International Indian Ocean 1 g ~ . Expedition 4 :i‘xn‘frvaq- 1H: “ JMHWWMW,W+ . NATIONAL SCIENCE FOUNDATION o.WASHINGTON, 11E... NOVEMBER 1971 I if 7"} 4 ‘ , "2—" . '?--'*'I I, “.I , h - MI“ “MT-4 :A 3;“ :‘fl ? This reproduction of a painting of the seabed of the Indian Ocean is shown here to give the reader some idea of the depression in the earth’s surface containing the waters described in this Atlas. Permission to reproduce this painting has been granted through the courtesy of Rand McNally & Company, the copyright owner. OCEANOGRAPHIC ATLAS of the International Indian Ocean Expedition _.“ By Klaus Wyrtki University of Hawaii Honolulu With the assistance of Edward B. Bennett University of Hawaii and David I. Rochford Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization Cronulla, Australia Prepared for The National Science Foundation Washington, D.C. Under Grant GP-5463, GA-1279, GA-10277 to The University of Hawaii Honolulu, Hawaii ENGxNEERlNG Printed: November 1971 Library of Congress Catalog Card Number 73-654319 For sale by the Superintendent of Documents. US. Government Printing Office Washington. DC. 20402 - Price 330 Stock Number 3800-0104 The International Indian Ocean Expedition [IIOE] was conceived in the late 1950’s as a major international effort in oceanography. The Indian Ocean was chosen for several good reasons: among the three oceans, it was the most poorly documented; it was hoped that in- creased knowledge of its hydrography and biology could foster devel- opment of its fishery and benefit the countries surrounding it; and it was intended to study the response of a large part of the ocean to the seasonally reversing monsoon winds, a situation that is not found in any other ocean. Moreover, international organizations were eager to attempt a large cooperative project. The expedition has fostered international cooperation and has succeeded in increasing the amount of oceanographic data in the Indian Ocean by a factor of five. It has prompted initial observation and charting of a number of interesting oceanographic features such as the Somali Current, the Equatorial Undercurrent, the various up— welling areas, and has made possible the description of this ocean as a whole. During the planning of the expedition, opinions differed between scientists advocating a systematic documentation of the entire ocean with equal emphasis on all of its parts and those who wished to devote their efforts to the more dramatic features of this ocean. Since this difference could not be reconciled, a five-year-long series of more or less uncoordinated expeditions resulted. This, unfortunately, left many gaps in the data coverage and prevented a systematic observa- tion of the sequence of events during one full monsoon cycle. Even if the difficulties in ship scheduling and logistics are allowed for, it is obvious that more cooperation would have resulted in a more useful distribution of the observations in time and space and in improved possibilities of their interpretation. In contrast, the meteorological effort, concentrated over 24 months, has given us a continuous and systematic coverage of the various phases in the development of the monsoons. For a long time it has been my desire to use the oceanographic observations from one large ocean for a comprehensive description and analysis of its structure and circulation. While the Expedition was still being planned, I had decided to use the forthcoming data for 9241 Preface such an analysis; my studies of the Indonesian waters had convinced me of the necessity to view the different regions of an ocean as parts of a single system. Although the need to prepare and publish an Atlas of the physical oceanography of the Indian Ocean was evident at the beginning of the project, my appointment as Editor of the Atlas took place only one year after the end of the Expedition. This pre- cluded any influence on my part on the collection of data and delayed the start of the acquisition and screening of data for the Atlas. When the work on the Atlas started in 1966, it turned out that the major difficulty of the task lay in the data handling. It was, however, not caused by the large number of observations but by the necessity to keep a continuous check on their quality. This, in turn, required treating each observation as an identifiable individual and not as a random number in a statistical system. One could argue that the work might have been done completely by a properly instructed computer, but we would like to maintain that the gaps in the data, in space and time, were not only too large but also the system too complex, and that the thoughts, the experience and insight of the scientists involved were required to see the various features in con- text. Such a system of instructions as contained in the mind of a scientist probably could not be developed and fed into a computer properly. It is indeed the most gratifying experience in the prepara- tion of this Atlas to see the various facts and features fall into place and complement each other on the various maps. We have tried to make the Atlas a documentation of the ob- served, gross structure of the Indian Ocean, realizing the limitations given by the typical distance of oceanographic stations of 100 km and by the typical separation of lines of stations of 500 km. Such a dis- tribution of the observations plus, the necessity to combine data from many years, precludes any documentation of mesoscale features. Such features, mostly eddies with horizontal dimensions of a few hundred kilometers, are frequently found in the open ocean as we know now, but are usually transient in nature. A certain amount of the meandering of isolines on our maps, especially in poorly covered areas, is certainly due to the presence of such mesoscale features. However, the aim of this Atlas is to represent the significant features of ocean structure, rather than transient events. In contrast, we have prepared the vertical sections from the observations of individual expeditions to conserve the consistency of the data, and because combining of stations from several expeditions causes discontinuities. We have also made a special effort to display seasonal variations in the upper layer which are so very important and pronounced in a monsoon region. In this Atlas of the physical oceanography of the Indian Ocean, we have not treated some subjects which one might expect to find, including surface currents, wave statistics, tides, and mean sea-level data. Surface currents have been mapped by the hydrographic offices of various nations based on rather extensive data. Wave statistics would have required the acquisition of a completely different set of data, and the presentation and analysis of tides and mean sea-level might properly be left to special studies. The inclusion of two other subjects, direct current measurements and light penetration, was strongly considered. However, both types of observations are subject to large fluctuations in time and space, and are much less representative for a certain location than those of temperature and salinity. This Atlas may give oceanographers a valuable source and refer- ence when studying other aspects of the oceanography of the Indian Ocean, the background information to which they can relate studies in restricted parts of the ocean, and inspiration to further analysis and exploration. It may also be a document against which the con- clusions and the success of theoretical work can be judged. Re- searchers in other fields may find it a source of information relevant to their studies. I also hope that it will guide many young ocean- ographers into looking at the ocean as a global system, in which the individual parts can be understood only within the framework of the entity. Finally, after years of involvement with this work, I can look back with satisfaction and feel gratitude for the enjoyment the work gave me. Honolulu, Hawaii September 1971 ——Klaus Wyrtki A work like this Atlas cannot be accomplished by a single person, for many others must contribute their energy and experience, support and encouragement to the success of the task. After the International Indian Ocean Expedition was concluded in 1965, my nomination as Editor of the Atlas on the Physical Ocean- ography by the United Nations Education, Scientific, and Cultural Organizations [UNESCO], the sponsor of the Expedition, was strongly supported by Professor Giinter Dietrich, Professor Warren S. Wooster, and Dr. George F. Humphrey. The US. National Science Foundation (NSF) has financed not only the entire preparation of this Atlas, through grants GP-5463, GA-1279, and GA—10277, but also its publication, and I would like to express my greatest thanks and appreciation for this continued support and for the confidence in the people involved in the task. Dr. Richard G. Bader, Program Director for Oceanography at the National Science Foundation, took a strong interest in the project, which was shared later by his successors, Dr. Hugh I. McLellan and Dr. P. Kilho Park. Throughout the project I was ably assisted by Dr. Edward B. Bennett, who was in charge of the entire data processing, and who, with great talent and enthusiasm, worked on the solution of the many problems we faced. Mr. David I. Rochford, of the Commonwealth Scientific and In- dustrial Research Organization of Australia, came to Honolulu for one year to work on the chemical data. With much labor and a great deal of patience he succeeded in bringing order into the maze of the sometimes conflicting and inconsistent chemical observations. Dr. Walter Diiing focused his interest on the dynamical computa- tions and the interpretation of the monsoon circulation. Dr. Charles P. Duncan, as a graduate student, helped with numerous investigations and with the data checking, while his main project was the analysis of the Agulhas Current System. Mrs. Shikiko Nakahara cheerfully wrote, tested, and corrected seemingly endless computer programs, and Mrs. Helen Brady kept a neat and precise record of all our data and finances during these years. The more tedious and time-consum- ing tasks of data plotting of special sets of observations, checking of plots and drawings, and operating the plotting equipment were per- formed by Mr. Michael M. Popwell, Miss Sylvia Fung, and Miss Iuliet Wu, students who had taken a keen and enthusiastic interest in the success of the whole project. The drafting of the hundreds of maps and sections was at various times in the hands of Miss Ioan Cooley, Miss Sharon Graybill, Mr. Herbert C. Rosenbush, and Mr. William E. Chase. Acknowledgements Over the years all these people formed a team, interested in creating the Atlas and working enthusiastically on it. I would like to thank every one of them for their ideas, discussions, cooperation, and effort. It was a great pleasure and honor to lead this group. The data for the Atlas were chiefly supplied by the National Oceanographic Data Center in Washington, D. C. Its Director, Dr. Thomas Austin, and members of his staff very efficiently assisted in making the Atlas as complete as possible. Other large blocks of data were provided by the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization of Australia and by the Woods Hole Oceano- graphic Institution. Many other institutions assisted by sending cruise and data reports and by responding on special queries and question- naires. The sea—surface temperature data for the years 1963 and 1964 were made available through the courtesy of Dr. Colin S. Ramage, Editor of the Meteorology Atlas of the International Indian Ocean Expedition. At this point I would also like to thank all those scientists and technicians, who collected the data at sea, and the captains and crews of their research ships. Their work and their efforts formed the foundation for this Atlas. When the Atlas was near completion, Dr. Brent S. Gallagher and Dr. Edward D. Stroup volunteered to read the manuscript and to inspect the final drawings; I am grateful to them for many suggestions and improvements. The California Computer Corporation, through the interest of Mr. Andrew F. Brady, made available a newly developed computer- output-microfilming system called COM 1670 by which the tables printed in Chapter 3 could be generated from the computer magnetic tape in a form ready for printing. To our knowledge, it is the first use of this system and we appreciate this help very much. Also the University of Hawaii Computing Center deserves mention for pro- viding us with excellent modern facilities for this work. The publishing of this Atlas, which the National Science Foun- dation decided to undertake, was in the able and energetic hands of Mr. john C. Holmes, Printing Officer of the National Science Founda- tion. Special thanks are due him for the manner in which he overcame so many obstacles to printing, and for the final appearance of the Atlas. Therefore, at the end of this huge project I would like to express my thanks and appreciation to all who helped in completing it. —Klaus Wyrtki Ships Participating in the International Indian Ocean Expedition Diamantina Gascoyne Commandant R. Giraud AUSTRALIA AUSTRALIA FRANCE Norsel Meteor Kistna FRANCE GERMANY INDIA Varuna Jalanidhi Hokusei-Maru INDIA INDONESIA JAPAN Kagoshima-Mam Koyo—Maru Oshoro-Maru JAPAN JAPAN JAPAN Zulfiquar Almirante Lacerda JAPAN PAKISTAN PORTUGAL I III—3 :3 i ‘ ’ 1'". .f 1L1“! fi' -:‘ . ”lint-""973”... ,, z ‘ . ‘ . . ' x Mm'fimfl'fl' I"; . J “1"." J Africana ll John D. Gilchrist Natal REPUBLIC OF SOUTH AFRICA REPUBLIC OF SOUTH AFRICA REPUBLIC OF SOUTH AFRICA wmwaflflmflw‘: Lady Theresa NeveIskoi UNION OF SOUTH AFRICA THAILAND UNION OF SOVIET SOCIALIST REPUBLICS Orlik Vityaz UNION OF SOVIET SOCIALIST REPUBLICS UNION OF SOVIET SOCIALIST REPUBLICS Vorobyev Discovery Anton Bruun UNION OF SOVIET SOCIALIST REPUBLICS UNITED KINGDOM UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Argo Atlantis II Robert D. Conrad UNITED STATES OF AMERICA UNITED STATES OF AMERICA UNITED STATES OF AMERICA East Wind Horizon Pioneer UNITED STATES OF AMERICA UNITED STATES OF AMERICA UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Requisite ' Serrano Verna UNITED STATES OF AMERICA UNITED STATES OF AMERICA UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Contents Page Preface ................................................................... iii Acknowledgements ......................................................... v Participating Ships ......................................................... vi Introduction ............................................................... 1 Chapter 1 Distribution of Properties at the Sea Surface ........................ 35 Chapter 2 Distribution of Properties at Horizontal Surfaces .................... 67 Chapter 3 Data Summaries for 300-Mile Squares ............................. 165 Chapter 4 Vertical Curves of Properties in 600-Mile Squares ................... 199 Chapter 5 Distributions Along Sigma-9 Surfaces ............................. 219 Chapter 6 Core Layers .................................................... 257 Chapter 7 Thermal Structure ............................................... 325 Chapter 8 Dynamic Topographies and Mass Transport Maps ................... 359 Chapter 9 Vertical Sections to the Bottom ................................... 395 Chapter 10 Vertical Sections Through the Upper Layer of the Equatorial Region . . . 477 Chapter 11 Volumetric Inventory ............................................ 521 xi '1 l I l l 4 The prime objective of an atlas is to display the properties of its subject in a clear, objective and informative manner, so as to allow investigators with a variety of interests to gather information relevant to their particular problems, and to view an assembly of features which otherwise might not be brought together. Keeping this objec- tive in mind, we have tried to use the available data, sparse as they may be in some instances, to give as comprehensive as possible a description of the distributions of oceanographic properties in the Indian Ocean. Emphasis was given to the display of average, perma- nent distributions, especially since data from more than 30 years were used, and to leave the treatment of fluctuations and deviations to special scientific studies. We have limited the features to be repre- sented to those which can be charted with a maximum of objectivity—— without having to resort to ambiguous interpretations. The original intent of the Atlas was to display the results of the International Indian Ocean Expedition, but the activities of this ex- pedition were concentrated almost exclusively in the Indian Ocean north of 40°S. Limiting an atlas to an arbitrarily delineated part of an ocean seemed absurd to an oceanographer looking at an ocean as an entity. Consequently, it was soon decided to chart the entire Indian Ocean all the way from Asia to Antarctica, and to include the data of the DISCOVERY in Antarctic waters and the few obser- vations made during the International Geophysical Year and later in these waters. After having gone that far, there was no reason not to include all other observations made in the Indian Ocean since the late 1920’s, when modern techniques first became available, espe- cially since many of these observations filled gaps in the overall and seasonal coverage achieved by the International Indian Ocean Expe- dition. Therefore the Atlas includes all the data collected in the Indian Ocean from the mid-1920’s to 1966, with the exception of a few expeditions, omitted for various reasons and listed in Table G. The Atlas is concerned with physical and chemical data, con- sisting of measurements of temperature, salinity, oxygen content, inorganic phosphate, total phosphorous, organic phosphorous, nitrate, nitrite, silicate, and hydrogen ion concentration at selected depths. But some of these properties were sampled at only a few stations and in very limited parts of the ocean, or with little accuracy, so that no representative maps or sections could be produced; conse- quently total phosphorous, organic phosphorous, nitrite, and hydro- gen ion concentration were not incorporated into the Atlas. Some other chemical data required considerable screening, intercomparison Introduction and adjustment before being useful, and the procedures and adjust- ments are discussed later under chemical data processing. The observations of the six selected properties—temperature, salinity, oxygen, phosphate, nitrate, and silicate—could be mapped in a variety of manners, and we have chosen to display them by as many means as possible. These include: distributions at standard depths, areal averages at standard depths, vertical distributions for geographic areas, a large variety of vertical sections, scatter diagrams, distribution of properties at five density surfaces and along 11 core layers, features of the thermal structure, and the computation and mapping of dynamic heights to represent geostrophic circulation. An effort was made to display the average situation, but also to show the variation by including standard deviations, and by presenting many properties and features to show important seasonal trends. Since properties in the deep ocean remain essentially stationary, or at least because their changes over the thirty years of observation are small compared with the accuracy of their determination and the random fluctuations, it is possible to map them as long-term averages. In the surface layer, on the other hand, seasonal variations are of great importance, and consequently surface distributions, thermal structure, and dynamic topographies were charted in six bimonthly maps, or, when data were too sparse, in two maps representing summer and winter conditions. Probably the distributions at 100 and 200 meter depths as well as those at the upper density surfaces could have been charted in seasonal maps, but in most parts of the ocean the density of observations was not great enough to allow such a procedure. Even in the Arabian Sea, where the density of data is highest, the maps prepared by Wooster, Schaefer and Robinson (1967) for the distribution of properties along the surface with a thermosteric anomaly of 300 centiliters per ton show only very weak seasonal variations, which are not significantly above the background noise. A much larger amount of observations would be required over most of the ocean to establish seasonal variations with sufficient confidence. After some experimentation the procedure to combine vertical sections from observations of several expeditions was rejected in favor of using data from only one expedition along each section. In most oceanographic sections the deeper portions, where properties are rather uniform, are usually over-emphasized, and details of the distribution near the surface, where isolines are crowded, are not well displayed. Some investigators have overcome this difficulty by using different scales for the upper few hundred meters and the deeper portions, which in turn distort the relationship of the two layers. Therefore, we have shown all the sections for the full depth range from the surface to 5000 meters and have added an enlarged version of the upper 500 meters. To represent seasonal variations along oceanographic sections, we have selected four north-south sections each in the western, central and eastern Indian Ocean and four sections across the Agulhas Current. THE BASE MAP AND BATHYMETRY Most of the illustrations of the Atlas are in the form of maps and consequently the selection of a suitable projection was a prime con- sideration in the preparation of the Atlas. The Indian Ocean is limited in the north by the land mass of Asia, in the south by that of Ant- arctica. Its western boundary with the Atlantic Ocean is conveniently placed at 20°E, the longitude of Cape Agulhas, its eastern boundary with the Pacific Ocean at 147°E, the longitude of the South Cape of Tasmania. In the southeast Asian waters the boundary between the Indian and the Pacific oceans is usually assumed to run from the Malayan Peninsula through Sumatra, java and the Lesser Sunda Islands to New Guinea, and then through the Torres Strait, thus assigning the Indonesian waters to the Pacific Ocean. Between the Lesser Sunda Islands and New Guinea the boundary is not well defined, and sometimes a line from Timor to North Australia is used. With these boundaries in mind, the Indian Ocean encompasses 100 degrees of latitude and 130 degrees of longitude. Over such a large area any map projection will have some degree of distortion. For oceanographic and geographical considerations, and for the evaluation of parameters mapped, an equal area map is definitely preferable, but such a map can be constructed in many different ways. A very fine bathymetric map of the entire Indian Ocean has been published by Kanaev [1965], but the projection used does not even leave the equator as a straight line. On the other hand, this map has about the minimal possible distortion. For oceanographic purposes, where zonal flow and deviations from zonal distributions are impor- tant features, one would prefer a map on which parallels remain parallel. Combining the requirement of an equal area projection with that of parallel parallels, the sinusoidal projection results, in which the north-south coordinate y is latitude 96 and the east-west coordinate x is equatorial longitude )x relative to a selected meridian k0 multiplied with the cosine of latitude gs: y=¢; x=(A—A0)cos¢ The reference meridian has been selected as 80°E, making the map slightly asymmetrical, with 60 degrees of longitude west of the refer- ence meridian and 70 degrees to the east of it. The selection of 150°E as the eastern boundary includes all of Bass Strait in the map, as well as a tiny portion of the Tasman Sea and some of the Coral Sea. ,_. -A .. . .M ..A:..-’.a.._~._ The northern boundary of the map is 30°N, thus including all of the Red Sea to Suez, but cutting off the northernmost part of the Persian Gulf, where depths are less than 10 meters. The southern boundary is 71°S and is entirely on the Antarctic Continent. This map has the advantages of an equal area projection and of straight, equally spaced parallels. Distance and direction are in gen- eral not preserved, and the distortion increases from the center to the periphery of the map. We have concluded that the advantages strongly outweigh the disadvantages for oceanographic purposes. For different reasons, the maps in the Meteorological Atlas are in Mer- cator projection, because direction was considered to be of overriding importance. The original plotting of the data and the original drawings were made on a map measuring 36 inches [91.4 cm] at the equator, and having a scale of 1 : 15 800 000. The maps printed in the Atlas are on a scale of 1 : 43 800 000. For many maps showing the distribution of properties at sub- surface levels, the addition of topographic features by means of depth contours seemed necessary. Since no new bathymetric map was pre- pared especially for this Atlas, existing maps were used. For most of the Indian Ocean the bathymetric map published by Kanaev (1965) and discussed by Kanaev and Marova [1965] was used to prepare the depth contours for this Atlas. For the area between the equator and 26°S and between 49°E and 68°E a much more detailed map was available, which is published in part by Fisher, Engel, and Hilde (1968). For the Indonesian waters the more detailed map published by van Riel (1934] was used. Some information was also taken from the bathymetric sketch of the Indian Ocean published by Heezen and Tharp [1965]. The same information was employed to draw the depth profiles along the vertical sections in Chapters 9 and 10. SELECTION OF COLORS The use of color enhances the readability of maps, allowing quick identification and comparison of important features of the distribution of properties, which, on a black and white illustration, might appear only after a lengthy inspection. Normally a sequence of colors or shades of color is used to indicate the transition between high and low values on a map. Here, however, partly to economize on the cost of printing, and partly to direct the attention of the reader to the most outstanding features first, we have used only two colors on each map, employing them to emphasize high and low values. In the transition area between the high and low values, the isolines alone show the distribution of properties. For each property mapped, a specific color combination is used. Because of the large variations in the range of numerical values of a property, colors could not be associated with one and the same isoline on all of the various maps and sections. Color has also been used for property identification, enabling the reader to easily find maps showing the same property. Each property is identified by the color shown in the area containing the legend. KEY FOR COLOR SCHEME Property Prélggrrty nguvés vgifigs Temperature - Blue - Blue - Red Salinity - Red - Yellow - Red Oxygen - Yellow - Yellow - Blue Phosphate - Purple - Orange - Purple Nitrate - Green - Orange - Green Silicate - Brown - Yellow - Brown Depth - Orange - Orange - Blue Density - Orange - Purple Dynamic topography - Red Transport - Blue - Orange - Yellow - Blue - Blue - Blue - Purple - Red - Red Temperature gradient ACQUISITION OF THE DATA Most of the hydrographic station data were supplied by the Na- tional Oceanographic Data Center. Initially, information from about 7200 stations was received on computer tapes; subsequent transmis- sions either on cards or tape totaled about 1500 stations. Data from about 2000 stations on cards and tape were received from the Com- monwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization of Aus- tralia, while several other originators contributed about 1200 stations on cards or in the form of data reports. Finally, data from a few hundred stations were extracted from publications. Data sources are listed cruise by cruise at the end of the introduction in Table F. Data from many hydrographic stations outside the map area in Antarctic Waters, that is, from west of 20°E and east of 150°E, were included in the Atlas in order to better define isopleth patterns at the map boundary. For analysis of the thermal structure additional data from ba- thythermograph observations were included together with the hydro- INTRODUCTION graphic data. A total of about 24,800 bathythermograph records were used. National Oceanographic Data Center supplied on tape about 23,600 of these; the remainder were obtained in the same form from the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization, Australia. Sea-surface temperature observations from ships’ weather re- ports were collected and processed by the International Meteor- ological Center in Bombay during the International Indian Ocean Expedition and were placed at our disposal in the form of averages by one degree of latitude and longitude. A total of 70,000 individual observations were available for the year 1963; these were used to draw monthly maps of sea-surface temperature for this particular year. COMPUTER AND PLOTTING FACILITIES Computer processing of data for the Atlas was accomplished through use of the facilities of the Statistical and Computing Center of the University of Hawaii. An IBM Model 1401 computer was used for that part of the processing which required little or no computation, while the bulk of the computing was done with IBM Model 7040 through 1967, then with IBM Model 360/50, and finally, from early 1969, with IBM Model 360/65. All of the maps, vertical sections, profiles, and scatter diagrams in this Atlas were plotted by a Benson-Lehner Large Table Electro- plotter [LTE] system. Input to this off-line plotter was in the form of magnetic tape prepared by computer. The system was capable of drawing lines and curves in different colors, printing symbols, and handling diagrams up to 160 x 120 centimeters. CONVERSION TO UNIFORM FORMAT The complete process of data reduction used in preparing the Atlas is summarized in the flow diagram presented in Figure 1. The first step involved converting the observations from the variety of sources into a common format. Thus all hydrographic station data were punched on computer cards in the format adopted for the prep- aration of the Atlas. The format was similar to that used by the National Oceanographic Data Center for hydrographic data, but only the observed data were included. There were three kinds of cards for each station: a] Master Card (one per station] for station identification, posi- tion. time, date of sampling, and meteorological data. b) Detail Card (one for each observed depth) containing station identification, depth, and observed data. 0) Summary Card (one per station) with station identification, position, time and date of sampling, maximum depth and number and kinds of observations. Figure 1. Flow diagram for data processing DATA ACQUISITION I CONVERSION TO COMMON FORMAT CRUISE I PRELIMINARY EVALUATION I PRIMARY DATA TRACKS _ VERTICAL BASE I CARDS) I UPDATING STANDARD PROCESSING EVALUATION I DIRECT ACCESS STORAGE SPECIAL PROCESSING EVALUATION I I ATLAS SECTIONS PRINTOUTS AT OBSERVED AND STANDARD DEPTHS SEA SURFACE DISTRIBUTIONS STANDARD DEPTHS BOO-MILE SQUARE AVERAGES 600-MILE SQUARE VERTICAL DISTRIBUTIONS -——-I SIGMA- T SURFACES CORE LAYERS TEMPERATURE STRUCTURE DYNAMICS The design of the Detail Card allowed for indicating doubtful 0r questionable data values. Low chemical concentrations reported as “trace” were taken to be zero. The Summary cards were used for making station position plots for each cruise, and for a variety of other station position plots; for example, a set of twelve maps showing the monthly distribution of stations. None of these preliminary maps are included in the Atlas. PRELIMINARY EVALUATION OF DATA The data from each cruise were examined for gross apparent errors, such as incorrect station positions where judgments were made from consideration of the station position chart and sequence of observations. Especially when the Atlas work was well underway, efforts were made to compare newly received data with the already accepted mass of information. This was true in particular of salinity values determined by titration at sea and led to the rejection of some Indian, Iapanese, and Russian data, listed under excluded data in Table G. Salinity values determined with a salinometer were considered to be of higher accuracy than those determined by titration, and preference was given to salinometer data in the process of contouring salinity maps. The oxygen data obtained by DISCOVERY in Ant- arctic waters were found to be lower than those of more recent expe- ditions, a fact already noted by Gordon (1966) for stations in the Pacific Ocean. He adjusted the old DISCOVERY data by increasing the values by 0.5 milliliters per liter. We have preferred to adjust them by multiplying with a factor of 1.14. THE PRIMARY DATA BASE About 12,000 hydrographic stations were accepted, subject to further editing, for use in preparing the Atlas. These data, stored on about 200,000 computer cards, represented the primary source of information for the task. When in all subsequent work questionable observations were uncovered, then the required emendations—an- notating data as questionable or deleting all or part of a station or cruise—were made first in this card data file. STANDARD PROCESSING The information of each hydrographic station was processed by computer to yield potential temperature and potential density anomaly at observed depths, and interpolated data values, as well as geopo- tential anomaly, at standard levels. The potential temperatures were obtained from the in situ tem- peratures according to the relationship given by Fofonoff [1962, p. 17], and potential density anomaly then computed by the Knudsen equa- tion [Fofonoff, 1962, p. 9]. Calculation of specific volume anomaly, required for estimating geopotential anomaly, was accomplished through use of Ekman’s formula for the compression of sea-water (Fofonoff, 1962, p. 10). The standard depths used were 0, 20, 40, 50, 60, 80, 100, 120, 140, 150, 160, 180, 200, 220,250, . . (50] . . , 500, . . [100] . . , 2000, . . (250] . ., 6000 meters. Interpolation at these levels was according to the fol- lowing scheme: a) Potential temperature was interpolated first, and in a rather complex way. Initially the depth of the maximum observed potential temperature was determined, which usually was at the sea surface. Next the depth of the maximum vertical gradient of potential temperature was estimated as the mean depth of that pair of successive observed temperatures for which the vertical gradient was a maximum. Then, based on those two depths, the following depth intervals were defined for each station: Region 1—from the sea surface to the depth of the maxi- mum temperature (usually, Region 1 did not exist). Region Z—from the depth of the maximum temperature to the depth of the maximum gradient. Region 3—the rest of the water column. Interpolation of potential temperature at a standard depth was two-point logarithmic for standard levels in Region 1 or Region 3, and two-point exponential if the standard depth was in Region 2. b) Interpolated salinities were the average of a double three— point parabolic interpolation in the potential temperature— salinity curve, for which were taken, first, the temperatures and salinities at the two depths above the standard depth and at one below, and second, at one above and two below. This method was considered best for preserving in the interpolated values the form of the salinity—depth curve, which could have several maxima and minima. c] All chemical properties were considered to be linear functions of depth between the observations above and below each standard level, and hence linear interpolation was made for the chemical properties. Questionable values of all properties were not used for interpola- tions. Stations where the depth interval between individual obser- vations was too large for a meaningful interpretation were rejected after inspection. The product of the standard processing of each hydrographic station was a two-page computer printout having, on the first page, INTRODUCTION all of the observed data plus corresponding potential temperature and potential density anomalies, and on the second page, the interpolated data plus dynamic computations. These printouts formed a data refer- ence library and were useful for a variety of hand computations, in addition to representing the information stored on the computer cards. A useful editing item which was printed on the observed data page for each station was the number of potential density inversions for the given set of temperature and salinity values. While slight inversions were common in the surface layer over the entire Indian Ocean, and therefore were considered to be real, the existence of such inversions at depth usually indicated data errors, or poor quality observations. Such errors were corrected if possible; for example, in cases in which data were incorrectly copied; otherwise the tempera— ture or salinity that was suspect was annotated as questionable, and hence not used in subsequent calculations. A few hydrographic sta- tions had several density inversions at depth, and these stations were deleted from the Atlas data set. DIRECT ACCESS STORAGE OF THE DATA Following the station by station checking and, perhaps, updating after standard processing, the information on the primary set of com- puter cards was stored in a directly accessible manner on a disk pack compatible with an IBM 360/50 computer. Each disk pack record, of 2254 characters in length, contained the data of one hydrographic station, and could be read or rewritten (altered, deleted, or replaced) as necessary individually. Thus whenever in subsequent processing steps erroneous or questionable data were discovered, the appropriate changes were made in the cards of the primary data base, and those particular station records were updated on the disk. With the exception of the preparation of the vertical sections given in Chapters 9 and 10, reduction of data for the Atlas presenta- tions was all by way of the directly accessible data bank. SPECIAL PROCESSING The preparation of each map and of other data summaries con- tained in the Atlas required special handling of the data in some way. Included in the introduction to each chapter is a brief summary of procedures used to obtain the information presented in that chapter; thus the reader should refer to those pages for comments on the calculation or extraction of specific information. The manner in which such information was subsequently handled for the plotting of maps was quite general, however. Usually these data sets were sorted according to the latitude of the observations and stored on magnetic tapes or a disk pack. This was the best way to organize the data for map plotting, and also made easier the task of identifying apparently anomalous data. AREAL AVERAGES Because of the large number of observations for most properties, the density of observations in many regions of the Indian Ocean was too great to permit readable plotting of each individual data point, so averages by 60-mile squares of latitude and longitude, correspond- ing to 1-degree-squares at the equator, were prepared. This was achieved by first finding all the information in each square. Then for each property P a simple mean was determined by ‘P = i 2 P, n i=1 where Pi is the i‘h of n observations. When there were four or more observations the standard deviation was computed according to : 1 n —_ 2 " ‘/n———1,§, (P 1’1) ’ data values more than two standard deviations from the mean were rejected, and the mean was recalculated. Finally, the average geo- graphical position of the observations of each property was deter- mined and used as plotted position of the 60-mile square average. Thus for the same 60-mile square the position of, say, a temperature average may differ from that of another property because the sets of data from which the averages were determined may not be exactly the same. A sample of such a computer-plotted map is given in Chapter 2. Similar averaging processes were carried out for data grouped by BOO—mile squares and by BOO-mile squares of latitude and longitude; these are discussed in the introductions to Chapter 3 and Chapter 4. EVALUATION OF THE CHEMICAL DATA A summary of the methods used, the range of chemical data obtained and the types of water samplers used by the ships which provided chemical data for the Atlas is provided in Tables A and B. The variety of methods used during the long period of almost 40 years of accumulation of these data has caused considerable variation in their quality. Very careful screening of the chemical data was re- quired therefore before data were accepted. As a general rule no chemical data were omitted or adjusted in value unless all of the following tests were conclusive. a] Whenever the standard deviation of a chemical property about the mean of all values of that property within a 300-mile square was high, and the standard deviation of other properties was low, a check of the source of this high variability was made. If as often happened the more variable data came from one and the same ship, all data from that ship in other squares and other depths were examined. In some cases all values of this property were consistently lower or higher than the means of the 300-mi1e squares, and were caused by a biased analysis. In other cases no such consistency was found be- cause of the poor quality and large random errors in the data. b) The next quality check consisted of an examination in a scatter diagram of the relation of one chemical property to another or of a chemical and a conservative property at a particular depth of the Indian Ocean as a whole. These scatter diagrams were prepared for each standard depth and are not shown as such in the Atlas al- though similar scatter diagrams for a series of depth strata are to be found in Chapter 2. Several other relationships, phosphate to silicate and phosphate to potential temperature, which were sometimes im- portant in quality evaluation are not included in the Atlas. At each depth the mean latitudinal and geographic limits of various assem- blages of values on these scatter diagrams were noted. Within the appropriate scatter diagram data that were suspect were either well outside the dominant relationship or, if within this relationship, were displaced from their correct latitudinal or geographical position. c] The final quality check consisted of the superimposition of charts and sections of chemical data upon one another and upon conservative properties. On the assumption that major changes in all properties below 200 m were mainly the result of mixing, good agreement should be expected between the contour patterns of all properties along a section or on a horizontal chart. If such agreement was not found between the contour pattern of one property and those of the rest, all values of a property which from the previous test were considered of low quality or biased were located on the plot and the contours redrawn to give minimum significance to such values. On the basis of these tests the data listed in Tables C and D have been rejected or assigned low significance. REFERENCES Fisher, R. L., C. G. Engel, and T. W. C. Hilde. 1968. Basalts dredged from the Amirante Ridge, western Indian Ocean. Deep-Sea Res., 15:521-534. Fofonoff, N. P. 1962. Physical Prop- erties of Sea-Water. In THE SEA, Vol. 1. Ed. M. N. Hill. Interscience Publishers, New York. Gordon, Arnold L. 1966. Potential temperature, oxygen and circulation of bottom water in the Southern Ocean. Deep-Sea Res., 13, 6 (Part 1]. Heezen, Bruce, and Marie Tharp. 1965. Floors of the Ocean. III: Indian Ocean. Geological Society of Amer- ica. Special Paper. Kanaev, V. F. 1965. Indian Ocean. Oceanologiia, 5, 4:760-762. (In Rus- sian.) Kanaev, V. F., and N. A. Marova. 1965. Bathymetric chart of the northern part of the Indian Ocean. Oceano- graphical Researches, No. 13. Nauka, Moscow. (In Russian.) van Riel, P. M. 1934. The bottom con- figuration in relation to the flow of the bottom water. SNELLIUS Ex- pedition in the eastern part of the Netherlands East Indies 1929-1930. OCEANOGRAPHY, 2, Chap. 2. Wooster, W. S., M. B. Schaefer, and M. K. Robinson. 1967. Atlas of the Arabian Sea for Fishery Oceanog- raphy. IMR Reference 67-12. Uni- versity of California, La Iolla. TABLE A Information and References to Chemical Methods REFERENCE NUMBER Sampling Information Bottle— Inorganic Nitrate Silicate Vessel Source Table B Phosphate Nitrogen Silicon AFRICANA II Publication 1a & 1b 2 —- — AFRICANA |I Questionnaire 1c & 2 16 — —— ALBATROSS Publication 6c 10 — 18 ALMIRANTE Publication 1c 19 13 12 LACERDA ANTON BRUUN Publication 1d 14 13 12 ARGO Questionnaire 1c 19, 14 — 18 ATLANTIS Publication 1a & 1b 19 — — ATLANTIS || Questionnaire 1d 14 11,7 12, 6 BURTON ISLAND Questionnaire 1a 19 -— — DANA Publication 1a &1b 2 9 — DIAMANTINA Publication 1b & 1c 16 4 — DISCOVERY Publication 1a & 1b 2,10 — 3,1 DISCOVERY Publication 3 14 11 1, 12 GASCOYNE Publication 1b & 1c 16 4 — J. D. GILCHRIST Questionnaire 1c, 2c & 3 19 —— — JALANIDHI Questionnaire 1b & 3 19 — — KAGOSHIMA-MARU Questionnaire 1d 10 13 12 KISTNA Questionnaire 1a 19 * * KOYO-MARU Questionnaire 1a, 1b & 1d 16 — 12 LADY THERESA Questionnaire 1a 10,14 13 12 LOMONOSOV Publication ? 16 — ? METEOR Questionnaire 4a 8 7 8 NATAL Questionnaire 1c & 3 * — — OB Publication 1a & 1b 2 17 3 ORLIK Publication ? ? — —- PIONEER Questionnaire 1c — — 12 SERRANO Questionnaire 1a 19 —— 12 SNELLIUS Publication 1a &1b 16 — — UMITAKA-MARU Publication 1a & 1c 10 13 12 VITYAZ Publication 1a &1b 10 —— 18? VOROBYEV Publication ? 10 —— 18? WARREEN Publication 1b 16 4 —- ZULFIQUAR Publication 1a &1b 5 — — * No data with NODC although questionnaire implied such data were collected. INTRODUCTION 1. Armstrong, F. A. I. 1951. The determination of silicate in sea- water. ]. Mar. Biol. Ass. U.K., 30:149-160. . Atkins, W. R. G. 1923. The phos- phate content of fresh and salt waters and its relation to the growth of algal plankton. I. Mar. Biol. Ass. U.K., 13:119- 150. . Atkins, W. R. G. 1923. The silica content of some natural waters and of culture media. I. Mar. Biol ASS. U.K., 13:151-159. CSIRO AUSTRALIA. 1969. Oceanographical observations in the Pacific Ocean in 1965. H.M.A.S. GASCOYNE G4/65. CSIRO Aust. Oceanogr. Cruise Rep. 45. . Greenfield, L. I., and F. A. Kel- ber. 1954. Inorganic phosphate measurement in sea water. Bull. Mar. Sci. Gulf Carib, 4:323. . Grasshoff, K. 1964. On the de- termination of silica in sea water. Deep-Sea. Res., 11:597- 604. . Grasshoff, K. 1964. Zur Bestim— mung von Nitrat in Meer-und TABLE B Description of Sampling Bottles Code Code Type Number Lining Letter Nansen 1 Porous brass a Ekman 2 Aged brass b N.I.O. 3 Epoxy coated c METEOR 4 Teflon coated d USSR 5 ‘ Tinned or plated e Knudsen 6 REFERENCES Trinkwasser. Kiel. Meeres- forsch, 20, 1:5-11. 8. Grasshoff, K. 1966. Uber auto- matische Methoden zur Bes- timmung von Fulorid, gelosten anorganischen Phopshat und Silikat in Meerwasser. Kiel. Meeresforsch, 22, 1:42—46. 9. Harvey, H. W. 1926. Nitrate in the sea. I. Mar. Biol. Ass. N.S., 14:71-88. 10. Harvey, H. W. 1948. The estima— tion of phosphate and total phosphorous in sea water. I. Mar. Biol. Ass. U.K., 27:337- 359. 11. Morris, A. W., and I. P. Riley. 1963. The determination of ni- trate in sea water. Anal. Chim. Acta, 29:272-179. 12. Mullin, I. B., and I. P. Riley. 1955. The colorimetric determination of silicate with special refer- ence to sea and natural waters. Anal. Chim. Acta, 12:162-176. 13. Mullin, I. B., and I. P. Riley. 1955. The spectrophotometric deter- mination of nitrate in natural waters, with particular refer- ence to sea water. Anal. Chim. Acta, 12, 51464-480. 14. Murphy, 1., and I. P. Riley. 1962. 17. A modified single solution method for the determination of phosphate in natural waters. Anal. Chim. Acta, 27:31-36. 15. Rochford, D. I. 1947. The prepa- ration and use of Harvey’s 18. reduced strychnine reagent in oceanographical chemistry. Bull. Coun. Scient. Ind. Res., No. 220. Melbourne. 16. Rochford, D. I. 1963. SCOR- UNESCO chemical intercalibra— 19. tion tests; results of 2nd series. R. S. VITYAZ, August 2-9, 1962, Australia. CSIRO, Cronulla. TABLE C related Listing of Anomalous Phosphate Data Tschigirine, N., and P. Daniltch- enko. 1930. De l’azote et ces composés dans le mer Noire. (Diphenylamine method]. Trov. de la Stat. Biol. de Sebastopol, 221-16. Wattenberg, H. 1937. Critical re— view of the methods used for determining nutrient salts and constituents in salt water. Cons. Per. Int. l'Explor. Mer. Rapp. et Proc. Verb. CIII. Wooster, W. S., and N. W. Rake- straw. 1951. The estimation of dissolved phosphate in sea water. 1. Mar. Res., 10:91-100. NODC Cruise Type of Detection of Vessel Country No. Deviation Deviation Decision AFRICANA II South 91-041 Values 02/ PO. relation Allowance Africa sometimes made in high contouring AFRICANA || South 91-050 Values 60-mile square All values Africa generally comparisons, rejected high Og/PO4 relation, lack of contour agreement on horizontal plots ALBATROSS SWeden 77-418 Values 300- and 60-mile Rejected generally square high comparisons, Oz/Poi relation, lack of contour agreement on horizontal plots DANA Denmark 26-009 All values too 60-mile square Allowance low comparisons, made in 02/P04 relation, contouring lack of contour agreement on horizontal plots TABLE C CONTINUED NODC Cruise Type of Detection of Vessel Country No. Deviation Deviation Decision DISCOVERY United 74-038 Values Generally high Allowance Kingdom generally by Og/PO4 and made in too high P0./Sio., contouring relations DISCOVERY United 74-039 Inconsistent Og/PO4 relation, Most Kingdom and often too comparison values high, values with Agulhas rejected (>3.0,tg-atom/1) sections DISCOVERY United 74—040 Values below Along 20°E Allowance Kingdom 800 m generally sections values made in too high too high in contouring Antarctic Inter- mediate Water generally high by PO4/Si03 and Og/PO4 relations DISCOVERY United 74-227 Values 60-mile square Allowance Kingdom generally comparisons, made in low Og/PO4 and contouring S/PO, relations KISTNA India 41-002 Values too high 60-mile square All values comparisons, rejected lack of contour agreement on horizontal plots KOYO- Japan 49-703 Inconsistent Comparison of Allowance MARU and often adjacent made in high values sections along contouring (>2.8 pg-atom/ 1) equator UMITAKA- Japan 49-702 Values 60-miIe square Allowance MARU generally comparisons, made in low 02/PO. relation, contouring lack of contour agreement on horizontal plots OB USSR 90-830 Values below 60-mile square Allowance 1000 m too high comparisons, made in in subtropics lack of contour contouring agreement on horizontal plots OB USSR 90-004 Inconsistent 60-miIe square Allowance and often very comparisons, made in high values 03/ PO, and contouring (>3.5 ,tg-atom/l) S/PO. relations SERRANO USA 31-090 Generally Comparison of Rejected low values data along 5°N section TABLE D Listing of Anomalous Nitrate Data NODC Cruise Type of Detection of Vessel Country No. Deviation Deviation Decision ANTON USA 31-577 Some values Lack of agreement Allowance BRUUN below 400 m along 55°E Equatorial made in too high section between contouring phosphate, silicate, and nitrate contour pattern, N/P ratio of high nitrates abnormal ANTON USA 31-372 Some values Lack of agreement Allowance BRUUN below 800 m between some values made in too high in and general contour contouring Arabian Sea pattern of horizontal charts ANTON USA 31-197 Some values Alternate stations Allowance BRUUN below 500 m with high and low made in too high concentrations of contouring along 5°N nitrate not paralleled by phosphate values ATLANTIS ll USA 31-247 All values 300- and 60-mile Rejected low square comparisons, N/P relation, lack of contour agreement on horizontal plots OB USSR 90-830 Most values 300- and 60-mile All values too low square comparisons south of N/P relation 50°S used, all others rejected INTRODUCTION TABLE E Listing of Anomalous Silicate Data NODC Cruise Type of Detection of Vessel Country No. Deviation Deviation Decision DISCOVERY United 74-039 Values 300- and 60-mile Rejected Kingdom below square comparisons, 1500 m 0/Si03 relation around 15°S too low DISCOVERY United 74-227 Values 300- and 60-mile Rejected in Kingdom randomly square comparisons, most cases high or low 6/Si03 relation KOYO- Japan 49-703 Values Comparison with Allowance MARU below 500 m adjoining VITYAZ made in too low equatorial section, contouring elsewhere from 60-mile square comparison, B/SIO3 relation OB USSR 90-004 Values 300- and 60-mile Units found generally square comparisons, to be as high 0/Si03 and SiO-_) and PO4/Si03 relations not Si, corrected PIONEER USA 31-201 Values Problems in hori- Allowance sometimes zontal contouring, made in low 6/Si03 relation contouring ARGO USA 31-184 Values 300- and 60-mile Allowance generally square comparisons made in low contouring TABLE F A Listing of all ships and cruises from which data were used in the preparation of this Atlas The station numbers listed are those given by the originator as long as they followed a more or less regular sequence. Station numbers coded according to geographical positions or having no apparent sequence were omitted. It should be noted that often several hydrographic casts were assigned the same station number. Expedition Institution N0. of Official NODC and/or Ship and Station Stations IIOE Cruise Data Source and Cruise No. Cruise Dates General Area Numbers Used Observations Taken Cruise Number for Atlas Publication Information AUSTRALIA WARREEN Commonwealth Scientific South of Australia 6-34 15 T, S No 09-397 Originator CSIRO Aust. Oceanogr. Industrial and Research Stn List 1. 