u I .\l ' 7 a , 4107' ’ MIN an} ma‘ir’ "'5"; ’ ”win W ”Yul ‘ I'V/ I I 4111"" L‘sz‘Aqv 12. M2316 gig; ué'gi; kélséél; jégfilaéagi‘ggkéfié M”“§€£%€%%%§§ n5 new \ N % 5 n 9c / )3 g}; V f)’ '~C V W gs Afihfini f a; J \(V W fiifir fig W ‘%%%%T Xi: ADVANCED ideas and suggestions from the heart of Bungalowlancl. 6%} V” 2% $7" H I; fd/gié > $ & g 5% S ; % %%%e :9“ g; Publishers of gig 53; Two Story HOMES De Luxe “kg: 5?" Bungalowcraft (English Bungalows) Q»: 2% New Spanish Bungalows §% 1; Homes of the Moment "3%: k2 , Multiple Dwellings Your Home The Bungalowcraft Co. Publishers . 9} 4934 Venice Blvd., Los Angeles 35, Calif. Telephone WEbster 7404 if”: v7 7% gfi % gm \ 7v % W é 3;”?x wi‘fi? ;"§fe §V§> gégmwfi. / >1 ’ > 1 ‘ . . u } \/ ‘ / %% K9 1 Lit/@Ql Wlw Wfi WNW Wk“) M/wa/vx / W w‘ 2% %%« \ $ / 4. %: FOREWORD “The genuine beauty of your home, is best expressed by the correctness of its type and design.” The Bungalowcraft C0. is not an architect, nor an association of architects, nor an organization designed merely for the purpose of selling building plans. The purpose and aim of the Bungalowcraft Co. is more personal than the mere building of houses. lts object is to aid and assist the prospective builder to make his or her ”dream house” a realization. A dream come true; and to make the completed house in every detail a real home. In order to do this and to effectively serve its patrons and subscribers The Bungalowcraft Co. has collaborated with Mr. John E. Mackel, Structural Engineer, by whom all plans, drawings, illustrations, specifications, engineer- ing and earthquake calculations therefor, in any wise furnished or shown by the Company, are prepared. Thus we afford to our subscribers the benefit of expert structural engineering services by a duly licensed structural engineer of many years of practical experience. And in order to render a complete service to our patrons and subscribers we are prepared to furnish the complete engineering services of its engineer in the supervision of the actual construction of the work covered by any plans shown or prepared, by special arrangement therefor at especially advantageous rates. In addition, we will furnish full and complete advice on any detail of en— gineering, construction or prepare earthquake stress drawings, for any type of structure, including estimates of cost of work and materials, etc. Our motto is: “Homes, not mere Houses ' ‘ and how to build them,” and to that end, the doors of our Service Department are wide open, and we very cordially invite you to come in and let us help you solve your build- ing problems. THE BUNGALOWCRAFT CO. Los Angeles 35, Calif. ,6 n" #2141, . fifl‘ 11/7 “715$.” Throw This English jewel is the answer to the popular demand for a convenient, compact and well arranged floor plan, which, when enter- ing, one does not have to pass through any room in the house. The exterior is the logical outgrowth of a well balanced floor plan, with the living room, dining room and breakfast alcove facing the front. The plan shows an extra bath room which can be used as a Maid’s bath. a» as. g WE, BED ROOM 13-3 x 15 g' ‘ BED ROOM if“?! 1}'\' DINING ROOM , 14*03 14' 5. ,r ,7 BEDROOM 1 ' V 12‘3’x14‘ro‘ HALL;— a‘c' - ”'0' r 597’ 57-0' ' 6 Room Arrangement No. 2682 [50m , —‘ ,, 7731' u I i I; -l» _ ’ '7‘; . I’“IH' BmRmm I ”Tum W, , ,, ~ £30180 BED ROOM IZ’OX l2 0 L “my H o “2-6 ‘ all: 65%. : ‘ I'IYCML\/ '- L _ g 7:. > g F @1190 am 52:36 a; 76:1; me; ‘ 7““ \T" u H ‘ s ~ —— DINING ROOM BED ROOM g 0‘ F ISO x BO 130 x 12.0 HM’ M q \TERRACE 56130 mec ROOM , UOV5E'156050H ,. mm:- 503er mfo‘x zo-O~ ms nu ~rv 6 Room Arrangement No. 2682-A The home designers ideal is imaginary and ordinarily unattain- able. The home shown here has developed into a picture of quite a lot of charm, by uniting all the finest qualities found in individual forms. This floor plan is unique inasmuch as it has no dining room. The large breakfast room taking the place of the dining room and breakfast nook. each 0353A ‘ “EnfiE‘n \ \ :47“ ex:~,. 