f : *!ß AASlA^>-ZJlß. //V) Oa^\ - 2J=^t I ^LÎl C-C-k/II éL311^1 Wmi DJU^ö ZÂ-J3. iiT1Bm CORNELL PORTABLE HOUSES READY-MADE EMERGENCY BUILDINGS ERECTED WITHOUT NAIL OR SCREW Auto Houses Summer Cottages Hunters’ Cabins Boathouses Contractors’ Offices Portable Houses of Children’s Playhouses Shooting Galleries Photograph Galleries Plantation Cabins Voting Precincts Every Description Manufactured by WYCKOFF LUMBER & MFG. CO. ITHACA, N. Y., U. S. A. CABLE ADDRESS: WYCLUMCO, ITHACA Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1906, by Wyckolf Lumber & Mfg. Co., in the office of the Librarian of Congress, at Washington2FOREWORD THAT there is a demand for “ Ready-Made ” houses is so evident that we will not enlarge upon the subject. That the demand is in excess of the practical-available supply is also beyond question; for this reason we have decided to enter the field and offer our friends the CORNELL PORTABLE HOUSES, correct in style, solid in construction, elementary in erection, and yet so moderate in price that instead of being looked upon as an extravagance they must rank among the necessities, the amenities of life,—if you prefer the expression. You should not house your Automobile in the stable; ammonia is permeating, destroys paint and varnish, and you do not care to carry the odor in the cushions^ We can furnish you a Garage, large or small, at almost any price wj|Km reason ; your new car is certainly worthy of a weather-proof, attractive house tMt conforms to the color and archit^turaLschemmf your (Sfe buildings. If you know of a delightful spot on hill or in dale, in thSmountains or on the shore, the Cornell Portable Cottage makes it available to you. Your Cottage is shipped “knocked down,” complete, at a trifling cost for transportation,—our houses taking a third class railroad classification. You can personally superintend the erection, assisted by any lad who may be endowed with ordinary intelligences Delivered on the ground one day—ready for occupancy the next. You may remain as long as you please,—take it down, crate it up ; all the better for the season’s use,— like good wine, it improves with age. We will furnish you all the inside fittings,—-tables, chairs, bunks and specially adapted cooking utensils. 3FOREWORD (continued) IF A COTTAGE is not desirable, a cabin may fill the need. It affords an economic and ever ready means to go where and wh® you will, as well as a proper shelter and independence from bad board and unpleasant, unsanitary Quarters. In the fall it is taken down, stored almost anywhere, all ready to be put up when again required. Or you may wish to provide on the home grounds a playhouse foSTthe little ones,—a stable for the pony,—a kennel for the dd|j; You need them and probably delay their acquisition because of the trouble in construction ; you must have a carpenter to figure on the jrfjEKhe lumber yard to furnish the material; between the painter, the glazier and the candle-stick maker, your outlay is just double what you intended it should be,—and when completed the house does not, probably, half suit you. If you tell us your wishes, we will submit our ideas and Consult with you until we strike upon a concrete wdiole at a stated figure, that just fits. You will be money in, and at the same time get what you are after. TELL US YOUR NEEDS IT IS OUR BUSINESS TO PLEASECORNELL PORTABLE HOUSES MATERIAL —CONSTRUCTION IT IS only within the last decade that many are prepared to concede that the ' ' Ready-Made ’ ’ Portable House is a twentieth century necessity. The word “Portable” formerly seemed to imply a flimsy, make-shift affair, unstable as a castle of cards; put up, fe^true, as easily as you inflate a toy balloon,—and like the balloon, carried away with the first gust of wind. Cornell Portable Houses are strong, and durably made of thoroughly seasoned, carefully selected lumber. They are built of solid, interchangeable sections, tongued, grooved and securely bolted together, making the joints absolutely weather-tight. They are fitted, set up and completely finished on the factory floor, then “knocked down” and crated for shipment. We appreciate the vexation caused by a missing bolt, a broken glass, or any little trifle that may be lacking,—even when one is in town within easy access to the stores and a duplicate can readily be obtained; but how much more vexatious when one is in the country, one hundred miles aw^y from the base of supplies! To safeguard our patrons against these petty annoyances we have inaugurated a system of triple checking, which makes an error of omission practically an impossibility. This precaution alone is intrinsically worth much to you. When set up and in position, it is impossible to distinguish the ' ' Ready-Made ’ * Cornell Portable House from the very best, permanent»'Custom-Made” structure, devised and erected under the supervision of a fastidious architect. A good Ha|ity of mill work is more accurate than wopkby hand and a.^/ihe most advanced structural ideas are employed in constructing the Portable Cornell, when placed on a permanent foundation, the buildings present an elegant, substantial appearance and will last longer, if anything, than buildings constructed in the usual way. The .Cornell Houses, however, may be placed directly on the ground or set on posts or permanent foundations, as you please. The doors and windows are made of air and kiln dried dimension material, cut to fit. The edges need not be planed after a damp spell, nor will they shrink and leave a crack when it is very dry. A specially prepared primer preserves the wood and two coats of the best quality of white lead and linseed oil, tinted to suit, make a permanent glossy finish, pleasing to the eye,—rich, yet economical, because enduring. The hardware is selected, the glass is bright and clear,—every detail has been carefully worked out in your interests, which in the long run, become our own. 5CORNELL STANDARD INTERCHANGEABLE SECTIONS CORNELL Portable Houses are built of Cornell Standard Interchangeable Sections and are thus made “Elastic” asi’g^BP dimensions are concerned, for thewan be added to or made smaller, as necessity or fancy dictated Your cotfage was quite large enough 1® season; ^fflyear, however, you need more room. At a moderate cc^t we will fuBish you additional Rations,—solid, windcSv or door panels,—and you^S thus enlarge your building, quickly and^TOest suits you. ThejS^ompanying illustrations show the exterior election of a solid Cornell panel or section and the isometric view of a corner, looking at it from the inside. The sections are rabbeted and are securely held together by Key-bolts and angle irons. They are as simple as building blocks—as rigid as cement. 