LIBRARY UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA. GIlNL‘ 0]“ Mrs. SARAH P. WALSWORTH. Received October, 1804. cflccossions No.‘ > 5' ____ _ 7 1/597, Class Nu. ' r *' u 'QM' 22*“ "‘rf‘h» .‘T’i WfiLBWORTH; WW THE STUDENT’S INSTRUCTOR IN DRAWING AND WORKING ‘1 THE FIVE ORDERS. OF . ARCHITECTURE. THE STUDENT’S INSTRUCTOR IN DRAW'ING AND WORKING THE FIVE ORDERS OF ARCHITECTURE. FULLY EXPLAINING THE BEST METHODS FOR S'I‘RIKING REGULAR AND QUIRKED MOULDINGS; FOR DIMINISHING AND GLUEING OF COLUMNS AND CAPITALS; FOR FINDING THE TRUE DIAMETER OF AN ORDER TO ANY GIVEN HEIGHT; FOR STRIKING THE IONIC VOLUTE, CIRCULAR OR ELLIPTICAL ; \VITH . FINISHED EXAMPLES; ~ ON A LARGE SCALE, 0? ~ THE ORDERS, THEIR PLANCEERS, 8w DESIGNS FOR DOOR-CASES, .ELE GANTLY E NG RAVE D ON FORTY- ON E PLATE S, ’ WITH EX FLA NA T10 NS. . a ‘ BY PETER NICHOLSON, ARCHITECT. AUTHOR or THE CARPENTER’S NEW GUIDE, CARPENTER AND JOINER’S ASSISTANT, &c. fi THE FIFTH EDITION, ' CONSIDERABLY‘ AUGMENTED AND IMPROVED. + {taxman : PRINTED FOR J. TAYLOR, AT THE ARCHITECTURAL LIBRARY, 59, HIGH 'HOLBORN. 1823. PREFACE. +4 THE following Treatise will be found partlcularly useful to Students in Architecture. It contains a complete develoliement of the methods of drawing and working the five orders, which may be said to be the foundation, the very ABC of the art of build. ing: as from these, with their several proportions and variations, arises all that is great, elegant, or harmo- nious in the noblest structure; wherefore I most earnestly recommend to the student, to obtain a thorough knowledge of every order, its parts, pron po1tions and entire figure, as being absolutely neces- sary to ALL who aspire to eminence in this piofession. To this purpose the following wo1k 1s well adapted, and gives in the most detailed and accurate manner, examples of the five orders, their p1op01tions and en- 1ich1nents, acco1ding to the present taste; which me so completely explained by the lines, and the measure- ment on the plates, that a little attention will enable every person readily to comprehend the proportion, use, and situation of each member: and also the several methods adopted in calculating the parts, and for setting them off on rods for practice, to any scale. The manner of drawing them on paper is fully ex- plained, and I must here advise the student to make a diligent practice of drawing the outlines to a large . . « 5., vi _ PREFACE. ' scale, so that the measures may apply with accuracy, before he proceeds to finish in shading; by so doing, he will acquire a facility of manner, and an accuracy of eye in judging of the beauties of proportion, which will ever be of essential use to him. The explanation of the Tuscan order is given very . full, and as the same methods apply to each of the other orders, they are not repeated. It is scarcely necessary to observe, the height of the several columns is given according to the most esteemed masters; nevertheless they may with much propriety be varied, to suit particular purposes or situations. The, method of deseribing quirkcd mouldings is new and easy, for practice, for any swell. I have shewn a new method for striking the Ionic volute, which will produce that Spiral curve with more ele— gance and regularity in the sweep, than by any other method I have seen. That important branch of practice, glueing up of columns and capitals, is shewn in a new and accurate manner, easy to be understood. I have also shewn new and easy methods for diminishing of columns, and for marking the flutes and fillets on them and on pilasters; which, with various other interesting mat- .ters, will, I hope, make the operative parts of the orders better Understood, both in theory and in prac- .tice, than by any former publication. PREFACE TO THE THIRD EDITION. .__..._ ME usefulness of this little volume has been fullyfiproved by the great numbers which have been sold : a new Edition being now called for, A I have examined the Work throughout, and have made such corrections and additions, as. appeared to be'necessary to adapt it to the prevailing style of architecture: to this purpose I have given a new plate containing a variety of Jllodern Mouldings, also six new ones of Antique Doric Capitals and entablatures, with the parts at large and in detail '. so that in this small work every member'of these specimens of ancient magnificence is equally clear and distinct, as in the large work of the original author; and as I have reduced the proportions to the modular scale, they are more easily put in practice. Upon the whole, it will be found viii PREFACE. that the Greek Doric which has of late been so much in; vogue, is fully explained and elu- cidated: I have also given an example of a chaste and noble Ionic Capital; all these are selected from Stuart’s elegant andlinteresting work on the Antiquities of Athens; the other 4 new plates are an outline of the Composite Capital for the use of learners, and an antique Ionic Door case, proper to be drawn from or worked. These additions, on ten new plates, ,with various corrections in the descri‘p’s, render this edition more complete and seful; and 1 think there is now nothing wanting to constitute it a complete introduction to the orders of architecture both ancient and modern. ,> ;- .‘ . ‘ j ' = 4 A y/lyfl/l/ Z 1, ////////// ///./I (I E 4 , E c t am» 5 ’ Mk I .. A I B \ ' L; : /// / *r'//ir (.3 9/ ' Maxi __A///'/‘/// (4 /, E E ,/ ‘J/(I/ 7/51 a: K ‘04»2» > r”) X \ F I . .7 "If/720’ I) J ll‘IJHA“: li‘lfi/{fv/zal 11-7 /.\'»./, 7:9;10' , 'n'l' [lab/1 :‘l‘ »/ 'v.».-,.v . f1»: ' EXPLANATION S, &.c. PLATE 1. TO DESCRIBE THE SEVERAL KINDS or MOULDINGS. T0 describe an Ovolo, take the height ab; set the compasses in b, describe an arc, and with the same distance on the projection at 0, describe an are cut- ting the former at a, then on a, as a centre, des- cribe an arc b c, and the ovolo will be completed. To describe a Cavetto, on b, with the height ab; describe an are on the projection at c, with the same distance describe another are cutting the former at (1; then with the same extension on d, describe the arc b c, and it will be a cavetto. To describe a Cima Recta, join the projections at each end by the right line AB, divide it into two equal parts at b, and in order to make it look bold, divide A B into three equal parts, or nearlyso, and with one third, on A and b as centres, describe arcs, cutting each other at d; and in the same manner find the intersection, on the opposite side of the line at c,- lastly on d, and 0, describe the arcs Ab, and b B, and it will form the cima recta required. To describe the Torus, divide the height into two‘ equal parts at e, and on e, as a centre, describe a se- micircle to that height; and it will form a torus. The Bead is formed as the Torus. B 2 the, These are the forms of regular mouldings, ’viz. the height