6% :‘i ' x: ‘ 3 BED ROOM i 5' x}; 1’0! g _. .. BAT § 112101313 fi;BEDRO0M \ " (”Rafi—1]“ “Lei 12—3" a {E} 1 > :95". 3‘ 3:35:31 Io‘o' x 3‘6 {v LIVING ROOM K‘ . 24—3“ A is; 3" mmAs'r Iool 1565243.; 1100 um“ fim‘. nzg'xetg" 570 5 Room Arrangement No. 2746 F i-z'e ' III!!! In"! .. ,3, E“ Mi), , a; ”“ " ‘wwzzw‘w ' , ”may: The touch of individuality that marks the exterior of this design, combined with the well arranged floor plan, with the living, dining and breakfast rooms facing the front, make this home well worth the consideration of the prospective home builder. The large bed room closets, linen closet and coat closet in the entry, are convenient features. 1% ;.5 BATH gt? l BED ROOM 5% '- ‘x ' = S‘? "" l 3” L330 10 Ezl’a‘fmfiifii ;‘ 10‘“ 3 " l4‘ofl LB“ A j scuEEN PORCH," C357 i ‘ cwsrr 71-21mm ‘éiofiréfia ‘l 8 3 A 6 O l /' STE?§ . ’ HALL ‘ _T ‘ ‘ ; , i ‘1‘: " , ..1 .1 CLOSEI’ E uncut); BED ROOM \3‘— ' A 810' - ‘6' ‘ 7° ; was; '7 . w—o’ur’o‘ 1L .7. K‘ ' ' ‘ ifl , _______] LIVING ROOM l l l , l l mg: 1 I ‘§513§5JQ,FT.HOWE . 5 Room Arrangement No. 2744 5111' “This home 18 endowed with the captivating quality called charm. It's beauty lies 1n the clever combination of diversified features, mould— ed into a unit of composition. The living, dining and bed rooms are exceptionally large. Deep revealed openings on the front and the false chimney, add to the beauty of this design. Fm) gunfire»? H‘ ‘ 1‘3): X hwuc» 1 "' (“F/JIM 71%» — ; <_ I 1 f? ‘ (1:12ng I BED ROOM : l l mrcm ' XZV’C)‘ ll‘g“ ‘ “cums-r “‘0‘“? H001): ‘ 1 1 mm a£“5121c'},:’_'___ Vim! 1. ’7C 1% x mm 9‘15“. \. r“; 1L _ ~ '- M ‘5 fig 1 I < 8 a [ DINING ROOM F BATH . , 1 <3 H a .. , 1 8‘6»: 7-‘9 .f z :5 160 X 111 O [— 1011,“ L-\\.—'Yl 3 f m 5 , [-4 9 E ________ , BED ROOM 1_§_1 LIVING ROOM ‘ 1 130 x 150 l 1347 J‘Q FT HowdTERRACE 25 me FT Tammie. 1101:“ FL! >011 I 5 Room Arrangement No. 2730 Serum A home of more than average attractiveness and one readily pointed to by admirers of the English style is shown here. The roof is the outstanding feature and is truly a work of art. The large plate glass windows come next for attention. The room arrangement is exceptionally fine. The main bath is quite large and has a separate shower. Off to one bedroom and porch we have another shower and toilet. Attention is called to the connec- tion of the porch with the rear part of the bungalow. Another de- cided convenience is the Electric Refrigerator. Basement with Gas Unit System and ample closet space are always a delight to the Home Owner. . 1 cf —- BED ROOM I t BED ROOM ‘ I316 K 810' i ; v .. I l H~bx13~o . u—-H-l ' ‘ 419136 44766 . i ‘ l l BED ROOM stew 12:0" J :3. L _. l .4 l LIVING ROOM .. v I ‘ . DINING ROOM RP. - O: i X 1 Q. - 0. qmzo .. L " " J ml- liiglzz . uuou3£~1997qoflf 37:0" ‘ ‘PAHO~208.)Q.FL 5 Room Arrangement No. 2772 This is a very appealing English design. The graceful curves and wavy shingles give the appearance of an old English thatch roof. The dining room is well situated so that guests are not compelled to pass through it to reach the coat closet in the hall. The spacious breakfast alcove can be used as a den if desired. The bath has a separate shower and a tiled- -1n tub, which 1s illustrated by the drawing on this page. This 13 a very new idea 1n bathroom design. ’1‘ L bio DOOM If? DLD Room 12561110“ 150x150 ‘4 -- 1‘: L POO/L ,1 ' I 13011502 g 3 47...“. 1 SIDWE‘Q' ‘ ‘ ‘ —— (93 4 D IHIMLET @C% < 1.? ‘ 721—“ v 7- — = o CH 1 P R J L 11 mo ROOM ‘..1’ 9050 210 . 14c “51%..4 ‘ ~57; léflCHE/«L: ‘o R "' 11]" 5041“ “hi: L 0 JD! irrgi-[gfin' * 1:71:13. __:J‘_J 1 .1? : L 1:20 DIM/LG Eoox :l 11 , 12 c . 15 0 31—51%? r15! 