U. S. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH, EDUCATION, AND WELFARE Public Health Service '' ''ALGAE IN WATER SUPPLIES An Illustrated Manual on the Identification, Significance, and Control of Algae in Water Supplies C. MERVIN PALMER WITH AN INTRODUCTION BY CLARENCE M. TARZWELL ILLUSTRATIONS IN COLOR BY HAROLD J. WALTER U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH, EDUCATION, AND WELFARE PUBLIC HEALTH SERVICE Bureau of State Services » Division of Water Pollution Control Robert A. Taft Sanitary Engineering Center CINCINNATI, OHIO ''Public Health Service Publication No. 657 1959 For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington 25, D.C. - - - - - - - - Price $1 ''FOREWORD reac LIBRARY This manual has been prepared for water analysts and others who deal with the many problems and effects associated with the presetice of algae in water supplies. The need of an up-to-date concise account of the algae important in water supplies has been felt for some time, and the large demand for copies of a preliminary article’ on the subject, published in June 1955, confirms this interest. In the present state of our knowledge and with increasing activities in this field, any manual on algae can be only a broad forerunner of more specific handbooks on various phases of the subject. Workers will now have at least a concise general account, the absence of which has doubtless prevented many from making adequate analyses of the aquatic organisms belong- ing to this important group of plants. MARK D. HOLLIS, Assistant Surgeon General Chief Engineer, PHS. 1 Public Works, vol. 86 no. 6 pp. 107-120 (June 1955). Ill 967 '' ''PREFACE The available literature on algae has tended to be of two extreme types. Several recent treatises contain extensive scientific descriptions of algae of particular areas or are monographs of a single genus or group. These are excellent for academic studies and for encyclopedic and background references in applied phycology. At the other extreme are a considerable number of brief papers concerned with certain phases of problems, enumeration, or treatment of algae in water supplies. None of these are sufficient for use as guides in dealing with the recogni- tion of the more important kinds of algae together with the interpretation and use of such information in the control or utilization of algae present in water supplies. This manual has been prepared to help fill the need for more complete information on those algae important in water supplies and particularly to include a key, illustrations, and other aids needed for their identification. References to related literature are listed at the ends of the chapters in which they are cited. There has also been an expanding interest in developing new industrial procedures where algae are utilized. This is in addition to various problems which they are responsible for in water treatment and water use. Together these interests have brought about an increasing demand for information on the algae which are involved. The manual omits the many rare or uncommon algae as well as those growing in habitats other than water supplies. Only a limited amount of information is included on marine and estuarine algae; the bulk of the manual deals with the fresh-water forms. It is not possible at present to refer to any single or standard procedure for the recording and counting of algae and for their control. We can merely point and work in that direction. With the desire growing for exchange of algological data by water treatment plants, and by many others concerned with algae, the need for standardized procedures is becoming more apparent. In compiling this manual, the aid of many co-workers has been requested and has been generously given. Some of the work of correcting and critical reading of the manuscript has been assumed by several members of the staff of the Robert A. Taft Sanitary Engineering Center. Grateful acknowledgment for this service is given particularly to B. B. Berger, Chief of the Water Supply and Water Pollution Program, C. M. Tarzwell, Chief Aquatic Biologist, and R. T. Hyde, Information Officer. Credit for producing the colored illustrations of algae goes to Harold J. Walter, and for the cover design to Judith A. Walters. All photographs and line drawings were furnished by the writer except Figure 88 which was obtained from J. R. Baylis, Engineer of Water Purification, Bureau of Water, Chicago, Illinois. The writer is indebted to these co-workers and many others for their painstaking cooperation in prepara- tion of the manual. C. Mervin Patmer, Jn Charge Interference Organisms Studies Water Supply and Water Pollution Program Robert A. Taft Sanitary Engineering Center Cincinnati, Ohio '' ''eo Cr ee CONTENTS Introduction . : Significance of Algae in Water Bapplies Identification of Algae . ae Taste and Odor Algae . Filter Clogging Algae . Polluted Water Algae . Clean Water Algae . Plankton and Other Surface Water Algae Algae Attached to Reservoir Walls Additional Problems Caused by Algae in Water Supplies . Additional Uses for Algae Found in Water Supplies . . Procedures for Enumeration of Algae in Water . Control of Algae Appendix: Key to Algae of Importance in Water Supplies Glossary ee es Bibliography . : Genus and Species Tadeo TABLES Table 1. Comparison of the four major groups of — in water supplies 2. Algae in water supplies—a list of the. more im- portant species . . Recent changes in names of algae . Cue with algae in water . Filter clogging algae . Pollution algae . Clean water algae . Plankton and other surface water lee Algae attached to reservoir walls See es ee fh foe supplies . : 12. Other uses for algae in intee eo 13. Relative toxicity of copper sulfate to algae Taste and odor algae, representative species Odors, tastes, and touch sensations associated Additional oe caused by algae in water Page 12 14 19 20 23 38 42 46 48 ol 58 64 Page 18 22 38 41 43 47 50 55 60 63 68 76 81 85 VII ''ILLUSTRATIONS Color Plate Page 1. Taste and odor algae . 26 2. Filter clogging algae . 28 3. Pollution algae . 30 4. Clean water algae . ; epee 32 5. Plankton and other surface maces alee ee 34 6. Algae growing on reservoir walls. ..... . 36 Figure Page Figure 1. Mats of algae floating on the surface of water . 6 27. Thick walled zygospores formed during sexual 2. Water net, Hydrodictyon reticulatum . 9 reproduction in Zygnema norman . 3. Spirogyra ellipsospora : 9 28. True branching in the blue-green alga, Nosto: 4. Spirogyra varians . : : 9 chopsis lobatus ‘ 5. A blue-green alga, Beviiacies wrangelii : 9 29. Ulothrix zonata, whose filament anid cares 6. A green alga, Pediastrum boryanum . 9 in spore production. Its two strains react 7. A desmid, Cylindrocystis brebissonii . : 9 differently to pollution . 8. Anacystis cyanea (formerly Microcystis aeru- 30. Oscillatoria limosa . ginosa) . 9 31. Oscillatoria tenuis . 9. Agmenellum gudiiiduplicatum ines Aoniemnes 32. Oscillatoria princeps . pedia glauca) . 9 33. Phormidium uncinatum 10. Phytoconis Botnyotdes Saemgeely Proleaccnia viri- 34. Calothrix parietina is attached to las at steintas in dis) . Ets 9 running water 1. Haenatoodscun states (formerly Sphacreta die 35. Ankistrodesmus falcatus ; custris) 9 36. A surface blanket of filamentous ‘eae. 12. Colonies of Gadotindes: fora: in Ocinpstte novae- 37. Gloeotrichia natans semliae ; 9 38. Plankton diatoms showing ‘distnioties inheiaes bt 13. A simple filament, Dae onic : 9 cells and colonies . 14. Threads are grouped into erect cones in Symploca 39. Vaucheria geminata . muralis 9 40. Vaucheria sessilis . 15. Filament with shrandiate branching s in Marsters: 41. Pithophora oedogonia nion strictissimum . 11 42. Schizomeris leibleinii 16. A branching, tubular, nonseptate alg, Botrydium 43. Stigonema hormoides . con granulatum . 11 44. Tetraspora. Portion of colony ‘diowite: alle 17. Cells embedded in a gelatinous tube’ in ideas grouped in fours. Pseudocilia are barely vis- Soetidus 11 ible on a few of the cells . 18. Mature and young paniious of Coipar pogon 45. Closterium lunula, a desmid coeruleus . 11 46. Lyngbya majuscula, showing empty shesthes ex- 19. Microcoleus paludosus, ehoaliie a enie: suread tending between threads of cells . : and a group of threads surrounded by a 47. Nodularia spumigena, the first blue-green es sheath, under high and low magnification 16 reported as toxic 20. Scenedesmus quadricauda, showing spine-like ex- 48. Coccochloris peniocystis . tensions on the terminal cells . 16 40. ‘Trachelomonae Manda 21. Lateral flagella in Merotrichia capitata . : 16 : . 22. Anterior flagella on cells of Pleodorina “illinoi- 50. Scenedesmus obliquus sensis . 16 51. Pediastrum duples . 23. Posterior and lateral + views of anterior ‘flagella 52. Chlorogonium euchlorum . on Gonium sociale . ; 16 53. Nannoplankton counting slide 24. Two spore-producing cells on filaments of Eien 54. Algal plankton record . ote : : tepohlia aurea . : 16 55. Experimental testing of a potential dened: 25. Enlarged terminal vpuodsenien sales on eimai (a) Applying the oS to a blanket of of Audouinella violacea . 16 algae . 26. Terminal cells specialized for sexual reproduction (b) Results of the test: "Blanket ‘of algae has in Vaucheria arechavaletae 16 disappeared . wie ee Geren VIII Page 16 16 39 39 39 39 39 41 44 44 45 45 47 47 48 48 48 48 51 53 54 56 56 57 57 57 60 61 65 65 ''Algae in Water Supplies '' ''CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION THE GREAT INCREASE in population and the rapid development of agriculture and industry have caused a phe- nomenal increase in our use of water in recent years and have brought about many difficult problems in the procurement of suitable water supplies. As the country continues to grow and develop, these problems will become more widespread and complex. In the past, most people of the United States have taken their water supply for granted, assuming that it is something which is always available. This may be due in part to our efficient water distribution systems. The present generation has become so accustomed to an abundant, safe and potable water supply at the mere turning of a tap, that its value and importance are not realized. It is certain, how- ever, that the people of this country will increasingly recog- nize that suitable water supplies are exhaustible and that water costs whatever you have to pay to get it. In the clearing and development of the country, especially the eastern portion, changes in the ground cover and the surface soil have greatly altered surface runoff and ground seepage. Deforestation, fires, overgrazing, agricultural use, and drainage have increased surface runoff and erosion and reduced soil seepage in many areas. It has been estimated by some authorities that, during the past 50 years, the water table in the eastern half of the country has been lowered about 60 feet. The lowering of the water table, coupled with increased use of ground water, has created severe shortages of ground water in many areas. As population and industrial demands increase and ground water supplies become inadequate, more and more cities and villages are turning to lakes, streams, or reservoirs for their water supplies. This change from ground to surface source of supply has created many new problems for those engaged in the procurement and treatment of water for domestic and other uses. Ground waters are essentially free of organisms which may cause nuisance problems, whereas all surface waters contain many organisms which may complicate the provision of a potable water. Some problems are odor and taste, the clogging of filters, growths in pipes, cooling towers and on reservoir walls, surface water mats or blooms, infesta- tions in finished waters, and toxicity. Present methods of waste disposal are intensifying the nuisance organism problems in water supplies. The number and kinds of algae and other organisms which grow in sur- face waters depend on environmental conditions. Fertiliz- ing materials such as sewage and organic wastes from milk plants, canneries, slaughter houses, paper mills, starch fac- tories, and fish processing plants greatly increase the pro- ductivity of the waters and their crops of algae and other plankton organisms, many of which produce problems when they become abundant. It is apparent, therefore, that nui- sance organism problems will become more widespread and severe as our growing urban populations and industry con- tinue to discharge their wastes into streams. In muddy streams such as the Missouri, turbidity limits light penetration sufficiently so that few problems occur from algal growth. When impoundments are built in such a stream they create settling basins in which the water clears and algal growths develop, producing tastes and odors or other nuisance conditions. The extensive impoundment pro- gram which has been underway for over 20 years can create many water supply problems which did not exist previously in these waters. Pool size, shape, depth, amount of shore line, extent of shoal areas, character of the bottom, physiography and soils of the watershed, amount and rate of precipitation, sunlight, and the quality of the water are all factors influencing the growth of algae in a reservoir. A narrow deep reservoir having no shoal areas, a minimum of shore line, little wind mixing, and unproductive watershed, and soft water low in dissolved solids will have less algae than a wide, shallow, irregular reservoir located in an area of rich soil where the incoming water is rich in dissolved materials and there is complete wind mixing. In many areas the best reservoir sites have already been utilized. New reservoirs will have to be built in less favorable sites where productivity of algae will be greater. In the great plains area and in several other parts of the country, reservoir sites for water storage are usually wide and shallow and favorable for the development of plankton growths. In view of these conditions problems due to nuisance organisms will become more widespread and of greater im- portance. In several areas they are now the number one problem of water works operators. The importance of the nuisance organism problem was recognized when aquatic biological investigations were acti- vated in the Public Health Service water research labora- tories at Cincinnati. A unit was set up in 1950 to study organisms that create problems in the provision of a potable water supply and to develop methods for their control or elimination. Because tastes and odors seemed to be of out- standing importance, work on