1,900 697 (1) 3) (2) 12.1 2,67 153 200 109 Montgomery..... 063 29 1,006 580 4,337 1,640 (3) 0) 1d . 76 5,926 357 736 sof Moore.....s O64 28 182 26 15 Morgun, 065 6 113 (3) 3 (1) 349 240 206 119 973 104 U5 72 Oblon,... $066 19 1,717 872 6,309 2,370 137 5,497 309 671 409 Overton.eeses ess? 8 62 23 uA an 1 25 9 133 1,180 139 93 41 POrryeceesescses0b8 68 645 66 32 17 06 4 17 3) (1) (*) , 50 332 60 5 3 6 290 (*) (*) (2) (*) *) ™* 10 2,395 12 241 168 23 601 290 1,055 582 50 7 1 253 3,19 252 309 172 21 701 392 1,667 72 9 95 51 138 2,423 137 237 135 18 2,103 1,408 5,764 2 454 tH) (1) Q 24) 3,590 2s 418 27 2 273 ue 862 us 297 3,786 307 Lhd 291 25 653 436 4,220 1,410 339 6,136 357 647 415 18 47° 236 790 423 272 206, 164 13 1,529 102 111 67 3 12 2} *) (1) 90 78 60 33 342 3% 25 13 10 173 97 514, 13 ! u2 2,255 144 188 98 072 bid 18,275 14,358 168,75, 57,792 253 101 - 18 3,897 | 140,595 3,565 | 17,726 15,555 5 1 10 2 30 166 1,804 17 126 61 GLOWAT hy seeasss dO] Tadd) (3) (1) ) 101 804, 101 51 2% Sullivan, .... 56 2,360 8,640 50,717 25,884 (*) 4) (*) 506 17,379 406 2,109 1,762 Sumner..... 17 1,132 e71 4y52 1,h35 273 3,572 28) 402 212 6 106 207 3,582 199 344 225 2 () 4d) *) *) 52 652 52 8 32 Unfeodrennns 9 537 4m 1,497 oA, (}) (*) () 153 1,684 138 192 132 Union, ..... 1 Lg (*) (1) * (*) *) (*) 7% 458 55 19 8 y LQ 45 29 23 117 19 8 3 Warren... 27 7 420 1,571 820 185 2,723 181 253 148 Wanhing 50 2,412 1,653 2,873 3,717 (%) 1) (3) 578 13,451 497 1,657 1,336 Wayne. 7 113 63 7 169 1m 920 110 68 1 Wonk lay, . 20 510 288 1,615 714 H *) *) m [+ 3,909 328 363 182 WELW, susrrasies 13 599. 257 © 1,078 464 30 J, hb L, 26 139 1,409 10 128 75 WEI Snmaon,.. ee sO 10 478 330 1,723 845 i) (3) (1) 21 3,159 © 216 373 224 WRN eeeeeeeed®’ 19 [Ld 338 2,308 985 *) ) £3) 270 3,307 229 327 220 Combined Counties®.| 298 3g,902 7,176 77,260 82,990 4,101 1,812 1,898 Nol shown because of disclosure of operations of individual establishments. Lata included in Combined Counties at end of State. fIncludes all counties where fig- ures are not shown separstely becaune of disclosure of operations of individual establishmenta. Includes all ostablishments and wage earners of counties for ‘which wagon und value date were withheld to avoid disclosure. The "Combined Counties" figure for number of establishments is excluded from Lhe State total, since this {tem was shown f or evary county. Whenever dala un wage earners have been withheld, that portion of the "Combined Counties” figure represented by such data is included in the oor- responding Bete total. 352 TABLE 3—SELECTED DATA FOR METROPOLITAN AREAS AND FOR ALL COUNTIES, Table 3 BY STATE—Continued : Pari, & = Sten Toononte TENN., Dyer (023) = (All dollar figures have been rounded to thousands and will not necessarily add to totals) Vidlson (095) oro sake RL SERVICE ESTABLISHMENTS—1939 BANK DEPOSITS ~— 944 Ma; 1 Ma; rok jor war supply jor war facilities contracts, Jiojeste, June 1940-Se . 1945 | June | une 1945 Metro. AREAS, sales 1944 Area| COUNTIES, [Number Number| = ._ |Employees Total | (1000's of Code AND of | Sales of | Receipts | Active “(orzo Pay roll | (demand | Time | dollars at CODES estab- | (1000's of estab- | (1000's |proprie-| “"¢- (1000s | and time) [ (1000's |iqque price) lish- | dollars) lish- | of dollars)| tors year) of dollars)| (1000's | of dollars) 3 ments ments of dollars) Sn . Other Industrial | Military ®) @) [)) a1 82) ) @0) (85) (86) _@n _(8) ®) (99) on TENNESSEE— Con. All Counties—Con. Yo 6,426 89 567 93 235 146 10,620 860 ‘1,668 159 8 724 2h 56 23 8 1h 2,733 132 514 2 (2) 2 3 2 3 13 1,33 37h 170 9 476 147 9 ol n 5,549 2 850 1,411 67 5,974 13 389 126 164 84 16,921 1,953 4,186 108,341 522 39,554 18,100 26 2,648 13 27h 128 13 53 6,908 1,588 1,089 15,163 37 47 28 3 1,001 337 128 27 7,466 143 33% 8l4 108 58 11,178 3,904 1,039 1,088 2 (2) 13 27 16 17 5 1,375 13 220 715 15 1,090 2% 149 27 78 60 6,563 2,126 755 188 023 229| 269,374 IL] bh, 4k 731 1,902 1,43 97.932 35,856 10,710 73.551 109,170 66,775 2 (1) 6 9 1 4 i 478 50 138 6 365 52 127 60 88 28 5,151 1,017 492 1 (1) 38 64 35 31 19 2,318 475 8 909 103 138 109 8h 26 5,754 1,662 60k . 6 678 57 298 46 136 2 }4,600 1,100 443 6 1,697 Ly 82 42 59 >» 4,868 892 370 27 1, 96 203 100 126 51 6,836 1,994 1, 396 13,23 5 8 4g 49 47 In 12 2,627 596 ©2841 2 i) 34 52 34 1 6 691 16 150 1 9 1 37 ™ k2 45 1 2,037 14 450 2,500 7 1,21 51 37 45 32 2,233 542 312 . il (@) n WL 37 2 3,485 1,255 506 370 4 2 5 36 5 gl + 1,297 319 261 062 224 67,461 582 4,391 550 1,924 1,506] 104,542 32,956]. 20,715 18,372 67,629 4,930 1,39 9 91 «2% 142 2 63 38 3,282 ko "43 29 ‘9 538 ob 120 n 80 37 0,417 460 637 10,49 5 372 81 159 mn 66 x 6,197 2,073 672 4,551 4 24% 18 22 19 29 9 1,462 316| . 177 22 2,891 38 90 47 un 22 6,3% 1,547 1,010 955 37 6 39 110 31 53 5,343 2,14 726 hes 1,904 Bl 223 90 102 & 7,672 1 "913 99 ® 7 i 67 62 69 n 10 3,249 168 hz 2 (1) 109 97 110 20 1,793 138 286 47 8,380 140 803 1% 381 243 19,181 5,820 2,213 3,319 660 6 635 49 84 52 55 20 2,529 Tho 628 1,362 22 1,072 u5 142 7 66 3 5,787 1,548 8g 6,924 Lo 3 3,911 149 522 156 H2 1 11,014 2,079 1,853 8,217 8,803 3 (1) 11 11 5 1 615 131 119 3 ™ ug in 54 56 21 2,717 292 618 3,783 uy 8,852 126 333 131 193 93 10,964 1,235 1,306 10,909 355 3,749 1 (2) 3 5 3 4 1 1,192 4 198 : 5 358 3 47 2 571 14 1,217 isa 286 . ¥5 7,015 87 37 89 134 66 9,479 598 1,368 4,229 2l (1) 53 46 5 21 9 1,792 207 296 82 37 ko 38 u6 8 1,116 81 227 r 27 16 21 2 1 1,129 307 232 4 182 52 93 51 4g 20 3,645 2,026 823 1.739 3,376 23 3,821 120 189 109 1 42 5,933 1,547 870 hh : 1 51 .99 43 5 5 2,583 574 656 1,089 1 1,451 45 161 h2 82 4g 7.12 1,9 1,022 410 b4 2,601 82 281 88 PLE 84 01s > 548 9,154 vp . 2 3,331 91 312 97 166 107 9,211 1,769 2,h66 1,860 367 37| 13.623 8 46 92 ig 93 3 2,l88 961 217 682 3 126 24 42 29 13 5 591 221 111 5 Yay 41 70 43 20 9° 5,24 2,2 550 Jhae 072 700| 435,232 1.5% 12,846 1,55 5,700 4,5 2h 59,432 28,898 198,057 129,279 7,770 69, Lk 20 1,789 54 571 5 18 1 +185 910 615 1 (2) 43 43 I 26 6 1,532 125 254 52 bh 8,705 100 629 10% a1 220 20,969 5,421 5,978 78,698 2,845 109,036 2 2,2 62 152 69 To 3 7.813 1,650 720 15 1,595 u5 229 100 58 ,989 884 629 5 1,167 16 u7 12 pt] 2,491 226 233 3 9 13 110 n 33 18 1,669 ol 518 1,100 Zz (1) 43 33 26 33 1 -82 9 10 9 1 2 2 70 61 13 733 11 178 85 76 38 7.2 L119 629 2u7 47 ug 8,781 157 79 151 352 250 16,991 ,708 2,045 1,200 2,191 &715 2 (2) 29 ™ 32 21 15 1,754 178 152 3h 2,549 116 233 120 6 3 7.5 56 819 7 9 92 62 100 64 W2 7 IZ 1,950 496 2. 3 Williamson. 20 1,339 59 164 52 70 2 6,235 1,662 733 566 Wilson. 17 1,157 63 211 mn 55 1.325 2,155 1,338 8,889 : Otherecesesessssaes 351 4,754 812,545 857,056 1Not shown because of disclosure of operations of individual establishments. Data included in "Other" at end of States %sales figure for Hamilton County (033) is for two-hundred and twenty-seven establishments in the city of Chattanooga only. * Sales of two establishments in Hamilton County outside Chattanooga are not included here but in "Other" at end of State, since they involve disclosure of operations of individual establishments. 3Sum of establishments in counties for which sales da- ta arc withheld to avoid disclosing operations of individual.establishments. Includ-s two establishments in Hamilton County (033) outside the city of Chattanooga. This sum is excluded from the State total since number of establishments is shown for individual counties. - 4Combined figure for counties having sales data withheld to a- vaid disclosing operations of individual establishments. Includes data for the part of Hamilton County (033) outside the city of Chattanooga. Bundistributed. 353 Table 3 Part 1 - Population TEX. , Anderson (001) Culberson (055) TABLE '3—SELECTED DATA FOR METROPOLITAN AREAS AND FOR ALL COUNTIES, BY STATE—Continued we sora TOTAL POPULATION POPULATION—1940 EDUCATION VITAL 1940 STATISTICS ESTIMATED 1944 CIVILIAN Total whi POPULATION Land | Pop- otal white Percent of METROPOLITAN U.S. area [ulation population 25 Metro. AREAS, rank in per years old and Area COUNTIES, Number of [Percent . « over who have Code 0. 5 Soe change | ifes | mile Percent the Rural Rord completed— ercent| April | in ol an | nonfarm | farm Births | Deaths Number change 1940 | percen- 1930- | 1940 | 1940 Number | total Nous tiles) | 1940 pu- 5 or Hich 1943" 1940- more 0) 1943 1940 . grades | m @ ?) “ (5) 6) m ®) © (10) (1) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) TEXAS.......| 6,259,584 | -1.9 |6,414,824 10.1 [263,644 | 24.3 5,487,545 | 85.5 2,911,389 [1,354,248 [2,149,187 | 80.3 | 24.5] 165,900 | 61,565 METRO. COUNTIES..| 2,465,830 | 13.1 |2,208,668 24.2 | 10,982 | 201.1 | 1,890,463 | ©5.6 [1,701,313 | 837,491 | 169,864 | 83.6 s2.1| 65,006 | 24,886 . Metro. are 005 |Amarillo... 58,042 7.0 54,265 17.8 901 | 60.2 51,516 | 94.9 | 50,023 | 2,801 1,341 | 9s.8| 40.3] 1,529 507 010 |Austin.. 106,152 | -4.4 | 111,058 42.8 | 1,015 [109.4 91,458 | 82.4 | 87,930 | 7,360 | 15,7%63| 79.4| s5.0| 2,884 1,18 012 |Beaumont-Fort Arthur veeessnaieenssa128] 178,214 | 22.7 | 145,329 8.9 945 [153.8 111,452 | 76.7 | 105,201 | 82,151 7,977 | 79.8| .26.6| 4,184| 1,386 030 [Corpus Christi..178| 113,403 | 22.4 92,661 79.0 838 | 110.6 87,248 | 94.2 | 64,081 | 13,775 | 14,805 | 72.8 ‘28.1| 4,587 | 1.195 031 [Dalles..........097| 442,967 | 11.2 | 398,564 22.4 893 | 446.3 336,851 | 84.5 | 819,480 | 55,455 | 23,629 | 89.6 | s9.2| 10,155| 4,108 040 [EL Pnso.. 186,173 8.2 | 131,067 -0.4 | 1,054 | 124.4 128,074 | 97.7 | 96,810 [ 24,102 | 10,155 | 71.4 | 26.8) 4.553] 1.642 046 [Fort Worth. 267,856 | 18.8 | 225,521 14.2 877 | 257.2 196,966 | 87.3 | 181,902 | 26,681 | 16,988 | 89.6 | se.8| 6,210] 2.458 048 [Galveston 94,314 | 18.2 81,173 26.0 450 | 188.8 63,378 | 78.1 | 66,610 | 10,736 3,827 | e1.8| 23.9) 2,899 943 054 [Houston.........101| 601,249 | 13.7 | 528,961 47.2 | 1,747 [802.8 | 424,819 | 80.3 | 410,884 | 86,855 | 31,222 | 86.3] s2.9| 14,512 5,388 104 [San Antonio.....015| 364,275 | 15.3 | 338,176 15.6 | 1,247 [271.2 816,320 | 99.5 [ 259,554 | 59,375 | 19,247 | 76.2 | 28.1] 11,515 | 4,706 129 |Waco...sesenss..155| 108,185 1.3 | 101,898 3.3 | 1,035 98.5 82,381 | 80.8 | 58,838 | 18,150 | 24,910 | 81.9| 25.2| =2,488| 1.205 OTHER COUNTIES...| 3,793,754 | -9.7 [4,206,156 4.0 | 252,662 [ 16.6 | 8,597,082 | 85.5 (1,210,076 |1,06,757 [1,979,323 | 78.4 | 20.0 100,884 | 36,679 29,782 | -19.7 37,092 21 7.1 | 1,068 | 4.7 25,205 | 68.2 | 12,144 | 6,242 18,706 | 80.6 | 19.6 664 337 1,168 | -8.5 1,277 99 | 73.5 | 1,504 | 0.8 1,270 | 99.5 901 376 | 94.5 29.2 9 6 28,728 | -10.8 32,201 25 | 15.8 857 | 37.6 27,341 | 84.9 9,567 | 9,756 | 12,878 | 81.3 19.7 789 262 2,768 | -20.2 3,469 95 | 6.3 276 | 12.6 3,402 | 98.1 8 | 2,441 680 | 77.1 | 28.7 74 se 5,892 | -22.5 7,699 84 | -21.5 917 | 8.3 7,583 | 99.8 5,238 | 2,361 | 88.6| 20.4 118 46 £2,158 | -18.5 2,495 97 | -25.1 909 | 2.7 2,489 | 99.8 897 1,598 | 94.6 | 86.0 51 19 16,022 | -16.9 19,275 47 | 23.1] 1,206 | 16.0 19,077 | 99.0 7,841 | 11,434 | 56.7 | 12.2 607 162 14,815 | -16.5 17,384 53 | -7.8 662 | 26.3 12,986 | 74.7 5,501 | 11,888 | 69.9 8.1 282 188 7,214 | 14.2 6,318 88 | 21.8 8sz | 7.6 6,169 | 97.6 1,882 4,436 | 90.4 | 22.3 188 30 3,287 | -23.5 4,234 93 | 11.9 765 | 5.5 4,231 | 99.9 1,505 2,729 | 86.9 17.5 46 3 19,568 | -9.4 21,610 a2 | -9.5 sab | 24.4 14,509 | 67.1 5,100 | 6937 | 12,473] 68.1 | 12.8 575 252 6,724 | -13.3 7,755 84 4.5 a7 | 9.0 7,617 | 98.2 3,328 507 8,920 | &7.2| =ze.2 147 4“ 14,822 | -13.1 16,481 56 4.8 842 | 19.6 15,962 | 96.8 6,789 | 2,974 6,718] 66.0 16.9 457 188 81,817 | 15.5 44,863 16 | -10.3 | 1,079 | 41.6 29,633 | 88.u | 18,916 | 5,656 | 20,291 | 84.7 24 1,400 515 364,276 | 15.3 | 338,176 1] 15.6 | 1,247 [271.2 316,320 | 93.b | 259,554 | 59,375 | 19,247 | 76.2 af 11,018 | 4,706 3,388 | -21.8 4,264 93 | 11.0 79 | 8.9 4,107 | 96.3 1,177 s,087 | 81.5] 17.7 74 se 1,204 | -13.8 1,496 99 | -7.2 94 | 1. 1,378 | 98.4 205 1,191 | 91.2 20.1 12 3 12,080 | -28.7 15,761 58 | 0.1] 1,008 | 15.7 15,285 | 96.8 5,995 9,766 | 88.5} 20.7| 248 124 57,064 | 13.7 50,208 14 3.4 921 | 54.5 34,969 | 69.6 [ 17,019 | 9,514 | 23,675, 78.8! 18.7] 1,455 536 46,469 | 71.8 27,069 s2 | 17.4 | 1,40) 18.8 19,994 | 73.6 5,666 | 10,727 | 10,676 | 77.9 =20.5| 1,095 273 27,106 0.5 26,977 s2 | 23. 583 | 46.3 16,946 | 62.8 | 11,842 | 38,608 | 11,882] 78.7 | 27.2 753 269 7,245 | 11.8 6,478 & | -2z.2| 6,208] 1.0 6,407 | 98.9 3,866 | 1,606 1,007 | 65.3] s1.7 264 59 3,766 | -7.1 4,056 9 | -27.4 887 | 4.6 3,062 | 97.7 1,574 2,482 | 88.4 | 24.0 68 18 5,932 | -6.8 6,362 88 7.8 908 | 7.0 6,322 | 99.4 3,698 2,669 | 41.5] 14.8 254 58 32,760 | 26.4 25,924 5s.| 17 99 | 27.3 25,368 | 97.8 | 13,308 | 2,352 | 10,174] 90.5| s0.s 994 320 13,940 | -24.0 18,334 50 | -7.8 679 | 27.0 11,567 | 68.1 5,433 [ 12,901 | 64.1 | 10.9 347 161 8,327 | -22.7 10,771 74 4.0 | 1,008 | 10.7 10,588 | 98.3 4,145 6,626 | 80.8 | 19.0 192 72 18,080 | -27.4 24,893 36 | -20.7 544 | 45.8 21,002 | 84.4 9,455 | 8,729 | 11,709 | 64.7 | 16.2 608 248 5,870 | -0.4 5,911 89 9.8 537 | 11.0 5,336 | 90.8 3,504 2,407 | 72.0] 17.7 151 4“ 8,706 | -24.3 11,568 7 | -9. av? | 18.8 11,548 | 99.8 5,057 6,511 | 88.8) 21.6 171 82 79,888 | -8.1 3,208 7 7.3 ass | 94.2 82,299 | 98.9 | 44,89 | 15,083 | 23,229 | 58.7 | es.0| 3,496 994 8,807 | -14.4 10,280 7 2.2 190 | 54.1 6,086 | 89.0 2,916 626 6,743 | 80.7 | 16.7 255 78 5,085 | -16.1 6,624 w | 14.5 899 | 7.4 6,611 | 99.8 4,598 2,006 | 92.8] 31.0 132 29 28,268 | -15.6 43,496" 24 [ 11.0 965 | 34.7 22,231 | 66.4 10,795 | 22,701 | 80.0 | 14.0 681 240 3,600 | -22.3 4,631 92 | -1.9 e76 | 5.3 4,628 | 99.9 1,301 3,3% | 91.7 | 27.4 101 23 6,396 | -14.8 7,511 Ha | 31. 618 | 12.2 5,770 | 76.8 5,637 1,874 | 7v.6| 18.2 140 51 3¢,042 | -21.4 43,970 16 1.8 | 1,054 | 41.7 31,408 | 71.4 | 12,912 | 6,958 | 24,100] 76.5 | 14.8 782 532 13,639 | 12.3 12,149 69 | -24.8 701 | 17.8 11,718 | 96.4 6,464 788 «097 | 89.7 | 28.9 397 126 9,488 | -24.2 12,524 6 | 13.9 | 1,000] 11.4 12,887 | 98.9 5,208 7,321 | 88.1 | 18.0 167 62 Coohran.........040 5,808 | a2. 3,785 9 | 90.8 702 | 4.8 3,862 | 98.0 1,079 2,106 | 87.5 | 20.6 182 5 BOK® suisasvsnsesiL 2,894 | -36.9 4,59 93 | -1z.8 915 | b.0 4,052 | 99.2 1,378 s,214| e7.8| 16.0 80 14 : 16,606 | -19.3 £0,071 44 | -18.1 | 1,282 | 16.0 £0,161 | 98.0 6,054 | 8,600 | 10,912| 8.0 22.8 390 168 7,887 | -19.8 47,19 15 2.2 886 | 53.3 43,214 | 91.6 8,606 | 7,636 | s0,999| 87.1 19.2 848 336 8,885 | -14.0 10,331 7 | -28.8 899 | 11.8 9,945 | 96.3 3,308 79 6,229 | 90.5 | 19.8 19 78 Colorado........08d 15,560 | -12.6 17,812 oe | -6.9 950 | 18.7 12,352 | 69.3 8,302 9,010 69.8 1.1 873 173 Comaleseoosss.. 046 12,098 | -1.9 12,521 68 2.8 ps7 | 21.7 12,026 | 97.6 6,976 | 1,681 3,704 69.9 | 1.9 367 180 Comanche +047 14,008 | -24.4 19,40 «8 4.4 972 | 19.8 19,244 [100.0 8,209 | 8,738 | 12,298] s9.3| 16.8 877 46 Concho ..048 4,349 | -29.8 6,192 88 | -19.0 | 1,004 | 6.2 6,166 | 99.6 £2,517 3,67 | 81.8 23.8 116 a Cooke. 049 23,880 | -4.2 24,909 6 3.p 909 | 27.4 £3,909 | 96.0 9,601 | 2,182 | 13,07 | 86.7 | 18.8 608 228 Coryell.........000 19,679 | -2.7 20,226 4 1.1] 1,048 19.4 19,570 | 96.8 8,177 | 8,792 | 13,287 | e7.3| 16.6 488 168 DOLL) ®uaessivane ODL 7,876 7.0 7,079 86 | -24.7 so1 | 7.9 6,682 | 94.4 2,677 148 «20 | 86.0] 19.8 169 4a 2,008 | -17.7 2,841 9% | 27.9 796 | 3.6 2,809 | 98.9 2,788 108] 95.0 | 40.4 “ 18 2,288 | -18.7 2,809 96 8.6 | 2,79 | 1.0 2,694 | 95.9 2,378 as1| 7m. | 9.8 81 28 11,606 | -15.0 10,046 76 | -8.9 ou | 11.0 9,206 | 92.8 3,918 6,128 | u8.8 | 28.6 19 7 1,320 | -20.1 1,653 98 | se | s,88| 0.4 1,842 | 99.3 1,470 1881 71.81 30.9 a 15 TABLE 3—SELECTED DATA FOR METROPOLITAN AREAS AND FOR ALL COUNTIES, BY STATE—Continued Table 3 Part 2 - Labor Force TEX., Anderson (001) - Culberson (055) LABOR FORCE—1940 ; Percent of Population 14 Years Old and Over Employed Workers by Industry Group Eaoyed METROPOLITAN T In leading Metro] * AREAS, P P 1808s Business nonagri- Area COUNTIES, Sreent = can poria: and cultural Code AND o i for a Coe my Whole- | personal Other In | industry CODES Total Tolghor [Maes | lemales |. Top) Agri | Mins Manufac- =| sale and | services er | agri- ota who are | who are 5 ining | struc- : cations, and not force £ o employed || culture . turing retail exclud- cul- in in tion and : reported Code ] trade ing ture abor labor other d . (See | Per- force | force utili- donee page | cent ties 422) an (18) a9) (20) @ @) @*) (2) 25) 26) @n (28) (29) @0) | an | 32) TEXAS.ueuess | 4,745,853 [2,454,924 20,5 22.9]2,138,355 || 636,416] 61,052] 110,734] 211,501] 140,277) 381,260 342,908) 254,117|29.8 | G36 | 6.5 METRO, COUNTIES..| 1,708,787| 948,000 81.4 30,5] 828,301 47,776 12,932 55,735 131,902 76,803] 192,628| 176,216 134,309] 5.8 Metro, areas: 005 |Amarillo,.eess..188 41,646 23,556 82,6 31.5 20,927 477 330 1,327 2,264 2,458 6,265 5,290 2,516] 2.3 010 [Austin,eeeceesse27 85,528 45,334 77.1 31.3 39,097 4,376 222 4,468 2,139 1,869 7,879 9,980 8,164|11.2 012 |B t-Brt Arthur secessscesscsesll3 109,962 59,064 82,0 25.9 51,809 1,694 801 2,848 16,363 4,790 10,070 8,547 6,696 3.5 030 [Corpus Christi,,178 66,275 37,329 85.4 25.8] 32,791 4,976 2,228 2,825 2,635 2,402 7,662 6,122 3,941/15.2 Deviassassscieo] 318,364 | 184,39% 82,6 35.7] 162,019 6,550| 1,018| 10,932 26,700 13,776 42,075 39,39% 21,57 4.0 93,713 49,829 78.6 28,1 43,627 3,651 232 4» 500 4,668 ,167 9,671 , 364 374] 8.4 178,877 96,921 79.7 30.5 81,073 4,290 857 4,758 13,955 7,848 20,761 18,422 10,182] s§,3 ” 37,236 84,1 31.3] 32,966 893 398 2,005 4»739 6,114 6,510 6,820 5, 2.7 anue| 235.061] #3.4| 30.8] 211,007] 7,042| 5,761] 15,498] 43,077 22,939] 46,939] 41,981 28,670] 5.5 259,060 140,166| .20.4| 27.8] 119,108| 6,77] 992| 7,075 > 7,227] 27,17| 24,542] 33,445] 5.7 77,752 39,110 TheB 27.1] 32,977 7,080 93 1,49 3,453 2,213 7,625 6,754 4,260(21,5 OTHER COUNTIES... | 3,037,066 [1,506,924 79.9 18,5[1,310,054 || 588,640| 48,120 54,999 79,689 63,474| 188,632 166,692| 119,808|44.9 All Counties: Anderson, sseeees001 26,837 13,053 78.1 19.8 1,639 4y413 42/ 483 812 1,320 1,443 1,368 1,376] 37.9 23 | 8.8 Andrews, . . 002 469 84.8 14.1 445 119 129 41 5 12 56 50 33|26.7 3|28.1 Angelina, . 23,498 11,698 80,6 18,2 9,953 2,557 50 517 2,615 654 1,307 1,168 1,085|25.,7 9 [11.4 Aransas, .. 2,481 1,253 78.7 17.6 1,060 151 43 162 48 62 167 167 260]14.2 113.0 ATcherseeseeessed05 5,472 2,484 78.3 11,2 2,112 660 546 88 29 134 266 243 146] 31.2 3 | 25.9. Armstrongeeesee 06 1,8% 922 80.7 13.1 832 521 26 9 41 9 97 39|62.6 | G36 | 6.4 12,768 6,663 83.3 18,5 6,231 4,365 48 190 50 215 537 512 314]70.1 | G36 | 4.1 13,188 7,109 83,8 23,6 6,780 4,759 102 249 11 222 494 441 402|70,2 | G36 | 3.3 4,299 2,165 84.9 11.4 2,003 1,2 3 66 13 42 259 215. 141] 63.1 | G36 | 4.8 Banderasesesssss010 3,218 1,503 79.2 12,9 1,419 96 21 59] 10 150 111}59.3 | G36 | 5.1 Bastropsessceses0ll 15,455 7,375 78.3 16.3 6,398 3,67 113 227 231 418 655 545 539] 57.4 | 2.3 | 4.9 012 5,629 2,761 80.3 16.2 2,268 1,014 49 105 37 140 385 an 167) 44.7 | G36 | 7.5 11,641 5,830 81,6 18,5 5, 1026 2,018 298 305 139 207 822 702 535]40,2 | G36 | 6.0 34,098 16,498 78.7 19.4 14,268 5,976 28 499 549 1,021 2,308 2,448 1,439]41.9 | G36 | 9.2 259.060 | 140,166] 80.4| 27.8] 119,108|| 6m7| 992 7,075 11,909] 7,227 27,1m| 24,542| 83,448] 6.7 | 37 [18.8 3,201 1,552 82.1 11,3 1,447 970 1 = 20 28 146] 107 103|67,0 | G36 | 3.5 99% 441 7545 6.1 434 3m 17 7 22 1685.7 | G36 | 5.1 11,824 5,548 79.3 12,5 4,871 2,947 6 273 139 187 509 509 301|60,5 | G36 | 5.8 6,74 18,236] 79.1] 21.1] 15672| 5,582 ws 571 1,961) 1,032] 2,537] 2,149] 1,695|35.6 | G36 | 5.5 Brazoriasessesss020 20,278 9, 64.6 17.5 8,322 2,485] 1,586 688 332 406 1,004 ‘852 969]29.9 3 [13.9 BrazoSeseseseses02l 19,915 11,638 82,9] sa] 10,547 4,0m 15 529 249 292| 1,324] 2,253] 1,815|38.6 | G36 | 14.8 Brewster, . 022 4,520 2,349 81,2 21.3 2,032 558 150 225 30 14 334 532 269127.5 4 | 7.2 Briscoess. 2,890 1,364 78.3 13.3 1,111 651 6 35 A 18 150 155 52|58,6 | G36 | 6.1 Brooks,.se 4,096 2,114 8.4 17.9 1,668 TT 61 Th 40 52 332 171 191|44.8 | G30 | 5.3 BroWie.ssessepes025 19,752 9,588 79.1 18.9 7,613 2,404 157 343 388 622 1,682 1,359 658131,6 | G36 | 7.9 Burleson, .s sss. .026 12,948 6,736 82,6 19.8 5,980 4,278 3 96 244 160 429 386 3847.5 | G36 | 3.6 7,919 3,745 80.3 12.3 3,21 1,717 57 164 295. 117 348 331 185|53.4 8 | 8.2 17,492 8,514 80.7 16.6 7,443 3,57 705 259 182 248 979 775 718|48.1 31 94 4,120 2,189 82,6 19.8 2,029 M74 80 114 35 47 359 223 397|38.1 28 | 6.3 8,558 3,836 75.8 12.3 3,183 1,657 165 133 63 152 401 388 219[52,1 | G36 | 5.7 56,044 29,409 83,0 21,1 26,397 9,601 32 1,298 1,328 1,726 5,338 3,366 3,708 36.4 28 | 6.4 7,433 3,675 80,1 19,1 3,313 1,846 15 84 278 118 340 335 297]55.7 | G36 | 5.4 Ae] 2436] 833] 162] 2225 684 281 63 270 163 338 301 125(30.7 | 3 [12.6 23,132 10,825 Ted 12,6 9,641 5,509 283 259 1,209 163 75 793 650{57.1 91] 9.8 3,135 1,525 83.7 9.3 1,468 992 X 51 1 33 146 160 7467.6 | @36 | 5.5 5,498 2,659 79.2 14.5 2,355 TRL 132 170 84 233 223 325150.7 3 119.7 32,595 14,949 73.8 17.5 13,260 6,554 53 407 1,617 441 1,39 1,640 1,158|4%.4 | G36 | 7.6 9,004 44422 8.4 18, 3,491 1,220 2A 129 140 429 nr 565 270|34.9 23 | 9.2 9,226 4,332 80,5 12,0 3,576 2,056 77 100 69 204 395 419 236|57.5 | G36 | 6.1 2,504 1,241 80,6 13.5 1,142 670 1 30 10 42 181 133 6558.7 | G36 | 6.7 Cokes eoseoscessslil 3,29% 1,553 78.3 14.1 1,305 874 4 52 8 29 110 137 9167.0 | G36 | 4.8 Coleman, .eeeees 042 99% 7,338 80,1 17.2 5,640 2,717 147 189 177 209 920 5 446]49.2 | G36 | 6.4 Collinge. eseessss043 35,093 16, 664 79.1 15.1 13,438 7,264 12 480 888 505 1,820 1,621 848154.1 | G36 | 5.5 Collingsworth,,,044 7,517 3,649 79.9 15.4 3,043 1,814 5 112 37 63 405 422 185/59.6 | G36 | 6.5 Coloradoseseses 045 13,191 7,367 82.3 29,1 6,673 4,046 154 253 85 203 697 592 643]60,6 | G36 3. 9 Comalecessesesse0lbd 9,060 4, 520 81.4 18,5 3,847 1,218 20 179 900 167 576 448 339|31.7 6 115.9 [Somerisnrs +ssesDl? » 341 6,409 71.3 11.0 5,681 3,518 26 193 193 211 678 541 32161.9.| G36 | 4.7 wal7| 2160] e290] 13.6] sar] 1am 5 sl, 12 7 221 212 11063.1°| 636 | 5.4 adnan 18,454 8,930 79.7 17.4 7,39 3,390 399 246 292 386 1,117 1,005 561]45.8 | G36 | 5.8 Coryellesee oes e030 15,009] 6,517] 72.2] 11.2 5,496 3,505 6 193 110 128 578 57% 402|63.8 | 636 | 5.7 Cott10sesenseses0S5L 5,000 2,52 eng| w.9| 2032] 1,1 5 63 30 58 22 267 117]57.6 | 636 | 5.4 2,035 1,083 86.0 17,0 53 459 48 1 96 133 134 62|-5.3 3 145.9 2,027| 1,105] 86.4] 19.5) 1,026 486 a 39 16 48 131 10 1254704 | 636 | 4.9 7,167 3,518 81,5 14.2 2,908 1,737 8 58 37 112 429 356 171159.7 | G36 | 5.2 1,154 87.7 26,5 658 1s 27 95] ° 8 89 132 104 85117,9 | G30 | 7.8 Table 3 Part Culberson (055) 3 — Housin, Anderson toon) - TABLE 3—SELECTED DATA FOR METROPOLITAN AREAS AND FOR ALL COUNTIES, BY STATE—Continued HOUSING—1940 : ; : : » Nonfarm Rural Farm All Dwelling Units Occupied Dwelling Units Dwelling Units Dwelling Units rs METROPOLITAN 2 Mew] AREAS, ; je Area COUNTIES, J P P. P. t Median P P Code AND | Residential Percent | Fercent Per- | © 7M | number ih h CODES Sirtichore: in5or | with Pam ot wih o Average i Pecs bs r more | private | wit - | mechan- monthly wil wit Number Tani. Toth gh Number ie persons Number a Number run- | electric struc- or lighting o od refrig- | oie (dollars) ning | lighting tures shower P eration hold . water 33) 34) @5) (36) an 38) 39) (40) “ny 2) 3) “w) 3) 46) “an TEXAS verse 1,613,076 | 1,804,884 3.2 41.0 59.0 | 1,678,396 | 42.8 5.9] 3.30 | 1,229,221 | 18.58 | 575,663 | 19.7 18.4 | 590,320 METRO, COUNTIES.. 514, 381 634,999 7.3 62.3 84.5 595,980 | 40.7 50.2 3.16 589,269 2.14 45,730 | 35.7 42.3 | 34,993 Metro. areas: 005 |Amarillo........ 188 12,053 15,650 9.9 66.6 96.6 15,047 7.4 60.7 3.14 15,309 25.70 341 | 83.6 77.5 9,283 O10 [Austin...coeurds 22 26,025 30,260 3.9 59.5 73.3 28,070 .8 43.4 | 3.24 ,907 26.80 4,353 | 20.3 | 24.5) 17,796 012 |Beaumont~Port Arthur 4 vam hen seven? 35,429 40,984 32 58.6 84.2 39,163 | 43.6 58.2 | 3.26 39,136 | 21.57 1,848 | 42.5 58.1 21,873 030 [Corpus Christi..l78 2L,629 27,61 .8 h7.4 65.2 23,993 | 35.9 45.5 3.34 22,710 22.50 4,93 | 30.2 | 18.5 11,358 031 |Dalles.eeesecsns of 92,462 120,164 8.4 68.1 89.5 113,020 | 39.5 53.4 | 3.09 113,973 | 27.19 6,191 | 30.1 4.3 73,249 0 EL PagOu.esevns> 071 21,632 33,808 28.6 48.5 78.2 31,604 5-4 40.72 3.33 31,567 17.29 2,21 os 52.8 | 12,706 046 [Fort Worth...... 220 56,663 67,948 4.8 62.7 87.9 64,512 | 5.1 46.0 | 3.05 62,975 | 21.05 4,973 | b7.0| 57.1 39,060 04g |Galveston....... 08 20,085 24,550 5.2 59.7 88.3 22,150 Bo. 54.8 | 3.06 23, 23.01 1,106 | 46.8 | 62.1 12,674 054 |Houston......... 101 125,876 154,628 6.4 67.5 88.2 146,%3 | h1.6 57.3 3.16 146,682 28.16 7,946 | 4.1 51.4 Ju28 104 |San Antonio..... 015 74,155 90,252 6.5 62.6 82.6 84,692 | 42.2 k2.9| 3.21 85,069 | 20.90 5,183 | 47.0 W.5| 46,253 129: [Wae0, ov rivhnned 155 25,372 29,114 3.1 47.9 69.9 27,326 | 39.5 33.2 | 3.19 22,497 16.37 6,617 | 22.8 | 29.7] 10,33 OTHER COUNTIES... | 1,098,695 | 1,169,885 1.0 28.3 45.1 | 1,082,116 | 43.9 27.9 3.39 639,952 13.43 | 529,933 | 18.1 16.4 249,327 All Counties: Anderson........ 001 9,456 10,207 0.4 27.6 42.2 9,643 | 46.2 27.4 | 3.39 5,438 | 14.18 4,769 | 5.8 8.0 2,278 Andrews. ........002 385 Yo7 2.9 54.8 64.7 © 3/2 | 48.6 60.2 3.17 284 | 15.90 12 49.6 18.0 61 Angeling........ 00 8,24% 8,884 0.9 21.0 49.3 8,525 | 43.3 2h.0 3.38 5,690 13.75 3,19 4.9 14.9 1,892 Aransas......... 00! 1,003 1,060 38.7 59.0 960 2:2 «1 3.06 874 | 13.10 186 | 35.5 15.5 186 Archer..........005 2,14 2,155 0.3 25.4 46.6 1,967 | 46.0 5.3 3.51 ¥,k480 8.99 675 | 20.0 | 23.6 55 Armstrong. ......006 785 829 1.7 35.1 al 699 | 51.6 35.0 i 289 | 11.88 5% | 59.1 40.1 242 Atascosa........007 L345 k, 394 0.1 23.6 2h.6 4,104 | 48.6 21.0 1h 1,886 7.81 2,508 | 22.4 8.9 530 Austin. .........008 Y,8ug 4,969 0.1 25.6 31.5 4,772 | 53.4 16.4 | 3.26 1,819 | 11.84 3,150 | 26.9 14.7 1,323 . 1,671 1,738 1.4 | 1h.8 36.8 1,592 | 40.5 24.9 3.61 533 12.26 1,205 | 20.6 25.4 109 1,749 1,772 23.0 37.1 1,212 | 63.3 28.6 | 3.08 875 11.4 897 | 33.0 34.4 566 5,747 5,947 0.3 21.3 29.7 5,512 | 45.6 16.7 3.34 2,7w 10.22 3,206 | 7.5 3.4 1,010 2,185 2,400 0.6 21.7 46.0 2,025 | Lk.1 30.5 | 3.39 1,330 | 12:28 1,070 | 12.7 | 15.1 399 4, 305 4,467 0.2 36.0 2.3 3,971 | lm. 33.4 | 3.60 2,766 | 14.55 1,701 | 38.4 158 959 12,044 13,035 0.9 38.1 55. 12,145 | 42.2 28.2 3.22 7,295 14.47 . 25.5 2h.2 3,135 104 74,155 90,252 6.5 62.6 82.6 84,692 | L2.2 ko | 3.2 85,069 | 20.90 5,183 | 47.0 | Wu.5 ,253 1,228 1,242 26.6 52.4 1,159 | 59.8 28.2 3.20 365 12.08 877 | 32.5 41.2 1 366 oe : 10.1 16.2 344 | bo. 23.1 | 3.62 43 - 33 | 20.1] 17.% (x 4,234 4,478 0.3 | -30.8 5k 4,297 | 47.1 19.5 | 3.28 1,806 | 10.27 2,672 | 45.2 | 12.9 9k 12,603 13,887 0.9 25.4 Wu 13,432 3.3 24.9 3.29 [403 13.59 b, 484 6.7 16.0 3,365 6,467 6,787 0.3 39.4 57.1 6,507 | 47. 46.3 | 3.36 4, 32k | ‘16.25 2,463 | 22.9 | 24.4 2,898 Brazos...scssnes 021 7.272 7,664 0.7 oa 49.8 7,198 | W.7 32.1 3.24 4,674 | 19.62 2,9% | 10.7 18.4 2,094 Brewster........022 1,69 1,831 1.1 1.1 as 1,626 | 42.9 33.0 3.44 1,505 13.51 326 | 51.8 23.6 429 Briscoe....... «02 1,14 1,191 0.4 25.9 by, 1,066 | 4.3 32.9 ES 48g 9.64 703 | 24.9 | 21.9 173 BrookE, +. vssaves o02l 1,hk 1,463 0.8 26.0 0.9 1,343 | 59.9 16.8 .25 916 | 10.70 547 | 26.0 | 12.8 13% BrOWR. cava essne 025 6,678 7,652 2.4 39.2 56.7 7,288 | 47.2 31.9 3.19 4,894 | 14.50 2,758 | 32.2 10.8 2,559 Burleson....... .026 5,043 5,181 13.8 22.0 4,679 | W.7 11.7 1c 3.38 1,660 8.93 3,521 | 5.8 7.0 510 Burnet......cee. 027 2,950 3,048 25.9 4.6 2,880 | 46.1 23.9 | 3.32 1,205 | 10.60 1,843 | 33.8 | 24.6 LB Caldwell........028 6,405 6,668 0.2 35.5 47.0 6,012 | 43.1 27.6 3.53 3,859 13.03 2,809 | 17.7 10.6 1,470 Calhoun. «aa vases 029 1,860 1,945 0.4 26.8 40.7 1,509 | ¥1.7 2k.1 3.38 1,205 11.68 7% | 19.6 12.6 260 Callahan...ss... 030 3,230 3,288 27.3 n.5 3,140 | 47.3 27.0 3.27 1,428 9.47 1,860 | 21.4 | 16.7 ko7 Cameron. .... ee-03 18,926 20,607 3.8 3H.3 46.3 19,721 | 43.7 29.1 3.62 15,329 12.49 5,278 | 23.5 29.0 3,983 Caps eeateses vn 032 2,624 2,782 12.8 31.1 2,665 | L6.8 13.5 3.38 1,048 | 10.31 1,7 3.2 [12.9 351 Carson...eseess .033 1,812 1,892 1.3 55.3 13.9 1,757 | W.5 62.9 3.42 1,320 12.59 572 | 69.4 51.5 347 CaBRusv voter ssn 034 8,584 8,840 0.1 10.5 20.1 8,15 Lh.6 12.5 3.64 3,099 8.65 5.7 | 21 5.3 785 CRELEO: sven sus 0% 1,152 1,187 1.0 27.7 48.8 1,130 | 46.4 35.2 | 3.69 364 | 13.11 823 | 38.9 | 33.3 161 Chambers........036 2,314 2,347 32.9 55.1 2,097 | 62.1 ¥%.9 | 3.16 1,795 | 13.02 552 | 27.0 23.6 196 Cherokee........ 037 10,503 11,206 0.5 15.6 32.4 10,603 | 41.6 17.5 3.4% 4,931 11.09 6,275 3.2 11.1 1,719 Childress....... 038 3,517 3,765 0.5 32.0 51.7 3,321 13 37.6 | 3.29 2,207 | 12.52 1,558 | 5.2 | 10.6 1,120 CLaYeevsss sales eel) 3,517 3,708 18.6 36.8 3,403 .3 20.4 3.33 1,625 10.08 2,083 | 15.5 14.9 819 Cochran. ..eess.s 0 910 931 1.6 13.6 32.8 8 4.8 18.2 3.88 421 8.99 510 | 13.1 13.4 48 COE ss na sas ris ol 1,371 1,473 1.2 15.7 28.4 1,235 | 46.2 16.5 3.33 Lig 8.67 1,024 | 22.9 14.7 366 Coleman. .veusss. ok2 1.50 5,865 0.8 27.0 40.3. 5,457 | W.0 24.1 3.38 2,809 11.98 3,056 | 22.8 12.4 1.559 COl14n..uuysess OF 12,389 ° 13,326 0.5 19.6 49.1 12,698 | 36.9 19.5 | 3. 4,747 | 11.66 8,579 | 17.2 32.7 2s Collingsworth...0 ,075 3,204 18.1 36.6 2,722 = 26.0 3. 1,235 9.58 1,969 8.6 17.4 470 Colorado. sseesss ok5 ,904 5,040 0.1 27.3 29.2 4,716 | b9.7 18.5 | 3.27 2,497 | 10.60 2,543 | 24.6 5.4 998 Comal..... tne ob 3,415 3,552 0.1 54. lt 60.9 3,305 | 51.2 27.9 3.20 2,484 | 15.45 1,068 | 46.4 23.5 1,248 Comanche... ok7 5,226 5,416 0.4 21.3 37.1 5,282 | 53.1 19.31 3.29 2,110 9.11 3,306 | 37.6 | 15.1 952 CORCNOYs an vesvss oug 1.75 1,788 0.3 29.0 37.4 1,571 | 47.0 | 28.7 | 3.54% 71 | 10.8 1,077 | 39.9 | 171.5 508 CO0K@, ve ve vn nns ok9 6, 300 6,708 0.6 36.7 51.6 6,376 | 4.2 554 3.42 3,366 | 13.87 3,342 | 33.8 | 22.5 1,876 Coryelleces crocs 050 5,173 5,422 0.3 22.4 31.6 5,121 | 4.7 14.7 3.4 1,%7 10.71 3,515 | 34.6 12.1 1,482 COtA18. + «snes s.051 2,310 2,h3k 2.0 19.5 31.0 1,900 2-3 31.2 | 3.36 901 | 12.36 1,533 | 4.6 1:3 308 Crane. «veces vse 052 866 903 2.3 65.4 88.7 806 Ab 73.0 | 3.29 88 | 10.50 - - 89 Crockett...... +05 751 770 55.8 62.0 719 | 46.2 49.6 3.28 613 22.81 157 | 81.5 39.5 377 Crosby. seeeeesss 05 3,335 3,474 0.3 20.8 37.5 2,654 > 31.3 | 3.39 1,148 | 11.22 2,326 | 24.1 20.4 U6 Culberson. ...... 055 71 512 2.0 38.3 51.4 7 2 31.4 3.10 409 11.8% 103 | 49,5 26.5 63 15erved from adjoining county. 356 TABLE 3—SELECTED DATA FOR METROPOLITAN AREAS AND FOR ALL COUNTIES, BY STATE—Continued (Figures which have been rounded to thousands will not necessarily add to totals) Table 3 Part 4 - Agriculture TEX., Anderson (001) =- Culberson (055) dg AGRICULTURE—1945 AGRICULTURE—1940 : Value of farm products sold, | Principal * Per- { Value of Work power traded, or used by E source of ? J Par: ken arm property farm household farm income | Type- METROPOLITAN cent | of- Metro. AREAS, Number of | Land in | Cropland | Number | * of ab : Percent from— farming- fury Area COUNTIES, farms farms | harvested | of farms | farms | ,.] Number : ated f a AND" (1000's | (1000's oo value Aver- of A Live- code Ii o CODES Jan. 1 of of | April1, | ated | oq | Total | a8 | horses | Number | fount | stock Code (See | Ving ’ ’ prod- | (1000's I (1000’s | and Per- e | index 194 acres) acres) 940 by fy and/or of a (See 429) roy. | ets of am | vations of live- | Crops pazz) | cent p ess | dollars) | (dol- dollars) | stock ants o (over 3 stoc! than ars) rod- $400 mo. old) prog “8) “9) (50) Gn. (2) 3) (4) (55) (56) GD (58) (59) (60) (61) (62) (63) (64) TEXAS. ns. 384,977| 1,338) 27,u69] 418,002) 46.9 | 3.3 ['a116,145| 7,455]1,176,207| 98.923] 509,736] 43.9 | e.o 5 |31.1 2 METRO. COUNTIES.. 30,149 5,068 1,460] 30.967] 39.0 | 43.2 | 293,645] 9,483 73,047 8,364] 6,765 k2.2 | hk Metro. areas: g > 005 540 764 68 302 34.4 | kal 7,249] 24,003 939 152] 1,075 79. 16.4 1 |6k4.2 010 2,772 583 126 2,647] 51.2 | L2.6, 19,953] 7,538 1,956 713 2,500] 52. 32.6 5 [27.8 012 ; ; 2,353 32 59 2,387| 26.3 | 50.0 16,345| b,848 ,124 43h 3,934 27.7 55.6 51) 5%.1 g 2 030 1,186 39 252 1,057] 51.6 | 13.7 9,531 27,132 ,882| 1,0] 5,558] 28.5 | o7.b 5 [03.3 031 4,363 15 212 3,510] L3.7 | 30.0 ,591] 11,504 8,701 1,033 5,287 bo. kh 49.3 5 |ko.2 oko 9 198 57 1,075] 22.7 | 19.4 17,878|16,631 2,856 399 7.136 54.0 | L3.5 5 | ke. oko 3,897 nr 142 3,622| 36.8 | 49.2 33,350] 9,208 8,300 191 5,091 62.6 27.3 2 [32.5 ols 1,127 107 14 909| 30.1 | 6h.k4 5,49] 6,045 2,054 108 900] 66.5 | 19.1 2 9%: 054 5,064 609 83 6,949] 29.7 | 54.6 49,089] 7,064 13,0L4 072 6,855] 57.7 | 19.0 2 .8 104 ,570 591 164 Do 34.8 | 58.5 34,147) 9,320 8,962 1,025 gi3od 70.0 15.1 2 |k.o 129 ,29% 585 283 451 56.6 | 25.9 30,018 6,753 12,229 1,k5 1998 30.0 | 56.9 5 |52.6 OTHER COUNTIES...| 354,828 | 136,269 | 26,009] 367,035| 49.7 | 34.7 |2,822,497| 7,293|1,103,160| 90,534 L462,971| Uk. | h2.8 All Counties: Anderson........ 001 3,096 i590 ™ 3,675 | 47.4 | 59.3 8,907 | 2,4k0 7.161 57 1,801 | 29.2 | 40.7 5 [35.3 72 80 Andrews......... 002 98 78! 11 106 | 46.2 | 40.6 5,675 [53,538 816 39 Lg | g2.k 5.6 1 88.9 242 | 1ko Angelina........ 00 2,592 173 19 2,781] 33.2 | 53.2 6,223] 2,238 4,363 20 2,375 | 18.8 UL 0 [48.4 712 80 Aransas. «ce. vn.s 00 x 120 3 108 | 34.3 | 50.0 1,399 [12,954 329 17 178 | 69.2 23.0 1 [53.8 911 98 Archer. ee. es.sns 005 5 582 8 501] 33.3 | 27.5 9,870 19,701 2,052 227 1,109 | 84.3 8.3 15773.5 151 124 Armstrong....... 006 343 808 145 bog | 35.5 | 12.3 11,220 [27,500 1,870 436 1,635 | 74.0 21.5 1 [08.0 331 14 Atascosa........ 2,135 719 14% 2,020 50.0 | 43.5 13,280 | 0,574 7,259 4lo 1,838 | Lg.7 35.4 1 [37.2 alk 67 Bs vraaensd 2,15 Lo3 36 3,100| 45.9 | 37.0 15,608 | 5,035 10,335 303 2,327 | 45.6 33.2 5 [32.8 911 86 Logg 2u7 820 | 50.5 6.5 9,646 [11,763 1,89% 696 2,37 341 58.2 5. B1.5 7X | 112 643 485 2h 656 | 22.9 | 22.1 7,47611,39% 2,403 122 826 | 79.3 2.1 1 [38.1 243 | 104 2,560 ko2 59 2,473 52.2 | 53.7 9,204 | 3,722 7,554 173 1,b82 | 43h | 29.7 1 [27.5 752 75 725 364 113 718| 46.8 | 21.2 9,015 [12,556 2,088 45 1,244 | 60.2 30.1 1 51.6 751 102 1,077 526 79 1,147] 54.8 | 39.1 10,236 8,924 3,63 38 1,121 95.2 | 3.3 1 [43.2 710 83 3,7 579 242 4,004] 56.1 | 19.1 26,63 | 6,052| 11,268 1,213 k,2431 26.0 56.9 5.55.6 710 102 104 3,570 591 164 3,00l| 34.8 | 58.5 34,1571 9,320 8,962 1,025 3,364 | 70.6 15.1 2 |k.0 110 115 67h 421 25 4 i 17.9 7,193|11,381 2,606 % 1,006] 77.4 1.5 1 [40.5 ghz f.-111 228 576 42 2h3| brio | 8.2 6,371 (26,218 1,559 150 908 | 75.0 19.14 1 [68.7 771 117 1,756 568 136 2,032| 49.3 | 22.4 14,796| 7,261 7,138 60k 2,071 | U6.1 36.5 5 [35.9 621 | 113 3,620 34 5 3,890 Uo.1 | 47.8 11,37] 2,907 9,483 119 2,701 | 18. 54.2 5 (47.7 712 19 2,192 6u3 79 1,824| 42.3 | 00.2 17,316| 9,49 8,091 Lg2 2,947 42.0 | 50.4 5 [47.1 911 99 1,811 317 51 1,773] 50.9 | 33.0 9,638| 5,436 5,808 53 1,871 3k.0 50.6 5 [49.6 752 89 226 3,242 1 265| 38.5 | 22.6 14,733(55,5% 3,607 12 1,752| 95.1 2.5 1 [69.5 zu2 62 560 339 137 516 b2.o | 21.1 7,171(13,897 1,687 370 856 | 65.7 23.5 1153.7 331 118 289 630 15 397| 38.3 | 61.0 6,909 (17,1408 2,275 50 635 | 82.2 12.0 1 (69.3 ol 39 1,801 59 102 2,119] 39.2 | 3u.8 13,446] ©,345 5,730 Lhg 1,975 | 58.0 22.0 1 [30.1 941 106 2,132 332 10 2,523 53.2 | 30.8 10,347] 4,100 7,507 127 2,155 20.3 59.6 5 159.3 152 1B 1,299 582 08 1,294] 48.5 | 21.1 11,661 9,012 4,533 291 1,672] 66.7 16.0 1 [38.2 2u3 107 1,831 291 ™ 1,864| 54.5 | 54.6 11,029] 5,917 6,620 245 1,174] 42.0 | 4.5 5 [39.1 710 13 292 19 . 29 353| 57.8 | 1.4 5,051 (14, 309 1,254 26k 9i7| 37.6 55.1 5 |54.5 911 92 1,178 kg 84 1,bk35| Wo | 35.0 9,864| 6,874 4 234 329 1,627 | 56.6 28.9 1 [42.5 771 114 2,943 32 122 3,243( 53.8 | 32.3 24,208] 7,465 1,006 1,313 5,012 10.6 gl.L 5 [36.5 123 61 1,300 9 21 1,355] 49.3 | 50.6 3,225( 2,380 2,913 a 758| 15.6 61.0 5 [60.0 Tez 81 3 610 234 93| ik | 9.9 13,548|27,k81 753 oli6 1,702] 53.8 | 1.2 1 [46.4 331 | 152 3,910 354 81 4, 4ol| hs.2 | 48.6 9,060| 2,057: 8,331 25 2,185] 11.5 | 50.3 5 |48.3 712 82 783 527 346 703| 40.3 | 8.4 12,342|17,556 1,823 707 1,996( 43.1 | 51.7 5 [51.7 331 133 Chambers........ 036 599 279 4o 368| 37.5 8 Lt, 744(12,891 2,041 233 1,154] 18.3 74.7 5 | 74.1 911 108 Cherokee. ....... 037 4,kog 480 83 5,134| 50.1 | h2.4 10,997| 2,1k2 9,514 51 3,130] 14.6 | 55.4 5 [33.7 72 79 Childress....... 0 952 393 165 9ok4| 52.4 | 19.7 8,694] 9,617 Zig 526 1,128] 47.7 36.8 5 [36.7 7 109 CLEFT iain n nse noieis 039 1,357 623 134 1,521 44.2 | 35.8 15,921|10,467 5,601 pe 1,873] 70.5 19.1 1 [55.3 mm 106 Cochran. ........ 0 551 Lg7 161 431| 58.7 | 20.2 7,18416,0668 1,136 36 799 | ke.2 50.8 5 150.7 2l2 94 CORO. ves nsndlsss (3 549 609 50 756| 45.2 | 23.3 10,987(14,533 2,454 281 1,32) 75.1 [ 10.9 1 (48.3 2hz | 107 Coleman......... ok2 pee 760 208 2,049] 50.4 | 20.3 19,745( 9,636 5,770 898 2,776| 58.5 28.7 1 {33.9 77 110 COLL «vis + os ivid ol 2 T43 524 355 4,771] 61.5 | 12.7 34,027] 7,132 12,210 1,279 6,089] 17.5 | 69.9 5 167.6 710 | 109 Collingsworth.. OW 1,110 12 205 1,356] 57.7 | 13.1 11,058| 8,143 5,157 591 1,842] 32.6 | 55.9 5 155.6 7m als Colorado 2,092 92 32 2,227] 51.7 { 31.5 12,941 5,811 7,032 382 2:623] 33.7 55.1 5 |5h.L 911 8b Comal... evessins ny 323 32 732] 29.0 | 33.5 7,585] 10, 362 2,62 227 696| 79.1 6.8 1 |ko.2 243 81 Comanche 2,921 51 161 2,911] 42.6 | 24.6 11,983 4,116 7,849 Lugo 2,798| 86.4 | W.1 5 [35.2 941 | 106 COnOhO. .. 1 reuss’d : 121 616 125 727] 32.3 | 14.2 14,893| 20,186 1,690 Lgg 2,092 79:1 | 23.7 1.51.1 2u3 | 115 000Ke: +i» 4 vss sad 2,130 Lol 147 2,530] 51.9 | 25.6 17,208| 6,802 7,163 796 2,89| 40.0 | 45.5 5 | 42.5 621 | 107 Coryell..... . 2,025 ug 136 2,703] 50.9 | 22.6 16,175 5,984 9,291 603 2,623 39.6 | 1.5 5 | 40.6 621 | 101 Cothle. cscs inns 667 502 152 700] 52.1 | 12.1 8,757| 12,510 3,058 386 1,242] 31.6 56.3 5 |56.3 71 110 Oran... «sssins 26 375 34 - - 1,518) 44,647 329 195| 96.7 1 {76.7 2h2 157 Crockett 134 1,552 - 137] 48.2 2.2 16, 352[119,358 2,331 8 1,952] 98.8 (2) 1157.3 2u3 108 Crosby..... 987 574 272 1,288] 55.7 | 16.4 14,516[11,270 1,517 1,027 2,280 31.8 57.9 5 157.2 71% 120 Culberson. 59 2,335 - 81 - 7,372|91,012 1,372 (%) 1,008| 97.9 (2) 1 |89.b 242 90 1The State total includes $8,150 for female silver fox and/or mink over 3 months old (kept in captivity) not distributed to 2Less than three farms reported and data are therefore included only. in State totals. T48369 O—iT—24 x individual counties. 357 Table 3 TABLE 3—SELECTED DATA FOR METROPOLITAN AREAS AND FOR ALL COUNTIES, Fond Rotail Trade BY STATE—Continued TEX., Anderson (001) Culberson (055) (All dollar figures have been rounded to thousands and will not necessarily add to totals) oro 680343 MANUFACTURING ESTABLISHMENTS—1939 MINERAL INDUSTRIES—1939 RETAIL ESTABLISHMENTS—1939 “ METROPOLITAN Metro. G AREAS Val ded Area y ue a AND Wage Wages Value of by manufac- Value of | Number | Wages and Number of Sales Active Etloyesy Pay roll Number | ammers | (1000's of | products roducts | of aries | Number of | (1000's of | “pro- | (Ye™28¢' | (1000's of CODES ( (0000s of | Joes of | ae | Toten: (1000s of | sto 3 for average | "gollarg) | SOF | (1000's of ( $ persons 3 Sores dollars) | prietors dollars) for year) dollars) dollars) dollars) | engaged | dollars) year) (65) (66) (67) (68) (9) 0) a__ (12) BC) () __@) 1%) an TEXAS... ee 5,376 126,992 128,139 1,530,221 453,105 63,009 8,903 12,383 85,249 | 1,803,716 79.648] 209.841 171,630 METRO. COUNTIES.. 2, 78,758 92,047 1,190,917 337.189 14,68 ( 1,103 dian 29,487 874,470 26,509| 109,005 99,703 Metro. areas: 005 188 70 957 1,192 11,086 3.5% 166 67 138 47 26,712 772 3,043 2,918 010 2271 96 1,220 1,154 8,156 ,666 251 68 61 1,321 40,861 1,209 5,298 4,672 012 t hu ‘ e123 130 12,208 18,409 321,532 69,178 (2) (2) (?) . 1,906 54,471 1,646 6,676 6.074 030 [Corpus Christi..178 88 1,232 1,407 35,650 9,570 1,828 112 194 1,487 37,348 1,289 }4,465 3,801 031 . 76 16,339 15,523 155,945 61,653 460 282 345 5,217 188,536 4,686] 23,039 22,761 040 . 132 3,081 2,671 65,783 7,521 215 120 ™ 1,706 42 480 1,606 5,694 5,039 O46 [Fort Worth...... 312 8,122 8,556 106,431 30,320 (2) (2) (2) 3,173 99,469 2,770] 12,132| 10,861 O48 [Galvestons......084 I 3,131 4,328 79.286 13,696 *®) (2) ®) 1,17 30,591 1,298 3,893 Ad 054 |Houston.........101 655 22,765 30,656 337.130 107,138 1,315 24 y52 6,41 213,998 5,799| 25,082 Jho2 104 [San Antonie.....015 356 6,827 6,023 54,452 22,547 297 151 1h7 4 59 110,282 4,094 15,807] 12,995 129 112 2,876 2,128 15,466 7,013 154 62 60 1,406 29,722 1,345 3,876 2,831 2,635 48,227 36,092 339,304 115,916 158,323 7,800 10,912 55,762 929,846) 58,139 100,85 71,987 hy 6 96 437 6,526 432 138 548 23 222 150 1,609 Lou @ 7 ”) 3 “ 21 : Fr 2 a AS 2 1,8 524 "2 WM ® 2 ® 307 21468 27 1 582 2 (2) ert. 2) 3 Ry H ai 1 2 el 56 658 53 86 51 3 ug| (3) (®) 2) 2 {2} 2) 120 1,265 121 120 72 1 ) (%) (%) (2) 38 u66 34 45 29 Atascosa. .......007 2 (2) (2) (2) (") (2) (2) (2) 232 27298 232 249 123 Astin... 008 6 8] (]) (2) (3) (2) ®) (2) 2 2,788 a7 262 143 Bailey... 3 (2) (2) (2) (2) & 1,323 8 118 mn [Banders an aa 010 3 (2) 2) ®) * 52 556 57 Le 24 e 15 227 139 668 406 n 83 38 243 2,921 229 360 198 5 30 20 172 67 126 1,971 112 206 147 8 35 27 768 152 271 4,729 254 534 394 30 283 209 2,032 kT (2) [ad (2) 625 10,212 628 1,21 203 104 356 6,827 6,023 54,452 22,547 297 151 147 4,504 110,282 ‘4,004 15,807 12,995 65 888 6 56 32 Bosque... ..018 7 (2) 2 0 2, 217 200 124 (Bowiees: .019 60 1,586 1,042 ; ) 176 ¢ om (2) (2) (2) 7 11,598 603 1,329 974 7 106 (2) (2) (®) 8,681 621 1,093 3 199 3n9 6m u75 3 62 54 692 301 (2) (2) (2) 294 8,064 260 840 614 3 5 , 4 n (2) (2) (2) 115 2,000 106 190 165 2 (2) (®) (2) ad] ) 2) (2) 81 799 76 9 8 6 36 (®) (?) ®) (2) (®) (®) 12 1,442 63 243 1 29 233 154 1,16 545 122 45 42h 7.401 411 785 5 239 & ® 2 32 2,165 168 255 123 2 2 2 2 (2) 222 55 148 1,902 143 180 95 bi 137 (2) (®) (2) 332 5.796 323 696 452 1 (%) ) (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) 88 1,065 &7 126 67 3 19 (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) 171 1,988 172 190 14 Cameron. ........ 031 o 853 i) Ta 20 1,265 10 3,15 27 1,659 Camps.... ..032 s 133 +3 43 1 oy . i i 64 (2) (2) (2) 1,016 149 2u6 108 1,78 97 146 116 Cass..... ..03 20 842 395 1,30 882 213 65 57 282 4,911 288 420 28 Castroe..escoesd035 1 (=) (%) (%) (2) 4 911 53 63 52 Chambers. .......036 1 49 120 76 97 1,932 2; 188 oe 2 Bl 1.3 601 2,139 1.22 we| SHE 3 MW a= 10 63 58 48 252 203 3.870 187 403 316 2 (2) (=) ?) (2) ¢) (2) (2) 18 1,978 191 187 110 62 654 53 57 35 49 61 2 1 5 us us we| (») 0) ®) ma ao a Rk 3% = ¥2 1.955 790 x1 8,136 567 Suk 5 Collingsworth. , m7 2,272 m2 2uy 1! Colorado. ; 12 54 33 hu | We (2) (2) (2) 251 4,166 232 y27 261 19 810 572 3,606 1,988 (2) (2) (2) 227 . 21 4 6 8 43 32 333 101 (®) (2) (%) 189 3. 19! bi] on 1 (?) =) (®) (3) 99 1,195 99 9! 61 17 121 99 1,670 Yoh 301 5,841 300 624 435 7 21 1% 270 88 227 2,598 243 2us 146 4 12 9 101 61 13 1,952 112 196 142 1 (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) (=) (2) 2 89k 47 & 72 1 AZ} (2) (3) (*) 1,169 3h 107 93 3 5 4 22 16 gp 1,961 115 175 137 (2) -(®) (2) 691 Wn n 51 Three counties, Jefferson (123), Tarrant (220), and Galveston (084) which should be included in the "Metro Counties total are included in the "Other Counties*total, since it is not - possible to present separate figures for these cotnties. 2Not shown because of disclosure of operations of individual establishments. Data included in Combined Counties at end of State 3 358 3 TABLE 3—SELECTED DATA FOR METROPOLITAN AREAS AND FOR ALL COUNTIES, BY STATE—Continued (All dollar figures have been rounded to thousands and will not necessarily add to totals) Table 3 Part 6 - Other Economic Data TEX., Anderson (001) - Culberson (055) aro 680343 MGA SERVICE ESTABLISHMENTS—1939 EAN DROITS ; : mr Major war supply Major war facilities contracts, idjects, June 1940-Se t. 1945 | June | 40-June 1945 METROPOLITAN : Bond, (1000's of ollars) (1000's of dollars) Metro. A sales vea| COUNTIES [Number Napber| | |Empl Total | |(1000' of Code AND of Sales of Rodis Active Crerage Pay roll | (demand | Time | ollars at CODES estab- | (1000's of | estab- | (1000's |proprie-| “'¢ - 1000's | and time) | (1000s |isque price) lish- | dollars) | lish- |of dollars)| tors veut) of dollars)| (1000's | of dollars) ments ments of dollars) : Combat Other Industrial | Military quipment _(18) (19) (80) 81 ®@ | ® 84) 85) (86) @n 88) 89) (90) © TEXAS....... 10,296 | 2,040,548] 31,575| 137,198| 32,346 | 60,613| 41,473] 3,127,372| 300,175| 531,217| 3.749.561] 2,224,979 1,166,836 837,582 METRO. COUNPIES..| 4,112 1,488,913] 12,022| 82,625| 12,084) 39,456| 28,929] 1,725,007| 246,677] 262,577] 2.905.120] 1,852,515 787,185] 322,931 Metro. areas e 005 |AmArillo........ 188 158 37.925 Ja 2,176 356 825 713 49,928 3,462 6,471 ug 426 3,112 38,408 13,228 010 [Austin.......... 227 120 22,040 76 3,115 Lg2 1,272 986 51,960 6,509 7,244 200 11,104 15,083 7,434 012 [Beaument-Port Arthur ih we ¢ +501 wi wears revere niiel2} 177 35,401 7 3. 3 , . lt, 792 10,626 18,034 238,951 0 143, 8 1,8 030 [Corpus Christi..178 216 149,559 542 3,423 2 1,478 1,061 al 3 1,792 101387 38:33 al 2257 537 031 [Dallas.....oeess 057| 1,084 479,834) 2,57 16,930 2,457 7,196 5,807| 406,383 61,723 54,53 718,103 76,464 hy 113 14,420 OUD [E1 PasOececsesss 0 248 55,055 618 3,189 634 1,364 997 70,011 15,658 12,119 516 6,780 2,818 33,100 OUb [Fort Worth...... 220 459 | 149,436) 1,400 8,372| 1,405 3.554 2,739 161,76 25,166 31,088| 1,037,030 21,015 65,407 26,662 O48 |Galveston....... 0 126 33,873 425 4,835 433 5,945 2,179 55,441 16,561 9,4 26,158 163,323 73,430 29,983 054 |Houstone........ 101 879 J6u5| 2,855| 25,225| 2,884| 11,076 9.467] 523,687 63,824 70,872 752,280 677,683 349,563 35,814 104 [San Antonio..... 015 455 | 124,667] 1,860 9,976| 1,830 L409 3,223 208,430 34,683 34,095 g53n 27,305 1 79,031 129 |Wac0.ss ec runes 155 190 36,478 421 1,888 436 826 559 147,690 6,673 8,501 6,138 4h, 680 31,333 15,087 OTHER COUNTIES... | 6,184| 551,635/'19,553| 54.573 20,262 21,157 12,544] 1,402,369 53,501 | 268,636 4k Wy 372,464 379.651 514,651 All Counties: : ’ Anderson. .......001 29 1,784 42 543 156 215 147 8,227 2,061 2,227 618 Andrews. . . 13 21 1 3 60 22 3,390 110 320 11! 165 92 10,530 516 1,409 9,314 317 88 6 286 21 43 19 16 10 870 i . 3,264 8 355 4g 97 ug 25 15 692 12 310 16 33 18 6 2 1,305 6 299 10 398 a4 87 85 ug 1 3,895 12 615 15 561 80 118 65 31 13 6,161 722 847 11 859 30 55 33 17 1 2,427 1 436 3 332 22 30 22 7 3 1,16 196 17 593 57 119 59 50 24 5,611 i 1,634 153 28,240 12 526 41 146 45 64 » 3,118 593 20 2,211 14] 186 79 69 6,142 52 661 645 47 4,506 21k 654 233 240 149 20,099 566 5,556 131 27 45,526 Us5 | 124,667) 1,860 9.976 1,830 4,409 3.223] 208,430 34,683 34,095 36,319 21,305 185 79.021 3 594 16 32 17 9 5 1,581 33 Be b . 7 29 984 78 95 85 23 9 3,54 836 66 7,491 231 882 245 331 225 19,827 3,601 4,033 113,094 56 58,185 38,054 22 1,117 87 261 81 82 59 12,816 149 3,488 256 45,097 128,822 Brazos, cscs. .021 26 4,572 85 540 86 230 166 326 1,445 4,921 6,553 1 1,316 46 106 2 hy 27 2,ko3 54 408 56 Ls 26k 3 80 29 17 6 1,486 7 297 9 286 23 Lo 24 12 7 1,583 275 55 4,842 200 451 214 158 95 13,443 348 2,978 31,443 14 431 38 56 36 16 - 8 2,706 760 % 18 621 34 60 31 23 12 2,106 u3 137 32 2,397 106 261 107 136 70 6,034 11 789 17 557 26 57 29° 26 10 1,622 19 298 9: 834 59 100 64 24 10 3,435 151 575 160 17,130 426 1,373 Lk2 639 391 22,082 186 4,740 7.695 €,9% 16,570 5 619 51 92 55 51 23 2,406 40 41 28 958 3 12 3h 21 11 4,873 520 638 20 1,286 12 209 123 70 28 6,899 289 968 520 17 975 19 32 21 22 8 1,480 326 4 270 28 53 28 29 13 1,062 482 32 2,663 155 438 165 210 102 9,818 1,469 180 2,879 19 1,836 88 235 92 6 46 bk, 757 107 1,747 7,021 11 206 63 9 67 32 11 2,848 4 653 7 223 27 39 27 16 7 1,803 215 7 288 26 27] 27 10 y 1,34 197 63 2,431 114 157 116 4g 28 FE ol 1,308 3,316 A 53 4,432 204 561 215 208 116 12,678 1,405 2,058 67 2,218 Collingsworth...0! 17 898 65 186 63 68 37 3,909 104 421 ColoradOe...s... ols 24 2,056 80 145 82 37 24 8,445 825 1,046 20 945 55 hy 60 50 31 5,894 224 530 1 87 68 126 72 3 22 5,707 4 883 16 1,13 3 uy 35 7 4 1,826 552 6 3,522 104 320 117 134% 5 10,031 |. 14 2,716 20,94 2 1,596 93 181 101 61 28 5.737 3 1,202 14,452 Cottloe ee runes 051 12 505 55 148 61 52 29 2,716 397 Crane.... ...052 2k 45 21 15 13 214 Crockett. ..053 4 664 16 55 15 2 19 2,875 106 37 Crosby..... ..054 34 1,419 54 237 59 5 35 4,101 3 995 Culbersons...... 055 7 190 12 18 10 3 2 724 11 96 359 Table 3 Port 1 - Population TEX., Dallam (056) = Jim Wells (125) TABLE 3—SELECTED DATA FO R METROPOLITAN AREAS AND FOR ALL COUNTIES, BY STATE—Continued Gro 680343 } TOTAL POPULATION POPULATION—1940 EDUCATION VITAL 1940 STATISTICS ESTIMATED ie! CIVILIAN ; POPULATION Land | Pop- | Total white Percent of METROPOLITAN U.S. area [ulation population 25 Metro. AREAS, rank in per years old and Area COUNTIES, Numb of [Percent] 0 sq. over who have Code AND UMDEr | counties | change i il completed— CODES Percent] Any | Gn Pereetl. Uitany{ Rural | Bud 2 : ercen nl ol nonfarm | farm Births | Deaths Number change is 40 | percen-| 1930-1 1940 | 1940 | Number | total Nov. 1 tiles) 1940 opu- 5 or . 1 043 >| 1940- 94 ation more Hd 1943 1940 grades | S¢10 m @ @) “ 5) 6) m ® © (10) (11) 12) 13) (14) (15) (16) TEXAS—Con. All Counties—Con, Dallam... «.056| 9,013 | 38.8 6,494 e7| -17.1| 1,098] 4.3 6,494 100.0| 4,441 s83| 1,470] 91.8] 29.5 268 52 442,967 | 11.2| 398,564 1| 22.4 893 | 446.3| 336,851| 84.5| 819,480 55,455 23,629] 89.6] 89.2] 10,155] 4,108 21,m9| 41.3] 15,367 59| 13.2 899 | 17.1 14,858| 96.8 6,088 986| 8,343] 89.7] 22.0 522 104 5,861 | -3.2 6,056 89| 1.3] 1,507| 4.0 6,055 | 100.0| 2.584 485| 2,087] 94.3] s2.7 155 47 Deltac..sesss...060 9,736 | -24.3| 12,858 66| -2.1| 276] 46.6 1,765 | 91.5| =2,697| 1,954 8,367] es.8| 16.0 188 52 Denton..........06l] 92,344 | -3.9| 33,658 2e| 2.5 92 | 85.7 81,468| 93.5 11,192 6,581| 15,885] ev.1| 29.0 657 311 De Witt. ..062 22,299 | -10.6| 24,985 36 | -9.1 910 | 27.4 21,122 | 84.7| 7,418] 8,741| 13,776] 66.7] 12.0 582 272 Dickens. ..083 8,382 | 6.8 7,847 83| -8.8 930| 8.4 7,476 | 95.8 2,972 a,875| 87.4) 22.0 178 40 Dimmit.. + .064] 7,150 | -16.3 8,542 a1] -s.2| 1,341] 6.4 8,517 | 99.7 5,768 2,774| 43.6] 18.9 361 108 DORLEY. ss ses.ss 065 6,713 | -10.8 7,487 84| -27.0 909| 8.2 7,251] 96.8 3,408 4,084] 90.9] 26.5 185 62 Duvali.eesr....066] 14,500 | -29.5| 20,565 4a| 68.7] 1,814] 11.3 20,442 | 99.4| 5,755 7,362] 7,448) 54.3] 14.5 497 124 Eastland. ..067 23,182 | -23.8| 80,345 27| -11.2 955 | 31.8 29,822 | 98.3| 13,270 6,614] 10,461| 87.8 23.7 497 250 Ector... 06g - 15,151 0.7] 15,051 60 | 280.3 907 | 16.6 14,529 96.5 9,573] 5,260 228| 95.1| 87.7 459 108 Edwards. 069) 2,246 |, -23.4 2,933 9% | 6.1 2,075] 1.4 2,922 | 99.6 1,483) 1,500] 72.8] 24.8 57 20 E1li8.v.000e....070 40,727 | -14.7| 47.788 14 -11.5 963 | 50.1 87,038| 77.6| 15,742| 8,128] 23,863] e1.8| 21.8 855 431 El Paso....... 186,173 | 8.2] 131,087 4| -0.4| 1,05¢4|124.4| 128,074 97.7| 96,810| 24,202| 10,155| 71.4| 26.8] 4,553] 1,642 15,493 | -25.4| 20,760 aa| -0.2| 1,085] 19.1 20,524 | 98.9| 7,314| 1,724| 11,722] e9.5| 22.3 349 184 26,500 | -26.4| 35,984 21| -7.2 761 | 47.3 23,937 | 66.5| 6,542| 7,040| 22,402) 73.3 14.3 634 327 31,460 | -28.4| 41,064 18 -0.2 906 | 45.3 3,731 | 89.4| 6,349| 9,158| 25,557| e8.8| 17.8 731 326 23,711 | -18.9| 29,246 29| -4.8 936 | 81.2 22,923 | 78.4| 2,631 6,282| 20,433 971.0] 7.7 475 286 10,606 | -18.0| 12,982 66| -4.7 906 | 14.3 12,397 | 95.9 4,568 8,34| 82.1] 18.2 205 95 10,918| 2.4] 10,659 74| -14.1 993| 10.7 10,397 | 97.5 2,726| 1,545| 6,388) 93.6] 26.5 200 79 4,509 | -13.9 5,287 91| -17.1 676 | 7.7 5,009 | 95.6 2,269 2,968] 88.5] 21.8 89 29 80,081 | -8.9| 82,963 25| 10.9 867 | 8.0 23,845 | 72.3| 9,457| 8,871| 20,635] 59.3] 11.0 681 291 Franklin........080 5,826 | -30.5 8,378 82) -l.e 293 | 28.6 7,853 | 93.7 2,338 6,040] 82.7] 12.7 121 65 Freestoms.......081| 15,172 | -28.2| 21,138 43| -6.4 862 | 24.5 12,524 | 59.2| 8,157| 8,946| 14,035] 79.8] 14.3 388 185 8,062 | -12. 9,207 vol -z.2| 1,016] m3 9,097 98.8] 3,164| 1,866 4,177] s0.9| 17.0 403 187 6,653 | -18.2 8,136 83| 190.6| 1,479] 5.5 8,003| 98.4| 3,225| 2,668] 2,248] 98.5] B1.9 185 45 048 94,314 | 18.2] 81,178 7| 26.0 430 | 188.8 63,378 | 78.1| 66,610| 10,736| 3,827| se1.8| 23.9] 2,399 943 6,975 | 22.8 5,678 | 1.6 914| 6.2 5,527 | 97.8 2,451| 8,227] 86.3] 18.3 131 36 9,598 | -10.0| 10,670 74| -s.2| 1,085 10.1 10,624 | 99.6| 8,544| 1,055| 6,071 78.5] 10.1 202 119 737 | -38.2 1,198 99| -5.5 864 | 1.4 1,172 | 98.2 532 661| 93.8] 25.3 8 4 6,497 | -26.2 8,798 80| -12.8 871 | 10.1 7,900 | 89.8 2,531 6,267| 56.4] 12.3 184 79° 19,850 | -23.9| 26,075 s4| -8.0| 1,088] 24.6 20,564 | 78,9| 4,722| 4,610 16,743] 65.5] 10.4 632 245 22,099 | -7.6| 23,011 s8| 8.2 937 | 25.5 23,552 | 98.5| 12,895| 8,310 2,706] 94.0 82.0 607 180 64,272 | -7.5| 69,499 9| 5.6 984 | 70.6 62,681 | 90.2| 32,787 | 12,134| 24,628] es.6| 23.8] 1,578 680 51,699 | -10.9| 58,027 1] 267.8 284 | 204.3 43,584 | 75.1| 24,840| 26,532 6,655] 87.1| 80.2] 1.163] ' 428 15,089 | -81.5( 21,960 a1] -3.0 801| 27.4 13,142 | 59.8| 6,138] 2,712] 13,110] 68.6] 16.2 323 154 22,062 | -13.8| 25,59 35 | -11.5 715| 35.8 21,461 | ®83.8| 7,006| 8,32| 15,288] 62.3] 12.2 620 253 Hale.oseeeesrsa.095| 20,388 | 8.2] 18,818 49| -6.8 979 | 19.2 18,371 | o7.6| 8,263 2,988 7,562] se2.5| 33.8 444 128 Hall..eveeeos...096] 12,168] o0.a] 22,107 69| -28.6 896 | 13.5 11,708| 96.6 3,869| 2,588] 5,660] ses.3| 21.3 287 93 10,447 | -21.5| 13,308 65| -1.6 sae | 15.8 18,808 | 100.0| 2,716 2,411] 8,176] 88.4] 17.5 215 99 2,904 | 4.3 2,783 96 | -21.6 907 | 8.1 2,783 | 100.0 1,479| 1,304| 95.3] 34.8 69 17 10,686 | -3.5| 12,078 72 | -23.8 685 | 16.2 10,495| 94.8 8,767 | 2,521| 4,785] ev.2| 20.3 237 90 15,618 -1.6| 15,875 57| 13.9 895 | 17.7 13,251 | es.5| 2,625| 7,784| 5,566| 75.9] 15.6 373 127 601,249 | 13.7| 528,961 o| 47.2| 1,747|so02.8| 424,809| 80.3| 410,884| 86,855 31,222] 86.3] 82.9] 14,502] 5,328 45,230 | -11.1| 50,90 WB 40 892 | 57.1 21,300 | 41.8| 18,410 6,853 =25,637| 75.3] 18.8] 1,195 wus 1,882 0.5 1,873 98| -14.3| 1,489] 1.3 1,870 | 99.8 241 605| 1,027] 92.8| 86.0 35 40 c 18,334 | -10.5| 14,905 60| -10.6 888 | 16.8 14,342 | 96.2] s,051| 2,612] 9,242] 5.1 18.1] . s08 95 HAYS .veeuseensnd05| 14,599 | -4.9| 15,349 59| 2.9 670 | 22.9 18,898 | 90.5| 6,006 2,389 7,004| 68.4] 25.1 518 182 Hemphill........106 3,054 | -26.8 4,170 93| -10.1 909 | 4.6 4,168 | 100.0 2,477 1,698] 91.6 30.6 83 27 Henderson.......107| 20,492 | -85.6| 31,822 26] 4. 