6“ MADE TQ .ORDER” PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS THE plans submitted in this book are, for the major part, suggigftive,—ana jEMuch, are used to convey an idea of the carefulpwork||ve are Stepped to do. We will make special plans and sketches, of any buildings you desire, without charge, provided you place your commission with us. In order, however, to protect ourselves from a bur-denîof unproductive work, please enclose your check for $10.00 when requesting a special design. Iifyour commission is finally placed in our hands, you will be credited with this amount; in any case the drawings and IBipKmions remain your property, unless* otherwise &^cig§^fe If you send us the photograph of your buildings and of the site to be occupied by the^jgornell Portable House, wo wll conform to the lïyle of architecture as well as to the topographical exigencies. We will submit you a Study, worked out and elaborated. We will welcome your suggestions and fill your vacant spot with a new building, perfectly “At Home,Ss—perfectly attuned to the pre-existing homogeneous whole. “STANDARD” PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR those who wish a practical, durable, strong, Portable House, manufactured of well seasoned, selected material, we make the 'No. 1 Portable Cornell Automobile Garage, put together with substan-tif|rframes^filled in on the outside with half-inch tongued and grooved pine siding, and finished perfectly smooth on the inside. This Garage is 12' x 18' and is the ‘ ‘ Standard ' ’; the width and length may be increased or decreased in multiples of three feet, the uniform width of all -'sections. Each section is bolted one to the other, the whole forming a substantial, weather-tight building, amply warm in winter and very comfortable during the summer^ The plans and blue prints of these Standard buildings are submitted without charge, and larger or smaller Garages, Stables, Children’s Play Houses,—in fact, any portable buildings, are readily made up with the Standard Cornell units. A photograph of our standard Auto Garage is shown on the next page, and the mode of panel construction, with detailed specifications, is given on pages 9 to 11.NO. 1 CORNELL STANDARD PORTABLE AUTOMOBILE GARAGE 12 feet wide by 18 feet deep Side walls] 7 feet 6 inches highE iit be. 'ovide g and i and inter-.it his > and ugly. 'htly id to jood out -'T '%T~ V *! \ i t PRICE LIST List Price , Net Price Cash No. 1 Garage £187.50 £183.75 No. 2 Garage 233.75 212.50 No. 3 Garage 324.50 295.00 No. 4 Garage 151.25 137.50 No. 3 House with kitchen 385.00 347.50 House without kitchen 247.50 225.00 No. 6 Playhouse 97.50 95.00 No. 7 Playhouse 123.75 112.50 No. 7 Not half timbered 87.50 75.00 No. 8 Stable 151.25 137.50 No. 9 Camp 135.00 121.50 No. 10 Bpat House 170.50 153.50 No. 1 1 Shooting Gallery 330.00 300.00 WYCKOFF LUMBER & MFG. CO.Ti \ % « ■ Jl H N m W cy -Ì ■ 9 ss ■ NO. 1 CORNELL STANDARD PORTABLE AUTOMOBILE GARAGE PUBLIC Garages ordinarily charge high rates and the service is not alwajHas satisfactory as it might be. The Cornell Portal™ Automobile Garages permit the owner, whether in the ciH or in the country, to provide a '' Ready-Made ’1 adequate! protection for his car, right at home, within immediate reach. The housing and care of a machine then becomes a pleasure instead of a^KSly hardship. j Our Standard Auto Garage No. 1, is 12 feet wide by 18 feet deep; it is made of well dried, selected) tongued and grooved white pine. The side walls are in sections 3 feet wide and 7 feet 6 inches high; the solid sections are interchangeable with those containing doors and windows thus enabling the purchaser to arrange them to best suit his Bste and incidentally conform to the site which the house is to occupy. Each 3 foot Hction is securely bolted to sill and plate by specially devised angle irons and is finished inside and out with double beaded joints. There are also three bolts in each vertical section, which fit together easily but snugly. .The frame, sill and Bate are of s§|epj;ed white pine. The roof is of wood, canj^Kovered, and thorffighly painted on the weather side; the roof sections are tightly held together by means of sliding bolts on the under side and the joints are broken by stationary battens attached to each secfflm, making the M>f wind and watj^Kjjh^H The floor is of J inch thick tongued and grooved white pine, made in sections, and fits snugly into the sills^jS The door is of ample dimensions to take the largest car,—is well hung and provided with heavy hinges and a good mortise lock. Two portable gang planks, substantially ironed, are provided for running the machine in and out of the house. Price complete, f. o. b. cars, Ithaca, $187.50. PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS ON PAGES 10 AND 11 9NO. 1 CORNELL STANDARD PORTABLE AUTOMOBILE GARAGE GROUND PLAN, SIDE AND END ELEVATIONS AND DETAILS OF CONSTRUCTION 10NO. 1 CORNELL STANDARD PORTABLE AUTOMOBILE GARAGE SIDE WALLS rEacSsection is 3 feet wide and 7 feet 6 inches high. The solid sections are of J inch thick siding, tongued and grooved, V jointed and surfaced on two sides. The uprights are 2x4 inches, surfaced on four sides and plowed in the center to receive the siding. GABLE END The gable is 4 feet high, giving a total height inside of the house of 11 feet 6 inches from top of sill to point of gable. FLOOR The floor is of } inch thick tongued and grooved selected whim pine and made in sections;St is laid upon joists which are attached to the sill by forged iron stirrups. AUTO DOORS Are made double, 6 or 8 feet wide by 7 feet 6 inches high, Recording to requirements. The 8 foot door is amply large to take the widest car with the highest cape. SINGLE DOORS Are 2 feet 6 inches wide by 6 feet 6 inches high, 1J inches thick and paneled. They are hung with pin joint wrought iron butts, set in place, so that the door is quickly and accurately adjusted in position; each door is provided with a good quality of mortise lock. WINDOWS The sash opening is 2 feet 9 inches wide by 4 feet 2 inches Migh, glazedffiith eight lights, divided in the middle and rabbeted so that each half swings into the house. They are hung with pin joint wrought iron hinges, set in place, so that they may be quickly adjusted in position. ROOF The roof is made in panels of J inch thick pine; the sec-|jjions are 4 and 6 feet wide. The weather surface is covered with a h(||yy grade of canvas thoroughly painted. The under side of pine is surfaced and finished in oil. The roof sections are held tightly together by means of sliding bolts on the. under side and a wide batten protects the joints on the weather side. INSIDE FINISH The inside of the house is given one coat of the best quality of double boiled linseed oil. OUTSIDE FINISH The outside is given one coat of specially prepared primer and two coats of best lead and linseed oil paint. The Rie walls are painted colonial yellow, the trimmings are white and the roof light green, forming a most attractive combination. 11no. 2 corI^B port abb* automob^Bgara^B 12 feet wide by 18 Side walls wfl 6 inches high The lo\K portgb^^^Bhe^^H walls and gables are made half timbered 12NO. 2 CORNELL PORTABLE AUTOMOBILE GARAGE THIS Auto GafaSiMthe same size as th^jpNo.l Standard Cornell, to witM-12 feet wide by 18 feet deep and the side feet 6 inches high. and Br panels of each section are half plSlS&ell from the baseboard to the window sill, and the combination pre^Mj*& well finished, attractive appearance. There are two windows on each,side and the Auto m)o^is;p,feefiwide; built double. A portable platfjjrm, substantially ironed, is provided to run the machine in and out of the house. When so required, this Garage may be lined with a good quality of building pa^^Bnd ceiled with matched flooring, V jointed. The materiaHmployedB the construction of our houses is df the very best and whi^the No. 2 is more expensive and a little more pleasing to the eye than the No. 1 Standard, it is by no ma^er or means more carefully made or more substantially put together. In all of our Portable houses we use the same grade of selected pine, the same grade of hardware and the same careful workmanship,—and the difference in price between houses of the same size is governedSIpely by the extra amount of work put in the finish. THE DURABILITY OF CONSTRUCTION ALWAYS REMAINS THE SAME 13NO. 3 CORNELL PORTABLE AUTOMOBILE GARAGE 12 feet wideM$&, 18 feet deep Sides and gables half timbered Roof is bracketed and crested, made of wood, canvas covered, or of metal shingles . 