nun-ulna .\ 2%}! E. ¢ v .4 ; .5?” . ”-3 “j n.5- ‘ Lmuuuei Fri-‘1‘ JOURNAL BUNGALOWS 1 ISSUED BY THE :LADIES’ HOME JOURNAL INDEPENDENCE SQUARE, PHILADELPHIA, PENNSYLVANIA Comm by Curtis Publishing Company. 1920 ENVIRCN. DESIGN UBRARY “He who deliberately builds an ugly house condemns himself as a toor citizen, while he who builds a beautiful house firoves himself a good citizen, for his personal efl‘ort contributes to the public welfare. " RARE 3005‘ As co ‘ ' out the C(giflizaions.vary to such a great extent throu h ry, 1t w111 be found more satisfactorygt- o haVe a local contractor esti . may be selected. mate on any des1gn which low The archite Ct) hOWeve - . [CU- specificaz‘ Oderate Sum, the working drawi Pply ver, 10118 for any of the designs rigs and mm very 68 74A ORKING drawings, including all the elevations and details, and the specifications are procurable for practically all of these bungalows, and we shall be glad to give you the architect’s address and the price he is charging for these upon request. The Architectural Editof fl» ,rfl g - :\ x g 1r? 360 ' ‘ r7 '1- . DRESSING ' 5533/3136 ROOM KITCHEN x 8'6" Iz'o ' BEDROOM BEDROOM BEDROOM cm: x Im'sm’o” , .. r - I . , . 9 I2’0xl20 "6x120 2:12 LIVING ROOM 5 HALL fij g2 13'0'2 I9’o" a: ug 9'6'k16'0” 0.05:1 W 8'0 2 20’0 ” ICE Tc) 990K KIICHEN 9 Designed by Robert Rodes McGood'win / BIND? Rem 8w 1%] l3 0 x l4 0 " ._._I I‘, r LIVING ROOM ‘ ' ,_ I \ I3'0”x16'6 ' I 2 x :2 2 BEDROOM -" PORCH '5 f, 8 ‘5 l3'6Rl4’0" 5'6XI5'0' '" ‘33 a: w r -L Designed by Hillier Swindvll Davis .‘- BEDROOM DINING ROOM . 13'0'\16'0' I3'0”\IG'6' :7: L"I I qur'pumv ‘I 5— _ DOD» um mu I : LIVING ROOM , £ 7 I ‘. : IS'G'K 22‘6” '. ; h'm R DEN : ; 1, ' ‘rl away 7 n- , Rim“ BLDROOM 7 BI DR00~I 110'; I51; ' BEDROOM I I.’ 31 IS'U" I215 15‘0” I PORCH Io’o'f‘ 341) ' f a a.» I "ALL Dung I ~ , I » ' 'I 7 )KD'O' ‘ l.» c: mm] Contribulxd by George Palmer Telling I BEDROOM PORCH CLO;\ 1 1491169" W“ smut." KITCHEN PORCH i: RI'IGIILN. [:1 l lO'O'xB’O nos. 70x110 “05‘ 33,3500? .1 bouoo 5m- ' 100x116 CLPB'D’ ' , RANGE I I DOWNHALL LIVE“? “99“ PANIIIV 3W . 189 x 239 I noun Down up . LIVING ROOM PERCOUI l2'0&22’0' mm R00” F DINING ROOM BEDROOM . I :1!" I53 ” IZ’O'NB'O" I2'0'Scl3'0' . . :1 . . 4r . - ILRRACL _E ' PERC-OLA PORCH PERGOLA L TERRACE 355(400' TERRACE . .I-I I 4 50'!) H II I “6.6- I. Designed by Lloyd Titus Designed by H arzrey G. Treflinger Designed ."_\' ll'ulm' Mum [eff Dari; Approximate Cost $3000 (does not include a cellar or a heating plant) Designed by Robert Rodes McGoodwin Approximate Cost $3500 (does not include a cellar or a heating plant) Approximate Cost of Bungalow Contributed by Mr. Telling, $4000 (in- cludes a small cellar but no heating plant, although there is room for one) Designed by Lloyd [Vitus Approximate Cost in Stucco over Hollow Tile, $14,000 (includes cellar and heating plant) Designed by Ilarz‘ey G. Trejfmger Approximate Cost $5500 (includes a cellar and a hot-air heating plant) Designed by Joseph. N. Hetlel Approximate Cost $3500 (includes a cellar and a heating plant) 0 /.>’ ‘0 72/ a. , H ///////////fi;—-s,,,,,3,,m [/W/Vfi WOO/V 17'0”/ 33'0” WI/AJ-COVBPM 1900/” '0 mun W D m CAN 5(47 C!“ k .n BiD/POO/Y w. mama/y 8 6 X115" MOW/450‘" ml w fall 3!,0R00/V , W7 13 ’0 WM” REL E5: .flfil'flfOO/IY” “”6 1.90 A770 5(47 .1 / \. .~, BIZ/FOO” g 1/ '6 7/30" a CAM! EAL CO/VY lh’xigm’d by Hudson ('34 Illzmm’ll BEDROOM KITCHEN - 9'6'k12'6" 10'0"x 10’0" CLOSl 46'0 ‘ DINING ROOM 10'0”x l2'0 " J I BEDROOM Io’o’fx 12’0 ” LIVING ROOM 10’0”x 23’0 ” 7,61% 240 1' it [hismzu’d by Joseph .\'. IlL'ttel Approximate Cost $6500 (includes a cellar and a heating plant) Designed by llztlemz é" Jlunsell. Designed by l'utur H‘m‘ _ , 5: ’fif/ewii GARDEN »» E; LlVlNG' 4] ED» HALL ROOM : j? , , A, 2.4,; éROOM B 311- egie dl50X2 0,_ :JOGXIUO']: ,ENTRANCEE‘ —1———fl_ ‘ w ., PORCH {Fatfig 7; 3] BEDROOM ; FIJI/0W [6'6' .1 ‘2 G a I 0 u 1m sa‘ly “t r :5 m ? DOwN 9+, F533]? 1\{_‘:.:L“I.‘_ SLEEPING? PORCH .129 X200" la n: L ca Approximate Cost $2500 (does not include a cellar or a heating plant) Approximate Cost $6500 (includes LIVING-ROOM 16'0"x 30'0" -\ PORCH a cellar and a heating plant) Designed by George A. Clark F7 1; 0 . l I l 4%.. ' \ ? . . “IND“ (L03 " R3 1;, I—rI ,- ‘ J BEDROOM 95:96. (L05 BEpRoO>I u-ITROOM . 13mm, 90x|26 l|0\l26 I LL 4-; . 1;: [SJ TOILL'T 1 SCREEN - \u . PORCHMWH' H ”A mm KITCHEN J I , . , . I/ (105' 96 x [2 9 .fi , '\ BATH D we; 80'x IO’O” ; x RITCHEN 1 7019.6. j % Io'o'xu’e HALL i CLO_\ CLObEI V I a / I UVING ROOM V ‘x‘ /I l\ /-| 2‘: ISO} 270 ' . ‘75 DINING ROOM : 12'6RI70' . DINING ROOM BEDROOM - . I2’3'RI8’0' Iz's’fu3'6 _ I PORCH ' a'o'xIe'o' DEN LIVING ROOM s‘ean‘e' 13'6‘i22'0' p———————— — Contributed by Gertrude A. Luckey 1 I — _ - ‘ I a O PORCH BREAKFAST 6:32, 3 I , . , ROOM i X BEDROOM ~ “‘32” . 8'6’5Ill'6 - ©I “(’5 Io’o”xII’9” | I I I I1] __ x E. . I . $3 \ HALL Demgned by Cyrzl Bennett 1 . , r F——— 36’0" _ , —H I LIVING ROOM BEDROOM 38'0———-——-—-—->I” 7 ‘ ........ I._ _ A? FYI l5’0'k25’0" BMW | . ”Lima: 5%“; 7;? n - ~ . P I“ A? ‘ ‘ ‘4 ‘ x , v I :11] 1Aé%i§go I U LJ“ SCREEN H "a. 8 u § SLEEPING SUN ROOM ; I ’ PORCH g} | d 5 T u PORCH I @9135 " ; CLO: (L03. 1 __ — _ — — — ‘ — — — ‘ _ : 8’0’3‘8'0 " L """" 'h - PORCH - /- -\- KITCHEN @ Q I am J I=l|--—l _, _ u L - " I [D we 5% 1w . 409 fi BEDROOM To Io’ ' , . . , 4 , ., x cum: {gin g- pANTRy Destgned by IV. H. Austm 120x136 1‘ I. = f “ 3 7 DINING ROOM BEDROOM DINING ROOM I3 3 x14 0 1453‘5'0' 14'0'x17'0' :: ‘ II UVING ROOM PORCH Is'o'x24'6' 8615’s” LIVING ROOfli‘I BEDROOM 14'0'x 20'0 lZ'O'fV. 13'0 " Designed by Frank Tyler Contributed by Gertrude A. Luckey jmviwm! t}: (‘yri/ Bennett Approximate Cost $5500 (includes a cellar and a heating plant) Approximate Cost of the Bungalow Below, $3590“ (includes a cellar and a heating plant) ( ,_ If .c t... .m.‘ < W «*1 0% \V1 xv v' < r LVN .AwAuA ‘ '1MM5WKV Designed by UK [1. .lztstz'n A p p r o x i m a t e Cost $3000 (does not include a cel- lar or a heating plant) ('mztrz’butwl by Gertrude cl. Luckey Approximate Cost $4500 (includes a cellar and a heating plant) Approximate Cost of the Bungalow Below, $5500 (includes a cellar and a heating plant) Designed by Frank Tyler Contributed by Gertrude A. Luckey SLEEPING EL“ SLEEPING PORCH _..0. 9'6" PORCH - manor,“ ’ ‘ aunts“ ~ [cm , 1 . . PORCH ' gift: BEDROOM “5- reage- , . l 131532136 I _- saDROOVI BEDROOM ' 76*‘36' '\ [403‘ “’0' "57K HIS ' F l0’0'k 3'9” I/ ‘ ( Imu c103“ j I I 15 vL 600 4 BEDROOM ; *1 l RIICIIEN I 2' DINING ROOM §c: ' Demo“ 3 IIanz'e' . ,, ‘— 3 I ‘ I36xlS’9 -; 3 _ 51%??? BEDROOM “WOO" 9'93; 100 . 99xll9 LIVING ROOM poRCH / Iw'xIa'o' Io’axnn' : r——---—---- 2 I : BEDROOM DINING ROOM cum (Lem - a? .. _- I \- : Iz’om‘s ' Isbiu's' s‘oku'e ' , c" :: 5:34 I L “‘ 8':- :LIVING ROOM .4 . i I " '5 MUSIC ROOM : 8931176 ” u I. ‘ Q. -- I I I 4 I BEDRO M . % , ‘36“36 l . 12,6. 03 . DINING ROOM | '= I -— “40 l2'0'xl4'0 ' ' ' DIN UWNG ROOM 1091140' I4‘0X266' _.._ _.L I - ~ . DESIgned by (,ynl Bennett poncu PEROOLA J. 1101390 ' 1 Ln;- n;- H H I L, 39'0 ” >1! k 52h” —-i Dcsigncd by Cyril 1301th Designed by Floyd A. Dernier SLEEPING PORCH SDRHB' KITC HEN 9’0““0'0 " BEDROOM 9'6’k12'0 " BEDROOM l2'0'x l4'0 ' 51'6" CLOSU BEDROOM l2 '6'$< l4 '0 ' LIVING ROOM DINING ROOM 8’6’Tx 13'0" l4'0”x16'0 ' l2'0'i'12'6' PORCH . 