UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE AGRICULTURE HANDBOOK NO. 8 COMPOSITION OF FOODS -— RAW, PROCESSED, PREPARED By Bernice K. watt and Annabel L. Merrill with the assistance of Martha Louise Orr, Woot-Tsuen wu, and Rebecca Koonce Pecot ,3. Bureau of Human Nutrition and Home Economics Agricultural Research Administration This handbook supersedes Miscellaneous Publication 572 Washington, D. C. June 1950 For sale by the Superintendent of Documents. U. S. Government Printing Office Washington 25. I). C. - Price 55 cvnts 7’V5‘5/ COMPOSITION OF FOODS —- RAW, PROCESSED, PREPARED l/ (:jéir / 6/5) 0 : PULiL’K. This publication presents three tables of data on the proximate composi-Bgfijfi tion and mineral and vitamin content of foods. It has been prepared to meet the growing demand for such infonmation from many persons including teachers, dietitians, nutritionists, physicians,and others conducting dietary studies or engaged in planning diets or in calculating the nutritive value of foods. EXPLANATION OF TABLES The foods have been arranged alphabetically with cross references and have been numbered uniformly in all tables to aid the user in finding the items listed and in keeping records of values used. Table l.-—Composition of Foods, 100 Grams, Edible Portion provides informa- tion required when the percentage composition of the edible portion of foods is needed. It contains information in the form wanted to calculate the nutrients in studies in which the food as eaten is weighed. Water, ash, and fiber have been included in this table but not in the others, since probably this table will be used for most purposes requiring the more detailed information. Reference to water content frequently is essential for the interpretation of data and for the correct application of figures. For example, differences shown in the energy value and protein or other nutri- ents in samples of wheat may be in part a matter of different moisture bases used in reporting the data. Ash as well as water content is useful in helping to define the product, particularly when the information afforded can be used to indicate the extent of some form of processing, such as drying or milling. Fiber has been included because its content in the edible portion of foods is often requested. Table 2.--Composition of Foods, 1 Pound, As Purchased provides figures that can be applied to foods as they are brought into the home kitchen from the garden after they have had some trimming, or from the market or delicates— sen. This table was prepared primarily for use in studies of nutritive value of family food Supplies, and may be adapted for use in evaluating institutional and national food Supplies. The data were calculated from the unrounded aver- ages used in developing table 1. The number assigned to an item in table 2 is the same as that assigned in table 1 from which it was calculated. Subscripts have been added where more than one font of the food has been listed. The percentage of refuse ordinarily found in foods on the retail market is also shown. These figures were used in converting the basic data in table 1 to the so—called "as purchased" basis--the edible portion of a sample in terms of the weight before inedible portions or portions usually discarded are removed. In the calculations from the edible portion to the "as purchased" basis the nutrient content of the discarded portion was ignored. The composition of the refuse does not enter into the computations. In any particular case, if the amount of refuse is known and differs from the figure shown in the tables, the user will need to adjust the weight of the food accordingly before applying the 17 The authors wish to express their appreciation to Blanche Spears for valuable assistance in the checking, calculating,and recording of data for these tables. 394 food composition figures. For example, if a vegetable has only 25 percent refuse instead of 50 percent as shown in the table,l pound should be counted as 1% pounds. The following formula can be used to adjust the weights of food as it is purchased to account for more or less refuse: 100 minus percent of refuse adjusted weight to be considered more SUitable x weight of food purchased = used with composition 100 minus percent of data shown in table 2 refuse shown in table If the proportion of refuse is smaller than the figure given in the table, a larger weight of food should be used for calculating the nutritive value. If the refuse makes up a larger percentage than is indicated, a smaller weight should be used. Table 3.