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AN ATLAS ., @u Ellnstratt flge gainiwarg Hf flgt @1111: mm 1132' @Iasgiml @iziimtarirzsi ‘ 1.: THE BIBLICAL MAPS FROM RECENT SURVEYS, AND THE CLASSICAL MAPS DRAWN - BY DR CHARLES MULLER, EDITOR OF “STRABO” AND THE “MINOR GREEK GEOGRAPHERS.” ~ EDITED A. )By WILLIAM SMITH, D.C.L., LL.D., ‘ — AND \GEORGEGROVE,ESQ; FORTY-THREE MAPS, INDICES, AND DESCRIPTIVE TEXT. map?fw~*?g: LONDON: JOHN MURRAY; ALBEMARLE STREET; 1874. ‘l’w >.- . £13 ' dfim Smith’s @ztiouaties. , A DICTIONARY OF THE BIBLE ; ANTIQUITIES, BIOGRAPHY, GEOGRAPHY, AND NATURAL HISTORY. By Varioust‘riters. ' Edited by WM. smifi, 13.01.. & L'L.D. With numerous Illustrations, 3 Vols.,'medium Svo, 5l. 5s. \ The object of this Work is to elucidate the Antiquities, Biography, Geography, and Natural History of the Old Testament, New Testament, and Apocrypha; but not to explain systems of theology, or discuss points of controversial divinity. It has been deemed, however, necessa in a “Dictionary of the Bible” to give a full account of the Book, both as a Whole and in its separate parts. Accordingly, artic es are inserted not only u on the general subject, such as “Bible,” “A ocrypha,” and “Canon,” and upon the chief ancient versions, as “Septuagint,” an “Vulgate,” but also upon each of the separate, ooks. _ A DICTIONARY OF CHRISTIAN ANTIOUITIES. THE HISTORY, INSTITUTIONS, AND ANTIQUITIES OF THE CHRISTIAN CHURCH. By Various Writers; Edited by WM. SMITH, D.C.L. & LL.D., and REV.“ PROFESSOR CHEETEAM, M.A. / ~ VOL. I., A to J. To be Omnpleted in Two Volumes, Medium 800. This work commences at the point at which the DICTIONARY on THE BIBLE leaves off, and gives an account of the Institutions of the Christian Church from the time of the Apostles to the age of Charlemagne. ‘ .J. 3 IA OF CLASSICAL ANTIQUITY; ENOYGLOP ~With numerous Illustrations, 6 Vols., medium Soc, 283. each. I. . DICTIONARY OF GREEK AND ROMAN ANTIQUITIES. With 500 Engravings, SW, 283. This work comprehends all the topics of Antiguities, including the Laws, Institutions,'and Domestic usages of the Greeks and Romans; Painting, Sculpture, Music, the Drama, 0. - II. DICTIONARY OF GREEK & ROMAN BIOGRAPHY & MYTHOLOGY. With 564 Engravings, 3 Vols., 8vo, 84s. This Work is a Dictionary of Ancient Biography in the widest acceptation of the term; and contains a history of the Ancient World, civil, literary, and ecclesiastical, from the earliest times to the downfall of the Roman Empire. 5/ III. A DICTIONARY OF- CREEK AND ROMAN GEOGRAPHY. YVith 534 Engravings, 2' Vols, SW, 568. _This work presents the researches of modern scholars and the discoveries of modern travellers, including an account of the political history of both countries and cities, as well as of their geography. PREFACE., ,» . HIS Atlas, thepreparation-and execution of which have occupied eighteen years, is the firSt attempt, either in this country or on the continent, to give a complete set of maps of the Ancient World on a scale corresponding in size to the best Atlases of modern geography. The large size of the present maps allows space for exhibiting the natural features of ‘each country, and for adding, wherever it was possible, the modern names underneath the ancient ones. This combination of ancient. and modern names, which is a distinctive feature in the present Atlas, is of the greatest assistance in understanding ancient geography, and ascertaining the exact sites. A comparison of maps 7 of the modern world with those of antiquity, even if both are executed. on the same scale, is always troublesome and often useless, since ancient geography, in many cases, has to take notice of insignificant modern villages and ruins, which are of no importance in the present day, and are consequently not marked in the ordinary maps. The only large Atlas, hitherto published, comprising the whole domain of ancient geography, is Spruner’s “Atlas Antiquus,” in thirty-one maps, improved by Menke (Gotha, 1865). But this Atlas is constructed on an entirely different I plan from the present one, besides being on a smaller scale. Only a limited portion of it is devoted to the geographical representation of particular countries : by far the larger “part contains maps exhibiting historical surveys at particular periods, and small supplementary charts of certain epochs of ancient history. The number of such historical maps might be increased indefinitely, Without adding in any way to the scientific value of an Atlas. For on the one hand the historical changes in the distribution of countries are So simple that no special maps are needed to' understand them; and, on the other hand, it happens only rarely that the geographical data concerning the political relations of certain historical periods have been handed down to us in, sufficient completeness to enable us to give a correct picture of them in a map. Such 1» maps, therefore, always contain much, that depends upon the '_ mere conjectures of their authors, and, consequently, are often more misleading than trustworthy as guides. In the present Atlas each country is delineated in a separate. map on a large scale 5 but we have also given in addition a sufficient number ' of Historical Maps on a smaller scale, exhibiting the limits of _ [the great empires of antiquity, and illustrating the most important periods in Greek, Roman, and Asiatic history. The Atlas likewise contains plans of the chief cities of the ancient world. All the Classical Maps, with the exception of Britain and India,'havel been prepared by DR. CHARLES MULLER, the Editor of Strabo and the minor Greek Geographers, under,the super- intendence of DR. WILLIAM SMITH. The chartographical part of the Classical Atlas is based, first, upon Strabo, the text of Which has been much improved in the edition published at Paris, with a critical commentary, by Dr. Charles Muller, in 1853 ; secondly, upon the improved edition of the Geographi Minores, also published at Paris by the same Editor ,' thirdly, upon a comparison made by Dr. Miiller of the edition of the Tabula Peutingeriana, published by the Academy of Munich, with the original of this unique work, which is preserved in the Library of 'Vienna; and lastly, upon a collation, made by Dr. Muller, of more than fifty manuscripts of the geography of Ptolemy, scattered through the libraries of England, France, Germany, Spain, Italy, and Turkey, by means of which we have been enabled to. remove a multitude of errors found in earlier editions, and to introduce these emendations into our maps. The modern authorities made use. of are mentioned in the “Sources and Authorities” pre— fixed to " the maps. The Map of India, which has been prepared by Colonel Yule, the Editor of “Marco Polo,” deserves special notice, as it differs in many important points from all preceding maps, and is the result of much original investigation. For this reason the authorities, on which this Map is'based, are set forth at greater length in the “ Sources and Authorities ”, than in the case of the other maps. ’. ., _ . What is true of the Classical Maps is no less true of the Biblical ones. Biblical Atlases certainly exist, but they are so small in size, or So imperfect in execution, or so often framed for the support of private theories, that no examina- tion of the topography can be obtainedfrom them adequate I to the present demands‘of Biblical study, which, in the case , of the Holy Land, often depends .for its results on the power of comparing very minute points. And, in addition to this, it is'only within a recent date that any really accurate informa— tion as to the geography. of the Holy Land or, the Peninsula of Sinai—the very kernel of Biblical study—has been obtain— able. Less than ten years ago, notwithstanding the labour PREFACE. . in the “ Dictionary of the Bible.” and devotion of Van de Velde and others, no systematic attempt had been made to survey the country and. make a ' map on the same 'scale of size or minuteness as other regions. The distance, the difficulties, even the very sacred and familiar character of the spots seemed to stand in the way.. The impulse given. to the study by the “ Biblical Re- searches” of Dr. Robinson, and by the “Sinai and Palestine” of Dean Stanley, led the way first to the ”ordnance'survey of Jerusalem, and next _to the establishment of the Palestine Exploration Fund, whose ordnance survey of Palestine is now in progress, and of the Sinai Exploration Society, whose surVey is completed—in both cases by officers and men. of the corps of > Royal Engineers. The information acquired from these three soilrces has been as far as, possible embodied. in the - present maps, which have been constructed by Mr. Trelawny’ Saunders, under the superintendence of MR. GEORGE GROVE, the Hon. Secretary of the Palestine Exploration Fund, and author of the articles on the t0pography of the Holy Land, 'LONDON,’ November, 1874. In the construction of the ’ Assyrian Maps and elsewhere, use has been -made, for the first time, of the Turco-Persian survey,“ as well as of the labours of Layard and Rawlinson, and other materials have been employed which are specified in detail» in the “Sources and Authorities.” . The Map of Rabylon and the surrounding district has \been revised by Captain Felix Jones, the able officer ‘who. ,made the Survey of the Tigris and Euphrates valley. ‘ The maps are of thesame size as those in Keith Johnston’s “Royal Atlas of Modern Geography,” with which the ,7 present Atlas thus ranges. A full index of names and places, both ancient and modern, is appended to each of the larger maps, drawn up on the same plan as in Keith J ohnston’s Atlas, with figures and letters attached corresponding with the- squares into which the maps» are divided, thus affording executed by the most eminent engravers in Paris and London. WILLIAM SMITH; ‘ instant reference to every name. _The maps have been , i x. was“ .,.,,- “Wit-W; : K 1 CONTENTS MAP. 6. >1 ‘11. 1.2. , 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. ' 18. ——-—O-——-— MAP. 1 GEOGRAPHICAL SYSTEMS OF THE ANCIENTS. 19. ‘ (1) THE WORLD ACCORDING TO HOMERUS. 20 (2) 'n n v ,, HECATJEUS. ' (3) ~,, ,, ,, ,, HERODOTUS. , (4) ,, ,, . ,, ,, EPHORUS. (5) ,, ,, ,, ' ,, TIMOSTHENES. .21 (6) ,,I ,, ,, ,, ERATOSTHENES. ' (7) .9; S ,, S STRABO-r ' 22. (8) ,, . ,, | ,, ,, POMPONIUS MELA. . (9) ',, ,, ,, ,, DIONYSIUS PERIEGETES. ‘ (10) n . a.) , n n PTOLEMY « (11) ,, , ,, ,, ,,' THE GEOGRAPHER OF RAVENNA. 23 (I2) TABULA .VENTORUM. . ' THE WORLD AS KNOWN TO THE ANCIENTS. 24 EMPIRES OF THE BABYLONIANS, LYDIANS, MEDES, AND PERSIANS. _ 25 EMPIRE OF’ ALEXANDER THE GREAT. KINGDOMS OF THE SUCCESSORS OF ALEXANDER THE GREAT. PART I. (1) AETEL THE DIVISION AT BABYLON (323) AND TRIPARADISUS 321 ‘ (2) AFTER THE BATTLE OF IPSUS (301). (3) IN THE MIDDLE OF THE THIRD CENTURY. 26 KINGDOMS OF THE SUCCESSORS OF ALEXANDER THE GREAT. PART II 27 (1) IN THE MIDDLE OF THE THIRD CENTURY. . ' (2) EMPIRE OF THE PARTHIANS. 23_ THE ROMAN EMPIRE.- IN ITS GREATEST EXTENT. THE ROMAN EMPIRE AFTER ITS DIVISION INTO THE EASTERN AND WESTERN EMPIRES.‘ 2 . GREEK, AND PHG’SNICIAN COLONIES. 9 (1) ITALIA INFERIOR, MAGNA CRIECIA, AT THE TIME OF THE PELO- 30. , . PONNESIAN WAR. (2) SICILY AT THE TIME OF THE PELOPONNESIAN WAR. 31. (3) SYRACUSE. " (4) AGRIGENTUM. (5) BOSPORUS CIMMERIUS. (6) CHERSONESUS HERACLEOTI‘CA. . (7) THE WESTERN COAST OF LIBYA.’ 32 BRITANNIA. (INDEX. ) 3.3 THE WALL 0F HADRIAN. ' HISPANIA. (INDEX. ) 34- GALLIA. (INDEX. ) (1) GALLIA AT THE TIME OF CIESAR (2) INSULA BATAVORUM ’ GERMANIA, RHIETIA,‘ NORICUM. (INDEX) . GERMANIA MAGNA, ACCORDING TO PTOLEMY. THRACIA, M(ESIA, ILLYRIA, PANNONIA, DACIA. (INDEX) 35. BOSPORUS THRACIUS. , 36 HISTORICAL. MAPS OF. ITALY. SARDINIA, CORSICA. 37 (1) ITALY BEFORE THE IMMIGRATION OF THE GALLI IN'THE SIXTH ' CENTURY BC 38. (2) VETUS LATIUM FROM 384 BC. . (3) ITALY AT THE BEGINNING OF THE FIRST PUNIC WAR, 264 RC. 39' (4) MILITARY MAP OF ITALY, ABOUT 150 BC (5) ITALY IN THE FIRST CENTURY B.C., AFTER THE SOCIAL WAR - (91—88), AND BEFORE THE BATTLE ’OF ACTIUM (31) ' (6) ITALY DIVIDED INTO ELEVEN REGIONS BY AUGUSTUS. (7) ITALIE DICECESIS DIVIDED INTO SEVENTEEN PROVINCES, IN‘ . THE FOURTH CENTURY AFTER CHRIST 40. IA SUPERIOR. ITAL } (INDEX) - ITALIA INFERIOR. SICILIA. ' . ‘41 SINUS PIESTANUS ' PLAN OF ROME IN THE TIMES OF THE EMPERORS. (1) ROME DURING THE REPUBLIC. 4?" (2) THE FORUM BEFORE THE TIME OF JULIUS CESAR 43' (3) THE FORUM ROMANUM UNDER rDHE EMPIRE AND THE IMPERIAL FORA. ENVIRONS OF ROME. GREECE AFTER THE DORIC MIGRATION. (1) PLAIN OF TROY. (2) GREECE IN THE HEROIC AGE. GREECE AT THE TIME“ OF THE PERSIAN WARS. GREECE IN THE BEGINNING OF THE PELOPONNESIAN ' WAR. MAP OF TOWNS TRIBUTARY To THE ATHENIANS. GREECE AT THE TIME OF THE ACHZEAN AND IETO- LIAN LEAGUES. NORTHERN GREECE. __ HELLAS, EPIRUS, THESSALIA, _ MACEDONIA. (INDEX) CENTRAL GREECE.——-ATTICA, B(EOTIA, LOCRIS, DORIS, MALIS. (INDEX) (1) PLAN OF ATHENS. (2) ACROPOLIS. (3) THE HARBOURS OF ATHENS. (4) THE ENVIRONS OF ATHENS. (5) ELEUSIS. (6) MARATHON. PELOPONNESUS. (INDEX. ) PLAN OF SPARTA. ‘COASTS AND ISLANDS OF THE EGEAN SEA. (INDEX.) HISTORICAL MAPS OF ASIA MINOR. .. (1) AT THE TIME OF THE PERSIAN KINGS. (2) AFTER THE BATTLE OF MAGNESIA (190 BC.) (3) ASIA MINOR AND THE ADJACENT COUNTRIES AT THE TIME OF MITHRIDATES THE GREAT (4) ASIA MINOR AT THE TIME AFTER DIOCLETIAN. ASIA MINOR. (INDEX) ARABIA AND IETHIOPIA. (INDEX) INDIA. (INDEX. ) (1) INDIA TRANS GANGEM. (2) INDORUM PROVINCIA PONTEPOTAMICA, AT THE TIME OF ALEX- ANDER THE GREAT. (3) INDIA ACCORDING TO PTOLEMY. NORTHERN AFRICA. (INDEX) . ' IEGYPTUS. (INDEX) THE HOLY LAND AT ‘SUCCESSIVE PERIODS. (1) BEFORE THE CONQUEST,1451 BC. ‘ (2) AFTER THE CONQUEST AS DIVIDED AMONG THE TWELVE TRIBES. (3) DURING THE MoNARCHY, 1095 B..,C TO 586 B..C (4) UNDER THE MACCABEES, 100 BC. (5) UNDER HEROD THE GREAT, 40 RC. (6) IN THE TIME OF OUR- LORD. (7) UNDER AGRIPPA I. AD 41. (8) AT THE DESTRUCTION OF JERUSALEM, AD 70 THE HOLY LAND—NORTHERN DIVISION. THE HOLY LAND—SOUTHERN DIVISION. JERUSALEM, ANCIENT AND MODERN.- ENVIRONS OF JERUSALEM. SINAI AND THE DESERT 'OF THE WANDERINGS. (INDEX) (1) 'MOUNT SINAI. (2) WADY FEIRAN AND JEBEL SERBAL. SURVEY. PART OF ASIA, TO .ILLUSTRATE THE OLD TESTAMENT AND CLASSICAL AUTHORS. (INDEX) PART OF EUROPE AND ASIA, TO ILLUSTRATETHE NEW TESTAMENT. ’ PLAN OF BABYLON. PLANS OF NINEVEH, TROY, CARTHAGE, ALEXANDRIA, AND CONSTANTINOPLE. PHOCIS, .9- } (INDEX) FROM THE ORDNANCE SOURCES AND AUTHORITIES FOR THE MAPS. MAP 1. I THE GEOGRAPHICAL SYSTEMS OF THE ANCIENTS. A '_ The World according to Homeras. ACCORDING to the Homeric poems the earth is a flat round disc, surrounded by the river Oceanus, which in the east forms the Lake of the Sun, and in the west .(where, beyond the river, the Cimmerians live in per- petual darkness, and where the lower regions are) is 'connected with the Pontus, or _. the Mediterranean sea. In the south, bordering on the Oceanus, live the Aethiopian eople, é’oxa'rot avapeu, (divided into two parts, the eastern and the western) and the Pygmaei. About the north, and the shores bounding the Mediterranean in the west, we learn nothing. The centre of the earth may be imagined to be the Island of Ortygia (Delos), in the meridian of which the poet (0d. xv. 404) places the rponal ammo, the point of separation between the rising and the setting sun. In fact this meridian not only indicates the centre of the Grecian world, but also nearly the central point between Sicily and Syria, or between those countries, in a direction from east to west, beyond which Homer’s geographical knowledge does not extend. It is only in regard to Greece and western Asia Minor that we find him to possess any accurate knowledge ; he has a super- ficial acquaintance with the nearest neighbouring coun- tries; but whatever lies beyOnd these—the scenes of . Ulysses’ wanderings—belong altogether to the domain of fiction. The name Thrinacia, the stories about Scylla and Charybdis, the fire-spitting Planctae, and the mention of the Siculi in the last books of the Odyssey, which are probably of later origin, show a certain knowledge of Sicily, of the Liparean islands, and of Southern Italy, and in so far justify Strabo’s remark ndvra nAdTrew 013K ’Opnpmo'v, but are mixed up with elements of a purely mythical geography, borrowed partly from the older legend of the Argonauts and .ptransferred from its original locality to the west of the earth’s disc. Whether the story of the wanderings of Ulysses has arisen out of the combination of an older and a more recent story, as Kirchhoff, and lately Miillenhofi' (Deatsche Alterthilmer, i. p. 51, ff. 1871) have endeavoured to prove, is a point which we shall leave undecided. A more important question is whether the poet, to whom we are indebted for the description in its present form, had in his mind a distinct geographical picture of the localities which he mentions. We 'can only reply that, if this was the case, very little is done to enable us to reproduce this picture, for frequently there is noindication as to the direction or the duration of the separate voyages, and consequently there is a free field for speculation. ' . In returning from Troy, Ulysses is overtaken by a storm at‘ Cape Malea, and after having been tossed about on the sea for nine days, he on the tenth arrives at the country of the Lotophagi. Thence he sails onwards to the country of the Cyclopes, and afterwards to the float- ing island of Aeolus. The direction of these two voyages must be considered northwards, perhaps as far as the latitude of Ithaca; for, after sailing nine days with a ‘ west wind from the island of Aeolus, Ulysses was already in sight of Ithaca, when he is again driven back to the island of Aeolus by the winds being let loose upon hlm. Thence after a voyage of six days and nights. he reaches the country of the Laestrygones, and then after unnum- bered days- he arrives at Aeaea, the island of Circe, which is only one day’s sail from the Oceanus. These voyages must have been towardsthe west or more pro- bably the .north-west. In returning. to Aeaea from. 1118 excursion to the lower regions, and having .obtalned information about the return voyage as far as the island of Thrinacia, Ulysses leaves the island, sails past the island of the Sirens, and directly thereupon (ain’x’ é’vm-ra) leaves the Planctae lying to the right or to the left; shortly afterwards he sails between Seylla and Charybdls, and directly thereupon he again arrlves at the 1sland of Thrinacia. Thence a south wind drives him back to the Charybdis, where he is shipwrecked, and after floating about on a raft for nine days he arrives at Ogygia, the island 'of Calypso, the (steam Gaadcons. Thence he sails for seventeen days with the Bear on his left, there- fore westwards; on the eighteenth day he was already in the vicinity of Scheria, the island of the Phaeacians, when Poseidon espies him from the Lycian mountains of the Solymi, and again causes him to suffer shipwreck. The storm must have driven him to the north, for when it abated, having floated onwards with a north wind he arrivesf at the island of Scheria, from. which, on board of a marvellously quick-sailing vessel, he reaches Ithaca in one night. . In our small sketch, the route of Ulysses’ wanderings 1s gTVen in the same way as in Spruner’s and Menke’s Atlas. It might however be more accurately adapted to theiHomeric text, if the entrance to the lower regions were placed not exactly opposite to the Lake of the Sun and in the exact latitude of the Straits of Gibraltar, but near Aeaea; further, the line of the return voyage would have to be drawn in a direction almost parallel to that from the island of Aeolus to Aeaea; and the island of the Sirens, Charybdis, Thrinacia and Ogygia would have to be placed in closer proximity, whereas Ogygia and Scheria would have to be removed further away from each other. The routes would be something like the followmg :— ' . ...-01Eaca Orcuso SireneSio-g . “"'-o Laestrygones Scylla :9 IEoli I. Thrinacia io‘b Ogygia o cS’Cyclopos ”x0 Ithaca ..... dScheria We need not here discuss the, various endeavours which have been made to trace all the points visited by Ulysses to actually existing localities. With full justice, as it seems to us, E. H. Bunbury, in the Diet. of Geogr., vol. ii. p. 470, says: “ It is indeed only‘the natural desire to give to the creations of poetic fancy a local habitation and tangible reality, that could ever have led to the associating the scenes in the Odyssey with particular ' spots in Sicily ,and Italy; and the view of Eratosthenes, thatvthe geography of the voyages of Ulysses was wholly the creation of the poet’s fancy, is certainly the only one tenable.” , The World according to VIIecataeas. ANAXIMANDER of Miletus, a disciple of Thales, ac-‘ cording to the statements of the ancients, was the first, to sketch a map of the world, and this is said to have been subsequently much improved by the Milesian He- cataeus (Agathemer. Gwyn, i. 1). Such a map engraved on metal (rfis yfis replaces év m’vam évrernnne’vn), perhaps even the very one of Hecataeus, was shown to the mem-’ ‘bers cf the Ionian Assembly by the Milesian Aristagoras (Herod, v. 49). As to the way and manner in which this orbis terrarum of Hecataeus was arranged, nothing is-recorded; and our knowledge is confined to what may be gathered from the fragments of his geographical work: . There is however no doubt that Hecataeus is also alluded to, when Herodotus (iv. 36) says “many geographers have ridiculously presented the earth as a circular disc surrounded by the Oceanus, and in this disc represented Europe and Asia as equally large.” By Asia, Herodotus in this passage understands the one half of the earth which, besides the continent properly so called, also in- cludes Libya as far as the Nile; and in the same sense the name Asia is used in many of the Fragments of . Hecataeus. ,From Europe, Asia was separated either by the Tanais or by the Phasis; the latter boundary is adopted by Herodotus, the former by Hecataeus; for in the Fragments (164 seq.) Sindice and, on the Cimmerian Bosporus, Phanagoria and Apaturos, are considered as belonging to Asia. As‘at the same time the Dandarii and the Tipanissae (Fr. 161, 162) are spoken of as living about the Caucasus and yet ,as belonging to Europe, we infer from this that Hecataeus was one of those who, as Strabo informs us, believed that: the Tanais rising in Mount Caucasus, first flowed north and‘then south. The line which divided the earth into two equal halves, and which ran from the Tanais to the Pillars of Hercules, - necessarily went from north-east to south-west, and con- sequently the western extremity of Europe and Libya were removed very far south. The case would be very much the same 'if, instead of the Tanais, the PhaSis ' were made the boundary, which I’rocopius (Bell. 00th., iv. 6) according to a map drawn in this manner, mentions . as situated directly opposite the straits of Gadesl In a map of this kind the south coast of the Pontus Euxinus from the south-west, would have to be drawn much I farther north, and such a map Xenophon (Anal) , v. 7, §7) may have had in his mind, when he said while in Cotyora, on the Pontian coast, that Boreas ,was required for sailing to the Bosporusand a southwind for sailing to the Phasis. This misplaced position of the continents which Clausen, in his map to Hecataeus, leaves entirely unnoticed, seems to have been adhered to in the systems of earlier geographers up to the time of Dicaearchus, who, as far as we know, first defined the parallel generally adopted by later geographers, according to which the Pillars of Hercules, the straits of Sicily, and the south coast of ’Asia Minor lay in the same latitude. Corres- ponding with the more ancient idea, is the way in which Ephorus (Fr. 88), according to the statement of Cosmas Indicopleustes in hisCosmographta Christiana, distributes the four extreme nations of the earth (see the map). This very southern line of demarcation between Europe and Libya is still more strongly marked in the map of the world by the Anonymous Geographer of Ravenna (8th cent. after Christ), who divides the nations of the earth into twenty-four segments of a circle, which are repre- 7 sented as the twelve hours of day and the twelve hours . of night (see themap). The form of the'map resulting from this—so far as it concerns the respective positions of the continents—is doubtless adopted from one of the earlier geographers, as indeed, in other cases also, was done by the Fathers of the Church and other writers of later times, when the science of geography was entirely ‘ dead. In their geographical descriptions they very fre- quently maintained a point of view which for many cen- turies had been abandoned. Thus for example, the geo- graphical statements in Basilius (Hamil. iii. 6), are nothing ' but an interpolated extract from Aristotle (Meteor. i. 13). We have therefore placed the centre of the circle, thus divided, in the country of the earliest geographers, in the Ionian Asia Minor, and not in Jerusalem, as Kiepert has done, in his map to the “ Geographus Ravennas” (ed. Parthey). ' That, moreover, the centre cannot be fixed, say at Ravenna, as M. d’Avezac thinks, is clear, ' even from the fact that in the segment of the fourth hour ~of the day, therefore from the centre to the north-west, besides the country of the Dani, are also placed Dacia, and Illyria, asqae ad Dalmat-g'am: this no one living in Ravenna could say. According to this scheme of the map. of Hecataeus, we must conceive the south coast of Spain, from Cape Vincent (Sacrum pr.) to the north-east, as running in the direction of the great line of demarcation. This explains how it was that Herodorus, a contemporary of -Herodotus (ap. Steph. Byz. 8.1). ’IBan’aL), in his enu- meration of the Iberian tribes living along the coast from Cape Vincent to the country around Carthage Nova, assumes the succession of their habitations proceeding from south to north. ’ The connection of the Phasis with the Ocean, given in the map (compare Pindar, Pyth, iv. 251, Isthm., ii. 41), is based upon Schol. to Apoll. Rhod. iv. 259, which certainly is contradicted by another scholion- on Apoll. Rh., iv. 284,, but this latter is probably corrupt. This supposition of Hecataeu must be compared with that known from the Orphic poems, and from the Schol. Apoll. Rh., iv. 132, according to which the Phasis was con- nected with the Araxes; for in Hecataeus also, that or- tion of the Phasis which falls into the Caspian and rom this into the ocean, we must consider as the Araxes in ' the district of whose sources there existed a Phasis (now Pastn) (Xenoph. Anah, iv. 6, § 4), which was confounded with the Colchian Phasis, and represented-as a single . stream. The Araxes mentioned by Stephanus Byz., 8.22. Mtxm, from Hecataeus, has nothing in common with~the Araxes of the Caspian. The words there quoted from ' Hecataeus: éx Mom éis‘ ’Apdfnv nomno’v, signify, from the Myci in IVéstern Carmania—the medern Mogz'stan —to the Persian Araxes, which we read of in Strabo, p. 729, and in Curtius, v: 4. Clausen, in his map, gives an Amalchium mare in the northern o'cean. We have not done so, because the Hecataeus, from whom the mention of that sea is taken, by Pliny, iv. § 94, ed. Sillig, is doubtless not the Milesian, but the Abderite, who wrote a work on the Hyperboreans (v. Fragrn. Hist, vol. ii. p. 388). The course of the Istros, we have conjecturally trans- ferred from the map of Herodotus into that of Hecataeus. The Fragments throw no light upon it. There is just as little proof, although it is very probable, that H ecataeus, like other earlier geographers, imagined a branch of the Istros to flow into the Adriatic, for Stephanus Byz. (8.1)." KavALKoa’) mentions, from Hecataeus, the Caulici, named after a mountain, and dwelling north of the Ionian Gulf, of whom, beyond this, we know nothing, except that according to the Argonautica (Apoll. Rh, iv. 324), near the KavMaKbs oKo'ne'Aos the Istros divides itself and sends one arm into the Ionian Gulf. The Nile, Hecataeus imagined to be connected with ' the ocean, but where, according to his opinion, this con- nection existed, and how he conceived the upper course of the Nile, we are not told.‘ ‘ a The World according to Herodotus. HERODOTUS believes that, owing to the imperfect geo- graphical knowledge of his day, it is impossible to form a picture of the whole earth; and the attempts of this kind previously made, he ridicules as idle fancies. I Whether the north of Europe was surrounded by sea or not, he says, had not yet been ascertained by any one. The south side of the earth, on the other hand, accord- ing to Herodotus, had been circumnavigated from the Indus to the Pillars of Hercules, partly by orders from B 2 . SOURCES AND AUTHORITIES FOR THE MAPS. [MAP 2. Darius, and partly by orders from Necho; but how the outlines of the coast of this southern ocean were to be conceived, Herodotus himself does not seem to have known. But to the Arabian Gulf he assigns a length of 40 days’ sail, in a rowing vessel; and its greatest breadth he estimates' at half a day’s sail. The latter statement seems to have been taken from the northernmost corner of the gulf—which alone was per- haps known to him—and to have been transferred to the whole of the gulf. To separate Libya from Asia by the Nile, and thus to regard Egypt as belonging half to Libya and half to Asia, as was done by his predecessors, Herodotus considers wrong; he therefore considers the boundary between the two continents to be the isthmus; 1,000 stadia in breadth—~which separates the Arabian ‘Gulf from the Mediterranean. As the boundary between ;Europe and Asia, he mentions the Phasis; the further boundary line we have probably to draw through the ,“Caspian Sea, along the Araxes of Herodotus—Which he confounds with the true Araxes and the J axartes—till the unknown land beyond renders it impossible to fix any definite boundary. The Caspian Sea is represented by Herodotus, as subsequently by Aristotle and Ptolemy, not as a bay of the ocean, but correctly as an inland sea or mare clausum. The longitudinal axis of this sea he probably imagined to run from west to east, as did Ptolemy, who also pretty well agrees with Herodotus, as to its length and breadth; for the length, according to Ptolemy, amounts to. about 7,500 = 15 x 500 stadia, according to Herodotus, to 15 days’ sail in a revving vessel ; the breadth, however, according to Ptolemy, is about 4,250=8% x 500 stadia, according to Herodotus, 8 days’ sail in a rowing vessel. To the Pontus Euxinus—the length of whose shores from the Bosporus to the Phasis in reality only amounts to about 7,000 stadia, and ac- cording to Arrian’s Periplus to about 8,500 stadia—- Herodotus assigns a length of 11,100 stadia, about 9 days’ sail at 700 stadia, and 8 nights’ sail at 600 stadia. According to the usual and more correct cal- culation, whereby a day-and-night’s sail is, on an average, computed at only 1,000 stadia, 'Herodotus’s 11,100 stadia would be reduced to 8,000. In con- sequence of this excessive extension of the Pontus, Colchis and the country 'of the Saspires (Ispir) are removed too far to the east, and thus come exactly to the north of Media and Persia. That Herodotus himself imagined the relative position of these countries in this way, is seen from iv. 37 z—Tovréwv (n31) Hepaé‘w) firspoméovo-L apes Bope’w dve’pov Mfiaoi, Miijv 6E EdUWELPGS‘, 2aa7r€ipcov 8% K6AX0L. The Palus Maeotis is, according to Hero- dotus, not much smaller than the Pontus; nothing can be ascertained of the outlines of its coast except that the western side, from the Chersonesus Taurica as far as the Tanais, forms a line of 4,000 stadia, and the eastern side of the Scythian quadrangle. The rivers to the east of the Tanais, which fall into the Maeotis,-—-—the Oarus, Lycus, and Syrgis,——are generally considered to be rivers which in reality flow into the Caspian Sea, but which Herodotus has erroneously assigned to the Maeotis. ' We believe that they must be considered rather as belonging ‘ to the western side of the Maeotis, and be classed together with the rivers Agarus (50° 30’ lat.) and Lyons (51° 30’ lat.)——probably the modern Uh-linlca—and the site of the town Hygris (55° 30’ lat.) in Ptolemy’s map. In like manner, the Budini, according to Herodotus, lived to. the , east of the Tanais, but are placed by Ptolemy, no doubt more correctly, west of the Maeotis. Now, if the Oarus of Herodotus be placed where Ptolemy has his Agarus, the Tanais—in the successiOn of the rivers given by Hero- dotus—must have emptied itself somewhere in the vicinity of the . Cimmerian Bosporus; and — we know that the natives living in its nelghbourhood, called the Cimmerian Bosporus itself the Tanais (Arrian, Peripl. Pant, §29; Anonym. Peripl. Pant, § 50, in Geogr. Jilin], vol. i. p. 394; Procop., Bell. Goth, iv. p. 474, ed. Bonn). _ This explains the error of the so-called Scymnus Chins . (v. 571, in Geo. Min, i. p. 232), who (from Ephorus) informs us that the Tanais has two mouths, one ‘flowing into the Maeotis, the other into the Bosporus. It is probable, therefore, that we must assume a similar confusion in Herodotus. When the Tanais is said to be 4,000 stadia distant from the Taurian Chersonesus, and the Sarmatae are mentioned as the people inhabiting the banks of the river—the real river, the Dan of the present day, is indicated; when, however, the Tanais is placed west of the Oarus, the confusion arises from the river being confounded with the Tanais Bosporus. When, moreover, the Scythian expedition of Darius, from the Ister to the Oarus and back, is said to have taken only 60 days, this may have been the case, provided the Oarus is identical with Ptolemy’s Agarus, but impossible, if (we are to understand by it a river lying to the east of the Don, and falling into the Caspian. Of the Medi- terranean, Herodotus gives no measurement. Important for the construction of the map is the statement (ii. 33), according to which the mouths of the Istros, Sinope, - erroneously supposed to be an isthmus of Asia Minor, Cilicia aspera, and the mouths of the Nile, lie in the same meridian. Another point deserving of con- sideration, is furnished by - the series of cases lying between Libya deserta and Libya Onpiéons, which were said to extend from Thebes to the Pillars of Hercules, at equal distances of 10 days’ journey from one another. If we conceive this band of cases in an exact western direction from Thebes—Which is the most natural view, considering Herodotus’s division of the rest of Libya—it follows that he must have imagined the Pillars of Hercules much further south than their true position warrants, and this can be admitted the more readily, as we have already, in earlier geographical systems, found _ the Pillars placed in the same erroneous position. What is further characteristic of the plan of the map of Herodotus, are the corresponding courses of the rivers Nile and Ister. Here also we may apply what N iebuhr (Ueber d. Geogr. o’es Herodot,_in Kleine Schriften, i. p. 355) says, in mentioning Herodotus’ conception of Scythia: “, However much Herodotus wishes to limit geography to actual enquiry, he nevertheless introduces into it outlines which, like those of the map of Hecataeus, are drawn as much according to symmetry and from imagination as, in other circumstances, the most exclusive empiric unconsciously proceeds from suppositions and axioms.” The sources of the Ister are placed by Hero- dotus in the southwest of Spain, where, beyond the Pillars of Hercules, the Celtae live beside the Cynetes; according to Ephorus, however, the river rises in north- western Gaul. We may state that, according to the Ora Maritima of the antiquarian Avienus, both south-western Spain and north-western Gaul were once called Oes— trymnis. This name, which in the mouth of a Greek sounded Istrimnis, and by others was perhaps so spelt, seems to determine those localisations of the scurces of the' Ister, and therefore to have been known as early as the time of Herodotus. . In a similar way the name of the country Istria led to the belief that an arm of the Ister flowed into the Adriatic. The accounts of Hero- dotus about the length of the Nile between Elephantine and Meroe, can be made to agree very well with those , quoted from Eratosthenes, which therefore we have marked in the map. Whether, however, Herodotus was aware of the great windings of the river specified by Eratosthenes—which form the basis of these measure- ments—we do not know; and it is very possible that be imagined the course of the Nile, from Meroe to Elephan- tine, in a more or less straight line, and also that what he had heard about its windings, he erroneously trans- ferred to the small tract of the Dodekaschoenus, lying to the south of Syene. The lake ‘ also, placed near Tachompso, the inhabitants of whose shores are the Nobades (for thus we are probably to read instead of Nomades, see Rawlinson’s Herodotus, vol. ii. p. 41), is’ founded upon an error, and seems based upon a vague knowledge of Ptolemy’s Nuba lake. The island of Cyraunis (Hen, iv. 195), when it is spoken of as , lying near the country of the Gyzantes, is the island, which other geographers ealled Cercina in the small Syrtis; but when it is said to possess a lake, and that gold dust was there collected, the island of the Syrtis is confounded with the report .of an island on the Atlantic Gold Coast, that island which, according to Hanno’s Periplus, contained a-lake, and lay near the Hesperi Cornu, where Diodorus (iii. 68) mentions KEpatma 6;»), and where he also transfers the lake Tritonis and the stories of Pallas-Tritogeneia, from the district of the Syrtis. ' ‘ ‘ For further information about the geography of Hero- dotus, see, besides the commentators, Rennell, The Geographical System of Herodotus (London, 1800) '; Niebuhr, Ueber die Geographic Heradats (1812), in the Kleine Schriften, tom. i. pp. 132—159; G. Donniges, Commentatia dc Geographia Heradoti (Berlin, 1835); H. Bobrik, Geographic des Herodot (Konigsberg, 1838) ; T. Talboys Wheeler, The Geography of Herodotus (London, 1854). - The .World according to Timasthenes, Eratosthenes, Strata, Mela, and Dionysius Periegetes. I TIMOSTHENES, a_ native of Rhodes, naval commander under Ptolemy II. Philadelphus, and a geographical ' writer, of whom EratOsthenes made much use, determined the position of the different countries according to the twelve winds, as given in the map. The account upon which this is based may be found in the Geographical Compendium of Agathemerus, § 7 (Geogr. Min, vol. ii. p. 473). Alexandria is assumed as the centre of the circle. . ERATOSTHENES, with whom begins a new era in the history of geography, was the first to carry out a scien- tific measurement of the earth, according to which the , circumference of the earth, in reality amounting only to 216,000 stadia, was computed at 252,000 stadia, so that each single degree would comprise, not 600,‘ but 700 stadia. A meridian line and a parallel line serve as a basis for the construction of this terrestrial map; the former is drawn from Alexandria southwards through Syene and Meroe, northwards through Rhodes, Byzantium, and the mouth of the Borysthenes ; the parallel line which divides the inhabited earth into two halves, runs from Fretum Herculeum, midway through the Mediterranean, across the Sicilian straits and Rhodes, and in Asia along Mount Taurus. The separate measurements, forming the foun- ‘ dation, are given in the map; they are taken from Didot’s edition of Strabo. The only alteration consists in the drawing of the British Islands, which are now given more accurately according to the measurements of Pytheas, and the accounts of the ancients about the posi- tion of the islands, regarding which, compare Mullenhoff, Die Raise des Pytheas, in the Deutsche AlterthiZ-mer,,i. p. 377 if. (Berlin, 1870). - STRABo’s map, in a reduced size, is taken from the same work. The differences between it and that of Eratosthenes only concern the west of the earth, and show a retrogression rather than progress. In the geographical manuals of POMPONIUS MELA and DIONYSIUS PERIEGETES, measurements which might serve as a basis for a map, are out of the question; however, it is very evident that Mela upon the whole gives the system of Eratosthenes with a more extensive knowledge of northern Europe and western Africa, whereas Diony- , sius partially modifies this systemby going back toearlier. geographers, and especially by assuming the earth to be sling-shaped (amusements), whereby, for example, the island of Taprobane comes to be in the parallel of Syene. The World according to Ptolemy. ' CLAUDIUS PTOLEMAEUS, whose work closes the de- velopment of the geographical systems of the ancients, assumed for the earth a circumference of only 180,000 stadia; each degree, therefore, instead of 600, contained only 500 stadia. His map, in which for the first time a projection recognising the spherical form of the earth, was employed, represents the greatest amount of ancient geographical knowledge during the middle of the second century after Christ. It differs most strikingly from the earlier maps, by the Indian Ocean being repre- sented as a mare clausum. Astronomical determinations form much less of a basis for Ptolemy’s statements‘than might appear from the strictly scientific form of his work, and those actually forming the basis are for the most part very inaccurate. In general the positions assigned, according to degrees of longitude and latitude, are based ‘ upon the distances given in the Itineraries and the Peripli, which Ptolemy has formed into an erroneously graduated geographical net. ‘ MAP 2. THE WORLD AS KNOWN TO THE ANGIENTS THrs map, drawn upon Mercator’s projection, is a representation of all the countries known to the ancients at the time of Ptolemy.~ Those portions, of which the Atlas contains no special maps, are northern Asia and the east and west coasts of southern Africa. About these only, therefore, we will make a few observations. The most important and most ancient document con- cerning the west coast of Africa is the Periplus of Hanno, in the explanation of which Rennell (Examination of the account of the voyage of Hanna in the geographical system of Herodotus, p. 719,) has rendered very good service. Agreeing with Rennell, We fix the extreme point of Hanno’s voyage at the island of Sherbora, near the coast of Sierra Leone. Our map also agrees with Rennell in regard to the Hesperi Cornu. The island there men- tioned, which in a Mom; 6aAarrcra3§ns, contained another island, we have, by means of modern maritime charts, been able to find again in the island of Harang. Hanno’s island of Cerne, we do not consider to be the modern island of Argain (21° 80’ lat.), as Rennell and most other geogra- phers do, but the island of Horne (23° 38’lat.), in the bay of the Rio do care, which, however, was unknown to our predecessors. (See Geogr.Min.,vol.i.Proleg. p.xxvi). The Correctness of this supposition—with which Vivien de Saint Martin also agrees (Le Nord de l’Afr-ique dans l’antiquité, Paris, 1863, p. 383),—is supported,.independently of the resemblance 1n the name, by the statement that Cerne is said to lie about equi-distant from the Pillars of Her- cules and Carthage, a statement a plicable to Herne, but not to Arguin. The river Lixus, cm which Hanno (§ 8) sails southwayls, by the side of the desert (rapenAéouev n‘w épviunv) is evidently the Drah, the Daradus of Ptolemy, Which empties itself at the northern extremity of the desert. From this it follows that the corrupt statement about the distance in the codex, according to which Cerne would be only two days’ sail (,8' imépas) from the Lixus, must not be changed into LB'ime’pas, twelve days’ sail (which wOuld lead to Arguin), but to 11' fiuépas, eight days’ sail, which. can the more readily be conceded, as the letters B and n are frequently confounded in the manuscripts. Our principal authority for the other positions on this . coast is Ptolemy, whose statements, however, suffer from an extraordinary confusion, which cannot here be dis- cussed. »We shall only remark, that Ptolemy’s river Stachir (according to Vivien, lo. a tributary of the Drah) can be no other than the Senegal; for the lake which is placed in connection with the river, and in the editions of Ptolemy is called KonL’a, but in the best — (Vatican manuscript is certainly more correctly called Ka'iovia, in all probability corresponds with the modern lake Kaior. Our best authority for the southern portion of the east coast of Africa, known to the ancients, is the‘ anonymous author of the Periplus Maris Erythraei (Geogr. .lein., i. p. 267, seq) The statement referring to‘this has of late been discussed by Vivien de Saint Martin, in his work already referred to. We differ from him, in so far that we do not find the island of Menuthias to be Pemba, but to be Ungadfa, or, as the island is usually called, Zanzibar; further, in that we do not seek Essina emporium, on account of the similarity of names, in the baie d’Huassem, on the island of Pemba, but, in conformity with the traditions, we place it on the coast of the continent. According. to Ptolemy, the emporium lay to the north of the Serapionis static, but according to i the Anonymous Geographer, in Geogr. Min, ii. p. 505, it lay much further south on the same coast, where Rhapta was. The latter statement is doubtless the correct one, partly because at present, on the coast opposite to the island of Pemba, there is still a district called Wassina "or Wessina, partly because this name is unquestionably to be restored to this coast, in a passage of the Periplus Mar. En, § 15, where the manuscript gives the following: —-M67& 5250 Bpo'uovs‘ vvx0np6'povs nap’ aininv riyv Eva-L1) 6576m- 5Lcopt (sic) MEI/oodles a’mavrfi vfioos, which may be corrected manu leni into nap’ atriqv Ti)» Afiaweirnv filo’va (cf. Geogr. Min, ii. p. 506 not), so that the author who gives a special name for every one of the preceding coast'districts, does not leave the one lying opposite to the island of" , Pemba unnamed. In the interior of Africa, in the modern country of Gazer/the (8° lat. austr.), we have placed Agisymba .(c. 15° lat. austr.), the southernmost land known to Ptolemy, which Julius Maternus is said to have reached after a journey of four months, having started south from Garama. We willingly admit that this supposition, in spite of the similarity of names, is very uncertain, and that, as Leake thinks (Journ. of. the Roy. Geogr. Soc., vol. ii. p. 7, 1832), the country must perhaps be looked for much further to the north, near Lake Tzad. On the other hand, Peschel, in his Geschichte der Erdkunde, p. 25, very justly remarks, that the country of Agisymba, abounding in rhinoceroses, cannot be referred to the MAP 3.] SOURCES AND AUTHORITIES FOR THE MAPS] . 3 modern oasis of Asben, as Vivien de Saint Martin, l.e. p. 222, would have it. In north-eastern Asia, our scanty knowledge of Scy- thia intra and extra Imaum, is based almost solely upon ' the untrustworthy statements of Ptolemy. The position of the much-discussed Aldwos 71’15p'y09, on the road to Serica, according to the accounts about the present com« mercial roads in Hayward’s journey to Kashgar, by O. Peschel (Auslaml, 1870, Ne. 14, p. 332) is, in our Map, identified with Task-kargan (i.e., the stony fort) the prin» cipal place in the district of Sarikol. According to the other suppositions, this Turris lapidea would correspond with the ancient monument near Useli (41° lat., 72° ' long), called Takti—Saleiman (Ritter, Geogr, viii. p. 483, 693; A. von Humboldt, Centralasien 1, p. 103 ; Lassen, Indisclie Altert/z., ii. p. 534), or with Task-Irena (the stony castle, 43° lat.,.69° long), as Reinaud (Géographie d’Alba/‘eda, Introd., p. 369,) thinks. The further course of the ancient commercial road we have given in the same way as Kiepert. MAP 3. EMPIRES OF THE BABYLONIANS, LYDIANS, MEDIANS, AND PERSIANS. .___.+_._. THIS Map, with the exception of a few alterations, is the same as that which accompanies Rawlinson’s edition of Herodotus. The eastern boundary of Media is there drawn in such a manner that it does not extend beyond Hyrcania and the desert bordering upon Media Preper. This limitation, it is true, does not rest upon ancient testimonies, but upon the internal’ probability of the reasons set forth by G. Rawlinson, according to which a Median empire was first formed under Cyaxares (about 633 B.C.), which “ speedily attained its culminating point, from” which it almost as speedily declined.” The statements—based upon Ctesias, found in Diodorus ii. 34, Arrian, Indioa i. 1, and Nicolaus Damascenus, fr. 66—— that the Median empire was of the same extent as the Persian, have, in our opinion, no more authority than the accounts of Ctesias about the 300 years’ existence of the Median empire. The eastern boundary of the Persian empire is subject to some doubt, inasmuch as the extent of the 20th satrapy, which embraces To Té‘iv ’Ivoév wAfifios', cannot be determined. ~ The 20 satrapies enumerated by Herodotus have to be conceived as administrative satrapies, into which the empire was divided for the distribution of the tributes; ' on the other hand, the list of the provinces given inthe three inscriptions of Behistan, Persepolis, and Nak/ish-i~ Rastam, is only of ethnical» importance. It must, how- - ‘ever, be observed, that in the course of time, Darius’s division of the satrapies experienced various alterations, as is clear, for example, from the satrapies in Asia- Minor, mentioned by Xenophon, Anah, vi. 8, and Arrian, Anab., i. ‘12. ‘ \ In Persis—which being exempt from tribute is not mentioned among the satrapies—we have placed Pasar- gadae south of Persepolis, in the neighbourhood of Fasa and Darab, where ruins are found. This position of the town is supported by Arrian, vi. 29, Pliny, vi. §99, Sillig, and by Ptolemy’s map. See Oppert in the Journal Asiatiqae, 1872, p. 548, and Spiegel, Excars aber die Lage ron Pasargadae in the Eranisclie Altertiiiimer (1873), vol. ii. p. 616 if. The other position claimed for Pasargadae by G: Rawlinson and others, likewise indicated on the Map, is near the modern Mary/cab, where the ruins of the tomb of Cyrus in Pasarga‘dae are believed to have been found. According to Oppert, l.e., these ruins belong to a sepulchral monument erected by Cyrus to a wife, perhaps to the Cassandane mentioned by Herodotus, ii. 1. The architecture is said to resemble that which the Persians still apply to the tombs of women. . The following is a list of the twenty tributary satrapies (Herod, iii. 90, seq.), to which we add a few remarks upon controverted points. I. IONIANS,* MAGNESIANS, AEOLIANS, LYCIANS, MILYANS, PAMPHYLIANS. II. MYSIANS, LYDIANS, ALYSONIANS (Lasonians, var. lect.), CABALIANS, HYGENNIANS. The form ’AAvao’vwi, CARIANS, occurring~ in the Florentine manuscript, instead of the ' vulgate» Aao-dvioi, though not the correct one, yet approaches nearer to the right form. Upon coins of Phrygian Pisidia (Mionnet, Descr., vii. p. 120), the name is Avcrweis‘, without the a prostheticum; Avaimoi could co-exist with it. The town belonging to them is called Avawi’a by Ptolemy, v. 5, § 5, Avowo’n, by Polyb., xxii. 19, Ava-nvo'ipa, byl-Iierocles, p. 680. The name ‘Tyevvei‘s first arose out of ‘Trevveis. They are the ’Erevveis oi 1139 , [Ito-impair H11) inrép Eifins dpewiyv oZKofivTes of’Polybius, v. 73, § 3, and of the coins (Eckhel, Doctr. Nam, iii. p. 11 ; Mionnet, Descr., iii. p. 435). Their town, which must have been called ”Emma, is found in the N otitiae episco- atuum, under the more or less corrupt forms ”Er-rem, , Ereva, ’Erévva, .Te'va. Whether the Kareweis, Whom Strabo, p. 569 Gas. calls the neighbours of the EeAyets and Ouovaoets, are the same as the ’E'revve'is or not, ' cannot be decided. III. HELLESPONTIANS, PHRYGIANS, ASIATIC THRACIANS (i.e., Thyni et Bithyni), PAPHLAGONIANS, MARIANDYNIANS, SYRIANS (i.e., the Syrians in Cap adocia). IV. CILICIANS (who then, and) later in the Periplus of Scylax, extended to the river Orontes). — V. THE COUNTRY REACHING FROM THE CITY OF POSIDIUM (now Bosit) To THE' BORDERS OF EGYPT, gEXCLUD‘ING‘ THEREFROM A DISTRICT WHICH BELONGED To ARABIA, AND WAS FREE FROM TAXES, i.e. ALL PHOENICIA, PALAESTINE SYRIA, AND CYPRUS. VI. EGYPT AND THE NEIGHBOURING PARTS OF LIBYA, TOGETHER WITH THE TOWNS OF' CYRENE AND BARCA, WHICH BELONGED To THE EGYPTIAN'SATRAPY. Among the ethnic names of the Cyrenaica, our map gives Bacales Instead of Cabales, the vulgate in Herodotus, iv. 171. That the reading of the Florentine manuscript BotKaAes‘, Is the correct one, is clear from a‘fragment of Callimachus 1n Herodian, p. 33, ed. Lehrs, and also from the codd. of N onnus, xiii. 375. To this also belongs the Cyrenaean mountain, which in the" MSS. of Ptolemy is written BaLKoALKov, BcoKoALKov, BEKOALKCI) dpos, and perhaps also the dlstrict BaKaAZrL's‘, which Ptolemy, iv. 7, § 35, places south of Cyrenaica. VII. SATTAGYDIANS, GANDARIANS, DADICAE, APA- RYTAE. The Earmyeaai are probably the same as the Earpatoai, whom Dionysius Periegetes, 1097, mentions together with the Arachosians, whom Herodotus does not speak of. Of the Dadicae and Aparytae nothing is known, unless the latter are the Hapvfirai, whom Ptolemy, ‘ vi. 18, mentions among the Paropamisadae. VIII. SUSA AND THE OTHER PARTS OF CISSIA. IX. BABYLON AND THE REST OF ASSYRIA. X. MEDIANS, PARICANIANS, AND ORTHOCORYBANTIANS. The Paricanii are mentioned in the 17th satrapy, together with the Aethiopians of Gedrosia. Possibly a portion of this people inhabited the district of the 10th satrapy (as Lassen and Bitter, viii. p. 59, believe), but it is more probable that in our passage the name is corrupt, and indicates the Bapxdei, the neighbours of the Medians, who, according to Stephanus Byz., were a people border- ing on the Hyrcanians (é’dvos' rots ‘Tpxavois‘ due/20v), Whereas in reality the name BapKOtvLOL is only the Persian form (Var/canal in the inscription of Behistun) of the Greek ‘T‘p/co’wiot; whence the Astyages, mentioned by Ctesias (fr. 29, 5 and tr. 31) as the prefect of the Barcanii, is called by Justin the prefect of the Hyrcanii. The ’OpHOKopoo’wTLOL mentioned after them, are not noticed elsewhere. According to Rennell, Lassen, and Ritter, their settlements would have to be looked for in the district of K'opfiiami (Strabo, p. ,745), a part of Elymais, in southern Media, and on account of this con- jecture, which is founded upon a supposed similarity of names, the name is entered in the map, from Which how- , ever we Should now like to erase it. ’OpGoKOpv/denm is, in our opinion, a purely Greek word, and signifies people wearing upright tiaras; for Kopvfictvnov is the same as Kvpfiaoia, Kt0apts‘, tiara, pileas ; and 6p60’Kopvs is explained by Hesychius, as 6,162») #8on é’xwv. But as it is not probable that such an' adjective would be directly employed as the name of a people, we may easily suppose that Herodotus wrote: HapixdmOL (Bapxo’wtot) [oi] Kai ’Opdoxopvfidvnoi. The dress Of the Hyrcanians was the same as that 'of the Persians (Herod. vii. 62: KaTctfl'Ep He’pcrai e’creodxaro); and the Persians, according to Herodotus, wore Kvaacn’as €772 rfioi xe¢aAfipovpiov ’Eperpiéwv (Steph. Byz.), the name of which is perhaps corrupt, and not different from Exéon, a place in the neighbourhood of Olynthus. 2. The Peninsula of Mount Athos also contained colonies from Eretria (Strabo, p. 447), of which, however, we know no details. 3. Methone, on the west coast of the Sinus Thermaicus, was a colony of those Eretrians who had been driven out of Corcyra by the Corinthian Chersicrates (Plutarch. Qu. G7“. 0. ii.; Eustathius ad Hom. ll. ii, 228), so that Eretrians must have settled in Corcyra before the Corinthians. 4. In the Aegaean Sea, the Eretrians at one time ruled over the islands of Andros, Tenos, Ceos, and others (Strabo p. 449, énfipxou ’Ardpicov Kai Tniwu Kat Keiwv Kai liAva zrijowv). 5. The Eretrians joined the Chacidians, who colonised the Pithecusae and Cumae. Colonies of Athens : The settlements of the Athenians were, in most cases, not colonies (dnomiai), in the usual sense of the word, but KMponL’ai, i.e., cenquered or otherwise acquired territory, which was divided into a certain number of lots (KAfipot), and distributed among an equal number of the poorer citizens. These Kleruchi did not cease to be members of the state, but remained Athenian citizens, and hence did not, like the colonies, form communities, independent of the mother city. ' In the T liraeian Chersonesus,—-—whcre the Doloncians had yielded up the sovereignty to Miltiades, son of Cypselus, who in 560 3.0. protected the peninsula from the inroads of the Apsinthians by erecting a wall across the isthmus,- and who seems to have distributed Athenian colonists in various parts,--the following Athenian colonies are mentioned, viz.: 1. Cardin (Scymn. 701; Strabo vii, fr. 52). 2. Paefg/e (Scymn. il).). 3. Crithote (Ephorus. ap. Harpocr. s 1).; Scymn. 711). 4. Elaeus (Scymn. 708). 5. Alopeeonnesus (Etym. M. s.v.). From 494 to 469 the Chersonesus was under Persian dominion, subsequently it became tributary to the Athenians, who in the year 452 sent a thousand Kleruchi there. 6. Sigemn, in Troas, taken possession of by Athenians before the Tyrannis of Pisistratus (Strabo xiii, p. 599). 7. 8. Lemnos and Iniln‘os, taken possession of in 510 by Miltiades, son of Cimon. 9. Chaleis in Euboea, dis- tributed in 506 among 400 Kleruchi. 10. Seyrus, Kleruchi, 476. 11. Halonnesus (n31) ’Adnvaiwv dpxatov Krfiua, Libanius Argum. in Demosth. Orat. (le Halonnes. p. 75, ed. Reisk.). 12. Eion, taken possession of by Cimon in 470. 13. Sinope, about 452 Kleruchi. 14. Amisus, which for some time here the name of Piraeeus. 15. Astaeus, a Megarian settlement, strengthened at the. time of the Peloponnesian war by Athenian colonists. 16.- Naxos, subdued between 470—465; 452 Kleruchi. 17. Andros, Kleruchi at the time of Pericles. 18. Brett, a colony of the Athenians in the country of the Bisaltae, of unknown site. 19. Thasos, conquered in 463. The continental possessions of the Thasians likewise fell into the possession of the Athenians. 20. Hestiaea, in Euboea, 445 Kleruchi. 21. T hm'ii, in Italy, founded D V10 SOURCES AND AUTHORITIES FOR THE MAPS. under the auspices of Athens, and with the participation of a body of Athenians, 443. 22. Amphipolis, in Thrace, founded in 437. 23. Aeyina, 431 Kleruchi. 24. Atalante, an island off the coast of Locris, taken possession of in 431. 25. Potidaea, 429 Kleruchi. 26. Lesbos, with the exception of the town of Methymna, 427 Kleruchi. 27. Notiemi, near Colophon, received Athenian colonists about the year 427. 28. Delos. (The Delians who were expelled in the year 422, received habitations in Adra~ m‘yttium.) 29. Scione, was given, in 421, by the Athenians to the Plataeans. 30. .leelos, 416 Kleruchi. Lastly, we observe that Strabo, p. 246, speaks of Athenians as among those who strengthened the Cu-- maean colony of N eapolis. The mythical foundations of Menestheus, of Scylletium in Italy, and of Elaea in Asia Minor, we pass over. Adramyttiumis probably one of them; for Strabo likewise mentions it as an Athenian colony. C. DORIAN COLONIES. Colonies of Lacedaemon .' 1. Cnidos, whose colonies are: Syme ins., colonised by Cnidians, Rhodians, and others; Lipara, 579 B.C., like- wise by Cnidians and Rhodians; Coreyra Niyra, in the Adriatic Sea. 2. Thera, under the guidance of the Agid Theras, was colonised by Dorians, Minyans, and Achaeans. Its colony was: Cyrene (631) in Cyrenaica, which became the mother city of Apollonia, Teachira, Barce (about 554), Hesperides or Eaesperides. 3. Anaphe ins. 4. Pholeyanolras ins. 5. filelos (1116 according to Thucyd.); Melos sent a colony to Crya or Cryassas in Caria. 6. Gortyna, in Crete, colonised by Dorians, Achaeans, and Minyans. 7. Polyrrhenia, 8. Lyctas, 9. Lapathas, in Crete. (The Cretan towns of Amyclaeum and Therapne remind us of the Achaean settlements of the same name in Laconia. Other names of Laconian places found in Crete are Aepea, Aulon, Boeae, Etea). 10. Selye, in Pisidia. [11. Noricam, in Phrygia, on the river Marsyas, in the neighbourhood of Celaenae, is said to have been founded by a Lace- demonian Pisistratus ; i this indeed is according to the unreliable testimony in the Pseudo-Plutarch. De flan, c. 10, and Eustath. ad Dionys. 321. There were also some Dorians in the Phrygian Synnada, the coins of which bear the legends szaséwu Awpie’wv or E. ’IaSuwu, or both together. The Kao‘rwlxofi nediov Awpiéwv in Lydia, from Steph. Byz. (s. Geog)". Diet. so.) is un- intelligible]. 12. Tarentam, 707 ; its colony is Heraclea (432), and probably also Callipolis on the Tarentinus Sinus. l3. [Heraclea le'inoa, in Sicily, a colony of Selinus, was conquered by the Spartans Dorieus and Euryleon (about 510). The same Dorieus had pre- viously founded Cinyps in Lybia, on a river of the same name; this colony, however, was destroyed by the -Maces three years later.] Colonies of Argos .' 1. Iasos in Caria, afterwards colonised by Milesians. 2. Tralles in Caria, founded by Argives and some Thracians. 3. In Rhodes, Argives Hellenised Ialysos, Lindos, and Camiros, and they in 408 conjointly built the town of Rhodos. Rhodos colonised or founded Chaleia and Telos insulae; Gayae and Coryolalla (probably also Rhodia or Rhodiapolis) in Lycia; Soli (by Rhodians from Lindos and by Argives), in Cilicia; Aeanteam, in Troas; Apollonia, in. Thrace, on the Pontus Euxinus (by Rhodians and Milesians) ; Gela in Sicily, at first called Lindii (605 13.0., by Rhodians and inhabitants of the island of Telos and some Cretans); Lipara Ins. (579 3.0., by Rhodians and Cnidians) ; Rhode in Iberia, afterwards taken possession of by the Massaliots. Possibly Rhode or Rhodanasia, at the mouths of the Rhone, was also founded by Rhodians, and only later re-colonised by Massaliots. [In addition, mythical tradition says that Rhodians peopled the Balearae after the Trojan war, and founded Sybaris on the Traeis fl.; Siris, in conjunction with the Trojans, and Elpia with Coeans. Lastly the Rhodian Elpias is said to have been the founder of Salapia, as Philoctetes is said to have been the founder of Crimisa, of Malaca, and of Thurii ; Diomedes of Arpi, of Canusium, and Luceria; Menestheus of Scylletium; the piratical companions of Nestor the founders of Pisae in Etruria.] 5. Carpathas ins. 6. Casos ins. 7. In Crete, Althaemenes, grandson of Temenos, colonised several towns—the names of which are not enumerated—with Dorians and Achaeans from Argos and Megara. It is probable that the towns of Myeenae, Peryamurn, Teyea, and Lappa or Lampa, whose origin is traced to the Argive Agamemnon or Talthybius, are among them. [The greater number of the colonies which proceeded from Crete belong to the pre-historic epoch of the so- called Thalassocraty of Minos, who, according to Thucyd. i. 4, governed and colonised most of the islands of the Hellenic Sea. Delos, Andros, Paros, Naxos, Cythnos, Siphnos, Amoryos, Sicinos, Chios, Lemnos, and Pepare- thos, according to the statements of the ancients, were peopled from Crete, and preserved traces of Cretan influence. The following places on the mainland may be mentioned in the same category z—Maronea in Thrace, the Bottiaeans of Macedonia, Troas, where the Teucri and the worship of Apollo Smintheus had been introduced from Crete; further in Ionia, the district of Erythrae and Colophon; in Caria, Miletas and Caanus ; in Lycia (where the Tremili are said to have immigrated from Crete), the towns of Xanthos and Patara; in Pisidia, Cretopolis ; in Rhodos, Cretinia; in Sicily, Minoa and Enyyiam ; in Italy, Hyria, Brentesium, Hydrus, Castram Mineroae, Salentam. Even Vienna in Gaul is said to have been founded by Cretans, and T arrha and Asterasia near the Caucasus, to have been called after towns of the same name, in Crete. At the time of the Aeolian migra- tion some Magnetes went to Crete, and thence to Asia [MAP 9. Minor, where they founded Magnesia ad Maeandram. In historic times the Cretans united with the Rhodians who founded Gela in Sicily.] 8. The Hellenisation of the towns in Lycia, Pamphylia, and Cilicia, is partly traced back to Argive settlements of very remote times, belonging more to mythology than to history. Thus Tarsus is said to have been founded by Triptolemus while searching for Io. Rhodia, Lyrnessus, Phaselis, in Lycia; Mallus, Mopsuestia, and Mopsuerene in Cilicia; Posidonium on the coast'of Syria, are settle- ments of the Argive soothsayers, Mopsus and Amphi- lochus; Pamphylia has its name from a daughter of Mopsus. Tradition also says that the followers of Trip- tolemus founded a town on the Orontes, on the site where Antiochia afterwards stood. . Colonies of Troezen : Haliearnassus and JIIynclas, in Caria. Colonies of Epidaaras .' Cos. N isyra. Calyolna. Colonies of Megara .' 1. Astypalaea. Colonists from this place settled in Rhoeteum, in Troas. 2. Astaeas, on the Propontis (710 Euseb.), afterwards strengthened by Athenians. 3. Sel- ymbria. 4. Calchedon s. Chalcedon (674 Euseb) 5. Byzantium (658). Calchedon and Byzantium founded Mesambria ; its colonies are Nauloehas and Bizone. 6. Heraclea Pontiea (560, founded by Megarians and some Tanagraeans). Strabo calls Heraclea a colony of Miletus. The colonies of the Heracleots are: Chersonesas Hera- cleotiea (Delians took part in its foundation), Callatis (according to Mela a colony of Miletus), Panelos, an unknown place on the Pontus. 7—9. Trotilas, Thapsas, and Meyara Ibelaea in Sicily (circ. 728 13.0.). The Megarians from Hyblaea and other Megarians founded Salinas (628) : its colony is Heraclea Minoa. Colonies of Corinth : l. Potidaea, 2. Aenea, in Chalcidice. 3. Molyeria, 4. Chalets, in Aetolia. 5. Soliam, 6. Alysia, in Acar- nania. 7. Leacas, 8. Anaetorimn ; Corcyraeans took part in colonising these. 9. Ambraeia, from whence colonists went to Argos Amphilochicum. 10. Coreyra (735), its colonies are: (1) Epidaaras s. Dyrrachium, founded by Corcyraeans under a Corinthian leader, and with the participation of some Corinthians. Subsequently (588 13.0.) Eleian colonists were received into the town. (2) Apollonia, founded by Corcyraeans and Corinthians ; but Coryca was considered the mother city of the colony. 11. Syracasae (757 Marmor Parium, 733 Vel 734 Euseb.). The colonies of this town are: Casmenae and Enna (70 years after the foundation of Syracuse), Acrae (90 years after Syracuse), Carnarina (135 years after Syracuse), Aetna (475). Exiled Syracusans took part . in founding Hirnera. The Syracusan tyrant Dionysius colonised Tyndaris with Methymnaeans and Messenians (395), Lissas and Pharas (387) and Issas, whence colon- ists proceeded to the island of T rayuriam. According to the Etymologicum Magnum, Aneona would be a colony led out by Dionysius. In the Map, which gives a survey of the colonies established up to the time of the Peloponesian war, many of the above-mentioned colonies could not be entered; they must therefore be looked for in the special maps relating to them. MAP OF Bosronus CIMMERIUs. ON the east side of the Bosporus the positions of Stratoclia, Cepi, Corocondame, Corocondamitis palus, Hermonassa, Sinde or Sindicus portus, are difficult to determine, and are given differently, in different maps. On these we make the following remarks. Among the testimonies of the ancients in regard to them, the verses of the so-called Scymnus Chins (886 sqq.) are of no value, as the towns mentioned there are enumerated evidently without any geographical order. On the other hand Scylax, § 72; Mela, i. 19, § 12; Plin. vi. § 18, and the Tabula Peutingeriana agree in the succession of the towns which each mentions, and this succession of the coast towns is from Phanagoria southwards: Stratoclia, Cepi, Hermonassa, Sindice, or Sindicus portus. Hence it is inadmissible to place Cepi north-east of Phanagoria in the neighbourhood of the modern lake Aftanis, as in the Diet. Geoyr. (sxo. Cepi) and by N eumann (Die Hellenen im Scythenlana’e, Berlin, 1855), or like Kiepert to place it in the north-eastern corner of the Liman of Taman, and to place Stratoclia on the Kabonskoi Liman. Retaining the succession given by the best authorities, we identify Cepi (ie Gardens) with the modern Taman, as the latter stands on the site of an ancient town, and has in its vicinity hills rich in springs. According to Kiepert’s latest map, Tainan would correspond to the village of Corocondame, the lake Corocondamitis, however, to the modern lake A ftanis, a supposition not based upon any ancient testimony, and which is very improbable on account of the great distance of the village from the lake of the same name. The Lake A flanis, lying near Phanagoria, corresponds to the Loans Salinaram of the Tabula Peut. In regard to the position of the village of Corocondame, we seem to have the most accurate accounts in Strabo, p. 494, according to which the village lies at the mouth of the Bosporus, 70 stadia from the European promontory Acra, 130 stadia from Patraeus, 180 stadia from the town and port of Sindice, and 10 stadia from the entrance of lake Corocon- damitis. These measurements can be made to agree only by placing—as is done in our map—Corocondame near cape Tazla, identifying the lake with the modern Lin/tan of Tamara, and by placing the Sindicus portus in the modern Ifubanslroi Liman, and consequently Hermonassa somewhere between this lake and the village of Corocona dame. That, however, Strabo was very badly informed about the configuration of these coasts, is evident from his further description, according to which, if we sailed into the Corocondamitis lake we should find Phanagoria and Cepi on the left or northern shore, and Hermonassa and Apaturon, the sanctuary of Venus, on the right or southern shore, beyond the mouth of the Hypanis, which _flows into the lake in the district of Sindice. Hence it is very possible that the situation of Corocons dame also is not correctly indicated; and that this is actually the case is evident from the Anonymous Periplus of this coast which was first published after the engraving of our map, from a codex in the British Museum, in the Fragmenta Historicum Gr. vol. v., p. 182 sqq. (Paris, 1870), 'to which we must refer the reader for further details. This Periplus, which is very well informed about that district, gives the following account. . The place Eivca or swam) KGSMY] (now Anayoa) is not different from the 2w5u<63 Main; (as in Strabo, p. 496, memes Aim‘qv Kai 776AL9 is conceived as one and the same place); the distinction hitherto made between the two names, rests essentially upon Ptolemy’s faulty maps. Corocondame, according to the Periplus, lay on a narrow isthmus between the sea. and the Corocondamitis palus, the (circumference of which is computed at 620 stadia; On the shore of this lake, 440 stadia from the Sindicus portus and 515 stadia from the Achilleum, stood the town of Hermonassa, from which the Sindica regio extended as far as the Sindicus portus. According to this, there- fore, Corocondame must be placed on the-narrow tongue of land, at the narrow entrance of the Kaban lake, which corresponds to the Kopoxovcaains MW”? of the ancients. The distance between it and the Sindicus portus (An/(119a) on our map amounts to about 200 stadia, which corresponds to the 180 stadia in Strabo. From Acra as far as Corocon- dame there would be about 170 stadia, instead of the 70 stadia given in our manuscripts of Strabo. 'The distance of 440 stadia, between Sindicus portus and Hermonassa, assigned by the Periplus, agrees with the distance which Ptolemy gives between Sinda vicus and Hermonassa. The error in Ptolemy lies in the fact that a Sindus portus is given midway between Sinda vicus and Hermonassa, on a spot where, according to the distance, Corocondame must have stood. The town of Hermonassa, according to the measurements of the periplus, lies on the north coast of the lake Kabanshoi, beyond the mouth of the Hypanis. This situation beyond the Hypanis is also correctly given in Strabo; otherwise he ought to have said that Phanagoria and Cepi were situated on the north side, Hermonassa and Apaturon, on the south side (not of lake Corocondamitis, but) of the peninsula ex~ tending between this lake and the Bosphorus. The position assigned in our map to Apaturon, or the sanctuary of Venus Apaturos, where some ruins exist, is conjectural; the site on lake Corocondamitis is inferred from Strabo; Ptolemy on the other hand places it on the Maeotis, westward of Cimmerium. Pliny, vi. § 18', names Apaturon between Phanagoria and the Cim- merium, which he places near the mouth of the Bosporus. (Kiepert, in his latest atlas of Hellas, places it 250 stadia east of Cimmerium, contrary to all ancient statements). From what has been said, the positions of Corocondame, Corocondamitis palus, Hermonassa, and Sindicus portus, must be altered thus : lllluu ( «I l _._ Sindica: p01,? 0 et mm: _ PLAN OF AGRIGEN'I‘UM. This, in a reduced scale, is taken from the work Anti- chitd delta Sieilia esposte eel illustrate per Domenico Lo Faso Pietrasanta, Daea oli Serrodi/alea (Palermo, 1836), tom. iii., pl. 1, except that the line of the sea~coast is modified according to W. Henry Smyth’s The Hydro- yraphy of Sicily (London, 1823), pl. 24. We now possess a more accurate chart of the territory, on the large scale of 1 : 10,000, made by the Royal Italian staff (Giryenti e suoi templi), which forms the basis of the plan in Jul. Schubring’s H istorisohe Topographie con Acrayas (Leipzig, 1870), and in the Geschiehte Siciliens of A. Holm (Leipzig, 1870). The principal deviation of the more modern drawing consists in the western end of the castle, with the sanctuary of Jupiter Polieus, lying a little more to the west than the ruins of the so-called temple of Vulcan, and hence the western wall of the town runs almost direct from north to south. PLAN OF SYRACUSE. In regard to this map we refer the student to the Diet. Gwyn, art. Syracuse. Mus 10 «l: 11.] MAP 10. BRITANNIA. m+_ 'THE object aimed at in this map is to representthe geographical state of Britain from the time when the island became known to the ancient world, down to the epoch of its abandonment by the Romans. It contains the few native names that can be identified, the Latin names of the tribes and localities, and the divisions, roads, and towns, that were the creations of the Roman Empire. To add to the historical value of the map, the names which the English conquerors gave to the chief Roman tOWns are added in Gothic characters, with the distinctive abbreviation (Any). The native British names, in thin letters, marked (Brit), are those used by native writers, (such as N ennius and others), who lived after the English conquest. They must not, therefore, be assumed to represent the original native names, nor must it even be supposed that, in all such cases, a British settlement preceded the Roman station. The information of the earliest classical authors about the native geography is so scanty, that our only satisfactory guide to the early British settlements is archaeological research, the labour of the spade, and inferences from the lines of the British trackways, and from the manifestly Celtic elements em- bodied in the Roman names. The British Isles became first known to the civilized nations of the ancient world by the commercial quest for tin, whether carried on by the direct voyages of the Phoenicians or Carthaginians (a question still in dispute), or by the overland route through Gaul, with the aid of its great rivers, to Massalia and other Greek colonies on the Mediterranean, which is fully 'described by Diodorus Siculus and Strabo. From the former source, Herodotus (iii. 115), in the fifth century B.o., may have derived his information about the islands in the extreme west of Europe, called Cassiterides (Karrmreplbes), “ whence tin (6 Kacartrspos) is brought to us.” The British tin was obtained from the Damnonian (Devonian) peninsula, from the mines of Dartmoor, as well as those of Corn- wall; and traders approaching those lofty rocky shores, indented with bays and estuaries, would naturally regard the land as a group of islands. Our map, therefore, extends the name of Cassiterides over the whole coast, from the Land’s End to the Start. The Scilly Isles, to Which the name was restricted when the nature of the land became better known, yield no tin, and never can have yielded it. The “Tin Islands ” seem to have been long regarded as distinct from the south-eastern region, which became known by direct intercourse across SOURCES AND AUTHORITIES FOR THE lVlAPS. 11 century, the details given by Mela, Pliny, and Solinus, add little to the information collected by Strabo. The campaigns of Agricola are treated by Tacitus, like those of Caesar by himself, rather from a military than a geo— graphical point of View; but the modern criticism of them, iflassi'li'a / \ ° arbo \) \ ' lanthago new '1 (MW ( f/V‘A' BRITANNIA STRABONIS. 7 I I'l‘oaprrSu in comparison with the formation of the land, and with the existing remains of roads and camps, has thrown much light on the geography of northern Britain. Tacitus records the confirmation by Agricola’s fleet of the fact, well known before Caesar’s time, that Britain was an island, but some objectors still disputed this, till the truth was again established by the campaigns of SeVerus at the beginning of the 3rd century. (Dio Cass. xxxi. 50; Herodian, lxxvi. 12-16). The information acquired during the first century of Roman occupation, from Claudius to Hadrian and the An- tonines, is summed up by Ptolemy (i. 11, 15, seqq.), whose list of tribes, rivers, places, &c., in Britain and Hibernia (’Iovepvta), with their latitudes and longitudes furnishes the chief authority for any map of the British Isles. But it is open to a wide range of criticism, from mistakes both of positions and names, from errors of observation and calculation, and especially from the prevailing miscalculaa tion of lonyitmles from itinerary measures, which vitiates Ptolemy’s whole system. This fault, combined with a mistake of direction, has caused him to bend down the whole northern part of the island (from the mouth of the Tyne), so as to make it run out eastward at right angles to the southern part. Ptolemy already calls the larger island Great Britain (i7 pe’yahn Bper'rarla). the Channel, and this distinction may explain 6 10 12 . 1.4 16 18 20 2‘ 24 26 some of the. discrepancies in the earliest notices of Britain. 9‘ It was doubtless from the Greeks of southern Gaul, that Aristotle (De Manda 3) in the 5th century 13.0., derived his vague knowledge of iii/1-4. Venic iumpr E two very large islands in the Ocean outside the Pillars of Hercules, and beyond the Celtae, called the Bretanic Islands (Bperamxai’), Albion and Ierne (”AABiov Kai ’Ie’pvn)——the earliest mention of these names, which are unquestionably Celtic, whether used by the natives or by the Gauls, or, as is probable, by both. (The name Albion \ i“’&qu\!7‘ \" l’ru Lum r. c O , aezalolum pr. 1 ( is also given by Pliny and Ptolemy). The name of Britain is henceforth used bythe Greek and Latin writers in a great variety of forms, with e or i, (i or i,) with t or tt, and with or without the syllable an, and (in the Byzantine writers) with P for B. Lucretius (vi. 1106), the earliest Roman writer who names Britain, uses the form “Britannis.” But, besides the mere names mentioned by Aristotle, we have evidence of a considerable knowledge of Britain by the m _ ; ‘ L . , ',\ / f“! ’C I , f k a» '\ .i , I . /. / / /‘<\(,\ I; ‘( . ‘w w l r . 0‘ . / Oe mum p Q 3% 8 12 14 10' is :o .2 -4 no if 30 It) Gallic Greeks of the 4th century, from the voyage of Pytheas of Massalia as far north as Thule, which is recorded and criticized by Strabo (i. p. 92). . The accounts given by Strabo himself, and by Diodorus Siculus (i. 4), of the trade between Gaul and Britain, refer evidently to a close intercourse which had been established before the invasion of Caesar. By that time, as Caesar himself tells us, the Belgians of northern Gaul had invaded and taken possession of the south-eastern parts of Britain; there was a constant maritime traffic between the Gallic shores and the region of Cantium (Kent, one of the British names which have survived all changes), and the Veneti of Armorica sought aid from Britain in their naval war with Caesar. Caesar’s de- scription of the island (B. G. v. 12-14), though aided , by his personal observation, gives a measure of the scanty knowledge of it which had been hitherto acquired. One curious error, which he shares with Strabo and other writers down to Pliny, is that regarding the relative positions of its sides to the opposite shores of Europef Their dimensions (800, 500, and 700 Roman miles) are not far wrong, but the whole triangle is pivoted round (so to speak) on the North F oreland (Cantiam Prom), so that the S. coast, looking towards Celtica, is made the Eastern, the E. coast is turned to the N ., and the W. coast is made to /face Spain, with Mona (Man) half way between them. . The erfor arose in part from a Wrong (position of the coast of Gaul, which was made to trend nearly N. and S., and in“ part, probably, from an indefinite prolongation of the N. shore of Kent, the estuary of the Thames being regarded as the open ocean. From the statements of Bede, and other early English writers, who generally follow Latin au- thorities, it appears that the channel (called Wantsama), which cuts off the Isle of Thanet, was often regarded as the real outlet of the Thames, its mouth being placed at Rat/wire (Richboroayh). Among the writers of the first J 0090p" SI BRITANNIA PTOLEMAEI. The minor and later geographical writers, especially the anonymous geographer of Ravenna, are used, with due caution, as supplemental to the lists of Ptolemy. For the military roads and the stations upon them, we have the one great authority of the Antonine Itinerary, compared with existing remains. Of the part of the Tabala Peatinyeriana depicting Britain, only a fragment has been preserved. The Notitia Utriasqae Imperii furnishes the names of the provinces in the last age of the Empire, the chief military stations, and especially the stations along the “ Roman Wall” and the nine great maritime forts of the “ Saxon Coast or Frontier ” (Littas Saxonicum, Limes Sax- onicns). The special Map of the Roman Wall, in the margin, is reduced from that given in the valuable work of Dr. Collingwood Bruce (“The Roman Wall,” 3rd edition, 1867). The method so well followed in that work, of identifying places by inscriptions is ap lied to the whole island in the recently published vo ume of the great Prussian “ Corpus Inscriptionum Latinarum (Vol. VII. Inseriptiones Britannica; Latinas, edidit zEmilias H abner, Berol. 1873: with a map). The ancient authorities have been confirmed, cor- rected, and extended by that vast mass of antiquarian research, the records of which are far too numerous to be even glanced at in detail, The place of honour must be given to Horsley’s Britannia Romana, even above Cam- den and his editor Gough. Special notice is due to the Vetnsta Monamenta of the Society of Antiquaries, Lyson’s Mayna Britannia, and the Monimienta Historica Britannica, the Map appended to which has been com- pared throughout. F or North Britain we have Roy’s Military Antiquities of Scotland, Gordon’s Itinerarimn Septentrionale, Stuart’s Caledonia Romana, and Chalmers’s Caledonia. Among the vast number of papers in the i various Archaeological Journals and Transactions, a special acknowledgment is due for the use made of those by Dr. Guest on the Roman Roads, the Campaigns of Caesar and Aulus Plautius, and—the Early English Set— tlements in Britain. Lastly, on the vexed question of Caesar’s Voyages to Britain, after rejecting the view of Sir George Airy, and carefully weighing the arguments of Mr. Lewin, in favour of the landing at Hythe, against those for the landing near Deal, it seems the safer course to be content with indicating both upon the Map. With greater decision, the course of Caesar’s march is indicated along the old road called the “Pilgrim’s Way,” across the Thames at Cowey Stakes, and up the valley of the Colne to Verulamium. Among the distinctive physical features of Ancient Britain, indicated on the Map, are the following. Thanet is divided from the mainland of Kent by the channel (W antsanm) which Bede (H. E. i. 25) makes three stadia wide, and fordable in two places only. The dimensions of the Anderida Silra (the IVeald of Kent and Sussex), are given by the Chronicle and other early English writers, as 120 miles long, (from Lymne west- ward) and 30 miles wide. The estuary and islands on the site of Romney marsh are inserted from Mr. Lewin‘s Map. Those on the east coast of Norfolk, the coast-line of the Wash, and the outline of Spurn Head, as well as some less important features, are drawn after the Map of Roman Britain in Mr. Pearson’s “ Historical Maps of England.’ ’ HISPANIA. _..__+.______. IT is extremely difficult to construct an accurate and tolerably complete map of ancient Spain, for the topo- graphical statements of Strabo and Mela are generally ennfined to the coast districts; Pliny gives statistical surveys and in part alphabetical lists of towns rather than topographically arranged materials. Ptolemy’s map, on the other hand, is evidently full of great errors, so that those places which are based on its authority alone must always be very uncertain. We are, therefore, here more than elsewhere dependent upon the Itineraries, the ruins, and the inscriptions. As far as this material, which unfortunately is frequently distorted by forged inscriptions, has been worked out by earlier Spanish scholars, it has been made use of in the first volume of Ukert’s Geography, in the articles in the Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography referring to Spain, and in Spruner’s Atlas, whose map of Spain in the new edition of Menke is repeated almost without alteration. A new stage of progress has been opened up by Emil Hubner’s collection and sifting of all the Latin inscriptions in Spain; this work was commenced in 1858, and was published in 1869, as the second volume of the new Corpus Inscriptionam Latinarum. As this splendid work appeared after our Map had been engraved, we have not been able to make use of it, except in so far as Hubner had already communicated the main results of his investigations in the Alonatsberichten der Berliner Ahademie of 1860 and 1861. The now completed collec- tion, in which Hubner himself has modified some of his former opinions, will, later on, after having been thoroughly tested, doubtless give us an opportunity of here and there correcting or completing our map: for the present we shall confine ourselves to giving a list of those towns, whose site, by means of inscriptions, is either accurately or at least very approximately deter- mined, and the ensemble of which, therefore, forms the secure foundation, or the solid framework of the map. The other places marked in our map, if they are situated upon the roads mentioned in the Itineraries, are deter- mined as much as possible according to stated distances, but in all other cases either according to the identity or the resemblance of the ancient and modern names, or according to the succession of names in the descriptions of the coast, or lastly, in the interior, according to the positions mentioned by Ptolemy. We must also remark that the recent maps of modern Spain are not altogether to be depended upon, that they frequently differ from one another, and that the maps of Portugal, which are now being made by royal command, as well as Coello’s maps of Spain, are not yet completed. - In the following list we shall follow the order of the Corpus Inscriptionain, in which Hiibner has first en- deavoured to class them according to their respective Conventns jaridici. The geographical boundary of these conventus is, however, often very problematical, and even the arrangement of the Baetici Conventus, adopted by Hubner is improbable, as has been justly pointed out by Detlefsen (Die Geographic der Prooinz Baetica bei Plinias, in the Philoloyns, vol. xxx., p. 265—310) ; however, this 18.0.1090 consequence to us, for, in our map, the juridical d1v1sion of the country is not taken into consideration. We further take no notice of those localities where the discovery of ruins and inscriptions betray the former ex1stence of ancient towns, for which, however, no ancient names can be discovered. I. LUSITAN IA. Ossonoba, Estoy, near Faro (E g in the map). Balsa, in the neighbourhood of Tamra, near the farm do Trinidade, and the church S. Maria da Luz (E (r). _ Myrtilis, Mertola (E g). " Mirobriga, Santiago de Cacem (D g). Salacia, Alcaeer do Sal (D f). Pax Julia, Beja (E f). . Ebora, municipium Liberalitas, Ecora (E f). Ammaea, Fortaleza (E e) Arltium, ruins near the. village of Alre/a, to the south- east of the town of Abra/ates (D c). i n 2 '12 SOURCES AND AUTHORITIES FOR THE. MAPS. Olisippo sive Olisipo, municipium Felicitas Julia, Lisboa (C f). Scalabis colonia, praesidium J ulium, Santaroin (D e). Colippo, S. Sebastido do Froiro, near Loiria (D e). Conimbriga, Condoioea a rel/2a (D d). Civitas Aravorum, near the village of Doroza, not far from JIIarialba. (This village, according to the map of the Corpus Insert, is not situated where we have placed it, but about 5 m.p. to the west of the river Cuda (Coa), and about 10 mp from the confluence of the Cuda and the Durius.) Civitas Igaeditanorum, Idanlia a collia (E e). Colonia Augusta Emerita, Merida (F f). Metellinum, JIIodollin (G f). ' Turgalium (Turg. inscription No. 618), Turcalium (Geogr. Raven.), Trujillo (G e). The only authority for the form Trogilium, which Ukert, p. 395, has adopted, is the Adversaria Luitprandi, a forged book. N orba colonia Caesarina, Cacoros, or in its neighbour- hood (F e). Caurium, Coria (F d). Capara, las contas do Caparra (F d). Mirobriga municipium, Ciudad Rodrigo (F d). Salmantica, Salamanoa (F d). Caesarobriga, T alai‘ora do la reina (G e). Bletisa, Lodes'ma (G e). Aeminium, Coimbra (D d). II. BAETICA. 1. Conrontus Hispalonsis. Ilipula, Niobla (F g). Arucci, Aroebo (F g). N ertobriga concordia Julia, Valera la cioja, near Frejenal (F f). The identification is Ceret, Jorez de los Caballeros .9 not certain, yet these Segida Restituta Julia, Zafra .9 three towns must have Vama, Saloatiorra? been situated at least in this district (F f). lontributa Julia [Ugultuniacum :9], Medina do las Torres (F f). Regina, Reyna (F f). Curiga, Monasterio (F f). Iporci (?), 0r Laconimurgi Constantia (?), Constantina G . ~ ( lVininigua municipium Flavium, Castillo do la Mulo‘a G . ( Agiiali, municipium Flavium, Lora dol rio (G g). Arva, municipium Flavium, Alcoléa dol rio (G g). Canama, municipium Flavium, Villa nuei‘a dol rio (G g)- Ilipa, Alcala dol rio (G g). ‘Italica, colonia, Santiponao (F g). ' Hispalis, colonia Julia Romula, Seoilla (G g). Osset Julia Constantia (F g), which, according to Pliny iii., § 11, was situated opposite to Hispalis, is either S. Juan do Aziialfaraclie, as in our map, according to the supposition of Spanish scholars, or it was situated, as Hfibner conjectures, near the village of Saltoras, about 7 m. pass. to the west of the Baetis and of Italica. This position is certainly much further from Hispalis than S. Juan, yet the only stone (No. 1,254) upon which resp. Oss. is mentioned, is or was in Saltoras. . _ [Hienipa (?), Alcald do Guadaira, east of Hispahs (G g). This ancient name, which is otherwise unknown, is based solely on the inscription N 0. 1,263, which, ac- cording to Caro, contains the words: capo HIENIPENSIUM. But the more trustworthy copy of Cattaneus gives : onno III. . . . IPENSIUM, which, according to Hiibner’s conjecture, is probably likewise incorrectly read, and seems to have arisen from: ORDO MUN(icipii) . . . IPENSIUM, so that the ancient name of the town remains unknown] Siarum.-In our map this place is given with a query beside the modern town of Utrera (G g) ; but it ought to be placed three leugae to the south of Utrera, according to two inscriptions (1276, 1277) which were found in the corti/o do Gomez Cardegna, not far from Torres do Allocaz, about 5 m. pass. to the east of Cabezas do S. Juan In our map. In the vicinity of this farm (corti/o) there are other two farms, Sarro do mano doreelia and Sarro do mano isquiorda. Salpesa, or Salpensa municipium Flavium, was situated in the neighbourhood of Utrora, probably somewhat more south of this town, in the now desolate locality of an ancient town which is called Fazialcasar. N abrissa or Nebrissa, Venoria, Lebrija (F h). Asta or Hasta colonia Regia, Mesa de Asia (F h). Asido Caesarina, Medina Sidonia (G h). To the east of it, between Aside and Oba, near the modern Aleald ' do los Gazulos, stood an ancient town called Lascuta turris which is evident from an inscription (N 0. 5,041) dis covered in the year 1867. This place is not given in our map. Oba, Jimena do la Frontera (G h). Ocurri, Ubriquo (G h). Saepo s. Saepone, Dobeza do la Fantasia, betWeen Oba and Ocurri (G h). Lacibula, Cortijo do Clarigo, near Grazaloma, about 7 m. pass. north of Ocurri. This place, which is only known from one inscription (No. 1,342), is not given in our map. Acinipo, Ronda la oieja (G h). Arunda, Ronda (G h). According to the most recent investigations of Hubner (in Annali doll’ inst. Arc/moot, vol. xxxiv., p. 75 sqq., and in the Corp. Inscr. ii. p. 182), the town of Munda, celebrated on account of Caesar’s victory over On. Pompeius, was situated not far from Ronda, in the campo do JlIunda near the village of Torre do Albdquime. 2. Coneentus Astigitanus. Callenses, ol Coronil (G g). Basilipo, near ol Arabal (G g). Carmo, Carmona (G g). Urso colonia Genua (?), Urbanorum, Osmia (G g). Sabora municipium Flavium, Canoto la real, or the neighbouring Teba dol Condado (H h). Ostippo, Estopa (H g). Olaura, Lora (II g). Ventipo, Vado Garcia (H g). Astigi, colonia Augusta Firma, Eel/a (G g). I agrum, Aguilar do la Frontora (H g). lia, 11lontomajor (H g). Ucubi colonia Claritas Julia, Espojo (H g). Ipsca (P), Ipscense municipium contributum, Cortijo do Is'car, near Castro ol rio (H g). Igabrum municipium Flavium, Cabra (H g). Iliturgicola and Ipolcobulcola, Carabuag/ and Acald la roal (H g), or vice versa. Tucci colonia Augusta Gemella, ZlIartos (H g). 3. Conrontus Garlilanus. Gades, municipium Augustum, Cadiz (F g). Iptuci. In our map this town is placed in the neigh4 bourhood of Xerox (F h), because the stone No. 1,023, which mentions the ordo Iptucitanorum, is said to have been found there. This statement of the Spanish scholar Delgado is, however, corrected by Hubner, in the Addenda to the Corp. Inscrip, p. 704, in so far that this inscription was really found in Salinas do Cabosas do JIortalos, near Prado dol Roy. Hence Iptuci (Ituci in Pliny, iii., § 15, Hrofmm in Ptolemy) must be placed there. The town is situated about 13 m. pass. north-east of Arcos do la Frontera, not far from the left bank of the G uadalote. There was a municipium on the site of the Areas, but its ancient name is unknown. Baesippo, Barbato (G h). Carteia, ol Rocadillo (G h). Lacippo, Aloe/2ipe, near Casdros (G h). Barbesula, probably la torre y. oortijo do Guadiaro (G h). Suel, Fuonzirola (H h). Iluro, Alora (H h). Certima s. Cartima, Cartama (H h). . Malaca municipium F lavium, Malaya (H k). Abdera, Adra (I h). 