1951. Organization; Feb-Dec. 1939 WARREEN CSI R0; Southwest of 354-414; 95 T, S, 02, P04, N3, pH No 09-399 Originator CSI R0 Aust. Oceanogr. Nov. 1947-0ct. 1950 Australia 14-694; Stn List 3. 1951. 14-244; 15-175 WARREEN CSIRO; South of Australia 47 T, S, 02, P04, N3, pH No 09-890 Originator CSIRO Aust. Oceanogr. Feb-June 1951 Stn List 14. 1953. Fixed Coastal Station CSIRO; Bass Strait; South 20 T, S, 02, P04 No 09-891 Originator CSIRO Aust. Oceanogr. Jan.-Dec. 1957 of Australia Stn List 33. 1958. DERWENT HUNTER CSIRO; South of Australia 38 T, S, 02 No 09—745 Originator CSIRO Aust. Oceanogr. Mar.-May1957 Stn List 37. 1959. Fixed Coastal Station CSIRO; Bass Strait 10 T, S, 02, N3 No 09-843 Originator CSIRO Aust. Oceanogr. Jan.—Dec. 1958 Stn List 40. 1958. Fixed Coastal Station CSIRO; Bass Strait 8 T, S, P0,, N3 No 09-880 Originator CSIRO Aust. Oceanogr. Jan.—Dec. 1959 Stn List 45. 1960. DIAMANTINA, DM 1/59 CSIRO; South of Australia 1-2 2 T, S, 02 Yes 09-001 Originator CSIRO Aust. Oceanogr. Cruise July 1959 Rep. No. 1. Melbourne. 1962. DIAMANTINA, DM 2/59 CSI R0; West of Australia 3-134 51 T, S, 02 Yes 09-001 Originator CSIRO Aust. Oceanogr. Cruise Oct-Nov. 1959 Rep. No. 1. Melbourne. 1962. DIAMANTINA, DM 1/60 CSIRO; South and Southwest 1-114 55 T, S, 02, P04 Yes 09-002 Originator CSIRO Aust. Oceanogr. Cruise Feb-Mar. 1960 of Australia Rep. No.2. Melbourne. 1962. DIAMANTINA, DM 2/60 CSIRO; North of Australia; 115-349 86 T, S, 0:, P0, Yes 09-004 Originator CSIRO Aust. Oceanogr. Cruise July-Sept.1960 Australia to Sumatra Rep. No.3. Melbourne. 1963. DIAMANTINA, DM 3/60 CSIRO; West of Australia 350-441 20 T, S, 03, P0,, TP, N3 Yes 09-003 Originator CSIRO Aust. Oceanogr. Cruise Oct-Nov. 1960 Rep. No.4. Melbourne. 1962. GASCOYNE, G 1/61 CSIRO; Tasman Sea 1—5 4 T, S, 0:, P0,, N3 No 09-008 Originator CSIRO Aust. Oceanogr. Cruise Jan. 1961 Rep. No.8. Melbourne. 1963. 1O INTRODUCTION Expedition Institution No. of Official NODC and/or Ship and Station Stations llOE Cruise Data Source and Cruise No. Cruise Dates General Area Numbers Used Observations Taken Cruise Number for Atlas Publication Information DIAMANTINA, DM 1/61 CSIRO; South and Southwest 8-48 16 T, S, 02, P04, TP, N3 Yes 09-007 Originator CSlRO Aust. Oceanogr. Cruise Feb.-Mar. 1961 of Australia Rep. No. 7. Melbourne. 1963. GASCOYN E, G 2/61 CSIRO; South of Australia 43-195 114 T, S, 02, P04, N3 Yes 09-039 Originator CSIRO Aust. Oceanogr. Cruise Feb.-Mar. 1961 Rep. No. 10. Melbourne. 1966. DIAMANTINA, DM 2/61 CSIRO; North of Australia 49-140 41 T, S, 02, P04, TP, N3 Yes 09-009 Originator CSIRO Aust. Oceanogr. Cruise May-June 1961 Rep. No. 9. Melbourne. 1963. DIAMANTINA, DM 3/61 CSIRO; North and West of 141-193 48 T, S, 02, P04, TP, N3 Yes 09-032 Originator CSIRO Aust. Oceanogr. Cruise July-Aug. 1961 Australia Rep. No. 11. Melbourne. 1964. DIAMANTINA, DM 1/62 CSIRO; Northwest of 1-43 42 T, S, 02, P04, TP, N3 Yes 09-030 Originator CSIRO Aust. Oceanogr. Cruise Feb.-Mar. 1962 Australia Rep. No. 14. Melbourne. 1964. GASCOYNE, G 2/62 CSIRO; South of Australia 79-123 33 T, S, 02, P04, TP, N3 Yes Originator CSlRO Aust. Oceanogr. Cruise July 1962 Rep. No. 16. Melbourne. 1967. DIAMANTINA, DM 2/62 CSIRO; Perth to Sumatra 44-101 49 T, S, 02, P04, TP, N3 Yes 09-029 Originator CSIRO Aust. Oceanogr. Cruise July-Aug. 1962 Rep. No. 15. Melbourne. 1964. GASCOYN E, G 3/62 CSIRO; South of Australia 149-173 16 T, S, 02 Yes Originator CSlRO Aust. Oceanogr. Cruise Aug. 1962 Rep. No. 16. Melbourne. 1967. GASCOYN E, G 4/62 CSIRO; Java to Perth 181-216 35 T, S, 02, P04, TP, N3 Yes 09-012 Originator CSIRO Aust. Oceanogr. Cruise Aug-Sept. 1962 Rep. No. 17. Melbourne. 1966. DIAMANTINA, DM 3/62 CSIRO; West and Southwest 102-125 16 T, S, 02, P04, TP, N3 Yes Originator CSIRO Aust. Oceanogr. Cruise Sept-Oct. 1962 of Australia Rep. No. 18. Melbourne. 1966. DlAMANTl NA, DM 4/62 CSIRO; Australia to Java 126-161 36 T, S, 02, P04, TP, N3 Yes 09-013 Originator CSIRO Aust. Oceanogr. Cruise Oct.-Nov. 1962 Rep. No. 20. Melbourne. 1967. GASCOYNE, G 1/63 CSIRO; Australia to Java 1-35 31 T, S, 02, P04, TP, N3 Yes 09-034 Originator CSIRO Aust. Oceanogr. Cruise Jan-Feb. 1963 Rep. No.21. Melbourne. 1965. GASCOYN E, G 2/63 CSIRO; South of Australia 36-74 38 T, S, 02, PO, Yes 09-035 Originator CSlRO Aust. Oceanogr. Cruise Mar. 1963 Rep. No. 22. Melbourne. 1967. DIAMANTINA, DM 1/63 CSIRO; Australia to Java 1-54 36 T, S, 02, P04, TP, N3 Yes 09-036 Originator CSIRO Aust. Oceanogr. Cruise Mar.-Apr. 1963 Rep. No.23. Melbourne. 1965. DIAMANTINA, DM 2/63 CSIRO; Australia to Java 55—88 33 T, S, 02, P04, TP, N3 Yes 09-037 Originator CSIRO Aust. Oceanogr. Cruise May-June 1963 Rep. No.24. Melbourne. 1965. DIAMANTINA, DM 3/63 CSIRO; West of Australia 89-123 31 T, S, 02, P04, TP, N3 Yes 09-038 Originator CSIRO Aust. Oceanogr. Cruise July-Aug. 1963 Rep. No. 25. Melbourne. 1965. DIAMANTINA, DM 5/63 CSIRO; West and North of 146-172 22 T, S, 02, P04, TP, N3 Yes Originator CSIRO Aust. Oceanogr. Cruise Sept. 1963 Australia Rep. No. 28. Melbourne. (In press) DIAMANTINA, DM 6/63 CSIRO; West of Australia 173-225 13 T, S, 02, P04, N3 Yes Originator CSIRO Aust. Oceanogr. Cruise Oct. 1963 Rep. No.30. Melbourne. 1969. 11 12 TABLE F CONTINUED Expedition Institution No. of Official NODC and/or Ship and Station Stations IIOE Cruise Data Source and Cruise No. Cruise Dates General Area Numbers Used Observations Taken Cruise Number for Atlas Publication Information DIAMANTI NA, DM 1/64 CSI RO; West of Australia 1-61 47 T, S, 02, P04 Yes Originator CSIRO Aust. Oceanogr. Cruise Jan.-Feb. 1964 Rep. No.33. Melbourne. 1969. GASCOYNE, G 2/64 CSIRO; South of Australia 81-115 35 T, S, 02 Yes Originator CSIRO Aust. Oceanogr. Cruise Feb. 1964 Rep. No.34. Melbourne. 1967. DIAMANTINA, DM 2/64 CSIRO; Australia to 62-99 38 T, S, 02, P04, TP, N3 Yes Originator CSIRO Aust. Oceanogr. Cruise Mar.-Apr.1964 Andaman Sea Rep. No.36. Melbourne. 1967. DIAMANTINA, DM 3/64 CSIRO; South of Java; 149-170 14 T, S, 02, P04, TP, N3 Yes Originator CSIRO Aust. Oceanogr. Cruise June 1964 Gulf of Thailand Rep. No. 37. Melbourne. (In preparation) DIAMANTINA, DM 4/64 CSIRO; West of Australia 171-209 39 T, S, 02, P04 Yes Originator CSIRO Aust. Oceanogr. Cruise July 1964 Rep. No.38. Melbourne. 1969. GASCOYN E, G 5/64 CSIRO; Gulf of Carpenteria 194-234 41 T, S, 02, P04, TP, N3 Yes Originator CSIRO Aust. Oceanogr. Cruise Aug. 1964 Rep. No.41. Melbourne. 1968. DIAMANTINA, DM 5/64 CSIRO; Australia to Java 210-224 15 T, S, 02, P04, TP Yes Originator CSI R0 Aust. Oceanogr. Cruise Aug-Sept. 1964 Rep. No.40. Melbourne . 1968. GASCOYN E, G 2/65 CSIRO; South of Australia 1-45 44 T, S, 02, P04 Yes Originator CSIRO Aust. Oceanogr. Cruise Feb. 1965 Rep. No.43. Melbourne. 1968. GASCOYNE, G 5/65 CSIRO; South of Australia 212-249 38 T, S, 02, P04 Yes Originator CSIRO Aust. Oceanogr. Cruise Mar.-Apr. 1965 Rep. No. 46. Melbourne. 1967. DIAMANTINA, DM 1/65 CSIRO; Australia to India 1-95 92 T, S, 02, P04, TP, N3 Yes Originator CSIRO Aust. Oceanogr. Cruise Apr.—June 1965 to Mauritius to Rep. No. 47. Melbourne. (In Australia preparation) DIAMANTINA, DM 2/65 CSIRO; West of Australia 97-139 34 T, S, 02, P04, TP, N3 Yes Originator CSIRO Aust. Oceanogr. Cruise July 1965 Rep. No.49. Melbourne. 1969. DIAMANTINA, DM 3/65 CSIRO; West of Australia 140-186 38 T, S, 02, P04, TP, N3 Yes Originator CSIRO Aust. Oceanogr. Cruise Oct-Nov. 1965 Rep. No. 51. Melbourne. 1969. DIAMANTINA, DM 1/66 CSIRO; West of Australia 1-72 58 T, S, 02, P04, N3 N0 Originator CSIRO Aust. Oceanogr. Cruise Mar. 1966 Rep. No.53. Melbourne. 1969. DIAMANTINA, DM 2/66 CSIRO; South of Australia 85-133 49 T, S, 02, P0,, No Originator CSIRO Aust. Oceanogr. Cruise Apr. 1966 Rep. No.54. Melbourne. 1969. DIAMANTINA, DM 3/66 CSIRO; Perth to Sumatra 134-199 59 T, S, 02, P04, TP No Originator CSIRO Aust. Oceanogr. Cruise May-June1966 Rep. No. 55. Melbourne. (In preparation) DENMARK DANA EXPEDITION, Danish Commission for Cape Town to Ceylon 3668-3973 95 T, S, 02, P04, N3 No 26-009 NODC Thomsen, H. (Introduction). DANA Investigation of the Sea; Mar. 1929-Jan. 1930 to Indonesian waters; North of Australia Hydrological observations made during the DANA Expedition 1928-1930. DANA Rep. 2, 12. Carlsberg Foundation, Copenhagen. 1937. TABLE F CONTINUED INTRODUCTION Expedition Institution No. of Official NODC and/or Ship and Station Stations IIOE Cruise Data Source . _ and Cruise No. Cruise Dates General Area Numbers Used Observations Taken Cruise Number for Atlas Publication Information DANISH DEEP-SEA Danish Government’s Cape Town to Ceylon; 175-564 66 T, S, 02 No 26-014 NODC GA_LATI-I EA Report, Vol. I. ' EXPEDITION, Special Committee Indonesian waters; Scuentiflc Resultsof the Danish GALATH EA of the Expedition; North of Australia Deep-Sea Expeditlon round the Jan.-Dec. 1951 World 1950-52. The Galathea Committee, Copenhagen. 1957. FRANCE COM MANDANT CHARCOT Marine Nationale; Gulf of Aden to 11-42 32 T, S No 35-712 NODC Liste des stations hydroliques Apr. 1949-May 1950 Australia; profondes de la Marine Antarctic waters Nationale, dans I’Océan Indien et dans I’Océan Antarctique (Campagnes 1948-1949 et 1949-1950). Bull. d’lnf., COEC 3:473-479. (Unknown) Oct. 1950-Sept. 1951 Madagascar Channel 1-5; 9 T, S No 35-708 NODC 1-2 LAPIéROUSE Marine Nationale; Madagascar to India 1-13 14 T, S No 35-579 NODC Bull. d’lnf., COEC IX Année, May 1955-Mar. 1956 No. 10. 1957. NORSEL Marine Nationale; Gulf of Aden to 2-11; 19 T, S No 35-842 NODC Bull. d’lnf., COECXAnnée, Nov. 1955-Feb.1956 Mauritius; Central 21-29 No.3. 1958. Indian Ocean LAPF.ROUSE Marine Nationale; North of Madagascar; 1-9 9 T, S No 35-902 NODC Cahiers Océanographiques, Jan.Mar. 1957 Gulf of Aden Xlll Année, No.7. 1961. COMMANDANT R. GIRAUD Office de la Recherche Madagascar Channel 265 63 T, S No 35-006 NODC Cahiers Océanographiques, Scientifique et XVe Année, No. 4. Avril 1963. Technique Outre-Mer; Oct-Nov. 1957 COM MANDANT R. GIRAUD Office de la Recherche Madagascar Channel 4 T, S, 02, P04 No 35-771 NODC Cahiers Océanographiques, Scientifique et XV Année n°. 4 Avril 1963. Technique Outre-Mer; (1957 data only; 1958 data Oct. 1957-Feb. 1958 unpublished.) NORSEL Marine Nationale; Australia to Java 36-48 13 T, S No 35-872 NODC Cahiers Océanographiques, March 1958 Xll Année, No.6. 1960. LAPEROUSE Marine Nationale; Madagascar to 22 T, S No 35-871 NODC Cahiers Océanographiques, Oct. 1958-Feb. 1959 Somaliland Xlll Année, No.6. 1961. NORSEL Muséum National Bay of Bengal and 49-63 15 T, S Yes 35-009 NODC Cahiers Océanographiques, d’Histoire Naturelle; south XVll Année, No. 3. 1965. Feb.-Mar. 1959 COMMANDANT R. GIRAUD, Muséum National Madagascar 66-183 117 T, S Yes 35-010 NODC Unpublished R.G. ll d’Histoire Naturelle; Channel; off July-Sept. 1960 Somaliland; Gulf of Aden COMMANDANT R. GIRAUD, Muséum National Arabian Sea; 184-281 98 T, S Yes 35-011 NODC Unpublished R.G. |l| d’Histoire Naturelle; Persian Gulf; Apr.-June 1961 Gulf of Aden 13 TABLE F CONTINUED Expedition Institution No. of Official NODC and/or Ship and Station Stations IIOE Cruise Data Source and Cruise No. Cruise Dates General Area Numbers Used Observations Taken Cruise Number for Atlas Publication Information COMMANDANT R. GIRAUD, Muséum National Gulf of Aden; 282-396 115 T, S Yes 35-013 NODC Cahiers Océanographiques, R.G. IV d’Histoire Naturelle; off Somaliland; XVII Année, No.3. 1965. July-Oct. 1962 Madagascar Channel COMMAN DANT R. GIRAUD, Muséum National Red Sea; 397-515 119 T, 8 Yes 35-012 NODC Cahiers Océanographiques, R.G. V d’Histoire Naturelle; Gulf of Aden XVII Année, No.3. 1965. Dec. 1962-Feb. 1963 GERMANY PLANET Deutsche Seewarte South Africa to 54-207 14 T, S, 02 No 06-049 NODC Brennecke, W- Ozeanographie. Hamburg; Sumatra In Forschungsreise S.M.S. Apr.-Oct. 1906 PLAN ET 1906/07. Ann. Hydrogr., 3. Berlin. 1909. METEOR Notgemeinschaft der Off South Africa 17-139 17 T, S, 02, P04, N3, pH No 06-004 NODC Bohnecke, G., and G. Wiist. Deutschen Wissenschaft; Das ozeanographische July 1925-Mar. 1926 Beobachtungsmaterial (Serienmessungen). Wiss. Erg. d. D.A.E. auf Verm.— u. Forschungsschiff METEOR 1925-1927, 4, II TeiI. Berlin. 1932. METEOR Institut fiir Meereskunde Northwestern Indian 23-241 144 T, S, 02, P04, TP, Yes 06-007 NODC Dietrich, G., W. Dijing, der Universitéit Kiel; Ocean N2, N3, Si, pH K. Grasshoff and P. H. Koske. Nov. 1964-Mar. 1965 Physikalische und chemische Daten nach Beobachtungen des Forschungsschiffes METEOR im Indischen Ozean 1964/65. METEOR Forschungsergeb- nisse, Reihe A, No.2, IV. Berlin. 1966. METEOR Institut fu'r Meereskunde Persian Gulf 251-382 114 T, S, 02, P04, Si, pH Yes 06-008 NODC Dietrich, G., W. Dijing, der Universitét Kiel; K. Grasshoff and P. H. Koske. Man-Apr. 1965 Physikalische und chemische Daten nach Beobachtungen des Forschungsschiffes METEOR im Indischen Ozean 1964/65. METEOR Forschungsergeb- nisse, Reihe A, No.2, IV. Berlin. 1966. INDIA EXPEDITION 1, Central Marine South of India 1188-1231 22 T, S, 02 Yes 41-003 NODC Unpublished VARUNA, Fisheries Institute; 80-V.17 Sept-Oct. 1962 KISTNA, National Institute Arabian Sea 1-32 31 T, S, 02 Yes 41-001 NODC Cruise 0 of Oceanography; Sept-Oct. 1962 EXPEDITION 2, Central Marine Southwest of India 1233-1264 17 T, S, 02 Yes 41-004 NODC Unpublished VARUNA, Fisheries Institute; 81-V.18 Oct. 1962 14 TABLE F CONTINUED INTRODUCTION Expedition Institution No. of Cruise NODC and/or Ship and Station Stations Official Cruise Data Source and Cruise No. Cruise Dates General Area Numbers Used Observations Taken IIOE Number for Atlas Publication Information KISTNA, National Institute Arabian Sea 33-60 26 T, S, 02 Yes 41-001 NODC Cruise 1 of Oceanography; Oct. 1962 EXPEDITION 3, Central Marine West of India 1266-1316 26 T, S, 02 Yes 41-005 NODC Unpublished VARUNA, Fisheries Institute; 82-V.19 Nov. 1962 EXPEDITION 4, Central Marine West of India 1317 1 T, S, 02 Yes 41-005 NODC Unpublished VARUNA, Fisheries Institute; 83-V.19 Nov. 1962 KISTNA, National Institute Arabian Sea 61-79 19 T, S, 02 Yes 41-001 NODC Station Data and Displacement Cruise 2 of Oceanography; Volumes of Plankton Samples Nov. 1962 in International Collection from the IIOE. Indian Ocean Biol. Centre, NIO, CSIR. Ernakulam-6, Kerala State, India. EXPEDITION 3, Central Marine West of India 1318-1319 2 T, S, 02 Yes 41-005 NODC Unpublished VARUNA, Fisheries Institute; 83-V.20 Nov. 1962 KISTNA, National Institute Arabian Sea 80-101 22 T, S, 02 Yes 41-001 NODC Station Data and Displacement Cruise 3 of Oceanography; Volumes of Plankton Samples Nov.-Dec. 1962 in International Collection from the IIOE. Indian Ocean Biol. Centre, NIO, CSIR. Ernakulam-6, Kerala State, India. EXPEDITION 4, Central Marine West of India 1320-1361 22 T, S, 02 Yes 41-005 NODC Unpublished VARUNA, Fisheries Institute; 83—V.20 Nov.-Dec. 1962 EXPEDITION 5, Central Marine West of India 1362-1400 19 T, S, Oz Yes 41-005 NODC Unpublished VARUNA, Fisheries Institute; 84-V.21 Dec. 1962 KISTNA, National Institute Southwest of India 102-119 17 T, S, 02, P04 Yes 41-002 NODC Station Data and Displacement Cruise 4 of Oceanography; Volumes of Plankton Samples Jan. 1963 in International Collection from the IIOE. Indian Ocean Biol. Centre, NIO, CSIR. Ernakulam-6, Kerala State, India. EXPEDITION 6, Central Marine West of India 1405-1438 17 T, S, 02 Yes 41-006 NODC Unpublished VARUNA, Fisheries Institute; 85-V.22 Jan. 1963 KISTNA, National Institute South of India; 125-146 21 T, 8, P04 Yes 41-002 NODC Station Data and Displacement Cruise 5 of Oceanography; Bay of Bengal Volumes of Plankton Samples Feb. 1963 in International Collection from the IIOE. Indian Ocean Biol. Centre, NIO, CSIR. Ernakulam-6, Kerala State, India. 15 16 TABLE F CONTINUED Expedition Institution No. of Official NODC and/or Ship and Station Stations IIOE Cruise Data Source . _ ' and Cruise No. Cruise Dates General Area Numbers Used Observations Taken Cruise Number for Atlas Publication Information KISTNA, National Institute Bay of Bengal 147-181 31 T, S, 02, P04 Yes 41-002 NODC Station Data and Displacement Cruise 6 of Oceanography; Volumes of Plankton Samples Feb.-Mar. 1963 in International Collection from the IIOE. Indian Ocean Biol. Centre, NIO, CSIR. Ernakulam-6, Kerala State, India. KISTNA, National Institute Bay of Bengal 186-195 10 T, S, 02, P04 Yes 41-002 NODC Station Data and Displacement Cruise 7 of Oceanography; Volumes of Plankton Samples Mar. 1963 in International Collection from the IIOE. Indian Ocean Biol. Centre, NIO, CSIR. Ernakulam-G, Kerala State, India. KISTNA, National Institute West of India 197-220 22 T, S, 02 Yes 41-007 NODC Cruise 8 of Oceanography; June 1963 KISTNA, National Institute West of India 221-228 8 T, S, 02 Yes 41-007 NODC Cruise 9 of Oceanography; July 1963 KISTNA, National Institute South of India 243-255 13 T, S, 02 Yes 41-008 NODC Station Data and Displacement Cruise 10 of Oceanography; Volumes of Plankton Samples July 1963 in International Collection from the IIOE. Indian Ocean Biol. Centre, NIO, CSIR. Ernakulam-6, Kerala State, India. KISTNA, National Institute West of India 256-280 24 T, S Yes 41-008 NODC Station Data and Displacement Cruise 11 of Oceanography; Volumes of Plankton Samples July 1963 in International Collection from the IIOE. Indian Ocean Biol. Centre, NIO, CSIR. Ernakulam-6, Kerala State, India. KISTNA, National Institute Arabian Sea 281-291 10 T, S, 02 Yes 41-008 NODC Station Data and Displacement Cruise 12 of Oceanography; Volumes of Plankton Samples Aug. 1963 in International Collection from the IIOE. Indian Ocean Biol. Centre, NIO, CSIR. Ernakulam-6, Kerala State, India. KISTNA, National Institute Southwest of India 292-314 23 T, S, 02 Yes 41-008 NODC Station Data and Displacement Cruise 13 of Oceanography; Volumes of Plankton Samples Aug. 1963 in International Collection from the IIOE. Indian Ocean Biol. Centre, NIO, CSIR. Ernakulam-6, Kerala State, India. KISTNA, National Institute Bay of Bengal 315-352 36* T, S, 02 Yes 41-008 NODC Station Data and Displacement Cruise 14 of Oceanography; Volumes of Plankton Samples Sept. 1963 in International Collection from the IIOE. Indian Ocean Biol. Centre, NIO, CSIR. Ernakulam-6, Kerala State, India. * Only 8 of these stations (316, 317, 318, 322, 324, 325, 326, 340) are included in NODC #41-008. The other 28 stations were obtained from the originator. TABLE F CONTINUED INTRODUCTION Expedition Institution No. of Official NODC and/or Ship and Station Stations IIOE Cruise Data Source and Cruise No. Cruise Dates General Area Numbers Used Observations Taken Cruise Number for Atlas Publication Information VARUNA, Central Marine West of India 2003-2014 12 T, S, 02 Yes 41-006 NODC Unpublished 104V-41 Fisheries Institute; Nov. 1963 VARUNA, Central Marine West of India 2037-2046 10 T, S, 02 Yes 41-006 NODC Unpublished 106V-43 Fisheries Institute; Dec. 1963 KISTNA, National Institute Bay of Bengal 356-377 21 T, S, 02 Yes Originator Station Data and Displacement Cruise 15 of Oceanography; Volumes of Plankton Samples June 1964 in International Collection from the IIOE. Indian Ocean Biol. Centre, NIO, CSIR. Ernakulam—6, Kerala State, India. KISTNA, National Institute Bay of Bengal 383-410 26 T, S, 02 Yes Originator Station Data and Displacement Cruise 16 of Oceanography; Volumes of Plankton Samples June-July1964 in International Collection from the IIOE. Indian Ocean Biol. Centre, NIO, CSIR. Ernakulam-6, Kerala State, India. KISTNA, National Institute Bay of Bengal 431-439 8 T, S, 02 Yes Originator Station Data and Displacement Cruise 17 of Oceanography; Volumes of Plankton Samples July 1964 in International Collection from the IIOE. Indian Ocean Biol. Centre, NIO, CSIR. Ernakulam-6, Kerala State, India. KISTNA, National Institute Andaman Sea 512-517 6 T, S, 02 Yes Originator Unpublished Cruise 19 of Oceanography; Aug. 1964 KISTNA, National Institute Bay of Bengal 530-540 10 T, S, 02 Yes Originator Unpublished Cruise 20 of Oceanography; Sept. 1964 KISTNA, National Institute Bay of Bengal 541-565 12 T, S, 02 Yes Originator Unpublished Cruise 21 of Oceanography; Jan. 1965 KISTNA, National Institute East and South of 570-611 17 T, S, 02 Yes Originator Unpublished Cruise 22 of Oceanography; India Jan.-Feb. 1965 KISTNA, National Institute West of India 646-665 8 T, S, 02 Yes Originator Unpublished Cruise 25 of Oceanography; Mar. 1965 KISTNA, National Institute South and East of 680-704 7 T, S, 02 Yes Originator Unpublished Cruise 26 of Oceanography; India Apr. 1965 KISTNA, National Institute Bay of Bengal 715-728 14 T, S, 02 Yes Originator Unpublished Cruise 27 of Oceanography; Apr. 1965 KISTNA, National Institute Bay of Bengal 733-764 11 T, S, 02 Yes Originator Unpublished Cruise 28 of Oceanography; Apr.-June 1965 17 18 TABLE F CONTINUED Expedition Institution No. of Official NODC and/or Ship and Station Stations IIOE Cruise Data Source and Cruise No. Cruise Dates General Area Numbers Used Observations Taken Cruise Number for Atlas Publication Information INDONESIA SAMUDERA Lembaga Penelitian Indonesian waters 1-32 30 T, S, 02 No 42-794 NODC Penejelidikan Laut di Laut; Indonesia, No.2. 1956. Jan.-July 1956 SAMUDERA Lembaga Penelitian Sunda Strait; 35-106 72 T, S, 02 No 42-795 NODC Penejelidikan Laut di Laut; North of Australia Indonesia, No.3. 1957. Feb-Aug. 1957 SAMUDERA Lembaga Penelitian Malacca Strait 67-98 31 T, S, 02 No 42-795 NODC Penejelidikan Laut di Laut; Indonesia, No.4. 1959. Oct-Nov. 1957 JALANIDHI, Lembaga Penelitian Southwest of 1-15 7 T, S, 02, P04 Yes 42-796 NODC Penelitian Laut di Indonesia Cruise 1 Laut; Sumatra (In preparation). June 1963 JALANIDHI, Lembaga Penelitian Southwest of 16-30 7 T, S, 02 Yes 42-796 NODC Penelitian Laut di Indonesia Cruise 2 Laut; Sumatra (In preparation). June 1963 JALANIDHI, Lembaga Penelitian Southwest of 31-54 20 T, S, 02 Yes 42-796 NODC Penelitian Laut di Indonesia Cruise 3 Laut; Sumatra (In preparation). Aug. 1963 JALANIDHI, Lembaga Penelitian Southwest of 55-69 9 T, S, 02 Yes 42-796 NODC Penelitian Laut di Indonesia Cruise 4 Laut; Sumatra (In preparation). Sept. 1963 JAPAN HISYO-MARU The Imperial Fisheries Off Northwest Coast 1-48 48 T, S, 02, pH No 49-515 NODC Oceanographical Investigation Experimental Station; of Australia No. 59, Semi-Annual Report, July-Aug. 1936 JuIy-December1936. The Imperial Fisheries Experimental Station. KAIYO-MARU Hydrographic Department, Andaman Sea; South 4-7 4 T, S No 49-010 NODC Hydrographic Bulletin No.74, Japan Maritime Safety China Sea; North of Oct. 1963. Hydrographic Agency; Australia Department, Maritime Safety June 1942 Agency of Japan. HAKUYO-MARU Hydrographic Department, South China Sea; 17-113 76 T, S No 49-010 NODC Hydrographic Bulletin No.74, Japan Maritime Safety Java Sea Oct. 1963. Hydrographic Agency; Department, Maritime Safety Oct-Dec. 1942 Agency of Japan. HISYO-MARU Hydrographic Department, Indonesian waters 1-38; 69 T, S No 49-010 NODC Hydrographic Bulletin No.74, Japan Maritime Safety 1-27; Oct. 1963. Hydrographic Agency; 1-5 Department, Maritime Safety Oct-Dec. 1942 Agency of Japan. OSHORO-MARU Faculty of Fisheries, South of Java 1-10 10 T, S No 49-400 NODC Data Record of Oceanographic Hokkaido University; Jan-Feb. 1955 Observations and Exploratory Fishing No.1. May 1957. Faculty of Fisheries, Hokkaido University. TABLE F CONTINUED INTRODUCTION Expedition Institution No. of Official NODC and/or Ship and Station Stations HOE Cruise Data Source and Cruise No. Cruise Dates General Area Numbers Used Observations Taken Cruise Number for Atlas Publication Information UMITAKA-MARU Tokyo University of Sumatra to |-1—— 77 T, S, 02, P04, Si, pH No Originator Journal of the Tokyo University Fisheries; Madagascar; off l-23; of Fisheries, Special Edition, Nov. 1956-Mar. 1957 South Africa; Cape A-l— Vol. I, Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4. 1958. Town to Antarctica A-55 and return UMITAKA-MARU, Tokyo University of North and Northwest 1-59 59 T, S, 02, P04, Si, pH Yes 49-702 NODC Journal of the Tokyo University Pre-Survey Cruise of IIOE Fisheries; of Australia; South of Fisheries, Special Edition, Nov. 1960-Jan. 1961 of Bay of Bengal VoI. VIII, No. 1. 1966. KAGOSHIMA—MARU, Kagoshima University; South of Sumatra 12-17 6 T, S, 02 Yes 49-041 NODC Cruise 61.3 Aug. 1961 and Java HOKUSEI-MARU, Hokkaido University; South of Java ' 1-16 16 T, 8 Yes 49-406 NODC Data Record of Oceanographic Cruise 11, IIOE Dec. 1961 Observations and Exploratory Fishing No.7. Faculty of Fisheries, Hokkaido University. UMITAKA-MARU Tokyo University of Antarctica to Cape 63-174 54 T, S, 02, P04, N2, Yes 49-710 NODC Journal of Tokyo University Fisheries; Town Si, pH of Fisheries, Special Edition, Dec. 1961-Jan. 1962 Vol. VII, No. 1. Mar. 1964. KAGOSHIMA—MARU, Kagoshima University; South of Java; 1-17 17 T, S, 02 Yes 49-041 NODC Cruise 62.4 July-Aug. 1962 Southwest and South of Sumatra KOYO-MARU, Fisheries College, West and Southwest 1-23; 26 T, S, 02, P04, TP, N3, Yes 49-703 NODC Data Record of Oceanographic Cruise 14, IIOE Shimonoseki University; of Sumatra RSl-RSZ; Si, pH Observations and Exploratory Nov. 1962-Jan. 1963 14A Fishing No. 1, IIOE 1962-63 and 1963-64. Nov. 1965. Shimonoseki University of Fisheries. OSHORO-MARU, Hokkaido University; Northwest of 1-72 71 T, S Yes 49-407 NODC Data Record of Oceanographic Cruise 1, IIOE Dec. 1962-Jan. 1963 Australia Observations and Exploratory Fishing No.8. March 1964. Faculty of Fisheries, Hokkaido University. UMITAKA-MARU, Tokyo University of South of India 1-20 20 T, S, 02, P04, N3, Yes 49-702 NODC Journal of the Tokyo University lst Cruise of IIOE Fisheries; Si, pH of Fisheries, Special Edition, Dec. 1962-Jan. 1963 Vol. VIII, No. 1. 1966. KOYO-MAR U, Fisheries College, West and Southwest 1-20; 22 T, S, 02, P04, TP, Yes 49-703 NODC Data Record of Oceanographic Cruise 16 Shimonoseki Univ.; of Sumatra 9A; R82 Si, pH Observations and Exploratory Nov. 1963-Jan. 1964 Fishing No. 1, IIOE 1962-63 and 1963-64. Nov.1965. Shimonoseki University of Fisheries. KAGOSHIMA-MARU, Kagoshima University; South and Southeast 1-46 46 T, S, 02, P04, TP, N2, Yes 49-704 NODC Cruise 63.3 Nov. 1963-Jan. 1964 of India N3, Si, pH UMITAKA-MARU, Tokyo University of Northwest of 1-28; 30 T, S, 03, P04, N2, N3, Yes 49-702 NODC Journal of Tokyo University 2nd Cruise of IIOE Fisheries; Australia 5A-13A Si, pH of Fisheries, Special Edition, Nov. 1963-Jan. 1964 Vol. VIII, No. 2. 1965. 19 TABLE F CONTINUED Expedition Institution No. of Official NODC and/or Ship and Station Stations HOE Cruise Data Source and Cruise No. Cruise Dates General Area Numbers Used Observations Taken Cruise Number for Atlas Publication Information OSHORO-MARU, Hokkaido University; South of Java; 1-31 31 T, 8 Yes 49-705 NODC Data Record of Oceanographic Cruise 6 Dec. 1963—Jan. 1964 off Northwest Coast Observations and Exploratory of Australia Fishing No.9. 1965. Faculty of Fisheries, Hokkaido University. OSHORO-MARU, Hokkaido University; West of Sumatra 1-29 29 T, 8 Yes Originator Data Record of Oceanographic Cruise 11 Dec. 1964-Jan. 1965 Observations and Exploratory Fishing No.10. April 1966. Faculty of Fisheries, Hokkaido University. MALAGASY REPUBLIC VAUBAN, Centre O.R.S.T.O.M. Madagascar Channel 19-60 42 T, S, 02, P04, pH No 55-001 NODC Unpublished Cruises 606, 608, 612, 613, de Nosy-Bé; 615, 618, 620, 624, May-Nov. 1966 627, 630, 632 THE NETHERLANDS SNELLIUS EXPEDITION, The Netherlands Society Indonesian waters 16-382 368 T, S, 02, pH No 64-198 NODC Van Riel, P. M., H. C. Hamaker SNELLIUS for Scientific Research; and L. van Eyck. Tables; Serial Apr. 1929-Nov. 1930 and bottom observations; Temperature, salinity, and density. SNELLIUS Expedition, 2, 6. Leiden. 1950. NORWAY LARS CHRISTENSEN Dec. 1929—Feb. 1930 Antarctic waters 1-12 12 T, S No 58-006 NODC Mosby, H. The Waters of the EXPEDITIONS, Atlantic Antarctic Ocean. NORVEGIA Scientific Results of the Norwegian Antarctic Expeditions 1927-1928 et seq., instituted and financed by Consul Lars Christensen, No. 11. Oslo. 1934. THORSHAVN Dec. 1933-Jan. 1934 Antarctic waters 1-19 19 T, S, 02 No 58-812 ‘ NODC PAKISTAN |.I.O.E., Meteorological Arabian Sea 1-24 26 T, S, 02, P04 Yes Originator UNESCO Oceanographic ZULFIQUAR, Department; Training Course for Regional ZULUN | Nov. 1964 Countries of the Indian Ocean Held in Pakistan, International Indian Ocean Expedition. Cruise Report, ZULUN I, 9 to 15 November 1964. 1965. ZULFIQUAR, University of Karachi; Arabian Sea 1-14 14 T, S, 02, P04 No Originator Haq, S. M. The Results of 2-1-1967 Mar. 1967 Oceanographic Crunse 2-1-1967 in the Northeastern Sector of the Arabian Sea on P.N.S. ZULFIQUAR. Technical Report, Marine Biology Series-1, Univ. of Karachi Publication. 1968. 20 TABLE F CONTINUED INTRODUCTION Expedition Institution No. of Official NODC and/or Ship and Station Stations IIOE Cruise Data Source ' and Cruise No. Cruise Dates General Area Numbers Used Observations Taken Cruise Number for Atlas Publication Information PORTUGAL |.I.O.E., Instituto Hidrogréfico, Madagascar Channel 1-44 45 T, S, 02, P04, Si Yes 68-001 NODC Cooperagao na Expedicao ALMIRANTE LACERDA, Servicio de Internacional ao Oceano AL 1/64 Oceanografia; lndico: Resultados das Apr.-May 1964 Observacoes Oceanogréficas no Canal de Mogambique Cruzeiro AL 1/64 Abril-Mai 1964. Publigéo do Instituto Hidrogréfico No. 1. Lisboa. 1965. |.I.O.E., Instituto Hidrografico, Madagascar Channel 1-44 45 T, S, 02, P04, N3, Si Yes 68-002 NODC Cooperagao na Expedigao ALMIRANTE LACERDA, Servicio de Internacional ao Oceano AL 2/64 Oceanografia; lndico: Resultados das Sept. 1964 Observagées Oceanogréficas no Canal de Mocambique Cruzeiro AL 2/ 64, Set-Out. 1964. Publigao do Instituto Hidrogréfico No.3. Lisboa. 1967. REPUBLIC OF SOUTH AFRICA AFRICANA II Division of Fisheries; Off South Africa 20 T, S No 91-852 NODC Twenty-Third Annual Report, May 1951 Division of Fisheries. Dept. of Commerce and Industry. Government Printer, Pretoria. 1951. AFRICANA II Division of Fisheries; Off South Africa 15 T, S, 02, P04 No 91-855 NODC Twenty-Eighth Annual Report, Feb. 1957 for the Period lst April 1956 to Blst March 1957. Dept. of Commerce and Industry. Division of Fisheries. Government Printer, Pretoria. 1958. AFRICANA II Division of Fisheries; Cape of Good Hope 3235-3463 56 T, S, 02, P04 No 91-856 NODC Twenty-Ninth Annual Report, June 1957-Mar. 1958 for the Period lst April 1957 to 3lst March 1958. Dept. of Commerce and Industry. Division of Fisheries. Government Printer, Pretoria. 1960. NATAL, Univ. of Cape Town; Off South Africa 1-16 16 T, S No Originator Hydrographic and Plankton Cruise 1 Feb.-Mar. 1958 Data Collected in the Agulhas Current during IGY. Pub. No.1. University of Cape Town. 1960. NATAL, Univ. of Cape Town; Off South Africa 17-50 34 T, S No Originator Hydrographic and Plankton Cruise 2 May 1958 Data Collected in the Agulhas Current during IGY. Pub. No. 1. University of Cape Town. 1960. NATAL, Univ. of Cape Town; Off South Africa 59-92 33 T, S No Originator Hydrographic and Plankton Cruise 3 Aug. 1958 Data Collected in the Agulhas Current during IGY. Pub. No.1. University of Cape Town. 1960. 21 22 TABLE F CONTINUED Expedition and/or Ship and Cruise No. AFRICANA ll, Natal Cruise, ’59 JOHN D. GILCHRIST AFRICANA II AFRICANA || LADY THERESA AFRICANA I I, Cruise 251 N ATAL AFRICANA || JOHN D. GILCHRIST, Cruise 46 Institution and Cruise Dates Div. of Sea Fisheries; June 1959 Univ. of Cape Town; July 1959-Aug. 1960 Div. of Sea Fisheries; Apr. 1960-Jan. 1961 Div. of Sea Fisheries; June 1960 Oceanographic Research Institute; May 1961-Mar. 1964 Div. of Sea Fisheries; June-July 1961 Univ. of Cape Town; Apr.-Oct. 1962 Div. of Sea Fisheries; June-July1962 Univ. of Cape Town; Dec. 1962 Station General Area Numbers Southwesternlndian 56-80 Ocean Of'f South Africa 121-167 625-642; 704-721; 942-959; 1023-1040 Southwest of Cape of Good Hope Southwestern Indian 673-700 Ocean Off South Africa Southwestern Indian 1224-1255 Ocean Southwesternlndian 1-129 Ocean Southwestern Indian 1876-1897 Ocean Southwesternlndian 450-460 Ocean No. of Stations Used 23 31 72 28 39 31 108 21 Observations Taken T, S, 02, P04 Ti 31 02 T, S, 02, P04 Tr s; 02 T, 8, P04, pH T) Sr 021 P04 T, S, 02 Tr Sr 02; P04 Tr Sr 02 Official IIOE Cruise No No No No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes NODC Cruise Number 91-043 91-051 91-050 91-040 91-041 91-042 Data Source for Atlas Cruise Report NODC Cruise Report Cruise Report NODC NODC NODC NODC NODC Publication Information Thirty-First Annual Report, for the Period 1st April 1959 to 3lst March 1960. Division of Sea Fisheries. Dept. of Commerce and Industries. Government Printer, Pretoria. 1963. Hydrographic and Plankton Observations Made during Cruises on Board the JOHN D. GILCHRIST, 1959-1960. Pub. No.2. University of Cape Town. 1961. Thirty-Second Annual Report, for the Period lst April 1960 to 3lst March 1961. Division of Sea Fisheries. Dept. of Commerce and Industries. Government Printer, Pretoria. 1964. Thirty-Second Annual Report, for the Period lst April 1960 to 3lst March 1961. Division of Sea Fisheries. Dept. of Commerce and Industries. Government Printer, Pretoria. 1964. Unpublished Orren, M. J. Hydrological Observations in the South West Indian Ocean. Investigation Rept. No. 45, Commerce and Industries. Division of Sea Fisheries. Cape Town. 1963. Shipley, A. M., and P. Zoutendyk. Hydrographic and Plankton Data Collected in the South West during the SCOR International Indian Ocean Expedition, 1962-63. DATA Rept. No. 2, Institute of Oceanography. University of Cape Town. 1964. Unpublished Data Report No. 3 (1960-1965). Institute of Oceanography, University of Cape Town. TABLE F CONTINUED INTRODUCTION Expedition Institution No. of Official NODC and/or Ship and Station Stations IIOE Cruise Data Source and Cruise No. Cruise Dates General Area Numbers Used Observations Taken Cruise Number for Atlas Publication Information NATAL Univ. of Cape Town; Southwestern Indian 142-178 37 T, S, 02 Yes 91-044 NODC Shipley, A. M., and Jan. 1963 Ocean P. Zoutendyk. Hydrographic and Plankton Data Collected during the SCOR Indian Ocean Expedition, 1962-63. DATA Rept. No.2, Institute of Oceanography. University of Cape Town. 1964. AFRICANA ll, Div. of Sea Fisheries; Southwestern Indian 2386-2410 13 T, S, 02 Yes 91-049 NODC Unpublished Cruise 273 Apr. 1963 Ocean NATAL Univ. of Cape Town; Off South Africa 1-9 7 T, S, 02, P04 Yes 91-174 NODC Data Report No. 3 (1960-1965). July 1963 Institute of Oceanography, University of Cape Town. AFRICANA ll, Div. of Sea Fisheries; Southwestern Indian 1-21 20 T, S, 02, P04, pH Yes 91-936 NODC Unpublished Cruise 285 Mar. 1964 Ocean FRANK HARVEY, National Physical Off South Africa 2-8 51 T, S No Originator Cruise 1 Research Laboratory; Jan.-Feb. 1966 R. K. FRAAY National Physical Off South Africa 1-10 36 T, S No Originator Research Laboratory; June 1966 R. K. FRAAY National Physical Off South Africa 10-90 103 T, S No Originator Research Laboratory; Oct-Nov. 1966 SWEDEN SWEDISH DEEP-SEA Feb.-May 1948 Red Sea to Banda 173-254 26 T, S, 02, P04, Si, pH No 77-418 NODC Bruneau, L., N. G. Jerlov, and EXPEDITION, Sea F. F. Koczy. Physicaland ALBATROSS chemical methods. Reports of the Swedish Deep-Sea Expedition, Vol. III, Physics and Chemistry, No.4. 1953. THAILAND V9 Royal Thai Navy; Gulf of Thailand 75 T, S No 86-001 NODC Unpublished Dec. 1956-Jan. 1957 V1 Royal Thai Navy Gulf of Thailand 155 T, S No 86-001 NODC Unpublished Man-Sept. 1957 V2 Royal Thai Navy; Gulf of Thailand 341 T, S No 86-001 NODC Unpublished Apr.-Nov. 1957 01 Thai Fisheries Andaman Sea 1-69 62 T, S, 02 Yes Originator Unpublished Department; Dec. 1963-Jan. 1964 T2 Thai Fisheries Andaman Sea; 222 T, S, 02 No Originator Unpublished Department; South China Sea Nov. 1966-May 1967 T2 Thai Fisheries North and West of 27 T, S, 02 No Originator Unpublished Department; Sumatra Dec. 1966-Apr. 1967 23 TABLE F CONTINUED Expedition Institution No. of Official NODC and/or Ship and Station Stations IIOE Cruise Data Source and Cruise No. Cruise Dates General Area Numbers Used Observations Taken Cruise Number for Atlas Publication Information UNION OF SOVIET SOCIALIST REPUBLICS I.G.Y., USSR Academy of Gulf of Aden to 1-52; 106 T, S, 02, P04, N2, N3, No 90-830 NODC Hydrological, Hydrochemical, OB, Sciences; Arctic and Antarctica; 91-150 Si, pH Geological and Biological Cruise 1 Antarctic Research Antarctica to Studies, Research Ship OB Institute; Australia 1955-56. IGY REPORTS OF Feb-June 1956 THE COMPLEX ANTARCTIC EXPEDITION. Hydro- Meteorological Publishing House, Leningrad, 1958. (In Russian.) OB, USSR Academy of Bay of Bengal to 153-329 176 T, S, 02, P04, N2, No 90-004 NODC Second Marine Expedition of Cruise 2 Sciences; Arctic and Antarctica to Si, pH Research Ship OB, 1956-1957, Antarctic Research Cape Town Materials of Observations Institute; (Soviet Antarctic Expedition, Jan.-May 1957 Vol. 6). Sea Transport Publishing House, Leningrad. 1959. (In Russian.) I.G.Y., USSR Academy of Antarctic waters 330-335 32 T, S, 02, P04, N2, No 90-005 NODC Third Marine Expedition on OB, Sciences; Arctic and Si, pH the Research Ship OB, Cruise 3 Antarctic Research 1957-1958: General Description Institute; and Scientific Results. Works Jan-Feb. 1958 of the SAE (Soviet Antarctic Expedition), Vol. 19. Sea Transport Publishing House, Leningrad. 1961. (In Russian.) I.G.Y., USSR Academy of Antarctica to 4-487—4-502; 33 T, S, 02, P04, pH No 90-029 NODC Fourth and Fifth Cruises of the OB, Sciences; Arctic and Cape Town 5-503—5-519 Research Ship OB, 1958-1960: Cruises 4 and 5 Antarctic Research Scientific Results and Institute; Materials of Observations. Sea Mar. 1959-Jan. 1960 Transport Publishing House, Leningrad. 1962. (In Russian.) VITYAZ, USSR Academy of East, Central and 4497-4736 216 T, S, 02, P04, N2, Yes 90-010 NODC Unpublished Cruise 31 Sciences; Arctic and West Indian Ocean Si, pH Antarctic Research Institute; Oct. 1959-Apr. 1960 VITYAZ, USSR Academy of Northeast, 4780-5025 188 T, S, 02, P04, N2, Yes 90-032 NODC Unpublished Cruise 33 Sciences; Arctic and Northwest, and Si, pH Antarctic Research Central Indian Institute; Ocean Oct. 1960-Mar. 1961 I.G.Y., USSR Academy of Antarctica to 527-634 108 T, S, 02, pH Yes 90-057 NODC Sixth Cruise of the Research OB, Sciences; Arctic and Cape Town Ship OB 1960-1961: Scientific Cruise 6 Antarctic Research Results and Observation Data. Institute; Dec. 1960-Apr. 1961 Works of the SAE, Vol. 39. Sea Transport Publishing House, Leningrad. 1963. (In Russian.) TABLE F CONTINUED INTRODUCTION Expedition Institution No. of Official NODC and/or Ship and Station Stations IIOE Cruise Data Source and Cruise No. Cruise Dates General Area Numbers Used Observations Taken Cruise Number for Atlas Publication Information OB, USSR Academy of Antarctic waters 645-654 10 T, S, 02, pH Yes 90-058 NODC Seventh Cruise of the Research Cruise 7 Sciences; Arctic and Ship OB, 1961-1962: Scientific Antarctic Research Results and Materials of Institute; Main Observations. Works of the Admin. of Hydro— SAE, Vol. 44. Hydro- Meteorological Service; Meteorological Publishing Dec. 1961-Apr. 1962 House, Leningrad. 1965. (In Russian.) NEVELSKOI Hydrographical Gulf of Aden; 1-23 23 T, S Yes 90-033 NODC Unpublished Service; Ceylon to Java May 1962 VITYAZ, USSR Academy of Eastern Indian 5166-5301 116 T, S, 02, P04, N2, Yes 90-034 NODC Unpublished Cruise 35 Sciences; Arctic and Ocean, Bay of Si, pH Antarctic Research Bengal, South of Institute; India July-Nov. 1962 |.|.O.E., Azcherniro; Arabian Sea 776-794 10 T, S, 02, P04, N2, Si Yes 90-035 NODC Unpublished VOROBYEV Sept. 1962 OB, USSR Academy of Antarctica to 657-702 46 T, S, 02 Yes 90-150 NODC Eighth and Ninth Cruises of the Cruise 8 Sciences; Arctic Cape Town Research Ship OB, 1962-1964: and Antarctic Research Preliminary Scientific Results Institute; Main Admin. and Materials of Observations. of Hydrometeorological Works of the SAE, Vol. 51. Service; Hydro-Meteorological Feb.-Apr. 1963 Publishing House, Leningrad. 1967. (In Russian.) |.I.O.E., Azcherniro; Arabian Sea; 987-991; 30 T, S, 02, P04, Si Yes 90-035 NODC Unpublished VOROBYEV June-Dec. 1963 Gulf of Aden 1007-1011; 1117-1121; 1231-1251 |.I.O.E., Azcherniro; Arabian and 1300-1304; 15 T, S, 02, P04, Si Yes 90-035 NODC Unpublished VOROBYEV Jan. 1964 Laccadive seas; 1322-1326; Gulf of Aden 1350-1354 l.|.O.E., Pacific Ocean Institute Bay of Bengal; 109-270 59 T, S, 02 Yes 90-133 NODC Unpublished ORLIK of Scientific Investigations West of Australia; for Fisheries and South of India Oceanography (TINRO); Jan.-Mar. 1964 OB, USSR Academy of Antarctic waters 703-719 17 T, S Yes 90-151 NODC Eighth and Ninth Cruises of Cruise 9 Sciences, Institute the Research Ship OB, 1962- of Oceanology; Arctic and Antarctic Research Institute; Jan.-Apr. 1964 1964: Preliminary Scientific Results and Materials of Observations. Works of the SAE, Vol. 51. Hydro- Meteorological Publishing House, Leningrad. 1967. (In Russian.) 25 TABLE F CONTINUED Expedition Institution No. of Official NODC and/or Ship and Station Stations HOE Cruise Data Source and Cruise No. Cruise Dates General Area Numbers Used Observations Taken Cruise Number for Atlas Publication Information VITYAZ, USSR Academy of Andaman Sea to 5304-5336 14 T, S Yes 90-864 NODC Unpublished Cruise 36 Sciences, Institute of Madagascar to Oceanology; Australia Oct. 1964-Feb. 1965 OB, USSR Academy of Antarctic waters 720-796 66 T, S, 02, P04, TP, pH Yes 90-148 NODC Unpublished Cruise 10 Sciences; Jan.-Mar. 1965 |.|.O.E., Azcherniro; Gulf of Aden; 1616-1850 94 T, S, 02, P04, N2, Si Yes 90-410 NODC Unpublished VOROBYEV, Apr.-July 1965 Madagascar Cruise 5 Channel |.|.O.E., Pacific Ocean Institute Northwest of 345 T, S, 02 Yes NODC Unpublished ORLlK of Scientific Investigations Australia; Western for Fisheries and and southern Oceanography (TINRO); Australia coasts; Apr.-Oct. 1965 West of Sumatra OB, USSR Academy of Antarctica to 802-851 52 T, S, 02, pH No 90-149 NODC Unpublished Cruise 11 Sciences; Australia to Dec. 1965-Apr. 1966 Antarctica MIKHAIL LOMONOSOV, Marine Hydrophysical Arabian Sea 66 T, S, 02, P04, pH No 90-087 NODC Unpublished Cruise 19 Institute; May-July 1966 UNITED KINGDOM DISCOVERY National Institute of Antarctica to 22-114 35 T, S, 02, P04, N2, N3, No 74-227 NODC Station List 1929-1931. Oceanography; Australia Si, pH DISCOVERY REPORTS, Vol. IV. Dec. 1929-Mar. 1931 Cambridge University Press. 1932. DISCOVERY National Institute of Southwestern Indian 422-445 24 T, S, 02, P04, pH No 74-037 NODC Station List 1929-1931. Oceanography; Ocean DISCOVERY REPORTS, Vol. IV. May 1929-Sept. 1930 Cambridge University Press. 1932. DISCOVERY National Institute of Cape Town to 844-898; 57 T, S, 02, P04, N2, No 74-038 NODC Station List 1931-1933. Oceanography; Antarctica to 1158-1163 Si, pH DISCOVERY REPORTS, Apr. 1932-Mar. 1933 Australia VOL. XXI. Cambridge University Press. 1941. DISCOVERY National Institute of Gulf of Aden 1357-1589 61 T, S, 02, P04, N2, Si No 74-039 NODC Station List 1933-1935. Oceanography; to Antarctica to DISCOVERY REPORTS, May 1934-May 1935 South Africa Vol. XXII. Cambridge University Press. 1942. WM. SCORESBY National Institute of Antarctica to 2883-2932 45 T, S No 74-041 NODC Oceanography; Cape Town Dec. 1934-Mar. 1937 DISCOVERY National Institute of South Africa to 1608-2626 259 T, S, 02, P04, N2, N3, No 74-040 NODC Station List 1935-1937. Oceanography; Australia; South Si, pH DISCOVERY REPORTS, Nov. 1935-Mar. 1939 Africa to Vol. XXIV. Cambridge Antarctica; University Press. 1946. Antarctica to Station List 1937-1939. Australia DISCOVERY REPORTS, Vol. XXIV. Cambridge University Press. 1947. 26 TABLE F CONTINUED INTRODUCTION Expedition Institution No. of Official NODC and/or Ship and Station Stations IIOE Cruise Data Source . and Cruise No. Cruise Dates General Area Numbers Used Observations Taken Cruise Number for Atlas Publication Information DAM PIER July 1948 Red Sea 6-10 5 T, S No 74-358 NODC WM. SCORESBY National Institute of Southwestern 1013-1042 8 T, S, 02 No 74-379 NODC DISCOVERY Investigations Oceanography; Indian Ocean Station List, R.R.S. WILLIAM June-Sept. 1950 SCORES BY, 1950. DISCOVERY REPORTS, Vol. XXVI: 211-258. DISCOVERY National Institute of West of Australia; 2778-2907 45 T, S, 02, P04, N2, Si No Cruise Station List 1950-1951. Oceanography; East of South Report DISCOVERY REPORTS, Jan.-Nov. 1951 Africa; South Vol.XXV|I|. Cambridge Africa to Antarctica University Press. 1957. to Bay of Bengal CHALLENGER Hydrographic Department, West of Sumatra 13-14 2 T, S No 74-633 NODC Temperature and Salinity Admiralty; Observations in the Pacific May 1952 and Indian Oceans and the Mediterranean, HMS CHALLENGER, 1950-52. Hydrographic Department, British Admiralty, London. DISCOVERY National Institute of Arabian Sea; 5006-5100 71 T, S, 02, P04, TP, Yes 74-007 NODC Oceanography; Red Sea; N2, N3, Si June-Aug. 1963 Gulf of Aden DISCOVERY National Institute of Red Sea; Arabian 5242-5570 305 T, S, 02, P04, TP, Yes 74-030 NODC International Indian Ocean Oceanography; Sea; Western N2, N3, Si, pH Expedition RRS DISCOVERY Feb-Sept. 1964 Indian Ocean Cruise 3 Report: Oceanographic Work in the Western Indian Ocean. The Royal Society. 1965. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA MAURY gfis. Naval Oceanographic Persian Gulf 59 T, S, 02 No 31-382 NODC Unpublished ice; Dec. 1949-Apr. 1950 OPERATION US. Naval Oceanographic Antarctic waters 1 T, S No 31-533 NODC Operation Deep-Freeze |. DEEP-FREEZE I, Office; HQ. #16, 331-1. US. Navy GLACIER Mar. 1956 Hydrographic Office. Oct. 1956. OPERATION US. Naval Oceanographic Antarctic waters 4 T, S No 31-563 NODC Operation Deep-Freeze II, DEEP-FREEZE II, Office; 1956-1957 Oceanographic GLACIER Feb. 1957 Survey Results. Tech. Rep. TR-29. US Navy Hydrographic Office. Oct. 1957. OPERATION US. Naval Oceanographic Antarctic waters A1-A34 6 T, S No 31-590 NODC Unpublished DEEP-FREEZE III, Office; ATKA Jan. 1958 OPERATION US. Naval Oceanographic Antarctic waters Bl-1—BI-6 6 T, S, 02 No 31-592 NODC Unpublished DEEP-FREEZE III, BURTON ISLAND Office Jan-Feb. 1958 27 TABLE F CONTINUED Expedition Institution No. of Official NODC and/or Ship and Station Stations IIOE Cruise Data Source and Cruise No. Cruise Dates General Area Numbers Used Observations Taken Cruise Number for Atlas Publication Information VEMA, Lamont Geological Red Sea; Gulf of 45-69 24 T, S, 02 No 31-834 NODC Oceanographic Data Obtained Cruise 14 Observatory, Aden in the Indian Ocean, Gulf of Columbia University; Aden and the Red Sea during Apr.-June 1958 VEMA Cruise 14 and VEMA Cruise 16. Tech Rpt., CU-10-60, AT (30-1) 1808. Lamont Geol. Obs. 1960. l.G.Y., Woods Hole Red Sea; Gulf of 5608-5646 32 T, S, 02, P04 No 31-838 NODC Oceanographic Data from ATLANTIS, Oceanographic Institution; Aden Mediterranean Sea, Red Sea, Cruise 242 May-June 1958 Gulf of Aden and Indian Ocean, ATLANTIS Cruise 242 for the IGY 1957-58. WHOI Ref. 60-2. Dec. 1959. OPERATION US. Naval Oceanographic Antarctic waters 3 T, S No 31-610 NODC Unpublished DEEP-FREEZE IV, Office; GLACIER Feb. 1959 OPERATION US. Naval Oceanographic Antarctic waters 5 T, S, 02 No 31-613 NODC Unpublished DEEP-FREEZE IV, Office; STATEN ISLAND Feb. 1959 VEMA, Lamont Geological Southwestern 40-69 23 T, S, 02 Yes 31-834 NODC Oceanographic Data Obtained Cruise 16 Observatory, and Central in the Indian Ocean, Gulf of Columbia University; Indian Ocean Aden and the Red Sea during Dec. 1959-Feb. 1960 VEMA Cruise 14 and VEMA Cruise 16. Tech Rpt., CU-10-60, AT (30-1) 1808. Lamont Geol. Obs. 1960. REQUISITE US. Naval Oceanographic Persian Gulf PG 1A-9A; 55 T, 8 Yes 31-658 NODC Results of the Persian Gulf— Office; PG 1-27 Arabian Sea Oceanographic Feb.-Mar.1960 Surveys, 1960-61. Tech. Rpt. TR-176. US. Naval Oceanographic Office. Washington, D. C. 1965. MONSOON EXPEDITION, Scripps Institution Central Indian ll-2—ll-21; 16 T, S, 02 Yes 31-181 NODC Data Report, Physical and ARGO of Oceanography; Ocean; North of III-10—III-15; Chemical Data, LIMBO Oct. 1960-Jan. 1961 Australia |V-2—IV-19; Expedition, 16 May-28 June V4 1960; TETIYS Expedition, 16 June-7 Aug. 1960, and MONSOON Expedition, 26 Aug. 1960-18 April 1961. SIO Ref. 69-1. Univ. of Calif., San Diego. 1969. REQUISITE US. Naval Oceanographic Persian Gulf; PG 1-46; 205 T, 8 Yes 31-865 NODC Results of the Persian Gulf— Office; Arabian Sea AS 1-61 Arabian Sea Oceanographic Jan.-Mar. 1961 Surveys, 1960-61. Tech. Rpt. TR-176, US. Naval Oceanographic Office. Washington, D. C. 1965. 28 TABLE F CONTINUED INTRODUCTION Expedition Institution No. of Official NODC and/or Ship and Station Stations IIOE Cruise Data Source _ and Cruise No. Cruise Dates General Area Numbers Used Observations Taken Cruise Number for Atlas Publication Information EAST WIND U.S. Naval Oceanographic India to Australia 30 T, S, 02 Yes 31-599 NODC Oceanographic Stations Taken Office; in the Indian Ocean by Mar.-Apr. 1961 USCGC EAST WIND (WAG B-279) in 1961. Tech. Rpt. TR-141. U.S. Naval Oceanographic Office. July 1963. SERRANO U.S. Naval Oceanographic Gulf of Thailand; 1-101 66 T, 8 Yes 31-639 NODC Unpublished Office; Malacca Strait Man-Apr. 1961 I.I.O.E., U.S. Naval Oceanographic Andaman Sea; 3-68 79 T, S, 02, pH Yes 31-545 NODC Naval Research Laboratory SERRANO Office; Gulf of Thailand Rpt. No. 5806. July 1962. Nov.-Dec. 1961 VEMA, Lamont Geological Antarctic waters 8-13 6 T, S Yes 31-365 NODC Unpublished Cruise 18 Observatory, Columbia University; Dec. 1961-Mar. 1962 LUSIAD II, Scripps Institution Equatorial Indian 1-97 97 T, S, 02, P04, N2, Si Yes 31-184 NODC Data Report, LUSIAD ARGO of Oceanography; Ocean Expedition 15 May 1962- JuIy-Sept. 1962 15 August 1963; Physical, Chemical and Current Measurement Data. SIO Ref. No. 68-14. Univ. of Calif., San Diego. 1968. ZEPHYRUS EXPEDITION, Scripps Institution Red Sea 55-83 18 T, S, 02 Yes 31-183 NODC Data Report, Physical and HORIZON of Oceanography; Chemical Data, RISEPAC Sept. 1962 Expedition, 7-23 Dec. 1961; PROA Expedition, 12 April- 6 July 1962; and ZEPHYRUS Expedition, 12 July-26 Sept. 1962. SIO Ref. No. 66-16. Univ. of Calif., San Diego. 1966. LUSIAD III, Scripps Institution Kerguellen to 98-128 30 T, S, 02 Yes 31-184 NODC Data Report, LUSIAD ARGO of Oceanography; Maldives; West Expedition 15 May 1962- Oct.-Dec. 1962 of Australia 15 August 1963; Physical, Chemical and Current Measurement Data. SIO Ref. No. 68-14. Univ. of Calif., San Diego. 1968. ANTON BRUUN, Woods Hole Gulf of Aden; 1-13 13 T, S, 02, P04, N2, Yes 31-199 NODC ANTON BRUUN Cruise A, Cruise A Oceanographic Institution; Arabian Sea N3, Si Aden-Bombay, Feb-March Feb.-Mar. 1963 1963. Report No.1, U.S. Program in Biology, International Indian Ocean Expedition. WHOI (undated). SERRANO U.S. Naval Oceanographic Bay of Bengal; 1-63 63 T, S, 02, P04, Si, pH Yes 31-090 NODC Unpublished Office; Northeastern Feb.-Mar. 1963 Indian Ocean 29 TABLE F CONTINUED Expedition Institution No. of Official NODC and/or Ship and Station Stations IIOE Cruise Data Source and Cruise No. Cruise Dates General Area Numbers Used Observations Taken Cruise Number for Atlas Publication Information LUSIAD V, Scripps Institution Equatorial Indian 1-105 105 T, S, 02, P04, N2 Yes 31-184 NODC Data Report, LUSIAD ARGO of Oceanography; Ocean Expedition 15 May 1962- Feb.-May 1963 15 August 1963; Physical, Chemical and Current Measurement Data. SIO Ref. No. 68-14. Univ. of Calif., San Diego. 1968. ANTON BRUUN, Woods Hole Bay of Bengal; 14-105 92 T, S, 02, P04, N2, Yes 31-199 NODC Final Cruise Report ANTON Cruise 1 Oceanographic Institution; Andaman Sea 3, Si BRUUN Cruise 1, Vol. 1, Man-May 1963 Oceanographic Data. U.S. Program in Biology, IIOE. WHOI. July 1964. ANTON BRUUN, Woods Hole Central Indian 106-144 39 T, S, 02, P04, N2, Yes 31-199 NODC Final Cruise Report ANTON Cruise 2 Oceanographic Institution; Ocean N3, Si BRUUN Cruise 2, May-July 1963 Oceanographic Data. U.S. Program in Biology, IIOE. WHOI. July 1964. LUSIAD VI, Scripps Institution Madagascar Channel H-1—H-3 3 T, S, 02 Yes 31-184 NODC Data Report, LUSIAD ARGO of Oceanography; Expedition 15 May 1962- May 1963 15 August 1963; Physical, Chemical and Current Measurement Data. SIO Ref. No. 68-14. Univ. of Calif., San Diego. 