9'o'x 200 , ,, t 7.06 Contributed by George Palmer Telling |-—-——————— 466‘—————-I Designed by Louis du P. Millar Dcsigncd by Cyril Emmett Approximate Cost $6000 (includes a cellar and a hot-air heating plant) Approximate Cost $5000 (does not include a cellar or a heating plant) Approximate Cost of Center Bungalow, $3500 (includes a small cellar but no heating plant) Approximate Cost $1800 (does not include a cellar or a heating plant) Contributed by George Palmer Telling 11 Designed by Louis (In P. ‘lIillar Approximate Cost $3000 (does not include a cellar or a heating plant) W Designed by Floyd A. Demier — ’I _ 7 — ISRIEAKIRISI SCREEN“ 7;” 'fj‘j PORCH j "" A. BLDROO‘I 7.‘ BEDROOM I0'0’,’\12'0” E Io’o’m’o" KITCHEN 80K ”'6 0 I I. “-— I g I II'BATH Q C“ 6107\8'6 " :3 ’1 DINNC ROO‘I Q :3 i ,, , DIMpIilexc I I3 0 x I4 0 BED \ I DEN . | =0 S'G'S'IO'G " l/ 3: 60 I o CL up 2| ‘ LIVING ROOM 14m 20’0 ” I I — — _ . a _ __L 7 7 360" 4*:I I’I‘xIflyml by II'IIIIrr Swindell Davis k—— 359 ’ I l l l I 1 BEDROOM BEDROOM “[632 I26” 9’6'S< 12’6” SCREEN PORCH \— q CLOSLT BEDROOM IZ'6'.’\ I3'0 " KITCHEN _ IO'O'SIIZ'G' I CIII’ISOARI) DINING ROOM I2'63ZI6’0 " LIVING ROOM DEN I3'6”,\'23'0 " [0'6”x13’6 " II’63232'0 " ©© ©© Designed by Cyril Bennett 12 (576 H PERCOLA - SCREEN g: I77 ququ-J GOXIOOIE ‘ _ ‘— I KIICHEN AECHOVF, BEDROOM - II'Ia'sz’o " 90‘ ’36 II’6"x 12'0 ” — / I CLOSU _ f" _ LIVING ROO‘I 7622:)” SI 3 DIM\Q ROO‘I l3'6"xl7’6" 005“ ’ ‘ I2’0M\ I410" fl . . __ _ . BEDROOM PORCH ll’6"x 14'0" 8'0'$<26’O" IE 41'6 " Designed by T. F. Lannon mmuuwnuu: x ’1 w'.‘; r' Designed by Cyril Bennett Approximate Cost $5500 (includes a cellar and a heating plant) _ Designed by T. F. Lannon Designed by IValter Swindell Davis Approximate Cost $3500 (does not include a cellar or a heating plant) Approximate Cost $3000 (includes a small cellar but no heating plant) 13 .087 MAID‘S ROOM "OR 126" DINING ROOM . I3‘0'tu3‘0" A IR?“ 4» 121 BEDROOM 10'0"x 13'6" # h Jorow m . . [Q E BEDROOM c” SCREEN r‘ 1h -‘ . .. PORCH ‘— : J; I2'0'k I30 903(100 i 2% I. . O: g E CLOSET I ~ "‘ SHELF LIVING ROOM l3'6'N 19'6" [E PORCH 90% 209" [E] k 34'3 " in Designed by H'alter II’cbber‘ BEDROOM 8'0'xvl6'6 ' @1316; 5L AI 5 KITCHEN Io’o'x I2’0 ' BbfiU $1 LINEN C L05“ lo DINING ROOM BEDROOM ““ IZ'O'X 13(6' I210'x '3’0" 'LIVING ROOM l3'6'x22’6' ' ' ' T — BATH BEDROOM SLEEPING 8'03‘8'0' ” 0W6 " '1 PORCH ' _______________ I HALL ‘L -\— lfii 490 y 4"] ClOSU E. : \ PAN—RY” Designed by IVilliam Page? 7 #6 E‘ LIVING [ROOM I , _ fl DINING ROOM I SCREEN {I l4’6'.’\28’0" . __E_,; , ta PORCH II I I I ‘ a _II_ ff , ~ ‘ ~ PORCH , BLDROOM BFPROQU ‘ WW, I [19X [30 [IOX/ZO L 4K” WE J l‘ ) 71 Designed by D. M. Renton ._/ Homo S \ § § . U N V~ LIVING' g: ' BEDROOM ROOM DINING' 12'3”X14’0”i IBIOHX 17,6? ROOM )- 1} . t'13'6'X 12'0" “LI PORCH 259'] 7'0” F——— # 396' -”1 Ih’xigm'd by Frank J]. Tylr’r 16 Designed by Walter ll'ebber Approximate Cost $4000 (does not include a cellar or a heating plant) Designed by William Page! Approximate Cost $3500 (does not include a cellar or a heating plant) Designed by Frank .\1. Tyler Approximate Cost $3500 (does not include a cellar or a heating plant) 17 . Approximate Cost $2500 (includes a small cellar and a furnace) BEDROOM I2'O"X l W0" DEATH 8‘0" X DINING-ROOM “4'0" X 20'0" VNIH? IVING-ROOM 14'0" x 20‘0" BEDROOM i2‘0"x :50" CEMENT PORCH 6'9" X 23'0" Designed by R. B. Young ‘ , Approximate Cost $3500 (does not include a cellar or a heating plant) BEDROOM ll 0 X /I 6 DINING-ROOM 1] 6X 12 .9‘ ‘ BEDROOM "i now 116“ 18 6"X163 SEWING ROOM ;;IA/ 11% [/0 X12. PORCH Approximate Cost $3500 (does not include a cellar or a heating plant) Designed by J. F. Kavenaugh 20 £50300” 1/ 197/227" r” \1 cm flip/FOG” 11'97/3 '0" [XV/7V6 fOO/Y Z7’Z772/5 Approximate Cost $5000 (includes a cellar arm a hot-air heating plant) Designed by Sylmnzts B. Marston 21 l l i 1.} ammo/Pam 17.67/17)" BLFAZPOO/‘l «25 7/3 5" [/l/f/VU‘ 7900/! P Moira/‘6" I ‘ Approximate Cost $45 00 (includes a cellar and a hot—air heating plant) 4e'o' I; 240 fi- T _ z 1- SLEEPING lg PORCH ‘ EL) , u . I U 80xll0 BATH SLEEPING __ 6mm. PORCH II’0”xI2’0 ' _ BEDROOM 1. F I00x II'o' DINING ROOM II’o'xI5’6' 3 H i: .1 ""‘i 2;; D l t LIVING ROOM E5 DINING ROOM ll'O'x 15'0" I; II'3'x ll'6 " BEDROOM LIVING ROOM _____ ll'O'xll'6 ” JZ'O'X l5'6 ' I ii ' - -\ \' !/ 3; “E PORCH 4-: v 5’0"x 14'0 ' _I.. L . . J Designed by T, Puaske r I . 280 '1 Contrlbztled by George Palmer Telling 3315' _,; .I . ‘ T =2 II I now: ©I BATH BALCONY SCREEN 'Q'RQ'OEI ,. 0.0. PORCH V BLDROO‘I 80’” U’OK l3'0 ' mm 103' E CLOSEY IOILU CLOSE! J I CLOSU .........v.._..-.-._.-_..._-.‘ BEDROOM BEDROOM 12'6'x IS'O ' 12'6'x l6'6' DE.\’ IO'9R l2 '6 , 52'0” . CLoow-r- I ~ } llJHlHIHH . . _, ,- .MLL. ’ DINING ROOM - n ---_J L,,.___J L- 7 .DCD RODN , 4 I ,, r- 1 I -------------- 1 cmsn CLO>U Io~~'||v-o' / 120\ ISO ; 1 E ; : ; LI\ I\'G ROOM SEWING ROOM : 5 : Mm 19'6” 10'0”.\' II‘0' "L__J L _______________ ' - ll" """ W ; I Maxi L, 1" I ROOI‘ : - PORCH ? -___V_ .....--.--._.... sostu' ‘ I .IL L I '— ‘—IIJ .—————-——-————‘ , I Contributed by End Nixson Hopkins H17] Designed by E .11. Spinning xv ~ W a. , . ' ' /’ Contributed by George Palmer Telling .s s , ’ var ’ A ‘ Designed by T. Paaske Approximate Cost $2500 (does not include a cellar or a heating plant) Approximate Cost $1800 (does not include a cellar or a heating plant) Drsigned by E. J]. Spinning ~ fl, Contributed by Una Nix-son Hopkins Approximate Cost $4500 (includes a small cellar and a hot-air heating plant) Approximate Cost $6500 (includes a cellar and a hot-air heating plant) 23 Designed by Sylz'anus B. JIarstcm «‘1 KITCHEN ‘ mi "'6'x12’0' gfi/fiii/ , i ‘ héjwflil ‘ LO LIVING-ROOM bin-om ‘ g5, 14’0'X16'0' sari/z: h‘ DINING- z, n‘, ROOM ~<= BEDROOM "1 II'G'XI'I’O" II‘G'XIZ'O' >271 ‘ {a {1' Approximate Cost $3000 (does not include a cellar or a heating plant) , Mair/3’5" ‘ L/W/VGROO/V /6 U 722 '0 " yams "@1—1@; 0071/5 " l — Approximate Cost $4500 (includes a cellar and a heating plant) 24 Designed by R. D. Weston ll 1 5fRM/Vf5 ' BHM’OOM MOM [fay/3'0” 922747023” BfDPOO/f 1/07/63 6 1/ W/VO £00” XZO'O" *1, ,, H 1'50 1 I. DIM/V — R0017 ' 12'0'7/3'6" l Approximate Cost $4500 (includes a small cellar and a heating plant) ' DAVZ'VO )PQO/‘l /2'9”X'/47’6‘” . AV}? :7 y?0(&‘/ I 1.477(4)) a l . 1 LET/611324 i ‘ Approximate Cost $3500 (does not include a cellar or a heating plant) Designed by Frank Tyler 25 ‘nxero—fl SLEEPING PORCH LIVING ROOM II'6”\ I4'0 BEDROOM “OK “'0" IOD'X IZ'O~ Dmimml by N. S. Jlé‘ad BEDROOM' II'o'x ll'6 " BEDROOM II'0"x II'9 ” KITCHEN 9'0'x 9'0 ” __ Q DISAP EARLNQ o BLD O a: DINING ROOM ‘ I3’6”x 13'6 ” LIVING ROOM 14'6'N 25’0 ” ". I v :5 , I ; ' S 'I .: ‘ ‘I 1 ' I II I 'i' I II | l. . ' " " E‘ .' L: .1 I '_'_"_’:. III“: '-"_.'_'T‘_ alt“ 311:: I u; ' :2::;{b::::_-.:\.:1c_-_‘_—‘ : _ II II {III II" I t I. , I‘ 49 0 ” Contributed by George Palmer Telling 26 SINK E 5 DISAPREARINC. wmoows LL] 3 KITCHEN 564E? SLEEPING s’d'x 9'0" 3’5; 11:69:32 // BUFFET .4 C X DINING ROOM LINEN m LOSE w: 12 0 x14 6 _! 2‘ BATH I 6'0"x8'Q :: 22-1361: : : CLOS «a CLOSE_ n' goons BOOKS LIVING ROOM BEDROOM U l3'0'il4'6" n 0x120 PORCH s'd'xIs'o" : I. .- I< 28'0" LI Contributed by George I’ulmrr Telling DISAPPEARING WINDOWS 35.0.. _J I Designed by .\". 