this phase of the problem has been stressed. Work has been done, however, on algicides and several other phases of the problem. Although it has been possible to secure unialgal cultures of a large number of species, the growing of algae in pure culture has been diffi- cult. Methods have yet to be developed for the growth in pure culture of most of the algal species believed to produce odors or tastes in water supplies. Some species do not grow readily in the absence of bacteria, indicating that bacteria may produce some material needed by the algae. The addi- 3 ''4 ALGAE IN WATER SUPPLIES tion of vitamins and certain organic materials has provided needed nutrients in some instances. Until recently our knowledge of taste and odor algae was circumstantial and rather loose. When odors or tastes de- velop in water supplies, they are commonly blamed on the most abundant forms, which may or may not be the cause. Of course, when the same alga is found in a series of taste and odor outbreaks, the circumstantial evidence becomes quite strong. However, since most forms alleged to cause odor or taste are usually reported as the genus, the information is rather loose, in that some of the genera may contain 100 or more species. When the nuisance organism work was first undertaken at the Sanitary Engineering Center, it was considered essential to work only with species and to grow them in pure culture free from bacteria, molds, yeasts, actinomycetes, and other organisms, in order to determine definitely whether a par- ticular alga caused a taste or odor. The development. of methods for the culturing of algae required considerable time and effort. Therefore, it was decided to go beyond the determination of odor or taste production, and studies have been made to improve methods of using existing algicides and to find better or more specific materials. Specific algi- cides would be of considerable economic benefit, as smaller amounts of material could be used to control only undesirable forms without affecting the others. This is very important from the standpoint of fisheries management, as algae consti- tute much of the base of the food pyramid on which all the higher forms of aquatic life depend. Further, such a pro- cedure gives a form of biological control. The application of very toxic materials in large dosages which kill practically all the algae is undesirable. When much of the population is destroyed, the weed species come back first, and, since there is little competition, in great abundance. If selective algi- cides can be discovered, their use will control the problem species, while the desirable forms can increase so that the undesirable species are less likely to come back in large numbers. Algicidal and/or biological controls are feasible in lakes, small streams, or reservoirs where most of the water is used. They are economically unsuited to large lakes or rivers where only a portion of the water is used by the water plant. In such situations some other method of treatment must be pro- vided in the water plant. It is believed that materials caus- ing odor or taste are present in very small amounts. If the taste and odor materials produced by so-called nuisance or- ganisms are known, it may be possible to treat or change them by additives to render them innocuous. This could probably be done in the coagulation process. Investigations are underway to recover, isolate, and identify odoriferous materials produced by algae and other organisms in water supplies. Studies of attempts to control algal problems in water works have revealed hit-or-miss procedures, little coordina- tion of effort, and only occasional systematic recording of essential data. The great majority of water works are not staffed for making studies to determine the cause of their trouble, to identify the organisms responsible, or to detect their development before the undesirable materials actually get into the water system in quantity. The value of con- tinued surveillance of algal populations has been proven by studies in several of the larger water plants. There has been a need for some time for a planned and uniform approach to this problem, usable by more plants and placing information in an understandable and useful form into the hands of those who need it. This manual is an attempt to meet this need by water plant operators in appraisal of nuisance organism problems and furnishing information for remedying some difficulties. It is realized that very few operators or members of their staff have had training in aquatic biology or in the identifica- tion of algae. However, if growths of algae are to be de- tected and controlled before they cause trouble, continued surveillance of plankton populations and identification of , the organisms are essential. This manual presents a simpli- fied key limited to species of importance in water supplies. All terms and structures used in this key are defined and illustrated. The most important species of algae are illus- trated in three-dimensional drawings in color which show both external and internal structures. The drawings are based on actual specimens and on descriptions from a large number of texts. It is believed that with these drawings and the key any operator who applies himself diligently will be able to identify at least the most important forms. As experience is gained he should become able to detect the development of troublesome algae so that control measures can. be initiated before real trouble develops. In addition to the key and plates, the manual deals with the ecology and life history of algae and presents concise and pertinent in- formation on filter clogging and mat-forming algae, attached forms, algicides, and algal control. Eventually this manual may become useful in at least two other ways in meeting important problems. If algicides specific for certain species or groups of species can be found, operators can identify the organisms causing the trouble and, from a listing of specific algicides, determine the particular material which should be used for control. Further, if the source and substance of materials produced by algae which cause odors or tastes can be identified, the operator will be helped to determine what materials and methods should be used in the water plant to render innocuous the algal metabolites causing the trouble. CLARENCE M. TarzweE tt, Chief of Aquatic Biology Robert A. Taft Sanitary Engineering Center Cincinnati, Ohio ''CHAPTER II SIGNIFICANCE OF ALGAE IN WATER SUPPLIES ALGAE are common and normal inhabitants of surface waters and are encountered in every water supply that is exposed to sunlight. While a few of the algae are found in soil and on surfaces exposed to air, the great majority of them are truly aquatic and grow submerged in the waters of ponds, lakes, reservoirs, streams, and oceans. By operators of water treatment plants the algae are best known for their ability to produce odors and tastes and to clog sand filters. In addition, they have come to be recognized as important in the water supply in many other ways, including their ca- pacity for modifying the pH, alkalinity, color, turbidity, and lately the radioactivity of the water. Some are un- doubtedly the most troublesome of the various types of nui- sance organisms, but others can actually be put to good use in improving a water supply. One of the principal reasons for the importance of algae is their alibity to give rise to very large quantities of or- ganic matter in the water. It has been estimated, for ex- ample, that more than 130 tons of algae per day flow into Fox River, Wis., from Lake Winnebago (1): The volume of plankton algae in the Scioto River, Ohio, has reached a maximum of more than 8,000 p.p.m. (2). Algal counts for Lake Michigan at Chicago have at times been over 4,000 organisms per ml. (3), and the White River in Indiana has records of counts exceeding 100,000 algae per ml. (4). Such large quantities of algal material can always be counted on to cause serious difficulties in water treatment plants. Small numbers of certain particular kinds of algae may also be troublesome. The diatoms 7 abellaria, Synedra, and Melosiva will almost invariably reduce the length of filter runs. The brown flagellate, Synura, even in small numbers, is a notorious taste and odor producer. Comparatively low concentrations of most of the algae, however, are often an asset rather than a liability in raw waters. Unattached, visible, and sometimes extensive accumula- tions of algae at or near the surface of the water are desig- nated as “blooms” or “mats” (fig. 1) or “blankets,” the last two terms generally being applied when the algae are in the form of threads or filaments. Many of the algae attached to submerged rock, wood, soil, or the surface of trickling filters may form continuous carpets of growth. When the water becomes turbulent, fragments of the algal carpet may become detached and be carried away. These massive growths of algae can be troublesome in clogging screens, in the production of slime, and as a source of tastes and odors particularly if anaerobic decomposition occurs. The blooms and surface mats can be the cause for complaints by persons using the body of water for recreational purposes. They also may be one cause of fish kills by acting as a barrier to the penetration of oxygen into water under the algae. Algae that are dispersed and not in blooms or mats normally would have just the opposite effect. The algae that collect and grow on the surface of a slow sand filter as a gelatinous slimy film may be responsible for graudally reducing the flow through the bed, but they also. perform a useful service by adding oxygen to the water, which permits the bacterial decomposition of organic matter within the filter to remain aerobic. Anaerobic activities in the sand bed would tend to render the filtrate less palatable. The slimy mass of algae and other aquatic plants and ani- mals at the surface of a slow sand filter is called the “filter skin” and has also been referred to under the German name of “Schmutzdecke.” The unattached organisms that are dispersed individually or in colonies in the water are designated collectively as the “plankton.” Included are the plankton algae, which consti- tute most of the “phytoplankton” (meaning plant plankton), and the planktonic animals or “zooplankton.” When the water supply comes from a large, deep reservoir or lake, the planktonic algae are likely to be of much more significance than the attached or “benthic” algae. Many water treat- ment plants, therefore, keep records of the plankton but not of the benthos. In some treatment plants it is a general practice to apply an algicide to the raw water whenever the concentration of planktonic algae approaches a count of 500 areal standard units per ml, (5). All surface waters contain dissolved and suspended ma- terials which serve as nutrients and support the growth not only of algae but of many other kinds of aquatic life, num- bers of which are governed to a great extent by the amounts and kinds of nutrients available. Some of the aquatic plants and animals are large, such as the fish, turtles, cattails, and water lilies, but there are immense populations of small forms, many of them microscopic in size. The microscopic organisms in addition to algae include bacteria, actinomy- cetes, molds or fungi, yeasts, protozoa, rotifers, micro-crus- tacea, minute worms, and mites. Many of these may play a major part in affecting the quality of the water and have to be dealt with in the process of preparing water for do- mestic and industrial use. The present account deals pri- marily with the algae but it is obvious that the activities of one group of organisms are closely associated with activities of the other organisms present in the same environment. PHOTOSYNTHESIS Algae differ from the other groups of small or microscopic organisms in possessing an internal green pigment called chlorophyll, sometimes hidden or partially masked by other pigments, which enables them in the presence of sunlight to = ''6 ALGAE IN WATER SUPPLIES Figure 1.—Mats of algae floating on the surface of water. combine water and carbon dioxide to form starch or related substances, and to release oxygen into the water. This process known as photosynthesis (6) is absent in all typical bacteria, actinomycetes, fungi, yeasts, protozoa, and crus- tacea. In general it is not characteristic of animals but is common to all types of green plants. On the other hand, respiration is a process carried on by all plants and animals and the gaseous exchange is the opposite of that in photo- synthesis; i.e., oxygen is absorbed and carbon dioxide is re- leased. However, in algae and other green plants the rate of their photosynthesis is normally faster than their respiration. These organisms, therefore, release more oxygen than they use and absorb more carbon dioxide than they release while animals and other nonphotosynthetic organisms release sarbon dioxide and absorb oxygen from their environment. For this reason, the amounts of oxygen and carbon dioxide in an environment such as water often depend to a large degree upon the relative rates of photosynthesis and respira- tion being carried on collectively by the algae, bacteria, and other organisms in that area. Some aquatic, pigmented forms containing chlorophyll are able to swim or crawl, although most of the typical algae are not capable of self locomotion. Many of these pigmented swimming forms have whip-like structures called flagella and have been classified by some workers as protozoan ani- mals rather than as algae. However, it seems best, in sani- tary science, to list them as algae (7). The algae make possible important chemical changes and metabolic activities in the water through their release of oxygen during daylight hours. The oxygen is made avail- able for respiration that is carried on by all types of animals from fish on down to the smallest forms. It helps to prevent foul or septic conditions by stimulating the activities of aerobic rather than anaerobic bacteria. The algae constitute the primary source for continuous daytime renewal of this essential element in most bodies of quiet water. Oxygen re- lease by algae and oxygen uptake by reaeration are the two primary sources for renewal of oxygen in flowing streams and turbulent water. Another important chemical effect of algae is the continu- ous removal of carbon dioxide from the water during the daylight hours as a result of photosynthesis. This process brings about an alteration in the relative