14NO. 3 CORNELL PORTABLE AUTOMOBILE GARAGE OUR No. 3 Garagell 12 feet wide, 18 feet long and 7 fe&tj 6 inches from top of sill to bottom of gable, the height over all, from sill to point of gable bein^l2 feet. It *is one of the mojt substantial, atWaetive Auto Garages that we have ever seen or built,—it is exclusive in and design and on^^fflt will fit, architecturally, in almost d$y surroundings v*y A heavy double baseboard runs around the house andRts off ady^ntageofjiBji the vertical sections which are half timbB^pi|o the windowBlls, above which they are nanele(Msrhh(Hn in illusjg^flon. ■ The gables are half timbered and ktnS^B which is bracket^Hs surmounted by a tasteful cresting. The double doors which are made to open in or out, arei^ii^d and the hardware is of heavy brass or forged iron tcjspit the. pur chaser. The roof is of wood^ca^as covered, and thoroughly painted on the weatpfer side like our No. 1 Standard Garage; if d^SSl howey^EiS can be mMe of inter-locking metal Singles dipped before laying to avoid oxidation by elements. This house is sure to please the most fastidious and cannot be excelled inHyle, material or workmanship. It ma^e sheathed on the inside like the No. 2 Garage or made single thickness like the No. 1 Standard Cornell. A solid portable plaHorm, well ironed, ^provided upon which to run the^r in and out of the hod&%jfe We also make our No. 3 Portable House 9 feet wide by 12 feet long with walls 7 feet 6 inches for a cape machine or 6 feet 6 inches high foha runabout. E.LE.VATIOH 15 NO. 4 CORNEL PORTABLE ^^■MOBILE GARAGE wide Jgr 12 deep Side inc^p high VerticJt^^^Bns and gables half timbered 16NO. 4 CORNELL PORTABLE AUTOMOBILE GARAGE OUR Ncfcja Garage is specially adapted for a runabout or a small car and is 9 feet wide by 12 feet deep, the side walls 6 feet 6 inches high. As in the No. 2 Garage, the gables and lower portions of tn£\side walls are half timbered and present a very neat and attractive appearance* There is a window on each side. The auto door is G feet wide, double, and paneled. This garage is made single walled or can be sheathed like the No. 2 Cornell, according to the purchaser’s requirements. The side panels being interchangeable, the windows can be placed where preferred; a door panel may also be placed in the back end. In the No. 4 Garage, like in any of our Portable Auto Garages—the No. 1 Standard excepted1—we are prepared to make additions or alterations to suit the ideas and requirements of our friends and will submit plans, blue prints, specifications and estimates to conform to said requirements. If you have something in view that you do not find illustrated, described or embodied in the preceding garages, do not fail to inform us of your needs and give us your ideas. WE HAVE A WELL EQUIPPED ARCHITECTURAL AND ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT WHOSE SOLE BUSINESS IS TO FOLLOW YOUR SUGGESTIONS AND MAKE PLANS TO SUIT YOU 17NO. 5 CORNELL PORTABLE COTTAGE AND DETACHED KITCHEN Main cottage, 12 by 18 feet, side walls, 7 feet 6 inches high Kitchen annex,® by 12 feet, side walls, G feet G inches high Porch, 4 by 12 feet 18NO. 5 CORNELL PORTABLE COTTAGE AND DETACHED KITCHEN THERE is a good demand, because one can always adapt it to one hundred and one uses, for a Portable Cottage that is light, strong and durable. The most popular size for camping out is a two room Cottage with a roomy porch and an independent kitchen connected by means of an enclosed passageway or merely by the overhang of the roofs which afford sufficient protection from above. This arrangement affords practically four rooms, as the porch may be considered an out of doors ‘1 Sitting Room. ’ ’ In the No. 5 Cornell Portable House the main cottage is 12 feet wide by 18 feet deep and is divided by a solid partition into two rooms 9 by 12 feet each. The porch is 4 by 12 feet and the kitchen addition 12 by 12 feet, making a total surface of 408 square feet roofed over, exclusive of the passageway between the houses. The side walls of the main building are 7 feet G inches, sufficiently high for good ventilation, while those of the kitchen annex are 6 feet 6 inches J the difference in height between these walls affords a very pleasing proportion to the buildings. The partition in the main cottage extends from floor to roof so that each room is entirely independent from the other. The upper part of the partition conforms to the shape of the roof and forms a truss support for same. The lower part of the partition,—like the side walls is made of sections 3 feet wide and 7 feet 6 inches high and can be moved at will, dividing the house as best suits. The partition is provided with a paneled door hung' with pin joint wrought iron hinges and fitted with a latch. The porch is formed by the overhang of the roof and supported by two columns finished in the same style as the side sections. It is ceiled with J inch thick beaded ceiling. There are six windows and two doors in the main cottage and two windows and one door in the kitchen annex; a small window is provided for ventilation in the front gable end of the main cottage. The house may be lined and ceiled on the inside or finished single thickness like our No. 1 Standard Cornell. We also make houses, under one roof, of four, five and six rooms,—but many of our friends have expressed their preference for an independent kitchen anrtex which effectively excludes the heat and isolates the cooking department from the living apartments.NO. 5 CORNELL PORTABLE COTTA« AND DETACHED KITCHEN 20NO. 5 CORNELL PORTABLE COTTAGE AND DETACHED KITCHEN SIDE WALLS Each section is 3 feet wide and 7 feet 6 inches high. The solid sections are of J inch thick siding, tongued and grooved&y jointed and surfaced on two sides. The uprights are 2 by 4 inches, surfaced on four sides and plowed in the center to receive siding. GABLE END TheNarable is 4 feet high, giving a total height inside of the house of 11 feet 6 inches from pop of sill to point of gable. DOORS Are 2 feet 6 inches wide, 6 feet 6 inches high, 1-J- inches thick and paneled. They are hung with pin joint wrought iron butts, set in place, so that the door is quickly and accurately adjusted in position. Each door is provided with a good quality of mortise lock. WINDOWS The sash opening is 2 feet 9 inches wide by 4 feet 2 inches high, glazed with eight lights, divided in the middle and rabbeted so that each half swings into the house. They are hung with pin joint wrought iron hinges, set in place, so they may be quickly adjusted in position. FLOOR The floor is f inch thick tongued and grooved selected white pine and made in sections; it is laid upon joists!) which are attached to the sill by forged iron stirrups. ROOF The roof is made in panels of | inch thick pine and the weather surface is covered with heavBanvas, thoroughly painted. Or it may be made of interlocking metal shingles, dipped before laying to avoid oxidation by the elements. In both cases the roof sections are 4 and 6 feet wide and are held tightly together by means ofr sliding bolts on the under side. SCREENS Door and window screens of fine mesh wire, well fitted, are furnished when desired. The doors are complete with strong spring hinges. BLINDS Outside window blinds with substantial fasteners are also furnished when requested. INSIDE FINISH The inside of the house is given one coat of the best quality of double boiled linseed oil. OUTSIDE FINISH The outside is given one coat of specially prepared primer and two coats of best lead and linseed oil paint. The side walls are painted colonial yellow, the trimmings are white and the roof a light green. If you prefer different shades please notify us when sending your order. 