equal to the projection : but there are other forms, where the projection is often less than the height, and the curvature of the moulding much flatter; however the same me-i thods for describing the one, will do for the other. PLATE II. MODERN on QUIRKED MOULDINGS. To describe the Cima Reversa A, join the projections at a, and b, by the line ab, and proceed in the same » manner as with the cima recta before described. To describe a quirhed Cima Reversa B, divide the perpendicular height into seven parts; with two of the parts describe a semicircle ce; on a draw a line from cc, and on the height of the first division from'the bottom b,‘describe the are cd, and it will complete the moulding. The quirhed Cima Reversal C, is described in a si- milar manner, as is plain on inspection. To described quirhed Ovalo I), divide the height into four equal parts; with one part on (1, describe the arc afg. Join c-b to the end of the fillet below; on b describe the are ed, on c, with the distance a I), describe an are cutting the former at d; through d, and c, draw the line d c f cutting the small circle at f,- then with a radius, df, desc1ibe the arcf b, and it will complete a quiiked ovolo. To describe the quirhed Moulding E, flatter in the lower: part than that at I), describe the smaller circle as in the last; and through its centre, and the end I) I //(I/ /’;‘// n ///’//A//)//-/. $5. l A I KIWI/4 //,/?//I//.r//. n} /!4/I /.(". ///{///N/ J " :1" ///(U// //1’//la‘/// . 3 of the" fillet, draw the line c I) e, taking the ‘point e, according as you intend to have the under part of the moulding flatter or quicker: take the distance ec, and on I), describe an are at (1, then take the distance ed, that is ‘e 0, made less by the radius ca, of the smaller are a f g, on c, with that distance, describe an are cutting the former at d,- lastly on d, with a radius df, describe the arc fl), and it will complete the quirked ovolo required. . _ i Note, The quirked ovolo at F, is described in the same manner as E; the only difference being in the projection, which is greater. These are the most proper for the workman’s pur- pose, though various other methods may be shewn to answer the same purpose; as G, H, I, K, whiclr are traced from a semicircle, by applying the same projections to a line of any inclination required. G, is a torus moulding taken from a semicircle; and may be applied where the projection of the up- per fillet is greater than the projection of the lower. To describe a Scotia .M, from the top of’the fillet draw B A, perpendicular, cutting the bottom of the fillet at A : from g the end of the bottom fillet, draw the line gac, parallel ,to A B: make ga, equal to twice gA, on a : describe the semicircle gee, cut- ting the line gac, at 0, through c, and the end of the fillet, at B, draw the line c B 6, cutting the semicircle at e : draw the line ade, cutting A B, in d; lastly on d, describethe arc e B, and it will complete the scotia. N is a scotia, described by a similar method to the ovolos G, H, I, K, viz. through points found from a semicircle, to the height of the moulding. PLATE III. A MODERN MOULDINGS. To describe a Grecian Ovalo 0r Echinus, have two tangents tO the curve, and the points Of contact given, . one of the points ot‘eontact being the greatest projec- tion, and the other the lower extremity of the curve. Fg .,l 2, 3, let A B, B C, be the two tangents, A, the point Of contact at the greatest p1ojection, and C, the lower extremity of the eu1ve- , d1aw A E, parallel to B C, and C E, parallel to B A; produce C E, to F, making E F, equal to EC ; divide A E, and A B, each into the same number of equal parts ; from the point F, draw lines through the points Of division in AE, and also from the point C, draw lines to the points of division in A B, tO meet the others through the divi- sions of A E ; through the intersections draw a curve, which will be the contour OF the ovolo required. OBSERVATIONS. The moulding will be flatter or quicker according as the point B, the extremity Of the tangent B C, is nearer or more remote from A, the greatest projec- tion. In Fig. l, B D, is one half Of'AD; in Fig. 2, BD, is one third OfAD; and in Fig. 3, B D, is one fourth Of' A D. Also the quirk or recess at the top will be greater, as the distance A G is greater, A G, . being in the same straight line with A D. The same things being given, to describe the mould- ing to any of the conic sections. Fig. 4. Draw A H, parallel to the fillets; produce the vertical line C H, to K, making H K, equal H C, a/Mén L/[éflé/oayy. 1‘ 31%- 243.1-“ wu’n/ /'u/Il'l."/n"1/ 4‘ / f/In’ll-I: .11 "uf/r'w/J LCM/{4'}. 5 and H 1, equal to BD: join AI; divide AI, and A B, each into the same number of equal parts, and through the points of division in these lines, and through the points K, and C, draw lines to meet each other, and through these points draw a 'curve, and it will be the ovolo required. OBSERVATION. IfBD,we1e less than the half of' A D, the mould- ing would be elliptical , and ifB D, were equal to the half of A D, the moulding would be parabolical. In this example ED, is greater than the half of A D, the moulding is hyperbolical. Of this form is the echinus in all the Grecian Doric capitals, except the Doric Portico at Athens, in which the echinus of the capital is elliptical. I The same things being given to describe the echinus, the point C being the extremity of one of the axes. Fig. 5. join A C, and bisect it in L; draw B, L, M, C M, perpendicular to B C, and P M, parallel to B C: with the distance C M, on the point A, describe an are cutting PM, at O: produce C M, to N, and draw A, O, N; ' make N P, equal to AN, and M P, and M will be the two semi-axes by which the curve may be described. Hg. 6. is a Scotia or Troc/zillus, the fillets may be considered as tangents, and the line parallel to the line joining the fillet as another tangent. Fig. 7. a cima-recta, compounded of two quarters of an ellipse upon the axes. Fig. 8. a cima-reversa, compounded of two quarters of an ellipse from conjugate diame- ters, which are given in position. These are de- scribed upon similar principles to figures 1, 2, and 3.