amounts of soluble (unbound) carbonic acid, intermediately soluble (half bound) bicarbonates, and the nearly insoluble (bound) mono- ‘arbonates, often causing some of the latter to precipitate. All of this produces a change in the total hardness of the water. Vigorous algal growths have been known to reduce the water hardness by as much as one-third. These changes in carbon dioxide and hardness also tend to change the pH of the water. The pH will increase as the © algae increase their photosynthetic activity during daylight hours. The pH then decreases at night when the algae are not carrying on photosynthesis but are releasing carbon di- ''Significance of Algae in Water Supplies - oxide in respiration. These changes in hardness and in pH must be taken into account at the water treatment plant since they may require changes in the dosages of chlorine, alum, and other chemicals added to the water at the plant . Corrosive activity of the water is also often increased as a result of algal growth. This can have far-reaching effects on the pipes in the distribution system and on many indus- trial processes where water is in contact with the machinery. In California, algae attached to the metal walls of sedimen- tation tanks caused deep pits to be formed in the metal as a result of the depolarizing action of the oxygen produced by the algae. Algae in contact with submerged concrete blocks have caused complete disintegration of the concrete (8). Increasing attention is now being paid to algae that pro- duce toxic organic substances causing the death of many kinds of wild and domestic animals. However, there appear to be few records of algae that are toxic to humans, although some have several times been looked upon with suspicion as the possible cause of certain outbreaks of gastro-intestinal disorders among persons using a common water supply. Problems introduced by algae in the providing of suitable water supplies, together with the utilization of some of these same organisms in improving the water supplies and in treat- ment of sewage, clearly indicate a need for more knowledge of their environmental requirements, life histories, growth, and nutrition. In order to help in meeting this need, re- search scientists at a number of laboratories, including the Robert A. Taft Sanitary Engineering Center of the Public Health Service in Cincinnati, are studying the various algae of importance in water and sewage. Reports have been published for various parts of the con- tinent which summarize the importance of algae and other "interference organisms in water supplies. The regions that have been covered include New England (9), the Chesapeake area (10), Indiana (11), and Canada (12). ~ 8. 10. 11. 12. . Plankton populations in Indiana’s White River. . Comprehensive survey of taste and odor problems. . Photosynthesis in the algae. REFERENCES . Current water pollution investigations and problems in Wisconsin. K. M. Mackenthun. In Biological Problems in Water Pollu- tion, ed. by C. M. Tarzwell. Dept. Health, Ed. and Welfare, Public Health Service, Robt. A. Taft San. Eng. Center, p. 179- 183. 1957. . A study of pollution and natural purification of the Scioto River. R. W. Kehr, W. C. Purdy, J. B. Lackey, O. R. Placak, and W. E. Burns. U.S. Public Health Service, Public Health Bull. 276, 153 p. 1941. . Quantitative study of the phytoplankton of Lake Michigan at Evanston, Illinois. K. E. Damann. Butler Univ. Bot. Stud. 5: 27-44. 1941. J. B. Lackey and BE. R. Hupp. Jour. Amer. Water Wks. Assn. 48: 1024-1036. 1956. H. N. Lendall. Water Wks. Eng. 99: 12387-1238. 1946. R. W. Krauss. Indust. and Eng. Chem. 48: 1449-1455. 1956. . Suggested classification of algae and protozoa in sanitary science. C. M. Palmer and W. M. Ingram. 27: 11838-1188. 1955. Biological corrosion of concrete. HE. T. Oborn and EH. C. Higgin- son. Joint Rept. Field Crops Res. Branch, Agric. Res. Service, U.S. Dept. Agric., and Bur. Reclamation, U.S. Dept. Interior. 8p. Jan. 1954. Sewage and Indust. Wastes . Algae and other interference organisms in New England water supplies. C. M. Palmer. 72: 27-46. 1958. Algae and other organisms in waters of the Chesapeake area. C. M. Palmer. Jour. Amer. Water Wks. Assn. 50: 938-950. 1958. Algae and other interference organisms in Indiana water supplies. C. M. Palmer and H. W. Poston. Jour. Amer. Water Wks. Assn. 48: 1335-1346. 1956. Survey of water purification practice in Canada. D.H. Matheson and A. V. Forde. Jour. Amer. Water Wks. Assn. 49: 1522-1530. 1957. Jour. New England Water Wks. Assn. ''CHAPTER III IDENTIFICATION OF ALGAE SEVERAL of the larger groups of algae are recognized by their common names, such as the diatoms, desmids, armored flagellates, euglenoids, greens, blue-greens, yellow-greens, browns, golden-browns, and reds. Included in these groups are numerous individual kinds which total probably more than twenty thousand. A few of the less specific kinds of algae have common names as well as scientific names, as for example, the names “water net” for Hydrodictyon (fig. 2), “green felt” for Vaucheria, “sea lettuce” for Ulva, “water silk” for Spirogyra, and “stone wort” for Chara. Each one of these is known as a genus (plural, “genera”) and is com- posed of specific kinds known as species (plural also is “spe- cies”). For example, two species of the genus Spirogyra would be Spirogyra ellipsospora (fig. 8) and Spirogyra va- rians (fig. 4). For the great majority of algae there are only scientific names available, no common names having as yet been applied to them. Experience in water and sewage treatment plants has demonstrated that there is considerable difficulty in recog- nizing the various algae that are encountered and in deter- mining which of the many present are really important. In this manual the algae are considered and displayed accord- ing to their significance to sanitary scientists and technicians, rather than with regard to their evolutionary relationship as botanists would normally classify them. Obviously only a fraction of the total number of algae can be included, but many of those omitted are comparatively rare types or rela- tively unimportant in water supplies. For convenience, most of the algae of importance in water supplies may be characterized in four general groups, the blue-green algae, the green algae, the diatoms, and the pig- mented flagellates. This is a simplification of the grouping which is used in more extensive treatises on the classification of algae. As might be expected, there are a few miscella- neous forms which do not fit into these four groups. The blue-green algae include such forms as Oscéllatoria (pls. 2 and 3), Anacystis (Microcystis) (pls. 1 and 2), and Desmo- nema (fig. 5). As the name implies, many of the specimens have a blue-green color. They are surrounded by a slimy coating. Their form and internal structure is comparatively simple. The green algae are exemplified by Chlorella (pls. 2 and 3), Pediastrum (fig. 6), and Spirogyra (pls. 2 and 3). Their most common color is grass green to yellow-green and is localized in plastids. Reserve food is generally starch. The desmids (fig. 7) are a subgroup of the green algae. The diatoms are represented by the genera Cyclotella (pls. 2 and 4) and Navicula (pls. 2 and 4). They have a rigid wall con- _ taining silica which is sculptured with regularly arranged markings. Their plastids are brown to greenish in color. 8 In the pigmented flagellates are placed all of the swimming algae which have flagella. H'uglena (pls. 3 and 5) and Sy- nura (pl. 1) are representatives of this group. A compari- son of the more significant characteristics of the four groups of algae is summarized in table 1. A total of 262 species of the most important algae are in- cluded in the next six chapters of this manual, being con- sidered according to their significance under the general titles of Taste and Odor Algae, Filter Clogging Algae, Pol- luted Water Algae, Clean Water Algae, Surface Water Algae (plankton and surface-mat algae), and Algae Attached to Reservoir Walls. In table 2, these algae are listed alpha- betically, together with their group, the title under which they are discussed, and the plate or figure where they are illustrated. A “key” for their identification is included in the appendix. A large number of additional algae are re- ferred to briefly in chapters X and XI but are not included in the key. More extensive manuals on both marine and fresh-water algae would be required for their identification (1, 2, 3,4, 6,7, 8, 10, 11, 12). Authorities have recently changed the names of several of the better known algae. The list of these changes which in- volve any algae referred to in the manual is given in table 3. Most of the changes involve genera and species of blue-green algae and were reported by Drouet and Daily in 1956 (3). Table 1.—Comparison of the Four Major Groups of Algae in Water Supplies. Algal groups incense Blue-green Green algae Diatoms Pigmented algae flagellates Colones Blue-green Green to Brown to Green or to brown yellow- light- brown green green Location of Through- In plastids | In plastids | In plastids pigment out cell barely Lk Absent Present Absent Present or absent Slimy coat- Present Absent in Absent in Absent in ing most most most Cell wall____| Inseparable | Semirigid, Very rigid, | Thin, thick from smooth with or absent slimy or with regular coating spines marking Nucleus_-___- Absent Present Present Present Flagellum___| Absent Absent Absent Present Eye spot____| Absent Absent Absent Present ''Identification of Algae 9 Figure 8.—Anacystis cyanea (formerly Microcystis aeruginosa). Figure 2.— Water net, Hydrodictyon reticulatum. Figure 9.—Agmenellum quadriduplicatum (formerly Merismopedia glauca). Figure 10.—Phytoconis botryoides (formerly Protococcus viridis). Figure 11.—Haematococcus lacustris (formerly Sphaerella lacustris). Figure 4.—Spirogyra varians. Figure 5.—A blue-green alga, Desmonema wrangelii. Figure 12.—Colonies of indefinite form in Oocystis novae-semliae. Figure 13.—A simple filament, Anabaena constricta. Figure 6.—A green alga, Pe- diastrum bory- anum. Figure 14.—Threads are grouped into erect cones in Symploca muralis. Figure 7.—A desmid, Cylindrocystis brebissonii. 496792 O-59—2 ''10 ALGAE IN WATER SUPPLIES For example, Jicrocystis (fig. 8) is changed to Anacystis, Coelosphaerium is included under Gomphosphaeria, and Merismopedia (fig. 9) becomes Agmenellum. The name of the green alga Protococcus (fig. 10) is changed to Phytoconis (9). The pigmented flagellate Sphaerella (fig. 11) is now recognized as Haematococcus (1). Six plates of illustrations in color together with photo- graphs, line drawings, the key, and descriptions are included for use as aids in the identification of the significant forms. The six color-plates of important algae are the work of artist-biologist Harold J. Walter, and were done under the supervision of the author (13, 14). The original paintings are on display at the Robert A. Taft Sanitary Engineering Center, in Cincinnati, Ohio. The line drawings which are included as figures throughout the manual were made by the writer and published previously in two taxonomic papers Gb). The six plates of algae in color represent three general areas of concern for plant operators, namely, water treat- ment, sewage treatment, and water reservoirs. Taste, odor, and filter clogging are the most troublesome problems faced by many operators in water treatment plants. Representa- tive algae associated with these conditions are illustrated on plates 1 and 2. In connection with water pollution, natural stream purification, and sewage treatment, the significant algae are those whose growth or survival is closely related to the amount and composition of sewage and other organic wastes in the water. Plates 3 and 4 illustrate the contrasting groups of polluted water and clean water algae. Finally, in the reservoirs and settling basins of water supply systems are encountered the drifting, swimming, and attached growths of algae which can become troublesome in the raw water and can cause nuisance conditions in the treatment plant. Plates 5 and 6 illustrate respectively the planktonic and mat-form- ing algae of surface waters and the algae attached to the sides of reservoirs and settling basins. The algae as illustrated on the plates are not shown in actual or relative size. Some of the forms illustrated are so minute as to be visible only under very high magnification of a compound microscope. Other forms are large enough to be seen under lower magnification or even with the un- aided eye. Chlorella on plates 2 and 3, and Chrysococcus on plate 4 are good examples of minute, microscopic algae while Lemanea on plate 4, and Chara on plate 6 are large forms often growing to a length of several inches. Thus, rather than having the drawing scale the same for all of the algae, each is enlarged sufficiently to make clear its own par- ticular characteristics. The magnification for each drawing is given with the species name in the list accompanying each plate. The six color plates contain illustrations of 129 of the algae referred to in this manual. Drawings and _photomicro- graphs of some other forms are also included in the manual as noted earlier. The paintings and the drawings were prepared in such a way as to emphasize the characteristics most helpful in the identification of unstained material in water samples. While illustrations may be a real aid in recognizing the various kinds of algae, an identification “key” is essential for distinguishing the many genera and species encountered. An original key, limited to the 262 algae selected as most important in water supplies, has therefore been prepared for this manual. Since many other algae may be associated with these forms in the water, the supplementary use of additional treatises on algae would help to assure greater accuracy in identifying the specimens. When acquainted with the nature of an identification “key”, an observer can make direct use of the device in de- termining the name of a particular form whose essential characteristics have been determined through study under a microscope. It is necessary, therefore, to know what are these “essential characteristics” that must be observed in any specimen before the key is used for its identification. The essential characteristics are considered under the following headings: 1, gross structure of the alga, including shape, size, and cell grouping; 2, cell structure; 3, specialized parts of cells; 4, specialized parts of multicellular algae; and 5, measurements. GROSS STRUCTURE The cells of algae may be isolated units so that each “uni- cell” behaves as an independent organism. Hundreds of genera of algae are unicellular. Examples illustrated in- clude Tetraedron, Euglena, and Gomphonema on plate 3. In many other algae the cells are grouped together into vari- ous shapes of colonies such as are illustrated by Asterionella, Hydrodictyon, Anacystis (Microcystis), Dinobryon, Volvow, Pandorina, and Synura on plate 1 and Oocystis in figure 12. The colony of cells may have a definite, distinct shape, as in Volvo, or it may be indefinite and irregular, as in Anacys- tis. Colonies in the form of threads (filaments) where the cells are arranged in a simple linear series or chain are dis- tinctive and very common (fig. 13). The threads may be isolated, or obviously grouped together as in Symploca (fig. 14); they may be unbranched (simple) or branched. The branches may be attached to the primary thread singly (al- ternate), in pairs (opposite), or more than two together (whorled). Anabaena, Spirogyra, Oscillatoria, and Arthro- spira, on plate 3 are simple filaments. M¢crothammnion (fig. 15) and Audowinella (pl. 6) have alternate branching; Stigeoclonium (pl. 6) has, in part, opposite branching; and Chara (pl. 6) has whorled branching. Chaetophora and Phormidium on plate 6 have filaments grouped together into larger growths. In a few cases the alga may be in the form of a continu- ous, sometimes branching “tube” with no cell walls to divide the material into distinct units or cells. The tube is de- scribed as being “nonseptate” (having no transverse walls). Botrydium (fig. 16) and Vaucheria on plate 6 have this type of structure. In others, such as Hydrurus (fig. 17) and Tet- raspora on plate 6 the whole gelatinous mass, in which nu- merous cells are embeded, is tubular in form. A few fresh-water algae have cells forming dense massive “strands,” the strand being from a few to many cells thick and with central and marginal (peripheral) cells different ''Identification of Algae ll Figure 15.