--Comoosition of Foods, Common Household Units is useful in esti- mating nutrient values of unweighed portions of foods as served and in rating individual diets in certain types of dietary surveys. For many foods the unit shown is l cupful because this quantity can be adjusted readily to servings of various sizes. For some foods, the unit shown is a given number of ounces if that approaches a reasonable portion or serving and information is lacking for computing other units. One-pound portions of numerous home-prepared foods have been included to facilitate computations for certain types of dietary studies. The weights of common household units of food and their approximate measures shown in table 3 were taken from several sources, published and unpub- lished, or were calculated from the density of the food. The weights thus obtained in many instances do not represent a high degree of accuracy for the volume or measure but the nutrient values in the tables are for the weight specified. Weights per volume or count reported by different laboratories or individuals varied widely in many cases and the approximate measure and the food itself were not always adequately described in the report. To minimize the errors in interpreting the units of measure and weight in table 3, descrip- tions have been made as Specific and adequate as possible. SOURCES OF DATA The data appearing in these tables have been compiled over a period of years from published and unpublished literature and except in a few cases are averages of original analytical data. It is not practicable to list the numerous sources in detail. Research at colleges, universities, and Agricultural Experiment Stations as well as research by scientific organizations and by industry have contrib- uted the major portion of the data used for deriving the averages. As new data on any food item became available in the literature or from unpublished sources, they were added to the array on file if suitable and a new average derived. For some foods, chiefly in the case of the minenal content, data were taken from other compilations, especially published summaries of Henry C. Sherman. In other instances, data are the result of investigations in a single laboratory. For example, figures on the proximate composition of cooked fish were supplied by courtesy of the Bureau of Fisheries, U. S. Department of Interior, from unpublished work in their laboratories. A brief outline of the historical background of the current tables may give the user a better understanding of them and of their sources. The first tables of food composition published by the U. S. Department of Agriculture in 1896, and revised and expanded in 1906, presented data on the proximate comp position and energy value of an extensive list of foods. The tables contained minimum, maximum, and average values for water, protein, fat, carbohydrate, ash content, and energy value of the edible portion of the food, and for refuse as well. The data were compiled by W. O. Atwater and his associates and were based in large measure on their own work and that of their colleagues, most of whom were working in Agricultural Experiment Stations, and on a few experiments from foreign laboratories. Since that time compilation of data from original sources has been con- tinued by the Department of Agriculture and at intervals publications have been issued covering various phases of work on the composition of foods. A complete revision of the original tables was made by Charlotte Chatfield and Georgian Adams and published in l9h0. The composition figures were brought up—to-date, taking into account changes in processing of foods and the introduc- tion of new fruits and vegetables and new varieties. As mineral and vitamin values of foods appeared in the literature or otherwise became available they also were added to the food composition files. When an urgent need arose early in World war II for a single food table showing not only calories and proximate composition but mineral and vitamin values as well, compilations of data were supplied by the Department and others to the Committee on Food Composition of the National Research Council's Food and Nutrition Board and used by them in a preliminary processed table. The table was revised and expanded as unpublished analyses were assembled by the efforts of that Committee, and new research results became available. A printed edition, "Tables of Food Composition in Terms of Eleven Nutrients," Miscellaneous Publi- cation No. 572 containing data on 275 foods, was published in l9h5 by the U. S. Department of Agriculture in cooperation with the National Research Council. The present publication takes into account much new material. Figures have been revised as needed, and there have been added numerous foods not listed in the 19h5 table, as well as different forms of food, especially frozen and cooked foods. NOTES ABOUT FOOD ITEMS In preparing these tables an effort has been made to derive values typical of the product available the year around throughout the country. At present, however, it is impossible to prepare average composition values that are uni- formly representative for all foods or even for all constituents of any one food. Some foods have been analyzed repeatedly for their content of a few nutrients and scarcely at all for other nutrients. Cooked foods, a few prepared dishes, and frozen foods have been included in the tables for the first time. Figures for these items are preliminary, in many cases based on very little experimental work. However, even in tentative form they more closely approximate the nutrient content of food as eaten than do data on uncooked foods. As far as possible the data presented were based on summaries of reported analyses; where necessary, however, values were imputed either from another form of the same food or from a similar food. For example, h in only a few cases were suitable analyses available on which to base figures for either the proximate or mineral composition of frozen foods or cooked vegetables. Where actual data were