21NO. 6 CORNELL STANDARD PORTABLE PLAYHOUSE G feet wide by 9 feet deep Side walls, G feet G inches high Bracketed hood over door 22NO. 6 CORNELL. STANDARD PORTABLE PLAYHOUSE THE Cornell Portable Playhouse provides shelter, from sun and storm, for the little ones, keeps them “at home” away from the streets, and is a congenial place of reunion for their little friends. Whatever the season of the year, fresh air is indispensable and at a very moderate outlay, a parent may provide for his children a house that affords them both health and pleasure,—a very Palace in their vivid imagination! And they will keep their little Palace and the grounds surrounding it, spick and span, as neat as a pin, and thus learn their first lesson in order and ‘ ‘ Domestic Economy. ’ ’ Our No. 6 Cornell Standard Portable Playhouse for children is 6 feet wide by 9 feet deep and the side walls are 6 feet 6 inches high. It is made throughout of well seasoned selected tongued and grooved white pine. The frame, wall and plate are surfaced on four sides. The 3 feet wide vertical sections are securely bolted to sill and plate by means of angle irons, and two bolts hold them tightly together. The floor is of J inch thick tongued and grooved white pine, made in sections, and fits snugly to the sills. The roof is of wood, canvas covered, thoroughly painted on the weather side. The roof sections are securely held together by means of sliding bolts on the under side, and the joints are battened from the top. The windows are 2 feet 6 inches wide by 4 feet 2 inches high and can be placed together on the same side of the house or singly, one on each side. The door is 2 feet 6 inches wide and 6 feet 2 inches high and is protected by a bracketed hood. Every house is carefully assembled on the factory floor, then knocked down and crated for shipment. This precaution assures the purchaser that every section fits easily and snugly and the Cornell Portable Playhouse for children can be set up in half an hour and taken down in less than half the time. Skilled labor is not required to perform the operation and anyone who can lift the sections, which are comparatively light, cbn erect the house. The inside of the Playhouse is given one coat of the best quality of double boiled linseed oil. The outside is given one coat of specially prepared primer and two coats of the best lead and linseed oil paint. The side walls are colonial yellow, the trimmings white and the roof light green. Price complete, f. o. b. cars, Ithaca, $97.50 23NO. 7 CORNELL PORTABLE PLAYHOUSE G feet wide by 9 feet deep Side walls, G feet 6 inches high Gables and lower half of side sections half timbered 24NO. 7 CORNELL PORTABLE PLAYHOUSE OUR No. 7 Cornell Portable Playhouse is 6 feet wide, 9 feet deep, and the walls are 6 feet 6 inches high; the total height from sill to point of gable is 10 feet. The gables and lower portion of side sections are half timbered. There is a door and a window in the front of the house and one window on each side. The window openings are 2 feet 9 inches wide by 4 feet 2 inches high and the door is 2 feet 6 inches by 6 feet 2 inches. Ourj^jg. 7 is an exceedingly attractive, well finished Playhouse and is the pride of the youngster’s heart. The materials are the very best and the general construction the same as the No. 6 Standard Cornell. We make the No. 7 House also 12 by 15 feet, 15 by 18 feet and as small as 6 by 6 feet. Write for quotations on any of the above sizes and make your suggestions. One of our greatest pleasures is to be able to please the little ones. We desire to impress it upon you that as far as the quality of lumber and careful erection is concerned, we give each Cornell Portable House the same attention, whether we are building the most elaborate Portable Cottage or the most modest child’s playhouse. “ CORNELL ” EVER HAS BEEN THE TRADE MARK FOR QUALITY 25NO. 8 CORNELL PORTABLE PONY STABLE 9 feet wide by 12 feet deep Walls, 7 feet G inches high Cables and doors half timberedNO. 8 CORNELL PORTABLE PONY STABLE OUR No. 8 Cornell Portable Pony Stable is 9 feet wide by 12 feet deep. The side walls are 7 6 inches high. The gables and door are half timbered. The side, front and back are made of matched siding put up in 3 fe&i wide sections, interchangeable. There are two diamond pane windows 2 feet 9 inches wide by 2 feet high on each side of the stable, immediately under the eaves. In this position they afford the maximum amount of light with the minimum danger of breakage and are just in the right place for the best ventilation. A wide double baseboard runs around the bottom of the building and there is a b^t below the window sills which gives the building a neat, well finished appearance. The door is 6 feet wide, double and paneled. A portable platform the same width as the door is provided to run the trap in and out of the stable. We can equip this stable with a small box stall and hay rack, also a locker for the harness. OUR HOUSES ARE STRONG AND WEATHER-TIGHT WE KNOW THEY WILL “ GO TOGETHER. FOR WE SET THEM UP BEFORE SHIPPING 27NO. 9 CORNELL PORTABLE HUNTER’S ANI) FISHERMAN’S CAMP 12 feet long by 9 feet wic^M Side walls, 7 feet 6 inches high Gables half timbered. Belt at height of window sillNO. 9 CORNELL PORTABLE HUNTER’S AND FISHERMAN’S CAMP THE Cornell Portable! Camp is made as light as possible, ^consistent with strength and durability. A Portable Camp serves so many purposes that ife difficult lo say for which it? is the most valuable. • < With a good camp, one is King of beach* field and forest and it is as useful to the keen sportsman as to the convalescent invalid, who can make himself perfectly comfortable/away from the restrictions of societyy^free from the well meant but annoving solicitude of friends. Far away in the forest , where the silence Is so restful.-Hso profound that one can hear th^vemng shadows slowly creeping over the mountain side. A Portable Camp is not so expensive as a Permanent Camp and presents the great advantage that one season you can enjoy the view of the Mentless ocean, beating at your very door—the next season, miles and miles, away, camping at their feet, you gaze with/awe upon the lofty mountain peaks, clad in their garb of everlasting snow. The No. 9 Portable Cornell Camp is 9 feet wide and 12 feet deep; the walls are 7 feet 6 inches high with a total height of 11 feet 6 inches from top of sill to point of gable. It is made of the best quality white pine and put together in 3 feet wide interchangeable sections securely held to sill and plate by means of forged angle irons, each section being securely bolted one to the other. There are two windows 2 feet 9 Inches wide by 4 feet 2 inches high andjone paneled door 2 feet G inches high provided with a good mortice lock. Furmer specifications for this building are similar to those of the No. 1 Cornell Standard Portable Automobile Garage, which we consider our Standard of construction. Our camp is improved in appearance by the half timbered gables and by the heavy baseboard which runs around it and is strengthened by the belt fitted under the window sills] the floor, roof and finish are similar to our No. 1 Cornell Standard Portable House. We furnish gSHB and double folding cots, chairs, stands, cooking stoves and utensils particularly adapted to camping and refer you to pages 35 to 42 of this catalogue, where you will find these fittings fully illustrated. 