—Filament with alternate branching in Microthamnion strictissimum. Figure 16.—A branching, tubular, nonseptate alga, Botrydium granu- latum. states Figure 17.—Cells embedded in a gelatinous tube in Hydrurus foetidus. Figure 18.—Mature and young portions of Compsopogon coeruleus. from one another. Lemanea on plate 4 and Compsopogon on plate 6 and in figure 18 are examples of specialized strands. Finally, a limited number of algae have cells arranged to form. a flat or bent “membrane,” as indicated by Hilden- brandia on plate 4. In summary, the gross structural forms encountered among the algae include the unicell, colony, filament, tube, strand, and membrane. CELL STRUCTURE The three main parts of many algal cells are the proto- plast, the cell wall, and the outer matrix. Within the proto- plast may be the one or more separate bodies colored green, , yellow-green, brown, or some other color, and known as “plastids” or “chromatophores.” In the blue-green algae (Myxophyceae) the pigments are not localized in plastids but are distributed throughout the whole protoplast. Some of the protoplasts may contain bodies, other than plastids, such as nuclei, crystals, starch grains, oil droplets, cell sap “vacuoles,” and spherical “pyrenoids” around which minute grains of starch collect. Pyrenoids are generally inside of the plastids, as shown in Chlorella on plate 2 and Oocystis and Scenedesmus on plate 5. The nucleus of the cell is pres- ent in all but the blue-green algae, but is seldom referred to in this manual because it is colorless and difficult to observe without staining or other special treatment of the material. The cell wall of algal cells is commonly a thin, rigid mem- brane which is in contact with the outer edge of the proto- plast and completely surrounds it. Some of the swimming algae, such as Huglena on plate 5, do not have a rigid wall and their protoplasts are therefore somewhat flexible, mak- ing them changeable in form. In the green algae the cell wall is semirigid and composed of cellulose. In diatoms the wall is very rigid and composed principally of silica that is sculptured with a regular, even pattern of lines and dots as illustrated by Diatoma and Navicula on plate 2. The outer matrix, when present, tends in most cases to be a flexible, colorless, gelatinous material which has been secreted through the cell wall. It often changes with age to become pigmented, to show stratification, and to develop a semirigid surface membrane. In most cases it assumes a form and structure characteristic for the particular alga of which it is a part. In Botryococcus (pl. 5), its brown color partially hides the green plastids within the protoplasts. In Gonium (pl. 5) it holds the cells in a flat plate, while in Sphaerocystis (pl. 5) it forms a sphere. Dinobryon and Trachelomonas on plate 2 have a specialized outer matrix called a “lorica” which is rigid and of definite form. Lyng- bya and Tolypothri# on plate 6 and Microcoleus (fig. 19) have an outer matrix in the form of a semirigid tube-like “sheath.” SPECIALIZED PARTS OF CELLS Certain additional cell parts may be characteristics useful in identification. Some cells have a gelatinous “stalk,” one end of which is attached .to the cell and the other to some other object. Gomphonema and Achnanthes on plate 6 are ''12 ALGAE IN WATER SUPPLIES Table 2.—Algae in Water Supplies A List of the More Important Species Key to Columns: 1. Alga name. 2. Group: D, diatom; G, green; BG, blue-green; R, red; FI, flagel- late; De, desmid; YG, yellow-green. ae Significance: A, attached ; S, surface; F, filter; C, clean; P, pol- luted ; T, taste and odor. 4. Plate number or figure number (bold face), if illustrated. 1 2 3 4 Achnanthes: microcephala_---_-_-_-_---- D A 6 Actinastrum: RUM OMURAUMN set oe te G 8 5 NORM RG MI Ss eee G Ss Agmenellum: quadriduplicatum: PISUGA UNDG! eet Ue ees BG C 4 PeMlUddsimMa type 228. 2s BG P 3 Ampnloray OVAHs 0225.20 D Cc Anabaena: Ciberadtice se he Pe Sa BG r 3 GOMsURIGhiecee sae Se Seay BG P 12 OSEAQ ING shee Oar eh a BG F 2 IeCOn CAs oi oe kT ea ee BG aL 1 Anacystis: CyNOO eee RE ee ee BG rE : CUI A Dace tay OA ues Maa Rs BG F 2 RIVER UA Ae si fk ee ra BG R 3 OMIA eer ee A es BG S Ankistrodesmus: PolGaiscep ec ee ei at es G s 34 WAT, ACIOUIATIGc © oo oo G C 4 Aphanizomenon: flos-aquae__-_-_-___-_- BG ak 1 Arshrospira: jenneri= 20. Soh BG PP s Asterionella: MTORR ge Gh ey he D F 2 emcees oe ee ese D YT a Audouineila: violacea... 2-222 2253 R A - Batrachospermum: PAROUMRO On 5.2 Soviet Frees he R A 6 eI Aig Oe i R C Borryococcus: ~ brauniil. ° 20022. ee G 8 5 Bulbochaete: Deis eas tas co SR a G A 6 ia a7 F.0d en G Cc Calothrix: Pome ses a ee a BG A amie tian res ic ee Nea BG C a Cartetias -multiilis si oC a Fl Pp 3 Ceratrum: nirundinellas 22. 26s: Fl aL 1 Chaetopeltis: megalocystis__________- G C Chaetophora: PBUnenNaA eck a er Si es ee G A Cle matioe mc tha ups ee G A 6 Chara: being ot SS eg G A 6 UI DHpIS oe ee ks eee G 7 Chlamydomonas: Urine eis ek a eS Fl oT oneness ee Fl iP 3 Chlorella: elliipsaiaed 2202 oe G 8 pyrenoidosa___._.- Ea G FP 2 Valoars. DUS Pegs cantare ee G PB 3 Chlorococcum: humicola_______- G iE 3 Chlorogonium: euchlorum- -_- Fl iP a fnromulina:-rosanom. 202.0 Fl Cc 4° Chroomonas: Mar epeubs cs tye it et eee ee Fl C BELONG AIns 772 Poo ye ss Fl C Chrysococcus: \ TAT ieee CRM ts Se ee Ae Fl C Ovalis. 22% we doy Ls Sena oy a Fl C Mites Gels ser Sot ss etn eyes Fl Cc 4 Chrysosphaerella: longispina_______ Cladophora: aegagropila___ CMS Wataes cok Se en ree ene TPAC Se ee ati Gera 2 a oe mlomenaias oN eee TTRBLOUUIR Sere es 28 see eet ee Closterium: AGICUIARG $52 eF oe eto ee Ve a MOUTON: ote Sy Coecochloris: stagnina__-.----_.--.-- Cocconeis: POCICUUS eae a ey ci ie Be MlAceniwla ss MORE a lee es ee Coelastrum: microporum.-.-- 2-2 -.-- Compsopogon: coeruleus___--.-.-.-- Cosmarium: botrytises. vee ses gee Perbianui set se Remy ee Crucigenia: quadrata____-_._-_. oe Cryptorlends. pigtar 17 Scien See Cryptomonas: erosa.- -_- oe ee Cyclotella: bodaniga=2 2. = - ee pare COMpta ss il oe eee glomerata___-. _- ‘ ene meneghiniana____. _ gee Cylindrospermum: muscicola_-_.- . - Gea eee SUE er ee SA ee ete Cymatopleura: solea_._._._- Cybella: GenHUle ea hc ses See Se eh PIORtMA A a oe Se ee Vventricosas Sete soe a Desmidium_ Wiageligtes coe es oe Musty, erassy. 22) 8 Wishy,;6epuie. 20 2. a Sweet 25. 28 Slick. OMOrellas eee ee Sos Greene see Hoc CP ON eee oe a eee AVIS ye ee eer Chrysosphaerella_____------- PRION pe ar ss EA Se at Fe Je RTS EVs i el es oe i Wladophora= 2. 8. ou es Greene set ee Can eae eee ee ee Sepiie i SUS Whe on sec ee oe ae (Clathrocystis) 3. = 222s See Anacystis. Glostenuin es ya es MOOT oie es Se ae at Oy Ut ae Cr si a Oe aed (Coelosphaerium)______------ See Gomphosphaeria Cosmariume:*: =. PEO VO Ce eet oe gO le Dare Stag Grassye. ee Sc eee Grymtomonass (222 32522 3st Blagellates 2 eet lS Wiclets So. a os Wiolete 2 Saas Sweet gk ks Wycloulllai. = os ove te od IDTstonir ss eee ee ee Geraniume os 2 rela Wishy (See cere iu) ase | ee ey eee Gylindrospermum 2. 2. Blue-greene. | ed > Grassy 28.2 oe eevee Septigenet iol Ee es eee MBI LOMA soar ee ee DRA O MA: Ohi eee ads Aare ee, eae OL ae ee eee ATOMAVICE ce oe lie Sees ae es ae ee Dictyosphacrium=< ==. = 2 Greent ee ee hse vay Grassy, nasturtium __-_--- Wishivet 2c sos ed Ba eee : Dinoprygn epee kts Plagollate sess ye Violets ea Wish ye. nas Te ee Slick. PIC OT ae er ees oP ae ee Mia@ellate Shes Sas ee eee ele Rishy. = 2c os las Mnplon gees A os os se AUlawellate scold et ee a ass A) ee Hishiy co ee aoe Oo oe Sweet. “ie rain en alt Rs es PATON gts ee Ee Geéraniutie S252 42 sue Misty. 6 ioe oe ee ; Glienoediniums ) 2. ve on oe Wiapellatevenere Se eS eo ee ee Wishy 2205 See oe Ne Slick. (Gloeoeapssa) o.-2-2 2222 bolle See Anacystis. Gloeotystist oes MEGS eee iene Ln SAR, Sines eect ee a ie Septic sce el i os Bees es ee Gloeounichia 2s ee Blue preemie aaa oe leary ee Giaesye oe Ore ee oe Gomphosphaerian 20 22 Blue-green_____-- pee a Grassy. 2) es GiRsey es eee ee Sweete.: oi animes See Wlagellateccs 3222 0G Ste a eee Wishy oe.) 6 Ge Sa gn ee Uc ee ae EDVOTOGIOLYON: 25k io io REPT se a i ee Soe eae SED bi Ge ss e s ee e Mallomonas:= <2 2802 2s oe Blapellatecs tess Violét2e 2 ee ses WishvAc tee ee eS ee : MielOsiTaiws 0 eee MD YSTOMI os es ae ea Geranitine: 2. 22. ea eas Musiy ee ee Slick. Meridion® 22.8222 oe DIatO Mi spe eur ic ee oie 2 eer a ed ee Nas Spicy eis ees ee @viliorocyetis) oto 2 ee See Anacystis. ates soe ss es MECH Ss hee ee ae Grassy 3 222 ee Grassy, septic____-_----- Bitten: 223 Chlorella variegata Enteromorpha intestinalis Enteromorpha prolifera Erythrotrichia carnea Porphyra leucosticta Spirulina subsalsa Ulva lactuca Ulva latissima Algal group Blue-green Diatom Flagellate Flagellate Green Blue-green Flagellate Flagellate Flagellate Flagellate Yellow-green Green Diatom Green Green Blue-green Red Blue-green Green Green Blue-green Green Green Green Diatom Diatom Diatom Green Blue-green Blue-green Blue-green Blue-green Blue-green Blue-green Blue-green Blue-green Flagellate Green Green Red Red Diatom Blue-green Green Green Green Red Red Blue-green Green Green Problem and algae Algae as indicators of high acidity : Actinella Chlamydomonas Chromulina ovalis Cryptomonas erosa Euglena adherens Euglena hiemalis Euglena mutabilis Euglena stellata Euglena tatrica Euglena viridis Hunotia exigua Eunotia lunaris Eunotia trinacria Lepocinclis ovum Navicula subtilissima Navicula viridis Ochromonas Penium cucurbitinum Pinnularia Stauroneis anceps Tabellaria flocculosa Ulothrix zonata Vanheurckia rhomboides var. crassenervia Xanthidium. antilopeum Algae indicating industrial wastes: Copper: Achnanthes affinis Asterionella formosa Calothrix braunii Chlorococcum botryoides Cymbella naviculiformis Cymbella ventricosa Navicula viridula Neidium bisulcatum Nitzschia palea Scenedesmus obliquus Stigeoclonium tenue Symploca erecta Paper mill wastes: Amphora ovalis Caloneis amphisbaena Cocconeis diminuta Cocconeis pediculus Cymatopleura solea Cymbella ventricosa Diatoma vulgare Gomphonema herculaneum Navicula cryptocephala Navicula radiosa Oscillatoria Pandorina Pediastrum Scenedesmus Spondylomorum Surirella ovata Surirella ovata var. salina Synedra pulchella Synedra ulna Ulothrix Phenolic wastes: Achnanthes affinis Ceratoneis arcus Cocconeis placentula Cyclotella ktitzingiana Cymatopleura solea Cymbella naviculiformis Diatoma vulgare Fragilaria virescens Gomphonema parvulum Navicula cryptocephala Neidium bisulcatum Nitzschia palea Pinnularia borealis Surirella ovata Synedra ulna Algal group Diatom Flagellate Flagellate Flagellate Flagellate Flagellate Flagellate Flagellate Flagellate Flagellate Diatom Diatom Diatom Flagellate Diatom Diatom Flagellate Desmid Diatom Diatom Diatom Green Diatom Desmid Diatom Diatom Blue-green Green Diatom Diatom Diatom . Diatom Diatom Green Green Blue-green Diatom Diatom Diatom Diatom Diatom Diatom Diatom Diatom Diatom Diatom Blue-green Flagellate Green Green Flagellate Diatom Diatom Diatom Diatom Green Diatom Diatom Diatom Diatom Diatom Diatom Diatom Diatom Diatom Diatom Diatom Diatom Diatom Diatom Diatom ''Additional Uses for Algae Found in Water Supplies 59 Table 12.