START MICROFILMED 1985 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA - BERKELEY GENERAL LIBRARY BERKELEY, CA 94720 COOPERATIVE PRESERVATION MICROFILMING PROJECT THE RESEARCH LIBRARIES GROUP, INC. Funded by . THE NATIONAL ENDOWMENT FOR THE HUMANITIES THE ANDREW W. MELLON FOUNDATION Reproductions may not be made without permission. THE PRINTING MASTER FROM WHICH THIS REPRODUCTION WAS MADE IS HELD BY THE MAIN LIBRARY UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA BERKELEY, CA 94720 FOR ADDITIONAL REPRODUCTION REQUEST MASTER NEGATIVE §S- 3591 NUMBER AUTHOR : Dean, Frank C TITLE: The northern Culifornia -- - PLACE:Ln-p-] paTE:[199€2] VOLUME Fee , ~ CALL -23 MASTER ee NO. D6 X NEG. NO. I ree2 Dean, Frank C . R33" The northern California and gre dragon R6 stock i Urestory. en. eel 18 ?a ns : Foreword. signed: Frank C. Dean, Wilson §, | Bajley. 75483 Argonaut book store 9-25-52 ) BHELF L197 — — ——— ——— FILMED AND PROCESSED BY LIBRARY PHOTOGRAPHIC SERVICE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA BERKELEY, CA 94720 soBNo. 8[6 01525 DATE 1,0 8/5 REDUCTION RATIO q DOCUMENT ‘SOURCE = THE BANCROFT LIBRARY he lz [125 10 =e jz _— ke lI22 ll 22 — = wz fli fw J 22 3 ao to . “w, —_s = 22 lis nee MICROCOPY RESOLUTION TEST CHART NATIONAL BUREAU OF STANDARDS STANDARD REFERENCE MATERIAL 1010a (ANSI and ISO TEST CHART No. 2) METRIC 1 Hh a : WALKER & WADE _ _. - No. 111 Front St, San Francisco. . TE RAE TL TT SE FREER WI TS SS ey © em ee nn i.’ . AAC ss = eer Ris Pi ne 0 £ © ad LL. on R= Retake of Preced * # | | | | J.C. JOHNSON & CO., 12 and 14 Pine Street, - - - San.Francisco. Manufacturers of ~ Stock Saddles of all Descriptions Leather, Harness, Saddlery, Harness Hardware, Horse Collars, Whips, Blankets, Bits, Spurs, Riding Bridles, Rawhide Work of all descriptions. AND ALL ARTICLES RELATING TO THE TRADE 8F Send for Catalogue. —— 3 i | BANCROFT LIBRARY THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA GhE ~ Northern Qaliforpia — ARD — | Southern Oregon STOCK Dirgetory. 9543 All Stockmen are aware that each winter, in every small section of country, a number of stock remain unclaimed, and on the other hand a number are unfound. The object of this Directory is to overcome this state of affairs, which it doubtless will to a great extent. In forming this book our idea has been to give the desired information in as concise and clear a manner as possible, and after careful consideration we have come to the conclusion that this is what is best calculated to meet the requirements. We hope that all will consider the difficulties to be over- come in compiling a work of this kind for the first time, and ‘make due allowance for any deficiencies. FrANK C. DEAN. WiLsoN S. BAYLEY. No. 1. V. F. ABSHIER, Silver Lake, Lake Co., Or. Dw Nick in each ear. CATTLE: OO on left hip. HORSES: Same on left stifle. S. G. ALEXANDER, Susanville, Lassen Co., Cal. | Crop and under bit in the right; nN swallow fork in the left. A on the right hip, or F on left hip CATTLE: HORSES: ~~ A on right shoulder. No. 3. JOHN P. ALLEN, Sr. Canby, Modoc Co., Cal. CATTLE: > Swallow fork in the right; crop off the left. IS on left or right hip. HORSES: : Same on right or left thigh. No. 4. JOHN P. ALLEN, Jr. Canby, Modoc Co., Cal. CATTLE: 4s Crop off the right; swallow fork in the left. SI— IS on left hip. HORSES : Same on left thigh. [6} No. 5. J. M\.& F. F. ALLENWOOD, Cedarville, Modoc Co., Cal. De Swallow fork in each ear. AR on right hip. HORSES : Same on left shoulder. CATTLE: No. 6. AMICK & LONGWILL, Davis Creek, Modoc Co., Cal. Oo» Crop off the right; under bit in the left. CATTLE: oy /\ on the left hip. HORSES: Same on the right shoulder. OTIS ANDREWS, Bieber, Lassen Co., Cal. -— Upper half crop in each ear. OA on left hip. CATTLE: H. T. ANDERSON, Tule Lake, Klamath Co., Or. CATTLE: ox Half undercrop in the left. HA on the left hip. HORSES - Same on the left shoulder. G. G. ANDERSON, Olene, Klamath Co., Or. o> Crop off the left; upper and under bit in the right. x A on the right hip. HORSES : CATTLE: Same on the left shoulder. No. 10. I. D. APPLEGATE, Linkville, Klamath Co., Or. Pot Short crop off the right; split in the left. QR on the right hip. CATTLE: HORSES : Same on the left shoulder. [9] L. B. APPLEGATE, Linkville, Klamath Co., Or. oD Crop off the right. A on the right hip. HORSES: CATTLE: Same on the left shoulder. O. C. APPLEGATE, Linkville, Klamath Co., Or. >< Crop and split in the right; half under crop in the left. OC on the right hip. CATTLE: No. 13. ARMSTRONG & CUFF, Alturas, Modoc Co., Cal. D> Split in each ear. CF on the left hip. HORSES : CATTLE: Same on left thigh. No. 14. J. I AUSTIN, Davis Creek, Modoc Co., Cal- OR Under bit in the right; swallow fork in the left. HD on the right hip. HORSES - CATTLE: Same on the left thigh. [11] GEO. W. AVERY, Paisley, Lake Co., Or. CATTLE: re Under half crop in each ear; dulap cut out at top. oj on right side and hip. AYERS & POOR, Ft. Bidwell, Modoc Co., Cal. Swallow fork on the left; underslope in the right. | A on left hip. \AA/ on right side. ) Z on left side CATTLE: HORSES : IA or > on left thigh. [12] No. 17. C. BABCOCK, Bieber, Lassen Co., Cal. Hole in the right; underslope in the left. CB on the right hip. HORSES : Same on right shoulder. CATTLE. No. I8. BACHER BROS, Taylorville, Plumas Co., Cal. Crop off the left. AB on the right hip. HORSES 2X on right thigh. [13] CATTLE. No. 19. BAGLEY BROS, Summer Lake, Lake Co., Or. Crop and split in the right; half undercrop in the left. J 3 on left hip. HORSES: Same on left thigh. CATTLE : J. R. BAILEY, Janesville, Lassen Co., Cal. CATTLE: D> Two splits in each ear. B on right jaw. HORSES : Same on right thigh. [14] No. 21. ANTOINE BANTLEY, Susanville, Lassen Co., Cal. Crop off the left; hole in the right. SA on the left hip. HORSES: Same on the left shoulder. CATTLE: No. 22. E. G. BANGHAM, Susanville, Lassen Co., Cal. SD Two splits in each ear, or under half crop in each ear. R on left hip. ALSO, Two splits in the left; under half crop in the right. R on right hip. HORSES : CATTLE. R on the left thigh. [15] I AU AT Sm CATTLE : No. 23. S. C. BANTA, Taylorville, Plumas Co., Cal. a Split in the left ear. SB on the left hip. HORSES: Same on the left shoulder. CATTLE : No. 24. J. N. BARRY, Janesville, Lassen Co., Cal. oD Crop and underbit in the right. + on the right hip. HORSES: B on the left shoulder. [16] ‘No. 25. T. M. BARHAM, Janesville, Lassen Co., Cal. CATTLE : Split on the left ear. TB on the right hip. HORSES: ll on the right shoulder. No. 26. J. A. BARNS & SONS, Canby, Modoc Co., Cal, > Split in each ear. CATI'LE =—— on the left ribs. HORSES : Same on left thigh. [17] A SN I NL See i ——— Cv Er a —_.-. _~ rr —— No. 27. BARBER BROS, Eagleville, Modoc Co., Cal. >0 Rounding underslope in the right ear. 0 on the left hip. CATTLE. HORSES . Same on the left stifle. No. 28. T. L. BARHAM, Janesville, Lassen Co., Cal. Crop off the left; half undercrop in the right. OOO on left side; or J on the left hip. CATTLE: HORSES : J on the right shoulder. [18] No. 29. C. C. BARNUM & SONS, Lake View, Lake Co., Or. LP Upper split in the right. Under split in the left. <> on right hip. HORSES: CATTLE: Same on right stifle. No. 30. F. M. BARNUM, Lake View, Lake Co., Or Crop off the left. Crop and split in the right. Wattle on throat. GO on left hip. Or d on right hip. HORSES: CATTLE: GO on left shoulder, Or d on right shoulder. [19] No. 31. WM. BASS, Janesville, Lassen Co., Cal. <> oo Under half crop in the right. \ on the right ribs. HORSES: CA1TLE: Same on the left shoulder. No: 32. J. M. BASSETT, Bieber, Lassen Co., Cal. > Upper half crop in the right. Under half crop in the left. CATTLE: 3D J on the left hip. HORSES: Same on the left shoulder. [20] No. 33. J. W. BASSETT, Bieber, Lassen Co., Cal, > Under half crop in the right. CATTLE: IB on the left hip. HORSES: Same on the left shoulder. No. 34. JOHN BATH, Adin, Modoc Co., Cal. De Crop off the left. Underslope in the right. - J3 on the left hip. HORSES: oO on the left thigh. CATTLE: No. 35. BENJ. BATH, Adin, Modoc Co., Cal. CATTLE: >So Rounding underslope in the right ear. B on the left hip. HORSES: Y on the left thigh. No. 36. DAVID BATY, Fort Bidwell, Modoc Co., Cal. CATTLE: > Two splits in each ear. DB on the right hip. HORSES: T on right stifle. J. R. BATY, Fort Bidwell, Medoc Co., Cal: DC Split and nick in the left. Slanting nick in the right. J B on the left hip. CATTLE: HORSES: J on right shoulder. No. 38. THOS. S. BAYLEY, Likely, Modoc Co., Cal. HORSES: Z| on right hip. No. 39. S. S. BAYLEY, Likely, Modoc Co., Cal. | a 4 Crop off the right. : Crop and two splits in the left. JR, on the loft hip. HORSES: E C On the left thigh. CATTLE: No. 40. O. C. BEALL, Lake City, Modoc Co., Cal. > Crop off the left, Upper bit in the right. B on right hip. HORSES: CATTLE: Same on right thigh. G. H. BEAN, Bieber, Lassen Co., Cal. ow Crop off the left. Underbit in the right. / 4 on left hip. HORSES: CATTLE: B on left shoulder. No. 42. J. P. BECHDOLDT, Langell Valley, Klamath Co., Or. ow Crop and split in the left. Underbit in the right. on left hip. HORSES: CATTLE: Same on left shoulder. [25] No. 43. GEO. L. BECKWITH, Silver Lake, Lake Co., Or, HORSES: A on the left stifle. No. 44. D. J. BENNER, Cederville, Modoc Co., Cal. ct Under nick in the left ear. A on left hip. HORSES: CATTLE: Same brand on left thigh. No. 45. JASPER BENNETT, Dairy, Klamath Co., Or. De Split in each ear. CATTLE: BB on the left ribs. HORSES: Same on left shoulder. No. 46. BERNARD & SONS, Lake View, Lake Co., Cal. Underbit in the right. Split in the left. CU on the left ribs. HORSES: CATTLE: Same on left shoulder. [271 | No. 47. D. C. BERRY & CO, Davis Creek, Modoc Co. Cal. Crop off the left. Mitten in the right. \ on left hip and everywhere. HORSES: Same on left thigh. No. 48. JAMES BERANS, Tule Lake, Klamath Co., Or. Split in the right. Upper and underbit in the left. S on left hip. HORSES: CATTLE: Same on left stifle. No. 49. ~ JACOB F. BITTNER, Cedarville, Modoc Co., Cal. CATTLE: < Crop and underbit in the right. S on the left hip. HORSES: Same on the left thigh, No. 50. JOHN H. BLUNCK, Merrillville, Lassen Co., Cal. Split in each ear. B on the left hip. CATTLE: HORSES: 0) on the left thigh. No. 51. BODDY & HARTRY, Tule Lake, Klamath Co., Cal. CATTLE: Dg Crop off the left. Swallow fork in the right. LB on left hip. HORSES: Same on left shoulder. No. 52. S. BORSINI, Taylorville, Plumas Co., Cal. CATTLE: J >t Under half crop in the right. Upper half crop and split in left. B on the right hip. HORSES: 8 on right shoulder. [30] No. 53. : BOULWARE & GUTHRIE, Pittville, Shasta Co., Cal. 4 Crop off the left and split in the right. BG on left hip or stifle. HORSES: CATTLE: Same on left stifle. No. 54. C. M. BOVARD, Chat, Lassen Co., Cal. CATTLE: Upperbit in the right. Underbit in the left. 8 on the right hip. HORSES. Same on the left shoulder [31] No. 55. A. B. BOWERS, Cedarville, Modoc Co., Cal. Overslope in the right; split in the left. “PP on the left hip. HORSES: Same on left thigh. CATTLE: No. 56. A. E. BOYD, Lake City, Modoc Co., Cal. CATTLE: > oT Under half crop in each ear. B on the left hip. HORSES : Same on the left shoulder. 132] BITS AND SPURS Are hand-made and inlaid with coin silver, ELSON, “@WEST VALLEY ®- (Post-office, Likely) : MODOC COUNTY, CALIFORNIA. BREEDER OF Thoroughbred, Graded and Half-Breed Polled Angus and Durham CATTLE. Stock raisers are invited to inspect my herds as they are thoroughly acclimated and thus possess a great advantage over imported stock. Pedigrees can be seen on application. ) EE — A —— NEW LIVERY STABLE North Side of Main Street, (Above Johnston House) Susanville, California. H. N. SKADAN , Proprietor. AT REASONABLE RATES, Best of Feed for Horses. EZ" Horses left in my charge will receive the best of cate. H. N. SKADAN, Proprietor, JOHNSTON HOU SUSANVILLE, CAL. The Leading Hotel. MEALS AT ALL HOURS. Board and Lodging by the Day or Week. The table is supplied with the BEST the market affords, and trav- elers will find this hotel always conducted in first-class style. Clean Beds @ Neat Rooms. Stage depot for the principal stages. Passengers called in season. ROBT. JOHNSTON, Prop, No. 57. CHAS. BOYER, Yreka, Shasta Co. : HORSES : 9,00) CB On left shoulder or hip. No. 58. F. M. BOYER, Davis Creek, Modoc Co., Cal, o> Upper and under bit in the right. B on right hip. HORSES ; CATTLH: Same on the right thigh. [33] No. 59. T. J. BRATTAIN, Paisley, Lake Co., Or. CATTLE: oD Short crop off the right ear, or split in each ear. B on the left hip. Also, close crop off the right; upper bit in the left; same brand on right hip. HORSES: Same brand on any hip or shoulder. No. 60. W. J. BRISCOE, Adin, Modoc Co., Cal. oD Crop and upper bit in the right; Dulap cut out at bottom.