‘ 6 PLATE IV-. TO MAKE A RULE FOR DIMINISHING THE SHAFT OF A COLUMN. Method 1st. Fig. 1. describe a semicircle, on the bot- tom of the column AB, fi‘om the top of the column, draw the line E 4, parallel to the axis DC, or middle line ofthe column, cutting the semicircle at the base in 4 ; divide the are A 4, into four, or any other number of equal parts, and divide the height C D, into the same number ofequal parts, as 1, 9, 3; through the divisions 1, ‘2, 3, 4, of the semicircle at the, base, draw lines 1 a, 2 b, 3 c, and 4d, parallel to A B ; set off those parts from each side of the axis, on the corresponding num- bers on the shaft; then by bending a thin lath or slip, round pins or nails fixt in these points, you will have the contour, or curve of the column : and the reverse of this will be the edge of the rule for working it by. Method 2nd. Hg. 2. divide the height of the dimi- nishing rule, as A B, into any number of equal parts ; as four, at 1, 2, 3, and divide the difference of the semidiameter CD, at the top and bottom, into the same number, viz. four, and draw lines from each division on C D, towards E, at the bottom; cutting lines drawnparallel to the base, through 1, 2, 3, will give points, by which you may draw as before, a curve of a very regular and pleasing form, which may be drawn on the edge of the rule, or on the column itself, as is most convenient for the workman; this, in my opinion, is much preferable to the first method. ' Fig.3 .shews the same thing not in itsjust p10po1- tion but clea1e1 to inspection, as the divisions are much laige1. 2/ _ \) (.yuy---..--.---L .... m aw .............. » »‘..».\.. . 4 . . _ V \Qxxxx x t M \ \t _ . 7 a. .2 fl- , z. . m l E v ........................ M}. u vhHHIII...”VHHIIHMHIvvav-HHWWM . _ k \ x 1 t. \ _. “\Qxx; s \xQquxxRQxxxA \. \ [NIH/IIIL I'll/IIIY/n‘ll /y/ [4" «l. 7I'l'I//I'/f . ‘ '1’. III'//{}/// /[I”mrn . (C(DLUMNS as. 9." .rg. W» DRAW TIHUE IFJLUTJES (IMF (w. m (a)? //['1'.’.\"./ lgzlrmrg m rm. .4 / n. /u w [ ,7 PLATE V. TO DRAW THE FLUTES OF COLUMNS. To draw the flutes of the Doric Column. On A B, Fig. 1. the diameter of the column, describe a semi- circle, and divide the semicircle into ten equal parts; (as the Doric column usually contains twenty flutes, ‘ which are in general made shallow, and without fillets ;) through every two of the divisions draw lines _ E l, E 2, E 3, E 4, to E 10, between any two divisions (as 3 and 4) describe two arcs'whose vertex is C: on E with a radius E C, describe the quadrant G, H, I, K, L, M, cutting the lines E A, E I, E 2, E 3, E 4, &c. in the points, G, H, I, K,_L,VM, which are the centres for the flutes; but if the flutes 'are wanted deeper, you may make the distance 5 D, half the breadth of a flute; and proceed as shewn on the other quadrant, and from a, b, c, 860. draw perpendi- culars to the bottomiof the column. Fig.4 2. The Ionic, Corinthian, and Composite orders, have in general twentyofour flutes, with a fillet be-r tween each ; (the fillet one third of a flute;) in‘ order to have that number, and preserve the just propor- tion of a flute to a fillet, observe the following rule: divide the semi-circumference, Fig. 3. into twelve equal parts, at l, 2, 3, 4, 5, 8:0. to 12, divide any di- vision into eight equal parts, as that between 5 and 6, then take three of these parts, and on 1, 2, 3, &c. to 12, as centres, describe arcs which are nearly semicircular as in the plate, and then draw them to the column, Fig. 4. x 8 PLATE VI. TO DRAW THE FLUTES AND FILLETS ROUND THE SHAFT OF A COLUMN. , If the columns are of stone, or wood, the whole or any part may be fluted in the following manner; after being prOperly rounded, and the end or joints made parallel to each other, find the centres of the circles at each end; and if they are not already found, cut two holes, directly in the middle at each end per- pendicular to the joints, so that the centres shall be in the middle of the holes; this being done, drive in two pieces of wood, so as to be quite tight in the holes, and to project out about five or siX inches ; let the projecting parts be well rounded off, so as to be exactly in the middle of the ends, then make a dimi- nishing rule as in Plate IV. To fit the curve of the column, let the ends of this diminishing rule be fixed into two pieces, (i b ; which are made to revolve round the pins at the ends by means of notches, or ' any other convenient way; so that the curved edge of the rule be very near to the curved surface of the column; and one side of the rule to tend exactly to the centre : to keep the rule steady from bending side- ways, fix a rule to the other side, the whole length of the diminishing rule, of asufficient strength to keep the diminishing rule from bending ; so that the breadths of the two rules will be at right angles to each other, the two end pieces and diminishing rule being fixed fast together; the whole maybe turned round the pins at the ends as centres, like one entire piece : then the operation of drawing the flutes and fillets will be as follows: suppose it were required to flute the Ionic, \‘ \\\\\\‘= 5% r \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\}\\\\\\\\\\\}\\\§\\\\\\\\)\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ \\‘\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ §. \\\ xxxxx \ / z..,,,/(.,(,/'.,/,,',2/.(-./ / /mag/mVina/uZ/{av/za flJ/m, ‘ ' 9 Corinthian, or Composite columns, the circumfer- » ence at either end will be divided into six equal parts, by taking half the diameter at that end, and applying it round the said circumference ;~ then each of these divisions being divided into four, the whole circumference will be divided into twenty-four: in order to have the proportion of a flute to a fillet as 1 to‘ ,divide any one of the last divisions into four equal parts, and one of these pa1ts will be the b1eadth of a fillet, which being set off from the same side of each division, the whole column will be divided into ' flutes and fillets; then by turning the rule round to each mark, or division, you may with a piece of sharp ‘ steel draw on the shaft of the column the flutes and fillets, to the gleatest exactness, by keeping it close ' to the side of the rule. - This method is by far the most ready, as well as the most correct Of any that I have yet seen; this machine is shewn complete on the plate, and I hope a careful inspection will render it sufliciently plain: there are other methods of drawing the flutes on the shaft of a column, as by drawing two parallel lines through the centre at each end of the column, and ‘ dividing the circumferences at the ends into the number of flutes and fillets, then bending a thin rule from the respective divisions at each end; it is ne- cessary to be careful that the edge of the rule by which you draw, touch the curved surface of the column only: but this method, however simple,'is very liable to error. Other methods, used by some workmen for setting ofl" the flutes and fillets round the shaft of a column, are as follow: c 10 PLATE VII. TO DRAW THE FLUTES AND FILLETS ON A COLUMN 0R PILASTER. ‘Fig. 1. AB, is any line divided into flutes and fillets, greater than the circumference of the column at the base ; on A B, describe the equilateral triangle A B G, draw all the points in A B, to G, then if G C, and G D, are equal to the circumference of the co- lumn at the bottom of the shaft, the line C D, will be equal to the same circumference ; lay a piece of parchment, or any thing that is pliable, on C D, and mark all the flutes and fillets