—Other Uses for Algae in Water Supplies—Continued Problem and algae Algae indicating industrial wastes : Distillery wastes: Chlamydobotrys Chlorobrachis gracillima Chlorogonium euchlorum Oil: Amphora ovalis Diatoma vulgare Gomphonema herculaneum Melosira varians Navicula radiosa Surirella molleriana Synedra acus Synedra ulna Hydrogen sulfide: Achnanthes affinis Caloneis amphisbaena Camphlodiscus Cyclotella meneghiniana Cymbella ventricosa Hantzschia amphioxys Navicula minima Neidium bisulcatum Nitzschia ignorata Nitzschia palea Nitzschia tryblionella var. debilis Surirella ovata var. salina Iron: Anomoeoneis serians var. brachysira Chlorella variegata Chromulina Eunotia Gomphonema acuminatum Pinnularia microstauron Pinnularia subcapitata var. hilseana Stauroneis phoenicenteron Stenopterobia intermedia Surirella delicatissima Surirella linearis Trachelomonas hispida Chromium : Closterium acerosum Huglena acus Euglena oxyuris Euglena sociabilis Buglena stellata Euglena viridis Navicula atomus Navicula cuspidata Nitzschia linearis Nitzschia palea Stigeoclonium tenue Tetraspora Algal group Flagellate Flagellate Flagellate Diatom Diatom Diatom Diatom Diatom Diatom Diatom Diatom Diatom Diatom Diatom Diatom Diatom Diatom Diatom Diatom Diatom Diatom Diatom Diatom Diatom Green Flagellate Diatom Diatom © Diatom Diatom Diatom Diatom Diatom Diatom Flagellate Desmid Flagellate Flagellate Flagellate Flagellate Flagellate Diatom Diatom Diatom Diatom Green Green Problem and algae Algae indicating industrial wastes : Salt brine (principally NaCl) : Achnanthidium brevipes var. intermedia Actinastrum hantzschii Amphiprora paludosa Amphora coffeiformis Amphora ovalis Anacystis Calothrix Chaetomorpha Chlamydomonas ehrenbergii Coecochloris elabens (Aphanothece halophytica ) Cyclotella meneghiniana Cymbella lacustris Cymbella ventricosa Diatoma elongatum Diploneis elliptica Dunaliella salina Enteromorpha intestinalis Enteromorpha prolifera Entophysalis deusta (Aphanocapsa littoralis) Buglena Frustulia rhomboides var. saxonica Gomphonema Gyrosigma attenuatum Hantzshia elongata Lyngbya astuarii Melosira arenaria Meridion circulare Microcoleus chthonoplastes Navicula anglica Navicula cincta var. heufleri Navicula cryptocephala Navicula gregaria Navicula longirostris Navicula minuscula Navicula pygmaea Navicula salinarum Navicula subtilissima Nitzschia apiculata Nitzschia epithemoides Nitzschia frustulum Nitzschia palea Oscillatoria Pediastrum simplex Pinnularia Phormidium tenue Scenedesmus bijugatus Spirulina subsalsa Stephanoptera gracilis Synedra acus Synedra affinis Synedra pulchella Trachelomonas Trichodesmium Ulothrix Algal group Diatom Green Diatom Diatom Diatom Blue-green Blue-green Green Flagellate Blue-green Diatom Diatom Diatom Diatom Diatom Flagellate Green. Green Blue-green Flagellate Diatom Diatom Diatom Diatom Blue-green Diatom Diatom Blue-green Diatom Diatom Diatom Diatom Diatom Diatom Diatom Diatom Diatom Diatom Diatom Diatom Diatom Blue-green Green Diatom Blue-green Green Blue-green Flagellate Diatom Diatom Diatom Flagellate Blue-green Green ''CHAPTER XII PROCEDURES FOR ENUMERATION OF ALGAE IN WATER IT IS NECESSARY to know the purpose for which any algological investigation is to be made before a particular analytic procedure is selected. In some instances there may be need to designate only certain particular groups or genera or species of algae. This might be the case when analyzing samples from oxidation ponds to determine the progress of sewage change, or in analyzing stream samples for the pres- ence of indicator algae or certain taste and odor algae. In other situations, a knowledge of the number as well as the general groups of algae may be required. This might be needed to determine the most effective time for treating a reservoir with an algicide. The total area or volume, par- ticularly of the diatoms, would be useful data for determin- ing the relationship of plankton to the length of filter runs. For many treatment plants using surface water supplies, adequate procedures would include periodic inspections of the raw water supply, the treatment plant, and the distribu- tion system for attached growths, and for floating mats and blooms. This would be followed by laboratory examinations, and recording of the dominant organisms present in these visible growths of algae. In addition, plankton analyses of water samples from these same areas would be made at regular intervals. Information of this sort, especially when taken over a period of time, and when supplemented by ade- quate physicochemical data, is very valuable for determining the type and application time of measures necessary for the prevention and control of problems brought about by algae. No method has yet been widely accepted as accurate for reporting the number or volume of attached algae or of those in floating mats. Observations can be recorded as notes or indicated on an outline map to designate the loca- tion and the extent of the areas of algal growths. Changes in location and amount can then be followed by comparing the notes or map records for different dates. Identification of the algae can be accomplished with the aid of a micro- scope and a key such as included in the appendix. In the recording of plankton algae (1) the common pro- cedure begins with the collection of a water sample from a designated location and depth. When the sample is not to be taken immediately to the laboratory for analysis, pres- ervation is accomplished by the addition of formaldehyde. The next step involves the concentration of the plankton in the sample by means of a centrifuge or a Sedgwick-Rafter sand filter. Using the concentrate, 1 ml. is placed in a Sedg- wick-Rafter counting cell and enumeration of the organisms is made with the aid of a compound microscope fitted with a 60 Whipple ocular micrometer. The magnification used is commonly 100X obtained by means of a 10X ocular and 10X objective. With microscopes calibrated for this type of analysis the field of view, as delimited by the ocular microm- eter, can be adjusted to cover 0.001 ml. of the concentrate. The plankton organisms appearing in 10 fields are counted and, from their total, the number of organisms per milliliter, liter, or gallon of the unconcentrated water sample can be calculated (2). Quantitative records for each genus or species may be re- ported separately as well as the totals for the major groups of algae. The enumeration may be in number of cells, num- ber of clumps (isolated cells plus colonies), areal standard units, or cubic standard units. Several variations of the clump count method are in use. No single method of enu- meration has been selected as a standard procedure to be fol- lowed by water treatment laboratories. However, the clump count procedure is probably the simplest method and also the basic one, since the others are often derived from it by extrapolation. The low magnification of 100X commonly used in count- ing plankton, together with the loss of significant numbers of algae during preservation and concentration of the sam- ples results in plankton values lower than those actually present. It has been estimated that many waters contain a larger volume of minute nannhoplankton than of the larger forms readily visible under low magnification. In one ex- periment the use of a nannoplankton counting slide (fig. 53) gave an average clump count of 3,055 algae per ml., while Figure 53.—Nannoplankton counting slide. ''Procedures for Enumeration of Algae in Water 61 the count with the Sedgwick-Rafter slide was only 1,165 (3). When samples from four different water sources were used, the count with the nannoplankton slide in each case was significantly higher than with the Sedgwick-Rafter slide because many small algae were missed by the lower magnification used in the latter method. A number of the pigmented flagellates and diatoms are so small that the very high magnification of an oil immersion objective lens is required for their identification and enu- meration. Even the nannoplankton slide cannot be used with the oil immersion lens because of the very short focal length of that lens. However, if a drop of known volume of the concentrate is placed on a standard microscope slide and covered with a No. 1 cover glass so that the drop spreads out to occupy the area beneath it, the organisms can be counted for a known portion of this area, and an extrapolation may then be made to indicate the number per ml. (4). Special care may have to be taken to obtain accurate rec- ords of some of the algal flagellates that are taste and odor producers or that may be indicators of clean water. When preserved in formalin they may be changed to such an extent that they are difficult to identify (4). They become dis- torted in form, or altered in color, and the flagella are lost. This is true particularly of Cryptomonas, Chroomonas, Rhodomonas, Chromulina, Synura, Uroglenopsis, Eudorina, Mallomonas, and Merotrichia. Even Euglena may be so distorted as to prevent its identification to species. Un- preserved samples may be required, therefore, when accurate records of these sensitive algae are needed. Where there is special interest in enumerating all kinds and sizes in a water supply, the usual procedures for plank- ton enumeration may have to be modified. For the larger forms (mesoplankton), a 100-liter water sample is passed through a silk bolting cloth net, size 25, which has 200 meshes to the linear inch and apertures of 30-40 microns width. The organisms caught by the net are then washed into 5 percent formalin with a final volume of 100 ml. This would give a concentration of 1,000 to 1, which might be too high and need dilution for easier counting. Enumeration may be accomplished with a 1-ml. sample in a Sedgwick- Rafter slide using a magnification of 25X. The count should be limited to organisms 30 microns or more in width or di- ameter, which would involve principally the ciliates, crus- tacea, and other animal forms rather than algae. Extra- polation will depend on the actual sample concentration used. The smaller forms of plankton can be obtained in num- bers sufficient for counting by using the Foerst centrifuge for concentrating the sample. At a speed in excess of 15,000 r.p.m., the 525 ml. is centrifuged at a flow such as to permit its completion in 3 minutes. The concentrate can then be washed into a bottle and the volume brought up to 20 ml. This gives a concentration of 25-1 which may have to be reduced for some samples if the algae are found to be too numerous per field under the microscope. Enumeration of the organisms in the concentrate would be made first using the common procedure, with a Sedgwick- Rafter slide under a magnification of 100X. A concentra- tion providing from 10 to 100 organisms per microscopic field tends to reduce the counting error, providing the range in width or diameter of the organisms is 5 to 30 microns (microplankton). The forms from 1 to 5 microns (nanno- plankton) may be enumerated with much greater precision by using a counting slide which permits the use of a magnifi- cation of 430X. Some specialized work may require a magnification of approximately 1000X. The combined results of the three procedures can then be summarized as follows: No. per 100 ml No. per ml No. per ml Net (meso-) plankton Microplankton Nannoplankton A typical form for use in recording the results of the anal- ysis for plankton algae is shown in figure 54: ALGAL PLANKTON RECORD Localityo< 22-2 < 22 Station No _--- Collected-_----_- 19:3) Bp: Type of analysis (Meso-, Micro-, Nanno-) Total | No. per Organisms Number per field (Diatoms) - ------------ Bes ove a2 lees cep eee (Greens) 222 22225225122 oe eho oS SMe ea | eee een (Blue-Greens) - --------- 2 eed sede ite] eel emia fe | ee siege (Pigmented flagellates) - -|-_|--|--|--|--|--|--|--|--|--|------ Total-algae: +2222 Sean IR eee ee eee ee eae Unpigmented forms_- --- ooh deh a close ai | ees Total organisms. ------- SSCe NT ee eee ee Pséudoplankton...: 22 2)2.)2 5) 2) eile |oatl tae lee Grand total___--- |---| Information by Collector: 1. Collected -by 2-22 22 2 se 1 Analyzed! by 2228525 =e ee 2° Depths oc cao oles 2. Dptecs cia tues ee ee 3. Volume of sample- --------- 3. Method of concentration -_-- 4. Preservative (kind and amt.) - 4, Amt. of water concentrated _ - 5. Weather... =--.--.--+-+---- 5. Amt. of concentrate____---- 6. Visible algal growths__----~-- 6. Concentration: 7. Water temp.------ pH----- 7. Type of counting cell__----- 8. ps ene oe eke He 8. Magnification used _ -------- 10; Threshold No: Raw... _.. ~ ,% Area of microscopic field... OS Sede ee ae oe 10. Factor for No. per ml_------ 11. Length of filter run_-------- 11. Interpretation of results__--- 12: Other: datao -o42 S22 soe 12. Treatment recommended --- Figure 54.—Typical form of algal plankton record. The interpretation of plankton records has seldom been based on a predetermined set of criteria. There are, how- ever, a number of aids for interpretation which at least have a limited or localized use. For example, a water source for which the environmental factors are not too variable from year to year would tend to produce similar amounts of algal growth each year. Ex- perience indicates that this constitutes a useful working basis. Pearsall et al. (5) make the following statement : “We should expect, on this basis, that each year we might get ''62 ALGAE IN WATER SUPPLIES algal growth that would tend to consist of a similar number of cell divisions in succession, to show a similar rate of growth and to yield a similar maximum number. It is clear that the possibility of forecasting depends largely upon this being approximately correct, as it appears to be.” Thus, the plankton records of previous years may give good clues as to particular times during each season when large num- bers or particular types of interference organisms are likely to appear. Pearsall, et al. emphasize, in addition, the form and struc- ture of particular plankters as indicative of whether their numbers will inerease or decrease. They state “that popu- lations of algae that are not growing or that are approach- ing their numerical maximum tend to show certain changes in appearance. When these changes can easily be recognized, they afford useful indications of the end of a period of algal growth. This is often extremely useful when the question arises of whether or not to apply treatment.” In some areas the plankton count of the raw water has been correlated with the threshold odor test, and in one state the plankton count of the raw water has been suggested as a means of predicting the probable plankton count of the finished water following coagulation and rapid sand filtra- tion. (6). The number of organisms and the number of areal stand- ard units of organisms have been used to determine the amount of trouble to be expected and the time when treat- ment should begin. Thus, Whipple (7) stated that “when organisms were less than 500 per cc. they would cause no trouble; between 500 to 1,000 per cc., little trouble; between 1,000 and 2,000, noticeable trouble; between 2,000 and 3,000, decided trouble; and above 3,000, trouble would be serious.” At one treatment plant, where lake water was being used, the length of the filter run was found to be reduced rapidly with an increase in areal standard units of algae from 50 to about 300. When the areal standard units of algae were 50 the probable filter run was 70 hours; with 100 areal units, the filter run dropped to 35 hours; with 200 units, 18 hours; with 400 units, 11 hours; and with 1,000 units, 6 hours. Recently a diatometer has been described for sampling the diatom population of a stream (8). By enumerating and identifying up to 8,000 or more diatom specimens obtained from the diatometer, it is possible, through statistical analysis, to determine the frequency distribution and to con- struct a truncated normal curve for the