5. .11 ead Contributed by George Palmer Telling Approximate Cost $1800 (does not include a cellar or a heating plant) Approximate Cost $2200 (does not include a cellar or a heating plant) Contributed by George Palmer Telling Approximate Cost $3000 (includes a small cellar but no heating plant) AM i. h ' :I’éfid aw i BID/POO}! )‘ 1 i .‘ \1 f u I ”X I n W H J k7 , ”My _ 1 (“may n. .I l/6 [4.9 19:72me in ahiX/iraer§:rj .31 1:05” ' 9 1/67/20" ‘ iii/20342527" ll E Parifl f .- 1 WWW IV" V E5 .c max ‘ k ' suffix/v0 1 ‘ ‘ ' POM/7’ ' M4105 7’5'712'0" /l 5279mm 1037/49" O JlffP/AK Pfl/PJ/i Ls” r Gl/fsf-X’OOZV -‘ nah“ [3'07 14'9” - j First—floor Plan __ Second-floor Plan (‘mzzrihuml by (ic'urgt‘ :1. Clark Approximate Cost $8000 (includes a cellar and a heating plant) F ‘ SHOP M ENTRANCE . I I I owe ":HlGH TIL-“SONS BEDROO‘I > [I'O'X [1‘0" BEDROON § SHOP H IJ'O’XM'O' E [3'0"X 15'0" f a ‘ __ \ \l ‘_B‘\TH-ROO‘I E m \Q; ‘ 79"X/l’0" FIREPLACE $2: 2 5:“ E: f‘ éLlVING-ROOM i 23 : 16'o“x2.8'o" g; 2 X " a :2 s Approximate Cost $3500 (includes a small cellar but no heating plant) Designed by Una Nixson Hopkins 28 gécwsi L22? » 7 i 1' BEDROOM LlVING~ROOM {‘5' ' H‘o‘2v21‘0" , ,; Emfim 2:;‘1 t 3,6 8 i z First-floor Plan l 7 cmsz‘r l. PORCH “Ln” ' PORCH ‘ffi ~ “1 H lo'o'xaro' [OOH/’0"; (,‘mztributed by I'm; Nixsun Hopkins 1 l : NURSERY t 1 12‘0")< 180"; ‘ Approximate Ccst $4500 (includes a cellar and a heating plant) ‘ fl ’ l " _ 7 '7 5 {ll i:fl [L I a _____l IZDSLB'o' W KITCHEN I0’05x D’O ' 400' DINING R00 B'O'x 15‘0' BEDROOM 12’0'x l3'0 ' / L m 1* ‘IOU Approximate Cost $5500 (includes a small cellar and a heating plant) Designed by Clinton Nourse 29 BEDROOM 9' 3x I2 3' BEDROOM Io 3k I2' 3” KITCHEN Io' 3"x II'6" PORCH. 4 0x 10 3 37'0" DINING-ROOM 3 LIVING-ROOM II6xI3‘0" ; I3'0”xI6'3~ 59"?! 7 6 x I8 6 k——— 2919” ————-——Il Designed by R. F. Foss DISAPPEARING WINDOWS-A A -,I m Q SLEEPING “ E BEDROON IO o'x I2 9 or a BEPBOQI‘.‘ 10 0 x 12 9 LIVINGROOM I3 0 x 189' PORCH 80x29'o~ - . -L.' — — :i 55 5‘ -' ”L ___‘ u 'u U L' :- 3l3 ' ——I Contributed by George Palmrr Telling ‘ ROOF I KITCHEN 71 (Low . . - . . . 8'0'xI2'6“ ‘ 1Q] BEDROOM BEDROOM I \a' man . CHINA BEDROOM [2'0”x13'6" 1201x126 ' i SLEEPING SLEEPING Io’o‘sz'o' ' “m“ I P'ORCfiw PORCH _ KITCHEN I20 x120 12‘0”xI2’0 DINING ROOM ; 963‘“? BATH mm] 0.05:! 3. . 5 ' _ “ lObe6 HALL ‘ ”OHHMIHUHH /_ 23; _-;--. :; -_—-__ I-_-_ W I .; * HALL DRESSING § to _ p\_ ROOM . g» ll'0'x1l'6” BEDROOM LIVING ROOM DINING ROOM LIVING ROOM 1 10 0 x12'0~ ll'3”x12'6" " I4'0’ix14’6” I4’0'x 23'6” I STORM“ I — i “/yx WT ‘ M — I I ' I I I PORCH '1 I 8'6'3426’0 ,, PORCH I ROOF 1 ‘ 9‘0'x33'0' I J .~ ,;,,tr~ 1 lglIIII‘, . 'II: I I I' I ' L—aLE—E I III E I 3 I - I III II——————‘! "‘ “II‘I“‘[I’"I[‘ ‘ HUI iI———i‘ IEIIIIIIIIIII I III“ I» ‘ >7_7___’__,ZOIU;__7777 a k— — 446 ’1' ED” EU D U U E L [iv-WW" .I .. J4:.4h’ I’l'~l\'HrI." /'I;.' Ifi'nml JII‘('I»IIIII'I’/ 17c'5igIII'I/ by sylz‘uum‘ H Marxian Designed by R. I“. Foss Approximate Cost $3000 (does not include a cellar or a heating plant) D esigned by Ernest JIECOHNU” Approximate Cost $2500 (does not include a cellar or a heating plant) 33 Contributed by George Palmer Telling Approximate Cost $3000 (includes a small cellar but no heating plant) Designed by Sylt'anus Bl JIarston Approximate Cost $5500 (includes a cellar and a hot-air heating plant) ' ”J. L] #31. 3%? iffiii~KlTC}lE “fi‘ "ill 7'3 ’ DBEDROOM A , 9‘3'x9'9" [1; E2 , 1 ‘Jr DINlNG 12M ' Ll ROOM CLOS :‘BEDROOM ‘ / 11'3"x13’3" 9'3'X10‘9" .‘W‘ , a u gmwmsm Floor Plan of the Bungalow Below Designed by Arthur S. Heineman 2/ Deszgned by U'. G. Hanson Approximate Cost $2200 Approximate Cost $3000 (does not‘include a cellar . _, _ 4 , . . (does not include a cellar or a heating plant) or a heating plant) BEDROOM Q N N 7 in 10’0““:1’3" 5: 2 /\_ H 3’ "I '51 a é'KITCHEN w‘ DINING-ROOM/ «Hum-“y m“: L———:7#,~v “"1 grungy a n 1 F HALL ~ e 10 '6 "x [2'0" ‘1 Kg 1 l "ITA'IA‘H Ave-ma, Amy”? M ’ V f ’ ' BEDROOM i1 DINING~ROO§I F“ I ~ . .. ‘ '0" I50” 57 52 110x130 l I; x ‘5 s: LIVING-ROOM g - . V . 7‘ ti : :i IB'O"X [3‘6" \ . Deszgned by Arthur 5. IIememan ‘ : BEDROOM Approximate Cost $1800 (does not include a cellar or a heating plant) LIVING-ROOM ‘fi"—j [0'0"Xl2'0" \ l l 1 l l _ 12'0 "X 25'0" 5’ Booxcks’: i :4 LlNEN most/r \ N \ r‘ \.,,\\,,4 q N l i l VERArvoA l ‘ cwzm noon L Floor Plan of the Bungalow Above Floor Plan of the Bungalow Above Contributed by Helen Lukens Gaut Designed by W. G. Hanson 36 Designed by Arthur S. Heinemun Approximate Cost $1800 (does not include a cellar or a heating plant) ”L211 123’ " [.50 [MA/6 7130077 . 1607240" PORC/z’ m 0726 '0" O Plan of the Bungalow on the Right BEDROOM [20%]: 1 1 LIVING ROOM [)mmg- 14'0Xl-Iv 6 ROOM 1L 1 1% ”OX/20 L_ 1 ":11"? Mfififig If}? CORH 1 1 l 9;; Plan of the Bungalow on the Left Designed by Sylvanus B. Marslon Approximate Cost $4500 (includes a cellar and a heating plant) 37 Approximate Cost $4500 (includes a small cellar and a heating plan ;) BEDROOM BEDROOM DiNlNG-ROOM 12‘0": 1.5 'o“ Designed by Sylvanus B. Marston 9671/25" 200’" Io’o'xn’s‘ UVING~ROOM I4‘o'x 2 0'0" BEDROOM ll ’ovr I 5 '6" Plan of the Bungalow Above Designed by George A. Clark KITCHEN I3'0"Xl3'6' ii BEDROOM D'N.‘N?‘R°,°f’_' -‘ ||'0"x12‘0“ Y ’2 O X17 0 LIVING-ROOM ' l3‘0" X 29'0" PORCH T'O"X30‘O" Approximate Cost $3500 (does not include a cellar or a heating plant) BEDROOM 12'0"X 13'6" BEDROOM 77: z :flzzm w II'G'HX 12'0" / E L A 1“ DINING-ROOM HALL 12'0"x 13'0" , z LIVING-ROOM 7 A A , E r: BRICK-PAVED 14'0"x 20'0" V TERRACE ‘ L '1 ‘ knlflliffl GRASS TERRACE \\ , _,_ ,w—vA- _u Approximate Cost $3500 (does not include a cellar or a heating plant) 38 ‘Til Designed by A. S. Barnes SEWING' Lfi-Iuflm' Ems“ BATHROOM flaw/0‘: BEDROOM I6‘0'X 17‘0" LIVING“ ROOM \ I5'6”X 27'6" \ 1 ‘ PERGOLA PORCH; ‘ ENTRANCEH '0 0 X '70 ‘ PORCH {if ‘ 3'0‘x/2’Q' J L:1:3]HL~ ATTIC HALL _ OUTDOOR BEDROOM 13'0”X Ill-’0" 9'0" X 14'6" BEDROOM I5'6"X 20'0" CLOSET Contributed by End Nixson Hopkins PORCH (6'0"! [0'0” [ KITCHEN BEDROOM 7'0"”0'0 10'0"XI4~'0" PORCH DINING- 10'0"X24'0" ROOM — 10'0"! 10'0" LIVING-ROOM H [4'0"X [4‘0" ALL r [0'0"A’ll'0" CEMENT \ '1 s EAT I ,______ CEMENT Approximate Cost $3500 (does not include a cellar or a heating plant) Contributed by Una Nixson Hopkins 39 BEDROOM 10'6' x 13' 6 ' BEDROOM KITCHEN IO 6 X “,0 " II’o'x 12’0” CUPB'D ~ BUH‘LT 43’0” I LIVING ROOM DINING ROOM I6’o"x 2I’6 ' I I2'6”x [2'6" : 8'0? 320 ' 1‘ 39’6' Designed by A. F. Barnes Jib], SCRLLN PORCH II 5 0x 7'3" ICE '6 U KITCHEN I 89} 9’6" ' BEDROOM 9'9"x I2 6 DINING ROOM 1097»; "'3" LIVING ROOM II'9"x 12'0" Lr‘ 26‘0V Designed by Frank AI. Tyler .Jc. :5 '1’ 7: III/[é é K/TC/Yl/V [0'0’715’0” ”’—----- www— "__.Z-_Z::- £00” a $12—11: 14'0'7/9‘0" \ _______ 7 Q ''''''' I:.’ \1 11'0'713’0"z (0 eg ‘0 [MA/'6 % KOO/V 14 ’0’1r16’0” 6 'o"x new I u Mam—ta 55917800” '. “ 11’0'713'0" I I 8’0”X22’0” : L————_Il j V” " : :‘ 1 ‘ "‘ "' B a k—-————— 43 ’0” —————————-)I Designed by E. B. Rust 40 KIT DIS/\PPLARING , 9 9 x II 0, HOOD -4- _/.