on it; then apply this ,round the column at the bottom, and prick them round it, divide the circumference at top in the same manner as E F, and draw the flutes with a thin rule as before. Hg. 2., is another method for marking the flutes and fillets round the end of the column; the line AB, is a line divided into flutes and fillets, less than the circumference of the top part of the column; draw any number of parallel lines from the divisions of A B, let B C, B D, B E, be the top or bottom dia- meter ; set one foot of the compasses in B, and cross the line AF, at C, D, or E, draw the line B C, B D, or BE, and either will be divided into flutes and fillets, as before. Let A B, be the breadth of the pilaster, draw any line A C; take your compasses at any convenient opening, and run twenty-nine times the said opening from A to C, and join. B C; then set your bevel to the angle A C B, and from the points on A C, draw WWW \ '1 m ///////////]////1 W\\\\\\\\\X§W I 'I'I'I'Illl l'l , 5' ; B ‘ IIIII'I'I'IIIII'II' W / 1' V ‘.. y i ‘ “j ;'/(-(-/4'¢,”2|_ /, /// /’ 1/” m n ‘ //I I,I'V’//(‘yrr7/// ~—, wwvrw.v_ . m. w. .-,..W- .wrm—w—w I »_ D/a'r/l'r'li {/0411}!!! "/77? [/I:’ /I/~lr‘ Mn“ _ ‘ n1!!fi“i§|l1nm ‘ lulu/Q71 /’..'/-//.-'//n/ (Ir/A“ ./- 71.111: '1" ,l 5.115 /[:4 ’/I //w'- 7.. . ‘ l “a “(a . __ ’ll ’ lines cutting AB, as is shewn by the figure, and from the points on AB, draw the flutes and fillets with a common gauge. There is another method of drawing the flutes of a diminished pilaster with one gauge, and at one move- ment, by making the gauge equal to the width of the bottom, or something wider; but as this method is erroneous in its principle, no diagram is exhibited. The best method to draw the flutes on a dimi- nished pilaster, is to divide the height of the trunk into any convenient number of' equal parts on a lon- gitudinal line passing through the middle of the breadth at top and bottom, and through the points of division draw transverse lines to the longitudinal line: set off the flutesand fillets on each transverse "line : take nails or brads in each corresponding point of each transverse line, and bend a pliable slip of wood round the nails, and draw a line, and proceed till every set of corresponding points are used, and the pilaster will have its face drawn for flutes as re- quired. ‘ PLATE VIII. TO GLUE UP THE SHAFT OF A COLUMN. This must be glued up in eight or more staves, ac- cording to the bigness of the column, but always observe to have the joint in the middle of a fillet, and not in a flute, as it would very much weaken it; in this plate is shewn the plan of the top and bottom ends, or the horizontal section at each end. If eight pieces are sufficient for the column, you must de- scribe an octagon round theends, then draw lines 12 from each angle of the octagon to the centre, and it will give the bevei of the edges of the staves for the joints, which must be quite'straight from top to bottom; only, that the staves be narrower at_the top, as is shewn by the plans of the column; the staves must be of a sufficient thickness, because the 'outside is to be curved to the swell of the column, by means of a diminishing rule: then proceed to glue the pieces together one after the other; as the glue dries, block them well at the corners in the inside, which will greatly strengthen the joints: pro- ceed in this manner to the last stave; the blocks must be glued on and dried before you can glue your last stave in: or you. may glue pieces quite across for the last stave, fixed to the inside of the two ad— joining staves ; or by screws fix them to each stave, then the underside of your last stave must be planned ' so as to rub well on the cross pieces, and when the stave is put in, and glued upon the said cross pieces, you may drive it tight home like a wedge, and the whole will be as firm as possible; but care must be taken that the staves and blocks are quite dry, other- wise the column after some time will be in danger of coming to pieces at the joints : in glueing each piece, care must be taken to try it to the plan, or backing mould, as a trifling difference in each will make a very sensible error in going round the column after the glueing; when the glue in the columns is dry, you may proceed to work off the angles regularly all round; the column will then have double the num- ber of sides, or cants; proceed in the same manner working off the angles as before, so as to make the ' 13 column have its sides, or cants, quite regular; lastly, make a plane to fit the curve of the column at the bottom, or rather flatter; then round ofi“ all the an- gles, until the surface of the column is quite smooth: there is, however, one thing I would observe in re- spect to the moulds for jointing the staves together; that is, they are not exactly true when applied in a direction perpendicular to the joint; the proper method to find them true is in ‘the same manner as you will find the backing of a hip rafter, or of' a pitch skylight; but, however, this exactness is not always attended to, as the deviation frOm the truth is so small as to be disregarded: after your column is quite finished, it ought to be well painted, to pre- serve it from being injured, by the weather. ' Another method is, glue the column in two halves, and then glue these together; the blockings may be put in a considerable way by hand; but if" the co- lumn is too long, a rod of" sufficient length may be used. Either of these methods have inconveniences which cannot be avoided; by the former method the last joints cannot be rubbed together because of' the tapering of the stave, but if it is glued quickly, it will be pretty sound: by the latter method there is an uncertainty of the blockings being sound. Note, The grain of the blocking pieces must be the same way as the grain ofthe column, that if affected by weather, they may expand alike. For the method of glueing up Bases, see Plate XXXV III . and description. 14 or" THE TUSCAN ORDER. PLATE IX. To draw this, or any other Order. NAMES OF THE MOULDINGs. \Txlg {If Entablature. In the Column. 1? gFil‘Iafi t 7““. % gillet .1 ima ec a ascna G Fillet I . S Ovolo I In the H Corona (llgriiii; T Fillet > Capital I Ovolo . U Neck of the J K Fillet Capital 1’ Cavetto J , V Bead In the Prize W Fillet Shaft N Tenia X Fillet . . In the In the 0 Upper Fascia} Architrave y Torus } Base. P Lower Fast-1a Z Plinth Make a scale of' the diameter of the column at the bottom ; first divide it into six equal parts called mo- dules, divide the first of these into ten, which are called minutes; then every member of the order’is so many minutes of this scale, either in height or pro- jection: the operation is as follows: draw an axi or perpendicular through the middle of the column; on this line set all your heights, or on any other line parallel to it: then make another line parallel to the axis at the distance of twenty-five minutes, which allows five minutes on each side for the diminution at top; from this line set off your projections, as , fighred in the plate; for example, the projection of the top fillet E is forty—two minutes, and the projec- tion of the next fillet G is thirty-two minutes and a half 5 then proceed to draw the ci‘ma recta, as already 2'. (7': ' ‘3' .wr'rf . ////./'I 7/ ll 2 .5.