sample. The height and position of the mode, shape of the curve, number of frequency intervals, number of observed species, number of species in the theoretical universe, and number of specimens required for construction of the curve are reported to be im- portant in evaluating the data for indications of water pol- lution. Thus, when the water is relatively free of pollution, the number of species in the mode is high (generally between 20 and 28), the mode is located between the second and fourth intervals, the curve covers only 10 or 11 intervals, the number of observed species is generally between 120 and 180, the theoretical universe contains from 150 to 210 species, and the number of specimens required for the count is low (ap- proximately 8,000). In stream areas adversely affected by pollution the num- ber of species in the mode, number of observed species, and number in the theoretical universe will all be reduced in varying amounts corresponding to the degree of pollution. In stream areas slightly enriched by nontoxic organic ma- terials, the height of the mode remains about the same as that for the clean water station but the curve extends to the right as a “tail.” With increased pollution or with toxic materials also present, the height of the mode will decrease, the “tail” will usually extend still farther, the curve may cover as many as 14 to 16 intervals, and up to 40,000 speci- mens must be counted before the mode is evident. It is due to the fact that diatoms can be obtained in large numbers in surface waters that this type of statistical analysis can be made. In summary, it is evident that among the many procedures for enumeration of algae it is necessary to select those that will produce the amount and kind of information needed for satisfactory treatment and use of each particular water supply. REFERENCES 1. Biologic examination of water, sewage sludge, or bottom materials. Part 6 in Standard methods for the examination of water, sew- age and industrial wastes. Ed. 10. Amer. Public Health Assn., IN.Y,-* 2D5b. 2. Simplified procedures for collecting, examining, and recording plankton in water. W. M. Ingram and C. M. Palmer. Jour. Amer. Water Wks. Assn. 44: 617-624. 1952. . 3. A new counting slide for nannoplankton. C. M. Palmer and T. E. Maloney. Amer. Soc. Limnol. and Oceanog., Special Publ. No. 21, 6 p. 1954. 4. The manipulation and counting of river plankton and changes in some organisms due to formalin preservation. J. B. Lackey. Public Health Repts. 53: 2080-2098. 1938. 5. Freshwater biology and water supply in Britain. W. H. Pearsall, A. C. Gardiner, and F. Greenshields. Freshwater Biolog. Assn. of the British Empire, Sci. Publ. No. 11, 90 p. 1946. 6. Numerical rating of water supplies. Section 14, table 1416, in Manual of water supply sanitation. Minnesota Dept. Health, Minneapolis, Minn. 1941. 7. Records of examination. Chapt. 6 in The microscopy of drinking water. Hd. 4. G. C. Whipple, G. M. Fair, and M. C. Whipple. J. Wiley and Sons, N.Y. 1948. 8. A new method for determining the pattern of the diatom flora. Ruth Patrick, M. H. Hohn, and J. H. Wallace. Notulae Naturae, Acad. Natural Sci. Philadelphia. No. 259,12 p. July 1954. ''CHAPTER XiIll CONTROL IT IS BETTER to anticipate and prevent problems from algae than to delay until they become serious. Effective control of algal growth requires adequate records as to the numbers, kinds, and locations of algae in the water supply. Control of algae applies variously to the raw water sup- ply, to the treatment plant, and to the distribution system. The use of algicides will be considered in more detail under raw water applications, although similar procedures may sometimes be applied in the other two control areas. CONTROL IN RAW WATER SUPPLIES The application of an algicide frequently is carried out to prevent or destroy the excessive growths of algae which occur as blooms, mats, or as high concentrations of plankton. However, the algicide may sometimes be applied to control relatively low concentrations of certain algae, such as Synura and Uroglenopsis, which may cause trouble even in small numbers. Copper sulfate is the only algicide in common use in water supplies at present, although chlorine may serve as an algi- cide besides as a bactericide or an oxidizing agent. The “blue stone” or copper sulfate is toxic to many algae at com- paratively low concentrations, is ordinarily nonlethal to fish at the strengths recommended, and is relatively inexpensive. However, in alkaline waters, it precipitates quickly as cop- per carbonate and more slowly as copper hydrate, and in such instances is considered to be effective as an algicide only for a short time following its application. Bartsch (1) em- phasizes that the dosage should be dependent upon the alka- linity of the water and states that the following rule has been used successfully in various midwestern lakes: If the methyl orange alkalinity is less than 50 p.p.m., the blue stone (CuSO,-5H.0) is effective at the rate of 0.9 pound per acre- foot. If the methyl orange alkalinity is greater than 50 p.p.m., the rate should be 5.4 pounds per acre. In the waters with a high alkalinity the dosage is not dependent upon depth since precipitation would make it ineffective below the surface. The various genera and species of algae are not all alike in their reaction to copper sulfate and this factor has fre- quently been neglected in determining the concentration of the algicide to be applied. A number of the very minute planktonic green algae are very resistant to the toxic effects of blue stone. The stonewarts, Chara and Nitella, are also considered to be resistant as are a few of the green flagellates and some of the filamentous blue-green algae. The diatoms OF ALGAE as a group are relatively susceptible but they have often developed in large numbers following the destruction of other algae through treatment with copper sulfate. Fortunately a considerable number of the taste and odor and filter clogging algae are very susceptible even to low concentrations of the algicide. All of the following inter- ference algae are normally considered as being very suscep- tible to copper sulfate: Asterionella, Fragilaria, Tabellaria, Spirogyra, Ceratium, Dinobryon, Synura, Anabaena, and Anacystis (Microcystis). A more complete list of the genera of algae, grouped according to their reported suscep- tibility to the toxic effect of copper sulfate is given table 13. The lowest concentration of copper sulfate which is toxic for a particular alga also varies according to the abundance of the alga, the temperature of the water, the alkalinity of the water, the amount of organic material in the water, and other factors. Thus, the listing of a specific concentration of an algicide as the minimum effective dosage is not reliable unless these other factors have first been taken into consider- ation. In table 13, therefore, the grouping of the algae is by very general ranges in the dosage required for treatment. The information used in preparing table 13 was obtained from several sources, including Hale (2), Cox (3), Prescott (4), Maloney and Palmer (5), Pearsall et al. (6), and Matheson (7). There are a number of chemical groups which contain compounds that are algicidal. The most promising of these groups include the inorganic salts, organic salts, rosin amines, antibiotics, quinones, substituted hydrocarbons, quaternary ammonium compounds, amide derivatives, and phenols (8). The chemicals, to be selected as satisfactory for use in domes- tic water supplies, will have to be not only economically feasible but also nontoxic to animal life and to plants other than algae. Asthese will probably cost more per pound than the algicides now in use, they will, therefore, be used only where careful plankton records are kept, which would permit early localized treatment to prevent undesirable species of algae from increasing in number. 2258 0 a (Draparnaldia) 97 plemiie, per vel 79 96b. Gradual change in width from main thread to 78b. Iodine test for starch negative; several plastids branched ie ee oe (Chaetophora) 98 per cell_-__-_ 80 97a. Branches (from the main thread) with a central, 79a. Thread when broken, forming “H” shape seg- TAIOARIR Oe ee Draparnaldia plumosa ments ~----------------------- Microspora amoena 97b. Branches diverging and with no central main 79b. Thread when fragmented, separating irregu- ete ee Draparnaldia glomerata larly or between cells___-_---- (Zhizoclonium) 100a 98a. End cells long-pointed, with colorless tips 80a. Side walls of cells straight, not bulging. A pat- Chaetophora attenuata tern of fine lines or dots present in the wall 98b. End cells abruptly pointed, mostly without long but often indistinct___-------------- (Melosira) 81 colorless)tips) a. Gee Chaetophora elegans 80b. Side walls of cells slightly bulging. Pattern of 99a. Light and dense dark cells intermingled in the wall markings not present__------- (Tribonema) 83 tiveness e Pithophora oedogonia 81a, Spine-like teeth at margin of end walls_______- 82 99b. Most of cells essentially alike in density------~- 100 81b. No spine-like teeth present___----__- M elosira varians 10a. Branches few in number, and short, colorless 82a. Wall with fine granules, arranged obliquely Rhizoclonium hieroglyphicum Melosira crenulata —_100b. Branches numerous and green__-------------- 101 82b. Wall with coarse granules, arranged parallel to 101a. Terminal attenuation gradual, involving two or BIGGS eee ey te Melosira granulata MOTE Cells. ets ee (Stigeoclonium) 102 83a. Plastids 2-4 per cell__--___--__---- Tribonema minus 101b. Terminal attenuation absent or abrupt, involv- 83b. Plastids more than four per cell ing only one cello. ec (Cladophora) 104 Tribonemabombycinum 102a. Branches frequently in pairs___________----_- 108 84a. Plastids present; branching “true”_---__------ 85 102b. Branches mostly single____- Stigeoclonium stagnatile 84b. Plastids absent; branching “false” 103a. Cells in main thread 1-2 times as long as wide Plectonema tomasiniana Stigeoclonium lubricum 85a. Branches reconnected, forming a net 103b. Cells in main thread 2-3 times as long as wide Hydrodictyon reticulatum Stigeoclonium tenue 85b. Branches not forming a distinct net__-__-__-_ . 86 104a. Branching often appearing forked, or in threes 86a. Each cell in a conical sheath open at the broad Cladophora aegagropila ety eS ra (Dinobryon) 87 104b. Branches distinctly lateral_------------------ 105 OO Wo edtionl ehenth- around sacl wll) 99 105a. Branches forming acute angles with main 87a. Branches diverging, often almost at a right angle thread, thus forming clusters Dis hisein diseneicie Cladophora glomerata ~ 7 150b. Branches forming wide angles with the main 87b. Branches compact often almost parallel____-___ 88 = 88a. Narrow end of sheath sh inted 89 UO 2 ee eee ne nee 106a. Threads crooked and bent____-_-__- Cladophora fracta 88b. Narrow end of sheath blunt pointed 106b, "Threads straight 2.00 ae 107 Dinobryon sertularia — 107a. Branches few, seldom rebranching 89a. Narrow end drawn out into a stalk Cladophora insignis Dinobryon stipitatum — 107b. Branches numerous, often rebranching 89b. Narrow end diverging at the base__ Dinobryon sociale Cladophora crispata 90a. Short branches on the main thread in whorls of 108a. Plant or tube with a tight surface layer of FOUN OLsMOres 222 Se (Nitella) 91 cells and with regularly spaced swellings 90b. Branching commonly single or in pairs____-_-- 92 Cp oo Lemanea annulata 91a. Short branches on the main thread rebranched 108b. Plant not a tube that has both a tight layer of OT CO eee ees A oe ee Nitella flextlis surface cells: and: nodesé. 22.2 net ''Key eee 109a. 109b. 110a. 110b. 111a. 111b. 112a. 112b. 113a. 118b. 114a. 114b. 115a. 115b. 116a. 116b. 117a. 117b. 118a. 118b. 119a. 119b. 120a. 120b. 121a. 121b. 122. 122b. 123a. 123b. 124a. 124b. 125a. 125b. Cells spherical and loosely arranged in a gela- hinousematmxe 2250 oles Tetraspora gelatinosa Cells not as loosely arranged spheres__---~-- 110 eiiabebrancned. 2023 a ble 111 Plants not branched____------ Schizomeris leibleinii Clustered branching | -._.--.-._--_-_--_-__- 112 iemonehes-cinele.. i 115 Threads embedded in gelatinous matrix (Batrachospermum) 118 No gelatinous matrix around the threads (Chara) 114 Nodal masses of branches touching one an- Batrachospermum vagum Nodal masses of branches separated by a nar- row space______--- Batrachospermum moniliforme Short branches with two naked cells at the i Chara globularis Short branches with 3-4 naked cells at the (Vi jpn eA gn Rl Chara vulgaris Heterocysts present; platids absent Stigonema minutum Heterocysts absent; plastids present Compsopogon coeruleus Red eye spot and two flagella present for erences) is ea No eye spots nor flagella present___.____----- Round to oval cells, held together by a flat gelatinous matrix___---------. (Agmenellum) 131a Cells not round and not enclosed in a gelatinous Watering std 118 Cells regularly arranged to form an unattached disc. Number of cells 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64 or 128_ 183b Cells numerous; membrane attached on one SMirice, 6 119 Long hairs extending from upper surface of one Chaetopeltis megalocystis No hairs extending from cell surfaces Hildenbrandia rivularis Constriction at the base of every branch Dichotomosiphon tuberosus No constrictions present in the tube. (Vaucheria) 121 Egg sac attached directly, without a stalk, to the main vegetative tube__-__-___ Vaucheria sessilis Egg sac attached to an abrupt, short, side branch 122 One egg sac per branch____----- Vaucheria terrestris Two or more egg sacs per branch_ Vaucheria geminata Cells in colonies generally of a definite form Wc arranoemont. foo ko 124 Cells isolated, in pairs or in loose, irregular ONG Ses re i ee ee 173 Cells with many transverse rows of markings punenvyn lic es bs ee 185 Cells without transverse rows of markings_--- 125 Cells arranged as a layer one cell thick_____-_- + 120 Cell cluster more than one cell thick and not Tg 22% 7 RRS ise pane rue ERE ie oom Oh care 137 126a. 126b. 127a. 127b. 128a. 128b. 129a. 129b. 130a. 130b. 131a. 131b. 132a. 132b. 138a. 133b. 134a, 134b. 135a. 135b. 136a. 136b. 137a. 137b. 138a. 138b. 189a. 139b. 140a. 140b. 141a. 141b. 142a. 142b. 148a. 148b. 144. 144b. 145a. 145b. 146a. Red eye spot and two flagella present for each Colles Bo eee ee ae Gonium pectorale No red eye spots nor flagella present__-------- 127 Cells elongate, united side by side in one or tworrows. 22225 eee ee (Scenedesmus) 128 Cells about-as-long as:wide_=___._.2-_.2_. 