Underslope in each ear. oO on the left hip. OATTLR: HORSES » Same on the right thigh. CATTLE: R. H. BROWN, Janesville, Lassen Co., Cal. oo Underbit in each ear. 7T on the right hip. HORSES : Same on the left shoulder. No. 66. HORRSHES : FRANK BROWN. Bly, 1 on the right thigh. Klamath Co., Cal. WM. BROWN, Lake City, CATTLE: oS Overslope in the right. Underslope in the left. Wattle on throat. D4 on the left hip. WM. BROWN, Lake City, Modoe Co., Cal. © Hole in each ear. 4B on the left hip. HORSES : CATTLE: Same on the left stifle. Modoc Co., Cal. D. M. BROWN, Lookout, Modoc Co., Cal, HORSES: a on the right shoulder. No. 70. R. G. BROWNELL, Lookout, Modoc Co., Cal. o> Crop off the right; upperbit in the left. DD on the left hip. HORSES: Same on the right shoulder. [39] CATTLE: No. 71. D. C. BROWNELL, Mud Lake, Oo Crop and hole in the right; hole in the left, 2 6 on the right hip. | ———— CATTLE: ( HORSES Same on the right shoulder. No. 72. L. W. BRUBECK, Janesville, Lassen Co., Cal. D> Split in each ear; dulap eut out dt bottom. 5 5 on the right hip. CATTLE: Modoc Co., Cal. J. BRYAN, Langell Valley, Klamath Co., Cal. > Crop and two slips in each ear. A on left hip or side. CATTLE: HORSES: /\ on left shoulder. No. 74. NORMAN BUCK, Cedarville, Modoc Co., Cal. CATTLE: a ow Down slanting split in the left. NS on the left hip. No. 75. S. W. BUCKMASTER, Bonanza, Klamath Co., Cal. Po Crop off the right; overslope in the left. Also the reverse. 1 on the left side. HORSES Same, or SB on left shoulder. CATTLE: No. 76. BUICK BROS, Silver Lake, Lake Co., Cal. oS Overslope in each ear; wattle on chin. CATTLE: CH on left hip or side. Also, short crop off left and split in right; wattle on chin. ww on either side. HORSES: ’ bp on left shoulder. [42] No. 77. MRS. R. BURRIS, Merrillville, Lassen Co. Cal. CATTLE: Po» Crop off the right. Underbit in the left. ~ : R on the left hip. HORSES: Same on right shoulder. No. 78. J. BURRISS, Lake View, Lake Co., Or. Oo Crop off the right. Underslope in the left. J3 on right hip. CATTLE: HORSES : JO on left shoulder. [43] WM. H. BURRILL, Adin, Modoc Co., Cal. Dow Slanting undersplit. ) on the left hip. HORSES » CATTLE: Same on the left shoulder. No. 80. J. D. BYERS, Janesville, Lassen Co., Cal. Dv Crop and split in each ear, three saw teeth. JM on right hip Also—Crop off the right. Crop and underbit in the left. M¢ on the left hip. CATTLERH: HORSES : left or ri . on the right /\ on eft or right shoulder ; Also, a. shoulder [44] No. 81. FRANK CADY, Adin, Modoc Co., Cal. CATTLE = <4 Under half crop in the right. Swallow fork and underbit in the left. KD on the left hip. HORSES : Same on the left thigh. Also of on the left stifle. ¢ No. 82. G. M. CAIN, Janesville, Lassen Co., Cal. CATTLE: xr Crop off the right. Swallow fork in the left. CH On the right hip. [45] No. 83. F. W. CALDWELL, Canby, Modoc Co., Cal. CATTLE: oD Crop off the right. Underbit in the left. © on the left thigh. HORSES: Same on the left thigh. No. 84. C. J. CALDWELL, Canby, Modoc, Co., Cal. CATTLE: LDN Upperbit in the right. Underbit in the left. Wattle on nose. © on the right hip. HORSES: Same on the right thigh. [46] No. 85. W. L. CALLAVAN, Bieber, Lassen Co., Cal. CATTLR: Crop and split in the right. Crop off the left. 5 on the left hip. HORSHS : : Same on the left thigh. No. 86. DAVID CAMERON, Summit, Plumas Co., Cal. CATTLR: >» Crop off the left. Upperbit in the right. 2 M\ on the left bip. HORSES 5 on left thigh. RL PRR Eb ; ot CET i : G. W. CAMBRON, Eagleville, ? Modoc Co., Cal. Se CATTLE: Shoestring in the right. Crop off the left. AQ on the right hip. HORSES : Same on right thigh. J. L. CANNON, Willow Ranch, Modoc Co., Cal. > Swallow fork in the right. 2 GC on the right hip. CATTLE: HORSES ¢ Same on the right shoulder. [48] No. 89. IRA S. CANNON, Lookout, Modoc Co., Cal. D> Underslope and upperbit in the right. Underslope in the left. CATTLE: IC on the right hip. HORSES : Same on the right shoulder. No. 90. N. B. CANNON, Genesee, Plumas Co., Cal. > Shovel in each ear. CATTLE: NGC on the left shoulder. HORSES : Same on left shoulder. [49] No. 91. L. C. CARPENTER, Lookout, Modoc Co., Cal. > Upperslope in the right. Split in the left. CATTLE: C7 on the left hip. HORSES : Same on the left shoulder. No. 92. JESSE S. CARR, Clear Lake, Modoc Co., Cal. ow Crop and underbit in each ear. —)— on left hip. CATTLE: HORSES: Same on left thigh. [50] No. 93. E. C. CARTWRIGHT, Merrillville, Lassen Co., Cal. CATTLE: 3 BD Crop off the left. Split in the right. C on the right hip. HORSES: Same on the right shoulder. No. 94. CASEBEER BROS, Bly, Klamath Co., Or. CATTLE: ; B Split in each ear. EC on the right hip. HORSES: Same on the right shoulder. [51] I. P. CHANDLER, Bonanza, Klamath Co., Or. CATTLE: ov Underhalf crop and underbit in the left. Wattle on right jaw. |C on left or right hip. HORSES: Same. on left thigh. No. 96. S. CHANDLER, Lake View, Lake Co., Or. Crop and half undercrop in left. Two dulaps cut out at bottom. IC on the left hip. HORSES : Same on the right shoulder. [52] No. 97. JOHN L. CHACE, Adin, Modoc Co., Cal. oo Crop and two splits in the left. T' on the left hip. ORSES: a Same on the left shoulder. No. 98. MOSES CHASE, Red Clover, Plumas Co., Cal. Pow Underbit in the right ear. X | on the left hip. CATTLE: No. 99. F. J. CHISHOLM, Adin, Modoc Co., Cal. CATTLE: |r Swallow fork in the left. kd or 3G on the left hip. HORSES ¢ Either of the above on the left thigh. No. 100 F. M. CHRISMAN, Silver Lake, Lake Co., Cal. CATTLE: Oo Overslope in the left ear. Wattle under throat. F on the left shoulder and C on the left hip. Old stock I fon the left hip. HORSES: C on the left shoulder. [54] No. 101 CHAS. CHRISTOPHERSON, Lake View, Lake Co., Or. Swallow fork in the right. Under nick in the left. CC on the left ribs. CATTLE: HORSES 0 on the left shoulder. No. 102 WM. CLARK, Olene, Klamath Co., Or. Overslope in each ear. —N\ 0 on the left hip. HORSES: Same on the left shoulder. [55] No. 103 CLARK & PATTERSON, Cedarville, Modoc Co., Cal. oo Crop off the right. Split in the left. od on the left hip. CATTLE. HORSES: Same on the left shoulder. No. 104 J. F. CLARKSON, Lake View, A» Finger in each ear. CATTLE: 8 = on the left hip. HORSES ; Same on left thigh some just 8 156] CATTLE: Lake Co., Cal. No. 105 C. CLAUSEN, Canby, Modoc Co., Cal. So Hole and Swallow fork in the left ear. a)” on the right hip. HORSES: Same on the right shoulder. No. 106 J. S. COGHLIN, Paisley, Lake Co., Or. Finger in the right. Underbit in the left. ZX on the right ribs or hip. HORSES ¢ ; Same on the left stifle. [67] No. 107 J. C. COKER, Bly, CHILE Klamath Co., Or. Crop and split in the left. Overslope in the right. Nn or Cc on the right hip. HORSES: /\ on the right shoulder. Also same /\ on the right or left shoulder. No. 108 J. H. COLAHAN, Dairy, Klamath Co., Cal. ow Crop off the right.. Crop and split in the left. . ( Also, crop and t its i thiol , crop and two splits in left 0 on the left hip. i and crop and split gn right. CATTLE: HORSES : JO on the left hip. JC or C on the left shoulder. [58] No. 109 THOS. COLLINS, Bly, Klamath Co., Or. CATTLE: B B® Crop off the right. Swallow fork in the left. on the left hip; also, hook . T slit in each ear. | on the left hip. Both marks, dulap cut out at bottom. HORSES: 1 on the left shoulder. No. 110 DAN COLWELL, Tule Lake, Klamath Co., Or. Crop off the right. 0 on the left ribs. HORSES: 9 on the left shoulder. | [59] No. 111 JACOB COMBS, Fort Bidwell, Modoc Co., Cal. CATTLH: Oo Overslope in the left ear. K on the left hip. HORSES : J C on the right thigh. No. 112 HUGH CONLAN, Fort Bidwell, Modoc Co., Cal. CATTLH: aoa Underbit in the right. Upperbit in the left. HC on the right hip. HORSES : Same on left shoulder. Also, IF on left shoulder, or | on the left thigh. [60] No. 113 E. C. CONKLIN, Adin, Modoc Co., Cal. Po Upperbit in the right. Split and upperbit in the left. 0 GC on the left hip. HORSES CATTLH: ~ Same on the left shoulder. No. 114. F. B. COOLEY, Alturas, Modoc Co., Cal, oc Split in the left. Underbit in the right. —=J= on the right hip. HORSES : CATTLH: Same on the right shoulder. [61] No. 115 B. F. COOPER, Alturas, Modoc Co., Cal Crop off the right. Upper half crop in the left. ~~ . GC on the right hip. CATTLE: HORSES : Same on the right thigh. No. 116 T. B. COOPER, Adin, Modoc Co., Cal. HORSES ¢ “a 9 on the left thigh. ~~ W. H. COPELAND, Bonanza, Klamath Co., Cal > ‘Split in the right. Swallow fork in the left. Two dulaps cut out at the bottom. WC on the right ribs. HORSES: No. 117 CATTLE: Same on the right thigh. No. 118 WM. COPPERSMITH, Eagleville, Modoc Co., Cal. or Upper and underbit in the left ear. CATTLE: oO on the right shoulder. HORSES: OC on the right shoulder. [63] No. 119 No. 121. J. W. CORNELL, J. H. CORNELL, Cornell, Cornell, Modoc Co., Cal, Modoc Co., Cal. HORSES : HORSES ¢ \&/ on the left stifle. HC on the left stifle. No. 122. No. 120 W. M. COTTINGHAM, Taylorville, H. R. CORNELL, | : Plumas Co., Cal. Cornell, CATTLE: Modoc Co., Cal. oP = HORSES : Crop and underbit in the left. HC on the left stifle. g C on the left hip. No. 123. JESSE COUCH, Cedarville, Modoc Co., Cal. CATTLE: ag Underbit in each ear. (C on the left hip. HORSES: JC on the left shoulder. No. 124. R. P. COURTWRIGHT, Bly, CATTLE: > Split in each ear. QQ on the right hip. HORSES : Same on the right thigh. 166] Klamath Co., Or. No. 125. J. W. COX, Merrillville, Lassen Co., Cal. ow Crop off the left. Underslope in the right. : SJE on the left hip. HORSES: Same on the left shoulder. CATTLE: No. 1226. COX & RICE, Adin, Modoc Co., Cal. OS Underslope in each ear. JC on the right hip. CATTLE: HORSES: Same on the left thigh. > [67] No. 127. COX & CLARK, Pittville, Shasta Co., Cal. CATTLE: oD Fish hook in the left; underbit in the right. A on the left shoulder. Also, crop off the right; under half-crop in the left. HS on the left hip. HORSES : HS on the left thigh. Also 0) on the left shoulder. No. 128. CHAS. CRAMER, Shumway, Lassen Co., Cal. CATTLE: S®© Crop and two splits in the left. Ne r on the left hip. HORSES: Same on the left thigh. [esy - No. 129. CRATTY & CO. Cedarville, Modoc Co., Cal. o> Split in the right; underbit in the left. IXL on the left hip. HORSES: vY on the left thigh. CATTLE: No. 130. MIKE CRAVEN, Lookout, Modoc Co., Cal. Dw Swallow fork in the right. Under and upperbit in the left. . { C \ on the left hip. CATTLE: HORSES: Same on the left shoulder. [69] No. 131. J. C. CRAWFORD, Tule Lake, Klamath Co., Or. SO Crop and split in the left. J on the left hip. HORSES: ( ) on the left shoulder. CATTLE: \ No. 132. W. C. CRAWFORD, Tule Lake, : Klamath Co., Or. ow Crop off the right; crop and split in the left. 6 on the left hip. ~ CATTLE: HORSES: TO on the left shoulder. [70] No. 133. T. J. CUMMINS, Eagleville, Modoc Co., Cal, CATTLE: Split in the left; fish-hook in the right. Dulap cut out at bottom. J ( on the left hip. HORSES: Same on the left thigh. No. 134. W. A. CURRIER, Paisley, Lake Co., Or. Nick in the left ear. he on both ribs. HORSES: HC on the left stifle. CATTLE: [71] No. 135. M. C. CURRIER, Paisley, Lake Co., Or. Outslanting nick in each ear. C on the right hip, and ND on the left hip. CATTLE: HORSES: C on the left shoulder. No. 136. H. H. DAKIN, Janesville, Lassen Co., Cal. Swallow fork in the left; underbit in the right. HD on the left hip. HORSES: ~~ HD or H on the left shoulder. CATTLE: [72] No. 137. SYLVESTER DANIELS, Lake City, Modoc Co., Cal. ow Sharp underbit in the right. Round underbit in the left. CATTLE: on the left hip. HORSES: Same on the left shoulder. No. 138. F. L. DAVID, Janesville, Lassen Co., Cal. O @ A hole in the end of the right. An upper and under hole in the left. FD on the left ribs. CATTLE: HORSES : D on the left thigh. No. 139. DAVIE BROS, Janesville, Lassen Co., Cal. Hole split out in the right; nick in the left. CD on the right hip. HORSES : Same on the right shoulder. CATTLE: No. 140. W. S. DAVIS, Merrillville, Lassen Co., Cal. Split in the right. ND on the right hip. HORSES : Same on left shoulder. CATTLE : [74] No. 141. A. J. DAVIS, Alturas, Modoc Co., Cal. ow Crop and underbit in the left. AL on the left hip. HORSES: 3 3 on the left sheulder. CATTLE: No. 142. JOHN DAVIS, Genesee, Plumas Co., Cal. D> > Crop off the left; underbit in the right. {Fr on the right hip. ; N CATTLE: HORSES: Same on the left shoulder. No. 150. J. DETER, Lake View, Lake Co., Or. Under half-crop in the right. 4 on the left hip. HORSES: Same on the left shoulder. CATTLE: [79] No. 151. S. C. DIBBLE, Adin, Modoc Co., Cal. CATTLE: : Small crop off each ear. MV on the left hip. HORSES: (\) on the left thigh. . No. 152. A. DIFANTI & ¢O,, Summit, Plumas Co., Cal. CATTLE: Upper half crop in the right. Swallow fork in the left. Lr on the right hip. HORSES : Same on.the right thigh. [80] No. 153. ANDREW DILL, Janesville, Lassen Co., Cal. ox Split in the right. Split and underbit in the left. Wattle on the left jaw. ADon left hip. HORSES : 0 on the left shoulder. CATTLE: No. 154. DILLARD & TULL, Bly, Klamath Co., Or. CATTLE: Crop off the right. Upperslope in the left. JT on the right hip. HORSES : Same on the right shoulder. (81] No. 155. DISABELL & VENNING, Buffalo Meadows, Washoe Co., Nev. CATTLE: ox Swallowfork and underbit in each ear. \/) on the left hip. HORSES: Same on the left thigh. —- No. 156. SAMUEL DIXON, Linkville, Klamath Co., Or. oD Split in the right. Underbit in the left. SD on left. hip. HORSES: CATTLE: Same on the left shoulder. - [82] No. 157. E. DOBBS, Adin, Modoc Co., Cal. ow Crop and two splits in the right. Crop and underbit in the left. HH) on right hip. HORSES: Same on the left shoulder. CATTLE: No. 158. JAMES C. DODSON, Fort Bidwell, Modoc Co., Cal. Two nicks in each ear. F [D on the left hip. HORSES : CATTLE: Same on the left thigh. [83] WM. DODSON, Cedarville, Modoc Co., Cal. Range, Lake Co., Oregon. HORSES : a on the left shoulder. No. 160. R. M. DOOLEY, Long Valley, Lassen Co., Cal. CATTLE: oa Swallow fork and underbit in each ear. HH on the right ribs. HORSES : Same on the left shoulder. [84] No. 161. JOHN DOPSON, Madeline, Lassen Co., Cal, LN Upperbit in the right. Underbit in the left. CATTLE: E on the left side. HORSES: |2 On the left shoulder. No. 162. DORRIS BROS, Alturas, Modoc Co., Cal. CATTLE: Underhalf crop in the right. Swallow fork in the left. UF on the left hip or ribs, or D on the left bip. Also, overslope in the left, crop off the right. HORSES: D on the right or left shoulder, on the right or sometimes reversed. Also left shoulder. \ F on the right hip. [85] No. 163. FRANK DOTTY, Janesville, Lassen Co., Cal. CATTLE : Underbit in the left. "FD on the left hip. HORSES: Same on the left shoulder. No. 164. J. E. DOYLE, Milford, Lassen Co., Cal. CATTLE : ; Overslope in the right. Crop and two splits in the left. —rLy-on the left or right hip. HORSES: “on the left or right shoulder. [86] No. 165. T. B. DOYLE, Milford, Lassen Co., Cal. DG Upper half crop in the right. Under half crop in the left. Wattle on the nose. MD on the left hip. HORSES: CATTLE : Ll on the left stifle. No. 166. S. A. DOYLE, Milford, Lassen Co., Cal. Dw Hole and underbit in each ear. S D on the left ribs. CATTLE : Also, [) on the left hip. HORSES : D on right shoulder. [87] No. 167. J. W. DOYLE, Long Valley, Lassen Co., Cal. CATTLE: Pow» Crop and underhalf crop in each ear. Wattle under jaw. D on the left hip. HORSES : Same on left shoulder. No. 168. ADAM DROEGE, Taylorville, Plumas Co., Cal. CATTLE: De Swallow fork in each ear. JV) on the left hip. No. 169. GEO. A. DUKE, Likely, Modoc Co., Cal. ro Overslope in each ear. CA! TLE: A2 on the left hip. HORSES: Same on the left shoulder. ° No. 170. HENRY DUNCAN, Langell Valley, Klamath Co., Or. Crop and underbit in the right. Under half crop in the left. CATTLE: oo" the left hip. HORSES: HD on the left shoulder. [89] DUNCAN BROS. Silver Lake, Lake Co., Or. HORSES: 0) on the left shoulder. Also, £\ on the right shoulder. No. 172. J. R. DUNN, J anesville, Lasse v.10 CATTLE: RCo, Cul. Split in each ear. J DD on the left hip. HORSES: J on the left shoulder. [90] No. 173. MRS. R. E. DUNLAP, Bieber, Lassen Co., Cal. DG Underhalf crop in the left ear. J on the left hip. HORSES : CATTLE: ~ Same on the left shoulder. No. 174. DURAND & CO, Summer Lake, Lake Co., Or. Split in each ear. Dulap eut out at the bottom. RR on the left hip. HORSES : CATTLE: Same on left thigh. [91] No. 1765. DYGERT & BEARDSLEY, Alturas, Modoc Co., Cal. CATTLE: Oo Upper and underbit in the right. Half undercrop in the left. 1 : : Also, crop off the left and ( S ; on left or right hip. underbit in the right. © or TL on the right hip. HORSES : 1 on the right shoulder and right and left thigh. No. 176. J. ECCLESTON, Lake View, Lake Co., Or. Crop and underbit in the right. Underbit in the left. E on right hip. HORSES: Same on the right shoulder. [92] R. D. EDDY, Merrillville, Lassen Co., Cal. CATTLE: LN Upper half crop in the left. Ts ; E on the left hip. HORSES: Same on the left thigh. No. 178. P. F. EDRIS, Adin, - Modoc Co., Cal CATTLE: -, Upper bit in the left ear. —= on the right. HORSES: —= on the right shoulder. [93] J. O. ELDER, Paisley, Lake Co., Or. Sx Crop and split in the right. Swallow fork in the left. CATTLE: O on the right ribs. HORSES : (© on the right thigh. No. 180 J. W. ELLIOTT, Lookout, Modoc Co., Cal. > Split in the right. Crop off the left. GH, on the right hip. HORSES ¢ CATTLE: Same on the left shoulder. [94] No. 181. W. W. ELMORE, Bieber, Lassen Co., Cal. wv Crop and underbit in the right. Under half crop in the left. LB on the right hip. Also, crop off the right. Upper half crop in the left. R, K on the left hip. HORSES : CATTLE: _IL_ on the left thigh. No. 182. ALFRED ELVING, Bonanza, Klamath Co., Or. Under half crop in each ear. & on the right hip or ribs. CATTLE: HORSES : a Same on the left stifle. [95] No. 183. C. E. EMERSON, Susanville, Lassen Co., Cal oD Short crop off the right ear. CATTLE: E on the left ribs. HORSES: Elon the left thigh. No. 184. J. M. EMVICK, Summer Lake, Lake Co., Or. HORSES: ~~ oO on the left shoulder. Also, Won the right shoulder, [96] Ve C. C. MALTBY, Lake View, Lake County, Oregon, Manufacturer of and Dealer in First-Class Stock Saddles “Bridles, Bridle Bits, Spurs, Reata, Hackamores, Quirts, Hair Ropes, Chaperajos. In fact I make riding material a specialty, and on saddles I am second to none on the Pacific Coast, having had 20 Years’ Experience among Vagueros® Stockmen, AND HAVE ALWAYS LED IN MY LINE. So give me a trial before purchasing elsewhere, and I guarantee satisfaction, as I use none but the best of stock in my work, and SPARE NO PAINS In the Construction of my Saddles, and will make any change of style to suit my customers. Will give descriptions and prices on application. pp a fa ca atau en AA aime A ES TRAN SSSA RRA bin o FE re Ta IR EIR NNER: SW Se RA 228] LAKE VIEW fgg, GLOVE FACTORY. R. L. WILLIAMS, Proprietor. Manufactures all Styles and Sizes of Buck-skin, Dog-skin and Goat-gskin Gloves; Button, Band, Small Cuff, Large Cuff Half Gauntlet and Full Gauntlet LIGHT AND HEAVY For Riding, Driving and Working Purposes. I Guarantee all my work Hand-Made and not to rip. My stock is all dressed in oil, and will not get hard after being wet. Give me a call before purchasing elsewhere, and get first-class articles, SATISFACTION GUARANTEED OR NO SALE, As 1 spare no pains to suit my customers, either in style or finish. Highest Prices Paid for Deer Hides, LEVY & ALEXANDER, DEALERS IN General Merchandise SUSANVILLE, LASSEN COUNTY, CALIFORNIA. DRY GOODS, DRESS GOODS, FANCY GOODS, Etc. ‘GENTS’ CLOTHING. Hats, Caps, Boots and Shoes and Underwear. WE CARRY THE LARGLST STOCK of GENERAL MERCHANDISE In the County, including Farming Implements, and DEFY COMPETITION IN PRICES. B&¥ Orders by letter promptly and carefully filled. LEVY & ALEXANDER. L. 1. MOORE. T. N. LONG. MOORE & LONG'S Stockmen and Ranchmen's Depot, SUSANVILLE, CAL. For the Best Saddles and Harness in Northern California go to L. H. MOORE & CO. They keep everything in the line of Saddles, Harness, Bridles, Bits, Spurs, Coronas, Silver Inlaid and Plain Spurs and Bits. Braided Work of all kinds, Chap's, Feed Bags, Hobblers, Robes, Dusters, Blankets, Sheets, Nets, Whips, and Quirts, and in fact everything usually kept in a first-class Saddle and Harness Store. Also a full line of Gun Goods and Ammunition OF ALL SORTS AND SIZES. GUN REPAIRING WELL DONE AT REASONABLE PRICES. We make a specialty of FINE SADDLES AND HARNESS. So- liciting a call and thorough examination of our Goods before purchasing elsewhere, we remain Very respectfully, L. H. MOORE & CO. C. H. ESSEX, Alturas, : Modoc Co., Cal. > Upper half crop in the right, Two splits in the left, Son the right hip. HORSES: Same on the left shoulder. CATTLR: No. 186 L. J. ESSEX, Canby, Modoc Co., Cal. Upper half crop in the right, ON] on the right hip. HORSHS ; CATTLE: Same on the the right thigh. [97] No. 187 L. C. & A. B. ESTES, Alturas, CATTLE: De Crop and underbit in the left. Swallow fork in the right. Wattle under chin. PI on the right hip. HORSES: Same on the right thigh. No. 188 C. A. ESTES, Alturas, Modoc Co., Cal. CATTLE: oe Crop and underbit in the right. Underbit in the left. on the shiv hip. HORSES: || on the right thigh. [98] Modoc Co., Cal. G. J. ESTILL, Bieber, Lassen Co., Cal. Overslope in the right. Rounding underslope in the left. 24 on the left hip. HORSES: CATTLE: Same on the right shoulder. No. 190. MRS. M. L. EVANS, Lakeview, Lake Co., Or, >P Crop and upper half erop inthe right. Crop and under half crop in the left. N Jon both hips. HORSES : GT or J=F on the left shoulder. [99] CATTLE: No. IOI. J. F. EVANS, Taylorsville, Plumas Co., Cal. > Under half crop in each ear. J on the right hip. HORSES: Same on the left shoulder. CATTLE: No. 192. JOE EVANS, Susanville, Lassen Co., Cal. DP No ear mark. Dulap cut out at bottom, JE on the left hip. HORSES ; : : Same on the left thigh, [100] No. 193. GEORGE EWING, Lake City, Modoc Co., Cal. ow Underbit in right; crop off the left. Wattle on right jaw. (/) on the right side. CATTLHR: HORSES : S on the left shoulder. No. 194. JOHN T. EYSTER, Eagleville, Modoc Co., Cal. CATTLE: Two underbits in the right. Split in the left. = on the left hip. HORSES: Same on the left shoulder. [101} se EE Sea i I t | | a - OA gre eet Sen rs Ra ot eb a No. 195 JAMES FAIRHEAD, Merrillville, Lassen Co., Cal. HORSES J on the left thigh. No. 196 MRS. T. FARLEY, Long Valley, Lassen Co., Cal. CATTLH: a» Upper half crop in the right. Shovel in the left. HORSES : T on the right shoulder. [102] No. 197. O. A. FEDDERSON, Davis Creek, Modoc Co., Cal. Feather in the right; underbit in the left. on the left hip. CATTLE: HORSES : Same on the left thigh. No. 198. JAMES FEE, Ft. Bidwell, Modoc Co., Cal. DO Two splits in the right ear; some underbit in left. Wattle on right jaw. FEE on the right hip. HORSES : FE, on the right thigh. [103] CATTLE: No. 199. No. 201. ROBERT FEE, Ft. Bidwell, Modoc Co., Cal. CATTLE: ~ CATTLE: Overslope in the left; wattle on left jaw. Dulap cut out at bottom. FE on the left hip. DF’ on the right hip. HORSES DAVID FINEGAN, Adin, Modoc Co., Cal. Overslope in ‘each ear. xe TIS as Sat sige ea Sosa HORSES » : : Same on the left stifle. F on the right thigh. prin oe re No. 202. RE o Cp oy 4 ol A A Ss ST IR Ta $i Bos Fe A as 3 MAE al CN A GS CE No. 200. RIT og, | FINK & WATTERS, E. FERRIS, Bly, Long Valley, Klamath Co., Or. Lassen Co., Cal. CATTLR: . —_— Ch > Short crop off the left. Crop and split in the left. Upperslope in the right. rn on the left hip. Jughandle. 9 F on both hips. HORSES» 6 on the left shoulder. Same on the left shoulder. FE ih ni A rr | | i | | | rT Tg re To me etree HORSES : f1o4 | [105] No. 203. GRANT FINLEY, Bly, Klamath Co., Or. oC Underbit in the right; split in the left. A on the right 1ibs. CATTLE: HORSES: Same on the left shoulder, No. 204. JOHN FINLEY, Bieber, : Lassen Co., Cal. CATTLR: oc Upper and underbit in the right; split in the left. © F on the right hip. HORSES : " Same on the right shoulder. 1206] No. 205. JOHN T. FISHER, Davis Creek, Modoc Co., Cal. Uppernick in the right. Underbit in the left. h on the left hip. HORSES: Same on the left thigh. CATTLAH: No. 206. JAMES T. FITZGERALD & SONS, Lake View, Lake Co., Or. Crop off the left; split in the right. 9] on the left ribs. CATTLE: HORSES : J | the left shoulder. [107] oR at ei re com mea RE No. 207. S. P. C. FLANEN, Lookout, Modoc Co., Cal. CATTLR: |r Crop and underbit in the right; swallowfork in the left. R. on the left hip. HORSES ¢ Same on the right shoulder. No. 208. FRANK FLEURY, Merrillville, Lassen Co., Cal. og On the left stifle. [108] No. 209. H. C. FLOURNOY, Taylorville, Plumas Co., Cal. CATTLE: Underbit in each ear. FF on the right hip. HORSES ¢ Same on the right shoulder. No. 210. G. R. FLOURNOY, Alturas, Modoc Co., Cal. Raa ca No ear mark. Two dulaps cut out at bottom. NG on the right hip. HORSES : FP on the left thigh or shoulder. Also, 6 or 16 on left thigh. . [109] CATTLE: Sh a eh Ne ANE ET ta A nt i AB od 18 Lig i 5 i i || i | of 5 eR a dire mn TOR ens RRA FA Sa Ee a —————— No. 211. JOHN D. FLOURNOY, Likely, Modoc Co., Cal ow Crop and two splits in the right. Wattle on right neck. Li on the right hip. HORSES: LL_ on the left thigh. CATTLR: No. 212. M. O. FOLSOM, Merrillville, Lassen Co., Oal. CATTLE: Underbit in the right. -G on the right hip. Also, Underbit in the left; same brand on left hip ; wattle under the jaw after 1888. HORSES ¢ Same brand on either shoulder. [110] No. 213. J. M. FORD, Adin, Modoc Co., Cal. DO Crop off the right; swallowfork and underbit in the left. H on the left hip. HORSES: : Same on the left thigh. CATTLE: No. 214. MRS. M. FORD, Taylorville, Plumas Co., Cal. Split in the left; underslope in the right. J FF on the right hip. ® on the right shoulder. [111] CATTLE: HORSES: 4 | i i y 1 i ! i is 8 » hl hE 1 } ) : Hi ! ! io : 8 | #1 t —— > BE A — No. 215. W. FORMAN, Taylorville, Plumas Co., Cal. CATTLE: oe Crop and underbit in the right; swallowfork in the left. Fon the left hip. HORSES; Same on the left shoulder. No. 216. JOHN FORSYTH, . Chat, Lassen Co., Cal. CATTLE: DH» Crop off the right; two underbits in the left. GA on the right hip. HORSES » \’ O on the left stifle. [112] No. 217. FOSTER & BROWN, Cornell, Modoc Co., Cal. Split in the left. > a E Se on the right hip. HORSES: CATTLR. Same on the left thigh. No. 218. JAMES FOSTER & SONS, Summer Lake, Lake Co., Or. Crop off the right; underbit in the left. \ on both hips. Also, Crop off the left; underbit in the right. VV on both hips. Aliso, F orR Cor Hon both hips, and / on right hip and jaw. CATTLE: HORSES & ~\ VV on loft Shoml jer ® or Zz. on left shoulder. [113] <= Ts a AS ermine SR PES a wr af wore a. ame NI prs - - i a Ee —— 1 £ ——— § | i | 3 f | { i 1 Rh 8 iE i 3 8 b: ! i$ + Ha No. 219. A. A. FOX, Susanville, Lassen Co., Cal. CATTLE: Dc Split and underbit in the left, AF on the left hip. HORSES Same on left shoulder. No. 220. A. B. FRANKLIN, Davis Creek, Modoc Co., Cal. CATTLR: oD» Crop off the left. F on the left hip. HORSES : Same on the left shoulder. [114] No. 121. GEORGE FREEMAN, Ft. Bidwell, Modoc Co., Cal. CATTLR. a | Crop off the left; underbit in the right. C U on the right hip. HORSES ¢ GF on the left shoulder. No. 222. C. F. FREEMAN, Eagleville, Modoc Co., Cal. HORSES : /\B on the left thigh. [115] Sra A Eo» FEE SIREN pt, v0 ae a wee - oem pre one mt won: nv BE sp — " _ EY ENT wn: eB A IN Rv 13 A oat a Ru id a5 A No. 219. A. A. FOX, Susanville, Lassen Co., Cal. CATTLE: Dc Split and underbit in the left, AF on the left hip. HORSES : Same on left shoulder. No. 220. A. B. FRANKLIN, Davis Creek, Modoc Co., Cal. CATTLE: oD Crop off the left. F on the left hip. HORSES Same on the left shoulder. [114] No. 121. GEORGE FREEMAN, Ft. Bidwell, Modoc Co., Cal. CATTLE: oe Crop off the left; underbit in the right. C U on the right hip. HORSES GF on the left shoulder. No. 222, C. F. FREEMAN, Eagleville, Modoc Co., Cal. HORSES ; /\® on the lett thigh. I A a RECA Ae EIT ce > AE A TARR a . rg el 7 Se » a Ly as 2 Oe er— A SEAR No. 223. FRENER & KING, Bonanza, Klamath Co., Or, Crop off the right. Half undercrop in the left. tron the left ribs. HORSES » CATTLE. Same on the left shoulder. No. 224. G. W. FRY, Janesville, Lassen Co., Cal. CATTLR: Pw Crop off the right ear. Wattle on right jaw. F on the right hip. HORSES : . F on the right shoulder. [116] No. 225. R. W. FULCHER, Bieber, Lassen Co., Cal. CATTLR: O© Underbit in the right. Crop and split in the left. 0 on the left hip. HORSES Same on the left shoulder. No. 226. J. H. FULSTONE, Adin, Modoc Co., Cal. > Crop off the left. Swallow fork in the right. J on the right hip. HORSES: CATTLR: Same on the right thigh. [117] No. 227. FUNK & KING, Lake View, CATTLE: Small under half-crop in each ear. /F\ on the right hip. HORSES: Gen the right shoulder. No. 228. P. R. FUSON, Linkville, Klamath Co., Or. DP No ear mark. A on the left hip. HORSES : F on the left shoulder. CATTLE: [118] Lake Co., Or. No. 229. R. G. GALBREATH, : Olene, Klamath Co., Or. De Upper half-crop in the right. Lower half-crop in the left. RG on the right hip. HORSES: CATTLR. Same on the left shoulder. No. 230. WM. GALIPPE, Summit, Plumas, Co., Cal DP Short crop off both ears. [Leaf] 0 on the right hip. CATTLE: HORSES: Same on the right thigh. [119] i § H i! ¢ i I ¢ £ 4! | i i § if i No. 231. A. GALLATIN, J. Balsh, Agent, Shumway, Lassen Co., Cal. a Crop and two splits in the right. Overslope in the left. Dulap cut out at top. ® on the left hip. HORSES: CATTLR: Same on the left thigh. No. 232. L. B. GARDEN, Adin, Modoc Co., Cal. Dd Crop off the left. Underslope in the right. LV on the left hip. Also, Two splits in each ear. CATTLE: on the left hip. HORSES: LV on the left shoulder. [120] Hon the left hip. No. 233. ANTOINE GARIG, Bieber, Lassen Co. Cal. Swallowfork in the right, Hole in the left, AG on the right hip. HORSES » A on the right shoulder. No. 234. WM. 8S. GARIG, Bieber, Lassen Co., Cal. CATTLR: 4 Crop and hole in the right. GG on the right hip. HORSES : CG on the right shoulder. [121] No. 235. T, H. GARRETT, : Lake City, Modoc Co., Cal. CATTLE» oe Underbit in the right. Crop and split in the left. [Mule shoe] U) on the left hip. HORSHS Same on the left shoulder. No. 236. "HANS R. GAUSTAD, Likely, Modoc C9., Cal. CATTLR: tno Underbit in the right, Under half-crop in the left. Two dulaps cut in a bunch. Ren the loft hip. Also | g HORSES: Re on the left thigh. [122] No. 237. S. J. GEE, Eagleville, Modoc Co., Cal. Crop off the right. Split in the left. GEE on the left hip. HORSES ¢ CATTLE. Same on the left thigh, No. 238. J. O. GEORGE, Lake View, Lake Co., Or. >> Swallow fork in the right. Two splits in the left, J JH on the right hip. HORSES ¢ CATTLE: Same on the left shoulder. [128] No. 239. LOUIE GERBER, Hainesville, Klamath Co., Or. CATTLE: oe Crop and split in the right. Crop off the left. J M on the right ribs. HORSES: J on the right shoulder. No. 241. B. E. GINDICI, Summit, Plumas Co, Cal. Dw» Upper nick in the right. Under nick in the left. 4 on the right hip. HORSES: Same on the left shoulder. CATTLE: 3 i \ i | i x i 1 | { ) i} i i i | No. 240. A ya No. 242. LEWIS F. GILL, Eagleville, Modoc Co., Cal. ge Underbit in the right. Swallowfork in the left. Dulap cut out at top. /M\J on the left hip. -_ - Ty a 4 - - —————————— ro — —- ee rn. et eT G. W. GLASSCOCK, Milford, Lassen Co., Cal. TLE: 0aTess CATTLE: —esn—— Underbit in the left ear. GGon the left hip. HORSES : HORSES : GG on the left shoulder. Same on the left shoulder. [124] [125] M. GODLEY, Lake View, Lake Co., Or. HORSES : UG on the left hip. No. 244. JAMES C. GOOCH, Lookout, Modoc Co., Cal. ot Crop and split in the right. Under half-crop in the left. GY on the left hip. CATTLH: HORSES: Same on the left thigh. [126] No. 245. N. S. GOODLOW & SON S, Hainesville, Klamath Co., Or. DPD No ear mark. Dulap cut out at top. JL on the right ribs. Also 8 on left hip or ribs. CATTLE: HORSES » on the right 6 Guile {iso 3 or O on the left shoulder. No. 246. MART GOSCH, Canby, Modoc Co., Cal. oS Underbit in the right. Crop off the left, CATTLE. 4 5 on the right hip. HORSES: S B on the left shoulder. [127] No. 247. J. A. GRAY, Adin, CATTLE: CoP Upper and underbit in each ear. on the left hip. iso I on the right hip. HORSES: I on the left shoulder. No. 248. WM. GREEN, Cedarville, Modoc Co., Cal. CATTLE: p a Crop and underbit in the left. Underbit in the right. on the left hip. HORSES: Same on the left thigh. [128] Modoc Co., Cal. No. 249. GEO. GREENO, Long Valley, Lassen Co., Cal, CATTLE: <4 Crop and a hole in the right. A hole in the left. 0 on the right hip or side. HORSES: Same on the right shoulder. ~ No. 250. HENRY L. GREGORY, Langell Valley, Klamath Co., Or. HORSES: Z On the left thigh. [129] No. 251. W. W. GREGORY, Langell Valley, Klamath Co., Or. HORSES: 9 On the left shoulder. No. 252. W. J. GREGORY, Langell Valley, Klamath Co., Or. HORSES: 7. WwW On the left shoulder, [130] No. 253. JAMES GRIFFITH, Canby, Modoc Co., Cal. CATTLE: oT Crop and underbit in the right. Under half-erop in the left. + on the left hip. HORSES: TD on the right shoulder or hip. No. 254. GROSS & GWINN, Bonanza, Klamath Co., Or. © Under half-crop and underbit in the left. Hook slit in the right. x on the left hip. HORSES : Same on the left shoulder. CATTLE: [131] 3 f 3 bi i a: gi i i + i y a } | i il i: + WE it! 1 his] | MEL iis ) i tH £1 0 i 2 Bd iI 3 1 ¥ i | 1 No. 255. WM. GROVES, Davis Creek, CATTLE: Do Crop and two splits in the right. 