lacking or appeared to be inconsistent, the composition of the drained portion of the canned food or of the raw product was used. For cooked vegetables vitamin values are based on studies in which fair- to-good cooking procedures were followed. Unless otherwise indicated, the values shown may be applied to vegetables cooked not too long in a moderate amount of water. Amount of water and length of time required to bring water back to boiling are two of the more important factors in vitwnin retention. Small amounts of water and short heat-up periods would result in higher vitamin content than shown in these tables. Conversely, if the vegetable was started in a large amount of cold water, the values would be lower because of increased solution and destruction. Reheated left-over vegetables would have much less thiamine and ascorbic acid than shown by the figures in the tables. Enriched Flour.--The minimum levels for the required nutrients covered by the FEEEFal enrichment legislation for flour have been entered in these tables. These minimum levels are thiamine 2.0 mg., riboflavin 1.2 mg., niacin 16 mg., and iron 15 mg. per pound. In addition to the amounts of iron and the three vitamins specified, certain levels of vitamin D and calcium were permitted as optional ingredients. Vitamin D is not included in these tables, and except for self-rising flours it has been assumed that manufacturers ordinarily do not add calcium. Self-rising flour as usually prepared contains dicalcium phosphate although sometimes a sodium salt is used. Self-rising flour containing the calcium salt is estimated to have approximately 1,255 mg. of calcium per pound and this figure appears in the tables. The minimum amount required for enrich- ment is only 500 milligrams per pound, and hence both the enriched and the unenriched Self-rising flours, as customarily prepared, have more calcium than the minimum level. Bread and Rolls.--The nutritive values shown for breads and rolls are the resultrbirealculations made from formulas considered typical of present day commercial baking practices. Breads with 2 percent increments of nonfat milk solids up to the 6 percent level (flour basis, that is, 6 pounds nonfat milk powder per 100 pounds flour) have been entered because this range is believed to cover most of the white breads sold. For calculating nutritive values of diets when the level of milk solids in commercial bread is unknown, the bread having milk solids at the h percent level (flour basis) is suggested because present information indicates that the average amount of milk used is between 3 and h percent (flour basis). Bread made with h pounds of milk solids to 100 pounds of flour contains approximately 2% percent of milk solids after baking. There is wide variation in the amount of milk used in bread. Instances are known in which bakers use as much as three and four times the average. A significant portion of the calcium content of breads shown in these tables is from the mold inhibitor. In calculating the values for commercial white bread, it was assumed that 0.2 pound of calcium propionate was used to 100 pounds of flour. In the h percent milk bread, the calcium propionate would account for about 110 mg. of the calcium in a pound of bread. Enriched bread may be made either with enriched flour or with unenriched flour plus such other ingredients that l pOund of the finished product will have not less than the minimum nor more than the maximum levels of certain nutrients as specified in the proposed Federal standards. The amounts of the nutrients specified appeared in the Federal Register for August 3, 19h}, as follows: Minimum maximum mg.:1b. mg.:lb. Iron ............ 8.0 12.5 Thiamine ........ 1.1 1.8 RiboflaVin coco-o a? 1.6 Niacin coo-coo... 10.0 15-0 The minimum levels of iron, thiamine, riboflavin, and niacin in the pro- posed specifications for enriched bread have been entered in these tables. In calculating the nutrients, it has been assumed that the breads were made with unenriched flour and that the amounts of the nutrients needed to meet the minimum levels specified for enrichment in addition to the amounts contributed by the ingredients of the formula would be supplied by adjusted enrichment preparations. However, if enriched flour was used along with significant quantities of nonfat milk solids, the level of these nutrients, riboflavin especially, would be higher. The effect of increasing milk solids by 2 percent increments may be observed by comparing the nutrient content of the unenriched breads having nonfat milk solids at the different levels specified. Breakfast food cereals on the market tend more and more to have added nutrients. Nutritive values approximating.some of these products have been included in the tables. The nutrients usually added to these breakfast foods include one or more of the following: Iron. thiamine, riboflavin, and niacin. Except for enriched farina and enriched grits, there are at present no Federal standards regarding the addition of nutrients, either as to the nutrient that may be added or its level in the finished product. The values for the break- fast foods with added nutrients shown in these tables are averages of the composition data reported for commercial products that have the same generic classification and have approximately