940 | 83.9 25,707 | ®0.8| 4,765| 7,504] 19,553] s0.4| 16.0 481 211 Hidalgo ..208 4,270 | -11.1| 106,059 5| 87.7| 1,541| 68.8| 105,365| 99.3| 50,580 | 20,4865| 35,044| 54.6 20.6] 4,461] 1,238 Hl... ..109| 81,241 -18.5| 88,355 20| -10.9| 1,028] 87.3 s3,268| 86.7| 7,799| 8,921| =21,635| 82.5] 19.1 586 339 'Hockley.........110| 21,712 | 71.1] 12,698 67| 36.5 903 | 14.1 12,38 | ¢7.0| 3,001| 1,506 8,096| s90.1| 22.5 443 79 HOOD, + evevasvva sill 5,366 | -19.6 6,674 &7| -1.5 426 | 15.7 6,590 | 98.7 2,066 4,608 87.3] 18.5 102 56 ..2| 22,271 -26.4| 80,274 27] 2. 798 | 38.2 27,230 | 89.9| 6,742| 3,494 20,088 e7.3| 16.6 485 223 .8 21,722 | -s0.2] a1,187 27| s8.7| 1,282 25.3 19,256 | 61.8| 4,536 | 4,630| 21,971] 75.0 15.0 528 209 ..14) 25,423 21.1| 20,990 43| -8.3 912 | 23.0 20,392 | 97.2| 12,604| 4,002 4,384] ss.6| 28.3 751 176 Hudspeth... .....115 3,107 | -1.3 3,149 96 | -15.5| 4,538) 0.7 3,016 | 95.8 1,656| 1,493] 57.9] 19.0 86 19 HuG.....e0.....116] 40,174 | -17.7| 48,708 14| -0.5 910| 53.6 42,503 | 87.1| 18,694| 6,848] 23,251] @e7.9| 28.9 941 433 20,538 | 7.7] 19,069 48| 28.4 88s | 21.6 18,809 | 98.6| 10,018] 6,994] 2,057| 94.7] 33.7 628 134 1,488 | -24.2 1,968 98| -a.2| 1,073] 1.8 1,940 | 98.8 1,810 653] 80.9] 28.2 51 8 7,850 | -23.1| 10,206 76| 12.8 %4| 10.8 10,114 | 99.1 4,756 5,450] 88.4] 19.3 142 69 1,424 | -2.5] 11,720 0| 6.7 854 | 13.7 9,939 | 84.8] 2,724 2,611| 6,385] 74.8] 16.4 314 9 16,833 | -3.8| 17,491 53| 2.5 969 18.1 12,449 | 71.2| s,497| 5,866| 8,128] 77.2] 14.4 448 157 1,876 | -21.0 2,375 g7| s1.9 2,288] 1.1 2,356 | 99.2 1,771 604| 64.3( 26.8 68. - 7 178,214 | 22.7] 145,329 ¢| 8.9 945| 158.8 111,462 | 76.7| 105,201| 82,151 7,977] 7e.8| 26.6] 4,18¢| 1,388 4,778 -12.3 5,449 91| 10.8] 1,89] 4.8 5,416 | 99.4 4,325 1,124] 51.4 17.4 174 42 16,921 -16.31 20,289 45] 50.4 ss6| 23.9 19,8741 8.2] 7,702] s,629] 8,88] 61.61 19.7 611 180 360 TABLE 3—SELECTED DATA FOR METROPOLITAN AREAS AND FOR ALL COUNTIES, BY STATE—Continued Table 5 Jin Wells (125) LABOR FORCE—1940 Population 14 Years Old and Over Employed Workers by Industry Group fest of METROPOLITAN In leading Metro AREAS, Trans- Business nonagri- Aca COUNTIES, Percent | Percent porta- ond colt] Code AND ofall | ofall ton, | Whole. | personal In | industry CODES In labor males | females | 10) Agri- - Con- Manufac- | 97M | le and | services Other agri- y Total f who are | who are losed | Mining | struc- : cations, ; and not | 28! orce in . employed || culture po turing rd retail exclud- reported cul- Code Hr tor other trade ing ture | Cec |p f i Ji domestic 3 ers orce orce » 1- Services I cent ies an as) (19) (2) @n 2) 2) A) 25) 2) n 3) 2) (30) | 3) | 32) TEXAS—Con, All Counties—Con. Dallam.ccsessess056 hy 754 2,361 78.7 17.4, 2, 507 2 126) 60 425 379 387 198 | 24.3 23 | 16.9 318,364] 18.39 82.6] 35.7] 162,019] 6,550] 1,018] 10,932] 26,700 | 13,776 | 42,075 | 39,394 | 21,57 | 4.0 G32| 7.1 10,812 5,513 83.3 15.8 4,963 1458 22 231 185 238 852 672 305 | 49.5 | G36 | 5.2 4,405 2,305 83,0 18.3 2,109 5002 4 ps 8 85 356 309 143 | 47.5 | G36 | 5.7 9,506 4,427 81.2 10.9 3,670 »493 158 67 64 345 348 194 | 67.9 | G36] 5.0 25,652 12,678 79.1 19.6 10,957 4,425 60 631 416 405 1,770 2,214 836 | 41.1 | G36 | 12,0 18,189 y g2.8| 19.e] er] sen 39 264, 631 21) 1,00 831 m3 |55.1| 636| 4.6 5,528 2,618 80.0! 12,6 2,349 1,284 5 116 44 7n 344 331 154 | 54.7 | G36 | 5.8 5,34 3,110 85.9 20,7 2,719 1,857 8 90 23 92 251 225 173 | 68.3 | G36 | 4.0 Donley.eoeessssslb65 549% 2,572 79.7 12.6 2,198 3249 7 35 uy 305 326 135 | 56.8 | G36 | 6.2 Duvaleesesesssses066 13,694 6,752 83.5 11.9 6,032 ,453 1,196) 297, 77 216 786 526 481 | 40.7 319.8 22,573 10,482 75.8 17.4 7,664 4260 631 268 263 667 1,462 1,358 755 | 29.5 3| 8.2 11,147 6,047 87.5 17.3 5,464 82| 1,972 329 319 348 1,256 822 336 | 1.5 3 | 36.0 20m L173 60] 1,043 606 85 ¢ 21 105 135 | 58.1 | 636 | 4ed 35,827] 17,801] 79.3] 20.0] 15,028] 7,364 16 562 wr | 1,120 1,08 | 1,012 1,322]49.0| a36| 5.7 93,m3| 49,829 78.6] 28.1] 43,627 651] 232 2,500 4,668 5,67| 9.6m | 836 | 93% 84| 37|121 15,846 7,389 78.1 15.1 6,471 2373 31 305 238 233 964, 895 432 152,1| G36 6,8 25,431 12,050 78.3 16.6] - 10,068 6,676 16, 227| 127 232 952 1,159 679 | 66.3 | G36 | 5.6 30,3701 13,980 78.8 13.3] 11,458 7,095 20, 355 610 264 1,241 1,192 681 |61,9| G36| 5.5 21,619) 12,056 &.0| 26.2] 11,139 1893 40 279) 250 223 | 1,040 788 626 | 70.9 | 636 3.6 9,050 4,135 78.5 11.8 3,656 2,329 66) 82 191 71 355 3n 191 | 63.7 | G36 | 5.7 7,835 3,17 78.7 13.8 3,278 1,808 9 97 50 148 485 455 226 | 55.2 | G36| 5.7 3,847 1,926 82.4 15.0 1,500 820 29| 56| 29 67 224 179 96 | 54.7 | G36| 6.3 23,8] 1.631 7.7 20.6 100838] 6,105] 512 254) 799 2 | 1,123 763 970 [36.3] 5] 6.5 Franklin, .......080 6,116 2,749 79.2 9.6 2,380 1,590 39 59 104 45 245 209 89 | 66.8 | G36 4.9 Freestone.......08L 15,107 7,039 78.5 14.7 6,337 4,004 48 166f 126 345 618 601 429 163.2] G36| 5.0 6,250 3,183] eo0.5| 19.5] 2,728] 1,570 48 82 20 95 319 256 338 | 57.6 G36| 4.6 5,827 3,206 86.1 17.9 3,001 |" 558] 540 348 7 153 676 478 172 | 18.6 3] 18.0 6,142 37.2%) el] 31.3] 32,96 #93] 308] 2,005 4,79| 6,14] 6,500] 6,820] 5,487] 2.7] 25|12.2 4,088 2,077 81.7 17.6 1,868 988 6| 45) 244 68 217 202 97 | 52.9 6| 12.4 7,849 3,671 80.8 12,7 3,445 1,921 17] 189 67 112 542 379 218 | 55.8| G36 5.2 857 426 82.9 12.0 390 226 67] 10| 20 15 31 21 | 57.9 3117.2 6,196 3,062 83.0 13.4 2,688 ,870 31 61 LU 45 28 225 214 | 69.6 | G36| 4.7 18,333 9,352 81.7 19.8 8,433 349 65 223] 400 |. 167 814 “138 677] 63.4 | G36| 4e2 OraYeseeseecies 090 17,415 9,286 84.8 20,6 8,180 767 2,059] 400 194 430 1,677 1,462 591 | 9.4 3125.0 Graysofiseeesssss091 53,437 26,793 79.5 21.7 21,561 5020 1,653 2,593 2,155 3,817 3,246 2,031 | 27.9 | 123 | 6.4 42,009] 22,782] 80.5] 26.8] 19.664 p00] 3,267] ur 1,526 | 1,232 | 4,027| 355 | 3,21] 9.1| 3/1606 15,873 8,661 80.5 28,8 7,799 1421 86 178] 229 418 U5 775 947 | 56.7 G36| 4.7 18,276 9,429 83.6 18.7 8,101 ,778 225 282 291 206 970 41 608 | 59.0 | G36 | 4.2 13,863 7,030 81.6 18.9] 6,181 2,469 27, 230 313 257 1,219 1,122 484 139.9 | G36 7.3 8,716 44215 79.0 16.1 3,192 2494 3 163 98 135 582 509 208 | 46.8 | G36 | 7.3 10,035| 468s] 7e.e| 13.7] 4.158 7508 13 252 121 75 524 5 20|60.3| 636 4.9 2,023 1,052 82.3 17.9 967 480 1 32 22 45 172 U9 66] 49.6] G36 7.9 8,158 3,971 80,3 16.2 3,069 4303 10 94 230 280 517 443 1924 42.5| G36 | 6.7 Hardin..........100 1,500] 5.407 76.8] 16.0 44g Tel 456 201 1,161 1486 549 464, 4516.0] 917.6 054 |Barris..........100| 413,468] 235,061] 83.4] 30.8] 211,907 ,062| 5,761] 15,498] 43,07 | 22,939 | 46,939 | 41,981 | 28,670 3.3| 636] 6.6 ST j005| 19,276) 81.5] 26.6] “17,588 7840 7 573] 1,53 | 1,412] 1,839 2986 | “25012 |4si6| 23] 60 «e103 1,363 905 86.1 13.6 651 ! 372 1 34] 7 49 58 64 66 | 57.1 2315.5 eeel04 10,749 5,143 79.4 15.0 4,226 . 548 9 121 54 103 559 528 304 | 60.3 | G36| 6.1 HayS.ceoseeeseeelOS 11,001 5,343 78.3 19.2 4y4T1 2,0 4 201 107 160 699 TL 507 | 46.5 | G36 9.3 Hemphill,..e..eel06 2,975 1,478 81,0! 16.9] 1,326 541 8 114 26 158 197 168 114 | 40.8 23] 8.1 22,542| 11,052] 79.6] 16.71 9.87) 5,640] 492 254 467 400 9 918 759 | 57.1| 636| 4.7 70,622] 36.816] 83.e| 18. 34,020| 15.428] 458] 1,203) 1,489 | 1,243 | 7,77 3,542| 2,770|4i5.3| 2810.6 28,43) 13,395] m.2| 17.2] 11,0 1220 6 pe 602 Wd2| 0 1,6 886 | 55.7 | 636 | 5.4 8,662 4,166 80,6 10.6 3,795 5170 177 153 9 124 465 412 195 | 57.2 | G36 | 5.0 5,058 2,333 78.2 12.6 2,011 5306 17 kad 22 64 204 221 100 | 64.9 | G36 | 5.9 22,211 10,57] 79.9] 1.5] 8,99 1687 3 263 325 25| 1,019 867 564 | 63.2] c36| 5.2 21,970 10,727, 76.5 18.1 9,895 5471 90 216] 497 145 798 81 837 | 65.4 | G36 | 5.1 15,254 7,696 79.7 20.7 763 9317 487 313 462 TLL 1,627 1,331 512 | 19.5 | G36 | 7.6 2,109) 1,199 85.7 19.3 1,143 630 28 Kd 105 119 88 98 | 55.1 23 | 6.6 Hunt........s...116 36,797] 17,836 78.3] 19.6] 15,47 ,221 17 565 902 gon | 2,267| 2,200. 1,398 ]46.7| 636] 6.9 Hutchinson,.....117 13,611 7,243 86.6 16.3 2555 213| 1,285 361 2,014 489 985 884 324 | 3.2 14 | 21,1 1,400 693 82,2 14.2 584 338 5 30 17 28 64 58 4 | 57.9 | G36| 6.5 7404 3,589 80.1 14.5 2,846 5253 286, 102 70 103 405 418 209 | 44.0 3 99 Jackson.eeseseeel20 8,255 4,158 83.2 14.9 3,842 ,030 337 192 5 162 377 342 327 | 52.8 3| 8.8 Jaspereecssesssesl2l 12,443 5,875 76.5 15.9 4,821 1,376 30 284 1,304 188 575 530 534 | 28.5 9 | 18,6 1,570 852 83.9 20.5] 750 302 3 142 5 62 66 78 94 | 40.3 23 | 6,8 109,962 59,064 82,0 25.9 51,809 1,694 801 2,848] 16,363 4,790 10,070 8,547 6,696 | 3. 14 | 22.8 3,6m9 1,804 82,8 13.1 1,431 530 235 50 23 42 276 163 112 | 37,0 3] 16.4 13,77 7,282 85.5 17.4] 6,505 2,552 563 367 193 293 1,174 737 626 139.2 3 ):8,5 1Same number employed in "professional and related services” (Code G36). Table 3 Part 3 = Housing TABLE 3—SELECTED DATA FOR METROPOLITAN AREAS AND FOR ALL COUNTIES, Tos Dillan (080) = BY STATE—Continued HOUSING—1940 : ; h : ; Nonfarm Rural Farm All Dwelling Units Occupied Dwelling Units Dwelling Units Dwelling Units, hia METROPOLITAN 0 Metro. A Medi phones am touxT Residential Percent | Percent P Percent are Per- CODES SCEates in5or | wi Percent vio, ol Ave col Petcent I > more | private wi mechan- monthly wil wit Number | fomiy { borbtob | olasiic | | Nomber owner] deal | PE Nowber |{ "vont 2) Number {or Tuc struc- or | lighting | refrig- | poe (dollars) ning | lighting tures | shower p eration | 11 water ®) 34) as) 9) an ay on 0) “n ®@ “) “w) s) 0) “n TEXAS==Con. : All Counties—Con. .05b 1,870 1,994 1.0 48.6 12.7 1,732 | 42.8 47.9 3.29 1,434 | 16.39 560 | 26.1 15.6 822 ox 57 92,462 120,164 8.4 68.1 89.5 113,020 Ps 53.4 3.09 113,973 27.19 6,191 | 30.1 47.3 73,249 58 4, 308 ,606 1.1 24.9 .8 3,9% | h.o 3 3.47 2,082 | 16.58 2,564 | 32.7] 13.0 555 1,567 1,755 1.5 37.2 at 1,600 | 8.4 6.9 3.8 890, [ 18.49 865 | 31.8 wa 518 3,34 3,53 0.2 10.4 37.1 3,347 | 32.9 12.0 | 3. 1,320 8.86 2,26 2.3] 17.5 519 9,006 9,627 0.7 A 00.5 9,243 | Lb, 91 no 5,300 | 15.73 4,267 a 33.5 3,099 6.592 6.907 | ou Ps 40.6 li apo 22 333 | 12.28 3.564 Zi) Hoe 2,288 2,36 22.6 33.7 2,020 | L2.8 28.1 | 3.h2 896 | 12.11 1,466 12.8 1.1 346 2,178 2,23 0.2 25.5 0.6 1,909 | 46.0 25.0 | 3.95 1,39 6.22 83 | 33.9 19.5 296 2,212 2,324 1.0 29.9 i3.0 1,996 | 38.8 na | 3.3 1,025 | 10.49 1,299 | 23.9 | 18.5 701 5. 5,37 0.1 9 46.1 4,718 | 54.2 24.0 | 3.82 3,737 | 12.87 1,636 | 10.3 4.1 295 iE ae 2.8 So 56.3" 8,372 | 46.9 38.1 | 3.24 1996 9.77 2.878 18.21 "17.7 1,549 4,321 4,677 2.5 59.8 88.5 4, 45.1 64.6 | 3.00 .623 | 22.41 54 - - 1,284 808 843 35.7 47.2 779 | 49.9 42.2 3.26 372 | 10.88 un | 54.6 0.9 222 13,116 14,058 0.4% 26.9 41.5 12,918 | 37.7 2.2 | 3.23 7.288 | 12.25 6,770 | 13.7 | 19.3 3.033 oko 21,632 33.808 28.6 8.5 78.2 31,604 | 33.4 %.3| 3.33 3,567 | 17.29 2,24 | 32.5 ( 52.8] 12,706 5,123 6,176 53 25.1 u2.8 5,830 %.3 20.8 | 3.17 2,840 | 13.55 3,336 | 3.1 | 14.0 1,125 9,313 9,74 0. 16.4 a 8,857 | 35. 14.8 | 3.u8 W910 [1.22 5.831 | 1.4 15.7 1,289 10,601 11,375 0.5 16.5 .2 11,007 oz 18.8 i> .783 | 10.26 6,592 | 4.9 17.8 1,74 7.656 7.870 24.3 0.2 7.555 | be.6 15.4 | 3. 2,673 | 14.49 5,197 | 25.0 | 12.8 1,528 3,496 3.557 0.3] 15.2] 3.0 3,2 an 2.7 | 3.5 1,311 | 10.2% 2,246 | 7.5 18.9 M5 3,051 3,225 0.6 32.7 52.0 2,814 1.9 37.3 | 3.42 , 36 12.79 1,919 ( 34.8 | 29.6 597 1,490 1,557. 16.5 36.9 1,386 | 43.2 30.2 | 3.38 10.50 897 | 5.4] 17.4 274 7.6% 8,080 0.7 24.8 ™.9 7.709 | 29.7 24.5 3% 3,499 | 1k.04 4,58 | 16.4 9.6 1,093 via, 2,384 9.5 25.6 2,255 | uh. 13.4 | 3.3 127 8.63 1,657 | 2.9] 10.9 167 5,59 5,796 0.3 17+3 28.4 5,40 | 4.3 16.5 | 3.42 2,243 9.74 3,553 | Wb 6.5 82 37 2,398 0.2 27.6 25.6 2,13 uk. 9 20.8 | 3.79 1,317 1.67 1,021 | s2,1 1.5 2 2,37 2,548 3.4 Wi) 70.0 2,203 | U3 50.7 3.1k 2,002 | 20.% 546 | 21.8 17.8 1 048 |Oalveston....... 20,085 24,550 5.2 59.7 88.3 22,150 | 36.8 54.8 | 3.06 23,444 | 23.01 1,106 | 46.8 | 62.1 | 12,674 Garza..... rove x 2085 1,70 1,818 0.7 23.4 4g.1 1,522. 3.5 4.8 3.32 701 12.62 1,117 | Mo 28.5 2713 Gillespie....... 086 3,028 3,161 0.2 = 1 48.1 2,813 | 67.1 22.6 338 3.413 12.87 1,M8 | 48.7 | 27.7 1,53 Glasscock. . .087 396 399 1 49.2 323 oe 50.2 | 3. 1 12.12 233 | 46.4 | 25.5 12 Goliad.. .088 2,210 2,368 0.7 27.8 20.2 2,087 .9 16.2 | 3.60 1% 9.62 1,633 | b.3|. 8.9 228 Gonzales .089 6,655 6,800 0.1 26.7 28.5 6,200 | 45.3 17.8 | 3.55 2,552 | 13.63 ho 2! 24.1 | 10.4 1,171 Oray.e evs sssive .0% 6,168 7,155 6.8 51.9 82.9 0,763 | 39.2 56.9 | 3.18 3 18.55 11 Y ss5.2| 38.5 2, Grayson. ........091 17,64 20,032 1.2 7.0 64.6 19,497 | 43.6 ah.6 | 304 13,645 | 15.36 6 871 16.3 | 23.6 6,713 Gregk.. .092 16,643 17,637 0.7 bis 70.0 16,287 | 52.5 su. | 3a7 16,019 | 15.03 1,608 16.3 | 27. 4,186 Grimes. .09 5,840 6,039 0.1 7.2 3.1 5,599 as 19.9 | 3.44 2,621 | 12.27 las 31 3.8 660 Guadalupe .0 1.276 7,500 27.7 33.5 6,2 4 19.7 | 3.53 3,069 | 13.37 W431 | 19. 12.0 1,74 Ral®os vusinesinnvs 095 4,952 5,411 2.6 43.1 62.5 5,056 | L4.8 ba] 3.36 3,275 | 18.52 2,136 39.5 | 28.0 1,464 Hall... 3,639 3,925 0.9 19.9 k2.1 3,208 | 32.8 29.4 | 3.37 1,919 9.59 2,006 [ 3.7 | 15.6 664 Hamilton 3,626 3,876 0.2 26.8 45.4 3,705 Bi 23.3 | 3.23 1,604 | 11.53 2,27 | 0.1 ( 23.6 1,028 Hansford 170 808 1.7 38.6 61.6 737 | 49.8 40.9 | 3.38 452 | 12.49 to | W.9 | 36 225 Hardeman 278 per 0.6 27.8 47.2 ,008 | 37.9 n.8 | 3.29 1,873 | 10.41 1,554 | 11.3 | 11.6 898 HATER. coro A175 , 385 0.5 20.5 ¥.2 228 | 57.2 33.0 | 3.33 2,975 8.93 1,h0 [' 11.7 | 18.3 nea 054 [Harris.......... 125,876 154,628 6.4 07.5 88.2 146,403 | 41.6 37.3 | 3.10 146,082 | 28.16 1.3% bh1 | 51.4) 86,ke8 Harrison 12,861 13,633 0.4 2.0. W.2 12,727 | 42.0 25.5 | 3.47 7.53% | 13.4 6,099 t 4.5 | 11.0 2,783 Hartley 512 ip 32.5 48.9 478 | 42.1 38.9 | 3.54 Hy 1 3 334 | 39.8 | &a.9 3» Haskell. 4,209 4 k27 0.5 1b. 5 3,962 3.2 17.2 | 3.39 1,723 | 10. 2,704 | 17.0 9.5 un Hays: . cuosonnon 3,863 4,160 1.4 3.2 “7 3,70 | W.5 2k.0 3.54 2,373 | 13.03 1,793 | 23.0 16.3 1,2% Hemphill........106 1,144 1,24 1.0 35.5 6l.5 1,137 | 49.7 37.9 3.29 748 | 1422 493 | 37.1 3 483 Henderson. . .107 8,221 8,591 0.3 13.5 29.8 8,069 | 1.6 11.6 | 3.50 5% | 1.0 5.08 5.0 0 929 Hidalgo. . .108 23,745 24,908 1.8 3.8 u.9 23,782 | 50.0 29.1 | 3.88 16,567 | 11.18 8,3 28.7 | 32.5 4,011 Hill... 10,325 11,265 1.3 23.1 47.0 10,37 | 37.2 22.9 3.29 5,155 10.19 6,110 | 20.3 | 24.9 1,7 Hockley 3,346 -3,465 0.2 20.1 ke.8 3,179 | 36.9 26.8 | 3.60 1,282 | 16.3% 2,183 | 23.5 | 23.5 1,980 2,017 16.1 29.4 1,803 | 49.1 12.2 | 3.3% 642 8 1,375 | 32.6 | 12.5 195 1.765 5.38 0.5 14.1 36.1 8,002 | 43.7 | "15.0 | 3.39 3.139 i 5,208 | 2.1 | 16.7 1,8 , 8,196 8,57 0.3 12.6 17.7 7.733 24 15.5 3.39 2,567 | 12. 5,89 | 2.4 2.0 61 4,998 5,892 5.7 bo,2 12.2 5, A 48.3 | 3.29 4,678 | 18.47 1,214 | 32.9 | 21.3 1,686 1,036 1,080 2.7 14,2 32.3 815 | 26.b 271.1 | 3.32 513 8.8 567 | 10.6 | 15.0 » 12,723 14,16 0.9 26.6 522 13,314 | 38.9 21.8 3-23 1.870 13.53 6,293 | 5.0 27.5 41 ,882 5,61 8.1 54.6 88. 5,269 | 30.6 05.5 | 3.2! 5,03 | 156.75 579 ms 68.5 1,170 616 v3 39.8 Yo.5 562 A 2.0 | 3.28 92 9. 243 | 63. 29.6 197 2,191 2,961 0.7 2.2 38. 2,756 | 52.3 26.5 | 3.88 1,53 | 11.19 1,508 | 19.4 9.1 591 2,823 2,982 0.2 20.7 38.0 2,846 | 38.0 29.3 | 3.54 1,500 | 13.83 1, 27.1 | 15.3 586 ~ w]e 4,247 4, UH 13.6 | 28.0 4, 31 95-4 17.7 3.52 2,155 | 9.us 2,000 |“ 5.8 | 5.4 7h 761 818 3.2 0.7 49.8 580 7.2 26.5 | 3.58 60 11.26 215 | 65.6 | 40.7 109 012 |Jefrerson 35,429 Lo, 984 3.2 H8.b 8.2 39.163 | 43.6 58.2 | 3.26 9.0 21.57 1,848 | hg.5 | 58.1 | 21,873 Jim Hogg. .12 1,311 1,410 0.4 %.9 u.7 1,216 i 21.2 | 3.9 1,037 | 10. 373 | k.8 1.8 17 Jim Wells.. 129 4,629 4,954 0.5 32.3 43.2 4,735 0 0.2 | 3.70 2,915 | 17.0! 2,039 | u3.M | 218.1 1,037 362 TABLE 3—SELECTED DATA FOR METROPOLITAN AREAS AND FOR ALL COUNTIES, BY STATE—Continued Table 3 Part 4 - Agriculture TEX., Dallam (056) = (Figures which have been rounded to thousands will not necessarily add to totals) Jim Wells (125) tla AGRICULTURE—1945 > AGRICULTURE—1940 ; Value of farm products sold, | Principal P - aus of iy Work power traded, or used by "| source of Por ro propel farm household farm income | Type- METROPOLITAN : cent | fare P, a Rural Metro, ONE, Number of | Land in | Cropland | Number | of | ih iis farming i Area ES, farms farms | harvested | of farms | farms | oj. A Number ; ares Code AND (1000's | (1000's oper | f° po | Are] of Kile Live- code |). CODES Jan. 1, of of Api 1 | ated | pod | oar,| 2 | horses | Number 1000" stock Code |p [ (See | ut 1945" | acres) | acres) | 1940" | by [Pio s andjor | of ps | ad See | C€- | iog o of arm i) o live- |-C a2) | cent | P ten. less dollars) | (dol mules tractors dollars) k ops | p ants | goo | do owt 3 i mo. proad- $400 ) ng “) “9) Go) Gh (2) G3) (54) 5) (56) GD (8) 9) (60) 1 (CA) 63) 4) TEXAS— Con. All Counties —Con. ug2 1,050 221 473| 55.4 | 38.3 6,719 14,205) 1,179 363 1,869 | 81.9 1h. 2 1 jrr.2 331 113 4,363 15 212] 3,510 43.7 | 30.0 | uo,591| 11,564 8,701 1,053] 5.287] do.k | 49.3 5 [w.2 | 710 | 113 1,431 531 boc] 1,727| 48.9 | 15.3 | 17,570( 10,174] 4,256 1,243 Jug | 22.0 | 65.1 5 [65.1 71x | 120 = 1,0 854 | 36.9 | 12.8 17,480 20,468 1,kks 800 Ju] 31.5 | 59.8 5 159.1 3 12a 1,543 12 82 1,696 64.9 | 14.6 7,40) 4,369 4,830 191 1,92k 8.6 78.2 5 |78.0 710 99 Denton.......... “3,119 558 255] 3,340(51.9 | 26.6 | 25,55) 7.621] s.E4| 1,20) uasu| 36.5 | sim 5 [49.6 | 621 | 108 De Witt......... 3,025 555 118 3,301] 52.2 | M1.1 17,895) 5,u21| 10,119 439 2,096 | 01.8 22.3 1 (33.6 710 82 4 133 920 47.3 | 20.5 7,880 B,5¢5{ 2,067 554 1,128 | 3.1 | 51.0 5 [50.8 mm | 1s 416 15 Wi2| 15.2 | W.7 8,618 19,498 2,079 133 1.3270 63.5 32.7 1 [00.5 2kk 43 ™1 Lh 124 877] 56.1 | 9.9 10,093] 11,5c9| 2,913 499 2.124 53.2 | 3.8 1 51a mm | 127 sul 819 51 1,251 | 54.0 | 42.8 10,732| 8,579 7,054 99 1,702 72.9 19.0 1 [58.2 2k 7 2,3% 08 113 2,332| 42.5 | 43.1 8,196 3,515 5,026 409 1,700 | 1.2 38.1 5 [32.9 941 100 39 73 1 52 - - ,025| 58,173 413 3 420 | 96.0 0.6 1 [70.1 242 | 136 8 1,218 3 272| 29.14 | 13.2 14,747] 54,217 2,57 20 1,884 9L.& 0.3 4 [56.4 243 116 3,589 529 313 3,958 61.5 | 12,0 33,883 8,501 12,577 1,469 5,782 | 18.0 70.2 5 169.1 710 103 982 198 51 1,075( 22.7 [19.4% | 17,878] 10,681; 2,856 399 7,136 | 54.0 | 43.5 5 [42.1 792 13 2,13 587 107 2,618| 43.0 | 32.2 10,919] 4,171 7,355 289 2,183 | 49.2 | 27.0 1 |au.e 9 96 2 19 430 211 3833 65.5 | 30.2 22,281| 5,813] 12,032 17% 3,297 | 22.0 61.2 5 60.3 710 80 2 482 473 262 ,638| 59.7 | 18.2 21,860| 4,713] 13,084 7112 5,084 | 16.7 | 67.8 5 le6.7 710 | 103 4,337 552 145 4,794 | 50.2 | 38.7 20,002| 4,172 1k,860 399 2,993 | 42.9 28.0 0 [8.9 710 81 Fisher.. L513 593 210 1,487] 50.0 [11.4 | 14,093] 9,477] 5,139 793 2,718 | 49.0 | L0.6 1 u1.3 mm | 107 Floyd. 1,328 570 34% 1,37| 47.3 | 17.2 16,459] 12,497] 2,760 1,069 2,202 | 30.k | 52.0 5 [51.8 331 | 129 Foard. 511 Loy 108 1| 40.5 7.1 7,293| 13,000 1,906 357 1,557] 37.4 56.8 5 [56.6 771 117 Fort Bend 3,145 535 148 3,64L | 07.4 ae 26,192| 7,188 11,720 910 4.062] 31.2 | 56.2 5 [52.6 911 78 Franklin 1,12 118 22 1,310] 4.6 2 3,104| 2,45] 3,503 2k 7671 n.1 | 3 5 [41.9 72 9% Freestone....... 081 2,275 in 1 2,761] 53.5 | 48.8 7,061| 2,557| 7.82% 59 1,518 | 20.6 | 51.8 5 [50.5 752 79 Frio. ..ccev.ne.. 082 596 675 8 55.7 | 50.2 9,166] 12,856] * 3.275 206 1,200 | 84.2 8.1 1 [78.7 2h 63 Gaines.......... 08 461 677 121 470 | 45.5 | 33.2 5,424] 11,540 2,081 220 570 | 60.2 20.1 1 [42.2 242 99 Galveston....... 08 1,127 107 1h 909 | 30.1 | Bh. 5,495 6,045] 2,054 . 108 900 | 66.5 | 19.1 2 [43.8 91 | 117 Garza. .......... 085 166 82 721 | 55.2 | 13.9 8,299 11,510] 1,808 ues | 1,bs8| 45.6 | 43.2 5 [43.0 | | 225 Gillespie....... 086 1,343 674 81 1,407] 20.1 | 15.5 16,751] 11,908] 5,480 66 2,061 | 78.1 | 10.4 1 [36.3 243 99 Glasecocks ...... 087 139 2 9 148 39.9 9.5 7,485 50,574 1,032 a 790 | 9.2 5.8 1 |ol.2 243 145 Goliad.......... 088 915 8 u3 1,233] 53.1 | 42.9 9,048| 7,338 5,063 201 1,112 | 67.9 | 16.9 1 [46.5 710 77 Gonzales........ 089 3,290 617 107 ,587| 8.2 | 46.5 17,041 ,751 10,75% 326 3,252 | 70.6 | 15.7 3 [45 710 79 BraY: eens snares 090 567 on 1 3] 50.2 | 19.5 11,810] 17,813] 2,015 fige 1,509 | 53.4 | 37.1 1 [ue.2 33 | 139 Grayson......... 091 4,287 lg2 278 4,296 | 56.8 | 21.6 25.516] 5.9 10,870 1,014 5,059 27.6 | 57.1 5 [50.5 710 | 105 Gregg... oonn.s 092 1,460 108 23 1,337| bh | 75.5 4,624 A 2,216 3 542 | 32.0 3 0 7:4 712 | 108 Grimes.......... 09 1,864 3 53 2,518 56.0 | 43.8 7,99 31k 7,701 72 1,884] 30.0 .8 5 [47.1 752 76 Guadalupe. ...... 09 2,566 381 15 2,757) 49.8 | 65.3 17,219 6,267] 8,877 6l1 1,297] 52.1 | 23.7 0 [e427] T10 ho! Hale............ 095 1,482 573 39 1,628 | 45.7 [15.5 21,21 13,158] 3,17 1,483 3,385 | 37.2 | 52.9 5 [51.3 331 | 124 Hall......onnnns 096 978 98 194% 1,118] 60.5 [17.3 10,214 9,136 2374 646 1,305 30.9 | 53.3 5 (53.2.0 772 ‘105 Hamilton........ 097 1,984 is 130 1,897 | W4.7 [18.7 | 13.450] 7.0% Bile so| 2.001 | 5.1 | 28.2 5 [27.6'| ea | 107 Hansford........ 098 354 583 330 335| 38.8 | 13.1 9,303| 27,770 ly 28 3,244 |. 72.6 25.8 1 n.3 331 138 Hardeman........ 099 939 361 178 1,030 55.0 | 16.7 9,7%| 9,505 =2,88h 558 i,ig2| 28.8 | 61.0 5 61.0 italy Har@in.......... 100 1,502 57 4 1,225 133.1 | 59.2 2,545] 2,078] 1,729 10 su1| 26.8 | 10.4 0 [61.5 712 87 5,064 60 83 6,949] 29.7 | 54.6 49,089 7,064 13,044 672 6,855 | 57.7 | 19.0 2 [3.8 911 | 11k 3.951 36 17 5,306] 59.1 | bk.8 10,195] 1,921 8,600 54 2,867 | 15.9 | 55.2 5 op 712 66 Me = i 2 bg IY 5,575| 26,932 1,143 233 1,057 73.2 og 1 ol 331 130 ‘ 1,93 . 15. 17,781) 9,170 2979 1, 2,308 0 9.9 5 [u9.8 171 112 1,087 3% Yo 1,233 | 49.0 | 48.9 8,941] 7,250 HELL i% nk Su 18.9 1153.1 2li3 82 Hemphill........ 106 389 548 89 H9f k.7 | 8.6 8,010] 22,951] 1,659 247 1,724. 81.3 | 14.6 1 [77 39. Jase Henderson....... 107 2,896 k21 bl 3,949 | 51.5 | 39.7 10,116 2,562] 9,191 105 2,548] 21.6 | 50.7 5 139.4 712 8k Hidalgo......... 108 5,616 670 206 5,094 | 32.8 | 33.5 uy 786| 8.792] 7.899| 1,885] « 8,722 13.6 | 81.8 7 [85.5 123 | 58 Hillo.oononnnn.n 109 3.555 2! 276 3,954 | 59.7 | 15.8 25,527] b6,%6| 9,%b 1,605 4,718] 18.8 68.1 5 67.5 710 104 Hockley......... 110 1,34 9 324 1,506 | 54.9 | 8.6 16,712] 11,097] 2,251 1,239 2,586] 24.2 | 06.5 5 [60.4 7x | 117 Hood............ 111 1 215 52 1,064 | bLh.7 | 37.7 5,604 5,267] 3,027 101 1,195| o8.h | 15.9 1 [50.6 941 | 100 Hopkins... 112 4,150 is 15 4,324 | 49.3 | 25.5 13,u37[ 3,108] 11,199 164 3,594] 32.2 | 45.2 5 [43.1 ne 93 Houston... 113 3.382 ie 112 4,393] 50.9 | 52.8 11,826] 2,692] 10,680 124 2,629| 19.0 | 55.k 5 [53.7 712 17 Howard.... 114 8 82 130 2| 49.3 | 12.6 10,548] 13,152] 3,731 hls 1,561 41.9 | 51.6 5 [51.6 71% il: 119 Hudspeth. . 115 15 2,5% 15 140 | 33.6 | 18.6 7,560] 54,000 2,231 108 1,189] 57.7 39.1 1 [51.8 ake 70 116 4,902 507 259 bue2 | 62.0 [13.1 | 23,935 5.34] 12,677 se] u.9 g . . . ’ . fi ,963( 15.1 67.7 5 165.8 710 10 117 Sl 2g 100 183 | 43.2 | 16.9 5,285| 28,880 743 148 132): 61.3 28.5 1 [55.8 331 1b 118 161 792 143 [42.3 | 10.1 10,573| 70,900] 1,606 25 1,176 95.5 2.3 1 [ob 263 | 108 119 1,127 515 49 1,204] 36.2 | 38.5 9,112 7,568 3,473 157 1,564] 76.3 7.6 1 [o7.2 51 | 108 120 1,449 59 52 1,256] 59.5 | 23.2 12,57] 9,823] G96 57 1.666] 4K | up 5 [m7 911 91 121 1,814 107 12 1,705 | 23.0 | 60.4 2,479] 1,454 2,30 y 750 20.0 | 20.7 0 |p2.7 12 16 oe 122 168 1,44 1 10k] 18.3 | 28.8 | 12,472[119,823] 2.011 gl 1.58] 910 | 0.7 1 [7.5 242 76 efferson. 12 2,353 332 59 2,387] 26.3 | 50.0 16,345) 6,848 3,12k Lay 3,03: 27.7 55.0 5 [51.1 911 129 Jim Hogg. . ..12 1 39 196 | 40.8 | 38.8 3,705| 18,903] 2,323 29 668| 8b.1 | 11.9 1 [61.8 2Lk 67 Jim Wells....... 125 1,321 52! 109 1,234 | 49.8 | 25.3 15,748( 12,702] 4,982 ol 2,196| 58.1 32.0 1 [38.9 2ky Ie) 363 Table 8 Part 5 ~ Industry and Retail Trade TEX., Dallem (056) = Jim Wells (125) TABLE 3—SELECTED DATA FOR METROPOLITAN AREAS AND FOR ALL COUNTIES, BY STATE—Continued (All dollar figures have been rounded to thousands and will not necessarily add to totals) MANUFACTURING ESTABLISHMENTS—1939 MINERAL INDUSTRIES—1939 RETAIL ESTABLISHMENTS—1939 METROPOLITAN Metro. AREAS, Val dded A= COUNTIES, Wage Value of ug an od Value of | Number Wages and earners Hogs products y roducts of salaries CODES Number | ( (1000's of } ture fi ¢ 1000's of average Sellars) (1000's of 1000's of ( ’s of | persons | ( s of ollars ( s of or year, dollars) dollars) dollars) | engaged | dollars) ©) (66) 0 (3) (69) (0) an _@ | TEXAS=-Con, All Counties—~Con, Baflan, rast 6 27 27 319 154 76 16,339 15,523 155,945 61,653 460 282 345 9 89 57 5 176 6 28 7 426 27 5 57 2) (*) (*) 18 181 16 1,799 663 (*) (*) *) 30 636 396 2,89 893 3 17 {2) (2) (*) 1 ¢E) (*) (*) (*) Donleyeses [) 16 2 83 49 Duvalesesasessss066 6 27 39 128 100 (*) (*) (*) 2 75 73 627 415 818 234 363 16 117 133 955 406 682 117 196 1 2y (2) 3) 2) ElMBeussiaierasO0 29 426 222 2,161 91 31 27 16 040 |E1 PaSOseesssses07L 132 3,081 2,671 65,783 7,521 215 120 7 072 1 bd 46 864 222 (1) *) (*) 15 102 60 758 217 17 525 342 1,906 821 19 130 9% 1,241 487 410 153 17 7 169 169 1,740 953 (*) (*) {) 4 14 1 17 55 (1) {%) (2) 2 ry = i t 2) {2} 2) t) 35 a 5 &) L £) (*3 (*) 6 27 (2) (2) (3) 2 (2) (*) () {2) 5 (*) (2) ?) : 7%, 3,131 4,328 79,286 13,696 2) (*) (*) Garz8eeeeeccacsd085 4 236 (EF) 52 (2) o111esptessresnn086 10 52 33 166 98 *) #) *} 3 5 (2) (*) (Fy5i, 9 303 122 1,233 261 (*) 2) 2) re 24 42% 623 5,703 2,317 2,403 338 570 Greysonaseessess09l 63 2,137 1,400 22,852 5,176 *) (2) (*) 092 52 704 645 10,381 2,956 3,936 300 535 6 80 {*) {%) (*) 12 188 117 1,785 462 ) {*) (2) 19 158 140 2,673 806 ‘ 6 53 (*) 53 (*) 7 3% 25 285 el 4 11 2 31 19 8 184 158 1,876 932 (*) (2) (*) Hardineseeeessss100 10 1,063 696 2,101 925 054 [Harrise.eeeeseesl0l 655 22,765 30,656 337,130 107,138 1,315 241 452 ' 10: 33 1,285 906 5,843 2,583 (1) 2) (2) Haskelleooos 3 27 (2) (3) t) HaYSeeeceescersal0s 6 30 23 286 124 Hemph11l,.q00004106 4 12 {?) (1) {2} 107 12 189 104 489 265 1,007 452 486 62: 1,102 554, 6,502 2,383 2y (*) (*) 13 473 (+) (*) (*) 5 23 () (*) a) 2 (2) (*) ) (2) 12) 12) (2) 1 17%, 136 2,020 475 (2) 2) {%} 17 238 106 599 282 () (2) (2) 23 279 2) 3} An (2) (2) {) Hudspeth sss sess 115 1 *) (3) (*) (*) 2) 12) (*) Hinteeecececesss lll 32 685 389 6,69, L141 Hutohingony. ss ss 11¥ 28| 1,162 1,69 23,619 5,657 3,629 344 584, Te iuscssersen ill i (1) +7 *) 5 () 75 (1) 22 % 5 2 8CKesoosscsncee Jacksohe sees esss120 & 48 30 225 73 ir I 15 761 495 1,99 1,39) @ oe 012 |Jefferson,.. 130 12,208 18,409 321,532 69,178 (1) ) (*) T1B Hoggesseeses12 3 (2) (*) (*) Jim Wellseeesseel25 10 67 53 431 188 1Not shown because of disclosure of operations of individual establishments, Data included in Combined Counties at end of State. 364 Nesbercf Sales Active Employees Pay roll pin TOLL (1000s of | pro- Ts € 1(1000’s of siores dollars) | prietors year) dollars) a) (14) (15) (16) a 128 2,602 116 258 241 5,217] 188,536] 4,636] 23,039 22,761 226 44393 232 428 322 95 2,587 93 208 176 116 1,545 18 166 9% 469 8,437 464 937, 595 38, 6,164 350 gos, 455 101 2,225 95 193] 162 83 1,034 76) 9% 69 112 1,802 109) 17 119 249 3,700 24,6) 398 270 477 7,006 L477 735 530 267 9,025 238 792 799 46 47 1 46 29 701 9,39 79 1,05 645 1,706 12,480] 1,606] 5,694 5,039 230 3,757 236 391 230 367 5,080 332 535 352 466 5,883 452 655 370 398 4,739 398 556) 325 139 1,734 18 176 109 123 2,607 119 248 17, mn 1,057 ii 100 58 416 7,209 361 750 503 66 1,027 7” % 6 251 2,987 237 333 223 124, 1,33 118 156 100 169 3,122 18 316 255 1,417 30,591 1,293] 3,893] 3,349 86 1,615 76 152 116 185 2,701 206 331 179 13 9 14 1 1 %2 1,194 75 \127 78 302| ® 3,927 317 435 245 362 10,186 325 1,034 934 1,018 17,982 %8| 2,331] 1,500 951 22,320 876| 2,301] 2,055 186 3,066 151 286 204 349 4,192 342 550 311 295 7,319 271 742 592 193 2,999 188 300 191 208 2,726 201 316 16 54 1,246 49 ™ 76 188 2,759 181 296 194 198 3,049 184 292 233 6,413] 213,998| 5,799] 25,082] 24,402 458 9,163 431 976 764 19 197 16 19 15 199 2,585 196 247 160 209 2,999 219 347 211 69 1,461 7 16 97 306 4,705 308 LTh 288 1,243 19,632] 1,149| 2,350 1,70 481 6,223 47h 756 458 151 2,67 154 248 164 100 880 107 yi 29 371 5,451 388 583 335 249 3,765 238 389 247 394 9,833 351 1,003 855 66 478 52 34 630 11,102 a5) 1,262 21 210 6,815 199 6&2 see 34 305 31 32 18 172 1,867 167 188 108 us 2,119 151 238 15 193 3,055 189 308 187 33 257 13 31 17 1,906 siATL 1,646] 6,676] 60m 106 1,487 108 172 120 299 5.757 268 578 s0e TABLE 3—SELECTED DATA FOR METROPOLITAN AREAS AND FOR ALL COUNTIES, BY STATE—Continued Table [3 Part 6 - Other Econodic Da ta TEX., Dallam (058) - (All dollar figures have been rounded to thousands and will not necessarily afd to totals) Jim Wells (125) Oras SERVICE ESTABLISHMENTS—1939 BANK DEPOSITS : : Major war supply Major war facilities contracts, injects, June 1940-Sept. 1945 | June 1940-June 1945 METROPOLITAN E Bond (1000's of dollars) |~ (1000's of dollars) Metro. AREAS, sales 1944 fos COUNTIES, ~~ |Number Number : . [Employees Total : (1000's of Code AND of Sales of | Receipts | Active (orice Pay roll | (demand | Time | dollars at CODES estab- | (1000s of | estab- | (1000's proprie-] “¢ {iy s | and time) (1000's | issue price) lish- | dollars) ish- | of dollars) | tors year) |? dollars)| (1000's | of dollars) | ments ments of dollars) Sober Other Industrial Military (18) a) (80) (81) 82) 33) . 84) (35) (86) 7 (88) 9) (9) on TEXAS=——Con. All Counties—Con. 778 49 194 53 93 56 5.42 453 1,275 15,908 479,834] 2,457 16,930 2,457 7,196 5,807] 406,989 8,13 54,536 718,103 76,46} 44,113 PUR} 2,166 9 436 107 153 7.838 1,019 805 1,529 45 157 54 63 3 1837 1% 681 2,201 558 46 158 46 ul 2,410 y 392 2,671 181 in 189 4 202 107 10,139 88 2,647 286 3.57 134 304 132 155 56 11,585 472 1,254 6,150 583 32 159 33 ko 37 2,426 538 231 20 Ly 20 8 by 972 233 296 47 134 49 47 26 3,576 Nn 402 1,712 79 131 8 13 22 1,074 455 3,296 185 424 0 113 66 8,732 1,386 10,350 94 545 96 16% 169 5,859 1,200 1,000 355 14 21 13 Lu 2 499 1 132 7,914 270 632 293 241 125 14,870 50 2,231 2,203 55,055 618 3,189 634 1,364 997 70,011 15,658 12,119 56 6,780 2,818 33,100 1,918 9 221 88 85 36 7.457 201 1,173 238 1,90 116 400 17 154 86 6,900 39 993 x 2,360 146 326 150 127 6 8,729 342 1,06 853 491k 2,589 13 239 124 .-59 29 19,016 817 1,153 3 Fisher..........076 10 244 55 103 58 32 17 2,677 643 54 . 29 1,124 55 110 63 2 21 3.7% uh ™ 15 401 29 Ly 32 15 g 1,52 Lp2 . 39 3,010 12h 265 124 93 ug 8,212 6 1,337 614 Franklin........080 2 (2) 19 56 26 19 11 1,429 Freestone 15 639 76 121 83 Lg 24 3,916 89 588 Frio.... 9 2L5 39 54 37 17 7 2,19 56 Luis Gaines. . 17 2,363 bh 153 by 54 L2 1,809 5 1,510 Galveston. 126 33,873 L25 4,835 433 5,945 2,17 55,441 16,561 9,160 26,158 163,323 73,430 29,983 10 321 39 87 37 25 18 2,382 65 320 353 25 2,627 42 AY ug uo 23 4,703 483 67 3 2 3 102 y 122 22 41 22 16 8 1,706 5] hk 27 2,149 123 192 132 66 26 Sa 2 1,042 80 7.562 151 60g 151 19% 154 12,232 859 1,608 1,928 2,367 10,509 122 11,526 391 1,121 401 543 283 28,531 4,037 5,457 1k ,540 8,825 7.420 129 12,816 297 1,243 291 438 367 26,3uk 323 ,001 3,614 7 3,272 12 611 n 158 59 67 34 4,105 21 868 18 1,817 99 202 103 110 i3 £,386 1,431 672 60 5.092 154 ug6| | 173 176 10k 10,586 ry 65 1,681 272 16 187 70 311 7 78 55 4,377 7 618 205 23 1,033 88 125 0 58 22 4,278 139 837 ’ 59 30 896 21 1 23 16 6 4,036 10 766 36 1,967 78 28y 8 100 55 4,575 781 6 13 51 108 57 24 16 3,378 - 292 723 879| 64,645] 2,855| 25,225) 2,884 1,076 9.467] 523,687 63,824 70,872 752,280 677,683 349,563 35,814 2u 3,142 136 584 143 261 133 13,742 2,202 2,361 21,879 331 324290 2 (1) 6 6 6 1 1 102 28 538 7 263 8 83 55 682 2 887 20 2,133 et 177 75 82 Lg ,361 1,096 1.217] 7.13 Hemphill,. .106 7 237 29 n 30 38 19 2,210 ug 35k Henderso 107 16 973 9 189 86 10 42 4,718 3L3 - Hidalgo. .108 175 19,471 343 276 355 318 199 36,621 826 5,433 2,013 9,042 Hill... .109 96 5,949 199 391 20k 164 80 9,03 10 1,242 1,450 Hockley..eses...110 18 975 187 62 61 Lo y,72 79 1,uk3 12 313 L2 52 Lh 15 6 1,738 27 298 43 3,051 176 330 150 158 £5 7,336 L61 1,046 17 1,504 82 150 ER 3 23 4,786 204 890 2,784 50 6,011 139 771 145 235 170 11,737 321 1.799 51 4,182 7.139 2 (1) 7 9 6 81 96 11,076 291 911 304 327 130 14,971 1,965 1,989 3.125 6,519 33 2,478 97 350 103 113 97 6,303 633 1,773 86,816 57,624 2 (1) 9 7 9 3 = 2,142 223 7 274 55 96 59 43 19 2,516 16 52k 8 315 43 66 Lb 19 10 3.733 7 762 17 1,160 46 129 52 Lo 20 3,949 862 10 £0 5 5 4 820 52 159 177 35,401 627 3,496 633 1,511 1,198 9k, 192 10,626 18,024 218,951 637.029 143,869 1,825 10 832 25 38 28 18 9 1,474 137 205 > 29 3.529 78 22 81 . 18} 571 7.743 12k 302 28| iINot shown vecause of disclosure oi operations of individual establishments. Data included in "Other" at end of State. 365 Table 3 Part 1 - Population TEX., Johnson (126) - Reeves (195) TABLE 3—SELECTED DATA FOR METROPOLITAN AREAS AND FOR ALL COUNTIES, BY STATE—Continued aro 680343 TOTAL POPULATION POPULATION—1940 EDUCATION. 1. - Taare ESTIMATED 1944 CIVILIAN . POPULATION Land | Pop. | Total white Percent of METROPOLITAN iS: area {ulation population 25 Metro. AREAS rank in per years old and Area COUNTIES, Numb. of |Percent| 4 sq over who have umber : , 9 Code op i change | mifes | mile Percent Usb Rural Rural completed— Percent] April 1 mn ol ™an | nonfarm | farm Births | Deaths Number change F 040’ |percen-|1930=| 1940 | 1940 | Number | total tiles) | 1940 opu- 5 or Hich No.l: 1940- fo more > | 1943 1940 grades | Schoo m @ ® “ ©) 6) m ® © (10) (11) 12) 13) (14) (15) (16) TEXAS—Con. All Counties—Con, Johnson. ........126 26,893 | -11.5| 80,384 27| -s.8| 740] 41.1 28,826 | 94.9| 10,568] 6,407| 13,419] 87.7] 20.2 580 276 21,272 | -9.0| 23,378 s8| -3.5 959 | 24.4 22,389| 95.6| 4,810| 7,187 11,381] 86.6] 20.6 562 157 15,514 | -19.4| 19,248 a7 | -17.4 758| 25.4 18,274 | 94.9| 2,801] 3,873 12,484] 55.4] 10.6 559 156 81,386 | -18.2 38,308 20| -6.3 816 | 46.9 27,782 | 72.5| 13,135| 7,596| 17,577| 75.4] 16.8 621 546 Kendall.........130) 4,848 | -4.6 5,080 1]. 2.2 670| “7.6 5,004 | 98.5 2,207 2,873) 80.0 15.3 98 79 Kenedy. ....eo...131 580 | -17.1 700 99| -0.1| 1,407| o0.5 700 | 100.0 281 419] 28.5] 7.5 19 5 2,678 | -21.5 3,413 95 | -11.4 so1| 3.8 3,337 | 97.8 1,077 2,386| 82.7| 16.4 60 15 9,667 | -17.0 11,650 70| 14.8| 1,101] 10.6 10,996 | 94.4 s5,572| 2,88] 3,490] ee.5| 24.1 218 187 3,669 | -27.5 5,064 92| 22.9] 1,274] 4.0 5,042 | 99.6 2,548] 2,516] 82.8] 20.4 90 31 KiNGeersaversassdl 1,129 | 5.9 1,066 99| -10.6 944 1.1 1,048 98.8 376 6%0| 85.3 17.6 8 2 ELD08Y esos avans 4,489 | 27.6 4,538 93| 13.9] 1,801 3.3 4,269 94.2| 2,668] 1,162 718] 65.3] 17.0 100 1 14,815 | 11.0] 13,344 6e| 7.2 851| 15.7 12,806 | 96.0 7,782| 2,875 3,187| 66.1] 24.5 564 155 10,223 1.8] 10,090 76 | -11.2 854 | ‘11.8 9,776 | 96.9 4,207 5,883 85.0] 19.5 227 7 46,174 | -8.4| 50,425 14 3.9 906 | 55.7 41,210| 81.7| 18,678 6,410 25,387| ses.6| 19.7] 1,811 428 Lamb...ees.....140] 20,688 | 17.5] 17,606 52| 0.9) 1,022] 17.2 16,885 | 95.9 3,817| 8,280] 10,569] 89.6] 21.0 S91 120 Lempasas........14]] 8,656 | -5.6 9,167 79| 5.6 726 | 12.6 8,909 97.2 3,426 1,400 4,251] e4.6| 22.0 200 87 5,799 | -27.5 8,008 8s| -2.7| -a,501| 5.8 8,000 | 100.0 3,633 1,935| 2,435] 48.2] 14.4 269 74 21,098 | -17.2| 25,485 35| -7.5 975 | 26.1 22,265| 87.4| 2,789| 5,175| 17,521] 69.8 9.4 518 249 10,474 | -17.9 12,751 67| -4.8 644| 19.8 9,096 | 71.3 3,615 9,186| 77.1 9.4 202 117 12,340 | -30.4| 17,733 52| -10.9| 1,099] 16.1 10,218 57.6 4,290 13,443 77.4] 13.6 811 124 21,854 | -10.9 24,541 36| 23.5| 1,178] 20.9 18,465 | 75.2 3,087 | 12,113 9,341] 72.4] 16.2 552 226 23,421 | -30.7 33,781 24| -14.5 932 | 36.2 23,990 | 71.0| 6,410 7,324] 20,047] 1.6] 16.6 499 246 3,552 | 45.6 3,764 9 | -16.6 934 | 4.0 3,764 | 100.0 1,790 1,978 88.5] 24.2 93 29 7,460 | -23.9 9,799 7 9.4 1,072] 9.1 9,748| 99.5 3,547 6,252] 63.9 14.8 224 68 L1800er sve snes 4,328 | -27.8 5,996 89| 8.3 947| 6.3 5,944 | 99.1 2,658 738| 2,600] 85.5] 17.5 74 39 LOVALE, +d snasns 194 | -31.9 285 99| 46.2 647| 0.4 285 | 100.0 255 so| 91.8] s2.9 3 66,285 | 27.9) 51,782 13| 82.4 892 | 58.1 48,707 | 94.1| 35,440 4,953 11,389] 91.9] 86.2] 1,676 468 20,737 | 73.8] 11,981 69| -3.6 915| 18.0 11,404| 95.6 4,114] 7,87 87.2] 19.3 302 65 12,730 | -3.6| 13,208 65| -4.9| 1,066] 12.4 12,736 | 96.4 5,002| 2,324] 5,882 83.2] 22.7 851 98 McLennan....... 103,185 1.8| 101,898 5 3.3] 1,035| 98.5 82,381 | 80.8| 58,898| 18,150| 24,910| 81.9 25.2] 2,488] 1,205 McMullen....... 1,068 | -22.6 1,374 99 1.7] 1,159 1.2 1,872] 99.9 617 757| 66.7| 20.6 ‘27 7 8,559 | -28.8| 12,029 69| -1.6 a78| 25.2 8,165| 67.9 s,412| 8,617] 77.4] 13.8 226 66 10,209 | -10.9| 11,457 71| 10.5 400| 28.6 4,740 41.4] 2,797] 1,177 7,488 71.8] 13.4 244 108 Martin.... 6,448 16.0 5,556 904 ~-4.0 911 6.1 5,426 | 97.7 1,382 4,174 81.8 17.2 98 16 MBSOD. «se vases 160 4,073 | -24.3 5,378 91| -2.4 935| 5.8 5,278| 98.1 2,518] 2,860] 82.4 16.5 79 37 Matagorda. 16] 22,078 | 10.0) 20,086 45] 13.5( 1,41] 17.6 15,117| 75.3| 6,594| 5,853] 7,619] 76.4] 20.5 630 240 Maverick. . .162f 10,540] 5.0] 10,0m 76| 64.6] 1,279] 7.9 10,047 | 99.8| 6,459 1,780 1,882 49.8] 15.4 480 180 Medina. . 169 16,579 | 2.9] 16,106 57| 16.1] 1,353] 11.9 15,802 | 98.1 7,494) 8,612] 61.9] 14.1 639 209 Menard. . ...164 3,459 | -23.5 4,521 93] 1.7 914 | 4.9 4,459| 98.6 2,709 1,812] 78.6] 24.0 93 26 Midland. .168 12,998 | 11.0) 11,721 70| 46.4 938| 12.5 10,714| 91.4 9,352 s77| 1,992] 87.5] 41.8 467 18 Milam. seoonsn ss 166) 24,375 | -26.4 33,120 24| -12.6| 1,027| 82.2 25,430 | 76.8| 5,040| 6,402 21,678] 69.6] 13.3 568 256 ME118+00uses eer slOh 6,216 | -21.8 7,951 83| -4.1 734 | 10.8 7,951 | 100.0 2,167 5,78¢| 89.9] 18.4 108 45 uitchell.. .164 11,582 | -7.6 12,477 67| -12.0 922 13.5 11,679 | 93.6 5,213 1,508 5,756] 85.8] 20.6 299 81 Montague. . 169 16,156 | -21.0| 20,442 a 6.7 937 | 21.8 20,440 | 100.0 6,075| 8,995] 10,372] @6.8] 17.8 344 160 Montgomery......170| 19,765 | -14.3| 23,055 39| 58.0] 1,090] 21.2 15,907 | 69.0| 4,624| 8,150 10,281] 72.6] 14.0 410 159 MOOT8. +e euaenns. 17] 9,642 | 116.1 4,461 93| 186.9 912| 4.9 4,453] 99.8 38,977 484| 4.8] s2.8 221 43 9,630 | -1.8 9,810 | -2.2 263| 87.3 6,087 | 62.0 2,823) 6,987] 77.9] 13.1 235 9% 4,907 -1.7 4,994 92| -26.7| 1,011 4.9 4,728 94.7 2,330 2,664] 87.7| 23.4 81 24 28,080 | -20.7 35,392 22| 16.8 963 | 36.8 25,880 | 7s.1| 7,588] 8,687| 19,167] 77.3] 16.9 645 211 40,999 | -20.1| 51,308 18| -15.2| 1,08¢| 47.3 38,579 75.2| 15,282 10,639] 25,437] 80.8] 17.5 935 372 10,059 | -26.6 183,700 63 9.4 941| 14.6 8,133| 59.4 5,938) 7,767] 71.3 10.8 248 83 16,076 | -7.1| 17,309 53| -10.4 921| 18.8 16,625 96.0| 10,867| 2,499 4,443] 89.3] 28.8 415 138 113,403 | 22.4 92,661 6| 79.0 838 | 110.6 87,248| 94.2| 64,081| 18,775 14,805] 72.8] 28.1] 4,587] 1,195 3,818 -9.4 4,213 93 | -19.4 905 | 4.7 4,218 100.0 2,409] 1,804] 91.8] 35.5 104 36 01dRAM. «vsennes 1,526 | 10.2 1,385 99| -1.4| 1,466] o0.9 1,381 99.7 868 517 96.6] 88.7 $5 12 Orange..........18 45,775 | 163.3] 17,382 53| 14.7 356 | 48.8 15,302| 8s8.0| 7,472] 4,656] 5,254] 73.0] 16.5] 1,817 299 Palo Pinto......l 19,197 | 4.0| 18,456 50| 5.0 982 18.8 17,904 | ¢7.0| 6,308] 6,585 5,568] 89.1] 29.7 536 198 Panola. ... .18 17,402 | -22.7| 22,518 40| -6.4 880| 25.6 12,792| 56.8 5,159 17,354] 75.3 12.5 320 180 Parker. . 3 18,876 | -10.3| 20,482 4 9.2 s04| 22.7 20,218| 98.7 5,924| 3,720| 10,838) 86.8] 19.7 363 165 PAIMOT + .vseseasnl 5,025 | -14.7 5,890 89| 0.4 859 6.9 5,853| 99.4 1,987 3,93| 88.7 23.8 121 28 POCOS.ceurraansal 8,450 | 3.2 8,185 8s| 4.8] 4,73] 1.7 8,106| 99.0| 3,204] =2,85¢| 2,037] 7s.7| 29.5 251 78 POlker..s 15,871 | -25.5| 20,685 4a| 17.5 1,094] 18.9 14,221 68.9 10,966 9,669] 74.0 16.0 415 168 005 58,042 7.0] 54,265 12| 17.8 901| 60.2 51,516| 94.9| 50,023] 2,901 1,841 93.8] 40.3] 1,529 507 8,393 | -16.6| 10,925 73 7.6] 38,877 2.8 10,8%| 99.7 3,805| 5,221] 1,899] 44.7] 19.3 359 8 4,986 | -32.0 7,33 8 3.1 235] 81.2 6,694] 91.3 1,63 5,700] 84.8] 12.1 10 34 7,19 | 0.1 7,185 85 1.6 916| 7.8 7,139] 99.4] 4,285 234] 2,666] 94.5) 44.9 101 a 1,897 | -5.0 1,997 98| se.0( 1,183] 1.8 1,95¢| 97.8 1,710 287| 94.2| 42.4 36 1 1,982 | -20.2 2,420 97| 10.2 625 3.9 2,420 100.0 1,195) 1,225] 78.9] 11.5 36 17 : 23,310 | -21.7| 29,769 28| -3.7| 1,033] 28.8 22,960| 77.1| 4,095| 5,286] 20,418] e0.1| 12.3 611 287 ROEY8B.1.sseans.ld 9,428 17.7 8,006 83 25.01 2,600 3.1 7,791] 96.6] 4,855] 1,569] 1,582] 5.1] 82.9 390 108 366 TABLE 3—SELECTED DATA FOR METROPOLITAN AREAS AND FOR ALL COUNTIES, BY STATE—Continued Table 3 Purt 2 - Labor Force TEX., Johnson (126) = Reeves (195) LABOR FORCE—1940 Percent of Population 14 Years Old and Over Employed Workers by Industry Group mploy METROPOLITAN Tans ha In leading vig hess, Percent | Percent porta- ons noegri Code AND of i 2 a C Jo; . | Whole- | personal Other * In | industry CODES In labor | Males | females | Top) Agri- . o0 | Manufac- | “TUM | sale and | services agri- Total who are | who are Mining | struc- cations, and not force : 0 employed || culture tion turing Ch retail exclud- reotrin] cul- Code labor ee other trade I 7 te | See | Per. force force utili- domestic page | cent : ties 422) an as) a9) @) @n @) @) 4) @) 2%) @n [2] @) (0) | an | 32) TEXAS--Con. All Counties—Con, Johnsons. eee0126 23,421 10,86] 76.6] 16.3] 9,00uf 3,86 13 405 wml 1,12) 1,ms5) 1,19 204 | 42.5 23] 9.4 17,088] 7ome4| reo] 1209] emf oes] 323 238 253 34, 1099 908 542 75.3| o36| 5.6 13,011 6,422 7.1 17.9 5,492 3,503 33 166 72 126 631 513 48] 63.8] G36| 4.7 28,611 638 71.2 16.8 10,528 5,680 34 354 340) 369 1,338 1,543 870 | 54.0| G36| 8.6 3,855 1,907 82.8 14.7 1,798 984 5 82 36 45 262 188 196 | 54.7| G36| 4.1 445 247 87.0 Th 245 166 18 1 6 5 36| 67.8 23| 5.7 2,367 1,0 77.9 10.9 1,006 67 1 18 23 25 104 103 56| 67.2] G36| 6.5 8,786 4,080 N.1 30.9 3,793 1,133 10 258] 103 118 635 5035 501 29.9| G36| 15.6 3,673 1,835 83.0 13.0 1,744 799 3 mn 16} 92 248 172 243 | 45.8 1)°9.3 750 81.1 8.8] 354 272 8 1 2 20 26 15] 76.8 G36| 5.4 3,248 1,843 86.9 12,8 1,78 425 82 10] 67 164 83 887 | 24.7 37| 46.9 9,361 4,631 Med 19.5 4,086 951 135 155 107, 837 665 6T1 559] 23.3 23| 18,6 7ay| an] eo.s| 13.7 2,652 1,489 1 80 43 % 388 U7 208| 56.1 636] 6.9 36,828) 18,170] 79.8] 19.5] w,a3| 7117 2 470 1,187) s00| 2,167 1,95] 1,343|47.9| 636] 6.4 12,333 6,231 82.4 15.6 5,415 3,027 2 210 152 174 835 762 253] 55.9| G36] 6.6 6,935 3,201 78.6 13.9 2,894 1,316 4 19 M) 163 553 393 237| 45.5| G36 533 5,390 2,808 84.6 17.7 2,165 1,283 13 64 18] 84 305 198 200] 59.3| G36| 4.3 18,97| 10,551 84.6] 26.1] 9,823] 7.0% 10 170 27 an 85 70 57] mi6| 636) 3.8 8,916 4,355 81.6 14.2 3,89 2,734 6 134, 49) 95 395 282 201) 70.2| G36| 4.2 12,333 6,011 79.3 17.4, 5,551 3,820 U 89 129) U3 448 465 443] 68.8] G36| 4.9 17,534 8,813 78.5 19.0 7,848 2,175 a13 47 1,066) 494 1,111 892 880 | 27.7 3] 9.2 2,448 11,675] 78.1] 17.6] 9,029|| 5.628] 220 28, 401, 347] 2,063 1,046 90) 56.7| 636 5.1 2,735 1,296 77.6 15.6 1,173 604. 1 36| 14 50 195 196 77] 51.5| G36] 8.1 6,485 3,190 81.9 12,1 2,992 1,874 122 123 53 130 283 27 170| 62,6] G36| 4.0 Llanc.esecssssesl50 4,561 2,22 82.9 13.6 »911 908 52 151) 64] 93 289 228 126 | 47.5] G36| 4.9 Lovingeseessessel5l pave 117 85.0 103 18 40 7 7 9 1n 17.5 3] 38.8 bock. 152 39,103 20,673 80.6 24.6 18,325 3,539 95 1,241 1,272 1,491 4,800 4,145 1,72] 19.3| G36| 9.1 8,437 4,103 83,0 1.2 3,731 2,401] 5 95 TU, 99 485 381 191] 64.4 G36| 4.7 9,723| 4,851] 8.9] 17.6] 44] 1.870 5 23 109 172 7m 612 w2| 45.1] c36| 6.8 129 |[McLennan........155 77,752 39,110 7.8 27.1 32,9M 7,080 93 »499 3,453 2,213 7,625 6,754 4,260] 21.5| G36] 9.7 oMaziaRes use ss 16 950 481 8.8 9.5 457 275 69 1 1 9 34 37 21] 60.2 3] 15.1 8,548 4,195 78.2 17.5 3,819 2,588 4 123 43 81 369 332 279] 67.8] G36| 4.2 7,933 445074 81,7 20.9 3,645 1,919 134 62: 471) 117 343 286 313 52.6 9| 8.9 159 3,72 1,828 82,2 9.6 1,672 1,227 5 34 pal 28 148 139 | 73.4| G36| 4S MOSM. cecscenseslbD 4,076 1,968 82, 13.2 1,763 1,016 3 106 34] 64 ‘219 200 121 | 57.6 | Gs6| 5.3 Matagorda... 161 uu25| 7,509] sou| 2.7] 6us2f 2,256] a9 389 313 22 1,015 932 836] 35.0] 3] 6.6 162 6,783] 3,463] 83.2] 19.7] 2,888|| 1,323 1 130 31 138 476 372 368] 25.8] G36| 4.7 11,183 5,383 81.2 1.9 4,818 2,992 27 211 201 150 473 419 345] 62.1] G36| 4.2 3248) 1,651 eo| 17.7] Lum 764, 4 a 19 53 217 172 160] 52.0| ©36| 4ek Midland..e..es. e165 8,516 4,88 85.5 29.0] 4,3% 641 581 270 178 310 900 881 575| 14.8 3| 13.3 laBeceossese sels 23,720 11,450 79.2 16.6 ,040 6,513 126 254 176 258 1,013 984 T6| 64.9] G36| 5.2 5,865 2,618 77.9 9.7 2,375 1,603 4 90 18] 47 21 215 127(:67.5| G36| 5.3 9,032 4,365 79.9 15.1 3,828 1,708 96 170 246 202 591 533 282 | 44.6] G36| 6.0 15,196 7,084 78.1 14.3 5,944 2,623 453) 257 256 265 856 818 416 | 44.1 30 1.5 16, 357 8,206 7 20.6 7,167 2,155 426 416) 1,366 319 825 810 850 | 30.1 9| 12,8 3,062 1,629| 87.0 14.0 ,531 205] LA 108 521 7% 211 188 78| 13.4 14 12.0 6,29) 3441) 79.6] 20.0] 2.87 1,785 11 7, 162 1 285 270 208) 62.1] 636] 5.3 3,571 1,789 81,9 15.4 1,459 79 31 46 18 42 228 198 | 100 | 54.6] G36| 7.1 25,061 12,473] m.5| 19.6] 10,73( 4,78 15 328 1,806) 22 1,288 1,178 1,08| 43.9] of 10.5 ‘37, 19,088 78.8 22.8 16, 086 7,899 300 408 983 573 2,217 2,023 1, 49.1 G36] 5.9 9,245 4,546 81.8 15.4] 3,776 1,429) 8 100| 1,290| 88 21, 291 356 | 37.8 9| 28.9 12,737 6,414 M94 20.9 5,434 1,271 27 18, 551 473 5409 , 950 569 | 23.4| G36| 6.6 030 66,275 37,329 es.i| 25.8] 32,71 4,97| 2,228] 2,825 2,638 2,402| Tmee2| 6,022| 3,04|15.2] 3] 6.7 3,160 1,641 80,7 19.9 1,441 612 1 56 38 64 37 211 132 | 42,5| G36| 6,1 987 521 82,3 15.2 503 238 17 21 1 30 8 66 52| 47.3| G36| 6.6 12,602] 6,033] 76.4| 19.0] 4,7 662] 216 328 1,153 364, 837 67 s43| 13.9) 21] 6.8 14,095 6,809 76.0 20.4, 5,600 1,406 179 649 - 446) 246 1,022 1,189 463] 25.1] G36| 6.8 15,302 7,670 82.4 17.2 6,939 4,801 78 168 369| 18 468 467 440 | 6942] G36 4e2 15,503 7,315 77.6 15.8 6,163 3,003 44 336 384 263 911 814 408 | 48.7| G36| 6.4 4,180 2,008 80.3 10.7 1,867 1,160 2 75 18 59 242 207 104 | 62.1] G36| 5.8 5,612 2,917 82.3 19.3 2,670 822 411 155 52] 152 405 417 256 | 30.8 3] 15.3 14,646 7,048 80,1 13.3 6,420 2,213 202 278 1,887| 197 547 607 489 | 34.5 9 21.8 005 41,886 2555 2s fis 23.5% a 330| 1,327 2,264) 1458 6,265 5,290 2,516] 2.3| G36| 8.0 o «9 317 us 107] 110 340 293 1,07 | 27.4 37| 22,2 5,05) 23409 sos] 1007] 2s) 1,606 2 22 32 Lu 156| Ter|78ls| a36| 5.0 Tio| sl atl 3 inl | 4 HB BOOB CR] CR] a|Es| U5 172 Jo ma 15:1 oT us 3 3 13 2 75 63 164] 5209] 1 as 9 13 5,610 12 231 534 U3 737 719 574 | 65.5| G36| 4d Beeserrerel?s “oe 3061 eel 231] 20666 : 3% 288 9 251 608 485 371 22:21 c36l 5:6 Table 3 Pat 8 = Housing TABLE 3—SELECTED DATA FOR METROPOLITAN AREAS AND FOR ALL COUNTIES, Rovio (195) = BY STATE—Continued wre woo HOUSING—1940 All Dwelling Units Occupied Dwelling Units Nonfarm Rural Farm 8 P! 8 Dwelling Units Dwelling Units Nasi METROPOLITAN Metro. AREAS, ’ : i i Area COUNTIES, ah P P P Median P piiones Code AND Residential Percent | Fercent Per- | Fereent | number ors : in5or | wi Percent wil Average cent |Percet| Jan. I, CODES siroctes wore | private oth cent | mechan. | © monthly with | with | “1945 Number family thtub | electric Number | owner ical persons Number rent Number run- | electric struc- or lighting or refrig- | oc (dollars) ning |lighting tures shower pre eration water hold 33) [£0] 39) (36) an 38) 39) “@) “an ®) 3) “) 5) 46) “an TEXAS— Con. All Counties—Con, Johnson 8,566 9,284 1.3 39.0 60.1 ,623 | 46.2 28.5 3.16 5,374 11.39 3,910 | 35.8 32.0 2,201 Jones..... 6,076 6,516 0.4 26.4 46.9 179 | 39.2 30.2 | 3.38 3,019 | 13.73 3,097 | 15.7 | 15.6 1,347 Karnes... 4,728 4,872 0.4 25.6 28.8 ,240 .0 19.6 | 3.95 1,857 | 11. ,015 | 28.4 | 10.9 825 Kaufman. . 9,279 9,969 0.7 19.6 h.3 ,200 ai 17.6 3.33 5,172 10. L197 4.4 15.3 2,014 Kendall 1,638 1,678 49.9 52.1 ,507 .9 24.7 2.95 133 12.09 945 | 65.3 39.6 87! 133 137 13.9 .8 134 | 13.4 7.7] 4% 52 - 85 - - (1) 935 52% 0.5 8.6 2 874 | 1.6 18,6 3.51 320 7.27 Buk 4.2 9.7 113 3,5 3,739 0.8 56.7 67.5 3,135 | 51.9 40.0 3.14 2,539 19.4% 1,200 | 56.4 | 38.9 1,049 1,343 1,15 0.4 31.5 1.6 1,368 | 49.4 34.0 | 3.31 692 | 10.76 723 | 50.3 | 17.0 420 287 291 8.2 13.8 267 | 28.8 M0 | 3.53 108 5.98 183 | 11.5 | 10.9 (2) 916 9%0 29.3 40.5 897 | 47.2 26.8 | 3.60 722 8.88 218 | 55.0 | 18.9 196 3,181 3,315 1.0 43.8 58.4 3,227 | 51.4 Bip | 3.54 2,702 | 15.95 o13 3.4 | 15.4 1,187 2,680 2,820 0.9 19.4 25-9 2,560 | 40.8 23.8 | 3.49 1,226 9.63 1,59 20.3 2 399 12,118 13,600 0.8. 22.8 3.1 13,048 Sd 18.4 3.4 7,303 12.11 6,297 2.7 13. 2,738 4,873 5,130 1.6 20.6 148.9 ,567 3.1 29.6 | .3.51 2,040 | 12.4% 3,090 | 28.5 32.6 Lak 2,678 2,850 0.7 4.3 40.1 2,673 |'h9.8 22.6 3.06 1,580 10.88 1,270 | 38.2 6.7 1,765 2,124 2,199 17.6 20.6 1,898 | 47.6 17.3 3.72 1,420 6.59 779 | 21.1 8.2 2u7 6,730 6,852 0.1 28.9 26,8 6,612 | 50.5 12.8 3.44 2,430 11.38 4,422 | 38.5 4.9 1,090 idl ,238 12.8 22.4 hye 49.6 12.7 EY 1,001 10.11 2,237 5.2 4.6 380 ,878 ,952 0.1 Xa 18.8 LU57 | Mra 16.6" 3.45 1,379 8.83 3,573 3.3 4.3 552 6,536 6,773 0.3 27.0 IR 6,405 | 48.0 32.2 3.36 4,466 11.58 2,307 | 12.8 12.5 1,007 9,203 9,577 0.2 20.1 35.8 8,866 | 38.1 21.3 3.34 4,220 9.63 5,357 5.5 14.8 1,47 1,038 1,062 34.5 85.0 1,002 | 55.6 36.6 | 3.37 554 9.86 508 | 53.0 | u46.5 ko2 2,430 2,434 27.3 30.9 2,256 | 43.1 25.1 3.81 933 | 11.39 1,501 | 21.4 | 12.0 19% 1,781 |. 1,852 35.0 50.8 1,695 | 60.4 35.2 3.11 1,052 10.72 800 | 37.0 28.4 589 97 97 22 86 - - - 79 - 18 - - (2) 13,09 14,888 2.4 9.8. 80.1 13,819 | 43.5 56.7 3.26 11,525 | 25.21 3,363 | 36.2 43,2 6,782 3,80 3,963 0.4 18.3 39.6 3,085 | 38.0 34.1 3.50 1,253 13.27 2,710 | 27.8 23.4 Le7 3,749 2563 0.3 4 50.9 3,498 | U5.1 37.1 3.32 2,069 13.88 1,794 | 32.4 26.6 1,157 129 25,372 29,11! 3.1 7.9 69.9 27,326 | 39.5 33.2 | 3.19 22,497 | 16.37 6,617 | 22.8 | 29.7] 10,33 452 457 18.4 25.4 364 | 48.1 %.7 | 3.24 173 6.88 284 | 21.5 | 18.0 (1) Madison. .... 3,295 3,379 13.1 19.5 3,050 | 41.2 16.8 | 3.40 1,075 9.78 2,34 | 3.9 ha 365 Marion.... 2,912 2,992 13.4 23.7 2,843 | 46.1 15.8 | 3.51 1,179 | 11.54% 1,813 | 2.8 12 275 Martin.... 1,4 1,514 .6 a. 1,370 | 37.5 20.9 3.69 46 | 10.95 1,108 | 24.1 17.4 114 Mason........... 1 1,539 1,614 37.6 .8 1,514 | 59.0 33.2 3.22 137 11.58 877 | 49.0 M.3 781 Matagorda 5,251 5.183 1.4 31.1 45.0 5,302 | 44.9 34.1 328 3,704 | 14.93 2,029 | 18.9 10.3 1,111 Maverick. . 2,169 2,247 0.2 23.2 42.4 2,171 | 41.5 20.8 |. L.o8 1,807 9.13 Wo | 11.8 | 24.7 389 Medina... ,298 4,419 33.8 Ba 3,872 | 51.8 26.0 | 3.57 2,072 9.17 2,347 3-9 26.8 1,067 Menard. 1,204 1,270 35.0 7.0 1,225 | 57.2 2:2 3.20 733 | 10.83 537 | 48.8 | 26.1 436 Midland. 3,197 3,576 1.8 51.6 73.6 3,323 | 46.5 8.2 3.11 2,983 27.92 595: 39.5 22.5 1,903 Milameioooonnnns 8,623 8,944 0.2 15.3 0.8 8,272 | 38.4 13.1 3.50 3,420 | "10.23 5,524 | 6.0 12.7 1,15 Mills..... . 2,196 2,31 22.7 29.3 2,150 | 50.6 16.4 3.28 681 9.64 1,632 | Wo.7 13.5 497 Mitchell. . 3,465 3,70! 0.7 26.7 48.9 3,332 2-3 34.2 3.35 1,952 12.31 1,752 | 5.71 18.6 807 Montague. .......169 5,373 5,689 0.2 22.0 43.0 5,433 | B7.3 26.7 | 3.37 2,977 | 11.66 2,712 | 12.8 9.8 1,190 Montgomery. ..... 170 JI 6,297 0.7 20.2 36.8 6,009 | 47.3 25.2 3.35 3,652 9.52 2,645 9.3 10.9 602 1,137 1,288 1-1 52.1 90.4 1,204 | 32.9 69.8 | 3.33 1,154 | 14.94 134 | 85,1] 37.5 283 2,494 2,605 0.2 11.0 25.8 2,426 £3 10.5 3,51 921 8.40 1,684 | 2.8 9.4 291 1,68 1,530 15.8 h.2 1,325 3.5 29.5 3,43 679 9.78 851 | 12.6 13.6 139 8,845 9,305 0.8 18.0 3 8,829 | 40.6 17.0 | 3.56 4,669 | 12.86 4,636 | 2.6 7.9 1,nk 13,689 14,676 0.4 22.9 3 13,502 | 34.6 23.3 3.30 7,614 | 11.45 7,062 6.4 16.1 2,620 Soe 1355 6.5 18.2 ,254 | 51.k4 11.8. 3. 1,584 5.93 1.773 1.6 2.2 2 2305 ,919 2.3 Yo.7 62.1 64h | M17 ho. 3.28 3,692 15.61 1,221 1437.1 18.1 1,562 030 24,629 27,64 4.8 47.4 65.2 23,993 B52 45.5 3.34 22,710 22.50 ,931 2 18.5 11, 358 Ochiltree....... 1,180 1,255 i 2a 4.3 69.1 1,136 7.5 44.9 3.31 717 15.29 538 7.2 42.2 Oldham. sees.nens 180 37 378 43.3 68.2 353 | 4h.5 46.6 | 3.57 242 | 12.50 136 | 66.2 | 35.8 78 L,399 4,680 0.3 29.4 61.4 4,598 | 52.2 | 37.4 3.33 3,442 | 12.46 1,238 | 31.0 | 47.4 1,k%2 5,2uk 5,599 2.3 38.9 60.1 5,116 | 50.0 5 3.16 3,978 13.49 1,621 | 15.9 21.0 1,612 5,761 5,934 0.2 7.8 19.3 5,357 | 40.6 13.2 3.72 1,502 9.62 4,432 3.1 8.8 5,508 5,902 1.1 25.1 42.1 5,612 20-3 20.0 | 3.23 2,909 | 11.25 2,993 | 30.7 16.0 1,385 1,533 1,621 1.5 22.7 61.6 ,504 | 145.9 37.1 3.65 585 12.13 1,03 32.8 | 50.7 Lb 2,020 2,120 1.2 46.6 60.6 2,029 | k2.9 54.1 | 3.57 1,611 | 12.78 509 | 38.5 | 29.5 4o2 5,292 5,439 0.3 12.6 22.6 5,163 | 41.0 18.4 | 3.h9 3,008 7.93 Jb 2.7 3.0 516 005 12,05 15,650 9.9 66.6 96.6 15,047 qu 60.7 git 15,309 25.70 Fa 83.6 71.5 9,283 2,10 2,388 4.9 23.2 34.1 2,187 1.0 18.6 .00 1,912 9.57" 76 | 18.9 6.7 370 1,860 1,924 2.5 19.4 1,800 | 42.6 7.0 3.71 496, 6.17 1,428 1.5 11.6 55 2,052 2,149 65.0 79.0 2,011 | 53.3 60.3 | 3.22 1,440 | 24.16 709 | 61.1 | W7.2 510 582 585 17.3 85.9 568 | 25.0 78.7 | 3.25 497 8. 88 - - 200 699 708 17.5 24.7 660 | 57.1 24.5 3.24 | 3 7.29 376 | 3.1 11.7 255 7,559 7,867 G.1 9.7 22.1 7,491 o: 12.5 | 3.55 2,7 9.11 5.122 | 2.7 6.0 1,049 2,05 2,232 1.5 43.6 62.6 2,049 3.0 ug 3.30 1,823 | 16.06 Log. 22.7 28.5 673 1Served from adjoining county. 368 TABLE 3—SELECTED DATA FOR METROPOLITAN AREAS AND FOR ALL COUNTIES, BY STATE—Continued Table 3 Part 4 - Agriculture TEX., Johnson (126) - 1Lless than three farms reported and data are therefore included only in State totals, 3 (Figures which have been rounded to thousands will not necessarily aga to totals) Reeves (195) iid AGRICULTURE—1945 AGRICULTURE—1940 Value of farm products sold, | Principal Per- i Value of Work power traded, or by source of Per vet arm property farm farm income | Type- METROPOLITAN cent | farmp P = Rural Meo| AREAS; Number of | Land in | Cropland | Number | of | with ercent from— farming |} 9 Are CONES. fartns furs tated of farms | farms | po Ava Nese: Lives area | Code 3 (1000's ’s oper- | of = Te CODES Jal |e o | Apt. | ated | pod ous | 22 | bones | Number Amount voit Code | py | (See fing 1945 acres) acres) 940 by il ets I: of oo and/or of of ik Bu cent | P42 tee {less | gol] Co) en | ectoms | olla) | py | SP I ants | hon ) (over 3 $400 mo. old) pd “s) “ Go) Gl) a2) G3) [CD] Hl - 9 [2] [£)] GG» 9) on) | ® 3) ©) TEXAS--Cqn. All Counties—Con. 2,990 u62 169 2,921 | 49.2 | 28.8 17,%7/ 6,130 7,082 890 3,337 | 37.9 [48.5 5 |u1.3 710 | 108 2,231 576 288 2,179] 59.0 | 17.4 20,102] 9,225 5.1% 1,188 2,970 5 43h 5 [u3.2 mf 113 2,313 491 183 2,098 | 54.6 ois 15,0%( 7,16% 7.562 661 1,215 | 50.5 | 28.7 1 33.5 710 66 2,798 416 176 3,270 | 64.4 | 24. 18, 5,617 | 11,481 527 3,511 | 17.0 [67.8 5 |66.5 710.| 89 mn 359 30 739 23.1 | 28.4 8,378|11,337 2,856 1% 899 | 72.9 |12.6 1 [35 243 | 102 7 491 - 8 = - 3,182|99% v80 786 | (1) yz | 98.8 | (2) 1 |9%.9 2 | 59 327 ug 51 uh] 49.8 | 33.5 7.066(15,068 | 2,032 233 875 | 66.1 | 24.7 1159.91 pl. 9 760 761 % 729 24.4 % 14,817|20,325 2,886 163 1,608 | 82.1 | 6.7 4 | 42.9 243 | 107 439 811 1 Wis 27.8 | 10.2 1.37 2,614 1,866 60 1,467 | 86.1 | 5.2 4 | 46.5 2431 11 5 463 20 110{ 50.9 | 20.0 1,062|40, 564 97h 8h 8 | 61.8 | 33.3 1 [59.2 m| un 147 888 h 127] 22.8 | 11.8 8,166|64,299 1,382 20 933 | 96.4 | 0.4 1 | W.7 2 gh 3 27 371{.51.2 | 16.7 1554 35,860 2,751 185 1,760 | -82.2 [12.8 V1.0 2! 