5 on the right shoulder. HORSES: Same on the right shoulder. No. 256. J. D. GUERRAZ, 0. Parker, Foreman, Lake View, Lake Co., Or. CATTLE: Square fork in both ears. Wattle on throat latch. D GE on the left hip. HORSES : Saw.e on the left stifle. [132] Modoc Co., Cal. No. 257. J. H. & L. B. GUILL, Alturas, Modoc Co., Cal. CATTLE - Pg Swallow fork in the left. Swallow fork and underbit in the right. A on either side. HORSES: : Same on the left shoulder, . No. 258. DEMPSEY GUTHRIE, Craig, Modoc Co., Cal. HORSES: K— On the left shoulder. 1133] No. 259. S. G. HADLEY, Summer Lake, Lake Co., Or. 2H ~ On the left stifle. No. 260. J. P. HALL, Davis Creek, Po» Crop and underbit in the right. Two dulaps cut out at the bottom. () F on the left hip. HORSES ; F on the right thigh. CATTLE. [134] Modoc Co., Cal No. 261. CALVIN HALL, Lookout, Modoc Co., Cal. oD Underbit in each ear. KR on the left hip, HORSES: Same on the left, thigh. CATTLE: No. 262. ISAAC HALL, Greenville, Plumas Co., Cal. CATTLE: Short split in each ear. Q on the right hip. HORSES: Y on the left shoulder. [135] No. 263. J. HALL & BROS, Langell Valley, Klamath Co., Or. CATTLE: a 4 Crop and split in the right. Crop off the left. Wattle on the right jaw. 49 on the right hip. HORSES: Same on the left thigh. No. 264. W. A. HALL, Langell Valley, Klamath Co., Or. HORSES: 10 On the left thigh. [136] No. 265. HALL & BUICK, Silver Lake, Lake Co., Or. CATTLE: Crop and split in the left. Wattle under chin. H on both hips. HORSES: [Va on the right shoulder. No. 266. HAMAKAR & HORTON, Bonanza, Klamath Co., Or. oe -Underbit in the right. Crop and split in the left, Wattle on the nose. H on the right hip. HORSES: \ on the left shoulder. CATTLE: [137] J N. HAMMOND, Bly, Klamath Co., Or. CATTLE : So Crop off the left. Underbit in the right. J on the left hip. HORSES : Same on the left thigh. No. 268. J. L. HAMPTON, Paisley, Lake Co., Or. CATTLE: Underbit in each ear. O on the left ribs. HORSES: 5 on the left shoulder. [138] No. 269. A. J. HAMPTON, Paisley, Lake Co., Or. CATTLE: Underslope in the left. Crop and split in the right. 6 on the right hip. HORSES : Same on the right shoulder. No. 270. J. G. HAMPTON, Paisley, Lake Co., Or. DP No ear mark. Two dulaps cut out at the bottom. © on the right hip. HORSES 9 on the left shoulder, CATTLE: [139] No. 271. JOHN HANSEN, Cedarville, Modoc Co., Cal. CATTLE: Crop off the lett. Underslope in the right. Some wattle on the left jaw. H on the left ribs. HORSES : | Same on the left shoulder. No. 272. LEWIS J. HANSON, Bieber, Lassen Co., Cal. CATTLE: Pe Crop und split in the right. Swallow fork and nick in the left. Ca on the right hip. HORSES: Same on the right shoulder. [140] No. 273. W. F. HARBERT, Hayden Hill, Lassen Co., Cal. Crop and split in the left. Split in the right. or F on the left hip. HORSES: CATTLE: on the left thigh. No. 274. J. HARDGRAVES & SONS, Taylorville, Plumas Co., Cal. > Two splits in the right. JH on the left hip. CATTLE: No. 275. C. H. HARGADINE, Hainesville, Klamath Co., Or. CATTLE. Swallow fork in the right. Underbit in the left. H on the left hip. 4lso ° on the nose. \’ P . HORSES: on the left thigh. “No 5 No. 276. HARRIS BROS, Summer Lake, 4 Crop, split and underbit in the right. Underslope in the left. 4H on the right shoulder. HORSES: Lake Co., Or. CATTLE: Same on the right shoulder. [142] No. 277. W. A. HARRIS, Lookout, Modoc Co., Cal. Crop off the right. Crop and swallow fork in the left. iy on the left hip. HORSES : CATTLE: Same on the left shoulder. No. 278. R. A. HARPER, Adin, Modoc Co., Cal. Crop off the right. 0 S on the right hip. HORSES: CATTLR: Same on the right thigh. [143] No. 279. J. P. HARTER, Likely, Modoc Co., Cal. CATTLE: Underslope in the right. Overslope in the left. HA on the left hip. HORSES : Same on the left thigh. No. 280. CHAS. HARTSON, Janesville, Lassen Co., Cal. CATTLE: Underslope in each ear, on the right hip. HORSHES : Same on the right shoulder. [144] No. 28I. H. H. HARVEY, Likely, Modoc Co., Cal. DH Und«r and upperbit in the left. Underbit in the right. : . | | on the left hip. HORSES: Same on the left shoulder, CATTLE: No. 282. W. M. HARVEY, Jess Valley, Modoc Co., Cal. ry Underbit in each ear. H on the right hip. HORSES : CATTLE: Q on the right shoulder. [145] No. 283. WM. HARVEY, Paisley, Lake Co., Or. CATTLE: Under half-crop in the left. O on the left hip. HORSES: Same on the left shoulder. No. 284. A. C. HARWOOD, Bly, Klamath Co., Or. | 4 Crop and underbit in the right. Underslope in the left. Wattle on the left jaw. 77 on the right jaw. HORSES : Same on the left thigh. [146] No. 285. W. H. HAYES, Silver Lake, Lake Co., Or. HORSES : | on the left stifle. 2 Xen the right shoulder No. 286. S. N. HAZEN, Bonanza, Klamath Co., Or. ow Crop off the left. Underbit in the right. SN on the left ribs, and = Upper half crop in the right. Underbit in the left. ® on the left hip. HORSKS Lai CATTLE: CATTLE: as bo ae Same on the left thigh. No. 302. HILLMAN & CO, Adin, Modoc Co., Cal. Sw Crop and underbit in the left. H on the right hip. HORSES: CATTLE: HILL & DODSON, Cedarville, Modoc Co., Cal. HORSES : ne! | $11 i} | i 1 { | iH i i ii i i } ) On the left thigh. Same on the right shoulder. [155] [154] a 303. HENRY HILTON, Alturas, Modoc Co., Cal. CATTLE: > Split in the right. Under half-crop in the left. H H on the left hip. HORSES : Same on the left shoulder. No. 304. CHAS. E. HILTON, Alturas, Modoc Co., Cal >> Split in the right. Hook-slit in the left. H GC on the left hip. HORSES: CATTLE: Same on the left shoulder. [156] ¥ 3 ; fl No. 305. F. HINES, Susanville, Lassen Co., Cal. CATTLE: >» Crop off the left. Split in the right. S on the right ribs. No. 306. JESSE HIRONYMOUS, Cedarville, Modoc Co., Cal. GO CATTLE: Crop off the right. Hole in the left. JH on the left hip. HORSES: Same on the right thigh. [157] N O. 307. H. W. HOAGLAND, Bonanza, Klamath Co., Or. HORSES: QO on left hip and shoulder. Also] on left hip. MULES. Underbit in the left ear. No. 308. SAMUEL HOFFMAN, Janesville, Lassen Co., Cal. CATTLE : >@ Upperbit in each ear, SH oniths right hip. HORSES: FE on the left shoulder. [158] JOHN HOLBROOK, Adin, Modoc Co., Cal. Ne Crop and upperbit in the left. Q on the left hip. HORSES : CATTLE: Same on the left thigh. No. 310. W. H. HOLLENBECK, Pittville, Shasta Co., Cal. Crop off the left. Split in the right. 2 on the right hip. CATTLE: HORSES: Same on the left shoulder. [159] No. 3I1I. | ASA HOLLENBECK, Pittville, Shasta Co., Cal. CATTLE: Na Crop off the right. Split in the left. A H_ on the right hip. | 4 { ) FRED M. STERN, HORSES : Same on the left thigh. No. 312. | P. HORAN, | Ft. Bidwell, | Modoc Co., Cal. | Underslope in each ear. Jug-handle cut in two. PHon the left hip. HORSES; CATTLE: *HSNOHIAV AA ATA TAAVS Same on the left shoulder. No. 68. d Rosaderos Wool-lined, i i d Horn and Cantle, Bastos an giined i hr Er Rg hg pi % Se 23 ch Bate Taras pped, | Finely Stasp i to buckle, $45.00; wi t ) i Findy ited a figs Pllustrated Catalogue and Price List. PACIFIC POLLED HERD Galloway Catt OF THE CHOICEST STRAINS. The Largest Herd on the Coast. This herd is headed by imported Hanover, by imported Prince Ed- ward, the head of Mr. M. R. Platt’s famous Kansas City polled herd. Imp. Prince Edward (1816) (1289) calved January 26, 1880, bred by John McCormick, Lockenkit, Corsock, Dalbratte; sire Aberdour (1284), dam Beauty of Lockenkit (3110), by Caleb Garth (1069) g. d.; Maggie of Lockenkit (2783), by Jim of Lockenkit (1142). THIS HERD OF GALLOWAYS Is pronounced by all who have seen it to be a superb lot of beef-producing animals. We have on hand a number of High Grade and Thoroughbred Bulls and Heifers, of our own raising, which we offer for sale reasonably, thereby offering Stockmen and Breeders a chance to purchase Stock already acclimated—thus avoiding risk of transportation and getting non-breeding stock. WE GUARANTEE BREEDERS OR NO SALE. We also have on hand a number of Grade Cleveland Bay Horses, sired by our Imported Cleveland Bay Stallion “Dymock,” No. 714 C. B., Stud Book of England, and No. 303 C. B., Stud Book of America. For reliable information concerning the above, address REYNOLDS & JACKSON, STEELE SWAMP, Moboc Co., CaL, THE The Modoc Stable, ALTURABS, Modoc Co., California. le [OVINIE EETTRE] Lh A A —\" TINS NT 0 The Best Care taken of Ty LIVERY RIGS at REASONABLE RATES. pe L.arge Corral. KEMBLE & EWING, Prop'rs. GO TO THE Oling ALTURAS, J California. Modoc Co. . it Tin Ii ii Pe] — = : Good Clean Beds, and a Table Supplied with the best the market affords. Board by the Day, Week or Month. A. A. OLINGER, Prop'r. No. 313. J. M\. HORNBACK, Eagleville, Modoc Co., Cal. OATTLR: Underslope in the right. Under half-crop in the left. J IC on the left thigh. HORSES : Same on the left shoulder. No. 314. E. B. HORNING, Silver Lake, Lake Co., Or. HORSES; "H on the left shoulder. "H on either hip or shoulder. VV on the left shoulder. [161] No. 315. E. D. HOSSELKUS, Genesee, Plumas Co., Cal. OD Hole in the right. Crop off the left. Ho the right hip. HORSES: Same on the right stifle. CATTLE: No. 316. J. W. HOSSELKUS, Susanville, Lassen Co., Cal. CATTLE: SD 5 Underbit in the right. Upperbit in the left. HN on the left ribs. HORSES : (\) on the right shoulder. [162] No. 317. R. A. & SARAH HOTCHKISS, Davis Creek, Modoc Co., Cal. os Crop and two wads in the right. Overslope in the left. A on the right hip. haf CATTLE: HORSES: S on the right shoulder ; or Oen the left thigh. No. 318. J. HOWARD, Lake View, Lake Co., Or. OL Crop and split in the right. Under half-crop in the lett, 7 on the right hip. HORSES: CATTLE: Same on the left shoulder. [163] . No. 319. J. HOWELL, Bonanza, Klamath Co., Or. >a» Split and underbit in the right. Crop off the left. H on the left hip. ? HORSES : CATTLE Same on the left shoulder. No. 320. PERRY HOYT, Lake View, Lake Co., Or. —— 4 Underslope in the left. Two splits in the right. Wattle on the nose. 1P on the left hip. HORSES : Same on the left shoulder. CATTLE: [164] No. 321. R. C. HOYT, Adin, Modoc Co., Cal. De Swallowfork and underbit in the left. Crop off the right. CATTLE: 0 on the right ribs. HORSES: Same on the left thigh; also 1S on the left thigh. No. 322. WM. HUDSPETH, Cedarville, Modoc Co., Cal. >o Split in the right; wattle under the throat. Also, Shoestring in each ear; snub on nose. op on the left hip. Also swallowfork . $1 GAR OBL. GT on the left hip. CATTLE: Also swallowfork and CC: y : hole in the right. So on the right hip. HORSES » GT or D on the left thigh. [165] No. 323. SOL HUFFORD, Alturas, Modoc« Co., Cal. CATTLE: e Split in the right. Crop and two swallow forks in the left, D on the left hip. HORSES: Same on the left shoulder. CATTLE: No. 326. RICHARD HUTCHINSON, Tule Lake, Klamath Co., Or. >< Split in the right. Half undercrop in the left. Dulap cut out at the bottom. XX on the left hip, or H on the right hip. HORSES: H on the right shoulder. [167] CATTLE: No. 327. No. 329. IMRIE & TORESON, Canby, Modoe Co., Cal. CATTLE: No ear mark. Double wattle on top of neck. WI on the left hip. HORSES: i Same on the left shoulder. | W. W. IRWIN, I Silver Lake, i. Lake Co., Or. | CATTLE: “Uppér and underslope in the left. XS on the left hip. HORSES : Same on the left shoulder. No. 328. INNES & SHERLOCK, Summer» Lake, Lake Co., Or. Underslope in the right. Crop and two splits in the left. YOUNG STOCK: Two underbits in each ear. TA on the left hip. HORSES: S on the left thigh. No. 330. EDWARD IVORY, Alturas, Modoc Co., Cal, Po Crop and underbit in the right. E on the right hip. CATTLE: CATTLE: RE e Slo a A fe I SN SAT A A 5 ie NT PEI So pS So Eat Pom ow neg HORSES: Same on the right shoulder. [168] [169] No. 331. No. 333. ADAM JAKOBS, Merrillville, Lassen Co., Cal. . » : er | 3 . HEN 3. 40 : Crop off the right ear. A.J on the right hip. HORSES : JAMES IVORY, Canby, Modoc Co., Cal. Ow Crop and split in the right. Upperbit in the left. TO on the right hip. HORSES: Same on the left shoulder. CATTLE: CATTLE: Sam.e on the right stifle. No. 332. DR. H. JACKSON, Likely, Modoe Co., Cal. DP Crop off the left. Crop and under’ half-crop off the right. Bell wattle. lo: : 2 on the left ribs. HORSES: J on the left thigh. [172] SE No. 337. J. THAD. JONES, Alturas, Modoc Co., Cal. Underslope in the right ear. J J on the right hip. CATTLE: HORSES : Same on the left shoulder. No. 338. RICHARD JONES, Alturas, Modoc Co., Cal. CATTLE: i i | Dw Small nick in the left ear. O on the left hip. ERSTE TLR HORSES : J on the left shoulder. [173] No. 339. W. R. JONES, Bieber, Lassen Co., Cal. CATTLE. DPN Crop off the right. Crop and underbit in the left. J on the left hip. HORSES: Same on the left shoulder. No. 340. HENRY JONES, Bieber, Lassen Co., Cal, CATTLE: ow» ~ Crop and split in the right. Crop and underbit in the left. J on the left hip. HORSES: Same on the left thigh, [174] iff— No. 341. J. M. JONES, Bieber, Lassen Co., Cal. oD Underbit in each ear. Se on the left hip. HORSES : Same on the left thigh. CATTLE: No. 342. CHAS. E. JONES, Chat, Lassen Co., Cal. Oo Crop off the right. Underslope in the left. CATTLE: on the right hip. sm ES : on the left thigh. < [175] No. 343. R. F. JONES, Chat, Lassen Co., Cal. CATTLE: >vU Crop off the left. Overslope in the right. J on the right hip. HORSHES a on the left shoulder. No. 344. GEO. M. JONES, Paisley, Lake Co., Or. CATTLE. Hole in the left. Underhalf crop in the right. J on the left hip. Also, Underslope in each ear. 9 on the left jaw, and NM\ on the left hip. HORSES: J" on the left thigh. [176] No. 345. JOHN KELLY, Canby, Modoc Co., Cal, > Crop off the left. Underslope in the right. | on the left ribs. HORSES CATTLE: Same on the left thigh. No 346. T. S. KEMBLE, Alturas, Modoc Co., Cal. Ow Half undercrop irr the left. S/ on the left hip. HORSES : Same on the left thigh. [177] CATTLE: No. 347. J. W. KEMP, Pittville, Shasta Co., Cal- Sw» Crop off the left. Upper half crop off the right. GK on the left hip. CATTLE: HORSES: : K on the right stifle. No. 348. E. KENNEDY, Bieber, Lassen Co., Cal. CATTLR: oD Crop and split in the right. Underbit in the left. K on the right hip. HORSES: Same on the left shoulder. 1178] 3 — dh No. 349. C. M. KENYON, Bieber, Lassen Co., Cal a Under and overslope in the right. Swallow fork in the left. C IK on the left hip. HORSES; Same on the left shoulder. CATTLE: No. 350. ~ LEWIS L. KENYON, Bieber, Lassen Co., Cal Crop and nick in the right. K on the left hip. HORSES ; CATTLE: Same on the left shoulder. [179] No. 351. MRS. E. J. KESSELRING, Adin, Modoc Co., Cal. CATTLR.: Crop off the left. Upperbit in the right pA on the right hip. HORSES : Same on the left shoulder, No. 352. L. B. KESTER & SONS, Bonanza, Klamath Co., Or. CATTLE: OOo Hole in each ear. B K on the left hip. HORSES : On the left thigh. [180] No. 353. S. W. KILGORE, Langell Valley, Klamath Co., Or Underslope in the right. Underbit in the left. K on the left hip. HORSES : CATTLAH: Same on the left shoulder. No. 354. BE. G. KILGORE, Langell Valley, Klamath Co., Or. Underbit in the right. Underslope in the left. £3 on the left hip. HORSES : CATTLE: Same on the left thigh. [181] No. 355. 