1968. ATLANTIS II, Woods Hole Red Sea; Western 38-230 193 T, S, 02, P04, TP, Yes 31-197 NODC Unpublished Cruise 8 Oceanographic Institution; and Northwestern N2, N3, Si July-Nov. 1963 Indian Ocean ANTON BRUUN, Woods Hole Western Indian 145-160 16 T, S, 02, P04, N2 Yes 31-372 NODC Final Cruise Report, ANTON Cruise 3 Oceanographic Institution; Ocean N3, i BRUUN Cruise 3, Aug.-Sept.1963 Oceanographic Data. U.S. Program in Biology, IIOE. WHOI. Jan. 1965. ANTON BRUUN, Woods Hole Mauritius to Arabia; 161-200 39 T, S, 02, P04, N2 Yes 31-372 NODC Final Cruise Report, ANTON Cruise 4A Oceanographic Institution; Arabian Sea N3, Si BRUUN Cruise 4A and 4B, Sept-Nov. 1963 Oceanographic Data. U.S. Program in Biology, IIOE. WHOI. Jan. 1965. ANTON BRUUN, Woods Hole Arabian Sea; 282-327 46 T, S, 02, P04, N2 Yes 31-577 NODC Final Cruise Report, ANTON Cruise 5 Oceanographic Institution; Western Indian N3, Si BRUUN Cruise 5; Jan.-Apr. 1964 Ocean Oceanographic Data. U.S. Program in Biology, IIOE. WHOI. Mar. 1965. PIONEER, U.S. Coast & Geodetic West of Sumatra 2-61 60 T, S, 02, Si Yes 31-201 NODC Data Report: Oceanographic ORR-442 Survey; Stations, BT Observations and Apr.-June 1964 Bottom Samples, Vol. 2, IIOE. USC&GS Ship PIONEER. ESSA. 1964. 30 TABLE F CONTINUED INTRODUCTION Expedition Institution No. of Official NODC and/or Ship and Station Stations HOE Cruise Data Source and Cruise No. Cruise Dates General Area Numbers Used Observations Taken Cruise Number for Atlas Publication Information ANTON BRUUN, Woods Hole Western Indian 328-355 28 T, S, 02, P04, N2, Yes 31-577 NODC Final Report ANTON BRUUN Cruise 6 Oceanographic Institution; Ocean N3, Si Cruise 6, Oceanographic Data. May-July 1964 US. Program in Biology, IIOE. WHOI. July 1965. ANTON BRUUN, Woods Hole Madagascar 356-392 37 T, S, 02, P04, N2, Yes Originator Final Cruise Report, ANTON Cruise 7 Oceanographic Institution; Channel; N3, Si BRUUN Cruises 7, 8, 9: July-Sept. 1964 Northwestern Oceanographic Data, Vol. 1. Indian Ocean U.S. Program in Biology, IIOE. WHOI. Oct. 1965. DODO (Leg VI), Scripps Institution East of Somaliland 1-86; 88 T, S, 02, P04, N2, Si Yes 31-269 NODC Unpublished ARGO of Oceanography; 521-559 Aug. 1964 5514-5519 ANTON BRUUN, Woods Hole Madagascar 393-421 28 T, S, 02, P04, N2, Yes Originator Final Cruise Report, ANTON Cruise 8 Oceanographic Institution; Channel; Off N3, Si BRUUN Cruises 7, 8, 9: Sept-Nov. 1964 Tanganyika Oceanographic Data, Vol. 1. US. Program in Biology, IIOE. WHOI. Oct. 1965. ATLANTIS II, Woods Hole Australia to Africa; 537-781 242 T, S, 02, P04, TP, Yes 31-247 NODC Unpublished Cruise 15 Oceanographic Institution; Western and N2, N3, Si, pH Feb.-July 1965 Northwestern Indian Ocean; Red Sea ROBERT D. CONRAD, Lamont Geological West of Sumatra; 9-63 51 T, S Yes Originator Physical Oceanographic Cruise 9 Observatory, West of Australia; Observations in the Indian Columbia University; Arabian and Ocean Using a Continuously- May-July 1965 Red Seas Recording In-Situ STD Sensor. Lamont Geol. Obs. June 1966. CHAIN, Woods Hole Red Sea 721-725 3 T, S, 02 No 31-835 NODC Unpublished Cruise 61 Oceanographic Institution; Oct. 1966 ELTANIN, Lamont Geological Antarctica to 658-689 32 T, S, 02, P04, N3, Si No 31-803 NODC Physical and Chemical Cruise 27 Observatory, Australia Oceanographic Observations Columbia University; Feb. 1967 in the Southern Oceans, USS ELTANIN Cruises 22-27, 1966-1967. Tech. Rept. No. 1-CU-1-67. Lamont Geol. Obs. Nov. 1967. 31 32 TABLE G A listing of cruises the data of which were excluded from the Atlas Expedition and/or Ship and Cruise No. AUSTRALIA GASCOYNE G 5/62 INVESTIGATOR IIOE INVESTIGATOR IIOE GASCOYNE G 4/63 GASCOYNE G 1/64 INVESTIGATOR IIOE GASCOYNE G 3/64 INVESTIGATOR 1/65 IIOE FRANCE LAPEROUSE INDIA M. O. KRISTENSEN KON KAN KALAVA KALAVA Institution and Cruise Dates Commonwealth Scientific Industrial and Research Organization; Sept-Oct. 1962 CSIRO; Dec. 1962 CSIRO; Jan.-June, Aug-Oct. 1963 CSIRO; Sept. 1963 CSI R0 Jan.—Feb. 1964 CSI R0; F eb.-Sept. 1964 CSIRO; Mar. 1964 CSIRO; Feb. 1965 Marine Nationale; Aug. 1961 Central Marine Fisheries Institute; Sept-Oct. 1957 Andhra University; Sept. 1957 Central Marine Fisheries Institute; Nov.-Dec. 1957 Central Marine Fisheries Institute; Feb.—Nov. 1958 General Area Bass Strait; Tasman Sea Great Australian Bight Great Australian Bight Bass Strait; Tasman Sea Tasman Sea Great Australian Bight Great Australian Bight; Tasman Sea Great Australian Bight Mozambique Channel Laccadive Sea Bay of Bengal Laccadive Sea Laccadive Sea No. of Stations Observations Taken 56 T, S, 02, P04 24 T, S, 02 132 T, S, 02 49 T, S, 02, P04 51 T, S, 02, P04, TP 105 T, S, 02 116 T, S, 02, P04, TP 20 T, S, 02 82 T,S 348 122 T, S 160 T, 8 Official NODC IIOE Cruise Cruise Number Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No No Reason for Exclusion of Data Most stations in Tasman Sea. Mostly shallow stations in South Australian gulfs and bays. Mostly shallow stations in South Australian gulfs and bays. Most stations in Tasman Sea. Most stations in Tasman Sea. Mostly shallow stations in South Australian gulfs and bays. Most stations in Tasman Sea. Mostly shallow stations in South Australian gulfs and bays. lnadvertently omitted. Salinities questionable. Stations too shallow; no temperatures. Salinities questionable. Salinities questionable. INTRODUCTION Expedition Institution Official NODC and/or Ship and No. of IIOE Cruise and Cruise No. Cruise Dates General Area Stations Observations Taken Cruise Number Reason for Exclusion of Data KALAVA Central Marine Fisheries Laccadive Sea 162 T, S, 02 Yes Inadvertently omitted. Institute; Jan.-Dec. 1959 KALAVA Central Marine Fisheries Laccadive Sea 65 T, S, 02 Yes Inadvertently omitted. Institute; Jan.-Apr. 1960 KALAVA Central Marine Fisheries Laccadive Sea 69 T, S, 02 Yes Inadvertently omitted. Institute; Jan.—Apr. 1961 ITALY AMM. MAGNAGHI Oct. 1923-June 1924 Red Sea 306 T, S No 48-833 All salinities questionable. ISRAEL GENIE Sea Fisheries Research Red Sea 16 T, S Yes Stations too shallow. Station; Mar.-Apr. 1962 JAPAN KEITEN-MARU, Kagoshima University; Indonesian waters 27 T, 8 Yes 49-042 All salinities marked questionable by NODC. Cruise 61.2 June-July 1961 KEITEN-MARU, Kagoshima University; Indonesian waters 24 T, S Yes 49-042 AII salinities marked questionable by NODC. Cruise 62.2 June-July 1962 KEITEN-MARU, Kagoshima University; Indonesian waters 20 T, 8 Yes 49-042 All salinities marked questionable by NODC. Cruise 63.2 June-July 1963 PAKISTAN MACHERA Fisheries Department of Arabian Sea 8 T, S, 02 Yes Training cruise. Pakistan; Nov.-Dec. 1964 UNION OF SOVIET SOCIALIST REPUBLICS V. VOROBYEV Azcherniro; Red Sea; Gulf of Aden; 177 T, 02, Si No 90-153 No salinities. Aug-Dec. 1966 Arabian Sea SLAVA Hydrometeorological Service; Antarctic waters 33 T, S No 90-006 All salinities marked questionable by NODC. Feb.—Mar. 1958 UNITED KINGDOM MABAHISS Sept. 1933-Feb. 1934 Red Sea; Arabian Sea 119 T, S, 02, pH No 74-005 Questionable depths. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA ALLEGHENY Nov. 1951-Apr. 1952 Persian Gulf 51 T, S No 31-496 Salinities marked questionable by NODC. Chapter 1 Distribution of Properties at the Sea Surface SURFACE TEMPERATURE Pages 38—49 Twelve maps of sea-surface temperature for each individual month of the year 1963 were prepared for the atlas in order to avoid duplication of much more extensive work. The meteorological and hydrographic offices of several nations have issued sea-surface tem— perature maps based on millions of observations from many decades; the relevant publications are listed at the end of this section. During the International Indian Ocean Expedition the International Meteor- ological Center in Bombay collected and processed all the sea-surface temperature observations resulting from ships’ weather reports dur- ing the years 1963 and 1964. These observations were used in the preparation of the Meteorological Atlas of the International Indian Ocean Expedition, were reduced to five-degree averages and where necessary supplemented with climatological averages taken from the above mentioned climatological atlases. This resulted in rather smooth monthly maps of sea-surface temperature, which are reproduced in a report by Miller and Ieffries (1967]. Since an oceanographic atlas without sea-surface temperature maps seemed to be incomplete, and since we did not intend to nor could we duplicate other more extensive work, we decided to prepare maps for individual months of the year 1963 without extensive smoothing, but indication of all observations. About 70,000 individual observations for the year 1963 were received in the form of averages by one degree of latitude and longitude and were plotted at their mean position. Contouring was done as closely as possible to the observed values, while keeping in mind that sea- surface temperature observations have a typical uncertainty of about 07°C, as shown by Saur [1963], and that temperature at the same location may change considerably from the beginning to the end of a month. SURFACE SALINITY Pages 50—55 Six two-monthly maps of surface salinity are given for the year, starting with January-February. Only surface salinity observations obtained at hydrographic stations are used, or in a few cases obser- vations at 10 meters depth or less if they were the uppermost sample at the particular station. No attempt was made to include surface salinity observations not collected at hydrographic stations. Such observations are few except in the Indonesian waters, for which reference can be made to Veen (1953] and Wyrtki [1956, 1961). The bi-monthly salinity maps allow one to follow seasonal changes of the major features of the surface salinity distribution. In the north of the Arabian Sea the changing extent of the high salinity water is apparent, as well as that of the low salinity water off the west coast of India. South of Ceylon the advection of low salinity water from the Bay of Bengal during the northeast monsoon is clearly visible. while during the southwest monsoon a tongue of high salinity water extends east. Around 10°S the spreading of low salinity water from the eastern Indian Ocean can be followed. The subtropical cell of high salinities near 30°S shifts little with the seasons and highest salinities are always in the eastern part of the cell. In Antarctic waters only observations during the summer from November to May are available, and they show salinities higher than 34.1% in March and April near the Antarctic Divergence. SURFACE DENSITY Pages 56, 57 Density at the sea surface is given for two periods only, May through October and November through April, representing summer and winter conditions in the respective hemispheres. In the transition zone between warm and cold water in the southern hemisphere, sur- face density is governed by temperature, and its seasonal variations will be parallel to those of surface temperature. In the Red Sea the density at the surface increases steadily to the north, and values of sigma-t greater than 30.0 are observed in the Gulf of Suez in winter. Along the southeast coast of Arabia and the coast of Somaliland the strong seasonal variations of surface density are related to upwelling. The strongest meridional shift of surface density is observed between 30° and 50°S in the eastern part of the Indian Ocean. In large parts of the southern Indian Ocean the isopycnals could not be sufficiently smoothed to represent average conditions. DISSOLVED OXYGEN CONTENT AT THE SEA SURFACE Pages 58, 59 The content of dissolved oxygen at the sea surface is given for the two periods May through October and November through April, representing summer and winter conditions in the respective hemi- spheres. Since the surface water is close to saturation, the distribution of surface oxygen content largely parallels that of surface tempera- 35 36 ture. Maps of oxygen saturation at the sea surface were also prepared but proved impossible to contour. Large areas of surface water are slightly over-saturated, as can be seen from the temperature-oxygen diagram on page 158, as well as from the listing of oxygen saturation at the sea surface, page 167. In most areas the deviations of indi- vidual samples from the mean are as large as the horizontal differences over the entire ocean. PHOSPHATE, NITRATE, AND SILICATE AT THE SEA SURFACE Pages 60—65 The distribution of these three nutrients is given for the two periods May through October and November through April, repre- senting summer and winter conditions in the respective hemispheres. The distribution of observations in time and space, and the small number of observations did not allow the drafting of maps for bi- monthly periods. Even with half-yearly grouping, the observational coverage is sparse, especially for the nitrate in Antarctic waters. At many stations no nitrate could be found in the samples, and those stations are specially marked on the corresponding maps. The high phosphate content in the Antarctic Surface Waters contrasts markedly with the low values in the remainder of the ocean. Among the upwelling areas, only those off Somaliland and off Arabia exhibit higher surface phosphate values during the southwest mon- soon; those south of Iava and in the Banda Sea indicate little increase in surface phosphate content during the upwelling season. The same remarks apply in general for the distribution of nitrate and silicate. It may be noted that the distribution of nitrate shows the upwelling areas best. REFERENCES Deutsches Hydrographisches Institute. 1960. Monatskarten fiir den Indi- schen Ozean, Third edition. No. 2422. Hamburg. Meteorological Office. 1949. Monthly meteorological charts of the Indian Ocean. Meteorological Office #519. H. M. Stationery Office, London [re- printed 1952). Miller, Forrest R., and Charmian Ief— fries. 1967. Mean Monthly Sea- Surface Temperatures of the Indian Ocean during the International In- dian Ocean Expedition. Ref. HIG- 67-14. Hawaii Institute of Geophys- ics, University of Hawaii, Honolulu. Royal Netherlands Meteorological In- stitute. 1949. Red Sea and Gulf of Aden Oceanographic and Meteoro- logical Data. No. 129. Staatsdruk- kerij-En Uitgeverijbedrijf, ’S-Gra- venhage. Royal Netherlands Meteorological In- stitute. 1952. Indian Ocean Ocean- ographic and Meteorological Data, Second edition. No. 135. De Bilt. Saur, I. F. T. 1963. A Study of the Quality of Sea Water Temperatures Reported in Logs of Ships’ Weather Observations. I. Appl. Meteorol., 2(312417-425. US. Navy Hydrographic Office. 1944. World Atlas of Sea Surface Tem- peratures. Hydrographic Office Pub- lication No. 225. Washington, D. C. US. Navy. 1957. US. Navy Marine Climatic Atlas of the World, Vol. III, Indian Ocean. NAVAER 50-1C- 530. Chief of Naval Operations, Washington, D. C. Veen, P. C. 1953. Preliminary Charts of the Mean Surface Salinity of the Indonesian Archipelago and Adja- cent Waters. Bull. Org. Sci. Res. In- donesia, 17. Wyrtki, K. 1956. Monthly Charts of Surface Salinity in Indonesia and Adjacent Waters. I. Cons. Int. Explor. Mer., 21(3). Wyrtki, K. 1961. Physical Oceanogra- phy of the Southeast Asian Waters. NAGA REPORT, Vol. 2. Scripps In- stitution of Oceanography, Univer- sity of California, La Iolla. 20° 30° 40° 60° 70° 80° 90° |OO° I40° 9 .-$$:~.1.'.".."" Q '..0 oo‘ IO° """""" 0° ‘ ' 'so- ......... I...-.o. CHAPTER 1—DISTRIBUTION OF PROPERTIES AT THE SEA SURFACES 20° 30° 40° 50° 60° 70° 80° 90° 100° ”0' l20' l30' I40° I50° ..||.‘-\.ill a 20‘ 30° 40° 90' I00‘ 20° 20° 30° 40° 40 30° 40° 50° 60° 70° 80° 90° ”0° |20° |30° |40° ISO“ \. 20° ' t , 0 :BANGKOK , ' . o v ' " ,_ § 2.3 worms 1 :* § § ‘ f7 ' ' _ , V § - . . .r o 0 § ‘ 4» . 4» 5,390“ +0 6 l I O o o o. . ‘ ‘ . + ‘ o |O° . . . ‘ . . § . . ‘ .r I I '. ' 4! A + . . ' 0 “G I o 1 ‘4: 4 . . . 0° fza ‘ fl‘ — . . ’ ‘ < O 2 ‘\ . ‘29 '4' A,“ ., . ‘ - ‘ . . 9839”" l0° - 1 6 . . . ‘ o A ‘ Q t “ ’ ‘ 27 .. . . Q . . ' 20¢ 2.7. . / , 26 ' { l . ‘ . 25 24 § . o . 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I40‘ I50“ \ 80' 90' I00‘ 4 3 20° 30° 40° 50' 60' 70° 20° 30° 40° 50° 60° 70° 80° 90° |OO° l |0° |20° |30° |40° |50° 20° 30° 40° 50° 60° 70° 80° 90° l00° IIO' |20° l30' |40° l50‘ CHAPTER 1—DISTRIBUTION OF PROPERTIES AT THE SEA SURFACES 20° 30° 40° 50° 60° 70° 80° 90° |OO° | [0° |20° |30° I40“ |50° 70' 80° 90° loo‘ ”0' |20° [30‘ I40 46 20° 50° 40° 50° 60° 70° 80° 90‘ 100° ”0' |20‘ |30' |40° l50‘ CHAPTER 1—DISTRIBUTION OF PROPERTIES AT THE SEA SURFACES 90° [00° ”0' l20° |30° I40' l50° 20° 30° 40° 50° 60° 70° 80° 60° 47 40° 50° 60° 70° 80° 90' l00° 30' 40‘ 50’ 60° 70° 80' 90‘ I00' IIO [20' I30° I40' l50' CHAPTER 1—DISTRIBUTION OF PROPERTIES AT THE SEA SURFACES 20" 30° 40° 50° 60° 70° 80° 90° IOO“ | |0° IZO‘ I30' I40“ l50‘ 30° Z |O° IO° '_ 40° 40° 70° 80° 30° .00: ' M. W" 'o- 49 ‘20° 40° 50° 60 20° 30° 40° 50° 60° 70° 80° 90° 100° 110° |20° |30° |40° 150° 30° 30° PORT 38 ‘ ., Bong}, . v § . 00“ _ SUDAN . I: ., .. . - . , - VON _ 0 V} I 0 O . ' . 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CHAPTER 1—DISTRIBUTION OF PROPERTIES AT THE SEA SURFACES I20° l30° |40° |50° 30° 30° v IVDURBAN’ 40° 20° |0° '5 0° ‘ b <32 . “ 10° — DARWIVN , 20° ‘ 30° 50° 70. 70:: l40° 20° 30° 40° 50° 60° 70° 80° 90° l00° ”0° |20° |30° 1+ ¢++4+w 4» ... 20° 30° 40° 50° 60- 7°. 80° 90. ”0° [20' |30° I40° CHAPTER 1—DISTRIBUTION OF PROPERTIES AT THE SEA SURFACES 20° 30° 40° 50° 60° 70° 80° 90° |00° ||O° |20° _ |3_0° _ - _ _°O , [50° / ., I ARACHI I _ , I MUSCAT > V ' CALCU'TTA “- 20° I 200 , PORT' I ' SUDAN I ‘ MASSAUA ‘ I DJIBOUTL O" |O°‘ " . ' ‘ ' .- ' ' " j " , "[0° ,,,, // 50° 34 \ \ ° / / , , // ' 60° - , ~ 74 , 7 , 00° \ " / /70° '2°0 ' '30°' ' ' "" ' so" '70' ' 'eo° ' ' 0° ' '['0° '[" ' [3°' [40° [50° 53 20° 30° 40° 50° 60° 70° 80° 90° [00° ”0° I20° |30° I40° |50° A'RAc'Hf ’ _y I, 20. some Y' 357 34 "MADR‘AS_+ |O° 00 n . . H 10° '. § 2 DARWIN, I035- ° + 20 20. . Q I P A +¢ * o o . 0 30° ; ,; , DunaAN ‘ ‘ 30° “a: . L300“ > :, o“E ‘- ,W 54 20° 30° 40°” 0° IOO“ ”0° I20° 130° 140° I50° CHAPTER 1—DISTRIBUTION OF PROPERTIES AT THE SEA SURFACES IOO" ||0° |20° l30' I40‘ |50° 20° 30° 40° 50° 60° 70° 80° 90° 30° 20° |O° § . . 4 . o I u . o , 0 9 Q § § 0 + 4. o . o 4» IO° 20° 40° \ , . _ - ~33.6 '70" 90° :00- no- |20' I30' |40' |50' 30° 40° 50° 60° 70° 80° 90° |00° H0° I20° I30" |40° |50° 300 n , . v» , I" I I 20°, ‘ _ 3 4 ‘ pom v I _f SUDAN -‘ ‘ MASSAUA , I 2 ‘wm <2 BANGKOK . . MADRAS I ‘ ‘ a *A ’0‘ lO° I DJIBOUTI‘ I , I. m MOGAD 0°‘ ' \ m ‘ ' ISCIO . / . ‘ v0° |O° n0° \ \ 200 \ 30° V‘ DURBAN - 56 H‘3O°4‘””0“”°60'u”HI-”U”- 70" 80° [20° 50° 140° I50“ CHAPTER 1—DISTRIBUTION OF PROPERTIES AT THE SEA SURFACES - > C'LcUTTA' b ‘ BANGKOK MADRAS ‘ » “1".“ s a .- :gpenm ‘ .v ......... v... " ' 57 20° 30° 40° 50° 60° 70° 80° 90° [00° “0° |20° |30° |40° I50“ 70° 80° 90° |OO° W°I50° CHAPTER 1—DISTRIBUTION OF PROPERTIES AT THE SEA SURFACES 20° 30° 40° 50° 60° 70° 80° 90° IOO" ||0° |20° I30“ I40‘ I50° , PORT U‘ 0.2 I , » ' SUDAN . - V ' MASSAUA ' , ADEN O §a+ 3 . ‘* DJIBOUTI 4 ! ‘K P BOMBAY Q N. .40.... ’ 9 n N ‘ . , o 70° 80° 90° |00° l|O° |20° |30° 140° |50° CALCUTTA 0 >' 0.2 BANGKOK MADRAS 1' . ‘ O 6 ‘ | . . - O L A o lo v ° .' ‘02 IO \ ° . >0.2_- : . '02 I 60 / / / 40‘. 60° 70° I or: 50° 80° 90° n00° IO' :2 130° |40° I50° CHAPTER 1—DISTRIBUTION OF PROPERTIES AT THE SEA SURFACES 20° 30° 40' 50° 60° 70° 80° 90° |OO° “0° [20° |30° |40° [50° 30° 40° 70° 90° IOO' "0° I20° 130° I40° 150° 20° 30° 40° 50° 60° 70° 80° 90° l00° l |O° |20" I30" I40" |50° |0° *: |0° 62 ,,,,, 30' 40' 50° CHAPTER 1—DISTRIBUTION OF PROPERTIES AT THE SEA SURFACES 20° 30° 40° 50° 60° 70° 80° 90° l00° l |O° |20° I30. I40° I50' 30° |0° [0° 20° 30° 40° 50' 60' 70° 80' 90° I00“ IIO‘ l20' |30' I40' I50' 63 20’ 30° 40° 50° 60° 70° 80° 90° |00° | |O° |20° I30“ I40" |50° 20° 30' 40° ' H 60' 90- I00‘ ”0° l20' l30° |40° l50' CHAPTER 1—DISTRIBUTION OF PROPERTIES AT THE SEA SURFACES 20° 30° 40° 50° 60° 70° 80' 90° |00° | I 0° |20° |30° I40" I50“ 20° 30° 40‘ 50° 60' 70' 80‘ 90‘ IOO' IIO' IZO' I30' I40' I50' 65 Chapter 2 Distribution of Properties at Horizontal Surfaces Maps of the horizontal distribution of properties at level surfaces have been used in oceanography for a long time and for good reasons. After all, depth is perhaps the most important of the three basic coordinates needed to describe the oceanic structure. Especially on the global scale, horizontal maps at given depths allow a comparison between different regions of the ocean and are thus indispensable for studying its structure. Standard depths have been used in this Atlas in order to make it easily comparable with other works. The surfaces selected were at 100, 200, 300, 400, 500, 600, 800, 1000, 1200, 1500, 2000, 2500, 3000, 4000, and 5000 meter depths. Only a very few deep sea basins in the Indian Ocean extend to 5000 meters, and virtually no large areas exceed 6000 meters depth. Maps for 50 meters are not given, because this level cuts alternately through the mixed layer and the thermocline, resulting in very incoherent isopleths. The maps of the depth of the mixed layer and of the maximum temperature gradient in Chapter 7 together with the maps of surface distributions in Chapter 1 should be consulted. THE PROCESSING AND CHECKING OF THE DATA The processing of the data has been described in the Introduction, and the values interpolated for each of the standard depths were used to prepare maps for temperature, salinity, oxygen content, phosphate, nitrate, and silicate. No maps of density and oxygen saturation are shown in the Atlas, to economize on its volume, but the numerical values for BOO-mile squares are listed together with the other prop- erties in Chapter 3. The data at each depth and for each property were averaged for 60-mile squares, whose dimensions are equivalent to one degree of latitude and one degree of equatorial longitude relative to 80°E. Such a selection superimposes a square, equal-area grid over the base map of the Indian Ocean. The averaged values were plotted at their mean position; thus single observations are plotted at their correct position. A sample of part of such a map is shown in Figure 2. Averages and standard deviations were also computed for each 300- mile square, equivalent to a five-degree square at the equator. These averages are included in the Atlas in the form of tables, in Chapter 3. Computer listings of the individual observations used for each 300- mile square were prepared for editing purposes. All observations having a deviation of more than two times the standard deviation for any one property were listed separately to allow an instant recognition of conspicuous values. Moreover, scatter diagrams such as those shown at the end of this chapter were prepared to allow additional checking of the data. The plotted maps were then contoured and conspicuous values were checked against the data listings and scatter diagrams. The maps were prepared starting from the deeper levels and working upward because the more homogeneous conditions in the deep ocean allow easier recognition of conspicuous values, stations or expedi- tions. Almost all of the data checking was done during the preparation of the horizontal maps so that the computations for the following sections of the Atlas could be performed on a clean set of data. THE PREPARATION OF THE MAPS The notes made here apply in general to all maps in the Atlas. Contouring the maps and checking the data were processes which could not be separated and which were handled simultaneously. The selection of the contour interval depended on the range of values covered, on the gradients of the property charted, on the standard deviations of the property from its mean value in 300-mile squares, and on the significance of specific isolines in defining the distribution. Attempts were made to cover the maps evenly with isolines without using irregular contour intervals. It is well realized that internal waves and other periodic and nonperiodic fluctuations can contribute considerably to the variability of properties at a given geometric level. Thus the contour interval had to be larger than the standard deviation of the values to give a representative mean picture. Emphasis was given to developing the mean distribution rather than charting every possible detail, which might be quite transient. The isolines were allowed to violate individual observations by an amount equal to the standard deviation of the charted property in the corresponding area. This procedure resulted in much smoother isopleth patterns. In areas where isolines were widely spaced or where it seemed appropriate, the mean values of the property were entered in the maps. To facilitate the contouring near the boundaries of the maps, especially along 20°E and 150°E. many stations in the adjoining parts of the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans have been included in the plotted 68 Figure 2. Sample of a computer-plotted map, representing oxygen content at 600 m depth in the northern Indian Ocean ‘1 " A X1 D i} I”)! m ‘1) ‘1‘ ‘57’7.5.n, . '3 0n 3a 0R xfiao’b ‘Ku Ah.,,.,.AH .¢.5 .o CEO-m fl\ ‘1. a ”-9‘5- 13%.“;2" .‘.-' w Hu ‘0' . a . “'6 .5}!!! .n ‘w . ”‘m 05 *u .3 '3 0m qua-32‘, “59"” on. a". “a, ‘0) ‘Ib om 0a ‘2 0MB ‘HA‘M Alfl ‘S n '5‘? a, .5 u .54 .m .'¢.g ; Q 4 I, E 59 5° o” '$ (‘Afl “5'3.Aa ‘A‘swu .,. g ‘n‘i'tvssn an“ ‘9‘“lwam‘7 . .w 'Q’D’P aw sh"? gnu-an "so ‘1) ‘5 no do "us .0 ~qu . cm I o, . 'mo.“ 4.3 .m Hg 11) . ‘N‘fl .m cm: '" maps and also in the listings in Chapter 3. The numbers of observa- tions given with each map include these stations. A number of reference stations were established for the Inter- national Indian Ocean Expedition but only two—off Perth, Australia and south of Java—were systematically sampled, by Australian ships. For each of these reference stations, and also for the Red Sea and the deeper levels of the Andaman Sea, the average value of the prop- erty is given together with the standard deviation and the number of observations. The conventional units were used: temperature in Centigrade, salinity in parts per mille, oxygen in milliliters per liter, and the nutrients in microgram atoms per liter. Temperature is given as in situ temperature in the upper 1000 meters and as potential temperature below 1000 meters depth, to permit a comparison of maps at different depths in the deep ocean. In deeper levels where salinity is relatively uniform, preference was given to values determined by salinometer. It should be noted that the maps are not absolutely consistent since some stations were added to the data base during the prepara- / l/ Q. tion of the Atlas. Consequently a few stations may not appear on some maps prepared earlier although they are shown on those prepared later. All stations used are included in the tabulations in Chapter 3. THE SCATTER DIAGRAMS The temperature—salinity diagram, which was introduced by Helland-Hansen (1916), has since been widely used in oceanography. Other relationships, like that between phosphate and nitrate, have also been employed for the analysis of limited sets of data. Only modern computing and plotting facilities allow the production of such diagrams incorporating all observed data in an entire ocean. Between the six observed properties a total of fifteen different diagrams could have been produced, but only eight have actually been prepared for inclusion in the Atlas. These are the following combinations: temperature—salinity temperature—oxygen temperature—silicate salinity—oxygen phosphate—salinity phosphate—oxygen phosphate—nitrate oxygen—nitrate Also, it was not advisable to prepare these diagrams for the entire ocean, but to divide the data into four layers: the deep layer, including all observations deeper than 1800 meters; the intermediate layer, 1800 to 500 meters; the upper layer, 500 to 25 meters; and the surface layer, 0 to 25 meters. Several of these diagrams include over 30,000 observation points. The total number of observation points used is entered in each diagram. These diagrams allow the grouping as well as the scattering of the data to be observed. Major clouds of points are concentrated in certain regions and marked. It should be noted that several of the relationships identified by Sverdrup (1942] as typical water masses stand out clearly. A brief interpretation of the tem- perature—salinity diagram for the entire ocean is given in Figure 3. Remarkably obvious in the diagrams of the 0 to 25 meter layer are the nutrient observations from upwelling areas. Another feature deserv- ing attention is the nodal point at 115°C and 35.05 °/oo. In the upper layer of the ocean a rather linear relation exists between oxygen, phosphate, and nitrate. For the plotting of the diagrams involving temperature the potential temperature was used, and lines of constant sigma-0 are superimposed on the potential temperature—salinity diagrams. Where applicable, the line of 100% saturation is superimposed on the tem- perature—oxygen diagrams. In order to avoid an excessive extension of the salinity scale, the observations inside the Red Sea and the Persian Gulf are not shown in the diagrams involving salinity. In the deep layer below 1800 meters, the scattering of the ni— trate values was so great that no trend was apparent from the oxygen—nitrate or phosphate—nitrate diagrams. In the tempera- ture—salinity diagram, which is drawn on a very expanded salinity scale, the difference between salinity values obtained by titration and given in 0.01 0/oo, and those obtained by salinometer and listed in 0.001 °/oo, is apparent. It is obvious that the more precise salinom— eter determinations indicate a narrower range for the salinity in the deep and bottom water than do the titrations. REFERENCES Helland—Hansen, B. 1916. Nogen hy- drografiske metoder. Forh. skand. naturf. Mote, 16:357-359. Sverdrup, H. U., Martin W. Iohnson, and Richard H. Fleming. 1942. The Oceans: Their Physics, Chemistry, and General Biology. Prentice-Hall, Inc., New York. CHAPTER 2—DISTRIBUTION OF PROPERTIES AT HORIZONTAL SURFACES Figure 3. Interpretation of the more obvious relationships in the temperature— salinity diagram of the entire Indian Ocean 30 BAY OF BENGAL Wfsrf/m ‘\\ I [004705741 \ INDIA/V OCEA/V ARABIA/V \ I SEA 25 \ \ l I \\ i \ \ I \ \l I \ \ l\ 5007” AFR/6‘4 \ r0 AUSTRALIA I 20 \ I \ . .| I \ / l | \ / | b JAVA m l [I I / ° AUSfRAL/A \ a ‘ l / E ‘\ / / 3g /5 I c ‘ / / o. \ l / if i K I / / r r i. S l l / / “f, .0 . l / : i / /0 1/ 'I / " /, il l / : / / " / , ,/ / 500m AFR/CA [I / r0 AUSI’RAUA I !/ 5 \ DEEP warm 0 ”A1,”, , ANTARCT/c‘ SURFACE -2 7 33 34 35 36 3’ SAN/W77 %a 69 PORT SUDAN MAésAuA ' 20 <24 “DE" 2 ’ - DJIaouTL/ ~’2/.4 22 MOGADISCIO " 0°‘ IO° 7 0 M IIO° |20° l30° I40 50° CHAPTER 2—DISTRIBUTION OF PROPERTIES AT HORIZONTAL SURFACES 20° 30° 40° 50° 60° 70° 80° 90° 100° ”0° [20° I30° |40° I50° 30° _., .1 _ ,,.,., ., 30° KUWAIT 0 1° ‘ SALINI I Y 'I H . ARACHI AT 100 METER DEPTH \ . a A . , \x ”0“" 40" ’ 55;“ ° I~ . v , , _ In part: per mIIIe . . A , CALCUTTA o 7638 . 7 -- = observations 0 o ' , e , . o A 0 20° .. 7, , __ 20° / pom ,1 . . ‘ o. ‘1 . sway _‘ ‘ . ‘ . 3 G 100 m depth contour, shown only around ”\ . . . “ . 5W" 540-0 .. . - , - '35:. . . « ~ 0 Sunda and SehulShelf \ I l v e e 9 «' ° - , ‘_ mm. ° v ‘ . ,1 . . . . .. I . . , , . . ~ . Number of obervatlons per 60—mfle square: \ ,1 35.8 A ‘ ,° ’ ~ to .' . . . . :A 354 : * . ‘ ’ ‘ ' . ’ ' BANGKOK . . o . , , ° ' , . 36,0 ADE.“ '2 é; ' . ’ ' ' ' 3‘0 - - . . . MADRAS ‘. .7 ‘ l “ sm9|0 . , . . - 36.0 . ‘ I ‘A A I .. . , . . . , . t e o . . . 35: . ' 34.6 . ‘§ , N ’ a \00“ + m__four ”a o . o . . + . _ . 5} DJIBOUTI_ . o o . . 10° 4 2 — A five—nine a El m o 51 \g MOMBASA 20° - ten or me For each reference station, the average salinity, the standard deviation, and the number of obser- vations are given. Lu Q U‘N m7“ 9 T M O 30° DURBAN ‘ 352 Z . 35.0 ‘ - ‘ . . \ 9 a ‘ . ‘ ‘ o o o . ' o' o , 40“ ' 30° 40° 50° 60° ' 70° 80° 90° |OO° ||O° |20° ’91111 I30“ |40° up, I50“ 71 20° 30° 40° 50° 60‘ 70° 80' 90° |00° HO" l20° 130° I 0° {50° /30/ r 040 (25) 'J‘AIMTA' _’ , u. / .5273 023/4/l : . _¢ . oPER‘l’H |0° 0° 30° 20° 30° MOQAplspip ’ 40° + + 50° 60° 70° 80° 90° |00° ”0" CHAPTER 2—DISTRIBUTION OF PROPERTIES AT HORIZONTAL SURFACES IZO' |30° l40° l50° 30° 20° |0° |O° 30° 03/ 39.05 (47/ ‘ .' (PERTH:- :o . . 6 . o - . ’ u: . O 9 :9 I ‘ . ' ' . . . . ' . . ' ' ‘ A '. ' ‘ ' . . ‘- . . .‘ ' IG 0 . 6 o + I ‘ . . . . . v . - . . . . O . . ' * 0 4 0.4 " , ' . 40° \ c f . . . o. + ‘ ' ' + 40. 0.6 ' ‘ ' \/ 0-6 0.4 . .. 0-3 ' ' ' /.0 . , . 0.5 ' / 5 + /a ' - /0 /.0 . K / - 50° . . o . 50° _ _. [5 , /.5 . v . . ~\ [8 /.B / . ' . .0 60° . ' 60° 0 ' ’ 0 . . - m. . . ~ . [B 4 ' I 70° . 7o. 80° 90° |OO° 20° 30° 40° 50° 60° 70° “0° [30° |40° |50° 20° 30° 40° 50° 60° 70° 80° 30° . . _ _ 90° |OO° ||0° |20° I30° |40° |50° 30° \\ 20° . _ V, ' ‘ 20° pom ‘ aouS‘AY' Sod" SUDAN ‘ V _ ,, - . p.“ : \\ I , + ,1 V ' v - \\ uAssAuA /0 v v ' . . . . \ V ~ . * . . . . BANGKOK ' . . ‘0‘" /0 moms - - - - . , I , .V = ‘ '00 - V outaoun .- ' ' .- , ’ /o C 1 0°“: ‘1 . . |0° " ' 3' we . .. ,V , J V V I , /0 . , . 4' V : ' ' ‘ o - * o ' m ._ MOGADISCIO " ‘ . ‘ . . / /0 . . :' <‘/0 ' . . .. 0° . a a. ,- , + , . i. t ' - u ,— ' ' ' ;. x ' ‘ V v‘ I + ' . , ’. , . .* - : .' " ' ' \g ., l0° . . . . - . . . . V - .v 'z ' __/5. :’ ‘ ' . . ' , ‘ ., . ' ‘ ,’ [A |O° . ‘ . v X/ f . I . : I . // /0 ', DARWIN / \\ /0 ‘ 200 V 30° ounam ' - , , ' ~~ 30° »a;:04/26/' .~ PERTH "fr "‘ . “ELaouRY‘f . 40° \ /0 40° 2 .. , . . ' /0 50‘ \\\\\ l 60' 74 20' 30' 40° 50' 60‘ l20° l30' |40° l50' CHAPTER 2—DISTRIBUTION OF PROPERTIES AT HORIZONTAL SURFACES 20° 30° 40° 50° 60° 70° 80° 90° |OO° I |O° l20° I30“ I40' |50° , ' i Z I . .I . I; ' . _ ' .BAN‘GKOKI ‘ loo It 5 - . .- . . . . ‘ , :r. ' . Al \Ioo .(' ' ' t OPERTH 50° 60‘ 70' 80' 90‘ I00“ ”0' IZO' l30' l40‘ ISO‘ 7 5 20° 30° 40° 50° 60° 70° 80° 90° |20° I30° |40° |50° ‘"KUWAH7; 30° AhAéHI . C an: $51 _ 22 09: a 351/25) ” PORT 20° SUDAN ' s ‘ _.._uA'sswA‘ I L ADEN - BANGKOK 0 ' 0 , /Ze ‘ >500“ I 00 DJIBOUTI‘ 5. ; . K)" + ~/5 ’1 44"6‘ o 1‘°o oo _ ,- . . , _ , + 0° . ~ A ¢ ’ 'I . ' '% | _ y» . ‘ ° ’ ' o IDAo ' ~ '\// + a o + «r m I, o ‘ ' / .MOMBASA - . - ' ' + . * * D . ~ - ;‘: A ’ . o 0 ' '% . . ° > . . ¢ . A + A + A , : * ° . _ . . . -. z/2973090{30/ 0A , ,. ‘ fl.‘ . ‘ . , . / o _ + ¢ o ‘ a ‘ - + . . ‘14“ . , Q + + ‘ 3'75 . + - A ' K4 7’4 X i" Q0 °. A . . ’ *- . A , _ _ _+ / * A c: A9 ‘1 Q‘ . A . . . ' - ° - ° - - //"> {"‘\\<\ - ° . ° /, . ~v . I ,. + ° 1 '+ ‘ ‘ . . A . ' , 4 : 1 . . . v o o . . , . - A ~ IO“ . .. . - M M ‘ ' /3>~‘ MN“ ‘ ‘ A *1» A . " , , . .. 1. + 0 . A j , o . , . ' .. _ . A+ * ‘ .IAJA ' IO ' /4 A § - * P _‘ 3 .. . . ', ' ' ¢ - f + *¢ , . A o. o [4 ‘ ++ t /,' . - - A . / ‘ DARWIN . . + G , ‘ + \ 20° ~ ‘. . _ 20° . , ' / l I 9 . . " ' /6 ' '- . . I . .. - o - 3 ‘ A 30" DURBAN ‘ ' ' . . ' . ~ . . -' -. .. 30. . . . a ' WM 0 Mar/55 (44/ ‘ ' * ° . 3-: :°,-..’; ‘. 91‘; oPERTH 76 40° 50° 60° I00° IIO I2 ' 0° 140' 0° 20° 30° -- 20° |0° I \g 20° 30° 40“ ounsm- . , - + CHAPTER 2—DISTRIBUTION OF PROPERTIES AT HORIZONTAL SURFACES 30° 40° 50° 60° 70° 80° 90° IOO° ||O° |20° |30° |40° |50° _, ,, ,. ,; ..... . ., i - — — — — — — — — — — 30° m! KUWAIT o ' ‘ \ W \ . ‘ 36.8} 352 ARACHI SALINITY ‘ '372 r ‘ ° AT 200 METER DEPTH ’ ' A . 0 ‘9 ’ ' . . "use“ ( . , . V . “team - In parts per mllle : 405535;?“ 360 , j ' ' . ' " 7189 observations 20° PORT : ' I I Z ' H ‘ may ~ 3 + * .*\- 200 m depth contour SUDAN '_ ‘ Number of observations per 60—mile square: MASSAU‘ 0 single BANGKOK a + two-four 35 DJIBOUTI, ‘ fWe—nlne - ten or more A. 345‘ For the Red Sea and each reference station, the My average salinity, the standard deviation, and G the number of observations are given. MOMBASA " A I.‘ A. K . 35.4 , ”,1 i]; v t 34.6 ' . - . ‘ 3 345 534.6 . . - ‘ ‘ o o . i " ‘ . Lliy . 31:4 . ‘ 70° 7 20° 30° «(7549 : 0/5 (44/ OPERTH 30° 40' 50° 60° 70° 80° 90° |OO° IIO° I20” 348 + / / 346 . 344 ‘ ’ 342 ' ' ' / ,,,,fi _ , _ , / 50¢ ‘ 340 . / / . / 342' / 344 / ' - / A , 3, A ,,_V __ , ,é , , 60° ' ' /. _ . >346 - x g . , § . ' . _ .' r9 A ~ . ' . ‘ . ‘9‘ I \ ’ XL/ 111 . ISO“ I40° |50° 77 PORT SUDAN HO" Mas‘sguA 229 z 020 {25/ / , 'JAKA ‘TA o .t‘ 2 r", :1; . PERTH * ~ . ; *~ till-I'll'lill'llllllr -\~-‘.‘.....-‘u‘u‘ |20° I Z 532 3 0/5 (4/; CHAPTER 2—DISTRIBUTION OF PROPERTIES AT HORIZONTAL SURFACES 30° 30° 40° 50° 60° 70° 80° 90° l20° |30° I40“ |50° ........ 30° ., - ARACHI ' . z . V 0' . '0 z . . V V a .29 20° ' . - i. o ' = :PORT * 20 IRSUDAN , , ; . ., , ‘ ‘ uA’sLsA‘uA - ‘ /.5 - , BANGKOK ADENV . MADRAS + * ,. . “,0“; , _ s , V ' [0° . DJIBOUTI. l' , . |0° 05 n .. . + * . + 4, 4» . .+ * '+ 9 .. f + + * 0 + :4“? + ' * . . n . ,. = . ‘3" 2 + + . x 9% MOGADISCIO . , + . ,, V - , - + 4» , ¢ + * + *+ * ‘* + A . o 1 * A . + . fi’ 9 0 . 7 H + 1 a, *+ l + + A '4, . - o A A + + “ VF - i' ‘* *‘+ + 3 " .,4/'4‘,x V - O * § ‘ + + +. + ‘. ; + (“4WD , '9 - \ , + * + ' '+ *+ A. ' * . '0 : “'qu - ' =0 + . + " * + 4, 4- 9 ' I < > V , ‘ - 4, + . ' + J. A . , . u + + ++ *", '° 173:0/5/23/ £7, ~/3+ .Q 'n ‘ : ' ‘ [4 o ' ¢ - + + ' ‘ . .0 N . a?” 10:: * ‘ ‘3' ' A Ion § Q’ . p”, + , + ’ + 4 + DARWIN + Q I * . * ¢ ' ‘ ‘ * ‘ 1 ‘ 20° 30° 20° 30° 040 : 0/5 (4/) ‘ «PERTH 70° 0° I30” 80° 90° IOO" ||0° I20° |40° 150° 79 40° 50° 60° 70° 80° 90° l Ii" + + + I I m MOGADISCIO '. * 1 ' ' /+ . . 0° V I 9 + 5 ‘1: , L , > “ . 4 I D 3: ' _ /"/- O20 b . i .NIOMBASA 0. " . I H °/5 a”... |00° \ '2/:xorwl ‘ 9 mm,” 80 70° ..). \ o a i CHAPTER 2—DISTRIBUTION OF PROPERTIES AT HORIZONTAL SURFACES 20° 30° 40° 50° 60° 70° 80° 90° |OO° I |O° [20" I30” |40° |50° 70° 80° 90° IOO' ||O° I20° l30° l40° |50° 81 20° 30° 40° 50° 60° O 3 o 20 30° 40° 50° 60" 70° 80° 90° |OO° ||O° |20° |30° I40° |50° O .,.. .. , 30° ARAcHI . , . “”5?“ > :CALCUTTA 2 z; 5“”, I ' ' 20, >/. * .12 {lg PORT ' ‘ ‘K ' . 20° ,, BOMB y“ I - * ‘ - SUDAN I ‘ ; + . “we . . - V ‘V ‘ ‘V ‘ +§ ' MASSAUA ' "”4. ’ ‘ , . , .A ’ * i . . . . .. - + . . . + + . . ‘ BANGKOK ADEN . ‘ + . A ’, . . MADRAs A , I + .+ A . . A V /8 + ‘ . , A 0 ‘§ 0“ , . .g . . . a 93° . DJIBOUTL v - . ' + ' ‘ 5 IO°.- ' l6 ’ ‘ ' 'A' . 5; _' _ .' _’ . - ‘ ‘ 10° , o ¢ _ ¢ - » ‘ v + ' . 0 _ oA A ' + ‘ . ‘ 0‘ ‘ + I. ‘ ’ ~ + . . + +. $3 ¢ ‘ ‘4 . . * . Q9 . . A o . . A + ° * o * O. ‘ ‘o ‘ on o A ‘ a l A ¢ A A ‘ ¢ 0 ¢ 9 A . 0 ‘ ‘ * ‘ 3 I 00 ‘ ‘ * _§ § -+ ¢ . + o * ' . ' § * . o, . a . , ° '. o . . ' 9 ¢ . ‘ . . O . o _ :. . fl ." . A + A ‘ . . ' > ‘ .1. '1-00 .‘+ . .»+A A/I‘éy‘ ‘0 . . + . ‘. . 1 . ’ ' - .: .' ‘ ' . ‘ . v ‘ ' + . ' ° |O° A..." . ’ A . . * - I, J ' + . .‘ . / // 'O° ~ f I I. ' '+ . ‘ ; DARWIN ‘_ , \ lI K I 20° 20° 30° DURBAN /24/ : la] (44/ QPERTH '- 20° 30° 40° 50° 60° 70 80° 90° |00° “0'.- To" '40'I |0° I30° CHAPTER 2—DISTRIBUTION OF PROPERTIES AT HORIZONTAL SURFACES 20° 30° 40° 50° 60° 70° 80° 90° IOO° ”0° |20° |30° |40° |50° 30° ..... ,, ., , . (WAIT. ..... V .. ,V , _ _ ., , 30° 0 L 36.67 = , 36.43.’ " \ ' 336'2 ARACHI . “U50“ . CALcUT'TA' - RED 55a ffi.’ 360 " 40.54 006 m5} ‘ 20° - ’ . , . 20° ,pom' BOMB Y ‘ ‘ . . 0; A 3 G SUDAN, + ‘ ‘ * A $‘“ """" MASSAUA 355:" “A“.g. " ' 35.8‘ ‘...“*“m" BANGKOK 37_0\ ADE." MADRAS ‘.m++.+u W ' W !*A A . . x 90“ o DJIBOUTI_ '0 ,: 3640 |O° l<5 4» *A m._ V ' MOGADISCIO ' ’33 ‘ 4 0°‘ I ' . V v A . 0° 1 t2: , ¢ 22%; fl - . . -» .23 . b ‘ _:_: _ 45434 ' val ‘ :3 I! , . A 0 , v \ ¢ . \ 1 ‘L \« ‘ A * u‘ \ V (34.5 .+ 3 5 o 1 NM? :005/29) 0 + /_ ‘**‘ A ‘5 \\ g “K4 7'4 {309135; 9‘ fl .4 ‘ V" \ / . + a- r Ft: ‘ 2% < . A ‘ ‘ f ‘ ’\ -\ _/ ' - A A A 0 A’\»‘ ‘ ‘\ w A—; - . ix, - / , \ I0° . ‘ ‘..:34.**‘ ”3:,w ,, / / 7 , A ~ . . ‘ “‘VZ‘M / , WK\‘ / + (\J J , ' ‘/‘ \ V U, ' * 5 DARWIN /J \\ / , , g ' \ 1‘ ' a / \ ‘ / - , ' o ‘ . ‘ . ‘ \ f a y/4 . l /- ‘ \ H 20° 4'. /20° L. . ‘ 2' ‘ 30° DURBAN o _.Vfi‘#.__ . . 30° ’ ' ' .1520 2 024/44} ‘ . ‘9. .‘ )oPERTH 35.2 40° 20° 30° 40° 50° 60° 70' 80° 90‘ |OO° l|0° I20“ |30° I40” I50" 20° 30° 40° 50' 60° 70° 90° 90. BANGKOK + + +‘+,,>+‘+ >>>+ 1’ 54]: 020/41) .PERTH I 20° 90° CHAPTER 2—DISTRIBUTION OF PROPERTIES AT HORIZONTAL SURFACES 20° 30° 40° 50° 60° 70° 80° 90° IOO“ ||O° |20° |30° |40° I50° 30° :33“? . ., , . , , . V .......... ., 30° “ .AhAcm f 0 , +, 0.8 2 3 /.0 . 20° 200 PORT * Bough - 00“ SUDAN we g . , s , MASSAUA * BANGKOK MADRAS , 5&9“ DJIBOUTI IO° ' |0° 0° on Q ,200 3 0/2/23) “M u |0° ‘20 ‘ * * le° 20° . 30° DURBAN? . _ ’ 30° . ' . (0,4 ‘ \ 062: 0/9 (4/; ' , ‘ - o : . .“oPERTH _.' . ’ a . 9 , .0 . . t/' / 0- . I 04 . 40° \\. 8 - _ 20 50° _,, . 22 ‘ /5 / / . / 4 2.0 \ ’ 22 22 ' _. °\ 9 J. 60 . 2 , 60° + ' 2.2 - 20 ' . . . - ' . ‘ . ' 20 ‘ . .-, ' + . . 20 . fi . + _ 22 - . . . .00 Cw - 2o . / \ 20-. ‘ A '9 Q! 70° ‘ 70° 20° 30° 40° 50° 60° 70° 80° 90° IOO" IIO' |20° |30° I40° |50° 85 20° 30° 40° 50° 60° 70° 80° 90° silly. PORT SUDAN HASSAUA' BOMEZY‘ o ” 63. MADRAS a o <3; 33} 0Q 15—? D 5" ~30 '53! 26 /29/ . mmf V 60° \ ' - L5 I, \ f ~ d ,j’ , 1/ l / \ (“O w 1““ / 86 7°“ N . “ J /70n CHAPTER 2—DISTRIBUTION OF PROPERTIES AT HORIZONTAL SURFACES 20° 30° 40° 50° 60° 70° 80° 90° |00° | |O° |20° |30° |40° l50° .. .1 , 30° \ 20° , , . ' ' I ' °' ' . BANGKOK ' , 90* 1' \. c _ . - 5" , |0° + " 1 9': : «4’10 : ; I °° ' ‘b o + v 1' =3 1 -\ \' . - ‘ J / 15 r 9 m 0 g : I '00 + . ’ ‘ DARWIN .‘ ll \ 20° 30° “ELBWR‘ 0 40° 20° 30° 40° 50°-.60‘ loo-'no- 120° |30'l40‘ |50' 87 30° 20° 20° I0° 0° |0° 20° 30° 88 ,m m m \ 30° 40° 50° 60° 70° 80° 90° IOO° I |0° I20° . ARACHI' 0 _ 4 W50 554 20:0 1 up; PORT SOME“ v ‘ . A ‘ A e . ' .+ ‘ * SUDAN ‘ . ‘ ¢ ‘ + «$3 ‘ . u ¢ 0 1' . MAsswA ‘ l3 ' , J + “70-5 * . A . , . I4 ‘ -. . $ * ‘ ' ~- ‘ , BANGKOK ADEN 0 . ‘ /79 . ‘ + 2 ‘ ' ‘l/ A ‘ . - . . . 0 . ‘0 ‘ ‘. a 5960* DJIBOUTI. “ o + ‘ . . L .3 ' + + A A * 4. § 9 O .’ , Q ’ A «00 ‘ ¢’+ ‘A ‘ ' ‘ . . ‘ ‘ 4, ‘ . a . ‘ _ 4%,, A - . . .. o 4 ' v ' 1° . + - ‘ 4» < \ Q? ~ A ‘ < - ' V A - ‘ ' 9 4 ‘ ’ . A A" AA .‘ - ‘ A - ‘ + ‘W '. , a ‘*.‘. 15%;;5, . , 'A. .0; .k .0 4,: + . . . * . n . .\ » 4 ‘ .8 . ‘ - , .° / 956 _‘ 032 IZEI ‘ . ‘ ggJ‘ . ‘ * / 4‘,“ r4. . ' ' ~ * / ‘ \Ufl ' ‘ *j: 1 .. A + #A . . ‘. . ‘A A ’ A * A . . ' I‘ . . ‘ + v ,' o 6 ‘ . ‘. L * + ‘ " » ' . . [0 + + . i ‘ . DURBAN I30° [40° [50° 30° 20° |0° - . _ 0° ' IOA‘ - ‘\f%\ ‘ m B A ‘ + ~\ (I) \ A ¢ 4 A * A + A . x: ’ 9- f 0 ‘ >‘9 g/Afi 'V. A I ‘ ‘ , ' 5:» v . + . A ‘4 A / /p\ \ A+ A ' IO° . / /, DARWIN / K 20° 30° 70° <-/ 70. V V 20° 30° 40° 50° 60° 70° 80° 90° IOO° ”0’ 120° |30° |40° |50° CHAPTER 2—DISTRIBUTION OF PROPERTIES AT HORIZONTAL SURFACES 20° 30° 40° 50° 60° 70° 80° 90° |OO° HO" |20° |30° |40° |50° .— ————————— ———————-3oo \ \ \ Okra $54 4057 _’ 009 (///‘/ V ' . VI, _ : : : , . \ A . - V ‘ V: V . - , , ._ ._ ‘ , , > ,, , 200 PORT _ , v . , ’ ESUDAN MASSAUA' BANGKOK ,4. DJIBOUTI _ “ M" ., ' MOGADISCIO ‘ 3" A2 3 ,. ¢ . > ’ x? m “L3 0 .5 <0 .' ‘979+>' r ~ 5 o A ‘ ’( A AA . ’ ‘4 3492: 02/{41/ . . .q)-PERTH o. ,. 60° 3.41 . 34.6. / / - 9,4, 0 57/ /70° 89 20° 30“ 40° 50° 60° 70° BANGKOK >‘¢>“v¢> ...+;>>¢‘ .>..> _“~ I40° |50° CHAPTER 2—DISTRIBUTION OF PROPERTIES AT HORIZONTAL SURFACES v CA'LC'lJVfTA'LOV RED 55A .. .1 -. 0973027/35} -‘ PORT SUDAN MKSSAUA BANGKOK 0° m .. >,+ + \ 1 A” Z 3 10° * W: ‘ . +_ |O° \ ‘ Vag , \ 10 a \ - \1- ‘ 20" 7 \ \ \ \ 30° ‘ DURBANF ’ <06 ............................................. 50° 60° 70° 80° 90° |00° 91 RED 554 V /51 3 13 (go; ' I .. , {may DJIBOUTI. ~~,~ / ‘ l MosAbIscto Z- - S fl / f \\\\W W 20 60° ”542... / / >20 60° 1 CHAPTER 2—DISTRIBUTION OF PROPERTIES AT HORIZONTAL SURFACES 20° 30° 40° 50° 60° 70° 80° 90° |OO° ”0' I20' I30’ I40° |50° .10: 6(4) - . QPERTH'W ........ ' ' 93 20° 30° 40° 50° 60° 70° 80° 90° IOO° I |O° |20° |30° |40° |50° km 554: 215520.04 ‘ . ‘ PORT SUDAN MASSAUA ' BANGKOK 77 // 930 .° 079 (43/ aflrlona a111, ' .oo'» ' "0'!" no" ' .o: no. I50° 94 Wow 50° 60° 70° 80° 90° CHAPTER 2—DISTRIBUTION OF PROPERTIES AT HORIZONTAL SURFACES 20° 30° 40° 50° 60° 70° 80° 90° |00° ,, IIWO° , IZO" |30° I40° |50° 30°” Z-NHNMI — — — — 30° ARACHI O NED SEA ‘ 4055’007 (96‘ , PORT , BOMEKY SUDAN > 20“ MASSAUA BANGKOK DJIBOUTI . \ |0° A A ' 'A/A AAA 30" DURBANOV ' , , - 7 , 77 . . . .‘ A ’1‘ ' ' . ‘ ' ' ‘ f 3474:0u/43/ . -. ‘ I : : » A . v 'A '2, . . ’ . .' A‘ ‘3'. {/JQPERTH . . , L < , 60' 70° 80° 90”|00°° ,. 95 0° 20° 30° 40° 20° |O° 0°‘ 20° 96 20° 30° . . 30o . , . V ._ . 4O . . 50° . 60° 70° 8° 90° I00° ”0° 120° .30» . , Km” . _V _ [40" I50“ 30° 20° 10° . on 55! >, . " .H ' .. ’0 V . ' ' . ARACHI , , _ ' ‘ , O .‘ . .’ 6 - >- . V MUSCAT ,. . . . ., ._ CALCUTTA '- /.0 ‘ . PORT \ SUDAN . ‘ BOMBAY - 00$ ‘ *9 s 0 MASSAUA 45 0 ' - 9 A ‘ . . ‘ ' o 6 ; . . . 6 40° _ , H - 50° . .' 50° 60° 20° 30° 40° 50° 60° 70° 80° 90° DARW1N a / K " 20° ” 30° '5 LBW“ .“E 40° IIO° |20° |30° I40° I50“ 30“ ' - " . * .. ‘ ~ V. . _' - - - - - — — — — — — — 7 - — - 30o RED SEA \ 096! 024/33) CALCUTTA o . ll .\ V 20° 20° PORT SUDAN MASSAUA BAN GKOK 10° 13 / .4“ A4|W¢n . 0M4$4§§ \ /22/‘3 0/4/23} l09 _‘ 020 (40/ yIPERTH 70°\ ' ,' 70° 20° 30° 40° 50° 60° 70° 80° 90° l00° “0° |20° 130° I40° |50° CHAPTER 2—DISTRIBUTION OF PROPERTIES AT HORIZONTAL SURFACES 97 30° . _ _ ....... I I I _ . I {3' ' _. ' _ ‘3 . \ ‘ ‘ CALCL'JTTA ‘- FED SEA . ' - ‘ . ' 20° I . /55! 26/20] , ' 20° I 53:13 [I MASSAUA I . 10°, \ .00 I l, r ' MOGADISCIO " " , MOMBASA- . .A 3 E H :53. 1. _ 98 20° ‘ “" ‘ so" '30' ' 'eo~ ' ' Ioo- ' To: '3"" ' 30'. 145' 'o» CHAPTER 2—DISTRIBUTION OF PROPERTIES AT HORIZONTAL SURFACES Iva-'05:) /432//4) _‘ PORT SUDAN HASSAUA BANGKOK MOGADISCIO / ,1; . ‘9 Wes,” ' ‘ '40' I50° 20° 90° IOO° l|0° |20° 300 I 1750 $54 20° I ‘ ‘Z/JU : 0.05' (95/: 20° PORT SUDAN ’/ MASSAUA / BANGKOK I 10° I IO“ 1 I: afigg MOGAmscm,9 ‘ / n A O a a . 0° ( \ [0° '09 \ \ 20° \ 100 50° 30° 40° CHAPTER 2~—D|STR|BUT|ON OF PROPERTIES AT HORIZONTAL SURFACES 20° 30° 40° 50 60 70° 80° 90° |OO° |IO° I20” |30° I40° I50“ — ' — — — 300 300-" ' * . .. ., -—-———— CALCUT RED SEA 4059 x 005 (86} 20° 20° PORT SUDAN MASSAUA BANGKOK 37 ‘ I0° MOGADISCIO /, /A. MOMBASA ' /J4751004 {27/ 0 I JAKA T4 N '2 ‘4’ ._‘.‘ “‘..““. III-II-I-l-I n-unn ; ' -34,7 \ 70° 20° 30° 40° 50° 60° 70° 80° 90° 100° I0‘|2°|° 101 20° 40° 50° 60° 70° 80° 90° IOO° l|0° |20° |30° 140° [50" 3001‘ - - _ , ., -, » V I CALCUTTA 0 20° 20° / pom SUDAN MASSAUA I BANGKOK I I o I DJIBOUTI_ k ”/4— ‘ I0 /.0 |0° 0° I0° . _ ' _ ' . _ ' ' _. I _ I0° "30° ' 530 _’ 026 (18) OPERTH , 1“;— 102 50° 60° 70° .. H .. I4050° CHAPTER 2—DISTRIBUTION OF PROPERTIES AT HORIZONTAL SURFACES 50° 60° 70° 80 90° 100" I |0° |20° I30" I40” ISO“ ~- ‘~ -~H~.nm,._.n. . . T ”V — —- —- 30° BANGKOK DJIBOUTI . 103 20° 30° 40° 50° 30“ ’ ' ' FED SEA I49223/l9/ 20° 20° , ponr SUDAN MASSAUA BANGKOK I / Dwsoun . |O° ' wk 'Ioo 4 l ' P V/ .' 0° ‘ 4 0° 9 ‘ .4. i 9\ MOMBASA 0‘ ‘. ' 1 w ‘ , \ H \- Ué: ~ k4 _ |O° '04 \ 20° 30° ‘ } , , , W , 4 .4 60° 7o“ ‘_ V ' /70° 104 ‘24.. ‘ ‘ 4 ‘4'... '70. ‘ '40' ' 'o'go ' .oo: .0: “(0' ' .o'- .40' '40» CHAPTER 2—DISTRlBUTION OF PROPERTIES AT HORIZONTAL SURFACES 20° 30° 40° 50° 60° 70° 90° IOO° ||O° |20° |30° |40° [50° 30° ' . r . . _________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _. 30., I * /, #50 SEA 20° ,' . 14 r 2 NH BANGKOK I '00 I 09 ,535: 7/4; JW \. |O°‘ 20° \ \ \ 30° 80° 90° IOO" IIO' l20° l30° |40° l50° 105 106 20° 40° 50° 60° ‘ 5:0 561 2m 1 0.07 (69} . PORT SUDAN MASSAUA omaoun )IU MOGADISCIO ' 80° BOMEXY ‘ MAORAS BANGKOK I50“ 90° I00“ |40° I50° CHAPTER 2—DISTRIBUTION OF PROPERTIES AT HORIZONTAL SURFACES 20° 30° 40° 50° 60° 70° 80° 90° |00° IIO” I20° ISO“ I4O'l [50° — _ — — - I— — — — — - — — - — — — — — —- 309 BANGKOK ,4 DJIBOUTI. ‘ : 3750 37 _ L I ’ 34 45 r 006 (40/ I" l .‘ OPER III-l... ......... 1.1.1: 0° 80° "90° IOO° ”0° I20 ° |° 1O 7 20° 30° 40° 20° 30° 40° 50° 60° 70° 80° 90° IOO° ||O° |20° 030° I40“ I50“ RED SEA 156 I 0,35 (4” 20° , 200 PORT SUDAN MASSAUA BANGKOK ‘IO" ' 47/3024 {18/ ‘ .A‘i.‘ .PERTH -“u‘-.un‘u‘-n...--....--.-uu------ 30° 40° 50° 60° 70° 80° 90° ' 108 CHAPTER 2—DISTRIBUTION OF PROPERTIES AT HORIZONTAL SURFACES 20° 30° 40° 50° 60 70° 80° 90° IOO° HO" |20° 130° |40° I50“ 300‘ " ’ ' ' ‘. . - , .. .V V - - — - — — 30° 1/ 1/ ”ED 5511 078:0/9/30/ 20° - o [l pom 20 , SUDAN MASSAUA BANGKOK I |0°l \ loo 0° '0° ‘ ‘ ‘ I00 [00 \ DARWIN ‘ \ i 20°\ N 20° \ [I \ 30" L L; /75 3 025 Mo) oPER‘rH -~\‘ ‘\-“ ‘IIIIIIIIIIIIIiII-lllll '--a 20° 30° 40° 50° 60° 70° 80° 90° |OO° ”I“ WIZI3MI° 109 20° 30° 40° 50° 60° 70° 80° 90° |00° ||0° |20° l30‘I [40° |50° ————_——-—_——_-——___-. RED SEA ‘ /10 2 3.9 (/5) PORT SUDAN ,/ > MASSAUA m MOGADISCIO ' . . - ~ I / . n (V: ~ 0° 5 Q. / _ . i,“ _ V _ r)” , _ , 51 V '00 MOMBASAV' _ ,' - . . . _ - . 2 a h . ~ . . . I ‘ ‘ > \ _ > a“ V - ' ' - I . ’ ~ ‘ . . I ' ‘ ‘ ‘ I .. , - _ .' - ~ . . . .‘ IO 30° ‘ DURBAN e '. . _ W/7/ \ ~ , [NV/Hr. «r'x... / " ‘ l W / I ¥ 70' 110 ‘w ‘ hoe“ 5‘” ' so" '70. ' 'eo~ ' ' .ooo' ' "0'.- 70' ' .so'o '40: '50. CHAPTER 2—DISTRIBUTION OF PROPERTIES AT HORIZONTAL SURFACES 20° 30° 40° 50° 60° 70° 80° 90° |00° ||O° |20° 130° I40° ISO“ 3001’ - ’ -‘ CALCUTTA - I750 SEA /4 I 2 {/2} 20° ' PORT SUDAN MASSAUA BANGKOK 7 (25: I? 15/ .' ' .PERTH """""""""" mo”40”'50°:° "1 I I [00’ l I If 0“ , .3 e> \g ‘ I IOO‘ 112 Mo 5541 ‘ 2/ 72 3 020 '(534 ‘ PORT SUDAN MASSAUA BANGKOK MOGADISCIO o " MOMBASA . ‘ {424 r 044 (19/ o PERTH ' ........ CHAPTER 2—DISTRIBUTION OF PROPERTIES AT HORIZONTAL SURFACES 50° 60° 70° 80° 90° |OO° ||O° {20° |30° |40° |50° : » -"__"-‘---"--—" m30° ARACHI O / “ 950 55: 200/ Iaassroxoww PORT SUDAN “K BOMBAY MASSAUA BANGKOK ‘ |O° MOGADISCIO / / A 20° :40° 150° 113 20° 30° 40° 50° 60° 70° 80° 90° [00° ”0° 120° 130° |40° I50° up so: ' 22/3045 (15/ PORT‘ ‘ " ' some 1 SUDAN 20 MASSAUA MADRAS MOGADISCIO 3' " ‘ . _ __ . I 0° , , * A , ' -~ . ' ' »: ,, _ v, ‘« _ 0° ‘ . I . a I . . . I , I, . , v , . _ . . k . ' , 1 1 412.0 ‘ ' ' ' o" "o ' 'eo ' ' I00° ' “0'.- '.'o” ' .o: no" '50. 20° 30° 40° 50° 60° 70° 80° 90° |OO° \1’ 2.0 2.4 ../ DJIBOUTI _ CHAPTER 2—DISTRIBUTION OF PROPERTIES AT HORIZONTAL SURFACES , 4 . . § . . ' . . . : _ ‘ - + * _ + + A . . . ~ ‘ . +A A" . 9 , ,2 // 2 0/7/59! 3‘ ;‘ 9 PERTH 115 20° 30° 40° 50° 60° 70° 80° 90° |OO° I |O° |20° |30° |40° I50° RED 1/ 9 _' 3.! {14/ PORT. SUDAN MassAuA‘ m mocamscm MOMBASA ’ / D ,\ I fl 2.98 3 53/27} ' ...+ .Pgnm‘. -- 25 w 30' 50° 'l 16 = '. .. . . .- . . . ........... 9 .00. .‘ '00.. . |.='|:‘ '36.. 140.; .50. CHAPTER 2—DISTRIBUTION OF PROPERTIES AT HORIZONTAL SURFACES 20° 30° 40° 50° 60° 70° 80° 90° l00° ||O° |20° I30“ |40° 150° 30" . .. ., . _ . , -, > . ........ . .‘ ‘. . V 30° ., .' ' ’Z' :51. V2 I‘pr'An 6 . ' \ ARACHLI ' » o, ‘_ ' , ' V :'MUSCAT ‘- RED SEA ‘H ’ " 20° _ _ . , y u: 2 (/0) , _ , ,V V ¢ _# 20° , , V PORT - _ . ¥ , , , ,. I , _' > + ‘ § I. <80 BOMB Y 00$ ' . e SUDAN ' - _- “w ‘ + . -’ / .* . + + . . \ _, ”SSW“ ' I H . . +‘ " '. . ' .- , ' I ‘ -_ v ‘ *,. -. " . ’ amexox _ _ ADEN "<7,0-. - . ' ‘ 0" MADRA - 70 ‘. + . 0 5 l 4 . ‘ 8 0 g “,0“ DJIBOUTI. - ' “ : * ~ y a 5. [0° * g _ |O° . * f . + - + 9 . . 4- O . s 414% 4?; MOGADISCIO 6' . m ' /» § 9 o a w , O . ' u s 1 0° ’ ‘ ‘ * / <66 - “a; s: a 'o $ ‘ _ , 4X" ‘3' .. .+, ,* . QK_ .0 v 9434ij \ §, \ é!) . t _, J . \\\ y ‘\ x L Q MOMBASA 0 80 . . / 56 g // (4) A _ Q, g - . ' ‘ “K4 7:4 fi loo k . 0 9 a ' y I 7-77" , 7743+? , ,7,, 7;? - \\\¥r loo 0 . O . 70' 1 Q + 0+ 0 20° {1' r ' 7 200 .6?0* ‘ ( , \ ' ‘ "k 50 * ‘ ‘ o ' O o * . L 4 _ 0 30 T ' , I ‘ 7 40: /2 (6) h ., ‘ II '. OPERTH /\ //"‘ RM / 20' . . . r . , ’40° 30° DURBAN - 117 ................................................ 20° 30° 40° 50° 60° 70° 80° 90° IOO' CHAPTER 2—DISTRIBUTION OF PROPERTIES AT HORIZONTAL SURFACES 30° 40° 50° 60° 70° 80° 90° l00° ||O° |20° |30° [40° _ I5” 30° PORT' SUDAN MASSAUA' BANGKOK MADRAS DJIBOUTI. / ‘ MOGAOISCIO 6' .- / Av - - . ' J . “I .. ‘ . . .. . I0° 0.. m__; 1 ‘ 0‘ mam .0 I. V .‘ \g 119 120 10° 00 l0° 20° 20° 20° 30° 40° 50° 60° 70° 80° 90° |00° HO° l20° I30° 30° ' ARACHI"" . _: . . M‘USF‘AT. . CALcuTTA' 0 P50 554 . ., I 220:026 . PORT ' ¥ ' ‘ Bough ' ' . ' . SUDAN a . ”/2 ’ . “we . 2-0 ‘ ‘ . l . 9 3 I .. MASSAUA ' ' I ' ADE“ ‘ _ BANGKOK . MADRAS \60‘ 5F |40° [50° 30° 20° DJIBOUTI, IO“ 1 Q on a) a -% r ; . MOMBASK' , 7% 2/520/4 r23) . . ’ ‘ A _'{‘ 225 , g § 2-2.7 210’ O .- . 3' ‘ .b’ 0 A . . .- / 2.55 I \ loo . : . / I/ - DARWIN /’ ‘ \ 4 \\ . ‘ \ /_ 20° 0 A 30 DURBAN 30° A _ I” / IA I a . _ A 4.0 .. ’ O C. ELBWR" .- 0 40° . 0 ‘ ¢ 2 ’ . . . o --va- ”£40“ ,' ' 4.2 - . . ' ' ' . -' ' _ . <42 ’ - . . _ <4.2 4.2 . . m . Q . . . . - . _ o O ‘ I 50 50° - <44 ° . O 60 60° \ 70° 70° 20° 30° 40° 50° 60° 70° 80° 90° |00° IIO' |20° |30° |40° I50° CHAPTER 2—DISTRIBUTION OF PROPERTIES AT HORIZONTAL SURFACES 20° 30° 40° 50° 60° 70° 80° 90° |00° ||0° |20° I30" I40” [50° 3001, - - ‘ ,.V . ..‘ . .,. .9 , HY I» _ _ _ IV, I I I . , _ RED SEA . / ‘ ‘06930/807l PORT SUDAN MASSAUA BANGKOK \IO" MOGADISCIO '0' ’ mousnsafi ‘ ' 1‘ , , . ‘ \ A7 , ‘ T Q’ ‘ ‘v , , - ' \x ‘ I g ' o R A - i . ' ' ' 30 DU 8 N . _ . - ' ‘ (225:0/5/39) I30“ l40° I50" 121 20° 30° 40° 50° 60° 70° 80° 90° I00“ l|0° 120° l30° |40° |50° , . 