“ I .4 M J J 13 I . . 2 d ,2 N J 3 n. I r a /,7 x, N u / .n H — . .l C) . . I 1 . m . u ./ o v . u m / 2 M. 1 m .D a" m // x I. 2 In J u .. u/ [\j J V , m .. 1L1 ................ / r I J a . , . . x r ; ,n 1 w L} ( / n ,,n / / u 7 , H K, N A 1/ , ,//. I f ‘ n oJx N / . , ; / . i u m I. ‘ 4 / L . I. / /I “I , , 1 LFGH I\l A N 0 POR<....\ w , 7m .1,” .4 KY 7 .. ...... . ...... r |I. :u...r.vfl .................. .. .............. . 7. 7. - n. .. Lu: . ‘ xv.../l...|Pll.'u|.I v.1nuv ., ‘ 4 ...................... / r .2 ./ 1/, // I // ,y/ / / MI; // / 4/ z 1/ / h 0/, nnm. .b v I / x -m 7, ,, r r. . H , AKA J n1: . . ......... m” ._.+ x ,2. . U . p . . to; Q. T. . 2m .. u n o . _ .,.. H //f¢ . H l. n a . __ L ” ,/ N _. u H _ _ .3 n _ n . n u . _“ , . . _ _ _ _ n .r. . H a n n 4 1.2 , an M/ 2 H ,d 2 a I U H L / _ m 4 m ..,__ i m\ ~ 5.x fix I 233C \y: Ankh} \:_{.E€\\.: 1.? \txk? :§\_S:i\:: _\\<\\ . \lw EVAN. T . ‘ . . \«Q» «.Q\ \R\\\§\x\-\\\\ \V\.\\ \V&\L\\‘ .\\\~w\x\ N \mxxwaix .{\\ .\.§ \V§\u\\. 15 I) ’21 :1". //{l//4 lfl-I/nuw . Inn A 141/ y/A'wf.’ [puma/Limomzal fl '15 shewn at Plate I, and afterwards all the other mem- bers, until you come to the base which is set off ~ from the outer extremity of the column, that is thirty minutes fi‘om the axis. In the Tuscan order, the column is seven diame- ters high, that is seven times its diameter at the base, the entablature is one fourth of the height of the column: but if the order has a pedestal, which is seldom the case, it will be one-fifth part of the entire order in height. To make this practice as easy as possible to the workman, the following examples will be found useful. Tofml the diameter of the Tuscan Column, when that alone is to he executed. R U L E. Divide the height of the column by seven, and the quotient will be the diameter. EXAMPLE I. Suppose it were required to execute the Tuscan Column alone, to the height of twenty-two feet, three inches, I demand the diameter of the column. OPERATION. . 7) 22 3 3 ... 937 So that the diameter of the column is three feet two inches and one seventh part of an inch. Divide 3 2; into sixty equal parts, will give a. scale of minutes for proportioning the parts. The diameter, found by the following rule, in feet and inches, is always supposed to be divided into sixty- equal parts, for minutes. ‘ 16 To find the height of the Tuscan Entablature, and the diameter of its column, the entire height of the column and entablatzire being given. RULE. Divide the height by five, and the quotient will give the height of the entablature; subtract the height of the entablature last found from the entire height, and the remainder will be the height of the column ; divide this remainder by seven, as before, and the quotient will be the diameter ofthe column. EXAMPLE II. Suppose it were required to execute the Tuscan Columns with its entablature, to the height of twenty- two feet one inch, I demand the height of the en- tablature, and the diameter of the column. ‘ OPERATION. 5) 22 1 4 5 height of the Entablature 7) 17 8 height of Column 2 6?, diameter of the Column The diameter of the column being now found, it will be readily put in as follows: Suppose it were required to execute a column to two feet six inches, and two-seventh parts of an inch ; take a rod of that dimension, and divide it into six equal parts, or mo- dules, and the first part again into ten for minutes, ‘ and proceed in practice in the same manner as if you were drawing it on paper. ' 17‘ To find the diameter of the Column, the height (f the Entablature, and the height of the Pedestal, when the whole is to he executed to a given height. RULE. Divide the entire height by five, and the quotient will be the height of the. pedestal: subtract this height from the entire height, and the remainder will be the height of the column, with its entabla- ture: divide the remainder again by five, and the quotient will be the height of the entablature: sub- tract the quotient from the first remainder, and the last remainder will be the'height of the column : and this last remainder being divided by seven, will give the diameter of the column. EXAMPLE. It is required to execute the Tuscan Order com- pletc, with an entablature, column, and pedestal, to the height of thirty feet: I demand the height of the pedestal, height of the entablature, and diameter of the column. OPERATION. 5) 30 7 feet, the height of the Pedestal 1 .5) 24 height of the Column and Entablature 4. 9% height of the Entablature 7) 19 9; height of the Column ‘2 8:, diameter of the Column _ D 18 PLATE X. The Tuscan Order properly shaded is given as an example, after the manner of setting out the parts and striking the mouldings are well acquired. PLATE XI. '1' () DRAW THE TUSCAN COLUMN TO A GIVEN HEIGHT. For the Column. ’ Fig. 1. Divide the height in seven equal parts,‘ one of these is the diameter of the column, and a Scale to proportion the parts by. See page 16. For the Column and Entablatw‘e. Fig. 2. Divide the given height into five equal parts, give one for the height of the entablaturc; ‘ then divide the remaining four into seven parts, of which one will be the diameter of the column. For the Column and Entablature upon a Subplint/z. Divide the whole height CD into twelve equal parts, one will be the height of the subplinth ; divide the remaining eleven into five equal parts, one will be the height of the entablature ; divide the remaining four of these parts into seven, and one will be the diameter of the column. ‘J 9 ’///.//W// /’/'z/H"\ 10” 1" /.1'/I./¢'/I./'Il/‘/IA.V/Iu/ (In /,«‘-./_/,{1//, /' .\',' .}4.'//_/;/// //f'//'.'Iw. raw-"Pl I . .u r “1"” 9 ‘3 ? $ ( ‘. e /(/.//w 2/ . / F9. /. 19.2. E W" /2 ‘ // ’ 0 7r: 44 y A 8 3 .5- ‘3 7 4- '2‘ 6’ 3_ —.J' ”‘2 2- 7 mi /. "‘3 _r-/ 2 5 / _l ha i . [mu/u” I’ll/I/I'I/nw/ {11/ :‘IUJ J, [fin/A”: .Vi'- ”El/{ill l/u/I'w/‘Ic . x /’/1?1 //r // /A//J(‘ ////// / ( / //(//.////// I /////’J'/ /, a // / ”VJ/("1‘ /"/’/‘ /’«' UO 1 '.I A. ‘nuh l’:s.u. J '/r / (.11 ; I I (j Onyx-azuq/ m; -/. 19 For the Column and Enfablature upon a Pedestal. Divide the whole height E F into five equal parts,‘ the lower one will give the height of the pedestal; divide the remaining four into five equal parts, the upper one will give the height of the entablature; divide the remaining four of these into seven equal parts, and one is the diameter of the column. PLATE XII; Is a Tuscan base and capital for a pilaster: the scale will shew the proportions of the parts. 