29NO. 10 CORNELL PORTABLE BOATHOUSE 9 feet wide by 18 feet deep Side walls, 6 feet 6 inches high Gables and doors half timbered 30NO. 10 CORNELL PORTABLE BOATHOUSE NO. 10 Cornell Portable Boathouse is 9 feet wide by 18 feet deep and is built of the best quality tongued and grooved white pine. The side walls are 6 feet 6 inches high and built of the Standard Cornell interchangeable 3 feet wide sections. The gables and the 6 foot door are half timbered and a belt runs around the house immediately under the 33 inch by 50 inch windows, which are under the eaves and made of diamond shaped lights. There are two windows on each side. Heavy bed pieces are furnished in place of a floor and the house may be set on piles or on a concrete foundation. The roof is of wood, canvas covered, thoroughly painted and made in sections which are held firmly together by specially devised turnbuckles. We make Portable Boathouses of dimensions to suit and will submit drawings and specifications upon request. OUR SYSTEM OF TRIPLE CHECKING BEFORE SHIPMENT INSURES THE RECEIPT OF EVERY SECTION AND BOLT YOU CAN DEPEND ON IT 31NO. 11 CORNELL PORTABLE SHOOTING GALLERY 9 feet wide by 3G feet deep, with removable hinged front Lower side panels and gables half timberedNO. 11 CORNELL PORTABLE SHOOTING GALLERY THE Cornell Portable Shooting Gallery is 9 feet wide by 36 feet deep, built of 3 feet wide Cornell interchangeable sections, 7 jeet 6 inches high. It is made of selected tongued and grooved white pine and finished perfectly smooth on the inside. The front is made in sections and swings on hinges. It may be field up. by two posf8,to form an awning or can be taken ouBf preferred.- \ An adjustable shelf 18 inches wide extends along the entire front of the building. The lower portion of the side and end sections, as well as the gables, are half timbered. The house is built with dead sides,—or window panels may be substituted for the solid panels. A good arrangement for light is shown in the illustration. A skylight is provided on each side of the roof in the end section and is immediately over the targets. ' There is a door 2 feet 6 Inches wide by 6 feet 6 inches high on the side or end of the building. The specifications for floor, roof and construction in general, are the same as for the No. 1 Cornell Standard Portable AufiSnobile Garage. A building with tlijT^B ground plan and elevation is made to serve as a Photograph Gallery and the skylight arrangement is also the same, only on a larger scale. WE SHALL BE PLEASED TO SUBMIT PLANS, SPECIFICATIONS AND ESTIMATES UPON REQUESTTHE ITHACA GUN No. 6. Net Price $142.50 Best Pamascus or Krupp Fluid Steel barrels. Straight grip ; unless otherwise ordered made in full pistol grip. HAMMERLESS Field.........................$18.00 No. 1 Special................ 21.00 No. 1 .... .................. 24.00 No. 1',...................... 29.50 No. 2........................ 42.75 No. 2 Krupp barrels.......... 49.87 No. 3........................ 57.00 SPECIAL NET PRICES HAMMERLESS No. 4.....................$ 71.25 No. 5...................... 106.88 No. 6...................... 142.50 No. 7...................... 213.75 Ejector on any grade of Hammerless Guns, extra................. 10.00 HAMMER “X-’-’ $17.75 “A” 19.00 “AA” 21.00 “B” 26.50 “C” 53.44 “D” 71.25 “E” .......... . 106.88 If you don’t know what gun to buy, order an ITHACA and a gun of any other make, compare them, and if the ITHACA is not the best, by all odds return it.PORTABLE HOUSE FOLDING FURNITURE AND CAMP OUTFITS WE DESIRE to call your attention to our Lawn and House Folding Furniture and Camp Outfits which are superior to anything of the kind that has ever been made before, for comfort, strength, durability and utility. For campers and sportsmen—for the home in the city, in the country or on the seashore, this furniture has no equal. Every article we offer is guaranteed to support from three hundred to one thousand pounds—it defiH breakage and will not double up when in use. NO. 101 36-INCH WIDE, FOLDING CAMP BED This wide Cot Bed is a luxury. The duck is No. 10 or 14 oz. army drab or khaki, the wood work all air-dried rock elm. It stands 18 inches high when in use. Folds very compactly like No. 100.. NO. 100 FOLDING CAMP BED This Folding Camp Bed is a full length comfortable bed, easy and elastic. It folds into a snug package about 3 feet long, weighing 16 pounds. It is useful for camp, piazza or house. The bed is covered with an extra good quality of 12 ounce double filled, brown or white duck, furnished with a duck fold, easily converted into a comfortable pillow. It is readily and quickly opened or folded and stands firmly on the ground adjusting itself to inequalities. Price $3.33 Price $5.00. Cut No. 101Gut No. 102 NO. 102 DOUBLE DECK COT This bed is specially designed for PortabBHouses and for Tqg^^fcffe space fetiimited. The «nbination is made of two co^s, one 28, inches above the other, thoroughly braced and attached to the lower cot. When the lower rcOt is occupied there is no danger of tipping and the, upper which is only about 40 inches above the floor, is perfectly rigid. Each Cot is 6 feet 6 inches long and 27 Inches widef covered with 12 oz. double filled brown duck and has a duck fold for a pillo\B Both,cots folded together age G feet 4 incheBong by about 8 inches in diameter and-weigh 25 pounds. Price of Combination, $4.66. NO. 103 MEDICAL DEPARTMENT U. S. ARMY COT NO. 104 MOSQUITO BAR FRAME, GOVERNMENT STANDARD NO. 105 MOSQUITO NETTING These cuts illustrate two of our most popular extras? a Mosquito Bar Frame and netting used on the|Govern-ment Standard Medical Department Cot or Camp Bedf whimmended by all the pfpM|mns and nurses to whom they have been shownljmey are guaranteed foPtwc^fl^But wilhf^^B^pjM Price: Folding Tub 5 feet long $12.00. Abiding Tub 6 fee^long $13.00. Cut No. 114 NOS. 114 AND 115 WATER COOLING CANTEENS approved standard^® Made of heaBr block tin, retinned, Patent lock, cork and chain, covered with thick ^H>rbenwfeM WhijS^ soaked with water ajpime of filling. A heavy dry c^^^Bcoyerihgy^®n drawn down and laced over ^re soaked felt confining the moisture and retarding evaporation, thqlgreducing the temperature of the contents of the canteen. This canteen can also be used as a hot water' bag in camp. Price: No. 114, capacity § gal., $2.50. No. 115, capacity 1 gal., $4.00. Cut §Id. 115 39GOLD MEDAL COOKING OUTFIT Thi^Hbhe ]^^^K>mp^Hand convenient cooking outfit on the marketS It contains every necessity for camp jEjaB Our jR jack is^fiMnpact folding dev^^^^J has ty^Hhe cookir^Apacity of any other. It jgjvery rigid and cannc^Hupset when in use. The out® is made in three sijjes, for two, four and six persons. The outfit for six cont^H the following: 28 inch fire jHk Large combined camp boileMnd dish pan Camp^^^Br ComtHed bMing and frying pan Cow* for above pans Wrought stM handle Five quart coffee pot Six extra large cups, open handlH nested Six extra large dinner plates Six knivps and forks Six teaspoons One knife sharpener ^Rljdwin butcher knife and sheath Two tablespoons Extrajh&ayy mixinRpoon Large meat fork Soup ladle Skimmer and strainer Can opener SaUBpepper and flour dredges Cake turner Wire toastM anddSroiler Wire dish washer. CaiBe holdpiM The outfi™for twjgand four ]®-sonsV£ontain the same as thB^por six with the exception of talpfc-ware for two and four resp§fti™v. PRICE No. 116, Outfit for six, $12.00 NoB.6 A, Outfit for four, $11.50 No. 116 B, Outfit for two, $11.00 Cut No. 117 40KAMP KOOK KIT The uses of the Kamp Kook Kit shown set up in illustration are so apparent that no special instructions are required to enable the sportsman to get up a first-class meal in a first-class manner and served in an appetizing way. The grating is set over a small camp fire, forming a solid support for the cooking utensils, the inwardly turned legs preventing the jack from sinking into the ground under any load that may be put upon it. All the articles are used as occasion requires or the necessity of the case demands; boiling, broiling, baking, roasting and frying are possible to the happy camper possessing a Kit, and a padlock makes the entire Kit, including table-ware, secure for shipment. The handle on the large boiler is in convenient position for carrying the Kit when packed. Our No. 118 Kamp Kook Kit is composed of fifty-four pieces; 33 pieces of table-ware and 21 cooking utensils as follows: 1. Wrought Iron Fire Jack, riveted, with hasp for padlock. 