1 ' R50, .90!" V I . , SUDAN , I MAESAUA" _ , ‘0 I ‘ Ev"??? DJIBOUTI 0‘ “/fi ' » 2. _ 1*"! . - p moeApIsmo " 122 0° 30° 40° 50° 60° 70° 80° 90° l00° lIO' |20° l30° |40° l50° 20° 20° . |0° 0° 10° 20° 30° CHAPTER 2—DISTRIBUTION OF PROPERTIES AT HORIZONTAL SURFACES 30° 40° 50° 60° 70° 80° 90° I00“ ||O° l20° I30" I40“ I50° , 30° ' -, "147;" 05;" _ ‘ x3112. (9} - v , 20° PORT ' ., . . ' Bough ,SUDAN , V , . ' ° ‘ ‘ , ' . V 1:. ' .¢ .3 _‘ . . + . + MASSAUA” ' ‘ = . § . , , _ , - . BANGKOK war 60 ° . ' MADRAS ‘ . _ + \x ' . Q . . “\GO DJIBOUTL > 90' § ‘ , . ‘ o ; 9 . - Q . |0° ' ' <90 0 + 4' 44% _ , 04‘, MOGADIsgIo ‘6' . _ 0’? , * % L q + ’ 30 ‘ ‘ ° ' 63 0° 9 Q + " 4» +0 0 : .. + Q ' é ; ‘ + -' ' ‘ 70 ‘ T + . § . + 4» :Hl/961/2/4) $5 + 30 '1', JAM T4 ' + . . DURBAN ‘ 40" * - DARWIN 20° 80 . 30° ' 60 , ' (50:11/6/ ' 0 PERTH 7°“ 5--.1jw.,1if:: , , . ,_ , 70" 20° 30° 40° 50° 60° 70° 80° 90° I00“ ”0° l20° I30° I40° I50° 123 20° 30° 40° 50° 60° 70° 80° 90° 100° l|0° |20° |30° |40° |50° RED 5a ‘ 2/ 55 3 a 12” \ 0 PORT V 20 SUDAN MASSAUA 500! all/25} BANGKOK DJIBOUTI‘ 6'0 m. , .. MOGADISCIO ‘6' a a: ‘ a 0. {‘H... ‘ \g DURBAN‘ ‘ " zazsox/wz/ / ‘ pPERTH 124 80° 90° |00° CHAPTER 2—DISTRIBUTION OF PROPERTIES AT HORIZONTAL SURFACES 40 64 3 009‘ ('25) ' ‘f' ' ‘ 20° PORT ' SUDAN v ‘\ BOMBAY ' 34872 _‘ 00/5 (25} MASSAUA I} BANGKOK 1, 50 k DJIBOUTI. ‘ . . ’1 L734 6/6 3 0032 (15/ ‘ * PERTH 1. «fit ' .'. A 0 I I . , ' ' 125 20° 30° 40° 50° 60° 70° 80° 90° l00° | l0° 120° |30° [40° |50° on 126 20° 30° 40° 50° 60' 70' 80° 90° |00° ”0' 120° CHAPTER 2—DISTRIBUTION OF PROPERTIES AT HORIZONTAL SURFACES 20° 30° 40° 50° 60° 70° 80° 90° |00° ||O° |20° [30° [40° I50° 264 _' 020 (/01 BANGKOK I DJIBOUTI‘ .r mowscyo " 2.2, ‘ + , . o ‘ , _ o , , 4 * _ + . + ' ' ' ' f\24 : ' 5 oun‘eANL , ’ T , - 232 2 0/7 (35) - ." - : oPERm I, ....... ' 127 20° 30° 40° 50° 60° 70° 80° 90° |00° l|0° |20° |30° I40“ |50° 128 .20° 30° 40° 50° CHAPTER 2—DISTRIBUTION OF PROPERTIES AT HORIZONTAL SURFACES 20° 30° 40° 50° 60° 70° 80° 90° |OO° ||0° |20° |30° |40° |50° 959 2 53 (9/ BANGKOK quou‘ry V ~ J _,» " \ |0° 54 2 /4_ (6/ o PERTH ‘ 129 130 20" 30° 40° 50° 60° 70° 80° 90° |OO° ||O° 20° 30° 40° 50° 70° 80° 90° IOO° I|O° |20° l30° |40° CHAPTER 2—DISTRIBUTION OF PROPERTIES AT HORIZONTAL SURFACES 20° 30° 40° 50° 60° 70° 80° 90° |00° | |0° |20° |30° |40° |50° 20° 30° 40° 50° 60° 70° 80° 90° 100° ”0' |20° I30' |40° I50' 131 20° 30° 40" 50° 60° 70° 80° 90° |OO° IIO" |20° |30° |40° |50° (75:004 {19/ BANGKOK MADRAS DURBAN ‘ 132 ..... CHAPTER 2—DISTRIBUTION OF PROPERTIES AT HORIZONTAL SURFACES 20° 30° 40° 50° 60° 70° 80° 90° 100° 1 l0° |20° |30° l40° |50° 30° . 30° 20° DJIBOUTI '0° '00 0° 0° 0 245 t 0/5 {23/ " '. 10° [0° 20° 70° 70° 20° 30° 40° 50° 60’ 70° 80° 90° |00' llO' |20° |30' I40° |50° 133 20° 30° 40° 50° 60° 70° 80° 90° 100° 110° 120° 130° 140° 150° 30° 1 5. 30° 20° IO° IO" 4 . , ~ 4 , - MOGADIS‘CI‘O " + . 91°12 ‘ o 0 0° “C,- D on £3 + + 83 ' $ 0 . .5 .1. ° . /35.o ° 22 (/6) o v |0° loo 20° 20° 30° 134 40° 60° 70° ”0° |20° ISO“ l40° [on 20° 30° 20° 30° 40° 50° 60° 70° CHAPTER 2—DISTRIBUTION OF PROPERTIES AT HORIZONTAL SURFACES . .++++,+.¢ . 80° 90° |00° l 10° I20° I30° 140° I50° 30° 20° |0° 0° 51% . log ' Is [4/ ' q , ,V. “I > H v .‘ ;.=: a f - ‘ '2 ’ “\ |O° I20 ' . mm 7 a //0 20° 30° wt 9 . 00““ .V‘EL' 40° 30° 40° 60° paw” 70° 80° 90° |00° ||0° l20° |30° I40° I50° 135 20° 30° j 20° ”1 |0° on |0° 20° 30" 136 40° w: an. l40° DARWIN 30° 40" 50° 60° 70° 80° 90° |OO° ”0° [20° I30° - ARA‘CHIV 0 .¢ ’ c 0 - + pom Bough ' ‘ SUDAN . . . , ‘ + MASSAUA ..""* 2:5 0 . - . _ . ‘ BANGKOK ADE-N I - . MADRAS '. + .' - l . Q (20“ DJIBOUTL c liq/2g " w ‘0 g #4] MOMBASA 0 1,79: 0.04 (2.!) ”7 :1 “K4 T4 . 2.0 2.2 DURBAN 50° 20° 30° 40° |50° 3"” 20° IO" m . 0° 20° CHAPTER 2—DISTRIBUTION OF PROPERTIES AT HORIZONTAL SURFACES 20° 30° 40° 50° 60° 70° 80° 90° IOO° I |0° |20° I30 |40° |50° 30°'---- ’ - -- A ..... .. ,___ H ,_ __,7_7____.30. l.. I I. I 20°, \‘ 200 PORT SUDAN MASSAUA I BANGKOK ADEN l O omaoun‘ . 7 ' \ . ' I E . " loo MOGAmsmo 5, ’ 0° m ' ' '34 754 : 0015(13/ .‘ _ oPERTH' 'g . 20° 30° 40° 50° 60° 70- 8090* IOO° no- I20° 130° |40° |50° 137 138 20° 30° 40° 70° 80° 90° IOO° ”0° I20” I30“ |40° |50° IO" 20° 30° DURBAN 40° 50° 60° 30° 20° 1.3xnexég |O° 0° '1 O 3 '$ b ,5.” d 210 I00 I I” I I 20° = " 30° :17 {0.12 134/4}. 1 , * ~ ¢ Ii {PERTH-32'- . , . . § 0 ' x o ' . m V ‘ ‘ <40 yaw“ u v v ‘ ' 9 n A 40° 0 . I 4.0 J { - 4.2 . _ 50" 9 60° 70° 30° 40° 50° 60° 70° 80° 90° IOO" IlO' |20° l30° |40° |50° CHAPTER 2—DISTRIBUTION OF PROPERTIES AT HORIZONTAL SURFACES 20° 30° 40° 50° 60° 70° 80° 90° |00° ||0° |20° l30° |40° |50° ; DJIBOUTI. A >- ' \ ‘ . ': .‘ .. _ . ~ |0° MOGADISCIO o 4423 1' 0/5 (33/ g PERTH lusonyo 90° IOO" ”0' I20. ' 139 50° 60° 70° 20° 30° 40° 20° 30° 5511"" '- 20° l0° ,; IO° 20° 30° 40° 30° 40° - = :rsrxgu'wm"; 50° 60° 70° 80° "ARACHL* .. 90° |OO° ||0° |20° I30” 140° PORT BOMB Y SUDAN , s MASSAUA < , ,_ BANGKOK ADEN 35 , , . . 14 - MADRAS ! , \\ 0 a 5&60 DJIBOUTI, a . , a- o o 9 k ”4,1,6 4 o , MOGADISCIO "t ’ <35 \ 1°04 . § , § 9 d) , V #- 0 .- MOMBASA' ' ' , * - 9 . 34 2 Lat/5; § . ,3‘2' J4kq 42 ’ ' . w T4'. 0 . ‘ J . DURBAN ‘ J4); yarn/‘1. ' ‘20- ‘ ‘30: 4'0. 70° eo- l I30° 140° |50° IO' |50° 30° 20° 10“ on ‘ a ‘\ KS ‘ ' |0° 20° 30° CHAPTER 2—DISTRIBUTION OF PROPERTIES AT HORIZONTAL SURFACES 20° 30° 40° 50° 60° 70° 80° 90° |00° ||O° |20° I30“ |40° |50° 200 I O O . ‘ L : you 7 . v}, SUDAN .' , ,: = I _, MAsswA . DJIBOUTI~ MOGADISCDO '0 DURHAM ~ 141 20‘: |0° 0° [0° 20° 30° 142 20° 30° 40° 50" 60° 70° 80° 90° |00° ||O° |20° |30° |40° I50“ _. . .......... ... 30° , . . -. , 20° . _P°RT °.'_' BOMB v - SUDAN: ° . ° _ ' s - I MASSAUA’ . .' . . ADE-N 12/ 6‘ . MADRAS DJIBOUTI -' ' . - .' 4 = _ |O° g..."- o D 0' ° . "'0 .' ' . . : b . : u I . I I '- R o o . .- D o .‘J . "- ' \g ,‘ .. . . '- ‘ 0" . 1 ~ ' a o O a o 0. m. . Mommy? . 'i - ... . t J [.5 : .. , ' «u ' ' ' /' I ' on fl 6 ‘fijT' Vn I Do [I] ' ‘% ‘ 01} F V . r n ‘ 9 ‘9 a: ~,, _’ ' . «1 .: MOMBASA 0 ' - 3 J". ' o . - '. '. - ° 1.020.05/23/ J“ .‘ Q . O . ° . _' "r _ an ' fi g o . 5 ‘MKA T4 , f I “ - J 7 '0 . 0 III I ' DARWIN R . ‘ 20° /.8 DuRBfm x44 3005 433/ 30° , . .,. , .s. , .. p‘PE’RTH' - a a I - ° 0 ‘ ' I o u u ‘ c fiLBouR-m ' >/.4 . . ' 40° . t I °.- ' ‘ I : ‘ /' I, ‘5 40° ? . ' . . . /-5 - [‘4 .. 00 ' - ' /.2 o ‘ . /.4 /0 . ° - . - h 0.6 Q 05 /—0 /.2 . 50° . ' 0 50° - ‘ 0.4 - ' 0‘4 . ' 0 .. . , - 0.2 ° ' - 0-2 9 K ' 60° .' o 60” ‘ 70" . . .. 70° 20“ 30° 50° 60' 70° 80° 90° l00° ||0° |20° |30° |40° |50° CHAPTER 2—DISTRIBUTION OF PROPERTIES AT HORIZONTAL SURFACES 20° 30° 40° 50° 60° 70° 80° 90° l00° HO‘I I20“ I30° I40° [50° \ ARACHI' O O MUSCAT 20° " ' " 20° PORT BOME‘AY ' ' SUDAN ' - ' s '3 - 6 . MASSAUA 0“ . .' . . - _ ' 29 - ' . . BANGKOK ADE.N . ' . MADRAs ' 9 ° . . 0“ 9‘6 . DJIBOUYL o ‘ IO° IO° ‘ :MG 5‘ 1°o 9 0° 0° 4’ a a 5 '0 ' $ '0 ”4354:; h a ”D a . ' '. u /34735:aoos(221 ‘ W J.” ,y cu . . . V ‘JAKA 5’ ‘, 5 ; . " "I f . . W :9 5' " I 'x 71 ’y o |0° .~ . . .. (I [ I0 .; . ,, / \ . ,'.’ DARWIN f \ 20° 20° 30° DURBAN r 34 736 I 0009 (32/ ) . 3. ~ . 34.74 6 40° \ . .3474 o . " , . ' W 34.74 50, _ 34.72 v - ° 60° 60° \ 70° 70° 20° 30° 40° 50° 60° 70° 80° 90° |00° |l0° |20° |30° 140° I50° 143 20° 30° 40° 50° 60° 70° 80° 90° |OO° IIO“ l20° |30° |40° I50° 30°- ----- .- -, .-v -, - ,- -4 - ,- - _ - .y. -. _- ————————————————————— / .. y y _, - , KUWAIT . . v - .v V . ,_ ,2, 20°] - L' v I, I ‘ I -, ' Pom‘ , - : I I ‘ aouE‘Z‘w , , V SUDAN I ‘ : s ’ ' . - - MASSAQA _ I ADEN . O I 5 DJIBOUTI‘ m . MOGADISCIO 6’ / . - . 2" 355 0/8 (22/ . MM .7. , ' A DURBAN OWV [30° 4/0 3008/33} o PERTH 144 “20 ' ‘ ' ' ' o" '70: ' 'eo ' ' 100° """""""""""" CHAPTER 2—DISTRIBUTION OF PROPERTIES AT HORIZONTAL SURFACES 20° 30° 40° 50° 60° , 70° 80° 90° |OO° I |0° I20° |30° I40“ I50° —— - ,,.. 7 --30° 30°. ’ * -- KUWAIT o ARACW O “x BOMBAY BANGKOK DJIBOUTI. L ( % :.('225 t 0/4 {30) /A .PERTH I? ,” —~~“‘.‘-“‘ 20° 30° 40u°50° 60° 70° 80° 90° |OO° IIO° I20 |30° I40” I50° CHAPTER 2—DISTRIBUTION OF PROPERTIES AT HORIZONTAL SURFACES PORT SUDAN s MASSAUA DJIBOUTI . MADRAS. MoeAmscio 91/1 p /00 V W | ' DO //0 20° 30° 40° 50° 60° I00° IIO" |20° I30° I°4 I50° 147 20° 30° 40° 50° 60° 70° 80° 90° 3001---- --W———- . KUWAIT O ' “ ‘ ' ' V ARACHI o O I MUSCAT 20° J 20° PORT SUDAN MASSAUA BANGKOK ADE“ MADRAS O l omaour IO° ' IO° SOMALI HAS/IV a: ‘ ll/J : 0052 (/33) A MosAmsmo b on I0°‘ \ \\ 20°\ MONT/#7557 AUSTHAL/A/V HAS/Al 0873: 0 043 I2/8/ 09/4 3 0035 (2.9) OPERTH 148 . u. -. n... ..-..':W:’ 80“ 90° |OO° “0‘ 120° ‘zoo‘ 60° ,0. l30° 140° 50° CHAPTER 2—DISTRIBUTION OF PROPERTIES AT HORIZONTAL SURFACES 20° 30° 40° 50° 60° 70° 80° 90° |00° ||O° |20° |30° I40“ I50“ ————— ———————3oo ARACHI o .J . , ., . MUSCAT CALCUTTA' ‘0 20° \ PORT BOMBAY SUDAN ‘ I MASSAUA . ' . BANGKOK _ ADE." ARABIA/V 545m MADRAS I a ‘9 . 34 737! a 0/4 (29,! . . DJIBOUTL SOMALI BASIN 34.725 ! D 009 (/13) .4 MOGADISCIO 0 / a c; b a MOMBASA ' E; Q: aft-I00. - CENTRAL IND/AN BASIN 34 734 r 0 034 I63} COO-ma. WORN-07557 AUSTRALIA/V HAS/IV 34 72/ !0 0/2 (205/ MAD/1645611}? BAS/A/ J4 725 f 0 0/0 (35/- o \ . 3O DURBAN 34 72c ' a on 125/ (7 [1157' 600157 HAS/Al 347/2 ! 00/3 (/3) o SOUTH l/NRAL MN BASIN 34 732! 0 0/6 {55/ /, / ’N/ IND/AN ANTARL‘NC BASIN 3465 _’ 0015(25/ 20° I0°“‘ 20° \‘ 150 0° 60° 70° 80° 90° |OO° ||O° |20° |30° |40° [50° 20° 30° 40° 3001* - , '---_ - ARACHI o , I MUSCAT CALCUTTA o , Bi V 7 .\ x PORT BOMBAY " SUDAN MASSAUA BANGKOK ADEN o MADRAS DJIBOUTI. |O° SOMAL/ HAS/N 403 3 0/6 {HUI NORTHWEST AUSYRAUA/V BAS/N 422 I 0 /6 {2/0) MADAGASCA/V 5A5”! 447 f 022 (33/ \ l " Ur 10“ ”5’ 15' ' . XX \ . . \ \\ Zia £457 CPOZFV HAS/N j 47/*0/6 (/2/ I‘ll-"I'lllltllll |20° |30° I40" 80° 90° |00° ”0° 20° 30° 40° 50° 60° 70° CHAPTER 2—DISTRIBUTION OF PROPERTIES AT HORIZONTAL SURFACES 20° 30° 40° 50° 60° 70° 80° 90° |OO° ll0° l20° |30° 140° I50° ‘\ ARACHI 0 20° _ 20° PORT some v - SUDAN ‘ ‘ - ARABIA/V BASIN ‘ 0 249 3 0 // (2U MASSAUA . BANGKOK ADE.” :9 m MADRAS |O° DJIBOUTL ' o » SOMALI BASIN . | a 24/ ! 024 {/00} CENTRAL M/DIAN BASIN 2.36 t 02/ (57/ C9 (3 K MOGADI 0° ‘ \ I0° 20° NDFTHWESY AUSf/iAL/AIV BASIN 225 I 17/6 (24/) (E MADAGASCAR BASIN 232 t 007 {25/ 30° DURBAN‘ \ 220 t 0/4 [25} 3. {7% o PERTH [A57 CfiDZEf HAS/N- 223 3 0/6 {8/ AFRICA/V ANYARL‘T/E - HA5 V 255 .v o . (5i) ................. 151 I‘l‘ uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu 20° 30° 40° 50° 60° 70° 80° 90° IOO I , I. . I j 20° > , 200 I . V '3 PORT BOMEKY ‘ SUDAN I . V ’ ARABIA/V 545m ' ‘ MBSAUA ’ 32/ z 13 (/61 I ' ~ = . \ I , ‘ <35 ° l DJIBOUTI, ,v ‘ IO . ' samu BASIN 324 I 4.] {52/ m .;, ,, MOGADISCIO "0' 6 L‘ENTFAL INDIA/V HAS/N 34.0 14.5 (24/ Iva/irHWEsr AusmAL/AA/ BAS/A/ 320 2 4.5 (/51) 150 ._ _ \'./ flaw . I _' fi‘v SOUTH AUSTRALIAN 1945/11/ 252 I 69 ll} NAIAL BASIN I 4,? {H} 152 I00° ”0° I20° I30°|40° :50° 20° 30° 40° 50° 60° CHAPTER 2—DISTRIBUTION OF PROPERTIES AT HORIZONTAL SURFACES 20° 30° 40° 50° 60° 70° 80° 90° 100° I |0° |20° |30° |40° |50° ARAB/AN BASIN I46 1‘ I) (/2) MADAGASCAR 545/” /22 ! l4 {/3} /20 NAVAL HAS/IV .90 2 l5 {/3} 9.. 90° IOO" l|0° I20° l30° |40° |50° 153 30' 40° 50° 60° 70° 80° 154 20° 30° 40° 50° 60° 70° 80° 90° IOO° |l0° I20° |30° [40° |50° DJIBOUTI * SOMALI HAS/IV 0.8.90 3 0.036 I24} MOGADISCIO "0 ,, . -- -- CENTRAL IND/AN BASIN ‘ ‘ 0.946 r 0. 029 I/a/ NORTHWEST , AUSTRALIA/V BASIN (273730.027 {87/ NArAL HAS/IV 0. I: 3 0.027 (a) sour/1 Ausr/ML/A/v HAS/IV a 490 r 0.017 (/4) ........................ 30° 40° 50° lllllllllllllllllllllllllll 60° 70° 80° 9° |OO° ”0° l20° l30° I40“ |50° 20° 156 30° '20 - - - .30 - - 40° 50° 60° . 70° 80° 90" |OO° l|0° |20° |30° _> > _ ‘ KUWAIT . > . . fl . / . , ' ' |40° |50° ARACHI' _ . V , _ 200 I \‘ ‘x ‘ 0° . ‘05“, - ‘ MASSAUA ,J' ; . ADE“ BANGKOK I - - 0 MADRAS ‘ , . 5 > I ’ ' . DJIBOUTI. IO° . \ o I V; I0 ' sou/w BASIN ' , _ ' 43/ 2 0 IS (2/) m MOGADISCIO "-' . CENTRAL INDIA/V HAS/IV o 4 l4 ! 0.07 K9} 0 I 0° ‘ 1 IOa ‘ IO° \ NORTHWEST AUSTRAL/A/V GAS/N 200‘ 4372012 (55} DURBAN - I x4 55 I a?!“ ' '494' ‘az: IVAML HAS/IV .500! 0 20 (9/ Sal/7H USTIVAL/AN BASIN 458 .' 0/5 {/4} 158 SAL/MTV 700 25" 06 20° /5" /O° PO TE/VT/AA TEMPEPATUPE 50 O”— Jrir ' ‘ 5&3? . ‘- .. '0' ‘i 4 fld‘f‘r ' BAY OF BENGAL EOUATOIP 70 20°S A/VTA/ic‘ TIC SURFACE WATERS ARAB/AN SEA 9593 OBS —>— - AfiAé/AIV samu (/MELL/m AREA OXYOE/V OO/l/TE/VT /77//A 5 6 7 I l I | I I I NORMEIWV INDIA/V 0654/! 25' — 40‘s ANTARC 7' /c S URFAL‘E WAT E IFS -20 ZO— .\ L31 l PHOSPHATE ,ag—alom/A S I I O5— UPIVEL L ”/6 OFF S OMAL / MIA/7cm sumac: / MATE/95 BAY OF BENGAL 8/05 OBS l/PWELL ”/6 ARE A OFF ARAB/A AflAfi/Af/ SEA 79OO OBS SURFACE WAT E flS ' UPWELL/f/G ARE A S ANMRCT/c‘ SAN/WT)” ”/aa SCATTER DIAGRAMS FOR THE LAYER BETWEEN 0 AND 25 METERS OXYOE/V OO/VTE/VT m//A 30° 25” 20" /5" /O" BO /.5 /.O O5 POTE/l/T/AL TE/V/PEPATUPE ”C PHOSPHATE ,ag—Ufam/L CHAPTER 2—DISTRIBUTION OF PROPERTIES AT HORIZONTAL SURFACES S/L/C/IT/f #g-U/Om/L OXYGEN CO/VfE/WI m//L 0 /0 20 30 40 50 60 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 300 :iIIIIIII I I l' I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I T Til I I— I I I I I I I I I. 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O2 0J0 33' l 2 .I5 0500 ‘0‘98 2 l 2 x 3 l2.8 .04 .7 Al 4 2 I 0 ‘ 5 l I 67 130 5.9 0 5 OBI 462 2 . 3 . 98 54 I 3 640 36‘ 2 . . 3 .. 08 63 2 3 .{ 9‘5 3 : 40 2! 650 5 . . 92 7| 2 3| l3. 099 425 920 439 5,1 9.l. 0 B 670 409 2: |50° 60° 90° |20° 30° II 42 I3 32 .86 34.88 34. 9| 34, 87 0.04 0. 03 0.02 0. 05 a m u A no u h 3I 32 4 I0 20 9 40 4 90 34.92 4 97 34.84 34 8734.85 .72 34, 7| 34.69 34.6 08 0. 05 0. 06 0 6 0.0 0.05 0.0 0.08 0.0 I9 33 I5 I5 6 l4 I8 26 .I435I3 5.2235.I0 5.l735.I5 .0034. 434.8434. .I20II 0.I2 0.I4 0.I5 0.I0 .070. 00.060. ll I4 9 7 9 6 I5 23 35. 335. 36 35 323 .30 35. 2° 5. 24 35. 29 II 35. 0. 8 0. 06 00° .07 0.09 0.I0 0.I0 IO 0 37 6 6 5 4 6 I8 5.06 35. I 35. 263 23 35 2I 5.23 35.I4 04 I9 0. 5 0.08 07 0 08 0. 06 0.07 I6 30 3 4 7 7 8 8 35 34.8234. 2 I35 I83 I235. 08 .87 4. 4 4 0 04 05 0.04 .I O. 36 4 6 3 I 34 75 34.873 35 223 .I435.05 . 534. .23 .04 5 0. 2 I2 8 34. 4534. .78 34 . . .06 0. .05 4 34. .303 .I3 2 5 34. 60 34. 50 34. 0. l I . 120° L» Q o. 0: i i / . a 5 ' . 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I l 4,10 4. 0. ‘45 I CHAPTER 3—DATA SUMMARIES FOR SOD-MILE SQUARES 29 , . l . H ‘39 037033026059 2 b9 1: .36 007 0070100 ) 17 lb 201 13 .lb 3 44 3 2‘ 44 2. 53 2.01 0.17 0.] 180 2 2 .70 .703.b5 .7 7 72 2 3 3 A I I '. 4. 0. 03 Do u 22 2 2 14 0 9 0. O. .05 0. B 0! 0. lb 3 33 0,32 0.36 0.77 0. 0.15 0.17 0.15 0. 19 58 17 0.00 0.08 83 0. 0.15 0.16 14 O. 32 29 49 35 0.97 1.04 1.00 0.97 0.9 0° 0.13 0.24 0.17 0.110. 35 14 4b 29 1.351.291.331.231. 0 21 0.21 0.18 0.15 0. 40 11 27 4 1.791.791.701.001. 0.10 0.10 0.15 0.15 0. 25 9 21 8 198 991.901.851. 015 015 0.13 0.07 0. 15 b 13 4 3. 35 3 29 3,20 3.35 2. 0. 99 0 95 0. 65 1.24 0, 9 b 13 4 4. 72 4 90 4. BO 4. 7b 4. 0.30 015 0.34 0.15 O. 4 4 5 5 5.10 .05 4. 98 4. 99 4. . 0.12 .13 0.24 0.13 0. 7 7 7 3 . 5 07 .03 5. 05 5.10 5. . 01104015 .15 0.17 0.23 5 2 b 3 1 3 .79 14 4,9 4 98 4 95 4.82 4 74 522 4. 12 1 010 D A 5 2 I 2 2 3 .79 4. 0408 488 498 5.12 4.9 5. 024 37 .14 0.2 0. 3 3 5.20 4. 5 0. 1 4.45 CHAPTER 3—DATA SUMMARIES FOR 300-MILE SQUARES 750 A? 20 29 2. OS 2. 0° 0, 07 O. 07 2. (>9 2.b 0.09 0.0 070 4 O 8 2. 27 2. 2 . b I I 26.3 24.7 23.2 2|, I 40 .4 1| 2. 29 IO 27, 4 20.1 2. 7 3. 5 I IO 30. 5 28.0 3.8 30 5 30. b . I 23 4, 4 30 45. 9 B. 3 181 I50° l20° 93 d 2 II I 2.72 2,38 2.20 2.24 2.05 2.2 0. SI 0. 2O 0. 62 b 182 woo a 19 9 9 11 23 5.45 552 5.13 5.14 5. 2a 0.29 032 0.19 0.10 o. 5 12 4 5 7 014.91527 5.39 5.10 5. 200150150 0130 13 4 5 15 5.10 490 4.79 25 0.34 025 0. 40 3 5 5 10 5.14 4.90 n75 nm 3 3 9 3.53 5.35 4.75 0.23 3 3 35 3. 90 3. 57 0. 37 3 3 .85 27. 94 on 30° 90“ 30° 0. o. 1 35 0 5 2 9 34.9 34. 9 0.1 0. 4 2 3 .1 34.95 34.9 34. .10 J 0 03 0.0 0. 55 19 25 0334.9 3 .953494 34 .05 0.0 .04 0.03 0 30 49 34 33 .0535. 35.03 35. 01 34. 9734. 94 34. 93 34. 94 34 .05 0. 0.05 0.05 0.04 0.04 0.03 0.03 002 0 42 35 35 14 44 34 4 55 4 .9534. 34. 93 34. 91 34.94 34.91 34.39 34.9 34.90 34.0 .05 0. 0.05 0. 04 0.04 0.05 0.05 0. 05 0.05 0.0 2 2 s .7 4 .o 2 .b .0 .03 0: .02 0. 3 2 4 .55 34. 34.473 .42 34. n n0 1 2 .41 34 3734. 3 3 .72 34. 73 cm» 0— 1 4 2 2 0. 6 1 3 0. 7 0.3 .13 0. 15 3 25 .47 0.50 1.021. .10 0.17 0.15 0. 18 50 U 15 80 0921.01 .171. lb 016 0.13P.15 0. 3 32 27 45 32 |.l 1091. 0.0 010 0.13 0.13 0.15 0.09 0. 42 35 36 13 39 30 1.4 1401.431.371.371.35|. 0.2 021 0.17 0.20 0.17 0.14 0. 2 9 41 11 23 4 13 39 48 .971981.851.821.791.731.701781 1.92 .13 .1 .09 0.12 0.15 0.1 017 0 015 30 16 8 18 .39 .981.92 2 2.07 .23 .09 0.09 0. 0.09 28 12 18 .54 .14 183 CHAPTER 3—DATA SUMMARIES FOR 300-MILE SQUARES 2 2 2 I8 29 29 0 I0 8 I0 2° 21 A 2 I 2 . II 8 20 5 I 2 o . 2 . WW 0 4 4 88 9 b 3 2 5 I 20 Z. 2 92 28 08 4 2 . . 2 2o. 20 2. 0 my . 29l I48 963 707 I92 ObI 765 bAI 096 809 33 32 2 525 434 b 2 2 I02 2OI 462 37I 352 ISI b2 32 IDI I2 3 7 62 IO I 2 I I 2.0. 20 20 20 2.0 20 2.0. 2.0. 20 2.0. 2.0. 2 2. 2.0/271/0. 2. . 3787 I37 743 I96 625 3I 02 I04 43 27I 27I I7I 62 7 2.0. 30. 2.0 20 20. 20 20 2 3 877 7II 065 924 479 7I9 475 7 80 u 94 27I I7I 51 52 A2 2. 20. . 20 2.0 2.0 20 20. 22 I53 OIO 832 529 I85 I 37] 27I I61 I00 I4I 20. 20 2.0. 20 20 20 0‘7 058 020 I00 00 5| 2.0. 2.0. 2.0 IIII 785 0I9 247 260 I70 I5I 2.0. 2.0 20 . NV 887 27 044 0 60 3 I23 3 3 20. IWIIIWbI . II 840 876 I98 IOI I50 230 20 2.0. 2.0 200 I‘l 2 5 .7 3|. r O IIO. 3 '80 5 3.. . OI 0 3 3 5 208 290 GI 02 3 2 it 4 . . 3 . . OI 90 2 2 w w 0 802 990 I I 7. I9.I. I9.I. 2 2 2 92 3.1 ‘2 so 9' 5 2 2 2 0 3 0| 259 725 2 B 5.2 Ill 3.2. I 3. B . . I 2 2 3 ‘ 1.- III II 3Ib 700 425 if w Io I3 I0 4I5 09I j I4.I. 9.0 II 35 7.4. 5 5 b. 5 00. II.4 b 9.4. 2 2 a ‘ s b 3 a 2 3 3 I 2 k 450 82I 4Ib 480 575 30 I9 W I7 32 32 II I2 32 w 4.2 7.1. 4.4. 00. I.l. 8. 5. . . I. 5. 2. b O. 9. 2 2 3 5 b 6 b 4 3 4 2 3 2 N45 705 257 267 508 006 30 28 807 834 07I I9 490 lb il. I7.I. I54 I37 2.2 5|. 7 1 . . 13. 0.4 I7.4. 9. 4.5. 9 2 2 3 5 b b O O 3 3 2 2 2 2 I02 696 IE w 3| 440 3b I8 33 27 w Ib.l. 7.0 . . 2 b. . O. 3.]. I. 7. IIquIIA-ul 2 2 6 5 4 4IIbIIILJI I M3b N7! I0 097 bOI 034 483 447 IE 0.1. 8.! b. . . 42 59 8.9. |.7 87 3 2 2 \ NV 3 2 2 2 I 2 Hal 894 539 QIO 2I 22 24 I4 569 25 23 33 "v I 2. . 3. . . . . . . . . 3 . . . . . . 3 I2 SI 02 83 2 I b I 35II$IIIBI 8 O l I 2 2 II3IIIIIII b 5 IIWIIIIVIL 2 2 2 I 773 050 25‘ 7'8 082 55 0 09° l“ ‘50 '0 3|: I‘ II 61 I3 BI 33 62 5 48 75 90 7 I 2 I I 2 2 3 5 5 3 2 2 3 v2\3\. 5 9 33° '9 0 I0.1 0. 3 I 2 I 644 l0.2. 2 AL 3 036 053 I9 I15. . . 15. O 2 2 I 30 2 1 91 .03 24 0954. 0240. 21 20 03 1 10 ' 17 30 .1900154 .0095 05 5 5.5335 .09040914. 190 1 . .020 .017 13 21 24 34 20 20 34 24 20 50 .043 5. 702 5. 032 5. 504 5. 510 5. 440 5. . . .9004091 4.0974 097 O°| .241 .104 .221 .211 .130 .143 .15 .035 .030 .040 .030 .039 .027 .019 .010 .023 41 20 32 22 29 0° 27 29 15 10 11 33 22 31 40 0° 49 5. 359 5. .257 5. 205 5. 294 5. .091 4. 000 4.075 4.071 4. 0054 059 4.051 4. 059B. 001 4. 3300. 222 0. .202 0. 2190.137 0. .043 0.051 0. 0030. 0330. 0390 0490.041 0.030 041 0 2o 23 22 0 11 22 22 9 33 12 23 0 12 39 020 4. 903 4. 009 4.070 4. 073 4. .790 4. 770 4. 707 4. 779 4.000 4 759 4. 7254. .207 .1040. 2030. 2000.133 0. .0300. 024 .0390. 020 .0790 02700510. 24 19 9 9 24 21 2 17 0 19 9 .0444. 0094. 0004. 4004. .7474. 730 .7354. 722 .7044. 7124. 0704. .102 190 .290 .1 .024 .024 .014 .017 .019 .039 15 12 4 0 12 12 0 11 4 1244 2334 4004.40 4 . . 0594.070 .0004. 700 .7174. 7044. 7104. 104 . . 022 .032 .031 .047 .015 .010 .040 13 11 4 0 12 7 4 0 0 12 4 714. 9003.900 4. .900 .1 43. . . 70 . 204.0004 000 4.509 .570 4. 593 4. 590 4. 040. .00101340. .210 .2 00. . . . . 35005000520000 .070 0. 0700 0400. 0 5 5 11 3 3 10 0 0 0 4 3 5 5 3 34 0403.040 3.00 3.075 43. . 40459 4.02345 04.520 4. 034.400 4034. 5504.4924. 30 4 5 30 .130 .17 .215 .177. 30° 30° .07 .095 .1 0 .004 . 40 .051 .157 .022. 3 19 7 3 0 17 » 0 0 0 7 3 2997 9005 55 4 9133. 9873.0 03.704 . 40 4.510 .50 4. 4254.5 4 542 .303 .105 .133 .021 .10 3 34 2 1 2 0 34 134710473. .0003.500 4.005 .503 443744924. .207 179 .005 . 2 3 7 2 2.055 3. 433 3 7043 4 440 4. 509 207 . 3 2 1 2 2. .153 2. 2 02. 200 2. 590 2. 917 1 3 1.1001.7531.2 .0 72.007 2. 7'74- . .2 . - 5 2 2 2 .230 .3001.7001.700 4. 71a . .900 21 0 .41 1. .12 7 1 15 20 13 0.7 0.70 0.01 1.27 0.1 0.25 0.19 J0.10 10 10 55 \g! 14 1.001.10123 I. 3150 0 0.14 0.14 017 0.10 14 19 11 21 23 32 24 .401.301.431.451.491.47 O°1 0° .12 0.09 0.09 0.10 0.12 0.07 33 22 31 50 37 27 14 17 11 20 10 .5507.5507550755775577.551 .701001.71 1051.001.07 .023o.0433.o100.027 .0200034 19 022 0.14 017 0.15 0.13 9 31 12 22 0 11 39 19 20 9 31 12 19 4 10 42 5447.5407.5707550751075447.5357530 .19 219 2.11 2.071.911 1.951.93 .10 0290010100400203.03300223.0400. .12 0 37 012 0.14 0.09 0.15 0.11 .13 2 B 9 9 1 21 2 17 7 17 7 7 17 5207.5307.510750574057.509749075027. .55 240 2 22 2.19 2.13 200 2 20 10 2. 010.021 .020 .034 .032 .054 .014 .022 .024 .22 09 0.11010 0.11003 00 0. 25 12 12 0 11 4 3 7 1 1 25 13 12 0 12 4 3 10 7.5 .523 5017.532 .541 7. 5477. 5327. 5157. 5127. 50 2.3 2.97 03 2.57 2.41 2.50 2.35 2 43 33 2. . .3 .015 .014.01 0 0.25 35 0.25 .12 0.25 0.11 14 0. . . 0 0 12 4 0 1 3 7 3 0 0 11 4 5 21 .440 .4707400749274917497740 2 2. 3 51 99 313 .17 3.27 3,112.93 70 2 .040 04400043049001 001000 5 o. 000 0 30 .20 0 34 0.33 0.2 24 0 4 3 5 5 11 3 3 4 4 3 3 5 17 72 . . . 3397 37174457420742 74257.4 0 3 0 3 4.01 3.99 4 09 .09 3.00 3.0 3.5 21 3 20 30o 03 7 072 090 021 02 037. 4 0. 1 0. .1 0.2 30. 3 0 7 7 3 0 17 7515 .32773417.340735973074177. 30 .057 . 23 .052 .027 . 35 0 15 3 35 2 4 2 1 2 0 7. 4257. 493 7. 3077. .3577. 413 7. 329 .4097. 4. .070 0. 2 19 1 2 7.473 7. 480 .4027 . 7.352 7. 095 .0 3 2 7. 049 7. 7. 572 7. O 5 7. . n 2 l 7. 331 7. 184 M CHAPTER 3—DATA SUMMARIES FOR 300-MILE SQUARES Ol 31 I21 20 20. 2n W 902 02l/HHN/¢§W .I‘l I31 222 2 I 20 2D 20 2n 35 83 02‘ 54“ I 13] 20 2O IDTIfld/lbm m 652 029 782 20 ? 4| 1 m 22 5 I 2 20 2 20 2 7 O2 7 50 3UYbHIIIII 2 2O 2 20 20 2 401 OBI 403 494 590 29 52 53 O] ‘0 2.! v1 20 2O 2O 20 20 2 002 570 287 07‘ 3° 55° Yr' 28 ‘0 '0] lb] ‘5] ‘3‘ a I] 2 2 2 20 20 20 20 L 20 2 2 L 48 699 008 548 22 027 402 10 V00 00 60 AU 3 Il O2VlV\\\\u 2,0 20 20%: v. 807 528 100 724 39 527 II ID 270 I70 lb! 4] 0 02 2 2 .0 20 2d 2.0. 2 2.0. 2. K , O 5 133 3 2 0 W O 3 0:: 20. 2 2. 2. 5 8|? 057 AIS 34 765 30 556 7 o 1.00 240 ‘0 .I 02 .I 7 0 20 2Q 20 2 20 . 20 2 7 788 ‘97 ‘02 589 ‘05 2 ‘5 0 ISO IAOVUWD\\'A 7 2b 0 20 . 2Q 20 L 2& 2 2 2 a7 M. 2 b 00 fl.5 5 59 L 5 3 3 3 “.05 Q .0 . 7'13 . o. 021 \ (5 I 50 2o 1 13 . 41 . . 45 15 .4474. 520 .455 4. .2330 220 .1370. 1 27 15 13 1 .3294. 259 001 1 .173 .153 .219 21 24 12 935 4. 0053 995 3. 9501940. 2090.125 1 1 21 17 a I. .557 3.570 ..5043 1 1 .1230175 .1930. 3 21 19 1 \ .542 3. 511 .0903. .192 .125 .1 12 23 10 I46 I 49 3. 204 .350 3. .120191 . 1 0 . 83 0903 2253. .3 . . .179 . I 2 14 5 . 03.31 3.3973033 0503 :03. l u \1 w u u M‘V DD"! 00 5" “’ . o p o u a V 1.. 8 . 3.7103. 4843. .175 .240 .1 .1 3 3 .523 3.48 3.l on: 00‘— 00V 1.1 mu:— .5" ~43 ..°_. 3" O—‘G UMU 00° 3 3 0102.9 03.I —a on» 1 . 090 1 .72C 3 3 8 13 .550 4. 557 4. 5 7 4. 589 4/599 4. 002 4. 01° '4’: // 4. 4. 9 \ .029 025.02 ‘ 1 2 0 12 5 7 20 .530 4. 490 4. 585}. 888 4. 5 4 4. 507 4, 502 4. 559 4. 5934 . 40 . . 0 0 4 22 21 39 \53 0 .8404.5474.84 4.8454. 4 .022 .; a 25 20 2 K .00 B 01041315413214.3174. 2 0410024002 0.0240. 2 21 35 4 771 4. 7454. 77 4. 7594 9 0250. 0370. 02 0.050 7 1a 7 g 11 15 4 17 2 a 3 7234 7054.71 .7124. .5954.5924.5094 57 4.551 ,1 5 01a .0211 .007 .015. 0 .015 .019 0.29 01.027 9 5 11 3 ‘ 7 15 .74347334720459 47074 .5994 57545304 57345.92 1 .015 .013 1 .028 . 0115 .022 .0} 5 11 4 5 {2 fan a 570 4578 455 455745045554 524 540 0 41043.0 .023 .09 5 5 7 10 19 14 311* / 1 55245104519450“. 234.5294 537' / 070 013 0‘1 .020 . 10 02710151 [I 011 / 1 7 /a ; :l5// 4. 4a 4. 521 4. 509 4. 51 4 533 4 5524. 59/74. .032 044 .0 1 053 2 5 3 2 2 403543404597 40434 0354504 50 4.4904 502 1 .732 .024 45 . .050 a 5/ .737 .7004117384. 504 4. 739/ 4 580 7.004 014 I 2 / 3 ,71 4. 740 .730 ,740 .770 740% 41 4 740 0 2 3 3 45 .700 4. 713 a —w— ~01— 27 027 0. 29 .703 7. 089 7. .0014 I .083 7. 08 7. 01 (7 \4 01 V 23 21 -0- _.V~ . 008 7. 070 027 020 0‘0 010541 o-‘N —o— _.0_. 2| 3 20 _V 0 0- o _\l O 9 0‘4 21 23 .073 7.00 7. .0150. 01 0. .0497, l 05 man (31 7.00 7. n1 (3 N 09 14 20 0 034 77 —‘on Nu m ‘5 NV .4». Nu- 22 b 2 7 9 . O20 . 040 1 l 7 .041 7. 055 .644 7. . 0 12 24 10 037 7. 037 .025 7. n1 n1 4 7. 7 53 7. 957. 020 023 7. 0 0 5 .5 27.0007. 597. . 020 020 a: 7 0 .48 7.5127. 57. .023 | o w v V n W.“ .N 3 o a :1 o . 041 7 3 3 8 .557 7. 552 7. 5 9 7. 573 7 .034 vwo Vow 00¢ 00 -—n —w~o 00; w.” —5.-' 5. 9.. 19 7 8 23 7. 003 7. 03 27 .0 3 .033 7.01 ‘\l ou- o-‘o can“ 4 0 .0377. 02 7. 0197. .029 .045 . .0 . no N; no— 5 10 .595 7.5 27. 5807. _n14 nn n04 “0 0 out) NOV 0015.1 u on: -‘o: 2).... 044291 4404.: 01700 N .o 025 4 3 2 1 .51 a 437 7. 44 7. 404 7. .552 7. 512 .vva .w 3 5 :1 . 707 7. 9 7. 594 551 .0 4 one @001 V00 V53— no 0 01 —roo V7002 00m cu -o N 850 .84 7. 8587. 858 u ~— 00: x5400 —V was 0V0 V on oxRN CHAPTER 3—DATA SUMMARIES FOR SOD-MILE SQUARES IQ T37PJ300 251 10 DOB I5] 10 “I“ 10 778 bl 20 187 Ppl 3| 888 62 b IbSHI/Jl 10 I 10 20 407 35 483 524 02 7 40 40 10 1 20 10 I e I 44] 181 V1. 28 727' 2°], 2b] ‘5] 1°] ‘5‘ ‘0 2 Mia 10 IQ 20 10 1Q 10 1 \ 080 514 22 5' 5 8 lo I lll|1\\l 063 3| ‘0 2 10 1 2° 23 3 3 ..Y\R\\\1\ ‘7‘ 38 3° 2 10 l 938 582 3 O J 3; Q ‘ 95949 022 0 10 5 9574.933 90 7 .024 00 7 9 7 1 9 4 939 .900 .9014 7734. 5 0.024 011 0.027001 0, 8 ll 10 8 ll 3 x 4. 804 4, 798 4%4. 789 I. 782 7 .010 .009 .024 22 .031 5 15 11 19 15 22 2 4, 799 4. 7974. 794 4. 790 4. 790 7 o .009 011 014 .010 .013 5 . O 12 9 22 10 25' 3 4 7744 774 4, 7704. 772 4. 7774. ‘ 0 009 o 012 o. 0340. 0200. 021 0. 4 23 9 14 4 7 8 7504. 7594 7554 7474. 7504. 7544. 3 - 0070. 0070 0130 0250. 0240. 0100. 15 4 13 4 0 11 15 40 17 19 Y 1 .5 ‘ 13 4 0 .409 .493 2. 495 z. 5032 3302 4742 .3952. 300 .2992. 2702. 507 _ . . 7704]“, ‘733 ._ 743.4 7454. 737,,_ .119 .070 .091 124 110 109 .059 .091 .071 .07 .01 _ _ .015 013.031 _02. _0,2_ 3 '9 3 '3 3 9 0 3 9 3 3 0 0 4338 2. 3‘ 1252136 9 . . .7244. 735 7474. 7534. 723 4. 75 4. 1°09 -039 . . .020 .031 .02 15 1 5 2 4 2 9 3 .2472. . 0 . 57 . . .7254. 719 .7304. 743 4. 733 4. 72 4. .093. . . . . . .013 .020 .00 . 1o 1 9 3 2 2 2 2 3 2. 2432. 7 . . . . . 04.0054 7004. 7554. 7004. 71 4. . . . . . .0) 30° . 30 '0 1’4 2 5 5 4 7 3 3 W3 2- 232 l- 850 .090 4.0 24. 099 4. 0904. 7174. 713 4. °'- .009 .09 .010 .027 . 3 12 . 3 1 4. 790 4. 69; 4. 040 4_ 000 2 1 4.7b54.774 .025 3 4.7704. .01 A. 4. 60° 90° 30° 60' 30- 3 2.5 l g 2 15 7 BI [.91 11 0.15 5 5 25 15 4 7757 97 2.09 2 9 2 017 011022010 12 7 15 a a 7 5 29177047707 2.27 235 2.15 255 301700143011 0.14027 0.07 017 ' 9" 1. V 29.22;?2'29133 o 7.7 7. . . "67010717302203: 0.14 01 0.110.13 09 2 10 20 15 22 30 15 1 9 1 10 19 15 20 27 . . 7,777.77 7. 9229 299 290 291 2.91 275 2.94293 01 ’7707316373179013013 .1001 0.13 009024013 009 009 011 O 9 20 15 20 35 0° 15 21 11 11 9 19 14 24 233 . .7 .747.7 7.797. 09 3.10 3.09 3. 2.92 290 293 90 .0?80.02g;.0?00.01733.01570. 20 012 0.25 0.14 0.11017 009 009 017 3 " ‘ 7 2’ '3:35333533332231‘311303333 . .717.717.717,7 7. .705 . . 0 . 0 . .0330.0320.01°30.01°33.0?‘90. . .11 0.09 019 0.10 0.19 0.09 0.14 0.13 4 13 4 0 11 1 40 10 10 1 14 4 12 3 4 10 .739 7. 7477. 7477. 7557. 7477. 7527. 7497. .51 3.41 3.24 3.29 3.09 3.17 312 3.27 3.11 011014027 025 .010 .023 09 .1 . .10 0.09 0,110.10 0.00 0.15 0.13 0 3 9 3 3 0 1 10 I2 10 10 9 0 3 9 3 3 0 770 .759 7. 7057. 7377. 7037. 7427. 75 7. 7377. 74 7.752 7.7 .57 3 05 07 3.09 3 24 3.31 3 32 3.3 3.37 .019 .05 .019 .01 .020.01 .007 .22013 14 0.11 0.13 0.14 l 2 9 3 5 H 5 7137‘3234234235 35; 77.777. . . 7.7 7. 94304 .0 0 . . 033 5 .ggf775270f1083. .13 031 009 011 0.0 0.00 2 2 2 3 9 5 1 2 1 2 2 3 7 .700 74377007720774 7.7337. 3.3 3 90 3 97 3 92 92 3 91 3.05 g. 8.8: .0 . . . . . 30° 30° 30 2 5 4 2 7.919 717.7247 4.99 .00 .012 3 2 1 7770772 09 7.0057. 4.07 5 2 7.7037. 7. CHAPTER 3—DATA SUMMARIES FOR GOO-MILE SQUARES 539 I50 20. 748 50 2.0. 027 60 2.0 000 9 B 2, 24 I50° 2.5 2 2 do 4 22. 9 2 A 0 / 24 2. 77 2. 5| A. 5 I 2. 07 / 2. 39 2.43 2.53 2 20 an: 0.10 0.20 0.21 n 3 3 2 2 2. 45 I 6 I2 7 0.09 5 2 .52 2.25 2.37 .50 3 .20 A I 2. 55 2. 33 2. II I I 2. 08 2. 30 I 53 2. 54 2. u 2. AI 5 20 52 2. 0.07 0.04 0.09 0,IlI 0. I4 I .37 2.30 2. I 25I 2.0. 335 I 7 3.6 42.] 2.2 2.0 III 2. 53 IZO' I50° I . A 60" 90° 2. 23 .3 I 5 4&3 42.0 42.7 4|. 4 30° 2. I 2 ll 1.] 44.5 41b .4 3 £ IS 43.5 42.8 5 .7obl. .0 4 .755'. l2 L738 .033 . . 35} 2 3 l .0 70.84 0.900 2 2 | 2 .0050 6900 $300 . .V .3 o 0.. o y-P/d—\ .V .N —n 8 . 025 TI \4 2 5. I 005 . 005 7 lo .756 A. 75‘ .020 5 0 .750 4%.. 700 4. 753 .0I2 .052 . 40 .042 9 4. 750 . 023 r I I I 7 I 5 \ 4. 747 4. 754 .000 .0I7I ol 0 I5 0 5 I7 II 2I I9 .749 4. .747 4. 753 4. 750 4. 747 4. 75I 739 4 .0I 5 o. .005 0. m o 0. 040 0. 020 0. 0I 9 022 0 I2 22 5 II 2 5 3 .7434 .7444. 7444. 744 .7354. 730 7454.747 .009 .005 .009 .037 .023 024 . qug I I5 I3 2 I3 3 3 0 43 I2 I ‘5 .7454. .733 .7204. 729 .7374. 7374. 7374 4.73 4.737472 4.735 .0II . .007 .027 .0I0 .0I .045 .0l 7 5 2 5 I 5 3 I3 ' 34 .733 .7504. 7524. 7Io4. 74 4. 7324 .73 4.735 0 .0I4 .044 .027 .0I .009 9 4 2 0 2 J 4 4 . 504 .732 .7304. 7524. 7354. 74 4. 7304. 5 .005 .02I .00 .020 5 I I 2 0 44. .730 1004725433 4. . .0 3O 2 4 3 3 4 075 .75 4. .7304 .7574. 747 4. . .020 .0 . 3 I2 3 2 I 2 I I 4. 0234.0374. 294.00 . . . . .7504. 3547304740 4. .0I5. 2 .02 . . 2 40304.0Io 4. 3 47474 7 ml. 2 I .5054 7004. 30' 60° 30‘ .5 .25 9 3 I 44 2.75 0 .I5 I3 0.I2 I3 I4 0 5 5 7 .00 2.03 2.79 2.09 .7I . I .07 .I9 o.I3 0.I0 0.24 .2 .07 34 2I I0 3 0 v 5 7 9 .20 3.I0 3.20 3.I5 53.4 973Io 3.I5 .Io o.I5 o.I4 mo 7 .I7 I5 005 0.I3 2 I4 I4 9 I0 5 I4 I2 I5 I5 3. .35 3.30 3.34 3.33 3 35 .32 .20 3.I0 3.27 3.25 3. .I0 0.09 0.05 o.I3 0 II .00 .II 0.09 0.09 0.I2 0° I4 I5 I0 I0 7 5 I5 II I9 17 .53 3.52 3.52 3.55 3.47 3.4I 35 3.35 3.30 3 33 3. .I70.I7 an 0.22 o.I5 0.Io I2 o.I2 0.07 022 0. 3 II 9 5 I9 5 II 2 3 2I 24 .4I 3.53 3. 50 3.79 3.50 3.54 .55 3.53 3.40 3.45 3. 3.42 o.Io 0.05 0.27 o.II 0.I0 .00 o.I5 0. 0.I3 0. I2 I4 I3 I3 I2 3 I 0 I2 3.5 3.59 3. 57 3 05 3 52 5I 3 5I 3.52 3. 5I 3. 3.49 3. 0. o.Io 0.09 0 I3 09 0.05 o. o.I3 0. 7 I5 7 4 2 5 I 2 5 II .55 3.72 .05 402373 .53 400 3.72 3593 3.57 3. .25 an .I20I4 .05 JOIOO 0.050. 9 5 2 4 2 0 2 4 II 07 3.79 .09 3954I0 97 4.0530 3.903 3.50 3. .I3 o.I5 0I3 II 00 o.I20 30.00 0. 5 2 I I 2 5 7 I0 5 304 3.05 .25 4.02 3.3 4003 03.75 oo— 00.30 co VUM 00° .0!” o— 9? a. 0. O > 9.35 N NVO ; -'N 01.: 0000 O‘ A 5 (II V L U- CHAPTER 3—DATA SUMMARIES FOR SOD-MILE SQUARES 7 4 3 5 2 2 O 499 20 2 do 2 20. 20 20. 20. 20. 20 20. 20 20 2 2. 20/10/2. .2. GIS de 2| I YKEFIHV" IO 53 7 5| ‘7. '5] ‘2 O B 5 4| 1/ 2 43 2 20. 2.0 2.0. 2.0 2 1. 2. 20. 2.0. /2/20. s 23 33 353 55‘ 2°. 30 1.3 2‘ 25 2.0 2‘ '5 0 I 51 A] 2 5 5 3 2 .I 4 4 2. 2. 2.0. 20. 2 2. 2 2 2. 2 2. 2 an}. 231 3&2 052 quz Svc 730 2.: la 50 III ‘3' I3} 4.! 3! 2| 3 3 .0. 2.0. 20. 20. 20 2.0 20. 2. 2. 800 570 5.1.4 33 20 23 I5 33 27 l4 5| 0‘ 05 A 2 4 3 3 O ‘\W\\\\u 3 20. 20. 2.0. 2 2 2. 2. \bF‘Izl 2 2. 75' .IC‘ 4A“ E4l~ Ils 555 ‘02 10 38 20 4 50 I50 5] ‘40 1‘0 31‘ 2| 0 .l l 2] 2.0. 20. 20 20 20 2.0 20. 2 2. \ 2. 22 071 788 040 527 428 I7 27 2 \“fi\\ll 26 3 15] ‘0 Ill 40 ‘0 3 9 0 5 . . . . . 2 2. I. 2 . 2 ‘40 2 2‘. 25 33 4 078 4 93b 917 645 LL IIL .. ‘ l 4 ‘ 717 552 089 32 IS an 12L 110 i i A 4 A I A 06! 242 lbb 28 3° .. ILL IlL 5 a l A A A 82 464 575 I20 291 .2 12L 11L IQ! 10L 4 l 4 4 4 002 bIO 633 503 2G 24 29 ‘25 23 2o ‘hbf‘iil 1L2 1L tL Q2 2 l 2 20 . ‘li\\l\§ L L 4 4 4 d 4 4 5 5 6 O ‘I\|‘\\. 923 074 70! 984 306 406 425 ll LL IlL ii 11L IQL 2L LL 0 60° 90° I 20° |50° 30° 191 I50“ |20° M. 22 60°90“ 30° |20° |50° U . 33 947 509 554 ‘77 5| 445 60°90" 30° 192 2 50 I .540 4001. 5 X6! 3 5 .SAOI. 7 AOLAOOI .012 .031 7 0 II I4 5271.400 .4501.459 .053 .020 .020 030 4 12 0 10 .4941.A32.4A5I.444 .044 .030 .022 031 5 7 2 4 .4721.453 .5001.410 .013 .042 .037 2 7 3 3 .4051.4331.54o1.4231 032 2 4 1 5 2 .445I.405I.450I.4I I . . .020 . . . 4 0 5 2 2 1 5 2 7 I Oil 780 OOI.524I.490I.AI5I.340I.380I.355I.40 I I.37I I. 3 1 3 49 .027 .030 .070 . 43 I 4 I 2 7 24 1 74 1 7291.5 01.5051. 751.400 1.4001.411 1.4111425 .0 .053 o 082 803 I. 280 30° 60° 30° I 4 3 0277.03 010 / 25 9 2 0207.020 0 4 / .000 .000 1' 7 5 .0217027 020 .000 002 f 1 7 0 5 \MA 3 5 .025702070207. 57. 0570217030 ’1 .014 .000 .010 010 .024 0 10 0 10 11 14 11 I .020 7.0257 022 7.020 7.022 7.025 7 025 7. I .000 .005 .005 .020 .000 .009 009 I 11 0 4 13 7 17 15 .0107 0237 0227 03270247 0257 0147. .000 003 017 044 .010 019.015. 4 10 5 7 2 19 .0107 0217 0197031701170217 0237. .005 004 007 .029 .012 .010 . I 2 10 13 10 2 0 3 3 7 10 30 10 0237. .0107010 7.0277.7977019700970207020 7. .02170247027701 . .005 004 .000 .024 .011 . .000 .01 .005 .01 0 13 5 2 4 1 2 3 2 10 0107 021 017 .0317.0327003701770207 02 7.025 .014 007 002 .017 01 .005 0 5 2 1 2 3 24701070107017 .02070507033702 7.0147 00 000 .017 4 2 1 2 0 .0 370117177020 7.020702 7.0207 .00 .01 .005 30. 3 4 04 7.02070 07.0307 .019 2 7. 853 7. 85 7. .0! l .70 4 1 4.750 4. 74 4.737 .000 .0 7 a 5 3 5 .749 4. 749 4. 750 M 7074. 73 4 750 .010 .004 .012 .01 034 20 1 0 1c 0 1c 12 14 11 .744 4. 74 4.751 4. 74 4. 740 4. 739 4. 733 4. 741 4 730 4 .009 .00 .012 .00 .009 .024 .009 010 009 10 1 11 4 13 7 17 15 0° .741 4. 73 4. 7374. 74 4. 737 4. 747 4.739 4. 730 4 725 4 .010 .00 .007 .004 .017 .054 .020 024 010 13 4 1 5 7 2 4 19 . 730 4.734 4. 727 4. 73 4.732 4. 740 4. 725 4. 73c 4. 730 4 .011 .0011.005.00 .000 .030 .010 .022 10 1 1c 2 0 3 7 .739 4. 730 4. 734 4. 705 4. 730 4. 7274 73 4.739 4. .004 .004 .00 .020 l .014 .007 7 12 5 2 4 1 2 3 5 1 .740 4. 739 .732 4. 745 4. 742 4. 7104. 72 4. 7374. .720 4. . .' .017.004 .004 .024 . .011 . 0 5 2 2 1 5 2 3 7 7474.734 .730 4.725 .7304 704 4. 7404 73 4.720 4. .731 4. .007 .009 .023 . .007 . 4 2 2 1 2 4 0 7 23 574. 7254. 730 4. 740 47354.7 24. 732 4. 31 4. 7344 733 5 007 2 5 3 4 4 1 2 2 5 10 47 1 70 4. 740 4. 33 4. 747 737 4. 731: 4. 750 4. 755 4 742 4. 734 4. 734) W 30 .011 .025 015 004 .00 .00 1 1 2 1 1 2 5 1 11 5 7 7 1 700 4 7 04.7704 7554. 72c 4. 730 4. 740 704 4. 7 74. 750 4. 740 4. 74 4. 751 4. o 09 .04 .017/.005 .099 .015 2 7 a 4 5 I] 1 .74 4. 00 4.75 4 7004. 7554. 74 4. 7504 0124.7 4.7 750 023 025 .01 .027 .120 / 2 1 2 2 3 2 1 3 .730 4 0904. 71454. 73 4.7304 7154.7 0 4.7204 27 2 1 2 1 3 2 7004. 754.7 0 4.070 .0904 093 4. 54 3/ I 8 774.70 4 3| .OII 2 I 2 5 . 0 .7I047004 90 5 I ‘0 9 4 d 22 10 03 2.02 .03 0 3. .03 0.15 .19 12 0 5 .17 3.20 3.22 30 .22 0.15 0.33 10 7 7 5 3 .53 3.45 3.50 3.52 m 19 .12 0.14 0.10 0.15 11 7 11 7 10 12 .5 3.50 3.52 3.24 3.44 3.40 .0 0.11 0.10 0.05 0.15 009 0° 1 12 0 4 11 7 .7 3.73 3.75 3.59 3.50 3.50 .13 0.34 0.00 0.17 0.00 0.12 0 4 10 5 7 2 2 .00 3.92 3.09 3.04 3.07 3.73 .70 .07 0.15 0.13 0.22 0.00 .10 13 10 2 a 3 1 11 .75 4.01 3.90 3.02 3.73 3 73 3. .00 .10 0.11 0.00 o. .10 12 5 2 4 1 3 5 . .01 4.04 4.00 3.05 3.00 3 00 3.91 3. 3.04 3. .23 .10 0.07 0.12 0. 0.09 0. 1 0 5 2 2 1 5 2 3 7 4.92 00 3.91 01 4.07 424 4.17 4. 30 41 4.00 3. 3.94 3. 019 0.00 014 0. 0.10 0. 7 I I 2 5 7 . g 4. 7 3 09 3.94 4.35 4.1 4.1; 4. 3'33 0 . 0. 0.0 0.0 0. . . 30 30° 0 4 2 4 1 2 2 5 10 40 1 443 434 4.34.00 11 4.40 4.57 450431419409 4207414 0 0.09 0.23 00 .09 0.15 .0 / 3 5 1 2 1 1 2 5 10 5 0 0 4 07 5. 7 4.4 4.40 4 35 4.19 4.51 4.02 .35 4 4.20 20 4.23 4.14 4. ~ 0. o. . .00 0.10 0.07 0 /5 3 1 4 429 224.1 4.1 33 I50° / 2 2. 5 2 2. 58 IZO’ CHAPTER 3—DATA SUMMARIES FOR 300-MILE SQUARES 5 2. 23 789 9 2 3] lb 2] 2B 2B ‘ ‘ul 0 5 5 2 II .I . 2.0. 2.0. . 2. 2 2 2 2 AI 025 097 053 798 48‘ 5‘5 l5 5 ‘II ‘30 a] 30 3' .lo 3 2. 20. 2.0. 20. 20. 20. 20 2 ‘86 50‘ 4.03 37 2' 25 33 2° ‘8 40 64 60 3 I 3 3 0 xI\\0\\|\\Ib 10. 2.0. 2.0. 2. 2 2 \: 2. OIS 967 605 217 073 I9 IA 33 7 50 40 A! 140 3| 8 O 2 2 2.0. 20. 20 20. 20. l 2. 2 702 0‘3 0‘8 053 ‘IJ 38 .l‘ 2° '3 lo 70 50 ‘0 I4! ‘0 3 l I I l 20. 2.0. 2.0. 2.0. T\|\\|.V.1I\9\\ 2. 2 2. 2. con Ififl 541 450 10‘ 900 3 ISO I‘D ‘ll 4' '50 ‘0 ‘ 20 20. 20. 2.0. 2.0, 2,0 2 7‘8 3‘3 2‘6 ‘3‘ 0‘3 7‘0 2" '50 II" Il‘o ‘1‘0 ‘0 20. . II 2.‘ 0. 7W \W‘ 3 .I7.l. 4 077 03] 1&0. Ill. 4 I20" I50“ 90° / 62. v.“ 030 109 73' 328 454 559 IS I8 19 A on Q 1: 5 l 2 . 700 4. 750 5 . 732 4. .7217 A. 0 .023 1.. P 2 O7 0. 055 0 083 A 7 .8150 880 069 . O7 .0 3 3 3 2 7870. A 3 0.4370 700 330 7 1 337 .320 V 1 040 3.1150 .014 2 5 4 5 7 .325 050 0731052111390, 015 .037 .031 .041 1 o 7 1o 10 100 .05: 0571050113240. .021 .045 .021 .019. 3 5 2 2 .290 .040 0500.005: 0420. 020 041 a 3 o .047 .050 3.002 0. .021 .045 . 3 1 3 037 .070 0. 9000 so 0 9220 05 0.22 2 045 I 3 2 .0800. 92 0.8350. 89 0. ‘9060. .0 42 o 2 5 .81 0.8450840. l3 1 0.870 0. 82 0.828 7 3 I .894077 05600 (3.7100382073 0. 100 .11 2 2 3 1.015 0. .0000 000.5570. 0900. 0620.883 | 2 3 0. 3500. 25 0. 3050. 4877 .210 MM/ 5 .831 7. 832 .828 7. 835 00| .843 7. 831 3 O 7. 838 7. 839 .020 . .V 839 7 8407 7. 831 . 85o . 060 845 I 7. 840 7. .040 9 5 2 2 7. 830 7. 844 u. ‘1 1 10 11 5 0° .733 4. 712 4. 720 .030 .017 .002 2 12 4 .7154. 7194. 722 .021 .005 7 5 25 11 7 4, 720 4. 71 . .72 4. 720 4. 70 / 1 .004 .01 .009 .01 .009 .00 / / ‘ / 3 4 \f/ b) 1 4 723 4. 72 4. 72s 4, 1 / .01 .013 . j a f \ 7 2 5 .73 4.7204. 7154. 7224. 1.004 . / / 2 o 4 / .72 4. 725 4. 04.7254. . 24 .000 30° 1 4 14 4. 720 4. 725 A. 721 .721 .006 .000 .00 8 7254. 73 4. 7304. 0|2 010 // /////.‘” 1 A 4. 090 .722 4. 7 4. 01 h \1 w on A w gr/S < 0?“ —¢. 01» QB Os» .0?" 53!" can 94.: 9F —-ou- (new mom /\ ”\— -‘o 2 7. 88 7. 875 7. N 87 7. 88| .843 3 3 3 2 8o| 7. 8 2 7. 808 7. 849 1 2 7. lol 7. 04 . 023 3 5 2 7.827 . .84 7. 8537. 85 7 81507. 84 . .01 .008 .0 070 00 3 l 3 4 2 o 7. 8A5 . . . 7.851 0 0 O b I 2 5 5 3 7, 844 7.85 7.852 7.8 67. 8497. 53 .0 8 .004 . I0 2 O 3 7.8 7.8507. 52 . 9 1 ns .806 000 .V 1 850 7. 00 1 .838 \4 2 3 875 7 880 7. 2 I 1 2 802 .890 .883 .8915 . N b A 8 87 7 885 7. 867/0/ .009 3 .800 -'U- 00 95" 0 Nu 04mm ‘5 :09- Muo- 00-01 um‘ no | 8 4.24 4 7 07400 010032 9 10 3.02 4.20 0.110.10 1 12 In 4.10 4,23 .20 0.00 .00 5 5 4.20 22 0.10 15 3 4 439 .12 .05 4 / 1 k ’ 2 s 0.. / 1 / V 44 4.55 4. 4.22 4.7 0. 0.110.011 / 2 4 1:1 / 45 4.534 4.213 .33 O 025 ll / I 300 5 m / ./ 17 7 .72 7 53/ 42 2 O 1/ l50° I / 1/1 91.’ /1‘ II 5 .31 II a 29 12 o 4 3 b .24 20 3 7 2 7 2 I4 I 2.29 5 210 IZO" 2 12¢ a 117 30 I 139 13 I 13 / 03/1101 / 2 I WIS 4 72 2 0 5 7 20 5 2 I 7 2I OI 4 . 3 2. . 3 0. . I 3 3 206 .I4 23 2.09 I I I 204 40 90° 2 2 3| 2 O 7 42 2 270 I 58 2. O. 2 O 2 1 E2. 1’52 / 2 CHAPTER 3—DATA SUMMARIES FOR SOC-MILE SQUARES 24 2 7 2 20 2 2. 2 1/2; 430 409 23 24 I3 I4 ‘I 30 I 3 a 2 20 20 2 2 2 2 52° eII ‘82 7mm 30 23 3] 3.1 2| 30 3 I 20 2O 20 20. 2. 2. \I 2 10 I7 II 20 IIIII\\, 2 3 4 l 2, 2. IIb..I\|2.I. 30° 23 I 23 00 5 l.98 .09 3 I°I 2 I 95 2, 02 I 2 .60 60” 5 3 2 3 232244259252 23 5 5 23424 247244240 02100 010010 12 1 2 2.4124 222250201 00300 7 .¢ 1 24123 233313 01000 023 1 3 230 235 5 3 228 240 000 4 o 1 229239 234 003007 c 1 30235 1 21 \ I 2 3 224234217 30° I I I I I 7/ / / I \ 4 LI. 5 033 5 903 2 305 50 3 I I I I2 533 537539 540 I 0 I O 54.I 54 I 3 I 3 55 b 52 I 2 5b 57 7 5 2 57 57 4 5 I Odl B 0 I 59I 57 O / /58 Ob 9 b7 7 I20“ 90" I 48 2 36 O I . 32.2 23. . . I 23.0 27.0 2. . W 60° 90° IZO’ |50° 30° 60° 90° 60° 2 292 4 I 2 2 309300 7 2 3 3 4 1 433 334350349 7 24 O 2 I 434 270349 0 e 3 734 384 4 2 I 2 o 322 3 1 9321 4 5 1 425523o e 59 I 2711 I a I I 2 I 2301.0 20.1 2.2 1 5.2 I 30° 50I 2° SID 33 V 4.1. 1. 3.3. 2 OIL 4.2. 04. 0° 3 / 7W 30 |20° 90° 60° 30° ( k ( 60" Z My ””7 . ‘ 495:, X WE \ \ \ \ \\ \ \ M 30" ‘3 Kl { iI \ \ x A \\ \ \ / «5/ T F f If f V T AI \4 : 30 77 \ \ \ \f o A \‘ 3 233 ) l 1 o 240 \ 3? / / \\ \ \1‘ A if” V 4 .8‘2 ‘ / ‘.004 \ A A \ / / \ \ 3O 30‘} / / 30 1/ 196 / 30° 60° 90° I20 50" / 30° 60° 90° |20° |50° Chapter 4 Vertical Curves of Properties in GOO-Mile Squares Average vertical distributions of potential temperature (0], salin- ity [S], dissolved oxygen (02), phosphate [P], nitrate (N), and silicate [Si], to a depth of 3000 meters, are presented for each GOO—mile square of latitude and longitude. In addition, standard deviations of temper- ature [blue], salinity (red), and dissolved oxygen (yellow) are indicated at those depths at which there were ten or more observations. For each property the number of observations at 1000 meters is given. The diagrams are consecutively numbered and arranged in groups of four. A key map is given in Figure 4, showing the location of the FIGURE 4 30' 40' 50' 60' 70’ 80' 90' l00' llO' l20‘ 130‘ 140' l50' ‘ ,4 , , . , « 4, _ \ \ 300 19"10 I] I2 13 I». z 15 I6 17 18 19 2o / 25% 26 27' 28 29 3o . 33} 34~ 35 36 37 38 39 w\41 42 43 44 45 46 47 51 52 53 54 55 W 59 6o 6] 62 63 64 . 20- 40- 60' 30' 100" 1204 140- 50' 70° ,0. BOO-mile squares relative to the base map. The latitude of the center of the square is also given below its area number. Only in a few instances were deviations from the regular 600-mile squares made. The Red Sea and the Gulf of Aden are presented individually, and data in the Bay of Bengal were excluded from Area 6. Data in the Andaman Sea below sill-depth were excluded from Areas 8 and 14, and data from the Gulf of Thailand from Area 8. In Area 21 only data south of Java and Sumatra were used. The Indonesian waters were cut into a western and an eastern half at 125°E. Between 40°S and 50°S three squares had to be combined because of the paucity of data. The vertical curves are linear between standard depths; thus the mixed surface layer is not shown in the diagrams. It would have been too small for proper presentation in most areas in any case. The scales for temperature and the three chemicals always follow the same pat- tern, but those for salinity and oxygen were shifted to avoid excessive overlapping of the colored areas representing the standard deviations. The numbers of observations, the means, and the standard devia- tions for each 600-mile square were derived from the 300—mile average data given in Chapter 3. Each GOO-mile square has four BOO-mile subsquares. Thus at each standard depth the number of observations N was the total of the numbers n, for the four subsquares. For each property P the mean was calculated from _ 14 F P_ Nizlnii while its standard deviation was derived from 1 4 4 _ _ 0'2 = 4 (2 (Hi—1)Ui2 + E Di Pi2 "‘ NP2) 2 (n _ 1) 1:1 i:1 i=1 where Pi is the mean, and :72, the variance, of the i” subsquare. 15353’ 200 2000 5 0XYOE/V 00/V7E/W m//A 0 / 4/ SAL/MTV %o 20 25 R07E/1/7/AA TEMPERATURE ”0 0 x l 2 5 54 5 /0 AREA / REO SEA 55 /5 5 20 56 25 50 AREA 2 250/1/ /00 H 200 — 500 ~ 400 ~ 500 ~ 600 ~ 000 /000 —/200 ~/500 2500 ~ 5000 2000 ~2500 /00 A 200 - 500 _ 400 E 500 — 600 E 000 * /000 3&3; AREA 5 /5°/V 0E AOE/V /200 ~ /500 ~ 2000 QEB NQM% 300?” 02 2500 “ 5000 5AA //1//7)’ %a l 555 56 AREA 4 /5"/V — /00 — 200 - 500 ~ 400 ~ 500 ~ 600 ~ 800 /000 —/200 ”/500 QM 20 l I RR05RRA7 E flg—U/om/A 0 / 50 40 0 50 /00 /50 MIR/17E ,ag-m‘om /[ 2000 - —2500 2 5 0 /0 5/A/CA 7 E flg—afom/A 20 50 40 50 /00 5000 /50 CHAPTER 4—VERTICAL CURVES OF PROPERTIES IN GOO-MILE SQUARES 2 3 4 5 OXYGEN 00/WE/W m//L 0 / 2 3 4 5 34 35 36 541 //V/ 7 Y %a 34 35 36 5 /0 /5 20 25 207mm: TEMPE/P/IfU/PE 00 0 5 /I0 /5 20 25 30 O ' 1/11"" - V 0 /00 — _ 200 ~ \. . _ $3 300 — \.\ \.\ _ 300 400 ~ . . ~ 400 500 _ AREA 5 \. \. AREA 6 _ 500 600 — /5W 3 39 \. \. /5”/V _ 500 000 — 5 87 - \ ~ 000 02 54 \ \ /000 «4 ‘ I \ /000 P 27 [200 — ' /V /8 - ' ' '/200 \ W l \ \ 600 — . . . 2 500 2000 — 7 4 i / 2000 02 2500 — 42500 5/ 0 P /V 5/ 3000 - 3000 0— J_._ It 0 /00— \ — /00 200— - . . — 200 300 — \-\ \-\ \\ — 300 400— 4/254 7 -\ i -\ AREA 8 ~ Egg 500 — . . ~. 0 _ 600 — /5°/v 0 5/ \- \ \. /5 /V — 600 000— 5 49 \- \ — 000 0 50 l /l/ \ /000 —— 3 /000 2 22 I ‘ \ [200- /V {20} ' ' —/200 5/ 20 \ \ /500 — - - » /500 2000 / 2000 2500 — 4500 5/ 0 P 02 5/ 3000 | l 1 I ' l 1 l 3000 O 2 3 PHOSPHATE ”00/0074 0 / 2 3 0 /0 20 30 40 MIRA 75 ,4]. 0/007 // 0 /0 20 30 40 0 50 /00 /50 5/1/0475 ,00—0/0/77/L 0 50 /00 /50 201 202 0 5 OXYGEN 0007207 m/// 0 / 2 3 33 36 SAL/Mfr % 34 35 20 25 POTE/W/AA TEMPERATURE 00 0 5 /0 25 30 0 . I I . I — 0 /00 \. \. _ /00 200 — — 200 300 — — 300 400 ~ My 9 4254 /0 ~ 400 500 — a — 500 600 - g 50 . 5W fl A97 -\ 5 /V T600 000 — 5 5/ \. 5 W; \- — 000 02 45 02 /5 \ /000 \ /000 2 40 P /30 5/ 33 \ 5" m \ /500 — . - —/500 2000 2000 2500 — —2500 5/ 5/. 3000 l l 3000 0 \ ‘ —‘ 0 /00— - — /00 200— - L 200 300 ~ -\ \\ — 300 500 — - -\ -\ .\ a F 500 600 — 0 0/ A \ u 5% 0 /81 - 5 /V — 600 800% 5 00: \ \ 5/7_ . \ —000 02 /0 / 02 M5 \ \ /000 — /000 2 04 I P 90 | \ /200 2 /V 3/ ~ ' /V 52 i - 5/200 5/. 57 ‘ \ 5/ 65 I \ /500 2 - - - - —/500 2000 / 2000 2500 2 \- —2500 5/ 2 021 5/ 3000 , - , I - , , 3000 0 2 2003/3/01 72 [/zg-a/om // 0 / 2 3 0 30 40 M724 72 flg- 0/0/77 // 0 /0 40 0 50 /00 /50 5/004 72 // g—o/om/A 50 /00 /50 CHAPTER 4—VERTICAL CURVES OF PROPERTIES IN 600-MILE SQUARES 4 5 OXYGEN 00/1/7507 m/// 0 / 2 3 4 5 35 36 SAN/W7)” 34 35 36 20 25 P072/vr/4/ TEMPERATURE 00 0 5 /0 /5 20 25 30 0 - . , 0 /00 — \. ~ /00 200 — — 200 300 — — 300 400 * APE/1 /3 426/: /4 — 400 500 4 ~ 500 600 — g /06 50W 50” ,_ 6‘00 800- 5 /06 _ 800 02 95 /000 /000 P 55 5/ 50 5/ 5/ / /500 — ~/500 2000 4 / 2000 2500— ./ ~2500 5/ P 02 /1/ 5/ 3000 l l l J 3000 O - , I I] 1 _ 0 /00 — \- \ -\ — /00 200 — -\ .\ — 200 x ‘- 332 400 — - APE/1 /6 5 500 fl APE/1 /5 \ _ 500 600 — 0 /32 - -\ 5°5 0 /37 - -\ 5°5 - 600 800_ 5 /32 \ \. 5 /37 \ \. _ 800 02 65 \ 02 //9 \ /000 /000 P 63 P 90 I /200 _ N 34 ' /V 34 ' ' _/200 5/ 45 \ 5/ 72 ) \ /500 — - I - 4 /500 2000 2000 2500— ~2500 02, /v 5/ P 02 /1/ 5/ 3000 1 ' 1 1 I I I 3000 0 2 3 PH05PH47£ ,ag-o/om // 0 / 2 3 0 /0 20 30 40 MIR/175 ,z/g-O/om /L 0 /0 20 30 40 0 50 /00 /50 5/004 05 g—a/om // 0 50 /00 /50 203 0 / 2 3 4 5 000m 00/1/7207 m//L 0 / 2 3 4 5 6 33 34 35 36 SAN/W77 34 35 35 0 5 /0 /5 20 25 2072/0/42 724422247022 00 0 5 /0 /5 20 25 30 0 _ I | l _ l I ~ 0 /00 — \- \. — /00 200— \.\ \ \~ — 200 300 — -\ . -\ — 300 400* - 4254 /7 -\ 4254 /0 — 400 500 — .\ a -\ a — 500 600— (9 00 a 5 5 0 02 -\ 5 5 —600 _ 5 05 \. 5 00 \ _ 000 - 000 02 00 \ \ 02 .74 \ /000— I \ \ \ /000 P 0/ P 56 /200 ‘ /V 38 ' ' ' N 3/ ° ”A200 5/ 57 l \ \ 5" 47 \ /500 — . . - —/500 2000 2000 ' 2500— »2500 P 02 /V 5/ 0’ 5/ 3000 - - 3000 0 ‘ l I _ I . ‘ f I _ { 0 /00_ \. ,. .. .v \. \ ._ /00 200 — - -\ .\ — 200 300— -\ \ -\ —300 400 ‘ ' 422/1 /9 -\ -\ 4254 20 ~ 400 500 — ~\ -\ -\ -\ -\ a — 500 600— 0 53 - - -\ 5’5 0 /4/ - -\ 5 5 ~ 600 500— 5 06 _ _/ \. 5 /39 \ x. _ 800 0276 \ \ \ \ \ /000 /000 P 6/ I \ \ P /06 l \ /200 ‘ A/ A3 ' ’ ' A/ 37 ‘ ° H/ZOO 5/ 57 ' / \ 5" 53 / \ /500 — - - - - - —/500 2000 2000 2500 — 4 2500 0 P 02 /v 5/ 0 02 /v 5/ 3000 , I I - . I 1 1 I 3000 0 / 2 3 4 940520472 ,ag-afom /L 0 / 2 3 4 0 /0 20 30 40 A0724 72 #0— 0/007 // 0 /0 20 30 40 204 0 50 /00 /50 5/1/04 72 ,ag-afom/L 0 50 /00 /50 CHAPTER 4—VERTICAL CURVES OF PROPERTIES IN BOO-MILE SQUARES 0 / 2 3 4 5 04/020 0007247 m/// 0 / 2 3 4 5 33 34 35 5404/77 33 34 35 35 0 5 /0 /5 20 25 P07207/4/ 75025047022 00 l0 5 /0 /15 20 25 30 0 0 — . \ /00 5 ~ - — /00 200 — \-\ — 200 300 — -\ -\ — 300 400 - 4/754 2/ -\ i 4254 22 — 400 500 - a . -\ 505 ~ 500 600— 0 53 \ 55 0 5/ \ —500 000— g 56: \ g g; -\ i —500 2 2 /000 \ /000 P 53 \ P /3 \ \ €00 — /V 27 ' /V 9 - ' #200 5/ /4 \ 5" ‘ / \ /500 — - . - 4500 2000 2000 2500 - »2500 6’ 5/ 6’ P 02 5 /1/ 3000 ‘ - 3000 0 _ I _ _ I , I _ I _0 /00 — \-\ \- \-\ \- — /00 200 — -\ -\ -\ -\ — 200 ggg ~ .\ '\ "\ 4354 25 '\ '\ '\ AWE/4 24 :ggg 500 — 0 /35 \- ‘-\ \-\ 505 0 /5 \- ‘\ \- /5°5 — 500 5 /27 5 /5 800‘ 02 /35 ’\ \ \ 02 /5 l \ 5/ 800 WOO L /V may 2 23 \ \ \ P 5 \ L700 - /V /4 ° ' ‘ /V 5 ° #200 5/ 6 / ' l 5/ — l /500 — - I - /-, —/500 I \ 2000 5/. \ 2000 2500— 5, 02 5 —2500 0 P 02 5 /V 3000 I ' I I ' l I I I r 3000 0 / 2 3 200520472 4 0-0/007/1 0 / 2 3 0 /0 20 30 40 407/747;r ,00-0/007/1 0 /0 20 30 40 0 50 /00 /50 5/1/0472 ,00-0/0/77/1 0 50 /00 /50 205 0 / 3 4 5 OXYGEN 000/207 m/// 0 / 2 3 4 5 33 34 35 35 54/010” 0/00 34 35 35 0 /0 /5 20 25 2075/1/7/4/ 751425247022 "0 0 5 {0 /15 20 25 30 0 . . . . — 0 /00 \- \. \. _ /00 200 ~ \ .\ \. _ 200 355 x ‘- _ . — 400 500 _ 4/224 25 .\ . 4254 25 _ 500 500 ‘ 0 /49 /5"5 0 /02 -\ . /5°5 _ 500 02 77 02 93 \ \ /000 I /000 P 75 P 69 5/ 59 5/ 44 \ \ /500 — . - —/500 2000 2000 2500 — —2500 5/ P 02, /V 5/ 3000 J I I l ‘ ' l I 3000 O .\ \ '\ ' 0 /00 ~ - - - - /00 200 — \-\ \- — 200 300 — -\ - 300 400— - 4354 27 ARE/1 28 - 400 500 — -\ -\ - a — 500 500 — 0 5/ - /5°5 0 45 - - /5 5 — 600 500— 5 52 . \ 5 44 \\. _ 500 02 5/ \ 02 39 /000 — /000 2 40 \ 2 30 \ 5/ 33 \ \ 5" 35 \ /500 — A7 - / - —/500 2000 \ 2000 2500 — - —2500 0 02 5 5/ P 02 /v/ 5/ 3000 l I I l ' I T ‘T l ' 3000 0 / 3 #405204 72 ,00-0/0/77/1 0 / 2 3 0 /0 20 30 40 N/TRA 75 ’09- 0/0/77 // 0 /0 20 30 40 206 0 50 /00 /50 50/0472 #0-0/0/77/1 0 50 /00 /50 CHAPTER 4—VERTICAL CURVES OF PROPERTIES IN BOO-MILE SQUARES / 2 3 4 5 OXYGEN 00/1/7507 m/// 0 / 2 3 4 5 33 34 35 36 5A///V/7I/ % 34 35 36 0 5 /0 /5 20 25 POTE/Vf/AL TEMPERATURE 00 0 5 /0 /5 20 25 30 0 \ I . I I \ I . I _ 0 /00 ~ . . _ mg 200 — \. \- — 200 300 ~ \- — 300 400 — AREA 29 ARE/I 30 ~ 400 500 — — 500 600 — g 25 /5°5 57 54 /5"5 _ 600 500— 5 26 . 5 62 _ 02 2/ \ 02 6/ 800 /000— \ /000 P 20 P 50 /200 _ /V _ ' N 22 —/200 /500 — —/500 2000 2000 2500 — —2500 5/ a7 3000 3000 0 1 | I It I , I _0 /00 — \- \- ‘ \- — /00 200 — \- \- - — 200 \ \ 300 _ .\ , .\ . . . 2 300 400— -\ -\ 4/954 3/ ARE/I 32 — 400 500— - '\ '\ /5"5 h 3% 600 — 0 /56 - - /5"5 0 /04 ‘- ~ 500— 5/56 . \ \ 5/02 \ \ —500 02 /24 \ \ \ Q2 82 \ \ /000 /000 P /04 l \ \ P 57 / \ /200— /V 56 ° ' - /V 34 - “/200 5/ 30 \ 5" V ‘ \ /500 — . — /500 2000 2000 2500 ~ 3/, ~2500 0 P 02 5 /I/ 5/ 0 /I/ 3000 I ' | I ' l ' r ' l I 3000 0 / 2 3 PHOSP/M 72 ,ag—a/om // 0 / 2 3 0 /0 20 30 40 MIR/I 72 flg- 0/0/77 // 0 /0 20 30 40 0 50 /00 /50 50/0472 #0—0/0/77/1 0 50 /00 /50 207 208 0 2 3 4 5 6 7 6 OXYGEN 00/v7E/V7 m/// 3 4 5 6 7 6 33 34 35 36 644/4477 33 34 35 36 5 /0 /5 20 25 P07247/4/ TEMPERATURE ‘6 0 5 /0 /5 20 25 30 0 '\ . '\ I \ I I I __ 0 /00 — . - - — /00 200 — \- \-\ \-\ i 4 200 300 — -\ -\ i — 300 400 - ARE/1 33 -\ - '\ 4/764 34 — 400 500 — 0 -\ .\ a — 500 600— 0 /2 - 25 5 0/26 - - 25 5 600 6 // \ 6/24 \ 600 — - - - — 600 02 8 02 7/ \ \ /000 /000 p 8 P 7/ \ MOO — /V 5 ‘9 ' /V 42 ‘ 7/200 5/, 7 6/ 60 \ \ /500 — ~ - »/500 2000 2000 /v 2500 — -/ —2500 (9 P 02 5/ 3000 l I I I 3000 02 ~ "- 1 "- "- :€00 200 ~« \- \- \- \- — 200 \ \ \ 300 « -\ -\ -\ ~ 300 400 ~ - 4/764 35 -\ \ 4/764 36 ~ 400 500 - -\ - a — 500 600 ~ 0 34 2506 0 2/ . - 25 5 ~ 600 800_ 6 34 . . 6 2/ \ k. _800 02 30 \ \ 02 /8 /000 /000 P 23 \ P /4 \\ /200 — /v m . - /v /4 - - —/200 6/ /2 \ \ 5" H \ \ /500 — - - - - —/500 2000 2000 2500 ~ —2500 02, /v 6/ 6 P 02, 6/ 3000 I I ' I I ' I I 3000 0 2 3 PHOSPHATE flg—alom // 0 / 2 3 0 /0 20 30 40 4/7/74 76 fig— 0/0m // 0 /0 20 30 40 0 50 /00 /50 60/0476 49—6764; // 0 50 /00 /50 CHAPTER 4—VERTICAL CURVES OF PROPERTIES IN 600-MILE SQUARES / 2 3 4 5 5 7 0 020/020 0007207 m//L 3 4 5 5 7 0 33 34 35 5/10/1477 %9 35 33 34 35 35 0 5 /0 /5 20 25 2070/7/4/ 75/42524702/5 00 0 5 /0 /5 20 25 30 0 1 I ' l _ l J _ 0 /00 a ‘- ‘. '- — /00 200— \-\ \-\ ~200 300 — -\ ~\ — 300 400 — - 71/724 37 - 4254 30 — 400 500 — \-\ a -\ a — 500 600 — 0 26 - 35 5 0 24 - 25 5 600 000— 5 24 \ 5 26 \- —500 02 25 02 25 /000 /000 P 2/ P 22 A200 - /V /5 /V /0 -/200 5/ /5 5/ /3 /500 — —/500 2000 2000 2500 — —2500 0 P 3000 3000 0 . l . . I _ 0 /00 — ‘-\ ‘.\ \-\ — /00 200 _ '\ '\ '\ _ 200 300 _ '\ ' °\ — 500 400 " '\ AREA 39 '\ 4/754 40 — 400 500 — -\ - a — 500 600 — 0 4/ ~ 2505 0 /75 - 25 5 — 500 000~ 5 38 \ 5/75 \ —000 02 37 02 /72 /000 /000 P 32 P /55 200 — /V /g /V /26 —/200 5/ /2 5/ 2/ /500 — —/500 2000 2000 2500 — —2500 0 /1/ 5/ 3000 l l l ' ' l 1 3000 0 / 2 3 200520472 M—a/om 7/ 0 / 2 3 0 /0 20 30 40 /V/7/?/1 72 33— 0/007 7/ 0 /0 20 30 40 0 50 /00 /50 50/0475 ,00—0/0m/L 0 50 /00 /50 209 210 0 2 3 5 6 7 6 OXYGEN CO/VTE/Vf m//L 3 7 6 33 35 SAL/MTV % 36 33 36 5 /0 20 25 POTE/Vf/AL 751422047022 00 0 5 /0 30 0 . . I ' I . 1 0 /00 — \- \- ‘- ‘- — /00 _ l _/ \, \ 200 - - — 200 _ \ \, 1 \, \ 300 ' ‘ \ '\ _ 300 2% — -\ 4224 4/ \ -\ 4224 42 — 4% 600— 0 /59 55‘5" 0 90 \- 35°5 ~600 800— 5 59 5 88 \ —600 0 /30 0 75 \ 2 2 /000 — /000 2 45 \ 2 30 /200 — /V 5 ' ' A/ /3 4200 5/ 24 \ \ 5/ 2/ /500 — - - —/500 2000 ,V 2000 02 2500 ~ —2500 2 02 5 5/ 0 2 3000 i I I 3000 0 . . . . 0 _ \. \. . \, \, ! _ /00 _ \ \_ \ \ \ | _ /00 200 .\ \ -\ -\ i 200 300 ~ . -\ -\ .\ -\ — 300 400 — -\ 4/754 43 -\ -\ i ARE/1 44 — 400 500 ~ - 2 -\ . i a — 500 600~ 0 /0 3575 0 22 - 35 5 —600 000— 5 /7 5 22 \ _800 0 /7 02 /6 \ /000 /000 2 /6 \ P /4 /200 — /v 5 ~ A/ 9 - ~/200 5/ 6 \ \ 5/ // \ /500 ~ - \- - —/500 2000 2000 2500 — ~2500 2 02 5 5/ 0 2 5/ 3000 I ' l l ' f 1 1 f 3000 0 2 3 2005/40/72 #9-0/0/77/1 0 / 2 3 0 /0 30 40 MIR/175 flg— 0/007 // 0 /0 0 50 /00 /50 5/1/0472 M—a/om // /00 /50 CHAPTER 4—VERTICAL CURVES OF PROPERTIES IN GOO-MILE SQUARES OXYGEN CO/VTE/VT m//A / 36 5/JU/V/7Y %a 33 25 POE/V7041 ffMPERAIUfiE 00 0 30 0 l _\ l l 0 /00 — - ~ /00 200 ~ \. — 200 3% — \'\ — 300 4 - 4 - ~ 400 500 2 ME 45 \_ 422/1 46 _ 500 600 — 35°5 (52 7 3505 —600 000 — 5 7 — 000 02 7 /000 /000 P 4 /200 — /v 2 —/200 5/ 3 /500 — —/500 2000 2000 2500 — {500 5/ P 5 5/ 3000 I 3000 0 .\ 0 /00 — -\ ~ /00 200 2 .