81 8 1 170 980 | 47.6 | 13.9 | 12,465|12,719 2,524 Te) 1,502 | 3.7 |57.7 5 |57.6 71 | 110 3,263 2 18) 4,176(59.1 | 27.7 | 16,119) 3,860 | 11,964 2 1926 | 15.2 | 65.9 5 [63.0] T10| 86 1,84 3 2,167| 42.0 | 6.8 23,918|11,037 4,288 1,625 ,504 | 23.8 | 67.5 5. |67.2 71x | 119 1,010 yy 55 1,064| M1.5 | 17.0 9,483| 8,918 3,602 198 1,736 | 65.7 [19.4 x 37.2 621 | 110 8 9. 7 43 56.5 od 8,602|18,989 3,326 127 1,18 2s 9.9 1 | 78.8 au | Mg 3.783 51 120 4,197 | 51.9 5 17,758] 4,2 13,267 287 2,450 .2 |20.6 | 5 |24.0 no| 19 1.947 2] 60 2,074] 50.4 | 40.8 6,513 3,1 6,005 12 1,183 | 33.1 | 28.8 0 3.6 752| 8a 2,25 63 2,760 | 54.2 | 51.8 JoH5| 2.68 6,749 nl 1,5%| 22.3 [47.7 5 9 752| #0 2,510 288 y3 1,961 | Yo.4 | 54.2 8,033] 4,096 5,753 284 1,737] 23.9 | 48.9 5 |u8.5 | 86 2,951 488 18 3,427 | 61.2 | B.7 16 08 4,80 | 11,011 589 LIZ 17.0 | 68.1 5 |66.7 no 92 37 538 160 479 | 40.1 9.0 9,222|19,253 1,020 ny 1,793 | 63.9 | 3.7 1 57.2 3 129 35 520 12 1,015 | 47.5 | 36.5 9,995| 9.847 3,986 378 1,199 | 59.7 | 26.6 1 [52.8 2 87 ™7 569 18 666| 29.7 | 28.5 10,%55(16,299 2,479 18 1,083 | 83.1 | 1.9 1 [69.8 243 | 108 m 267 3 nh. . 6ol|5%, 909 wr @ 62 | 97.9 1 [91.0] 242] 1s 2,121 se 431 2,119 47.7 | 7.8 26,434]12,475 3,502 1,736 4,605 | 27.5 |64.2 5 | 63.6 nx| 127 1,38 5 38 1,471 153.6 | 7.1 17,719}12,046 2,374 1,54 3,896 | 19.5. | 73.2 5 pe nx| 126 1,058 666 19 1,098] 39.8 (17.4 | 17,628/16,055 3,189 551 2,270 | 71.2 | 20.1 1 .8 2u3 | 107 129 +295 565 283 W511 56.6 | 25.9 3,018] 6,753 | 12,229 1,115 4,998 | 3.0 |56.9 5 [52.6 710 100 19% 598 8 162 | 33.3 | 19.8 5,062 31,247 1,k40k 37 uy | 86.5 | 2.6 1 |85.3 24 | 98 1,038 226 29 1,674] 50.5 | 43.0 L,105 2,452 4,761 kJ] 1,031 | 24.2 | 50.4 5 [49.6 52 83 3 Fe) 18 1,286 | 52.9 | 72.4 1,597] 1,242 2,012 3 416 | 9.7 [56.3 5 |s6.7 72| 63 626 387 134 779 52.1 [12.1 9,248|11 872 2,443 506 | 1,986 | 36.6 [53.7 5 153.7 7x | 15 08 62k 33 714) 24.5 | 16.9 | 13,674{19,151 2,817 9] 1,843] 8.2 | 5.9 1 |60.8| 2u3| 113 1,524 591 mn 1,614] 55.5 | 43.2 14,454] 8,955 4,636 5% 2,3%2| 43.5 [45.3 5 By.5 911 86 9 592 18 272| 30.5 | 42.3 5,14%0118,897 173 | - 103 ne 38.0 [60.1 6 0 24 | kg 1,118 6 100 1,719 | 36.6 | 47.1 17,566(10,219 6,27" 505 1, 7.4 [13.5 1 2 am 77 354 7 1h 380 | 29.5 | 13.2 | 1Y4,167(37,282 1,618 93| 1,7% | 92.0 | 2.5 1 |s531| 243] 110 387 5k 54 386 | 47.4 [17.9 9,366|2l,264 1,988 201 1,691 | 83.6 |12.0 1 | 69.4 242 | 114 3.288 53 170 3,895 | 58.7 | 38.2 18,572 4,768 | 12,570 513] 3,504 .9 [53.5 5 |s52.1 70| 81 1,232 3 1,364.9 | 27.2 9,382| 6,878 4,045 235 30s 23 10.9 [| 1 a 6a | 111 898 551 132 1,119 | 54.0 | 13.9 12,816|11,453 4,766 510 2,049 | 43.9 [47.0 5 .9 mm | 112 1,892 516 68 2,164 | 46.8 | 47.2 9,129| 4,219 6,523 167 12k | 57.4 [19.4 1 |[n.8 9) 92 1,336 205 15 2,296 | %.0 [71.6 5,206 2,267 | 4,%% 23 942 | 36.0 |23.9 o [3.9] mel 19 168 7 168 £178 | Bub | 17.4 L,433004,904 | 1,485 199 799 | 51.2 | 45.2 1 ws) ms 965 127 22 1,210 [ 59.1 [53.0 2,540] 2,099 2,855 12 ook | 19.1 [52.2 5 | 340 naz 718 Motley 666 811 106 590 | 47.8 | 21.7 10,133[17,175 2,956 33 1,270 | 57.3 33 r [52.9 m| 105 Nacogdoches. .... 17 2,854 339 57 L604 | 48.6 | 46.0 7,957 | 2,208 7,39 1,953 18.3 .8 5 | 39.1 712 TH Navarro 3,653 571 230 ,210 | 65.8 | 23.8 2b,298| 6,247 | 13,839 978 4 49k | 19.7 [67.3 5 66.2 710| 92 Newton.......... 1,615 1h 1,565 | 22.6 | 75.0 1,972| 1,260 1,949 10 510 | 17.3 [14.6 0 |66.1 nz2| 67 Nolan.... 1,040 68 113 94g | 46.4 | 15.4 12,106(12,770 2,699 1 1,732 56.2 | 3.5 5 35.4 in| 120 030 |Nueces.......... 1,186 39 252 1,457 51.6 [13.7 39,531 (27,132 4,882 1,6k2 5,558 | 28.5 |67.4 5 63.3 711 93 Ochiltree igh 5 352 528 2: 5.7 12,598|23, 860 763 597 2,029 | 33.3 |62.8 5 |62.6 33 | 140 Oldham. ......u.s 159 816 109 177 | 7.5 | 14.7 10,725 (60,598 1.75 202 1,388} 66.9 [31.8 1 65.0 33 | 185 Orange.......... 18 | 1,468 & 10 1,18 [22.4 [u7.9 u,167| 3.652 | 1,976 aul 1,14] w.7 | 353.8 5 6 uf a 1,176 594 47 1,325 | 37.7 | 47.3 9, 7,049 aM 197 1,233 | 65.2 [16.1 1 torr 751 | 100 2, 2 3,237 | 51.1 | Wh.2 8,h | 2,608 ,890 76] 1.8m 16.7 [ug 5 |u| 12] 719 2,312 83 2,481 | 96.6 | 46.0 | 12,535) 5.052 6,298 287 2,262 | 60.5 [18.9 1 |m;.2| 9m 9% 897 5% 38 915 | 45.9 | 6.3 | 12,588[13,757 | 2,1% 852 | 3ugu| M.7 [52.1 5 [52.0 3m | 127 331 | 2.709 16 326 | W4.5 | 12. 19,680(60,368 | 2,797 100] 2u62| s4.2 [12 1 [56.5 aue| 12s " 1 ie 191 20 2,074 | 0.0 52.8 L271 2,059 3,915 2% 1,080 | 18.9 id 5 |he.d nz| &3 005 2 764 68 xe wu [baa 7,249/2l,008 939 152 1.075) 79.3 [16.4 1 |ew.2 lu 19 2,134 90 | 55.5 | 50.0 12,928 26,384 3,423 17 1,573| €8.9 | 6.7 1 82.5 2 | 14 1,166 118 30 1,13253.5 | 20.4 3,081] 2,728 3,215 56 909 | 16.2 |uu.8 5 1.6 72 43 599 52 212 660 | 36.1 [12.4 { 14.600)22,0220 | 1,277 06] 55.4 | 39.3 5 39. 3a | 139 9 5 - 76 - - 6,537 86,018 81k 9 2 9%.9 % 1 oo 1 171 asz2 425 4 300 | 3.0 | 29.3 4,633/15,4-3 1 515| 8.9 | 0.8 |, 4 [58.5 2u3| 85 3,690 427 106 3,726 | 58.7 | 38.1 11,511 3,089 | 10,539 198 2,7 15.8 | 57.8 5 |51.6 710 | 82 239 1,618 1% 277 | 42.6 | 23.1 6,863 (24,776 1,781 16 2 65.5 | 28.7 1 |ss.9 2 88 Table 3 TABLE 3—SELECTED DATA FOR METROPOLITAN AREAS AND FOR ALL COUNTIES, Fart 5 - Indust: : pk ta aay BY STATE—Continued TEX., Johnson (126) = Reeves (195) (All dollar figures have been rounded to thousands and will not necessarily add to totals) oro Lo MANUFACTURING ESTABLISHMENTS—1939 MINERAL INDUSTRIES—1939 RETAIL ESTABLISHMENTS—1939 METROPOLITAN Morel COUNTIES Value added ; Area % i ue a Code AND ¥ 2ge Wages Yalte o by manufac- Yilde of | N ; r | Wages and Nuubor of Sales Active Be Hoyos Pay roll CODES Number [ S2T€S | (1000's of ogc ture fo ucts 9 anes (1000’s of | pro- f (1000's of | faverage | “gillarg) | (1000's of | (1000s of | (1000s of | persons | (1000's of | stores | jollars) | prietors | °F) |" dollars) for year) ollars) dollar. dollars) | engaged | dollars) year) 6G) | © | @n (68) _®) a0 an @) ay [)) as) 0) an TEXAS— Con. All Counties—Con. Johnson... 2 215 123 656 346 433 6,473 450 683 1g en 16 136 138 2,652 546 ) () (2) 329 5,740 326 5 432 9 55 39 7 92 242 3.264 212 i57 288 16 167 105 1.598 507 4g3 6,317 455 750 2 ) (*) (2) (*) 107 1,3% 98 136 88 3 18 2 2 2 MH) (*) () H) 45 Lok 47 45 28 6 27 19 116 64 187 4,595 195 yh2 337 3 9 6 33 20 » 1,318 71 145 94 1h 12 18 9 55 676 52 76 43 6 387 163 189 3,576 166 427 303 5 29 1 21 277 88 170 2,087 148 204 © 13 35 796 470 3,944 1,505 521 8,959 514 1,126 72 9 & 62 938 258 259 4,503 | = 253 39% 26 5 2 oy (2) 1 (2) AD 146 2,292 159 24g 162 1 (2) (1) *) (*) 125 1,139 117 12 82 12 150 9 1,007 327 278 3,406 286 363 21 3 7 (*) (2) (1) 156 1,572 152 185 9 6 14] 32 96 65 2 2,223 252 223 93 22 370 236 835 s7| (2) (2) (}) ug 6,126 293 631 453 2m nm BoB 4 2 i 5 ble a oe x 2] @ (2) *) (*) 119 1,483 103 172 11 7 51 Wn 123 91 95 38 22 102 1,458 91 134 90 8 38 8 66 726 650 8,7 2,425 51 23,137 ng 2,496 2,269 4 3 7 p 36 3) t) (*) 137 2 133 on 1% } 10 1 73 111 251 3,780 252 31 129 |McLennan........ 155 12 2,816 | © 2,128 15,08 7,013 154 62 60 1,%6 29,722 1,34 3,876 2,831 : 23 13 19 1 4 3 6 4 3 20 a i . 125 2,409 108 206 138 7 Me Hy 76 Ie) 5 " 213 (*) 3} () 10 1,631 a ay us 1 1,100 y 1 6 51 32 (2) (1) ©) 93 1,420 98 137 % 17 197 129 1,744 450 () (1) (2) 303| 5,409 270 585 468 4 16 1h 160 121 2 . 133 2,087 127 315 175 5 204 12 634 237 ®t) *) (*) 165 2,199 182 226 129 2 *) (1) y *) 84 1,358 76 148 117 17 36 47 253 14 162 5,935 1k9 583 513 12 50 3% 617 234 132 66 49 59 4,456 3M 566 322 2 () 2) 5 2) > 1,377 ia 147 19 6 149 *) *) *) : : 199 2,999 193 38 216 14 176 150 940 516 (2) (1) 3} 289 FL 28 15 270 28 1,028 6h | 2,026 1,204 (2) (2) (2) 264 549 25 uz 294 10 243 320 3,711 1,767 1,252 ™ 137 ™ 1,%2 6 133 124 4 3.53 vw B " o Te 106 1,234 10! 108 68 1 () (*) {*) (2) 17 1,150 69 108 85 32 1,245 781 ,529 1,662 122 35 56 364 6,666 ul 677 509 26 636 567 ,671 Lan] @ 1) (2) [158 9,17 620 1,164 761 12 1,302 1,023 3,009 1,739 : 115 1,215 94 111 80 16 360 436 5,945 2,055 (1) (2) *) 2k4g 5,878 238 683 516 030 88 1,232 1,407 35,650 9,570 1,828 112 19% 1,487 37,348 1,289 4,465 3,801 1 16 16 156 5 78 1,93 et 18 162 (*) *) *) 3% 22 0 3 28 Orange.......... 181 16 527 Lug 2,843 1,010 231 L549 208 Ly 320 14 1 105 689 455 (1) (2) (2) Ce 2 333 475 296 6 111 41 182 121 (2) (2) } i79 2,145 182 218 120 16 203 136 816 457 (*) (*) (*) 284 3,550 288 322 18Y > 75 i,b10 73 102 7 6 15 21 5 4g 148 2,796 19 223 210 18 1,466 920 2,899 1,785 (2) *) *) 182 3,631 162 327 231 005 70 957 1,192 11,086 3,887 166 67 138 gu7| 26,712 172 3,043) 2,918 5 19 12 160 51 (*) {%) (2) 14 2,102 103 210 137 53 4ok 51 26 10 . 17 (2) 2) 3) , 87 1,493 86 145 119 2 ¢ (2 (2) 2) sp. ised 3 5 43 300 al 12 265 193 81 479 298 3,811 309 41 228 5 , 3 27 166 90 175 3,689 172 381 323 ¥ Not shown because of disclosure of operations of individual establishments. Data included in Combined Counties at euu of State. 370 TABLE 3—SELECTED DATA FOR METROPOLITAN AREAS AND FOR ALL COUNTIES, BY STATE—Continued (A11 dollar figures have been rounded to thousands and will not necessarily add to totals) Table § Part 6 --Other Economic Data TEX., Johnson (126) - Reeves (195) osu SERVICE ESTABLISHMENTS—1939 BANK DEPOSITS x Major war supply Major war facilities contracts, rojects, June 1940-Sept. 1945 | June 1940 use 1945 METROPOLITAN E Bond (1000s of dollars) (1000s of dollars) Metro. AREAS, sales 1944 Ares COUNTIES, Number Number| = [Employees Total | (1000° of of Sales of | Receipts | Active |“ orace Fon ll (demand | Time | Yollars at ND estab- | (1000's of | estab- | (1000's |proprie-| ““¢ - Al and time) | (1000's |isque price) lish- | dollars) | lish- |of dollars)| tors year) dollars)| (1000s | of dollars) ments mens of dollars) Combat Other Industrial | Military equipment ®) @) @n @®) (@3) ®4) (35) (86) @n (88) (39) (%9) on TEXAS~ Con. , All Counties—Con. Johnson... ......126 62 2,260 187 kay 198 mn 89 9.731 869 1,338 Joneses. .es.ael2] 34 2,884 106 4u3 108 152 9k g,828 38 1,68 1,597 Karnes...... es v128 29 2,267 59 134 62 66 29 5.373 126 766 Kaufman.........129 n 3,543 190 508 197 205 101 9,892 1,322 1,192 g,6%2 Kendall.........130 12 95 30 ug n 10 5 2,688 n 400 Kenedy.........s131 21 KOteescrssrrvesd3l 2 (2) 13 22 12 7 4 1) EoPrecesse.s veesd3 15 2,307 51 224 54 99 59 2,113 703 314 Kimble..........13 7 1.029 23 50 20 21 12 1,142 368 Kingecs roses 135 3 x 3 10 Kinneyee.s.os «2136 2 (2) 19 38 18 17 12 45 94 2,222 Kleberg.........137 14 1,159 68 182 12 68 40 2,425 159 54 239 19 729 51 148 56 60 23 3.358 "175 46 6,185 136 695 149 288 191 14 ,24h 1,031 2,782 29,505 32|. 2,828 110 384 116 131 hi) 9,246 28 1,110 23 5.700 53 112 58 56 26 4,250 667 11 694 32 39 29 11 5 876 2u9 25 2,107 85 173 86 47 26 6,830 336 1,201 165 137 25 76 46 7 49 25 12 2,467 122 33 38 1,038 70 93 3 35 11 2,n5 62 43 26 2,16 99 236 98 123 60 8,060 165 1,238 283 51 41 2,213 163 255 172 126 55, 5,814 867 1,445 2,213 25 1,041 34 ks 37 18 4 3,443 85 603 10 410 29 49 n 13 7 1.42 4 63 13 827 3 83 28 22 15 1,840 7 Loving....e.....151 1 (2) (2) (2) (2) 24 Lubbock. ...es..s152 127 33,441 319 1,871 335 7 570 38,273 617 5,219 53 2,873 10,847 LyBlhuee ensonss i 13 596 39 101 1 47 35 7,0u2 uw 1.136 NeCulloche...... 40 3,454 ™ 170 80 hl 23 5,883 1,103 7.662 1,087 129 [McLennan........155 190 36,478 421 1,888 436 826 559 47,690 6.673 8,501 46,138 4k 680 31,333 15,087 MeMullen........156 3 1 3 ; 53 Madison.........157 25 769 49 76 u5 33 12 2,471 257 Marion..........158 13 1,368 46 124 4g 60 27 1,105 38 200 Martin. .oseee.on 159 3 99 19 34 20 13 7 1,386 261 Mago. euunnnens 1 3 275 25 54 25 13 7 1,592 Lug Matagorda.......161 21 2,272 86 302 89 119 7 10,629 269 1,854 4,552 16,722 MavericK....... .162 12 501 4 49 8 21 9 3,064 487 ylig 7,144 Nodinm.s.« eiees 163 16 731 5 86 8 U} 8 3.322 100 2,165 €,169 Menard.......... 1 14 867 25 Ly 27 16 9 2,lis6 Ly Log : Nidland......... 165 20 2,654 nn 337 80 127 104 14,435 24g 2,064 304 5.000 9,382 Milam ec. eauivy 166 35 2,539 108 283 104 110 3 7.068 790 1,07 Milleseeosnsn «x67 27 762 37 37 39 1 34 29% 391 Mitchell. .168 8 263 I 224 i 105 51 347 133 T45 3,087 Montague....... +169 26 996 106 173 113 ug 22 6,873 211 1,095 720 Mohtgomery......170 19 1,051 96 21k 98 106 56 3,721 2 895 MOOT Ole shies niet ve mn 3 368 28 65 29 10 9 2,659 87 bd 5,145 40,264 Morris...... ered i2 96 32 53 37 41 1 2,557 665 23,998 £10 Motleye...... PS 4 9 792 27 56 28 22 1 1,456 37 ¥ocogdoches,....17 18: 2,511 127 27 133 143 n 9,0l2 16 1177 Favarroe...ee..s 175 68 5,138 211 629 211 275 163 16,310 51 2,095 13,328 12,126 370 Fewton..... 6 112 46 61 37 20 7 1,279 165 10,206 Folan.... 3h 9.493 3 92 a 148 95 7,091 1.129 5.952 030 |Hueces.. 216 | 49,559 542 3.k23 534 1,478 1,061 54,363 1.192 10,157 939 124,020 22,976 66.337 Ochiltree 28 1,808 30 102 29 25 21 5,386 896 Oldham. . 19 396 10 12 12 3 2 bu2 96 ! Orange... 10 6,179 51 164 56 63 35 22,588 685 14,159 648,218 125 11,445 303 Palo Pinto 15 930 116 278 122 117 68 8,469 134 2,268 50 16,551 Panola... 8 607 50 86 53 54 20 3.737 63 Parker....; ea: u5 2,732 97 23 112 60 32 £,161 168 1,268 Parmer..........185 20 1,750 hg 96 Lg 27 18 2,937 27. sug POCOSas.cacs.ss.186 8 398 53 115 53 37 25 2,368 18 5132 3,464 POXK..veenos seed] 19 1,636 50 125 51 37 25 3 og 61 58 ‘ ; 005 |Potter...... vs ee188 158 37,925 341 2,176 356 825 n3 45 928 3,462 6,471 4g 426 3,112 38,08 12,228 Presidio........ 189 1 675 ko 17 27 62 33 2,193 767 798 7.27 Rains.....e0....190 2 (2) 30 23] 3 5 x T46 160 Randall.........191 14 292 n 85 32 15 11 2,166 2 555 Reagan..........192 7 3 18 33 21 8 4 829 193 Boal....esanss .19 3 13 7 14 3 1 Ly Red RiVer....... 19 26 1,514 142 268 146 191 | 70 3.982 30 821 Reeves..........195 23 1,875 mi 219 I) bu u5 5,059 bo) 87h | 2,845 1Not shown because of disclosure of operations of individual establishments. 2Included in Ward County (238). Data included in "Other" at end of State. 371 Table 3 Part 1 - Population TEX. , Refugio (196) - Zavala (254) TABLE 3—SELECTED DATA FOR METROPOLITAN AREAS AND FOR ALL COUNTIES, BY STATE—Continued eg TOTAL POPULATION POPULATION—1940 A BEL 2 ESTIMATED 1944 CIVILIAN Total whi POPULATION Land - | Pop- otal white Percent of METROPOLITAN U.S. area |ulation population 25 Metro. AREAS rank in per years old and Area COUNTIES; Number of Poteet 7 sq. | over who have Code xs Prk Soups change | miles | mile Pevien Urban Rural Rural completed— ercent| April | 1 o nonfarm | farm Births | Deaths Number change f 940° | percen- 1930- | 1940 | 1940 | Number | total N tiles) 1940 opu- 50r High oy. 3: 1940- ation more = 1 1943 1940 grades | 5°00 m @ ®) @ 5) (6) m ® ©) (10) an (12) a3) (14) (15) (16) TEXAS—Con. | All Counties—Con. Refugio. 8,073 | -22.3 10,388 75 | 85.0 771 | 18.5 9,276 | 89.3 4,077 | 8,320 2,986 | 70.3| 20.8 251 a7 Roberts. 932 | -27.7 1,289 99 | -11.5 892 | 1.4 1,289 [100.0 705 584 | 94.0 87.6 13 4 Robertson. . 19,046 | -25.9 25,710 34 | -5,6 874 | 29.4 14,954 | 58.2 3,511 | 5,494 | 16,705 | 67.0 | 12.2] 495 230 5,818 | -17.5 7,051 86 | -7.9 147 |. 48.0 5,217 | 74.0 2,781 4,270 | 75.4 17.8 181 46 17,818 | -5.7 18,908 49 | -18.4 | 1,060 [ 17.8 18,404 | 97.4 4,473 | 4,43 9,997 | 86.3| 20.6 395 149 37,368 | -26.8 51,023 13 | s7.1 944 | 54.0 35,277 | 69.1 6,500 | 21,720 | 22,808 | 82.4 | 20.0 776 s19 8,671 | -20.4 10,896 78 | -9.2 564 | 19.8 8,386 | 77.0 3,804 7,002 | 74.0| 10.6 204 72 San Augustine. ..208 9,700 | -22.2 12,471 67 - 612 | 20.4 8,873 | 71.1 2,365 | 10,206 | 7s.2| 10.8 226 67 San Jacinto.....204 6,206 | -81.5 9,056 79 | -6.7 619 | 14.6 4,316 | 47.7 2,345 6,711 | 62.2 8.5 187 48 San Patricio....205 23,477 | -18.7 28,871 29 ma 689 | 41.9 28,111 | 97.4 | 10,208 | 8,805 | 10,363 | 63.0 | 22.7] 1,097 296 San Saba... .....206 8,152 | -26.0 11,012 78 7.2| 1,122 | 9.8 10,845 | 98.5 2,927 | 2,278 5,812 | a7.a | 19.7 199 86 Schleicher 2,087 | -82.8 3,083 9% | -2.6] 1,33 2.3 2,964 | 96.1 1,655 1,428 | 85.9 | 27.9 61 18 10,613 | -8.1 11,545 7n| -5.3 909 | 12.7 11,341 | 98.2 3,815 | 1,226 6,504 | 89.5 | 20.3 219 67 4,631 | -25.4 6,211 88 | -7.2 887 | 7.0 6,016 | 96.9 4,215 1,996 | 92.0 | 30.0 77 29 22,427 | -23.3 29,235 29 2.1 819 | 35.7 21,718 | 74.3 3,010 | 5,568 | 20,662 | 77.7 | 12.9 519: 229 1,808 | -11.0 2,026 98 | -12.4 94 | 2.2 2,026 [100.0 1,015 1,010 | 96.1| 28.6 21 13 60,800 | -12.0 69,090 9 | so.1 939 | 73.6 46,787 | 67.7 | 28,279 | 18,811 | 27,500 | 83.4 | 25.1] 1,499 578 2,368 | -22.9 3,071 9% 1.8 197 | 15.6 3,071 [100.0 1,151 1,920 | 87.1] 13.2 43 33 11,426 | -10.7 18,312 64 | 16.7 | 1,207 | 11.0 13,309 [100.0 8,556 4,756 | 81.3 7.3 493 106 Stephens........215 8,385 | -32.1 12,356 68 | -25.4 927 | 13.8 12,018 | 97.2 5,826 | 3,375 3,155 | 89.5 | 21.8 163 90 Sterling........216 1,180 | -16.0 1,404 99 | -1.9 94 | 1.5 1,380 | 98.3 838 566 | 82.8 | s3.8 23 10 |Stonewall.......217 3,823 | -81.6 5,589 90 | -1.¢ 927 | 6.0 5,332 | 95.4 1,656 8,933 | 65.7 | 15.3 72 22 Sutton.. 2,731 | -81.8 8,977 94 | 41.7 | 1,098 2.7 3,895 | 97.9 2,528 819 1,180 65.5 | 23.5 109 50 Swisher. 5,874 | -10.0 6,528 87 | -11.1 888 | 7.4 6,484 | 99.3 2,956 8,572 | 94.3 | 30.4 167 55 046 |Terrant..c..... 267,856 | 18.8 | 225,521 2 | ls.2 877 |267.2 196,966 | 87.8 | 181,902 | 26,631 | 16,988 | 89.6 | s2.8| 6,210 | 2,458 51,056 | 15.6 44,147 16 7.6 913 | 48.4 42,493 | 96.3 | 26,612 | 9,061 8,474 | 87.1 | 83.5] 1,605 525 2,851 | -2.5 2,952 9% | 11.0] 2,388 | 1.2 2,923 | 99.0 2,476 476 | 61.5 | 22.4 S75 36 13,526 | 21.2 11,160 72 | 25.6 898 | 12.4 10,846 | 97.2 4,009 727 6,424 | 90.7 | 22.5 239 67 3,209 | -24.9 4,275 93.| -18.6 918 | 4.7 4,274 100.0 1,745 2,5% | 90.3| 23.9 54 21 16,325 | -16.1 19,228 48 | 20.2 418 | 46.0 16,114 | 83.8 4,528 | 8,985 | 10,715 | 84.5 | 17.9 382 138 39,526 0.6 39,302 19 9.1 | 1,548 | 25.5 97,174 | 94.6 | 25,802 | 7,206 6,294 | 86.7 | 381.4] 1,266 361 106,152 | -4.4 | 111,058 5 | 42.8 | 1,015 [109.4 91,458 | 82.4 | e7,9%0 | 7,360 | 15,768 | 79.4 | s5.0| 2,884 | 1,413 10,070 | -26.5 18,705 63 0.5 704 | 19.5 10,644 | 77.7 5,947 7,758 | 78.2 | 11.9 150 8s 9,219 | -22.8 11,948 69 4.4 927 | 12.9 9,742 | 81.5 4,454 7,494 | 75.9 | 14.6 158 8s UpShUT «es veess «0230 19,597 | -25.1 26,178 38 | 17.4 589 | 44.4 18,840 | 72.0 8,155 | 5,544 | 17,479 | 82.4 | 16.5 501 145 UPLONasssssssess2Bl 3,223 | -25.0 4,297 93 | -28.0 | 1,312 | 3.8 4,086 | 95.1 2,595 | 1,434 268 | 93.8 | 86.9 63 23 12,470 | -5.9 18,246 65 2.3| 1,588 | 8.3 13,035 | 98.4 6,679 | 8,378 3,19¢-| 66.1 | 23.7 455 143 16,336 5.7 15,453 59 3.5 | 3,242 | 4.8 15,143 | 98.0 | 13,348" 726 1,384 | 56.4 | 19.1 671 228 21,626 | -30.6 31,155 26 | -3.6 855 | 36.4 28,956 | 92.9 9,542 | 21,613 | 8s.1| 13.8 439 206 |victoria....... 25,968 9.5 23,741 38 | 18.4 893 | 26.6 20,610 | 86.8 | 11,566 | 8,517 8,658 | 69.0 | 19.6 892 307 Walker. .so.o.sss286 16,866 | -15.1 19,868 46 7.2 786 | 25.3 11,047 | 55.6 5,108 | 4,959 9,801 | 70.8 | 16.6 326 167 9,672 | -5.9 10,280 75 2.7 507 | 20.3 5,286 | 51.4 3,927 6,363 | 68.8] 17.0 196 75 10,121 5.7 9,575 78 | 108.2 827 | 11.6 9,388 | 98.0 3,944 | 4,062 1,569 | 85.4 | 80.0 368 8s 20,628 | -18.8 | 25,387 35 - 611 | 41.5 15,726 | 61.9 6,485 | 1,995 | 16,957 | 66.4 | 12.8 450 247 45,729 0.7 45,916 15 9.0 | 8,295 | 13.9 45,746 | 99.6 | 39,274 | 2,582 4,060 | 46.7 | 1s.3| 1,e56 601 82,182 | -n.1 36,158 21 | 21.8 1,079 | 83.5 26,942 | 74.5 8,292 | 8,267 | 19,599 | 68.0 | 14.7 902 254 Wheeler... 10,362 | -16.5 12,411 68 | -20.2 916 | 18.5 12,209 | 98.4 3,128 | 8,849 5,989 | 90.1 | 21.4 226 89 Wichita. 72,981 | -0.8 78,604 7-1 612 |120.8 69,118 | 93.9 | 53,514 | 14,172 5,918 | .88.7 | 80.7 | 1,927 725 Wilbarger. 20,299 | -0.9 20,474 44 | -16.7 954 | 21.5 18,797 | 91.8 9,377 | 8,188 8,009 | 84.8] 23.6 408] 1s8 Willacyeseeeeos.245 11,214 | -15.2 18,230 65 | 26.0 595 | 22.2 13,069 | 98.8 | 4,050 | 2,598 6,582 | 60.9 | 18.2 546 152 Williamson. .....246 34,989 | -16.1 41,698 17 | -5.5 | 1,126 | 87.0 34,879 | @3.6 | 11,567 | 7,968 | 22,178 | 73.4 | 16.9]. 889 388 Wilson.... .247 18,274 | -22.2 17,066 54 | -8.1 802 | 21.8 16,649 | 97.6 5,571 | 11,405 | s7.8 8.5 400 146 .248 4,878 | -20.6 6,141 89 | -9.5 887 | 6.9 5,998 | 97.7 2,584 | 8,425 182 | 93.8 | 4.8 140 38 .249 15,364 | -19.5 19,074 48 | -0.5 909 | 21.0 18,878 | 99.0 2,578 | 5,851 | 11,145 | 86.5 | 18.4 47 190 .250 21,066 | -13.5 24,360 87 0.7 728 | 88.7 20,620 | 84.6 3,228 | 5,724 | 15,413 | 88.7 | 15.5 486 180 Yoaktm. «ve sesss 251 2,663 | -50.8 5,354 91 | s2s.9 830 | 6.5 5,238 | 97.7 4,250 1,10¢ | 93.8] 27.8 54 6 Young... .252 15,620 | -17.8 19,004 48 | 5.6 899 | 21.1 18,768 | 98.8 8,672 | 3,489 6,843 | 90.6 | 24.7 388 188 Zapata..... 3,259 | -16.8 3,916 94 | 36.6 | 1,080 | 3.6 3,916 [100.0 2,740 1,176 | 81.1 6.0 104 8 “|zavala....... 8,872 | -23.5 11,608 70 | 12.1 | 1,292 | 9.0 11,544 | 99.5 6,529 | 1,178 3,896 | 40.6 | 12.3 433 187 UTAH........| 688,572 6.2 | 550,810 8.4 | 82,346 | 6.7 42,920 | 98.7 | $05,493 |150,465 | 94,352 | 93.6 | 6.6 | 16,180 | 4,957 METRO. COUNTY..oe 230,447 9.2 | -211,628 9.0 764 [277.0 209,818 | 99.1 | 167,084 | 38,308 11,281 94.5 42.3 6,120 1,959 Metro. area: 108 |Salt Lake City..018| 280,447 9.2 | 211,623 9.0 764 [277.0 209,818 | 99.1 | 167,084 | 88,808 | 11,281 | 94.5 | 42.3| 6,120 | 1,949 OTHER COUNTIES...| 858,125 4.3 | 398,687 7.9 | 81,582 | 4.2 898,107 | 98.4 | 138,400 1117 257 ) es,21) 92.9) a2.6| 10.060! s,008 372 Table 3 TABLE 3—SELECTED DATA FOR METROPOLITAN AREAS AND FOR ALL COUNTIES, Bish < tiboy Joris. BY STATE—Continued Zavila (254) LABOR FORCE—1940 ! Percent of Population 14 Years Old and Over Employed Workers by Industry Group Employed METROPOLITAN Trans : In leading Metro. AREAS, P t | P t a Business nonagrn- Area COUNTIES, bys ba posta and cultural AND ly Pl ; Con: communi.| Whole- | personal | In | industry CODES Total In labor Yi ho | Total Agri Mining] struc Manufac- “7 | sale and | services | 47 | agri- force | WhO 2T€ | WhO are | orployed || cultu ide turing ? retail exclud- reported cul- Cod mn be trade ing ture $ ord} tor other domestic (See (Per. force force utili- SeTHices page | cent ties an (18) a9) (29) @n @) =) [2] 25) 2%) @n 8) @) | a) | @@ 7,212 3,809 83,2 20.4 3,407 1,002 514 194 128 236 518 8 29.4 315.1 979 |: 521 82,2 17.7 465 230 6 13 3 59! 50 65 49.5) 23 8.8 18,041 8,936 80,6 18.2 4948 4,968 42 230 9 437 735! 645! 62,5] GI 4.2 5,201 2,411 78,9 1. 2,048 1,34 65 42 84) 231 204] 64.2] G36 5.0 13,658 6,272 79.3 14.0 5,391 2,83 2% 178 118 233 855 783 52,6] G36 6,7 35,960 17,203 179.5 17.0 15,378 5,855 2,248 663 824 555 1,786 1,851 3 14.6 7,606 3,658) 8.3] 11] 3,36) 1,729 6 55 621 103 214, 25 917.4 8,299 4,062 79.5 17.0 3,307 2,157 2 70 198 105 267, G36] 4.5 San Jacinto.....204 6,241 3,224 81.0 19.4 2,782 1, 24 49 340 46) 114! Uh 8 7.6 San Patricio....205 19,837 10,586 83.9 19.5 9,059 3,305 683 L477 809 547 1,348 1,025 3 7.2 San Saba........206 8,002 3,813] 7.4 13.3] 3,02) 1,79 3 236 39 67 393 153 636 5.2 288] 112s] esa] us| 103s 568 21 40 9 59 % 8 634 4.7 8,423 3,921 7.1 11.4 3.453 1,898 63 249 66 119 443 440 G36] 5.7 209 44522 2,260 82.2 17.1 1,884 58, 372 106 61 75 267 259] 3 19.6 Shelby. .........210 20,632| 10,336] &.1| 17.1] 8956] 5,727 52 183 525 276 823 Td) G36 4.7 Sherman.........211 1,48 Ll 80.5] 12.5 700 394 25 2 7 2 634 5.9 Saith..... 50,047 26,e11| 81.2] 25.0] zs,201] 7,891| 1,032] 1,066 1,m2| 1,670 3,99] 3,610 636 6.2 Somervell. 2,278 1,07 79.0 11.7 9. 28| 103 G36 6.3 Starr... 8,736 4,263 8.8 10.4 3,575 2,002 110 85 33 43 389 279 37 10.5 Stephens.. 9,238 4,319 3 16.1 3,485 882 440 121 272 217, 699 546 31 12.6 Sterling......s4216 1,059 556 85.4 15.3 509 269 3 18 7 20) 69) 61] G36 5.3 3,813] 1,80| 80.4] 13.3] 1,55[ 1,055 15 40 6 i 18 157 63 6.1 2,807] 1.48] 8.1] 21.1] 1,589 844 1 108 10 106) 219 140 63 3.5 Swisher...vessas 4,760 2,333 80.5 15.6 2,060 1,129 2 45 65 50 355 287] 636 6.1 046 |Tarrant.........220 178,877 96,921 .7 30.5 81,073 44290 857 4,758 13,955 7,848 20,761 18,422] G34 8.3 Taylor eeeesanss a2] 34,016 16,436 75.1 23.0 14,160 2,510 270 735 1,296, 873 3,514 3,319] G36 10.1 Terrell. e222 2,047 1,062 84.7 14.2 1,017 438 1 65 10 158 148 16 23] 12,8 TOrTYeeesceessee23 7,705 3,755 82.3 1n.1 3,435 1,871 137 162 iE 136) 460 402) G36 4.9 Throckmorton. 22 3,142 1,540 80.3 15.2 1,208 691 13 38 22 ah 153] 161 G36 6,9 TituB. es re sense 2S 13,911 6,771 80.5 16.5 5,883 2,761 298 217 416 274] 859 608 G36 5.0 20,029] 15,73] , 7.1] 26.6] 12,695] 2,180 8 TU 663 aul 3,257 3,344 636) 11.2 010 85,528 | 45,33 | = 7.1] 31.3] 39,007 4,276] 222] 4,468 2,139| 1,89 7,8 9,980 636 12.4 9,5 681 e0.| 16.2) Tan6uf 25007 15 123 133 403 339 912.5 8372| 4002] m.5| 13.3] 3268 1,20 7 260 649 126 337, 913.3 18,350] eee] 7.7 16.1) mr2r| 4249] 383 377 498 181 686 759 636] 5.3 3,u3| 1,70] 6.3] 22 sel | 4% 53 48 166 357 27) 3(27.2 9,273 4,353 76.2 17.5 3,949 3545 86 332 217 657 487| G36] 5.1 10,59 5,421 8l.0 22.4 4,915 b 582 402 132 426 912 710| G36] 5.7 22,382| 10,452 9.2] 12.8] 9,215|| 6,006 339 236 282 167 847 834, 636 5.2 Victoria..ceues 235 17,465 9,409 83.6 24.1 8,619 3, 203% 610 417 259 550 1,460 1,200 3| 6.5 RoTEorsssurrnmnidl 14,79 €,626 61.5 23.7 5,847 2,690 43 269 567 167 611 702 G36] 6.9 7,541 2,962 83,2 21.2 3,584 2,185 129 75 109| 330 468 G36] 9.0 67% | 36s) ese|l 1oul 3am 5 769 178 248 257 636 478 3234 18,600 9,564 83.3 20.5 8,803 5,817 38 239 338 162, 839 T72) G36] 4.2 Webbe seurennensa2lld ,423| 15,655] mo. 22.4] 12;503f 2, 390 699 216] 1,01 2,682 2,129) 37 6k Wharton. 241 25,385 13,217) e2.5| 20.6] 12,008] 6,197] 1,017 418 343 306] 1,423] 1,204 636] 5.1 Wheeler 242 8,815 44249 79.7 15.1 3,675 1,705 180 109 196) 585 5514 G36| 6.9 Wichita, 243 56,511 28,801 71.9 25.1 ’ 1,450] 3,58 1,307 2,547 1,754 5,761 5,330 3| 14.6 Wilbarger.......2 15,020 7.466] s0.9| 18.2] 60s.) 2.083 3 267 253] 124 636] 6.6 WillacYeesseesesldS 8,773 4,602 84.2 16.4 4,024 5281 7 323 49 159| 510 406) G36| 4.8 Millisnson..... 2 30,82 15,422] 81.s| 18.2] 13,u6[ 6,95 8 ou 618 6 1,907 1,552 52.9] G36] 5.6 1,621 5,687 80,2 15.2 4,898 3,535 pra 108 82 93 432 TR.2| G36] 4.3 4,365 2,239 83.6 20.2 2,066 40 739 82 127 204! 405 328 1.9 3(35.7 14,145 6,5. 78.5 12.7 5,309 3,030 96 207 133 243 598 57.1 G36] 6.7 17,688| 8,248 0.0 12.7] 7,204f 2,127 18 210 431 369 ™m wT 57.3} c36| 5.2 3,764 2,084 86.5 17.1 1,934 346 652 102 139) 325 254, 70] 17.9 3133.7 ujorr| 6008] ei] 17.6 53 1,624] 91s 249 288 238] 1,030 5 495 28.3 3|15.7 2,708 1,266 83.5 4.6 1,059 715 33 9 n 62 93| 67.5 3 7.2 7,892 4,305 87.5 17.5 4,066 2,958 5 114 67 86 339 291 TR.7 63%) 3.2 UTA. verte sé9,0s6 | 181,244] 75.0] 17.6] ws,se6|| 28,538) 10,02] 8,043] 16,314] 15,582] 28,905] 28,482] 12,920] 19.2] 036] 8.9 METRO. COUNTY.... 156,844 77,017 76.4 22,7 66,711 2,206 4,573 3,729 9,552 8,149 16,437, 15,436 6,629] 3.3 Metro area: 103 [Salt Lake City..018 156,844 77,017 76.4 22.7 66,711 2,206 4,573 3,729 9,552 8,149 16,437 15,436 6,629] 3.3 OTHER COUNTIES.,., 232,242 | 104,227 Thod 14.0 82,175 26,332 5.529 44304 6,762 7,433] 12,468 13,046 6,2911 2,0 TING Od T— 373 Table 3 Part 3 - Housing TABLE 3—SELECTED DATA FOR METROPOLITAN AREAS AND FOR ALL COUNTIES, TEX., Refugio (196) - : as BY STATE—Continued : LI ~ EE) HOUSING—1940 . ; ; ; y Nonfarm Rural Farm All Dwelling Units Occupied Dwelling Units Dwelliog Onis Dweing Ute ag METROPOLITAN tele- re y + 1onth Percent | Percent Percent = Per- Code Ap Reside wid in5or | with | Percent Per | “i Miabet Avera cent |Percent| Jan. I, C ctu Number | more | private | with | Number cent | pechan. persons | Number | m0 | Number | with | wit 1945 ny family | bathtub | electric owner! ical i rent un- | electric struc- or | lighting oo refrig- | | oice. (dollars) nirig | lightin, tures | shower P eration | “poi water (L) 0) as) [ON an [2] 9) [CO “) w) 3) “w - | ww | TEXAS—Con. All Counties—Con. RefugiO..unnennn 3,038 3,124 0.2 43.1 54.3 2,617 2:9 whl 3.4 2,150 | 15.5 974| 37.5| 13.6 49; RObertS....c.... u19 428 hu. 59.8 360 .9 52.4 | 3.28 215 10.6 23| 51.2 Xi 1 Robertson. ...... 6,863 7.031 15.9 23.8 6,291 | 39.5 15.1 3.51 2,651 10.10 4,380 | Wu 4.8 918 Rockwall...... 2,180 2,281 19.1 u6.2 1,953 2:6 16.4 3.17 95] ‘8. W360] T.6] 25.9 3m Bunnels......... 5,293 5,513 0.1 31.5 L4.5 4,922 3 27.9| 3.38 2,5667 13.42 2,947) 33.5| a.7 1,594 RUSK. +x civv mains 201 13,548 13,924 0.3 25.4 42.8 12,971 | 50.5 33.2| 3.48 8,488 | 11.87 5.4% | 5.6] 12.0 1,64 SABING, eu uirsss 202) 2,842 2,945 6.7 29.0 2,736 | 43.3 12.2] 3.5% 1,0 7.08 1,910 -2.7 9.6 192 San Augustine...20 3,177 3,280 9.1 16.8 2,926'| 40.8 9.7| 3.85 7 10.30 2,517 2.2 5.5 2% San Jacinto..... 20 2,432 2,54 3.5 8.0 2,296 | 48.9 8.3| 3.38 6 5.13 1,768] 2.41 21 27 San Patricio....205 8,913 10,767 6.2 29.1 39.9 7.129) 37.1 42.5 3.51 5,364 | 1L.04 5.403] 19.7] 12.7 1,18 San Saba 2,761 2,995 0.7 17.5 .0 2,883 A 21.2) 3.40 1,437 9.351 1,558] 20.7 8.4 107 Schleiche: 899 957 0.5 43.2 5:3 845 on 38.1 3.24 4g3 ne 0 66.5 2 3 307 Scurry.. 3,040 3,313 0.6 23.1 47.1 3,09 | W.4 24.2) 3.38 1,502 | 12.65 1,81] 33.8) 24.0 562 Shackelford 1,744 1,822 39.4 58.2 1,700 | 4.3 49.1 3.37 1,237 11.97 = 27.2| 26.6 34k SHOlbY os esasines 7,690 8,013 0.3 10.5 23.1 7.395 | 43.9 15.5 3.52 2,50 10.02 5,483] 3.4] 10. 873 Sherman. ....... 588 633 33.3 59.7 54% | 46.1 4.8 3.34 n4| 13.96 n9| 39.5 29.2 85 Smith.seses al 19,280 1.2 36.1 57.0 15,08 kyo 37.7] 3.36 12,370 | 18.90 6,910] 6.2] 16.1 5.799 Somervell 8 858 18.8 33.5 8 Wy. 13.8 33 8.22 493| 15.8 1.0 Ie Starr...... 2,69 2,713 18.5 23.4 2,55 | 15.2 1.3 65 1,791 1.76 922 ie 1d 17 Stephens........ 3,71 3,951 3.2 39.9 58.0 3,568 | 46.2 46.8 3.17 2,995 9.82 956 | 2k.8| 13.2 ™m Sterling........ 394 406 53.4 60.6 399 | us.1 38. 3.17 255] 12.56 151] 13.5] =: 232 Stonewall. . 1,5 1,586 10.1 32.8 1,367 W.2 Ai 3.69 u97 9.67 1,089 | 3.6] 13.4 139 1,0 1,109 37.7 53.2 1,022 | 49.0 38.1 3.24 739 | "13.91 370| 57.0] 27.6 506 1,859 1,953 0.4 n.6 57.0 1,768 | 47.6 ol 3.35 898 | 1h.05 1,055 4 26.5 380 ol6 56,663 67,9 4.8 02.7 87.9 64,512 | 45.1 0] 3.05 02,975 | 21.05 ,973| 41.0] 57.1] 39,060 10,886 12,477 3.1 52.4 13.2 11,757 Wu.3 48.0 3.20 10,060 20.48 2,Wn7 25.6 19.6 5,717 784 824 4.3 53.3 753 | 4.6 32.6) 3.32 21 | 11.73 23 Thu W.8 190 2,858 3,071 1.8 23.1 39.0 2,86 2-9 32.2 3 1,37 16.5, 1,7 18.5] 12.2 342 1,205 1,250 20.2 > 1,13 8.1 21.9 3. 505 9.7 7 22.0 11.1 ze 5,118 5,362 0.2 19.0 .2 5.085 | u.5 22.2 3.38 2,629 11.61 2,733| 2.2) 13.5 91 9,813 11,283 4.2 51.8 74.9 10,503 | us.k 9-2 3.21 9, kak | 17.97 1,859 | 56.1| 31.0 1900 010 26,025 3,2 3.9 Rs 73.3 28,070 | k40.8 2 3.24 25,907| 26.80 4,353 2.1 24.5) 17.796 3,498 3,594 0.3 1b.8 25.8 3,358 | 46.5 16.5 3.63 1,672 8.52 1,922 71. 9.7 55 2,954 3,090 0.2 12.9 23.3 2,9 51.4 19.2| 3.60 1,263 8.77 1,871 We8 8.4 228 6,712 930 14.5 29.5 6,48 | U5.7 18.5] 3.54% 2,561 | 10.12 6,569 | 5.5) 12.7 28 La 1,424 4.1 51.6 65.8 1,263 42.6 63.9 3.03 1,33 | 13.84 gh - - 246 3,482 2 0.4 35.7 42.1 3,35 49.0 51 3.139 2,608 10.77 1,075 | 53.7 14,2 1,269 3,706 036 2.0 37.1 49.2 3,664 | 49.3 of 371 3,547 | 11. 489 531 39.3 1,353 8,091 8, 0.1 15.8 29.3 7,996 | 4u.8 18.8 3.53 2,801 9.3 5.55 1 9.7 1,033 6,087 6,579 2.0 4.2 50.8 6,189 | 42.0 R.7| 3.3% Lusk | 17.58 2,385 36.0] 18.0 2,35 4,545 4,850 0.6 21.0 0.1 4,562 | us.e 25.3] 3.32 2,479 15.31 2,31 | 31 i 766 2,817 2,893 0.2 21.1 2.3 2,739 | 49.7 17.8 3.13 1,139 | 10.12 1,754 | 11.8 ul 376 2,824 2,969 1.3 u7.3 7%.0 2,612 | 43.0 61.8 3.8 2,580 | 15.87 5 15:3 22.71 54 6,753 7.005 0.2 22.3 21.5 6,624 | 43.5 16.0 i 2,643] 12.77 4, 1 2 1.6 1,96 10,399 11,044 1.6 32.1 45.0 10,025 | L3.0 20.8 .03 9,749 | 11.01 1,295 | 12. 4.7 2,061 9,246 9,870 0.8 29.9 42.9 9,34 22 n.9 33 4,858 | 14,88 4, 17.2 17.6 1,711 Wheeler.... 3,266 3,4 0.5 30.0 46.2 3,232 4 36.0 3. 1,849 11.78 1,517] 20.0 14.9 094 Wichita.... 17,560 20,577 3.5 54.4 84.0 19,954 p44 52.6 | 3.17 19,039 | 19.59 1,538 [ 38.5 | u8.9 9,977 Wilbarger.. . 5,656 6,0 1.0 36.0 59.7 5,478 “3 2 39.3| 3.32 3,616 | 14.14 2,40 | 18.0 =3 1,406 Wil1a0y. rercees 3,386 3,50 1.6 23.2 ¥».4 3,106 | bu. 24.5 | 39M 1,856 ( 11.19 1,685 | 18.4] 19. 232 11,648 12,189 0.6 29.9 47.4 10,962 59 24.5 | 3.32 bv,802| 12.3 6,387 | 23.2 23.9 2,672 4,152 4,216 20.2 22.2 3,872 0 16.1 3.87 1,443 9.53 2,773 | 18.9 8.0 1,073 1,865 2,088 7.6 63.9 87.1 1,763 | 49.0 69.9 3.13 2,039 | 14.ug 49 - - 258 5,179 5,395 0.1 19.0 h1.5 5,140 | 49.8 15.5 3.32 2,397 8.4 2,998 | 22.4] 18.8 8% b,155 b,540 0.2 17.4 36.8 6,274 | 49.5 17.4] 3, 2,637] 10.58 3,903 | 4.2 15.8 915 1,644 1,12 1.7 30.9 66.0 1,494 | 47.5 40.0 3.17 1,401 15.07 1 19.3] 14.6 37 5,263 5,614 2.3 32.7 53.7 5,179 | us.4 22 oa 3,703 | 15.16 1,911 | 25,1] 11.3 1,208 1,076 1,085 8.5 11.3 89 [ 70.5 .6 06 722 ri 363 1.1 2.5 6 2,769 2,84 18.0 22.6 2,439 | us. 15.8 Lab 1,731 .7 1,10k | 21.0 1.5 289 UPAHessosose 123,331 147,291 8.3 02,0 93.9 139,487 | ol.l 50.8 3.56 125,025 22.11 22,260 | 50.5 74.5 73,391 METRO, COUNTY.... 44,706 59,071 15.7 80.0 96.8 v6,621 | 53.8 61.9 3.3 5,458 | 27.53 2,013 | 8.1] 95.8] 39,339 Metro. area! v 103 [Balt Lake City..0L8 4h, 706 59,071 15.7 0.0 98.8 56,621 | 53.8 61.9 3.35 56,458 | 27.53 2,618 | 80.1 | 95.8] 39,339 OTHER COUNTIES... 18,63 88,220 3.4 Lg.8 9.5 82,866 | bb.1 43.1] 3.73 08,507 | 17.55 19,653 | Me.1| 71.7] 3u,052 372 TABLE 3—SELFCTED DATA FOR METROPOLITAN AREAS AND FOR ALL COUNTIES, BY STATE—Continued Table 3 Fart 4 - Agriculture TEX., Refugio (193) - (Figures which have been rounded to thousands will not necessarily add to totals) Zavala (254) i AGRICULTURE—1945 AGRICULTURE—1940 Value of farm products sold, | Principal Per- ; Value of Work power traded, or used by source of Per: welt arm property farm household farm income | Type- ol f. x METROPOLITAN ; s cent | farm | Rural Metro. A Ss Number of | Land in | Cropland | Number | of | 5 Percent from— farming- level Area COUNTIES, arms farms | harvested | of farms | farms | ye As Number | ives Wl Code A A000 | ry V2 of Lo Toad [om ns { Noert] Auman [ook Cod living CODES Jan. 1, of of Aur] 1, | ated | og (1000s ; | horses umber | (1000's | “oq ge Per- | (See |index 1945 acres) acres) 940 | by | yes of per and/or of a I C ( cent | 423 ten | fess | gellar) | (dob | M5, | CO | dollar) | geek | COP [P42 ants ollars) = | (over 3 stoc than ) 1d prod- $400 mo. old) Oe “3) (49) (50) 1) ® | (54) 5) (56) Gn (£0) G9) (6) o | ®@ | & [C) TEXAS--Con. ? ‘All Counties—Con. Refugio......... 196 238 512 35 3% | 56.1 | 21.7 10,k40u4[ 26,273 2,043 288 1,53 58.1 | 37.6 1 53.4 911| 109 RODErtSe cece. 197 1 616 bs 154] 29.9 | 25.3 6,980| 45,325 1,034 pai 1,076 91.1 6.5 1 89.0 331 146 Robertson....... 198 2,181 W2 80 2,834] 59.7 | uu.k 10,677] 3,767 8,446 103 2,091 21.3 | 59.0 5 51.7 752 73 Rockwalle....... 199 84 54 67| 57.4 | 13.3 5,076] 7.610 2,456 148 1,034 9.8 | 82.3 5 {0.2 710 100 Runnels.s....... 1,815 627 287 2,103] 49.1 | 16.1 21,936/10,431 4,299 1,111 2,622 42.2 | h1.1 5 | w.c Mi. 115 Rusk. oressves ns 201 h, 204 ng 102 4,280 45.9 | 47.8 10,501, 2,54 9,537 75 2,334] 18.1 | L4.6 5 | ka.b 152]: +99 Sabine.......... 202 1,145 93 16 1,598 M1.9 | 53.4 2,398] 1,501 2,359 26 7iz| 11.9.1 37.2 0 50.2 nz 78 San Augustiue...20 1, 860 129 28 2,162] 50.9 | 43.3 3,769 1,743 3,287 3h 1,087 o.4 = 0 | 55.2 na pn San Jacinto..... 20 919 110 12 1,547 47.8 | 69.4 2,952| 1,908 3,230 24 554 16.5 8.0 5 L6.3 712 59 San Patricio....205 1,075 335 206 1,089( 51.1 | 13.8 24,733 22,712 2,925 1,056 3,908| 14.3 | 81.2 5 A 7%.9 ni 9% 1,253 650 68 1,276] 40.6 | 23.4 15,038[11,785 4,096 256 2,269] 72.2 | 15.1 1 | 51.9 2u3| 96 6 789 22 286 N.3 11.2 15,757] 55,094 2,027 156 1,660] 93.9 3.3 1 58.9 243] 116 1,18 563 168 1,446] 51.5 | 16.0 12,265| 8,82 4,467 702 1,922| 37.3 | 48.5 5 | b9.k 771 113 568 511 ugo| 39.6 of 9,151]19,89% 1,812 187 1,13 86.0 8.5 1 78.1 1 1R 3,997 318 54 4,952] 51.4 2.5 9,027| 1,823 7,802 61 2,657] 10.1 | 44.9 0 43.9 712 79 232 654 232 31 38.9 | 14.8 8,157/ 27,193 1,185 364 2,516 47.1 | 50.6 5 | 50.5 33 136 5,313 Lb5 116 5,306 bf 56.5 13,577] 2.559 9,326 52 2,902| 18.2 | 56.9 5 | 34.9 712| 88 3 9 14 34] 52.5 | 37.8 1,477 3.kcs 1,376 7 285| 41.3 | 24.3 o | 29.8 gull 91 1,1 6! ko 916| 23.1 | 83.3 2,u480| 2,707 3,859 Lo 270| 41.9 | %o.2 5 [39.8 2uh| 26 957 651 ko 80 30.4 | 39.9 7,379 9,110 2,267 2u7 1,002| 74.5 8.9 1 58.7 751 11h Sterling........ 216 102 580 2 117] 25.6 | 3.4 7,153 61,137 1,139 25 986| 96.9 1.0 1 60.1 2u3| 128 Stonewall....... 217 576 538 92 Bh] 48.4 | 18.3 8,619(11,u431 2,688 413 1,024 47.1 | 37.9 1 39.5 771| 106 Sutton. .cneereoh 218 152 966 4 160 31 1.2 17,8680107, 639 2,129 3 2,091 96.8 | 0.1 1 152.6 2u3| 98 Swisher......... 219 811 555 335 1,035 | 42.9 | 19.5 14,489(13,999 1,87 922 1,924 bs.9 | k2.k 5 42.2 331] 137 O46 | Tarrant......... 220 3,897 Luk 1 3,622] 36.8 | 49.2 33,350] 9,208 8,300 791 5,091 62.6 | 27.3 2 32.5 621| 112 Taylorec.ssenss .221 1,788 436 167 1,871 | 47.4 | 28.8 15,054 8,046 5,441 766 2,182| 57.2 | 29.0 1 3 771| 108 Terrell......... 222 17 1,433 13 | 50.0 | L.b4 11,767| 86,522 2,075 6 1,364 98.0 | (2) y 9.8 243) 83 TOrrye.eeeesesse 22 1,228 510 357 1,305] 58.1 | 16.9. 11,49] 8,773] * 3,276 909 2,189| 25.0 | 66.6 5 66.5 7X16 Throckmorton. . . . 22) 565 hog 59 572 24 37.4 7,234 12,647 1,507 273 1] s2a | 6.2 1 | 7h 751] 114 PIs ners 225 2,308 172 38 2,1k5| Le.4 | hea 5,303 2,471] 4,865 Sh 1,179) 29.4 | b1.k 5 :f-39.pl coiyasl a6 Tom Green....... 226 1,316 987 133 1,%8| %0.8 | 25.5 29,125 20,685 73 ,159| 76.8 | 14.9 L00 h2.0 23] 97 010 | Traviss.e.eveses 227 2,772 583 126 2,647 51.2 | 42.6 19,953| 7,538 hae 13 a 52.4 28 5 27.8 710 88 Trinity. ovne nice 228 1,091 181 17 1,615] kh.3 | 31.0 3,641) 2,284 3,763 13 1,017| 15.8 | B3.7 5 |‘42.5 712| 84 Tyler urisne suns 229 1,k37 103 11 1,522 ad 58.1 2,909] 1,911 2,23 1 652| 20.4 | 18.1 0 | 59.4 nel 8 UPERUZ. sso omens 2,856 263 46 3,2] 07.6 | l9.2 7,960] 2,333 6,405 15] 1.853] a.2 | 9.3 57 Vi 27.9 nz| Uptote ss wrbes res 62 616 17 - - 5,274 68,494 729 7u8| 96.5 | 0.1 59.6 242| 159 Uvalde.......... 683 | 1,070 33 755] 35.0 | 26.2 | 19.0%0|25.219 IL 195] 3,138] 92.8 | 1.6 1 73.3] 243] Val Verde HE] 2,183 3 9] 27.2 | 10.0 22,796| 73,778 L165 15 2,574] 9.9 | 1.3 4 | 49.9 2u3f 98 Van Zandt 4,432 47 123 4,381 | 48.2 | 33.3 12,74] 2,908| 11,08 119 3,180| 18.2 | 54.8 5 | 47.0 n2l 99 Victoria 1,764 603 68 1,646 50.9 | 27.5 18,002(10,937 5,89! 515 2,3%0| 66.3 | 22.1 ' 1 | 49.1 911] 86 Walker...... ku. 1,583 394 2k 1,874 48.2 | 67.2 u, 704 2,510 14,500 22 1,035] 33.2 | 50.2 5 | uy 712] 64 Waller... veer. 1,198 it Lh 1,L84 f uh b {1 7,185| 4. gh2 4,663 146 1,208 22 51.1 5 | 46.6 q| 83 Ward. vos'vr eaves 291 79 20 169 | 42.0 | 1k.2 2,928|17,325 952 81 558 39.1 | 56.6 5 156.2 242| 113 Washington 3,266 339 98 3,912 58.3 | 38.0 16,047| 4,102| 11,166 124 2,577 21.3 47.1 5 | 46.7 710] 69 Webb. ........... 282 15 19 27] 35.6 | 52.7 15, 376| 36,009 3,879 67 2,114 63.L | 35.2 1 | 58.8 244 69 Wharton. 4,096 630 192 3,746 | 66.0 | 32.14 28,813) 7,692 9,922 1,532 4,53 27.0 | 60.9 5 | 60.4 g| 8 Wheeler 98 432 168 1,266] 53.7 | 15.0 10,618| 8,387 6,101 biz 1,839 k%.6 | W4.8 5 | 43.9 771 110 Wichita 1,3 322 119 1,329 51.2 | 40.9 11,513] 8,663 2,991 458 1,291) 48.7 | 3.3 5 32.4 ii 112 Wilbarger 1,293 823 21k 1,300 57.9 | 12.5 23,155(17,812 k4,666 839 2,565| 26.7 | 65.0 5 | 84.3 Tl 122 Willacy. . 1,052 218 92 979 52.8 | 30.5 9,99(10,209 1,515 660 1,430| 18.3 | 73.9 5 | 68.7 123] Nn Williamson 246 4,071 672 310 3,954 | 60.3 | 18.2 32,589 8,242] 11,9u8 1,622 4,053 32.4% | 50.7 5 | 50.2 710{ 97 Wilson.. 247 1,915 426 126 2,092 45.2 | 56.6 11,320( 5,411 7,574 335 1,153| 63.8 | 18.3 3 32.0 710 69 .2ug ko Ley 25 | uh.0 1,198| 47,920 296 209| 96.2 1-67 242| 151 .2u9 2,007 470 99 2,490 | 45.3 71 11,715) 4,705 6,564 335 2,053| 19.5 od 5 | 21.2 giL| 98 .250 2,31 251 4 3,286 | 45.0 .6 7,198] 2,191 7,156 27 1,750] 26.0 el 5 37.8 i217. 91 251 281 | © u37 64 260 | 60.4 7 3,170[12,1¢2 1,264 127 374] 62.1 | 29. 1 | 49.5 2h2| 102 .252 1,275 573 101 1,449 k1.0 Tot 11,690( &,06% 3,876 430 1,390| 66.1 2% 1 | 50.6 751 103 vee25 275 ko2 6 329 | 16.1 | 81.5 2,583 7,851 1,915 13 233| 55.2 | $5.5 1 | 51.6 aul 15 Cees 25 281 700 26 16 36.7 | 39.6 10,763 34,060 1,k08 171 2,090 | &h.7 | 33.3 1 | 62.2 aul] sh UTA#.reanes .| 26,322 | 10,309 1,248 25,41113.3 | 26.9 [*199,025 7.832 78,853 3,041 43,595 59. | 32.1 1 2e.¢ 117 METRO. COUNTY.... 3,202 450 61 2,515 | 11.4 | 38.3 17,112] 6,80%4 2,693 243 3,337] 62.7 | 28.8 Metro. area: . 3 103 | Salt Lake City..C18 3,202 450 61 2,515 | 11.4 | 38.3 17,112) 6,804 2,693 243 3,337| 62.7 | 28.8 3 | 38.0 ' OTHER COUNTIES... | 23,120 9,859 1,186 | 22,896 113.5 | 25.6 | 181,580] 7,931 76,149 2,798] 0,258] 59.1 | 32.3 1less than three farms reported and data sre therefore included only in State totals. 2The State total includes $333,505 for fwiule silver fox and/or mink over 3 months old (kept in captivity) not distributed to individual counties. 375 rebie 3 TABLE 3—SELECTED DATA FOR METROPOLITAN AREAS AND FOR ALL COUNTIES, Part 5 - Industry and Retail Trade BY STATE—Continued : TEX., Refugio (196) = Zavala (254) (All dollar figures have been rounded to thousands and will pot necessarily add to totals) MANUFACTURING ESTABLISHMENTS—1939 MINERAL INDUSTRIES—1939 RETAIL ESTABLISHMENTS—1939 METROPOLITAN Yer! cOUNTIES Value added jue adde: AND Wage Wages Yale of | by manufac- Vio of Funther Wages and Number of |; S2€s Active Enployens Pay roll CODES Number (1000's of Poesy | wre | Pods | O10 of | stores | (1000s of | pro | TREE 11000’ of faverage dollars) |). ¢ sof | (1000's of ( sof | persons | ( 5 stores dollars) | prietors 0 dollars) or year) dollars) dollars) dollars) | engaged | dollars) year) (s) (66) (0) (68) 9). ao) an a2) a) (G0) as) 6) (Ww) TEXAS=Con. } All Counties—~Con. Refugio. . 4 16 (2) ) (2) (*) (*) ?) 165 3,172 152 1405 287 Roberts. 18 43 15 39 33 Robertson, 6 49 36 555 175 *) *) *) 292 3,406 306 403 229 Rockwall. 99 1,018 106 110 56 Runnels. 10 60 40 587 134 296 4,678 281 481 333 BORis 00% seis vine 25 270 Loa 3.455 530 ; 2 64 10, 1,075 834 8ab1n0. events 202 3 uy (1) 9) 1? 529 ® Br Jo Sk 52 3 2 San Augustine...203 3 33 (*) (*) (*) 108 1,579 107 172 105 San Jacinto,.....204 Ge) (2) (2) 83 580 76 37 15 San Patricio....205 it 629 *) (*) () (*) {*) 2) 389 7.764 355 788 600 San S8bac....... 206 4 11 9 51 28 135 1,905 4 191 101 Schleichers..... 207 i (*) (*) (1) (*) 3 564 43 51 35 SCUrTYeoesesesss208 5 ko 36 436 122 189 2,715 198 286 176 Shackelford.....209 2 (1) ) (2 *) 13) 0) (1) 95 1,374 91 126 101 SNOIDY uses ererns 210 16 165 114 514 315 (2) (*) (2) 308 }4, 004 292 421 260 Sherman......... 211 4 25 606 21 46 37 SHEtRes ss resvrs 212 61 1,049 2 8,867 2,882 (1) (1) (2) 911 19,709 833 2,294 1,988 Somervelle...... 213 f+ 48 3 9 6 29 SLArTyvrsersossel) 3 21 . 219 1,193 222 7 62 Stephens........ 215 12 ™ 69 333 203 , 1.0uk 173 290 211 3,735 190 376 309 Sterling......es 216 n 533 3 53 '37 Stonewall....... 217 2) (LY @) 61 576 56 7 28 SULEODececevenne 2) (3) 2) (1) 8 1,406 68 138 118 Swisher. 25] 18 405 62 : 105 1,798 98 1h6 117 046 Tarrant. 8,122 8,556 106,431 30,320 (*) GO] (2) 3.173 99,469 2,770| 12,132 10,861 Taylor. 617 in 4,937 1,885 730 16,060 693 1,847 1,563 Terrell... (*) (*) *) *) 58 863 57 9 MOLE. e vse rsnsins 23 4 61 39 (2) (1) tx) 145 3,157 167 298 225 Throckmorton. . .. 2: 1 ) (2) 3) 70 666 69 63 37 PItUB. esr nsanas 292 200 3.765 1,164 (*) (1) 2) 250 3.753 236 477 287 Tom Green. 246 23 1,952]. 1,042 ; 678 16,102 622 1,845 1,620 010 Travis. 3 1,220 2:1 8,156 4,666 251 68 61 1,321 40,861 1,209 5,298 4,672 Trinity 620 356 1,001 49k (*) (2) Gad 149 2,188 133 227 135 Tyler. 506 277 888 1468 137 1,774 120 153 97 Upshur 222 107 510 230 2 3,260 247 268 150 Upton: vues ss sur 231 6 16 15 88 51 * 1) (*) 9 2,228 86 an 217 Uvalde.eenn.... 232 L 14 15 82 57 34h nk nk 22 3,606 194 359 270 Val Verde...... .23 8 22 18 hy 102 238 39% 229 i) 389 Van Zandt....... 23 6 151 ¢) *) *) 2) (2) (*) hs 436 334 78 269 VictoriB..e.ss..235 16 124 110 831 368 (2) fy (*) 339 8,621 296 1,04Y 788 Walkers.oseeoss .236 1 3 194 99% 629 235 6 78 193 3.528 168 3n 257 Valler..:.... ov 237 3 5 (*) (2) (1) 142 1,944 7 205 125 Ward. cs vevevines 238 11 116 148 1,438 a5 968 95 183 196 » 195 161 361 321 Washington...... 239 pL 226 138 1,017 367 323 W342 286 533 M7 WEDD. n'a» aise sed 2lo 20 376 21 2,108 1,074 (1) (1) (1) 562 10, lu 539 1,515 972 WHAT pms +e 2] 20 1123 101 1,823 423 {¥) £2) fy 433 8,505, 420 836 620 Wheeler......... 242 11 78 ™ 703 212 4h 55 90 206 3,312 191 26 206 Wichith......... 2u3 108 1,678 1,812 15,868 5,443 831 179 307 1,143 29,705 1,079 3,062 3,002 Wilbarger....... 244 18 171 148 2,690 611 (*) *) $2) 305 6,302 292. 706 523 Willacy.seessees 245 8 26 20 163 73 25 2,264 199 239 an 30 381 298 2,737 966 4o . 38 21 604 8,649 574 1,102 683 6 134 9 4g2 320 (2) *) (*) 208 2,137 184 257 139 9 52 283 231 433 8 138 134 2,994 112 296 265 7 76 1 355 125 208 88 61 252 2,792 252 245 125 2 314 161 919 hk tH) 2) (*) 312 3,811 213 412 240 1 *) (2) (1) (1) ¢) *) 9] 106 818 117 55 43 24 166 164 2,024 606 124 49 75) 356 6,425 336 621 491 58 116 52 12 I" 3 32 (1) (1) *) 129 1,286 115 156 104 3267 34,569 4,090 58,441 14,204 24,817 3,265 4,207 UPAR. vasans 560 11,555 11,968 167.172 43,720 62,791 10,789 16,462 6,372 170,728 5.520 19,562| 18,743 METRO. COUNTY...s 261 5,453 6,283 103,165 23,67 44,089 5,375 8,729 2,24 87,062 1,905 11,199] 11,197 Metro. area: : 103 |Salt Lake City..018 261 5,453 6,283 103,165 23,674 44,089 5.375 8,729 2,241 87,062 1,905 11,199 11,197 OTHER COUNTIES... 299 6,103 5,685 64,007 20,046 18.702 5,414 7.733 4,131 83,666 3,615 €,363 7,546 Not shown because of disclosure of operations of individual establishments. Data included in Combined Counties at end of State. ® Includes all counties where fig- ures are not shown separately because of disclésure of operations of individual establishments. 3Includes all establishments and wage earners of counties for which wages and value data were withheld to avoid disclosure. The "Combined Counties" figure for number of establishments is excluded from the State total, since this item was shown for every county. Whenever data on wage earners have been withheld, that portion of the "Combined Counties" figure represented by such data is included in the cor- responding State total. 376 TABLE 3—SELECTED. DATA FOR METROPOLITAN AREAS AND FOR ALL COUNTIES, BY STATE—Continued (All dollar figures have been rounded to thousands and will not necessarily add to totals) Table 3 Part 6 - Other Eeonumic Data TEX., Refugio (198) - Zavala (R54) WHOLESALE, | SERVICE ESTABLISHMENTS—1939 | BANK DEPOSITS Major war supply Major war facilities contracts, rojects, June 1940-Sept. 1945 | June 1940-June 1945 METRO? oun AN : Bon 4, (1000's of dollars) (1000s of dollars) Metro. REAS, : sales Area COUNTIES Number Nomber : Acti Employees Pay 1oll Total ; (1000's of Code AND of Sales of | Recei ts | Active | overage | Pay ro (demand Time dollars at CODES estab- | (1000's of | estab- | (1000’s_|proprie-| '¢ ~ (1000's | and time) | (1000’s |issue price) lish- | dollars) | lish- [of dollars)| tors your) of dollars)| (1000s | of dollars) ’ ments ments of dollars) ; Combit Other Industrial | Military equipment [) (0) (80) (81) _(8) ®4) (85) (86) (87 (88) (89) (%0) on TEXAS— Con. All Counties—Con. Refugio. ..v..s+- 196 14 1,847 70 137 75 yy 2k 4,389 16 55 RODOTrt8... uns 197 3 36 10 1b 1 5 2 934 164- Roberteon.......198 26 1,892 98 201 98 95 nn 4,882 132 601 1,721 Rockwall..... ...199 7 149 hy 8h Lh 2h 12 1,613 5 318 Runnels. ........200 47 2,183 107 240 109 85 by 1.721 10 1,660 199 2,512 Busi. ve «veins iv 201 3% 5,468 188 658 209 299 171 10,453 2,360 123 Sebine....... «2202 5 182 33 81 29 21 11 378 190 San Augustine...20 6 495 38 71 y5 us 16 2,572 285 San Jacinto.....20 14 — 1h 15 6 334 92 110 San Patricio....205 2 3,035 128 134 170. 116 7.781 164 1,463 19,695 4,100 Sen Sebe........ 206 13 937 46 4 52 2% 15 2,864 24 60k Schleicher...... 207 10 784 16 25 15 11 5 1,251 9 220 SCULTYeevvnennes 208 13 480. 60 147 67 54 28 3,504 750 Shackelford. ....209 11 Tuk 4o 93 39 21 13 2,370 28 473 Shelby. 27/1 2,286: 96 353 101 2k 99 5,634 21 982 11 370 15 13 7 5 3,087 ko 394 101 20,193 386 1,572 393 659 469 32,431 1,694 4,537 161 8,874 10,883 1 (1) 18 29 19 7 : 978 121 6 290 55 43 51 1 1,069 9 195 29 1,776 70 191 78 ug 3 4040 706 4 157 8 12 8 6 3 1,582 232 5 14 24 58 24 14 5 1,347 121 17 2,181 2h Ly 27 18 8 1,64 20 Th 25 1,267 61 13 59 3h. 20 4,059 55 6 z 06 459 | 1k9,436 | 1,400 8,372 | 1,405 3,554 2,739) 161,716 25,166 31,088 | 1,037,030 21,015 65,407 26,662 99 14,626 nel 11% 331 439 291 28,836 957 5,250 100 2,342 24,446 5 530 23 ul 23 19 9 1,021 rh 195 26 1,160 52 181 56 72 hh 7,070 43 683 4 12 30 38 30 7 7 1,003 307 21 1,435 79 221 80 91 5 4, 4lg 61 gal 2,932 123 17,743 282 1,133 292 482 335 23,669 1,479 3,871 150 66 12,780 010 120 22,040 476 3,115 482 1,272 986 51,960 6,509 7,244 200 11,104 15,083 7,434 9 245 ky 13 ko 36 15 2,09 330 pre 3 ~ 6 236 45 70 39 3h 11 1,871 68 18 17 1,201 100 218 109 13 59 4,169 1 821 2 1,94k4 50 121 4g 38 2h 2,217 167 1 3 $o3 59 158 62 61 5 4,678 66 831 6,172 26 2536 99 232 102 11 8 6,935 968 810 5,311 18 715 11 205 98 93 39 4,972 978 52 5,070 112 443 116 155 100 21,454 161 2,275 18,511 18 1,304 63 193 6k 95 56 4, 64k 661 579 1,922 5 181 42 59 37 18 8 2,807 27 475 112 2 3363 66 2206 263 272 252 2,165 93 50 6,205 3 Ju97 114 281 123 | 92 51 7,52k 537 89 Webb..uoeiinnnn 2 56 6,118 148 307 153 157 7 14,129 2,509 2,208 _ 50k 12,754 0 2,892 143 399 152 139 il 14,204 8 2,214 9,159 20 710 91 265 100 92 58 Y4, 350 11 703 174 21,448 503 2,145 532 821 608 4h 61k 4,452 6,517 9,193 11,691 20,126 3 2,552 100 393 104 149 86 9,864 164 1,534 4,025 13 501 66 106 68 37 20 3,850 239 491 78 5,832 197 520 210 203 115 14,015 742 1,74 61 21 465 55 54 55 20 8 3.535 28 [i 33513 15 1,872 72 200 67 68 46 1,008 h52 63 20 518 102 122 107 In 13 4, u27 2h 654 35 1,43 127 224 86 115 43 6,385 32 1,138 9 1,385 47 100 51 27 25 163 39 2,377 125 305 124 123 66 7,648 1 1,538 1 (2) 11 3 1 2 - 68 7 652 36 51 3h 15 8 1,448 5 272 16 41,228 515,621 ©11,134| 52,718 UTAH...oo.e 9571 | 19%a72) 2,387 | 11,M6] 2,399 3,753 3,392 | 3ko,341 | 125,218 58,296 79,136 34,345 284, 394 [ 153,097 METRO, COUNTY.... ug | 135,086 | 1,106 7,280 | 1,084 2,529 2,406 | 197,430 68,143 22,631 76,182 19,213 53,494 | 16,021 Metro. area: 3 2 - 103 [Salt Lake City..018 481 13,086 | 1,106 7,280 | 1,084 2,529 2,46 197,43 68,143 22,631 76,182 19,213 53,494 | 16,021 OTHER COUNTIES, .. 476 59,086 | 1,281 4,136 | 1,35 1,224 986 | 142,910 57,073 3,667 2,954 15,132 230,900 | 137,076 1Not shown because of disclosure of. operations of individual establishments. ted in Loving County (151). excluded from “he State total since number of establishments is shown for individual counties. closing operations of individual establishments. SUndistributed. Data included in "Other" at end of State. “Includes data for one establishment loca~ 35um of establishments in counties for which sales data are withheld to avoid disclosing operations of individual establishments. Combined figure for counties having sales'data withheld to avoid dis- It is 377 TEXAS 254 COUNTIES - ‘ DALLAM | al METROPOLITAN AREAS Rr CODE HARTLEY | MOORE [ HUTCH 5 AMARILLO UToH IRoBERTSY & 10 AUSTIN 12 BEAUMONT- PORT ARTHUR 30 CORPUS CHRISTI LEGEND @® PLACES OF 25,000 TO 100,000 (1940) * PLACES OF 100,000 AND OVER (1940) METROPOLITAN AREAS 31 DALLAS DEAF SMITH (RANDALL) 4 pooner Se 40 EL PASO nh cd SL 46 FORT WORTH er = PARMER jessTrogswiswen J BRISCOE y HALL CHIL 48 GALVESTON ones ©) 54 HOUSTON wpe ~-t-ptn wl IY 104 SAN ANTONIO saiey Lams J Hae § FLovo ghoTieyicoriel be ~4 F 129 WACO Ff - re 2 oF 3 LUBBO =} --- -+-r rt fn i. tamar 1 Reo & 1oza0chy Jcrosey goickens] kina | knox J BAYLOR ARCHER § cooxe Boravson] rannin RIVER TE TE At “gsnk 131.8 voaxuml TERRY § LYNN § GARZA y KENT Jon a — young § vAck! 1 wise: §penton | cou ry Forking IL “i cass fs hme we alee pele “It+=9 rr Sil wa a . Po § PARKER fe oni dd "yy 2 or r ee a “ mn i — + eo gue g Yo or 7 ELLIS MART © dd STLAN -k EL PASO ANDREWS 4 IN i HOWARD | oo nouan Jraviory (FF 4 a 2% hath “Er “A ~ goood dof i PANOLA 2 Sk 5 4 Hl \ Gly I - HARRISON GAINES fren FISHER T JONES [cee & <& ~ pt ce - Tr pho i - hem bo - ph ~, < Ww = rr - TP, - 8, oo 4, on ’ Lowman) ECTOR *mioLanp) « § COKE Tromnzisy “AN cn X BOSQUE Ys ’ Qo, 3 he, 1 sueLBY d ree, 1 Op y. Ko Ue A os wy Cs HUDSPETH | CuLserson , wie 4 — i + —s ee Sle cued BROWN i { %o, 5) ’ ‘w B crane T = Ee ® nas Ww, we oh - upton [REAGAN TOM ou ik a CORYELL % S Yo i ABINE | | reeves Ni br ion y CREE tel © es of ais S LEON Gg Ki 4 A ’ l_ © ’ “%- Abgp, ’ w= 3 Po a <= AT Pp &- - - - pol SAN ot a rah C Nore, 7 ~ BELL ‘y SON i aosondy Wn ne PECOS Tr. scHLeicHER | MENARD Ls of POLK Yok oe JEFF Davis < CROCKETY - a - — Sey N P 1 fre JE KIMBLE Lebep 5 N - : Beenie pan GILLESPIE § Wil “N TERRELL ~~, T Bushey MILAM WALKER § by x Ad Tos! AN x ih sitio SN Forccag ko) “po Ee 2a] Erin Zussmimaton 1 ; L x ik -L WAL HAYS rstaorhe “NV A 0s vaLveroe J Eowaros ' PY cao Lraverre AUST ne al Loony NA Xe NS BANDERA San anTonjo W BEXAR wt MASON § LLANO 3-1 A PRESIDIO | BREWSTER REAL Pe —- e KINNEY UVALDE , MEDINA sejinc fend XY’ Pd KARNES Sam GACKSON MATAGORDA 1. a ' FRIO | srascosn zavaa J . F VICTORIA < co ol han so Aye ZN LSE l DE WITT x ’ N um oie ro KENEDY v wink pd STARR J Se 7 4 iomicS UTAH 29 COUNTIES LEGEND 2% J ® PLACES OF 25,000 TO 100,000 (1940) J A % PLACES OF 100,000 AND OVER (1940) \ CACHE 1 — \ J RICH prroaiii METROPOLITAN AREAS \ BOX ELDER ' ¢ Fn Ae J TN METROPOLITAN AREAS ’ WEBER sl CODE J oon ® pel” L-] 103 SALT LAKE CITY LT MORGAN ar re = c—— — r——- ea? : DAVIS \ lr | \ NS . ‘ DAGGETT 3 4% Ph J suMMIT cro=a=ln == ie CL SALT: ee ciry ~—r ie NT +, aly a 2! -. 2% [4] HOB AT Se TOOELE \ Ai ] L ‘ N WASATCH | i { N 1 DUCHESNE | y ) | ! UINTAH { UTAH ! : | A “a | Co a ow doa on is, i i a ds kt en ww al, S 773 LoL ' I Ly ME SR $ ' \ CARBOM S$ I -)- ' | 3 S$ Pen Nl he in are ° Yeu pe SANPETE { i ! F ' 1 | I / MILLARD oe ’ Tha non wa a a 0x { RAND Vis | EMERY : 1 r % i I \ po SEVIER . { a mint etic et = ad Xa naan tl awd BEAVER , “ d PIUTE WAYNE Y § % (Re eo us es ei —pl———- as fi et i 3 Me So po tio : 7 P "om i GARFIELD g > Sf " i) i — 1 » SAN JUAN Nd fh mt smi of WASHINGTON i KANE 3 : | m- Shins LE 1 An 0 wo 379 Table 3 Part 1 - Population UTAH., Beaver (00l) = TABLE 3—SELECTED DATA FOR METROPOLITAN AREAS AND FOR ALL COUNTIES, VA., Amherst (005) BY STATE—Continued ee TOTAL POPULATION POPULATION—1940 ZUCATION 1. i JOA. ESTIMATED 1944 CIVILIAN Total whi POPULATION Land | Pop- otal white Percent of METROPOLITAN U.S. area |ulation population 25 Miro. AREAS, rank in per years old and Area | - COUNTIES, Womber of |Percent| 4 sq. over who have Code 3p: touts change | miles [mile Percent he Rural) Rural completed— Percent] April 1 mn of oan f; f : Birth: Death ; pri . D | nonfarm arm irths eaths Number change | 1940" | percen- 1930-1 1940 [1940 | Number | total N | tiles) 1940 opu- 5 or High ov.’ | 1940- ation more 18 1943 1943 1940 grades school m @ @ “) ©) [0] m ®) ©) (10) an (12) 13) (14) (15) (16) 4,518 | -10.0 5,014 92| -2.4| 2,587] 1.9 5,014 | 100.0 3,941 1,078 94.0] s2.0 146 38 17,838 | -5.3 18,832 49 5.7| 5,594 3.4 18,522 | 98.4 5,641| 5,026 8,165| 94.9) 32.6 581 152 26,250 | -11.9 29,797 28 8.7| 1,175] 25.4 29,766 | 99.9| 11,868] 8,235 9,694| 94.9] s8.7 745 253 20,611 [ 11.7 18,459 50 3.7( 1,474] 12.5 18,199 98.6 8,057| 8,348) 2,059] 84.5 24.7 590 175 318 | -43.6 564 99| 87.2 764 | 0.7 557 | 98.8 233 331] 92.5 24.8 5 2 22,784 | 44.8 15,784 58| 12.6 268| 58.9 15,325 | 97.1 3,357 | 6,588 5,889| 94.1 83.4 630 147 7,240 | -19.2 ‘8,958 80 8.4| 3,260| 2.7 8,774 | 97.9 3,570 5,888] 92.6 22.3 204 50 5,205 | -26.4 7,072 86 0.4| 4,442| 1.6 7,068 99.9 4,958] 2,114] 93.6] 25.0 152 56 3,461 | -34.1 5,258 ou] 1s.2| s,217| 1.0 5,249 99.9 4,350 903| 97.3] 27.5 134 28 1,797 | -18.2 2,070 98| 14.2| 83,692| 0.6 2,067 | 99.9 1,475 595| 84.2] 27.6 59 20 Eons. sveren sesso] 7,764 | -6.8 8,381 82| 15.3] s3,30]| 2.5 8,249 99.0 4,605 2,188| 1,448 96.0| 39.9 226 53 | Juab te0s012 5,426 | 26.6 7,892 85| -14.1| 3,412] 2.2 7,245 98.0| 2,835] 3,781 776| 93.5 80.9 140 61 Kane. ..013 2,369 [ -7.5 2,561 97| 14.6 4,105 o.6 2,561 | 100.0 1,825 786| 95.8 34.0 59 14 Millerd ..014f 15,5 64.3 9,618 78| -s.3| 6,648 1.4 9,554 | 99.4 6,943 2,670] 94.8] 82.8 230 12 MOTE8N.. «+s... .015 2,574 | -l.4 2,611 97 3.0 610| 4.3 2,610 | 100.0 1,872 1,289| 96.8) 35.6 63 10 PLUte..ereseess 016) 1,780 | -19.2 2,208 97| 12.6 758 | 2.9 2,177| 98.8 1,489 714| 9s.1| 30.8 60 18 1,487 | -29.1 2,028 98| 8.3 1,022] =2.0 2,028 100.0 1,216 e18| 97.5] 85.0 41 10 230,447 9.2] 211,623 2 9.0 764| 277.0| 209,818| 99.1| 167,084| 88,308| 11,281| 94.5| 42.8] 6,120 1,949 2,747 | -41.7 4,712 92| s4.8| 7,88| 0.6 2,837 | 60.2 1,705 3,007 61.2] 19.8 91 25 18,205 | -17.8| 16,068 57 0.3] 1,597] 10.1 16,010| 99.7 13,222 2,841| 92.2] 30.5 362 155 9,548 | -21.2 12,112 69 8.2| 1,982 6.3 12,110 100.0 s,584| 6,558 1,070] 92.2 30.9 279 88 7,261 | -16.7 8,714 8L| -8.5( 1,860| 4.7 8,678[ 99.6 3,739 2,905 2,070| 94.4 31.8 194 57 12,416 | 35.9 9,188 79 -s.0| 6,911) 1.3 9,057 99.2 5,001 2,987 1,195 90.5| 80.5 314 120 7,547 | -28.8 9,898 7 9.6| 4,420 2.2 8,863| 89.5 4,426 5,472 90.4| 26.7 252 62 68,351 |. 19.1 57,382 n| 1. 1,908 28.7| 57,321| 99.9| 89,605 9,308] 8,469] 92.8 4.8] 1,943 578 , 5,339 [ -7.2 5,754 9 2.1] 1,194 4.8 5,747| 99.9 2,748 1,49 1,516] 97.1 32.0 159 a 7,486 | -19.2 9,269 79| 24.9] 2,425 3.8 9,183] 99.1 3,591 2,605 3,078 93.9| 80.6 255 55 1,816 | -24.1 2,39 97| 15.8 2,489 1.0 2,394 | 100.0 1,609 785 97.0] 21.6 57 16 70.247 | 23.9 56,714 12 8.7 549 | 108.3 55,942 | 98.6| 43,688) 4,910 8,116| 94.4 85.0] 2,089 617 VERMONT......| 316,074 | -11.5| 859,231 -0.1| 9,278] s8.7 358,806 | 99.9| 123,239| 130,480| 105,512| 92.6| 27.6] 6,824] 4,274 14,853 | -17.2 17,944 51 - 785 | 22.9 17,928 99.9 8,638 9,811 93.4| 26.0 347 209 20,853 | -6.4 22,286 4 2.9 672 | 83.2 22,227 | 99.7 7,628| 10,541 4,117| 94.4 23.8] 8% 277 21,798 | -10.4 24,320 87| -10.8 614 | 39.6 24,316 | 100.0 7,437| 8,580 8,308] 94.7 27.9 413 270 47,147 -6.0 52,098 1s 9.7 532 | 97.9 51,973| 99.8| s3,722| 10,288 8,098] 89.1 29.6] 1,140 562 ES86X...c.usss..005 5,389 | -17.0 6,490 87| -8.2 664| 9.8 6,489 | 100.0 4,042 2,448] 88.2 19.2 110 63 Franklin........006 25,448 | -14.0 29,601 28| -1.2 659 | 44.9 29,575| 99.9 8,087| 10,989| 10,625] 90.7] 21.8 590 S14 3,176 | -16.5 3,802 9¢| -3.6 77| 49.4 3,802 | 100.0 1,604 2,198 85.9] 14.9 62 32 9,218 | -16.4 11,028 72 0.7 475| 23.2 11,026 | 100.0 5,756 5,272] 94.3 25.7 199 138 17,038 | -0.1 17,048 54 2.1 690 | 24.7 17,027 | 99.9 7,648 9, 96.2 27.4 286 202 17,171 | -20.9 21,718 42| -5.7 715| 80.4 21,698 99.9 4,902] 7,128 9,693 92.2] 21.8 408 252 $9,009 | -14.5 45,638 15| -5.8 929 | 49.1 45,590 99.9| 17,082| 19,508 9,053) 92.1 29.2 8s1 579 34,075 | -18.0 41,546 17| -0.4 708| 58.7 41,617 99.9| 21,989] 10,638 8,924 92.5] 29.3 672 570 25,148 | -9.7 27,850 51 7.1 793| 85.1 27,824 | 99.9| 13,858] 7,347 6,645] 95.4] 31.6 495 39% 85,756 | -5.6 37,862 20 1.2 965 | 39.2 97,819| 99.9 8,584| 17,848 11,430] 94.1| 81.7 881 415 VIRGINIA......| 2,769,828 | 4.8 |2,677,778 10.6 | 39,899| 67.1| 2,015,583 | 75.3| 944,675| 749,739| 983,359] 75.6] 21.3] 69,175] 28,739 METRO. COUNTIES..| 999,326 | s2.0| 781,172 17.0| 1,396 | 559.6 572,405 | 73.8| 614,267 | 182,248 34,662| 84.1] s0.4f 25,002 9,771 Metro. areas: 082 | Norfolk-Portsmouth-| ' Newport News...028 065,077,095, 1 118,114,116,120| 505,119 | 57.1 | 343,423 14.8 799 | 429.8 229,467 | 66.8| 252,188| 71,714| 19,526 80.6 26.6] 13,081| 4,928 095 | Richmond....044,118| 252,777 7.6 | 285,002 10.2 262 | 897.0 166,688 | 70.9| 193,042| ‘35,159 6,801| 85.0 80.8] 4,718 2,781 096 |Roanoke..,..081,119| 104,808 | -6.6| 112,184 7.4 303 | 870.2 96,033| 85.6| 78,479] 25,370 8,335| 85.0 26.0] =2,286( 1,127 130 Weshington,D.C. (pg veeesenesss007,100| 138,622] 54.3 90,563 78.4 32 [28304 80,217 | 88.6] 90,568 93.1| 48.1] 5,007 935 OTHER COUNTIES... 1,770,502 | -6.1|1,896,601 8.1| 38,508 49.3| 1,448,178| 76.1| 330,408( 617,496| 948,697] 71.4| 16.8] 44,083 18,968 All Counties: : Accomack. .......00] 28,253 | -14.3 33,030 2a -7.9 470 | 70.3 20,463 | 61.9 19,755 18,275| 66.4| 12.9 549 421 20,150 | -18.8 24,652 36 | -8.6 789 | 38.4 18,99 | 77.0 8,697 | 15,955| 68.8] 19.0 421 263 20,001 | -11.8| 22,688 40| 12.4 451 50.3 20,598 | 90.8| 6,300| 12,946 3,442| 83.2 17.8 442 161 7,689 | -9.5 8,495 82| -5.4 366 | 23.2 4,175 49.1 841 7,654 68:5 11.0 194 78 Amherat.......,s005 17,668 | -12.9| 20,273 45 5.6 467] 43.4 14,09 | 69.5 8,290 11,983] 62.5] 11.6 373 227 Remainder of Tashington, D. 380 C., Metropolitan Area (130) is in District of Columbia and Maryland. TABLE 3—SELECTED DATA FOR METROPOLITAN AREAS AND FOR ALL COUNTIES, BY STATE—Continued Table 3 Part 2 - Labor Force UTAH, Beaver (001) = VA. Amherst (005) are mani LABOR FORCE—1940 Percent of Population 14 Years Old and Over Employed Workers by Industry Group Employed METROPOLITAN Troms: bal In leading nonagri- Meta) AREAS. Percent | Percent porta- Sr Hn Code AND . of i : > 4 | Con Ltn Whole- | personal Other |= In | industry male emales : a = J muni- : i CODES Total In labor aaa Total Agri- Mining} struc: Manufac an sale and Servite nd not agri force S 8 employed || culture a turing retail exclu cu in in tion an y reported Code labo Jab, hes trade ing ture | cl p ; or i domestic — ro » ties Services 422) an (18) a9 (20) @n @) @) 24) 25) (26) @n (28) 29) Go | 3) | 32) UTAH==Con, All Counties: [BerVerssose 3,431 1,569] A 12,9 1,204 392 We 51) 35 234 175) 164) 72 | 32.6 2313.6 12,760 5,654 Thad 11,9) 4,729] 2,317 24 241) 2364 225 644) 632] 350 | 49.0 | G36| 7.5 20,620 8,804 72.4] w.2] 7,297] 2,619 26] 437 613 304 1,211 1,50 545 35.9 | 6361244 12,77 eus] mal 17 sme 466] 1,260 159 84] 17 7%) én 269] 9.9] “239.0 362 195 86.4 10,9) 155 103 11 5 3 2 5 19 7166.5 13(17,1 10,824 4,676 73.0 12,0) 4,016) 1,515 17 195 498] 356 579 473) 383 | 37.7 51 7.4 5.609] 2,584 76.0] 11.1] 2,062 1,248 Lh %2 91 4) 200) 220) 123] 60.5| 636] 7.0 4,649 2,090 Th ok 10,8, 1,4%0 203] 135 73 ag 57 127 178] 93 | 54.3 21 9.2 3,247 1,517 75.1 13.2 919 475 5 683] 40) 39 97 124] TL] 51.7] G36| 8.1 1,455 757 76.2 12,7 619, 137, Th 60) 5) 138 56 0 59 | 22.1 23] 19.1 5,613 2,7%, 76.7 16.7 2,108 67% 49 161 & 177 37 413) 199} 32.0] 636] 8.9 5,145 2,352 76.8 13.4] 1,765 461] 497 53] 63] 94 251 226 120 § 26,1 4| 27,1 1,646 175 77.6) 16.2 581 260) 3 40 21 13 25) 114 42 | 44.8] G36 [10.5 6,389 2,748 72,1 10,7, 2,211 1,165 10 106 42 170] 261] 302 155] 52.7 | G36| 7,1 1,221 210 75.7 11,6 633 309 1 Jal [A 4 54 27 3648.8 | G36| x%.5 1,457] nt 79.5 14.2 604, 307 61, 26 28] 27| 44 Kei 33] 50.8 4 | 10,1 1,412 674 79.6) 10.3 567| 408 1 19 4 17 217 48] 43] 72.0] G36| 6.9 156,834 ng 76.4, 2 6,711 2,206] 4,573] 3,729 9,552 8,149 16,437 25,4 6,629 — 2 ks 33 2,79 2 85.8 26.5 1,432 933] 2% 39 178 15] 58 3 45 . 11. mom2| aver] ma 1s nue 1012] 28] 10 122 134 362 s200 264 | 54.2 | 636 9.5 s,u8| 3,56] 7.4] 1.6 2,m6| 11% 48 150 120 17 404) 457 220 43.3] 636] 3.2 5,922 2,730 77.5 10.5 2,291 578] 13 53 50] 117] 242 253 15] 25.2 4 | 36.4 6,300 2,921 72.4 8.9 2,487) 296 507 63] 775 220 243 243] 1401 11.9 18 | 28.5 6,307 2,840 75.9 10, 5} 2,218 1,244) 114] - 109] 65 48 208] 279| 151 | 56.1 | G36| 7.4 39,606 16,260 69.3 12,4 12,250 3,115 669 901 1,322 955) 2,147 2,218 923 | 25.4 | G36 | 10.4 3,256 1,725 76.9 95 1,410 494, 287] 111 50) 59 167] 175) 67] 35.0 4 {20,1 6,082 2,795 73.3 16,0 1,943 749] 29 158 53 Ne 302] 390, 184 | 38,5 | G36|10.7 1,467 a6 75.7 7.6) 492 320 2 24 11 17] 25 60| 28| 65.0 G36| 8.9 41,391 19,451 7h.8 19.3 15,904 1,902 35 Th 2,11 3,168 3,376 2,926| 1,549 | 12.0 23 | 15.2 VERMONTeueeeee| 273,32 141,407] 79.0] 23.2] 125,002 30,601] 1,455] 5,591] 27,475] 7,256] 16,324] 19,411) 16,379] 24.5] c36| 7.8 All Counties: ; Addison, eceeeesss001 13,415 6,755 74.6 18,9 6,076 2,208 15 276 660) 216 528 848 725 | 46.2 | G36| 7.9 17,121| 9,404] 79.3 30.8] 8,00 1,113 5 450 2,265 226/ onl 1,302] 1,048|13.8| "6|10.4 18,630 oi39| 79.8] 21.2] s3eafl 23m 7 327 1,607, ss1l 1,179] 1,29%| 1,001]23.4| 19] 7.1 39,204 R1,339 79.6 29.5 18,462 2,659 13 822 3,938 891 3,211 3,494) 3,384 | 14.4 | 136 10,1 EsSeXeseseees 4,911 2,539 7.9 19.4! 2,296 629 97 671 226 167] 192 254 | 27.4 11 | 15.4 Franklin, eeesss006) 21,975) 11,037] 80.5] 19.2] 9,693) 3,567 7) 247 1,050 1,186 1,239 1,131] 1,1¢6]36.8| 23] 9.7 Grand Isle, 2,726 1,379 80,3 «0 1,153 602 1 47 29 134 21! 124] 135 | 52.2 23| 8.9 8,103] 4080 mol 18.7] 3223) 1,529 28 U3 6,2 m 377) 468 465 40.0 | G36| 5.9 12,205] 6,502] %0.2| 17.9]. 5,912) 2,595] 136 260 230 233 496 633 685 | 43.2 | G36] 6.3 16151] 8,452] 20.9] 21.6 7.69) 3.118 3 302 1,164 531 206| 879 893 [40.5] 636 5.2 35,439] 17,644 77.0 23.0] 1,28 2,698 656 621 3,008 1,295 2,276) 2,539] 1,791|18.1| 636| 2.4 3,605) 16,147 79.2] 24.7] U,u3|| 2,395] 499 655 3,07 79| 2,025| 2,702] 2,001]|16.9| 1612.8 21,71 11,228) 76.6] 27.2] 10,238| 1,762 7 616 2,692 es] 1.510] 1910 1,143|17.2| 636 10.2 29,366 15,462 79.2 23.2 14,248 2,742 18 623 5,207, 704, 1,458 1,843 1,688 | 19,2 19]17.2 VIRGINIA.......| 1,965,637(1,031,239| 80.2] 24.4] 933,058| 222,701| 24,166] 48,537] 187,681] e100 115,506] 120,365 149,912 [23.9] 37| 7.1 METRO, COUNTIES... 620,448] 355,190 8l.9 33.1] 322,106 9,559 290)" 117,947 69,026 36,738 57,046 54,951] 76,559 | 3.0 letro. sreas: 082 | Norfolk—Portsmouth- Newport News....028 065,077,095,108 11311416,120] 27,131] 53,231] 82,7] 28.5] w0,227| 6,300 35| 6,075 31,90] 15,250] 22,102] 19,130] 39,385 4.5 095 |Fdchmond.....044,118| 190,524| 112,567] 81,1] 40.0] 100,519|| 1,535] 103] 6,116] 25,517] 9,492] 21,248] 21,183] 15,325] 1.5 o AT 26,893 45,82 77.9] 29.0] 40,é46| 1.52 6| 2.373 2.453] mom] 7m22| 7iesi| aas0| 3.7 ashington,D.Ce (pt : seesesesaass007,101 7,390 43,100 85,2 35.5 40,654 200 30 3,383 3,096 3,915 5,874 6,787 17,369 | 0.5 OTHER COVNTTES....| 1,%45,139| 676,009 7,5] 20.3] 610,952 213,142] 23,2%6| 30,590| 118,655] 27,362] s8,550| 65,41 73,353 3.9 All Counties: 25,796 13,024 2%.1 19.0 11,904 5,575 2 403 867 562 1,058 211 2,620 | 46,8 1| 14.4 17,396 8,517 7.6 18.5 7,901 3,239 92 427 548 245 539 1,068 1,143] 42.6 | G36 | 9.9 16,052 8,453 79.6 25.5 7,126 637 24 296 3,242 630 267 764 666 2.9 15:122,5 5,270 2,%25 21.9 1,0 2,711 1,798 v1 118 290 49 in 164 160 | 66.3 91 9.1 14,470 6,625 42 17.9 6,126 2,3%3 7 346 1,205 411 491 636 59713%.91 G36) 2,0 1Same number employed in "professional and related services" (Code G36). Remainder of Washington, D. C., Metropolitan Area (130) is in District of Columbia and Maryland. able 3 art 3 - Housing TABLE 3—SELECTED DATA FOR METROPOLITAN AREAS AND. FOR ALL COUNTIES, UTAH, Be: 001) - : VA. Sour ( ee BY STATE—Continued ero 680843 HOUSING—1940 3 . . . : ; Nonfarm Rural Farm All Dwelling Units Occupied Dwelling Units Dwelling Units Dwelling nits a . METROPOLITAN Metro. C A foe. s phones UNIS. Residential Percent | Percent Per. | Percent Medien Per- CODES stroctares in50r | with |Percent| . — wi Average is Percent| Jan. I, j more rivate | wit mechan- \ monthly with | with 1945 Number amily Nt elertrc Number wie ical pettons Number id Number run- | electric struc- or lighting pied refrig- Hodse: (dollars) ning | lighting . tures | shower eration | “p11 water @3) GY (35) 36) [£0] 38) 39) (40) “an “2) “3 “) 5) 46) “n UTAH—-Con. All Counties: | Beaver...ssesees001] 1,215 1,312 1.9 43.3 88.1 1,245 ( 66.0 37.0 3.69 1,064 15.45 248] 31.9 61.5 501 .002 bybdidy 4,810 1.3 46.8 86.6 4,516 | 70.3 46.6 3.87 2,915 16.64 1,895] 45.7 ToS 1,802 003 6,857 7,878 2.5 60.5 98.1 7,470 T1.5 47.1 3.67 5,739 19.52 2,139] 75.0 95.1 3,433 004, 44373 5,101 5.2 40.1 93.3 4,608 36,3 51.8 3.62 4,657 15.96 Ahk) 41.7 63.5 1,253 +005 131 131 13.0 6.9 131] 57.3 7.8 3.76 54 - ud - - (1) . +006) 3,668 3,862 0.5| 63.3 97.5 3,776| 73.0] 56.2] 3.85 2,520] 18.51 1,342 72.1] 94.8] 1,790 +007] 2,144 2,208 0.6 15.6 64.0 1,961] 69.9 20.9 4.18 946 12.15 1,262 6.5 5047 228 Emery.eces. .008 1,759 1,818 0.3] -.18.2 79.7 1,615] 75.5 31.3 4405 1,249 9.94 569 26.4 49.9 268 Garfield, +.009 1,167 1,216 045 20.8 73.9 1,092 | 79.3 13.0 4ed5 979 10.82 237 12.2 18.4 158 Grand.seseesssss010) 536 565 27.4 65.3 515 56.7 40,6 3.52 425 13.93 10] 32.1 34.3 107 Iron.seesessssss0Ll 1,807 2,171 2.5 40.4 87.0 2,049 | 64.8 46.4 3.71 1,811 18.23 360| 43.1 59.9 889 Juab... ..012 1,947 2,037 0.3 34.8 91.5 1,943 | 71.3 41.0 3.54 | 1,860" ne 221| 24.0) 41.6 658 Kane..... 2013 598 649 30.5 80.0 563 | 80.3 18.3 4h 453 15.19 196 64.3 61.8 1m Millard.. +014] 2,289 2,351 042 33.0 83.0 2,180 | 77.6 37.5 4.07 1,683 13. 668| 33.8 5244 261 Morgan. «esses s0l5 676 M45 27 46.8 92.2 634 | 64.7 3342 3.84 Lhd, 16.61 301] 68.1 84.3 250 Piutesessesssse 016 558 585 1.4 25,8 86.7 545 | 71.2 28,7 3.72 412 9.41 173( 40.5 75.3 47 549 582 27.0 78.1 497 | Th.6 9.8 3.89 330 11,06 252 38.5 57.0 97 103 44,5706 59,071 15.7 80.0 98.8 56,621 53.8 61.9 3.35 56,458 27.53 2,613 80.1 95.8 39,339 1,067 1,087 045 1.3 32.2 83.7 7.6 4439 373 13.63 10.9 10.8 136 Sanpete.........020 4,036 4,167 36.3 91.2 4,011 | 78.7 24.6 3.76 3,448] 12,19 719( 33.1 60,2 1,341 Sevier. .021 2,931 3,139 1.0 41.9 92.4 2,962 | 74.1 3447 3.83 2,648 13.61 4911 59.7 79.7 948 Summit, 022] 2,1 2,402 2.4 43.9 94.7 2,197 | 65. 36.2 3.65 1,905 12,93 497] 62.6] 86.3 801 2,158 2,416 he? 50.1 89.3 2,359 | 57. 55.6 3.46 2,131 16.70 285] 43.2 75.9 936 2,38, 2,493 045 19.5 5443 2,22, | 65:5 23.3 3.99 1,167 12.85 1,326 11.7| 38.1 435 12,450 14,324 2.2 54.5 96.9 13,708 | 66.9 42,6 3.75 12,351 18,68 1,973| 56.3 88.6 5,554 1,300 1,456 2.2 43.5 97.6 1,407 | 66.5 31.5 3,76 1,145 15.46 311| 54.3 93.1 500 2,062 2,281 1.6 39.3 89.3 2,064 | 73.9 55.1 4.11 1,620 15.08 661| 57.3 Te9 703 511 520 23.1 81.0 494 | 82.4 12,0 4a6l 356 9.12 164 37.8] 67.5 (2) 12,828 15,914 10.6 Tek 98.4 15,103 | 57.5 56,2 3.39 13,926 23.84 1,988( 59.2 95.2 10,845 VERMONT s00uss 88,531 106,362 3.4 59.3 80.2 92,435 | 55.9 37.1 3.34 77,782 24429 28,580 72.9 52.9 49,622 All Counties: Addison...ee....001] 5,341 5,690 0.9 40.8 7349 4,532 | 63.9 38.2 34d 3,230 33.10 2,460 42.1 59.6 2,000 6,245 7,358 2.3 65.5 83,2 6,138 | 54.9 48.5 3.19 6,132] 27.25 1,226 67.3] 65.3 3,331 5,900 7,545 49 59.5 79.9 6,566 | 52.3 38.6 3.22 5,262 20,50 2,283 85.1 52.5 3,312 10,555 14,020 6.8 67.0 90,2 12,68, | 48.6 42.5 3.42 11,929] 30,09 2,001] 61.3] 59.8 7,535 EsseXeesesasseas005 1,691 1,920 2,4 47.0 71.5 1,678 | 58.7 33.1 3.37 1,241 13.85 679] 69.2 42.4 555 Franklin........006 7,062 8,245 2.4 50.3 79.2 7,370 | 55.6 33.1 3.50 5,699 22,00 2,546 61.7 53.8 3,859 . 1,336 1,391 36.1 63,2 931 | 62.3 29.6 3.65 760 36.38 631 41.8 57.2 398: 2,811 3,175 1.1 4.2 72.7 2,852 | 65.7 23.3 3.37 1,851] 14.85 1,324] 78.9] 53.7 1,178 4,805 5,209 1.2 43.1 62,6 4,470 | 69.7 26.8 3.34 2,606 15.65 2,603| 83.1] 42.5 2,236 5,965 6,894 3.7. 50.4 77.9 5,460 | 60.8 33.0 3.42 4,428 21,04 2,466 78.8 56.3 2,148 ] 11,378 13,500 1.4 | 63.8| 8.8 11,789 | 56.1 33.3 3.36 11,025| 25.31 2,475] 63.5] 55.3] 6,145 8,927 11,515 5.1 66,2 81.7 10,589 [ 52,0 4144 3.36 9,129] 24.41 2,386| 8.5] 40.6 5,785 7,068 8,788 4.8 64,1 77,1 7,365 | 52.7 36.3 3.12 6,622 20,98 2,166 78.4] 50.6 4y4T3 Windsor...ess.. 04 9,447 11,112 2.2 60,5 80.2 10,011 | 58.8 37.6 3.26 7,868| 22,22 3,244] 85.5] 53.7 6,667 VIRGINIA. vesss 581,631 659,787 3.1 36.1 60.6 627,532 | 48.9 37.7 3.65 436,947 22.46 222,840] 12.3 23.7 | 239,969 METRO. COUNTIES... 156,512 207,967 7.8 63.1 88.8 200,145 | 40.0 59.4 3.30 199,712 29.26 8,255| 29.9 51.5 | 137,086 2 Metro, areas: 082 | Norfolk-Portsmouth— Newport News. 028, 065,077,095, 108, 113,114,116, 120, 67,310 9,679 8.3 58.3 | 84.5 85,897 | 37.0 48.7] 3.29 8,931 23.78 4y48| 24.3) 46.1 | 49,362 095 |Richmond...04%, 118 45,042 63,719 9.1 63,0 91.0 61,611 | 36.5 62,6 3.28 62,125] 30.07 1,594 38.0] 59.9 | 39,804 096 |Roanoke....081, 119 23,171 28,905 3.7 59.4 89.8 27,949 | 47.8 62,7 3.46 26,992 24.61 1,913| 37.0] 57.7] 16,007 130 |Washington,D.C.(pt)2 resenvexse007; IL}: 20,000 25,664 7.5 8hh| 96.5 24,688 | 50.9| 8.2| 3.19 25,664 50.38 31,913 OTHER COUNTIES... 425,119 451,820 1.0 22,6 47.7 427,387 | 53.0 27.6 3.86 237,235 16.70 | 214,585| 11.5 22,6 | 102,883 All Counties: Accomack......ss00L 9,421 9,674 15.9 34.3 8,960 | 41.1 15.4 3.18 6,021 9429 3,653 10.4] 12,2 1,524 5,864 5,942 0.3 23,0 36.1 5,513 [ 56.7 2/42 3.86 2,167 15.28 3,775] 28.3 31.9 232 4,840 5,415 2.3 40.4 7h e9 5,079 | 44.8 40,7 4,00 4,696 18,37 T19| 22,5 39.7 1,298 2,123 2,169 8.8 22.7 1,939 | 64.1 1.7 3.90 282| 11.31 1,887 <9] 18.8 152 Amherst .e.es +2005 4,330 4,458 0.1 13.8 36.6 4,129 | 53.2 26,2 4.00 1,703 13,13 2,755] 13.3 20,7 199 1served from adjoining county. 2Remainder of Washington, D. C.. Metropolitan Area (130) is in District of Columbia and Marylana. 382 TABLE 3—SELECTED DATA FOR METROPOLITAN AREAS AND FOR ALL COUNTIES, BY STATE—Continued Table 3 : Part 4 ~ Agriculture UTAH, Beaver (001) - (Figures which have been rounded .to thousands will not necessarily add £2 totals) VA., Amherst (005) i AGRICULTURE—1945 AGRICULTURE—1940 : Value of farm products sold, | Principal Per- f Vase o Work power traded, or used by source of Per- to arm property farm household farm income | Type- METROPOLITAN cent [forme P. i of- pul Metro. AREAS, Number of | Land in | Cropland | Number | of | Lop ercent from— farming Re Area COUNTIES, farms farms | harvested | of farms | farms | 10 A Number 5 area es Code AND (1000s | (1000's oper- | of Total veri: of Aoery Live- code livh CODES Jan. 1, of of | April1, | ated [oq | iota. | 2 | horses | Number | {1300 | stock Code |p. | (See [imped 194 acres) acres) 1940 by [rs ( ; s | andor of or $| and (See on pézd inex “| fee | dolby | Go| moles, | tots | llr) | sie | Crops fos2a | ants | than ol (i ) (over 3 stock $400 s) | mo. old) poke ] . “8) “9) (50) Gb G2) 33) 4) (55) (56) GN G8) 9) (9) on | ®@ 3) 4) UTAB==Con. All Counties: Beavere......ss3001 315 120 17 329| 21.6] 16.1 2,606] 7,921 1,369 22 551 73.7] 15.7 1 | 42.0 211| 133 1,682 1,155 175 1,805] 14.3| 11.7| 21,832012,095 7.637 47h 4,545 39.6 54.9 5 | 47.8 613 1 2,227 387 137 2,253] 9.5| 13.0 21,552] 9,566 6,454 397 4,148 52,6] 40.8 5 | 37.8 613] 127 Carboneee.......004% 420 301 12 W 16.5| 46.5 2,h02| 5,291 1,062 54 487 59.3 25.0 1 | 28.6 211 125 Daggettese......005 64 58 5 68 - - 711 10,456 513 = 1p 138] T79.2| 12.2 1 | 53.5 232 91 1,390 183 37 1,474| 15.0 22.0 12,280| 8,331 ,030 157 2,768 27.2] 66.0 5 | 37.2 613| 137 1,044 537 55 1,104 19.0 26.8 5,424 | 4,913 FA 1 1,2%9 65.2] 18.1 1 | 38.7 211 99 ™ 334 29 g22| 13.4] u7.0 3,447] 4,193 2,948 100 b{ 63.9 17.6 1] 37.8 211 113 350 137 17 u16| 9.4 23 2,989| 7,185 2,043 720 76.6| 12.2 1 8.4 211 95 91 153 155) 18.71 B19 1,436( 9,265 872 1h u6s5| 8u.5 6 1 | 63.0 211| 108 2 ™ 27 5%| 6.9] 29.5 5,642(10,258 1,844 93 1.m3( 7.9] 13.2 1 | 46.4 211] 1% 9 185 41 395] 10.9] 35.9 3.000( 7,595 1,440 53 8 T.2f 17.7 1 | ¥.1 211 135 156 142 7 210 4.3] 34.8 1,5 7,495 787 10 336 81.8 3.6 1 | W.8 2u1| 116 1,027 9 gl 967| 10.0 2u.4 6,892] 7,127 3,388 193 1,621) u49.7( 40.9 5 | 40.7 211| 128 239 194 13 247] 12.1 15.4 2,362 9,563 9 21 70.3] 22.2 1 33.9 613| 124 264 81 14 25( 14.0] 21.4 1,847] 8,591 785 22 38 64,2] 27.5 1 | 38.2 211| 116 252 581 50 249| 8.4] 12.0 5,045/20,261 1,985 42 936| 85.8 9.9 1 | 55.2 232| 122 3,202 450 61 2,515 11.4) 38.3] 17,112| 6,804 2,693 243 3,337] 62.7] 28.8 3 | 38.0 613 143 3 408 31 67 6.8 1.7 3.445( 5,104 Joes 96 1,18 81.3 8.9 1 | 54.3 2u1 56 Sanpetes..ss....020 1,590 602 81 1,426 17.5] 25.5 9.144 | 6,112 468 112 2,12 TM.8| 17.8 1] na 613 124 Sevier..........021 897 242 us 959| 17.0; 20.3 7.750| 8,081 3,410 100 2,236| 64.8] 29.9 1 | M2 613] 115 Summit,.........022 486 hus 29 513| 11.1] 20.5 4, 459| 8,692 1,849 Iu 824| 85.6 8.7 2 | 31.6 232| 133 Tooele... 351 222 20 368 16.0] u2.u4 2,729| 7,418 1,249 50 594 n.s 21.2 1 go 211 117 Uintaheeeuonees 951 655 u3 1,123] 20.5| 39.4 6,905| 6,149 4,94 8 1,16F 73.8) 10.0 1 | br.0 211 100 Ubale. ne resnens025 3,087 686 106 3,055| 12.6] 24,6 19,616 6,421 0,5 291 %,830 51.0 40.5 5 | 22.4 613 119 Wasatch.........020 4g1 321 19 431 9.3| 29.0 4,665 10,824 1,503 24 798 89.6 3.5 1] 5.8 23 108 671 162 20 081| 8.4 35.2 4,346| 6,382 2,122 50 985 61.0) 25.1 1] 24.7 2h1| 108 264 69 12 2! 7.3] 19.3 1,779|.6,869 1,088 11 y22 15.5 11.5 1] 5.7 211| 106 1,9 300 us 1,693| 16.1] 23.7| 15.701 9.27% 3,870 162 2,781 48.7] u3.7 5 | 29.7 613| 128 VERMOF™...... 26,490 3,931 1,1 23,582| 9.9| 28.2| 155,156] 6,579 u0,.645| 3,566] 38,215| 73.0 1.5 2 | 56.8 127 All Counties: Add180%e.esers0.001 2,186 355 142 1,951 11.2| 22.9] 16,592| 8,504 3.979 681 3.830( 79.0 7.5 2 | 64.3 413| 129 1,224 176 » 905 7.8] 35.1 7.238 7,998 1,477 188 1,304 68.3 8.6 2 | 49.3 mn3| 13 2,18 334 38 1,977| 8.9| 30.2 10,549] 5,336 3.309 146 3,106) 4.1 6.6 2 | 57.3 M3 129 1,83 270 39 1.642) 9.6] 22.2[ 15,0| 9,003 3,197 yok 3,394 78.9 6.2 2 | 64.6 n3| 128 463 92 2 001 9.3] 36.1 2,719] 4,524 863 39 700 61.9 8.1 2 | 48.3 128 Franklin,.......006 2,160 362 130 2,157| 17.2| 16.0 17.65 8,184 k, 842] 254 4,78| 78.1 5.3 2 | 65.2 413 123 430 Ly 26 447! 20.0( 20.8 by, ui 975 170 5 66.2 22.5 2 2:7 wn3l 118 1,223 17! 47 1,195| 6.8) 28.2 JS4L| 5,4 2,000 87 1, 33 3.8 2 . m3 128 2,280 356 al 2,151 &.4| 29.8] 10,507] 4,885 33s 250 2,926 ol 6.1 2 | 48.3 wm3| 126 2,328 372 1 2,187 6.1| 20.8 13,892| 6,352 4,294 1% 4,017 75.4 6.8 2 | 62.3 wm3| 127 2,375 IH 11k 1,934 12.5) 24.0 13,318] 6,886 3.5] 394 3,286 73.3 8.1 2 | 55.2 n3| 128 2,254 297 91 2,086) 8.9 3.7| 11.h18| 5.474 3,182 198] 2,976) 71.7 6.4 2 | 51.7 n3| 124 2,2h3 283 58 1,646 8.5 u3.1 9,885 6,005 1,900 239 2.152 57.2 17.7 2 | 37.0 413] 120 3,246 437. 101 2,703| 8.0| 37.5 1k,662| 5,k24 3.730 321 3M 69.7 6.7 2 | 50.7 3 133 VIRGINIA...... | 173,051 | 16,558 3,933 | 174,885] 26.9| U43.5| 2786,226| 4,496 253,097] 11,951] 150,912] 3M.8| 35.4 0 | 28.2 88 METRO. COUNTIES® 5,582 390 158 5.296| 17.8( 4e.1| 37,820( 7,141 7.017" 1,034 8,108] 40.0| 46.0 Metro. areas: 082 |Norfolk-Portsmouth- Newport News 4 ,028 065,077,095, 108, 113,114, 116, 120 2,520 212 106 2,668| 21.4) us5.1| 16,908] 6,337 4,080 61k 5.013 34.8] 55.9 095 |Richmond 5.044, 118 1,311 76 24 1,070] 13.1 47.8 7.833] 7.321 1,417|- 1) 1,635 55.5 28.0 2 | 28.4 096 [Roanoke 6..081, 119 1,724 100 28 1,531] 15.0 53. 12,1 7.933 1,489 1 1,389 40.9 30.7 0 | 28.1 130 |Washinrtoh, De C. (pt)7+8...007, 101 21 1 - 27 - - 935 | 34,850 3 7 n| 33.8) 62.9 8 | 61.8 OTHER COUNTIESS..| 167,469 | 15,968 3,776 | 169,589| 27.2] u3.4| 748,361 4.,M13| 246,076] 10,917] 142,804] 34.6| M.S All Counties: 1,680 10 ol 2,183] 55.8| 10.5 10,455] 4,789 4,978 257, 4,689] 27.6) 61.9 5 | Wg 131] 88 2.3% 331 81 2,591] 15.9| 55.5] 21,155| 8,165 b4,643 298 2,323 3 33.8 0 | 29.6 a1 & 543 81 9 526 21.3] 31.4 2,991] 5.686 - 157 69 «3. 21a 0 23.5 629) 101 1,227 160 32 1,k87| 22.3] 54.5 4,58 | 3,086 2,046 110 9T4| 29.3] 36.1 5 32-8 s1| ® Amherst.........005 2,101 190 35 2,221 37.3| 54.6 7.440( 3,350 2,590 2 1,261 25.1 25.7 0 1 811] 85 1The State total includes $826,900 for female silver fox and/or mink over 3 months old (kept in captivity) not distributed to individual counties. 2The State total includes $43,850 for female silver fox and/or mink over 3 months old (kept in captivity) not distributed to ipdividual counties. SEight independent cities, Alexandria (101), Hampton (108), Newport News (113), Norfolk (114), Portsmouth (116), Richmond (118), Roanoke (119) and S. Norfolk (120), which should be included in the "Metro. Counties” total, are included in the "Other Counties™ total, since separate data are not available for these cities. 4 Excludes Hampton (108), Newport News (113), Norfolk (114), Portsmouth (116) and S. Norfolk (120) cities, for which separate data are not available. SExcludes Richmond city (118), for which separate data are not available. Excludes Roanoke city (119), for which separate data are not available. 7Remainder of Washington, D. C. Metropolitan Area (13C) is in District of Columbia and Maryland. 8Excludes Alexandria city (101), for which seperate data are not available, 383 Table 8 Part and 5 = Industry Retail Trade UTAH, Beaver (00l)- TABLE 3—SELECTED DATA FOR METROPOLITAN AREAS AND FOR ALL COUNTIES, BY STATE—Continued VA., Amherst (005) (All dollar figures have been rounded to thousands and will not necessarily add to totals) MANUFACTURING ESTABLISHMENTS—1939 MINERAL INDUSTRIES—1939 RETAIL ESTABLISHMENTS—1939 METROPOLITAN . Morel COUNTIES Value added : Kron b 40 : : ue a Number | W. d . |Employees| Chl "ADT | te] ue | gm | peat | bree | ied | NP |More | Ae rae | 0 average dollars) | (1000s of | (0007s of | (1000's of | persons | (1000's of | stores dollars) | prietors oh dollars) Or year) jollars, jollars, engaj for y dollars) dollars) dollars) ged | dollars) year, (65) (66) 67) (68) (69) (10) an @@) a4) as) 6) an UTAH—Con . All Counties: Beaver....... ...001] 2 (1) (*) *) &) 166 5 79 18 1,073 65 108 93 Box Elder.......002| 16 469 289 3,160 1,112 (3) (2) {}) 256 4,313 211 Wy 307 27 54% 472 6,517 2, (1) ie (1) 347 8,289 273 930 197 1 5 82 425 5,701 2,025 3,079 216 0,270 193 ugy 531 1 ® @) MN ™) ay *) *) 6 ol 4 4 11 471 5 7,899 2,479 *) (*) 4) 136 2,641 108 252 235 15 z > 342 5 194 45 52 87 1,256 17 117 102 3 3 (*) (4) (4) 1,244 316 526 67 653 68 51 38 5 El im (2) (2) 6 520 58 43 2% i (2) (1) (1) (4) 115 77 82 28 Lug 25 62 61 1 20 16 204 90 183 51 56 110 3,621 90 282 284 6 53 ug 274 155 1,192 291 362 r 1,578 84 162 132 . 2f i (Y (1) £3) (*) Lg3 u3 by 26 Millard.. 3 11 (*) (1) (2) 132 2,080 118 177 14 Morgan..........015 3 ? (1) +) (*) 2) (2) (2) 3H 463 33 21 22 2 (*) *) (2) (2) 56 28 2 29 58 25 20 12 3 4 (*) (1) (*) 3 21 165 17 1 6 103 261 5,453 6,283 103,165 23,674 Lk, 089 5,375 8,729 2,24 87,062 1,905 1,199 1,197 3 7 (*) (3) ) 2 (}) {() 33 L426 28 39 12 180 182 1,500 362 (1) *) (*) 268 2,538 2uk 224 155 9 13 69 526 246 107 4o 30 201 3,072 178 233 203+ y 8 2) {2) (1) 1,482 og 583 137 1,598 137 157 121 y 583 *) {) (*) 8,870 719 1,111 136 2,157 123 168 153 1 37 22 215 7 802 108 143 8 1,612 89 13 127 58 1,256 1,288 9,927 3,768 1,803 555 T40 609 1h, 624 520 1,520 1,366 7 49 43 160 gl 1,178 4g3 706 TH 1,306 76 120 102 3 6 1 in 25 (1) (2) 3) 149 1,795 135 190 145 i *) 2) (2) (*) 26 126 25 1 3 72 2,092 1,890 20,206 6,893 52 85 47 662 20,127 568 2,388 2,315 335 342 892 12,552 2,100 459 98 112 VERMONT. ..... 717 21,759 21,232 103,154 51,941 5,348 1,785 2,017 5,423 123,369 4,942 12,010 10,707 All Counties: 21 46h 389 1,387 797 97 26 24 249 4,815 238 365 290 37 2,373 1,934 7.554 3,814 403 7,568 406 798 699 58 1,187 1,169 5,686 3,125 88 8,827 31 810 687 4 3,84 3,232 16,176 7.351 66 21,254 599 2,364 2,23 10 691 133 +995 2,176 119 1,145 105 82 69 39 822 799 10,794 2,12 54 3 2k 311 8,110 357 130 607 3t 6 5 87 17 55 722 54 53 50 27 461 332 1,614 728 158 L017 1a 222 206 28 uly 381 1,827 886 2k ,0L2 2 286 233 26 768 542 2,529 1,546 35 6,889 324 582 457 103 2,513 2,474] 8,604 4,918 2,199 764 754 760 17,433 713 1,873 1,632 165 2,277 2,9% 10,699 6,202 1,857 546 768 640 15,572 555 1,602 1,492 59 1,955 1,69 9,839 3E 416 11,006 343 1,097 1,015 67 3,949 4,556 2.20 1h, 81 27 2k 595 12,969 525 1,146 1,035 Combined Counties®, ‘ 1,060 341 424 VIRGINIA...... 2,579 | 133,894 115,539 988,813 379,488 W436 | 20,122 20,9C1 29,610 | 628,172 | 25,389 74,864| 63,867 METRO. COUNTIES..| “4g14| 445,989) 36,635 | %513,934| S164,725 e677 6225 8213 9,298| 298,961 | 7,511 | 39,261] 36,343 Metro. areas: = 082 | Norfolk-Portsmouth- Newport News. 028, 065, 8% 09% 108 : ; 113, Ll ,116, 1201 07 | © 1g, pak 9,018 92,491 "31,530 2) 0). 1) 4,326 | 115,005 587 | 15,742) 13,472 095 |Richmond. oily’, 118 . 3 18,94 18,520 376,311 111,165 ! 8l69 ho ! 8102 3,0 112,165 22 15,104 1.0 096 |Roanoke.. 081,119 105 7,754 8,099 39,340 18,9% Pirie 78 78 1,277] ‘a.208 955 5.013] 4.973. 130 |Washington,D.C. pt 5sze res 0074381 49 1,04 998 5.792 3,095 67 u3 aa 659 30,583 ug 3,002 3,026 OTHER COUNTIES... | 41,765 | *87,904| °78,904| °u7h,g79( Sa4,763| 33,759 | 19,897 | 20,688] 20,312| 329,211 | 17,878 | 35,603) 27,524 All Counties: Accomack....... .001 32 3u7 155 1,081 n9 436 ,959 430 318 201 Albemarle....... 002 16 241 180 860 388 (1) (1) (1) 197 20% 191 i70 117 433 0gkanye. +c. «100% 105g 105 gg) (1) (1) (2) ) (1) (1) 2lig 5.367 20 6l43 526 Amelia.......... 10 32 87 65 78 B91 16 56 27 Aaherst..c.c.s.0005 3 *) *) *) 2) 2) [£3] 178 1.599 170 157 102 1)ot shown because of disclosure of operations of individual establishments. Data included in Combined Counties at end of State. ® Includes all counties where fig- ures are not shown separately because of disclosure of operations of individual establishments. 3 Includes all establishments and wage earners of counties for which weges and value data were withheld ‘to avoid disclosure. was shown for every county. Whenever data on wage earners have been withheld, that portion of the "Combined Counties" figure represented by such data is included in the corresponding State total. not possible to present separate figures for this county. One County, Hampton city (108) The "Combined Counties" figure for number of establishments is excluded from the State Sp total, since this item which should be included in the "Metro Counties" total is shown in the "Other Counties" total since it is hree counties, Warwick (095), Hampton city (108) and Newport News city (113), which should be the "ietro Counties" total are included in: the "Other Counties" total, since it is not possible to present separate figures for these éounties. included in . 8Three counties, Eliza- beth City (028), Norfolk (065) and Richmond city (118), which should be included in the Metro Counties" total are included in the "Other Counties" total, since it is not possible to present separate figures for these counties. cludes Richmond city (118) for which data are not shown separately. 10Tncludes Clifton Forge city (105). CARA 7Excludes Warwick County (095) and Newport News city (113), for which data are not shown separately. ®Ex- ® Remainder of Washington, D. C. Metropolitan Area (130) is in District of Columbia and Maryland. TABLE 3—SELECTED DATA FOR METROPOLITAN AREAS AND FOR ALL COUNTIES, Table 8 BY STATE—Continued PaTLS = 0r Seononte. UTAH., Beaver (001) - (All dollar figures have been rounded to thousands and will not necessarily add to totals) VA., Amherst (005) WHOLESALE SERVICE ESTABLISHMENTS—1939 BANK DESOSIIS 3 TRADE—1939 Major war supply Major war facilities X 0 Sess, June 1940-Sept. 1945 | June 1940-June 1945 METROPOLIT AN E: Bond (1000's of dollars) (1000's of dollars) Metro. REAS, sales 1944 COUNTIES, Number Number Sa Ermnloyees Total | (1000s of AND of Sales of | Recei i Active | "(21 erage Pas (demand | Time | dollars at CODES estab- (00: s of | estab- | (1 proprie-| (0 1000's | and time) | (1000's |isque price) lish- | dollars) | lish- [of dollars) tors year) 4 dollars)| (1000s | of dollars) ments ments of dollars) Combat Other Industrial | Military equipment _@®) a) 00) @1 ] 5) 86) 0 8) on 99) on 4 176 16 26 16 2 1 1,309 113 333 4 2,509 n 186 4 56 38 9,59 3,872 1,702 281 8,502 un 3,395 108 403 118 110 73] 14,505 7.124 2, 1,841 26 2,728 58 196 62 56 5 9,014 3,894 1,542 1,138 3 (1) (1) (1) (2) 13 I 1,36 y 155 uh 39 42 9,278 4,107 1,568 651 38,345 ul Mm 3 Te 5 ol Ue] wt Tw 5% 4 166 23 2 2! 2 2 146 238 4 45 19 21 19 3 2 87 3 138 1 1 Tf 1 1 755 k2 182 15 1,116 » 106 30 36 28 2,770 1,054 549 ol3 1,576 15 633 26 58 2% 14 1 2,060 709 310 3 5 s 55 0 : ; 1,767 20 Bs 19 02 53 10 , 7 is % 25 11 3 3 689 286 2u5 456 3 (2) 8 6 8 88 5,254 5 3 1 1 107 A 103 4g) 135,086 | 1,106 7,28 Low 2,529 2,406 197,430 68,143 2,68 76,182 19,213 Bh 16,021 1 2 7 2 ' 25 ¢ Vk 92 17 87 24 12 5,192 2,038 78 | 1,649 17 896 62 123 68 18 8 6,686 2,690 Th 18 630 % io 3% 8 3 2,885 1,547 i 13 52k 21 un 21 5 5 2,295 1% 1,016 167 1,753 uk,023 3 675 23 162 126 16 Be) 2,885 1,050 346 118 5 7.018 21 550 222 13% 111 24,250 10,441 4,912 1,305 0,976 214,937 354 9 1 21 54 © 8 5 1,111 40 239 1k 23 26 47 28 19 8 2,699 1 os 504 1 (2) 8 6 8 ~ w 406 117 2 33,743 276 1,768 21h 6h9 569 41,363 14, i 11,314 2,521 5,870 45,852 5 412 54,848 5150 VERMONT. ..... 383 57.112] 1,78 5.982 1,797 1,584 1,239) 234,753| 172,207 20,451 33,058 177,164 7,003 3,293 13 1,449 13 164 70 32 24 6, kok 3,281 78 825 22 1,8% 11 05 116 109 8k 14,071 8,935 1,279 265 14,457 3 3,802 135 469 137 152 1k 15,165 11,897 1,019 1,205 70 17,220 254 1,165 2 35% ns 48,479 31.521 2,715 29,377 76, fo 2,647 1,73 3 202 29 37 29 7 5 648 259 18 2,29% 156 567 163 108 7 11,866 8,589 1,196 68 4 299 10 12 10 1 1 58 294 81 11 1,193 60 157 62 28 17 6,47 5,254 506 15 1,089 69. 1% 72 2 1 16 5,477 3,572 5 114 28 1,981 1% 258| 13% 3 42 8,284 6,054 1,0 2,017 833 60 7.848] 213 825 216 262 198 36,030 271,738 2,353 2,387 5,530 ny 729 Wn 5,133 211 708 205 169 152 31,081 24,272 3,072 6,282 27 6,873 157 607 145 133 115 24,180 17,285 1,657 65 5,049 ko 5,897 177 458 175 99 76 25,408 17,069 3.477 964 64,805 4,039 471 ; VIRGINIA...... 2,432 | 27,0632] 9,183| M4230 8,840 | 20,822| 15,189|1,102,233| 384,392 214,9% | 1,07b,720 356,283 278,108 | 563,508 METRO. COUNTIES.. | 1,099 | 408,727] 3.17%] 24,899) 2,977 11,629 9,718 | 556,163| 171,971 126,631 872,835 94,651 123,164 390,652 Metro. areas: 082 | Norfolk-Portsmouth- Newport News...088 065, 077, 095, 108 21 11, 3b 12 461 | 7126,389| 1,391 10,237| 1,347 5,051 4,363) 225,711 72,406 81,286 829,408 42,078 106,472| 255,9% 095 ond... .0l, us 40 | 210,615) 1,139 9,892 | 1,046 4,495 3,636] 228,638 62; 341 “28,494 36,443 31,457 8,150 148,527 096 |Roanoke....081, 1 139 38,521 436 3,127 05 1,449 1,156 00,633 25,181 5,637 6,408 1e,859 300 130 | ¥Washington,D.C. font Serene «+207, 101 39 33,202 208 1,643 169 634 563 h,18 12,043 7.214% 576 2,257 8,242 92,135 OTHER COUNTIES... | 1,333 | 6218,905| 6,009| 19,331| 5,863 9,193 5.471) 546,006 | 212,426 88, 30b 203,885 261,632 154,944 | 160,856 All Counties: : 51 4, 4h2 114 "287 114 80 40 8,618 1,888 1,129 06 7 889 181 36 70 47 92,232 °1,564 10,571 92,320 14 2,462 8b 231 91 100 56 5,17 2,074 10) ko 15k) 4 257 38 60 31 51 15 1,209 502 25 3 52 51 4 63 38 9 1,256 525 hay 1Uintah County (024) includes data for one establishment in Daggett County (005). Data included in "Other" at end of State. ments. to avoid disclosing operations of individual establishments. "Metro, Counties" total, are included in ‘the "Other Counties" total, since it is not possible to present seperate figures for these two establishments. ures for two establishmente in Warwick County (095), for which datu are not shown separately. «of Columbia and Maryland. ®Includes Charlott:ville city (104). 21ot shown because of disclosure of operations of indivigual ecstablishments. 35um of establishments in counti~s for which sales data are withheld to avoid disclosing operations of individual establish It is excluded from the State total since number of establishments is shown for individual counties, 4Combined figure for counties having sales data withheld SUndistributed, Spata for two establishments in Warwick County (065), which shoulé be ircluded in the 101 cludes Clifton Forge city (105). 7 Excludes fijf- 8Remainder of Washington, D. C. Metropolitan Area (130) is ir District . 385 VERMONT 14 GOUNTIES FRANKLIN } Rea prt . . F . Mo N . F Wa ~N 7 ] ~N > J : , ’ ey 5 { < / % J + \ LAMOILLE ~ 7 > / BURLINGTON 5 : ® CHITTENDEN Kk. r~ °, £ : ~N - i ~. . ~V \ '~ ~./ , ~ d wd / rs — 2 \ 3 WASHINGTON s \/ ~ , Dod \ i" —-. l ADDISON rd ORANGE A Ff % ~. % ey he ITT Tn Ya i ’ ; 4, / RUTLAND : WINDSOR ! >. ] ! rd ! ro 4.4 I ~ Vay oT TE BENNINGTON WINDHAM N > ESSEX ’ < ? 4 CALEDONIA 2? < s \ LEGEND @ * PLACES OF 25,000 TO 100,000 (1940) PLACES OF 100,000 AND OVER (1940)—NONE METROPOLITAN AREAS —/ONE VIRGINIA I00 COUNTIES AND 24 INDEPENDENT CITIES LEGEND “4, 0 @® PLACES OF 25,000 TO 100,000 (1940) SAMONTGOMERY % PLAGES OF 100,000 AND OVER (1940) Pd > @ CLARKE | ousoun a 7 NEP iil METROPOLITAN AREAS TAR “dy, Sac LBZ tate 4 imgas ANDRIA 5 re, W AL] METROPOLITAN AREAS PRINCE GEORGES CODE ROONINaN 5 srarrorp 82 NORFOLK-PORTSMOUTH- : ana NN yp ~ AS MD. NEWPORT NEWS : ” ~ ARI oa 7 a $2) =~ 95 RICHMOND woven 4 ysl Sf Foren 96 ROANOKE nm i N A asmns L NAY = 130 WASHINGTON DO. C. - “5 a °° S / a , Q essex \ Re a Ny oo Arn meson Sx and HAovER ra > a’ A J oy *y Se Y ON Pep ? RY «, di W SUSKINGMAM / 5 ro ~ 7 rE ” 4 S 4, ICHMOND oo % | MATHEWS \ Lag cf eran Hey 7% IN BUCHANAN ass Rd BEDFORD +e “ro, AMELIA 2 g ih ~ % oicxenson} . Cs i GaNokE 4 cAmPBELL ed "LowARD Hs RG 5 om EN mo, \ r < TAZEWELL AND £ es 7) a NoTTOW, . 87 JA sunny , - PULASKI dinar ¢ ie hd &é ET we Sgr RAN PE pl A apd LT of Nes ~ -— SN EW or i I LuNensura * eo” sussex 4 = i ~~ orn V i s ~~ Til t & Spor prout 5%.) 4 . i tee SOOTY YY - \ emt \ 7 Ped PITTSYLVANIA @ id S/ = 2 ray \ smn. yf PATRICK \ HENRY I ® J! NVILLE S$ wien Pt 2 er I) Table 3 Part VA., 1 - Population Appomattox (008) - Prince George (075) TABLE 3—SELECTED DATA FOR METROPOLITAN AREAS AND FOR ALL COUNTIES, BY STATE—Continued rg ; TOTAL POPULATION * POPULATION—1940 FOUCATION | rails ESTIMATED 1944 POPULATION Land | P Total white Percent of ; n, op- ercent ol METROPOLITAN U.S, area [ulation population 25 Metro. AREAS, rank in per years old and Area COUNTIES, Numb. of |Percent| sq. over who have umber . h 3 1 He Code AND counties | change | miles | mile Percent Rural Rural completes CODES A Percent] April 1 (in ol Urban en a Births | Deaths Number Jongs 940° | percen- | 1930-1 1940 | 1940 | Number | total N tiles) | 1940 pu- 5 or High * or 1s 1940- i. more iy 1943 1940 grades | 5¢ m @ ®) “ ©) ©) m ®) © (10) __(n (12) 13) (14) (15) (16) . VIRGINIA—Con. All Counties—Con. 4 Appomattox... 8,059 | -10.7 v,020 80 7.4 s43| 26.3 6,581 | 73.0 2,474 6,546] 7.8] 137] 1m 8s 180 |Arlington.......007 85,048 | 54.6 57,040 12| 114.3 24 [2,376.7 51,998 91.2| 57,040 95.5| 55.0] 's,s22 510 Augusta... .008) 155,342 | 1-1.4 42,772 17] 12a 999| 42.8 39,537 | 92.4 7,378| 15,000 20,899] 80.3] 21.0 900 455 B&theusssessss. 009) 5,647 | -21.5 7,191 85| -11.6 540 13.3 6,394 | 88.9 3,057 4,13¢| 79.4] 14.9 128 67 Bedford. «sass. .010) 25,374 | -14.5 29,687 28 2.0 774 38.4 28,339 78.6 3,973| 6,183) 19,581] 74.7] 13.4 549 315 Bland. ven ionh 01h] 6,047 | -10.2 6,731 8 | 11.6 369| 18.2 6,615| 94.3 1,718 5,018 80.8 12.6 164 54 13,245 | -19.5 16,447 56 6.4 549 | 80.0 14,528 88.3 7,339 9,108| 76.6 15.0 296 187 18,478 | -5.6 19,575 47 | 4.4 579 | 83.8 8,691 | 44.4 3,718 15,857| 61.4] 14.2 458 153 26,208 | -16.8 31,477 26| 88.0 508| 62.0 31,470 | 100.0 16,380 15,097] 57.9 7.5) 1,209 ‘280 Butkingham......015 11,106 | -17.1 18,398 64 0.6 576 | 23.3 7,733 | 57.7 3,276| 10,122] 61.8 9.4 276 127 Cempbell........0L§ 22,854 | -12.8 26,048 sa| 1s.8 530 | 49.1 19,324 | 74.2 2,019| 8,271 14,858] 70.4] 12.7 600 208 11,432 | -18.0 18,945 63| -8.6 544 | 25.6 6,934 | 49.7 3,265| 10,680 68.5 13.4 831 129 21,522 | -16.9 25,904 s4| 17.0 496 | 52.2 25,572 | 98.7 1,89| 8,816 20,698] 69.9 7.1 564 175 4,300 0.6 4,275 93| -12.4 184 | 23.2 919 21.5 2,197 2,078] 63.9] 10.9 181 50 Charlotte.......020| 13,151 | -17.1 15,861 57| -1.2 468| 33.9 9,169| 57.8 2,982 1s,529| 60.7 12.2 817 138 Chesterfield. ...02l] 29,312 | -6.0 31,188 26 19.7 475| 65.6 24,932 | 80.0 3,19¢| 18,910 9,079] 83.8 24.9 652 241 Clarke. .......,.022] 6,477 | -9.5 7,159 8] -0.1 174 41.1 5,853| 81.8 4,024 8,135| 75.6 19.8 125 9% OTR Z rs vsis cs v'se2000) 3,141 | -16.7 3,769 94 5.8 336 | 11.2 3,719| 98.7 1,029 2,740] 82.7] 14.2 66 29 Culpeper. . .024) 11,997 | -10.2 18,365 64 0.4 389| 34.4 9,151| 68.5 5,342 8,023 75.7| 17.4 253 153 Cumberland... ...025| 6,339 | -15.5 7,505 8a -0.4 288| 26.1 3,124 | 4l.6 894 6,611 58.3 15.2 177 78 Dickenson. .026| 9,568 | -8.0 21,266 42| 31.6 335| 68.5 20,117 | 97.2 8,800 12,466] 61.1 7.0 695 148 Dinwiddie. 027 15,908 | -12.4 18,166 51 -1.8 507 | 85.8 6,448| 85.5 3,242 14,924] 41.5 8.5 326 514 082 |Elizabeth City..028] 255,281 | 299.9 82,288 25| 62.8 56 | 576.5 25,275 78.3 3,508| 27,005 1,775| 86.1 88.4 587 308 ES80X. vss 1s00+.029) 6,421 | -8.8 7,006 86 0.4 250 | 28.0 3,389 | 48.4 1,829 5,177] 64.7] 19.8 137 72 FairfeX.........080 53,072 | 89.2 40,929 18] 62.0 416| 98.4 34,412 84.1 2,576 | 29,868 8,485| 8s.8| 0.8] 1,355 396 Fauquier... 18,970 | -9.8| 21,089 43| -0.2 660 | 81.9 14,906 | 70.8 7,124 18,915] 74.6 17.9 417 194 Floyd..... 10,626 | -11.2 11,967 69 2.8 se3| s1.2 11,465| 95.8 1,442| 10,525] 75.8 7.5 237 98 Fluvanna.. 6,432 | -9.3 7,088 8| -5.1 282| 25.1 4,312| 60.8 919 6,169 69.2 15.2 108 95 Franklin... 21,624 | -16.4 25,864 34 6.3 718 86.0 22,144 85.6 5,119 20,745] 68.0 8.6 526 175 Frederick..... 325,413 | 5-2.6 14,008 62 6.4 432| 32.4 13,502 97.0 6,015 7,998] 84.5] 10.1 248 124 G1168.......0e0.086 14,817 12 14,635 61| 14.3 356 41.1 14,102 96.4 7,064 7,671 80.1 18.8 487 130 Gloucester. 9,426 | -1.8 9,548 78 | -13.8 225| 42.4 6,368| 66.7 3,332 6,216] 68.6] 15.5 182 122 Goochland... 7,416 | -12.3 8,454 82 6.3 289| 29.3 4,054| 48.0 671 7,788] 61.1] 11.8 169 P31 Grayson... i7,278 | -21.2 21,916 41], 9.5 451| 48.6 21,094 96.2 1,805 5,865| 14,756] 75.5 12.3 460 156 Greene. .aee.sss 4,589 | -12.1 5,218 91 | -12.7 153 | 34.1 4,433) 85.0 761 4,457] 58.6 9.3 12 47 Greensville.....04l 13,809 [+ -7.1 14,866 60| 11.0 301| 49.4 5,953] 40.0 2,735| 3,490 8,641] 55.3 13.4 440 140 36,447 | -11.7 41,271 17 = 808| 51.1 22,809 | 55.3 5,262| 4,074| s1,945| 65.3] 13.8] 1,040 398 17,478 | =5.5 18,500 50 8.8 466 | 39.7 11,933 | 64.5 7,846 11,154) 71.3] 18.8 401 206 095 29,061 | -30.7 41,960 17| 38.4 241 | 174.1 34,982 | 83.4 35,159 6,801| 88.2] 34.9 618 216 HONTY.eeenseans 437,760 | 43.3 26,481 s3| 31.8 392 | 67.6 19,292 72.9 14,245 12,236) 67.2 7.6 780 189 ’ . Highland....... 4,136 | -15.2 4,875 92 7.7 416| 11.7 4,789 | 98.2 979 3,806] 79.4 14.6 78 42 18,118 | -2.0 13,881 64| -0.2 321 | 41.7 6,486 | 48.5 4,542 8,839) 57.1 13.3 341 163 513,567°| $53.8 4,907 92 | 26.5 150 | 32.7 2,788| 55.8 3,108 1,804 69.3] 21.5 187 47 King and Queen..049 5,989 | -14.6 6,954 8 | -8.7 818| 21.9 3,264 | 46.9 1,000 5,954| 66.6] 12.8 145 80 King George... ..050) 5,749 | 20.1 5,431 91 2.5 178 30.5 3,609 66.5 1,985 3,496| 78.2 14.0 167 53 King William. ...051] 7,940 1.1 7,855 8s| -0.9 278 | 28.3 3,994 | 50.8 4,082 8,778) 66.2 18.5 170 88 Lancaster. .052) 7,098 | -19.2 8,786 80 | -1.2 142 | 61.9 4,992| 56.8 5,236 3,550 65.4 15.4 144 18 Le8eccesrs .053 32,825 | -17.7 39,296 19] 29.2 484 | 90.5 88,650 | 98.4 20,622 | 18,674] 64.6 9.0 921 285 Loudoun... v.....054 18,486 | -8.9 20,291 45 2.2 517 | 39.2 16,192 | 79.8 8,498 11,793] 81.7] 18.7 422 198 LOUiBE.ussses.. 055) 11,006 | -19.5 13,665 63| -4.5 514 | 26.6 8,115| 59.4 2,548| 11,117| 65.8 18.4 290 138 18,226 | -4.5 13,844 83" -1.5 443 31.3 7,714 | 55.7 3,170 10,674 67.8] 15.5 s27 158 7,798 | -7.9 8,465 82| -5.4 827| 26.9 6,303 74.5 1,916 6,549 63.9] 13.5 161 86 6, -9.3 7,149 8 | -9.3 87 | 82.2 5,376 | 75.2 2,847 4,802 81.8] 15.7 107 83 28,678 | -10.2 31,983 26] -z2. 665| 48.0 15,611 | 48.9 7,585| 24,898 66.0 15.9 799 289 Middlesex.......060) 6,026 | =9.7 6,673 87| -8.2 182 | 50.6 3,781 56.7 2,316 4,357 68.3] 17.1 127 9 Montgomery... ...06l 23,801 | 12.7 21,206 43 8.2 395| 53.7 19,637 ¢2.6 12,681 8,575] 78.0] 21.9 637 241 Nensemond. .062 20,889 | -7.6 22,771 39 1.1 402 | 56.6 7,470 s2.8 10,745| 12,026) 54.5) ' 10.7 596 262 Nelson.... .063 18,797 | -15.0 16,241 56 | -0.6, 468| 84.7 11,942 | 73.5 4,507 11,73¢| 66.2 11.4 380 125 New Kent 064 3,576 | -12.6 4,092 9 | -4.8 212| 19.3 1,77] 42.0 1,721 2,371| 64.2] 13.6 72 48 082 |Norfolk.........065 ©343,849 | 50.8 35,828 22 | 19.1 364 | 98.4 23,375 | 65.2 27,691 8,187 76.4 21.9] 2,898 536 Northampton... ..066 16,202 | «7.7 17,597 s2| -5.2 226 | 77.9 8,098| 46.0 9,862 7,785] 64.7] 20.5 876 234 Northumberland. .067 8,572 | -18.1 10,463 74| -5.6 200 | 52.3 6,138| 58.7 8,976 6,487 72.4] 13.9 161 98 16,834 8.2 15,556 58 4.6 308[ 50.5 8,397 | 54.0 2,699 4,517 8,340 70.0] 20.3 344 236 11,627 | -8.1 12,649 67 4.8 854 | 85.7 9,010 71.2 5,259 7,89] 72.4] 20.4 287 156 Boge. or nnenne 13,411 | -9.8 14,863 60 0.1 816| 47.0 14,192 95.5 8,597 6,266 74.7 13.5 316 122 Patrick.........07]] 12,804 | -22.9 16,613 55 5.2 469] 85.4 15,240 | 91.7 1,816 14,798 61.2 8.9 382 13 57,072 | -7.5 61,697 1 0.4| 1,022] 60.4 42,708] 69.2 21,%04| 40,398] 62.0] 10.0f 1,566 525 5,465 | -3.6 5,671 | -7.7 268| 21.2 3,165 | 55.8 949 4,722] 68.8] 15.1 9 51 Prince Edward...074] 12,935 2 14,922 60 2.8 857 | 41.8 7,734 | 51.8 3,475| 2,298 9,154| 69.8 23.6 286 150 Prince George...075 10,488 4.7 12,226 68 18.6 286 1 42.7 7,806 1 59.8 6,571 5,655 -64.8 15.6 270 154 Includes Staunton eity (121). Includes 4Includes Martinsville eity (112), SIncludes Williamsburg city (123), °In- y cludes Norfolk' city (114), Portsmouth eit 388 ton city. Includes Winchester city (124): Fas T eity (124) 6), and South Norfolk city (120). TABLE 3—SELECTED DATA FOR METROPOLITAN AREAS AND FOR ALL COUNTIES, BY STATE—Continued Table 3 Part 2 ~ Labor Force VA., Appomattox (006) - Prince George (075) we emu LABOR FORCE—1940 Perce Population 14 Years Old and Over Employed Workers by Industry Group Em ou A ploye METROPOLITAN T In leading Metro. AREAS, P P fans: Business nonagri- Area| COUNTIES, stone | Farne ; porte: and cultural Code AND o : f a Co Hom, | Whole. | personal Oth In | industry CODES Inlabor | 'Pales | lemales 1 ‘q,. Agri- : "| Manufac- | 97M" | gale and | services er | agri- Total who are | who are P Mining | struc- ; cations : and not force : 0 employed || culture : turing ” retail exclud- cul- in in tion an ade ie reported re Code Loy Jaber olor domestic (See |Per- orce orce utthi- : page | cent ties Services 422) an 18) 19 @) @n @) 3) oA >) (26) 27 (28) 29) 30) | 31 | 3) VIRGINIA—Con, - All Counties—Con. Appomattox... ..006 6,414] 3,175] 0.5] 15.0] 2,81) 1,638 3 131 292 us 160 196 23) 58.3 23] 4.7 130 [Arlington... 45,409 5972 86,7 36.8 26,680 123 12 2,047 1,706 1,721 3,414 4,351] 13,306] 0.5 37 43.2 30,818| 15,733] 81.5] 20.5] 1,322| 3,%42| 101] 1,068 4,84 a7 Law| 1.508] 1.268] 27.5] 1311.0 5.002| 2.833| &.4| 25.3] 2,532 662 4 1s 151 127 184 861 399] 26.1] 3420.3 21,408 10,648 80.6 16,2 10,007 5,091 9% 538 1,738 405 684 780! 677] 50.9 6 6.6 BIA, 4 dois veveatll 4623 2am m.6| 0.3] 19) 1,108 50 91 326 8 7 128 127] 55.71 911.0 tetourt......-012 n,755| s.us8| 7.8| 13.9] 4,78) 2,10] 2m 32% 57% 418 364 387 33) 44.1] 23] 6.2 Brunswick.... sso 12,996 6,295 82,0 13.2 5,997 3,619 1 150 817 219 350 422 419] 60.3] 9 9.4 Buchanan, ... 1 18,300 8,447 82.0 7.6 7442 2,033| 3,38 234 409 166 445 413 356] 27.3 2] 45.4 Buckinghaa,.....015 9,143 4512 80.0 14.3 3,877 2,149 336 159 437 110 194 229 263] 55.4] 4 8,6 [oRapbaL:s sures O16 18,224 9,517 80,5 21.8 8,963 3,20 19 482 2,925 349 135 636 597] 35.9] 6 11,2 9,76 | 4,52] m.5| 11.2] 4,264| 2,003 13 216 875 307 291. 264, 295] 47.0] 9110.6 Carrolle.... Bagh 17,256 8,331 82,2 14.6 7,210 3,767 244 283 1,527 161 439 415 394) 52.2 8 9,0 Charles City....019 2,953 1,469 82,2 11.9 1,295 -429 70 409 72 49 65 201} 33.1 8 15.6 Charlotte.......020 10,719 5,106 81.1 11.4 4,808 3,262 18 145 423 118 233 267 342] 67.8] 9 6.6 Chesterfield....021 23,392| 12,666] 82.6] 25.3 Al 1,997 55 925 4,229 683) 1,685] 1,312] 1,251] 11.6] 1311.3 5,283 2,701 81.3 19.3 2,521 1,189 1 28 158 100 233 215) 397] 47.2] G3§ 4.2 2,72 1,270 80.7 10.3 1,159 685 8 81 100 44 68 91 82] 59.1] G38 4.7 9,762 4,975 80.4 21,2 4,640 2,182 5 320 422 148, 465 478 620] 47.0 G38 4.5 5,190 2,804 86.1 18.4 2, 1,503 4 104 287 23 136 176 235] 60.9] 9 8.4 Dickenson... ....026 12,877 s,m 75.7 9.8] 4m3| 1,03] 1,867 154 494] - 51 291 330 213) 23.5] 242.0 Dinwiddie. .....4027 13,u8| 5280] 6l.2| 132] 4048] 2,680 4 204 86, 217 219 299 401 52.2 9 9.1 082 [Elizabeth City..028 ,369| 15,270 76.6 23.0] 14,653 324 5 a7 2,113 503 1,122 5480 8,689] 2.2] 37 52.9 [E886Xe0sseeessss029 4,873 2,559 84.7 17.8 2,4 1,224 118 327 38 | 224 242 289) 49.7| 9 8.0 Fairfax..ceess.4030 30,931 15,152 68.8 22,2 14,239 1,969 31 1,932 840 890 1,416 1,924 5,237] 13. 37 25.4 Fauquier,.... eeal3 15,072 7,529 80.9 18.2 7,091 3,487 » 555 226 252 541 821 1,190 49. G36 5.3 2032 8.429] 4,063] ee] 12.4] 3,8] 2,77 2 187 33 | us 206 150] mal 1 4.2 5,109] 2.466] m7] wg] 2261) 1,217 3 109 225 133 123 229 221] 53.8 9 8.0 17,678 8,359| e1.0| 1.0] 7mr|| 4,59 5 27 1,%6 139 396 485 wu] 59.6] 1d 7.7 9,975 4,882 82,2 13.2 4,649 2,152 n 309 905 175 431 24k 362] 46.3 1415.2 0,18] 4,89%| m.0| 15.7] 4,016] 1,27] 150 308 972 365 291 395 267] 31.5] 1315.6 7,160 3,273 19.5 10.9 3,068 1,059 202 216 115 297 268 911] 34.5 1 18.3 6,112| 2,518 67.5] 12.6] 2,306 1,204 34 93 341 107 128 141, 258] 52.2] 912.9 Grayson...e....+039 15,148 7,397 80.6 17.8 6,378 2,640 48 228 1,921 114 483 554, 390] 41.4) 17.7 Greens......esse040 3,505 1,625 79.6 1.3 1,441 1,060 1 50 35 16 70 9 110| 73.6] G38 5.2 Greensville,....041 10,027 5,372 86.5 20.5 5,110 1,975 59 182 1,345 157, 480 389 523| 38.6) 9 8.7 HalifaX.oeoesoss042 28,100 14,059 82,6 17.1 12,896 8,302 39 341 1,260 229 961 914, 850] 64.4 6 4.0 Hanover... 00043 13,792 6,837 77.1 19.6 6,470 2,447 6 488 1,189 333 640 649) 718] 37.8] 9 7.4 095. [Henrico .e ones 0kd 32,517| 17,534 | e.3| 28.4] 16,356) 1,3: 571 1,3 m3 1,528] 3,14] 2,802 ,332| 8.1] 63 7.7 HOLT. en sr ves eesO45 17,530 9,472 83.7 23.2 9,128 1,912 22 333 4,910 200| 525 503 723] 20.9 10 26,2 Highland ....s..e046 3,435 1,605 80.6 10.4 1,496 845 92 230 23 67 121 118] 56.5! 9 10,2 Isle of Wighi...047 9,438 4,810 83.7 17.8 4,636 2,305 1 U5 T20 151 407 285 622) 49.7 9 6,7 James City......048 3693 1,961] 7.3 284] 1,758 5 5 u9 180 81 157 435 306] 25.3] 636 16.8 King and Queen. .049 wete| 221 er] 12.7] 2,320 1,317 1 61 468 62 14 110 187] 56.8] 9 7.5 King George.....050 3,951 1,985 8.4 1.7 1,899 814 3 9 124 28 94, 16 623] 42.9 37 2.4 King William...,051 5,731 2,957 81.8 19.3 2,742 879 90 T70 135 252 253 363] 32.1 11 16.4 Lancaster.......052 6,513 3,250 78.9 18.4 2,638 731 a 321 106 293 253 835] 27.7 117.5 2.053 25,075 | 11.05] 78.6 8.7] 9,562] 3,803 3,498 271 17 287 510 576 : 35.8 2|36.1 1,643 7,168 80.4 16.5 6,748 3465 38 450 204 256) 458 T54 1,123] 51.3] G36] 5.1 Louisa,...... 122055 9,675 4,677 80.4 13.8 4,252 2,158 3 173 842 159 315 276 326} 50.8 916.6 Dunesiuirge«seusd0f 9,731 »910 84.1 13.5 4,648 2,860 134 498 316, 252 306 282) 61.5 9 8.2 Madison, .. oe 6,022 2,914 79.0 U4 2,618 1,597 155 209 29 139 233 256] 61,0] G36] 6.9 Mathews,...... Ton 5,659 2,6m 80.1 14.6 2,395 493 2 129 169 240 258 203 901| 20.6| 125.9 Mecklenburg. ....059 21,537| 10,818 = 82.3] 16.6] 10,357 6,27 7 286 1,294 182 798 m2 us| 60.6] of 6.2 Middlesex... ....060 4,922 ,408 80.9 Ld 2,198 922 4 104 288 46) +170 205 459] 41.9] 110.1 Montgomery. .....061 15,057 431) 780] 20.7] e,208| 1,860] 20 485 686 406, se7| 1,204 611] 20.1] 036 14.7 Nansemond. 062 618s| e834| so.e| 21.5] 7902] 3.376] 4 222 2,320 246 ar 382 e75| 42.7] 5|12.3 Nelson. , 063 11,026 5,218 80.5 12.7 4,708 2,278 178 325 691 291 256 289 400] 48.4 23] 4.2 New Kent. 064 2,959 1,467 19.9 U4 1,311 3 78 356 68] had 9 170] 35.1 9 14.1 082 |Norfolk.........065 , uj089| 83.4] 23.1] 13011 2,608 g 757 4,303 1,09 ,452 ouo| 1,846 20.0] 21] 4.8 Northampton. ....066 12,7%7| 6,47] 0.0] 20.3] 6,0%| 2,70 153 527 434 610 s22| 1,010] 46.0] 1 7.5 Northumberland, 067 7,717 3,861 79.8 16.4 3,395 1,407 100 404 112 200 241 931] 41.4 1] 16,7 Nottowa¥eesss..s068 11,315 5,501 76.1 20.1 5,111 1,667 36 195 697 673 534 685 624] 32.6] 23(10,3 Orangs...eesssss069 9,178 4,875 81.0 25,3 4,398 1,757 1 239 808 187 424 390 592] 39.9) 6|12,3 Page..cosssseses070 10,535 4,898 78.3 15.5 4,037 1,363 24 399 471 401) 422 519 438] 33.8 23] 7.3 Patrick..eiessss071 10,991 5,497 84.3 13.0 5 3,565 n 169 528 53 232 27 263] 70.0] 10| 4.0 Pittsylvania. ...,072 41,382 21,882] e2.8| 21.0] 20,305] 9,871 55 569 6,220 am 1,00 1,122] 1,13] 48.6] 6|26.2 Powhatan... .s.0073 4,272 1,786 60.9| . L.A 1,624 843 9 83 228 23 86 167 185{ 51.9 9] 10.5 Prince Edward. ,.0% 10,591 600] e22| 238 s.035|| 2,10 33 21 605 183 509 2 552] 42.8 G36 9.6 Prince George...075 9,050 44349 66.6 21.1 3,740 1,223 31 180 1,174 123 378 270 36U 32, 13113.9 1Same number employed in "other and not specified manufacturing industries" (Code 22). THRIGH O—4T——26 Table 3 Part VA., 3 = Housing - Appomattox (006) - Prince George (075) TABLE 3—SELECTED DATA FOR METROPOLITAN AREAS AND FOR ALL COUNTIES, BY STATE—Continued HOUSING—1940 > ¥ . Nonfarm Rural Farm All Dwelling Units Occupied Dwelling Units Dwelling Units Dwelling Units oni METROPOLITAN : te) Metro. C Aiaas Medi % oh Code Us: Residential Percént | Percent Per. | Percent Se Per- CODES strictures in5or| wi Percent — i . Avert e i Percent iS b more rivate wi mechan- monthly wil with 1 Number fonly Ca i Number . tee ol potions Number nt Number run- | electric struc- or | lighting od refrig- | oie. (dollars) ning | lighting tures | shower s eration | “p14 water 9) GH @s) 39) an a9 a9) “0 “1 @) “) “0 @s) “6 “n VIRGINIA—~Con. Counties—Con, 2,112 2,172 0.5" 10.3 26.7 2,022 | ‘53,7 19.3 3.92 634 | 11.97 1,5381 4.7] 11.4 133 130 13,451 16,444 6.8 86.8 97.3 15,914 | 54.9 89.2 3.09 16,444 53.61 18,453 9,622 10,264 «3 26.1 62,2 9,911 | 56.7 32.5 3.83 5,537 17.7 4,727 | 22.8 50.3 2,595 1,653 1,668 27.8 55.6} 1,543 | 58.7 31.3 4.02 37 12.93 931 | 21.6 43.4 1,040 Bedford.........010 6,852 7,126 0.1] 15.0 37.9) 6,830 | 58.5 25.7 3.8 2,576 | 14.16 4y550 | 13.0 24.4 881 Bland.eeeseeess O11 1,536 | 1,554 7.1 36.3 1,424 | 61.3 15.7 4.28 434 6.78 1,120 12.3 25.0 76 Botetourt.......012 3,740 3,887 0.3[ 16.0, 48.1] 3,697 | 60.6 24.8 3.93 1,769 sn.a 2,118 19.6] 41.3 637 Brunswick.......013 4,368 44506 0.1] 11,1 24.6 4,082 | 51,9 19.2 4.428 926 | 14.01 3,580 | 4.3] 13.9 350 Buchanan........014 6,113 6,212 0.2 6.4 37.3 6,013 | 49.4 21,1 4480 3,650 10,13 2,562 6.4] 11.5 137 Buckingham. .....015 3,121 3,156 5,0 2.45 2,857 | 65.2 10.4 4.406. 