-l I 1, :i | | g: DINING ROOM 1} II'931I2'9" BEDROOM 10 6x ll 9 LIVIN'CLROOM l3 9 x 18 3 BEDROOM 106 x ll 9 PORCH 10 0 x l8 0 Designed by George Palmer Telling gm: a l_) é % KITCHBV U . fi- CLOSET 80} 10,6 E a LIVING ROOM . AND BEPFOSM DINING ROOM IOOX I' 0 12'0”x18’0~ 1-: I P 406' ’1‘ Designed by IV. E. Coolbaugh' Designed by Frank .11. Tyler Approximate Cost of Bun- galow Designed by Frank M. Tyler, $1200 (does not include a cellar or a heat- ing plant) Approximate Cost of Bungalow De- signed by A. F. Barnes, $2500 (does not include a cellar or a heat- ing plant) Approximate Cost of Bungalow De- signed by George Palmer Telling, $3000 (includes a cellar but no heat- ing plant) Approximate Cost of Bungalow Designed by W. E. Coolbaugh, $1000 (does not include a cellar or a heat- ing plant) Designed by E B- Rust 41 Approximate Cost of Bun- galow Designed by E. B. Rust, $4500 (includes a cellar and a heating plant) 1 \ A, CLOS. CLOS 70’6 BEDROOM Iz'e'x I46 BEDROOM Risk “’0' HF . . , PORCH I0’6"x15’0’ W F? [E I BATH _| ; 5'6‘x TUI§ l BEDROOM : I26} 160‘ KITCHEN II'3'x 136' I] DINING ROOM I3'6”x l4'§ is :9: . PORCH 316 2 «7 ..E o o o o E__.__—m:—— —-I Designed by Henry B. I'Vard SERVANT'S a I ROOM x g I B H 83‘ 9'9’ 0 - 629mm jihad * V» a 99x39“ « a , / , m. CLOS I g :1" KITCHEN 3= 8 9'0"on'3" 2' i I. CUBE! ‘ ' f a E I II .m :1 a: In 3: BEDROOM DININCROOM E: V :1 I20 x I36 II‘9‘x I4’9‘ ‘° 1 ' Q 0 3 a LIVING-ROOM 2 I33‘x 21'3’ M. I: ‘l 1 7| )4. k————' 30'0" Dc‘sigm’d by Syli'anu’x B. Jlarslmz I- I Z: I B 3% 890M. v: 80x86 BEDROOM BEDROOM 3 I w . II'o'xMo 1203”” I CUPBOARD L”, KITCHEN 2 4 T 7 z . u . n "’ .0“ 110x133 %=/ a 2‘ LL 6%??00‘ i ‘ E > ‘fi HA 5 m n CLOSH —I 0-- ( J M u.I J1 norm ’ ,V _ _ _ 17: U“ inn; IE I | l = DINING-ROOM =1 I2‘9"xI4'0" 6'3} 24'6" 380" w————~3 Designed by H. F. Robt’rts 45'0' I Efi‘rfl v BEDROOM 9'0'5III'0” BEDROOM Io'o‘k15'3" KIICHEN Io'o'k 10' o" JL BEDROOM ’0' 11'0" HALL I 9 x LIVINGROOM “’5' I Is'd‘xzs‘d BEDROOM Io’o'xls'z.~ 26'9" F I umw,,.v,2..m..m -_CUPBOARD .=Il Designed by Louis C. Hickman BEDROOM 2' 0' x 12‘ 3" KITCHEN ' 9 0 CLOsEI 7 . 93"x loo”...- / A")- 01 O CLOSE! [i x 7 9 BUFFET 30 2 DININGROOM / BEDROOM ' 3 *1 I20x 15'0” II’6'x 13’6” , LIVING-ROOM g S 13’ 6x 29’0" 2 A N 99“.". 74x 180 I 29'9' #2.. Designed by O. C. W'illiams Approximate Cost $7500 (includes a cellar and a hot-air heating plant) Approximate Cost of Bungalow Below, $4500 (includes a cellar and a hot—air heating plant) Designed by Syli'anzw B. JIurston / Designed by Louis C. H ickman Approximate Cost $4500 (includes a cellar but no heating plant) Approximate Cost of Bungalow Below, $3000 (does not include a cellar or a heating plant) Designed by H. F. Roberts Approximate Cost of Bun~ galow Designed by H. F. Roberts, $3500 (does not include the cost of a cellar or a heating plant) 45 4L : \ *mvrm a Z to m M 2:: 8 92E] mm” Wmfiww EE] ‘ MW *‘vm_ .‘ \ ' 5 I _ n 1 :\MW 0 g u, L‘V’W‘" 12 O'XIZO \ “=4 :4 k ‘ now» / " // // W (3 £1.05 é CLOS. LINEN J I\ '4 DINING-ROOM . h} 12'0")"4'6" BEDROOM E ’ LlVlNC-ROOM Iz'orxlz-o- [4'6"X 20'0" PORCH st‘T PORCH Approximate Cost $5000 (includes a cellar and a heatmg plant) Designed by Sylvanus B. Marsh»; MAI D‘s ROOM 3'0‘19‘0" KITCHEN BEDROOM I 0'6. X [23' Sunny LIVING - ROOM .45 ‘o'x 20‘0" DINING-ROOM BEDROOM - * 12’6'1 I3'6 “ Ilb'xla's" o CEMENY TERRACE Approximate Cost $4500 (includes a cellar ‘ A ~0 and a heating plant) ‘ Designed by Sylvanus B. M arstorl 46 ' d BEDROOM i 11 '6 "x [2’6" 1 LIVING-ROOM DINING-ROOM i h 1 ( Iz'o'k 21'6" r IZ'O")(13'6" Approximate Cost $2500 (does not include a cellar or a heating plant) Designed by Alfred E. Gwynn pd— " 1 1; W. , w BEDROOM 151W“; Il'J"X/l'3" [H ; BEDROOM 11'6”“3'4“ : DINING-ROOM LIVING—ROOM g' 15‘s"x1513“ l5'6"X2-1'6” Approximate Cost $4000 (does not include a cellar or a heating plant) Designed by Helen Lukens Gaul 33’ O. C. Williams 47 =- 1 IAN}. REAKFAS ROOM SEA! SEA! NIN BEDROOM L.- DINING ROOM IZ'O'xM'O ‘ u _____I 5.--- 5 BEDROOM PORCH 8'0'x 28'0 ' 590 Designed by Frank Redman I'M“: rm“: r" l uvINo ROOM um 20' I : ”WEE" I TU SCREEN PORCH ICE KITCHEN x 93'xIr3' E ._J L- .... "'f_"_'.'_":.3 I g 1r ‘1? , SCREEN PORCH 4 [GK I06 .. 1 _ - —— - —. BEDROOM [Eyng [é ' l II6xI20 "x600 KITCHEN I I BEDROOM U 96")(10'6' ' I IOOXHO m , STOREROOH i HALL kBATHII g, HALL I‘ A ,- l . C .1’ awry (foam: m g I 2 -\ CLOSH 2 ‘x I— —. __ __ ___\ _____ m'rrr. _-__..’“: l . _ . / ”P 4 3|. I ‘ I : . _ I I I I I I . DINING ROOM : BEDROOM BEDROOM _ . L” _ fiUfiQQEL / ; .53 I3’6'xI7'o' ; l2'0'xl4’6' ll’O‘x12’6" DINING ROOM '5 I 3 : IOOXIUG /,’ fed/\— _ PEDBQQ“. _--'_.I In I IO'6'X18'6” “’ n i , ’ g \\ 10m 13'0" - l T1058 “0557' I I -/ I I \ I I I DOOKS I ('10th CIOSU Lg _______ _ LI'mII I \ ' LIVING ROOM 7 I — ' I/ \ . I 6376‘ I36“ I BOOKS (10th l CII’NI ¥ -— ———-———‘ ____' | x IL---..- I I , -\1 i/ 1 ____I : Ir"""": DEN LIVING ROOM 1 I 13:17-94 .5 "3“” . 12'0'k27'6" I L H a] I; /| \ I l I” I ‘I I _ ' ' 1 J I SLEEPING PORCH I PORCH — — _"'—-" | l/’ 15'0”\|[8'6" \\\ I 26'5" ’ I pORCH i X I \W I a; “El—fl , ,,_ . a //I \ I > 90x290 I / : I I ‘X I FL; 400“ #4 7, 1/ I : l \\\ l . ‘ . ESTEIE 4L /L _ I I __'_____l\ Desrgned by E. J. Collms , : __________ 4 ___________ J \\ 52'0 “ _.. I Dexignml by Charles J. Brooke ”I I -——= BEDROOM ' I © 12'0"x 14'0' ' 5 SCREEN PORCH é LP 610M310" g BEDROOM — ~-_'C__ ”B II'0’S< I4'0 ' \" CLOSU CLOSU KITCHEN g _) I a II’O'x 110 g 2: I BEDROOM " IZ'O'X 14’0' ' I so V3 Ln DINING ROOM _ __ ____ . . I3'o'x 16'6" II II I n E II I ________ II I6'0'xl7'0" Designed by Sylvanns B. Alarston J; F 480' fl“: 48 Designed by Frank Redman Approximate Cost $3000 (does not include a cellar or a heating plant) Approximate Cost of Bungalow-House De- signed by Charles J. Brooke, $4500 (includes a cellar and a heating plant) Designed by Sylvamts B. 310735071 49 Designed by E. J. Collins Approximate Cost $5000 (includes a cellar and a heating plant) Approximate Cost of Bungalow De- signed by Sylvanus B. Marston, $6000 (includes a cellar and a hot-air heat- ing plant) I KITCHEN .“BREAKFAST .- ,_ I ROOM " 93x 119 " 9'o'xn'9’ ,3 "w- _./ '1‘ E : \\ CUPBOARD '- Z RIIGHEN - PEROOLA I DINING ROOM goxlz’o 12’0'x I4‘o' 5‘ _. ..... _ DINING—ROOM ,- .E J: """ I3'9'xI4'0" BATH_ GS 03 x: S xt E q\ . I? m/I .. Z I BOOKS I _ A- ILINE p 8 ’3 LIVING ROOM LIVING-ROOM DEN 12 0 x I7 6 '2 9 x '8 9 10'9'x II'9' :CI 1 BOOK . PASSAGE SEAT f DINING-ROOM 80x II 6 280 LIVINg-ROOM II 6x 14’0 BEDROOM l2' Oflx 12 6 BEDROOM I FLOWER BOX Ip ’ #11 PORCH B D ' d b C 42 t‘ H'll P’ORCH” 719),)(32’0. t’SIAMc’ 5 0115th me 1 man 80X 200 I I.___._I Ie———-———-— 32'0" ——————‘—I ' I—————— 21'0" ——H Contributed by H elen Lukens Gaut Contributed by Helen Lukens Gaut f‘ If 47'6 ’44 T _ w ‘ SEWING I ‘ OF I ROOM. R0 1 I; BEDROOM 6'6} 9'6' 1, mos 11'9" BEDROOM ROOF "’0;- I3‘0' I :/_I \' fl . 05. \IFI'H' IWL {Low . I BLDRQOH | j KlTC‘IE‘N’ I 2 g CLOSE! / coma I SEMIII‘)” I: E 9’6u'l3‘3‘ to /I I —| ‘5 \ I; Gr I BEDROOM I , . , -J I DINING ROOM BEDROO-j‘ 130”“? :f-J BEDROOM II’3'x15’0' '2'6'X13'0 90x 100 Q CLOSET _ I BEDROOM LIVING ROOM PORCH 10 6 x 12 0 I3'6‘x I9’0' II'6'x I2’9' ROOF .L 320' 1 Designed by Frank Tyler 50 DINING ROOM I3”3"\15'9" BOOKS BEDROOM mm 119" LIVING ROOM m—_ 12'9'fo9' 6" PORCH 30'; 21' 3" Designed by Peare 5:7“ Quiner p———+—— 320 v (fawn-[baled by Helen Lukens Gaul Designed by Frank Approximate Cost $3000 (does not include a cellar or a heating plant) Approximate Cost of Bungalow Below, $3500 (does not include a cellar or a heating plant) Tyler aul Approximate Cost $1200 (does not include a cellar or a heating plant) 51 Approximate Cost $4500 (does not include a cellar or a heating plant) There is space on second floor for two rooms Approximate Cost of Bungalow Below, $7500 (includes a cellar and a hot—water heating plant) Designed by Constantine IIillmzm Designed by Peare ‘ . SCA’ZZW SliiP/IVG- K PORK/I N . _ _ _ . 