8. KINGDON, Taylorville, Plumas Co., Cal. > Two splits in the right ear, S K on the right hip. HORSES: CATTLE: Same on the right thigh. No. 356. HENRY KIRBY, Janesville, Lassen Co., Cal Oo» Hole in the right. Underbit in the left. HK on the right hip. HORSES : Same on the right shoulder. [182] CATTLE: No. 357. J. M. KIRKPATRICK, Alturas, Modoc Oo., Cal ag Crop off the left. Underslope in the right. NS On the left hip. HORSES: CATTLE: Same on the left thigh. No. 358. E. C. KIRKPATRICK, Alturas, Modoc Co., Cal. oD Crop off the right. CATTLE : 0 on the left hip. HORSES: Same on the left thigh. [183] No. 359. H. KNIPPING, Madeline, Lassen Co., Cal, SC» Crop and split in the left ear. HK or c on the left ribs. HORSES: CATTLE: HS on the left shoulder. No. 360. L. KNUDSON, Merrillville, ; Lassen Co., Cal. DD Crop and underbit in the right. Underbit in the left. H on the left hip. HORSES: CATTLE: Same on the left shoulder. [184] No. 361. G. H. KOEHLER, Susanville, Lassen Co., Cal. CATTLE: <4 Crop and two splits in the right. GK on the right hip. SES: Br: Same on the right shoulder. No. 362. LEWIS KRAMER, Bieber, Lassen Co., Cal. Jo Crop and underbit in the right. Crop and upperbit in the left. ? on the right ribs. | 1 SEA id! AL 2 EH it fk ved ie t i8 iy 95 Ue . - uP Bil 1 H) 2 Ht An ud SiR 34 5 va wl % 5 i '¢ i | 3 TIARA HORSES: Same on the right thigh. a [180] Re pr Sa Ea ERR pn Gr i No. 363. JOHN KRESGE, Lookout, Modoc Co., Cal. Three small underbits in the left. IK on the left hip. CATTLE: HORSES: > on the left shoulder. No. 364. A. KRUSE, Bieber, Lassen Co., Cal. Pc Crop and underbit in the right. Split in the left. Dulap cut out at top. / on the left hip. HORSES : Same on the left shoulder, CATTLE; [186] No. 365. C. LAFFRANCHINI], Beckwith, Plumas Co., Cal. Pe Crop and underbit in the right. Swallow fork in the left. J Con the right hip. CATTLE: HORSES; Same on the right thigh. No. 366. T. H. LAKE, Hayden Hill, " Lassen Co., Cal. >> Overslope in the right. Two splits in the left. 5 | on the left side. HORSES: Same on the left shoulder. CATTLE: [187] No. 367. P. B. LANGLOIS, Lake View, Lake Co., Or. Oo Feather in the left ear. Wattle on the left neck. <> on the left hip. HORSES : Same on the left thigh. CATTLR: No. 368. ‘J. H. LANGDON, Paisley, Lake Co., Or. HORSES: ? On the left stifle, Some A on the same place. [188] No. 369. MRS. MARTHA LAND, Bonanza, Klamath Co., Or. SS Underslope in each ear. Dulap cui out at the top. 6 6 or O=0 on the left hip. CATTLE: HORSES : 99on the right thigh. No. 370. LANE BROS, Silver Lake, oo Lake Co., Or. CATTLE: |e Underbit in each ear. O on the right hip. K on the left hip. HORSES: L. on the left shoulder or hip. [189] MH OR ; i LES Lal § ) Jo % {i 5 3 Bs Ag’ os it i WM Ww Le : Wd : ; Ha be "he whE Bh { HR Py & a a ol gr ER No. 371. G. LAPOINT, Adin, Modoc Co., Cal. WD Upperbit in each ear. LC on the left hip. Also FF on the left side. HORSES: CATTLE: L. on the right shoulder. No. 372. J. C. LARGENT, Davis Creek, Modoc Co., Cal. oe Crop off the right. Two splits in the left. J | on the left hip. HORSES : Same on the left shoulder. CATTLE: [190] No. 373. E. LAUER, Alturas, Modoc Co., Cal. oo Upperslope and underbit in the left ear. EL on the left hip. CATTLE: No. 374. Cc. D. LAWTON, Adin, Modoc Co., Cal. CATTLE: HL Crop and swallowfork in the left. Underbit in the right. CDL on the right hip. HORSES: O on the left sheulder. [191] No. 375. S. LAX, Janesville, Lassen Co., Cal. oo Crop, split and underbit in the right. |_2C on the right hip. HORSES : CATTLE: 7 on the left shoulder. No. 376. J. H. LECHMAN, Lake View, Lake Co., Or. OLY» Crop and split in the right. Crop and upperbit in the left. AS on the left hip. HORSES: CATTLE: Same on the left thigh. [192] No. 377. THEODORE LEE, Davis Creek, Modoc Co., Cal. >= Ubpperslope in the right. Underslope in the left. Wattle under jaw. YY on the left hip. HORSES : CATTLH: Same on the left thigh. No. 378. R. H. LEE, Davis Creek, Modoc Co., Cal. | Hole in the right. Upper half-crop in the left. LEE on the left hip. HORSES: Same, or RL on the left thigh. CATTLE: [193] A RAs = TRY RETR SET Tm eng Poems ee > Va PE ORY No. 379. A. H. LEONARD, Davis Creek, Modoc Co., Cal. P<» Crop off the right. Swallow fork and underbit in the left. AL on the right hip. HORSES : OATTLR: Same on the left shoulder. No. 380. LAWRENCE LEONARD, Bly, Klamath Co., Or. Crop off the left. Hole in the right. LL on the right hip, and © on the left hip. HORSES CATTLH: L | on the right shoulder. [194] No. 381. B. H. LEVIT, Susanville, Lassen Co., Cal. De Swallow fork in each ear, Wattle on both jaws. B | on the right hip. HORSES: Same on the right shoulder. CATTLE: No. 382. LEVY & ALEXANDER, Shumway, Lassen Co., Cal. oN» Crop ard underbit in the left. D C on the left hip. HORSES: ape the left hip, or T on the right shoulder. CATTLE: [195] er GRAIN RE Revie RAEN TET YT ye ny TT aR Part ATT oy ; iv pr No. 383. CHARLES LEWIS, Alturas, Modoc Co., Cal. CL On the left shoulder. No. 384. F. H. LINDSAY, Long Valley, Lassen Co., Cal. Underslope in the right. Crop and split in the left. Don the left hip or side. ITORSES : CATTLE: Same on the left shoulder. [196] No. 385. J. S. LENSCOTT, Cedarville, Modoc Co., Cal. CATTLE: Po Crop off the right. Three splits in the left. Wattle on each jaw. J S on the left hip. HORSES : Same on the left thigh. No. 386. EDWARD LLOYD & SONS, Canby, Modoc Co., Cal. oD Underbit in the right. Upperbit in the left. LL LL on the right hip. HORSES: CATTLE: Same on the right thigh. [197] EE Ar Sais pr es ev AE ew Aa mo gy fa es cai RI br pe A: crisp tp TT - » _— a > pp TREN A TRG iY NT TTY ma rR OT Re No. 387. STEWARD LOCY, Canby, Modoc Co., Cal. DG Under half-erop in the left. S | on the left hip. HORSES: CATTLE: Same on the left shoulder. No. 388. LOFTUS BROS, Lake View, Ry Crop, split and underbit in each ear. UL on either hip. HORSES: U | on either shoulder or left hip. Lake Co., Or. CATTLE: / Son either shoulder. / S on the right stifle. [198] No. 389. LONDON & GIBSON, Cornell, Modoc Co., Cal. > Split and two underbits in each ear. CK on the left hip. CA1TLE: HORSES : LG on the left thigh. No. 390. G. W. LONG, Susanville, Lassen Co., Cal. Crop off the left. Nick in the right. CL on the left hip. HORSES: CATTLE: Same on the left shoulder. [199] No. 39 1 " No. 393. G. W. LOOMIS, PETER LORENZEN, Bieber, Lookout, « Lassen Co., Cal. Modoc Co., Cal. CATTLE: CATTLE:

» Half undercrop in the right ear. Wattle on the left jaw. on the {i crop and hole in the right. ov» Nick in the left ear. P on the left hip. Half undercrop in the left. Jefisghoulder Wattle on the left jaw. Same brand on left hip or right hip. HORSES: HORSES: Same on the left thigh. Same on the left shoulder. No. 392. No. 394. C. FRANK LOVELAND, Merrillville, Lassen Co., Cal. oD Crop off the right ear. HENRY LORENZ, Lookout, Modoc Co., Cal. Lh Half underslope in the right. Crop and split in the left. 1 on the left hip. HORSES : i A Gs yng A A 2 se - HE a Bafa LL eb ar en gia . Gay re i 2 shins SE i pase LM EERE ET a rR Rh ABE a Lo Er 2 CATTLE : CATTLE: \ Also L on the left or right hip. kK on the left thigh. HORSES: K or C or i) on the left thigh. [201] Same on the left thigh. [200] No. 395. N. LUTE, JOHN LOW, Janesville, Lassen Co., Cal. >@ Crop off the lett. Crop and upper half-crop off the right, () on the right hip. Susanville, CATTLE: Modoe Co., Cal, HORSES : LU On the left shoulder. HORSES: J L on the left shoulder. No. 396. No. 398. G. W. MAPES, Fort Bidwell, Modoc Co., Cal. Do» Crop off the right. Crop and underbit in the left. J J on the right hip. HORSES: EN on the left thigh. AMOS LUNDY, Bly, Klamath Co., Or. ST Upperslope and underbit in each ear, fw on the right hip. HORSES: on the left shoulder. [202] CATTLE: CATTLE: (203) EE Ee No. 399. No. 401. J. C. MARSH, Tule Lake, Klamath Co., Or. Ow Crop and split in the right. Crop, split and underbit in the left. X on the right hip. r™ HORSES » W. D. MARTIN, lH Adin, v Modoc Co., Cal. 4IPOH» Swallow fork in the right. Crop off the left. oO on the right hip. HORSES : | ' on the left shoulder. [205] A No. 400. C. P. MARSHALL, Silver Lake, Lake Co., Or. DD Close crop off the right. Underbit in the left. . ES on the left hip. HORSES; - CATTLE: CATTLE: Same on the left thigh. [204] No. 403. No. 405. JOHN MASTEN, JR. Janesville, Lassen Co,, Cal, C. S. MAYFIFLD, Cedarville, Modoc Co., Cal. CATTLE: | CATTLE: oo > oS Long underbit in the right. Split in the left. Upper half-crop in the right. re! on the right hip. LSen the left hip. HORSHS HORSES: Same on the right shoulder. Same on the left thigh. No. 406. No. 404. W. P. McBRIDE, Adin, WILLIAM MAWER, Madeline, Lassen Co., Cal. v=) Crop off the right. Shovel in the left. Modoc Co., Cal. oH Crop.-and underbit in the left. és on the left hip. HORSES : : Same on the left thigh. CATTLE: CATTLE: on the left hip. HORSES: Same on the left shoulder, [206] [207] No. 407. | No. 409. ELMER E. McBAIN, McCLELLAN & SONS, Adin, Bonanza, Modoc Co., Cal. Klamath Co., Or. CATTLE: CATTLE: Crop off the left. | Split in the right. Half undercrop in the right. Crop and split in the left. E R on the left hip. Nl on either hip or shoulder. HORS TS: HORSES: Same on the left shoulder, Same on either thigh or shoulder. No. 410. No. 408. | ~ R. F. McCONNAUGHY & CO, Ft. Bidwell, M. McCARTER, Modoc Co., Cal. Lookout, CATTLE: Ae; Modoc Co., Cal. >oDD <> Swallow fork in the right. Crop off the left. MW on the right ribs. Swallowfork in the right. Also, Split in each ear, 0; on the left ribs. | on the left hip. HORSES: HORSES and MULES: Same on the left thigh. JCon the right shoulder; also 0 on the left hip. [208] [209] No. 4il. No. 4 1 3. J. F. McCRARY, ; J. & L. W. WCU, fin ; in , Dn Co., Cal ec CATT, te WB CATTLE: D-H <<>> a = | Crop off the left. Upper and underbit in each ear. Half undercrop in the right. J on the left hip, : ME : ~ On the left hip. HOSES: | B9: Same on the left shoulder. | 438 = B on the right shoulder. No. 412. No. 414. H. McCUCHEON, J. L. McDERMOTT, Taylorville, is oii Plumas Co., Cal. Boa CATTLE : CATTLE: D> Pe Swallow fork in the right. Crop off the right. Underbit in the left. Swallow fork in the left. M on the right hip. _ on the right hip or side. HORSES: HORSES: Same on the right shoulder. Same on the left shoulder. [210] 1211] No. 415. 1 No. 417. McDONALD BROS. : JAMES McGREW, Langell Valley, Klamath Co., Or. | Lookout, CATTLE: = Modoc Co., Cal. \ D | Horszs: Crop and split in each ear. : Wattle on the left jaw. ; ‘N 7/2 on the left hip. | J On the right shoulder. HORSES: Same on the left shoulder, No. 416. No. 418. McGEE & B ATCHELDER, McILROY & DOBBINS, Loraton, Susanville, CATTLE: Klamath Co., Or. Lassen Co., Cal. CATTLE: BN Crop off the left. Overslope in the right. M on the right hip. HD on the left hip. Pon Crop and underbit in each ear. HORSES: Same on the right shoulder. Same on the left thigh. HORSES: [212] : [213] No. 419. No. 4221. WM. McJILTON, Davis Creek, Modoc Co., Cal. > Split in each ear. O— on the right ribs. J. H. McKEE, Lake View, Lake Co., Or. «oa a Crop off the left. Upper and underbit in the right. 0 6 on the right hip. CATTLE: CATTLE: HORSES: Same on the left thigh. HORSES: Same on the right shoulder. No. 420. " ROBERT McKEE, No. 422. Lake Vi ake View, J. R. McKENZIE, I Lake Co., Or. Bieber, Lassen Co., Cal. So Crop off the left. Underbit in the right. CATTLE: P= Crop, or crop and underbit in the right. Underslope in the left. ’ SQ on the left ribs. HORSES : on the left hip. HORSES: 9D 6 on the right hip. Same on the left shoulder. [214] [215] No. 423. J. B. McKISSICK, Susanville, Lassen Co., Cal, CATTLE: SDE» Crop off the left, Underslope in the right. Dulap cut out at the top. O on the left hip. HORSES: Same on the right shoulder, No. 424. HARRY F. McMURPHY, Janesville, Lassen Co., Cal. CATTLR.: a Crop off the left. IXL on the left hip, HORSES. M on the left thigh. 216] No. 425. H. Mc na MARA, Chat, Lassen Co., Cal. OD Crop and split in the right. CATTLE: EE TE on the left hip. HORSES : 3 on the right shoulder. No. 426. JOHN MELDRUM, Thos. Grace, Foreman. Prinesville, Crook Co., Or. HORSES 5 on the left stifle or shoulder. [217] No. 427. CATTLE: H. L. MERRYFIELD, Eagleville, >d4 Crop off the left. Overslope in the right. Dulap cut out at top. 3 on the left hip. HORSES: No. 428. HORSES : Same on the left shoulder. Modoc Co., Cal. p EDWARD MESNER, Bonanza, 35 On the left thigh. [218] Klamath Co., Or. No. 429. MRS. J. A. METZLER, Likely, Modoc Co., Cal. o= Crop off the right. Finger in the left. Dulap cut out at top. M On the left ribs. CATTLE: No. 430. T. MEYER, Bieber, Lassen Co., Cal. | a 4 Crop and underbit in the right. Split in the left. 3 on the right hip. HORSES» Same on the right shoulder. [219] CATTLE: No. 431. No. 433. OATHE MILLER, Fort Bidwell, Modoc Co., Cal. - Split and upperbit in the right ear. MO on the right hip. HORSES » M on the left shoulder. JAMES MILLER, Chat, : Lassen Co., Cal, CATTLE: i { Split in the right. A Underbit in the left. g CATTLE: S | Jon the left hip or side. HORSES: R on the right shoulder. i No 432. No. 434. | J. A. MILLER, | MRS. EMILY P. MILLER, Bly, Craig, Klamath Co., Or. Modoc Co., Cal. CATTLE: CATTLE: > Split in the right. | [J Crop off each ear. PM on the right hip. HORSES P on the left shoulder. [220] Underslope in the left. on the left ribs. A Underslope in the left. ; i Also, ! Upperslope in the right. 4 on both hips. ol Wattle on the nose. HORSES: 7 on left shoulder or stifle. | 22) i It No. 435. No. 437. R. W. MINTO, MODOC LAND AND LIVE STOCK CO. Eagleville, Likely, Modoe Co.. Cal. W. H. Nelson, Supt., Modoc Co., Cal. CATTLE: ’ L | __Y CATTLE: Crop off the right. Split in the left. M on the left hip. HORSES : Same on the left thigh or shoulder. DD Swallow fork in the right. Feather bit in the left. | on the left hip. HORSES : : i Same on the right thigh. No. 436. W. H. MITCHELL, Bieber, Lassen Co., Cal, ve Upperbit in the left. Underbit in the right. Dulap cut out at bottom. J Ton the left hip. HORSES: No. 438. MONTAGUE & CONLEY, CATTLE: Silver Lake, Lake Co., Or. 5 HORSES: A | TZ oi the left hip. Also, 'y on the left hip. Same on the left stifle, [222] 220) No. 439. J. L. MONTGOMERY, A 6G AGNON, Adin, Modoc Co., Cal. oe te | HMlturas, ty" Califernia Swallowfork and underbit in each ear. ———— J [Don the left side. 3 rm, Saddlers Harness Maker 3 on the left shoulder, CATTLE | —— N 0. 440. | Keep constantly on hand a full supply of J. E. MORRIS, | Loraton, | T Klamath Co., Or, AND rr eam~o Buggy Harness, C0 ; SY ie Crop off the left. WHIPS, ETC. Underbit in the right. 4 on the left ribs. BORSES Saddles, Bits, Spurs, Chap’s, Etec. Same on the left shoulder. [224] B=" Noe But the Best Material Used. S. FRAME, ~~ co TO | scksnith ¢ Wagounaker, { SNELLING & MCKEE'S ALTURAS, LIVERY AND FEED RE To 35 a RTA TT RE Modoc Co-, California. i I ll Horseshoeing a Specialty | cr [ake View, Oregon. BRANDING IRONS And everything in the line of § BLACKSMITH OR IRON WORK Done in the best and most satisfactory manner. Best Feed for Horses | AND —— Large Corral Room. EE WA —— ee oi rr i PR B. DALY. W. N. SUTTON. DALY & SUTTON, DEALERS IN Patent Medicines, = Toilet Articles, Stationery, Cigars. Etec. Lake View, Lake Co., Oregon. CALL and INSPECT our STOCK. Orders by Mail Promptly Filled, No. 441. J. C. MORRISON, Davis Creek, Modoc Co., Cal. PoP Crop off the right. Hatchet in the left. (/) on the left side. CATTLE: HORSES : J Don the right thigh, No. 442. D. & A. MORRISON, Likely, Modoc Co., Cal, ® dn Oo On the left shoulder. [225] No. 443. O. Z. MORGAN, Paisley, Lake Co., Or. Crop and two splits in the right. M on the right hip, and [] on the right side. CATTLR: HORSES : M on the right shoulder. No. 444. S. P. MOSS, Paisley, Lake Co., Or. CATTLR: oN Underbit in the right. Split and underbit in the left. Wilh Also, under half-crop in the right. he left hip. 0 nite ghip Crop off the left. 0 on the left hip, and 0) on right jaw. HORSES: 0) on the left thigh. [226] No. 445. J. A. MULKEY, Lake View, Lake Co., Or. CATTLR: oS Crop off the right. Split in the left. § JH on the left shoulder, — = 1% vi; BR Sh iis pry prt ro Es A a = - et os 3 i Be fas LT Xa HORSES Same on the left shoulder. : fii Hl! 4 No. 446. i La LUKE MULKEY, HR Davis Creek, | Modoc Co., Cal. CATTLE: <>» Under half-crop in the right, Nick in the left. Wattle on right jaw. | M on both hips, HORSES ; Same on the left shoulder. [227] No. 447. JOHNSON MULKEY, Davis Creek, Modoc Co., Cal. oe Crop off the left. Underbit in the right. 0 IK on the left hip. CATTLE: HORSES 9 / on the left shoulder. No. 448. D. E. MULKEY, Davis Creek, Modoc Co., Cal. et Crop and split in the right. Two splits in the left. 0) on the left hip. HORSES: / { on the ieft thigh. CATTLE: [228] No. 449. THOS. MULLEN, Bieber, Lassen Co., Cal. Se Two splits in the left. Dulap cut out at the bottom. + On the left hip. CATTLE: No. 450. T. J. MULRONEY, Janesville, Lassen Co., Cal. DD Crop off the right. Underslope in the left. rr Mon the left hip. HORSES; on the left shou'der. [229] CATTLE: No. 451. M. E. MUNROE, Fort Bidwell, CATTLR: >< Split in the right. Swallowfork in the left. LO on the right side. HORSES: + on the right shoulder. No. 452. FRITZ MUNTZ, F. Brown, Foreman. Bly, HORSES M On the left shoulder. [230] Modoc Co., Cal. Klamath Co., Or. No. 453. H. MURDOCK, Eagleville, Modoc Co., Cal. D> CATTLE: Swallow fork in the right. Underbit in the left. | on the left hip. NC i IY as Te cl 230, a Ce Ll HORSES : | Same on the left thigh. HE No. 454. B. F. MURPHY, Eagleville, Modoc Co., Cal. CATTLE: On Crop and two splits in the right. Underbit in the left. Three small dulaps, | | on the right side. HORSES : Same on the right shoulder. 