1 ‘P A J 1 C ALCOVE 1?: @L'flf‘gé 59ft )ss (iii—[311110 "20: 56)} 6 Room Arrangement No. 2614 Nine A French-Norman home which will have everlasting charm. The arrangement calls for two stall showers, small basement, furnace heat, oak floors, tile bath floors, and tile drain board. The exterior is of stucco, with a wavy, thatched effect roof. ’I‘I’n r ‘ ' j- ‘ i; '!" r- I { 5C R EEN , i": « ‘ Pm?“ ' 7 “L BED R00)! 8X66 KITCHEN; in 1*“ Eggnog Numb : ”(was 1 . ' “ ALL'HIZ lO A l2 l2 ‘Xl l "‘ , , I#‘T "W“ 8 9-1761 ‘ " ‘ . mug; a, T‘ii w“; O L- —I'T:‘ ’ , ii”? BED ROOM 125,12 LCLIPM g HALL EARTH gl - I ; : DINING ROOM 5 z I: i Z 2 I ’ " ’ ‘ M WGA’ 1? Fl ”lb LIVING ROOM P3 7 lfyC , {58059.5 : l ; hm, Enhance _ 5 6 Room Arrangement No. 3000 Much is to be admired in this well—arranged and compact home. The dining room opens onto the rear terrace by means of French doors; other features are the stall shower, bathroom closet, linen closet, large bedroom closets, built-in ironing board, roomy breakfast alcove and bath room dresser. %,7,, , ,, ,7, fi 37/ rirwr—I TERRACE 7 V V if I FPEthO =“VU‘ ALOWF 7"“ H ‘fih MVUNTFLva ROOM ‘ .; BATH ‘ J. |INI\~1 n W" - .I— Jig—l BED ROOM :54559“7 a- \*”’ x5 \ 5 Room Arrangement No. 3001 [la/('71 A French—Norman Bungalow of many new features, it makes a wonderful arrangement for the entertainment of guests. The clen makes a nice game room; other features are the stall shower bath, linen closet, coat closet, electrical refrigeration, two bath rooms, base- ment with gas furnace, china niche in breakfast alcove and large broom closet. BED ROOM '3 mums x I‘UGM‘X 9' * ‘K‘mm ‘ P_.4 » : r u run I ' 0 9£x06 A DINING ROOM am \M u! \um: LIVING ROOM 229x Ié' sm ~ nu \rv '—“-’ ‘8X5’ zaazsfft/ i—EJ ,__5:.. ,, NEH 7 Room Arrangement TAT/Iv No. 3002 The rare beauty of this English bungalow is enhanced by its many charming appointments. The arrangement shows two bath rooms, both with stall showers. Some of refrigerator, book niches, bath with gas furnace is provided. e—— ~37 BED ROOM IZXH the built-in features are the electrical dresser and ironing board; a basement TERRACE e'x a h:- 5&1 DINING ROOM : KUCHHIJE 1J_X_H-'8~ . “000‘ BED ROOM (224%?) LIVING ROOM Zé-éxwr’ 6 Room Arrangement No. 3003 Thirteen A dignified home of many convenient features. the arrangement are the electrical refrigeration, two bath rooms with stall showers, ironing board, side terrace, and basement with gas furnace. [“Ulll‘lt‘t'll "no? »Vd‘l1 7" “'4’; g 13;] IL strain: 1 fr’ PORC \ BED ROOM -LEKITCHEN WES) . IPXH " "' "(inn iw‘“"‘”‘“_i 25 is . .n I'- ”QI» 1 8x76" bmfib‘x ./ ll' i :5; ,3 i BED ROOM “ DINING ROOM l 5 i . , , _ , E l . 12x32 \46x12 t l 2, W E333: W, 5. 5 LIVING ROOM E] m. . . .. j * 25X15~6 ~ :‘i:;;:”“. “ED “00” 1548 59. FT. 12'er L~ _57___n_ . 6 Room Arrangement No. 3004 Incorporated in This you might call a combination home. The living room and dining room thrown together make one large room suitable for enter- tainment, the den can Ice used as breakfast room or den alternately. The small hall is convenient in entering four rooms and adds to the compactness. nmn BED ROOM BED ROOM ”tam ‘11—5xx2' , ‘ mm 1 . l DINING ROOM LIVING ROOM ‘ 26 x to 5 Room Arrangement No. 3005 Fifteen 1.... 1‘. 4" “iii”. 1| ‘. 1111~ 4" ‘ .t ‘\ . This bungalow seems to merit consideration when one is selecting home from original sources. The plan shows the central entry, two baths, and stairway to basement. J11l1 E' 6/255 1850 ROOM BED ROOM i 1 PORCH 1 1 1 90130 1 . .. . . 1 66.186 1”L56 X 130 1 * / Ki: 1D|NlNc 1 @113 126 ~ ROOM E 1 BED ROOM . ’ 11'0‘153 1 I; i 1 m... 1. J .‘ 116 ‘ HS 0 1 ‘ «— , 176x106 .\l‘l\ u 11 PORCH :1 74 1 1 1 1 ' " j 1 | 1 1 1 1 ~ 1 PATIO ‘1 3” 1 rooucr 1 1‘ . n 1 \lOIJ‘L— \858/Q H i 1 ‘ POLCIIIC‘IQA JQH 1 LIVING R00“ 1 1 1 _ .. 7 1‘ 1 Dow '50‘ “10 '; 1 1 ,, , ‘ I comm " ‘ {1 1 1 ND 11:0 1 ‘ 4 ‘ ‘ 7 Room Arrangement Plan No. 3006 Sixteen A, it! I ! A brick English home with finely proportioned gables and bay window. The plan is compact and convenient. A rear entrance from the screen porch to back hall is a feature of merit. 