4. Coneontus Cordubensis. Nescania, municipium Flavium, Cortijo do Escafia, near ol Valle do Abdalajir (H h). Singili s. Singilia, municipium Flavium liberum, ol Castillon, near Antiquora (H g). Oscua s. Osqua, el eerro do Leon, or la liuerta do Solana, not far from Antiguora (H g). Anticaria municipium, Antiquora (H g). Aratispi, Cauclie el oiojo 0r Villa bio/a dol Cauc/ze (Hh). Ilurco, Pinos puento, south-east of Illora (I g). Iliberris, municipium Florentinum, either Elrira or Granada (Ig). In our map it is classed together with the ruins of Elvira, according to the opinion of the Moors and various Spanish scholars with whom Hfibner also formerly agreed. Modern Granada, which must certainly also correspond with some ancient place, is called in our map N ativola, according to an inscription found by Hoe— fer in the Alhambra, from the time of King Wittericus (603—610 A.D.), who, it says, dedicated a church to Saint Stephen in locum Natieolao ; this inscription Hoe- fer published in the Monatsberiehten dor Berliner Alcade- mio of 1861, p. 24. Hubner now (in the Corp. Inscr. p. 285) agrees with the opinion of those who iden- tify Iliberris with Granada, and thinks that the stone upon which Nativola is mentioned, was probably carried » to Granada from a place belonging to the diocese of Acoi in Hispania Tarraconensis, because the bishop who con- secrated the church was an Accitanus. Cisimbrum, municipium Cimbrense, Dospoblado do Zambra (H g). Ossigi, municipium Latonium, quuiz, near Mongibar (I ). Ilrgavo, municipium Albense, Aijona (H g). Isturgi, municipium Triumphale, los Villares, near Andujar (H f). Obulco, municipium Pontificense, Porcuna (H g). Epora municipium, Montoro (H f). Sacili Martialcs, municipium, Alcorruce’n, near ol Carpio (H g). Corduba, colonia Patricia, Cordova (H g). Carbula (?), Almodarar dol rio (G g). Mellaria, Fuonte Oeofuna (G f) J ulipa, municipium, zalamoa de la Serena (G f). Mirobriga. municipium, Capilla (G f) III. TARRACONENSIS. 1. Conrontus Braccaraugustamls. Braccara Augusta, Braza (D c) Aquae Flaviae, C/iaoos (E c). Civitas Limicorum, near J inzo do Limia (E b). 2. Coneontus Luconsis. Iria Flavia, ol Padron (D b). Flavium Brigantium, la Corunna (D a). Hiibner, in the Corpus Inscr., p. 357, leaves it undecided whether Corunna, where the inscriptions Nos. 2,558, 2,560, 2,561 were found, stands on the site of ancient Flavium Bri- gantium, or whether those inscriptions were carried thither; but in the map of the Corpus Inscr. F lavium Br. is identified with Betanzos, where there are no in- scriptions. However, Hubner’s doubts in regard to the identity of the ancient town with the modern Corunna, are based upon the fact that the old Pharos of Corunna is never mentioned by any ancient author as belonging to F lavium Brigantium, but are removed by a passage in the Spaniard Orosius, i. 2, p. 26, which has escaped his notice: ubi Brigantia Callaeciao cioitas sita altissi/nam pliarum ad speculum Britanniae erigit. Lucus Augusti, Luge (E b). 3. Ceiioentus Asturum. Asturia Augusta, Astorga (F b). Legio VII. Gemina, Loon (G b). 4. Conrontus Clunionsis. Pallantia, Palenza (H b). Cauca, Coca (H c). Segovia, Sogoria (H d). [MAP ll. Clunia Sulpicia Colonia, ruins near the village of Aran- dilla, between Corunna dol Condo, Hinojar, Qaiutaarraya and Ponaloa (I c). ” Uxama Ar‘gaela, Osma (I c). N umantia, near the villages of Garrag/ and Garray/ojo on the river Durius, one leuga to the north of Soria (K c). Augustobr‘iga, Muro do Agrodo (K c). Tritium Magallum, Tricia (K b). 5. Concontus Augustanus. Pompelo s. Pompaelo, Pampluna (L b). Cara, Santaoara near Puonto do la Reyna (L b)- Calagurris Nassica, Calaborra (K b). Turiaso, Tarazona (L c). Caesaraugusta, Zaragoza (M c). Osca, Huosca (M b). Labitolosa, pueblo do Castro on the left bank of the river Cinca. This place, which is only known from the inscription No. 3,008, is not given in our map. Its posi- tion would be (NE) 18 mp. north of the town of Cans. Ilerda, Lerida (N c). Celsa colonia Victrix Julia, near Volitta, on a spot still called Jelsa (M c). Bibilis, Cerro do Bambola, near Calatay/ud (L c). Complutum, near Alcald do Hondros (I d). 6. Coneontus Cart/iaginiensis. Toletum, Toledo (H c). Valeria, Valera do arriba (K e). Consabura s. Consabrum, Consuegra (I e). Oretum, .N. Sonora do Oroto or do Azuquoca, near Granatula (I f). Laminium, municipium Flavium. The inscription 3,228, in which the municipium Laminitanum is men- tioned, was found half a leuga to the north of oil/a nueea de los infantes (F 1). But, according to the Itineraries, Laminium cannot have been situated there, but must be looked for about 17 mp further north, in the neighbourhood of Ruidora (K f). Libisosa, Forum Augustum, colonia, Lozusa (K f). Mentesa Oretanorum, Villa nuoi‘a do la fuom‘o (K f). Our map gives the ancient town of Ilugo, to the south— west of this Mentesa, upon the site of the modern Villa IIermosa, on account of an inscription (N 0. 4,935) having been found there, which appears to mention the muni- cipium Iluginense (v. Hiibner, in the Monatsberic/ito, of 1861, p. 43). This, however, as Hiibner subsequently perceived, is not the case: that municipium is mentioned only upon a stone discovered in Santistoban. Hence, Ilugo must probably be looked for in this district, about 40 mp. to the south of Villa Hormosa, where our map gives the station Ad morum. . Baesucci, municipium Flavium, Vile/eyes, or in its vi- cinity (I f), about 10 mp north of Castulo. This town, which has become known through the inscription No. 3,251, is not given in our map. Castulo, Cazlona (I f). Tugia, municipium Flavium, Toga (I g). Vivatia or Viatia, municipium Flavium, Bae'za (I f). Those inscriptions which give the name in the form of Beatia, are considered by Hiibner, p. 450, to be forgeries. [Mentesa Bastia s. Bastitanorum, la Guardia, according to Hubncr, Mano/ta Real (I g) in our map. The ordo Montesanus is certainly mentioned in an inscription (3,378) preserved in La Guardia, a village which, ac- cording to the map of the Corpus Inscr., is situated 7 m. pass. south of Jaon; but it is very doubtful whether Mentesa is to be placed there on this account, for the distance between Castulo and Guardia, according to the map of the Corp. Inscr. is 38 m. pass, whereas, accord‘ ing to the Itineraries, p. 402, the distance between Cas- _ tulo and Mentesa is only 22 m.p., which would carry us to the latitude of Mano/2a Real, for which reason the Spanish scholars, Beltram and Mazas, with great proba< bility also refer the inscription 3349, preserved in Mancha Real, to Mentesa. Other inscriptions (3,377, 3,380) which speak of Mentesa, are preserved in Jaen, which town some Spanish scholars likewise consider to be Mentesa, whereas the majority of the inscriptions found there prove rather that it corresponds with the ancient Aurgi. The inscription 3,378, therefore, seems to prove as little about the site of Mentesa as the inscriptions 3,377 and 3,380.] Acci, colonia Julia Gemella, Guadia (I g). Basti, Baza (K g). Carthage Nova, colonia, Cart/iagona (L g). Ilici, colonia Julia Augusta, Etc/lo (M f). Lucentum, Alicanto (M f). Dianium municipium, Donia (N e). Sactabis, municipium Augustum, J atira (M e). 7. Convontus Tarmaconensis. Valentia colonia, Valencia (M e). CivitasEdetanorum, Liria (M c). Saguntum, Jlfurviodro (M e). Dertosa colonia, Tortosa (N d). Tarraco colonia Julia Victrix Triumphalis, 7hrragona (O c). J essus s. Jesso municipium, Guisona (O c). Aeso, Isona (O b). Sigara municipium, Prato dol rep (0 c). Aquae calidae (?), Caldas do JIIombuy, about 17 mp. to the north of Barcellona (P c), is not given in our map. Whether these are the Aquae calidae of Pliny, iii., § 23, and whether those of Pliny are identical with the Aquae calidae of the Ausetani mentioned by Ptolemy, as Hubner (p. 598') supposes, cannot be decided, because this district is very rich in hot springs. In our map the Aquae calidae of Ptolemy are identified with the town of Baflolas, because its site corresponds with the position given by Ptolemy. Egara, municipium Flavium, Tarrasa s. Tarasca (0 c). Barcino, colonia Faventia Julia Augusta Pia, Barrel-v lona (P c). Bactulo, Badalona (I) c). Iluro, ZlIataro (P c). Vicus Ausetanorum, Viol: (P c). Gerunda, Gorena (l’ c). MAPS 12 is 13.] SOURCES AND AUTHORITIES FOR THE MAPS. 13 Emporiae, Castellon de Empurias (in our map it is placed too far south). We must add a few remarks on some special points of our map. On the south coast of Lusitania, and on the site of modern Silves, we have marked an ancient town of the same name Silbis (D g); whether this is correct is doubtful, for the inscription upon the authority of which the addition is made, is in all probability a forgery. (See Corp. Inscr. N o. 2 of the inscriptiones falsae, and Hiibner on the same.) To the west of the island of Heraclea, which lies opposite the town of Qnoba in the Aestuarium of the Lux1a (rio Tinto), which we know of from Strabo and Stephanus Byz., our map gives the Cartare insula mentioned by Avienus (Ora Merit, 255). However, we now do not consider this island to be dif- ferent from Heraclea, for it seems probable that Cartare, was situated in the Aestuarium of the Luxia from the fact that the corrupt words of our text, Eamque (sc. Cartaren insulam), pridem inflame satis est fides Tenuere Uempsi, are most readily corrected into: Eamque pridem in Luxia (satis est fides) Tenuere Cempsi. The fuller name of the island may have been Heraclea Cartaria, in the same way as there was an Heraclea Caccabaria on the coast of Gaul. Both Cartare and Caccabe are men- tioned as being the more ancient names of Carthago, and Cartare in addition is spoken of as the mother of Her- cules (Ampelius lib. mem. ‘c. 3; Mover’s Phon. Altertb. ii. p. 138). After the island of Cartare there follows, in Avienus, Mons Casius to the east, which must corre- spond with the Arenei montes of Pliny, the modern Arenas gordas. This is the less to be doubted as the same name of Casius Mons is also given to the sand- downs of the Egyptian coast. ‘ The western mouth of the Baetis, given in the map, is purely hypothetical, for the present river, as we know, has only one mouth, whereas the ancients speak of two, between which lay an island, the breadth of which at the coast, according to Strabo, was 100 stadia. This island is doubtless the present Isla may/or. It at one time either extended further south, or, what is more probable, the sea here formed a deep bay, so that the coast-line from Anas to Gades, which now measures about 80 m. pass. in length, was formerly 102 stadia, as stated by Varro (in Pliny, iv. § 116). The opinion of D’Anville and Gosselin, which has recently again been maintained by Miillenhof (Avien’s ora maritima in the Deutscbe Altertliiimer, i. p. 126 sqq. 1870), and accord- ing to which the eastern arm of the Baetis is represented by the river Guadalete, which empties itself oppos1te the town of ‘Gades, and which at a later time was connected with the Guadalquivir by a canal, seems to us untenable. Strabo, iii. p. 168, does indeed say that Gades 1s Situated not far from the mouth of the Baetis (n79 éxBoAfis rofi Batrios wAnaL’ov), but that this elastic expression cannot be understood in the way in which Mullenhof interprets it, is clear from Strabo’s preceding description of the coast, iii. p. 140, as well as from Mela, iii., 1, 5, and from the map of Ptolemy. . To the west of Castulo, between the last-mentioned town and Linares, and in the vicinity of the mina Men Baca, the tombstone of one Balbus Egelestanus has been discovered (See Corp. Inscr., p. 710, N. 5091). If we connect this with the fact that, according to Pliny, xxx1., § 80, there were salt mines near Egelestaek then we probably cannot doubt that this town was Situated in the neighbourhood of those mina Men Baca. But it cannot be identical with the Egelasta mentioned by Strabo, iii. p. 160, which Spanish scholars have hypo- thetically classed together with the modern Iniesta (L e), and which according to Strabo’s words must, 1n any case, have been situated upon a road leading from the east or north-east towards Castulo. It is not a rare occurrence to find different towns in Spain with the same name. A third Egelestae is probably the ’Eré- Accra (read ’Eye’Awra) which Ptolemy (ii: 5, p. 126, ed. Wilberg) gives not far from the Durius 1n the country of the Carpetanians. MAP 12. GALLIA. ”H THE smaller map, which gives a. survey of the cam- paigns of Caesar and his generals, is taken on a reduced scale from the Carte de le Gaule sous le proconsulat de Cesar, dressée par la commission spéciale instituée au ministére de l’instruetion publique et des cultes d’aprés les ordres de SM l’empereur, 1861. (Eclielle de 1,600,000.) The objections made against some pomts of the French map, by Boulez, Borgnet, and Wauters (Rapport soumis d l’académie dc Bruwelles par trois de ses membres), by Grandgagnage (Dissertation sur Aduatuca), and Heller (in the Philologus, 1862), have been submltted to a thorough examination by General Creuly (Carte de la Gaule sous le proconsulat de Gésar: Ewamen des observa- tions critiques auxquelles cette carte a donne’ lieu en Belgique et en Allemagne, in the Revue archéolgique, 18.63,. Jain et Julliet), according to which most of 'the objections are not well founded, and the doubtful pomts areopposed by conjectures as doubtful. Yet he recognises it as correct that the positions of the Condrusi, Segnl, and Cares1 (the neighbours of the N ervii and the Eburones: v1de O b and P b of our large map) are erroneously marked In the French map, and that the Belgian scholars have rightly corrected these mistakes. The Portus Itius, the site of which has so repeatedly been discussed, is in our map the modern port VVissant, and the Portus Superior, the modern Sangatte, .as has been supposed among others by G. Long 1n the Dictionary, ii. p. 100, and by the Commission frangaise. The very improbable opinion expressed by Cluver (German. Antiq. ii. 28) that the Portus Itius is identical with the Portus Gesoriacus, has again found an advocate in the Abbé Haigneré (Etude sur le portus Itius de J. O'ésar. Re’futation d’un mémoire de M de Saulcy, Paris, 1862). The Portus Superior, according to de Saulcy (Les campagnes de Cesar dans les Gaules, 1862), would be the modern harbour of Calais. The town of Bratuspantium of Caesar, which D’Anville and the Commission place at ‘ Vendreuil Gaply, near Breteuil, must rather, according to the investigations, of Grattier (Essai sur l’emplacement de Noviodunum Suessionum et de Bratuspantium, Amiens 1862), be identified with the Caesaromagus of Ptolemy, the subsequent Bellovaci (Beauvais), as Walckenaer (Géogr. des Gaules, i. p. 427), and G. Long, in the Dictionary, i. p. 428, have considered as probable. The foundation of the larger map is likewise the work of the French commission, the results of which have been published by Alex. Bertrand under the title of: Les voies romaines en Gaule. Voies des Itine’raires. Resume’ du travail de la commission de la topographic des Gaules, in the Revue archaeol, 1863, Juin~Octobre, and in a separate edition, Paris, 1864. In regard to the districts of the Rhine countries, we have in addition made use of the works of German scholars, among whom we must mention: F. W. Schmidt, Forscliungen uber nocb vorbandene Reste der Militarstrassen der Rb‘mer in den Rbeinliindern, in the Jalirbiicbe des Vereins der Altert/zums-fl‘eunde im R/ieinlande, Band xxxi., also the separate edition, Bonn, 1861. A. Rein, Die ro'misclien Stationsorte and Strassen zwisc/zen O’olonia Agrippina und Burginatium, Crefeld, 1857. A. Dederich, Gesc/iicbte der Rbmer and Deutsclien am Nieder-rhein, Emmerich, 1854. J. Schneider, Die ro'misc/ie N iederlassung in Holedorn, und der Teufelsburg bei Nimieegen. E. Paulus, Der rb'miscbe Granzwall von [Io/zenstaufen bis an den Main, Stuttgart, 1863. In regard to details we are upon the whole very well informed about the position of the Gallic civitates of the time of the emperors, and the disputed points generally refer only to the special directions of the ancient roads and to the position of the smaller stations marked upon these roads, the relative distances of which are often evidently incorrectly marked in the Itineraries. Since the work of the Commission, French scholars in all parts of France have endeavoured to settle some of the disputed questions in special treatises, by means of an accurate local knowledge. A critical examination of these very numerous provincial treatises which, however, it would be difficult to collect, would doubtless essentially con- tribute towards making the map of ancient Gaul more correct. In the meantime we refer our readers to Desjardin’s edition of the Tabula Peutingeriana. Special remarks :—The road, leading from Aquae Tarbellicae (G i) to Pompelo in Spain, is drawn in our map in such a manner that, in accordance with D’Anville, Lapie, Walckenaer and the French commission, the station Carasa, situated on this road, corresponds with the modern Garris. But according to this supposition all the distances given in the best codices of the Itine- raries, p. 455, would be erroneous. Hence the direction of this road, given in the later map of Spain, is more likely to be correct; it is adopted by Ukert, Mannert, and Reichardt. The Lemanus lacus has received a second name in our map, the Accion L. It is taken from Avienus (Ora Marit. 673), and is based upon the supposition that the shores of the lake were peopled by a tribe called the Accii, who may perhaps be identical with the Acitavones mentioned by Pliny, iii. § 137, as living beside the Salassians. We now consider this conjecture to be improbable, and should like to remove the name of Accion L., and also that of the Acitavones, the position of which cannot be determined. In the Pbilologus, vol. xxxii. p. 144 (1872), we have endeavoured to show that in the Greek authority of Avienus‘the rapidly flowing Rhodanus was called ’Am’s (Aculeus in the Cos- mographia of the Pseudoaethicus), and the lake through which it flowed, the ’szsos Alum) (from which is derived the Accios of the codex of Avienus). It is therefore a poetical appellation of the river, which was never actually used as its name. The river Obrincas, which is mentioned by Ptolemy as the boundary between Germania Superior and Ger. Inferior, and which some consider to be the Moselle, others the Aar, is identified in our map with a small stream that flows into the Rhine south of the Aar, near Rizeineclc, the Vinxtbacb (i.e. Bach or brook of the fines); this we do in accordance with the votive inscriptions found there, and dedicated to the finibus et genio loci. Vid. F. W. Schmidt in the Annalen des Naussauiscben Vereins, vol. vi., Heft i., p. 115—202, and Freudenberg, Epigra- pbisc/ie Analecten in the Jabrbiic/zern des Vereins von Altertbumsfreunden im Rbeinlande, vol. xxix., p. 89. The road leading from Vindonissa (R e) to Augusta Vindelicorum (T d) and to the Limes Transdanubianus, is in our map drawn in such a manner that the station Sumlocennis of the Tabula Peuting. is identified with the modern Ebingen, according to the opinion of Lapies in the Itineraries. Still, however much the opinions of scholars may differ in regard to the details of these roads, this much seems to be settled by recent investigations, that Sumlocennae must be the modern Rotenburg, and the road has been indicated in this sense in the map of Rhaetia. MAP 13. GERMANIA, RHAETIA, NORICUM. ___+___._ THE details of the larger map of Germania are founded - upon Pliny and Tacitus; the smaller map gives the exact nomenclature of Ptolemy’s geography, which appears to have been compiled from various sources. This conse- quently renders the explanation extremely difficult (vide Mullenholf’s essay in Haupt’s Zeitscbrift, vol. ix., p. 231 sqq.), and has given rise to the disparaging criticism which W'ietersheim has written upon it in the Abliandlungen der Ifo'nigl. sdc/isisc/zen Gesellsc/iaft der mssenscbaflen, vol. ix., p. 112 sqq. (Leipzig, 1857.) Our Ptolemaic map gives the Finni as the inhabitants of the northern portion of the island of Scandia, a people we do not find mentioned in any previous editions of Ptolemy. There is a gap in the Greek text, which is filled up by the excellent codex Vaticanus, 191, according to which the passage has to be read as follows: Kare’xovm abrfys (SC. Tfis Emmi/bias) Ta MEI; buriKaXacbewoi, Ta B’dz'aToAiKa (Davdvai Kai (Dipaicrm, 7'21. 5’ [deTLKa (PL/111201., Ta 5%] Mamm- Bpwa Fofirai Kai AavKioves. The words Within the brackets are supplemented from the codex Vat. This proves that Firaesi is by no means a corrupt form of the name, as Zeuss (Die Deutsclien, p. 504) believes, and that it corresponds to the Finnaithae in J ordanes (De Get. c. 3), but that the F innaithae, F eroir, and Gauthigoth, whom Jordanes names together are the Finni, Firaesi and Gutae of Ptolemy. The name Firaesi signifies the same as Frisi. It may be concluded that at one time Frisi also inhabited Norway, where, from Saxo and from Adam von Bremen, we know of a district Finnia, the inhabitants of which are called Finnenses or Finwedi, and from the fact that the mythical King Firm is mentioned as the ruler of the Frisians and Jutes both in Beowulf and in the Anglo-Saxon ballad Traveller’s Song (vide C.Volckmar,Zur Stammes-und Sagengescliiclite der Friescn und Gliaucen, p. 27, Aurich, 1867.) From the Codex Vaticanus, Burguntae is written in place of the vulgate Buguntae, and Osanda in place of the vulgate Asanca, because both of these towns are situated in the district, in which, according to Tacitus (Germ, 28, 43) the Osi lived, and Osanda perhaps corresponds to the modern Sandulc. It is probable also that the form of the name Busacteri, in place of Bructeri, usually employed by other authors, is founded on a clerical error, for the codex Vat. instead of BovO’dK'repOL has in one passage Botxrepm, and in another ’ABpofixrepoa. Among the authorities made use of for our map, we must mention, in addition to the Dictionary, s.v. Ger- mania, F. A. Ukert, Germania nae/i den Ansic/iten der Griec/ien und Ro'mer, Weimar, 1843. E. Giefers, Rbmer-spuren an der Lippe, Paderborn, 1868. P. Wislicenus, Die Gescliiclite der Elbgermanen vor der Volker-wanderung, Halle, 1868. M. F. Essellen, Zur Gesc/z-ic/ite der Kriege zwisc/ien den Romern and Deutsc/ien, 1868. The latter, in a recently published treatise, Das Varianisc/ie Scblacbtfeld im Kreise Beclmm, Berlin, 1874, which is well deserving of perusal, en- deavours to prove that Aliso is not the modern Elsen at the sources of the Lippe, but that it must be looked for nine German miles further west, near Hamm, where the A/zse flows into the Lippe, and that the Roman camp is still to be found in the forest of Havixbroclc, two-thirds of a mile South of Bee/cum, and hence that the saltus Teuto- burgiensis is not the modern Osning or the southern portion of it, but the hilly district near Beckum. In regard to Rhaetia, we must mention: E. Booking, in the Commentar. to the Notitia Dignitatum, vol ii., p. 758, foll., Bonn, 1853. Graf von Hundt, Ueber die Romer-strasse des linken Donau-ufers in the Sitzungs- beric/zten der Kb’n. bayerisclzen Akademie der Wissenscbaften zu .Miinc/ien, 1861 (i., p. 421—437). E. Paulus, Er- kla'rung derPeutingerisclien Tafel mit besondererAnwendung derselben auf die Ro'mer-strassen von Windiscli (Vindonissa) nae/i Regensburg (Reginum), and von Pfin (Ad Fines) nacli Augsburg (Augusta Vindelicorum), Stuttgart, 1866. W. Christ, Das militdrisc/ie Militdrdiplom von Weissenburg, Miinchen, 1868, in which there are several well founded objections to the explanations of Paulus. P. E. Planta, Das alte Rbaetien, Berlin, 1872, where, on pages 73—95, he gives a survey of the ancient roads. But what is far more important for the ancient geography of Rhaetia and N oricum are the inscriptions of these countries in the third volume of the Corpus Inscriptionum Latinarum (Berolini, 1873), commented upon by Th. Mommsen, which, however, unfortunately could not be made use of. The road leading from J ulium Carnicum (L i), by Loncium and Aguntum, to Sebatum (I i) in our map, is drawn in such a manner that, according to the general opinion, Loncium corresponds to the modern Liens, and Sebatum to the modern Seben, in doing which it has indeed to be assumed that the distances given in the Itin. Anton., p. 279, are partially erroneous. The distance between J ulium Carnicum and Loncium, which, according to the Itin., amounts only to 22 mp, had to be twice as great. We now conjecture that an inter- mediate station has been omitted, which was situated near the modern Maut/ien, on the river Gail; for that there existed an ancient town and custom-station in that place, is proved by an inscription found there. Mommsen, however, considers the numbers stated in the Itineraries to be correct, and draws the road in the following way, which differs from our opinion :— Mommsen: In our opinion .' Julium Carnicum, Zuglio. J ulium Carnicum, Zuglio. XXII. [XXIL] Loncium, Mauthen. I: * "' * “ Mauthen.] XVIII. XXII- Loncium, Lienz. Aguntum, Lienz. XVIII. (read XXIII.) XXIII. ' Litamum, Innichen. Aguntum, $325711? XXIII. Litamum, near S.-Lorenzen. Sebatum, near S.-Lorenzen. XXIII. XXXIII. (there are, however, Sebatum, Seben. ‘ ' only XXVIII.) XXXIII. (read XXVIII.) Vipitenum, Sterzing. Vipitenum, Sterzing. Mommsen thinks this new arrangement confirmed by the fact that near 6'. Lorenzen there is a milestone, 10 feet high, with the inscription: AB AG (AI was read by the first editor) M. P. LVI, whereas, upon another mile- stone further east, between Tolbacli and Niedern-dorf, I“ 14 SOURCES AND AUTHORITIES FOR THE MAPS. [MAPS 14 & 15. and belonging to the same road, the number of miles is XLIII. The AB AG is supposed to mean Ab Agaonto or Aganto. If this is the case, then Aguntum cannot certainly have been Innichen, which is only 23 mp. from Lorenzen; but as little can it be identified with Lienz, which is only 46, and not 56 mp. distant; for it can hardly be supposed that those colossal milestones can now be 10 miles distant from their original position. Hence we presume that the AG refers to the unknown name of the frontier town which corresponds to the modern Jlfanthen, on the river Gail, and that a road proceeded direct from this station westwards through the valley of the Gail to Innichen, but that another road from the same Maathcn in a northern direction led to Liens, and thence proceeded to Inn-ichen. This supposition is con- firmed by a milestone on the road from Maathen to Liens, near Oberdraaberg, with the figure VIII. which corresponds to the distance from Maathen, and hence must have been calculated from that place, and not, as Mommsen thinks, from Liens (Mommsen’s Aguntum), which is at least 12 miles distant. In the same way the above-mentioned numbers of miles, 43 and 56, can be explained when they are referred to a road leading from Maathen direct to Innichen. MAP 14. THRAGIA, MOESIA, ILLYRIA, PAN- NONIA, DACIA. _.4__. THE recently published third volume of the Corp. Inscriptionam could also not be used for these countries. 0. Allard, La Bulgarie orientale, Paris, 1864, deserves credit for having more accurately determined the site of Tomi (Kestemlje) and some of the neighbouring towns in Lower Moesia. In regard to the site "of Troesmis (Iglitza), now ascertained through inscriptions, vide Bal- letino dell’ institato cli corrisponclenza archeologica, 1864, p. 193, 260, and L. Renier, Inscriptions cle Troesmis, 1865. Of the province of Dacia, which was first esta- blished by Trajan (107 A.D.), and given up under Gal— lienus (256 A.D.), we know very little. The first division of the province into Dacia superior and Dacia inferior found in two inscriptions cannot be more accurately ascertained; we can only conjecture that here, as in the case of Moesia, an eastern and a western portion was distinguished. As little can we accurately determine the subsequent three divisions of the country, which are like- wise known only from inscriptions, viz.: Dacia Parolis- sensis (the chief town of which is Porolissus, Parolissus, Paralissus), Dacia Ap-alensis (with the chief city of Apu- lum), and D. Malaensis (so-called from a colony Malu- ensis, of unknown situation, mentioned in a diploma of the year 230). Of the roads given in the Tabula Peutingeriana, we can, with some degree of certainty, determine the direction of those leading from Vimina- cium (Kostolatz), and Tierna (Orsova) to Tibiscus (near Karansebes), Sarmizegetusa (Varhe’lg or Gradistie) and Apulum (Karlsharg). Much less certain is the recon- struction of the road from Drobeta to Romula, and thence to Cedoniae (Hermanstaclt) and Apulum. From the specified distances we conclude that, in all proba- bility, this road led through Amutrium (Motra) to the ford of the Danube, near Oescus, and thence northwards, along the Alata to Apulum. As regards the road from Apulum to Parolissus, this much hitherto appeared to be certain, that the town of Salinae was identical with the modern Torda, where there are the most celebrated Salinae of Transylvania, and where was found an inscrip- tion (N o. 658 in Ackner, and Muller, Die remischen Inschriften con Dacien, Wien, 1864) in which a Colle- gium Salinarium, is mentioned. As however, this place is about 40 mp. distant from Apulum, whereas the Tabula Peuting. only gives 24, it was supposed, either that the numbers were corrupt, or that an intermediate station (the town which Ptolemy places between Apulum and Salinae) had been lost. According to this, the town following upon Salinae, Patavissa or Potaissa, might with some degree of probability be referred only to Clausen- burg, and this again seemed to be confirmed by an in- scription (No. 724 in Ackner) said to have been found there, in which the letters 0 O I. P. are interpreted as signifying Colonia Patavissa. Napoca, the town follow- ing after a distance of 24 mp, then falls upon the site of Seamosajcar, as is assumed in our map in accordance with Ackner, l.c. Neither Ackner nor Muller ventures upon determining the position of the following stations of Optiana (16 m.), Largiana (15 m.), Oersie (17 m.), and Parolissus. We have contented ourselves with marking two positions as likely for Parolissus, one of which lies to the north-east of Szamosajcar, near the modern Rodna, where there are ancient gold mines. ‘ The position indicated in the map of Ptolemy would, in so far, correspond to ours, as, in his, Parolissus stands to the north-east of N apoca. Moreover, there are traces of an ancient road in this direction, in the valley of the Seamos. However, as far as we know, there have been no ruins of a larger town discovered as yet in that locality. On the other hand, such do exist in the second position conjectured as the site of Parolissus, to the north-west of Seamosajcar, to the west of the town of Zilah, in a place which is now called Moigracl, the length of the road to which place, in the valley of the river Zamos from Seamosajcar, would amount to about 50 mp. Theodor Mommsen likewise supposes this to be the site of the ancient Parolissus (Corp. Inscrip, vol. iii.), and we can now scarcely doubt the correctness of this supposition after what Mommsen learned about those ruins from Carl Torma, an archaeologist, born in northern Dacia. Besides this, Mommsen constructs the Itinerary differently from what we have done in our map, inas- much as he identifies the Salinae of Forda with Patavissa, the Salinae of the Tab. Peuting. with another Salinae, situated near Feleincz, and declares the above-mentioned inscription discovered in Forda to be a forgery. The other inscription quoted above (N o. 724 Ackner), which to us appears very suspicious, is not to be found in the ' new Corp. Inscrip. following :— Mommsen’s arrangement is the Apulum mun. et colonia, antea Carnabae, Karlsbarg. XII. mp. (18 according to the map of the C. I.) Brucla, Brutia in the Geogr. Rav., near Nagg-Enged. (Inscrip. N. 940—43.) XII. (10 in the map). Salinae, Felcincz, near the Salinae of Maros- char. (N. 933—35.) XII. Potaissa, Patavissa, vicus, postea colonia, Forcla. (N. 875—932). XVI. Optatiana (so. castra), Magyar Gorbo. (N. 844.) XV. Largiana (Lagiana G. Rav.), Zator. (N. 842—843.) XVII. (10 in the map.) . Cersie (Cercie, G. Rav.), near Rombot and Magyar- Egregg. (N. 839—41.) Porolissus, Parolissus, Moigraal. (N. 836—38.) Although this arrangement may, in some cases, be doubtful, we consider the main points to be correct, for if we refer the Salinae to Felvincz, and remove the former identification of the Salinae with Forcla (“ quae per saecula pro certissimo antiquae Daciae choro- graphiae fundamento habita earn totam corrupit,” p. 172) we are not obliged to assume greater errors in the Tabula Peut. In addition, we should like to draw attention to the following fact in favour of Mommsen’s interpretation, that mid-way between Forela and Olausen- burg, in the village of Aiton, a milestone (N. 1,627, p. 256, Momms.) was discovered, the last words upon which are: Fecit (so. viam Trajanus an. 109 AD.) per ooh. I. Fl. Ulp. Hisp. mil. 0. R. (29.—A Potaissa Napocae M p. X. If the word N apocae is here understood to mean, as Mommsen thinks, and we ourselves formerly thought, that Potaissa at that time belonged to the territory of the town of N apoca, it would not affect the site of Potaissa ; for the X. m.p. might just as well be reckoned from Clausenbarg as from Forda, for the stone is equi- distant from both places. However, this interpretation of the word N apocae appears to us inadmissible, for such statements are not found upon milestones; it is more likely to suppose that the unclassical stonemason wrote Napocae instead of Napocam, much in the same way as, for example, the following words are given upon two Sardinian milestones (v. La Marmora, Veg. en Sard. vol. ii., 11. 21 and Angius, Bibl. Sard. fasc. 2, p. 43): ciam, quae a Karalihas clacit Olbiae (sic), restitiiit. But in this case Potaissa can only have been Forda, and by no means Klaasenbarg. The town known from the tabulae ceratae of the gold mines of the village of Verespatah, and which in our map, according to Ackner and Miller, is called Alburnum majus (the Latin tables give Alburno majori), Momm- sen, probably more correctly, calls Alburnus major, as a table written in Greek has “ 655‘ ”Ahfiovpvov usydhnv.” Alburnum minus, Abrad Banga, is entered in the map according to H. Eisig, Briefe aas Siebenhiirgen in the Aaslana’ 1872, N. 7. The ancient name corresponding with the modern Zalathna or Goldmarht, is, in our map, Ampeia, in Mommsen, Ampelum. It cannot be said which is right. In the inscription 1,303, which tells us of the place, it is doubtful whether we have to read ordo Ampele or Ampeie. MAP 15. HISTORICAL MAPS 0F ITALY. SARDINIA AND CORSICA. ____+_.__. THE first map, Italy before the immigration of the Galli in the sixth century, 13.0., gives the distribution of the tribes inhabiting the Italian peninsula at the most flourishing period of Magna Graecia and of the Etruscan power, when the name Italy was still limited to the southern point of the peninsula, or to the country which the Greeks called Oenotria. We have placed the north-west boundary of the territory ruled over by the Etruscans, near Antium or Antipolis, on the Varus fl. For the town of Antium, to which, according to Scylax (§ iv. p. 17), the Ligurians extended, is not Genua, as Letronne (Journal ales Sacants, 1826, p. 84) thinks, nor is it on the Arnus, as Cluver and Otfried Muller believe, nor is it to be looked for in Acenza, near Lana, as Menke has it in map x. of his atlas, but as Holstenius (Annot. in Claceri Italiam, p. 2) and Ukert ( Gallia p. 22) have already perceived, it is identical with Antipolis, which Scymnus Chius, v. 216 (from Ephorus) called the most eastern town of the Ligurians. The names ”Away and ’Avn’woALs could be employed together, as the Mas- saliot colony Athenopolis (Plin. iii., § 35; Mela ii. 5) is also called Athenae (Varro dc Ling. Lat.'vii. 18; Steph. Byz. s.v.). Further, the length of the coast-line from Antium to Rome, which Scylax states to be four days’ and nights’ voyage, or 4,000 stadia, corresponds with that of Pliny (iii. §50, 51), who reckons the distance from the Varus to the Tiber to be 495 mp. or 3,960 stadia, Moreover, the coast from the Varus as far as the Arno, and still further, may at that time have been in- habited by Ligurians, subject to Etruscan dominion, in the same manner as Umbrians inhabited southern Etruria. VETUS LATIUM.—The determination of the boun- daries of ancient Latium is based upon the conclusion of the Latin confederacy about the year 384 B.C. “As the law had hitherto stood (says Mommsen, Hist. ‘of Rome, Dickson’s translation, lib. ii., c. 5, p. 358) every sovereign city founded by Rome and Latium took its place among the communes entitled to participate in the federal festival and diet, while on the other hand, every community incorporated with another, and thereby po- litically annihilated, was erased from the ranks of the members of the league. At the same time, however, according to Latin use and wont, the number once fixed of thirty federate communities was so adhered to, that of the participating cities never more and never less than thirty were entitled to vote, and a number of the communities that were later in entering, or were dis- qualified for their trifling importance or for the crimes they had committed, were without the right of voting.” The list of the 30 confederate towns is given by Diony- sius Hal. when speaking of Latium’s declaration of war against Rome in the year 498 B.C.; it appears, how- ever, from reasons stated by Mommsen, that it is a list of those towns, which were subsequently regarded as the regular members of the Latin confederacy, but not as having formed their original numbers. These are: 1. N omentum, 2. Tibur, 3. Gabii, 4. Scaptia, 5. Labici, 6. Pedum, 7. Praeneste, 8. Corbio, 9. Tusculum, 10. Bovil- lae, 11. Aricia, 12. Lanuvium, 13. Laurentum, 14. La- vinium, 15. Ardea in the Territory of the Rutuli, and afterwards in the country of the Volsci; 16. Corioli, 17. Velitrae, 18. Latricum, 19. Cora, 20. Norba, 21. Setia, 22. Circeii. The other places of unknown site are: 23. Rubetani, 24. Carventani, 25. Cabani, 26. F or- tinei, 27. Querquetulani, 28. Tellinci, 29. Tolerini, 30. Tricrini (P) . “Besides these thirty, seventeen other places, whose A names are not known with certainty, had the privilege of participating in the Latin festival without the right of voting. The Latin confederacy continued henceforth unalterably fixed on this footing. The Latin commu- nities founded subsequently, such as Sutrium, N epete, Gales, and Terracina, were not admitted into the con- federacy, nor were the Latin communities subsequently divested of their autonomy, such as Tusculum and Satri- cum, erased from the list. So long as the Latin con- federacy continued open, the bounds of Latium had advanced with the establishment of new federal cities; but as the later Latin colonies had no share in the Alban festival, they were not regarded geographically, as part of Latium. For this reason Ardea and Circeii were reckoned as belonging to Latium, but not Sutrium or Tarracina. Within the Latin confederacy there was a separate league of five old Latin communities, Aricia, Tusculum, Tibur, Lanuvium, and Laurentum, and of three new Latin, Ardea, Suessa Pometia, and Cora, which grouped themselves round the shrine of the Ari- cian Diana.” (Mommsen, lib. ii., 0. 5, p. 359.) We have no remark to make in regard to the other general maps of Italy. The Military Map of Italy, about 150 B.C., is borrowed from that of Mommsen. SARDINIA.——Our first and more accurate knowledge of the topography of ancient Sardinia is derived from De la Marmora’s excellent work, VOgage en Sardaigne, 2 vols., Paris 1838, upon which E. H. Bunbury’s Sardinia in the Dictionary is based. In De la Marmora‘s later work, Itine'raire de l ’ile de Sardaigne, 2 vols., Turin 1860, the author has modified his former opinions in some points; ancient places whose site he previously did not venture upon determining, he now assigns to definite positions by the help of some more recently published documents from supposed coolici cartacei d’Arborea (1856), which give very minute accounts of the early history of Sardinia from the mythical period of Iolaus. All this we have left unnoticed, as these newly revealed autho- rities are known to be a very modern fabrication. The work of H. von Maltzan, Reise aaf der Insel Sardinien, does not contain anything new in regard to ancient geography. Our map differs in some points from that given by De la Marmora. The Itinerarium Anton., our main source, gives on p. 78 a road a porta Tibulae Oaralis, and on p. 81 two other routes; a Tibulas Oaralis and item a Tibulas Salcis. The point where both commence was the northern corner of the island, where Sara’o tango now is. If this Tibula or Tibulae is iden- tical with the portus Tibulas, on p. 78, whence there is a road of 79 mp. leading through Turullo minore, Elephantaria and Longone to Olbia, then the Itinera- rium either gives wrong distances or, as De la Mar- mora thinks, it has arisen from a confusion of two different Itineraries referring to the same road. But in addition to this, Ptolemy also must have been mis- taken, for he gives a Tibula about 20 mp. to the east of Turris Libisonis (porto Torre). This, however, is not very probable; a more likely conclusion, from: the Iti- nerarium Ant. and from Ptolemy, is that in Sardinia there were not only two Viniolas, two Turublums, two Gurulis, two Sulci, and two N uras, but also two Tibulae, one of which was situated near Castell Sardo, the other however, near Sardo lango, identical with the Longone of the Itiner. p. 79,3, and that to distinguish it, it possessed the fuller name of Tibula Longone, or Tibulae Longones. The towns of Adselona (now Arsa- chena) and Heraeum, which in our map are given on the road leading from this Tibula, are based on Ptolemy,. who places an ‘Hpafov to the north of Olbia, and on the Geogr. Raven. p. 411, 15 ed. Parthey, where we find: Adselona, Sacerci (which has probably originated out of Sac. erei, i.e. iepofi ‘Hpai’ov), Vivio (i.e. Ulbio, Olbia). From the lists of the Geographus Ravennas, which De la Marmora has not used, we have adopted several other names which can easily be identified with modern lo- calities, such as the following places which are named together on p. 412, 10, as situated upon the road leading in a direct northern direction from Caralis : Seria (Serri) M‘Ars 16, 17, ,& 18.] SOURCES AND AUTHORITIES FOR THE and Assinarium (Ussana), and on p. 412, 5, Castra Felicia (Castro) and Eteri (Itiri). The {foam ‘Tdm-avd, which Ptolemy, iii. 3, p. 192, ed. Wilberg, places five minutes further north than the estuary of the Thyrsus (30° 40’ long. 37° 15/ lat.) are evidently the thermal springs near Fordangianus or the Forum Trajani of the Itinerarium, in the district where the Celsitani of Ptolemy, who in Greek might be called the 'Tilnravoi or ‘Txpwravot. But on the other hand, the position of the town of Lesa (31° 30’ long, 36° 25’ lat.) and that of the Aquae Lesitanae (31° 30’, 36° 45’) is doubtful. As there are no springs to be found in the district assigned to them by Ptolemy, those aquae have been classed together, hap-hazard, with the very distant bagni near Bonedotti, in the district of the sources of the Thyrsus. We conjecture that Lesa is the more ancient name of the Forum Trajani which Ptolemy does not name, and that the aquae Lesitanae are not distinct from the aquae Hypsitanae called after a tribe, but that the difference of the names and of the positions is to be explained by Ptolemy having taken his statements from two different sources, of which that from which the positions of the aquae Lesitanae, of the town of Valentia, and of the aquae N eapolitanae have been taken, reckon the dis- tances of these places from Caralis. For the aquae Lesitanae, according to Ptolemy, are situated about 25 mp. to the north-west of Valentia ; this is, however, the approximate distance between the baths, near Forum Trajani, and Valentia (in parto Valenza). Valencia itself, Ptolemy in so far places correctly as, according to the codexVat.,it is 40 mp. distant from Caralis; the aquae N eapolitanae (bagni di Sardara) (31° 45’ lat, 36° 10’ lat.) are likewise placed correctly, inasmuch as they are 60 mp. from Caralis. But as the south-east coast of Sardinia is erroneously drawn by Ptolemy, in such a manner that Caralis is not 60 but nearly 160 mp. distant from the aquae Hypsitanae near Forum Trajani, the consequence is that all those positions correctly measured from Caralis are totally wrong when taken from a town on the west coast. On the east coast, according to our editions of Ptolemy, the island of Her- maea (40° lat.) would have to be placed where our map gives Ficaria (41° lat). Our transposition is based on the authority of the codex Vaticanus, which confirms the modern name of Figarollo for Ficaria. According to the same codex, n the west coast beside Othaca as our map gives the Ptofemaic form of the name, Otbaoa in- stead of the vulgate Osea. The Tab. Peuting. has Uttea. The island of Enosim, which according to Pliny, iii., § 84, lay opposite the south-western corner of Sardinia, we have identified with the Accipitrum insula, the iepdxaw wives of Ptolemy, as nez in Hebrew signifies zepag, hence ai—nezim would be the Punic name for vficros ispo’mwv. We do not possess the necessary material for a more accurate topography of Corsica. A road along the coast from Mariana to as far as Palla, in the Itin. Anton., p. 85, and the Ptolemaic list of tribes and names of towns are all that we possess. A few ancient coast towns, the names of which can be recognised in those of modern times, must serve as starting points, for determining the approximate site of the other localities handed down to us by tradition. MAPS 16, 17. ITALIA SUPERIOR, ITALIA INFERIOR. ———+——- WE do not as yet possess any work in which the ancient geography of Italy is treated in a. more thorough manner than by E. H. Bunbury, in his articles in the Dictionary of Greek and Roman Googr. referring to Italy. They therefore. have been of the first importance for the construction of the maps. Of the works published subsequently and used by us the most important is the collection of the Inscriptionos latinao rogni Neapolitani, by Th. Mommsen, which are of great value for the explanation of the anoient Itineraries; then the Altlatinisc/io Cliorograp/iie and Stadto-geschio/ito, by Albert Borman (Halle, 1852), and the Essai sur la topographic; du Latium, by Desjardins (Paris 1854). On the whole, it may be said that the position of all the places in Italy of any importance is sufficiently well- known, and that the uncertainty is confined to smaller towns, which are known only from earlier Roman history, and which no longer existed at the time of Strabo and Pliny; for instance, in Latium where the endeavours of Nibby, Westphal, Gell, Bormann, and others to identify those ancient towns with modern places or ruins are more or less arbitrary. To .discuss these disputed points here would exceed the limits of this commentary. We shall only remark. that, in .the map of Italia Superior, Forum Clodii is identified with the modern Oriuolo s. Oriolo, and. Sabate, With Braociano, whereas in the map of the Env1rons of Rome (Map 19), drawn afterwards, both places are' marked close together, and are referred to the ruins near the church dei 8.8. Marco, Marciano o Liberato. For that Forum Clodii should correspond with the modern Oriuolo, as Holstenius, Reichard, Mannert, Westphal, Kramer, Katansich, Spruner, and Kiepert believed, is improbable, because there are no traces of an ancient town in Oriuolo, and because the distance from Blera '(Bioda) to Forum Clodii mentioned in the Tab. Peuting. as 16 mp; would be too great, and might lead us to infer a more southern position of the Forum. We obtain this distance near the above-mentioned church, where even Holstenius (ad Cluoori Italiam ant. p. 44) speaks of anti- quitatis monumenta, which, however, were first more care- fully investigated in the year 1859, by E. Desj ardins (Do- couvorto do la position dos oilles do Sabate, du Forum Clodii, etc., in the Annali doll’ Instituto Arc/i. 1859, p. 55 foll.) and proved to belong to a not unimportant ancient city. That this town was Forum Clodii, as Desjardins correctly supposed, was subsequently confirmed by an inscription found .there, which mentions the ordo Foroolodionsium (V. Nissen and Zangemeister in the Bulletino doll’ In- stituto Arch, 1864, p. 99). The town of Sabate, Des- Jardins seeks in the modern Treoignano, a town on the north Slde of the lago di Bracoiano, about 6 mp from S. Liberato. We cannot agree with him either in this or in several other points of his explanation of this part of the Tabula Peuting. More correctly Holstenius, Westphal, and Henzen (in the Bullotino, 1856, p. 83) have claimed the site of S. Liberato for Sabate, inasmuch as Sabate must have been situated in the closest vicinity of Forum Clodii, and as it is only mentioned in the Tabula Pent, and by no other ancient geographer, it may have become one town with Forum Clodii after the construc- tion of the via Clodia. This is evident from the Tabula P. givmg no number of miles between Forum Clodii and Sabate, but simply the letters 00., whereas in other passages we also find 50. Desjardins (Commentary to the Tab. P., p. 98) thinks this an utterly improbable abbreviation of compendium, referring to “ les embranche- ments directs sans issue et qui avaient pour point d’arrét la localité qu’ils des servaient ou bien sur les segments de v01es qui abrégeaient les distances.” It is more correct to suppose that the 66 is written where two localities are situated so close to each other, that there seemed no necessity for stating the distance, and that it is an abbreviation of cominus (as ominus, on the other hand, is employed for stating distances, as for instance in the case of Asconius Pedianus in Cicero, Vorr. 0r. iii.: Eminus est Vulturnus Capud tria millia). Co is used in this sense between Roma and ad S. Petrum between Cosa and Subcosa on the via Aurelia, between Tabellaria and Graviscae on the coast of Etruria, between Confluentes and Singidunum at the confluence of the Dravus and the Danube in Moesia Superior, between Puteolis and Invi- nias in Campania, and between Neapolis and Fons on the coast of Thrace. We conclude that even Holstenius understood the 66 in this sense from his own words (ad Cluv. Ital., p. 47): Sabaten et Forum Clodii Tabula con- iunotafuisso dooot. The fact of Holstenius nevertheless looking for Forum Clodii in Oriolo, arises from his be- lieving that Oriolo was only two m.p. from S. Liberato. The opinion of Westphal also (in the Annali doll’ Inst, 1830, p. 32), that 56 was equivalent to cum, although grammatically incorrect, is nevertheless in the main identical with our own. MAP 18. PLAN OF ROME. —————§.———_ THE drawing of the plan of Rome is based upon the Plan do Rome (2 l’éoholle do 1:20,000, leoé par les ofiieiors d’état major ot publie' au depot do la guerre (Paris, 1856 . In) so far as our maps indicate the sites and menu- ments of Rome according to views not hitherto adopted by all archaeologists alike, we deem it necessary to explain the grounds, and refer to the authorities on which our conclusions are based, without in every instance totally rejecting the arguments that may be advanced on opposite sides. The works of excavation now in progress at Rome, may be expected to throw much more light at a future day on disputed questions of topography than has yet been obtainable. At present we must be satisfied to benefit by the evidences that are before us. Determining the cincture of the Walls of the Kings, we place the Porta Triumphalis near the western angle of the Palatine Hill, and near to the site where some recently discovered remains of massive walls and square towers (in lithoid tufa of regular construction), below the church of S. Anastasia, may now be inspected by torchlight. These ruins, which are surrounded by many others of different periods, some belonging to the structures of the Circus Maximus, under the same church (see Parker’s Archaeo- logy of Rome, vol. i. p. 36), may be regarded as testi- mony to the fact that the ancient fortifications passed obliquely in a south-eastward direction from under the Tarpeian Rock to a point below the western slopes of the Palatine. A passage in the annals of Tacitus, mentioning the limitations of the primitive (Romu- lean) city and its encircling pomoerium, seems to favour our conclusion: “ Inde certis spatiis interjecti lapides, per ima montis Palatini ad aram Consi, mox ad curias veteres—non a Romulo sed a T. Tatio additum (pomoerium) urbi credidere.” (A nn. xii. 24.) Among the gates in the same cincture (the Walls of the Kings) we include two, the names of which are little known, at points where probability alone can be relied on in support of our supposition respecting them. At a south-western angle of those walls we place the Porta Minutia, so named either after the Minutia “gens,” or after one of them in particular, Minutius Augurinus, a tribune, to whom was erected, out of gratitude for his having reduced the price of grain, a statue outside of the Porta Trigemina (o. Pliny, xviii. § 15, ed. Sillig.). _Due eastward we place the Porta Metia, which is mentioned by Plautus alone among Latin authors (Pseudolus, i. 3, 97; Casina, i. 6, 2). In both our maps of the Forum (before and after the time of Julius Caesar) we place the Temple of Saturn close to the south-eastern front of the Tabularium on the Capitoline hill—therefore considering it as identified with the extant ruins of a Corinthian peristyle on that MAPS. 15 hill-side (the Capitoline)——not with the ruins lower down westward, on the same declivity, of an Ionic peristyle in better preservation, which we designate as the Temple of Vospasian, or (more properly) of Vespasian and Titus. All ancient testimonies agree as to the connection be- tween the Temple of Saturn and the ZErarium or the Treasury of State (o. Plutarch, Public. 12). We con- clude that the chambers containing the public money must have been numerous, and situated within the massive buildings of the Tabularium at the rear of that temple. The former edifice is extant, still imposing and extensive, though incomplete and ruinous, on the Capitoline summit. Several small dark chambers, long closed and disused, have been recently reopened and cleared of debris on the lower story of that ancient build- ing; and these may have been entered from the cella of the Temple of Saturn, or from a vestibule communicating with it. The character of the Erarium as a place of strength (not an isolated edifice as it would have been if connected with the other, that which we designate as the Flavian temple dedicated by Domitian to his father and brother) is distinctly stated by Plutarch (cf/epKfi KaL Karadiavfi Kai Boo-emfioziAev'rov, Quaest. Rom. 42.) A lofty staircase with very steep steps of massive stonework under a stone vaulting, recently made permeable in the Tabularium, and descending from the highest to the lowest story of that edifice, may be no other than the stairs of the Treasury alluded to by Cicero in his “ Oratio pro M. F onteio ” :—“ F acilius possit Alpes, quam paucos .ZErarii gradus ascendere ? ”* We place the Rostra Vetores, the site of which has been long disputed, near the south-eastern basement of the Capitoline hill, upon the Forum,—identifying them with the remains of a long rectilinear elevation of square- hewn stonework, in the rear of which rises another (a semicircular) elevation, in part buried under earth, with vestiges of rich marble incrustation, this latter being called by some writers (as by Canina) the Rostra Forenses, by others (Bunsen and Platner in the Beso/zreibung), Rostra Capitolina. The semicircular structure is probably a restoration by Septimius Severus of the Rostra of the imperial period; the rectilinear one being the more ancient tribunal for public oratory, the Rostra, namely, removed by Julius Caesar from the original place where they stood near the Comitium (Dion Cassius, xliii. 49). There is a. representation in a small relievo on the Arch of Constan- tine of the ancient Rostra as a rectilinear elevation, on which that Emperor stands, while apparently addressing the people on the occasion of his triumph after the battle against Maxentius. (A drawing of this is given in the new edition of Forsyth’s Hortensius.) In our map of the Forum before the time of Julius Caesar, we place the Emilian Basilica on the north- eastern side of that area, almost the whole extent of which is occupied by the great edifice, most splendid among the basilicas of Republican Rome, which was founded by Lucius ZEmilius Paullus, B.C. 54 (o. Cicero, ad Att. iv. 16; Plutarch, Caes. 29). From the lines of Statius (Silo. i. 1, 30) on the equestrian statue of Domitian, it is evident that this edifice stood opposite to the Julian Basilica, the extant ruins of which are before us on the south-western side of the Forum. That poet, deter- mining the situation of the above-named statue, informs us that the two basilicas arose in its vicinity, one on each side of the imperial colossus, the platform supporting which has been recently found :— Ad laterum passus hinc Julia tecta tuentur Illinc belligeri sublimis Regia Paulli. Between the two Basilicas (but, in our Map of the Forum before the time of Julius Caesar, between the Emilian and the then existing Sempronian, not the Julian, Basilica) passes, from north-east to south-west, a rapidly flowing stream, recently brought to light after being long com- pletely concealed, and, as we now see it, disappearing under the pavement of the Julian Basilica. We designate this stream as the Lucas Soroilius mentioned by few Latin writers, and the site of which has hitherto been merely conjectural, no other water, stagnant or flowing, having been found in this vicinity. The only particular notice of this “ lacus ” by any ancient writer is the following in Festus, “De Verborum Significatione ” (p. 290, ed. Muller): “ Servilius Lacus appellabatur eo, qui eum faciendum curaverat in principio vici J ugari, continens basilicas J uliae, in quo loco fuit efiigies hydrae posita a M. Agrippa ”——which passage suffices to deter- mine its proximity to the Julian Basilica. In both our Maps of the Forum we place the Comi- tium at the south-eastern side of that area, and near to its extreme limit, determining its boundary, on the south-west, as formed by the Via Sacra. Pliny (xxxiv. § 12) tells us that the Curia (or Senate House) com- menced by Sulla after the destruction of the earlier edifice by fire, 13.0. 51, was in the Comitium; also that the Curia founded by Julius Cmsar, finished in the reign of Augustus, and dedicated by him as Curia Julia, alike stood “in Comitio” (xxxv. § 27). There seems every reason for determining its site as adjacent to the ruins of a Corinthian peristyle, commonly recog- nised as the Templum Castoris, in the rear of which stand those other ruins which we are induced to desig- nate as the Curia Julia. Though we are informed by Dion of the transfer of the ancient Rostra, we find no mention of any removal of the Comitium from its original place. Near the south-western angle of the Comitium we place the Groocostasis, originally an unroofed, though enclosed, area, where ambassadors and envoys used to assemble before their reception in the Curie by the Senate. That roofless area was finally transformed into a hall with columns, as represented on one of the fragments of the antique marble map of Rome now in the Capitoline Museum * It is true that Cicero here speaks of “ few” (pauoos) steps, whereas those of the ancient staircase in question are not only very steep and massive, but numerous—no fewer than sixty-seven. May we not assume that the orator here allows himself a certain license, exaggerating the contrast for the sake of the argument? . E2 (‘16 SOURCES AND AUTHORITIES FOR THE MAPS. [MAPS 19 dt 20. (engraved in Canina, “ Indicazione Topografica di Roma Antica,” Epoca Imperiale, tan. xii.). Pliny, mention- ing that Caius Flavius, Curule ZEdile, erected a bronze aedicula to Concord in the Comitium, thus par- ticularizes the situation of the Graecostasis: “quae tunc supra Comitium erat,” (xxxiii. § 19). Varro informs us that the Graecostasis stood near the Rostra and the Comitium : “ Sub dextra hujus (Rostri) a Comitio locus substructus, ubi nationum subsisterent legati, qui ad senatum essent missi. Is Graecostasis appellatus a parte ut multa. Senaculum supra Graecostasin, ubi aedes Con- cordia et basilica Opimia,” (do Lingaa Latina, v., § 155, 156, ed. Muller). This hall for ambassadors was re- built by Antoninus Pius, as Capitolinus (Anton. Pins 8) informs us. Some ruins recently brought to light near the church of S. Maria Liberatrice, below the north-eastern base of the Palatine hill, may, without any doubt, be identified as the Templum Vesta}, the site of which is determined by the above quoted lines of Statius, “ Equus Max1mus Domitiani ” (Silo. i. 1, 1). The equestrian effigy of Domitian, as he describes, stood with its back towards the Temples of Concord and of Vespasian, while its face looked on the Palatine buildings, on the temple of the Dioscuri (or Templum Castoris), and that of Vesta: Terga pater, blandoque videt Concordia vultu. -—et prospectare videris An nova contemtis surgant Pallatia flammis Pulchrius ; an tacita vigilet face Troicus ignis, Atque exploratas jam laudat Vesta ministras. (31-36.) In the course of late works, and through the removal of accumulated soil near S. Maria Liberatrice, the remains of a circular edifice—now a confused mass of rubble with a few courses of stone masonry—have been discovered near the site on which were dug up, in the 16th century, twelve honorary inscriptions to individuals enrolled among the Vestal Virgins (Gruter, Insc. Rom. pp. 309, 310, 311; tAldroandi, Raccolta delle Statue (li Roma). Here we ,have, assuredly, the temple often destroyed, and as often restored, since the days of Numa, where the Vestal sisterhood {oxploratas ministras, as Statius calls them, referring to their many misfortunes and the vicis- situdes to which their sanctuary had been exposed) had the guardianship of the sacred fire (Troicns ignis), also of the Palladium. Near the south-western angle of the Forum, and immediately below the declivity of the Palatine hill, stands a conspicuous building in roofless ruin, an immense quadrangular hall in the best antique Roman brickwork intersected by large constructive arches (like those very strongly marked in the rotunda of the Pantheon), the firm masonry being similar to that of other edifices of the Augustan age. In this we recognise the Curia Julia, the imperial Senate House dedicated by Augustus to lus great uncle Julius Caesar, and which probably occupied the place of the ancient Curia Hostilia burnt down, or at least ruined by fire, at the tumultuous funeral of Clodius, B.C. 51 (Cicero, pro M'lone, 33.) No other ruins, in the vicinity of the Forum Romanum, have alike with these the character of a great hall appro- priated for public assemblage. Some writers suppose that we see here the vestibule built by Caius Cwsar for communication between his palace and the Templum Castoris, where he used to seat himself, demanding wor- ship, between the statues of the Divine Twins. The ruins seem to us too important and extensive for such origin or purpose to be supposable; and the short reign of Caius could hardly have allowed time for any great public buildings—still less for any such as were under- taken to gratify his private whims—to be completed. Returning to consider objects comprised withm the comparatively narrow area of the Forum Romanum, we have to notice two buildings discovered in the course of recent excavations, and as to both of which the charac- ter and origin are self-evident: 1. The Edge O'azsaris or Templum Dici Julii, now reduced to little more than a formless pile of masonry with some few remnants of mas- sive walls in tufa stonework, and of a marble stylobate, though one distinctly discernible adjunct remains in form of a semi-circular tribune, or elevated platform on a stone basement, parallel to what must have been the facade of this temple, on the northern side. The fane was raised by Augustus, and dedicated to the “ Divus Julius,” 13.0. 29, on the site where the body of the Dictator had been consumed, and where almost imme- diately afterwards had been placed an altar, and subse- quently a porphyry column with the epigraph “ Parenti Patrice.” The situation of this temple is determined by Ovid as looking (namely its facade) towards the Capitol, consequently across the intervening Forum, and as in the vicinity of the Templum Castoris : Fac jubar ut semper Capitolia nostra Forumque Divus ab excelsa prospectet Julius cede. (Metam. xv. 841.) Fratribus adsimilis, quos proxima templa tenentes Divus ab excelsa Julius aede videt. (Ea: Panto, ii. 2, 85.) Such precisely is the aspect of the ruinous building lately discovered—its facade, parallel with the rostra, being turned towards the Capitoline hill; its flank, the south-westerly, almost opposite to the peristyle of the Dioscuri Temple. The Rostra here before us were erected in front of the ZEdes Caesaris by Augustus, and thence designated “ Rostra J ulii.” Here were subse- quently delivered the funeral orations over the bodies of emperors—first over that of Augustus—before the cremation on the pyre (Dion, lvi. 34; Sueton. Oct. 101). 2. The extensive ruins of the Julian Basilica, founded by Augustus, Which occupy the greater part of the south- western side of the Forum, partially cleared from super- incumbent soil and débris through labours undertaken under the Pontifical Government and directed by Canina, 1853. They have been completely laid open since the change of government at Rome, and are now to the full extent visible. They consist principally of a wide plat- form with much of the rich inlaid pavement of coloured marbles, also a variety of marble fragments, sculptures, architectonic ornaments, epigraphs (Greek and Latin), basements for statues, &c., and, at the north-western extremity, some lofty ruins of the arcades (brickwork) with which the whole interior must have been surrounded— its area being divided, like some of our cathedrals, into four aisles and a central nave. This basilica occupied the site of an earlier edifice, dedicated to similar uses, the Sempronian basilica founded, 13.0. 163, by Sempronius Gracchus, father of the two distinguished but unfortunate Tribunes. In the 16th century an epigraph, or memorial inscription, was dug up on this spot, recording the erection of a statue of Julius Caesar within these walls, and also a restoration of this basilica by a Prefect of the city, A.D. 377. Anastasius, in the life of Pope Julius I. (337-852) mentions a church founded by that Roman bishop “ J uxta Forum,” and named, after him, “Basilica Juliae.” The arcades near the north-western angle of the antique (the Heathen) basilica are filled up with masonry such as indicates the period of decadence ; and it is probable that we have here before us the church built in the 4th century—now a ruin within ruins,—the dedication of the imperial Court of Justice and that of the primitive Christian cathedral thus singularly accordantl The accompanying plan shows the most recent exca- vations in the Forum on a larger scale than was possible in our map. I .. TABERNA‘. VET‘E _ a l; . j , dim 99w 7'UM , . a I ” “cor. MN (El ' ' j.@ U‘HOFP‘OO‘AS! 0: 11mm . a 33' Ii 1 Ill LCULPfFl-JRED ' a ;_ j ‘ 'I'IET‘” a a l ‘1' I " y I ' . . . a a 1‘ l ‘5 a 'ETAEN do i a a Z. jgbomgrfis - QJES lfi . a 0 l 0 Sr .571“ a a a a a o -‘ . ’ “ V/4 CLOAGA.—M‘A IMA l ‘ - ~ 05/. ' i , sure 0F MEDI/EVAL BUICDING§ Elli/[l U 1 ; a _ . _ ._ a. DEMOLISHED IN THE COURSE. ‘u 2: @.:§ T x (a)? £3 , OF THE EXCAVAWIONS IEIWIII '. 35“» CHURCH SITE OF OF FABIAN ARGH ST MARIA . ACCORDNGTO ' SCRIBONIUS LIB LIBERATRICE ROSA 9 PLAN . OF THE EXCAVATIONS _.-r”1:EMPLE 0F *~--—"‘“‘- ANTONlUS & IN THE FAUSTINA ROMAN FORUM BY ARTHUR J STRUTT (910vH 1874) in the direction indicated by the dotted line . We have alluded to the recently discovered basement of the equestrian statue of Domitian. It consists of a . mass of rude stonework, once, we may suppose, clothed with marble, placed at the north-eastern side of the Forum ——an important acquisition to the known range of antiquities upon this site, seeing how that imperial effigy serves, thanks to the descriptive lines of Statius, for determining the topography of the Forum Romanum. In our map of the Fora under the Empire the latest discoveries on the Palatine hill are particularized conformably with conclusions as to the origin, respec- tively, of the buildings on that mount, now generally ad- mitted by Roman and other archaeologists. To a mass of ruins, conspicuous but without any vestige of architectural design or adornment, on the north-eastern slope of the hill, we give the name of Templum Jocis Statoris, assuming it to be the fane originally vowed by Romu- lus (Liv. i. 12), but actually founded in a much later age (A.U.C. 458) in conformity with a vow made, during the war against the Samnites, by the Consul Attilius Regulus (Liv. x. 36-87). To another elevated pile of masonry with remains of buttress walls on the perpendicular sides, and broken columns (of tufa fluted) now ranged along the summit—in fact, a stylo-' bate with scarcely any ruins of the cella that stood upon it—we give the name Templum Joois Viotoris, recog- nising in this the temple founded, A.U.C. 459, by Q. Fabius Rullianus in fulfilment of another vow made also during war with the Samnites (Liv. x. 29.). In this temple used to be hung, by victorious generals, the trophies and spoils taken in battle (Ovid, Fasti, iv.). The better preserved remains of buildings, an extensive suite of halls and porticos, &c., containing many remnants of marble decoration, fragmentary sculptures, rich pave- ments, cornices and friezes, on the terrace-ground further southward, we designate as the Domas Flaoii, commenced by Vespasian, and finished, with great splendour, by Domitian. The ruins (less spared by time) extending along the western declivities of the hill, and in such still compact masonry (brickwork with large tiles) as we usually find in Roman structures of the first century of our era, we assume to be the Domns Tiberiana, added to the other buildings for imperial residence by Tiberias, which same house is known to have been in- habited by Antoninus Pius and Marcus Aurelius. It is perhaps impossible to determine the precise date of the The excavations are being continued halls opening on an hypaetheal court (on a north-western terrace of this hill) in which are seen numerous paintings, executed on intonaco and still almost perfectly preserved, of singular beauty and grace, design and finish being alike admirable. Some. Roman archaeologists suppose that the mansion in question was a residence of Germanicus, father of the Emperor Caius. We conclude'that those valuable paintings on its inner walls cannot be more ancient than the period of the Antonine Emperors. C. I. HEMANS. MAP 19. ENVIRON S OF ROME. The map of the Environs of Rome is drawn from a reduction of the French survey, published under the . title of La carto de la partie sad-oaest dos e’tats do l ’église cl’aprés la triangulation et les' looées exécutées par les oficiers d’état major 12 l’éclielle do 1:80,000 (3 sheets, Paris, 1856). Besides these, for particular points, use has been made of the C’arta topografica di Roma 6 dei saoi contorni fino alla distanza cli 10 migliafaori le mara, esegaito salla proporzione (li 1:20,000 dal Barone oli Moltke (2 sheets, Roma 1845). MAP 20. GREECE IN THE HEROIC AGE. GREECE AFTER THE DORIO MIGRATION. A IN regard to the development of the ethnographical relations of Greece in the earliest times, there are no traditions so consistent, safe and complete as to guide us and enable us to dispense with all hypotheses. Hence even modern scholars conceive the prehistoric conditions of the countries under discussion in very difl'erent ways. The conception, upon which our map is based, is briefly the following :— In the most ancient times, as far back as our know- ledge and conjectures can carry us, we distinguish two great congeries of nations, the Leleges and the Pelas- gians. Both belong to the same race which once occupied the whole of Asia Minor, before the continuity of the settlements and the purity of the blood were disturbed by the advance of the Semitic tribes, and before a portion of the inhabitants of western Asia Minor proceeded to Europe by various migrations. The Leleges had their original seats in south-western Asia Minor, where they amalgamated with the Semitic Carians. We also find them in southern Troas, upon the adjacent islands of Samos, Chios, Cos, Syme, N isyros, Calydna, and further upon the Cyclades, whence they took possession of the valleys of the Eurotas and Pamisus, the whole of the west coast of Peloponnesus, the Cephal- lenian islands, and spread in Central Greece through Acarnania, Aetolia, Locris, partially in Phocis and Boeotia, and probably also in Thessaly. Further traces of countries once occupied by the Leleges may be found, if we consider the original forms of worship peculiar to the Leleges. (See Deimling, Die Leleger, Leipzig, 1862). We understand the name of Pelasgians to include the earliest inhabitants of the rest of Greece, as well as of Epirus, Macedonia, and a part of Thrace, much in the same way as, in Aeschylus (Suppl. 280), the empire of King Pelasgus extends in the north from the countries watered by the rivers Strymon and Axius, to the sea west of Dodona. Although some of the names of the tribes appertaining to this country, and to the earliest times, may belong to heterogeneous races, still these cannot be ascertained with any degree of certainty. The principal changes which occurred in regard to the seats of the individual tribes are briefly the follow- ing :— In the country afterwards called Thessaly, the Lapithae and the kindred tribe of the Phlegyae spread at the ex- pense of the Perrhaebi, the Centauri and the Aenianes. The Perrhaebi were driven back northwards from the country of the Penéus to Mount Olympus, some of them migrated, and, under the name of Perrhaebi Metanastae, settled down beyond Mount Pindus in the vicinity of the Dolopes and the Athamanes. The semi-mythical Cen- tauri emigrated from Magnesia to the north-western corner of Thessaly, which was inhabited by the Aethices. This district also became the home of a portion of the Aenianes, who were expelled from the Dotian plains, whereas another portion proceeded southwards and ac- quired a new territory in the valley of the Sperchéus. We hear nothing of the subsequent history of the Lapi- thae, except that the Dorians, under Aegimius, carried on a successful war against them. The Mini/ans, a tribe related to the Phlegyae, appear at first to have lived in Northern Thessaly, on the subse- quent borders of Macedonia, for a town with the name of Minya, and an Orchomenos are said to have existed there: history, however, only knows of this tribe in Thessaly as the inhabitants of the shores of the Pagasaean Gulf, in the vicinity of Iolcos, where they had for their eastern neighbours the Boeotians, in the towns of Arne, Iton and Thebes. These Boeotians (perhaps expelled by the Minyans), were, as it seems, driven from thence, and withdrew to the north-west, where they founded another Arne about the southern tributaries of the Peneus. A portion of the Minyans proceeded from Thessaly to Lemnos; others founded in what was subsequently DTAP 20.] Boeotia, the kingdom of Orchomenos, which, when at the height of its prosperity, extended over the territories of Coronea, Haliartus, Lebadea, Midea (afterwards Chaeronea), and over the whole of northern Boeotia. The Minyans, when they migrated to Boeotia, were accompanied by Phlegyae, who hence founded the town of Panopeus, in Phocis. The Dorians appear in history first on the southern slopes of Mount Olympos, in the district afterwards called Hestiaeotis, where the tripolis of Pythium, Doliche and Azorus, which, according to Strabo, was subsequently Pelagonian, seems originally to have been Dorian. Ex- pelled from this district by the Cadmeans, the Dorians, according to Herodotus, are said to have settled about Mount Pindus, and there to have borne the name of Macedonians. Thereupon they migrated southwards, and occupied the Dryopis, or the country lying between Mounts Oeta and Parnassus, belonging to the Dryopes, who partly turned westwards as far as the district where Ambracia afterwards stood, partly migrated to Euboea (where they founded Styra and Carystus), to Argolis (where Hermione, E'ion, and Asine were Dryopian cities), and to the island of Cythnos. The Oadnieans appear in history first at the mouth of the Peneus, between Olympus and Ossa, where there existed a town called Homoloium. They probably came from the country about Pangaeon, which lies opposite to the Thracian Thasos, and about the gold mines near Crenides, where they came in contact with the Phoeni- cians ; being driven thence by the Paeonians, they, like the Thracian Abantes, migrated partly to Greece and partly to Illyricum. In North Thessaly, as already said, they drove out the neighbouring Dorians. Thereupon they came to Boeotia, there humbled the kingdom of Orchomenos, and founded that of Thebes, which during the war with the Epigoni succumbed to the arms of a confederation of Peloponnesian chiefs. Of the smaller tribes, which the Minyans and the Cadmeans had found in Boeotia (Aones, in the plain of Thebes, Hyantes at Alcomenae and Onchestus, Hectenes, Temmices), the dislodged Hyantes founded Hyampolis in Phocis, and seem to have also penetrated into Aetolia, if we may believe the statement that Aetolia was at one time called Hyantis. \Ve have in the next place to mention the successive advances, probably in different migrations of tribes from Asia Minor, which Herodotus, vii. 20, mentions as the ante-Trojan immigration of the Teucrians and Mysians, which extended through the whole of Thracia as far as the Ionian Sea, and southwards as far as the Peneus. From these Asiatics are descended, in the north of ancient Thrace, the Mysi, or Moesi, and the Dardani, in the south, the kingdom of the Paeones, whom Homer mentions among the confederates of Troy, and whose chief, Asterius, the son of Pclagon, resided at Amydon on the Axios. Our map gives the approximate extent of this ancient Paeonia, which may have been composed of many heterogeneous elements (of. B. Gieseke, T hrahisch-Pelasgisehe Stdmme der Balkaninsel and ihre IVanderangen in mythiseher Zez't, Leipzig, 1858). It included the Syropaeones, Paeoplae, Doberes, Odo- mantes, Mygdones, Crusaei, Sithones, Edones, Agrianes and Laeaei, the Pelagones of the Lyncestis, the Bryges on the Bermius, and as Pliny, iv., § 35, says, the Eordenses, the Almopii and the Paroraei. Eustathius ad Il. xvi. 233 (cf. Aeschyl. Suppl. 254) mentions the Paeones as neighbours of the Selli and Dolopes. Their extending southwards as far as the Peneus (Herodot. 1.1.) is confirmed, as it seems, by the fact that Strabo (vii. p. 327) speaks of the already mentioned tripolis in north Thessaly (Pythium, Doliche and Azorus) as tripolitis Pelagonia.* Further, that some portions of those Asiatic immigrants are said to have advanced as far as the Ionian Sea, is found to be confirmed by the fact that we find Bryges or Brygae not only on the Bermius, but also on the borders between Macedonia and Illyricum, and in the vicinity of Dyrrachium, and that the country south of the latter, on the Eordaicus ii., in the neighbourhood of the mountain which is now (and probably also in antiquity was) called Begorra, was inhabited by Eordi, Whom we also hear of in Paeonia on‘Lake Begorritis. _ In consequence of the Asiatic immigration, the earlier inhabitants of Pelasgian Thrace (to which Dionysos, Orpheus, and the worship of the Muses are assigned) were partly subjugated, partly driven back from the fruitful river valleys into the mountains, and partly compelled to emigrate. The Thracians advanced through the Vale of Tempe and through Thessaly into Boeotia and Phocis, where they settled on the slopes of Mounts Parnassus and Helicon, in the towns of Daulis, Abae, Thracis, Nysa, Ascra, Thespiae, Anthedon, and also in Eleusis. The Abantes are said to have proceeded to Euboea from the Phocian Abae. \Ve find another branch of the Abantes about the Ceraunian mountains, whither they had probably come direct from Thrace. Other Pelasgians from Thrace (oi Etc @pqixns oiafidvres HEAaO‘yLQTaL, Scymn. Ch. 504) took possession of the islands of Sciathus and Skyros, the inhabitants of whlch, according to other authorities, were Dolopes, whom we also find in Southern Magnesia, in Northern Euboea, and about Mount Pindus. , The advance of the Paeones probably also occasroned the movement which proceeded from Epirus. At the * The correctness of this appellation is subject to some doubt ; for as Strabo, vii. p. 337, also mentions the district of Pelagoma bordering upon Lynccstis as TpinoM‘q-Ls, there must have existed two Pelagonian tripolis, which is certainly possible ; but it seems very easy to suppose that Strabo might have confounded the tripolis in Thessaly, which IS in all probability of Doric origin, with some other unknown one in the territory of Pelagonia. The Thessalian tripolis is also mentioned by Livy, xlii. 53. But it now seems inadmissible to us to regard it_as the same tripolis Scaea, mentioned by Livy, xlii. 55, and as that which has been assumed in our map in agreement with Gieseke, 1.1., p. 7. The words in Livy are: Consul militem ad Larissam dacit. Inde, gaunt tria millia ferme abesset a Tripoli (Scaeam vacant), supra Peneam, amnem posnit eastra. If they are not corrupt, we should have to assume a separate and otherwise unknown town near Larissa, which bore the name of Tripolis or Tripolis Scaea. This is, however, scarcely probable. We conjecture that Livy wrote : a Tripylo sc. Larissae urbls porta, which was called the Gate Scaea (like that of Troy), as for instance the Athenian Dipylum was called the Thriasian gate. SOURCES AND AUTHORITIES FOR THE time of Odysseus a war between the Epirot Thesprotians and the Phrygians was mentioned in the Telegony of Eugammon. An earlier collision of these hostile elements might, therefore, also have been the reason why the Selli SeAAoi) or Helli CEAAoZ), the inhabitants of the country round about Dodona, and about the sources of the Ache- lous, which Hesiod calls 'EMom’a, and Aristotle ancient Hellas (‘Ehhas i} dpxaia, Jlfeteor. i. 14, 21; tEhhas i] dpxaLOTOILTT], Schol. Il. xx. 194), and in which even the exrstence of Achaeans (perhaps of Asiatic origin, like the Pelopidae) may also be assumed, crossed the Pindus into the country of Phthia in Southern Thessaly. The name 1Iellas was transferred to these new settlements, and the Achaeans are first met with in history in this district, subsequently called Phthia, Achaia Phthiotis. An impenetrable obscurity envelopes the further diffusion of these Hellenic Achaeans in the Peloponnesus, and their connection with the mysterious Pelopidae. We shall confine ourselves to stating that the Achaeans under the dominion of the Pelopidan chiefs conquered the ter- ritories of Mycenae, Tiryns, Mideia and Argos, then extended their rule over thevalleys of the Eurotas and Pamisus, and occupied the islands of Aegina and Salamis. At the same period the royal race of the N elides, with their retinue, came from Thessaly to Peloponnesus, and there founded the kingdom of Pylos. These are the principal movements of the tribes in Greece up to the time of the Trojan war, which can be made out. The Map of Greece during the Heroic Age gives a survey of the ethnographical relations at that period. B. As early as sixty years after the Trojan war new com- ‘ - motions commenced which considerably changed the map of Greece. The Thesprotian tribe of the Thessalians cross the Pindus, and in the first place take possession of the territory of the Aeolian Boeotians or Arnaeans, which subsequently received the name of Thessaliotis when Thessaly was divided into four districts. The Boeotians withdraw to the country which they named Boeotia; other Thessalian Aeolians proceed to Aetolia, where the country round about Calydon and Pleuron received the name of Aeolis; others, who remained in the country, became penestae subject to the conquerors; the Perr- haebi, the Magnetians, and the Achaean Phthiots preserved a certain political independence and, together with Thessalians, were reckoned as members of the Amphictyonic league. In Boeotia the new comers founded a new Arne to the south of lake Copais, took possession of the town of Chaeronea, then, proceeding from this place, annihilated the kingdom of Orchomenos, and drove from the Plain of Thebes the Thracians, who withdrew to Mount Cithaeron, and the Tyrrhenian Pelasgians, who fled to Attica. About the same period another movement proceeded from the Dorian Tetrapolis. One portion of those Dorians, together with other fugitives from other dis- tricts, left the country, settled in Bulis, on the Bay Of Corinth, and, in conjunction with the Aetolians, crossed the straits of Rhion into Peloponnesus. Here the Epeians surrendered themselves to the Aetolians, who were a kindred race, and they were henceforth called Eleans, from Elis, the name of the chief city. Pisatis and Triphylia remained independent states, but recog- nised the supremacy of the Eleans. Meanwhile the Dorians migrated, probably through the valley of the Alphéus, into the valleys of the Pamisus and Eurotas. In the former they established themselves in Stenyclarus, and then conquered the remaining portion of Messenia, which the Nelides of Pylos had taken possession of after the death of Menelaus. The Dorians met with greater resistance in the valley of the Eurotas, where they, in the first place, only ad- vanced as far as Sparta. Amyclae, and the whole of the southern portion of Laconia, were not conquered until the reign of King Teleclos (3.0. 827-788 ?) and his successors. In the north the Dorians extended their rule at the expense of the Arcadians, but this likewise took place but slowly. Aegys was not annexed till shortly before the time of Lycurgus. From Laconia they took posses- sion of the town and territory of Argos; but Tiryns, Mycenae and Mideia still remained Achaean for a long time; on the other hand, Corinth, Troezen, Sicyon, Epidaurus, Phlius, Oleonae, Megara, which at an earlier time belonged to Attica and Epidaurus, were Dorianised soon afterwards. The Achaeans, who were expelled by the Doric invasion, occupied the Ionian Aegialea, which the new settlers named Achaia. The Ionians, whose earlier history is unknown to us, proceeded to Attica. The east coast of Peloponnesus, which extends south- wards from the Plains of Argolis to Malea, seems as if it ought to be regarded as belonging to Argos, although it does not actually do so; however, Cynuria was con- quered by the Lacedaemonians as early as the reigns of Echestratus and Eurypon (13.0. 1030-985 ?), but were at a later period recovered by the Argives, who retained it down to the year 547 13.0. From Attica, which was overflowing with fugitives from various countries during these commotions, the Tyrrhenian Pelasgians, who had fortified the citadel of Athens, proceeded to Lemnos (where they drove the Minyans out of Myrina), Imbros and Samothrace. From Lemnos they founded upon the peninsula of Mount Athos, the five towns of Oleonae, Olophyxos, Acrothoum, Dium, and Thyssus. Others settled in Cyzicus (whence they expelled the Pelasgians, who were the earlier inhabitants), and in Placia and Scylace on the Propontis. Tyrrhenian Pelasgians are also mentioned in Metaon, in the island of Lesbos, in Termera on the coast of Caria, and at Cape Malea. ' The Minyans, who were driven from Lemnos, settled in Laconica, about Taenaron, among the Achaeans, and from here they proceeded, partly by land, to Triphylia, where Macistus, Lepreum, Phrixa, Nudium, Pyrgi and Aepeum are mentioned as towns belonging to the MAPS. 17 Minyans, and partly in conjunction with Achaeans and some Dorians, under the leadership of the Aegide Theras, to the island then called Calliste, but subsequently Thera. Other Minyans went to Melos and to Crete. The same period saw the establishment of the Aeolian colonies on the continent of Asia Minor and theadjacent islands, by Thessalian and Peloponnesian Achaeans, Boeotians and Locrians. These were made by several expeditions, Boeotian Aulis and the coast of Locris being mentioned as the points from which they started. The . necessary remarks regarding these, as well as the Ionian and Dorian colonies, have already been made under Map 9. C. Plain of Troy. The drawing of the Plain of Troy is borrowed from the Journal of the Royal Geographical Society of,L0nd0n, vol. xii. (1842). The map there given bears the title of a Topographical Surrey of the Plain of Troy, by Captain Graces, T. A. B. Spratt, Esq, and other afieers of the Royal Navy, with the ancient sites determined on the spot, by Dr. P. W Forchhayninier. Drawn by John Arrow- sniith. It is accompanied by a treatise by Forchhammer, On the Topography of T roy. Among the recent works which treat of the question about the site of ancient Ilion, we have made use of the following: H. W. Akland, The Plains of Troy, illustrated by a Panoramic Drawing taken: on spot, and a Map constructed after the latest Surrey, Oxford, 1839. , Mauduit, Déeoaeertes dans la Troade. Dissertation sar les monuments de la plaine de Troie et la position de cette ville, Paris et Londres, 1840. G. von Eckenbrecher, Ueber die Lage des homerisehen I lion in the Rhein. JlInsemn fiir Philologie. Neae Folge, vol. ii., p. 1—49, 1842. ‘ H. N. Ulrichs, Ueber die Lage Trojas in the Rhein. Mas, vol. iii., p. 573—608. 1845. Welcker, Ueber (lie Lage des homerisehen I lion in the Kleine Schriften, vol. i., p. 1—76, 1845. (This treatise, the most important of all, contains a good survey of the early literature referring to this question). Welcker, Alte Anetoren irn Bezug aaf die Lage Ilions in the Rhein. Mrs, vol. xii. et xiii. 1857, 1858. We have been unable to make use of: J. G. von Hahn, Die Aasgrab-ungen an)“ der homerisehen Pergamos in za‘ei Sendsehreiben an George Finlay, wit 4 lithographirten Tafeln. Leipzig, 1865. (The author agrees with Welcker in all main points), and Nicolaides, Topographic de l’Iliade, Paris, 1867. According to the most widely spread opinion of the ancients, the Homeric Ilion stood upon the same spot where stood the Ilion of historic times, which, Strabo says, was founded in the days of Croesus, and which appears to have stood, down to the fourth century after Christ, where are the ruins of what is now called His- sarlih. The recent excavations of Dr. Schliemann have most unquestionably proved that in remote times a town existed on this site of the historic Troy. The site proposed by Demetrius of Scepsis, and adopted by Strabo, was a place called the village of the Ilienses (i7 ’IALe’wv Kcénn) with no ancient ruins whatever, near Ahshi K eni. “It can scarcely be doubted,” says Leake (Asia Minor, p. 280), “that a person totally unacquainted with the Iliad, but accustomed to observe the positions of ancient towns, would fix on Banarbashi for the site of the chief city of the surrounding country.” The first who assigned this spot as the site of ancient Ilium was Che- valier (1785). He was succeeded by Sibthrop and John Hawkins (1794), Morrit (1795), W. Gell and E. Dod- well (1801). There then appeared as opponents to this view, E. D. Clarke (1812), Rennell (1814), C. MacLaren (1822), and Barker Webb (1822). Thereupon it was again defended by W. M. Leake (first in his Researches in Greece, 1814, and then’more fully in his Asia Minor, 1824), Hamilton and Forster (1818), Joseph von Ham- mer, von Prokesch, H. W. Acland, Mauduit, Spratt and Forchhammer, Welcker, von Hahn, and N icolaides. These views, and especially the explanations given by IVelcker, form the basis of our map, which was drawn long before Schliemann made any excavations. But the extensive remains found by Schliemann at Hissarlih now incline us to think that the latter was the site of the Trojan Ilium. We have given in a separate map (No. 43) a plan of the ruins discovered by Schliemann at His- sarlih. We observe here that to the north of the village of Banarbashi and to the east of the wells mentioned there is an isolated hill, only 15 feet high and of small cir- cumference, which is now called Garlih, and which von Hahn, 1.1., p. 33, believes to be the hill which Homer (Il. ii. 813) calls Barieia. The insignificant ruins near Banarbashi are the remains of a citadel which can have belonged only to a small town. The place seems still to have been inhabited at the time of Demetrius Scepsis, for all the coins found there, according to the opinion of Baron von Prokesch, belong to the second and third cen- tury B.C. (aid. Hahn, 1.1., p. 34). The former coast line formed a deep bay between Sigeum and Rhoeteum, as, according to Spratt, may be inferred from the present .condition of the coast. It is drawn in our map according to the distance, mentioned by Pliny and Strabo, from Demetrius, between the town of Ilium and the portus Achaeorum. According to this the length of coast from Sigeum to Rhoeteum and Aean- tium would have amounted to about 60 stadia ; whereas the distance between the two extreme points in a direct line amounts only to 30 stadia. The latter measurement is given by Pliny, v., § 125 : “ Aeantium xxx. stadiorum intervallo a Sigeo ;” the former must be restored in Strabo, xiii., p. 595, by assuming a gap in our present text : é’on 8% TE) “fixes 7739 napaAias rav’rns 31.776 701'} h ' ' . .. . C Iatros I! S Q ~' . a} . ‘ A Budlm et Ge 0 1 0‘ Mdmfll as w‘ 9" x 35 (Sam‘s :c anlici T 11 0“” NW” E 3 A .’ . ." ‘3 <" I, ’ flkfig‘fj‘wzi W 5.0 0 a . names ‘ , fl 1' . ‘ - . lst'lr'l _ . 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' v ' " * $5 - g!“ y, W“: .1 . '1 , “l1 1. ( ,y M ‘4. 'x 5n. . \ n ; MB: *1: w ‘ ‘x-‘v: D‘FWILLIAM SMITH‘S ANCIENT ATLAS 30° A B we 18-” 5/ Drum: ’lLMazaghanv/ Junonia§fP / (a W/ /Madeirw/ . Caricum Circulus Polaris “E- Q ‘E Dreades ° (Orkney meg? Orcas I". E R M A N 1 c U M .1 w ‘7 B R A 1 A R 1 808th... It a; Venta Burc “baa . 9M? Notium - 1 . Octal) Sabfm’ Bolerium Sarnia o Caesareao Uxamiso I".‘9 F. MAWRE g «'0. 0mm/ Ussadium V? we / 0 L , o .90 ,«rerELQJoJI ,g \ fin; aha ‘ O / Capt-aria? fi 47 _ / IFerro / I 0 923375.}? /C.quador lEeI-no/ Came portns Babiba I m ( CapeVerde Islands) ‘2 a 0 [Hesperideos I"? "(I o“. Vasms O snags snug E a: .. I: Q / / J ,u/AWI/ My rw , I" '1' (”"43411 "1],”? JIM , F A g ILIgil/ 24A fe ,M- (A s aw a ti) (oAraman) (Taram ) 80’) ,g, a? :3‘ E4 \_, (Kelgeress) (T a am a) G 1' J : $5,. 1’C. Palmas ) dwNigW ‘ FmandoPo 0° 8PM Ia <7 /Gabo / S‘ Thomas an)” /6. °t$‘ O O » (Walvish B.) fiTUS EUXINU Sinope R N U YRENAI Gala/9 @{muk/ Q ‘§> f4: zari oTag/wbo Oasis) \?K.6b.ab.a./ .............. via ‘ ’0’ mOasv é '6' VB E A T D E S E R T ‘ ’ err/Nari!) anga) (B Ngu) \, "5/1111 (TWDesWO (WA ................. (lezné’ (M 111 3:15,” 4 1“ 00X \. 