\ — 200 300 — -\ —500 400* 4/254 47 - ARE/1 48 — 400 500 2 a — 500 600~ 35°5 0 /52 35 5 ~ 600 5 M8 000— 02 /40 000 /000 — /000 P /36 /200 2 /v 03 —/200 5/ 28 /500 — —/500 2000 2000 2500— —2500 5/ 5/. 3000 I ' I | I ' I I I 3000 0 / 2 3 2005204 72 flg—axom /L 0 / 2 3 0 /0 20 30 40 MIR/1 72 fig- 0/0/77 // 0 /0 20 30 40 0 50 /00 /50 5/1/04 72 ,00-0/0/77/1 0 50 /00 /50 211 212 0 2 3 4 5 6 7 0 0/0050 0007507 m//L 3 4 5 6 7 0 33 34 35 35 SAL/M7)” 34 35 36 5 /0 /5 20 25 2075/10/42 754425547005 °C 0 5 /0 /5 20 25 30 0 . 1 l | r l I I _ 0 /00 ~ \\ -\ \-\ ‘-\ \ — /00 200 — . - - - - — 200 _ \ \ \ I 300 - -\ -\ i — 300 400 ~ AREA 49 -\ - -. ARE/J 50 — 400 500 — a - - a — 500 600— 0 2/ 35 5 0 55 - 35 5 —500 0004 5 2/ . 5 5/ \N - —000 02 30 \ 0 54 \ /000 5. /000 P /4 \ P 47 \ ’ /200— /v 5 - /v 3 - - —/200 5/ - 5/ 2 \ \ /500 — - . ~/500 2000 2000 2500 ~ —2500 P 02 /v P 5 02 3000 l 3000 0 i . — 0 /00 — -\ — /00 200 — - ~ 200 300 — — 300 400 — 4054 5/ 4054 52 ~ 400 500 — a — 500 600 — 0 55 455 0 34 45 5 — 500 5 54 5 34 000— 02 55 \ 02 32 000 /000 /000 P 50 \ P 20 /200— /v _ - /v _ ~/200 5/ 3/ \ 5/ /7 /500 — - —/500 2000 2000 2500 — —2500 02. 5/ 3000 - . \ I . - I 3000 0 2 5 PHOSPHATE ,00-0/007/1 0 / 2 3 0 /0 20 30 40 MIR/4 75 fig— 0/007 // 0 /0 20 30 40 0 50 /00 /50 5/1/0475 ,09-0/0/77/1 0 50 /00 /50 CHAPTER 4—VERTICAL CURVES OF PROPERTIES IN GOO-MILE SQUARES 5 6 7 8 0X70EN 00NTENT m//£ 3 4 5 6 7 8 56 SAL/N/T)’ ”ea 54 35 36 20 25 POTENTML TEMPERATURE ”C 0 5 /0 /5 20 25 30 | AREA 54 _ 400 4505 _ 600 AREA 53 45 ‘5' 2000 —2500 3000 _ /00 — 200 — 300 AREA 56 _ 400 ~ 5 4505 _ 6‘33 AREA 55 45”.? - 800 /000 7/200 3%} NQU)% F /500 2000 ~2500 L QR) I PN05R/7’AT E ,4 9- 0/007 /1 50 40 0 50 l 0 / N/TRATE flg-alom /L /00 /50 2 3 0 /0 S/L/C‘A T E ,ag-afom/L 40 50 /00 /50 .3 000 213 5 7 9 OXYGEN 000/507 m/// 0 9 35 SAN/WW 55 25 2072/0/4/ 75022047095 °0 0 5 /0 50 0 l i _ 2 0 /00— \- ~ /00 200 ~ - — 200 500 — \-\ — 500 400 ‘ 4/954 5/ -\ 4/254 50 — 400 500 — - ~ 500 500 ~ 4505 \- — 500 900 — \\ — 500 /000 /000 P /4 /200 N 3 »/200 5/ 4 /500 _ . —/500 2000 { 2000 2500 ‘- . 22500 0’ P 02 §/' 5000 l I 5000 0 - - — 0 /00 — \- \-\ .......... ~ /00 200 — -\ -\ — 200 300— -\ i — 500 400— -\ 405/1 59 /- 495/1 60 — 400 500 — i 1' ~ 500 500~ 0 57 -\ 5505 ‘ ~ 600 5 55 900— 02 57 -\ I 000 /000 /000 P 65 \ /200— /v _ - —/200 5/ 56 l /500 — ~ —/500 2000 2000 2500 — —2500 5 5/ 0 P 5/ 5000 I ' I | ' I T 3000 0 PHOSPHATE #0 — 0/0/77 /1 0 / 2 3 30 40 MW: 75 59— 0/007 // 0 /0 214 0 50 /00 /50 5/1/0472 ,ag-afom/Z /00 /50 CHAPTER 4—VERTICAL CURVES OF PROPERTIES IN GOO-MILE SQUARES 3 4 5 5 7 8 9 044/024 004/7247 m//L 5 5 7 5 9 33 34 35 54/010” 33 34 35 0 5 /0 /5 20 25 POTE/W/AA 724425247022 "0 0 5 /0 /5 20 25 30 0 . l I l ' l I I ' l _ O /00 ~ & \- ‘- — /00 200 — \.\ \ — 200 300 « . - ~ 300 2%: ,'- '\. 4254 6/ 4224 52 :;33 600 ~ (9 /0 II ‘I 5505 5505 _ 500 500 ~ g I? I. -\ — 000 Z /000 moo _ P /6 I \ /200 4/ _ - - ~/200 3/ / 7 \ \ /500 « . . —/500 2000 2000 3500 2 —2500 0 P 02 5 5/ 3000 3000 0 1 I # ___, I I _ _ 0 /00 2 \- — /00 200 — \i -\ — 200 300 ~ - - - ~300 4% — )- ‘I 4/554 63 \'\ 4/324 64 — 2% 5 _ . . . _ 500 — 0 /5 I’ ‘I 5505 0 /5 ‘-\ 55 5 — 500 5 /5 /6 ‘90“ 0 /4 ' ' 0 /5 ' ”800 /000 2 I I 2 \ /000 P /4 l \ P /5 \ /2 00 - /V / ' ' IV _ ' 7200 5/ // ‘ 5" /5 / /500 — - —/500 2000 2000 2500 ~ —2500 0’ P 02 5 5/ c9 02 5/ 3000 | I I I ' I I ' I I I I 5000 0 / 2 3 2405/7/44 72 ,zzg-U/om // 0 / 2 3 0 /0 20 30 40 40724 72 #g— 0/0m // 0 /0 20 30 40 0 50 /00 /50 5/4/0472 fig—ofom/L 0 50 /00 /50 215 216 4 5 6 7 6 6 OXYGEN 00/v76/I/7 m//L 5 6 7 6 6 34 35' SAN/W7)” % 33 34 35 /0 /5 20 25 POTE/Vf/AL fEMPE/MTU/PE 00 0 5 /0 /5 20 25 30 O I I l l ' _ l 0 /00— - — /00 200 — \.\ — 200 300 — -I — 300 400 - - 4664 65 ,- 4664 66 — 400 500 - \ | ~ 500 500 A 6 /0 - 55°5 6 /4 -I 55"5 —600 800 _ 5 /0 5 /4 . _ 02 8 02 7 I 800 /000 \ I /000 P 5 P 7 /200 — - /v 2 . - A/ 2 - —/200 5/ 7 / \ 5/, 2 l /500— - - - —/500 2000 \ l 2000 2500~ ./ \. —2500 P 02, /v 5/ 6 P 02 /V 5/ 3000 ' I l 3000 0 .\ .\ — 0 /00- \-\ -\ — /00 200- i I- — 200 300 2 I- - i ~ 300 400 — - - - 4664 66 — 400 500 _ I I 4624 67 I o _ 500 600 — -I -\ 65°5 6 60 I 65 5 — 600 5 76 800* 'I \ 02 7/ I — (900 /000 /000 \ \ P 58 l \ £002 - - /v _ - - —/200 5/ 39 \ \ 5" 52 \ \ /500 — I - I - 4500 2000 2000 2500 — ‘- —2500 P 02 5 5/ 6 P 5/ 3000 ’ T I I ' I I ' I I I I 3000 0 2 3 PHOSPHATE ,00-0/070/1 0 / 2 3 0 /0 20 30 40 IV/f/MTE ,44- 0/070 /L 0 /0 20 30 40 0 50 /00 /50 5/4/0472 ,ag-m‘om/L 0 50 /00 /50 CHAPTER 4—VERTICAL CURVES OF PROPERTIES IN BOO-MILE SQUARES 4 5 6 7 6 9 OXYGEN 60A/fE/V7 m//L 5 6 7 9 9 34 35 SAW/WW % 33 34 35 /0 /5 20 25 P076/v7/AL TEMPERATURE °6 0 5 /0 /5 20 25 30 0 I _ l l ' l I _ 0 /00 — \. — /00 200 _ \. — 200 293- 4 ‘ AREA 69 - AREA 70 ~ 400 500 ~ ‘ — 500 600 — .\ 6505 67 39 6505 _ 600 9 40 600 ~ . _ \ 02 23 900 /000 \ /000 P 20 /200 “ - ' /V 4 E/ZOO 57. 22 / \ 9/ 22 /500 — . . _ 500 2000 2000 2500 — \. 2500 i p 02 9 9/ 9 0 r\ V \ g 0 /00 9 -\ -\ - — /00 200 2 .\ .\ -\ ~ 200 300 — i ,- i -\ — 300 2%: \ ,- \_ 4/1754 7/ ~._ '\. 4/?54 72 :ggg 600 — 0 20 ‘\ \-\ 65°9 '\ ‘-\ 55°5 — 600 900 — 5 20 - - - — 900 02 V | \ | \ /000 N /000 0 P /7 \ -/ I -/ —/200 /20 — ,V 6 5/ /4 ‘ \ I \ /500 — - / -\ - — /500 2000 \ 2000 2500 — - - #2500 0 P 02 9 /9/ P 9/ 3000 l | l I ' l l '1 3000 0 / 2 3 PH09PHA TE yg—afam /L 0 / 2 3 0 /0 20 30 40 /Wf/?A17[ flg- a/om /L 0 /0 20 30 40 0 50 /00 /50 5/1/0475 fl g-o/om/A 0 50 /00 /50 21 7 Chapter 5 Distributions Along Sigma-6 Surfaces THE SIGNIFICANCE OF SIGMA-6 SURFACES The use of sigma-t surfaces for the study of the spreading of oceanic water masses was introduced into oceanography by Parr [1938) in analogy to procedures used in meteorology. In the atmos- phere isentropic surfaces, which are surfaces of constant entropy, can be represented by surfaces of constant potential temperature as long as no condensation takes place. In the ocean the relationships be— tween entropy, potential temperature, and potential density are not so simple, and usually the surfaces of constant entropy, constant potential temperature, and constant potential density are not identical sets of surfaces, as pointed out by Defant (1961] and Fofonoff [1962). However, somewhere between these surfaces there must exist a set of surfaces of such a character that the change of potential energy or entropy is at a minimum if interchange and mixing take place along these surfaces (Sverdrup, 1942]. Surfaces of constant density or con- stant potential density approximately satisfy this condition. Conse- quently, mixing of water masses along sigma-0 surfaces results in a minimum of change of potential energy or entropy of that body of water. Since the displacement of water masses within such an isopycnic surface must by definition proceed without changes of potential density, the distribution of temperature and salinity on such surfaces must be due to advection and mixing, and therefore these surfaces are suitable for the study of the spreading of different water masses; for example, see studies by Montgomery (1939), Taft [1963), Reid [1965], and Barkley (1968]. Another advantage of the use of sigma-6 surfaces for mapping of oceanographic properties lies in the elimination of depth as an independent variable, whereby the short-term vertical displacements in the water column, such as internal waves, are eliminated. These aspects were discussed in detail by Barkley [1968). THE SELECTION OF THE SIGMA-6SURFACES Sigma-Osurfaces are especially useful for the study of the lateral mixing and spreading of water masses. A different method for study- ing the same processes is the core-layer method introduced by Wiist [1935]. In order to allow a comparison between the two methods, the sigma-0 surfaces represented in this atlas have been chosen to coincide roughly with the density most typically found along major core layers. The use of sigma-0 surfaces is most appropriate in the depth range of the main oceanic thermocline, where the sigma-0 sur- faces are sufficiently removed from the sea surface. Near the sea surface other effects such as heating and cooling, and precipitation and evaporation, are altering temperature and salinity, and under such conditions sigma-0 surfaces will no longer serve for the study of lateral mixing processes. In the deep layer of the ocean, below about 1500 meters depth where density gradients are very weak, the use of sigma-0 surfaces for the study of mixing processes is no longer su- perior to the use of level surfaces or other methods. Considering all these factors, and giving special weight to the possibility of comparing sigma-0 surfaces with core layers, which are presented in Chapter 6, the following selection has been made: Sigma-6 Surface Core Layers near that Density 25.0 Subsurface salinity maximum in the Arabian Sea 25.8 Subsurface salinity maximum of the Subtropical Water in the southern anticyclonic gyre Shallow oxygen minimum in the northern Indian Ocean 26.6 Salinity maximum of the Persian Gulf Water and in the Bay of Bengal Intermediate oxygen maximum 27.2 Salinity maximum of the Red Sea Water Salinity minimum of the Antarctic Intermediate Water Temperature minimum in Antarctic waters 27.4 Salinity minimum of the Banda Sea Water Deep oxygen minimum This selection of sigma-0 surfaces covers all the important core layers found in the Indian Ocean with the exception of the deep salinity maximum near sigma—0 = 27.83 and the Antarctic temperature maxi- mum near sigma-6: 27.75. It also covers the entire water structure between about 100 and 1200 meters depth. In the Pacific Ocean, Barkley (1968] has used ten different sigma-t surfaces but some of the upper six appear to be rather redundant. In a study of sigma—6 surfaces in the whole southern hemisphere, Taft [1963) uses four surfaces in intermediate and deep layers at values of 219 220 constant potential specific volume anomaly of 125, 100, 80, and 60 oentiliters per ton. The following table lists the sigma-6 surfaces used in this atlas and in the two other studies: Indian Ocean 25.0 25.8 26.6 27.2 27.4 Atlas Pacific Ocean 23.0 24.4 25.4 26.2 26.6 26.8 27.0 27.2 27.4 27.6 (Barkley, 1968) Southern Hemisphere 26.81 27.07 27.28 27.49 (Taft, 1963) For each hydrographic station with apparently good observations of temperature and salinity at at least four depths, potential temper- atures and potential density anomalies were computed for the set of observed depths, and the maximum vertical density gradient was determined. The depth of each selected potential density surface was determined from the observed set by an interpolation scheme which was parabolic, linear, or logarithmic, depending on whether the po- tential density occurred above, in, or deeper than the depth interval defining the maximum vertical density gradient. Between observed depths, potential temperature was assumed to be a linear function of potential density for interpolation of the former. These computed temperatures, with the appropriate potential densities, were used in an iterative process to determine the corresponding salinities. All chemical properties were treated as linear functions of depth between observed points above and below the selected density surface. REPRESENTATION OF PROPERTIES ON SIGMA-0 SURFACES All the data interpolated for each selected potential density sur- face were combined to draw the maps of depth, salinity, oxygen content, phosphate, nitrate, and silicate along this surface. A separate map for temperature is not included, although it was plotted, since it would be redundant to the salinity map. On the salinity maps a scale is given which allows an easy conversion to corresponding tempera- tures for each sigma—0 surface. The data from each sigma-6 surface were also combined into six scatter diagrams giving potential temper- ature—oxygen, potential temperature—silicate, phosphate—oxygen, phosphate—salinity, nitrate—oxygen, and nitrate—phosphate dia- grams. These diagrams appear especially helpful in studying relation- ships between the various properties along each sigma-6 surface. The three uppermost sigma-0 surfaces intersect the sea surface somewhere north of the Polar Front. This line of intersection will change with the season, as sea—surface density changes. Since all data regardless of the season were combined, only the approximate southernmost position of this line is shown in the maps. For the two uppermost sigma-0 surfaces an analysis of the sea- sonal variation of the properties along them might have been appro- priate, but it seems questionable whether the amount of data is really sufficient for a significant analysis of such a small variation, as one can see from the analysis given by Wooster, Schaefer, and Robinson [1967] for the Arabian Sea. THE 25.0 SIGMA-0 SURFACE Pages 222—228 The 25.0 sigma-esurface lies in the upper portions of the thermo- cline. It is situated below the core of the salinity maximum originating at the surface in the northern Arabian Sea, and above the core of the salinity maximum originating in the southern subtropical anticyclonic gyre. Salinities are generally high along this surface, especially in the western part of the ocean. Lower salinities appear in the Bay of Bengal and in the Indonesian waters, and extend west along 10°S. In the Bay of Bengal the 25.0 sigma-6 surface reaches into the upper portions of the shallow oxygen minimum. Phosphates, nitrates, and silicates increase northward along this surface but it is to be noted that silicates are comparatively low in the Arabian Sea. There are strong linear relations between phosphate, nitrate, and oxygen in this surface. The 25.0 sigma-6 surface intersects the sea surface slightly north of the surface salinity maximum in the center of the subtropical anticyclonic gyre, where salinity is about 35.6 0/oo. Most of the for- mation of the salinity maximum of the subtropical water seems to occur south of this line at higher densities. THE 25.8 SIGMA-0 SURFACE Pages 229-235 In the southern subtropical region the 25.8 sigma-0 surface co- incides approximately with the core layer of the shallow salinity maximum. Highest salinities, of more than 35.8 0/oo, are found west of Australia. The 25.8 sigma-0 surface intersects the sea surface south of the salinity maximum of the subtropical gyre, but formation of the salinity maximum might occur chiefly during winter, when temperature near the salinity maximum is lowest and density corre- spondingly higher. In the northern Indian Ocean the 25.8 sigma—0 surface coincides roughly with the shallow oxygen minimum, and in the Arabian Sea it lies well below the shallow salinity maximum. Phosphates and nitrates are high in the entire northern Indian Ocean to the north of about 12°S; and silicate has increased compared to the 25.0 sigma-0 surface. Along this sigma-0 surface strong linear relations between phosphate, nitrate, and oxygen also exist. There is, however, a considerable drop in nitrate values in the northern Arabian Sea as compared with those in the Bay of Bengal. THE 26.6 SIGMA-0 SURFACE Pages 236—242 In the south the 26.6 sigma-0 surface intersects the sea surface in the temperate climatic region near 45°S, where oxygen content is above 6 milliliters per liter. From approximately the same position the core layer of the oxygen maximum spreads to the north. This core layer coincides with the 26.6 sigma-6 surface in the area south of South Africa, but elsewhere it is found near the 26.8 sigma-0 sur- face. In the northern Indian Ocean the 26.6 sigma-0 surface coincides with the salinity maximum originating in the Persian Gulf. A salinity maximum is also found at the same density surface in the Bay of Bengal. The boundary between the water of high nutrient content in the northern Indian Ocean and that of low nutrient content typical for the southern subtropical region, is found near 15°S. Also at this level strong linear relations between phosphate, nitrate and oxygen are apparent. As on the 25.8 sigma-0 surface, nitrate values in the Arabian Sea are considerably lower than in the Bay of Bengal at corresponding oxygen values. THE 27.2 SIGMA-0 SURFACE Pages 243—249 Two main water masses are opposing each other at the 27.2 sigma—0 surface: the salinity minimum of the Antarctic Intermediate Water in the south and the salinity maximum of the Red Sea Water in the north. This results in a considerable contrast in the salinity distribution along this surface. Between 20°S and 10°S oxygen content decreases sharply, marking the northern boundary of the influence of Antarctic Intermediate Water. In Antarctic waters, the 27.2 sigma-0 surface lies close to the sea surface, in only 20 to 50 meters depth during the summer, and even intersects the sea surface in some loca- tions, as can be seen from the distribution of surface density, page 57. During winter most of this region is occupied by water of higher density, and the 27.2 sigma-0 surface intersects the sea surface be- tween 55°S and 60°S. Nutrient concentrations are high for phosphate and nitrate, and the scatter of the values is so great that no obvious relationships are apparent, except for a weak oxygen—phosphate relation. There is a considerable contrast in silicates between high values in the northern and lower values in the southern part of the ocean. In the temperature—oxygen, temperature—silicate, and phos- phate—salinity scatter diagrams, the values in the Red Sea and the Persian Gulf are not shown, to allow a larger resolution for these diagrams. THE 27.4 SIGMA-0 SURFACE Pages 250—255 The deep oxygen minimum coincides with most of the 27.4 sigma-0 surface. Low oxygen content extends far to the south, with 2.0 milliliters per liter located at 10°S and 4.0 milliliters per liter at 30°S. Near the Antarctic Polar Front the 27.4 sigma-0 surface rises sharply from 1200 meters to 200 meters or less. South of the Polar Front it coincides roughly with the temperature minimum at the bot- tom of the Antarctic Surface Water. This layer is of very high oxygen CHAPTER 5—DISTRIBUTIONS ALONG SIGMA-0 SURFACES content and relatively low salinity. Phosphates are high throughout the layer, and a weak phosphate—oxygen relation exists. Nitrate values are also high but scatter so much that no map could be prepared. Silicate is high where the layer coincides with the oxygen minimum, and lower in Antarctic waters. The low nutrient contents of the waters in the Red Sea and in the Persian Gulf at the 27.4 sigma-0 surface are apparent. REFERENCES Barkley, Richard A. 1968. Oceano- graphic Atlas of the Pacific Ocean. University of Hawaii Press, Hono- lulu. Defant, Albert. 1961. Physical Ocean- ography, Vol. 1. Pergamon Press, New York. Fofonoff, N. P. 1962. Physical Prop- erties of Sea-Water. In THE SEA, Vol. I, editor M. N. Hill. Inter- science Publishers, New York. Montgomery, R. B. 1939. Ein Versuch den vertikalen und seitlichen Aus— tausch in der Tiefe der Springschicht im aquatoriaIen Atlantischen Ozean zu bestimmen. Ann. d. Hydrogr. 11. mar. Meteor., Bd. 67. Parr, A. E. 1938. Isopycnic analysis of current flow by means of identi- fying properties. J. Mar. Res., 1(4): 133-154. Reid, Ioseph L., Jr. 1965. Intermediate Waters of the Pacific Ocean. The John Hopkins Press, Baltimore. Sverdrup, H. U., Martin W. Iohnson, and Richard H. Fleming. 1942. The Oceans: Their Physics, Chemistry, and General Biology. Prentice-Hall, Inc., New York. Taft, B. A. 1963. Distribution of Sa- linity and Dissolved Oxygen on Sur- faces of Uniform Potential Specific Volume in the South Atlantic, South Pacific, and Indian Oceans. I. Mar. Res., 21(2]:129-146. Wooster, Warren S., M. B. Schaefer, and M. K. Robinson. 1967. Atlas of the Arabian Sea for Fishery Ocean- ography. IMR Ref. 67-12. Univ. of California, La ]olla. Wiist, Georg. 1935. Die Stratosphéire. Deutsche Atlantische Exped. ME- TEOR 1925-1927, Wiss. Erg., Bd. 6, 1 Teil, 2. Lief. 221 ||O° |20° I30. I40“ |50° : 3 30° 20° BANGKOK , 50“ , DJIBOUTI. ‘ _ |O° ~l45 moeApnscyp "‘2 0° . '5 ‘ n ' 0 I ' loo , 7 / DARWIN / 0 . a 7 . , 20 A [20 . 20° I A .. ' . 30° V 2’ DURBAN * 30° 06‘"?Z 3‘?)- 40° ,L 40° ‘ .. 50° \ \ / / 60° 60. / \ . / \ . - ‘ / 70° \ 70° - 1.11 1111111 ”l° 120° 'I30°' |40° ISO” 222 ‘20 ‘ ‘30: ‘ ‘ 60° '70: ' “sot I00° CHAPTER 5—DISTRIBUTIONS ALONG SIGMA-(l SURFACES 20° 30° 40° 50° 60° 70° 80° 90° IOO° ||O° |20° |30° |40° l50° —"'-_-—"'O° \ \ \ on \\~ 60° 60° 20°30° 40° 50 60" 70° 0° ' |OO° ”0° l20°”|30'°l40”50° 223 o+++p+§+ 4- A A A 5 + ; +A + + A A 5 + A -§ 3-\J: . b _+.+ . 224 20° 30° 40° 50° 60° 70° 80" 90° I00' ”0- |20° I30° I40°”50° CHAPTER 5—DISTRIBUTIONS ALONG SIGMA-H SURFACES 20° 30° 40° 50° 60° 70° 80° 90° |00° I |O° |20° |30° |40° [50° 30° 20° l0“ 4» + ‘ /.0' + 4- . ‘ U + + A A 9 , ° ‘9 7; A . 0 + . +. ‘ . + I: . + . + + . Q .. + . w. + + . ‘ A . a . + . + +‘ , loo + ' A 4. ' + . . + 20° 20° 30° 40' 50° 60° 70° 80° 90° |OO‘ |l0° |20° l30° |40° |50° 225 20° 30° 60° 70° 80° 90° l00° llO° .+ + «0+: ‘43» +++++++ fl /// 60° 5 226 30° 40° 50° 60" 70° 80‘" ° |20° |30° CHAPTER 5—DISTRIBUTIONS ALONG SIGMA-fl SURFACES 20° 30" 40° 50° 60° 70° 80° 90° |00° I |O° |20° l30° MO" 50" 30° 20° |0° 4- .+++,+++ + . ,,,++.+0+>>’v+ Q 4- . + '. |0° 20° ‘ at] L300 . .. JAE \\ - /// ' ///// 20° 30° 40° 0° 60° 70° 80° 90° IOO° ”0" 120° l30° |40° I50° 225 CHAPTER 5—DISTRIBUTIONS ALONG SIGMA-(9 SURFACES 20° 30° 40° 50° 60° 70° 80° 90° IOO" l |0° 120° | 30° I40“ |50° " 04:390er ., 227 QXKQWE QQENWEN S\\N QRRENMI \«QIQSS\N Q \ N ,w k M Q Q \Q NQ IwQ kQ QQ o WQQ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ — d — — — _ _ _ _ _ _ I. AII_I — _ _ _ _ _ _ _ a _I ____ __—A_Iq_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ——_____._____ rWQ MQ I I .. . II I I I . . . Fe .m? “\IWIW QQIW II \kfiQ QQM. I ,w% I I . II “SIS «I0. 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I m fl H. .I I..»... .I ...I.. . .. . 0 g l . I. ... I II “II .u . I.“ 1 m; I 3 I .. I . I 8 I W. H I” H .I.. Immwufi H M on . I R .H Izfimia .. I I .H N I m2 I I N 3 l \WAA Q%% I \IWQ\ QQM. I \Q l .. .... .. wwwwnmlufivsu .NQoh. I I Q _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _. _. _ ......»mmwfllwumf.’ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ I Q Q \ N ,w A Q Q N QQ \Q \Q NQ mm Q>xKQmI\< QQENNSQ. S\\m thQBJENNI \RQIQSS\N 228 S E C A F R U S mu A M m S G N O L A S N w T U m R T B D— 5 R E T P A H C O 00 5/11 //V/T)’ 06 POTE/VT/AA TEMPEPATUPE PHOSPHATE yg-U/om/L N/TPATE [ag—a/om /L 936%? WQENWEN S\\m MRRLNW \«Q1QSS\N Q \ N m «N m m Q 3 .8 ms «Q mg a ,WQO__________________________d_____________________-________________qd_____d__________“Q 1 «N3 Swm. 11 \QO 9mm. 1 1 . . .. 5 mm; H Ru 3 H 80 1 11. . . .. 1 NE £§m§ .. . . H T. mmamwz H BE: gm 11 ESE 1 NE 11 m H 1 NE 1|.Muumulmnn... .m.. 1 11:11.1; r L . 1 $1.222. .1: . - 11 ..T . . . S: $1 :3: E - Go 11%; in“. Ex. 1 Go 11 355% . . ../ . 1 .... WMSfiLN WQ§V§ qu SQSA I l \§§“&$®.§ Mgwww.“ fix: I 1 \ES‘QE §E§ 11 1 So _ _ L _ _ E “ __;__:__;_E_:__..h___£1?__;___Ti:__;__;_____:__ mm 11 . . ,wN mm WQ 1 H MLmkSUx aka H mg . 11 1 ms NNQN Q3, 1k§§mfi§ mm. H.... .wwR Q3, 1 C II I \Q 9% ll . kg 11 9% 11 . . m2 1 11 REES ..1 11 $21 1 n w —__4_ a. ___ .... “ _____ n _—___ u __ __ u _ Q ll 1 , I ms shrank. 11 . . . 1 . m2 . . n. .. zmzmxxx 1 \Q I . ... .. E 11 \Q 1 .... E ..r .Gfik Qmm. .. 3.3 Qma. 1 1 . 1S. m M Q .__ _______________H.._.. g...___ _p+Lp_________ 1Q Q \ N m a m S \Q NQ ms 938%? QQENWEN Sim hmsbuihx m1 \ Q1Q83§ C 0 PHOSPHATE lag— Mom /1 POTE/VT/AA TEMPEPATUPE SCATTER DIAGRAMS FOR THE 25.8 SIGMA—0 SURFACE N/TPATE ,ag- ofom /A 229 230 20" 30° 40° 50° 60° 70° 80° 90° IOO° |lO° |20° |30° |40° |50° :.PORT' ' SUDAN MASSAUA BANGKOK 60.\\\\ ° ////// 20° 100° ”0' 120° I30° l40° I50° 30° 40° 50° 60° 70° 80° 9° CHAPTER 5—DISTRIBUTIONS ALONG SIGMA-H SURFACES . o o . o . o o “0° 120° l30° |40° |50° 20° 3C}. 40 50 60 70 so 90 _ _ l__0 _ _ _ _ _ _ ________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ 30° SALINITY \ AT THE 25.8 SIGMA—9 SURFACE \ in parts per mille \ . ‘ 6232 observations .; ' .. ' - ‘ — 200 m depth contour shown only around the \ 20° ,. - . - - -» - Sunda and the Sahul Shelf. 2°” . Number of observations per 60—mile square: \ ' n 0 single A five—nine \ : I V. + two—four I ten or more \ . ,', ' .3} t o-' - f? 1 — -— The heavy broken line indicates the position \ - ' ' - ' - ' ‘ V ' N v- where the 25.8 sigma —9,surfaoe intersects the sea wrface. \ .09 {0° ' . . 6554‘ ’ § : Values of temperature that correspond to values \ + ' ‘ * of salinity at the 25.8 sigma —0 surface: \ .* + I’ as m 31 325 so see as as. ‘ '. 8) 22 24 26 'C I ,j . . .MOGAonscya", ‘ +>++> . , + 20° 30° 40° 50° 60° 70° 80° 90° |00° IIO° |20° l30° l40° |50° 231 232 9 90° IOO° . J++#-+'. o', -+§r+o 4 . >++ >** +> + + >++’ *o 20° 30° 40° 50° 60° 70° 80° 90' IOO" IIO' I20° l30° |40° | 50° CHAPTER 5—DISTRIBUTIONS ALONG SIGMA—f) SURFACES 20° 30° 40° 50° 60° 70° 80" 90° |OO° | [0° 120° I30° I40” 150° — — —:- - --30° \ \\ ‘\ 20° 30° 40° 50° 60° 70° 80° 90° I00° ||0° I20° {30° 140° |50° 233 20° 30° 40° 50“ 60° 70° 80° 90° IOO° l |0° |20° |30° |40° |50° ? \\\\ ’ / ///// 234 40. CHAPTER 5—DISTRIBUTIONS ALONG SIGMA-6 SURFACES 20° 30° 40° 50° 60° 70° 80° 90° IOO° l |0° |20° |30° |40° |50° 90° I00° ' i 235 20° 30° 40° 50° 60° 70" 80° 90° |OO° ||O° |20° |30° l40° |50° 236 - 30° 40° ”0° |20° |40° |50° CHAPTER 5—DISTRIBUTIONS ALONG SIGMA-0 SURFACES 20° 30° 40° 50° 60° 70° 80° 90° 100° 110° 120° 130° 140° 150° 30° ........... .—— ——————————— ----—---30° SALINITY \ OF THE 26.6 SIGMA— 0 SURFACE in parts per mille \ 6319 observations \ -——— 200 m depth contour \ 20, Number of observations per 60—mile square: \ 0 single A five—nine \ + two—four - ten or more \ . — — The heavy broken line indicates the position \ ‘ ‘ I where the 26.6 sigma —0 surface intersects the sea surface. ‘ ‘ I 2 Values of temperature that correspond to values '°° ‘ .‘ of salinity at the 26.6 sigma —9 surface: ‘ 343 36 363 36 36.5 37 37.5 38 3657. LL11!lLlllI!lllILALJIIJlllllllLlllllilllll| 10 I 1‘2 I 1‘4 ‘ 1‘s l 1.8 I 210 I 212 j: °c | 00 ' '9/\°§$ v a" n I _. _ :f.i\\ 1 ‘V [1* j '5\l w<1 4" o+° 2 Q0 . I A / : .“’DARWIN I : I I [20° 7 34,0 -34.8 ,,,, 80° 9° 10° 110° 120° 130° 140° 50° 237 238 >*++ A + + + A 4, + I 4. 4 50° 60° 70° 80° 90° |00° IIO" |20° |30° |40° |50° CHAPTER 5—DISTRIBUTIONS ALONG SIGMA-6 SURFACES 20° 30° 40° 50° 60° 70° 60° 90° o + . . +>o+++++++”++*++ . + 20° 30° 40° 50° 60° 70° 80° 90° 0° ...................... ||O° |20° I30“ I40“ |50° 239 20" 30° 40° 50° 60° 70° 80° 90° 30° 100° I IO° l20° |30° I40° l50° 20° |O° |O° .+ ; + t G on ‘1, ‘ a ' ' + + 0° K '.' . ‘5‘ + .'.' + o + |O° l0° 20° \A\\ //// 60° 240 20° 30° 40° 50° 60° 70° 80° 90° IOO° ||O° 120' |30° l40° |50° 20° 30° 40° 50° 60° 70° 80° 90° |00° IIO° |20° CHAPTER 5—DISTRIBUTIONS ALONG SIGMA-0 SURFACES l30° |40° |50° 30° |0° 0° 20° 30° 40° 50° 60° 70° 80° 90° I00° lr0° |20° |30° l40° |50° ‘ 10° " 241 %D SAL/MTV (me. . WmQ .1 numb 1 (wmQ 1 WNW 1 MNQ 1 Wfim 1 me J ,wwm . wmQ 1 («QM 1 is 1 ”C POEM/HAL TEMPERATURE PHOSP/Mff ,ag-a/om/L MIRATE ,ag—a/om /A \Q QRXQMQ QQENWQN Sin EIQMEENM \m.m€3\m 936W? QQQNWEN S\\m mRRLNW \%.QS$\N Q \ N W A ,w m N % \Q NQ :3 AQ ,mQ m% a d—____.H<——_________—_________—___—____ a‘A4««_______q—____________—_—mm - .. .. #3 mm. 1. .. 1 . L a I .. ll. ks. mm. L NA 1 . . .1. 1.. 1 R1 - . . ,mmaxxx as» . 1. Raw; 1 a 1 $3 $91 1- a: :2 E GE 9% 1 ms 1. 1‘ 1 w 111 x 1 \ma . “:23: “m; l «SEEN . I \ma 1 E11 3“: sq whim: 1 :_:u...., 11\Nu 1. may - , 11 _ 1 B1 1.. /$..¢. m 1. an. m 35‘ S. is. 1 . _ _ _ _ . _ . _ . _ . _ _ , _ , . _ 1. . . p b . _ , . _ _ . _ _ _ _ . _ . W — _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _1_1 1a q .1 ~ — ~ _ _ _ — _ _ _ 1—1 1— d — — ~ — _ _ _ — d 1— A _ _ MNQ .wmb .wmb - 13$: m! 1. 2‘ cm WAN \\<\\\ We 1 1\ a: sn «2?: ...\§§§ mm. 1 «as . .1 1 WNNK 99% -. 1 umwfi 93. 1 I N (135% I \ an. u may: 1 1 as» , .. ‘5 h: 1 m3 m3 «3 Hm “ _ u _ n _ h _ n . fi _ u . 0 _ w _ 4.1 _ MQ - 1- Ex 2. 1 . 1- RSS 1 1- .. ._ \ - a Emu 9% 1 3% 9% gm“? . .. . . . . . ..\ 1 $355 1. . 1. 1 .. 1 $5.2 1. - 11 .. 1 ms 1. 1 11 / 1 mg 1. is: 1 1 1 m2 . {233 a 1 . 9.2 .. 1. 1 - . STG. m 1. 1 1 1 11 1 S - . 11 1T - r §§ Mb. ”\16. m 1 1 —_—___—_________—_——_—. ____rP—~—.__Ifl —_ Q Q \ N m A m N Q m ”6' PHOSPH/Vf flg-afom/l POTf/W/AA ffM/Df/MH/Wf #9—0/0/77 /L /V/7/-P/17[ SCATTER DIAGRAMS FOR THE 26.6 SIGMA—9 SURFACE 242 243 B QXVQME WQENNSQ. S\\m MRRhNM \Q1QGS\N C Q \ N w A m m1 N % % Nb «Q mQ mQ \QQ \MQ a M lwm Q I. \W0 .. I1. _._ _ _ — — _ _ _ _ _ — — a A _ _ _ _ — _ _ _ — — — _ — — q — — — a — a — a a d —|.l— _~1_~—<fi1_—————_—q_——_< — — — — ~4a-d. _ w _ _ — _ _ _ _ _ _ — — _ < _ _ u _ — _ _ — . _ _l \W R 1 : HH . . H U um % 1 a l11| §§§ as I1 a s 1 R H \ \ H \m 0 gm 1 H H a 1m I to 1111 11 2 M MmA 1 H H m 1 S1 .. 1H1 . 1M So 1 II N§§LN§A I G mm M u H 3; on Sat H o N 1 we “1 Efifimfih 111! [1 w C m MMQ 1 M 9:35 W H a A 1 ac «We W 1.11 11 mo 5 S m: 1 E H H H W N a 1 W No 1| fix 91 I11] [1 Na N 0 an 7 u must H n H R _H wAm 1 M H H . H rat, U r E m1 1 11 1 m1 M B M 1 P H H. H V1 m N W I ll MQ§V§ §\1 \\V\ I T U MA A 1 ./ mo 1| \§§mx§ l11| [1 he /. S A 1 $.33. 11 u M m 5 1 W. n H §§§R§ 1 M n Q0 .1' [11II .. . .. Sign 111. kc _Ih 1 11 . . .. . 3a. m 1 5 km1m m m .. :1 . m M R o 1 11 1 1 E 1 P 9.. H HH . 1H w T H H H M WA Q 1 mo 1| 11.1 1. mu m H ”H n 1 x H1 1H1 1H \1 s1 w 1H1 1” Q1 E mam H H M H c i ”1 «gm 9% 1H1 3m 9% 1H .1 M H H . .. . H R -N. “ELIZTIHTILII_Z fl ___ _1 _ _ _ _;:__;___:____:T_._;:_:_J:a U 1 11 WAG WA.“ .MMQ MM.“ WMQ1 S . .Lfiakxx mm. / 11 Mktéhi Na 1 . . $1.3: 0 fix 31 , §§5§§ H . any“: mm; — 3S3: I11 $5.3. . . . 11 HQ A . as. m 11 1 M . G S - 2 /_ 1 fl. . 4 we 1 1 mg a 1 - - 1 w. W. Efifimfia W. T H 1 niim 1 M m 1 - m R H . . H 0 P 1 m? m . 1 P F s1 11 1s m 1 11 1 A R 1 11 1 G 1 . $3: 11 A . .. . .....«..S»1 1 m 1 . . .. . . . NWMN QWM. 11 WQQm. QEW 1 $8 mm: . WAD WAG WQQ Whm W019 R T:;.;IT_._.._T“ITILIITHI ___:__._________#________w_______ Q E 11 T \§§fi\“m$ 11 TAI 11 c 11 S . E§§R§ 11 fi§h§§mn ll |l A a 1 -- / m 11 m w 11 a w ml M H 1 .33». 51 a. m 11 E m 11 N M m H 11 M N . .. . 11 . . . . . . 23. m .... .. . . . . .. . ...1 .. n 1 1 . . . . . . . . 11 . . . .. . . .. 5§m§ 1 1 52%; . , 1 11 . , .. . . 142 1 m 1. . . . . .. . S I . II . . I S 1 {we .3. . 11 Ru .3. 1 1 . . . \N%% Q%% 11 . \Nmfi me, 1 Q . . _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ p _ _ _ _ : . . _ _ _ _ _ — _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ . _ _ 1. _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Q Q \ N W A w m N % Q \ N u 936%? 69:53. Sim BEGMEENM \QéSSk 20° 30° 40° 50° 60° 70° 80° 90° |OO° ||O° |20° |30° |40° |50° 30° BANGKOK oalaoun ., |0 ° IO" 00 l0° 30° 30° DURBAN 70° 244 7°° 20° 30° 40° 50° 60° 70° 80° 90° |00° ”0‘ 120° |30° |40° [50‘I CHAPTER 5—DISTRIBUTIONS ALONG SIGMA-6) SURFACES 20° 30° 40° 50° 60° 70° 80° 90° 100° I |O° |20° 130° MO" :50- . .0 . - - - - -~ 30° \ oo + + 30° 40. 50° 60° Wm' M.- 245 20° 246 30° 40° 50° 60° 70° 80° 90° |00° ||0° |20° |30° |40° |50° 20° 30° 40° 50° 60° 70° 80° 90° |00° l|0° |20° |30° |40° |50° CHAPTER 5—DISTRIBUTIONS ALONG SIGMA-0 SURFACES 20° 30° 40° 50° 60° 70° 80° 90° IOO° ||O° |20° |30° |40° [50° 20° 30° 40° 50° 60° 70° 80° 90° IOO° l|0° |20° l30° I40“ I50" 24; 20° 30° 40° 50° 60° 70° 80° 90° |00° I IO“ [20° I30" I40" |50° _ 248 30° 40° 50° 60° Ioo° IIO° |20° I30° 140° |50° CHAPTER 5—DISTRIBUTIONS ALONG SIGMA-0 SURFACES 20° 30° 40° 50° 60° 70° 80° 90° IOO" |l0° |20° l30° 70° 80° 90° .ooo' ,... 249 20° 30° 40° 50° 60° 20° 30° 40° 50° 60° 70° 30° 20° .}90RT' ‘VSUDAN ‘ -_ MASSAUA _ ADEN 70 20 7 A. 60 DJIBOUTI‘ 80° 90° IOO" |lO° |20° {0° 00 10° 20° 30° § I 4» . + ,' 40° . * ' .' . ‘ - ' /00_0 o . . b 50° 60° 70° 250 20° 30" 40° 50° 60° 70° 80° 90° |00° ||0° |20° - l000 60° 70° I30° I40° |50° RN?— L90“ .ME )1 A 400 F 50° CHAPTER 5—DISTRIBUTIONS ALONG SIGMA-6 SURFACES 20° 30° 40° 50° 60° 70° 80° 90° IOO° | |O° IZO" |30° |40° |50° 30° 20° " , BAfiéKOK |0° + + ', n ‘ ¢ . + + ._+ .. - ._ a . " + + . 4' + * . . +"+ . + + 4» . + . + _ ‘ + ‘ ‘ 3 * + . . _ 4 . + . ¢ + V + + ° +I + + .- i 35.0.» ' + a o . A . I . AA +./A, . . n _ ,. 0 w + - ' ' q, 3% . . + 4, . q, *+ E: ++ k I + + + a * .§ . + 4» + + . . + . . 4' - + ' , DARWIN I 20° 30° 20° 30° 40° 50° 60° 70° 80° 1° 251 20° 30° 40° 50° 60° 70° 80° 90° |00° ||O° |20° |30° I40“ l50° 252 20° 30° 40° 50° 60° 70° 80“ 90° “0° |20° l30° I40“ l50° CHAPTER 5—DISTRIBUTIONS ALONG SIGMA-(9 SURFACES 20° 30° 40° 50° 60° 70° 80° 90° |OO° ||O° |20° [30° |40° |50° BANGKOK 253 20° 30° 40° 50 60° 70° 80° 90° IOO° | |O° |20° |30° |40° |50° 254 255 S E My No 936%.? QQ\<\W\.\N S\\m kanR. \Q-Eahin Mm Q \ N (W A m m- N m m NQ AQ mQ %Q 5% \NQ \AQ e U mmfi l— _ _ _ _ _ _ — _ _ _ _ _ — _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .— _ < _ _ _ . _Hyl. ____________«—_——__—————_______~______—_ _—______—____1—1—~____————___—__—__H mm; 8 3 m2 .. . H1. ts .02 n a.” as 1 m: . 11.1. . 1. k- W - - H.. H m w§ 1 mm. . 1mm“. 1H R S . . . 5., H1.- , H m - mg. am“- éwm a?) 1H1 \8\ m?- 1H mm .c O as 1 C u . H n a N. 1 a \% IHI .53: In \% V: f 11 EE- 1 M S nn o I11] 1“ \ a N a “S 1 m \m n H m m nlv a M H H M w W 1 W R3 1W1 fimmhfi 1m \AQW I / F. H 1 R Mqu1 r \m- 1:1 a. £14 T A A ....... 1-1 L n S 5 M . .. §m§ mm; H u N D 1 M So Ts I11| MQENSQ I1 \Q (TL 5 W. ...... .. . 38.3% mm m 00/ mm.— Mm Q I1 0/ m .. . .. § 22.8: Mml .1r\\§x u» 5%: Im m. M H m. 1H1 1 m. M - H U Q LI / I o C MAQ |1 A IHI /.§\¥ $1 is. 1m a - N. .m- m N. E Em - H H Mum ME - 9. 1H1 1H 9. mm 6 HH——— th__y—__——____ ——_—__—H I 1N _ _ . _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ W.“ w -1 .w% fiQ 1 . g. $- . «Qa- umfinfia? . -- 53 2E3? x. 1 nflu WQ .. .. . 85* $- . . .. II “33‘ I Mb A -1 SS: 1 M s mmww qua nlu -1 1 S -1 1 4” fl. .1 .. gig» 1 fl. 7 m m 2 4 m6 II I MQ w 9 0. E z 1 - A H F. F. N -1 .. mm.“ 1 N Tl W .m- m R 5 1| . 5 W 1 . . . ... 1 W 0 P 8.9. .. .. P F , S \Q 1 II . I S M - 1 .. - A - . . 83.5 as» -1 .. 1 G . g: . A - . -1 . . . 1 D m x um um um um um . R ILIITILI“;ZITI“_.._n_n_u_fl_"_u_".fffifiTnfrf q “I; -.l J T ll .1 I. A -1 1 c -1 1 s .n . II I Ab . 1:. RR gm .H H II . I /_ W. 11 1 / II | m m 1 .M 1 “a m w 0.: M .- H / W. .1 1 W. M NQ I. 33: .. .. . . II . . n . . I NQ W ./ 1 no. .. . . . . -1 . . . .. .. ... . . 1 M 1 . . . $5.»an .1 . . . . 1 \Q I . $53. Il . I \Q . .. . figs-E. 1 . .1 . ERR 1 1 $6 an; .1 firm! 1 Q . . _ . _ . . _ . _ . _ _ . _ _ _ . _ _. . _ _ . _ p _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ . _ _ . . . . um. . . _ _ _ > . _ _ _ . _ . w _ h _ . 1 Q Q \ N m a u m N % Q \ N u Scfim-é QQS-WEN S\\n biQMQENM \kQ-quk The analysis of the spreading of water masses by means of core layers was introduced by Wiist [1935) discussing the results of the METEOR expedition in the Atlantic Ocean. Characteristic water masses are formed primarily at the sea surface by the influence of various climatological factors. Somewhere in a given climatic area, extreme values of a certain property will be found, characterizing this particular water mass. According to their density and to circu- lation, these water masses may then spread at the surface or sink and spread at subsurface levels. After leaving the surface, their identity with the water in the region of formation will slowly be Changed by mixing with adjoining water masses. The water being least affected by mixing will retain its original identity best, and will usually be characterized by an extreme value of a given property in the vertical. Charting maxima or minima of a given property conse- quently defines a core layer of a water mass as that layer in which the original properties present in the area of its formation are best preserved. The distribution of properties along core layers does not necessarily give any information on whether the spreading is effected by flow or lateral mixing or on the strength and direction of this flow. Besides temperature and salinity, which can be changed only at the sea surface by the prevailing climatic conditions, other properties such as oxygen and phosphate can also be used to define water masses and core layers. These latter water masses may be formed below the sea surface, as in the case of the oxygen minimum. THE CHOICE OF CORE LAYERS The extremes of properties in the vertical are usually well defined by observations at hydrographic stations. This allows the determina- tion of the depth of a given core layer, of the extreme value of the property defining the core layer, and of the values of other properties in the selected core layer. All these parameters can be charted and conclusions on the spreading of the water mass may be drawn from the distribution of properties along the core layer. The following core Chapter 6 Core Layers layers and corresponding water masses have been recognized in the Indian Ocean: A. The shallow salinity maximum containing the Arabian Sea Water in the northern Indian Ocean and the Subtropical Water in the southern Indian Ocean. The salinity maximum originating from the outflow of water from the Persian Gulf. The salinity maximum originating from the outflow of water from the Red Sea. The salinity minimum of the Antarctic Intermediate Water originating at the Antarctic Polar Front. The salinity maximum of the North Atlantic Deep Water entering the Indian Ocean to the south of Africa as an external water mass. The temperature minimum at the bottom of the Antarctic Surface Water. The temperature maximum in Antarctic waters associated with the upper portions of the North Atlantic Deep Water. The deep temperature minimum associated with the adiabatic temperature increase in the Bottom Water. The shallow oxygen minimum usually found in the thermo- cline. I. The intermediate oxygen maximum originating north of the Polar Front and spreading above the Antarctic Intermediate Water. K. The deep oxygen minimum. taproot: .397?” r—c The position of these core layers along 65°E in the western Indian Ocean is shown in Figure 5 together with the position of the sigma—0 surfaces mapped in Chapter 5. The figure gives a general impression of the relation of the various core layers to each other and of the water mass structure in the Indian Ocean. There are a few other maxima and minima of properties which have not been used as core layers and have not been charted. These 257 258 Figure 5. Depths of the major core layers along 65°E in the western Indian Ocean together with the depths of the sigma-6 surfaces mapped in Chapter 5 /000 a ’\ «as ,. .=. _ .. 1.; ' — I000 DEPT/i //1/ ”[7575 ~ I500 1500~ I I M 1m raging: AMI/”(Ill I" ,u “UM" ‘. AMI . 4/10 ll/I/lll/AI . ' 041mm —— sum" AMI/AIM! 51¢ mrr yummy WW 01mm ”mu/00 2000a —2000 mm 01mm war/mm / 2500 . , . . . . . / . , 2500 25w 20- /0' 0' 0r :0- 30’ 40‘ 50- 60’ 70's are the maximum of phosphate and the maximum of nitrate occurring near the deep oxygen minimum. Their position and distribution can best be seen from the sections presented in Chapter 9. Also some salinity minima of minor extent have been omitted, such as the mini- mum between the shallow salinity maximum a‘nd the Persian Gulf Water in the Arabian Sea, and the salinity minimum between the salinity maxima of the Persian Gulf and the Red Sea. Two other salinity minima of limited extent occur off Sumatra between the shallow salinity maximum and the intermediate salinity maximum, as described by Wyrtki [1961]. From Indonesian Waters a salinity minimum, the Banda Sea Water, enters the Indian Ocean and spreads into the lower portions of the Antarctic Intermediate Water at about 1000 meters depth. This core layer has also been omitted. A very weakly developed salinity maximum connects the last traces of Red Sea Water near 10°S at 1000 meters depth with the last traces of the deep salinity maximum near 20°S at 2500 meters depth. It has also been omitted, but can be recognized in some of the sections in Chapter 9. THE PROCESSING OF THE DATA Since the criteria for the determination of the parameters in the different core layers varied, they are discussed in detail together with those core layers. Only the general aspects of the data handling in connection with the core-layer analysis are discussed here. At first a representative set of oceanographic stations was manually processed by plotting temperature—salinity, temperature—oxygen curves and temperature, phosphate, nitrate, and silicate versus depth for each station. From these diagrams the values of all properties at each core layer were determined as well as the depths of the core layers. From this set of values temperature—salinity and temperature—oxygen diagrams for each core layer were drawn to determine the criteria for the development of computer programs to interpolate the core layers for all stations. At this time rough horizontal maps were prepared to show the depth, the distribution of properties and the horizontal extent of each core layer. After the computer programs were developed, and all stations were processed, scatter diagrams were plotted for every core layer, and these are presented in the atlas together with the core-layer maps. These diagrams served also as a check on the data and to identify questionable values. At the same time, the data for each core layer were sorted by 60-mile squares and tabulated, and averages for each square were computed. These averages were used for machine- plotting of the maps showing the depth and the distribution of tem- perature, salinity, density, oxygen, phosphate, nitrate, and silicate. The maps were then contoured by hand. Special attention was given to those areas where the core layers originate or surface, and where they finally vanish, but these problems will be discussed in connection with each core layer. The interpolation of a maximum or minimum in the vertical curve of a property and of its depth was usually done by a parabolic fit. First a search for the observed extreme value Was made, disallowing the surface sample and the deepest sample of a station. Then a parabola was fitted through the observed extreme value and the two observations above and below it. This parabola served to determine the accepted extreme value of the property and its depth. The other properties at the depth of the accepted extreme value were determined by linear interpolation between the two observations above and below the accepted depth. THE ANTARCTIC TEMPERATURE MINIMUM AND MAXIMUM Pages 266—271 While numerous temperature inversions exist in the thermocline, wide-spread, consistent layers of temperature extrema are found only in Antarctic Waters. Typical vertical curves of temperature in Ant- arctic Waters are shown in Figure 6 and indicate the presence of a temperature minimum below the slightly warmer surface layer. Since there are only a very few observations in winter, the existence of this minimum during the entire year is doubtful. Between this minimum and the cold Antarctic Bottom Water a slight temperature maximum is situated in the upper portions of the Deep Water. To determine the values in the temperature minimum and maxi- mum, all stations to the south of 45°S with at least four apparently Figure 6. Vertical distribution of temperature in Antarctic waters showing the temperature minima and maxima ffflPEfiAfl/flf "C 1" 1/ r 1 f i 7 f . l f ‘K t .' ' _/'./'\. s r V/T’ ./ . 53,5 / 207 —200 \ \ 9/? . . . / . — 400 ( l \ \. }'\. I\ \ 200 - ‘f- ‘. Ml'x — 6‘00 — /000 175er ”V M57075 0} 8 \ \ \_ _\ \ 500 - ‘35-". —_._ mo. «.v. . \ /000 - 6‘ 5 - 101-5 / /200 l I r r r | l /200 -Z —/ 0 / 2 J 4 5 6 good temperature observations were searched. The temperature mini- mum had to be situated above 300 meters depth, and its temperature had to be between —2.0 and +2.5°C. The accepted minimum and its depth were found by a parabolic fit; at this depth, values of the other properties were linearly interpolated. The temperature maxi- mum had to be between 200 and 1200 meters depth and in the temperature interval from 0°C to 3°C. Here also a parabolic fit was used to determine the accepted temperature and depth of the mini- mum, and the other properties were linearly interpolated. Tempera- ture in the temperature minimum had to be at least 0.1°C less than the surface temperature, and temperature in the maximum at least 0.2°C higher than the temperature of at least one sample above it, in order to prevent the computer programs from recording random fluc- tuations as maxima or minima. The Antarctic temperature minimum is shallowest near the Ant- arctic Divergence, where it is situated above 75 meters depth. Its depth increases to more than 200 meters near Antarctica and also near the Polar Front, where it is abruptly terminated by the sinking of the Antarctic Intermediate Water. Density in the minimum de- creases northward from sigma-t of 27.8 to 27.2; salinity also decreases but temperature increases. Oxygen, phosphate, and nitrate are too variable to be contoured. Their large scatter is documented in the scatter diagrams. Only silicate shows a consistent distribution with highest values near Antarctica. CHAPTER 6—CORE LAYERS A fair number of stations in the Antarctic region do not exhibit a temperature minimum, and they can be divided into two groups. Near the end of the southern winter, stations with a homogeneously cold surface layer may occur at many locations among stations having a temperature minimum. It is likely that during winter the slightly warmer surface layer is completely wiped out in Antarctic Waters, and consequently the temperature minimum may form in spring and may be present until autumn. The second group of stations without a minimum is found during all seasons close to Antarctica, where surface temperatures remain low throughout the year without the formation of a slightly warmer surface layer. Salinity in these loca- tions is usually above 34.3 %o. However, they do not form a coherent area without a temperature minimum. The Antarctic temperature maximum is found to the south of the Polar Front, where the temperature minimum or a cold surface layer is situated above the warmer Deep Water, of which the maximum is a part. Near the Polar Front the temperature maximum is in more than 600 meters depth; it rises to less than 400 meters, below the Antarctic Divergence, and is again situated much deeper close to Antarctica. Temperature decreases and oxygen increases to the south. Salinity is high, and values above 34.7 0/00 seem to be concentrated below the Antarctic Divergence. The other properties scatter so much that they could not be contoured. Very close to the Antarctic Conti- nent the temperature maximum is considerably eroded, being situated in more than 800 meters depth with temperatures of less than 0°C; and at some stations it may be completely missing. Such a situation is shown in Figure 6. THE DEEP TEMPERATURE MINIMUM Pages 272—273 All hydrographic stations extending to more than 3000 meters depth were searched between 2000 meters depth and the bottom for the occurrence of an in situ temperature minimum. If two consecutive observations had the same minimum temperature, the mean of the two depths was taken as the depth of the in situ temperature mini- mum. No interpolations were made, and the minimum could not occur at the lowest sample. The depth of this adiabatically caused tempera- ture minimum in most of the Indian Ocean is in excess of 4000 meters except in the Arabian Sea Basin and in the Indonesian basins, where it is shallower. For the Indonesian basins a more detailed analysis is given by Wyrtki (1961]. Since the sampling interval at depths of 4000 meters is usually 500 meters, the detection of a temperature minimum near 4500 meters would require a hydrographic station sampled to 5000 meters. Only 196 stations extend to 5000 meters depth or more, and very few of them are in Antarctic Waters. Moreover, most parts of the Antarctic Waters are shallower than 5000 meters, which ex- plains the lack of an observed temperature minimum there. Such a 259 260 minimum exists very likely close to the bottom in areas where the depth is greater than 4500 meters. THE SALINITY MAXIMA AND MINIMA The core layers of salinity maxima and minima originate in areas where surface salinity is extreme on account of the climatic processes in that area. Excess evaporation causes the formation of areas of high salinity in the southern subtropical region and in the Arabian Sea, and from each of these regions subsurface salinity maxima spread. The excess of precipitation and the melting of ice cause low salinity water in the Antarctic region, and the formation of the salinity minimum. The region of low salinity in the Bay of Bengal and in Indonesian waters does not form subsurface salinity minima because of the low density of these waters. Salinity maxima may also result from the outflow of water from adjacent seas where salinity is high due to excess evaporation, as from the Red Sea and the Persian Gulf, or from an external source such as the salinity maximum of the North Atlantic Deep Water which enters the Indian Ocean. PROCEDURES FOR THE DETERMINATION OF THE SALINITY MAXIMA All hydrographic stations with at least five apparently good salin- ity samples were searched for the occurrence of salinity maxima. All salinity maxima had to be at least 0.03 °/oo greater than the salinity at a sample above and below the maximum. Because of the great ambiguity which would be introduced by an interpolation scheme in the case of very thin salinity maximum layers, only the observed salinity maxima were used, together with the other variables observed at that depth. For some stations as many as five salinity maxima were thus recorded. All recorded salinity maxima were plotted in the form of tem- perature—salinity and density—salinity diagrams for each strip of ten degrees of latitude, in order to separate the various maxima from each other. Because of the limitation that salinity had to be 0.03 °/oo greater than the background, the deep salinity maximum was not recorded at many stations, and a separate procedure was developed. On the basis of these diagrams and by using average temperature—salinity diagrams for 300-mile squares derived from the data in Chapter 3, four salinity maxima were separated: The deep salinity maximum, the salinity maximum of the Red Sea Water, the intermediate salinity maximum, which includes the Persian Gulf out- flow, and the shallow salinity maximum. Following this separation, the depth and the various properties along each core layer were then mapped. The situation is especially complicated in the Arabian Sea, where all three upper salinity maxima are present. This is demonstrated by a number of salinity curves in Figure 7. The salinity maxima are well-pronounced only near their areas of formation, while at some distance from the source salinity in these maxima is only slightly higher than the background. Nonetheless, all three core layers of high salinity can be easily recognized at the stations where they are present. Figure 7. Vertical distribution of salinity at six locations in the Arabian Sea showing the development of various salinity maxima. A: shallow salinity maximum. P: salinity maximum of the Persian Gulf water. R: salinity maximum from the Red Sea outflow. SAL/MTV 96o 34,5 350 355 36.0 36.5 37.0 37.5 0 _ _ _ ‘l -\ 1 ' l 1 l 0 _ _ _______ : ‘: '\. ./ ’ '4 14 / ' '\ \.;4 // ./ ‘1 I )4 mo — 4 ,I- -’./ ./ ’ ~ /J A, / / // 200 - arr sown /'/'%\ \-P ‘///3\. _ ausr ’ \ // \ \ ~ -P/ \. . loo _ \ _\ . //P P _ l \ \ M 400 _ ' ' I. . /-/ - 0mm _ 50.21.52” I / I \ / 500 — \( ‘ WEST-1‘? . ' ' mafimmm l JANE/AN so: — 500 consr orl / Ill/17M l 3353 ll. / K. 3 .900 - 05/3771 //II ”[7575 GULF OF .4057 [000 l - /000 //00 l l200 — /300 - I400 -* I500 I500 I l I 345 36.0 365 37.0 375 THE SHALLOW SALINITY MAXIMUM Pages 274—281 Two water masses form the shallow salinity maximum: the sub- tropical surface water of the southern subtropical gyre and the Ara— bian Sea surface water. They are separated best in the temperature—— oxygen diagram. From the northern part of the Arabian Sea, where salinities are higher than 36.5 %o, the core layer of the shallow salinity maximum spreads south and later east, and can be traced to 10°S. It does not enter the Bay of Bengal. The core layer is not well related to a specific density surface, as is obvious from the temper- ature—salinity diagram. While spreading south, temperature and oxygen decrease, while the nutrients increase. Parts of the upwelling area off Arabia are marked by very high phosphate and nitrate values. The high salinity surface water formed in the center of the subtropical anticyclonic gyre also leads to the development of a sub- surface salinity maximum. Its core layer is rather shallow in the area of formation, which appears to lie south of the cell of maximum surface salinity, where winter temperatures are lower and density higher. One branch of this salinity maximum extends south, where its density and depth increase. The branch of the core layer extending north becomes as deep as 250 meters under the South Equatorial Current. Near 10°S it meets the water of the core layer originating in the Arabian Sea. Nutrients are very low in the subtropical region and increase both northward and southward. Along 10°S the salinity in this core layer is lowest due to the erosion of the core layer by the overlying water of lower salinity. Oxygen content in this area is low and the nutrient content is high. There is a strong linear relation between oxygen, phosphate and nitrate throughout the entire shallow salinity maximum. THE INTERMEDIATE SALINITY MAXIMUM Pages 282—286 Near the 26.6 sigma-6 surface‘a salinity maximum is found in the northern Indian Ocean at depths between 200 and 350 meters. Highest salinities in this core layer are found in the Gulf of Oman and derive from the outflow from the Persian Gulf. Initially this water is of high oxygen content, but it loses this property very rapidly as it spreads into the oxygen minimum in the northern Arabian Sea. The influence of this Persian Gulf outflow is probably not very far- reaching, but a salinity maximum belonging to the same core layer and remaining roughly at the same sigma-6 surface exists in most of the northern Indian Ocean. The Persian Gulf Water seems to spread chiefly along the west coast of India to the south. The tongue of higher salinity and higher temperature along the equator may be due to an eastward transport of this water by the Equatorial Undercurrent. From there a very weakly developed salinity maximum extends north into the entire Bay of Bengal and south to about 10°S. A salinity maximum at the same sigma-esurface is also found along the Somali coast, where it might spread during the northeast monsoon. The corresponding salinity maximum in the Gulf of Aden is probably due to outflow from the Red Sea, although the main outflow is at greater depth and higher density. The distribution of nutrients along this core layer has not been charted, because the maps of the 26.6 sigma-0 surface, pages 239 to 241, represent it adequately. There is a fairly linear relation between oxygen and phosphate, but wide scattering between phosphate and nitrate. CHAPTER 6—CORE LAYERS THE SALINITY MAXIMUM OF THE RED SEA Pages 282—287 The high—salinity water leaving the Red Sea through the Strait of Bab el Mandeb spreads as a well developed core layer into the Gulf of Aden and the Arabian Sea at depths between 500 and 800 meters. It is closely related to the 27.2 sigma-0 surface. This salinity maxi- mum is identifiable far to the south into the Madagascar Channel, and far east to Sumatra. It does not exist as a salinity maximum in the northern Arabian Sea, because water of higher salinity lies above it, and it does not enter the Bay of Bengal as a salinity maximum. Spread- ing south across the equator, the depth of the core layer increases to more than 900 meters, and salinity decreases to 34.8 0/oo before the salinity maximum disappears. In the Madagascar Channel it reaches to 25°S; the core layer drops to over 1100 meters, and density increases to more than 27.6 sigma-0. No distributions of nutrients are presented for this core layer, because the maps of the 27.2 sigma-0 surface. pages 247 to 249, show them adequately. Phosphate and nitrate values in this core layer are rather high and no relationship is apparent from the scatter diagrams. THE INTERMEDIATE SALINITY MINIMUM: THE ANTARCTIC INTERMEDIATE WATER Pages 288—294 Because of its great importance and of the nature of the vertical salinity distribution in it, the core layer of the salinity minimum has received special treatment. All hydrographic stations with at least four apparently good salinity observations at depths greater than 500 meters were searched for a salinity minimum in the interval between 500 and 1500 meters depth. The accepted salinity minimum and its depth were determined by making a parabolic fit through the observed minimum and the two observations above and below the minimum. Minima with a salinity greater than 34.8 o/o‘o were rejected. The tem- perature in the salinity minimum was determined by logarithmic in- terpolation at the depth of the accepted minimum in the temperature interval between 25°C and 8°C. Oxygen content and nutrients at the depth of the salinity minimum were determined by linear interpola- tion between the observations above and below the minimum. The salinity minimum of the Antarctic Intermediate Water origi- nates at the Polar Front from the Antarctic Surface Water of low salinity and low temperature. When this water converges at the Polar Front with the water of higher temperature and salinity to the north of it, the denser Antarctic Surface Water slides below the warmer water to the north. Intense mixing in the strong Antarctic Circum- polar Current causes the development of a deep layer of low salinity water, extending from the sea surface to depths of several hundred meters. In this layer a salinity minimum is usually not found, and only after the low-salinity water starts to spread north below the warm water sphere is such a salinity minimum found. Consequently 261 262 the core layer cannot be followed right to the sea surface, since a salinity minimum will usually not be developed in depths of less than 500 meters. This conclusion seems to be partly due to the large separation of hydrographic stations of about 200 kilometers, which does not allow the evaluation of details in an area of such drastic meridional changes. For these reasons the surfacing of the core layer of the salinity minimum cannot be easily determined, and the position of the Polar Front is given as the line of origin of the Antarctic Intermediate Water. Four different measures or criteria were used to determine the position of the Polar Front. 