8X6 Lf—fi ,J‘fi I r F ‘DNNG ROOM‘ ‘ LIVING ROOM ‘ m3“ [2 M29 l ‘ wexee ‘3 '1 TERRACE \:J 1257 SQ FT 5 Room Arrangement No. 3007 .Sctlentwn An English design of exceptional merit is shown here. The roll roof and imitation thatch effect will attract the glances of many a passerby. The living room ceiling is of the Cathedral type and in Tiffany. An exceptionally modern home. , !—- W1 "' DEB ROOM LlVlNG Doow’ I?» ‘7 K .‘Ifi j ‘ L " ALCOVE T: m :J TERRACE 1 t i L g l {W {‘7 fit? @gé $331.4 :1ng T 5 Room Arrangement N o. 2604 [fig/11w“ An interesting English bungalow, with a selection of two five room arrangements; one with the dining room on the front and one with the bed room. The Living Room is 14’ 0” wide. The diamond paned easements, brick—work and half—timbering are prominent features. 1” k¥fi ,,,,,, DEB ROOM 1 irC/ld C ; boAlD MK" 7‘0 ' g a u. K" |5LOflX M‘o" , fl 0. IDlNINGPGDP'J 5 Room Arrangement No. 2610 ’ HAL #7,, ‘ Q—tg‘ " .V alo‘AIA-gl" »_— _,_ ’ . ,. Han " 7' ' ' ' FEE. W mee 20cm .74 .i o‘x 2030‘ Li 5 1’ Ti ,1 k: f“ § WP” NOOK if _‘ A Q‘OXOFG f“ y _ Vllfilr HVfifi 4?.) bill) RCDM A“ , n rag: Iz'x 14.10" °°°i Iowa ,1: KITC Hui “‘16 q o x 140 ‘ I? / ,, 5.». '3‘ W 74 E, _ » Mf’. 'I H." l CELXOJ CORTJ D\N\N_G RM ‘g, 7 , 7 H-ox [4-0 fbATHHALL (3} 73b} 1010" wisest: Tub ‘4 t em} >~.«- évosf L'NEN, mvmc, RGDM . 4:; , .4‘ ‘ ‘ I" x’ ’ 1 z 016 ELI? 1289M mm“? '7 —;—~ PC’Rng-gl . M 415; .Lfiirgzfitg'mv "LE. ”I 7. l {y7Q/‘fffy‘. I w 73:: 5* ,XY aarofl 7 71717579, (/ng 5 Room Arrangement No. 2610-A N in v t m' )2 '1)’ Another popular design modeled somewhat after our design number 2400 having several new and interesting features among which the most important are the typical English bay window at the breakfast alcove, the covered entrance, and the studio window in the living room. I‘" “F— r 1 bE‘D DOOM 3 “t; i 13'-o"-uz'-o" W ll.“ Tlcoai HALL * fl“? “95E 75¢ 7 7 7‘ “among 1 W \ M, oaks-o 3 :;‘ Dmmc noon M1 \ ‘ 1: «\KITCHEM: MLIVIUG DOOM .1 ”Wire. l 131°.xpzolt. ‘ l3‘-O"KZI'~6" l ’ I'V‘TiXT'fVl \ '15ATl05 ' » 4*}? in? 1; .‘EL: ¥i§544~~4; ' 124|,_1>Q.FT-,, ,r ,:1:_3§2 ;-__?:L_§ v.21: 5 Room Arrangement No. 2502 'I‘Twnf'v ,, a _,, -7, #7 l 3 RED DOOM cwa t DEB Doom 1 Lo , 77",, -»"36‘0'——#‘— l3‘0'lll'-9' ‘ I? Hts-i210“ l \‘l , 7 { Merl l l l v ‘ CLOSET CLostT Wbl - '—‘ l w #— l c 5 l ”“1 5m ' H'-6"IS‘-6“ c N-; ll bE'D DOOM ‘ LINE“ :3; fillLET \\ 3C. ”out“ ‘ . .. . . .77 V ,_, 91615:? ‘ §I l3-0H2-O ‘ 1r “—7 1m ’15 l i l , V r V , l l l l “1 LIVING noon 13-0" x z I'- 6" 1 m—A-wgar‘o- A -._.- D 'L— ‘ w -‘ '1‘- L353; quT‘ 511‘ 6 Room Arrangement No. 2502-A The combination of stucco and brick with the soft texture of the thatch effect in the roof shingles make this a real home “not a house." T‘T _, ‘WT , , C $ ”” i - blz'KFST I‘MTCHE” ’ 1303204“ [LO - “0°" Maoists 4%.. ll ; - saw-r " fiAi‘i 7" _ “’ “ff“ DED noon +mfig : ”13' - 1310“ t . DILHUG 1200M i TERRACE A wig-(230' i“ :1 v M )9 N 7' I LIVING ROOM 1 ,‘ 1325-. my mum CLOSET i as; coal bE‘D DOOM :f 71: ”13' 1 «2‘6 :33: sq.” '5 1. 5 Room Arrangement No. 2504 ‘ 5| IKBED noon [050' I lr-G' | —__‘#nq_s Aw_,__.__ 3rd Tana-m “'0‘"1"°' 8‘~6'Il2'-6' 5' il- l 1 6 Room Arrangement No. 2504-A Twenty-one A partly brick front, this design, is becoming very popular. l r l :‘i‘:‘:‘i§’1 la: ‘1'!” In: J cl I ll usually a feature like the entry shown in The Tudor arch in the entry and the half—timbering give a decided English effect to this home. The front is 28 feet All rooms are accessible to the bath through a short hall. and is especially adapted to a 40 foot lot. The break- fast alcove is ideally located and has two exposures. ‘ "T7137 *4? ) l unify .5 ’* vapiAC t7. {693:6 $th 1020 5Q rr. ]me as «a M “er in son T‘ZUUH [y - [‘ZW) 25*0' 5 Room Arrangement No. 2624 This is a good example of the steep—pitched roof which is becom- ing so popular. The effect is artistic and inviting. The plan boasts of large closets and a roomy breakfast alcove Where chairs and a round table can be used. TEDDACE |I'-O"-6'-6' DED noon us-ymto- mums mom KITCHEN '- / i n'-9‘xu'~o‘ ‘7 V CLoseT In? [’9‘ mm as afle‘xstp" . LIVING DOOM ‘ 21'- 0"" M50" be», noon l3'—6"lJ'-O' . 7:? .;_r M... a 6'34“; In”: “W ‘ 5 Room Arrangement No. 2508 __ . _37’.(;, 1,, I356?! 210' DED DOOM 9'46'I‘I210' DEB P00 I356)"x I2" bED DOOM 7‘ mm —‘Y '5" 4% / I" :E' 7W“ TEDDACE 59““ m‘xr'nl . r1 gigggg WE“ Id-D'Ib'-6' Lime“ move." fifi * i” DINING ROOM [Ii-9'} M50" ' x 9'- 9'! I T-O' LIVING DOOM / 21-0" 1 I4'-0' M on 6 Room Arrangement No. 2508-A KITCHEN H 1.15.: . 1M! :0 ' 6-0780" C. _4 3 73 ’ tummy—three _ ‘ A. WW." ~ ‘V‘V»>M~—-i‘¢~ .4 .m \N..__ ‘ ‘ «xx x \W%\ N... \g\«_ ,‘w-x‘. '172L'mt_\'~fum Ar: arrangement suggestion is shown on following page. Twenty—five BED ROOM mio' X [210’ MAID’S ROOM 1110" X 1210" BATH ‘6, fl®m wv my __ F; PORCH :l IRON Iliblllloflx 3‘6. I . ‘ {/Hoobi um...» CMBE'I" E c FEM K! I CHEN N 5“ fi (:6 lib X 100 a CUPH 1110' X l’ZLO~ DINING ROOM l I r rs; TERRACE ," :L ( , ,l \ X ‘ um\ 1,4 $7 wig-x, M9 ,9 (Tram BQ-H-fl p, ("67"0“ lEECLé/éjfl KEV 5115.: ARE NET (. ‘2: ,ll 7 Room Arrangement No. 2680 Much of the charm of this home is in the imitation of the quaint Old English thatched straw roof effect. The shingles are not laid in straight lines but in long graceful waves, the courses varying in their exposure to the weather. The curves on the gables and eaves are covered with bent shingles, in this way the sharp angles and corners are softened with curves, giving a touch of substantiality and coziness. A very good color scheme for this roof can be worked out in weathered straw hues of soft green, dull red and grays. The floor plan while essentially convenient meets the popular demand for the living room and dining room with their exposures on the front of the house, a breakfast room, a separate maid's bath and room, a large owner's bed room and an extra bed room. All modern features are provided including, a space for an ice machine. See exterior suggestion on preceding page. Tarn/9v xix A well- balanced design showing brick, stucco and half— timbering, using in pleasing combination. The "V” shaped louver ventilator 1n the gable end, the shutters, and the paneling 1n the front door are in- teresting features. 356~~~~7 7 ~ 4 ;n}; 9’%T§Ffé-« "move ,' ,,,,, ‘ 1’0 +4 . J; 60x70 "If” \ lung bED ROOM fl 4 12‘9"an9" mm: " meo 200m fi——~JI 1 . . Ir . ‘ I OSET °" x“ 0 _ :5'~0‘x:z=o‘ L “0X30 1 lemo 1100M ‘ J LII—9' x 15-0“ I ‘7“ 4 #76:; M-lL—I' {56:73 MP‘Q?) ENTQY ‘ \3 6-6150” Pi?— “:: iii {4532i <3“; ”#4. :~,.,~I~’ . i 1 l, I 1366 SQ FT :l.- ‘{ 5 Room Arrangement No. 2510 5CDLLM POUCH I DEB 1200M KITCHEN v. JOIOXlé'O ””0 I CLO CLO CLO Oi bED DOOMI TEDDACE' Dwmo 103x110 HALL 79'X13'U 1200M ' 14I'OIIX I30" CLO§ET LIVING DOOM 713”” Z lI-QIIX ISI'OI DIED QOOM IZI‘9‘IX IZIOII 4_ 6 Room Arrangement No. 2510-A Tu?” [y awzn‘n A cozy English bungalow'with an exceptionally well arranged floor plan. The alcove off of the living room will make a fine library or den. Book cases line the wall or either side. cuf 3N :I :L bRKYT vacmiN vomcn' "ALCOVE‘! 10 x lo GGJXID‘P‘VH Hf”: BET I " l 7 i l I l ‘b 5121) ROOM '2 X | lPORCH DlNlNG ROOM l ‘P‘leio‘xlzo‘iL q 1210" L? . mow . ‘ 7WOX36 5 Room Arrangement No. 2608 Twenty—eight The herring—bone brick work, the diamond paned easements and Tudor arch door-way all are English features making a pleasing com- bination in this artistic home. leer ‘7 fun 1 I DEB 1200M DEB 1200M ;,, m- -, 37:0: ; . IZO'XDO" worm-3“ . '7’ ’Tiéénce ’ V 7 m ROOM :zo‘xsa' ;J_ az'ro'xlo's“ " ' ”+4 Premium ~ A 90 CH _ / DINING QOOM {D '2' / 66356 “mm |' —. . _ um BEE 1200M 701150 CLOSET ~ " 1 ‘ ' "7' . not : IZOXIJ'O mcuw ' 'uoox ‘. IZ»O"XH'-3' # 7 3 s H'AO"XIO-O' 5'" F": TUB, 4 my,“ . mum: ’ DR ‘ cuvn‘fm 9 l / i «9, ‘ ll-O'XIZU ‘ 71 v . l‘../ — LWIMO QOOM r LIVING QOOM 3— ‘ tog-0" ’ - - - - Z 6 X ammo noon :3 0 X140 wo’x 1510' . .l ‘ -~.15o5 3QPI : , : , A, _ _L .7 V 2 , 3. -434. r’ -— r Room Arrangement 6 Room Arrangement No. 2514 No. 2514-A Twen ty-m'ne i . T‘ ‘1‘” a: -- ~ W a , \lgé‘mw - ‘ ‘ This English Norman bungalow has a shingle, roll roof, stucco walls with insets of stone. The arrangement shows a space for wall bed in the dressing room off from the dining room. If this feature is not desired a basement stairway could be put into this space, or the kitchen and screen porch made larger. This arrangement can also be carried out having only one bath room. FT Cupoa ’- 44G" Terrace Bed Room fl ''''' i I4‘-0"»15‘-0‘ l Dining Room ‘ ‘ _,ll5'"“Kit|chen‘ . l '_ _x ‘_ .. ‘ l 0690 l MO 6; , lOOTAGL \ Terrace HOUSE~1694 30H. \iifxx c TEDDACLUC ~I96 50 n. \~ Sues are ML 5 Room Arrangement No. 3043 Thirty .r..’\../ LAU 7‘1 9ny 734(- (#7 I I r ”CASq FT ‘ ‘ I LMlv‘q KOO/1’“ ' 2?»? ,14 Z " ZE AVE m Lump mi Thirty—0mg A unique English bungalow of stucco with a shingle roof. The arrangement shows a large coat closet, stall showers, bath dresser, side terrace, ironing board, book cases in the living room, also a breakfast nook with three exposures. WALK ll ‘ ‘l run up ur nun: : \ZXH RHA € 6X85 HDVHHHL A wmnm or, 5; 7,\_ Eli]? I WijCifllFl ng I >L1k\ KKK \[l L_.:_—_‘ R r. ' _,__ l 5 Room Arrangement No.3009 ’I‘lzirty— 2w An English bungalow with shingle roll roof, stucco walls, stone and brick chimney well combined. There is a seat and book case built into a nook at the side of the fire place. §_."T1 ‘ 1 I «you 5V’L‘ECa T _—~ 45615 5x55 ,_-A a I BED ROOM fl I 5 I ~‘ 1144 we c ! jam ROG?“ illunm u I 106 X335 _ L x J 1 NC; 1007/. 213x156 _ 5 Room Arrangement No. 3032 771ir/y—t/1rw Thirt'v- fum- DI’ESSml a Bed Room B: 3" x $23 ’5 Patio i" L m a” ME 7" “W“ D E N fla’wds‘ft: ' 22' 6* ‘2' Kitchen Halli L— I” T Living Room I Bed Room 22,6“! ‘5. I111 I 3513“ x 10'3" 33 ' LJ % , , , 47/4 , This is one of our most popular designs of a five room English home. The living room ceiling is higher than the ceiling of the rest of the house and with the large window in the front, this makes an ideal Studio Living Room. i .v‘ .H l VNNG ROOM l2'hxl6 ”000 -D‘IN)‘(NGR°°M , UVinROO X3 amen: 7 ——— , ISXZI-s sjixxovs" g. I mmjrcipm E meqnpom r:/ 3 g . pay—1 .,1 ~r N00? 7xe Ttifg’f": TERRACE. ll' 5 , IQ'iIXS-i. jfi—H'jj‘" J“ l ‘ L .. —- :.:_J L—Wi’g ‘_ 36-6 WIDTH 37 FEET 1426 Sq. Ft. "7575?”. ] 5-Room Arrangement 5-Room Arrangement No. 2400 No. 2400-A Thirty—fit? L ___. we_ d,“ _,_,. _‘ This is really a very fine English home suitable for a country place or a city lot not less than 75 feet wide. Few homes have more architectural features,———the brick trimmed bay window in the bed- room, the brick topped stucco chimney, the studio living room window, the Tudor doorway and the row of diamond paned casement windows in the dining room are all in harmony with style and give a pleasing variety of detail. Two bathrooms with stall showers, basement stairway, extra toilet on screen porch, rear terrace and large closets are featured. \ 77 ”“57. 6 Room Arrangement M A No. 3008 Hurry—six A pleasing adaptation of the English style to a well arranged floor plan, the studio Window is a nice feature in the living room. I ‘Nm ’I'IVH .‘vamnlu “9—915 cm 287m E?" 5 Room Arrangement No. 3012 T11 irty—seven Simple but effective lines makes this English bungalow an ex- tremely attractive home. The Tudor arch entry, studio living room window and the casement ledge in bed room windows are prominent features. “it; emu Terrace E Bed Room 1\‘5X\2 Dining Room - Clnul Klldm __ ____ ___.~_<.,.1 1250?) Hall Living Room' 2357(15' Bed Room , new 1200 SQ. Fr Mm m an 56 — _ . _ ¢ 5 Room Arrangement No. 3048 l L4~———-———— 59’ 'l‘llirlyw'ig/lz! «a Amaflz‘aw 4” 3» W m...» It is very often the problem of the designer of homes, in knowing what to leave off, rather than what to put on his designs. This home depends on a large expanse of plain walls, well pro- portioned revealed openings and roof lines for its charm. Six rooms could hardly be more compact, making an ideal home with all modern features. \ mm scum ‘ 1 'n.:v1'°.“°‘,g 1 BEDROOM ‘1 ,ea 7:; 53‘” BEDROOM ‘ nto‘: 1210 ‘ 11‘6" xalo‘ 3f) iru ‘Q Imun DINING ROOM ‘ 1c 3 '14—3’ ‘ sigjjm ”mm; {:32 g. “ “RACE” 1410 Jan. HOU ” «tHlW FUJJE‘ Li?) 6 Room Arrangement No. 2732 Thirty—Hint A representative English type home the exterior walls of stucco with a touch of half—timbering, the entrance and terrace walls are of dark red brick with white mortar joints. effect which has the texture and softness of thatch without gross imita— tion. A detail of the roof construction is furnished with the plans and specifications. bED QOOH I I3 0 :11 o bED DOOM Is- a . II' o LIVING 000 H 20-6} ‘Z'-6' 5 Room Arrangement No. 2500 Forty The roof is of a thatched DID DOOM IS-0'- Iz'—o' DID noon new". n'—o‘ LIVING D 00H 20'-6'x l1" 6' DID POO-'1 IS-Z'- III—0’ DINING “00H IS-O‘ I IZI-O' I; ”a; (Tc-ffm ff?) @ 6 Room Arrangement No. 2500-A The demand for the living, dining and breakfast rooms, on the front of the house, has been supplied in this compact and picturesque home. The small hall connecting both bed rooms to the bath room is an example of economy that homebuilders cherish. The front is decidedly different from the usual, due to the low sweeping roof, rustic shingles and recessed openings. r. .7 ‘0 i éBED ROOM 5 \Ge‘xizfa' : ‘ 9 awn a 4 x m 1 38Jm 1 ‘ DINING ROOM 3 «A: \ ‘ l,‘ 1 — after; me ‘1400 . g»: 1 I l Q 0 r 5. ”Mi , , , ,. . “7" ' ‘--" 3.9”};- ‘4:239”)-4545‘”ij ‘245 J: FT. W‘JJE TERRACE ‘ 5 Room Arrangement No. 2734 [HIV/y-r/HU This home has that appealing attractiveness, which demands everyones attention. That modern air of distinction, so seldom found, is accented by the rustic shutters, quaint lantern, and by the spacious and well lighted rooms in the plan. lfi’n'lyvlrw ,4» . 7- ('T'fii" ,_#_,i w NTth‘ 3 ‘ ' - ‘- Mk I: 186‘ 5‘0" (In ‘ ‘ . \ 4 “A \4 lo W l ,M,‘ m . t {unis WALK T , y u.“ \ FM mm" ,L « é ,,’ MH‘III‘,‘ ‘ l / fix; \ ”C “5:0 i S‘OVO'O' WWW 4 - K 1._ ~, \ r T _m.on ‘ / l .7 2 w T I 1 x _\ ,_#_. A ‘ L l M AL(0\'E ff»; up: . r— a A l climb u. r U ourr a: DINING ROOM "1 ‘ 0 BED ROOM < ‘ 130' x 10‘0” g mo“ x 11:0 1 m T LIVING ROOM 14:6 A aoio‘ BED ROOM ‘ 1570' x 11'6' , ,7 , ‘ dared; TERRACE ‘ . ' J VLMBNI rum»: 3 WAL K. ",SA ~9§émfiw 1 " ljjvrvflrfemmu' ‘ 5 Room Arrangement No. 2750 "t flax“? BREAKFA‘T fin f’v‘ fir _c#_~___fir l ‘ 7" 5:31; W , * g :0 1" Wan. noon. 98 JQ. r1 nrucfl l 44 rm 3 mums! A This home by its pleasing symmetry has taken on considerable of the charm that the designer continually strives for. The floor arrangement is compact, the living, dining and bed rooms facing the front. The studio window, covered porch and re- cessed openings, are desirable features. DINING noon? ”-5 Y 1216 60 5Q 11 5 Room Arrangement No. 2748 Furry—titre? Another of our ever popular designs shown here. Its arrange- ment is something to marvel at, being very compact, with the max- imum amount of rooms. The three bed rooms are located side by side and therefore quite convenient. An extra toilet is provided off the screen porch. The exterior at first glance has the appearance of belonging to a very wide plan, this is due to the buttress on one side and the Porte Cochere on the other. a ‘1 J 713;.-.” n 7,, "r ,7fi __:~——l 4| v hm" bio RCDM bno RGDM bw 2cm la-G'x we 12'6 x \4'6 tolux we ? a *‘uerfi-F 1" 1: t! A ;) v 3).! 1“”?3 " (Gt \ 13% POQTL‘L 10:4 x 14c cocHthV 1. - . M47 ml 6 Room Arrangement No. 2600 ['i'rly ‘I/‘L’lfl’ An exceptionally attractive English home designed for a 60 foot lot. It is economical to build despite the appearance of a large and expensive home, which is caused by a wide front but shallow depth. The plan is "L” shape. There is a circular breakfast room in front of the house and the entry is unusually located. The dining room can be avoided by guests to reach the rear portion of the house. '{uQiyfcy-jgrgt ' ‘DIMUHG fLCM‘ ‘ 172473 7 Room Arrangement No. 2612 liar/y‘five CATALOGUE OF OUR PUBLICATIONS Small “MONTEREY HOMES” “ECONOMY HOMES" “POPULAR HOMES” “THRIFT HOMES" “YOUR HOME" “MULTIPLE DWELLINGS" “BUNGALOWCRAFT” “TWO STORY HOMES DE LUXE" “HOMES OF THE MOMENT" “NEW SPANISH BUNGALOWS" 2 Bed Rooms 800 to 1200 Square Feet ________________________ $ .25 Floor Area Under 800 Square Feet... .25 Small Homes— A fine selection ________________________________________ .50 2 and 3 Bed Rooms— Calitornia's Best ...................................... 1.00 Our Latest Book—1100 to 2385 Square Feet—Don't Miss This One... 1.00 Duplexes, Triplexes, Flats. Two- Story Garage houses, Apartments. Auto Courts ............................................ 1.00 Showing English and Pitched Roof Bungalows ...................................... 1.00 Two-Story Homes, English, Norman and Spanish styles ................................ 1.00 Showing Monterey and Spanish bungalows oi 5, 6 and 7 Rooms .......................................... .4 _______ 1.00 2 and 3 Bed Room Tiled Root Homes. 1.00 THE BUNGALOWCRAFT CO. 4934 Venice Blvd., Los Angeles 35, Calif. Telephone WEbster 7404 Plans and Specifications Furnished PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS STOCK PLAN PRICE Prices on Request WHAT PLANS SHOW floor plan, and details all drawn to the scale. They are complete working drawings showing the size and exact location of every closet, fireplace, doors and Windows, piping for gas; plumbing fix— tures, wiring, outlets and switches ior electric lights, etc. Interior details of cupboards, fireplace, stairs, THE plans Show four elevations, foundations, woodwork, etc, are drawn to larger scale with sections. The specifications are complete and cover every step from excavation to painting and finishing so that there can be no mistakes. Any builder can follow them with ease. If a question arises, our engineer will be glad to reply to any inquiry re- garding your building problems. SPECIAL PLAN ORDERS HOULD you desire to build exactly from your S own ideas, and when the plans shown in this book differ, a special design will be made for you by our engineer. Make a rough sketch of what you want. Show the number of rooms on each floor, their size and approximate arrangement. Write us all the details you can think of, including the amount you expect your home to cost, the size of your lot and its contour. Accompany this informa- tion with a deposit of $20.00. Pencil drawings will then be made of floor plans and two elevations, scale 1/4 inch to one foot, and submitted for approval together with the price of the completed plans. You can alter these sketches until they meet your Wishes. Our Engineer will then finish up with all necessary details and send you three sets of blue prints and three sets of specifications. We emphasize again, that all plans and specifications are carefully prepared by IOHN E. MACKEL STRUCTURAL ENGINEER THE BUNGALOWCRAFT CO. Thus affording and insuring to you complete Engineering services at a small fraction of ordinary cost. Others have used our method and saved money. Why don't you? I M P O R T A N T When Ordering and Remitting Please order stock plans by number and name this book. For quick action, be sure to mention in your order: 1. Your full name. treet address. City. PWN State. Make Money Order or Certified Check payable to THE BUNGALOWCRAFT CO. Publishers 4934 Venice Boulevard Telephone WEbster 7404 Los Angeles 35, California Living Room sketched ham (1 Bungalowcrait Home Publishers of NEW SPANISH BUNGALOWS TWO STORY HOMES DE LUXE BUNGALOWCRAFT HOMES OF THE MOMENT MULTIPLE DVVELLINGS YOUR HOME