768 8,07 2,388) 4.1 7.0 119 5,713 5,909 16.1 43.4 5,659 | 55.9 26.2 4.407 2,658 12.68 3,251 10.3 24.6 463 3,142 3,186 9.9 25.7 3,030 | 67.5 19.8 4402 763 11,63 2,423 8.5 20,6 363 5,79% 5,859 0.1 45 30.6} 5,734 | 70.9 8.8 422 1,216 | 10.26 4,643] 5.2] 20.0 1,553 Charles City....019 950 988 9.0 15.6] 881 | 74.5 13.7 4.422 482 3.56 506 | 17.6 20.5 60 Charlotte...... .020 3,542 3,597 6.8 18.0 3,352 | 47.2 12.8 4.16 577| 10.07 3,020 4.3| 11.9 163 Chesterfield. ...021 7,523 7,975 0.9] 42.0 71.6) 7,599 | 63.4 56.2 3.62. 5,849 | 25.02 2,126 | 26.9| 45.1 341 Clarke, euros. 022 1,757 1,821 0.6] 23.8 45.5) 1,750 | 45.5 25.3 3.50 1,008 | 15.51 813 | 20.3| 27.5 707 971 99% 11.4 47.8] 908 | 62.3 15.0 337 264 12,29 730 | 19.2 40.5 204 «2024 3,157 3,327 0.9] 23.0 41.3 3,123 | 57.9 24.7 3.68 1,446 | 15.77 1,881| 15.4| 25.3 1,159 Cumberland. .....025 1,870 1,891 6.4, 19.0 1,631 | 68.8 13.3 3.86 249 9.41 1,642 6.0) 14.4 54 Dickenson...., 4,180 by 274 03 5.1 40.5 4,155 | 50.0 20.3 4467 1,959 7.51 2,315 3e4 22,1 Th Dinwiddie. ......027 3,278 3,371 0d) 9.2 27.7 3,095 | 53.2 18.3 42 803 | 11.21 2,568 7.9 21.1 199 082 [Elizabeth City..028 5,7 6,116 2.4 62.8 86.4 5,859 | 57.4 5444 3.28 5,62, | 24. 492] 48.6| 65.9 231 ESSeXveuaeessess029 1,913 1,957 0.3] - 18.8 30.2] 1,646 | 68.4 18.5 3.67 693 | 17.85 1,264 1 6,51 142 225 Fairfax... es. +030 9,369 9,602 0ek| 49.5 78.3 8,747 | 70.5 60.0 3.60 7,49 | 36.36 2,108 | 39.7| 64.5 5,39 Fauquier. 5,153 5,296 Ook 26.4 39.6 4,906 | 53.0 26.1 3.80 1,87, 19.84 3,422 | 26.7 29.8 1,385 2,887 2,937 3.9 19.2 2,823 | 75.1 6.3 3.7% 397 14.20 2,540 7.6 1.2 1,373 1,792 1,808 10.0 22,5 1,657 | 73.3 16.7 3.7 246 14.10 1,562 7.9 16.7 180 . 5,644, 5,851 0.3 9.0, 26.8 5,537 | 62.4 16.7 421 1,215 | 15.28 4,636 | 8.8| 16.3 5 Frederick.......035 3,373 3,457 0.1 12.7 46.2 3,423 | 58.4 19.4 3.66 1,468 12.94 1,989 9.8 31.1 448 Giles. veuees »+24036 3,123 3,281 1.0] - 22.2 50.9 3,11, | 52.0 27.1 4.18 1,670.1 27.22 1,611 16.2 26.6 922 Gloucester. 2,972 2,993 15.5 31.9 2,473 | 81.6 17.5 3.37 1,169 15.12 1, 12.9 26.5 380 Goochland. . 1,810 1,825 9.0 20.4) 1,708 | 75.6 17.8 3.88 193 8,32 1,632 | 10.9 17.8 128 Grayson.... 5,047 5,153 0.2] 12.2 38.8] £4,958 | 6lil 17.1 4.00 1,768 | 13.02 3,385 | 12.8| 19.3 403 Greene....... 1,146 1,158 6.4 11.7, 1,116 | 63.4 7.0 4.11 200 8.85 958 | 8.2 8.0 92 Greensville.....041 3,068 3,280 15.4 33.4) 3,128 | 40.0 21.3 412 1,545 | 14.15 1,735] 2.2 9.3 496 Halifax,..... 042 8,855 9,103 0.2 10.2 20,9 8,732 | 41.6 15.8 4420 2,338 13.36 6,765 3.0 7.9 897 Hanover. . 3 44304, 4y4k9 20.8 38,2 4,168 | 66.1 29,0 3.78 1,900 | 16.20 2,549 | 16,1 28,1 860 095 [Henrico vv eOL 10,625 11,279 2.6 62.0 84.4 10,694 | 71.5 72.3 3.45 9,685 39.75 1,594 | 38.0 59.9 652 Henryussesseses +045 5,485 5,678 044 12.0 54.6) 5,597 | 48.6 29.7 4.19 3,217 11.48 2,461 9.2 28.4 274 Highland........046 1,122 1,143 0.5 13.9 30.4 1,085 | 67.8 13.6 4403 25] 12.1 868 | 18.7| 20.6 423 Isle of Wight 47 3,099 3,246 13.8 28.6 3,121 | 40.0 16.7 3.78 1,248 11.69 1,998 Tel 11.4 592 James City......048 1,136 1,173 23.9 42.4 1,060 | 63.2 30.9 3.59 726 | 15.07 441] 26.2] 33.0 35 King and Queen..049 1,832 1,845 5,1 11,7] 1,568 | 75.3 10.0 3.88 377 6.42 1,468 | 6.3 9.4 31 King George.....050 1,497 1,515 13.4 27.9 1,259 | 72.4 22.7 3.30 582 12,00 933 | 13.1 21,1 27 King William...,051 1,968 2,07 24.7 40.3 1,902 | 57.4 25.3 3.68 1,125 | 13.96 946 | 12.5| 19.7 457 Lancaster....... 052 2,297 2,353 17.0 30.8 2,182 | 76.7 20.9 3.41 1,485 9.30 868 | 16.5 | 24.1 335 188s uses ifs +2a053 8,120 8,296 0.2 8.1 2 8,227 | 45.5 1.9 434 4,438 7.56 3,858 | 7.6| 15.8 493 Loudoun...... 22054 5,096 5,219 0.1)" 28,1 50,8 4,840 | 51.6 30.4 3.71 2,327 | 19.05 2,892 | 28.6| 37.0 1,745 Louisa, esses. ss055 3,597 3,682 0.1 8.7 20.14 3,237 70.7 14.9 3.70 692 | 10.21 2,990 | 7.6| 14.9 385 Lunenburg. . . . «.+.056 3,350 3,429 16.6 28.7 3,152 | 55.4 20.3 3.8, 85 | 12,90 2,564 | 6.0 13.7 39 Madison. . .057 1,920 1,945 12,5 27.2 1,870 | 65.2 17.2 44,06 439 | 10.44 1,506 | U.4] 25.1 283 Mathews. ... 058 2,U1 2,159 12,0 25,3 1,918 | 85.0 1.2 3.27 930 | 11.68 1,229 [ 14.8 23.4 195 Mecklenburg. . ...059 7,212 7,466 o2| 13.0 25,2 6,963 | 41.1 18.2 4406 2,007 | 4.41 5,459 | 5.7] 13.2 732 MiddleseX...... L060 2,150 2,184 18.5 31.6 1,747 | 78.8 18.6 3.28 9%9 | 12.84 1,235112:15,1 1 22.4 152 Montgomery..... .061 4,889 5,258 2.0] 21,9 58.0 5,002 | 61.5 31.6 3.81 3,207 | 16.33 2,051} 11.8] 35. 1,605 Nansemond.......062 5,200 5,320 7.3 30.6 5,143 | 40.2 2.1 3.84 2,574 8.51 2,746 | 7.9] 14.5 154 Nelson..... «0 a063 3,534 3,611 0.20 1.1 29.7 3,435 | 53.9 19.3 4.21 1,110 9.01 2,501 112.8] 21.1 280 New Kent. +e e064 1,116 1,133 9.0 20,1] 945 | 65.0 16.6 3.79 492 Tod 641 9.5 17.2 77 082 [Norfolke.ueees...065 8,551 9,172 14] 46.4 71.4] 8,912 | 56.0 51,0 3.58 7,17 | 20.90 1,998 | 21.6 | 45.3 340 Northampton... ...066 44570 4,834 045 24.1 36.0 4,371 | 31.8 26.3 345 2,70 14.35 2,094 | 15.1 Lied 750 Northumberland. ,067 2,704 2,733 15.1 28.9 2,445 1 71.4 17.4 3.78 1,181 | 14.70 1,552 | 11,1| 18.0 288 .068 3,463 3,673 29.5 48.0) 3,464 | 58.9 29.4 3.80 1,86 15.98 1,847 | 10.6 22,1 817 3,1 3,347 1.3 22,7 37.5 2,964 | 61.3 27.2 3.73 1,343 16.12 2,004 | 17.2 2344 1,155 Page.issesesse e070 3,531 3,675 0.5 19.3 57.3 3,513 | 66.4 21.1 3.7 2,209 | 12.05 1,466 | 13.2 42,2 1,026 Patrickeessss...071 3,802 3,839 6.0 15.3] 3,523 | 63.3 9.2 4421 528 14.97 3,311 6.2 10.0 216 Pittsylvania....072 12,956 13,345 04k 8.3 34.5 12,792 | 39.3 20.2 4.29 4,865 | 10.97 8,480 | 4.5 | Ud 579 Powhatan........073 1,292 1,304 10.9 24.40 1,160 | 72.2 17.3 3.76 228 9.48 1,076 | 12.5 20.2 80 Prince Edward...074 3,331 3,603 0.7 22,2 36,2 3,427 | 55.2 25.5 3.7% 1,529 16.42 2,074 5.9 13.3 683 Prince George...075 2,605 2,748 1.2] 7 26.0 53.0 2,589 | 52.4 33.0 3.78 1,627 | 15.43 1,121 | 10,7 | 24.4 1 390 TABLE 3—SELECTED DATA FOR METROPOLITAN AREAS AND FOR ALL COUNTIES, BY STATE—Continued (Figures which have been rounded to thousands will not necessarily add t totals) Table 5 Part 4 - Agriculture VA:; Appomattox (006) - Prince George (075) ik Tho AGRICULTURE—1945 AGRICULTURE—1940 Value of farm products sold, | Principal Per- ¢ Value of Work power traded, or used. by source of Per cent arm property farm household farm income | Type- : METROPOLITAN : cent |g of- Metro.| AREAS, (umber of | Land in | Cropland | Number | of ae Percent from— farming- Burd fa COUNTIES, farms farms has farms | farms | ooje Tm Nuns Live. i p s oper- of CODES Jan. 1, of of April 1, | ated 2 Total | age | pores | Number finan stock Code P (See firing (1000's r d f ( s | and S er- index 1945" | acres) | acres) 940 | by | ucts a and/or of B See | | paz) ten- | Jess doll ) | ol mules | tractors dollars) ne Crops p422) : ants | yoo lias, % (over 3 Se $400 mo. old) pro 8) “9) 0) G1) @ | 6 G8 5) (6) GD G8) 59) 6 | en |e | @ | © VIRGINIA—=Con. All Counties—Con. 1,094 148 29 1,322 | 37.7] 36.9 3,816 | 2,887 1,836 61 868| 15.6 u5.0 5] Wb £11 87 27 1 - 27 - ~ 935 31| 34,630 7 71| 33.8| 62.9 g| 61.8 463 3,803 319 128 3,719] 16.1) 39.5 29,098 | 7,824 7.133 ug7| u.603| L7.8| 30.5 1|2uk| 629] 102 512 102 13 886 | 20.4| 38.5 5.038 | 5,686| 1,080 57 64L| 52.6 3.8 ol 36.6 629| 103 3,566 367 &| 4,05| 25.8| 50.9] 15.019 3.659| 6.140 209 462] 38.3 22.6 of 37.4 sn 82 840 126 20 918 | 21.7| 30.8 5.434 5,919 1,473 bY 746 1.k 3.4 o| %0.9 629 91 1,43 161 34 1,700] 17.0] 7.5 9ubg| 5.570 2,470 165 Jom] iyie| bey o| 30.5] 629 92 2,265 260 52| 2,535| 37.3 35.9] 6.930] 2.734] 3.437 58| 1,888] 6.1] 6h.8 5| 64.6] 8 83 3,058 163 22| 2, 24.2 37.3 W557] 1.470] 1,466 ake]. 6a "aj o| sel] 63 58 1,82 222 37] 1.872] 22.9| 58.3 1278| 2,285) 2,346 97 920| 16.3| 35.0 o|us.8| ell| 68 2,714 247 u8| 2,645| 30.4| u5.7| suMo0| 3.191] 3.476 139 850 22.7] 0.2 5| 38.0] s11| su 1,272 162 33] 1,800| 20.7| 58.8 6,611] 3,673 2.579 w2| 1,083 33.8] 37.2 5| 29.9] 624| 79 4,097 256 55 4,005| 11.4| 57.5 11,501] 2,872] 2.397 30 1,891 29.6| 15.1 of 53.5 6: 3 32 lg 12 i 10.3] 6h. 1.667 4,584 B46 58 275 46.9) 29.1 5| 28.7 62 u6 2,150 26 ¥5| 2,035] 47.0] k0.2 6,694] 2,7 3,115 89 628] 16.1| 52.6 5s) sal 75 2,255 116 22 1,717 | 15.4 68.7 8,277| 4.821 +616 161 JA48[ 52,0) 17.0 3| 32.5) s8u| 119 ow 9% 36 567 | 33.7} 29.1 8,094 14,275] 2.427 7 AEE 5 2.5 629| 103 023 86 8l 13 543 | 15.1 37.2 2,681] 4,937 699 28 3| k8.2| 16.0 0 34.2 629 97 Culpeper........ 02 1,419 196 56] 1,230| 13.4 35.9 9,720 I. 3,150 202 611 63.7| 7.8 o|27.9| u463| 99 Cumberland...... 025 1,227 139 25 1,447 | 25.3] 6h.6 3,503 | 2, 1,600 52 680 20.6| M1.9 5| 41.1 811 72 Dickenson... .... 026 2,3k0 93 17 2,181 | 24.6] 5k.6 3.412] 1,564 W347 850| 11.8 2 0] 8k, [3 6 Dinwiddie.......027 1,848 199 v3 1,834 | 30.9| 32.8 6,577 30586 2,763 121 a 16.8 ee 5 bie] 5 > 082 | Elizabeth City..028 304 13 267 | 10.1| 63.3 1,707 | 6,393 272 38 38 59.8 | © 29.4 2| 37.3 624 | 144 E806Xcae covers 9 gut 108 28 ben 18.6| ‘57.8 3.5 3.7 1,602 n = 27.9 29.6 ol 36.6 62k 4 FairfaX...coee. 030 1,788 128 36] 1.he4| 10.2 b6.4 15,944 [10,7 2,329 298 2,218| 69.3] 12.5 2| bh b63 | 129 | Fauquier........031 2,081 35 101 2,183 | 16.8| 47.9 25,949 [11,887| 6.386 385 3.00 71.5. 9.4 1| us 463 98 Floyd.eeeeee....032 2,024 1 39 2,281 | 14.0 50.0 7.536 | 3.3 2,k81 36 1.233 us5.2| 10.3 ol ue 629 & Fluvanna........! 033 1,054 116 23 119 12.6| 61.8 3.774] 3, 1,536 13% 581 31 16.2 0 us5.0 811 5 3,624 357 | 3.867 28.8| u5.7| 10.319] 2. 5,106 135 \352 Ty an o|38.3] sa| 3 2,004 226 70 1.67%] 19.7 ¥2.2| 10,235( 6,104] 2,852 276 655) 32.0 2.9 7|325| 629) 98 1,174 308 17) 1,339 | 25.6] k2.1f 7,125) 5,321 1,65 24 927| M.2| 10.8 o|usk| o8 3,078 61 6 1.253] 5.6| 733 si093| kioes| 1.305 90 508 | 3u.6| 22. o|u¥.0| 62 78 1,167 128 28| 1,358 | 11.9| 66.2 5,015 3693 1,727 116 853 9.3 | 1h. of33.4| su 5 3,130 als k 2,937 | 14.7| 51.1 12.531 ( B,267| 3,036 46 1,725 22-3 2.3 043.2 629 79 639 63 1 828 | 25.8| 67.1] 2,577| 3.112| 1.25% 26 343 TL TT o|u2.8| M63| 67 1,144 121 35 1,106 | 46.3] 24.1 Ju2| 3,022] 1,891 61 1,093 7.9] 64 63.8 942 61 2.832 A78 %| smse| 596| 2.9] ae |2ukek| 1.517 168 bso 6] ee 3 65.5| sa| 75 2,082 204 56 1,94 | 16.3 50.6 8,527 | 4.382 3.179 23 1,505| Mo.k| 27. 027. 624 90 1,311 76 24 1.070 | 23.1] B7.8| 7,833] 7.321] 1.047 237| 1.635| 55.5] 28.0 2 | 28. 624 | 153 2,326 149 24) 2,229 28.1| 61.6] 6,727] 3.018] 1.969 59| 1.070| 18k] 3.5] ofues| sa| 82 69k 159 17 667 | 8.4 28.9 182 7, 1,22 36 67.4 1.4 155. [3 1,06k 118 b7| 1.248 ke.3| 1h 5 be 2m 163 en 0 60.8 5 oy +3 » 286 47 2 326 | 11.7| 50.0| 2,652 8,136 gy 59 u27| ¥5.9| 35.0 2(29.5| 6au| ® King and Queen..049 1,024 102 2 1,202 ( 19.1 52.9 od 2,664 1,567 7 630 22.2 27. o| 43.0 62k 78 King Georgs.....050 768 4 15 8b | 26.11 50.5; B,059h,809| 1,228 a 53| 39.7| 17.8] ofuo.s| 62] 3 King William....051 726 105 21 697 | 15.8| 60.7 3,243 | 4,658 | 1.393 11 uh, 21. olarak 624 Lancasteres.....052 138 38 13 700 | 11.0 9.6 2,415 3,450 862 h2 3 i a 3 7 62k > Loe. eins Woven 03 3,679 218 ug 3,571 | 28.1 7.5] 10,155) 2,844 | 3,990 26 1.879 | 26.3| 21.3 0 | 52.1 629 65 1oddottes toseess0 2,015 308 w8| 1,76 22.3| 30.1 2617kps.2s3| 6.3% big | Ma32| 71.8| wa| 1387] u63| 109 10Ui88acenerennd 055 2,1 212 U6 | 2,266 | 14.7| 62.7] 6,961 (3.08 2.882 6 132| 1,12| 35.6] 20.1 ofkak| sn 7 Lunenburg. . 2:40 1,829 203 6 1,948 | 34.2| 28.6 618 | 2,884 | 2,806 uy . 3 0 8. 821 Madison.... 1,405 148 1 1,202 17.0 51.0 i 5,215 2,058 134 12 i 2 : gel 46; 50 Mathes... 961 2k un 766 | 5.0| 63.8] 2,92313,616 71 3n 368 | 31 | 14.3 ofs01| 6 88 Mecklenburg. . 4,268 368 gl 4,303 .3| 22.1 12,374| 2,876] 6.580 108 3,829 6.4 | 66.6 5 | 66.2 821 [1 Middlesex.......! -060 76 47 16 o71| “8.3 13.3 3, 3,503 ,107 5h 436 | 3.3] 32.0 0[30.9| .624| 80 Montgomery......061 1,660 160 29 1,670 | 18.9| 39.6 8 , 2,161 1,384 y 8 o 35. 3 100 Nansemond.......062 1,546 150 58] 1.561 | 45.3] 18.0 Tr Wo 3,292 22 23h 7 60 5 by giz 73 Folsen..........063 1.983 187 36] 1.829| 26.) 56.7 $ret +590 | 2,306 08 | 1,081] 146 37.1 olhs.7| En | 79 New Kent........064 79 55 12 362 | 15. 51.9 1, +055 23 61 287 | 30. 1.3 5 | 33.8 62h 70 082 | Norfolk. . «+4065 1,029 95" 49 1,107 | 25. ko. 6,298 | 5,689 | 1, 262 2,153 | 32.8| 57.8 2 | 23.7 131 | 12 Northampton. ....066 722 78 43 TTT | 49.2] 8.6] 6,771 8,TIM| 2,723 22 | 3,032] 43] ss. 5|4.2| 131 | 97 Northumberland. .067 1,153 86 271 1,183 | 10.2| 51.2| 3,857 3,260| 1,820 85 687 | 38.1 | 28.0 0[30.2| 62% 8&7 Nottoway -068 1,238 115 2h 1.595 | 28.2 0.2 5.316 | 3,333 | 1,829 86 1,14 o7 | MT 5 | 43.6 811 94 Orange. -069 1,279 161 36| 1,353 ( 11.4) M7.51 9.081 6,722] 2,723 129] 1,94 23 11.5 032.2 M463 97 Page... 070 1,258 lok 30 1,327 | 8.7| 53.1 6.3u8 | b,784 | 1.797 3 786 1.3 | 20.6 037.6 629 88 Patrick.........071 2,658 214% 37 3,005 | 29.3| 53.3 6.565 | 2,185 423 I) 1.460 | wa| 37.7 0 |u6.5 s21 10 Pittsylvania....0T2 6,939 540 132 6,932 | 58.2 18.9] 2,539 2,963| 9.439 306 6,671 7.1 | 64.9 5 | 63.9 §21 82 Powhatan... or 891 1m: 19 829 | 17.7 68.9 376 3,831 1,28 85 450 | u7.8 14.2 ° 3 811 8 Prince Edw 07 1,553 160 31 1,689 | 28.1 20 ,361| 2,582 1,923 87 022 23.5] ka. 5 | k0.2 811 ™ Prince George...075 8! 105 28 869 | 29.0 7.6 3.520 4,051] 1. 142 653| 29.2| W.3 5 | %0.2 9u2 96 Table 8 Part and 5 = Industry Retail Trade TABLE 3—SELECTED DATA FOR METROPOLITAN AREAS AND FOR ALL COUNTIES, BY STATE—Continued VA., Appomattox (006) = Prince George (075) (All dollar figures have been rounded to thousands and.will not necessarily add to totals) a MANUFACTURING ESTABLISHMENTS—1939 MINERAL INDUSTRIES—1939 RETAIL ESTABLISHMENTS—1939 METROPOLITAN Mem COUNTIES Value added Ama h Code AND Wage Wages Value of | 7 A Value of | Number | Wages and Sales Active | Employees Pay tol} CODES Numb earners (1000's of roducts tore pokes of ries | Number of | (1000% of in (average | (1000s of (average | “golly | (1000's of | (1000 of | (1000's of | persons | (1000's of | stores | “gollars)” | prietors | fF | dollars) for year) dollars) dollars) dollars) | e dollars) year) 1 © on I) ® | wm a ®m_ 1 mo ao @) L)] ow} VIRGINIA=Con, All Counties—Con. Appomattox... ...006 8 156 61 18 a 1,400 76 109 72 130 28 673 656 3,474 2,049 67 43 33 324 16,387 246 1,59 1,676 . 49 4,402 4,242 24 ,€31 13,407 267 153 9% 382 5,964 341 560 428 Bath... vs ve sven sD0D {1) (2) (2) (3) (2) (1) (1) 71 835 56 57 43 Bedfordesessssss010 47 1,126 (2) (2) (1) 9% 63 36 273 3,286 27 315 226 3 273 (1) ) (*) 23 23 10 58 332 60 u 8 12 498 321 "1,333 716 623 270 211 183 1,512 162 128 69 23 261 108 502 360 182 2,273 157 274 200 5 53 46 m3 101 7,619 3,717 4,293 364 3,494 313 196 202 ’ 6 207 (1) (t) (2) 272 165 127 116 894 110 7 42 15 1,971 1,660 10,536 3,708 *) 3) 4) 280 3,105 270 280 1m 26 226 1 4 217 163 1,371 131 113 % 16 1,598 1,110 6,151 2,625 (*) (1) (1) 226 1,747 212 157 104 Charles City....019 5 85 44 240 m *) (2) {1) 4d 187 36 12 5 Charlotte... ....020 16 106 46 289 164 154 1,108 127 98 45 Chesterfield...,021 36 3,636 (1) (1) (1) 386 67 85 291 2,947 273 27, 182 Clarke. eessessss022 6 61 39 310 107 (1) ) (1) 95 1,420 95 130 92 Craigesensiss 02 1 2 Qa) (*) (1) (*) {2} 2) 39 36 24 13 Culpeper..eeses y 266 150 73 316 (2) (*) (2) 15 3,133 129 317 228 Cumberland... .:.025 9 72 25 75 51 58 398 55 39 27 Dickenson...s.. +026 2 (2) (1) (1) (*) 2,613 1,680 2,041 201 2,124 124 183 162 Dinwiddie...ssss027 8 226 (1) (1) (1) 130 1,071 19 107 76 082 |Elizabeth City..028 5 Za) Em 2575 £321 (2) (1) (2) 194 2,894 172 380 249 ES86Xe0ereeeeess029 1» 127 63 34 1, 13 1,131 nl 121 98 FairfaXeeeeeeses030 5 449 (*) (2) () *) (1) *) 297. 4,701 134 475 3713 Fauquier,.......031 10 57 45 421 159 241 4,439 240 hdd 344 Floydessssvseess032 12 216 93 478 262 124 971 122 48 30 FIuvanna, es. .e.s033 5 56 24 89 45 ; 74 620 65 48 29 Franklin, ......034 15 589 318 2,475 1,142 42 31 18 21, 2,113 194 196 153 Fredericks... .ss035 17 442 2312 1,369 686 323 181 127 135 910 133 119 62 G1108csareenese 036 9 168 (*) 4%) (2) 298 131 118 139 2,006 19 136 m Gloucester. .....037 5 4, 26 98 58 128 1,485 131 mn 3 Goochland, ......038 10 123 46 193 82 (2) t*) () 89 468 78 23 12 Graysonesessssss039 7 950 (2) {*) (2) 199 3,461 168 333 288 Greene. .euuessss040 1 () (*) (*) (t) 42 2%4 4h 22 10 Greensville.....041 20 956 637 2,69 1,517 | - (}) (2) (1) 159 2,390 140 280 194 HalifaXeeses's oooh 36 478 306 1,450 787 (*) ) *) 37 5,103 339 580 412 HANOVeTssuesssa043 31 358 189 867 39 176 2,422 164 218 163 095 |Henricosuessss.s04d 17 614 435 3,164 1,422 469 104 102 285 3,859 265 400 289 HeNrYouesenaessa045 20 3,805 2,979 17,292 8,889 23 2,341 213 215 150 Highland..eeesss046 10 92 50 234 127 47 280 4h Lu 8 Isle of Wight...047 20 991 TU 6,434 2,49 161 1,984 153 166 120 James City......048 39 Say 353 3223 1a 54 47 55 36 15 King and Queen. ,049 7 1s (*) 2) 3) el 336 75 15 8 King George.....050 2 ™* (*) (1) * 54 441 54 35 20 King William,,,.051 10 ns (*) (2) (*) 119 1,535 102 128 93 lancaster,....:.052 25 217 87 567 . 19 % 13 1,455. 13 132 80 Busseseeseaoes0Sd 1 (*) *) (1) ©) 2,573 1,892 1,750 278 3,500 243 281 231 Loudoun. eee ess s054 12 72 50 1,11 173 (2) (2) (1) 230 4,238 212 350 286 Louis8.eeoeeeees055 3% 218 153 241 128 1,484 121 116 78 Lunenburg... ...056 18 228 115 815 324 17 1,681 12 209 150 9 8 45 233 128 81 625: Ld 45 26 7 24 {*) (2) (2) 97 979 103 62 33 43 874 461 2,462 1,117 355 4,773 327 519 361 8 1m 52 375 126 107 913 9 8 48 426 $1,947 41,415 48,282 43,046 308 400 206 220 3,825 193 430 306 25 792 402 1,527 657 195 1,230 189 139 68 7 596 *) *) () 974 512 422 161 1,246 U9 1s 64 10 78 Tg 267 88 59 659 48 9 35 082 45 | ®3,258 82,472 824,367 8,873 *) ) ®) 279 2,413 265 251 17 Rorthampton....,066 29 824 262 2,250 698 247 3,680 231 216 257 Nortmmberland, 067 25 707 415 1,543 666 126 1,162 129 66 48 NottomaYeoeeeess 25 530 278 1,920 829 3) (2) (2) 185 3,136 167 387 259 Orange... 16 682 448 3,063 922 5 ; 161 3,063 150 288 207 PAgOucccraeresse dd’ 18 390 202 1,353 436 *) 2) *) 189 1,99 165 235 U7 Patrickseeeesess071 5 85 40 195 102 + 156 1,026 Lik 78 48 Pittsylvania....072 12 9,091 (2) ) (1) *) (2) *) 381 4,559 37% 376 29% Powhatan. .......073 12 116 57 172 121 60 59 35 23 Prince Rdward...07, LU 442 219 1,142 455 (*) (3) 155 3,200 us 391 270 Prince George. ..075 017 61,781 $2,099 $31,789 16,97 3) () 2) 105 737 103 62 35 1 Not shown because of disclosure of o 3 Includes Williamsburg city (128). 392 .. rations of individual establisiments. Includes Radford city (117). 8 Includes South Norfolk city (120). Data included im Combined Counties at end of State. 2 Includes Hampton city (108). © Includes Hopewell city (110). TABLE 3—SELECTED DATA FOR METROPOLITAN AREAS AND FOR ALL COUNTIES, S's : BY STATE—Continued Part 6 - Other Economic Data VA., Appomattox (008) - r di d will not necessarily¥add to totals (All dollar figures have been rounded to thousands =nd w of y ) re (907 an WHOLESALE SERVICE ESTABLISHMENTS—1939 BANK DEPOSITS TRADE—1939 1944 Major war supply Major war facilities i contracts, rojects, / June 1940-Se, . 1945 | June 1940 Jc 1945 METROPOLITAN E Bond (1000's of ollars) (1000s Ol dollars) Metro. AREAS, sales 1944 Area COUNTIES, Number Number : Total y (1000's of Code AND of Sales of | Receipts | Active cise Pay roll | (demand Time | dollars at CODES estab- | (1000s of | estab- | (1000's |proprie- for 1000's | and time) | (1000's |;cue price) lish- | dollars) | lish- dollars) | tors year) dollars) | (1000's | of dollars) : ments ments of dollars) Combat Other Industrial Military equipment am | @®1) ® | @ 80) 5) (86) #0 (88) ®9) (9) on) VIRGINIA—Con, All Counties—Con. 4 179) 4h 70 48 38 16 1,699 930 401 416 130 18 11,578] 110 940 103 372 327, 17,012 5,299 7,214] 576 1,780 85,633 21 2,501 79 263 70 100 7 8,11 2,639 13,874 15,369 16,673 2 (2) 31 186 30 78 64 1,465 541 237 Bedford.........010 1 1,063 132 293 162 217 57 6,295 3,856 1,007, 4,250 Blandiy. «ons ees021 1 (2) 20 23 22 12 7 958 365 189 Botetourt,......012 2 (2) 51 97 49 40 12 3,228 1,744 308 “1,045 "A 7 901 32 55 30 25 12 3,712 1,378 +i 701 6 690 89 160 Lud 59 42 2,066 37, 1,352 168 1 (2) 33 50 36 51 LU 758 271 145 12 1,303 87 162 91 97 34 3,761 1,830 34,410 3581 332,331 7 538) 22 41 21 12 6 2,824 1,29 446 8 832 108 94 114 57 18 2,406 1,023 1,238 453 y 3 1, 4 50 Charlotte... ..s020 4 259 69 99 47 107 32 924 236 425 Chesterfield....,021 10 1,137 33 68 33 24 13 638 257 193 Clarke... 3 127 22 86 19 15 12 2,808 801 242 Craig.... 3 691 19 24 18 16 5 1,035 574 157 Culpeper. 17 1,479 34 125 26 63 3% 5,740 2,990 eee 7,009 Cumberland. .....025 17, 105 18 64 37 121 : Dickenson.......026 2 (2) 43 57 30 52 18 1,342 390 283 ; 212 Dinwiddie, ......027 x (2) 1% 23 12 9 2 2,28 821 43,650 44,156 . 541,319 082 |Blizabeth City..028 10 1,552) 154 45 71 40 5,131 2,023 54,710 1,225 32 11,651 8 417 2 58 28 46 13 2,143 1,207 237 6 765 7 139 24 30 22 6,130 1,842 85,556 510 6,481 26,615 8 980 69 189 59 83 53 7,522 2,634 1,055 224 42 816 2 (2) 89 115 9% 78 21 2,755 1,372 428 481 477 3 261 24 56 24 55 CU 1,15) 445 138 7 567) bu 129 78 42 13 7,226 5,522 505 Frederick.s.....035 8 949) 3% 85 36 46 31 811 307 71,362 718,719 7339 GileSassseesssead036 5 501 54 83 52 28 1 3,931 1,325 763 4 341 23 67 24 19 un 3,200 1,521 339 3 (2) 13 25 12 3» 9 630 27, 202 3 442 98 195 93 12 53 7,423 3,480 622 201 3 25 23 25 21 26 7 834 492 91 10 Lin 39 11 36 72 15 5,518 2,086 736 528 619 27 10,918] 89 226 76 124 . 63 9,657 4,048 1,239 764, 2 (2) 45 Ul 45 78 4 4,512 2,261 694 338 095 2 2,549 34 150 34 64 4 = (8) 928,494 936,443 931,457 98,150 | 948,527 6 7 20 43 22 Lu 9 ,056 1,731 102,17, 017,769 Highland... 046 21 41 21 17 7 1,632 695 167 Isle of Wight...047 13 591, 56 100 61 27 1 4,492 1,173 707 James City.....,048 2 (2) 8 21 9 9 4 11,199 1188 King and Queen..049 17 40 16 31 n 105 King George. ....050 16 24 19 6 1 Vd 344 429 12,045 King William...,051 9 909 25 1253] 1237 1229 1214 3,519 1,580 539 687 1,452 Lancaster. 052 28 1,130 30 72 23 35 16 3,691 1,445 48 227 Lee.... 053 3 219 54, 69 51 31 16 3, 805 856 Loudoun. sess ss s054 1 2,121 75 184 78 83 45 10,968 5,061 632 308 Louist.ess.ssses055 4 299 52 130 52 132 28 3,382 1,89% 275 230 Lunenburg. es... 056 6 1,112 40 16 40] 75 29 3,438 1,230 686 3 38 33 37 40 37 10 1,263 667 292 o 623 14 50 14 14, 8 2,514 1,409 363 . 32 4,268 118 16 16 72 35 9,740 2,808 1,126 2,348 Middlesex. ......060 10 12 26 U 7 3 1,619 0 256 Montgomery. .....061 7 1,143 36 97 38 39 26 6,390] 2,702 132 728| 13145,234 134,375) 1%93,748 Nansemond. . 062 12 901 21 18 21 6’ 2 1,863 531 241 741, 141,438 NelSon..........063 8 297 87 130 & 105 33 1,348 491 363 New Kent, oo 2 (2) 2 (12) (12) (12) (12) 85 . ; 082 |Norfolk....eesse065 10 2,513 4 52 40 23 13 2,560 1,062 | 1%s58,809| 318,671] 1%31,276| %84,801 | 2%195,631 Northampton... ..066 19 2,017)... 8 155 el 54. 25 6,226 1,267 95 a 1d Northumberland. ,067 15 383 37 130 36 48 20 2,421 1,065 317 1,189 068 17 1,799 63 167 62 99 49 7,480 2,972 1,88 621 47,153 1 1,702 48 118 53 41 16 6,936 3,853 576 6,316 13,675 558 3 370 49 97 52 44 18 3,954 1,517 441 5,080 Patrickese.oees 071 3 343 35 80 30 39 15 1,924 1,136 386 ; Pittsylvania....072 5 369) 50 125 41 7 42 5,371 3,163 163,228 | Ye65,035 Powhatan. «......073 20 37 20 26 10 2,390 1,31, 227 Prince Bdward...07, n 2,172 55 125 60 43 3% 5,992 2,735 753 3,663 Prince George. ..075 12 26 16 5 2 629 289 172,256 179,23, 176,863 1723,544 Includes Staunton city (121). ®Not shown because of disclosure of operations’ of individual establishments, Data included in "Other" at end of State. Includes Iynchburg city (111). - “Includes Petersburg city (115). SIncludes llampton city (108). ®Includes Alexandria city (101). 7 Includes Winchester city (124). ®Included in Richmond city (118). Includes Richmond city (118). 2 Includes Martinsville city (112). *!Includes Williamsburg city (123). o King William County (051) includes data for two establishments located ip New Kent County (064). 23Inclu es Radford city (117). Includes Suffolk city (122). Includes Norfolk (114), Portsmouth (116), and South Norfolk (120) cities. Includes Danville city (106). Includes Hopewell city (110). 393 Table 3 Part VA., 1 - Population Prince William (076) WASH., Douglas (009) TABLE 3—SELECTED DATA FOR METROPOLITAN AREAS AND FOR ALL COUNTIES, BY STATE—Continued aro 680343 TOTAL POPULATION POPULATION—1940 EOUCHTION © slits ESTIMATED 1944 CIVILIAN Total whi POPULATION Land | Pop- oiakwiite Percent of METROPOLITAN | » U.S. area |ulation population 25 Metro. AREAS, rank in per years old and Area | COUNTIES, Number | of [Percent] so | sq. over who have Code |- 3 foes change 5 mile Percent oi Rizal Ruri completed— DES Percent| Apri in ol rban f f 5 pril | ; 2 nonfarm arm Births | Deaths Number | change | “Po4o’ |Ppercen|1930-| 1940 | 1940 | Number | total N tiles) | 1940 opu- 5 or High bd: 1940- on more a] 1943 - 1940 grades a @ ®) @ (©) 6) om ® © (10) (an 12) 13) (19) (5) (16) VIRGINIA—Con. All Counties—Con, Prince William..076 15,082 | 29.0 17,738 s2| 27. 347 | 51.1 15,175 | 85.6 12,050 5,688) 80.6] 26.2 444 156 082 | Princess Anne...077 25,891 | 380.7 19,984 46 | 22.7 267 | 74.8 12,284 | 61.2 2,600 9,740 7,644) 71.6] 23.2 718 388 Puleski..s......078 23,695 4.1 22,767 39 | 10.7 333 | 68.4 20,704 | 90.9 8,792 | 6,152 7,828| 74.0 17.7 626 182 Rappahannock. .. .079) 6,102 | -15.3 7,208 85 | -6.6 267 | 27.0 5,618 | 77.9 1,580 5,628] 56.1 12.1 149 82 RichmOnd. « «4. ..080 5,781 | -12.9 6,634 87| ~3.5 192 | 34.6 4,101| 61.8 1,945 4,689] 64.9 11.5 19 68 096 [RoanOké...s...s.081 40,594 | -5.4 42,897 17{ 21.6 292 | 146.9 39,561 | 92.2 9,102 | 25,870 8,335] 83.5| 21.2 872 398 Rockbridge... 17,802 | -20.5 22,384 40 7.1 604 | 87.1 20,101 | 89.8 3,914| 6,217| 12,2653] 7a.a| 19.7 432 235 138,057 | 1-5.0 31,289 26 5.3 869 36.0 30,453 | 97.3 11,052 20,287] 80.0] 17.4 634 288 23,400 | -12.1 26,627 33 2.6 483| 55.1 25,914 | 97.3 10,170| 16,457] 66.0] 11.6 723 209 BOO rene venice 25,250 | -6.4 26,989 32| 11.6 539 | 50.1 26,680 | "98.9 6,550 20,439] 71.9] 10.1 683 230 Shenandoah... .. 19,339 | -7.5 20,898 43 3.2) so7| ar 20,561 | 98.4 9,594 11,304| 86.0 15.2 425 228 27,084 | -6.2 28,861 29| 14.9 435 | 66.8 28,314 | 98.1 7,822| 9,935] 11,604] 64.9] 13.6 722 303 24,655 | -6.8 26,442 33. ~1.8 607 | 43.6 10,191 | 38.5 3,466 | 6,804] 16,672] 55.5| 16.0 713 238 Spotsylvania. ...089 81811 | -11.0 9,905 77 -1.5 413 24.0 * w,18| 7.9]; 8,426 6,479 72.8 138.5 2381 101 Stafford. .......090 8,739 | -0.8 9,548 78| 18.6 271| 35.2 8,103 | 84.9 4,635 4,918] 73.0 12.1 193 122 5,248 | -15.8 6,198 88 | -12.7 280 | 22.1 2,392 | 38.6 1,829 4,364] 57.4] 12.8 113 66 Sussex. .092] 11,670 | -6.5 12,485 67 3.2 496 | 25.2 4,121] 33.0 3,224 9,261 51.8 13.6 317 155 Tazewell .093 41,781 0.4 41,607 17| 28.1 522 | 79.7 38,623 | 92.8 6,544 | 25,542 9,521 72.9] 15.1] 1,307 330 Warren. . .094] 11,386 3.0 11,352 nl ssa 219| 51.8 10,295 | 90.7 3,831 | 8,561 3,960| 79.8] 20.6 277 126 082 |Warwick.........095| 27,158 | 198.7 9,248 79 4.7 71 | 130.3 6,708 | 72.5 7,278 1,970] 82.4| 354.8 749 172 Washington. .... 32,278 | -16.5 38,197 20| 12.8 581 | 65.7 36,765 | 96.3 3,663 | 12,479| 22,055) 78.9] 16.4 886 288 Westmoreland. 8,750 | ~8.0 9,512 78| 11.9 236 | 40.8 5,015 | 52.7 3,303 6,209 63.5] 11.9 187 100 Wi86e-renns 48,112 | -8.3 52,458 13 2.5 414 126.7 49,645 94.6| 11,347| 28,509 12,602 67.4] 12.7] 1,470 448 20,987 | -7.9 22,721 40 9.7 460 | 49.4 21,360 | 94.0 4,658] 6,997| 11,071] 75.3] 18.1 591 166 10,567 | 23.8 8,857 8| 16.3 123| 72.0 5.634] 63.6 6,916 1,941 73.0] 15.5 280 12 180 |Alesandria. sss .101| 51,574 | 53.8 33,523 24| 38.8 8490.4 28,219| s4.2| 83,523 88.9| 36.0] 1,685 425 Bristol.........102 14,071 | 44.1 9,768 7| 10.5 2 [4,884.0 8,721 | 89.3 9,768 8l.2| 382.4 298 118 Buena Vista.....103 5,867 | 35.8 4,385 93 8.3 8 [1,445.0 4,074 94.0 4,335 69.4] 16.2 104 42 Charlottesville.104 20,005 8.1 19,400 a7| 27.3 6 [3,233.3 15,246 | 78.6 19,400 8.9] 35.1 451 196 Clifton Forge...109 5,549 | -14.1 6,461 87| -5.5 1 [6461.0 5,214 | 80.7 6,461 84.8 28.3 108 76 Danville........106 31,305 ~-2.1 32,749 25| 47.2 6 [5458.2 22,578| 68.9| 82,749 = 73.5 22.6 709 334 Fredericksburg. .107 12,487 | 24.1 10,066 76| 47.6 2 [5,083.0 8,209| 81.6] 10,066 87.2 82.6 200 103 082 | Hampton. ...:....108 (2) (2) 5,898 .89| 7.6 1 [5898.0 4,146| 70.3 5,898 87.0 87.8 569 117 Harrisonburg. ...109 (3) (3) 8,768 | 21.2 2 [4,384.0 7,993| 91.2 8,768 87.1| 83.8 169 124 Hopewell. .......110 10,166 | 17.1 8,679 81| -23.4 5 (1,785.8 7,306| 84.2 8,679 8l.4| 23.9 231 64 Lynchburg. . . ....111] 41,49 | -6.8| 44,541 16 9.5 13 (3,426.2 34,305 77.0 44,541 82.2| 26.7 881 474 Martinsville....112 (4) (4) 10,080 76| 80.8] 2 [5,040.0 8,068| 80.0| 10,080 8e.1| 26.0] - 229 7a 082 | Newport News. 52,940 | 42.8 37,067 21 7.7 419,266.8 21,772| 58.7| 87,067 78.5| 28.4] 1,59% 589 082 | Norfolk oity- (5) (5) 144,332 4] n.s 28 [5,154.7 98,248 68.1| 144,332 81.9| 28.6] 4,127] 1,982 Petersburg......115 33,147 8.2 30,631 27 7.2 5 (6,126.2 17,187| 55.9] 80,681 70.4 17.8 719 404 082 | Portsmouth......116 (5) (5) 50,745 13) 13.04 6 [8,457.5 31,268| 61.6 50,745 80.2) 22.3] 1,628 758 117 9,126 | 80.6 6,990 86| 12.3 5 [1,398.0 6,430 | 92.0 6,990 84.4 26.2 196 85 095 y...118 228,716 | 15.9] 193,042 3 5.5 21 (9,192.5 131,706 | 68.2] 193,042 84.3] 29.9] 4,100 2,565 096 ‘| Roanoke city. ...119 64,214 -7.3 69,287 9 0.1 11 [6,298.8 56,472 | 81.5| 69,287 85.8 28.7 1,414 729 082 | South Norfolk. ..120 (5) (8) 8,038 83 2.3 2 [4,019.0 6,446| 80.2 8,038 80.3 16.4 214 78 ; 5 (e) (8) 18,887 64 1.2 8 |4,445.7 11,694 | 87.7) 18,387 84.4| 28.0 281 347 v 12,815 13.0 11,343 72| 10.4 2 [5,671.5 7,504 | 66.2] 11,343 74.6 29.4 264 147 Williemsburg. (7) (7) 3,942 94 4.3 1 3,942.0 3,107| 78.8 3,942 79.4] 37.9 66 209 Winchester. .....124 (e) (8) 12,095 69| 11.4 4/3,023.8 11,027 91.2] 12,095 89.2 29.8 285 143 WASHINGTON.....| 1,905,289 | 10.8|1,736,191 11.1 66,977 | 25.9| 1,698,147| 97.8 921,969 478,772| 335,450 93.2| 33.8 44,528] 21,849 METRO. COUNTIES..| 976,136 | 16.3| 851,718 9.5| 5,579 152.7 828,645 | 97.3| 621,512] 166,266] 68,935] 93.7 387.4] 22,566| 11,788 Metro. areas: : 110 | Seattle. 594,793 | 18.2 | 504,980 8.9| 2,136 236.4 486,970 | 96.4| 382,214 100,369| =22,397| s94.2| 40.5] 18,984| 6,706 114 | Spokane. 172,852 6.0 | 164,652 9.4 1,763] 93.4 163,368 | 99.2| 122,001 21,256] 21,395] 93.3] 385.5] 3,804] 2.345 12) | Tacoma.... 208,991 | 20.6 182,081 1.1] 1,680] 108.4 178,307 | 97.9| 117,297| 44,641| 20,148] 92.6] 30.0] 4,778] 2,732 OTHER COUNTIES... 929,103 5.6 | 884,478 12.6| 61,398 14.4 869,502 | 98.3| 800,457 312,506 271,515] 92.8] 29.0] =21,962| 10,066 All Counties: ; Adems.. 5,107 | -17.7 6,209 88| -19.6| 1,895) 3.3 6,184 | 99.6 3,891 2,818) 91.9] 26.7 107 54 Asotin. 6,558 | -21.6 8,365 82 2.8 627 | 183.3 8,368 | 100.0 3,116 8,130 2,119 93.8] 29.4 133 108 Benton. . 24,458 | 102.9 12,058 69| 10.1| 1,738) 6.9 11,972 | 99.3 4,966 7,087 92.3] 28.4 679 119 Chelen.. 33,405 | -2.9 34,412 23 8.8) 2,931] 11.7 34,256 | 99.5| 11,620 12,726 10,066] 95.4] 34.6 705 336 Clallam. «vanes 21,870 0.6 21,848 41 6.8| 1,753] 12.5 20,992 | 96.1 9,409 | 7,601 4,838] 91.1] 27.6 510 222 OIBTE.vvaencnns 94,898 | 98.3 49,852 14] 28.7 633 | 78.8 49,670 99.6 23,221 9,774] 16,857 98.6] 27.9] 2,872 802 4,067 -26.7 5,549 90 4.2 860| 6.5 5,544 | 99.9 3,026 551 1,972] 94.6) 29.3 83 70 Cowlitz. . 38,956 | -3.0 40,165 18| 25.9] 1,146] 85,0 39,914 | 99.4| 19,13¢| 13,247 7,774] 98.7| 29.4 917 338 Douglas... .....009) 5,925 | -31.5 8,651 ell 14.4] 1,841] 4.7 8,6221 99.7 3,776 4,875] 95.0] 32.0 112 48 Includes Harrisonburg city (109). SIncluded in Norfolk county (065). 394 2Included in Elizabeth City county (028). Included in- Augusta county (008). i 5Included in ncluded in James City county (048). Rockingham county (083). 4Included in Henry county (045). 8Included in Frederick county (035). TABLE 3—SELECTED DATA FOR METROPOLITAN AREAS AND FOR ALL COUNTIES, BY STATE—Continued Table 3 Part 2 - Labor Force VA., Prince William (078)- WASH., Douglas (009) aro smo LABOR FORCE—1940 1Same number employed in "professional and related services" (Code G36). v Percent Population 14 Years Old and Over Employed Workers by Industry Group Eo 9 ploye METROPOLITAN In leading Metro, AREAS, Trans. | Business nonagri- Area COUNTIES, Percent | Percent posta- and cultural “Code AND of 3 2 a C tion, | Whole. personal Oth In | industry males | females . on- communi- : ther , CODES Total In labor ind Total Agri | Minin g| soe Manufac- cations. sale and | services and rot 1222 force 1) on employed || culture tion turing oh retail exclud- ed cul- Cod Ler Ta other trade ing po; ture Gee. P f f i domestic er orce orce wi i a page cent ies an as) 19) 0) @n @2) @*) 4 @5) (26) @n [2] 29) (0) | an | (32) VIRGINIA—Con, ? All Counties—Con. Prince William,.076 13,913 8,532 86.7 18,7 8,165 1,356 25 439 163 242 533 1582 4,825 | 16.6 37] 53.1 082 |Princess Ame. ,.077 ues 7,847) 2.5] 2.) 74m) 2,021] + 16 452) 633 449 298 | 1,05 | 1,425|35.4| 37] 7.2 Pulaskiceeeseess078 15,880 8,171 77.6. 26.3 7,158 1,320 172 446) 2,565 545 711 95 604 | 18.4 617.2 Koos 4,947 2,350 80.4 12,5 2,105 1,346 2 140} 94) 21 102 159 241 163,9| G36 | 3.8 Richmond. ......080 4om3| 252 es. 287] 2.601) 10320 81) 362 85 193 168 392 |50.7| 9] 80 096 [Roanoke..e.sesss08l 31,669 15,186 72.6 22,5 13,505 1,459 31 1,037] 3,309 2,268 2,084 2,251 1,066 | 10.8 23 | 13.0 Rockbridge. ..:..082 15,955 7,859 79.9 18.9] 6, 2,291 19 449] +999 251 678 1,183 864 133.4 | G36 9.4 22,549 10,856 79.2 17.3 9,859 44399) 7 1,588 368 862 982 881 | 44. 6| 6.2 17,190 7,909 81.0 9.6 6,998 3,700 1,493 185 168 261 362 477 352 | 52.9 2122.2 18,136] 8,229] 81.7 mol maorl| alesi Com 265, 94) 210 390 a7 293 |&4.7| 13] 4.5 15,349 7,127 77.8 14,9 6,404 2,696] 192 395) 690, 259 730 789 653 | 42,1] G36 | 5.6 SUTthe ees ensssea087 19,727 8,772 72.7 16.1 7,406 2,399 197 327, 2,220 223 625 88 533 | 32.4 10 | 9.2 Southampton. , 088 18,259] 9,227] 2.9] 170] 8| 4,813 1 316 1,409) 177 592 646 818 |54.9| 9 7.4 Spotsylvania. ...089 6,966 3,503 84.0 13.4 3,246 1,427 26 201 904] 71 216 206 195 | 44.0 1313.8 Stafforde.ssessss090 7,054 3, 1898 8l.4 21.9 3,592 T24| 3 360 874 130 241 251 1,009 | 20.2 3719.7 SUrTY.ceseesesss09l 4452 2,200 85.6 9.8 2,15 1,391 1 64) 242 47 103 110 196 | 64.6 9| 8,6 0 8,595 45299 82.4 15.2 4,115 2,101 3 172) 751] 123 294 255 418 | 51.1 9| 11.6 27,500] 12,558] 77.7] 12.3] 110129] 2.292] 4,0% 392 753 7 1,120] 1,08 74 | 2006 | 235.4 aeea09% 8,319 4342 80,9 22,1 4,041 867 29 358 1,084 120 498 507 578 | 21.5 13 | 12,0 082 |Warwickee...3..4095 6,771 3,569 82.4 20,1 3,193 172 133 1,480 212 401 350 445 | 5.4 21 | 42.0 Washington, .....096 25,9%8| 12,191) 0.1] 13.9 10,720 5,173] 21: 501 1,664) 468 1,000] 1,000 79 [48.2 | 636| 5.2 6,731 3,425 79.8 217.7] 3,095 1,397, 151] 297| 49 235 254 712 | 45.1 1| 8.4 34,572 14,928 72.9 12.9 11,639 1,041 4,910 351 860) 821 1,361 1,303 992 | 8.9 2 | 42.0 15,568] 7,630] 71.3] 22.0] eum) 2189 uss 707 1,157 327 Ls, 661 6433.8] 6] 8a ] bol] 3233 enn sal 2mé 388 258 39% 7 265 2m | 118 ]13.6] 1]|u.7 INDEPENDENT CITIES 130 |Alexandria......101 26,481 15,128] &2.6| 33.2] 13,01 7 18 1,33 1,30 2,19 460 | 2,436 | 4,063] 0.6] 37]18.7 Bristol.sseseesslO2 7,504 4,211 79.2 36.8 3,649 16 3 17 984) 368 780 842 478 | 0.4 10.9 Buena Vista.....103 3,042] 1,604 81.9 25,2 1,271 9 2 70] 667 61 143 201 118 | 0.7 6 | 24.8 Charlottesville. 104 15,539] 8756 7.8] 3me| eam 57) ul 530 1,194 618| 1,763 | 2,432 | 1,59] 0.7] 636 15.1 Clifton Forge...105 5,102 2,532 7449 27.5 2,118 13 3 7 141] 843 357 4 215] 0. 23 | 35. Danville..s.sese106 25,444 15,850 80,7 47.0 13,467 463 51 497! 5,302 622 2,633 $309 1,636 | 3.4 6 | 34.1 Fredericksburg, .107 7,969 4,679 8.1 35.9 2436 22 10 293 9404] 276 894 937 600 | 0.5 137115. 082 (Hampton....e...s108 4,918 2,808 81.9 34.7 2,525 5 127, 456) 164 404 607 762 | 0.2 3717.2 6,953 3,970 79.7 38.8 3,696 561 5 209| 731 208 956 946 585 | 1.5| G36 | 13.5 6,584 3,543 82.0 23.9 3,009 16) 8 106) 1,698 133 403 354 291] 0.5 35.5 34,757 20,955 80.5 4he2 18,938 110 35 776) 6,938 1,326 3,57 3,620 2,559 | 0.6 15 | 12,3 Martinsville, ...112 7,617| 4,858] 85.8] 43.0] 4,620 16 2 202 2,397 138 701 682 502 0,3| 10/213 082 |Newport News.,.,113 29,199 16,762 84.0 29.3 15,448 32 32 635 6,345 1,59 2,493 2,197 2,120 | 0.2 21 | 37.3 082 [Norfolk clty....lls| 1lo,59| 67,906] a.2| 31.8] 61300 367 21 2,98 905i 833% | 1277| 9,839 | 18,85] 0.6 37|19.7 Petersburg. .....115 24,289 1,579 79.6 43.5] 12,044 63 % 455 5,028 2,005 | 2,061 | 1,77] 0.5| 22|2s.1 082 |Portsmouth.....,116 40,627] 22,538] 82.7] 27.6] 19,018 126 2 652 6,436| 2,546 | 2,u8| 2,334 | s,0m| 0.6] 21]22.6 Radfordeseessesell? 5,182 2,775 79.7 29.6 2,476 22 16, 160 1,080 32 385 219 | 0.9 6 [13.7 095 |Richmond city .,118 158,027 95,033 81.1 42.3 84,163 204 46 4,737) 21,794 7,964 18,134 18,291 12,993 | 0.2 22 | 10.9 096 Roanoke cltyesss119 55,214 30,456 81.1 32.5 27,141 65 31 1,336 5,144 5,813 5,738 5,600 3,414 | 0.2 23 | 16,8 082 [South Nortolk...120 6,047 3,092 81.6 2.5 2,678 25 3 1,140 351 507 327 209 | 0.9 21 | 13.4 11,242 5,043 58.7 33.0 4,766 39] 20 2/8] 993 215 992 1,486 773 | 0.8] G36 (17.4 9,193 5,486 82,7 40.3 44824 31 3 284 1,613 345 1,003 881 664 | 0.6 5 (18,8 3,526 1,540 52.9 36.3 1,488 10| 44 27| 37 163 931 276 | 0.7| G36 |43.3 Winchester......124 9,662 5,418 81.3 34.0 5,094 89) 21 303 1,350 399 1,167 1,088 677 | 1.7 612.3 WASHINGTON. .seo| 1,396,267 716,801 T.5 22.4 607,672 83,475 5,429] 37,441 131,007 51,515 | 116,117 | 113,517 69,171 | 13,7 | G36 | 7.9 METRO. COUNTIES,, 706,010 369,839 77.1 26,3 314,692 15,735 1,976 18,610 63,246 32,973 72,335 70,516 39,301 | 5.0 Metro, areas: 110 |Seattle.........007| 421,265| 224,153] 77.9] 27.9] 192,240] 6,615] 1,453] 11,970] 38,526] 20,265 | 47,004 | 45,263 | 21,054 | 3.4 14 135,313] 69,89 76.2] 26.0] 59,093] 5,183 267] 3,257 8,313 6,954 | 14,052 | 14,280 | 6,787 | 8.8 - 2 149,432 75,837 5.7 21.8 63,359 3,937, 256 3,383 16,407 5,754 11,189 10,973 11,460 | 6.2 690,257 346,662] 77.9] 18.1] 202,980] 67,70| 3,453 18,831| 7,71] 18,542 | 43,782 43,001 | 29,870 |23.1 4,902 2,50) 0.3] wal 2,36) 1,19 1 120 sof 320 218 278 130 [48.6 | 23] 9.3 6,391 . 2982 73.3 18.3 2,592 641 18 157, 416 225 478 440 217 24. 9 | 11,5 9,256 377 80,0 14.5 4,139 2,340 1 156 165 395 3 418 265 WS 123]15.6 26,735 13, go 79.6 21.4 11,408 3,210 516, 635 835 954 2,198 2,058 1,002 | 28.1 | G36 | 7.2 16,681 81647 80.5 16.5 7,520 857 19 353 3,123 406 929 1,013 820 {11.4 820.5 39,437 20,452 79.6 19.9 17,272 3,268 30 1,027 44595 1,252 2,204 279 2,586 | 18,9 3 Bs 4,309 2,157 78.1 17,8] 842 4 103 179] 97 232 2 203 | 4hod oh 30,443 15,023) en7| 177| 13j0s8|| 1,083) 16] ees] e,m6 ems | 18a | 1,m0 en | '7.6| 926.9 Douglasesesssses009 6,678 $450 8l.4 13.8 3,019 1, 1668 9 343 66 136 282 282 233 155.21 G36] 4.6 Table 3 Part VA, 3 - Housing Prince William (076) WASH., Douglas (009) TABLE 3—SELECTED DATA FOR METROPOLITAN AREAS AND FOR ALL COUNTIES, BY STATE—Continued aro oan part of Bristol, Tem., exchange. Included in Sullivan County (082), Tenn., figures. Zorfolk city (114) includes S. Norfolk city (120). 139 HOUSING—1940 . . : : : Nonfarm Rural Farm All Dwelling Units Occupied Dwelling Units Dwelling Units Dwelling Units od ‘METROPOLITAN Sie " Metro. AREAS, Medi phe da COUNTIES, Residential Percent | Percent Pers Percent aan Per- CODES Hracterer n5or | wih | Percent fot |g Ruaes cent |Pescentt Jun. I, more nvate wil m mon 4 with Number faily thieh ¥ ehonic Number | owner ical persons Number ent Number run- | electric struc- or | lighting oy refrig- | }ouse- (dollars) ning | lighting tures | shower Pied | eration hold water G3) G4) 35) (36) Gn (38) (9) (40) “n “@2) 3) “wh “s) “) “n VIRGINIA—Con. All Counties—Con. Prince Williem..076 3,167 3,430 2.9 £29 55.1 318 56.4 Jos 3.49 2,037 | 18.24 1,393 | 18.6 33.1 1,184 082 |Princess Anne...077 5,572 5,835 2.2 7] 66.3 WT54 | 52.8 1.8 57 Lok | 29.90 1,7 16.7 | 38.0 1,535 4,630 5,168 4.2 24.7 64.3 5,072 | 54.6 33.1 .03 3,427 16.03 1,71 | 12.5 | 34.4 1,465 1,648 1,658 11.5 23.2 1,566 | 52.2 14.5 Lah 409 11.45 1,249 | 12.6 17.9 200 1,598 1,612 8.7] s2%.4 1,512 | 70.8 19.0 3.93 502 | 11,85 1,110 | 5.4 | 15.4 3713 096 9,4k9 10,468 1.8 ‘L489 g2.8 10,000 | 61.2 58.9 3.64 8,555 22.48 1,913 | 37.0 57.7 1,180 5,208 5,487 26.3] 50.4 3.23 56.0 27.1 3.80 2,663 | 17.83 2,824 | 19.0 | 32.3 1,553 Rockingham. . 7.401 7.681 17.4 58.7 7.346 | 65.0 27.0 3.79 2,987 | 13.07 4,694 | 18.1 | 51.7 2,761 Russell... . 5,487 5.570 0.3 10.6 36.9 5,430 | 49.0 18.1 Luz 2,285 9.02 3,285 3x 16.2 Ly Saotbia visuniviien 5,837 5,890 0.1 5.5 23.7 5,793 | 62.3 10.0 4.26 1,440 9.20 kk, 450 32] 1113.2 2 Shenandogh. ... ..086 5,327 5,578 0.9 22.1] 61.5 5.275 | 66.5 28.5 .55 2,749 | 18.85 2,829 | 12.4 | 46.9 1,676 Sythe ...... ol 5,632 5,850 0.6 18.4 53.2 5,728 | 54.3 22.8 -30 3,442 13.16 2,408 | 15.4 27.7 1,272 Southampton. 5,527 5,806 0.9 0] 26.2 5,548 | 28.8 16.6 4.19 2,477 | 14.87 3,329 | 3.3 21 89k Spoteylvenie.... 2,372 2,381 4.0 32.8 2,316 | 4.7 30.1 3.86 882 | 1k.gh 1,499 | 11. | 2h.g 119 Stafford... .... 2,258 2,276 13.0] 36.4 2,119 | 76,7 28.0 3.79 1,080 | 14.L5 1,196 | 12.7 | 23.7 98 SULT urn 50 1,627 1,639 10.9 22.0 1,495 | 53.7 14.3 3.58 515 7.18 1,064 | 11.3 12.1 202 Sussex. . 2,821 2,904 0.2 12.7] 24.5 2,727 | L2.6 16.7 4.00 953 | 13.25 1,951 | 5.3| 12a 359 Tazewell. . 8,289 9,029 0.5 20.9 66.5 8,814 iat 33.8 4,25 7,062 13.05 1,967 | 22.6 38.8 1,379 Warren.. . vie 2,427 2,751 4.3 35.7] 60.0 2,651 9 36.2 3.70 1,797 | 24.6 95k [ 12.9 | 23.1 9kg 082 |Warwick......... 2,242 2,45Y 1.4 57.3] 78.3 2,333 | 71.3 60.5 3.47 1,990 | 27. Leh | 40.3 | 59.4 145 Washington......096 8,486 8,646 0.1 13.3 1.5 8,418 | 59.2 19.4 4.10 3,734 12.49 4,912 12.2 23.3 1,565 Westmoreland. ...097 3,023 3,033 19.7] 42.2 2,291 | 65.6 19.4 5 1,508 | 14.88 1,525 | 13.6 | 19.8 86 Wige. os vnnesens 098 10,538 11,391 1.4 19.5 64.1 11,071 | 39.6 26.3 .28 8,982 | 10.26 2,b09 | 7.7| 28.6 1,805 Wythe. ..onesnnns 099 ,993 5,159 0.5 18.2] 54.7 Louk | 57.4 27.4 4.11 2,728 | 14.66 2,u31 | 13.8 6.4 1,798 York. sos soiniian 100 2,229 2,259 0. 17.0} 62.7 2,108 | 77.7 28.2 3.62 1,781 | 12.78 478 | 18.6 1.6 hou INDEPENDENT CITIES 3 130 [Alexandria......l0l 7.538 9,220 8.9 79.9 95.1 8,774 B51 75-1 3.38 9,220 44.57 15,460 Bristol ive. ony 0; 2,023 2,394 2.9 55.5 86.3 2,356 .0 49.4 3.63 2,394 23.31 (1) Buena Vista..... 103 931 1,027 0.8 35.3] €5.5 1,012 23-2 35.8 3.81 1,027 | 1h.26 391 Charlottesville.l04 4,422 5,519 6.1 62.5 89.4 5,269 1. 56.6 3.18 5,519 30.46 3,941 Clifton Forge...105 1,471 1,732 5.4 73.8 93.3 1,628 | 53.1 57.2 3.4L 1,732 22.77 1,165 6,761 8,410 5.2 46.9 8L.8 8,311 | 36.5 43.1 3.41 8,410 19.90 bap 2,142 2,653 5.8 70.7] 94.4 2,594 | 39.6 70.7 3.36 2,653 | 30.41 1,99 082 1,403 1,688 2.3 69.1 90.8 1,649 | bu.5 Ls.1 3.09 1,688 24.82 3,653 1,932 2,369 5.1 8] 93.2 2,312 | 1.5 58.5 3.29 2.369 25.13 2,501 2,138 2,490 8.7 78.5] 90.2 2,247 | 36.0 51.1 3.47 2,490 15.69 1,212 Lynchburg. ...... 111 9,179 11,887 4.7 59.6 87.4 11,428 2 56.3 3.37 11,887 21.60 7,063 1,837 2,335 3.9 51.2] 90.1 2,315 £8 55.3 3.78 2.33 23.08 1,489 082 |Newport News... 6,808 10,004 11.9 56.6| 85.5 9,724 | 29.9 L2.9 3.30 10, 20.68 8,677 082 [Norfolk eity.... 25,285 38,753 13.3 64.h 89.3 37,403 | 28.4 50.7 3.21 38,753 25.88 226,526 Petersburg..... 6,228 8,595 2.8 ha2.4| 82.1 8,170 | 27.4 39.3 3.23 . 8.595 | 15.81 5,310 082 |Portsmouth...... 10,072 13,611 4.4 53.7] 86.2 13,225 | 30.8 44.0 3.22 13,611 | 19.81 8,255 Radford... iv... 1,437 1,729 5.0 Lg.1 92.8 1,701 | 47.9 50.2 3.66 1,729 18.33 1,323 095 |Richmond ciby...118 34,47 52,440 10.5 63.2] 92.5 50,917 | 29.1 60.6 3.24 52,440 28.29 D152 096 |Roanoke eity....119 13,722 18,437 4.7 65.3 93.8 17,949 | 40.3 64.9 3.37" 18,437 25.61 14,827 082 |South Norfolk...120 1,663 2,046 | . 0.6 51.0] 85.1 2,038 | W4.2 51.8 3.51 2,046 | 16.38 (2) 2,527 3,002 3.0 65.7] 92.1 2,913 | 41.8 52.9 3.20 3,002 | 29.24 2,989 2,h26 3,026 1.6 56.3] 82.7 2,978 | 30.1 L6. 3.36 3,026 | 20.63 1,932 587 692 3.6 74.9 94.8 679 | 37.4 70.6 3.17 692 38.75 710 2,744 3,390 6.8 68.9 95.8 3,308 | 37.8 h9.1 3.23 3,390 24,9 2,784 WASEINGTON..... 500,724 590,439 12.3 66.0( 90.9 537.337 | 57.0 L1.5 2.76 ‘487.910 21.76 | 102,529 | 55.6 | 70.9 | 304,505 METRO. COUNTIES..| 229,097 296,899 19.8 74.8] 96.5 273.699 | 54.1 45.9 2.60 276,601 | 24.78 20,298 | 63.2 | 79.6 | 184,272 Metro. areas: 110 eves 135,110 183,151 23.5 76.1 97. 169,125 | 50.9 47.2 2.53 76050 26.46 | |, 7.122 | 72.9 | 92.6 | 120,948 11h 3.552 54,376 15.9 70. 92. 49,863 | 57.8 48.6 2.73 Lg, 23.03 ,328 | 49.5 | 57.3 31,12 121 50,435 59,372 124 73.2] 95.8 54,711 | 60.7 39.3 2.711 52,523 | 20.77 6,849 | 65.8 | 86.7 31,912 21,627 293,5% 4.6 54.7 85.3 263,638 | 60.0 36.9 2.92 211,309 | 17.78 82,231 | 53.0 | 68.8 | 120,233 1,829 1,884 1.0 54.1 57.7] = 1,686 | 54.3 48.8 3.19 1,011 | 15.53 873 | 51.3 | 20.0 823 2.35 2,632 1.2 66.3] 85.0 2,447 | 64.9: 2-3 3.08 1,979 | 16.11 653 | 67.2 | 53.9 1,312 3,44 3,526 0.7 38.0| - 82.3 3,329 | 61.9 1.1 3.18 1,470 | 142 2,056 | 38.6 | 76.6 1,224 10,926 12,238 6.4 51.5| 87.4 10,303 | 50.2 4g. 2.95 8,619 19.26 3,619 | 59.4 | 81.2 5,715 6,724 6,916 1.2 58.9 81.2 6,488 | 61.2 26.9 2.93 5,501 | 16.35 1,115 | 59.3 | 61a 3,022 14,199 15,566 6.6 58.7 9k.8 14,617 | 63.8 43.3 2.94% 10,567 19.33 4,999 | 56.5 89.5 6,129 " 1,656 1,750 0.9 60.3 76.2 1,623 | 60.0 40.6 3.03 1,148 | 15. 602 | 61.1 | W.1 817 Cowlitz. 11,200 12,431 7-2 57.9 91.3 11,678 | 54.8 50.1 3.04 10,261 | 18. 2,170 | 52.2 | 72.7 4,798 Douglas. ........009 2,776 2,862 0.2 ho.6| 72.7 2,539 | 57.2 hi.2 3.05 1,200 | 1k. 1,662 | 54.3 | 57.4 577 TABLE 3—SELECTED DATA FOR METROPOLITAN AREAS AND FOR ALL CQUNTIES, BY STATE—Continued (Figures which have been rounded to thousands will not necessarily add to totals) Table 3° Part 4 - Agriculture VA., Prince Willian (078) - WASH., Douglas (009) hm AGRICULTURE—1945 AGRICULTURE—1940 Value of farm products sold, | Principal boda of Work power traded, or by source of Per- Property farm household farm income Tops: METROPOLITAN cent - Metro. AREAS, Number of | Land in | Cropland | Number | of Percent from— farming-{ Area COUNTIES, farms farms | harvested | of farms | farms A Number > area Code AND (1000's | (1000s oper- od Ve iol Amount 1 1% «code CODES Jan. 1, | of of | April, | ated (1000's| 25 | horses | Number | (A000 | stock Code |p. | (See 1945 acres) ~| acres) fo40 by 3 id and/or of and (See | © 429 ten- 0 arm | mules | tractors of live- | Crops | pace) | cent P ants dollars) gd, (over 3 dollars) | stock ¥| wo. old) prod- ucts [C)) “) 0) GD 2) 9 [)] (58) 6D G8) G9 0) eo |l®@| ® VIRGINIA—Con. All Counties—Con. Prince William..076 1,117 130 37 1,084) 1%.3| Wu.6 7.689] 7,365 2,072 157 1,250) 72.0 1.5 2| 31.6 463 082 [Princess Anne...077 884 93 50 939| 23. 33.3 6,893( 7,341 1,881 255 2,212| 28.8 63.3 5| 31.0 131 7 1,089 120 26 1,191 12.0] 58.7 8,886) 7,461 1,680 63 986 61.8 11.9 1 ed 629 851 125 35 861 15.0 53.2 6,030| 7,008 1,890 59 982| s2.8| 22.7 1] ko, 46 768 8 22 £93] 19.3| M.0 3,0u5( 3,410 1,524 mn 595| 28.9 35.9 0| 31.5 621 1,724 100 28 1,531| 15.0 53.6( 12,14 7,933 1,489 176 1,389| 40.9( 30.7 0| 28.1 629 1,999 254 52 2,125 19.3| 52.7] 11,680( 5,496 3,h62 1kg 1,564 sh.0| 15.2 1 ot 629 3,8 309 104 3,884 16.7] 31.2 27,051] 6,965 6,486 495 6,274 67.0 16.3 3| hw 629 2in2 285 53 2,880] 32.6| W.3| 11,953] 4,209 3 10 2,231 M.B| 20.5 0| 37.4% 629 3,723 265 51 3.874] 24.8) 36.1| 10,696] 2,761 1828 he 2,igg| 20.7) 31.6 o| k6.9 629 2,512 208 64 2,395 13.4 0-3 13,466] 5,623 3,549 253 2,74 56.9 23.1 3 32.9 629 2,001 175 39 2,086 22.9 .2| 10,786] 5,171 2,703 271 1,88 39.10 32.2 1| 38.6 629 2,553 259 93 2,345 65.9) 11.3 9,104 3,882 4,795 233 2,948] 15.9 70.6 5| 69.9 92 1,465 167 35 1,313 6.9| sh. 5,172 $3 2,007 155 926| 52.6 6.0 0| 38.9 463 9ug 8 17 898 7] w4.2 4,324 k £15 1,270 130 558 36.2 22.2 of 36.8 463 653 100 29 781 Pus 23.4 ‘3,245 b,185 1,605 125 922 17.4] 60.2 5| 60.1 942 1,166 19% u6 1,236| B6.0| 22.6 ,u62| 3,610 2,395 121 1,520 13.7] 62.8 5| 62.5 2 2,236 2 u3| , 1,622) 15.2 ge.3 11,207 6,909 2,565 35 1,75 57.5 7.0 1| W1.0 629 Til 94 20 829 22.2( hs.9 5,750| 6,936 1,470 57 T48| 39.3| 29.7 0| 28.6 629 303 1 3 355] 12.1] 76.9 2,009| 5,660 187 59 265| 63.8 16.3 2| 50.2 62k Washington...... 096 4,211 295 4, 240| 28.0| 32.7 21,827( 5,148 5,401 80 3, ug 35.0 30.2 0| 34.0 629 Westmoreland. ...097 818 9% 5 1,110 24.7 Wy 5,354 | b, g28 2,026 19 785 35.5] 31.0 0] 30.1 aah ..09 2,935 85 20 2,340| 27.8| 71.2 3,988 1,704 1,356 5 905 14.1 15.3 of 69.9 633 1,978 206 ug 1,82 18.2 u.0| 13,636 7.323 3,026 67 1,7%6 3.2 17.3 1] 37.1 629 Lrg 5 6 ¥21| 9.3] 62.9 1,677] 3.988 0 30 262 3] 28.9 0] 21.7 624 409 7 3 280| 21.2| 48.9 5,518 (13,523 318 28 752| 31.5| 63.9 8| 54.1 130 Mezamirtn. x. Bristol......... Buena Vista..... 10’ Charlottesville. Clifton Forge...105 Danville........ 106 Predericksburg..107 082 |Hamptom......... 108 Harrisonburg....109 Hopewell........ 110 Lynchburg....... Martinsvill 082 |Newport New: 082 [Norfolk City.. Petersburg...... 082 |Portsmouth...... Radford.... 095 |Richmond ci 096 |Reanoke cit; 082 [Seuth Nerfol Staunton. 121 VASHINGTON. . ... 79.887 | 16,720 4,290) 81,686) 17.7 3698,546| 8,552) 134,902 18,019] 130,849| 38.4} 51.0 5| 30.% NIPRO. COUNTIES.. 16,742 1,184 Yo7 16,381 | 17.2 106,500 6,5014 14,386 2,79) 20,001 50.6] 36.9 Metro. areas : yen 6,495 166 Lid ,760| 18.9 5.146 6,102 3.237 931 7.611 59.1 29.7 2| 29.3 4,68 sug 325 .999| 20.4] 39.9 2,032] 8,408 8,698 1,135 6,606 37.8 50.0 5| 37.3 5,5! 170 3% 5.622 12.8 3] 29,322] 5,216 2,451 128 5,763 sk.2[ 31k 2| 28.0 63,145 | 15,536 3,883 | 65,305| 17.8) 38.1] 591,592| 9,059| 120,51%| 15,225] 110,848 36.2] 53.5 1,0 651 36.9] 2.3] 24,210|37,180 2,398 493 3,977] 11.1) 85.9 5| 85.9 311 4 5 Er 13.7] 33.8 5, 815/10, 729 2,014 111 1,053| 46.8] 42.3 1| 31.6 3m 1,281 Lo 116 1,673 17.6] 28.1 9,886] 5,909 3,h21 37 2,711] 38.1] 52.9 5| 29.4 11 2,041 185 35 2,079| 10.7| 21.1| 15,617 7,512 1,613] 637 6,162 5.8] 89.0 7| 86.5 1m 1,133 7% 17 1,226| 15.3 49.5 6,791| 5,540 1,039 187 1,122| 62.3} 15.2 2| 46,0 411 X, 934 205 67 u,528| 1k.2| 49.7| 24,901] 5,499 4, 043 88 3,768 63.1] 18.2 2| 32.8 151 9 352 108 525| 27.2] 22.9] 14,900(28,381 2,423 208 2,153] 19.71 75.0 . 5] 61.5 311 1,971 127 21] 1,925 15.8 60.0 9,520] 4,945 1,489 225 1,399 61.7 12.3 2|-39.3 451 1,094 992 230 1,245) 17.7| 26.3] 17,092|13,729 4,959 516 3,427] 10.8] 84.1 5| 51.3 311 1Total for all Independert cities of Virginia. ®The State total includes $454,175 for female silver fox and/or mink over 3 months old (kept in captivity) not distributed to individual counties. Table 3 TABLE 3—SELECTED DATA FOR METROPOLITAN AREAS AND FOR ALL COUNTIES, Part 5 - Indust 5 or Rotei Ens BY STATE—Continued VA., Prince William (076) = WASH. , Douglas (009) (All dollar figures have been rounded to thousands and will not necessarily add to totals; MANUFACTURING ESTABLISHMENTS—1939 MINERAL INDUSTRIES—1939 RETAIL ESTABLISHMENTS—1939 METROPOLITAN Metro. AREAS, Val dded C0 pes, Wage Wages Value of | ae Value of | Number | Wages and Sales Active |Employees Pay roll N earners ) roducts roducts of es | Number of | (1000°s of (average 1000's of CODES aber 4 (1000's of | fo00's of | crore | (000s of Teoh] rf (O0De ek | gro. | IEEE 11000 average, (" Jollarsy | {1900s of ( (000% of | (1000's of | persons s es | dollars) | prietors dollars) or year) | © dollars) dollars) dollars) | engaged | dollars) year) &) ©) on __ © ©) a an @ @ a) a | a i) VIRGINIA—Con. All Counties—Con. Prince William..076 7 61 42 408 176 (3) (1) Gd) 197 3,053 181 pe 237 082 |Princess Anne...077 8 86 49 160 124 1) (t) [69] 282 ,626 250 9 2 2 24 2.28 1,721 7,814 3,119 183 88 80 2 L174 205 5% 1 5 1h 36 21 68 526 62 15 # 11 116 35 26% 93 97 922 9 72 3 0% 29 5,350 28,099 239,34 £18,935 1 78 78 378 5,057 304 543 399 az 3.557 31,044 311,327 33,982 279 148 110 239 390k 211 ny 320 * 2 1,514 980 47,927 42,433 69 51 33 269 L367 2lg 287 226 (2) (2) (2) 1,293 910 1,008 237 2,099 219 146, 136 2 Ee) ) ©) ® 65 61 38 266 1,880 22% 116 78 % 529 322 1,443 762 u67 29 199 323 3,13 302 8) 209 2 2,10 1,695 8,588 5.271 324 186 154 266 3a 199 17 ny 1 1 90 750 271 JH 31 389 287 9 1,538 82,346 513,38 6.0% (t) (1) (1) 102 3 175 96 56 9 1 (2) (2) (*) (2) 93 95 82 b2 19 8 12 56 174, 108 I] 605 59 62 37 19 Lol 210 703 420 1 1,567 97 20 116 25 oe 227 1,1 62 5,477 3,k%06 4,055 372 7,520 288 59 519 1k 20 32 2,0! El (1) kt) t) 185 3,065 164 363 250 082 4 155 (1) *) (2) 7 969 ™ 92 69 16 398 304 2,852 1,532 *) *) (1) 318 3,559 28Y 395 284 1h 162 382 137 15 1,198 154 106 65 18 387 275 1,349 592 5,489 3,964 3,900 16! 7,995 377 5 700 17 1,067 805 5,028 2,512 1,285 524 622 219 3,880 27° 430 290 082 30 6) 3) ™ ®) 99 as9 9 56 36 130 |Alexandria®..,..101 21] 368 3h2 2,818 1,046 3% 14,196 203 1,406 1,350 Bristol®.. ..102 33 1,39 1,052 6,204 2,481 167 5,334 118 789 639 Buena Vista 103 3)" (C)) (2) (2) (3) 61 1,036 59 89 65 Charlottesville ®10 - 32 993 694 4, Lug 1,817 326 12,7 266 1,590 1,382 Clifton Forge...105 (7) ) *) ®) 1) 97 2,598 78 348 251 32 969 3 2 3 u27| 15,719 2,271 1,768 18 1,128 {s) {s) ) 213 7.7% 2 863 781 082 &) (8) (8) (®) (8) 13 k, 367 120 509 392 (¢ (4) (¢) (%) (s) 18 7,985 133 886 133 ®) ®) ®) ®) {®) 136 2,643 109 329 257 68 7.490] °° 5,974 26,482 12,615 (*) *) (*) 594 2,27! kg 2.0% 2,579 23 3,834 2,l51 12,653 5,33 - 160 5,20 124 508 082 28 7.97% (*) (1) &)- 578 18,893 468 2,682 2,310 082 181 5,181 5,332 56,261 18,682 ‘ 2,045 63,632 1,642 8,939 8,015 4 bh u57 * 2) (1) l4g2 13,862 381, 1,763] 1,499 082 4o 1,516 1,093 11,108 3,530 6l5 16,494 516 2,221 1,767 art (20) (10) (29) (19) (10) 81 1,871 65 27 17h 095 |Richmond city®..118 326 18,326 18,085 373,147 109,743 H) (1) (2) 2,751 | 108,306 2,255 14,704 1,553 096 |Roanoke eity....119 76 2, (2) (2 (2) 899 36,151 651 4,870 4,57 082 [South Norfolk...120| (3%) (11) (12) (11) (11) 93 1,717 80 193 154 Staunton®.......121 20 781+} 621 2,751 1,543 245 8,010 189 1,014 829 Suffolk®........ 122 31 1,610 812 8,171 3,420 256 7,032 207 994 70k Willismsburg....123| (12) (18) (13) (12) (12) 53 2,7 38 293 268 Winchester®..... 12 3 1,906 1,362 7,393 3,344 265 8,004 250 998 193 Combined Counties3| 1432) 1434 671 84,291 199,169 87,037 2,409 1,015 951 WASHINGTON. .... 3,24 90, 324 118,326 636,650 286,647 13,688 4 a7 6,156 26,682| 668,790 | 24,798 06,852 75,405 METRO. COUNTIES.. 1,798 42,335 57,493 351,047 143,439 3.232 1,309 1,843 13,514 | 377,078 | 12,468 40,796 47,386 Metro. areas: 110 |[Seattle......... o17| 1,26 24,252 33,954 173,038 85,792 2,384 1,058 1,477 8,389 238,317 7,686 26,%2| 3,379 114 |Spokane......... 