7, m” , 20102:! .. g 21020011 BED/900M L Mfg/7] , ,, , , 1007120" T 1401146 / .. K M // 6'0'2’8’9” BID/P00” R‘ . " 1107140” 101002111 5 /1 [80 ““0 P01?” 11971129" . " 9971129" 9 “‘T‘I“""}’:‘ ” "Tfia’ [Al/0W6? 0 ' as s . s§ "’ 22020011 [1007 310011 “ 00010—20011 2,57,55,91, """ MW ‘ 20011 _i! 1207130" ' 1:2 6X210 :! 0 . _ _ : 53 § _ 156"5J L“ "”3“" 93‘” 77661129" ViM/VDA PORCH I II I U PO/Fcfl I 7 I 'I 93 X140 867400" 80 X166 I I ‘._—'“. 38'0" .—.———-———— 44 ’0” —————-——- H— 29’6” ~a Deszgned by Frank Simmonds First and Second Floor Plans of Contributed by George Palmer Telling Bungalow Designed by Frohman 53’ [Martin 22.020011 SC/Pfflv . 1707170" é) E r 1 1 ,, s m f ' 56’ fl L I 21020011 01020011 = 00000—100011 . 1107119" 1101020" it” '07/5’0" ve———-— 30’0" ————-———x 9 3 I 22020011 21020011 1107120” 1157149” Fér'jjlyy/‘f/gnr : - §ifl : .. é :: fUO/V :: : 1701111001 [/W/Vg; 12/? 00” :E §§EE flf 1V :_ 1/20/15 0 _jL__ j 20,5951?! £00; DIM/V6 -1P067M g §§§l§ 1207120 ,,|—\”““ ' 120 1190 § 010; £- Contributed by Contributed by Helen Lukens Gaut George Palmer Telling I [DO/PO? Il‘ 6’0’271'0" F—-'_ 880” "" ”—i , k.— . 80.10” I 52 a———-———— 35'0"————————-u, Designed by Frank L. Simmonds Approximate Cost $3200 (does not include a cellar or a heating plant) Approximate Cost of Bungalow Below, $3200 (includes a small cellar but no heating plant) Contributed 77; Helm thkem Gaul Contributed by George Palmer Telling Approximate Cost $1400 (does not include a cellar or a heating plant) Approximate Cost of Bungalow Below, $1200 (includes a small cellar but no heating plant) 5‘ Approximate Cost $6500 (includes a cellar and a hot—air heating plant) Z 74 Contribuled by George Palmer Telling 53 .‘T‘fli' 3'»~.« . «Shh .: 3335 Q 3:qu TI! :93, IIIIL ..QNQB% NQVRNV; abhmkb$N §Q$NQ§§$§$§ — \,' \ \ w§\\§:§\\$\\\\\§§\ . ..mmhug ..$%%QN% ‘AW — \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ — . “\h\§§§\§ «Ln _ W § - 2% -m-§ 1m 7 m..- : \§M§§ss§\ A.7/.mnwu .. wlw .. “ _ mmxxbmx . \s \ t \ \\S\§\. ~§§§ .$%%%% 1%.:wa w - ::E\Q \\\\\ IQ]. \.l Ding: .ls\\\\\>‘\>§\\\\§§\ ¢\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\~—\\x .\ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\~ I - 1/ .fi. 353. m . “\ w $2 \— .\\\r\W\—yk i\?\\\\\\\\\\&\\\\\u 56 Designed by Frank .14. Tyler Approximate Cost $4000 (includes a cellar and a heating plant) Designed by Samuel F. Pearson Approximate Cost $3500 (does not include a cellar or a heating plant) Designed by B. Allarshull U'olkyns Designed by Guy Bliss Approximate Cost $4500 (includes a cellar and a heating plant) Approximate Cost $3500 (includes a small cellar but no heating plant) 57 mos, SCREEN PORCH BEDROOM , , m 1 Io'o"x13'o" ,! I . KITCHEN ;. .v V \m 10'0")”4'0" 46mm" HALE/m J, , mum-ca} '\ " ecwsgsmm“ DINING-ROOM l' Kn / :2" AN WALL aw L 2—. T D 1 LIVING - 1: N a BEDROOM R00“ ’3 11’0"): [2'6" 14'0”x15‘0" l 2, ; :J ,, 1 W,1___ Approximate Cost $2200 (does not include a cellar or a heating plant) Contributed by IV. II. Hill 'T SCREEN g PORCH [ “—F :l B??? d KlTCHE/ZNEI‘BE BEDROOM JQ'O'W/b" LB; 10’6‘xu‘6" fi DINING-ROOM H [3'0/115'0” I LIVING—ROOM ] 12'0"x13'0” 1 BE DROOI‘I 10's”x 12'0" ‘ PORCH Approximate Cost $2700 (does not include a cellar or a heating plant) Contributed by H'. H. Hill 58 T - . ' SUN ROOM I 9'6'xl0'6" I I I _ K/K / Eu ' SLEEPING . , SCREE - PORCH BEQROQM ‘ N' KITCHEN mfgggg“ 7'6; 10'0' 100x110 D‘N'NG ROW 10'o‘x12'o“ IO'G'Sdl'O‘ RANG O :o CUPBOARD :F LIVING ROOM GUEST ROOM 14'0R21'0‘ 9'0“\Il'0' C] Ewuxc: PORCH E] 41 ,, H 500 71, . . D”! va'P.B t Approximate Cost $3500 (Includes a cellar but no heatmg plant) ensued 3 o; ancrof BEDROOM - 10’0"x [1'6" KITCHEN 'smn] 9'6"XII'6" ag/l/gén 1 CUPBOARD [L Dml.Nf;'Rf)9M :/ BEDROOM 3’ 116X136 ‘ ' 116 X116 ' Approximate Cost $1650 (does not include a cellar or a heating plant) Contributed by Airs. E. C. Graham 59 CLO)EI BEDROOM 12'0"xl2'6 " TERRACE 967x276" . BEDROOM ' I2'0'R 12’6 " / CLOSE! C HALL LIVING ROOM l3'0"x 22'0 ” 43'6 " Designed by Cyril Bennett MAID’S ROOM 8'6'3I IO'O " SLEEPING PORCH 1 7’6’R 13'0” 10'9”xll'0” OVER 5530 Room PORCH CLOSET ‘I KITCHEN DINING ROOM BEDROOM | 1363-161)" l4’0’fx16'0" , BREAKFAST an ‘I ROOM . 8 ,, 793210” .' BATH 8’0’R 14’6" 5HO\\[R CLOSET BEDROOM II'G'S‘ISD” LIVING ROOM l6’0’5<28'0” DEN 910K130" .IL 44'6" Designed by Montgomery 53‘ .110nlg0mer; Ti DINING ROOM I2'6'RI3’0” 30"” BEDROOM IB'O'KIZ'O' BATH 6157\8'6" RANGE KITCHEN 1;: IO'O'RIS’D ” I‘ k I I'llI' SCREEN A . 9 IRONI\G : 9'6"on'9 ” I I BEDROOM Il'3”x12'9 ” / 48'3 ” I l HALL J BEDROOM II’EIK 12,3 ' I I % 373' I \ {g -‘ 5?. .\ SUN ROOM ‘ ‘ PATIO 9‘6"x 13’3” |;-K\~/":i,:3v2?5?§5;§‘£¥£~ \ DINING ROOM BLT ' I30”: I66” ‘ BREAKFAST ROOM BUFU 89R99' I BOOKS \ LIVING ROOM Q I4'6'fx 18’} ~ 0 I C. 5045 N PORCH Il’O'xl7'6 Designed by W. S. Greene 60 SLEEPING PORCH '5( 10’0 ” BEDROOM 12'0'5‘ 13'0 ” CLOSET L \ SC REEN 3:; GARAGE ~ moamo' C LOS // 6’6”x ~ I I BEDROOM 13’03'13'0” L..- ____| K TCHEN 9m I2’6 " ‘32'6 ’ I |\'I\(‘ ROOM 121“ 2013' DINING ROOM I2'0'i 12'0 " 10M 34’0 '1 37’0 ” —: Designed by Cyril Bennett I a r: 326 5CRI‘I‘N ; PORCH ,KHGHEN msme' ' HOOD \ 1 \ STUDY B’O'Sc l3'0 ” BOOK: DINING ROOM Rim, , I2’0’R15’0” 56x96' V mum-I (III CLOSET BEDROOM I303? I3'0 " LIVING ROOM 130% I8 '0 " DRE-“(FAST ROOM T'O'RS’O ” 42’6 Designed by G. I. Peotles girl In r , «y 2;; h Designed by Cyril Bennett Designed by Cyril Bennett Approximate Cost $3500 ’ , ; (includes a small cellar but no heating plant) Approximate Cost $3000 (includes a small cellar and a heating plant) Approximate Cost of Bungalow Below, $3100 (does not include a cellar or a heating plant) Approximate Cost of Bungalow Below, $7500 (includes a cellar and a heating plant) Designed by IV. S. Greene Approximate Cost $5200 (includes a cellar and a heat— ing plant) Designed by Montgomery 63’ Montgomery Designed by G. I. Peoples 61 SLEEPING PORCH 8'0'x IOU” BEDROOM l2'()’5(12'6” 6'O'x 7’6" C LOSLT ~ BEDROOM l2'0"x 13'0" 53'0" LIVING ROOM’ I2’0”x 20’0 " Designed by Cyril Bennett Approximate Cost $3000 (includes a small cellar and a heating plant) DINING ROOM 12'O~x12'0" POISC H IL 401» " 7 1' — _ E ‘ .Bf‘TH 6 .IL 66 x90— bLEEPlNC) f L 350 ~ A BLDROOM PORCH , i I Il'0"xll'0" 8m "6': CLOétl -_\ ('LOSEl CLOSEl ':I .1 BEDROOM _l ' < 12’0”xl3'6” / PORCH BEDROOM I / 6'0"x7’0” II’O‘XIZ’6” l/ \ lo I/ R ( L05“ COAT} LIVINO ROOM l9’6”x 20 ’0 " / KITCHEN ’7 IO'O'RIO’O" DINING ROOM I3’O”x I5’0” Contributed by Gertrude A. Lackey Approximate Cost $5750 (does not include a cellar or a heating plant) 62 DRESSING ROOF1 BEDROOM 12'0"\ 13‘0 " BEDROO‘I “BK 121) ” SCREEN PORCH KITCHEN 9'O'k II'D " DINING ROO‘I I2 '6K I 4'0 " 36'6 " BATH 7'0"\ 96X BEDROOM 12'032 13'0 " SL'N ROOM 9'61 l3'6" LIVING ROO‘I l2'6'{ 20’6 " Approximate Cost $6000 (includes a small cellar and a heating plant) Approximate Cost $6000 (does not in- clude a cellar. Gas heating plant is provided) 63 T I PORCH I I” 7W“) I , BEDROOM ' 1 ‘ ~’ ~ I U 11'3“le I I IVY/II 1 I“ BREAKFAST I! ROOM 3 BEDROOM I3‘0'RI3'6" I KITCHEN , =1 86"»II5'0 " w .3 v MD ”I DINING ROO\I I |\ INC ROO‘I l3'0”\13'0" l3’0’i2l’0" II I PORCH MR 36") A, Designed by Walter Swindell Davis i 3 BEDROOM / E BEDROOM l2'l','\ I213 " : 12’3'i12’Is" (LOSE! BEDROOM . I2'2'S4 I2'3 " KITCHEN Io'o’fx II'6 - ‘37'0 " LIVING ROOM I375? 