1. On all horizontal maps of salinity between 100 and 1200 meters depth [see Chapter 2], a horizontal salinity minimum is found in Antarctic waters. The axis of this minimum stretches from west to east, and between 100 and 500 meters depth this minimum is essentially in the same position. Earlier, Ostapoff [1962) used this horizontal salinity minimum to define the position of the Polar Front. 2. The 4°C isotherm at 100 meters depth approximately divides the cold water in the south from the warm water to the north, and is a good indicator for the southern boundary of the strong temperature gradient to the north. It was also used as an indicator to find the Polar Front. 3. The position of the Antarctic Polar Front was also determined by inspection of all hydrographic sections crossing it. 4. The position of the Polar Front according to the Russian Atlas of Antarctica [1966] was plotted for comparison. The results of all four methods agreed usually within i150 kilometers. But the Polar Front also must be subject to some seasonal and random fluctuations in latitude, and therefore the derived position might rather well indi- cate its mean position. This position is used in the maps of the core layer of the intermediate salinity minimum as its line of surfacing and origin. From the Polar Front the salinity minimum of the Antarctic Inter- mediate Water sinks rapidly to depths in excess of 1000 meters. It continues its downward trend and reaches more than 1200 meters near 33°S in the western Indian Ocean and more than 1100 meters near 43°S to the south of Australia. From there it slowly rises to less than 700 meters depth near 10°S. Salinity and temperature in the core layer increase slowly to the north, but the density stays rather constant between sigma-t of 27.1 and 27.3. At the same sigma-t surface the salinity minimum is opposed between the equator and 10°S by the Red Sea Water, which leads to a split of the minimum into an upper and a lower branch in this area. The upper branch terminates at about 10°S near 700 meters depth with temperatures of about 7°C and salinities of 34.7 °/oo. The lower branch, which is enhanced by low salinity water from the Banda Sea, is found at about 1000 meters depth with a temperature of 5°C and sigma-t between 27.4 and 27.5. Salinity in the entire layer between 600 meters and 1200 meters is very uniform, and in the same vicinity the upper branch is found at some stations and the lower branch at others. Therefore salinity can be charted without reference to the upper or lower branch. At its origin the core layer of the salinity minimum is of high oxygen content, and it loses oxygen slowly during its advance to 20°S. From there on oxygen decreases rapidly, but oxygen content in the upper and lower branches is not different, as the temperature—oxygen diagram demonstrates. Phosphate is relatively high at the source of the core layer, and increases only slightly to the north, while silicate is low near the source and increases more rapidly to the north. North of 20°S nutrients increase rapidly while oxygen decreases. The dis- tribution of oxygen, phosphate, and silicate is shown for the lower branch. Nitrate values scattered so much that they could not be contoured. In the area between Java and Australia the influence of the low salinity water from the Banda Sea is apparent by lower salinities. This water mass was discussed by Wyrtki [1961] and Rochford (1966). THE DEEP SALINITY MAXIMUM Pages 295—299 Because the general search for salinity maxima required that maxima be at least 0.03 °/oo above background, many of the observed deep salinity maxima were not! recorded. Consequently the deep salinity maximum was treated separately. All stations to the south of the equator with samples to at least 3000 meters depth and apparently good salinity observations were searched for a salinity maximum at temperatures of less than 3°C. When the maximum was given by a single observation, a parabolic fit was made to determine the maximum salinity and its depth. When two successive observations showed the same maximum salinity, this salinity was taken, and the depth of the maximum was the average depth of the two observations. When three successive observations gave the same maximum salinity, the middle depth was taken. When the accepted depth of the salinity maximum was not an observed depth, the other properties were de- termined by linear interpolation between the two observations above and below the accepted salinity maximum. The deep salinity maximum in the Indian Ocean originates from the core layer of the North Atlantic deep water. This water enters the Indian Ocean to the south of Africa at a depth of about 2800 meters with salinities of about 34.84 O/oo, a potential temperature of about 22°C, and a rather high oxygen content of 5 milliliters per liter. It spreads east with the Antarctic Circumpolar Current, and its core layer rises sharply below the Polar Front and reaches to less than 800 meters depth, below the Antarctic Divergence. It also spreads north into the central Indian Ocean, where it reaches to the north of Mada- gascar and into the northwest Australian Basin, whereby its salinity and oxygen content decrease. In the process of its spreading to the east in Antarctic waters, tongues of high salinity and high temperature develop, and it seems worthwhile to mention that the high tempera- ture tongue is to the south of the high salinity tongue, which, in turn, is south of the deepest position of the salinity maximum. The density of the deep salinity maximum is between sigma-0 27.78 and 27.88. No maps have been prepared for the distribution of nutrients in the salinity maximum, because of the large scatter of the values, as can be seen from the phosphate—nitrate scatter diagram. The maps show- ing the distribution of nutrients at standard depths, in Chapter 2, should be consulted. The scatter diagrams clearly show the existence of three branches, namely the water entering south of Africa, the Antarctic branch, and the branch extending equatorwards. The dra- matic ascent of the salinity maximum layer in Antarctic waters is documented in two diagrams showing the depth of the salinity maxi- mum as a function of latitude. THE OXYGEN MINIMA AND MAXIMA At most hydrographic stations in the Indian Ocean two oxygen minima are found, with one oxygen maximum between them, as shown in Fig. 8 by a selection of vertical oxygen distributions. These minima are caused by the consumption of oxygen needed to oxidize the material sinking down from the productive surface layer, and their position and distribution is determined by circulation (Wyrtki, 1962]. The deep oxygen minimum is found throughout the ocean, although its oxygen content varies over a wide range. A shallow oxygen mini- mum, situated in the thermocline at about 200 meters depth, is present in all tropical and subtropical regions. The two minima are separated by a layer of higher oxygen content, originating in the temperate climatic region north of the Polar Front. From there it spreads above the Antarctic Intermediate Water to the north. It is situated in the main oceanic thermocline at temperatures between 10°C and 12°C near the boundary between the warm water sphere and the coldwater sphere. THE PROCESSING OF THE DATA Stations used to locate the shallow oxygen minimum had to extend to at least 300 meters depth and had to have at least four apparently good oxygen observations deeper than 100 meters. The oxygen minimum had to be in the range 24.4" . " ,— —-<—::::: k. C ,./' \ \ \. \I \\-{c / , / \. f \ 500 l ”I/ -/ \ \ — 500 - I .// / \ . \ / /I / ,, W , t ‘53:: 7”" // . 1 \ I. .1 \ g ,/ I000 - '\ '\ \ ’// . — I000 \ /’ - . / MM _ \ / “mar/u \ / 63'5’ _ 25-5 . - \ \. l 40': 90 E . \ _ _ \ - I I500 — \ | — 1500 \ . Mae/M -\ \ - 524 \ . ' 20w \ \ ° \ - \ _ . . \ I \\ \ _ \ < \ l\ _ 2000 a . \. . \\ — 2000 u \ I \ I- 2500 — I \\ } 2500 -I 1 \ ~ _ . \ \\ P . \ \ \ _ \ \ 3000 . ‘ ‘ . I .‘ . T woo 0 / 7 flfPT/Y /// METERS N-I (.4 fi 9. m Stations used to find the deep oxygen minimum had to have at least four apparently good oxygen observations below 300 me- ters depth. Density at the minimum had to satisfy the criterion 26.8,,+ v 285 SAL /N/T)’ ”/oo OXYGEN CONTENT m//A 5/1 /O/ITE ,ag—U/om /L 034 . . 36‘ . 5:7. . 38 / 2 3 0 20 40 60 75 a 22 7 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ‘I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I VI I 22 ~ — -I— — 6 “b 20‘” — — 60.; — 20° _ _ __ or - _ E Lu can? or 0mm 0”” " . .. b 0: -_ ,, _ |\ E GULF -. Vt § 0" 4/3134” -— MAE/M — % K LKI _ __ _. % /5o_ [0047017 __ _ /5°§ I\ _ __ _ -~ E‘ s. ’ " ‘ R Q __ _ E E ARAB/AN E w - . . —— - b & /0°— —~ — ma“ — ' ' ._:\/o s —— /0" s - - 27 28 /32/ 055 — /0/2 055 __ 457 055 _ 6" /.. ./.. ...,. . . :IHHIIIHIHH '1,1""3 BAY OF T_ _ BENGAL w " ' ‘ 2 w b .. -' § $~ _ __ ".i __ _ Qv \ ' 500470;? - L: LU . IQ ' GULF OF “ GULF or ‘” ‘ IQ 3: ””4” 0mm 3: m - -- a. ‘8 74/ 055 736 065 330 0.95 g $ I I I I I I I I l I I I l l I I I I I 1 I I I I I I l I I I I I I I l I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I Q\ / I I I I I I I I I I I T I I I I I I I / 34 35 36 37 _ . - 20 3O 40 541 //V/7)’ %o — m, of . . — N/fR/JTE #9 gram /1 ‘ 0mm - ‘ 37 — — 37 E '- ”:27” 3 E I\ _. K § _ 36 § \1 _ \I a . [all/VOA" _ 5% _ /O/2 OBS : 34 I l I I I I I I I I I I I l I I I l I 34 O / 2 3 4 OXYGEN CONTENT m///. SCATTER DIAGRAMS FOR THE INTERMEDIATE SALINITY MAXIMUM CORE LAYER OF THE PERSIAN GULF WATER 286 ”6‘ POTE/I/T/AL TEMPERATURE PHOSPHA 7 E flg—afom/A CHAPTER 6-—CORE LAYERS SAL/MTV %a OXYGEN CO/WIE/Vf m//L S/L/C/ITE ,ag ofom //_ 034 35 . 36 . 1 317 1 . . . 38 / 2 3 4 20 40 60 80 /00 o 20 / / I I I I I ‘I.. .I I I I I | I I I I I I I I I I I.. I | I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 20 26 _ __ _ GULF or ‘ ADE/I “ GULF OF ‘ _ __ ADE/l _ _ __ w /5" _ i - E 5-" m“ 4 I I 0: — __ _ Lu . Ck 2.9 ::II.I . .- T” I? _ E ._ [OWN/P __ . ~ /0" K _ __ . _ \1 .-- -:- ,_ 3 - . , —— : 5 — g — -' - —— '3 I I!- . — It! I . MADAGASCAR .’ Q ' -_' / MAM/[L _ “ Qx 50‘ CHAIM/[L - fl _'2_:.-..';;.'.:-.~.. __ . . . _fi 50 ”35 055 883 055 -— 5/7 055 momma/a elm/ma - I l I l I l l I I I I I I I I I l I I I I l J I I I I | I I I I I I | I | I I I I | I I I I I I | I I I I I I I I . I I 3 . -"I MADAGASCAR —~ ‘ ; I.' “II _ \ . ' _. / CHANNEL -‘ ':- .'. IIISIZZ,’ ‘1 - t .- —— 5;. - s I. I Q ...I.. . — $3 \ 2 MADAGASCAR mum/7 —_ — 2 It: arm/ma w — —— —— d h % . __ . __ _ Q I our or ' our or GULF or E ADE/V _40£4I 4054 I 67.9 055‘ 68/ 055‘ 3/6’ 055' | I / J 1 I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I l l I I l I I I l l I I I I I l I I I I I I I I I I I l I I I L4] 1 I I I / 34 35 36 37 O / 2 3 0 /0 20 30 40 SAN/W77 %a OXYGEN CO/I/TE/I/T m//L MNP/VE [ag—omm/A SCATTER DIAGRAMS FOR THE INTERMEDIATE SALINITY MAXIMUM CORE LAYER OF THE RED SEA WATER 287 ||O° |20° 50' I40“ |50° 288 CHAPTER 6—CORE LAYERS 20° 30° 40° 50° 60° 70° 80° 90° |OO° ||O° IZO" |30° |40° ISO“ 30' IO‘I [0° ............................................... 289 20° 30° 40° 60° 70° [00° ”0° I20° |30° |40° I50° 20° 30° 40° 50° 60° 70° 80° 90° lOO° ||0° |20° |30° I40“ |50° TEMPERATURE IN THE SALINITY MINIMUM in Centigrade CORE LAYER OF THE ANTARCTIC INTERMEDIATE WATER 2086 observations 20° 1000 m depth contour Number of observations per 60—mile square: 0 single + two—four A five—nine - ten or more — — Antarctic origin of the salinity minimum. — — — Northern boundary of the upper branch of the salinity minimum. 20° .PORTV -. squN nAssAuA' l0° l0° Between 10°S and the Equator, a lower branch of the salinity minimum exists with a temperature of about 5°C, 1, which is not shown here. 0° f I0. 3: I’ 20° 30° ' 290 CHAPTER 6—CORE LAYERS 20° 30° 40° 50° 60° 70° 80° 90° |00° 1 ”0' I20" l30' |40° l50' 30° ________________.____.‘ 90° IOO‘ IIO 291 20° 30° 40° 50° 60° 70° 80° 90° 100° 110° 120° 130° 140° 150° 30° . . 30. 20" o DJIBOUTI; IO 10° 0° ' 'Q 67 ‘ 5 :93. % / 9 Ion :EW / \ 1\ 1/ 20° 30° 292 100° 110° 120° 130° 140° 150° 20° 60° 70° 80° 90° CHAPTER 6—CORE LAYERS 20° 30° 40° 50° 60° 70° 80° 90° |OO° | |0° l20° |30° |40° |50° 80° 90° I00° ”0° |20° I30’ I40" l50° 294 “G T E MPE TM T O/PE OXYGEN CONTENT m//L GAL/N/TY 5’60 OXYGEN CONTENT m//L G/L/GATE ,ag—olom / A lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll 34. 2 34.4 34.6 34. 8 GAL/N/ T Y %a SCATTER DIAGRAMS FOR THE SALINITY MINIMUM CORE LAYER OF THE ANTARCTIC INTERMEDIATE WATER 34 . 2 34 . 4 34 .G 34. 8 O / 2 3 4 5 O 20 40 GO GO /OO /20 TlllIllllllllllllllllllll I IIIIIIIITIII.|-Ill|'ll[I'lll I I I.-[. l,’ I I I I 80 [005 ..' IO'S . ' - . _ amt/v 140464.904)? _ UPPER _ BRA/It'll MAM/[L 1mm” ‘ ”404645545 .; . ' OWN/(El. u, - a ,. - — 7 _ 20's , _ .. . . /o's _ . , Lam _ z '_ MAI/cw — 6" LOVE? . - whey: ". . _ MAI/cw '4o'-25's __ ' ' _ 50 _ .‘ :1- _ mm SEA _ :2 . _ mart/r .. _ I' , . _ , 2 ' - :- 1mm .522 . .. .._ .3 - mm - 4" mm: 554 j. - 4r -- ..i - — - ‘ - '45.; ‘5'5 2339 065‘ -- A947 055‘ - - _ I IIIIIAIIII I IlllllllllllllllllllllllIf’ l I I I l 30 .. ITII‘IIIIIIIIT l ITlllllz|ITIllllllllTllllII IIII IllI . -' '- ‘ AMMG‘ASMR - m9 - - . - _ Io's MAM/EL _ Lori/v 1 4 135.5 . tom? 'quw - - ._ ‘ 1.. <- MAI/cw — . ._ - — . '5' 77-5 r ‘ . f 25 < -- F :3. - ? .. Q} __ _ . - . ‘ \ ~ --z° — c — 2 Lu cones-3 " “:5 ' IO'S ‘ 'Q -- — (JP/w — a: ”unused/r ._ _ MAI/cw _ q alum __ _ _ a — . ——/.5 — — /.5 $ . . -- ., . WI? -— - — . . . “Wm/1c” ._ _ _ g - .-.__; ;. ._ . M52 loss . . - I 6.90 I0195 I __ . 2-. ..'.’ ' . 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MIA/70m ”39 055‘ _ /043 055 ' . 0475,95 , 5/5 055 _ E 00 -- 7;- l I I 1 I I I I I I I l I I IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIlIIIIiIIlIlIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII 3 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I \ I ;-' ..' ‘-' AflrARCT/c — . i.‘ ‘ _.. - . jggll-Lto/S —— .. .WATERS. -- ‘ S I I . ' I I}... ‘3 Q ' ' . _ ' . I I .. __ -.. , _" __ . ; . _ Q3 E 2 _ :_ 2. -. -._. :1": . . __ .1 . 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'm'mso- CHAPTER 6—CORE LAYERS 20° 30° 40° 50° 60° 70° 80° 90° |00° | 10° [20" I30“ |40° l50° H *agfiw'mr ‘ " Mm UPPER “(/“flb , 50° 60' 70° 80° 90' "0- I20' I30° I40“ l50' 303 20° 30° 40° 50° 60° 70° 80° 90° IOO" I |O° |20° I30“ 30° |40° I50° 30° 20° |0° '0' 0° 5, + .+ on . w ‘ . t + " ' 4' + .' 1 . + + Z} .., . + . . ° ° 4» . * + . ° ' . ' + 0 + + |0° 4r + o g + ' '00 5'. * v. . . + + + /.0 + + . 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I : : : # “::::IHHIHHIHHIHHIH::I:HF'H '1143 _ 2362 055 __ 2362 055 __ /234 055 _ _ : , " ./50//47o/7 __ I 5' __ . ‘1- ' I g 2 — —— —— ~ 2 § 3 _ WWII/fl/Z/ : 5 _ _ _ 501/4 70/? 3 IE _ __ __ 5 If v \501/74 07 R $ ./4V4 Q (’3 7 4- 4~ — % % % Q / — —— —~ —~ / Q W557 05 ' .1, '- fr: . ' _ 41/57/741/4 __ ‘- 4; .. __ . 5 - .' ‘- 1 W557 05 W557 05 . / _ .. 405mm _ __ 41/57/741/4 * W q 5457’ 05 .. .“ 5457 or — 5457 or —— 5007/1 45/7/54 4- 501/74 454/54 ~ 501/74 454/54 0 I I l I I I I I I I l I I I l I I I I I I I l I I I [J I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I l I I I J I I I I I I 0 34 35 O / 2 3 4 5 6 0 /O 20 30 40 5flZ//I//7'Y %a OXYGf/V CO/I/ff/Vf m//A WNW/475— //9 0/0/77 /1 SCATTER DIAGRAMS FOR THE OXYGEN MAXIMUM 315 316 20° 30° 40° 50° 60° 70° 80° 90° l00° |lO° |20° |30° I40° |50° ‘BANGKOK +" +>++’>++>++++>.+ + 50' 60’ 70' 80° 90° I00‘ ”0' l20' l30' |40° l50' 0° + q. UI++,> .- >++.+>' o %*+>+++> ¢ . + + + +.' +_' CHAPTER 6—CORE LAYERS >++’>++ . 40° 50° 60° 70° 80° 90° |00° IIO' |20° l30° I40' I50" 317 20° 30° 40° 50° 60° 70° 80° 90° |00° ||0° |20° I30° |40‘ |50° +>++’>+*"*+*’>* .+ 318 70° 90° I00° CHAPTER 6—CORE LAYERS 20° 30° 40° 50° 60° 70° 80° 90° |00° ||0° |20° I30" I40“ |50° - -- 30° \ DJIBOUTI ++§+ > +>++’>++ . + - '. 4 ++ ... >34.'7 34.7 ' . +. " ' ' ‘34] 70° 20° 30° 40° 50° 60° 70° 80° 90° IOO' |l0° |20° l30° I40° |50° 319 20° 30° 40° 50° 60° 70° 80° 90° l00° | |O° |20° |30° |40° [50° 30° DARWIN 20° ‘24 60° 320 70° 20° 30° 40° 70° 50° 60° 70° 80° 90° |00° ||0° |20° I30° |40° I50° CHAPTER 6—CORE LAYERS 20° 30° 40° 50° 60° 70° 80° 90° |00° | |O° |20° I30' [40' ISO. IO" 322 80° 90° I00“ ||O° |20° I30° |40° I50° CHAPTER 6—CORE LAYERS SAL/M7)” %o OXYGEN CO/VTf/VT m//A 5/1/0475 ,«g-U/om /A 342 35 36 0 / 2 3 4 5 20 40 60 80 /OO /40 I I I I I I I I '. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 'I I. I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I /40 ARABIA/V ' ,' :3 - , . ~ 4/44 05 5“ ’ " _ I". __ ' '. .- _ 5 . . MAB/M SEA 4/44 0195 .,. Z 2:. . MAB/M 554 /795 055 - 54y OFBEIIG‘AL -.- . :z 3., 2 I- - _ 3. may or Eff/64L __ ' '.':_ . ' _ 0K) _. '.;."I .. ': E“: .: P /00 _‘ __ / _;" .: . _ /00 33 _W%%§N . _B§:"%AL 'Igi; " " 500470;? B: E wool/55ml = :. =2 E Y WATERS .: w Q: —— I gl _ % Lu Lu R ..,' 9‘ § __ ' :.' _ E E £00470]? . ‘ K I\ [OI/.4701? ,- a K é MADAGASCAR —— .- —— '— 5 E L'R' cur/ma E Q? . -— -— . . : — E ‘- q .r. _ '. ' ‘ .I' l - '2 r 935- 300—5005 -~ .EM” :5“ " 2: . — ”4 if" 25.253 . . ; _ . "i. :-. __ {:3 r. _ :.L¥£3'\Amg%gr/cg " ° : :"HI. 3 u, , 0° — 27.6 5" —- ' 3" — - ' -' — 0° ”9 AIM? A/vmcr/cA ”EA/P mummy: _/0 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I_ I I I I I l I I I I l I I I I l I I I A I J I I I I I I l I I I I I I 35 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 40 6‘0 80 /00 . _ 2923 055 __ 2926 0/95 I _ _ £le gig/alga __ MAB/M _ 5/1/0475 #9 0/0/77/1 I— 3” 500470;? - I ”$3731 ARAB/4N /o°-20°s _ 3'0 — SEA zouaovs _ 3'0 § _ ‘ w E * ‘ S ? ' ‘ ? h» h, i _ ‘ ‘K E 25 .— " i 2-5 Lg E _ — E E _ - E 2‘0 _ 5.47 or — 2'0 — —_ 55m; ~ F "I" -~ ‘ ”54,7 - _ __ ANTARCTICA _ F __ _ 5 I I I I I I I | I I I I I I | I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I l I I I I /5 ' 342 35 36 0 / 2 3 4 5 SAN/WN’ %a OXYGEN CO/VTEA/T m//A SCATTER DIAGRAMS FOR THE DEEP OXYGEN MINIMUM 323 The thermal structure of the ocean is its most obvious feature and is more pronounced than the structure of most other properties. For these reasons it has been singled out for special presentation. It is also the best documented because, in addition to the hydrographic stations, bathythermograph observations and sea-surface temperature observations can be used. Over most parts of the ocean, the yearly cycle of thermal structure is the strongest seasonal signal and is usually far larger than the nonseasonal random fluctuations. Tem- perature also contributes more strongly to the density and sound velocity structure in most parts of the upper ocean than does salinity, and consequently conclusions on the distribution of these two prop- erties will parallel conclusions on temperature. Since density struc- ture is intimately related to flow, there will be corresponding relations between thermal structure and flow. THE FEATURES OF THE THERMAL STRUCTURE The most salient features of the thermal structure are the mixed layer, the upper thermocline, which may in part be seasonal, the lower, main oceanic thermocline, and the deep layer, where temperature decreases only very slowly with depth. Samples of typical vertical temperature curves in the Indian Ocean are shown in Figure 9. The mixed layer is found practically everywhere, and is between 40 and 100 meters thick, except in some locations and seasons, when it may be several hundred meters deep as shown by a station southwest of Australia in September. The upper thermocline, which usually con- tains the maximum temperature gradient, is also present over most of the ocean and is found between about 70 and 300 meters depth. It is most strongly developed in tropical regions. In late winter this upper thermocline may be missing in parts of the temperate regions and in the subpolar regions. The main oceanic thermocline, extending from about 300 to 1200 meters, is found everywhere in tropical, sub- tropical and temperate regions to the Polar Front. The features selected for presentation are the depth of the mixed layer, the depth and intensity of the maximum temperature gradient Chapter 7 Thermal Structure and the depth of selected isotherms between 20°C and 4°C. In the upper 250 meters, where numerous bathythermograph data were available, the density of data allowed the preparation of two-monthly maps of the depth of the mixed layer, of the depth of the 20°C isotherm, of the depth of the maximum temperature gradient, and of the strength of the maximum temperature gradient. Maps of the depth of the 20°C isotherm have been included because of the strong relation Figure 9. Vertical curves of temperature in various parts of the Indian Ocean demonstrating different types of thermal structure TEMPERATURE ”C r I .5 10 r 2.0 i5 30 ,-' i '-. :- . ,I. ' I I i --- ,-/ 95'2" ,I' 1 [oz/Am? i ,/'/ I - ”EA/7 arr 50mm - , , - law/100nm / '/ “’ 9795 _/—:,.”T 200’“ I - ANTARCT/c / / / / a ._ [ POL/1"? FIFO/VT . , - SOUTHEAST l . _/ 0F 300m AFR/04 . SOUTHWEST i / . 0r AUSTRAL/Al /' / I § l 'K-—./' DEPTH //V METERS u: 8 l 400_ \ : I' 050mm . _ . l [ARABIA/V 5&1 / . I I. a . ’ / _ ,I I! . I / / _/ I I000— , . / . // rams/mum” MAD/[w /. / l . l I I . c | I /' ' / I I l .’ / / / l _ . 'l 0/ . 0 /.I /, I0 / / //_I 5' 3' 2' /° //00/n I IA/ '0 PEI? I00 unm _ I _ I200 ,’ / .’ I/ I . I i/ ./ I I400 ’ 325 326 of its topography to surface circulation in the tropical and subtropical regions. For the deeper isotherms between 14°C and 4°C, covering the entire range of the main oceanic thermocline, only average annual maps are given, because seasonal variations of these deeper isotherms are sufficiently small to be concealed by short-period and random fluctuations. No diagrams are given to show the seasonal variation of the thermal structure at selected locations by representing temperature as a function of time and depth. Such presentations will be included in a separate monograph analyzing and discussing the seasonal varia- tions of the thermal structure of the Indian Ocean. No maps of surface temperature or temperature in the mixed layer are included, because the various atlases mentioned in Chapter 1 give these distributions on the basis of much more numerous observations. THE PROCESSING OF THE DATA Characteristics of the vertical distribution of temperature were determined not only from 11,657 hydrographic station temperature data but also from 24,834 bathythermograph data. Each data set was treated separately, and the results were then combined to produce maps of the depth of isothermal surfaces, the strength and depth of the maximum temperature gradient, and the mixed layer depth. The procedures and criteria used in the computer programs for determining these characteristics were as follows: Temperature data of all hydrographic stations with at least five apparently good observations of temperature were used. The depths of as many as possible of the isotherms 30°, 28°, . . . . , 6°, 4°C were calculated by linear interpolation in the observed data. Next the magnitude of the maximum temperature gradient was determined as the largest of the temperature changes per unit depth change, given by successive temperature-depth pairs. This calculation was restricted to those observation pairs for which the temperature difference was at least 1°C. The depth of the maximum temperature gradient was taken as the mean depth of the two observations defining the maxi- mum gradient. The depth of the mixed layer was calculated to be that apparent depth at which the surface temperature would fall on the straight line passing through the temperature-depth pairs that defined the maximum gradient. The bathythermograph data, obtained from the National Oceano- graphic Data Center, were available in the form of temperatures at five-meter depth intervals. For these the depth of as many as possible of the isotherms 30°, 29°, . . . . ,0°, —1°C were linearly interpolated. The maximum temperature gradient was computed, making use of the depth of isotherms, and was calculated for 2°C temperature differences [alternate isotherms). The depth of the maximum gradient was the mean depth of the two isotherm depths defining the maximum gradient. Mixed layer depth was estimated by two methods. In one, the shallowest five-meter depth interval for which the temperature differ- ence was at least 0.5°C was noted. Then the mixed layer depth was determined as the apparent depth at which the surface temperature would fall on the straight line passing through the temperature-depth pairs of that interval. In the second method, mixed layer depth was taken to be that depth at which temperature became 1°C less than the surface temperature. When both methods were applicable, mixed layer depth was taken as the mean of the computed values. It should also be mentioned that at many positions the depth of the mixed layer could not be obtained, because the observations did not penetrate deep enough to reach below the mixed layer. In other instances, when the depth of the mixed layer could be obtained, it was not possible to determine the maximum temperature gradient and its depth for similar reasons. Consequently, data points in the maps of mixed layer depth may not appear in the maps of temperature gradient. THE DEPTH OF THE MIXED LAYER Pages 328-333 In most of the ocean the depth of the mixed layer can be charted with confidence. In the tropical and subtropical regions its depth varies between about 40 and 100 meters. Only along the coast of Arabia and during the upwelling season is the mixed layer shallower than 20 meters. Mixed layer depths of more than 100 meters occur more frequently, especially during the southwest monsoon in the Arabian Sea, off Sumatra, and in the southern subtropical anticyclone during winter. In Antarctic waters no data are available from July to December. During the summer a shallow mixed layer is present in Antarctic waters south of the Polar Front. From March to Iune and probably longer, to October, a very deep mixed layer is present be- tween 40°S and 50°S; this layer can be several hundred meters deep. Since the mixed layer is chiefly controlled by heating and cooling and by wind stirring, its topography only rarely has close relations to the dynamics of the circulation. The depth of the mixed layer is variable in time and space, and deviations of up to one-third of its average depth in a given area are rather common. The seasonal changes of the mixed layer depth show clearly the formation of the summer thermocline in temperate and subtropical regions. THE DEPTH OF THE 20°C ISOTHERM Pages 334—339 The 20°C isotherm is usually situated in the middle of the strong upper thermocline in tropical and most subtropical regions except in its southern parts where it reaches the sea surface. Since this upper thermocline separates the warm surface water from the cooler water of the main oceanic thermocline, the structure approaches a two-layer system, and consequently the topography of the 20°C isotherm has strong relations to circulation. A comparison of the maps of the 20°C isotherm and those of the dynamic topography in Chapter 8 demon- strates this clearly. Short-term fluctuations in the depth of the 20°C isotherm are usually not as large in time and space as those of the mixed layer because of the more stable situation within a strong density gradient. The surfacing line of the 20°C isothermal layer is given as the southernmost position of the 20°C sea-surface isotherm during the respective two-month period. THE DEPTH AND STRENGTH OF THE MAXIMUM TEMPERATURE GRADIENT Pages 340-351 The maximum temperature gradient is situated just below the mixed layer in tropical regions and where a strong summer thermo- cline is formed. The temperature gradient in these regions is strong, usually above 1°C per 10 meters. The strongest gradients, above 3°C per 10 meters, are frequent in the Equatorial region. In the southern subtropical anticyclonic gyre the maximum temperature gradient can be rather deep during winter, and the formation of the strong summer CHAPTER 7—THERMAL STRUCTURE thermocline in November and December can be easily followed. Be— tween 40°S and 50°S the maximum temperature gradient lies very deep and is rather weak, while south of the Polar Front a strong tem- perature gradient just below the mixed layer is found. It should be observed that the temperature gradients in these maps do not repre- sent extreme values, but averages over a depth interval in which tem- perature changes by 2°C for the bathythermograph data and usually by more for the hydrographic station data. THE DEPTH OF ISOTHERMAL SURFACES Pages 352—357 The thermal structure of the intermediate layer of the ocean is best described by mapping the depth of certain isothermal surfaces. Since in these depths the short—term fluctuations exceed the seasonal fluctuations in amplitude, only the average annual depths of the 14°, 12°, 10°, 8°, 6°, and 4°C isotherms are mapped. All these isothermal surfaces intersect the sea surface in the temperate region between the Polar Front and about 40°S. The line of surfacing varies with the season as sea-surface temperature varies, but is shown only for the months of January—February when the surfacing occurs in its south- ernmost position. 327 328 60° 70° 80° 90° PORT " away , s SUDAN . : ' . , , MASSAUA ' BANGKOK MADRAS DJIBOUTI" . , > 8" , __ I40° I50° _________________ 30° DEPTH \ OF THE MIXED LAYER \ DURING JANUARY AND FEBRUARY 20° in meters ' 3036 observations Number of observations per 60—mile square: \ 0 single + two—four A five—nine ten Ol' more CHAPTER 7—THERMAL STRUCTURE c.20° - - 40° 50° 60° 70° 80° 90° [00° HO“ |20° |30° [40" I50" 30., » ,, __... I. _ __ . , , , _ 30° I; ,~ > : 1 ‘ . >0. .ARACHI 20° , 60 “ \ 20° pom - l» " swab” SUDAN , \ . '6 . MASSAUA +- 1‘ _ A A ‘ + A A +. BANGKOK . ' MADRAS l _ 60‘ I00 I DJIBOUTI. IO° l l I? 00' MOMBASA “ [00 \ ' ' *+++++++ + ‘ - I I A ++ I ‘+ 50° 50° - ' 60 60° ' ° ' - 60¢ \ _ / \ . <60 _ a . ' ’ 0. / 70° >f /70° ”0° |20° |30° I40° 150° 329 |OO° BANGKOK l|O° a,» 50“,; I20° I30° , PI‘ERTH * 20° 30° 40° 50° 60° 70° 0 _ 30 3 KUWAIT ' > ' MUSCA+,. 200 . . - . _ I ‘ ‘ / PORT , g , + ' BOMB Y’ SUDAN . ~ * *1" ’ v _ + o ”assay ,, 20.“ . . L 2 ADEN~ 0' A MADRAS [DJIBOUTI‘ _ , 0° |O° 20° A ‘+ I ' + . . ! A A + I ' ' A ' . 60 A . 30o , “DURBAN . . + a 0 no . 40° 50° 60° 70° 33° 20° 30° 40° 50° 60° 70° I30° |40° l50’ 60° |40° |50° 30° 20° |0° r 0° -° . ‘t i o Qib ” 0 be " f l loo I DARWIN , n ‘ 20° 30° 8mm" L 0MB— 40° 50° 20° 30° 40° 50° 300'V:--> ",, .--' "., ' PORT' , SUDAN v3 MASSAUA ’ DJIBOUTI " 60° +*+>+>.>>> 80° 90° CHAPTER 7—TH ERMAL STRUCTURE 20° 30° 40° 50° 60° 70° 80° 90° |OO° l|0° |20° l30° I40“ |50° 331 332 20° 30° flO“ 50° 60° » 70°7 80° 90° IOO" HO" I20 |30° 140° I50° 30° 7 7 - L'JWAIT' . K I I I . I -‘ . Q" x nuscn 20" ° pom > 20 SUDAN \ MASSAUA I BANGKOK MADRAS DJIBOUTI ‘ |O° MOGADISCIO 3' .MSOMBASA O / 9 @u ‘|O° .l’70° . n' . m” 40° 140° |50° CHAPTER fl—THERMAL STRUCTURE 20° 30° 40° 50° 60° 70° 80° 90° 100" HO" |20° |30° I40° |50° 20° * V L .. " I. ' _ ” ~ ‘20° SUDAN _MAS$A0A" 30° 40° 50° 60° 70° 80° ' l30u4°|0 333 20° 30° 40° 50° 60° 70° 80° 90° |OO° |lO° IZO" I30“ I40" I50° 334 40° 50° 60° 70° 80° 90° 100° ”0’ |20° I30° |40° I50° CHAPTER 7—THERMAL STRUCTURE |00° ”0° [20° |30° |40° |50° 20° 30° 40° 50° 60° 70° 80° 90° 335 20° 30° 40° 50° 60° 70° 80° 90° |00° ||0° l20° |30° |40° I50° 336 30° 40° 50° 60° 70° 80° 90° I00” ||0° |20° |30° I40" I50" r..6..'.......-.-.0....OO.O£O.OO-OO.O.O..C.‘ l ! I I I ~ . d U \‘W‘-" can ~~ - - ,_..-, ~o--~-w---q~»oq-W--.'y/ 20° 30° 40° 50 60° 70° 80° 90° l00° ||0° IZO‘ |30° |40° I50° \\\\\ ‘ //// 60" 338 30" 40° 50° 60° 70° 80° 90° I00° IIO" 120° l30° |40° I50° CHAPTER 7—TH ERMAL STRUCTURE 20° 30° 40° 50° 60° 70° 80° 90° |00° l |0° |20° |30° |40° |50° ‘ . 30° l0° IO° 20" 30° 40° 50° 60° 70° 80° 90° I00° ||O° |20° I30° |40° I50° 339 340 20" 30° 40° 50° 60° 70° 80° 90° |00° I |0° |20° 130° |40° |50° 20° 30° 40° 50° 60° 70° 80° 90° |00° ||0° |20" |30" l40° |50° CHAPTER 7—THERMAL STRUCTURE 20° 30° 40° 50° 60° 70° 80° 90° I00° | |O° l20° |30° |40° |50° _—___—-’30° \ \ \ 20° 30° 40° |°|° 341 342 20° 30" 40° 50° 60° I20° 130- ,40. 150° on f ++o+¢9*+++_ *- \ o + 20 + 20° 0- 1' § 4- ~70 + 0 . ‘- c . . ' * .+ . § ' o - , ~50 + + ' o n . + 1,. + I . * 3'70 f 30° 40° 90°" |00° |30° I40° |50° CHAPTER 7—THERMAL STRUCTURE 20° 30° 40° 50° 60" 70° 80° 90° |00° l |O° |20° |30° |40° |50° ——_— _ "‘ 30° \ . t. +t + . . f Adan‘ A ‘3 A ~/.a_ ‘ A ’ . 0° +10. loo A ' I o 2/ + IO ++ +" , ’ 5 , 5 " 7- MkssguA . ~ ., .. ": . 5 _ BANGKOK CALquTA' ol' i __., DJIBOUTI. ' \ IO - > . _ -' ‘ W 5 ~60. _ ., . , .- , loo MOQApIsgIo , / '40'. .5oo 3 4 4 20° ‘ 55o“ ' ' ' 55" '70° ' ' ' .55: ' no: "".2 ' .55: CHAPTER 7—THERMAL STRUCTURE 20° 30° 40° 50° 60° 70° 80° 90° l00° l K)" |20° I30° I40° |50° 40° 50- 60' 70° 80- 90' IOO‘ "0° I0° l30' I40' I50’ 345 346 20° 30° ”[20 0 n.‘+¢++0 +§¢A+“‘++ ‘+“¢+‘0. 50° 50° 60° 60° 20° 30° 40° 30° 60° 70° 30° 90° 100° 110 120 10° I40°0° CHAPTER 7—THERMAL STRUCTURE 50° 60° 70° 80° 90° IOO° ||O° IZO' |30° I40“ I50‘ \ .-A-¢+---- o ,m l A 20° so: 40‘- .~ .50. 347 348 20" 30° 40° 50° 60° 70° 80° 90° IOO" |lO° |20° I30” I40“ 150° »' BANGKOK 1 IAAIAIAI ~90 50° 50' 60° 30° 40° 50° 60° 70° 90° IOO' no- |20° I30° I40' 150° CHAPTER 7—TH ERMAL STRUCTURE 20° 30° 40° 50° 60° 70° 80° 90° |OO" l |0° |20° l30° |40° |50° 20° 30° 40° 50° 80° 90° IOO‘ ”0° |20° I30° I40° |50° 349 40° 50° 60° 70° 80° 90° l00° HO° 120° 20° 30° [0° 0° 350 20° 30° 40° 50° 60° 70° 80° 90° 100° IO I30° |40° 150° CHAPTER 7—THERMAL STRUCTURE 60° 70° 80° 90° [00' HO" l20° |30° l40‘I |50° 351 20° 30° 40° 50° 20° 30° 40" 50° 60° 70° 80° 90° |00° l|0° IZO" I30° I40" I50“ |O° \ \ JANUAR r FEBRUARY \ I \ \\\\ 352 30° 40° 50° 60° 70° 80° 90° |00° IIO° l20° |30° 140° |50° & CHAPTER 7—THERMAL STRUCTURE 20° 30- 40° soo 50° 70° eon 90° [00° | [0° |20° 130° I40“ :50- —————————— \ OF THE 12—DEGREE ISOTHERM in meters 5717 observations 20° 20° 200 m depth contour Number of observations per 60—mile square: single two—four D + O five—nine |0° ten or more — — Position of the intersection of the 12—degree isotherm with the sea surface during January and February. 1- 00 O o 0. .——— JANUARY — FEBRUARY 60° 50° 60° 70° 80° 90° |00° ||0° l20' I30° |40° ISO" 353 20° 30° 40° 50° 60° 70° 80° 90° [00° ”0° |20° |30° I40“ |50° JANUARY — FEBMRY ,,,,, 354 20° 30° 40° 50° 60° 70° 80° “0° CHAPTER 7—THERMAL STRUCTURE 20° 30° 40- 50° 60° 70° 80° 90° [00° I l0° |20° I30° I40” |50° - , - - - - —- 30° \ \ \ 30° '°° . '. ' 10° JANUAI? Y FEBRUARY 90° |00° ”0‘ I20" |30° I40“ ISO; 355 20° 30’ 40° 50° 60‘ 70° 80' 20° 30° 40° 50° 60° 70° 80° 90° 100° H0" |20° |30° |40° |50° 30° 20° IO” 00 "' E7 ' <\ Ion : DARWM V 20° 30° * ' ' .900 ‘ g JANUAR Y - FEBRUARY Q q) v E V 60° E? V 60° 356 20° 30° 40° 50° 60° 70° 60° 90° |OO° “0° |20° I30° '40’: ' 0° CHAPTER 7—THERMAL STRUCTURE JANUARY FEMUA/r'r 80° 90° I00° ||0° I20° l30' |40° |50° 35; 20° 30° 40° 50" 60° 70° Chapter 8 Dynamic Topographies and Mass Transport Maps Figure 10. Frequency of geopotential anomaly between 1000 and 3000 decibars in percent of the number N of the observations for 10 degree strips of latitude Ever since the existence of an intimate relationship between the field of mass and the field of flow was established, geopotential topographies and geostrophic currents have been used to study the circulation of the oceans. Maps of dynamic topographies for large areas of the oceans were prepared by Deacon (1937) for the Antarctic waters, using 3000 decibars as a reference level, by Defant (1941] for i0 ' ' the Atlantic Ocean using a carefully selected reference surface of 20’4”” variable depth, and by Reid (1961] for the Pacific Ocean using 1000 /0- ”=23 - decibars for reference. Dynamic topographies, relative to 1000 deci- bars, for the northern part of the Indian Ocean have been compiled 0 2 % by Diiing [1970] covering five natural periods in the development of the monsoon circulation. For the atlas, six maps for two-monthly 77 W40.” periods covering the entire Indian Ocean are presented, because this ‘ Iv =/07 I? was the most systematic and most favorable way in which the data could be divided. "’ 0 l0 _ 0" - /0" /V L SELECTION OF A REFERENCE LEVEL ’5 ,%fl ”:2“ Two different reference levels of constant depth have been used, 0 '7 Ln" one at 3000 decibars, the other at 1000 decibars. Constant-depth ‘ ~g0 reference levels were chosen to avoid any ambiguity in the interpre- . .. tation. A variable-depth reference surface should be a matter for a _ if; 5 _/0 special scientific study rather than be included in an atlas. Only 1743 hydrographic stations extend deep enough to perform ’7’" 0 dynamic computations to 3000 decibars. This number is too small 20— _ to allow a representative seasonal coverage of the Indian Ocean. ’5 [0,4005 Moreover, there are essentially no hydrographic stations in Antarctic N. 259 waters to the south of 40°S during the period from Iune to November, ”2 _ _ restricting the coverage of these waters to summer and autumn. Con- sequently, the 3000-decibar reference level has been used to compile 0 ’ only average annual dynamic topographies for the surface, and the — 20.- 30. 5 —/0 500, 1000, 1500, 2000, and 2500-decibar surfaces relative to 3000 % ”H64 % decibars. 7/, m 0 The topography of the 1000-decibar surface relative to 3000 I0- 30°—40° s ‘ decibars is essentially flat in the Indian Ocean north of 10°S. T0 7° demonstrate this fact more clearly, a diagram (Fig. 10) has been pre- GEOPOTE/VT/AL All/OMAL)’, dyfl cm 359 360 pared showing, for strips of 10° of latitude, the frequency of the geo— potential anomaly between 1000 and 3000 decibars in per cent of the observations. The standard deviation is about 2.5 dynamic centi- meters everywhere to the north of 20°S but increases rapidly to the south. Consequently a reference level of 1000 decibars can comfort- ably be used in the northern and equatorial parts of the Indian Ocean to map dynamic topographies at the surface and at 100 and 300 deci— bars. This same reference level has been used throughout the Indian Ocean to draw the two—monthly maps, permitting the inclusion of 5789 hydrographic stations. DYNAMIC CALCULATIONS The geopotential anomaly AD is given by D AD 2 / 8dp in cm2sec'2 or ergs g'1 or dynamic cm where 6 is specific volume anomaly, usually given in centiliters per ton or 10“5 cm3g‘1, and p is pressure in decibars or 105 dynes cm‘z. It was calculated relative to two assumed equipotential surfaces, 1000 decibars and 3000 decibars. Because there were slight differences in the method of computation for these, each is described in detail below. For both, however, the first step involved the use of in-situ tempera- ture and salinity at observed depths to compute specific volume anomaly according to the Knudsen-Ekman formulas [Fofonoff, 1962. pp. 9-10]. For all integrations the depth in meters was taken to be numerically equivalent to pressure in decibars. GEOPOTENTIAL ANOMALY RELATIVE TO 1000 DECIBARS The geopotential anomaly at the set of standard pressures 0, 50, 100, 150, 200, 300, 400, 500, 600, 700, and 800 decibars, relative to 1000 decibars, was computed as follows: For all hydrographic stations sampled to at least 900 meters depth, and having at least five apparently good temperature—salinity pairs, specific volume anomaly was computed for the observed depths. Then specific volume anomaly at the standard depths was estimated either by interpolation or extrapolation according to 3(2) I 31 ‘I‘ (32 - <5‘1)1n(Z/Zi)/ln(z2/Zi) where 6, and 62 are the specific volume anomalies at depths Z1 and Z2, respectively, above and below z meters depth, or both above z, in the case of extrapolation to 1000 meters. Integration to obtain geopotential anomaly at standard level n was trapezoidal, according to n—l ADn : .2 7(8h1 ‘I‘ 8i) (21— Zia) 1:1 where i represents a standard level. GEOPOTENTIAL ANOMALY RELATIVE TO 3000 DECIBARS The geopotential anomaly at 500, 1000, 1500, 2000, and 2500 decibars, relative to 3000 decibars, was computed in the following manner: For all hydrographic stations sampled to at least 2900 meters depth, and for which there were at least five apparently good temper- ature—salinity pairs observed in the depth interval 500 to 3000 meters, the specific volume anomaly 6 was computed for the observed depths. In the depth interval 500 to 3000 meters specific volume anomaly decreases approximately logarithmically with increasing depth; thus, at the levels listed above, specific volume anomaly was estimated by interpolation, or by extrapolation at 3000 meters, if necessary, ac- cording to 3(2) = 31 + (32 — 31) l11(Z/Zl)/(III(Z2/Zl) where z is the standard level between observed depths z1 and Z2. The combined set of observed and interpolated values of specific volume anomaly was integrated to get geopotential anomaly AD relative to 3000 decibars. The integration to level n was in the form n—l ADn : E [Zi+13i+1 _ 213i — i: (3m — 3i) (2m _ Zi)] ln(zi+1 / 21) where i is an observed or interpolated point. This is a summation of integrations of a logarithmic distribution between successive depth pairs, and i: 1 represents the reference level. To calculate the dynamic topography of the sea surface relative to 3000 decibars, the procedures used for the calculations relative to 1000 decibars and 3000 decibars were combined. ERROR IN ESTIMATING GEOPOTENTIAL ANOMALY Wooster and Taft [1958) show that the variance of geopotential anomaly is given approximately by 0’ ~ 1 0’2 ~ 7 3 2i(Api)2 2 where 05 is the variance of specific volume anomaly and Api are the pressure intervals used for the integration. Assuming standard meas- urement errors of 0.01 degrees Centigrade in temperature and 0.015 per mille in salinity, the standard deviation of specific volume is about 1.5 centiliters per metric ton. For a given total pressure range the variance of geopotential anomaly varies inversely with the number of pressure intervals used for the integration. In the case of the computations of the anomaly at 500 decibars relative to 3000 decibars, maximum variance would be expected if sampling was at the standard depths 500, 1000, 1500, 2000, 2500, and 3000 meters, for then the minimum number of five pressure intervals would be used. The standard error corresponding with the maximum variance is about 1.2 dynamic centimeters. The standard error of the difference in geopotential anomaly between two stations is then 1.7 dynamic centimeters; thus differences in geopotential anomaly between two stations at 500 decibars relative to 3000 decibars of less than 3.4 dynamic centimeters, or the equivalent of two standard deviations, are not significant. At a deeper standard depth a significant difference in the geopotential anomaly relative to 3000 decibars is smaller, being directly proportional to the smaller total pressure range. For the calculation of geopotential anomaly relative to 1000 deci- bars, maximum error would occur if sampling was at ZOO-meter inter- vals. In this case the maximum standard error would be about 0.5 dynamic centimeters for geopotential anomaly of the sea surface relative to 1000 decibars, and about 0.7 dynamic centimeters for the difference of the anomaly between two stations. Accordingly, differ- ences in geopotential anomaly pairs at the sea surface relative to 1000 decibars are insignificant if the differences are less than 1.4 dynamic centimeters. CALCULATION OF THE MASS TRANSPORT FUNCTION The potential energy of the water column between the sea surface z 2 z0 and an equipotential surface at depth h is 20 E = / pdz in erg cm‘2 —h 0 O _ _1_/ d 1f d g paop g psp ph ph =E°+P Here p is pressure, g is the acceleration of gravity, a0 is the standard specific volume and 5 is specific volume anomaly. The term E0 rep- resents a standard potential energy which is the same for all water CHAPTER 8—DYNAMIC TOPOGRAPHIES AND MASS TRANSPORT MAPS columns of depth h; the term P is the potential energy anomaly which is related to» geostrophic mass transport by fTZPA—PB where T is the mass transport between positions A and B, and f is the Coriolis parameter. Since 5dp = d[AD], the expression for P can be rewritten as ADo P = — i/p d(AD) ADI, But AD. 2 0 and, since p = 0 at z =zo, 0 z0 PZTéT/ADdPZ/pADdZ ph — h where p is the density. Thus potential energy anomaly which can also be called the mass transport function is readily obtained by numerically integrating geopotential anomaly with respect to depth. Maps of potential energy anomaly were prepared for the water column 0 to 3000 meters, relative to 3000 decibars, and 0 to 300 meters, relative to 1000 decibars. The method of integration was trapezoidal, approximating the last integral above. DIAGRAMS TO OBTAIN GEOSTROPHIC SPEED AND MASS TRANSPORTS DIRECTLY FROM THE MAPS In the lower left-hand corner of each map of dynamic topography, diagrams are given which allow the determination of the geostrophic velocity between isobars directly from the map. Although the maps show geopotential topography of an isobaric surface, they can be interpreted as pressure distribution on a surface of constant geopo- tential or depth. The diagrams have been drawn according to the equation A (AD) 1 Ap An — p An where f = 2 wsin¢ is the Coriolis parameter; v is the geostrophic velocity in cm sec“; MAD] is the difference of dynamic height be— tween two isobars, and An is the distance between those two isobars. Using a constant dynamic height difference MAD), the x-axis for dis- tance An, and the y-axis for latitude (1), lines of equal geostrophic velocity can be drawn on the xy plane. By measuring the distance between standard contours, usually 10 dynamic centimeters, with a pair of dividers on the map, and transferring this distance to the corre- 361 362 sponding latitude on the diagram, the geostrophic velocity can be read off directly. To determine the mass transport between two points in the trans- port maps, diagrams are given in the lower left-hand corner of these maps. Mass transports T and the transport function P are related by the equation fTZPA—PB where f is the Coriolis parameter, T the mass transport in 1012 g sec—1, and PA and PB the values of the transport function at positions A and B. Forming the difference AP 2 PA — PB between two positions on the map, the transport T can be read directly from the diagram at the appropriate latitude. GEOPOTENTIAL TOPOGRAPHIES OF THE SEA SURFACE, AT 100, AND AT 300 DECIBARS RELATIVE TO 1000 DECIBARS Pages 364—381 Charts for these three surfaces were drawn for two-monthly periods. Although the maps show geopotential topography of an isobaric surface, they can be interpreted as pressure distribution on a surface of constant geopotential or depth. The centers of highs and lows are indicated by the letters H and L. Arrows indicate the direc- tion of the geostrophic flow along the isobars. The main features apparent during all seasons are the Antarctic Circumpolar Current, the high-pressure ridge extending from the Agulhas Current to the area northwest of Australia, and the low-pressure trough between 5°S and 10°S in the western Indian Ocean. North of the equator and along Sumatra and Java, the dynamic topographies change appreciably during the year. At a depth of 100 decibars, the pattern of dynamic topographies is still essentially the same as at the surface, but the intensity of the various highs and lows is reduced. This is even more evident at 300 decibars. At this depth the subtropical high pressure cell has been substantially displaced to the south. To the north of 10°S the 300 decibar surface is essentially flat during the period from January to Iune, while in the second half of the year the monsoon circulation penetrates to this level, especially in the Arabian Sea. MASS TRANSPORT FUNCTION Pages 382—387, and 394 The maps of the mass transport function indicate the location of major current systems and simultaneously allow the easy determina- tion of the mass transport between two locations. These values can be directly read from the diagram in the lower left-hand corner of the transport maps as explained above. To represent the seasonal fluctuations of the mass transports in the upper layer of the ocean, the mass transport function between 0 and 300 meters relative to 1000 decibars is represented for two- monthly periods. Although geostrophic velocities at the sea surface can be determined with reasonable confidence relative to any deep reference level, the vertically-integrated transport is sensitive to the choice of this reference level. Consequently, we chose to compute only the transport in the upper 300 meters relative to 1000 decibars, and not the transports in the entire layer above 1000 meters. In the transport-function maps the highest and lowest values computed are entered at the appropriate positions instead of the letters H and L, as done in the maps of topography. Arrows indicate the direction of the mass transport along transport lines. To complement the dynamic topographies relative to 3000 deci- bars, the mass transport function for the entire layer from the surface to 3000 meters relative to 3000 decibars is also given. This map shows the strong westward intensification of the subtropical anticyclonic gyre in the southern hemisphere, as well as the system of highs and lows south and southwest of Australia. GEOPOTENTIAL TOPOGRAPHIES RELATIVE TO 3000 DECI BARS Pages 388—393 The topography of the sea surface relative to 3000 decibars rep- resents most clearly the average annual conditions. Besides the fea- tures mentioned previously, this map shows an increase in dynamic height along the equator from west to east and the pronounced differ- ence between high values in the Bay of Bengal and low values in the Arabian Sea. The topographies of the deeper levels between 500 and 2500 decibars reveal one additional feature, namely a high—pressure ridge to the south of Australia. They also document the deep penetration of the Antarctic Circumpolar Current and of the Agulhas Current system. Some of the minor gradients in the equatorial and northern Indian Ocean apparent in the topographies of surfaces at 1000 deci- bars, and below, may be artifacts of not quite reliable data, especially of uncertainties in the depth determination of samples. REFERENCES Deacon, G. E. R. 1937. Note on the dynamics of the southern ocean. DISCOVERY REPORTS, No. 15. Cambridge Univ. Press, London. Defant, A. 1941. Die absolute Topo- graphie des physikalischen Meeres- niveaus und der Druckfla'chen, sowie die Wasserbewegungen in At- lantischen Ozean. Deutsche Atlan- tische Exped. METEOR 1925-1927. Wiss. Erg., Bd. VI, 2 Teil, 5. Diiing, Walter. 