2. Eight quart heavy steel combined Camp Boiler and Dish Pan. Cut No. 118 3. Five-quart heavy steel Camp Boiler, with lifting clips, riveted. 4. Heavy tin Cover, fits Nos. 2, 3 and 5. 5. Combined Frying and Baking Pan, riveted clip and ring. 6. Adjustable wrought Handle for Nos. 3 and 7. 7. Three quart Solid Lip IX Coffee Pot, riveted handle and bail. 8. Heavy Re tinned Corrugated Folding Wire Broiler and Toaster. 9 and 10. Heavy wrought Retinned Ladles, 3f inch, solid and pierced. 11 and 12. Heavy Retinned Cake Turner and Basting Spoon. Cut No. 11913 and 1« Three-tined Retinne^Eesh Fork and Can Opener. ^Bmnd 16. Large Wire Ring Pot Cleaner and Dish Towel. 17, 18? 19 and 20. Match Flour DreclgS Salt and Pepper Boxes. 21. Eldnac (Candle) LanlS^Mframe for No. 2 Fluted Chimney. TABLE-WARE (33 pieces will pack inside “Kamp Kook Kit”) Six each Steel Knives and Forks. Six Silver Finish Embossed Fleavy Teaspoons and two Tablespoons. Re^^^Open E5?dle Cups and six tin One Butoffir Knife, redwood handle, in Bpper riveted leather Materials and workmanship 26 gauge H^^h iHMM»oilers, no Elder used to hold any cjBthe together. pr^^H No. 118 Kamp Kook Kit anB TabMj^Mfor pieces).............................$9.00 No. 118A Kamp Kook Kit Hi ffice^^^HjL|a|j^B&7.00 NO. 120 KOTTAGE KOMFORT AIR-TIGHT HEATER The Kottage Komfort is an effects™'1 air-tight ’ ’ wood burning heating stove, in whiclB&re can be controlled to keep BReaj night. There are no openings through which hot coals might fall out, and the pipe screen stops all sparks, so accidental fires are prevented. Being cylindrical it is very strong and shapely! it has no projecting parts to break, is compact, durable, light, and arranged to lock with a padlock. Double seams all around so that hot fires have no permanent warping effect. It stays air-tight. It is made of 22 gauge sheet steel; 7 inches wrought iron legs; the lid is of 16 gauge steel, provided with a hasp which engages a staple; tinned malleable iron lift-injxhandles are riveted on; the spark arrester is a very heavy perforated steel plate, one inch below the stove pipe opening, effectually closing it for transportation. A down draft is provided by riveting inside ft teel partition which extends downward* within about two inches of the bottom of the stove. The draft opening at top admft air to the down draft, the supply B regulated to a nicety by the damper. The pipe is made telesgo-ing, 5 inches diameter at the bottom, tapering to 3 inches at the top, and packs with legs inside the heater, leaving space in which to pack other articles. Large area on top for heating food and water. Cut No. 120 NO. PRICE INCLUDES PIPE DIAM. DEEP rofgjg WEIGHT EACH 120 Kottage Komfort, 6 inch hole 14 inj!(^?ln. 7 fe^^KO lbs. $6.00 120 A “ 9 “ “ 17 “ 14 “ 9 “ 7.00 120 B I I 9 “ “ 20 “ 15 “H “ 30 “ 8.50 12(L«® Elevated x 13 x 8 inches inside, 18 “ 6.00 42NO. 121 FOLDING STEEL LAWN SWING Our Swing is constructed throughout of special high carbon steel with the exception of the sEts in the seat and platform which are of the best grade of well seasoned hard wood and will last for years. The platform extends the full length and acts as a guard. Because of the perf® manner in which our Steel Swing is built, the mesa tot can in it with perfect •safety. The framework is so well braced and rigid that it readily carries four h^^^^^Sons wThen In full motion. By the simple shifting of a little pin, the seats can be arranged for sitting up straight—like. in a reclining chair—or thrown perfectly flat as for a couch. For the further comfort of our patrons we have provided a canopy for the seats. There are also side and end curtains which makes the Swing available as a protected couch, at home or in the camp; convenient clasps make the removal of the curtains very easy. Still further adding value to our Swing, we haveprepared a convenient table to be placed on the platform between the seats?and to boused as a c^tólun(S sewing table, or for any other purpose?-^ Our Swing igfebjpped in two parts andi]j%jpHinple in constru^on that it can iSset up in five minutes time without the use of tools; it can be taken down even more quickly and stored in a very small space. We make two Swings,one for the Lawn and the other for the veranda. If your porch is suitable in width and height, the Lawn Swing can be used, also for the|§®ch. The supports for the ||fflmda Swing are adjustabJêTrom 6 to 36 inchISfor any height of porch and can be easily and securely fastened to roof or joists. Our two passenger Lawn Swing is 8 feet 6 inches long by 4 feet 2 inches wide and 7 feet high; full swinging space 12 feet";v width of seat 17J inches; height of seat from platform 17 inches; weight 140 pounds. Our four passenger Lawn ®ing H8 feet 6 inches long by ? 5 feet 6 inches; \\?ide &nd 7^yH-ift#ies high I width om|p| 30 indpjptj height of from platform 17 inches; weight 180 pounds. _ PRICES No. 121 Two passenger StHl Veranda Swing . . .$ 9.25 No. 121A Two passenger Steel Lawn Swing........ 13.75 No. 121B Four p!psengerp||p Veranda Swing ... 11.00 $go. 121C Four passenger Steel Lawn Swing...... 18.50 Adjustable Head Rests, per set................. 1.50 End or Side Shades, 31 inches wide, each.......... 2.00 Table, complete.................................. 4.00 WE PIT OUR IDEAS AGAINST YOUR REQUIREMENTS 44“TENTING IT” WITH the coming of Spring, the sportsmanH thoughts turn to the hunting expedition, the fishing trip and camp J|i*HCamp lifffirings him nearer to nature than any other form of recreation. In the woods and on the ‘ lake's * and rivers he finds quiet and content, and when hegmurns from a camping or canoeing trip he feels like a new man, refreshed and full of vim and energy. In order to ffloroughly enjffl and reap the greatest benefits from a trip into the woods, one must be properly equipped. A good serviceable tent, a staunch canoe, warm clothing and a rifle or shot-gun are the essenjnffiof successfully tlTenting It.” When going into camp an important point to be considered S&he camp site. . High or sloping ground is necessary to a healthy camp. A shallow trench dug around three sidSof the tent and about a foot from the wall, will insure a dry floor in rainy weather and a piece of mosquito netting fastened across the front keeps the tent free from flies and insects. NO. 122 WATERPROOF WALL TENTS Our special Waterproof Wall Tents Jml be appreciated by campers as they positively do away with a leaky roof. Made from a strong, light’, close-woven drill and treated by a special process which renders it proof against mildew and makes it absolutely waterproof. Being waterproof a fly is unnecessary, thus greatly reducing the weight and bulk. It can be rolled up wet, without injury, and more compactly than regular tents. (See page J*6 for weights, dimensions and prices) Cut No. 122WEIGHTS, DIMENSIONS AND PRICES OF NO. 122 WATERPROOF WALL TENTS DIMENSIONS HMIHT ^Eeight O^lfj PRICE A^^ÄlGE wek^^B OP WALL RIDGE POLES -, ' * TENT POLES 5x7 feet 2| feet 6 feet $ 9.50 14 pounds 111 pounds 7x7“ 1 7 WÊ 10.25 16 WÊ ■ I 7 X 9 " o M o 12.00 20 “ 17 B 9x9“ 3 “ ■ 1 14.00 21 17 9J X 12 “ . 3 “ 1 9 16.00 28 Wm 21 jPg 12 X 12HH BBBB 8 I 20.00 38 ;B - 21 B 12 X 14 B 3i B 8 “ 22.50 . 