0‘2“}?! . ‘ 05 ”Zambii 1“."1 PT. E R Y T Gulfcpf Me“) . . . Y $050011de A l Pr. vieus '1 (539115 (Soma 1-90 /Pm11) w/ I. (UngudjwuZamfiar/ (Poona/PW MARE ,9 0.Ddg G{Gomoro ‘5 D ‘B a Melamo/ 40° 50° John Murray. Alb Street.London.1873. «M szw ----- :1] , 1. A4 RA B_IAN SEA) M'A R H Maldiyef. 1’. G F. Simis I N S opp. at pr: Sahar'lflls ANGETICUS /BAY OF BE GAL} g? {I U ,Maniolac §=°Iaedm 2) ”09%" ‘5'»- Pulo Nm‘g'. - S Sebeerfl a ,,,.aw'I/}¢1\1\\\N‘*’" ' of Pe—cbi-Ii /Ts§rm1v/ . (YeIIow ae. Hammshing/ Sea) (N x42 {0, Torong . ERN AUSTRALIA 120° Engraved by . Well er D’fWILLIAM SMITH’S ANCIENT ATLAS. EM?IM 5 OF THE 7% BABYLONIANS, LYDIANS,‘MEDES AND PERSIANS. \ Modulus 1:14, 400,000. J'mdaz‘ /sao-1"/ ma 5000 ”00 50 Jcfiocni .sn 1W /20 -1") w A | A w Maw t'aJngla‘a‘ /6'9,]6.-1"/ A ”.0 ; ”0 .145 .. I H ;:Jm’flf!v“.\3"7¢;,;mp" ‘ 'l-H 13mm of the Babylanians. 1:32! Empire of the Lydians. 1:: Empire of the Medea. 1:: Regions added to those empires bythe Persians. V ImqumauLI-mark fiabvauy swig? armbbb/zai éyflarzlus. m flamjalt'oad #10”;me wa-a . ___. Romafil'm fi-amSarde.’ mm .—.—._ lomofévrwfimlardewwatnam, \ ~- ~ Mafiaaffialmlfioumuifivmaammalysapow \\..a ,_ ,, mWed/lmdomtawmflaodoaw. I a . y . . V I A 20 D 25 E I 3 2°35) . ‘ G ‘10 H 45 ' I 50 K 55 L 60 1‘1 65 N 70 O 75 ' P Drawnby D‘.‘ Charles Mi'fller. : a a? - ' - ‘ - -‘ * - _ 1 ‘ ‘ ' ' . Engraveél by anl? Weller. :3...“ : ’2. V ‘ ’ ' J ohn Murray, Alb emarle Street, London, 1873. ‘ ‘2‘»; (”:9 D3‘VILLIANI SEIITH’S ANCIENT ATLAS. ‘ I I ‘1‘ I v . _._ F I ~ r — - 7 15 A 20 B t' 30 D 30 E 40 F 40 Q 50 H a 5 I 60 K 65 L 10 M '10 N 80 U 6 I) EMPRHE 0F AEEXANDRE WEE @RE W Modulus 1: 12, 000, 000 . ‘ a Stadia (600-1”) ?000 500 mm 5000 4.000 Millia passuum Bomanortml ('7 I) g i" J 100 a... 300 *no 500 Mflliaria Aug-Eva (6046 - 1° ) foo . 'foo U . ‘ .700 ‘ A00 in") I March ofAleImndm~ gun—nu; Course of the Fleet I 4:3 '/ 0711, 4,4 If {[ \ ‘ V. "ww'm «\\'"~&“I \ 0““ uh _\.. ; /])¢nrt‘rl' ”I" Evy/[-11- I10 It”; _- V ‘ Sn 0 ’I Wynn-mm“ WW \I\§ I} ‘ k 1- _ //,/ ~ 1 7// ‘ // y'I‘II fi- q. l I c' d I , _ «A A 1 ‘ < o G yum “ n M) 4 . S I .3 \ I , $6 3%8' d 1' i W” ,~ 1’ \ g w’fl’fi‘gfl‘ ‘ ~‘ 1' ”It” I ’ I hi1, PI 5 surl, D t“ . x S c f - Kan (131” $ V {111v . alto #« Yul 1‘” 1k \ (h I I (loqflfl , 7 #7 fl #1 I I 7 A; ‘"’ “"”"rw “ In. x ‘ "A 'Talyal- I;. f Kluu Mm , Iii/a (er-WQ- __ V “a I \i'i‘ggalu/ I 35 Q e V > I I "Md!” ‘ P“ I (”MSW I ~ \I ' I Ammurz'nM/W' ? I , I 0* (‘t l1OIDP‘V\~‘ , i d ‘1' (mgru‘fl’w‘fw‘ : 0 I In ' ~J« ’1’ g N \\ I“ I I I a . g : \ Ari/Zrlx/mry I; 3 a \X Tn'b icna I 7‘“ a a 4', \.\ / t u R 3‘“ I 0 INKK I K [I] q c 1‘ ‘ ,,’,.:1" 3“ \I\ (I I , 5-4 , \ x?“ / x. l I I e I I ‘ e I I ”ridmfivkrodon I \ I ..... I a «M? , m. L“ IN: [fib/mflflh,” 2: K ‘va I \ r\ I ’ v \\ [I I . ; ,, , d“uu>h)rf.'7* AM“ ?‘ 111.; \ W I I I CA % W V \W 4:21!” I“? I I W I 61ft [firs 13%,": t) ( nay”? «an F. ‘¢M%:.r1, a VI) mnmlun V . V t ( 60 E 40 F 45 (r 50 H 55 I A 60 lh‘awurlwy DI: (Illzu'les Miiflm'. Elm-raved by 5‘ Jacobs and I. DallunnT. . JohuMurl'ay, London. Albc‘marlc sll'm‘t.1873. DFWILLIAM SMITH‘S ANCIENT ATLAS 15° Aj 20° [B ' 25° [Cl 30° [D]; 1 , [I] ,, 80" [K] 80° [0] 85° —, — "KINGVDVOMS OF THE S'UCCVEVSVSORS KINGDOMS OF THE SUCCESSORS ' ‘ 0F ALEXANDER, 0F ALEXANDER ’ afier the division at Babylon (323) Mt“ b31118 01‘ lpsus (3013-0) KINGDOMS OF THE SUCCESSORS OF ALEXANDER “AWN” (m ,7 .EZEWM95m‘ ‘ \ IN THE MIDDLE OF THE THIRD CENTURY 7 \j \ Modulus. 1:12.000000 \\ ' " ,_ '-' ‘ ‘ , T ’ " r,» " . I Stafiia (soovf) "\F' a _ 7 ___L 590 10,00 1590 . 3090 . 4090 ~ Mfllia passuum Romanorum(75-1°) :50 mp . 290 , sqo '. 5-90 I Milliaria, Anglica (es-1am") ‘ / ' ‘ , . ’ ‘_ ., __ 5p 100 _ zoo . 300 490 500 / A A _‘ . ' _: _. . . 3 -_ A. . ~ ., ‘N l _ \ _ , j . -tro a '_',‘ . ' '~ A 7 . . a \V " ‘ ' . .- ' ‘ ~ ’ ' , ‘ «3311s a / ‘ . . , ‘ k > v , - , . «. ” I . . ; ‘ 0' , . C L“ . .. . . “ - [1-77, M a Q . . \\. 450 '3 s 3 ,5 " 1 '.' " . 'f ‘ A t ., o ‘ ; ' . . W .305, x ‘ _. . V ,, " ' a U. - : " “ ‘ ‘ . ’v 45 ’3! ‘6‘” g» 6% 20 (a. k 6 ‘ ,_ .U . . J~ - - ‘ z ‘ , . . . 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VIla . ‘3, _ .‘9 .l‘ w o yizh & g 1 50;: 7’ AT éVb} , , /§£fl_‘r a, . 1‘ F" W? 31 hm 5' ”c5 ~° gt a avg = 8‘5 m can <5“? .. , fi 9‘53; \ “flaw en a . a) ’ rF—F , ' ' '5 ‘b’ \ W i f f AnuochusllTheus B gayk‘gfffgfié‘bfifi \\ / f: 14 ' Ptolemaeus llPhjlatielphus , W, , p9” \ I: Antigonus Doson 1:! Civita’oes liberae [G] 500 [11]" 55° [1] 60° [K] : 65" [L] “.704, "HZD‘IMW W... ....‘250 3O , . 35 EMP.IRE OF THE PARI‘HIANS m Re a Scythica Pug-gnome Bomamae KINGDOMS OF THE 'SUCCESSORS OF ALEXANDER AFTER THE BATTLE OF MAGNESIA<190 BC.) Modulus . lzmooonoo . Stadia(eoo-1°) 1 SW 1000 I 0.0 0 8 000 «loo 7 ’ V ( , / . Milliapassuum Romanorum ( 75-1”) 390 . 390 _ no mo 50!! MflliariaAnglica (as-12 —1“) ‘ ‘ 52 190 mo ago 500 1;, . i M / . M A I .[ 45° 8a»... ’4 .“ E” - E ‘ E 63 ‘ ”Rig _ , , {5 Fl -/ .. F. ',M9¢.‘9 p :11 $9 0' Y I EX a, ,1 Bab‘fi‘pn- ‘-~\.\ - w E ”5 34: e ' v. I V. S s"ans§“.~=. ~ 7/ _ , ~ A . .‘ Obja 4&0 F «1 I ‘a‘su _. U . ~ . {amig—E“ ’ 5' ' ° ‘ w I x , mw / E. 55:» ’5 /.Z ' \ H laea ' “a '0 . f‘ /'.' X T / ‘xis 5. $900 Mn. ‘ 1/; 31} g o ‘ / ate)” &0% $0¢fix® 0 ”315.1." 1‘ E “a. 6. E... I ““1““ “ 34.. ~ '. o _., ‘ . . 7 rer :7 ' / ‘.‘ ‘0? 2'5 . X. stl'ia / u; ‘ Sonésus Tulll'ica, ’1‘ E ”Hum.“ Sc a ' 090 Tater F. ’ / Heradea MOS“? * <9 \ - .‘ :. “is Y. :' so .9 ~ . 0....- » " ENE-n; d1 " . .‘ , C ' o . £388.. 1’ A?) k 4 H Carla .' “Hat‘s / mggm gymemsp}: " «' nem'ls .v. ' 'desgufuum-éqs “We Achaei ichi \ .. meg \ 30g ‘ I o“ .‘ ‘ . i’ol Enema 1-: ' ./'// ‘ ‘3. gash/3W L/v/'// waffle“ O'Bagae? 64"“ D1 .A ‘ZE. . 1 a 0 ngarni.XaP..t}}-11‘ P1319“? 'I. ..... \ . E _,.( l ‘ _ .’ y ‘ \ . ' C atacas M. . J" ............. ',,_- -.. Ale ~ . , “903°23‘11" 1' cum-ice?“ seleucia a Ragian Ra' '1‘: ae 111-0119 " 5 . - . . . . \ Arsaua/J V ( f I 0 rene ‘ \‘ . , ' -. .Aclhr ,' J , . X ' \ 7 0:17AM 7 if, ‘\ u". ELI/T .TSI . 1 A :1 \ 1156191)“, ‘ Tabiena 5 «2. m... «.. K? 0 3.1!. . W .\ I \\ ) 1:52? . 5...,sz ° "xi /.‘ eoPoli’ \ - 0 - / Q ‘ 7- x. .55 we... 2» .- ‘ . \‘I‘l \ _ iv . V ? \ % .5' x :i: om“ 1' 25° \\ ’e ' g. . 5. .5 In Europa ': magnoliaregimge m ‘ u 0 - . u-u—Macedonia ;~‘ . . .G ‘32st f 5’” Q . ‘ . o . . Foeulns Achaicum circa anmo. . w “3 Elm ‘ o P ‘ ~ . . j 9% h : t , I '- a , .. ., J In A3121 . ._ 1 c5” ‘9 D4191”) 3. ; . ., Regmun Seleucidarnm = ' . ”flags ‘ 1 mena 0,319 . D . ‘ ‘t. 9 C: RegmmEumenis (v C 'r , - I, ‘3 .. :s- \VW .3 1.,7, “u ._ . pin .‘_0 I .2 4 = ’ . Ditio Rhodiorum 0 ”PP 33% 6.3%”, (13939:, ‘Qfif M ‘ng «5%:ng -~ ' 2 a ° ° ’ [:1 Civitates liberae ” M ”7,5; W3“ “BM ' . Regmm Bactriamml ' - ; sub Danehio.Eufl1ydemifilio.et R E U s»- : :0 . .93 Eunraudamrca anzomqo ameCIn-J 443' - h ° ' “ Q ‘9‘ . E R Y T H R E 331393.31... b . 8 y :. {: . E s E / ’ ‘ . A ’ 0 > 51; » 30 " ‘ 55° 60 70 ' ___ Engraved by Edwil’Weller Drawn by D]? Charles Mifller ‘ ' John Murray,A1bemar1e Street.London.1873. :lq D’EWILLIAM SMITHS AMEN“? ATLAS > ' . _ ' —“_”7 [19,; 1*7BL7C”®‘; “*5; 711%.” _ O =7 5 “I “Jobbhaatum-i m Z ,' ' - ‘ \ . - M A R ' E "’0‘ fl . ‘ Cher: one 5113 C . 45° ”W . """" ‘ . ‘.,_ a 35° 3*? . 0 ‘\ Cbl“ ‘2 ‘ 1§‘\':§ gen) 1,," . H" . . ' ‘1‘. e . / r——~ was» . - .. ‘.« x 5 . v. . ' - .2 00.15%. .. : 5 = ' ' 0 ~ ~ m0;\ 5!; \ e » . fi . § Co‘cqyyu/ . , , ‘ “PM . " " < “5- a 7 ° , 30° «313115 I! agna manoeftauc Cephallw P r- Eng: 1.125111 9 syrtls Manmmus . WNW“) M033; ‘ ‘ ‘ , ,Amastm'i9= ' ‘ (MisdehTMus‘i r 4 ‘ ‘ G MAW W" ‘ _ fade” ‘ " lfiPP“ 3°” .' ‘9 i ' . pg ‘ 0 (IanJTaliib . Ma??§rumaes . , ., -. - ...... \ a . ‘ ‘ (Sentient) Zizama \‘\\ C Y 5 yll 1 ‘fl ‘ O 7/71,.5.‘/' ' K J ‘ . A 1 . . l. ‘3 6 Tabudium ‘ \ wide \~ K / fi/yd (Tuba ) \ ‘ I IN ITS GREATEST EXTENT 3~*_—~~mf‘*‘f~~w 5 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ __I__l <1 '{ /25° paw“ \_/ , I L Modulus 1112,000y000 Stadia ( 600 - 1°) I (Eden) 500 . 1000 2000 3300 4.000 5000 0000 ‘ . ] [ Millja Passuum Romanorum [ 75- 1°] [ 200 300 490 . 500 v 'MfllaxggoAnghca {(3301}? ] ..... 5.0. . . 19° 29° fl“ 7?” (Gdla) Galla Gara antes $593,139 .5 L l I J Gamma [Rim ' “‘~.g_v-__r.:.-u-;5.;"- . 19° 7"» H ._ 1 2r 4 4 4 1 , :1 4 , fiv fl u A; .a L _. L‘ 7.; j w a L. , g k,_, , ,,,, r x 7, :r t 7 7 .4 =7 . ,R‘g ' ‘ " '4” _. ' —1 I-_< : r 3-13 5° [C] , 7 770°7 I [D] 7 . .5 7V [E] 10° WE] 15° [G] 23: A [H] V_V_V__Vf25° ‘ _h[1] , 30° 7 7, , 35° ' [L] ‘ 40° A 0 . “a“ _. 2:5" F =[G].= —— ‘290 A 1H]: 472’50 bfifiLIEE H x” 39f1 [1% 35° . . 55° SCANDIA flOCEANué 7 /’” ’ "' '*\ 1 J , 1 _ . ‘ [ >// \\ I SARMATICUfi . ~ ’ f.- , 95' d ' \\ . \ X I N y E U U S\\ WWW—E I ‘. \ ‘ a»? .0 .- is d :1 /—-K ,1 (1 35° ‘. e I .I. :3". Hi ‘ 92 r1 ; H S ‘-. a 4: U2 1 (D '. :1: 0| 1 o 2 [H H» = w 3:; 30° A NI: b ‘I‘fi- I 855le NSIS 3-]: 2:1); '5- ;‘l Nm‘. _ j [I I: ‘ ’. \ ‘ ‘ e 1 d Md “"11. Zuchis , Oea 1" 17 - Pa” "atDiowcsis 0 ] ] 1 W ‘ \ ...--- 11"“3‘” 1’ ’5- AF 5 DIVI S ION : _ w Dc/yms , mg» _______________ 055,8 mm, ‘“ ' D THE WFSTERN EMPIRES [ _____________________________________ , INTO THE EASTERN AN 1 ________________ /—\ _—__—____—.— ] J; Modulus 1212,000000. fl . ' _ o 1 I ..... 590. . . mm 2209 SfiwlL—fiL—fl’i—gioo ‘ ‘ Mflh' 3 mm 5 -1° h . . ‘ ‘ 119‘ . . .100 200 P359310? Bo 40f?“ (7 501)) 500 700 [ MiDjaria Anglica (69.12 - 1°) 890 m I .............. Pracfecturae Occidentis: IGalharum' , ILItaliae ..... 5.0. . . .190 2W L 49° 4— ‘ .-—--—----_--. Praefecturae Orientis : I Illyrici, II Orientis / W_?J__ 7 ,, 7 " W, Gafm D. Dioecesis ‘ ' ///” ‘ " " 5o ' [C] 0° [D] 5° [E] 10:: 7E] 15° [G] 20° [H] 25° [1] 7777406 Drawn b D? Charles Mfiller. Wifir r Engraved by EdwéWellen y J 01111 Murray, Albemarle Street, London, 1873. Oouo D‘EWILLIAM SMITH—’8 ANCIEN.T__ATLAS A 77}; @jm 7’7 (1] 77777277777 [FT 0 mxcwmi Ea: I‘d—.234! NW 7 v . «NA , NW“ , ~ M In . m 0/ ‘ 't 'é '.\“‘ “v? [d] I; CI'L‘OIK Colonies. - Phoenician Colonies. I I 7 I , of" ’1‘; ' '1 w I ‘I 7 ; ‘ - A ' ,-I 7 ‘ \ - .._ , ‘7 I a H _7 7 I I . _ ‘ Ilernt'leum 91' I . I ‘ 7 ‘ ‘ 3 I . , ‘ I“, i ' . §u ' 77 ; 7 ' , 7 I; 7 I I 7 ‘I I ' Q . , ‘ Jrfiatzu . ‘ * 9 an ‘9: . , ; 7 z. , .7 ° "A ‘ - , . I - - 7 a , aw « I - A - q, lreo Mater ’. . 7 I . 7 . , ' ' ' . ‘ '7 - a- v . , /I'1'.r'1'.1' 4' - I ‘ . u . EC I ' D 0 -' O ‘ , 7 ) -%§' ‘ 1 . '1‘ , I. . ‘ ' \ [In “’39“ New § ‘ 7 1 , - I I ' .' m”, \ 0. ' 1,, , ’ - . ~ ' ‘ . ‘ -' -' ,, . :7' . 7 _ , , I - I ‘. -g‘“ "“ v . v v ’ ¢ ‘ ( Caprarin V: m‘a , . . m ' ' , , 7 7 I .I , 7 ' l I 7 ”MM”. I: ”-1 (3 WWW” I 1/ ulwe Pad“ ‘ I vmnuloma ‘ ‘ 1 I ' I 1mm)» I ' \ I ' _ 77 I . (77 I , / P W115 ’ " 7" ' , , Y I Jar-Wpalmr [M’ mlu'uvn I " ' [I q I D 'hl 0 :2 Aedufliallvn ‘ _ x 10mm s ,mnibma u-cino [at up in ”idol-111' [I'd app. .‘ 1 I 77 V1 .4111: [4111' I I . Plzlnflasia I7 ”11" a Igil In {Oglmaa m ~ 5911le onia I" Mummy] . 11.7w]. CYRNOS, (‘ORSICA : 'Qxfiuuurbamnporiténin insulin ’77 , 7 ' m‘ £9“! 7 77 , . I no» 7 7 4‘ 7 . 7. I " IN 77 I I ‘ 77 7” 552% 7 ' , 1 ‘ ‘, , ‘er , x. Iml. I ‘ , I I ' . ‘ ' , . ' (j/pa'eltz drill/n ,Jrrrul ' 3’11 ",afiqux‘III . [alnpon [mi sumo, SAR1)L CalIipolis I , I V V ‘ W 7- 7— ‘ I 7 ' .7 . 1 1 *0 w I , _ 1 I , , I ‘ ‘ . " ‘ " -: w 7 7 7 T Sinai-us 511111.)? ‘ - , , . - , ', ‘ Lana ' 'larentulus I I , ,7 I ‘ VIII“: ‘ ' q \ ‘ ’7’ ,I ' ‘ 7 ' ., Hm us I s; ‘ g $ A 7 ’ . unemwuyium i [krill 'w/m/M‘ ('rimisa pr. . (nanny-((0 . l , I 7 l 11' «1 1 ‘ ° a,” W - rlcuuisium pr.“ 1 I OJ; y/Ieaujfyy n “I w ,I‘ m 5, [ ho"? (73700 Quyrha \ - _ . | A UphiusnI I. \,'\ I I ' 7% 7",; q, ‘ 749 3 i -m:- 0 ~ '1 (’ . l' 5 ’ Iimi! 1.] “MN/"ML I I I . = V (_ 015.,M0JV: , I org/.1 ll'ltpu 1 I I v t ; L\\, \ l r ‘ fin Janloma 9 Chin a » Aug/I» - Q; fi [2 was/1’11” _. v ; r 71 1 \ ‘ azo ‘ Hm, 7, I,, ( I ; r S5 . .ou'iEpichIiyrii ‘33 ‘ v , __ . , 38 I I A _ ,‘M ‘7 _ , i 41‘“ I IIH Wm H ’ I e 1 .. *' ‘A'fi‘ ,’__.77 V ""7 7 A‘“ * A . w I I P ‘V'lum pr, ' , 3 ‘ ‘ " Ephesus L’ul I I I . , Andros Same 13$? . 1 II' In I [ici- Snml'ni pr. ' 1 .7 I P$cno§§>§fl Icarinflu Writ ‘6'” ‘ ICent; “Mil ‘IMS Cyflm as; 5%251133-95Jh/mm r I’m/”"0, flu /—\ 2 , I ’r Vail“ [ 7:9[Ii 054:3 . 0 ‘ V’m-ofi I Ixt / Horma'umpi . _ ) 011qu on ‘ 14.111121 07W K5 C ] I I/P‘WW 9 F I Siphnn“ 0 -§ °rz( ulw A 74'1/2llil1'marnz ossyl‘a L 7 . 7 Qt'l'lnuba‘ 0 Inc on ‘6 COM . c rhae am; - I Pachynus pr- ' 1 o «lo: rm- $75.; I w . I 7 I f I . ”M oilnl’fim’lulz ‘7’ m, am‘ffi mum ., “9 ;/ en 101i! 1 A ‘ 5Q Antypnla'n (6‘ «5 ”a“; , (”mm-1 83‘ 5 .1911 yea I" 7 I I E Th erang' ‘9 . ‘5‘)‘7 4 [b’l'l‘w‘r .939 , , ’ ‘1 1:11;. I I I m wt 3 ' i o cdnnpl‘ 1h 7 r . I i //l V ' I ' ' I ‘ . , - ,1 W mil . 36 1‘17“ “1711911". mu (yadltn "1”“ I 7 77 774,7 Grilllloil. L I D I m "at? live i 0039“” CE""" pin .' mau- /()ranlw'/E }‘ I I - 7 ’ \ ‘6 I 1 . ~ . » 1 ‘ _ 7 I . r K) 7 . j . . . u“ _ fig . ,1 A ‘ (um: I " Altai/(l . I w 7 I 3' I ' 7' :7 . lulu/IL ‘ Q ' Mellie [. I I I 5 o I 1¢ J] 11,1111" dollnr [2‘ M‘dfl‘fll‘ '4’ Malawi 2 ‘ ‘ . ,. flank-[1122 If’ I - . I I C A If E ‘1 1“ 7 I c ‘ . 7“" r I Jam as H? [aw/ 1 I x I (““79 ‘ & P A M P E Y L I 7 I\1[\°“ ‘v I I > Iapsug .7 , ‘ EV ’ l , I a ‘ ’ J I o sa/J'mzéuj’ [/61 I / Cams ,3 < - ,, ' I 7‘ Thebes 7 > v - ‘ - ' ' :hofla I I I d7 (,9 ilrmmnyun pr q / 0,\ I I 7 ' '. ‘ I I Snmmoummlu ' ' Acanmzx Inn I'M“ amt]: 7 I V Q“ \‘i/ ’ 7 "tun/n0]. 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I . . y , . - : . 7, ’1 \ _ i " ***** “x "LA-x7 ) ‘ Ellg'llflll Hui-d.- . n \v Aug'iln I , Anuuomum m 21: .74; 30 .51; Smdia £0 _ IL 0 53 ‘ I . o1" . -_ W, v W i _A_ _ ,, 7 W ____'_,___,,A~,_ I I ”WI .9" ; 1 n 1 I =— Hf w, 77777777 I I I I ' B0 TPORUS‘ (‘IMIMERIUQ I v . , ,V )7 ) I > 0 L l 57‘ Bl \ (7 L I 1’ A flab Hikcsim 1°97 7 k 77 1 [ALIA INFh LIOL l g] (‘l I 'I \ a a ., , n “a I : ’“ ' "- ‘ I’hmnivodes «Jana-mount!“ Didvmcfi A c I 7 W -. I o 1‘ '1‘ E E iipau'a alim Moliglmis I MA 0 NA (FILE C IA TEMP ORE BELL! ’I’ELOI’ONNESIACL TEMPOKE BELLI FELOI’ONSESIACL I 0 T I 111/", 011211;” 11/11 (bl. .il-gjfl‘i 0.0w #0.. an». I I a ‘ Thrrmpssa 1’], I) a . r I I ‘ Jim- me IIcpqu-sm ””01 "i -3 o9 9 w I 7 - n l’ O x L I l I rim" [drain I . Q 5 92$ [fig/“I I I 4 i I . <7 -& , 19 . 3 Zenoms ‘ Q} \L' | (hersoneaus 1’ 2 ##fi——- 7_._.———r— “'1 7 <~ v V v I. yum/u 4-,)? ,, 1;“ I ' L ° L(.iniincitii'um, a 11111111] [MW/m, I; I , ’ V I A :Inl] cum CL MJE ° = .‘F ’4' ° . 7 ° mammary HIM, " I C i m . . . Pldu‘ruunflknmanjlfid‘ I e Vt (r‘ . ¢ 1‘ 1 (_ a l 1"ch ; 0': rundusimn IBrmlosiumI ‘ gordunimn 1" l‘ A 7g; fww ‘3 v; m «9‘ 1Q» . I (amt-m1 :Q / 5 3% ~ au'avus ‘ WM . =0 7. I I “midon‘ MW (3);, :3,“ .. ( If $1.tag/r.-nwnqnwmmqfl 2:13 i yowawz. ‘ '. , , . \ J _ i 1 J _ [a """fl; ‘7 \‘ g’m TAP )zi'i'l M ’71!"an 4-! lea/alum I . Argmmumpr. % ”“9“" 7. “m“ " ' " ”I d ”4-”:qu 571M112“ firmer.» I, dmulum . ‘ 11 S I Puddifimf' 'nium Panda” 0 7; 6 w -o IIvdi-iis nun-"lulu :(qo'I . . . ~ L :1 ( 1 / fir-i1)" “"“I , ' . - . at m A( Lmizlrvnnfwl-flz ‘ . 7 . , . 7 . 77 ‘ I l . m 11 ‘1 I , ocuolI' Siris w/apfionlquvlmirrubm). CalIipoIifi n1.» lfi:1/1‘1(/1.u~(o/,V71.. d a \ T .\ 40 -~___ : ’7 "motto / Herdrkw‘mvu/f 7 ,. 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Rawpmmuog M... . a W. 336.3”:an . on.» .... .mHme.... f¢ «H89» 3 \ . .mxfi$§§. H2. .. ._ . :fin... . .. ...: 6 . wwg 4.4.4:... 8v . ... t: . . ... :5» E o . . .. .... : meoflmm . Sikvg. £353.: _. ....4 .misss . ”Warm. «3N3 . . . . . War . ..U . .. .... 35-. ....Eo TiMn..:~. bx. . .. . Q .. H. . . 5 . .. . . Wants . 8nV3a..x6 otfiHg? 4W. 50AM mmnPHmfiQHwNoo / . mm. 4 S144. . I Qumgufi. LfiE—flm muWQLofinu «A . nm EEG .33 ... . . . x x a c 4. m gflgm Exam? Emflgxwfi» flagflnwx... .. .... 7 . .. .. axe)?» ..% adwdu ... Manna. . ...., . , . ....x ...... . .. . . .... .. : w \o SUE—5% HWMEQFM . . . . . & «0&3 >. A figs? K». vawacomflnb ‘ N. snow”. €me 0 §Q\ _ 4.4183458 m ESQBHS a V .@,/ . . safifi.ss . . .. .c 4.3.4 .. .n ...... ..s... , . 53o ... 04w... ... a... a . .328 d n . "f, ... m. . «n . . I 1 .... I mm Sawmwuémmfl? 4. \ H O D < 0 04:3,»... . . NEOSHM ..o. T. 33 .. ESSA .. 2...... SGHAH ’1. l. - . «fisaswgug. 3%.. 5553.. «23.8% ms. EV ES . 4§§E¢8§§. a g . _ I . - . é: .. .. s . -.w .anM glam. .ggq EON. «.H..%®H.\ ngNENM. Eiwssg . ~ . ... . . .. ... . .. . .. .. . . 4, . . . . .... ..., . . .. “mom; . . 3.235935%3m3n3xmg Satan .93ka any; .. . .. .. .. .. .. .. . . . . ..M . H ... . . . «Hum mo . . 4 A. e 8 . . . .. . . . : .fiafiew Ega é gm 3&8 ES §$Q . E Sagag .. 4 Wu: .3» 333$. .afiofluhg whiz»? g: as $35.3» . edumwflamwfl m 8 3% .aafiSh .48 3&3? Sm.» 8 figkufim Egg. £85338 Sm. a 3 .395. .353: Emma 29.. 33%|..ng $86.“. .H 3% _ 4.23288 L. 1|; . w QfifiH meg . ,6 4 doowfififlsfix €933.89 Eggnog 3 m «A H H Z < H \I/ . o NAME—5H0“. 9 D U H Z MM m up .Z «ENEES "H mm H (@K .§.§§ 3%? 9 a m». $33} $82 £68 ..mmnfimvm \ s . ..vmmw . n . m D o H z 2 m m a H - m a z 4. m o o . . .....saags. 4 . _ . .. .. Sunssmmfifiww _... ,_ ‘ . Sub 4..“..er . $3 4 $33 % m...» ”MinamfifiweQW m. . N Hum 4 . a nnnm W ...m. gangsémfiasfifiarfi» _. MW? 3%. Ir. 1 4.... . . . . . \ I O 4 .mgnsz H .. . . fin u . . n... m wdwnohwgfi : E .....m m I 5% ESN E emaaéw b. .. w .awfiflflmé H H a z D A o P esswgs .... H 35¢ same E 838$ .flfigmx gsmwko 3.... SE .... m w. W .44. . ..H .38 g S 58% E: .... 545$. 35 no Egmééwx m m, w. ,W. tab 0 .fiwmwsfifi . o 1v \I’m. ... u .4 . {Av . . mag— »§ 33.» SE .kowxckfifi gsm ~38 £3,355 ELM .95 g .. 3.3%. WW I. Ayn/A? 446,44... . .....L) V./ 10 ..: 5% a.» Exfimu «mow .Qfifi 333C Bwamkum. 3.6 §w>0hm 33 Econ SEAN. .. . .. . 4 . . 444w////4%mé . WW .. ,. $19 A? .93 3338 335 €3.38 Swazi $319.3 Egan $3 MW . . . .V fig ~33 ghQEOBbN AW va§§®k .493 E4: .Sumwfiwwdkr 96 20.61%? 3% £3 , ., 4 EMS A bQN..Q..w\ 83qu E3689 kw EEK 3.3% NB 15:82. §>ER 35h .. . . o , . . . :38: \I) /|\ 8.0 HA _ ...wanoné Z m 4.4 o ... .. 4$§s§3 Q. ow oh 8 S 9. an on 3 m magnum. mum? Mamie: .. . Qua . was 35 .1 r . _ . . . . . J. . . . o .4 . ...fluPoHSHw .3 :5 _. 559502 . .. 3... 3S 5. $5. \ “I do w .. /.. .. .. $38 \ {.0 \fl S. dam «H @w V AH é diam; uw/«od ...»... nfiWMMWfi .m 33.335 . ddgfifludwk o 94%va .h. a... .... .... o... 0.. .... .... ... _ ......afimms. . .... r33: .9 . 0.. :83 4. .«W . $9.3m. at; fin. 33. 4 W. . Hm? mm . . M w 54.5w E 3. «M.&6®§C .. . . H 14% 4 . . .~ _ ding 4 3.33% U EM“ we % 2.3... 4W n. . r 4 . 1 11... .1 1 . an. m _ .. é __ Mn 4 w H H Q . 6% fins... 4.., ,. Inn} 2n... Mn- N G O m 0 HH H mm [1 .... . gen—dang . ,n. W. n- . 11].]. . fl .. fin. ...nm Ov 3a y/flz W4, ,0 6m! . n ed NU. mm 4 ~50. . . Mwfiwm. . JIII I... 1. mm . _._ e If. n .H nrm- . $5 .Eo Sgfi . 4 .4 MW. . . . . Hm fin: . fl .93.. madam... ...fi 6...; -- 4 . .4 S... . ...“..E .SSLSSN >03. 3 33%: S €955. § mdrfiwdeBw new Gamflwmmé .8 3% 4 SE}? .Ekfiageégé wSC wfifiodH mo mdfimfidno 9902 Q5 . 4 3% V . Sfims «333%.?»st . . g hoax gig Q: .3 VEH ... “HFQMMHx .89.... .3 3.5:. E... 3E 393...: . _. .9? .30% 4 . wuo Z .- \l/ 9 4 o \In/ . d Mn.\I\1l / 4.95%.»... (Ix ... Q @535. . ..m 33.31% 7.. .58 u§m3n§ a: Q H. .Hm Hpfidowo 3&8 4 .m NAM 3:51.24. . .4 m 4 ma...” . mm; 2.2.... ..n) .. . .....fl . . . H . a .... n .é.§. Mn Mn. / s. 4. ., . a A... n ...n @m in“ u .. nn .4?) M er . .. n .,/4. m. mm w: t"“\‘\ _ . ...n 4 «Sb? . M . 4.1a... . . n . . .....xxn . W Y” m . M W... §‘ K WW“ s b 3.3.28 £3.53 .5555: Rah ..5 £55 :r/l, [.3 4....EL8H%H~_~H~N3L... 3.. Neg” . . 40 ... 328$ . CA .. fly .. 4 . Ta ....fi. 4% in. «5H - . . e .. ... 4 gas... whim... 4 ESE 4 . .. 4v. _ _ a. n... o I... 4 Sign . gamma: ... 4. . .. . . . .44... mm 33.»; {4 mHQmwmmwmddw omwoc‘omc‘mpp‘p‘ Ratae Rathlin I. Raynsbury Reculver Reed R. Regaina Regni Regnum Regulbium Repta-ceaster Rerigonium Rerigonius Sin Rhatostathybius Fl. Rhee Walls Rhigodunum Rhobogdii Rhobogfium Prom. Ribble R. D d Ribchester ' Richborough Ricina Ridge Way Ringwood Ritupis Risingham Rooester . Rochester Roding R. Rodmarton Romansleigh Ridge Rom/0rd Es Rother R. ° Rothley Romby Roycross Royston Ruim Rushbury Rutchester Rutunium Rutupiae Ruyton Ryan L. Rye Ryknield Way ' Sabrina Aest. Sacrum Prom. St. Abb’s Head St. Andrews St. Asaph a S. Cerney S. Creake St. David’s Head St. George’s Hill St. John’s pt. medHUMMHQmmwmemmmMMHdw>wa>>wmwonHQmmew>w wmwmwummbd m0!) c‘m H50 C‘CD chp to 9am phi-hoe #1ngth c‘mm‘mc‘mflu-mc‘o Qmmc‘o phi-c.0120? 5'va 5‘0 O HN-bCD Hap-'93 c‘o H) St. Michael’s JlIount St. Valery ' Salenae Salinae Salinae Salisbury Saltash Sands Sandton Sarn Helen Sarn Helen Sarn Helen Sarn Swsan Saxonicum Littus Saxonicum Littus Scampton Seilly Islands Sea ford Sea Mills Searobyrig Seaton Segedunum Segelocum Segontium Seiont R. Selgovae . Setantiorum Portus Seteia Aest. Severn R. Severn R. Sewing Shields Seachill Sheflord Great Shelford Shields Showlesborovgh Silbury Hill Silchester Silura I. Silures Sitomagus Slack Soar R. Soham Solway Firth Sorbiodunum Sorn-Helen Southampton Southbrook Southfleet Speen Spinae Spittal Sponebed Hill Spurn Head Spy Park Staines mmmmmwwmmmdmumwch>wwowmmwwmmvdGoonmdmwQ>QEQUUOOQHOWWWQHw l-bth‘FHQ-‘th-szi-‘am o ng a: (D Dam n-bb‘n-bu-w-bc'm a: a: try-em Pan-no panama-‘09 HaHzm 9‘99““? m “5‘” 9"ng ”>0 @0090? Stamford Br. Stanegate, The Stanton ' Stanwick Stanwick .' ' Sianwiw S atio Steeple Aston Stockport Stone Str. Stone Str. Stone Str. Stoneham Stonehenge Stonesfield ‘ Stour R. Stour R. Stow Langtoft . Strageth Strangford L. Stranraer. Stratford Stratton Stratton Stretford Stretton, near Penkridge Stringston Stucia F1. Sturius F1. Sullom'acae Susura Swafl‘ham Swale R. Swine Sylina I. He Tadcaster Taesburgh Tafi R. Tamar R. Tamaris Tamerton Tamenis Fl. Tanatos I. Tanaus Taniatide Tapton, near Chester- field - Tassies Holm Tatchbury Taunton Tava Aest. Tay, Firth of Tees R. Teify R. Teign R. m 0 dcwmmeUw.HmHooQode' mmomsmmc'p. H599 monmoqaqmop. mmwmemmawQOmww ~{Tm-c: (D Ul‘p-bu-ba #50) 94mm may a 99 0 mm: Hal-450‘? ##5##:thde O 0 0 H=°"° bmwmammOUmmmoHowdmm ' Toiéobis F1. Teme R. Templeborough Termonin Test R. . Teviot R. ‘ Great Tew Thame R. Thames R. Thames, Mouth of the Thanet, I. of Thetford Thruacton Tibbers Castle Tidbury Hill Till R. Tinna Tinna F1. Tobius F1. Toliapis I. Tommen-y-Bala Tommen-y-JlIur Toppesfield ' Torksey Torwood Totness Towcester Towford Towy R. Trajectus Tregony Trent R. Trimontium Trinobantes Tripontium _ Tris-anton F1. F g Tuerobis Fl. Tunnocelum Tweed R. Tyne R. ' or Db Eb Uley Bury Upchurch Ur—i-conium Usk Usk R. Uxacona Uxela y Uxelum Va gniacae Valentia Vanduaria Varis Vectis I. mmwomwmmmomwmwuummowmoommmwumemwwwmeWU UEHUEENH C‘Ham HzH-sCD HaH': 0? DJU‘CT‘H; 0 0‘0 our: CD g—ec‘pm mm o‘cpm: o‘mo‘o co “pushes: C‘P-bC'll-SG mmmmmc‘mmmw n . Voliba Vedra F1. Venicontes _ Venta Belgarum Venta Icenorum Venta Silurum Veratinum ‘ Ver-givius Oceanus Verlucio ‘ Vernometum Vertex-a9 . Verulam by St. Albans Verulalfiium Vexala Aest. Via Devana Via J ulia. Victoria Vidotara Sinus Villa Faustini Vindelia Pr. Vinderius Fl. Vindobala Vindo ladia Vindofiua Vindomis Vindomora Vinovia De Voluba F1. Voluntii Voreda Cast. Vyrnwy R. Wall W'allingford ' Walls End , Walterston Walton Walton Heath _ Walwick Chesters VVandlebury TVanlip , , Wans-dyke Wansdyke Wanstead Wantsumn Wapley W'apley Warrington Warshill Warwick Wash, The W atchcross Watling Street E b E E e F d H f Watts Dyke Waveney R. HammmmwmmwcHmedmmemwww mamas:tummywwwmmwodwdmmmwwawmrewwwl a: o @0909 o a moat: cream: a: can we: Hal-bi-fio a: man-«ma: ms: 0 o (D (D (D 940 CD H;H-_,H5H,CD (D C‘n—bt-bI-bc‘hbcb (DCDCD Wayland Smith’s cave‘ Weald Hall Wear R. Weaver R. Weeting Weldon Wellow Wells Wenham - l’Vea‘ford Haven Weymouth Wharfe R. Whetacre Burgh Whitbarrow Whitby Whitchurch Whitehurch Whitehorn Whitley Castle Whiecoe Bridge Wickham Bushes W idford W igginton Wight, I. of Wvgton , Wigton B. Wiht . Wilbury Hill Wilcot. WillOughby Wimbledon Winchester Wintan-ceaster Winteringham Wissant PVitham R. - Wiveliscombe Woodbridge Woodbury Hill Wood Castle Woodchester W oodcote Wooden Law Woodford Woolpit Worcester Wroxeter VVychbury Hill _ Wye R. , D 9 Y are R. Yamley Y eovil Y ore R. York Y stwyth R. waijI-i (\_/’\\ mmmammmmmmeUmHmewmwwmwoomwmmmwowadewmbHmwmmmwmwi H;/fl“'”‘“‘ ' ‘ II I II \‘ . . ' I ’ . ? ”7 ) \ bregwt) 1 1 I I , ,, I I . Magi?” \ 0 Z , 9 P ‘- W \\/ \\ ”“0“!er £371“? - n Wigwam” \ ‘3 x , WM 41° 0 I 1 . , .\ IfimI 411;“ ‘ . -. II ‘ . I I fl,»— 41 > V “‘ “* —~— __, 7.- 1‘ lDOlJI‘O) Dufiflls'tf‘ 1 Ca a m) ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ y o / 050M) ColJlfllavVicmx ‘ 1‘ ’/’/'/ / l _h, ‘i-A» I . I . Turf I ’I/af I “\\m\ 5 WW 7 u}, E. E ‘ /"S:L’ a I I‘ \\\\ \II a) Can ' Kfi‘ :gaiféézm, ’ ‘ " xx I I 7—7 .7» 7,, , x . II - ‘W'I" ' ‘: - x ‘ .4 (Fan M. "m,— X x \ x I r ' ‘ - 2 , e s F- ) 1 \ < ’ "1,1" «{2} ”/2145 (7: \ 71mm» mwuBalaaW \I i ‘ ,Z‘W/ m I 9;wa f3 / ~ , I I, k , warm mm?“ . <1» ,I Ibe ‘ sE /Ebro) :I "‘ u d T I \ . I 1 1 ‘ ' annsFWCeIl/iw} \ \I Mil .;iw” Jill” " erabisE. 7 men/0U ‘1 Q) ~ ‘ ,~ "LE ama? fVinaroz) ‘ ‘ II . 3. M > ‘ ' ~ - -7 (fhersonesus [HyOPS] I I '(c. Ilmia) . firs. {Hyw'wpropmdloala d5 bar-t) \ , (VII/r, W Lanus 0) ~11 mm; 5 v :sa.Etobesa (Or-opus) , We“ ,4 . 4%? I K W , ‘ \v‘m’} \qu _ :wuon ila/ ) H ' . I _ - I 7 ~ air—LLW,” "— S griffin“ (Myamfmmge a IIC(/)lu})ra:l'i-0]?hiusa1 ‘b ' ‘ F - \u , , Q ‘ ' .." ' ‘ V 0 ‘s' _ y‘ ' , 22?, 9 . we“? a . W” V , ’, \\\ ‘ é} ‘ y w“ \, \ ‘2- ‘ , ’ H", m / 7, .. ‘ Zarzl I I I I I I ,r; ,I I R I I , I . I , I 4. III I I I I _ , , I I x I II I I . . I . I I w I‘ I . ‘ .' 'II {M \H \‘. «$5 ‘l(((¢$‘:/,," ,5‘ / , ’3?“ II / ‘7" Dr;— - t I I I I I II I IIII III II ”it epggzII II IIII .I I avi a I I . _ , 7 I 7 I , 0 UJORII)I .~ T ‘ ‘ l _ ' ~ ,. 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H\\ “WI; . , , I I 5 II I I ~I . . , I J : I “"’G,r>'u’/z [W Tariuml’r. 39033 W £0,551.12“ dLNaM WV f J ' g fl ‘ a?“ \ I I T/Tej“ I \ Op hiusal “Swab“ Ebusus altcra le) Worm!” / né @ng ’ ‘9 oan (Ldz/Bemdornw/ I\ qyé‘ (UNI \ ‘ BarbariumP ‘ ‘ r. i C r ) I (Cobain-pm) W~ 5 centum (Alicaxwe) ~, 3’ [ArraLeuce 71 Q (V 1m low . -. ~ ‘3, _ ‘ x . s \x/o v 1 ‘ V ‘ £2 . , ' ‘ « _ \ m. l .> ' , , r , ”xx “1 "' i ‘ 5 “ ‘ ‘ . i‘ r 2.\ ‘ ~- ‘ ~ ‘ ‘ i W: \ M 9i, ‘ ‘ - ' ‘r ' zdzwé’fi I 1 l X 1‘ o esfifiwfié a? a \ w ‘ I II __>'I_,,,,n/‘ 38 I 7“‘\L~L—~“w __ I‘II I1 I‘ V @1131?wa 0" IL ’3’ . l IIIIHI#,-,,,»/~-""' "AF: (# 1 , ‘ ‘7“”4I\K_\_ I 0 “€me as ader[The0<10ruS]E ob ' #IJI R ,7 fl 7,1,, ~ '* * ‘ " " 7' "w I 1 ; L3 I Na+~ , ME) 7 , [#1 fl . ‘ ' E 1 ‘ ‘ I f e m ‘fdfi’s‘fi‘ew‘ " MW" V l x U M 3 I I / zem’, ‘ l 1: O l in ‘ ? ' ‘ V :‘fi 1‘ l ‘ ‘ 2 d I I o ‘ ‘ . J ‘ X's ex I; I \ X ' I I I I I I I I III II . I . I I x , I I_ , . III . I (I? I ~ I I l - V . ’ l ' ‘ ' " ' I ‘ I I, I :5. ”I“ ,_ 'Iu/ I Am I - ‘ l I Z ‘ 1‘ 4 . N W ' . \ ’. -"‘ "x ' 4 ‘ 1,1 9’ ' ‘ " 5 , ~ 5 c I a”): . '- " 7 ’ : " ' " "/1 7 1 §X\’ ll \ \t I ‘\ Y" L gg, 1 ‘ , I * V I / [I ‘ :I ‘\ .c .’, a ' I , I . , II ‘ I C311 ‘ \ z - o m). , // I I I I I I . .Satlll'fliPr- [Calm-P11170441] VII \I ’g I ; I ' ' I /1{ ml - _ I - , a ,. (bite/Polo?) 42) \I . I I ; u a? or ov '/ . _ - 0 ‘ ‘ ‘~ , V l’ ' ', I ' I _ » . 0 )S 3113 ' l 1 ‘ ! I Ahab; ‘ Obucula ,, stm may“) / . ‘1.’ 3%“? I_ ‘ IIII II I ,I \ . II ,I ‘ J AKA 0 III‘ HEIMW SI :1 com 1‘ {ON ; I I (g I b. ‘ I ‘ “(HAWK R C /mml, ,‘ I ‘ ,- I ’ ‘ ' ‘ ' 1 \ II ! ;: ’ J/é" :ij ”m / \ 3 W » ' * ' " ' . , R ‘ - i ‘ I x I ‘ V‘ ‘ E? ( V" ’ fl .[Ifie ’(571/ I /M i 1‘ I ‘ - ' ‘ mp8. Alain. J ‘ ‘ ‘ I ”ll/"9|” INN“ ”M /'/%II 9 0 ° ”1 C , x ? _ fingfi . , ‘: 0 ' NH “ I \ o"«_ \ 1' III I_ I - II ',‘ v . . ? . V} a \ e K ‘ , I . R I, . , ,. , \ . *' R I 5x4 1 : I_[,M,R-rfi» 37° ~ , i ‘ (”fl-em! min Car '_ * I‘M - , "I .R ”W 7' D ' H J _ :2 fl; * .- ‘- , -, -. I 1 i : ~ #i‘} ’ # W5, 7' \ 1 I * rrrrrr RWIMFMRV“ sacmmh, . ‘6‘ when / a 9 '- , _ . ' ‘ * ,, IIIIII d , fl ‘ I I va ! ‘ ‘ ”W J “new“; ___‘_#Ir’,,& '#‘ fl & Rumccuru r ? E . I 1 fl , i I . (”and ,, W (V, II $005 Della/6‘) i I' r I 1‘ §65 DPr \ a. ‘ ‘ g» . x 95‘? II III 1 a g uneus . A , I, . . z j I? 1 I: I "959‘M112L) [Cemfi PerceL Tartessins] BaetigE '3 I , I ‘ L“ ’3“. ~ / I ‘ 1 U \ ""‘ I ‘ 3‘ v , 4/ ‘ H ' ' I ,2 } h I: II I / [I SQPIOIJJS 131111th 5' "W1 A! , j’ - ‘ ‘ ‘ ' ‘I I <% I I _./ I w I! /alipiona) I uCi’ I I . I I ‘ ‘I l J I 9' l ‘ I III: \ , _ . I II II _ . I a ‘I ‘ I I J O r j ' Part uMmstfiégggmnu o , ’ ‘ ’ I x I: P I I f: 69 a.» / I I I I R J ; [Augusta J‘uhau Gaditana] GADE s ' ‘ ' ° 1 l ‘ I I; : I Cadiz) [ 1 , , , l ‘ 1 i ‘ I! If 1 I‘ I I I I ‘ I, z I I. Hercuhs . Wm) ‘ I 1 . R I R I . I i I I I i I] 1‘ I l f 7 I alulvw) - , I I I o I' I 9 ' { al‘besula «flaw/W21”) : R E R . ' :I I ‘II I IIIIIiIIflfl, 36° 36 * “‘x‘jfi‘ n\,_\ O r ' ‘ I’ ! rc may”; Junonis Pr. . migmfflpfsflgmmw/ M * A : ‘2 % / ----- '/ F}; H“‘““‘* “-7- ,, _ , I _ . 311811 am.) I ‘ I l ‘ #14? , , mg,” fl ___7,_,, , , I, Baesnyef 19 3°“; CalyeM. mg mmscolma] ' YV M I " 'rkr——~ ! . :Bze'lorogp-et - 6‘2”“12‘17} ‘ —T _k_‘ ‘_L V \ “FW‘R, ,W (rakiwaMenm A} 1 Ir A 1 I FA A . .7 ,, , . C 1‘ ([hebfl‘“ . V I FREEUM W ' F ‘ I 7 7 7 r" ~ -, _F F“ fi_ 1 , II ' l I I I L )— IIIIIIIIII #_4_V ;#__4 \v hy]9171&th | 1 . 1' I‘ II I AlbumPrI, GAD I T AN UM 1V1 E ' ' [I II :I I! I1 I I - Abila NI. [Herbuhs Columna] E “ 1 \ ' I i A - s. w .; s a ‘ ‘ R I I I II I I! I Lupe/13:5?” otes PLI E-IIII I l K 1 1 ‘ I! J I (; E \I I I \___/ ta 0 , y I; ’ Aquila "Lilla {CNegr-o) ‘I \ ‘K 1 '. ‘ I : ‘. ¥ ) ‘ 1 ~ I x * f r _._‘_l_.._1#_1 ,,,, , 1L,,,_.,,#',,.,__,,,, 350 Modulus 1: 2,500,000. d _ 1 ,, ”Ema \ m ; 11° .IB . 100- , I I , I [K] ,H_ I II [N] 1., i0] 20 I [P] 30 [0} 4° Drawn byD.r Charles Mijllcr . “m ‘ ‘ F ‘ # V — ————— V ~En~graved by Edw51Wener \4 I ‘II / ‘ i 1 I Miflia passuum Roman ( 75 =1") ’ \X lI j ‘ . l 19 A 2° 1 3° . 4? Lio 7.5 . 100 L ‘ I -~i ' Stadia (600=1°) ,I \ 1| g 1? I L 100 -, . . 500 . L I 1000 I’ I 1 i \I | Miniaria Angfica (69 12-10) ' I |I ‘ ’ I I, I E .A1.0.2.0439.49.5.°. . . .190 I I’ I l ‘I 1 g 1 It § 1 ) x I . l j} I f I f i ‘ , P John, Murray, ADOBE arlé Street, Londbn,l872. . ' . a Ii 00%: ca.( uuv- Itt. Abdera Abelterium Abila M. Abla Abobrica Abrantes - Acatucci Acci Acer M. . Acinippo Acra Leuce Ad Adrum Ad Aras Ad Aras Ad Centuriones' Ad 1: (Decimum) Ad Ellum Ad Fraxinum Ad Lippos Ad Morum Ad Morum Ad Novas ' Ad Novlas Ad Novlas Ad Palen Ad Pontem Ad Putea Ad Rubras . . Ad septem aras Ad XVII (Septimum Decimum) Ad Sorores >Ad Statuas Ad Turres Ad Turres Adamuz Adeba Ademuz Adobrica Adra Adrus F. ZEbura JEminium Eminius F. ZEso Africa Africum Mare Agathe Agiria A gramunt A guas Aguilar A guilar A guilas. Ajerbe Alabon Alagon Alagon Alajor Alameda Alamo Alanto. Alba Alba Alba F. Albacete Albaida Albalate, L. d6 Albania ' Albarracin Albeniz _ Alberche Albocela Albonica Albor Album Pr. Albuquerque Alcacer de Sal Alcala Alcala del Rio Alcala Real Alcanadre Alcaiiiz Alcantara Alcaraz ‘ Alcazar dc S. Juan Alce Alcobaga Alcoy ~Alcoy Alcudia ~Aldea Tejada Alebus F. Alechipo , Alemquer A lfaro A lfayates ' A l [esiras A lhama Alicante Aliste Aljador Allones Almaden Almaden Almadevar Almagro Almanza Almanzora A lmazarron Almeida " Almeirim Almeria A lmodovar Almunecar Almunia Alone Alonis I. Alora Altea ' Alter do Chao Althaea ~ . _ Amacis o Amallobr'iga Ambisna Ammaea mmawgmgmgngmwwwbmngmwwagHmwwombawzgoHHmdggHQQUaQdammfibewbwwmbbmeMszngZKQOQOUUdeUHgmngwz MMHWHKHZNHQHgmameKQZHHwQNQmH r4109 mb‘mflamam H.910? was U‘chm Hap—4559090? 0 0‘0? H-O D" o cié'c‘mo mb‘mt—ho mm b‘m 9mm mam man so a: a mo D‘p-ac‘m b‘mfiam Hat-0:0 a a Hm 0 6:09.090‘? ma Hm Do mwmc‘mm o 5‘09 c‘c‘aqcn a o a: 0 am am e o pagan Wc‘DoQ-ao an“: pagammmmw c: Abbreviations : Ampelusias Pr. Ampurias Anabere Anee caput Anas F. Anas F. Anas F. Anas F. Andorra Andujar Anlequera Antequia Anticaria. Antistiana Anzanigo Aquee Augustee bellicee Aquse Bilbilitanae AquaeCalidae Aquae Cilenae Aquee Oilenae Aquee Convenarum Aquae Flaviae ’ Aquae Onesiee Aquae Origenee Aquae Quarquernae Aguee Sextiae Aquae Siceae Aquee Voconiae Aquitanicus Sinus Aralal ‘ Arabriga. Araceli Aracillo Arae Sestianee Arandi Araquil Aratispe Arbos Arcobriga Arcos Arcos Ardilla Arelate Arenas gordas Arenei Montes Areva F. Arga Argentarius M. Argentiolum Aritium Ariza Arjona Arlanza Arlanzon Aroche Arrago Arragon Arrayale‘s Arriaca ' Arronidaeci et Golia- cini Arsa Artabri Artabrorum P. Artabrorum P. Artemisium Artigi Amcci Arunda Arva Asido Caesarina A8paluca Aspe Aspis Assasary Assegonium Asserey _, Astaregia Astigi Astigi vetus Astorga Astura F. Astura F. Astures Asturica Augusta Ateca Ategua Atiliana Atiliana Sepulcra Atlanticus Oceanus Attacum Aturia F. . Augusta Julia Gad1- tana Augustani Augusti Turris Augustobriga Augustobriga Aunios I. Ausetani Autrigones Ayarum Pr. Ave Aveiro Avelhaes Avila Avo F. Axati Ayamonte Ayna Azuaga Tar- Bacasis Badajoz Badelona Badia Beecyla Baedyi Baelo F. Beelo opp. Baena Baenis F. Baesippo P. QNEQUEUEUUHOONQUMM NNwHHMHMHQQWHQMUUHKKEQQQWQZOOUQQ_HwhofiHHHNUMNHwawmfiQNHmNuQmNoQfiwomdmzmzuowbb gomHmmomemNggfi C. Capo. F. Flumen. I. Insula. L. 'woflwwdewwo an o b‘c‘c‘oq o ’36:: tremor: b‘c‘c‘m ”matron mm heme-m cubs: mmc‘om C‘C‘OQ a CD c‘mc‘c‘OQO‘Q so I-bO bf'o U‘b‘c‘m so :0 c‘oUQ so 0 so so c‘o c‘o SD cr‘a c‘o 89' 5.50909 0 ammo (5 0‘6 c‘o o o‘c‘b“ 5‘00? FTD‘S‘J Hal-b0 Hao c‘o’JQ cm mc‘aga 'b‘mmc‘c‘... .Beterree . ‘HISPANIA. ‘ Baetica Baetis F. Beetis F. Baetulo Opp et Fl. Baeturia Baeza Bagur C. Balaguer, Coll dé Balearicum Mare Balearides I33- Balearis Major Balearis Minor ' Balizao Balsa Balsa Bambola .Banda Baneza Baiiolas Banos de Cuntis Barbariana. Barbariana Barbarium Pr. Barbastro Barbata Barbazena Barbesula F. Barbesula Opp. et F. Barcelona Barcino Barea. Barracas Basilippo Bastetaui Basti Bastuli Baylen Bayona Baza Beatia Becerra Bedunia Beja Belchite Belen, N. S. de ‘ Belia. Belion ~F. Belli Belsinum Belsio Bembimbre Benavente Beneharnum Benidorme _ Benidorme, I. de Berga Bergidum Bergium Berja Berlengas Bermeo Berones Berrus Beseda Beselga Betanzos Beteta Bea is B iar Bid aureta Biel Bigerr’a Bilbao Bilbilis Binefar Biscargis Bituris Blanca T. Blanda Blanes Blendium Bletisa Bobadilla Bollo Bortinee Botoa Bracara Augusta Braga Braganza Breva‘e Bribiesca Brigaecium Brozas Budua Burbida Burden Burum l Cabeza el Griejo Cabezas de S. Juan Cabezas Rubias Cabra - Cabras, 8““ de Cabrera ‘ Caceres Cadiz Ceeciliana Caacilias vicus Ceesada Cecsaraugusta Caesarobriga Cala Calabre Calabria Calactinus Sinus Caladunum Calagorris Calagurris ensis Calagurris Nassica Calahorra Calamocha Cavldas de Mombuy Oalentum muamwQHmwbwMawfifimwaNzZHNHZNEZNQHUW2HNoNowozzzmeZHozbzmmHHNomQNNmbbewmmwmzommdeMHmmwpwwoszwwwa \ Fibulara wowbwg o ‘01? o Q-AO‘U‘U‘ mgwmwmgwmdwmpbmamw 8° c509 cacao an o maestro a: #5090? b'o so c‘c‘mm U‘o‘c‘o o o #450 Undo sa'o o Dac‘a c: o :9 mac‘ma pass a o c‘c: 0‘s: 0 D‘c‘c‘u‘mmm o c‘o :9 do a mo Macro? H.012 c‘mn'oqcmcm mm c: a {THU-v.00 o mVD‘c‘cr‘c‘o QUQOQOQQ CD a o o 00? mo Huron Lacus, Lagb. M. Mons. P. Portus. Pr. Promontorium; R. River. T. Tcmplum. Calipus F. D f Charidemi Pr. K h Douro Callenses G g Chaves E' c Dracina Calon Pr. . M g - Chelif N i Dragonera Calpe M f Chelva L e Duefias Calpe M. G h Chersonesus N d Dueno Oalpia G h Chinchilla L f Duo Pontcs Calpurniana H g Chipiona F h Durius F. Calvus‘M. . K c‘ Chiva M e Durius F. Camala G b Chretina O f Durius F. Cambarco H a Chylemath F. N i Durius F. Cambracum H a Cicee Ia" G b Durius F. Cambrils 0 d Cies Is' 0 b Cambris H a Cieza L f ‘ Cambrodon O b Cilniana G h Ebellinun‘l , Campomajor E f Cimbis F h Ebora Canama G g! Cinca F. N b Ebora Candasnos N c .Cinca F. N c‘ Ebora Caneirp F a Cinca N c Ebro Canete la Real G h Cinium Q 6 Eburobritium Cangas de Onis G a Cinniana P b Ebusim Canha D f Cintra O f Ebusus Canillera 0 e Cisimbrum H g Ebusus altera Cantabri ~ H a Ciudad de Nabril E d Ebusus I. Cantabricum Mare F a Ciudad Rodrigo F d Ecija Canta vieja M d Ciudadela Q e Edeta Cantillana F g Civitas Aravorum F d Edetani Camus F. M f Civitas Consorauorum O a Edulius M.- Canus F. N d Civitas Limicorum E b Ega Capara. F d Claudiomerium C b Egara Capilla G f Claudiomerium E a Egelastee‘ Capori D b Clodianus F. P b Equer‘a Capraria I. Q a Clunia, I 0 Fiat Caprasiae jugum M‘ e Coa F d Elche Cara L b Coca H 0 Blake Carabuay I g Cocosa L a Elda Caraca I d Coimbra D d Elimberrum Caracuel H f Coina O f Eliocroca Caree M c Coliacini G a Eljas Caraminal O b Colippo D 6 El .Padron, CaraniCum ' E a. Collicure Q b Elusa Carasa L a. Colobona F h Elms Carasa L a Colombres H a. Embrun Caravaca K f Colonia J ulia. Nova Emerita Augusta Caravafia I d Carthago L g Emporiae Caravis L c Colonia J ulia Victrix O c EmporitOn, Vetus urbs Carbula G g Colonia Victrix Julia M c E0 Carca K f Colubraria N e Epora. Carcasso 'P a Columbretes N e Equabona. Carcuvium H f Complutica F b Equosera Cardova O c Oomplutum I 'd Ercavica Caria E d Concani H a Escombrera Carija G h Concordia. D e Escura L. Carinena L .c Condeixo a vielho D d Esera Carissa G h Conejera Q 6 Esla Caristi K b Confluentes L ’e Esla Carlota G g Con frentes L e Esledunum Carmo G g Congedus F. _ L c Espejo Carmona G g Gongium I c Espiclzel, C. de Carpetani H d Conimbriga D d Estepa » Carpi H g Consabrum I e Estepan Carrion H b Constantina G g Estoy Carrion B. H b Consuegra I e Estremoz Cartagena ’ L g Contestani L g Esuris Cartama’ H h Contosolia F f Etobesa‘. Cartare I. E g Contrebia L d Euandria Carteia E g Contributa Julia. F f Evora Carteia G h Contributum H g Evora Carthage Nova _ L g Ccrbes E g Ezarag Carthage Vetus O c Corbones G g Carula G g Corcubian C ‘ . .Carvoeiro C. C e Cordoba G g Feira .. Cascante L c Corduba. G g Ferrarium Pr. Caspe M c Corella K b Ferrel Uassantum L c Coreuse Litus F -h Figueras Cast. Branco E e Cores D a. Fines Castellani O b Cargo E c Fines Castellonde la Plana N e Coria F d Fines Castra Amanuaria I a Coria F g Finisterre C. Castra Caecilia F e Corobedc C. C b, Flavianavia Castra I’ostumiana H g Coro'nil G g Flaviobriga Castro del Rio H g Cortes L c Flaviolambris Castropol F a Corticata I. C b Flavium Aurgi’ranum Castro Urdiales I a Cortona ,0 c Flavium Brigantium Castuera G f Coruiia D a Florius F. Castulo I f Cossetani N c Fluvia Castulonensis Saltus H f Cotes Pr. F i Fontanillas Cauche H h Cotteeobriga F d Fonte de Lima Caucoliberris Q b Couto D e Foraugustana Caura. F g Crato E e Formentera Caura H c Creuz C. Q b Formentor C. Caurium F (1 Cuba E f Forum Bibalorum Caus N 0 Cuba, el G 0 Forum Gallorum ‘ Canada 0 c Cuda F. E 0 Forum Gigurrorum Cavaleria C. R d Cuda F. F (1 Forum Ligneum Caviclum I h Cuelms M (1 Forum Limicorum Cazalla G g Cuenza K d Frades . Cazalla G g Cuer'va H e Fraga Cazorla K g ' Culla M d Fraxinus 060, G b Cullar K g Fuengirola Cebrones G b Cullcra M e Fuente de Cantos Cehejin L f Cundis D a. Fuente (lel Moestre Celadus F. D c Cuneus D g Fuente Ovejuno Celeret M e Cuucus Pr. E h Fuliola Celsa, M C Curiga F f Celti G g Cynetes D g Celtiberi H b Cypsela Q5 0 Gabriel Cehkfi 1) f Gades . Celticoflavia G d Gaditanum Fretum Celticum Pr. 0 a Dactonium E b Gaditanus Po‘rtus (Xenia N d Daimiel I e Gallaecia Ceno D c Daroca L' c Gallega Oepiana 0 f Deasain K a Gallia Cera G h Deciana P b Gallica Flavia Cerdana 0 b Decium K a Gallicus F. Ceret F 11 Decuma G g ‘Gallicus Sinus Gerretani O b Denia N f Gallocanta, L. de Certima H _h Deobriga I b Garay Certis F, E h Deobriguta I b Garumna F. Cerval'ia Q b Dertosa N d Gala, C. de Geri/era K b Dessobriga H b Gela (767mm; N c Deva 7 K a Gemella 067176711 0. . Q. b Deva F. K a Gemestarium Cessero ' Q a Dianium Artemisium N f Geminae Cetraria G h Dianoe I. N f Gerona Cezimbra O f Dipone E f Gerunda Characitani I d Domeno» M 9 Gibraltar ‘ wamwmmmowboggggcwwwb {To 0 WOW: c‘b‘m o pac‘c‘o so c‘o D‘HHJ‘CD ’3ngUhjbZEKN‘HNEONZKKNOOOOUOWECg .3023 demzsmmamomemZmbp-momm zmmwmazavgmgmpomwmwuomUHwooomeZd Nmfifibdmmwma cocooc‘coopo; o mmmrmo can U‘U‘c‘c‘cp ”we 0 cm: soon so a: so c‘o'saon c‘so Hm. c‘mm b.5940? H30? D‘O'Q manor: 0 O‘U‘D-IGQ (D o Ham? D‘O‘p—hc‘ws? (I‘D-40¢ SD pump-0,70 CD 0 O‘C‘o mag cu I-wa-ba pup-3.530“ MAP'H. Giene Gigonza Ci/on Ginela, la Glandomirum Granada Grovii Guadalajara Guadalaviar Guadalcanal Guadalimar Guadalmez Guada lquiuir Guadarama Guadazaon Guadiamar Guadiana Guadiana-menor Guadiaro Guadiaro Guadiato Guadiela Guadia Guardia Guardo Guicona Guimaraes Gurrea Hactara Hannibalis Portus Hannibalis I33. Hemeroscopium Henares Henares Herculis I. Herculis I. Herculis T. Herculis Columna Herculis Columna Herminius M. Herna Herquera Herrera Hienipa Hijar H inojosa Hippo Hispalis Hispanum Mare Hay/zambre C. H uelva Huerba Huesca Huescar Huetamo Hyops Hystra. Iaca Ibera Ibericum Mare Iberus F. Iberus F. I bi Ibis Ibiza Ibiza Ibra. Idanha a vclha ,Idubeda M. Ierabriga Igabrum Igeeditani Ildum Ilercavouia Ilerda I lerda C. Ilergetes Iliberris Ilici Ilicitanus Sinus Ilipa Ilipula Ilipula Laus Ilipula minor Ilipula M. Iliturgicola Iliturgis Illiberris Illora Ilorcis Ilucia Ilugo Ilurcis Gracchuris Ilurco Ilurov Iluro Iluro Imus Pyrenaeus Inca Indara. Indigetes I nfantes Iniesta Interamnium Interamnium Flavium Intercatia Internum Mare Intibili Ipagrum Ipolcobulco Iponuba Iporci Ipsense Iptuci Iria Flavia Iruna Iscar Isona Isturgi ' Isuela Italica Ituren ZZENKHWEEQHQEQEmEHQQWHwNszUN 9-qu c‘oOQ snow: a: mom: C‘OQ H30 dramas ambiance swagmumamt-moHmmonwazgrfizzzzzmmovwmoozzzmmzz pm; a mom o‘c'p'oqoraoqaqaq 9.....9 o‘o‘o p-bc‘c‘o a: 0 so Ira: van-w Hm U‘mWUQUQGQUQUQUQ Hm o pm ammo: o o oar: Hm mmfiac‘b‘p-ac‘ bwzmomwuwmmmHmzmmsQEHwo KUOHHHNQHQHmwbmmeQbHuHomQQm c: o o 9:090? ill-09 F'D‘OQ 5'0? 0 grew-5mm Sacra? crap as p-‘m; HISPANIA: ii Itgxissa IVla. l“, {3 3' filalaga . ‘ ‘ u Elgfim £1 11 Nam'a, R, P alen J C Navilub: F ‘ a P. ' J acca Mall L C N ' 10 ' . F }nt1a, J accetani M b Malvogcg‘ P e NEE?” Venema F 18; {£806th 3 c 8- Celom - MAP 11‘ Jam N c Manes-1111's K k Nemau' C a. P{301‘aca, H {1’ 8- Claudio P ‘3 S11mmus Pyrenaeu Jalon I 8 Manchu Real 1 b Nemetostilg - R a PESOI‘aCa F' H b 8' EstEban 113 a Summus Pyl‘elweu: lg b Tyris galon g (f). Mimilva a g I'Orum I‘lga Trlbo- Higgica F. H c g gefiu d6 Guixels. Q f SHI‘daOnesr N b Tyris F. fl 3 amno Manhanus S 1 h Nerii E b P' ga’ H b ' Mes c ‘ c 6 Jam“ 1% e Mamesa a tus L d Nerium Pr D a Pig‘s?“ H c ’3 gm Pied de Pm If g . - . Jelsa, e Mamilla O c Netium]? ' C a. P1 .Sa? 188. O f - uan F a Tabarm II M m6da ‘ Jem‘l M c Mant b," K b N - r' C aglana, 8' Juan Bade 3' Tabemas f me'gzue I Jorez de I 0 G. g Manta llga‘ E f Nengn 0' C b Plan“ 1' E f 3- Lucar sas P b Tader F K g Uciese G P F f Wag” I a N22123:)” K at Eganesia I. £6: g S- g g F. g f Ucubi H 37.97161“ ? C fila’l‘ateca, % d NertObrizé: F f Plzzggzza F d g. Jgdtea N 3 $afnah L If EdUba, F. INI. mo 6 Marbella f Nerva L c Pl - L ' “9" D agenius F. gm JovisM, -. E b Man H h‘ N I “to” . 0 5° Vicente b Tagomago I ‘1 UEa F- G Hanibaflm scahs Q b M (1755:5122: (ad) G g N23235:... I z gilglbarm I. {1 2. ga Vichent 0. ICI : $agrus M. 8 ‘2. glfiians g P . n ' a flwr N ‘mea Fd Mwa Hh mea Ga Mflml Fb fiwfll Cf gfll M guila Angusta 0 g i‘fal'lana % f Nzebla, C c POHentia, ”don G b Stalcjlzfeto 0' O f Tagus g E e U}? K H Ilia, Constantia Ieu‘iemiMoht f Nivaria F g Polle P” e S . aria 0' E h. gus ' G a Julia Joza F g Mariano 1 °3 F g Noe H c P ' "z“ p andaqultum I Tagus F. e Ulla F. D JUIia. Lib '03, G h Aldrin-nu; n monte F g Noega C b Pompelo L 1‘: Sandals E 9: Tagus F_ . I .d Ume ' D Juli T~ 3 0 b M ‘t': Na K f ga. G ‘ 0723 . Samsera b Tajzma K d Umia. D h M3313: Me $232123 of: 1132:: I: %i: £13 1P3 Engndiusm 1P) Julipa, b Mal‘uCCa, I g No I E b aVIae E 22 an er a a riga, r iaca. . ‘ guera Ponsel b Sa t I a. ‘T G U'- ' M Juncaria G f Marvao G g No u N b P E 72 qrem O , alam 6 lblcus F. Jm P "b M ‘ _ F e 51 em_ N Ontevreda , .’ 9 Santz_ago de Ca 9 “Talacem d6] N b Urci G P115333“ 3 h Mzzitzm PM a g 1133;; E 2 1133:5323 ? E; fizzy-film “m 12: Pm Rey“ 8; ° grams Sinus E Junonis P} i Massilia h Norb M e P 7‘6, ' E 0”“ I mam F- e rgao ' J' , . 1.1 h M . _ S a: ‘1 ortugalete e Sarna, a: Tamarici D b Urium H ngigétem P b 1”ng L 2 fifflam' %) 1‘: £33118 filbus g 1‘: Earn}; E % gamaris F. 1]; i9; grium E; J —- E a. M ~ P 13. us manu . “Sumo ambre rium V. uvla F. D 3. 41125283511111 E 2 K 0 gm“ Cale II) a Satumi Pr. LEI b Tame!!!) D b Urso B F . MearusCBL‘ D ‘1 Oba. Portus Magnus K 1(1) Sauga-F' H g ,Tamf a D c Urumm .G Lab“ F Mearus F. D a Obila G h 011:6“ Veneris calabls Praesidium 9' famzmm 1‘! f Uml ‘ L {’“0‘55‘” M 3 Mew ' E a omivi F H (1 Po 53811” Q b s M11?“ D “Wow I}: 9 Utrem L Ila0}pea. 1“ f Neda I. G h Obucufl) . C 0 PI“: as ‘ G g Selploms flurris F 1‘: T arifa F 0 Uxama Argaela, G- 11:23)}ng G h filed’ina, Q b Obulcoa G g P1%:ia(§1:$1 D b Sgggibr-ana’ 1' M g $211118 F. O 2 UXama. Barca % J _ . . ‘ ac 1‘ - Lac 011355ng 0011 11 b fizfifiafizdonia g If chIOdUTUm 1g g greasidium % b SWIM} gf e Tarizggnensis O 0 st . - ' mga ‘ 0 Ogesa, c raesidiu ‘ c egi 13' T D Lactintla‘ G g Medulla F. D e Ocurri N c. 131.3%”qu E g Segiga R ‘ L b Tziraga. K E $200912]:1 D d L ra N Mallaria, M d Ode M ' G h Prat d P c S ~ P estltUta J uliaF f raga. O accael acus mal‘inus a M 11 - Gr f 0 ,- ”a D .61 Rey 0 eg¥sam0 Tarragona c vacnaF G c £adicus M. g 1‘: 11:11:13: G h 032:; F 3 ina F : Seglsamumlum i1 E garmsco 8 c Vadinia, ' D d 8aetami M M f -" D ”€90 egobrige’n > Wega 0 Val de 0 I) G a L . P c elsus F, Oducla, f Prior 0. K d Se . M e T , O a We 11:113. F Memoriana, F 3' Oeaso G g Fuentg d A D a, Segonga' K c Tarsean I c galderaduey E d pa, 1 g M . , G b O L e [Conefa/r F , 80.11 1a, art8881113 F J g alebon a, C . men L g Mgfimifilgla N c Oeaso Pr. L a. guente deg Amobispo G e Segorbe L c Tamra, . F h Valenciag M d Lagobriga 113 81 Perms F P oiésuna L 2 PM P L s Segovia £1“ E P m E e Lagos D g Menosca Q e 01:18 E Puerto de Bejar G d 8890”“ H d Tea N c Valentia M e LCLhCl/rlre g LI CB. K ura’ G g uerto de las Herrei segre d Teba ‘ D b Valera LI 6 Lama, I"! b Mintesa Ba§tia I a 8%Cades M g1: P’uerto Salon “133 e ’36ng N c Teba H g Valera K e iiambriaca i3 3 Mefiuefi’: Omaha K gf 013321“ 0 c £333? 3' 59M” F f: geguntia 8 1‘; £95“ vie/a E h $319M i; f aIlCia. I F - . .' . 0 e - Cruz egum Ciiada g allad Z ' e Lancienses OP ida ' G b Fig??? F. F— g 8?“? 1g1 F d {gm/966d“ g I? Segum K f Tejo F g Vallat; id H c Lancienses $15180? E d fife 1:1.Va0pp, 9t 171m. H h 01}S}ppo C gf Pyrenael Ms. L SVegum E d Tenebl‘ium Pr 0 f Valverde F b I dani - E d Mezamenm N c 012:?P0nense Pr. 0 f Yrenfieum Pr. Q % gzgum R, K i rgerebas F. ' ' 11:} i galvelrde f d Jan" ' , a 1 7x0 e~ , ‘ Lapfifiigrgiu D d fiierf’ablum i? ii 01”“ 1161 b . Selambina .D e T423321; K b vgifgde , Mi Lapul‘dum D a Mind“ F f 8mm” M i Qm'ntam G f Sella,‘ l h Termes V I b Vanda F ‘f Lurnolmtani {; a, filexola D a 03:11:81 ZEStuaria F g Quip“? L g 36qu 0' ' g 3 Teruel £ 0 Varcilenses I d %fi%2fl p§.meAmz _¥g Oma Hg Sfiflfi D6 %33 Ni gfihg Kg lass/£73,; K 1) Metal}? 1‘? h Oll‘tOnia. ( 0 b Rauda, Semproniana 0 c Thiar rus F. M f Varies: . E 9. Laura ‘ M d Afifielhnum G % 871150.71") E a R6641). %‘ c Sentice O 0 Thiar J ulia, , M g Vam‘a K b LaVinium M f M{atl_cum If (1 Ophgusa I. 0 a RGglna, F h Septimanca G d T homar N d Var-grim K b Lelymja K e M’Wadas G e OPthsa I. 0 g Remosa H f Sequillo G” c Tielar D e Vascohes D c Lem“ {I h M??? G a 01W? D c gem“ L 2 $9r?bis E (13} c Ti‘malinum G ‘1 Vela K b Led‘isma F c 'flf'gnhes N e ng'i'um NOVum M a km N c be” E d ngfmtem L b Vela“ G “ Le o . . c . . o 1 01 13 eyna, 1 Sena Fam - f Tm s G h Velez I c Leia-“VII Gamma, G b Mynus I4“ (0' C Orense , M f Rhoda, 1* f Sermone a Juha, F g Ting: G i Velez glagt’lga H h Lemavi D e fimgus 1: E : -'81:8tani E b Rhodani Ostia 1% b Serpa, I: c Tiquadra, Ia. F g Veneiau 7'0 K g Leon E b Munusli- E b om" I Per 3W 0 it 56’3"“ L g Tm” P e veluca I, b Leonica, G b M3.“ D (1 01‘8th Gel‘manOrum I f gitznzares I Serrat M“ 13 g Titthi 91‘ Belli M d. Vendrel K c Lepe M c M1‘~a L e Organa O b R‘, a da Sella, H e Servol N 0 Tltulcia, H b Vendres P O c Le’r'ida 1161 g M1334“ I b Oigfmomescum G a BM“ L 2’ S(itelsis 0 d Tituleia I d Veniatia ‘ ‘Q' b Lesym c M' ‘ r15m D $13 0 {8'68 Seterrae b T Obarra, I d ’Venta 0 b E b L M d ”Obl‘laa g 0““ b Rio L c Setort' 1 P 0 To L f V a arm F LesyruS F" M MiI‘Obriga, F d OW'vhueZ K g Riocald H g S, .la anse K c T Con, OZ I ' enta d6 {as Santos d “be F- 0 e Modezz-é’ G f Ori 0‘ L f R' 0 D b sen-m E b Oled" g Vent“ Quemada, I f Lem“ M 0 Mo 'Pmm G f orn9p°- G 150”" K f We ‘ G TOIBtum H- e Ventipo I f" Lay 12a 6 M g. ‘D 0 19.01 F g ~1pa. H 86111 g T010sa, ’11 e' Vera > H g Lezuza 1 b 08011 D 6 “Pew 3' 30a 3 Seyarm I h Tolous 0 a Verde R Ir I ib' K f MOguer e (”Opesa G e RO‘Doretum H c Siarum N d Ton b ' N e V ' Gr i J_ }a 'I b Moja dos F g 0108 d N d Roc F 0 Sb , G go I'lga, F Greasueca,‘ L}blsosa K Mouedo If C 07'7‘656 a: M. K f Rocad' P O S]: arm, ‘ G g T011011 L. Q 6 Verela \v' G a figgiim M H Pf MonastePP-o £1 a Ortegal 0 g b Rodi W“ H h $33323 0 13 ggdiio‘)” Balaguer 0 '3 522%”“1 f § 2 . , . . 1 . - . . , , Oso ' Inpiniana are gr 1 $322709“ G gf, 8313mm Pr, 0 g godams g 2 8300113 F. £11 g T Orzfiomo 0. Q C veSCitania, 0 a Lyme» D 9 Mon d“ G h 0T1,111m 1’1; 0 b Romwaugg L a S'lpons F. O 0 Tarmes C b Vespen'es M b Wm?» F- D c Mondego 0 d on???" F b 123”“ G h 51.9"“ Oebollem K b “TM“ 8 ° “moms 3 8‘ £1913 D C Mondéeyg'gr E d 08a gem 1'; r O b Ragga; I K h Sign” de la Uulebr a F 2 gown“ I % V¥a Augusta, B c [I'm-a :M c MOnforte d L I d 0803' 7 (mtzel K f Rubia l Q b 86:70: de Gredos G d T070 G V}a. Augusta, G g». 142:}? M g Monsanto 6 emos E b Oscua, M b Rubri’cgtus F G f 8122::de Gglmdalupe G e 113:: S _de filll'ongat P 2 $1.3 Augusta, INII g J3 .072. M ' E d H - ' P .~ . “a (Mafia Jonci o ’fa'na c £23274), 1(3 1: 31371211213?” M d ggiflcéias re ' M % £23535” I (f). $333 fildalamal % 3 £32.68 Novas IE; 2 Vlctofiae Juliobri F b 'lza - a 10 , os ‘ . " Llamas E 9 Monte major L d. Osma g G f Ruradensis Re F b Sierra dealer“ K b Totang N d VigenSmm Portus I a. If AIOm‘ema II g Osma I b RUSC' SP. I f 8.071603/0 K C T L . us Aquarum iiifzzga? P i: MOPPP- "' D f esset K c mam Q h 322:2: 3m E e T335: I 3 $10“ 131mm E 2 am . - . 0 ' ‘ cus ' ' LOW {J o $327255“; K 1% 8:2}g91‘da 11% % Ruzados g 3 glam Morenéna fl (} Tfaete M. %1[ g Wdio 0.11mlnar1us I e LondObris I. G g M07220“) H f Osélgl I Sierra JVCUada ‘ I . Zrafalgar 0‘ F g Wgo. F a, Low“ G e ARMS? N 0 OstgnOba D g Sab SEW“ de T016010 H g “gala, Capita, N h Véllafi'a'ma 1? b Lora G 3 Mom t if; K k 08153130 H g Sabor~ F c q}ga F. L 1‘: Tmmoso E .d Villa. Franc“ h b £10ch L g Morosa; q K f 0stur L b Sabgao G h gigarra M d TI'aDSmontani F d Vflla Gonzalo g c 107m L g M0300? ‘K a 03m M d Suced astm F b Sparra O c vaagsos D a. Villa Hermosa, f L08 Her’manas G. If filot/n'c num M a Osunr M d Sac’l'on K d 37:?”67’12“ K TrebUJe/na, F 0 leajoysa K f L03 Santos F g I Motrilo 4 K a Otoba G g Sac; H'g 8.211). E {)3 T716667") H h Vlflalpando M f Lucena H f Moull/ I h Otobesa G‘ 6 S d m Pr, 0 S1 .18 P D Klgundum D a’ Villanofva G c Lucfmtum M g MOM-7:0 M d Gum-88a N d Sgdaba L is) St'lzmo 0' O {'3 WWW K a mu“ Nue'va d6 1 D c LW-am H f MOu’ra E f OVetque D g Sae a0 1) f 51768 K’ f Tmeu01 scopuli E d rum“ a Luelferm fan, F f Muelao ‘ E f Oviaum F a Smfose ' G‘ h Sq: v38 D 13,1}ejlcum 131'. 'D a' Villa Nueva de l K f Lucus Asturum G‘ h Mulu h L \C Ovied ' K a, SaetabES M e qumancas G g T721210 K a . SB’I‘ena, a Jllcus u . - . . . . 111m 7 arr ' 1 A gush E a Much athF K k 0 o F a s a ”F M f Sim-‘- Q o m- I b V.” “510 G f Lugdunum b Mu £11, G g WWW” L a Sag?“ 1) {ng111.Barba H e Tutmm Magallum b Villanm-Osa I 9 Lugo N a, Munda G h Saguntum LI g Smguhs F. Gr g Tl‘ltlgm TubOl‘iCum E b Villa, Vicasa, G 3' {Jugob E 3 Mufid: {:1 0 d Passici 53% H a £5“ F‘ H g thmogflium Turcatium G 2 giminacium 1131 If mm er't - - . . . . 011 my“ Mal b Lumbie’r‘l am L b fiznqlo K (1' Eaegun % 3 Saiaqa, %) 2 Sztges {,1 f True}; 0'. D f Vinarizo M f Lunae ;Pr- 15 b Mug? M c Fifi”? G a $31301?” ‘ D f gobrazo E 3 gm” ‘ 3 6 ““00139 N d' Lungones .L 0 Mg nSe G g P llurn}anum 0 c S 16W. . F e SOgIS?‘ L f EPquccl D 0' V’htllaes I b Lu qua G a M figs ' I 8 Pa] antl?‘ H b Salt/tha- I Olana I . £11001 9 Vinnius 1“ E c LuSitani H g 111' ogl .arlamfrfa a auns g SOllanco , f Tucci All . F g Vinuess . G b Mu h H b P 11 M e s z 0 G . g Gemella a Lusitania D e M ”.93 I h a antlas F. M qa Cedo I ‘3 SOller b Tums ’ I g Vir F. K c Lusones D g Mum? L f galma, P e y'aldalga H % Solorius M. 11;) 6 Tude - P e Virovesoa. ' 0 a. Luteva K d :Murglfi I h Pagma P : gamma H b 5:01807m 0 g :lyudela D b Visontiulm I b Luxia F. Q a urg1s K h “08, 0- de M aldUba H 507710 Sierra La 0 [WHO L b 7250M“ K 0 V F g Murum I Pampluna L g Salduba h Som'a, ’ I, 0 Tugia, K 0 V1126” - K b Murviedm e Parletinge b Salduba F. M c SOT’I’hueZa 1‘ c Tu‘riensi S ' I 8' Von E d fi/Iacilidmco 0. K Myrtilis g 9 Pax Julia [Augus‘a] £1 f Salim g h SOSOnegili I f Tigris S altus 1 g 9“ E ‘ d 1' “dam ’3 V g Pelendones ‘ f Salia F. 0 Spacorum Vi H g Tulcis F M e ‘ Mad/rid g f PelOHtium K b Sahentes G 3' Spartarim Cains D b Tulloniuin O c Xerez “We? 1 fl Naccararum Lacus‘ N Pefiaflw (G; a Salim. E ‘0 Spartarius can?“ K e Turamana K b F h Maenarme, Tiquadra, Naebm F, D 3- Penalba g Salmas a L 6 Spam; 0- P118 L g Turba K h :Met Hannoms 1:2. P I“391118 F. F c . P973053, 0.’ de g c salt-07:9 9' e Stabulum Novum F i Turba L d 1782’“ Llagnum Pr. 0 2. Nwlus F. G” a PeZLq’s d6 S. Pedro L a Salmama G‘ f Statlo Sacra - O C Turbula, M a I A e agnus Portus D NEBVa a Pemscola f Salmantica. d 8111) Saltu D h TUI‘detan' L. f ' Mago T) a. Nalon F g Peru, 0. dc N d Salo F. G d ‘Subi F. N d Tul‘duli 1 E g Zad Magrada, F. i: 0 Nanasa, F. % a. Perceiana, Q; 9 Salo F, K 0 Subirats'.K O C Turduli Vet . G 1' 206199;“ K b Mayra ‘ a Nansa, 3' POTCes F. E f Salpesg, L c Sllbur O c Turen, ' 8193 D d Z h F f Mahon M 9 Narbo H a. Pertusa, E h SalsusF G g SuburF O 0 Tur' I‘ D b Z0 (”a Gr JWaire R e Narla Q a. PertuSa, 1‘1 c Saltigis ' H g Snoro . F i Turia F L e Zalamm de la, Serena G h fiaiaca El 101 JNVafivola :11? b PefaV‘Onium Supera M c Salvatierra 11% f, SIN-Bro F. % g Tul-izssc; M 6 Z3221: H g a aca, F. rm, 0, d]; g ium ' Salvom ucro F Tur - L ' I . I - - . . - 1111111 0 Zmz G c Mdlaceca 1% I; ‘ £17611)ch g : 97mm :11; b Salmbroca F, g E Sucl‘onensis Sinus 11g 9 Tul'O'briga, 1: e zaéaizg‘a K e i awa. E- F 1931311111 P E C Sambrucola E SW” ' e TUTOqua L f Zarza, M c a. Pmos N 3 ‘3' And” I (13‘ 811531 M e Tm‘ulis F. D b Zatas I e - S. Barbara H h guxstatium E i1 Tutela, , L e ZeZera, D f ummus Pyrenaeus I PTuy. L b ZO’WG D 9 J a J331101139 g b Zuem K d ‘1 Zumaia 315% 0 . F' chCN¢p . WOT-m man ”'meva cram o c‘c‘m H. x “a.” 't‘ _ 4:3”;- .. D’EWILLIAM SMITHS ANCIENT ATLAS _ 7 _ 7 7 . 7 7_ 7 m - .._.= 7 7 , r 7 12 ‘ s , I”! 1 IN 5 U L A aw“ Ba 11 a f " I, 7 7 77 V 7, I B A TAV O R I: M . - 7 '1‘” I‘ I , z Tabla: anal-1.1 , w I _ / ’ I . l: 150, 000- v V 7“!“ 7‘7. 5/ I > I 7 ‘7 7777777777777777777777Mm\:\ a, ,3 o, u I I ,. 00 i F o I 777 I ‘3: “=1. ' ' -aCastra/fll'rtell/ I ‘ ‘ I, ~ I . . I, y ‘ : 5 / . I I I “g 3 - (ll ( ' .4, , I \ I ., ”flav‘ 7’ I I . . k “art 7 7:, I 77 7 7 ‘7 In 2'6?“ 7 ‘ ‘\ “W53“ my)” W / 776‘” / I : , 5 «. I , _ "7,7777 _ __ I 131/3111;- ‘k I" / Wm, ' n/wut/ ---- 51 //uf 0 I [ smlhu‘n] W19 _. ,7 ‘ hafnium V“ ’ I / I I. I I I l I, um‘w I I , -’ V (I, ("”117 V > algal/1' . Quart/7’} ' "m JAM“? MW Va‘ham' man... I: up “an . . I I I'nlilue .Ilbhmnmm/ 7777‘. W ‘9‘?” / 1121/; fufamel/ ”rum,” / 1, 006 X 7 I“ 1 239 [1‘ 7 7 .ymr'ge \ 0 0T rm 3 r ‘fi , . ”fink, i 4“ ~ - 1 c 0 . , W" ’quZ/ - BM ch: 7. o \ 31' (Inner / 1' 7W” [mg/:7." N 0 “7‘7 7 7 7 7 \77 1!“) 17mm. 1.] 7 7 7.7- _ 77 ..... Tex-cane? 7 7 \7 _,,7 in; 7 ., ,/, I k a Lew-hm. .. afuu/z/ / Co - , u .7 7 limb!” I \\ Y ' 71'iuncs 9,? /wz Ila/mkrn/ 7” ”Us 7 77 etasll i’ 0/1711“ ”9/ M7 ' ‘ fl ‘ I All/Weav- L'\ /(}rombacA '/£}mu' $7 I - ’0 _ _ .- I \5 [om/(1111f u\ 7 - QWM I b .77 77 ) 7., 77~ tlum pr flour/rm / N , » 5 on: me 7 \,,,7 / o’llm / I .& /l‘(;,.,_',-:q‘,.L I : . C '1 ' ’ rum‘dm Q“ ‘ - ' [15/ .' ’ . I \_J Moea F qx’m o I. Q- ' I} A 4' 0 ~ s‘eflu‘PMCrr 1‘59“!"1 ° 0‘ mm . ‘\' 70 ’\ at ca {Mn Bang: 1? d . 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I , 7 a - ‘ '7 " ' ’ * I—~~7 77777777777777 7I Swot 05):?!” g; ‘ 9/110 3‘3. I 3‘ , V ' “T' ’ ""5 57:»: ,7777, “m .5 '7 0‘ 6% fi" do,“ I : I 7 s I I bamnuumlj, ’ s/ 7 77 N 7 An ,7 V ~o 7 7 I 7, 4 I //IvI/'lflvu(ig/;r 1R 7, I my”, 7777 ,7\ _ 77 ,717 7,577.17 7 ‘ I I I I Pictonum ‘ . 5 A119) 11 I I P‘ 7 '7; ~ . . , 7, I I 7;” 75: E AquznAhu I 577 7 77.? 7:7 ,71 “ml metia mire]; I L .7 I I 42‘ I [ - i “ 052m 1. . 5 I 0.71%“) p, bimbo/LI : 0 I I V“ 1 ,7 a 77‘? 7 lmuy/ I I I r V ~ .2 I ‘ < , I I GAL L 1A 1' ,. 46 I . W, . 7 7 ' ' ' 7 . am: I __.«, at the tune ol (msar. arm / W' m 7 A. In I ll—>March of Caesar and of his army “Q”? (""U'I'NIPP- E ‘ ' The number indicates 1leer the campaign. 7"m/Zr 7 7 7 777777777 7 7 .9: . Camps indicated in the (‘onum‘mzu'ii of Caesar, (/ , (.7 “7777777719: ' 47-01-17. /\,.I _ 1’ n hum 1). “fun” I W55k \/// I n N sia m , I g. / M W I cram-1...“? - ~ N—% j Simmmunpu?°'.7110' (mi n 7 I u "'77“, Ill-”WM, I x - . , um ‘ ~ I (r (11' ll " ' to 61% Jauzlw/ ( ”m I / . "In ‘7» . 7 7 I btll‘nn,k./ £1 , 7 COM 8 , 7 7 55‘0“” 5 ‘55 I I , Ann-0513'; ”WW7 \, I3, " “7‘" 7 7 7 77 I ,7. 7, ’lz'mrnle Lbnlmmn/Y: \ \7\ ‘9 ‘ . 1‘ ' " I Sn" ‘ . v I x I ’ ‘K \7\77:fimme ‘8! C o 0 f- \'1 - - / \7 3 f/ ' I ““707“ (- I,» i ,ll 0 V a c 1 \7 ~ , I .7 ,A “$6,"; grains]?! 1 w (YET/”v z 7 m '2 " ' I 5 I a, I . . ,\o 10— F . V , l I ”Vadu‘ll-“n 0 )ul‘oc o- | H Vu-odm- : I D'WO rum 0 g 7 ' I ‘. . ' «\vmm' 3‘“; M e] d 1 | m 1’. :7 1 c 75 ff 7 774 7 I K7 3 Q 'H Cu/nflcc/qur. em I . Petlfoco 7 I 7 I .77_,_7h_ 777 szz, (la-191w,“ / 7 M" o 1 ul" -' Q ~ \~‘ 0w ‘7‘ ““““ ‘ C C) 1 Q L I . ’3' 7;} : O V I " L: e u c 1 ° 5 fi/f r x I “o5 “v S ‘ /fi,y\: Uu1-/ I7 0 L7 7 7 8 I LRDIGAL ‘ ° ‘0 \\ 7—I—--~\ 7 [N 7_ I 3.777»i 0901-1 , ~ ’ : .‘7‘1: [77 #:x ‘ ’ '7’ ' ’ I'1ll-lmUIxnhcumo ‘_— X g? ‘ (urimuuupn‘? / ' I ‘- \{H n 0 I «firm/ <3 “ I/flw/ www- , L $7711 9‘ 1 ‘ . ' WIN 7 I .. 7 . I I I 5‘ 77 l n 7 7 1” M7 cunnmw III/WI“ , 1%sz ' a [luuw/L/gt \ 7 .0 n u u I: ’ E a t 44 4 : I (1:6 I .Bihrm‘ I I 7 - V I I 7 r“ I_ no ' ' I ' ‘ ‘ ‘ 7 E 7 7/ 7 MCI/or IU/ ’ 7 x . IF . ‘ ‘ H ’ - 7 ulfiormanm 7 7 ,. Magico ' ‘\\., 7 '0773,c9n11117 | 7 77 7 7 L v / ?33- "‘1’: 777 77 7, 077m “377777.777“ - ' . 7 7 , U c 7 ~ Elfin . . I ’ A ‘ ' Alggfccs ‘, z . 9 I r - y, I ., 7”, V . / "'ng vél‘ao ‘ A ‘50 ¥ 9 I ’ I 5 m 74$ , ' . ‘oammm I , ' ‘5 "if 77,. , 7 0;, ”quay I _ tgmehulm , 7 77 , 7i, 7 77 7 7 7 7 77 _ 7 7‘ 7 7 7,7 7 _ . 7 . . 7 . ,7 7, / u" ’ . ' ‘L I a ‘ c ‘5‘ " s I l 1, r x 7 M omfigmuhalonmfl I v ; ' (lumm a \ o e '\. 7 . , 0.10 1 , a K» ' I” E) ’55 v7 ‘- ~ 3 I“, “ 1’ q 27? w “ 3 5 (""‘F‘ a , I I - ' ' ‘ I 7 («v ' I ' I~ ' ~ ““6 DruenfiKF-Ifluf -‘ Antivth’FryW/ I ' 1 mnna ~ 77. o , rr 7 4 ' I ,7 1‘ f \ I film-E? L 0 - I $l.eme¢fl"‘nfls'mu“m1? ’ 7 7 . 1 , . _ $7 {77 7 77.7 . ¢ mmfi/Agay/ 7 , . \ ~ ’ M‘s... ' 7 ‘ 7 : 7 \7‘650‘, “ I 7f0¢ehnn W I ' 7, ' I v» : , - Imignnno‘ . I m ‘ 7 7 7 5 , . 7 7 7 . - I ' D:' I ‘5' ~I C) «(II 5““ 1 -/ I " V ' r I " I} ~ ,‘I ' I. , 7 7 -, a l 45 7 I /‘ _ . .4" 7 50 I ‘ I »~'_ ,: ‘37 °,Selmmpr. j 7 7 ..77 . . . i 7 7,17,777 7 77 7 7: 77 7 7 . 7 7 7 a 77 , ' ‘afixe Hydra 0‘ I _ , . ' 3°“ dim E. fiB‘nconI. 097‘041'0117/ I I , ’”’”' w. n. I 0 (IVa/‘fioruw/ I I I £17 I . AIaLF. /1wie/ ‘f- o ,mg‘NarhmfiLmdmfi" I (P .. ‘ {E07129 d1, Jywn/ - I I I Q19", 4 m I feucate inns I . k K k I I ‘6 \ ‘. '...: m «I; °T0108a x‘k dice Pains /E£k1pww/ ‘I MODULUS 1. 2,500,000. I -» Pr . 'i‘nli 5 'V I ' ~ "5/ I ' c‘é dnbrumF. Haw . I 7 7 7 7 e v , “<5 cum . 7 7 7 : 7 7 o I \'\ \ ‘ “a ?] 5 / °§/ 9 SICC‘O EM“ 1: cino MimLIf’mL/Wflwb/ : . . I x . . .. I I 7L7L7llg at ballmau (5? =1" ) A J -‘ a . (19/ 7.~ ’o v 7 Wm 77‘ ' m 20 30 ’40 .30 60 . ‘ I ‘ ' ; o r ‘ . I \, ,,,,,,,,, <8 f L ‘dfl‘fivm I Tichisfl‘eculeljbemus F. mac/w Q M11113 Rom ana I 75:19) I I) ‘\ I i g ‘ 1",: 11/ , anuoliberris Mbew-e/ 7% M I 5 1'0 £0 50 I 40 I- 5.0 75 10:0 -‘ .Y 1' ‘ _ 77777 7 I 7 WW?” r/‘ E ormsVeneriS Pyrenm . 77 7 I ' ' v I I 2‘ 5 5:35“ ~ A . . . mdm Gram 5.0049). . . I ‘E I i I I"? 7. ‘ I ’ 11/1 7 /C.[e1vel'a./ Q I ' 100 900 500 400 500 100'0 ‘ '15 50 75 100 m5 150 , . . . 7 . o '2 0 I; I8 ' Pyrenmumpr. I . A n . IMlIhapa 18117311021 .( 69/12f1‘ ) I 7 1 7 (_ Hidol’rww 10 no Sq 4o 50 60 -o 80 I 90 10b [B] 6 c 4 [17:] 5 [F] [M] 4 [N] [R] 9 [S] 10 [T] Enéraved by SJacobs and Ramboz. Drawn by Dr Charles Miller John Mumfay, A1561): £11416 street, London , 1872. Aa Aar Aar Aballo Abbeville Abnoba. Mons Abrincatui Accion L. Aoitavenes .Acitodunum . Acronius L. Acunum Ad VI (sextum) Ad 'VII, (septimum Ad VII (septimum Ad IX (nonum) Ad X (decimum) Ad XII (duodecimum Ad XII duodecimum Ad XX vigesimum Ad xx vigesimum Ad XX Vigesimum Ad XXX (trigesimum) Ad Fines Ad J ovem‘ Ad Letoce Ad Lullia Ad Lunam Ad Martem Ad Publicanos Ad Rhenuin Ad Silanum Ad Tmrem Addua F. Addua F. Adour Adrana F. Aduatici ’ Aduaticorum oppid. Aduatuca Adula M. Edui Aegitna .ZEmines Aenus F. Aenus F. Aeria Agatha, Agay A gde Agedincum Agen Aginnum Agri Decumates Ahr Ahun Aiguillon Aiguillon, B. d’ Ain Airs Aisch Aisne Aisna Aim Aim " Aim-la- Chapell Alagnon Alaise Alamo Alamont Alaun Alanna Alaunium Alb, Rauhe Alba Alba Augusta , Alba Helviorum Alba Intemelium Alba Mons Albece Albici Albiga Albigny Albingaunum Albinienses Albis F. Alby Alby Alcimona. F. Alconis Alerta. Alesia Alesia Alet Aletum Alichamp Alingo Alise Ste. Reine Alisincum Alisontia. F. Alisy \ Alleaume Allier Allobroges Alpe Graia, In Alpes Cottiae Alpes Graiae Alpes Maritimee Alpes Penninae Alpes Rhaeticaa Alta Ripe. Alteja Altmu'hl Altrip Allstadt Alzei Alzette Ambacia Argbarri Ambiani Ambiani Ambierle _ Ambitarinus vicus ~ Amblava F. - Ambleteuse OEOENWZONOOHZWEWWQDNKDQE‘ N09gbN2Nwwwwdwwwpwawwzgmngzmbmmozmwe0bzomwbwwwezwwmomoooogwoozbemomfibwDHHggwgz o m D‘D‘C‘UQ 9.9m <1: (To a cam mo 0 W W01? 0 0‘09 c‘c‘o o Dar—7‘09 D‘s: matron 9470012 We: ESQ-.59 C‘PT‘CIQ H-H-H-r—I-(D O‘o aim renewing-mumw bum”, ZEWQMEHHOZObHOQEHHWENQQEQwZNmeQgNszwzbdomngHgmN NprwoogmHgozbemmmmeMbmmowwzmommowcmwmezmzHoowmom QJC‘U'N thH-Phpup'D‘H-D'U'CD 5‘09 DIG H5 MAP 12. Dibio Die Dieppe Dieuze Digne Digoin Dijon Dilis Dinan Dinant Dinia. Diodurum Diolindum Ditattium Dive Dives Divitia Divodurum Divona Dé‘le Don Dordogne Dore M. Dormagtn Douai Doubs Doubs Doullens Dourdon Douze Dreuae Drona F. Druentia F. Druentia F. Dubis F. Dubis F. Dubra F. Duo Dumet I. Dumnissus Dunkerque Durance Duranius F. Duranius F. Duranius F. Durdus M. Diiren Duretia Duria F. Durnomagus Durocasses Durocatalauni ‘ Durocortorum Duroicoregum Duronum Durotineus Dyle Eauze Ebingen Eborolacum Ebreuil Ebura F. Ebura F. Eburobriga Eburodunum Eburodunum Eburomagus Eburones Eburovices Eburovices Echelles Ectini Edenates Eder » Eguiturri Ehingen Elaver F. Elaver ‘F. Elaver F. Elimberrum Ell Elne Elorn Elusa Elusates Elusio Embries I. Emmen Epamanduodurum Epanterii Epinal Eporedia Epotium Epusum Erdre Erft ‘~ Ernaginum Ernod'urum Erve Escaupont Escaut Essui Essuvii Estaires Etanna. Etaples Eudracinum Eure Eure Evergnicourt Evreux Excisum Falais M t. Falkenberg Famars Fanum Martis Fanum Martis Fanum Minervae Faucilles Mls. Fécamp Fecyi J ugum zwgbzzmwbmwpbmHchewwzwowozmmbbwozwwonmwwmmmHNwzwoozwwNoo 6‘0? c‘c‘o 949190” a crow: D‘D‘msa a» an Pas? a a: Irmtrnu-utro‘o a: G‘SDUQ D‘o q We U‘o o o D‘Q-D‘c‘puww Hurst-o D‘o Zonopweweo::HCprzzzmwwWW¢W”05%“EWWFHSH D'Daa Fun astral? C-‘QaD-sfl C'Qd-nv-I-F: a o :73: are a ~._..—-—.PaWC'-IH~D‘0‘Q Hap-Inn? D‘lfim mmc‘u.b‘mflaoflo pump”... 0 M T I‘M N O M H-O mo'wcuc-c-‘c' l ., E“; . ~wx§¢u~s- A‘. “$225: 1. ”Lu ‘GALLIAa G; On “bap- 0°09 0°09 b.“ vr-ebe e 0 av “‘94 D.- “We ”b” may 3°C: 9‘9 5°13” 0a: ‘Do (Damp-laQ 0'“th a @p. GGOQ Hear: “Luci Q Hm Hag-'H .ac‘ “'Wp-I “’0“ U‘b‘ 9‘9: 1mm a Pap-IN. ”tr a 0m Ham 0 Clo“ ”hi-hp, OD‘ 0r- 'HBD'p-I 5'0 Cl? Hag b" Hugo-u a ”36¢ 0 “a...“ 0 p. H.i'h¢ @ . ”(DH .m; b" “'3 m Haw 9.. “may 00 9"... .pdp, 9'9» ' 5‘0. ii I]; dell: 1' TC 71 Firmshe ‘ s F ’8‘ 0. 9 I (furs O b IelVii g?” G h gemzebom Fifiinae 13 H Hii'adee Cay h E h L . mu ' a c - . er gees (iiiHvee N E He-cy‘iy‘y . a P v: LeyzygeLey-Myhy 1.1198 ”Ta/1.71) P e Herius a SllVa. M ‘ LCSsa M' ‘ . Q . e a gyayfy s a: M a May F3185 Thfv' % e HESPania Cum F e Legura F G c Medigian'um *nes A 1.07%) f lspan' M 'b Leucut ‘ N Med' a'nllm L F111 191“” I Ho" - 161136 G. L e b 101a f F. as - 0") I g 11"de 08 k ”(Cate E P b Mediol num M Nov - F11383 K h Hggzme, 0 del 11‘; i £6ucaté1ittang d6 11;} k fiedio 1:113:11 P g N0vgsaum Fi es L 1 H enstau a 0 Lone? us k édOc a rici AS NOViodunum P ’ . 101-368 (Fismes L d H2269. fen G c Leuzlen-gen M k Meduan 0 g NOviOdunum H 3 Part V ; , F' 85 (Fr )- g at I S d 9Vac 0 Med a F G c No - unum L P endye Fines 65”“) g c flowing; P i §JGXOvlfi Q i Medan: F. H g Nofiggunum M 9 P353115 Abussifi- M k MAP 12 n . u. 1 .. n 11 1 _ gen: W> o 3 3323a E a: Liy‘fyve 1% e We film 8‘ e Eweemy‘yaze H 3 fizfggve 5h e 3: my M i116 0 Mb Verrum I L c M ui ‘ c OWOm f Ortus 111i a - Vall‘ . gimme: (Pfy ) 3 a; HYPM‘Z: I, I ‘1 £2: £1 '1‘: M39; 1313 ' E 8 Ezzeemiifiz i1 g P0352011 HercmisMon S h Saying" d’A {er 1rms A I" N - ezi M . M1 - e g N ¥°ma ' 0 P usM - . — S Wes Tden I Fism t”rebatu R g P 1 Li gnu” 1 Me d1 P g 0V10m gus L o Ortus Uaurltli Q i “kinge t“ K F16 .98 m L 9 IO i L,a.7le O h eldi T NOVio agus N Portu IteriOr R _ Sala, F n H Fug? M ‘0 REES; Li‘gffe Ostia, I}; i fiegebocuh M L E geevioifizgus N 2 Pol‘tu: EHHeI-iy K 1; galaash' , Q F0153) 1 N : Icaun: F' N - LideS-F' N 1? Mgllch ' M a. Noviomagus N h P naeae eneris Pyl‘ S h Salces S Fons T L ' Icidm F' M 1 Lid nous F T 1 M losecium T a Novmlnagus O a Praetoriu‘ ‘ 6‘ Salem Q Fomm‘glgrolnum K I: Iciniaggus' M d Lieerlclls F: H d. M:%Odunllm g a. Noviomaggs g d Prgcia/ni m M k Salgtio L Egrum 1313:1313 g b hgfigitgfi g 2 fiiége K 3 fieflni L g Ngfii’fegun: R g Pilolfigstellum E f 3:111: F- % rum .ii oduru ' iey F .. N -' ‘ P Hens ” i s We Mama HyMMM M ea hhyyyyahee M a: Mafryhh o g Misree I; e M22; ‘3: e Mizeeee M % e siiieeeeve y H Forum Liglll1 g a. Illhodurum P h £¥ger F 'P b ‘Me’rk L £1 Nyon erg N c Pry”: P f Saligfhta Ortus E F0331] eronis O h Iller Q 0 Li 1' . H e M Se b d Pyrenaeo 0111395 b Sa‘ monaF H Forum Segusia M _ [Her 8 d Liger F. K 6 M98113, P 'b 0 P f yrenaeu’ In Summ G k alodunu . P Forum Tiberfi vommN 1 Illjb . S e Liger F} M‘ e Mesve P k berwesd m Pr. 0 L k Salomac m P F m V0 . g 11' arms (1 ,ger F. f etan' M - Obem- ' - M 831811 us Q, 1,1338% Maggi? 51E: 9 IlhmPBrris F. (IF 9 flgwia M h fietgpizli-n L ; 8bililjl117fierthur Q b Quadrib _ k Salyéae H Fre’jus a N : §1ur0 311i 1]: Liggsticus Sinus g E Mgagsedumos' g i 0231103, 1151 If; e gfialbuhg‘lrglum P gzmara F 1% F . . . 1s ' rs ' a ‘ m : F:6872€s g 1 Igmadri I; b ffllebonne R’ i Metz L 3 006111211 Q g Quagztes P a. Samgobma K F eudenb i I “S P i moge M b Meurth P OCtOd G - Qua. P a. Sam acltanu , L F103.“ e'rg (S) ‘c Ifiaarusyrenaeus 8 i £3m0n181m I c 1111;632:3183! P : Odet urum Q g Quirzfnsis locus M It)" Samffi‘: B 8111115 P Onti 0 a, F - - 1m0 - K a (32" n P 06h . Q er M S um I Iiyulda Elna K Ind . . O 1 L Vices g M' 161-33 d 77,7196 f b anger? . N b es1n ' {natoba- I 1do M Oetl' "I E D Sa .e gee {see “ lav? eeeeeyiaev K 3 fieefly Mt: eyé’H. e i H eafiffyazv a Ingauni I b Lingones L C Milka“ H i 87:88 T d Rang-0n F Sangate L Gabae . I gena 9 L-ntOma I h ”mm H ' 1biay F Ratiat K Sanit' Q Gabal-um Pr. In” R h LIPCan gus N e Mlnari: M I: Oléron L f Ratis i1 m K c Santolum K Gab“; D d 1:" G ‘1 Lime L b MiHCiuscfim G h Olina F P (-3 Ratom‘ F f Santofies P Gabl‘ig M h Ingemelfi $ f L7gsieux E d fimitac‘l - L b Ollius F. G 1 RaUraEgU-S G 2, Santones G g y IyyzreveMyya a e He Mleeeeuata Ha y 8ieee' 5H Huey“ H y geneees‘ygee H , . K . a 7' . . , A . G311?” Leegdliifia Q, 9 [WWW N i Lam; 51a P {i MyZEXh‘eHy My 1) ° 01321“ H H. RZaI' 0‘6 a f SS?“ 1“ 3 GamZ'uNarbongfisis F g fime 8“ R e 15"”?an ' L i Moder F 5 0m; F' K 1: Redgfies G e Sal-2:38 F‘ 0' Gralli m Fretu 818 K 9 Sac R e o‘iléva M ' Moenu P Ones' L Regen -um Civi F ‘ f Sar S F. P Gallifhus Shins m K I: ¥Sala F G i £02719 M : MoHnus g Q g 003 lae Atluae I I}: Regigtz tag G 3 Sari?“ 13 Gal . aria M Sara F. F oi,- M . M’o S, . R O ' I Be - ea, ‘ S . MCI. Gahlétae R 1? Ears. F: P 2 goire- L & Moggffiacum T 2 011312371. P I}: Begin? Lepidi g 3 3:15:11“ %‘ Garfies P : Isara F, L c Lon H e M 0mg t rage R c OPPiduelm T d Reims Pollinar es T h Sal‘rufrf I Garcoefi N ‘ [Sara F. 0 g LO’I’lgué F e 11502-721713 0 e Oppldum NOVum R C Remage P ' Sarta F I Guy- I 1 ere P OPOSa, . T one; M 077m m Ubio. H - Remi n N 1 Sal‘ . G 071723 1!. Isle V g L07. glllm H d M n g 0 ye lum 1 R c S ta'F I Garris P 5: Isle J 0 6 Lo Ch P e MODesi I 0 g Oratehi P b Remi Q‘ b anther . H “"em G g Ital' ”Main I g L 8a 9 Monet“? H i Tb N h ’ Wes M c Sarunet H gammfifh 1% 9 i Itiulhj‘1 K g L‘Jjg’diea % d fignisteoz 1% i 8?? i; h 'fiéoley la g c gchonhcfih H- aru - It' Pr. i L e , h 11s Br' . h r isF - eVess' d auld . S Gar 111113. F, G f 1113 P0 Q, at , T MODS ‘ 1813011 M 0mm, . P 1 Be? 10 H Say _7'e gyah‘lfigg g. £1 1% I‘m ““8 E % %::um § ‘} fimtasgfizflw; % 1i grga‘é F 118% f 151522132“ ~ M 1; gym :9: am . . b 6 h Ontere h ,Um'g ' - b gin O aVin N Gan mnl I h I d LougéB I MOntl a“ K ' Ori ' fit Q Rhe: 66k S f Sc .Oates gyayml. {3 1: fixtan £33m: g 2 geyyyiefg, £ 3 3ny;sz {if g gfiéfifizbgn s g 3033:: g- 3 elbi h J “In L vain i 0706723 f "léan b enus ' R 6‘" ' ' M See?“ PM E 323$ {y e {13: ' a1} 1? 95???“ (H E 8W3 3 3 figefifii %- e 3 gyéy‘iynnv e all P . h a h 07r.’ Tn ' od - ' . B 0e' P Gama“ I 9; gg’Wlle % h Lucus Au _ 0 h {gartgfie K i 0m?” 0 g Rhodzfll OStia s ‘} some L Gemin 97 P J We 0 LuCus B0 guStl T i IOSa, E k d Orolaun 0 d Rhoda, Us F. N . Schwaa L Gem?" N {'3 Wovens 0 d Luerio Mrmanni 0 h fiOHe F P a (”they “m H a Rhoda?“ F- N 1 Seeing ”Wald M Genablllagum 0 h Jzfi’ine lfif h Lugdunul'n R i Mosa F: 0 d OSCara F 0 c Rhodanfis F. N Ig1 Sdedezlmagus R‘ GGHGVa N b Ju1_a' Eque t . d Lugdunum O h MOSa, F. N a OScineiu‘ H i Rhodan S F, O f Sebinu 3' P Genéw K . e Jfilkacllm 8 r15 % d ugdunumc N a. Mosa F. N b OSiSmfi m N e Biociaclils 1“" O sedan s L“ .N Gent P‘ f J 110]), f L rum onVena N g M059- F O a, Osquidat H h Rlduna m Q gf Sedun‘ T Genua P f J31?” Pass 5 b Lina ‘ I m°s°unhu 0 c Osteeedy 93 D e 12th I‘ P c SHdunihm N GergOVi M a Jul'obona' s b L na‘ F- i Mosena Fm 0 d Osterbuyk H k R380du1u ‘ F c 8668 Q $679001“: ‘ i} h J ufigmagus I f L333? ’3‘ h Mgzeila F. 1g h (0)3977: (m g a. gl'lglomagli: if; i Segessem Q erm . J maoeu c L 13F d‘ 91a F. c ' “inc ?' e egesm I~ Germany. M 8‘ Encari: 5 H e are, M ' N f MOSom . P d Ouche Q, C Blobs Q, 0 Se n' N Gamgnea Iafhri Q g gunk-mm R h {jutecyh 13016,, Q h fioydhnagus Q h Oudon - L g Ryyhma I ‘0 segof, 61. s Germanm Supe 9r 0 a. Jun-(”Wm L k LuteVa amsfi 0 h outier O c oneSSan 'N Rita.” gus M g Segodo um O Gwmehnchm nor Q 8' Jfia M. . P b Lu”6uiz L d 115;sz P f Our ‘ H g Moshe??? K c Sager;1 1111111 0 gees ”He 2% 3 M 8 1; L330viem {3“ e MEyHeeeecy 5 e 8“"ev g d Wee- 3 v Wigg L es . ' 7‘ “St 0 ' e H nyfikgvete I ‘? K 0 f fiz‘zech’ P 2 $11M F P 1‘: Oust 0 {,3 30bit?“ N ‘} Seggifi o Gette cus Port D 1 Kald‘mhau Lyon H i “M ' E d Oxybii F d ROW B H Segu ' - G geyhudan ' K E szb" 8"” P y“ 113: h Lfims g d 031mm. F e fiochaafg"“aeda la Q 2 geya21ave ’P 6653672 N K mpraten a urge; d y P . Oche v F egu - N W H 1‘: KimHee #3. e M H i Mueee H e a e i Hoeyie’m M g eeyaztz: y Gimont R .b K‘ssel 9 MaaSt/richt M i adus F Rochelle L O b Seicha r0 P (”an K i ICE-”fibers: E e Maw” N ‘ T h 113““ F' 120th ’ a 0 6 580% 0 Glandéve I i K gigsfeld ‘ Q a Magelli g. b Nail.” Padus F. Q h fiodium G f Sein ' G Glannat' Q c 3/1 P c Maggtobria. f Nam aemani' R g Odumn L h Seine 0 ganumwa r15) i P 11: szgela 8 h Nzgnetes 8 0 Ezlatium g g Emir a IL~I c gag-38d D 67; y - . n 9 net . d mi 0m e 2; H Sly ans I3, 1131 1 figfigra . , $22; Sci e 13%? [um Clvitas g e gampegzna 1P: 2 fiofcmeaum 1; 5 Smog 0 “find I rates M - b N 98 e ”Wis ‘i 0 0ma f ena 1 R Gnut . M e “h” I i (””2 R b antIIat P d Parisii G k Rotten gus G - Senez ' N goeai’yiifeg he, 3 fizzzeee ia g fizz-:2 Ty e fizegeeees S e Ezree' E e gm 1% 3 W H Orgob' ' I “18 F M 8 - 0 N 0 f rma F d oyan d mm P Grad Ina, D c Ja'nloth ' F d anch Q h arbo v _ P . Pa,“ ' T Roy _ K Se .HHM d La -6 s M ”a . N mtlSL E p . h H c DODeg L gmmve'lzeass' L 6' Lag?” H g M2336“? % 1 .NZ’Q-boeee ' if: ¥ 1329”?“ “1"; h finbresus L G 8 SW. N ramatu N i L a n K h M ubu P b N lum 1 P 971th i Rufach . L c en’mi L Grannonm I c hang”8 H f Manse Le 9 NEW“ F. L i ennelocv 0 i “fiana M i SW1] e M Granbc’lflm P e Lamda‘riH o h Minta‘la 1]? ‘3 Nay 0 ‘1 gennino 1I V 0 fluke" Q 6 SHPeeM‘ZS’ Les P Sizseee" S e Hefifyiyuv HeMaa e : Myfiizv e H Nié‘zt‘ghee-eyy a I? e eziyeveeey‘: Svemy a: v M3? H- 3 e Sgeemfyya g . I, . 11m 5 M 7'9 g N ' a am i gueu g a. F a qlian Gravlal‘POPOhs G e Larch”. 0 N i arche T g ‘emalo . K d Perni _ {I} P _ Ruse, . P Se {a F. T Gravi Wes 0 d arga ' G i Mayrci R b IVemantn1 - S P W h Whom I 1 Ruscmo Q a. Sequana F- H Greet Elm L g fiargitzm P i fiarciana S‘ 0 b gemausfln P It: Petiliéic O % Ruteifio F- L I? 3933:1131". K ‘ gfenobleelenberg I 2 Lgills L. . 8 e Mzicoduruiva' E b NZ$eSa ENS % h getrOcolgi 0. i Ruteni Pro L k SGq-uaflg‘g- L I 8 C ' ' 9 ‘ . N Gifhivhegeyy 8 a geezer: s : gyyyghgeeus P f; gemifi‘a‘gum P a; Peiififieeeyevaaa ? e “me E 1* siifianv Hi i? gene: gfi age yzgvheuyaa 3b yzggeeyy ghey geyyyylvee gee; e yaaze N risel L a F, ' , i ' Ofi nia f 9130 d 5‘th ' aalo 6r . O 3er 0 g 2 Lzfizzeeey y“; e W y“ ; Eigessfyinne g y gem M i gayy % h gyyHehemaah M 70' “’ - - Hi 0 av ' 0m 0 y: .aaer e ' .' $675148 K 1: gm” us Lac“ 3% e 125:?“ we f b £3” 11"“ If g gmédis F V 3 Saaebey-yzy V 1: 39:31:38; E3 0132? E e; geMSZSHHe M .f ehgeifizah M 1; 113.435“? L g P1323; ' E; szfigzeey 3 3 3:3? H g} Gu N “y R d ‘ “The 0 “he ' Q -. Pict G Sab' 8' P S - re ‘ Guggiy E 3 150%“ 0 g 3?“, 286 M g fieuckatez N’ 1: P1043333 I i WEE? R 1‘12 ‘53:wa % , . elm Sa WW 6 . ”(1' G a. Led“ T ‘3 MaSSHVa. L Ne“ “gen 0 f Pi Vae f S ..as f Xtantl ese W‘e a 8311‘ em; P lac . O . Sal' L a’ S' fixigeyyyyy a £203; h % H fizzeefiiyy o 23 3? £31”? Hem-My }: 2 geni‘éiay ge : gee’uyay H 3 31233th M‘ Ha Bur O 8, Le S. . I i M ram 61;), S i N'mum e eumox._' g (”The ‘ I d. lbuza . F ??th E: g gum M hi $323912» L, E ; 1131:1323th 1% 3 1133mm; 3a 3 S? jfiezfyaa ‘12 3 gauges; g ee‘lbyonn a eine G d atiscO “1m 0 - icer F“ Q - Pom .mm P St: 3’“ Wise L . $11 I 01H- ‘ £3219qu [H61 11 g d Eljgflnus Lac g; i flzgrona F g 1 E}? F: g. (i 11301186171353. in ‘2. fit 3667:3452 L ; gtéglocum g H916 a F. e um] Q 0 Lem?” ' P a Matl'Ona F. L f M a F, c Ompelo f 1:. B1“ r 600 _ 0 he” N ° 01 N Pom .e Q St ”"6 m“? 9 s' e Hem:1a Q ‘1 Le menm P f M I‘C’DHF ‘1 N'e a P0n1 . h 'G‘az - 961 - IgaF Q . e d - mov - atro- - M eery P Pay . Hna G St. meeer .1 s- . Eeilum Ost I114: k £emovigzg 0 g 11:; (lg/97;}:IdM' N 3 g 1562ch rt P : P03271233]. ' P I: St. gjgvvqis ’ E- d- 3:933:1in 8' e Vetfi ' N i L‘fmovices A I g Mag/971723 P, g- Nlfivre P 3 Polls hugrhls K b St. Je a'We K g Sigmn’_Elang d Q, a L607), rmoric. K g Med/“x S e 1ms I1 a PODS M .15 N . St. Jean (PArdl‘ N c Silv atls F. e M Q f ePontii 1 F e ecletu H e Mort M POns s 03% O 1 St. Ja’.‘1’e'ed (116783 N ° Sy- anectes G Lerina I G- . Mederi m L d Nitiob _ P 19) P0119 al'avi O f St LifIQen 6' Port G f SIP/n ' - ' R 2‘; Medianafum L d NiVer r1863 E f P0712 Sealdis Q 3 St: quferr G i 830916 L Q i Mediola O Nizy I h Ponta, _ M St ”@700,”ij K h S.p_la' Q MeMyaggee e 2 gm ah , M y hyyyy’y’ev e E; e We ° a e M1113 h {a m H . 3. -N . ,5" I-Zai. c ,- , H 3 N33732:;He‘ee I. L Pifii‘éi-fgvve § hf s3: iveeéyf 8 f Si'zz’haeee fie NOVem C‘ . F f PO’nt 07" L St PS“: 61;, Retz M g 80b la‘ 0 Ian .132. PM 8012 L g St ”Te L g s “330 S N E Porzguyx G- 3 St. 50] a’ngée g e sgdobria. g .P C S . 1‘th , d giullt'. ‘ L Ort Sur Saé'ne g f Si fiaml’gt 1L1 b I ggfisonsu % 6 ' 0771/ 0 ma ‘ P e g? Tibefvy N games naca M . Trap“ L g SOHinens- ' 0 M i Oloniunlls Clvitas P 0mme 8 K ..; A 1 "1‘ ‘. \.->' ¢ i \ I {Wu \ «,3 . "V . 5‘ "f"? 59.; $4.4 n .n. < DIFWILLIAM SMITH’S ANC NT AT 3A,, 413 5 {it insuhau-es ) smz \\\\\§uw @ % WW ' Wmmmmmn“ , B , e n ‘Wfl‘,’ Dannbius E Modulus 1 : 3.7 00 000 Stadia (soc-1°) “3° 5?” . 4 40 Migm pilssutnn Rom.(7 51% ) Mflliaria Anglica (69,12 -l°) ' 4.0 5.0 A 100 - cwmwww 6 D N 16 {Win ,_ wé—+}:£W_r;fla;; ¥_v (R My 1“ I (Van (BMW «(Dawn Bersov'i ,. (DOW) ‘ u, ”\a k ' ‘ ; 3w, mm ‘ ‘ , ‘ ‘ A 4‘ I 7 )- . ', H W «m ’“ Uhfleusl: 8131111103 ?] P, WW, "' ‘ V 33 " {V} orysmes - :7 ( (aha-90'“) reimfis Egowm‘“ ‘6’ .x \ \\ \\\\ ‘\““ \\ \ x \\\\ \ ,4 \ ‘\ \ v ,/;//{///‘////// L" \\\\\\\\ /// :“W )) \\\ w i / q NW“ // 7//////,//, / . {\\\\\\\\\\\\\§€ ’ / //’/n\§\ 85' “WW/W / x 7‘ .—$ \‘y ) .4/4;////// / , WWW ‘ Vi) {RX/4"“ IIHI§ Bragg-1):.“ Dr Charles Miller. London: J ohn Murray, Albemarle Street. [M [a] La] Pm“ (Bamldunw! 5P ///;)\ Engraved by E (iner1 Weller. ’ Abnoba Mons Abodiacum Abilsina Actania I. Ad Lunam Ad pontem Ad Rhenum Addua Adler Ad'rabaecampi Adrana Aduatuca Adula M. ’ Aenus Aenus Aestui Agidora Agri Decumates Aguntum Alara Alauni Alba M. Albiana AlbisF. Fa Kde Alcimona F. A len Aliso Aller Alpes Carnicae 05 J uliae ‘ res Noricae es Penninae Alpes Rhaeticae Alta Ripe. Altmuhl Alz Amasia F. Amber Ambidravi Ambilici Ambisontii Ameland. I Augusta Vindelicorum Amisia Cast. Amper Am[p]sivarii Andematunnum — Angeln Angli Angrivarii Anis Anisus Antunnacum ' Aqua Mattiacae Aquae Aquileia Aquileia. Arae Flaviae Arar F. Arbor Felix Arelap Arenacum Argentaria ‘ Argentoratum Arialbinnum' Armisia. opp. & fluv. Arrabo ‘ - ' Artobriga. . Arula F. .. Asciburgium Asciburgius M. Asturis Athesis ‘ Aucha F. Augsburg Augusta Nova Augusta Rauracorum Augusta Treverorum Augustana Augustobona. Aurelia. Aquensis Austravia. Ausugum Avensberg Aviones Axona. F. Bacenis silva Bagacum Baierbran’n _ v Bamberg Bartsch Basilea Bastarnae Batavi Bateni Bauconica Baudobrica. Bauzanum Bedaium Belgica Beliand‘rum Beloium Belunum Benacus L. Benlauni - Beraun Bergomum . Berlin Bibium '. ‘ Bieclz Biessi Bilitio Bingium Biriciana . Bb'hmer Wald Boii Boiodurum Bonna Boiohaemum Borbitomagus awHHowwmummHwmzzanwomammuzmombmawwbbwmmomHemowmfifiummammwbmmmmmngmwmwmwm (D 4-5909 W‘c‘mmm Ferment»: pm a mrwym D‘OQOQ 9-09 mm: won #0 <5 b‘br'a so so #009 crow wrap-m comm Haw-W'b‘H-H-O sum mu. fimwowzommngHmm dbdbbmemaewbmbmmwbbbmHmwbwegomem 5‘09 ”'0 hub-.9 909 H-H-G QHUQ CD hub‘b‘m} 0"” WW Nah-03G” hummus-WWW o thp‘Wfl-H-Htw Wis-a Hg¢ goo 13‘9th a: Q. —GERMANIA, RHAETIA, NORICUM. Borlcum Botzen Brandenburg Bratananium Bregenz‘ Bremen Breslau Brenner Breuni Brieg Brigantinus L. Brigantium Brigobanne Briwen Brixentes Brocomagus Brody Bromberg Bructeri Brilnn Bug Bug Burohana Burginatium Burg’undiones Burgun’rab Burungum Bzura Cabillonum , Calisia Calon Calucones Cambes Cambodunum Oampus’F. Camuni . Candalicae Caninefates Caravancas M. Caritni Carni Carnuntum Carrodunum Cassel Oassiliacum Castra Aeni Castra. Batava Castra Quintana Catenates Celeia Celeusum Cetium Cetium_ Cetius M. Chali Ohalusus F. Chamavi Chasuarii Chatti Chauci Chauci Chersonesus Cimbr Cherusci Chur Clarenna. Clavenna. Clunia . Coelius Mons Collatio Colonia Agrippina _ Colonia Trajana Comagena Oomum Concordia Confluentes Confluentes ConSuanetes Corconti Cotini Coveliae Oracow Ouculla. Cuneus aureus Curie. Cylipenus Sin. Dublin Danduti Danubius F. F h Q h ' Danzr‘g Danziger Bucht Dessau . Detmold Divitia \7 Divodurum FlLiOi Dnlester Dravus Dresden Drewenz Drusi fossa Drusi pons Dubis F. Dubra. Dulgubnii Dunajek Durnomagus Durocatalauni Durocortorum Eburones Eder Eger Eger Egna Ch wwwOUUwmwmd>sz o 590‘? 9-01: C‘C‘O'Q so D‘O‘O’QUQ o pac‘o <90? o 9-0 P-IH-QaD-AO‘U'H; HMMFNKZMEHUHOENQEPUZHM dammmww>mwbmmmg ooO‘QcaoFanPOQoomfiac‘ HNUgbmembwdbfimgzwm 3909 0090009 H-H-OQ 5‘0 H-JT'CDOQ U‘mOOQ mmmwzmmmwwwowQHHHQHHd 8:. i e a. 8' d d d c b b i h 8 g h e d h h i 0 948° 0 o c: b‘H-o o o o mb‘mH-H-D‘m SD 0" I Isarcas F. Isarci Isis Isinisca I my Isonta Istaevones Italia. J encteri J uenna J uliomagus J ulium Uarnicum J urasus M. J uvav um K alisz K arm'ena' K amp K el lrm'lnz Kempten Kiel K issleclc K 068 feld delz'n K ol berg Kottbus K rzna Kuchel Laaland Laciaca Laciburgium Lacus Felicis Lagina Lagnus Sinus Lahn Langobardi Lapidaria Laris ' Larius L. Latris I. Laugana Laureacum Leba Lech Lelne Leipzig Lemberg Lemovii Lentia Lepontii LepOntii J iberi Leuni Licates Licias Licus F. Liegn’ltz Lienz Transzhenanus anus Linz Lippe Littanium Llwec Locoritum Lohr Loisach Loncium Lorch Losodica Lilbeck Lugdunum Lugi Luna F. Luna Silva Lupow Luppia Lygii Arii Lygii Bui'i Lygii Duni Lygii Elisii Lygii' Helveconae Lygii Manimi Lygii N aharvali Lysa Gora Magdeb-urg M agia .Ma'in M alepane Manaritium Manch'ing ~ Marawa Marcomanni Margus Margus ‘ Marna. .Marsi Marsigni Marus _ Matreium Matrey Matrona F. Matrona F. Mattiaci Manarmanis Port. He Limes imperii Romani Limes Transdanubi- HUNQHKHH bwmmga b Rott Rottenburg Butt/we'll Bdgen Rufiana Ru[g]iclei Bug-ii ’ Rugii insulares Rugium ‘ Rugusci Ruhr Runioates Rura. Saale Sabis F. Saboci Sale. Saletio Saloca Savlzach Salzburg Sambor San Sanctio Sandals Santicum Saravus F. Sarmatia Sarmatici Montes Sarunetes Savus Saxones Saxonum 188- Scaldis F. Scandiae 19°. Scarbia ~ *Scharnitz Schley Schwerin Scurgium Sebatum Seben Sebinus L. Seeland Segodunum , Semana Silva. Semnones Septemiacis Sequana. Setidava Sevaces Shelllng Sidini 'Se'eg Siga F. Sigambri Silingae Silva Marciana SO'ste Sela Sontus Sorviodurum Spree Stanacum Stargard Sterzing Stettin Stiriate Stolpe Stoni Stralsund . Suardones Suartow Sudeten Sudeti M. Suevi Suevicum Mare Suevus F. Sumlocenne Summontorium Surontium . Tabernae Tablae Tarnantone Tarnasicum Tarbdunum . Tartursana Taunus M. Taurisoi Tecelia Tenedo Teracatriae Terglou Tergolape Teurnia. Teutoburgiensis silva Teutoni Texel . Thaia Thorn Thz'lringer Wald Tilavemptus Tinnetio Torgau Trajectum - Bo Ge GeIdIe Kg KHWNNHszmwangszNbwawzmmmbwNwaNmQHQHHZHmHHH>wmzmwwdbmmdQngmmde ONfiNflflZwabbbzwwbwgmgbwm HHmngbbwmeNmHmbzmmmmm pm Cairo-'29 U‘U‘D‘SDUQOQUQO’Q so We: a: narrow. O Q‘H-Hno 0‘0? c‘c‘o H-UQ H-UQ Ed’s-(D :75? WW9”, r trauma so an o co a: so 0‘s: Wen Evy-Um: am Mayra-.90 cp c‘c'fm Q was any H389 mec‘c‘m Iris-'50 9-430 U‘W-0Q® new-mire: mb‘lr‘wm Irma ca MAP‘13. Trasen Traunstez‘n Trave Treva Treveri Triboci Tridentini Tidentum Trigisamum Triumpilini Trqipau Tubantes Tullum Tullus M. Tuln Turcilingi Turicum Turnacum Turon es Tutatio Tyras F. Ubii Ulmerugii ‘ Unstrut Urincae U81p11 Vacorium Vahalis F. Vahalium Vallatum Vallum Hadriani Vandalici Ms. Vandili Vangiones Vargiones Varim' Varisti Vecht Veldidena Veltae Vemania Venedae Venedious Sinus Venetia Vennonenses Venostes Verbanus L. Vesontio Vetera. Castra. Vetoniana. Vetoniana. Viadus Vicus Aurelii Vicus Julius Vidrus F. Vienna V’lllach Vila Vindelicia Vindobona. Vindonissa. Vipitenum Virdo Viritium Virodunum Virunum Visburgii Viscella. Vlsla Vispi Vistula F. Qb Qf R c Visurgis F. F b G c Vlieland Vocetius M. Volcae Tectos‘ages Vosavia Vosegus M. Waag Waren Warnow Warschau Warthe Weichsel Weissenburg Welden Welna 'els ' I'Verfen Werra Weser Wiener I‘Vald Wieprz Nc Qc ' W iesbaden Wiese I'Ve'ndz'schgersten I'Vipper W isloka Wismar W’rietzen W ilrzburg Yssel Zydowa anl'io Nc 'bmzmwwmmmgmgcgmHwommbowampzmcbmmQHQQOHuHwaNZmHeom wzosoewmzmmmommwz mb‘ma b‘c‘OQ ".0? o H—J’W‘? H-H-OQ mc‘c‘b‘m UHHUU okra-sane QzHeogquzwmwfiOHHQQHNNp H50 are so WF'G QD‘O‘FHD‘OQ o'b‘mc‘p-«p C‘C‘UQ U W <9 mb‘c‘mo Dim Ira: w-mom H-D‘UQ I70? ~09 to swan-booties pub“...m.~.w:o 0 13‘s» :r'o mam mc‘mmm 9-9.5“ \ \ it“). A . ,. ii GERMANIA 'MAGNA ACCORDING TO PTOLEMY. MAP 13. . GERMANIAW‘MAGNA ACCORDING TO PTOLEMY. (ON MAP 13.) Abnoba M. Aenus F. Albis F. Albis fontes Alcimoennis Alisum Alisus Alociae I‘e- tres Alpii M. Amasia Amasii fontes Amasius F. Anartopbracti Anavum Andrabae campi Anduaetium - Angivarii Arabon F. Arae Flaviae Aregelia. Arsigna . Arsonium Artaunum Ascalingium ‘ Ascaucalis Asciburgium Asciburgius M. Astuia. Avarini Avarpi Baemi Baenochaemae Bateni Bergium Bibacum Bicurgium Bogadium wmwm>Humewomomme>wowwmwdaouo o o o Rap-no mmmmmwcm anchor: a: c mam: so 0 00¢ mom H5 WHUOQQQ G G I-OaHgglp-‘H: , Brodentia. Budorgis Budorigum Budoris Bulanes Bunitium Burguntae Busacteri maj ores Busacte‘ri minores Calaegia Calisia. Calucones Canduum Cantioebis Caritni Carrodunum Casuari Chsurgis Cauchi majores Cauchi minores Celemantia. Chaedini Chaemae Chaeturi Chali , Chalusus F. Chamavi Charades Chattae Chersonesus Gimbrica Oherusci Cimbri Cobandi Ooenoenum Cogni Oorconti . Coridorgis >om@wwmmv manna-um 53-009 wmmwQOwawmMGOHQwOQQmewam Hap-'0 c: c‘so euro 80 maven-594:0}; o o cu m a: 5mm Dunno-u Curiones Curta. Danduti Danubius F. Danubii Fons Daugiones Devona. Dulgumnii Eburodunum Eburum Elvaeones Fabiranum Farodini Felicia. Finni Finni Flevum Frisii F undusii Gabreta. Silva. Gallia. Germanicus Oceanus Gravionarium Gutae Gythones “U OOH: UQNQMQ 0 H309 H>WNNQH§U 99 a a 9.3: who 0 NHQQ PM 0650" on”, pamG‘UQUQ 0 Hegetmatia Helvetiorum Desertum Ingriones Intuergi Jazyées Laccobardi ' Laciburgium Leucaristus Leuphana. Levoni .Limiosalaeum Lirimiris Locoritum Lugi Buri Lugi Duni. Lugi Omani Lugidunum L11na Silva. Lupphurdum Luppia. Manarmanis Portus Marcomanni Marionis Marobudum Marvingi wwQOHmommNmed Dad) pun-o Quinn-.50 9‘39 0 9-40 0 bit: CHEFS? FbP'hG H50 Mattiacum Mediolanium Medoslanium Melibocus M. Meliodunum Mellocabus Menosgada. Mesorium Minores Iae- . Moguntiacum Munitium Navalia. Nertereanes Nomisterium Noricum Novaesium Ombrones Orcynia Silva Osanda. Pannonia. Parienna. Parmae campi Phavonae Pheugarum Phrugundiones Phurgisatis _ Quadi or>mmuoc2wwww “HUSH-0:0 #53340? Data mam came» a: (“Name WNUNUmQ W @9590? mm H f Racatae Redintuinium Rhaetia Rheni fons‘ Rhenus F. Riusiava. Rugiclei - Rugium Sabalin g1 Sarmatia. Sarmatici Ms. Saxones Saxonum I. tree Scandiae I“- Scurgum Segodunum Semana. Silva ‘Semnones Setidava Setovia. Setuacotum Siatutanda Sidini' Sidones' Sigulones Silingae Singone Stereontium Stragona Streviata Sudeti Ms. Sudini Suevi Suevi Angili Suevi Longobardi Suevus F. Susudata. Ad wmwowwmmmommumm>mmeMQHmoonc HHQPdem bomammam 4 para mmmmmm put-vanac‘m o o Hat-0,910 pap-ho SD c‘c‘mmc‘ Sygambri Tarodunum Tecelia. Tencteri Teracatriae Teuderium Teuriochaemae . Teutones Teutonoari Treva. Tropaea. Drusi Tubanti Tuliphurdum ' Tulisurgium ’ Turoni Usbium , Vargiones Varisti Venedi Viadus F. Vidrus F. Viritium Viruni Virunum ‘ . Visburgii ‘ \ Vispi Vistula F. Visurgis F. 0 Cd 0 mm Q>waw ‘UQUWUUEMHwaQw‘ mncmgaoowcmaam 0Q OGU‘GI-bi'b d" UNW CHU'V-k MAP 14. ‘ THRACIA, MCESIA, 'ILLYRIA. PANNONIA, DACIA. "i Abbreviations: 0. Cape. F. ‘Flumen. G. Gulf. I. Insula. L. 'Lacus. M. Mons. P. Portus. Pr. Promontorium. R. River. S. Sinus. T. Templum. Abdera. M i Aquileia. A d Braz'za D 'f Corpili 'N h Fidom'si S d J atrus N f MiCOIitus N i Abrud Bang/a. K (3 Aquincum F b Bregetio E b Crateae O f Fines I f J onnaria D e Midia Q h Abydus O 1 Arad I c Breuci F d‘ Crebena. H g Flanaticus A e Jovailium F d Mieza. K i Acamincum H d ,Amnyos L c Brianti N h Cremnisci S d Flanona. B d J ovia. F c Misivri Q g Acanthus L 1 Arausio O 'f Briantica. N h Crepsa. B e Floriana. F b J ovia. Botivum D c .Mz'trovitz G e Acervo B d Aravisci F b Britolagae Q d Orepsa, B e Fifldvar F c Jovis pagus I e Moa. B e A chillis I. S d Arba, B e Brodivo P g Crispiana. E b ,Formio A d Jovis T. P g Moesia inferior L g Achtebolu Q g Arbe B e Broos L d Grobyzi O f Fossae G 0 Juenna. B c Moesia superior G 1' Acidava. I d Arda. 'N h Brucla L c Crucium B d Eiinfkirchen E 0 Justiniana. II. K g Moesiae Pars P d Acidava. L d Alrda, N h Brundisium F i Crumero F b Mogentiana. E c Acidava. M f Ardiaei E f Bryges H h Oruni Q 1‘ . Mohacs F c Acroceraunia Pr. F 1 Ardiscus F. N e Buaticum Q h Cuccium G d Moldava O b Ad Apsum G 1 Ardshz's N e Budua. F g Ouppae I e Gabuleum H g Kadz'koi O f Mons aureus F d Ad Basante F d Argentaria. F e Bue D f Curicta. B d Gagana K d Kala acm ~ Q f Mons aureus H e Ad Drinum F e Argyruntum 0 9 Bug Q a Cursus Achillis T c Gall. A c Kamp O a Morava I f Ad Fines D d. Arrabo C b Bug T b Curzgla D g Galllcum K i Kamtshik Q f Motlz'ng C (1 Ad Fines D e Arrabo E b Bukurescht 0 e Cusum G d Ganus, P i Kardmanly Q f Motm L 6 Ad Flexum D b Arrabona. E b Burgenae H e Cypsela. O h Gardelaca. F b Karawankcn B c Mur B b Ad Herculem I f Arrubium Q d Burnum C e Cyrrhus K i Gargauus M. 'C h Karlsburg L c Mm- D 0 Ad Herculem castra. F b Artiscus M h Burridava M e Cytni D b Gensa. F e Karlstadt C d Mursa. F 6. Ad Labores F d Arupium C‘ d Burridavensii M e. Cyzicus P i Genusug F.. G 11. Kiupm'h‘ K h Mursella. E b Ad Ladios D e Arutela. L e Burtudizus P h Germgma. A a Kludam' F e Mursella. F (1 Ad Libros E f, Amer K f Burugara. L g . Germizera K c K lagenfm't B c Murus B b Ad Malum K f Arzus N h Busau .P d Dacia. I c Gerulata. E a Kolcel M c Murus 1) c Ad Matricem E f Arzus F. P i Buthrotum , H k Dalluntum E g Gerulata. K e Kares H c Mutenum D b Ad Pannonios K d Assa. L‘ i Byce L. V c Dalmatia C 6 thae ' 0 d Kostamllza D d Mygdonia K 1 Ad Publicanps B ,0 Astae Q h Bylazora. I h Dalmatia 1D f ngm M f Kiistendil K g Ad XIV (quart. deci- Astibus K h Byllis G i Damastium G i Golubptz . I e K6stendje Q 0 mum) B c Astibus F. K h Byzantium Q i Danapris V b Gradzschtje I 6 Kuban S (1 ~ Ad Radicem M g Athos M. M -i Danastris P a Gran_ F a. Kulpa C d Nagy Banya L b Ad Statuas E b Athyras Q h Danubius F. B a. GraHECPS F- P 1 Kuri BWWL , Q h Nagy Szeben Herman,- Ad Statuas I“ c Atintanes H i Dardania H g Gramnana. I f stadt M (1 Ad Stoma. R 6 Aucha E a. Cabyle 0 g Dassaretii G i Grgriua. F a. Naissus I f Ad Titulos A d Augustae L f Caeni P .h Datum M i Grisia. F. ' .II 0 Napoca L b Ad XX (vigesimum) D cg Augustia M d Ceesariana. E b Daulia G i Grosswardem "1‘ b Labeatae G g Naracum 0st. R d Adony G b Aulaei tichos Q g Callatis Q f Daunion Q h Gruda 1‘ g Labea’cis L. G g N arenses E t Adrans B c Aulon G i Callipolis O i Daursii D f Gruma II g Lacmon M. I k Naro F. E f Adrianopolis O h Aulo'n L i Caloslimen ' U d Dautonia. D d GWk 0 <1 Ladest-ris D g Narona E f Adriaticum mare B f Auraria. regio K c Calydna N k Delcus Q h ~ Lagosta D g Naulochus Q g Aegae I i Ausancalo C e Cambunii M. I i Delminium D f Laibach B c Nauportus B d Aegysus Q d Avendo C d Campona G b Demetoka O _h Lamatis D e NaVari V c Aemona. B c Axiaces S 0 Campus F. C a Demir-Kapu K h Hadre ‘ G 9 Lampsacus. O i Navarum V b Aenea. K i ‘Axiaci S c Candavia M. H.h Denta I d ‘Haemo, I11 monte M g Lasanium E g Neapolis L 1 Aenona C e Axiacus S c Candidiana_ 0 e Dentheletae ’L 3 1188111118 M0118 N g Latovici C d Neapolis M 1 Aenus A a. AxiOpolis Q 6 Caput Bubali I (1 Demos Q h Hafsa I: h Lederata H e Nedaus E a Aenus N i Axius I h Caput Stenarum M d Derrii C e Hmmburg E q. Lemnos N i Nedirium G e Aequinoctium D a Axiustena. K h Carasura . N h Derriopes C e Haliacmon K 1 Lentula. D c Nedya, L f Aequum D f Azali O b Caravanca. M. B c Derris Pr. M k Hahcanpm D c Lepovist F b Neitm E a. Aesepus F. P k Azizis I d 'Carcine U c Develtum 0 g Halmyris R 6 Lesina D f Neontichug P 1 Agnavia K d Carcinites Sinus U (1 Dicaea. N 1 Halerls L. Q 0 Leuce S d Neoptolemi Tur. is S c Agrianes K h Cardia. O i Didimotichus O h Hammeum I f Leuconum E (1 New I e Agrianes O h Bacontius F d Carnuntum D a Dimbowitza N e Hamelbe/c G b Lgusaba D e Nesiotis G h Agrutum F g Baden D b Carodunum D d Dimum N f Hamqnly N h leurnia. B d Nestus M h Ainads'lzik P i Balbia D e Carpathus Mons G a. Dinogetia. Q d IIaI‘PH R d Licus A c Netindava. L f Alata. G g Baltshik Q f Carsum Q 6 Diomedeae 133' 0 g Harpis R d Limusa. E c Niconium s c Albanus M. B d Bunja K h Carum Portus Q f Dionysopolis Q f Hebrus U h Lissa 0 f Nicopolis N f Albocensii I e Banjaluca D e Carusadius M. A d Dium K 1 Hecatae 190118 T c Lissus G- h Nicopolis N f Albona. B d Banostor G d Casidava Q 9 .Dnieper V c Hebrus I- N h Lom K f Nikolajow U c Alburnum majus K c Baranyara'r F d Casra D e Dm’ester R c Hellespont N 1 Lom _ L f Niko‘pol M f Alburnum minus K c Barbana F. F h Castra. Batava. A a Doberes K h 36130168: I) I Longaticum B d Njkppol V b Alessio G h Barduli D h Cassandria K i Doberus M i Heraclea. _ Q 1 Lopsica. B e Nz'lcup N f Alisca. F c Bariduum D f Coeletae M h Doclea. G g Heraclea Lyncestls I h Lotodi C c Nissa K f Almopia I h Barium D h Castoria P. I i Dodona. H k Heraclea, Sintica. L, 1 Lowatz M f Noricum A b - Almus L f Barnus I i Castra. Iarba N h Doksom I d Heracleum K k Lucz M c Novae E f Almus F. L ,f Basapare M g Castranova. L e Dombrovar F c Heraeum I: h Ludias K i Novas I 9 Alone P' i Basardjik M g Castra. Trajana. L e Doriones M f Hercuhg 1‘ b Luggaus L. B d N ovae N f Alperio, In D f Bassiana D b Caucaladenses M c Dorticum K e Hercuniateg _ E 0 Lugio F c Noviodunum C d Alpes Juliae A c Bastarnae L a. Oattara, G. of F g Drabescus M h Hermonactis “0113 S d Lute Bergas P h Noviodunum Q (1 Alt N d Bathynias Q h Cedonia. M d Dragachani L e Hierasus I’ 0 Lusomana. F b Nymphaeum Pr. M 1 Altinum F c Bavo D f Cel-adussae 139- B e Drau A 0 11mm , ’I a Lussz'n_ B e Aluso M g Begorritié L. I i Celeia. ‘ B c Dravus A c HIPPOIal Pr. 1‘ 0 Lussoxiium F c Aluta F. M d Belgrade ' H e Celena. G d Dravus B c HWSOW _ Q 6 Lychmdus H h Aluta F. M e Belovar D d Celetrum I i Dravus D c qurea Margl I f Lyncestls. I h Obg/r Laibach B d Alvim L d Benni O h Cellae I i Dravus E c Hydruntum I 1 Lysimachia O i Ocra. M. A c Amantia, G i Berbis F d Celmantia. \ F b Draw E d Hylaea . U 0 Odessa S c Amantini E b Bergula. P h Centum‘putei I d Drilo H g Hypacyus‘F. V c Odessus Q f Ampeia. K c Beroé N g Ceramiae ‘ _I h Drilo H h Hypams 13- T b . Odomanti L h Amphipolis L i Beroé Q 9 Ceraunii M. G 1 Drin H g Macedonia G h Odrysae N h Amutrium L e Beroea K i Cereinitis U (1 Drina G e Macedomcus S. K i Oedenburg D b Anarti I b Bersa Palcmka K —e Certisa. F d Drinus G e_ Madytus Q 1 Oenus A a Anasamum 'M f Bersovia. I d Cetius C b Drippa. O 1 Ican_us F- G h Magus D a. Oescus L f Anasamus M f Bersumnium G g Chalcidice K i Drobeta K e ICthl’mun L g Malata. B e Oescus M f Anausarum I h Bema G g Chaones G i Droi- . M h Idmmm I 9 Malata G d Oesyme M i Anchialo ‘ Q. g Berzova I d Chaskoi N h Drubetls K e ldornene K h Malgam O 1 Ofen F b Anchialus P g Besdan G d Chedrillis Boghasi R e Druz1para. P h Iglztza Q d Malthage G k 0gust L f ADO‘US' C e Bessi K h Chemo B e Dubmtza L g .lhga L g Mangalm R f Olbia T .c Anderva. F g Bibii Ms. C d C'herson U c Duklarum G g 11mm novum U k Maon B e Olcinium F h Andizetes F d Bibium C d Chersonesus P g Dulciyno . F h 1110]? G d Marcia, . D a. Olm'opol S a. Angites L i Biephi I d Chersonesus Taurica. U (1 Durostorum P 9 Illyricum (2 d Marmanopohs P f Olympus M_ K i Angrus F. H e Bigeste E f Ohimaera. G i Dyme . 0 1 lmbros. N 1 Marcodava. L c Olynthus L i Annamatia. F c Biluvium E f Ciabrus L f Dyrrachium F h Inal‘OIlla D‘ f Margus D a Onagrinum G d Antariatae‘ G g Bisa G h Ciabrus F. , L f Incerum L d Margus I e anhesmus G k Antiana. F d Bisanthe P i Ciagisi N f \ . Incoronata O t MariIhaea. E d Oneum D f Antigonia. G i Bistones N h Oibalis F d Edessa. I 1 lndenea. I) e Marisra H c Ophiusa. P i Antigonia K h Bistritz M b Cicones N h Edime .P h Ing‘ulez V b Marisa; M c Ophjusa R c Antipatria. G i Bistue nova F f Gilley B c Egeta._ . K 9 17m _ A a MaI'IS‘llS F. H (3 Orbelus M. L h Antiphili turris S d Bistue vetus E f Cillium ‘ N g Egnatia via H h lnterc1sa. 1’ 0 Maronea N 1 Ordessus T c Aous F, G i ' e P h Cimbriana. F b Egodes O f IPOQ/ G a MCI/7'08 I c Orestia. 