20 OF THE Dome ORDER. PLATE XIII. The manner of drawing the parts of the Doric Order is much the same as in the Tuscan; the heights and projection of the parts being taken from the diameter of the column at bottom, 'which is a scale, alike in all the orders; so that the drawing and executing of the Tuscan order if well understood, to draw the Doric or any other order will easily be comprehended, without further instruction or repe- tition. One thing may seem difficult in this order, which are the triglyphs; these in modern buildings are placed exactly over the centre of the column, thirty-minutes wide, so that fifteen minutes are on each side of the axis of the column : the mutules in the cornice are exactly over them, of the same breadth; the small conical frustrum under the tri- glyphs are called guttae or bells: the manner of drawing the triglyph and bells is as follows; divide the breadth into twelve equal parts, give one to each half channel on the outside, two for each space or interval, and two for each channel, and one space ' will remain in the middle; every two divisions or parts is the width of a bell; the side of every bell, if continued, would terminate in a point at the top of the fillet above them; the spaces between the tri- ' glyphs, called metopes, are generally square, and sometimes enriched with ox heads, as in Plate XV. .9/ flirt} ,/ 7/7145)? ) /.;_ (”I'll/("N (Qty/f/rr/ J?) :///«r/? /" /)/;r/// . ,. ”>1 1 I 11.11.].~ lh‘t,.‘/I.'.I. 1/ 11..”- ./ ‘ , ' r/r////I/ «J r/ ///z‘ [/r //1‘ /’/,/1/ /u////:'// /}//r//'.-'//,,/ QM /.\" / /,/_/I/.v‘,\'.".ui //{‘ //’./ " ) ~ r » , Q/// {:1/ /’/'//‘ //’////’ /l M/ f?¢/7///5 \ 1 \\\\\ \ \ 1 \\\\\\\\\\\\\ ‘~: \ ~ \\ \ . ~ \ \\\\\\§\\\\\E ______._-___md "9,35, .-%__5__-1€__.ié-yjlzfltgiggyi» i 3 3 [2+ I l P .17waer M. 14,...1wL-1’ul»l..m ‘1 by J, 'I‘a‘ulul‘fi‘q‘ my. Hullmm. _ . V, . L. X ! \n'l'LLI u u u u u a _ \ _ _ . _ L11} \ _ fl _ u _ ._ _ \‘\ _ W. M u \ . x. . u .7an «PM . H \ u ,. u _ _ V . _ . z. _ ._ _ __ . \ m 2 x M. .m x. . . x / _ . . .4 w .y /o¢.4, wv” y w.“ . 0. . W _ F ,l __ . ‘ _ , _ m m . _ . . . I _ 7 . . a. u M 1 u. u m m W . u m . fl " / w u . . _ bx}, 23K}- . n u a. _ _ _ . u , a y . u . _ x: M ., . u _ w L n u u m _ _ z. _ e, . .. u T _ u y _ N m _ A 7 & _ - . I L \ .. u .u n 7 N 1rd L " _.._ u . M _ a.. L 4: M m ., u . .5 M J 4; "A H mm ,L 4 ,p a n _ r. 3 _ H . n A . "u . _ _ u , _ 2%.» 2 n u u _ , u. .5. T u n _ . _ L N , n n , > u u x _. ._ _ _ . . . mm m m m. .M «L a, L; ...... ........ L . 25_ PLATE XX. OTHER PARTS AT LARGE OF THE FOREGOING, AND OF THE FOLLOWING EXAMPLES. Fig. 1. Profile of the echinus of the capital of the temple of Theseus to'a large scale: this moulding as well as that of the temple of Minerva is an hyperbola, or the portion of one: the lower part from the greatest projection at the top to the bot- tom, being one of the legs; the upper part forming the quirk or recess above, part of the other leg, and the greatest projection the vertex. It is something ‘ singular that the very ancient mouldings in Grecian capitals should be of this form, and some of them quite straight, from one end to the other, which may’ be considered as a section of the cone through the vertex. Fig. 2. Annulets under the echinus of the capital of the column. The reader may here observe that the an'nulets continue in the general form of the curve, viz. the recesses in the curve itself, and the extremities in a line parallel to that curve. Fig. 3. Profile of the echinus of the capital of the Doric Portico, as in the following plate; this mould- ing is singular, being of an elliptical figure; it is more than a quadrant. This portico was built while the government of Athens was in the hands of the Romans, who were partial to mouldings of a uniform and bold curvature ; the taste of the Grecians, it ap- pears, began to blend with that of their conquerors, hence I account for the elliptic form of this member; .1) 26 it is a medium between an hyperbolical and a cir- ' cular moulding. 1 Fig. 4. Pa1t of the annulets of' the capital of the same column, no_less singular in their construction than the echinus, or other members of' this example, being disposed vertically, and in the form of cham- phered rustics; whereas the annulets ofothcr Grecian remains follow the contour of the echinus, as has 4 been before observed. r PLATE XXI. FROM THE DORIC PORTICO AT ATHENS. This plate exhibits the contour, the elevation, and proportions of the members in minutes and parts of a minute—This example, although singular on ac- cOunt of its approach to the Roman style in the members, is in its general f01m the same as other Grecian examples. As M1. Stualt appears to have bestowed particular attention to the measures of these Doric examples, here shewn, I have, with considerable pains reduced the original measures of feet, inches, and decimals of an inch, by arithmetical calculations into minutes, and decimal parts ofa minute, and not by measuring them from two scales" which would have been more expeditious to me, but much less accurate: each minute is consequently divided into ten equal parts, each of these again into ten, and so on as long as division can be made.—By these universal propor- tions, the construction will be more easily obtained by students in general. ' } . ‘ . - ~. ) l1: (é’mwu/ 5102/0 _;//()‘2//('() ”/1 1'///('/z./. ‘ 1/91 J? v- »;rsvtzse—x.;-‘::+.3r“” I ' .I‘Ii ii Ii 11 11111111 ii 111: I111iiii111 111 1i ii i'i'iiii111ii11111 llM1 I‘HHW 1 W11 1iliii 1iii i i 'iii 1111‘ 1111 ' 11111111111iii111111 w ‘ - "is-- : ‘ ‘7' .'. ( ‘ "i 4 [I : 1 J b /V , U ___,/ I A. . “—5. I —4\ ~ - ../ x" ‘1 ./. w/n/u/jJ’II/J/b/m/ ("r/X ./. Ian/Hr. ‘ I 7'56 ///_3//I ”cl/~17; . I ta , A2,“? . s w 1 117.23;; ECONKC CAPHinL FIR (DNT [nin/mal’ué’il/Iml 41/ I A" «I. 7.9/9.1 J 31 a'lfi/IEI/Il [Li/emu . 