CBM 93-2 ORTHOTICS, PROSTHETICS, & MOBILITY AIDS January 1989 through June 1993 2316 Citations Prepared by Ronald L. Gordner, M.L.S., National Library of Medicine Louis A. Quatrano, M.D., National Center for Medical Rehabilitation Research Cheryl M. Chanaud, Ph.D., National Center for Medical Rehabilitation Research U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES Public Health Service National Institutes of Health National Library of Medicine Reference Section 8600 Rockville Pike Bethesda, Maryland 20894 1993 National Library of Medicine Cataloging in Publication Gordner, Ronald L. Drthotics, prosthetics, & mobility aids : January 1989 through June 1993 : 2214 citations / prepared by Ronald L. order Louie A. Quatranc, Cheryl M. Chanuad. —- Bethesda, Md. (82400 Rockville Fila Bethezda 20874) : U.5. Dept. of Health and Humar Services, Fublic Health Service, Mational Institutes of Healthy National Libravy of Medicine, Reference Section ; Washington, D.C. : Sold by the Supt. of Docs., U.S. G.F.D., 1993. —= (Curent biblicgraphies in medicine ; no. 93-2) 5 1. Orthotic Devices — bibliography &. Frousthesis - bibliography 3. Self-Help Devices - bibliography 1. Duatranc, Louis A II. Chanaud, Cheryl MM, ITI. National Library of Medicine (L,.8,) Reference Section IV, Title V. Title: Orthotics mobi )la ty aoe s prothetics, and VMI. Series O2NLM: ZW 1 NEE no, 93-0 (1 SERIES NOTE Current Bibliographies in Medicine (CBM) is a continuation in part of the National Library of Medicine’s Literature Search Series, which ceased in 1987 with No. 87-15. In 1989 it also subsumed the Specialized Bibliography Series. Each bibliography in the new series covers a distinct subject area of biomedicine and is intended to fulfill a current awareness function. Citations are usually derived from searching a variety of online databases. NLM databases utilized include MEDLINE®, AVLINE’, BIOETHICSLINE®, CANCERLIT®, CATLINE®, HEALTH, POPLINE" and TOXLINE". The only criterion for the inclusion of a particular published work is its relevance to the topic being presented; the format, ownership, or location of the material is not considered. Comments and suggestions on this series may be addressed to: Karen Patrias, Editor Current Bibliographies in Medicine Reference Section National Library of Medicine Bethesda, MD 20894 Phone: 301-496-6097 Fax: 301-402-1384 Internet: patrias@nlm.nih. gov Ordering Information: Current Bibliographies in Medicine is sold by the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office, P.O. 371954, Pittsburgh, PA 15250-7954. To order the entire CBM series for calendar year 1993 (approximately 7 bibliographies), send $24.00 ($30.00 foreign) to the Superintendent of Documents citing GPO List ID: CBM93. For your convenience an order blank is given inside the back cover. Orders for individual bibliographies in the series ($3.50, $4.38 foreign) should be sent to the Superintendent of Documents citing the title, CBM number, and the GPO List ID given above. Internet Access: The Current Bibliographies in Medicine series is also available at no cost to anyone with Internet access through FTP (File Transfer Protocol). FTP to nlmpubs.nlm.nih.gov and login: as nlmpubs. The index file in the "bibs" directory provides information on the bibliographies available. Use of funds for printing this periodical has been approved by the Director of the Office of Management and Budget through September 30, 1993. ii Rv 797 AZ 1973 PLB. ORTHOTICS, PROSTHETICS, & MOBILITY AIDS Of the 43 million Americans with disabilities, approximately 38 per cent have mobility limitations. More than 2 million use wheelchairs for mobility. Individuals with health conditions such as mental retardation, spinal cord injury, stroke, cancer, myocardial infarction, orthopaedic impairments, and arthritis may also have mobility restrictions. Now and in the future a larger proportion of the population will be candidates for ambulation aids of various types. Parallel with this increasing demand is the development of new technologies and materials in other fields that have the potential to contribute to improved mobility devices. As rehabilitation researchers begin to explore the science of and ways to improve human mobility, a number of new paradigms will emerge advancing ambulation aids as well as their use. A conference on "Prosthetic/Orthotic Research for the Twenty-first Century" was held in Bethesda, MD in July 1992. The purpose of the conference was to bring together clinicians, researchers, and consumers to discuss potential research areas. This bibliography was prepared as a result of discussion at that conference. The bibliography surveys English and foreign language literature from January 1989 through June 1993 discussing artificial limbs, orthotic devices, neuroprostheses, wheelchairs, walkers, canes, crutches, and other devices or technologies such as computers, robotics, functional electrical stimulation, and myoelectric devices to aid in mobility. Some earlier articles are included in the historical section. Journal articles, books, book chapters, technical reports, conference proceedings and reports, dissertations, theses, and audiovisuals are included. Arrangement of the bibliography is by subject and format. Most categories are listed alphabetically by author, and citations may be indexed