231) No. 455. No. 457. JAMES R. MYERS, NAIL BROS., Alturas, Modoc Co., Cal. Bly, CATTLR: CATTLE: Klamath Co., Or. Nick in the right. DOC Swallow fork in the left. Crop and split in the left, = ou ithe Highs Bip. A N on the left hip. HORSES : g HO%RL3: 5 on the right thigh. on the left shoulder or hip. No. 456. No. 458. A. J. MYERS, Alturas, RALPH NE Modoc Co., Cal. i Al, CATTLE: t. Bidwell, 4Pr>> Swallow fork in the right. Upperbit in the left. J on the right hip. HORSES: CATTLE: Same on the right shoulder. [234] No. 461. GEO. H. NEWELL, Lake View, Lake Co., Or. >ap Under half-crop in the right. Crop and underbit in the left. HN on the loft nip. CATTLE: No. 462. ISRAEL NYE, Taylorville, Plumas Co., Cal. > Crop off the left. Split in the right. IN on the right hip. HORSES: N on the right shoulder. [235] CATTLE: G. W. OBENCHAIN, RICHARD ODBERT, Bly, Davis Creek, Klamath Co. Or. ’ Modoc Co., Cal. CATTLE: APTLE: Underslope in each ear. Hole in each ear. JQ on the right side or let hip. | RO on Sie gL Hip. HORSES HORSES : Same on the right or left shoulder. Same on the right shoulder. No. 464. M. OBENCHAIN, No. 466. Bly, Klamath Co., Or. J. M. OILAR, $ Lookout, Modoc Co., Cal. CATTLE: Crop off the right. 4D Underslope in the left. : k Close crop off the left ear. on the left ribs. J () on the right hip. BORSEY: HORSES: i anywhere. : Same on the right thigh. [236] [237] CATTLE: No. 467. OSTROM BROS, Alturas, Modoc Co., Cal. Crop and two splits in the right. Crop and split in the left. "7 () on the left side and hip. CATTLE: HORSES: Same on the left thigh. No. 468. W. M. OSTROM, Alturas, Modoc Co., Cal. CATTLE: Cel Crop and underbit in the left. Underbit in the right. (OX on the left hip. HORSES : : Same on the left stifle. [238] No. 469. JAMES OWEN & SONS, Bly, Klamath Co., Or, Crop off the right. Split in the left. J O on the left hip. HORSES; JO on the right sheulder. CATTLE: No. 470. J. K. PACKWOOD, Bieber, Lassen Co., Cal. ow Crop and split in the right. f \ or CA on the right hip. CATTLE: HORSES: 7 "\ on the right thigh. [239] a ear Hm Ame ve pe RR No. 471. WM. PACKWOOD, Bieber, Lassen Co., Cal. CATTLE: LoD Crop and split in the right. ~ \ on the left hip. 3 HORSES: Same on the left thigh. No. 472. JESSE PARMAN, Eagleville, Modoc Co., Cal. CATTLH: SO Crop and split in the left. Underbit in the right. J on the left hip. HORSES. Same on the left shoulder. [240] No. 473. J. A. PARKER, Bly, Klamath Co., Or. on Crop and under half-crop in the right. Underbit in the left. J P on the right hip. CATTLE: HORSES: Same on the left shoulder, No. 474. : PARKER BROS., Alturas, Modoc Co., Cal. CATTLE: >» (I) Upperbit in each ear. /\ on the left hip. Also, with crop and split in the right; overslope and hook-slit in the left; wattle on jaw. (2) Split in each ear; wattle on juw. 9 on the left hip. (3) Underbit in the right; hook-slit in the left; wattle i 92 9 on left ribs. HORSES: ii 9 Don left shoulder. 9 on left shoulder or thigh. Git 241 No. 475. No. 477. M. A. PARTON, JOHN PARTON, Summer Lake, Summer Lake, Lake Co., Or. CA TLE. LakeCo., Or. CATTLE: I< = 3 Crop off the right. Underbit in the right. Swallow fork in the left. /V\ on the left hip. | | J on the left hip. HORSES ¢ f HORSES: Same on the left shoulder. Same on the left shoulder, No. 478. No. 476. W. H. PATTON, Lake View, PARTON & SMALL, Wilkie 0, Or, CATTLE: Summer Lake, Oe Lake Co., Or. a D> Crop and split in the left. Crop, split and underbit in the right. Some have underbit in the left. 9 H° on the right or left hip. : HORSES : On the right thigh. Same on the left shoulder. HORSZKS : [242] [243] No. 479. K. PATTEN, Crescent Mills, Plumas Co., Cal. Mitten in the right ear. Ny : : S on the right hip. CATTLE: HORSES ; Same on the right shoulder. No. 480. R. A. PAXTON, Lake View, Lake Co., Or CATTLE: : oH» Crop off the left. Upperbit in the right. 7 on the left hip. HORSES : Same on the left shoulder. [244] No. 481. C. PAYNE, Alturas, Modoc Co., Cal. Swallow fork in the right. Hookslit in the left. 4 on the left hip. Also, underbit in each ear. | on the right hip. HORSES : (a A on left thigh or shoulder. | on left shoulder. CATTLE: No. 482. PEDRINI & RAMELLI, Beckwith, Plumas Co., Cal. CATTLE: oy Underbit in the left ear. S ) on the right hip. HORSES S on the right stifle. [245] No. 483. GEO. H. PENLAND & SONS, Lake View, Lake Co., Or. Nf Crop off the right; underbit in the left; wattle on throat. CATTLE: on the left hip. Also, Crop and under half-crop in the left; dulap cut out at top Also, Crop off the right; crop and upper half-crop off left; wattle on throat. / P on the left hip. Also, Swallow fork in the right; split in the left; wattle on throat. ob on the left side. | on the left hip. Also, Swallow fork in the left; underslope in right; wattle on throat. J on left side, and on left hip. No. 484. C. PENDLETON, Lake View, Lake Co, Or. D> Under half-crop in the left; upper half-crop in the right; wattle on the nose. J 9 on the left ribs. HORSES: Same on the left stifle. [246] CATTLE: R. PERAULT, Adin, Modoc Co., Cal. © Hole in the left. P on the right hip. Also, Underslope in the right; same brand on right ribs CATTLE: HORSES ; Same on the right thigh, No. 486. CHAS. W. PERKISS, Bieber, Lassen Co., Cal. Dg Swallow fork in each ear. 0 K on the left side. HORSES: P on the left shoulder. CATTLE: [247] No. 487. A. R. PERKISS, Bieber, Lassen Co., Cal. W. T. PETERS, Taylorville, Plumas Co., Cal. CATTLH: oe SE) Swallow fork and upperbit in the right. Swallow fork in the left. ® on the right hip. HORSES : CATTLR; Crop and two splits in the left. P on the left hip. HORSES: Same on the left shoulder. Same on the left shoulder. No. 490. No. 488. P. PETERSON, Ft. Bidwell, Modoc Co., Cal. ov» Crop off the left. P P on the left ribs. HORSES: PERRY BROS, Greenville, Plumas Co., Cal. >o Split and underbit in the right. N on the left hip. CATTLE: CATTLE: Same on the left shoulder. [249] No. 491. CATTLE. PETER PETERSON, Bieber, Lassen Co., Cal. DOD Crop off the right. P Pp on the right hip. HORSES : Same on the left shoulder. No. 492. CATTLE: C. PHILLIBER, Bieber, > Crop off the right. Split in the left. C P on the left hip. HORSES : Same on the left shoulder. [250] Lassen Co., Cal. No. 493. PITZ BROS. Loraton, Klamath Co., Or. dl Upper half-crop in each ear. P ] on the right hip. HORSES: CATTLR: Same on the right shoulder. No. 494. L. POINDEXTER, Davis Creek, Modoc Co., Cal. CATTLE: DC» Crop and split in the left. P on the right hip. HORSES ¢ X on the left shoulder. T" 6 on he Highs and left — shoulder. [251] No. 495. 2 No. 497. J. W. POPE, JOHN C. PORTER, Canby i ’ Silver Lak Modoc Co., Cal. : ny Toko Co., Or B A : CATTLE: <« Underbit in the left. Same—Swallowfork in the left. Crop off the right. X on the left hip. HORSES : CATTLE: Crop and deep under half-crop in both ears. B OB on the left side. HORSES ¢ O on the les shoulder. Bac Same on the left shoulder. No. 496. No. 498. MRS. PHEAR PORTER, Alturas, R. R. POTTER, Modoc Co., Cal. Lookout, CATTLE: Modoc Co., Cal. Under and upperbit in the right. Swallowfork in the left. Small Swallowfork in the left ear. C on the right side. OC Don the right hip. HORSES: \ HORSES : E on the left shoulder. Same on the left shoulder. [252] [253] No. 499. P. F. POWERS, Eagleville, Modoc Co., Cal. >oD Split in the right. Nook slit in the left. P on the right hip. CATTLE: HORSES: Same on the right shoulder. No. 500. NEWTON PRATT, : Tule Lake, Klamath Co., Or. DoS Crop off the right. Underbit in the left. NPor the right hip. HORSES: CATTLE: Same on the left shoulder. [254] BR rae TTT No. 501. PRATT BROS, Bly, Klamath Co., Or, og i Swallow fork in left. Underslope in the right. G) On the left and right hip. i EF mi FE SR er CATTLE: HORSES: Same on the right shoulder. No. 502. C. PRATT, Lake View, Lake Co., Or. CATTLE: > Swallow fork and underbit in the left. Split in the right. C 9 on the loft hip. HORSES: Same on the left shoulder. 1255] No. 503. 34 No. 5065. | HENRY PRIME, G. F. RAKER, | Shumway, | ; Lassen Co., Cal. Milford, ] CATLE: Lassen Co., Cal. : 4h: CATTLE: : § a8 ; A $ Crop off the right. 1 LDS ol Underbit in the left. ; , Hi Underslope in the right. i 0 L on the left hip. Overslope in the left. i GC on the right hip. HORSES: Same on the left shoulder or hip. HORSES: Same on the left shoulder. No. 504. FRANK A. PRIOR, Eagleville, No. 506. Modoc Co., Cal. CATTLE: WM. RAKER, Lassen Co., Cal. i I Swallowfork in each ear. CATTLE: + Two dulaps cut out at the top. 4D k Also, hole in the right, two splits in the left, and one t dulap cut out at the top. No ear mark. # Dem - F P on the right ribs. on the left or right hip. i I HORSES: HORSES: i O on tvs whgdhit; holder. Same on the left or right shoulder. i [256] [257] il No. 507. R. H. RALSTON, Canby, ‘Modoc Co., Cal. CATTLE: o> Crop and underslope in the right ear. FR on the right hip. HORSES : oy” on the left shoulder. No. 508. JOHN R. RALSTON ’ Alturas, Modoc Co., Cal. HORSES: 5 on the right hip. No. 509. A. E. RANDALL, Paisley, Lake Co., Or. HORSES : A A on the right hip. No. 510. J. J. REAVIS, Bieber, Lassen Co., Cal. tp Long underbit in each ear. 9 on the left hip. Some have crop off the right too. CATTLE: HORSES: Same on the left shoulder. [259] No. 511. No. 513. ALEX. REED, Lake View, S. V. REHART, Lake Co., Or. Lake View, oN takoco, orf Underbit in each ear. R on the left hip. a a SR CATTLE: HORSES: SV on the left shoulder. hex Ra a ge r—— Ate ena SS HORSES: 4 Same on the left shoulder. i | : 1 : No. 512. No. 514. | CHAS. REES, THEODORE RENNER, Alturas, Canby, Modoc Co., Cal. Modoc Qo., Cal. CATTLE: CATTLR.: < Crop and two nicks in the right. DC» Crop and split in the left ear. WwW on the right hip. TRen the right hip. HORSES: HORSES. Sas on the Hight Ula Same on the right shoulder. [260] [261] No. 515. REYNOLDS & JACKSON, Alturas, Modoc Co., Cal. oo Underbit in each ear. on the left hip. CATTLE. HORSHS ; Same on the left shoulder. No. 516. RHODES & BRAGG, Long Valley, Lassen Co., Cal. CATTLE: Oo Crop off the right. Some with upper half-crop in left also. S (or sideways) on the left side. HORSES : 2 on the left shoulder. [262] J. 8S. RICE, Cedarville, CATTLE: a Long underbit in the right. J on the left hip. HORSES : Same on the left shoulder, No. 518. G. F. H. RICE, Adin, ogo Swallowfork and underbit in the right. Swallow fork in the left, R on the left hip. HORSES: Same on the left shoulder. [263] Modoc Co., Cal. Ee ys es CATTLE: Modoc Co., Cal. a ppm AAA Briton rn pg mre . ns a en Co e Fe eel i Cita EL Ee No. 519. J. W. RICHARDSON & SON, Eagleville, Modoc Co., Cal. 4Dar Crop off each ear. R on the left hip. HORSES: Same on the left stifle. CATTLE: No. 520. R. A. RICKETTS, Bieber, Lassen Co., Cal. CATTLA: <>» Swallowfork and underbit in the right. Crop off the left. O on the right hip. HORSES: Same on the left shoulder. [264] No. 521. FRANK RIDDLE, Tule Lake, Klamath Co., Or. DD» CATTLE: Underbit in the left, Swallow fork in the right. RT on the right hip. HORSES : Same on the right or left shoulder. No. 522. D. W. RIDENOUR, Susanville, Lassen Co., Cal. CATTLR.: = Swallowfork and underbit in the right. oO on the left hip. Also, underslope in each ear. DL on the left hip. HORSES: Either of the above, or H_ on the left shoulder. [265] No. 523. ED. W. RIDGWAY, Shumway, Lassen Co., Cal CATTLE: Se» Crop off the left. Hook slit in the right. 0 Fon the left hip. HORSES: Same on the left thigh. No. 524. C. C. RIDGWAY, Susanville, : Lassen Co., Cal. CATTLE. a 4 Crop off the left. © on the left hip. HORSES - Same on the left shoulder. [266] No. 525. M. C. F. RIECKEN, Alturas, CATTLE: a | Crop off the left ear. 6 on the left hip. HORSES : Same on the left thigh. No. 526. JAMES ROBERTS, - Davis Creek, Modoc Co., Cal. CATTLE: Sip Overslope in the right. Upperbit in the left. G0 on the left hip. HORSES; R on the left shoulder. [267] Modoc Co., Cal. No. 527. CHAS. ROBERTSON, Taylorville, Plumas Co., Cal. > Swallowfork in the right. Crop and underbit in the left. ® On the right hip. CATTLE No. 528. WM. ROBINSON, Bly, Klamath Co., Or. CATTLR:

Under half-crop and mitten in the right. Underhalf crop in the left. R on the right hip. 1 on the left hip. HORSES : 1 on the left shoulder. [268] No. 529. R. C. ROBINSON, Lake View, Lake Co., Or. CATTLE: oc Crop off the left. Split in the right. ~L1_ on the right hip. HORSES : Same on the left shoulder. No. 530. ISAAC ROBNETT, Willow Ranch, Modoc Co., Cal. 4 Crop off the right. Split and underbit in the left. R on the left hip. HORSES ; CATTLE: Same on the left shoulder. [269] wr a Rw ti 23 yo BO = nl a ———— RR Sr rr —— No. 531. J. J. RODKEY, Alturas, Modoc Co., Cal. SD Hook slit in each ear. A on the left hip. HORSES» C Sen the left thigh. CATTLE: No. 532. W. H. RONEY, Bieber, Lassen Co., Cal. HORSES: TL . On the left shoulder. [270] No. 533. ALEX. ROSBOROUGH, : Likely, Modoc Co., Cal- CATTLE: PT Crop and split in the right. Swallowfork and underbit in the left. 2 on the left hip. Also crop off the left. Dulap cut out at the bottom. bs on the left hip. on the left thigh. A HORSES: 9 A No. 534. T. A. ROSEBERRY, Adin, Modoc Co., Cal. SD CATTLE; Underbit in each ear. / on the left jaw. HORSES: Same on the left shoulder. [271] No. 535. ROSEBERRY, KNIGHT & HARVEY, Adin, Modoc Co., Cal. ’ DD Crop and upperbit in the left ear. K [on the right hip. CATTLE : — ry HORSES: D on the right shoulder. No. 536. ALBERT E. ROSS, Long Valley, Lassen Co., Cal. CATTLE: oH» Crop off the right. Crop and underbit in the left. i RR or VV on the left hip. HORSES: R on the left shoulder. [272] No. 537. JOHN H. ROUSH, Cedarville, Modoc Co., Cal. Po Crop and underbit in the right ear. - on the left hip. CATTLE: HORSES. Same on the left thigh. No. 538. J. H. ROWLEY, Linkville, : Klamath Co., Or. CATTLE. >» Crop and split in the right. Underbit in the left. rR on the right hip. HORSES: Same on the right shoulder, [273] No. 539. J. W. RUSSELL, Davis Creek, CATTLE: et Swallow fork in the right. Underslope in the left. T on the right hip. HORSES: Same on the left shoulder. No. 540. W. A. SALISBURY, Alturas, Modoc Co., Cal. CATTLE: POS Crop off the right. Split in the left. JL on the right hip. HORSES : Same on the right thigh. ro74] Modoc Co., Cal. No. 541. ALEXANDER SAWYER, Bieber, CATTLE: Swallow fork and underbit in the right. Underslope in the left. S on the left hip. HORSES : Same on the left shoulder. No. 542. B. F. SCAMMON, Cedarville, Modoc Co., Cal. Crop off tick right. Underbit in the left. B S on the left hip. HORSES : CATTLE: Same on the left shoulder. [275] Lassen Co., Cal. we oT ET No. 543. No. 545. SCHOLL & CAHLAN, T. SCOTTINI, Susanville, Lassen Co., Cal. Susanville, CATTLE: . \ CATTLE: Crop off the right. Two nicks in the right. Crop and split in the left. One nick in the left. S on the left ribs. OJ on the left hip. HORSES : HORSES: X on the left shoulder. S on the left shoulder. No. 544. No. 546. A. 6G. B. SHCRODER, E. P. SESSIONS, HORSES : : HORSES : Same on the left thigh. Same on the left thigh. [276] : [277] Lassen Co., Cal. Silver Lake, Fort Bidwell, Lake Co., Or. Modoc Co., Cal. CATTLE: CATTLE: >» <>» Close crop off the left. Crop off the left. Underslope in the right. Half uppercrop off the right. 9 S on the both hips. MN) on the right side. No. 547. G. H. SEYBOLD, Adin, Modoc Co., Cal. >P Split in the right. Crop off the left. S J on the left hip. HORSES : Same on the left thigh. CATTLE: No. 548. J. P. SHARP, Janesville, Lassen Co., Cal. CATTLE: ad Swallow fork in each ear. J on the left hip. HORSES: Same on the left shoulder. [278] No. 549. C. T. SHARP, Cedarville, CATTLE: > Upperbit in each ear. IS on the left hip. HORSES; Same on the left shoulder, No. 550. WM. SHARTEL, Ft. Bidwell, Modoc Co., Cal. PY Under half-crop in the right. Slanting crop off the left. Also, just nick in the right. WS on the left hip. CATTLE. Modoc Co., Cal. a NINE IY PCr, No. 551. DAVID SHAW, Pittville, Shasta Co., Cal. > Crop and split in the right. Split in the left. CATTLE: Y on the left hip. HORSES: Same on the left thigh, No. 552. S. A. SHED, Davis Creek, Modoc Co., Cal. CATTLR.: >= Underslope in the left. Overslope in the right. J+ on the right hip. HORSES : Same on the right thigh. [280] No. 553. D. M. SHELDON, Adin, Modoc Co., Cal. DC CATTLE: Half undercrop in the left ear. S on the left hip. HORSES: Same on the left shoulder. No. 554. D. SHERER, Craig, Modoc Co., Cal. CATTLE: PC Crop and underbit in the right. Split in the left. ® on the left hip. HORSES: Same on the left thigh. [281] No. 555. J. H. SHERER, Silver Lake, Lake Co., Or. HORSES: S low down on the left shoulder. No. 556. SHERLOCK BROS, Summer Lake, oc Under half-crop in the right. Upper half-crop in the left. ] ® on the left hip. HORSES » Same on the left shoulder. Lake Co., Or. CATTLH: [282] No. 557. G. SHERMAN, - Canby, CATTLE: 49D Crop off the right ear. N Son the right hip. HORSES Same on the left shoulder. No. 558. SHOOK BROS, Dairy, Klamath Co., Or. rr Under half-crop in the left. Wattle on left or right jaw. Also, upper half-crop in the left. Also, crop off the right. Crop, split, and underbit in the left. \/ on the left ribs. HORSES: S or (\J or S on the left shoulder or thigh. [283] CATTLR: Modoc Co., Cal. No. 559. T. F. SIFFORD, Susanville, Lassen Co., Cal. Eo Crop and two splits in the right. Swallow fork in the left. S on the left hip. HORSES. CATTLE: S on the left shoulder. No. 560. JOHN SIMMONDS, i Bonanza, : Klamath Co., Or. HORSES: v : E SF on the right shoulder. [284] No. 561. A.