20'0" DINING ROOM I3’032- I3’6 ” x PORCH 9'0? 22'6 " TERRACE 9'0'i13'6 " [A L I4 390 " Designed by L. IV. Goodman PORCH H———- I —- 45'6" -II— I _ _ _ _ _ '6'— (lO‘U DI KITCHEN BEDROOM Mm . , , , Io'o’k I2'0 " I2'0"x I5’0" \ 3' I I DINING L ALCOVE K Io'o'sI Io'o " ’“ LIVING ROOM =/ I7’0’Q 2I'6 " PORCH IERRACE .I. Contributed by Gertrude .4. Luckey BEDROOM I2’0'7xI3'0 " CLOSLY T—fi E IMMUNL ‘ \I’VI I I (Iv.\I\‘,\( 'vl; I ,— Il » I I QIII ICIK‘I I I I k I OH] I I BEDROOM I BEDROOM i IIIOKIB'O ,. I II'O'XII'S" —/ CLO‘II CLOSET l[\[\ /- j . , E L , . BEDROOM II'O'XIZ'O" KITCHEN 7‘ 8'0"x 11'8" \ IRKQII I I..- H. /I / DINING ROOM I’i'3'fx IG'O " LIVING ROOF] HUN 28'2" 29'0';_ PORC I I 7'0'N I30" BREAKFAST " ROOM 9'0'NII'8" Designed by Mrs. Ella B. Squires 66 -[—< - - _ I - BEDROOM ll'O'IZI3'O" I BEDROOM .— I ”DR 120” E a , 5 :—1I r CL'PB'D - |-/_ SCRUN 003m sum WM PORCH .sIII‘II CLOSET I — - PHI) [3 :I —-- IRO\IN'C ,0 I g _:::T‘:‘ ‘ ‘ _ ___TBOARD L’é II BEDROOM [— KITCHEN ‘ II’O'SIIZO" -/ , I J .‘ is: I II I :I F LIVING ROOM :I DINING ROOM E I I3'0'RI7'4” I 5 I303} 13'4" I moox's' l \ / \‘\ I I I m I - r PORCH B‘Irfx IB'II" uni ~__ 320" ,m,’ Contributed by George Palmer Telling - 1 BATH \ ROOM I 6'6”x 10'6" BEDROOM l 9'6‘§ II'D" LNLN I BEDROOM ‘ I CI0\H 96" I20” i Rz-KNGE |___ KITCHEN I0‘6RII'0" C NINA DINING ROOM BUN 13'0 " (OHS - LIVING ROOM I3'0’.’\ IB'O" = I: DEN Ii] HALL 9'6"\ IO'O" .I PORCH ETIOMI'R IIO'\ g GBRIS'O' .L. ' H7“ 30’0 ~_I hm Designed by Harry R. Leech Contributed by George Palmer Telling Designed I’j.‘ I“ ll'. Goodman Approximate Cost $7500 (includes a cellar and a heat— ing plant) Approximate Cost $4000 (includes a small cellar but no heating plant) Approximate Cost $5000 (includes a small cellar and a heating plant) Approximate Cost $4500 (does not include a cellar) ('nnlribuled by Gertrude .»l. Luc/cey Approximate Cost $5000 (does not in— clude a cellar or a heating plant) Designed 13;: Mrs. Ella B. Squires Designed by Harry R. Leech 67 ECEPTION ;; ; HALL I |:' El20"'xl70': :: SUN ROOM lZ'O'i 13'6" : : W DINING ROOM g 12'6“x 14'0"} 5 TERRACE l2'6'k 23'0" MAIDS ROOM 9'0? 9'6" BEDROOM 12'632 14‘0" BEDROOM IZ'O'k 13‘6" g-j 35'6 " . fl, BEDROOM II’B’R 12’6” If a LObL I ‘ ‘»I ) $ - ’ ‘ (10er / DOW\ I 1 '— BEDROOM 0; n r ” CIOS “ 6‘ " 6 SCREEN PORCH- I \ ,‘ Com EMV'W I I A , “% KITCHEN I~ \ Io’o'kn’o" k L PBOARD -- - H ’ w u I A“ ‘3 BEDROOM DINING ROOW H ‘ 1 12'(>’\13'6" 12’0’< 15'0” , H V F\\ / / \ \ w ‘ 1 ‘ BOOM N0“ ‘ \ ' I 1 1\ my ROOM Wk; - ‘ 1: M 291) ” l \L- I : ‘ i i" _ [00M ‘ x' \\ I ‘u A . V} H V' II { ‘ :7 z: 15 :i :1 1| ‘ 1 ‘ _ I! 1’ AI A PIR( OL A ' PORCIHN REROOLA ; ‘7 .1 8'0"}00 I: 1; :1 w ‘1 " ' C‘ ’I ;I L L—“—’ T1" "V‘fi—r" :5 'rv‘r 1 :Y IV O L ' ‘__.:—J u U Ih'signui by .1. ll'. IIOUA‘CL'U)‘ 68 BEDROOM l6‘6'k l7'6" 4HALL B BA ATH BEDROOM 70x9 13'0'x23'"o 6E C LOSET bHELF Designed by 11'. E. Allen Designed by Charles C. Ruppenthal Designed by A. IV. Hoakway Approximate Cost $12,000 (includes a cellar and a heating plant) Approximate Cost $5000 (does not in- clude a cellar or a heating plant) Designed by H'. E. «ll/m 69 I<~~r ,, , ~———— 02 I0 —u——-———~————_I— M ’ “ 1-111~:¥j:j— a I ' . I WIIS I I SL'RI‘FN PORCH SCRI [N PORK II I“ I I 8'01 IO’U ” “vi ’ , I I Romeo ” Model Bungalow Built at the Panama - California Interna- ti onal Exposition at San Diego. 1 UILQOANI: ‘ I KI'ICIIEN RLDROOM 12m 12'0" 2‘ .RIILHIN‘ I I\IL LI ‘I I l II DINING ROOM IS‘U‘K ML» ” ISLDROOM II'()'§ 16'0" —I— H " H CLOJET CLOSET b n SILEPINC 1 I, I I ' f '1 I r BEDROOM BEDROOM PORCH PORCH, I II I ,, i I: , 9'0”x12'0" 9'0‘k12’0” 6'0'i 13'0" 9'0'i'06' I I I 1‘ . , " _’ I ‘ _ I ,IL: I I—L II I I -I: 7‘ 7 o 1 : L I I I I I I I I I I I I KITCHEN KITCHEN SCREEN I— I TI I 4 ‘ PI} _ rj,__ ,ié 10’0’x10'0" 10'0”x10‘0” PORCH L ,7 ”WT? VII ,, , m 4, BEDROOM BEDROOM . l : KITCHEN 10D} ”'0 " CLO>LI IZ'O'N I4 '00 :3 I I I o 8'6'Nl0'6" new ”I I ’3 DINING ROOM if; DINING ROOM ‘ 7 '3 n'o'sI 147" g” n'ofxm' I h I g 5 N : i scum BLDR‘OOM I ° I I I PORCH neli'm'u“ I I I II , I PORCH DINING ROOM 1 I LIVING ROOM m’o’fus'o" I3'0‘§I4'0" I I 1»1'(I"I\20'0" “mm . LIVING ROOM I , .. 7' ,, I’>\II In I i i i I IOU \IQ(2_ -\ 6:ng 13-0.. 6 ”1—16‘d60 I I / I I IHMJ l [0—] I‘“I I: I I 44’(I"— o O ——**—C>I I ; ‘: I” _ I—— ‘ 3: leSII I‘l\\I I’I \RINI f‘mzlrz'huml by Louis 1111 1’. JII'Ilur I I ‘I “I "o I I I DIN N 3 R 3 3‘ . I I? II [IUEMIIE I DIN Dgsigned by Frank M. Tyler I ' ' . Il'fi'lx I41)" I musty DOOM 5‘ AI LIVING ROO‘I I3'6'i 23'0" BOOKS ———— SLAT I I PORCH 7—— 7 47 6 : Designed by C. .11. Andrews II- 72 Model Bungalow Built at the Panama-California International Exposition at San Diego Approximate Cost $6000 (does not include a cellar. Heated by gas grates) Contributed by Louis (in P. AIillar Designed by Frank Tyler Approximate Cost $4500 (includes a small basement but Approximate Cost $4500 (does not include a no neating plant) cellar or a heating plant) W" "I“ ‘; ApprOximate Cost xilllllllluil‘? , - . ‘ . ~. A $4500 (includes a .mulllllllllllli“ . '_ . > :} > I . . I»: i V j . " ' small cellar and a heating plant) Designed by C. A. Andrews 73 Q \ 5(RLLN KIYCHLN BRmxnsI “We, ROOM 8'0\ 30' IZ'O'IU'O' 5 < g .I > DINING ROOM AND UVLVG BOO-‘1 IZORIG'O' PORCH TD": 2 8'0“ Plan N o. 1 Designed by Gobner 69° Gates SCRLEN ROOM 7‘6\ l I‘U' W ‘ M R LL N PORC H TV“). BRLAKPASI ’33::3‘; ELF»??? ROOM - n U m I: 0 G'G‘I S‘o‘ - nun! Q0) 0. a DINING ROOM MALL 'Mm ,5 mouse («AW 3' K a... 3“ mu no“ .0... Lu ING noon ammo-I D'OUO‘O' D’O'IH'O' m 90ch smuo‘ Plan No. 2 Alternate plans for the Bungalow above Approximate Cost of Bur.- galow below $6000. (Plan Approximate Cost $3000. Plan No. 1 at left, $3500. (Plan No. 2 at left includes cellar and heating plant) PORCH V 7 7 sINK emu BEDROOM KlTCHEN DINING ROOM I0‘”3‘&I4'o"~ 10'0"xll'0" WZ'O'RN'O" ’C‘LOS. §\\ BATH up ‘ e'o"x $1013.. cm; HALL 'LIVING ROOM IBEDROOM lO'O‘xlO'3" Ild'O'XlS’J" ~ 10'3'3Il4'0" \= PORCH 1D: A at right includes cellar and heating plant) Plan of the Bungalow below Approximate Cost $3300. Plan No. 1 at right, $2800. (Plan No. 2 at right includes cellar and heating plant) BEDROOM 12'6"x13'0" BEDROOM l3'0"x13'0" a I0'0"xI5'0" LIVING . ROOM DINING l4'0"x20'6" ROOM I2'6"xI4‘o“ 74 BAIH 7'O'n 70' BLDROOM I00; I20 BLDROOM IO‘O‘x 120‘ KITCHLN 86‘nl2'0' LIVING ROOM AND DINING ROOM l2'6'xll'0‘ Plan No. 1 Alternate plans for the Bungalow above Approximate Cost of Bun- galow below $4500. (Plan at left includes cellar and heating plant) n ' ( unxn Nun U1 u m l< 5“" like" ELDROOM 5 0’. a (T KIYCHLN. 5‘0‘6'6' :00sz o- .N. 61mm 1 ALCOVI. HALL 5'035'0‘ LIVING ROOM DINING ROOM mom's mom a Plan No. 2 Designed by Gobner Er Galas iCRE i \ ROQ‘I RLLV 5C BUK‘JD’ -\LCO\L PORCH h"\’)‘). (SUXTV menu 5 10 mm 5' BLDROO‘I IU u use DINING ROO‘I,\.\D LJ'II\C; ROC‘i B 0" 3) 0' =- Plan No. 1 for the Bungalow at the Right Lx I\‘IIC I"\‘ v' BEDROO‘I lO'D'xIZ 0' BATH MICHLN 50’! I00- LI\I\G ROO‘I AND DINING ROOM B'n'x29'0‘ \LRANDA Gs‘urb' Plan No. 1 \_ Des KIICHf \ 'JIJ'\iU'f DH I\C ROO‘I n‘u'xI)‘ U’ vacaoow Qu'usfr V LRANDA GUN-(0' a.