to more than one category. The audiovisuals section is arranged alphabetically by title. Some categories have been further subdivided to highlight areas such as use, design, and clinical effectiveness. An appendix of national organizations is provided at the end of the bibliography. The term "prosthetics" as used in this bibliography denotes artificial limbs and does not include what are called implanted prosthetics such as total knee or total hip replacements, or other devices such as cochlear implants, penile prostheses, or heart prostheses. This resource document is intended to facilitate research on the topic of ambulation aids and is not exhaustive in scope. SEARCH STRATEGY A variety of online databases are usually searched in preparing bibliographies in the CBM series. To assist you in updating or otherwise manipulating the material in this search, the strategy used for the NLM’s MEDLINE database is given below. Please note that the search strategies presented here differ from individual demand searches in that they are generally broadly formulated and irrelevant citations edited out prior to printing. SS 1 = ARTIFICIAL LIMBS OR EXP ORTHOTIC DEVICES OR WHEELCHAIRS OR WALKERS OR CANES OR CRUTCHES SS 2 = (TW) NEURAL AND ALL PROSTHE: OR ALL NEUROPROSTH: SS 3 = (TW) ALL PROSTHETIST: OR ALL ORTHOTIST: SS 4 = EXP PARALYSIS OR EXP SPINAL CORD INJURIES SS 5 = EXP ELECTRIC STIMULATION SS 6 = (TW) ALL PROSTHETIST: OR ALL ORTHOTIST: SS 7 = AMPUTEES OR EXP AMPUTATION OR AMPUTATION STUMPS OR AMPUTATION, TRAUMATIC SS 8 = EXP PROSTHESIS OR PROSTHESIS DESIGN OR PROSTHESIS-RELATED INFECTIONS OR PROSTHESIS FAILURE SS 9 = EXP CYBERNETICS OR ROBOTICS OR EXP COMPUTERS SS 10= 4 OR 7 SS 11= 5 AND 10 SS 12= 8 OR 9 SS 13= 10 AND 12 SS 14= 9 AND EXP DISABLED SS 15= 9 AND REHABILITATION (SH) OR 9 AND EXP REHABILITATION SS 16=10R2OR3 OR 6 OR 11 OR 13 OR 14 OR 15 GRATEFUL MED’ To make online searching easier and more efficient, the Library offers GRATEFUL MED, microcomputer- based software that provides a user-friendly interface to most NLM databases. This software was specifically developed for health professionals and features multiple choice menus and "fill in the blank" screens for easy search preparation. GRATEFUL MED runs on an IBM PC (or IBM-compatible) with DOS 2.0 or a Macintosh, and requires a Hayes (or Hayes-compatible) modem. It may be purchased from the National Technical Information Service in Springfield, Virginia, for $29.95 (plus $3.00 per order for shipping). For your convenience, an order blank has been enclosed at the back of this bibliography. vi SAMPLE CITATIONS Citations in this bibliographic series are formatted according to the rules established for Index Medicus™. Sample journal and monograph citations appear below. For journal articles written in a foreign language, the English translation of the title is placed in brackets; for monographs, the title is given in the original language. In both cases the language of publication is shown by a three letter abbreviation appearing at the end of the citation. Note also that a colon (:) may appear within an author’s name or article title. The NLM computer system automatically inserts this symbol in the place of a diacritical mark. Journal Article: Authors Article Title AN / Press JM, Wiesner SL. Prevention: conditioning and orthotics. Hand Clin 1990 Aug;6(3):383-92. # / [NN Abbreviated Journal Date Volume Issue Pages Title Monograph: Authors/Editors Title ZN Shurr DG, Cook TM. Prosthetics & orthotics. Norwalk (CT): Appleton & Lange; 1990. 225 p. / I \ Place of Publisher Date Total No. Publication of Pages Audiovisual: Place of Title Media Type Publication \ | Shake, rattle & roll: wheelchair dancing [videocassette]. Greenville (NC): East Carolina University, Center for Health Sciences Audiovisual Communication; 1989. 1 videocassette: sound, color, 1/2 in. 7’ / N. ~~ Publisher Date Physical Description *For details of the formats used for references, see the following publication: Patrias, Karen. National Library of Medicine recommended formats for bibliographic citation. Bethesda (MD): The Library; 1991 Apr. Available from: NTIS, Springfield, VA; PB91-182030. vii TABLE OF CONTENTS ORTHOTICS, PROSTHETICS, & MOBILITY AIDS History Standards & Classification Economic Issues Psychosocial Issues Legal & Ethical Issues Patient Education, Compliance, & Satisfaction International Issues Nursing Care Rehabilitation Professional Education, Training, & Organizations ORTHOTIC DEVICES Overview Specific Devices Braces Harnesses Splints Shoes Cushions & seating Ankle-foot-orthoses & other devices Design & Materials Uses Geriatric applications Pediatric applications Sports & recreation Prevention Rehabilitation Biomechanics & gait Scoliosis Other cervical & lumbar vertebrae disorders Other fractures Myelomeningocele & spinal bifida Arthritis Entrapment syndromes & tendon disorders Cerebral palsy Congenital hip & knee disorders Osteogenesis imperfecta Legg-Calvé-Perthes disease Clubfoot, flatfoot, & other foot disorders Rett syndrome Diabetes Leprosy Burns Multiple sclerosis & other neuromuscular disorders ix page 10 14 15 18 20 23 28 29 31 41 48 51 53 63 65 66 68 70 72 78 81 84 88 89 91 92 94 96 96 97 100 100 101 101 102 Paralysis General Stroke & hemiplegia Paraplegia Quadriplegia Other uses Clinical Assessment & Effectiveness