& J. SLIPPY, Alturas, Modoc Co., Cal. MH CATTLR.: Crop and two nicks in each ear. A on the left hip. HORSES: Same on the right shoulder. No. 562. GEO. H. SMALL, Silver Lake, Lake Co., Or. CATTLE: ><» Crop off the left. Upper half-crop off the right. J on both hips. HORSES: Same on the left stifle. [285] S— i ih N AM MH il + { i 13] i" | i i | il | | | | i i M5 at NAS a ii 4 hin rs No. 563. No. 565. SMALLS BROS, THOS. SMITH, | Cedarville, ‘ Ganby, | Modoc Co., Cal. Modoc Co., Cal. | CATTLE: {| CATTLE: i D>» O44 Hl Crop and under half-crop in the right. | Crop and nick in the left. | ~ Upperbit in§the right. ; Some have two splits in each ear. : Under half-crop in the left. o . . oN ih c Gon the right hip. 2 on the left hip. HORSES: HORSES; | "Same on the right shoulder. Same on the left thigh. a Se — No. 564. No. 566. [i F. K. SMITH, A. SMITH, Ft. Bidwell, : Bieber Modoc Co., Cal. ) DP 49PrD tH i Crop off the right. > = X Lassen Co., Cal. aE : A | Split in the left. _ Crop and underbit in the right. | Hl : Dulap cut out at the bottom. Underbit in the left. If fER on the right side and hip. ; 3 | i FS : S on the right hip. ! | a HORSES: AUR, | " i S on the left shoulder. Same on the left shoulder. | i [286] [287] | | FRED M. STERN, No. 567. | | . = \ | J. P. M. SMITH, \ = 0, J anesville, Lassen Co., Cal. Hole in the right ear. RS on the right hip. HORSES: CATTLHB: R on the right shoulder. San Jose, Cal. No. 568. J. W. SMITH, Janesville, : i : : Lassen Co., Cal. CHAPAREJOS, NO. 6. ; No. 6, Angora Goat Skin FOAL DMV esearnssrsrorsoseisssinssennstnrsssniirsisssesnssossns $14 00 Fretich, OF Mexican, ecm srcnssmemmereeesereroesoconsen 16 co | Common Goat, or Dog..........ccuurnrnsorrrrrrn weveitenns from $10.00 to 14 00 : HORSES: . My Chaparejos are hand-made. I use the best of Calfskin for the legs, and Duck- i ing for lining. Angora Skins I have in different colors—Black, White, Cinnamen, and Yellow—bound on the bottom, Pockets on the sides or in front. i on the left shoulder. In ordering, give length of leg and size of waist. "or information send for Illustrated Catalogue and Price List. [288] A ARE TIN i Fr try ST TYE PCY DON'T FORGET TO SUBSCRIBE FOR — THE — “New Era VUBLISHHED IN ALTURAS EVERY WEDNESDAY. 9 9 zd Hw Lake View, Oregon. A.SNIIDTE, General # Merchandise. Always Takes the Lead. THER Largest and Most Complete Stock AT THE LOWEST PRICES. sili fp Come One! Come All! cll The Best Place to Trade IN SOUTHERN OREGON, pe ARZNER BROS. No. 569. General Blacksmiths ro Lake View, Lake Co., Oregon. Madeline, Lassen Co., Cal. HORSES: 3 on the left thigh. HORSESHOEING | "57° Ii And everything in the line of JOHN SMITH, ay BLACKSMITH OR IRON WORK Madeline, . ‘ Lassen Co., Cal. TI Done in the best and most satisfactory manner. Li HORSES: Branding Irons a Specialty. old stock, HH | | | on the left thigh. i | GIVE US A CALL. Young Stock, Ss in No. 571. H. SMITH, Likely, Modoc Co., Cal. Under and upper square notch in the left. H S on the left hip. CATTLE: HORSES : Same on the left stifle. No. 572. JAMES SNELL, Fall River Mills, Shasta Co., Cal. CATTLE: > > Underslit in each ear. © on the left hip. HORSES : Same on the left stifle. [290] No. 573. MIKE SNIDER, Hayden Hill, Lassen Co., Cal. at Swallowfork in each ear. an or 0 KK on the left hip. CATTLE: HORSES: Either brand on left thigh. No. 5674. W. F. SPAULDING, Mud Lake, Modoc Co., Cal. CATTLE: > Swallow fork in the right. Hole in the left, P on the left thigh. HORSES: Same on the left thigh, [291] No. 575. G. W. SPIRES, Likely, Modoc Co., Cal. Poe Crop off each ear. GS on the right hip. CATTLAR: No. 576. A. J. SPOON, Janesville, Lassen Co., Cal. ow CATTLE: Crop and split in the right. H_ on the left hip. Same brand. HORSES : [292] No. 577. SPOONER, Adin, Modoc Co., Cal CATTLE. Hole in the right ear. S P on the right hip. HORSES : © on the left shoulder, No. 578. J. W. STARK, Taylorville, Plumas Co., Cal. CATTLR: >» Split in the right. Underbit in the left. r\ X ~ On the left hip. [293] No. 579. WM. STEELE, Linkville, Klamath Co., Or. Soe Crop off the left. Underbit in the right. ST on the left hip. HORSES CATTLE: Same on the left thigh. No. 580. A. L. STEELE, Adin, Modoc Co., Cal. CATTLE: oe Swallow fork and upperbit in each ear. S 9 on the left hip. HORSES : . Same on the left thigh. (294) No. 581. A. STEPHENSON, Cedarville, Modoc Co., Cal. D> CATTLE: Down slanting split in the right ear. A on the right hip. HORSES : Same on the right stifle. No. 582. WM. STEWART, Pittville, Shasta Co., Cal. CATTLE: | = Crop and split in the right. ~ Wattle under neck. -X L* the left hip. HORSES ; Same on the left shoulder. 1295) No. 583. I. M. STEWART, Susanville, Lassen Co., Cal. a 4 Sharp underbit in each ear. CATTLE: S on the right hip. HORSES: Same on the right shoulder. No. 584. JOHN STEVENS, Cedarville, Modoc Co., Cal. CATTLE: Sch Crop and split in the left ear. | q on the left hip. HORSES : Same or J on the left thigh, [296] No. 585. J. M. STIEN BERGER, Long Valley, Lassen Co., Cal. “P= Crop and underbit in the right. Underslope in the left, M Son the left hip, also © on the left side. HORSES : Yr on the left shoulder. No. 586. HENRY STINER, Eagleville, Modoc Co., Cal. Oo Hole in the right. Split in the left. J S on the right hip. HORSES CATTLRH: Same on the right thigh. [297] No. 587. JOHN STOUT, Olene, Klamath Co., Or, xr Crop and split in the right. Swallowfork and upperbit in the left. CATTLE: J S On the left hip. HORSES: Same on the right shoulder. No. 588. H. D. STOUT, Linkville, Klamath Co., Or. CATTLE: aN Crop and underbit in the left. Underbit in the right. O on the right side. HORSES: a on the left shoulder. 1298] No. 589. NORTON STONE, Adin, Modoc Co., Cal. Poo Two underbits in the right ear. CATTLE: Nw on the right hip. HORSES ; VY, on the left sheulder. No. 590. G. M. STRATTON, Adin, Modoc Co., Cal. Po Crop and underbit in the right ear. 0 on the left hip. HORSES: Same on the left thigh. CATTLE: [299] No. 591. Z. STREET, Cedarville, Modoc Co., Cal. > Under half-crop in the right. Underbit in the left. / on the left hip. HORSES: CATTLE: Same on the left shoulder. No. 592. J. A. STREET, Cedarville, Modoc Co., Cal. CATTLE: 1 Crop off the right. Swallow fork in the left. On the left ribs. [300] No 593. JOHN B. STRIEF, Lake City, CATTLE: — Upperslope in each ear. On the left hip. HORSES: Same on the left shoulder, No. 594. M. A. STRIPLIN, Lake View, Lake Co. CATTLE: - Or C1 a Upper and underbit in each ear. vs On the right hip. HORSES: Same on the right thigh. [301] Modoc Co., Cal. No. 595. > No. 597. B. F. STUDLEY HARRY STROUP, LEY, Adin, Lookout, Modoc Co., Cal. Modoc Co., Cal. CATTLE: sons oe Crop and split in the right. | on the right shoulder. Finger in the left. { | 0 Jon the left hip. HORSES : Same on the left shoulder, No. 596. No. 598. S. J. STUDLEY, tt HH Lake View, JAMES SULLIVAN, | Lake Co., Or. Silver Lake, { i i ! CATILE: Lake Co., Or. | AA § Crop and split in the right. oN | ll Swallowfork in the left. Split and underbit in the right. | i i Crop and underbit in the left. } \ . : I | on $0 might lip O on the right loin, and KK on the left loin. i HORRSES: HORSES: | | S Gen the left shoulder. | on the right thigh. [303] pees SEE [302] er e——— A—— a ee No. 599. C. L. SULLIVAN, Davis Creek, Modoc Co., Cal. CATTLR: Crop off the left. Split in the right. C S on the right hip. HORSES: Same on the left shoulder. No. 600. M. SULT, Summer Lake, Lake Co., Or. CATTLR: De» Crop off the left. Wattle under the chin. S on the right hip and jaw. HORSES: Same on the right shoulder. [304] No. 601. CHAS. W. SUMMERS, Adin, Modoc Co., Cal. POT Crop off the right. Split in the loft. C P on the left hip. HORSES CATTLE. Same on the left shoulder, No. 602. JOSEPH SWINGLE, Bonanza, Klamath, Co. ov» Crop off the left ear. N\ on the left hip. HORSES; CATTLE: S on the left shoulder. [305] re TRE IR a No. 603. THOS. I. TALBOT, Adin, Modoc Co., Cal. CATTLE: Poe Crop off the right. Split in the left. T on the right hip, HORSES : Same on the left thigh. No. 604. VASIL H. TALBOTT, Susanville, Lassen Co., Cal. HORSES: THer the left stifle. [306] No. 605. W. M. TANNER, Janesville, Lassen Co., Cal. GS Crop and notch in the left ear. on the right hip. \ " g P CATTLE: HORSES: 9 0 on the left shoulder. No. 606. S. H. TAYLOR & SONS, Liunkville, Klamath Co., Or. Ow Corp and two splits in the right. ST on the left hip or ribs. HORSES on on the left shoulder. CATTLA: [307] No. 607. ANDREW TAYLOR, Bly, CATTLE, 4D Crop off the right. Two underbits in the left. Dulap cut out at the bottom. 1 on the left hip. HORSES: . Same on the left thigh. No. 608. JAMES TAYLOR, Bly, Klamath Co., Or. CATTLE: a aws® Crop and underbit in the right. Two underbits in the left. @™ on the left ribs or hip. Also two underbits in each ear. | on the left hip. ~All cattle dulap cut out at the bottom. HORSES » ™ on the left shoulder. Also, O or @™ on the left thigh. [308] Klamath Co., Or. No. 609. JOHN THEODORE, . Janesville, Lassen County, Cal. AES i, Overslope in each ear. JT on the left hips HORSES : H on the right shoulder. a —— No. 610. MRS. GEO. THOMPSON, Bieber, : Lassen Co., Cal. Poo Crop off the right ear. on the right hip. CATTLE: CATTLE: HORSES: | Same on the right shoulder. [309] No. 611. RICHARD THOMPSON, Taylorville, Plumas Co., Cal. 44h Under half-crop in the left. Crop off the right. on the left hip. No. 612. THOMAS, ARCHER & EWING, Alturas, Modoc Co., Cal. D> Two splits in the right. Split in the left. Two wattles on the chin. [ L on the left hip. HORSES CATTLE. The same, or “ on the left hip. [310] No. 613. E. C, THRUSTON, Lake View, Lake Co., Or. Swallowfork in the left. Underslope in the right. | Q on the left ribs. CATTLE: HORSES : : Same on the left shoulder. No: 614. JAMES TOBIN, Linkville, Klamath Co., Or.

Under half-crop in the right. Close underbit in the left. | X on the left hip. CATTLE: HORSES: J on the left hip or shoulder. [311] No. 615. N. P. TONNINGSEN, Fort Bidwell, Modoc Co., Cal. OD Crop off the right. Underbit in the left. H on the right ribs. HORSES » Same on the right shoulder. CATTLE. No. 616. A. E. TORRY, Janesville, Lassen Co., Cal. Pc Crop off the right, Split in the left. VY on the right hip. HORSES : CATTLE: Same on the right shoulder. [312] No. 617. J. TOTTEN, Adin, Modoc Co., Cal. Split in the left. Underbit in each ear. T on the left hip. HORSES ¢ CATTLE: J on the left arm. No. 618. J. M. TRIPLETT, Bieber, Lassen Co., Cal. Oge Crop, split and underbit in the right. Swallow fork in the left. Wattle on the right jaw. T on the right hip, on the left thigh. [313) No. 619. CHARLES TROSI, Summit, Plumas Co., Cal. CATTLE: LC Underbit in the right. Half undercrop in the left. 3 on the left hip. HORSES Same on the left shoulder. No. 620. A. F. TRUMBO, Alturas, Modoc Co., Cal. Crop off the right. Underbit in the left. GC on the left hip. HORSES : 9 on the left thigh. [314] CATTLE: No. 621. E. 8. TULL, Bly, Klamath Co., Or. Oo Crop off the right. Underslope in the left. ) IC on the right hip. HORSES : Same on the left shoulder. ° (ATTLE: No. 622. WM. TULLOCK, Lake View, Lake Co., Or. CATTLE: : Oe Crop and two spiits in the right. Crop and split in the left. Jughandle cut in two. TL on the right hip. HORSES : Same on the right thigh. [315] No. 623. A. L. TUNISON, Susanville, Lassen Co., Cal. Feather in each ear. / on the left hip. HORSES: on the left thigh. No. 624. TURNER, SIGOURNEY & COX, Alturas, Modoc Co., Cal. CATTLAH: ole Deep swallowfork in the left. Hookslit in the right. X Lo on the left hip. HORSES : : Same on the left thigh. [316] No. 625. E. VAN LOAN, Madeline, Lassen Co., Cal. DoD» Crop off the left ear. Wattle on the nose. \/ on the left side. CATTLE: HORSES: R CRB C on the left shoulder. No. 626. J. V. VAUGHN, Eagleville, Modoc Co., Oal. HORSES: on the left thigh, or J 0 on the left shoulder. [317] No. 627. A. P. VERNON, Lake View, Lake Co., Or. D>» Crop off the lett. Swallow fork in the right. CATTLE: Also, Crop and split in the right; underbit in the left. WV) on the left hip or right shoulder. No. 628. DAVID VINSON, Bonanza, Klamath Co., Or. CATTLE: ug Split or under half-crop in the right. V on the right ribs; tails bobbed, all but a foot. HORSES: Same brand on the left stifle. [318] No. 629. R. M. WAGES, Alturas, Modoc Co., Cal. Be Crop and underbit in the right. Crop off the left. HR on both hips. HORSES: CATTLE: Same on the left shoulder, No. 630. D. & W. A. WALKER, Bly, Klamath Co., Or. OD Crop off the lett. Crop and under half-crop off the right. 4 on the right hip. HORSES : CATTLE: Same on the left shoulder. [319] No. 631. WALKER & FULLER, Lake View, Lake Co., Or. PD Underslope in the left. Upperbit in the right. TO on the left hip. HORSES. CATTLE: Same on the left shoulder. No. 632. S. H. WALKER, Bonanza, Klamath Co., Or. CATTLE : Ha Nick in the right. Under half-crop in the left. FE on the left hip. HORSES: Same on the right or left shoulder, or right stifle. Also, I on the right stifle. Also, F on vhe right shoulder or stifle. [320] No. 633. J. M. WALKER, Adin, Modoc Co., Cal. DC Under half-crop in the left ear. / [ on the right hip. HORSES: CATTLE: J on the left shoulder. No. 634. JOHN WALL, Alturas, Modoc Co., Cal. De Crop and wad in the left. Underbit in the right. «or the left side. HORSES: ] Same on the right thigh. CATTLE: [321] % No. 635. A. H. WALLACE, Silver Lake, Lake Co., Or. R +R On the left shoulder. No. 636. PETER WALSH, Bieber, Lassen Co.; Cal. CATTLA: Lor Upperbit in the right ear. Ver the right hip. HORSES: I\™ the left shoulder. [322] No. 637. J. A. WANZER, Alturas, Modoc Co., Cal. Split in the right. Overslope in the left. LG on the left hip. HORSES. CATTLR: Same on the left thigh, No. 638. WARD BROS, Eagleville, Modoc Co., Cal. CATTLRB: Crop off the left; split in the right; wattle on the nose. on the left thigh. Also, underslope in the right; overbit in the left; wattle on right neck. (bit) on the left hip. Also, swallow fork in each ear; wattle on the left jaw. H on the left hip. HORSES: and 3 on the left thigh. [323] No. 639. MRS. S.J. WATKINS, Davis Creek, Modoc Co., Cal. CATTLE: of Underbit in the right. Two underbits in the left. Dulap cut out at the top. WV lon the left hip. HORSES: r™\ WwW on the left shoulder. No. 640. JAMES WATKINS, Davis Creek, Modoc Co., Cal. CATTLE: a <4 Underbit in the right. Swallow fork in the left. Two dulaps cut out at the top. A) X on the left hip. HORSES: Same on the left shoulder. [324] No. 641. MILT WATSON, Mud Lake, Modoc Co., (al. LOD Crop off the right. Nick in the left. M on the left hip. HORSES: Same on the left shoulder. CATTLE : No. 642. THOS. WATSON, Susanville, Lassen Co., Cal. a Crop off the left. i. on the right hip. HORSES: CATTLE: on the right shoulder. [325] B. M. WAYMAN, Adin, Modoc Co., Cal. CATTLE: Crop off the left ear. ON °° the left hip. HORSE! Same on the left thigh. No. 644. F. WEBB, Lookout, Modoc Co., Cal. Split in the right. Underbit in the left. W- on the left hip. HORSES : Same on the right shoulder. [326] No. 645. CHARLES WELLS, Likely, CATTLE: Modoc Co., Cal. > Underbit in the right. Upperbit in the left. on the left hip. Also, upperbit in the left; feather in the right. C Con the right hip. HORSES : on the right shoulder. No. 646. R. H. WELLS, Alturas, Modoc Co., Cal. Swallow fork in the right. Crop and split in the left. / on right hip and both hips. CATTLE: HORSES : Same on the left stifle. [327] No. 647. WELLS BROS. & SLADE, Bly, Klamath Co., Or. HORSES: + or AAV on the left shoulder or stifle. No. 648. J. C. WEMPLE, Milford, Lassen Co., Cal. > Lop down in the left ear. Split in the right. J on the right hip. HORSES: CATTLE: Same on the right shoulder. [328] No. 649. WEST BROS, Silver Lake, Lake Co., Or. Crop off the left. Crop and split in the right. A on the right hip. | on the left hip. HORSES: CATTLE: a \VAY/ on the left shoulder. No. 650. D. W. WHITE, Lake View, Lake Co., Or. HORSES: + -D on the left shoulder. [329] No. 651. J. W, WHITEHEAD, Janesville, Lassen Co., Cal.