38 -|B 221 “ 12 X 16 “ ■ 1 8 “ flgp.00 41 B 241 B EXTRAS—Sod cloth, 5 cents per fcBx, ifteasured;-aromffl tent. Ad<|jL0% for door wa® in both ends of 81 Dining fffl to extend in froiHcan be furnisnlJ^Bffirder at an additional ®t of half the price of tent of corresponding NO. 123 WATERPROOF MINERS’ OR PYRAMID TENTS These tenffiiike our Waterproof Wall Tents, are made of a specially strong, WmiMf^^^oven drill, treated by a special process which makeSIra absolutely and mildew-proof. For canoeists and|0nountain climbers these tents anffldeal. They have one centiffl pole and the sides are pegged down. No adjusting ropes. Can® put up or taken down in a very few minutes. SIZE HEIGH®F POLE prigeM weight complete 7x7 feet 7 feet $6.00 14 pounds 9x9 feet 8 feet $7.50 • 15 pounds 46BITE-NO-MORE jITE-NO-MORE keeps off Mosquitos, IM^: Flies* Sand Fh|sgj Gnati Midges, and all otrrer insect® Iffrs designed for the use of all who are exposed to the attacks of insect» especially sportsmen, woodsmen, campers, surveyors, loggers ancta others. It is a dependable remedy for external application in cases of. bites of venomous insects, such as the Spider, Centipede and Tarantula g it will allay the pain from the stings of Bee, Hornet and Wasp. It is invaluable as a dressing for sunburn, poisoning from KSygor oak and for cuts and wounds. BitS&irMore will stop the itching of Mosquito and Flea bites. It will kill the ‘ ‘ Jigger1 ’ and stop the intense itching caused by its presence in the flesh. It will also stop the itching from Hives, Eczema, or any other cause. It will not stain nor injure clothing. Instead of evaporating off, it dries on, forming a thick coating on the skin through which no insect will attempt to bite. We recommend this remedy to be perfectly reliable. PRICE 4 oz. Screw Cap Tin Can 50 cents CORNELLOZONE £JORNELLOZONE is a powerful and odorI<® disinfectant and is a sovereign remedy for jpp|g||s of the skin and mucous n8frcp)raiics. It destroys bad odors and thoroughly disinfects and freshens up the ice box or any receptacle wherein food is kept. A few drops or tablets thrown into an unused well, or cistern, renders the water fit for use. A few grains dissolved in ordinary drinking water so as to barely tinge it, makes it safe to drink without boiling. It is used a gargle and may be taken inwardly as it is positively non-poisonous. It is a specific for sores, cuts, sprains, wounds, burns on man or beast. It gives immediate and permanent relief in case of oak or ivy poi§£$ oning. In case of a bad cut or wound, bathe the affected part thoroughly with a 25% solution of Cornellozone, or better still, place the affected part in the solution and keep it there for a few minutes. Repeat frequent!™ You will be astonished how rapidly and healthily the wound will heal. For thrush, cracked heels, sore shoulders and backs of horses, bathe thoroughly with a 10^ solution of Cornellozone. It cleanses and purifies and induces a healthy action of the sound t issue. PRICE 12-oz. bottle of Liquid by^Express, at receiver’s expense, 50c. Tablets, per package, postpaid,............ 50c.INDEX Page Bath Tub, Portable Folding ------ 39 Beds, Folding Camp - -- -- --35 Bite-No-More ________ 47 Canteens, Water Cooling ------ 39 Chair, Folding - 37 Chair, Folding Porch - - - - - - 37 Construction, Cornell Portable Houses - - - - 5 Cooking Outfit, Gold Medal ------ 40 Cornellozone - -- -- -- --47 Cornell No. 1 Standard Portable Automobile Garage 9, 10, 11 Cornell No. 2 Portable Automobile Garage - - - 13 Cornell No. 3 Portable Automobile Garage - - - 15 Cornell No. 4 Portable Automobile Garage - - - 17 Cornell No. 5 Portable Cottage and Detached Kitchen 19, 20, 21 Cornell No. 6 Standard Portable Playhouse - - - 23 Cornell No. 7 Portable Playhouse 25 Cornell No. 8 Portable Bony Stable - - - - 27 Cornell No. 9 Portable Hunter’s and Fisherman’s Camp 29 Cornell No. 10 Portable Boathouse - - - - 31 Cornell No. 11 Portable Shooting Gallery - 33 Cornell Portable Houses - -- -- -- 5 Cornell Standard Interchangeable Sections - - - 6 Cot, Double Deck -------- 36 Cot, Medical Department, U. S. Army 36 Cupboard, Folding - -- -- -- -38 Cut of Cornell No. 1 Standard Portable Automobile Garage 8 Cut of Cornell No. 2 Portable Automobile Garage - - 12 Cut of Cornell No. 3 Portable Automobile Garage 14 Cut of Cornell No. 4 Portable Automobile Garage - - 16 Cut of Cornell No. ^Portable Cottage and Detached Kitchen - -- -- -- --18 Cut of Cornell No. 6 Standard Portable Playhouse - - 22 Cut of Cornell No. 7 Portable Playhouse - - - 24 Cut of Cornell No. 8 Portable Pony Stable 26 Page Cut of Cornell No. 9 Portable Hunter’s and Fisherman’s Camp ---------28 Cut of Cornell No. 10 Portable Boathoustli - - - 30 Cut of Cornell No. 11 Portable Shooting Gallery - . - 32 Details of ($|pSjruction of 1^5 1 Cornell Standard Portable Automobile Garage ------ 10 Double Deck Cot - - - - - - - 36 Factory and Offices, Photographic View of - - 2 Folding lamp Beds - - - - - - - 35 Foreword - -- -- -- -- 3, 4 Furniture and Camp Outfits, Portable House Folding 35-42 Ground Plan and Elevation, Cornell^pPortable Cottage and Detached Kitchen No. 5 ----- 20 Ground Plan No. 1 Cornell Standard Automobile Garage - 10 Gun, The Ithaca - - - - - - - 34 Heater, Kottage Komfort Air-Tight ----- 42 Kamp Kook Kit - - - - - - -41,42 Bffilade to Order” Plans and Specifications - - - 7 Material, Cornell Portable HousBs^ - 5 Miners’or Pyramid Tents ------ 46 Mosquito Bar Frame - - - - - - - 36 Mosquito Netting - -- -- -- -36 Portable House Folding Furniture and Camp Outfits 35-42 Rocker, Folding Porch ------ 37 Sections, Cornell Standard Interchangeable - - - 6 '‘Standard” Plans and Specifications 7 Swing, Folding Steel Lawn - - - - - - 43 Tabfe| Folding Camp - - - - - -38 TabjH Roll Top Camp - - 38 "Tenting It” --------- 45 T|ms, Waterproof Miners’ or Pyramid 46 Tents, Waterproof Wall 45 Title Page - -- - - -- -- 1 U. S. Army Cot, Medical Department - - - 36 Wash Stand, Folding..................................--39 GIES-C0., BUFFALO. NO. 5a CORNELL PORTABLE COTTAGE AND KITCHEN Main Cottage, two rooms 9 by 12 feet each ; one room 12 by 15 feet Kitchen, 6 by 9 feet, Porch 6 by 15 feet Price - $435-oo PriceWYCKÔFF LUMBER & MFG. CO., ITHACA, NEW YORK__ NO 5a CORNELL PORTABLE COTTAGE SIDE »ELS Each section is inches wide and 8 feet 6 inches high. The solid sections are of inch thick siding, tongued and grooved, V jointed and surfaced on two sides. DOORS Are 2 feet 6 inches wide, 6 feet 6 inches high, inches thick and paneled. They are hung with pin joint wrought iron butts, set in place, so that the door is quickly and accurately adjusted in position. Each door is provided with a good quality of lock. The sash openingls 2 feet 9 inches wide by 4 feet 2 inches high, l^lpfflwith six lights, divided in the middle and rabbeted so that each half swings out. They are hung, with pin joint wrought iron hinges, set in place, so they may be quickly adjusted in positions« FLOOR The floor isK; inch thick tongued and grooved, and made ill sections. ROOF The roof is made in panels of pine and the weather surface is covered with roofrite. andgaheld tightly together by means of bolts on the under side. screiHs Door and window screens of fine mesh wire, well fitted, are furnished when desired. The doors are complete with strong ffiring hinges. BLINDS OutsideV^ndow blinds with sut^rtantial fasteners are also furnished when requested. INSIDE FINISH The inside of the house is given one coat of the best quality of double boiled linseed oil. OUTSIDE FINISH The outside is given one c&at of specially prepared primer and two coats of best lead and linseed oil paint. The side walls are ^^fflted coldnialHellow, the trimmings are white. ^If you prefer different shades please notify us when sending youf