Adverse Effects PROSTHETIC DEVICES Overview Design & Materials Uses Geriatric applications Pediatric applications Sports & recreation Upper extremity amputees General Arm & elbow Hand Lower extremity amputees General Knee & above-knee Below-knee Myoelectric Devices Neuroprosthetic Devices Robotic Devices Clinical Assessment & Effectiveness Adverse Effects OTHER MOBILITY AIDS Wheelchairs & Other Motorized Aids General Design, Materials, Seating & Equipment Safety Uses Geriatric applications Pediatric applications Sports & recreation Clinical assessment & effectiveness Adverse effects Walkers Canes Crutches Functional Electrical Stimulation & Devices Computers & Communications Devices AUDIOVISUALS APPENDIX OF ORGANIZATIONS page 103 105 107 110 112 113 116 117 120 126 127 131 132 135 137 140 144 146 150 154 156 159 161 161 167 174 175 176 182 184 184 186 187 189 195 198 ORTHOTICS, PROSTHETICS, & MOBILITY AIDS HISTORY Ata-Abadi R, Idelberger K. [History of the orthopedic foot-support (author’s transl)]. Z Orthop 1974 Apr; 112(2):354-61. (Ger). Bazilevskaia ZV. [E.K. Molodaia and her contribution to prosthesis]. Ortop Travmatol Protez 1978 Jun; (6):88-9. (Rus). Carter AJ. Hugh Owen Thomas: the cripple’s champion. BMJ 1991 Dec 21-28;303(6817): 1578-81. Childress DS. Hector Kay, Alan Kay, and the future of prosthetics and orthotics (Hector Kay Memorial Lecture). J Assoc Child Prosthet Orthot Clin 1989 Summer-Autumn;24(2-3):40-6. Dismembering. Appl Ther 1967 Jun;9(6):536. [Dmitrii Ivanovich Gritskevich]. Ortop Travmatol Protez 1967 Jan;28(1):94. (Rus). Dobrin L. Origin and evolution of the walkerette. Mt Sinai J Med 1980 Mar-Apr;47(2):172-4. Dziak A. [Some history of the prosthesis of the extremities]. Pieleg Polozna 1988;(10):16. (Pol). Ena YM. Instruments and other medical articles of the Eastern Slavs. Biomed Eng (NY) 1974 Jul;7(5): 309-11. Ena YM. [Instruments and other medical devices among the Eastern Slavs]. Med Tekh 1973 Sep-Oct; 7(5):47-50. (Rus). Evolution of the modern above knee socket [videocassette]. Atlanta: Emory University Medical Network; 1991. 1 videocassette: 46 min., sound, color, 1/2 in. Filatov VI. [100th anniversary of Russian prosthetics (1883-1983)]. Ortop Travmatol Protez 1983 Mar; (3):61-3. (Rus). Filatov VI, Pevzner MS. [On the centennial of the birth of G. A. Albrecht]. Ortop Travmatol Protez 1978 Oct;(10):83-5. (Rus). Fliegel O, Feuer SG. Historical development of lower-extremity prostheses. Arch Phys Med Rehabil 1966 May;47(5):275-85. Friedmann LW. Amputation in pre-Columbian America. Arch Phys Med Rehabil 1973 Jul; 54(7):323-5. Friedmann LW, Padula PA. Congenital limb defects and prostheses before the seventeenth century. Angiology 1988 Jun;39(6):548-54. Galitsa TP, Sil’vai KK. [Basic facts of the development of prosthetic-orthopedic aid in Ukraine]. Ortop Travmatol Protez 1972 Oct; 33(10):1-6. (Rus). Geissler C. Description and illustration of artificial hands and arms. Med Prog Technol 1974;2(3): 171-4. Goldner JL. Advances in care of the foot: 1800 to 1987. Orthopedics 1987 Dec;10(12):1817-36. Groch J. Advances in artificial hands. Med Trial Tech Q 1974 Fall;21(2):171-7. Grosch G. [The development of orthopedics and traumatology in Nuremberg and surroundings (author’s transl)]. Z Orthop 1974 Oct;112(5): 1146-51. (Ger). Harko V. [The role Gyula Dollinger in the manufacturing of modern artificial limbs in Hungary]. Orv Hetil 1974 May 5;115(18):1057-61. (Hun). Heim M, Steinbach T. Update on the use of orthotics in hemophilia. Orthop Rev 1988 Oct;17(10):975-8. James WV, Orr JE. The Pringle and Kirk four-bar crossed linkage and the "safety-knee." Prosthet Orthot Int 1986 Apr;10(1):23-6. James WV, Orr JE. Surgeon Kirk, Mr. Pringle and the "P & K" arm. Ulster Med J 1983;52(2): 107-12. Johnston JM, Paulos LE. Prophylactic lateral knee braces. Med Sci Sports Exerc 1991 Jul;23(7): 783-7. Jonecko A. [Woodcut depicting an amputated leg and prosthesis in the Silesian poem "Officina ferraria" by Rozdzienski, 1612]. Arch Hist Med (Warsz) 1984;47(1):107-16. (Pol). Kamenetz HL. A brief history of the wheelchair. J Hist Med Allied Sci 1969 Apr;24(2):205-10. Kondrashin NI, Gritskevich DI. [TsNIIPP (Central Scientific Research Institute of Prosthesis and Prosthesis Construction)--35th anniversary]. Ortop Travmatol Protez 1978 Oct;(10):86-9. (Rus). Kondrashin NI, Iaremenko DA. [The role of the Kharkov M.I. Sitenko Scientific Research Institute of Orthopedics and Traumatology in the development of Russian Prosthetics and Orthotics (on the 80th anniversary of the founding of the Institute)]. Ortop Travmatol Protez 1988 Jan;(1): 71-4. (Rus). 