259 5,482 6,7 4g, 821 19,231 165 102 103 2,kn o.2 2,268 7.8% 530 121 323 12,601 16,75 129,188 38,416 683 149 263 2,694 67,54 2,514 6,599 1 1,442 47,989 60,833 285,603 143,208 10,456 3,008 4,33 13,168 291,712 12,3% 26,056 28,019 4 33 (*) t) (*) (1) (2) (1) 119 2,36 92 223 20 1 62 50 367 88 Th 1,175 16 98 79 17 115 8 1, 2 360 : 156 2,731 i a5 179 60 1,007 900 4, bay 2,255 (*) (*) ®) 535 15,555 ] 1,516 1,749 45 1,71b 2,247 14, 360 6,792 310 7,139 293 557 lk 66 3,629 4,570 ,431 12,557 (2) (1) 2) 661 14,502 633 1,17 1,228 ! oe i "3 & 9ug ) 0 ts) a) 53 41099 502 Ww a a 70 ,101 8,461 33, 19,171 14, 2 1,1 ' 6 TV, 8 62 28 120 ko 61 a 1,392 81 R 100 11ot shown because of disclosure of operations of individual establishments. Data included in Combined Counties at end of State. 2 Roanoke County (081) includes Roanoke city (119). ® Rockbridge County (022). includes Buena Vista city (103). Rockingham County (083) includes Harrisonburg city (109). Spotsylvania County (029) includes Fredericksburg city (107). 8 Indeperdent city - not included in county totals. 7 Included in Alleghany, county (003). e Included in Elizebeth City County (02:). ® Included in Prince George County (075). 19 Included in lontgomery County (061)s * 11Included in Norfolk County (065). ** Included in James City County (C48). 13rncludes all counties where figures are not shown seperately because of disclosure of operations of individual establishments. 34Includes all estab- lishments and wae earners- of counties for which wares and value data were withheld to avoid disclosure. The "Combined Counties" figure for number of establishments is excluded from the State total, since this item was shown for every county. Whencver data on wage carncrs have been withheld, that portion of the "Combined Counties" fig- ure represented by such data is included ir the corresponding State totals 398 TABLE 3—SELECTED DATA FOR METROPOLITAN AREAS AND FOR ALL COUNTIES, (All dollar figures have been rounded to thousands and will not necessarily add to totals) BY STATE—Céntinued Table 3 Part 6 - Other Economic Data VA,, Prince Wil WASH. , Douglas (009) (078) - wre sme SOLES E SERVICE ESTABLISHMENTS—1939 BANK DEPOSITS RADE—1939 1944 Major war supply Major war facilities contracts, rojects, y June 1940-Sept. 1945 | June 1940 June 1945 ) METROPOLIT AN E Bond “(1000's of dollars) (1000's of dollars) Metro. AREA es 1944 Atea| COUNTIES, ~~ |Number Number| ~~ -. (Frplovess Total | (1000% of Code AND of Sales of | Receipts | Active Gers Pa roll | (demand Time dollars. at 9 > > ge ' ollars al CODES estab- | (1000s of | estab- ( s_|proprie-| ““¢ and time) (1000's [issue price) lish- | dollars) | lish- [of dollars)| tors yeu) of la) (1000's | of dollars) ments ents of dollars) Combat | Other | Industrial | Miliary equipment a) a [) an @) a ® a a an @) 9) ©) on VIRGINIA—Con, All Counties—Con. Prince William..076 4 309) 56 155 59 i 3% 6,617 2,044 1,342 18,187 082 |Princess Anme.,.077 4 285 43 110 43 47 30| 3,940 837, 1,221 166| 16,823 Pulaski.........078 1 2,407 49 18 49 88 38 5,670 2,036 1,269 13,001 us| 18,912 Rappahannock, ...079 5 179] 22 26 27 16 6 1,114 282 129 88 Richmond. .......080 19 762 38 75 46 60 18| 1,406 475 204 096 |Roanokes.eeessss081 9 997 82 353 73 194. 126 5,380 2,851 19,637 16,408 118,859 1300 Rockbridge. 082 18 1,49 73 269 In 110 75 5.654 2,58, 21,270 213)39}, Rockingham. 19 2,351 83 273 81 70 47 6,119 1,521 31,598 36,616 9 230 63 76 64 21 8 3,315 1,339 912 9 4 482 103 136 97 65 24 2,645 739 581 424 19 1,904 13 158 12 58 29 75412 i 2,669 725 662 18 1,504] Wu? 237] 125 16 [A 6,340 2,135 1,272 6,648 2,615 17 3,677 52 145 49 67 36 9,563 ,931 1,418 1,057 Spotsylvania. ...089 4 219 24, 61 25 83 2 4,347 a6 4116 Stafford.sss...s090 2 (8) 17 33 18 3% 12 507 236 52 Surry..... eessee09l 2 (5) 21 21 12 24 4 657 182 6 Sussex... «092 9 1,013 31 55 26 ar 12 5,344 1,807 469 386 Tazewell. 20 4,037] 116 319 9% 146 orl 11,9: 4,093 2,464 4,200 Warren... 9 1,700 45 123 48 56 30 4,653 1,352 1,206 1,764 9,870 082 |Warwick..... iii095 2 ) 9 22 9 5 3 1,183 470 o16, 546 810,737 69,411 821,639 631,885 Washingtoh..... ox 23 3,853 85 3 82 101 49 6,606 2,181 72,395 719,554 77,859 73,552 Westmoreland. ...09 21 692 38 106 40 24 1 3,854 1,869 420 Wise....... 30 6,834 131 ol 132 220 160] 10,303 3,097 2,443 103 13 $433 62 251 58 125 66 5,541 1,807 699 1,106 1 1.17 7 26 9] L 3 3,508 1.942 373 18,289 | 18,426 130 21 21,624 98 703 66 262] 236 23,269 6,744 (8) 477 8,242 6,502 2 null om 939] 970 9212 9153 9,081 1,864 (10) (10) (10) (10) Buena Vista.....103 19 37 12 10 6 1,642 816 (11) (11) Charlottesville.104 30 4,761 111 897 112 407 329 20,714 8,415 Included in Albemarle County (002). Clifton Forge...105 4 479 28 1s 27 76 50 3,613 1,736 Included in Alleghany County (003). Danville........106 80 33,887 150 1,255 151 553 426 24,986 13,59 Included in Pittsylvania County (072). Fredericksburg. ,107 23 4,062 ” 568 85 232 192 13,817 6,870 Included in Spotsylvania County (089). 082 |Hampton...s....s108 17 1,438 45 205 47 106 69] 10,715 4,019 Included in Elizabeth City County (028). Harrisonburg. ...109 25 4,044 64 340 67 153 107 11,982 2,09 Included in Rockingham County (U83). Hopewell,......,110' 4 321 36 129 33 50 38 2,748 711 Included in Prince George County (075). Lynchburg......,111| 113 26,961) 266] 1,777] 2m 812 614] 30,368] 12,333 Included in Campbell County (O16). Martinsville.,..112 16 3,084 73 340 78 160 118 9,244 4,939 Included in Henry County (045). 082 52 8,419 239 1,788 234 1,139 882 38,476 15,003 Included in iarwick County (095). 082 328| 106,889 756 6,876 708 3,148 3,019] 12131,654( 1237,208 Included in Norfolk County (065). 51 13,390 168 913 167 377 282 15,795 6,330 Included if Dinwiddie County (027). 082 35 4,515 186 893 190, 442 275 32,052 11,784 Included in Norfolk County (085). 5 309 19 93 ¥ 54 35 4,665 1,732 Included in Montgomery County (061). 095 453| 208,066] 1,105] 9,72] 1,012| 4,431 3,501| 1%208,638| 1362.31 Included in Henrico County (044). 096 |Roancke city....119 130 37,524, 354 2,77 342 1,255 1,030] 55,253 22,330 Included in Roanoke County (081). 082 |South Norfolk...120 3 778 32 137 31 0 32 (12) (12) Included in Norfolk County (065). Stauntonssees.ss121 31 5,878 91 553 90 278 203 12,113 2,960 Included in Augusta County (008). Suffolkeeseessssl?: » 9,496 is 393 75 184 121 15,001 5,386 Included in Hansemond County (062). Williamsburg. 3 «95 31 198 30 100 70 4yh27 1,224 Included in James City County (048). Winchester... 35 4,642 99 957 101 324 276 13,128 3,357 Included in Frederick County (035). Utheresesss 1424 18) 774 : 167 884 WASHINGTON.....| 3,58| 767,731| 10,256| 53,510| 10,264| 19,351 17,175] 1,603,570 559,331 278,771| 3,408,305| 379,331 341,058 | 327,949 METRO COUNTIES...| 2,152| 599,701] 6,067] 36,314| 6,013 14,53] 12,923) 1,022,607] 398,889] 127,285 2,641,701 262,150 213,905 | 168,709 Metro, areas: 110 1,571 458,070] 4,051 25,765 3,999| 11,341] 9,628] 741,958] 302,821 8,120] 2,087,758] 203,592] 121,116| 77,008 11 31] 78,507] 958] 5,467] “‘om0| 1,8m| 1,757] 134,286] 40,002] 18406 3,639 18,515] 73,892 | 52,552 121 240 63,124 1,058] 5,082 1,044 1,319] 1,548] 146,363] 56,066] 24,759] 550,304 20,043] 18,897 | 39,149 1,432 168,030| 4,189 17,196| 4,251 4,817] 4,252] 580,966 160,444 151,488] 7es,604| 117,181] 127,153 | 159,240 40 3,249 29 72 28 Lu 11 7,699 1,166 1,453 32 (5) 25 60 27 9 8 1,762 358 480 68 22 1,045 44 132 43 25 18 27,366 1,522 13,759 792 106] 18,915] 1s| 1,204] 177 459 390] 27,659 4,477 3,779 £400 528 31 2,868 100 390 105 TL 81 8,819 3,364 1,529 2,769 L446 1,519 35] 10,061 190 78| 208 182 180 50,528] 15,200 19,186 644,729 25,6000 30,682 2,762 10 1,083 60 177 53 67 35 3,848 514 631 62 31 4,204] 176 654] 185 177 168] 15,878 5,089 3,805 1,500 23,927 4,89 Douglas.........009 24 1,357, 27 58 25 16 13 2,381 197 1,339 1,756 Includes Roanoke city (119). 2Includes Buena Vista city (103). 3Includes Harrisonburg city (109). “Includes Fredericksburg city (107). . ®lot shown because of disclosure of operations of individual establishments. Data included in "Other" at end of State. ©Includes Newport News city (113). Includes Hristol city (102). 8included in Failrfax County (030). ®Excludes that part of Bristol city (102) located in Sullivan County (082), Tennessee. Included in Washington County (096). 111ncluded in Rockbridge County (082). *2Norfolk city (114) includes South Norfolk city (120). **Includes Henrico County (044). Sum of establishments in coun- ties for which sales data are withheld to avoid disclosing operations of individual establishments. It is excluded from the State total since number of establishments 1s shown for individual counties. ‘PCombined figure for counties having sales data withheld to avoid disclosing operations of individual establishments, 18Undistri- buted. 399 06) 7 WASHINGTON 39 COUNTIES BELLINGHAM $ : i < ® WHATCOM i \ - \, L : i Peo — ID A i —_ a / ) = SAN JUAN AZ) “4 i J PEND TN race { - FERRY { STEVENS Tous Fl ) isd ner —_— N ™ 3 \ i al yee dane PL san PX XN ie tp NTN —— I MN. Jlecvererr ; dad . iA irre J \ CHELAN * ~ -J : JEFFERSON ¢ DOUGLAS Ff min s J * ( eed J Sra] . GRANT KITTITAS ea” ped REI \ edi oo ® YAKIMA YAKIMA | WAHKIAKUM » METROPOLITAN AREAS CODE 110 SEATTLE 114 SPOKANE 121 TACOMA | KLICKITAT J . £ > ” | \ FRANKLIN . I. GARFIELD . ‘ a JS lL COLUMBIA 1 | LINCOLN ADAMS WHITMAN —" p—o————r l SoS , 3 ' i ASOTIN 1 | . 3 WALLA WALLA 3 LEGEND PLACES OF 25000 TO 100,000 (1940) PLACES OF 100,000 AND OVER (1940) METROPOLITAN AREAS 10% : WEST VIRGINIA . 55 COUNTIES LEGEND @® PLACES OF 25,000 TO 100,000 (1940) * PLAGES OF 100,000 AND OVER(1940 )-NONE METROPOLITAN AREAS WHEELING BELMONT WY MONONGALIA J WETZEL OY -— ’ ”X i N, Sf Ye No, ih MARION Ma { ~ - re Psssants rte } 7 Ne | ® Tavior HAMPSHIRE rr ig 4 2 ifthe CLARKSBURG RITCHIE N - ( Lr a. H BARBOUR - 1 , - 2 ith : TUCKER o - - r 5 ny rn \ LEWIS 3 3 mh a f < pro S =“N,, A. } aumen \ J Er 2 ? ¢ ~ } oP) : wesnun * * . ’ CALHOUN Rd La : ; ! >. / \ Jackson ! { ? Pe A 1 ! RANDOLPH ? < MASON : 1 . a’ [ po - 2 { noANE { 7 BRAXTON / Ng Fey PENDLETON : \ METROPOLITAN AREAS CODE 21 CHARLESTON 55 HUNTINGTON, W. VA.= ASHLAND, KY. 132 WHEELING Table 3 Part 1 - Population ViASH., Ferry (010) - Wi. VA., Marion (025) TABLE 3—SELECTED DATA FOR METROPOLITAN AREAS AND FOR ALL COUNTIES, BY STATE—Continued Cr TOTAL POPULATION POPULATION—1940 EDUCATION VITAL 1940 STATISTICS ESTIMATED 1944 CIVILIAN Total whi POPULATION Land | Pop- ofal white Percent of METROPOLITAN U.S. area [ulation poptlation 23 Metro. AREAS, rank in per years old and Area COUNTIES “4 Numb. of |Percent| gq sq. over who have Code ? mer ies | change 1 3 leted— 2 AND counties ge [ miles | mile Percent] complet: CODES P oe pom Wien Rural Rural ercent| April | o nonfarm | farm Births | Deaths ? Number change | “940 | Ppercen- 1930-1940 | 1940 | Number | total } Novi} tiles) | 1940 opi- 5 or : 1943 >. | 1940- . 8 more Ha 1943 1940 grades | © m @ ® @ ©) ©) m ® ©) (10) an (12) 3) 14) (15) (16) WASHINGTON—Con. All Counties—Con. Ferryscsessssss.010 8,267 | =30.5 4,701 92 9. 2,241 2.1 8,810 | 81.0 2,340 2,861 88.4 22.8 68 52 9,090 44.1 6,807 88 2. 1,262 5.0 6,190 | 98.1 3,913 818 1,581 92.8 32.9 271 108 2,611 | -22.8 8,383 95 -7. 714 4.7 3,883 [100.0 1,824 1,559 96.2 32.8 538 27 6,835 | -53.4 14,668 61 | 158. 2,777 5.8 14,561 99,8 | ° 8,659 8,495 2,514 95.6 33.2 227 74 Grays Harbor....0l4 45,873 | -138.7 58,166 12 | -11. 1,905 | 27.9 52,462 | 98.7 29,681 | 15,768 7,722 89.2 26.5 942 574 Islandeeessess..015 6,132 1.8 6,098 89 18. 206 | 29.6 6,068 | 99.5 2,897 3,701 92.3 21.8 151 92 7,581 -4.3 8,918 8p 6. 1,812 4.9 ‘8,804 | 98.7 4,683 2,849 1,886 92.9 81.5 244 102 594,793 18.2 504,980 0 8. 2,136 | 286.4 486,970 | 96.4 | 382,214 [100,369 22,397 94.2 40.5] 18,984 6,706 91,726 | 113.1 44,387 16 44. 402 [110.4 43,334 | 97.6 ‘15,184 | 19,882 9,871 95.0 32.8 2,760 639 Kittitas........019 18,308 =-9.5 20,230 45 11. 2,815 | ,B.7 20,014 | 98.9 5,944 8,253 6,083 87.7 28.9 380 199 Klickitat.......020 8,921 | -21.4 11,357 71 15. 1,912 5.9 10,854 95.6 6,660 4,697 92.7 28.38 178 115 35,837 -13.4 41,393 17 3. 2,447 16.9 41,208 | 99.6 12,271 | 18,208 15,919 | - 90.8 25.3 834 473 9,242 | -18.7 11,361 71 -4. 2,317 4.9 11,309 | 99.5 6,067 5,294 94.4 31.8 185 130 11,970 3.2 11,608 70 15. 967 12.0 11,260 | 97.0 3,707 4,745 3,151 98.3 26.7 268 126 25,815 3.1 24,546 36 32. 5,295 4.6 238,344 | 95.1 2,918 | 11,284 10,344 98.6 29.6 479 202 12,183 | -23.3 15,928 57 6. 925 | 17.2 15,722 | 98.7 4,045 9,190 2,693 91.0 24.4 277 156 5,477 -28.5 7,156 85 1,406 5.1 |" 7,023 | 98.1 4,714 2,442 91.9 23.2 110 59 208,991 20.6 182,081 3 11. 1,680 | 108.4 178,307 97.9 | 117,297 | 44,641 20,143 92.6 80.0 4,778 2,782 2,273 | -28.0 3,157 96 1. 172 | 18.4 3,042 | 96.4 1,857 1,800 94.3 27.2 24 23 Skagiteceeees...029 386,091 -4.1 37,650 20 7. 1,785 | 21.7 37,096 98.5 18,107 | 12,258 12,285 90.9 25.8 818 691 Skamania........030 3,807 -28.6 4,638 92 60. 1,676 2.8 ,600 99.3 3,885 798 94.5 25.6 54 22 90,997 2.5 88,754 6 12. 2,100 | 42.3 87,955 | 99.1 83,018 | 82,112 28,624 98.5 26.3 1,871 1,016 114 172,852 6.0 164,652 3 9. 1,763 | 98.4 168,368 | 99.2 122,001 | 21,256 21,395 93.8 85.5 8,804 2,845 14,691 | -23.8 19,275 47 3. 2,521 7.6 -18,412 | 95.5 8,571 10,704 90.9 22.4 343 175 Thurston........034 86,520 =2.1 87,285 20 18. 719 51.9 386,937 99.) 13,254 | 18,141 10,890 94.1 82.3 874 859 Wahkiakum. . 085 8,159 | -26.3 4,286 938 11. 269 | 15.9 4,230 | 98.7 2,443 | 1,843 90.6 21.4 57 85 Walla Walla. 80,750 0.7 80,547 27 7. 1,288 | 23.7 30,254 | 99.0 18,109 6,336 6,102 92.4 84.7 679 479 Whatcom. . 037 54,694 -9.4 60,3855 11 2. 2,151 | 28.1 59,549 98.7 29,814 | 12,513 18,528 93.8 29.6 1,245 698 Whitman. 038 24,284 | -10.8 27,221 s2 | -2. 2,167 | 12.6 27,165 | 99.8 7,270 | 8,780 | 11,221| 94.8| 38.7 488 259 Yakima. .oopeeess089 96,725 -2.3 99,019 6 27. 4,273 | 28.2 95,399 96.3 80,904 | 34,569 83,546 92.6 28.6 2,464 1,094 WEST VIRGINIA...| 1,782,855 -8.9 |1,901,974 10.0 | 24,090 | 79.0 | 1,784,102 | 93.8 | 534,292 | 836,280 | 531,452 82.8 17.6 41,304 16,608 METRO. COUNTIES.. 485,774 1.0 431,895 12.2 1,689 | 255.7 409,748 | 94.9 | 261,606 [123,870 46,419 86.5 28.7 9,452 4,150 Metro. areas: 021 (Charleston,W.Va.020 224,174 14.7 195,619 24.1 908 | 215.4 182,271 | 93.2 90,002 | 85,898 19,719 85.2 25.0 5,218 1,727 055 |Huntington-Ashland (Pt)} ee cvrys +008 89,087 -8.6 97,459 7.4 279 | 8349.3 92,772 95.2 75,566 8,857 13,086 87.5 25.7 2,018 1,002 182 |Wheeling(pt)® vee.0+.005,026,035 122,563 | -11.7 188,817 | 1.6 502 | 276.5 184,705 | 97.0 96,088 | 29,115 13,664 87.4 20.6 2,216 1,421 OTHER COUNTIES...| 1,296,581 -11.8 |1,470,079 9.4 | 22,401 | 65.6 | 1,874,354 | 93.5 | 272,686 [712,360 | 485,033. 80.9 15.6 | 81,852 | 12,453 All Counties: Barbour...... 16,457 | -17.2 19,869 46 6.7 341 | 58.8 18,651 | 98.9 9,772 10,097 81.3 11.1 347 181 26,242 -9.6 29,016 29 3.5 316 91.8 27,731 95.6 15,063 7,692 6,261 85.8 16.8 572 306 26,178 -8.3 28,556 30 16.1 501 | 57.0 27,808 | 97.4 22,857 5,699 75.1 | 9.4 714 201 16,526 | -23.7 21,658 42 -4.1 517 | 41.9 21,498 | 99.3 6,351 15,807 80.8 10.8 876 125 22,292 -12.6 25,513 35 3.4 89 [286.7 24,707 96.8 18,437 9,89 2,182 84.5 18.7 424 223 89,037 -8.6 97,459 6 7.4 279 | 849.3 92,772 95.2 75,566 8,857 18,086 87.5 25.7 2,018 1,002 8,839 | -29.0 12,455 67 14.6 281 | 44.8 12,448 | 99.9 2,287 10,218 77.6 7.1 210 wn 18,071 | -14.0 15,206 59 15.9 842 | 44.5 15,005 | 98.7 6,795 8,411 75.2 7.8 881 95 Doddridge..... 7,999 | -26.8 10,9238 78 4.1 819 | 34.2 10,918 | 100.0 8,195 7,728 86.6 12.8 154 108 Fayette..evo....010 71,685 | -11.2 80,628 ? 11.9 659 | 122.3 68,485 | 84.9 5,558 | 62,800 12,270 78.8 18.9 1,861 604 Gilmer.....ss..2011 8,802 | -26.9 12,046 69 13.2 339 85.5 12,044 | 100.0 8,297 8,749 81.2 14.2 171 76 Grant..ee.. 7,424 | -15.7 8,805 80 4.3 477 | 18.5 8,556 | 97.2 8,431 5,374 80.0 11.2 190 80 Greenbrier. 88,493 | -138.1 88,520 19 7.4 1,026 | 87.5 36,090 | 98.7 23,362 15,158 85.5 16.4 \ 835 281 Hempshire.. 11,285 | -13.0 12,974 66 9.6 689 | 20.8 12,791 98.6 4,164 8,810 78.0 10.1 261 112 Hancock.eesse...015 29,859 -5.4 81,572 26 10.7 82 | 385.0 80,250 95.8 7,594 | 21,511 2.467 83.1 16.6 597 215 Hardyeeeeeeoees 016 9,042 | -16.4 10,813 738 10.2 585 | 18.5 10,424 | 96.4 8,688 7,180 76.2 11.7 200 81 72,043 | -18.1 82,911 7 5.5 418 | 198.4 80,980 97.7 85,967 84,487 12,507 86.0 238.6 1,682 856 18,948 | -16.0 16,598 55 2.9 463 | 85.8 16,597 1100.0 4,528 12,075 86.7 10.2 297 187 14,99 | -10.5 16,762 55 6.2 211 | 79.4 14,067 | 83.9 2,926 8,893 5,443 75.2 18.9 814 178 224,174 | -14.7 195,619 2 24.1 908 | 215.4 182,271 | 93.2 90,002 85,898 19,719 85.2 25.0 5,218 1,727 18,206 | -18.8 22,271 41 2.2 392 | 56.8 22,177 99.6 8,268 5,569 8,434 79.6 17.4 885 871 18,487 -19.2 22,886 39 19.5 438 | 52.8 22,886 | 100.0 6,796 16,090 68.2 6.6 477 150 62,625 -7.6 67,768 10 15.8 456 | 148.6 59,988 | 88.5 5,166 | 56,482 6,120 72.8 11.9 1,968 486 92,806 =1.6 94,354 6 4.3 583 | 177.0 70,487 | 74.7 9,206 | 72,478 12,670 70.7 12.6 2,719 769 Marion.cesesess.025 63,225 =7.9 68,683 10 3.0 309 | 222.38 63,917 93.1 26,250 80,84) 11,592 84.8 22.4 1,845 638 1Remainder of Huntington-Ashland Metropolitan Area (055) is in Kentucky and Ohio. 2Remainder of Wheeling Metropolitan Area (132) is in Ohio. 402 TABLE 3—SELECTED DATA FOR METROPOLITAN AREAS AND FOR ALL COUNTIES, BY STATE—Continued Table 3 F..¢ 2 = Labor Force WASH. , Ferry (010) - W. Va., Marion (025) are mani LABOR FORCE—1940 Percent of Population 14 Years Old and Over Employed Workers by Industry Group Employed METROPOLITAN Tons ; In leading Metro, AREAS, o Business nonagri- Ara| COUNTIES Percent | Percent fusia and OR Code AND of o 3 3 Con Can Whole- | personal Other In | industry males emales : 2 7 : rh CODES Total In labor who are | who are Total Agri- Mining | struc- Manufac- cations, sale and | services | 4 fagn force . g employed || culture . turing retail exclud- cul- in in tion an 2 o reported ie Code labor | labor oles oy (See | Per- f f utili- : page | cent orce orce Si services 423) an (8) 19) 0) @n 22) @) A) (25) (26) (21) 2) (29) 30 | By | G2) WASHINGTON--Con. All Counties—Con. 3,492 1,793 80.0 1.3] 1,541 714 162 112 193 42 83 121 114 | 46.2 4110.5 5,065 2,715 79.9 21.8 2,421 596 4 21k un 621 373 371 201 | 24.6 23| 2.1 2,652 1,286 71-9 14.2 1,193 594 i 87 29 4g 152 161 121 | 49.8 | G3b| 6.8 11,173 6,355 86.5 18.0 5,867 995 10 2.629 99 219 810 801 o4)17.0] | 4.6 42,236 22,505 20.0 21.2 18,392 986 15 654 8,578 1,178 2,858 2,51% 1,609 5.4 9| 23.7 k4,855 2,233 73.8 12.9 1,839 886 2 94 146 n 162 217 261 | 48.2 G36] 6.1 6,881 ,656 79.0 16.6 ,206 321 15 132 897 118 23 376 1,044 | 10.0 37] 26.2 110 4e1,265 | 224,153 77-9 27.9 | 192,240 6,015 | 1,43 | 11,970 38,526 20,265 47,09 45,263 | 21,054] 3.4| G36| 8.8 35,798 17,851 78.7 lo.b4 16,002 1,278 31 883 6,106 676 2,104 2,007 2,917] 8.0 21| 29.0 15,822 7,969 78.5 16.1 7,005 2,062 | 1,039 330 Lg wr 1,065 1,009 557 | 29.4 2| 14.2 8,786 4,019 81.8 15.1 4, 0l5 1,365 1 265 glk 419 42% 408 31 | 33.7 9| 10.4 Lewis. ... 32,058 | 14,955 74.8 15.2 | 12,101 2,651 9% Lok 3,436 7 1,862 1,772 1,106] 21.9 8| 16.6 Lincoln. . 8,9 iol 78.9 14.9 4,099 1,963 269 152 316 507 560 328 | 47.9 | G36| 6.7 Mason. ... 8,8! 4, hgo 78.9 17.0 3,701 ng 157 1,602 183 Lis 502 334 | 11.3 8| 20.1 Okanogan 18,334 9,664 82.2 15.1 8,422 3,033 117 1,605 1,027 207 783 1,017 573] 36.0 9-72 Pacific..... as 12,707 6,530 78.3 16.9 5,784 502 9 275 2,806 273 605 607 707] 8.7 8| 19.7 Pend Oreille. 5,539 2,957 8.7 14.0 2,157 Legg 226 65 598 I3 220 290 190 | 22.7 9] 15.32 121 1h49,432 75,831 75.1 21.8 63,359 2937 256 3,383 16,407 5.15 11,189 10,973 11,40 6.2 37] 13.7 2,513 1,254 79.6 13.5 1,119 450 Ie 159 Ll 86 127 137 | w0.2 4 6.6 30,0 13,739 71.8 15.5 11,399 2,691 60 Lgg 3,133 571 1,618 1,806 1,032] 23.6 8| 10.7 3,518 1,946 83.3 15.3% 1,369 196 2 312 274 110 163 156 156 | 14.3 8| 1k.4 70,063 2218 75.1 17.9 | 26,854 3.131 04 | 1,375 8,830 1,994 4, hal 4,022 2,357] 13.9 9 15.5 1k 135,313 69,849 76.2 26.0 59,093 5,183 267 3,251 8,313 6,954 14,052 14,280 0,767] 8.8| 636] 9.5 1k L36 7,367 80.5 13.1 6,101 2,811 363 267 7% - as 616 069 ho | bo.1| 636; 6.1 29,40 | 15,021 78.7 21.3] 12,808 1,635 59 121 3.453 853 1,887 1,991 2,203) 12.8 9] 13.7 +399 1,909 8l.o 15.6 1,723 Loo 1 Le 740 2 110 97 2% | 23.2 8| 28.3 2h, 960 11,735 65.7 2h. L 10.461 2,472 17 645 785 ghz 2,118 2,159 1,123] 23.6| G36| 11.6 L7,kh5 | 22,815 76.1 19.1 | 1e,854 4,277 352 805 3,652 1,162 3,554 3,151 1,901] 22.7| G36 7.8 21,269 | 10,826 79.0 20.3] 9,9 3,862 9 549 273 139 1,lk 2,280 837| 38.8| G36| 13.8 75,048 37,530 78.7 18.8 30, 28 11,318 50 1,780 2,361 1,639 0,137 4,085 2,k1k| 37.2] 636 6.6 WEST VIRGINIA...| 1,349,250 | 634,957 76.1 16.€ | 519,094 || 79,309 |113,369 | 20,700 91,582 39,13 64,391 06,904 | 43,704] 15.3 2| 20.4 METRO. COUNTIES..| 322,668 | 158,922 75.6 22.9 135,445 6,120 | 12,318 | 7,088 38,578 | + 12,63 | 23,259| =21,635| 13,810| 4.5 Metro. areas: ! : ga Gresavios ¥.39.000 141,335 | 09,699 77.1 21.1 | 61,0% 1,938] 8,967 | 3,43 15,384 4,980 | 10,047 9,395 6,894] 3.2 on-, ie ae ER iyrur e900 74,050 35,889 74.6 23.8 29,425 1,355 292 2,097 0,936 4,506 5+ 191 5,210 3,138| 4.6 ++ 000+.005,926,035 107,283 53,334 Th.b 24.6 44,980 2,833] 3,059 1,556 16,258 3,145 7.k21 6,930 5,718] 6.3 OTHER COUNTIES... 1,026,582 | 476,035 76.2 14.8 | 383,649 || 73,183 [101,051 | 13,612 53,004 | 26,504 | 41,132| U45,269| 29,894 19.1 All Counties: Barbour......... 14,049 0,145 73.7 11.0 4,561 1,kok | 1,k12 154 259 1% 354 4g1 37] 0.8 2| 3.8 Berkeley. 22,030 11,861 80.6 27.9 10,169 1,965 569 355 3,359 681 1,119 1,174 947 119.3 6| 23.3 Boone, .... 18,303 | 7,9M% 72.0| 10.k) b,364 3719 3.5% 117 2s 320 597 581 Lg | 6.0 253.8 Braxton.. 14,763 0,615 76.9 10.7 5,236 3,029 222 173 222 329 353 476 432 [57.8 | 636] 6.2 132 [Brooke.......... 18,729 9,372 79.8 17.7 8,006 318 Tuk 239 4,180 508 788 769 460 | 4.0 17] 39.8 055 | Cabell.......... 74,050 | 35,889 Tho | 23.8] 29,425 1.3% 292 | 2,097 6,93 | 4,506( 5,79. ‘5.30 3,138 | 4.6| 23[10.8 Calhoun 8,070 £199 80.2 10.4 2,528 1,482 225 85 51 103 179 224 179 | 58.6 32.3 Clay....... 9,k408 ,170 76.9 1.5 3:30 1,420 760 83 352 153 176 222 173 | k2.6 2] 19.8 Doddridge. 7,784 3.385 75.1 10.5 2,478 1,157 297 88 139 142 159 263 233 | 46.7 3] 11.1 Fayette 54,950 25,644 11-1 11.9 22,003 1,178 | 12,682 535 1,487 947 1,843 2,036 1,295] 5.4% 2) 57.5 8,188 3,727 78.2 10.5 ,00k4 1,749 185 125 86 ¥ 158 58.2 | G .8 b,148 3,041 81.8 15.3 ies 1,169 128 1% 2u9 = 35 2 = ig.2 % Iz 26,627 | 12,386 17.5 1k.1| 10,297 2,760 | 1,807 Ls 765 677 98k 1,947 901 | 26.8 2| 16.3 9,100 4,240 11.7 14.1 3,443 1,791 4 166 Jz 165 320 435 250 52.0 | 636] 9.0 23,427 12,16 82.6 20.0 | 11,016 212 131 338 7,495 331 1,124 830 555 | 1.9] 17] u8.5 7.50 3,425 Th.4 12.9 2,887 1,595 8 137 332 57 175 57 326 | 55.2 9 71.0 61,99 29,537 76.6 19.5 22,959 1,956 | 3,267 | 1,024 5,207 1,861 4, ok 3,350 2,250 | 8.5 16| 14.7 11,683 5,160 76.2 10.0 4,461 2,700 66 186 234 210 367 go 296 00.5 | G36) 5.3 12,196 5,834 77.6 17.4 4,948 1,542 498 2! 565 264 54% 689 605 | 31.2 4 10.0 oa1 141,335 | 69,699 77.1 21.1 | b1,0k0 1,938 | 8,967 | 3,435 15, 384 4,960 | 10,047 9,395 | 6,894] 3.2 2| 13.4 17,055 6,963 66.6 14.8 5,236 1,703 295 212 710 376 581 835 524 | 32.5 | 630] 10.1 14,704 5,917 68.2 9.1 3,876 1,592 522 200 294 256 296 H6 360 | b1.1 3] 9.0 L241 20,71 77.5 12.2} . 17.538 647 | 10,688 n9 619 90k 1,651 1,079 1,031 3.7 2| 00.9 62,906 29, 60: 78.9 10.5 26,628 Lo | 18,742 3 887 816 1,968 2,266 1,192] 1.7 2| 70.4 50,989 | 23,801 76.0 16.91 19,369 1,278 | 6,536 586 2,633 1,758 2,5ul 2,491 1,543] 6.6 2l 32.1 1Remainder of Huntington-Ashland Metropolitan Area (055) is in Kentucky and Ohio. 2Remainder of Wheeling Metropolitan Area (132) is in Ohio. Ss xR Tab: Part e 3 3 --Housing ., Ferry (010) - VA., Marion (025) TABLE 3—SELECTED DATA FOR METROPOLITAN AREAS AND FOR ALL COUNTIES, BY STATE—Continued HOUSING—1940 : . * . 3 Nonfarm Rural Farm All Dwelling Units Occupied Dwelling Units Dwelling Units Dwelling Units wn METROPOLITAN tel Mew| AREAS, ; pe Area COUNTIES, P P P Median P phones Code AND Residential Percent | Percent Per- ercent | mber er- CODES onion ‘in 5 or | with | Percent cent wih ol Aveice oy Perorue nn } more rivate wil mechan- monthly wil wit Number Sanity i Ei Number ae ica persons Number it Number run- | electric struc- or | lighting pied reftig | }oice (dollars) ning | lighting tures shower eration hold water a) ch 6s): 69) an e9 eo | wo [) @ “) “ w | ww “n WASHINGTON=—Con. All Counties—Con. FOITY. nai sie .010 1,465 1,514 .5 16.2 27.9 1,397] 60.2 12.7 2.87 8712 9.68 6u2| 2u.6 5.2 1k Franklin. .011 1,830 1,984 3.4 57.8 79.5 1,845 55.2 60.8 2.96 1,517 17.04 467] 45.4 52.2 802 Garfield. .012 1,056 1,104 2.6 63.9 72.8 985] 57.4 Lu8.9 | 3.05 625 16.45 479] 70.6 .98 Tok Grant...... .013 4,955 5,977 11.3 41.8 gg.4 4, n9| 50.3] 43.1] 2.70 5,132] 18.35 8u5| 43.8 1.7 1,122 Grays Harbor....OL4 15,562 17,869 8.8 65.1 88.5 16,512] 5%.9| 25.7 2.18 15,632) 17,15 2,237] 61.0 | 66.3 6,919 Tsland.euesens- .015 2,850 2,861 36.0 77.3 2,018] 72.6] 17.4 | 2.54 1,620 12.66 1,24 54.0 | 78.0 835 Jefferson. . .016 2,819 2,963 3.0 51.7 77.2 2,556] 60.4 27.0 2.75 2,302 14.0 661] 55.1 59.5 1,059 110 |King... L017 135,110 183,151 2-5 76.7 97.9 169,125| 90.9 47.2 | 2.53 176,030] 26.46] 7.121] 72.9 | 92.6 | 120,948 Kitsap. :.018 15,485 16,803 .8 65.8 92.2 13,992| 63.3] Uu7.6 | 2.70 13.341 23.91 3,456] 64.0 | 83.3 8,922 Kittitas....... .019 6,006 ek 41 54.7 87.8 5.814 57.7] 37.8 3.07 ,802| 15.66) 1,662 50.8 | 75. 2,504 3,542 3,653 11 42.7 61.5 3,370] 56.1] 29.6 [ 2.99 2,151] 14.56 1,502| 47.8 | 31.1 1,260 12,296 12,973 3.8 52.6 gh. 7 12,2604 63.6 28.6 2.96 8,472 14.46) 4,501] 50.7 70.5 4 429 M75 3.577 6 58.2 64.8 3,278] 59.8 Lh.2| 3.09 2,016 14.59 1,561 62.1 | 32.3 1,911 ,530 L663 1.5 47.1 78.4 3,606 60.71 35.5] 2.87 5 15.72 1,049] 51.9 | 59.6 1,221 7,316 7,510 1.6 21.6 69.5 6,893] 59.2 37.5 3.12 349 14.01 3,161] 30.9 49.6 1,852 5,655 6,000 3.1 56.2 83.3 4,905 62.3] 2.7 | 2.% 5,203] 13.25 797| 64.2 | 67.8 1,572 2,585 2,635 0.2 24.4 59.8 2,091 56.8] 24.5 | 2.86 1,776] 10.55 859) 26.8 | 17. 300 50,435 59.372] 12.1 73.2 95.8 s,m 60.71 39.31 2. 52,5231 20.77 6,849] 65.8 | 86.7 31,912 1,283 1,295 40.5 61.1 1,035| 60.7 9.3 2,65 607 12.20 688| 51.6 55.1 11,4%09 11,835 2.0 55.9 89.2 11,098| 66.8] 29.1 | 2.86 8,183] 1k. 3,652| 63.2 | 82.6 6,201 1,580 1,690 3.4 45.9 72.1 1.509) 53.7] 23.7 2.76 1,443 11.36 247] 0.4 | 52.7 169 27,956 30,239 5.0 60.2 91.6 27,426 65.1 30.3 2.83 22,981 ne 7,258] 58.2 85.1 13,120 43,5652 54,376] 15.9 [| 70.4 92.4 19,863] 57.8] 48.6 | 2.73 4g, 048 23.03 6,328) 49.5 | 57.3 31,m2 Stevens. . v 6,329 6,484 0.8 23.5 47.7 5,537] 62.3] 20.8 3.00 3,204] 13.76 3,280] 33.0 | 21.9 1,257 Thurston. ...... 12,008 12,980 4.7 57.5. 88.8 11,584| 62.5 u.3 2.83 9,648 20.99 3,332] 53.2 78.2 5,961 1,224 1,266 1.6 54.0 19.7 1,215] 59.7] 27.4 3.08 TSH 12.10 512| 77.0 17.1 Lgl 7.955 9,111 1.1 69.3 89.1 guig| shal 57.3 2.9% 7.343] 21.42 1,768) 63.9 | 62.6 5,439 19,178 20,599 Ly 62.8 94.3 18,481] 66.3] 27.6 | 2.30 15,208 18.66) 5,391] 56.4 | 89.5 10,994 i 7,831 8,671 4.6 63.5 83.3 7,888 54.1 45.7 3.06 5,431 21.52 3,240 71.8 62.3 5,231 Yekima..........039 28,128 31,015 5.7 47.2 87.6 28,495 55.2 41.8 | 3.09 21,321 18.38 9,694 42.0 Hh 10,875 WEST VIRGINIA... 413,384 459,725 2.5 35.8 69.1 uy g15| u3.7| 39.6 | 3.78 343,812] 18.41] 115,913) 20.6 | 24.7 | 136,422 METRO. COUNTIES.. 91,224 109.763 5.0 573 85.5 107,087] 1.1] 57.3 | 3.51 99,488| 25.30 10,275] 14.3 | 38.3 50,774 Metro. areas: : 021 [Charleston,W.Va.020 41,054 4g, 011 5.7 52.0 gil 46,852| 38.1] 57.0 | 3.68 43,818) 26.01 4,193] 12.5 | uk. 22,805 055 |Buntington-Ashland (ot). .... eeee.006 21,042 25,827 6.0 63.6 83.5 25,104] 42.1] 57.4 | 3.37 22,917| 26.43 2,910 9.7 | 28.7 11,948 132 |Wheeling(pt)2 «evs++.005,026,035 29,128 35.925 3.3 59.8 88.3 35.131 uuu 57.8 3.42 32,753 23.58) 3.172) 20.9 | 39.3 16,021 OTHER COUNTIES... 322,160 349,962 3.7 27.9 63.9 337,728 4.5 34.0 | 3.87 2uh,324| 15.59] 105,638] 10.2 | 23.3 85,648 All Counties: [Barboure..seeses 001 |. 4,832 5,070 0.9 31 54.8 4,866] 54.8 18.4 3.62 2,748 9.05 3.322 12.9 36.4 525 6,579 7.854 3.3 34.7 75.4 7.526| 46.3 40.9 2:38 6,369| 18.53 1,h85]| 10.8 | 32.4 2,508 5,845 6,105 0.8 13.4 63.1 6,035| 31.3 30.5 .25 4,962 9.42 1,143] 4.5 32.7 706 4,801 4,873 0.5 14.8 21.8 4,672 64.0 13.9 4.16 1,655 8.76 3,218| 5.6 6.7 60k 5,466 6,261 0.7 49.6 90.1 6,208 uweu| 61.1] 3.72 5.760 20.89 s01| 29.9 | 73.1 1,907 21,042 25,827 6.0 63.6 83.5 25,104 42.1 57.4 3 22,917] 26.42 2,910 9.7 | 28.7 11,948 2,608 2,630 9.7 19.0 2,604 60.3] 16.2 35 534 15.19 2,096] 5.9 1-9 572 3,044 3,136 7.3 31.6 3,042 u64| 17.7] 4.52 1,643 9.63 1,4931 3.5 9.4 17 2,689 2,722 0.7 15.6 26.4 2,611] 58.5| 21.2 Dn 873 11.15 1,849] 9.3 ER 3 17,351 18,623 1.3 19.9 80.9 17,874] 27.4 Uu3.2 04 16,153] 13.u43| 2,470| 8.0 | 50.4 3,09! 2,800 2,860 0.2 11.7 20.6 2,708 57.0 14.5 | 4.03 898( 11.71 1.962| 5.6 1-2 668 1,993 2,089 0.2 12.8 36.6 2,018 68.6 14.4 | 3.90 906| 10.56 1,183( 10.0 | 15.6 23 8,488 8,957 1.1 24.8 59.2 8,682] 51.3] 26.8 | 3.95 5,605 14.12 3,352| 13.2 | 25.9 1,799 3,193 .3,312 0.5 12.0 50.3 3,015] 63.6] 17.1] 3.7m 1,058 16.61 2,254] 6.1 | 20.3 97 ,363 7.607 1.7 57.1 94.2 7.556 90.9 65.4 | 3.81 6,992) 25.03 615| 27.6 | 64.0 4,623 2,371 2,453 0.2 11.3 40.1 2,306| 61.7 15.8 | 4.16 855 11.95 1,598] 6.5 26.5 282 19,120 21,381 3.8 48.3 78.4 20,628 Uu5.1 47.8 | 3.57 18,391 19.56 2,990] 27.8 | 45.1 9,218 4,035 4,134 0.1 13.7 46.0 33% 64.1] 13.7 3.80 1,291 12.33 2,843 5.4 | 15.0 1,205 4,028 4,329 1.0 25.6 62.5 ,104( 46.1] 30.8 3.56 3,060) 15.69 1,269] 15.8 3 1,059 41,054 4g,011 5.7 52.0 gh. lt 46,852 38.1 57.0] 3.68 43,818 26.01; 4,193] 12.5 A 22,805 5,042 5.275 1.2 35.3 56.0 5 56.6] 31.3 353 3,256) 16.64 2,019] 19.7 | 20.2 2,015 4,776 k,816 - 6.8 16.7 671] 56.5( 11.2 42 1,654] 10.00 3,162| 2.0 6A 56 12,766 14,503 2.6 21.3 81.5 14,127] 17.0] 42.5] k.32 13,433 13.60 1,070) 2.9 | 14.3 1,765 17,097 20,291 3.0 18.6 84.6 20,022 13.8) 40.7| 4.20 18,642 11.83 1,649 6.1 22.8 1.40 15,868 17,689 1.8 | 45.5 80.5 17,182 43.9 46.7 3.57 14,905 19.29] 2,784) 21.4 | W1.9 7.457 lRemainder of Huntington - Ashland Metropolitan Area (055) is in Kentucky and Ohio. 2Remainder of Wheeling Metropolitan Area (132) is in Ohio. 404 TABLE 3—SELECTED DATA FOR METROPOLITAN AREAS AND FOR ALL COUNTIES, (Figures which have been BY STATE—Continued rounded to thousands will not necessarily add to totals) Table 3 Part 4 - Agriculture WASH., Ferry (010) - W. VA., Marion (025) TT AGRICULTURE—1945 AGRICULTURE—1940 Value of farm products sold, | Principal Per. oy de of oy Work power traded, or u: source of Per- i, prope! farm household farm income | Type- METROPOLITAN or (i gps % |r Metro. AREAS, Number of | Land in | Cropland | Number | of | Lip ercent tom farming-| oo 1 Area COUNTIES, farms farms | harvested | of farms | farms | oj. A i area vs Code AND (1000's | (1000's oper- | of Total yore A . | Live code livh CODES an. |, of of | April, | ated | og. | om | ae Number | (oot | stock WE Lu 195° | acres) | acre) | Todo’ [hy |Pow| (1000s) per of | (1000s | and Per. | (ee index tne jel s of farm Haciors of live- Crops cent | P ants a dollars) Go. dollars) | stock $400 ) prod- ucts “5 “9) (0) Gn G2) G8) 9 (5) Gn G8) G9) (69) ®) ©) [Q) WASHINGTON— Con. All Counties—Con. Perry...... ve va sD10 uy 230 26, 553| 19.3] 35.3 3,047] 5,510 ho 562| 61.5] 10.6 1] us.7 631] 98 Pranklin........ 011 300 555 129 363| 16.3( 18.7 7.919(21,815 165 1,46] 27.6] 67.7 5| 60. 311 126 Garfield. ....... 012 369 3k 102 335| 36. 7.2] 11,204(33,ukS 177 1,759| 21.8] 73.6 5| 71.9 311| 150 Grant...........00 583 1,084 mn €oo| 26.7] 20.3| 11,578/19,297 312 2,mu| 27.6] 67.5 5| 56.8 1] 133 1,929 130 20 1,015 12.2| sk.7 9,959] 5,201 341 1,539] 53.7] 18.3 2| 33.1 1] 115 681 uy 11 1,088] 12.4 k2.2 5.331] 5,106 192 1,280] 71.5) 15.3 3] 46.3 451] 116 hl u5 6 51g| 18.3] 51.7 2,878] 5,556 76 ug6| 62.0 8.8 2| 29.3 41] 105 6,495 166 ur 5,760| 18.9| u4.8| 35,146| 6,102 931 7.611] 59.1] 29.7 2| 29.3 451 139 1; 758 38 { 2,102| 8.5| 58.8 8,638) 4,109 260 1,608 61.9] 13.7 3 oh3 51] 131 1,111 608 ‘83 1,19 25.4) 14.8 14,825/12,395 u33 3,168 ¥5.3 47.4 5| bu.5 11] 125 972 750 110 1,113 16.3] 34.9] 11,239/10,098 378 1,934 k9.4| 39.8 1| 33.5 11] 124 4,055 bE 76 3,941 1k.1| Ls5.8 20,722 5,258 583. 3,073 66.8 11.0 2| 30.3 51] 115 1,187 1,hs4 411 1,260| 32.2] 7.6] 39,496|31,124 836 5.355 if 78.9 5| 78.8 11 14k 602 Lg 6 769] 9.2| 62.0 3,378] 4,393 95 11 .3 8.7 of 34.9 51] 109 2,338 1,147 126 2,397 15.1| 29.5 16,549] 6,904 kg 4,703 29.2 61.1 7] 50.4 111) 123 mn 70 10 710] 6.6] 46.6 3,8u8| 5,420 101 650] 57.1] 20.9 2| 32.3 Ml 16 131 26 657| 18.6] 46.1 2,770| 4,216 82 518) 55.0 1s. o| 22.8 631] 114 5.564 170 35 5.622 12.8 s4.3| 29,322] 5,216 128 5.783) 54.2 31.4 2| 28.0 y51| 128 376 59 8 u97| 14.1] W.2 3,89) 7,020 120 hog| 52.2 27.1 of 19.3 u51| 115 3.1 157 60 3,242| 15.0] 38.6| 23,619] 7,285 587 4,140| 58.8| 28.5 2| 37.4 us| 118 304 28 y 331| 14.8] Mo.s| 1,755] 5.302 ug 325) uuu| 29.6 of 2.3] ws1| 119 6,259 195 ug 6,231| 13.2 59.2 2,868] 5,275 893 4, 851 67.1 14.6 2| 39.5 51 119 4,68 slg 325 4,999| 20.4 39.9 2,032| 8,408 1,135 6,606] 37.8] 50.0 5| 37.3 311] 124 2,2! 6ub 107 2,537| 19.7] 35.5| 14,564] 5.7% 293 2,272] 60.4| 16.2 1| 30.8 631 1m 2,848 155 30° 2,876 11.4) 59.7] 13,371] 4,649 376 1,891| 62.6 11.6 2| 29.2 4511 120 458 % 5 bug | 14.9| 22.9 3,410( 7,595 155 530 73.5 9.3 2| 59.3 B11 125 1,29% 7 270 1,420 30.8| 25.%| 33,985|23,933 ush 5.152| 18.7] 76.8 5| 66.5 311] 13% 4, 85h 207 72 4,703] 17.7] 35.% 28,209 5,998 877 5.713 72.5 1h} 2| 371.2 h51( 121 2,293 1,398 720 2,537 3u.1| 12.1| 77.331{30,u81 1,W5]0 11,059| 20.9] 73.7 5| 72.8 311) 140 6,721 1,099 224 6,606| 25.9] 19.1| 56,877| 8,610 1,907 17,753] 23.7) T.2 7| ¥o.8 11 16 VEST VIRGINIA... 97,600 8,720 1,490 99,282 | 22.7| s8.5| 321,470] 3.238 3.656] 54,315) M42.9| 11.7 o| Wo 92 METRO, COUNTIES. . 9,963 578 107 £,295| 22.7| 60.1| 32,086] 3,868 375 5,078| 45.3 16.1 Metro. areas: F 021 [Charleston,V.Va.020 b, 694 184 25 3,496] 22.9| 67.3] 10,595 3,031 52 1,731 k2.3 1.3 of 50.0 055 Huntiggton-Ashland : z (Dt) cer neen 006 2,528 146 2u 2,060 20.0 72.2 6,512] 3,161 50 977| 38.8 23.1 of 38.1 132 |Wheeling(pt)® i i00000.005,026,035 2,7 247 58 2,739| 24.5) Mi.g| 14,980] 5.469 2713 2,370] 50.2 19.7 OTHER COUNTIES... 87,637 8,142 1,383 90,987 | 22.7| 58.4| 289,376] 3,180 3.2717] W9,237| M2.6] 11.2 All Counties: A Barbour......... 1,976 184 36 2,097| 16.9| 58.2 6,667| 3,179 66 1,123| ug.g| 10.6 0| 38.6 633 91 Berkeley... 1,338 1k49 59 1,306] 23.4] 31.8 &,826| 6,758 260 1,880 29.9| 49.9 7| 31.5 629| 101 Boone. ...... 1,351 66 7 1,053| 29.2| 73.2 2,186] 2,076 § 336| 18.0 8.1 o| 71.8 633| 80 Braxton..... 550 267 38 2,886 23.1| 55.6 6,462| 2,239 1 1,386| 37.6 5.1 0 36.3 633] 82 132 [Brooke.......... 005 L466 37 8 u23| 19.6] 57.9 2,291] 5,116 65 28 | 56.0] 13.0 of 30. 625| 113 055 |Cabell.......... 006 2,528 146 24 2,060 20.0] 72.2 6,512| 3,161 50 977| 38.8| 23.1 o| 38.1 633] 95 Calhoun.........007T 1,527 156 26 1,756| 22.0] 53.1 4,355 2,480 22 818 30.7 1.3 o| 67.2 633 Clayeeeerssee.. 008 1,263 81 12 1,562 31.2] 82.9 2,229] 1,436 uy host 23.9 5.9 of 69.2 633| 66 Doddridge.......009 1,359 ‘173 21 1,503 24.6] 70.0 4,500] 2,975 22 576 49.3 2.0 of 46.6 633 94 Payette. ........ 010 2,29 85 19 2,388 19.7] 72.8 5,161 2,161 37 789 21.8 5.6 o| 72.3 633] 96 1,343 180 25 1,822 30.2| 62.1 5,283] 2,900 11 sh | 42.1 2.5 of 53.4 633| 83 a. 1,010 208 25 928| 16.3| u3.s 4,327] 4,663 83 684 | 60.9 5.8 1] 40.9 629 93 Greenbrier. .....01 2,721 26 u6 2,747] 14.1] 45.4) 13,099 4,768 120 1,978| 51.6 2 of ¥1.3 629| 99 Hampshire....... o1k 1,582 30 Wn 1,538| 10.6] 49.5 5.769 3.751 190 1,337] 35.51 3.1 7! 29.8 629] 97 Hancock.........015 302 29 9 38h | 17.4] 62. 1,830| 4,766 69 196| do.M| 19.9 of 38.7 625) 138 1,330 233 30 1,205( 13.8) 39.2 5,277| 4,379 130 1,h02] 72.2 8.3 3| 37.3 629 91 2,615 221 5 2,784 | 18.2] 51.3| 12,840] b,612 9 1,985) 60.1 7.1 o| 32.0 633] 95 2,190 252 3 2,539| 19.2 49.5 9,011 3,549 105 1,400| 53.6 5.3 0| ko.g 633 9 957 121 60 859 | 35.7| 28.2 9,924 11,553 231 1,529 3.1 u3.0 5| 2.4 629 105 4,694 184 25 3,496| 22.9) 67.3| 10,595( 3,031 52 1,731 u2.3 7.3 0] 50.0 633 93 1,631 212 29 1,83 | 14.6] 50.1 8,539 | 4,656 37 1,263| 63.4 2.5 1| bby 633] 95 2,694 193 21 2,775| 31.3] 70.3 4,271 1,539 8 940 | 16.3| 16.2 of 66.4 633] 62 1,350 A I 9tu| 31.5 57.7 1,550] 1,591 4 u16 19.7 5.5 0] 13.1 633 82 154 6 2,246 | 65.5 68.5 2,277] 1,014 {3 763 6.3 3.1 0| 89.9 633| 85 2, 149 28 2,467| 18.9) 60.3 7,719] 3,129 ug 1,151 40.6 5.5 o| 52.8 633 107 TING O—47—27 1The State total includes 38,055 for female silver fox and/or mink over 3 months old (kept in captivity) not distributed to individual counties. 2qemainder of Huntineten-dehlend Metropolitan Area (055) is in Kentucky and Ohio. 3Remainder of Wheeling Metropolitan Area (132) is in Chio. 4less than three farms reported and data are therefore fncluded in State totals. 405 Table 3 TABLE 3—SELECTED DATA FOR METROPOLITAN AREAS AND FOR ALL COUNTIES. t 5 - : ney BY STATE—Continued 5 WASH. , Ferry (010) = : W. VA., Marion (025) . (All dollar figures have bgen rounded to thousands and will not necessarily add to totals) MANUFACTURING ESTABLISHMENTS—1939 MINERAL INDUSTRIES—1939 RETAIL ESTABLISHMENTS—1939 METROPOLITAN Meal SEEMS . Vite adie A 2 Code AND . Wage Wages Value of by sk Vly of | Number | Wages and Sales Active Employees Py ol CODES Number | £2mers | (100Q’s of | Products mn | pred [of ries | Number of | (000° of | “pro. | (average (1000 + (average dollars) | (1000's of (1000's of (1000's of | persons | (1000's of | stores dollars) | prietors for oy for year) dollars) dollars) dollars) | engaged | dollars) year) (65) (66) 67) (68) (69) 0) an 2) —)) 4 (75) (76) an WASHINGTON~-Con., J All Counties—Con, 1 113 '109 394 230 962 208 313 7 748 70 42 36 4 13 ¢- 16 91 52 114 2,547 9% 242 222 5 10 10 U6 50 48 1,227 43 95 110 6 17 21 95 52 (*) (1) (2) 324, 5,517 325 411 436 Grays Harbor. 4014 124 | + 6,685 8,997 36,253 18,918 (1) ty (2) 873 20,169 791 1,805 1,960 Island seeeresss025 7 22 16 122 52 101 1,066 90 50 41 Jefferson.......016 25 667 ) (*) (*) (2) (2) () 1d 2,166 132 181 171 110 [KingiecsonssresallT] = 1,216 24,252 33,954 173,038 85,792 2,38 | 1,058 1,477 8,389 | 238,317 7,686 | 26,302 31,379 KitSaPeseeessss 018 38 932 1,320 |: 5,459 2,572 (2) (*) (*) 631 15,085 585 1,195 1,365 Kittitas...s....019 3 318 . 339 2,172 921 2,111 | 1,028 1,266 342 7,350 327 674 707 Klickitat...s...020 25 608 46 1,847 1,206 “175 3,058 166 248 231 LewiS.eaees 02; 88 1,697 1,906 8,358 3,721 108 61 A 644, 12,500 639 1,080 1,078 Lincoln 10 88 97 525 208 218 4.4480 198 316 31 Mason. . 35 1,509 2,145 8,772 5,020" 188 3,415 170 245 280 Okanogan. 26 1,031 1,021 |, 2,085 2,159 236 61. 67 312 6,489 281 529 533 Pacific. esses sl2S 55 2,222 2,607 7,672 44549 2) rt) (2) 291 44702 292 363 360 Pend Oreille,...026 16 511 721 + 3,016 1,461 828 226 360 135 1,718 128 129 105 121 [Piercessssssesss027 323 12,601 16,754 129,188 38,416 683 9 |. 263 2,694 67,454 2,51, 6,599 7,634 San Juan, «028 8 129 116 948 344 233 79 9 54 62, 54 46 31 Skagitueeorsses 029 95 2,515 2,760 17,919 7,642 (1) (1) (1) 672 11,907 660 959 1,016 Skamania. ..... 7 231 253 1,028 635 (*) (1) ) 79 760 71 61 46 Snohomish. . 178 7,028 9,698 39,301 21,182 155 47 63 1,296 28,617 1,258 2,651 2,910 114 |Spokane.... 259 5,482 6,785 48,821 19,231 165 102 103 2,431 71,307 2,268 7,895 8,373 Stevens... 27 344 353 1,360 77, 1,347 284 366 210 3,641 208 247 244, Thurston. ,. 52 2,553 3,495 15,438 8,158 {) 2) 2) 543 13,974 505 1,262 | 1,510 10 420 598 2,618 1,279 (x) (1) (2) 49 726 4 60 48 35 510 527 5,083 1,970 432 13,123 399 1,466 1,592 1 2,571 3,200 15,957 7,217 1,098 371 616 906 20,836 873 2,099 2,301 19 65 | - 53 675 272 2) (2) (*) 417 10,170 416 960 877 Cerene 104 2,370 2,353 14,137 6,256 (2) Ey (*) 1,270 34,705 1,148 3,399 3,829 Combined Counties?. 336 3842 1,040 9,319 5,063 8,258 603 1,088 WEST VIRGINIA...| 1,130 74,989 88,487 441,840 214,779 199,760 | 101,070 131,805 18,928 | 403,989 | 16,202 | 42,318 38,263 : : METRO. COUNTIES..|- 360 29,278 427,721 4171,702 487,461 19,704 | 9,743 12,429 4,971 | 136,525 4,125 | 15,824 15,319 Metro.areas: : ! 021 |Charleston,W.Va.020 95 8,970 13,688 88,605 49,565 13,090 | 6,831 8,377 1,949 60,729 1,576 6,473 6,655 055 |Huntington-Ashland ? (Rt)3.veeessee00B 100 5,748 6.635 39,415 21,389 334 126 258 1,161 32,702 958 3,881 3,620 132 |Wheeling(pt)® «ee 005, 026, 035 165 1,560 77,404 743,682 716,507 6,280 | 2,786 3,79 1,861 43,09 1,591 5,470 5,044 OTHER COUNTIES... 770 45,711 460,760 4270,138 4127,318 180,056 | 91,327 119,376 13,957 | 267,464 | 12,077 | 26,49 22,944 All Counties: 00 11 86 37 194 139 2,342 | 1,429 1,599 179 2,166 167 167 129 28 3,423 2,746 11,866 6,386 1,087 411 531 396 6,655 362 787 580 3 176 £2) *) ys, 5,826 | 3,041 3,984 218 44429 200 361 293 5 24 11 84 46 34 32 26 176 1,889 ° 170 152 95 132 | Brookei.esssssss005 26 3,593 (*) *) (1) 2,71 930 1,344 280 44315 263 413 359 055 |Cabell..........006 ~ 100 5,748 6,635 39,415 21,389 334 126 258 1,161 32,702 958 3,881 3,620 115 99: 112 A 49 5 101 (*) (*) ny 1,513 671 1,100 93 1,33 87 82 Vi 2 (*) (*) 89 1,056 90 86 57 20 1,042 2) 1) (1) 22,509 | 11,716 15,749 612 17,495 47% 1,523 1,528 1 (2) (*) (2) (2) 20 43 24 103 945 101 7 50 8 83 [2] 2) (1) 59 61 Ld, 112 1,121 104 11 56 19 532 (2) {2} (2) 3,077 | 1,858 2,048 412 6,496 340 575 476 Hampshire, ......0l4 9 133 3) (1) 2) 151 1,499 139 132 104 Hancockeesssssss015 41 14,005 2) (+) (*) 659 239 301 357 6,689 340 639 601 Hardy.eeeosess04016 32 276 194 1,437 680 (2) 4) (2) 12 1,099 112 109 7211 Harrison. +4017 51 4,084 5,253 18,925, 11,07, 5,416 | 2,616 3,638 909 20,39, 770 2,471 2,19 Jackson... .ese..018 9 54 27 119 74 267 36 43 188 1,785 174 151 91 Jefferson... 019, 20 473 403 2,652 1,320 799 303 402 216 2,584 210 288 184 021 |Kanawha.. .020 95 8,970 | 13,688 88,605 49,565 13,090 | 6,831 8,377 1,949 60, 729 1,576 6,473 6,655 LeWiSeesanessoss02] Lu 802 762 1,742 1,242 153 58 a 243 3,723 219 384 301 Lincoln.. 2) {2) (*) 154 1,563 155 89 73 Logan.... 20 423 349 1,238 776 23,822 | 11,295 13,99 528 14,998 373 1,393 1,393 McDowell..... 23 466 339 1,606 1,043 37,404 | 18,581 24,579 669 21,510 483. 1,990 1,887 MArioN.eeoesssss025 30 1,889 2,404 13,326 7,036 12,77 | 6,564 9,59 | 666 16,489 59 1,71 1,605 Ijot shown because of disclosure of operations of indiviiuzl establishments. Data included in Combined Counties au end of State. Includes all counties where fig ures are not shown separately because of disclosure of operations of individual establishments. 3Includes zll establishrents and wage earners of counties for which wages and value data were withheld to avoid disclosure. The "Combined Counties" ure for number of estsblishments is, excluded from the State total ,since this item was shown for every county. Yhenever data on wage earners hive been withheld, that portion of the "Combined Counties" figure represented by such data is includec in the correspond- ing State total. 4Two counties, Brooke (005) and Marshall (025), hich should be included in the Mietro Counties" total are included in the "Other Counties". tot el, since it is not possible to present separate figures, for these counties. Skereirder of Huntington-Ashland Metropolitan Area (055) is ir. Kentucky and Ohio. Remainder of Wheeling Metropolitan Area (132) is in Ohio. Excludes Brooke (005) and Marshall (026) countics, for which data are not shown separately. 406 —%— GRIPPER v SIDE GUIDE TABLE 3—SELECTED DATA FOR METROPOLITAN AREAS AND FOR ALL COUNTIES, BY STATE—Continued WhoLEsALE SERVICE ESTABLISHMENTS—1939 BANK DEPOSITS TRADE—1939 1944 . 3 Noor Major war supply Major war facilities contracts, rojects, June 1940-Se . 1945 | June 1840 Tune 1945 METROPOLITAN Bond (1000's of dollars) (1000's of dollars) Metro. AREAS, les 1944 Area COUNTIES, Number Number ; = A Frplovees Total (1000's of Code AND of Sales of | Receipts | Active (average Pay roll | (demand Time | dollars at CODES estab- | (1000's of | estab- ( s | proprie- Ee 1000's | and time) | (1000s |igee price) lish- | dollars) | lish- |of dollars)| tors year) of dollars) | ( yng. of dollars) ments ments of dollars) Combat : a cnt Other Industrial | Military ) a) 39) @®1) ®2) 3) (84) (85) (86) [L) (88) (%) on WASHINGTON—Con . . All Counties—Con. Ferryececssenses 010 3 117 15 351 1h 10 114 102 Franklin........ 011 17 1,427 35 116 33 50 304 7.878 1,523 1,791 1,200) 30 13,532 Garfields....... 012 7 1,159 28 150 28 ug 35 3.697 780 Grantee... bl .+.013] 33 2,485 75 183 81 38 3) L,o01h 95 1,192 192 32,274 Grays Harbor....0lM 74 11,0604 275 1,188 266 321 317) 32,19 9,325) 4,134 16,610| . 9,097 280] 1,181 Island.c.uoh.. os 015 7 243 27 37 28 2] 1 2,175) Lg1 451 19,497 Jefferson.......016 7 373 Ll 138 43 33 34 2,597 1,082 572 360 210 135 5,184 110 [ Bingyeryeesin ...017| 1,572] usg,070] 4,051 25,765 3.999 11,3k1 9,618] 741,958 302,821 84,120 2,087,758 203,592 121,116) 77,008 - 2 | Kitsap... vad 018] L 4,3704 163 676) 170| 176 182] 34,354 13,716 17,930 11,073 1,373 59,500 . 55,189 Kittitas........019 ko 2,k2¢ 73 273) 76) 69 61 11,605 L,249 1,850) 665) 2,200 Kiickitat.......020 16 BLE 39 96) 38 18 12 3.974 784 1,012 2,029 LOWis.,.eouevass 021 51 4,976 176, 590) 181 136 118 20,176 6,778 2,u88 4,009 830 Lincoln.........022 TH 5,973) 72 11 73 13 10] - 13,661 1,617 2,570 MASON: ov ss ole vs ..023 8 Lg) 56 169 59 3h 3h L,L61 1,197 967 3,062] Okanogan. .... «. 02k 33 3,516) 122 557 118 179 148 12,287 1,533 2,021 26 PaCITiC...enrnns 025 22 1,334 76 173 78 38 30 6,284 2,019 1,157 1,447 Pend Oreille....026| .9 L355 29 82 29 13 10 1,885 62 385) 57 80 121 0: 240 63,124 1,058 5,082] 1,04k 1,319 1,548] 146,363 56,066 24,759 550,304 40,043 18,897 39,149 8 =2.°2%3 . 1o 12 2 2 1,163 202 74 74 6.237 213 636 232 195 128 21,588 6.955 2,900) 9,883 4,811 W 137 25 30 23 Li 3 724 210 196 sho) 81 9.939) 445 1,764 476 ky 421 53,006 24,704 8,604 34,596 18,250 6.78% 8,116 1k 341 78,507 958 5,467 970 1,874 1,757] 134,286 40,002 18,406 3,639 18,515 73.892 52,552 14 655] ‘7 134 74 27 20 5,198 1,208 936 36 3,915 209 1,016) 210 a7 260 15,465 3.370 2,605 5,136 3,808 2,160 3 (2) 10 | 20 10 3 2 1,196 42! 33 80 83 10,523 205 1,023] 189 319 287 32,lLg 8,234 3,891 776 368 13,976 “77 9,892) 283 1,133 291 397 292 35,438 13,689 4,955 33,314 11,902 1,185 110 8,133) 191 688 173 229 157 31,574 7.612 5:528 2,331 87 199 34,216 390] 2,4%7 395 45 712 75.759 16,079 8,148 6,55 1,571 ky OtheTssseesaseensse 25 “3135 x 427,847, 417,617 42,452 WEST VIRGINIA...| 1,k24| 284,196] 5,192] 19,662] 5.116 6,798 5,713] 529,152] 174.457 104,434 293,532 u20,62¢| 287,230 6,851 METRO. COUNTIES.. 6o4| ©155,006| 141k 8,240 1,363 2,991 2,018] 188,457 61,249 33,563 166,939 248,900 136,939 Metro. areas: . 021 |Charleston,¥W.Va.020 218 69,005 498 3,665] 461 1,k01 1,366 81,939 20,872 16,773 70.679 67.455 129,60 055 | Huntington~Ashland (Dt)8a ci scinsa +22 006 186 739,907 341 2,050] 345 752 690 40,352 3,805 6.913 60,345 82,831 4,645 132 | ¥heeling(vt)® » } veeeee.005,026,035 200| 944,184 575 2,525 557 838 762 66,166 30,672 9,877 35,915 98,614 2,690 OTHER COUNTIES... 820| ©5182,100| 3,778 11,4220 3,753 3,807 2,895 340,695 113,110 70,873 126,593 171,728 150,291 6,851 All Counties: Barbour.........001 10 502 73 83 in 18 2,457 631 543 Berkeley........ 002 37 8,743 151 152 158 96 11,089 4,388 1,042) 653 26,557 5.507 BOONE: + «0 «irienrnie o0 6 9ug iy Ly 15 10 3,354 1,300 1,283 132 Braxton..... Hh 8 867 62, 58 20 12 2,946 + 902 553 132 | Brooke........ ..005 14 675 68 66 51 55 5,070 2,683 1,067 3.558 6,181 055 |Cabell.......... 006 186| 739,907 341 345 752 690 40,352 9,805 6.913 60,345 82,831 L,645 Calhoun.........0Q7 1 (2) 30, 29 24 8 1,928 1,033 289 HT I ER IE 008 2 1 36 36 24 9 1,535 10 352] Doddridge....... 009 1 3 17 19 12 8 1,8 485 350 Fayette. ........ 010 15 1,782 152, 154 122 105 17.1 5.620 3.156 1,317 Gilmer... cou. 011 1 (1) 41 Lo 16 9 2,016 893 362 10 846 3 25 ©.20 7 2,664 768 196 21 2,k55 97 83 130 91 7.857. 1,619 1,599 682 1,3hk 6 2L3 ko 43 22 10 2,284 747 7 7 525 91 93 2 19 10,942 5.845 3.703 15,660 54,339 4,831 3 327 51 54 29 9 1,588 511 247 : 90| 19,032] 261 264 382 369] 33.650 13,223 51366 430 5.377 1 1,145 35 35(. 9 7 kL, 250 1,481 575 21 1,746 50 57 ug 33 L, kgs 1,397 599 78 021 218 69,005) 49g 461 1,k01 1,366) 81,939 20,872 16,773 70.679 67.455 129,604 10 1,156 46 53 46 6.558 1,806 802 182 2 1) 36 27 7 2 2.002 463 338 LOZaR. vie venus ws e02 23 3,949 128 116 174 149 9.4733 1,798 3,256 927 McDowellsuune.d 02 27 5.527 121 116 187 201 17,633 5,904 3,766 37 Marion. ........ .025 40 7.k50 220 220 235 237 15,580 5,021 4,920 5,376, 4,059 k,1%8 INot shown because of disclosure of operations of individual establishments. are withheld to avoid disclosing operations of individual establishments. It is excluded from the State total since number of establishments is shown for individual coun=- ties. 3Combined figure for counties having sales data withheld to avoid disclosing operations of individual establishments. Data included in "Other" at end of State. ®Sum of establishments for which sales data 4Undistributed. ®Data for 2 establish ments each, in Cabell (006) and Ohio (035) Counties, which should be included in the "Metro. Counties" total are included in the "Other Counties" total since it is not possible to present separate figures for these four establishments. for Cabell County (006) is for one-hundred eighty-four establishments in the city of Huntington only. not included (132) is in Ohio. cluded, since they involve disclosure of operations of individual establishments. here but in "Other" at end of State, since they involve disclosure of operations of individual establishments. °Figure for Ohio County (035) includes establishments for Wheeling city only. ®iemainder of Huntington - Ashland Metropolitan Area (055) is in Kentucky and Ohio. Sales of two establishments in Cabell County outside Huntington are ®hemainder of Whecling Sales of two establishments in Ohio County outside Wheeling are not in- 7 sales figure Metropolitan Area 407 Table 3 Part 1 - Population W. VA., Marshall (02s) - WIS., Iowa (O25) TABLE 3—SELECTED DATA FOR METROPOLITAN AREAS AND FOR ALL COUNTIES, BY STATE—Continued ee -V TOTAL POPULATION POPULATION—1940 Pun | ail ESTIMATED 1944 CIVILIAN hi POPULATION Land | Pop- Total white Percent of METROPOLITAN U.S. area | ulation population 25 Metro. AREAS, rank in per years old and Area COUNTIES, Niches of |Percent| sq. over who have Code | COND co. “Hes | change at mile Percent os Rul | Rud completed— Percent] April 1 lin ; of rban f f Births | Death: pri J nonfarm arm 1rths eaths Number change | [940° | percen- 1930-1 1940 | 1940 | Number | total N tiles) | 1940 , opu- 5o0r High or. 1, 1940- 4 more 3 \ 1943 1940 grades | 510° m @ @) @ (3) (6) m ®) © (10) an (12) 13) 149 (5) (16) WEST VIRGINIA—Con. All Counties—Con. 182 |Marshall........026 86,015 | ~-10.4 40,189 18 0. 806 | 131.3 89,308 | 97.8 21,502 9,714 8,973 84.1 14.7 614 357 Mason..... 20,630 -7.4 22,270 41 7. 432 | 51.6 21,598 | 97.0 3,588 5,991 12,741 8l.2 11.5 512 274 59;539 | -12.8 68,289 10! “11. 417 | 163.8 60,736 | 88.9| 28,067 | 23,484| 16,738 82.0] 23.9] 1,481 577 19,779 | -11.0 22,215 41 10. 330 | 67.8 21,587 96.9 8,854 8,104 5,207 84.3 16.1 508 218 MingOesecssanns 40,215 ~-1l.4 40,802 18 6. 428 | 96.5 87,708 92.4 8,366 21,128 11,308 69.1 12.9 1,232 291 Monongalia..... 50,401 | -1.7 51,252 18 2.3 365 | 140.4 49,570 | 96.7 | 16,655 | 25,541 9,056| 84.6] 20.0] 1,09 488 11,897 | -12.8 13,577 63| 13.6 473 | 28.7 12,975 | 95.6 3,589 9,988| 83.8| 14.8 271 109 7,699 | -13.1 8,743 81 4.0 233 | 87.5 8,542 | 97.7 5,159 3,584| 77.5] 12.8 168 74 Nicholas.. 19,609 | -18.5 24,070 37 16.4 649 | 87.1 24,046 99.9 5,051 5,820 13,199 81.0 10.8 545 178 182 | Ohi0.ssusssesss.089) 64,256 | -12.1 73,115 8 1.4 107 | 688.3 70,690 96.7 61,099 9,507 2,509 90.0 24.2 1,178 841 Pendleton.......036 8,838 | -18.8| 10,884 73 12.7 695 | 15.7 10,782 | 98.6 2,142 8,742| 80.1 8.4 186 68 Pleasants. .087, 5,362 | -19.9 6,692 87 2.2 130 | 51.5 6,691 | 100.0 3,365 3,327 89.5 16.1 101 78 Pocahontas .038] 11,394 | *-18.1 13,906 63 -4.5 9438 | 14.7 13,260 95.4 6,450 7,456 82.6 14.8 233 102 Preston. .039| 25,853 | =-15.0 30,416 27 4.7 645 | 47.2 30,348 | 99.8 16,815 18,601 82.1 13.0 577 260 Putnam..........040 16,3389 | -16.3 19,511 47 16.6 849 | 55.9 19,365 99.3 982 6,954 11,575 77.9 9.0 415 144 Raleigh... 79,677 | -8.1 86,687 2{ 27.3 604 | 143.5 73,770 | 85.1| 12,852| 58,148| 15,692] 79.7| 14.6] 2,144 665 Randolph 26,231 | -13.3 30,259 28 20.8 1,086 | 29.2 29,868 98.7 8,133| 11,258 10,868 84.9 17.5 705 244 Ritchie. 11,510 | -25.2 15,389 59 |" -1.3 452 | 34.0 15,380 | 99.9 6,127 9,262] 90.9] 13.5 190 115 15,724 | -24.4 20,787 44 6.7 486 | 42.8 20,784 | 100.0 6,827 13,960] 73.4 8.7 308 252 17,072 | -16.4 20,409 44 -0.3 359 | 56.8 19,333 | 94.7 5,815| 3,332| 11,262] 82.7] 13.3 383 201 16 ,805 | -15.6 19,919 46 4.2 175 | 113.8 19,841 97.1 7,431 7,455 5,088 88.5 18.5 328 200 10,160 | -22.9 13,173 65| -1.5 421 31.3 18,105 | 99.5 8,732 4,441] 80.5 14.2 237 106 9,516 | -24.2 12,559 67 -1.8 256 49.1 12,532 | 99.8 2,702 3,535 6,322 86.4 15.0 187 132 15,704 | -14.5 18,360 50 2.3 352 | 52.2 18,205| 99.2 4,450 3,677 10,233 85.7 16.4 374 203 WaYRBssssesnsns 80,052 | -15.5 35,566 22| 14.0 513 | 69.3 95,486 | 99.8 7,172| 10,881 17,513] 78.0] 12.2 687 222 WebsSter.:e......051 15,139 | -16.3 18,080 51 27.2 551 | 32.8 18,079 | 100.0 8,459 9,621 75.9 10.4 426 122 18,514 | -17.1 22,342 40 362 | 61.7 22,313| 99.9 3,491| 9,526 9,325] 84.7 15.1 405 182 4,935 | -23.8 6,475 87 1.8 234 | 27.7 6,442 | 99.5 1,674 4,801] 86.5 8.3 90 53 55,261 | -11.4 62,399 10 10.4 368 | 169.6 61,642 98.8 80,108 | 20,771 11,525 92.4 21.6 1,208 615 29,700 -0.2 29,774 28 42.3 504 | 59.1 27,228 | 91.4 8,026 | 16,755 9,993 74.8 12.2 905 158 . WISCONSIN.....| 2,945,355 -6.1) 8,187,587 6.8 54,715 57.3 8,112,752 99.2 (1,679,144 | 586,254 | 872,189 89.5 22.1] 61,547 31,674 METRO. COUNTIES..| 1,097,276 | -0.4]1,102,216' 6.2| 3,356] 828.4 | 1,091,199| 99.0| 983,372] 105,120| 63,724] sc0.8| 25.2] 21,579] 11,421 Metro. areas: 038 | Duluth-Superior (pt J} seseessssseanes016 45,772 -2.9 47,119 1. 1,310 86.0 46,912 99.6 35,136 8,990 7,993 88.1 24.5 1,025 627 070 185,282 3.5 180,660 15. 1,197 | 109.2 180,189 99.6 72,190 80,172 28,298 94.7 39.0 3,224 1,355 074 762,105 | -0.6| 766,885 5. 