order. ■pTwo rooms 9X 15 feet each, one room 12 x 15 feet, kitchen 6x9 feet, porch 6x15 feet-— Two rooms 9 x 12 feet each, one room 12 x 18 feet, kifchen 6x9 feet, porch 6x18 feet—$460.00. ■ Two rooms 9x9 feet each, one room 12x12 feet, kitchen 6 x 9 feet, porch 6 x 12 feet—$385.00. Two rooms 9 x 15 feet each, one room 12x 18 feet, kitchen 6x9 feet, porch 6 x 18 feet—$485.00. Size of rooms can be so arranged to suit the convenience of the purchasefodjWYCKOFF LUMBER & MFG. CO., ITHACA, NEW YORK afcoK.s CORNELL PORTABLE COTTAGE 15 feet by 18 feet, containing two rooms One room 9 feet by 18 feet, one room 6 feet by 18 feet Veranda on three sides WYCKOFF LUMBER & MEG. CO., ITHACA, NEW YORK NO. 15 CORNELL PORTABLE COTTAGE THIS cottage is designed especially for seashore and places where an abundance of porch room is required. This cottage is also built with porch on two sides or four sides. The specifications for the Doors, Windows, Roofing and Materials are the same as our 5a Cottage. One room 6x9 feet, one room 9x9 feet, , one room 9x15 feet, porch three sides—$308.75. One room 6x9 feet, one room 9x9 feet, one room 6x15 feet, porch two sides—$283.75. Jwo rooms 9x9 feet, one room 9x18 feet, veranda two sides - - $333.75. Two rooms 9x9 feet, one room 9x18 feet, .veranda three sides* - $358.75. WYCKOEF LUMBER & MEG. CO., ITHACA, STEW YORK Jr % WYCKOFF DUMBER & MFG. CO., ITHACA, NEW YORK NO. 16 CORNELL PORTABLE COTTAGE THIS cottage, like all the Cornell Cottages, is made as light as possible, consistent with strength and durability. . This cottage serves many purposes such as cottage for camping, stores, real estate offices, etc. The No. 16 Portable Cornell Cottage is built any desired size. The plans show two of many ways this cottage can be arranged. The specifications for this building are similar to those of our other cottages. 12 feet by 12 feet with veranda, $158.75 12 feet by 15 feet with veranda, $183.75 12 feet by 18 feet with veranda, $208.75 12 feet by 21 feet with veranda, $233.75WYCKOFB LUMBER gf MFG. CO., ITHACA, NEW YORK NO. 17 CORNELL PORTABLE COTTAGE Two rooms 12 feet by 12 feet each Open summer dining room and porch combined, 12 feet by 12 feetWYCK OFF LUMBER'& MFG. CO., ITHACA, NEW YORK NO. 17 CORNELL PORTABLE COTTAGE AVERY popular two-room cottage with roorny porch [^suitable for an open air dining room or living room. This porch can be readily screened#! The arrangement ajto rd§ practically three rooms, the porch may be considered*^ but doorSbom. A small lean-to kitchen can be Built in the rear at a slight expense, and when desired should be mention-1 in ordering this design. SIDE Wa1,LS Side walls are 8 feet 6 inches, sufficiently high for good ventilation ; those of the annex are 6 feet 6 inches. ' DOORS Doors are 2 feet 6 inches wide, 6 feet 6 inches high and inches thick and contain four lights. They are hung with pin BinB"*rought iron butts, set in place, so that doors are quickly r accurately adjusted in position. Each door is fitted with good quality T lock. WINDOWS The sash opening is 2 feet 9 inches wide by 4 feet 2 inches high, glazed with six lights, divided in the middle and! . rabbeted sq that each half swings out. BUggey are hung with pin joint wrought iron hinges, set iiMplare, so they may be Quickly adjusted in positioji. FLOOR The floor is % of an inch thick tongued and grooved and made in sections. ROOF The roof is made in panels and the weather surface is covered with roofrite and is held tightly together by mear^ of bolts on the under side. ^SCREENS Door and window screens of fine mesh wire, well fit. i, are furnished .when requested, INSIDE FINISH The inside of the house%s given, one coat of tk 'iM’ quality of double boiled linseed oil. c OUTSij|SFINISH The outside is given one coat of specially prepared”>rimer and two coats of best lead and linseed oil paint. Til i side walls are painted colonial yellow, the trimmings are vhite. If you prefer different shades please notify us when sending your order. Two rooms 12x12 feet each, open veranda 12x12 feet— * ■ I 3 Two roonmji2x 15 feet each, open vetanda 12XT2 fdet—-$367.50. -r ^ One room 12 x 12 feet, one room 9 x 12 feet, open veranda 12 x 12 feet—$292.50. Two rooms 9x12 fefet each, open veranda 9x12 feet— $252.00.WYCKOFF LUMBER & MFG. CO., ITHACA, NEW YORK NO. 18 CORNELL PORTABLE COTTAGE Two rooms 9 feet by 9 feet each ; one room 9 feet by 18 feet Veranda 6 feet by 18 feetWYCRÔFF LUMBER & MFG. CO., ITHACA, NEW YORK jjb'/3 “SPg£IAE” CORNEEL PORTMjEE GARAGE, 18 FEE®BY 24 FEET Write for prices on special sizes LARGE ENOUGH TO DO ALL THE WORK In cooking on top of the Stove, turn Damper down. For baking, turn the damper up. Bh:s forces all the heat down and around the oven in a full sheet flue, giving ME513||lly the same results a*. you obta.n froiBa high pr‘ A stee’ range. 0W NT AND 'ABLE THE BANNER CAMP A Cook Stove and Heater all in One SMALL ENOUGH TO BE EASILY HANDLED The legs, covers and center piece on top, and the fire box door can all be packed in the oven for shipping purposes, thus taking up very little room and eliminating f the danger of any breakage in transportation. Burns wood, roots,'^sticks, corn cobs, straw, etc.* LOW PRICED, BUT NOT I CHEAP” pattern was designed and manufactured expressly for the convenience of camping parties, summer cottagers and ofT .T y a who vd.sP to reduce to a minimum the work of cooking and heating during the vacation period. THE BANNER CAMP is substantially i 4 front, bottom and legs being of best quality stove plate iron ; the bc^y proper is made of cold rolled sheet steel. ' Arn^ Luf cooking, heading water, etc., will be found on top, while in baking, the heat has to travel entirely around the oven, thus ii-.surmg perfect baking qualities. Pric^* complete, as illustrated above, $6.00. . ■' - T Dime lsionifcomplete on legsE-Front to back, 21 inches ; Top to bottom, 24 inches ; Firebox, 19x11x7; Oven, 19x12x8. at 3911177 ^THE BANNER CAMP A COMBINATION COOKING AND HEATING STOVE THE BANNER GAMP was placed on the market to meet the demand fora substantial low-priced cooking and heating stove combined, for the use of an increasing number of campers, summer cottagers, etc. It is large*enough and strong enough to do all the work required, still it is not bulky, but on the contrary can be packed so as to fill ^comparatively small space. In shipping the loose parts can all be placed in the oven to save space and prevent loss in transit. :The patterns for THE BANNER GAMP were designed by a practical camper who has had many years experience in camp life, and so is familiar with all that is required of a stove of this kind. The body is made of cold rolled sheet steel; the top, front, bottom and legs being best quality stove plate iron. Being simple in construction, this Stove is easily operated. Space for cooking, heating water, etc'., will be found on top, the pamper being turned back to economize fuel. In baking, the damper is turned up, thus forcing all the heat in a full sheet .fkie ihtirely, around*the oven, insuring perfect baking'qualities. This gives practically the same result as you secure in a high priced steel range. . ƒ For fuel, twigs, sticks, hay, straw, chips, corncobs, roots—un fact almost everything blit coal can be used. A check slide in the feed'aobr provides for a good, strong draft. While THE BANNER GAMP was designed primarily for cooking, it will be found very convenient in many instances as a heating stove^also. r ^ THE BANNER GAMP has been used and tested for many years, meeting the requirements of an increasing number of customers every season as the best arrangement of this kind ever placed on the market. • A ■ ■ PRICE, COMPLETE, . . . $6.00