2 Kotov AP. [Fundamental stages in the development of prosthesis in the Ukraine after the October Revolution]. Ortop Travmatol Protez 1967 Jun; 28(6):66-71. (Rus). Kotov AP. [On the history of prosthetics in the Ukraine (The Ukrainian Scientific-Research Institute of Prosthetics)]. Ortop Travmatol Protez 1966 Apr; 27(4):74-9. (Rus). Levay D. History of orthopaedics: an account of the study and practice of orthopaedics from the earliest times to the modern era. Lancaster (UK): Parthenon; 1990. Amputations and prostheses; p. 479-87. The limb deficient child. ISPO symposium, Heidelberg, August 1988. Prosthet Orthot Int 1991 Aug;15(2): 65-162. Marincek C. The iron hand from Slovenia. Prosthet Orthot Int 1992 Dec;16(3):153-6. Marquardt E, Fisk JR. Thalidomide children: thirty years later. J Assoc Child Prosthet Orthot Clin 1992 Summer;27(1):3-10. Martins FL, Martins LS, Davin P. [A myoelectric prosthesis for the forearm amputee]. Acta Med Port 1989 Nov-Dec;2(6):297-301. (Por). McWilliam R, Montgomery SR. Artificial arms--are they practical? Med Biol Illus 1969 Oct;19(4): 200-1. Moe JH. 38 years’ experience in scoliosis treatment. Arch Putti Chir Organi Mov 1985;35:11-20. Murphy EF. 1945-1970--and then? Bull Prosthet Res 1970 Spring;10(13):1-5. Murphy EF. Tonnes Dennison, 1894-1976. Bull Prosthet Res 1977 Fall:251-3. Mustapha NM. Artificial limbs, past, present and future. NATNEWS 1985 Feb;22(2 Suppl):18-20. Northway RO Jr, Alexander RG, Riolo ML. A cephalometric evaluation of the old Milwaukee brace and the modified Milwaukee brace in relation to the normal growing child. Am J Orthod 1974 Apr;65(4):341-63. Novachenko NP, Korzh AA, El’iashberg FE. [60 years’ activity of the M. I. Sitenko Kharkov Scientific Research Institute of Prosthesis-Fitting, Orthopedics and Traumatology]. Ortop Travmatol Protez 1967 Mar;28(3):75-84. (Rus). Oberg K. Cost-benefits in orthopaedic technology by using thermoplastics in developing countries. Prosthet Orthot Int 1991 Apr;15(1):18-22. Orr JF, James WV, Bahrani AS. The history and development of artificial limbs. Eng Med 1982 Oct;11(4):155-61. Padula PA, Friedmann LW. Acquired amputation and prostheses before the sixteenth century. Angiology 1987 Feb;38(2 Pt 1):133-41. Pavlik A. The functional method of treatment using a harness with stirrups as the primary method of conservative therapy for infants with congenital dislocation of the hip. 1957 [classical article]. Clin Orthop 1992 Aug;(281):4-10. Pike AC, Nattress LW Jr. The changing role of the amputee in the rehabilitation process. Phys Med Rehabil Clin North Am 1991 May;2(2):405-14. Popov BP, Zhuravlev AM. [Certain achievements and perspectives of scientific research in prosthetics]. Ortop Travmatol Protez 1970 Mar;31(3):1-4. (Rus). Riches E. Artificial limbs made by Col. Julian Taylor in a prisoner of war camp. Ann R Coll Surg Engl 1966 Dec;39(6):373-5. Robins R. An old Cornish hand. J Hand Surg [Br] 1984 Jun;9(2):199-200. Romm S. Arms by design: from antiquity to the Renaissance. Plast Reconstr Surg 1989 Jul;84(1): 158-63. Romm S. Thomas Brian Gunning and his splint. Plast Reconstr Surg 1986 Aug;78(2):252-8. Roth N. Bioengineering: science of the cyborg. Med Instrum 1978 Sep-Oct;12(5):303. Ruskin AP, Rosner H, Saperstein H. Bent-knee prosthesis. Geriatrics 1970 Jul;25(7):109-14. Rydell N. [The myoelectric hand]. Lakartidningen 1980 Feb 27;77(9):758. (Swe). Shenk NA, Popov BP. [The development of prosthesis and prosthetic design as a science in the RSFSR during the past 50 years]. Ortop Travmatol Protez 1967 Nov;28(11):13-20. (Rus). Shumada IV, Gorodniaia VN. [Role of the Kiev school of orthopedists in the development of prosthetics and prosthesis construction in the Ukraine]. Ortop Travmatol Protez 1984 Jan;(1): 69-70. (Rus). Stewart RE. Variants of the PTB (patellar-tendon- bearing) below-knee prosthesis. Bull Prosthet Res 1970 Spring;10(13):120-34. Takechi H. History of prostheses and orthoses in Japan. Prosthet Orthot Int 1992 Aug;16(2):98-103. Webling DD, Fahrer M. Early bent knee prostheses: ancestors of K9. Br Med J (Clin Res Ed) 1986 Dec 20-27;293(6562):1636-7. Wedlick LT. External power and recent concepts in control of limb prostheses. Med J Aust 1969 Feb 8;1(6):278-80. Wilson AB Jr. History of amputation surgery and prosthetics. In: Bowker JH, Michael JW, eds. Atlas of limb prosthesis: surgical, prosthetic, and rehabilitation principles. St. Louis: Mosby Year Book; 1992. p. 3-15. Wilson AB Jr. Limb prosthetics. 6th ed. New York: Demos; 1989. The history of limb prosthetics; p- 1-10. Wilson AB Jr. The modern history of amputation surgery and artificial limbs. Orthop Clin North Am 1972 Jul;3(2):267-85. Wirta RW, Taylor DR, Finley FR. Pattern-recognition arm prosthesis: a historical perspective-a final report. Bull Prosthet Res 1978 Fall:8-35. STANDARDS & CLASSIFICATION Advances in rehabilitation technology. NSC-88. North Sea Conference on Biomedical Engineering. Maastricht, The Netherlands, April 13-15, 1988. Proceedings. J Med Eng Technol 1989 Jan-Apr; 13(1-2):1-157. Ambulation aids. Health Devices 1991 Jan;20(1):5-22. Amirova EK, Efimov VA, Kuzhekin AP, Lunina NV, Slepchenko AN, Ul’ianov SV, Khanukaev AS, Shakhnazarov MM, Shakhnazarova IV, Shishkin BV. [An expert system for choosing prostheses for the lower extremities (hip) and assessing the quality of the prosthesis. I.]