0 h Aous F. H i Blandiana L d Cirpis G b E1011 '1‘ c “WW/WI Q d flIaros Vasarhely M c Orestis I i Apenestae D h Blandon O f Cistoboci P b Eiseme Thor K (.3 Ismcus Port. 5 0 Marsqma. E d Oricum G i Aphrodisias O i Bludin N h Citium K i Elgaeus O 1 18“? L f Maschana. K d Orisari ' I h Aphytis L i— Bodimo Q h Cium Q 9 Elimg. I 1 lsmarus M‘ N 1 Mathis F. G h Orkub I f Apollonia. G i Bodrag I a. O’lausenburg L c Ellmla. I '1 ISM D f Matrica. F b Orleshti L e Apollonia. P g Boiodurum A a Clausula. G g Encheleae H 1 13w. B 6 Matt'ers' _ D b Omom, Alt K e Apollonia Chalcid. L i Boiorum Deserta. C b Cleveré. K 9 Eordaeg. I 1. Istria. A d Maxuruanopohs .N h Ortopla, ‘ B e Apollonia. Mygdoniae L i Bojana . , G h Clodiana. H 1 Eordaei H i Istl'lamis Portus S c Mangl F e Oseriates E d Appiaria. O f quuk Derbend O h Cocconir E d Eordgncus II 1 IStl‘OPOhS Q 6 Med1a._ L e Osi F b Apri P i Bolbe L. L i Colapini C "d Epgtlum D f Istl‘gs Q 6 Mehadm L e Osma N f Apsinthii 0‘ i Bolenta E d‘ Colapis C d Epidamnus F h Itaha. B h Melada_ B 9 Osones E b Apsinthus O i Bollia. \F a Colatiani C c Epidaurus E g Melantias Q 1 Ossa M. K k- Apsorus ' B e Bononia G d Colatio C c Eplrus G 1 Melas O i Ostidjzus 0 h Apsorus I. B e Bononia K f 'Colentium B e Ercaboh _ V c Mela§ S. O 1 Othronus I, G k Apsus F. F i Bonovzo H e Combustica K 1' Ercroms O f Jader. G e Meldia. K g Apsus F. ‘ H i Bora. I i Confluenteis H e Erpsen G b Jalomztza P e Melqda . E g Apsyrtides 189- B e Boreon 0st. B d Conopon I. R d Erlciisa. I. G k Jamboly 0 g Melissurgis L 1 , Apulum L c Borovo ~ G d Constantiniana R e Ergme P h Jm‘tche G e Melita. E g Pgeones I h Apus F. I e Borysthenes U c Contadescus' O h Erigon F. I h Janga 1’ e Mehtonus I 1 Paeti O h AQua. viva. C c BOrysthenes F. U -c Contrq. Aqmncum G b Erlte P f Jcmtm N f Melta. M f Paks G 0 Agnes D a Borysthenes I“. V a Coralh N g Escaimus M f J apodgs B d Mendp L k Palaeste G i Aquae K e Borysthenis I. T c Oorcora. 0 d Eslu SJCH'“ N g ~Jap¥g1um Pr. 1* k Meneiana. E (i Palamnos P. F h Aquse K h Bosna F e .Corcyra. I. G k E80 0 f Jasu” D c Mesambria N 1 Palamnus F. F h Aquae L d Bossut F d .Corcyra. nigra D g 5.886ch F d J assn P b Mesembria. P g Palitula L e Aquae Balissae E d Bottiaea K i‘ Corinium C 6 1311120133 L 1 {76633?! B b Methone‘ K 1 Pallene L i ‘ Aquae Calidae P g Brmfla - P d Cornacum G d Euristus I h J asulones l‘ b Metropolis ‘T b Palmata P f Aquae Herculis K 'e Brattia D f Coronitis U (1 Europus K h J atrum N f Metulum C d Palonda. K e r “ THRACIA, MCESIA,‘ ‘ILLYBIA, _PANNONIA, DACIA. MAP.14' Pamodus A e Pola. A e Remetodia . L f Scodra. G g Straviana. E d Tigra. 0 f Una. K, 0 Pangaeus M. L i Poltovia. » C c Rhaedestus P i Scordisci E d Struma. K g Tilz‘be M h Upella. C c Pannonia C c Pomodiana L f Rhizinium F g Scotussa L i Stryme N 1 'Timacus K f Urbas E d Panysus F. Q f Pons Alutae M e Rhihon F g Scupi I g Strymon K ' g Timacus major ‘ K f Urbas _‘ E e Parauaei H i Pons Augusti K d Rhizonius Sin. E g Scatari G g Strymon ~ L h Timacus minor - K f Urpanus . E e Pardua E g Pons Servilii , H. h Rhodes S c Scythia. minor Q '1‘ Strymonicus S. - ‘ L ' i Timok K f Uscana. H h Parentium A d Pons Sociorum F c Rhodope M. M h Scylla. Q h Stuhlweissenburg F .b Tiraspol RI 0 Uskab I g Parium P i Pons Trajani K e Ripa alts. F c Securisca. ' M f Sub radice M g Tiristasis P i' Utus M f Parolissus - L b ‘ Pons Ucasi M g Risano F ‘g Segestica. , D d Sucidava P e Tiriza ‘ Q _f Parolissus M b Pons Vetus M d Rittium H. d , Selletae N h Sunista. ‘ D c Tirizis Pr. Q f Parthini G h Pontus Euxinus Q h Rod-na M b Selymbria Q, h Syracellae 'O i Tisia. , I b Parthiscus G d Populi D c' Roman P c Semh'n G e Syrnota N g Tisia L a Valcum E 0 Parthiscus F. H c Porsulae N h Romesiana K f 'Senia. «B e Szala D 0' Tisia. F. H c Valeriana L' f Pasiris V c Posidium Pr. L k Romula C d Sensii 0 d Szamos K b Titarius M. I i Vallis Cariniana F c Patavissa L c Potela M f Romula. M f Sera. O f Seamosujvar L c Titius ' - O f Varciani D d Pathissus F. H c Potidaea. L i Bathe Tharm defile M d Serdica. L g Szlankamen ' H d Tokay I a, Vardaei F g Pautalia. L g Potula. M f Rusidava. M e. Sereth .' > O b , Szardak H d Tolna F c Vardely L d Pele I e Potulatensii M f Rastchak O f Sereth A P d Tomi Q 6 Variana. D d Pelagonia I h Praesidium Dasmini I f Rymm‘k L d Serge'tiva. L d Tonzus P g Variana L f Pelagosa D g Praesidium Bompei I f Sermyle L i Tonzus F. 0 g Vama _- Q 1 Pelagusa. D g Praetorium O f Serona. E d Tagri Q a T0piru8 M i _Varsalva L 0 Pelendova. L e Praetorium D d Sacrum Ost. R e Serota. E d Taliata. I ' e Tor-cola D f Vedulia.‘ G d Pelium H i Praetorium E d Sacrum Pr. T c Serrae L h ’JJaunyraoe~ U c. Torda L c Vegia. '0 6 Pella. K i Prwtorium K d Sadame 0 g Serrhium Pr. N i Tamyraces Sinus V d Torocca V c Veglia ‘ . "B d Pelso L. .E c Praetorium M e Sagadava P e Sei‘vitium D d Tamyraois acra U 6. Toronaicus S. L i Velanis - I g Pelva. E f Praetorium Latovi- Sagaris S b Sestus -O' i Taphrae V c Torone ‘L i Velasha' I g Penestae H h co‘rum .0 d Sagarius Sinus S c Sigeune N k Tarpodiza O h Torrqaadae' V c Venetia. A” c Peneus F. K k Praovo K e” Salda. F e Silacena. E c Tarsatica' B d Tragurium D f Verespatak I c Perinthus Q i Predavensii K b Saldensii K e Silz‘stria P f Tarsius F. P k Trajani vallum Roma- Vetus Salina. F b Peronticum P g Premada B 0 Sale N i Singidunum V ‘H e Tauriana Maedi K i num Q (1 Vienna D a. Pessiuxn G d Priesta E g Salices Q 6 Singiticus S. L i Tam-is D f Trajanopolis O i Villa. Gai D a. Pesth G b Primodia. B e Salinas L c Singus L i Tauroscythae U c Transmarisca. O f Viminaciuin I e I’eterwardein H d Prishtina I g Salla ' " D cg Sinti ‘ L i ‘ Taurunum G e Tranupara. K h Vinceia. I e Petris L d Prisrendi I g Salluntum F g. Sirmium G e Tautantii G i Trau D; f Vin'denis I g Pettau D c Proconnesus P i Salmydessus Q h Sirrae L h Tchernaweda Q 6 Trausi N h Vindobona. D a. Peuce I. R d Promona D f Salonae D f Siscia , D d Teal-us P h Tregulicium P e Vinkovze F d“ Peudostoma B d Propontis P i Salsovia Q d Sisebola Q g Tedanius C o Triballi L f Virunum B c Phanote H i Priapus P i Salua. D e Sis/now N f Temes _ H d Tricornium . H e Visotch'ista M F f Pharus D f Prista. O f Salve. F b Sissa. B e Temesvar ’ I d Trimammium N f. Vaka F d Philia ‘ Q. h Pulchrum 0st. R d Samothrace N i Sisselc E' d Tergeste A d Trimetz’ 0 g Yulsinio, In Monte E f Philippi M h Punicum .. I e Sane M .i Skit L f Tersato B d Trimetus I. 0 g ‘. Philippopolis M h Psilon 031;. V R d Sapaei M i Skambz‘ G h .Teurisci M b Troas O k Phinopolis Q h Pteron Pr. R e Sapa ' O f Slano F g Teutiburgium G d Troesmis Q d Waag E a Phoenice H k Pulca Ith Sarajewo F f Slatina M e Thasos ‘ M i Troglodytae .Q 9‘ Wed M f Physca. S c Putei M f Sardiotae D 0 Slang E b, Tlcez'ss H b Teerna K e Wid'in 4 K f Pianosa D g Pydna. K i Saritte D e Soatra. P g Thera. Q g Tshorla P h Wiener Wald C b Pzafra O c Pyretus F. Q o Sarmatia. F a Sofia L g Theranda I g Turres K g Winniza Q a. ’ Picaria. G h Sarmatici montes' E a. Solta D f Thermaicus S. K i Tutrokan - O f Wv'sa P h Picentinum E d Sarmizegethusa. K d Solunta O f Thessalia I k Tyrangetae R a Wollaa C c Piephigi 0 e Sarnade D e Sopianae E c Thessalonioa. K i Tyras O a.’ _ Pieres L i Quadrata. C d Sarpedon Pr. N i Sostra . M g ThiagolaOst. S d Tyros S o Pieria. K i Quadrata. D b Saso I. ~ F i Sozopolis P g Thiagole Palus B d Tyras F. R- c Xanthi .M h Pierus M. K i Satr‘skoi Q 6 ' Spalatum D f Thimea Q h Tzurulum P h Pincus I — e Satrae M h Spaneta G d Thisamatze R b ‘ Pincus F. I e Saudaratae Rb Sparata. L g Thracia. M h Zalathna . K- c Pireta D c Raab G c Savaria. . D b Stabm‘a F e Thracicum mare L k Zara 0 e Pissantini G i Raab ‘ E b 'Savus F e Stabuluni Diomedis M h Thunatae L g Ulca. F. F d Zeng C e Pistum D 1" Ragando O c Scampa. G h Stagira -L i Thyni P h Ulcaea palus F d Zenta G d Pistum G h Ragusa E g Scarabantia D b Stailucus' E b Thynias Pr. Q h Ulcisia castra. G~b Zermizerga. K c Planasia I. . G g Ragasa vecchia E g. Scardona.‘ B e .Stanevcla. F e Thyssus M i Ulmum D b Zibrz'tz ' L f Flatten S. E c Ramista D c Scardona. O f Stein am Anger . D b Tias'al L e Ulmum G d Zibra L f Pleraei F g Ranilum N g Scardona .D f Stenon 031:. R d Tiasum L e Ulpia Trajana. K d Zilah K b Pleama ~ M f Ratiaria. K f Scardus M. H h Stobi I h Tibiscus I d Ulpiana. K g Zirona O f Plotinopolis O h Regianum L f Scione L k Storgosia. M f Tibiscus F. ' H d ' Ululeus P. ‘ - F h Zizium E g Poetovio D 0' Regium Q i Scirtiaua H h Stratonis Turris Q o Tierna. K e Umur Falcz'b 0 g Zuri O f (ON MAP THRACIA, MCESIA, 860.) ‘ j» Acbz ndis Barna A c B tharia. B c Delphinus A c Hennagorae fons B d Kb‘rfes B b Nausimachion B c .Rameh‘ Hiésari B c Aeaijiteum A c Bgthias B c Derm‘rdshi-‘Z'oi B a. Hostiae Pr; B c Kakanara I. C a Nicopolis C b Rumeh‘ Kavazi' B a Aetorynchon Pr. B b' Byzantium A c Dlscus major B c Hieron opp. B a Karbaly Dare B .c Allibey Su A c , \ ,Discus’ minor B c Hydrates F. A b Karatchesme A c Amycus S. . B _b Drepanum Pr. A c Kusgandshik B c Anadola Kavagly .C ,b Orc'ilqie Tashy C a. Sari-icrz' B a Ancyraeum Pr. 0. a. Calchedon A d Orta km: A c Saronis ara. - B b Andriace B a Calchedon F. B d ‘ .. . ' . Oxyrrhoon Pr. B b Scopia, A c Aphrodisiuni B a. Oalos ager ' B b EcheaPr. _ B c Indflr km, 0 b Laosthemum B b Selm' Burnu B‘ b, Ara. Semystma A c Catangium Sin. B b Ephesiorum lltus B a. Istema B b Lauijis Medeae B c Senis marini Pr. B d ‘Archieum A c Cautes Bacchioe B b Eph‘esmrum Port. 0 3. [am Burnu O a. Licma_s _ B a. Serapeum B a. Aretas F. . C c Ceras ' A c EudiOS S. B b Lycadson Sm. B c Paludes O b Sheitan Barna B b Argyronium Pr. B b; Chalceia B a. Lycadium Pr. B c Paneum Pr. 0 a Sim’ae Pr. B b Charandus ' A c Lyelorum' Myrlaeorum Pantlchium , G a. Sinus Profundus B b , Chelae B c . ‘ ‘ ' v Port. ' C, a Papas Bumu B a Skatari B c Chelae C a Fanum Byzantlorum B a. J asomum . A c Lycus F. A c Pera A c' Sletrinas sinus B a. Bacchis collis B c Chrysopolis B c Fanum Chalcedomor. C a Joros Kalessz. C a. Pharmacias S. B b Sosthenium B b Barbvses F. A b Chrysorrhoas B a Fener Barna B d J ovis Uru T. , B a. Phiala. B b Sycae A c Barbises F. A c Ciconium B c Fil Burna C a. - ' Phryxus Portus. ' B b . Bathys co‘lpos B b Constantinopolis A c Fundakly A c Madshzar Kalessi G b rPitheci Port. B b 5 Bathys F. B b Coracium Pr. 0 a. Medeae Turns 0 a Pons Darii .B b Batta Liman B b Cornu A c - . . Mesar Burma B b Ponti claves B b Tchibukly B b Bebek B c Cyaneae I. C a. Kadw km, B d Mgtopon Pr. A c Potamonium . B c Therapia B b Beflerbei koi B or Cydaris F. A b Galata _ A c Kalemoler B b Milton Pr. B- a Pyrgos. ' A b Thermomeria B b Beslu'k task A c prarodes B b Gronychia. B b Kandghj B c Mmervaaara A c .Pyrrhlascyon 13 c Timaea turris B a Bojakdere B b Cypopolis B a. Kanl'zdje ’ . C .13 Mucfi’ons S. B b . Tasha Dagh C b Bojak Gok Sa B c Kan/lithe Aalessz B a Muherum Portus B b Bojaklz'mani C a . Kets/nlz/s (, a. . . Beik’ios O b ~ Header Pasha B c Kraghat Gimme A c Bheae Fanum B a Belgrad A a. Damalis Pr. A c Heraeulfn \ B d K2519 B a _ Bhodiorum peribolos B" c Veneris Statua. / B b Blachemze A c Damatrys M. B c Herculis lectus B b Kerrtch B‘urvna B b Naulochum Pr. 0 b Rhoodes Pr. 1 B b .Veneris T, B d Bulgharlu B c Defterdar barna A c Hermaeum Pr. B b K01. Basin B b . Nausmleia. B c Rameli Fener B a ' . _.._.. h___.......r___._. MAP 12 GALLIA. 1“ Sordice Palus M k Tarn L i Tincontium L f Tungri O b Varatedum K h . Vetérai. Castra. P a. Vocetiug M. Q Sordones L k Tarn M h Tinea P h Turba I i Varcia 0 e Vetomana. V d Vocontu O 80.9 I h Tarngiae P f Tinnetio S f Turgcionnum 0 g Vardo F. N i Vevey P f Vodgoriacum .. N Sostomagus K 1 Tarms F. K h T1nurt1um N f Turicum R e Varmnes M f Veynes O h Volcae Arecomu M Sotiates H h Tarnis F. L i Tinzen. S f Turnacum M b Varus F. P i Vézére K g Volcae Tectosages K Sotiatum oppidum I h Tarnis F. M h Titus F. ’ E d Turnhout N a. Varus F. Q i Viaur L h Vologatae Q Sotlum I h Tarodunum Q 6 Tolbiacum P b Turones I e Vasates H — h Vibelli Q h Volm‘c M Souévres K e Tartas ‘ H i Tolosa. K 1 Tusta. L h Vasio O h Viberi R f Voneg N goulosse 8 g. $arus F. TI h Tolosates ii 1i Tyrius F. N i Vatrude g I}: {folly _ lg f gouge I) pa amsates i Tolzac . Vaudrez lolnoma e or 611863 Sper‘er R c Tarvenna. L b Ton res O b . Vediantii Q i Vicus Aurelius S c V011 anium E Splz'iger; S f Tasciaca. K 9 Torgzez'ns I h $31“ F' (1)) f: Vegre H e Vicus Dolucensis K b Vorgium E 3:33:33 5 I; $33333;- gg ; g 5 mm (mu-mi mum ii. 1‘: 3:23: £315“ a ‘3 32:23:21“ 2% Stagna Volcarum M i Taurini Q h Toulon N f {Til-m) . d P % Vellauni P h Vicus Julius R V c Vosegus Mons P Statielli R h Taurogantium O i Toulon O i 101nm OPPI um Vellauuodunum L d Vrdourle M i Vouge N gtoechades Ie' P k Taurms O i Toulouse K 1 3231211111 E 1: Vellavu M g" gldubla 0 e Vrar’ta Q tomatae H h Taurus L. M i Tou ues I c Velleiates R h iduca‘sses H d Vucht O Strassburg Q d Tebavii , P h Tau? de Cordoucm G g glgdgmi? 1115 o Velliocasses K 0 Via G f Vulgientes O Stdhlz’ngen R 6 Tech M k Tournay M b Uliaiusi. G 6 Vemauia. S 6 Vienna. N g Vulpis F. P Stura 113;“. 8 g Tectosages L 1 Tournus N f Ulm S g genem % 11 gm”!!! 3. I f Vungus N tura . , Tecus F. _ M k Tours I e ' eneti e z’erme N Substanfr’on M i Tegna N g Toxandri N' a. 3323211113}? 1E 1: Veneti . F e WZenne la Ville N % Wall dz’irn S 0 3333813298 E S iifimfiiifius 8' 3 $3313?” 8 a Unefli G 0 3333333115“ E Z 51-33mm. iii c Wallmta‘i‘ S ° Suetri P i Telonnum H h Trzlgcfiu? I I: Unstrut T a. Venicamori P h Vieuw Rhé‘ne N 9 Wangen S e Suevi R d Telonnum N f Trebia 1F S h Unstrut V a Venloo P a Vigan M i Warpont M b Suindinum I. q Tencteri P a. Trebo ' M h €132” g 1; Veno_stes T f Vigenna F. I 6 $38,535” ‘7}; fi 2338 F- g ; gamma 3 :: £15511... fi 1‘: Egg? g 3 fig; 8 g. 252-332? F' i» i $333327» gt 3 Sumlocennis R d Tet L k Trets O i - er anus L. R Villq/‘ranche K i - ' Summus Lacus S f Té'te de Buch G h Trevéri O c Us1pet_es P a Verbigeni ' Q g Villefranche L h Wresquen R b Summus P renaeus G i Tetis F L k' Treves M h Ussubium H h Verbinum M c Villemaur M d Wmdvsch R e Summus Pyrenaeus H k Teucei'a: L b Triboci Q d Usuerva L i Vercellae R Vflleneuve P f W1?) 1) er T 9' Sum art y I H k Teudurum O a. Tm'bunci R d Uxantis I‘ - C d Verdon P gi Vihdalum N ' Wr’ssant K b Surf F. 0 c Theline N i Tricasses M d ggelwunum g ii Verdun 0 c Vindana port. E 3 $7725. 3 ° Surcm 0 f Theopolis P h Tricores 0 i U23“ N h Vergonni P i Vindelicia. s e m “’9 ° Sure O c ggmmuemne 1K b griflorii 9 1} 587.9072de if i WVringilis I. If: e P ésée e ri entum ermcm c in inum d Xanten a. Thiel M f Trier P c Vabre L i Vermandois M c Vindomagus M i 7 Tabernae Q d Thr‘el 0 e Trieux E d' Vada Sabatorum R h‘ Vernodubrum 1“. M k Vindonissa. ' R e Tabernae R c Thievres L b 'Triobris F L h Vadicasses N e Vernose K i Vintium Q i Yerme 0 g Tablae N a Thrngen R e Tritqili- o 1 Vagieuni Q, h Vernosol . K i vVirdo F. T d $01;le 1‘ if (f Twabula. F. 11le a. Thwrers' I g Tuttia. O 1 Vagomtum H d Eeromandm L c Vire R. G d Yonne M 9 am g Thorion K g Triulatii Q h Vahalis F. O a. erona. T g Vire H d Talmont H g Thouet H e Tropaea Augusti Q i Vaison .0 h Veronius F- K h Virodunenses 0 0 53%.." g af $amnumF g 1g1 $I£ur R e Troyes N d galentia N h germ % a. Virodunum O c anarus . i eriacum P b Truyére L h allis Pennina Q f errucini i Viroviacum M b Tarasco N i Tichis F. L k Tidbingen S d_ Valognes * G c Vertacomicori O h Visseiche G e Zabern Q d Tarascon. K k Tichis F. M k Tfidderen O a. Vangiones Q, o Vertzfs M d Vistre _ N i Zao pr. 0 i Tarasco‘menses K k Tlcmum S g Tugem R e Va-mws F e Verv'mq M c Vlsurg1s F. S a. Zorn Q d Tarbelh G i Ticinus F. R g Tuiciae N i Vapincum P h Vesonfgio _ 0 e Vitodurum R e Zug R e- Tarbellicae G i Tigurini P f Tulingi ,R e Varaire K h Vesubiam Q i Vitricium Q g Zdlpz‘ch P b Tarbes I i Tilena 0 e Tullum 0 d Varar‘res H h Vesulus M. P h Viviscus P f Ziirich. R e Tarerzte O i. Tille 0 e Tungra. 0 b Varatedum H h Vesunna I g Vizille 0 g Zurzach R e c: mu-c‘b‘a o U‘ng-IP-Ir-uv-QOW P‘H-mc‘b‘o 4 ”$222,. w 1 M. . :4; V {W ‘ 4w \ . 42 ”.35” V V. 30%,??? - ,3 gum” ’4 2919 .i ,. wt , 1g. .g J3} JV ”fifth ’ . ,1 fl , .e’w‘urvl V 1‘ ‘ v23: -a- f:~.23,_,‘1$:‘_" - ‘4?“ , >4, . ".‘4‘ éCCM v V , E3é§3§$$ .i W’“ 4;, A,“ 3x “REM: ‘ , $- My; ‘ Mafia b _‘ ( DI‘WILLIAM SMITH’S ANCIENT ATLAS A O I Numidia rica (9,1,6: %lls Numié‘us VETUS LATIUM fince 384 B.C. Thewénb'ml mum rd‘ertothe wiry cities afflwIa/finleague "mm in flu’ listgiyen by Diary/saw (V 61) glafin colonies in Lafio. Gmf‘edera/tzbn offlw fight/Latin cities, the We ofwhich was theNemzwDialwArm. Modulus 1=‘2.000,000 Stadia (600:1"; ETALEA BEFORE THE IMMIGRATION OF THE GALLI IN THE SIXTH CENTURY BC. “I Etruscans - :33: Peoples of the Latin language and. the cognate { dialects. {Latini._Umbri.-Sabini.Picentes‘Vesti'ni. 1 Marsi.PéIigni. Equiculi.1Equi.Hm1ici.Volci. Osci.Ausm1es.Sidicini._ (Siculi?) E23 Pelasgians (Iapyges. Enoui J y C‘___..L """ fi' Greek colonies ' 1 thnicians and C arfhaginians Modulus 1: 4.666.666 Stadia { 600-1° ) 100 500 L J n n . . . . Millia Pass. Rom. (75-1°) 10 50 oplanasia T Igiliung Dianiumo Circeii ' ‘ ria Anglica {6912'1‘} 50 19 at) 111i 0 o 0. Pontlae a . Cumse Enaria a 1V F If » Croton M T .3 '(B 1% 0 ”° C? O B @Lipara Q Mylae D Ustica . w? a Medma ITAL IA ITALUE * «IE. ' . g ,. divided DIIECESIS 7- ' ~ ‘ into eleven regions V‘s ' to dlv1ded_ . us 1: Juli 1 ( (I)? I . m seventeen promces o a M, . byAllgllStllb. inthe fourth century AC. , W “W“ “ " ‘ w Bergtflis \ o (Asmara) Y a90 l 1 e eti ( I .daLParrJ) o Hermann: Pr. {CMaI-rag iu.) Milliapasauum Rom. (75_1°) C . fiatcggzialgg? (6.11211me fiVmflc)? Tharros. (I. d1; Giovamni Sardopatoris F {c.PecartL) Crassum (CAM J 0 5sz A: 191' 'trmnl? ‘” (Emelim (anIEEmsim (PHIL)‘ g i . 5 (S. I.) Plumbariall RIF-1m, )@S C aralitanus 11111 5 f B I. (fivvfiga) (flaw- Milliaria Anglica (69,12 =1°J $381551? ° (Cam 1A1 I Drawuby D." Charles Muller. Chemonesus ( A I”? (MadalauLL) I. (Comma) ( Odell 0’30) ° I.) a (30%;) o 1. {Figarello ) Mfl'awolarml) gunciaml. (Molara. I.) Codafbyaflo) (S. Teodom .Padrosa) CMom .S‘alzto) :7 Emma. 1.? f c. Bdwmoa.) Cuadazwni (CSf'moan/allo) (C..Pabna~i) 7 aCflllodefIU (cram) Susaleos Vicus ? Fina) :Beleris s. BéreHs I. . {Se-pamara.) oFicarh 1. (fun) {WORD London: J 01311 M L’Ow‘ddo) ' R U o Ustica HTALIA AT THE BEGINNING OF THE FIRST PUNIC WAR 264 B. C. r::\ Italia submitted to the Roman power — ,C arthaginians 6 Roman colonies 9 L atin colonie s The nmnbers refer to the years of the colonization 1”Mat%ola A . L \ \ \ n M <9 Liyarw 18:: D B 0 GLipara W Modulus 121,500,000 Staflia. (sou-1°) 2100 890 Miwllia passunmao Rom. (75:35,) . . . . 9‘“ MiI’hanaAngllaga (69,1.A) ()lbia u bisonis froyl' “ .. A I ~ ‘ )Tan-m . Ooflloc > S1 1- . 3' 6 ' C 1463.6.) a SmumPr. “Ian-sol "I frmwmggio ) C. Sayre) [Swank-H ? (Brando) OPEL? (Baxtia) diBiguglia.) VagumPr. I'P’F‘d'AI-oo ) (Ed/us) T {1" 13141712441117) Tutel§ ara ? (Padudellu) Rhium Pr. { C. Ross-o ) (FEW. Dianae Portus (Smgno dz; , Ala-Tia (Alarm) (Cfeno) x} - ! (PPWPMM) .0?N V . " i . ,3! I. t [Phllcmn’ " Part3 (Phylum) (adiMuro) oGrazmumm‘ Pr. 9 ' a .- I 17m) 1 I i l Tinan‘ us . . . (medil'izmo) (Para: d; 5.0111114) (PF’diFi'garL) Po rtus ) (Ghana) (7: Fretum Gallicum siye F0 3 s a (Strait ' ‘ I. Bonif'dcio) o4 ummflanee 9 va I. 9 gummms 1. Herculis I. lay,LA1bemarle Street. RD NIA [ B ETALEA IN THE FIRST CENTURY B. C. AFTER THE SOCIAL WAR {91-88) AND BEFORE THE BATTLE OF ACTIUM (31]. A Colonize civium Rom. l ‘. . _ sent out after 264 BC. 9 tololuae Latmae I T he, Lgdflllfigd nrunes imiicatk the Military colonies srnt out by Sldla and (hesar and the b-[umviri Octavia/nus, Antonius and Lepidus. I'_._.&“ " "’* Civitates libel'bP . . ‘ . . . 1n Sluha a C1v1tates federatae 5 _ O 6.) f 184 Y] W I Tru ontiuui u us F. 01m Dinnlcdacm I . ‘ x. whim“ «go Y - > , . . “IS - . fl ,, . ' - 'I ,>.7s;k“ " n A Marsi M f*”’;. 7, I AVA , \J 21/“ j («1/ €110 f? '0 ‘ Lug-inn")? oTt’illlll'ln , .1 >‘ ""(Lucgw , Q, . Downy um / ‘ > V ) \\ \ \\ “ 1, [Ahfifigvu q “‘ Q ‘ Lineman; .‘ft‘fl \ ' ' ( ll‘veu ,‘ Tart?” 48' Liparae 11?] {Copizel ' 3 (‘lanxyet ia M 194 0 COLMinervia 23) Q 1» BLipara [OJ-l") <3 93: My . A sinL-e 241 Aug! Syracusa: MILITARY MAP OF I TALIA I ABOUT 150 B. C. o Maritime Form-eases , C oloniae civium 4r Fortresses of the roads, Colonize Latina? The numbers indium the year or" the fblmdan'on. \ strum Novum 289 Engraved by Edwfl 'elIer. ‘ \‘l . > f ,4 > . N, . ‘ , , *I , ”s." r. _‘ , V_ {1" ‘7’: ‘. , _‘ . . . , , v 14 - . _,' > ‘ “13.3%": .* ‘ ., _ « ~ > . ‘ ,x -.»f . x 7 ¢ ‘7 ,' ‘ . gtgfi J ‘c ' = . '- m - Lo . ~.v "mmia F , ‘ . :3, 3‘. «2’3? 71;: . DTWILLIAM SMITH‘S ANCIENT ATLAS i \\\\\,\,\\in Vi“ IIUIIII/,,,I,I,,,///,,, o 12 I-\\\I\I “)‘ 'I / imp V \94, [WM/NIH, 150 h Sav' II Ione ~I. IIIIIIIII, , _II.IIIII_II.,, I,,II,IIII‘; /ii}‘- , ,, A IIIII IIII II IIII II. I I’\{\‘I , III‘ VIII L. . I _I, , II I,I\§:'II,I\\\ E .Iflimu? 0" IW ” ‘IIIIIilill/W’ ”(f/’1‘ ‘ 3‘: ( ii ‘ I‘ I I I \\\ I , \ii‘" I' I, \I\““““[ \‘§ {,\\ Il’lIiillli“ ,/ IIIIIIIIIIm'm lm ‘ fliifll‘fi {Winiii'ii‘i‘ /I I,, i Iliifi\\x '1‘;qu onius Lat'lly . “ I, “115 gm 1:: “i I, email “I? ,5“. "'1 S ’ . 0. Lac Lamar: 01 A U "mm/RI in: HM ii ,,\|\‘i‘ ,7,..I\ \\\\\I.I.IIIII\ \ ._‘ , filwhw‘ ‘ , ,l ,I ,EiM $7 4,, I3, I,,,..II,II , 77/] ,, ,, "Val/ii'fllflilliliIIIiiI,,,II\\\\\3 {Cg/L ‘ //I I IN IIII, ,,,I,s 7,13,, ,1 I ,Hiillii 4,," \ II ii, ‘ ”III, I //,,, ,, “/4424 "‘I‘W- .III‘ ‘ \\I-II/ :‘IIII'II’,’,/III‘ 7/ I 2%“), I474 "Q \ IIIIIJIIII\\\ I? m, fililllii‘iififiii I II ,,,IIIIW:$ I\\\ q 'Rag'unia. Il Ragogna 2 . /\ Mil _\/.. ‘ K" I\\‘/’l\ \ \:. )I ,\ II ,II xiii, .I,,"I{/II,i,iIi,. ,,,,,,,, Q's — —— .. [hi i I. I/,, \ G I 0 m; XII/W Q i IIIIIII , III, III I. I I“ IIiIIIiI ‘T " . 2 ii/' I, II I IIIIIIII'II \i’V/l ,4? III. I I \II iii .3 \ . \ IIIIiIIIIIIIIII,,,,,,,/‘ $717,], [4, 77/?) ,illl,l I” “<3“; 4,; Qy§ [Ivy/I»,§ ,§ ,III” ,,,I / I , IIl"‘\illl 517/1, ‘\“-// “II/fl“ Ill/J {,w, i'Ii ‘ , I I I I \.h“ //I ,l,“ ,I ,I, IIII‘LI: , I 1: V0I\\\\\\‘ll,, I,“ IIII, \‘I\‘ II- I, L‘V'IJIIIIIi IiiIIIII- I I. ‘I ‘ “\i,“, ”,1,” IIIII IIIII,II..:II 7/4/4411)”, i,I,,,,,,,IIII,I,. I. »\\\‘\~,ll’\‘ ;,II I 3\\’\\\\\““ / m W”; Iii‘ \‘ , “III \\“. $7,, i R i I\\\\\\\\“, “ \\‘iiiil,\i\iii“‘\ \\\i o} ".i‘ii I‘x‘I I \\ Us“? ”NW/I ii“ “ / I ‘ . . , I,, ° ‘ III" i////,////;/¢, 5 , IiiilIII-IlHI/hi: / I0 , I III VII/III ‘i'I‘I‘IIIilIIiIiil, I: \\\Vli| |\“ ,,'\\\\\‘ ‘ i‘lI'IIIIIl‘ ‘ III”II‘III‘.‘-‘II I I\\\I :7 WW 2 I "I\.u ,I,,,§\,\\..I‘_ I,,, ’/"%:l// ,,,I., I, I A {\\ \ 4,1,, /,,,I/I \\\%\I \ _ :5; 17’”, I,“ ’4“ I“ A “ .» . ,/,,I,,//I,/I/I l/I ,IINIII/x/I/(I \, » ‘,,I Will/62,“, fiii‘ii“ ..\\,\\ \\\“\i‘I\\‘\ \\ ii‘III' \ I §'\\\ M ‘i‘\\ 3 ,§ \\.I,IiIIii\ ‘3, :fififfi— \ . W“ “I liliiii l“ iIIlI'iIIliIII ,IIIII-I, , :Mi,,\\ ii,.“\\/,j,itx I ‘ /~ \f_\ V ‘lli‘ Iii../r,/,I I II III\ III, II “i“ N77. l/>/// ”if: \~\II‘. .\§>‘§\\ \‘I h ”a, fliII,III,,/ . I I. "I? a il,I ,,I.,.\.I1Iiiiil -‘ - IxIIIIIIrfl \I“ / \\\\_ I K H“: 7 ,, _ / , ,/ , i“‘““\‘~‘\ a; §§$§3§ I I.“ ,]\,,,, 4“,... MI "o/l/w/ /7/,,//I,,/,/// 3,6; 0/, II ,,,,,I\ \k, 52,, R‘Va, Cigfé, ,,,,,,\,,,I,',I:\'{i ,".,I,,’/ ///V I . 4,4,, w, I”, \\\II\I,i\IIII,I,,II,l, , é, \\§\\ "Mi, / WWII.” I“ , .' Mari D //,, ”WI-m i.,, \ it \\\\\\,i‘l\\§|i Infifi / I“ ’ \\ "Ii. .’ . ‘. [aim-11%? § \ \~\ / ~ ulna 0 § I I" .~I\\\\\I\\\ ‘ Dow“ , a o a I, §§ \ ,_ gm: , \ . “g Ivatz'so E “ S ,II/ S. Iifi ii , IIII “.3“ \\\‘\ I, iI‘II-I ’ “ “\ - I' I .Iw' ~. ' 0 /’ I... III...“ ill“, I... “mi/o, , I, III, ,“w ‘ " ‘" I g . alTIv1§1um x {1.6 Q2 <4, 05“? p Ggffiiolsfa m 5 1 (Ir, '/ \ ' //,I 1/, IS re‘nsu I 1?: . . V“ 7,, § ,‘/‘/I-I...,\\\\I\§/( 4113111) ’ maaelia i ahi? I a fly 2 Q» , , b is; 34 ,,l ,, .IIIIIIIQIX) , “Dona I, I yééafafu p I I ‘ 3 I , O “‘03,, '5‘ I 5 N “I I 22.1% m I _ i 9%; - III-":2; Igssgmm I. I; , I . o ~I ,- amp“ tm I a1 “SP0 w," , MM, ‘ “~ I -° , - I “Tm a . o ”6* r‘ “W ”/1772 1* 'en rev: 0 g, 2, . I ' 4,1,“? U: 6‘ 9 (§ougo§zo]- Eh o R i S0119 pa 3321:2331 ”’7 {/il; I a ;. . ‘ Caravaggio ,7 4,, //.'i ,.,‘,,,‘\ I. ,. ’I m 4 1‘13. Magenta Glpflnz. é \ P . ,,I 0,, ,, A” , n. ' , 10 L ’ I III, I? o «I I I M . e a 0 - ‘ / ¢¢ ' l . Ad 6 I . Nm um _-\III.II I'll/l/ ' ii li ‘/// 7:7,,» ,\ Iiillli“\\ h .1 o n I ' l N S I, C ' 2 e , dfie 3 o ‘ ’Ar‘ 32;, “ ore Ven‘a ' Meduacus s.Medoacus Major I Umgag'o ‘ IIIII . ' ”"l/llil/ II I/, ,i" Mi“ i\\\“\— Q N In“ 1 ‘2 I IX R E \S S , ° ' fig my 6 9% , ' . ‘ 7 ' V‘ ed C‘LS . ------ ’ Form 'Lido i l i ii‘ I \{éléi ,5, V , ' ‘?, H V ,,,\\ . , 6 7%“ i h ‘ ‘ii'i‘lV/ii I i I l‘i “‘I‘: IllI‘ “i“ / ’ ‘2' a I" \A $5 89.113150 u °a ‘ E ‘ n 1 ‘ ‘ “Iii III,I‘I II,“1\\“ “ It I-I:I.II.’/II/ ‘ . ‘ I» I I . .N ,5 ,3 , Izme Fade a . I 1, ~— ’J/II. ; ,.I‘I///,\I\ \3 l/l/ III/iII‘I‘tI‘IIIIIIII, , Ver. . to ‘ y. “I; A X , 1‘ II. I "III ,II , 50AM . O ‘~~. ..... Meduacustor N99“ 0 3 7" If? A” " {“1 I77” I ’ ’I’i"I’iii’iiIIIIII‘:“I ”‘1‘ Ive“ S” III '° ”5; SI 1331;, 02.. "I; m 3“" 7i E 0 5 ” 11m 8 3,08 PorIodiMalam°°°° CWIIS‘E‘IEZTI 'i / I: T‘ 0 i‘ I r2 ‘ ,fi‘, i / \‘q; 4, m E snare c dddaaj, ‘3 '3: ; 3.6;, Pomevico ‘73 Gouolm i \ gag i P” cerve , ‘ llfiiii If." I l/,‘/ I \\ , «I my": 33‘ \ "‘(b I . 0 Gulcol a Pele suina , [Ia I /,IIIIill IiiII \\ I?» o . - 111- a (who . 0 Parentium 2, “I ”I N ' m A m; - co... IIEIIII ‘é Tm ab“ ”m . "a, “TIDE: “II“ MIIIIIIIIEIITII?“ 0 FossaClodla r m magma i Immm '““IT~T‘ 3.5.3,; 1 '\ ' ' I“? 1 gems I -. I , I I _ ”2 ° .. . 1011111111. Paw $ ua an; \\ a 11‘ \ , 1191 ‘63? Edro Chioggia , £3 . . III I I I I , I - . I on U, I ,,,I,I,i \Q, It . mama, sefié‘fii ,I i" 'M I“ it , I i M A Ric, ' “e” mimegg, (1" ° . g , BI-ImII-ulumIand:1o , . I INIIII \‘IIxxi‘ llii llli/llllll // 7‘ I {a I " V *1“ ‘ ‘l ‘ We, ” “ Cl" I \— ° - E 3) - 1' I ' BremesmE 131"” ““1.” _ 0 ,,.,I,,,I,,I.,/ , ii“ 3; ”4"“\®Il‘l',',i“’,“' - ’ , a, C o I ' $36 T0 “'50 115 ~ I 0: Fosseflhfljsfinmfl PwFossone (and: Law? ' ‘1‘ i7 ii l'll/ 7‘ “ l/fli ‘ ‘ ““ 3‘0 2 6’ - . e . I // eII‘ . . Andes. 4’ rzon . ”i 45 ‘7’"‘7‘ ’74 ‘ , g . ,,,,,’////l////I/ 3 ‘ _: IV/W4;;,IIII{(II ,I-II:II “fiéTamm Eelxgna a Bedn - o Pietule , w ”A31" 9 5° I 5 I, o . , \.\\ 'fl«§ ~0§\\\\ 4wiiiilill/II asla 1'" " 13°17‘01“ » ' Adi . R - n-ISe ROWE“ \ II ,, T": - e on . ' ea: éfié“ “lg/'0 I , ,i, ' 059i h ’60 1a. (4/ . I , 7’ /},’,,I i' ' 4 2 l iii ”1 ,l,,, \ 5'2;- ' z) Trecenta T312221 , t- '05 i __' ’,__-——— I iIIIII W in ‘ _ ' _ _.‘_,_ " > IIIII,‘IIII .III ,III Serml VTI - ~ I 5 Sermjd (I? 1’ RESXPJWUS o\esellaIH00 Os 1 v ”Vickie , . ‘ . ., fix, \\ "J Tr)svaba.ll( Gai'ba 1-115 Absyru‘S- ,\\\\\ iI ' 2 goncor ‘ icuss ' s7 I ‘ w 53 1- S Gregorm% Gale 7, 9. 101a Pfdn dano ohcaria? , %burI-um i Formula er Ta aw ovre ,\ f 4014.110 , _\_;\ a - ‘6‘) ,”2 ix“; I . “W“; Po 3’ m I ' v /, II, ,,,I ,, g _ tarp; , 56 avg; 15? PolaIti um r1: “iii/770" 7,2,; I/IIII’I \\ I,~ . Y 9120 ““0 PumaPrI autul'o I III \ I I I m . ,- I/ \\\§\ I‘ / , i 11.9 7/ II In I M"\\\\ Siii\\\\ 7/ .II\II II\‘ I‘ iII,//// i O 1 \III“ - - ,II,,II II . I ,_.I;)))\),,/////I/III// // Mi 1 1d GI” 1 .Ca 0 tinm I ii\‘ I‘ I VIIJIII del I: “Pram-3° 5 I, U a; Mmg'navmca , 9- Me 2 an a a, r .7 I q “ ls i ‘ Candide o rg‘enta. C Ngeg C ‘i ‘i/ I '7': I mill/1' i‘liii, 7 2/ I K . . , i—i , ,H’i/I /,II//I/ ‘2 M41399; um . .5,,,‘i,,,, m, // ‘ ,i,'// ‘Ilifl ' I "I V// lli‘lii ‘ I, I, iHi I”, I xvi-g“ Jerlla- A “a t ,. atreni s Spinei‘icums. EridanumOstium, Pun. ifliln {/2 y 3%? il/I‘sfi \I \Sl’ \- / [ml/ll” Vi,“ % , .10 I o _ "‘ us 3’ ,' ’,P_dnsa Padoa Ost. Pub/b. Pa (11 Primal“) lb‘ 7“” l iI‘I‘I\‘I‘I“ ’ ‘1: I i. V ‘ \ T” I" i a '7 a game?) III. I\,II 1". ,J/III'S ,,, fl, \\ //,,,,,I \\ // V _ . .. g : _ C _ _ "I ‘ Ii IIII “ ~ , 3 il‘ liii'I III“ M l “a“ “\ \ l “‘ " ' / // ~ , / ll, / x '7‘ \ I /ilIiIi'I ‘ I’i I II 37“ ”Ill - m “I . 0t s / I” V ‘ MI IIlIIlIIlé7’7‘ I7... I III ‘ ' ' / III 2 Va IIiII‘iiii I‘IIIM Iv ,. _ . I I, \\\,ii.,I-I ,\\I\\\\\\ ,,,,,,i|i\\I ,I,.,I,,I/ | /\l \ / i W“ erna,s cola a . 3.. B Q, I ‘I I I In m I I a value W, I ,IIIIIlIill, \\ *\ / 12$ NC , \ V , m _ave[| II avenna 7 . v.8 . . v .\\‘i\« I I ,1! H l ’ 2%? 1“;\{\I\»\I‘I“\i\i\i‘l\“'l C If“ 9‘” ‘g- z in; , 'éis Portus at OostiumFOSsagAu;§~I1sumtm.FossaeAscI;>1\isI 1131.me . V , I \\\ 1.. :. cus ugmeIVarazze W 5 >‘\\\\\‘ '7 . ‘L Ostium Messan'l Prlmodia ‘. ( 0‘ WSW) ‘\\“‘I\\ Sta‘hAlbfiola ' Premuda h “Ni Savo. Sabata , Savona \7 7 gap” F’Safio ¢ \ \\ ' I l I . . cat-dong, 3: EYIVada Sabatla..P".°d.iVadj 2’, a S scan” all,” :77)”; I¢3§§ ‘ \ 9,4311, Q $I 3% r \, ‘ V ‘ V I Q; 2\ 7"“.q/ l,,,, P V \\ I Flcoclse ?, Lervl ‘7 ‘Um *5 VaV-‘llia-INOD o \ ”Ki 79‘ \\\, $9135 / Munegfiav I , 7 ”’ " /,,,» x 'I lnale I Bonasso / Lt; AdNovas , Cerenaulo i, Levant 5/ ubicv E, Fiumiciua ' i 2) jeu-a. apex. Loano 4. III, CNS N,“ I ll/‘liAlbium Ingaunum Albenga ‘ Port vane!” \\\ °Gallinar1aL Gaihnam'a S I N U S, Palmmal‘nlo' ;: .326 I ,, ,'I//I, ‘I,Il \\\\.‘, K: ‘ \\\\\\\\\\\\“\ Essie _—~—-- ~———__. 3 A. 16' o ‘I I, a, I Q: ‘3“ ' I I i“),,,\\\ii i ' lliili", ,‘II,I, . .¢ ‘ ,II. II Cdelle‘Mele I _ ‘4 Ia° , Fflg ’ / usBormani One ha. aurum Pefiaxo - g , Portus Mauritii PMaux-izio « ' omJuhaF ' Var ost B 7 . .,,\ o a “07,134 I L I . ‘um Fortunse I F8110 \é III,I . illil/ film ‘iiii‘l‘ Vin IntEInelium ,i G U S T I C U S “ I ‘iI\ 2 — . mUIm ' \ Imi‘i iiiii‘Iii - ,,,,,,, OI‘tus HercuhsMOnmcia , iIIII \\\\\,. . I III ,’ :zsio Port. on” I Iflii’Afij‘ $1.42 3PM!“ l ‘ 'fiflir R IIII? ‘I‘ ‘ V i on, ‘ ‘ 'nun‘: ,' I \ I‘ II \\ \\ I’I ,, ($4, .Vfllan-anca , “Qufiuwlliin'l” 3,1 ' 334,,“ i\\I, \ i\ \ %,,\\I.,,\.,\\\ I \\ £§§;\\\ ,,,,;IIII.,,,/,,,, Risim l IIIIw'IiI‘\ fig iii/rimmi... “"“W/I/ ‘- cona I1 ,gfiglm I I, I I. Iii 1mm... 3194111 «micron? s Margqerixa l . i i “ ~§\\‘ 911118 Plamsia, Sfionorat ‘ I‘ /,,//,, 3*" \ _ {[1 /—K . I swam lmuncol. Pacensis Classica l EPWS‘ 7, I , ,I, Ifé\\\w\\\ c d , _ III I\ git-[11,? Ag“ ,i I I \/,,,.i I I , , /,..I \ \___/ ,2 I‘ 7/? C \ /£’I,’I,“ i" I\ C' deLissandIe U . , _\ 1..“ , \\\\ \\\t ' \\ ~ , ‘Ii\‘\\&\'\‘ii(:‘ Pow “If. 1 . I,’I : I I”, s ,racitaflus Sinus , rggérgg go 0 ”III. )3 I_,.Ii/ Hwy, \\\\\ \I,III \\ I SMmaPoIIenza gm} : 4/ \" ‘..I II ,‘3,I"I',I,Ibu»“" €I‘ acram l ’ .aiMSanw w I ”‘1 III“ M ,l , "“\\‘\‘,'\‘;;\>\‘\\(i‘,\,\\\ WaiCivitaNImva I i I ,i l ' '.Findio I F3 I . l : , , I \“Xx‘TT‘. I. t l l a ‘ ‘ \ CISIEIIIIIIEII “I'm . °PMtese *2._3\ l i 01' ‘_‘E ' ‘ . I 0 eros , V h_\_ ____ , , \, IN“, CupraMarlnma /g_// 4‘5 ,, E , , IIIIIII\\I ,(IIII‘II‘ I‘ -IiiiIi iiiiiII‘I. mtg}; // vw ‘ . \ . m “NI.“ ,,. illII , \\\\\ \ ,l l Popllloma \i‘ilIl/i/H ‘ 3 m.‘ , , ‘i\““\ é 0%“ gI i§ .Benede I , I II II I , Populomum Pr. “I, 47% “finggflil .( , “luwlliuliiii I.III 1‘35““. M, , . I: I , \\\\\..;,,, #7: guang/y/ “I,” ,, ,,,,,/I.,I\I ,,,I,,,,\\ , , H 3" txumTruIentanum , l ¢ \‘iI {I’I‘I‘ I ,,I,, ,,,, , wflfliflg‘ml, , , , . (7/, \\‘\\.,I,\ iii} “i” i‘ , , {9,947, / $3, \‘ \\\‘ iieaifiig ‘33,?“ l - 4 I\\\ I I\ l - l @ '\\ , \‘,‘\\,, “4 II)})/iII / astr‘um rumNO vum [Hill/WOW (2 ‘,‘\i\“\l“| ‘ 3inin l “Ni ii . \ I6) I If” 2 \i\“' .. . ‘I/ i ,\ \\\\ \\ l \ fl-_"\\\\ flak“? \Q‘““\\\\“1 ‘i\\\\ \\\\\\\\ \\ I - I III II I ~~ ’ ‘I M I. ll ”Eli’é’ne' II\\\\‘IIIII,: I - ' " e i P1 l m I ‘ M} I \IYAA |I| Ii anasia I ‘ , 4A ”1‘ I V7, I w. hm” ‘ ,1 ‘ “‘“V’Yé‘IIII/II 'I'i ,iIIII. /—\ I _ p .4), , i‘I‘II - mnum .e ,ormichediGros‘aem “A -I : 1 o ‘ H I i,I ' “"‘“’ ‘1], m a a n w c c , i ', "Bits". 6“ $1 ternnms 0515a harm ’. I' : 3, : 'o . $"\\ . ,II‘ 123333,; \y S‘ 3% - 'I ,\ , §T§h m3 0 : out! o. 0....... “ - 7 I w, I“ I\\“‘\ III ii'ili’ IN \I“ >‘\‘ ' ‘ o . ' u ' " - °Farmica ,, a; Pfgéyrnglflis ,/,,/I III ill/I/ WNW/I”, viii _I \\ i\\\\\\ :9 a): .. .5, )3”, '):.c I . D . C e a . ’ Forun‘a 0.5,ng I ‘i \ ’IIIiI'l, \\I \ 4,, C O R S I C A 60:1asa 'I i ('osmnumfi: ° 'I 1 0 “ I ‘ll /////~'iIIill/MI \\\§ Momecrjsw ' .I IIIIIIII , 'Iiiii I‘III. ,, I“ Afiyfiiil W‘ I.“I\,-,\,“\\\ 't .Az- ' I. .II ‘ 6’ Argonfxrmm IIII”,’,I,I’ III , ,,I\\\\I,\\,\\\ii \ \ V ' RegseIRugisVifla MI /,\“ ‘ , Modulus, 1: 1,200,000. 31mm; g Quintilianum 0- A“ /I,,,,, ? Mam , Marta e /I/,'I (42/64, 57, ' ' . /I/ ( /I',/ / Stadla GOO-=1" 3%: I',’,,‘, , I. «x i i ”,3“, 6/27} _ M51101”, 1111.:qu I" il’m 1,, ”VI/ I //’\//\/\[////// //////// I Willi/Zak. %/W //// / // ' um I,, I, ///!i m /4/ / .\v 9 59 190 . zoo 500 1100 000 600 W $31???“ ' ’7’ “fl, \‘ 3,97 l . . , , . , . | , , lIliiiiU I 4’20 ‘ . ~ AIS ‘l'lxifl'ii :Ii'l/I, ("ii/Ullnigfh/ll / . Milha passuum Romanorum, 713-10 C 11 Bag” ,I 6%me M‘ 9 {I 19 . 2,0 , 59 ‘ 4p . 5,0 . 6.0 , 7p in emiiifi‘rS’I-‘ZIIII‘E IIIIIII / Cat rum Novun m“ Mllharla Angina, 69,1621" 2 ~ “2 ~ w» — I I I, , 15’” {hwcucifiiar \ 9 § 1.0 . 2.0 . 5.0 . 4.0 . 5.0 . 6.0 . 7.0 8° ' 'w‘v’ > I 24, I 0' f I g _ f I - l _ //'Il||I|I\\‘\\\\ "NIH-Iii“ A 7" B 8° c ‘ 90 0o 0 I I ‘ O 1 11 F 12 I I Drawnbyl)? Charles Miller ' ‘ ' ‘ I . .Engravedai Stanford's Geographical 129mb.” London- , , John Murray A1133“. arle btreet London . § '5» fin i1 ‘. N1 ‘ . ' III \ ”I I ‘,,..wa.In-r:.g,. I i , ' ‘ ‘ ‘ 1 ‘ ‘ ' 1 i “ -, D‘FWILLIAM b l'lH b ANUhN r A'l‘LAb ‘ ‘ . I 17. 0 Y I I ~— [E j\ 11 E I 1 . I . 15 'E K j .0 [ j 9 o n Allie ., Albim'alc‘ “(6 ”a 16 L , 17 M 18 N 19 I . .C . x , , ‘ . I u 1 ‘fi;:g§3‘” 311:“ ‘) P I . ¥'St11lh1rg‘;f%g‘ians I c I ’ ' ‘ m ‘ Ar ‘c ta 5:: v' 3- . tel-nus E,Pagoa.ra. J! » . . IllgArL far-iv CI ‘E u“. www.1’escua ’. I A ngllmn " If. . I‘\~ .Osua Atarni » , x ' ’ (”51m tosauumf‘r, "m“;ax‘ov ' I *5 Palagflsa o. . . \ . . I ' (‘3 o“ '.‘ Pampwo /..,7\ Final: I ' OI'tODa,Oz-tnna I 3. 4 , 1 am'ta..A1-zfin ~ , fl . . _ . 9 e i Dlanmm bfififihfifi‘fih I7" I, . 13%,?” I: " Mm - I 0 e m , Glanatm 9mm I ,INLIIL’IL I. n I M , w 2"} , 15> \ / 1“" l» 81' ll . I w H ., . I mam ' 2‘ ,‘ \, . Gr;vi1;c f I i I Pnnosa a J . Mlgnama . Mirio 17 ‘ R ' ' .- . rfifififim II Dlomedeae 1‘1”. Tremm 1.I “7 Algm '4 Tau‘tria? Caprara. V2 Cenuuncellaa '1' Wm ‘JpSNicola ‘2’ I " Cnnm Vecdu'a I .sm d‘Aimnue g remain! ‘P . LAN". A I)" CastrumNo‘vu- ..nommc.o f L‘Lémijl. . 43' -_ , __ ——,_._._-_,,,_ . _~__ “U Torre (miss-um ' ' ‘ 4.2" ‘ Q (a Affiafi‘gfifl _-BIIEILI:EennoI_i_—_u_ __ "A. " W .7, _,,._,.____ — -v———- —~ —~ v — “ #- W 7“ I ' ' flare '9 5‘ I V, $2353 War. 399’ & V ' “cc ‘9 V I\hiéfwll§r?a1%erino a . . Pr M. mum ‘ N > Puzita dfj’flscno'. . Apgnegitae . . - I $833,151,” . ‘ J Frochyta I. I -('1u.ga,n‘ P1 . “Iv“- . Promda 4 . ' ' . J I : 1 - 1 4 ¢ ."1berw E 9’ Aggagggggm m C R A T. 13 R I r ' ' ‘ F V v I I I '1 a; ”I ' M 1) ix ’ ~ “V5 arcu , animus .(t r. at Port. . . - I" m? 5727.191).me '0. r \w mammal“, C U M A. N U s s. P U T E o L A N 'U s €33.12}? I ‘ IlnIII'IIquw; ,/' “mm” ’7" ‘ comma " ‘ "I I,“ mnredonin "* ‘n!'-‘~" - . . A \JSIIpOJltum. Slpllfi S I N U S ._.V n o " q . . /‘ \ ' F“ ‘ ' V100 gumme 39%?” I Antium 9- , Aatlu'a ‘ Tm? a, E0?" ‘\. \ g\ou“§v\ \\\ Txxl'res vI'.('i.r s ‘ “"5 Cil'cei I S I. “, mm“ Sfelit'e ‘6" Sgt-$153“, (Ju‘e-Jum P1: N “ ‘ (7. (,irrrllu . a > If v‘ II 9 S'ulonia . Zaunona 151111121 ria “ l'al u. xu-Iolu - . 011112! , I’unzu [3) on! {e [f If? é 1‘ Pandataria , Vandutenu, I, At 5. Stephano {E nu ri a .5: Prlhec 11 s s a; 9 ’2‘, Al 5‘ Ma in «H Sipx) t. 'J') , 1! zaliinna . sum ./ .‘\0 Salsa / v . Aux n, T“? ‘ ahu m . T. di R'i'v 01L 6* . Sa lupin Novla '( . '1‘. Pietra, Arpm-um navale {a aliuae , Salim? .m \e <3» uf,’.1“m,Aul'idc-na , (‘anusii emporium ' at duh , Bar'leu a renlun . 'I‘mui ’ 03132111. Bmm-yI-Hn Mélfis. Moli‘mn ' . Na‘liohunfl‘riovenamo , . 7\ .» W‘m‘ 9m. Lumnuha LI: ' (.eu'iglmla Cam-acts?! \0 Coruto \ Rubl ' I 'erh'mi. Rave ‘5. Sawne, Saw) I“ V111; "mus 1'3 V01 t urn n mil: IV ‘ Hermann . a _ e . MSanufi:(I' l' a t t‘ I“ C uman u s S i n}: SI (7'. (U Nalpuli Stilbl ‘ ocn1m13;ge;1;r'\“flu ('n' 11 mo \ ,A C Gas 3 'Mnlhma E \u IIIII‘m s m :th s 3139me 53:7 I \ ‘ urris Canaan-is, 'MStpfifilgnK'agtmes‘m "7V w, \u-ris Juliana , In)». Ilia": \ 'oles .Mola m d’ 0M1: 12;; I III' 2/.) I II“ “o ;naflli3.9 \amu D ertum. Munopon Turrcs Aurelianae . SIVim Ta m1. at Prom.fifinarvae . ' m dflllc'mPul'e'I“ 5 IN U 5 P4131 S T A. 2V . I.) I 3 {I 3-? A L . . 1.0 1.5 Sirenussze 1‘." - .tia,E Bath} @1233 Pmdicfilornm M0 dulun 11400.000 l I I srhnxx ' I ‘5' .Jl‘lqunm ‘ o I V N Sul'rent, , g ' - 1 7 IS? I, . V . ' ‘ -» La .u'ear TIM hr "”““”“" ' », «fix I I 6/ Cli'pri Mm‘ervm I g . I II I b 1 n u. 3“ / - I I4, - PosuloInmI TAB N U I . ( ave \ TA a T; I ' 3 ., , .1 I ‘, ‘ -. des - I I l a“ {any ‘5 Posidoni. Léfiz‘ifio. $.1toloI ~ (v. dz balm-111 ISJ’H’D . . 1'1 Sulafnme I I 1 Agropo ’ I B adanus 12' 1;on statio I I I I . _. radn‘zm I , I RoucaVecchifl _ I I I , x \i *‘ ontum : “- . I I“) I ' 1 . I I I I I. (‘aitfintus F I caudal. O” S ' ' PI ' ' I I I ‘ I} quqhfijfll I II; [insignia %%E;;l;;lw . ,3, ,EMoru-m I II I i I I II | fauna a ' I i I I I ' M,“ A. 12" ,,,,, __ IG] 15° I11] . 14" I I I. II 1,-0 J x A ‘I sfi‘ififi‘g‘fifi q _ ‘ ' Aggdandrus. wxl’liuium 'ydrmltum.HVdIfls . I *‘ I . . -I" I -. I I _II “$919 I fill alandra 01,1: ante ‘ I I I ‘ " - I} 014‘ ‘33: ‘ o .1. AcuiiS E , - I i ,huvmboluzzo , ‘ I Q a $1 " A521 _ II B I;‘ ' . ~ Y -‘ mii.‘ :D I I Strongyle ; A w iris,fleraclear navaJe S ‘ I N U :5 Imam AMI-u; 5' 4()u : I V' I - EIStfofxboli . oflfldfic 2:1:er EA Sinzw A a Calf) or”; I (an 0'th V)‘ B§aste a - 3 ~ ' = . V. _s ‘. GI; , an” I..._ , ' . ‘ -‘ ~ I I I? AU 0 11 a; I u 1 ( a 11 I1 21* I o 1 huhl'lu» 0 vs a ux Galllpoph E . En: ‘astrummngffl.F!;I—’“BB§YQ995—~ 40 I . "— \ . '1‘? ’4 ' ‘ " . . 1-5» _~ ‘ _____.~ I 036th I); (Is I . . ) a 1 ‘ 11 ‘8 n 1 Palmnrus Pr .fl._,._.v...__— ——— ——* ----------- "Fm—w """"""""""" T dJP1710 ““0 - :z- u ""m ”" ' 3 Z X ‘ ' I 3 '1 ‘ C. Palizmro ~—————~ --—~‘—"‘ ' - ‘ - I \J I °. “ii 3113‘ " Pm elm m I I ' TV (11.1.5 3&5!"an S I I - r ' I? I 1 “ ° . ' 2 , ~ ‘1‘ ' aw .alan mam 7- , ' ,7 I ‘ 5— i 1‘ mf 9°“; ,. .Pymm. . Wm» «ew- T A R E A T I N l. I I I I I . .- ‘ Ifgusm lemma 1"»! dpgl’hfmsdn I Capfiosew I . 9 M' . {Va-em I ' ' .: 3.11mi _ - . , , u I .. arm. L ‘ I I Bum-N L a u S S 11) u ,9 a o L F0 DI TARAN I 0 I x ’ r ‘ . I ‘ I F 1*.‘u:()dPs. Fricussa . I ('V ‘11 P "11"“ " " we" I . “Wm- I I E ‘ ‘I II’H in: «I? 7 381-3 1. A Y7) 1111")“ I“ S.Gxurlrlt2k e ,V I . . . _- - a ‘ 're'bimwce 4 . I 2 I I wax) f . . 1.81Dmn .Saracina , Jungian: 3. Salentwum Pt. I 1 I . ra Llpztrl (I. deJla Se .1111. . I; (IS. Kat-1211 Lanna . 16““ ea ' _ [IF Satanasse I I I . c ., I . l I A I & Luvim'um. , Laus E | ' . v-f E Ragmudla I I I * 3 ermL—pssa, " Buy Ilgn‘w‘j‘ 75 ' F ('z-uthi I y : up ‘ . . s .u « . I I #2:??? I. 1’ I ‘\,,:\ C‘ all ('erilli 0"“: ° ' 0 l . “ . 1r 4: , , ' . £9, {.0 5:“; I M I ‘ Liana Circillu‘ . I ° ”,vnzgflv‘b . ‘0“ I I Diarmnnt ‘35 , $59 $251.3“, égwmeh ' I I 2, {ZMJIIUJ‘ . $5 $9 . 9’ M mom" - V > I ~‘. ' .... [71 - i '< ’ 1711' n- \ §"ii . 5' W . I-q /* '\ h L Vlto f'dDII'O If P 7.1110 . 4' ' I, I ' I" ' "'0‘ 0”” 11-351in ’, Myla) . h I II I . , ‘ I I. y ”‘I \ \7. ,1 . ‘ I I _ I"; Mxluzo w §Q3\\§:I)“ ‘< E t \,___J ..MJ’aLIegrina ’ ‘ (if-11"” - e, 29“" " ‘ ,‘I' vii" ' I‘D-gr}. J I (”(111110 ‘ . Puma” I (1'. Orlando I {‘fi? I I‘ ‘ alwmgk“ V 919‘” .V . I V .. ‘ : , ‘ - -\\\\“‘\ \ .. .Ia ‘ e s .\ . g D 9 . \suhqu onnufi _? :2“ III} ”are . g) . ‘ 4’ Q- T 'alnrmo I up , 'Lf‘v'uana I .5)“ .. Buc'mna. Ph v ‘ ' Dn- :31” I S l S ' Crimigakf‘li ' I . urban’ua '1 v 0 us, Qlumum. In, ”11811111“ I A an x u Colnmhm-a . ' 5 01am 0, ruzm I 11:9,, x :3 I l «4, - .’ ‘ ‘ . ,._,_L_e_.1_’9.r_mitil_g_.__ I F' quda P51 9 I III 1 IIIIIIIIII: I I Tow :zlmsa. Molasses. Jack v" 1 N, . 5.1. J u ' “ Aptmaha urn-{$338 . . I ’ M 1mm1¢aowfw Ellwgnanu 15 f. I 8 w I g [1a. btrongch I ~ orIqueI ; I A néan'gimml’hhnl‘hmfi! I I ‘g , I L0” gun“; 511”“;9bga "an“ I 1 Fiume Freda» .-’\_ IZVcwthuS E. New I ' A, ' . . , - r V ‘ I ”to“? ,Al-g'ennum l’n. (141044310 3 I I I w I ' ‘ I' ’ ' i- I I I Lzlygilzwlizun P1: .,I Wux,nmlugu.«fl . E I \ I ' : ArithiuIs, Hakim. '. I. 1n:01ugm,um., Tnormma _ i i ‘I :5 us I"- . E3330 I’ I , 1" ’U'-«"alét 4 Q‘ 42.5 ’ ' '.~ ‘1 ‘ ' Sal I I D I ‘é II _ _ . IIIIIII g I' ”(100an Pr, 2, (Edi-.‘chi-Vn ' ' II o 'roton,‘Cou-one : 59 I “Wham ~~“‘“-,,‘.;/, I ‘ “APOHiuisAuvhegolm I‘ II .I 7390 ‘ ..I\ , . . ' . " ' w .L': I ' I In call N) I Savum, liulmtux I"? I Q‘fl’m‘im,fr' . __ _ W- I_._ ...I. \ 'I . ' «~~ "' (1'er I , I) . ‘3 I _, Tempsa WW} miquudfiuuhmwmdioflflm . I Halyrvus 1" Sway j , 6.11”“; 6m. , ml’lmuw' ' l Arr-nu. Ci Caulk-130m" «Iv ' - ' ',du1h' ('mmz I‘ I "I (7. Euvnfl\ 9 f 5 " II , ' I\III\' *4 ‘I I. 4, T . , . Terhla 542' I ‘37 u" .71 ‘1... “‘n‘l. . . I " ~ , .m s .' - I I or (r'rLfijur'la I III?” 111m, Aci Reulc at AUISE I {I . L 11.11“, 91%; u ' waw' T'_ -‘ 7 . 496;" . . ( II . . 0x 1‘ . II I III HIIIJIpomates 5N 1 (menus E'Slmpalita’ I $11 9 I ' ‘ “ ‘ 111m ' I I , ametimw up #111115. A . Ia ‘V 4 . . - . /"'\ I ' Lumetuli' I . . Pv I I Cyclopum scopmutPox-tusfltyssm :wLongonb k I G. (if S. Enfemw Mggaagflfilfixlzu _ - ' I , . “ 1 Gummy; I“ t ' : Afifimda F I cum; . Scyllnhum . Mmervla (010nm ;‘ . a s. Max-co , \x‘I‘kv Amen-mus - 1th I fat} _ squjnam I 5.\‘ I} I I “yogi-QM 15m Sinus Scylleticus .v. bcIyIaceus «I V? - “Lanna II C z . bx- 5"”, If” Van-sum . 6‘ di Sgujllace i Symzetlzusll Gizrctlu K) ‘. w "l " ",. mm, djpz‘fipurto I3 I . ' I I i l". Ancinalc I arias E' Fulfill I I ’ 'I‘roPeea ? , Tun-open. .' I: I . wwgias E.Pormirj II . CI“ .- ‘ I' V I I L“. Va‘tiumo u a I ' ¢E> a blaea I \ “m - . .. ~I . \v affilutllsvh! auxiplloniwfi! ,C. S. Grace I “Iagfiéeogo‘ / :‘\ I 1 I Iphonja. 1.305%. I 11 1'0““; 1 \__./ 0111211390 I s ' ? Nipoter \ _/ . $900115“ Sm“ I Income --- i ~ hapsns. PenisoliMIgnisi CC 'C IIJIKIlgInlmIIaIIF ll II Curd/LL11] I ogiliorumforms I Helleporlw, Helm-us I7 ? I “‘ I Calllpaz'i I; ZPortus Orufia, Metaunlso ' Ffitfllaro . ‘-. I Tmu-uenunn . TIE uriaIna I" (7001.11511mi "r S ”dials Pl: I v~ I ‘I Tran/19110 run: 1’ .‘dt .8010 ~_ _ w>1‘ . v; 1 Cul' _ a l S In» I ‘ I I Jan on. ,a 01118 "~-~~—~~~--m~wm4.»__., ,__ _. mug-fig» .A‘hrata Cl‘fiasm _-. “‘1"me "#H _W_._~__..____157“ I mum‘fgrasghunlwmimum -" v ‘Eeflv - -1Longuml’1:,CLongina magnific :32; ”mean , (330“ austaflmus ‘? J "" I n - C chime,“ N I Bnflmotus , Navitu ~ "’ ’ I» o n m . I. I. ‘ ‘ u ,. i‘ineus’llfirmxda. i . , I ‘9 ‘ " a w n " I’, I . ‘ . ~- . . . u u o m n ”mm-do I g octlhpflgphyru mE,.,,,..wm, Modulus 1. 1.200.000 . , . , ~ , I: m . .: : , , .' 1 _ g . J . I < ' . 7 1§~editm 5.11.1150 ' Camarm 4; ..I EPeLita . 1 f I . o I Mermpotmmp.~ I 8Phumicu5 Pol-nu! W I , . . Car”; 0 a: 100 Stadm 600 —l . , . r. . Evmdiwri (“I I ' 1: Huonamfvu - . . . . 390 400 590 590 I, 1)) c. Brunetto . I I . I 5 ‘ ‘ ' . ' , _ _ <',.vra1mbri i 1.41, ‘ . . - 1 I i ‘ I I , 389 _ i - . ”we I o .. Portllfifixmwm J ‘u I, . P'Verde . I Milka passmun Romanorum 75-].0 0 v ‘-""““‘ Wu” ,4 ‘ P b I P V w I " 9 5 ‘P . “I.“ » 30 40 , 50 60 70 so 58 ,‘ . a!" yum I 1'. f I _ - ‘ ‘ I F .5“ ‘m L-P-“b'cm . Ze Ina-nun 1h. Brufiflqu£?1 Keiqmr . . _ _ o ,,I I o’ 932, :1 Yo“ . _ « I I .run Mflhama Anghca 69,164 y 0‘ m “we )- ”301's. afachjn‘“ C 0 o a 10 20 3o 40 50 60 /._\ I ( 33a 1 9mm“; Put-lo 9.10 AI 81%?qu . - - A . . . . A I . 70 so I/___\ . - 2’ ‘- “” "a II I t I \ I‘ 3; ’ U I Iensuh's 1’11. C. Spu'fiven to I k I: I M , I x._/ I' ’ ' I : ~ I , I I‘ I K 1 K I I I I ‘, I . . \ -4 v . o W r o ,r 0 o I I I , l E} 11 kF J 12 [GIJ 15 r 11 14 I i ’ L 17“ I M] I .I I. , A I k - K I I I A w ,. ’\ .. .~ WW.“ ‘Wagflwv-igm. M 'I"fi9fi-".wk~ - " II I. - » I ' {I III: John Murray; Alive-LI} . I III I a» .vJ Abella Abellinum Abellinum Marsicum Abergian M. Abona , Absarus I. Absyrtides Ia' Absyrtis I. Aealandrus Acalandrus F. Aeara Accadia Accua. Accumoli Acelum Acerei‘M. Acerenza Acerrae Aeerrae . Acerronia Acervo Acetura Acheron F. Aeherentia Acherontia . Aciris F. Aciris F. Acqua Pendente Acqaa Santa Acqua Sparta Acqui A cri Acute M. Ad JEsim Ad Esim A damello M. Adanati Ad Arnum Ad (‘anales 'Ad Ganales Ad Cerasias Ad .Confiuentes Adda Ad Dianam Addua F. Addua F. , ‘ Addua F. Ad Finem Ad Fines ‘ Ad Fines Ad Fines Recinae Ad Flexum Ad Flexum Ad Fluvium Frigidum Ad Fonticulos Ad Furnules Ad Graecos Ad Herculem Adige Adigette - Ad J oglandem Ad Lautulas Saltus Ad M alum Ad Martem Ad Martis Templ. Ad Martis Templ. Ad Matrem Magnoni Ad Medias Ad Medias Ad Mensulas Ad Nonas Ad Nonas Ad Novas Ad Novas Ad Novas Ad Padum Ad Palatium Ad Pictas Ad Pinum Ad Pirum Ad Pinim Ad Pirum - Ad Pirum Philumeni Ad Publicanos Ad Publicanos Ad Querqum Adrans Adria Adria Adrianus Ager Adriaticurn Mare Ad Rotas Ad Sabatum Ad Statuas Ad Silanos Ad Solaria. Ad Tarum Ad Tegianum Ad Titulos Ad Turres Ad Tux-res Ad Turres Ad Turres Ad Turres Ad Turres Adula M. Ad VI (Sextum) Ad VI (Sextum) Ad v11 (Septimum) Ad VII (Septimum) Ad VIII (Outavum) Ad VIII {Octavum) Ad IX (Nonum) Ad I'X (Nonum) Ad IX (Nonum) Ad IX (Nonum) Ad X (Decimum) Ad X (Decimum) Ad X (Decimum) Ad XI Undecimum) Ad XI \Undecimum) Ad XI (Undecimum) WWWKUWHQHUQWWWWQQHHQQQQHHHWmeHmmHQ“NH?NHNHNQWUQWHQWMMMNQH>NMdfifimwmdmEflmwwmfiUdemmqupwmQNHQQmwfiNbNHHHNHdwvmmwwabHHqumHH Ad XII (Duodecimum) B Ad XII (Duodecimum.) G Ad XV (Quintum deci- mum) kg c-o‘c‘c‘mtm o‘c‘m c‘mc‘mc‘c‘c‘mmfi C‘H..-.,H~,.-o.i-o.c‘NNmHHwOQWHofimmmmbommodmmbQflaw»HppmoHmHQQHMeggNpwbmmagmmmHgQQQHdemvaNng SD (70.90 CH: acc‘c‘a pup-raw: a: o'c‘b‘mc‘b‘om mb‘fi‘o armor: tram a: 9mm: CD c‘b‘nao o a Ira o a: puma-012 a mm o o mmw-U‘C‘D‘O‘O‘n—bc‘ifi #5309 out: o 0'»..me 9-09 9-9 “'3me mammwb‘m a: wad soon so napac‘mmmm‘msn bv‘o 0 so Aletrium Alex F. Alfidena Algae Alice R. Alice, Pta. dell’ ,mm Alissa Alla Fontana Alli Allia Allifae Allisto Allobroges Allos Alma F. Alma R. Alpe, In summa Alpe della Catenaja ‘ Alpe della Luna Alpe Gottia, In AlpeGraia, In Alpe Julia, In Alpe Maritima, In Alpes Cottiae ' Alpes Graiae Alpes J uliae ' Alpes Maritimae Alpes Penninae Alpes Rhaeticao Alpes Venetae et Gar nicae Alsa F. Alsietinus L. ' Alsium Altamura Altanum Altare Althaenus F. Altidona Altino ammowbmmmw O>>m>>wH>>Qmew>>zHobwzngwH cram-45c W We.» 5"» Abbreviatiena: C. Capo. F. Flumen. G. Golfo. I. Insula. Altinum Alto M. Alto M. Alvignane Aleito‘ Amalo F. A'mantea Amaranum Amaseno Amasenus F. Amatrice Ambin M. Ambra Ambro F. Amelia Amendola Ameria Ameriola Amiata M. Amiternum Amsanctus Lacus Amunclae Amusa Amyclae Amyclanus Sinus Anagni Anagnia Anagnis Cast." Anamares Ananes Anab Port. Anaunium Anaxus F. Ancasca F. Ancinale F. Ancona Ancona Andes Andria Anemo F. Angitula F. Angitula B. Anglona Angulus Anio F. Anletta Annecy ' Anneey, L. of Anneianum Anneianum Annene, L. d’ Annum Ansante, L. d’ Ansedenia Ansedonia Antibes Antino Antinum. Antipolis Antium Antrodoso Anxa Anxantia Anxanum Anxanum Anxia Anxur Anzi Aosta Apamestum Apenestae Apennino, In Apenninus Mons Apenninus Mons Apicilia Apienna Aponi fons Appignano Apricena Apriglia Apron F. Aprusa F. Aprustum Apsorus I.’ .Apuani Apuli Apulia Apulum Aquae Aquae Aquae Angae Aquae Apollinares s Gaeretanae Aquae Galidae HQ. meNNNL—JHHQbHNm’fim'mC-DCszwNmNF-‘ngmemmwmlijNHUfid>>NQHHHHQHE‘UJ{:1me'flWU‘bl’d{112:1mmEENHMQQHQWW>NHHNmeHMNQ ITALIA. L. Laces, Lago. M. Mons. P. Fortes. Pr. Promontorium R. River. Sp. (Spitz) Peak. T. Templum. Aquae Galidae Pisa.- norum Aquae Cutiliae Aquae Passaris Aquae Populoniae Aquae Statiellae Aquae Tauri Aquae Volaterranae Aqua Viva ‘ Aquila Aquila M. Aquileia Aquileja. Aquileja Aquilo F. - Aquilonia Aquilonia Aquino Aquinum Arba Arba. I. Arbe Arbia F. Arbia B. Are Arcae Arcangel Arce ArcemTa Archippe Arcias Arciona 5 WNEQNHKIEPWWHHHHHNHNmmWHNQE‘MOHQQE‘ H-0 Q highway-05C: a H-Q-IQ-IP‘th-IU‘P-IC‘Q-O O Hg” 0"” mm (D mam: (D mgmmfiao 009 CD C‘D-IC‘C‘CJ‘UQ mom Hui-ho mO‘QJQuH-U‘C‘fi Duo (3 9 mmmmp.m0§ ¢ m o (9 pro mac-'3, Hat-0:09 F'U'r-ogi-bc “.51 (p .......,p...?oq manage o o mgmmmvwa-pém co pm a no a 9.. tree. Area Arda Ardea Arebrigium Arento Arenzano Arezzo Argalone M. Argao F. Argens Argenta Argentanum Argenta-rio M. Argentarius M. Argenteus F. Argentia Argentina Argento Argous P. Argusta Ariana Ariano Aricia Arielle Arienzo ’ Arimiuum Ariminus F. Arintha Ariolica Ariolica Arly Armenita F. Armi C. Arna Arnestum Arnine F. Arne Arno Arno F. Arnus F. Arnus F. Arocas F. Arpe Arpi Arpinum Arporum N avale Argaata Arretium Arretium Vet. Arrane Arrosia Arse. Arsia F. Artegna Artemisia Artena Artena Artenia Artaby‘ Arusnates Aree B. Area R. Arzignane Arzina Ascea Asciano Ascoli Ascali Asculum Asiago Asinalunga Asinella Asmelle Asa Asola Asola Aspia F. Aspie Aspra Aspromonte M. Assergie Assisi Assisium Asso Asso Asta ‘ Asta Asta Asti Astico Astura Astura F. Atella ‘ Atella Atena Aterni Ostia Aterno Aternum Aternus F. Aternus F. Atessa Ateste Athenepolis Athesis F. Athesis F. Athesis F. Athesis F. Atina Atina Atina Atri' Atria Atria _ Atria F. Atrianorum Paludes Atriaticus F. Atripaldi Attidium Attigio Audena F. Aueldius F. Aufidena Aufidena Aufidum Aufidus F. Aufidus F. NNHEHHUQQHWQWHQmmmmfiwwm>wHHEHmHmNHQQwowoowwmmmNQmmammHHwammmwmawb>m>mwmwmaawwmwmbmmmgwmwmowgmwwpgpbQQHHQmemabupwwbw>mmw0bwmvw 09 mummmo 9mm C‘U‘Ufm c‘mm Hav-bU‘C"? an aura: a: o o a: common mmdo o c: c: a: ammo Ma: 942.com... a: p-oc‘m o mam. pac‘b‘so c‘p-usn o ....

wzcw wwmwm mc‘oaapmc‘ac‘ob‘ooooaamommo‘oomm momc‘mmac‘mc‘moo a»wwawwmmwbmmemmHmmmuuwwg fimQQmU>UQBO§HNQQM>ZNNm>HZUQMHHNEUCMNHUBZUMH>mbeanNwNewZZNMHmwmmmmmmmmommmmwm .b‘n-e’ so 901:9 0‘5: Dab‘o U‘U‘c‘o 1-580 6'09 b‘b‘o U‘oaetm m O‘U'Q H.090? c‘c‘o Hgchngp‘G o mil-no mo 52mm 00? 0': (“WWW 0‘0? a: pan-a: a> no a: poo :9 o a pace c‘a: c‘c‘coo Belvedere Bemente Benacenses Benacus Lacus Benat C. Bene Benevente Beneventum Beneventum Beni M. ' Beregra Beretini Bergamo Bergintrum Bergomum Berici M. Beritins, Les Bernalda Bersula F. Bertinoro Besidiae Besignano Betoctelus F. Betta Furca Bettona Bevagna Bevera Biaggie Bianca F. Bianca L. Bidente Biedi Biella ‘ Bietina, L. di Biferno Bilitio Birnbaumer Wald Bisaccia Bisagno Bisceglie Bisenzio Bisenzo Bitonto Bituntum Biturgia Bituriza Blane, Mont Blanda Bleane Blera. Blera. Boactes F. Bobbie Bobium Gastrum Bodetia Bodincomagus Bodincus F. Beglio Boii Beite Bola Bola. Beltane Belem Bolsena Bolsena, L. di Bomarzo Bonassola Bendano Bononia Ben Porteaa, C. Borbera Borello Barge di Val Sagana Borgomaro Barge San Donino Barge S. Lorenzo Barge Sesia Bergae F. Barlezza Bermida Bormie Boron Betzen Boviano MAPS 16 & 17. / “wuwobwoflwwwmc>wwwmwwaQQQMPwQUuUUbQ>N>wmbbwdbowH6NmonwawmmwwbbmubbwdbbpmeMprwmwN Bovianum Undecuma— norum ‘Bovianum Vetus Bovillae Bovine Bozzente Bozzolo Bradano > Bradanus F. Bradanus F. ‘ Bregangen Brembe F. Brenna ~ Brenta F. Brenta F. Brenta F. “ Brenta, Can. di Brentesia F. Brentina Brentino Brescello Brescia Briangon ' Brianconnet Brienza Briga Brigantii' Brigantium Brigiani Brindisi Brindisi Briniates Brioni, I" Brixellum Brixia Brendole Breni Bruga M. Brugnato Bruna _ Brundisium HHUHUmmmmugmw>>wm>>mmmmmmmmeou>bmbmomeh m a o ....c‘c‘c‘o o 0000:! o a 9:009 saga U‘o c‘c‘c‘c‘c‘o‘m so Crammer: o‘c‘mmmm mm o p 0 0‘9 (I'D-c: p.39 pm 9:9 0 c m a: a o o H.519 an o o a 5‘s 0 a 00'? cn o wwmmmma sham n-bC‘SD mQ-IU‘G 0 seat; when a c‘c‘b‘b‘o one puc‘c‘c‘c‘naa o man-”o inc-era r: Brundulum Bru 9a M Bruttii Bruttium Pr. Bruzzano Bruzzane C. Brystacia Buca. Buccari Buccino Bucine Bad/rio Budrio Budrium ' Bulhrotus F. Buonamico F. Buenhabitacol Busento Busentus F. Basso Battier Buxentum Gaburrum Gadianum Cadibona Gaecina F. Gaecino, Sub Gaecinum Gaecinus F. Gaecubus ager Geelia Gaelia. 1 Gaelianum Gaelina Gaelilim Gaenys Pr. Gaere Gaeretanae Gaesao Gaesariana Gaesena Cagli Cagnano Cagnes , Cagolete Gaiatia .Gaieta Gaietanus Sinus Caina Cairo . Cajazzo Cajola Galabria. Calaggio Calancasca Galasarna. Galatia _ Galohantis et Pedali Fana Calcara Calcinato Caldane, Le Caldiera Calemara M. Galena Gales Gales Calico Galicula M. Calistre M. Calitri Gallatia Gallifae Callino Callipari Gallipolis Calonna Calepotamo Galor F. Galor F. Calor F. Calere _ Galore Calore Caleeeti Galuoones Calvaledera M. Calvatone Cal'velle Calvi Calvi M. Cal'visi Camarat C. Camarata Gamere ager Gameria Camerino Gamerinum Gamers 'Gamerte ‘ Campana Gampania Gampi Diomedis Campiglia Gampi Macri Gampi Phlegraei Gampi Raudii Gampi Roseae Campli Campo Campobasse Campolieto Campe Marane Gamuni Camusera Canale Canalico Candela Candelare Candiole Canet . Canini Gampi Canine NwmbNNEHQMwMNHNHHrrbe “bdmzbHOQHMHOwNQQN>QQNEmbgbmwbbmomw NHbmMmm@bb>HMHNwasEmHHNHHbNgbmwmmbHUHQwammmN 0 so 910 Hap-ho 9°09 U‘th-h-sc‘w a: am a tin-0:0? Ira-«9.9mm firm-mama: G‘D‘P P‘GQOQ phonon PhD-“~09 man-emu? F‘Haa mmmp‘U‘PIU‘O H. Natl"? mm a mo Qumran-no gimp-cc? o o G pm 20090? mmWWW‘Q-ao c‘o \ mowwaomNmHHmemonm 0'9 c‘p-P‘GQUQ run-O G O 910? 5‘0 u-Wb-H-Hoo U‘ H . :4 ii 1 Carma, I'lA-LIA. Gama R. . {j g Oattolgca G d 01 , \ Cannae L I Catul‘Iges A c Clams F- I f Ore MAPS 16 5; SW A a 8:33am A 0 01:3: F g b' Crem33aM' fit 12W Cones I i: £3,222: grueminorum a New H b ranne o E b I f 01 . ' ‘ d Ore uganez’ M. l ‘ amuui G e G - ‘ Canosa L CauIana M. ass!“ A d E b Eu 111 F 19 Forum Fulvii W“ F- B .. f c G a Class P Crepsa A P 5 Laws D b F O b 0mm l c Cantahcz G au10n L ' IS. Ortus G I c Evol orum Gauorum . 0 o F d y . - ‘ Olast d1 0 Crepsa I. .a E d F -- - F 0 Grandon (/a’nt'lano G e Gan-101118. L 1 C 1 11111 D b 01' . I c szlleg orum Jul-11 A d G - e D b Canusii emporium L d (Java M, H 1 laterna. F “Wyatmo C b A b Forum J ulium , ram, In monte H . . Ola 0 Orespmo F - - . H a. Granott' I e Canusmm L f Cavalazre A 3 use H 9. Cr' ' F c Fabrateria. N orum Llcml D' b 0 z ' L f ' Capena G f Cavore B C'lausm F {m}sa. 181' hr Fab t ova H f Forum Livii rappa M. F b _ Clave a Cnmlsa. Pr 1‘3 ena Vet. H f F G c Gruesome Capermo M . K e Uavrano I c 0‘ 1111a D a. Cri - ' M h Faenza 1 orum Novum G G L g Capitulum H ‘g Ceba w ° 19““ F. D v m. ' 0 c Faes 1 3 0 Forum Novum e rattqcuzo M. L h f 0 (I 0: 0168113 F c ”066% . u w E d F ‘ I f Gravma Capo d’ [atria H 1, “Gang H f C ' ‘ E b 0' ' L h fa na orum Poplhl G" 'V L . 191151 F , most: M. 9 (L0 L h F . .. c Gravma R g Capo Sele K Oecenatzro G C . S . E b 0 G a. Falac- orum P0P1111 I - ' L ., hban M rostolo PM H F - .. f Grawscae . g UaPMdosVo H g Cecma E 3 0' 1-18 ' L h C E c Fake 9 Orum Poplln - F e . c . hter I‘Otalus F, II?" H d F .. K g G’I'e'mz M - Capraja e 09917? L - nIa H e C L 11- Faleru orum semPran G . ' ‘ L 1 5% M. £3 :1 83:20 8 b M: 83:32:: T g f oizzzfimermm 1% V mason 3 2 mm Vmfi A 3 353% i‘ 3 apa‘ara, K , u L i 0” ° 6 Crustumi F e a 9111113 aver H ' ' H e Gm; F I Capraria. D e Celelates '1 umno G 0 us ' G d F ales P a f F0353 All‘fllsti .6 ' F d _. d 0 l' ’C 0 Chtum 6 uasso ‘2 - E F , D- G C Gmmaud ‘ Caprasm e “1’ ' _nus 1'" G 0 O b Falesm, P e 0ssa, 010d” - I A d gaprasiae Ostium H I: 3:35am M. I I 8&3? F. I 2 ngflohfi‘l (LII d galisci ' g 2 £32833 Aonnis (G I: gxggzg;oa de 1% d apreae ff G f 0 , e ‘ aliscu, sag ugustae b Capm' % g Cell'mo III; gillapa. H d Cfiizenus S' , I g Fuller-{m g 9, 0813mm . G c 32:83 B d 1% gm 01:22:? mm?“ its Wm. F2 gzzzaegmm E a H aloud I f a '. A c 00‘ - F d‘ Cuneo ' “51870716 H a6 ‘ Stmaé G b Gretta l' d Caraceni Cemeuehum “PM“ K - G B c Fallistr M d Fossat" G g m M Caraghfo g (f gmqre J?! g g oolginthus s. styh'dis 1 01113:: Haitima, If} a Falvatefm ' H l; gossombrone V G 3 313231? are H g ' enzs . . . 0M7? . . 33:3ng to i: i: Geno G 1% ngiullo III :3 8313M Montana. H g £22: Fortunes I f Franczfifl’aI de la III E grumbestum Ii 3 Caram ‘ 1 Geno I) era: D a. 'Cuifst G e Fang H d Franz . I Grumentum K g gargvaggib 15 g 82223113121131 D 6 8131233; i - I1 19 011521111 I. I 11: ganum Fortunae 1% 3 Hizgfijéum N g 023%: Ta dim a g ar autia (3 b 09 a“ F e Cola ' b Cusius L “mm Fugitivi G F E f GWSWU ' Carbina N 06mm" A b 0 p18 F' I b 0’ t ' C b Fanum V 1 e regellanum H - a E c I de R . ,, u 7‘0 0 tumnae G e F . f Gubbzo Oarzmam I I» “moms A b 02; , “a“ A c 0 1": L h FarfarF ”gen“ G i G G d .- . 1 . or t , 7.18 amus F, 0 G F‘ - uerarde CarbonarIa 08“ G 0 3:5?qu x H f Colji‘icaxz-i: G ‘1 .quuem‘cza E‘ 1‘ Farm“ F 3 F3331” A ‘1 Guerrinosjc; E d -' garIgOnamo, In monte H f Cengz M G b Calico % c b ggrnarossa M‘ L h Frentaui‘ IA b Guil ‘ i 0 CW onessa _ - , . , a . Tnese ' 0 WWW M. w ggmm F. if]: 33% rend“ B c gargntasm A b {m 1:; 3- $132320;- 1 ? 332%“ 2 c Gama” J mun}? L ' - K f “I “9.9”“ - ‘arratican v' ‘ 0 - K c Carcines F. g (3 Cerammha, K :1 ggggatma K f Daunu E 2' Fasaho us Pagus SI a. g, 'refone M. E If Gum 1 b Careiae G ; girbalps F. K f 001'”; F d gecwnovius Canalis AG f Fascennium G g III-961"” K f Oarem‘ F. L i C "b‘fh. E 9 001m ”9 0 A c Deciates B d Faucigvzy A e 1,1”me E c Hadra F Careto 111. L h erdlcmtes C c Colony? .' A d . . ec1atum OPP- B d Faventia, F a. Fry/ado F. E ‘d Hales F . D c o c 22:6“? H f goloniJ‘aF- H e 32:?“ o e {W A t: E c Hm ‘ E g ’am’a . engm L - - 1.505" G e um ‘aVeria. . as E' « I' b Oariati E I: . gerergs Helvinag'l‘. H 1;- OéfiglaN J {111a Eques- gef‘emfino 1% g F 660121 I! 3 £7“?er G g l H312; H e Cam'gnano G d: Oeresmm . C b COlonia EVIICIgdLinum A a Dmma-nter K h Fqglino C c IPruSlpO H f Helleporus F F d gamiano N g 0312:?“ M“ H f Coloniar J3EE £91m G ‘1 0321“ F ‘3 $13763” M“ A d #5333?” H Y - Helorus F ' I i arminium , ‘ 0 _ .0 . ‘_ lsana. E d . 0 K e a, , 5960 H‘ 3 H -- ‘ .4 i camera M. 1g: geenmrf H z: 833:2“? , E e 53W L % Femm- . E: gm A H? usizfififim A 2» arom' no @730“ K ’ ‘ 1‘ C b ~ ’ a7") ‘ e t” 1 1 um G; ‘ e - Carozzg M. I? g CVIVHV K 1f 8mm L‘ D b D1393“ F- g 2 Feltria 1% a £13113“? I ef 53:33“ O ' . L 3 0mm G E Sim?!” I f comm B 1» 3:2:“300; H b geltrini-mhaem F : mummy; I b Herbaszmmm a V Oarpegna M G d "a” - K 00 - " F d : , - i K h 7enestr‘elle ' 1' . “5 910118 H 1‘ H . ' 9 . ' Oerreto v g mHIOmagus Dlomedege Iae. F - ‘ B b 13111161 elcates E 33331-720 g g game M, I ; gngm E 1} giomedis T. fig FZEZZ-ZE g f gurcon‘ium fil- f .Egiggfinfum I E ' 'Carm'no K f ervaria I, H b Cogmum I _ f zoza, _ A b Ferentinum H e urculae I f H .s . K i . . , - f Furfon , ercuhs Port. Carraca E b 06M?” K f Como L D b Dogfma M. D a Felentmum G F H e Herculi P F e Carrea Potentia 13 c 0m” G C 0' ° D b Balm I Feritor F . e 1urf W H H '8 ort‘ K i 0 T c om 1150’ I x D l 0 V G c Iiu 6 91011118 P-. giggdano I3) 0 0::anFJEL (133: E 80mgitum IAnagniae III :9, 027720 d’OssoZa g c Higgia H d , Faisal; g If i EGTdQIIia 1 k 1:. ' garseoli H g $222738 A. 0 031135 flatteria IK g Hgfigchalt _ B ‘3 geroniae Lucus ’ (III 2, $33: M. E c HieIIlegfila F g f “7‘80 M. H b H (1 00m f -«8a B b erra'ra F F e Hinter Rh '. e Canola: Cesareo P, M um .13 b ‘ Dora, B71067“ B Festm’tz c , ’ H' em D a, Carsulae :3 e Cesauna, I g an d' G d DOW") C 1‘; Fevus F. {I} a gabgllus E c Him): - te . L i Cartosio C e C’esem G g C 007‘ 29 E c Dorm. A b Fexia F. F c Gab]; G .f« Hifpi Ihe: s Smus K i garusadius M, H I): gigamm K g 022303121: g E fizzzgf- C a gizanfna I g 03:21]”. E If Hisgelllllum JG f arystus C . C b Coneda V D an A (1 ms 7'“ H (1 G '6 f Histonium e Casae Cae‘xarianae I‘ ({ Cetana P, F 9 Con G b Tagone E Flbrenus F a? a F H I 6 ~ V x - - . M. Dm c ' ' H f Gazfano c ””0"“ M- Casale C b Cetalla: Domltlana F 6 0011820 H d _ gone, L. dd I Flcoclae G d H . A c . v . . Drw 8‘ ' G c Galaesu F ~ ODOratlanum Casal Malgwre E Oetmm F e 0071;: G b “06 A Flculea. . s. ' M H K ‘ Dra a, ' G t Galarat F g OITBa E Casual-nova K c Cetmro K h Con‘ us A b nce B a FIdenae t ' L h Horta, A Casal’nuovo L gi 32va, . C c OODZIfinu K i grow I a, F1-dentia g If " ggggfime N g. HOGPice G- e ' Casa Mallima L / ablqzs A a Cousilin m K g DIIWL'ls F. I a. FIer A b Gal 0t ~ K'g H0310 ice A b G gamma?“ 11 gr“ 82??”3’2M' A b Contenebg 03‘8““ L i Dfifiinfl F b $813k F d Gum“ F ‘1 HOS‘Vflia g I; “scaja M . 1v ‘ ’. '0‘“ A b 0mm" F e D ' K f 1-g ”he. 0 G 11 C b Hydruntu Gas Calenda I 2- Chartdlo’n B b 00 some M g “Hint aF, A c Figline F 0 Ga {386 G e H 'dI'" m ‘ N g Uascia 6171-670 "2.“ K Dubu.. Filadelfia, - d_. allga . A d 3 US ‘ N g Cascia/nov g 3 ggerso 11) g $311339 L % gzwntz fr ‘1» {1mm II ft $332 %Spadana D 0 Egg? ° E: g Casein“ , qrso , I _ G f Tame A I, inale ‘ . 'anspadana. B b H ' 11 am“ :3; g 0W F t: 5212:: V L i 13me e 2 Fine % 3 82%?" - K i 11%;“ A d gasert“ I f gfigntz, I? dd I‘ d Comm/20M 1‘ f D3121: M ° A c fin" P H e GallIleclzizéger G c M g asilinum . PP“ - D ' L h 1- 'flJOI' B 3720 ' '1 ' C c ‘ gaSinum . II f ggmmmue L 0i 3%??? H f 532?]5111101' F. B B gust” Aar Hm (I; 2 322231138» I. 0 c Idex F F aSmOxliates C 1.0/71,- . D b Corbol G f D C b 107.6“ 14‘ G 11 M g [dice . ' ' C Casmonium O c Chg-age“) G d 00 b 1a ' G 0 unme- I f Fio’renZuola D 0 Ga ltae B d Idm'a, F c Casotto F. ‘ 0 Ohms“ F r °_ana - G c D ”011,15.” I Bren“ " ‘ c Md“ . E b M 'V I *1 gasperia Ilé: g gzzavenna D g g3:g:;glse F- I b IDuro I‘lncum A. 5 gIrmfim £1 3 3::ZglfMdz E b Idjjéa R0 5 % aspo M. J .a’vfnna D . G a I808 118M. ' D 0 1d ‘ 1 . gassmzo :IL b €233,571.“ 1‘3 I ggiglgfifi If e Eau xVorte A b E‘fiternae H 2 3:35:31??? E c Idx L d’ gag assigliano G e 0', f H d UOMnald' h Eboli . . fiummellw L - Gar ' L f Igilibm' ' ()asteggz'o I) b 1MP,” B b 001.. 0 »H d Ebura K g liq/Lame I I]; G ganus M. K f Ignatia, E e Castel Alto H Chzese E b 00711101188 H b Ecetra, K g Fiume Freddo L W96”? 11 I - M g . - _ ~ - . h Gan ha a. guvmm Castel del Monte L 6;, thetz I e Cormom H b Edenati - G 1 meemca, M y no '11 f 11 G d l f - ,. ' - - ‘ h Garnm P 1; V8. 1 064961 dd, Ova LI Ohioggza G b Coir-mar D a. EdI‘O A c FI’u/mzczno G G- or . K f H VGSt L e C’astel !“ Sa 3 Oh’li’rch’iolo H mm: H b Edl‘um G b Flagogna C arnaa P 0113. L f I]. 0 I 8 Castel d’ Orcggm I? 3' 321.80% B 2 ggggfiimum B c Egdini E b Flamogfienses g 2 3:33.911 A b 11;??? C c Castel Duino H b Chg/“(Ina I g OO’I'neto ~ K f Egnatia A C Flanatlcus Sinus II c Garzal E 0 Inch: F F c Castelfranco F b 0 ms: F d Comem' 1‘ F e EgUiturri M g Flanona. I \b Gar l M E b Incino " E c gastel Franco F c Oligzzades Ia” M g gammy 20 21E) 0 Eisach i3. d fit?“ If”. D a Gatfqggs ‘ F c Incisa, I if 3 ‘ “Std F’ravnco L h M h 00111. 111 d Elba 8‘ it 86 H G I B d- Incitaria P Castella M . Charges A c CO I0 a T. P. . G C Elean E e Florentia. 8: avqrdo E b I ~ . F e ' lum ’3' F F - D c Gama M ndustrla, Castellome A 3 Cigmsto M. H e 00:21.0". , G f Electmdes Iae. d lorentm, F G ' E a ~Inferu L O b 0 H . Ofaramiti , . 7,9“? E E - I b Flosis F, d ”"0"“ m. I?” . D d Cfiitilllzggajn % g glfleronis Villa . II I gggzglzano B 2 £133;wa ‘ I]? a Flus0r F. E 3 genaunes H : Ifiégifiz, I ta. degl’ K h Castellazzo . a 7100,9710 G 0 O G e Elsa, . c Focunates veneva ‘A a. I O C é‘astelluccz'o II E giggsm F (I 02:22 M g b Elsa 1412 g gocgléates 8 2 8:22)]? L. of A a.‘ Iggubres :8 % astellum F ; ,‘ B (1 00780, l'. e Elva 06 1 us F Ge A a Intemefii Castelnuovo ° 0W? L - g “a B c Ema B b Foggia 8‘ "6”” M- A c I t B d gaSteh'tuovo :15} 1:} 8131;11:35 galctus G S 83:35:? e I; d_ Emborodunum 1': ‘3; $09.05!! (I; 3: $323: 6‘: a Ifitgizgigg % e Yastel VeCChiO Subequo H e . . _ S a 118 G e COI‘tOIl I 6 TmbTun 0.7an F (1 Ge - ' C Intel-amnaI. . e Castel Vener 0W”, a delh‘ M . a, G d Emis . . A c, Folqgno nusmm L I t _ Armas H f Castel Veteree Eb- 0mg”? M- E 3 83313:,“ G d Empfifim E f Followed E e 32:“ D {3) 13$???“ L h 8““9’W E 1? 32235? H e Commie?” 3]; e I‘EJ-mpulum E % $3"? H? Geri‘iinicia 1L5 i InterOCrea.‘ ‘ 9x d astigh'one - .' ' H d 0 ' 3 1131139 72 am; - 0 Int - ° 9 ' Castighonedelia. Pescaz'aIi‘: ; gIntgqlum H d 03:: F. ‘ F e Enchatray Ill. E a. £110qu Carusa II 2 3::‘3‘21111111111 I f Irisrplomlum H e ga-sZiglione Ficrentina F d 030???” I; d Cosa‘F, g g Engidae F 2 ngzlia F c Giajosa. 1131 c Iria. F' I?) g as ra. H V .‘ . h C '1 72 re H - - i Isacia I, Castra Hamiibalis L bi 8306} II f 033311121111 Pr. I e Em’a Egna % d Forentum K 6 32;??th F e lsara F. K g , gaStrimoenium Gr f (jg-2:11;; HbPr. H f Cosentia, % g £77711; 1) % gwifiza K g Giglio 11: a Isarci I]? b astro 1 .' - H f v - 1 mi (3‘ 07”” ‘ ‘ 6 Is - V ' a. gum if g 83238 T- H f $32223? F % h Ent§112a§fe 1}) g gwlim Popozz- g : 32-39ch L g 1335“ L :15 a ustro M,_ - .’ a. K h C ' ’ h Entella 1F, ‘ c Prmlfie H v- L g Ischia, i gusirovillari I: 1: 23:35:37; della ’ K h 03:31:88 I1 lg intrevuux ‘ 11: 3 ivor‘m'fca E i giggfcfézo 113J c Ischka {1 g Nas rum Firm 1 . L 471/20, 1 O’r‘mzca, ‘ ' f I l l Gastrum Inui anum. g (I 32:22 M 1g1 923:: gjztzzae B d Epanterii 1]; c g 0W1:che (Ii Grosseto £3 ‘2 3:32:33; H f 1:08“ I f C'aiig‘lim yinervae et CittaZZZICIa g {1' Costa di New“ I. f EPOPGES M. H :3: F3332} H b « Gissa. . ¥ d £890, Lago d’ g I; 1' US eneris '- " ‘ C t ~ , . pore ia F - - - c 367‘ Castrum Novum H % gqittilNuwa H b 03:73”? Scolcom L g Equus Tuticus E b Fair-none M. K 2, 3:33“ Nuova H 6 Is 672m A b Castrum Novum H e 03:15?" _ H a Cottaro M M h E’ra E g $070 - . I e GlefiIOna H e Ismele II f Yastrum Truentinum H e Cim’ta Car: 31151.00 H 9 Cottiae . D c Eretfum G e Fo'ro 4101010 H f Glurns H a, 1801a 11 f Castua I b 01- Lt dds 6 and G e COttii Re num O b Ergltium K f ”TWO P.’ E e Gnathia, E 8' Isola, b gasuaria A b 01;:th dSZPTrouto H e Coulomp g 2 g grids Port. 1) c 11:27:1"0 d3 Palifm‘to If i Goito 1L5 g Isonzo II I: asuentus F. K L - mm H 6 00220 l‘idamlm Ostium w T are I f G l 1 b ’ I550W“) ‘ CasuentusF L g 01.21%“ Ducale G 8 0m 0 b Erta, M I G c 110N076 3- K f 00 I c I C a. - . . - Gama SS“ V Cataldo N g GIMP“ Beale H e 07‘ CO L g Esaro K g Foruh 1[ ga E 0 I t (I e . , , - . . _ G01- 8 a Catah I g Cz-v'Ita Vecchza F 6 0mm)?“ M’ A b .Esa/ro L h Forum Alhem I" 1: ga L h Istria, ' I c guécmdr: F. di Ferro L I: gigggllremIl/m % f 0::fgq‘da III g £31310 1‘1; 15 ESEEE fippfil‘ H f 33$? F. EB h IStriS 1' II b' ‘a arac 9 J ’. . , d ‘t - 6 ste ‘ ure 15- ‘ '~ . d ‘It 1i 0 (é'atda III I: 3223:?“ d A m 0 G (1 8:23:15 F. Ii i Esterel M, i 3 gorUm SISSii I} : ggggzzom D d ltfiazeciae I-«. i f atona - , A . - E t 0mm I audii y D b ' 1 Catona M. H 1 ((D'Iampetla L I: ggfflis F L I51 13:13:31, B d Forum Clddii % 3 gm H b £76“ H f Gama M. G 3 0/11:ng I b 0mm; - L h Euburia'tes 7 g d Forum Clodii G e at)??? _ F b Ixias B 1? ’ “15 F- F e .o I a Endracinum c! Forum Cornelii F 0 0 “W. E b L 1~ rema, D b Euoanei E a Forum Decfi H c gofttolleng E b a a Forum Diugunton D e 0 so we I b . ‘ 1) Grade JacomzZo M. H b J ala. K c A , V B e BJAPS 16 & 17. ITAIJA. J ani T. Japyefia Japygium Pr. J apygum acrae tres J emerii J esi Joppolo J ovis T. Jovis Lareni T. Judrio Juga M. J ulier Pass J ulium Carnicum Jungfrau M. J unonis Laciniae T. - J ura. M. J ustinopolis J uvanum K anker . K appel Krafn burg K rik Veglia Kulpa 'Laaek Laas Labicum Labone Labonum Labro M. Labula. M. Laeedogna Lacinio M. Lacinium Pr. Laconia vai et Marici Lagaria. Lagara Lago Lagonegro Lago Santa Laibach Laibach R. Laino Lama M. Lamato Lambro Lam brus F. Lametini Lame’tinus Sinus Lametus F. Lamnae Lamone Lanciano Langates Lania Lanuvium Lao Lapicini Lapyx F. Lardier, 0. Laminates - ‘ Larino Larinum Larius L. - Lan'x Latiano Latini Latis F. Latisana Latium Latium Latovici Latymnum M. _ Laumellum ’ Laurentum Lauretanus P. Lauria Laus Laus F. Lausanne Lausonius Lacus Laus Pompeia. Laus Sinus Lauzaret M. Lavagno Lavania. F. Lavello Laviana Lavinium Lavinium Lavinius F. Lavina Lazzaro M. Lecce Lecco Legnano Leman Lac Lemanus Lacus Lerne, Can. di Lemene Lemina Lenina Leo Leonessa Lepinus M. Lepontii Lerici Lerina. Leron Lese Lesina, L. di Lesini M. Letamorta Lete Lete Letino Letus et Ballista M. Leuce Leucera Leucopetra. Pr. Leucosia. I. Leuterni Levane Levant M. Levanto Levigno F. Levrera Libarna. Libici Liburnia. Licchiano Licuda F. Ligara M. Ligauni Ligea I. Ligures (Oxybii) Ligures (Taurini) Ligures (Libici) C w>H>HgNHOQHmU>dzHNUZQHmHmWWbwdeQQEGwQN>>WUZwaNQwNUUPNUPPMNNEQOHHQQHWQEmUHHHbgmNQHOHMQHNEUUEUNHHQNNHHUbKNNVWHMQHH Ligures (Laevi et Ma- rici) ngures Beb1an1 nguna. Hm>zwmewmmemwzzzm 0-150“? 5'89 89 $9 0 O‘Hal-rgH-o-IG H.370? H: HHHHH O‘G‘SD S9 Q \ Ligusticus Simis_ Lima Limentra Limosani Linaro 0'. Lingones Liquentia. F. Liri Liris F. Liris F. Lira F. Lissandre, 0. ole Lista. Litana. Silva. Liternum Livenza Livorna Loano . Locano Locano M. Locanus F. Locarno Locone ' Locri Epizephyrii Lodi Lodi Vecchio Lodrone Logatez Lojano Lomello Lonato ’Londra F. Longaticum Longobuco Lonza F. Lopulo Loreto Lorium Loup Lovere Luca. Luca. Lucania. Lucanus L. Lucca Luceoli Lucera Luca'ia. Lucino Luca , Lucus F. Lucus An gitiae Lucus Bormani Lugano Lugano, L. di Lugeus L. Lumo Luna. Lunae Port. Lufiae Pr. Lunga I. Lupatia. M. Luperano Lupiae Lura Lusias F. Lussin Lutta M. Luzzara Lys & Macalla. Macchia 1|! acello M acerata Macerata Feltria Macra. R. Macra R. M addaloni Maenaria. Magelli JlIagenta». Maggio M. ' Magqio M .. Maggiore L. M agnone' M agra M agrisina M aida Maira F. M ajello M. M alaea 1|! alamocco Malata M alcesine Malegatta P. Malero F. Maleventum M alfrancato Ma/ivera .M. M alliae Bagnara Malone - M alosa Maihertium Mandela Manduria Man dyrium Man er bio M an fredonia Man iago M anliana. Man lian a Man occhia ‘ .M an tineo Mantua. M aon M aan e R. M arano M aran o M aratea M aravota M. Marcelliana. M 'arecchia Maren go Mari M. Marianum Marici Marina Marina di Uatanzaro M arino M aripotam o M arm an no M armarole .M. M aroggia Maronea. M arazzo M a7 'radi M arro Marrubium Marrucini Marsi Mars ico Vetere 9 p450" C‘C‘QJH.QaH.b‘n-bc‘c‘o 0 SD 0 cranks-‘09 WC'D‘O mQaHggaC‘Hsp‘FJ-IQ-IO 9 Ha ‘0 0 0 6'5"? p 5.0..” O O O p‘mgmg a a b‘U‘S? 8’ D‘D‘W CD mc‘b‘c‘mmc‘o #050? SD C‘ng-bt-hQ-IUQ o [Tn-5W0 (D o (D H-I—I-H-C‘U‘H-G FT'U‘SD 009 H-P‘UQ U‘H-D‘W mb‘o c‘c‘mc‘v CUHU O Marta Marta R. | Marta F. awthdngHwawHoeomwmbwwmmwmmmabmmbwbHHMQmecUbbobbbqméme>Ummmawwmeo 0'0 5‘6 #309090? 0 O o O de'U'S’ gar-dehbpdmn-bQJQ—IUQWW Dayan-594m 9 D‘U‘WU‘U’O cfc‘c‘c‘amfia H-HcH-O QHU‘UQ O 0 943° rabbi-0:50 (D H50 0 O mmdmeggmwbwwwbHUHmngHwbHuwowwomewamsz dddeHmNMQHQQNbmbwwmwcmfifififlmmHmN o o mm: mo Hap-o 0 ma: so try-09 H-P-ac'o‘c‘o QJO'QCIQ b‘c‘nao o (Twp-am can: 5:70:20? a H-b‘c‘H-O try-59° a 0‘0 c‘b‘cp o Ho 0 Qac‘p-ac‘c‘ca sin-ho o cacao rub" M artano M artano M. M artellata M. M artigng Martina. Martina Maruvium ‘ M arzana M. / Marzano M. Marzeno M assa Massa Massaciuccoli, L. di M assafra M assa M aritima Massa Veternensis M assico M. Massicus M. Massio Mastalone F. Mateola. M atera Maternum Matese, L. del Matilic‘a. Matinum Matinus M. Matinus Port. Matinus Pr. Matolica Matrinum Matrinus F. Matrona. M. Matterhorn M attino Maurizio P. Maurienne Mediolanum ' Medma. Medma. F. Medma F. Medoacus Major Medalina Meduaci Meduacus F. Meduacus F. Meduacus Minor Medulli Medullia. Meduna M eira F. Mela Melada Melee Meldola Mele, 0. delle Meledugno ‘Melegnano Melezza Melfa. F. MM Melfis Melissa Melito Melizzano Mella Mella. F. Melo F. Meloessa. Melone Meloria Melpum Melpus F. Melzo Me-ndicino Menocaleni Mentone Mentorides I“ Meolans Mephitis T. M ercantouan M. Mercatello - Mergo Merinum Mersa Merula. Merula Mesagne Mescolina M. Mese Mesiates Mesina Mesochorum Messana. Messana. Messanicum Ostium Messapia. Messapia. Messenona Meta M. Metalla Metapontum Metauro Metaurus Metaurus F. Metaurus F. Metaurus F. Metramo Metramus F. Mevania Mevaniola. M ezzano Mezzola L. Miagardo Mignone Milano Mileto M ileto M. Millesimo Miltopae static Minoio Mincius'F. M inerbe Minervae T. et Pr. Minervia. Colonia M inervino Minervino Minervium Minervium Mlniato Minio F. Minturnae M irandola , M irano Misa Misa Miscus F. Misenum Pr. M isia ‘ Misius l“. Misofato Miss Misus F. Moa I M odena I Modroa ‘ Moggia " Montella . M onterosso ‘ mmHmemmHmemewdwdzbewwEZQHbUWNUQMQEHHQNNQbmmfizKQQNgbbbwgOQWHMQWNPHwaUNUHHKHMHHNEHMmQUZOQHHWUQQPQQMWEQBNNU>sz>mHQbfifizQHmbboommwwngmmNngHwNQz \ Newthus F. Mo‘nch M Moeso F. M oja Mala Mala M. M ola Moles Molf'a Molfetta Malgora M alinella illoliterno Monaco Moncaglieri Mondavz‘o M ondovi M ondragone Moneglia‘ Monetier Monilia. M onopoli M onselice Mons Baladus Mons Feletris Mons Imeus Mons Papinus Mons Sicimina Mons Silicis M ontagnana M ontalbana M ontalboddo Montalcirw . .Montalto M antalto Mont Dauphin Monte Aquila Montebabbio M ontebello Monte Belluna Monte Oarotto Monte Cerbali Montechiaro Mantecristo Monte Elpare Monte F alcone Monte Fano Monte Fiascone Monte Filotrano Monte Fusco M ontegibio Monte Giordano Monte Granaro Montejasi Monte Leone Illonte Leone M onteleone M ante Marano Monte M esola Monte Milone Monte Milone Monte Olmo Monte Pagano Monte Penoso Monte Prandone M ontepulciano Monte Beale Monte Beale Monte Roduni Monte Romano Monte Rotondo Monte Rubbiano Monte Rumulo Monte Sacra Monte Santa Monte Sarchio Monte Savino Monte Scaglioso Monte Sigillo Monteu Montevarchi Monticano M ontona M ontona Montone Montorio Montorio S. Geriorw Morano . M orcicchie Marcone M orello M. Moricae Lucus Moro M orone P. M orro Morrone M. Mortara M otola M otta Mounier M. . Moutiers en Tarantaise M uciliano M ucone Mucrae M uggia Muranum Muranum M ureto M. Murgantia. M are M uro Murus Musone Musone Mutila. Mutilum Mutina. Mutrenses Mutria M. Mystia. ngmemezdebNmHywpr»whommzmmrangprmhjmcpcphdop:bair-1p:NwmwudemwmbmmmmgmwbmwgmbmHQOHmmommmmmemwwmbwmmmmmmmzwbbmwmwwNMmengmmoww .........,c7‘o o o mc‘somm H590 b‘m c‘mb‘mc‘o H.012 c‘a 009 m man-be Irma 0 0‘0 c‘pac‘ocq mmmmmmmc o was :0 mam opanawwmm H-m Hm @b‘o I-hp-l@ Chi-594a: c‘mmc‘c‘o H30 o a: mam c‘c‘o o a FLOW doe-6 o a we no pm C‘C‘mmr—bmw H.940 s: so Naevianum Naia Naliolum Nano Nantuates Napetia. Napetinus Sinus Napoli, G. di Napoul ‘ Nar F. Nardo Nares Lucanae Nar-ni Narnia Natiso F. Nau, 0. di, or delle Colonne Nauportus Nauportus F. Navalia Neaethus F. EHOHHK mmmwzmeHmb>ebmu b‘b‘o c‘c‘b‘ U‘a ocean <9 mm pun-n90 so Halo ‘ Novi ’ 0rr_es - Osero Neapolis Neapolis Neapolis Negolia Negro R. Nemaloni Nemanturi Nemorensis Lacus Nepete , Nequinum Nera Nereto N eretum Nero M. Neroma Nerome M. Nerulum Nerusii Nerv-i Nery M. Nesactium Nese Nestore Nestore Neto Neumarlct Neva Nevola Nibbiano Nicaea. Nicastro Nicone Nicotera. Nicotera Nigella F. Ningo F. Ningum Nizza Nocara Noce, F. della Noceii Nocera Nocera Noia Nola Noli Nomentum Nora Norba. Norba. Norcia Noricum Norma Novana Novara Novaria. Novaria. F. Novi Novito Nuceria. Nuceria. Nuceria. Alfaterna. Nuceria Camellaria. Nuceriola. ' Numana. Numicius F. Nura Nura. F. , Nuria, M. di Nursia. Nusco Ngon Nymphaeus F. Ober Laibach Obilinnum Ocelum Ocra. M. Ocriculum . Octavanorum Colonia. Octodurum - Ocynarus F. Oderzo Odubria F. Oenotrides I”- Ofanto Ofena Oglasa. Oglia Oglio F. Olane Ostium Olba Olbia. Oliva F. Olivento Olivula Port. Ollius F. Ollius F. Olane Olonna. F. Ombrone Ombrone Ombrone Omegna Oneglia Ongina Onsernone Opitergium 010me Oppido Oratelli Orba Orchia. Orcia F. Oreo Ordona Orgus F. Oria Oria Orinolo Oriolo Ora, M. d’ Orobii Oronaye Orsomarzi Orta Orta, L. d’ Orte Orteler Sp. Ortadonico Ortona Ortona Orvieto 053 F. ()sa It. Oscela. Osera Osero M. Osima Osone Osopo m>mmewbmmHmHHMHHeooommmmKQHQObemwmbwmmwmNmbwdmoHammmewwbmmHzmmemmwbwozmH H.909 m <15 0 a Hap-H1994“ b‘o wc‘c c‘c‘c‘m .459: our; 9.6: a: om: #0:me D‘UQ pao‘c‘o H-p-a-H-nao 9-6: m Ira: pup-ac: c‘o atria-no H.012 o m a: a ”,0 om 0'09 6‘00 r mmmUHmowaHHHonoN>>UUngbwmwwa>NNQomoommEOUMUwwb>ommdmmwwdmbw>QHw>H so c‘p-ao a 0‘90 a co a: a: com: 97 o. c‘c‘b‘o o 0‘90: am U‘c‘mc‘o a: o 0 use 0‘30 0 mc‘r-Lm QU‘U‘U‘O‘P-H-bfl‘fiao a c‘c‘o a: H439 o arm-.90 Duo 90 c‘c‘c‘ Osopus Ostia. Ostiglia Ostra. Ostruni Ostuni Otesia. Otranto Otricali Oula; Ovesoa F. Oviglio Ovilia. Oxybii Ozzana Ozzori Pacensis Pactius F. Padinum Padi Ostia Padoa. Ost. Padova Padula Padus F. Padus F. Padusa. Ost. Paestanus Sinus Paestum Paglia F. Pagliana Paglieta Pagliana Pago Pago Pagus Vej anus Palaepolis Palata Palazzo, S. M. del Paleni Paleno Palese Palinuro C. Palinurus Pr. Palio Pallanum Pallia F. Palma Palmajola Palma nuava Palmaria. Palmaria I. .Palmarola Palmi Palo Palo Pala, L. at Palumbo M. Paluzzo Pamodus I. Pampano Panapio Panaro Panaro Pandataria. , Pandosia. Pandosia Pannoma -Pantano Salsa Pantanus L. Paola Parabita Parentium Parenzo Parina Parma. Parma. F. Parma R. Parola Parthenius Portus Pasiano, L. di Passo del F orlo Passo di Civita Passo di Par tclla Pasubio M. Patavium Paternum Patignana Patycus Paulo F. Pausulae Pavia Pavia Pavallo Pedole M. Pedone Pedum Pelagosa Pelaz .M. Pelestrina P. lf AI. Pelia M. Pelice Peligni Pelino M. .Pellaro C. Pelorus Pr. Pelpi M. ' Peltuinum Penna M. Penna, Pta. della Penneloci Penneluci Pennino III. Pennino, In summo Pentri Pergantium Pergola Peripoli .M. Peripolium ,Perosa Pertusa Perugia Pergsia Pervichio ' Pesa Pesaro Pescara Pescara R. Peschiera Pesclz ini Pescia Pesio F. Pesole L. Petelia Petita F. Petra Pertusa Petraro III. Petrelle M'. Pettorano Peucetii Pezzo 0. Pflzten .Phligadia M . mm>ooo>mzwgguwmm no mo 0 so c‘oOQ O‘NW 9.0mm . Piaraco ' Porto di Ohioggz'a debmbmmbzfiwmbmHHQwHQQNwNNQPHwQPPHUmUNNQmwQQQPHQwNHmUmWHgHMMMNQUNEdeUmmZHNNHHHHMEWEHmHNHQNQUQmEHdewaHHHHHHHHmeWHHmawNMQQmg» 9, ga ,_.....,._,,t:‘oaQaH.I-'=‘OQ o ran-“rm o pupae mom 0 W‘H.Du:=u.-.,c‘causo :0 (D a a o Hui-hp m o a to 0‘0 c: H.001? o c‘c‘mmb‘m Wc‘c‘mmnuc‘b‘o o 0 666600 D‘mwc‘b‘mm a 0 cu m o 80 H30? menace can cream: a a: ”0:201: mm.mmmoe 5o Hap-m mama? o o c-‘oq c‘o o 009 p. Phoenice I. Physcus M. Pz'acenza Piagnino Piana Pianella Piano M Pianoro Pianosa Pianosa Piave Piave Picentia. Picentini Picenum Picerno Picuentum Pietas Julia. Pietole Pietra Pietra Abondante Pietrafesa Pietragalla Pietra nera Pietra Santa Pignerolo Pinguenta Pinna. Piolo Piomba Piombino Pioverna Piperno Pirano Pisa Pisae ‘ Pisandes Pisanus Portus Pisatello Pisaurum Pisaurus F. Piscanna M. Piscopi F. Pistoja Pistoria Pistrine M. Pithecussa. Pitino Pitinum P1tinum Pitinum Pisaurense Pitonius F. Pitulani Mergentini Pitulani Pisuortes Pizorna Pizza, I l Placentia. Planasia. Planasia. Plataci Platana Plannich Plavis F. Plavis F. Pliniana Villa. Plistia Plusa P0 P0 di Volano Poediculi Poediculorum Portus Poeninus Lacus Poggia Poggia S. Cornelia Poggiorsino Pola [Pola] Polaticum Pr. Polcevera Polentia Polesella. Policastro, G. di Policoro Polignano Polimartium Polina M. Polla, La Pollaa; Pollentia. Pollenza ‘ Pollica Polycastro » Pompeii Pomptinae Paludes Pons Aureoli Pons Campanus Pons Drusi Poms Longus Pons Seciae Pante Pante Riccioli Pante Rotto Pante Venere Pontevico Pontia. Pontia I. Pontiae I” Pontirolo . Pante Cenlefimo Panza Popoli Populonia. \ Populonium Pr. Porcifera. F. Porcobera F. Porteros . Porto Badisco Porto Oervere Porto d’Ercole Porto di Cirita Naoi‘a Porto di Falconera Porto di Fermo Porto di Lido Porto Longone Porto di AIagnavar/ta Porto di Malamocca Porto di Matinata . Porto di Monte Santa Porto di Primaro Porto di Vadi Porto Fossone Porto Greco Porto Nova Porto Re Porto S. Alarm Porto Talarnone Porto Villa Nova Portus Portus Augusti Portus Dclphini Portus Herculis Portus Herculis Mo- noeci Portus Longus Portus Mauritii ngwHHHQQQHHQQHQm$mfidmz>ocUmmmmwfiwmmNHQHmNWEUQHNNwW>NE¢EbNWmQmmbwEPKHWmQHbQQHNHEwdbwmmemmmmmmmmmmmmwwmwmmbmfiflmmmwWNNNHOHmMNmHHQQNmWHHHQUfip o o mam co o‘c‘mmc‘o o Div-acre 0 U‘QO‘g-U‘o 6'09 m a o o a on momma cmfiaac‘o men mU‘mOWWQ o o 8°09 Woman are no 0 am: no crown o c: c: mars-'2» can We: paw...pmapm.cz-o par-L012 catamaran cacao more mac‘mc‘mo a me we run-4mm ma c-c: crow amen cm In m am am guru-g, Otdd 51155-72 mafia w. {H .1 l l l rw ,__ ; MARS 16 & in Portus Orestis Portus Veneris Paschiava L. Posidium Pr. Posidonia. Posidoniates Sinus Pasta di Mesa Potentia Potentia. Patenza Patenza Pantremeli Peviglie Praeneste Prato Prata Magno Predubas Prelius L. ’ Premaggiare M. Premilcuore Premuda Presenzana Pretanico Prifernum Prile F. Prilis L. Primodia Privernum Prachyta ' Progna Prolaqueum Pramontagno Puani Pucinum Castellum Pullaria. I. Pullopex Punicum Punta Pramontare Puteoli Pyrgi Pyxus Pr. Pyxus F. Pyxus Quaderna Quadradula Quadrata. Quadrata. Quariates Quarqueni Quera Querquetula Queyras Quieta F. Quintilianum Quintodecima Rabbi Racconigi Radico ani Ragogna Raganielle F. Ragela 1H. Ragunia Rama Rame Rapallo Rapida Rapinium Rapolla Rasdeglia Ravenna Raienna' [Ravenna] Raenagara Reate Recanati Recchio Recce Regae . Reggie Reggie Regis Ville. Begium Lepidum Reif-nitz Reina Reisa .M. Reku F. Rende Rendlna Reno Renus F. Renzano Respa Retenga Retarbio Retovinum Revone Rhaeti Rheetia. . Rhegium Rhenus F. Rhodanus F. Rhodanus F. Rhodanus F. Rh6ne Riccia, La Ricciene Ricina. Ricina Rieti Riglio R. Rignano Rigomagus Rigonus F. Rimini Rinca Rio Rion Ripa Rossa Ripatransone Risa'no Ritubium Riva Rieoli Riemli Rizzuti 0. Robbie. Recca di Betti Rocca Secca Recca Vecchia Racchetta Rocere Roche, La Roche Chevriere Roche Pentan Rachetta Rodi Raglie Raja \ Roma Romanus A er Romatinus ‘. ‘NWNmemcmmmbmwmmHmmmmHHwQMwademmmmmHHHmUN mwm>mww>doom mmmwmwow>>bfizmmczdwmdmmfl>womwowUQmSQHwow>owewwowmammwNHHOHwawwwbmmmHmmbmwmwb>deawww 000:2traceooooc‘omammoooaomompoammmoommmmmmmmso... {Tubman-mo c‘c‘om H.012 ”,4: cry-c‘c‘c‘o c‘mb‘pam {To 0 (Tuba 0 ma Dar-ban so an 89 80 p.90 :0 c‘c‘o m .450 o c-nbb‘c‘o acre a: but) 0 o a {lace 0‘0 0 $909 a H50 0 o :9 05‘s» 0 o ('3 do a 0‘0 mc‘c‘o c‘c“c‘a . neemmmmmnnemmmemewawmemw wrrweaewe enameeeem Romatinus Port. Romechi Bomechium 'Romulea. Romulea, Sub Rance Randmaja M. Rosa M. Rosa M. Resarno Rosara Reseto C'. Resignano Rosignano Ressana Rotanda, La Renata Roveredo Rovigno Revigo Rubi Rubico F. Rucola Rudiae Rudiaa ' Rufree Rugge Rugane Ruscia. (Thuriorum navale) Ruseianum Rusellae Rutigliano Rutuba F. Rutuli sze . Ruee Sabata. Sabate Sabatinus Lacus Sabatus F. Sabatus F. ‘ Sabbato Sabini Sabini Sabine M. Sabium Sacciene F. Sacco Sacer M. Sacrata Seepinum Sagis Ostium Sagittario Sagras F. Sagras M. Sagrus F. Sajasse Sala, La Salamene F. Salandra Salandra R. Salandrella Salandre 111. Salapia Nova. Salapia Vetus Salapina. P Salebra Salentia. Salentini Salentinum Pr. Salerno Salerno, G. di Salernum Salinee Salinas Salinee Salinas Saline Salinello Saline Saline M aggierc F. Salinus F. Sale Salpi, L. di Salpinum Salsola Salto Saltus Galliani Saturn Salurnum Saluzza S. Agata Agata Ambrosio Anatolia Andrea Andrea I. Angelo - Angelo ’ Angela in Vado A ngela M. Angiale Benedetto Benedetto Bernard, Petit Bernard, Gr. Bernardin Oanzian Cataldo, Pta Croce, L. di Croce, Jl/I. Dalmazza Didier Domenico Dana Egidie Ill. . Elenteria . Elpidio . Frame . Eufemia . Eafen'zia, G. di ‘ele . Felice S. Felicita Fellino Gemini Germana Gia Retando Giorgio Giovanni Giovanni Giovanni d’Assa Giovanni pro F iamma Giurlitta Gatthard Gregorio Hanorat I lario Ippelito F. Ianni I. In mpmmmm I fl ' B Jean de Maurienne . Joannes Garocehus BNdeb’ide‘ QZHth‘QE’z‘m’dbfit‘ibMOHENNwHQNNEHQ I L L I I L pac‘p-IDH-m-hm CD CD Hum ........oe gab-spade» 6‘0 H529 Mac's” O‘O‘mm mp Dam “man 0 Wayne is :9 o o #050 Huron a: en a mo Hat-05909090.? D‘OQO'Q a: mmmmmmw tron do Hui-1430 mammmvm a: 6‘5er a: 6' J 14 F I B K C G G E G K E K H K H I G H L L I I L L K K M N A G H I K K H K B H M M G F H I K L L L D N I I L I I I E F F B B I L K 4 I H H A G H A G I: K H L L K K H H H G H H I H F N K A 4 \ D K G O I L L A Fig” Hap-'09 CD D'D" c‘c‘b‘w.u.nao :0 b‘m oO‘Q Ham no.0? o mc‘é‘c‘c‘b‘b‘mv‘b‘o pub-‘60 00? Hanna-c" S. Lorenzo S. Marco S. Marco S. M arguerita . Maria ali Capaa , . Maria di Leuca O'. . Maria di Merino . Maria a Petenza . Maria di Siponto . Maria di Verete Marie della Strada S. Marine VS. Martino S. Maurice S. Maurice S. Michele S. Nicandra S. Nicola S. Nicole S. Ospizie C’. S. Oswald S. Paolo S. Pietro S. Pietro S. Pietro Vernutioo S. Reme S. Seeera S. Seeerina S. Severino S. Severe S. Stefano P. S. Stephane S. Valentino S. Veit S. Venere F. S. Vicine M S. Vite S. Vito S. Vita S. Vita 0. S. Vittoria S. Vittorine Saluzzela Salve _ Salvare -' Sambrarcitanus Sinu Samnium Samnium Samaggia Sangane Sangro Sanguinis petra. Sani Sanitium. Sann R. Sansege Santerne Santhia Santicum Sanza Sapis F. Sapis F. Sapanara Sapri Saracina F. Saracina M. Sarca Sarine Sarius F. Sarnano Sarnico Sarna Sarnus F. Sarsina. Sarsina Sarsinates Sarteana Sarui Sasina. P. Sasse Sasso d’Italia, Gr. Sasso Feltria Sassa Ferrato Sassula. Satanasse F. Saternus F. Saticula. Satriane Satricum Saturium Saturnia. Saturnia Sature San Saaro Sause Sava Saeeno Saeigliana Saaignana Savincates Saeio Savione, Sub Savo Savo F. Saz'ena Savane Savus F. Saeuto Saxa Rubra. Scabris P. Scala, (1. della Scalea Scamnum Scan no Scaptia Scarda Scardizza Seardona Scarema Scarlino Scarperia Scarpiana. Scheggia Sch'o'npass Schreck Horn Scidrus Scigliano Scilla Scingomagus Scielze St'altenna Scrieia F. Scultenna F. Scultenna F. Scylaceus Sinus Scylacium Scyle Scyllae Scyllaeum Sayllaeum Pr. Scylleticus Sinus Scylletium ' Sebinus L. Sebum 010201me 3‘0 HEHHNNHHHHWMQHWPNHNOHQWWHWHHHQEKNNEQHHMQHOWQ>wagbHHKMd3QHHMHQQQmEKWMWQQHHBMUwMHHNNQQNMOWHH>QHdemH>mZQmmgHggmgHHmwmmbwwggmgwawfibwbmmm zmmszwHNm meamb‘mD-Ifi‘mpn L Y U‘O‘w.HoH-HomWH-H~o o o o O‘O‘HJT'UQ 9° C‘Q-Ifiao @ 940 o O Hat-4:09 D‘D‘G (D 5‘50 me we 3 0 {To a 009 009 90¢ a: (DUO Haw-mo pat-5919MB 9-109 c‘o gap-‘90?” (rm-C‘s: 80W 5‘09“? @600 :9 6‘0 0 S Dac‘b‘o do mmP-IC‘U‘U'G $2409 @O'Q Hag-FUND!” a: pug-Va 9.0?!” H50? 59 Q10 6 H50? 39 CHI-0,910 ITALIA. Secchia Secia F. Secusses Seduni Sedunuli Segesta Segiuntii Segna Segni Segovii Segusini Segusio Sele Sella M Selta Selve Semicus F. Semuncla. Sena. F. Sena Gallica. Sena. J ulia. Seneda Senez Sengauni Senia Senia Senonee Sente Sentianum Sentine Sentinum Sentria Sepino Septem Maria Septempeda. Septimer M. Seranta M. Seravalle Serchia Serchio Serie F. Seria F. Sermenta Sermide Sermiene Sermium Sermoneta Sernie M. Serra Chindilli Serranellianum Serravalle Serravalle Sesia Sesia Sesiates Sessa Sessera F. Sessites F. Sessites F. Sestinum Sestinum Sestri Setia. ‘ Settepani M. Settimo Settina Seea M. Severus M. Seyne Sezze 7 Siagne Siara M . Siberina Sibilla, M. della Sicilia Siculi Siculum Fretum Siderno Siena. Sierza Sieve Sigillo Signia. Sila. M. ' Sila Grande Silarus F. Silarus F. Silarus F. Sile Sillara Sils Silvi Silvium Silvium Simmari R. Simmari Simplan Simple-n Pass Sinarca Singerna Siniqaglia Sinis Sinnius F. Sinno F. Sine ' Sinonia Sinuessa Sion Sipontum Sipfis Sirenussee I8e Siris (Hei-acleae navale) ‘ Siri's F. Sirmio Sirpium Skuta M. Secerga Sogliana Salana Solaria Selara Saleto Soletum Solicel um Selina. Solefra Selefrene Solona. Sommaggia Sena Sandrio Sonsine Santia Santius. F. Sontius,F. Sara. Sara‘ Soracte M) Sarane Sarense Sario Serra Savana Sevara Seveso '0 UmwwwwwmmmmhNwdmdeHmwzzbdmmmHHwbr wawmebwbmewOEHmbHdwmwwammmwmwbmmHmbm>m>mmwwombmmowomoowmoobmmwmwbubmwmwmememmwmew>>wmmmbHMMHw>>mH>uwmew (1‘an Q-c‘mo o why-56‘s”? c‘sfl {TED (30:0? a c‘OQOQ o 0 mo 6‘? #560909 09 Hal-058 p509 p.09 om? 949-15530 :9 wb‘c‘fm (D so a 0‘0? om b‘H-mp-IQAQJp-‘H-HoCD mo D‘s: Oar-0,0 a: o c‘c‘o H50 capac‘c‘c‘mc‘c‘c‘mo 9 .....so who c‘oaq C‘s: Qua c‘so so aao‘mo mammma do no mmpm ....o 0 sum c-‘o‘o ”.60 :5 SD so U‘o o a Spartieenta 0. Spella Speluncae Speluncae Sperlenga Spezia. Spigne M. Spigalina M. Spine. Spina Spinazzela Spinella M. Spines F. Spineticum Ostium Spineta M. Spinone Splitgen P. Spliigen Spoletium Speleto Sparna M. Sguilla Squillace Squillace, G. di Squinzana Stabatio Stabiee Stabina Stafl‘era Staina, La . Staiti ’ Statielli Statonia. Statulae Stella M. Stella M. Stellates Ager Stenice Sterza Stigliaro Stillat‘q F. Stile . Stile, Pta. di Stirone Stoechades I”- Stomalimne Stoni Stonus Stornara Store Stradella - Straface, F. di Strapellum Strettura Strena F. Strongali Stura R. Stura R. Stura R. Stura Stura F. . Stura O'hiara Sturni Stylidis Pr. Suana. Suanetes Suasa Subasio M. Subcosa Subiaco Sublaqueum Sublupatia. Subocrini Sudertum Suelteri .. Suessa. Aurunca. Suessa Pometia. Suessula. Suetri Suismontium M. Sulfureo Lago Sulmo Sulmo Sulmone Summus Lacus Sunio M. Superaequum Superum Mare Surpicanum ' Surrentum Susa Sutrium S were 0. Suzzara Sybaris ° Sybaris Sybaris F. Tabellaria. Taberna Fm'gida. Tabor M. Taburni Taburne Taburnus M. Tacina F. Tacina R. Tadinum Taggia Tagines F. Tagliacazzo Tagliamana M. Tagliamento Tagliamento Tagliano Tamara Tamarus F. Tanager F. Tanara Tanara Tanarus F. Tanneta Tannetum Tarantaise T aranta ' ‘Taranto, G. di Taras F. Tarentinus Sinus Tarentum . Tarnaiae Tarnewaner W’ald Taro ' Tara Tarquinii Tarsatica. T arsia Tartara Tartarus F. Tarus F. Tarus F. Tarvesede Tarvis Tarvisium Taurasi Taurasia Taurasia. Nbdmmwwm>ubbbbmebumwc bbbwwaHm:mEdm:QHEPHQEPwammdQQUdbgwwmowwg0$ b‘b‘b‘o was 5'” 0 Go Us: a a: HwhmmwmcwmeHwmemwggzgz>ewoowwHHUmmbmbwebeH>>mm bwwquzbmemmddbbmwbewwwwmzmmb l r rem-a mmmmmo U'UQ Phi-hm nan-Um Hm 0‘0 (To C: c‘b‘c'om D‘c‘c‘mc‘c‘mmo “nu-Hm 9:59 human m o a Nit-050 0‘09 cm? H-H-l-hO a: 0 so an c‘b‘o 0 Iron do :3 a mo Hm ma: W‘ A W 0‘0: 6‘80 8° 0 o c‘c‘b‘c‘o.o o 8° snowman D‘GQ cfo o o 0 GM mmc‘c‘m b‘m b‘mfiab‘b‘mmc‘c‘o o ‘Tesana. 4 Torre di Fogliane , Tauriana. Tauriana. Regio Taurini Taurocinus F. Tauroentum Taearane Tavia F. Taea Teana Teanum Teanum Sidicinum Teate Teate Tebavii Tegellata Tegianum , Tegianum Teglia Telamon Telese Telesia. Telium Temeniz Tempsa. Tenna Teralba Terame Terdappia Tergeste Tergestinus Sinus Terglaa M. Terina. Terinaeus Sinus Terlizzi Termina Termini Termini M Terminilla M. Termeli Terni Terracina Terra del Sale Terrarossa Tersate Teruentum Terza M. Tesina Tessin Tesuinus F. Testona. Tetellus‘ Teutria. Tezze Thane! Thuile, La Thurii Tiberis F. Tiberis F. Tiberis F. Tibur Ticino Ticino Ticinum Ticinus F. Ticinus F. Tide F. Tidane Tifata M. Tiferno Tifernum opp. Tifernum M etaurense Tifernum Tibexinum Tifernus F. Tifernus F. Tifernus M. Tigulia. Tigulia. F. Tilaventus F. 'I‘ilaventus F. Timavi F., Fontes Timavi Laeus Timia Timenchie Timone Tinea Tinia. F. Tinna F. Tinnetio Tina I. Ttnzen Tiane Tiara. Tirano Tirinus F. » Tiriala Tire F. Tisca Titan, I. du Tito, it Tacca Taae F. Tece F. Todi Tolentino Tolentinum Tolero Tolertum Tolerus F. Telee ‘ Talmezze Tomasa Tapino Tara F. Tordine Tor di Vado Tarina Tormaggiare Teramulina M. Tarranuava Torre Torre Chiaruccia Torre della Ohiaaca Torre del Pizza Torre del Salte ‘ T arre di Riveli Torre di Sabina Torre di Sessela Torre di Tacite Torre di Venere Torre d’Orta Torre Melissa Torre Pietra Torre Pttino Torre Sale-ole Torre S. Agostino Torricella Torrita Tartana Tescanella Toscolane Tosigonus F. Tracie F. Traetta Trafana bmb”GwQwngmbzK23HgNQN32WmbWNWHWHQEMNNQEWNQQOMNPNHEEGmEUbbmfiwdwQmmmfiddHNHQQHHHUUOOUOOQQQQH>PMNmwmcmwQHHdfimQNQHmwbfibmmmOQOHHEHHWHNHUPHNHNHmwMNwaN .Tullus M. 09 mfi‘c‘c‘a ohm €909 a mb‘mmm new mmW‘mm a so b‘so mc‘mo a...» a 970° mmmDaD-G can om: p.01: D‘H-O an o c‘sn 0 so same a: c‘cp 0"va e o mmmfiufiammmo 0 13‘s» c‘cr‘se “mo mb‘c‘c‘g a 0‘0 cu so .1: an so mc‘o o 0-0.0 a: om H30 ”,me c‘c‘o‘a a n-b‘c‘ao “we pawn 0‘0 0 mung-gap“: ........c-p-.... Trajanus P. Trani Trasacce Trasimene L. Trasimenus L. Trasubbia Traviana Treba Trebbia Trebia. F. Trebia. gregaacce .ILEL. ,_ [Nebula M55130; Trecenta Tredita F. Tredita M. Treglia Treglia R. Treja Treja . Tremetis Tremiti I'- Trenta Trenta Treponti Trerus F. Tresa Tresa R. Trwa F. Tresinara Tree Tabernae Tres Tabernae Tres Tabernae Treei Treei Trevico Treviglio Treeise Tricarice Tridentini Tridentum Trient F. Triest Trigabali Trigesimo Trigrw Trigno Trigazza Trimerus Trinius‘F. Trinigg F. Trina Triele Trianta R. Trianta, 0. del Triora 'I‘ripontium Trissina Tritana Triturrita. Villa. Triulatti Triventa Trivicus 'Traja I. Treja Trenta 'I‘ropaea Tropaea. Augusti Trapea Trapez Trasso ’I‘rossulum Truentus F. Trumpilini Tublan M. Tublinatium Tuder Tumulo 0. Turana Turbia Turenum T uri Turiostum Turoni M. Turres Turres Albee Turres Aurelianae Turris Caesaris Turris Juliana Turrus F. Tursi Tuscania Tusciane F. .Tusculanum .Tusculum Tutini Tyris I. Tyrrhenum Mare Ubaye Uberi Ueeni Udi-ne ‘ Ufens F. Uffugum Ufita U fanta Ugente Ugine Ulbe Ulubrae Umaga Umana V Umbria. Um bria tica Umbrioc/Iie Umbro F. Umbro F. Unie Urbaha. Urbania Urbino Urbinum Hortense Urbinum Me taureuse Urbis F. Urbisaglia Urbs Salvia. Urbs Velus Urge Uria. ‘ Urium Ursaria I. Uscosium Usenz F. Use Usseglia Utis F. Uzentum Vacate Vacarrella - Veda. Sabatia UEHQthjUHEEKQMEHHHwQHmQHHMmQQPNwNmNENHwE‘mWQwHHNQHHmd“HmwbibWMHQUNMQQUQGQOQp:QHWNNME‘HHEHWQFHQUUMNWQQHEM Qua-U? r-bO‘UQ $09 3° HaHaHaHM-bb‘mim #0590009 F @- 9 9 5‘0 0 G pr-QHHoG H30: run-50 Pam C‘mfiub‘b‘mq’rfimm o Hat-59 o 0"? 89 $909 D‘U‘Hgi-oam CD C‘Hgo QiU'U‘H.H,¢ 9 0 O gamma-”HumD‘CD zQwaH:NgcmmmQQQQQHmembwmmmeszBmm>O> Ire cro so 3.0mm 94o Put-o Dan-52:94.4“: Date ca :‘mmc‘mo U‘D‘mmb‘mp 6‘99 0 0371:" ‘gb‘o O O Hal-IbO non-mac bet-r " \ l . Mus. 16 a 17. ITALIA.——SICILIA. I / Vada Volaterrana. E d Varus F. B d Venosa K g Vetmlla G e /! Via Latina H f Vietri I g Volsinii Vadimonis L. G e Varusa F. B c Venostes E a Vetrano F. L i Via Latina I f Vieze A a Volsinii, Vet. Vagienni B c Vaste N g Vcntasso M. E c Vettianum F a Via Latina G f Villa Franca B d Volterra nglia F d Vaticano 0'. 7 K i Venusia K g Vetulianum B 0 Via Nomentana G f Villafranca E b Voltri Vaglierano ' C c Vatoria M. I) c Venzone H a Vetulonia. . F 8 Via Popilia I Villa Rostrata G e V olturrno Val Calanca D a Vatreni Ostium G c Veragri B a Veturii C 0 Via Popilia L F1 Villard d’Ai-e‘ue A b Volturo Val Camoni E b Vatrenus F . c Verbanus L. C b ‘ Vevey- A a Via Popilia L i Villeneuve 'A a Volzano Val Levantina C a . Valule I b Verbicaro K h Vezza B 0 Via I’ostumia C c Vinadio B c Vomano Val Misoaco D a Veamini A c Vercellae C b Vezzano I) 0 Via Praenestina G f Vinti miglia B d Vomanus F. Val Rendena E a Vedianii B d Vercelli C b Vezzano . F a Via Salaria G e Vintium B d Vorderr/Lein Val Sabbia E b Vedinum H a Verde F. L i Via Emilii Lepidi I) 0 Via Salaria H e Vintschgaa E a Vulci Val Sarca E b Veglia- I b Verdon A 0 Via ZEmilii Lepidi F 0 Via Tiburtina G f Viola F. E a Vulpis F. Val Sesia C b Veii G e Verdon A (1 Via Emilii Scauri C 0 Via. Trajana K f Vionne B b Vultur M. Val Sugana F a Velan M. B b Verdano B 0 Via [Emilii Scam’i E d Via Trajana L f Virginia F d Vulturnum Val Tellina D a Veldes I a Veregis F. G f Via Amerina G 6 Via Trajana . M f Virgina III. I g Vulturnus F. Val Trompio E b Veleia D c Veretum N h Via Appia H f Via Valeria G e Viso M. B c Vulturhus F. Val di Non F a Veleiates Regiates , D c Vergae K h Via Appia I f Viadana E c Visp F. B a Val di Sole E a Velia _K g Vergellus F. L f Via Appia K g Vibarna K f ' Visso H e Valentinum C b Velina E d Vergunni A (1 Via Appia G f Vibelli B c Vitelia- I f , Valenza C b Velini Lacus G e Vermenagna B 0‘ Via Appia L g Vibi Forum B c ‘Vitentis F. G c Valerianum C c Velino R. H e Verm‘o .H b Via Appia M Vibinum K f Viterbo G e Wallis Valiano F d Velino M. H e Veroli' H f Via Aurelia E (g1 Vibonensis Sinus K i Vitis F. F c Weickselburg Valle Siciliana H e Velinus F. G 9 Verona F b Via Aurelia F e Vibo Valentia L i Vitolano I f Wippach Valle del Mezzano F c . Velinus F. H e Verres B b Via Aurelia G f Vicentia F b Vitravo L h Wippach Il. Vallis Pennina B a Velitrae G f Verrucini A (1 Via Cassia F d Vicentino F. I g Vitricium B b Wocheiner Srm Valvata E d Vellauni A c Verrugo G f Via Cassia F e Vicenza I g Vittore M. H e Wurzener Saa Vandotena H g Velleiates B c Versiglio E 6. Via Cassia G e Vicenza F b Viviscus A a Vanienses H a Veltlin E a Vertacomacori C b Via Ciminia G e Vico K f Viziola H e Vannia E b Veltona G e Vertinae L h Via Claudia Augusta F a Vice, L. di G e Vobarna E b Vanoise M. A b Venafro I 1' Verqu H f Via Claudia Augusta F b Vico Pisano E d Voborna E b . Var B d Venafrum I f ' Verzentino L. K. f Via Claudia Nova H e Victianum' ‘ B e Voghera C c Zacoone M. Vara D c Vence B d Verzino L 11 Via Claudia Valeria H e Victimuli C b Vogogna C a Zambrone 0. Varaita F. B c Vene, Le G e Vescinus ager H f Via Clodia F e Victims F. ’ B b Volane Ostium G c Zannona Varamus F. H b Veneni B c Vescovio G 6 Via Clodia G e Victoriolae E c Volano F b Zapponeto Varano, L. di K f Veneris T. .K h _Vesentium F 9 Via Domitiana H f. Vicus Alexandri G f Volano‘ G c Zellina Varanus L. K f Veneris T. M g Vesidia F. E (1 Via Flaminia G o Views Matrini G e Volargne E b Zephyrium Pr. Varazze C c Venerocolo M E a Vesole M. ‘ K g Via Flaminia. G d Vicus Novuq G e Volaterrae E d Zibello Vardacata E b Veneti F b Vestini . H 9 Via Flaminia G e Vicus Serminus F c' Volcei K g Zirknitz Varese ‘ C b Venetia F b Vestone E b Via Hereulia K f Vicus Varianus F c Volene F b Zogno Varese, L. oli C b Venezia G b Vesubia B (1 Via Herculia K g Vicus Virginis C c Volgane K f Zoll Varia G e Venicamori A c Vesubiani B 6. Via Julia B d Vidauban A d Volsci G f Zuger Varmo H b Vennones C a, Vesulus M. B 0 Via Julia C d Vidy A a Volscorum Montes G f Zuglio Vartis F. A c Vennum E b Vesuvius M. I g Via Lubicana G f Viesti L f Volsiniensis L. , F e Zungoli SICILIA<0NMAP17)_ Abacaenum K i Bernardo 0'. K 1 Catria Aponiana G. k Enonymos I. K i Himera F. I k Maragano H k ' Nolavecchio Abolla K 1 Bianca 0. H k Oattagirone I k Entella H k Hippana H k Maretima G i Note Accilae I k Bidis I k Uattolica H k Erbessus H k Hipparis F. I 1 Margara H k Acellus G k Biclis .K k Caucana I 1 Erbessus I k Hirminius F. I 1 Marineo H k Acesines F. I k Birgi G k Caucana P. I l Ercta M. H i Hybla Galeatis K k Maritima I.