“ ign ed by Gobner c7" Gates BLORL‘O‘I I0 0313‘; Plan No. 2 Alternate Plans for the Bungalow at the Right Each of the houses on this page has two plans to choose from. In each the front of the exterior appears the same, but there is variation in the dimensions both ways. Approximate Cost $3500. Plan No. 1 at right; $3000. Plan No .2 at right (includes cellar and heat— ing plant) BEDROOM ”'0': 0'0‘ ROOM 7'6} 100’ BEDROOM J0'0\ NV KITCHEN IOVO'x INT. o’mmc. noon AND meo noon IZ'G'x no _ pone“ 76} 2| 0' Plan No. 1 Approximate Cost $3500. Plan No. 1 at Left of Picture; $3000. Plan No. 2 at Right of Picture (in- cludes cellar and heating plant) Approximate Cost $2700. Plan No. l at Left; $3200. Plan No. 2 at Left (includes cellar and heat- ing plant) 75 M ",. KITCHLN BEDROOM lid-12 0' DINING ROOM IZ'O‘A IZO‘ Guilla' bLDROOfi II'O‘tIZC UVINC- ROOM U63 2011' PORCH 7'6} 18 G Plan No. 2 for Bungalow at the Left ROOM B 0‘“? 0' BLDROO‘I II 0'): 12 0' MICHLV 90‘\I20' DI\I\‘C ROOM II If: I? 0' UVING ROOM II ()3. 50‘ PORCH 601255 a .2 Plan No. 2 for the Bungalow at the Left SCREEN g ' ' _ PORCH 3 53g?" ‘ if ICE ROOM , E] KITCHEN ISAIII I 9'0"xII'0" -' 60x90 . / CLPB'D 0-05 \ A) DI.\'1.\’G ROOM j BEDROOM I II‘0‘RI3‘0" g I2'0"xI2'6" ' 4... % COATS CLOSET a / LIVING ROOM BEDROOM I3"0"x15'0'~ H'O'UZ'O' ‘ I”LIIFF§ 1b: a 1* I H I} :1 'I :I l: l: 1' 'I I: i‘ :I ;I I I I I I I I I I 2385.; I I I I II I ‘ I l [IIILUJIIII xl ”L5H”: II I IJ d U U u u u u U Designed by L. T. Derm'er Approximate Cost $3250 (includes a small cellar and has gas heat radia- tors in the floor) BEDROOM lO'GXlO'O“ I . KITCHEN SCREEN BEDROOM I0'0'x Io'o“ . DINING ROOM DINING ROOM Io' 'RI6'0" Io'e‘klc'o“ fl — — LIVING ROOM LIVING ROOM ' Iz'o‘x I6'o" l2'0“x16'0" Designed by L. T. Derm’er A Two-Family Bungalow. Approxi- mate Cost $3500 (does not include cellar or heating plant). Designed by L. T. Demier Designed by L. T. Dernier A Two-Family Bungalow. Ap- proximate Cost $3300 (does not include cellar but has gas heat radiators in floor) BEDROOM 963113” \. LLoszv LI Dmxo ROOM Efi If, 5 mum mu BEDROOM 9‘6"xll‘3' DINING ROOM 93 \130‘ 93x30 CL05U me'c. ROOM UVING ROOM ll‘3'ixl8’0'- nwso‘ "IL?” ":5,"- PORCH r PORCH 1} 6 3x90" 6'3"x9'0' I Designed by Harold Bou'les Designed by Myron J. King : 9‘0'x12‘d' ,' A 9'0312'0" . DINING ROOM ' II'G'XJ20" ' an: / (L05 (L03. 5 L05, KITCHEN El: 9‘0“; 10'0" ' DINING ROOM Mn VII'G'XIZ'O". ‘lech ROOM B‘Q’k‘ls'fi” /\ - UVJNC. ROOM ZQ‘XIs's" Designed by L. T. Derm‘er BEDROOM I0'0"x 12'0" BEDROOM I00} 120' DRLSSI N DINING ROOM ll‘O'x 160' UVING R00” F BIO—x [6‘6- “1 RP DRIISBINO ROOM . mgpiq ”(no ; I w : ROOM DINING ROOM L up WML' "03.160" LIVIVC R00“ [30} 10‘0" A Two-Family Bungalow. Ap- proximate Cost $3750 (does not include cellar or heating plant) A Two-Family Bungalow. Ap- proximate Cost $3000 (does not include cellar but has gas heat radiators in floor) Designed by Alyron King -'CLO.)H N \ ' f ‘I BEDROOM ‘ o :1 KITEHliN § ‘ _, . H . _ LL 5L! b ' 6 IOGXIOB KITCHEN ‘\ 53 89x96 52r- ENTRY RR .Ra __ up I : ’UNLN [— _i/ E freer. F § ' ' :7 R - l ' ' BLDROOM A A ‘ § ‘ _ 'DINING ROOM 3(- loo‘fxlz'o' + j KITCHEN " § HALL l I4'6'if4'9“ i- nmx I .. I L - I g § 76xl10 I b. LT § L_._ ._._. _I‘ : \ LIVIVG ROOM EDIMNO ROOM § nz'o'xu'g" A IE" lo‘o'uz‘o” § .‘ BEDROOM ~lemo ROOM § . .‘\ 12‘9'x.l3'9” 12‘9’315‘3" ‘ I . § ~ I _ § 'I ‘ I ‘ \\ . /% Designed by E. W. Slillwell .2/ \\\\\R.\\ \W \R: ' I . ” " " Designed by U'. E. Allen Designed by L. T. Derm‘er Designed by L. T. Derm’er PO @333 BEDROOM ;RIIQRRN 9 " IZ'O‘RIZO" F .E] 8 6x96 ' c par) , \II "I. ,lel CIDSEI BREAK DINING ROOM t ‘I I FAST 11'0'3‘14'0" HALL BATH 7'o'x8‘0" I i ‘COVSI 0.03:: fl LIVING ROOM BEDROOM B'O'SdB’O" lO‘6'kI3'0" . . \ \ \R I . R\ § | I g\\§ R : PORCH i \\\ 53 “01'- 320 " :\ : an“; -4: . 1 1____L RR _ Designed by E. W. Stillwell Designed by W. E. Allen Approximate Cost $2000 (with- Approximate Cost $2750 (with Approximate Cost $1900 in- out heating plant but including gas heat radiators built in floor. cluding garage (has gas heat cellar) Includes small cellar) . radiators but no cellar) 78 [>3 BWK BUNK BUNK x BATH 5‘ 6.9.. 9.0. ROOM ROOM ROOM 551 ‘ L 7'0'k9'U 8‘0‘19'0‘ 8'0‘k9'0' p \5 E a my ' ' KFTCHEN‘ , LIVING ROOM J go'ns‘o" Is‘okzm‘ Designed by Homer Kiessling Designed by Homer Kiessling \ COHERED DERVA‘IT! §i \ERANDA 6'0339'5" g . 10'0'334'0“ I if :4 Above—A Rustic Summer Bun- galow. Approximate Cost $968 (does not include a cellar or heat- ing plant). Plan above picture. KITCHEN /MD SPALI closu VERANDA‘ 7'0'x 14'97 LIVING ROOM l3'4'x l4'0' CLOéU At the Right a Summer Bunga- low. Approximate cost$500 (does not include a cellar or heating plant). Plan above picture. 79 DINING R00“ BEDROOM 9-03; 10-0" 10'0110'0" BEDROOM IO'O'i 10'0" 1 LIVING mec, iii, ROOM ROOM M“ ‘ . .. . ,. , .. sun IZOXNO I20xl4'0" noun um. u box —. ”0‘ Designed by L. T. Derm’er A Two-Family Bungalow. Approxi- mate Cost $3250 (does not include cellar or heating plant) Designed by Charles E. Whtte BEDROOM ll‘6"x'12‘6" / ./ CLO ._l / L BATH g DINING 6'0“x7'6' I ROOM 4 ll'6"xl3’6" BEDROOM 12‘0"x12'6" \ LIVING ROOM 12'0"x25'0" PORCH 8'6"x27'0" Plan No. 1 Plan No. 2 Either of these plans is adaptable to the Bungalow pictured at the left. The front appears the same but there is variation in the dimensions both ways. Approximate Cost Plan No. 1, $2500. Plan No. 2, $2900 (includes small cellar) Designed by L. T, Demier , Approximate Cost $7500 (in- L““‘;;' BATH j cludes a cellar and heating ' plant) ‘RACE STORALI BED- , , ROOM BEDROOM , ”10'0'x12' 1: 6x143 \ IZ‘O‘X 14'3" C L05 ----------- ROOF Second Floor Plan SLLERIRO PORCH 1165.129~ BEDROOM A ll'0'xl4'0" (Why-1 H. HST 8 3x160: DINING K 14'03135' I5‘6'x26'3' _ . > H . , K ., .. ‘ Designed by E. W. Stillwell , I n / \ PORCH [d-Ej Designed by E. IV. Still’well First Floor Plan 80 Pictured at the Left with plans a Summer Bunga- low. Approximate Cost $2000 (does not include cellar or heating plant) BEDROOM ll'6"xB‘0"r Second Floor Plan . . __ - Approximate Cost of the § Bungalow below (plan at g g _BEDROOM . . §§ ll'6'icB'0“ , the right) $2900 (includes § PORCH kgmo cellar and gas floor heat- ;\ r . v 0M n KITCHEN §\ ll'O'x‘24'0‘ I5'03c23‘o‘, g “.0" 120,! em) ‘ § DINING " *5 HALL R00.M II'e'xB'O‘: Lg Designed by Bunting é-r’ Sch/igley ,. I». - mwnmwew \ \T&\\‘§ \X\WW u?” Schrzg 32' W [)rsz'gned by Bunting lay Approximate Cost of the Summer Bungalow below $5000 (does not in- clude cellar or heating plant) f‘ l I I II I I l youram'w . ff SCREEN PORCH H ALCOVL ; sIoRLR00~1 6'6"x7 3 BEDROO‘I 90 \140 KITCHEN l0'0'xl4'0": P!“ T RY 5 '6“x|0‘0" I lfI0\200 /. ‘ BEDROOM , ’ DINING ROOM ll'0"xl3'0" LlVlNCv ROOM I3'0"x 253 mu . H-‘xl L é { 51TTlNC ROOM I4 0 x20 0' .L BATH 7 r3 x7 6 ..-.Ai k I om BEDROOM 9 9‘xl4 0' BEDROOW 9'9‘xl4 0' l, I l First Floor Plan [)esz'gnml b} Jud Yoko \II —/— IOSM W (.LDEET SLEEPING PORCH II‘0'x22‘0‘ [ L ._ .0 ._.....' Second Floor Plan Designed by Jud Yoko BEDROOM ESRE: 10'9'Tx l3'0 " X ‘ BEDROOM 7‘7. "RAM-l, ' 1063 I207 ‘ l/ \ KITCHEN " MW 90" '00 ‘ DINING ROOM .1 : / ( L0\[I' , ,_ . .. 