27 OF THE IONIC ORDER. PLATE XXII. Shews the front, side, and plan of the Roman Ionic, capital. The whole height of the volute is twenty- eight minutes, the centre of the volute is sixteen minutes from the top side of the list; and is de- scribed as in Plate XXVIII.; the bead, or upper part of the astragal is equal in thickness and in height, to the eye of the volute; the height of the ovolo above, is from the upper side of the eye, to . the upper side of the list in the second revolution; the projection of the cincture, or hollow under the fillet of the astragal, is equal to the height of the fillet; and the projection of the head is a semicircle ; for the ovolo, the quarter of a circle, whose projec- tion is from the perpendicular line of the fillet. The dotted line upon the volute, is a section through the side at A B; or through the plan at C D; the orna- mental part is drawn by hand. PLATE XXIII. The front and plan of' the angular Ionic capital; the plan is inverted, that the mouldings underneath the abacus may be seen; the volutes in front are drawn according to Plate XXIX. ; this sort of capi- tal has an advantage over the others, it fronts each of its sides alike; ‘which is not the case with the 28 Grecian capital, unless one of the angles is horned at the return of the building; which is unpleasing to some, and not considered as correct. PLATE XXIV. Is the Ionic order with dentils in the cornice on an attic base ; the capital is in the Grecian taste ; the manner of drawing the upper list is the same as de- scribed to Plate XXVIII. the under list is drawn by hand, the other parts are obvious to inspection. PLATE XXV. The Ionic order with modillions, and an angular capital; the measures of the parts are accurately figured; Fig. 1. is a section of the capital through the middle of the abacus, in order to shew the pro- jection of the mouldings. TO DRAW THE IONIC ORDER TO A GIVEN ‘HEIGHT. For the Column and Entablature. Divide the whole height into six equal parts, give the upper one to the entablature, divide the lower five. into nine parts, and one will give the diameter of the column, to be divided into sixty minutes as a scale to work or draw by. For the Column and Entalllature on a Subplint/z. Divide the whole height into twelve equal parts, give the lower one to the subplinth, and proceed . with the remaining eleven as above, and you will get the height of the entablature, and the diameter of the column. v "f? r: 'Wflflllllllllllmfl“IVIHIIml"lIlIllllllfllllllllllllllllHIIH“iiHUHIHIHHMHIHIH [0 Him mug:luluquumuuInmul‘mlguulu[mun], ‘ N \‘ wtux‘xx \sC .J ,7 _ .S. g...§.\ w . \\.\\\\ aux? k. \\~\§\~\§\\\m\ /'2 {Y .\\\.\\\ L; :7 J .3: \§\.\\\\u\ , _ fl,.v,, J/i ( +18 J2. ‘ uilulum 71?: L m ‘34. .3.\»%\ fi _ \é: {\xfixx» \V; xixxxxxlx ‘ Q/flméw} « :7 7047711" . ‘ ——_’—__—— § ‘ _ ; j ~ nmummnm’ ' x ' ‘ H ’0’ , 2572', :3” fl) 7 -/Q .27) “(:r/IIZ/ir/JJH 1 J / ,u 1 429/ llllllhhlllllllmll Il|llll|l|l|ll l|l|||lll /,.,,/‘ // /'/,/ '/-// /' /r/r/.\'~.//.,_w/(. \ MUN/s // 1/ a: lulu/ml l'u/ Its/1n] 1:1, .I. /.m/. r \‘f;_.; l/(ui; 1/4 Mum 29 For the Column, Entablatare, and Pedestal. The height of the pedestalkfor this or any of the five orders, is always one fifth part of the entire height; then the height of the entablature, and dia- meter of the column, is found as before. PLATE XXVI. The Ionic cornice with the planceer inverted, shewing the finishings underneath the cornice. PLATE XXVII. FROM THE IONIC TEMPLE ON THE ILISSUS, AT ATHENS. This elegant temple is entirely destroyed ,- not a fragment now remains : hat the ingenious work- man, from this book, A may restore it with the greatest exactness. This is a very fine example, uniting elegance with simplicity: the column is well proportioned in all its parts; the turnings of the spirals are gracefully formed, and the volutes which form the capital are bold, which give an appearance truly characteristic of this order. The members of the‘entablature. are few, but their effect is clear and distinct, calculated for effect at a distance. I 30 PLATE XXVIII. TO DESCRIBE THE IONIC VOLUTE. Divide the height PQ into seven equal parts, upon the third division describe a circle about C as a centre, Whose diameter will be equal to one of the parts ; draw the square V W X U, and in that square draw another, whose angles shall touch the sides of the former square in the middle. In order to make the construction of the centres appear plain, the centre part is shewn above of a larger size, and the same letters of reference put to each; divide C1 and C2 each into three equal parts at 9, 5; 10, and 6; divide C 10 into two equal parts at :r, if the , volute is intended to be on the right hand, as in this ' example; but if on the left, divide C 9 into two equal parts, and proceed in each case as follows: _ from a: draw the perpendicular 'line, cutting the side SF of the square at D; from D make D E and D F equal to G 1 or G2; join E H and FH, draw 5,4... 9, 8 10, 11, and 6, 7, parallel to the perpendicular, side of the square, cutting E H, and]? H, at 4, 8 . 3.7.11; then 1...2...3...4:...5...6...7...8... ' 9 10... 11 and 19, are the centres. Begin at l, and with the radius 1 A, describe the quadrant A B, of the volute; on '2, with the radius 2B, describe the quadrant B C; on 3, describe the quadrant C D ; proceed in this manner with all the quadrants, till you touch the eye at U, and it will complete one side of the fillet. ' :13! .- - . -III////: ’(’I//// _ 45514:) Ln- 'u'z‘ . /'.///."‘II'/'lm/ ‘I:’, / \‘4 / VAX/Inf 1233137] .‘ (ill’ul'll . \ a A 11»: ' ) ‘. I ,, .34 , . A. R . 31 To DRAW THE INSIpE OF THE FILLET. Divide thethickness of the list A a at the top into twelve equal parts, by means of‘ the scale N, O, R, as follows ; begin at N, and with any opening of the compass run it twelve times from N to O; draw 0 R, making any angle with ON; make 0 R equal the thickness of the fillet at A a; join RN, draw a 11, b 10, 69, d8, &0. parallel to R0; make the. thickness of the list at B6, equal to a ll ; and D d, equal to b 10, &c. at the beginning of every quadrant; ‘ join a b and bisect it by a perpendicular meeting the eye a little within the first centre ; set the same small distance within all the other centres, and proceed to describe the inside of the list, in the same manner as the outside, and it will end in a point with the out- side at U; and the volute will be completed. PLATE XXIX. TO DRAW AN ANGULAR VOLUTE. Divide the perpendicular height A B, as in Fig. 1. into twenty-three equalrparts; take the centre G, ten divisions from the bottom, or thirteen from the top, through the centre G draw H I perpendicular to AB; bisect the angle B, G, I by the diagonal line D,.C; through the first division K above H, on the line A B, draw K E parallel to H I, cutting the line D C at E, on G as a centre, with a radius G E, 7 describe a circle cutting D C on the opposite side of the centre at F; divide F E into six equal parts at ' - .«131211-2flw maths tq’ITI-W-‘LY‘PV‘Avff'X-E“ ._ vr-rys - 32 3, 5,~G, 6, 4-, F, then on E as a centre with a radius EB describe an arc B C cutting DC at C, on F with a radius F C, describe the semicircle C, A, K, cutting C D at K, on? with a distance 3 K describe a semicircle KL, on 4 as a centre with the radius ' 4L describe a semicircle LM, on 5 as a centre with a radius 5 M describe a semicircle M N; lastly on C with a radius 6 N, describe a semicircle N E, touching the centre at E, then figure I will be com- pleted. This method will describe an elliptical vo- lute to a given height, but not to any given width, this is only a preparation to what follows. TO DESCRIBE AN ELLIPTICAL VOLUTE TO ANY GIVEN HEIGHT AND PROJECION FROM THE CENTRE. Fig. 2. Divide the given height L M into twenty- ' three equal parts as before, taking the centre E ten from the bottom, or thirteen from the top; through N the first division above E draw NF, cutting the diagonal line EO at F, on E as a centre, with a radius EF, describe the dotted circle; or through E draw P Q at right angles to the diagonal line 0 E, make E P and E Q each equal E F, on F as a centre with the distance L F, describe an are L H, cutting E H at right angles to L M at H, from E make E G equal to the distance the projection of the volute is intended to be from the centre, divide G H into six equal parts, and set one of the parts to I ; 'make E K and E R each equal to the sum of the two lines E F _ and G I, through the points K, P, R, Q, complete the parallelogram A B, C D, whose sides A B, D C, e ,. /é/Am/z 1/ yflzz)//1/z .722”;- flé/Z/y/I/I. 105.36: :1 ,- \‘~ i , ‘. K,- ¢ . . . 