239 [3,208.7 757,267 | 98.7 | 705,672 | 51,958 9,255| 90.8| 23.8] 14,378] 7,%2 098 | Racine-Kenosha . ceeeeees...080,08) 154,167 | -2.1] 157,552 2.6 610 | 258.8 156,881 | 99.5| 120,874 19,000| 18,178) s8.7| 20.3] 2,952 1,537 OTHER COUNTIES...| 1,848,079 | -9.2 | 2,085,871 7.1| 51,859 | 89.6| 2,021,558 | 99.3| 745,772 |481,134| 808,465| 88.7| 20.3| 39,968) 20,253 All Counties: 6,586 | -22.0 8,449 82 5.6 677 | 12.5 8,410 | 99.5 2,465 5,984] 87.1 13.0 133 65 17,839 | -18.2 21,801 42 3.5 1,087 | 21.0 20,622 94.6 11,101 4,807 5,893 85.6 22.3 431 230 30,074 | -12.3 34,289 23 - 866 | 39.6 34,233 | 99.8 5,719 9,192| 19,378) 89.1] 18.0 687 301 12,279 | -22.4 15,827 58 5.5 1,474 | 10.7 15,186 95.9 7,319 8,508 85.8 17.5 244 165 82,352 =-0.9 83,109 7 18.3 525 | 158.3 82,261 99.0 52,608 | 14,295 16,206 85.2 23.8 1,884 776 18,686 | -14.9 16,090 57 5.0 712 | 22.6 16,083 | 100.0 5,971 10,119 90.0 16.0 328 147 8,716 | -23.4 11,382 nl 2s 840 | 13.6 11,197 | 98.4 3,204 8,178| 89.4] 13.7 190 104 15,207 | -13.2 17,618 52 4.6 315| 55.9 17,565 | 99.7 7,925 9,693| 87.9] 14.2 s22 144 36,207 | -11.0 40,703 18 9.0| 1,025| 39.7 40,629 99.8 10,368| 11,309| 19,026) 87.1 19.5 872 413 29,157 | -14.2 33,972 23| -0.6| 1,222| 27.8 38,817 | 99.5 2,562 | 7,874 23,53] 85.0] 15.2 641 333 32,660 | 0.4 32,517 25 6.6 778 | 41.8 32,479 | 99.9 9,776 | 8,738 14,008] 93.2 23.4 662 412 15,148 | -17.4 18,328 51 9.2 586 | 51.3 18,315] 99.9 4,622 4,372 9,33¢| 90.9| 17.4 376 185 135,232 3.5 130,660 4 15.9 1,197 | 109.2 180,189 99.6 72,190 30,172 28,298 94.7 39.0 3,224 1,355 44,890 | -17.8 54,280 12 | 4.2 892 | 60.9 54,111 99.7 20,752 | 12,267 21,261 87.7 16.5 962 529 22,379 | 17.7 19,095 48 5.0 491 38.9 19,088 | 100.0 5,439 | 8,946 9,710) 80.3] 15.7 511 206 45,772 -2.9 47,119 15 1.2 1,310 36.0 46,912 99.6 85,136 3,990 7,993 88.1 24.5 1,025 627 238,758 | -138.2 27,375 31 1.8 858 31.9 27,366 | 100.0 6,582 4,867 15,926 90.0 17.1 528 254 Eau Claire 43,093 -8.3 46,999 15 14.4 649 | 72.4 46,965 99.9 80,745 6,082 10,222 90.6 25.8 955 421 Florence... 3,154 | -24.5 4,177 93| 10.9 489 8.5 4,177 | 100.0 2,179 1,998] 86.2| 15.8 53 38 Fond du Lac 56,201 -9.9 62,353 10 4.1 724 | 86.1 62,310 99.9 33,685 9,781 18,887 88.9 21.4 1,127 677 8,325 | -29.5 11,805 70 6.2 1,010] 11.7 11,402 96.6 8,010 3,795 79.7 17.4 208 83 87,600 -7.5 40,639 18 5.6 1,168 | 84.8: 40,621 | 100.0 7,725| 183,210 19,704 93.6 28.8 800 422 20,933 -9.6 28,146 39 5.8 586 39.5 28,186 | 100.0 . 6,182 5,834 11,180 94.0 20.9 425 241 13,080 -7.2 14,092 62 1.3 855 | 89.7 14,091 | 100.0 4,215 3,723 6,154 84.5 18.2 225 162 17,487 | =15.8 20,595 44 2.8 761] 27.1 20,594 | 100.0 9,072 11,528 91.5 24.0 386 249 1Remainder of Duluth-Superior Metropolitan Area 408 (038) is in Minnesota. Tuble 3 Part 2 - Labor Force W. VA., Marshall (026) = Wise, Iowa (025) TABLE 3—SELECTED DATA FOR METROPOLITAN AREAS AND FOR ALL COUNTIES, BY STATE—Continued LABOR FORCE—1940 ; Percent of Population 14 Years Old and Over Employed Workers by Industry Group Ete METROPOLITAN Trans: Bu In leading jo Ras Percent | Percent porta- ness Shag Code AND of 3 3 4 Con Phin Whole- | personal Other In | industry CODES Total Inlabor j T2'es: | ‘ema es [i Tiyal Agri- | Mini "| Manufac- MUM | qale and | services agri- otal who are | who are ining | struc- ; cations, : and not force x 0 employed || culture ton turing retail exclud- soared cul- Cod \ a I n - her trade ing po ture s. £ P b r be or til domestic 99) | ee orce orce a services re cent an (18) 19) (20) @n @) 3) (24) (25) (26) @n (28) (29) 30) | 3) | 32) WEST VIRGINIA—Con, All Counties—Con. 132 Narshall........026 30,806] 13,515] 63.2] 20.6] 11,3¢0| 1,758] ex 348 1,466) mo| 1,221) 1,106 go7|15.5| 17] 18.0 15,738 6,954 73.2 13.0 5,425 2,518 178 206] 728 433 519 399 | 46.4 | G36] 6.7 18,376] 22,625 | es] a0)suf 20118] 4,38 729 1,504 3,206] 2,015] 3,02] 1,720|1008] 22003 16,243 7,781 78.0 17.5 6,238 866 375 228] 1,873 947 703 721 525 | 13.29 13| 15.6 26,004 12500] 75.7] 13.1] elm 333| 3,657 268) 607 or2| 1,039 1,u5 695) 3.8] 2|a1.s 37,880 18,120] 75.7] 10.0] 13,67) 1,210] 4,185 1458 1,456 589 2,07| 2,299] 1,201) so] 228.7 9,768 4,320 71.8 12.7] 3,351 2,019 18 163 242] 95 186 328 300 | 60.2 | G36| 6.7 6,222 2,941 75.7 16.4 2,248 691 9 152 415] 270 193 230 206 | 30.7 23] 7.7 . 16,029 7,509 75.9 15.9) 5,775 2,055 572 2 1,285 12 416 568 433 | 35.6 2| 9.8 132 |Ohioees.sessena035| 57.748] 30,247 328i] 250605 757) 1,291 969 761d 1,858| 53%] 5,055 2,51] 3c] 17| 130 Pendleton.......036 7,360 3,439 80.1 10.4 2,795 1,591 7 135 378 37 139 281 229 | 56.2 | G36| 6.8 Pleasants. +4037] 4,870 2, 1162 74.2 12.6 1,680 586 154 [A 295] 63 167 175 176 | 34.0 14] 9.9 Pocahontas +038 9,785 492 Tho] 13.5 3,258 1,231 16 127) 643 166 316 399 360 | 37.8 | G36| 8.0 Preston, +4039 21,337 9,505 75.5 10.8 7,032 2,253] 1,157 2.8] 916 529 588 859 482 | 32.0 2] 16,1 Putnam. «eeeeeees040] 13,267 5,771 Tod 9.4 4,849 1,844 633 260 816 290 280 335 391 | 38.0 2| 12.6 Raleigh... esos. 041] 57,524] 26,792] 7.e| 12.2] 23,680] 1,291] 13,48 691! 1,082 a3] 2,247] 2,6:| 1,31 s.s| 2] 56.9 ..042 20,9%1| 9,692] 75.6] 15.3] ey9mf 1,420 1026 323 1,001, 542 906 | 1,010 u3 200) 2| 1.3 +043) 11,229 4,951 75.0 12.4 3,732 1,535 422 144 313 209 367 432 310 | 41.1 3| 11.2 ou ue3s| sous] esis] nol esol 2127] 366 225, 228 266 228 583 166 | 45.4 | 636] 81 L045 ©,366| 6,609] 6.0] uo] 5308 2,163 97 252) 23 1,08 519 607 343 |40.7| 23] 18.7 «+046 1,79 6,412 70.4 15.5 4,093 585 579 188 449 847 506 534 409 | 14.2 23| 17.4 +2047 9,065] 4,117] moo U.o| 2,88 620] 6m % 374 17 291 371 260 | 21.0 2] 23.3 «+048 9,344 4,245 75.4 15.4 3,364 1,211 244, 136) 477 124 397 394 381 | 36.0 16| 8.1 «+049 13,292 5,933 UT 14.8 4,505 1,645 345 276 420 212 492 615 500 | 36.5| G36| 8.7 Wayne. eessesesssl50) 23,553 9,952 70.2 13.0 6,777 1,758 253 497 1,184 858 806 871 550 | 25.9 | G36| 8.6 Webster.....s..4051 11,525 4,952 72.1 10.4 3,103 406 952 126 523 203 243 352 298 | 13.1 2] 30.7 15,845 6,706 ng 11.6 5,016 1,447 516 185 787 508 548 599 426 | 28.8 16| 10.9 4,578 2,033 75.6 944! 1,551 979 bad 38] 99 27 98 127 104 | 63.1| G36| 6.8 47,212 24,285 78.0 26.9 20,290 2,006 236 956 7,584 1,439 3,369 2,010 1,790 | 9.9 13( 18.1 Wyoming. sss. ssa055 19,047 9,462 81.6 13.4 8,408 1,512 ‘3,775 239 512 64’ 595 662 466 | 18.0 2| 44.8 WISCONSIN.....| 2,410,818(1,227,552| 78.7] 22.0|1,060,758| 273,447] 2,504 39,428] 270,231 60,779| 167,521| 160,059| 85,889 25.2| G36) 7.5 METRO. COUNTIES..| 871,908| 464,243] 79.6] 27.4] 388,201| 19,025 285 16,118] 138,934 29,301 74;797| 7,815) 35,216] 4.9 Metro, areas: 038 |Duluth-Superior (pt) : at .-01f 36,954] 18,389] 75.9] 21.6] 13,19) 1,887 1 406 od 3,408 2,00] 2,252] 1,199] 14.4 070 102,442 54,435 77.8 29.3 48,953 9,289 32 2,344 6,581 2,743 8,899 12,041 7,024 | 19.0 % Sinise, «0004040 608,828 326,944 80.0 28,3] 273,090 2,598 173) 11,611 106,941 20,817 54,817 52,723 23,41C| 1.0 ocine~Xe ceeeenenns.030,051 123,684 e447] sous] 23.1] 53,200 5,2: 69| 1,757] 2,421 2,233] 8,280 7,59]| 3,583] 9.8 OTHER COUNTIES...| 1,538,910| 763,309 78.2 18.8] 672,267 254,422| 2,219] 23,210 131,297 31,478 92,724 86,144 50,673 | 37.8 All Counties: Adams. ..ebeeese NOL 6,359 3,199 82.4 11.6 2,720 1,692 1p 58 104) 256 189 203 217 | 62.2 23 8.1 ..002, 16,520] 8,232] 76.1] 20.3] e072 1.301 25 176 1,046 &9| 1,021] 1,020 su | 22.9] 636] 9.8 +003] 25,500 12,332 71.2 16.2 10, 1788 5,764 6 302 761 434 1,455 n 287 779 | 53.4| G36] 5.8 +004 11,998 6,115 71.5 17.3 44545 2,227 3 100 697 162 417 481 460 | 49.0 13| 8.8 BroWnesesesssss 005 62,506] 31,997| 78.2] 24.1] 27.009| 5.16 2 1,128 6,210 2,691| 5,916 4,57 | 2,191 18.4] c36| 8.2 BUffalo.........006 m,e450 6,02) ens] 15a] 5307 3,27 10 225 22 173 465 536 32 61.7] 636] 5.1 gat) ovsos| eal wal 33a) 2339 80 224 9% 284 364 22 | 62.7| cas} 5.2 13,269 6,685 8,5 15.3 6,162 3,262 bv 146 993 132 685 545 387 | 52.9 51 4e2 29,810 13,945 74.2 16.2 12,388 5,542 12 388 1,804) 555 1,568 1,694 825 44.7| G36| 8.1 25,226 12,179 18.8 12.6 11,048 7,12 1 225 696 2174 1,041 1,017 652 | 64.6] G36] 5.2 25,22] 11,932] 75.9 16.9] 10,857] 4,655 22 154, 1,205) 62| 1,607] 1,438 824 | 42.9] @36| 6.6 13,227 wool 1.3] 139] Ts.ems| 3102 2 187 523 220 57% 724 352 | 54.6 G36) 7.8 070 102,442 54,435 77.8 29.3 48,953 9,289 32 2,344 6,581 2,743 8,899 12,041 7,024 | 19.0| G36] 14.1 42,348 20,239 173.2 18.0 18,582 7,536 22 595 4,229 572 2,322 1,946 1,360 | 40.6 151 7.9 14,297 7,236 81.0 17.1 6,377 3,415 20 255 318 280 756 660 673 | 53.6| G36| 4.6 038 36,954 18,389 75.9 21,6 13,149 1,687 11 406, 985| 3,408 2,801 2,452 1,199 | 44.4 23| 16.7 20,342 9,557 7.9 ‘13.8 8,450 5,027 8 261 419) 294 8g + 959 600 | 59.5| G36| 6.4 35,909| 17,406] 76.5] 20.7] 15,301 2,705 18 639 4209 1,211] 2,642) 2,438] 1,399|17.7| 22 1.8 . 3,016 1,543 78.3 15.9 965 441. 2 26) 168 3 134 89 TU | 4547 8| 7.2 Fond du Lac... ..020 wy61) 23,986 77.5] 21.6] 21,504) 6,175 59 664 4,557 1,603] 3,341| 3,188| 2,007|28.6| c36| 7.8 Forest.eeeoesees021 8,090 4,028 7.9 13,9 2,786 698 2 53 9944 111 361 367 200 | 25.1 9| 20.2 02. 30,762 14,022 76.3 13.5 12,349 6,425 7 502 646 514 1,561 1,650 975 | 52.0| G36| 7.4 18,045) 8,983] 7.5] 17.8] sasf 4,13 17 361 91 27%| 1297 1,098 608 [48.8] 5] 6.1 11,157 5,479 78.9 16.9 4,969 2,277 9 247 568] 156 656 624 432] 45.8] G36] 5.3 15,545 7,269 77.7 13.0 6,3 3,855 37 207 336 188 600 703 4381606] G36] 6.3 Remainder of Duluth-Superior Metropolitan Area (038) is in Minnesota. 2 Table 3 Prt Sousing TABLE 3—SELECTED DATA FOR METROPOLITAN AREAS AND FOR ALL COUNTIES, . oy rs] - . WIS., Iowa (OR5) BY STATE—Continued HOUSING—1940 ; “ i 3 3 Nonfarm Rural Farm All Dwelling Units Occupied Dwelling Units Dwelling Units Dwelling Units i) METROPOLITAN € Metro. AREAS, tele- Area | COUNTIES, Median phones . Code AND Resideniial Percent | Percent p Percent | her Per- CODES structures fapoc| wih) Bunn ll NE Averys cent | Percent] Jan. I, more | private wi mechan- monthly witl with 1945 Number family | bathtub electric Number ii] ical Potions Number rent Number run- | electric ge. Ni lighting pied refrig- | ae: (dollars) ning (lighting res shower eration hold water 33) G4 (35) (36) @n (38) 39) (40) “n “@) 3) “) 5) “6) “n WEST VIRGINIA~—Con. All Counties—Con. 132 [Marshall. 8,699 9,821 0.9 46.9 72.4 9,486 50.5 uo.5 3.52 7,699 15. 60} 2,122| 12.3 22.8 3,141 Mason. ...... 5,346 5.528 0.4 13.5 Lk. 9 5,241] 57.5] 16.2 | 2.69 2,u32| 14.20) 3,006] 4.L| 19.6 1,123 Mercer...... 14,215 15,991 3.2 37.8 80.4 18,5150 Ug.3l M1.2 { 3.20 12,650( 19.29 3,341 13.6 | 43.6 4,868 Mineral......... 4,892 5,779 1.1 39.7 71.9 5,469] 47.7 37.1 3.64 W465 16.0: 1,314) 17.0 35.2 1,514 MINgO.« seuvenses 8,285 2,853 1.9 25.9 62.1 8,702| 29.2 28.7 L.19 5,992 12.5: 1,861 3.5 24.0 1.13 Monongalia. 11,798 13,658 3.0 y2.2 77.4 13,138) 40.1 37.5 3:49 11,407 17.51 2,251] 22.1 37.0 5,371 MONroes ss... , 2,960 3,049 0.2 92.0 3.4 2,926 63.7 12.2 |. 2,98 769 10.39 2,280 9.2 25.1 362 Morgan. ... 2,139 2,247 0.5 17.0 56.2 2,151 58.0 23.8 | 3.56 1,316 11,8 971 8.8 | 26.3 Lu Iisholas.. 5,120 5.277 0.4 14.3 42.3 5,072] 53.6 ih. 7| L.30 2,614 9.09 2,663] 7.1 21.0 Uug 132 [OBiD...eevesins 1L,963 19,843 5.3 69.5 95.6 12,437] 42.0 65.3 3.28 19,294 27.5 sug| 46.1 72.2 10,973 Pendletons...... 2,342 2,392 0.2 1.2 24.0 2,169) 69.2 10.0 4.56 £40 1.7 1,852] 11.9 15.9 3%0 PleasantS...... 1,647 1,719 - 26.2 44.9 1,666 60.4 35.3 3.51 928 17.5 791] 4.3 32.7 7m Pocahontas. . 3,062 3,197 0.6 15.7 uh, 8 3,067] 56.7 13.0 3.92 1,586 10.12) 1,641 14.1 27.1 Lgg Preston..... 7,316 7.639 0.3 19.5 50.2 7.1270: 84.30: 12.2 20 Jz 9.12] 3.196] 16.7 | 27.5 1,821 4, Lugs 4,572 - 17.2 41.1 4,392 52.3 23.9 01 1,912 12.16) 2,666] 3.0 19.5 757 18,116 19,440 2.0 21.2 8u.2 18,907| 32.1 41.8 4.11 16,371 15.40 3,069| 11.5 45.2 3,199 6,519 7,036 2.9 30.0 58.2 6,865) 50.1 31.28 3.87 ,712 15,61 2,324 13.6 28.h 1,605 3,228 4 okg 1.1 19.%° 34.0 ,885| 60.7 25.0 3.46 1,80Mn 11.59 2,2u8 8.7 11.2 1,196 4,571 4, pug 0.1 19.7 29.2 ,430| 62.7 21.5 03 _ 1,558 14.96 2,090] 11.2 11.6 1,937 Lu, Lek 4,902 2.0 25.3 4.6 4,672] 54.6 26.3 3.86 2,460 19.24 2,ul2f 4.3 na 1,078 4,723 5,017 0.7 40.7 70.4 4,877] 52.4 3.2 | 3.53 3,781 14.25 1,236] 20.3 [ 37:4 1,882 2,786 3,276 1.9 26.7 60.0 3,022 3 2u2 | 3.97 2,33 9.69 937| 14.7 | 16.5 269 RIT 3,532 0.1 28.8 Ly. 8 260( 63. 3.3 | 3.k0 1,846] 13.79 1,686 7.2 | 16.6 879 1523 683) 0.4 | 23.0 | ko.9 585 61.3] 21k | 3.57 2,302 14.31 2.381] 9.8 | 12.9 915 7.680 7,931 0.7 ol. 43.0 7.735| 53.3 25.7 | IL.is 4347] 14.38 5,584) 3.3 | 13.3 00 3,758 3,858 1.1 12.5 4.2 3,783] 49.2[ 17.7 | 4.38 2,008] 10.14 1,850 Lk.2 [ 15.9 an 5,273 5,531 0.3 29.4 4g.4 5.30 54.2 30.0 3.70 3,111 13.90 2,120 8.3 11.5 2,116 1,638 1,656 9.0 18.5 1,565| 63.8] 11.5| 3.70 4gu| 10.61] 1,162 4.6 8.6 199 15,447 17,516 3.2 56.4 82.1 16,598| 50.9] 48.9 | 3.34 14,533) 23.17 2,983] 13.0 | 33.0 8,187 5.957 6,272 1.8 uh 59.5 ,190( 29.9 28.5 4.29 4 456 12.09 Y.517] 3.3 13.5 532 WISCONSIN..... 742,102 897,719 4.7 52.1 83.9 827,207] Shh 36.7 3.36 682,635 28.3) 215,084 19.0 | 49.3 476,337 METRO. COUNTIES.. 212,683 315,232 11.6 75.1 97.9 293,672) M1.0| 50.3 | 3.27 299,806] 30.48] 15,26] 28.5 | 75.8 | 192,508 Metro. areas: 038 |[Duluth-Superior(pt)} A veivs2016 11,796 14,168 1.6 51.7 23 12,862] 53.6 24.6 [ 3.21 11,754 20.39 2,4 6.0 | 37.2 7,308 070 29,153 7,514 7.7 60.1 9k.1 35,372] ‘49.1 60.2 3.25 30,913 38.08) 6,601 19.1 73.3 28,231 oT 133,589 216,530 1h 20.3 99.5 209,682| 37.2 50.7 3.26 214,308 35.04 2,222| 48.8 ou.5 128,647 093 seeteeeeesd030,051 37,745 47,020" 2.9 19.2 98.1 41,756] 48.1] 51.2 | 3.38 42,831 28.49 4,189] 45.3 | 91.5 28,322 OTHER COUNTIES... 529,419 582,487 0.9 38.7 76.2 527,535 62.0] 28.7] 3.1 382,829 26.71) 199,658 18.1 | u7.3| 283,829 All Counties: AABWE Jo rw's wun ersie .001 2,592 2,621 14.3 uk 2,283] 66.7 14.6 3.26 782 15.36, 1,839] 10.2 27.4 512 Ashland........e 002 5,416 6,125 3.2 37.3 67.5 5,528 65.2] 23.6 | 3.50 4,557] 18.07, 1,568] 8.0 | 16.1 1,871 BRITON... suave «0 9,643 10,129 0.3 25.9 61.5 8,822 61.2 7.4 3.50 5,089 18.70) 5,040] 17.4 | 34.1 4,548 Bayfieldes asses 00! 5,015 5,181 0.2 18.5 45.0 4,226 74.8 13.5 3.26 2,738 13.68] 2,443] 14.6 18.3 1,142 Brown....sees...005 17,750 21,576 2.4 57.0 91.2 20,506 57.6] 36.8 | 3.50 18,053 28.24 3,523] 22.3 | 66.6 13,19% Buffalo. sees.s 006 3.933 4,514 0.1 23.3 65.14 4,124 60.5| 22.8 | 2.49 1,961 13.90 2,353| 33.8 | 48.0 2,385 Burnett....... «007 4,165 4,292 0.7 7.7 39.8 RL 70.0] 10.6 | 3.30 1,929 30.94 2,363] 7.1 | 23.3 1.7 Calumets..... +«.008 4,519 4,203 35.4 83.9 382] 69.4 28.7 | 3.67 2,570" 21.95 2,233] 24.9 73.5 1,943 Chippewa. ......+009 9,518 10,116 1.5 31.3 5 9,5%5| 66.0 20.5 3.61 6,007 18.47] 4,408| 13.4 30.4 4,118 C1ark.ive seis son .010 8,721 9,031 0.1 19.0 54.4 8,600] 69.7 13.9 3.56 3,139 15.97, 5.9521 11.9 35.2 2,559 Columbias...s...011 8,960 3,639 0.3 u.0 78.8 8,923| 61.6] 29.2 | 3.24 6,163 20.31 3,476) 16.1 52.6 6,084 Crevford........012 4,415 4,632 19.1 59.9 4,566] 59.8] 17.7 | 3.58 2,487] 14.22] 2,145] 8.8 | 33.7 2,109 070 |Dane..ee.uss.. ..01 22,153 37.514 7.7 60.1 9h4.1 35,372] 43.1 60.2 | 3.25 30,913] 38.08 6,601] 19.1°| 73.3 29,271 Dodges. ssesssesdl 13,729 14,783 0.3 47.6 83.2 13,918| 60.3 32.1 3.31 9,722] 22.14 5,067| 21.1 76.3 6,731 DOOTsasesrsses.s015 6,198 6,591 0.2 31.7 69.4 i,963] 68.2] 19.9 | 3.07 k,097| 39.k2 2,494] 16.2 | 49.8 2,256 038 [Douglase........ 016 11,796 14,168 7.6 51.7 3.3 12,862| 53.6] 24.6 | 3.21 11,754 20.39 2,14 6.0 | 37.9 7.308 DORR, oss he “xs OLT 6,912 7,386 1.0 24.0 50.6 7,036] 60.7 16.8 | 3.51 3,499 16. 3,887] 27.7 | 36.0 2,749 Eau Claire......018 10,564 12,870 2.5 42.3 83.7 12,578] 55.6 36.4 3.33 10,379 25.28] 2,491] 19.6 £29 8,351 Florence........019 1,571 1,590 0.3 13.8 63.4 1,088 7h.6| 1:7 | 3.04 1,050] 13,79 18.1 3.1 88 Fond du Lac.....020 15,494 17,256 1.0 56.8 8.3 16,362 59.8] 35.2 | 3.36. 12,881 26.26 4,375 24.9 | 66.4 10,932 Forestac.ooss .021 3,145 3,303 0.8 9.7 58.1 2,700] 53.4 12.7 | 3.8 2,436] 114.65 267] 5.5] 23.0 350 Grantee. ornsons 022 10,702 11,311 0.6 29.4 70.7 190,847] 59.5] 27.5 3.30 6,639 15.38] 4,672] 17.4 45.0 7,891 Gredn..... we itne 02 6,204 ,689 0.7 40.2 82.9 5,477] 56.2] 36.4 | 3.20 3,934) 20.18 2,755) 31.0 | 65.0 4,346 Greer Leke..... .02 4,503 4,673 0.3 37.3 4.6 3,398] 64.9] 26.5 | 3.20 3,083] 28.36) 1,590( 15.6 | uk.9 1,924 TOV” iennnnse .025 5.355 5,624 0.2 12.8 73.7 5,438| 54.9 24.7 3.33 2,906 12.26] 2,718] 15.4 | 58.8 3,038 1Remainder of Duluth - Superior Metropolitan Area (038) is. in Minnesota. 410 TABLE 3—SELECTED DATA FOR METROPOLITAN AREAS AND FOR ALL COUNTIES, BY STATE—Continued (Figures which have been rounded to thousands will not necessarily add to totals) Table 3 Part 4 - A:riculture W. Vi., Marshall (028) - WISC., Iowa (025) rg AGRICULTURE—1945 AGRICULTURE—1940 Per. Yalugol Value of farm products sold, | Principal til. form pro Work power traded, or u source of Per. oe property farm household farm income | Type- METROPOLITAN cent | farms P i of- Russi Metro. AREAS, Number of | Land in | Cropland | Number | of | Lip ercent from farming- i Area COUNTIES, farms farms | harvested farms | farms | Looe A Number ” area joi Code AND (1000's (1000's oper- | of Total Vere of A t Live- code li 9 CODES Jan. 1, of of April 1, | ated prod- (1000" 28¢ | horses | Number (1000's st Code p (See wee 1945" | acres) | acres) | 1940" | by |i | per | andlor | of and (See | To | on uc of arm of live- | C; cent | P ten- | joss I mules tractors | 30) rops | p22) ants | pon dollars) fo, (over 3 ollars) | stock $400 15) | mo. old) prod- ucts “5 “9 0) G1) (2) G3) 0 5) (56) 6D G9) G9 ©) @) | @ | © 4) FEST VIRGINTA~-Con, All Counties—Con. 12 |: 026) 1,603 165 36 1,225 | 26.2 | 32.7 7,943| 4,352] 2,799 119 1,346 | 51.2 9.9 037.0 65 | 107 027] 2,202 226 u3 2,26 17.7 | 57.7 19,073] 4,331 3,262 123 1,603 52,7 19.8 0|27.1 633 2 023 7,092 184 31 3,193 | 22,1 | 60.4 9,427 2,9m| 2,308 49 1,503 | 29.6 6.3 0] 62,2 433 85 Mineral, ..029] 1,020 162 21 1,009 | 12.9] 56.5 3,9%| 3,958] 1,211 117 70 | 45.6] 23.3 0129.5 629 93 MiNgOues sess sessD30 1,87 64 12 2,040 | 49.7 | 7.9 2,360| 1,402 246 673 6.3 1.8 0191.2 633 2 Monongalia......031 2,38 162 3n 1,205 | 13.8" 59.2 7,158| 3,966] 2,079 22 1,075 | 55.6 6.1 0] 37.4 633 96 UONT0R. ats tesses0I2 1,789 223 37 1,293 | 16,5 | 37.3 2.734] 4,61 2,359 72 1,397.1 49.2 5.7 041.7 629 9% Morgan,... +033) 653 85 17 762 | 19.6 | 48.2 2,310{ 3,031] 220 69 606 | 19.5 47.5 7| 37.0 629 | 102 Nicholas.. «034 2,18 12 27 2,277 | 22.3 | 55.0 4,930] 2,165 2,006 45 1,049 | 23.3] 12.2 058.0 633 ” 132. Ohto.. sven es na035 672 46 14 491 | 20,2 | 39.3% LyTL6| 9,6(6 291 29 u2 | 46.2] 49.0 2131.7 625 | 119 Pendleton, ......036) 1,392 278 36 1,399] - 9.7] 31.2 7,596] 5,420 2,387 81 1,180 | 57.7 3.7 135.5 629 9% Pleasants... 638 50 10 614 | 12,1 | 63.8 1,642| 2,674 662 25 263 39.5( 12.0 0|47.2 &@s5| 11 “Pocahontas. . 1,291 206 30 1,407 | 16.2 | 55.9 | 6,775] 4,215] 1,365 87 1,126 | 67.9 2.5 156.3 629 9 Preston, 2,839 265 59 2,59% 17.1 | 52.0 8,644] 3,332 3,544 284 1,456 47.4 5.6 043.1 466 95 Putnam 1,854 156 27 1,261 | 22,2 | 63.5 5,372| 3,155 2,362 45 35.1 20,0 0 | 44.7 633 84 Raleighes... 2,4 107 22 2,773 | 31.6 | 65.7 6,727| 2,426] 1,720 19 1,063 | 21.6 Bul 063.9 633 91 Randolph... 042 2 ao 239 35 1,937 | 20,3 | 54.6 1,279] 3,965 2,437 96 1,142 41.5 11.3 0 | 45.7 629 87 Ritchie... 043 1,720 211 28 1,935 | 18.6 | 61.0 5,520| 2,853] 2,126 36 236 | 45.0 1.9 051.9 633 100 RoaBe.... 4 «e044 2,l07 268 4h 2,409 11.2] 59.6 2,257] 3,419) 3,067 30 1,127 | ' 53.9 2,5 0 | 41.7 633 93 Summers. seeeeses 045 1,892 170 21 2,163 | 25.7 | 59.0 5,770| 2,861; 2,088 39 963 34.7 8.0 0] 53.7 633 75 Taylors esses sees 046) 1,084 83 16 1,052 | 17.4 | 63.5 3,710] 3,527 1,166 23 61, | 53.7 6.0 037.2 633 88 Tucker. . 047 ns 76 14 73 | 21,7] 58.5 2,205| 2,853 916 42 %u3 | 39.2 6.7 0 | 51.2 629 | 106 Tyler... «e048 1,204 127 20 1,347 | 18,7 | 65.6 3,433] 2,549] 1,406 59 591 | 46.5 3.0 0 | 50,0 625 96 Upshur + C49) 2,053 165 3 2,215 17,2 ¥ 65,0 5,615) 2,535 2,206 29 951 46.6 4.6 047.2 633 81 Waynes esesesass050 2,839 197 25 3,030 | 25.4 | 82.1, 5,699] 1,231 2,715 27 933 | 36.7 bul 0 | 54.8 633 7 Webster... «2051 1,589 101 13 1,700 | 24.4 | 21.1 2,293] 1,349) 869 6 L6L | 27.9 bob 0 | 66.9 633 76 052 1,735 160 32 1,770 | 24.2 | 51.7 4,704) 2,658) 2,013 20 836 | 33.0 5.6 0 | 544C 625 96 053 101 18 993 | 13.6 | 54.1 2,299] 2,°19 1,335 22 516 2 5.0 0 | 39.6 633 87 +054 2,433 177 42 2,393 | 13.0 57.0 8,723] 3,647] 2,739 7 1,315 50.2 12.5 0.37.1 625 113 Wyoming.essesass055 1,480 109 12 1,579 | 44.0] 41.6 3,687] 2,335 1,730 5 Thd, 10.5 9.7 0] 79.1 633 75 WISCONSTN.....| 177.74 | 23,615 | 10,545 | 186,735 | 23.0 15.0 1, 21,620 2,634] 503,256 | 21,195 | 277,747 | 7.) 11.2 2 | 45.2 116 YETR". COUNTIES..| -12,020 1,326 54 13,379 | 30.2 | 21.6 150,726|11,266] 32,442 7,564 24,147 66.9 22,2 ' “Metro, aress: 032 | Duluth-Superior(pt)® . ve 1,538 183 56 2,103 9.3 | 52.6 6,417| 3,051 2,227 419 1,251 66.8 8.9 2 | 45.2 070 | Madison... ..013 5,678 726 Ws 5,235 | 39.5 71 72,123]12,260| 19,180 3,475 12,537 74.2 15.1 2 | 40.7 074 | Milwaukee.......C40 1,477 T™ 53 1,%61| 27.9] 38.3 2,722 1,463 2,L14 1,062 3,058 R.A 58.6 3 | 34.5 093 | Racine-Kenosna teense ++444030,051 3.327 342 230 3,580 | 22.9] 18,2 44,,961]12, 559) 2,561 2,603 7,301 68.2 21,6 OTHER COUNTIES...| 165,725 | 22,289 9,791 | 173,356 | 22.4 | 1.5 |1,46%,556| 2,471 471,4077 73,631 | 253,600 [ 74.2 | 10.2 All Counties: AdamSec.eeeas.aa001] 1,290 281 79 1,44) 21.5] %u.0 6,643 4,943] 3,350 330 966 | 66.6 9.7 230.2, 461 | 109 Ashland,..... 1,260 152 42 1,272 | 9.7 | 3.4 4,291 3,373] 1,918 234 376 | 60.9 6.1 2 [46.8 431] 101 Barron.... 4,124 508 214 4,317} 27,7 {12.3 26,032 6,030] 10,262 1,522 5,509 | 8.4 7.5 2.| 61.2 422 | 118 Bayfield.. . 1,87 215 60 2,100 | 12,0 | 42.1 6,436( 3,065] 2,757 480 1,296 | 6,0 12.3 2 | 42.2 431 | 105 BroWnassses ses ss005 3,199 315 185 3,312 | 13.3 | 12.3 35,611(10,752 8,293 31,92], 5,323 70.5 18,2 2 [52.4 412 122 Buffalo,.. ..M6 2,002 421 150 2,045 | 31.6 | 10.1 18,357( 8,977 3,217 854 3,482 76.1 7.0 2 '34.7 422 120 . Burnett. 007] 1,552 224 65 2,003 [ 20.4 | 35.3 7,335] 3,68 3,5 430 1,482 | 61.4 | 13.1 2 | 36.0 431 | 102 Calumet. 008 1,9 197 17 1,987 | 16.1 4.2 26,447|13,310] 5,770 1,496 4,196 63.9 19.7 2 | 4k9 412 130 Chivpewa, ..009 2 752 539 213 3,323 | 17,3 | UL.C 26,760| 7,000] 10,535 1,193 4yTR 75.1 7.7 2150.7 422 11, CIarky suse vu ve vs 010 »930 581 2u5 5,174 | 18,2 9.9 34,084] 6,523] 12,245 1,746 6,351 8l.5 | 2.4 2 | 61.7 461 118 Columbia, .......011] 2,764 Lua 2 2,0%2 | 32.2 9.2 31,524|10,571] 10,539 1,499 5,416 | 76.0 | 1 1]35.0| 412 125 Crawford. . ..012 1,811 335 112 1,94 | 39.3] 6.6 15.257 7,930] 7,105 530 3,166 | 65.C| 17.6 23.4 571 | 113 070 |Dane...... «+013 5,678 726 us 5,235 | 39.5 7.1 72,123|12,360] 19,130 3,475 12,537 h.2 15.1 2 | 40.7 412 135 Dodge. «014 1306 524 336 4,564 | 31.4 5.3 61,170|13,403| 15,143 3,575 9,486 78.1 11.0 2 | 4B. 412 129 DOOPyessnneecssOL5] ii2,287 2u3 123 2,253 | 10,0] 16,2 19,379] 8,€Q: 4,643 1,187 2,9 59.5 | 26.1 2 | 42.0 a2] 14 038 Douglass se sess e016) 1,538 183 56 2,103 9.3 | 52.6 6,417 3,051 2,237 419 1,251 66,2 8.¢ 2 | 45.2 | 431, 95 - . 3,176 513 223 3,354 | 25.1 8.5 24,066] 7,175] 10,585 1,278 4,637 76.9 5.4 2149.1 422 118 2,186 310 133 2,156 | 20.” | 13.0 15,105] 7,006 6,981 477 2,572 70.2 6.2 2 | 45.6 422 1° Florence, s......019 u23 54 12 507 | 7.3] 44.0 1,297| 3,742 623 127 303 | 59.7| 10.6 2| 371.0 431 9 Ford du Lac.s...020| 3,882 Li 276 3,951 | 27.00 7.7 49,105(12,492| 11,711 2,959 T6730 74.91 “U1 2149.1 412] 128 Forestessssessss021 656 81 21 45 | 118 | 45.4 2,3M| 3,198] 1,210 93 456 | 46.1] 13.7 038.4 431 87 Grant... «+022 3,842 689 310 4,028 | 39.5 6.7 47,397|11,767| 16,713 2,020 7,699 82,6 4.0 1] 44.9 571 125 GreeNe.ciesssesa023 2, 301 363 183 2,439] 42.5] 7.7 32,521/13,334| 8,923 1,449 5,24 | 87.6 1,7 249.2 571 | 130 Green Lake......024| 1,k10 217 123 1,458 | 32.2 | 10.9 15,556|10,669 5,274 781 TE 8.5 2 | 34.1 al 123 TOWB ue vue nsereal25] © 2,368 L67 183 2,471 43.6) 5.0 28,219|11,532| 10,071 1,042 4,728 | 86.5 1.8 241. 571 123 1The State total includes $2,397,974 for female silver fox and/or mink over 3 months old (kept in captivity) not distributed to individual counties. 2Hemainder of Duluth-Superior Letropolitun arca (038) is in Linresota. 411 Table 8 Part and 5 = Industry Retail Trade W. VA., Marshall (026) - WIS., Iowa (025) TABLE 3—SELECTED DATA FOR METROPOLITAN AREAS AND FOR ALL COUNTIES, (All dollar figures have been rounded to thousands and will not necessarily add to totals) BY STATE—Continued ero 080343 MANUFACTURING ESTABLISHMENTS—1939 MINERAL INDUSTRIES—1939 RETAIL ESTABLISHMENTS—1939 METROPOLITAN Mero! COUNTIES Value added rea hy ue adde AND Wage Wages Vie of by manufac- Yale of Nosboer Wages and Nirkerch Sales Active Bnlogess Pay roll CODES Number | earners 1 000": of Ro ucts ture , Hv ucts ol sa aries i umber o (1000's of pro- Borage (1000's of (average dollars) ( s of (1000s of ( s of | persons | (1000's o stores dollars) | prietors or dollars) for year) dollars) dollars) dollars) | engaged | dollars) year) (65) (66) © (68) (69) ao) an 2) @) (4) as) (16) an WEST VIRGINIA=—Con. All Counties—Con. 132 33 4,453 (2) (*) () 1,007 535 614 Luis 5.132 Lo2 556 420 10 553 523 1,872 936 28h 209 178 219 2,026 194 236 147 3 616 655 3,368 1,920 5,468 3,487 3,900 640 16,202 496 1,791 1,567 11 105 72 n2 171 419 380 330 262 3,859 232 Ly 332 10 182 154 769 453 W910 | 2,977 3.599 373 8,147 295 725 68k 44 1,133 1,139 3,074 2,110 9,447 3,888 5,621 616 13,365 548 1,387 1,236 4 22 12 65 26 126 1,118 11 7 3 23 451 273 2,262 985 (*) 2) (2) 109 970 113 83 36 13 1,387 (*) (*) () 6 92 173 2,286 163 190 kg 132 106 6,514 7.404 43,682 | 16,507 2,559 1,321 1,836 1,136 33,047 926 4,501 4,265 Pendleton. ...... 10 110 57 168 18 (4) (*) (1) 83 96 78 88 63 Pleasants...... 5 200 (3) (1) (1) 4g 28 29 81 1,22 87 110 81 Pocahontas. 10 703 *) (1) Le 160 1,806 14 139 123 Preston.... 23 297 289 1,046 580 1,125 896 699 308 3,374 263 267 189 Putnam. ........ 6 659 (*) 3) ) 1,409 968 1,022 166 2,1h4 154 156 126 Raleigh......... 34 390 356 1,702 1,046 24,821 12,17 17,363 716 20,174 574 1,878 1,798 Randolph... 18 656 505 2,957 1,224 1,943 1,176 1,398 292 5,946 236 600 493 Ritchie. . 10 118 92 265 177 33 43 39 173 1,854 184 kg 100 Roane...... 7 19 18 12k 5 (2) 2) (*) 175 2,219 159 210 158 Summers......... 7 67 uy 150 113 178 2,751 150 322 2h Toylor.e... T 311 352 TH 567 691 562 - 558 223 3.258 218 355 271 Tucker. ......... 6 274 2) (*) *) 1,137 523 715 148 1,724 122 149 109 PYLOr. en rerrrns 6 4g2 505 1,057 612 35 50 42 138 1,926 138 193 148 UpBHUT. cv ences 13 129 57 357 139 101 89 86 196 2,530 180 230 160 Wayne... .vevenes 17 560 469 2,304 1,218 56 y2 37 266 2,179 232 146 107 Webster......... 2 (2) (2) 2) (2) 2,155 1,072 1,452 104 1,983 81 129 118 Wetzel. c..vnvev 21 674 663 2,243 1,373 1,187 192 261 283 3,382 281 366 240 Wirt. o. ueelin ts) 58 L450 61 31 16 WoORs cs rusnrenss 63 6,918 7,505 31,178 17,608 261 75 125 779 17,697 661 2,268 1,924 Wyoming. ........ 55, 1 367 291 873 8 5,526 2,985 3,945 2k 4,990 1b7 410 394 Combined Counties®.| 3207 | 327,597 84,203 160,028 *65,502 1,151 222 222 WISCONSIN. .... 6,717 | 200,897 251,947 1,604,507 686,605 8,176 2,396 3,117 47,604 | 1,064,994 | uk4,086 | 107,409 [| 103,249 METRO, COUNTIES..| 2,231 103,120 144,034 805,844 382,461 4299 4101 4162 16,187 456,666 14,490 49,304 53,451 Metro. areas: 038 |Duluth-Superior(pt)® ruse vrs issued 016 36 624 661 5,086 2,065 726 16,220 695 1,783 1,696 070 . 259 4,082 5,476 47,078 18,9% 104 27 46 1,934 58,625 1,677 6,708 6,691 O74 |Milwaukee.,..... oko| 1,657 80,255 112,060 596,556 289,702 195 ™ 116 11,196 324,906 9,924 | 35,337 39,348 093 |Racine-Kenosha } weseeky 030 , 051 279 18,159 25,837 157,124 71,754 th (3) (2) 2,331 56,915 2,194 5,476 5,716 OTHER COUNTIES...| U4,486 97,777 107,913 798,663 304,144 47.8717 “2,295 42,95 31,17 608,328 | 29,59 | 58,105 49,798 All Counties: - 00 8 19 18 199 38 104 1,074 100 91 50 33 39 L428 2,802 1,236 45 29 28 3h42 6,952 330 678 553 ’ 60 42 30 5.029 1,263 (2) *) (*) 503 9,459 475 851 677 25 360 Lug 3,115 1,752 210 2,854 197 234 143 BroWese.s roses 005 178 5,037 5,992 58,809 18,205 90 38 29 1,341 34,604 1,199 3,708 3,473 22 124 93 1,466 255 H (1) (1) 217 3,102 208 263 191 11 145 121 770 207 147 1,836 14h 140 99 68 75k 665 6,279 2,090 (*) {) (2) 319 4,255 325 Lob 282 77 1,201 1,12 11,336 3,012 (*) x) (*) 573 10,967 540 958 806 118 373 31 7.436 1,333 513 7353 Lg3 554 391 70 1,067 869 6,257 2,170 (1) (2) {2) 600 10,732 589 1,002 751 7 374 379 2,784 8lo (t) (*) *) 270 3,43 262 2u5 165 070 259 4,082 5,476 47,078 18,940 104 27 46 1,934 58,625 1,677 6,708 6,691 207 3,347 3,055 21,518 9,207 Lo70 2 BE : 41 903 13,531 888 1,173 936 37 253 206 3,550 937 (*) () *) 360 5.733 34h 529 L32 038 36 624 661 5,086 2,065 726 16,220 695 1,783 1,696 33 239 223 i,003 665 (*) (2) (2) 334 6,154 313 531 426 68 3,563 4,80h 35,960 12,228 (*) 3) ¢) 588 17,966 520 1,839 1,736 3 26 10 49 22 ™ 655 82 4 137 3,650 3,547 23,680 9,814 150 69 17 998 21,648 gay 2,208 1,984 15 795 725 2,008 1,427 159 2,220 152 159 1 100 288 257 4,010 829 42 27 17 609 11,191 607 9kig 73 134 385 455 6,007 | . 1,438 381 8,427 410 770 619 32 390 322 3,205 1,168 288 4,525 264 7 302 lm 165 ko 2,118 428 46 32 23 310 4,042 315 319 204 Not shown because. of . wages and value data were withheld to avoid disclosure. for every county. Whenever data on wage earners have been withheld, that portion of the "Combined Counties" figure represented by such data is included in the cor- shown responding State total. 412 ; Two counties, Kenosha (030) and Racine (051), tal, since it is not possible to present separate figures for these counties. disclosure of operations of individual establishments. ures are not shown separately because of disclosure of operations of individual establishrents. The "Combined Counties" figure for number of establishménts is excluded from the State total, since this item was Data included in Combined Counties at end of State. 2Includes all counties where fig— Includes all establishments and wage earners of counties for which which should be included in the "Metro Counties" total are included in the "Other Counties" to- SRemainder of Duluth - Superior Metropolitan Area (038) is in Minnesota. TABLE 3—SELECTED DATA FOR METROPOLITAN AREAS AND FOR ALL COUNTIES, Table 5 art 6 - Gther Economic BY STATE—Continued Data vl. VA., larshall (026) - (All dollar figures have been rounded to thousands and will not necessarily add to totals) tI5., Iowa (ORS) : WHOLESALE SERVICE ESTABLISHMENTS—1939 BANE DEPOSITS TRADE—1939 1944 Major war supply Major war facilities & contracts, i June 1940-Sept. 1945 | June 1940-June 1945 METROPOLITAN E-Bond (1000's of dollars) (1000's of dollars) Metro. AREAS, : : sales 1944 — COUNTIES Number Number ; . |Employees Total : (1000's of = AND of Sales of | Receipts | Active ee Pay roll | (demand | Time | ollars at CODES estab- | (1000's of | estab- | (1000's |proprie-| ““¢ (1000s | and time) (1000’s [iene price) Jdish- | dollars) | lish- |of dollars)| tors ver) of dollars) | (1000s | of dollars) ments ments of dollars) Combat Other Todustrisl | Military equipment @®) 19) (80) @1 (82) (83) 84) (85) (86) @D (88) (89) (90) 1) WEST VIRGINIA—Con. All Counties—Con. 132 |Marshall...... ..026 11 1,k21 130 275 135 64 un 8,234 3.755 1,995 12,051 5,212 714 Vern: casey exe 02] 7 1,196 35 69 35 1 5 3,490 581 1,438 89,724 145,992 Mercer.......... 028 7, 18,290 189 830 181 329 265 29,123 6,698 4,457 526 Mineral......... 029 1 a78 71 184 70 46 38 6,001 2,781 735 357 MANZO. seus eres 030 24 5,461 61 233 55 89 75 10,426 3.677 3,049 670 30 Monongalia...... 031 47 4,908 17 669 171 220 179 15,930 4,624 3,264 2,389 32,004 63,399 Monroe..........032 3 332 yl 66 42 19 5 3,023 410 470 Morgan.......... 033 3 95 66 114 58 53 17 1,102 350 239 532 Nicholas....... 034 6 651 26 75 25 16 8 3,710 1,162 772 ] 132 [Onto..ererreennd 035 175| 142,088 377 2,071 356 123 666 52,862 24,234 6,815 20,306 87,221 1,976 Pendleton...... .036 68 39 77 32 Lis 15 804 192 184 ee. cesns i : (2) 26 58 29 T L 2,609 1,412 242 3,349 Pocahontas. .... .038 16 864 4g 61 ko 24 8 2,637 870 365 62 Preston.........039 16 920 101 147 107 58 28 5,030 1,523 880 4,557 1,011 Putnam. .........040 1 (al 27 39 25 13 5 1,599 483 330 Baleigh.........041 Lo 12,163 198 666 194 280 207 19,757 7,040 3,052 225 Randolph. ....... ok2 25 2,669 76 266 79 95 73 7,531 2,704 1,031 167 75 Ritchie...... ...043 11 618 ky 72 41 12 6 2,619 1,059 LL3 56 BOANE: ea os ens s oul 16 2,112 36 139 36 45 33 5,446 2,201 615 Summers. ........ ols 12 2,302 66 164 62 129. 59 5,635 2,496 685 Tylor.s eases ..0u6 I 43 76 181 89 7 43 3,312 1,042 969 278 ed Serenendes oL7 2 2 38 60 38 13 8 2,918 1,041 509 1,995 Tyler... .......OH8 9 574 24 61 22 19 15 4,725 1,500 ii58 Upshur........ ..04g9 1 614 41 101 nn 29 15 4,321 1,163 673 1,077 Wayne. .cvrners ..050 6 1,047 3 67 33 10 5 3,557 947 627 76 Wi we visvniens0BL 2 20 5 20 7 5 1,204 379 670 bi ye isi win ui z 13 ,181 100 159 107 42 16 4,021 1,811 1,217 13,423 25,926 WiPbos«einies nov 2 (2) 26 37 29 11 4 663 251 "11 Wood..." isecvees 87 11,667 252 923 251 318 275 24,038 7.807 3,684 7.804 21,518 5,890 Wyoming. . 7 940 33 131 3 49 39 2,214 631 583 325 Otherseeescsseasass 318 43,089 55,401 WISCONSIN.....| u4,798 824,956 | 13,458 62,421 | 13,602 18,018 16,801 | 1,830,315 813,522 277,176 3,266,891 | 1,255,233 399,896 55,281 METRO. COUNTIES..| 1,948 505,063] 5.625 34,137 5,491 10,643 10,853 843,064 289,835 130,075 2,137,122 781,889 217,h48k 20,088 Metro. areas: 038 |Duluth-Superior(pt)s 50 20,737 147 1,370 145 Lov Lg 20,289 10,715 8.9% © 119,140 3,786 1,114 070 214 38,585 6u8 4,074 655 1,254 1,260 96,566 35,618 12,h22 12,642 91,352 3.345 17,839 oT 1,517 423,130) 4,232 26,151 | 14,080 8,279 8,489 621,161 192,425 93,429 | 1,239,352 555,636 163,50 2,249 Bacine-Kenosha %9 om 167 22,611 598 2,542 611 709 655| 105,048 51,077 17,688 765,988 131,115 49,521 OTHER COUNTIES... | 2,850| 319,893f 7,833| =28,284| 8,111 7,375 5,948) 9g7,248| 523,688| 147,104 1,129,769 473,344 182,412 35,193 7 26 3 59 33 15 1,122 688 358 3 y = 62 263 68 90 o 6,287 3,715 1,151 7,588 92 57 4,052 158 380 160 88 54 12,987 7,019 2,270 17 701 5 66 57 25 7 2,517 1,38L 799 20,911 150 47,443 3h 2,570 331 623 709 53,098 29,670 6,455 2,359 10,489 34 1 767 56 110 60 1 9 5,219 3,524 1,106 2 427 20 47 24 7 3 2,112 1,135 420 25 30 1,993 5 190 88 27 17 8,431 4,729 1,116 959 9% ko 2,821 149 380 155 85 64 16,233 9,Lk42 2,660 3.556 53 2,641] 118 209 117 46 33 12,259 6,864 1,730 54 3,457 17 Lgg 156 11 70 21,685 12,260 2,421 1,829 210 26 1,233 55 146 64 14 7 5,356 2,179 1,395 12h 070 21h 38,585 648 4,074 655 1,254 1,26 96,566 35,618 12,422 12,642 91,352 3,345 17,839 67 5,231 191 478 198 132 86 27,851 15,343 2,972 9,832 19,617 70 21 1,663 73 180 78 39 22 8,027 L,181 2,668 109,387 74 315 038 20,737 147 1,370 145 401 LLg 20,289 10,715 6,536 119,140 3,786 1,114 2 2 i zl 90 216 101 54 32 10,603 6,598 1,516 61 15,206 147 805 154 2lig 2ak 23,508 9,672 2,994 36,528 2,102 20,534 3 58 5 9 5 319 224 -137 Fond du Lac.....020 77 9,142 312 1,496 311 363 307 35,301 20,904 4,799 7,107 n,754 3,468 Porests.esssses 12 465 30 59 30 9 6 1,933 1,197 392 Grant.... % 50 3,221 197 L480 208 99 58 22,44 8,618 3,196 724 726 Green... 52 6.123 133 Lku2 142 101 67 20,281 9,663 2,197 Green Lak 29 1,170 72 217 72 60 34 10,601 7.476 1,153 1,226 Iowa..... 37 2,226 92 177 105 3h 19 10,682 L,548 1,113 -1Sales figure for Ohio County (035) is for one-hundred seventy-three establishments in the city of Wheeling only. Sales of two establishments in Ohio County outside Wheeling are not included here but in "Other" at end of State, since they involve disclosure of operations of individual establishments. “Not shown because of disclosure of operations of individual establishments. Data included in "Other" at end of State. >Sum of establishments in counties for which sales data are withheld to avoid dis- closing operations of individual establishments. Includes two establishments each in Cabell County (006) outside the city of Huntington and Ohio County (035) outside the city of Wheeling. This sum is excluded from the State total since number of establishments is shown for individual counties. “Combined figure for counties having sales data withheld to avoid disclosing operations of individual establishments. Includes data for the part of Cabell County (006) outside the city of Huntington and Ohio Coun- ty (035) outside the city of Wheeling. Indistributed. emainder of Duluth - Superior Metropolitan Area (038) is in Minnesota. . 413 WISCONSIN ANNNT™N | 71 GOUNTIES Z, / S$ @ | x 3 CC ouLurk = ( LEGEND Lo le SUPERIOR LP st idiviaidioias : \ @® PLACES OF 25000 TO 100,000 (1940) 0 7 * PLACES OF 100,000 AND OVER (1940) i i METROPOLITAN AREAS . . I | : | Hr IRON : an ees 1 fi ASHLAND 1 | . . . Vilas : \ \ bge— deed gd 1 - — — —— . ' BURNETT | WiSnauRN | SAWYER | - 5 TO i ! FLORENCE . * ' : rp] HA. cmd md mm em PRICE i Oxeina = | : ™ =< : 1 FOREST | i . ” —" q— vy o— M 1 POLK | RUSK F beet, i BARRON | Et a 4 i are ] MARINETTE ; at i LINCOLN y : : company i —cememyped | TAYLOR . I Sy L i, y i i El aaa) l: Sr.cad : CHIPPEWA te wr od 1 | En - aie i i ik ova ls ! | sm he . DUNN a | Promie | MARATHON | Seas L—-q in I ® cau cLare | | : Sook EAU CLAIRE . jroo] I CLARK bpd sem }-- aa SE ETEEYT eet lr ; . Lag L, GREEN BAY | & | | . PORTAGE | WAUPACA | + . bem 4 Woop : . T OUTAGAMIE BROWN {2 BUFFALO | ans | : | APPLETON, - es 5 i Pocssid) Joop br mtdanypiinmtelie . . | | MANITOWOC rH-4 | ‘La orossE) . MONROE oat ! WAUSHARA \ I winNEBAG | CALUMET & . cme mpd osHroSy ' ADAMS s : 0 7 . — —- ode — | LA CROSSE suneau € y METROPOLITAN AREAS i Pras I ansen + FOND DU LAC CODE . " . ' HAGUE A re | £OND OU: TAG SHEBOYGAN 38 DULUTH, MINN. SUPERIOR, WISC. mem i td : ‘ + snesovaan 70 MADISON + - Xt —elm LL. - 74 MILWAUKEE cc slaseiie nl % T ap ee 93 RACINE - KENOSHA __MINN. r 1 1 | = T —— COLUMBIA . : & | sauk ) | DODGE iy § + RICHLAND | . ~ . o . . Siac. WAUWATOSA § 9 W. ALLIS ¢ : ! JEFFERSON | WAUKESHA . MP MILWAUKEE owA GRANT GREEN 414 WYOMING 23 COUNTIES WESTON CROOK PI wine om wale CAMPBELL ri Yi eA GOSHEN NIOBRARA PLATTE CONVERSE ALBANY LARAMIE | | I | : [ z ; § ! 5 £ | 3 | 5 | represen) i pr i fh perms Lia, rr | i rr | ' i ~~’ : 5 ’ . : ! re I | heme emma ® I J ) joi ge Yoeard 3 5 orem med i 2 i T Pe I Ly J key ? | ! La i ood == - x yy ow § : ’ PY i 4 so \ ~~" : ans or) FE | op TN ) : E ! WT bd ima ; L : | ! IT TI £ . ; ! ; i 7 | z ky Eo | § 3 = ! E ’ ree er § | g | rd I i 5 LEGEND PLACES OF 25000 TO 100,000 (1940)-NONE ® * 415 PLACES OF 100,000 AND OVER (1940)- NONE Ww = S = | » < w x < < E _ Oo a o ox - w E Table 3 Part 1 - Population WIS., Iron (026) - ¥Y0., Yellowstone TABLE 3—SELECTED DATA FOR METROPOLITAN AREAS AND FOR ALL COUNTIES, National Park (024) BY STATE—Continued ee TOTAL POPULATION POPULATION—1940 EDUCATION VITAL 1940 STATISTICS ESTIMATED 1944 CIVILIAN Lh POPULATION Land | Pop- | Total white Percent of METROPOLITAN U.S. area |ulation population 25 Metro. AREAS, rank in per years old and Area COUNTIES Numbe of Percent sq. sq. over who have Cod ND Amber jes | change | mil ; ; leted— e Bs oes 8! miles | mile Posies Ush Rural Rural complete Percent| April | mn ol rban f. f : i Death pril nonfarm arm Births eaths Number | change | “F940” |percen-| 1930=| 1940 | 1940 | Number | total. N tiles) | 1940 opu- 5 or High vd 1940- ation more is 1 1943 1940 grades | Sho0 om @ ®) @ ©) ©) m ®) ) (10) an 12) 13) 14 (15) (16) WISCONSIN—Con. All Counties—Con. T00.s sv ensesss0B8 8,308 | -17.4 10,049 76 1.2 748 | 13.4 ,10,089 | 99.9 8,375 | 4,281 2,443] 74.0 16.7 154 105 JackSOn. «es... 027 13,377 | -19.4 16,599 55 0.8 | 1,000 | 16.6 16,291 | 98.1 2,589 | 38,886 | 10,174 | 90.1| 17.8 349 176 Jefferson.......028 39,160 0.8 38,868 19 5.7 564 | 68.9 88,857 |100.0 | 17,759 | 7,859 | 13,250 | 90.9| 23.1 605 432 Juneau... 16,837 | -9.9 18,708 49 8.4 795 | 23.5 18,616 | 99.5 2,621 | 6,460 9,627 | 88.0 19.2 372 193 098 |Kenosha.........030 62,460 | -1.6 63,505 10 0.4 273 | 232.6 63,207 | 99.7 | 48,765 | 7,328 7,417 | 85.8 19.9] 1,281 616 Kewaunee. .......081 15,727 | -5.7 16,680 55 4.0 331 | 50.4 16,679 | 100.0 5,185 | 2,224 9,271 | 79.6 | 14.1 851 170 55,597 | -6.8 59,653 1 9.5 469 [127.2 59,471 | 99.7 | 42,707 | 8,708 8,288 | 92.4| =26.6| 1,309 603 16,973 | -9.2 18,695 49 0.2 643 | 29.1 18,693 | 100.0 7,914 | 10,781) 95.7 | 21.9 352 169 18,722 | -19.4 23,227 39 7.8 858 | 27.1 23,209 | 99.9 9,495 | 4,434 9,208 | 84.4 18.7 468 216 Lincoln. . ees. ...035 19,064 | -15.4 22,536 40 6.9 900 | 25.0 22,509 | 99.9 | 12,076 | 1,548 8,912| 85.5) 17.6 406 208 Manitowoc.......086| 62,861 2.1 61,617 1 5.0 589 | 104.6 61,558 | 99.9 | 34,706 | 9,460 | 17,451| ss.8| 18.9| 1,407 585 66,711 | -12.1 75,915 8 7.5| 1,502 | 47.7 75,862 | 99.9 | 27,268 | 14,822 | 23,825] 83.5| 16.1) 1,576 637 31,145 | -14.0 36,225 21 8.0| 1,388 | 26.1 36,185 | 99.9 | 14,183 | 9,199 | 12,843] 83.6] 20.2 632 368 7,755 | -14.8 9,097 79 | -3.1 457 | 19.9 9,085 | 99.9 3,701 5,396 | 83.5| 16.4 141 110 074 |Milwaukee.......040| 762,105 | -0.6 | 766,885 0 5.7 239 | 3208.7 757,267 | 98.7 | 705,672 | 51,958 9,255 | 90.8| =23.8| 14,378| 7,902 MONTO® + + evs vss 041] 28,843 | -3.8 30,080 28 4.7 915 | 82.9 29,895 | 99.4 9,697 | 4,501 | 15,942] 90.9| 20.4 665 332 Oconto 21,772 | -19.6 27,075 32 2.6 | 1,106 | 24.5 26,807 | 99.0 5,362 | 6,679 | 15,08¢| 79.2| 13.8 507 286 15,260 | -19.4 18,938 49 | 19.1] 1,114] 17.0 18,817 | 99.4 8,501 | 6,606 3,831| 87.6] 26.5 326 182 65,714 | -6.2 70,082 ol in.s 634 [110.5 69,065 | 98.6 | 42,950 | 9,912| 17,170| 89.0| =20.9| 1,536 584 18,556 | -2.3 18,985 48 9.1 235 | 80.8 18,976 | 100.0 4,046 | 7,758 7,181 92.5| 15.7 379 160 6,623 | -16.1 7,897 83 6.0 237 | s3.3 7,896 | 100.0 3,805 4,592 | 90.6| 18.0 181 78 18,895 | -12.0 21,471 42 2.0 591 | 6.8 21,468 | 100.0 2,516 | 6,118 | 12,837] 90.8| 20.1 394 209 22,442 | -14.3 26,197 33 | -1.2 934 | 28.0 26,091 | 99.6 8,696 | 17,501| 92.1| 18.6 508 231 28,508 | -20.4 35,800 22 5.8 810 | 44.2 $5,789 | 100.0 | 15,777 | ‘5,540 | 14,488| 80.4| 20.9 625 315 14,350 | -22.3 18,467 50 6.8 | 1,268 | 14.6 18,455 | 99.9 3,262 | 4,978 10,237 | 83.8| 14.4 291 167 91,707 | -2.5 94,047 6 4.2 337 | 279.1 93,584 | 99.5| 71,609 | 11,677 | 10,761| 90.6| 21.6] 1,721 921 18,859 | -7.5 20,381 44 4.4 584 | 34.9 20,367 | 99.9 4,364 | 4,225 11,792 91.7| 20.8 409 199 78,578 | -2.0 80,173 8 8.0 721 [111.2 79,034 | 98.6 | 51,623 | 12,018 16,582| 94.7 29.0) 1,611 916 14,334 | -19.2 17,737 52 | 10.3 910 | 19.5 17,709 | 99.8 3,671 | 2,769 | 11,297 | 84.9| 17.5 330 152 21,925 | -11.7 24,842 36 | -2.4 736 | 33.8 24,827 | 99.9 3,277 | 7,710 | 13,855| 91.4| 21.8 484 265 34,104 1.2 33,700 24 5.2 840 | 40.1 33,665 | 99.9 | 10,028 | 7,675 | 16,002 | 90.6| 19.1 759 380 8,922 | -22.7 11,540 nil so.o| 1,273 | Tea 10,295 | 89.2 6,266 5,274 | 83.8| 16.6 180 102 28,172 | -20.4 35,378 22 5.6 | 1,176 | 30.1 32,254 | 91.2 5,565 | 11,122 | 18,691| 80.1| 12.7 747 356 Sheboygan. ......059 70,712 | -7.2 76,221 8 7.0 506 | 150.6 76,214 | 100.0 | 48,203 | 12,191 | 15,827 | 92.1| 17.3) 1,326 770 TayloT.ussees ss 060 16,471 | -18.1 20,105 a5 | 13.7 979 | 20.5 20,108 [100.0 5,206 | 14,899 | 83.3] 12.6 387 145 22,664 | -7.0 24,381 37 2.0 739 | 83.0 24,879 | 100.0 9,752 | 147629 | 86.0] 16.2 455 236 25,755 | -14.0 29,940 28 4.9 805 | 37.2 29,891 | 99.8 3,549 | 7,632 | 18,759 | 89.1] 14.6 549 295 6,268 | -29.5 8,894 80 | 21.9 867 | 10.3 7,927 | 89.1 6,771 2,128| 86.0 21.5 139 74 31,949 | -3.5 33,108 24 6.6 560 | 59.1 33,017 | 99.7 | 10,871 | 10,412 | 12,820 | -94.5| 28.8 594 446 9,401 | -24.8 12,496 67 | 12.5 816 | 15.3 12,440 | 99.6 2,639 | 8,053 6,804 | 90.5| 19.9 236 122 27,942 | -1.7 28,430 30 7.1 428 | 66.4 28,430 [100.0 9,362 | 6,584 | 12,584] 91.3| 15.7 544 | 256 Waukesha .u«. «oo 067 64,728 3.2 62,744 10] 19.8 556 | 112.8 62,5684 | 99.7 | 23,804 | 22,244 | 16,696| s2.0| 26.2| 1,851 634 WaUpaca. +... 0.068 33,133 | -4.3 34,614 23 5.3 751 | 46.1 34,606 | 100.0 | 11,268 | 7,770 | 15,581| 86.7 19.1 630 412 11,855 | =16.9 14,268 62 | -1a 628 | 22.7 14,267 | 100.0 a2 | 5,18 9,118 | 84.6] 14.9 217 145 76,482 | 5.0 80,507 7 5.1 454 177.3 80,345 | 99.8 | 60,215 | 9,004| 11,288) 91.5| =22.8| 1,598 970 WOO +a + v's sewn ss07 41,789 | -6.0 44,465 16 | 17.4 812 | 54.8 44,233 | 99.5| 21,775 | 8,781 | 138,959 89.1| 21.6 938 360 WYOMING......| 285,739 | -3.7 | 250,742 1.2 | 97,506 | 2.6 246,597 | 98.3 | 93,577 | 84,401 | 72,674 | 92.1| s2.7| 5,635| 2,278 All Counties: Albany. «seens...001] 12,785 | -8.8 18,946 63 | 15.8 | 4,400 | 8.2 13,812 [ 99.0| 10,627 | 1,260 2,059 | 93.8 41.4 338 17 Big Horn 10,109 | -21.7 12,911 66 | 15.1 | 8,176 | 4.1 12,907 [100.0 7,159 5,752 | 94.2 82.7 273 92 Campbell 4,528 | -25.1 6,048 89 | -10.0 | 4,755 | 1.3 6,087 | 99.8 2,565 3,483 | 94.2| 29.2 108 30 Carbon. . 18,082 S.1 12,644 67 | 11.0| 7,965 1.6 12,450 | 98.5 5,581 | 4,906 2,207 | 91.6] 32.6 284 121 Converse...... 4,953 | -25.3 6,631 av | -7.2| 4,87 1.8 6,592 | 99.4 3,942 2,689 | 92.1[ 33.8 118 51 Crookes... 4,356 | -20.3 5,463 9 2.4 | 2,897 | 1.9 5,458 | 99.9 2,056 3,407 | 94.6] 26.2 88 31 Fremont. 12,714 | -21.0 16,095 57 | 53.4 | 9,244 | 1.7 13,816 | 85.8 5,184 | 8,409 7,552 | 87.7] 28.1 812 160 Goshen... 10,710 | -12.8 12,207 68 3.9| 2,230 5.5 12,171 | 99.7 5,356 6,851 | 90.3| 29.1 249 82 Hot Springs 3,558 | -22.8 4,607 93 | -15.9 | 2,022 | 2.3 4,590 | 99.6 3,359 1,248] 90.9| 29.4 96 57 Johnson... 3,602 | -27.7 4,980 92 3.4 | 4,175] 1.2 4,968 | 99.8 2,664 2,316 | 94.5| 81.0 74 49 Laramie. 37,572 | 85.8 33,651 24 | 25.4 | 2,703 | 12.4 33,216 | 98.7 | 22,474 | 7,181 3,99 | 94.9| 388.4 872 292 Lincoln. 8,135 | -20.9 10,286 75 | -5.6 | 4,101| 2.5 10,200 | 99.2 6,439 3,847 | 90.6 28.8 261 58 Natrona. 21,844 | -8.4 23,858 8| -1.7| 5,32] 4.5 28,613 | 99.0 | 17,964 | 4,408 1,486 | 95.0 87.0 525 254 Niobrare 4,541 | -24.2 5,988 89 | 26.8 | 2,618] 2.3 5,981 | 99.9 3,743 2,245 | 95.8| 382.3 86 40 Park.. 20,136 | 83.5 10,976 va | ‘ssn 's.217 | 2a 10,924 | 99.5 2,536 | 8,216 5,224 | 94.0] 34.8 468 152 Platte.. 7,162 | -10.6 8,018 8s | -17.3| 2,04] 3.8 8,012 | 100.0 4,088 3,975 | 92.1| 28.5 189 68 Sheridan. . 16,091 | -16.4 19,255 47 | 14.1 2,581] 7.6 19,189 | 99.4| 10,529 | 8,908| 4,823] 91.9] =29.9 328 189 Sublette. . 2,182 | -21.5 2,778 9% | 42.9 | 4,876 | 0.6 2,774 | 99.9 1,318 1,465 | 94.2| 81.7 46 20 Sweetwater 20,034 3.2 19,407 47 6.8 | 10,402 | 1.8 19,082 | 98.1| 12,467 | 5,930 1,000| 83.8| 24.8 474 211 Teton..... 1,770 | -30.4 2,543 97 | 27.0| 2,815] o0.9 2,543 | 100.0 1,572 971] 95.4 36.1 47 17 Uinta... 7,11 | -1.6 7,223 85 9.9 2,070] s.5 7,199 | 99.7 3,605 | 1,685 1,933] 88. 32.0 182 11 Washakie 4,608 | -21.4 5,858 89 | 42.6 2,262 2.6 5,798 | 99.0 2,710 641 2,507 | 89.5| 32.0 121 33 WeStOn...seass..023 8,962 | -20.1 4,958 92 6.1 | 2,208| 2.1 4,949 [ 99.8 3,338 1,620| 93.7| 80.3 99 41 Yellowstone National PAT cvran sein salBA 249 | -40.1 416 99 | 108.0 | 2,981 | o0.1 416 | 100.0 408 8| 98.6 62.9 2 2 416 TABLE 3—SELECTED DATA FOR METROPOLITAN AREAS AND FOR ALL COUNTIES, BY STATE—Continued Table 3 Purt ¢ - Labor Force WIS., Iron (026) = ¥WYO0., Yellowstone National Park (04) are mount LABOR FORCE—1940 i Percent of Population 14 Years Old and Over Employed Workers by Industry Group Employed METROPOLITAN Trans- oe Ip Jesdity Metro Business nonagri- hs AREAS, Percent | Percent porta- ond cuit] Code COUNTIES, of all of all tion, | Whole- | personal In | industry AND In labor | males females | op, Agri- Ls Con- Manufac- | ©" | sale and | services Other agri- CODES Total f who are | who are I 8! Mining | struc- 3 cations, : ud and not | orce . g employed || culture : turing i retail exclud- 4] c n in tion an trade ing Yeported il rr. ode labor labor , other 4 : (See | Per- force force utili- omestic page | cent i services 423) an (18) (19) 0) (21) (2) (23) @) (25) (26) 21) 28) (29) (30) | 31 | (32) WISCONSIN==Con, All Counties—Con. 7,645 3,913 77.7 17.8 2,524 475 667 43 241 93 497 339 169 |13.2 4 |26.4 125s 6ae| mal sol sam 336 2 169 22 219 560 466 369 [62.6 | 636 | 4.7 31,073 15,392 76.9 21,0 14,35 4,841 7 521 3,552 529 2,035 1,260 92/4 [33.2 | G36 | 6.83 13,897 6,532 77.6 13.3 5,771 2,943 2 210 284 435 666 630 501 |51.0 | G36 | 6.1 49,%99 26,447 21.3 23.6 21,303 2,136 19 712 9,931 337 3,239 2,913 1,466 [10.0 20 |12,8 12,581 7,455 22.1 33.8 7,127 4,432 7 13 1,061 173 567 413 3.1 [62,9 10 14.2 ssise1| aman] mel 2ma| eonorf 2iss 25 232 5433 1,725 4,077] 3,776 1,675 |14.0 | 636 | 9.5 LU.ows| 6m3| mo 139 ‘pall ama] wo 1% 219 157 616 666 3%) 61.2 | 636 | 5.5 16,797 3,253 77.1 17.5 6,569 2,116 17 1,316 493 1,771 266 523 32.2 | 336 | 6.4 16,723 3,647 7.6 20.9 7.033 2,572 7 216 1,406] 261 956 28, 531 | 36.6 | G36 | 6.4 Manitowocss ses ss036 47,761 24,733 21.1 23.2 22,406 6,542 41 697 7,192 905 2,964 2,622 1,443 |29.2 13 [14.1 Marathon, +037 55,462 27,994 7.9 12,4 25,355 9,730 159] LY 5,933 1,049 3,052 3,001 1,647 [38.4 11 | 6.6 i 27009] 13,555] 7.s| 20.1 11,29| 3,726 33 3 2074 wal Lm 10 932 [33.1 | 11 [11.9 7oe0| 3252] marl 13] 202s) 1,77 0 115 26 73 105 315 124 |61.1 | 636 | 6.1 eo2223| :6,0i| 90.0] 23.3] 273,90] 2,598] 173] 11,611] 106,91] 20,217] 5,817] 52,723] 23,410 | 1.0 | 19 10.9 21,991 10,348 76.4 15.9 2,917 4,649 5 253 439 532 1,115 1,17 691 |52.1 | G36 | 7.7 19,990 19,416 21.3 17.9 3,772 4,352 3 174 1,217] 236 378 Thh 663 155.3 9] 6.3 voiu| 7oon| 76.7] 13:8] 5,366 621 276 1,463 312 o72| 1,033 629 [12.7 | 1112.2 51,775 25,546 73.3 20,7| 23,226 5,577 23 91 7,041] 1,093 3,732 3,126] 1,655 |24.0 | 11 [13,2 14,679 7,59 22,0 12,3 7,020 2,467 27 302 1,957 252 83. 621 560 [34.8 | 10] i.9 5,677 2,737 30.6 12.4 2,369 1,350 1 91 122 22 296) 252 175 | 57.0 | G36 | 6.1 637] sua] 76] 16.4) 73sell 436 21 216 31 223 799 249 503 |59.3 | G36 | 6.3 19,633 9,667 7.5 U5 3,656 5,307 13 258 391 299 830 900 603 | 61,3 | G36 | 5.6 260001 13,107] mio 19a emf 4502] 11 02] 1,691 759] 1,512) 1,74 73[39.9 | 336 | 6.9 13,695] 7,0 0,1] 155 smi 2.307 00 1028 173 632 s2| 3% )79.0] C9 3.0 73,785 33,028) m.9| 22.8 31,99 3,115 so| 1,045] 14,496] 1,496] 4,991] 4,636] 2,117] 9.7| 19|17.0 15,015 6,933 76.1 1.4.2 8,359 3,744 5 191 373 172 71 706 458 |59.0 | G36 | 6,2 62,120] 32,219] 7.3 24.1] 2187) 50% | 1,06] 10,76 1,35 4,323 3,977 2,176 [17.4 | 19|13.3 12,209] 6,531] 21.2] 15.6] 5792) 3,363 1 117 667 215 520 24 225 [53.1 | 636 | 6.4 1m | seul sal 153) soe 2,296 5 306 433 653 932 903 575 | 53.0 | 636 | 5.7 25,606 12,100 71.3 15,2 1,739 5,212 R” 448 1,015 493 1,349 1,32% R02 |48.5 | G36 | 5.9 8,513 3,921 69.6 1.6 2,644 1,103 1 131 231 27 357 502 232 |41.7 | G36 | 7.9 26,050 12,185 77.7 11.4 10,241 5,576 2 364) 1,611 27 1,204, 1,094 716 | 51.4 9| 6.9 Sheboygans sss +059 50,194] 29,353] 7.5 18.9] 26,005) 49% 21 965| 10,141 962] 897 3,106] 1,93 [19.1] 1712.7 TayloressssessssID 14,199 75434 23.3 13.5 6,664 4,155 126, TR 129 546 543 393 | 62.3 91] 6.6 Tremvealeau, . 18,478 9,239 79.6 16.0 3,241 5,130 11 269 31 253 321 1 592 |62.2 | G36 | 5.1 Vernon, . 22,235 10,249 79.8 13.5 9,333 6,27, 3 353 333 233 1,134 843 650 163.8 | G36 | 4.3 Vilas... 6,539 3,141 76,0 14.1 1,975 317 1 17? 242 51 373 498 315 | 16.1 34 [11.0 Walworth 26,435] 12,973] 76.3] 20.0] 11,628 4,232 10 667 1,123 s1| 1,97 1,99 1,115 |36.4 | 636 | 8.3 (Washburn, , 9,246 44 76.2 15.1 3,315 1,517 1 121 255 313 441 406 256 [45.8 231 1.8 |Washington, 21,950 11,303 20,5 20,0 10,463 4,144 13 372 2,641 312 1,153 1,082 745 | 39.6 1517.0 Waukesha. . 48,369 24,262 76.3] 20.6] 22,062) 5.003] 263 on 5,767, 950 3330 3,758] 2,015 [22.7 | G36 | 9.1 (Waupaca, 26,637 12,790 76.2 17.3 11,523] 5,430 12 324 1,463 367 1,628 1,430 819 147.6 | G36 | 6.8 Waushara. . 10,945 5,226 79.5 12,4 4,635 2,957 53 130 * 169 124 486 438 272 163.8 | G36 | 5.1 Winnebago... .. +. 62.011 3la2| 7.3] 23.6] 23,118) 392 20| 1,206] 10,39 1,14] 4,28) 4,291 2,395 [1.0 | 1113.3 A 2.66] 16,617] 79.6] 20.3] u,937|| 2.120 6 451 4,710 661] 2,049] 1.876 1,064 |27.6] 1113.3 \ WYOMING oesses 138,436| 100,409 81.5 19.9 86,559 25,440] 6,292 Ly 14d 2.601 8,995 12,341) 13,921] 10,835 |29.4 37 2.3 All Counties: A1baNyeesessesesd0l 10,304 5,903 22.37 23.5] 4,933 73% 21 213 397 962 Bul 1,255 367 [15.3 | 2315.9 Big HOrNeesesgss002 9,048 4,569 80.6 15.6 3.957 1,291 ” 176 301 254 430 536 272 (47.8 | G36 | 6.6 Canpbelly,vess..003 4475] 2,396 sna] 18.7] 2,158) 12m % 124 2 i 207 331 15 |57.0 | 636 | 9.7 9, 7% 5,19 793 18.5 4,403 1,142 483 19 297, 61 636 677 365 [25.9] 23] 9.2 5,00 2,629 80.9 18,7 2,326 1,047 69 95 160 136, 293 350 176 [45.0 | G36 | 7.1 3,958 2,063 82,2 13.9 1,326 1,791 5 7% 211 33 15 138 115 159.7 91] 8.3 11,576 5,715 78.0 14.3 4,835 2,322 93 313 194 171 604 633 460 148.0 | G36 | 7.3 5,563 4,200 81,1 2.7 3,631 2,162 [3 105 149 118 425 449 217 |59.5 | G36 | 6.6 3,4%% 1,814 794 19.6 1,499 436 162 81 és 59 237 2%6 112 [32,4 | G36 | 7.2 3,%%9 2,026 20,9 18.8 1,771 1,014 27 75 27 51 206) 256 115 | 57.3 | G36 | 6.8 26,924 16,647 27,8 25.0 14,930 1,400 32 593 378 2,835 2,017 2,117 5,552 | 9.3 37 [33.7 7,095) 3,626] a2] w.6| mous 10122] am 108 105 1: 32 464 130 [37.0 | “2 [15.2 12552 9j2e3| en.o| 24.5] 3116 an| 535 564 1,066 as7] 1,304] 1,70 730 [79.9 | | 8.9 4,328 2,379 86,5 13.3 2,132 721 43% 105 57 107 266 313 125 | 33.8 3 [20.4 8.061 4,17 92,5 1.3 3,650 1,694 115 318 193 95 464 497 27, | 46.4) G36 | 5.0 5,937 3,079 R10 17.3 2,715 1,256 236 93 62 161 ) 323 400 IB 146.3 4] BS 14,950 7,398 Tob 21,2 6,166 1,675 351 270 336 576 1,127 1,317 514 [27.2 | G36 [11.9 2,063 1,205 26,0 13.4 1,027 566 39 7 26, 16 29 129 91 | 55.1] G36 | 4.7 14,637 7,733 23,1 15,6 6,205 sm| 2,776 177 105 258 1,036 900 293 | R44 2139.5 1,837 944 9.7 17.1 753 318 9 40 23 20 94 | 169 80 [42.2 | G36 | 9.0 5,286 2,469 7%. L.2 2,123 650 35 76 84 532 289 344 113 [30.6 | 23 [22.2 4,124 2,195 n,8 18,3 2,021 977 1 129 123 65 291 275 147 [43.3 | G36 | 4.8 3,610 1,919 83.4 17.3 1,639 559 ~92 92 241 81 197 250 127 | 34.1 | G36 | 6.6 Yellowstone Parkesesseseess24 335 190 7.4 22.9 150 4 24 2 15 20 8s | 2.7 37 |s54.7 Table 3 Part 3 - Housing WIS., Iron (026) - WYO., Yellowstone National Park (024) TABLE 3—SELECTED DATA FOR METROPOLITAN AREAS AND FOR ALL COUNTIES, BY STATE—Continued HOUSING—1940 a : 1 ; 5 Nonfarm Rural Farm All Dwelling Units Occupied Dwelling Units Dwalling Units Dwelling Units a 2 METROPOLITAN ) ¥ tele- Métro. AREAS, Medi phones is COUNTIES, Residents Percent | Percent Percent jan Per- le ential : , Per- ¥ number op. structures in5o0r | with | Percent 3S vi of Avy e zo Percent] Jan. 1, more rivate | wit mechan- monthly witl with 1945 Number i Eas he Number ower ical pestous Number Sent Number run- | electric struc- or | lighting om oo refrig- | pouse- (dollars) ning | lighting tures | shower Pp eration | “11 water (33) 4) 35) (36) Gn 38) [€)) “0 “n “@) “3) “) 5) 8) “n WISCONSIN~-Con, All Counties—Con, Iron. edesssussnes020 2,908 3,131 042 25.7 65.4 2,58, | 61.5 24.8 3.49 2,397 20.36 734 | 11.3 18.6 499 Jacksonaesess..a027 4,251 4,496 0s5 20.6 50.7 4,288 | 63.3 15,1 3.47 1,951 14,05 2,545 | 26.7 28.4 1,783 10,819 11,652 0. 