Under half-crop in the right. Two underbits in the left. 0) on the left hip. CATTLE: HORSES: Same on the left thigh. No. 652. JAKE WHITTAKER, Summer Lake, Lake Co., Or. HORSES: WwW on the left shoulder. [330] No. 653. W. B. WHITTEMORE, Ft. Bidwell, Modoc Co., Cal.. > | Crop off the left. Swallowfork and underbit in the right. W on the right hip. CATTLE: HORSES 9 on the left thigh. UJ on the right thigh. No. 654. MRS. N. R. WILCOX, Taylorville, Plumas Co., Cal. oC Large underbit in the right. Split in the left. Q On the left hip. [331] CATTLE: No. 655. CHAS. E. WILEY, Likely, Modoc Co., Cal. HORSES. JK On the left thigh. No. 656. WILKINSON & SWEET, Lake City, Modoc Co., Cal. CATTLE: OT Crop and under half-crop in each ear, Dulap cut out at the top. V\/ on the left hip. HORSES JW on the left shoulder. [332] No. 657. C. W. WILLIAMS, Likely, Modoc Co., Cal. CATTLE: A Overslope in the right. Feather in the left. Jug bandle cut in two. x or () on the left thigh. HORSES: Y on the left thigh. No. 658. | G. E. WILLIAMS & SONS, Likely, Modoc Co., Cal. ad Underslope in the right. Feather in the left. CATTLE: Two dulaps cut out at the bottom. = on the left hip. Also, under half-crop in the left. S on the left hip. One dulap. HORSES: O_ and J and | on the left hip. oO [333] fie: ZI A bins cei in DE a: tsi : i oR EE ts ci nn erage a - Pr EO TEN A 528 No. 659. JOHN H. WILLIAMS, Madeline, Lassen Co., Cal. > Split in the right ear. CATTLE. FE on the right hip. HORSES / [ : on the left shoulder. No. 660. C. J. WILLIAMS, Canby, Modoc Co., Cal. SDC» Split in the right. Crop and hole in the left. J on the lef hip. HORSES: CATTLE: Same on the left stifle, [334] No. 661. WILSON & ALEXANDER, Fort Bidwell, Modoc Co., Cal. > Upperslope in the right. Crop and two splits in the left. With and without Jug handle cut in two. VY, on the left hip. HORSES Same brand or © on the left thigh. CATTLE: No. 662. J. R. WILSON, Lake City, Modoc Co., Cal. oP Close crop off the right ear. Wattle on left neck. : or [ Wf on the left hip. : : on the left thigh. [335] CATTLE : HORSES: No. 663. T. W. WILSON, Bieber, CATTLE; O Feather in each ear. CATTLE: on the left side. HORSES: H on the left shoulder. No. 670. MRS. C. D. WOODMANSEE, Bieber, Lassen Co., Cal. CATTLE: Under half-crop in the right. Swallowfork in the left. D on the left- hip. HORSES: Same on the left shoulder. [339] No. 671. A. R. WOODS, Alturas Modoc Co., Cal. > Split and underbit in each year. R on the left hip. HORSES: CATTLR: Same on the left thigh. No. 672. WOODS BROS, Susanville, Lassen Co., Cal. Po Crop off the right. Split in the right. [Jon the left hip. HORSES : DX on the left thigh. CATTLE: [340] No. 673. L. WOODSTOCK, Susanville, Lassen Co., Cal. oar Crop off the left. LWer the left hip. HORSES : s on the left thigh. No. 674. MRS. MARY WOODWARD, Bieber, Lassen Co., Cal. D Split and underbit in each year. R on the left hip. HORSES: Same on the left thigh. No. 672. WOODS BROS, Susanville, Lassen Co., Cal. oS CATTLE: Crop off the right. Split in the right. [D-on the left hip. HORSES: DX on the left thigh. [340] TH \ PR Th Your gw emt eg : PENT VT oe I YI REE WREST ATI a i eT TAT LS EE] LO aie : ET . Retake of Preceding Frame No. 673. CATTLE: : HORSES : : Sa on ihe left : igh. 2% ; Ee A L. WOODSTOCK, ~ Susanville, Crop off the loft. LWe! the left ith No. 674. MES. MARY Ww OODWARD, CATTLE Crop sor split in ae Tight. . Swalloy fork i in ) the left. a Wor on the left ag? : HORSES: Same on the left shoulder. : Bar eo. Fg i - To ol Ca I vy 3 - —- vc — -. -- : - Bieber, 24. Lassen Co., Cal. Lassen Co., Cal. No. 675. J. S. WRIGHT, Bonanza, Klamath Co., Or. >> Swallow fork in the right. ° Upperbit in the left, CATTLE: 2 on the left ribs. HORSES Same on the left shoulder. GEO. YENNER, Janesville, Lassen Co., Cal CATTLE: . — NE aa Small crop and under half-crop in each ear. CY on the left hip. [342] No. 677. R. E. YOUNG, Cornell, Modoc Co., Cal. Fish hook in each ear. Jug handle cut in two. 7 on the left hip. CATTLE: HORSES : Same on the left thigh. No. 678. J. L. COLEMAN, Lake View, Lake Co., Or. HORSES : J Cen the left stifle. [343] Retake of Preceding Frame L. WOODSTOCK, | Susanville, R. E. YOUNG, | Lassen Co., Cal. Cornell TITTLE: : CATTL Modoc Co., Cal. CATTLE: T\Won the left bip. opie ES . 0 - : : Fish hook in each ear. HORSES ¢ Jug handle cut in two. S emfolenaigh ToC i Di HORSES : 5 A t FY Z « 3 i &- ; E = = ¥, EB &- 4 a > 5 Y = i 7 Same on the left thigh. are amr Ko. 674. MES. MARY w 00D WARD, | Bieber, 7 - Lassen Co., Cal. CATTLE - No. 678. Crop and split in he bh. Tg, Eatin J. L. COLEMAN, Swallow fork i in the left. Lr, 3 Lake View, : WV o on the left hip. HL rh Ee = oy Hal Lake Co., Or. ai ett te I HORSES : Same on the left shoulder. - roel a re k TE J Con the left stifle HORSES: [343] . - PR Ce nt oa lm eam 0 2h Ae Ws Index to Brands. INDEX TO BRANDS.—Continued. INDEX TO BRANDS.—Continued. NO. INDEX TO BRANDS. Continued. : INDEX TO BRANDS.—Continued. Golden Eagle Hotel CEDARVILLE, Modoc Co. California. J.M & F. F. ALLENWO0OD, Prop’s. Having purchased this well-known hotel, we have refitted it in first-class style, and propose to keep a No. 1 Hotel in every respect. THE TABLE Is supplied with everything obtainable in the market. Polite and Accommodating Attendants will wait npon Guests OUR PRICES Are the Lowest. Our Goods are the Choicest. Our Dealings are Square. OUR MOTTO IS, Quick Sales and Small Profits. OUR AIM IS, ALWAYS TO PLEASE YOU. OUR FIRM IS, L. WOLDENBERG & CO. OUR PLACE OF BUSINESS IS AT Cedarville, Modoc Co., California. A CALL, REMEMBER THE LINSCOTT STABLE IS THE ONE TO ASK FOR IN CEDARVILLE, IF YOU WANT Good Cars taken of Your Horse. INDEX TO BRANDS.—Continued. The Modoc Cart, T. S. BAYLEY, Patentee, ALTURAS, CAL. The above is Guaranteed to be th: Easiest Riding and Most Durable Cart made. It will not injure the most delicate lady to ride in it. Doctors say that Carts are very injurious to ladies. But the above is guaranteed to be ABSOLUTELY free from horse-motion, or no sale. My attachment can be put on to ANY cart at small expense. It is easier on the horse, and makes the best breaking-cart in the market, as there is no jerking motion to frighten a nervous colt. State, County and Shop Rights for Sale, or Royalty Granted. ADDRESS AS ABOVE. - nd = > = < = ° © S - @ om = = .. « oc © = APIO mm 4 RAKES TWO SWATHS OF A COMMON MOWER AS CLEA AS ANY HORSE RAKE. Will Rake and Load in a clean and practical manner, Fifty Tons of Hay in a day. References furnished on application. Manufactured and sold by Bovee Bros., Tama, Iowa. T. S. BAYLEY, AGENT, Likely, Modoc Co., Cal. ‘Ae pjIm J0 awe] uj N4OM SSVYTI-1SHI4 0a 7171 INDEX TO BRANDS.—Continued. INDEX TO BRANDS.—Continued. INDEX TO BRANDS. —Continued. INDEX TO BRANDS.—Continued. INDEX TO BRANDS.—Continued. INDEX TO BRANDS.—Continued. INDEX TO BRANDS. Continued. INDEX TO BRANDS.—Continued. INDEX TO BRANDS. —Continued. NO. INDEX TO BRANDS.—Continued. INDEX TO BRAN DS.—Continued. INDEX TO BRANDS.—Continued. INDEX TO BRANDS.—Continued. DON'T FORGET YOUR OLD FRIEND si» TRY HM HARRIS — OF — MARYSVILLE, WHEN YOU WANT Saddle. [368] INDEX TO BRANDS.—Continued. INDEX TO BRANDS.—Continued. INDEX TO BRANDS.— INDEX TO BRANDS.—Concluded Anyone wishing to obtain any extra copies, or get information as to additions, etc., address DEAN & BAYLEY, Alturas, Modoc Co., Cal. MAIN & WINCHESTER, SAN FRANCISCO. Outfits for Cattlemen and Cowboys A SPECIALTY. No. 300. Price, $45.00 Saddles, Rawhide Reatas, WROUCHT BITS AND SPURS, Chapes, Etc., of Best (Quality, AT REASONABLE PRICES. SEND FOR CATALOGUE. J. F. ECHAVARRIA, Cc. I. HASKELL, MANUFACTURER OF 10 Bush Street, San Francisco, Cal. Has-the Largest Stock of HH AND-MADE Vaquero Saddles on the Pacific Coast, at lowest prices. Also, Silver Inlaid Bits Silver Inlaid Bits and Spurs. B o PH Eo B n - - - B -f A} in & ‘© = S94 MZ Af 29 B= = =) hd 5 | = Q = < = bg z & 5 @n 8 = & w S cS an 2d © S oun HAND-MADE BITS AND SPURS, CHAPAREJOS, REATAS, ETC., ETC. OAKLAND, CALIFORNIA. D> Sacramento, California. S. A. WILSON, Proprietor. E. M. WILSON, Editor. Adin Argus, Adin, Modoc County, CALIFORNIA. Published Every Thursday. RATES OF ADVERTISINC REASONABLE. H. W. BENNETT, Tepsorial Parlors, NATHAN’S BUILDING, Susanville, Lassen County, California. Hair Cutting, Shampooing and Shaving done in the best style of the Art. Give me a call and I will insure satisfaction, H. W. BENNETT, Proprietor. Ne M. M. WAKEFIELD, ALTURAS, _THE LATEST STYLE-. ——— IN HAIR CUTTING. WHEN YOU VISIT MARYSVILLE CALL ON N. SCHNEIDER, Where you can get the BEST ASSORTMENT and be the BEST SUITED in CLOTHING, Hats, Gents’ Furnishing Goods, TRUNKS, BOOTS, SHOES, ETC, st. Nicholas Building, Next to Rideout’s Bank, (Marysville, Cal. x KH. LAUHR, Cor. Carlos and Main Sts., AIL TURAS, Wholesale and Retail Dealer in Staples Fancy Groceries Has just received a large and splendidly selected stock of CLOTHING, DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, CARPETING, NOTIONS, HARDWARE, WALL PAPER, CIGARS, TOBACCO, BOOTS, SHOES, CROCKERY, STATIONERY, HARDWARE, BARB FENCE WIRE, STOVES, TINWARE, NAILS, WAGONS & PLOWS, Drills, Mowers, Reapers, winaser Agricultural Implements. WINES, LIQUORS, TOBACCO, CIGARS, PAINTS, OILS AND PUTTY. And every imaginable article usually found in a first-class establishment. Wool Bought or Shipped on Commission. DAVID E. WALKER WM. W. WADE. WALKER & WADE, Visalia and San Francisco, Cal. Specialty: D. E. Walker's Genuine Visalia Stock Saddles. CUT OF NO. 1 SADDLE. NO. 1 SADDLE. Description : Walker Visalia tree; full flower stamped ; 34 seat ; 3-inch full double stirrup leathers; Visalia galvanized iron-bound stirrups ; diamond tasseled cincho ; square or round bastos; rosaderos and hastos lined with wool, sheepskin, or with calfskin; large Visalia tapadero; covered horn; roll or bound cantle; reata strap on off side; 13; inch latigo straps ; made of choice selected russet skirting leather. Price, complete, $50 ; without tapaderos, $42. NO. 2 SADDLE. Same description and tree as the No. 1 Saddle, but with check stamping. Price, complete, $40; without tapaderos, $35. NO. 3 SADDLE. Samedescription and tree as the No. 1, but plain, no stamp- ing. Price, complete, $40; without tapaderos, $35. If any of the above Saddles are wanted double rig, add $5.00. If w'th Walker or Taylor double covered tree, add $3.00. If with saddle pockets, add $3.00. WALKER & WADE, VISALIA AND SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. Side Saddles from $15.00 to $75.00 Pack Saddles ................ Th ssnssananisessvnressas sass nnstssermav aR I TIHS ‘““ 10.00 tO 15.00 CALIFORNIA RING BITS. [Our own home hand-made and guaranteed.] No. 1—EXEIA ..coteiererrsorsnnisnsasnss SARE aR Veena aera Nias daa aR $25.00 each No. 2.—Medium ” £¢ SPADE BITS. [Our own home hand-made and guaranteed.] No. 1.—Extra fine finish, full silver........ccccoreiiisniinirnnan Herseiteensitinsnivareees $20 each No. 2.—Extra fine finish, silver inlaid No. 3.—Medium, silver inlaid ........... Masirrvenessnaiheseesss IR sens TR dines sss R ate No. 4.—Silver Wire No. 5.=Plain ...c.orersrssvrersrans heeaati eres sates BedvensirraRet sent STRUT rn aerate eran eis HALF-BREED BITS. Same prices and numbers as the Spade Bits, SPURS. [Our own home hand-made and guaranteed. No. 1 —Extra fine $20 per pair No. 2.—Fine silver inlaid “* No. 3.— [3 [3 No. 4.— No. 5. —Silver Wire NO: 6. —Plaln..ccocicrioncsvinrnnsnsrnrssrsnsnnissssssusesiosessrsscssstsunsisueranse Sontiene [Spur Leathers always sent with Spurs, without extra charge. | cc 6 Silver Conchas, from $3.50 to $7.00 per pair. Mexican Rawhide Reins, from $3.00 to $7.00 per pair. Saddle Trees (Walker tree and guaranteed), $9.00 each. Cinchos, from $2.00 to $6.00 each. Chaparejos, from $10.00 to $24.00 per pair. Quirts (our own make and guaranteed), $2.50 each. Reatas (our own make and guaranteed), $10.00 and $12.00 each. Caronas, $5.00 each. Hackamores, $3.00 each. Stirrups, genuine Visalia, $3.50 per pair. We carry a full line of all styles of Team, Ranch and Buggy Har- ness of our own make. We are also agents for James R. Hill’s justly celebrated genuine Concord Harness of all kinds. GIVE US A TRIAL. We can Please you both in Price and Quality. HAWLEY BROS. Hardware Company AGENTS FOR THE CELEBRATED a “Sohuttler” Wagon, PERKINS WINDMILLS, Crown Mowers, Etc. All Kinds of Large and Small Farming Implements. am -@ FULL LINE OF HARDWARE, 301 Market Street, SAN FRANCISCO. , COMMERCIAL INSURANCE COMPANY OF CALIFORNIA. Office 439 California St., San Francisco. Safe Deposit Building. ire amd Marine Capital Paid in Full, - $200,000.00 Assets, January 1, 1888, - - $ 434,194.75 Surplus as to Policy-holders, - - 250,198.19 Losses p’d since Co. was organized, 1,846,704.81 JOHN H. WISE, CHAS. A. LATON, President. Secretary. wetlie 9 FIRE ASSOCIATION OF PHILADELPHIA, Assets, Jan. 1, 1888, - - - - $4,512,782.29 GRANITE STATE FIRE INS. CO. Assets, Jan. 1, 1888, - - - - $401,586.87 —————eeeeee CHAS. A. LATON, Pacific Coast Gen. Agent, San Francisco, Cal. A. R. GUNNISON, Special Agent and Adjuster. HENRY T. FENNEL, Special Agent. THE ONLY GENUINE VISALIA ‘Stock Saddle No. 60 Main a Strest, VISALIA, CAL. Bee Our Advertissment tnaide. : Send for our Naw Ostalogus. k Retake of Preceding Frame END OF TITLE END OF REEL. | PLEASE REWIND.