. Med Tekh 1991 May-Jun;(3):26-31. (Rus). Amirova EK, Efimov VA, Kuzhekin AP, Lunina NV, Slepchenko AN, Ul’ianov SV, Khanukaev AS, Shakhnazarov MM, Shakhnazarova IV, Shishkin BV. [Expert system of choosing lower limb (thigh) prosthesis and diagnosis of the quality of prosthetics (I1)]. Med Tekh 1991 Nov-Dec;(6): 5-12. (Rus). Banzinger E. Technical note: thermoplastic Klenzak AFO. JT Prosthet Orthot 1992 Jul;4(4):219-22. Batavi AI, Hammer GS. Toward the development of consumer-based criteria for the evaluation of assistive devices. J Rehabil Res Dev 1990 Fall; 27(4):425-36. Behrman AL. Factors in functional assessment. J Rehabil Res Dev Clin Suppl 1990;(2):17-30. Bierling-Sorensen F, Ryde H, Bojsen-Moller F, Lyquist E. Shock absorbing material on the shoes of long leg braces for paraplegic walking. Prosthet Orthot Int 1990 Apr;14(1):27-32. Blocker WP Jr. How to help your patient choose the right wheelchair. Postgrad Med 1990 Oct;88(5): 243, 246, 251-2. Brasile FM. Performance evaluation of wheelchair athletes: more than a disability classification level issue. Adapt Phys Activ Q 1990 Oct;7(4):289-97. Bresnahan PJ, Lubert MA. The Tibial Torsion Transformer. J Am Podiatr Med Assoc 1992 Jan; 82(1):42-4. Brienza DM, Inigo RM, Chung KC, Brubaker CE. Seat support surface optimization using force feedback. IEEE Trans Biomed Eng 1993 Jan;40(1): 95-104. Brodke DS, Skinner SR, Lamoreux LW, Johanson ME, St. Helen R, Moran SA, Ashley RK. Effects of ankle-foot orthoses on the gait of children. J Pediatr Orthop 1989 Nov-Dec;9(6):702-8. 4 Brubaker CE, ed. Wheelchair IV: report of a conference on the state-of-the art of powered wheelchair mobility; 1988 Dec 7-9; Charlottesville, VA. Washington (DC): RESNA Press; 1989. 139 p. Budiman-Mak E, Conrad KJ, Roach KE. The Foot Function Index: a measure of foot pain and disability. J Clin Epidemiol 1991;44(6):561-70. Canale I, Felici F, Marchetti M, Ricci B. Ramp length/grade prescriptions for wheelchair dependent individuals. Paraplegia 1991 Sep;29(7):479-85. Cappozzo A, Felici F, Figura F, Marchetti M, Ricci B. Prediction of ramp traversability for wheelchair dependent individuals. Paraplegia 1991 Sep;29(7): 470-8. Casillas JM, Aurelle B, Coget P, Becker F, Marcer I, Didier JP. Transcutaneous oxygen tension. How to choose prosthetics for below knee amputation. Ann Readapt Med Phys 1990 Dec;33(6):553-61. Cawley PW, France EP, Paulos LE. Comparison of rehabilitative knee braces. A biomechanical investigation. Am J Sports Med 1989 Mar-Apr; 17(2):141-6. Cawley PW, France EP, Paulos LE. The current state of functional knee bracing research. A review of the literature. Am J Sports Med 1991 May-Jun;19(3): 226-33. Chase AP, Bader DL, Houghton GR. The biomechanical effectiveness of the Boston brace in the management of adolescent idiopathic scoliosis. Spine 1989 Jun;14(6):636-42. Christel P. The regulation of orthopaedic devices in France. J Biomed Mater Res 1989 Apr; 23(A1 Suppl):3-7. Cooper RA. Wheelchair racing sports science: a review. J Rehabil Res Dev 1990 Summer;27(3): 295-312. Craven PL. The development from a medical classification to a player classification in wheelchair basketball. In: Doll-Tepper G, Dahms C, Doll B, von Selzam H, eds. Adapted physical activity: an interdisciplinary approach. Proceedings of the 7th International Symposium; 1989 Jun; Berlin. New York: Springer-Verlag; 1990. p. 81-6. Crewe R. Standards of wheelchairs [letter]. BMJ 1989 Jul 1;299(6690):53-4. Curtis KA. Sport specific functional classification for wheelchair athletes. Sports Spokes 1991 Jul-Aug: 45-8. Day HJ. The ISO/ISPO classification of congenital limb deficiency. Prosthet Orthot Int 1991 Aug; 15(2):67-9. Diamond MF, Ottenbacher KJ. Effect of a tone- inhibiting dynamic ankle-foot orthosis on stride characteristics of an adult with hemiparesis. Phys Ther 1990 Jul;70(7):423-30. DiGaudio KM, Msall ME. Guidelines for safe transportation of children in wheelchairs. Am J Dis Child 1991 Jun;145(6):653-5. Dijkers MP, deBear PC, Erlandson RF, Kristy K, Geer DM, Nichols A. Patient and staff acceptance of robotic technology in occupational therapy: a pilot study. J Rehabil Res Dev 1991 Spring;28(2):33-44. Dudley NJ. Wheelchair safety [letter]. Lancet 1993 Jan 23;341(8839):246. Durance JP, Warren WK, Kerbel DB, Stroud TW. Rehabilitation of below-knee amputees: factors influencing outcome and costs in three programmes. Int Disabil Stud 1989 Jul-Sep;11(3):127-32. Ehrler S, Buch-Jaeger N. [Hand prosthesis. Conception and surveillance]. Soins Chir 1991 May;(123):34-6. (Fre). Eng JJ, Pierrynowski MR. Evaluation of soft foot orthotics in the treatment of patellofemoral pain syndrome. Phys Ther 1993 Feb;73(2):62-8; discussion 68-70. Farmer MR. Controlling anterior tibial displacement under static load: a comparison of two braces [letter]. Orthopedics 1989 Mar;12(3):354-6. Ferstle J, Stewart P. Wheelchair road racing guidelines. Road Race Manage 1989 Oct;93:1, 6-7. Franks CA, Palisano RJ, Darbee JC. The effect of walking with an assistive device and using a wheelchair on school performance in students with myelomeningocele. Phys Ther 1991 Aug;71(8): 570-7; discussion 577-9. Garber SL, Dyerly LR. Wheelchair cushions for persons with spinal cord injury: an update. Am J Occup Ther 1991 Jun;45(6):550-4. Garland LA, Dorion SL, Vietinghoff HE. Development of a standard interface concept for securing wheelchairs in accessible vehicles. Ottawa (Canada): Centre for Studies on Aging; 1989. 118 p. Garrett RE, Hartridge M, Seeger BR. Comparative evaluation of chargers for wheelchair gel cell batteries. Australas Phys Eng Sci Med 1990 Sep; 13(3):148-56. Gehlsen GM, Karpuk J. Analysis of the NWAA swimming classification system. Adapt Phys Activ Q 1992 Apr;9(2):141-7. Gerasimov Al. [A cane with a sliding-prevention device]. Ortop Travmatol Protez 1991 Dec;(12): 47-9. (Rus). Golding JS, Nathan RH. A third world wheelchair. Int Disabil Stud 1987;9(1):38-40. Hall J, Clarke AK. Walking frames [letter]. BMJ 1990 May 5;300(6733):1199. Hall J, Elvins DM, Burke SJ, Ring EF, Clarke AK. Heart rate evaluation of axillary and elbow crutches. J Med Eng Technol 1991 Nov-Dec;15(6): 232-8. Ham R, Roberts VC. Standards of wheelchairs [letter]. BMJ 1989 Jun 3;298(6686):1522. Harburn KL, Hill KM, Kramer JF, Noh S, Vandervoort AA, Matheson JE. An overhead harness and trolly system for balance and ambulation assessment and training. Arch Phys Med Rehabil 1993 Feb;74(2):220-3. Hartridge M, Seeger BR. 