52,1 92.2 10,803 | 62.8 40.7 3.16 8,180 30.42 3,472 | 18.5 80.3 7,505 . 4,289 5,225 29.1 56.7 4,938 | 66.1 17.6 3.39 2,736 14.75 2,489 | 14.7 25.5 2,287 093 |Kenosha.........030 15,794 19,387 2.3 70.7 98.4 16,764 47.4 53.5 3.43 17,573 26.70 1,814 48.7 93.4 10,468 Kewaunee, .......031 3,940 4, 0e5 30.0 Th ok 4,261 | 72.6 17.3 3,62 2,180 18.57 2,240 19.5 57.3 2,446 La Crosse. 13,580 16,310 3.2 60,3 91.6 15,851 | 52,3 40.5 3.28 14,485 25,35 1,825] Ll. 58.6 10,557 Lafayette. 4,821 5,026 Oud [inno 67.4 4,876 | 51.1] 22.5 3.46 2,515 14.27 2,501 2.7] asa] Te,ma Langlade.... ,899 6,414, 1,0 28,9 66.4 5,634 | 63.6 20.6 3.64 4,211 18,34 2,203 | 9.6 41.2 2,034 Lincoln... 5,911 6,456 1.5 30.8 7044 5,778 68.5 19.4 Bobs 4,149 17.45 2,307 11.9 3h 2,464 Manitowoc 13,563 16,446 0.8] 52.9] 90.0 15,846 | 60,7| 34.0 3.48 12,358 | 27.42 4,088 | 24.6 69.7] 10,153 Marathon 16,560 18,725 0.9 34.7 73.9 18,094 | 66.6 22.4 3.75 11,278 24.05 7,447 11.0 41.3 6,783 Marinette. 9,320 10,298 1.3 35.0 72.3 9,143 | 67.4 21.6 3.53 6,899 18.66 3,399 9.2 35.3 3,080 Marquette. 2,819 2,909 13.0 58.2 2,530 | 70.0 14,2 3.22 1,461 13.59 1,448 73 36,1 1,207 074 133,989 216,530 Ud 80.3 99.5 209,682 | 37.2 50.7 3.26 214,308 35.04 2,222 | 48.8 94.5] 128,647 7,345 7,837 042 KIVA 59.0 7,512 | 60.8 20,2 3.47 3,957 17.50 3,880 | 25.1 29.5 3,835 6,981 7,391 042 18.9 59.5 6,593 ‘72.5 1.9 3.67 3,923 15.62 3,468 7.5 36.2 1,83 , 7,683 0.9 30.1 69.3 5,059 | 61.1 17.9 3433 6,580 32,99 1,103 8.6 26.3 2,448 15,973 17,914 0.6 55,3 93.4 17,519 | 65.3 35.0 3.54) 14,198 | 27.79 3,716 | 23.2 78.51 11,049 028UKe€. eu ssesed045 4,877 5,446 0.1 544 92.9 5,002 | 66.0 24.2 4b 3,717 29.10 1,729 40,4] 86,1 2,525 PepiNeceecsesss 046 1,995 2,111 1.0 21.2 60,2 1,987 | 64.5 22.6 3.62 979 14.18 1,132 24.5 36.8 1,081 5,730 6,021 Oo 24.1 59. 5,788 | 65.3 19.3 3.31 2,658 15.45 3,363 1 13.3 38.8 3,184 7,537 7,753 0.1 17.9 54.46 6,806 | 63,7 18.9 347 3,058 16.71 4,695 | 15.9 38.4 4,055 8,092 ,820 0.1 34.6 67.8 8,386 | 62,6 2549 3.84 5,461 22.24 3,359 8.0 25.0 3,301 Prine. c.issvens 5,307 5,493 0.2 1.5 41.6 4,770 | 78.5 L.6 3.48 2,635| 16.89 2,858 | 3.8] 16.0 1,398 093 [Ra¢ine..esessese051 21,951 27,633 3.4 69.8 97.9 24,992 | 48.5 49.7 3.35 25,258 29.73 2,375 | 42.8 90.0 17,854 Richland.. +052 5,113 5,462 05 26,5 66.6 5,280 | 55.2 22.6 3.50 2,542 14.50 2,920 | 25.1 52.2 2,235 RocKessassssonas053 20,284 23,526 2.0 61.1 93.3 22,452 | 54.1 47.2 3.19 19,332 26,05 4,194 | 18.5 Th od 15,691 Rusk... . +054 44770 4,930 07 11.9 4h o2 4,416 | 70,7 11.3 3.57 1,927 14.47 3,003 5.6 20.5 1,113 St. Croix. .055 6,333 6,727 0.6 30.6 65.7 6,349 [ 60.5 22.4 3:50 3,32 18.08 3,405 18.1 38.5 3,610 056) 9,478 10,104 0.5 40.4 1.7 9,125 | 63.2 29.3 3.28 6,270 | 21.23 5,834 | 25.6| 51.5 5,461 +057 4,691 by Th5 112 41.2 2,910 | 74.6 12.9 3.39 3,152 35.00 1,598 5.1 17.6 803 +058 8,945 9,572 042 17.4 68,4 8,551 | 68.9 18.5 3.71 5,264 17.63 4,308 8.7 49.1 2,768 .059 17,559 21,640 1.2 56.2 93.6 20,558 | 57.0 37.8 3.37 17,729 27.39 3,911 | 24.5 7449 12,896 Taylor... L060 5,132 5,343 11.9 43.3 4,928 | 71.5 1.1] 3.68 1,528 | 14.26 3,815| 9.2 27.0] 1,363 Trempealeau, L061 5,921 6,400 0.3 22,0 65.1 6,196 | 62,8 17.9 3.53 2,944 15.62 3,456 | 34.0 44.9 3.945 Vernon.... 7,355 75999 0e5 18.4 53.1 7,767 | 60.4 15.6 3.49 3,431 1.51 4,568 | 23.9 33.0 $,820 Vilas... ovsve ss 063] Ly T45 4,836 0.7 25,6 65.0 2,356 | 66.7 18.1 i 3.26 4,168 42,31 668 20.2 48.2 605 Walworthes......064] 14,438 15,110 0.3 47.5 92.8 9,489 | 58.2 46.1 3.05 11,900 35.27 3,210| 29.8 87.1 6,855 Washburn, . 065 3,939 4,126 0,5 16,2 39.2 3,341 | 65.3 12.0 3.30 2,246 23.34 1,880 7.1 10.2 1,118 Washington......066 7,911 8,833 0.8 46.0 90.8 7,417 | 6he2 39.9 3.46 5,822 26.86 3,011] 30.1 81,1 4,211 Waukesha. . +067, 19,048 20,681 1.5 52,9 96.4 16,413 | 57.5 49.7 3.29 16,447 | 30.93 4,234 | 39.5 91.3] 10,226 Waupaca... .068 9,261. 9,985 0.6 30.0 77.8 9,085 [ 65.0 23.8 3.35 6,066 20,93 3,919 | 11.2 53d 5, Waushara. . 069 4,706 4,809 Ba 527 3,011 | 68.8 11.7] 3.26 2,22 | 18.79 2,585 | 8.6] 27.8] 1,152 Winnebago. 070 20,111 23,236 2.2 57.6 93.3 21,72 | 61.2 32.8 3.26 20,295 [ 26.64 2,941 | 23.6| 68.8] 14,613 Wood... .071 10,192 11,545 1.3 41.9 78.9 11,173 | 61.2 36.8 3.54 8,153 2.1 3,392 | 12.6 37.3 7,615 WYOHING. savas 68,509 76,868 45 41.9 70.9 69,374 | 48.6 38.7 3.10 54,389 20.55 22,479 | 16.1 31.0 26,730 All Counties: Albany..........001 3,736 4,551 6.9 59.0 79.7 4,139 | 49.2 A449 2.9 3,751 27.98 800 | 17.5 29.9 2,363 Big Horn,. 3,413 3,600 1.4 31.5 68.0 3,307 | 57.9 42,2 3.45 2,122 16.33 1,478 8,3 40.3 983 Campbell. . 1,865 1,944 1.1 20.5 39.4 1,795 | 56.0 17.4 2,88 775 17.07 1,169 7.7 13.5 27 Carbon. esse... 004] 3,760 4,089 1.8 43.4 70.9 3,765 | Al.1 38.0 2,85 3,228 18.60 861 | 19.4 28,1 1,381 Converse.. 2,028 2,170 3.0 36.0 57.3 1,939 | 51.2 33.9 3.05 1,253 17.84 917 | 18.4 19.7 476 1,657 1,682 [PVA 844 27.9 1,480 | 57.5 8.2 3.25 611 9.56 1,071 72 12.8 166 4,546 4,756 1.7 26.5 51.0 49359 | 56. 22,5 3.19 2,584 15.23 2,172 7.9 23.2 87 3,342 3,483 01 24.8 61.4 3,101 | 49.4 30.0 3.45 1,525 17.64 1,958 | 14.6 39.5 483 1,470 1,684 9.5 28,7 67,7 1,424 | 42.6 38.5 2.72 1,304 1.58 380 6.3 13.1 293 1,790 1,89 2.1 31.2 5443 1,516 | 54.8 26.4 2.83 1,008 17.93 882 | 17.9 23.3 a2 6,908 8,728 7.9 62.5 87.4 8,180 | 48.1 53.2 3.1 7,513 30.38 1,215 | 29.5 32.8 6,171 2,680 2,783 0.5 30.9 75.3 2,552.1 57.3 23.4 3.67 1,879 13.82 904 | 25.4 60.0 5 6,621 8,381 13.0 59.6 89.7 7,364 | 46.1 55.3 2,85 7,770 21.25 611 | 16,0 28,1 3,798 1,690 1,810 3.41 29,00 - 27.0 1,720 | 52.8| 20.4| 3.10 1,42 15.78 668 |. 18.3 21.2] 383 3,630 3,776 0.8 36.2) 66.8 3,087 | 50.2 40.4] 3.18 1,902 | 18,53 1,87 | 21.2| 49.8] 1,267 2,389 2,566 0.8 28.9 59.6 2,232 | 45.2 29,6 3.19 1,268 15.50 1,298 | 13.7 30,7 451 5,261 5,993 5.9 46.9] 77.0 5,427| 48.6] 39.1] 3.01 L543 21.7% 1450 | 279] 3.3] 2,321 Sublette... 995 1,028 1.4 21.0 43.5 816 | 56.4 10,8 3.01 468 1,61 560 | 13.2 19.7 13 Sweetwater... 5,099 5,903 34 43.5 90.4 5,583 | 29.6 51.9 3.10 5,613 18.68 290 | 10.3 19.1 1,881 TetoNssssssssses020 785 801 3.3 51.8 75 | 52.7 15 3.12 512 18,12 289 | 24.2 28,1 223 intesoyracecns 02 = (E190 L919 | 2.2] 413] 69.8 1,809| 61.5| 40.8| 3.37 1,417| 18.32 502 | ILO| 32.7 8 Washakie.. 1,495 1,578 1.5 33.1 62,5 1,443 | 44.6 39.0 344 968 19.15 610 | 10,0 43.1, 458 Weston.uissea.. 023 1,446 1,531 1.8 20.6 54.40 1,421 | 56.8 20.5 3.06 1,014 13.13 517 | 11.6 15.9 386 Yellowstone Nation : Parkeeseesssess024] 154 222 23.0 48.6 86,6 200 1.0 85.7 1.49 219 12,90 3 a > 418 TABLE 3—SELECTED DATA FOR METROPOLITAN AREAS. AND FOR ALL COUNTIES. BY STATE—Continued (Figures which have been rounded to thousands will not necessarily add to totals) Table 3 Part 4 - Agriculture WISC., Iron (028) = WYO., Yellowstone National Park (024) rs a AGRICULTURE—1945 AGRICULTURE—1940 | ; Value of farm products sold, | Principal Per- ¢ Value of Work power traded, or used by source of Per- ont arm property farm household farm income | Type- ME | cent | forme of |p Metro. my Number of | Land in | Cropland | Number | of | Luh Percent from— farming- 1 ory Area COUNTIES farms farms | harvested | of farms | farms | (oie x Number L area | '&F Code AND (1000’s | (1000's oper- f ver- of J ive- COLE: i | ol Total age Numb. Amount | stock Cod iving CODES Bl | 22 1A a eet] dy hotes | Namber (500% | od e | per. | (See [inden 1945 acres) acres) 940 by $ = and/or of an (See 225) ucts of Tn i of live- | C azz) | cent | P ten- | Joss mules | tractors | 400 tops | p. ants | yp dollars) - (a, Grer 3 ollars) | st, $400 15) | mo. old) prod- ucts “8) “9) (50) Gn (2) (3) (54) (55) (56) G7 (58) 59) (60) (61) (62) (63) 64) WISCONSIN~Con, All Counties—Con. IroNeesses esses s026] 460 yy 12 564 Th | 52.0 1,659 | 2,941 662 63 297 67.5 5.6 2 [50,2 431 104 Jackson. seess. 027] 2,056 0 122 2,205 | 26.2 18.4 | 13,213] 5,992| 6,533 559] 2,881] 69.5] 1.7 235.8 461 | 108 Jefferson... ....028| 3,008 332 200 3,102 | 28.5 8.7 34,642 | 11,168 9,291 1,776 5,603 80.1 8.2 2152.1 412 131 Juneau, s......00029 2,036 30 1m 2,122 | 21.4| 22.1| 13,519] 6,371] 5,850 609| 2,183 | 72.4 6.2 238.2 FM 093 | Kenosha.........030] 1,423 15 100. 1,530| 34.4| 21.3| 19,526 12,762| 3,827| 1,082| 3,132| €9.3| 19.9 2146.5] 412) 131 Kewaunee,....++4031 2,002 213 120 2,019 6.8 5.4 24,056 | 11,915 5,443 1,39% 3,273 71.9 12.9 2 | 5442 412 121 Ia Crosse.s..sss032 1,640 262 100 1,676 | 28.7 9.4| 17,283/10,312| 6,113 666 3,160 75.7 8.0 2 (43.8 422 121 Lafayettesse.s..033 2,215 39 -95 2,26 | 51.3 7.3 27,056 | 11,951 8,528 1,289 4,662 86.9 2.4 1] 44.0 571 127 Langladeess ss .s034) 1,712 22 69 1,843 11.8] 24.2 10,725| 5,819 3,013 525 1,987 59.8 21.1 2 | 46.6 431 100 Lincolne..sseses035) 1,829 256 67 2,038 | 13,1| 30.6| 10,112] 4,962| 3,233 438] 1,830 | é9. 9.1 2 | 50.5 431 101 3,691 357 199 3,71] 87) 5.1] 45,916] 12,274 9,867 2,74 6,699 68.5) 17.7 ala sal aes 6.396 Bad 323 | 6,564 | 1204 1209) 45,30] 6,907 14,696] 2,220 8,293] 75.5| 5.7 2|519| 461| 110 2,625 350 110 2,935 8.7| 33.3 14,052 | 4,788 5,197 757 2,436 64.5 12.1 2 | 47.0 412 112 1,313 262 96 1,201 | 18,3| 15.1 7,83, | 6,068 4,230 145 1,337) 64.1] 13.7 1127.3 461 | 113 074 1,477 ™ 53 1,861 27.9| 38.3 27,226 | 14,630 2,41, 1,062 3,058 Rk 58.6 | 81 34.5 412 129 3,095 Lug 168 3,340 29.3 12.2 25,143 | 7,528| 10,488 994 4,TI8 73.7 75 2 [43.6 422 115 3,028 363 148 3,1, 1.6] 16.3 20,734 6,595 7,015 955 3,659 7n.9 6.5 2 | 52.5 412 111 720 117 28 789 | 10.9] 43.0 3,087 ( 3,913 959 198 645 Lha2 24.9 2 | 29.2 431 9% 3,433 368 206 3,558 13.7| 10.1 38,186 | 10,732 9,633 2,224 5,968 77.8 11.3 2 155.1 412 119 1.479 139 93 1,553 | 12.8| 1L.5| 21,548 13,875) 3,928 1,233] 4,187 79.3 | 13.3 2(30.8| 412 1% Pepine..csessss 046 886 12 62 95 22.8 13.9 6,203 | 6,564 3,012 379 1,158 | 75.7 5.8 2 | 34.0 422 | 116 PLerecs.c.n.eaaO47| 2,738 2 182 2,810| 27.2| 7.9| 21,275 75m 8467 1,250] 4,224 m.2| 8.6 2(352| 422 121 Polkeseecssessed04B 3,803 192 4,072 | 28.0 | li.4 23,018 5,653 9,891 1,149 4,739 78.1 4e3 2 | 49.0 422 120 Portage. eeesesss049 2,732 Lug 181 2,369 | 17.9 15.8 17,512 | 6,104 7,129 640 3,041 53.3 23.6 2 | 36.0 461 109 Price.esssssesss050 2,287 257 56 2,513 7.6 | 36.6 8,057 | 3,206 3,037 491 1,578 67.8 3.3 2 | 48.5 431 97 093 |Racine,.........051 1,904 189 130 2,050 | 2448 | 15.9 25,435 | 12,407 by 134 1,526 4,118 68.0 22.9 2 | 41.9 412 130 Richland........052| 2,b41 66 136 2,442] 39.1| 7.5] 20,963| 8,586 8,023 586 3,887 | 8.5 2,5 2 | 50,7 422 | 119 Bother sense nsredsh 3473 39 274 3.443 | 36.4 | 10.2 40,909 |11,382| 11,371 | 1,873) 6,691 | 77.4 | 13.4 21731) Ary 130 Rusk eeoneeneees054) 2,35 308 91 2,430 ( 14.8 | 20,1 10,959 | 4,510 4,816 548 2,246 75.3 5.8 2 | 61.4 431 103 St. Croix.......055 2,994 hus 2lo 3,014 | 33.5 6.8 23,298 | 7,730 10,148 1,052 4,989 73.7 1.9 2 | 43.2 422 128 Sauk, vs 00 enews « 056) 3,354 Loy 212 3,470 | 26.5 12.1 33,380 | 9,620 11,096 1,473 5,467 81.1 2.2 2 | 38.9 422 122 SAWYErs...v....2057| 1,170 1 32 1,300 | 11.9| 49.6 3,318 | 2,937| 2,005 171 63, | 60:4 7.2 239.0 431 91 ShawanOe........058| 3,623 476 177 3,753 | 10,0| 10.5 | 30,918| 2,238| 9,040 1,554 5,439 | Thos 7.7 a|53.4| af 20 Sheboygan.......059| 3,268 298 174 3,406] 19.3| 8.4] 38,098|11,186| #,588 | 2,242 , 41 7.9] 9.6 2129. 42 126 TayloTesvesessas060| 3,042 64 113 3,310| 10.4 25.3| 14,531| 4,390| 5,500 757 2,637 | m8. 1.6 2|59.0| 461 104 Trempealeau,,...061 3,005 60 202 3,040 | 26,6 8.9 22,468 7,391 11,038 841 »591 73.0 2:6 235.3 422 118 Vernona.... +0 3,919 Vo 19% 3,979 33.5 6,1 30,545 ,677 »932 1,125 457 58.8 26,6 2 | 37.2 422 116 Vilas.. .063 1 9 455 7.9] 48.1 1,929] 4,240 358 97 244, 39.4 11.9 047.8 431 100 Walworth........064| 2,476 334 203 2,599 | 34.7| 124 37,295 | 1,350] 8,897 1,619 6,180 | 85.1] 7.2 2|56.0| 412] 137 Washburn........065| 1,326 216 60 1,479 | 22.8 | 36.6 5,683 | 3,842| 3,260 236 Lin] -@.4) no 223.9] 41] 101 Washington......066| 2,529 260 159 2} 16,0 6. 30,757 | 11,789 | 7,474 1,914 Lies! mel 1.2 250.1 Q2| 127 Waukesha... ....067 2,967 307 195 3,367 | 24.5] 19. 43,458 »907 7,450 2,425 7,081 7.7 12.2 2|57. 412 134 Waupeca.........068 3,118 42g 177 3,457 16.0 13.0 | 28,374 | 8,202| 8,632 1,363 4,59 | 75.8 8.6 2 | 55.4 461 | 118 Waushara........069 2,027 338 135 2,177] 19.7] 18.2 14,865 | 6,328 5,280 823 2,336 66.8 16.4 2 | 40,7 461 111 Winnebagos......070 2,485 261 17 2,525 | 20,3 8,6 29,581 | 11,715 6,477 1,844 4,307 77.1 13.1 2 | 50,0 412 123 Woes. serovnvseO7| 2,068 385 1h 2,0 | 18.6] 20.3 | 20,981 7,043 6,791 1,031 3,570 | 70.2| 15.1 25.2 461] 121 WYOMING......| 13,076 | 33,217 | 1.843 | 15,012| 24.2] 21.1 (2235913 | 15,709 123,261 | 6,53 | 49,247 | 75.4 17.8 1|55.5 17 All Counties: ALbanyeses sss sssOOL 361 L599 9k 458 | 18,1] 31.2 9,727 | 21,238| 5,728 9%, 1,990 | 93.0 2.1 170.3 212 | 107 Big Horhesee.e...002 952 13 86 23,0501 27.0 13.) 10,670 | 10,152 5,412 675 2,97 45.67 45.3 5 | 44.9 961 131 Campbellessesess003 668 3,012 103 852 | 18.9 23.9 14,180 | 16,643 7,754 3 2,214 88.8 3.6 170.0 221 317 Carbon, eessesses004 Loy 3,180 120 524 | 11.8 | 22.7 17,001 | 3,445 8,176 166 3,706 92.0 3.9 165.8 212 119 Converse..s.es+s005 hk 2,587 59 5221 18,6| 15.3 11,432 | 21,900 5,243 186 2,29, | 88.3 5.7 1|67.0 221 131 Crookeseseesssss006 638 1,518 108 808 | 24.8 31.8 9,484 | 11,738 6,167 333 1,435 83.5 3.3 168.3 221 102 Fremonteescss.ss007| 1,435 1,748 99 1,542 | 23.4] 26.6] 14,903 9,665| 11,107 510 3,251 | 67,8 | 20.6 1 | 46.2 212 89 GOSheNeessessss008! 1,182 1,230 172 1,328 | 39.9| 17.3 14,641 | 11,025 5,995 844, 3,635 48.7 45.5 5(45.3 962 122 Hot Springs.....009 216 1,018 21 246| 29.7| 30.9 3,711 | 15,085 | 2,441 n 9%! 8.6 | 10.3 1 66,3 212 | 117 Johnson. sss ese. s010 386 2,1 53 505 [ 26.7) 20.2 | 11,488 [22,749] 5,897 192 2,025 | 85.0 8.9 1|63.1 21 | 125 L011 836 1,993 157 900 | 27.1| 19.6 12,569 | 13,966 5,816 622 2,497 79.0 15.3 159.2 R12 125 .012 764 474 101 go3| 10,1| 20.8| 9,866 | 12,210] 6,030 us| 2,298] 85.5 7.8 1]50,1| 232 | 120 »013 43 2,814 20 359| 10.9 22.6 8,750 | 24,373 4,481 80 2,041 95.8 6 1157.9 212 133 014 tet 1,h8k 62 533 | 23.6] 22.5 7,09 | 13,310 3,870 182 1,418 91.3 3.9 171.9 221 116 15 889 90 916 | 25.3] 11.2 12,856 | 14,035 6,258 551 3,036 48.3 43.8 542.5 961 123 Platte. .........016 mL | 1,639 101 778 | 36.2| 2L.5| 10,400 [13,368 4,547 467] 1,995| 67.0 25.9 1{49.1| 962 | 126 Sheridan. .......017 82 | 1.2 101 1,019 | 33.0( 25.3| 19,535 |19,171| 7,777 481 3,161 66.3 24.6 1|51.0| 961] 112 Sublette........018 278 609 109 312 T7199 9,212 | 29,526 6,676 7 1,555 90.8 2.4 177.8 232 112 Sweetwaters.....019 161 1,208 19 256 | 15.6| 23.4 5,822 |22,977| 2,643 56 1,70 | 95.3 2,0 1( 53.0 212 | 123 TotONusseerensus020 170 108 30 201| 20,9 | 20.4 3,821 [19,308] 2,124 54 517| 75.2 17.3 {69 2m nT BininesesneoesssD2] 320 616 59 398| 10.6| 16.8 5,99 [15,065] 3,356 46) 1,13] eral 4 1|56.7| 23:2 100 Washakiese.....,022 317 355 6 306| 32.4 7.5| 6,327 |20,676| 2,533 233 2,200] &.2] mma 151.6 961| 119 Weston, ,vevsyesd023 33 1,271 i 396 | 16,2 21.0 6,162 | 15,561 3,230 152 1,01 | 84.7 7.9 1170.6 2 Yellowstons National Parkiseessesess024 ji 1The State total includes $144,540 for female silver fox and/or mink over 3 months old (kept in captivity) not. distributed to individual counties. 419 Table 3 Fert 5 ~ dotushry TABLE 3—SELECTED DATA FOR METROPOLITAN AREAS AND FOR ALL COUNTIES, and ketail Trade . WIS., Iron (026) = BY STATE—Continued WYO., Yellowstons National Park (024) (All dollar figures have been rounded to thousands end will not necessarily add to totals) wo 0600348 : MANUFACTURING ESTABLISHMENTS—1939 MINERAL INDUSTRIES—1939 RETAIL ESTABLISHMENTS—1939 METROPOLITAN Mel COUNTIES Value added y ue af J p Code AND Wage Nog Vile of by manufac- Vile of Ruther Wages and Nindes of Sales Active os phogens Pay roll CODES Number ie (1000's of fo ucts ¢ ture fo yes J ize (1000's § un Tol) (1000's of pro- 8 Er 2€ | (1600's of average dollars) ( SO 1 (1000's of (1000's of | persons $9 Hores dollars) prietors dollars) for year) dollars) dollars) dollars) | engaged | dollars) year) (6) 7 (68) ©) a0) an _a@ a as as) as) an WISCONSINe—Con. All Counties—Con. Ironeseeessssess026 7 2 18 309 ER LY {%) (1) 24g 2,381 232 216 156 Jackson.e.......027 25 120 101 1,181 24g *) (1) {*) 252 3,737 263 307 235 100 3,073 3,197 24,258 10,124 TH 14,978 708 1,501 1,306 23 9 96 1,515 343 301 4,192 35 372 228 3 8,636 12,377 8h,626 31,326 (2) (2) *) 966 22,430 919 2,182 8,211 12 867 752 14,958 1,749 3 1556 2! 2 97 4,040 4,525 24,884 18,210 ©) 1) ) = 2.50 ge 220 2 1 111 124 2,054 256 (1) 2) i, 298 ,388 305 376 259 39 1,128 892 3,794 1,815 367 6,898 338 701 578 52 1,176 1,026 7.676 2,770 (1) (1) * 380 5,698 351 530 igo 186 5,268 6,276 45,489 20,639 i01 43 hy 994 20,908 910 1,922 1 190 4,738 5,296 33,489 12,9 463 118 132 1,01 20,303 . 82k 1,926 ve 2,127 2,387 16,903 8,034 27 19 21 4g 10,000 458 97h 833 1h 58 61 569 191 (*) RN *) 186 ,890 1 2 5 1,657 80,255 112,060 596,556 289,702 195 ™ 116 11,19 32111308 9 3% 35.3371 3 52 24 100 112 2,836 4h) (*) (1) (1) 437 7,495 ny 79 Sul 89 9ul 726 5.369 1,816 450 4,788 Log 379 250 28 1,181 1,317 7.725 3,724 ns 1.677 386 686 6146 170 5,261 6,349 38,860 16,917 57 24 27 1,016 25,495 941 2,588 2,19 Ozaukee. onc O85 64 1,429 1,320 7.149 3,287 87 28 3h 340 6,219 3 563 u62 Popinesceesssees ou6 8 85 82 1,841 221 127 2,019 138 179 123 25 159 120 2,304 335 (2) 2 (1) 3u8 5,707 354 Ll 59 292 237 3.599 91 (2) xy 2) 50 6,049 33 467 366 57 1,260 1,256 8,998 3.535 (2) {) *) 4 9,128 4) 876 738 3h 652 642 4,791 1,955 (2) 0G) 1) 268 i hz 265 356 328 206 9,523 13,460 72,498 40 428 (*) (2) (2) 1,365 34,485 1,275 3,294 ,505 69 167 169 3,129 483 (2) (2) *) Ea }4,250 258 I 2 276 9h 8,140 11,397 92,885 33,847 172 39 64 1.127 31,428 1,037 3.423 3.099 24 539 hu 3:83 1,089 233 3.973 233 332 258 32 229 213 , Tub 1,048 (2) (*) *) Wh 6,487 403 565 y27 62 541 53 4,400 1,162 300 12 129 535 10,574 529 963 766 23 273 17 3 369 18k 2,788 160 2u1 196 110 152 633 6,482 1,563 574 7,466 552 665 ug7 234 9,065 9,872 58,014 27,002 n 23 35 1,068 26,076 96h 2,750 2,536 32 715 598 3,425 1,252 253 3,462 246 246 203 29 140 17 2,745 S001. 4%) * {*) 350 5,353 3M 523 359 ug 148 130 3,080 ii52 391 5,648 376 ial 319 8 149 121 gh 257 232 3.532 221 354 30k 51 88 127 4,145 1,708] AY) 15 *) 763 14,397 759 1,396 1,228 15 115 98 822 217 192 2,913 184 28h 198 12 2,086 2,052 15,765 6,509 () *) *) uy 8,066 425 6 577 100 3.267] 3,963 24,847 | 12,258 930 332 422 1,035 20,581 980 1.99, 1,721 & 9u49 909 8,540 2,381 23 10 5 622 JTHT 82 999 6 16 96 8 1,238 207 *) ) *) 235 3 i 294 zl 203 8,424 9,968 63,416 24,340 217 64 76 1,150 29,4h8 1,003 3,208 3,002 VOodereeorsrve 071 8 3.613 4,272 33.370 11,557 563 14,549 507 1,256 1,161 Combined Counties?. 4,985 1,230 1,751 : WYOMING...... 310 3,484 4,757 45,423 15,629 14,672 5,008 6,951 4,113 100,233 3,863 8,938 9,346 23) 363 439 2,935 1,089 162 16 ay 206 6,592 191 Gon 6 15 265 {3) (2) {2 2) (1) (*) 212 3.939 185 327 316 a * 3 ) a) 3) *) (*) gg 1,805 82 148 15 330 1,253 387 521 22 5,898 207 51, 59 8 9k tt } {*} 3n 15 20 12 2,463 111 184 9 137 205 u58 332 (*) *) 3) 85 932 87 60 42 19 181 18h 984 395 51 31 82 270 5,089 266 405 23, 11 18 (*) *) *) 167 3.233 157 2ko an 1 43 39 218 109 181 122 109 ™ 1,586 ™ 120 124 y [ 9 47 20 (3 *) (2) 116 1,6%0 im 14g 134 24 187 230 2,106 59 *) *) >) he 14,841 na 1,517 1,671 19 208 172 5 243 1,047 Ly 652 184 2,998 179 223 198 38 628 1.124 12,465 4,062 1,247 130 234 In 12,550 355 1,218 1,366 8 16 13 1 5-0 4%) & &y ) 2,275 20 1 17 105 156 1,35 491 191 4,696 186 Wns 434 6h 4) (*) +) 686 254 22 124 2,111 107 220 206 Sheridan,. 24 318 427 3,952 1,161 909 398 5 395 8,542 361 810 &3 Sublette. (*) 2) 5 52 829 51 28, tw Swestwater.. 4 1 ug .360 192 7,614 2,888 4,215 284 8,522 286 723 mm Boboherrerereres 3 6 6 51 19 *) (1) 2) 62 1,726 ™ 110 109 UintBesssssnin 8 he 53 357 198 3 20 23 123 2,83 119 226 222 Vashakie,. 0! 7 12 £2) ) (1) 82 2,45 72 187 215 Weston, 18 04 117 2,243 1,026 8719 n 92 104 1,734 9% 127 123 Yallowstons Fational PALE vow ne 36 e719 2 132 82 Combined Counties®. 35 31,001 1,585 17,178 5,400 588 159 212 ; | Nob shown because of disclosure of operations of individual establishments. Data included in Combined Counties at end of State. *Includes 811 counties where fig- ures are not shown separately because of disclosure of operations of individual establishments. .> Includes ell establishments and wage earners of counties for which wages and value data were withheld to.avoid disclosure. The "Combined Count =s" figure for number of establiehments is excluded fron the State total, since this item was shown for every county. Whenever data on wage earners have been withheld, that portion of the "Combined Coumties® figure reprei...ied ty such data is included in the corresponding State total. 420 | TABLE 3—SELECTED DATA FOR METROPOLITAN AREAS AND FOR ALL COUNTIES, BY STATE—Continued Table 3 Part 6 - Other Economic Data WIS., Iron (026) = WY0., Yellowstone (A11 dollar figures have been rounded to thousanas anu will not necessarily add to totals) National Park (024) re ons WHOLESALE SERVICE ESTABLISHMENTS—1939 BANK DEPOSITS TRADE—1939 1944 Ma; I y diss ajor war supply Major war facilities contracts, Sigjects, June 1940- Sept. 1945 | June 1940-June 1945 ; METROPOLIT, AN E B on d (1 000’s of ollars) (1000° s of dollars) Metro. AREAS, Numb Numb Tot sales 1944 Y Area COUNTIES, umber umber A . |Employees ola ; (1000's of Code AND of Sales of | Receipts | Active Giess Pay roll | (demand Time lollars at 9 A ge > ¥ ollars al CODES estab- | (1000's of | estab- | (1000's |proprie-| “fr - 1000s | and time) | (1000s |issue price) A ; > lish- | dollars) lish- [of dollars) | tors Yeo?) of dollars) 1) s | of dollars) ments ments of dollars C : ) ombat Other Industrial | Military equipment 3 (18) 19) (80) 31 (82) 83) (84) (85) (86) (87) (88) (89) (90) (91) WISCONSIN—Con. All Counties—Con. Iron.ee sve sees 16 1,292 31 88 a2 25 14 1,397. 705 593 Jackson... 25 1,511 48 117 51 20 13 5,029 2,733 1,421 Jefferson. 62 6,616 188 571 200 129 95 26,952 15,471 3,439 6,346 15,642 215 Juneau... 22 1,305 64 126 67 28 12 6,057 3,574 857 449 1,842 093 |Kenosha.. 67 6,567 230 947 235 272 238 33,197 16,686 8,027 526,231 38,912 43,631 Kewaun€ee..eees. 2,476 58 128 83 27 16 10,684 7,818 1,521 9,614 1,310 La Crosses... 16,511 256 1,908 257 653 599 29,628 12,1385 5,108 25,949 24,798 416 Lafeyette.... 1,470 78 214 84 32 15 13,826 5,309 1,354 Langlade. . 2,540 114 301, 121 112 77 6,974 3,899 1,035 4,851 Lincoln.....s 781 82 229 84 63 41 7,858 4,690 872 2,790 ManitowoC.... 10,262 212 990 221 250 187 37,245 21,948 4,585 120,881 28,879 3,086 55 Marathon. . 12,948 235 1,097 218 304 309 28,835 14,284 4,024 67 30,979 558 Marinette... 3,379 123 330 133 95 61 15,232 8,830 2,174 2,698 12,911 Marquette.... 993 46 67 43 24 12 3,309 2,100 432 154 074 | Milweukee.... 423,130 4,232 26,151 4,080 8,279 8,489" 621,161 192,425 93,429 1,238,352 555,636 163,504 2,249 4,133 128 269 133 74 41 12,025 6,439 3,162 559 33,296 2,282 92 163 94 24 12 5,623 3,124 889 Uneid@sessss 2,908 74 247 75 76 58 6,982 3,321 974 Outagemie.... 11,932 232 975 249 279 245 38,568 19,406 4,587 3,559 16,195 Ozaukee. s.s.rs. 1,158 67 176 65 30 22 11,678 6,144 1,789 2,356 6,486 212 Pepiniceeaas 681 38 62 39 17 5 2,871 1,726 641 1,738 113 297 115 70 49 8,538 4,728 1,608 146 2,640 1,808 89 247 91 51 27 8,667 4,148 1,864 6,230 95 349 100 95 71 12,932 7,336 2,199 3,122 1,569 1,011 52 107 54 31 18 4,369 2,529 833 436 093 16,044 368 1,595 376 437 417 71,851 34,391 9,661 239,757 92,208 5,890 3,875 99 233 117 43 32 7,061 3,139 1,158 26,105 314 1,521 349 442 373 54,817 28,666 9,009 458,000 72,550 16,627 1,029 66 125 70 38 18 3,973 1,938 774 393 2,269 “8 143 81 25 16 «18,811 4,421 1,809 6,231 3,892 187 429 203 99 54 21,249 12,407 3,726 51,410 1,284 124,077 548 43 93 42 33 15 2,213 1,076 437 Shawano..... 1,954 117 299 131 62 39 12,167 7,072 1,227 162 Sheboygan... 22,536 302 1,211 299 366 293 52,508 26,312 5,737 44,903 30,862 4,132 Taylor.esssses 700 ° 51 143 53 48 31 4,141 2,313 822 Trempealeau. 1,642 87 147 87 41 22 9,429 5,820 1,725 347 Vernon... 2,024 112 221 114 38 27 10,772 6,387 1,852 298 VilaS.eess 563 26 89 29 26 23 1,649 825 319 Walworth... 7,840 193 579 200 158 105 21,858 | 10,387 2,840 23,408 3,796 Washburn. . 886 40 90 40 25 13 2,643 1,266 557 Washington 2,367 75 287 77 42 40 18,148 10,634 3,132 24,499 25,596 718 Waukesha. 7,023 250 1,217 244 312 271 35,944 17,464 4,665 23,293 11,267 1,300 Waupaca... 4,207 160 367 168 113 62 17,346 9,846 2,583 88,418 4,756 Waushara. » 467 42 56 45 15 7 4,127 2,880 534 1,349 Winnebago. 11,236 315 1,941 322 536 505 53,110 26,771 5,808 52,249 68,443 2,943 5,929 139 507 144 127 106 21,097 10,639 2,637 1,778 18,189 14,779 WYOMING eens 397 37,0381 1,199 4,467 1,263 1,329 1,073 130,084 30,924 25,718 12,770 68,418 25,585 23,431 All Counties: Albany..eeeseqs.001 11 1,817 35 267 39 82 84 8,779 2,276 1,636 2,067 4,670 509 Big Horn. 14 958 72 149 69 51 19 4,072 568 823 1,927 Cambell 10 705 28 77 28 21 14 2,574 103 541 Carbon. 24 1,844 47 ir2 47 83 53 8,044 1,946 1,492 11,967 6,750 Converse. 8 265 34 91 38 21 15 3,872 1,040 561 250 1,588 Crook.. 6 173 18 24 19 7 5 1,600 277 372 4 Fremont 25 1,241 69 187 72 56 33 5,021 298 1,292 Goshen... 21 1,586 50 135 52 31 20 4,855 695 77 Hot Springs... 2 225 21 66 23 20 17 1,741 324 365 310 Johnson. 8 244 34 67 36 17 7 2,706 464 335 Laramie 56 9,293 164 865 172 289 265 20,027 4,228 4,650 12,670 42,377 18,197 9,924 Lincoln 17 591 35 99 38 24 20 4,174 732 1,059 2 204 Natrona... 57 8,840 164 745 178 213 “196 17,823 4,983 3,228 50 3,482 11,410 Niobrara. 8 542 28 7% 30 5 11 1,400 17 398 Park... 21 1,432 60 207 65 61 38 6,465 511 1,274 4,326 918 Platte. 1 365 34 103 34 18 18 3,312 651 584 2 Sheridan..ces...017 25 2,790 113 445 1156 156 121 9,856 1,850 1,571 50 1,147 Sublette........018 4 87 17 27 18 6 4 1,129 237 213’ Sweetwater .019 35 3,157 73 356 8Q 107 71 11,582 6,329 2,563 362 Teton.seeeee....020 4 172 13 52 16 17 11 1,070 134 174 Uint@.sseese....021 10 363 27 88 28 29 23 4,482 1,865 701 Washekie.. .022 8 488 29 98 31 24 21 3,829 1,284 364 WestoNsseseassss023 2 3538 34 62 35 11 7 1,672 112 409 Yellowstone National seesre O24 89 1245 lyndistributed. T8369 O—T——28 421 : APPENDIX A Leading Nonagricultural Industry Code for Column 31 The leading nonagricultural industry 1s defined as the industry other than agriculture which has the largest number of employed workers (excluding those on public emergency work) in the county. The list of industries which served as the basis for the code 1s that shown in Table 23, Sixteenth Census of the United States, Population Vol. II, General Characteristics. Certain categories of industries were omitted from the basic list because they would have provided little or no clue to an eco- nomic characterization of the county in which they might predominate. The classes of Industries omitted were: construction; "other" retail trade; automobile storage; rental and repair services; domestic service; laundering, cleaning, and dyeing serv- ices; miscellaneous personal services; and industry not reported. The code numbers assigned to each industry are listed below. Code in Code in Col. 31 Industry Col. 31 Industry I Forestry (except logging) and fishery 19 Machinery (manufacturing) 2 Coal Mining 20 Automobiles and automobile equipment (manufacturing) 3 Crude petroleum and natural gas production 21 Transportation equipment (manufacturing), except auto. 4 Other mines and quarries ; 22 Other and not specified manufacturing industries 5 Food and kindred products (manufacturing) 23 Railroads (including railroad repalr- shops) and 8 Textile-mill products (manufacturing) railway express 7 Apparel and other fabricated textile products 24 Trucking service (manufacturing) 25 Other transportation 8 Logging 28 Communication 9 Sawmills and planing mills 27 Utilities 10 Furniture, store fixtures, misc. wooden goods 28 Wholesale trade (manufacturing) 29 Food and dairy products stores, and milk retailing 3 Paper and allied products (manufacturing) 30 Eating and drinking places 12 Printing, publishing, and allied industries 31 Motor vehicles and accessories retail, and filling 13 Chemicals and allied products (manufacturing) stations 14 Petroleum and coal products (manufacturing) 32 Finance, insurance, and real estate 15 Leather and leather products (manufacturing) 33 Business and repair services, except automobile 16 Stone, clay, and glass products (manufacturing) 34 Hotels and lodging places 17 Iron and steel and their products (manufacturing) 35 Amusement, recreation, and related services 18 Nonferrous metals and their products (manufacturing) G36 — Professional and related services 37 Government APPENDIX B Principal Source of Farm Income Code for Column 81 The figures from the 1940 Agricultural Census on value of farm products sold, traded, or used by farm households are shown by major single largest source of income in County Table XVII ‘of Vol. II orf the 1940 Census of Agriculture. Ten major source groups were established corresponding to the ten value of products questions. The source groups and their code numbers are as follows: 2 Code : Principal Source of Farm Income Group Code Principal Source of Farm Income Group Sales- : y Sales- 1 Livestock 6 Vegetables harvested for sale 2 Dairy products 7 Fruits and nuts 3 Poultry and poultry products 8 Horticultural specialties 4 Other livestock products 9 Forest Products 5 Field crops 0 Farm products used by farm households 422 APPENDIX C Type-of-Furming Area Code for Column 63 Generalized type-cf-farming areas in the United States as Department of delineated by the Department of Agriculture in cooperation | Code in Agriculture with various local groups familiar with farming in particular | Col. 63 Designation Type-of-Farming Area areas are presented in this column. Further discussion of this regionalization 1s presented in the definitions and ds RANGE LIVESTOCK==Continued sources in this book and in (Generalized Types of Farming in the United States, Jan. 1946, prepared by the Department of 11-B SEASONAL GRAZING==NCN-MIGRATORY Agriculture, Bureau of Agricultural Economics. g2) I1I-B-1 Northern Great Plains 222 1I-B=2 Southern High Plains In presenting these type-of-farming areas, the Department of Agriculture has used a designation which consisted of a 11-C UPLAND SUMMER GRAZING Roman numeral, a letter and an Arabic numeral. The code pre- 231 II-C-1 Sierra and Southern Cascade Mountains sented here is a three-digit numerical code since such a code 232 11-C-2 Northern Rocky M.untzinc and associ=- i8 better for punch card use. The code used in Col, 63 18 ated ranges presented in the first column below, the Department of Agri- 233 [1=C=3 Southern Rocky Mountulins culture code in the second column, and the title assigned to the area indicating the predominant type of farming in that 11D YEARLONG GRAZING general area in the third column. 241 I1I=D=1 Southwestern semi-desert, migratory 242 A 11-D-2 Southwestern semi=desert, non-migratory Department of 243 11-D=3 Edwards Plateau Code in Agriculture 244 11-D=4 Rio Grande Plains = Texas Col, 63 Designation Type-of-Farming Area 245 11-D-5 Arbuckle Mountain - Oklahoma 1 FRUIT, TRICK, AND MIXED FARMING II-E FARM GRAZING 251 11-E-1 Nsage=-F1lint Hills I-A FRUIT AND MIXED FARMING 111 I-A-1 Central Washington (deciduous fruit, ni WHEAT AND SMALL GRAINS hay, truck, and hope) ’ 112 1-A=2 Southern Oregon (deciduous fruit and I11-A SPECIALIZED WHEAT poultry) 311 I11=-A-1 Columbia River Basin=-cpring and winter 113 I-A=3 Sacramento Valley (deciduous fruit, wheat rice, dry beans, hay, and sugar beets) 312 I11-A-2 East Miesouri River-—spring wheat 114 1-A=4 San Joaquin Valley (deciduous and cit- 313 I11-A-3 Central North Dakota-—-spring wheat rus fruit, grapes, dalry, hay, cotton, 314 I11-A-4 Central Plains—winter wheat and potatoes) 116 © I=A=5 Colorado West Slope (fruit, dry beans, 111-B WHEAT AND RANGE LIVESTOCK hay, and livestock) 321 I11-B=1 Triangle-=Judith Basin, Montana-—spring 116 I1-A-6 Ozark Flateau, Mo,-Ark.-Okla, (fruit, and winter wheat poultry, and dairy) 322 I11=h=2 Northern Plains—gpring wheat 323 111-B=3 Central High Plains—winter wheat 1-E FRUIT, TRUCK, AND MIXED FARMING 121 I-bB=-1 Central California Coast (deciduous I111-C WHEAT, GRAIN SOKGHUMS, AND RANGE fruit, truck, livestock, sugar beets, LIVESTOCK : dairy, and poultry) 331 111-C=1 Southern High Plains—winter wheat 122 1-0-2 Southern California (citrus fruit, truck, dairy, poultry, dry beans, and hay) 111-D WHEAT AND GENERAL FARMING 123 1-0-3 Lower Rio Grande Valley (eitrus fruit, 341 I11=D=1 Southeastern Idaho (wheat, livestock, winter vegetables, and cotton) and dairy) 124 I1-B-4 Central Klorida (citrus fruit and truck) 342 111-D=-2 Red River Valley (spring wheat, small 126 I1-B=6 Eastern shore of Lake Michigan (fruit, grains, livestock, potatoes, and sugar ? truck, dairy, and poultry) beets) : 126 [=B=-6 Southern shore of Lake Ontario (fruit, 343 111-D-3 South Dakota=North Dakota, spring wheat ; truck, and dairy) corn transition 344 111-D-4 Central Kensas=Oklahoma (winter wheat, 1-C TRUCK AND MIXED FARMING livestock, and dairy) 151 I=C=1 Atlantic Sandy Coastal Plain (truck, poultry, dairy, and fruit) v DAIRY 132 I-C-2 Gulf Coast (truck, small fruit, poul- ings $13, ‘end dairy) IV-A SPECIALIZED DAIRY ts nex SL af Le ts ; -A- stern Wisconsin-Northeastem [11linois 141 1-D-1 Southern klorida (winter truck) 413 IV-A-3 Central. Northeast 11 RANGE LIVESTOCK : IV-B DAIRY AND LIVESTCCK I1I-A BEASONAL ORAZING—MIGRATORY 421 IV-B-1 ~ Minnesota cut-over fringe 211 11=A=1 Great Basin-Colorado Plateau 422 IV-B-2 * Southeast Minnesota-West Central Wis= 212 11-A-2 Wyoming Bastin consin 423 Type-of-Farming Area Code for Column 63—Con. Department of Department of Code in Agriculture Code in Agriculture Col. 63 Designation Type-of-Farming Area Col. 63 Designation Type-of-Farming Area wv DAIRY—Continued v FEED GRAINS AND LIVESTOCK (CORN . BELT )—Cont1inued IV-C DAIRY AND PQTATOES 431 IV-C=1 Lake States cut-over—small scale V-H LIVESTOCK, CASH GRAIN, AND DAIRY 581 V-H-1 Western Missouri-Eastern Kansas IV-D DAIRY AND CASH CROPS 441 IV-D=1 East Central Michigan (dry beans and vi GENERAL FARMING sugar beets) E . 442 IV-D-2 Western New York (truck, fruit, wheat, { V1-A IRRIGATED potatoes, hay, and dry beans) 611 V1-A-1 Western Nevada (dairy and livestock feeding) IV-E DAIRY, POULTRY, AND MIXED FARMING 612 V1-A-2 Lower Snake River (dairy, hay, sugar 451 IV-E-1 Puget Sound-Willamette Valley (dairy, beets, fruit, and truck) poultry, “fruit, truck, cash grain, 613 . V1-A-3 North Central Utah (livestock, hay, seeds, and hay) sugar beets,. fruit, and truck) 452 IV-E=2 Southern New England (dairy, poultry, 614 V1-A-4 Western Montana (livestok, sugar beets, truck, potatoes, tobacco, and fruit) and feed grains) = . 615 VI-A-5 San Luis Valley (livestock, hay, and IV-F ' DAIRY AND GENERAL FARMING potatoes) 461 IV-F=1 , Central Wisconsin (dairy, livestock, 616 VI-A-6 Upper Arkansas Valley (livestock, sugar potatoes, and canning crops) beets, and feed grains) 462 IV-F-2 Appalachian ridges and valleys—Fenn- VI-B NON-IRRIGATED Sylvan fais) po truck, fruit, 62X VI-B-1 Southeast Kansas-Northeast Oklahoma ? 463 IV-F-3 Upper Piedmont (dairy, poultry, Tere a. cash grain, poultry, and tobacco, fruit, and canning crops : wea enh whet ww] TE a 465 IV-F-5 Ma ine-New Hampshire—small scale (dairy, 621 VI-B-3 Grand Prairie of Texas (small grain, cotton, and range livestock) poultry, potatoes, and truck) 622 VI-B-4 St. Louis Milkshed (corn,wheat, dairy, 466 IV-F-6 Alleghany Plateau, Pennsylvania-—small and poultry) scale (dairy, poultry, and truck) 623 VI-B=5 Southern I11inois Gray Lands (livestock, poultry, red top seed, and fruit) v FEED SRL A LIvegTock AcoRN 624 VI-B=6 Tidewater Virginia=North Carolina (truck, EELT) tobacco, and livestock) VoA CATTLE FEEDING AND HOGS 625 VI-B-7 Upper Ohio River Valley and Hills (live- 511 V-a-1 Central Missouri River Valley stock, tobasce, anyigruck) 512 VoA-2 Fastorn lowa-Westorn Tilinols 626 VI-B-8 Knobs and Coal Fields, Indiana-Kent ucky- “ Tennessee (livestock, small grain, . and burley tobacco) hE LIVESTOOR AND: OAS) RAIN 627 VI-B-9 Central Basin of Tennessee (livestock, 521 V=B-1 Southwestern corn-hard winter wheat transition small grain, and burley tobacco) s22 VeE.o Sestern Corn Belt: fringe 628 VI-B-10 CE of Tennessee (livestock oe ys rT OR TE 629 VI-B-11 Shenandoah and Associated Valleys (live, stock, dairy, and fruit) -V=C CASH, CORN, OATS, AND SOYBEANS VIi-C SMALL SCALE 531 V-C-1 East Central Illinois 631 VI-C=1 Northern Rocky Mountains cut-over (dairy : and range livestock) V-D LIVESTOCK AND PASTURE 632 VI-C-2 Ozark and Ouachita Mountains (range 541 V-D-1 Southern Iowa-Northern Missouri-West livestock, cotton and truck) Central Illinois 633 VI-C=3 Appalachian Mountains (livestock, fruit, 542 V=D=2 Northwestern Indiana=-Soutiwestem Michigan and tobacco) 634 VI-C-4 Atlantic and Gulf Coast Flatwoods (for- V-E HOGS AND SOFT WINTER WHEAT os est products, truck, and cotton) 551 V-E-1 Central Indiana-Southwestern Ohio 552 V-E-2 Wabash and Lower Ohio River Valleys VII COTTON V=F LIVESTOCK, DAIRY, SOYBEANS, AND CASH VII-A SPECIALIZED COTTON GRAIN 71X VII-A-1 Scuthern High Plains 561 V-F-1 Northwestern Ohio-Northeastern Indiana 710 VII-A-2 Texas Black Waxy Prairies 711 VI1I-A-3 Corpus Christi (some truck) V-G ,HOGS AND DAIRY 712 VII-A-4 Western Sandy Coastal Plains, Texas- 571 V=G-1 N.E. Iowa-N.W. Illinois-S.W. Wisconsin Arkansas-Louisiana-Oklahoma 713 714 716 713 717 718 719 721 741 742 751 752 761 771 772 781 791 792 Department of Agriculture Designation VI VII-A VII-A-5 V1I-A-6 VII[-A-7 Vil=-A=g VII-A-9 VII[-A-10 VII-A=-11 VII-B VII-B-1 VII-C VII-C-1 V1i-D VII-D-1 VII-D-2 VII-E VII-E-1 VII-E-2 VII-F V1i-F=-1 VI1I-G VII-G=-1 VIiI-0=2 VII-Hi VII=li-1 Vil=1l VII-I-1 VII=-I=2 Lower Coastal Plains Type-of-Farming Areu Code for Column 63—Con. Type-of-iarming Area COTTON—Cont inued SPECIALIZED COTTON—Continued Arkansas River Valley and Uplands Deltas of Mississippi River and Tribu- taries Mississippi Clay Hills Limestone Valleys and Uplands, Tennes= see-Georgia-Alabama Sand Mountain - Alabama Piedmont Upper Coastal Plains COTTON AND TOBACCO Central Coastal Plains, North Carolina- South Carolina COTTON AND PEANUTS COTTON AND LIVESTOCK Alabama-Mississippi Black Belt Mississippi-Tennessee Silt Loam COTTON AND RANGE LIVESTOCK Central grazing,Mixed Plains,and Cross Timbers of Texas Post Oak Strip of Texas COTTON AND SUGARCANE Central Louisiana COTTON AND WHEAT Rolling Plains, Texas-Oklahoma Mixed Prairies and Cross Timbers of Oklahoma COTTON AND FOREST PRODUCTS Gulf Coast Piney Woods IRRIGATED COTTON AND ALFALFA Southern Arizona (cotton, alfalfa, cit= rus, and truck) Rio Grande-Pecos (cotton, alfalfa, dairy, and livestock) Code in Col. 63 811 821 831 841 851 911 912 921 941 942 951 962 961 962 963 Department of Agriculture Designation VIII VIII-A VIII-A-1 VIII-B VIII-B-1 VIII-C VIII-C-1 VIII-D VIII-D-1 VIII-E VIII-E-1 IX =A IX-A-1 IX-A-2 IX-B IX-B-1 X-C IX=C-1 IX-D IX-D-1 IX-D-2 IX-E IX-E-1 IX-E-2 IX-F IX-F-1 IX-F-2 IX=-F-3 Type-of-Farming Area TOBACCO AND GENERAL FARMING FIRE-CURED Piedmont, Virginia FLUE-CURED Piedmont, Virginia-North Carolina BURLEY Central Kentucky Bluegrass DARK AIR=-CURED Pennyroyal-Purchase, Kentucky-Tennessee SOUTHERN MARYLAND Southern Maryland SPECIAL CROPS AND GENERAL FARMING RICE Gulf Coastal Prairied, Texas=Loulsiana (rice, cotton, and range livestock) Arkansas Prairies (rice, cotton, and livestock) SUGARCANE Lower Louisiana Delta POTATOES Arrostock County, Maine PEANUTS Cross Timbers, Texas (peanuts, cotton, and livestock) Northern Coastal Plains, Virginia-North Carolina POTATOES, DRY BEANS, SUGAR BEETS, AND LIVESTOCK——IRRIGATED 2 Middle Snake River Upper Snake River SUGAR BEETS, DRY BEANS, AND LIVE- STOCK—=IRRIGATED Upper Yellowstone River and Wyoming North Platte River Northeastern Colorado APPENDIX D County Governments and Related Areas lacking County Government Not all areas designated in this volume as counties have county governments. The following detailed classificaticn of county areas, as distinguished from county governments, appears in the publication, Governmental Units in the United States, 1943, which was published by the Bureau of the Census in 1945 and shows the distribution of the 3,099 county units listed in the County Data Book: Total of all county governmental and related areas In the continental United StatesS.......ivviiiniiinirnnnnnnnnanns 3,092 I. INDEPENDENTLY ORGANIZED COUNTY GOVERNMENTS. i eseevunsnann sin ates Sa. rR at Ae ie Sines Crienle wie ma aa sinials + viata 5s ODO II. COUNTY GOVERNMENTS NOT INDEPENDENTLY OHRGANIZED....vvvevnsnennn SH ea 8 a Ani A ee sishe rei nies 10 A. County governments having specified types of county offices, but dependent on cities (8)- (1) New York: Counties of Rronx, Kings, New York, Queens, and Richmond (all dependent on City of New York) (2) Louisiana: Parish of Orleans (dependent on City of New Orleans) (3) Massadhusetts: County of Suffolk (dependent on City or Boston) (4) Pennsylvania: County of Philadelphia (dependent on City or Philadelphia) B. City-county governments legally designated as city-counties and operating primarily as cities (2) (1) California: City and County of San Francisco (2) Colorado: City and County of Denver 111. AREAS LACKING COUNTY GOVERNMENT... .:0cassavsssinansaransnsaavassansrsnses wise sins sinceinis Sun si awe v3 ain aana wr shee 39 A. "Independent" cities located outside of designated counties and administering functions elsewhere per- formed by counties (26) 11) Maryland: Baltimore city (distinct from Baltimore county) (2) Missouri: St. Louis city (distinct from St. Louis county) y (3) Virginia: Alexandria, Bristol, Buena Vista, Charlottesville, Clifton Forge, Danville, Fredericks- burg, Hampton, Harrisonburg, Hopewell, Lynchburg, Martinsville, Newport News, Norfolk, Peters- burg, Portsmouth, Radford, Richmond, Roanoke, South Norfolk, Staunton, Suffolk, Williamsburg, and Winchester B. Unorganized areas bearing county designations (9) (1) Rhode Island (county areas with no county government): Bristol, Kent, Newport, Providence, and Washington : (2) South Dakota (county areas attached to other counties for governmental purposes): Armstrong, Shannon, Washabaugh, and Todd C. Federal areas (4) (1) District of Columbia (without county government and operating primarily as a city) (2) Yellowstone Park (not organized for “local government): Area in Idaho 1 Area in Montana = 1 Area in Wyoming 1 Many of the 1tems APPENDIX E Relation of Data 'In Citles Supplement and in County Data Book The Cities Supplement to the Statistical Abstract of the United States was published by the Bureau of the Census in September 1944. It contains 79 selected items of data for each city of 25,000 or moi. inhabitants in the United States In 1940. indicates comparable items In both publications: Col. number 87 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 CITIES SUPPLEMENT Subject Total Population, 1940 Total Dwelling Units, 1940 Occupied Dwelling Units Average Monthly Contract or Estimated kent, 1940 Persons, 14 Years of Age and Qver, 1940 Persons in the Labor Force, 1940 Employed Persons 1940 Number of Manufacturing Establishments, 1939 Wage Earners (Manufacturing Establishments) Wages (1,000's of dollars) Manufacturing Estab- lishments > Value of Products (1,000's of dollars) Manufac- turing Establishments Value added by manufacture (1,000's dollars) Number of Retall Establishments, 1939 Sales (1,000's of dollars) Retall Establishments Number of Employees Retail Establishments Pay Roll (1,000's of dollars) Retail Establishments Number of Service Establishments, 1939 Receipts (1,000's of dollars) Service Establishments Number of Employees, Service Establishments Pay Roll (1,000's of dollars) Service Establishments in the Cities Supplement are comparable with items presented Col. number . 38 43 17 18 21 65 66 67 68 69 73 74 76 77 80 R&R in the County Data Book. The listing below COUNTY DATA BOOK Subject Total Population, 1940 Total Dwelling Units, 1940 Occupied Dwelling Units Average Monthly Rent (dollars) Population, 14 Years of Age and Over, 1940 Persons in the Labor Force, 1940 Total Employed, 1940 Number of Manufacturing Establishments, 1939 Wage Earners - Manufacturing Establishments Wages (1,000's of dollars) Manufacturing Estab- lishments Value of Products (1,000's of dollars) Manufac- turing Establishments Value added by manufacture (1,000's dollars) Number of Retail Establishments, 1939 Sales (1,000's of dollars) Retail Establishments Employees Retail Establishments Pay Roll (1,000's of dollars) Retail Establishments Number of Service Establishments, 1939 Receipts (1,000's of dollars) Employees - Service Establishments Pay Roll (1,000's of dollars) Service Establishments 427 APPENDIX F Rural level of Living Index (Col. 64) The, rural level of living index 1s the result of an attempt to indicate in simple form the relative level of living in each county of the United States. It deals with the level of living of all rural families, both farm and nonfarm. The index for each county 1s a weighted average of indexes for rural farm and rural nonfarm families; the two indexes are weighted according to the proportions or the rural population of thé county that are rural-farm and rural-nonfarm. The index values are relative rather than absolute measures of level of living. They show each county's position only in relation to the mean of all counties or the United States and not in relation to any norm or-accepted standard. For States and for the United States, the composite rural index shown is the arithmetic mean of the corresponding index values for all counties in the State or the nation. The index values were based on data from the 1940 Censuses of Population, Housing, and Agriculture. Five 1tems were selected for the rural-farm index and five for the rural-nonfarm index based on an analysis of the relationships among a number of items from the 1940 Censuses. The itéms included in the indexes are: Rural-Farm Index (1) Percentage of occuplea dwelling units with fewer than 1.51 persons per room*—H (2) Percentage of dwelling units with radios*—HR (3) Percentage of farms with gross income of more than $600*—I (4) Percentage of farms reporting autos of 1935 or later models—A (5) Median grade of "school completed by persons 25 years of age and over*—S The formula for combining data on these items into the rural-farm level of living index is as follows: Lgr » ,467H + .281R + .226I + .403A + 4.3518 - 11.6. Rural-nonfarm Index (1) Percentage of occupied dwelling units with fewer than 1.51 persons per room*—H (2) Percentage of dwelling units with radios*—R (3) Percentage of dwelling units with running water*—Ww (4) Percentage of rural-nonfarm occupied dwelling units with mechanical refrigeration®*—M (5) Median grade of school completed by persons 25 years of age and over*—§S * Number reporting used as base The formula for combining data on these items into the rural-nonfarm level of living index is as follows: Lpwp = (718H + .462R + .342W + .585M + 6.1048 - 77.6. For both the rural-farm index and the rural-nonfarm index, the scales have been set so that the average for all counties of the United States 1s 100. The units of the scale have been determined so that a unit on one scale is comparable to a unit on the other in terms of the variation of all counties about the mean value of 100 for each series of index values. The scales have been chosen so as not to give negative values for any counties. On the rural-farm index, counties vary from a low of 3 to a high of 166, and on the rural-nonfarm index, from a low of 4 to a high of 188. For additional detall on this subject, see the source publication issued by the United States Department of Agricul- ture, Bureau of Agricultural Economics, Rural Level of Living Indexes for Counties of the United States, 1940, by Margaret Jarman Hagood, dated October 1943. 428 Column Headings and Sources APPENDIX G PART I-POPULATION Ct TION EDUCATION VITAL Serie TOTAL POPULATION POPULATION--1940 1940 ST ATI Tics 1944 CIVILIAN . Total wk POPULATION Land | Pop- Slawhiie Percent of U.S. area [ulation population 25 Metro. AREAS rank in per years old and Area AND Number of | Percent 5 sq. over who have Code CODES counties change miles mil Percent te Rural Rusa) completed— : ( ban . : Number | recnt] April | te 11930 | 1040 [1940 | Number | to ple en Bide Dustis N | tiles) 1940 10 5 or Hich ov. 1, = : ig! 1943" | 10 1940 oon mate, | schoo [0] @ @) “4 ®) (6) m | 8) ©) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) LABOR FORCE—1940 Population 14 Years Old and Over Employed Workers by Industry Group Peto we AREAS Troms: Bud In leading Ai AND Percent | Percent porta- i Sona ¥ Code CODES of all of all tion, Whol on i I Thre Total In labor males | females Total Agri- Mini Con- Manufac- | €Ommum- wile pe] A Other Pon apn ota force who are | who are employed ro ing Sige. turing cations, retail exclud- and bi cul- Cod labor labo fi trade ing reporied | ture Sec pind f r hn domestic ( Per- Dice hse services page cent an 18) (19) @) @n @) @) 4) 25) (26) [¢2)) =) @) Go | an | @® PART II1-HOUSING Tor HOUSING—1940 5 3 , Nonfarm Rural Farm All Dwelling Units Occupied Dwelling Units Dwelling Units Dwelling Units 2] Mam| AREAS - EA ha oN Residential Percent | Percent P Percent Medion Per- Strictares in5or | wi ‘Percent i wil Average cent |Percent| Jan. 1, Number family Cus Te A Number | owner eal "| persons | Number Ba ¥1 Number . oh 1945 stuc- | or | light oceu- | yofrig- | (dollars) ning | light tures | shower Hghting eration Jute: ee, Vohting oo ao en | oo o ml uw | w @ 0) w lw! wl wm 429 APPENDIX G Column Headings and Sources—Continued PART IV- AGRICULTURE ile AGRICULTURE—1945 AGRICULTURE—1940 Value of f oducts sold, | Principal Per- lus of Work power ll hi gi Per. elt property farm household farm income Tite. cent ¥ ol- Weel | AREAS: [Momber off: Land in| Cropland] Number fara Percent from— farming | Ror Area AND farms arms | harvested | of farms | farms | (op Ave Number Live. re Lk CODES 1 (400 40; Avril pe of Total age 23 Nobis Amount | stock Code cous living od |u| | Ml || OB || te | No |G | ef ™ Ph Jeis of fam mules | tractors of live- | Crops |p. )|cent| P ' ants la dollars) (id, (over 3 dollars) stock $400 Y mo old) pols “) “) (0) Gh) G2) 3) 0 (5) (36) 0 (8) (59) (0) on | ® (63) (64) PART V-INDUSTRY AND RETAIL TRADE oo” es MANUFACTURING ESTABLISHMENTS—1939 MINERAL INDUSTRIES—1939 RETAIL ESTABLISHMENTS—1939 wal CAND | Value added i e a el oe ee | me [ aset {br mme | Tek | Naren | Woe ero] odie | 2 Fr Nomber (average Ly lt 's of (1000 f (f ’s of | persons | (1000s of | stores (000s of li or Us 0f for year) |“ 1 dollar) | “Glam | dollars) | engaged | dollars) w year) (65) 7 © a) an (12) @) a4 as as) am PART VI-OTHER ECONOMIC DATA — = WHOLpSALE SERVICE ESTABLISHMENTS—1939 | BANK DEPOSITS TRADE—1939 1944 Major war supply Major war facilities contracts, rojects, June 1940-Sept. 1945 | June 1 June 1945 E Bond (1000's of dollars) (1000's. of dollars) Hetro, AREAS : sales 1944 : Ares AND Number Number : ; Total : (1000 of Games | Ae] | Ng Ace To) Pl | mad | Tie | slo wb (1000's of | est ( s_|proprie-| “pf $ s time) | ( $ issue price) ish- | dollars) | lish- |of dollars)| tors your) dollars)} (1000's | of dollars) ments ments of dollars) mie Other Todustrial | Miliary m | on low | oo | ool (89 | a an oo | oy 430 8) ~~ SOURCES A.—Bureau of the Census, Population—Special Reports, Series P-44, No. 3; Estimated Civilian Population of the United States, by Counties: November 1, 1943 B.—Bureau of the Census; Sixteenth Census of the United States, 1940—Population - Vol. I - Number of Inhabltants C.—Bureau of the Census, Sixteenth Census of the United States, 1940—Population - Vol. 2 - General Characteristics D.—Bureau of the Census, Vital Statistics Special Reports, Vol. 23, State Summaries, 1944 (Currently issued by U. S. Public Health Service, National Office of Vital Statistics.) E.—Bureau of the Census, Sixteenth Census of the United States, 1940; Housing - Vol. 2 - General Characteristics F.—American Telephone and Telegraph Company, Telephones by Counties, January 1, 1945 G.—Census of Agriculture, 1945, Vol. 1, Statistics by Counties H.—Bureau of the Census, Sixteenth Census of the United States, Agriculture, 1940, Vol. 1 - Farms and Farm Property I.—Bureau of the Census, Sixteenth Census of the United States, Agriculture, 1940, Vol. II - Value of Farm Products J.—U. 8. Department of:Agriculture, Bureau of Agricultural Economics, Generalized Types of Farming in the United States, January 24, 1946 2 K.—U. S. Department of Agriculture, Bureau of Agricultural Economics, Rural Level of Living Indexes for Counties of the United States, 1940, Margaret J. Hagood L.—Bureau of the Census; Sixteenth Census of the United States, 1940; Census of Manufactures, 1939, Vol. III M.—Bureau of the Census; Sixteenth Census of the United States, 1940; Census of Mineral Industries N.—Bureau of the Census; Sixteenth Census of the United. States, 1940; Census of Business; Retail Trade 1939, Part 3, Kinds of Business by Area, State, Counties, and Cities 0.—Bureau of the Census, Sixteenth Census of the United States, 1940, Census of Business, Wholesale Trade, 1939, Vol. II P.—Bureau or the Census, Sixteenth Census of the United States, 1940, : f Business vic stablishments, 1939, Vol.I([ Q.—U. 8. Treasury Department, Office of the Secretary, Distribution of Bank Deposits by Counties, December 3.i, 1944 R.—U. 8. Treasury Department, Office of the Secretary, unpublished data on Series E War Savings Bonds S.—War Production Board, War Supply and Facility Contracts by State, Industrial Area and County, June 1945 (unpublished data were used in connection with supply contracts) 431 # U. S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE ; 1947 O—748369 C. BERKELEY LIBRARIES C0kL983192k try wy = . a 3 hi Gt Pi her