‘ G i Oanus F. Achates F. G k Biscari I k Oefala H k Ergetium I k Hybla Heraea sive Maro M. H k Obalas F. Aci Beale K k Bissoleo M. . I k Oefala I i Ericodes I i Minor . I k Marsala G k Omo Moria, P. dell’ ' Acis F. K k Bivona ' H k Cena H k Ericussa I i Hybla Major I k Marsala F' G k Onobalas Acithius F. G k Becca d’Entella H k Centorbi I k Erineus F. K 1 Hyblaeus F. I k Marsarello I 1 Onobalas F. Acium K k Boeoél. G k Centuripa I k Eryce I k Hyccara H v i Marzameni P. K 1 'Orethus F. Acque Dolci I 1 Borrone I. ‘ G k Cephaloedium I i Eryces F. I k _Hypsas F. G k Mascali K k Orlando 0', Acres I k Bosco di Caronia I k Oerdra M. G k Eryx G i Hypsas F. H k Maussolia F. H k Ortygia I. Acragas F. H k Bottaro ‘ K i Ceriemi M. H k Eryx M. G i Mazara ‘ G k Osteodes I. Acrilla I k Bracetto 0. I l Cetaria H i Mazaras F. G' k Acristia H k Brieinniae I k Chalae I k M'azzara G k Aderno I ’ k Briemi F. I k Chalcidicas M. K i ‘ Mazzara R. G k Pachino Ad Olivam G- k Brizzi, Li I k Chiaramonte I k Facelinus F. K i Iaeta H k Mazzar’ino I k Pachynus Pr. Adranon H k. Bronte I k .O’hiusa H k Faino I k 'Iati H i Megara Hyblaea K k Pachvnus Port. Adranum I k Bruca K k Chrysae T. I k Faro, 0. di K i Iato H k Megarensis Sinus K k Pacoiiia I. Egates I” , G i Bucinna G i Chrysas F. I k Fastaga M. I k Ietae H k Melas F. K i Palagonia Egithallus G k Burg'io H k ' Chydas F. I i ~Favara H k Imachara (Sperlinga) I k Menaeum I k Palamiti .ZEgusa G k Busacckino H k Oiafaglione P.‘ I 1 Favignana G k Imachara (Imbaccari) I k Menfrici G k Palazzo Adriano Egusae I”. G i -Basaidone I 1 C'ieri'M. K k Femine I. H i Imbaccari I k Mesopotamium I l Palazzaolo .ZEoli I. I ‘ i Buteca I k Oiminna H k Feto 0. G k Ina Portus K 1 Messana K i Palermo lEoli I. K i Oircia 0. I 1 Ficotto F. I k Inessa I k Messina K i Palice Eoliae Insulae I i ' Citadella I k 'Filicudi I' i Inicus H k Mezzejuso H k Palicorum Lacus JEtna I k Cabala. _ ' H k Cocanico L. I k Fitalia H k Inycum- H.k Micano M. I k Palma ZEtna.M. I k O’accamo ,- H k Cocanicus L. I k Fonda M. I k Ipyrra Fons ,I k Milazzo K i Palma Agathyrnum I i Cacra Pr. I 1 Coccynum Pr. K k Forgia K k Isburus F. H k Illilazzo 0. K i Palma R. Agosta K k ‘Cacyparis F. K I Colle della Guardia I k For/niche, Le G i Itala K i Mineo I k Palo Porto Agrigentum H k Cacyrum I k Collesano H k Frascalari I 1 Italicum K i JIIiranda K 1 Panarelli Agyrium I k Calacte I i Colombara G i Freddo G k ._ Mistretta I k Panaria Aidone I k Calactina. Regio I k Camiso I 1 Furiline M. I k Modica I 1 Panormus Alaba F. H k Calaoria I k Comitiana PH k Monalus F. I k Pantagias F. Alabon F. K k Calava 0. I i 00mitini H k Monte Ohiaro H k Paropus Alaesa I k Oallaris I k Conchea et Gonusa Gabello I k Lanar F. G k Montallegro H k Panama, Alaesus F. I k Callina M. I k Paludes _ K i Gagliano I k Larcara H k Montemaggiore H k Parthenicum Alcamo G k Calloniana H k Copria Litus K k Galarina I k Laaro M. I k Morgantia I k Partinico Alcantara F. K k Caltabellota H k Corleone H k Galata I k .Lentini I k Morgyna H k Passara Pofit. Alessandria H k Oaltabellota F. H k Corooniana H k Galati I k Lenza F. K k Morre I k Passero 0. .T‘ Alessio 0. K k Caltanisetta I k Correnti I. K 1 Galati K i Leon K k Motyca I 1 Patti ' Alga Granule, 0’. d’ I l Calvisiana I l Cosimano M. I k Gallo, 0. di H i Leontini I k Motycanus F. I 1 Pelagonia Regio Alicata H k (Jamarani I l Crastus H k Gangi I k Letum G k Motye G k Pellegrino M. Alicadi I i Camarina I 1 Cratas‘ M. H k Gela I k Levanzo G i Motyum H k Pelorias Pr. Aluntium I i Camarina Palus I l Crimisus F. H k Gelas F. I k Libycum Mare G- k Mucini M. H k Pelorus Pr. Amenanus F. K k Camicus H k Cummo I 1 Gelasium I k Licoc‘lia I k Illulini O. K k Penisola Magnisi Amestratus I k Camicus F. H k Cyamosorus F. I k Giaretta K k Lilybaeum G k Murro di C'ar-z'ni H- i Pergusa L. Anapo . K k Gammarata H k Cyclopum Scopuli ka Giarre K k Lilybaeum Pr. G k Mussumelz? H k Petiliana Anapus F. K k Campi Geloi I k Cymbe I 1 Ginia M. I k Lipara ' I i Myconius M. K i Petra Ancrina . H k (Janicatti H k Gonius M. H k Lipara I. I i Myla F. k Petralia Aphrodisium K k Canitello H k . Gonusa et Conchea Liparaeae Insulae I i Mylae , i Petralia F. Apollinis Archegetae Oannata M. I k Daedahum H k Paludes K i Lipari I. I‘ i Mytistratus k Petrina Ara . K k Cantara K k Damyrius F. I k Grammichele I k Lissa Bianca K i .' Pettineo Apollinis Libystini T. I l Capezzana I k Dascon K k Grande F. I k Lissus F. I k . Phalacrium Pr. Apollonia I k Capitium I k Dattolo K i Granitola 0. G k Loderi M. H k ‘ Phalarium Aquae Alabodes H k Capitoniana I k Delia H k Gurnalonga I k Lognina K k Nanni I k Philosophiana Aquae Pintianae G k Capizzi I k Dianae Fons _ I l Longa I. G k Nanni M. I k Phintias Aragona H k Caprianus M. H k Dianae Facelmae T. K i Longanus F. K i Naro H k Phoenicodes Arena G. k Caraci III. H k Didyme I i Halicyae G k Longaricum H k Naro F. H k Phoenicus Portus Argennum Pr. K k Oarcaci I k Diritto I k Halycus F. G k Longi ' I k Naso I i Phoenicussa Artemisium K i Carini H i Dittaino I k Halycus F. H k Longina 0. K 1 Naulochus K i Phoenix Asaro I k Caripa I k Donna Lucato I 1 Helicon F. I i Longon Portus K'k Naustathmus K 1 Phorbantia Asinanus F. I 1 Oarom'a I -k Drago H k Helorus K 1 Longona I k Naxus K k Piana Asinello G i Oaropipi I k Drepanum G i» Helorus F. I 1 Longum Pr. K 1 Nebrodes Montes ' H k Piazza Asi n e s F. I k Oasibili K 1 Drepanum Pr. K i Henna I k Longurus Sinus G k Neetum I l Piciniana Asinius F. I k Casmenae I 1 Heraclea Minoa H k ' Neptuni T. K i Pietra Longa ‘ Assorus I k Cast. Vetrano G k - Heracleum Pr. H k Neptunius M. K i Pietraperzia Avola K 1 'O'astelbuono I k Echetla I k Heroei .Montes I k Niscemi I k Pirama _ ‘ Castellamare G i Ecnomus M. H k Herseum I 1 Maccasoli H k Nisura H i Pispisella M. Castrogiovanni I k (Egesta G k Herbita I k Macella H k N isura I k Platani Baiaria , H k Castronaovo H k Elcethium G k Herculis I. K i Maeellaro H k Nisuria 1 k Plemyrium Baida M. G i Castroreale K i Elcethius F. G k Hicesia I. K i Mactorium I k Nitosia I k Polizzi Basiluzzo . K i Catana K k Eleutheros F. H k Hiera I. G i Madiu-ni G k Noae K k Pollina ,Bathys F. H .i Oatania K k Emporimn H k Himera . H k Madonia M. H k Noara K k Porcari Bellici G k Oatarasuno L. I k Engyium I k 7 Himera F. H k Manfmia I k Nemae , I k POTCWW F- L’elligero G k Catina K k Enna I k Himera F. H k Manganaro H k Nonymna I k Pozzallo Huma>wommmamosmm mmmflfiammmowofi’mammo 'H '11 H NH mNHmNHmNH HHNHHNmHmHmmHMQNHNHMHHNHHHHHb1HNNNEHHNNmemNMNNNmNHHHMHWEHQNNN “WWWwwwwwwwwwwrfl-WH-EH-WwwHtWWWWWWWWH-HaD-MWH-D—‘D-‘H-H-WWWH-H-H-I—IWWWWWH-WWH‘WH'r—‘HH S9 9-7 C‘C‘U‘P .438" so a: U‘d’q H-so ~50? H-O Hp.- H-WFOHcWWJ-‘IWH vi ‘ I . V . SICILIA i ' . ~ ' , MAPS 16 & 17. Prestus 'H k Salso ' H k Scamander ' G k Solus . H’ i Taurus M. K‘ k Trajectus , K i Venere M. I Prizzi H k Salsa I k Schera. H k Sophiana I k' Taurus Pr. K k _Tranina - I k Veneris T. G . SalsoE I k Schiso, C. di ‘K k Soprano C. I k Tellaro . I l Trapam' G i Vernice I. G Ragusa I ! Sambuca H k Sciacca H k Sordo M. I k Tenchio F. I k Tricala H k Via. Valeria. H .Ragusa R. I l S. Agatha I i Sciarria M. H k Sorello C. G k Tendoro C. ‘ G .k Trlcala 2%. H k Via Valqria. K Raina F. ~ I k .3. Biaglo H k Sclcll' I l Sortino I k Terias F. K 'k . Triocala H k Villarosa I Rammaoa I k S. Carlo H k Scicl'l R. L 1 SoSias F. G k Termini. H k f T “7109' , K i Vindicar'i 13- . .K Ramo C. H -i S. Catarina I k Scuma I k Spaceaforno ‘ I l Termini Leonardo: - H k Trogiliorum Port‘us K k ' Vita G Randazzo I k S. Croce I l Scyllaeum' K i ‘ Sperl'inga I k Terranova I k Trotilus - I k Vito C. G Rasigelbz' C. I i ‘S. Croce C. K k Secca Po- ~ K k Stromboli K i Terranova R. I k Tusa . I k Vittoria I Rasocolmo C.“ K i S. Filippo d’Argiro I k» Segesta. 'G k Stromboluzzo K i Thapsus ' K k ‘ Tyndaris K i Vz‘zz'im' I Rawanusa H k S. Fratello I k‘ Segestanorum Em- Strongyle I. K i Ther’mae , H k Tyndaris Pr. . _ I i Vulcani I. I . Begltano F. I k S. Giuliand G i porium G i Styella. K k Thermae Selinuntiae H k Tyrrhenum Mare G i Vulcaniae Insulae I Rhegium K i S. Marco - I i Selinus F. G k Symaethus F. I k Thermessa I. I i ' Vulcano I Ribera H k S. Afar-co C. G k Sibillana P. G k Symaethus F. ‘ K k Thorax M-. K i \ ‘ ‘ Riesi _ I k 1S. MarghBNta H k Simla’ana H k ; synes K i Tilanar'l K i 'Ulz'sse, P. d‘ I 1 ‘ Xiphonia K Rosella C. H k S. Maria di.Monte . Siculum Fretu‘m ' .K i Syracusae 'K -k Tlmethus F. . , I i Ulyssig Portus I 1 _. Xiphoniae Pr. K Virgineo H k Siculum Mare K 1 Tindaro C. I i Ulyssis Portus ‘ K k Xiphonius Portus K S. Maria all Tlndaro K i Simeto I k 4 Tisse I k Ulyssis Pr. ' I 1 Xuthia Regio I Salemi G S. Pantaleo G k .Simoeis F. 'G'k Tamariclum K k Tmethus F. I i Ustica H i ' Saline I 1 S. Stefano I k Solanto H i Ta-ormrlna K k Torto H k ‘ . Zafarana C. H Sah'to _ H Scalambrz’ C. I 1 Soluntum H i Tauromenium K k Traina I k‘ Valguarnera I k Zapputta F. I. I I .— / A ‘5 \ | I \ O {‘2 . ‘ a ., - . , y 7‘ : \ . ‘ 1. ‘ . N V - ‘ . - . ~ H-H-H~WQH-WHW~0WH-A.W' WWWR‘ a-t-H. v ~;_:;':2::.;.'j::...z, 1 ‘Wr—V—w—r , ‘ ‘. ( , M ‘u r. \ J~ 1Q u. . {5‘ «wk; 1 . v—f 3‘s QBWILLIAM SMITH’S ANCIENT ATLAS T Aj B I Modulus 1: 20,000 Passus et Pedes Rmnani woo 20° 500 600 Milliarium Italicum et Stadia Graeca Milliarltal Stadia Gr. Pedes Anglici 1000 2000 Men's. Gallica 5"?" Walls of Servius Tullius d—l-H-l-I Walls of Aureljan and Eonorius ------ Aqueducts on ardxes ............. Underground aqueducts Nova ,Valentiniani Arcus Tiberii c\ w‘ RSeptimiana n” 72 :EW Nsmqs Cwsarlm Cal), ct. Lucii MONUMENTS 0F UNCERTAIN SITEON THE CAPITOLINE HILL . Jovis Tonantis . Jovis Fm-eu'ii . Martis Ultm'is . Honoris et Virtutis . Fortunse Primigeniae . Veneris (Layitolinm Wetricis Erycinae . Mentis . Opis . Fidei . Beneficii Ara Jovis Pistoris T. Concordiaein Arcs \ CAPITOIIUM VELABRU Arcus Segtimii Arcus Constantini [J anus] A Drawn by D?" Charles Miiller E annaflflh‘afl amsaql S? 0 Villa Public 21 main/wwz/w/z/mm/z/ / / —Cn'cus Flamnuus é ’I/II/MWW/II/Iwwg T.Martis Saxum THE FORUM ROMANUM UNDER THE EMPIRE AND THE IMPERIAL FORA Modulus 125000 I’assus et Peder; Rmnam' Passustzoaomm 5070 3090100 Peas; so 100 200 300 400 300 600 Pedes Anglici 190 290 300 400 500 600 Metra Gallica 20 40 6.0 so 190 ? T. Penatium 7 Domus ROME DURING THE The Four polz'u'ml regioru of the C119! esmbb'shed 13y Sen/1114'. I. Sub-urana II.Esqui1ina DI. Colhna’ 1V. Palatina The (‘apitoll'lw hill aid the Aventinc m not enclo5ed Within the Pomoeriuln. H URBIS REGIONIS XIV. I .Porta Cépena II . Caelhnontium III. Isis et Serapis IV. Templuml’acis V. Esqufliae VI. Alta. Semita VII, ViaLata 180 I 115a Effifrw) J ‘ , .1 “mm W“ \ 2E VIII. Forum Romanum IX. Circus Flaminius ' X . Palafium XI. Circus Maximus X11. Piscina Publica XIII. Aventinus XIV . Trans Tiberim ercules Victor Sullanus Q dicta Gallium ' gingham \ ". Mania \ . \. Arcus '1'me .’ "5 Circus . Elagabah Asinaria {If .51 TEE FORD)! the time of Julius Carsar London : John Murray! 1 4 Augusti IIOK mnaoosIoAV so Tres Tabernae AN T I {form d’Anm 12 Modulus 1: 240,000 ‘ ' U Millia passuum Romanorum L75=1°J 0 1 é 3 4 5 e 57 {a é Milliaria Italica [60 -l°) et Stadia Graaca (GOO-1°) z 3 4 5 6 7 {a ab 30 40 5'0 6'0 10 30 Maria Anglica. (ems-1°} 3 AlbemaI-La Street . I , , I? ' gr”?! " I h , «um‘ D‘fWILLIAM SMITH’S ANCIENT ATLAS Anger I ‘16 man/main g6; .mw a i‘" W A \Ophvvnmm {I 42"» X 7" 7 //’ (Illl‘fl [Id In); a , ¢ W . rfimlm.’ a [banal/1 7 110 g‘ . U .~\ 7:214 Rhocleuui ‘ . (y ' 7- ‘,"Iimmla' lbw/yew. " {:57 . ’ as i u'n u/l/t’am Vela. a! (/20 have 0/ I/Iw'a fiat/null, u 401/5}! «move M(' m: »\ ),_ 7 ‘g‘ i f r i 4» ‘~4<——.L _ _ a; 3% Bi} Bi. 6‘ E D: THE HEROIC AGE. C vlhera 7 Imnuur Mullen pr. fiefino ( Si ntie all Jvlz'n‘ya {uni Scriphos a; £3) , U 53 J H. 01' m‘pe-r % 0C ”Dues; 7%) MS. “W: 5,7 all Maro'“ :z a 9m: 7" ”Mm 'l'hasos [Zr-n (’(I'l’l Phi-min! I‘E ‘ 71AM j.) (I. c [VI/wt 7771/3 I‘ W," , null-:1" a ' _ And [.0 s V\—-\. "gum Ceon 5’ \‘jl‘onon gflhnog /)//s 1/ $017.» 2; Emmi; ”(Ede aQ§ @Qq‘o» “S‘sgg Siphnosfifia . “.0, w ‘ Molosifij‘m ' 7 i:5“ . .mydc 71 m. Us M'mn' , “a s l m ’ Myfifl hum '''''''' ’17: H a, ’41- l/ufiruuln ”’ "‘ War-f ' hodus [- v1 I’Mm’mw Lindua J # Sm pcdun - r. fig»; ‘WMm‘s-fl V 'ac/eum . Tmn tu-ium pr. £23317??? Eu AFTER THE DORIC MIGRATION 1000900 B. C. Modulus. = 1: 2,500, 000. (:2 DORIANS. I: IONIANS. —ACILEANS. AEOLIAN COLONIES. TYRRIIENIAN PELASGIANS. u I)H(EN1(‘IANS. 1 | ’enem; F. a Ml‘aE'l‘V5171—efx shame/1”. .V, “g“ \‘ I» 795‘) Baldwins? .331 ovll'yI , w Members of fl1e Amphictyoxdc council of Delphi and Thermopylm. l flmrJ‘a/ialw‘ 7 [lilo/MU 2 Perrfitze/Iéan 5 [)0] ”(NJ 3 BUM/zeta; 1m Pia/w .f I’lzduoei 41 lmmmw lol’luu {mu- ‘5 Malia/m 11 limo/12mm 6 It’lllllllt'd‘ [Zinnia/1w Manning‘s of the Calum‘ian Confederation. 1 fl’r/m'oru’ 2 [Ink/durum .7 .19 {ml 4 Pl'dd‘llllt’ {I Maya/(21 6A! Iona» -v ()rofinmcnuw [C] 22 ID] [I] '(a k -r . — _. -~ 7A,. A ‘ [ j 1.9 [A] 20 24 ha . .__, l:— _=‘ “I a 1 == ‘. b.— J , » «‘«Ivmw‘ \_/ a ‘ I} '34mam\m\\§? / . j . ’ j- r 7 W. 41 1 ”WV"... " 1"! ’7 ['WJWZ ‘ v 3 ‘7 ~v 7 .m, , _ n‘~._-_.4_-:L 7* _ =net'sitgi 6' ,- ‘ ~ ~~ ‘. . ,, * e W77~r~ g .f, ‘ c- 1 1:2 apd‘lld‘ WY“, , ~ 7, _ . thus A313“; 0 l” v» ~—«~~~*A ‘ « ~ - — . ‘ . ,Ww. ' ‘0 fluf' ,‘ I ,‘ Ab E" . 'r gilsz 0‘05 , a, fig I / -' , 3 V 5|? - $092 new .' ~ 2 9% , < Y" “”00““ .- 9” D‘ ‘3' S . u . . « -u . , ' . . ,' 5 all” ‘ I 15'“ mgamh' g\- '4. N T I Olblanus m Apollo ' v’ “Way-n ‘Mé ‘ xv“ 2" 0 P O . 1‘ . x] . a W I “ am a; \ ”f / W7 l'hasos 6‘" .1791 w‘ ‘ ’ m T ‘ m M” ’1 L > I Saw ‘ 'u/ a P m“ 3 ‘3 r - . ' . . v 41-]‘ r ‘ 3’ 081 , « \1_)/ ‘ J‘amon 1;? 2”. f? (c r 11 a)”; “”5th 0l lus 5111- m ‘ 321111911011 Pr. , Pr. . ‘ . July"; :5: « A 1 a \ ‘7" W”? ‘ i ' Aflot'eil'aumapp. , ., ~--- — «Eb-W r ‘3 " “W“ n, 'dium Pl", Thasos humothI-ace Be-‘blc‘u 1‘ ‘ \ (‘ g: .. _ .< . = a fa «W . . W rm ' , W L W‘ ~ 3 a: 7 , 3 . a 5 “<5 I, ) "lax/{yam} a; W .5 , SI” ' I”) ' ' / 1’3 . . L‘l'brnsr g1‘4wr , \ . l’otidma. ‘ 3. ' / 7 Q . M ,oQgW“ ' Irmo‘mm S 40 - W-‘m_, 7 ! .- ‘ 91.3% » g I d, ‘ hos M- h I g I. rum 2( ”Wm/49”," 5* - [a )’ Q‘ I . : W £712me (Inn/mm. V ‘ W 1’4""? 7%}. . ’ k- V' , Ampghgfipr; 7,;9, , , , ____ _.._- J. -f‘mnos / W M399“? PL i j ”Mummy-Q MIMI." \ yummy”- thy,“ le’aro ‘ : _ i ‘4'ng . 3 p... u, 1”. 3r!” . ( his pr.‘« 1 -‘ [martin . AJ 3 WWW nu o ‘ .I A / - Sc ‘ ‘ Cehr llallhmv' Q 9 «W3... “M - mmnm 1. \L/U ‘ V ' \I [cum 3 New? 6; Lectum P . 5503 6&5 Mt; si . a" W ‘ Ah V 34o . «1- _I Irrhesia ‘P g? 6 5 Gerontia‘? 1005 Eli; Pol'yalg'OS ? I ndmnia ‘? Pep tithes u . l I'M v . l Amphffgugfis :3?wa 2,, ’ chimgmm. Pi .. , l’alxns 1X2) “rd , WW. «.Wewuxwe‘zmflhp ’ fl Yfié9“fi"ua " «was ‘ Am 39 -R--_.;_. -WWW .--,. ,,,,,, h d c \ _/ 1 ‘ ‘ Lg @ 4 u. . WIVWI/mémrafiz; 1 ‘ . %!U1aca I. 4.. 1 a ‘ WI w _ (‘E 3 _ , H , 1 ! IEH‘LLENIA i Al'axus r ‘ 'ium (' ' " ‘ - I l . . P . at.“ 0 ”i w W‘ n ' “WW _ 7 . r§1:\31}_ E 38 L 7 .,/‘AR - . ‘ mm H 11 l 11 i a (n a . .1“ WWW" “ J. m I U ('ayhm-cus pr. . “‘“fw‘n/ll i f “'V“’ "’\“~ _‘._.;r, , (View ‘ W .5 4'0» S ”we Pawn 3.“ _ ’_ ., 14 ~ 1 I (r . A B; graffiti" fly 3/4! ~ .4 W‘ f * ~ ' Am ,, ., A , H (-holofmm ffi‘gfwfi ”1‘. 0,3: , 3 . . .-- 3 ;. , ‘7 M fl 2., 14%?“ A. iaffirlge . W , W My ’ An , EPHESUS N355 ' ‘ I ' ‘ v ‘ .. \ . [s _ 1 v . . . - . . ”9: V 5 w A, .-- f A“ . . , . Q‘Tll I. & . dI'OS 7 py‘gg ‘ ’- v. olossm ; AM YN nuns @ffwmhns g WW , r ,. - “W?!” a Wafaflu l. 0/. w: Getfi"““ 3”” , « , smos J, m -' j E w W.‘ h . ; a,» , . ' ’ . I, I t '3’. As -... v »W,°‘”” WWW, ‘ W“ W ~ 9 ‘, :7 656i; 121 1‘1 : [1121mm 5) (‘00s 7 ‘ H 9 W . 31].“:an Sumu pr. Q ‘1 hm '$Ca\lmu'i:11. u 5 'na 1’ r F MW""'"" Tabie I; ‘ r - *‘ W. H; ,‘7 'Mvcouos ”'13"“"’"“m7m - WWMW“ ‘ w 'I/rmwrmmw .: , ‘ ~ .4 . . V * _ -. v .. A H , . W N“ J .’ ' (H ‘ . "(Tug um Pr % (‘vfllnosf’frf‘ Rhcnea ' fi$d a “mu” _ ‘ _- .. , W _- (”mom-77 .4 p / 06910“ {I :1 «:. llydrea w v' c‘ Q 1 W . 37 - W a g m bemphos W W «.1» \ ‘ I W SPARTA \ 1 J ; ,- - “i I- - . l I‘ f‘ ’ Q/PW $ A Ir SIYhIIO‘X ’ I 6’ - =W «W - 1 . I 1‘ I v 1. ' _ v . [ 9% Polytrgos f ! 1‘ . :1 . . . ldzuu-us [amt-Ta g, 1‘ .- Sick \_/ I 5 . a Q) 1‘. . Q‘ J Pholegnnams W’ W 9,. f "i V) I 0 v ‘ v g ‘ V r ‘ W 7 '. I r j ‘ V5 Onugnfithus \J $ .1 T0 0‘ 3%}? . ‘ «’ ’ ; & ‘ Imam-um pr. 9, P ' “Men 91* ‘ v .9 ““0”” 3' ‘W [I :I W) 7 “fl “101-0“ pr ('hglidonifi‘ 1:5- ‘ f « M" x I I ‘1 (‘YTHI‘ v I‘ A 1‘ 36 36 7‘“\W\\ , . x‘ i ‘ I J fixer-a ‘ r ; ""“ affi‘ ‘7 ‘7‘ ., , R7”, xx iiiii ‘-+ I, 1 ‘ C i h ‘ 7 .L— 7“ ’7 7* V "if'fi" W “ W" " “ i I E Aeglla . I F C l ‘ I) \ A ' x V : B , MW 3 g ‘ . A / A ‘J l Psncum pr. 1 L0 g l .5 - . ) w . I If Corfu!» p1; "I d Cyamum pr R t “, . ‘ . r . ‘ ' - I P/Lamajvn . 1 « W _ Modulus - 1: 2 500 000 . i.‘ 1 . , ,- ~ - AT THE TIME OF [HE PERSIAN WWW“... a... 1- W W ' ' ‘ .- "‘ '. . n 1 ° '4 ; ' ' . ' a ”a... . . . w W . . o . __ .. . ‘ "J «Rm? R-u'l m... |).1ony51adrs I. ‘ hiadla (Goo-1 ) , Z . . . ' _: W A 1‘5 . fl . o 0;? ‘ a _ 1 “ 1m; :W .30.; 3..., ‘5’" {I‘m} ‘21)!) . r. ., ' , ‘ ‘ 7 - . x . , _ t ., o . - . .. . ’ Cl'iumetogonpr. . am. . V mdym' ”mus ‘ -2 $ § Mllha passuum Romanorum (75-10} . ' ‘ . a d __ ‘ P I. ml“ In. « ‘ . »_ ,« S nnnonittnl .. ‘ ‘ ‘_P (a f", .‘70 4o .5,- lfo an flu 9f 400 35 ' 1 33. 7 C} DORIANS. I: IONIANS . _ MOUANS. 83“,” “WI- ”4% W gfs/Z “ P1 ‘ 9‘ _ . _ ,. ‘ _ mm ‘ 94m,” 4 L g; ‘ , 2 . Mllhama .\nQ'1ica (69.12 -1° ) 9 i “ W. ,. 7 /J’ n) 3 a ‘15 5., - .1 z ::: , ‘— ROUTE 0F XERXES' N 7' ’ " ‘ ., ,, , , < - ~ '_}(.\mp,e1m££;d_in 7, ,7 [fi \ ‘ ,_ . 7" .0 «f 0 . M 0 $1“ ,0" I r- . W ‘ W h u‘ s a r ‘ u . — Arr 77777 ‘ ‘ o-G’ I . . ._. . .. . 7* ,.,m g== m _=-_—_—.x——: ‘ *T= ‘ [Al 20 [Bl 21 Lcj‘ [H] 27 [I] 28 K 29 [L] 30 [M] :ooa . ,,_fl#‘— ~ 7 ‘ ,._,,..,‘_~ ' g . 3 " i 8" —'—"*" — A m_____._.7k,v" 7 ,7 7 _, _.A___A. rri~ V 9-..; fl -- 5. . . V: ‘ Jh’uwu 1’3 D’.’ Charles Miillmn Eng] avetl by In ubx 1nd I Dalu‘wut Joh 11 Murray, Allwmal'lv street, |.<>|,1dou,1872. ‘4 v, Df‘WILLIAM SMITHS ANCIENT ATLAS [K] 24" .[I j 130' [L] 41". ‘w'on ; 40° El'icusa l. l0thrmiul1.4$7 P” a,“ 1 P1: '"u m Malflmcé§b z? 30’ ——)»—.M_fiu [fl Ml“ i i L f i, I L enema F] 2 2 0 .V [ ZStobi (’ \ , 1. 9/: “‘W ”a. a? [0 ' k 0 :N #4» 11 \\ l 1 x, , ‘ 7,__, V “341a; ¢ 0 liwé'a / Cflz'um L111, {ta ‘ \ t _ v /- 6/ i3, .7 A/you‘ (II-(whim .z/p‘ , \ / lr'arn [2122 v.7 V) "4 nl’ 'u/IIIJ' \ .‘Ifd/t E'ulépwr 7’ lfiqCvnlms ; Y“\"11 c s N ‘9 1’ Ella} \«ewh. " .~ ° W V [Jal'éal'o : 0M?" " ud' ' ". Dobel-nsf/f/ / .‘ um “/141prer ¢ ' K 12L. ... nl'pau E Jym I”. 6w W a ‘. nvbr' ” Lu? P :15 AW”. MY? ,3: \ oémzilemr 4.72 - ’34 \ [grams Wynn ad I‘M/m .rw Adm mnrw- or ofidn‘a I: ' thumb?- , $.92" ax K“ "um. .4]?sz ‘ Y1 LlOiT I \ 9 .1 (:yllcin- lfyrrm'lw T. 30’ a | I g s @ . do (‘EPHALLENIA r l 38 —— —~—-M_EM A,,___ | E I :3 ATHENLANS and, THEIR ALLIES . LACED EMONIANS and. THEIR ALLIE S . MI I ' ZACYN 1 THOS . 0 , Chelonmes Pr. acvuthos %/,’ Q OS autumn}: » that? at (1491.1. I’Aolqumfiur have beenfmmd on the Acropolis of Athens. /&w . ’ "é 11,111le , wannos 1 Tencdnl‘ .r' 3 // (Lesbos) ’ atriamuhzwva 7’_L,A.., / _ . (Chios) /a mum hbem/ TOWNS TRIBUTABY TO THE ATHENIANS accor to the lists ngcn illthf inscriptions which ' 1' fie thchmd Ila/new ( ) (14/ Mt occur m lizé zn—mv-zjmbnd . ”a. Platamon ’ . \ pr. , / 91-min. 1“? /’ In Provinciamflcllcsponfica:1’rme 1&1? Barium InP/lly gwathm’rm 11/”qu ‘ flwymretE-émrwuélfiz 11W, 4mm - 311 W, Wohéefludu opfid/d. , . Inp rovincia Thracia: tarot-27%: Alden) m' etlbuk Ww'la'vw, ('«fiu J1 \ Mar, Ji‘l‘fltd,’ Lmdu- I] Towns flleposifimgofwhichis at Manamtllvovwm, le,lm1wha,t)Morwfm-rw In provincia Ionics : Auk, Irmaw,[rézdw. Inprovincia C arm a: 41/941411: Ila/uh Anita, (Zia/uh, tod'apa, warm/Dorms/I mlqmrwwuia ' (ma, 1941017,“ (Wt! [’11] — pant, Pebz'd,1’luw'0}ara . malt]: . / S . Matte/'12: I fiwwfllf; Mane % uracbwn cnous F. Aphrodl‘ ' I’osidium I": lcyonlum nlflr l‘ MW. .voglgrévéydrea I. 11‘ I’W‘b Inga/m loner 111'. o 3PM”: ) ‘ u ”6 1o [£32011 we: ODRYSARUM .mb Sitalt‘e rqgnmy, utAb.b\r-.a was" (brutal/'1. . \ / Wuhtl‘w If é. jV’ Fab/air ./ / Iresiil 7 IV, a N PM”. I m1. ——~ 30 ”r ’r 6 a i3 39" I 30 o ‘ 38 7 30 ’ .1 Zarax 'pidmuwu Lima-a ‘ Minn a '3 T. Aim (Ithdrfledi' 0/1119me pen. atam's hm Pr J‘M’ : 9 'I ) ' ) ( 1 s w o I I S l '1 Maha p1. u n w ”n r 9 .9 ) “ u D “ J ' 0 o a Q o ‘ A 'l C j ‘1 , , Thu-did. D A" "" o z a” i o '. 0 a I ° 9 a . ' a I T, a 3—11 , l " ‘ ..... 1 y . my“ 3: 233;; a: 0 IN THE BEGINNING I ,3 ° C I 1’ \ .‘ U // Y . '0 ,. “M“ ” v If! , 7 A L; OF THE PELOPONNESIAN WAR 5" . Melefij'lM’m ,flw,» ’ "'3’; V T \‘ ‘~ Modulus £1,333,333. [A] \ Stadia (lfloo=l‘|’) | . /_\ / lx \ 50 mo '10!) 500 4““ 111 _, , ,A Mfi4_._ W paslsmnnIangn. (75; 1°) _ _ \—/ ’”€”’”:fimmi 1° mm 'mm. "5w 53 )6 ., rm 5%;me A . 3, - “:2 3"“? "J 40 — 7: mg m =1:- _ I _ l [ 1] 30’ [H] 23“ [I] 30' [K] 24” l’ _ Drawn by D? Charles Miller. John Murray, Albemarlé Street, London, 1873. D‘EWILLIAM SMITH’S ANCIENT ATLAS ‘ -. [)1'uln ! , “V . m-Imrg . '1 I ‘5‘ . fl . I k/llld' ‘ 1 I 0 IszJ‘mu"h 1193*; ' g. {1. ’ C t f ‘ '9 7w I“ . ('[1’0’1112 ‘ (l. ‘ ? Athos " 13m Elli/Unsoablwb '11th 3? dxfljvnw/ll'lll" a; . . ”WW I (’1 N'ymphmum yr. [5,. ' .1 j ‘J , gm V, WE,” A ,, , ‘ Tm '; i. l ,7 7,, ,_ 40 graded/n - . g madam pr. . (13"35’5 be": m P" v r Amficlus pr. 011‘“ls L (Rmsll a‘umpr. i ‘ /—.\ 1 d ‘ i R l 1 7; r _ i , 757 4"" 8‘ i ’ ’ t l l 6mm ‘ , . - . . . 1 ». ' .» Imia 2' . - C' -'um JrIw/ ‘ ‘\ ' ‘ ‘ ._ , ._ ' - PIMP!“- “a“ ; $3 0 T s “ ' ~ ‘ P01? '05 $20 8 g: a s c t 1 c ’ ‘ . P a g 11 S . e S .i n 11 s ‘ 6hr ‘ Eudemia ? Eflalonneaos ? Peparethos _ o . . {Lita/W 39 _ ‘ ¥w¥ 7 7‘ 7 ‘ fi—fi ¥‘ V filial-mp“ Mfr‘gnum Pr 7,E_ 7!? l iiiiufi 39° "' . :1 s V / :- + .. , my? .. » a i, f ’ o \ ._ £14 l ‘\ 5- o f" i /—_\ J Cerinflms 0 l ‘0 . V m L r f ‘ L E U (V l \ Ll'lu'ahlfl pr. ' "4’",th '91,] . , 30 ' 7;“ \E/ 33" .. Chelom H " m \ liar h Idrna Icllthyn Pr. 7 m _ _ . :W W ‘ _ . , > , ‘ _ - a ’ - mmadmzxe] . 3‘ m a ,7 7A, 7 3t), ‘4 ‘ Pl- 0 _ \ _ ' _ , _ . W , \ - HERMIONEW V ' . ‘ . ‘ 2 g ~ _ \ ' , _, w . ' . ;. , ‘ , ~ . v , 1 ‘“ - 7 u ' ' j" ‘alifl‘ I’igmmuI: HEW 1 1' 00 ‘—’ Platauon ‘ r . x _ . , V _ K“ m ‘ -. , ‘t ”9 «g 111-. 4 , . * . v - . ¢ “.70 3:. Etohan League . _ Pr 011-11.? . o ' ‘ C: ”1188811 1408806 Mtgeégémézy Q/‘z‘fia @mmzb "Imam; 136: ‘ M" "# '37 02225" Mfg-7W WMwaWAWl-W4 . 2401’ fig T’i _mfiw nyz'om ef’JIaWuiz/Wtfie 5m (flaw “71493. 5/ u Z‘hflifl’fi \ ( ' Zulu-«MM g ‘ fl Wflmfif'ourca’tbfi ef‘flcfiazd WM Wed WWW. - "" V m /E 280365 PW.WW,Ihbzaz/. m ,__\ ”JW'M W H- anzzéamdgilwf’w 9’ 251 Mom (1 w firbzfiw;MWV/,Tmm,£pdiazom : I» i a ,t ’t v . x a u Mflflmflmw.w 7 J ' a—Am 1’ J ' 41/04,";- 4 l 3433/ H / ' TApolllha'rIJel“ l 2 2 ~: ‘0‘ 3 ), 3 ’E ! , I - g . V ll . a 1 r, ‘y 7 , ~ "0 . 249173w.flmm,49m ' m '_-.. _VflE .. 711* if-fl-g 30’ y 21' /JJ- 4...): _.7 J paw/11. A .7 J . H' I“. ‘1' ' J25,” " 9‘! 3 :Zw’t" :a’ ‘a 3 a” ° "'7— fl . ’ . 1 ‘ “,0 >“"“'=0“‘v9y~1 WMonza/demwfiywm/ :1 ‘ ‘ ‘ V ' Males P1" ! 1 ,a ,, I , :5, a) . 1 .‘7 31% : '2 l. ., WWW gfllr-WWQW 7W wulpméaéé/prfiud‘buwwm m ‘ b ,n , \ Trim-um Pr' fl 1 atamstux P1- thyaéd. * w m 2’, 7%,, duaL' f .7 ’ p l l "M f .7 a,” l l W/ 1 . . ' ’ 1 ‘ w 2;; firapfiwl lam, Jam ('YTHE RA ‘ £2“,sz W \_/ 1198571 ’4 7’ “‘7 ‘7 ' ""11 Mlaoaflua,1m§07/ ' Q. “ 2}” £1: m Z’fiq’yafib/Wmmhlag'mw ‘ 1921mm , 0 AT THE TIME ‘ wig» WWW ‘ ' 5" mflaaijamhmzw/W-d 0m 01“ THE ACHZEAN AND IETOLIAN LEAGUE . $° ”WW 90%de Modulus 1: 1,553,533. {__ “ MIR/Pr "J ”7‘ 7 1.4, A’- WWQAIALHMM L S'tadia (300:1?) ‘ . Ill ‘ 50 100 200 500 400 m _ ‘ ‘ L.Mi1].i‘a Pnslxuum‘Rmngn. (75‘- l“) x | U 5 10 no 25 30 40 50 mm An lion (69,16-1") L 45 . . g. 3‘ . . . Er . . 10 no . o 40 JO ,3er 7_.., — A fi—fl _._. m _." _._. , :2: * ¥7 a =1 .7 _n -—w-—< -——-=* -= -——— .23; "*3. _— m; . ‘71— ‘ c o N 1 . I * ‘ 0 , , a O V . I a t 0 , ‘ 0 .m B 20 [(j .m [n] 21 [a] .m F 22 (7 .m 11 23 1] 30 [K] 24 [L] : iLanBRrD': ('harlcs Mum.- ' f » ‘ J ohn Murray, Albemarle vaeet, London. 1873. [ "*m a... ‘ 50,36 d‘ ‘4; ‘1 ,4 Mug. 9' , h j J's/«5.. R v 9 D .VVILLIAM SMITH S ANCIENT ATLAS . . Ulnl Pinu- Petl'RT/(Javar/ /£ Pali/ l /_ b Epidamnus a Dyrrhachinm L) /flm;w/ 5“ Maya] . [MM/«I1; ~ m P Cenusus F. ‘ Q '41”qu 1". thal/ o/A/érb‘a / E . . 4.10 5‘ 7 .3“, »‘.§ cox-WM” 7' //1.£/zmz/ [Wye/w"? '_ mfiq'ullz ,7 I a, 4 . .1. {- ,, '_ 410 H,‘._1___,_»_H“_i a? W, WW] , I ”HEW" , , . , 4’91” VIM .'0 D" E w \ " ' 5W 4".” .. .w“\\\‘\\\.\\\\~ autism ”(”4 / R. E E 0;. k EM!” ”w m n “""H'm _ \ WM 1,, , \ arband/ T i ‘ "er/Klan,” ° 5 E N uriyri 6;: L . \ m 114., 4%,]? \ . ‘1‘), y dera‘ a; ‘- ‘ E h V % ' H W , u Pui“ . "’ /L',flalwm/ ’me’k' ”‘7 1? 7 A ’ .‘ . . ‘ '- \ Payne? “,3 E E / t a} 9" ‘ org 58 s" Tali $1 Edam/”g; tisara. Timra MM" ' 14’ E ‘ 'P‘Jdihqw _ V? . Bf C 'E o o ’7” L . . u/[nlémd/ E Van/11'.” 1 981),. F. / rE m L/ / 15,; he???“ 7 0 // (ESE Mafia _ '/ wrvhr/ . t '1 ,‘L gh/[mwpw Km“ 'E/ h D Mama 1 5" W ’ a / - / “E“ " ”-11va .V'“ ' /(‘,1;m'u1/w/ ‘ f ‘ 4+ . 1) I ~ E'm Arnissa? MI E E». 6 ‘9 I L—/ H HIM H /1n{muxa/ \~ \ ' ,v . z W [110% M ' Walevfllfi 0 //( ’- r: 4 t ) GMT ‘ , \ c ; muEE‘E yf:\\v » o a‘ ' H APO X E IIEEE 4’ Anus [If-“5]F- 0». EW‘ ”EM/74M. ’E‘VE l ' fl/ ”ugh El EIEEWEE E V. WEE“ (‘ us é’ég II (I E . E, - a . \ w I :(npl‘ussil/Kyk E / / 6 . \Q’a NIHM’VJEE” us. a . F— ; 91p] “$ng / 311‘ E I . I PI) 5 ' osidiflnp./¢WWWHI/ (y/ ‘j0 _T_‘ *" ”"* *iw‘z— .. ,‘V 7 fi__‘ fi» 7 _ g 7 {’(Eb- ”11/ , , /S:;Ion 1. ma“ 1a ‘ ' ' [117’ '17‘##"” ” r'E‘l ' ( WW/ FIE _ . [1034/ E . émnsjk‘m (1 singly/6 / :"7, _‘ moms E ‘ Amocerauniapl " V" " MWW Mm?“ .,, , /f/I/z'.nm/ v 4 7'” ./ {quvi "1"” I /l' 010mm , » 411W/ 4 fl ‘5. . 1,1!“ E / 17er / N u 2;: i E .4 2 : . I, I E E one ., 4) 9 x?” E E EA y E V =«~ ‘ ‘i E $422; . ["1" . ml» 2’ . E ._ Ami“ '- . 9 ‘ my , MW" . mgr 8 . \9 E .N #11” E m; E :5 / {WW/fl}? My ,_ . (u . ./ Q . I . I)". / I E P . ' ? smfla ‘ a- 1": 9f &’V 9' Vaudl’k’ ”1 E E ,. 171.1"; L . \4 mm»: h/ . - ”4% ‘l/ A E C E - / » m‘3 a Mecvbfl'na ‘ 5' . m, . E C w mm escapas a ,., . 'a . L 9 S . . /" . E “4 E (0’ /g:en ”W - gm) , 1,:- o W“! . 1 ( E . E $3 gron'fi nflmS -' WWW, 6. .Afllkalw-f/ 0 M i E E a / (hd/ - 95% 1" 59:1“335 . Jo“: o\\0“1‘\ - - E E E 5..., M » ‘2. , ~ ' {WW “3 ~ ~ v ' (I E A5011 F. [Mymrwrtfi/ O ECO‘“ ‘upii new \‘ . W0”. 63:0 o : E .uuuéa ./ E ‘ . K é Pat-“13:3 _ / Vunlwv/ 1/ E Z ‘. . E ‘ EEEEEIEIEI U . [:17 £3 a; Palm C339 4 fiyd/g . -rodm Acroflloi] Acroathoa aw’a / E .‘ ” . c J - a! 9 X 11 um an 01in" E /Mahtfirub / . (Q /\ \a' £0: £22»; . .. E 0P E ayhyrasl'. /1’otoh/ ~n T flax/11d.” a 4? :0] N m phmmp E /,P’f}anea/ IniPEIu F. / EI/yl/ww/ <4 / ' “a ( (C191? ‘y CA I. E 1’ rmns ‘ Sabazium E‘ 9) / Sane vI—l/ /(‘Jy w 7 ( . E /fu}]’:krilno/P' : o /(‘,J'ané/ 4" E . , ro/ . 0 .1001-..“ . S»: 40 “fl WVA.,¥_N,_E 7‘..__.‘1.,,, ‘77 7 fin ‘ 7 i-i » V Eiwfi . i 0 Q» ° " ' “fl ’ 333 F. /Z(Iiand// g» 7,, :d} ,,, 7, , I - % 7'7" -—“— ‘V” " ’ _...E #5 ' ’Afi7’7” “A ‘3 figyolle. . E M . . v. - . . , ora/u/9 E E . radeum (Plaazlrmrut/ . O Oval“, ‘ ,_ , “i ”m” / V E " Posidium Wm» Bay/ « ‘ 0.01) sidonimn 1’ E 7 . é /CI’0JW or Mammy / 17"“ I Peneus E/ aahmwm / 0 E E , OIIIIm' /Irwn.yAEy.lhImD‘ ' iom/ /d) -/—\ E d E E 30' r» V E 7 fl/lflufiurax/ E , E Q‘Jn'pn/ ‘ ’ E 3’ » 1'1 ' " E SylvomI.o° ”6 4 “’51“ ~ (14/: May ' E i //ura / I E E n7 (acronfin? ? - . ' '- I" '7' [Erm-qua E Is 0 313/ Era/71ml / W / E /——\ E / ‘ /—\ (é I E. [E -. E E E e \_/ a / Mfr/lav E ”A V e 1/W Meflzfi’n - / . E E Demetriacus Ifi'pvfir il/Véoruna/ _ , E *3 “EE . /f [my/'a/ S inn sq “drag/ly/yn . .... ‘ ‘ Fudemia? E Wu “WI/N . E ' 8/57 ‘1 . ._ . I“ Selina! l I v" cru [Fri or Ikwéilwl/ E ‘ mm) :- . , . mun/MEI W EEEWEEEE§$ 3 I V -m " . 00:32,”. . E: E E .7“ ¢ 1 . ' num/ ', _ \ I . . :f #1:: ,f Juana/o . 6‘6 1} /aa, [my E E El .....' 7 Pg’mmnni; ” . Halonnesun '.’ E E ulnar/7% , ~ .5 . ‘ I; [w / E /fl‘4mtuuu / E E E , r ‘ . [up V ' v . a; o,- gflmm/ /c Pan” « umAm/ . E E 0 H o | arethos . , - .-m1.1 E 7 ,,,,,,,, .‘-__,-. '39 E Comm: port.“ . E 12%;}{0/ 0 U {amide ”1" / ,0,,_E r'fi’fl/fl..lrw _, E_,T,._.¥._ 39 a..-_fifin “k ,_ , Nico olis ##_ ,“fi 7’” _ _9_.,,1__,, I, 7 7Wfl77r~~WM ” ’“’ ’ #" F" (IVE/L rockr/ . L‘ 1/1 4» ”We,” 1 ‘ i! E .. M X], ‘3. . E E7 ’ Z’Itl'ew/ E SCYROS I. bcyrosfll'lvro‘r/ E M’ulurl' c . _ _ “MA-£14,] /jl f/wcdl - - ¥ . /'—\ O ,fligvl‘u-J’ub/w ’1. S a , . . . .I-mu/ E ' E f' We??? tcnwumpl‘. P Nil/”1“”? I C ’ E \——-/ .. . ' ‘ amides q garflwml E LEUC [ & E E /f z 1 i XE . 2/ D 'o “W ‘1 E e 'a u ”it? 53/1 l‘toF/w/ .K 1:1:wa WWJ/ E E E > ' ' Choraom-suspr- /1 [Iunu/ E E E '/ Aunzé/ E E '1‘pr ll'mis i ’1‘“ 1;,“ . Ufa?! 12/" .lfuImL/ ' E E I :\ T“, V E . , . ”WINE“ EE‘L mow/”'49) i ‘ -, , 7—” 30' J” \é/ ‘1’“ “2154193112,--.“ M E_ ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 7 3” Ioncs . ' E ., < ,mmm'ma/ E C: D0165. mzlmmr/ E Q .A‘Iolcs . [Pszmofig E E: Blaccdonia ante bella Persian. [Amman g E III: ,. Fauna post beJIaPersica. /( .4 4"“ . _ . .. . . . . ”m” ..'te.mpm-ePLJ]IPPIII. ,? CEPHALLENIA I. 78—“ ’u A SAME, sums ‘ \__J 3 O I ' J "(a harcus pr E: v z ‘E / 4 pm, (’1'11-3’41/0‘9'0 ‘ - ‘ J U I E- . . .1112”, ;. ’. if . ’ : a " E E. ‘ 0 380 ., E03 Modulus 1: 1,000,000 o ME, _. ___ !—_/Q¢Q,E’b E 1 ___ ** / E /1’etaé/1/ @1137:qu t | E /c Jug-Mr N; M “’1 “may . i E — . l// {ANN/cc; ““0 85¢sz 5423029110 Ptanmm . E V we a 932;,“ E ' Stadizl ( 600 1°). E '99 ' ' E . . . hl | I I I I : I I . L 4E E , 99%“; ~ ' ’ .Ab’un' all/ .m 100 m0 200 300 400 M1 - . . ' ., inrdubn/ . M11111: passuum Bomanomm ( I.) 1“,). ’ 1} x( 1.0mm.» / h ‘ I I l I I I I I I I I I l I | I I I > ' 5 u) 15 20 ."m 40 50 E E “J ' Milliaria Aug-lieu ( 6916 1°). . ‘ ZAP E EM, E ........... . . a: . . . _ a In 15 2o 50 11.0 ‘go E ”1M E . » K x I ! r’ 0 [A] 19 0 [B] 30' [c] 20 0 3o . [M] 30 [N] . 20 [0] I . Engraved by S. Jacobs and I.Da]mont . Drawn by Dr. Charles Miifler. John Murray, Londo Albemarle street ,18'72. . ' .. . 4i- - x :5 ham ‘. ~‘n .4 gm ~ h, 3‘ fl ‘ ‘31»; \ BflAF’24. NORTHERN GREECE. HELLAS. EPIRUS. ._ THESSALIA. MACEDONIA. Cape. D. (Dagh) Mountain. F. Flumen. .I: Insula. L. Abbreviations: B. Bay. 0. Abae Abantis Abdera. _ Acanthius Smus Acanthus Acarnania Achaia. Achaia Acharnae Acharrae Achelous F. Acheron F. Acherusia Palus Achilleum Acbntisma. Acrae Acroathos Acraephnium Acrocerauma. Pr. Acrothoi Acrothoum Acte Actium Actium Pr. Ad Apsum Ad 'Decimum Ad Duodecimum Ad Quintum Adelphi . ' Adrianopohs Adriaticus Sinus Eantium Pr. Aeas F. Aeas F. Edepsus .ZEgae 'Egae Algae Egaeus F. ZEge ZEgilia. ' JEg’ilia. .ZEgina Eginium Eginium JEgira ._ Egitium ngium JEgosthenae ZEgylips nea ZEneum Pr. JEniania ZEnus M. Enyra. JEolis ZEotis p Aeropus M. Aesa Aeson F. Esone ZEstraeum Ethices Ethopia. ' lEtolia JEtolia. Epjctetus JExo‘ne A fales P. ' Agassa ‘ Agathon Pt. . Anna . Apostoli . .Georg . Ghiorghi U. . I lias . Ioamii . Katharina 0'. . Minas R. ‘ g. Nikolaos , Aghion 0ros, Gulf of Ag. Saraizda - Ag. Sotiras, Cavern of Ag. Vasilios Ag. Vasilios 0'. A grapha Agrinium Aito A kbimar Akhili P. Akio Akmba Dibbrit Akra ba M yrdit Alalcomenae Alalcomeuae Alalcomenae Alassona Alassonitiho R. Alcomenve Alcyone Aloyonium Mare Alefkimo C’. Alibutush Dagh Aliki Alinda M. Alindoi M. Alistrati Alive'ri Alive??? 0'. Allante Ahnana Almopia. Aloium Alorah’i B. Alope Alope Alorus Alpenus Altus Alyzia. Amantia Amantiae pdrt. Amantis Amarbes M. Amapynthus Ambracia Ambracia awwmwmmewowKZHmmeEEObbm CGEEEZwN2d22dwmmmeMHbZQH owzawmazmmbwwwwwHkumwzmmHHmammmmmaabbemmmwme>UbbmH a: (Dog 0 a Q o mc‘mc‘mmmfiao‘m pigeon gs m0 c‘p (poo my cum: am so 9001: ch‘OQ mo mmc‘mo o a peace 0 CD a 000 o “run-ha 9:9? 0 a c: a $1.09 C‘UQ H56 connection 0 narrow b‘o par-hm? c‘mo do: a o a: :0 U‘c‘c‘mmo o to em 0 mc‘ma o £26200 009 mo 0 c‘o H, wwbmowQMHHHHHZHmmmbzbdwz \ 4 A Ambracicus Sinus Ambracus Ambrakia Ambrysus Amitas F. Amom‘ 0'. Ampelo 0. Ampelus Pr. Amphanae Amphaneeum Amphaxitis Amphiclea. _ Amphipagus Pr. Amphipolis Amphissa. Amphrysus F. Ampilochia Amydon Amyrus Amyrus F. Amyrus M. Anactorium Anagyri M. Anagyrus Anamum Anaphjystus Anapus F. Anaurus F. Anchoe Andaristus Andipaxo I. Andros Andros I. Anemoria. Angem Angelos C'. _ Angista Angites F. An gites F. Ani'no Anoi Ano Tjaterly Anthedon Anthela Anthemus Anthemus Anthemus F. Anticyra. Anticyra Antigonia Antigonia Antigonia Psaphara Antipatria. Antirrhium Pr. Antisara ‘ Antonii, Urbs C. Antron , Aous F. Aous F. Aofi Stena. Apanomi Aperantia. Aphetae Aphidna Aphytis Apidanus F. Apilas F. Apodoti Apoklest’ri Pt. Apollinis‘ Actii T. Apollinis T. Apollinis T. Apollonia.’ Apollonia. Apollonia Apollonia. Apollonia. Apollonia Chalcidices Apollonia Mygdoniae Apolloniatis' Apostoli Rica. Apsalus Apsus'F. Apsus F. Arachthus F. Aracynthus M. Amin 0.? Ammanti Araphen Arapis. Arapos R. Aratthus F. Arattus F. Arcadia Archudha Arda. F. ‘ Arda-m M. Ardaxanus F. Ardenitza Ardham ‘ Arethusa Arethusa fons Arethusac ' Argeia Argestaeus Campus Argilus Argina. Argissa Argithea. - Argolis Argos Argos Oresticum Argostoli ’ Argura. Argyra Argyrini Argyrokastro Aristonautae Arkom’s‘ia Arkudi Armenium Armyro O. Arnie Arnaea Arne Arnissa. Q . ommbHHHHHUUQmwaHdmmbwwbuHQ06@ZWQMWOw3QNMMmeOWNNKEQdWUUHZQHmNHNWHUHWNHEQQHMQHMNNNHNmmWKFEOQHZZUQN9wbHbfiHUHHHWHNHOHHHNHHNNHQWW do: a: o (D o moo? o 009 9.0: a ”5‘0 {1.09 C‘U‘HQC'U‘Q U‘pac‘w mm o D‘o 9-93 a,” cram; ¢.c‘o‘o‘c‘c‘c‘o a yawn d-‘oq wwwmfiaw 0094; H3O o o c-mm odor; c‘o go 000 mc‘c‘c‘mm (Dog (9 9,339 9.909 pap-'0 _50 Had, mb‘o b‘U‘r-bo macaw.” mc‘o Has, a: ”’99.“, 0091mm H: .Arpitza - Assa ’ Auas F. - Bagoraditza Balust'ra 0. _ Baphyras F. ‘Batiae ’Biklisfa c Arnissa Arsene Arsinoe Arta Arta Artemisia C'. Artemisium litus 6t prom. ' Artemita. I. Ascordus F. Ascra Ascuris L. Asnaus M. Asopus F. Asopus F. Asopus F. Asopus F. Aspalathea. Aspro Aspro potamo Assera. Asso Assos Astacus Asteris I. Asterium As‘terotiko Astraes C'. Astraeum Asyla. Atako Atalando P. Atalanta Atalanta I. Atom 0. Athamania Athamanius campus Athenae Athenaeum Atheradha 0. Atheto Athinati 0. Athos M. . Atintania Atrax Attica. I Augaea Aulis Aulon Aulon Avlona Awret Hissar Axii fauces Axius F. Axius F. Azorus mHmmHObwbwangszmbHwUNmbmgszmmwdbbbwbmbHHflmemwm zwwwmdm mac-‘90 solo-'9 U‘oO‘Q o 009 ago a We 9 cp Iran «:09 ”trace 99 so c‘c‘nm #450001: a c: paw H.013 b‘o me: am 009 o Ba boga Babuna M. Babussa M. Baerus Bagorra Al. Balles Balzina Banja Bantia Barmashi Barnus M. Bazamki Bazarudi Begorritis L. Beiitza R. Belitza R. Belogost M. Bei'at Beratino R. Bereketli Berga Bermius Mons Bernus M. Beroea. Beroea. Bertiscus Bessa'ritza Bessi Betshik Betshik Col Betshik M. Beve . Bevus F. Biblia. Bisaltae Bistones Bistonis L. Bistritza B istritza R. Bitolia Bjahos R. Blanco C. Bletz‘i Blim’i Boar Kalessi Bodm' Bocbe Boebeis L. Boeotia. Boeum Boeum M. Bog/zaskoi Bolbe Bolbe L. Boli Stena Bolyca Palus Bomienses Bomius M. Bonikovo Bora M. ammmwmwmmmmHHHmommdwwNNOOHEKMMNwamwNmambzwoowdmwmmmebmwzumemmd Lacus. M. Mons. Opp. Oppidum. P. Portus (Port). Pal. PaIus. Pr. Promontorium. R. River. S. Sinus. T. Templum. D‘G 9-11-9360 0" U‘mmmooc‘c‘oommmammcoamc‘wSosbsoc‘c‘c‘sosoc‘c‘c‘svoU‘ooo‘oc‘c‘c‘c‘c‘cfioc‘c‘ooc‘ooc‘soc‘c‘sammso309:0 Bora M. Borborus Bo'rowa Boa Dagh Bosnia M. Bota Bottiaea. Bottica Brashi M. Brasidhes O'. Brasudhi L. Brauron Brea. Brilessus M. Bromiscus Brucias Bryanium Bryanium Brychon F. Bryges Bryges Brygias Buchetium Budorus F. Bufalo P. Bugikaki M. Bale Balcova Bulis Bullis Bunarbashi Bumasa M. Buneima Bunino M. Bura. Burughal Buruvari Buthrotum Byllidis P. Bylliones Byllis Calarna Calathana. Calauron M. Cale acte Calicoeni ‘ Calindoea. ‘ Callienses Callipeuce Silva Callipolis Callipolis Calliterae Calydon Calydon M. Oambunii Ms. Cammania. ' Campsa Campylus F. Canalia. Canastraeum Pr. _ Candavia M. Caphareus Pr. Oaphyae Caprus I. Capsa. Cares Games I. Carpenision Carrabia. Carystus . Cassandria Cassopaea. Oassope . Cassope Cassope Casthanaea Uastoria L. Castra Catopterius M.‘ Cavaliani _ Celetrum Cellae Celoethra Celydnus F. Oenaeum Pr. Cenchreae Cephallenia Cephaflenia I. - Cephalon Cephisia. Cephissus F. Cephissus F. Cephissus F. Cephissus F. Ceramia. Ceraunii Montes Cerax Oercetius M. Ccrcine Mons. Cereinitis L. Cercinium Cerdylium M. Ceressus Cereus F. Ceriuthus Cerynia Oestria. Cestrine Chaeronea. Chalaeum ‘ Chalastra. Chalcidice Chalcis Chalcis Chalcis Chalcis Chalcis M- Chalcis M. Chalcodonius M. Chaonia. Ohapka 4M. Charadra Charadrus gmmoHQwHawmemHudmbbmbeHQmwQZHWHbmbmNHwQszwammccmmzHQEUHbszmeNUQQ@memmHUEWQb o o o c: mOQGQOQUQm; 52.9 (T0909 pagan mum c‘a c‘so CD :0 o c‘H-JOI? Phi-hm 800.90? [Ti-ho o (7'60? men U‘m o nap-«o 000 drama-ac C‘D‘OQ :0 Ono who 9-9-0001? 0‘30 khan-4,90 U‘b‘o o o OGWUHOmQdQgoHMZQKNdmmENQUHHHHbUgUNmZUggmfi c‘oopupasomopao 30.1709c‘soommamomamopc‘mob‘mc‘c‘oc‘c‘c‘msoc‘c“ Gharax Uhassia M. Chastia Chelidoni R. Chelidonii Chelonates Pr. Chersonesus Pr. Chidorus F. Chimaera Ohioni M. Chimerium Port. Chimerium Pr. Chioniades Cholomonda M. Cichyrus Oicynethus Cierium Cirphis Cirphis M. Cirrha. Cissus Cissus M. Cithaeron M. Citium Citius M. Claudanum Cleonae Cleonae Oleonae Clisas Clisura. Olisura Clitor Clodiana Cnemides Cnopus Cobris Cobris F. Cocytus F. O’odras‘ , Codrium Coeletae Coenyra Comarus Port. Combria Compsatus F. Conope . Conope L. Copae Copais Lac. Cophus P. Coracae Coracoe pyrgos Corax M. Corax rupes Corcyra. Corcyra I. Corinthiacus Sin. Corinthus . Coronea. Coronea. Coronta Corragus Corsea Corsiae Coshara Cosintus F. Cossinites F. . Cotylaium M. Craneia Craneia M. Cranii Crannon Crannon Cranon Cratera. Orausindon F. Crenae Crenides Creston Crestonaea Crestonice Cl‘eusis Crissa. Crissaeus Sin. Grocius Campus Crocylea Crocyleium Crommyon Orossaea. Crithote Pr. Crusis Ctimene Cuarius F. Cyathus F. Oydreae Oyllene Cyllenius Sinus Cyme ' Oynaetha. Cynia L. O oscephalag ..... ” Cyno‘su‘ra Pr. Cynus Cypaera. Cyphaera Cyphus . Gyphus M. Oyretiae Cyrius Oyrrhus Cyrrhestis Cyrtone Cytinium Dafmidhi 0. Dam asi Damastium Damesi Daphne M . Daphnus 'Daphnus F. Darda Dardas mammmmmmmmwszmzwwmammHmwmmemmeHmzmwzwmmawmbzdeNomeHmocmmwwbmwwwiwmzzwaaawmHomwwHgHHummwaHmHHmemwwcongmucumm UUQHZOOmU mmc‘c‘c‘mmmo 0 H509 (901209 H.500 99 mo 0 an 0 W090? $000909 0‘90 6‘90 mm so a: pun-on a> am? so so 609 wc‘mon o [3'00 52:52-09 i-oso o 52:09 I-ngH-Jg o «a 0‘9 0 o a: 0 am marry-5909 o Ian-55° 9-709 0‘0‘090900 a: a: o o o o (D o o c‘mb‘c‘c‘m can. svsomr-hn-hooQ-W Dartsh R. Dassaretii Dassaretii Dati nava‘Ie Datum 'Daulia Daulis Daalos Deabolis Decelea. Deflem 0'. Deipnias DeIium Delphi Delphi M. Delvino Demenitza Demetriacus Sin. Demetrias Demetrium Demigla'r Demir Hissar Demir Kapu Derbend ’Dereli Derris 0. . Derris Pr. Dersaei Derwista Deshnitsa R. Deucalion .Deuriopus Dewol Dewol R. Dewol R. Dexari Dhemoniko Dhiaporo I. Dhiapulo Dhmko head Dhrama Dhramisius Diana Candaviae Dianae Proseoae Diboma. Dibra ~ Dicaea. Diocletianopolis‘ Diomedis stabqum Dioni Dionysia Dioryctos Dirphe M. Dissikata. Dium Dium Dium ‘Djawat Doberes Doberes Doberus Doberus Dada R. Dodona. Dodonaea Doiran Doja. Doliani Doliche Doliche Dolopes Dolopia, Dombreni Domoko Donafros Donettini Doris Doro 0'. Dotius campus Dowa M. Drabescus Dragomano Dragomestan Dragonera Dragosh Drasti 0'. Drenovo L. Drepano 0. Drepanum Pr, Drilon F. Drin Droi Dronitza , Druga Drymaea. Dryno R. Dryopes Dryopes Dsharad Dshurad III. Dakato 0. Duklista Dulichium Dulichium Duodea Durazzo guslmi/c yme Dyras F. Dyrrhachium Dysorum M. Dysto Dystus Echedamia Echedorus F. Echinades Insa' Echinus Echinus Edessa Edones Edones Edo’nes t ngtfimwOwNHUMUUUKQUHUEKE‘Hfibmcwfi'fimzmHzmfiQmUfibrin.wtEi'TJHw’45szHtr.‘EHHQBwazmomUNUmngmeMUddeggbgmszHHHHQUHHt-‘mbmeHbggUOO coon c‘so Hm c‘m cocoa o Hm some 0 o #0380 o 29 so soot: pawn-.601: mc‘so 0 pm mpAO‘CD (To: <9 mm so an so pun-29 U‘sn c‘p :9 0 who gunman so c‘c‘so so m so am 0 pm mo c‘c‘c‘so a: c‘c‘m sumac-so so 6‘6: 0 (D o 94.4mm mom O‘c‘mc‘c‘c‘o c‘so ngmHmmHm 93 U'C‘U‘Hgt-bm C709 Edonica Eglonus F. E1011 Eiraka 0. Eiral P. Elaea. Elaeatis Elaeus Elaeus E laphon Elatea. Elatea. Elatea. Elato Elatos M. Elbassan Elefthera I. EZq/‘therokhwio E Zeia 0. Eleon ' Eleusa. Eleusis Eleutherae Elima. . Elimia. Elini Elis Elis Elis cava. Ellomenum Elone Elydnus Elyma Elymnia. Emathia Emathia Emathia Emathia Enchelanes Encheleae Enipeus F. Enipeus F. Enneahodoi Enotia Eordaea. Eordaei Eordaicus F. Ephyra. Ephyi‘a. Ephyra. Ephyra. Epidamnia. Epidamnus Epirus Episkopi Erasmus Eratyra. Eretria. Eretria Eretria vetus Ergenik M. Ergeht R Ergent R Eriboea Ericinium Ericusa Erigon F. - Erigon F. Erigon F. Erika Erikusa Erimo—Kastro Erineus Erineus Erineus Erinia E/rissos Eritium Erymanthus F. Erysiche Erythrw Erythrae Eteonus Euboea Euboea Euboeae Cava. Eudemia Eudleru Euenus F. Euenus F. Euhydrium Eupalium Euporia. Euripus Euristus Euroea. Europus Europus Europus E urymenae Eurymen 39 Eurymenae Eurytanes Eutresis Fanari Fana’ri Fanari P. Faraklo C'. Fassa 0. Fener Burim Fersala Fersaliti . Fidharis Filates Filibedjik Filippiadha Filurina Finiki F loriados Fa'agola F'rikes Port Furka F. F. F. NQHmmmmddQHHQ{I}QQHL"5)prNNQWQmHEmeUOwQQMOQMUwUHbHQEQwamWWMUOQEUHmUMZHHENWUJ‘QHWPdhjtjbjmp:bbt‘lbfibbmmmegWUHHHHHP-‘g mmowummzwmmmOZmem mama-‘0 nucr‘a: so Rama qc‘b‘aucp a: n: 00 map-am nao‘D-aeaso H.600 m0? mmmfla’o $000909 ”urn-ac: arr-+5009 a: Fine 6‘? so Gan-co c‘c‘o‘OQOQ o a b‘m a so cream-ta: G‘s-7 c‘c‘cio o c‘c‘c‘o c‘c‘c o o mmb‘h‘b‘a‘c (.0909 Iron a mac“? 5‘09 53:»..me c: a a a a c‘c‘m NORTHERN GREECE. HELLAS. EPIRUS. THESSAL’IA.‘ MACEDONIA. MAP- zap Gabroro M. Galadra Galatc’sta Galepsus Galepsus . Galermi Galileo R. Gallicum Gamurdje Gangita F. Gardhikz’ Garde'k'l Gardiki Garescus Garush Gaster Gaurion Port. et Castell. Gavrion Gauriom'si Gazorus Gennitzaro K astro Genusi Trajectus Genusus F. Gephyra Gerwstus Gereestus Pr. Gerias 0'. Gerontia Gerontia Gerrunium Gertfis Gridcx Gigonis acra Gigonus Gitanae ' Glaphyrae Glaro Glauconesus Gla‘govo Glisas Glossa C'. Glycys Port. Glyky Gnidus Godaro Gomaros, B. of Gomenitza Gomphi Gonea Pt. Gonnocondylon Gonnus Gonoessa Goran Goretzitza Gortynia Grabe M. ‘ Grabusa 0. Gradlska Gradista Grammista JII. Grammos M. Gramsa Grande Gram‘tsa , Gram'a Grevenitilco Grewena Gritziano Gruka the defile Guarius F. Gales Gumatos Bay Guro'ltza Gurbita (1’ un'prei Gurtmi 0, Gyrae Petrae Gyron M. Gyrton Hadjz'lar . Hagnus Hajobashi Hake [Exonides Hales Araphenides Haliacmon F. Haliacmonis Haliartus Halicarna Halimus Halonnesus - Halus Hamor Harably Harma , Harpessus F. Hatera Hecale Hecatompedon Helena 0. Helena I. Helice Helicon F. Helicon M. Helicranum Hellnas Hellas Hellopia ' Hellopia Heraclea Heraclea Heraclea Heracl‘éa Heraclea Lyncestis . Heraclea Sintica Heracleum ‘ Heraclefis Heraeum Pr. Herculis Port. Hessus Hesti Hippolas Hissari R. Histieea Histieeotis Holmiee Pr. . Homole M. Homolium Horous F. Horma Horreum Hyampolis Hyleethus F. Hylica L. Hyllaicus Port. Hymettus M. Hypata Hyria Hyria L. Hyrmine Hysiae Hysmo R. t omwwbmbbNmHmmmHHHNwQNQmMHNHNWEWEEmEmHUHmEZNUHHONHUHKHWNHHEEHHN $0030? H50? *1?qu Hap-snag: nan-p.09 filial-ham our: man c‘Q-c‘c‘r-sD-wo‘q H.094: c‘om cm: 3‘0 om? o :90? o‘sv o 0170qu o 0 {Throw :2.- mmzEdamQQmeQwommgmmomzommommmomdm5bHdammzzHbmwhoezrzzszbNszz mOHQUwzmHHOszHw hamb‘mc‘socan-used:c‘mcamoc‘cpoc‘c‘mc‘mmpc‘mgmoooaopmcomommoooooo‘c‘mmb‘b‘b‘c‘mmoc‘b‘b‘b‘ c an SD 9.0 9:89 c‘o‘c‘c‘o‘o cr‘cr‘o Icanus F. Ichnae Icos Idom ene Idomene major Idomene minor _ Ieraka C'. I ki/n'ssar Ilias M Ilz‘as M. Ilium Ilium Illyria Inachus F. Inachus F. Indslze Karassu Iolcus Ion F. Ionium Mare Ionius Sinus Ipni Ipnus Ipsa I psarw'o Iresia I shmi R. Iskele Issoria Isthmus Istmia Istone M. Ithaca Ithaca I. I thamo 1V. Ithome Ithoria. Itonus ‘ Iveron M on. Jaku. Janina Jam'ts'l C. Janitza J ovis Acreei T. J ovis T. J ovis T. J ovis T. J ovis T. Jura Ka balnos O". ‘ Kafadarzz' Ifafkana Kalama Kalama C'. Kalama R. Kalamaki 0. Kalamitsa Bay Kalamo Kalamo Port Kalarytes Kaliar'l K alrfoni Kalpaki Kanalia K anastri Pt. K andlli M. . Kandr'ls K anina K antlkh’l K anza K aprena Kapr'l 0. Kapso 0. Kapsokhori Kap’aslmz'tsa Kara ‘0'. Kara-aghar' Bay K ara-asmak K aradshali Kara Guieuzl -Karaj'l Su Karalcaja Pass Kara/ides Bay Kara Su Kara Su K arasu R. Karavasara Karawasta Lacus K areteria .M. Karltza Karitza Karla L. . K arovuna I. , Kartslmo 0'. Karysto K asopo Kassandlzra O'.‘ K assandhra, Gulf of. K astomom’t u M. K astorz’a K astra I. K astri K as tr’i K astri K astrl K astr’i K astrlotissa K astro , K astro K astro 0'. K astus K a taph ygi K atera'n'l K atlmmena M. K ato Tjaterly K atuna K awaja K awala K e fa ll 0. K ekhri m'a K elber'ini M. K elia 0. K ephali 0. K ephal o C’. K 6101' Ma K eramldhi K erasovon K erkz'on K halepo 0. K hall In: K halkitza K helidon .M. K helidro'mi K Merl 0'. K lu'lcmd/zarz' JlIon. K himara K horto K astro K hrasopul i K iaplza AI. 'UNNQEBHQWWHHQNHEwawowaEKHHHEZZWHHHWWOWEHNOEZKHHMQWWN232Q0zmmonbgmHMQWWNHHMQQWEHZZHUUHQZ a: a a: o :3 Va: more puma: mm c‘o‘n-m a> mac‘s: mom: 0 a we pac‘cp nap-:90 a Show: 0 9.9.0:: hub-hm pac‘c‘c‘mso o‘sem: 0‘99 c‘a-nc‘c‘c 0"ch w con-c: so esp-49o cp tram humanism-9690!: gmemmweNHMNOazomw>memmdodbzfimwwwmbHO KENENQHNEN o «:09 o @0909 {LG trap :9 a: 6'9qu 0 pap-nap o bun-053° Duo c‘o c‘b‘o a so o-c‘m «:0: m cm o o‘mnac‘ K271? Kiliadha K'I'lisad Kilkitsh Kimasz' Pt. Kinyra I. Kioper Su. Ki'orji Sa Kirll-Derbend Klrpom' Kisso'vo Kissovo 0. Kistros Kltrim' L. K lapsz's K lepotsh 'Klz'di K limeno Klirwvo K liosi M. K lissalv Klisura Km'savo Kean Pt. . Ifokln'la M. Ifokkina Kokklno Pt. Kolrkrno Petra II. Kolckinoplo K olokoto Kolshana Kmnuldj'lna Kendra P. Kondovmu’ .M. ' Kom'tza K 01030 K hor'i Koraka Koram Korfz‘ls Korrsz'a L. Kortln'on B. Kortira C. Kosham' K osjak M. Kosmos 0'. Kostruma Kotziaka M. Kram'a Kram’a Kram'a Krapsh M. Kratshowo M. Kudessi Kufo P. Kakussa Kala Kurm' Kumi, Bay of Kumi 0’. Kumllkoi Kunala M. Kurendo Kur‘z'la M Kutllri Kutjuk Lubede Kutlam'a Kutlls Kutus Kutzos ‘ Kuvari M. Laoeria Lachana Lachana Lacmon M. Ladon F. Lagetz Lagi O. . Lagud'hz'a I'- Lamia Lampsus Lamptra Langadza Laparda R. " Lapathfis Lapso Laregori Larissa Larissa. Larissa Cremaste Larisus F. / Larymna Inf. Larymna Sup. Lasion Lavra Lazar’i M. Lebadea Lecheeum Ledon Leflradha I. Lefko-n'isi Lefteropolz? Leftlaerokhori Lek-koala . Lelantus Campus Lelantus F. Lemnos I. Lem’a M. Leon Pr. Leontium Lete Lethaeus F. Letoa I. Leucadia Leucas Leucas I. Leucatas Pr. Leuce Acte Leucimne Pr. Leuctra Leucus F. Libanovo leammo Libethra Libethra leochovo - Lichades I“- Liko'v‘an Lileea Lima 0'. Limenas Limneea Limnwa. Limml Limno Limone Lingus M. Lipaxus 'Lipso.Pyrgo 0. Lisae Lissa Litlzarr' U. Lithokhoro Lizano R. szmozgmmegggmabowwwaQHowQonomgmwdbommmmKszMQNEMEHMQQHHHQQozszgbz b‘c‘cp 0 6‘9 I450 {:40 so Hal-hid)“ so can ammonia 9:80 £750 0 0 Bo 51:01? a: c‘a 9.9.99 :9 mo Dam? a Hard: U‘U‘UQ 9:me u-bc‘o 9.9.va so c‘phc‘c‘mn, oHZHHmNMQZNQMZwmNHUHENmmNUEUUHHUQHQKUZEHN“KNUHHHMZQWNWHHmHfimONHQmedQMNmH 3° C: Hg? 0 H30 QAQQHi-oapuv-bc‘b‘pbc‘mc Q-IO 9 0 00‘? (D Emmi-0,1450? DHD‘O'QUQ C‘g-IUQUQ 0 o Crybaby-bl?“ O O 5‘14,th panda-o‘QQ-c‘c‘b'a-mm SD C‘U‘Q-IU'C‘CD Ljaskowiki Locris Epicnemidia Locris Opuntia ’ Locris Ozolis Lcedias F. Luarl Lubom'sh Ludia Palus Ludias F. Ludias F. Lukovisia Luro R. Lusnja Lutra Lutraki, B. of Lutza Lybz‘ada Lychnidus Lychnitis L. Lycormas Lydias F. Lykorima Lykom'tzo Lykures M. Lyncestidis Fauces Lyncestis Lysimachia Lysimachia L. Lytae Macedonia Macedonia Inferior Macedonia Superior Macedonicus Sinus Macetee Macra come -Macynia Maedi Magnesia Magula .Magula Mahala Makri Malcrr'noroa Malcro-Alam' Malakassz' Malathr'ia Maliacus Sin. Malik Malik L. Malis Mallcea AIalot'itza Malthace M amal’ia Mamli Mantelo Mantelo C. Mantadln’on Pt. ‘ Marathon llIarat/zom'si Marathus M arekostlno Margarita Marmara Marmara 0. Marmar'l 0'. Marmarium Marmara 0'. Marusium M aslcra Mataranga M atja B. Mavrz'h' Mavro 0'. M avro 0. M av'ro Longo M avroneri Marrow Mavro Vum’ Maximianopolis Mecyberna Mecybernaeus Sin. Medeon Medeon Medeon Megan 1'81: Megara Megaris Megdova Melaena C’. Melambium \Melas F. Melas F. M elessa Meliboea Meliboea Melina Melis surgis Melts surgus Melitaea. Melitaeus M. M elite ' Melite L. Melitonus M elm'kj M eluna M. Mende Menidhi P. . Meniklo Balkan Messapia Messir Baba M esto Metanasta'e Metapa Methone Methone Metr0polis Metropolis Metropolis Metropolis Metzovo Mieza Mikro-Az'ani Malia Mills R. 4 M ilcmas M. erltza Mirmex Miscella M53072 0. Missolonghz' Mitlkos Mitys F. Mitzikelz' M. Moglena M oglen'ltiko R. Mollvo Molossis Molycria Monolithi 0. Mopsium .Morliva Moskopoli HQwwmowgmmmwbdeowmemwofimHHm Damn-0,9? 0‘0 H505 0‘0? 0‘89 5‘6 HgHgCI‘CD U‘C‘C‘U‘C‘C‘O‘W PhD-050 mMmwmmmmmmHmMb:NamNmeflmewNHmngmbwwmNwngmNNOHQmmmmNQNNwfiHdbNOHwHmbwmbflOOKKEKHCNWHEHEZOEWWQHWHH“MHWENHHHNQmWHde c'so ChmO’Q mo c‘c‘a-o man a a... panama-c: U‘D-ISD-ao ...._,,..,a, am pm c‘oeso renames crow o no c‘c‘c‘panac‘mm o I-br-bm b‘mmm who 0 so Duo 0 o 0 was: a: auc‘nmoe 6'0".» 9009 #09 H-JJ‘D'SOUQ 9-95 pamc‘c‘v-so no can so a a $2909 #455“? o o o Mudros Madras Bay M ul’lam' J . Mzmz'tza B. Maresl Martzephlos 0. Mycalessus Mycenae Mychus P. Mygdonia Mylae 'Myonesus Myonia. Myrae Myrcinus Myrina Myrto I. Myrtuntium L. Narthacium Narthacium M. Naryx Nasos Naum Naupactus Neae Nea Kassandhra Neapolis Datenén Neapolis Mendaeorum Nedshesalar Neium Neleus F. Nemeritsa Neokhor’l Neon Nericus Nesos Nesson Nessonis L. Nestus F. Nestus F. Niagusta N iceea. Nicaea Nicopolis Nicopolis Niels/Le M. ngr'ita . N lklitzi Nikola 0'. Nikola 0. Nikopolz' Nistrus . Nim'tza' Nizvoro Noshpal Notla Novas Novari 0'. Nymphaeum Nymphaeum K Nymphaeum Pr. . 0a Ocaleae 00119 M. Ootolophus Octolophus Odomanti CEanthea (Echalia. (Echalia CEchalia (Eneon GEniadae (Eniadee Veteres (Enoe ‘ (Enoe (Enoe (Eroe F. (Esyme (Eta. Mons (Etaea Okrz'dha Okrldha, L. of Oktom'a 0’. Olenus Olenus Olizon Olocrus M. gloosson loph xus Olpae y Olurus Olylzika M. Olymbos M. Olympias Olympos M. Olympus M. Olynthiacus F. Olynthus Omphalium Onchesmus Onchestus Onchestus F. Onochonus F. Onos Onthyrium Ophionenses Oprina M. Opuntius Sin. Opus Opfis .Pr. Oramali Orbeli Pars Orchomenus Orchomenus Orchowa Oreitae Orescii Orestis Oreus Orfam' orgessus Oricum Ormanli Ormenium Ormenium Ormylia Orobiae Oropi Fons ' Oropia . Oropus Oropus Oropus F. . Oros, Gulf of Orphei Sepulcr. Orthe Orthopolis Osolm‘tza Osphagus Ossa. sta M. WZZBHWHHHHHNZNEHOO mWfiJC‘QI—bmflac‘w W09 RIG 89 O 949-! EZObOmeomzzvmamzMHwmzzmHUMHbeawabzmommemm o o cram-urea c‘om so b‘m’mc‘c‘m agar: U‘c‘so 9.9.09 macro Hm cr'o (whom cm #50 a HamemmmgmbmemmbHHmwozmwzwmeHUHNNwmmNHmNOUNmmzmbwHagmmamwzmamszbaawwmzfifimamwawb macro-'3: an no a can act: cu who (D a pm c‘c‘mc‘c‘o c‘oe D‘s» pan mach-ha Lucas-we no a o o ”.940? m who can oUQOe ”,9: an mmcmmmm macaque pup-am: so chance“ If . Ossuni Osta'nitza Ostrovo Ostrowitza M. ' Olizonus Othronus Othrys M. Oxia Oxiee I”- Oxynia Ozero L. Paeanium' Paeanium Peeonia Peeonica Paeoplae Pagasae Pagaseticus Sin. Pails Dagh Palaeo Khora Palaeo K hor'i Palaeo Khorz' Palwovum‘ M. Paleerus Palaeste . Palamnus F. Palasa Palassa Pale ‘ Palea Venetz'a Paleo Epz'skopi Paleom'si 0. Paleopoli Palerz‘mo P. Pall 0'. Palio Paliopulo Paliurz' U. Pallene Pallene Palutro Pambotis L. Pamisus F. Pamphia Panaei Panaetolicus M. Pandamln'la Pandokratora 0. Pandokratora M. Pandosia Pangaeum M. Panopeus Pa-normo Panormo 0. Panormus Panormus > Panormus Panormus Panormus P. Panormus P. Panyasus F. Papalaka 0'. - ' Papindos M. Parachelois Paramyth'ia Parapotamii Parastrymonia Parauaea Paraxia Parembole Parga Parga Parnassus M. Parnes M. Parorbelia Parthicopolis Parthini - Pashea-amo 0'. Passala Passaron Patrae Patrae Patrensis Sin. Patrocli Charax Paus ‘ . Paula R. Paulo 0. Pax'lmadhz' Pam Paxos I. Pegae Pekim Pelago Pelagonia Pelagonia Pelagos Pelasgicum Argos Pelasgiotis .Pelekl Port Pelia. Pelikas Pelinna Pelion M. Pelium Pella Pellene Pelodes P. ‘ Peloponn‘esus Penestae Penestarum Opp. Peneus F. Peneus F.. Peneus F. Peneus F. Peneus F. Pennana Peparethos - Peparethus Peraeum Pergamus Perrsteri Perr'steri M. Perlepe Perne Perrhaebi Perrhaebia Pertorz' Petala Petah' I. Petaliee I‘e' Peteon Petitaru's F. Petra. Petra Petra Petra Petriaes 0. Petriaes P. Petrina Petrino Petrovitz Phabra. I. . Phacium Phaestus wmmwmwwummm _.-..pmaq ”.949.va c‘ 'mmbmmwggHmmwwwggqmmmzmwbgbememwwmuMQHmmmmmmwmquwbawbwzwomHmm:mowowmfimwbwmwNwammwbormwwbezmogwmgmmwbbfibwbwczwuwbwwcwmwzmzmHbewzd mmbpmmmwczoommmb'b‘maafiamp‘pc‘ovmoaU‘aub‘chb‘nasosulfa-09cr'cr‘a:moan-5999010mmmmab‘oob‘fimmsomomfiU‘SDWI-b0‘093°POFretbicowvoalba‘PWOGCDWU‘Gp‘OU‘m3°59@9‘0‘0909009SOWmOQWOOPOWQUVVU¢@VOFWW Pheestue Phagres Pierica Phako M. , Phalacrum Pr. Phalanna' Phalara Phalasia Pr. Phaloria, Phanote Pharae Pharee Pharae Pharcadon Pharsalus Pharygium Pr. Pheca Phelloe Phemiee Pheneus Pherae Phila Philagra 0. Philippi Philippopolis Philippopolis Phlamboro M. Phlegra. Phlius Phlya Phocae Phocas B. Phocis Phoebatee Phoenice Phoenix F. Phoetaeum Phoetiae Phorcys Port. Photice ‘ Phthiotis Phylace Phylace Phylaoe Phyle Phyli . Phyllis regio Phyllius M. Phyllus Physcus ‘ Phytia. Pialia Pieres Pieria Pieria Pieria Silva Pierium Pierus M. Pilav Tape Pilorus . Pimplea. Pinalca Pindus Pindus M. Piperi Plra Piraeeus Piraushta Piresiae ‘ Pisatis ‘ Plsz'deri Pissantini Pissinonda Pistros Pistus Pistyrus Plataeee Platamona Platam’a Platea Plaly 0. Plazom'i Pleuron Pliassa Plistus Plistus F. Pluvina Poda ‘ ’Podl Rocks Poeum M. Poliana Pollgyro Pollna Poll-71a Polis . Politika 0'. Polom'a Polyaegos Polyanthes F. Polykllrono Panelikmz'lsi Pons Pons Servilii ' Pontus F. Perl 0. Porsulae Portaes Portaes - Porthmus Posldhi 0-. Posidium Posidium Pr. Posidium Pr. Posidium Pr. Posidium Pr. Posidonium Potamo Potidaea Potidania Potolci. Praesidium Pras Prasias Prasias L. Prasuclo I. " Preja/ni Premedi Presba Prevenda Prevesa Prilz'p Probalinthus Procetta K aracut Proen Tower Proerna Pronesua Proni Propandos Proschium Prospaltus Prat R. Psaphara Psaphis Psaropuli P. Psathura Pseudo 0. Psophis QggmbmmgdmdEmbemmMEUUKHHHQHQHONENNOHNEKQONNUHNbQHONmeNQEEMflHWEWWEEUHWzwmfiowwmZEWKMHNMHKHmmmHgwwfifimHQHHmMmNMW”QUQHKNfiHNmNHKEHHHHMQHMNNQWUQNmmOObm rp‘G mm; c: cap-”@012“ 0 o o‘oq so Hat-0.0%: c; ”,qu so can a 9.951“. squirm crc a: pup sac-m a o a c‘m_mc‘c‘o a: a mo 3°09 9° 0‘09 ‘9 a ma: 9-09 0‘90? b‘c‘o pfmc‘b‘nua pit-0:0 o a 0‘0 a: o c p c‘n-m‘c‘o narrow to a and: 9:09 know a: p-c‘mmm b‘b‘a o in 0 909 no Irma? can a: 94090? l-hO mammpamcrm Sirae — MAP 24' NORTHERN GREECE. HELLAS. EPIRUS. THESSALIA. MACEDONIA. 111 Psychrps F. L ’c Sam' 0'. K c Siris K a. Strumz'tia I a' Therma I b Trestabernae CandaviaeD a Vrasta L. Pteleasmm Pr. K e~ Sapael M b Siropeeones K a Strymon F. K a Thermaicus Sin. I c Tricca. G d Vritzakha M. , E Pteleqm I e Sapaeon Stena. M b Sirrae ' L a Strymonicus Sin. L b Thermopylae I f TricHonis L. F‘ f Vromi Port E Ptychla. I. C d Sarakfniko 0. L f ,Sithonia. L c Stubera. F a. Thermum G -f Trichonium F f Vrysz‘a H PurdIs N b) Sarakmo M e Sivista ,. F e Stump _ M g Thermum G g Tricorythus L g Vulgara M. G Purina 0. . N f Sarakino v N f Skala 0. E g Stum ‘ M g Thespiae K g Tmikkula G d Vulpi G Pumea Bay 0 d Sarandoporo ' E. c Skandz'le M 6 Style 0’. C d Thesprotia. D e Tm'phylia in Melotide E c Vurbiam‘ E Puzla C’. I c Saritkoban N b Skantzum M e Stymbara. F a. Thesproticus Sinus D e' Tripodiscus K g Vurgaris R. G Pydna . . I c Surly/km: H e. 'Skhz'nari 0'. . E h Stymphalus H h Thessalia G d Tripolis H c Vurvum‘ P. L Pydna. mar1t1ma. 'I c Saronicus Sin. K h Skhz'rno P. E g Styra. . M g Thessalictis G e Tm'pommo L c Vutholo Rock ‘ M Pylene F g Sarta. M c Skiatho K 6 Salmon 0. K c Thessalonica. I b Tripti 0'. N e Vutzindro D Pylon E ‘a Saruna 0’. D e Skiom' Bay L d‘ Sulf E d Thestia. F f Tristolus K a. Vuvala H Pyiom M. I e Sarxa. L a Skin} I . d Suli E e Thetidium H e Tritma G g Vythos I Pylus G h Saseno B c Sklafina G d Sulole/I. D b Theudoria F e Tritea. / I f Vythos R. H Pyra. M. H f Sason I. B c Sklivaneua E d .Sultanitza M. K a Theuma. ' H e TIOja E d Pyrasus I e Sation ‘ E b Skopelo .L e Sunium M h Thialci O'. N h Trojalc G a. Py‘rgos M b Satiska E a. Skopo E h Sunium Pr. M h Thiebe I g Tshm’rly Balkan L a. Pyrgos 0'. N b 'Satrae M b Skopo M. G c Suph’ I e Thoae 139- F g Tshamusi M. E d 7 Pyrgos 0'. N h Sauljia. F f Skopolo L e Surom'gli F. f Thoricus M h Tshewzu Khan H a. Waflndo’ro I a Pyrrha. 'I e Sbok M. . E b Skorpio I. E f Swm'no L. E b Thracia L a. Tshz‘ngane Raine 0 a. ”fag? ' C a. PyITha. I e Scampa, D a Skmpam‘ _ D b Sybota I. D e Thracium Mare L d Turko 0. E g ”finds” R‘ D 5' Pyrrha Pr. I e Scandile, 'M e Skumbi D a. Sycurium I d apérms, Ta 61d- K o Turlo M. G b H “MAM... H 8‘ Pythium H c Scapsa ' I ' c Skubzb’i F.- C a. Sykia' , L c Thrambus L d Tymphaea. F c WWI?“ M b ' Scapte Hyle M b Skyro—Pulo M f Syleos pedion L b Thrambus Pr. L d Tymphe M. F c U asfgl‘gif‘za M‘ F c Scardi M., pars E a Skyros N f Symbolon M b Thronium O c Ty'mphrestus M. G f well?” I a. Scarpheia. I' f Sligcm'i F b Symka F d ThrOnium I f Tyrida. o a. WWW . I a Radho'vitz H a .Schinussa I g Smila, I c Sys F. I c Thuma H d Tyrissa, 7 G c W€htfm Planma H a. Rages _ F a Sciathus *K e Smila 0. I c Sys F. I g Thurida 0. N h Tyrrheni Pelasgi M c ”7.7!". M. E 8» Ragusa B c Seiathus I. ' K e Sminitza M. L a. Syvota D e Thyamis F. D d Tzaglaik N a H It“ M‘ F b Rajetz R. G a. Scione L d Smol'ika M. F c Thyamis Pr. D d Téamasi H 6 ”17.038“ 3' B b 12am E g Scirtiana ‘E a Sogydly Su N a. - Thyamus M. F f Tzams M. F 0 "£0.88“ 3- E 0 Ravoma K b Scirtones E a. Sole/m K b Thyrium E f Tzetm 0'. M g ”Wm“ R‘ B b ~Bechius F. ~ L b colus K g Sollium' ‘ E f ‘ Thyssus M o Tzz‘kureta III. F d -Wolewod I b ,Rendina H e~ Scordi M., pars E a. Sopari N a. Tafio D g Tichium G g Tzumerka M. F e Rentina, Gulf of ,- L b Scofcussa. ' H. e Sophades G e Takhyno L b Tigani 0. N d Tzumato M. F e . Rentine L b Scotussa L. b Sopotz' II. D c Talchyno L. L b Tikwesh H a. - ‘ Resna F a Scurius H b Sosthenis H f Tamu/ch’am' Port. K e Tilphossium K g Xanthe M, _ N a. Ressawa , G a. ’Scydra. H b Sozen 0. K e Tamynae M g 171777107260. C d Xanthi N a. Rhaecelus K b Scyros N f Spalathra. K e Tanagra K g Tirana C a. Ululeus F. B a. Xanthi N a. Rhamnus L g Scyros I. M f Sparma H d Taphiae I” E f Tisaeum M. K -e Uranopolis M c Xeragz’ R, H d Rhapsani I d Sedhes‘ K b Sparti I. E f Taphiassus M. G g Tisaeum Pr. K e Uria, L. D F g Xen'as R, H d Rhez'tron Port E SedrilianaM. F c Spartolus K c Taphiusa. E f Tisara. M b Usca’na. E a Xemlz‘mdo H c Rhium Pr. G g Selasphoro E b‘ Sperchiae H f Taphos D g Titanus M. G e Usumi R. D b Xeropatamo III. M o Rhizfis I d Sel'in'itza C c Sperchius F. H f Taphos I. E .f Titaresius F. .H d ' Xero Vum' M. -E b Rhodope M. M a. Selinfis N L e Sphettus .‘L h Tapismata. \ F e Titaresius F. H d Xerxis fossa. L c Rhoedias H b Selinus F. H g Sphigmenu 0' M c Tapulitza H c Titarius M. H c Vakqpoli C b Xylofaqo 0. N g Rhoviaes K f Selitza, F c Spilgon M. D d" Tarphe I f Titaron H c Valaksa M of Xylopblis 'K b Rhynchus F .f Selleeis F. D e Spirnatza R. 0 a Taslz'k N b Tithorea ' I' f Valla H c Xyniee H e Rhypes G g Selleis F. , G h Stafimfi O b Taulantini O b Tithronium I f Vasilz‘os L. ' K b Xynias L. H e Rikhia Pt. M c Selos H c Stagira.‘ L b Tauriana. . I b chmly I e Vathy E g Rios L. F f Sepias K e Stagirus L b Te‘cmon " E d Tiarmm'novo H b Vathy ' ‘ L g Bizam' F f Sepias acte K e Stagus G d Tegyra I f ijgel Dagh - I a. Vatopedhi Mon. M c Bogus E e Seratzo O a. Stamna F f Tekes .M. G a, Tjeutma H e Vela E 6. Y ll d O Ruga F f Seres‘ .L~ a. Staphylos B. L e Teleboides P"- E f Tmares E d 'Velavm F 6 ye en y E Rulakia I b Semsfin K b' Staria E c Telethrium M. K f Tmares F c Vélestz'no I . e 176779913; N Rumbodona N a. Sermyle .L c Starishjcmi E c Telphusa. G h Tmarus M. E d Velimisti G d 6" J ‘ E h Rushotari M. F c Sermylicus Sin. L c Starowa E b' Tempe Had Toh‘ Monastir F b Velukhi G f Bqu' ,. D d Servio ‘ G c Stavro F f Tenea. I h Tolophon H g Velvendo H c Sesarethii C b Stavro 0'. K e Tenos I. O h Tomam'tza I b Venetflco R. F c Sesola I. D f Stavros L b Tepeleni C c Tomarolchoriq F d Verm'a H c Zacynthos I. D h - Shatista G c Stenae I d Terbufi L. C b Tomarus M. D b Via. Egnatia. C a Zacynthus E h Sabazium I c Shemnitza R. F a, Stem 0'. N h Terjusa R. C a Tomarus M. E (1 Via Egnatia. F b Zagm' L e Saii \ 'N a Shesbkowa M. ' ‘G a. Stephaniana. C b Terpyllus I b Tomm- ‘ D b Vida G d Zalonga E e Sakharets'i F e Shiak C a. Stibos K b Tetraphylia. F e Tomor M. D b Vistritza, D d Zante E h Salamis K h Siculum Mare A d Stiria. . ' L h Teumessus K g 'Tomom'tza R. D b Vistm'tza G c Zaram'ka R. D a. Salamvm'a . I d Sicyon I 'h Stiris ‘ I g Thascoli 0. 0 d. Topirus N b Vistritza H c Zaverda E f Salganeus K g Sida L g Stobi G a. Thasiorum ditio M b Topolz'tza E c Vitsz‘sta E d Zaverda, Bay of E f Salmastraki B d Siderites a O c Stolus K c Thasopulo N b Toronaicus Sin. K c Vlakko ‘ F f Zcfijen G b SalomTki I b Sidlziro Peliko H d Stragatsh M. L a Thasos N b Torone L d Vlakhoia-nni G d Zerva R. F f Salon'iki, Gulf of I c Sidus K h Strati N d Thasos N b Tommi L d Vlokho H e Zervo Khoria K b Samam'na E c Sikh'tza' G e Strati 0 e Thasos I. N b Toryne D e Vodena G b Zikhna, ' L 3. Same D g Silana G e Stratoni, M c Thaumaci H e Toxaradhes D c Voivoda G d ‘Zih'akhova L 9. Same E g Sindus I b tratonicea. L b Thaumacia. K e Trachin H f Vojusa F d Ziliana I 0 Samoa D g Singiticus Sin. L c Stratus F f Thebae I e Tragilus M b Volo I e Zimzfatza G d , Samos E g Singus L c Strepsa I c Thebes K g Tralles M b Volustana. H c; Zoster Pr. L h S. A'Ihama Pt. B b Sinok—hissgxr H a. Stretzi M. I b Theiofi F Q Tralo K e Volutzo M. G d Zma Rjeka R. F a. S. Georgios 0. N b Sintice K a Strivina' ' E e Theodoriana. F e Trampya. F d Vom'tza E- f Zma Bjaka G a S. Stephano R. C a Sinus I b Strongylo 0. M g Theologo N b Traphia. ‘K g Vovrmza F e Zygactes F. M a. Sane K c Siphae K g Struga . E a Therambos L d Trausi O a. Vrakhori F f 'Zygos III. F d Sane L c L a. Struma R. K a. Therilcisi F e Trauus F. O a. Vraklwri L. F f Zygos M. G g camp-Gnomoocbcpb‘n-c‘ <<../\—I'. fl ‘ lw'l’ ' was $3; ”594/2313: ,. 94v ‘ é \ » .2; w «.58; a)“ 1 ;. V 1 , ‘ ' . ‘ V ‘ ‘ gm” :2i' ‘ ‘ _V ' , ,1 v..“‘ . a“ “gfiw ‘ 1‘ “ti Y? z i I ‘ n: u n v ‘ , , . x _ }* «~ V ‘, , ‘gin b I ‘ v 4; ‘ I I ‘ H x. yzgk ""‘ >1“ V 3 - mi; 5;. w DWILLIAM SMITH’S ANCIENT ATLAS A ~ {’0' 33%? ATTICAa EUR!“ ? Ta . , m < :/1;'ebru'rt}/- m «I r... U /c.4nW/ 5 4 '~ {a MW " .r MAL-IAC_ s 1- n u 9 V IlPAIS A, CEPBISSIS /a’rybyfm , /E'ar%i€a -nl'J,'I}/ .gy.Pwkahr/ A T. Hecates SDimme Callistzu- 1 ’\ 04y. 7;!de / ‘ \ \Pi‘ 4‘ ‘ ,5?” r" ) m\ ”4‘3 ,w‘ . wumnm‘". Ex ':> s \2' . ' , / . I w 2’. /}' @WUW“ . V i I 6 \Q ~ql , Wz/WKAWFW ‘ owe a ’\S‘l0. s \«v 9 Ports: H A I H “flaw w/wz' 1’ 467 ['9 ’ [fail/II; of “mi/(13412141 (fl/tubal!» Serapeum? D io ‘eni .um asmm Tmthyiac? ;» " .4. M \.\a Ele hinium 7 x, ‘9. Aw; «V “a A \\\\\\ ’0,‘ umlv‘“ \, I’m-m “Mm uni ff Til-mm Urnnia‘ inhmis\ 33’ Y O . N‘ momma '2 “9.qu w MI" “I m m-v PLAN OF ATHENS. Modulus 1.15.090 2 0 '— Mini l'hemi stoolei F wad {Iv 1756‘” / / Irina! / 0/ r , . . 0 Au] mm m I’IlI/M' Que u/c/n' in I1 inw/ J / f Jill-ink 0 ”ml! in [wim- / 0/15”" 'a/ Ub/I'rn/O k CgoPeia7'f 0" I . 16(an ul' 'fimi' / ._\ ' Zulu). : S 3 lb” 3 ‘1 ’11], ', ml‘g Ds‘fl . / , K111011111 / o / 10/1721 I'll /_I)r'a tundra)" .‘7 'N / Q A RIu-imi‘ Int-us salii ELEUSINIUS Phunmcussm I“: !g\‘: [ii/radfiwytz:§% ‘ {I} 594%," 1/ {11‘ [.4rpaio/u’agl } Wm \M q * “W’ww t w _ \u‘Nx \n 5:; ~— I?” » Jar \ fl _ 4 //{Pl‘tlftl luflwfsrjI . ‘0 YI‘ af‘“ Atalantc 9 4:. V lAtdlunlr/ \ a 3-3 ’1‘; 3“ cfi 5 "L‘A'aumaL" m ENVIRON 5 OF A' THEN 5 Am 9.; (‘olias pr. MODULUS I : 200, ). Stadia 601) = 1‘? 'Ww I ‘ 2“" 50 lo 5° 80 7o Millia Passuum Rolllauomm 1 75:1? 3 1‘. .) (i 7 . Mill'uu'ia Anélica (37,16: 1“, M ‘7 4 r g .1 ‘ ) w I J 1 10 o 1 ‘1 Drawn by D‘K‘lml‘los “filler. John Murray, me‘mal'lc street, L011mb'/ ‘wgumz/ . of, Warm-mm 4%» Q4500, / 9 (PM. f Arayhenidcs 41111-17 13.7%,? h‘wll/ \ Wpuhz/ \ Midway . ‘omgfilwfixawhmulmww/ o Coronea penms' . /Karulw/ [Pm-m1? 3 ummm ’ M’J‘lzduné/ l Eleusa I. Hmidmfiyomlrifi \ 11. \ Tl'ivoyw‘ Ims qifz/, "a ‘ mg“ L 1m. Pan-0cm Chqu. ’Lrfi’bm . #qu 4990 (Drakonemlé \\ \ ‘1 \ MODULUS 1: @005100 . Cyngsurn gr. x . ' Stadia (600=1°.) /( . froml / _ 1 . I ’ . I v . . /L' Mlnzdon/ ' ‘ m 60 MiIlia Pas snum Rommmm (75:1?) MARATHON 1 6 w ’_—%J—_A_~_‘ m '10 Stadia .’ ‘Milliana' l' | Afig'lilca ( 69,16 =1?) 5 .l 24-0 10' Engraved 1W 5. Juuolws and [. lhlmunk Abae Acamas M. Achaia Phthiotis Acharnae Achelous F. ‘Ackmet A ga Acontium M. Acreephis Palus Acraephium Acrurium M. Acyphas Aedepsus A edipsos Aegae Egaleus M. Aegilia Aegilia I. Egina ' ' .ZEgina I. Aegitium .ZEgosthenae Aeniania Aeolides IEtolia Epictetus ZEtolia Vetus JEtolicum Pr. Aetolimas Aexone ’ Aga Aganippe Ag. Alianos Ag. Andreas Ag. Anna Ag. Dimitrios Ag. Georgios Ag. Georgios Ag. I lias Ag. I lias M. Ag. I lias M. . Joannes . Joannes . Joannes Skiris . Lukas . Marina . Marina . M eletios g. . M eletios . Me'rkwrios . Nikolaos . Nikolaos . Nikolaos Pt. ’ . Nikolas . Paskalos 0. . Sostis . Sostis 0'. ' . Spiridona . Triadha Mirini . Varva'ra . VasiliosfiO’. Ag. Vlasios Agnandi ‘ Agoriani Agree Agraei Agryle Aguaoli Akhillion Alalcomenae Alato-nisi - Alcyonium Mare Alepo Khori Alikes Aliki 'Aliki Pt. Aliveri Aliveri 0'. Almyropotamos, Bay of ' Alope Alope Alopece Alpenus Amarynthus Ambelaki Ambelo-nz'si Ambrakia Ambrysus Amphana Amphiale Pr. Amphiaraium Amphicaea Amphictyoniuni Amphissa Amphitrope Anagyrus Anaphlystus Anaphlystus P. Anavysos Anchesmus M. Anchoe- Andera ‘ Andonis 0'. Andreis . - Andromakki C'. Anemoria Angarlest'ro Pt. Angelo Anhydrus M. , Ano Palaeowari Ano Suli Ano Suvala Anthedon Anthela Anticyra Anticyra - Antirrhium Pr. Antron - Antrones Aonius Campus Aphidna Apodoti .Apollinis T. Apollinis T. Apollinis Phaestii Port. Apollo I. . Joannes Theologos mambMHUWmwbwngPNUOHw>>mobwgzfiw2bmwMQHNHKWOMZH D‘s-9m o @ moo so 0 945° 0‘90 0 90°09 who 930%“? D‘Fb‘b‘b‘o 0‘0 to mc‘mc‘coos 9470‘? 6‘59 CD so ammo Wow-so puso 0‘09 sous a so a so so was so so as so b‘p‘mqa m a so poo has so 1790‘: o parso so so a: soda 0 a: o so puso manure» Irma C‘s: so crewman c‘so moan o as owbmwwbmmwmwmgmwdowDQdHzmbowwwowwmmozmm»mzOQOHmpopopwbHHHfiHo>owmmEmEDNUQHwaO T Atalanta VCENTRAL GREECE; ATTICA. BOEOTIA. LOCRIS. PHOCIS. DORIS.~ MALIS. Abbreviations: 0. Cape. F. Flumen. I. Insula. L. Lacus. M. Mons. P. Portus. Pr. Promontorium. R. River. T. Templum. Apollonia Apostolia R. Arakli O. Araphen Arapokhori Ardini M. Argaliki M. Argina Argos Argym Arkitza . Arkitza Pt. Arkodari Armeni M. Armesi Arne Arsida Artemisium Litus Artemisium Pr. Artolina Asera‘ Asopus F. Asopus F. . Asopus F. Aspledon Asp'ra Spitia Asp'ro Kavo Assii Assus F. Astypalaea Pr. Atalando Pt. Atalante I. Atalanti Athamantius Campus Athenae‘ Athenae Athenae Diades Athmonum Attica Augeiae Aulis Avlaki Azania , Bala Balana B.‘ Balani M Bapetosa Bath'ys P. Bavani Baza'rako Beizade Belesi Beletsi M. Belisitza R. Berikos Besa Besa Kalyvia Bessa Bislcini v Boagrius F. Bocarus F. Boedri'a Boeotia Boeum Bogdanas Bogiati Bogiati Bogomylos Bomienses Bomius M. Bralo Brauron Brilessus M. Bubuka Budorum Pr. et Cast. Bafalo 1. Bulis I Cabirium Cachales F. Calamissus Callas F. . Calliarus Campus Callidromus Callidromus M. Callienses Callipolis Campylus F. Castalia Ill. Cenaeum Pr. Cephale V Cephissia Cephissi Fontes Cephissis L. Cephissus F. Cephissus F. Cephissus F. Cephissus F. Cephissus F. Cephissus F. Cephissus F. Cerata M. Cereas Cereris T. Ceressus Cerycium M. Chaeroneia Chalaeum Chaleis Chalcodontis Monum. Chalia Charadra' Chara‘drus F. Charadrus F. Chastia Chastia Chollidee Ch ri Cirlpthis mpggwwwoowwOmeNgmmfizw>m0m>>OZWNWW W@ZQECHZNNHNWZWHmeHZbdNOszNwOHNmmzcwwHwbwm ‘QmoooomngzmszzzzoozszmwwowHQ>mmwmmmomb . pac'os Has-93¢ o to massage a: Quads-45W‘hbmmo 51-0 pm H.012 c‘paso c‘c‘o‘o‘c‘so sue a. l p'so Qac‘wmsocm 9-4940 d‘c‘c‘b‘a o D‘Q-ac: m a: do: o‘so so room so c‘c‘c‘so panama 9......va 0 @0'9 a3 .4501; c‘r‘c‘c-‘so mm a 0 9mm cr‘c: do {To 0 o :3 Duo mmmsomas u. Cirp'his M. Cirrha Cissussa Fons Cithaeron Cleonae. Clisas Cnemides Cnemides Pr. Cnemis M. Cnopia Cnopus .F. Colias‘ Pr. Colonna 0'. Colonna P. Copae Copais L. . Copais Palus Corax M. Corinthiacus Sinus Coronea Penins. Coroneia Corsiae Corsiae Corycium Antrum p Corydallus M. Creusis Crissa, Crisseeus Campus Crissaeus Sin. Crocyleia Cropeia Curalius F. Cycloboros F. Cynosura Pr. Cynus Cyparissus Cyrtones ' Cytherros ~ Cytinium Dadi Dag'ri O’. Dalo Damasta Daon Daphne Potamos Daphni Daphnus Daphnus F. Daskalio Daulis Da'vlia Decelea Arx Decelea Opp. Delium Delphi ,Delphinium Port. Delphino Delphis Delus M. Dembrena Derikooa Deinitsa Deimekista , Derveni Dervenofiialasi ‘ ~ Desfina Dhaskalio P. Dhilisi Diacria . Dianee Proseoee T. Dimitri 0. Dionysos Dipsa I. Dirce F. Distomo Dium Dolopia. Donacon Doris Doriza Drakhmani Drakonera 0'. Drakospilia ' Do'amesi Dramesi Dre'misa _ Drepano 0'. Drestona Dritsa Drymaea. Drymos ' Drymus Drymus Dryopis Dardiwana M. Davia P. 'Dyras F. Dystus Echedamia Echinus * Ekhinos Ekhin'os 0. Elata Vimi Elateia Elateia F. Elaticus Campus Elatea M. Elefta Elefterokkori Eleon Eleusa I. Eleusae Im- ‘ Eleusinius Sin. Eleusis Eleusis Eleuther‘ae Elymbos Elymbos M. " Ennada wwwmapOHzowwwmzmbHprbamm9905bmmmHHbmww 0‘09 co @U‘hbmp-Ir-bfid'w nan-acme o o 9.0:; cp commonwmop mmw‘vc‘mo a: pump. @wbHszNngmmwzmommepHmbowwbocpmgmwQ>HHmwowooomeoHcgwszm WwWKZNEKWZWHHmMEEQme .mc‘mo c‘mc‘so C‘Q-lo so c‘m mac‘s-be 0 6‘0 so so 51-0 $.59? so as o tram :79qu do nac‘o 93¢ n,@ o o co QaU‘QaU‘I-bc‘o c‘o sob‘b‘cp mamb‘b‘mc‘oaomocsososon- Enneapyrgoi V ‘Epacma Erannus . Erasinus F. Erasmus F. Eresium Eretria Eretria vetus Erineus Erochus Erythrae Erythrae Eteonus Etosi« Euboea Euboicum Mare Euenus F. Euenus F. Eupalium ‘ Eupyridae Euripus Eurytanes Eutresis Evraeo-Kastro Faga M. . Faneromeni Mon. Fano Fidkaris Fidharis ‘ili Gaidkaro 0'. Gaidkaronisi Gaiduronisi Galaxidhi Galtzades M. Gardikaki Ga'rdiki Gardikion Gargaphia Fons Gargettus Garito Mon. Gatza 0'. Gatza I. Gavrolimnit Gelemi Gepkyri Gerania R. Germano Pt. Geroleka 1M. Geo‘otzkuli Gla I. Glaucias F. Glauconnesos . Glisa 0. Glisas Glissa P. Glamista Graea Graea Gramba Grammatik Granitsa Granitsiotikq Potamos Granitza _ Gravia Grimadka Grombulura Galina M. Gamei Gurganitsa Guritza Gustiani Guvio Pt. Gypto Kastron Hadyleium M. Haemon F. Hagia Pt. Hagios Hagnfis Halee' Hales Aexonides Hales Araphenides Halcyone Haliartia Palus Haliartus . Halimus Halipedon Harma Harma L. Harma M. Hecale ‘ Helena I. Helicon M. Helladka R. Hellinika Hellopia Hellopia Heraclea Heracleum Heraclius F. Hercyna Fons Hermaeum ' Hermus Hessus Hiereis . Hippias Campus Hippocrene Hippotee Histiaea Histiaea Hoplias F. HoplitesoF. Hyampela Hyampolis Hydrusa Hyettus pw>zzow>wazgomwwozawmww CD CD O‘QamQ-IU‘Q-IC‘SQOQ CD CD QC‘C‘FLQ-Ifi-IO‘Q pagan-”0Q .zoswzb 30>ENOUHZMHUUWWWOQHKUQZNtdhiL-‘bl-lHbggl’utdbmowmwpqtdz a: 910 0‘90 an!» o a: 0 Duo 0 a: tram c‘so can-ac man-ho moo poo-'90 co sap-baa so p c‘so are we NOHmmHmmNHHmmozngmNflHdépwzzzzowwmbowowmmm 009 o campus so pm ago-“pomstm b‘c‘so .0 so so a: H. #5798709 94 who-599090? pig-1890909 O Hg? (D 940 Hygia Lutra Hylaethus F. Hyle Hyle Hylica Palus . Hymettus M. Hymettus minor Hypata Hypaton M. Hyphanteium M. Hypsilo Kotroni Hyria Hysiee , Icaria Iparium M. I lias M. Ilissus F. _Inachus F. Iphistiadae Ipnus Ismene ’ Ismenus F. Isomantus F. Isus Lori B. Jagonisi ' Janitsi 0'. J apis F. J ovis Ara J ovis Collis J ovis Nemei T. J ovis T. Kaki Scala Kaki Thalassa Kakoneok/zori Kakonitza Kakorlzeama Kakosi Kako-Sialesi Kalamaki Kalamos Kalania Kala-Nz'sia Kalapodi Kaleauda M. Kalentzi Kalisia Kalogeros I. Kaludi Kalyvia Kamara Kambia Kambia Nikova Kaminia M Kanavari R. Kandili, Defile of Kandili M. Kaniani Kantzia Kapandriti Kapandriti Kapareli Karaka Karamusa Karatas Karditsa Karo Baba Karpenisi R. Karpenision Karvonaria rheuma Karya Karya Karya Karyoli 1M. 1‘ Kasteli Kastri Kasto‘i Kastruli Kata Pkg/gi Kataresi Katavothra Katavothra M. Katopteuterius M. Kato Suvala Katsi Myti M. Katzala ‘ Kavaliani I. Kaoasala Kavura 0. Kenurion Kephala'ri Kephali 0. Kepkali M. Keramoti M. Keratea M. Keratia Kersiza K halepo 0'. Klzalia Kkamako K kani of Kaza K haraka P. K karma v Kharvati Khaspi, K helz'don 111. K helimo K hloma Khlomo M. Khomiriani Khostia Kimasi Pt. Kinduni K'iphissia Kipi Kirtovo wwowszdewamw5szHwwomwbmongoqdemngmwbmmomwwzwazbwzwaggaomwww>mwww~wwchmmmgpw 0‘09 mb‘c‘o 0‘0 (3 so cr‘soar; C‘s-o-CD so Qac‘a D‘b‘b‘mo o 6‘:ng a: a: o o Dac‘nac‘D‘D-anaaao‘mc‘so mac‘s) C‘QaQ-IG 0 mm o mm‘c‘o‘mmb‘so so chum-6mm 6‘0 #50 a: do a a cream 5:. HZWHKMOOEEMWH a: 3-0 0 DJSDOQOQ {Dunno 0 so >2bed©b©bbg (D 3499995309 0 Her-O; EOEZEHW mmmrmdr V Lekchaon . Lumbardlzo 0‘. - Lykanom Kisseli Kiveri M. K lapsis, - K lef to- Vuni K levotsari K lima K lokova Kloni K luvinas Pt. Kokkini Kokkini Kokkino 0'. Kokla Kokla Kolaka Komnina Koniakos Koriscutais Koo-ombili 1M. Koropi .Korrora Korphona Kortza 'Koruni Kotroni M. Kotroni Ill. Krebatzi Krike/o It. Krikelon Kripsani rlzakhi .Ktypa M. Kakura K aluri Kunolura K urdara Kutsoros 1M. Kutamula Ka'varas Kuva'ras, Kalyvia of Kaveli I . K yriaki K yriakokhori Lada La Forest M. Lagonisi Lagosa Isles Lala Lambrika Lamia Lamptra inferior Lamptra. superior Lamus F. Laphystium M. Larissa Cremaste Larmes 0'. Larmes Pt. Larymna inferior Larymna. superior Laspi Laurium M. Lebadeia Ledon Lefko-Nisi Legrano P. ~ Leontarne Leopesi Leopesi Leopesi M. ‘ Lepante Leuctra. Liata’ri Libethrium M. Lichades I‘D- Lidorikion Lie'vesi Likeri L. Likhas Lilaea Limni .Limogardi Lissa Lithada 0'. LithOSilon Livadhia Livaoli Livadost'ro Pt. Livadostro R. Livanati Livanati Pt. Locris Epicnemidia Locris Opuntia Locris Ozolis Longos ' Lophis F. Luga III. Lukas M. Lukisia Lutro Pt. Luts'i , Lyakara M. Lycorea Lycorea M., Lykeri M. Lykokhori Lykorkeumata M. Lyko Vuni Lykuresi M aohalas Macra come Macynia Macynius M. Makhala Makresi M akressi M akrina Makronisi zzmOéwQQngOgEQNHOHQNNNNQHUHwwaHEwmezbwowowmwgmeobbbgmHwawwmzbow Om”WW“EOEzHz@szW05zpzwmwdmmwbozbddodzzwmm c‘nacoGQOQ compasses do DJQHC‘IO‘QIG @012 o U‘oOQ to so 0 (rods a gamma.» 9-0 a: 9-99 a: :1- thbb>tdthH o as poo nap-ass so so moons-90o o o o o so b‘nonac: Qac‘Q-o U‘c‘o‘o'pho $249 c‘m 8? 0‘0 so mm a Uta-:0 CD $240509 n-bcp so Mao o nab‘so o o o a so mom 831909 so tramps: (MAP 25. ‘ Makronisi Malandrinan Malesina Maliacus Sin. Malis Malta Managuli Mandi‘a Mand'ri P. Manes R. JIIantudion Marathia Marathia Maratkia 0'. Maratkia Pt. Marathon Marathon JVIamthon, Bay of Marathona Bay Marathonisi Marathus .Marina 0. Mariolates JlIarkates Markopulo Markopulo Dagla Ma’rmamda Riv. Maronea Martini Marusi Maunia M Mavm’lon JIIam'ilos M Jllavro 0. Mavro Litlzari Mavro’mandili Ill. Mavromati AIavron 0708 ' Mawonero Mavrone'ro Zlgavronori avropotamos Mavroros‘O’. Mavro Vuni Mavro Vuni Mauro V uni Mavro Vuno Mavro Vuno v Mavro Vuno Mazareka Mazi Mazi Mazi Medeon Medeon Megadendron Illegals: Eleusa III. Megali Lobotini Megali Lutza M Megalo Litkari Megalo Vuno . Megaris Megdlzooa R. Meleenae Melaenee Melas F. Melas F. Melas F. Melas F. Mendele ' Mendenitsa Merenda M Merkada Merit Mesogaea Mesokha'ri Messapia ’ Messapium M. Messino . Metachoeum Metropisi Midea Mikista Milis R. Minervae T. ‘Minervae T. Minervae T. Minervae Cranaae T. M irisi ’ M isso Vuni » Modi M'ola Mola—Kasa Molokha M Molos Molycria Monesi Mani I. Moriki Morius F. JlIorno JlIulki Markharia Mustaphades Mycalessus Mycalessus M. .Mychus Port. M yli Myonia. Myonnesus I. Myrrhinus Naryx Naupactus Nauplia. Nemesis T. N eochori . N eokastron N eokhori N eokhori Neon Neptuni T. Nesos Nicaea W5wmmzzzwzomzzmwfifiozfizwmpzageHwHOzmwmmowQomNngw>HZUm0bobmngZONHeogbwamweNwwgoaoowcowozwampzpwwoocsgmazomgmbmo mbwmwmwoawwH D‘ancc‘p-aoooQaQ-‘o 0:2 so 0 so as mandamus mmfiob‘c flown-um b‘o pas: c: mb‘os so 0 Qub‘paQ-Pagab‘os 9:909 0‘er to (To: also bur-+50 mo no game: who a: co o to £70909 :3..ch a c‘mcb so c‘so so so a ",0 trees a 0‘0 0 marmmmmmmp c‘c‘b‘mmc 6‘s: 9 9.... l ii CENTRAL GREECE.—AT.TIOA. BOEOTIA. .f I LOCRIS. PHOCIS. DORIS. MALIS. Nikolaos C’. Nilesi ' N isz'da V Nostz' mo Nymphaeum Oa. Ocalius F. Oea Oeantheia. Oechalia Oeneon 0m17a Oenoé Oenoe OenoPhytae Oeroe F. Oeta M. Oetaea. Oeum Oeum Olmeius F. Olmones Olpiae Olympus M. Onchestus Ophionenses Opuntii Montes Opuntius Sin. Opus Opus Pr. Orchomenia Palus Orchomenus Orei Oreus Orobiae Oropia. 0ropos Oropus 0ros Orsomum M. Oi'thopagum M. Oxeia Camps 090130. .M. Ozea M. Paeania Paeonidgae Palaea Ura Palaeo Katzmon Palaeokho'ri Palaveo Khori Palaeokho’ri Palaeokhom' ~Palaeo Legran Palaeomylos Palaeo- Vraona Palaeo Vuna Palagia Palatia M. Paleo Ewarkho Paleokhomi Paleo Tia/51m Paleov'rysi Paliango M. Pallene 'OOHmHgOQOwaHHMNNHonwwmowwobzwgzcwwgww wngonwacmewwumoo- ”.13"er o 9-9 pan-om pariah c‘c‘mo 6 Ha” oszm (Macrop- n-bc‘papao to a: m U‘SD so 52-0 o a do U‘Qab‘pupupuma c‘c‘m o pen-ho 95° tarmac: I Pamphia Panacton Paneum M. Panhellenium M. Pam' M. Panopeus Panormo P. Panormus P. Papangelaki Paparussi Paralia Paralii Paralymm' L. Parapotamii Parapungia Parasopia. Parasopii Pardana Parnassus M. Parnes M. Parom' M Pasha P. Patera-M Patradjilc Patroclfi Charax I. Paulo Pedieia. Pegae Peleeania. Peleces Peleki Pt. Pende Hag'i'i Pendeom'a Peninda 0. Pentele Pentelicus M. Peratz' M Perdika Permessus F. Permessus F. Peteon - Petrachos Rupee Petrak'i Petreza Petra Geraki M ? Petrokhomi Phabra. I. Phaestus Phalara Phalarus F. Phalasia Pr. Phalericus Murus ; Phalerum : Phanoteus Pharae Pharygae Pharygium Pr. Phegaea Pheidriades Petrae ‘ Phicium M. ' Philoboeotus Colb's ; Phleva Phlygonium Phocae Phocaria I. Pho'censium Murus Phocis ‘ ‘~ Phocium mmmgbmommwfimmzmZOgmeopgwpmzmmzawozmngHNQNwwgpmzwmabbmgwwwwp@mwgwg> Que U'o mantra gamma era-amount: {a 9:80 93794670? b‘mfiao fiab‘m maria-ac: so ”,0 me o 31.85 mb‘o use: fiad‘dz as <5 (I’m? {00¢ b‘b‘fiab‘b‘fb‘c‘b :1: Phoenicia . Phoenicium M. Phoenix F. Phoma I. Phricium M. Phthoron Port. Phyle Pigadi Pigadd Pindus Pindus F. Piraeeus Pitsermi Pitsz'ota Plaka 0. Plataeae Platam' Platania R. Platanius F.‘ Platanos Platanus F. Platia I. Pleistus F. .Plessia Plotheia. Poecilon M. Poemandris Poh's Polyandrion Pondiko-Nz'si (7. Porm' I s. Portaes Portaes Posidium Pr. Potamos inferior Potamos superior Potidania. Potniae P'rasa Prasiae -' P'rasom'si . .Probalinthus ; Probatia, F. Proskz'na Prospalta. Psaphi s Psaropuh‘ Pt. Psato ’ s . Pso'romyti '0'. Psyttaleia. I. Pteh’a - Pteri Ptoum M. Pyra. M. Pyrgos ‘ Pyrgos - Pyrgos Raf ti I. Raftopula Rakhaes Rakodz’ Baphina _ Rhakhova ’ Rhakhova Rhamnus cbumbubzUbgéwmHwowpboafiwggngwzzwmwpmwmmbbgowzwdwwZZQHMHv Dmmwwmap o 9-0 mb‘SDOQOQ I W‘ a so c‘mso 9009 a 14,290 b‘o mmb‘mt‘m a: Qab‘b‘sb a 324:5“? Dad a: mméafiamo on o 69 a trio Ham c‘c‘m a p50? é‘mc‘n-Fh DIR-CD Rap-IS 29 MAP 25. . Rheitoi ' N f Spih‘os 0. H a. Thronii Portus H b Velam'de Q Rhengeni H b Stalamata 0. L c Thronium H b Velamldeza .. P' Rhevem'ko R. K c Stamata P f Thurium M. H d Velam‘dia 0'. H Rkitzona N d Stavro (I. L c Thymia ' F d Veli I Rhium Pr. B e Stavroz’n M M h Tilphossa. Fons K d Veh'tsa H Rhium Molycrium Pr. B e Stavros U. K a Tilphossium Mons et Velukhi M B Rhodos Klam: M e Stiml H d Opp. I d .VelukhOUoM D Rhoduntia, G b Stiria. P g Tipha. K e Velm'na 7 B Rhoviaes L b Stombem’ka P f Titacidae P e 'Veneris T. O Rigani M. B d Stomi 0. Q f Tithorea. H c Veneris et Apollinis T. N 'Romaml H b Stravaeto M 0 g Tithronium G b Venikhm'a E Stringalako Potamos M b Tolophon D d Veron' M K I Stromi E b , Toneawu N g Versem'ko M H . Stura Q 9 Topoh'a F c Verzana G Sabatina A c Stylia B c . Topolias K c’ Vestm’tza R. D Sagmata Jllon. M d Stylia D d Trachinii E 3. Via, Anopaea. F Salamis M g Stylis G a. Trachis F b Via. Pythia. N Salamis I. M g _Styris H d Trachis H (1 Via. Sacra. ' N Salamis Vetus M g Sukia ' E c Trachones 0 g Via. Schiste H Salganeus N d Sulum R. 'F c T/rago Vum? I a. WWW ' E Salona F c Samah’ 111. G d Trakkila 0'. G e ~Vz'gla M D Salom'ki O 6 sunium Q i, Trokumi M C c Vila”! M 8. Marina ’0. N h Sunium Pr. Q i Trelo Joannis K d Vilz‘a .M Saranda Potamos M if Sykamz'non 0 e Trelonisi .F d ' Vih'a P Saraudi Pt. I e Sykia E a. Trichonis L. A c Villas Q Saromata M F’ b Syrtzi ' M d Tricorythus Q 9 Vitfinitsa E Scamander F. N d Tm‘keri M M f Wesiatz' ,- N Scarphe M =6 ’ Triko’rpho M D d Vlokh'o Vzmo D Scarpheia. G b ' Trinemia P f Vrakho'ri, L. of A - Schoeneus F. M d Takhz' . L e Tripitz' Pt. Q h Vrana P Schoenfis L .d Takhta-li H b Tripum, 0. F d Vr'cmezi . I Sciradium Pr. M g Tambu'rlo 0'. I e Trissom‘a I. D d Vraona P Scolus M 'e Tamynae P d Tritaea. H c . Vrastz'ani B ‘ Sco'rlia ‘ D a. Tanagra N 6 Triton F." I d 3 Vromo PL. H Selos A «a Taphiassus M. A d Tritzovo M C c 3 Vromopusi . Q . Semachidae P f Tardiza ' Q h Tronis regio - H c Vroma I. I Sergula D d Tarphe G b Tropheia L d Vrava P Setiani ' D b Taspeh'a M". N h Tropheia L. L d V’rysaki Pt. Q ’Sida. N e _ Tatazi K e Trophonium I d ‘ Vuliasmeni Pt. 0 Sigditza E c - Tatoifoant. O f Tsarubo-msi G' e Vundz’ma N - Singrelos . B. 2a Tegyrae ,I c Tsiarka 0 e ‘ Vuriemi R. L' Siphae K e Teichium B d Tsuka D a Varieni R. N Sirguni .F c Teichius F b Tsuka III. H b ; Vutsabros D Shula . B d Telethrion M. K a Turkokllori H o ' Sk'ala K b Telo Vum‘ O g - Turko Limitm Q h 1 Skala ta Gropu 0 e ’ ‘Tenerius Campus L d Turla M D d , ‘ ' Skalitro F b Termem peak M c . Turlo 0. N h Xena Riv. K Skatiosrheuma E b Ternooa C b Tyli . N b Xe'ro 0’. K ~ Skhimatam’ N d Tespo’rtis . , N h Tymphrestus M. B a. Xero Joamuis M G Skm'pa I d Tetracomia. ' M e Tzemom'ti H a. Xero ‘Vumi Gr Shropone’ri L d Tetrapolis P f ' - Xironomz' ’ K Skroponer'z’, Bay of M c Teumessus M d Xiro Pigadi F Skroponeri M. L d a Teumessus M. _M e Xylogaidara ‘ D ; Skurta N e Thebes L e Vagia L. e ‘ Solaina E d Theologos 0. L b Vardussia M D b Soros M M e Therapne . M‘ e Vardussia M D c Sosthenis D a. Theriko Q h Varia B. B d Zagara K Sotim‘ Pt. I b : Thermodon . H d Van'vopi D a. Zagara M I Spaioles "M d I Thermodon F. M d Varko 13L G c Zastam? P __Spartia ‘ H a. Thermopylae G b Varnava P e . Zastani—Kaki P Sparta» M I b - Thespiae K e ‘Vasileko P. I a. Zeitum‘ F' Spata , P f: Thespius F. L e . Vasilika E a. Zeli E Spercheius F. E a. Thim’kia P h Vasili/con L a. Zer’iki 'H Sperchjae D a = Thisbe I e Vasilz’ka 0 d Zem’am‘ C Sphaka I c Thorae 0 g Vathy N d Zerm' 0. O Sphendale 0 e Thorieium Pr. Q h Vathy _ P g Zimeno G Sphefotus P h Thoricus Q h Vathy Pt. I e Ziort'i P Sphragidium L e Thriasius Campus N .f ' Vathya P d Zoster Pr. - O Q o a: o m D‘P‘UQ Va: rc‘nm 9mm 0 a pub‘c Hal-15991909 mc‘m 5‘0 0 Fin-1:09 9-9 in o o atmoq me‘pmmmommm \ . EEWLJJIAM 511413113 ANGIENT ATLAS _ » x- _ 26 J ‘ M 23? N [(l ’ 0 20 ‘ P 30 ’ Q] I 30' 1===:EL' o —Wn—‘WA ‘Lgr W—_w‘ fi- Q b 7 7777@— \_/ . C R I l a , ,,1?1?g~9£'11_25:,,, , , , , , ,, , ._ v , , ,, , , , _ ,, ,,,, ,, ,_,,+_ ,,,,_ , 20 f , ,, , , I Aulirrhium pr, as [whoa ,- . i - '~ , W I I l Rhiu In pr. / £12112 _n/'Mo [Ya/way i i bin/\u 'usta Aroe Patl'onsis I _'/7 , l V i l ‘ “WV-'4”; / p “‘ c9“S . Ipm/ ("W O 1 ‘1‘ 4» TRENSIS ,stv f 0; [I , up} E III \‘mv I - FE_[-P§1,eaV§Fraf}1,L, , “:W§ 7 , . I WW4 “in; I N l ,453 ac 7- 5w" WM \ — E 77777 10' ”7‘9“" 7 . ‘ ~ , . I ' , , ‘ ’ 7143114117 My "’* “ M" W‘ " "" : . ,. , ,. qo . Mnrw‘bermalzo ‘ “‘w‘ J KLCYONIUS SI ‘ ‘1 ._..__, N > 1! - GIRA,HYPER‘.SIALC M” US I “WW/l / ~.\ \ “I ///\9\\ ' 0M Azm§§ 65305 Holmiae pr. 0% . ‘1 3mm, :3. 44/,” Im ' . 1 mum ‘ \Q‘LF‘ /('./lag [I'Z'Aéo/aom/ llcrzyeum pr. T. Junonis Au'mq: ‘ . V’anu‘fiora/ eranu [ ‘ 21W MU? “9°“ 9 I“ (Mr $1ch 1‘1) 5 ' off, W ,_ £1974 . - 31"“, W i’ol’la f ommvon /fl . [040211000 "3 P- 8 } 0“” /y./ 1 a II A r 0.4M m w my- 7. new 7 «0" w ' » ,I,'I!\\ ‘ \nII’V/lx/fl . : WWW .|;’ E ‘ 7 hersonesus Cenchrcis 1. 5T Q rm prom a/Mzm/ <0? I j?" I100 a at l l, W“ q : 50, v I 1 50, $h$flmalf craugim 1? Elcusaé I. 7 / ~ l/JIo/adul/ 7; ° ‘ I 4’14”” "”6 3 my» 7 www- / WW I / - a . 7 } 4 . 1 n V ' ‘ L > ‘ r _ > ~ ’ , \ 7 , ’3. ’ //’;r . \ “11%u‘zflf : I i @P 5 e L A; G I h %A' I. 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I! < ‘ “film” ‘ Buce hala r.‘ , Colvcr 111 pl‘. 0 WmL "“ ~ .2 A I j ,0 P P -,' ' [( 0101”le I I {III a - . I R . t ‘ J{y&uu1w/ w ‘ . . w v m I 1' Q /( 1’14 ‘5’ 'l/ ’ . . [ Tl'iciu'ouu Trim-arm . ”fly-ah) 1 - I, I I ~ ' - . ”fiferi/ -,° . i ’ ' ‘ \i/ I F uh /.'/“’/_ . ' ? Pltvusa l. VIM/w away/WI 1 I ' I lirasyx‘ .’ ‘ Y2K w Alpuutuéz/ I I\—-—/ 'znsm‘ . I I‘ i V A 41,3442: Pub/ Kristel“- I. ‘I I ‘ . ‘ E I V ‘ , a . { i <11 ! . 1| ‘ .\ ‘ , {'. .lh/I'alzxi/ *I ‘I P 1071; i . , 7 , , 7 W W ., .0 , I040 I 0 7 77 . AW} ,,,,,,,,,__, , I . , MI . ‘ , , ,I ‘_‘ 7 , . \ _ - I , ‘ I' ‘ , I I ‘ \\ 5W? uh L l ,,,,, 77 77 7 77 777 I ’ 1 ‘ , ‘ ' ' ‘ ' ‘ ' ‘ ‘ ,II, fl; 1 T- 10 1 ' 7/ ‘1 l ' E Plala nodes pr. ”/fi} ' Kuz'w/ ' ., >\\ , , y W7 1 7 . ‘ _ ~ ‘ In / , , I - I . \ _. "/I'V(’((/,/@,(I Us \\\\ IIIII I 4: I I ; ‘ Krunna . ' f \ ‘ . P fidqum / 1 ‘ ’ k ‘ \ If ‘I I ? \_/ , 1 p \ . Q m; ”040»,de i g I i 7% w‘ 7 , ' ’ .\ , Ir/lolauwm/ I i 1 I ‘ Prgte I. I ‘ 1‘ monk/w ”1““W" «wad/01¢ ' E ‘ f D 3-70 7, , __ _ ,i,,,,7,. ,,i r , , . / I / ‘ ’7’“- "" 77 7 7 7 777 77777 " _ 4' § 379 S9135 E q 3’29, /1’or£zI/vrzyra.r ”I: 43.10;:2/21. /1/mrz'a/ g 1 I ‘ . , I’bri [Ii/fln/vhwi/ I w I Pvlu ‘ 'I W lit/u- .” Abia L ~phm1ta '? i - ‘ \ 'y - ‘ T grLl’P [Ira ] ‘ , ‘ ; m Coryplmsm , 7 ‘ ‘ _ I . . . v Col-one a I _ ' ‘ {(5 /(((I'/II(IU/ ‘1 \ I ‘ I 51)}130telI-1al “ ' LAePe-I] H 0%” ANNA!” . x { l » alive Sphagm I. . ' ‘ /\ ‘ ‘ , x I /—‘\ ! v :7 \- m 4%}: Add} $3" Mm.\ am" < I fix . 1 1 I in! :~ ([1 - 20 , mam\\\\‘§“\“\r W M ! x y ‘ l\__/ \ ZV/lflfllf " I"? I" S 1 ‘ ‘ . //Veocalfl‘0 07‘ 7 ' ' ‘ : ‘ /c./r;u-a;rm/ (U . ' ‘1 “i I I T ,” ’7. 0 . y L n me “‘31: f ‘\ /¢'.;az/{1/.»t//AIAII/ I k 1 7 _ . ‘ - v 7 , I 0” v I g , Lcuclra 1, ,7 - l ’4 7 ~ ' ’ 5‘ , " , ' /' - , ‘ . ‘ I 50 77— 777 -7 777 7 7777 77- 7777 77 7 7 7 7 77 7 ,,_ __,, , ,,,,,,, W, [15040105, ' 7 ' ' ' ' ‘ ' " --- * ,,,_, 4 50’ Ibntw .rubmal'm" ‘ . . t ‘ [P91133115] All!“ l’uphnosu ‘ , /’ -/<”/’.’// ' 4‘ I I J/on’ [it/)filwm l ‘ 3 I //>,, Z 111' ax I ‘ “ ( q I . 77ml ”(If/‘(l‘l ,,/ I a x I! I N tip [(,I ’é'j' / ./ //tiI/.'A~1'/u'o/ ’( './//'1-/'zI/.v ‘ I i m 1 . I’(I I! II/ I ‘ I L—/. I Biand ina? I .// ”(Ida/w” } I l\__/m ‘ 1‘} u “(T l H \ (1'.AIIIII£‘/I(I/‘I;’I II'I'Ind/l‘ ‘ T . ° E'pidaurus Limora 1 h< 3 Acntas Pl‘. /6’, 64/10 / Achaeot'um . Al’li’ pol‘hll Jofis Sou-rig ‘ 1 I ‘ £5332?ng Paracme'is flint-um urbs 5 i ' . , . V n , ‘ ‘ I? ." .‘ £7 ’Iafllsl‘a l pun”); Brit/20¢ C T’ (V'Pa‘risfla flap"? =3, ‘ ' ‘V' ' .’I/l)/2(1/)IIHI.I'I(I/ I . 1, I L ,0/ .9 / "' (I V /, 9 ‘ 5,: ' ’IW/Jm§\ Mfiluil insml Portus ~— —— _-m‘_fifiifi_,,, ,,,, “WWW, , , , , , ,_ . . 7 , 7 “ /(.,,/(/'eln(‘allz/a ,,,,, ,, _ , , , . ‘,v.’/,f/,’f”,,/ T; V’“ ‘L 7777-7—77... ‘ 40’ c: ' ' ‘ ‘ ~ . ‘ U. ”c” t W“ ?’ '3“ N . "' "-7 I :U i % lf'WWl/qn‘ liwtrrleleaton : I l ‘ 1 /(L1/'c4(ugqe/o/ a L “on I‘d/Vb b) ' ‘ i I SM 117 7 ' ' . ' //// IA Ad. ‘ i ‘ ' . h, 7 ' I Q ' , ‘ (1/1): rLrl/ (.2 a3, ’ o r/ yj h i : /—\ Arty 3' .\\ ‘ 0 , ' . ”11‘0“" J ‘ Phone 1 ‘ I1 imam/15W}! r _ I ; (LA’ ; 1 ¥_/ 7 arm/W" c galéu’a V S sivfl G‘ T 111‘; 1‘ T I C IT g V / .a/ew 1 t ‘I '5' (lb/116%” - o-E‘Ct ; 4 b,» bIAVIV . x ,I (zip/Ling Q be ‘ " ' , ‘iaefinu pron._ ‘ . zu'a‘» , . II /r./(2umzo, I / § \ B - . _ _ 7 mpouinis mm C I (70! I - _ a. ,_..____m,, 7 .7 77* , ‘ 7‘ ,7, ~I I 7W“ ”ifi-W I, w 7 “v I r WWW? Q'h/‘l-yeé'yw/ :1 7 7 W ”##77 .N Li. , ,,._, I 7-7 W , ,,,, ;‘_' filtrate“ :21; H ‘ 'L i ‘ 30! , H 3 ~ E _'~ (foloInaV W? i ‘ ‘17“ if/1flmo'ia’00 \ a, I 3/ A vallls w . ; ONFGNATIIOS °‘ ;' ‘ Ens ‘ V : " m * ‘ Poninsx‘t prom. 3 7. , . E b‘de ‘ , r . / . . . ‘ - ~ '\ lgu’flhcus /“ " H .(z’eor 10.17 [I h I x I ,A lil/)/I ‘ ‘ 1W: ‘ ' /[rhrtwo,oe1ra/ A ( Pm” 1 7, 0N [finer/war : i ll I I N ’2; {KaZnga/zm/ 1, w ’ ‘ fl? / 4.4mm” 1 I‘ l’lma .lfihls pr. J C //' [CNN/117 E 1'.va ‘. B! Q '9 E /(,.'/r?I/w/u{qliz/ I gr .I WW“ '0’. egoqil/ I ._:_ 02060007 3/ I 1 5-5} , ' ‘ 7111'! lit/111(11): / , “Hrs/pl! ‘5. f’ 7 ' ’ ‘ ’ g ’ "Vii” ’ ‘ 7; ""‘ " "“g ’ J 7‘" _ 1 ’ 2!) Mosul! . ¢ ‘ $ 1 %w'wa ' l “3’ “ J I / 9““ Way, 7 ma . I ?, fi'qq.(/r)aIIz/za/¥ A ,, Modulus l. 000 000. ‘ ‘ ossap a . lny( - , . , I I 7 . ‘ 1 m P MadJa ( 60049) r I P' . [lfithllul/ , g a 5 1:0 . . . "‘0 1‘10 1.3.0 2(I)o 77,7 ‘J// C5” \ I ‘ IB— ' . . //I'I1>(// .0 ‘. _ . , r‘\}‘ll.(‘i§* 3 ’ i - /Cvlnar/ “:Ifi'mzr £01 ‘ - c Mflha passumn Romaum-um (75:19) ' ‘ , . //’"{90""+“/ f ' I I ’u 00w. I 7 " 4 Q. _-/(, 1 ‘ 1;, .13 _ / Ufa w/ .I: , : I ; ‘ A P 1.0 up up :2, l"li:U/”/ I I I “I“ flea? ~ .4/(1177 41 111/ ‘ ’ 3' ' , . . _ _ ' _ I {7:74, V POI-his , Km 1 1h, \ - W2, 0,“ m .-s- was. Mxlhma Aug-ma (59,1549) , svandm; g I 4 ° Mia ‘ 1d fiei/ . , - . A . . . g, '1," 1:” 29 ‘ PI ”w I : I I I .. - s- ' ‘ ' , 7,7, 7— 7 77—— ,7“ , A1777 + 7 7 7 7 77 7 ,— 1 ' . “'7 Awluz/ o-:: '1... 3 ‘ I; Am won 7 . o . ‘ I ‘ flI’éz‘vo 'lb/z ‘ . . a: ' .7 : ‘ 1 , 9 ' '3 . . I , lL . . 1 . . . . . I ‘ T. TemPlum. R. Rulnae. K. KatavotIiI-a. ,I , I 7‘ i m Mpg/u , ‘ - ' ~ . u 1 ' _. . . . . ‘.’ - - . . . 3 7 ; , _ I oeéIa/ Recentlora 1000mm momma Parentheseos Slg'ms ( )mcluduntur. ‘ . fi 1 I . .7. _. ,___ _ _= A 10' B 20' C 30 . . 50' ‘ F 2 2? G 10' H 20' l 30' K 10' 0 20' P .20 0 . Q: I , \ ‘7 , r ‘ -- . . . ‘ Dra\\n by D. Charles Muller . a < ' ltnq wu’cd by 5. Jacobs and l.l):1lnmnl. . . v . . John Mur ‘aV , Albemarlo street , London , 1872. . . yr; u. Abbreviations: B. Bay. 0. Cap. F. Flumen. Abia , Acacesium Ace Acheeorum Paracy- parissiorum urbs’ Achaia Achaia fons Achelous F. Achelous F. Achelous F. Acheron F. Achilleus port. Acidas F. Acidon F. Acraea M. Acriae Acritas M. Acritas pr. Acrocorinthus Acrorea Ad Despoenam Her- meenm Adendros I. Aderes M. Algae JEgaleon M. ZEgiae .ZEgila Egilodes sinus IEgina ’ Egina Egina. I. Egira ' .ZEgirus .ZEgium ZEgosthenae iEgys Egytis .ZEpasius campus ZEpea Epion EW.... Esculapu Hieron .EEsculapii T. ZEsculapii T. ZEsculapii Aulonii T. ZEsculapii Philolai T. Ageranos Agnina M. Agrapidokhori Agrianos Agrido Vimo Agrio Kambos M. Agulernitza Agulenitza, Sea of Akhlado Kambos Akrata Akrata 0. Alagonia Alai-Big Alcimedon campus Alcyonia pal. Alcyonius sinus Alea Alepolchori A lepo-Khori Alesion M. Aliki M. Aliphera Alisiaeum Alisium Alisius F. _ Alium Alonistena Aloria palus Alpheus F. Alpheus F. Alpheus F. Alpheus F. Alpheus F. Alphei Fons. , Alvena M. Amathus F. Amathus F. Amilos Aminios F. Amphia Amphidolia Amphitus F. Amyclae Anabryti Anarclos Anchisia M. Andania ' Andram'da ' - Aizdritzena Andrussa Andruvista Anemochori Anemosa Angelokastro Angislri Anigraea via Anigriadén antrum Ani ros F. Ant ana Anthanae port. Anthea Authedon p. Antheia Antirrhium pr. Apario K hrepa M. Apelauron M. Aperopia I. Apesas M. Aphidantes Aphrodision Silva Aphrodisias Aphrodisium Apidia Apobathmi Apollinis T. Apollinis T. Apollinis T. Apollinis T. Apolh'nis Oarneatae T. no B B B mb‘b‘omm mange pip“... ts‘cp .......,b*ww......,...p*....._.aq D‘D‘D‘b‘D‘UQUQOQOQ cp mamas mm Par—ImQ-JO‘QUQ r—dr—lo momma gar—4W0 HE E “.1: ”finance Laban—“pan shamans :5 b 8 Warm”... I momMdbbmgmHHOHmeZQHHUUEOZMUmddwQmHHHw0QQ“MUHNHEQMOQmHUUUMKHOHHKHENHHHNUOMHNUHszgdzmmwdmmoQgwazNNNmHowQ UgwwbbUUHmwbwwdb QQQ mmswamHvsmrommmoagwrrrrmmmmmyw . Argolicus sinus ' Bedem' ' Bryseae Apollinis Corynthi T. Apollinis Delii T. Apollinis Lithesii T. Apostoli Arachnaeus M. Araethyrea Arainus Arakhova Arantia Aravi/cia III. Aragus M. Araxus pr. Arba Arcadia Archtmgelo 0. Arene ' Arene Argeathae Argia Argia M. _ 1 HEZZWNHszmbmgOEZZHNzbHZMQHMQHNWHHQmHZQHHwHOZQHHEHNHHNQHUKMMQQHNNngQOZ@ Argolis Argon Campus Argos Argyra. Ariolami M. Aris F. Aris - Aristerae I. Aristocratis tumulus Aristonautze Arkadia Armeniades M. Armygros port. Arno M. \ Arnotiko . Aroanii M“- Aroanius F. Aroanius F. Aroé Arsen F. Artemision M. Artzi B. Arymnius M. Asea . Asia M. Asinaeus sinus Asine Asine Asom’atos port. Asopia Asopus Asopus F. Asopus F. Aspis I. Aspra Khoria 0. ' Aspro III. Aspro M. Asprolcampo Astras M. Astros Athenaeum Athenarum p. Athenas tichos Augo 0'. Aulon Aulon F. Averna 21ng M. Avlemona Bay Axim' I8- Azanes Babyce pons Bady ’ Bakireilca l Baltesiniko Balyra F. Baraicus F. Barbas M. Barbitza Bardimia Barnichius F. Barnosthenes M. ‘Basili Perama Basilis Basilo potamo Bassae Bathos Baucidias I. Beasti I. ' wWWmWWmWGOWMOUQHSOWOMQWWWWWWBrwwmwwggwmmmw Bedeni R. Bedroni Belbina Bembina ' Berkia M. Besiza M. Biandina Bias F. Blogokitiko . Boeae Boeaticus sinus Bogasi Bolei Bolina Bolinaeus F. Boreum M. Brasiae Brenthe ' Brentheales F. Broma Broma HzwzszbabbmuzowawNQNHUHNdemmoH Bucephala. pr. Bucephalus pr. et port. Budorus M. Bugiati Bukasi Buphagium Buphagos F. Buporthmos pr. Buprasis regio oowasz szbmmsz @D‘UQUQ Chi-ho GD 'Caucon F. CD’U'U {To n—u—I.FJ-'O HsITD‘CD 915"” I—ICD CD Has (D 00¢ B l-‘B '79-‘50?- H50 0 (D 0 H0? www.9mH-QQWB OWUQ CD D‘mmmb‘m :5 H30 9 0.15 H‘s-.5 r-bO‘Q 53-10 {3 H PELOPONNESUS. I. Insula. L. Lacus. Buprasium C d Buprasius F. C d Bura. G d Cabrera Caeciae 133' Caenepolis Caesari Calamae Calathius M. Calauria ins. ‘Calliae Calliphorii M. Callistus sepulcrum Caphyae Caphyatica petra Caphyatis Cardamyle Carnasium Carneates M. Oaryae Caryae Caryatis Carystus ' Catheates F. Caus ' Cecryphalea I. Oeladas F. Celeee Cclenderis Celossa M. . Cenchreae Cenchreae Cenchreis I. Cephisus F. Cerata, M. Cerausium M. Cereris Mysiae T. Cereris Thermasiee T. Cereris in Palude T. Cereris ert Apollinis T. Cerigo Cerynia Cerynia M. Cerynites F. Chaa Chazeae petfee Chalasmeno M. Chalcis Chalcis F. Chaon M. Characoma ' ' Charadra Charadros F. Charadros F. Charadros F. Charadros F. Charadrus F. Charisiae Chelmos M. Obelona M. Chelonatae sinus Chelonates pr. Chelydorea M. Chersonisi Chersonesus prom. Chiliomodi Chimarrus F. Ohlemutzi Choeros F. Choma Olzondros 0'. Chortacs harb. Cicysium . Gimolia sive Albus campus Cinaethium Gladeus F. C'lementi Cleonae Climax Clitor Clitor F. Ciitoria Clitorius lac. Cnacadion M. Cnacalus M. . Coccygion M. Coeus F. Colonia Augusta Aroe Patrensis Colonides Colonis I. Colyergia pr. Comana Condylea Contoporia Coracon F. ‘ Corinthia Corinthiacus sinus Corinthus Coroebi sepulcrum Coronaeus sinus Corone Coryphon M. Corythenses Cotilion M. Cotilon M. Cotyrta Cranes I. Craneum Crathis F. Crathis M. Craugiae I. ' Creon M’. Cresion M. Cretea Crisaeus sinus Crius F. Croceae Cronii Cromitis Crommyon Cruni mwme>bg2bH>>wMQMHHNMHHNBUmUUQQQEWQOHMWNZENNwNwOEUQEHHHNQQOmmwaQQNHom H.D‘H;B (D H50 a: '45?th O 9-! 0? .4301? D‘HCDU‘Q H30 b‘Q-ao more (D 5‘0 H5909 H-B WWW“? I—WU‘Q Q-IFDdOr-Q Hsb‘U'CD E‘Q-IQ-I@ (009 P1509 hbbdhbl-prH-H.H.w.H,H,H-HH';H:H:W (D #450? i—IW‘Q 0 H38 womHmwQQHbmbHo bzmmmwwmewmmngwMszmmawgmgmmcwwm a: an wwwmc‘wb‘m mm as B :3 D‘D‘D‘OQ ran—'09 o cram www.mwB o _ Cynuria M. Mons. Cruni Cyllene Cyllene M. Cyllenius Sinus Cynaetha Cynaethaca Cynortion M. Cynuria. . Cyparisseis F. Cyparissia Acrop. Cyparissim Cyparissius sinus Cyphanta Gyros ZEsculapii T. Cythera. ' Oythera I. Oy‘therius F. Dactylus Dalion Damala Danitza Daphni Dara Darditza M. ' Dasew Daskalia Daskalio I. Dacia Dekhani Delphicus sinus Demonica Dmdra Denthalii Dentheliates Denthiades Derae Derrhion Despoenae T. Dia I. Diagon F. Dialcopto Diakopto R. Dianae T. Dianae T. Dianae Alpheoniae T. Dianae Dictynnae T. Dianae Nemydiee T. Dianee Pyroniae T. Djane Dialyma Didyma M , Didymi Dimim'tza Dine fons Dionysias fons Diori Dioscurion Dipaea Dipoena - Dipotamo Disaki Dolco Doliana Donussa Dorium Draco Vuni M. Dragonera Drapano Drapi Drepanum pr. Dryopes Dryopes Dryopes Dyme Dyro B. Dyspontium Eion Eion Elaeus Elaion M. E laplzonisi Elaphos F. Electra F. Eleusae I. Eleusinium. Eleusinium Eleusinius sinus Elidis navale Elis Elis (Cava) Elis Elisa F. Elison ,F. Elymia Emblakilca Enipeus F. Enope Epano Achaia Ephyra. Ephyra Ephyra I. Epidauria Epidaurus Epidaurus Limera Epidavros (Nea) Epidelion prom. Epiecia Epitalium Eranna Erasinus F. Erasinus F. Erineus Erymanthus Erymanthus F. Erymanthus F. Eryman‘thus M. Eschatiotis lac. Etis Eua Eua M. j Eua M. UZZHzossswszmowme wwwawmmfimrwmmmommm OHozgwwwmzmmeowmmmNaabmooowHdmommmmmpmeQObzwwmzzmwwbmwag 0? U 0 5‘0? r—IC‘I—I-O'U ng-p-dp‘H-H-W‘Hsm H;@ H-D‘UQ D‘D‘D‘HO @4509 1-150 0 $1.09 WWWCD WWW” I: 0‘0“ 8% b‘b‘tm Pry-4:509 '3‘ H@NZZHWM:MHQUOHZOZOZEHUUmUmewowowwHdemgdbwz wwwo mm a: ma om: 9W0!) a D09 Ben retro a can—«Cm bur-hm (D a: we Slam wmmHJ‘o D‘OQ mm P. Portus. Pal. Palus. EUbCBaf M5 - Euenus F. Eumenidum T. Euoras M. Eupagium Eurotae fontes Eurotas F. Eurotas F. Eurotas F. Eurycydeum antrum . Eurynomae T. Eurytaeae Eutaea. Eutresia deswwmmmdmbub' 0Q D‘QD‘U‘n—au.b‘b‘o WED C‘H: Franco Porto Frango Port , Francovrysis msz b‘om Q Gaidaro-pnictespotamos Gaiduro Vuni Galata Galataki Gama ,‘ Garates F. Gareae Gargaliano Gasturzi Gastimi R. Gatheae Gatos Gaurias M. Genesion ' Geraki Gerania Gerania M. Geranion .M. Gersnia Germano Porto Gerrnutzani Gerontium M. Geronthrae o Glarenza 0. Glaucus F. Glympeis Gama M. Gonoessa ( Gorgopis lac. Gorgylus F. Gortynicus F. Gortys Grosso O'. Guzumistr‘a Gyftolcastro Gyphlissa 0. Gyros via Gytheaticus sinus .Gytheum Gytheus F. wNNNQwMHmQHgNwa>waommzkbbmHwawHHMsz B B 509 0 94935090? H-QJQ—IWH.O (D r—tm CD par—umD-Ip-U—aOQ a: paw-(D CD W‘D‘b‘B'o I-tgr—‘O Hadriani Aquaeductus H aemoniae Hag. Andreas Hag. Andreas R. Hag. Basilios Hag. Constantinos Hag. Demetrios Hag. Demetrios 0. Hag. Elias Hag. Georgios Hag. Georgios Hag. I lias . Hag. Ilias Hag. Ilias Hag. I lias Hag. I lias » Hag. I lias M. flag. Isidoros Hag. Joarmes Hag. Nikolaos 0. Hag. Nikolaus Hag. Petros Hag. Petros Hag. Phokas 1. flag. Theodoros Hag. 