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An approach to redundancy cancelling in order to use a single chip processor for IAV evaluation in cybernetic arm. In: 6th Mediterranean Electrotechnical Conference Proceedings; 1991 May 22-24; Ljublijana, Slovenia. Vol. 1. New York: IEEE; 1991. p. 744-7. 198 AUDIOVISUALS Artificial body parts [videocassette]. Princeton (NJ): Films for the Humanities; 1989. 1 videocassette: 26 min., sound, color, 1/2 in. Assessment and care of the patient with a neck immobilizer [videocassette]. Houston: University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston, UT/TV; 1992. 1 videocassette: 7 min., sound, color; 1/2 in. (Orthopedic nursing series; 1). Credits: Presenter, Lecretia Irrera; content advisor, Velma Fleming; program coordinator, Madeline Bowers. Accompanied by: 1 guide. Crutchwalking: an overview for nurses [videocassette]. [Spokane (WA)]: I.C.N.E., Learning Resources Unit; 1989. 1 videocassette: sound, color, 1/2 in. Credits: Dena Corwin, Carol Miller, Meryl R. Gersh, project coordinators. Energy cost of ambulation in paraplegia: comparison of various orthotic management strategies [videocassette]. Washington (DC): Veterans Administration; 1988. 1 videocassette: 46 min., sound, color, 1/2 in. Credits: John L. Merritt. Produced for Seattle VA Medical Center and the Paralyzed Veterans of America. Evolution of the modern above knee socket [videocassette]. Atlanta: Emory University, Emory Medical Television Network; 1991. 1 videocassette: 46 min., sound, color, 1/2 in. Credits: J. Robin DeAndrade. Funding of assistive technology for individuals with disabilities [audiocassette]. Washington (DC): RESNA Press; 1990. 6 sound cassettes: 630 min. Credits: Colleen Wieck, Marvin Fifield, Bob Griss, Don Galvin, Karen Vlasch, Allan Bergman, Lewis Golinker, Steven White, J. Plotnik, Ronald Loften, June Kailes, Brenda Carson, et al. Halo vest orthosis: application & maintenance of the halo vest orthosis [videocassette]. Regional Spinal Cord Injury Center of Delaware Valley. United States: [publisher unknown]; 1991. 1 videocassette: 15 min., sound, color, 1/2 in. Credits: Steve Rizzolo. Hand splinting for arthritis health professionals [audiocassette]. Atlanta: Arthritis Health Professions Association; 1988. 1 audiocassette: Sides A & B [unknown time]. Recorded at the association’s concurrent session, May 23-28, 1988, Houston, TX. The Henry Ford Hospital cosmetic foot prosthesis [videocassette]. Park Ridge (IL): American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons; [1991]. 1 videocassette: 8 min., 18 sec., sound, color, 1/2 in. Credits: Kent K. Wu. Idiopathic scoliosis. Mubarak SJ. Audio Dig Orthop [audiocassette] 1992 Jan;15(1):Side A [presentation 1, 21 min.]. Accompanied by: 1 guide. Interacting with people in wheelchairs [videocassette]. [Los Angeles]: Medical Electronic Educational Services, Vantage Point Productions; Hospital Satellite Network; 1987. 1 videocassette: 29 min., sound, color with black & white, 1/2 in. Credits: Carol Gill, Richard Mailman, co-hosts. Knee braces. Drez D Jr. Video J Orthop Surg [videocassette]. 1989;3(5 Pt 2):[presentation 2, 23 min.]. 1 videocassette: sound, color, 1/2 in. Managing hip dysplasia. Staheli LT. Audio Dig Orthop [audiocassette] 1990 Nov;13(11):Side A [presentation 1, 17 min.]. Accompanied by: 1 guide. New developments in prosthetics for children Lester EL. Audio Dig Orthop [audiocassette] 1990 Nov; 13(11):Sides A & B [presentation 3, 18 min.]. Accompanied by: 1 guide. Orthopaedic treatment of spastic diplegia: role of early postoperative mobilization. Sussman M. Audio Dig Orthop [audiocassette] 1989 Feb;12(2):Sides A & B [presentation 1, 40 min.]. Accompanied by: 1 guide. Orthotic devices for running. D’Ambrosia RD. Audio Dig Orthop [audiocassette] 1991 Nov;14(11):Side B [presentation 2, 18 min.]. Accompanied by: 1 guide. PTB cast, long-leg cast-braces, and hip spica casts [videocassette]. [United States: American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons; 1990]. 1 videocassette: 16 min., sound, color, 1/2 in. Credits: Kent K. Wu. Reach for the stars [videocassette]. Alder D, producer. Vancouver (Canada): Mad Max Music; 1989. 1 videocassette: 22 min., sound, color, 1/2 in. Rehabilitation: the diabetic amputee [videocassette]. Pechman K. Secaucus (NJ): Network for Continuing Medical Education; 1991. 1 videocassette: 32 min., sound, color, 1/2 in. (NCME telecourse; no. 607). Accompanied by: 1 guide. Issued with: Battered women in your practice? Rehabilitation technology education for prosthetics, orthotics, and PTA students [computer program + videodisc]. Memphis (TN): Shelby State Community College, Allied Health Department; 1989. Computer disk(s); 1 videodisc: sound, color, 12 in. System requirements: IBM PC, AT, XT, or PS/2 or compatible; IBM InfoWindow and compatible systems. Sabolich Prosthetic and Research Center documentary [videocassette]. Sabolich J. Oklahoma City: The Center; 1992. 1 videocassette: 120 min., sound, color, 1/2 in. Shake, rattle & roll: wheelchair dancing [videocassette]. Greenville (NC): East Carolina University, Center for Health Sciences Audiovisual Communication; 1989. 1 videocassette: sound, color, 1/2 in. Shoes and their modifications [videocassette]. [United States: American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons; 1991]. 1 videocassette: 15 min., 38 sec., sound, color, 1/2 in. Credits: Kent K. Wu. Transfer techniques [videocassette]. Garden Grove (CA): Medcom/Trainex; 1990. 2 videocassettes: sound, color, 1/2 in. (Professional skills for the new nursing assistant). Credits: Judith Eighmy, Muriel Greensaft, et al., consultants. Turning and transferring the patient: good body mechanics are essential [videocassette]. Grisell J. [Houston]: University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston, School of Nursing; 1991. 1 videocassette: 13 min., 30 sec., sound, color, 1/2 in. Credits: Lisa Greenbaum, content expert. The use of upper extremity prostheses [videocassette]. [United States]: Art Heinze; 1988. 1 videocassette: 49 min., sound, color, 1/2 in. Wheelchair inspection and cleaning [videocassette]. Austin (TX): Texas Department of Mental Health and Mental Retardation, Richmond State School, Staff Development; 1992. 1 videocassette: 7 min., sound, color, 1/2 in. Accompanied by: 1 guide. Wheelchair use and safety [videocassette]. Austin (TX): Texas Department of Mental Health and Mental Retardation, Richmond State School, Staff Development; 1992. 1 videocassette: 11 min., sound, color, 1/2 in. Accompanied by: 1 guide. 199 APPENDIX OF ORGANIZATIONS AFTER Rehabilitation and Training Center for Limb Birth Deficiencies/ Amputations 8408 W. McNab Rd. Tamarac, FL 33321 Tel. (301) 721-1140 American Academy of Neurological and Orthopaedic Medicine and Surgery 737 N. Michigan Ave., Suite 108 Las Vegas, NV 89102-4592 Tel. (702) 385-6886 American Academy of Orthotists and Prosthetists 1650 King St., Suite 500 Alexandria, VA 22314 Tel. (703) 836-7118 American Academy of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation 122 South Michigan Ave., Suite 1300 Chicago, IL 60603 (publishes Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation) Tel. (312) 922-9366 American Academy of Podiatric Sports Medicine (AAPSM) 1729 Glastonberry Rd. Potomac, MD 20854 Tel. (301) 424-7440 American Amputee Foundation (AAF) Box 250218, Hillcrest Station Little Rock, AR 72225 Tel. (501) 666-2523 American Association for Hand Surgery (AAHS) 2934 Fish Hatchery Rd., Suite 210 Madison, WI 53713 Tel. (608) 273-8940 American Board for Certification in Orthotics and Prosthetics (ABC) 1650 King St., Suite 500 Alexandria, VA 22314 Tel. (703) 836-7114 American Board of Orthopaedic Surgery 737 N. Michigan Ave., Suite 1150 Chicago, IL 60611 Tel. (312) 664-9444 American Board of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation c/o Dr. Gordon M. Martin Norwest Center, Suite 674 21 First St., SW Rochester, MN 55902 Tel. (507) 282-1776 American Burn Association (ABA) c/o Andrew M. Munster, M.D. Baltimore Regional Burn Center Francis Scott Key Hospital 4940 Eastern Ave. Baltimore, MD 21224 Tel. (800) 548-2876 American College of Foot Surgeons (ACFS) 444 N. Northwest Hwy., Suite 155 Park Ridge, IL 60068 Tel. (708) 292-2237 American Diabetes Association 1660 Duke St. Alexandria, VA 22314 (publishes Diabetes) Tel. (703) 549-1500, (800) 232-3472 American Occupational Therapy Association (AOTA) 1383 Piccard Dr., P.O. Box 172 Rockville, MD 20849-1725 (publishes American Journal of Occupational Therapy) Tel. (301) 948-9633 American Orthotic and Prosthetic Association (AOPA) 1650 King St., Suite 500 Alexandria, VA 22314 (publishes Journal of Prosthetics and Orthotics) Tel. (703) 836-7116 American Paralysis Association 500 Morris Ave. Springfield, NJ 07081 Tel. (201) 379-2690, (800) 526-3456 American Physical Therapy Association 1111 North Fairfax St. Alexandria, VA 22314 (publishes Physical Therapy and Clinical Management in Physical Tel. (703) 684-2782, ext. 3212 Therapy) American Podiatric Medical Association 9312 Old Georgetown Rd. Bethesda, MD 20814 (publishes Journal of the American Podiatric Association) Tel. (301) 571-9200 American Society for Hand Therapists (ASHT) 1002 Vandora Springs Rd., Suite 101 Garner, NC 27529 Tel. (919) 779-ASHT American Society for Surgery of the Hand (ASSH) 3025 S. Parker Rd., Suite 65 Aurora, CO 80014 Tel. (303) 755-4588 American State of the Art Prosthetic Association 1156 15th St., NW, Suite 1100 Washington, DC 20005 Tel. (202) 659-2909 American Wheelchair Bowling Association (AWBA) N54 WI5858 Larkspur Ln. Menomonee Falls, WI 53051 Tel. (414) 781-6876 Amputee Coalition 6300 N. River Rd. Rosemont, IL 60018 Tel. (708) 698-1628 Amputee Shoe and Glove Exchange (ASGE) P.O. Box 27067 Houston, TX 77227 Amputee Sports Association, Inc. P.O. Box 60129 Savannah, GA 31420-0129 Tel. (912) 927-5406 Amputees in Motion (AIM) P.O. Box 2703 Escondido, CA 92033 Tel. (619) 454-9300 Association of Academic Physiatrists (AAP) 7100 Lakewood Bldg., Suite 112 5987 E. 71st St. Indianapolis, IN 46220 (publishes American Journal of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation) Tel. (317) 845-4200 Association of Children’s Prosthetic-Orthotic Clinics (ACPOC) 