4 . . \ 1 ‘ . ‘ t ‘ 4 k 1 ‘ “ .—.‘ — ‘ ‘l \ l ‘ . . I l l . . . ' f2 9 I ._ . . l I — I . . I I . . — I / ,, In” /u/:/[.-/. - //.. In' I I' '.. I" ‘ ~ [A ./ ll / 33 i are parallel to P Q and A D, BC parallel to K R, draw the diagonals A C and BD, and divide each of them into six equal parts, then on B as a centre, with the radius B L describe the are L [2, cutting A B produced at l), on A as a centre with the radius A I), describe the arc b 0, cutting A D produced at c, on D as a centre with the radius D 0, describe an ‘ arc c (1, cutting C D produced at d, on C as a centre with a radius Cd, describe an are d e, on 5 as a centre with a radius 5 6, describe an are e f, on 6 as a centre with the radius 6f, describe an arc f g, on 7 as a centre with the radius 7 g, describe an arc g h, on 8 as a centre with the radius 8 11 describe an are It 2', proceed in this manner, beginning the third revolution at 9, till you end at 12; lastly describe an ellipsis touching the last centre of the third re- volution E, being its centre, and its transverse and conjugate axis being in the same ratio as the length or height of the volute is to its width, and it will be finished, PLATE XXX. THE MANNER OF GLUEING UP THE IONIC CAPITAL. I Fig. l. for a column ; the parts marked B, B, 8w. are triangular'blocks of wood, glued upon the front, _ in order to complete the angular square; then the pieces AAA, &c. are glued upon them 5 this is one method of glueing up the capital. F .. ”.4-..;_,~ «MM- 404,—..- 34 Another method is, to glue the triangular blocks C C, at the angle of the abacus; then the four sides of the abacus as D E E, may be made of'one entire length, and mitred at the horns; or they may have a joint in the middle of the abacus, where the rose comes, as the workman shall think fit; this will either do for a column or pilaster. Fig. 2. is a manner of glueing up the abacus for a pilaster capital; but in my opinion,’ it is far from being a complete method, for when all the super- fluous wood is worked off, the joints at the horn will be in various directions, and the end of the wood butting against the grain never holds fast. If _JD/.31;’~ ‘ r , ' V . if: . :: 1/1 WNW/MN /’///41/:‘ 1 :[ €52}? 't/‘il/flllll 12/7 $9.1. . _ fig. 2. /2 IO B D E‘ l vmflw/ '11/r/I.)_/1.u/ /I// /.(".l [fl/Av- .13)??'//£fi/I //u//Iv/7/ . 3.; .t‘,‘ ,... ‘1 > 1 /‘/’/////’.l///’ ///'///l Q8 ) (0/71/58 :HWIHIINHIJIN ‘ ‘3. f is . ‘ :JmLIE! ulljmmnnum ‘ a “ ‘ "2W 2 //z(.r/// . #2 JJVI/zr/flr/za'z’ A/YI‘IA-IK (law/2,32 ‘z‘ 1" h- ‘»“. um .‘V ‘l‘\‘ .\. 3‘2 .x'fi N x as ~‘\\" i ‘ ‘\l g \‘ N le , \t! i ,11 ___________________________ :V‘ J‘ ‘1 'H “ ‘ h 1 ‘Itw u I'M 11m M- PEDESTALS fl)?” foam/412g ORE‘ERS. J l Egg/m» . J . ///ar/z// C , L? j % [ j T .L / R (' , . . 60/??2/4511/2 {‘2’ - l/[.////‘ L N -A #“m\ /. , (mi. w / 'n/’// .'/1, ./ /'.” /.\"./ 7I{///1I/'_l'.'.‘ in" //{rI/I 1/. '//’4'/'/l ‘ OF THE COMPOSITE ORDER. PLATE XXXV. General outline of the Composite capital, shewing the manner of projecting the same.——-See the descrip- tion of Plate XXXI. PLATE XXXVI. Is the Composite order, so named because of its capital; the upper part being the same as the Ionic angular capital, and the lower part for leaves, the same as the Corinthian; the general heights of the cornice, frize, architrave, capital, shaft, and base, are the same as those of the Corinthian; the diameter of the column is one tenth part of its height, as in the Corinthian; the heights and projections of the members are plain by the measures on the plate. PLATE XXXVI I. Are pedestals for four of the orders. It has been already mentioned, that the pedestal of every order ' is one fifth of its'entire height, the die of the pedestal, or plain part, is in breadth equal to the plinth of the base of the column. .uv‘Ir-a . :t,“ 'I a, 38 PLATE XXXVIII. OF BASES. To each order there is a particular kind of base. A Tuscan base isshewn to Plate IX. and X. To the Doric there is noparticular base, but the Attic base is proper to be used as shewn on Plate XIII. The Ionic base is of a clumsy appearance, and is very rarely used, Fig. 1. Plate XXXVIII. The Corin- thian base is very elegant, as is shewn by Fig. 9. The Composite base is Fig. 3. The Attic base (Plate XIII. and XXIV.) is most frequently used, and is applicable to all the orders, except the Tuscan‘. METHOD FOR GLUEING UP 0F BASES. Fig. 4. is a plan shewing how the bottom course is mitred together; which must be done on a flat board, and all the joints fitted as close as possible: this course being glued together with care, and well blocked in the inside at the angles, and the glue , being thoroughly dry, plane‘the top of the course quite smooth, and out of winding; then glue on the next course, breaking the joint in the middle of the under course, as shewn by the dotted lines, and so on, for as many courses as are wanted: when tho- roughly dry it may be sent to the turner. The. bedding joints may be on one side of a fillet, as shewn in the elevation, Fig. :3. A A, BB, C C: a base glued up in this manner will be the strongest possible, and be less liable to crack and split, than by any other inethod‘I have seen practised. / 1 n./n// /'//fi//1r/L / /'I/ /A'./VZ}I/[1‘/: .VT 31: //{;//I //~//'4 V'II, “ m A / ://’/'//._//’/’/,' /‘ Wm», /;//-/,'.‘-/,../ /;~ / x4 7.1.1/1’.w.\':'.'17//('r/; //, Mm . .Z”/. 4 v,,/(U / H" 5/?) I’) '. f7] 4] _ ~, /:\ "'*~ 7 ‘, 3! m, \ \\, 739 DESIGNS FOR DOOR CASES. Plate XXXIX. Is a. design fo1 a doo1 case of the ‘ Tuscan order. Plate XL. Is a design for a door case of the Dmic order. Plate XLI. Door way and portico from the Ionic ' ‘ Temple on the Illissus, (see Plate XXVII.) That doors of this construction were used by the ancients is evident from the example of the Tower of the Winds, as shown by Stuart, in The Antiquities of Athens, vol. i. The above are proper examples to draw from, and will give some useful ideas for composition and combinations of the orders, and their parts, and will‘ look well if executed. - FINIS. SEQ—rial! and Hinton, Prmte-rs, Oxford. «'45:.» EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE