‘ .... llJIIy‘wl...‘l\.-f. LIBRARY . UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA. , ' amveas'wr U ' or” ' ‘ " (Copyrighted 1906 by R. N. Lamberth 8: Co. RARE .\31”\' I 1) ’2? [C(Cj / 7w EL’T‘JI‘lfin‘TiquT ‘.V ~.' 2 *1 ,_l 5.. f.“ ‘1 19:3,, .' =»v‘.-;-¢r~r‘l r wr‘ ‘W . ,, .. , f? 33%? ‘w wmmw ., \fi 15'... . r 9 i4» ‘ P > w" zr ‘ 0,1! T' - . {w ylxfizy’ a 1BRAR 12 OF THE UNIVERSITY , 4/ OF CAHFQBNW in the older settled communities of the East, are tiring of the stiff, straightish and formal styles of buildings, which have been handed down, and are but little different from early colonial days. . They want something new, and it is surprising, in ’3th ' spite of this, how persistently architects and builders stay in the same old rut. The day of reform has come, however, and the wholesome desire for the simple life is here to stay. Wonderful stories of Californian structures, told by visitors to the Land of the Setting Sun, who have carried back with them impressions of those wonderfully comfortable homes, the Bungalow and Mission-style cottages, have but added fuel to the flames, and the result is an overwhelming demand, hard to keep pace with, and destined to spread not only throughout our own fair land, but even unto the coun- tries beyond the seas. It is to help supply this demand that we are in the field; and our successes cover twenty years of active building throughout the entire South and West. We have clearly earned our reputation as leading authority on the Bungalow, the real “American Palace.” These houses, with their many little nooks and cosy corners, big verandas, large rooms, old-fashioned fire-places and cheery little den, the pride of the household, are most restful, cosy and inviting, and captivate at first sight. No offer can be more fair than ours. We will send plans, specifications and details complete for any Bungalow or Cottage on the list, unless otherwise specified, for only $10.00. We investigate the climatic conditions of a locality 1 9 HE people of this country everywhere, especially thoroughly before we send specifications, and we know to an absolute certainty before the house is built how it will appear, what its cost in that community will be, and its adaptability to the region, whether it be hill, plain or valley. Furthermore, we do not send to our patrons the ordinary printed plans used by most of our competitors; but every plan receives the careful attention of Mr. Lamberth and is drawn to fit each individual case. All plans and specifications we give are complete; yet, so simple, that anyone can understand at a glance, and any carpenter can build from them. They consist of basement or foundation plans, floor plan, roof plan, four elevations, viz: right, left, front and rear views. All dimensions are carefully figured and marked. Also a complete set of scales and full Sized details of all interior and exterior parts requiring same, with full and explicit specifications (type- written) fully setting forth all material and labor used. More elaborate plans or matter requiring separate work will be charged for at the lowest regular rate. Our price is so very low that it will not pay our patrons to go to any of their local architects or builders to secure the same information, for, not only will they charge four or five times our price, but, owing to the peculiar construction of these dwellings and the special manner of securing all the adVantages offered, we are positive no carpenter in another locality can build them as they should be, without first having complete plans, specifications and details such as we furnish. Our staff of architects represent the best talent of the State of California, and our very best is represented in every article of work we send out. Anything not as represented and satisfactory, will be made so. 2 OWEN CHANBER X/ERANDA T0111: T CHAMBER LIVING Room Floor Plan for Frontispiece. n———n jCREE/‘f P /\ kITCHEH U \ ‘ 0 Z PANTRY E \ 03 BUFFET Q \ VS 2 0 0 K) DINING Room 55A? '3: FLOWER Baxigf F‘L OWER Bo ‘F‘LOV‘JER Bax 5mm” 23/ D/n'mc Poor/z DINING Foam BATH P L I! l: v) \) 5 K? E 5. N \ r /\)/'V?/:’ FHHMBER L/ V/Nc PM”? MFR/x n DA PLATE Z—I’ugv 3 PLATE 3 *Pilgjt‘ 3 PLATE 2~Six room cottage. A prize winner in the, Bungalow class. PLATE 3*»Larg'e and attractive cottage. Every- thin;r arranged for comfort and convenience Description on Page 17. PLATE 1~An artistic five room Bungalow. Ample space, convenience and beauty, quite with~ 1n moderate means. PLATE Z—Impressive appearance, well arrange ed. Originally intended for a corner lot. PLATE 3~Our Southern leader Full information Page 17. CHFM :71: P (Hi/751R Hm . LNmGPOp/y wgflfim . . . fl. .. PLATE 1—Page 4 PMLDR PLATE 2—Pilge 4 CHANGER PLATE 3—Page 4 CHM,“ [LO\ \ n.1,, ~00" LIV/"G Row-1 (nu/15;» k/VCHEI‘! [AM-r9 Roan DINING Roar ~ 271an Paw-1 WRRNOI- PLATE 1—Page 5 PLATE 2—Page 5 PLATE 4—Page 5 I I )f TKE 1 w“ 5 I l ,2- ; “NH/5x317: ' or C‘ ‘ . ' ,1 . “4:129 :29: f :I ‘3" PLATE l—Another corner residence. convenient and roomy. PLATE 3—Bungalow, with windows eSpecially designed for abundance of sunlight and air. See Page 18. \ \ 3* IBRA OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNW; PLATE IAHandsomo £ungalnw with self sup- porting veranda. PLATE..—P()pu1al‘ Cottage, with interior most‘ conveniently arranged. More about these houses on Page 18. CHAMEER BUFFET fifl7rH5H O avohano DINING Room CHmMBER LIV/NC Roam PLATE 2—Page 0 YERRACE / \ (L03 (fl/\ffl'fi’f R CLOS C H A >1 FF R Pom H Z107H76}?00r7 J(PEEI‘I <- LJV/HG Room CHAMBER SEAT l/ PLATE 1—Page 6 SCREEN D KIN/15H [JV/n6 Root-7 D/ch Poo/“I VERA ”0/? PLATE 2—Page 7 PAHThv N '77 CLO)!’ ‘ ‘3‘ kITTHE/‘I 1: CL O’E Y I DINING ROOM Bu”: 7 [x E‘ 2 ‘3 fl ) h n v u 5 E n I 3 L4 DINING Root-1 CHAMBER r. LIV/ha ROOM :1 |_ VERA/YEA PLATE 3—Page 7 PLATE lvPaqe 7 CHANEER w LIV/no Roor’l Simplicity is the very keynote of Bunga- low furniture. By our Suggestions. clients are able to secure perfect harmony between the architecture and furnishings, Comfort is most thought of, beauty is of but secondary importance. Page 1‘). PLATE Z—An open Fire place—nothing is more in harmony with the Bungalow interior than this. It is most delightful on winter evenings and is usually made the centre of attraction. For description of houses see Page 19. <5Ck55/v PORCH ” 5fl~nvc ; SHKLF P 0/1 7/7 V RITCHEIY CHEM/55R DIN/H6 Poe/‘7 Ola/‘75:}? (3.05:7.- L/ vmc P0017 CHflNUER PLATE l—Page 8 Burrs:- KI 'rc H EH -I CHAMBER DININGRDOM I I E 0 0 L1 V/Ho ROOM r~ E w WRANDA 1 PLATE 3—Page 8 g - i. 4 Cu): I I U mm Dun : E '7' BATHROOM 3 § I U '3 sou-Eu _ PORCH (”’0‘”qu I _ Bro Poem L.- CHAMBER ff ; I :5! a 5|: 3 H "1 5y y; z . _ KuranN W m E l w mm R l” I‘ , .u I: p 5 leC‘HE/‘I 5" 3 BED com I‘ '5 OS 53 Q I n | I W \ ‘1 05 % 5-: PANTRY CW5ER I: i“ f n C ‘ / 0 / a . 3 Dmma Doom 1 :1 LIVING Pom-1 3, 1 e t c, l; '> E DI/‘II/YG Room ,5 y n no 1‘ Locum-4r H i LIVMGRODM I. |I , vrnANbA h _ .I ‘ i‘ I \ l k :1 #3.: WRANDA A i ~_- XI II ! — PLA l‘E 3—Page 9 PLATE 2—Page 9 7 PLATE ZriTypical Bungalow, with interior a decided Mission effect. Handsome throughout. For other information see Pages 19 and 20. Lamberth & Co‘s wood stain is manufactured ex1,ressly for the finish used throughout our line of Bungalows. Effect is rich and color durable. This interior shows what a rich effect can 'be secured with the simple lines of the Mission furni- ture and fixtures in a California Bungalow. 10 Drill-Ir. Room I LJvmc Room VERA NnA PLATE 2—Page 10 [:3 ”Ax. Jcnzzn PORCH 70“" blAT : 4 v Boon CA1: —-\ I I } } PA/vTRY I DIN/PIG Raon Hurt: r i. / g CLGS LJV/HG Roan CHAHI'IER ' 2 BATH CLO, -\ c ] CHAMBER PLATE 1—Page 10 '\ CHAMBER BATH R CHAMBER CLOJ CLO: 3(PLLN MQLH Mb VOOM SEAT SCREEN P 11 u: _o L 3 a BUFFET mums ROOM lV/HGROOM g 3 KITCHEN U 0 10 u 1 l- DINING R can BFD ROOM LIVING ROOM LOl/HG/HG 55;”- y.- ( u ‘0 \9 E 0 i q VERANDF VERAHDA ; 1 Immanuuni PLATE 3—Page 11 PLATE 2—Page 11 PLATE 2—This style of Bungalow is much in demand and merits its popularity. PLATE 3—A handsome home at a price most re- markably low. Concerning these houses see Pages 20 and 21. v1BIfAL* OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CAUFORNW 11 We gladly assist our clients in laying out their grounds to harmonize with any of our styles of architecture, by suggesting the arrangement of lawns, shrubbery and trees. 12 SHELVES n X‘ - h: 2 55A?— LIVING D 00M” LaL/Nswc SEAT / I \ / SCREEN Penn-1 CHAMBER CHAJVI BER VERAH DA. PLATE liPuge 12 ['IIIVGED SEAV /, (HR/”IBIN ‘1‘ BMW mum / E — —\ J /l 1‘ ET;‘:L. (40M! CHEM/11!: [HEP-155R U/RMHIA‘ .L/mrc Foam PLATE 2 rrl’age 12 JCREEH PORCH SHtLr JH El. v55 m. 05: r 'joetsn pOE’CH \ K1 TCH EN D BUFFE r k] TCHEN 5H ELVES CHAMBER cu p8,“ CHEM/55R Dmmo R mm CL 05 U DINING Room 23 HT” C 1. o 5 [£11. L LIVING R can CHHMBER LIV/N6 Room | X/ERHHD H VERAHUA PLATE 1~Puge 13 PLATE Zvalge 13 PLATE 1—Typica1 Cal. Cottage, convenient, at- tractive and cheap. PLATE 2—Five room cottage, intended for rather narrow lot. For descriptions see Pages 21 and 22. 18 PLATE 2’Bungalow, with large veranda, large rooms and massive fixtures. PLATE 37Handsomo five room, Mission Cottage. Outside walls are plastered with cement. For more information regarding this and Plate 2 see Page 22. 14 01AM)!" CHAr-rrsrp leCHE/‘I Rim-rm Boo- (A5: LIVING Room I 5£AT DINING ROOM LJvmc Room Urrr'r A Dir/ms ROOM VERAHDA VERMDA flown! Box flown? on flown! Boa MW” an. PLATE 2~Pasre 14 "LATE 34’3“” H ivunlfiw DWI/1 an EVIHVIx/n «(It CNN/wan 0mm. Pom L/vws Poor-v VIRNHDR PLA TE liPuge 15 ‘ KITIHEI‘! wmqsm I L/Wflo ROOM CHAN DEF PLATE 3~~Pagre 15 (Kim an» [S flnruwoam "Hum"; j< u“ I’D-(u { K'V‘NEH '; a1 (”Flo-uh Pu; 8n 1" / DIM/161%»: I . T. -_ ’Elf_7_'__ ' L'l' l ; ' ”“5 LIV/Na Room 5." Il 1. \ { ‘ I: E ', ; PLATE ZiPage 15 DINING R 00M LIVING FOO/‘7 CHAMJSER PLATE 4—Page 15 «4 -"~*“ ’~ «w / 1L - 12.1 . z; {Jar/«‘5 .‘ La isuw::,'éi;?~v’s'v:~ waft ‘ -~ ‘ g. .e , .. .4: "32‘ 16 K it? p m ”(23* E. \E ff: L1 wrr'o Foo/v \ OHM/55R \\ VIP/7 MD/V PLATE 3~Page 16 ‘ IIA/({ # [7 1‘ V/flc icon 51-7 Car 5; MHIR W'Rfl/raa PLATE 2 Pane 10 h PLA TE 4—Page In we have deemed it necessary to give a brief description of every residence, mentioning a few of the conveniences and attractive features, as well as the approximate price of each. This is ”'3 based on the cost of material in California. The cost of building in most States, where lumber and stone are much cheaper, will run a little below our estimates, while only in a very few States will the expense be greater. j N addition to the foregoing vieWs and floor planS FRONTISPIECE—A most attractive specimen of five-room Bunga- low. Cost from $800 to $1,200. Floor plan on request. This is worth investigating. PLATE 2. PAGE 3.—A style of 6.room Bungalow just completed for a client in Santa Ana, Cal. Its popularity is shown by the fact that the firm of contractors building it, have secured contracts for six others like it, in the same city. A sketch of the interior arrangement fur- nished on request. PLATE 3. PAGE 3.—Very large 7 room, half timbered cottage. Imposing in appearance, rooms large. Massive fireplaces, Book case, Buffets, Seats, Cozy corners, etc. Everything is arranged for comfort and convenience. The front door opens directly into the Living room, which is richly finished in the Slash grain Pine of Oregon. Back of the Living room, and separated from it by massive columns, is the Dining room with a beautifully designed Buffet, as shown in the interior view. The Kitchen, Pantry and Screen porch is back of the Dining room, entered by a double acting door. Both Living and Dining rooms have large Pressed brick mantels, Oak floors, Panelled wainscoting and Beam ceilings. Bed rooms, closets and bath room to the right, con- veniently arranged. Cost of construction was $1,600, including a fur- nace, but could be duplicated at this time for much less. PLATE 1. PAGE 4.—Artistic 5 room Bungalow, containing Recep- tion Hall, Living room, Dining room, Bed rooms, Kitchen, Pantry, Screen porch and Bath. House is plain, with Hardwood floors. Book cases and Buffets built in. Finished with Wainscoting and Beam ceilings of stained Antique oak. Wall and ceiling plastered and tinted. Below the water table on the outside, dressed Rustic is used With the rough Resaw Rustic above. This, when painted or stained, makes a very pretty exterior. Cost of house complete $950. PLATE 2. PAGE 4—A house often built throughout the Southern and Western States. Has an impressive appearance. Was originally designed for corner lot, but can be built anywhere to advantage. Rooms large, well arranged and elegantly finished. Front rooms have Hardwood floors. Cost $1,300. PLATE 3. PAGE 4.—This is our Southern Leader. Design can be used with any number of rooms, whether 5 or 7. Any arrangement de- 17 sired can be had. The veranda extending around the corner of the house is 10 ft. wide—ideal. Good for either corner or inside lot. Can be built for from $1,100 to $1,500. Send for sketch of floor plan. PLATE 1. PAGE 5.—A unique design intended for a corner lot. . Has five rooms. The Living room extends across the full width of the building. Back of this and on the left side are the Dining room, Kit- chen, Pantry and Screen porch. Bed rooms and Bath on the right. There are many admirable features connected with this style of house which space prevents us from mentioning. Full description and sketch on request. Cost of construction $1,200. PLATE 2. PAGE 5.—One of our latest and most popular designs. The spacious veranda is the leading feature. Also large Living room, with old fashioned fireplace, Bookcases and Large lounging seats. Heavy columned arches lead to the Dining room. The latter has massive built- in Buffet. Back of these rooms are the Kitchen, Pantry, 3 large Bed rooms, Bath, Closets and Cellar. We also have plans for 3rooms and bath on the second floor, making a very roomy home in the story and-a- half Bungalow style. Cost $1,400, with addition $1,900. PLATE 3. PAGE 5._—Large 6 room Bungalow, with windows es- pecially designed for a plentiful supply of sun and air. Veranda large, with cement steps. Living and Dining rooms have Panel wainscoting, Beam ceiling, large floors and Sliding doors, built-in Buffet, Book cases and seats. Large Bed rooms, Bath and numerous Closets, viz: Linen closets, cooling closets, etc. Cost about $1,650. PLATE 1. PAGE 6—A more artistic and picturesque Bungalow than this could not be found. Veranda extends the entire width of the house and is self supporting, having no columns. Interior consists of six rooms, handsomely finished throughout with the very best of materi- als. The scheme can be worked to any floor plan desired. A sketch of this floor plan mailed on request. It is an ideal cottage for Southern climatic conditions and can be built easily for $1,650. PLATE 2. PAGE 6. —An attractive and popular design, having five rooms wellventilated and most conveniently arranged. Large veranda, Dining and Living rooms, with cozy, old-fashioned open fire place. Nu- merous Book cases, Seats and Cozy corners make the cottage a choice number in our collection. Cost about $1,200. 18 PLATE 3. PAGE 6.—One of our attractive porch designs which can be arranged to suit any cottage. PLATES 1, 2, 3. PAGE 7.—In these designs the Living and Dining rooms occupy the entire frontage. From the veranda you enter directly into the Living room, which is separated from the Dining room by large sliding doors. The Kitchen, Pantry and Screen porch are most conveniently and effectively arranged. The Bed rooms, Bath and Clos- ets are roomy as well as tasty. These designs may be made to fit any desired floor plan and should cost not more than $1,400. PLATE 1. PAGE 8,—Large, seven room cottage. Fine Reception Hall, with Parlor, Library and Dining rooms, connected by Sliding doors and Columned arches. Three well arranged bed rooms, large Closets, Bath, good Kitchen, Screen porch, Pantry, Laundry Trays, Basement with furnace heat, if desired. Price complete $2,000. PLATE 2. PAGE 8.—In localities where brick is little used, it is desirable to have something like this plate. This is a brick mantel, fin- ished with Pine shelf and brackets, built in the center of the wall, with arches at either side leading into a den at the back. Very tasty, and Brick for mantel looks extremely rich. PLATE 3. PAGE 8—Five room Bungalow, having Hardwood floors in the principal rooms. Dark finish, tinted walls. Bed rooms, Bath and Kitchen finished in white enamel. Has the appearance of a $1,700 house, but can be built for $1,000. PLATE 2. PAGE 9.—Typica1 Cal. Bungalow, having wide veranda extending full width of house with very large, massive door, mounted with heavy brass hinged plates and equipped with heavy brass knocker. A reception Hall, with well columned arches, leads to the Living and Dining rooms on either side. These rooms are finished with Slash grained wood, staineda dark Mission Oak. Also Panel wainscoting, Plate rail, Beamed ceilings, and polished Hardwood floors. A large brick mantel, built on the Mission order, helps to carry out this style. Bed rooms, Bath and Kitchen, finished in White enamel, Plumbing and Electric fixtures are of the best. The furniture of this house was made from our designs and shows the fine effects obtainable. Plate 1 is an 19 interior View. This bungalow is one of the most tasty of our collection. Send for sketch. PLATE 3. PAGE 9. —This design is, externally, very similar to those shown on page 7. The floor plan, however, is very different, hav- ing a large Reception Hall, Living room and Library on the right as you enter. The Dining room is at the left, While the Kitchen, Pantry, Bed rooms and Bath are at the back of the principal rooms. The three main rooms are finished in Slash grained woods and have polished Oak floors. There is also a large basement, piped throughout for furnace heat. PLATE 1. PAGE 10.—Typical Bungalow, having Reception Hall, Dining and Living rooms, Kitchen, Pantry, Screen porch, two Bed rooms, Bath and ample closet place. Principal rooms finished in Slash grained wood, stained a dark Mission oak. Hardwood floors. Buffets, Book cases, Seats and Cozy corners built in. A very attractive home, cost complete $1,000. PLATE 2. PAGE 10.—Another half—timbered, six room cottage of imposing appearance. Large porch with open veranda or pergola. Big Reception Hall, Parlor and Dining room. Three Bed rooms, Bath, large Closets, well arranged Kitchen, Pantry, Screen porch and spacy Base- ment. PLATE 3. PAGE 10.——An elaborate interior from one of our resi- dences, built in Los Angeles at a cost of $75,000, furnished complete with furniture from our designs and made of the same woods as the fin- ish of the rooms. We design interiors for all classes 01" buildings from the smallest cottage to the finest mansion. PLATE 1. PAGE 11-A beautiful Porch view, and a study in it- self. The buttresses are brick, with cement caps. The floor also is ce- men’;1 with cement steps. Our bungalows are noted for their attractive orc es. p PLATE 2. PAGE 11. An odd and striking creation in the Bunga- low series——a prize winner. The large brick columns and heavy beams, with the chain effect around the veranda, makes it very appropriate for summer cottage or a mountain home. Roof is white, body is dark, trimmed with white. Rough Clinker brick is used for the pillars. In- terior is attractive, having large lounging room with large French win- dows facing the veranda. A massive open fireplace is the soul of 20 the house. There are also two bed rooms and ample closet room. Cost complete, including beautiful electric fixtures, $1,500. PLATE 3. PAGE 11,—Handsome little five-room Bungalow—was built for $298. Living and dining rooms have 5-foot panel Wains- coting, finished with burlap above; also beam ceiling with burlap panels. Floors are pine and polished. Woodwork is finished in dark stain. Open fire-place built of cobble stone. Casement windows throughout. Any carpenter can duplicate this price from our plans and specifications. PLATE 1. PAGE 12.—An odd yet most attractive design. Em- bodies all the cosy comfort of a small cottage home. Veranda extends the entire width of the house. Main entrance opens to a reception hall, which leads into the living room, through spacious columned arches. There are sliding doors between the hall and dining room. All these rooms are finished in slash grained wood, with our dark Mission stain. Book-cases and numerous seats built-in; also large open fire-place built of clinker brick. Bed rooms, kitchen, bath-room and pantry complete the interior. This isa splendid design. PLATE 2. PAGE 12.—0ne of the quaintest designs we have here- tofore put out. It is one of the low, rambling styles of architecture, especially adapted for a mountainous country. This house is built in the shape of the letter H, having seven rooms, with large verandas and pergolas. The interior is finished in Mission oak. We also show an inte- rior View, looking from the living room to the dining room. The esti- mated cost of this building is $1,200. PLATE 1. PAGE 13.—Typical California cottage of six rooms. A style of building very popular throughout this State, not only from its cheapness of construction, but its attractive appearance. The entrance hall opens into both the living room and bed chamber. At the back of the living room is the dining room, connected by sliding doors. Each room has a large open fire—place; the living room, in addi- tion, being fitted up with book-cases and wall seats. In the rear of the dining room are the kitchen, pantry and large screen porch. On the left are the bath-room and bed chamber, the latter having large well-venti— lated closets. This house built from our plans for $1,000. 21 PLATE 2. PAGE 13.—Another style of cottage which is exten— sively used in California, and is gradually becoming popular in Eastern cities. Has five rooms and is entered through a reception hall. From here one commands a splendid view of the living rooms, through wide columned arches and sliding doors. On the right are two large bed rooms with a bath-room arranged between them—large clothes closets in connection. Convenient kitchen and pantry, with large screen porch. Adapted for narrow lot. Cost will not exceed $900. PLATE 2. PAGE 14. A “Honolulu Bungalow.” The floor plan is a model of convenience. The living and dining rooms extend across the entire front of the house, the latter having in addition a large pressed- brick mantel, with seats on each side. Beam ceilings throughout. Hand— some buffet, butler’s pantry, two large bed rooms, kitchen, screen porch, two toilets, and beautiful bath-room. A pergola'bn the rear 10x30 feet makes a model Sunday afternoon retreat. Finest material is used in all, and, where fittingly furnished, would make a cosy home. PLATE 3. PAGE 14.#A beautiful arrangement for a five—room Mission cottage. Large living room with beam ceilings, panel wainscot— ing, bookshelves and seats. Dining room in addition has a large buffet. Both rooms have hardwood floors. The kitchen, pantry, bath, two bed rooms and large screen porch are 'cleverly arranged. The woodwork throughout is finished with Lamberth & Co. ’s wood stain, giving a rich, soft effect so much admired in Span- ish style. Walls plastered with cement then tinted a dark, rich cream and trimmed with a dark wine color. Roof is of shingles, stained a dark red. Large veranda is a special feature. PAGE 16. PLATE 1_—Handsome four-room Cobblestone cottage. Sides are shingled. Veranda is spacious, with pedestal and chain effect. Beam ceilings, lounging seats and large open fire-place. Built with a View to simplicity and comfort—ideal for summer cottage or mountain home. Price $650. PLATE 2.—Five room Cobblestone cottage, low and rambling, allow- ing much freedom and cosy comfort. Exterior is shingled, interior has 22 beam ceilings, hardwood floors, panelled wainscoting and burlapwalls. Price complete $1560. PLATE 3.——Latest design, built in the "mountains of California. Large veranda extends around two sides of the house. Floors are cement with heavy cobblestone columns and balustrades. Large living room with book-cases, lounging seats, etc. Dining room has old—fashioned fireplace and moss-covered mantel. Buffet kitchen, nooks and corners. Cosy little den with cobblestone mantel, lounging seats, wine closets, etc. Bed rooms open onto a sun porch by French windows. Bath room large with all standard plumbing. This is an up-to-date rustic home, and a better design or more convenient floor plan cannot be selected. Price about $3200. PLATE 4.—Beautiful five-room cottage. Veranda extends the full width of the house with columns and pedestals of stone and a cement floor. Living room occupies the entire length of the house with a large old-fashioned fire-place of cobblestone as its principal feature. Dining room, kitchen and screen porch Open onto the right; bed rooms and bath open onto the left. Lounging seats, bookcases and built-in buffets com- bine to make this a very cosy and convenient home. Price about $2100. PAGE 15. PLATE I.—A very large Mission residence, having seven rooms, viz.: living, dining and three bed rooms, library, kitchen, pantry, large closets and handsome buffet. Hardwood floors throughout, standard plumbing, handsome electric fixtxres, etc. Basement fitted complete for furnace heat. Exterior of house is finished in cement, with Mission tile roof. All materials first-class only, with best of work- manship. Special attention is called to the roof garden—a model after- noon retreat. For extensive grounds this ideal home has no peer Plans, specifications and details $25. PLATE 2.—Modern Mission of six rooms. House is divided into two sections entirely separated bya Patio. Only best material used through— out. The Mission idea is thoroughly observed in the fixtures, mantels, etc. Large grounds are necessary to do it full justice, but the design i$s2gard to beat. Estimate cost $5000. Plans, specifications and details, 23 PLATE 3.—Five-room Mission cottage designed to meet the demand for a summer residence or mountain retreat. Big living room, old- fashioned fire-place and Mission mantel. Price complete $475. PLATE 4.—Small five-room Mission. Cement exterior and tiled roof. Native woods used throughout. Modern and complete with most desirable room arrangement. Cannot be equaled for residence of mod- erate means. Price complete $750. _ . _ , 5.55%: ., SMITH PUBLICITY CO. 24 «um; u‘aflt‘w . MAIL ORDER DEP’T. 1R. 1h. iambertb 8 60. SKETCH SHEET. Make a sketch of the desired floor plan in the space given below. Also please answer as near as possible the following questions. IT WILL SAVE TIME. :‘QF‘P‘H‘WNE What kind of timber is used for framing? ___________________________ ,. What kind of wood is used for weather-boarding? What kind of wood is used for shingles? What kind of wood is used for flooring? ____________________________________________________________ ,. H ,, What material is principally used for foundations in your locality? Also give name and address of the principal contractor in your city?,_,,., , ._ Kindly give name of your principal lumber dealer? ____________________________________________ 8. Do you want a basement? If so, what size? 9. Do you want furnace, or steam heat? 10. What kind of floors do you prefer?.... _________________________________________________________ 11. Do you want chimneys? .............. 12. Do you prefer wood, stone or brick mantles? 13. Do you want gas or electric fixtures or both? 14. Would your house have to be storm-sheathed and papered? - ................... How many?......._,,,,,,,.. 15. Do you want lath and plaster or canvass and paper? ........................................................................................ 16. What is the proposed cost of your house? . _ . ,, 17. Is your lot level? .......................... . ............. If not, give grade .................... 18. Size of lot?. 19. In the lines below give the dimensions desired in each room. We will make only such changes as are necessary. X X Den , X Chamber”.-.WWW", X “ _____________________ X ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, “ ___________________ X _____________________ Bath ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, X __________________________________ X .................................... X What design do you prefer? Page? ................ Plate? __ . Write us fully. Any informa- tion you can give will enable us to better supply your wants' SKETCH SOUTH LSVE Name_..,,.__...__ ., _. . .. ,, . Street State..- Please write the address plainly. » MIDROCK TRACT 4839 yr... ‘ “- «~20... . SALES INFORMATION Aw—zv—nfvfp ,7 .2- .. 1 . .,.._,. . V. 1.1.2,,» .21..“ a...- 2-112.} ." 11,42 -w 2 BR Unit " $27,950 90% Financing 2 pts. ' 7%%05 ' Paxments Down Payment ' $ 2,795.00 1 ‘ P&I . $176.00 ,Title .w 286.65 Taxes & Ins. 71.00'- Loan Fee '” 503.10 ‘ ' 'Maintenance 23.00 ‘Record. 25.00 ‘ " TOTAL - % $270.00 Insurance 120.00 1 - . ’ TOTAL . $ 3,729.75 + Impounds ($100.00)- ,73‘1;‘_;;._.‘.’-fi,_:‘.":‘LJU 1‘ 1113-.” . 4.22:2..- .M- -1 .. "EM"; “ “‘f’ MIDROCK TRACT 4839 SALES INFORMATION 3 BR Unit . , $29,500 90% Financing 2-pts. 7%% Fazgents Down Payment $ 2,950.00 P&I ._ §186.00 Title ~ 298.20 , Taxes &.Ins. 76.00 ‘Loan Fee 531.00 . Maintenance 23.00 Record. 25.00 - - TOTAL $285.00 Insurance 125.00 ; - TOTAL - $ 3,929.20 + Impounds ($100.00) “9303M N9! STORAGE . I um" HALL mums noon! W 5 v. 1 H t tfi’;-VE“‘EHQ i “22:25: "22% 322:2; (a . HOUSE MODEL 28R TOTAL 6G,??? |.’b65 HQUEDE MODEL 3BR TOTAL 5Qf')’. ‘1575 Builder: J. L. Eichler ASsociates, I MIDROCK. TOW NHOUSES. . ' _ . Architect: Claude Oakland& RARY. B I .L A I N , R 0 F I ,L .A 0 O .»W N N.. ,U ‘W—_—~ ,' W, (“1‘51 J 3L..(..A.Al 1.035. Ju,l‘