1970. The Monsoon Regime of the Currents in the Indian Ocean. International Indian Ocean Expedition Oceanographic Mono- graphs I. East-West Center Press, Honolulu. Fofonoff, N. P. 1962. Physical Proper- ties of Sea-Water. In THE SEA, Vol. I. Ed. M. N. Hill. Interscience Publishers, New York. Reid, Joseph L., Ir. 1961. On the Geostrophic Flow at the Surface of the Pacific Ocean with Respect to the 1000-decibar Surface. Tellus, XIII(4):489-502. Wooster, W. S. and B. A. Taft. 1958. On the reliability of field measure- ments of temperature and salinity in the ocean. J. Mar. Res., 17:552- 556. 20° 30° 40° 50° 60° 70° 80° 90° |OO° I IO° |20° l30° |40° l50° (J1 O o 4 J} O o I L 47/71/05 0| ‘2 l 20° Min/sec '0‘ ' 2 car/sec \ ° firm/sec 70° \ 0, 40 20 /0 3 6 4 D/STAA/CE BE 7' WE Ell 605/155 {/0 (1]!) Mil 20' 30° 40° 50‘ 60' 70' 80° 90° I00° IIO' |20° I30' I40' I50° 0° |0°‘ LAT/TUBE 70° 60° 20° 20° 30° 40° 50° 60° 70° 80° 90° l00° CHAPTER 8—DYNAMIC TOPOGRAPHIES AND MASS TRANSPORT MAPS l20° / tin/sec 2 cm/sec ficm/sec 20 D/STA/VCE BETWEEN BOB/1&9 //0 0/) cm/ 20° 30° 40° 50° 60° 70° 80° 90° 100° "0' |20° l30° |40° I50° |50° 365 366 70° 60° [47/7005 -b ()1 <3 0° (N O o N O 0 IO“ 00 20° 30° 40° \ \ \ \ / cm/sec * 2 cm/se: firm/sec 40 20 /0 DISTANCE BE 7' WE EN 605/195 //0 dy/I cm/ 20° 30° 40° 50° 80° 90° |00° ”0' I20“ |30° l40° l50° CHAPTER 8—DYNAMIC TOPOGRAPHIES AND MASS TRANSPORT MAPS 20° 30° 40° 50° 60° 70° 80° 90° l00° I I0“ |20° |30° l40° |50° 30° 40° 40° 70° F 60° ‘ 50° ' 50° 50° , Lu 40° Q E S 30° ~ 60° 60° 20 lam/sec . l0° ‘ 2 c/n/sec ‘ 5 cm/sec 70° 70° 0° 40 20 /0 - MST/MICE 195fo5” 6051435 (/om cm} 20° 30° 40° 50° 60° 70° 80° 90° I00° “0° [20° |30° I40° |50° 36; [0° 0° I0° 70° 60° 50° LAT/700E 0' J> <2 <2, \ \ \ 50° \ \ \ \ \ 60° / c/n/sec ‘ 2 arr/sec k 40 20 5cm/sec 20° 30° 40° 50° 60° 70° 80° 90° [00° ”0° I20° |30° , |40°7 , I50° IO D/STA/VCE BE 7' WE EA/ ISOBA/PS //0 4]” cm/ ....................................................... 40° 50° 60' 70° 80° 90° |00° IIO° |20° |30° l40° |50° 30° 20° 30° 40° 50° 60° 70° 80° 90° IOO" ||O° |20° |30° |40° [0’ s Mbiéaplsisiiov" ' 0° j/ 10° 40° . , ' so 70°~ 60°— 50. 50°‘l Lu 40° 40 § 'Q K D 3, 30° ~ 6° 20 lam/sec '0“ Zcm/sec 5cm/sec 0,, 40 20 /0 ‘ D/STANCE—HETWEIf—A/ [5054/75 {/0dy/7 Elfi/ 20° 30° 40° 50° 60° 70° 80° 90° I00' ”0' I20° |30° I40° |50° CHAPTER 8—DYNAMIC TOPOGRAPHIES AND MASS TRANSPORT MAPS |50° 30° 20° |0° |O° 369 20° 30°. 40° _0° 60° -0° 80° 90° |OO° I [0" |20° I30“ |40° l50° (II C a 4_l 1.4777005 45 9. <3 I I 70° 60° 3 20° loo k 2 cm/sec 5 cm/sec 3 7 0 0° 40 20 /0 MST/MICE BE 7 WE E N 505495 (/0 dyn cm} CHAPTER 8—DYNAMIC TOPOGRAPHIES AND MASS TRANSPORT MAPS 20° 30° 40° 50° 60° 70° 80° 90° |00° ||O° l20° I30" I40“ I50" 40°\ \ \ 70° — \ \ 60° — 50. \ 50° 50° ‘1 “4 40° — Q E L: N 30° — 20 Min/sec |O° — Z tin/536‘ 5cm/sec 40 20 /0 DISTANCE—BETWEEN £305,435 //0dy/7 cm/ 20" 30° 40° 50° 60° 70" 80° 90‘ I00' IIO’ I20° l30° l40° l50° 372 20° 30° 40° 50° 60° 70° 80° 90° |00° l |0° I20° l30° |O° 0° + on . .R+ uo+++t~ . O . . - ' . \ a‘tfifié‘lfiéfifil’F d " > Ioo‘ /-\ 2 o . . . ) f A . Kl loo «g- .’ 70° 60° 01 O o 4 LAT/7105 0‘ b 0. <2 I l / tin/sec W F 2 pin/sec \ 5cm/sec 70° \ 0° 40 20 /o 0/574”ch BETWEEN 6054/95 (/0 m cm/ N O o 20° 30° 40° 50° 60° 70° 80° 90° CHAPTER 8—DYNAMIC TOPOGRAPHIES AND MASS TRANSPORT MAPS 20° 30° 40° 50° 60° 70° 80° 90° |00° | |O° |20° |30° I40” l50‘ '0' . -‘ - . -' , ‘I0° 0° [47/71/05 / arr/sec 2 car/sec 5 cm/sec 20 - - . . ............................... D/SfAfiCEBEfWEE/V/SOBARS (/0 m cm/ 20° l30° l40° I50° 373 20° 30° 40° 50° 60° 70° 80° 90° |00° l|0° |20° |30° I40“ [50° |0° - |O° 70° .— 60° - ()1 O o b O o I 50° I 60° 6’ 60° 20° /c/n/sec IO° — 2 arr/sec / 40 20 /0 5”” 5“ LAT/TUBE 0‘ ‘2 I ......................................... 7 0° . 3 4 0/5734/1/6'5 [if 7' WEE/J 6051435 //0 (1y!) cm} 20° 30° 40° 50° 60° 70° 80° 90° l00° IIO' |20° |30° I40° l50° CHAPTER 8—DYNAMIC TOPOGRAPHIES AND MASS TRANSPORT MAPS 20° 30° 40° 50° 60° 70° 80° 90° |00° ||O° |20° |30° I4O‘I l50° 30° 20° |0° . ”D Q ' * 0! l . O °o I 0 . ' ° 0 ~//4 I , " ~//6 1 ' . E + ' 0 . n ' O + . I + + 0° . u . ' + ' . . '- + + ' + . "’ + / I00 [20 40° ' ' 40° 70° _ 60° _ 500 V 50° _ 60° 60. 20 / arr/sec '0° ' 2 cm/sec 5cm/sec o - o 40 20 /0 7° ~ 7° 0 D/STA/VCEBETWEEA/ MOB/UPS ”04/” cm/ 20° 30° 40° 50° 60° 70° 80° 90° |00° ||O° |20° |30° I40° ISO" 3 7 5 CJ‘ 0 o 4—1 LAT/TUBE U A <2 0. l 20° 30° 40° 50° 60° 70° 80° 90° 100° I |0° |20° l30° |40° |50° l0° l0° 70°— . ‘ ' 60° ‘ 50° ' 50° 50° ‘1 la 40° — § R :5 30° — so 0 60° 20 / Elli/566‘ IO“ - 2 cm/sec ‘ 5cm/sec . 7 a 40 20 xo 7°° ° 0 3 7 6 0 D/STANCEBFTWEE”/5019’/1/?5//04/flcm/ 20° 30° 40° 50° 60° 70° 80° 90° |00° ll0° |20° l30° l40° |50° CHAPTER 8—DYNAMIC TOPOGRAPHIES AND MASS TRANSPORT MAPS 20° 30° 40° 50" 60° 70° 80° 90° |OO° ||O° l20' I30“ I40“ I50“ \ . \ '. _ 40°\ \ \ 70° \ \ 60° 50° \ \ 50° W \ \ lu 40° ~ Q g \ '3 30° _ so'\ \ 0 20 lam/sec I0° _ 2' 607/386 . 40 20 /0 5cm/sec _ 0° 90° IOO' IIO° I20" I30“ I40° ISO“ 377 DISTANCE BETWEEN ISOBA/PS {/0410 cm) 40" 50° 60° 70‘ 80° 378 |O° 0° [0° £47/71/0E 70° — 60° - 50° 40° 30° — 20° IO“ ’ 2 cm/sec 50° 60‘ 70° 80° 90° IOO° ||0° |20° |30° l40° |50° 2 R . .§ +++++o+ + o.- 40°\ \ . \ u \ ' . o. \ j ‘ \ \ ' ' \ ' \ 60°\ [60° \ ‘1 I / cm/sec 5 5cm/sec 40 20 /0 D/STAIVCE BE 7' WE E N 60514119 (/0 dyn cm/ 60° 70° 80' 90° IOO' IIO' l20" I30° |40° |50° CHAPTER 8—DYNAMIC TOPOGRAPHIES AND MASS TRANSPORT MAPS 20° 30° 40° 50° 60° 70° 80° 90° |00° I |0° |20° |30° I40' |50° 0° IO° \ LAT/700E 0° 5 20 /0 2 6771/58“ 5mm: 70° — \ \ 60° r 00 \ \ 50° l \ \ 40° — \ 30° — 60° 20 lcm/sec IO° — 40 D/STANCE BETWEEN ISOHA/PS {/0 (/1!) cm/ 20° 30° 40° 0° I4050° 379 |O° |O° 70° 60° 50° LAT/700E OJ A 0. <2 \ / cm/sec ” 2 cm/sec 5cm/sec 40 20 /0 \ \ \ 5 0°\ 0/5 714/VCE BETWEEN 6054/75 //0 0/; cm/ 30° 40° 50° 60° 70° 80° 90° |00° l|0° |20° I30° |40° |50° 50° CHAPTER &—DYNAMK3TOPOGRAPHES AND MASS TRANSPORT MAPS 20° 30° 40° 50° 60° 70° 80° 90° IOO° l |0° |20° |30° |40° |50° :{A ‘IV' \ \ 70° \ \ 60° " oo \ ‘\ 50° \ ‘\ 40° — ‘\ 30., _ eo°\ \ 20° /cm/sec I0° — 2 tin/sec 40 fem/sec 40° fl #1 £477TUD£ 5 0., 20 /0 .............................................................. D/STAIVCEBETWfffl /505A/?5 (lad/fl 0/77/ 40' 60° 70° 80' 90° |00° ||0° |20° |30° I40“ |50° 381 20° 30° 40° 50" 60° 70° 80° 90° l00° l |0° |20° |30° I40‘ I50° MASS TRANSPORT FUNCTION BETWEEN 0 AND 300 METER DEPTH ‘ ' RELATIVE TO 1000 DECIBARS 20°] A ‘ ' DURING JANUARY AND FEBRUARY 20° in 107 9 sec' 2 or erg cm'2 986 observations 200 m depth contour Number of observations per 60—miIe square: 0 single + two—four A five—nine - ten or more The arrows give the direction of geostrophic transport. 0° TRANS/’0]? 7' \\ /0 g/sec 60 :Z i\\\\ \\\ V \\\\\\\i X \ \ \ 2; //\ // g L A T/ TUDE \ \\\ \ \. 2< i i '\ \ 382 100 200 300 400 DIFFERENCE 0F TRANSPORT FUNCTION AP 20° 30° 40° 50° 60° 70° O 80° 90° |00° IIO CHAPTER 8—DYNAMIC TOPOGRAPHIES AND MASS TRANSPORT MAPS 20° 30° 40° 50° 60° 70° 80" 90° |00° “0° |20° |30° [40° |50° —"’v—--—r— \ w MAss TRANSPORT FUNCTION BETWEEN 0 AND 300 METER DEPTH RELATIVE TO 1000 DECIBARS DURING MARCH AND APRIL in 107 9 sec'2 or erg cm'2 1295 observations 200 m depth contour Number of observatioris per 60—mile square: 0 single ' |0° + two—four * A five—nine The arrows give the direction of geostrophic transport. 20° 20° TRANSPORT IO/Z g/sec \\\\\\w \\\\\N s ' \\\ \Sxe \\\\\\\\:o\ \ \ \ \\\25 o\\\\ \ \ \5 2< \ \ \\ i ’i \ \ \ \ \ ICC 200 300 400 / / LAT/TUBE NI 50° / 60° 70° 0 DIFFfRENCE OF TRANSPORT FUNCTION AP 20° 30° 40° 50° 60° 70° 80° 90° l00° ||O° |20° I30“ |40° I50° 383 384 LAT/TUBE .b O o |0° 20° 01 O a 50° 60° 70° 20° 30° 40° 70° 80° 90° o o; #++++’+ 4 ... |20° I30" I40" I50“ \ \ \ 30° MASS TRANSPORT FUNCTION BETWEEN 0 AND 300 METER DEPTH RELATIVE TO 1000 DECIBARS 20° DURING MAY AND JUNE in 107 9 sec'2 or erg cm'2 938 observations 200 m depth contour Number of observations per 60-mile square: 0 single |0° + two—four The arrows give the direction of geostrophic transport. TRANSPORT 0/2 g/sec // \\RRYQ\ I iiI\\\\ I00 200 300 400 DMVIWEWGE 0F TRANSPORT FUNCWON AP 500 50° 60° 70° 80° 90° l00° ”0' I llllllllllll I30° |40° |50° CHAPTER 8—DYNAMIC TOPOGRAPHIES AND MASS TRANSPORT MAPS 20° 30° 40° 50° 60° 70° 80° 90° IOO° ||O° |20° |30° I40° I50“ 0° 0° TRANSPORT \ \ /0/2 g/sec kw WN®§M HV§&\ \\ \\\ \ 320% 60. \ 30° LAT/7005 ("I // /é /// \ \ \ \ o\\ m \g A \\ ,52<\\\\ :x\\\\\ ICC 200 300 400 500 DIFFERENCE 0F TRANSPORT FUNCTION AP 20° 30° 40° 50° 60° 70° 80° / 70° 0 IOO" ||O° |20° 130° |40° |50° 385 90° 386 00 IO“ LAT/TUBE 60' 70‘ O \\ \\§ \\\ 30° |50° |O° 50' \\ \ \ \ / I 5 \ IOO DIFFERENCE 0F TRANSPORT FUNCTION 300 IO° 40° CHAPTER 8—DYNAMIC TOPOGRAPHIES AND MASS TRANSPORT MAPS 20° 30° 40° 50° 60° 70° 80° 90° IOO° | |0° IZO' I30. |40° |50° , ‘r——— \— x w MASS TRANSPORT FUNCTION BETWEEN 0 AND 300 METER DEPTH RELATIVE TO 1000 DECIBARS DURING NOVEMBER AND DECEMBER in 107 9 sec'2 or erg cm'2 793 observations 200 m depth contour Number of observations per 60—mile square: 0 single + two—four The arrows give the direction of geostrophic transport. . |0° on TRANSPORT . a , \ 20° § 30° k t 3, 40° N .50\\ 0 so \ \ \ 60° ‘ \ 5 \ \ 70' ‘ 0 I00 200 300 400 500 DIFFERENCE 0F TRANSPORT FUNCTION AP 70° 80° 90' I00' "0' I20' I30° 140' I50' 38; LAT/700E 388 70° 60° 50° 40° 30° 20° 10° 20° 30° 40° 50° 60° 70° 80° 90° IOO" ||O° |20° ISO' I40° l50° 30° I0' IO‘ . I” . (7 \l E I 50° ' ' - . - — ‘ . :20 50° . I40 ——L \ . o . ' . l m '0 , m ' “w . - ' I” ' ' ' . . o ' ° . o . . . ' ° I40 ' \ . m . o . . . . . a o N 60° \ ° ° 4 1 ‘ d / ‘ ' ' 60° ' \ i f \ I I C . w 0 . . O . . . m . . Zorn/sec . . ' ‘ . ‘ ' 2 . L 0 ’ C9 ‘ w 0 5 tin/sec 50 20 loam/sec 70' 70' MST/WCE BETWEEN ISOEA/PS {20 dyfl cm/ 70' 80' 90° IOO° I|O° I20° l30' l40° l50° CHAPTER 8—DYNAMIC TOPOGRAPHIES AND MASS TRANSPORT MAPS 20° 30° 40° 50° 60° 70° 80° 90° I00° I |O° l20° I30“ I40" |50° LATITUDE I \ 70° — \ 60° — 50° \ \ 50° \ \ 40° 30° 20° / cm/sec 10° 2 tin/sec 5 cm /sec 40 20 IO c/n/sec 0° DISTANCE BETWEEN 6054/75 {/0 J)” cm/ IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII 80° 90" I00' "0' |20° ISO“ I40° I50' 389 390 20° 30° 40° 50° 60° 70° 80° 90° |00° | [0° l20° |30° |40° |50° 30° 30° |0° [0° 0° 0° .. +.. . ... w 3:305 4» .9 I |0° l0° o . ”0 / ‘ /05 + . \ . A g 400 40° ' , ' o . . w _\ [/0 . . w . O O I I5 . ’00 ‘90 . \Ioa - . 70° — . //5 ~30 ' 85 //0 60° _ 50° . ' * . 50° - 75 ' \ 70 c3 \90 95 50‘I . u . . - 35 l ' so . ' - ‘0 . . , 6‘5 ,5 LS 40° " 50 5' ' ' . 70 b 5 ' o c a E . ' v t ° 0 . . “- w . 60 so- \. so . . . 5o . 00 . . o o . 55 .0 I a . 20° 0.5:mAsec ' . . . ' ‘ - ' |O° ~ / c/n/se: ' ‘ ' 2cm/sec 20 /0 5 7°° ‘ 20° 30° 40° 50° 60° 70° 80° 90° |00° l l0° I 20° I30° l40° l50° °° DISTANCE BETWEEN woe/ms (5 m cm/ CHAPTER 8—DYNAMIC TOPOGRAPHIES AND MASS TRANSPORT MAPS 20° 30° 40° 50° 60° 70° 80° 90° l00° I |O° l20° I30' I40' I50' 30’ |0° |O° ‘1‘ 0° ~ 55 5\ R. \40 \ n ‘9 ~ so 1 . - S5 . . . - 5, -/ ‘ . .5" ./ § 40°“ \ 35 a . . . . o / K . ‘ ' a S 60°\ ' * E5 9 - ' 60° \, 30° \ ' ' ' 46’ \ ' / 20° 0.5 (Jill/566‘ ‘ . r» ’ \ ‘ V - _. w/ IO°— Min/sec ‘ " 2cm/sec " 20 IO 5cm/sec 0° D/STAA/CE BETWEEN ISOBA/PS {5 0/) cm/ ' '''''''''''''''''' 391 |20° l30° I40° I50° 20° 30° 40° 50° 60° 70° 80° 90° IOO" | lO° I20° |30° |40° |50° 30° 20° |O° . |O° 20° N 40°— Q E R 3 30°— 20“ 0.2cm/sec IO°— aim/sec 5 2 / O 3 9 2 0 DISTANCE BETWEEN ISOBARS (2' d/II cm/ CHAPTER 8-DYNAMIC TOPOGRAPHIES AND MASS TRANSPORT MAPS 20° 30° 40° 50° 60° 70° 80° 90° |00° l |O° |20° |30° I40“ |50° on \ . \ a. ' O o o _ A. 70" — I \ 60° — 50° \ 50° \ . 50° \ \ 40° ‘ \ ' 30° _ 60°\ \ I 20° a/cm/sec \ I0° _ 0.2cm/sec 1 3 0.5 cm/sec 4 60° 70 393 LATITUDE DEM/ICE BETWEEN HOB/1&5 (/ din :III/ 20" 30° 40° 50° 20° 30° \ \\\ LA 77 TUDE \\\\\ /25 \ \\\\w 90° I00° ||O° |20° l30° |40° |50° ——r————r — \ W MASS TRANSPORT FUNCTION BETWEEN 0 AND 3000 DEPTH RELATIVE TO 3000 DECIBARS in 10 7 9 sec-2 or erg cnr2 20. 1743 observations 1000 m depth contour Number of observations per 60—mile square: single + two—four . . 10" A five-nine - ten or more The arrows give the direction of geostrophic transport. . |0° IRA/{SPORT I0 ’2 g /.m 00 I75 /00 \ 75 \ i \ \\ O 394 DIFFERENCE 0F IOO l 50 TRANS/’0}? 7' FUNCTION AP 200 -- IOO" "0' l20° I30° I40° |50° 70° Chapter 9 Vertical Sections to the Bottom Meridional and zonal sections of various properties from the sea surface to the bottom display most conveniently the structure and stratification of water masses in the ocean and therefore a large num- ber of such sections have been included in the Atlas. Unfortunately, the International Indian Ocean Expedition has not resulted in many systematic meridional and zonal sections extending from continent to continent. Of the three oceans, only the Atlantic Ocean is docu- mented by such sections resulting from the work of the METEOR (Wiist and Defant, 1936], which was repeated thirty years later and complemented by the CRAWFORD and the CHAIN [Fuglister, 1960]. Also in the Pacific Ocean no systematic transoceanic sections are available, and Reid [1965) had to combine data from several expe- ditions to construct zonal and meridional sections across this ocean. We first attempted to follow such a procedure, but were discouraged because of poor agreement in the chemical data between many expe- ditions and, more so, because of the necessity of combining data from different seasons and years. Consequently, it appeared more realistic and favorable to represent sections based on consistent data from one ship each, although a few exceptions had to be made. Sections made by combining observations of several ships result in patterns resem- bling average distributions rather than those of actually observed situations. It would indeed be rather simple to construct “average” sections from the 300-mile-square averages listed in Chapter 3. Only two complete meridional sections taken by the OB are avail- able from the Indian Ocean and both were taken before the Inter- national Indian Ocean Expedition. They are shown as Sections 2 and 3. Along the western side of the Ocean, two cruises of the DIS COVERY could be combined to produce Section 1, running from Somalia through the Madagascar Channel to Antarctica. The zonal section along 32°S taken by the DISCOVERY in 1936 and by the ATLANTIS in 1965 are both included, as Sections 4 and 5, to demon- strate the long-term stability of the oceanic structure. The DISCOV- ERY section has unfortunately no stations across the Agulhas Current off South Africa, and the reader must be referred to the shorter Sec- tions 18 to 21 across this current. The only other complete zonal sections are the two taken by the ARGO along the equator; these are displayed in Chapter 10. The activities of the International Indian Ocean Expedition also did not extend into Antarctic waters, and, con- sequently, four sections taken by the DISCOVERY between 1932 and 1938 had to be used to represent the oceanographic conditions in these waters [Sections 6 to 9]. A section from the Persian Gulf through the Arabian Sea to 20°S could be constructed only by combining the observations of several ships [Section 10). The same procedure was necessary to compile a coherent section through the Red Sea, the Gulf of Aden, and the Arabian Sea in winter, while the summer section was completely documented by data from the ATLANTIS. To dis- play a variety of situations in the strong western boundary currents, three sections across the Somali Current and four sections across the Agulhas Current were selected. The difference between summer and winter conditions off West Australia is shown by two out of thirteen repeated sections taken by Australian ships along 110°E within one year. Rochford [1969] has analyzed the complete set of sections. Deep sections were constructed from all available observations through both the western and eastern sequence of deep-sea basins to docu- ment the spreading of bottom water below 3000 meters depth into these basins (Sections 22 and 23). Along the eastern section the changes in salinity and phosphate were too small to allow contouring, and both sections lacked sufficient observations of nitrate and silicate. For a better representation of the more complex oceanographic situation in the upper layer of the ocean where isolines are usually crowded, the sections are drawn in two parts. The bottom part rep- resents the entire depth range from the surface to 5000 meter depth; the top part gives a view of the upper 400 or 500 meters, enlarged vertically by a factor of five. Five hundred or 400 meters were chosen, depending on whether or not observations were made at 500 meters. Five thousand meters depth is used as cutoff because only a few basins extend beyond that depth and contain only a few observations. Ex— ceptions are the two sections, 11 and 12, through the Red Sea and the Arabian Sea, where the vertical scale is doubled, representing 0 to 2500 meters in the lower part and 0 to 200 or 250 meters in the upper 395 396 part. The horizontal scale is latitude or longitude for the sections which run chiefly meridionally or zonally; it is marked in five-degree intervals (Sections 1 through 9, 16 and 17]. The other sections are plotted against distance, and the latitude and longitude of various points along the section are marked on the bottom. Horizontal and vertical scales were selected in such a way that five degrees of latitude correspond to 1000 meter depth in the lower section, giving a vertical exaggeration of 555:1, or to 200 meters depth in the upper section, resulting in a vertical exaggeration of 2775:1. The simplified bottom topography shown in the sections is based chiefly on the bathymetric map of the Indian Ocean by Kanaev [1965]. The station numbers are indicated on the top of the section; the ob- servation points are shown by dots. These dots are omitted in the upper 200 meters of the deep section. In the deeper portions of the deep sections, the observed values of potential density at the deepest observation, of potential temperature at the two deepest samples, and of salinity near the deep salinity maximum are entered and repre- sented by their last two digits. In the deep Sections 22 and 23 all observed values are shown. The isolines were drawn by hand, using careful vertical and horizontal interpolation. In questionable cases the vertical plots of properties for individual stations were consulted. Density is given as potential density in sigma—6 units, and tempera- ture is given as potential temperature in Centigrade. Differences between sigma-t and sigma-0 are small, not exceeding 0.03 grams per liter at 4000 meters depth. The difference between temperature and potential temperature is about 015° at 2000 meters depth and 033° at 4000 meters depth. Otherwise, conventional units are used. Above the sections displaying potential density, the dynamic topography of the sea surface is given in dynamic centimeters, com- puted relative to 3000 decibars for Sections 1 to 9 and relative to 1000 decibars for Sections 10 to 21. Dots indicate the value computed for each station, while circled dots refer to values interpolated at stations where observations did not reach to 3000 or 1000 meters. In these cases dynamic height was computed to the deepest standard depth exceeded by observations, and the average dynamic height between this standard depth and the reference depth at the two neighboring stations was added. Every page includes a small key map showing the geographical location of the section. All sections together are shown in Figure 11. The positions of the two deep SectiOns 22 and 23 are shown on a map ' on page 471, on which also all individualistations used in thesersec- tions are entered. The vertical distributions of potential temperature inside and outside of each major deep-sea basin, together with a determination of its sill depth, are represented on page 475. The color scheme used to identify the highest and lowest values of each property in the sections had to be varied to emphasize the most pronounced features in each section. REFERENCES Fuglister, F. C. 1960. Atlantic Ocean Rochford, D. I. 1969. Seasonal varia— Atlas. Woods Hole Oceanogr. In- tions in the Indian Ocean along stitution, Vol. 1. 110°E. I. Hydrological structure of Kanaev, V. F. 1965. Indian Ocean. the upper 500 m. AUSt' 1' Mar. .. ' Freshw. Res., 20(1):1-50. 35:?n01031m’ 5(41'760'762' [In Rus- Wiist, G., and A. Defant. 1936. Schich- tung and Zirkulation des Atlan- Reid, 1. L., Ir. 1965. Intermediate wa- tischen Ozeans. Deutsche Atlan- ters of the Pacific Ocean. John tische Exped. METEOR 1925-1927, Hopk. Oceanogr. Stud., 2, 85 p. Wiss. Erg., Bd. VI, Atlas, 103 pls. CHAPTER 9—VERTICAL SECTIONS TO THE BOTTOM FIGURE 11 70° 80° 90° 100° 110° 120° 130° 140° 150° 0 \ \ \ 30 10° ’ 10° 00 10° xx 1 4/, /_, , /// 3/////4/0. 70° 140 397 SECTION 1 mscovanv SOMALIA T0 MADAGASCAR CHANNEL Stations 1361—1370 May 8 to May18, 1934 T0 ANTARCTICA Stations 1567—1589 April 10 to May 5, 1935 12° North, 52° East to 65° South, 45° East .\©__——. 300 _ / — 500 ' . Q/co - , 200 — (9/ d/fl cm I '\: 8 /00_ Dynam/c lopogmp/ry 0/3000 0% ~200 H300 I I . i. ‘ ' .l 400 10° |5° 20° 25° 30° 35° 40° 45° 50° l586 I584 I583 |58I i579 l577 I575 |574 l572 l57O I5168 I516? I370 |O° N 398 POTENTIAL DENSITY DISCOVERY Stations 1361—1370 May 8 to May 18, 1934 Stations 1567—1589 April 10 to May 5, 1935 U1— 0 I586 |584 I58?) /‘/0\ I F - I 0° 5" IO” |58l |579 SOMALIA T0 MADAGASCAR CHANNEL CHAPTER 9—VERTICAL SECTIONS TO THE BOTTOM /00° /20" MO" SECTION I TO ANTARCTICA 12° North, 52° East to 65° South, 45° East —/00 ~200 -300 . '1 ° 400 25° 30° 35° ° ° ° I575 I574 1572 I567 I570 POTENTIAL TEMPERATURE 399 /00 200 300 400 400 00 ° 80" /00" /20° /4\0° \ \\ J J / 'é’ O 00 //20" 740° J SECTION 1 SOMALIA T0 MADAGASCAR CHANNEL T0 ANTARCTICA 12° North, 52° East to 65° South, 45° East DISCOVERY Stations 1361—1370 May 8 to May 18, 1934 Stations 1567—1589 April 10 to May 5, 1935 T | 10° N 5° 0° 5° ’5 349 / /34.5‘\ I I |0° l5° ' 35° I575 I572 I568 I567 I370 IO°N SALINITY #J ' 7‘ - 72 - 7| ' 7° -72 - 70 /000 - 12 , H 70 70 2000 I69 I69 (34.7 I68 ‘67 066 60° DISCOVERY Stations 1361—1370 May 8 to May 18, 1934 Stations 1567-1589 April 10 to May 5, 1935 CHAPTER 9—VERTICAL SECTIONS TO THE BOTTOM SECTION 1 SOMALIA T0 MADAGASCAR CHANNEL T0 ANTARCTICA 12° North, 52° East to 65° South, 45° East 80" /00" /20" MO" —/00 —200 —300 I . I 5° |O° I ' 400 15183 15.8l 1579 I |5174 6'72 I5170 |5168 |5I67 13170 K v \ SECTION 1 SOMALIA T0 MADAGASCAR CHANNEL T0 ANTARCTICA 12° North, 52° East to 65° South, 45° East DISCOVERY Stations 1361-1370 May 8 to May 18, 1934 Stations 1567—1589 April 10 to May 5, 1935 04 . . a 0.5 2? l0 [5 20 , /.//, , // 35° .l 40° ' I 25° I5.8| |5I79 I I575 I574 I572 |5|68 [567 I370 —-—_—r /000 /000 2000 2000 3000 3000 4000 4000 5000 IO" 5000 N 5° 0° 5° |0° |5° 20° 25° 30° 35° 40° 45° 50° 55° 60° 402 PHOSPHATE 65° 8 CHAPTER 9—VERTICAL SECTIONS TO THE BOTTOM SECTION 1 SOMALIA T0 MADAGASCAR CHANNEL T0 ANTARCTICA 12° North, 52° East to 65° South, 45° East /00" /20" MO“ ALMIRANTE LACERDA D'SCOVERY Stations 10—42 September 11 to September 30, 1964 Stations 1361—1370 May 8 to May 18, 1934 T ANTIS VITYAZ Stations 1567—1570 April 10 to May 5, 1935 A L Stations 5512—5556 July 24 to August 19, 1964 Stations 552—664 February 27 to April 26, 1965 Station 4677 March 12, 1960 o a mo —/00 200 -200 300 —300 30 ' , _ . 5336 5‘92 5%; 5330 5%38 ($3 5330 GEN 37 $2 5313 4277 2:5 3% {3:5 2% 155 15170 15168 15:67 1370 . 13'65 . . I361 65° 8 SILICATE 403 404 OB, CRUISE 1 Stations 111—149 May 12 to June 7, 1956 QB, CRUISE 6 Station 626 April 4, 1961 SECTION 2 SOMALIA T0 ANTARCTICA 10° North, 51° East to 66° South , 95° East 300 ~- 200 - Dynamic lopog/op/Iy 0/3000 db dyn cm I45 I44 I430 I42 26.8! - . . 27 j mezz- wen ' 2000 / 5000 4000 5000 IO“ N 5° POTENTIAL DENSITY I 20° I35 I33 I23 50° I2I I20 III 1 626 /000 2000 5000 raw CHAPTER 9—VERTICAL SECTIONS TO THE BOTTOM SECTION 2 \ A- SOMALIA T0 ANTARCTICA 10° North, 51° East to 66° South , 95° East OB, CRUISE 1 Stations 111—149 May 12 to June 7, 1956 OB, CRUISE 6 Station 626 April 4, 1961 I I . . 20° 50“ I35 I33 1 El Igo 55° 60° 65° 3 POTENTIAL TEMPERATURE 405 SECTION 2 SOMALIA T0 ANTARCTICA 10° North, 51° East to 66° South , 95° East OB, CRUISE 1 Stations 111—149 May 12 to June 7, 1956 OB, CRUISE 6 Station 626 April 4, 1961 A29 . 200 300 400 500 . f IO° N 5° I49 I45 I44 I430 I42 I40 |23 |2I I l I L I ~ I l I I I 1 A l l I 1 l gay—J -V , . < . .3“ : : ; ; , ' . .: - . - ' -‘ w - - . _ Z ’ - : ' ' . . '34- 5 . AW}? . 21%}? 3000 4000 5000 |0°N 406 SALINITY CHAPTER 9—VERTICAL SECTIONS TO THE BOTTOM SECTION 2 ,, W /40° SOMALIA T0 ANTARCTICA 10° North, 51° East to 66° South , 95° East OB, CRUISE 1 Stations 111—149 May 12 to June 7, 1956 OB, CRUISE 6 Station 626 April 4, 1961 /00 200 300 400 500 65° S III 626 l I 2000 3000 5000 ° ° 65° 5 OXYGEN 407 /20° /40‘ SECTION 2 SOMALIA T0 ANTARCTICA 10 North, 51 East to 66 South , 95 East OB, CRUISE1 Stations 111—149 May 12 to June 7, 1956 OB, CRUISE 6 Station 626 April 4, 1961 /00 200 300 400 , I . . - r 500 50 D 200 O D 9 I430 I42 |35I33 III 626 I l ’ |O° N 408 PHOSPHATE CHAPTER 9—VERTICAL SECTIONS TO THE BOTTOM SECTION 2 SOMALIA T0 ANTARCTICA 10° North, 51° East to 66° South , 95° East OB, CRUISE 1 Stations 111—149 May 12 to June 7, 1956 OB, CRUISE 6 Station 626 April 4, 1961 /00 200 300 400 I I I I I 5° |O° l5° 20° 25° 30° 500 65° 3 I44 I430 I42 I40 @5133 III‘SO III 6%6 l I 1 I I I 2000 60" 65° 5 SILICATE 409 SECTION 3 os,cnu.sez BAY OF BENGAL T0 ANTARCTICA Stations 281—329 April 8to May 14, 1957 210 North, 88° East to 64° South, 990 East 1 I l l l I I J 1 I L J I l I l I l l l I l J l I l I 1 l l I 300— o o 0— W ©—/®\/®\@—/flfl~©\/®/\©/\\/®\©/\®\ L 300 070 cm ® 07/7 007 200— —200 ‘ 0 Min/c fo 0 m 0 0/3000 db -_ /00— i P 9 P 7 \._ C /00 \f.) , 0 0 /00 /00 300 200 300 270 ' / 400 I I I 20°N |5° |0° 5° 325 3240 324 3230 323 40° 45° 50° 55° 60° 65°S 20° N 15° IO” 5° 0° 5° [0° I5° 20° 2I5° 30° 35° POTENTIAL DENSITY 410 CHAPTER 9—VERTICAL SECTIONS TO THE BOTTOM /00" /20° /40’ SECTION 3 BAY OF BENGAL T0 ANTARCTICA 21° North, 88° East to 64° South, 99° East OB, CRUISE 2 Stations 281—329 April 8 to May 14, 1957 200 fl/o\ I . r * l I I 1 . 20°N 15° [0° 5° 60 0329 325 3240 324 3230 323 320 2§5 28|4 2?! 2(1331282 )1- 5000 55° 60° 65° S POTENTIAL TEMPERATURE 411 W W ECTION 3 m 5 BAY OF BENGAL T0 ANTARCTICA 21° North, 88° East to 64° South, 99° East OB, CRUISE 2 Stations 281—329 April 8 to May 14, 1957 /00 200 300 I 500 |5° |O° 325 31240 3:24 3l230 623 L . atlas 2§4 25%| 261331282 0 ¥34\/——————J ' 075 To an '70 -75 072 . 74 . 72 2000 347 .70 20° N SALINITY 412 55° 60° 65° 3 CHAPTER 9—VERTICAL SECTIONS TO THE BOTTOM SECTION 3 0° 0" $50“ BAY OF BENGAL T0 ANTARCTICA 21° North, 88° East to 64° South, 99° East /20‘ MO" OB, CRUISE 2 Stations 281—329 April 8 to May 14, 1957 I I I 20° N l5° 30° 329 . . 325 3240 324 3230 2.523 . 1 320 A . . . . | 1 . 285 284 28| 283 282 A )4 7. , F , 2000 4000 5000 65° 5 OXYGEN 413 /00" /20" /40° SECTION 3 BAY OF BENGAL T0 ANTARCTICA 21° North, 88° East to 64° South, 99° East OB, CRUISE 2 Stations 281-329 April 8 to May 14, 1957 /00 200 300 400 I T |5° |O° 325 3240 3124 323031523 2§5 28134 2§| 283282 1 . 52/ 20° N SILICATE 414 ATLANTIS, CRUISE 15 Stations 761—777 June 28 to July 15, 1965 SECTION 4 SOUTH AFRICA T0 AUSTRALIA 32° South, 34° East to 32° South, 115° East CHAPTER 9—VERTICAL SECTIONS TO THE BOTTOM /00" /20" /40" 300 I l I l I l I I I L 1 I I 300 G) \ ____@\. 280- \. b-280 E \. E 260— : \ / \ i —260 § ' /\© ‘° \ /®\. 240— \ ~240 0 Min/c lo M II 0/3000 #1) ' 2200 }' M P J’ . 520 /00 - 200~ 300- 400- 26.4 /00 26,6 200 300 26.6 400 500 I ' I ' | . I . f I I ' I I I ' I T I 500 30° E 35° 40° 45° 50° 55° 60° 65° 70° 75° 30° 65° 90° 95° IOO" I05° “0° “5° E 76| 765 770 775 777 0 0 r r 7 , , I I l l I l l l 52 ' * - . ————-"73‘.71f , 26.6 25-4 ‘ ‘— . / . . . M66 - - - - /000 5000 60° 65° I05° “0" HS" E POTENTIAL DENSITY 415 SECTION 4 SOUTH AFRICA T0 AUSTRALIA 32° South, 34° East to 32° South, 115° East l20° /40‘ ATLANTIS, CRUISE 15 Stations 761—777 June 28 to July 15, 1965 /00— 200* 300- 400- 500 ' ' ' I . I I 65° 70° 75° 80° * 85° 90° 95° 100° |05° ||O° I |5° E I . . 30° E 35° 40° 45° 50° 55° 60° 416 30° E 35° 40° POTENTIAL TEMPERATURE CHAPTER 9—VERTICAL SECTIONS TO THE BOTTOM SECTION 4 SOUTH AFRICA T0 AUSTRALIA 32° South, 34° East to 32° South, 115° East 20° 40° 60‘7 80” /00” /20" MO" ’1 \ \ \ 200 ATLANTIS, CRUISE 15 Stations 761—777 June 28 to July 15, 1965 IIO° II5°E 5000 417 SALINITY SECTION 4 SOUTH AFRICA T0 AUSTRALIA 32° South, 34° East to 32° South, 115° East /00" /20° /40° ATLANTIS, CRUISE 15 Stations 761—777 June 28 to July 15, 1965 mg ' 5.5 ' 418 30" E OXYGEN CHAPTER 9—VERTICAL SECTIONS TO THE BOTTOM SECTION 4 SOUTH AFRICA T0 AUSTRALIA 32° South, 34° East to 32° South, 115° East /00" /20° /40° ATLANTIS, CRUISE 15 Stations 761—777 June 28 to July 15, 1965 0~ 0 /00- /00 200- 200 . 0.6 300_ /\ . o o a . - . - . . . 300 . . as . ' . . . aa . 400_ . . . . . . . . 400 .6 ° - . . . . - . . . 500 I I I I I /lr_0 I I I I I I I I I l I 500 30° E 35" 40° 45° 50° 55° 60° 65° 70° 75° 80° 85° 90° 95° |00° |05° “0° ”5" E I|0° PHOSPHATE 419 SECTION 4 SOUTH AFRICA T0 AUSTRALIA 32° South, 34° East to 32° South, 115° East ATLANTIS, CRUISE 15 Stations 761—777 June 28 to July 15, 1965 0 " 0 /00- /00 200‘ 200 300- 300 400— 400 500 I .I ' I . . I A I I I. I . T. I . I . I ' I . | I I I I 500 30°E 35? 40° 45° 50° 55° 60° 65° 70° 75° 80° 85° 90° 95° |00° |05° ||O° H5°E 30° E NITRATE 420 CHAPTER 9—VERTICAL SECTIONS TO THE BOTTOM SECTION 4 SOUTH AFRICA T0 AUSTRALIA 32° South, 34° East to 32° South, 115° East /00" /20‘ /40° ATLANTIS, CRUISE 15 Stations 761—777 June 28 to July 15, 1965 5000 |I5° E SILICATE 421 422 /00° /20° /40° SECTION 5 SOUTH AFRICA T0 AUSTRALIA 32° South, 30° East to 32° South, 115° East DISCOVERY Stations 1736—1766 April 14 to May 8, 1936 300- 280- 260- 240- — 300 ~ 280 0/) cm — 260 I /. DIM/mo [0,009/0pr 0/3000 db \©\————® — 240 200- w26 2 264 500~ ‘ 266 400 I . I I . I {\ I. I 30° E 35° 40° 45° 50° 55° 60° I766 I765 I763 I762 I760 I758 I756 I754 I752 I750 I748 I746 I744 I742 I740 I728 I736 ‘ ‘ “.4269; — -7“2205- ‘~~~- 30° E 35° POTENTIAL DENSITY CHAPTER 9—VERTICAL SECTIONS TO THE BOTTOM SECTION 5 SOUTH AFRICA TU AUSTRALIA 32° South, 30° East to 32° South, 115° East /00" /20° /40" DISCOVERY Stations 1736—1766 April 14 to May 8, 1936 $5 . . /0 400 I I I I I I I ‘ I I I I I I I I I / l\ I 30" E 35" 40° 45° 50" 55° 60° 65° 70° 75° 80° 85° 90° 95° |00° |05° ||0° | |5° E 0 I766 I765 I763 I762 I760 I758 I756 I754 I752 I750 I748 I746 I744 I742 I740 I728 I736 |05° “0° “5° 5000 423 POTENTIAL TEMPERATURE 424 kfl2°“ :ha9° AW?” 4“ SECTION 5 SOUTH AFRICA T0 AUSTRALIA 32° South, 30° East to 32° South, 115° East DISCOVERY Stations 1736—1766 April 14 to May 8, 1936 0 , 0 /00— /00 200— 200 300— 300 400 T I . I I T I I 400 30° E 35° 40° 45° 85° 90° 95° |00° I05° NO" | I5° E I766 I765 I763 I762 I745 I744 36 I742 I740 I728 I736 0 —I.”“/ l A 1 RI LA I l L 1 ‘ /000— ' 34 7 2000 _ _ - - — —'- — ~ ‘ ‘ ~ 14.75 _____ 34-7 — —3475——\\\ '” .7. ‘ \-\" .n /34.75\ '7‘ '7’ / \ — — 44 75 — —— \ l \ I77 I74 \—._._.—_____— .75 - 44.75— — — ~73 I59 65° 30°E SALINITY CHAPTER 9—VERTICAL SECTIONS TO THE BOTTOM SECTION 5 SOUTH AFRICA T0 AUSTRALIA 32° South, 30° East to 32° South, 115° East 20‘ /00" /20” /40" DISCOVERY Stations 1736—1766 April 14 to May 8, 1936 5000 ||5° E OXYGEN 425 SECTION 5 SOUTH AFRICA T0 AUSTRALIA 32° South, 30° East to 32° South, 115° East 20° .40“ _ so; 80"” 20° /40° DISCOVERY Stations 1736—1766 April 14 to May 8, 1936 «can . . nun-o1 6 /00— K: N 30° E 35° PHOSPHATE 426 CHAPTER 9—VERTICAL SECTIONS TO THE BOTTOM S E C T I O N 5 ‘40" 60" 80° _ /00” /20a SOUTH AFRICA T0 AUSTRALIA 30° East to 32° South, 115° East DISCOVERY Stations 1736—1766 April 14 to May 8, 1936 /40° 0 I : I ' 7 0 /00— 3 mo <3 200— ' 3 200 300— ' 500 400 I I I I I I. I I I I I I I I ‘ I I I I 400 30° E 35° 40° 45° 50° 55° 60° 65° 70° 75° 80° 85° 90° 95° |00° l05” ”0° “5° E I766 ”165 ”[63 |7I62 |7|60 17158 |7l§6 ”.54 [7152 NFC I7‘48 |7l46 [7144 I714? |7l40 |7I28 |7l36 0 *_‘b I <5 : <5 \5 ' /000 ' . /0 , /000 20 30 40 50 50 60/ 80 .90 60° 65° 5000 ||5° E SILICATE 427 428 SECTION 6 SOUTH AFRICA TO ANTARCTICA 39° South, 19° East to 67° South, 20° East — DISCOVERY Stations 2335—2350 April 22 to May 2, 1938 S Q IIIII dyncm dyncm ill 8 Dynamic fopogmphy 0/3000 d1: /00 /00 200 200 27.6 2.? 7 27.8 . 300 300 400 s 70° 35°s 700$ I I l I 45° 50° 55° 60° 23146 23:12 23'40 2398 2335 23146 23144 23142 23140 23138 23‘35 ——J 23'44 /000 2000 “ ‘\\ \\\ ‘~ ‘~- 5000 5000 40“ S 70° 35° 5 60° 65° 70° 3 POTENTIAL DENSITY POTENTIAL TEMPERATURE DISCOVERY Stations 2335—2350 April 22 to May 2, 1938 SECTION 6 SOUTH AFRICA T0 ANTARCTICA 39° South, 19° East to 67° South, 20° East /00 200 300 CHAPTER 9—VERTICAL SECTIONS TO THE BOTTOM /00° /20° /40° 200 400 , I 55° 2344 2342 2350 2349 2348 2346 35° 5 40° 45° 50° 55° SALINITY S 70° 35° 5 40° 2340 2338 2335 /000 60° 65’ S 70° 35° S I T I 55° 60° 65° 70 °S 2344 2342 2340 2338 2335 OXYGEN 429 SECTION 6 SOUTH AFRICA T0 ANTARCTICA 39° South, 19° East to 67° South, 20° East DISCOVERY Stations 2335—2350 April 22 to May 2, 1938 0 /00 200 - 300 - 400 00 55° 3 55° 60° s 70° 35°s 65° 2546 2544 2542 23140 23138 23150 2549 23148 23'46 2544 23142 23140 2358 2535 0 7,4 0 40 , » /000 /000 2000 2000 3000 3000 4000 4000 5000 5000 5000 35°s 40° 45° 50° 55° 60° 65° 5 70° 35°s 70°s 430 DISCOVERY Stations 1720—1736 March 26 to April 14, 1936 SECTION 7 WEST AUSTRALIA T0 ANTARCTICA 32° South, 115° East to 64° South. 100° East 280 l l l l l l I J I 1 280 200— ' — _ E \ g _200 § § ‘ é (9 § _ Dyna/mt lopogmphy 0/3000 0/; \. ’ —/00 45° I736 I734 I733 I732 5000 30° 5 35° POTENTIAL DENSITY /00 226 227 / / . 300 . - 400 55° 60° 65°S 30° 3 35° 40° I730 I729 I712? I725 I722 I720 I736 I734 /000 2000 3000 CHAPTER 9—VERTICAL SECTIONS TO THE BOTTOM 80" /00" /20° /40° /00 200 / _/ 3 00 . . \0\"\"2 45° 50° 55° 60" 65° S 400 I733 I732 I730 I729 I727 I7125 I7122 I7120 a5 4000 5000 5000 55° 60° 65° 5 POTENTIAL TEMPERATURE 431 SECTION 7 WEST AUSTRALIA T0 ANTARCTICA 32° South, 115° East to 64° South, 100° East /00” /20° /40" DISCOVERY Stations 1720—1736 March 26 to April 14, 1936 /00 200 300 400 T T 55° 65° 5 45° 50° I736 I734 I733 I732 I730 I729 I727 I725 I722 I720 0 I736 I734 I733 I732 I730 I729 I727 I725 I722 I720 /000 2000 3000 4000 5000 30° 8 35° 40° 45° 50° 55° 60° 65°S 30° 5 35° 40° 45° 50° 55° 60° 65° 5 SALINITY OXYGEN 432 CHAPTER 9—VERTICAL SECTIONS TO THE BOTTOM s E C T I O N 7 20° 400 60° 80" /00° /20" /40‘7 WEST AUSTRALIA T0 ANTARCTICA 32° South, 115° East to 64° South, 100° East DISCOVERY Stations 1720-1736 March 26 to April 14, 1936 /00 /00 200 200 300 300 400 400 35° 40° 45° I736 I734 I733 45° 55° 65° 5 ”132 I730 I729 I727 I725 I722 I720 I736 I734 I733 I732 I730 I729 I727 17125 I722 I720 l J I I L /000 2000 3000 4000 5000 5000 o 5000 30° S 35° 30° 8 35° 40° 65 S PHOSPHATE SILICATE 433 SECTION 8 BASS STRAIT T0 ANTARCTICA 40° South, 143° East to 62° South, 130° East /00° IZO’ /40° d -/'\ ' DISCOVERY 200‘ '\® ”20” Stations 889—896 May 27 to June 4, 1932 _ Dynamic 100001000}! 0/3000 db \. _ l dyn cm 4m cm I I — /00 - 200 300 400 S 65° 40° S 896 0 5000 a 05000 40°s 45° 5 65° 40° 5 55° so 5 65 POTENTIAL DENSITY POTENTIAL TEMPERATURE 434 CHAPTER 9—VERTICAL SECTIONS TO THE BOTTOM SECTION 8 BASS STRAIT T0 ANTARCTICA 40° South, 143° East to 62° South, 130° East 20 ° /00" /20" /40° DISCOVERY Stations 889—896 May 27 to June 4, 1932 /00 /00 200 ' ’ - 200 300 ' - 3 300 400 400 40 S 45° 50° 55° 60° 3 65° 40° 5 40° 5 896 895 890 889 896 895 890 889 5000 40°S 45° 50° 55° 60" S 65° 40° 5 45° 50° 55° 60° 60" S 65° SALINITY OXYGEN PHOSPHATE 435 436 80" /00° /20° /40° SECTION 9 TASMANIA T0 ANTARCTICA 42° South, 144° East to 65° South, 146° East - DISCOVERY Stations 1687—1699 March 5 to March 15, 1936 1 0/7 0/7; 0/17 an I /00- Dynamic lopogmp/Iy 0/3000 0'0 /00 /00 200 200 300 300 400 x 1 1' 55° 60° 65° S S 45° 50° 55° 60° 65° S 400 l687 I688 I689 |69| I699 I619O |6|92 I6194 «I689 I690 I69| I692 I694 I696 I699 0 ‘ 1696 . g .7, (f- ,5 ' 9 : ' ° : I ' J 7 I o . . 6 . . /000 /000 - - 5 . - - . /000 2000 2000 2000 3000 3000 3000 4000 4000 4000 5000 5000 5000 s 45° 50° 55° 60° 65" s 6 45° 50° 55° 60° 65° 5 POTENTIAL DENSITY POTENTIAL TEMPERATURE CHAPTER 9—VERTICAL SECTIONS TO THE BOTTOM SECTION 9 200 40° /00" TASMANIA T0 ANTARCTICA /20° /40° 42° South, 144° East to 65° South, 146° East DISCOVERY Stations 1687—1699 March 5 to March 15, 1936 0 0 0 /00 /00 — /00 200 200 200 300 300 500 400 400 400 55° ‘ S 45° 50° 55° 60° 65° S I S 45° I S 45° l6.99 I699 I688 I689 I690 I69| I692 [694 I696 |694 1687 I688 I690 |69I |692 3 I696 I687 I688 |69l I692 I694 I696 I699 0 _ .22 /000 /000 /000 2000 2000 2000 3000 3000 5000 4000 4000 4000 5000 5000 5000 5000 S 45° 50° 55° 60° 65° S S 45° 50° 55° 60° 65° S 65° 8 SALINITY OXYGEN PHOSPHATE 437 /00° /20° METEOR Stations 202, 205, 222, 232 February 18 to March 10, 1965 Stations 257—340, 380 March 27 to April 14, 1965 VITYAZ, CRUISE 33 Stations 4809, 4811 November 7 to November 8, 1960 DISCOVERY Stations 5322—5383 April 13 to May 21, 1964 438 SECTION IO PERSIAN GULF T0 ARABIAN SEA T0 20° SOUTH 29° North, 50° East to 20° South, 67° East I I I I I lIJIlllIlllIllllLllIlllllllllllllll_LIIIllI I II \ . _ ,_._.—-_ /.\\'/-\/'/ / \ -- .’ -\ ’.’.\'-‘/\ ...... \.— ' ~.-- 7 3403I2303 292286 274 i802???“ POTENTIAL DENSITY CHAPTER 9—VERTICAL SECTIONS TO THE BOTTOM S E C T I O N I 0 /00° /20° /40° PERSIAN GULF T0 ARABIAN SEA T0 20° SOUTH 29° North, 50° East to 20° South, 67° East ggzg g3: 53: g; METEOR Stations 202, 205, 222, 232 340 3|2 303 292 286 2727722130 257264 4809 4a” 232 205 202 5383 5371 5370 5365 5360 535453545352 5550 5533 l . 5322 February 18 to March 10' 1965 ‘WW ,W 7.5“;,mtanmwaW* ,.‘ m , ., - , - _ _. ,\ , ,1 0 Stations 257-340, 380 March 27 to April 14, 1965 VITYAZ, CRUISE 33 Stations 4809, 4811 November 7 to November 8, 1960 ‘2000 DISCOVERY Stations 5322—5383 April 13 to May 21, 1964 L-3000 5000 o l0° I5” 20° 8 50 E 55° 60° 65° 68° 68¢ 68° 68° 67° 67° 67°E POTENTIAL TEMPERATURE 439 /00° /20" /400 S E C T I O N 1 O 4“ PERSIAN GULF T0 ARABIAN SEA T0 20° SOUTH 29° North, 50° East to 20° South, 67° East METEOR 290,, Joe Stations 202, 205, 222, 232 50‘ 55° 63° February 18 to MarCh 10' 1965 340 3|2303 292 28627277422280 257264 4309 48” 232 202 ‘15 5383 537| 5370 1 1 1 153.65; 1 1 1531601 £13023??? 531501 1 153145? 1 1 §3140 15:232.“???2339 1 5322 Stations 257—340, 380 0 ‘m \__- , A , 0 March27toApril14,1965 fig; ' ..... V'TYAZ'CRU'SE33 r ' ' - - 3 3 EEESE3:;..;:.;;3532:SISZ'III',:;:-::;:E; 'f f :f—moo Stations4809,4811 - _ - - - - ' I ' - I'j" ,. 22"" ‘ " November 7 to November 8, 1960 DISCOVERY Stations 5322—5383 April 13 to May 21, 1964 — 2000 - 3000 4000 5000 29°N 26° 24° 20° 15° [0° 5° 0° 5° [0° l5° 20°S 50°E 55° 60° 65° 70° 68° 68° 68° 68° 67° 67° 67" E SALINITY CHAPTER 9—VERTICAL SECTIONS TO THE BOTTOM SECTION 10 " . ° /00° /200 MO" PERSIAN GULF T0 ARABIAN SEA T0 20° SOUTH 29° North, 50° East to 20° South, 67° East /00 200 300 50” METEOR Stations 202, 205, 222, 232 277 272 5354 5334 533| 5322 February 18 to March 10, 1965 34OV3|2 303 292 286 274 380 257 264 5360 5355 5352 5350 5345 5340 5336 5333 5330 5325 5324 Stations 257—340, 380 March 27 to April 14, 1965 moo VITYAZ, CRUISE 33 Stations 4809, 4811 November 7 to November 8, 1960 2000 DISCOVERY Stations 5322—5383 April 13 to May 21, 1964 4000 5000 0 O O 200 5 55° 60° 65° 70° 68° 68° 68° 67° 67° 67°E OXYGEN 8% o 0 m2 441 /20° /40° SECTION IO PERSIAN GULF T0 ARABIAN SEA T0 20° SOUTH 29° North, 50° East to 20° South, 67° East vv'v . noon. 1 50°E 55° 277 272 340 3I2 303 292 286 274 380257 264 20° 65° 5354 5334 533l 5322 48109 4‘8“ 232 222 205 202 551% 537| 5370 I J I .531651 I 1 5360 1 15355 5352 5350J 5345 5336 5333 5330 5325 5324 lllllllllllllllll METEOR Stations 202, 205, 222, 232 February 18 to March 10, 1965 Stations 257—340, 380 March 27 to April 14, 1965 VITYAZ, CRUISE 33 Stations 4809, 4811 November 7 to November 8, 1960 DISCOVERY Stations 5322—5383 April 13 to May 21,1964 PHOSPHATE m 29°~ 26° 24° 20° 15° |0° 5° 0° 5° IO" 15° 20°s 50°E 55° 60° 65° 70° 68° 68° 68° 68° 67° 67° 67°E 277 272 5322 340 3’2 503 252 266 F?" . 13180 257 264 48.09 48” ~ /00 — 200 L 300 400 ~400 442 NITRATE m . -500 29°»; 26° 24° 50°E 55° 50° CHAPTER 9—VEFITICAL SECTIONS TO THE BOTTOM SECTION 10 PERSIAN GULF T0 ARABIAN SEA T0 20° SOUTH 29° North, 50° East to 20° South, 67° East /20‘ 0 ' ~/00 . —200 “300 5 . . . . . - ' . . - ’Q ' . , .. . 20 _400 . 40%ch . I I I I I I I I I Ego? 230 E40 [5° [0° 5° on 50 I0° I5” 2003 M ET E0 R ° ° 0° 70° 68° 63° 68° 68° 67° 67° 67°E _ Stations 202, 205, 222, 232 277 272 5354 5334 533' 5322 303??“ 52231363753803???“ 45.03 45" 2.32 2.22 295 292 5555 53." 55.75 . . 53.55 . . 53.50.. .5555 5.3525350. . 55.55 53.55 .5555 53.55. 5359 . . 55.35 53.2.5 0 Fem“ 18” Mamh1o'1965 ' 5 . . 20 Stations 257—340, 380 March 27 to April 14, 1965 VITYAZ, CRUISE 33 Stations 4809, 4811 November 7 to November 8, 1960 ‘20” DISCOVERY Stations 5322—5383 April 13 to May 21, 1964 3000 5000 . 20° 8 50°E 55° 60° 65° 70° 68° 68° 68° 68° 67° 67°E SILICATE 443 /20" /40” ATLANTIS, CRUISE 8 Stations 38—72 July 29 to August 15, 1963 444 SECTION II SUEZ T0 GULF OF ADEN TO INDIA 28° North, 34° East to 16° North, 72° East /80 l I l l I I I l l I L I 1 14 l I I l I I J l l I I I I I /80 _ . . -—-/ —'\-—-"‘—'\..—.—- — W— / \ /-\ ./ _'\_./ — W ._——- . .l _ /00 — — /00 _ E g _ 60- § § — 50 20_ Dyna/mt Iqaogmp/I/ 0/ /000 db . . _ _ 20 00— ./“"' — 00 —20— / ~20 —40 40 0 - . 0 50 50 /00 /00 A50 /50 200 I I I ' I I ' ' I . I ZUO 30°N 25° 20° I5" |2° |3° |5° I5° |6° I6° N 33°E 36° 39° 42° 45° 50° 55° 60° 65° 70°E 6| 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 .25 . 500 /000 /000 /500 /500 2000 2500 2500 I I I 30°N 25° 20° |5° |2° |3° 15° 15° |6° 16°N 33°E 36° 39° 42° 45° 50° 55° 60° 65° 70°E POTENTIAL DENSITY SECTION II SUEZ T0 GULF OF ADEN TO INDIA 28° North, 34° East to 16° North, 72° East 0 0 50 50 /00 /00 A50 - I _ ' ' ' ' A50 *1 . /5’\ / 200 V V "' ”' m ' ’ I T . - l . . . I . I 1 I 200 30°N 25° 20° I5° I2° I3° I5° I5° I6° I6°N 33°E 36° 39° 42° 45° 50° 55° 60° 65° 70° E 38 39 40 4I 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 5| 54 57 58 59 60 GI 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 7| 72 O _ > , . I , . 0 500 500 /000 000 /500 [500 2000 2000 2500 2500 30°N 25° 20° I5° I2° I3° I5° I5° I6° I6°N 33°E 36° 39° 42° 45° 50° 55° 60° 65° 70°E POTENTIAL TEMPERATURE CHAPTER 9—VERTICAL SECTIONS TO THE BOTTOM /00" /20" /40° ATLANTIS, CRUISE 8 Stations 38—72 July 29 to August 15, 1963 445 446 80" /00" /20° ATLANTIS, CRUISE 8 Stations 38—72 July 29 to August 15, 1963 I40” SECTION H SUEZ T0 GULF OF ADEN TO INDIA 28° North, 34° East to 16° North, 72° East 0 0 50 50 /00 /00 /50 . . . - , _ ' . - . 50 354 . . - fl? . /m\ .31“ I . 200 ‘ ‘ . I ' ' I. . ' l ' I I . 200 30°N 25° 20° |5° ’2° [3° I5" '50 |6° |6° N 33°E 36° 39° 42° 45° 50° 55° 60° 65° 70°F: 38 39 40 4| 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 5‘ 54 0 5758 59 60 6| 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 ' 15.6 353%" 3&3 ”L7 0 n . I i l I l : o .35? ; 70 7| 72 500 500 356 /000 .354 /000 302 /500 15 - /500 34:9 2000 2000 ' 34.0 2500 ° ' ' . ' I 2500 30%: 25° 20° 15° 12° |3° 15° 15° I6“ 33°E 36° 39° 42° 45° 50° 55° 60° 65° 70°E SECTION 11 SUEZ T0 GULF OF ADEN TO INDIA 28° North, 34° East to 16° North, 72° East 50 50 /00 /00 /50 A50 200 200 . . I 30°N 25° 20° [5° |2° |3° |5° 15° |6° 16° N 33°E 36° 39° 42° 45° 50° 55° 60" 65° 70°E 45 4647 48 49 50 5| 54 5758 59 60 6| 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 7| 72 w, W \ 500 500 /000 /000 /500 /500 2000 2000 2500 - ' , 2500 30°N 25° 20° |5° |2° |3° |5° 15° |6° I6°N 33°E 36° 39° 42° 45° 50° 55° 60° 65° 70°£ OXYGEN CHAPTER 9—VERTICAL SECTIONS TO THE BOTTOM /00" /20" /40" ATLANTIS, CRUISE 8 Stations 38—72 July 29 to August 15, 1963 447 SECTION 11 SUEZ T0 GULF OF ADEN TO INDIA 28° North, 34° East to 16° North, 72° East /00° /20° /40° 50 /00 /00 ATLANTIS, CRUISE 8 ’50 /50 Stations 38—72 July 29 to August 15, 1963 200 I ' I ' I . I 200 25° 20° I5” |2° |3° l5" l5‘7 |6° 16°N 33°E 36° 39° 42° 45° 50° 55° 60° 65" 70°E 38 39 4O 41 42 43 44 45 4647 48 49 50 5| 54 $58 59 60 6| 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 7| 72 [ 500 500 /000 /000 /500 A500 2000 2000 2500 2500 30°N 25° 20° l5” |2° |3° |5° |5° |6° |6°N 33°E 36° 39° 42° 45° 50° 55° 60° 65° 70°E PHOSPHATE 448 SECTION 11 SUEZ T0 GULF OF ADEN TO INDIA 28° North, 34° East to 16° North, 72° East 50 /00 [I /50 20 I ‘ 1| ' l l ‘ l I 200 30°N 25° 20° |5° |2° |3° [5° |5° 16° |6°N 33°E 36° 39‘ 42° 45° 50° 55° 60° 65° 70°E 38 39 40 4| 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 5! 54 57 58 59 60 6| 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 7| 72 0 0 500 500 /000 /000 A500 A500 2000 2000 2500 2500 30°N 25° 20° |5° |2° I3“ |5° |5° l6° |6°N 33°E 36° 39° 42° 45° 50° 55° 60° 65° 70°E CHAPTER 9—VERTICAL SECTIONS TO THE BOTTOM /00° /20° /40" ATLANTIS, CRUISE 8 Stations 38—72 July 29 to August 15, 1963 449 /00" /20‘7 /40° COM. R. GIRAUD, CRUISE V Stations 403—515 December 26, 1962 to February 7, 1963 ANTON BRUUN, CRUISE A Stations 4—13 February 26 to March 4, 1963 450 SECTION I2 SUEZ T0 GULF OF ADEN TO INDIA 29° North, 33° East to 18° North, 70° East /80 lllllll 1 [III III I l I llIlI IlllII lLIIl 1 I | l I I l /80 /. _ I.-. . . ,\' . . ./. _ /40— \-/ \./ \'\.‘/ \°/ \'/ — /40 /00 — E E : /00 H Q 60 — S % — 60 — Dynamic lopograpby 0//000 db _ 20 20“ ./-_._.\ / / \ " \.—._. T‘ 00 ,,_ / ~ 00 -20 ' ' -20 0 0 50 /00 /50 200 250 , , 30°N 25° 20° I5° II° I4° 16° 33°E 36° 58° 42° 45° 50° 55° 60° 5|?) 5| 488 475 459 457 454 432 428 424 446 412 04 5|5 5I4 5|2 508 505 493 490 484 48I 477 47| 468 464 46 458456 447 429 427 417 4l5 403 05 II I I I ‘ 500 /000 A500 2000 2500 I 30°N 25° 20° I5° ||° 13° |4° 16° 33°E 36° 38° 42° 45° 50° 55° 60° POTENTIAL DENSITY I I7° |8°N 65° 70°E /00 /50 200 250 500 /000 /500 2000 2500 CHAPTER 9—VERTICAL SECTIONS TO THE BOTTOM SECTION 127,,4431‘ 60“: 790°“?! HIV/20° /40° I I A \ SUEZ T0 GULF OF ADEN TO INDIA 29° North, 33° East to 18° North, 70° East 0 0 50 50 /00 /00 /50 A50 200 200 250 ' ‘ . . . i ‘1 . . . . . . 250 I I 30°N 20° |5° ||° 33°E 36° 33° 42° 45° 50° 55° 60° 65° 70°E 5l3 5n 488 475 459 457454 432 428 424 4|6 4|2 04 COM. R. GIRAUD, CRUISE V 55 5:4 5:2 503 505 493 490 484481477 471 46846446 458456 447 429 427 4:7 4:5 403 05 so :3 0 ' , ' ' \" " ELI ' ' ‘ ‘ ' ‘“" ‘ ‘ ‘ ' " ‘ ‘ ‘ ' ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ' ' 0 Stations 403—515 December 26, 1962 to February 7, 1963 5‘3 . ' , . : / [Vi . . ' V5/ W '23 . 3 I'-' -I3 - : . ' V/ : 3- : -- ‘ ,5 \ ANTONBRUUN,CRUISEA ' o ' o ' . ' - - o . . . Mo . . -- - - : ~. . ' . ' . [Em - - - . - I4 - Stations 4—13 February 26 to March 4, 1963 //' /000 I500 2000 2500 I I 2500 30°N 25° 20° |5° II° I3° I4° |6° I7° |8°N 33°E 36° 38° 42° 45° 50° 55° 60° 65° 70°E POTENTIAL TEMPERATURE 451 /00" /20" I40” 8 E C TI 0 N 1 2 - m SUEZ T0 GULF OF ADEN TO INDIA 29° North, 33° East to 18° North, 70° East 0 0 50 50 /00 /00 /50 /50 >356 200 . ‘ 200 COM. R. GIRAUD, CRUISE V . 250 ' 250 Stat10ns 403—515 December 26, 1962 to February 7, 1963 300.1 25° 20° .9 1‘10 13° 14° r'eo fro 18°11 33°E 36° 38° 42° 45° 50° 55° 60° 65° 70°E ANTON BRUUN, CRUISE A 513 511 488 475 459 457 454 432 428 424 416 412 04 . 515 514 512 508 505 493 490 484 481477 471 468 464 461 458 456 447 429 427 417 415 403 05 10 Statlons 4—13 February 26 to March 4, 1963 '7 w , 0 f. - 3 . I 355: .: : . : z : . . I. I : . ' . : Q: : . . . . . 500 7000 /500 2000 2500 2500 30°11 25° 20° 15° 11° 13° 14° 16° 17° 18°N 33°E 36° 38° 42° 45° 50° 55° 60° 65° 70°E 452 SALINITY CHAPTER 9—VERTICAL SECTIONS TO THE BOTTOM SECTION 12 ° 20° /400 SUEZ T0 GULF OF ADEN TO INDIA 29° North, 33° East to 18° North, 70° East M 50 /00 /00 /50 A50 200 200 250 ' 250 30°N 25° 20" 15° l|° |3° |4° [6° |7° |8°N 33° E 36° 38° 42° 45° 50° 55° 60° 65° 70°E ATLANTIS, Cruise 15 537 540 543 72 7| 69 66 56 43 0| 0 Stations 537—543 February 15 to February 17, 1965 METEOR Stations 43, 56, 66-72 November 29 to December 7, 1964 500 ANTON BRUUN, Cruise A Stations 1—13 February 24 to March 4, 1963 /000 A500 2500 2500 30°N 25° 20° |5° ||° |3° |4° |6° 17° |8°N 33°E 36° 38° 42° 45° 50° 55° 60° 65° 70°E 453 W W" SECTION 12 SUEZ T0 GULF OF ADEN TO INDIA 29° North, 33° East to 18° North, 70° East 50 50 /00 /00 A50 /50 200 200 25o . , , 250 30°N 25° 20° 15° ll° 13° 14° |6° |7° |8°N 33°E 36° 36° 42° 45° 50° 55° 60° 65° 70°E ATLANTIS, Crunse 15 69 66 5643 0| Stations 537—543 February 15 to February 17, 1965 METEOR Stations 43, 56, 66-72 November 29 to December 7, 1964 ANTON BRUUN, Cruise A 500 Stations 1—13 February 24 to March 4, 1963 /000 A500 2000 I 2500 30°N 25° 20° 15° [1° 13° [4" I6“ 17° l8°N 33°E 36° 38° 42° 45° 50° 55° 60° 65° 70°E PHOSPHATE 454 CHAPTER 9——VERTICAL SECTIONS TO THE BOTTOM S E C TI 0 N 1 2 . .‘ ,- /00° /20° /40° SUEZ T0 GULF OF ADEN TO INDIA 29° North, 33° East to 18° North, 70° East 50 50 /00 mo /50 A50 ATLANTIS, Cruise 15 250 Stations 537—543 February 15 to February 17, 1965 250 METEOR Stations 43, 56, 66-72 November 29 to December 7, 1964 537 540 543 72 7| 69 ee 56 43 or 05 i0 :3 ' ' ‘ ' ‘ ' ' ‘ ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ‘ ‘ ' ‘ 0 ANTON BRUUN, Cruise A Stations 1—13 February 24 to March 4, 1963 500 /000 A500 2000 I 2500 30°N 25° 20° |5° ||° |3° |4° [6° |7° |8°N 33°E 36° 38° 42° 45° 50° 55° 60° 65° 70°E 455 456 I60 - - /60 '\ .‘. - " \,/ /40 — — /40 Dyna/mt lapograpby 0//000 db SECTION I3 ACROSS SOMALI CURRENT 9° North, 51° East to 9° North, 60° East /00 200 .300 400 500 9° 50" E 55° 60° 50° 555 560 565 570 572 555 560 565 /000 2000 3000 4000 5000 9°N 9° 9° 9° 50° E 55° 60° 50° POTENTIAL DENSITY - /5~\_/_\.