7r] 9 , v 106x160 :- ‘3 IS-\ DINING ROOM : . = BREAKFAST , .. HALL - ROOM " “0“ '30 Ie__—__ _._ 173‘ —— ‘H i 96 x I06 \ K I USI I I- BEDROOM BLDRQQM LIVING ROOM BEDROOM ‘ ’ I2 0"\ I5 0‘ I2 0i H 03' I I3 6K 200" I0'9'kl3'0" EWING ROOM BEDROOM I .12'0'; 20'0" “10'6'3 II'6_" DU IN N 1 50mm 1; ‘ 5'9'\ I03 2 PORCH / 3% , III "““N an \ 7 a" Contributed b y \ I James Foster —— RITCIII‘N 9BR 10 0'" TERRACE 10 u x 10‘0" HALL [008‘ I23" Designed by George Taylor I Approximate Cost $6500 (does not include a cellar or a heat- ing plant) LIVING ROOT‘I DINING ROOM I-«I'9K 220" I5 9"\ I49“ Approximate Cost $4500 (in- cludes a cellar and a hot—air heating plant) 31%“ I 33—1 I i D PORCH Contributed by James Foster Approximate Cost $8000 (in- cludes a cellar and a hot-air heating plaint) 82 Designed by \Q George Taylor Contributed by James Foszer '4: Contributed by James Foster HAIDS ROOM '9‘0'on‘0“ . KITCHEN Io'O'x II‘0" BEDROOM 10'0'\ 10'6 " TER RACE 7'6} 136 ' Approximate Cost $7500 (a cellar is provided for under part of the bungalow and a hot-air heating plant) Approximate Cost $9000 (in- cludes a cellar under part of the bungalow and a hot-air heating plant) BEDROOM ll'6Rx l4'0 " PORCH 7BR 11:6- DI'MNG ROOM l3'0'x15'0" , RECEPTION H ILL 8'3'fx H'6 LIVING ROOM 19.0};21'0' A 30'0" BEDROOM II'6'I‘. 14'0" II II " ..TH\I\\Cl 7 v x] ~__I;i**1 T E‘é‘ EL. / / K BATH [E BEDROOM JQ I l2'0'k’l4'0" , .ROOM f MTCH[N bIDoxIIo \ 76x17h - — [ Nfllll LL\‘\IT ”Im : // I BEDROOM I2'6'x 14'0.” I ‘l4 \’ I|\'l.\'(3 ROOM DINING ROOH I. Irmxrng." \ l2'0"\17’6' I II I ) BATH / ”170”“ 8D I '\ >7 - IWRECLPTION’ ROOM BEDROOM PORCH / OR I2'0'ixI3‘6“ l'.’\2'6 I23'0‘" LIBRARY” I2‘0'x I36 I03 I93 3 58'0 .. , Designed by Telling é)“ Ruppenthal wr 84 BEDROOM 12'0'3413'2" KITCHEN 9'0"\ 13'8' J CLOSET ______ i DINING ROOM .'3 BEDROOM I3'0'.'\ 14’6" ** l II’6‘é I3’ 2" 7:0)U LLOSH ( IOS.\ ' /- LIVING ROOM DEN, IS'O'SR IT'S" ll'O'il3'2' ' _ ”I" i L PORCH g=u I ~——— _ 32'0i’—— — %—§——_ E] [E Designed by E. W. Stillwell Approximate Cost $6000 (in- cludes a cellar and a hot-air heating plant) . Stillwell Designed by W E -‘ Ruppenthal C. Designed by Telling J." c .2 . . “I aid/on Designed by Gertrude Lackey It Approximate Cost $3500 (does not include a cellar or a heating plant) F“, [R L rfIrIYJIT l SC REEN PORCH 9 0x l0'3’ xi IOOD‘ ‘ KITCI I LN 10'9'x IJ'G BREAKLXSI ROOM 80" [0'9“ / DININC ROOM BUR 15'6" Designed by Cyril Bennett ; SLEEPING 1|— F PORCH J' genre" I l— ' nit: BEDROOM ' pf l_0'6'1\_ll'§" l—I 'D R * a 5 l i *2 *1 mec ROOH‘ :IPIO'RICH L . YMD \ 49% 12.6., DlM'l‘f; R'O'OA an 12 0 x24 0 | 36.6 .. _ Designed by F. L. Compton 86 DEN 9m IZ'G “0” $3.0). CiflIJDRLNS ROOM xz’o'k 15'3' BATH (i'fl'x‘B’I’ ‘ HALL ‘ BEDROOM '0‘ EUR 136” UN N / 8' K “‘I‘ L Imrr ( LOSFIZ LlVlNQJx’OOM 13'6'X'25'0" Approximate Cost $7500 (a cellar is pro- vided for under part of the house and a hot- air heating plant) Designed by F. L. Compton 3'5'0" Designed by Gearge A. Clark /- (L055! CLOer BEDROOM /' ,KlTCHENr';~ "m ‘5. 4..- BEDROOM 5. E : ll'0'il3'6'": E E II'o'txH'o' 3 3"; 1.3.: BEDROOM (_ D , . .. BREAKFAST @ Q “Ox I40 ROOM 7 ‘_/ 8'6‘8'6," ”3 ‘1 I CLOSU (om HALL PORCH l0'0"x l6'0 " IVUI 1 BOOKS DINING ROOM 136% l5’7" LIVING ROOT‘I IS'7">{ 26.10" PORCH IO'U'x l6'0" Bungalow Designed by E. W. Stillwell 'W/ Designed by George A. Clark Designed by E. W. Stillwell Approximate Cost $9500 (includes a cellar and a hot-air heating plant) 44 IT)" h A t ‘2- . . STUDIO ‘. RRACE‘ :\ ‘2'0'5<20'0" 1“ I 8‘0'y27'6'“ ‘5 1 I Approximate Cost $5000 (includes a cellar and a BEDROOM‘ hot—air heating plant) 1 9'0'342'0'.’ 1‘ \ I mm. a D I LIVING ROOII’ ' " H-xLL' 13034280" II DINING ROOM :71“ BEDROOM 1201130" 3 12'0'x12'0" p l PORCH I -31. 87 Contributed by James Foster Contributed by James Foster CLOSU BEDROOM IO o‘ku'o“ \ICOYLI II SI\K KIIC HEN 80R IO'6 " PORCH BEDROOM. IO'OK II‘6 " DINING ROOM 9'0".\' IO'O" LIVING ROOM [2.6.x ZI'O" 360" —-—-—’I Approximate Cost $4500 (does not in- clude a cellar or a heating plant) 88 Approximate Cost $6500 (does not in- clude a cellar or a heating plant) T , ; e (ml ""I Ik v5 5cm I): .t 3 u >- PORC II 4 KITCHEN [.1 BLDROOM . I .0 k _.. . .. I I 'BRIL»\KIA§I 9‘” 3 [m 10w” I . ROOM /‘ . I I 76,\s‘0" HALL. / I ' I l I ‘ DINIMO ROOM BEDROOM I .f IZOTxI-IO n'o'ju3‘o” I K \4 :1 L: 80K 13‘6" PORCH F i LIVING ROOM ’13'0'x25'0" I. I I 34'6”ng ———~—»I Contributed by James F aster BEDROOM IZ'O'X I24" DIVING ROOM BEDROOM ‘12'0"\ 16'0" IZOR I21!" (h‘\ll (10* LIVIVO ROOH 15'0"»; [0'0" BLDROO‘I ll'U'i 12'0" ERIEAEE fl 0h K M Designed by E. W. Stillwell Approximate Cost $9500 (includes a cellar and a hot-air heating plant) 89 Approximate Cost $6000 (does not in- clude a Cellar or a heating plant) Contributed by James F oster 7 ‘ - :J ,iJ:, r ‘ ‘ BtDROOH BEDROOM ‘1 I 11'0'7x 13'0" 13'0'tx H‘ 4” I u L“ i ‘1 6 BATH _. 7‘, 8.6,. l". , “5,949., . 1 \thn POl-‘(H l ‘m.’ \ KITC HF.\ ‘71} ‘ ‘ Dmxc ROOM '12'6'ix 13'4" BRE;\l-§l'.-\5l ROOH 80'; 10'6" LIVING ROOM _l3'0'.'\ 29'0" Contributed by James Foster Approximate Cost $2500 (does not include a cellar or a heating plant) VII III BEDROOM lO'O'i 109" Ill BOOKS IO'O')? I36 I Designed by [#20er :1. Daniel! Approximate Cost $2500 (does not include a cellar or a heating plant) BEDROOM 89% "'0" CIOSH L‘I’MOARI) KITCHEN H b . m Deszgned by _ DINING .’ "7, Edward A.Damell LIVING ROOM ROOM J ‘1 1091160" 100x106 .« “55:: 500“ 300x,» PORCH J” I 1‘— 240" h 90 BEDROOM l2'6'il3'0" Approximate Cost of Bungalow Below uvmc R00“ $2500 (does not include a cellar or a 150'k23‘0"‘ heating plant) ..— 24'0' BEDROO‘I IO'O‘S ll'3" , ' -\LL LIVINQNQROOM DINING ROOM l0'3'k 22'6" BLD'\\D I [)t‘siuml lry Eduard .1. Daniel! 9'0} 13'0" ' lTCHEN D , d 6' -F ‘0‘0‘.5Ruxmt. estgne by “Al“ ”ALL 3.0.. Room Floyd A. Dernier ‘ I\E. BEDROOM 91 Approximate Cost $4000 (does not include a cellar or a heating plant) Approximate Cost of Bun- galow Below $2500 (does not include a cellar or a heating plant) V ‘ DINING uuxc ROOT‘I ROO‘l "3'3 ‘36" 10‘6‘i n' 3" Designed by 1‘dwzrd A. Duniell . Approximate Cost of Bungalow in Center ; $6000 (includes a cellar and a hot-air I heating plant) MAI—D's BEDROOM I4'3'k15'0" Approximate Cost of Bungalow Below $2500 (does not include a cellar or a heat- ing plant) LlVING ROOM l7'9'3c22’3" Approximate Cost of Stone Bungalow- House $7000 (includes a cellar and a hot- air heating plantand two rooms on the second floor) . amt: DINING ROOM ” SLEEPING * PQRC” BEDROOM 60x96 11'6'x13'o" "33‘ ‘5 KITCHEN BEDROOM :1 1} KITCHEN , 90x1/0 .0 ----- 9'0'712’0“‘ I mm - ,i‘, lIOxI30 g a HOOD \: :‘I BUN} ’ LIVING ROOM‘ on L mg LIVING ROOM l4 0 x' [6 9 l3 8 x [4'0 ' BU.) éPACE A.\D DINING ROOM 05" l3'6'i15'6 " U’O'xl3'0' l \ PORCH I x DE" .tned by Gnge Palmer 'l‘dling Designed by Isaac N. Floundrrs 92 Drsigm'd by A. E. [It‘drzl‘k Approximate Cost $6500 (does not include a cellar or a heating plant) Designed by A. E. Hedrick ‘ BEDROOM V 9'0'i12'0" 30 m LIVING ROOM BEDROOM ‘ AND v 1' v .. ’ DINING ROOM 113x120 11‘6'i19'3' ' —— — 36‘4"— —— _..——-] Dcsignvd by (‘yril Bennett Approximate Cost $3000 (does not in- clude a_cellar or a heating plant) Designed by Cyril Bennett 93 HOSE of you Who are thinking of building Will proba- bly be interested in our pamphlets “What You Should Know When Building a Little House,’ ’ by Charles E. White, jr., or “HOW to Finance the Building of a Little Home,” by C. M. Keys. The pamphlets are ten cents each, and inay be had upon request. Address your letter to either Mr. White or Mr. Keys, in care of THE LADIES’ HOME JOURNAL, Independence Square, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. THE ARCHITECTURAL EDITOR. “WV ‘ "~ V v: ,5 . . ' . mzmn—‘vé—é; ‘ _ E, i, .. l a 5: é . g. ‘ E HHHHHHHHHHHHHHH llllmMHlHHHHUM g CUBELE?ES? slit! #4» Us . Hui)... wfiflu.