'Theodorus Hag. TheolokiJs Hag. Vlasis Halia Halice Halieis Haliusa I. Halmyron hydor Halus Halycon Harpina Harpinates F. Harplea Hecatombaeuin Helenae balneum - Helice Helisson F. Helisson F. Helisson F. Hellenika Hellenitza Hellenitza M. Helos Helos Heraclea Heracleum “- Heroes. , Herwatis’ Heraeum Heraeum Heraeum pr. Herculis specus Herculis Macistii T. Hermaeum Hermseum Hermaeum Hermione 2 Hermionicus sinus EHNHmQKOHHNOQQZzzZ@NzN2NWHgodgHmHmwomwbwobbbmH b‘D‘H-H-H-D‘G gingham“ mph-B E l-I-OQ W0 if“? G (D @WOQUQ (D I-br—‘H-H-H-I-‘up-H-‘O¢ Hi5 .m-sB 9-1me 50? I—ID‘D‘O 0 [-er Qw-U’U‘b‘r—o, oowmmdmabbmwwabwm Pr. Promontorium. R. River. Hermionis Hevraio Hiera I. Hieraka 0. Hieraka Port Hippola Holmiae pr. Hoplites F. Hyamia M. Hyamitis Hydra Hydrea Hydrea I. Hylaethus F. Hyllicus F. Hypana Hyperesia Hyperteleaton Hypsi Hypsia Hypsili Hypsus Hypsus M. Hyria lacus ~ Hyrmine opp. et prom. Hyrnethion Hysiae Iapis F. Iardanes F. Iardani pratum et sepulcrum _ icarfim M. cht s 1‘. Iiei y p Ilion M. Inachus F. Infis lacus Infis T. 111113 T. Ionaeum antrum Ira Ira Iri Iri Irine I. Isari Isthmus Ithome M. J ovis ara J ovis T. Jovis T; J ovis Scotinae T. J ovis Soteris port. J unonis Acraeae T. Koenurio-Khorion Kaiapha M. Kaiapha, Sea of Kaimeno Khori Kaki—Scala Kakotari Kako Vuni Kalamaki Kalamata Kalami Kala Nisia Kalascopi M. Kalavryta, Riv. of Kal/‘a Kalinacs Kalitsa Kalogria C'. Kamaraes Kamaria 1W. Kamenitza F. Kamila 0'. Kandia Kapela 0'. Kappari P. Kapsali Bay Karabugia 0'. Karatula Karavo Petra Karyac Karyoli M. Kastalia Kasteli Kastritsi Kastrotisorias 'Katabothra Ifatakolo 0. Ifato Achaia Kato Belesi Kato-temcni Katolilcos Katzingri K'avaka Kavalos Ifelqfini I. Ifelp/Lina Ifcp/zali ('1. ~Kq'2halovrysis Kcrpini Klzaidari K heli Jilliana Khiladia Port Klzotusa K hristiano Khrysaphar Khrysuli Kibia Kineta Kionia Kipula' Kisternaes Port ' Kitriaes Port K laro N isi K linitza K l isura N20 OmmwaHEHmwwwwwwszszwZZ' wzngHQdUmszHowou aw KZHHME UQKQHHHOUHNHHZEEZQHQHDHKKQQNUngMQMOHHUEZOZKZUENOOHUmOszZHGOOUUH 00? 5 HO I3 b (D WWWWr—bbdfiar-bmb-IH-b—IWD‘D 1—109 (D O Hag-:0? B HOD‘CP i—‘p-‘Q‘o WOFQ [Ty-901? [:5 9"ng Hal-“(D O (D Q-IW'WCD :5 0 (DO’QUQCIQ ’!—‘ some»: mwB b 9mm admrp-‘HHw-ms B B D‘o b" 090°9- ...o mm ..-.._.:rI=*B H809 8 pm at: “,9. RIB y-OQ D‘Hr » Kotiki lac. .Lebidi MAP 26. ’\ Sp. (Spitz) Peak. T. Templum. K lisura K lisura Kokkinio KolcorcL Kolcooa Kolaki M Kolokera M. Kolokyntha Bay K onstantini Koraka C. Karon Koroni Koryphi M. Kosmas Kranidi ' Kra'vari Kremaste Kremasti Kremidara 0'. Kremidi 0. Krestena Kriomiri C’. Krithina M. Krya Nera 0. Kte'nia Kubenova M. Kulcura B. Kalendiana C. Kulogli. Kumani Kumusta Kurnos Kunupeli, Harbour of Kurkula M. Kurmazi 0. Kurtissa 0. Kutra M. Kutzokera Kutzomati K utzopodi Kuverta P. Kydonia K yparissi Port Kyra Kyriaki dochbbammzonchgHHszwbzwgUszbmzwszgomwwa WWHHD‘WO r-bD‘Hi—u—IQIO hump-bi: :5 B09 n-uO BTW B B r—Imp‘p‘O “.90: B Fri-“i5 SOC: 00‘? B H-H' Lacedacmon , Lachas F. Laconica Laconicus sinus Ladae sepulcr. Ladocia Ladon F. Ladon F. Ladon F. Ladonis fons Lagia Lagosa Isles Lakanas M . Lakomata M. Lakomaxa AI. Lala Lambiri is ta ampelia Lambiri 0. Lampea M. Lancia fons Langadi Langaclia Langadia Langia F. Langon Lapithaeum Lapithas M. Larissa Larisus F. Larysium M. Lashnova Las vetus Lasion Lasion M. Lcwda Lechaeum Leflca Leftroni Leonidi Leontium Lepreum Lerna Lesia Lessa Lestenitza Letrini Leucae Leucae campi Leucasia F. Leucasium Leuctra Leuctrum Leuctrum Leucyanias F. Levetzova Liguria Limenaria 0'. Limeni B. Limnae Limnaes Limni Li vartzi Longona Port Lopezi Luka . L-ungobardo R, . Lusi Lusius F. Lutraki harb. Lutro Lycaea Lycaeus M. Lycoa Lycoa Lycone M. Lycosura. Lycuntes ©513waMENEQQUNWMWNEQHZZ’FHNHQWmQHjEEOUZOHHfigmmgwmwfiwfioommomeNHtdhdfimthg’UHm’dwC'C-DHNEHH Humor: n-‘p‘onrszaon a Wire B a: 5 ”WE Bow ”was H-O Hwy-B B mmUQUQO? D‘PuWr—ac we was 5’ B mam ma...» pa.........¢p o o ”,8 ”.8 ...,o “90¢“,er cm in“ ii' PELOPONNFSUS. MAP 26. Lycuria Lygudista Lykodimo M. Lykommo ~ ‘ Lymax F. Lymbiada Lyrcea. Lyrceum M. Macareae Macaria Macistus , Madam III. Madara III. Maenah'a Maenalus- Maenalus M. M aglada M. Magaliana ahi Maira. Makhaera M alert Ma/cm' C’. M ach Plagi Mahrom'si Malaysia Malaea Malaeatis Males pr. Malevo Malevo M. Malta 0. Maloetas F. ‘ Malfis F. Mamaus F. Mana Mandila M M andraki Port Maniae Manthyrea. Ma-ntinea Mantinea. Mantinice Maratha. M aratht Port Il/Iarathana Bay Marathonisi Margana Mari M artnam' Port M a'm'o rheama Marios Marmam‘a Marmara Voum' M artts M. Mases Masetis I. Matapan 0'. Maura Limna Illaara Vana Maartta M. Mauro M. Mavronoros Maw-o Vano Mavrozamenos Mazamki M. Mecone Illegalo Van-o Megalopolis Megalopolitis Meganitas F. Megara. Megaris Melaeneae Melangea Melas F. Meliaston F. Melidom' Bay Illeligam' Port Melpea. Menelais fons Menius F. Menthe M. Meratis Merbaka Mercurii T. Mesoboa. Mesola Messa. Messene Messenia. Messeniacus sinus ' Methana Methane. penins. Methane Methurides Im- Methydrlum Methydrias Metope F. Metapi Mezapon Port Midea. Migonium M l'krom am’ Milichus F. Minervae T._ Minervae T. HNHMNHMEI D-bstcU‘I—Ir—IWQ t QQMQNKH’UNQQWHOWQUWHQQHEMMQMWHKHWH’dOWdQQNUHWgHmHO‘EHZZUHMKUHHUNWHHHHE‘HQHHQUQQOIIINOQH‘UKZKZWHNQmmmmfigtflh-UQ H30 0 W309 [5 HfiDOQOQ Q BOQUQ HRH-MU Wham“? 009 (D mb‘bmmmmm 940 O Hart-0:0 WH-fi-thD—OH-O p50 D'W'Hgb‘D‘N‘v—IO Whigs mEUQO'QOQ HWD‘B H940? 5‘09 0 W0? 0 D‘U‘UQOQ 94....)6 GHQ DabbW'UQUQO'QUQ W'D‘W'D“ Minervae Sospitae T. M iniatz'ka Minoa Minoa ins. et portus Minyeius F. M istra M 2' topol'ts Illodan M olath'l M anemvasia M (mt M aphtitsa Morea, Castle of the Movm’ M. M andritsa M u’rz'a lac. Masakt 0. Mycenae Mylaon F. Mylaon F. Mylonas 0. My-rsinus sive Myrtun— hum Myrtoum mare Mysaeum Mysia Naliphus F. Nasi Nasi Nas'ia Nauplia Naupl'ion Navam'n . Nea Epidavros Neapolis Neda. F. Nedon F. Nedon Nemea Nemea F. N emuta Neacast'ro Neptuni L. Neptuni -T. Neptuni T. Neptuni T. Neptuni T. Neptuni T. Neris Nestane Nezera Niseea N lsi Nomia M. Nonaeris N onaeris Notena Nus F. Nymbaeum Nymphas Nymphasia. fans I (Ea. Glehalia CEnoé (Enoé (Enoé (Enus F. Gflnussae Im- (Etylus 0311s Olbius F. Olena Olenia petra. ' Olenia. petra. Olenus . Oligyrton Oligyrtos M. Olonos F. Olonos M. Oluris Olurus Olympia Olympokha'rta Olympus M. Olympus M. Olympus M. Onceum Onia M. Onugnathos penins. e prom. Ophis F. Opus Opus F. Orchomenia. Orchomenia. Orchomenos Oresthasium Orestis Orneae Orneas F. Orthia Ortnolith M. Oryx Oryxis M. Ossa. M. HHOO OHMHOQMUEEWZOEHHUZFUHE} um washroom can rmB m8 saws-3o :3 b' ma Wm MQZ@HNQMQWHHNWbHHUNHMHmemzowbbwde ...,....o b‘a o Harm» mm mm mo GHQ B M...» wwwrbm Howe .......,...,:r EMHUfiNUNHHMHHUUUdHHHHHZNUQW ‘ a pup-.09 WWW gin-1.0 m use» QqudI-bo “.3 5 W909 a play-p, ammoomwmmmeUUHK 09 0 was an mmb‘b‘mmm o 00‘: o Ostracina M. Ova Paeos Pagania 0'. Palwocastro Ill. Palceocastro M. Paloeo Chara _ Palaeo K astro P. Palceo K hrysapha Palceopolz's Palaeapolis Paloeo Vano Paloeo Ztm’ 0. Palamedion M. Palea Palilcam' Bay Paliscios regio Pallantium Palalci R. Pamisos F. Pamisus F. , Panachaioum M. Panagta Panagia Port Panhellenium M. Panormus P. Paos Papa C. Papadaes Paradist Paraebasium Pardali Parnon mons Paroreatis Pa'ro'rt Paroria Parrhasia. Parthenias F. Parthenium M. Patera M. ‘ Patrae Patrensis sinus Paolo Kastron Pedasus Pedion Pegae Pegae Pelagos Silva. Pellana. Pellene Pellenes navale Pelopis insulae Peneus F. Peneus F. Pentelea M. Penteleum Pephnos ’ Pephnos I. Perachora Peraea. ' Peraethes Peraeum Pemmeria Perdlka O'. Petalea 0'. Petalidht Port Petasi Petra Petra Petrosaca Phoea M. Phaedrias Phaestus Phalaesiae Phalanthum Phalanthus M. Pha-nar’l Phana'ro Pharae Pharae Pharis Pharaklo Phea. ‘ Pheas ins. Phegia. Phelloé Pheneatis Pheneos Phibalis Phigalia. Phigalica Philanorion Philia Philiatra Phtm'kt Phliasia. Phlius Phobos Phocae “Phoebia Phoenicfis portus Phoenicfis portus Phoenix F. Phoizon Phokianas Port Pholoé M. Pholoé M. 2m .mm ' Ptdima ' Pontinus M. . - ‘Paralano ' Pyrgi gmgHmzaHZNNNadmzmwwmmwdwwszmmwmmmwmmeowwmwwgmzzmmmmUwONNHHOma:HGEWHMWQHMNHQNwowmngwmwmeKOHZKNONwade an apron 0'15 5’ a: :5 pm ....B Wm D‘D‘D‘Qae Rama: Hm r: wwczaoa wow: “so .uwan Hm MHB mmmrmmfi 5‘” o a: o mamas; arrow 3 me: o amen: D‘D‘W'UQ swarms: o o 0 H50 we meb‘b‘w oO‘Q rmB a We than“: an Phom'ha Phoriami Phrixa. Phryxus Phuka III. th-lcam'a Phutama Port Phylace Phytium Phyxium quana Ptadha Piadha Bay Piera. fons Pierus F. Pirae P’lrnatza Pirus F. Pisa. Pisatis Piskin’i Pityonesos Pityusa I. Plaka U. Platae I. Plataeae Platamodes pr. Plataml vPlataniston F. Platanistonis fons Platanistus Platanistfis pr. Platla Plati'a Platia Platy Pleae Plutonis T. Podogora Pogon P. Pal'liam} , Poliasion Polichne Polichne Polyazza Polygnoti turris Ponti/cé/castm ' Porinas M. Paras Portaes M. Posidium Patam'i .Prasiae Prasiae Pirasam'st Prevedos Prinos Probalz' O'. Proetidum specus Prosymna. Prote Prote I. Psamathus Psar’l M _. Psathi 0. Psata , Psz'lo Kotrom’ M. Psipha. Psiphaeum M. Psophidia. Psophis Psychro M. Ptem' M. Ptolis Parleska R. Puma'ra-Ifastron Puma 0. Pyla Pylos Pylus Pylus ‘Pylus in Coryphasio Pyraea Pyraeus pr. Pyramia. Pyrgos Pyrgos Pyrgos Pyrgas 0. Pyrrhichos Quaglz'o Porto - Rasma Rhaeteae Rhapuni M. Rheitos ‘Rhenissa M. Rheondas Rheunos Rlzezem'ko III. Rhion Rhion Rhion (Enoaeum . Scandeia P. ' Sicyon ‘ HWHHOHHZHUUUUHHbfiwHQEWHWPUKOKNHUU5:110NOEngOEHWHUNUJHMOMHQFUQEZWZKWKH'15MHUEWFUOOEQUUMUUWQZZmOQHZwHEEmL-I ban :1 009 WWW o ,_m a “Micro Hm bar-n0 am lip-94o to wwmomm 9-151-1va ounce mwmm, anal; 52-...wm: wan Eon a: 5'th b‘wb‘a pram: ...........p“....:m mw‘mmmwmmm 9432.....5 grammar; ...,, zfiwmmbmzomH H QB Hrmu.raonm .— 'o Ilhz'to . Rhium pr. ~ Rhizomg/lo Rhudta III. Rhfis Rhypes Riga 0. Romanas R. Raphia Rashz'o Raso M. Hmmmpmwmmmg pug-m? PT‘H-o $109 (5 o H: Sabatz'ki 0'. Same Kastmn S. Angela C’. S. Jaamu's S. N 2'lcolaus III. S. Nikola Port St. Thomas Saita M. Salafto Salamis Salamis Salmemlco Salmem'ko 0. Salmons Samicum Saminthus Samus Sa-ndgia III. Santameri Santameri M. Saphlaarus M. Sapienza Samcem'ca Sarena Saroktm'ko Saran Saronicus sinus Saurudeiras Scandeia Scardamala Schoenus Schoenus P. Scias Soiathus M. Scillfis Scino ha'rb. Scioessa M. Sciritis - Scironiae petrae Sciros Scirtonium Scollis M. Scollis M. Scotina silva. Scyllmum pr. Scyllaeum pr. Scyras F. Scyrus F. Sech’i IlI. Selachusa I. Selas F. Selasia. Selemnus F. Selinus Selinus F. Selinus F. Seh'nus F. Selleis F. Selleis F. Seotane Sepia. M. Sepia Seraphona Sevetila M. Sgu'rz'a M. mm22wzwmmzszUHUbddmwpwomoszowz L HQQZZEHHH“@NHMUHEHHZ@NwmfizombbbwHHQNUQMUHMHUOMQHQZHmemomWZUHQZ HHMD Hszm 9W0? B W5 5 Wm Hw-um H.949 shah—‘cp (D o a: o wwwcm o (D co mo 9.0:: We I-l-D—II-hI-I-H-B b‘p.....¢~ 9......p-‘m b‘c: more mb‘m Sicyonia. Side Sidfis Sirae Sitzova Skaphz’dt Skala Slctada Slcino Skipq'eza M. Sharia M. Shortsmo Skotmi S/cara Shzm‘as Shutari Skutam' Bay Sky” 0. Sinenus F. Smema Sacha Solos Solygea mans et Vicus Saphtka Sophz'ko harb. Sopoto Soron Silva. Sot’lva Owl—“dramaab‘tmb‘oBWaobmwobmoooawmm'dh-mopag. Spadi 0. Spaitzv'ko Sparta Spasario B. Spetzia Spetm’a Pala Sphacteria I. Sphaeria. I. Sphagia I. Spiraeum pr. Spim' O. Spim'a M. Stahto'roz'a Staaro Stavm' 0. Stena Stereo 0'. Stenyclaros Stenyolarus Stepham’ Sterna Stema 0. Stimanga Stratia. Stratus Stratus Strata harb. Strezova Strom'tsa Struthus pr. Stymphalia. Stymphalos Stymphalos M. Stymphalus F. Sudhena Salinart Sumetia. Susahi Sykia’ _ Symbola. v Sys F. Sys F. Sythas F. Styx, Waterfall Taenaros Teenarum pr. Taleton M. Tanaus F. Taurias F. Taygetos M. Teganusa I. Tegea Tegeatis Tekieh Telphusa Temenion - Tenea Teniae fontes Tetrast Teuthea. Teutheas F. Teuthis Teuthrone Thalamae Thalamae .Thaliadae Thaumasion M. Theisoa. Thelpusa. Thelpusia. Therae Therapne Therma. Thermae Thermae Thisoa. Thisoea Thius F. Thoenia Thola R. Thala Potamos Thornax M. Thornax M. Thorussa Thraustus Thrills Thryon Thuria nova. Thuria vetus Thuriates sinus Thyamia] Thyraeum Thyrea Thyreatis Thyreaticus sinus V Thyridos pr. Tiasa. F. Tiohos Tlgam’ pen. Tiryns Titans - Titanos M. Titthion M. Tolozz P. Talon P. , Talon mHNgngmggHHHHnggwowbgmmdwogwwwboobwUZOHng G (D 9-403 373 (D D‘UQ (D o (D (D ~55”?thva H50 Flu-hD‘I-I-I-g-D‘Qafl FUD-45¢ mmwb‘p—aH-H.b W0? 5" - Tuthoa F. . Verm'm’ ' Vesini , Vostitza KKHZNNHHQHHHNHQbQQQQCEOOHQQQQWQHQKHwadefibHWUUWHKHMQHHfimwNHHHt 0909mm: :1: om: :3 mm: b‘b‘b’d’a a wado pm “mimic. wrrmaqoo b‘a wwmmwm ....B m: mmm‘rmwoq Hm D‘D‘B Hm: law—o o Tomaeon M. Tomeus M. Trach’ll'l C. Trashy M. Traga Tragos F. Trahela 0. T’rahhz’li 0. Trapezana M. Trapezondt Trapezus Treton M. Tricaranon Tricaranus M. Tricarenus Trichonis lacus Triclariae T. Tricoloni Tricrana. Tricrena M. Trikem' Tm’keri Trikeri 0. Trik/Jala T’rikkala, River of Trinasus Trintsi Triodoi Triphylia. , Tripodiscus Tripolis Tripolis Tripolltza Tripyrgia. Tritaea. Troezen Troezenia Tropaoa. Trygonis sep. Trypaes Tscmz'dola Ill. Tslmova Tsaka III. Tarkovig.’a (7. Turtovana 1U. Typaeum M. Typaneae Tyro 0. Tyios Tyrus Tzimberu M. mngUU@mzHHgfiwwcwwmeQOUmNNNNKWOHOQHQOHHHQngmmoHomw Vambaha Vasilo potamo Vathy 0. Vathy Port Vathy Port Vathy Aulahi C'. Velika Velom’dia Veneris T. Veneris T. Veneris T . Venetv’ko Verrhoia Vervtm‘, River of Via Sacra. Vttylon Voidia Vaivanda Volimmas Vordam'a Vresthena Vromolz'mni Valiasmeni Vundelt Vurlia Bay Vazi, River of‘ mzmngQmQNMHOwUMNwszszNHZNN rpm pm mo mere 9 B mmaz a ~va mm paw—B o B H... Xem'as Xerocamesi ' Xerokampi Xero Voum’ Xyli Bay ' Xylz’ Pen. ' ’ Xylokastron ' 'NHENHQH Zaholos M. Zakholt Zarax Zarax M. Zamata Zatuna Zam'tsa M. Zibovist ' Zintzina Ztrz'a Zirz'a M. Zoetia \ Zurla 0'. Zurtza meHWNmHQmZZHZ D‘D‘D‘o o Hm '30? HS 8 no b“.........—.0QOQUQ CD Wis-£3 Hm H30 D‘l’J‘Q-IHJIQ pun-bfl-IUQU’Q B B 94¢ Infill-HG H-D‘O S9 Dad-0 mmWHmWB Hal'beHal—H-l 1 "4'1? ‘* WWW w n . A La“ 5 m 5 . 4+ 5. k >1 ' u «Hm ‘ ‘ fix“ I); D? \VlLLIAM SMITH‘S ANCIENT ATLAS 30 A B Pe di on Marithna E ' Gigonis P: Lombna.C0bfls A '3 m a, E ‘9 ? Falgp sus Posidimu. Peneus 1'7 Cas themes-a umacia l’ Gerontia ~’ . . 1', ‘4 ad. ophyx u s 5. ? Apollonia Den-his Pr. Pr. é Psathura g Geronfia Plp er 1 ( '. 171171119. Pagas tic'us (. ‘ Skiatb 0 KHETJDROMT 8' 1 u s . ePifl 1 u . undikunin‘i . . S K L‘ P131,- 0 Nclous . 31:11: - ' 1’1: 3 “#11105 L" so 9. l} V 0; 7 :o‘ “s "f. 9.5“ . .3“; ”- . fivfimw" 4' m " fl" 61 1 ‘ [I darakiniku mm. , ynus ‘ \y‘ \‘ rphi-W’L" 1'.' Sup. cyan in m Jlare P1: vm-hrem ' > (55': Y“ o . 9 Spigot-ma . (”T3235 In? Hde-usa . (‘a‘ufiae :‘thandros Z 0.5 ta‘ . Phahx‘a I. 3 1E ‘ w T . Pitymesm: C 313(1le Aslypalaia SCOPELOS. 1C0 S Lykoryma udemja .7, Teristeri p11 a. C 41ml) r) a I ‘1, Halonnesus 3, Skmtzm‘a SScandile, Skandj]; .‘, Podi Roch.) . F, Eartviz/m fursia Pf . Skyl‘Ds LP. Aklu'li SCYROS,s Alana/Yd B. I C. l‘irhari Kk‘n‘apuln $. 3 makino - .«a ‘ ‘ RV" o Pras s u. 1» (71312901195113 Pr, (2 Hum; ymv . Kauai 601mm 1". 01mm 1.2 Q» J’euws J‘ysms Port hmux I. 1m pub \‘uxJ .010 [Qualified B ay 7 ( '. Flu/a 2111 #030“ l ’95: :9 Caphamus 1‘}: L'. Darn WW =34.- 'b ' “a. lfabazws H: acts 1 - 1.1 m..." I". li-arimidz . 3‘ .. ,. o yum» gs . '3 L‘ WW") 1501. - Hel ‘na ‘ (5’ I'llt-usa" e, Pen. . ‘1‘. D 1”“ as UrgIa ' 5 a v. C Sm‘fio K'asuea. mdj Clrene urns . Z wrath Rock R. c O '9 C $93 cu“: S. Cardin“ ‘1': Melas Ar abus . Aropos Kipbs P.’ SAMOTHRAC E SA MO'I'HRAKI Lamponiam C. Suvlo C. Stelia Efi IMBROS m IMBR O S Awake. P.‘ 3'35 m even“ LEMNOS ‘6' :a a Mastusia wSidcn’tis * go" -' e Rn. Ham (‘. Belles E (4815411125., aab‘bit _> IUJaros Bank Didyiflm ' >13. Kharos . O 0' i 0;, C. 5020 C, V 590, BODSHA ADA . TENEDO S $0“ . alydna . Eski Stambxd. k x213 9‘ ° ('. Tbaskoli Andy“ Me 'mn . 3%... a Sanda1_eon?. Fetras F. Ioanni slglillg _ Nesopa , Sidusa‘ C. Szgm' . Sigrium Pr. C Erisox t. '. Bn'sa . Bl'iSR PI‘. LESB'S it” V S 3, . ' Ida!“ Passanda fyrrba CDanlina . xi CKaratepe M , . Afl one s 1 . 9x 0 «Ulla c _‘ ‘zf ‘1 \39 ‘ . » g 5. .. . Adehx‘m 3’3“}? 33“ I“ Platy , Q S Cymw u 5. C. Hydra . Hydz a PI'. ”Km-sis . Melzeua 1’1: Bile-Ian a 1’1: C. Niko In C H10 S KHIO S Alailis Alumina Aspro a Caucasa Pr. 2.7 ' Amine Kara 131421111 :3, ‘ Q Pele? 0‘ 311115315 A: ‘ pMarelhusa 3 9 ‘0 59‘ .4. £31.17 5 Ib‘lju'xa +0. 0,: Rupes mm 1). alqyim'Rocks .Pr. DRO S , ANDROS ‘ > 121%.va 13.1350“ 6. ‘ Corvffie’e“:§°€? e O ~85 Tavaigsvfiaxo“: w‘} . V («€683 P.M:Isi“‘ 1939‘“ P. Halone Cissvsé‘l‘i'jwfi . Palamu Ouvreo .Kavnlfi B ' . , (t. ‘ (.‘avs t1'i ., hawedcs ms asto ?.Famdos S , Jeni Khoria PROPO OCONNE SUS. Nova Procomlesus. s Acte, Keskiz'iakcn Rt Phcebe? K111 ah Mdanos Pt Artald 9 M7!) t n p Dascylilis lfamjas L E 75%.] 'unnflfli ‘ :3 Wkfi p z 6' . a Papasly Valheleuh... In” "H." s Sinus ‘ _Nova , hamlet-mmpmn 7 -$>chi“;—‘3 e “ 7V T o A 5269 org-ins ztis 27 xenof‘as‘s ’ .5 . Os ,SW‘" .. ‘39)“) _ 7 Harris “Dug ’0 . ~Dial..’. 31TH“) & 6 Pall'oclu ‘ P” . ' \ I: h C I N a " ‘p . W ‘ k v'yaros “$1"; , . ' LE 0 . Gym-a " 3: ...... _ . - Hana-Lynn... 21* ., "A " ‘5 ,ura .bmsli a1 th ”Pl-5 pidaurus [Bantium etMesate 1 n s n\ .3 a gun thnygm 3 TEN TINOS 00"” . 0.8“,”ICARIA asonié‘ii'w NIKARIA . 'Fr ‘ Tt'a wise 3' 5’ Saln‘upuln . 5 V § Glam: M. ......................... (i Zepleru S.N1ko u T . Gyne .v. Him-a]. ’- SYRA, S 0. H o . Corassiae \1, t . _ 4 Kedros 1 d U 'Amhro ,' ‘Blabyfhwks Palm 1a. 3 flior’gios 5' 1 THERMH ,(‘YTHNOS 1:11.; C I ‘ Shqxhanu b. MYKDNI , MYC O 5 P12.?llrratiri SY RA . Gaidm-q. . Drag on on I. , Drake sum 9 B. L'. :1 “'ka Marl :1 1" ' C RHENEA MEGALIDIU P. Linutri ¢ (3 1‘. Djnu'zn' , Prepesiudms .’ Piper} urliahpydl o Kuncni l “w... ' .. . .. 4 ‘ ‘ . . szm-mus Mileti v"“*y Q » I ~ “' . leel wdsmcopuh Pen 0 Karaw Ax cm a '. ello . ' _ 3‘ Arki 1“" n g W Czriimg "' ‘4) LaNau‘, '9‘? C ‘ \ WW; 3 PA'I M Psumg. PA'I‘MO flt‘ I‘m 0" .‘3' . A . Lepsxa ,Ljpso , "A spra )h 1431101 :1 o ' . ; armamssa dreaAMW Khalavrac“ '- £1 Pharmaku , a hug“ “Kalapndi « - K ' " b'friyitl 42 " f C 7 Alishangely - \z , €181)”; ’11. r . . g . Pamheni u. 5 CKOI‘aka. Sum'um Panhm ( Apostolag Panagia E ., m.’\sngpu$? ' b enpnupnuu i &i SERIPHO. SERIPHOS ‘ ' 1 . ' '1 -~ .» ( ~(.}(\11u,) .fi' . rm“ L.‘ Anng'ruphi LEROS mes 1/. Scylia , AR S ’ Pariha \mm FARO s , (V. Philippo 3 .7 Alma: we» " Su'ong'yle O Kalulimuu N i syros Kama}; C o r 51 333111131125 . . CALYDNA ,CAIXMNA 7 KALIM N o .- Dms NAXO S , N AXO s hgpandz'ogffig‘w «Prasura .0 @Nicasia . Apano Kuphn ? fl.f?hacussa . KaterKupho? ‘3 .gggaCemsfiex-ia w» 1 a Ken-cs Kramm‘gg‘ iplmos , Kastro '- Sir‘oiig‘fivlé“ Laws SIPHANO SIP OS Cinarps . Cinara Ex Klnaru c Harm r. Kat art; I U Nel‘iphus ? g . N ruggalos a Liadi Ncra Luanda Ilinrizmi ,Onos .E‘fllvra 1”“ Almjfiijlo q l .-’ ,3 . . dis ' ‘ir'lim 3 .s' anti! 1‘1 .mew “a" D o Wows. (‘IEIOLO S , KmmLm. Igglyze os _ 0 inc Poly os nlé3fgSraLh15 —- '3‘ . . Y1 .‘ 'JE‘? 1‘ yo?- _ f BYBLos, MELOb *”° w , ~. ' '- MILD, C IIypex-t ‘ C Pn'ali .P , d1 8111113 [in . 9 Saphonilic ' 1 (‘ u ‘ q 5-. . 5Agrilu's‘saht‘ °Fhidnssa ‘13ng Crabfisae' Grabusa ' ,Kastro . And add z , RGOS . AMORGOS ................. .m ”I ---- K05. C Drevanum L‘. J) aplm e CPI‘E‘m Cnidia . S ‘1 S s 0 ‘1 e Limcl'a .luvip. Smuris Mhma Ins. rt Pox-Ins , Hal'isarna y C h e 2 ( ‘ Phucafil. CAgAndreas ‘55,, Lavonlc'us . . ' h: h ,1 11 u s Pautflmtha . . ‘ . \ Ofiausai ‘ Delii ' Aflspro - . 111 em a La ceterAPI‘. ‘ T Krukflo P. V be): U‘EIHLD app. (I mung. PholeO‘ahdrm - ' .. A ‘ . . ? PAS Pulyfimdm ‘ ’ Bfllppuns. 2 a; QC“: Amorgo P1110 Anydzros ‘Pol odusa gba . SY M E SYMI A1122 4 .’ .‘ Diahatu! .’ '. , Yamtes Yanbl'm‘ ,. , ASTYPALJEA O _ ‘ Kardmus sa SIAMPALIA blamssa, , Alyssa P- . Sertsheh 1}) us “ Shoal Formal flu, Submar'me vulcuru'c erupfian in . 46% ' R. (huléna Lithesii . . _ . . - ., Male“ PI! : Tha-asan . Therasxa (ZMalaa tanisuis Pr. U. A'parhi Seskli f» q T E L 0 S t Mala/um '1‘] LO Y /$ , . 4% 'leutlussai‘beuthmsa ‘ :nnona Diabatmg '0 ’, l 2.12 I SANTORINCALLISTE ANAPHE . E $94 1 ?RR _ _. _ , ‘ $3,513,105.54 7.. E If” I'Adelphi Palasa Kammeni. . Panap’n CYTHERA , (‘1: R1 an . - -. mid AllhTiLu ‘ 7 C. LaduJu' Eft 511311": Piz‘atcflocks ,Makn Svrnides 1‘? ° ‘ ‘Uphxdi ‘ n‘aNisia ' . du-J'sLizmi. H141? V01110111 .’. Drnguu-Ira i‘5cania .0 Ashani. 470$ ' ‘Esg‘utj.451'§ Pasha‘ vmmea K usU-c u 1.111.111? . L11“. mam» . .9rl-J’muflfli I Kuplxo t . ‘31P” . 1 Ark/rmpfdu RHOD U S « INGIJYIL'JJIU , .F I 111111; Minn: 0921 28 I '. Ludo a}: Linziu P 2) L . Thoamium Pr. . Jlfy'lamilm) P1: 17111031.! , Porem a Jivri f Nautilus Psyim . Karuvulu u 1x1“; Pol-l ) OgylosJEq-ila Y9; ' Cerigmtn ;K " Saria . Ta ram-.13 prialtl‘u‘m 1’1: ’ v[MEI-as 9 I P] atem I ‘3' Kamila ta 1 $0 e$ ‘ @ \y ¢ g ‘4 2; Psacum P11, 03pm US A . Corycgga . M. C AR PAT w SILARPAN Pondiko-m'si ' or Siurd-A ' . Fusju Mylar? I“? . .Arcesoia 1 15'. . . . . .. . q _. ‘0 .. ;‘ Dwmfifl- ,. J 1. d ‘ @.%%?§ 3%; 3 §%.%@@% Rhamnus Ag. Nikola ‘Elasa I. ?,Eremop01i Grantley Bay 4 Am d w . , .4 ,I e on. .Nnkolifixy opp. 0171.251: P}: ?, Kawallos ‘ Kupbo 1713111191 5mm I K h . [:2 IONIANS g! DORIAxs — .EOIJANS L9113u£uPr~ulu Lissa,Bli sa acra. . e ., up umu CLittinas (VI 1' Se (3' 'Qv H Gaudos 1 V ’ “” “‘” bhaudo E ' I , . G H . ‘ K L 280 I“ awn ., Charles 111191; . 1'2 . Engmmd wt S (Warlll’hiftll Ex 't J 01m MUJT ay‘ , A] b (111131-19 Street , London. (34: u.‘ a, a ‘»:4' w,” ,xv U1, 2“ ”*r 5 . . m . . fist» u . 5 .v. ‘ ,m ‘ \ J . 9%; 95k V1" J *1 (4 (”a 3i ' MAP 27. j COASTS AND , ISLANDS'OF THE EGEAN SEA. Abbreviations: B. Bay. 0. Cape. D. (Dagh) Mountain. F. Flumen. I. Insula. L. Lacus. M. Mons. Opp. Oppidum. P. P‘ortus (Port). Pal. Palus. Pr. Promontorium. R. River. S. Sinus. T. Templum. Q U‘QO’Q G (D CDOQ Pit—BO? CD ”‘9an p‘H'B c‘c‘HaHzWr-‘B £5 $9 £9 Dita-‘97 C‘CDO'Q H-H-HIO Huh—'99 PhD-hm 9-19- 39 1-1-93 p-ur-l-G Fri-bru- cwrwgmahw ~E H9: 5 nap—co (n o arm—.022 Soc. :75 o ....B ....p....o a so rm: mm C‘f-‘aQ—vmb‘w marrmm H59: CD so H.c*c*c+c'o mu: a who Abae A e Akio ~ D f. Aphrodisias Bogio . I d Aspro F k Briantica. G a Cerigo B k Coryphas I Abarnis I b Akladz' (7. F i Aphrodisium Pr. M i Aspro G f Briantica G a Oerz'go Kapsuli B k Coryphasium K Abarnis I b Akrariws G h Aphytis B b Aspro 0. F i Brilessus M. C \ f Cerigotto B l Coryphon M. B Abarnis Pr. I b Akrarz'as D i Apilas F. A c Aspro 0. H f Brisa O. G d Cerinthus C e’ Cos I Abdul D. 'K b Akroteri D l Apius Campus L d Aspro O'._ M i Brisa Pr. G d Ceros G i Cos K Abdera. E a Akrotz'rz‘ F h Apobathmi A g Assa C b Briula M g Certonium I d Cossinites F. E Abrettene L ‘ c Akrotz‘ri K m Apokoroni D m Assera - C b Bromiscus C a Cetius F. K d Cothon I. B Abydus H b Akrotz‘rz' 0'. ‘F b Apollinis T. I f Assesus K g Brychon F. ' B d Chaeronea A. f Cotylaium M. O Academis K g Ala D. I c Apollinis Egletae T. G k 'Assus H d Brycfis K 1 Chalastra A a Cotylus I Acanthius S. C b Ala D. K b Apollinis Delii T. B i Astale E m Bubassia Regia M i Chalce L k Cotyrta B Aoanthus C b Ala’banda L g Apolh'nis Erethimii T. M k Asterusia M. E n Bubassius S. L i Chalcedonius M. A d Crabusa G Acanthus L i Al-Aglaa K e‘ Apolh'nis Lithesii T. B k Astroes C. E a, Bucephala, Pr. B h Chalcetores ‘ L h Cranaé I. A Achaei A i Alaifis P. .G f Apollinis Pylhii T. F i Astropaloea H i Bucephalus Pr. B g Chalcia L ,k Craugiae B Achaei C m Alangulz' 0. K h Apollorza Bay G h Astypalaea H i Budorus F. ‘ B e Chalcidenses I f Cremaste A Achaeium H c Alata . ‘- B. d Apollonia D a. Astypalaea. I' g Budroae I‘B- C l Chalcidice 'B b Cremaste I Achaeorum Portus . I e Alato H g Apollonja D b Astypalaea K i Budrun L h Chalcis O f Crenides D Achaia A d Alazonium K c Apollonia D m Astypaleea I' H i Bulis A f Charadrus D b Cressa I Achaia M k Albi Montes C m Apollonia E a Astypaleea Pr. ~ C g Bupalo P. D f Charadrus K' g Cressa P. M Acharaca M g Alcyonium Mare B £ Apollonia E i Astypalaea Pr. K i Buporthmus Pr. B h Charadrus F. A g Creston B Acharnae C f Aleppo 0’. M i Apollonia .F m Astyra, ‘ ' I c Burdugly Kassuba L f Charadrus F. A h Crestonaei A Achillea. . K g Ales F. H f Apollonia L d Astyra K d Burinna Fons K i Chastia C f Crestonia , A Achilleum E e Ales F. ' K f ApolloniaChalcidices B b Astyra Abydenorum I b Burundjz’k K e Chersonesus B g Crete. D Achilleum K f Alessa ' M i Apollonia Mydoniaa C a Asyla D a Busa 0. C l Chersonesus F m Creticum Mare B Achillis Charax I o Alexandri Luous I f Apollonis L e Atab‘yron M. , L k Butheia I f Chersonesus H b Cretinia L Achirkoi M h Alexandria I c Apostola K h‘ Atala M i Butoa G In Chersonesus Hm Creusis B Acoetium/ C 1 Alexandria Troas H c Apostoh' 0. M i Atalanda P. C e Byblos D i Chersonesus I a. Crisa A Acontisma E a Alikiv E a Apri K a. Atalante .A a Chersonesus K i Crithea. ‘ H Acraephiee B f' Alinda L g Aprus K a Atalante B e Cadistus M. Gm Chersonesus Pr. B m Crithote I Acrasus L d Allaria H m Apsinthii I a Atalanta C g Caecioe B g Chersonesus Pr. D e Criumetopon Pr. B Acrathoi D b Alluvion I e Apsinthus F. I a Atarneus I d Ceeno C m Chersonesus Cnidia K i Croceae A . Acrathoum ' D b Almalu Dagh M g. Aptera D In Atayron L k Caenon Phrurion M ‘a Chesius F. ‘ I g Crocius Campus ' A Acriee A i Alonaki B. E e Arabah M 1 Athamanius campus A d Caeratus F' F m Chidorus F' ' A a. Crommyon B Acte D b Alone L b Arab He'ssar L g Athenee C g Caicus F. K d Chiorum I d Crusis sine Crossaea A 'Acytus C l Alonz' K b Arabus H b Athenae Diades A e Calami I g Chios . G f Cuarius F. _ A Adae I e Alope A e Arachnaeus M. B g Atz'nati 0'. E g Calamyde C m Chios H f Cyamum Pr. I) Adakoi . M c Alope A e .Araden ' D m Atmak M i Calarnoe C b Clzipneh I c Cybelia I Adala M e Alopeconnesus H b Aradus I. D m Atsitsa E e Calathe I h C'hrz‘stz'am' F k Cyclades I) Adelphi D d Alorus A a Arai’nus A 1 Attalia I d v Calathusa Gr i Chrysaoris M h Cydones C Adelphi E i Alpenus A e Arakli C. B e Attalia. M e Calaurla C g Chryse G c Cydonia I) Adelphi F i Altus A a. Aranlca 11!. E g Attica B f Cale acte D g Chryse G n Cydonia I Adelphi I e Alzmtha P. G f Araphen D f Aulis O. f Cale Peuce K c Chryse H‘ c Cyllene M. A Adelph’i I k Al-veus vetus A a Araplus H b Aulon C a. Callas F. B e Chryse ~ I c Cymaeus S. I Adendros B g Alyattis Sepulcrum M e Arapus H b Aulon E g Callidroinus M. A e Chryse Campus K' h Cyme D Adramyttenus S. I d Amanez' M. G e Arbius M. F m Automate F k Callipohs I b Chryse' Pr. F b Cyme I Adramyttium K c Amarynthus O f Arcadia A h Avdelais F i Callisto G k Chrysorrhoas F. M g Cynortion B Adrasteia _K b Amazonium 1 h Arcadia F m Avga I l Callum M a Chastan I e Cynoscephalae A Adrianu Therae L c Ambrysus A f Arceseia K In Aviaka P’- G b Caloe M f Chytrium ‘I f Cynossema II Ad Statuas M a Amista 0. G f Arcesine G i Awludjyk Gol M f Caloi Limenes E n Cicnias M. F g Cynossema Cnugna- .ZEantium E g ~Amitas B b Arcitis l h Axee chlzlo F m Calydna G c Cicones F a thos Pr. M ZEantium Pr. A d Amnisus F1. F m Arconnesus I f Aaz‘m' Is- A k Calydna I i Cicynethus A d Cyn08ura Pr. D .ZEdepsus . B e Amnisus P. F m Arconnesus L i Axim' I. A k Calydnze H o Cilbianus Campus L f Cynthus M. F ’ nga Pr. I e Amwgo Pulo Angelros G i Arctus M. L b Axius F. A a Calymna I 1 01113. I o Cynus B .ZEgee B e Amorgos G i Arethu’sa C a Amos E m Camara G 111 Cilia K e Cyon M Egaa K e Amorgos- G i Argeeus M. I" m Amos G m Cambria D d CIllaeus M.. H c Cyparissia A JEgaeum Mare E b Amorgos I. G i Argenna H d Axus E m Camirus L k CIllus F. I c Cypasis I .ZEgaeum Mare F b Ampelos Pr. I g Argennum H I \ _ Campsa * B b CImarus or Corycus P120 1 Cyphanta 13 Aege C ,0 Ampelus M. I g Argennum Pr. H d Baba L 1 Canastracum Pr. C c Cimolos E i Cypse’la II Egiae A i Ampelus Opp. Hm Argentiera E 1 Baba 0'. H d Candid B. F m CIDIOIUS E i Cyrbe M Egiale H i Ampelus Pr. C c Argesa K— 'c Babakm' L d Canw I d Cinara H i Cyri Campus L Egila. B ‘1 Ampelus Pr. Hm Argilus C a. Baccheion I. I e Caneous F. I e Cmaros H i Cyrtone B Egila. I. D f Amphanae A d Argmum Pr. H f Baindyr L f Cane M. I ‘d_ Cmdya L h Cyrus F. L E31119. ' C g Amphiclea A e Argmusao l. I e, Bakgr L d Cantanus C m Cirphis A f Cytoeum F Egina, B g Amphimala - D m Argiza K c Bakgr Tshaz' K e Cantharium Pr. I g Cirphis M. .A f Cythera B Egina ~ a C g Amphimalious s. D m Argohcus S. A h Bazaksa E e Caphareus Pr. E f CiSamum Pr. D l Cythnos I) Egiro'éssa I e Amphipolis _ C a.’ Argohs A g Balamuth‘k L e Caprus I. C a Cgsamus 0 m Cythnos- I. D ZEgirus H d Amyclee A h Argos A g Mersin P. _H Elma. C 1 Gaurium 7 E g Hermione B h Kallomi H d Kunellz‘ K h Lycus F. L e Mesambxjia G Elma. K e Gavrio’n P. E g Hermionicus S. B h Kallomi Port H d Kunapia H i Lydia‘ K d Mesapius F. ' D Elzeus A g I Gazorus C a Hermo L i Kala Limm'ones E n’ Kunupia H i Lydi et Cares L g Mesam'a H. Elmus H b Ge‘di‘s Tslzai K e} Hermus F. K e Kalolz'mno K h Kupho- B k Lykoryma D' d Mesate E Elmus II f Gelos P. ' M i Hem'aolcastm D h Kalomero 0. F i Kaplzo Channel H n Lyrcea A g Mesate Pr. H Elaeus M i Genesion A g Hiera F k Kalom' 0. H d Kuplzonisi H n Lyrnessus K 0/ Mesa B Elmusa I. I \‘e Gerae I f Hiera- H d Kaloyer'i Rocks F f Kama D m Lysimachia I a Mesogis M. L. Elaeussa M i Gerae Petrae F g Hiera s. Sphaeria I. C h Kama‘roes K b Kara Dagh I a Lytto F m .Messara B. E Elaiticus S. I e Geraeidae R I f Hieracia C i Kamamfotissa F b Kusliulc Mendcre . L f Lyttus F m Jilessm’a R. E Elaphon D f‘ Geraestus E g Hieracome M g Kamila H 1 Katala B. D h Mathana» B Elapho-nisi B m Geraestus Pr. E g flierapctra va Kaudili III. B e Katm' . B l. Methone A Elaphonnesus L b Gerania M. B f Hierapytna Gm Kam‘ Kastell . F m Kuvari M. E g Methone B Elasa I. H m Gergitha ‘ I b Hierocaesarea L f Kantsz'll-iems. C 1 Ky'dom'a I (1 Macedonia A a Methurides B Elatea A c Gergitha ad Fontes Hieron B g Kaphalar L g Kylclops 0. D h Macestus F. M c ' Methymna C Elatea A 6' Caici L d Hieron M. K .a Kapota ‘ K h » Macestus F. M d Methymna H Elatea ' I d Gergithium Lampsa- Hippi 133- H f Kapparl K i ' Macris' ' D g Metropolis K Electra F. _. E m cenorum I b Hippocoronium D m Kapa Dagh L b Labranda L h Macris I f Micolitus G Eleusa C g Gem'as 0. E g Hippolas B '1' Karabagla ~ K i Laoeria A d Madam Vozma C m Midea. A Eleusae B g Germe L d Hipponesus L i. ‘ Karabogha K b Lacetei' Pr. . I i Madona _I i 111176711 PM E Eleusinius S. B g Geronthrae A i Hippui'is G i Kara Duran H e Laconica A h Madam ‘ K d M'lc’ra Kammem' F Eleusis ‘ C f Gerontia C d Histi Portus H g Kara D. I b Laconicus S. A i Madytus Hib Mikro D Eleusis F k Gerontia D d Histi Pr. G g Karada L i Lade K g Maeander F. - L g III/[late ' G Eleutherae B f Gethone I b. Histiaea B e Kara Dagh L e Lagina. M h Maeandrupolis K 'g 'Miletopolis' M Eleutherna E m Ghaudo D n H'istizcotis B e Kara Dare L c Lagusa F. i Magams I a Miletopolitis L. L Eleatlzema E m Glaaado Paulo C n Holmiae Pr. A f Kara Dere ‘ M b‘ Lagusae H c Magnesia A c Miletus G Elias .M. G m Gigonis Pr. B b Homolium ~ A c Karagoldjz’k L d La/cz’da 0. D i Magnesia K e Miletus ' K Elias M. L k Gigonus B b Hyampolis A e Kara/caja K f Lamia A e Magnesia L - g Miletus ad Euenum ’ K EliXus F. D g Giorgios S.' C h Hyda M i Karakol K c Lamiae I e Magny 0. C 1 M'z'liano 0'. M Ella I p d Glaphyrae A d Hydra 0. I e Karallcles Bay D f Lamon P. D m Mahmud D. L f 1911721; B Elymnia. C d Glaxo D e Hydra Pr. I e Karama L h Lampa _D m Alaito H b' IlIz'lo D Elyrus C m Glam E g - Hydramum D m Karaplalca H a , Lampaeorum Portus D m Makarom'a I d Mimas M. H Emathia ~ D a Glaroboda ' F i Hydroa B h Karatepe 0'. I d Lamponia H d Malara I g Minervae T. C Embaton H f _ flares 0. F i Hydrea I. ' .B h Karam‘ C i Lamponia I. H b Makra I m Minervae T. H Em F m Glauce Port. K g Hydrusa 0 g Karam' Nisia H k Lampsacus I b Makrea- .G k ' Minoa B Enipeus F. ' A b. Glauconosus ~ D f Hyetussa . K h Karavula L '1 Lampter Portus I e Makm' B k Minoa D Enoe . B f Glisas B f Hyla M i Karammo D e Lamptra C g Makri " G a Minoa E Eolympus K 1 Glympeis A h Hyllus'F. M e Karclak K h Lamart-koi I 6 Malawi 0. G a Minba G Epaeria 0 -f Gnossus F m Hymettus M. G g Ka'rdamllz' H 9 La Nata F h Malm'teikos F m Minoa 1118. et Portus B Ephesus K g Gonm L b Hypaepa L f Karde'ot/issa .F i Lapathus A c Makron’z‘si D g Minoa Lyttiorum G Ephialtium Pr. K 1 Gom’ H f Hyperteloaton A i Karghadjik L h Lape Nape H d Malcros fligz‘alos K m Minpium Apteron D Ephyra A h Gonnocondylon A c Hypocremnus I f Karla L k Laphion H d Malca Bay F m Mirabella Gulf ‘G Ephyra D i Gawdiz , M e Hypsili I f Kartsimo C. E e Lappa D m Malea C. B k Miscella. C Epidaurus B g Gordus K c Hypsili I f Kargjstos D f Lapsaki I b Malea Pr. B k .Misz‘rlcoi L Epidaurus Limera B i Gordus M e Hypsirisma K i Kasikll L h Lardo 0. ‘ M k Malea Pr. I d- Mz'tyleni G Epidelium Pr. B i Gortyna E m Hyrcanius Campus L e Kase‘kl'l B. th Larissa A e Malclca 0'. D l Mitys F. A Era-3 7 I f Gortyna F m Hyria C f Kastallos F m Larissa H c Malene I d Mnasyrium L ‘ Eraklitza K a Goulas G m Hyromus L h. Kastelh' 0. E i Larissa. L f Malia F m flfm‘ma 0. A C Erasistratius K g Goutlieroa 0. H n Hyrtacina .C m Kastra F c Larissa . L g Maliacus S. A e fllomdere L Eielcli L’ a Grabusa C l Hysiae A g Kastm' E g Larissa Phriconis K e Malis A e Mokasura K Eremopoli E m Grabasa E a Kastro D i Larissaeae l’etrae. I d Malkejz' R. K f Molivo H Eremapoli II In Grabasa G i Kastro E i Laros 7 H i Mallona M k M0720 ' H Eresus» G d Grammium Hm' Kastro F c Larymna Inf. B e Malfis K c Monodendri C'. K Eretria A d Gramos H m I brijl 0'. H a Kastro G b Larymna Sup. B e Mandz'll E g Monolitlzi 0. L Eretria C f Gmmsa D d Icaria H g Kastro H f Las A i Mandili 0'. ' . E g Mopsium A Eretria vet-us C f Grannies Hm Icarium Mare G h Kastmn M k Lasaea E n Mandjulilc ‘ L c Mordala L Ergasteria K c Grandm Bay Hm Icaros H g Katabasis O. I g Lasethc Mts. F m Mandrae L c JVIoslco . I Em'mo Kastron M k Granicus . I c Icos C d Kato-Kuplzo G‘ i Lastus M. K 1 Mandropolis L c Mostene L Erineus . A d Gr'anicus F. K b Ida M. E m Kata Pizano P. G f Lathiki 0. M k Manganarl C’. ,F i llIotkes ML H .Em'm'a E e Granos Hm Ida M. I c ,Ka'uaki B. H f Latmicus S. K g Mamijas M c Madras F Erisos G d Gradia C. H f Idacus H b .Kavalianl . I) f Latmus L g Mamfjas Gol L 'b Mudros B. F H-D‘fi 8° I79 Wham? 0"th @ smirk-.5 W}: l: c‘rhI-br-hUQUQ WE b‘b‘r—OQ trio 80 ED l-bl-I-I-hl'b / I-bB H5090? 5 8° ugh-.p-ac‘m o a: m H-9 =1”qu Q‘C‘WflnH-pm B 0 H95 D‘U’SOOQ ownfifin a: a #501? B B B What-4:09 U‘U" HE “mm—cm Hm a: ma: rum: 5 o‘c'B p‘wmmp $93,502: P-{U‘CIQjBB a o B a: fid‘H-Q W‘b‘P-aQ-asotm m Hernia C: B .7 I“ _ .-v~/-— --—'-—“w A MAP 27- COASTS AND ISLANDS OF THE IEGIEAN SEA. “1 Muhalz'tsh M b Olympus I c Patmos I. I h Planedhi D d Rhenea F h Sigeum 'H c Tallaeus M. E Murtzephlos 0’. F 0 Olympus M. H d Patmus I h Plam'ti F g Rhesus F,_ I b Sigia H c Tameloe 0. D Musagorae I”- |C m Olympus M. K f Patroclu Charax 0 g Plataeae B f Rhizfls A c S1g1'1‘dj13 M b Tamanlar Dagh K Masatsh L b Olynthiacus B b P611615 0. H a Platania C 1 Rhocca Q m Sign G d Tamynae D Mutsama 0. G h Olynthus B b Pam'mada M k Platam‘a R. O m Rhodius F. H b Sign' O, G d Tanagra. 0 Mycalessus 0 f Omalo Plain C m Pam'madi D i Platanistus Pr. ' A k Rhodius F. ' K c Sig“: I G d Tanaus F. A Mycate M. K g Omarkoi M. c Paximadi F m Platea D e Bhodavaml' 'C m Sigrium P1. G d Tantalis L Mycenae A g Omphalius Campus F m Pax1'mad1' 0. D g . Plateae I. C g Rhodus M k Sigrius P G d Ta Palatia K Mychus A f Onchesmus F. A c Paximadia Is. E n Plateae 138- H l Rhodus M k Signs F. H b Taranda L MyConos F h Onchestus B I Pedasa. K h Plateae Trcs I e Rhoeteum H 0 81711110 F i Tarphe A Myconus ' F h Onia M. A g Pedasa. L h Platia 0 g .Rhokka C 111 81711110 I. F i Tarrha O Mygdonia A a Ononisia Hm Pedasis . L h Platy E e Rhom’aes B 6 8111111 M a. Tarsius F. L Mykm‘ F h Onos ‘ B e ’Pedasus H c Platy ' I e Rhypara. K g Simoeis F. H’ c Tatarly L Mylae If? B‘m Onos C i Pedasus L h Platys a1'gz'alos B E i Rhytium . F m Sihdus A a Tauriana. ~A Mylantlum Pr- L k Onugnathos Pen. A k Pedion M k Pleae A i Rithymna D m Sinekdshilar D. L g Tavates H M31333 - L h Ophidi B k Pegae B f Pod1' Backs“ E e Rithymnus '” D m Singiticus S. C b Tay getus M. A My 10 B m Ophiussa K a. Pegamtsa' I h Poecflassus C m Rodosto L a Singus C b Tegyia A Mylop‘otamo Gas. E m Ophrynium H b Pegaseia Palus K f Poeéessa D g Ratass F m Sinthus A a Teichiussa K Myndus K #Opuntii B e Pekmezly K b Poeessa D g Rumbodona. E a, Sinti B a. Teiorum Opp, _ I Myonnesus A Opuntius S. B e Pelago C d Poemanenus L b 1111111511: 0 m Sinus A a Teke Derbend G Myonnesus Opp. I Opus B e Pele I f Polic’es D g Siordi 072 Pond1'ko- Tekir 0. K Myonnesus Prom. I f Opus Pr. A f Pelecas M. . L d Polichne D m 11131“ B l T€ICiT Dagh I Myree ' A c ‘Orak , L i Peleki P. B e Polichne I f Sabatium A b Siphoe B f T4111 Dagh K Myrcinus C a. Orchomenus A e Pelia. B d Polichne K c Sab1’b P. I e Siphano E i Telando I Mylina. F c Ordymnus M. G d Pelinnaeum M. G e Pol-ichnitis H d Saii sive Sapaei D a. Siphnos E i Telandms I Myrina K e 0re1' B \e .Pelion M. B, c ‘Pol1'n_ K m Sailejik M K d Siphnos I. E i Telendos I Myriophytos K a. Oreus B e Pelium . K i Polino Polybos E i Sak1's M. M h Sipylus L e Telethrium M. B Myrmeces I. I e Orgas Regio I 0 Pella. A a. Pol1's D m Salamis B g Sipylus M. K e Telos K“ Myrmex Bupes B d Orikhova H a. Pellene A f Polium H d Salamis G g S1'1‘1'11a I k Telos I. K Myrrhicus H c Orisius M b Pelopia L e Polyaegos D 11 Sale G a. Siris C a. Temem‘a K Myrto I. E g Ormenium 'A d Pelopis Insulae B g Polyaegos E i Salganeus O f Siro Paeones C a Temnus I Myltoum Mare B i Ormenium A d Pelfis I. H f Poly/candro E i Salmone Pr. 'H m Sithonia, C b Temnus M. M Mysia I d Orneae A g Peneus F. A c Polymedium H d Salmonium Hm ’ Sitia B. H m Tempe A, Mysia K c Orobiae B e Pennane C a. Polypodusa L i Saminthus A g Skala Nova K Tempyra. G Mysius F. L d Oromedon M. K i Pentademitae K d Polyporus F. K b Samiorum ' K g Skamnia H g Tenedos H Mytilenaeorum I d Oropus O f Peparethos C d Polypud1 R. G ‘b Sammonium Hm Skamn'ia M b Tenedos I. G Mytilene I d Ortadja , M g Peparethus C d Polyrrhenia C m Samonius Campus H c S/camnia 0. H d Tenos E Myus K g Orta/co1‘ G a. Pera F i Pond1iko111‘s1' _ B d Samopulo I g Skandili . D d Tenos F Orthagoria. F a~ Percea Bhodia . M i PondikO-nisi 01‘ Siord’i B 1 Samos I g Skantzara D d Teas I Orthagoria. G a. ,Pereeum A f Pont1'k11tha H i Samos . I g Skarpanto K 1 Tereia M. I Orthosia. M g Percote . I b Pontinus M. A g Samothrace ’ G b 87171111113801 G. i Teren F. F Nacrasa. , L- d Osmida.’ 'D m Pergamiae Regionis C l Pardoselene I d Samothrace .G b Skiat/zo B d Termera K Nacrasus L d Ossa M. A c Pergamus C l Porett-i B -l* Samothracum G a Sklavapala C m Termerium Pr. K Nariandus K i Otessakde're - K a. Pergamus D a, P0110. B 4: Samothraki G b Skopelo C -d 'Tethrin F. F Narthacium A d Othrys M. A d Peigamus K 11 P011 B 1 ‘Samsun D. K g Skapelo I. C d Teumessus B Narthecis K g Ouoreo-Kalessi I f PeIin’chus 1 L a. Para B. G In Samas M i Skop'ia F c Teuthrania K Naryx B e 0120 B k Pe1'1'stas1‘ K a. Porsulae F a. Sandaleon H d Skylonisi G h Teuthrania K Nasly M g 0120 G 1 Peristera G a Por‘phmus D f’ Sandama B. K h Skyropulo ° D e Teuthrone A Nauplia. A g Oxia I. E n Peristem' . D d Posidium K 1 Sandarlflc I e Slag/1'03 E e Teutlussa L Naussa P. F h Pema E a. Pos1d1um Pr. B c Sane B b Skyros I . E ~ 9 Thasiorum Ditio‘ D Naustathmus Portus I e Perperene I d Posidium P '. B d Sane O b Smila ‘ B b Thasiorum Oppidum G VNaut'ilos B l Pactolus F. M e Petal1' D g Posidium Pr. ,0 a. San Nikola A d Sminthia. K b Thaskol1'0.F Naxia L h Pactyas M. K g Petaliee D g Posidium Pr. H f S. Nikola F g Sminthium H c. Thaso Pala E Naxos ' F h Pactye I a Petalida B m Posidiu'm Pr“ K g S. N1kolo P. B k Smyrna Nova K f Thasos E Naxos I. G h Peeon H b Petasa K h Posidium Pr. K h S. Nikola P. D g Smyrna Vetus K' f Thasos E Nawas G "h Peeones C a, Peteon B f P0s1d1um Pr. M i S. Paul P. . K g Smyrnaeus S. I e Thasos I. E Naxus G 111 Paeonica C b Petra C. K i Pas1'11 K 1 Santom'n G k Safrcma Nis1a H k Thaumacia. B Neae A e Paeonium E g Petraes P. D f Potamia E a. Saoce M. G b Sakastron K 1 Thebae A Neee - E c Paesus’ I. b Petras H d Potamia I f‘ Sapaei sive Saii D a, Soma L d Thebae B Neandria - H c ' Paesus F. ' I b Petras I. . I e Pothereus F. F m Saphomidi I i Sosandra I. . F m- Thebe Hypoplacia. K Neapolis Datenorum D a- Paeti ’ H 9. Petra Karam: H' h Potldaea. . B_b Sapra Palus I c' Sotewi 0'. F c _ Thebaites F. ‘ L Neapolis olim Ephe- . Pagasae A ,d Petrolcho'ri H d Practius F. I b Sarada - M i 8010 0. F c Thedoro I. C siorum = TK‘g -Pa-gaseticusS. A d _Phabra I. G g PreeSIIs Hm Saraki I h Spada 0. 'C 1 Themina H ~ Neapolis Mendaeorum C b Pagu's M. K f Phacussa G i Pramnus M. H g Sarakim’koio. C e Spalathra. B d Thenae F Neb1‘k013 M h Pakhia . i K i Phaestus E m Pra's _ A d Sara/11110 E ‘e Spalmatom' H e Theodosiopolis I Nebris L b Palaemyndus K h Phagres C a. Prasiae A' h Sardene M. I e Spano D g Theologo E Neleus F. B e Palaemyndus K i Phalara A e Prasxae D g Sardes M f Spanopulos'Orgia 0. I) g Theologos M Nemea F. ' A g Palwokastron C m Phalarus M i Prasias L. C a Sardianus Campus L e Sparta A h Thera G Nunas - _ L i Palaeokastron ‘ F m Phalasarna 'B 1 Praso111's1' B m Sare G a Spartolus B b Thera I. G Neonteichos K a. Paloeokhora E a. Phalasia Pr. B e Prasom'si F h Saria K 1 Spatizi 0. B k Therasia F Neonteichos K e Palwo-Z'iman H g Phalesz'na G a. Prasom'si C. L ‘ 1 Saria I. K '1 Sperchius F. A e The/rasia F Neptuni T. A k Palaeonisi K i‘ Phanee P. ‘ G f Prasam's’ia F g Sam'a I. K 1 Spheeria s. Hiera I. C h Therma A Nera' I i Palwopoh's E g Phanae Pr. H f Prasso F . 11 Sam’ Kemareh K g_ Spiraeum Pr. B g Therma II Neriphus I i Palwopolis F c Phanaous M. G f Prassado D e Sam'koi L b Sporades H h Thermae B Neris' A h Paleeopalis G b Phanam' H g Pmssus Hm Saran B h "Stagira G a. Thermae D Nero K h Palaepercote I b Phanam! 0'. H g Prasura G i Saronicus S. B g Stagirus . C a Thermae G Neshan ' I a Palaescepsis K c Pharae 0‘ f Praya O'. H g Sarpedon Pr. H a Sta/viola I l_ Thermae I Nesopa G d Paloma . I f Pharis A h Prepesinthos E h Sart M f Stampalia H i Thermae I Nessonis L. A. c Palasa Kammem' F k Pharmacussa. K h Prepesinthos F i Sarta D b Stampalia B. K i Thelmae K Nestus F. E a. Palatia K g Pharmalco K h Priansus F 11 SatnioeiS'F. H c Staphylos B. C d Theimae Agamem- Nicaea . , A e' Pal1' 0. H f Pherae ‘ A d Priapus- K b Scamander H c Stapodia G g nonis K f Nicasia G i Palinurus K g Phidussa G i Priene K g Seamander ’ I c Stavro B h Thermaicus S. A b N1'eh ' H c Pallene B b Phila. A c Priiios Via. A g Scandaiia Pr. K i Stavros 0. E 'm Tim-1111a . 1 I) 11 N17 Dagh K f Pallene . C g Philagra 0. D f Prion M. K i Scandeia B Ii Stavros 0'. F» c Thermopylae A e Nif R. L e Panados K a. Philippi D a. Probalinthus O f Seandile D d Stavros 0. G h Thespiae B f Niger 0. G b Panaghia E a. Philippa 0. E h Proconnesus L ”a. Scapsa B b Stelae F m Thessalia , A e Nikam'a. H g Pa11ag1‘a K h Phiml M i Proconnesus I. L a. Scapte Hyle D a Stelia 0. H b Thessalonice A a. Nikola G In Panagia L a. Phlium Pr“ H f Nova Proconnesus L a. Scarpheia. A e Steno Pass. _F g Thetidium A d Nikola C. E g Panagia P. B k Phlius A g Vetus Preconnesus L b Scepsis K c Stentoris L. H a Thia F k Nikola 0'. G e Pandiko K f Phocae B f Propontis L a. Schedia M k Stephana P. D h Thisbe A f Nikuria G ,i Pandion M i Phocae I. B i Prospalta. G g Schinusa A f Sternes D l Thoantium Pr. K 111 N10. F i Pandros F i Phocaea. I e Protesilaium H b Schinussa G i Stiiia D g Thoantium Pr. L 1; N10 I. F i Panermo 0. G i Phoceea. K g Prythraea H f Schoenus B 3 Stiris A f Thorax M. K g Niobae simulacrum K e Panermos C d Phocis A e Psacum Pr. C l Schoenus S. M i Stomalimne K i Thoricus D g N1'p111'1' 1- L k Panermos L i Phoebe K a. Psal1' 0'. D i Sciathus B d Strati E d Thornax M. B h Niswa B g Pangaeon M. D a Phoenicus D m Psamathus A k Sciathus I. B d Stratonicea. . C b Thracia E a Nisero K i Panhellenium 0' g Phoenicus P. . B k Psammite . F h Scione O c Stratonicea M h Thracium Mare C d Nisyros I h Panionium K g Phoenicus P. I f Psaphis , O f Scironiae Petrae B g Strenuso D 1 @pdlms, 1d @111? B b Nisyros I. K i Panis Pr. L k Phae1117k1'11 K 1 ‘ Psara G e Scolus B b Stm'messos Q. E g Thrambus C c Nisyros K i Panium K a. Phoenix 1) m Psarapuh' Part B e Scopelos C d Stroagyle - G h Thrambus Pr. 0 c Nisyrns » K 1 Pannona. F in Phoenix Mons. M i‘ Psath'ura D d Scotussa A d Strowgylo E i Thriasius C. O f Noa Kammem F .k Panon . F 111 Phoenix Opp. M i. Pserimo K i Scylia G h Strongylo L k Thronium A e ‘ Nop1'a C m ' Panopeus A f Pholegandros E i Ps1'lo'r1't13 M E m Scyllzeum Pr. B h Stryme G a. Thronos E m Notium G f Pammo F h Phol'egandros I. E .i Psipha' B h Scyllaeum Pr. 0 h Stiymon F. B a Thyatira , L e Notium K g Panarmo L b Phom‘as B. ~ G b Psychium E m Scyros E e Stry manicus S. C a Thybarna ' L f Notium K i Panarmas P." F g Ph01bia Pr. F h Psychrus ' C ‘b Scyros I. E e Stura D f" Thymbria K g Nymbaeum B k ‘Panormus C b Phiygia ad Hellespon- Psyra B 1 Sebastopolis K e Stura D f Thymbrius F. H c Nympheeum D b .. Panormus C d tum I c Psyra. G e Selachusa B g Stura . D f Thyrea A h Nymphaeum E i ‘ Panormus E m Phrygius F. L e Psyra G In Selina O m Stymphalus A g Thyreaticus S. A h Nymphaeum K f Panormus F h Phthiotis _' A d Psyra I. . G e Selinus . C d Sada B. D m Thyssus D b Nymphaeum Pr. D b Panormus 'G i Phthiron M. L h Psyttaleia C . g SelinuS‘F; K d Sada 0. D l T1ga1113 C 1 Nymphi K f ‘ Panormus I a Phthiron M. L h Pteleon H e Selinus F. K g Sudsuro F n 1119111110. F c Nysa. M g Panormus I g Phylace A d Pteleon I a. Selinusia Palus K g Suia ‘C m T1'lo K k Panormus K g Phyle C f Pteleum A d Sellasia A h 'Su1'a C m T111118 E g Panormus K h . Phyllis Regio C a Purdis E a. Selleeis F. I b Sulena. E m T111271 L f _ Panormus L b Phyrites F. K f Pui‘eia’P‘: E e _ Selymbria M a. Sulia E m. Tiristasis K a 03. 0 g Panormus Mileti K h Physcus M i Pamea B. F c Sepia B d Sultan II1'ssa1‘ M g Tiryns A g Oaxus E m Pantomatrium E m Physcus P. ,M k Pycnus F. D 1 Sepias Acte ‘ B d Saltam’eh H b Tisaeum M. B d OcheM. D f Papas 0’. G g_ Physia L a. Pydna A b Sem'pho D h Sunium D g, _Tisanusa P. ' M i Ochyroma M k Papasli M a. Pidosus K i Pydna Maritima ‘ A b Seriphopulo E h Sunium Pr. D g Titanos M. ’ A g Odomanti B a Papasly L e Pieres C a Pygela. K g Seriphos E h Sunium Pr. F h Titanus F. et Opp. I’ e Odiyses "M b Paracyparissia A i Pieria A b Pylorus E m , Seriphos I. D h Susughurluk M c Tithorea A e Oea. G k Parapotamii . A 6 Pilorus C b Pyracus P. B g Sermyle C b Susu J71111la/c 73710. M b Tithronium A e Oea M k Paridium Opp. M i Pindasu‘s M. L d Pyramia A h' Sermylicus S. C b Suolo 0'. H b Tityrus M. C _ 1 ' Oenoe A g Paridium Pr. M i Pioniae I. c ‘ PyranthuS‘ F m Serrhium Pr. G a Sybrita. E m Tmolus M. M f Oenoe B f Par1'k1'a F h Piperi D d Pyrasus A d Sertsheh M i Sycurium A c Tomam? O. H d Oenoé O f Parium K b P111611 01' Kalipodi E h Pyrgos 0-. E a. Seslcli L i Sylvia P. II f Topirus E a. Oenoé H g ParnassusM. A e Piraeeus C g 11:gos 0. F i' Sestus H b Syleos Pedion O a .Toronaicus S. C b Oenussae I. H e Parnes M.‘ O f Pirati F m Iy'rgussa K i Seutlussa. L k Symbolon D a Torone O c Oesyme D a. Parnon M. A h Pirossus M. K b Py r1ha A d Shabshylar G a. Syme L i Torrha L f Ofidusa H i Paros F h Pisa P. D g Py1rha. . H d Sicinos F i Syme I. L i Tou-z-Bouroun I d Ogylos B 1 Paras I. F h Pistyrus siVe Cistyrus E a. Pyrrha K g Sicinos I. F i Symi L i Trachis A e Ole/11' M. E f Paras I. F h Pitane } e Pyrrha Pi‘. I d Siculum Mare A k Syra E h Tragasaeae Salinae H c Oklcmya -L k Parpara. I d I’itaniae I. e Pythicus F. K e. Sicyon A g Sy1a E h Tragia G h 0111011111 0. I) e Parthmn' I h I1thu B d . Sida B f Syiacellee I a Tragiae I g Oleros G 111 Parthenium F a. Pitnoeus M. K 6 Side B k Syinides I"? I k Tragilus D a Oliaros F h Parthenium I h Pitya. K b Rabbit II c Sidene K b Sy1nos I k ’Tragasa L k Olizon B d Parthenium M. A h Pityonesus. B g Bematiar’i ' F h Sidene K b Syros E h - Trajanopalis H a Ollius F. I d Parthicopolis B a. Pityus M. K b 136117120 D m S1’de'r1't1's F b Syros I. E h Trakln'li C. C m Olontium -G In Pasha G k Pityusa B h Rheecelus B a Sidero 0. H m Sys F. A b Trailes L g Olophyxus D b Pasha B. K h Placia. _ M b Rheedestus L a Sidus B g Sys F. A g Trallicon' M g Olorus M. A b PassaJa L h Placus M. K c Rhamnus D f Sidts I f Trapeza' Pr. H b Olus G In Passanda _ I c Plaka Bay D m Bhamnus P. B m Sidusa G d Trarium K d OI Jmpos M E e Patalos I. M i Plaka O. F b Rhaucus F m b'igajik - I f Tachtalu K f Trans F. F a. Olympos M. .0 .f Patmos I h Plaka U. Hm Rheitos _B g S1'gek Gal M f Taenarum. Pr. A k Tretum Pr. 0 1 H-QQAC‘D‘J‘Q‘N 3° WWWW‘WS’ 9B0? 1—10? 0 1-ng-1? 8° 9 £9 o S9 8° Irma-«53am? H-I-I-E C‘y-bUQOQ O O S7 0 91¢ H-WPT‘O WE‘VE” S9 1-1-80 mifcp phi-hfi o o B @ p",_.¢ '3‘”,me B iv COASTS AND ISLANDS *OF THE ZEGJEAN SEA. Tm Nisz'a I k Trim‘di 0. 0 m Tyhésus F m Vakz'ah 0. M k Vromo 3., E i Yanisades Hm Zephyra I. F h Tricarenus B h Troas II c Tymnias S. L 'i Vasil'ika B. L ‘i Vulcz' 0'. {M k Yavates . L i Zephyria L L}- m Tricorythus D f Troezen B h Tymnias S. M i Vathy P. E i Vutholo D f Yem'dje Fokia I e Zephyrium Pr. G In ' Tricrana. B h Trogyh'ae Inss. K g Tymnus M i Vathy P. E i Yenidji M b Zephyrium Pr. K h Trikeri A d Trogylium Pr. K g Tyrodiza . L a. Vathy P. I g .Xanthus F. ‘ I e Ylydja L b Zephyro 0'. . F g Trinasus A i TrOJa, - H c Tyrrha. L f Veneris T. B k Xeropotamo G b Yurkos C'. H e Zephyros O’.. D i Triopium Pr. K i Trompetto L k Tyrus A h Veneris T. I d - Xeros I a. ‘ Zerinthus _H a. . Tripz‘ti C m Tshamlu D. I b Veni E m Xermis Fossa, C b Zagm’a C d Zia M. F h Trip’iti I h Tshi/‘ut-Kales’si K i Vianos F m Xingi I f Zakro Hm Zone H a Tripodiscus B f Tshinar Tslzai M g Ulia I d Vilostasi 0. E h Xodra 0. E h Zarax B i Zorlana I' a. Tripyrgia. G g Turlo 0. ‘ F h Um‘a Nisz'a I l Volisso Gr f Xylopolis B a Zea ‘ D g Zoster Pr. . G g Tristolus B a. Tuzla L h Uranopolis D b Vmoskopo 0’. F c ‘ Zeitun 0. I d' Zosutera I a. Trit_ea. A e Tuzla R. H c Usundsha D. L d Vm’o Kastro F b Yalejik H c Zeitz‘m P. I g Zurafa Rock G b Triton F. F m Tylisso F m Utch Kouc‘lzeh I ' e Vrmm' P. I f Yali K ‘i Zeleia. ‘ L b Zygactes F. -A D a. . _ /, J r . ‘ ‘ s m “that: l " x I'? K} $38? , {L 4, , " 321 JAR-_EILLIA M Slel‘ll’S AN _C_I.E_N'_l‘__A_',1,1:A_S, V—fir‘fi' 77" AA"_'“’"”_\3WW7 7 ’7 V" V "V - , A l 27 1“ i 28 I C] '39 Ek=#3:_:-ffi;i=3:‘T—fi —;::"§:1'__ 0‘53, 3 ? I i , I ‘i ‘ PrOPODtiS ‘l ‘ ¢B‘(’Cdlmesus B bi ‘ 94¢ ‘ 9528).: .Y 11 y figA—u“ . _k,;;;;; .. ;7; i» 3 fl 13mm Mama Mm" , , AT THE TIME OF THE PERSIAN KINGS. ' ‘ ' Modulus 1: 5000000. ' Stad‘ia (6004") um 200 500 700 L; _, J ; -_A-.. ._A__‘._L_.;_1_;_ 4.. 4;; 150 14—1 Mfllia passuum Rom. (75=l°) .33.?” 5.0. . ‘190. i Milliaria Anglica (69,12 =1“; 4' 50 100 L30 ._ .-. r_L,J ,A_;7;_4"‘__L_.__L_. 44—04"; J_A_J 10 20 ;__L ,. 4,,;_;, {1 L12] limits of‘the Persian Salrapfas. —_,—_——— Il’nute n'r'the Ten 1710113011111 D P o . f - O . krgB-nwmgms 11 t 1 1' S Chdmtes liberae ‘_ ___ __ “7:12.2423' ( \ " {_1’3 415133; _";_, ‘1‘?7:.:—L:‘—;1;:_""7 'géiéiff'm— _1 :':r£::—'1 V v , 0,- 0.1 0! 7%: ,-i.,‘;,,',,,, -_ufl, , as), rib? 1— thoniu M- et 8'13 Mare 'h 1ium , 4 ‘ 4‘ I M a i1' 9 A“. g yp_t i u rib ‘ .2. . .. l 32 G 33 H 34 32 G E dfiam—W- ‘ \ ‘0“ N‘ Aqum)” 5149}: z 4715“ L Drawn by DFCharles Mimer. John Murray, AH) em 4' 307741119 1" G A xnIpsLe ' / f C ._: P 1‘ 0 ‘ p o n t i Gh‘oconnesus 1 04» Buébiws 5AT THE TIME AFTER DIOCLETIANUS. [ fligyfptiumj G 33 H 34 Corcetae T "9 Res 0 “3% ‘11. Jim ~»V.I Q Carcvrx 7' ,,,_ 7 , J’nl’l‘o‘vg . 1 [33 ._‘ v. S : Ava-30 1W0}: 0 a gamma ‘ (wmaflfi ‘ 9) $39,,“ Zafmtlnmw ‘3 ”H.038“ f G C ndros % 01”.? , e F" ' Jenni o ‘ D9911” D" {W V7 / x 7 i d _ .‘ 9 mn- A? Game», °% éria 1a 03.0111 ., $1 0’ fl“ 3/: , . , . . ”B a \s a x a” » ,v ’ - Tapm‘ : ‘ \ w- Sumo” 0 (:Whera, C y r e n a 1’ .mb Ramm‘um (Haida. llbem, 955) a, (menazxmmqn )‘7a 0.; 4.557.} L. , ,1 , _ AND THE ADJAC AT THE TIME OF MITHRIDATES THE GREAT. Modulus 1:}2.000.000 (Stadia 2();)QOO=1°) 3000 we ‘ _____L_r_ .7V__,_L .7—717LA-_ __,A_; 500 1000 . |..=_, L,;‘-..__....v..w __ 7 ,7 Millia PdssufirI-XTRomanorumUSfl‘;) , .._0£,,V-_199_.__L “3%; +.__~°:°°_L_ ___1g>,_L__ :00 ¢ 6 - an - 9: o Hennmflu'so ‘ WATTWEL?) ng‘lcamgég,‘ 1‘) 4pc , 50° To 1 7 Oasis Main! m A 1"ka Reguum Mithx-idatjs. m Begum Tignmis. {:13 Regtmm l’arlhol'um. APOHiImpnlis 7. V'\ ’ "W" 4‘9" -' ,, i- »_ ‘1 l’mviucizp Romana}. ,1? (‘ivimtes libera: . vmeris P014115 ._‘:, in , :1 ;___;~ 2:, 2-3; : ____;'.r;+:'~:=§;':'i_"* . “::§-_§":1‘I7—_=.‘=*—=—:T:‘f:'; : 1 :::; ‘_ V::-_r—‘ 4:5;5— * * 1' \ f 7 V 5 B] ‘25 LC ) 30 D ‘ . \ , , , N , _ _ ‘ _ ‘ ._, , T , . ._ . _ , Engr aved by . Weller. 1 10 Street , Londun. ' act: no N «5% ,fl «QR ‘ng y,» 1%" \ D‘.‘ WILLIAM SMITH’S ANCIENT ATLAS. 5 . 29 A 26 B 27 C 23 D ~ If ' — — — — __ 29 E 30 F 31 G 32 H 33 I I . a II . I . « 34 K 35 L 36 M 40 / . _ . APODOJIJJQ y bOzOPOhS (Olzopol/IL) _ 37 N 38 O 39 P I Q 41 R 42 I ———- —— —I — —_-=— — __ _ | a I I ~ , II J '. . - s A ‘ " . (2 0} I I I : IIngur) Sig‘anes 17"" 42 (9/ ” v m; Chaglsrlsrjfl I “‘ e“ ' P (Kim) 0 “S ’ , telehos “gathopou/ O I I . a a” H I ChamelsF. .J, . . w ’ In I . . 8515 . /\ - . =4 . _.‘ . PhaSISF- ( at» I x. d (315 a $7 \- Pg / \_ ‘ E U (anI 75 II . . ., I us . ‘ r 57 5 g ) z‘zuEEymaSPn/czoori/ - ‘ I3 .Symaslepte “raw-Maw W901“ M°g‘“s’N°gr “- "wa 42 . C u A" 50L“ F Io‘ ‘3 0 C31“ e (Ala lun' an) . a ' VA“ ( E "‘5’ ‘\ ‘ hchmlusII fChoLalc) 1515 1?. St ' \ Aegial + :S a 1 1nope ISmub b q ‘ ) 06‘ L—f‘tfl . ~ « (E b . . . ' Q ff ‘ B. VCDeQ‘éCl‘omn ‘ a nun g; " yptasla 7‘3” ”WWW (Choruk) AcmaSIS F. . 1 1. a ’ a] . . ' Erythjm' { \ ‘;II«' I ., lotm 6 ”l agi W13 3% mydessus (Malia) o .' ‘ -s‘%{\I’I,(’ I F , mCarusa (Gerseh) \ K. 811 e «‘ ~ . I . I 3 " S :5»? a 001” ml' mamma?) urzubate l/fwrzwet) fax 1): . 0 VW h) / my -) ... A Mi?“ g BOUT . rSQ% ls}: . (B um ‘~.fi'-" n ’Chagin) ' U111. l . “I \ I] _ III I I 1 ; . C V $264193? I 9% C was QQDIGG'I" (KI - I yfiig‘fl‘“ II) \ K KKI.‘;/)1I/<%I’ I {‘5 Nausta 111111115 I ' ., I . . I . ' \ I , I . . \ II , , ‘ #506; “”1 d] I 9‘5? ”pk/SSW 13‘”er ‘9 ($1) ' £1: ‘” " 6 ' It “‘Ifi‘N W I650 . z, . v 0 I _ , ,I . ,II, \ ' . - . 9 I "‘1 i i” ‘ " E: 6 ; 1 . . 4- .J/ [ v [hay o I] L nus 943963699 Bith - Cal I . (C B b IVPt..odw%e I I, \ gkonoplum/Kmmyugaz} ‘; _ . P z . ‘9 Xmasv 8 ’Km“ I . ~ a 11/ Cherusms acra . I . 7 ’ r: I .\ 9 ) ) 4‘1 :1 . (2‘ I . elaenaacra . e C J? I]:y1nas.Ap0110ma. «2‘er «I413 ,0 m 11 e “I ,, to u!” EMV 11M . at” l c flu) ‘ 7 a WWW” $60 fiDaplmusml-‘(Kefimimza- ' era-Clea ' - N; \‘ $7 '19 :49 useneDagale “‘ 0,9 ' .‘C' OWOwa 6y 3 se 'i . fl: ‘ mm; ‘ “(a - elae/Icwm) m’ 011th“ I ~ ‘ . a V “ ‘ . 5’ I Is?” 69° N I e ' 51110:] I Se . an,“ I " IE . ‘I ‘ / eruiereglu . . a; ,, ‘ 1% _ . a» .‘$ _ c ~ '09 Fri ism th ’5 "n‘; . emu .III( I ' \ I, I; "I 'II/ I . ' 3:69 : u‘x,’ “in“ ‘ 'ace edéstgs ‘ flu“, ' [KW 3" 1‘ iv, :‘ § ' C; 1 qg _ ' . I c . wi/I'm : a . . I I \ . .A . . . , (‘ 08% WWW H9 Clea IErgkli/ t“ ‘ s w‘ W“ F . T K’KKIEIII, ,II, -. \\\\‘<_(.EII' ‘ - I ‘ ~ ‘ I .. .. I szfé ,9 ' 0&3 enus C 11a 1 II emnddlos‘ B0590 -P’ W 1' ‘~ I2 [T - He“? _- .' " '1‘“ s . I ‘ é ’ l . . .,‘ ‘. :- ; . . :I 4’ . . 0'5 a. /Enos; I 0 8110.; K 091‘“ , W ‘ J ‘ . '3 y IL 1 I. ' ‘ I IKS"A\\\‘\ mu "1 %?I(({(/(IIIWV// ._\\ ~ I . ,“ . I/ , M.” "fig/W“ ' . I ¢ 3 Cypasis . ' . ‘ ‘ ‘6 817‘ W137 III {I « , ' '«uIIyIIN . I_\\\KI\\'\‘(fiI} . I w . K , I « 1/" I1, ., . ............ . , 3 Del“? 00hr? -‘“ “as P R O P 0 ’ ’3}. 3.; K I- 4, . ins/II III -“ S . ~ c arped‘m '- ‘ardia . 'acigzlz’hytus% P10001111 N T I f “QWDWS “Sm , ‘ ., , giphaneL. / 1 ‘ 1 b ‘ U "I U // / 1 5 I *31““6 0 . , - Guce fltzmfisoeba. ’ernwr: '9 efneu'lk _ W ”SI-l I #eg I I o . w fly § I I/ {9135‘ 9°C" - tr“ My.“ Opln‘ Arc Besbicosl . Camp _. , L 1a] , 1 I11 , I \ ‘ . ”ed“ ’. ‘ a , a I)“ W‘W‘" ' ‘ -» us 0 6 P0118 , 'tvhm’a “Sitigék tOImes S mw"$.POS/i£afiffii _ . . (‘54 I! J . I ’ III II, _\="“”I u If; ’éI‘IIIIIIWI /K\\\\I«/I/,IIKIKI-IIII«II§)I§ 0 - II I 'Q‘QEeah) kaw‘ .: [{Kx . I «II'I .\‘\\\ij I EK/fig . .. - - Ah: ”"2. . -. ' « ’ ._II‘W. «14.1 II qIId‘ r \I . . II. I . ' \ -. >° . III ”0/ 'I - 'lena 6 “In ', “WI . (mm. M 1 - w ' . , Ix , JIM Tns' 1‘7 s . . . KK, _ , ,. . M, II .. . K . , I, MIL“; v es ‘ W‘ A 1- ‘ ’ MT ' ““5 . ’T’Wa/Brylh "vs - - usi‘ 3‘ I eaa‘ ‘ * w ”4“”? "l ~ ' ' . in , . / (1a? . ‘ . a [Ancar . . I ‘ ‘3' v ‘ I/ I III ' f I “H- a'mms IAIa' , I ' I - e] " . «I» e/' I. ' . - . , / ar .. ,,,,I..IInIII§’€ I 5113 “WW K}, 0 . I ' E INSESOUI €152? ' -’ (Jugg‘fiw , II . IleaI 3‘? , . 1 , S 941an ‘ I" W ”S .III I. I,IIIII III III“ a W 1/69 - I IIIIIIIII um? ‘. . . . WWII. W . _ WW I ‘ «I; I @«W . . I . .. ”WISE: . . I -. V, II WW II «I .K -. . a, I . I IIIK\M.Hl/fl) wfifl', 6‘“ I I . . . I ( L Mllet 011'. III , n 7% ,5' .,I 'N «I5 *IIIII. KKngfiijéggé, $j§a __ AS“: I II >1 ) I. .- IIaGumen/dc : .“1‘ 5'; I 7- ’ TN ' I, '- E ' \v “V"J‘N‘ /I‘\I\ 1.1% .77 '. 1 f ‘ oII fin“, «9“ ~, H ‘ IA M. .i 7 . o I“ . I . . 33 I WI (1 n . . .I ,, l\ o . / ‘I ‘ IIIIII IKIIIyWZ’: / ' , I?’//"""«« 1 F111"me I6” ._ e '1 t 1 S ‘ l J , ”"r 6w]? 11% in? NI . 14:! . I I 1/ I . VI.“ $- , «I {I “W “fl/(I? _ . . _ 1’ I I X . . . ' 90+”) «a: “I I“ . . ax 1‘ W 99.I,II‘\\\W7\‘.I If” I . ‘ . ’ E S I\(’(r ”mg WI; ,‘I « “mm? , _ " ' : NBoahas ' - h m ~-' ' Sid—L” . II $931M? II “M 714% ha ,, I: c :4, §I(((rI, aim: IMCIIIIIIIKIIIw/fl 0 1’6 Peggmmon i \‘N )_ @530“ III wow 7" W - . “ " - " / I? , ‘- S K *2» -. - « ~61 .0 .I_ v mfi . II , . I , 7km. éM e / 151/) ”my v; ?\ ”"WWUII. Iix ,. I / .I _ Mfi‘fikkk; ”II. I . ' .. 's M - (3:;%* 1 is? My " ' 0 /‘ . . “h I IS“ . ., s ‘ Wm y \I Iv I (E . I T . - 9~ I ,- . ,, I. f I .1 § w WI - orglai Ev” 1M“ IKI’IIIIIIIIW - L avL," git“. *0 ., -. I . - KIIA . MI W 51 . ~ «.10; s shehr (6.6%ka a” I ': . I I! I: III/”I . , . IIIIIIIIII I I“ H, ,I e . . I '. ’ I; I I 5“, r, \I‘LHIIIKE, ’4‘ at 1’ .a/I’IIIIWWKIII‘H/yI S "MW/I; .\\\\\ . A. _ . _ _I!!!::l II .Ir- am Patios“ -I-_ Sim $50 ' - ‘ (A ) Altemu J ,é’r ’Kar' 31"1Iar \\\\I.I,IIIIIIII VS?“ I l Nacolea, ? R“ . .. oanfla/Indjirlu) . §§r ~- IA" ')o gHarabo n) . .._. - ( ‘9 ”R 15 {'90 .K .I‘ ' L 1’ m ‘ ’ I —— . I I g ' ' 112.3 ' ’ “aces SF“ I , Ka ‘ b 5 I“ raid/£311 ' 21 ' I ‘ -------- I' ‘ '1‘ ' .\ I 3» ”fl/«Hag: . kam '1 IIIIK III, ,I 6" ' . ' I . a”! “1’3"? - 0%” 2- . ’ - , WW II I § "~‘ \\ “WI ,UIWK‘I‘ “EA 1/ 1‘ ’ e I w) gpsy I "7/9”." ,—— = « n 1111i ‘ - gnocopls II #7... 2m”; IIIIK». / I In. P 7L)“: a 99 my § . . (GI-min) I D . , , I ' /’e flw®wfi 3, _ )0 cc \ I: ‘5 .. [Smmfinv ,/ \ , M c L (U .I New. ; II , {my 6 IIIIIIMII ,. m/Abm) ets Twyu‘) 5m ”‘ ‘.\ . 'plfinfiwhr} 7,4 SacoEnaIUzena (Baghazlaym) ,, 9:75am Y '1. I My“); . VTchan' 1‘ ‘ . . .I’ ' . 1, ’8' Moussus? r5 '. « ‘ V I 144110“) I ?{}nalmra wan); w ' ' I Cys i ( 5mm, hi“ ) igamp -’ [739101 E II Vetus . w ..»\ o Olybotus 03 adyn) , ' Van/”2 .; a J {m I I )3 /zmz 113.; a «o% P \‘ / wofismw: ‘ 1.1% _ . ‘ Sin/r I»? A \ ,KKK K\\\ I/ , {II /I .‘H- GEE a \gp‘fii _: I .III.III, I A R E orasslae I. “0% Meta; . “'31:” __ I. s . .( i I , IIII‘IIBI M «\ KI\\\\\" “’ II .l l ‘ 4/ .I It , I Tra ’ez ILSQ‘ "11S ,’a ° C‘u 'citis Panorm 1' ' u§sa. PatmoS § §64 I Did“ -0 II,III I,I, I Lepg'fi It) II’PEde . ' ."' ” 9 I 853 . y Lerog I glaugyh'flicus “is... I! ~¢ S. I 427 . MW 37 Cinara Telmdos Myloltilis I I? I II I mflIyIa; I. 1W" _" I. I,I Leblnthus C T ‘ t5, . - , _ b PSI} ‘ a I mg'fgfmic“s S. AmorgoS CO S a' fig .» was“ Cnidia ‘0 m e / WWIMW 1 \ Drec III“ . _ Astypalaea 3110111311 styp , Cbete’ IIKIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII I .. Laceter I Tl‘iqpiumhII I; I Bubass'x 9“." us.- 9 0 0 k‘l’osfl Cnidus/ 1,31me a W' a ‘ 0‘ Stypalae N14; 5 a' T ? I . - .- - . [The o a aFOSW ymeIII ' O _________ I. Cf .I I .. cyfiossega 1) . I Telos we? \\' Svr I a, 5. “5105 I“ ‘3 X ‘3 $13.1 [Arsinoe7]Ann , «I \ . . 4" .thja? K . (Dabanamabangeh) . - 651s "I. ,K; . _ I o I P311131) ,I ’ C . , )? 8 8111115 (Lamas) 1 2 l a Io . y x ; , L " Syrmdes 1 2, ‘ Iq‘g 1‘ . ' \I. _ _ ,K . oi'ycus OII‘EngIIum __ 1 K .. 1aeus.Elanussa,Sebas%e“ ‘ ‘ g Ighhalcm At :5? Tfiha II‘ ' ' r" " 1% Pr M A R E Nauh "@"VIIW ‘I Aué-mm'ycu's Pr 5% - I. K_ * ‘ . 'I I 1 I "" 'I ’ .‘ 36 ’Qy Myitguml’r. § II K. RHODUS [AIS 0e] atara-fii . .I I 'i .8159“: 1 '11» . [alonCormzesmm . I ““1" ~‘ indus .II-Iewxf’ 33‘ 31y - “mm?“ Is . ~.s nu ' ‘- 5! Calycadnmlephymmrr. L-Bebm“ . , Mu Paa‘é‘fiRho4P 1 '« ‘ .stIex’ “93% . , mama, um) Wajafiopollil: . Irar edonPr Rhos/icus SwpulIus (0'0sz “y“ . 3° fig... We “‘ WW P A M P H Y “dawns - ..«LII£IIIIWI WW) @1ng §> Phaltimnh. I L I U MI Ammuggala . 38%;?1 ' 361m - - , ,g‘ Lepa 7 Umradran) CIIaJ-Plat '11, I (00:41.) Pierizi 36 Y7 C M s "' ' o/anunlierz) (Nahrdfisy) DrontCSE ‘ I — I 31' - " 8.C . M 1.0 ' I" I '1 $ leyrbs, PathOS R E L Y I‘ C 1 U M ephs‘m“ PosIdImnyosIma , . , ’ " h . I ‘ L, C" (CPOSSidL) PosidiumPr. .I . ' - ' " ~--. II I - .- . ‘ . , ; . _ ,"l """""" WWW POSJdium ‘I 0 g» ‘ V ‘ ’ 1 l ' ._ V" . ' - I l‘” I," """""" 9"“ , . ._ K, . d3 . . ‘ Z? GI. Casosflg Thozmfiuml‘z, A U L 0 "OzoClllg’g‘.sAPnI-x;re;1£?ss' I§ Pdfigrfir]: I \2 anosPr, I ,- obgpeggm W (Rasszier) « . 6 h A 1 - b Pasieria. ' Sammoniumh. ' , ' . aea. (El/55113) Albus Perms . I I CrommyonPr. .Komakinh ( . ) Aphrodlsunn v . $41 I, Can ‘3. R If 1,,” « - .35 ’ IJ SaMdam’."figE , m III» 1 Ma 011.5 "I {QJ'ebz‘JzLJGabala 1 “’wa II'III . ‘ ’ “"j, ‘, ‘ Egg P (Bahia) Palt . ‘a N b I 39 ‘ I '.II . may . , . , BaIuPrl =.' . .- 01:3, & “S. I 1% I .. m . Is IS‘aJamls (Eslealamis),ConstanhaQ (B m )Balaneaez 'Icmces1um(Kerkys ) P (mg). \\; . QmWIAmmochost/os BalaneanrmPr. ”5 _ ’ emltln s (Fanmgoustw) P -. , I ) 'I//\‘,,~ (mm 11/2 ‘ '\\ ‘4... 'I N eucolla N ' - .Occaraba ,. . . _ a P . , , . . . ,1” . N ,, , .1 Imma 13%} III. WIIIIIIIIIIJHI WW 1 - (Baff‘o) eaPa . «Ivy. 'I , ~ - ' Hierltilcloi5 I \ ' I“ Jet? Pr' Cb . Z ”a " Cent u K-utel 4 (C..Baffo) ZephyfimhI . ",nsE Marathns ____ wafikv emesua Qsdelz W) ( 514mm.) Sim‘" - 1)!me- Q- 8 (Lz'nuuob) 81"- 0 8 Eleutherus F‘i‘ __-_. ————— . ' «a ' (Nahrdza’ebw' ,‘ “ ‘ . fBaJak) 1 C “‘0 Cmias Pr. roam) E . {3’ Bid/""21“ ..... ‘ - P ' m Orthosia/"n " (Tarablus) Tri ohé'é '9 & Eddam 341 x . ngs. “fig ~ 2:22”? Aueréa $ ' Gigartug . a? %$ . _ r ' )9 Célel‘ - ., l I (R31 )PrTheugrgsin? (' “é . . - 0 \J' 3 (In z‘éfin) a , I' I N ‘ . -:__I ; . cor-ma (a, ‘ (Jy'eba'L)Byb1us ‘ .. '“(LaidI’rWng/mmf ‘ 8) mm? (Nahrlbralum) Aaomsr I . 0 34 ' i f. S ab , . (NahrdKeleLycusE’ fifléiwan)‘ ‘ _, k ~ Modulus 1: 2,5005000 9-? (Ba‘rut)B . I it -oroda(Djerud) ———————————— Stadia (600=1°) SSSSS , 7" (I) 50 1:30 . 2‘30 I 39° . “/0 . 5‘30 . 6‘30 . 7‘30 Bch ago 1000 a: (MC-DWJD ' agaigm) ' ' fl ' ‘ (A aw»); M11113. passuum Romanorum ( 751°) W (sefl k (,7 . 1.0 I ”.0 . 3.0 . 4? . 5? I 6.0 7.0- . 8? K 9,0 I 190 . nIo Igo 130 140 150 0 l I I I #1 4 (Surfan ’ Mflh'ariainlic (691-o . .1 I. . 33 \ 4 g a . 2 1 > I ’ «: 1‘. 1 l ‘ J 9«19«Z«°«310I“I"I5I°.59.’I°.8.°.99.1?°.11.0.1&0.13.0140150 . ' M A B E E G Y P T I U M ' (8117') $3 .'.’.=". . ' ‘ ' 4 - S J (J. Arasjw) I. v. RmthTh ‘ 3,; ;;« .>, . I , ° ° ‘ e ”‘1 ”sand {RaseLAbiad)A1b1 ‘L . » .‘ «'. :K s -’ ‘, ; =— g. __ Maw... - - I _/ 2:3 I B 27 c 28 D 29 E 30 F ‘ 31 G 32 — — c m " Tram ' (mm 5 fl D b H 33 I ’ 34: K 35 L 36 M I l rawn yDl.‘ Charles Muller - 39 P 40 Q 41 I Envravedb Efiw‘i‘Weller J 01311 Murray, Alben Iarle Street. London. I D y \ ' A Q 'T‘ D‘FWILLIAM SMITH‘S ANCIENT ATLAS 35 < , [E] [F] El ' M A R E C A S P I U M M eh .310 t§eéezv1§9bg “m” ::&fii-‘:fih RUM/u an 33$” 9 41/. SHIE (( fi'W/m/gé 8/ f9 ‘ i R h a a b e n i ‘ I_ Alata? ”(Mill —’ Thamudemi Th. /Tha/m:wd//‘ '21- A .omm' sagaffi%sm/Q Shah (3638mm £§u¢ To” ] MaesafilIaiieg g g S a1 ap eIn’i’E? 0.11117 JLJ glut—n, """" I’QSahnafl " I :1 Aspl's acra §LO m§ UQYPSI'tis I. 20 atymnét; fomadeonlaeeV 0¥¥adactyl '3 2 -_ w $‘Sot " ”.L , el‘Olleom-t. y? Mboo- 1,, x I~ Enang'elon ort mg, , =1Mareu I“; 3 IIfAusara? E (Bus SW'M Jix . a .. 0' '.'., - flggmwv‘flv . ’3 rsegwszma. ‘2» ' ~ " Cab . $16 G . 0 , ¢ r3215}; 2, . .. \ \R o 9‘ -' H 'm'fif'e ‘ ”Am .Cfié‘i S ‘2» 5: I ., , . rm ' o m an 52%“ - syasmos sum/MW- ’ 15 ., "6 ' ' eghexjsIagzesus Cm ‘96“ ms pox-ms X // :, ,"“ ‘, fi‘ 9&3, 3351413335 "Kalnar ‘ . Raspgrkahpgforaflflm\v ‘ my, M“" . : I011" o " 1 ' ’ 'Fg‘hm eswx ... ' - miau-I' 011.0 ’ 0‘6") 4’ I/Hq/zoru', MI “ "umalgm' V I SIX/‘T’ijibam ' (3, a QV AwefIs‘d‘aflw $ w ‘§» r“ ¢ 1 f . I; :3 : ‘I‘njspfie (Awau/ ‘31- 050.“;115 /_T.9ab% fa . , “gelQPEDdaemon, A5183” £1 ’N‘ £5 “1%an -. (5000 my / "“011 J ' “Spinal ; D % 3&er cues I I . Dir smu’Amii‘r’; pit/RAmram 8 «21,111: (82‘9ng Q6292?» 00%01‘” o :3ng 0W efi’ Bezéflfi‘fimm M°88y1 090 1'11- Wb? A ”Wow 5 uhre A 011 %- ‘6, 7 V m .et (RM ‘55 6?” (MW, 3: a A L ‘ rm WWW 3;" *4; I «s; W“ P” ““1“ , W o" 1" s TabaeprJShemU'W/ ~4 > arms 0 , I . a“ _ ’EqI. - uahItes empo r. . l - § , (ZedaJ/ ano/Bannw/ b ‘ e5 mm } ‘ W " ‘ reg“) P» (lwflaf‘oow/ p4 _____,<..-~'”" I 10 Thurifel‘a X Ftp 0Pone 1,, » " , ’ 2 ‘3' : a?» h B “32“,.A 3“ , ”1’12; 3‘4 ,5? ’ZingiSPn/RJLSMGI’Z’” A p I 4’1." v \‘t Q‘VQ) & V \ MI ' ”%I\\9{.IZIVogal// °. «V N . w M f 0 AI, /"‘\ % :0 $8 K 0‘11 09195 43:01am”; 0 we 5L / A '~ Q N 5 € / I—f/ i 'A ___,_, f ”f b/ v _ ”E ‘\7 v 4; m ”f; a, ”TC ; \h/ ; t: I Q7 J ‘ smgflg §’ ) ' [Niconis static Peripu I Q} I ’ 1 O < O Modulus .1:10,00 0‘0 0 0 Stadia (GOO-1°) I 6(I)0I lqoo 1590 2090 30I00 4090 5090 /‘.—\ r?- Millia passuum Romanorum (75'1°) ¥£J '— L 59 190 290 390 490 590 690 Milliaria Ang‘lica ( 6916*?) I 59 193 L 290 390 I 490 590 ‘ 690 I w I ' 50 [E] 55 KP] [A] 35 [D] L i Drawn by D’.‘ Charles Miiller J ohn Blurravv . Albemat‘le K 1' 95° [G] 315° 9'0” sis" IN DIA PTOLEMAEI secundum interpret ati onem PROF“?s C.C .LASSEN. Modulus.l :10.000.000 Stadiav(600=1°) I 1000 . 590 20.00 . Millia Passum Romanorum ( 75=1° ) 59 Q I 100 I 290 . aoo ‘ ' ' Angljca (ems-1°) so ‘ 9 I 10.0 I 200 . 390 Nomina Urbium quarum locus paulum incertior manet 1100 # signo denotantur. Nomina Orientalia obsoleta [dais gnthicis expfinnmnm. v « € - Bammag‘ara? o . {Bhalm'r -0 Al$zzr7adlbl§na7 \ . Budaga _ 31 I ,,-'-*--’/ 0‘ ' ion Prom i (Bnbhta) «gaSiI’eda :2" II I. ”re . N k 3533311)-“ I'- ‘ 3° 90° 44 D I 3/ ‘ V ' , s/mféa aamma ‘ (QTangEher-w) . /-—\ .» ..2 . q) , C 116,, MW; ' “ Orbadm-lf q ' ' f .. 7C3Pi131iaflf§éhmMAbflF hay . \\ V“ . 8 Wm» wormswls‘r - - "-1 11 Oil}, 1;?" fa° 8W 'l'heopifi; 7 ’9',“ 92));(529 “)A O , 01 1' 7 florata? . 0H 0 (forminVingEgs' '1 010111931541) I.-,u“‘fv« I I MODOgIOSson/AMMWO )‘ 3350???er 8 . I I I If \ Was”) ur) 0 Emma I Q alum; x“ . t. w ‘ I 5% ° 5 W“ "Ki“ a: flflflflmww o g“ \ (N _= \f) (I o r) , u 0&5“?qu 20 V w ’ ‘ulalifi “113“"? - . \e . \ . .0, r . m. fimérfika) - § { r (1an N - gwgagfigx . % _ 71L . ' ‘9? § 4”,”; 1;:F11 ) We ' ‘ ‘ y 0 e0}? 7 _~ ‘ ‘4‘“ Q9) ('7: .u-gm'a(_m7na7‘k€1/,Wflk) I W (3 , -) s - ' (Smut, “y? [ca/ I;- {V 8111ng (PwLJagamlth) I ar . S: I (TmmugmLégqa‘i-lgpfo, ) '. “filw W I‘: I I Girl; ‘\) ’.(G‘:1yIaIf:) _ . I (Willem. o mg m . I u (E , ( 3mm; aimur) » / g I V I _ _ :_ ‘ . marBzy‘u nrr)HipP0ku1-a.‘ {MUWPW’F} Q) I , _I . , e g u ) 7 (B ”waif: my. ' /' (am;- can (5 gar.a. — h) 7 ' " ImaibuUPalaipannzr? ' ,’ VOI/era 74 n z-fi e \__./ . 7 la NIIII" -,,.w1. ) ~ (Es-w, azhiorV‘ . , ; _ Aflo ‘ne? (Karingw) 1 ”Wm £Y;anuum? I 0 K 33g gunmxpraodmn) _ . @331 x n I 7 . . l 609 0331011. 9011:} a . W o" . Pramg‘éfig-Egml 0416) ellrienae Ins s(1.)Imra'uflan‘a’) 'Koddura (W—Mulipamm) / 0 «9 mnesia 1-. 1 , ' 6 / ofis 5: 0 (Bandaar W12) 131-3111103038 & «fi/ , @0639 - \‘9 f t Chm-sane .: . Pa 8 e \ wifi'ma R) .3 8 y ‘ €> 15 3‘ 95079680Kainitfinlns. 0( 2: 59,9” (321151;) I“! ‘ \ . o X I I'Sha( $14039 6" [M’— Ieyg I I (Sadmheogath)Pw[enLN ert 5 cc? I l M81181? .1142”? mm: 111; $49 I ' my. “095‘ " ”J I a?“ 1 .- ' ‘ mégmnwm or Perm-érfl.) "g 09 L ; angema) 1- 5:60 Melange Emlfi Mwmm) 06‘“ ( 1551a” métébi) Elymaide? {MT’D’EIy fCanaJ wr {finimpatnmfl L‘mnael’udopatana N l I' ; w , I . - . . ”L 1 {Bar-102,.I1fakkmuif) ‘a Poaokeurumm :1 .0 r. I . . v,‘ . I' :‘ mfawamlrfiqaafiegmamlflj? 0 W O Madras} "m\\\W//H“\\I\\\{""\"\\* I" I} ‘3‘; I T (3.1%an giamflwt) (0° §m 7 (5adras) 17m” , 5‘5, N‘hxx' - aburas? ( Gudalm) (Sacrificefiockd Leukel.° babgrjiflQtfl-(KDVCYLRJ ((‘ab’cufi Chaherifimer (’Kziz/ezipamm} - A . 7 (K .1 I) (EulalfdundLJTyndJs? A E3331“? (NMON \ / Orth . V: ' amaMetInP.‘ (Nagapatam) a ’ 3‘ rggfitwr)‘ ' , " ~ 3‘7 (27714333 WY/OrghgimfromJCKallimer) 1'1. seniogmmfl afi9in?izga1.)Tangala '7 . m ygalic—Lfi , J .1“, Z _ u (Kochin) , ._ '5!) I. “1m °?W0Tavdn) i _ W;§,§§f affimpamm) V x - 9? 555’?” WT» (saw? SKolchm‘> '1! | l Ii V) Bar gi) I (EMU (P . v ~ . . Anni-chm”. (L3H1nb P0 PI’I 0) m ((11 lag 1 WW) 8???me Sacra Co ae SIELEDIBA ‘ 1“]. a 5 /-PZUU/l/j a 9 81w “ (kr "Ru WM: 3 , fl n 8 Q 31.15538 In agn PoPh u (Ema/rsfi , . ( ”Mas-balm) -—‘ ——‘ \\ '7. \39" IND O RUM PROVIN CIA PENTE POTAMI CA ( tempori AlexMagt prassertim accommodata et ) Amplioribus spatiis fllustrata. I XV o a i Modulus 114,000,000 ‘ 72 =_.7 T I_ 74 ,. __ ,_ 1 i, _ ,-__ :II_ leO° 70° [B] 75° [c] 80° [D] 85" Preparea by Col. made. C.B. Engraved by Edwéwener, narle S treet , London .1874. I :3 , a» m 3 fi’gfi L ” k » , 9.x; 6 i} ,5»? ‘3‘”? , a N _ wkm‘,‘ g ., “WA 11:“... ' 3. . m . \k _ I V (”w m 1,‘ ” i .\ I: a ‘3: VAX F :6 ‘2‘» \. 3x421. LI Mn 29. ASIA MINO N eocaesarea N c Panias L k Polichne B e Salandona M f Sidon . L k Tchalz‘ 7mm F b Triopium Pr. 0 Neon teichos G c Panionium O f Polybotus G e Salbacus M. E f Sidyma . E ' g .Tchaikoi F d Tripoli 0 N eonteiehos C e Panis Pr. 0 g Polymedium A d Salemijeh N i Siganes F. R a Tchaltyk G e Tripolis D Nephelium H g Panium. M. L g Polypodusa 0 g Salihz'jeh Q i Siganeum R. a Tchamlybel D. M d Tripolis L Nesiazusa. acra . H g Panormus' O f Pompeiopolis K b_ Salisfodinae K c Sigeum A d Tchar Sn H c Tripolis O Nesiazusa acra I_ g Panormus O f Pompeiopolis K g ‘Salmalassus Q d Sigia B d Tchavdyrhz’ssar E d Troas A Nesulium Port. I g Panormus D c Pontus E b Salmydessus D b Sigrium Pr. A d Tchebat O f Troas B New shehr ' K e Pantichium E c Pontus L d Salon regio G c Sikava R d Tcheflcesk H c Trocmi I Nezala N i Paphlagonia 'H b Pordanis F. R b Sama. 0 e Silandus E e Tclzye’rmyk P e Trogilium Pr. B Nioaea. E c Papira. H d Pordonnium O f Sama 0 e Silbium F e Tchz'deh I b Trushas‘ O Nicephorium P h Pappa - H f Porphyyeon \ L k Sammachus Q f Silivri ,D b Tchila D. G c Tshangankoi K Nicephorius F. R e Paradisus campus , M i Porpumca F c Sammonium Pr. B h Simau E d Tchinar D f Tshardak E Nicomedia. F c Parapotamia P h. Posidium C h Samofiius Campus B d Simaw Su D d Tchz'wa O. M b Tsheshme Oz’nou O Nicopolis M g Pardosena. L d Posidium G b Samos B f Simus M d Tchorlu C b Tshouruk R. G Nicopolis 0 c Pargais L g Posidium L h Samos D g Simyra L i ‘Tchorok Q b Tudja 13 Nicosia I h Parium C c Pos1dium Pr. 0 f Samos I. B f Sinaus E d Tcizoru'm K c Tuludja E Nqiksar‘ N c Parlais I f Posidium Pr. D c Samosata O f Sinda E f Tearos F.- O b Tunuz M Niopolq; . I b . Parnassus I e Posidium Pr. D g Samsat O f Sindjar R g Teckes Mt. P c Twrchal M Nisibi Q g Parorios G e Pomdium Pr. I g Samsun M b 'Sinekli 0 e Tectosages H c Tureh R. N Nisibis Q g Parthenium H b Posidium Pr. L h Samusha R g Sinerva 0 d Tefenu E f Tusia K Nisyros B g Parthenius F. H b Pomdonia L h Sanomn'lly N f Singa N f Teichiussa O f « Tuslu R Nisyros , B h Paryadres M. N c Possidi 0'. L h: Sandaraca G b Singae Pons N f Tek Dagh R d Tuz Gal 1 Nitazis I e Pasanda. D g Potami K b Sanduklu F e Singara R g Tekeh O b Tyana K Nochutly 0' e Pasieria. L h Potamfia G f Sandukly F e Singas F. N f Tekich Halap K c Tyanitis K Nogrus F, B. a. Pasin Ams R d Potamla. H c Sangarii Fons G 9 Sim} Bel-i P d Tela P f Tymnias Sin. 0 Nosalene 0 e Passala O, f Poti R a Sangariusi H 'd Siniscolon 0 e - Telek P e Tymnus D Notium O f Passanda '0 d Practius F. B c Sangarius F. F c Sinispora L e Telendos B 'f Tyndaridae G Numenium H i Patara E g Praetorium 1M f Sangarius F. G d Sinnason K e Tell Gauran P f Tyriaeum H 'Nurhah D. N f Patara P c Praenetus E c Sanni ' P c Sinn haar D. H g Tell Kaukab Q g Tyrodiza C Nymphaeum "0 e Patmos B f Pr}apus O c Saonautes F. G b Sinope L b Telmelissus M h Tyrrha. C Nymphaeum G b Pavrely N f Pnene O f Saramene L b Sinoria 0 d Telmissus E g Tyrus L Nymphaeum L g Pedalium Pr. D g Proconnesus O c Saran Su M 9 Sim!) L b T9103 0 g Tzurulum C Nymphius Q f Pedalium Pr. K i Pronectus E c Saravene K d Slpylus M. C e Tembrogius F. H c Nysa. O f Pedasus B d Propontls O c Sardeba. Q f Sirgqh E e Temb'ros I h Nysa. I e Pedasus 0- f Prote D c Sardes D e Slums M e Tembrus I h Pediaeus I h Prusa ad Olympum E c Sarepta. L k Sirwe P d Temnus C e Udan Uzen L .Pednelissus G f Prusias E c Sarfcmd K k Sisai‘a R f Temnus M. D d Ufm P Pegae I h Prus1as ad Hypium G e Sargarausene M d SlSplI‘itiS Q C Tenedos 1. A d Ujak K Obicena I e Pegella. K f Prymnessus F d Saria B h Siva K d Tenedus F g Ulu Kerembch I Obruklu I e Peium G d Prytanis F. B. b Sam'kav E f Sivm' Hissar G d Teos B e Ulu Su ' I Ocoaraba N h Pelecas M. 0 d . P811151 F. ~ E c Sam's » M e Situas M d Tephrice 0 (1 et— Umk M Ocheraenus K b Peltae E e PSJJJS F. ' G b Sarisat 0 g Slzara M h Teafldjan Q d Um‘eh N Ochrae . L d P eltinus campus E e Psychros F. Q o Sa/rkan R. I g Sizopoh'. D a Ter/meh N b Urania. K Ocorura M i Peraea 1) g Psylla G b Sarmalia, I d Sminthlum A d Termeh R. M c Urima N Octacuscum n N f ' Perasimon H d Ptengaris L c Sarmusakly , L e Smyrna C e Termera 0 g Uriudia E Odoga K d Percote B c Ptena _ K c Saros O h Smyrna vetus C e Termessus F f Uscadama B ' Odrysae A b Perdiciae D g Ptolemals G g Sarpedon Pr. A c Smyrnaeus S. B e Terms K g Ushak E Odrysae D c Pergamum C d Pulemun R. N c Sarpedon Pr. K g Soanda K d Tetms F: I i Uskub G 0.1137593 F, D c Perge F f Pumlc Su F d Sart D e Soandus K e Tetrapohs E f Utah Agatch L Oeneandus M f Penn‘bhus C c Pydna E g Saruenae K (1 30013111 E' f Tetrapyrgia I g Utah Ajak K Oenoanda E g Perre 0 f Pygela. O‘ f Samg 0 g Sogad F d Tetrapyrgia K e Uzena. L Oenoe B f Pershembe O b Pym 0. I i Sarus F. L .f 301} H h Teuthrania C d Oenoe N b Perta' I e Pylae E 0 Same F. M e 3011 . K g Thadmor 0. i Oenussae B e Pessinus G d Pylae P C San, F d Solonemca Q o Thalbasaris R' f 015““:th N h Petra > , R b Pylae Armeniae P f Sary G c Solyma M. F g Thamaudi Q f Valcaton G Olba . - I g Phadisana * N b Pylae Qiliciae K f Sarykawa 1). K b Sam 0 d ‘Thapsacus 0 h Varsapa M Olbasa F f Phaenus M k Pyrann Caput K ‘g Saryla'r 8% G d Somena E g Tharse O f Venasa K Olbia F c Phaliga Q h Pyramus F. L f Sasima K e S0phene 0 e Thatesum F c ~Veneriss T. K 01bia F g Phanae P. A e Pyrgos I f Saspires Q o Sophon L. F 0 Theleda N h Venues R. Q Olbianus S. D c Phanaroea M c Pyrnus E g Satala P c Soroba' L e Themiscyra M b Vereusum P Oleoberda 0 d Pharmacia D b Pyrrha B d Satnioeis F. B d Sorpara L 6 33116111180313: M b Vetissus H OlgaSSys M. K b Pharmacussa. O f Pyrrha O f Satrachus F. H h 3075 . R e Themisomum E f Vindia H Olobunar . G e Pharmatenus F. O c Pyrljha Pr. B (1 Sam M d SOZOPOLS D a Theodosmpolis Q g Virasia H Oloetodariza ' 0 d Pharnacia _ 0 c Pyxirates F. Q d Savatra I e Speluncae N c Theodosiopolis R d Vitseh Q 0m R c Phaselis F g Pymtes E Q b Samuel M g Stabulum M c Therma K d Vlask N . (”WWW F f Phasiana R d ‘ Sbida ' I g Stamema_ 0 b Thermae B d Vona 0. O Oluk I g Phasis R a Scala Tyriorum K k Starad G 0 Thermae C e Olya I g Phasis F. IR 3. . Scamander B d Stephane K b Thermae L c Olympene D d Phasis F. R d Rafineh M h Scanatus M d Stephano K b Thermodon F. M 0 Olympus F g Phazemon L c Rakka P h Scepsis (j d Stlphan'e L. M c Theuprosopon Pr. L i Wady Hillah 0 Olympus M, C e Phazemonitis L c ._ Raphanaea. M h S0021“ K e‘ Sbratomcea D f Thla P c Wady Haumn R Olympus M. G c Phellus E g Ras M i Scopas F. G c SW S“ 1 11 T1110? 0 g Wady Mellaha 0 Olympus M. I i Pherendis Q 6 RM el Abiad K k Scope E g Sulezmanly E e Thlllada Mirrada P h Wady Sawan Q Olympus M. K. h Phiara M 0 Rue el um . P g Scopulus I, L a bultan Dagh G e ThoantiumlPr. G g Wesir K01)“; L Olympus Mysius E c Phigamfis F_ N b Ras el Klzanzir L g Scorobas M, 'G c Sumakussa D. I g Thoanfilum Pr. 0 h Winaur R Onchae M 9; Philadelphia D 9 Bus el Nakurah K k Scydises M. Q 0 Sumanly Dag/z, E o Thoarls F. F d Wimnshehr M Ophifis F. Q o Philia D b Ras el She/cab K i ‘Scythini Q o Sumra L 1 Thoaris F. N b Wimnslzrehr N Ophiusa. C c Philias Pr. D b R03 Kanziri L h Sebaste E 9 SW K k Thrac1a A b Wimnsher H Ophlimus M. L c , Philiatinus L. D b Rees. M i Sebaste K g Sura L g Tllreméfllusia I h Wz’sa O Ophrynium B c Philz'os R. H b R9813 N g Sebastia. M d Sura 0 h Threnuthus I h ~Orcistus G d Philocalia O b 3830f“ 0 h Sebastopolis D f ,bWth 0 e Throm I h Ordek O f Philomeliun; ”G e Resama P g Sebastopolis M 0 SW 16" O h ThI‘OIIi Pr. K i Oren E g Philyreis I. O b Rempha- 0 h Sedissa P 0 WWW . 0 g Thurae N g Xanthus E Oren D. H ’ c Phinea D b Restan M i Sedjak F d Surmeneh Q e Thyatira. C- e Xanthus F.. E Oren Uzen L d Phoceae B e Rhaedestus C c Seideh K 1; Susan D. R e Thybarna G e Xenagorae I. E Orestias B b Phoebe ‘C c Rheba E b Seidi Ghazi’ F d Susurmaena Q o 'l‘hymaena I b Ximene K‘ Oriza, O h Phaecaea, O f Rhebas F. E b Seidjar 1“ h buw Q. f Thymbrium G e Xyline R Orminius M. G c Phoenicia L k Rhegma K g Seihzm L f Sycae 1 g 'l'hyni O b Ornithon polis K k Phoenicium Mare K k Rhsasus F. B 0 Selefkeh I g We‘ll?” H g Thym E c Oroanda G f Phoenicfis P. B f RhEZfiS Q b Selendi E 6 by 11mm G f 'l‘hynias 1- F b Orontes Fons M i Phoenicus P. E g Rhlzfis F. Q o Seleucia G g Syme U 8 Thynias Pr. D b Yasun 0- 0 Orontes F. L g Phoenix D g Rhodia ' D g Seleucia O f Synnada E e Tibareni N 0 Y 6111' Schehr E Orrhoe P f Phrurium Pr. H i RhOdlaPOhS E g Seleucia ad Belum M h ‘ Synnaus E d Tigranocerta R e Orsologiacum I d Phrygia ' E f RhOde E. B c Seleucia Pieria L g Syracellae B 0 T131151 P e Orthosia D f Phrygia Epictetos E 6. 311011115 D g Seleucia Sidera F f SITE , M k TIgrgs F. R e Orthosia L i Phrygius F. C e 311011113 L D g Seleucia Tracheotis I g Syrha. Superlor M g T1gr1s F. R f Zagatis E Q , Ortu O b Phuphena N d Rhodussa. D g Seleucis L g Syriae Portae M g Til N e Zagorum L Oruba ' P h Phusipara 0 e Rhoe F b Selge G f Syrlas K 34. Timleh I b Zaitha Q Orymagdus F. . H g Physcus D g Rhoeteum B d Selmdi G g 33/”? G 1 Timolaium I b Zalecus F. L Osdara N e Pictanus .. M g Rhoge E g Selinitis H g Syrmdes B g Timomtis H c Zama l Osiana K e Pida M c Rhosicus Scopulus L g Selinus H g Syrnos B g Timonium H o Zama R Osroene O f Pidias I h Rhosus L g Selinus F, C d Tim's ZVIcmden H f Zangibar Kale H Ostudizus ~ B b Pieria. L g Rhymana H g Selke Su‘ D d Tiristasis G c Zanserium R Otrea. H b Pimolisa. ' L c Rhyndacus F. D c Selymbria D b T111111 H b Zara N 02mm Yaila C d "Pimolisene K (3 Rhyndacus F. D d Selyr I f Tabae D f Tlos E g Zara N Oxia. D c Pinarus F. M g Rhyndacus F- E d Semiramidis Canalis P h. ’I‘abala. D e T111011” M- O 9 Zarpana I Omaha R. G b Pindasus M. C (1 111.07% R a Serachus F. H h Tabus' 1’ h Tochma Sw N e Zeede I Oxinas F. G b Piran Q 9 Riva. E b Seramisa M c Tadjir H d Tokat M c Zefiro O Ozzala. I e ' Pimas E g Riva R. E b .Serastere 0 e Tadurga N d ’i‘olitobogii G d Zefiro 0. O ', Pisidia, F f Rodosto C c Seresek L e Taiyibeh 0 h Tolosochorium G e ‘Zeilan O Pisidia Phrygiae F f Ropisa D g ‘Sem'ah N h Tattach 0 1 Tomba K d Zez'weh I Pacha D. I d Pisilis D 3 Band L i Seriana N h Tamasz'a l 1 Tomisa 0 e Z919, L .chhma/ctshz' K f Pismz'sh F d Rumkala N f Sermusa K d Tamassus I h Tomna Q o Zelea U Pactye B c Pisonos . 0 e Buscopus F g Serrhae N g 'i‘amyrae F. L k Tonosa M d Zeleby P Padolus F. D- e Pisurgia I g Rush D. K c Sesamus H. b Tanadans ' M e - Tonzus F. B b Zelitis L Paesus B c Pitane ' B e Sestus B c Tam'r. M e TOPaSS K d Zenobia 1’ Paeti B b Pitharidi H i Sewasly E e Taocln R 0 Torbaly F c Zenocopis P Pagrae M g Pitya C c Sewerelc H e Tapura Q {3 Tortosa M i Zephyrium K Pagrum N e Pityodes D c Saba V 0 (1 es- Sham M k T 0070051748. L 1 Tossokoi F c Zephyrium U Pagus M. B e Pityussa I. I g Saba R k Sharmaghi Su N c Taraunltis Q 8 Tozomly S» N c Zephyrium Pr. H Palaea I g Biurkh O c Sabcha N h Shims P e ‘Tardequla L 1' Trachonitis M k Zephyrium Pr. I Palaea. I i Placia D c Sacoena L d Slmgr M h Tarlub‘u L d Tracia K 1' Zephyrium Pr. K Palaeapolis I h Places M. 0 d Sadacara ' L ‘e Siae Q f Tarmla 1) 1' Tragasae B d Zephyrium Pr. 0 Palaepaphos H i Platoma P b Sadag Q o Sibbz‘li P f Tarsms F. . C d Trajanopolis B b Zeugma N Palaetyrus L k Platanistus H g Sadj'ur N g Siberis F. H c T818115 K g Trajanopolis E e el Zib L' Palalce M c Platanus ‘ M h Safaraboly H b Sibora L d T (Mb-76010?“ K b Trajanopolis G g Zigana 1’ Pallas _ L e Platia D c Sagalassus F f Siccasena . K e Taspa ' H 1 Tralles O f Zigana P Palmyra, O i Plotinopolis B b Saba], Q g Sicos Basilisses N f Tatta Lac. I e Tralles' O f Zileh L Palmyrene N i Podah'a E _g S. Andreas 0'. K h Sidas Kale D e Tattaium F c Tralles E .f Zimara P Palti Pr. L , h Podandus K 1' S. Croioo M. I i Side G g Tauchandjz’k E c Trans-montem G o Zimara P Paltus L h Poemanenus G c Saittae D e Sidene C c Taurus F f Trapezon M. M g Zimara R Palu » Q e Poemen M. H b Sakam'a G d Sidene C c Taurus Mons H f Trapezopolis D f Zitha Q Pambuk Kalessi D f Pogla F f Sakam'a R. F c Sidene N b Taurus Mons 0 e Trapezfis P b Ziziola P Pamphylia. F f Polemoniacus Pontus M d Salabria H e Sidenus F. N c Tavium K d Tricomia G d Zoane M Pamphylium Mare F g Polemonium Side N b Salaminias N 1 Siderfis Port. F g Tchaz‘ G e Trieres L i Zoparistus U 'Pamdflo E c Polia. acra L h Salamis I h Siderfis Pr. F g Tchaldc' 0. N b Trigh'a I) c ZoroPassus K . I‘- o‘fi‘a c‘o U'UQOQ Hgl-hm Qua O‘o paw U‘o‘c‘mo mma pang-IMO, 0‘0: pap-«9.0 a (7‘0? mP‘C‘UQ (D c‘o H.9- wmvvmamvrooo 0‘0 :9 a mc‘fi‘n-W‘W 600:0?“ 05" o a mafia 9-940 0 0 W09 60:0? H-CCIQ Rat's b‘c: oUQOQ U‘U‘U‘Q canny-.9509 Dacr‘b‘o‘c‘ b. ii ASIA MINOR. MAP 29. Cratia Flaviopolis Cremna Crenides Crentius Cressa Creta Cretopolis Crommyon Pr. ~ Cromna Cruni Pr. Crya Cunissa Curiae Pr. Curium . Cyaneae - ’ Cyaneae Ine- Cybistra Cydnus F. Cydonia Cymaeus S. Cyme Cynossema Pr. Cypasis Cypriae I“. Cyprus Cypsela Cyptasia Cyrrestioe Cyrrhus Cyrus F. Cystri campus (lytorus Cyzious Cyzistra Dabana Dabamjjeh Dables Dadastana Dades Pr. Daeara Daedala Daedalus M. Dagalassus Dagale Dagona Dagrum Dalana Dai’i Dallur Damascene Damascus Damur 0. Damuras F. Dana Dana Danaba Danae Dandexene Danova Daphne Daphnfis Daphnusia I. Daradax F. Darana Daranasi Daras Dardania Dardanus Darucinte Dascusa Daseylium Dascylinm Dastarcum Davas Dawaly Dazimonitis ' Deba Dedem'nko Deir K as]; Delcos ‘ Deleda Delemna Del'iklz' 0. Della Grecca 0'. Demetrium Demir K apu Demir Kapu Demirdj’i D. Demonesos Derrek M aaden Del-be Dercos Doris Derxene Develu K araln'ssar Dewerek Dia Diabekr Diacibyza Diacopene Dianae Fanum Dianae T. Dianae T. Didja'l Didymae I. Didymi . Didy’moteichos Diglito Dimotica Dindymon M. Dindymus M. Dindymus M. Diner Diniae Diocaesarea Dionysophanis Dios-hieron Dios hieron - Diospolis Diospolis Dipoz‘ras D. Diwam' Diwirigi Diwleh Dj. Kaakab Djabul Djebeil Djeln'li Djerablus Djerud Djew'is R. Djewizlo'k Djimil D. Djussi Docea Docimeum Dogdu D. Doira Dokbol Doliche Dollchiste . Doliones Doloman R. Domana ! iwe:dozzHamwwoowwmmmwmmwuHmmwaHmwm a 0 do @190? 0‘0 “.09 (:0!) 0 <1: £109 “0‘09 fl-H-pdmm-U‘p‘D-fibdm o 659 ‘ E rkeneh awowwwobwmowbwowaapwvHHmwmaafimmgUazogauguoopwwpmwzwaZZZZHNNNEEEmeZEZEUOHWWF”' 0 H5003? mo ”,9 m o ....o o c-‘w'oq transect: #959:ng o‘o mason? co wimp-no o‘o U‘I-bUQ mm: m We :3 mc‘a ca march-sac: Gama-no H-C‘QJH.C"OQ a mo 0 men a a macho camera-10916001: and: e: um mW‘W‘h—‘Wm b‘D-ocp mvpmoncm H-G‘Qmm’ s1 aFCWZQDHWNEQWZZZBBZchszwUCFH Domanitis Domuz R. Dona Doranum Doriscus Dorylaium Dracanum Pr. Draco Dracon M. Drecanon Pr. Drepanum Drepanum Pr. Drilae Druzipara Dshz’ndar Dura Dardzm D. Durgand Durmo Jailasz' Dusae ad Olympum Duzdje bazar Dyme Ebedjik Ecchiries Eccobriga Ecdippa Eddara Edelessus Edessa Edjenly Edreneh Egdava Egerdin Gol Egerde’r Eg’il Egonia Eider D. Ekrek Elaea Elaea Elaefis Elaefis Elaeus F. Elaeusa I. Elaeussa Elaeussa Elaiticus S. Elatea Elegarsina Elegia Elegia Eleutherus F. E listz' Emesa Emir Gol Emissa Enguri Su Enos En dra Ep esus Ephialtium Pr. Epidarum Epiphania Epiphania Epiphanio 0. Eragiza Erak Erasistrat Erdek Erdjish Erdodu Eregli Erek Ereklr‘ Eren boghasi Eresus Ergasteria Eribolum Eriza Eriza Erkelet Erkeneh Erke'nelc Ermeneh Ers'ingan Erythini . Erythrae Erythras I’. Erzeroum Erzz' ' Esheklu Eski Adah’a Eski Baba Eske'hissar Eski hissar Eskikara hissar Eskil Eslri Limasol Esk'i Salamis Eski shehr Etennes Euagina Euarchus F. Eucarpia Eudagina Eudoxias Euenus F. Eulepa Eumenia Eupatoria Euphorbium Euphrates F. Euphrates F. Euphrates F. Euphratis Fons Euphratis trajectus Euripus Euromus Europus Europus Eurymedon F. Eusebia ad Argaeum Eusebia ad Taurum Eusene Euxinus Pontus Famagousta Fanum Fanum Fatsa , Faustinopolis Filijas Fines Fines Flavias Frigidarium Fullah lurtuna R. wmmmmzpzowmawomww>bwzw o o o C‘GD Wham; (To put?“ 0: a same 94941—50” EaNbQDZQ>WWwQQMEHHOEHWNHQWNHHfimbcmmwwwwawnOwawEmcbEGOWHHOOOZQgngQb>mgmgmbwwwwwNUwQNWNOHOHDMQmOHOWW5H8? so c‘mmm'wfls hep-par: para-m o o (D mo Dad: U‘Qar-o,¢b"~.o mm? Had“ cu H.940 co cram mc‘c‘o name Qumc‘o Hos-(5CD o o raw-v.0? bdrmH-degH-O @H-fiuu.b‘w,mo papacbOQOQ (D C‘OQ CS Web 0 0 Dad: Ham 09 594%” H-‘W'QHOU‘? o ”.0 Him: 0 cage-on c‘b" @WWZHQmRwaN Gabala Grabbula Gagae Gagonda Galabatha Galatia Galaticus M. Galaticus Pontus Gallus F. Gambrium - Gangra Ganias Ganos' Ganos M. Garabasa Gardjamfs Gargara ' Garium Garmiae Garsaura Garsauritis Gatta 0. Gaar D. Gaur Kalessz' Gauraena Gauzonitis Gazacena Gazelon Gazelonitis Graziura Geblzeh Ged'is' Geira Geriweh Geiweh Gemerik - Gemiko'i Gemikoi - Grem‘lik ‘ Genasi Genetaea acra Genetes F. Genetes P. Gerae . Gerger Gergitha Gerines Germa Germanicia “ Germanicopolis Germanioopolis Germe Germe Germesh D. Gerseh Gersut Ghandosh D. Ghiuk Su Ghoshm D. Griddan Gigartus Gindarus Girmasly Girmeh Gizenenica Glaucus F. Glaucus F. GlaucuS/S. Goaria Godje Magara Gok D. ' Gok D. Gok Su Goksyn Goktepe D. Goldshik L. Golek Boghaz Golgi Gorbeus Gordie 1 Gordiu come ' Gordus Goroda Goryn Gosten D. Grambusa Granicus F. Granicus F. -Grranos Pr. Grawka Grion M. Grynium Gumenek Gundusa Gané chai Guneh Gurdjaro Kaleb Gurzubate Gygaea Palus . Gy‘nesh D. Hadrianopolis H afsa Haimane Halasarna Haleb Halioarnassus Halone Halonesus Halys F. Halys F. Halys F. Hamah Hamaxia Hamaxitus el Hammam Hara boron Harae _ Harar Haris Harmatfis Pr. Harpagia Harpasa Harpasus Harpasus F. Harran Hasru Hassan Badri Hassan Chelebz' Hassan D. ~ Hasuh . Hebrus F. Hebrus F. Hecatonnesi ‘ Hekim Chan Heldegi Heldua Heliaramia Heliopoh'g Hellespontus Heme Heptaporus F. Heraclea Heraclea pmwomeOHszHowwzzZNw2mgkummgNbbwgmeNNHwawoooHoameszzb mm: a: an‘QeDaQ-aotm handrail-ha 6‘0 do 0 Cam sin-v.9 #0;de o U‘U‘GUQ 53.01; c: was a madcap-:09 o o o 0an p-ao Qab‘omtm b“ mobmchZQCHwowHzgzvowmNNngmpmgzmewmbzbw mo C‘Q—nfiufihpuo <1: mm b‘o grip-sabre o a: flab‘wom m o o wasp-5Q am a min-:0!) pan-a} 0 Duo p—a-p-u-a..-.H-H.@ Qua d‘o g: o o @012 we p—bo (D @012 H-Qab‘i-LUQ D‘Q-ac‘o m a H.000? nac‘cr‘ owogpbogpzwwwWNZZQwUWUOWWZOWQ>EEZHNWWOZOHQW Heraclea Heraclea Heraclea Heraclea Heraclea Heraclea Pontica . Heracleum Pr. Heracome Herculis T. _ Hergan Kaleh Hermi camp. Hermonassa Hermus F. HermusF. Herpa Hiera come Hierapolis Hierapolis Hierocepia Hieron Pr. Hieron Pr. Hieron Pr. Hierus F. Hejam Him: Hippi I. Hippophoras F. Hippurius F. Hoiran Gal - , Hoirat Kaleh Holmi Holmi Homonada Homonadenses- Horan Hylas F. Hyllus F. Hypaepa Hypius F. Hypius M. Hy‘psirisma Hyris Pr. Hysdata Hyssi Portus Hyssus F. Hytennes Iabruda Ialy sus I arpas Iasus I bol Ibora ' Icarium Mare Icaros Ichnae Iconium Ida Mons Idah'um Idrias ' Idyrus opp. et F1. Ieros 0. I lgyn Ilz‘dge I lidja I lissra Ilistra Ilium novum‘ I lkaz Dagh I lwas Imbaris M. Imbros Imbros Imm » Imma In Cilissa . . Indjeh 0. Indjesa Indfirlu I ndshir Ziman Indus F. I newi Ingila Ingur VIm‘ada Ionopolis Iotape . Ipsala I psili hissar Ipsus Iris I saura nova Isauri Isbarta Ischopolis Isiba Isionda Isis F. ' Iskanda'una Iskeh'b Iskenderun Islam‘ Is'm'id Ism'k Isogly Ispa Ispir Issicus Sinus Issus Istenas Istenaz Istenaz R. Istros Itigdcn ‘ lturaea Ivrz's Ixiae Jalowadj Jar/lain Jarapason Jascyli J asonium Pr. Jazbanar Jebel Arasja Jebel Barakat J ebel Kuseir Jebel Lalaa Jebel Naseirijeh Jebrad Jem‘dje Jen'idje Jerma . Jihan J organ Ladik Julia Julia gordus J uliopolis J uliopolis J yzgat mpfigmommopommHmowawwwzmwwdmszzMQwOmengwdoo H30 a £70012 0 our: (D o pip-5mm oc‘m o a: a: 0 H50 c‘mfm Hm Hal-hm (D o c‘m can ch‘O‘p‘I-bhbhbo ONwawwmgt‘QOOMMQt-‘wahit-”d5mmZdmeHdeéOmmI'dENHEEEUPNQNwHHDmeMUmew{PbdeOKOK :3“...me Hal-1594mm 0pm: 0 a 0‘01: 0 W‘o‘m puc‘v-m-sr-eo CD H.009 c‘c‘so a En ch‘D-IO an equation (:09 mc‘mmmo 9am crow ”trimmer: puma-m mace W Nde¢MKmUUEKWnggZUNHQ Cum 0 ca ca :9 khan-hm W‘b‘W‘b‘m Wm cr‘o a mum K ad'i Kim? ‘ Kadyn Serai Kahris Kaiabanar K aiadib’i Kaimas Kalaat Balis K alaat el Medilg Kalamar Kalepli Kalolr'mno K alopotamo Kanet Kangal ' Kantara Kapakoi Kara Bambedj Kara Bouroo'n Kara Baran . Kara M agara Kara Su Kara Su Frat Karabab ' Karabazar Karadja D. garagol-khan ara'hzfar K arajuk bazar Karaman Karas Karatach Karatash 0. Kargaly Kargy K aria Karietz‘n Karmaly D. Karm'i Karnaim Karput Kartal D. Kasr Dewa , Kassaba Kastamomz’i Kawandjikoi Kedcs L. Kefken adassz' Kefr Tail) Kegoli Keefa Keimes K elles K em'k K ennisr’i'n Kerasoan Kerasoon‘Adassi Kerasoan R. Keredi Kerely Kerely Gol Kerembeh Kerfe Kerkysiah Keshish Dagh Kesme Kestel Khalka Vala R. Khz’h’ Khopi K karma Kalessi Kiachta . Kialteh Krilandrz'a Kilidj Kilimli Kilisse hissar Kilisse-Icoi Killis K inoglu/ Kior Zivet Kir sheshr Kirk In. Kirker Kirmes Su Kisildje. Kisim Kisseh Kitros K izz'l I rm ale Kizil lrmak K izil K lisse Kjebban M aden K odsha Gumush Maden Kojanly In'ssar Kojussa K olat D. Kolat-boghas Konaz Sa Kondake _ K om‘a [(007117 0. Kop D. Kopru Su Koralla Kormakz'ti 0. KotchhvfiSsar K raigs'imone K ueqflc Kuklz'a Kalah Kumbet \ Kumdjagaz Kumtshai K am 1). Kurgalytch Kataz’eh K utshuk Sakarz'a Kuzgun Kymer R. Kyz Derbend Kyzlar Labotas F. Labranda .Lacadamies Lacanitis _ Lacedaemon Laceter Pr. Laeina Lacotene Lade I. Ladflc ' Lae'rtes Lagalassus Lagania Lagina Lagusa I. Lalassis Lamas Lamas B. Lamotis Lamponia Lampsacus Lamus figwgbmwzHozopbmbzzmfigzmw b‘c‘H-o c‘o sun-co H.|="Q ma 6910909 mum-ho o <9 90‘: pm Qac‘c‘m: Dan-59:60 o c‘u-D‘D‘mo 9-0? who ‘ Lystra bmommwwmUzwbmzHHHwmdewawwHoocwgbszdmwQNHNZUNQQHKOKwwowmmammmmmwocgowzwwzwzHHwzmwszszHmeHmNdm Dan madman-ago c‘Q-ao H-OQ H-O tr'c‘p-bo c‘mm mo 0 a: (3 Chap aac‘c‘c‘mmc ca cu p-o‘c‘c‘m pap-berm ma: 0 :0 crap-bran D‘c‘m )4;be U’c‘c‘b‘c: a: ram-9,50 . M aruntshz’l .Masius M. .' Matera - Medium wwwHHNmEmeHHQOMWHHHQg as o QWOQOQOQGQ H50 00? 0 who H50!) {7'01} b‘mGQ Lamus F. Lamyron Port. Laodicea Laodicea Laodicea ad Libanum Laodicea combusta Laodicene Lapethus Laranda Laranda Larissa Larissa Larissa Larissa Larissa Larnaca Lascora Latakieh Lateae Latinicus S. Latmus M. Laviansene Leada Lebedus Lebinthus - LebwehadNahrKamzy Lectum Pr. Lefkeh Legna Leontes F. Leontopolis Lepatalea Lepethymnus M. Lepsia Lepte acra Leros Lesbos Leucae Leuoae Leucae I. Leuce acte Leucolla 'Leucopagos Leucosia Leueotheum Pr. Libanus Mons Libum Libum Libyssa Libyssus F. Lida M. Lilaeum Lilaeus F. Limasol Limnae Limyra Limyrus F. Lindus Linus Lisscm et Kahpeh Lita'ny B. Lithrus M. Loryma Lycaonia Lycastus F. Lycia Lycium Mare Lycus F. Lycus F. Lycus F. Lycus F. Lycus F. Lycus F. Lydia Lydia Lyrnatia Lysimachia Lysinia Maarat Macaria Macestus F. Macharta Macra I. ‘ _ Macras Planities Macrialos Macrocephali Macrones Maeander F. Maeonia Maeonia Magabula Magnana Magnesia Magnesia ‘ Magnopolis Magoras Magydus Makaf Malandara M alatiah Malea Pr. Mallus Maluascum Mandropolis Manezardum Mannuorrha Manoris Maragos Marash M. Marathesium \' Marathus Marcaeum M. Mard'in Mariandyni Maride Maritza Marium Marmara Marmara Marsilla Marsyas Marsyas F. Martyropolis Masna Massieytes Mons Massyas ‘ Mastaura M astrovo Mastusia M. Maubae Mazaca MZLzar Mazara Medet‘ M edjede R. Medocia Megalassus Megalopolis . Mej acarire - Milieu gHQHdmowwwswbwwcwbmw>gwwwzoowwagbowngmgmgbdgH ! mwasgozgbmmowmgmdbbmobwwmewdmmg - Mordiaeum mmomm CD c: o W,H.V¢‘D‘OQ on...“ 0 W09 oOQOQUQ c wc‘c‘mc a mo Hm Irma D‘o 9-0 on a: was asp-«D‘b‘fi‘o onus-.090 o c boat-ho b‘Q-u-Jfib a: a pit-hl-bb‘H-Q wiry-50‘0“: 'Mygdonia , Nahr el Asy ~ Nauli -ggwmwmwbboNOwamzpzponmombpmpwbngmomwzbwogUabgoowgddwcwwszUHg pap-o o 0 am: 0 a: was 0 mFfiH-m H-mmm_mm§m 0 5‘80 mo ma pan-4509 0 am <3 moon a: cap-Hm WC: mm c: o (D a: are c c‘H-D‘OQ Quirks" Megarsus Megiste M ejafarkin Melabrum Melaena Melaena acra Melaena acra Melaena acra Melaniae ad Melanem Melanippe Melanthias F. Melas F. Melas F. Melas Sinus Meleagru charax Melen M elet R. Melish R. Melitene Melitene M embidj Memnonis vicus M enduria Merash Merd R. Merrhan M erset Mesate Pr. Mesene Mesopotamia Mesoroma M esra D. Messogis M. Mesyla Methymna Metita Metropolis Metr0polis Metropolis Metroum Mezara Midaium Miletopolis Miletopolitis L. Miletus Milia M illy Milyas Milyas Mimas M. Minnica Mz'rm’il M irgon Miricium Mirones M issis Mnasyrium Mnizus Mochara Mocissus Modra Mogarum Mogrus- Moloa Mannen Mopsucrene Mopsuestia Morene Mon'mene Moron hydor Morsynus Moschi ‘ Moschici Montes Mostar D. Mostene Mosynoeci M ualar . Muchar Mudam'a Madjar Maghla Malls Mulls Mandsur D. Marad Murad D. Murad Tchai _ M urtana Musa D. Mush . M usher D. Mat Muzana Myanda Mycale M. Mygdones Mygdonius F. Mylae ‘ Mylantium Pr. ~ Mylasa Myndus Myonnesus . 4 . Myra Myriandus Myrina Myriophytus Myrlea Myrleanus Myrmeces I. Myrrhicus Mysia Mysius F. Mytilene Myfis Myus HOwObwddmoobdwooonpuOHgFowbwwmwwmQUNdecowwafiHddHNUmeQNmengmzgwwwMQOOUUfiwQMWQC>3952OOWNWHZUQZCZZZWKFOQZWwabomppmb 0Q than-9.1a o o 0 009m a: ”ammo: mo Hum @012 a: mason: a: mango pump-Io 9-0? 0 co 10 o 5-“ch mamas moat: sop-no pun-ac: Iraq a nan-moo a: H509 mo mo 0 ova-la: 5‘0 pun a: 9c: mg: a Haw 0 so Hemp-man a: a: do 009 c: masomfm c'cp o mb‘a: H.090?_ Nabagad Nacolea Nacrasa Nagidus Nahr el Kebir Nahr el Kelb Nahr Ibrahim Nally khan Nanassus Nararra Narthecis I. Nasaly Nasses Iqastae Naustathmus N avahy Nazianzus Neandria Nea Paphos - Neapolis Neapolis Nemesus HbomWngmzmszHbebbmodfi ! 3-0.0 mid-90‘0"? U'UQJ-bq 1-0;me o H-WH-UQGQ CD 915‘ Alexandria ASIA MINOR. b Abbreviatidns: 0- Cape. 13- Dagh (mountain). F. Flumen. I. Insula. L. Lacus. M. Mons. P. Portus, Port. Pr. Promontorium. \ R. River. S. Sinus. MAP T. Templum. Ab aiti s D d 7 A d Apsorrhus F, B, b Atabyrius M, 0 g Bingol Dagh Q d Carasene C .d Chorzene Abarara N. g Alexandria. H h Aquae Aruenae K d Atalis O h Bing/a Q h Carbanum O f Chorzum Abarne P 6 Alexandria L g Aquae calidae K f. Atarneus B d Biradjz'k O f Carcathiocerta P e Chasm. Abarnis B c Alexandroschene L k Aquae calidae N f Atelebusa I. F g Blrgeh D e Cardamyle A e Chostu , - ' Abaslll'i M d Aliassus I d Aquae frigidae Q f Athenae Q h Births. O f Cardia B c Ohotum'a L, Abassus G e Allbei-ko'i I f .Araban N i" Athenarum Pr. Q b Bisanthe . C c Caresus F. C d Chourz' Abia , F d, Alinda C f Arabes Scenitae 0 g Athis O -h Bismil Q f Cargaeae Pr. I i Chous F. Abila Lysaniae M k Alishin P e Arabia deserta 0 k Alina Q b Bistan Q xi Caria C f Chryse Abilene _L k Allah Dagh H g Arabissus M e Alina 12. 0. 