2 13] Middle cells without spines but with pointed ends. so aes Scenedesmus dimorphus Middle cells with rounded ends__---_---------- 129 ‘Fermimal cells. with spines:-__ 225-02) Se 130 Terminal cells without spines___ Scenedesmus bijuga Terminal cells with two spines each Scenedesmus quadricauda Terminal cells with three or more spines Scenedesmus abundans Cells in regular rows, immersed in colorless matrix --__- (Agmenellum quadriduplicatum) 132 Cells not immersed in colorless matrix________ 133 Cell diameter 1.3-2.2 p Agmenellum quadriduplicatum, tenwissima type Cell diameter 3-5 p Agmenellum quadriduplicatum, glauca type Cells without spines, projections, or inci- SlOnss 2. ee Crucigenia quadrata Cells with spines, projections, or incisions____ 184 Cells rounded____.----__--- Micractinium pusillum Cells angular____---____-_----_---- (Pediastrum) 135 Numerous spaces between cells____ Pediastrum duplex Cells fitted tightly together-_____------------ 136 Cell incisions deep and narrow_--. Pediastrum tetras Cell incisions shallow and wide Pediastrum boryanum Cells sharp-pointed at both ends; often arcuate. 138 Cells not sharp-pointed at both ends; not arcuate: 2b ee ee 140, Cells embedded in a gelatinous matrix Kirchneriella lunaris Cells not embedded in a gelatinous matrix____- 139 Cells all arcuate; arranged back to back Selenastrum gracile Cells straight or bent in various ways; loosely arranged or twisted together (Ankistrodesmus) 140 Cells. bent____------------ Ankistrodesmus falcatus Cellsstraight. Ankistrodesmus falcatus var. acicularis Flagella present; eye spots often present_____- 142 No flagella nor eyespots present________------ Each cell in a conical sheath open at the wide (Dinobryon) 86a Individual cells not in conical sheaths___-~_-- 143 Each cell with 1-2 long straight rods extend- Wipes Chrysosphaerella longispina No long straight rods extending from the cells__. 144 Cells touching one another in a dense colony__ 145 Cells embedded separately in a colorless matrix, 149 Cells arranged radially, facing outward___--- 146 Cells all facing in one direction_--_..--------- 147 Plastids brown ; eyespot absent____-__- '' 72 ALGAE IN WATER SUPPLIES 146b. Plastids green; eyespot present in each cell 166b. Outer matrix homogeneous__ Sphaerocystis schroeteri Pandorinamorum 167a. Colonies angular___-_------- Gloeocystis planctonica 147a. Each cell with four flagella 16 7b; Colonies rounded==2 ss = Gloeocystis gigas. Spondylomorum quaternarium 168a. Cells equidistant from center of colony 147b. Each cell with two flagella______- (Pyrobotrys) 148 (Gomphosphaeria) 169 148a. Eyespot in the wider (anterior) end of the cell 168b. Cells irregularly distributed in the colony---_ 172 Pyrobotrys stellata 169a. Cells with pseudovacuoles_ Gomphosphaeria wichurae 148b. Eyespot in the narrower (posterior) end of 169b. Cells without pseudovacuoles____------------ 170 OOo ee Pyrobotrys gracilis 170a. Cells 2-4 » in diameter ; 1492." Bilastids brown 222-02 = Uroglenopsis americana (Gomphosphaeria lacustris) 171 woo. elastids omeone 62s sote UN 150 170b. Cells 4-15 » in diameter___ Gomphosphaeria aponina 150a. Cells 16, 32, or 64 per colony_--_-___ Eudorina elegans = 171a. Cells spherical 150b. Cells more than 100 per colony__------------ 151 Gomphosphaeria lacustris, kuetzingianum type 151a. Colony spherical; each cell with an eyespot 171b. Cells ovate__ Gomphosphaeria lacustris, collinsti type Volvox aureus 172a. Cells ovoid; division plane perpendicular to 151b. Colony tubular or irregular; no eyespots JONG axis eo es ee (Coccochloris) 286a (Tetraspora) 109a _—172b. Cells rounded; or division plane perpendicular 152a. Elongate cells, attached together at one end; to Short axis 22265 ae (Anacystis) 286b arranged radially______--___- (Actinastrum) 153 = 178a. Cells with an abrupt median transverse groove 152b. Cells not elongate, often sperical__----------- 154 OF WNCSiONe. 25 ee 174 158a. Cells cylindric_.__..__-__- Actinastrum gracillimum 178b. Cells without an abrupt transverse median 153b. Cells distinctly bulging------ Actinastrum hanteschit groove or incision: je 184 ee a ON 155 174a. Cells brown; flagella present 154b. Plastids absent; pigment throughout each pro- (armored flagellates) 175 CU he cee ane en 168 174b. Cells green; no flagella____-_---_--_- (desmids) 178 155a. Colonies, including the outer matrix, orange to 175a. Cell with three or more long horns POC-DtOWR e220 Botryococecus braunit Ceratium hirundinella 155b. Matrix, if any, not bright colored; cell plastids 175b. Cell without more than two long horns___---- 176 VOGT oer ee 156 176a. Cell wall of very thin smooth plates 15Gai Colonies round ‘to oval: 22-2227 3 160 Glenodinium palustre 156b. Colonies not round, often irregular in form_--_ 157 176b. Cell wall of very thick rough plates 157a. Straight (flat) walls between adjacent cells (Peridinium) 177 (Phytoconis) 278a 177a. Ends of cell pointed____-_ Peridinium wisconsinense 157b. Walls between neighboring cells rounded_-_-_-- 158 17%b. Ends of cell rounded___-___-_- Peridinium cinctum 158a. Cells arranged as a surface layer in a large 178a. Margin of cell with sharp pointed, deeply cut parte (ab (T'etraspora) 109a lobes or long epiivesU 179 158b. Colony not a tube; cells in irregular pattern___ 159 178b. Lobes, if present, with rounded ends______--_- 182 159a. Large cells more than twice the diameter of the 179a. Median incision narrow, linear_ Aficrasterias truncata iis ence ek (Chlorococcum) 280b 179b. Median incision wide, “V” or “U” shaped 159b. Large cells not more than twice the diameter of (Staurastrum) 180 thersmalieelisec 2.3. eer is eS (Palmela) 281a 180a. Margin of cell with long spikes 160a. Cells touching one another; tightly grouped Staurastrum paradoxum Coelastrum microporum 180b. Margin of cell without long spikes____-----__- 181 20D. Cots loosely grouped...o---- 2c. 5 655. 161 181a. Ends of lobes with short spines 161a. Colorless threads extend from center is colony Staurastrum polymorphum ee ee 162 181b. Ends of lobes without spines 161b. No colorless threads attached to cells in colony. 164 Staurastrum punctulatum 162a. Cells rounded or straight, oval 182a. Length of cell about double the width (Dictyosphaerium) 163 Euastrum oblongum 162b. Cells elongate, some cells curved 182b. Length a cell 1 to 114 times the width Dimorphococcus lunatus (Cosmarium) 183 | 163a. Cells rounded___-_------ Dictyosphaerium pulchellum —188a. Median incision narrow linear__ Cosmarium botrytis 163b. Cells straight, oval. Dictyosphaerium ehrenbergianum —183b. Median incision wide, “U” shaped a Rt NE eso ic oe eee senec-- 165 Cosmarium portianum Be Cs OP Oocystis borget 184a. Cells triangular_________------ Tetraedron muticum ighas Onesplastid=per cell: 2 vy 1662 ; 184b: Cells: not tiiamoulart=: 0 ee ee 185 165b. Two to four plastids per cell__ Gloeococcus schroeteri 185a. Cells with one end distinctly different from 166a. Outer matrix divided into layers__ (G@loeocystis) 167 the’ others 2b sa ea ee 186 '' 496792 O-59—7 Key 13 185b. Cells with both ends essentially alike--------- 925 205b. Furrow present; gullet absent.. Rhodomonas lacustris _186a. Numerous transverse (not spiral) regularly 206a. Plastids yellow-brown__----~-- Chromulina rosanoffi : spaced wall markings present —---- (diatoms) 187 206b. Plastids not yellow-brown; generally green---- 207 186b. No transverse regularly spaced wall markings 193 20a. One plastid per cell_-------~--------------- 208 187a. Cells curved (bent) in girdle view 207b. Two to several plastids per cell_____---------- 211 Rhoicospheniacurvata 208a. Cells tapering at each end__ Chlorogonium euchlorum 187b: Cells not curved in girdle view-------------- 188° 208b. ‘Cells rounded to ovalei:2222 0S. ees 209 188a. Cells with both fine and coarse transverse 209a. Two flagella per cell__-_------ (Chlamydomonas) 210 ips ee Meridion circulare 209b. Four flagella per cell__--_-------- Carteria multifilis 188b. Cells with transverse lines all alike in thickness. 189 210a. Pyrenoid angular; eyespot in front third of cell 189a. Cells essentially linear to rectangular; one Chlamydomonas reinhardi terminal swelling larger than the other 210b. Pyrenoid circular; eyespot in middle third of (Asterionella) 190 celle 225 es Chlamydomonas globosa 189b. Cells wedge-shaped; margins sometimes wavy 211a. Two plastids per cell__..____-__- Cryptoglena pigra (Gomphonema) 191 — 211b. Several plastids per cell_-------------------- 212 190a. Larger terminal swelling 114 to 2 times wider 212a. Cell compressed (flattened) ~-...----- (Phacus) 213 than the other__-------------- Asterionella formosa 212b. Cell not compressed _-_---------------------- 214 190b. Larger terminal swelling less than 114 times 213a. Posterior spine short, bent__~_~- Phacus pleuronectes wider than the other__---- Asterionella gracillima 218b. Posterior spine long, straight____ Phacus longicauda 191a. Narrow end enlarged in valve view 914. ‘Cell margin rigid. ___-2- 5.24} ae ee 215 Gomphonema geminatum —_214b. Cell margin flexible-_-------------- (Fuglena) 217 191b. Narrow end not enlarged in valve view__----~- 192 15a. Cell margin with spiral ridges__------ Phacus pyrum 192a. Tip of broad end about as wide as tip of nar- 215b. Cell margin without ridges, but may have spiral row end in valve view------ Gomphonema parvulum lines. 22 ooo ee ee (Lepocinclis) 216 192b. Tip of broad end much wider than tip of narrow 216a. Posterior end with an abrupt, spine-like tip end in valve view_------- Gomphonema olivaceum Lepocinelis ovum 193a. Spine present at each end of cell__ Schroederia setigera 216b. Posterior end rounded_----------- Lepocinelis teata 193b. No spine . both ends of cell_ beta pn mn cm 194 917a. Green plastids hidden by a red pigment in the 194a. Pigments in one or more plastids___---------- 195 WH Euglena sanguinea 194b. No plastid; pigments een es ses ne 217b. No red pigment except for the eyespot.__-___- 918 ntophysalis lemaniae : Be conical chenth. (Dinobryon) 86a 218a. a at least one-fourth the length of the a Ieeh Cals mot-m 2 conical sheath.—--—-- ay 2 ive 218b. Plastids discoid or at least shorter than one- 196a. Cell covered with scales and long spines fourth the length of the cell 990 Mallomonas caudata niet : ee oa ae iy 196b. Cell not covered with scales and long spines__-- 197 219a. Plastids two per cell_--------------- Euglena agilis 197a. Protoplasts separated by a space from a rigid 219b. Plastids several per cell, often extending radi- eneath (lorica)___.-.-_-....-._-___-_____. 198 ately from the center__...------~- Euglena viridis 197b. No loose sheath around the cells__------------ 202 220a. Posterior end extending as an abrupt colorless 198a. Cells compressed (flattened) -... Phacotus lenticularis SPIN 2224s ee 221 198b. Cells not compressed___--------------------- 199 220b. Posterior end rounded or at least with no color- 199a. Lorica opaque; yellow to reddish or brown Jes8 SPINGoUuc ce cece ee 299 ; Trachelomonas er ebea 9914. Spiral markings very prominent and granular 199b. Lorica transparent; colorless to eae oor Euglenaspirogyra SOCOCCUS . . . . 200a. Outer membrane (lorica) oval__ Ty ccous ovalis 2th Spire anneiines teily Pe ee : 200b. Outer membrane (lorica) rounded_-------- 201 Engi qoeg as 201a. Lorica thickened around openi a 222a. Small; length 35-55 p_------------ EBuglena gracilis ‘ pening : Chrysococcus rufescens 222b. Medium to large; length 65 » or more_-__---- 223 201b. Lorica not thickened around opening _— ae ee Tenge Oe eo ae Chrysococcus major 223b. Large in size; length 250-290 p_. Huglena ehrenbergit 202a. Front end flattened diagonally._..-----_--__- 903 224. Plastids with irregular edge; flagellum two 202b. Front end not flattened diagonally____.------ 206 times as long as cell____------ Euglena polymorpha 208a. Plastids bright blue-green_____~- (Chroomonas) 204 224b. Plastids with smooth edge; flagellum about one- 203b. Plastids brown, red, olive-green, or yellowish. 205 half the length of the cell__-------- Euglena deses 204a. Cell pointed at one end____--- Chroomonas nordstetii 225a. Cells distinctly bent (arcuate) ; with a spine or 204b. Cell not pointed at one end__ Chroomonas setoniensis narrowing to a point at both ends__--------- 226 205a. Gullet present; furrow absent_-_. Cryptomonas erosa 225b. Cells not arcuate_--------------------------- 230 ''74 226a. 226b. 227. 227b. 228a. 228b. 229a. 229b. 230a. 230b. 231a. 231b. 232a. 232b. 9334. 238b. 234a,. 234b. 935a. 235b. 236a. 236b. 237. 237b. 238a. 238b. 239a. 239b. 240a. 240b. 241a. 241b. 242a. 242b. ALGAE IN WATER SUPPLIES Vacuole with particles showing Brownian move- ment at each end of cell. Cells not in PER oa ca eek caus (Closterium) 227 No terminal vacuoles. Cells may be in clusters OP COLONIC eae Riis ee Ce A ae 228 Cell wide; width 30-70 p____ Clostertum moniliferum Cell long and narrow; width up to 5» Closterium aciculare Cell with a narrow abrupt spine at each blunt ONE ois Ophiocytium capitatum No blunt ended cells with abrupt terminal a ee 229 Sharp pointed ends as separate colorless spines. 193a Sharp pointed ends as part of the green PROVO Lashes. 52 See ers gs 137a One long spine at each end of cell__-________- 231 INojlono-terminal spines26 2 2 232 Cell gradually narrowed to the spine____---__- 137a Cell abruptly narrowed to the spine Rhizosolenia gracilis A regular pattern of fine lines or dots in the pW Sub ce ear ao eee Poe (diatoms) 233 No regular pattern of fine lines or dots in the BE see a a ec 276 Cells circular in one (valve) view; short rec- tangular or square in other (girdle) view__ 234 Cells not circular in one view__-------------- 240 Valve surface with an inner and outer (mar- ginal) pattern of striae___-_--__ (Cyclotella) 235 Valve surface with one continuous pattern of SHTMAOL ee a ek a (Stephanodiscus) 238 Cells small; 4-10 » in diameter__ Cyclotella glomerata Cells medium to large; 10-80 » in diameter___ 236 Outer half of valve with two types of lines, one lonexone shortscc ei is ae 237 Outer half of valve with radial lines all alike Cyclotella meneghiniana Outer valve zone constituting less than one- half the diameter_______--_-- Cyclotella bodanica Outer valve zone constituting more than one- half the diameter____--._--~-- Cyclotella compta Cell 4205... diameter 22222 bso ise 239 Cell 25-65 p» in diameter____ Stephanodiscus niagarae Cell with two transverse bands, in girdle Stephanodiscus binderanus Cell without two transverse bands, in girdle VIS We oe eo i eee Stephanodiscus hanteschii @ellsflatsovales (cnc1 se anes (Cocconets) 241 Cells neither flat nor'ovalo 33 242 Wall markings (striae) 18-20 in 10 fhe LL Ee a aa) i Cocconeis pediculus Wall markings (striae) 23-25 in 10 pee Ses eo os Cocconeis placentula Cell sigmoid in one view_-------------_----- 243 Cell not sigmoid in either round or point ended (valve) or square ended (girdle) surface VLC ete se ee 244. 