222 S. Prospect Ave. Park Ridge, IL 60068 (publishes Journal of the Association of Childrens Prosthetic-Orthotic Tel. (708) 698-1694 Clinics, which includes their annual proceedings) Association of Rehabilitation Nurses 5700 Old Orchard Rd., 1st Floor Skokie, IL 60077 (publishes Rehabilitation Nursing) Tel. (708) 966-0050 Biomedical Engineering Society (BMES) P.O. Box 2399 Culver City, CA 90231 Tel. (213) 618-9322 Foundation for Hand Research (FHR) 310 E. 30th St. New York, NY 10016 Tel. (212) 685-3834 Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) 345 E. 47th St. New York, NY 10017 Tel. (212) 705-7900 Institute of Rehabilitation and Research Information Service Center 1333 Moursund Houston, TX 77030 Tel. (713) 797-5947 International Association of Orthotists and Prosthetists 108, rue Prince Baudouin B-1080 Brussels, BELGIUM Tel. 2 4269966 International Federation of Societies for Surgery of the Hand (IFSSH) c/o Miguel Vargas Busquest, M.D. 165 E. Mendez Vigo St. Mayaguez, PR 00680 Tel. (809) 833-3248 International Society for Prosthetics and Orthotics (ISPO) Borgervaenget 5 (publishes Prosthetics and Orthotics International) DK-2100 Copenhagen, DENMARK International Stoke Mandeville Wheelchair Sports Federation Hayward House Barnard Crescent Aylesbury, Bucks. HP21 9PP, ENGLAND Tel. 844 436179 International Wheelchair Aviators (IWA) c/o Bill Blackwood, Sec. 1117 Rising Hill Way Escondido, CA 92029 Tel. (619) 746-5018 International Wheelchair Road Racers Club (IWRRC) c/o Joseph M. Dowling, Pres. 30 Myano Ln., Box 3 Stamford, CT 06902 Tel. (203) 967-2231 March of Dimes Birth Defects Foundation 1275 Mamaroneck Ave. White Plains, NY 10605 Tel. (914) 428-7100 National Amputation Foundation (NAF) 12-45 150th St. Whitestone, NY 11357 Tel. (718) 767-0596 National Association of Orthopaedic Nurses (NAON) North Woodbury Rd., Box 56 Pitman, NJ 08071 (publishes Orthopaedic Nursing) Tel. (609) 582-0111 National Center for Medical Rehabilitation Research National Institute of Child Health and Human Development Executive Plaza South, Room 450 Bethesda, MD 20892-9904 Tel. (301) 402-2242 National Diabetes Information Clearinghouse Box NDIC Bethesda, MD 20892 Tel. (301) 468-2162 National Foundation of Wheelchair Tennis (NFWT) 940 Calle Amanecer, Suite B San Clemente, CA 92672 Tel. (714) 361-6811 National Handicapped Sports (NHS) 4405 East-West Hwy., Suite 603 Bethesda, MD 20814 Tel. (301) 652-7505 National Institute for Burn Medicine (NIBM) 909 E. Ann St. Ann Arbor, MI 48104 Tel. (313) 769-9000 National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases Information Office Building 31, Room 4C05 9000 Rockville Pike Bethesda, MD 20892 Tel. (301) 496-8188 National Institute on Aging Information Office Building 31, Room 5C27 9000 Rockville Pike Bethesda, MD 20892 Tel. (301) 496-1752 National Institute on Disability and Rehabilitation Research Department of Education Mary E. Switzer Building Washington, DC 20202-2572 Tel. (202) 205-9151 National Rehabilitation Association 633 South Washington St. Alexandria, VA 22314-4193 (publishes Journal of Rehabilitation Administration) Tel. (703) 836-0850 National Rehabilitation Information Center (NARIC) 8455 Colesville Rd., Suite 935 Silver Spring, MD 20910 (produces NARIC database) Tel. (301) 588-9284, (800) 34-NARIC National Scoliosis Foundation 72 Mt. Auburn St. Springfield, NJ 07081 Tel. (617) 926-0397 National Spinal Cord Injury Association 600 W. Cummings Park, Suite 2000 Woburn, MA 01801 Tel. (617) 935-2722 National Wheelchair Athletic Association (NWAA) 3595 E. Fountain Blvd., Suite L-1 Colorado Springs, CO 80910 Tel. (719) 574-1150 National Wheelchair Basketball Association (NWBA) Univ. of Kentucky 110 Seaton Bldg. Lexington, KY 40506-0219 Tel. (606) 257-1623 National Wheelchair Softball Association (NWSA) 1616 Todd Ct. Hastings, MN 55033 Tel. (612) 437-1792 Osteogenesis Imperfecta Foundation c/o Vonnie H. Coleman 5005 W. Laurel, Suite 210 Tampa, FL 33607-3836 Tel. (813) 855-7077 Paralyzed Veterans of America (PVA) 801 18th St. NW Washington, DC 20006 Tel. (202) 872-1300 Prosthetics Research Study 720 Broadway, 3rd Floor Seattle, WA 98122 Tel. (206) 328-3116 Rehabilitation Engineering Society of North America (RESNA) 1101 Connecticut Ave., NW, Suite 700 Washington, DC 20036 (publishes Assistive T echnology Journal and RESNA Proceedings) Tel. (202) 857-1199 Rehabilitation Research and Development Service Office of Technology Transfer (110A1) Veterans Administration Prosthetics Research and Development Center 103 South Gay St. Baltimore, MD 21202 (publishes Journal of Rehabilitation Research and Development, its Tel. (410) 962-1800 Supplements, and annual Rehabilitation R&D Research Progress Reports) Scoliosis Research Society 222 South Prospect Park Ridge, IL 60068 Tel. (312) 698-1627 United Cerebral Palsy Associations Seven Penn Plaza, Suite 804 New York, NY 10001 Tel. (212) 268-5962, (800) USA-1UCP Wheelchair Motorcycle Association (WMA) 101 Torrey St. Brockton, MA 02401 Tel. (508) 583-8614 Wheelchair Tennis Players Association (WTPA) 940 Calle Amanecer, Suite B San Clemente, CA 92672 Tel. (714) 361-6811 GRATEFUL MED - Software For Macintosh & IBM Please send me Please send me copies of GRATEFUL copies of GRATEFUL MED for the MED for IBM and Macintosh. compatibles. 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