'c Bithyni ‘ . F c Carissa K c Chrys0polis Abonu teichos I b Allan Q h Arablcir 0 e Atlan H e Bithynia ' E b, I b Caristran - C b Chrysorrhoas Abrettene C d Alma D. M g Araca O f Allan Su F c Bithynia F c Carmalas F. M e Chumbane Abrostola G 6 Alone 0 c Aradiorum L ‘h Attalia B d Bithynias E b Carmylessus ‘ E .g Okarma ‘Abu Okelby Q h- Alomi C c Aradus L i Attalia. D e Bithynium G C Camus L i Chusa. Abus M. Q d Alopoconnesus B c Arak D. O f Attalia F g Bizya. . C b. Carpasia K h Chytri Abydus B c Altar D. I b Arana ~ N d Attuda D f Blaene I b Carpasiae I” K h Ciaca. Academis O f Altenus ' F d Arangae 0 e Audan F d Blanco C. ’H i Carpathium Mare B h Cianus Sin. Acalissus F g Alyattis monum. C e Arapus B c Aueria M i Blandus N d Carpathos C h Cibotus Acamas M. H h‘ Alybe D. I f Arasaxa L e Augae G g Blaudus D d Carrhae P g Cibyra Acamas Pr. G h Alydda E e Araxa ‘ E g Aulae K g Blaundus - E e Carsatis 0 d Cibyra magna Acampsis F. R b Aldea-o'wa 0 d Araxes Q h Aulaeu teichos C a Bludz‘n B b Carsus F. M g Cibyratis Acanthus C g Amamassus I i Araxes F. B. d Aulon Basilicus L k Boas F. R c Carus vicus H c Cierus Achaium B d Amanides Pylae L g Arba 0 d Aulon Cilicius H h Bocarus F. H i Carusa L‘ b Cilbianus campus Acharaca C f Amanus M. ‘ L 1' Area. M i Aunesis G g Boghaskoi K c Caryanda O f Cilca, Acheon acte ' K h Amanus M. M g A'rca M 1 Aurana R k Boghazlayan L d Casama N i Cilicia Acherusias ‘acra G b Amasenorum agar K c Arcae 0 e Aurelii, Arcus M. ‘ K f Bolat D d Casiotis M h Cflicia, Achilleum B e Amasia L- c Arcaiapis Q f Auwaleh R. K k Boldo L h Casius M. L h Cilicia aspera Acilisene P d Amastra H b Arcesia B h Auyreth 0 g Bolegasgus I d Casos B h Ciljcia campestris Acinasis F, R b Amastris H b Arceuthas F. M g Awludj’llc Gal D e Bolissus A e Castabala M f Ciliciae Portae Acitoriziacum I d Amathfis I i Archabis F. Q Awren M d Boly G c Castabala M g Ciliconnesus Acmonia - E e Ameletum N b Archalla 'L e Aza P d Boly D. G c Castamon I b Ciliza Acritas Pr. E c Amida Q f Archawa Q b Aziris P d Boon Pr. 0 b Casystes P. B e Cillanus campus Ad Dracones P d Amisene L b Archelais K e Boona Port. N b Catacecaumene D e Cimiatene ‘ Ad Medera M k Amisus M b Arcilapopolis N t Bom' O f Cataonia. L e Cinara Ad Sertos N g. Ammochostos K h Arcitis B f Bos Dagh E f Catara M f Cindya Ad Tigrini Q 1‘ Amorgos B g Arconnesus 0 g Baalbek M i Bosporus D c Catela L h‘ Cinolis Ad Zodianduxn» N g Amorium G d Arctonnesus C c Baba 0'. F b Bostrenus F. L k Caucones G b Circesium Adabazar F c Amudis R f Arda B b Baba D. . D f " Botrys L i Caularis F. E f Cissa Adae B e r“- Amyzon C f Arda B b Babamonitis K c Boz 0'. D c Caunos D g Cissa. F. Adala D e Anabad M f Ardanudj R c Babamonum K c Boza'nti K f Cavalier". 0. K g Cissides Adalia . F g Anabura F e Ardistana I e Bacatailli M h Brisa Pr. A d Cayster F. C e Cissus Adana L f Anac/r'ia R a Arethusa M i Bacchion I. B e Briula. . D f. Caystri campus F e Cisthene Adana L f Anadynata I c Aretias O c Badas F. L h Brunca E c Caystrius campus C e Citium Adarin M k Anaea C -f Arga ‘ 0 e Badem N f Brusa E c Caystrius S. B f Cius Adw'amcm O f Anagoma C 6 Aryan“ P e Badimum M f Brycfis B h Cebrene B d Cius F . Adienus Q b Anaitis P d ArganthOnius M. D c Bafio . G i. Bryllium D c Cebrbnia B d Clanydda. Adienus F. Q b Analiba 0 d Argaeus M. L e Bafi'o 0. G i Bubalia 0 d Cehere N i Clarus Adipte Q" f Anamm' H h Argennum Pr. B d Bagdania Planities L e Bubassia regio D g Celaenae F e Clarus F. Adonis F. L i Anastasiopolis R f Argennum Pr. B e Bagis E e Bubassius Sin. 0 g Celenderis I g Claudias Adramyttenus Sin. B d Anaua E f Argesa. C d Balburd Q o Bubon . E g Cenaxe Palus H d Claudiopolis ,Adramyttium C d Anazarbus L f Arginusae I. B e Balndir H c Bulawadyn G e Centrites F. B e Claudiopolis Adrastia. C c Anchiale K g Arglza C d Bajae M g Buldur - F f Centum putei N i Clazomenae Adrenas R. E d Ancon D % Argos N e Bajal K f Bulgar D. K f Cepha R f Clides Pr. et Inss. Adriam‘ D c Ancon P. M Argowan 0 e Bakyr C e Bullana C e Cephisum F. K h Climax .Adrianopolis H c Ancon Pr. _ M b Aryan. I d Balabitene 0 e Buluk Gol I e Ceramicus S. C g Climax 'Adrianutherae C d Ancore E c Argyna 0 b Balahlssar G d Bunduk M f Ceramus D f Cludrus F. Aedesa F. E g Ancyra D d .Ariane E b Balaneae L h . Burdista B b Cerasfis O b Clydae Aegae ‘ G e Ancyra H d Arianodum N f Balak R i Burgas C b Cerasfis P b Cnidus Aegaeae L g Ancyraeum Pr. E b Ariarathla M e Balanearum Pr. L h_ Bursal H d Cerasfis F. P b Cobrys Aegea Q d Andabalis K e Arum M. I g Balbura E g Burtudizus C b Cerata G c Cobulatus F. Aegialos H b Andaval L e Arlsaman I f Balicha F, 0 g Byblus L i Ceretapa E f Cocussus Aeginis B d Andja?‘ L k Ansbe B c Balikesm' C d Byzantium D b Cermia. I h Coelesyria Aegyptium Mare G k Andrapa I 0 Armaxa L 6 Balkesa G g Byzeres R b Cerynia I h Coissa Aema C d Andreneh N h Armene L a Bambyce ~ N g Castrus F. F. f Colchana Aenius F. C d Andriace F g Armene Q b Banam ’ H d Cesum N f Colchis Aenus A c Andriacus F. E g Armenia major P e Banas R. E e Cetis H g Colchis Aepea H h' Androcus M. H g Armenia minor N d Banlas L h Cabalia E f Cetius F. C (1 00118. A'ére M k Androna N h Arneae E g Barathra I f Cabalia F f Cetus Port. I g Coloe ' Aezani E d Anemurium H h Arpas D f Barbalissus N h Caballu come H e Chabora . Q h Coloe Palus Aezan’itis E. d. Anemurium Pr. K g Ari-a M h Barchal D. R c Cabira N c Chaborae Fons P g Colonae Afium kara hissa F e Angora H d Arsa ' E g Bargasa D f Cadi E d Chaboras F. Q g Colonia Afrin . M g Am’ Kemach P d Arsania P e Bargylia C f Cadmus F. D 'f Chaboras F. Q h Colopene Agach H d- Anliu come D e Arsamas F. P 6 Bargylieticus Sin. C f Cadmus M. D f Chabur ' Q h Colophon Agamia B, ‘d- Anniaca N c Arsinoe D g Bargylus M. M h Cadyanda E g Chadisium M b Colossae Agathopolc‘ D a Antaki M g Arsinoe G g Bans F f Caeciliana 0 g Chadisius F. M b Colussa. Agelan E f Antandrus B Arsinoe H h Barsala R f Caena ‘ K 1' Chagz'n L b Comana Aghar hissar E e Antaradus L i ‘Arsinoe I g Barsema L e Caenon Gallicanon .G c Chalcedon E c Comana Aglasan _ F f Anthemusias 0. g Arsmoe I 11. Bartae N c Caesarea L e Chalceritis I. O b Comaralis Agora Ceramon E e - Anticragus M. E g Arsu; L g Bartam H b Caesarea L f Chalcetores O f Commagene Agriane L d -Antigone D c Artace C c, Barzalo P f Caesarea L k Chalcia C g Commisimbela Agrianes F. B b Anti Libanus M. M k Artanes F; 'E b Bash Gelembe C d. Cahi N h Chalcidenses B e Conane Agrianes F. C b Antinoopolis (H 0 Artemis F c Basileus F. I i Caicus F. C d Chalcidice M h Congussus Agrilium F c Antiochia D f Artemlsmm D g Basilica N g Calabantia D g Chalcis M h Conna Agrlmia C d Antiochia D f Artiscus F- A b Batana 0 g Calamus L i Chalcis sub Libano L k Conni Ahatkol F e Antiochia M g Armin R b Bathys F. F d Calanthia K g Chalcitis D c Conopium Aidin O f Antiochia ad Gragum H g Artyma L. D 0 Bathys P. D b Calbis F. D g Chaldaei O c Constantia ' Ain Abu Galgal N g Antiochia ad Pyra- Aral. . N f Bathys Port. et F. R b Cale E b Chaldz'n N d Constantia Ain el Hye M 1 mum g AIHhS N f Batna, N g Caleorsissa 0 d Chalus F. N g Contadesdus F. Am el Kawm O h Antiochia ad Tam-um M f Arwan H f ,Batnae 0 g Gales G b Chalybes M c Copria L. . Aine Gol E c Antiochia. Mygdoniae Q g Arycanda. F g Batoom R b Gales F. G b Chalybes N c Coracesium Alma 001 E e Antiochia Pisidiae - G e Achandus F g Baulas M c Callatebus D e Chalybon N g Coraea Batanae - Aintab N f Antiphellus E g Arzamon F. Q g Bazar R. O c Callichorus G b Chalybonitis N g Coralitis L. Alnzarba L f Antissa A d Arzan R e Bazaro L. R c Callicome N g Chamannene I d Coralla Alwali F d Antitaurus M. L f Arzanene Q e Bebasa . Q f Callimache D g Chandek F o Corassiae I. Ale Dejam'n N g Antitaurus M. P e Asa'rkoi G g Beberaci L. R g Callinicum P h Channunia N g Corduzalaba Ak hissar C e Antoninopolis P f Asa1‘ly_ H d Bechires , P c Callinusa Pr. H h Chaonia N‘ f Cordyla Ak limcm L a Anzitene Q o Ascania Palus E c Begras M g Callipolis B c Characene I g Cordyle AA: 814. F f Aous I h Ascanius L. E f Behesny O f Callipolis D c Charadran H g Coriaea Akamln's K e Aous M. H i Ascamus L. F f Beibazar H c Callistratia I a Charadropolis. M h Cormasa Akbcmar I e Apamea E e Ascoros R. Q 0 Beikoz‘ F e Caloe D e Charadrus O f Coma Akkar G e Apamea M h Ascurus F. Q b Bellan M g Calon Coracesium K g Charadrus H g Corne Akseraz' K e Apamea O f ASIIyr D. M f ‘Beirut ‘ L k . Calos F. Q o Charax Sidae 0 g Corniaspa Akshc G b' Apamene. M i Asia B d Beishehr H f Calpe P. F b Charieis F. ~ R a. Coropassus Akshe Kaleb P b Apamia. D c As1cha Q h Bekana Q 9 Calpes F. F b Chariustus F. R a Corra Akshehr G e Apammaris ‘ 0 g Aswan I h Belcania Q e Calycadnum Pr. K g Charsan D. R e Corsote Aksher Gol G e Aperlae . E g Asme I h’ Belengly , F f Calycadnus F. H g Chelae F b Corycium antrum Ala Dagh ' H c Aphnitis L. C c Ask'lka 0 d Belesibiblada R i Calydnae I. A d Chelidoniae F g Corycus . Ala Shehr D e Aphrodisias B c Aspendus G g Bela'k 0 g Calymna E g Chengn'h I c Corycus Alabanda D f Aphrodisias D f ASPIS I. B f Benderegll G b Calynda D g Chersonesus B c Corycus M. Alacham R. L b Aphrodisias ,I g ASpona I d Beonan Q h Cambala Q 0 Chersonesus Cnidia C g Cowcus P. at I. Aladjachan N d Aphrodisium I h Asporda C d Beremces Sinus I g Cambe K e Chimaera M. F g Corycus Pr. Alagma 0 g Aphrodisium Pr. I g Aspordenon M. C d» Bereta D e Camirus 0 011103 A e Corydalla Alait‘xs A e Apias pedion C 6. Asset ' C 0 Bergeneki 0 f Camisa ‘N g Chins B e Corynaeum Pr. ‘ ‘ Alaja G g Apollonia C a Assarmum M e Bergula C b Camisene N d Chobanlar ‘ L b Coryne Alafidrus F. G d Apollonia C e Assesus 0 f Boris F. N b Canae B d Chobus F. R a Coryphasium Alum G g Apollonia F e Assiap Q f Bensa M c Cantharium Pr. B f Choerades O b Cos Alata K g Apollonia ad Rhynda- Assus B d Beroea N g Caparea - M h Chogeae F c Cos Alazia D c cum D c Astacenus S. E 0 Bersera N g Cappadocia I e Cholmadara O f Coscinia Albistan N e Apollonias I. F b Astacus F. c Bersnna O h Cappadox F. O f Choloe ‘ M c Cotarzene Album Pr. K k Apolloniatis L. D c Astae C b Ber .tus L k Capriandae O f Cholok B b Cotyora Albus Portus L h Appia F d Astlanene Q 6 BBS 1008 I. _ D c Caralis G f Choma E g Cotyaium Ale L g Apri C c Astypalaea B g Bethammans 0 g Caralitis L. G f Chonaz's P g Cragus M. Aleius Campus .L g Apsarus Q b Astypalaea I. B g Beudos Vetus F f Carambis Pr. H a Chonas E f Cragus M. Alekian G d Apsarus . R b Astypalaea 0 g' Beudus Vetus F e Carana R d Charms N g Cragus Pr. . Alemandreta H h Apsinthii B c Astyra B .6 Blllaeus F. H b Caranitis Q c Chorale R b Crambusa Alexandri arae L g Apsinthus F. B c Astyra B ‘1 13171509 Dagh M e Carape P d- Chorzene P d Crambusa I. 0:090:09” savanna: car: cm was 60‘0“” who c 96 puma C‘U'o mc‘mogaqo: U‘mb‘c‘ppc m0: mgr—a: a c‘mo r—n Qua: a c: we a: o Pr‘aa memo: o :70: trace a a Erma o a mango: 35-5-7me mag c-‘qqcmaq (Dog H30 0 mm“ (D o o 33-“, a: paw-vamp” 9mm? l — Asabon Montes nigri ' Ascalon ' Alilaei Aarid Aba’i Abaseni Abhebbad L. Abisama Abissa Aboo-Laad Aba Ali Abu Shaib Abucaei Abumud R. Acannae major Accipitrum I. Ad Dianam Ada Adana Adanu I“?- Adari Aden Adiabene Adramitae Adulis Aegyptus Aelana Aelaniticus S. Aeni I_. Aesitae Ethiopia Agame Agame Agar Agareni Agasira Agathonis I. , Agmanisphe Agraei A gubeni Ahkaf, Desert of Aila Daphnon Aila vicus Ain Saba Aine Oune Akaba Aladi Alalaei I. Alata Alata Alam'n Albus port. Alexandria Aliaeu L“ Amy Aurelie Alumeotae Amafieh Amardi Amardus F. Amari Lacufi Ambolor'la M. Amhe Ammonium Pr. Amoris ara Pr.- Amram .R. Anah‘ Anatho Aneiza Ane'ja Am'ne Antar Antiochi Solen Antiochia Antiphili Port. Apamea Apei Apooopa - . Apollonopohs magna Apphana Arabes Scenitae Arabes Scenitae Arabia Eudaemon Arabia Deserta Arabia Felix Arabia Petraea Arabicus sinus Aracia Arad Aradus Aradus ‘ Araxes F. Arbela. Arc Architae Ardekan Are I. Areopolis Aria Ariana Aromata Pr. and Emp. Aroosi Aroteres Arra Arrade Arsacia Arsae Arsi Arsinoe Arsinoe Arsinoe Artacana Asabi Asabon Pr. Ascitae Asclie I. Asich Aspadana Aspis acra Assal L. Assima Assyria Astaboras F. Astapus F. P$5005deHHEEPWWMMOPPQK‘UEUUUUOEQ’IfiwQ'fiQOOHHPL1163>POwUQUC‘U15>waOPOwQQOQQUWOOw>UHODHQUGprooobwbfiwawabwdbfiwwwpowpwi>thQUthUU>OH wumuwufiwowwu H30 :0 o who‘d: o a: do 0 RICH-ho 6‘0 Qac‘c‘c‘mm mc‘c‘c‘a c‘o mm o 0 do o 0 do C‘s-”SO c‘c can ”.80 ",9 momma c U‘U‘ma ~50 wc‘sn 9° 0 0'0 ¢ O bwmdwwwboo wowmpwmwobbwouwouwdoowom>>mowoo ommmc‘woc‘oac‘mmooa mc‘ooamc‘mc‘aommmm H-OI—bv-hLb mooac‘c‘mmmmmmmampmmo‘ommm o mmmc‘o finch-ho pap-o a o champion-5:199 a pad: nan-m <70 m Dammb‘c‘o F030 b‘mmmfiac 5-9.0 p.09 0‘0‘ ETHIOPIA. Catanitae ' Catara Cattaba Cattabani Cattabani . Cauchabeni Centus Chabinus M. Chaboras Chaldaea Chaldone Pr. Chalon Chamr‘r Characmoba Charax Charibeh Charmuthas Port. Chatramotitae Chatteni Chaulan Chaulatae Chaulotaei Chaur Halte Chersonesus Chersonesus - Choarene Choaspes F. Choatras M‘. Cholez's Cher Barka Chevar Chariat Cilicia Cinaedocolpitae . Cinnamomifera regio Circesium Climax M. Clysma' ' Cobe empor. -~ . Cocconati I‘e'" 00106 L. Combusta Comisene Conoobar Cononisara Copar e1 Khobt Coptos Coranitae Corius F. . - Corodamum Pr. Coromanis Critensi t O tus Por . Cigphon Cuneium Cyprus Cyrtaea Dabelli Dachareni ed-Dahr' Dala/c Damaghan Damascus Damnia Dana . Danakil Daphnon minor Daraba Daras Darrae Deba Debae Debdaz'leh Dedhesa Dedjam Deiban Dela Dela‘ Demetrii Specula Derazje . Dhal’u/mi Dhan Dia Dialas Didymi Montes Digima Dimar Binder Diodori I. Dioryx Dioscoridis I. Dioscurorum Port. Dire Pr. and Opp. Dja'r Qjar Adja Djar-el-Arid Djar Athal Djar Dahanah Djar- M enakr'b Djar Orra Djar Seila Djar Selma Djar Shedje'r .Djar Subah Djar Sublzan Djar Tuer'k Djeladjl Djenabz' Djidda Dmb .Djaba Dochi Dodecas Choenus Dokko Doricae I. Doris}; Dosareni Drangiana Drepanum Pr. Duatus Sin. Dama ’d>derdbdti’fiWUPwQUEOwHUPOOC‘wpdmwwUUHUWUQOQUdeUwQUUdOwwwhfiQQUU acra: cram: 0 Duo 0 0 cameras Hani'Bl-hU‘O :0 Hap-lp 980 a mass CD‘S? 0 Duo o‘o (D o a 6'0 c‘c‘o 6'0 0‘90 Gandhi-erect O OwPWUOOwaOQwMUCHwmoOOUOUOOwowmePQUWUPUUUwUUUUw>QQwHOUOWHWHQwHP 69:0 (The: am: 9-109 H-b‘p-‘Q o o 0 now 0 o 0 Duo 9.9.9 mmmmwmmmo a: (To Quiz-o ado o a> (:0? a: 52-0 0 c: yummy-n0 0‘20 CD o Qua: Dumatha Dzafar ’Dzaphar , Eboda Ecbatana Egra Egra Eiritae Eisan el Elam Elephas F. Elephas M. Elisari Elusa Embolium Emesa Endera Enderta . Eratonis Im- Erythraeum Mare Esani Esar Etymander Euangelon Port. Eulaeus Euphrates Farrah Fatera Gabalene Gabrin Gaisa Gambela Gamma Gapachi Gara Garaad Garamaea Garbata M. Gasandes Gasimf Gaulopes Gaza Gaza Gazaca Gedl'osia. Gerrha Gerrhaei Gerrhaicus Sin. Ghr’san Giredi Girishk Gogana Gogana Granis Gypsitis I. lHabr Anal Hadhamaut Hadhr Hadhramaut Hail Halal: Halz' Halonesi Hanfilah Harar el Harik Harmozia regio Hasani Hasik Hatiba R. Hauara Hauara Haura Hautha Hawash Hawash . Hazine H azorti Hecatompylus Heliarama Heliopolis Herat Heroopolis Heroopoliticus Sinus Hidjr Hierasycaminos Hierosolyma Hippalum Mare Hippus M. Hippus vicus a Hirran He'ssn Ghorab Hodez'dah Homeritae Hora I. Hula Harmala Hyrcania Ichara I. Ichthyophagi Ichthyophagé‘n Sinus Idumaea I nderabz'a Isa Isatis mmw om ouwmbcwwwwwm>ommwbdwwd> O‘C‘o CHAN-45mm Hat-930.0 0‘6 bur-0,0 I-bo mo C‘O“ UQ OC" HOHF’MHU C‘Hgo U‘QJQ-IO himWMMUOHUUWUUPUUOwOUHPWWU’dw moooob‘mooocsflmc‘omwmmmoommomc‘ [wwbbcewoowwdpbwbpmwwmwmowcwwwwdwddoowowodowo 9" 9.9m: hawker-eve o b‘o‘pad a c‘c‘c‘c‘sfl H50? r509 Hap-'0 (TD-Ia: 940 51:09 mama who mp o A, Isfahan Isidis ‘ Isidis Potamia Isiuz M. Isura J abri J ambia J ambo J asso J athrippa J athritae J obaritae J oppe J udaea J ula Kamaran K angoon Kebir Ken K hartam K haledja Kichran Kilhat Kobal K om fuda K ongun K orer'n Kababish. K uleiah Kumana Kumz's K urez'n Kurian M urian Is. Laeanitae Laeanites Sinus Lahadj Laieni Laina Lama Laodicea. Lar F. Lathinat Laupas Lees Leena}; Lepte acra Lethieni Leucecome Libanotophoros regio Lina Litk Lohaz'a ’ Lysa MaCae Macalla ‘ Macarum Pr. Machorbe Macna Macoraba. Madiama Maepha Maephath vicus Maesamanes Magon I. Maefeh Mart Maiz Makalla Makdashoo Malangitae Malao Malichae Malichu I. Mamaeum litus Mammala Mandaeth Manitae Maon Mapharitis Maranitae Mareu I“?- Mariaba Marie ruins Maritae Mariti Ms. Marisa Marteni Masani Mascat Massanitae Maste M. Masthala Mastitae Matiane Medawara Medeia Media Atropatene Media Magna Medimni Medina Megabari el Mekherzf Mekka Melinus Port. Memphis Merab Meroe Meroe Insula. Mesaches Mesambria. Mesene wwb>m OOH-boo" uppccoowwd mumwwpdmoodwdbmodo. pQQQMwQWQQQQUPQCQUUU c‘mpuomoQ-flaommpuosDH-Qowoo UUQPPUPQCFPOPUUPwaUwOWOOOUHUUbflHOUSUQQOOOUUUUUUUWOUUUUbdibbdbdbhfi madmmmmmmm U‘o H30 m a a mam a: and: 0‘50 9 0 so H50 ma: puc‘c‘b‘pao CD 0 a: a madame a: panama-Irma D-tgl-bCD c: yep-ho Duo Qua Hm: ocfimmo’oomflamfiuomoomm Meslachat Mesopotamia Metammeh Metine Minaei Mizi Jlljetska Mnemeum Pr. Moor-itae Modiana Mogren R. Mogur Moileh Mokka Monodactylus M. Monoleus L. Monychiatis Moscha Mosera Mossylon Pr. & Em- por. Mothitae M udaito M uk na Mundu Mundu I. M uriyah M usa JIIushabz'a M ushak Muza Myoshormus Myrrhifera regio in- 6’ Myrrhifera. reglo ex- terior C terior Naam Naaman Nabataei Napata Napegus Ndur-Kenr'ah Nechesia Nedjran Negran Nicephorium Niconis statio Niger M. N ih' Ostia Nili Potamia- ’Nili Potamia Nilus F. A c, A f, Nirnus Nisaea Nisibis Nogal N otu Ceras N ubae . Nafzwl Desert VNulla Oaracta Obolla Obri Ocelis Ochus F. Ochus M. Olmofiro valean Omana Omanitae Omanum empor. Ombos Onne Ophiodes I. Opis Opone Orcheni Orchoe Organa Orine Chersonesus Oriza Oroatis Orontes M. Orsa M. Ostana Ostracine Pagis Palindromum Pr. Pallacopas Canal Palmyra. Pano Parag Paragon Sin. Parthicum regnum Parthyaea Pasargada Pasitigris Patta Pechini Peleshe Pelusium Pentedactylus M. Perz'm Persepolis Persicus Sinus Persis Petra Pharan Pharanitae Philadelphia Philae I. Philotera Phocarum I. Phocarum I. ow>UUodowdw>dUwod>wo>www WOQUQUQSOSDSDHar-bOQUMD‘QCDCDQH-mmoom pwwdbwwwuwwowwswmwwmmomdw {To @6660 o D‘U‘ch‘paa Qua co 9 mo 99 pep-acra Q>K>l>wPPWHUHQ>>UwQUEMQhfiQEWUQhfi U o boowodddwoob wmpwwowwwwowwwoo>wd (D H: mo 0 Pac‘o 0 mac: 0 C: macro mH-C‘O c‘sa Que mo‘c‘mo OHgl-ba HzHaPhP‘bC-i PhD-03H: QHOOCDQJr-QOUQCDOOQIWOOWGQDO MAP 30. Phoenicia Phoenicon Phoenicén Physcus Polior Polybii I. Posidium Primis Magma. Prion F. Prionotus M. Prionotus M. Profundus Port. Prophthasia Psebo L. Psycheus Port. Ptolemais Ptolemais Epitheras Pudnu Pura Para ' Pylora Pyralaae Is“ Raad Rabanitae Rabegh Radwa M. Ras el Alwad Ras Antarah Rae Bir Rae Bugmais Ras Burum Ras Der/cal), Ras el Fil Bas el Hadd Rae Hafoon Ras Jerdafioon Rae el Khez'l Ras Maber Ras M adralc Ras Markass Rae M indjz' Rae Mufiendom Rae Musherrb Rae Iiekkan Rae Sauln'ra Rae S/Larwae‘n Rae Shirbelat Has Tartak Rasa Regmana " Rez’ Reida Reideh Resaina Rhaabeni Rhaeda Rhaeda Rhagae Rhausi Rhegana Rhinocolura Rhogonis Rz'dz'l- eZ—Ma szad Rirman Roba’a el Khalz' Desert Rukfat Saadek Saba Saba Deleb Sabaiticum ostia Sabae Sabaei ' Sabaeorum lacus Sabbattha. Sabe Saba Sabota Sacatia Sacer Sin. Sachalitae Sachalitae Sinus Sachle Sagdana Salamis Salapeni Salma Salma Salame L. Salydo Samaria Sana Sape Sape Saphar Saphtha Sapphar Saraca Saraceni Saraceni Saradj Saritae Satyron M. Save Sawa Segr'r Seleucia Sembobitis Sembritae Semene Semien Sennaar Serapidis Serapionis statio Sesea Setit Shakra CWQUWPWWPPCQUQWQOQPQQUE>>Qmp’QQQQPHUEEUQUQQUUQQWPWO o mmwgm‘mpfimmwm (D pup-ACD H30 0 phi-ho G p.150 (D G G pip-IO 9‘9 0 HaH-eCD 0 WG 0 U‘CD @ Q l-bCD Pbo ¢' omnmow>mwmwdww>>wmow>w but: o o a CD c‘mmc‘mmmmo o a 0 dc to U" MUWUQE>QCQEUOWUEEHPHPEE‘WE‘EW@WWMCEEMEEUEQUUWWU> FMS? U‘Q-acp o @709 so mm 6‘3? a has: PdO‘GD 0 CD 0 O Flo o (D cow: Han-0:94.499 mammn‘cflmo m l ii ARABIA ET ETHIOPIA. ” Shebleh Shehr Slzeylureef S/Le'rm Libun Shrim- Shingan Sideni Sidon Sikka Sinai M. Singara Sirbonis L. Sitiogagus Sobar 'rm‘n Sobat F. Socotom Socratis I. Sohar Solate Solis Pr. Sophtha Sosippi Port. Soteron Port» Spasinu Stenae dirae tdUWOUHQMOM>>H>Q>M>wbHEHHd I @D‘GmOOt-hfida HgO'QGOU'pGI-vgc‘c Fawn-awn- Stygis aquae fons Sucabia. Suchu Sur Sura. Susa. Susa Susia. Susiana Syagros Pr. Syene Sygaros Syn'a. Tabae Pr. Tabiana, Tabiena. Taboca Taeni Tmf T aka, Takkaze Talabrox wo>muwmwwww>d c‘ofiuac‘voc‘wméoo wwwoobddm ”mop-IOOU‘G‘H, Tangaitae Taoce Taphran Tapuri Tarsia. Pr. Tarut Taurici Ms. Tebbes Tebuk Tehran Tez’r Tema Tenesis Téredon Testudinum I. Thaalabah Thadytae Thaema ThaemiI Thalaba. Thamal Thamud Thamudeni Thamyditaé Thanuitae wawoouwwood>wowwwwmwmomw moooo‘ooooomc‘m-om'sooc‘cboovoom Thapsacus Tharo I. Thebqe Thebae Thema. Thialemath Thoana. Thain-0m Thurifera regio . Tlgrls r Timagenis Toani Tomadeon I” Tonici Topazon I. Tretus Portus Troglodytae Trulla I. Tsabo L. Tsiamo Tul Tuz Tylos Tyros Tyrus pmwfimwwuwmwowuonowmowpmw (7‘9 9 so @ HaHhHap-IG Dab‘nam o :0 ma‘o‘o c‘p-ao o :0 MAP 30. Tzana L. B 1' Wady Dum E e Weli—gamana C h Wady Fauwah D f White R. A f 'Wady Ghadel B b Wady Habmzah C e \ Udeni C d Wady Ham-cm O b Yezd E b Uzal .0 e Wady Hiller B b Wady Jalm'n D d ' Wady J ha B- .d Zaa. B e . _ Wady Laa , C e Zabram B d Vadei C e Watély Madjaze C d Zabulca A D o Veneris I. B (1 Wu 3/ Maefah E- f Zadracarta. E a. Veneris P. A d} Wady Maiscm ,. 0 b nga B e Vologesia. ’ O b Wady Mefileh . D e Zagrus M. D b Wady Nedjd C c Zaim C d. Wady Nedjmn D e Zames M. 1 C d Wady Rachz'e D e >Zamfha B d Wabar D d quy Ressas O b Zebaz'r O f Wad'ia ‘ C e Wady Rim 0 e Zeb'id O f K Wady Aftan D d Wady er Rummen C c Zeila O f Woody el Aul D d Wady Saar C c Zeniom .' B d Wady Bawas C b Wady Sabcm ' C b Zenobii F- F e Wady Bisheh C d Wady Sui/mar D f Zeugma B a. Wady' Oanuna C e Wady Sirham B b Zingis Pr. E g Wady Dauas'ir D e Wady Zibran C e Zoo'gur C If .Wady Doom D e Wedj - .B c Zygaena. B c I Abaratha Abiria Abistdda Abi’i Mt. Abur Adamas F. ' Adamas Fl. Ost. Adisathra Adisathri Adisathrus M. Adisdara Adrapsa Agadib Aganagara Agar Agoranis F1. '~ Agra Agrinagara Ahichhatra. Ahikshetra Ahroni Aigidion I. Aii Aji R. Ajmir Akesines F. Alcyab Alexandria Alexandria Alexandropolis Allosygne Aloe Alor Ambashtas ‘ . Ambastae Ambur . Amystis F. Andardb Andarae Andhela R. Andomatis F. Andrapana Andrasimundu Prom. Angediva Aninachae Anthropophagi Antibole Ostium " Anurdjdpura . Anurogrammum Apokope M. Apparatotte Arachosia Arachotus Arachotus Fl. Arachotus L. Arakan Arakan Aravalli Arbiri Arbuda Ardone Arembur Argalicus Sin. Argalu Argari Arghand B. Argyre Ariake Arkatu Regia Arkot Armabela Arvarni Assam Astakampra Astobalasara Attolc Aureum 0st. Avium Prom. Axuamis ‘ Azarus Fl. Bactria‘na Badamaei Badami 'Baiones I. Baitana Baitarni Baland Balantlpyrgon fialasor Balmir . ‘Balti Bdmidn Bammogura Banagara‘ Banauasi‘ Banda R. Bundhugarh Bandobene Bankot Bdm’t Baracus F1. Baragazenus Sin. Barago Pt. Baraich Barake Barakura Emp. Barbarikon Emp. Barcelore Barda Bardaotis Barddwad Bardaxima Bardwan. - Baris F. Barkdr Baroch Barygaza Basmad ‘ Bassahr Bassein Bassein R. ' Batae owwmwwwwom>wo$w>w>wwwwwwwdwoww>wwmwwmcwwws mm a o o magmmmmmmo Hyman do: so no ”,va m o panda-mo no a s: / ooodomm>ooeomuow>>6 q‘o Dam? r-bo o smug-o nan-cam o mammmmmc‘mm coopwoado»uoww>ooaoowowww>>>>dedwwmw0>mmopmowd>wu>w>mwomowoo 09 009 960 are who why-ho garment»: who {Duo 0 fiaQ-IC‘U‘U‘U‘O’Q 009012 Pap-«o 5-9.0? cream-o SD puma-um o aa'o c‘o c‘m I _Berobe Batankaissara Batesar Battanagara Battikalao Bazakota. Bela Be nares Bepyrrhps Mons Berabonna Beroben, Prom. post Besadae Besynga‘ Emp. Besynga Fl. Bhadravati Bhambora Bhdraod Bhatnir Bhaulingas Bhilsa Bhima R. Bhojpur Bikanir Binda Fl. Bindae 0st. Bindraban. Bisauli Bittigo M. Bokana Bolan. Pass Bolingae Bombay Boraeta Brahmanabdd Brahmaputra Brahmini Bridama Budaea Budhia Bukephala Burma Byltae Byzantium Calcutta Calicut Oananor Capitalia Chaberis Chaberis Fl. Ost. Chambal R. Chandan R. Chandor Chandra'vati Chatriaei Chaul Chedi Cheduba Chersonesus Ohilcakol Ohilaw Chilled L. Chitang R. Chittagong ‘ Chonnamagara Chryse Chryse Chersonesus Chrysoana Fl. Columbo Harb. Comorin 0. Cosmae Oranganor Dachinabades Daetichae Dagana Lunae’ Sacra— Daibul Daidala Damasa M. Damasae Daradrae Ddrdpfir Dardae Dards Dasérna D’Elg JIIt. Deogarh Deogarh Deopalli Dewaliya Dhamoda Dhar Dharanikota Diamuna Fl. Diardaues F. Dihli Dimasas Dimyrike Dindigal Doanas Dondera Dosara Dosarene Dosaron F. . Dosaron Fl. 0st. Draband Drillophyllitae Dudhal Dulmi " Dunga Dvaraha Dvaravati Edar . Elangkon Emp. Elymaide Emodus Mons Erannoboas Fl. m>wmwo>mdcwdwcowowooomwoowwdwwwwwwwwdow wwwwp>wmm>5wwpbaoowwwcw0ww0>owwwwwdmw>dbwoo tritdQQQ'fibdtdMWHOUWMUWWWWMOQQWU‘JQM figment»; o a can Duo (9012 a: m a 9-10 0 5-1-524an I-bHap-JH-n-bp‘ 1 0 9:09 9:0 94:99-52:51:le 0 mac: 0 a o (D gamma-94¢ H.949 93 {7'93 00 C‘CDOQ 0 F1: bbwow 9‘0"me 08°dc‘oommooomoommoommomomoommmmwmmooooommooc ‘Irinum Magnum INDIA. Abbreviations: F., F1. Flumen. I. Insula (Isle). L. Lacus. M. Mons. Ost. Ostium. P. (Port) Portus. Pr. Promontorium. R. River. Erarasa Erennesis F. Eswantgarh Etymander F. Gagasmira Galle, Pt. de Gandaki. Gandi Kotta Ganga R. Gangaridae Grange Regia Ganges Fl. Ganges Fl. Ganges F. Gangeticus Sin. Ganjalm Gazus Gredrosia Ghara Ghazni Giriraj a Goa Goaris F1. . Goaris 0st. Godavari Pt. Godavari R. Godavari R. Gogra Gokarna Gomati Gopnath Goverdhan Gudalur Gudur-Masulipatam Gwa Gwalior debowdwddobwbwo>>>>mbECUMMOOUOO commemomcmmmoaaoc'naoc‘mmoosopupammomo Haidarabad Halsi _ Hangal ‘ Harmagara Harmatelia H elmund Heptanesia. Herone Taenia Hesudrus F. Hikode Hili Marabi Himabat ‘ Himadri Hippokura. Hippokura Hippurus Hladini . Hodoka Holochoera Holohera Horata Horatae Hradini Hugli Mouth Hunawar Hupian Hydaspes F. Hydraotis F. Hyphasis F. Hyphasis F. Iatur I b R. Imaus Mons Indabara Indicurh Mare Indoscythia I ndrapat Indrapathae Indus Fl. Indus Fl. Irina ' Irinum Parvum Isamus Fl. J a balpur J a fl” )2 apatam Jagan (2th J a igarh Jaimur . J aipur Jaisalmir J ajhar ‘ J ajhpar J amna J ela sor J essor J obares Fl. J omanes Fl. J unagarh Kaber Kabul Kach’h Kadal(t)undi Kaha M. Kainas F. Kainiton Ins. Kakamukhas Kakuthis Fl. Ifalba/rga Kalinadi R. Kalingae Kalingapatam Kalingon Prom. Kalliena Kalligicum Prom. Kallimer 0. Kaluganga OUowuudodcdwe>w>>d Wmmomooomomoommmc‘m ‘ow>>w>wo>ocodo >>UQ Obit:bdbbdta‘lz'bdbdeQFdQObdbobz‘debddePbdQQb C‘C‘O‘C‘C‘mflao nap-ammo? 001? 0 CD 0 Err-50“: 0 Dad: U‘o Hub-ho o deOwE'Udedebdwtddo moommomocomaamfiu don-no. a mango o o o mp‘o sop-m. ‘ Kalyan ‘ Kondochates F. Kalyani Kamaraka Kambay Kamberichum Ost. Kambugam Kambyson Ost. Kamla Kanagara. Kanarak Kanaui Kanaurh ' Kandahar Kanetti Kanogyza. Kant Kantakasthala Kanth Kot Kanthi Sin. Karachi ' Karachi Kareur Karige Karikal Karipa Karmanasa R. Karnaphuli Kartinagara Kartisyna Karura’Regia Kaspiria. Kassida Katabeda F. Katadupa Katak Katikardama Katmandu Katwa-dwipa Kausi Kaveri R. Kdveripatam Kdgal K ediwari Jl/I. Ken R. Kesarwa Khaghar R. Khariphon 0st. K heda Kindia. Kindia Kirétas Kirrhadae Kistnapatam Kleiso bora Kochin. Koddura Kokkonagae Kokkonagara Kolchicus S. Kolchoi Kolubae Kommenases Fl. Konarka Kondalae K ondapilli Kondlpatana Kontakossyla. Emp. Kophen Kophes F. Korankali Kori R. Koringa Korkhai Korula Korunkala Kory Pr. Kosamba Kosmin Kossa Kossoagus F. Koti 'otta Kottiara Metrop. Kottis Kottobara Kottonarike Koyana ' Krishna R. Krishna R. Kuba. Kudah near Rdjapa’ir K udramale Kulindas Kulindrine Kumari Prom. & Port. Kuntala . Kutabdia I. Labokla Larike Leuke I. Limyrike Lonibara 0st. Maagama Maagrammum Madangarh Madras Maeandrus Mons Maesoli Fl. Ostia Maesolia Magnum Ostium Magona F. Mahanadi R. Mahanadi Maharzdra Giri Mahi R. Mahona R. Mahorta Mais Fl. Malaea M. dwpwwbmuwmocwuacw 0? QddeQ-ICD pap-«Panama (D Gab-56309” OCQ’?WUQUQr»UOQOECit:tr:OQUCUWUbfi31>UUOUQEUUCOQUUOOUE‘hJ‘UUCSPdeC{>Ob‘UEEUE‘FJ‘EWUwQE‘EdUOUQQFPPPUUOQPWQHHHHSHWHWQ CG Ramon c‘ccm co m a: an o Hscr‘cposmo‘q a slam slat? @ Hm: o mo c‘c‘a o co 0 a: a: 9:001:01: a charm to H.990 o o Duo 0 9:109 Hui-9:0 mo nap-ammo 0"on Champ—5mm Odo cacao: a om? 0‘0 0 (D a 0 mm nail-Cum o ’2‘ pcwww gimp-9:95" I Malaeta Malanga Regia Mal/chard Malleus M. Malli Maltaun Manadas Fl. M anar R. Manarpha Mandagora fllandala Mandalae . Mandara Mandei AI and 22 M an gal or Mangaruth M an grol Manhabara M-anich ae M anikpur M antotte Marallo ‘ M aravdr Marundae Melange Emp. Melizigeris Methora Metropolis Minagara Minnagara Mirich M irzapur Modain Modogala Modogalingae Modura Deorum Modura Regia Moduttu Monedes Monoglosson Mophis Fl. Mudgal Multan Mung Musikam Regia Musopalle ‘ Muyiri—Kodu Muziris Na‘agramma Nadubandagar N a f Nagadibae N agapatam ngas N a gor N agpfir Namadus Fl. Nanaguna Fl. Nanagunae 0st. N angalogae N an igaena Na os/zera Narmada Nasika N aura N ausari Naustathmus N aui Bandar N egom ()0 N egrais 0. N elkynda N ell are N etra'vati R. N igama Metrop. ~ N ikaea. Niranjana R. Nitriae Emp. Nubartha Nudorum Ins. Nusaripa. ' Oidanes F. Omalis Fl. Orbadaru Uromenus Mons Orrhota Orthura Ortospana Orudn Montes Oxykani Regia Oxymams F. Ozene Ozoana. Pain. Ganga Paithan. Palaipatma Palibothra Pallura Palsagi Palm-a Pauasa Panchala Pandionis Reg. Pandovi Panna Pannata Pantipolis Panuyapura Papike from. Paralia Parapiotae Parasnath Paropanisadae Parveti Mm Pasage Pasipeda Passala ,Passalae QQCPU‘JPOPUUthFd Sago o a: c‘mfi-U‘an o bowaP>UCCdccochccmwmbwoo ooomc‘c‘mamflammwfiuvmomoomoowo - OWWPWWQWPUUOCWQWUWPEUQWUUUUUUQ>>¢JU§OC"E‘UQWUUHOEUOOQ bjrrjottbbdobdbolzjorbbbdbdbdbdbdmldwobdobbibbl‘dbbd 53-200? p-deC‘hbi-hD-hm (DUQ QaQaQ-aHgfi-lp-vo o 0 #99999th HO? 9-:an 3 PhD-ha o c‘c‘o 942mm we can: a: o a o pan-o m ~10me o o nail-mmslapafiumma a: m nan-«9451a: H351- a Patna _ Patta Konda Pattakotta Pattala Pattalene I. Pazzalae Pega Pegu Penn-fir R. Pentapolis Perim I. Peshawar Peukelais Phyllitae Pinaka R. Pinnas F. Piratae Pitti Branch Pityndra Metropolis Podoke Portus Alexandri Portus Mulierum Poruari Pothiga Powangarh Powars Prasiane I. Prasii Prasodes Sin. Pria'pidis Portus Pseudostoma Pseudostomus Fl. Pudopatana Pudupatana Pulikat Pulindae Pulipula Pimpfin. Punya R. Pur Bandar Puri Pyrrhus Mons Quetta Quilon Ramanahor Ramganga R. Ramnae Ramri I. Ramtek Rama Randamarkotta Rangamati Rangamritika Rangun. Rangun R. Rapti R. Red Olifis Rehand Riksha Rikshavant Rogandani Rohana Saballassa 0st. Sahara Sabarae Sabaras Sabi Regia Saburas Sacrifice Rock Sada Sadakanta Sadasheogarh R. Sadras Sagapa Ostium Sagara Sageda Sagoda Sahyadri Sai R. Saimur St. George’s I. Saktimati Salakeni Salike Salt Range Sambalaka. Sambhal Sambhalpur Sambhar L. Sambus Fl. Sandowe Sandrabatis Sangada Sangala Sanjan San—pa R. Sapara Ost. Sarabus Fl. Saraswati R. Sarbana Sardonyx Mons Sarju Saurikirnas Sawatti Sazantium Sehwdn. Sekas Selai Seoni Sesekrienae Ins. Setae Sewana Sibor ‘ Sielediba Sigeris Simylla. Sindh R. Sindokanda ‘ Oowbdtjbdbdbdtthljbdi>deUUtCbde‘P#1ijpwh‘jbbdUGOWUUwaUWUG>>Ub¢EHjt¢O>UUw> WomomaoomchomomomoO‘omomc‘ommcoShooc‘flmmmoomomgfiummoommommwm S. Sinus. OHPUUwbdbbdbdbd"dOOU15bdbdcwbbUcpwUUwaWEUQWO>>OQM 01> 096' UUUUUCUQmemmowQQQ cm a 9.9m mmmmmmmmm 9-:0 o 2...... G 9mm cue @mQ-IC‘C‘FLP-u-bm a o mo mo 0 mmmmamommooommafiaom J MAP Sindomana Sinthus Ost. Sippara Sir Sirimalaga Sittokatis Soa Fl. Soana F. Soanes F. Sogdae Solon F. Solis Port. Solomatis Fl. Son R. Sonmiani Sonus Fl. Sorae Sorath Sorath Soringae Sosikuri Sravasta Sri Kahola Srinagar Suari Suastus F. Subanrikha . Sujintra Supdra Suppara Suraseni Surasht-ra Surat Surparaka Sutlej Suvama Syrastra Syrastrene Tabassi Tagabaza Tagara Takola Emp. Takoraei Tamalitis Tamasa R. Tamerae Tamluh Tamulika Tana R. - Tangala Tanganas Tangani Tapasas Taprobane Insula. Tapti Tarnak R. Tatta Taxila Temala Temalam, Prom. post Thado Thanesar Thellyr Theophila Tiatura Tibet Tiladae Tiladri' Hills Tillogrammon Tirakal R. ' Tista, Old Togaron . Tokosanna Fl. Tomaras Tons R. Tosale _ Triglyphon Trilinga Triodus e Bactris Tripura Tungabhadra R. Tuticorin. Tyndis Tyndis F. Tyndis Fl. Ost. Tynna Fl. Tyrannoboas Uarsa Uch Ujjain , Utah Rabat Ulawi Umrkot Ureiyur Uxen bh’us M. Uxentus F. Vaidurya Vaisali Va/ckanur Varada R. Varana . Vindius Mons l Vingorla Rocks Vipula Viziadrdg Wairagarh Warankal W ari “M . Xerogere X oana Yatur 31. Pbobdtdbdbdcbit:tr:rawUwUUQQw>QU>dUUO>wUUmQ>w>p» 5249.0 (rm-949:0 a o nan-Va c‘m om magma-o gunman e um Que co I>*E‘fitct‘hz‘fi‘tfitdtfifilfihidtdtddcFrjbjwbdprQtdOQObdQFj’E‘Ul’EUQOde 0 Family-tore o as? Pas-2999.940 slam Duo 0 c‘P-aczu-bo o o a: 5-9.”:me 52-0 a H:@ #1394949!ng m a: nap.- 0’11 admbco UCCWCPdetd man-ho o (Tr-24c: c" wwwcccwmw OGCDQOQ-H-hopd >GU mom b'de . W I _ . DBWILLIAM SMITH'S ANCIENT ATLAS ‘ . _ . V . f 1 x , 32 F v fl. r ‘5’ f 1 o. o 0 x1 6° [31 5° [c1 4° [D1 3° x1 2° [11 1° :61 o [111 1° [11 2° F11 3° [L1 4° [11 5° {111 6° [01 1° [11 8° [91 a [11 1s] 11° [11 12 [111 11 111 A A An r- J— __ ._ __ __ __ _=_ __ __ 1‘1["_ _ __ — — =— .3... .5..— ——-— —— — — — l 1' l1 . - 11 ] ] 3 21 [S I c m 1 1 . 09 I a ? °°“" L 1 w \—I‘ . 1 a xv1Mx’x-xxrrxm1 11° 9%; 4 I 95' ah) I 11 2.121% ' A; 11%;" Ag”? 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"fidufi “321%1'mifv'm {saw/"Mm 1 ”pmmxx 133/11n\g“1fl1”'m\: \\x\\24,.\\ Q:- m; $1 "0‘93 ~ \22 2. a” 253%“ WW?» 1// [ M11 4:1 W’éflwu,‘2 x1112; " 1 \ . 1“ ”111/ ' “V [\lew1,\‘:n\\“m [GaraG ' ,1 52/ 2' 4}» 23633125 2% LeucaJeGai I'.‘ 0 . \‘ 2%3 '3 /Gh an“ 1 RoB ' Astro nda x~ '1. Web ‘ / 01D an/Vdmas 02am 7 WM am 6‘. '. ‘1 Bong/an, (Ischa'nw crocodflus . \ A 1",, .7 gf (Tabibbi/ Bore ; ' m 7 e R 2\ V8063: 2 302* ' ' 1 ‘ \\ "mu 1°11» Wm xxx . my 1 - M 1 °°1°xx A 1 [7, 3237 Z . um W {I i‘ abema' A R 2‘ 4 @ / %, ocynthmm ‘9 ,5? ~ ° 0 [2 -\I 300 2 i) \\ 22222 9 ] \'\ 20d2”"‘222‘fl‘2%#%§ ‘6 '\ 1: q_ “1: W119“ 2’ 11 0 ‘. _ 23114,."x1w‘3 . 2 3. I 3‘\ 2 .: A" 33 ‘ “”3 x191, Mam v1 ”“33 \'\. . '\ 2 w: “11193111,; 9' , gfimfimuyfi 23327911] erum Egyphum . .x «A ,—\ . . / L my, 3 :ugwggd W5? wazsz 1321 '° / {113-3 E 513 1% "591W .1 (”aw i 20‘ uf‘om / {2225(2) .1 \ g 23 y a; 1M $32122€111§ / [01er , 2 2rd” 4111131 x\\\11‘m.1~:*111\\ £2 ’2 , , ., A ,4 x111 33 1. 23° g W L 1x ,1 [m ”1’33 g x _ I ¢ £120: 1 “x \2 ‘ «is “ 'm‘ x x A :1 5. A I, 2A / : 2 2W3§ 411,1[\\\\\/// 24/133 21411333- 2222333 _”——' -_F,_~_~g_,#: »-r J 5 $3 __ 1 45 1., ‘ ara a?/Prolam¢ , . / [VJ/I I :5 if m . 1' “a J.’ § 2 T2 11(2212 j‘thAbL-d 13mm ,3; $3 523$ ‘4 111411111“ .x31°""“‘ _ _ --------------------------------------------------------------- Rm§\ 0x51271162” 11 .-.«—“"" ‘Ei ? 31%11‘311411 111 .................. ‘1‘. 1 211””"*’ 111‘V/11M.11’111m17n.xxm.x\\\\ ”" = ———————————————————————————————— .\ 11$ g — ——=" —_ § _ H“ =- L _ —— —=— '\ III-— —-é’— -——— as: =-——— —_ u- I 0 2 0 O 0 0 o 0 0 [AA] 14 [BB] [0 c] 113 [D D] [KK] 23 [LL] 24 [MM] 25 [NN] 27 [SS] 31 [IT] 32 [UU] Drawnb DFCharles Miiller ~ ‘ En aved Ed 31W 11 r y . John Murray,A1be1n2rle Street.London. - 81‘ by W e e Aalemla Abdera ' Abigas F. Abila M. Abou Saida Abrotonum A busir Abwat Acholla. Acion I. Aora I. Acrath Ad Amadum ‘ Ad Ammonem , Ad Basilicam Ad Capsum ultimum ' Ad Casas. Ad Crispas Ad Dianam Ad Duo Flumina Ad Ficum‘ Ad Fratres Ad Majores Ad Medias, Ad Mercurios Ad Mercurium Ad Mercurium Ad Novas Ad Olivam » Ad Palmam Ad Palmam Ad Palmam Ad Palmam Ad Palmam Ad Puteum Ad Regias Ad Rotam Ad Salinas Tubon- enses Ad Speluncas Ad Turrem Addyme Adelau Admedera Adrian Pt. Adrianopolis Adyrmachidae Aedonia I. , .ZEgimuruS I. JEgyptus Aenesippa I. Aenesyphora Port. Africa Africa Africa 0'. Agabis Agariabas Agbia Agdan Aggarsel Aggarsel-Nepte Aggersel Agma ' Agrigentum . Agaerba Am A gan Ain Ma'dhi Ain Temushcnt Ain Uara Ajja'n. Akabah es-Kebir Akabah es—Segir Alcdesha el Alia Alboran Albulae Tepidae Album Pr. , Alexandria Algiers Alhucemas Is. Al K azar Al Kelb Alonianum ‘Altaba Amaraea Amarus L. Amastorus Ammonii Fontes _ Ammonia Balithonis Pr. Ammonis Templum Ammonium Amora . Ampeloontes Ampelos Ampelusia ‘Ampsaga F. Amudarsa Anabucis Anasa F. Anatis F. Andropolis Anides F. Annesel Annicensia Antidrepanum Pr. Antiphrae Antipyrgos Aphrodisias Aphrodisias I. 'Aphrodisium Aphroditopolis Apis Apis Apollinis Pr. Apollinis Pr. Apollinis T. Apollonia Aptuchu Fanum Aqua Amara Aquae Aquae Aquae Aquae Caesaris Aquae Datici Aquae Herculis Otdbd E. wa no94oU‘p-noc‘c‘ooooQgQ-cc‘oc‘aonac‘mmaqsoaonaqoocc‘pa EEK OCDQdtdWDOKPDWPOWWZZPQDMZBMWWNHObddwwhdUD N > pr bzmm mm II“ wzwwwmgpwZW@MHzmQDOH *‘dgl‘d ->mpmw5b§ww¢e #1153 mm 20 WQSP aflopmmbzoa Q zwwwowgnuwMHgggwgmgggzgw$>> momdmmpoomooaaomommoomammc‘moQ-c‘mc‘ooc‘oonasoc‘oc‘c‘ooc‘Q-aoa o 9-0 O‘O‘C‘o c‘o‘sfl so do 0 o c‘c‘c‘c‘R-Qac‘o madman-o C‘o o o pad: a: o \ AFRICA SEPTENTRIONALIS. Abbreviations: C. Cape. F. Flumen. I. Insula (Isle). L. Lacus. M. Mons. ’Ost. Ostium. P. (P011) Portus. Pr. Promontorium. R. River. S. Sinus. Aquae Regiae . Aquae Sirenses Aquae Tacapitanae Aquae Tibilitanae AquenSes Aquila Major Aquila Minor Aquilaria Arae Neptuni, Aras . Aratu Arauraceles Ardalio F. Ardanis Pr. Aristu Armascla F. ' Armua . Aroosh Arsagal Arsennar‘ia Arsinoe Arsinoe Arsinoe . Artemus Artisiga Port. Arualla Arylon Arzeu. Asama F. Asbystae Aschaq Asila Aspis Aspis Assaria. \ Assuras Astiagis Praetorium" Astrochonda Ataba Athribis Atlas M. ' Attaba. Attici Aubereum Audum Pr. Augarmi Augemmis Augila Aulad Slitan Aulazon Aulkas Aamale Aurasius M. Aares Auru ‘ Auschisae Ausenses Auser F. Ausigda Ausigda I. Ausilinda Ausufal Autenti Autipsida Autololae Automalaca Auzia Auziqua Auzuis Avibus Avitta Avula Ayasha Azaris Azilis Aziris Azy Gypsaria Babari nenses Babba Babylon Bacales Bacuatae Bades Badiae, Badis Badris Baelo Bagais Bagradas F. ' Bagradas F. Bahr-bela-ma ' Bahr-bela-rna Balacrae ' Transtag- Ballene Banadedari Banasa Baniuri Banturarii Bararus Barbari Pr. Barce Bardou Ra Bartas I. Base Basra Batrachus Port. Battiful Be F. Befleriani . Beguensis reglo Bekt qu'a Belam'g Bengazi Beni Guil Garabar Beni Hadid Benout Berenice Bergavad R. Berge ‘mmObd'fiEDOZFU (I) (I) U‘D-na: U‘U‘c‘Q-ac‘c‘o o 0 0‘0 0 90 6‘0 9 941719 o c: {$21waon Balasadai Praesidium M Ho mww owmw Oz H039 m KI} =3 a Q 06 H QQDM Em ammgwdo PNH? EEWWZMNWO o was Ed 2 mm m oc‘c‘c‘ooc‘oca cram-hone a: o‘o‘mm U‘thOC‘dep-ICD @oc‘monmmmmobmoc‘owc‘mooc‘o >wwgwmuww M Obbb Obbb 50. me c‘c‘o (3‘0 0 mantra-par: PUDFUwEOOOPthbflH PP ‘ RR II H FF Hit-q H (pH 8waghfiOHbfi N?” a :wwa wc‘c‘c‘ma mo mc‘n-ac‘o nus-'0 c: o c‘fl-op-ao 9 one“... WQ. m ’11de QIC‘Hgo BBb a Berizina Bezereos Bida . Binzerte Biorga Birasa Bir Aadferin ‘ Bir Car Bir Kabbabiek Bir Lebbalc Bir Refam Bir Shaea Birben Aissa Bisica Biskra Bithecusae Blidah Boghar Boin Bolbitinum Ost. Bdna Bondjem Boreum Boreum Pr. Botria Botria Boa Anan Bou Kisais Brachea acra Brisgoun ' Bryon Litus Bu-Azun Bubastus. / ’ Buduxi ’ Bulla Regia Bure Bil-regrag Basada Ba Settoot Busiris ' Batauil 'M'. _ Buticus L. Buto Byrin M. Byzatium Cabalis Cabes Caecilii Port. CaenOn s. Cast. Caenopolis Caesarea Cala, la Calama Calama Calathe Calceus Herculis Callamoei s. Calliae pr. - Callie Calpe M. Camarata Caminus Canalis Candidum Pr. Cannar I’r. Canopicum Ost. Canopus Canum I. Capsa Caput Cillani Caput Vadorum Carbon C. Carbon C. Carcome Cardin Carpio Carrhotus Carteia Cartenna Cartennas F. Carthaginiensis Sin. Carthaginiensmm Murus Carthago Cartilis Casa RunOniana Casae Calbenti Casiotis Casius M. Cast. Ghurian Castra Castra Cornelia Castra Germanorum Castra Nova. Castra Puerorum Catabathmus Major. Catabathmus Minor Catabathmus Port. Catada. F. Cataeonium Pr. Catanis Pr. Cauni - Cella Rapbsad I. Cellae Cellae Picentinae Centenarius Centurio Suburbura Cephalae Pr. Cephesias L. Cerbica Ceroar Cercina I. Cercinitis I. Ceuta ’ Chalce Chalcorychii Ms. Charax Charef Charidemi Pr. Chautaeum Chebika Chelifi‘ QQOéDwONNQZPd©wpogwmpmmamm Q wmw Q 0 a: o $9 (To c‘o‘c‘o HFd pygmy—“d zwwmo l—i am .02 r—d m Hmbd town—4w m H a ' (12 22 2 Emma zdggwg m g E 2Q ND ggdw @U‘c‘c‘oo‘oc‘ci‘ooc‘aamooommooc‘c‘o 33 2W3 >gzzmzw> 2.0 do o 9-0 0 QQO‘Q-Qac‘c‘a go so mo 6 0‘0 me o 0 I710 U‘mo aac‘c‘dc‘c‘ ammwwoea>w m > L O O H’TJ Cd Cherchel Chersis Chersonesus Chersonesus Chettaea' Chimo Chituae Chobat Chylemath F. Cidiphtha Cigisa Cilibba Cilma Cinyps F.’ Cinythii Cirta Cisse Oisternae Claudi Cleartis Palus Clypea Clysma Oobucla Collo Constantine; Corniclanu Cossyra I. Cossyra I. Cotes Pr. Cotuza. Crabis F. Crocodilus Cuicul Cullu Culluci’tana Curubis Cynopolis .Cynossema Cyrenaica ‘ Cyrene Cyrthanium Daphne Darnis Daudi Daya Daya Hamra ' Daya M ustnir Dayat-er-Iioomi Dellis Delphines~ Im- Dernah Den-is Diachersis Diana Diarrhoea Diarrytus _ Didymae I”- Dlgdida Dionysium Diospolis Dissio Diur M. Djamoor Dorgy Drepanum Pr. Drepanum Pr. Drusiliana Durdus M. Dui‘ga Duriza L. Dyrin M. Dysopus El Aglzouat El Arashieh El Ba hreyn El Arish _ El Beida El Biban El Hammam El Harib Eliae El Jemme El Krerma El Jlléngoub El Rasen Elx Uted Emporicus S. En Nakilah Pt. Erisheol Safet Equizetum Eraga. Erroris I. Erythrum Eski Euesperides Euphranta Port. eh Cast. Eureia Vallis Euschoenus Euticu Fabatianum Castell. Fahama TV. Falcon C. Faroon, L. el Ferratus M. Ferro C. ' Fez Fichtala Figalo C. Figit Filfil Flacci Taberna. Flavia Marci Fossae Nigrae ‘ Fratelli Is. Aray Ala-el- K b KK b LL lb RR 0 00 0 RR (1 N b A N b . H b R e R b R b R 0 BB b Q 6 O b ' L b CC b O 0 CG f T b UU e C c O b N b IIIId S a U b A c B a. A d CG 6. N b O a. O b S b .IS (1 RR (1 H11 0 II b MMc UUd KKb B d G d I f H g B e M a PB 0 LL b QQ d GG c O c GG o S a QQ 0 FF (1 LL b TT (1 CC 0 B c T a S 'g CG 0 PF 0 R b F d S g A d B DD % K e MMe 00 f A c K d T‘ e H c II b S c S c II b M d C c A 0 Av d 00 c U g M b II b F b KKb EE 0 ”CG b ‘DD 0 NN 0 CG 0 PP c O ‘b N 6. G c Q 9 M b O a B d C d F c C d v A (1 AA b 1’ c F d R a ' Galyba ‘ ~ Hippo Begins ‘Histos I. Frendah Frigid'ae Faara Plain Fulgurita Furni wm>>H U‘GQOO Gadaum Castra Grades Gaditanum Fretum Gaetulia Cafsa Gaia Galafa Galah Galaxia. Calt’ta s tw>m U vamp mecwz” Q Gaphara Pr. Gal-a Garah, Oasis of Garapha M. Garas M. Garde, C. do Garet Gazaufala Gegetu Gemellae Gemellao Gemines Gemines Gent Ger F. Geras Gereatis Gergis‘ Geriville Germaniciana ' Ceroo Gharia el G/iarhia Gharnis, L. el Gherba Glzurian Gibba Gigthis Gilda G‘iligammae Gilma Gilva Grindanes Gir Gil‘ba II Girbe Girbeh Girgiri M. Giri M. Giuf Glaucus Gonia Graeasgony Grand Shott Gras'se Gratiarum Collis Guelma Gaemar Guerma Gaettar Gunugus Gur-el—Laban Gypsaria. was» DZfiOC‘eOt“ ZUCHQ :2 mi?) ma: c‘n-ao co c‘c‘c‘o o c‘flac‘mmo o a: mac: o c‘Q-o 009 9.94940 0 o a: ab 9.94: o cacao-tram o o mac‘s—mm cr‘cr‘QaDuQun-bo U‘o 9: z } a zmedmmwawmo>wH W ‘1‘ {5d Wgzfiwdwqfiflhfi oa‘fimc‘oofiucao am ran-a a mag > oac‘mpac‘oc‘o QUE U) .1 gap 949-1 Hippo Zarytus Hipponitis L. Hippu Acra Hippuacra Hisita H W Z wwwwwwfi avvwmmvmwvwmamo Horrea m Horrea Caelia Hy phali mm Q Iagath Ian gaucani I ch 'adia Icosium Idrar-n-Deren Igilgili Ins h illa Inuca 101 "111 U‘U‘Q-IU‘G’Q 39¢ Q PTZUl-iztdt‘lfidbfi Iomnium Ionga V Irasa Isaris F. Isclzeita Iscina Ishailali Isli Isser Rel W. Iucundiu J abeur J alo, Oasis Jebel A (no Tartar Jebel Dakar. Jebel Galar J ebel Habarlcak Jebel I bril el Ablaari Jebel Jerjara Jebel Lal-dar Jebel Maragh Jebel M orai J ebel Rekem Hallouf J ebel Sinube Jebel Sadah Jeddi chdi IV. Jerba J ijcli J imila J isara‘ J ooemma J usti Kafr M cshati Kairwan Kalaa ben-Aissa Kalabia Kanzir C. Karlc'enah Kaslzait Kasr A jdabiyah Ifasr Bagral Kasr el Atech Kasr el Jabel Kasr Faroon Kasr Ghardam Kasr Jedidah Kasr Kerkcr Kasr Keran Kasr Kumbas Kasrun Kassr Oimghia Ifelab Khamia C. If/zarrah Pt. Krenc’hela Kurba Ifuriat Kuriat et Con'z'glia Laca Lacci Palus Lacene Lacus Begins Laea ' Laghirah Lagnutum Lalla 1V1 agrima Lamasba Lamba Lambaese Lambiridi Lamlulah Lampas Lampedusa Lampion Lamporti Lanigara. Laodamantius Port. Lar Castellum Lares « Lasamices Lasgan Latomiae Laturus S. Laud F. Lebidah Lelma ‘ Lemelli Lemni Lempla Leptis Magma Lept-is Parva Lesbi Leshkerreli, Oasis of Letopolis Leucae 138‘ Leucaspis Leuce Acte Libyca P. Licontah C. Ligar F. Ligatah C. Limnias Linosa Lima. M. Liviana Lixus Lixus F. Locri Lopadusa Lotophagi Lotophagitis I. Luculliana Lueshkah Macao ' Macamtae agaoomamp a Q @oc‘oc‘c‘afiao “7105620 “N . wwmmuangwodq<§zoosz @o‘oc‘aoc‘ac‘ocpmo‘c‘c‘omeoaoc‘oooomc‘mmc‘rfioso mngm KKb ‘ZoadewPOWC—i onoaaoQ-naoc‘o bd Ud oc" “MAP 32. Macaraea Maoatu tae Machlyes Machurebi Machures Machusii Macomades Macomades M inores Macomades Selorum Syrtis Macomades Maj oris Macomalaca. Maori Macrimeni Mactar Madarsuma Madam-us JIIaga a Mag olus Jllagrua C. Mahadda . M ahirouka Mahmur ’ Mahsan M akinez Malaca Malliana. Malva F. Mamara M'analla Manange‘ Mandis M aradeh, Oasis of filaragi Marazana Mareotis Palus JIIargad Marmaridae M arsa Marsa Alzamar Jllarsa Za balc Mascliana. Mascotus Mascula Massaesyli Massylii Matero .Mateur ’ M athar M atrou Rocks Mauretania Caesar- iensis Mauretania tana Maurusii Maxula- Maxyes Mazari C. Mazarur Mazatanchur Mazices Mazices ‘ Medeah Medeina Mediana filedina es Sultan M edinet Ifadima Mediocera Megalopolis ‘ Megerthis Port. . M eiriga ' Melaena I. Melilla Melilli M ellafah Mellafah Mellaria Membro Memphis Mariam Mendesium Cst. Mendrium Menegese Menelaus Port. Meninx Meninx I.- Mercurii Pr. Mercurius ' Margo Mersa Kebir Mes I. . Mesarfelta. Mesgilda Mesherat U. Mesphe Metagonitae Metagonium Pr. M had Hassan Michera Miditense Opp. Migo Milah Mileu Milianah Mina M ina Mina F. M inah Raina Minna M irsa Tobruk Misda ' JIIisratah C. Misua M izdeh Mizigita Modunga ‘ Moeris L. Mombressa Monocaminos Mons Montes Atri Mopti .211 ostaganem Mova M sad at“? Tingi: bwngzgwgbm4m0>z>qmmmNOOmwbwwwgawzwmo>eem‘p 6 Uwcmb~pnd U U A m 0 O oncc‘ccaac‘oFD-nnuoc‘c‘ooc‘fiaoc‘mcc‘Q-ooaoo wwwwwz id C".- C F 50 ZQN mammwwzmwwzbwwoww F: U U c: ’35 a E m G "UUd‘édtUOth gwmnwwWQflmw> m w Cid mosoc‘ao‘paoc‘oc‘c‘c‘a-oc‘oc‘aoopamc‘mm‘r-‘a mebmwom z ¢E> ’3 Q J mgwwg C! C 0 Q Q) p. can: c‘cc‘op—a», o a 5‘9 (3‘an O a 5 m b6 Q>z> . mooc‘mc‘nac‘a c‘c‘fl c‘c‘o c‘c‘ooaqc‘o‘c‘tp‘ob‘oo o crap-0 some 990 o ii AFRICA ' SEPTENTRIONALIS.’ ' e .‘ MAP 9.9m c‘c‘c‘o’mc‘o om C‘Q-aaac‘o o a c‘ 32. / Mucuni L b Pedonia I, QQ 0 Bus Mellah NN b Setrah PP f Tagious — Q d Timegad O c Vicus Arimantis KK Muktahr _ FF (1 Pelusiacum 0st. UU 0 Bus Mustapha F b Sex Insulae D c Taine ‘ S d Timezegeri Turris R 6 Views Augusti S M uktar FF (1 Pelusium , UU c Ras Sem II a Sexi D b Tajourah AA b Timici F c Vicus Aurelii O Mala Boo Sallam A d Pe apolis "H, EH b Ras Sultan EE 0 Sfax S d Takedemt I c Tinci Ausari HH (1 Vicus Avidu S Mulawia E 9 Penon de Velez, el 0 0 Bus Tabiah BB b Shammas ()O c Talalatis U g Tinfadis P c Vicus Caucali . HH Mulelacha. A d Perdices N 0 Row Tatilah 00 b Sharfah EE d Talalatis AA 0 Tingis B c Vicus Comaru QQ Muluchath E c Pescadores 0. C c Ras Teyonas GG c Sheikh Abdeli G c Talgae AA 0 Tingitanum Cast. I b Vicus J udaeorum TT Muluchath F. D e Petras Major NN 0 Bus ul Hamrah BB b Sheikh Khaled M d Taljlti M c Tiniodiris GG d Vicus J uliani P Muluia D e Petras Minor LL b Rhinia. HHb Shaikh Meheddoub S d Tamannuna. M b Tiniza. ‘ S a Vicus_Musti U Murakh Kham PP c Phacus TT (1 Bis ' D d Shella ' A e Tamaricetum L b Tipasa. K b Vicus ‘Phjliscu PP Musluvium M b Phaea KK b Roomia S e Shershara AA b Tamaricium EE 0 Tipasa. P b Vicus Sacazama, DD Musti Q b Phameticum Ost. TT 0 Rosa 0. Q b Shiatah NN e Tamascana M b Tipech P b Vicus Valeriani Q Musti AA 0 Pharax EE 0 Rubricatus F. Q b Shidham EE (1 Tamuda B c . Tiranadi K b Villa Aniciorum T Musulamii Q o Pharbaethus TT (1 Ruglata. P o Shott el Barbi . F e ‘Tamuda F. B c Titalita Port 00 b Villa Magna. T Mutia Q o Philaenoruni Arae FF d Rusaddir E c Shott el Shergai G d Tamugade O c Tlemsen G d Villa Marsi AA Myrmex I. HHb Philaenorum Prom. FF (1 Rusaddir Pr. E c Shott Melrir N d Tamusida A d Tocolosida B (1 Villa. Sela O Myrmex I. et Prom. QQ c Philippeville O b Rusazus M b Siagut S b Tanabrasta 00 c Toducae , O b Vina S ' Phocussae'Iae5 , PP c Ruscinona S a. Sibbil II f Tangier B c Tolmita HHb Vinaza. U ' Phoebi Acra. C c Rusgunia L b Sibrieh FF (1 Tania , TT (1 Tozewr “P d Volubilis B Phoenicfis PP c Rusibiccar Matidiae L b Sibus Q b Taniticum 0st. UU c Tremulw' B d Vopisciana B Nabar F. M b Phoenix HH d Rusicade O b Sicca Veneria. Q b Taphitis Acra T b Tres Insulae E c - Nabel T b Phua ‘ _ O b Rusipisir M b Sicilibba. ’ R b Taphrura S d Tretum Pr. 0 a. Naim EE 0 Phycus Pr. 61'. Cast. II a. Ruspae S c Sidi Geda'r. B d Taposiris RR 6. Triceron Pr. CC b Naladus CC 0 Piana S a Ruspina S c Sig G ‘ c Tarfaiah MM 6 Trimalleni Turris Q 6 Wadi Aghilc b Namous G g Piscina . N d Rusuccuru L b Siga. ‘ F c Tarf el Rirat D d Tripoli V f Wadi Bel ' -d Nara. R c Pisida . T 6 Eu Tagzirt M b Siga F. F c Tarlchiae CC 0 Tripoli Vecchio U f Wadi Gabeib‘a _ d Naraggara Q b Pithus GG b , Slgensis Port. F c Tar1chiae I“ T c Tripolis U f Wadi Irsema b Nasamones FF 6 Plaine Tamar P '0 4. Slgll 0. M b Tasacora. G c Tripolis AA b Wadi Je'raib b Nasavath F. M b Plana F c . . Siguese Q h Tasacora F. G d Tritonis P. 'R e Wadi Seméem d Naucratis SS c Planesia - F. c Sabrata U f Signs 0 b Taua SS (1 Troia. TT (1 Wadi Semsem c Naustathmus KK b Platea. I. LL b Sabraton U ' e Sikeira NN ‘c Tauarga BB b Trab E f Wadi Ssefedjin c Neapolis S b Plinthine RR 0 Saddar O b Sllesua _ R d Tauchu‘a HHb Tubactis 00 b Wadi Tabom‘eh d N eapolis S d Plinthinitis Sinus~ QQ c Saguti S.“ . A d Sllnla Q b Tauhralz. GG b Tubo'nis — N c Wadi Tagidge ‘ d Neapolis BB b Plumbaria P b Saiacla _ V e Slmlnga , a 'S b Tauma I. F 0 Tuburbum Majus R b Wadi Talha AA 0 Neapolitanus Sinus S b Plynus Port. NN c Saida H d Slxmttu Q b Tawrirt E d Tuburbum Minus R b Wady A bi d A f Neccor . D d Pnigeus QQ c S. Aich Q d Slmnana BB b Taxafora. D d Tuburnicum S b Wady el Hamm L c Nectibere? O f Pnigeus Pr. QQ c S. Attar B c SlraéF.’ V ._ - G c Tebuf'ba _ R b Tubursicum Numi— Wady Kaam BB b Nedes P b Pomaria F d S. Kadduur I b Slrbdms L". UU c Tega. AA 0 . darum - P b Wady Um er Rebia. A f Nefta P d Pons\ S e Sais SS (1 Slropum‘ 00 e Telmine R e Tubusuptus M b Warur B c Negro 0. C c Pontes U 9 Sala A e Slsafia L. R a Tenazera G d Tucca O b Wazen B 'd Negro 0'. Q a Pontia. GG d Sala. F. A e S1t1fis N b Tenebreste ' 0 b Tucoa Q. ‘0 Wedi Ohegga EE (1 Nemeseum ' MMc Pontos U f Salafi N b Siwah. NN e Tenes . I b Tucca F. Q b Wergha B d Nemours E c Popletus O c Salassii L c Socosu D d Tenes 0'. q-.' I b Tuliusii K b Nesi c Popletus F. E c Saldae M b Sohna- CO e Tensift A g Tam Pt. LL b Nesi I. 0 Port Saggio T e Salecto T c Sohman P. NN c Terebinthina Q o Tunis S b Xois TT (1 Niciu d Portus Divinus G c Salem-bou-Gram S e Solalc HH b Terentum ;. R c Tuniza. Q 1) Niger F. c Portus Magnus G c Salicae et’ Oauni A .d Souk Arrhas P b Terenutbis SS (1 Tlmiza S a , N iliostia c Praesidium T e Salinae Tubonenses M c Soama ' R d Teret K b Turris ad Algam V f . Yenahun O Nilus F. f _ Praesidium FF (1 Salinar‘um Lacus 00 .b Sozusa. KK a Tetra Fa . D d Turrfs ad Algam AA b Nithine d Praesidium Silvani R d Salle A d Spartel 0. A c Tetrapyrgla. NN c Turuza . R b Nivirgi Tab. Praetorium Q d Salsum F. F c Stura ' O b Tatum} B c Tyndarii Scopuli 00 c Za E Noetu Taberna Prisci Taberna. GG d Saltus Massipianus Q o Suaddarus1 N c Teuchlra GG b Zabensis regio M Nova Petra Prosopitis I. SS (1 Saneg K c Subeitla Q o Thabudls 0 'd Zabi M V Numerus Syrorum Pseudopenias Acra GG b Saragina. KK e Subsellmt C d Thacla R b Ualili B d Zabi N Numidia Psylli . DD (1 Saraik 00 b Subur F. A d Thagaste. P b Ubaza Q 'd Zaccar L Numidicus S. Ptolemais HHb. Sassura . S c Subutullu AA b Thagulis FF (1 Ubus F. P b Zafran EE ” Pulcln'um Pr. S a Sava. M b Sufasar K b Thagura. Q b Udenoe I. I b Zagazama FF Putea Pallene T e “Savus F. A _ .L‘ b Sufes Q o Thala. Q c Udjila HH 6 Zagylis NN Puteus R :9' Sbiba we: Q o Sufetala Q 0 Thamascaltis U g Ulisippira, ‘ R b Zahrez K Obba. Q o Putput S ~ b." Scenae Veteranorum TT (1 Sugohn BB b Thammes M. Q b UsaletanumOpp. R, c Zahrez L Obilae H f Scillium Q 0 Sale cl Arba A d Thapsus T c Usaletus M. ' R c Zainati R Oculus Marinus M c Scopelites GG d Sukrm. GG d Thasarte R d Usilla S d Zalacus M. - I 063. V f - Scythranium MM 0 Sullect1 T c Thaubastum UU d Usinaza. K c Zaltha GG Oenoladon F. AA b Quinquegentiani L Seba Sous O a Sullaco _ . P b Thebelamis S . f Utaya N c Zama Q Oisporis EE 0 Quintiliana Villa. AA b Sebennyticum 0st. SS 0 Salim Plamtzes GG f Thelepte' Q d Uthina S b Zama Regia R Olcachites Sin. P a. Quiza. H Sebennytus SS (1 Surhfana F g Thenadassa AA 0 _Utica R a. Zana 0 0m, Oasis of PP e Sebka Melinda S e Susa T c Thenae S d Uzappa, R c Zaphran ]3_ E Onellaba Q 1, Sebka Tigri E f Susa . KK a Thenteos U g Uzicath 70 a Zarsis T Onellana. S b _ Sebkha G . 0 Sasha Thabit EE 6 Theot1maeum HH 0 Uzza/r N b Zau Taberna HH Opirus . EE 0 Rabais A e Sebos A d Sycapha. ' 00 c Thesav D d Uzzara N b Zephyrium Port. ’ QQ Oppidum Novum B c Ramses TT d Seggo R b Syce ' . NN c .Theveste Q 0 Zephyrium Pr. KK Oppidum N ovum I b Raplda. Castra L b Segguem' I f Symmach1 / N c Thaath _ B e . . Zephyrium Pr. _ PP Oran G c Rapidi L b Sele _ UU d” Syrtls Magma. DD 0 Thlbarus Althlbarus Q o Vacca. M c Zerat S Orir R. BB b Ras Abiad S a Selems Pr. PP c Syrt1s Parva. S d Thl'blca R b Vaga R b Zeucharis Cast. ' T' ’ Orleansville .I b 'Ras Addar T a. Sell DD 0 ~‘ Tmbllls. P 1" Vagal I b Zeugitan’a Q Osesi U f Ras-ad-Deir E c Sehnus‘ U a. . ‘ Thlbursmum R b Vallis R b Zeugitanus M, R- Ouled-Sultan S f Ras Akmta K b Sella EE f . , 1 Th}g<_as. Q d Valo F. B c Zian S Oviscae S d Ras Ali FF. (1 Selles C d Tabalatla , S f‘ Th}gIS_lS O b Valonice G c Zian Garaba -I Oxyrynchus SS f Ras al Omjah EE (1 Semeros II b Tabalta S' d Thlgnlca R b Vanias CO d Zflia F. B Ras O’orbelin M b Sentites ’ GG f Tabarca I. Q a. Thmu1s _ . ‘ TT (1 Vasampus . P c Zflis A Bag Dimas T c Septa. ‘ ‘B c Tabibbi GG d Thramusdusis ’ S f Vatari P b Ziliten BB Ras el Ain A e Septem Fratljes M. , B c Tabraca Q b Thugga R b Vax Villa Repenlina U f Ziraifeh DD Pacciana. Matidiao O b Ras el Dar A d Septem_ Pufim S f Tabrida D d Thusams . P d Vegesela P c Zit S Paliurus I KK b Ras el Rabaish MMb Sept1m1n101a R d Tabugimn}, AA 6. Thymlatermm A d Vegesela. Q o Z52 D' Paliurus F. KK b Ras Esfarmh BB b Serapeum GG Q Tabulnatls S f Tbysdrus S c Velisci K b Zoa’rah « U Pallas P. Q d Ras et Tin LL b Serapeum UU d Tabunte BB .1) Tiarqt I c Velpi Montes ‘ . GG d :Zocynthium Pr. GG Panormus NN c Rag Halal KK b Serbetes F. L b Tacape S ‘9 T19611a R b Veneris T. S e Zucchara R Pantellaria. U b RC“ Haleimah 00 c Sere , 00 b Tacasarta TT d Tlelha - N c Vep'illium Q 9" ~Zachabari BB Papi LL b Rae Hasim 00 b Seressfia R b Tacabua P . a Tgfah Rocks 00 c Verbecae B d Zuchis Cast. T Paraetonium PB 0 Ras KaPOOdiah T 0 56W”. 0‘ . Q’ a. ’ Tacrift. EE f Tlgauda I b Verecunda — N C 'Zuclu's L. T Paratiana O b Ras Kasr Han-met 00 b - Serylhana V111a P b Tadujzn O 0 my?» I b Veresui R d Zure DD Parietina O c Baa Kb'rlco'rah GG c Sestmna. Acra. E c Taema C c Tlglsm . L b vVerves B d Zygrae 00 'Pedone QQ c Ras Limqf FF d Setif N b Tafalamah S d T1lhbams ~ S f Via Septiminiana O c Zygris P]? o caaooc‘c‘mmmooc‘ooaaoc‘c‘oaaoo‘oooagc‘c‘mc‘c‘cmcmomooom . (L » my . ‘A ‘ D13WILLIAM SMITHS ANCIENT ATLAS . 33 A 28° 29° Modulus 1- 2,000,000 Stadia ( 600-1“) 590 MflliaPassunm Bom.( 75-l° ) 30 4o . 59 so 79 . . .An . 9m. 3,) mam ékflamm > Tapofviljs 9“ 1» fig ALEXAND _ . Omrsonesus Pam thlnlt e S 1' 11 ll 0' Aegyti dz’t’o \ 310 pequut y 1,; - ,"”'7!7,,-;, : ”I , {NU/r; hr W5“ law/.1, p}, I "Wm" Mill/r 1. hum/II; \ 4/4; V" y, ,7 \\ SW" "”0, u I - % vfiflum.“ ’fi. ‘- 5 1w; “ § h, "hi-T «fggim ' flaw—.Addar z A ofAmd-tfiuia'nizfi , \ “1%“! mw M (1111/13! —~%‘ \\\\\ “I (J. '{w’ (W- (J Aboo Antigua ’ www ”mm“ 3,13,! 3) fly: 3 adi m (CL Hike) 7 .1; J. ChaLil, ) (Mzmlib)1iums' ”'H’miwg‘ ”my,” 5” J, Embarakl‘aé‘cikt) war/4g ”,4, 7 : “Kg“ ______ ' w : 2 .B hncseh ‘ g ‘ 3%(J 61151330131) ( c ) a {I / y “\ullufi'v‘ , ? (.Deu‘ eZ/KMJGZQJ t (dKaudlnat) (d/Mmslu‘db) “mm,“ 0 I , H v M . I portus {Koszu‘r} w I? ‘uw/I/ T] - K’ Werstuk eLBehar) {J flz’y masAbooHagar) 0 . M“ rMmaKazz-Iz) WM“ ’ WWI/(,2 . A . , mo ‘ ., V \ _ "41w” 4m“¥ ' (WHO/chug ) 77¢!tl’fiacafi/,yly»s" A 1 ‘5 . .- a ,, S Wm l"”/I"’Iu“z...ye‘w\\‘\‘ §< (RasHaInrw) $5 \\ ‘ §' wyu‘\\\ - “3-, 2 m A .. Temufilbw, f'om- 7W4, \\ “IIVA‘W/J 5 5/ § ‘ ; , el \D akH/l Cataractes Minor ’ N ‘ _ I I (Biz-Abbadz) we . %”E%2@%Z& Hierasycaminos ' SUPRA AZGYPTUM. 60 m .160 900 250],” [7M3 Conn; Tmuis? _ . . , ,0 "A L , _. X , . ¢ ‘ , m ””41? mfébelwh) ' ' t§lambe sNenems I. 9 QVP‘w‘L ’ 9M ,, . hek Tomadeonl‘!‘ . ,. .. Venous portus (ShamesS ) 1‘ 7 (Ra; UmmAbbms) arm-2341,, (Drumbo) S‘SOWW'P-d) A t, i M’ I h \N, 3L-,,,,,"_Kél MSW) ‘ 7 " v '3': Ila/row etEratorLLs'I‘?‘ ~ . . £m Epitheras ‘ .1 u‘ c)1 erber} _. > x , § I 5 1» 5g {th'bidmcmMCOntraS E- ) ‘ .. ME ‘ g 6: ROE a ) (TaIumDebot) .‘ ,- : 7‘ I [Tacompsos,'l‘ha1ice] :3: , , ‘ » ~ . / . . ‘ ,4 am“ oNavi? ‘ Nelfiiugjir) “ - ,- M E R 0 ' g game M g- Sape (Saba/Ru.) ' ‘ . (BM) Argl? . INSUL ‘ Mun/1r ' 7/ A ”fir/MAS / {HHUII/fie‘m‘l‘yu” ‘ .5, fi 1; s“ A _ :' \7 _ H .5 V \ A , ~ Va > , '2. \ ' EudaemonAdana \4) (Aden ) /-M;;.}" W «5 5 X , Biz-)Dz're r. Y» Nm 0‘ “11% ' 4. P U A L X T 1! P lo ' ; s Mushaa‘h I?) Anahtes ‘(Zalla‘ ) Mw'dul' . Mundn (1‘ ' ,./ I (3 “a” V I" 'v . ‘ . mun/5 Nun”: put-em 00%aunar ) ‘ @p u « "'1(IV/[W’W‘WIKIMmmfi/euu”W I ,‘w I( w‘ ”A Kali/"7,! 7 (if \ —\ V». W415,“ 7/011”; 3*.» n ”W an; “ A: MW“ "‘9 «\‘3’ I MW,» ‘ . . ' : A ,,_ Inn}; ‘ ‘ " fi 0 32 . . A ‘ K 1 by - _, ,. . . ' Engraved byanW'eller. "a J 01111 Murray, Alb emarle Street, London. 1%]. s ‘c . ‘3. ‘ 3‘ :‘ 9"": k 9 Ababdeh _ Abasaei Arabes el Abdeh Aboo Khor Aboo Makhadz‘g Aboo Shan Aboo—Shan el Ktbli 4boo Zabara Abotis Abustr ’ Abasir Abastr Abatig Abydos Acaba M. Acanthus Acoris Adrianopolis Adyrmachidae Aeas M. Aegyptus Inferior Aegyptus Media Aegyptus Superior lana Aelanites Sinus Aethiopia » Aethiopia Aegypti Agnu ceras Aknas ’Az‘n el-Ghadyan ’Ain el— Gadez'rdt ’Atn el Wibeh ’A’in esh Shehdbeh ’Aln Gadfs ’Ain Hawarah ’Ain Maweileh ’Atn Uara Ain Une Akabah Akab el Kebir Akhmee’m Akrabbim, Ascent of ~Alabastra Alabastrites M. Albus portus Alexandria - Alyis Amari Laeus Ananu ‘ Andropolis Antaeopolis Anthylla Antinoopolis Antiphrae Anysis Aphrodites Aphroditopolis Aphroditopolis Aphroditopolis Apis Apis Apollinis hydreuma Apollinopolis magna Apollinopolis minor Apollonopolis parva Arabah, The Arabia Arabia Petraea Arabicus Sinus Ar’drah Archandrupolis Aristonis Aroer Arsinoe Arsinoe - ' Arsinoites N omu Artemidos Artus pr. Asfan Ashmanein Asphaltites L. Asphynis Aslaan Atarbechis Amh Athribis Athribis Atrtb Auleu Aaslm Autaei Arabes Avaris Baalath Beer Babylon Baochjs Bakr bela-ma Bahr bela-ma Bahr bela-ma Bahr el Fartkk Balat Bastah Bebeit Bedari ' Beer 1ahai-roi Beer-Sheba Behneseh Belbes cl Benat Bender el Segir Bent Hassan Bent Suef Berenice Berys Besa Blgheh Bir Abbad Btr es Saba Btrket-el-Keran Bir Lebak Btr Maktal Bolbitinum 0st. Bopus Bozrah Bubastus Balak iGMHMUMQUEQQUUHmammmwmmmmmodbo>CMH newdmmaawedew>mumemmUHmQQHWUwmO>wmmewodvedewmomwwHwwHHomwmmHmFbuwwmHdoom>mdmmwmm50mmmemwmwm 0.9 c‘c‘hsso c‘o a $909 We: D‘H-o o trade-so c‘m so C‘OQ c‘c‘cp Ono c‘c‘ c‘c‘c‘c‘c‘mc‘o C‘D‘OQ :0 00‘: 800 o c‘c 8° 33150 3° a: o o (:00 o-sb‘b‘c‘sws .4,on 83 6'0 80 mc‘mc‘a so ma: a: dare fiac‘c‘o c‘c‘c‘c‘o 9 so H-Wp-IO a: manure: mom: Haw 640 c‘@ we: may ....c-‘s:.m ! Bumma el Basez'reh Busiris Busiris Buticus L. Buto Cabalsis Caene Caenepolis Caenon Calamaei pr. Calliae pr. Cambysu Canopicum 0st. Canopus Cardamine I. Casiotis ’ Casius M. _ Catabathmus minor Cataractes minor Cercasorum Chabriae Charax ! Chaereu Characmoba Chemmis Chemmis I. Chenoboscium ' Chersonesus parva Chlmo Chiris Chnubis Claudianus Mg, Cleopatris ' Clysma Comaru Vic. Compasis . Contra Apollono's Contra Coptos Contra Laton Contra Ombus Contra Pselchis Contra Syene _ Contra Talmis Contra Taphis Contra Tumis Coptos Oornaca Corte Cortia. Cos Crocodilonpolis Crocodilopolis Cusae . Cynopolis Cynopolis Cynossema Cysis Dahab Dakaktn Dakkeh Damankar Damtetta Daphnae Daraat Darz’lt Sherif Debot Defenneh Deir el Kaser Delphines 1“- Delta Delta ,Dembtd Dendera Dendar el Shark Der Der Amba Bisar'l Der .Baramas Der Mar Makarios Derris ‘ Dianam ad. ' Dias Iotabe I. Dibleh Didymae Ia”- Didyme Dimeh Diolcos Ost. Dionysia ' Diospolis magna Diospolis parva Dizahab Djebel N akkarah Djebelem Djestret Derar Dodecaschoenus Drepanum pr. Dresiek el Dar Dash el Kalah Ebnab Eboda Ecregma Edfa Edmo Egypt, River of Elath‘ Elephantine I. Eleusis Elim Eloth Eltolad Elusa Ennum Erab Kallu Erment Esneh Estabel Antar Etham, Wilderness of Euticu Ezion Geber Fa _ Fakurak Faku": Farbet mwdewdwwwommmHQowHQummmm dawnwegammaumwmwmmwwuocbdwwmw>mwwwwwmwmdm bowcduuwmewwwwwasmwmmwwwmawoowmgHbgcmpwaHoowpsmmwm mdmmHQ' {3'09 9 CD H-H-UQ Heal-509 O 83 am 8° 8° 0 O 9 C‘U‘C‘HgHamH-C‘SD 3" CD C‘H-CD 5‘69? U‘H-OQ 94 5‘6va 0 O pin-Inu-H-mp‘H-H-D‘H-b‘m Harm SD 0 O moshi-I-C‘SD F059 Hg? 8° sopoc‘c‘c‘ (.529 (TH-SD :9 c‘sn so ISM-so b“ D" a; u" gap“ ‘5. U‘U‘OQp-somo‘oosmSamsvp‘oosib‘oc‘Q-nb‘svc‘o Glaucus 1:! Gabatar Aaara EGYPTUS. vi? Fenchis Feshn Fostat Faah Famm el Dtbeh Famm. el U mm Pareg el Gd’ah Ganak Garindanenses Garanda S. Gaza Gebalene Gerasa Gerf HasSein~ Gerrha Gharb’l Assaan Girgeh Giseh Graeas-gony pr. Grubba . Gynaecopolis Gypsaria Hagg Kandil ,4 Hat/eh " " V , el-Halmar, puteas Halak, Mount "Halmyrae ‘ Halonesi I“ el-Hammam Haoa Hauara Hasaya , Hazar-Addar Heliopolis Helleh Heptanomis Heracleopolis magna Heracleopolis parva Heracleoticum Ost. Heracleum Hermaeum pr. Hermonthis Hermop‘olis Hermopolis magna Hermopolis parva Heroonpolis — ‘ Heroopolites Sinus el Hez Hibe el Hibe Hieraconpolis Hieraconpolis Hiera Sycaminos Hipponum Hisopis Hisoris Homaima Homam Hor, Mt. Horeb, Mt. Hormah el Hamei'yimeh Hypsele Iambe I. Ibeum I brim I lakan Ilithyiaspolis Immundus Sinus Iseum Iseum el—Istabel Isura I. Jafattne I. Jebel Aboo Derag Jebel Aboa Morrat Jebel Ab’ll N fir . Jebel Aba Tartar “Jebel Aba Tartar Jebel Atakah Jebel Aatad Jebel Awe'tbid Jebel Barghek Jebel Barghlaa ’ Jebel Chalalla Jebel Chalil Jebel Dab-al Jebel Dakar Jebel Dara Jebel Debak Jebel Dtbb Jebel Dokan Jebel el Mesaaaki Jebel el Tatr Jebel el Zeit J ebel Embara .Iebel Embarak Jebel Enned Jebel Esserba J ebel et- Tih Jebel Fattreh “ J ebel Feratt Jebel Garabe Jebel Gatar Jebel Gerdt Jebel Gerfe Jebel Gharban ,Jebel Ghartb Jebel Ghassan Jebel Goabe ' Jebel Gabe Jebel Hamamek Jebel Hammad J ebel Hdrdn Jebel Hem/main Jebel Isnad Jebel Joch Jebel Kafra Jebel Katherin Jebel Kolaz'l a mmmmmmHQQmwowmmm»MHQQQQmmmdmmmmwwwwmwomww>ommwm meMHmmwwH mHmQHHHmmmwmmmdwewuwuw>deUUwfimdfiwoéomawa meompomwwwmememdm mwamuu ammoH.OQoW9-D‘ a ga ".09 mC‘I-bi-ho o papao‘w‘aao a H....,o We: 9:09 a 9490 cum: 0 O‘QaQ-ac b‘p-ac‘o‘o 0‘09 name: 0 c‘cr‘o‘c‘so crowns-'9: H-O c-‘sw ohm pa so so so 0"qu o o U‘FLO‘O o Hawaii—.09 a: am Duo 0"? a: $009 so so so do .009 c‘c‘Wo p-sc‘b‘c‘c‘W'p o / Jebel Kazan J ebel Monieh Jebel Makrdh ' Jebel Maksar Jebel Manfiek Jebel Masa Jebel Namer Jebel Bamlek Jebel Salattn Jebel Selseleh ' Jebel Sewadorah J ebel Shalb J ebel Sheir ' Jebel Sodmen . Jebel Taardn Jebel Tenagl Jebel Tentseh Jebel Ttar Jebel Um-Esh Jebel Zebara ' J enchar J ovis hydreuma Jabal Jamemah Pt. Cl Kab L Kad sh Barnea Ka esh Barnea Kadesh Barnea " Kalaal-el-Arish ' Kalaat Adjrad Kamadt Karatm Karnak Karn Ganah el Kasr ' Kasr Atn el Sag/an Kasr Dak/zel Kasr Keran Kasr Rag/an ’ ’el' K aaamat ‘Kaa el-Kebtr Keldbshe Kenek Kerak Keri Kersam Kertasi ‘ el Kes . Kestamna ‘ K karjek ‘ ‘ Khulasa _Kir of Moab Ktrsh Ktrsh Koft Kom el Ahmar Kom el Akmar Karoko Korti Kosalr . g Kaban Kabanz'ek el Kafa 'Kal’at. Nakhl Karnab Kas Kusfir el Kasz'eh Laodamantius port. Latonpolis Legeta Lepidotonpolis Lepte acra Letopolis Léucaspis . Leuce acte et ins. Libycus Nomus Laksor Lycopolis Lysa M aabdeh Magassa Magdolus Maharraga Marah Marea Mareotis Palus Marghat Marsa Berek Masindomacun'l Matalib Matar'teh Medaenet el F yoon Medeia M edz'net H aba M edinet N tmrad Melcatis Memnonia Memphis Mendes Mendesium 0st. Menelais el M enshz‘ek Menaf Menzaleh Mersa Embarek M ersa Hemraatn Mersa Kaleb Mersa Kesah M ersa Letrama Mersa Obessalem M ersa Sherm Hetem Mersa Sherm Wak Mersa Zelara Mersa Zak el Behar Metacompso Metelis Milesiorum cast. en-Mishpat Moab HmuwwmmmmmHmmmmmwavewwducwmwwwwbdoowwmmdem muwo>OUHmmm> unHQwwmmmwemmemewwuwngmammuwomwuwmwaQHmma wmmbmmmwmmmwwwwmdwmmmmwfi so C‘s-7 so “mo: ”mm tram: Hm so cubs: so so (:09 so (:09 do C‘Q-IW'SO H530 c‘c'pa‘h‘mpucrm so our: pu‘b‘moq QiWQaP-hm mwn‘eoq nacho man—ha. w more @7909 D‘H-mH-WOQ pun-sch H-so sum: Ham—ham: so wen-heme 00909 9mm crtrc-Jso U‘c‘o‘m cram: c‘so U‘U‘H.H=O'QOQ so Modiana Moeris L. Moggore Moileh Momemphis Monocaminus Montesatri - Monumenta Egyptian Moorkos I. Illakfar Muknah Musae Muthis Myoshormos ' Myrmex I. 5 Nabataeorum Insulae Na bk N ad z'r N agadeh Natho N atron Lakes Naucratis Nechesia N egeb Negla Nieiu Niciucome N icopolis Nili Ostia Nilus F. Nimrim Nithine . Nitria ’Nitriotes Nomus Novum hydreuma Oasis Kurkur Oasis magna Oasis parva - Oasis Trinitheos Okabet Aba Jerayeh Ombus On ' Onne Ostracine Oxyrynchus Pampanis Panephysis Panopolis Papa Paraetonium Paran Paran, Wilderness of Parembole Passalus Pathyris 'Patumos Pedona Pedonia I. Pelusiacum 0st. Pelusium Peme - Pentaschoenu Pentedactylus M. Persei specula Persicum monum Pesla Petra Phacussa Phacussae Iae' Phalacron Phara Phara Pharan ad Prom. Pharanitee Pharbaethus Pharos I. Phatmeticum Ost. Phatniticum Ost. Pherme ‘ Philae I. Philiscu Philotera Phoenicon Phoenicon Phoenicus Phoenix Phthontis Phylace Hermopoli- tana Phylace Thebaica Pilak Pineptimi Ost. Pithom Plinthine - Plinthinites Sinus Pnigeus ' Pnigeus pr. . _ Porphyrites M. v Posidn Sinus Posidium Praesidium Praal Pt. Primis Prosopis Prosopitis I. Pselchis Psinaula Ptolemaeus F. Ptolemais Ptolemais Hermiu el Rajat . Ramses Raphia Ras Aboo Hagar Ras Aboo Mangar Ras Aboo Shar _ Ras Aboo Semi Bas Biban '4“ Rae Dara Ras el Anf Bas el Difeh Ras el Kanats dWWHWEW@Q>Wmm% UQHEWQWOUM mewdebooeHHmdcmedmm wmmemeemmeHeeH ITO"? 90 90"? (D so b‘c‘p so 80 0‘9 9-949 b‘sfi U'C‘CD U‘SD when 0 0‘90 so 89 0‘0? Hap-HO $249309 manor: case 946‘?” a gap [:4 because-ago 9,9, 5;, 9, c‘c‘socm so C‘U‘UQ c‘pacp sQHgmmemmmmo mmwuéwdmewwmwwwowmee awwmee>wumwommmemm>wHuweHawe Snow’b‘oqmammsvc‘c‘ h-bOU‘GH-O‘C‘W9CDOGQS‘DSDSD'SDU‘SDP‘GG so ma: punch—no 0 (79‘s: we a: Ras el Kasran _ Ras Gartb Ras Gaaas Ras Hamra Bas Istraki Ras Kimseh Bus Mobammed Rae Mokhag Ras Shakhair Ras'Safsafek Ras Umm Abbas Baa Zaferdneh Redestek Rehoboth' Rephidim Rhinocolura Rom Ombo Rufus M. er-Rabez'beh Sadekeh Sadfah Saea el Sagz' Sahragt ’Sais Salinieh Salt lake Salydo I. Samanad‘ Samant ‘ San Sanduma Sankart Sapirine I. Saraceni Satarma Say/tad Scenae Mandrorum Scenae Veteranorum Schedia Schennu . Sciathica regio Scytale I. Sea, The Salt Sebae’ta Sebekeh Sebennytioum Ost. Sebennytus Sebaa Sefiadger _ Sell Gardht Seir, Mt. Sela Sela I. Sele Selinus Senafer Senphu Serapeum Serarteh Sesamus Sethroe Seyaleh Shadwan el Shanka Shech Abadeh Shellal-el-Nil Sherm es Shek Shtab el Hamaz Shar, Way of Shur, Wilderness of Shushuah Sikket Bender el Kebz’r Sikket Bender el Kebtr Silili Sillah Silsih's Sin, Wilderness of Sinai, Mt. Sinai,Wilderness of Mt. Sinuatis Stout Sirbonis L. Sitnah Speos Artemidos Stenae Dirae Stratonicis Saadl Sucabya I. Suez _ Syene Tacasarta Taehtah Tacompsos Ta’compsos Tacona Tafeh ' Tahat Talmis Tamiathis TamOntis Taneh Tankoat Pt. Tanis ' Tanis Taniticum 0st. Taphis " Taposiris Taposiris parva Tasdrum Tana Taubastum Taweelah Tchoenemyris el Teb_en Tell Aba Soltman Tell e thjabeh Tell 6 Semat Telmis Teman Tendah el Teneh Tennis . memdQUthtjEmhfidMU'Ijtijmw’dl-‘HHHH:WE‘UQMHQQWOEEWWQQWWEEHmPQUHMfiMH p 9-01? c‘o c‘c‘c‘ofm a: cr‘c-‘o so C‘H-fi c‘o :9 a: 9:80 H.H.H.Quu-w-r-sc‘ We (1:09 c‘b‘a s: 90' o c‘p-aaaub-‘o D‘s-.D‘m c‘c‘o b‘b‘cp c‘o R‘c‘wmc‘c-cp mc‘m c‘o c‘mW‘c‘so b‘c‘so :1: 6012.30 c‘o mW’O‘CD WWU‘OQ c‘cnmc‘c‘c‘pbwmc‘ . wdQHHgwmmwmwwaQWWMUWUUHWWWUWWNQ wwmdebme mQQQQmwmemmemmmmm so #51759 948° D‘o WELD-0Q co a: 59m: mil-use mmeQH MAP Tentyra Terenuthis Terraneh Thaneh Thatice Thebae Thebais Thinis Thinodes M. This Thmuis Thoana Thomu Thou et- Tih, Desert of Timonepsis Tindium T'ineh Tiran Tmal Tmuis Tomas Tomas I. Tor Tophel Traiani Fossa Troja Tad Tum Taot Tuphium Tarah Tzit-zis Tzutzis 4 .2- Uah- el—Barieh Uak el Farafrek Umm el Kamat Veneris I. Veneris portus Vicus J udacorum Wady Aboo Wasel Wady Adowz’ Wady Allake W ady Antar Wady Arabak Wady Baba W ady Beda Wady Benas Wady Btyar Wady Dahal Wady Dara Wady Dtbb Wady el Aggab Wady el—Arabah Wady el-Artsh Wady el Bameh Wady el Faye Wady el Ghabz'yeh Wady el-Madhetyat Wady el Sharatf Wady el Sherm Wady Enned _ Wady Esserba Wady et Tawdl Wady Faaam Wady Gaaasts lVady Gelab Wady Gemal Wady Gkartb Wady Goabe Wady Had Wady Hamada Wady Hamr Wady Jerdfeh Wady Jeri Wady Kadz'r Wady Kartt Wady Kenneh Wady K habe Wady Ktlleh Wady Kahas Wady Lassan Wady Mahass Wady Makaneh Btbeh Wady Makaneh Stout Wady Medilek Wady Masa Wady N abek Wady N akeb Wady Nateshe Wady Neha W ady Nez'xman Wady Rtan Wady Safi Wady Safraneh Wady Sefi'adger' - Wady Stout Wady Sadr Wady Tarfah Wady Um-Ardo Wady Wardan Wah el Dakhel Wak el Kharjeh ' Wanderings, The el el Xeron hydreuma Xois Zabadei Arabes Zaba Zadagatha Zaai et-el-Metttn Zephath . Zephyrium port. Zephyrium pr. Zephyrium pr. Zered, Brook Zin, Wilderness of Zygris pHHOPmeHOQ um: mcwwmaeaewmmmmfimmwmw w wmmmmdwmwHQHmwwmmmewemmmmmmmemmmwmmmmwmwmm mHH QwO 33. *1dta‘fihz‘kj’2m@HQMEWMHMUEQE‘HHE‘HUMUWE‘HUUh} ww-amm D‘H-o c‘c-‘Qawfi‘b‘c‘a (7‘0 6: oic‘r-eC‘U‘r-bm? H4909 we‘ve-m; 0094 C‘D‘D‘ H: WOW-v30 394009 Q-IU‘O HID-HQ Q-IS‘W‘mco C‘H-O D‘D‘U‘o W0 C'C‘O 0 @‘Q-IO H-WPuQ-WWQUQ action a Fina-o a: nap psi-swan D‘WOQ <3 cm: O‘D‘ poppmpc‘mo‘om ii EGYPTUS.—ETHIOPIA SUPRA EGYPTUM. MM» 33. ETHIOPIA S U I IIA JlflG 1 E I U 1V1. (ON MAP IEGYPTUS.) Abhebbad L. O c Autoba A Dabelli A c Gaza D c Mastitae B c Panon Vic‘ E I ,7 . . . c Solanades I. B fibfifnfiifiad 12 E fiuxum}:a R B Daemonum I. B a Ger F. A d Maumarum A b Pataeta A b Solatae 0 Ab 'lli 'B b uxum1 rum 93“ B Danab A c Gerada. A c Medimni A b Pechini B c Soleb A Acgnnae E c Aqum I b Daphnon D c Ggsrbo A a Megabari A b Pentedactylos M. B a Soterias P. B Acetuma A b Avlum . D c Daraba _ C c Gumbo A a Mekabemb A b Phalangis M. E c Soterén P. B Acina A b Axome B c Dar Berber A b Gus A b Melayeh I. A b Phthuri A a. Stadisis A Adana D Axum B c Dar Gal A b Gympates B c Melinus P. C c Pitara. A b Suakin- B Adanu I". C c Aza;}al C d Dar Metammeh A b Gypsms I. B a. Memnones A c ‘Primis _ A a Sydop A Aden D ‘c ‘ 2- an B \b ”Dan; Rabatat A b Gystate A b Meroe A b Primis magna. A b Syene v A Adulis B 1‘: . Dar U132 A c Meroe insula ‘ A b Primis parva. A b Sygarus I.’ 0‘ A ame B Debduhek A c Megaches C c Prionotus M. ‘ B a Agame B O Babyllenii B b Deadomulll. C c . Metine C c Profundus port. B a >_ Agathonis I B c Baln- el Abiad A c Demetru Specula. B a el Had)” A b Mnemeum pr. B a, PStbO L. B c ‘ . Agaue . B a Bahr el Azrek A c Bender A c Hazk L. B c Monodactylos M. ’ B a Psebo L. B c _ Agau-mider B ‘3 Bankar A b Denka A c Hanfil‘ak C c Monoleus Lac. B b Psycheus P- E c Tabae pr. E 0 Age}; I A b: Brmna, E c Derekkek A b quorta . B c Moqrat A b Pteros I. C b Tadu A b Aladi A c Barbaria. C c Dbalab . 0 b Hlerasycammos A a. Mossylon prom. and _ Ptolemais Epitheras B b Taka‘ B ‘b Alalaei I O b Barbaricus Sin. D d D1069“. 1' C 0 Hora A b‘ emp. D c Takkazze B c Alauin . A c Barigaza D c D10gen1s acra B a Mothltae ; C c Tama' ‘ A a. Anazo C Barka . B b D10ryx E c . Mudaz’to ’ C c Tangaitae B b Andera C c Bascma B c Dgoscurorum P. B a Mundu- I. D c , . Tangasz' A b Andro alis A I; g3]asina B 0 Due Pr. 0 c Ipsgdorae C c .Mundu emp. D c Rat-had A c Tasitia A a Anine g C azium Pr- B a Doch1 B d 1812th A b Musa C 0 Bus Bir C c Tathis A b ' Anseba B {)3 Bega B b Dodpcaschoenus A a Is1dgs I. et port. 0 c Mushash Is. C c Ras el Fil E c Taurus M. B b Anti hili P C ija B b Dorl'cae I“- C b Isybs M. . B a * Ras el Khyle D d 'Tenessis A c Aoraliia 31113 B 3 Berbemh D c D0msh_ C b Isuhs potamla C c Reida E c Tenupsis A c A 000 apma 113. D d Berenice A- a 13%]st B (1 I889 tmbus f G c Rhaeda E c Tergedum 7 A b Agollifiis p 0% mia. D c Berenjce ad Sabas C c ’ . Rhausu. C ‘1 T0119 ‘ A b Arabia Efidaemon D c Beremce Epldu‘es C c Nams A b Tomadeon Iae. B a Arabicus Sinus B a Bares“ ' A b Elc d h Nag“ A b Topazon 1' B a Arbagi A c Bile” B b E1616; F A b Kai? A c NTapata A b Tnacontagchoenus A a AreI O b Ble‘mmyes A a 6P as . E c Kasaba A c Aauggh A b , Troglfidytlce B a. Ar 0 . A b 'Bonchis _ j A b Elephas M. E c Kwpkran B a Nan A b Saba B b Trulla I. D c Argmata r and enf E Boron A b Emeum A b KM' . A (1 NW . B c Saba Doleb A c Tsabo L. B c Aromatifeg‘a r ' P. O c Endera B c Kubabzsh A c N111 potam1a 0 d Sabae ~ 0 0 Tzana 1 B c A . eglo C 3 Ende'rta B c Kunama B c N111 potamm D c Sabaiticum ostium B b Tziamo B d" Aigzgzes B b C b ‘ I Eratoms I“ B b N11us F. A a. Sacole A b Tziamo B o Arsinoe 0 0.5112118 '1 O b 'Esar A 0 Nglus F. A c Sape A b Asabo-Galla C 0 C(11) Inna . B a. Eswr . A c _ Nglus F. A d Sape A c A l] . A 0 0a aa "I B c Euangelqn P. B b Langheb B b Nllus F. B c S’asu B d Asal . A c Camarl . C b Euonym1tae' A b Lepte acra B a Noa A b Satachtha A b Urbis A b Ase. B c Cane . D c Exulum reglo A c , No'o_L. A d Satyrén M. B a Asglfitcra B I; Cataractes maJor A a. Notlceras D d Saurat A b AZbeoigg £34m B b Caiaracfiee mmpr A a Nuba A b Sawe B c ‘ A t | . A Ca iraac es tertlus A b Macalla . D. c Nuba P. A d Sehoho B b Wady Argu A b Astzpus F A 6 Cat arae I. B b Gabache F. A c Magadowo, Nd of C d Nubae A c Sembobitis A c Wady Noogal D d Ast pus F. A Ca1sup1 A c Gabache F. B b Magassa A a Sembritarum regio A c Astzp’glsl - B c insoe A a. Gabala B c Magorum I. B b Semene B c Ast r613) . A a 8 ersonesus B a Gagaudes I. A b Illaztsha B 0 Sweden B‘ c Astasobas;F A g C11grsonesus B b Gal. A b Makallah E c ' Semneh A a Zaa B [1:111:30 as . A 001 (1)" D c Galabat B c Malao - D c Oce11s O c Sennaar ‘ A c Zaga B Atal B a. 0010 on M. B b Gala I. B b Mahphae 139- C c Ophlodes I. B a 8636 A a. Zeila ' ‘ C At: mo B 00109 B c Gambela B c Malh A b Opone. E c Sesea C c Zingabeni B A am e 0 0e L. B c Gapachl A c Mandaeth C c Orambls A b Shat'rab A b Zingage B ua_ B c Cqmbu§ta I. C b Garbata M. B c Mandalus Lac. B b Orambo A b Sigye B b Zingis E Auabtae C c Crltepm A d Garode A c Mareb B c Orbat A b Saba A b Zmanes A ignites gmpor. C c C):nelum ’ _ B c Gash B b Mareu I“ B b Oreine B b Sobat A d Zuayeh L.‘ B u es bums C c Cy noscephalon‘aquatloE c Gaza B b Maste M. B ’o Orisitides Iae. B b Sbcratis I. 0 b Zumcmeh A. 0a: ososoo‘c'c'c‘sooc" U‘FI-c‘aoooc‘a‘ \ a I)?” M“; \ w Va «21ng ' n‘ h k 4 .. / w§¢ i; «siugéi' {2 A x . IN" ‘ r‘; 5 24;? 4" a4?“ . )‘ ”(141‘ “19~h5'v,", ' wfiyfiu A . ‘ New: ‘$Qfinyh D? WILLIAM SMITH’S ANCIENT ATLAS B 34 A 35 N‘.’ 1 T HE H O LY LAN D BEFORE THE CONQUEST ‘ 1451 RC. Aboriginal tribe-.1 and pIum’snw ,Gum-. ARGOB (inumnite rut/"mu” . , , 7....T.vre . (‘ANAAN :lmol't'taflz‘ttity and [hi ‘10 namm . .Zlmbbon .............................. Shednem Ill-Vite mmms ,. , , Imidl‘tl' and minted to Israel . ..... KI‘I‘JWMII. AMJION Salll' fbr the Sat-2.9 af‘EIght‘Ws Hugh's-h Statute Wes 1” , , , 30 40” East of Greenwich 34: N95 THE HOLY LAND UNDER HEROD THE GREAT B.C . 40 A 34°East of Greenwich B 7511‘.” W. Saunders, Geog." Strand? Arvad .. (Caesarea) 3.. ¢\.\$......,“_,.m\.fi w“""n,‘ “f, &\‘\3“mllbl‘ THE HOLY AF TER THE CO‘NQUE ST N? 2 LAND as divided amongst THE TWELVE TRIBES lz'rflllul (hike. [51‘1th (‘m‘é‘a‘m ZIDON N?6 ‘THE HOLY LAND AT SUCCESSIVE PERIODS f” M ‘ J . A- “WWW“ ""“wmwwz ‘\\\ / v ‘ Q , ' w \m WM N“ M: I ‘ m . NM m (M THE HOLY LAND IN THE TIME OF OUR LORD v \ “,1, ON THE SAME SCALE. A , 35 B m3 THE HOLY LAND DURING THE MONARCHY 1095 B.C.T0 586 B.C. N‘?7 THE HOLY LAND . UNDER AGRIPPA I. A.D.41 i London: John Murray Albemarle Street. g. I Mauuw f74pm. . V amuw‘ ”mm ”rum” "”1"" "“"1-w' ‘Hu-m “Wu m~“h..,.,mmm, ‘ t- ”“94 NW Mr" . MW» j MM E ‘EW N0. 4 THE HOLY LAND UNDER THE MACCABEES 100 B.C. N‘.’ 8 THE HOLY LAND AT THE DESTRUCTION OF JERUSALEM AD. 70 MW” MN m w . m MW“'”‘\.-. ‘7 34 mm“ m ” WWW d V ( J,» r’)‘ J” ? “"21- : y...‘ ‘ a: [fa :1 9 gm . ’1‘ 4-. I 1“"; X» t“ MW e 2;, 'hAt kg m}: “x \ $54 ‘ ‘ ~x¥£§x ‘: w 01 D’WJEIEMSETESANSEFPNT ATLAS _, — . IBJ [C] _ _ . , , I ‘ f , , 36°30’ 7 fig. “:4 . v I ,1 :' Sidon,Saida FIE-WE Scale of English Statute Miles, 68-8-—1c W” V a , g4! L}: 1...; L: 5. . . . 3 19 - _-.1.é. .. . . 2.0 ”31“” ‘ L3, , , , , . .. A I 1 Roman Mlles 75-1 WMesbzinarTeslz 3. Smfiaé 0 - -3. -..3....___.;.-.£;gr..sa_..ggé -3._-33° 30' 30' I 8 Stadia- 1 Roman Mile Explanation : , , , , , . ' ‘ . . . . . ‘ J . - a ' ’ ' 1315111111, Name‘s GALILEE,N,-gxzareth mg‘fifiifi? , . ,, 1 I . - , ,. 3 V _ .. , ,. . . «g 3 » _ 3 . I. . , ~ , ._ 3 . T I; .. , . ' . ' ’ _ ' r , D I R E: T 011.931.4111 «2- Malina/(Ll ,, PEWA 9 W ’I‘ Old 5'” ‘1’? ' ‘I I , . 3 . _ .Modan . , EL HULEH, Nébulus x Wely, Mohammedan Mos/c, or Saint’s Toni]: . 3 (Illisahn ()myemtmr Village containing on: .Ras Surafena: I , . 1:12;: Q1.ct1é2,1{'onatriax 07- Fort, . , , A V _, 71chsz 3 .9. _ Mi'rwrfloads, Paths, Routes. 3 “ I - - I - , - _ ., . . . — L L U L Hag/1m mEngILs‘hFa’t above the Sea, 3375,3e10w1/m Sea —-1097. ' I . , I 'I‘ I I V. A ' _ ’ I .. 3 I ‘ “ V ~ II ‘ . \ , . . ‘ . ‘ A : T E .S‘mmdings in. theDauiSeati‘Smof' Galilae mma upright figrm. . - ’ ‘ ' I I 7 I . ' I _ .- , V . ' . I 3 , ‘ ’ 18:19‘ .. I ' . . E; ‘ ’ ‘ ” " ’ Plateau, of basalt, lake al-Lg'ah «fofilksm Mun ' 'I ' . ,, ' I ed?DukwelI Arabic Words & Abbreviations. VI KulI'a/L .Castle 1 Km,Ku1;1Iilzr Ear/LI » \ VS x .K. 1711szer 7 ’ h 'I n‘-'K.Nm“alch Sha’éfes— Sin . E; \\\\‘IV'IV”m\\\‘.‘ \\ , ' n .m‘ \\ .... .._.. _, 7.-.- .... W . $§ AldJ'Jm, Sahel Plauz V1 Kwyeh .. ._ 12mm 37541711 (21745172111 52a or Lake 5 Kusr .. , 0133-225 6 135‘me 3.,3911 How”? ‘ Mar .. Momu‘tay . ‘37 WI Eelad . District j 1103'. . . Plain, . 3 I‘ . , _ - . _ .65 ¢. .. Bin/t, (pl; Bend! Daughln‘ Martial; Farm. , Iv V°Mu1azlfl>eh : . \ ‘ I” I . ‘ I 3 I . I r: I Um es—S’adb I , I 13.} PM i N,Nahr . Jazm- N Jffglla'flgi. 2 «E221 ”16145,,“de ‘ I I - . I ‘ _ ¢ z Birket Pool 1 Neby Prop/7a: a I P V 31 ‘yex I { ‘ 1' ‘ Bud, [(111 21/1, Kusr (fist/r, waal' ‘ NIL/vb Pass If}: {$5,521}; “ Q Bureym "‘IIII" fit» ., Del-1‘ ('1mye/11,Resirielm . Ra‘s (bpe, Head of Sirealn , . . I. . , 3 . . , . A . . ~ . 3 \ \ J c? I ‘5 G Derb Road ; Saw Ham ‘ .. 3 ~ . I I' ~ , 3 . ‘ " . ,3» _- I. - ' . 3. , , ' ‘, -‘ _ , ’. _ I II ‘ .. . aka, 122 , ~ 11m, (ply, Bem‘ San 5.51m“ L731”, (7M V I I V_ . ., , 3 . . V , V V V . 3 V I ; ~ .~ -_ . V «:3 e VV , . ”IX? V V - , 1% \«V .. . ,,/ ,V . .. oUm-Duba'b Rlyumel B . , e \/ J.,Jelr..JPbel Mountain 1 $121: Mm'kez‘ , VI, I , - b A ', I , ' - .~ - II V, I. ‘ I » _ _ «VA I , “If , ‘ ’7 'I 15’. ‘ ‘ , ,V I r I , W ‘ . A 4’ l\\\\\ . , I ‘ . - Kabr el‘Balstho 6) Jim- Bridge 1 T.,Te11 EILM'mmd, natural ur' ale/721221 , " ‘ , 3 _ " - 3 “ _ _ .I . , ’ 3 . 3 I I ' f < - , ‘ ” 3, . ,rr'a, . ”1132221” I I " ' - ‘ I- , I “ ' . . ’ f , 3 ' ‘ - ~- Rabietel-Glmrbiyeb . K.,Kefi' Vii/age _ 1 Um Efotfwr ,e ‘ .3 ,3 I , 3 ~ 0; _ . ' _ , , . I/ 1 - * v ' ’ Ir. . , ‘ ' ‘ ' I ‘ ‘ I I‘ I I ' “I 1; 31m: {3 £1,133" IRgZHLOdIl/mg P13 1 W” 147(th 71/111147 Wala'mw'se Tyre. TyI-us .» , j . s V. .I ' - ' ' 3 ’I I ‘ " V . . .- * V V , VI It» _ _ _ . _ V . ' I V . , 4 9,73 af‘ a 1. es " Gadiral—qu Q ~ I I sin .. ‘ I I . 3 3. . .3, . _ I (11—, ed; en; er», 9.9—. est/1 —, ef—,etlz—, 524, are various fbrms . ) § 12’ (S) Awba W~x or" the Arabic Arm-15. 01d Tyre Walt“) Y» w K V S r—V \ b V 311‘)?le , 1‘ W ° W O Gauirflaség v.1 M- _/ V , Resfudg/ . . , . . . , , . V . . 3‘ _ . ‘ 8: 5 am . . I Raselfl _ ' . ' ‘ ‘x... A a. «0. .I " I - IV ‘ - "V I I '. v77 I \ 1 I? I. I ‘ 3811x6041» , I - b 8" ‘9 .I ‘ ' - , . , 3. . . , , , , - I ' ' , - . 4 ¢,. 3 I a. x . . ’§_ 5 I , I . -3 II I , I _. 3 . 3 - 3 5% 122111 - , V. 11411. . , T..>‘1ukl = I I “ ’ - . I I A" . I I 7 I ‘ . . 1‘ 2 WM , 3A 11%th eflllgfi <§ . LS 1511 ' u ‘ I Vé V V V 3 V . . ~ ' ' ’ . 1 I i ’ I I I? ' (Qe' */ II 1' 1 Q ‘ 1 . t3 1‘ j ?’ Ru 1t ' 41H) . a?“ I “0111mm 01-11me MIIII '21:)“ x: I? 7 - I ’ , A 3 ‘ “II ‘ VV ase1 Byad l'flzzze Cape 3 . V V . V _ , . . V 0an 7 .3. Tellu'l and. K} 1-, bet & ‘ £3 é .I: Alemmnschw I. _- V _ ,. V V 3 3 , V _ _ V , . ,. . ~ ,. V V , VV , Preambvh) Eu'rbat esh—Shalu‘bdp .eL—Asf'ar CO . f Mmlslmlzdemn . ~ , . II - , I , , , _ V . I .I 3 , _ . ._ . - V I 7 ,3 , . . 0?» e. a K” // r . ,. V 3 e. WI 7th 141) N V 3 93/35 and TefiV/I 9.. Ii deafT I' -‘ . me . 1 a» ., ._ I. .- » ‘_ ,,V w . , _ 3, “L, ' VM 1‘ V 'm . - ’. 3 . 3 V,»- V V .3 . VV ,_,_ g V V . , VVV.‘ . _ V I. _ . . , , ”w . _ . . . ' 3 V 4 '1 graflafl’fl'izwiumm = ' V ' -I j 'c - ’ , ' ' - . 3 N, - . ‘ . ,. "M . ~ _ 3, , _ . M ., . al—Mw‘hmasgydv ; Ra‘s en-Nakz’zrah _ - . . . _ .. , 1V 24111111th . oKhirbet elHokf 3 . \ 3. ‘ , ' "' 5’” noKhirbecGhubeweL’Am V ”‘1’”"7 I II " . . ' IV ‘Dfi .15" " . .3 rDeZ-Mdzis‘ aKhirbec ed-Dez'r 51mm 1 , ‘ er m "broad . Spring ad I I ' 3 , . . . . 3 'I 3 ’ ._ ' c ) // 1).?»5Pnuzn , .e ombe‘t 5’ I .3 __ .I V VV . . . , - _V - VV , . - . ; /\¢V nK/3/x/, TQVaJlag é ' ‘L'\I‘ . l .. , , . “ « .‘ , . . I \ ‘ ‘ ' I \ —’// ”51"“1 J. ’ . V . V0 V‘ . V ‘ . ‘ ’ - H . ‘ ‘ 3 . , . ”a “ I ,\\i ‘I ' ‘ \ \V ” ’ I h I ', . ..‘ I V I . I ‘ / kflwfiw \ “S’m‘ K? 38'; y 73., .. .. ....., W. ,..7,..,,, 7. .. 7. .. 7 ,, . ... .. ... ,.... 1 911111 .~ 1...] I ,,-, , VV VV 3 V . g‘ . V e \ ‘ I //,.=v , _, , 3 . . V ‘ lmMezcibzl . ,I 1 . 1' I I / - 4 i! V V . 31113be 0701;211:171 ‘ ,A // 11mm 1} ma} / a, . V 1 Wm. , I ‘ . r _ . . , . V _ . _ . V ‘_. l . - 3 3L— big/mo NewyNawa . 11V z-MuIzaVE:g Pfiifigxfis ' - I , ~- /3 — . , _. . _ . . _ _ _ 3 . W33 3%? Edge. V V W . , Jeand°Acre;>Akka .' , 3 . a: » ,V I , __ V ' , I Vg , V I . { o V AdLIE‘iaI’ Ziihl‘afla 4f?) 7;“); ~ . ‘- , on!“ / ' h: 3 / oUmel . ETE 3,..3 I; 3 . emigkgzeh " High}; fir BAY (OF ACRE nVIofIISu.11112 ,n‘ mm m ’ 7-‘.-.Kuneitereh r: Khl-J‘bet Mrbein VPlai _ (Karm ”A KKA «55’ I“! 3 ,7” 3 __ . / Abueljomt‘ir 156 E shmi skin '1" . " * V DMa‘rl'Iéytdfl 2111.31.30.sz I 'c H 1 N N E R E TH NI. D.eL- huwdt ,, .91) GE NNE SAR T. ‘ ,, I" -' . ~,'1.~M'deL VW '/- ' . ' léAfIILEEO TIBERIAS , want a? 132 1&- art I L Cape Carmel {I s‘ I fiagiqma, [:1 65-51: 'TL ”oz-en- 2 A \\ “W M . o 5 %;\&IHLIIIII 3?» m‘ 1 m . a : 1/” «W 1/11/11” 1 I1 ’ ' \\'Il . ; ' ~ ' _, .V I‘ __ _ M. 0 V . MW K' ., . , VV , VV V V,“ 3 _ . ., V (4 I V, BAHR m3 VVVV_V¢VVV ., V . , _3 TUBARIYEH '(Ng‘). '3' \\\\.\\ "r-_.4 I V I, “Nam _ I ,V V . . "M V _V 3 . I» 3‘3 ‘ ’ .1 ” 3 —653Feetbelawthe Q) Bird-Emu. 3 ,, V .V w .‘ , I ‘ ~ , VV‘VV , V ‘ If. ,' Meditamnaan/Sea T, 3 F'_\ I r ' C L \_/ Kul’azdee . . . V, I L.91AB€]Jé11‘V I’ ‘ . ‘I‘IJ V 3. If u I . VV I _ ‘L $3317. V . LIanhuleif Vel-flfwvefl‘fi-eh/ ‘21 1 . H V I H . w" I41 \VV V0 N®\\\_\\\\K1icqfi,§\\‘p ’"‘ “1“‘I‘Mllzfi ha a Caesarea o 3 2 ((191)31ng stjlmm 2% I 30' Kausarlyeh L IKQ“ §&.§@W Kul’at'el-Md‘r‘ak 1‘ 5* - o 9 V" . «A A .i a a, c g , 0 . Um es—Surab . T311111 e15 —Refaayat . : :1: : ~ .- 3 IV ' - a _ I I I “ ' I ’ I ' . I ' . ..r.'. .' ' .‘ .t a _ . . ' ,3 I ‘ 5 \ .. , ' I . 3, ’ ‘ / , 3 - ._ . 1 , " - ' . 3 . . ' ‘ ,Ig afifin I, 3 oNuda'béIv ombetd-Myeyv ‘9 “ . . II . ~ . ..V, w3I;‘ . . , I,I- , I ,3: _ .,-I 3 . ». I'=me¢‘-e_-.w~ . ex IIII- .‘. 33I II L, WWW? . . fix I2 3 ::"~u I; . r, 3 V . VV VV ~.‘ _ VV' V 3 V. . VI ’ ‘ V .» . , ,V -, ..I .‘, _' . ' "\I 1”; VVVV' I. ‘ V 3,3 3:; a a.°",.:o' ”V 3 3’ :1: . , M dII , , I. 3 Y 1% ~ I _. , . - 4 ~. : ~ _ . I . , I c - I “(g/WW1 M” g“ I " ' , V3, ~.3 . , ,3 ,, ; . .I II .3. 1. . ‘ _ - I ~. H H: 3 , ma» QIz. a . § I I"I.. , . I%WG1I Bathmfl .. , . , , V VV W V he . , , . _ . . ,_ ‘3.\ : '~~ Umel—Jemal 4,33%“: WW / II I \“\ "' 3. 'I’ I .» , W (m . <‘-‘_ «(III JebfiI / I I ~ I I I 'I \‘w \\ ~ , 3 ,. r V. V ‘ . \ ‘ $5 ,,. , -, . « , . _I II/ I,‘ I I-\1I'I"$'\ “ II , T ' : , VV; . V . Y . .VV .1. . . _ ,V ,V , V, V , . @@%VEV%E%@ @nggfifi IF ,. I I ‘ a ' ' “ I11 , 1 I I 3 VV ‘ a ‘ , 714 r: _ , u- m 1.. ,. [B] 35° East of Greenwich 36°30 [F] . y - . . r 3_ ~ - “H . . -77‘— e, _-~3.. - T702. .Swwzdzm. (may. Stanford's Geographical; Estabflondom. London: John Murra , Albemarle Street. . f x 434‘. ‘1 b H ‘ ‘ ‘m‘ 1 $2} M05 5 ‘€ ‘ ‘l m» L ‘->, , ”may“, ‘, , ‘ V w» . a m 6 ’ ‘ ' v M .. w . e . ‘9,» - ‘ ~ ‘ ’ - “5* L‘ ‘ . ‘ Warm, ‘J. u’ 13“» . 3 \ "um" nu? , ‘ ~ .jw. a ‘ ’1‘ w I.» , ,xf'fiié}? I}; \a n». a? 4‘45 5 5i: , 5 W D? WILLIAM SMITH’S ANCIENT ATLAS m . - [B] i E Antipatris 8“ 1) ‘Z. 1\ \l “I," x l IIZ. . I I‘"‘ ~" i . I ‘c «1‘11» Z 13 ‘jfibZMaS ZZZ9 Zunwffisfi' ' wiW'VWZ 111.,“ ’ $11 'Y ‘ / Z.“ \\ tia‘ Z 1. y ZerJebZ Slmu‘ Z J ’ 1‘ j QM" ‘ n, :29, a ['1 11M ' I //I 11(10qu ZZ m ”I m ”HEZ‘NZZZRZZW \( ’7/71’747 '1 ,, :(y 0' 1 I , Z. ZZI “9/550 Z . . 511 W ' I 1 mezLMgJaar‘ . I Mg; 57 15 EMM [.4 - es‘sWn/Q’}? . ,, I 2050 _ ' Scale of English Statute Miles 68-8-1° . ' I? 1012345 10 =1.5__.__*.Z_.ZZ-: g; E E— Iz—z: =2;¢z m 18 s P r°MaIru2flun1 * ’1 01/ H?’1-,.II_I/I ”I’ll/g. Z ”fir/mu Roman Miles 75 -]° Smdia 8W0 I I 5* , II 10 I I 15 V ’14 Z -\|‘- 1 .3 ll“ ."ll‘l it) -//// emf-1.1.- 17/111 . 1am. 1-142er mZ ,,,/ 11 , III/x/ , \ ” In 1/11 ' V44. “up” ."EW “1 A _ _Z \ |3\“‘\1?Z\\\ZI\\ ép , , .éfleiY‘ ' (”ZZZ/1”” ’7 (”ZZZ/4mg, 88 22 00 /depressed plan; a [1-1] 1, W Z mze'rka‘ Z. , g fifimmmj'wmw ”Z," ~ Will/11 A Z”, 1/Z1’Z I $‘W W18 9 ’ SBZMZ . . 2914112 01"Se1lfizl 5131-}? 1‘: }{ I I M1!” 3"“ ‘ i awnej k 111111 : . 4%, ,1 4‘ ‘ZZZ/Z/l/MZ'1 W W§ €17 (<7 5‘; I nwsoAya 02 II W. A” I u ‘ J I Z y . N I? ywmutdm ‘\\k\‘\\ ' 9;} I £3“ . “ I “1; 13m Is, '\ ' . . "“~‘¥‘Z11Z1$"1'1.s\“-‘\' . ' " Z I A A "h 1 , ,I I I': FLrIgo rest Z0 ZZZ 1 "1/ 1 - Z 1» m A Z WWW/13m, , a Widhfiwfi "' 25 Zanem'ZZtZM/x/M Z III% I II 32%” I _.. . 3,90% 1 32° I' ‘ala,I 1%))» ZZZ.1:1\Z\1\\1Z5\Z bs‘ww \\\\ \\\\~ 0 ‘ «Z M“ \ A _. 1 \\ mYsbh . 1 fig—149104 “116‘ , e . . et—Tru I oKubbet Yam-7 Z" Z . 11-91 1241, J» c ’15-’51 § y c- \m \\, I\\\ 1 1O 4%} 1 1 CS' mil—Z7 t \\ 90,, I Z Z _ [4,111 H V“: ‘w 1-1 “ ' . \K.‘ “ 4'3"" . _ . urlget e -_ ' 1’ W1 mum“ \ n\\\\\“ 9 Byrf 11111ZZIZZI I III .1 11 m112.11721‘17/11111011,1.111.111" _ {I , . , ZZ1" "a M x“ m 1‘"! ‘\ \M; m 1 ZZZZ .. ,;, '"J Amu/q‘\\1m»“ 1 .11‘11 e 1“""11" . S“ ll .7 LR] 3.1211141». r0 W TN? 21%;? 14 in as —$ 41%“ \ “WZQ’ZZZW UL I. , ‘L o 1117 Glmrub “i :\‘\ 1:1Z""‘ ,0 \\ \, figfi<§ v. e ‘ Z. \Z awn \ ‘. 1 Z; /' ‘ 1,11 ,. I gubbehy‘m. “11.19%, 91,, . ‘ w ‘ ' NMM’ \\ ‘\ VIN“ ,: . , "1' , . Gil ?“"“n '31! QKubet G , I I d wDabu581Z l—Mi'z B th __ Z I ~ 1‘ ' 1 an, I Kusr lylw H la . I £3311 Iva!” 1” far hidfyeho Gbar 95-:5'e131ban, rob §Befl1Jeshhnoth?~ Z J ezjgfI‘a ZS A MB: Z . \Z \SZH'IZ‘IW/g :tfiwn’f II \\‘» 2 .1‘1 (rm‘ 1 “1m" ZZ Z'Z ' ‘\' "”11, .mw //I "”1111111‘1 1 f _ 4111,: «E , 1"",11‘11‘". . . , 12/ I ' ’%’ x‘, 'W’ Z0 Z» ~: \1‘111‘Zu1.‘@11fl‘- - .1 Z - ZZ “Wm/LI WWW/2: - Z /~_\ 6 PM \ . \\\\ I . 7 “Z' ° :4; ' ‘ ah * I'A‘i o _ A .' .Z- 0‘ . gm: 5‘3me Z" 9% \ ”.11.,“ ,, 5%" Z \ m M“ \\>‘ 911 é’n -/ I Z 1; Win/[M'NMZ “\1'. ./%\\\I\I3.ZI/A°§\'§\\Q \IIII. _ , m 3,, 1 m d K 0 ////’/l'l// l/Z;/// \\ \ 11 leet- ° ‘8 § oes~€awszffl 1’11 71,191, . Q IbnAudeh 11/. ,1 F00 I WW ”Zia!” I ('utinRack ‘ ~.E:\*.vZ"1n,Z§\\\\\m ° Oes<§awziffr< I ' o r. AbwL m Awauwar {7.1- ‘ 8:31? Z \1 1 11m, j u‘v‘ "Win 11 ,, 01‘1”” <1 ””1 e911“??? INC/810’“ 1 , . K“ ¢ ‘ \ Z, 0‘ unfit“ . I \émmmkwAlaJch W», ’ \II . 9 .AscaléAShkel 11-11;, . ,Z W m tummy“; 1, 1| 0F Terdbeh A, "1 4 111m 5) «\u, T 013 SEA "117164211, Sea . gzéxfiwfi $3; I IN, EASTE 1/! H i ’/I WW. 41 ‘ m LU‘ 12.92 f‘t 5 0 Z,’ 11, ’6 ‘ 1 ’3’ ZZ+ Mr alMuk-hrfib >—1 (0 fl 8 Z 7/1111 Z, Z~ZZ\1Z'§§.'.‘/1~ 111.1,, . 07y “"1" Z -Z/,, 1% WW I}: , D . K ‘ Hot . ’1117111- 51111155 1" ’1 w, , ’111111nm 11”,",WZZ111 \\ h: s», b) b m BA HR ’1\‘\1Z ”M ’1 NZ ’MZ. w \‘lw \\ 1r I" 1 1'mn‘K 31° 30’ _ 14 [I .MukaddamCQ R4 I/I///I . Wfié’flgg'w. DEAD SEA, ‘Haze..on—mmar 184 ‘ 9-? vim“ - "ll“ ' 0 m 63:5 . 72111111 V x» .M 713 °- 11Z. Z .0 uraJv ée 137 t: Hot Spring . /1 ‘ m V . Z1 {mp/Mfg; , I ~, eZ~Yebu1i1ye11 Z 11/~-IIII ’ in O E V m / ' 107 a; C/Z/flm/pfi 1)) ‘ \ ‘\\\efl)2)¥‘gax1s1\\\‘\.\\1® ZZZMW‘W/a Wm \\ \ Zu ‘ .1; Z‘ ' “1111,1Z1Z1Z1!\~Z\\\\¥3‘\“\ '. ”’4 ”1/119 11 'Z ' ~ :- armneczqrunwh' L35“? Z \‘ Ir mnr ‘% \ ' dTen IzZo P 1 fl \ \ rune IP I ”7414’???“ Z ,7 o .{Rahbath)Moab z» eopohs, Rab a. M IBethMarcaboflfifinfif’f’f‘f‘f 3.1" , A ,mhnannahfi egfipflrg/Jay“ "Em el-Jarud : 1 .ZZZ» Tel 5‘53“ (11,7- § 7‘ 4 I . g . F I, W I ZZZ 41” 1 , 9),, M‘- aM/ fiI‘ZZZZZZ,‘ % Z 11/ 1111111 n I ”@0131“ij Q m’rMWI/I "rigs” t 1. . %§\1Zum,,m J "Immg, I P. M Z 2.1.hm1/l//% II (8% Iarrzu‘a ,ZZ . ”110% Q% III 2 , wZ ”11,4 I? I7 5% latUmBagheJc ‘eh m 1, -{ 1%;«11Z.Z,,, ”7117M ‘ Z 1 11». VJ 3"?» Z We 2 . ZZ 1 I . w i Klr-Haraseth .- 8sz 1'39’Zi-Z1rww,wZ P a Mgggak 1 I V‘ ' .es—Sulzhha/ . 3311“"? - «1' = 1111 , . NHO, Z . §~ 4; mum"1111"""1’1-‘Zw’ 1 $1111; @b’i’W Z A 1ZWZZMMU1-Z , “gm - Z‘it'1j11Z'Z/ZZ'ZZ-QZ“ 1111 ». eh , (I .- fig W". . n.,,// . aj < E Z Z “WP Z 1/11 "Z 311‘ Z 1‘ Z11 1; 5 Z Z‘ waw 1W. Z ”1‘ ZujZZZ-‘Z ‘ ‘ fi‘ ‘ 111% Z I M Z 1 111me Z» Z - Z5211, ; .I‘ g. '1 ”WM 9 . I, “1111‘“; TFZM “Z Q n) 9 .2 I _. 0’0) 9‘6 81 Z J ‘ a o l l 1‘ W1 (3‘9“. ‘ " ' ' Z ' 0}) 3V- " n' a» ‘1. , a : I ‘ ‘1’; {D NMH‘ 330-1115 g S I . .. . . I, E v#mww“ Mk; % -. 1 it; 7:1:A7‘d UmEzzabcur ,, .1!» e . . a n i“ 1 .. o from 5:3 “W ZZZ {Z . , .' J , . . : . ZZZZ‘Z 1mmu<1ZZI II 1 I ‘§:\\\ n a o ‘ ., 39W «I: Ifwxr Q) Z\1‘““‘“\' »,I I gfimfi‘k f e 1 _ A In In a 8 a I 1513'? and SI 0 1 ady 01“ M“ » ' 1-wa a 5“ Q Q" ZN“ w: Z111\\WZZZ~ZZZIIIZ¢\_ m4 ‘ Z111“ mm“ mm. ZZ. WW1“ “W“ “ZZZZZZng‘ buJeNzif'eh (Rob?) 1 athB ee \ ZZZm‘Z” WIW WWII/um,“ “Nuum/l/M/WI 'k ,.ZZ/,Z1,‘,1'7,I1111Z1 I 31° I Z Z, {$1 .Z\\\1 X \\ 6 11‘¥‘\‘\\\\\\\/ , \«11'113‘1\\\;’/ ‘ $1111 "-1 ‘- Mum,“ I 1. mum 5M?; "X @ 5 ~ Z. : , V1 . , ax .Z @111 WTMZZZ~§w\ZMln-uf11%num WZNV’ZZ/unmv‘w”"’1’"""‘"‘.S‘ @ “$5. ,IIIVIZA Z” Z. Z e uwlwu b W Z m1? WV “$111111! ., IIZZZ» I _ I ‘2 1mm!” gWuRm” ‘1. ~1‘W‘Z”1m "mum- \ $111va Z\ ”W I), III _: § . 5/1, my” A Z 4' ”"1 u}, I gunwmfi'w‘“ Zym‘fl‘ / f ; r IIlZanZZ ~.\ § I\\ /_\ w “WWW/I Q “HauWhm/Mw’nmuuxm‘“ . 3 II § I §II§§I g '1ZZZWZZZ, d ‘ _1 \\ W93 ‘5 g ”g <; $1 . \\\°\“‘“\\>\T51u}‘ . sully/1M1” I *3 I \ M“ Z. 11 ’ WI» ‘ x“ y». , _ ,.;a 1 / z'Z‘ E’" 1W IIM“ X, @MWN mm“VmwwymixfimV Z6 I Z“I _ 11W: “Zuni-11W” A i O ? hfofEtiom) D] 34° 30' East of Greenwich Stanford’s GeographzlcaL Estathondon/I. Trd‘.’ San/Mia's, Geog.” . L ondon: John Murray} A, Albemarle Street. V‘A ‘. ‘ . 15.21pm), «A» ‘1' 4 ”SE ' .» Mgr-Mu. : ‘09“ .r » (. 2.1'.fi7‘) . «is 5‘3. vs? 3', '1“ , ‘1 ‘ mu - 3‘ u. ”:95 w ' figfi‘“? I». u L ”‘3 " '.‘ marvsf... / w: 3 n5 g/ , iv .5»:- .