243a. 248b. QA4a, 244b, 245a. 245b. 246a. 246b. 247. 247b. 248a. 248b. 249a, 249b. 250a. 250b. 251a. 251b. 252a. 252b. 2538a. 253b. 254a. 254b. 255a. 255b. 256a. 256b. 257. 257b. 258a. 258b. 259a. Cell sigmoid in_ valve _ surface Tae eh ee Gyrosigma attenuatum Cell sigmoid in square ended (girdle) surface VIOW 22 Se oo es Niteschia acicularis Cell longitudinally unsymmetrical in at least ONE VIO Wi a seco cams edatncare 245 Cell longitudinally symmetrical______________ 254 Cell wall with both fine and coarse transverse lines:( striae and eusatae) 6. 246 Cell wall with fine transverse lines (striae) only. 247 Valve face about as wide at middle as girdle Epithemia turgida Valve face one-half or less as wide at middle as pirdie face:).iicy i oo Rhopalodia gibba Line of pores and raphe located at edge of Valve faees ni a 248 Raphe not at extreme edge of valve face_____- 250 Raphe of each valve adjacent to the same girdle PUN aoe Hantzschia amphioxys Raphe of each valve adjacent to different girdle surfaces isc 23 22s (Niteschia) 249 Cell:20-65-~¢Jong 2) es es Bee Nitaschia palea Gell’ (0-180 p Tong 25 a es Niteschia linearis Cell longitudinally unsymmetrical in valve VALVE ss se 251 Cell longitudinally unsymmetrical in girdle RO lh onan cache aa rcs Achnanthes microcephala Raphe bent toward one side at the middle Amphora ovalis Raphe a smooth curve throughout__ (Cymbella) 252 Cell only slightly unsymmetrical____ Cymbella cesati Cell distinctly unsymmetrical___---_--------- 258 Striations distinctly cross-lined; width 10-30 p Cymbella prostrata Striations indistinctly cross-lined ; width 5-12 p Cymbella ventricosa Longitudinal line (raphe) and prominent mar- ginal markings near both edges of valve__-__. 255 No marginal longitudinal line (raphe) nor keel; raphe or pseudoraphe median__------------ 257 Margin of girdle face wavy_----- Cymatopleura solea Margin of girdle face straight__--- (Surirella) 256 Celliwidth:8=23 ps eos sce Surirella ovata Cell width 40-60 p__------------ Surirella splendida Girdle face generally in view and with two or more prominent longitudinal lines. In valve view, swollen central oval portion bounded by (Tabellaria) 258 Girdle face with less than two prominent longi- tudinal lines. In valve view, whole central portion not bounded by a line_-_---_----_-_- Girdle face less than one-fourth as wide as long Tabellaria fenestrata Girdle face more than one-half as wide as long Tabellaria flocculosa Valve face with both coarse and fine transverse lines7 202 ee ee Diatoma vulgare '' Key 9 259b. Valve face with transverse lines, if visible, alike 275b. Cells 90-120 times as long as wide; central area Pe ee i 260 rectangular___--__ Synedra acus var. angustissima 260a. Valve face naviculoid; true raphe present__-_-_- 261 276a. Green to brown pigment in one or more plastids. 277 260b. Valve face linear to linear-lanceolate; true 276b. No plastids; blue and green pigments through- epee Sen Ge ssa ote Ce 270 Out, protoplast. (20 au ye ee 284. 261a. Valve face with wide transverse lines (costae) 277a. Cells long and narrow or flat-___--_--__--___ 238 (Pivmdaria) 262 S17. Cells romidled. 278 261b. Valve face with thin transverse lines (striae)-._ 263 278a. Straight, flat wall between adjacent cells in 262a. Cell 5-6 w broad__________- Pinnularia subcapitata OOITIOG cle ee Phytoconis botryoides 262b. Cell 34-50 » broad_______________ Pinnularia nobilis — 278b. Rounded wall between adjacent cells in colonies. 279 263a. Transverse lines (striae) absent across trans- 279a. Cell either with 2 opposite wall knobs or colony verse axis of valve face. Stawroneis phoenicenteron of 2-4 cells surrounded by distinct membrane 263b. Transverse lines (striae) present across trans- Or both. 22 ee 164a verse axis of valve face___--__------------ 264 — 279b. Cell without two wall knobs; colony not of 2-4 264a. Raphe strictly median_------------ (Navicula) 265 cells surrounded by distinct membrane______ 280 264b. Raphe located slightly to one side__--------_- 252 980a. Cells essentially similar in size within the col- 265a. Ends of valve face abruptly narrowed to a beak ON ee ee 981 Navicula exigua var. capitata 280b. Cells of very different sizes within the col- 265b. Ends of valve face gradually narrowed______- 266 ony Hh posccene. 266a. Most of striations strictly transverse Vavicula gracilis =... Co ees . : 266b. Most of striations radial (oblique)_------____ 967 8la. Cells embedded in an extensive gelatinous ma- 267a. Striae distinctly composed of dots (punctae) trix_.___ SoS Sees P almella mucosa Naviculalanceolata 281b. Cells with little or no gelatinous matrix around 267b. Striae essentially as continuous lines__________ 268 thom .--- so (Chlorella) 282 268a. Central clear area on valve face rectangular 282a. Cells rounded--..------._----..-----.-----_ 283 Nawiculagraciloides 282b. Cells ellipsoidal to ovoid___-__- Chlorella ellipsoidea 268b. Central clear area on valve face oval_________ 269 283a. Cell 5-10 » in diameter; pyrenoid indistinct 269a. Cell length 20-40 y; ends slightly capitate Chlorella vulgaris Navicula cry ptocephala 283b. Cell 8-5 » in diameter ; pyrenoid distinct 269b. Cell length 30-120 »; ends not capitate Chlorella pyrenoidosa Navicularadiosa 284a. Cell a spiral rod__--__--___-_______-_________ 285 270a. Knob at one end larger than at the other 284b. Cell not a spiral rod_.___-____---...._______ 286 (Asterionella) 189a — 985a. Thread septate (with crosswalls)_ Arthrospira jenneri 270b. Terminal knobs if present equal in size 285b. Thread nonseptate (without crosswalls) _ (Synedra) 271 Spirulina nordstedtéi 21a. Clear space (pseudonodule) in central 286a. Cells dividing in a plane at right angles to the ee {fo Synedra pulchella long axis__---_---_________ Coccochloris stagnina 27th. ni peendanodnle ™ central Se anna == 212 286b. Cells spherical or dividing in a plane parallel to 272a. Sides parallel in valve view; each end with an the ] . a His) 987 enlarged nodule___-_-------_---- Synedra capitata 987 als her eR LIP RET a ( aig is) 979b, Sides converging to the ends in valve view... 278 a. Cell containing pseudovacuoles____ Anacystis cyanea 273a. Valve linear to lanceolate-linear; 8-12 striae 287b. Cell not contaning pseudovacuoles------------ 288 ee Synedra ulna 288a. Cell 2-6 » in diameter ; sheath often colored 278b. Valve narrowly linear-lanceolate; 12-18 striae a Anacystis montana ON 974 288b. Cell 6-50 » in diameter; sheath colorless_____- 289 2740. Valve 5-6 » wide--_-------_---_-___- Synedra acus 289a. Cell 6-12 » in diameter; cells in colonies are 274b. Valve 2-4 w wide_-_______-____--__-- 275 mostly spherical___-___-___- Anacystis thermalis 275a. Cells up to 65 times as long as wide; central 289b. Cell 12-50 » in diameter; cells in colonies are area absent to small oval. Synedra acus var. radians often angular... 23.5. 1. Anacystis dimidiata ''GLOSSARY Actinomycetes. A group of branching filamentous bacteria, reproducing by terminal spores. They are common in the soil. Selected strains are used for production of certain antibiotics. Aeration. The mixing of water or other liquid with air, in- cluding the absorption of air through the surface of the liquid. Aerobic. A condition involving the presence of free (ele- mentary) oxygen in a medium such as water or sewage. Algae (singular, alga), Comparatively simple plants con- taining photosynthetic pigments. A majority are aquatic and many are microscopic in size. Algicide (or algaecide). A chemical highly toxic to algae and satisfactory for application to water. Alpha-mesosaprobic zone. Area of active decomposition, partly aerobic, partly anaerobic, in a stream heavily pol- luted with organic wastes. Alternate branching. Only one branch per node or at any one height on a filament or strand. Anaerobic. A condition involving the absence of free (ele- mentary) oxygen in a medium such as water or sewage. Anterior. The front or forward end of an organism that is capable of movement. Aquatic. Living in water. Arcuate. Moderately curved, like a bow. Areal standard unit. An area of 400 square microns, used as a unit in designating the amount of plankton in water. Armored flagellates. Flagellates having a cell wall com- posed of distinct, tightly arranged segments or plates. The wall is generally thick, rough and brown. Aromatic. A fragrant, spicy or pungent odor. Attenuation. A continuous decrease in width of a filament, often to a point or thin hair. Back wash. The cleaning of a rapid sand or mechanical filter by reversing the flow of water upward through it. Bacteria (singular, bacterium). Simple one-celled but often colonial microorganisms, typically free of chlorophyll, and rigid in form. Their common method of reproduction is by cell division. With few exceptions they live on organic materials. Benthic. Referring to aquatic organisms growing in close association with the substrate. Benthos (or benthon). Aquatic microorganisms capable of growth in close association with the substrate. Biological. Associated with or caused by living organisms. Biology. The field of study dealing with living organisms. It may be divided into the study of plants (botany) and of animals (zoology). Blanket algae. A mass of filamentous algae floating as a visible mat at the surface of the water. 76 Bloom. A concentrated growth or aggregation of plankton, sufficiently dense as to be readily visible. Blue-green algae. The group Myxophyceae, characterized by simplicity of structure and reproduction, with cells in a slimy matrix and containing no starch, nucleus, or plas- tids and with a blue pigment present in addition to the green chlorophyll. Bound carbonates. The nearly insoluble monocarbonates present in water, where a balance is maintained between the amounts of bound, half bound and _ unbound carbonates. Calibration. Determination of the dimensions of a line, area or mass, present in an istrument such as a micro- scope. It is accomplished by measurement with a known scale. Calyptra. A cap or lid on some terminal cells in certain filamentous blue-green algae. Capitate. Presence of a round cell at the end of a fila- ment; a cell with a rounded enlarged end. Cell. The organized ultimate unit of structure and growth of a plant or animal. It is composed of a protoplast which, in plants, is generally sourrounded by a cell wall. Cell face. The particular surface of a cell which con- fronts a person who is observing it under a microscope. Cell sap. The watery fluid of a cell which may separate from the gelatinous protoplasm to form one or more vacuoles. Cell wall. The rigid to semirigid, inert, permeable layer of cellulose, silica or other material which surrounds, and is in contact with, the protoplast of plant cells. It is to be distinguished from the flexible, selectively permeable surface membrane (ectoplast) of the protoplast, and the capsule, sheath or lorica which may be outside of the cell wall. Centric. Refers to diatoms which are circular in form in valve view and have radial striae. Chlorophyll. Green photosynthetic pigment, present in plant cells including the algae. Chromatophore. A color-carrying body within a cell protoplast. Clean water zone. That area of water, in a polluted stream, in which self-purification has been completed. Coagulant aid. A substance which, when added with the coagulant to water, improves the formation of floc. Coagulation. The agglomeration of suspended or colloidal matter in a liquid such as water, commonly induced by addition to the water of a floc-forming chemical. Colloidal. A condition involving particles dispersed in a medium such as water which do not go into solution nor do they settle out. ''Glossary 77 Colony. An isolated group of cells which have developed together from a single origina] parent plant or repro- ductive cell. Each cell is theoretically capable of life activities independent of the others. Constricted. The surface wall of a filament curved in- ward to meet the cross walls, thus leaving grooves on the surface of the filament. Cooling tower. An enclosure for holding water while its temperature is decreasing. The cooling tower is part of a system which involves absorption of heat by the water from some heat generating apparatus or machinery. Costae (single, costa). Thick, rib-like striae in diatom walls. Cross walls. Transverse walls in a filament, dividing it into units or cells. Crustacea. Aquatic animals with a rigid outer covering, jointed appendages and gills. Included are the water fleas such as Daphnia and the copepoda such as Cyclops. Cubic standard unit. A volume equal to 8,000 cu. microns and used as a unit in designating the amount of plankton in water. Culture. A growth of microorganisms in an artificial medium containing the necessary nutrients. Desmids. Organisms belonging to the subgroup Desmid- iaceae of the green algae and characterized by cells of distinctive shapes one half of which corresponds in shape, size and contents to the other half. In many desmids the two “semicells” are connected by a short narrow tube (isthmus). Diatoms. Organisms belonging to the group Bacillario- phyceae and characterized by the presence of silica in the cell walls, which are sculptured with striae and other mark- ings, and by the presence of a brown pigment associated with the chlorophyll. Dissolved oxygen (D.O.). The amount of elementary oxygen present in water in a dissolved state. It is commonly re- ported in parts per million (by weight), or milligrams per liter, of oxygen in the water. Distribution system. Pipes or other conduits through which a water supply is distributed to consumers. Elliptical. Narrowly oval in form, the greatest width being across the middle rather than nearer one end. Enrichment. The addition to water of substances which in- crease the amounts of nutrients used by aquatic organisms in their growth. Epitheca. The slightly larger half of the two pieces of the diatom wall. It fits as a flanged cover over the smaller but otherwise corresponding “hypotheca.” Eye piece (or ocular). The short cylindrical frame holding a lens or combination of lenses, and fitting into the top of the microscope tube. Eye spot. A light sensitive, red to orange body within the protoplast of a flagellate. False branching (or pseudobranching).