‘_ 200 Hf ‘ ' ' — 400 ///\ \. . . . m 9° 55° POTENTIAL TEMPERATURE o f- IV /00 ~300 ATLANTIS, CRUISE 15 Stations 555—572 February 28 to March 10, 1965 - /00 *- 200 - 500 — 400 500 60" 570 572 0 0 I000 - /000 2000 ~ 2000 3000 L . ’\¥/'\'/- \3415/ _ 3000 4000 4000 5000 5000 9° 9° 9° 9° 9° 9° 9°N 60° 50° 55° 60° 50° 55° 60°E SALINITY OXYGEN CHAPTER 9—VERTICAL SECTIONS TO THE BOTTOM S E C T I O N 1 3 ‘ 80° /00° /20° /40° ACROSS SOMALI CURRENT 9° North, 51° East to 9° North, 60° East ATLANTIS, CRUISE 15 Stations 555—572 February 28 to March 10, 1965 0 0 /00 — /00 200 - 200 300 P 300 400 — 400 500 500 590° 55° 60°E 0 555 560 565 570 572 555 560 565 570 572 555 560 565 570 572 0 /000 /000 2000 2000 3000 3000 4000 4000 5000 5000 9°N 9° 9 9° 9° 9° 9° N 50‘E 55° 60° 50° 55° 60° 50° 55° 60°E PHOSPHATE NITRATE SILICATE 457 DISCOVERY Stations 533—554 August 8 to August 12, 1964 /00 200 300 400 500 /000 2000 3000 4000 5000 ._——.—.\./"- a" Dynamic topography 0//000 db din cm 4°N 50°E POTENTIAL DENSITY 50° 4o 50. POTENTIAL TEMPERATU 55° 3° 55° RE I I /00 200 300 400 500 /000 2000 5000 4000 SECTION I4 ACROSS SOMALI CURRENT 5° North, 48° East to 4° North, 53° East 5533 5540 5542 4° 50° SALINITY /00" /20" - /00 — 200 — 300 —— 400 OXYGEN 500 — /000 — 2000 L— 3000 - 4000 CHAPTER 9—-VERTICAL SECTIONS TO THE BOTTOM SECTION 14 me /20° /40° ACROSS SOMALI CURRENT 5° North, 48° East to 4° North, 53° East DISCOVERY Stations 533—554 August 8 to August 12, 1964 — 400 500 — 0 — /000 — 2000 — 3000 — 4000 — 5000 4°N 3° 4° 3° 4° 3°N 50°E 55° 50° 55° 50° 55°E PHOSPHATE NITRATE SILICATE 459 /00° /20° /40" SECTION I5 ACROSS SOMALI CURRENT 11° North, 52° East to 10° North, 60° East MU ' ‘ ' * ‘ /<90 /60- /\.\/'/. ~x60 /40 — / ' — /40 /' Dynam/c tapagrap/Iy 0/ /00000 {20 0 /20 /00 /00 200 200 300 300 ATLANTIS, CRUISE 8 40" 400 Stations 88—95 August 29 to September 1, 1963 500 500 I|°N 10° 10° 11° 10° 10° n° 10° x0°~ 50° E 55° 50° 50° 55° 50° 50° 55° 60°E 0 0 /000 ‘ /000 2000 2000 3000 3000 4000 4000 5000 5000 I|°N 10° |O° n ° 10° 10° N“ [0° |O°N 50°E 55° 60° 50° 55° 60° 50° 55° 60°E POTENTIAL DENSITY POTENTIAL TEMPERATURE SALINITY 460 SECTION l5 ACROSS SOMALI CURRENT 11° North, 52° East to 10° North, 60° East /00 ' -200 —300 ’ —400 500 |0°N 60°E / 000 5000 NW |0° |0° I0° I|° IO" |0°N 50°E 55° 60° 55° 50° 55° 60°E OXYGEN PHOSPHATE NITRATE CHAPTER 9—VERTICAL SECTIONS TO THE BOTTOM 80" /00° /20° /40° ATLANTIS, CRUISE 8 Stations 88—95 August 29 to September 1, 1963 461 /00° /20" /40" SECTION 16 WEST OF AUSTRALIA T0 JAVA 9° South, 110° East to 30° South, 110° East GASCOYNE, CRUISE G 1/63 200 ' 200 W_ 090 Stations 20-33 February 8 to February 15, 1963 /60 — — /50 MO -1 V '\ _ /40 0 00m 6 I0 0 m 0 0//000¢b - /20 y I p g p I — /20 /00 /00 0 /00 /00 200 200 .300 500 400 400 500 500 I IO" |5° 20° 25° 30°S 0 0 /000 /000 2000 ' A 2000 3000 ‘ — 3000 4000 ' ‘ 4000 5000 ' — 5000 IO°S I5“ 20° 25° 30° lO° I5" 2 0° 25° I0" I5“ 20° 25° 30°S 462 POTENTIAL DENSITY POTENTIAL TEMPERATURE SALINITY CHAPTER 9—VERTICAL SECTIONS TO THE BOTTOM 40° 60" 80" /00° 20" /40° 20° 1 ' “ 200 SECTION 16 0 WEST or AUSTRALIA T0 JAVA E . ' ' 9° South, 110° East to 30° South, 110° East 40" y 40" GASCOYNE, CRUISE G 1/63 Stations 20—33 February 8 to February 15, 1963 0 0 /00 /00 200 200 300 300 400 400 500 - T , 500 |0°S 5° 20° 25° 30° |O° [5° 20° 25° 30° |O° 15° 20° 25» 30°s 0 0 /000 /000 2000 2000 3000 3000 4000 4000 5000 5000 |0°S l5° 20° 25° 30° 10° l5° 20° 25° 30° 20° OXYGEN PHOSPHATE "mm; 463 464 /00° /20" /40° 200 /80 — /60 — /40 — /20 — Dynamic lopagmp/r/ 0//0000'b 200 — /60 — /60 , -/40 - /20 / 00 0 /00 200 300 400 500 /000 2000 5000 4000 5000 /00 SECTION 17 WEST OF AUSTRALIA T0 JAVA 9° South, 110° East to 32° South, 110° East DIAMANTINA, CRUISE DM 3/63 Stations 90—105 July 11 to July 18, 1963 - —/00 — 200 - 400 T IO°S |05 |0°S 15° 20° IOO 98 I5” 20" 25° 30° POTENTIAL DENSITY I5° 20° 25° POTENTIAL TEMPERATURE 30° |0° 500 /000 — 2000 — 3000 ~ 4000 fi——— 5000 20" 25° 30" S SALINITY CHAPTER 9—‘VERTICAL SECTIONS TO THE BOTTOM MO" /00" 60° 80" /20° SECTION I7 WEST OF AUSTRALIA T0 JAVA 9° South, 110° East to 32° South, 110° East DIAMANTINA, CRUISE DM 3/63 Stations 90—105 July 11 to July 18, 1963 0 . / . . . . . 0 g = = K5 2 2 200 - ' - . - - — 200 500 ~ ~ 300 400 — ¢00 500 , I } , - , 500 10° 15° 20° 25° 30° 0 195 . . ,, . A IQO A 9|8 9‘6 9:5 | | 92 9O [95 . . . IOO 1 9‘8 9‘6 9‘5 . . 9|2 9‘0 KIDS . L 1 1 190 . 9‘8 9‘6 915 . ‘ 9‘2 9‘0 , 0 /000 /000 2000 2000 3000 3 000 4000 4000 5000 5000 l V IO°S [5° 20° 25° 30° |0° |5° 20" 25° 30" IO" 15° 20° 25° 30°S OXYGEN PHOSPHATE NITRATE 455 21%? ANTON BRUUN, CRUISE 7 Stations 384—391 September 2 to September 9, 1964 J Afl0-— kfl7- qyocvn ...—" [bwawwr huuquaay 0z’k200 db \\\\\\\\ —A&7 ./' .§./ ‘ £ZR7 4M7aw —A&9 NW? 21%? 300 400 500 466 ACROSS AGULHAS CURRENT 30° South, 32° East to 36° South, 37° East 32°E 391 389 387 30°S 32°E POTENTIAL DENSITY OW? Elk? 300 35° 30° 36° 32° 5Z1? RWQO 2%h90 3000 4000 360 POTENTIAL TEMPERATUR 4th? ' SECTION I8 . .- /20° /40° MW? ERR? 300 400 500 30° 35°s 32° 36°E 39| 389 387 384 39| 389 387 384 l 30° 35° 30° 35°S 32° 36° 32° 36°E SALINITY OXYGEN SECTION 18 ACROSS AGULHAS CURRENT 30° South, 32° East to 36° South, 37° East ANTON BRUUN, CRUISE 7 Stations 384—391 September 2 to September 9, 1964 /00 /00 200 300 300 400 400 500 500 30" 35° 30° 35°S 32° 36° 32° 36°E 39! 389 387 384 39! 389 387 384 — /000 —2000 — 3000 5000 30°S 35° 30° 35° 30° 35°S 32°E 36° 32° 36° 32° 36°E PHOSPHATE NITRATE SILICATE CHAPTER 9—VERTICAL SECTIONS TO THE BOTTOM /20° /40° 467 468 Stations 160—168 January 21 to January 23, 1963 NATAL 200 —/60 mo 200 I‘;_: ' ' ' ‘ /60 ~ g \ jg /20 ”mm/c lopoymp/I/ 0//000 db - \ . 0 /00 200 300 400 /000 2000 .3000 4000 IGO 165 | 38° POTENTIAL DENSITY POTENTIAL TEMPERATURE SECTION I9 ACROSS AGULHAS CURRENT 34° South, 26° East to 40° South, 33° East 300 400 500 33° 38° 25° 30" I60 I65 I68 0 , /000 2000 3000 4000 5000 33" 38° 33° 25° 30° 25° SALINITY /20° /40° /00 200 300 400 500 /000 2000 - ~3000 - r4000 CHAPTER 9—VERTICAL SECTIONS TO THE BOTTOM SECTION 20 /20" /40° ACROSS AGULHAS CURRENT 30° South, 31° East to 34° South, 40° East NATAL Stations 1—9 April 6 to April 9, 1962 200 ' ‘ : P ‘ ‘ ' 200 Is \ /00 — Ex / -'—'—’\/ — /80 $0 / Dyna/m: lopog/op/Iy 0//000 db / 6 0 0 ' 0 /00 /00 200 200 300 300 400 400 500 500 30°S 32° 34" 3| E 35° 40° 0 0 /000 /000 2000 2000 3000 3000 4000 4000 5000 5000 30°s 32° 34° 30° 32° 34° 30° 32° 34° 30° 32° 34°S 3| °E 35° 40° 3| ° 35° 40" 3| ° 35“ 40° 3! ° 35° 40°E POTENTIAL DENSITY POTENTIAL TEMPERATURE SALINITY OXYGEN 469 470 NATAL Stations 67—75 July 2 to July 10, 1962 200 I I I I L Dynamic Iopogmp/Iy 0/ /000 db /\/\f /80 — 0/: cm dyn cm I60 0 /00 200 300 400 500 /000 3000 4000 5000 33° 5 37 ° 30°E 35° POTENTIAL DENSIT ACROSS AGULHAS CURRENT 32° South, 29° East to 37° South, 36° East -— /00 - 200 — 300 — 400 500 33° 37° 30° 35° POTENTIAL TEMPERATURE — /000 — 2000 — 3000 — 4000 SECTION 21 /00" /20” MO" ~ /00 - 200 — 300 — 400 500 33° 30° SALINITY 37° 35° 33° 30° OXYGEN 37"5 35°E —/000 _ 2000 —3000 — 4000 — 5000 CHAPTER 9—VERTICAL SECTIONS TO THE BOTTOM 60° 70° 80° 90° |OO° | IO' I20° |30° I40’ l50‘ \ V V LOCATION MAP OF THE TWO SECTIONS THROUGH THE BASINS IN THE WESTERN AND EASTERN INDIAN OCEAN AND POSI- TIONS OF THE STATIONS USED. CODE FOR SHIPS NAMES AN ATLANTIS AR ARGO DA DANA DI DISCOVERY, from 1963 on DM DIAMANTINA DS DISCOVERY, before 1940 GA GASCOYNE KG KAGOSHIMA MARU \ KO KOYO MARU ME METEOR 20° OB OB Pl PIONEER RG ROBERT GIRAUD VE VEMA VI VITYAZ 4000 m depth contour VI 45” ‘0 o 54 u 3 O , ,4 w 490/ 5/ I “,4,“ g I VI ‘55! 59 00. IO ‘5 MG?” 9“. ”on“ W ‘4! 00 .‘ um“. . as I“! 37 0 0H 2.! 60 - murm- 'W”50 05:71:: 'W 5000 r 05 'I57 30 M 2/50 JG l20° |30° l40° l50° 20° 30° 40° 50° 60' 70° 80° 90° IOO° 471 UV MEYER? DEPTH IN ME 75/75 DEPTH 472 SECTION 22 SECTION ACROSS THE BOTTOM WATERS OF THE WESTERN INDIAN OCEAN FROM THE AFRICAN ANTARCTIC BASIN TO THE EAST CROZET BASIN, THE MADAGASCAR BASIN, THE SOMALI BASIN INTO THE ARABIAN BASIN FOR STATION POSITIONS SEE PAGE 47] Q ~ 2 2% 3:“E‘RBQ :3 :3: l " ‘3 3 .3 R :2 =3! 22’ 32 .33 2 =3 " W a " ‘38 2 3 R K n ., 5 g: ”‘3 v \ K ‘ x K \\ E ”I. v. m n. " \ - 35 \ q u x ~ K a : 3s afiafiziaaa ”3. aa:: 52.: a: 532 :2 2: :33: h a “a 2:2: I: a s V k RN \iii‘xi \\ \\\ § kk i '«k v. km VIN-4k it: t\ h it § ii i t §-« i i fi 1 Vt a‘ Vu‘n~ «a fixa 1 x “ ‘ i‘ =- i‘ at‘ u! 3: xx: ‘ “ ‘ n ‘ ‘ ‘5: x ‘ g 3000 3500 wt . [fill .IM 4000 /./ II.“ (500 ARABIA/V l 5000 5500 70'E ‘5'! 60‘[ 55’! 54‘! 49‘5 50‘! 54 ‘E 55'! 52'! A! 'E 50'! ‘1‘! SJ'E 3000 \ use "-3” (”\vy .N ' 3500 \\ an 52: \\ '7” '5’.” \/ ‘\\ nm \ 4000 5000 70'E 65'! 50'! 55'! 54‘! \ \-_~ 49 ’E 50‘! 51‘! 55'! 52'! ”'5 50'! 61‘! 55'! u 55‘[ It: 0' ’5 III; BS 501' 60'! In! J! 03 Illa u 05 1' 1m: 03 POTENTIAL TEMPERATURE § X :1 31 1‘. R%n " ~ I a I u .I ~ ‘\~ 1’ u = 2 ~33 "I “I ~ 5‘ a a a a §§§ so? I 1 . . . . "7 If B M 5000 .m; .0 “. 4a; "‘ -u -u -u .3500 «a; u" .521 .~ .66 .u .5 my 4000 .54 .3; “ . w‘ my «I -4500 .m/ at we "’ W 1—5000 AFR/CAN ANN/76‘7”: BIS/N vol 5500 ”'3 59-5 50-5 ‘0': 301’ 20-5 SALINITY NI Hie/.70 5H1! 3” IV/ H1 dJU 5531]” CHAPTER 9-—VERTICAL SECTIONS TO THE BOTTOM SECTION 22 SECTION ACROSS THE BOTTOM WATERS OF THE WESTERN INDIAN OCEAN FROM THE AFRICAN ANTARCTIC BASIN TO THE EAST CROZET BASIN, THE MADAGASCAR BASIN, THE SOMALI BASIN INTO THE ARABIAN BASIN FOR STATION POSITIONS SEE PAGE 47] OXYGEN ’- 3 W 3‘2222" I: 38: 3 a :3 3 :" R n 223 "" 33 2‘33 ' =3 . =2 " “ “3 " " R :3 2 R 2 :1 K PI :1 b, “a“ x n .3 '3 * N u. \~ -I x u b tI V \ K -g - -~ .0 x u 2 u. 89 .. u... ~w~ C n u E .. u ~ ~ ~ \.. 2 \ . E . ~ C .. .E. 3: : 5% :s::::: 3:: 34$: :: :0 92:2 :2 22: :2 2: 33:! §= :- azz a :2 t t a :2 2 2 2 I. 2 2 2 2 3.:3 ‘ i \ i ikx k C \ \ \\ N k Q Q i N ‘ ”I 5R In ( § it k k \ ( l k k k l In k l k h M In I a x 5': q‘31xn‘ :IQ axa ‘ 1 <1 ‘ t‘ ‘i h ‘3‘ ‘t ‘5 ‘5: x 5‘ ‘ V: 3 w ‘; ‘ V 3 ‘3 a a '3 'a R 3 3 '3 o3: 3000* J I I'l_ IIIIIII II I II II III I II_ I II I III I I I II I | NM 11: um .00 .caa '1” m /-w Isa-153"“ / W - our '4“ J“ 1": '16 an 35 I O 4.6 ”00 ~J500 4.3 . .405 .007 g .40.." § I“ m Q ‘00” 'm '0.” '07: «u «000 3; § 41/ no I . m.m" ,m-wu, ' ‘R- 3 ’ W 10"“, no,” cc)! 3 '1': x us- i It 4500 4" 4500 ’3 l“ "1 § a .4.” —Z£I'l ARABIA/V J” an Tamas/m , all! 5000 R/IG‘ I ~5oao . "‘ MFR/Cl” Minna/c Ml! ”SIN -w OCEA mp“— :Asr maztr 545m DAGASCAfl “IN All 5500 20-5 25 25's 10's 70 -: as a: 50 -: as '5 :41 4y -5 52 .5 60 'E 53 't 3000 1500 tI v, a % x 4000 i' “S u .2)! u: \ k 3 1.” Ital . . t E 1"” :J/ usu'uo I!" .2“ If: «900 B . 2'" <23 g g n: to {nu ars 59-5 70'[ 55'! 60'! 561’ 54’5 491' 50‘! 54'! 55'! 52'! SJ’[ ‘7’! 8”! 55‘! 55’! ‘0‘[ 561' 50'!— ‘O‘E ”’5 201' PHOSPHATE 473 SECTION 23 SECTION ACROSS THE BOTTOM WATERS OF THE EASTERN INDIAN OCEAN FROM THE INDIAN ANTARCTIC BASIN TO THE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN BASIN, THE NORTHWEST AUSTRALIAN BASIN INTO THE CENTRAL INDIAN BASIN. FOR STATION POSITIONS SEE PAGE 47] POTENTIAL TEMPERATURE t4 ‘1 5 ‘4 ‘4 i I d 54 ‘5 64 ‘5 54 I! 64 s 14 ~ an: a: 2:23: za' :3: a 2:23 at x u 2:: ea: aaaaan~ ~ : a: n a ~ na- 3:. x n N a \ g \ Q V b x I B .V b *4 ~ \ \ 2 ‘ n m -. a 2 ‘ w 2 2 ~ '1 u: a :§= zeaazfiwa fizz : a §z = a a :a z :2: 2 2:: 2 = a 3. n. §E~ aaza : a: a r. Q ~ ~ : : :~ ~ 5., z I: vs '5‘ \ \ k \ \ \ \ L \ ‘ i‘\ i i l i § i i l i hi i § k:: i k): E: :2: :3 kg: 5 g ‘ x x x K g k A g: g = g: Q :Q Q 5 Q fi Q a: Q: a Q K '3 Q Q at! Q 3 Q Q g g a 2 § 2 =2 2 a: B 3000 3500 £000 b 3 T, l“ ‘4 t x ¥ 4500 \ k S mow “maven i x 545m 3 K § 'u as Q .5000 SOUTfi/ IND/4N BASIN ' ”Diff/#7557 AUSTRAL/dfl HIS/II 75'! 75'! 70’! 70'! 00’! 051' 90’! WE ”'5 100': 10/“! [05‘2“ “0'! IO" II! '[ l/5‘I ”7'! 1201' IZD‘E HOT [00“! .90? I I I I I I I I I I I I I 3000 / - - . r . . ’ tun nu: uu - o 40 o ‘ " o 4500 ‘ I‘/‘ .400 0‘0! '4" H1 dJU llV METERS N/ DEF TH 5531.?” IVORY/{IVE 5 7' AUSrflAL MN 5500 HIS/N :45! 60 'S 50 ’5 fl'E 75 '5 75 ’5 78?‘ 80'! 55'! 901' ”'5 95'! W5 l0] '5 [051' ”0’! [051' NJ '5 II! ‘I ”7'! IIO‘E IZO‘E Ill? '5 100'! ”’5 OXYGEN 474 0E PT H //V METERS DEPTH //V METERS 3000 - § § § 5500 Q Q Q POTENTIAL TEMPERATURE ’C m /2 05 as m 1.2 u 15 m a: 54 as 5 IO 2 5 a l l l I l l l I I I I l L X A ' C O . X Y. o o X x " xx . - 3000 o X o x / O O x x ' / /'x o 'x / ' / “A —— x {I ———-— - 3500 x" x / . o " x SILL x / b DEPTH x. % _mo__-1 X 0 ' x '7‘ x .0 x . SL1. DEF”! o ' l ‘ I ' ° —— 5'“ " / — am. I aoaa / I / I . \ x ———— C k X I . 4100;» /f I . / . - . / XX I x o ‘ I E I I I x x I 0' I ' ‘I I 9 ° 5 "I 2‘ II I 53 I' — | — l‘ * I 4500 : u . ' x Am BASIN # I o mu um I MW mm "X M 97 53 I M In 53 I AM I09 5: . All 95 5: " ' . MI /« 53 . ' A” 2/5 5: M 95 53 x . M M 54 . E .54 50 X M ’00 5" - 0. mm GAS/IV — V5 50 so — - 5000 X Ml w” M 55 54 x 5457 cmtr usm M 57 54 4” ’97 ‘3 AIV 767 5: M 55 54 M M 55 41v 755 55 M 52 54 A” 2/5 53 an no 52 M! 557 55 4” 72/ a w «5: 50 . u I I 5500 POTENTIAL TEMPERATURE ‘6 2.0 3.0 4.5 5.0 5.0 I l l I l I C /x X /o SILL 05PM 1400 In // / ——_-__“——_—__——___‘——_—_—_———__-—::::¥:”T/ /X’ I ,./ /_. . I/: I I o ANNA!“ 845/” xmanmasr IND/All 00“” PI 0.! 04 II 0.7 C II 00 ‘4 DIS/ll PI 02 6 PI W l CHAPTER 9—VERTICAL SECTIONS TO THE BOTTOM POTENTIAL TEMPERATURE ‘C 0|: 01.4 es 0].! / 0 lie [i4 If Ila 20 B 3000 3500 - v: ‘I kvooo- ; . I. ‘ I 'I S 1‘ II 4500- E ‘1 I: a: I' a H x " " ll . ctr/mu mam 515m A» r: 52 5000 .' w 5594 50 I w 4955 5/ w 525/ 52 ' H 25 54 X WW 5500 - TEMPERATURE DISTRIBUTION IN DEEP SEA BASINS OF THE INDIAN OCEAN POTENTIAL TEMPERATURE OBSERVATIONS AT SEVERAL STATIONS INSIDE AND OUTSIDE OF VARIOUS DEEP SEA BASINS ARE SHOWN AND THE CORRESPONDING ESTIMATES OF SILL DEPTHS ARE GIVEN. FOR CODING OF SHIPS NAMES SEE PAGE 47] 475 Chapter 10 Vertical Sections Through the Upper Layer of the The oceanic structure and circulation in the northern and equa- torial Indian Ocean responds to the seasonally changing monsoon winds. Consequently, it appears appropriate to display the distribu- tion of properties along a variety of oceanographic sections covering all seasons. Since the seasonal changes of the oceanic structure do not penetrate more than a few hundred meters and are restricted chiefly to the warm upper layer of the ocean, these sections are only drawn from the sea surface to 1000 or 1200 meters depth, depending on the spacing of observations near 1000 meters. In layers below 1000 meters depth conditions are sufficiently stationary and uniform to be adequately displayed by the deep sections in Chapter 9. Four- teen sections were selected, twelve running north-south across the equator and two running east-west along the equator. Of the twelve north—south sections, four each are in the western, central and eastern Indian Ocean, and were selected to cover the four seasons of the year. In choosing between different sections near the same location in the same season, those sections with observations of the chemical prop— erties were usually preferred over those with temperature and salinity observations only. Each section is based on the observations of one ship only to assure consistency, especially in the chemical data. The positions of the sections are charted in Figure 12. The sections are all plotted against latitude or longitude, even if some stations or part of the trace deviated from a meridian or parallel. Latitude or longitude is marked in five—degree intervals along the base of the section; the equator is marked by a vertical line. Most sections do not extend close enough to land to show parts of the bottom topography. The same vertical scale is used for all sections and is identical to the vertical scale of the enlarged upper portions of the deep sections in Chapter 9. The vertical scale was selected in such a way that 1000 meters in the vertical correspond to 25 degrees of latitude in the horizontal, resulting in a vertical exaggeration of 277521. The station numbers are shown on the top of each section; the observation points are indicated by dots. The isolines were drawn by hand, using careful vertical and horizontal interpolation. In question- Equatorial Region able cases the vertical plots of properties for individual stations were consulted. Density and temperature are given as potential density in units of sigma-0 and potential temperature in Centigrade, but the differences are rather insignificant in the upper 1000 meters and do not exceed 0.12°C between temperature and potential temperature or 0.01 grams per liter between sigma-t and sigma-0. Otherwise, conven- tional units are used. Above the sections displaying potential density, the dynamic topography of the sea surface, computed relative to 1000 decibars, is given in dynamic centimeters. Dots indicate the values computed for each station; circled dots refer to values interpolated at stations where observations do not extend to 1000 meters. In these cases dynamic height was computed to the deepest standard depth exceeded by observations, and the dynamic height between this standard depth and 1000 decibars at the nearest station was added. Attempts were made to construct sections of geostropic cur- rents perpendicular to the section, but the resultant pattern of currents was so irregular and confused that they were not displayed. Every page includes a small key map showing the geographical location of the section; all sections together are shown in Figure 12. The color scheme used to identify the highest and lowest values of each property in the sections is identical for all sections. In some of the sections certain chemical data are suspected to deviate from those of other expeditions, and the reader should pay attention to the notes on the evaluation of chemical data in the Intro- duction. The data in question are the oxygen values in section 27 taken by the ANTON BRUUN, where some observations in the surface layer showing 150% oxygen saturation have been omitted; the nitrate values in sections 24, 27, and 29 also taken by the ANTON BRUUN; the silicate values in section 37 taken by the ARGO; and the phosphate and silicate values in section 35 taken by the KOYO MARU. These fourteen sections through the upper layer of the equatorial Indian Ocean display the regularities and changes in the structure and water mass distribution with regard to latitude, longitude, and season. 477 478 It should be noted, however, that the apparent changes are not neces- sarily due to a normal seasonal cycle but may represent differences present during individual years at the time of the selected cruises. The major features in the temperature and density structure are the strong, shallow upper thermocline in tropical regions, the doming of isotherms between the equator and 10°S, the almost horizontal isopycnal surfaces in the northern Indian Ocean, and the spreading of the isotherms and isopycnals south of 15°S. The slope of the thermocline associated with the South Equatorial Current can always be observed, while other currents, especially in the equatorial and northern Indian Ocean, are not consistently indicated. The spreading of isotherms at the equator, associated with the Equatorial Under- current, is obvious in only a few sections. The warm tropical surface water of low salinity has its largest concentration in the Bay of Bengal and to the southwest of Sumatra, from where it extends west near 10°S. The tongue of lowest salinities may be found anywhere between 4° and 15°S in the various sections. Below this tropical surface water, a decisive front in the hydrographic structure of the Indian Ocean is situated, extending several hundred meters down. Within the upper thermocline, this front is marked by a horizontal salinity minimum separating the salinity maxima of the subtropical waters of the northern and southern hemisphere. This front and the horizontal salinity minimum are rather stationary at 10°S and fluctuate at individual sections only between 7’8 and 12°S, depending on the variable penetration of the two salinity maxima to the north and south. Deeper down, in layers between 300 and 1000 meters depth, the front separates the high salinity waters of the northern Indian Ocean, chiefly of Red Sea origin, from the low salinity water of the southern Indian Ocean, which is of Antarctic origin. The ascending of the salinity minimum of the upper branch of the Antarctic Intermediate Water from 1000 meters depth at 25°S with salinities of 34.5 0/oo to 600 meters depth at 10°S with 34.8 0/00 can be noted at all sections. To the north of 5°S, salinity in the layer between 300 and 800 meters depth is essentially homogeneous in the vertical, but increases horizontally to the Gulf of Aden. The varying extent of the low oxygen water to the north of the front is evident, as is the advection of water of high oxygen content south of the front between 300 and 700 meters depth, above the Antarctic Intermediate Water. Between these two water masses of different oxygen content, a very sharp horizontal oxygen gradient is developed, but this gradient is most pronounced near 15°S, some 5 degrees south of that indicated in the salinity distribution. Also obvious in all sections is the development of the shallow oxygen minimum in the thermocline near 200 meters depth. The distribution of phosphate, nitrate, and silicate show always low values in the surface layer, but the depletion of nutrients reaches to considerable depth in the southern subtropical anticyclonic gyre. In layers between 200 and 1000 meters depth a strong contrast exists between high values in the northern Indian Ocean and low values in the range of the southern subtropical gyre south of this front. With regard to the chemical properties, the front is less well marked, and appears less steep than the front in the oxygen content. CHAPTER 10—VERTICAL SECTIONS THROUGH THE UPPER LAYER OF THE EQUATORIAL REGION FIGURE 12 020° 30° 40° 50° 60° 70° 80° 90° 100° 110° 120° 130° 140° 150° 30 \ \ \ 30° 20° IO° 00 335%} 1 00 80° 100° 120° MO" 479 Z , SECTION 24 ARABIA T0 36° SOUTH m. ,20. 14° North to 36° South at 55° East ANTON BRUUN, CRUISE 5 Stations 285—307 February 1 to March 9, 1964 200 200 [80: 0 // \ :Iao /60- /.\.—/.——-\~/-—.\.// \. _ I60 I40“ Dynamic topography 0/ /000 db —/40 l dyn an dyn\ cm 290 295 300 305 307 0 25 /——v——. / .~/oo o : o ' n . . . : . : 262 c . a / _ 200 26.4 285 286 288 /00- PfZG 400- ' . - - ~4oo .6/\ ' —600 -—aoo POTENTIAL DENSITY mg 480 l5°N SECTION 24 ARABIA To 36° SOUTH CHAPTER 10—VERTICAL SECTIONS THROUGH THE UPPER LAYER OF THE EQUATORIAL REGION 14° North to 36° South at 55° East . 60. ,20. 295 300 \\\ ANTON BRUUN, CRUISE 5 Stations 285-307 February 1 to March 9, 1964 POTENTIAL TEMPERATURE moo SALINITY 481 . I20“ l ANTON BRUUN, CRUISE 5 Stations 285—307 February 1 to March 9, 1964 OXYGEN PHOSPHATE 482 SECTION 24 ARABIA T0 36° SOUTH 14° North to 36° South at 55° East 285 286 300 0 SECTION 24 ARABIA To 360 SOUTH CHAPTER 10—VERTICAL SECTIONS THROUGH THE UPPER LAYER OF THE EQUATORIAL REGION 14° North to 36° South at 55° East W W W, 0 285 286 295 300 ANTON BRUUN, CRUISE 5 Stations 285—307 February 1 to March 9, 1964 WOO NITRATE 35° 3 285 286 0 mo SILICATE 483 /00" /20 ° I 1 I40” IIIIIIII;;4LIJII IIIJJIllIllIIl I 1 SECTION 25 ARABIAN SEA T0 MAURITIUS 15° North to 20° South at 58° East I I 1 I | L 1 Dyna/77m lopog/op/i/ 0//000 db /._._.\.~. .\I __—.\ /-—./u \ -—. l’.‘.JI\/\_.’..——/"I\__./“~.\.-o /'\.-./- \ 5263 5265 527| 5270 5273 52 POTENTIAL DENSITY 528I 76 on 5286 5289 5292 50 53|O 53|2 53|4 53|6 53|7 5260 5263 5265 0 .I; 1 I K I p > .. 527I 5270 5273 52 l L l I l I 528I 76 5285 5288 529l DISCOVERY Stations 5260—5317 March 12 to April 10, 1964 5286 5289 5292 5 53|O 53|2 I l A I I 5295 5294 I 53l4 53l6 5317 I I n I /00 200 — 400 600 800 /000 /200 I 0 c I] vv 00 POTENTIAL TEMPERATURE ILIIII l IIII .vv ‘,., ' c o 50 CHAPTER 10—VERTICAL SECTIONS THROUGH THE UPPER LAYER OF THE EQUATORIAL REGION SECTION 25 ARABIAN SEA T0 MAURITIUS \ M‘ 15° North to 20° South at 58° East DISCOVERY Stations 5260—5317 March 12 to April 10, 1964 527I 528I 5286 5289 5292 5295 5305 527I 528| 5286 5289 5292 5295 5305 5263 5265 5270 5273 5276 5285 5288 529I 5294 5300 5303 53I0 53I2 53I4 53I6 53” 5263 5265 521(0151273 5276 1 I 5285 5283 52‘9I 5294 5300 5303 53l0 53I2 53I4 53l6 513W I I I I I I I I I I I L I I I I I I I I I I I I I I J I I I 1 - . 2 3 . . . . . v . v . . . . . : v‘v v . . v . I \\/~\ WM .‘ . --:. - :: ..: .-. ;-. . “.v‘ . :./"\'. .W.. - _35 z - --.: .-,\-_. ,.:. \ \\ .. . . /00 W .- ”0 ' :Q 200 ' ' ° ' —200 400 600 800 moo > - —/000 /200 /200 I IO" | 5° 20° 3 SALINITY OXYGEN 485 0' on SECTION 25 ARABIAN SEA T0 MAURITIUS mscovenv Stations 5260—5317 March 12 to April 10, 1964 80” /00" /20° /40" 15° North to 20° South at 58° East 527I 5281 5286 5289 5292 5295 5305 52.60. 7 52.63 52.65 . . . . 52.70.527? .5276 . . $32.95. $8.52.“. 52$“. . . . 539°. .5393 . .5’-"!°53'2 . 53'? 53F 5}" : : I C 0 0 O : . . : 5 . mo - —/00 200 ~2oo 300 400 400 -400 500 500 NITRATE 527| 528l 5286 5289 5292 5295 5305 5263 5265 5270 5273 5276 5285 5288 529| 5294 5300 5303 5310 53l2 53|4 536 5317 0 52160 L 5263 5265 l I A : . o .....‘/ 527| 528| 5286 5289 5292 5295 5305 1 5270 5273 5276 5285 5288 529l 5294 5300 5303 53|0 53l2 53M 53|6 53l7 . . n 7 1 I I 1 J 1 1 I 1 I . . J L L 1 I IIIAAIIIIIIIIIA u u:- t o /00 200 400 600 800 /000 /200 0° 5" 486 PHOSPHATE SILICATE 0° CHAPTER 10—VERTICAL SECTIONS THROUGH THE UPPER LAYER OF THE EQUATORIAL REGION SECTION 26 ARABIAN SEA T0 MAURITIUS W . 4“ 11° North to 19° South at 58° East DISCOVERY Stations 5402—5427, 5480—5497 May 29 to July 15, 1964 I 200 I I I l I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I l I I 1 I I L I I I I I 1 I 200 /50— ’5. /" E —/80 -‘ i ". ’w"\./.~'\ k‘ _ /60— h / \. -- ' § — /60 ./ c—V'\¢-"v’ V\ /-.\’/' Dynamic topography 0//000 do —-\__ If T /40 5404A 54l6 5419 5404A 54I6 5419 0 5402 5404 5405 we 54I5 54l8 542! 5425 5427 5497 5495 0 5402 5404 5405 54I5 54m 542I , a" . 0° 5° |0° 15° 20° 8 POTENTIAL TEMPERATURE 487 20°S |0°N 5° 0° 5° IO‘I |5° POTENTIAL DENSITY |0°N 5° SECTION 26 M‘ ARABIAN SEA T0 MAURITIUS 11° North to 19° South at 58° East DISCOVERY l Stations 5402—5427, 5480-5497 May 29 to July 15, 1964 5482°4§405 54.02 1 543.2?4é4‘05 . . . . | lmfglgfifijgsfzg . .5435. 5527 5497‘ 5‘4915 77,, 200 400 600 800 moo ' _ , . - . F/ooo a o a /200 I /200 10 N 5 0 IO" 15" 20°S l0°N 5° 0° 5° l0° |5° 20°S 488 SAUNITY OXYGEN CHAPTER 10—VERTICAL SECTIONS THROUGH THE UPPER LAYER OF THE EQUATORIAL REGION SECTION 26 mscovenv ARABIAN SEA T0 MAURITIUS I -4.‘ Stations 5402—5427, 5480—5497 May 29 to July 15, 1964 11° North to 19° South at 58° East 5404A 5416 5419 5404 5405 54:5 54|8 542i 5425 5427 5497 5495 5490 500 , . . . 500 |O° N 5° 0° 5° I0° |5° 20°S NITRATE 5404A 5404A 54l6 54l9 54l6 54I9 5404 5405 54I5 54|8 542I 5425 5427 5497 5495 5404 5405 54I0 54|5 54|8 542| 5425 5427 5497 5495 /00 200 400 600 600 /000 /200 5‘1 20°S 5° PHOSPHATE SILICATE 489 4‘ SECTION 27 ARABIAN SEA T0 41° SOUTH 24° North to 41° South at 60° East ANTON BRUUN, CRUISE 3 AND 4A Stations 145—163, 181—185 and 200 August 13 to November 5, 1963 490 — /80 *- /60 -/40 l l l J l l I l /80— _ E /\ /\/Q\ /. E h— /60_ S h/ \ \/ _— \,_—u 0 \ § _ /40_©\./. Dynamic Iapogmp/Iy 0//000 db I83 I84 385 I82 l8! I45 POTENTIAL DENSITY SECTION 27 CHAPTER 10—VERTICAL SECTIONS THROUGH THE UPPER LAYER OF THE EQUATORIAL REGION ARABIAN SEA T0 41° SOUTH 24° North to 41° South at 60° East /00° /20" /40° 0 183 184 [85 200 |53 |63 I62 |6| |60 X W ANTON BRUUN, CRUISE 3 AND 4A Stations 145—163, 181—185 and 200 August 13 to November 5, 1963 POTENTIAL TEMPERATURE I83 |84 |85 200 ‘ . 1 IEISZ l§| mo SALINITY 491 SECTION 27 ARABIAN SEA T0 41° SOUTH 24° North to 41° South at 60° East I85 200 I53 163 B\\ W ANTON BRUUN, CRUISE 3 AND 4A Stations 145—163, 181—185 and 200 August 13 to November 5, 1963 1 OXYGEN I83 I84 I85 200 I82 |8| I45 [50 I53 I63 |62 |6l 154 155 I60 r- /00 -— 200 L400 ~600 — 800 PHOSPHATE mo /000 492 SECTION 27 ARABIA" SEA T0 410 SOUTH CHAPTER 10—VERTICAL SECTIONS THROUGH THE UPPER LAYER OF THE EQUATORIAL REGION 24° North to 41° South at 60° East W W W” 0 |85 I50 I53 IS?) "590 R ; ; . - : . . . - . 2 s 25 ANTON BRUUN, CRUISE 3 AND 4A Stations 145—163, 181—185 and 200 August 13 to November 5, 1963 LW NITRATE |60 0 ”'33 Ifl34 Itl35 290 |8I2 |§| I45 . . |§0 . |§3 |§3 I§2 I§| I54 I?5 -~/00 -—200 3400 -600 ~800 m SILICATE 493 /00° /20° /40" VITYAZ, CRUISE 31 Stations 4603—4620 January 18 to February 4, 1960 494 SECTION 28 INDIA T0 16° SOUTH 10° North to 16° South at 76° East 200 I J I 1 I I l I l I 4L I I I I I I I 200 ‘ Dynamic repay/gall] 0/ /000 0’0 ' — /80- - —- /80 E 3/ \. c§ -. E _ . \ __ u \ ./ G v: “0" g --.—o’N—~/ \0\ § —/60 / 40 . / 40 ”I920 ‘-8 0 /00 ~200 — 600 800 l000 0° 5° POTENTIAL DENSITY I0°N 50 0° 5° POTENTIAL TEMPERATURE I0° I5° S /00 200 400 600 800 CHAPTER 10-—-VERT|CAL SECTIONS THROUGH THE UPPER LAYER OF THE EQUATORIAL REGION SALINITY OXYGEN 50° /00° /20° /40" SECTION 28 INDIA T0 I6° SOUTH 10° North to 16° South at 76° East VITYAZ, CRUISE 31 Stations 4603—4620 January 18 to February 4, 1960 5a 50 PHOSPHATE SILICATE 495 SECTION 29 ,4‘ INDIA T0 42° SOUTH 7° North to 42° South at 75° East 200 I l J l I 1 I I I l L I 4 1 I l 1 1 I l MO- /60- m cm /40 '- ANTON BRUUN CRUISE 5 W- omm mam», (mom \. "20 327 325 Stations 308—327 April 4 to April 30, 1964 ’00 , /00 0 . — 200 — 400 600 800 POTENTIAL DENSITY mo /000 496 SECTION 29 INDIA T0 42° SOUTH 7° North to 42° South at 75° East 320 3I5 310 398 399 /a//7/E/6 ,5{/'// z s ; /00 200 400 600 800 /000 /00 200 400 600 800 moo - I - . ' I 5w 0° 5° /000 CHAPTER 10—VERTICAL SECTIONS THROUGH THE UPPER LAYER OF THE EQUATORIAL REGION ANTON BRUUN, CRUISE 5 Stations 308—327 April 4 to April 30, 1964 POTENTIAL TEMPERATURE SALINITY 497 ANTON BRUUN, CRUISE 5 Stations 308—327 April 4 to April 30, 1964 OXYGEN PHOSPHATE 498 SECTION 29 INDIA T0 42° SOUTH 7° North to 42° South at 75° East 3|5 /000 SECTION 29 CHAPTER 1o—VERTICAL SECTIONS THROUGH THE UPPER LAYER OF THE EQUATORIAL REGION INDIA T0 42° SOUTH 7° North to 42° South at 75° East _ 120° ,40. 320 3l5 ANTON BRUUN, CRUISE 5 Stations 308—327 April 4 to April 30, 1964 NITRATE m SILICATE 499 SECTION 30 OFF BOMBAY T0 37° SOUTH 18° North to 37° South at 70° East I L L I I I I I I I 4 I I I I I I 1 1 l l l 1 1 /60— -———-/ —/ao '\ / \ .\./ .\'_-—.—.———'/. ‘0‘. . /. . . 5 § ‘§ ANTON BRUUN, CRUISE 2 Stations 106—132 May 23 to July 2, 1963 Dyna/m repay/am] 0//000 db |06 POTENTIAL DENSITY 500 ‘ SECTION 30 CHAPTER 10—VERTICAL SECTIONS THROUGH THE UPPER LAYER OF THE EQUATORIAL REGION OFF BOMBAY TO 37° SOUTH 18° North to 37° South at 70° East /00" /20" /40" |20 |25 ANTON BRUUN, CRUISE 2 Stations 106—132 May 23 to July 2, 1963 POTENTIAL TEMPERATURE /000 SALINITY 501 ANTON BRUUN, CRUISE 2 Stations 106—132 May 23 to July 2, 1963 OXYGEN PHOSPHATE SECTION 30 OFF BOMBAY TO 37° SOUTH 18° North to 37° South at 70° East IZO f 35°s A290 SECTION 30 OFF BOMBAY T0 370 SOUTH CHAPTER 10—VERTICAL SECTIONS THROUGH THE UPPER LAYER OF THE EQUATORIAL REGION 18° North to 37° South at 70° East W ,400 I20 ANTON BRUUN, CRUISE 2 Stations 106—132 May 23 to July 2, 1963 NITRATE m, SILICATE 25° 30° 3'5°s 503 504 /00° /20° /40° SECTION 31 INDIA T0 12° SOUTH 5° North to 12° South at 77° East 200 200 /80— s f E -/80 _ : ,/ \\ .\ § _ u"§o \ /60—1 §.\./O~/ \.\././ \\ h ”/60 o—I y.- /40 Dynamic lapagmp/I/ 0/l000 db /40 /00 - 200 - 400 - 600 800 5°N 0° POTENTIAL DENSITY 59 I0°$ 0° 5° POTENTIAL TEMPERATURE VITYAZ, CRUISE 35 Stations 5249—5269 September 20 to October 15, 1962 5° SALINITY _ /00 _ 200 ¢00 600 800 CHAPTER 10—VERTICAL SECTIONS THROUGH THE UPPER LAYER OF THE EQUATORIAL REGION SECTION 31 INDIA T0 12° SOUTH 5° North to 12° South at 77° East /00° /20” /40" VITYAZ, CRUISE 35 Stations 5249—5269 September 20 to October 15, 1962 ,52‘29 SE50 , ; 55, , 5262 5265 .535 /000 5° 50 OXYGEN PHOSPHATE SILICATE 505 SECTION 32 NICOBAR ISLANDS T0 12° SOUTH 6° North to 12° South at 95° East /000 IZO" /40° DIAMANTINA, CRUISE 2/64 Stations 68—86 March 31 to April 5, 1964 a ’.—o/\O\. ’o—. /60 " - Dyna/m: topography 0//000 db 80 0 / 00 200 ‘ 200 4 00 " 400 6 00 500 800 800 /000 moo /200 /200 5°N 0° 5" IO“ 3 0° 5° ° 5° N 0° 5° |0° S 506 POTENTIAL DENSITY POTENTIAL TEMPERATURE SALINITY CHAPTER 10—VERTICAL SECTIONS THROUGH THE UPPER LAYER OF THE EQUATORIAL REGION SECTION 32 NICOBAR ISLANDS T0 12° SOUTH 6° North to 12° South at 95° East /00° /20° MO" DIAMANTINA, CRUISE 2/64 Stations 68—86 March 31 to April 5, 1964 0° 5° 5° N 0° 5° |O° S PHOSPHATE NITRATE 507 SECTION 33 NICOBAR ISLANDS To 5° SIIUTH /00‘ /20° /40° 200— L200 — ..——-’°\_ 3 — /80- \I\..--.’\.a-~--—- :-/80 _ § _ P I 0 N E E R C R U I SE OP R _442 /60- Dyna/mt repay/0M] 0//000 do _ I60 I 4| 45 49 5| 55 5° North to 5° South at 92° East Stations 41—58 June 13 to June 18, 1964 0 0 /00 /00 200 200 400 400 600 600 800 6’00 MW /000 4 —/000 . . /.5 _ \J >A5 /200 /200 . . ' ' ' ' ' . moo 5" N 0° 5° S 5‘ N 0° 5" 5 5° N 0° 5° 5 5° N 0° 5°S 508 POTENTIAL DENSITY POTENTIAL TEMPERATURE SALINITY OXYGEN CHAPTER 10—VERTICAL SECTIONS THROUGH THE UPPER LAYER OF THE EQUATORIAL REGION 200 | l lllllllllllllllllllll l Ill I I l l l l I I l 200 /”T\- -\.’\/’. /20° /40° /\. \./ \./-\,.’«~-~~~-’- \ % 1 1 0’)!» cm 0')” cm I I \ % /40-1 Dyna/m: lapogrop/T/ 0//000 db \'\ 5233 20 5230 5220 52|6 52l4 — /00 — 200 -400 SECTION 34 BAY OF BENGAL T0 30° SOUTH 13° North to 30° South at 92° East —600 800 m, POTENTIAL DENSITY |0° N 5° 0° 5° |O° |5° 20° 25° 30" S 5220 5216 52|4 VITYAZ, CRUISE 35 Stations 5197—5233 August 21 to September 16, 1962 800 m 5. 0° 5° m, POTENTIAL TEMPERATURE 509 SECTION 34 M‘ BAY OF BENGAL T0 30° SOUTH 13° North to 30° South at 92° East 5220 52l6 52l4 52|0 5205 VITYAZ, CRUISE 35 Stations 5197-5233 August 21 to September 16, 1962 SALINITY ( OXYGEN mo CHAPTER 10—VERTICAL SECTIONS THROUGH THE UPPER LAYER OF THE EQUATORIAL REGION SECTION 34 BAY OF BENGAL T0 30° SOUTH 20» w 13° North to 30° South at 92° East 20’ ¢ 20 5225 5220 52|6 52|4 52|0 5205 00 \ “ . 00 0 . a - /00 200 200 \ / >\\ / M —400 - 600 VITYAZ, CRUISE 35 Stations 5197—5233 August 21 to September 16, 1962 —800 .' z PHOSPHATE IO° N 5° 0° 5° I0° I5° 20° 25° 30°S 5225 5220 52I6 52I4 52|O /00 ~ 200 -400 *- 600 - 800 low 5° 0° 5° |0° I5° 20° 25° W‘s—moo SILICATE 51 1 o o v o 00 I 00 I400 20" 20" SECTION 35 0° 5-,. 0" NICOBAR ISLANDS T0 20° SOUTH 20° / 20° 5° North to 20° South at 94° East XV / / w, W KOYO—MARU, CRUISE 14 200 I . . . .. I . . . . . I 1 . ./‘ . I . . 200 Stations 1—23 November 22, 1962, to January 1, 1963 _ E , . _ I80— :/\ /\ / \.___,.\ E —/30 _ ‘5' "x\/\ ’,/ S _ /60— Dynamic lopograp/u/ 0//000 db ’ /60 | 5 _ _.-/00 V .'.'.I ~200 300 /00 200 400 400 600 600 300 800 /000 /000 /200 /200 ' 5° N 0° 5° |0° I5” 20° 5 5° N 0° 5° |0° |5° 20° 3 5“ N 0° 5° I0° |5° 20° 5 512 POTENTIAL DENSITY POTENTIAL TEMPERATURE SALINITY /200 CHAPTER 10-—VERTICAL SECTIONS THROUGH THE UPPER LAYER OF THE EQUATORIAL REGION /40" SECTION 35 NICOBAR ISLANDS T0 20° SOUTH 5° North to 20° South at 94° East KOYO—MARU, CRUISE 14 Stations 1—23 November 22, 1962, to January 1, 1963 I3 I3 I4A IS /00 /00 200 - 2'00 400 600 800 - 800 /000 - /000 - /200 [200 5° l0° OXYGEN PHOSPHATE SILICATE 513 SECTION 36 SOMALIA T0 SUMATRA AT EQUATOR 44° East to 94° East at Equator /20° l l l I Dynamic Iapagmp/I/ 0/!000 db l80 - /80 / I l I / \ I I I \ _ / \ I \ / \ \ / \ ARGO, CRUISE LUSIAD V Stations 39—63 March 24 to April 10, 1963 /60- —-/60 0 0 /00 /00 200 200 400 400 500 600 800 800 POTENTIAL DENSITY mg mg 45°E 50° 55° 60° 65° 70° 75° 80° 85° 90° 95" IOO°E 514 CHAPTER 10—VERTICAL SECTIONS THROUGH THE UPPER LAYER OF THE EQUATORIAL REGION SECTION 36 SOMALIA T0 SUMATRA AT EIIUATDR 44° East to 94° East at Equator /00 /00 200 200 400 400 600 600 800 800 45°E 50° 55° 60° 65° 70° 75° 80° 85° 90° 95° |OO°E /00 /00 200 200 400 400 600 600 800 800 /000 I ‘ I I . . I . l I I I I l . I I /000 45°E 50° 55° 60° 65° 70° 75° 80° 85° 90° 95° |OO°E /00° /20" MO" ARGO, CRUISE LUSIAD V Stations 39—63 March 24 to April 10, 1963 POTENTIAL TEMPERATURE SALINITY 515 SECTION 36 SOMALIA T0 SUMATRA AT EQUATOR 44° East to 94° East at Equator l20° I40” /00 200 400 600 | ARGO, CRUISE LUSIAD V Stations 39—63 March 24 to April 10, 1963 OXYGEN PHOSPHATE 516 CHAPTER 10—VERTICAL SECTIONS THROUGH THE UPPER LAYER OF THE EQUATORIAL REGION I l I I I L I 1 1 I 1 L l I I I I I I I I l 1 l I I I /80- Dynamic fopagrapb/ 0//000 :11: /00° /20° MO" ./'\.____—o—.——c\._’-—. /60-— -\o _—.—"'\.——-I I dy/r cm dy/I cm /40 . . _ SECTION 37 600 - ' 600 . . ' ' , , . _ SOMALIA T0 SUMATRA AT EllUATOR m . . . . . . . . , 800 45° East to 96° East at Equator ' ° C ; ' , . . . . ' ; ' , ° ; POTENTIAL DENSITY T 45°E 50° 55° 60° 65° 70° 75° 80° ‘ 85° 90° 95° l00°E ARGO, CRUISE LUSIAD ll Stations 1—27 July 1 to July 29, 1962 , 0 POTENTIAL moo: TEMPERATURE 517 SECTION 37 SOMALIA T0 SUMATRA AT EQUATOR 45° East to 96° East at Equator 80° /00" /20° /40° I; n I n l '9 l 1 l 1 5: 1 l l l . l . . : : . . ' . : . . . . 349 .943 .\ \Juw'éw Z 4/ '34 - . 347 . \ __—_‘~— . y/i/K—a— . '2 - 7 /00 ARGO, CRUISE LUSIAD II Stations 1—27 July 1 to July 29, 1962 300 SALINITY OXYGEN may I . 1 l' . , ' . ,° ' o I . . . 1 . ' I . I . l 45°E 50° 55° 60° 65° 70° 75° 80° 85° 90° 95° SECTION 37 SOMALIA T0 SUMATRA AT EQUATDR 45° East to 96° East at Equator CHAPTER 10—VERTICAL SECTIONS THROUGH THE UPPER LAYER OF THE EQUATORIAL REGION 20 " 40" 60" 80" 00° (20° /40" \ 320,, /Oa 4 ‘1‘. 200 // 60" ARGO, CRUISE LUSIAD II Stations 1—27 July 1 to July 29, 1962 PHOSPHATE SILICATE 519 A volumetric inventory of water characteristics on an ocean- wide basis is useful for definition of major water masses, and could be of value for development of theories of oceanic circulation. For that purpose, Pollak (1958) prepared a correlation table of potential temperatures and salinities for the entire volume of the Indian Ocean. Frequencies, in terms of 10“ cubic kilometers, were given for class intervals of 0.5° Centigrade and 0.1 per mille. At the same time, parallel studies for the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans were done by Montgomery (1958) and Cochrane (1958], respectively. Recently, Wright and Worthington [1970) have made a detailed volumetric census of the North Atlantic Ocean, utilizing modern temperature and salinity data. Pollak noted that a substantial amount of subjective interpolation was necessary in his determinations because of limited data in the central portion of the Indian Ocean, and in the Arabian Sea and Bay of Bengal. Dubrovin (1964] presented a volumetric temperature- salinity analysis of the Arabian Sea, but it is based only on the data gathered during VITIAZ Cruise 33. Therefore, it was considered fruitful to remake the census for the Indian Ocean, using all of the existing data. Moreover, because the data were available in a form amenable to such determinations, it was decided to include correla- tions among dissolved oxygen and nutrient characteristics, in addition to those of potential temperature and salinity. METHOD The data averaged for 300-mile squares, which are presented in Chapter 3, were used for the volumetric inventories. In order to ensure that the bulk correlations were made with good resolution in the vertical, mean values of water characteristics were calculated for five depth intervals between successive pairs of the standard levels shown in Chapter 3. Thus the depth interval for determination of mean values was 20 meters in the upper 600 meters, and increased with depth, attaining 200 meters for depths greater than 4000 meters. Chapter 11 Volumetric Inventories In that way, a total of 80 depth intervals realized for a 5000 meter water column. The mean values of all properties in a depth interval were deter- mined after first interpolating values at the depths intermediate to the standard levels. The manner by which interpolation was achieved depended on the vertical structure within each 300-mile square. For each depth greater than the surface mixed layer depth [as defined by the temperature structure], the property values were determined by logarithmic interpolation between the appropriate standard levels. Linear interpolation was used if a depth was within a surface mixed layer of depth equal to or greater than 100 In; at depths within shallower mixed layers, property values were set equal to values at the sea surface. Then, for each property, successive pairs of values were averaged, yielding the mean values characterizing each depth interval within a BOO-mile square. Computation of the volume of water in each depth interval of a 300-mile square required prior determination of the corresponding horizontal area of water. The water areas within 300-mile squares were estimated by hand from charts at 0, 200, 1000, 1500, 2000, 2500, 3000, 4000, and 5000 meters depth, and were stored in the computer as ancillary data; water areas at all other depths were determined by linear interpolation from these measured values. The sub-volumes, each formed by multiplication of the depth interval by the water area, and having an associated set of mean values of the water properties, were summed according to arbitrary class intervals for the two water properties of a census. Except in one case, the following class inter- vals were used: 0.5° Centigrade salinity 0.1 per mille 0.25 milliliters per liter 0.1 microgram atoms per liter potential temperature dissolved oxygen phosphate-phosphorus nitrate-nitrogen 2.0 microgram atoms per liter silicate-silicon 5.0 microgram atoms per liter 521 522 For one potential temperature-salinity inventory of large range, the class intervals were 2.0° Centigrade and 0.5 per mille. The summation by class intervals was done by computer for depths to 5000 meters; contributions to the volume from greater depths were estimated by hand. PRESENTATION OF RESULTS In the volumetric inventories presented below, frequencies are given in terms of 105 cubic kilometers. Thus one unit is the volume of water in a depth interval of 325 meters in a 300-mile square. Volumes smaller than 5 x 10“ cubic kilometers, which have rounded— off zero values in terms of the unit volume, are indicated by dots in the census diagrams. Marginal frequency distributions are given across the top and along the right side of each diagram; the total volume is indicated at the upper right. The first potential temperature-salinity diagram, presented on page 525, covers the temperature range —2° to 32° Centigrade, and the salinity range 32 to 41.5 per mille, with relatively gross class intervals. It shows that less than ten percent of the volume of the Indian Ocean is warmer than 10° Centrigrade, or has salinity higher than 35 per mille, or lower than 34.5 per mille. For that reason the ranges of temperature and salinity are restricted in the more detailed volumetric diagrams presented below; water volumes classified out- side the ranges indicated on the diagrams are grouped in single class intervals above and below those ranges. In the same way, a small fraction of the volume having high concentration of dissolved oxygen, nitrate or silicate is entered in an extra class interval for each of those properties. Curves of constant potential density anomaly, labeled in sigma-0 units, are given in each potential temperature-salinity census diagram. G-S INVENTORIES FOR FIVE AREAS Pages 526-527 In order to indicate regional differences in water characteristics, potential temperature—salinity volumetric diagrams were prepared for the five areas of the Indian Ocean shown in the map on page 525. The influence of warm and highly saline waters from the Persian Gulf and the Red Sea accounts for the marked difference between the diagrams for the Arabian Sea (Area 1) and the Bay of Bengal (Area 2). It is noteworthy, however, that neither of these water masses produces distinct 0-S relationships when considered on a volume basis. This contrasts with the Antarctic Intermediate Water which, because of its relatively large volume, is easily identified in the diagram for Area 5. INVENTORIES FOR THE ENTIRE OCEAN Pages 528 to 531 Volumetric inventories for the entire ocean were made for po- tential temperature against silicate, salinity, and oxygen; for salinity, phosphate, and nitrate against oxygen; for nitrate against phosphate, and for phosphate against salinity. These property pairs are the same as in the scatter diagrams shown in several of the preceding Chapters; thus the relationships indicated between properties in the volume diagrams are generally the same as in the scatter diagrams. However, the deep water characteristics are emphasized by the volumetric statistics. ' The making of these inventories allowed the determination of the following mean values for properties in the Indian Ocean: potential temperature 3.59° Centigrade salinity 34.75 per mille dissolved oxygen 4.11 milliliters per liter phosphate phosphorous 2.18 microgram atoms per liter nitrate-nitrogen 26.5 microgram atoms per liter silicate—silicon 76. microgram atoms per liter These mean values of potential temperature and salinity compare favorably with those of 372° Centigrade and 34.76 per mille deter- mined by Pollak [1958]. MORPHOLOGY AND VOLUME OF THE OCEAN By-products of a volumetric inventory of the Indian Ocean are estimations of the surface area and volume, and of the water area at several depths within it. In the following table our results are compared with those of Kossinna [1921): Indian Ocean, including adjacent seas Atlas Kossinna Area (106 km?) at O m 76.7 74.9 200 m 72.2 72.5 1000 m 69.4 70.5 2000 m 66.5 68.1 3000 m 59.0 62.6 4000 m 40.8 44.4 5000 m 13.7 15.2 Volume 105 km3 2841 ‘ 2919 Mean depth m 3704 3897 Although the surface area for the ocean as defined by Kossinna is smaller than our value, the volume and therefore also the mean depth that he estimated is larger. A difference in choice for the eastern boundary of the Indian Ocean accounts for the difference in surface area. We have used 150°E for the boundary south of Australia, where as Kossinna placed the limit at 147°E. For the boundary north of Australia, Kossinna used a line from Timor to Cape Londonderry, Australia (about 126°E), while we selected the narrowest section in Torres Strait, at 142°E. The areas between these boundaries are 0.6 x 106 and 1.1 x 106 square kilometers, respectively. That we have determined a volume smaller than did Kossinna is due to the fact that now more is known of ridges and other topo— graphic highs in the sea floor of the Indian Ocean. This is expressed best in the above table by the ten percent difference in water area at 4000 and 5000 meters depth. REFERENCES Cochrane, I. D. 1958. The frequency distribution of water characteristics in the Pacific Ocean. Deep-Sea Res., 5(2) 111-127. Dubrovin, B. I. 1964. Volumetric sta- tistical T-S analysis of Arabian and Red Sea water masses. Oceanology 5(4). Kossinna, Erwin. 1921. Die Tiefen des Weltmeeres. Berlin Univ., Inst. f. Meereskunde, Veroff., NE, A. Geogr.-naturwiss. Reihe, Heft 9. CHAPTER 11—VOLUMETRIC INVENTORIES Montgomery, R. B. 1958. Water char- acteristics of Atlantic Ocean and of world ocean. Deep-Sea Res., 5(2) 134-148. Pollak, M. I. 1958. Frequency dis- tribution of potential temperatures and salinities in the Indian Ocean. Deep-Sea Res., 5(2) 128-133. Wright, W. R. and L. V. Worthington. 1970. The water masses of the North Atlantic Ocean: a volumetric census of temperature and salinity. Serial Atlas of the Marine Environment. Folio 19. Amer. Geogr. Soc. 523 POTENTIAL TEMPERATURE—SALINITY VOLUMETRIC INVENTORY FOR THE ENTIRE OCEAN Volumes are in units of 105 km3 T I ' l ' I ' I ' I ' I I I ' I ' / 20 /732409/.90 40 4 ° ° - ° ° / 2 POTENTIAL TEMPERATURE °C PERCENT OF VOLUME 0 45 75 90 I00 / / 7 A33 /.99 634 A304 /88 CHAPTER 11—VOLUMETRIC INVENTORIES DESIGNATION OF AREAS FOR VOLUMETRIC INVENTORIES SHOWN ON PAGES 526-527. SALINITY °/oo 525 POTENTIAL TEMPERATURE °C ['1‘ V ' I2‘.70I.56‘l42l.7/ SALINITY VOLUMETRIC INVENTORIES FOR Volumes are in units of 105 km3 V I I I l' T lal/5l9 7 6' 5 2 ZI/I7IL434 20° |~I222--..| PERCENT OF VOLUME 0 5O 75 90 IOO 6 W7 / / / wawmwwmmmxmmu§uumm\\\\\\\- I l I l V l I I SALINITY %o AREA 1 20° POTENTIAL TEMPERATURE °C IJII'. T I I I l 1 I I I 3 5 . PERCENT OF VOLUME 0 5 75 —j J l 11 1/1 I I 1 I II 90 IOO 34,0 345 35.0 SALINITY %o AREA 2 35.5 POTENTIAL TEMPERATURE— AREAS 1, 2, AND 3 I I I l l I I IIIIIIIIIIII L l204/7452/28/l/2/3/2/2/202/ Min 20° I . I | 2 I 5 o POTENTIAL TEMPERATURE °C 2 I . PERCENT OF VOLUME wm\mmmmmmmmmmmmmmfifiwhNNNNNN\N§ 350 SALINITY “loo AREA 3 CHAPTER 11—VOLUMETRIC INVENTORIES POTENTIAL TEMPERATURE— SALINITY VOLUMETRIC INVENTORIES FOR AREAS 4 AND 5 Volumes are in units of 105 km8 II I II I l I l [I 1 l I I T l l I l 1 l l I l I l I I i l I I I l v 1 I L -/2936/023749786544542/-]L6‘0/1 Ll- -27989/5325458356‘4/5/443/ - 1985 PERCENT OF VOLUME 0 50 75 90 IOO / - a -l- . .. ... 20 2.1! ITII'.!‘ /2 20. POTENTIAL TEMPERATURE °C POTENTIAL TEMPERATURE “C l or I cmmwmmmmummmhwwmmm\\\. . . . . . . ‘ 34.0 34.5 35.0 35,5 36.0 ‘2. 34.5 I SALINITY °/o. SALINITY °/ou AREA 4 AREA 5 527 VOLUMETRIC INVENTORIES FOR THE ENTIRE OCEAN ts of 105 .km3 In unI Volumes are I 71‘254/ ] ITIIIIIVIIIIIIIVIII 7236 3/2523/9” 6 3 2 2 7 l0 5 .9 /6 55 /04 /3.9538/4.96‘ /44 .92 / [elf 27 ml 6‘ J1 law I 1, 1 I l l ‘7 l l 22 53 4.9 49 52 50 6‘2 67 84 /05//8 /2/ 20/39 /46/37 /44/36 /60 /Z/ //0 /07//.9 /06 .93 56' 44 lsz / , _ _ _ _ _ r _ . _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ 7 2 366 2 062 8 40 4309422 _w44445565 769/W.x/..”My222mwflfl5flx445fl7WMflMflUHM5 60...... no no... I. o 4 9 III II ul III.- B 2| |||||||| W. l U L 0 2- V F 0 3. m E C 5 R E P 4. 4. 2. 2a 2. 2. 30 2- 2 . 2 o — 4— ‘ 4 — _ — _ — — 1 _ _ — — ~ ~ a — w .m m r w “1 0° umazmmmzmh JSHZMEba _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ p _ 0 9 5 0 / 4 6 6 0 09 2 544445555445 444nmyamnm5y5y5“M4fl54mmnmmmwmw5 PERCENT OF VOLUME I00 o» mmDmeazm» 4<_._.zm_.oa 35.5 36.0 35.0 SALINITY °/oo POTENTIAL TEMPERATURE—SALINITY 34.0 34.5 33.5 40 60 80 l00 [20 I40 I60 20 SILICATE ug-atom/L POTENTIAL TEMPERATURE—SILICATE 528 I POTENTIAL TEMPERATURE °C CHAPTER 11—VOLUMETRIC INVENTORIES VOLUMETRIC INVENTORIES FOR THE ENTIRE OCEAN Volumes are in units of 105 km3 I25I 254/ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I l I I I I40 20 22 /7 25 34 35 46 6/ 69 67 72 .90 //7 I59 2273083303062fi230 //7 .92 3/ l2 6‘ 5 6 20° [563 8 O o I-IIIIIIZI3238 . . . . . . . I PERCENT OF VOLUME 50 75 /02 /6‘4 38/ 434 339 I50 I29 54 N—NMU—NNNN——————o IOQVVUIQMUIk'K‘Q I 290 _ DISSOLVED OXYGEN mI/L POTENTIAL TEMPERATURE—OXYGEN °/oo SALINITY 36.0 35.5 o: S" O 34.5 34.0 33.5 | I I I /0 20 22 /7 28 34 35 | I I I 46‘ 6/ I T 6.9 67 I I 72 .90 I I I I I I I I I l I T I //7 /59 227 308 330 306 295 230 //7 92 6 a 5 I25II254/ I I 3/ l2 . . . . . . I I . . 7 NNN— - u c o PERCENT OF VOLUME 0 50 . . . . g . . . . | . 3 . . . . . I I . 5 // l9 23 25 3/ 36 72 .92 - - M4 /496 ' ° ° 538 | ' ' /3.9 I I - | /04 I | I I 35 I - | I /6 DISSOLVED OXYGEN ml/L SALINITY—OXYGEN 529 VOLUMETRIC INVENTORIES FOR THE ENTIRE OCEAN Volumes are in units of 105 km3 I I I I I I I I I I I I I T ' I I I I I I I I I I I l I J I J I:l I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ‘I I I I I I l I I I I 4 2 / / 2 7 /0 8 9 I6 35 /04 /39 538/496/44 9? 72 38 3/ 25 23 I9 // 5 3 3 7 2674/ 4 /0 20 22 I7 26 34 35 ,46‘ 6/ 69 6‘7 72 90 //7 59227306 330306 295230 //7 92 3/ I2 6‘ a 6‘ 25 [234/ l PERCENT OF VOLUME - O 50 75 90 IOO I- — .— _ / '— - 2 . . . . / L 3 A — ' 7 _ . 39 - - - 2.9 _ ' 45 _ . 45 _ . . . . 92 . .92 _ ~ - 2 - . I63_ - /63 _ . . I . . . 295 - - 2.95 _, _ . . . . I . . . 375 L :1 - - - - 375 _ \ . . . . . . . . 423 E . . . I 423 g _ I . I . . . . . 32/ _ g . . . 2 32/ _ t? . I . . . . . 354 c', I I - 2 354 3 2 _ I 2 ' - - - /93_ i . . . 3 I93 F m I I I - - 93 E - - - 3 , 93 '3 . . . I . I . . . 55 g . . . 3 58 I ~ — CL — g . . . I I . . . 4/ 8 . . . 3 4/ (:2 _ . . . I I . . . 3/ E . . . 2 3/ .. n. - I | . - . . 24 - - - 2 24 _ . . l . . . 2/ I - - I 2/ _ . . I . . . . 2/ ' I I I 2/ fl . . . . . . . 2/ - - | I 2/ _ . . 22' - - I - 22 I _ . . . 22>— - l - 22 _ . . . 20 . . . . 20 - - - I 2/ _ - - 2/ _ . . 23 . . 23 _ . . . . /_9 - - /.9 . . . . . w ' I8 _ _ . l . . I /6L /6' '_ ' ' ' 2 I ' l3 PERCENT OF VOLUME U _ . . . . 2 I . I [a so /6 _ I - - - - 2 I I - . 20F 20 o ' I I 1 I I I ' l | 1 ° / l l l / 33 5 34.0 36.0 7 SALINITY 0/“ DISSOLVED OXYGEN ml/L PHOSPHATE—SALINITY PHOSPHATE—OXYGEN 530 NITRATE pg - atom/L 50 40 3O 20 CHAPTER 11—VOLUMETFIIC INVENTORIES VOLUMETRIC INVENTORIES FOR THE ENTIRE OCEAN Volumes are in units of 105 km3 DISSOLVED OXYGEN rnI/L NITRATE—OXYGEN [1"1" Ir,1_fi,, ,TITIII IrrfI.IIIIII.IIIrIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII 0 20 22 I7 28 34 35 46 6/ 6‘3 67 72 90 //7 5922730830 306295230 //7 .92 3/ I2 6‘ 8 6‘ 25 I284/ I / 20 la /3 /6 la /9 23 2/ 20 22 22 2/ 2/ 2/ 24 3/ 4/ 55 93/9335432/42337525/53 92 45 29 7 / - I I 284/ . l I 2 I | - t 2 50 ._._I_ - I I I ~ 3 - - I I J I 2 I - 5 - 2 2 I 5 I - - I | ' 4 I 2 - I . 4 . - I . . I I I - 7 Pancsmorvowu: , I 2 I I I 2 7 _ 75 I00 _ I-23 322-2I- 2? 22 — Iv 34 34 //.9 - //9 - 2B7 . . 257 - 430 430 - - - - 2 427 427 303 :l 303 _ E _ /6‘6 3 I66 _ é” _ /25 1 /25 _ E _ //5 E1 //5 _ I: _ - . . . 2 Hg z N? I— I— . . . . 2 70 7o . . . . 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