‘vw'uv 41» .; ){A 4. "9mg"; 4 Ma A»? Monastery; Mari, Plain; Mezra’ah, Farm ; Nahr, River; Neba, Fountain; Neby, Prophet; Nagb, Pass; Ras, Cape, Head of Stream; Sahel, Plain; Sail, Torrent ; Hill, Mound, natural or artificial (p1. Tellah) ; Um, Mother; Wady, ValleR_ el- ’21 bddeh el- Abadiyeh Abana R. ’A bdni Abarim, Mountains of el- A basiyeh A bassiyeh ’ A bayeh "A bbin A bdeh A bd el- Kader Abd en-Neby ’A bdin Abdon , A bdiin Abel-Beth-maachah Abel- Ceramim Abel-Meholah' Abel-Mizraim Abel-Shittim Abez . > . , A bit Abila / ’Ahil el- Kamh ’A bilin A brdh ' Aba Abdallah ,. Abu .’Ammar Aba ’A‘rabeh Abael- Aswad Aha el- ’Auf Abdel Abu Dis Aha Dis Aha Hassein ( Ab’a Kabés ‘ Aba Kahut Aba Kamhah Aba Kharib _ Aha Khash Aha Lemma Abu Nakla Aha S’aideh Aha Shi’isheh Aha Shzisheh Abu Sindn Abu Tarafi Abu Tarik Aba Teraifeh Aha Tameis Aba Taraibeh Aha Zeitan‘ A be Zilrelc Accho ’ Ace Aehor, Valley of Achshaph Achzib Acrabi Acre, Bay of el- A'dadah Adam ’Adas Adida ‘ ’Adiliyeh Adithaim ’Adliin Adora Addraim _ Adraa Adullam Adummim el- ’Adaziyeh Aenon Aere el- ’11 f in eh el- A fiileh ’Ahiry ' Ahlab Ai ’Aiha . Aijalon Aijalon Aijalon, Ailebiin ’Aimeh' Ain el- ’Ain ‘Ain Aha ed- Daraj 4’Ain Aha el- Hafiiir ’Ain Aha Maseir ’Ain Abris ‘ ’Ain el- ’Alcabah ’Ain el- ’Aras Valley of -’Ain ’Ata iAin ’Ata ’Ain el- ’Aujeh ’Ain Bdal ’Ain el- Baricleh "Ain el- Beida , , w’Ain el- Beida ’Ain el— Beida ’Ain el— Beldt ’Ain el- Berdy ’Ain el- Bardk ~ ’Ain el- B‘awarideh ’Ain Dekar ’Ain edh Dhirweh ’iAin ed- Dilb ’Ain Dale ’Ain Eshlcali ’Ain Eyiib ’Ain Fdrah ’Ain el— Feshkhah ’Ain Fit ‘ ’Ain Fasa‘il ’Ain el- Ghuweir ’Ain Ghazal ’Ain el- Habis ’Ain Hajla ’Ain Hameleh ’Ain Ham'al ’Ain Haniyeh ’Ain el- Hardmiyeh ’Ain el-‘ Hamish \ ’Ain Hand wmooaobow0066OwOQQQUdomduwodoOUOQQOUOooobowQQUQQdewMdpowgooowmwovowoodooowcwwo5wQUwoudoowQouoooocdowoobddocbbbuuodwoodmomumHug admmdommooafc‘oacGosvoc-aao‘o‘c‘mfiumac‘mc‘c‘momfiammcwmcamopoc‘oooc‘mb‘amoomc‘wc‘ammmomc‘c‘ooocameommmcoocmoafiac‘momoommc‘moamoc‘cchaomoc‘mc‘ommc‘mvwwaopop ’ _’Ain Haar ’Ain Hawrat ’Ain Hdziir ’Ain Helweh ’Ain Hemar iAin Hersha lAin Hujeir ’Ain Husab ’Ain Jiiliid ’Ain el- [amid ’Ain Iaryah ’Ain Iazir ’Ain lbl ’Ain Jehdir ’Ain Ienmeh ' ’Ain Jidy ’Ain Jifr ’Ain el— Joheir ’Ain Iskanderiina ’Ain' Jarfa ’Ain Karimi ’Ain el- Kase’rem ’Ain Kata ’Ain Kebz‘r ’Ain Keir ’Ain Kemi’a ’Ain Khaniyeh ’Ain Khurwa’ah ’Ain Kiratah ’Ain el- de ’Ain Kanyeh ’Ain Kunyeh ' ’Ain Kasab’a ’Ain el— Lebweh ’Ain Mfihil ’Ain Mahis ’Ain Makhaz 7 ’Ain el- Meiyiteh ’Ain el- Mellahah ’Ain el- Mclh’i‘leh ’Ain el- Mas‘siah ’Ain el- Mizrdb ’Ain Makhna ’Ain .Musa'd ’Ain Musheiri/‘eh ’Ain Nini ’Ain N ankar ’Ain er- Raiya ’Ain Rawy ’Ain el- Bcdhuan ’Ain Rubia ’Ain Sc’ird ’Ain Sarah ’Ain es- 'de ’Ain es- Sekkeh ’Ain Shems ’Ain Sinia _ *Ain Suleiman ’Ain es- Sultan ’Ain Sar’ah ’Ain Tannarah ’Ain Tanoari ’Ain et- Terab ’Ain Terdbeh ’Ain ‘Tera’in ’Ain Tin ’Ain et- Tin ’Ain et- Tin l’Ain et- Tineh ’Ain Tinta ’Ain Tarma ’Ain Un ’Ain Ut ’Ain Yale ’Ain Y ebriid ’Ain el- Yemen ’Ain Yasha ’Ain Zebi’lb ’Ain ez- Zeitiin Aindn Aineh ’Aim’in ’Aireh ’Aiteh ’Aiteh esh- Shah Aithat ez- Zat ~ Aithenz‘th ’Aitheriin Ajeilat ’Ajjeh ’47)??? - ’Ajlan Ajliin ’Akabah el- ’Akahah ’Akabeh Akadi ’Akbeh Akeb eel-Bibs ’Akir Akita ~ ~ Akka, Bay of ’Akka, Plain of Aklim el— Belldn .’Akraba Akrabeh ’Akrabeh ’Ahar el- ’Al Alakhi el- ’Alalx‘z‘my‘ Alammelech ’Alarn Eda. Alain Alemeth Alexandrosohene ’Alia Aljiah ’Alkin -’Allar el- F olca ’A Hair 03- Sitla , Alleilcah ’Ain el- M udaawarah ’Akrabany, Canal Akrabbim, Ascent of Album Promontorium dooguoooocoodduoowomwUQwowdooodObwdeOUOQQUOUQQbUOQQUQHUUUUUUOUOUwQQQwbbdobwaC¢O%QOOdbUOUUOUwUUOEUQOUGCUOUOUOOUOOHUUOOOUUUOUQ c‘o o o‘éac‘c‘m c‘paQ-o can: calm and: mp‘c‘c‘o o a CD 1.50 o o $9 panama: 9'0 0‘80 C‘c‘c‘o 9m 59p mc‘qQ a: 0 so so an 6‘80 0 c‘c‘m-bc o o C‘CD o a.) o a: new ma: puo‘c‘a o a: d‘a 915 c‘c‘c‘cfo pap-no :0 mc‘c‘cb e do a: a 9.0.0:; o: 0"me mono O‘Q-ICD Hoot; c‘c‘pupaooq c“ ‘ ’Almé'n . Amathus v’Anz ‘ Aphek‘ - Arti’if PALESTINE; Arabic Words: Aha, Father; fAin, Fountain; Aral, Plain ; Bahr, Sea or Lake; B. Beit, House; Belad, District; Bint, Daughter (pl. Bendt); Bir, Well; Birket, Pool; Barj, Castle, Tower; Deir, Convent, Residence ; Derb, Road; Ibn, Son (pl. Bani); Jebel, Mountain; Jisr, Bridge; Kefr, Village; Khan, Inn, lodging-place; Khirbet, Ruin; Kalah, Kalat, Castle; Kurn, Horn (pl. Karat»); Karyeh, Town; Kasr, Castle; Mar, ’A lma .’A lm-a A lmaniyeh A lmit Almon Alsadamus mons el- ’Alya Alya Judiyeh Amdlalca ’Améteh Amdteh Amathus ’Amkah ~ el- Ammaga; Plain of Ammah Amman ’Amra ’Amran Armilrah' el- ’Ami’in Amareh ’Amfiria ’Amwis Anab’ ’Andb el- ’Ana‘b ’Ana'ta Anathoth Anazeh ’Anebta ’Anjar " el— ’Armdheh el- Ansdriyeh Anti—Libanus Antipatris Antfibeh Anza Apherein - Aphinith Apollonia Ar Rabbath) Moab Ara a. Arabah or the Plain Arabah or the Plain, Sea of . . ’ Arab Salim Arad ’Ara’in el- ’Araj Ara-k Arak el— Emir ' ’Ardk el- Menshiych Arak es- Suwcidin Aram Aramta - ’Ardneh ’Ar’dr ’Ar’drah ’Ar’drah Arbain Arbela Arbela Arbin Archelais Ard el— ’Ahmar Ard el- Ahmar', or Hamma Ard el- Batanyeh Ard Belchet-el—’ U sfareh Ard el— Fedayein Ard el- Hamrna Ard el- Hamma Ard el— Hawi Ard el— H aleh Ard el- Khait Ard el- K hiydrah Ard el- Masa Ard Ramadan Ard Serada Arcl Um Ezzabair Areopolis Argob ’Aril, Spring Arimatheea Arimatheea Arimathaea. Arjdn Arji‘in el- Arki’ib ’Arli‘it Armageddon ’Arneba Arnon R. Armin ’Arm’itieh ’Arny Aroer Aroer Aroer Arrdbeh ’Arrcibeh ’Arrdbeh or Y a’bz‘id Arsfif ’Arti’iz ’Arahbb‘neh ’Arfirah. ' ’Ary Asafneh el- ’Asalz‘yeh Ascalon Asdz‘id Ashdod Asher Ashid el- ’Ashilc Ashkelon Ashrafiyeh el- Ashrafiyeh Ashtaroth ~ Ashteroth Karnaim Ashteroth-Karnaim awemmwwcowwwwowoemwwooodbwuoucoooonvoowdmwbbewaddwbommwu Oomddbowmcuwwwwcbuobc couwwccdwowcowcouoouoouowocowmougcdccuuomoooggg acran-nooommmmc‘c‘mmmaoommmomomo‘c‘bmomomomoéoocmdmv‘dc‘ ompaammmompmomooommwg .’Atdra . Bashan ' oc‘o cfc‘moc‘Q-moaoaonuac‘mfianaaaamo mc‘oc'moaaac‘naonuaamommc‘m c‘c‘o c‘oooc‘aoo watercourse ; Wely, a Saint’s Tomb. Ruins; Br. Bridge; R. River; L. Lake. ’Asireh ’A skar ’Askulan ’Aslaj ’Aslfin Asofehis, Great Plain o Asphaltites Lacus Asyah Hasweh Atad ’Ataman \ ’Ata'ma‘t Atdra ’Atdra Ataroth ’Atébe el— ’A teibeh. ’Athlit Athrin ’Athshith Ati‘l ’Atshith ’Attarfls Attil ’Attir {Ataf' ’Aulam Aulon Auranitis ’Aasarin ’Autaya Avith ’Awad A’waj, Sources of the el- ’Awaleh ’Awas ’Awerta Ayiyeh el- Ayfln ’Ayan el- Assawir ’Ayz‘in ed- Dheib ’Ayiin Mdsa Again 68— Seman Azabarah ' el— Azariyeh Azdzimeh Dhulldm Azebiyeh el- Foka Azebiyeh et- Tahta Azekah Azem . Azmaveth Azmfit Azotus Azfir Azzah Azziyeh Azzrin Baalah Baalath Baalath Beer Baal Gad Baal Hermon Babila Babliyeh Bab Safiit el- Badaliyeh Bahr-bela-mi Bahr el— Haleh Bahr Lilt Bahr Tnbariyeh Bahret el- ’Ateib‘eh Bahret Bdla Bahret el— Hijanel/ Bahret el- Kibliyeh Bahret esh: Sharkiych el— Ba’ineh Bdith Bak’ah Bakah G‘harbiyeh Bdkah Sharkiyeh Bakhjeh Bdla Baldt Ba’lin el- Bdlii’a Baht’a el— Bdneh Banias Banias, Canal Bardzin el- Bdrid el- Barihah Barin ‘ Barish Basaliych Basha Bashan, Hill of el— Basuriyeh Ba’t Batanaea Batanaea. Battinah Bathanyeh Bathihah, Plain of Batim el— Baubariyeh Baarin Bawdna el— Bawdty el— Baweidah cl; Bedeih Bedia Bedias Bedas Beeroth Beer-Sheba . , Beer-Sheba, Desert of Behariyeh B'ehem Beida Beisan' Beit ’Afia l‘ Mdmwdbdwmcomwdooo o0>cwoopauuw0UUUdowmoMuddbmcmueoeobowowwwwaQQMdeuo wa30 sure: mommmam manocc‘aomcmmn-o Weaning-o menu-”pm c‘o c‘vasv c‘cpmaupuoooc‘m‘o. F wdbwm>wooaoUEhbaouaddwMacawuocwbowmuodawmmoooawo a: Sap-Io SD roar-ho pac‘naQ-c’mQ-Dac‘m o 0 {Japan p-c‘o o QuQaU‘D-to 9-0 c‘c‘o. H39 62 O‘C‘o man-mo :0 crcr‘c‘c‘o. mU‘mC‘QIU‘U‘U'C‘mD-ow plthD. gig-i ' Beit ’Endn ‘ Beit 1dis . Beit Karl ‘ Bela’liyeh Beit ’A hurt Beit ’Ainiin Beit ’Alam, Beit ’Amreh Beit ’Aras Beit ’Atab Beit ’Aawa Beit Dejdn Beit Dejiin Beit Dimreh Beit Dirdis Beit Duhkah Beit Bards Beit Ella Beit nghiir Beit Far Beit Fez'jfir Beit Farih Beit Hanina Beit Haran Beit Haskeh Beit Haleh Beit Hanan Beit Iabr Beit Jdla Beit I ha Beit el- Jémdl Beit Jenn Beit Jenn Beit Jenn Beit Ierja . Beit I ibrin Beit liz Beit I ksa Beit I lfa Beit Imrin Beit Issa Beit el— Kerakch Beit el- K erakeh Beit K heirdn Beit el- Karm Beit Lahm Beit Lahm Beit Lehya Beit Lehia Beit Lid Beit Lif ,Beit Lukie Beit Mirsim Beit N d’im Beit Nebdla Beit Nettif Beit Nilbah Beit Nakkdba Beit Rima Beit er- Bash Beit Sdbir Beit Safdfa Beit Saham Beit Sdhiir Beit Sdhdr el- Atilcah Beit Sakarieh Beit Sawa Beit Shit Beit Sira Beit Sar Beit Sar’ah Beit Sarilc Beit Sdsin Beit Ta’mar Beit Tima Beit el- Tima Beit Tulina Beit Tuza Beit Ula Beit Ummar Beit Unia Beit ’ Ur cl- .Fdlca Beit Ur et- Tahta Beit Uzin Beit Zdra Beit Za’ter el- Beitdny Beitariyeh Beitima Beitin Beja ‘ L. el- Bejjeh ,Belca Belckifa Bela Bela’at _ Belad Besharah Belad esh- Sheik/2, . Belad esh- Shakif‘ Beldt Beldt Belfort .el= Belka el- Bel/ca Belus B. . Belvoir Benayet Beni Hair/6n Beni Harith Beni Isma’il Beni Mdlilc Beni Massah‘ Beni Na’i‘m Bani Obeid Beni Baish Beni Saab Beni Salim Beni Zeid Benit Bennah Berachah Berba Berdela Bored Bereilritt .Berfilieh wawpadouwowadOQOPQQvUQwCUwQMconcouwmwobfifioUOQQOoQonwcwowoowmoocwomwooawwmwooowwoocadoooooowwwdoowbmoowoadooowooowowwowwouawoa ocanvac‘c‘mmmmmoaammc‘moomcc‘c‘c‘pc‘ec‘ommmaoab‘c‘mmmmaooocpmonoamocomopmoac‘voc‘maumamww‘moc‘paac'ocmasavanna-nod:omac‘doomannaa:mc‘cpwag-waooamcocpnummcpamaar Bir el- Kalab 'Bir es- Seba’ ~ Biydr Bedan , el- Bukci’a Berkiisieh Berta Berteh Bessam Bethabara Beth-anoth Bethany Beth Arbel Beth-baal—meon Beth-Dagon Beth-Dagon Bethel Beth-Ema]: Beth=Gamul Beth-hac-cerem Beth-Haran Beth-hoglah Beth-horon Beth J eshimoth Bethlehem ' Bethlehem Beth-Marcaboth Beth-Nimrah Beth-Rehab Bethsaida Bethsaida Beth-Shean ' ‘ Beth-Shemesh Beth-Shittah Beth Tappuah Bethulia Beth-Zacharias Beth:Zur Betogabra Betonirn Betonium el— Bey'ddh Bezaiz el- Beze'iyeh Bezer Bidda Bint Jehcil Bint Sheikh Lat Bir’ Adis Bir Arabi Bir ’Ashit Bir el— Ghaal Bir Jedrii Bir Kasam Bir el- Kaas Bir el- Keneiseh ' Bir el- Khalil Bir el- Khusneh Bir el- Legami Bir Moriyah Bir en- Nahl Bir en- Nasdra Bir Nehcila Bir es- Sabil Bir Selhiib Bir es- Sharky Bir es- Sifala . Bir es- Seir Bir Tireh Bir el— Ud B ir ez- Za’fercinch Bir es- Zeit el- Birch el- Bireh Biria ’ Birket el— Amud Birket el- Asal , Birket Derddrah Birket el— Jish Birket el- Khalil Birket el- K ’taineh Birket Na‘m Birlcet er- Ram el- Birriyeh el— Birweh Bisreyin Bistan Bittir el— Biya'd el- Biydd Bizjothjath-Baalah Bizzdriyeh Bhustah elé Bleij Bostra Bozrah Bozrah Breilca Badras Bughamo el- Biikd’a el— Balc’ah Bukasem el- Bakei’a el- Bakei’a, Plain of Baklcc’ir Buleida Barak Barri/c Burbarah Bard el- Bureij Bureilciyeh Bareiky Bureir Burg/Luz el— Burj el— Bari el- Bari Barf el- Ataat Bar] ’Azzil Burj el- Barah Biirj Beitin Barj el- Fari’a Barj el— Kalawcih Barj en- N ’meirah Barj er- Rahal . _ QUQQCUO{7deWUbdedbdhfibdtliUUOOQUOUUUOOWUMWQO>@100dewCtdUUUQQUUUUQQOOQwaOOdeOOdedeQdeWMOUJ'QQWUOOUHF}OUUUSCGQQOWUC‘UUUPQQUQUUOEQOOwUUQOUQQQw MAPS 35 a 86‘. ‘ eds Deir wwcmavamommc‘maomooc‘ac‘eo‘oU‘o940.0«0‘00?onnabbc‘o‘c‘moc‘oac‘ommc‘q‘mmocacao000Cami-enact»oaafi-o'omomc‘ooU‘OQ-mc‘aammcmmfiamawmmomonoc‘amoocpoooonaoa:flan-aoaomomao Barj Shimaliyeh Barka Burka Burkah Burhin Biirhash Burmeh Barak Burzeh Basdn Buseir Buseir el- Hariry el- Buseireh Baslaya Basra Bussah el- Bataniyeh Batasheh el- Butein Batriyeh el- Battaaf el- Buttaaf, Plain of el- Baweida Buzineh Bydd 68- said Cabul Caesarea Ceesarea Palestinee Ceesarea Philippi Callirhoé Cana Canatha Caparcotia Capernaum Caphar Barucha. Capharsaba' - Capitolias Carmel Carmel, Cape Carmel, Mt. Castellum N ovum Castellum Peregri— norum Cedron Chabolo Charashim, Valley of Chasalus ’ Chephirah Cherith, Brook Chesalon Chesnlloth Chinnereth, Sea of Chisloth—Tabor Choba Chokeyra Chorazin Chrysorrhoas R. Cison R. Coreee Costigan Pt. Crocodile R. Cyamon Daberath Dahar el— Ahmar Daharel— Salah Dd’il ed- Daliyeh Daliyeh er- Roha Dalmanutha. ed- Dam dea els- ’Alya' Damascus ‘ deeh ed- Da‘mon Dam-an Dan Dan-jaan Danian Daphne ed- Dar ed- Darah Ddr er- Biash Darciya Dareiya Dariyeh Datras ed- Daumeh ed- Daameh Dawabi ed- Dawdimch Dead Sea Debir Delnirieh Debriseh Decapolis Defen Deflen ed- Defianeh Dehama Dehmesh Dehzile, ecl- Deir ed- Deir‘ ecle- Deir ed— Deir Deir ’Abc’z‘n Deir Aha Hameial Deir Aba M esh’al Deir el- Abi’id Deir el’- Adas Deir el- ’Adis Deir Ahmi’id *Deir Akaba Deir ’Aly Deir Amar Deir ’Ammis’ Deir Antar Deir el- As’acl Deir el- Asafir Deir el~ ’Asal owqumUUOOUOdccowaw eowcuwoeoeoeewwo acmmoeommcaaammomoo'o Ombooowwdeowmmwmeadooowo wmQQQOEb0mmdoUowdboowwwwwwUUOOUwOoOwwdwbonQQdOOOHEQUOOEOUQ ”cowwocoovacamoo99opawnmmaaaammaammmanwmaNUGGVaobma@aooaopa Shaikh, Elder, Chief; S2215, Market; Tell, U‘c‘c‘a ac‘ao a: do @W-czct‘c: 8° rap-«Unified: o c." U‘aamapaaarlaoac‘ooo Mitre 35 a. 36. gala 5.0 o o 0 ca cram: o Go a: macro-‘50 o c‘cp H50 5"th o as 0 arm 320 o mc‘ma U‘o Hat-ho o o a o CT'Q-ICT'O 0 0‘0 0 ram: 0 C‘p-IU‘SD d: o fiec‘u‘c‘mo Fume-'94:: are: no a: s: o o 39 o a 9-9 G has: so 9-46": mo sumo-'9 pica-panamac‘w‘namc‘so no 90"?) <9 9 to :3 Us: d‘mc‘pup 9.9.9 11 PALE S TINE . Deir ’Ayfib C e Edrei E c_ _ Giscala. C b Hill Country B f Jebcl Hadhiw‘zh B g Jilfilia G d Kefr Argz‘b D Dcir Balm C d ‘Edumia. C d Gitta C .d er- Him D c Jehel el— Hadith D f Jfljfilz’eh B d Kefr ’Auna ~ B Deir el- Belah A f Eglon B 6 el- (ihuuw‘r D c Hing A D b Jebel Hakdrt D (1 el— Jimdfineh F b Kefr ’Awdn D Deir el- Bentit C e Eib E - b Gain? 0 e Hippos D c Jebel Hamaz’y’idh B g Jimium C e qur Batna . ' E Dew'r Bezi’a C e Eidfin D c Go’eideh E b Hiram, Tomb of C b 'Jebel Haskin C d Jimrin. C e Kefr .Beita C Deir el—~Bfitm B e E'jboiret D e Golan D b 91- Hit F c Jebel Hatrz‘n'a O f Jimzu B‘ e Kefr Bir’z'm . C Deir dea el- Juam' E c Ekrebel C d Gophna C 6 el- [Jig/(it F o ' Jebel Hanran F c Jins sent 0 d Keffr Bassah 0, Deir Dubbdn B e Ekron B e ‘ Hobah E a Jebel Ilez'sh D b Jz'nsinZg/a C a Kefr Dawar ' ' D Deir Duwa‘n C e Elah, Valley of C e Horem C b Jebel Hema'r D e Jiphthah #61, Valley Kefr Dé'm's n ‘ D Deir Duwdn C e Elealah D e Hablzz’ish C b Hormah B g Jebel Humeh D e of C c qur Danin/ G Deir Esneid B e Eleutheropolis B e Habeileh C e d- [forwasi E c Jebel. Jabz‘as D 6 el- Jish , C b Kefl Ettehf,//' C . Deir Estieh . C d Ellér C d Habis D 0 el- Hoseniych E b Jebel Jalul D e Jisr Bena't Y akéb D b Kefr Fan 0 Dear Ghabi'yeh E b Eiquah E ’0 el— Habis F c Hat F c Jebel Jedz’c'a C d Jisr Damieh D d Kefr'Gada'ra . C Deir Ghilzab C d Elusa. B f Hableh B d Housin 3 e Jebel Jermain C b Jisr el— Ghuja'r D b qur Haddadeh D Dez'r Ghnssdneh C d Emmaus B o ‘ el- Hadb B f Howa'r D e Jebel Jerrah D f Jisr Ka’ha’é‘yeh ‘ O b Kefr el- Haz‘yeh C Deir el- Ghusfi‘n C d Emmaus C~ e Hadad-rimmon C c Hoyet F c Je'bel Jz'ahl E e Jisr Khaz’dhah D d qu'r Hama’m D Deir el- Hajar E b Endk F d Hadarah B c Habin C e Jebel Kafka/”ha D' d Ji'sr Khardela D b Key“? Hdreth C Deir Hanna 0 c Endor C c Hadddthah C b Hudeijeh I) d Jebel Kalabat el- . Jisr el- Kur’an D a. Keir Ham‘b - D Deir el- Hatab C d Endfir C c Hadid B e el—_Hadhaz’mh O f - .Mezzeh E b Jisr el- Mejév’mf’a — D c Kefr Hatta B Dei'r el- Hawa C e En—gannim C (1 el— Hadi'deh E. b Haj B e Jebel Kalamz’in _ E a. Jisr Rabin B _e qur Hatta . C Deir Jerur C e En-gedi O f Hadr’det el- Je-rash E b el- Hajeefreh I) g Jebel Kasyan 4 G a Jisr Um el— Kamitir D c 'Kefr Hauwar . D Deir Kadis C e En-Haddah B 0 el- Haditheh B e Hukkok l c Jebel Kerah ‘1 e Jisr Zurh‘a B c Kefr Hetteh A Dei'r Kanon C b En-hak-kore B f Hadjch C b Hdleh C b Jebel Kh’iya'rah E b Jisreh E b Kefr Hdda . D Deir Kanon‘ C b Ephraim C 9 el— Hadr F b el— Hfileh C b Jebel Khubamh O f Jism'n E a, Kefr Haneh D Deir el- Kcisy C b Ephraim, Mt. C d Haeidba C b el- Huleh D' b Jebel Karuntal J 9 el- Jig/eh B e Kefr Jaaz O Deir Kattz‘n D a Ephron, Mount 0 e Hafdir Jerrah D f Hulhfil C e Jebel Libnfin ‘D b Jizeh E c 'Kefr Isha C Deir el- Khudr C e Erhah C 0 el- Haf'r ‘ '1‘) b Humma'm Suleiman D .g Jebel Maderah B g Jébar - E a. Kefr I stuna O Deir I bn Khulmf E c Ershfif C b 'el- Hagre I) g Humrah D b Jebel Mdni’a I b Johl el- Ghaleh B f chr Jemmdl O Deir I bn Obeid C e Esdraelon C c Haifa B c Humsiyeh I) a. Jebel Manjel ' : B ; —f . J okneam C c 'Kefr Jenis 2, B Dei'r el- Khuwa't F c Esdraelon. Plain of . C c Haifa C c Hfin’o’n D b Jebel Mar Elyas 7 B o J oppa B d Kefr Jerddeh . ' O Deir el- Kuldh C d 61- Esf’iyeh C c Haimer D f Hdrah l b Jebel Mdrén C 1;b " 'el- Jorah B e qur Jerrah ’ O Deir el— Kunn F d Eshcol, Vale of C e Hajar Lesbah 0 6 el— Harcik E c ’ Jebel Mastabeh ' D "11 Jordan R. D b Kefr Jyé'n C Deir el— Leben F c Eshmz'ski'n E c Hajar en- Nusrany ' O 0 el— Hureimeh D c Jebel Mehokkah C b Jordan R. D» c Kef'r Kaddfim ' C Deir el- Ma’az F d Eshtaol C e Hajeli B c el- Hareiyz'k E c Jebel Meisatreh D (1 Jordan R. D d qur Kanfr C Deir Ma’in C e Eshtemoa O f el- Hajfra E b Harfash C b ‘ Jebel Mezar D (1 Jordan R. D e Kefr Karah C Deir Mar E 13168 B c Etam C 6 el— Halas’z‘yeh O b Harj'illeh ‘J b Jebel el— Mazeflcah 0 g Joseph’s Tomb C d Kefr Kasfm O Deir Mar Sdba C e Eznibbeh B e Halhul C 6 'el- Hurshtyeh C c Jebel Neba D 6 J otapata, O c Kef'r Kenna C Deir Mimas D b Ham ~} 6 el— Ha‘sdn C e Jebel Neideh D d Jouah D e Kefr Kily D Deir el- Mir 0 d Hamdm D 9 el- Husésah (f e Jebel Nibbeh D e Jouleh D d Kefr Kfid C - Deir Mirbeh C e Fahmeh C d Hamo’imeh B ‘e Huseifeh F b Jebel Niha D a Jabbdta D, b Kef/r Kan 'D Deir Nakhas B e 654 Faifeh D f Haam' Kursuh l) b d- Hasn D c Jebel ’Orak D f Jubshith C b Kefr Kfih, Plain of D Deir Nileh F b 61- Fdlfijy B 6 el- Hami'r ' E b" Hflzhfiz F c Jebel Osha D d - Judaea. B e' Kefr Kulh‘n 0 Dear es Salt E c Fahtz D d 61- Hammadiyeh C b anzar C b Jebel Rakhamelz‘ E‘ f ’ J udaea, Wilderness of 0 f Kefr el-' tha F Deir Sfimit B e Farah .O b Hammam D c . Jebel e’r- Ram B g el- Jadeideh C c Kef'r Lam B Dei'r Selmdn E b Farah D d Hammam I. B c Ide D c Jebel Ethan D b Judeideh _ C d qur el- Lebad C Deir Seaman C (1 el— Fdrisy C d Hammareh E a el- Ibeib F“ c Jebel Rubai B g Judez'deh G d Kefl' M61179 0 Deir Sendn F 0 el- Farjiyeh ’ C b 'Hammds 1g 0 Ibl D b Jebel- Safed O c Judez'deh D b Kef'r Menda C Deir csh- Sh’air F c Fashat Tell e'r- R638 E b Hammet ’Am‘mah D f Ibn Ibrak B d Jebel Safed D 0 el- Judez'deh E a Kefr Make»); 0 Dca'r esh- Sheikh C e Faa’ara ' ' D‘ c Hamsin ' ' 7 b Ibn JIIa’ an O c Jebel Salman 0 d Jude/ideh 31- K7153 F b Kef’f MimZa O Deir Shaikh Saad C 0 el- Fez'jeh B (1, el- Hdmy E a I dhn a B e Jebel Shanty B g Judevita D d Kefr Mird 0 Dcir Sherms O f Fendehflmiyeh C d Hamzeh C 6. Id m 1. d O b Jebel Shegaib B f J ufna C e' Keir Mishky D Deir esh— Sheraf C d Fendeka'mz‘yeh, Plain Handneh B 0 el— If'z' m C d Jebel Sheggah - D e_ J ulias D c Kefr Maw C Deir es- Siriydn C b of C d Hana‘weh C b 1ft M143 E a. Jebel es’h- Shaikh or. ‘ . Julia-‘3 D e qur Musr C D3177- el- Turmfeh F c Ferdsi‘n C d Ham" B c I'm'snia C d Thelj .D b Julia B e Kef'r Ndfi'b . D Deir Tufif B e Fer’ata C d Hanin C b 1201; D b Jebel Shukif C e Jults B e Kefr Nata O Deir Yesz‘n C e . Ferdtsz'a C d Haphraim C c Ika't C b Jebel .Simtr D d Jfilz's C c Kefr Nefakh " D Deir ez- Zahe'rany C b Ferra'dy' O 0 el— Haram I bn ’Aly Iksal O o Jebel et- Tarfayeh D f Jumeifimeh C b Keflr Rahta D Dcz‘r ez- Zubez'r F c Few-an B e Alez'm B d Ila 3 i m B c Jebel et- Taur ' B f Jumha E o qur Rai ' C Den-at O f Ferran C b Haran F b II? n E c Jebel Talfil B f Janeh E b Kefr andn 0 1381'shnm D b th el- 1mm 0 d el- Harbaji 0 c Imtgn F d Jebel a- Ta 0 c Janeid o d Kefr Ramman . e Delata D b Fersh el- Masa C- d Hareidz‘n D e Irbid . D c Jebel et- Tar C d Janeineh F c Kefr Saba B «201- Delhem’iyeh D c . Fessz’itha C b Harem esh- Sahr E b Irbid D o Jebel et Tfir C e Jurat Merda B d Kefr Sabt 0 ed- Delhemiyeh E b F 17c ,, D c Harem esh- Sahr F b Iron 0 b Jehel Uni. ’Adweh D d el- Jarez'n E o Kefr Sata D Delwi D b Fir’z'm D c Hdret Saida C a Irtah . ‘B d Jebel Um Karayeh D f Jurez'ya O a. ‘ Kef'r Seir 0' ed- Dem C e‘ Fokharah D e Hareth C d ’Isawiz eh G e Jebel Um Rujfim O f Jfirish‘ C d Kefr Shems E Der,“ E 6 Frank Mountain -0 0 el— Harf F c Ishiboolj O c Jebel Zerka E d Jarrah B f Kefr Shnba D Derb el— Ghazawat F b 61- fi'nhez'a \ D d Harfar C b Isk an dar C o Jcbel Zib/iyeh B f elo Juaeir B e Kef'r 6% O De'rb el- Haj (Pilgrim Ffiki‘n C et el- Hart's C b Ituraea. D b Jcbel— Zibfid C c ' Juth C c Kefr 827, D road to Mecca) E c Fnkfija C“ (1 el— Harise F c I 12 n F c Jebin D d J uttah O f Kefr 8221' D~ Derb el-Haj(Do.) E 6 el— Fvn‘leh C c Ham'sta E b y Jedal E- b Jaweia . C b Kefr Susseh E Derb el- Haj (D0.) E f Fuliyeh D .c Harista el- Bassal E a . Jedez'deh B 9 el— Juwezlél F c‘ Kefr Thnban D Derb es-S’in C a Fundak 0 (1 el- Haritheh G d Ja’a'rah O c Jedeideh C b Juweimeh E c' Kefr Thulth 0 el— Dereejeh D f (32- Furdis D 'b Ham'theh esh- Shemd- J abbok R. D d Jedeideh E b ' Kefr Tibnft D Dendayeh C b el— Furez’dis B o _?i'yeh C d J abesh Gilead 1) d Jedireh C e A qur Yajsif C Dendayeh C b Farkha C d Harmz'si O . c Jab‘ir E c Jed’Zg/eh ‘ E b Ka’abz‘nehr O f Kef'r Zakari‘ya B Denna 0 c Fasdil C (1 el- Harnbee D b 62- Jab’iyeh D c Jedna B 9 el— Kabery O b Kefr Zeit ‘ D Denniibeh C (1 el- Futian E e Harod, Well‘of G c Jabneh B 6 .el- Jedz’ideh E e Kabr el- 1368th F b Kofm ’ O Demon-ban C e Harosheth ‘ ' C c J acob’s Well 0 d Jednr C e" Kabr Hairan 0 b Kefrah O Dhah'ret Ashhil D d Harothieh . C c Jafa'r D f Jedar D b Kabr es- Sit E b qurez'n C Dhah'ret el-Maktdl D d Gabdb es- Shdweri O f Har'rdn E c Jabaz D. e Jedar E b el- Kaba ' C‘ 9 el— Kefrein F Dhahret el-Mulcdl D d Gabara. _ C c Harrdn E c‘ J ahaz D f Jefat O c Kabal O o Keilah B ' Dhekir F b Gabatha C c Harrdn el— ’Aa’amid F b Jahazeh .D 9 el- Jefneh F 0 el- Kabnn E a Keires F . Dhibz‘zn ' D f Gadara. D c el- Harto' " O c Ja’idiyeh F b Jehalin 0 f Kadditha O b el~ Keisa F Dht'kkrin B d ,Gadir el- Haj F b Hamlf ‘ ’ C b Jdla C e Jehalin, Camp 0 f Kadez’sa, tahta and foha D b Keisi'n ’ C Dhikrz‘n B e Gadir Hasd F b Harziyeh O b Jaltin D 0 el- Jehamineh D 0 el- Kadem E b Kenakf'r E. «1- Dhoheri‘yeh B f Gaisiyeh B f Hasbez'ya D b Jalaud D (1 el— Jeham’ineh .D c Kadis ‘ D q Kendkir F Dhuneibeh D b_ Galilee . O c Hassani’yeh— C a.- Jamal C (1 el- Jehua C 9 el- Kafeir D e Kenath F edh- Dhaneibeh E c” Galilee, Sea of . D 0 el- Hasy B f Jalfil D 6 Jehud B d Kafkaya C .b el— Keneiseh- B ed- Diate F c Gamala. D c Hather D b Ja-lfin C 0 el- Jelmd’iych C b Kaisafiyeh B c Kerah C Didteh ' E c Gath" B e ‘ Hatta . ‘ B e Jamneel B e Je’ida O c Kaitaleh C- a, Kerah D 37:55.11 0 b Gath B e ' Hattin O c J amnia B e Jez'da F c Ka’ka’tyeh C b Kemk D Dibbdfiyeh C d Gath-hepher_ O c IIatti'n, Plain of C 0 el- Janieh C e 61- Jeinc’it F C de6n B d Kerak D Dibbz‘n D b Gaulanitis D b el— ‘Haadeh B g J anoah C (1 el- Jeita F c Kaké‘n C 6 el- KerahV E Dibbfn _ D d Gaza. A e Haudela C d J aphia. C c Jeiyas C d’“ Kalaweih C b Ke’rdneh D Dibl i C b Geba C d \d- Haurd B f Japho . B d ’Jej’in D c Kaila. - C a Ke‘raam Aha el—Hoscin D. Dibon D f Geba 0 e Hauran E c Jarantn D d Jelameh B e Kdna . C b Kerdwa C Didy E b Gredor _ , 0 e Haara‘n E c Jardeh C b Jel'ameh O c Kanah . C b Kerez'mbeh D Dilean ‘B e Gennesaret, Sea of D c Haush ed- Duwcir E b Jarfa B e Jelameh C d Kanah, Brook . C .d.« Kerioth . C Dilly E c Gennesaret, Plain of D c Haush Hammar F b Jar’in C b Jelamet es- Subhha D f Kanat’ir Fir’én E c' Kerioth .. ‘ F Dimds E a Gerar A f Hansh el— Kunndbeh D b el- Ja'r’z‘yeh O, b Jelami O' 0 el— Kantarah O b Kerkaya D Dimeshk esh-Sham E b Gerasa D d Haas]: et- Metben E b Jormuth B e Jelbén G d Kara E b Ker/chat O Dimon D f Gergesa D c Hawara ‘ 0' d J armuth U (1 el- Jelfil O c Karahta , E b el- Kerr D Diocaesarea C c Gerizim, Mt'. C d Hawara D c ‘stem E b Jelka‘ma‘s - C d Karaka. D f el- Kesaf D Dionisia F c Gersa D c Hawa'rah D e Jaishur D e Jelfil D e Karfeh E e Ké‘sama F Diospolis B e Gezer ' B d Harwa'reh D 6 J attir O f Jeh’t'n C b Kari/”eh E c Kesla C Direh D b Ghamram G 9 el- Hawayeh D 9 el- Ja’z‘meh D c Jemail D 6‘ el- Karis F c Kesra C Diret et-Tellfil F b Ghardret Esel F c Hazar Shual A f Jan'ra C e Jemai‘n 0 d Karish ‘ C b Kessiyeh B ed- Diflra F b Ghardret el- Kibliyeh F o Hazar Shual ‘ B f‘ el— Jaura D b Jemala D d- Kasz‘l F d Kesztr el- Beshez'r D ed-Dienet C d Gharz E c Hazar Suzim A f Jazel D e Jemmala C 9 el- deimfych F a Kesweh E Dociis C e Ghaatha F c Hazezon-tamar O f J azer D e ' Jemme F d Kasyfin D b Ketez'neh C Dor B c Ghazal D. d Hazfireh C' b Jean d’Acre C c Jem'mirah B e Katana ‘ E b Ketherabba' D Doroa E c el-‘Ghazz‘yeh O a. el— Hazm F b Jeha’ 0, d Jemurfin F 0 el— Katanah . . D b Kethrawdneh C Dothan, Plain of C (1 el— Ghazaleh E b Hazor B e Jeba’ C e Jenadeh ‘ C b Kataneh O 9 el- Kfar C Dra’a D f el— Ghér ‘ D g . Hazor C b Jebd D b Jenbeh O f Katta‘r D 9 el- Khab E Dwihz‘ak D d Ghé‘r el— Mezfim' D f Hazor D b Jebd’a U a. Jendal D b 61- Kattin - .D a Khadrd el— Loz F Dubbeh D e Ghor en- Nimrin D’ e Haz'ra‘ma F a. Jebdb E b Jenin C d el- Kan D d Khalasah B Duheirij F. b Ghor es- Sa’ad D f Hazzeh ' E a. Jeb’ah C e Jennabeh , B e Kaubar G e Khalsa D ed- Duhy C c Ghor es- Sufi D f Hebra'n F 0 el— Jebail B B Jerdsh 0 e Kaahab ' O c . Khan 0 Dfikah D 0 GM? es- Seisiba'n D e Hebrds D c Jebai'n D Jerash D (l Kaukab E b Khan 0 Dulbch E b Ghubaghi'h E b Hebron C a el- Jebal D g Jerba U (1 Kaakab el— Hawa D c Khan 0 Dfima " E a. el- Ghabsiyeh C b 'Heddet Emhanneh B % Jeba'tha C c Jerba F a Kaukaba . D a. el- Khan' 0 Daima F 0 el- Ghajar D b Héisan E Jebbata Khassnp D b -- Jericho C 'e Kaukaba D b el- Khan . .7 D Dumah O f el- Gharbz‘yeh ' B (1 cl- Helalfyeh / C a. Jebev'd C d Jcr‘iyeh l) e Ka’z‘cn C d Khan el— ’Akabah D Dnmmar E a Ghurevjfeh F a. He‘lfiweh D (1 el- Jebel C b Jerja’a D b el- Kauzih C b Khan el— ’Ardjz' F ed- Dar E 0 el- Ghare'iyeh E c Heleph C b Jebel ’Adathz’r C b 62- Je'rm D (1 el- Kawass'imch E e Khan ’A/r’arah C Dflra C e Esh el- Ghuruh ‘ C a el- Helu D e Jebel el- ’Ahsy D f Jerm el- Maw: D d el-Jfaweh C b Khan Denan E el— Daren] B e Ghaso’im E o Hemma'n E b Jebel ’Aithem‘m G b Jermaina cl- Meliha E b el— Kazi'r E e Khan ed- Derasieh ‘ B Dureijat O f Ghussa'n F ‘o Hemtd D d Jebel ’Ajlfin D (1 el- Jermain O c Kebfr. - E b Khan Ebneh B Dureijat D b Ghattah E b Henddy B e Jebel ’Ajlz‘m D d Jer-muk D b el— Kehleh C b Khan Hudhfilr C Duserah B e d- Ghawein 0 f Hepha B c Jebel ’Ajlan D (1 Jerusalem C e ‘Kedes D b Khan Hudh'rar '0 ed— Dustrei B c Ghuzlanfiyeh E b Hepha C c Jebel ’Aré’am O f Jett C d Kedes, Plainvof D b Khan anb Yasnf D Duwez‘mz‘n C o Ghvuzzeh A 9 el- Herath D 'd Jebel ’A'rab . D b Jetu’r D b -Kedesh D b K hdn el- Kasz'mfyeh 0 ed- Duweir C b Ghzeis C b Herbia B e Jebel A'rlaib el- Kheldl D e Jezia E 6 el- Ktafiirat D . c Khan Ming/eh D ed- Duweir C e Gibeah C 9 el- Hermé‘yeh F b Jebel el— Aswad E b Jezireh O b Keferem'y D d Khan Mohammed Ali G aneqfr—bén D c Gibeah ~ 0 9 Little Hermon O c Jebel Attan’is D 9 J ezreel ~ 0 c Kefefin -- C d Khan May'edda O. Duwez‘reh D f Gibeah C e Hermon, Mt. D b Jebel el- Batsh D f' Jezreel, Valley of C c Kefe’rit ' C e Khan and Neh’a el- ed- Duweim‘b E 0 Gibson ~ 0 e Herodium C e Jebel ed- Dahar D b Jezz’in ‘ D a. Kefefiyeh C e Arrad E a. Dzz‘ D d Gilboa. ~ 0 d Hcsbdn 'D e Jeb'el Deidebeh C o Jezzin D a Kefil ' C d Khan (28- Sahil 0 e Gilboa, Mt. C c Heshbon D e Jebel ed- Druze F 0 el- J’éb C 6 el- Kefi’r C d Khan (35- Sh? b E e Gilead D e Hibbdr’iyeh D b Jebel ed— Duhy C c Jibbein O b Keffr ‘ C e Khan esh— Shiha E b Eastern Sea D f Gilead, Mt. D d Hibbeh E c Jehel Dzi D d Jibbet es- Safd E b Kefr ’Abhash C d Khan (23- Bah D b Ebal, Mt. C d .Gilgal B d Hibikke F c Jebel Fula’c'a C c thia C e Kefr Abil D d Khan Tadam D f Ecdippa G b Gilgal C d Hibikke F o Jebel Fureidfis C e Jibia C e Kefr Abra Sabbah C e Khan et- Tujjar C c ’Eddis B e Gilgal C e Hieromax R. . D c Jebel el- Garra _ B g Jtln'a C e Kefr Adan G d Khan Ukbnr B e Edheibeh O f Gimzo B e Hijaneh F b Jebel Ghelan D c Jibin D c ‘Kefr Ahab C e Khan mm A' f ‘dhrd’a E c Ginaea C (1 el— Hileh B f Jebel el— Ghowez’theh D f Jib’it C d Kefr ’Anan 'C c Khan es; Za’k B f / MAlfs 35 4536. Khan Zeblb Khan ez— Zegat Khana'zlr Khandalc - ' Khana/c K hanzl’reh Kharab es— Sahl. Kharaba Khdras ’ Khartz‘lm Khar-zmka Khasm Usdz’lm Khastln , Khazal Khell el- Khelsham Khldm Khlrbeh el- K hl'rbeh Khl’rbet-A bu H ammam ‘Khlrbet ’A'rbeln . Khl'rbet Balm K hlrbet Fdllk' Khl'rbet Ghazaleh Khl’rbet Ghubelb el- ’Ama Khlrbet el- Ghuzaleh Khlrbet el- Harlry Khll‘bet'Hazar K hlrbet el- Hokf Khlrbet Ho'yet Sdleh Khl'rbet Kane K hlrbet Kera‘zeh ' Khl'rbet el— Lozeh K hl’rbet Mallh Khlrbet Mebleh Khlrbet Mejdelaln Khlrbet el— Mujelylw Khlrbet ‘Mukubleh Khlrbet en- Nas'rdny K hlrbet lilsha K hl’rbet Raha K hlrbet Rajam K hl'rbet Rameh Khlrbet S’ad Khlrbet es- Saudeh Khlrbet Selldmeh K hlrbet Slllm K hlrbet es- Sumrah Khl'rbet es— Sum'rah Khlr'bet Tugaa Khlrbet el- Welbecleh Khlrbet and Tell el- Asfar Khlrbet and Tell el- . Mashkfik K hlrbet Zafamn Khlyam Khlydrah Khlyo’lret el- Kadlm Khlzr ' Khaba‘b Khubelzeh el— Khudr Khadr el— Hammdn K hadr Imtdn el- K hafy K huldeh Khuldeh el- Khulll . Khulkha'leh Khulwdt el- Blya'd Khunelfis el— K hanezll‘eh Khanln K harbata K hurbata K hare 'beh Kharel eh- Kh'u'relb SCUM) es- ‘Swmma' , el- Khurelbeh Khurelsh Khureltfin Khurelylb , Kharsah . Khushmld Ma-her K hutweh Kidron, Brook Klla , Kllkllleh Kllya Kir Moab Kir Haraseth Klwltah el- Klreh Kiriathaim Klrlft Kirjath J earim * Klrhls Klrta ‘Kishon R. Kishon, Wells of the Kobbeh Kofdlkef Kém Gharz K6m de’elyld Kom M dell: Koreathes Kotrat er- lilez Kotrat ez- Zeyat Kubd’a el— Kaba'b el- Kubdb Kubaldn Kubarah Kubdrah , Kuba‘tlyeh el- Kubbeh Kubbeh Kabbeh Kubbet el- Aujeh Kubbet el- Baal Kubbet en- Nusr Kubbet e’r- Rahll Kabbet Thelalln Kubbet et- Tram‘ Kubbet um Ghaflr Kubelbeh cl~ Kubelbeh el- Kabelbeh Kub'rlkhah el- Kudelrah Kudm . rel— Kuds Kufelr Kufelr el- Kufel'r el- Kufelr elr Kufelg‘ Kafelreh Ka‘fln t, Kaflyeh - el-. Kafr el- Kalfi’a't Kulasén obmwoowbwwoowooowaQUQMComoQQwoowuuoommdubbodmoowdowddbwonwOWOwUm OOOOQWOUMOmedmObH ammudw w ovaoooowocddwwwquoaneomme dwwdouumwmbUQqueaeouumy§ a: ma (5 mo‘c‘c‘m a o o ”,9an o all-ha pap-Ida: C , Qvaaao.nafiac‘¢os=amooc‘om¢mmc‘msomac‘oamc‘omaoc‘c‘c‘oc‘oommooommoaoioi-hmc‘pamac‘ooQamD-ac‘fia mommc‘o‘oc—c‘amac‘moc‘oc‘cc‘c‘o‘om c‘ pup-braoc‘coc‘oopommfiumommaoao‘oaoc‘ 'Kul’at el-. ’Ahsy ' Kul’at el— ’Aujeh Kul’at Balll’a Kul’at el- Belha Kul’at el- Burak K al’at— Bastra Kal’at el- Gara‘hl Kul’at el- Husn Kul’at I 'lm- Farelk Kal’at Jedln Kul’at» Jendal Kul’at Kasam Kul’at el— Kareln Kal’at Marlin Kal’at el- Mefrak Kul’at Mels ' ‘Kal’at el— Mezarlb Kul’at en- Nuhas Kal’at er— liabad Kal’at Sema‘h Kul’at— Serbah Kul’at Shema Kul’at esh- Shaklf Kal’at Shany Kul’at es- Subelbeh, or Banlas Kal’at am- Baghelc K ul’at Zerlca Kal’at and lias el- ’Aln el-‘ Kulelb Kulelleh _ K ulmén _ Kale‘nleh Kalandla Kulansaweh _ Kuly Kamleh Kanawdt Kunelfidh Kanellereh Kaneltlrah Kuneltlrah Kuneltlrah Pass el- Kunlyeh Kunrlyeh Kfir el- Karah Kurdlb er- lidm Kuratlyeh Kara‘wa Kurdwa, Plain of Kurelm Kurelm Kurelthelah Kaleltan Kurelyat Kurelyeh Karelyeh Kurlyz’lt el— Kurkameh ' Kurmal Kum el— Hanaweh Kara Surtabeh Kfirndb el- Karsey el- Kar’z‘m Kul‘fln llattln Kuryet el— ’Ajlal ' Kuryet el- ’Enab Kuryet el- Fuhels Kuryet Hajja Kuryet Hamclm Karyel J lt Karyet- Sammlr Karyet es— Silk Karyet es- Salk Kuryeteln Kusbur el- Kuselb Kuselbeh Kuselr Kuselr Kuskus Kusr ’Abrah Kusr el- Ah’ la Kusr ’Ahtar Kusr ’Antar Kus'r el— liasharlyeh Kusr Berdawll K usr Far’an Kasr Hajla . Kus'r el- Herrl Kasr el- Mallh Kas'r el- Mule/trek Kusr Um el— Lelmfin Kusr el— Y ehz’ld Kusra ,- el— Kussclbeh Pass el- Kustlneh el— Kastul Kustal Kustul Kurelm Kusweh el— Kata Kutelbeh Kalelbeh Kutl‘ah‘ Kutrdneh el- Kaweh K awelhat el— Kl’lwelrls Kuza . Kuzanlyeh , el- Kazdzeh Lachish Ladder of Tyrus Lahlteh Laish or Dan Lasha el- Latrén Lebanon Mt. Lebben ' Lebonah Lebmj Legio el- Lejjun Lejam Leontes R. Leontes _ Leontopolis le’ah lebelya Libnah Llfta el- Llsc’t'n Llsra Livias el— Llyeh Lod Lot, Sea of Lot’s Tomb Ladd Labbo‘m el-‘L-ubba’n wOOmQUEWEBOEEU0WGQUQOQUUEUUUQEUOUQPWOOEUOOHQUQWQUUOQQOUQMQUUUEEUUWQUQE:CUOUOWwaOCwOwwmeg duoomdggomoowuowumaommpm mc‘puoosnvmmoc‘mc‘c‘aaoomooapaomc‘omc‘aoC‘oGa‘c‘cwmmmP-aauamaooomom‘lOmmmopaml-bc‘c‘mpaaammc‘ooc‘moo‘ccmmaooc‘ommmc‘ oowodwUUUUOwUQQUQmQQwQ>Uwwaow alga" cal-baa c‘o CD “,0 cu c'so c‘c‘c‘m c: dc: cums: m ca c‘c‘c‘a: o c‘o‘c‘c‘cnc‘o c‘mc‘c‘c‘c‘o mom: c‘m a: Lumen Lubeln Ll’lbleh el- Laelzeh Luhfel- Khelle Luhf el-Lejah . Luhf el-Lejah el- Lus - Lusah el- Lmvelblde Luwez’zeh Luz‘ Lydda \ el- Ma’a'rrabeh Malar'ret Beldha Macheerus Ma’derah M adhak Mddlneh Madlyabah Madmannah Magdala el- Magrdh Magra'h es- Sebalta el- Mahaldltheh Mahanaim Maharana Mahatet el-Haj el— M ahmudlyeh M a’ln . Ma’ln el— M alyedeh el- Majedlyeh - Maj uma Maklzrad, Caves of Malchul Makkedah el— Mahlllb Mah'slr Malah es- Samar Malatha M allef llla’lla vel- M allbah el- M a‘llhlyeh el— Mdllklyeh Malul 4h Mam'rlyeh el- Mdzlyeh Ma'rm‘lmln Maneh Manhd el— M ansarah el- _Mansfirah el- Mansfiry el— Mansa'ry Maon M ar Elyas M ar E lyas M ar H anneh Mar Sullabeh Afar Zakarlya. el- Marad Md/rakeh Mardocho Maresa Mareshah el- Mdrlyeh Mdré‘n Marfis Mdrfis el- Féka Mdrds et- Tahta M arasaus Masada. Mashal M ashlta el- Maslublyeh el- Matabln M atkh Burdlc ~lilaafl M azar . M azaraba-Zamath M ’Delneh Mearah Melm el-Belt Meda’a Medeba ' Medjel Zan " Medina en-Nas Mediterranean Sea. el- Medyeh Megiddo Megiddo, Valley of Mehaf ‘ Melddn M eldhan M elfidhan Melrén MG’lS el- Jebel Melthellln el— Melze'reh M ejamds M ejdl‘ah M ejdel M ejdel M ejdel Mejdel' el-Mejdel el- M ejdel el— Mejdel Mejdel- Bd’a - Mejdel -Belhls M (g'del Kemfim Mejdel esh- Shems Mejdel esh- Sitar Alejdel Slllm Mejdel Y aha Jllejdel Yan ' M (y'mar el- Meier lllelasaflyeh el-- Meldt Melihat ’Aly Mellhat el—Atash M ellhat H azlrln Mellhat ’Iyz‘m M ellhat esh-Sharklyeh M e-neh ‘ M enln M era M eraj ed- Dln M erdjem M eralsl d M e'rash el- Merj M e'rj el- A'rdheh Me'rj Ayun M erj Ayhn Merj el- Ghm’rak M erj lbn ’Aml'r Merjllm ’ Omelr Merj es- Sawdleheh M eerhemlseh M em'dny M erka . weuwdommmbom @ac‘oc‘mooc‘c‘oo lowddwoodddwwboobmmwwwmwagewowowbodebowwdoowwmoUOOSEOOOOPQCUMWOUOUQMQUmwQUOOUvawwcboowooQUoowwcdooodvcowaUbwocpwouowcobbwww>abwodmw P _ Mln’ln * M ashlcdr @Ummmomwvmmmmammc‘mooc‘ooomcopmc‘mc‘ommooooQuQ-«c‘soaoD-c‘oc‘soU‘Q-aooocc‘c‘asoooaonaaDac‘ococci-+30s9Snc‘c‘o‘oaoc‘fiuocpoopmc‘c‘ooammsnsaooc‘a:c‘cbmoamommoc‘wommmc‘mmmmomoUooaVo PALESTINE. Merlca M erha’a Mcrheh M e'rkl Merom, Waters of Meroz Merrlna M erl’l , ' M erwahln el— Mes’adlyeh Mesddy and Cascade Meshed ' Meshghumh el- Meshhed el- Meshrlfeh el- Mesmlyeh el- Metalnat el- M ezar el— M ezar el- Mezar MEzdr Elisha Mezar el- Khalldlyeh M czar Zaber el- Mezdrl M ezelrah M ezra’ah el- M ezra’ah el- M ezra’ah el- Mezra‘ah el- Mezra’ah Mezra’ah el— ’Ashdylr Mezra’at Um el- Amel el- M ezzeh Mgherlyeh M harblyeh M lam as M l’ar Michmash M lfa l eh Migdal- el Migd al- el Migdal- gad M l hslr M lmls Mina Zahara M jnea Mln’ln Mlnlyeh- el- Mlnydy Miriam Ml'rlamln Mlllced erlclb erlcus el- err Mlsalll Mishal Misheal Mlsllya llllskeh Misrephoth maim Mlyehwa- Mlyeh Mizpeh Mizpeh M lzrdba M ’hhaur Moab Moab, Plain of Mochmur, Brook Modin el- lllogbaret es- Safrar el- Moghar Moghara Moladah ‘ Molyneux'Pt. Monsz‘lrah el- li107l8227'ah Montfort el- M oral: Moreh, Hill of Moses, Spring of el- Moteh Moyls Mozah M "Seltbeh Mu’addamlyeh Mugdllsheh el- Maghalyl'r Mllghar, Plain of el- Maghar el- lllaghar ' el- Mughdr el- Mugharah el- Mughelylr el- lilaghllllls Muhhamedz‘yeh el— Muhajjeh. el- Muhrakah ‘ Malais- el- Muj'elbll Mujeldel Mujeldel . el- Mujeldel el- lllujeldel Mujeldll Muj'elmlr el- Mahabllln Mukallbeh el- Muhelblleh Mukhalld Makhma M ukhmds el— Makhna, Plain of Muhtafa Mukutta el— Mulebbls el- Mulebbls Manaklcad el- Hatab el— M anarah Mmzeldhlra el- Mmzeltesheh el— Alantdr el- Malztdr el- Manlar Marduk el- Murlesh el— Murrdn el- Mu'russus Murussus el- Marwam‘yeh Alma Thalla el- llluselfil'eh el- M uselh el- Mashelrefeh el- Mushenef el— Mushmelslyeh Mushmush Mushrafeh el- Mashrelfah el— Muslim-ah Maslab elyeh el- Musmelh Matabln Mutteba mmmwowwomwwoomwowawowmupowwmwwuooouwomUwowmdodeEmwbcwowooowdccbddwOOPwadoopddUHowoowowwwwaoooopcowowcowuowoowoommboooowodmmwdowowdeUUUOUOOUOmdm bVGm@mmodmoomaac‘oomc‘ccpohbcaoo‘c‘aap-opaaumpamoc‘ooooc'oc‘omoc‘maomc‘oocmpc‘mooHamoCD0‘0mmmfiac‘c‘mfilomommcpsop‘punuooofiammmc‘mmoamamdomoc‘oaoosoc‘mc‘cf‘oocc‘ommc‘c‘c‘pufiuooomopmfiowoacvmomm .el- Mutulleh ' el- Muzelrl’ah tub mac” Na’dmg/ Ndbulus Nagb el— Emaz Nagb el- Gharlb Nagb Jerrah r Nagl) el- Muzelhah Nagb es- Sufdh Nagb es- Sufey Nagb el- Yemen Nahalal Nahlteh Nahr ’Abu el- Aswad Nahr Aba Zahara . Nah'r Abl’l Zelad Nahr Akhdar Nahr ’Amy Nah'r el—’A ajeh Nah'r el- Al’waj Nahr el- Awared Nahr Banlas Nahr Barada Nah'r Barbar Nahr el- Berdy Nahr Barlhz‘yeh Nahr Derddrah Nahr Fall-k Nahr el; lladhar Nah'r el— Hamish Nahr Hasbdny N 0th? He'rdawll Nahr el- Jenndny Nah'r el- delmlyeh Nah'r Kerajl Nahr el- Leddan Nah'r tho’lny Nahr el- Mahutta Nahr Na’man Nahr liabln Nah? Sablneh Nahr es- Sablrdny Nahr es- Sdnlh Nahr es- lbardny Nahr es- Slndianeh Nah? Sarganlyeh Nahr Y arma‘k Nahr Y erka Nahr ez- Zaherdny Nah'r ez- Zaherclny Nahr Zarlca en- Na’l/meh Nain Nakzlra en- Ndh'llrah N ’allah Ndml'r Narbata Nasal ' Naslb Ndslr en- Ndslrah en- Na’ar en- Na’zlrah Nawa Nawahls Nawardn Nazareth Neapolis ‘ N eapolis Neba’el— Hashany Neba’el- Leddan Neb’a el- Mddlneh Neballat Neballat Neb’a Shuklcah Nebatlyeh el- Foka Nebdtiyeh et— Tahta Nebo, Mt. ' Neby Neby Neby ’Ahmed ‘ Neby ’Aly ei- Tdhlr Neby Awldl Neby Bayazld Neby Belclh Neby Bell/as Neby Bdrkeb Nelly Danlyoll N eby Daud Neby Ghandeh Neby Haresh or Harfash O Neby Had I) N eby Harfash or Hares/z C Neby Isma’ll U Neby li'ubelbat Neby Mahelblb Neby M 223a- Neby Nah Neby Sabra 7 , Neby Sdfy .Neby Sa’ld Neby Sdlelr Neby Samwll Neby Seld Yehlldz‘yeh Neby Shaman Neby Shlt Neby Sljud Neby Sufa Neby et- Tasy Neby T h'dry ' Neby Y ahyeh Neby Yemln Neby Yanas Neby Yzlsha Negeb (the), Country Neiel el- Nejemeh Nejha ’Neln Nejzran N ephtoah en- Nesleh Netophah Neve Nezib Nezleh Nlbbeh . Nicopolis Nlha Nljld Nlmreh Nlmreh Nlm'reh Nimrim Nlm'rln Nlm'rln en- lehablyeh Nob Nobah Nobe en- No’elmeh Naeh _ wwaWOOUwa>C0060wUUUwoodw:OUOmMOOmwQOQUQOQCUwagonmwoodawGUQUEwwdemmmddwwbwowQMQooooUweow c‘o a a a: so 0 a mo 0 o o~c"o mil-a: o o (D o' 0:0 (Ta: 0 H, c‘a {1-59 9469 c‘c‘aab'a CLO 93 film a: the panama o o :9 a: mac‘c‘a CD a: m o‘crcr‘o a: c‘c‘c‘c flue 0‘6) 0 o a: o the (Tc: 0 o 9:60 9:0 0‘29 0 (1- 51:0 0‘39 c’c‘o o o c‘c‘o c‘c‘c‘c‘c‘aantc‘c‘c‘c‘m c‘o c‘rl-c‘p-anapuc‘o communal: H.012 who UWwOwUUUUw‘COGCC‘wCCC‘O or South EEOwCHUQUMfideudowfiwbomdmocw Naba qudelheh N ufa/ch lyeh Nah f N ujelh Nuklcar Sa’sa en- N ulcrah N are N uslb N utchdlln Obta’ Ocina ’Olelka Olives, Mount-of Ono Ophni Ophrah Onlk el- Ol‘mah ’OTmcln Ornithon el— ’Ozelr Palae- Tyrus Paneas Pas Dammim Pella Pareea Phaenos Pharpar Phasaelis Phenutus Phiala. L. Philadelphia Philippopolis Philistia Phoenice Pirathon Pisgah, Mt. Precipitation,Mt.. of the Ptolemais Quarantana liabba Rabbath Ammon liabda , liablet el— Gharblyeh er- liabueh Rachel’s TOmb er— liadelmeh lid/"cit .Rya liafat lidfdt er- liafeh Rafldh Bafldlyeh er- lidfika Ragaba lid/la Rahal) er- liahhalulyeh liajlb 67- Ram Ram Allah ‘ Ramah Ramah Ramah Ramah Ramah Ramah' liamah Ramath-aLehi' Ramath Mizpeh . Ramath Negeb lidmeh er- lidmeh e'r- liameh liclmeh, Plain of lidmeh el— Khulll lidmln . er- liamleh Ramoth Bamoth Gilead lia'na Raphia er- lids, ‘ lias Aba Tara/i ' lias el- Ahmar lids el ’Aln lias el- Aajeh lias el- By‘ad' lids Dale lids el— [02er lids el Feshlchah lias el- Gard/ll lids Hlsh lias Kerker lids el— Mark/cal) lids el- Alerced ‘ lias en— Ndkl’erlh lids Sara/"end liashalrdeh lia'shelya liashelyet el- Fulchd'r el- liaslf el- Raslf liaajlb liaw’lyeh liaylnde lie/at Rehob Rehoboth lielfah Reimeas lielman er- lielneh iemall liemeth er- liemtheh lienthleh lientls Rephaim, Plain of lies/zldlyeh Resslon Rhose er- lilhah er- lilhah lilhdn lil'meh lilmeh el- Lahf lilmet ‘ leet el- K halhhal Rimmon Rimmon Rimmon liolcllyeh lileyeh ‘ e'r- liubudlyeh Rudhalmeh liuhanlyeh liuhbeh er— liuhelbeh ‘ Cd ow:Sacooopocacococcowcpabowcoooooodwwoocooooodcgwbwoczocowwomwwmw Q wwowdbwocwwoébc:waooowmcbodw>ceomm O‘OWOUOCWQWQH OwOb‘JUFJQOhfiO oedoowwmbwcmmcUCUO 9.: mo 0 com o a: a mo 9 o 6"va o a: 0‘6: Cup-no mm o no mmEQ-IQ c‘fiap‘o Us: a U‘a‘o >420 H419 0 9'09 C‘U‘U‘C‘WQJHECD 9-90 9‘0 0 9° U‘MQ‘WO “’03 d9 0 5'5“” 0 “Ova CHILD-so 0 H50 0 on a: so c-‘o o H, GOOOC‘C‘OU‘QCD o o (D oac‘r-so o c‘c‘puc‘c‘aagao c‘c“ ~ o co naked: 0 Qua: 9n: n O Bujam el- Abhar Rujam el- Bahr liajzlm el- Bakar Rujz‘lm el- Bak'ra liujm el- Illbbeh liujz‘lm el- [23 Rujz’lm Iarareh liujam el- Kutala liajam el- Mahtar liujam el— Mowhujehat Rafa/m Seldmeh liujam esh- Shale liuh'hleh liakhm liah/lyeh lid/ll er- liamall liwmall et- H clmld liumaneh liamezsh liamelsh, Plain of lidmln Bummdneh liammaneh liummdn . Rfimshelh liunak liasds Bus h elde Rushe-ldeh Bushmla liawels liawelaél ll 12m. Sa’dde es- Sa’adeh Sa’dwl Saba Sabelnat Sabha es- Sablneh ea- Sabhah Saccaea Sd’dl Safed Safed es- Sd Safirlyeh Sahll Bere'lhzlt Sahll deJ/l Seihltah Sahmlya es- Sahra es- Sahra-ed—Dlnw’ls Salda Sulda Sa'lda Sd’ldlyeh Saldé'n - St. Helen’s Tower ccfiqwmcacuooooowquECbc ago 111 uvwvmwwmbu Seance-om@mmoc‘c‘c‘amnvc‘obmmmnac‘mc‘ooqc‘cpo 4 chewwoommmbwowuuowwbmwtxjcwmu: 66.09 0 9-80 :9 :9 U‘c‘fi-m a: ~50 c‘mo mama-c rho-'9 St. John, Wilderness of Sa’lr Sdhzit Salcah Saleh Saleh, Tomb of Sheikh Salemlyeh Salhah SMMW es-Sallhlyeh _ Sdllhlyeh Sdllm Sdllm Sdllm, Plaln of Salim Salmdya es- Salt Salt Sea, the Samachon Samachonitis Samaria Samaria es- Sdmleh , es- Samlk Samlrlyeh Sammah Samme Sammet el- Bewldn Samson’s Mount Samuel S’aneh Sdml’r Saphir sar Sara Sarda Sax-epta Smy‘ut el- llldl Sal-ls Seir/clbeh Sasa Sa’sa Sdtc‘lf Sauda . Saufln es- Sam-a es- Sauwdneh Sawdf’lr es- Sawdfi'r-A 1212 Has war es- Sawdflr-lbn ’Audeh Sawdnleh Sawet el— Kamh es- deleh‘ delr Scala Tyriorum Soopus Seythopolis Sebaltd Sebana Sebaste Sebbeh Sebsebe Sebastlyeh Sebastlyeh, Plain of Sedakln Sefarln Scfillrleh es- Se/‘lneh Sehwet el- Bldl Sehwet el- K hadr Sel/lh Sella? ,Sell- Bala’a Sell ed— Debbeh Sell Falfeh ‘ Sell Gardhl Sell Garahl Sell Hadltheh Sell Heldan Sell Heldan Sell Lejz‘lm Sell el— lllalcrels Sell es- Sa’ldeh cmwcomouocccbbwGEU>WEUOUOOCUUCUECCOQEUCQGC@WCOO a 0‘9 gnu-m carp”; Havana a: cp ma ammo o o (a a @QuU‘G‘mQ-C‘OHDHQ-o :9 c‘c‘c‘a who a an: m vbgbggdbguggodmadeoooomooowococemwww w .4 mammommmammeccawonwmmmmmaW®¢V09960¢ ‘ Thella W ady .et- ' Ta wdm'll iv PALESTINE. MAPS 35 e 36- Sel’llln C d Sirls C d ‘ Tell Burm D b Thellhatha D a Wady ’A 617’an ' C c 'lVady Ghurdl) C e 'Wadg Mele‘h C e gem”, Plain of C d ; es- Slrr B f Tell ed- Daheb 1; e Tlemall et T’rashed B g dey ’A bu Dis 0 e Wade Glmrundel D g Wade Menshallah D 6 Star 0 d Sitnah B f Tell Da’dls ' C c Them'b E e Wady Abu Hamellea F c lVady Ghllwel‘l D, e Wady Meshelcheh ' 0 f Sel'r D e Sig/(w C d , Tell Del’r Ula D d Thenyeh D f Wady'Awaas/n’sh -D d Wady Ghuzzeh A f Wady Meshlln, or Tesh C a. Seiyar E a S6char F d ‘ Tell Delfa F b Therlfeh O b Wady Abzl Hl'ndy C e_ Wady Habls C b Wady‘ el- Mezra’ah C b Seledleeh' E c Socoh O f i Tell Dhudra C d Thogal Um Ghufreh D d Wady ’Abu [Chanel/ls E b Wady Habls C c Wady el— Mllh B f Seklca E b Sogane ‘ C 0 Tell ed— Dile 0 b Thugul Tasin ‘ D e Wally Abu Ndr B d Wady Hab’ls C e Wady el— IIIth C c Selalchid F c Sfilam C 0 Tell Dibbln D b Tiberias D c Wady Abu Ndr C d Wady Habls D e Wady Miehlc D a. Selameh en- Nl‘mrah B d Solomon’s Pools 0 6 Tell Dz’fneh D b Tiberias, Sea of l D c Wady Abu el- ’Omelr D c Wady Haddr D e Wady M’nalkheral'n D f Selamis C c Sorek, Valley of B 6 Tell Duthun C d Tl'lmeh B e Wally Alla Rzllheh B g Wady el- Hafdf O f Wady 2110ng11 0 6 SW)?” B e 68- Sfidn’lyeh D 6 Tell Dubbeh F c Tl'bneh, C d Wady Abu Sedra D d lVady Hallazon or Wady el- Mo‘jl'b D f Selhab C d Suhbarl‘n C 0 Tell ed~ Dukweh F b Tllmeh D d W ady Abzl' Sell/dd D c Sha’ab C c Wady Mosarlcl' (3' e Sell‘k E b Subburah E a Tell Esmad D d Tibni‘n C b Wady Abu Teralfeh O f Wady el- Ham ’B f Wady M a’addl'm’l‘yeh C b Selulri'ya D c Subhlyeh F (I Tell el- Feras D c Tl'lmy E b Wady Abu- Tl'lmeh D d Wady el- Hamdm G c Wady Mll’alchl'r D c Semakh C b Sublan C b Tell Fit 0 (1 Tell 0 d Wady el— Abyad D d Wady Hamell C b Wady Mudhebblh Sa’l'd - Semakh D b Succoth D (1 Tell Fulca D d Timnath B e Wady el- Abyadh A g Wady Hamy Saleher D c . Obel'deh' _ G Semakh . D c Sadel'd .J f Tell Ghariyeh F d Timnath-serah C' d Wady el- Abyadh B g Wady Hanel'n A g Wady Mughan’lyeh D «23- Semiri‘y'eh C 0 Self D (1 Tell Ghudra C (1 'et-' Tlreh B c Wady el-fAdar A f lVady Hamill B e Wady el- Muha’imy C Semlel'n 1 b Sufa D 0 Tell Ghunemdn «F c et- Tireh B d Wady el- Ahmar _C d Wady el- Hardm E c Wady el- Muhauwat C Semmeh E c Sufia C e ’ell el- Ghzlzal F b et- Tireh B d Wady Ahmed .7 C e Wady Harlr B e Wady Mujel'dah C Semmanl'eh C c Suhb ‘1 ' 0 Tell Habln‘lsh C b et— Tlreh C b Wady el- ’Ahsy D f W ady Hal-ll C e Wady Muhaddam 0 'es- Semll’a O f Suhmdta C 1) Tell el— Habs F (1 et- Ti-reh C o W ady el— Ajam E b Wady el- ,Hasy B e Wady el- Mulchna C es- Semel’y C c Suhmur D a Tell el- Haddad D (1 et- Tlreh C e Wady Ajel B c Wally Hatrllra O f. Wady Munjar. B Sendbz'rah B e Sujdn 1) b Tell Hadld F c et— Tlreh D c Wady Ajlzln D d Wady el— Hand 0 e Wady Marreh B Senhdra D (1 es- Sale D 6. Tell el- Halyeh D b et— Tireh E c Wady el- ’Al'n C b Wady Hemar D d Wady Martubeh B Senir D b Sllkel'lceh . D b Tell el- Hamlr J b Tirzah C d Wady el- ’Al'n C e Wady Henddj D b Wady Mashenef F es— Sennarl‘eh 0 d Sukhneh Jeln'le B (1 Tell Halldelnllc D d Tis'l'e . F d Wady ’Al'n Bodleh D f lVady Hesbdn D e Wady el-'Muslreh C Seph D c Suhhm‘n C 0 Tell el- Hd‘rah E b Tlel‘tz‘n F c Wady ’Al'n ed- Dim C c Wady' Hlyddlyeh B f Wady Jl/[llSSlll C Sapphoris O c Slllchnln, Plain of C c Tell‘Harothleh C c Tongue, the D f YWady ’Al'n el— Jellzeh F c Wady el- Hor D d Wady el— Musurr C Serada D b Sukl'a B (1 Tell el- Hdsy B e Tophel D g Wady ’Al'm Kzlsall’a B‘ e Wady H uflr, or Halleln A g Wady Mazelr’ah a B Seral'yeh E 0 es- Sulelcarlyeh B 6 Tell Hdzdr C c Toron C b Wady ’Al'n el-Ml‘zrolb C b Wady Hlljel'r C b Wady Muzel'ri’ah C Seribbln O b Sukrneh B 6. Tell Hazwa C c Trachonitis E' b Wady ’Al'n Terarzjy D f Wady Hamelr ' D f Wady en- Ndr C Seriphaea B e Sulel'm F 0 Tell Hazwa C c Tricomias _ B e Wady ’A'l'n Tulel'b B d Wady Humra C d W ady Nasl'r 0 «1- Sara D c Sullchad F 0 Tell Hery E b Tuba C c Wadyel- ’Alcab-lyeh C b Wady Humra D e Wady Na’elr ~ D Seth, Tomb of D b Sultana (Road) B 8 Tell el- Himmeh C d Tubarl‘yeh D c , Wady el- ’Akl’b E c Wady Humth D b Wady en- Nau'd’lmeh C Sha’rlf es- Sl'ndlalleh D b es- Sultana (Lioad) B 8 Tell el: Hlsh . F c Tzlbds C d Wady ’Allan D c Wady Hllmur C e Wady en- Nehlyeh B Sh’adrah E b Sumdd F d Tell Hora B f Tubuhah B e Wady ’Aly B e . Wally Harlin D b Wady en- Ne‘jd C Shabln. D d Sumei E 0 Tell Hayeh, 0 F c Tubelledt Fahll D d Wady ’Alya C e Wady H zlrel'r E c Wady en- Nemr'lyeh C Shaddeneh C b Summell B 6 Tell Hozeilzeh F c' Tab’lln C c Wady el- Ammas , D c Wady Hurfash 'C b Wady Nimreh F‘ Sh’afdt C e es: Sumrah C d ' Tell el- Hufelr F c Tu’el'leh E c , Wady Amrah C ' f Wady el- Husab - . G g Wady Nl'mr’l‘n D Shafhnlyeh E a es- Szmamel'n E b Tell Ham D c Tzlf E b Wady el- ’Amz’ld D c Wady el—‘Hasdsah C e Wady N ’melrah D esh- Shagllr C c Sundei‘n C e , Tell el— Humra C d & D (1 et— Tufi'ah C b , Wady Amlllcah D b ll'a'dy'Jdllld C c Wady N ’ssour E Shahmeh B e Slmdela C 0 Tell el- Hurrdweh D b Tufhah F c Wady ’Arab ‘ D a Wady JamelorSawel’da C d Wady ’OSheh C esh- Shajerah C 0 S221 O b Tell el- Jalfidy D (1 et- Tufileh D g Wady el— ’Arab D c Wady Jaryah D e Wady Rafah A Shajul el- Halabdty D ’d Sz‘lr Bahll C e ‘ Tell Jebd , D b Tufs E c Wady ’Arabzln D d lVady el- Idzdm D e Wady er- Rahlh C Shalalnln C b Surafend B 0 Tell Jema A f Tukbal D c Wady ’Ardjl F c W ady Jebd’a C a Wady er- Rdhl'b O Shalem C d Surafend B 9 Tell Imjl' ’ B e Tell 0 b Wady ’Ar’drah B‘ f Wady el- Jebel D f Wady Rajlb D eeh- Shamasdm' D d Surafe'nd ' C b Tell J-mmla D c ‘ Tell Keram C d Wady ’Ar’arah C d Wady Jedl‘n ‘C c Wady Rdjl‘l F esh— Sharam’yeh B d Suraferld, Old 0 b Tell el- K ddy D b Tule'l'l el- Flll C e Wady el- ’Areljeh O f Wady el- Jedlr D f Wady Balchameh B Sharon, Plain of B (1 es- Sarah D 0 Tell ,Kaferel’n D e T film 0 b Wady Arneba C e Wady Jehdr C e Wad?) Ede el- Bedr F Shebd’ E b es- Surgan‘l‘yeh B (1 Tell el-‘Kalmé‘n C , c Tulll’lzah C d Wady el- ’Arrdb C e Wady el- Jel'b G g Wady Rds el— Ghuwe'l'r C Shebel'lch F d Surlf C e Tell Kasre'l'n F b Tulll’l'slyeh C b Wady ’Ary E c l'l'ady Jeldeh D d Wady Baud Abu el- Shechem C d Sllrra C d Tell Katamlln C b Talnmon C d Wady ’Ary E c Wady el- Jemal O b ‘ Khuraz D Shedl'f C a Sdsieh O f Tell Keseljfeh O f Tamra D d Wady el- ’Asal D b Wady el- Jerelye F b Wady Beshshash C Shefa ’Omar C c Sutta B 0 Tell Khal'bar 4 C d Tumrah C c Wady el- ’Aeal D f lVady Jer’lfeh D e Wady Blbah B Shel'llh Ahmed ‘ C d Sllwal'meh D 0 Tell el- Khaledlyeh F b Tamrah C c Wady el- ’Asas C e W ally Jerml'ah D c Wady Rl'shrdsh O S h 617‘, h All 1; e Sawaret el- Kebz‘r F » b Tell el— K hami'r D b Tunmlr B e Wally Ash’areh , E c lVady el- Jerrah O f Wady er- Email 0 Shellch Amer B c Suwaret es- Sajireh F b Tell el— Khanzz’r F a Tu’rdn C c lWady ’Ashzlr C b Wady & Sell Jerrah D f‘ Wady Ruaby C Sheilch el- ’Amry B g Suwel'da C (1 Tell el- Khu’el‘s F d Tu’rdn, Plain of C c Wady ’Aslzlj e B f Wady Ilddreh E e Wadg Raba‘n C Sheik/l ’Amanls B d Suweideh F 0 Tell el- Khulladlyeh C o Turmus ’Aya C d Wady ’Atallah B e Wady Isma’ll ‘ C e Wady Rube'l'yeh C 7 Shel/eh Rural; 0 c Suwel'leeh G 6' Tell Khurel'beh D b et- Turra E c Wady el- Aujeh C e Wady ’Jydn el- K ham" F c Wady Rubt el- Jamz‘ls C ' Sheihh Darnfin C c Sllwel'ml'rah F 0 Tell Khuwel'llfeh B f (315- Tuweimeh C e Wady el- ’Ayzln C b Wady Kalnln O f Wady er- Eubudlyeh 0 Shez'lch Band C c Suwez‘n’z‘yeh D f Tell Klsl‘m G 0 Tyre C b Wady el- Azralc D d Wady Kafdr C b Wady er- Ruhel'beh B Shellch D’aad D d Sycamina C 0 Tell el- Kubel‘beh B 6 Tyre, Old v C b Wady el— Azzlyeh C b Wady Kanah C d Wady Rl’l'her D Shelleh Hasdn C d Sychar C (1 Tell Kurddny C c Tyrus - C b Wady Azzz’l'n C d Wady el- Katdr E e Wady Rulead E Sheik/z Ibrahim C (1 Syria E a Tell el— Kus’ls O c Tyrus - D e Wady el- Beggar B g Wady Kaubar C e Wady er- Rumdny C Shel'lch Khanal'zi‘reh D f Tell el- Lejlln F c ‘ ' lVady Bdhar D e Wady Keferel‘n D e Wady Ramel'sh C Shellch Khauwds C (1 Tell el— L62 F c Wady Balcar G e Wady Kefererljy D d Wa’dy Sd’ d1? B Sheikh Mahommed A f Ta’alla F b Tell el- Luhiyeh B f Ubtel’a E c v Wady Balzl’a D b Wady el- Kel'e B ' f Wady el— Srlfl D Sheihh el- Mlljdhl'd C b Tadml'rah C 8 Tell el- Ma’az F c Ulama C c lVady Baralclyat D b I'Vady el- Kelath D g Wady Sdfieh B Shaikh Muntdr A f Taanach C 0 Tell Magasin D d Um el— ’Ahbarr O f Wady el- Bedalvlyeh _ C c Wady Kel’l'm D d Wady Sahahat D Sheikh Mllrdd B d Ta’ammk C 0 Tell Maktel Mfisa F b Um el= ’A lalc F c- lVady Belt Ha-nlna C e W ady K elt G e ~Wady S’aidiyeh» , D Shel/eh Mas-a B d Ta’drah E 0 Tell Manas’lf C d Um el; ’Amad C c Wady el- Beldt B d Wady el- Kenalseh D e Wady Sallheh D Sheilch Sa’ad E c Tabalca D 6 Tell Mdni’a E b Um el— ’Amad C c Wady el— Beldt C d W’ady Kerale D f l’Vady Sdtdf C Sheilch Sh’aleh C d Tabbath D (1 Tell Maratz‘yeh D b Um el- ’Amad O f Wady Beldt D e Wady Kerana B d .Wady Sauyeh D Sheikh Yfisefe C e Tabighah D 0 Tell Melaha B f Um el- ’Amud D e Wady Bem' Hamid D f Wady Kerdwa C d Wady es- Seba B Shelkh Zel't C d Tabor, Mt. C 0 Tell Mer’y E b 'm el— ’Arel's O f W'ady Belmah C b Wady Kerdzeh D c Wady. Sebdna C Shemah‘yeh el- Jemel F c Tall/2n D 9 Tell 'Meryaml'n O b Um Aswad D e W ady thlyeh O f . Wady Kerkera O b Wady Segglbeh O Shemi‘seh D a. Tahta D b Tell Mlkda‘d E c Um el— ’A warmld C b ll’ady B’he'lra B f Wady Ketherabba D f lVady Sqfi'drleh C Shenl‘reh F d Tall/{bell C 0 Tell el- M llh B f ~ Um— Aweh C c Wady Biddle C d Wady Kethrawdneh 0 d W'ady Sehweh ‘ F Shephelah,orLowlandA f Talyl'beh C (1 Tell el— Mlslc’ln E b Um Burj B e W'ady el- Blr B 1' Wady el- Khaz’zeran O b Wady Sel'r . D Sherafc‘lt C e Talylbeh O f Tell el- Muhajar F c Um- Dabez'b F b ll’ady Blr Jenab C d ll’ady Khal- Rushel‘deh F c Wadye es- Selclab D Sherl’llt el- Keln‘r D e Taiylbeh E b Tell el~ Mushrefeh F 0‘ Um Dubelb F c Wady el- Blreh D c Wady Khalasah B f Wady es- Selam C Shevrz‘at el- Ma'ndlnlr D c eta Talyebeh D b Tell el— Mutselll'm C c Um el- Fa hm C c Wady Bl'rneh C c Wady Khalet Ahmed C e Wady Selldmeh 0 Shib’a D b' et— Talyi‘beh C 6 Tell Nal'meh D b Um el- Hamme‘lm C e W ady Blttlr C e Wady Khanzlreh D f Wady Selfiky G e Shl’ban D 6 el— Taiyl'beh C- 6 Tell Na’rabeh C d ‘ Um Harath D d Wady el- Blydr C e Wady Khashebeh . O f Wady es- Semakh D Sh l'bbl'leeh F 0 et- T aiylbeh D 0 Tell ’Obel'deh D d' Um el- Haretel'n E b Wady derus B e Wady KilaZdll B if Wady Serm’l" a C Shlherlyeh O b et- Taly‘lbeh E 0 Tell er- Rdm D e Um el- Haretez’n F b Wady el-Bulcei’a’ C b Wady Khel'shzlm B e Wady Smile C Shibhd D e Taldat Rimeh ‘ D 6 Tell er- Rashldlyeh D e Um el- Haretel'n F b‘ Wady Bulcel’a D d Wady Khl'lcil Sebd O b Wady Serad D 9311-57”); F‘ b Ta’leh . _ E 0 Tell Rezz‘n F d Um el- IaZ'lld D d Wady el— Burj ‘ . U - e Wady el- Ix'lulbardh A f Wady Seral'yl'b D ' Sln'hdn D d Talha D 1' Tell er- Ridghah D d Um Iauzeh , D d W ady Burrhoughat D e Wady el- Khubarah O f Wady Serbah O Shl'hdn D f Tamar O f Tell S’ad F b Um el— Iemdl E d W’ady Bursheh C d ll’ady el- Khull" l B f Wady Serl'llbln C Shildli B c Tambllrlt O a Tell es- Sdfieh B e Um el- Iemdl es—SaghireE d Wady Barllle U f Wady el— Khalil O f V’ady es Seydl C Shiloh C d Tamlarah D a Tell es- Sa’l'dtyeh D d Um el— Ierar A f Wady Ellsdn F c Wadg el- Khulladlyeh C c Wally Seydl O Shimron O c Tantl‘lra B 0 Tell ea— Salahat D d Um Ilna .B e Wady Busls D b Wady Khullet el- . Wady Sha’ab C Shiydhh U 9 Tappuah C (1 Tell es- Sallhiyeh E a Um [rlcal's D d Wady el- leta'hy D g . Werdeh O b _ Waay Shall?) I) Shocoh B e V Tarba F 0 Tell Sefillh F c Um el- Iddeh D d W'ady Balm D e Wady Khllrel'beh D b Wady esh- Shalr C Slzreiklzy F c Taricheae D 0 Tell es- Semalch B 0 Um I udel’a B e Wady Dabor C e Wally Khurel'sh B d Wady esh Sham, F Shuhaneh A f Tasselya E a Tell Sh’af F c Um el— Katclt F c ll’ady Dalnls el— ’11 bed 0 e Wady Khurelllln C e Wady es- Sheik}; O Shrlfeh C d Taum Nlha D a Tell esh- Shahm E b Um K me D c Wady el- Dafd’lyeh O f Wady Khurwa’ah D *b Wady Sheilch ’Aly C Shuhba F c Tllurah Canal E a Tell 'esh- Sha’l'r E b Um Kelsma D d Wady ed— Daheb E c I'Vady Khushdbeh D b Wady Shaikh S/ll'bllel C Shaka F c Tawahl'n ez- Zm-ha B 0 Tell esh-Shehdb E c Um el- Khanafish D e lVady el- em- Dahldeh D d Wady Khushlzeh O Pd Wady Sheikh I'dsef' C esh- Shulcara F c Tawalcl'n es- Sale/ear D f Tell Shelhdn F c Um el— K huteln F d I’Vady Dallyeh C c lVady el— Khuwllllfeh B f lVady Shemmas C Shuhba C e Tebm'n ' C b T ell-Shel'lca D b Um el- ’1le D c Wady ed- Ddllyeh D c Wady Kirbl't D d Wady Sheralg C Shel/9222 C b Tedhu‘lmeh F 0 Tell esh Sheik/l Uasan C c Um el— Kllllclllb D e Wady ed— Dllrl's D d Wadg/ K labe C e Wady Sherdr O es/l— Shlllch D d , Tefil’l'h C 9 Tell Shel'kh Hosn E 0 ~ Um el— Kusur E b lVady ed- Dawdl'meh B o ' Wady K22b6sh C d. Wady Sherl’ah B Slllllcrdh C b ef- Tel'm , D 6 Tell Shel'hh Illa/maul D d Um Ldlcl's B e Wady Dehash‘l‘yeh D b Wady el- Klll’at E ' g Wady Shlb’a D Shahrah E c Tel'ma F 0 Tell Shellch Salell (C d) D d Um el— Medclrl's D e Wady ed- Del’r D d Wady Kulénfkh C e Wady Shib’a D esh- Shulcram‘yeh 1“ b Telr Harfa C _ b Tell She'llch Srlleh D d Um el- Illel's C e W'ady ed- Dera’ah D f Wady Kunawat E c Wady Shimallyeh O esh- Shllmar C, b Tel'tabeh C' b Tell Sllel'lch Yllsllf D b_ Um el- Meyadln E c Wady-Derejeh C 'e Wady Kulzawat E c VVady Shl'yel D Shaneh C d Telel'tteh D (1 Tell Shemmdm G c Um el- Mezdbl’l E c Wady Dhaba’l B g Wady Kunel'tl'rah C e Wady Shobele E Shunem C c Tekoa. C 6 Tell Sheri’ah B f Um Mezdbl'l ‘ E c Wady ed- Dhaharlyeh B 1' ‘Wady el- Kaneiyeh D f Wady Shukelylff D esh- Shurez'lc E c Telcz‘l’a C 9 Tell esh- Shlh F d Um Eds C e Wady Dhalal , G g Wady Kard‘wa B d Wady esh- S/lulclf U esh- Shurlc‘ E c Telal'l Abll Fula , D f Tell Shulchah E b "Um Rasds D e lVady Dhelgat el- Wady el- K urn O b Wady esh- Slzulck O esh- ’Shurhlyeh C b et- Tell 0 e Tell ee- Sllfrah. O f Um Rasas, Tower of D e ’Amerln B g . Wady el- Kara 0 b Wady Sidd’lyeh D esh- Shurhz‘yeh C (1 Tell el- Aasy D (1 Tell Sumeld F c Um er— Rllmamlll B f Wady leheh C e Wady el— KW”, or Wady Sldeh D Slnltna D (1 Tell Abd el- Ma’az F (1 Tell el- T‘arah F c Um er- Rummdn F d IVady ed- Dl'lbeh O f . Illlmel'sh O I) Wady Siderlyeh B Sh lltnel er- Ruhel'lleh ‘ B f Tell’, Abd er- Rahl‘ln D f Tell et- ’Tawahln F c Um Bummdneh D e Wady Brit» 0 d Wady el- Kuselb G g Wady Sidr 0 - Shlltta C 0 Tell Abu el— Faras F (1 Tell el- Tho‘reh C c Um [fish 0 e Wady Edhel'beh O f Wady Kasel'r ' D c Wady Sidr D Shuwelkeh B 9 Tell A bu el— Feraj _ D (1 Tell et- Towelneh O f Um Ruwdlc F c lVady el- Em’az O f Wady Kusl's C e W’ad-y Szfgaf D Shuweiheh ' C (1 Tell Aba ’Iz F 0 Tell Tlllel‘l I) b Um es— S’ad F b Wady Elzlcel'leh D f Wady Lauz D b Wady es- Si]; 0 Shuweilceh C (1 Tell Abu Shajar E _b Tell Tusereh E e Um es- Semdle' D e Wady Eshleh D e Wady el‘- Llwa E b dey es- Sik Q Shuuml’heh O f Tell Abu Y azld E b Tell Um el- ’Ajra D d Um Seyr’l' E e Wadg/ 16572er B e W'ady el— Ll'wa F b WadySlmsim B Shuweiya ID b Tell ’Ahmar D b Tell Yasin B e Um esh- Shulcc’if B f Wady Fahll D d 'IVaZly el- Lubbdn C d l’Vady es- 817“: B Sibteh C 6 Tell ’Ajl’lr A f Tell Y 1283f , D b Um esh- Slzuklf V C c Wady Fdlleh D d . 'Wady Lubbdn C d Wally Sotleyla D Sidon C a Tell ’Akbarah D c . Tell Zahar D d Um S’l'rlcan O f Wally Fdra A_ f W ady Luwel'zdny D b Will}; 68- Sowl’l'deh B Sl'dr Bel-is D ,e Tell ’Alchmar , A f Tell Zaharl‘ya B. e Um Sufdh C d Wally el— Farah O ' e Wady el- lllri O b Wady Subbdrah E Slfsaf C I) Tell ’Ahraba F 0 Tell sz A O f Um es- Sarah E d Wady el— Farah C e Wady Mabshllle G b Wady es- Sudelr 0 es- Syn F 0 Tell Ahrabeh D c Tellzll Batanah D' d Um Turra E b Wady el— Farm 0 d Wady Maderah B g Wady es- Sufey C Sijud D b Tell ’Ala F b Tellal Hurfilleh E b Um Ushdfilch F c Wady el- Fdrl’a C d Wady Mdhala D e‘ Wady Sufsaf D, We 0 9 Tell el- ’A lyd F c Tellzll er- Refil’lyllt F d Um el— Weleed D e ll’acly Fedhlll O f Wady Maleheras O f I’Vady es- Suldfh TD Slleh C 0 Tell ’Amdrah F c Telllll Sha’ar E b Um Wlllcld F c Wally el- Fey'az D c Wady Malchler-lyeh C d Wady Sllleim y C Slleh, Plain of C (1 Tell ’Ardd O f Tellfll and Khirbet esh- Um ez- Zel'llat C c Wally el- Ferallj B e Wady Maklub D c Wady Suleiman B Sileh ’ed- Dahr C d Tell el— ’Aram D b Shahl'bat F b Um ez- Zeltdn F c Wally File D. c Wady Mahdi; C. 'e Wady es- Saml B Sillah C b Tell d- ’Asha’lr F c Tendm’l B ‘c Um ez- Znéne F d Wady el- Flkreh 0 g Wady Malh D d Wady es- Sle A B Sl'mj F (1‘ Tell Ash’areh E c, Terdbln A g Um Zéghal O f Wady Flr’lm D c Wady el- llldlih C d Wady es- Sllrdr B Sl'ml'a 0 f Tell ’Ashtereh D c Terdya E c Ummah _ C b W ady Email 0 d Wady Mam, D d Wady es- Suwed C Simonias U 0 Tell el- ’Asz‘lr C e . Terlcllml'eh B e Unkhlll E b Wady el- Fate—ls B f Wady Mar’aba E a Wady Suwel'da orJamelC Slfrmsim B e Tell Awa‘d D d . Tersh’lha C b Urlc- blr Kasam F b Wady Ghadelmeh or Wady Marjari C e Wady Suwel’deh F es- Sl'lzcll'lllzeh B 0 Tell ’AzdriZ/dt D b Ter Zlbna C b Urtds C e Jedel'd ‘ D e lVady Maldl ed- Bill 0 d W'ddy es- Suweinlt 0 Sin Ibl D b Tell Azn’in F c Tesll D c Usdzlm O f Wady Ghanzlr C e Wady Mattar I C e Wady et- Ta’l‘lml'rah C Sirljl'l C (1 Tell el— Barih . F c Teyds’lr C d Uslahdh F c Wady Ghar D d Wady el- Mauz D d Wady Taiy’lbeh' D Sion D b Tell Baeee F c Thala 0 d Wady el- allele 0 e Welly Mel'dlm D e Wady Tall“; D Sn-ah, Well of C e Tell el- Bellamy/eh C c ethe Th’aly ,. E c Wady el- Ghdr E c W'ady Melthell’l'n E a. Wad leld E Sirln D 0 Tell el~ Blllceh D (l Thebez C (1 el- W (idlyeh C e lVady el- Gharz F c lVady Melaha B 1' lVady gt- Tazlr B Sirion D b Tell Blllllald B e C d Wady el- ’Abz'ad C e lVady Ghorab D b Wady el- Meleh C e y C l e e 1 a who mo 0 m o new a: a: a: a: o gnu-1509 a: $00909 mam: a: c‘paaama o rep-la: o a: Q-c‘cr‘c‘mo Q-ISD a Qua-«a: o 90 o HgHgU‘p c‘n-u-m-bo c‘o on a a :3 H30 H.940 Hanan-o hut-033G can“? a me solar-0.0 9:99- @ am a pace H50 a: Had: a Hat-0:09 a: a c‘a: a: a 0 94¢ c: manor; pawn-mo U‘o MAPS 35 dz 36. PALESTINE. ' Wady et- Teim D b Wady Wdleh D e Wely A‘bu Ndr C d Yahmdr D b V Yerk-ush C b Zautar C b Ze’mdka B Wendy et- Tez‘m D b Wady Warrén» E d Wely Abu ’Obeideh D d Ydj'dsh ' D d Yeshd’a C e Zawata C d Zi’ara D Wady et- Teim D e . Wady (21- Wed ‘ D f Wely Bulnak ' B e Yakdh C c Yetma G d Zuwi C d 'ez-Zib O Wady Tesh, or Mcshz‘m O a V Wady el- Wesa’ C d Wely el— Ma’shdk C b Yélo C e Yezi'd, Canal E a. ez- Zdwz’eh _ C d Zibdz‘n E Wady Themed D e Wady Xandeh D c Wely Mudkor B 9 el- Yam6n C (1 Y osela D d Zebdeh C c Zib’ad C Wady Tibneh C (1.; Wady deis D d Wely Nusr E a Ydml/c C c Yuhmdr D b Zebdeh C d Zifteh C Wady Tiyadh -D d Wady Yd’ffir E a. Wely Sheikh Abu Neely D b Y damn C d Yukin C e Zebdin C b Ziklag B Wady Tldh 0 g Wady el- Yemen 0 g Wely Sheikh Ardua‘m A 6 Y ands C b Ydsuf ‘ 0 e Zebeineh E c Ziph - C Wady Tubas D d Wady Zakaska C d Wely Sheikh Hazaib D b Yamjur O c Yutta O f 62- Zebfreh E b Ziz, Cliff of C Wady Tufidh ' C e _ Wady ez- dem B d Wezg Sheikh Sdlim . D d Yarmdk B 9 el— Zebzzj B 9 2m E Wady el- Tuffleh D f Wady Zeidy E c Wely Shaikh Salmén C d Yd'rén C b ' Zehz’lteh D a. Zoar D Wady et- Tuheishimeh C e Wady Zeiha C d Wely Shaikh Yafdry D b Y asi'd 0 d Zabdd D e Zeineh C 0 e2- Zoar, Marsh of B Wady Tuwdr ' C 6 Wady Zerka B d Wetr ’ F‘ c Ydsfir B e Zakfyeh E b Zeita B e Zobda B Wady ’ffba, D b Wady Zerka D d Wezdr C c' Ydtz‘r G b Zakz‘yeh E b Zeita C a. Zora E Wady Um- Baghek O f Wady Ze’rka E e White Cape C b 61- Yazidiyeh D d 92— defir B d Zeita, C d Zorah B Wady Um e'l- Bedfin O f Wady ez- Zerka Ma’fin D 9 el— Wuhkds D b dedr B d Zanoa C e Zeita C d Zubicin C IVady Um ed-- Denafir D d Wady Zreek C e . Y ebna B e Zti'mZ’a C e Zekzehi'yeh C b ez- Z1216 D Wady Um- Du‘beib F b W’ady Zure’ikl‘n D b ' ~ , Yebna, Ancient Port ofB e Zw’mltah O f Zelafeh C c (32- Zulchiyeh O W'ady Um Haweitdt B f Wady ez- Zuwez'mh O f Xaloth C c ,Yeb'rdd C e Zare and Neby O b Zemaraim C e Zumlch E I/Vady Um d- Khun’c‘s B d Wdr ez- Zahfiyeh E b el- Y eddmh E e Zarephath ,O b Zemellca E a Zuph C 'Wady Um Rumdm D d el— Wasta > O b el- Y ehddz‘yeh B d Zaretan C d Zephath B g 92- Zurcihh E ' Wady Tynkflr ed-Dib C 6 el_- Wastiyeh D c Ya’bdd ' C (1 el- Yehudiyeh' D f Zareth-Shahar D e Zerafiyeh 7 1) thfit 0 Wady Urtds C e rWeb’idah D e Ya’bdd (or Arrabeh) C d Yelda E b Zartanah e ‘ C d Zered, Brook D f ez— Zuwm‘mh el—foka C Wady Uweim'dh F 0 el— Welcg’eh C e Eifa B d Yerka O c Zat Base D f Zer’in C c ez— Zuwez'mh et-tahta C Wady Wdleh D e Weigha F c 1/ dfa - C c Yerka D e ' Za’urah D b el- Zerkeh E f ez- Zuwez't E p-‘Hul-hr-bR-CD o c‘c‘c‘a o can 0 o mmmc‘o c‘c‘c o 37 D!“ WILLIAM SMITH'S ANCIENT ATLAS . é,,/,7./,;,,,Mfl,‘,.._.,..,./,/,,.,%/?,:n_,, r .1 ., . ,. , . x u _, . . , /, , / ,, . ,, ,‘ .,, W. , ‘ ,,. . _. =.\_\:5\\ \ , ,, :w: \\ \\\\§\\§w\\\\\m ,.., . 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M I {Ix/1 \ . ,1 > K _9 ./ ‘ 9 . 3 - u 3‘) i _ 9» 9:‘\\133’5b‘(«t:\\1 E/ 79 , . 7 x 5“” ‘ 9. w - :“N‘KIIIIM \ 9» 9_ “IN \E ~« ._;fl_ 7' ./ | 4, 1)) :4 9. : : 7/” 'x x‘ . 3 \‘x Winn“ {4(“3‘ 1m\ / U" , 7777/17/71» ' \ \\ ~\ 9 9: ,y ‘ / 'I . ,\\ .9 \\\\\\ \‘9 , ,. ‘ ‘ ET 4W“ , :"' \§\\\\\§§§§$ , WW 9. ,. R3111)". 7, .9 , I mmk ,£\\=$\ , .1 .Mvm. «.999, m >700 700 SECTION E. & W. THROUGH JERUSALEM Ow (L 9 -999——— $3“ Dee corresponding line on 231529;) of‘ Jerusalem 3",.“ A- ll 9 § 9500 3%. L .~‘\‘,\\§ 90‘ \‘ 1 ”\w NOTE \1 $735 CD9 o‘ecubn of‘surfiwa of'tlw Harm: Area E/EWthrough' 1. Kubl‘et csr Suldzmh. See 11hr; CD. 071.1421}; ofJarusalem. 1‘ $2 ‘3‘; , HF 56611127715 or’Rods ££Wthmugh1fibbet es-Salahrah. ; . $00 § “9V according to Cum/Lin Wwv‘an RE. :5 .r .9 ‘ , . $3 I \w 0 1 >2 w‘ \- “ m 90 ¥ A \9 y ‘ 1" § ._ ‘: g9 .- y & ‘\=. ‘\, \0 \\R\\\\\\ \\\Bi1-ket es-Sulta'n . 3 9. -. ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ . \ Lowengaol " ~ ‘ 9 ' 9; s ‘ 7., “ ; '. 9.9999199999999999,9.99, ,,,, . 9.9., . .. 1 . .99 999: .99 .. . . :, T 3 J 9999 .9 ,9... 9.. 94 J 9 75m: 1- .9 Irela”$azuzrlm-.v, Geog." 9 Stanrbrdls' (r'eognlllhicul Esta]?! Lam/an. . Wt ;' . w,“ r» VIA .’ ’ .gw'g'l‘ . "" » l; 5" } . «' 1 my; _, .1“ r f: figfi' ‘ :- mung-z DFWILLIAM SMITH'S ANCIENT ATLAS mm}? 1/ ttoflebrono “The Wag/V offlWL ’9’) (P r 1,.r \mwmum, mums 01F PETRA Scale {Eu 'shSLat.M1]es f). 151.1,," g ______ 1.- ruRLoNcs L “9 fl ' r x'J/é'; ”m Apps); WWW,” .'I/,7j;‘v ‘ w «4'9, _L ”'45 ‘ ,D ,e ‘ ' ' , I E v ' ' 5 . . ‘ . . .~ * » ’ ‘ , » .7 w , . ‘ / I, .‘ - . , » ,V _ Q?" . , > ‘ , .~_ , at ”Hmesh - . . ‘ . ~ . ._. ‘ ‘ §§ flmd-USW _ l \ V .. .. on) ’ 23:!“ /\ “(:2 Jeb‘ Mukbslze ' 2W1 {2: ; \) ¢'"e11 Wawitir A 4L; \ “@T, . 2744994525? - I , f ' ' :JWV V,” , m mm" {"3 . A v‘ M ‘ , " .7 ' L» V V I U ‘- uwm ‘ , C A1 R O ,. ~ ‘ , . . _ a as ‘ ,, , :4 A » ‘ . , , , 5 M ‘ V, . . ‘ 1 l U) . _, u , ‘ , ‘ n , : 1 .SEmzlfted—Darams lfyamzldsof'GA ' . x, . . H'" _ 1 / > ( Wacky-‘95:“ M. , ; ‘ p} ‘ ‘ .' _ , , ‘ , -. ‘V ‘ $5)“: ‘ (Til/")4 [ .. WEEWM Vvfilll/lm-“m” ‘ (Repmd. Valle} 07" the ° Wandermg ) .m 1"“ ;2--Wl n‘, I :‘Wmmwa‘ - wwwnm - \ x\ w\ n ‘\ "wc‘u a Mm ‘A a 7 $5M. ' ER‘a W‘ \‘..,\, emf ’55 eibi’a/ ‘ V flwTe/M'Mn A jadDhob el—Wasib , kaezibi’wv . ' -‘ f IT AND TEE DEEEEE @E TEE WAEERHEEga Scale ]= 950, “£00. 15 English Statute Miles to 1111ch. 5 0 5 $0 > 145 20 25 Wl| .7 , 7— ,, . .7 rL P lateau Xjramfyeh MOUNT SINAI REDUCED FROM THE ORDNANCE SURVEY Scale One Inch tolEug. Stat. Mile 3 z 1 b 1; o .‘p——-4...5 .- ,1 ’1 V “S: VPWHHE \ , . ~ r’ z,’ / ”l " \ MW 4 Way. 11:7 VI” .Rés To u .4 ‘. : ' ‘ - . \ ; . - . . . Résel-Jebel \. \ . , “WW I ‘ ' *" ‘- '7 I ‘ , , \ , ', , T w , A ‘ , w ‘ VV 57' ' —: ," Shaikh}? Rés Sebille 1mg)“ h f' \_ .4]?! WADY FEIRAN & JEBEL SERBAL: , 1;» ' ,- ~ way From the Ordnance Survey H ' ;. Scale offingh'sh Stat.Miles , L : ‘sMolzammedA R A B I C 2]] S . _ ‘. . ' H __ .' ,_ ' , Hf ; Stanfbrdls‘ ngmphiml Estabflondun. 'i = Sites oflnswz'ptz'oru .1 23°20: LA} T relsy Saxmders, Geog.’ London: John Murray. Albemarle Street. a; m!“ {HQ » A. ‘.;,f?‘“.‘ s A W?!“ ‘9 A N. ._ it 3'“ ’. want ‘ ‘2;- a» . h {a ’1' We? ' 3‘ may!" .I 5‘, Van, “,n‘g 5".“1: k n ‘ 1‘ ,5)“ » _ ’ ‘f‘tgéf ," ,v m2; Mark H” ,‘ Yx » MAP 89. SINAI AND THE .DESERT OF THE 'WANDERINGS. Arabic words: Aha, Father; ’Ain, Fountain ; Bahr, Sea or Lake; Btr, Well; Birhet, P001; Bari, Castle, Tower; Derh, Road; Jehel, Mountain; Ahhasiyeh el— ’Ahdeh Aha Derdj, Plain of Aha Kehlr Aha Kesheyh Aha Nateighineh . Aha Saweirah Aha Suweirwah Aha Teraifeh Aha Taraiheh Plains el- ’Ahweih Pass Aelameh Aelanites Sinus el- ’Aggdheh el- ’Aghalé'h Ahnds ’Aimeh ’Ain Daldgheh ’Aineh ’Ain el- Ahhdhar ’Ain el- Derh . ’Ain el— ’Elya ’Ain el- Ghudyan ’Ain el— Gadeirdt ’Ain el- Marhhdl ’Ain el- Mareidhah ’Ain el— Nuweihia ’Ain el— Usdaka ’Ain el- stit ’A in el- VVeiheh ’Ain el- Yemen ’Ain esh- Shehdheh ’Ain Gad’ls ’Ain Ghardndel ’Ain Ghuweir ’Ain Gaseimeh ’Ain Hawdrah ’Ain Hawrat ’Ain Hehrdn ’Ain Hadhera-h ’Ain Mdlihah ’Ain Maweileh ’Ain Ndha’ ’Ain Shems ’Aireh ’Ahahah Alcahah, Gulf of el- Ahawdn Akrabbim, Ascent of A llawan Amalekites el- ’A mhelc el- Ammaga, Plain of Amorites Amorites, Mtn. of the Arab Road Arahah, The Arabia. Arabia Deserta Arabia Petraea Arabicus Sinus Ar’arah R. and Wells el- ’Aras Aroer Arsinoe Arsinoe Arsino'ite nome Aslaj Atfih Avaris ’Ayan Masa ’Azazimeh Azem Baalath Beer Baal—Zephon Bahr Lat Bahr Yasaf Bahr Yasuf Bahr Yasuf Baharah, Plateau of Ballm el- Maghariheh Pass el- Bareidhi el- Bdrid Beer-lahai—roi Beer-Sheba Beer- Sheba, Desert of el- Beiddt el- Beidhd Belheis Benhd el— ’Asl Beni Saweif Bered el— Besdtln Beth—shemesh Beydd Bir Aha Rah Bir Aha Suweirah Bir el- Ahd Blr el- Batr Bir el- Dewietar Bir Emshash Bir er- Rejlm Bir es- Seha’ Btr eth Themed Bir ez Zelegah Bir Fawar B’ir Jendal Bir Kdmas Bir Kareis Bir Mah’ak Bir Muktal Bir Marrah Bir ’Odheih Bir Saweis Blr Tawdheh Bir Tiheh Birhet Ballah Birket el— Haj Birhet el- Keiran Birhet Par’o‘n Birhet Is Birket Timsah :21t2:owbebwomeomUthawedhemwowedrewer+21a1wommmwwomwdmmmhrwereinmatemwdwwmwmwwomwmbowowwmw edo>woooooooowwwommudoowdoowwwmwwwwwmmmwmo www>wow 0‘93ooc‘c‘c‘oooc‘c‘oococ‘fiaopoc‘o‘c‘sooc‘oo‘oeioc‘c‘c‘c‘so@o‘c‘c‘c‘ c‘c‘o 0‘0 99 0 C‘o :0 0‘80 (D o o o o o C‘U‘S9 O‘Q-ao CT‘O Duo U‘U‘o c‘o QaQ-IC‘O U‘U‘o U‘U‘c‘c‘mc’mc‘mc‘o o C‘Q-ac‘c‘c‘o o C‘Q-c‘pac‘so Dado c‘c‘o U‘c‘ ocoosvoc‘ Biydr Biydr M ’ayin Boheyreh Bozrah (of Edom) Bubastis Bubastite Branch el- Baheireh Balah Barj en- N ’meirah el— Baseireh Batdhy Cairo Caphtorim Oasiotis Casius Mt. Casluhim Chenneh Clysma Contellet Garaiyeh Dahah Daher el- Hamr Daphnae Ddr el- Beida Ddr el- Hamra Dashar Dashar, Pyramids of Dehhet er- Ramleh Delta, the Derh el- ’Anhehlyeh Derh el— Rdn Derh el- Besdtln Derh el— Haj Derh el— Haj Derh el— Haj Deyset Tare’iah D’hdh thneh Dhaur edh— Dhahl Dhullam Dizahab ed- Djear D6sak Eboda Edom Egypt Egypt, Stream of Elath Elim Elji, Eloth Eltolad Elwi’ l’Ajram’z‘yeh Em’shdsh Erweis el— Eheirig Erweis el- Eheirig Eshher Etham Etham, Wilderness of Ezion Greber el- Faifeh el- Faiyam el— Farmo‘t Fera el- Adhal Ferdshdt esh- Shih el— Ferdane Fersh el— Khadid Fersh Shel/ch el— Arah el— Gd’ah Gd’ah el Barah Gahdhes Gad Dhohd Gad M allap Gad Yayah el- Gargah Gasassine Gemmdzeh Gera’in el- ’Atad Gerar Gerrha Charandel Gharret N akhl Ghawarineh Gihihdt Gizeh Gizeh, Pyramids of Goshen, Land of Haiwdt Haj Route Haj Route Hajar —er Rehhah Halal Halak Mt. Ham, Land of Hanes Hazar-Addar Hazeroth Heliopolis Heptanomis Heracleopolis Heroopolis Heroopolites Sinus el- Hesweh Homam Hor Mt. Horeb Mt. Horites Hormah w>wwwvwomwwonQEMUv c‘oc‘owoc‘wo‘moc‘omommc‘m wfidbdcbdbdl‘rJPt‘dm vdawvwwvcdo wowwodaw (7‘0 a 6‘93 99 U‘c‘ WEEEMWWEUQUWWWWPwawwWMM doowmwmdmwlddhjbwdtd o C‘c‘o 9-0 0 Quc‘o C‘c o c‘cr'c‘c‘ deQQtrJQ'Phj S-‘ao U‘CT‘QIS? o 80 mwumwcoowwwmmwwmmommw c‘oDao‘oQaQU‘ooc‘oc‘oc-ac'ooooo trauma: C‘c‘cr‘U‘Q-aso a do U‘o‘c‘o o o c‘c‘c‘o p. Seil, Torrent; Sheikh, Elder; Tell, Hill, Mound; Wady, Valley, Watercourse. el- Hajeireh el- Hameirdwat el- Hameiylmeh H0- maima Hammdm Saleimdn Hammdm Tar’6n I smailia Jehdl Jehel Aha Derdj Jehel Aha Mesad JehelAha Rlsh Jehel Al Kheimatein Jehel Ammaneh Jehel Aneigah Jehel ’Arddeh Jehel ’Araif J ehel Atdhah Jehel Aweihid Jehel Bargdh Jehel Beidhd Jehel Bisher Jehel Bargah Jehel Dalfa’a Jehel Dhallal Jehel el- ’Ahrag Jehel el— Arahi Jehel el- ’Arfeh Jehel el- Art Jehel el- Ashhah Jehel el- Bendt Jehel el- ’Ejmeh Jehel el- G‘alh Jehel el- Jozeh Jehel el- Khayyl Jehel el- Mandareh Jehel el— hIazeikah Jehel el— ’02jf Jehel el Rah Jehel er Roghah Jehel esh- Sha’feh Jehel es- Sharaif Jehel esh— Sherdh ' Jehel es- Sowdneh Jehel es- Suweikeh Jehel et- Taar Jehel eth- Theht Jehel eth— Thaghar Jehel et- Tlh Jehel et- Tih Jehel et- Tor Jehel ez- Zeit Jehel Fera’ J ehel Ferdni Jehel Gahéllyeh Jehel Gahlleh Jehel Genln Jehel Gerdt Jehel Ghardheh Jehel Gharhan Jehel Ghazldnl Jehel Ghahey Jehel Guseimeh Jehel Hahasht J ehel Hadaiyid J ehel Hadhird J ehel Hadld Jehel Halafi’a Jehel Hamd’ Jehel Hammdm Syednd Masa Jehel H amrah Jehel Hdran Jehel Hedeiheh Jehel Heldl Jehel Hemar Ch'lhal Jehel Herteh Jehel Humeir Jehel Hammdm Jehel Hammdm Jehel Hamr J ehel I hhrimm Jehel I lti‘. Jehel Jehdm Jehel Jenln Jehel Jiddet el- ’Eld Jehel Katherin Jehel Ifoli Jehel Koros Jehel Maderah Jehel Madsas Jehel Magrdh Jehel JlIanjel Jehel Maytoara Jehel Mefjir Jehel Meraifig Jehel JlIeseih “el- ’Ahd Jehel Migairclh Jehel M ’reikheh Jehel Mahatteh Jehel Mahalteh J ehel Mahattem J ehel Makhsheih Jehel Mahna’ J ehel JlIahrdh Jehel Masa Jehel Zlfaweileh Jehel N agas Jehel Nakhleh Jehel Nehadge Jehel Nidlyeh Jehel Nimr Jehel Own Jehel Rahhameh Jehel Rayh J ehel Rimhdn Jehel Rahal Jehel Sahara Jehel Samghi Jehel Serhdl Jehel Shahahiyeh bidHHMUEHEHUMUUMUMMQWUUUEHEHHEHUEQUUUEEUUHMQQHU‘JLdtdldwb UMHEMNEWER!HEHHUMEUUUQUUEHEWEWEHUWMMUEUUMEHHHUEMOEMQQEMHWUHEQM vmmmc'mmc'szmcua mac‘mc‘mcro panacea”: c‘cz-Qaso c‘p-ac‘o 994996969:an Va 0 c‘Q-ac‘o 94 Qua-94694960 o o mmmmmmmm Dan 0 a can: a o c‘c‘o 949969va 0 mo 0 o 9-0 mc‘c‘o flamc‘a C‘o do a pan-no U“ (Db-1’11 MM 0 Jehel Shegaih Jehel Sidreh Jehel Sigilli'yeh Jehel Saweiriyeh Jehel Tarha‘sh Jehel Ta-urdn Jehel Tawdheh Jehel Tha’alehi Jehel Themam Jehel Towdl el- Fahm Jehel Tulal Jehel Umm Adowi Jehel Umm ’Alawi' Jehel Umm Hesalrd ‘ Jehel Umm Khazin Jehel Umm Loz Jehel Umm Rajam Jehel Umm Shaamer Jehel Umm Zagreg Jehel Warddn Jehel Watayeh Jehel Watdh Jehel Yeleg Jehel Zihliyeh Jerf el- Mahawa Jez’lret Fara’an Joseph, Canal of el- Jow Jahal, Str. of Kd’a en- N agh Kadesh-Barnea Kadesh-Barnea Kadesh-Barnea Kantara el- Kas Katiyeh el- Kemileh Kenites Kerah Kerah Ketherahha Khalasah Khdn ez— Zehlh Khanzireh K hardhdt Lassdn Khashm Usdam Khashm Zihdd Khardhet el- -’Ahld Kibroth Hataavah Kir of Moab Kofdikef el- .Kahheihdt Kuhhet el— Baal Kal’at ’Ajre’ld Kalat el— Ashy Kal’at el- ’Aajeh Kal’at el— Gardhi Kul’at N alchl Kal’at T ineh Kal’at Umm Gaseir Kurdyim Karnah Kasr el- Bedawy Katrdneh el- Kaweireh Lakes, Ancient Bitter el— Ledtd Ma’e’ln ' Magharat ’Amry Magdolum Magharah el-Magrdh Mahallet el-Kehlr Mansarah Marah M arhat Ka’ad el—Marhhd el-Ma’sarah- Matari'yeh el-Mawdlih Maaamah L. Mediet el-Faiyzlm Mehawardt 1"" Memphis Menaf Menzaleh L. el—Mesas el— M eshrifeh Messid Midian, Land of Midianites Migdol Migdol el-Migrdh Mirzah Towelah en Mishpat Mit Ghamr Mit Rahlneh Mizraim Moab Moerish Moladah Moses, lVells of el Mo’teh Mate, Canal of Muhfdr Mahna’ M uhrlh el— Weherah M ahatta’ et— Tawdrik el—Mantala Pass Masr el-Atiheh Alusr el-thirah Nahh en-Nagh Nagh Ajdneh Nagh Bayn wearer-sweetie:greater:wwmwwwmmjwwmmwmmodowmmw U0 Qacr‘ bdbjombdmObithdb*flbfibdbdmdmoohjtdbdhEQPUJUPQUSWUJUE'OWUCJHUQHW U‘c‘c‘o C‘Q-ac‘c‘so o 80 o S? o o C‘C‘QaD-nc‘c‘o Odo 6‘0 9': 0‘0 0 o U‘C‘c‘o Can 0 so 9? 0‘9de mama .Qac‘o FL- wadmUziHUUUUEUWEHEHEEHUHQMUEUUE omoovmvomommpmmdmmmvmmommmmmw o s: o cr‘cr‘c-‘S? o U‘C‘U‘c‘c‘c‘c‘sv o 0 6‘9? 0‘80 (7‘99 so a: s? pail-C‘s: c‘o‘o‘c‘o Nagh Baderah Nagh el-’Aiydneh Nagh el-Em’az Nagh el- Ghdrih Nagh el Jillrdd ‘ Nagh el- Warsah Nagh el- Yemen Nagh er- Rdhineh Nagh er-Rahd’i Nagh Eshhart Emsa’ad Nagh es-Safdh Nagh es-Safey Nagh Ihn Mdr Nagh K hardr Nagh K lyt‘f Nagh M’reilcheh Nagh Nemelah Nagh Watdh Nahr Hawa Naphtuhim Nebaioth Necho, Traces of the Canal of (Negeb), the South ' country Nile, the river Nimrim Noph Naweihi’a Omaider I. Omaider Kahh’lr On Ora/s Paran Paran, Wilderness of Patumus Pelusiac Branch Pelusiac - Mouth Pelusium Persepolitan Mont. Petra Philistines Philistines, the Way of the Land of the Pibeseth Pi—hahiroth Pithorn Rahal) Rahah Rameses Rameses, Land of Rds Aha Derdj, Rds Aha Saweirah Rds Aha Zenimeh Rds Atdhah Rds Bardess Rds el’-Amir Ras el-Barha Rds el- Fahdi Rds el- Gardhi Rds el Jaifeh Rots el-Jehel Rds el-Kd’a Rds el-Madareij Rds el-Musry Ras el- lVady Refs en-Nagh Ras en-Nawatir Rots en-Nusrani Ras ’Eryeineh Rds esh-Shulcelrah Rds es- Serdm Rots Furtalc Rds Ghardndel Ra‘s Ghdrih Rots Jehan Rds Legi’ah Rds M esalld Rds Metdmmer Ra's Mohammed Rds Sehille Rds Sheratih Rds Shaleheir Rds Sadr Rds Safsafeh Rds Tor‘ Rds Umm Haiyeh Rds VVatdh Rots Zaferdneh Raadh el-Hamdrah Red Mt. Rehoboth Rejam el-Khail Rephidim Rldhdn esh-Ka’a Roda I. Rosetta Branch Rteyeh er-Raheiheh ‘ Ramail et-Hamid Rammaneh Sd’adi es-Sahlcah Sahhhat-Bardawll es-Sdfi St. Anthony, Convent 0f Sa’idz‘yeh el- Sahiyeh Sakkdrah Sahkarah, Pyramids 0f Salah’lyeh Salt, Valley of Samannad Samrat Fidddn Sdn Sdn, Plain of Sandfir hibdbdldbtdlfibjlfi’dfitddhddmtdbjtfid o 0 Duo O‘Q-nmc‘c‘c‘cr‘c‘c‘o do 0 0‘97 0 $3.: wwwww O subarea 99 do 0 QHEWbwthQtr.‘DimQUHUUQUUUHQQOUtjtjmwEQHOEwEMMUHQEEMUQQQwaUw bth‘dU EWOQwaUU wwwawwww womw mafia Kulat, Castle ; Nagh, Pass; Ras, Cape, Head of Stream ; oowoc‘ c‘ SDC‘C‘S’JSVC‘C‘OQ C‘C‘U‘U‘ (3‘99 so c‘c‘c‘puczac'sa 0‘0 0 o 9 9-940 mango o o o pupae pursue (D U‘o cr'o o o cac‘c‘cr‘o 0‘90 0 o o U‘U‘D-Io oc‘c‘o 91990“?! a c‘c‘c‘s: is 0‘0 Sardhlt el-Khadim Sarhat ’Ag/at el-Milh Sarhat el—Jemel Saul Sea, Dead Sea, Red Sea, Wilderness of the Red Sea, the Salt Seha Bidr Sehaitd Seih Bdh’a Seih Sidreh Seil Aha Zeid Seil es-Sa’ideh Seil Garahi Seir, Land of Seir, Mount Sela Semilet ed-Darawis es-Sened Sesostris, Canal of Shdweri Sheikh Baremhal Sheilch el—’A mry Sheileh Hanaidik Sheihh Jareh Sheikh Ryah Sherafeh esh-Sherdh Sherm Sherm Dhohd Sherm M ajowah Shihin el—Kém Shihor esh—Sh6heh Showeishet el-’Ejmeh Shahra Shah-eriyeh Shar, The Way of Shar, lVilderness of Shar, Wilderness of Sharhiyeh Shashwa Shatnet er-Récheiheh The Sih Silo Aha ’Alda Silfeh Sin Sin, Wilderness of Sinai Mt. Sinai, Wilderness of Mt. Sirbonis L. Sitnah es-Sahra Succoth Suez Suez Canal Suez, Gulf of Sufsafeh Suweihrah Taberah Tahpanhes Tanis Tanitic Branch Tanitic Mouth Tantdh Tdset Sadr Teiriyeh Tela’at Umm Radheh Telhin Tell Aha Saleimdn Tell Basta Tell Defenneh Tell el—Ahhaslyeh Tell el-Her Tell el—Keh’lr Tell el-Milh Tell el- Yehad Tell er-Rotaheh Tell es-Semat Tell Kolzam Teman Teman, Land of Terdhin Thilmet-el M igrdh 'Thowdneh Et-Tth, Desert of Tlneh Tirdn Tirdn, Str. of Tiydhah Tophel Tor et Tafileh Tarah T m thneh Turf er-Rahn Tawdrif el-Belad U frdh Ujret ’Eshi Umm Ajram Umm ed Dahar Umm Fareg Um Z6ghal Wady Aha ’Alda Wady Aha Berlea Wady Aha G’seih Wady Aha Hailezon W’ady Aha Ja’adeh Wady A ha Jizl oddooodmou uuowdwmmmeowwwcwwwwmwwwdwomwwwwdwwwaQUUMwa bwwdug OQ-G-IU‘O 6'0”? 95 9-1 $19483 0 C‘O‘fi CD C‘U‘U‘U‘C‘C‘o U‘o USED-Io 0 <3 mm UC‘O 9" c‘mc‘c‘o 0 0‘9: U‘Q—aQaC‘CT'SD O" Ubwddw wommbd mmdwwadUwmouacowwoowwmwowowwwd>o>owwow Wady A ha Kh’sheiheh E lVady Aha Ifasheiheh F Wady Aha Musera W ady ’Aha Orta W ady Aha Ratheh W'ady Aha Silleh VVady Aha Sadr Wady Aha Saweirah Wady Aha Talh HE‘E‘EEME @FOOOO o 0 0‘0 U‘an‘aa a: o s: o c‘Q-wc‘o cr‘c: U‘c‘o‘so U‘O‘U‘U‘U‘o‘o a 0‘0 6‘83 (7‘99 0‘0 93806006” U‘o C‘C‘U‘fiao U‘D—ao 0 0‘0 C‘G‘ I'Vady Aha Tardfi lVady Aha Tara'lmeh W ady Aha Tureifeh lVady Aha Tareifi Wady Aha U [gen W’ady Ahyadh lVady Adowi l/Vadg/ Ahtha lVady ’Ain Feranjy lVady ’Ajéleh lVady Alchal Wady Aleimd Wady Aleyat W ady Allawan lVady Amdrah W ady ’Amrdn W adg/ Amran lVady ’Anhehl‘yeh el- Ateshdneh Wady ’Anheht‘yeh er- Reiydneh Wady Ansary l/Vady ’Aradeh Wady Ardrah Wady ’Aslaj W ady Atfih W'ady Athlleh Wady Bah’a Wady Belgah lVady Bark Wady Behheh Wady Berrdh Wady Beydneh W’ady Bizein llfady Big/dr Wady Badr W ady Batlihdt VVady Daldgheh W ady Darhah W ady Dhaha’i Wadg/ Dhaghadeh Wady Dhalal lVady Dheigatel-Amerin W’ady ed Dafd’iyeh l'Vady ’Edez'd Wady el-A hyadh Wad’y el—A hyadh W’ady el—’Adhheh Wady el-’Aggdh lVady el-’Aggdh VVady el—Ahsy Wady el—’Ain Wady el-’Ain Wady el-’Ain VVady el-’Ain Wady el-Ajeiheh W'ady el—’Alcahah Wady el ’Ahhdhar lVady el—’Arahah lVady el ’Arahah lVady el—’Arish lVady el-Arish l/Vady el—’Arz‘sh lVady el-’Arshi lVady el-Atiyeh Wady el-Barah W’ady el-Batahy lVady el Em’az W'ady el-’Erta Wady el-Fihreh Wady el-Furn Wady el— Ghahiyeh Wady el- Ghaidherah W ady el— Ghahey VVady el-Ghadhaghidh Wady el- Ghadydn W’ady el-Haj ll’ady el-Ham Wady el-Hendis lVadg/ el-Hessi lVady el—Hdleh Wady el-Hasah T'Vady el-Ithm Wady el—Jeih W ady el—Kelath Wady el-Khamlleh W ady el-Khureity l/Vady el-Kaseih Wady el-Lehyaneh Wady el-Letlh llfady el—Mehrak VVady el—Mezdrih Wady el—Jliirzaha Wady el-Mohfah Wady el—Mudheiyat lVady el-Mahdsh Wadg/ el-fllahaawat Wady el—lllahelleh Wady el-Masry W ady el—Sat lVady E lteit Wady Elt’hi lVady el- Weiheh lVady el— Yemen Wady Emga’in Wady Emkheizeh Wady Emleisah Wady Emshdsh W ady en-Nehedein Wady en-Nehiyeh Wady en-Nejd W’ady ’Erdn l’Vady er-Rimm lVady er—Raheiheh Wady Erthama Wady ’Eryeineh Wady ’Eshrah IVadg/ es-Sa’deh Wady es-Sdfi lVady es-Seha’ lVady es—Sened Dhaha W ady es-Serdm W ady es-Sharaif Wady es-Sheihh lVady es-Sheikh W’ady es-Sih PawUtatrimwbdmbdomtddo@EWQUE'11ddtfifibjbfifibflfiowfiwdbbflhflmmwkjdbfirlbjfiwotdfiMMUWWMWWUEUUUUMUUHEHEMGWHEE‘MEEM mummwmwmmmUouodwwmmmww w wwowudUUwQMbbwdwm m omoopac‘onasocflaoofihoc‘s: c‘QaG-«U‘C‘Q-IS‘) C‘SLC‘O c: 99 9.0 a? U‘O‘c-‘Qac‘c‘c‘cr‘o to <3 :9 0‘30 0 U‘Q-ac‘o a can U‘o o c‘c‘o c‘U‘o o c‘c‘o o o c: a c‘c‘c so (To c: o o a c‘c‘F‘aQ-o iii-no o c‘o‘c‘o o a G‘s-'94» c‘c‘mc‘o c‘o Ciao U‘o Qac‘R-ca intro 9 5° C: cr'cr‘ c“ SINAI AND THE DESERT OF THE WANDEBINGS. BJAP 39. Wady es-Si'rr IVady es-So-wdneh IVady es-Sowfldéh TVady es-Sdf Wady Ethel IIVady eth Thebt TTI'ady et-Tawél W ady et- Tih TVady et- Tih I’Vady et- Tih IVady et- Tufileh W’ady Fahdi I’Vady Fara I’Vady Feiran W'ady Fiddan IVady Fateis W7ady Gadis VVady Gaiseh W'ady Gamiyeh Wady Gateifeh Wady Gham'r 'Wady Ghardndel W’ady Ghardndel I’Vady Gharandel TVady Gharbeh Wady Ghazdleh W’ady Ghureir Wady Ghuweir ’A in Hebrdn umtat:wwowmmmmmwwmmmmmwdwmmwww U‘C‘QaQ-IC‘C‘O D‘C‘U‘C‘C‘SD 0‘99 0‘9 0 O o O‘QIQIO Go 93 D Beidhat Umm Tdkhah D el— Buweib Deyset Fure’iah Erweis eZ- Ebeirig el— Gd’ah Hajar el— Laghweh el- Hesweh Hesy Horeb Mt. Jebel Aba ’Aldgah Jebel Abn ’Aldi D E O o @006 o cr'c‘c" Etc! Wady Goseir TVady Gdleib I’Vady Haddb W’ady Haz’kibeh U’ady Ha’imeh W’ady Hamd’ TVady Hanein W’ady Hargils H’ady Haw/amt IVady Haydli IVady Hebrdn Wady Hemaytheld IVady Hufeiry W’ady Humr I'Vady IIumr PVady H uweinm‘dt W’ady I bn Md'r Wady Igne TVady Islih IVady I thmed W'ady I thmid Wady Jaifeh W'ady Jarf VVady Jeba’ah TVady Jendal Wady Jendal TVady Jerdfeh Wady Jerdfeh mewwbdmmwddwmmwwmdwmdwbwmwat: c‘o o U‘Qac: Gamma-6‘0 mo wmmmc‘mc‘ma c‘c‘c‘Q-a IVady Jerrah TVady Jemir I'Vady Kerak IVady Khalal W'ady K halasah IVady Khamileh Wady K haraizet’Araif Wady Khashm el- Kelb W ady K hazdli Wady Khesh Wady K hobait TVady Khabardh W'ady Khushab TVady Kidd Wady Kurdhiyeh Wady Kureis W ady K ureiyeh W'ady Ifuweiseh W ady Lebweh IVady Liblabeh W'ady Lussdn IVady M abmk TVady Maderah Wady Ma’in Wady Makwan Hi- madheh Wady Ma’milah W ady M ’ayin tljbdQ UHWEWUUHHOMMHUMMEEUHHMEM 81“ a c‘c‘c‘U‘p—ao o o 0 94¢ c‘c‘cuso a: U‘o so my 0‘97 C‘C‘o TVady Mazeira T'Vady M e’a‘w‘ Wady JVIedileh el- Tih Wady M egaihus Wady M elhadgeh Ufady M eliheh Wady M elleh Wady M erdkh PVady Mukatteb Wady Makm'h Wady Mukubbeleh Wady Mai/jar Wady Maw W'ady M ur'rah W'ady Murreh W'ady Murtnbeh W ady Musa Wady Mashehhem W ady lllmudlih W ady N abk Wady Nagia TVady Nasb Wady Nasb Wady Nasb VVady Nemelah Wady Nidiyeh Wady Njailat Wady N ’mei'rah umuumwummmmwmwmdmmwdmwwmbddm so c‘Q-c‘naQ-o U‘Q—ao o c‘so U‘Q-ao cr‘o Clan-ca o dang-vat Wady Nusib Wady Rahabeh Wady Rakhameh TVady Rdmcin IVady Rawdg Wady Rawdg W'ady Rimhdn IVady Raher Wady Rumliyeh TVady Ratig Wady Raweihibiyeh W ady Sa’al Wady Sa’al Wady Sabh W ady Sahab Wady Sahara Wfady Saidat Wady Saiseb Wady Salamfin TVady Samghi Wady Sha’ib Wady Sh’eb Wady Sheiger Wady Shellal Wady Shiddih TVady Shubeikeh Wady Shakeirah Wady Siddiyeh WADY FEIRAN AND c‘o S9 (ON MAP SINAI Jebel Abu Jardweh Jebel Aba Rumail Jebel ed- Deir Jebel el- Benat Jebel el- Hamr Jebel el— Jozeh ‘ Jebel el— Marah Jebel el- ’OTf Jebel er— Rammaneh Jebel Feirdn Jebel Gabéliyeh J ebel fIadaiyid Jebel Hameidah Jebel Haweit Jebel Hebrdn Jebel J’eba’ah Jebel Katherin Jebel Madsds J ebel M nkatteb Jebel Mdsa Jebel Seiaibil ' Jebel Serbo’il Jebel Shinénir Jebel Sidreh Jebel Sigilliyeh dbdooombdtjMQUHUMPOMUOOMOEMQ c:pooc‘oc‘oocoooooc‘ooc‘c‘oc‘ooc‘ Jebel Sirru Jebel Salid Jebel Sana Jebel Tarbeish Jebel Umm Lahm Jebel Umm Mam Jebel Umm Meilihah Jebel Watdyeh Jebel Zebir K hadeiol ed- Dh’ib 61— K hattatin Kul’at ’Ajéleh Magbarat Abu Nigei- meh M agharah el— M aharrad el- M arkha Mesaket Gateit cl— Miyrdh Edwmomwow o o 9': a 0‘0 a 0‘0 00> way bdtdbOde c‘osnc‘soc‘ AND THE DESERT Nagb ’Ajdweh N agb Bademh Nagb Bade'rah N agb Hawa HWPU 097930 0 Paran Rds J ehdn Rois Snfsdfeh Rephidim om» U‘oo Sikket ’Abdrah Sin, Wilderness of Sinai, Desert of Sinai, Mount St. Katherine, 007w. of E Samr et- Tiniyeh E Sebaiyeh Plain F Seih Sidreh A Seih Sidieh B Shagik el ’Ajizz D Sheik Masa E A B E E '11HUUUUUMHMtdtdbdwmmmmohjbmdtdtdbb 8': 51-0 51-9-94an pac‘c‘c‘QaD-nc‘paQ-IQ-afi-ao 0‘90 0 c‘c‘p-ao Wady Sig Wady Sola'f Wady Sadr Wady Sfiwig Wady Taba Wady Tahmeh Wady Taiyz‘beh Wady T a’rfah Wady Tawdheh W ady Tawarik T/Vady Telbin Wady Thdl Wady Tirani Wady T’lah Wady Tobak Wady Towlat Wady-t- Tameyldt Wady Tarban Wady- Unifaz Wady Umm Ajaf Wady Umm ’Ajrdf Wady Umm Elseifeh mwmwwwwmwwaomummuowu D D Wady Umm Girsz‘imeh E Wady Umm Hash Wady Umm Laiheh E D Wady Umm Rethemeh D Wady Umm Rethemeh E Wady Umm Tahhah E moon-locomomoc‘c‘mc‘mooooflaomoccfiafia W’ady Umm Tarfa I'Vady Useit Wady Warddn Wady Wetir Wady IVijrc’in W’ady Wnta‘h T’Vaa’y Zelegah Wady Zeraigiyeh Wady Zaghe'ra’ Wandering, Reputed Valley of the Wanderings, the el- stileh cl— Watiyeh Wely Sheikh Atiyeh Zaggazig ez- Zara Zat Bass Zeitiyeh Bay Zephath Zered, Brook Zifteh Ziklag. Zin, Wilderness of Zoan ez- Zaweirah JEBEL SERBAL OF THE WANDERINGS). .oo'oc‘osvsnmoco Suez, Gulf of 63- Sugheireh Thilmet el- Migrdh Umm el- Bdrid Wady Abadeh Wady Aha Gullam Wady Aha Seileh Wady ’Agabah W ady ’Ajé‘leh W ady Akhdhar Wady Aleyat TVady Bark Wady Berrah Wady Birkeh Wady Baderah Wzdy Dhaghadeh W'ady ed- Deir Wady el- Alchdhar Wady el- Bashih Wady el— Leia A 0 b3 Q U‘ EOUmeHUQQQQEMbfiw cc‘c‘oosooc‘socr‘soc‘coc‘c“ Wady el- ’0rf Wady Emleisah Wady Entish Wady er- Rahah Wady er Rimm Wady er- Rammdneh Wady Erthdmeh Wady es- Shagg Wady es- Sheilsh Wady et- Tlah Wady Feirdn Wady Feirdn Wady Genaiyeh Wady Ghadir Wady Gha'rbeh Wady Goseir Wady Ham/r Wady Hebrdn Wady Igne . Wady I thmed Wady J ebd’ah Wady Jibaliyeh Wady Khabobeh Wady Khwrr W ady Lebweh UUWHOUUUUOOEUWWPGUMUOUEUHH SDOGOOOSDOC‘C‘OC‘SDU‘C‘OC‘OC‘U‘OOSDOO Wady Mukatteb Wa‘dy Mukatteb Wady N eba' VVady N idiyeh Wady N isrin Wady Raggeh Wady Ramiiz Wady Sahab 'Wady Sebaiyeh W'ady Selailim W'ady Semi Wady Shelldl W ady Sidieh Wady Sigilliyeh Wady Soldf Wady Soleif Wady Umfds Wady Umm ’Ajrdf Wady Umm Lahm Wady Umm Lahm Wady Umm Tdkhah VVady Wirgah Wady Zawdtin Zibb el- Baheir Bc, wwwmwwmwwww so so o so U‘so Cruz 9: FLO" modoowobuowwmomuoooowww oocoosoc‘c‘cofisioc‘ac‘oec‘c‘mc‘m U a“ gamma mymcumodm tag-nae monoc‘ 094000 D? WILLIAM SMITH‘S ANCIENT ATLAS. l | i (947“ 3O 28 /_"’\ \_/ A MA? %&%2‘ @@@35. TO ILLU STRATE THE Scale of English Statute Miles. 10 20 30 40 50 60 7O 80 90 100 I 5% x \2 “x“ , O r I l \i ii ”(WI/y,” , IiH/‘l’U' ”WI/fl , ‘ ’sz‘xhiiHH/M/ , - f/i/ H "' / Hwy/2" . \\\‘\\,\\,\‘\\\ \ \\\ ‘ ‘ ‘ - ‘ , : yaw; $v,“‘ ‘ "UH/("FL u" / ,u//,,,/ a ,, "TM“ I W » I " ' Wagw' mv'fli73‘Wi-Iv> * . WK \ W I «.Iu ”Mid/1% I i 1 i i 27 1 J um, \ f l l ' I 38 A I 'nga . /—\ . Maw- 32 I" . ‘ figfiw'z/z/uuuflmgk‘“ Trelay Smmders, Geog.’ Smnf'ord's Geographl'xxll EstabPLondnn. f" u w- w “.3 Egg,» a ”.5va m ,x.-; '1 , ’. kw. (x w, . . J ‘ V w ) . , ., , w; ~Adhem R. .Ahwaz - ’Ain el Weibeh r Antioch .Arphaxad ~ Arrapachitis "Arsene L. . Aturia ( AbelsBeth Maachah Abronas R. Abu Dibbis . Abu Hubbu Abu K esheib Abu K hamira Abus M. ' Accad Accho Adanah Adiabene A donis Adrapana 'Aelanites Sinus A f ka Ahava Am ’Ain el Azy Ain Shems ‘ Akabeh, Gulf of .Akkerkuf Ala Tagh Aleppo Alexandria , Alishtar Plain Amanus M. (Syrian) Amida' . Ammon Amordocia‘ Ampe Anah Anatho Anathoth Anatolia ' Anbar ‘ Antaradus Anthemusia Antitaurus Apamea Apameia Aphaca Aphek Aphek Apollonia Arabia Arabia Deserta . Arabia Petraea Arad Aradus Aram Aram Naharaim Ararat Ararat Mt Aras‘ Aras R. - ' Araxes-of Xenophon Araxes R. Arbela Arbil ., Ardashar Ardelan Argob Arguri Arflsh Arka _ Ar Malcha Armenia non R. Aroer Arsamosata v 'Arsissa Artaxata Artemita Artemita Arvad Arzen Asia Minor Asshur -' . Asshur Assyria Atrae Auranitis Ava Avaris A 3/1? n Mina Azekah Azem Azerbij an Baal Zephon ' Babylon Babylonia Baghdad Bagistana Ba lis Balissus Baraddn 'Heeowmmmmmme>meHmHmmmmmuweHmmHaaHmmummmHQOudomcHuUaamadedmwuemmHmemdw>mmHuwummNmucwumHeummflwHH 5U“ - Amanus M. (Oilician) ' HQQQHHHQ c‘oommnapac‘aooc‘mpommmpmmpaaommamsmosnc‘cf'nosnznmsndQ-cxo”ashoe-.mac‘osoc‘c‘o515900206195oc‘c‘c‘paac‘soD-nmw‘dDoowfiiomanocc‘mc‘p c‘cpnaanQ-t 0 (3‘0 a 31-9an Bashan Batnae Bavian Bayaziol Beer Lahai-rdi Beer-sheba' Behistan Beilan Pass Beit el M a’a Belichus Belik R. Bene Kedem Berea ' Bered Berothah Bethel Bethlehem Beth-shean Beth-shemesh 'Birehjik Birs Nimrml Bitlis B. ' Bohtan R. Borsippa Bourlos I}. Bozrah Bozrah Bubastis Bumadus R. Busra Basra, Old Byblos Cabul Cabul Caenae Cairo Calah Calah Calneh Cappadocia Caprus Captivity, First Second Captivity, Third Carcathiocerta Carchemish Carduchip Carmel Mt- Carrhae Caspian Sea Caspii M3: Cassiotis Caystri Campus Celaenae Celonae Ceramon Agora Chaboras Chala Chalcitis Chaldea Chalus R. Charax Spa’sinu Charmande Charran Chebar Chittim Choaspes R. Chun Cilicia Cilician Amanus M. .Cilician Gates Circesium Cissia Citium Coche Colossae Concobar _ Constantia Coprates R. CorSote "Ctesiphon Cunaxa Cutha Cyprus Cyrus Damascus Dan Daphnae- Daphne Daradax R. Dead Sea, The Dehwaniych Diarbehr _ Digba Dijeil Dijleh, R. Diyadin Diyalch R. Dizahab Dizful Dizful, It. 0f Domli ' weemwmwwmmamwwddawwmwwwmmmuUquu< and \ HonHmwaeaHaeeueoeaomemNeHmemuswewwwummwue meHHmwmca o <1 :5 5'0. pad: <9 pac‘sap-c‘o 9-169 0:: mm c‘pao‘c‘c‘c‘o a. a so c‘c‘m emmad‘aomm .QsevumeHseHUwswds so a: $11be sump-a: crap 0 Crown 91:2: :9- o puma-o acre G-ch‘mao‘c‘c‘mmc $26"an c‘cz-c‘c o no so solo c‘c‘c‘pac‘U‘SI a 52.. PART OF ASIA. * , To ILLUSTBATE THE OLD, TESTAMENT AND CLASSICAL AUTHORS. Dor ‘ Dora. Dothan Dura Dura Duraba East, Children of‘the Eber Gol Eboda Ecbatana N. Ecbatana S. Eel-Bab Ed-Dahna Edessa Edom E t , Eggt, The River of Elam Elath Elegeia. Eleutherus R. El Farma El Frat El Hasa El Hathr Elim El—Jauf El Jezireh El-Kd’a Ellasar Elwend M ‘- Emesa ' Engedi Ephraim Mt- Erech Ere Rum Eshi Baghdad . Etham ' Etham, Wilderness of Et Tih Eulaeus Euphrates R. Eurymedon R; Ezion Geber Finduk Frat Fynyle I Galatia Galilee Gath-hepher Gaugamela Gauzanitis Gaza Gebal Ghilan , Gibeon Giblites Gilead Gilgal 0' la ‘ Gordyaei M. Gordyene Goshen, Land of . Gotcha L. Gozan Great River Gyndes R. I Habor Halah Halah Halah V Halak Mt- Halys Ham, Land of Hamadan Hamah Hamath‘ Hamath Hamath, Entrance of . Hamrin Hills Hara Hara Haran Haran Harran H arrdn el-.’Awamid H ayel Hazar-enan 'IIazor Hebron Helbon Heliopolis Hena Heptanomis Hermon M Hermopolis Magma Herocpolis Heroepolites Sin, mldQ mewooommHvdw—‘Homaomhmowmuewwwwmtxfiwncwm MHngu 91-910 pddfid v HQQHw:mmtwdwwbwwmbdo Cacao“: cn o‘cr‘o‘naa Dam ale :1: c‘c‘pacaasn wgdmmmmmwwochmh—m .QOtdbbdedthUHEE’Tihfi U‘SDO" mom? Fifi-4.0.0 no 9-0 mmqvmmc‘o 0 o o o o an SD a: o c‘c‘a mc‘c puma: a: 0 so a mm c: c a WOW-15550 moan SD asp-memc'mnao :70 an a. Heshbon Hethlon ‘ Hiddekel . Hierapolis Hillah Hindiyeh Canal Hit . . Holwan Hor M" Her Mt- Horeb Mt- Hormah Hubl-es-Sukhr‘ Hummdm Far’on Hume ' Ichnae ‘ Iconium Ijon I lgun I lijeh Imam Dilr Iralc-Ajemi Iralc Arabi ‘ I rzah Is I skenderoon, Israel Issicus Sinus Issus Ivah I wan Gsof, J agetu R. , J avan J ebail Jebel Aja Jebel er-Itclhah Jebel et Tih Jebel Judi Jebel Makloub Jebel Sanam Jebel Shammar Jebel Tur ' Jebel Um Shaumer Jericho Jerujer It. Jerusalem Jezireh J ezreel J isr Hadid J oppa Jordan R. J otbathah Judah Kadesh Karajah Tagh Kara-su Kara-su Karput Karun R. Karun R. Kebban JVIaden Kedar,‘Land of Kedesh Keli Shir Pass Kerbelah K eremlis Kerkhah R. K erkooh Kersus R. K habour R. K habour R. Khawah Plain Khazr-su Khor Bamishir Khorramabacl Khorsabad Khuzistan Kibroth Hattaavah Kifle M Kileh Sherghat Kir Haraseth \Kirmanshah, Kishon R. \ Kiz Hissar ' Kizil It.- Kizil Uzen Ko-Izieh Kouyunjilc Kowait - Kufa Kuh-i-nuh Kul’at Nakhl Kur R. Kurdistan K urnah Ix'urustul Kuryetcin ueéemembmuommemmoomvom I @HHTNOHH“HOMOGUHUEHOFENNmfimdUHNmmHU’fiWNNTQT‘QU C: no so 9‘: H559 Qumc‘c‘c‘mc‘D-vo o o ammo-mo cr‘aac‘o do a c‘fiac‘fiua'm a: my 1: 9° U‘a paHUomuHmHHmed macwdmmflwmmadow pan-o‘crmc‘gac cac‘o p.39 nac‘c‘ c: Han-o we a: o mama‘s-o CD amp-mdmcro 6‘0 ch‘n-bm O‘E‘mH-n-ho o C" Lachish Lamlun Larissa Larissa Lebanon Libnah Luristan Lycaonia Lychnitis L. Lycia. Lycus Maarsareé Mabog Madai Mahanaim M ahsabadan Marah Marash M ardin _ Mareotis L. Masius M. Massis Aghri Tagh Media ’ Media Atropatene Media Magna Median Wall Megiddo M ejafurkin Memphis Mendesi-an ,Mth- . Menjil M enzaleh L. Mesene Mesene , Meshed Ali Mesobatene Mesopotamia Migdol Minni Mizpeh Mizraim Moab ' ' Moghan, Plains of Mohammerah ’Moladah Mosaib Mosul Mugheir Murad-chai Muraol-su Mush. Mygdonia Mygdonius R. Myriandrus Nachdjei'an Nahr-el—Botrid Nahr Cutha Nahr Ibrahim Nahr Malcha Naxuana * Nebaioth -Nedjef Nedjef', Sea of Negeb Nejmi Skurriyeh - Nicephorium Nifi’er . Nile, Mouths of the Nile R. Nimrud Nineveh Niphates M. Nisaean Plain Nisibin Nisibis Noph Nufood Olabus I. On 0 is Cliches Orfa ' Orontes M'. Orontes R; Orthosias Osrhoene Padan Aram' Pai Pul Pallacopas Pallacopas Palmyra Pamphylia Paran ' ' Paran, Wilderness of Pasin—su Pasrtigris SQQQQQHmmuwmwwwmomeHmwwwwmdmmwwHw>mmoeuemH Sweemmmmw>HwHuHHuHHeHcH mbHOHUUHmHU 0‘0"er so 9469 Duoc‘o o. SUSSSHme c‘ooob‘aoao. amoowseHam a‘c‘c‘so an an cu c‘p-no co SD 0 mt» so 0 arm-am Qua do when Sufi-no so D‘sn c‘cb. c‘c‘mpu‘nas: c‘pa. mmc‘c‘nasn U‘c‘mm nag-59am a: page no Duo an 949’ mmd‘oflim FLU" Patamus . Pathmitic Mth- I’eltae ' Pelusiac (Nile) Branch Pelusiac Mt“- ‘ Pelusium Penuel Perisabon Persabora Persian Gulf Pharaoh’s Baths Philistines ghoenicia 1a Pliggus R. Pibeseth , Pihahiroth Pisidia Pithom Pontus Pylae Rabbath Ammon Rahab Rahabeh Rahhah Rameses Ramoth Gilead Ramsees Rae el Ain Ras Mohammed Red Sea Rehob Rehob Rehoboth Rehoboth Rephidim Resen Resht Rezpeh Rhesaena Riblah Rosetta . . Rowandiz Peale Ruad I. Rubian Creek Rudbar Pass Ruheibeh Said P’- Saklawiyeh Canal Salamis , Salcah Salhan Salihiyah Samaria Samava Samosata San Sarazur M. Sargina Sarug Scirtus R; Sea, the great Sefid Bud Seipan .Tagh Seir M“ . Sela Selamiyeh Seleucia Senir Senkereh Senn Sepharvaiin Serapeum Serbal M ‘- Serbonis L. “‘ Sert Sert R. Shapur R. Sharon ' Shat el-Alchan » ‘ Shat el-Arab Shat el-Hie Shat el-Nil Shechem Shepelah, the Sherai el-Kathi’ Sherif-lchan Shihor Shiloh Shinar - Shur, the way of . Shur, Wilderness of Shushan Sidd Nimrild Side ‘ Sifeirah Sin Sin, Wilderness of .Sinai Mt- Sinai, Wilderness of Mt- ‘ Sin gara mEW>OwH>UUQHEEUGOuuww mm 0 0‘0 a: o c‘sflo mmwmmmo mo 9: a: 0 Q0 doomwmmopomeUbHHHHngQQQQmmHUHmwmePMmewwHmemomo (TH, shy-hep pac‘ounam cc maul-safe: $1.9:on o pastas: cr'o man-o CD madcap-H390 c‘c-c‘cr‘c‘ccro‘m Duo sumo Duo HP1“UHWEQWNMQQUEEOUQUUUWWQWH . Qac'a oc‘o a do c‘c‘mc 0 names c‘cb mm 0.0 H50). fl MAP 4C. Sin garas M. S in far Sinjar [fills Sippara Sipphara Sittace Sittacene Solomon, Dominion of Sophene South. Country, the Suceoth ' Succoth V ' Suez, Gulf of Sumeisat Suriyeh _ Surmench Sus Susa Susiana Syria Syrian Amanus M. Syrian Desert Syrian Grates Taberah Tabriz Tadmor Tahpanhes Tahht—i-Suleim'a'n Talc Kesra Talish Tanis Tanitic Mt“- Tarablous Tarsus Taurus Mons . Tchoruk R. Tekrit Telek _ Tell Defenneh Tell Dhehr Tell Dibbe Tell el Her Tell Ermah Tell I brahini Tell Koukab Teredon Thapsacus Theodosiopolis ., Thymbrium Tigranocerta Tigris R. Tigris R. Tiphsah Tirzah Tob Togarmah Towaibeh Tripolis Tur Tuz Gul Tyana Tyre Tyriaeuni Ulai Ur ' Urumiyeh L. Ushah Uz, Land of Van- Van L; Vicus Apologi Wady el Arish lVady er Burner; Wady Feirctn lVady Hehrdn Wadg/ Sir/um Wanderings, The lVarha . Werdi amend Zab Ala Zab Asfal Zabatus Zagros M. ‘ Zaitha Zahko Zarephath Zarnah Zephath Zeugma Zibbleyeh Zidon Ziklag Zin, Wilderness of Zoan Zobah ‘ Zohab wUUOOUH‘QE‘UWHQQwQEQQHmOwHmeQwUUOwNHHWMQU in ilk-G‘s» D-hO Fuse Quiz-o nus-‘91? so 0 axc‘saac‘m nap-.9 was? c‘cr'acam :9 aura a in H,- w>Hefi emu: amuse EEMWNHWTWTCUwUSSHHmeQQ QHGHQOHO ' (agenda-L HeweeeHseecmeHmmmm 0.946: mm cancer. Sui-1:60 do o c‘d‘ are cra 9-9949 0-0:on a: so ca mmmmc‘o‘r 0‘0 mm Hump-15G; ‘ '5 ;‘ x44 n a ‘11 n A ‘ _ g , w : 34:3? “:1. KW; ' m4 "(m j fir‘ma. \u‘ ,L. , . m, ,4 “an,“ 141:}? L“; W i m 5.]: ‘mx 4’: y «a» w "A“; ‘ FWILLIAM SMITH'S ANCIENT ATLAS. (:3 ., 10° SBURT‘ IS M G 7 Y ‘ IN (LI 01” (435:91? ,, m ,4 - j _ Wm . u / ”NJ VII/l x .m m / \ W __,\um,; 11%MPM%» .. \ . [/1 L; i ”ti-5%,; > ' '01,; , . \ (”W/”46,,1/1/zwrllliaju [In] mm W Sam otlzracz'a Imam-m" . T E (CANDIA) r, iEnghshflég 30 29 m 0 50 W: r -..- leé, \\1W§‘\Mkfi§y&ul//Vfl‘flm w 3 a a 5M WNW”, M\.,".,...A.;w 1/} ’ V?! ’V"\W .1 é Mtg Ann “4‘ ,. y "uluuuflllmwlwo Wm ,4 «a», WW - % .W‘g; , ,‘ é a memamwmfi' 68-8 English Statute Milé 8 Stadia‘l Romain Mile,75 Roman Miles =1o Romansp go a_o 20 m o 50 100 S? PAUL'S JOURNEYS 1 Antioch toDcrbe] ""2 Antioch to Corinth 1 Derbe toAnfioch F Corinth to Antiobh f 3 Antioch tnEphesué‘ Ephesus to [briruth is bad: Ephesus to Corinth . (brinth to Jerusalkm ‘ L 15° East of Greenwich 25? LE ] 30° T relay Smuulem‘, Geog ." O U Lonaon: John MUHT Albenlarle Street. y. “a 4/ “at“: G é‘thfomié Geqqmphz'cal Esta]; .1 Z andqn . ‘ . I 5’ .4." i? 5', 3 ~ I . K 42 D’E‘WILLIAM SMITH'S ANCIENT ATLAS. Indimfinns m“ an alwiem: . covered withMyriads of '9 . jflmshflhev graumii: 4:: .smalL spiral shell: . I AWN...<-. xx. -)_‘q~ A ____.J, m1. Cour-L99 =- 5175‘ l l l n w- A PLAN OF THE RUINS 0F j®3 AND OF THE SERBOUNBEN G 43 @UNTfiY 0-,K—\ ww~‘ \ Drawn from the Surveys of Comm? Selby I.N.,Lieutt.s Bewsher & Collingwood IN. ‘2“! ’ and editedby 7; h" Hd‘x %M i Capt}? Felix Jones LN. firs ,9 ”up. " ,5; fifl‘eL/flfim 1874. """"" M‘ /. '7' I“ "5m “ ‘ V <7; / x / i ‘ x,‘ ‘1 VJ- 'FTPPBM ;L:;‘/(Lj: I, S 111 b (k011%)?> ‘mafv mam cum-fibarée ‘ “k \ kwkbgupimplass hxmwtq’k Scale 1: 253,440A Miles to 1 Inch o 1 English Mile: 5 9 ‘2 / /‘ / H M, ( ,w L m" 3 6 7 E- § , ./ fibu’ShuwaitehYg K V, Greek Stadia E"; g ‘9 / dzy mars ‘ f § 1-: u 5 10 135 a}: P 6 A. ~ Dry Beds of the more ancient fhwiants... V Present Bin/er Beds . 1 Ancient lateral U'rigants haw dry. ,. ‘ 5‘ F Irruptions of the Euphrates Rwer .. :g x: 1' 1 IR ’ ' ,. F ; ‘- Um'L Jdrfif , apefibraiell diff, wplaw afamium-Sapulture. ‘3‘ G n § ‘1 3 ' é E» ax e l ‘ ”Es?" T Sfl'iégew’mggwb! A b a s s 1y e 11 gmwmy ‘ E a . ‘ springs . i '# V g ’ Hi ! 'flnadeto eafflwrhlg‘wtg Sim Hér Abu Nejm r fim'l Bail-111‘ 12-14 f? deep SEA OF a. / ~‘ ‘44, , ,4» Stanford; Geographical 135'me Gmring Cross" London: John Murray, Albemarle Street. I .er’fv" M . ‘ , a} «-.. a" ‘~‘ “55} D¥WILLIAM SMITH’S ANCIENT ATLAS. \\|'H.(”HQ‘sl'h‘vwas””7H\_\l\\\\\\"v‘»‘\\: ;,;\<\§\‘ ‘ ll 4mm“, ’7 be“ 36“ v/II' A \ \ VI” Talb‘qa .. h E’ glib ‘ I, ”,III‘ ‘ w ”‘11: NH; _ ‘ H w. WWW . .II v ‘ , - “fill/“W49" ('1, \ I M II ”NI-W W» "IIIIW'MR I WI ‘n‘ “\'“I‘I‘IX”‘®'-“”I~“:ZI§IIWZIWmIWfiIIIIII/IIIN‘“ I ' ng .Jll/I’K‘ktanflI‘I‘Mfliflnnk“! ”If/Wm Hm“ .I\ W. “ \\\ \III'MII ,‘ r’ ,BIII'gfiivz m) »\ IN“.- , : I _ I WM I IIIIIW Wage mew- fm I. II ,\ ‘ II| ' NINEVEH WM M V ' v ‘Il(|\w’4"l“\‘dw” I I g . , - “‘3 ,., V .. 7/ III‘I‘R‘V’W if; I, r"/ ‘ , 4‘ . wwwww% ew, En hsh Statute Mlles. ~“ "“ “Wm #j/I/w’ffe 1 o 1 2 3 4 5 e 7 u, I«.~‘i“\‘ - 4%” L . .4. . . . " //)/z’ -//2 4 Miles no 1 Inch. ‘- W [mm ‘ “ ”mm,” 1-, \\\\\'\"-~\\m\\\\\‘ _ _. “mu-g“ I M \\\\\\.\}I\III\LU.\ $ ‘ _ mm «MW “W ,,I\.II,,M,IIK‘I‘\“*‘ ----- “ ~ . “ ~ W \q ‘ ' ~ I \\‘\‘\§\‘\m%'lit l-I’b‘xflw \ . K 5 / wwf" 5:21:62) may \I‘I I».\I:I=.v“e"li’u““‘“ 19W ‘» ‘ .TeZL law . I‘gfI'IIyI‘I; NWI‘.'\‘~“\' MI?) . v ‘ . "“W‘w‘: ., .: N , I [Wm I: ~ N L . $YV’II4,,§,,,1,’;(I";W Ca 8 Camarz‘ P . u ' P] 13718.71 7'z7zobableflrmro7mllls‘ ofwrflzage R; I , . \ 01' e ,, L , ‘ Salt La Ice KR, D ‘ § //"’/I}.H"" N 35 N I5 ; I »_ J longitudinal Seotzbn of 0:, , ' Wall offlw Greek Temple. ' (I '- .V.3:4,._.__,,_'_..-— " ' :ia /_€3LETTA ,T‘lmz eL-quk 9a a .32, c: ‘5, 'Sebcha es Sedju’m Salt: LaJce - mini“...— 311053—1211}; ...—-/ ter 0.3—— ~— .lsial B‘ou Said. Vfllage gape Carthage géclpio’s‘MoIe spark umg sz'ngoum'Dodc 25‘ afiAerSeegate FURLONGS§ 7 6 ALEXANDRIA , W I "\i WW Scale 1 Inch to 1 English Mile. 0 Y; V2 54321 % }MILF_ Mediterranean MmiRE INJNER.NLIM Nico o ' \ Caesars "ort .Sea ' III ~,§I\I\\5‘933’%1T)‘I} . Mar 6 0‘ t 1 s L a c u s I . . Sal 11cht.1En1ihM'1. Blrket e] Marlout FURLONGS§76 :6 21°? g; I; 2 '9? London: John Murray, Albemarle Street. SWOr/i's Geogg’Es'mb.‘ Chafing Cruse not. \«v «c. . 1‘ . .{I L , v... . « yxx .w X \ , xi . . y x . / . u t A, r I u ‘y, , . , rrcL .EII. ,. ‘ 1 I \ i \ . A : \ .wT‘trfranil. .u. , ,. k .. . ‘ / Ilb\.\l(|\‘ . ,_ ‘ \ _ . l V r J \\ ‘ _ J . ‘ .., , I .2 ll « V y a . . \u \ hi / , I \ . \ , J (t _ . , _ . § . ,\/ , . .0 I . , I/ , _ . ‘ w 4 n A . . n . a _ , m . .. ‘ . . . ., . \ , x . \u . , fl . w v . m _ , 1 Y m: z n _ . . ., \ u . , . , K . w _ . . . m y (. . . u. s . , . . .. . 4 . a , / . ¢ \ . ,_ . r .. , . , \ v . . Noumacuwme Art Hla’my I Classms Library m My AA.” .7 A“, _ | _ ~ ' U. C. BERKELEY LINE; 1 ' u 1 ‘ A Cpl-DHAQQQI .‘ V H \ v ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ A ~ ' l ‘ ‘ L ‘ y . A [I r ‘ . I ‘ I r / . . , I v , V . , ‘ X , , A ‘ ‘ v . G I K v I ‘ I ‘ . » - ‘ Mr K w x ' ‘ i . £ . ' o ‘ V y 4 ‘ . x) -. .~ ; '. ‘ ‘ . Pv ~ in . l ‘ I 4"” D . ‘ . , HI / ‘ V ‘ ' \- ‘ ‘ ‘ I ‘ / A w I I < V I _ ¥ | ‘ \ ’ V . . I W ‘ . \ A ‘ I , , ’ W \ I ‘ ‘ ’( ,, ‘r \ ' I e ‘l ‘ ‘ I ' 1‘ I, y A / I . \ I A ‘ ' . v ‘ ,1 , ”x r‘ ‘ “ , 4‘ ‘ ‘ I v . I t I ‘ , < q \ \ u r \ / ‘ a H‘ \ l ‘ ‘ ‘ ’ ‘ ‘ . / , ’ I r V ‘ ' ,I I, . ‘ H \ H I M ‘ L > ' . V w , My 7 ( : I ‘ H‘ h w ‘ l I .Kv‘; ‘ x » (. - “ ~ . . > ’ ’Arl ’ . \ ‘ . I ~ , ’ ‘ i ' .uw ‘.l ,y \ ‘ l I ‘ . V l . I \ ‘ , I v'\’ ‘ ‘ I .' 7 fl ‘ . ( ‘ , V ‘1' , ‘ . t ,, w: ‘ J‘ 5" ‘ , 's .‘ ‘ “ ~ \ QC ‘ C ( A ' ‘> ‘ _‘ . ’ u m . .~. ‘ A ' . ‘ ( 1 { J/ n I . . a. ‘ I. K ,* . \I L 4 . \ x . {frillvzulllrinllull , L: . . ‘ . ,. ‘ ‘ . _ ‘ 3 ~ . Yr... : ,m. ‘ . .V annularrx V .317 ,.,.w¥3‘wnu.vr§3? . . . V ‘ in ‘ , , , . . . . , ,t ‘ ‘ , V . _ , , , . _ WWtrOE‘dnnflsu . H :iwi . - rlz . .1; 4.,4 IWE‘III‘ may} , ‘ . . V flu“??? {it ‘ . uLF, 111,61 5. z.) ; IN “AN «alt. {\Ehuv‘ , .. , H\ n k , {I f . x .. uxth. 2 \3 H ‘ , , . \ {$353 viii 1"!” 5 i am” “@3395! 1 , . 4.,» 3:7. t. 7. 71,7. 45 A. .\I ‘44... i. , , . , . A. u _ . . . . l V , . . “44.2 ’1‘ anal ... . Afi...fl\...fi. :,.... 26: my}, may. 5...,“ ' .r . .377.