the same levels of added nutrients. Before using these data in any particular calculation, as in dietary studies, it would be well to check the data with the information given on the packages of several kinds in the current market to see whether values in these tables are applicable. Meat of medium fatness for each kind of animal makes up the main portion of meat consumed in this country and was therefore used as the basis for most of the data entered in the present tables. Composition data for meat of other degrees of fatness are entered for the carcass or side as a whole. In addition, under pork, the item "miscellaneous lean cuts" has been included for use when a figure is needed to represent the total of the so-called lean cuts of a medium fat carcass that go into ordinary retail channels. Excluded are the lard, bacon, salt side, and fat back. 6 Reliable average values on the proximate composition of wholesale cuts have been available for several years and have been used quite generally in dietary calculations for estimating the nutritive values of meat. When wholesale cuts of medium fatness are trimmed, fat along with some bone and a very little lean is often removed. The extent of the trimming is highly variable, and the com- position of trimmed cuts cannot be estimated as accurately as that of wholesale cuts. For evaluating diets, the use of composition data on wholesale cuts, par- ticularly in the case of beef, introduces considerable overestimation of fat and calories and a small underestimation of protein. The data for some of the fresh beef cuts shown in this table have been adjusted to allow for a moderate amount of trimming. Data for all other fresh meat cuts, including lamb, pork, and veal, are from wholesale cuts considered most suitable. Data for cooked meats were estimated from studies relating to changes in the composition of meat during cooking. Among the most important factors influ— encing these changes are temperature of cooking and degree of doneness. In so far as possible, data used to derive values for cooked meat in these tables were from experiments in which the meat had been cooked to medium doneness at moderate temperatures by common methods suitable for the particular cut. Meat shrinks when cooked, losing water, fat, some mineral matter, and a little protein. The total loss in weight appears to be around 20 to 30 percent for meat with bone and about 30 to ho percent for meat without bone. Meat roaSted at a very low temperature would be expected to shrink less than at higher temperatures. Re— heating of left-over meat would reduce considerably the thiamine values shown in these tables. NOTES ON NUTRIENTS AND OTHER COMPONENTS Refuse figures in tables 2 and 3 refer to the percentage of the total pur- chased weight that the homemaker usually discards in preparing food for the fam- ily table. Refuse includes bones, pits, shells, and other inedible material. For some foods it includes portions that could be eaten but as a rule are dis- carded; for example, potato parings and tough outer leaves of vegetables. In general, data on refuse have been based on products in good condition and would not be suitable to apply to produce with excessive bruising, insect infestation, or rot, nor would they apply if peeling and trimming are done extravagantly. In other words, data shown here for refuse do not include waste. The figures are considered suitable for use with food supplies purchased at retail but generally are not satisfactory for use with fresh produce bOught at wholesale. Proximate composition of fbod is the term which has come to be applied to the proportion of water, fat, carbohydrate, protein, and ash present in the food. Each component is made up of substances having some properties in common but may include smaller amounts of substances that are unrelated chemically. This prox— imate grouping of long standing is convenient and is useful for many calculations. water content includes volatile substances in addition to free water. Most of the figures fbr moisture have been based on change in weight of a sample before and after heating to constant weight, in some cases in a vacuum oven, in others by air drying. In recent years other methods of drying have been intro- duced, but frequently the method used for obtaining either moisture or total solids has not been stated in the reports. All too often, especially in studies of the vitamin content of foods, analyses for moisture or solids have not been reported at all. Protein values have been calculated from nitrogen content, nearly always total nitrogen, by applying suitable conversion factors such as those published by Jones 2/. Counted with the true protein are other nitrogenous compounds such as amino acids and the purine bases. In cases where the nonprotein nitro- gen exclusive of amino acid nitrogen is fairly large, the figures for the pro- tein content of the food have been adjusted to more nearly represent the sum of the true protein and amino acids present. Fat refers in the main to ether-extractable materials, including in addi- tion to _the glyceryl esters of fatty acids or true fats, various fatty acids, sterols, chlorophyll, and other pigments or substances of similar solubility. Carbohydrate frequently referred to as "total carbohydrate by difference" is the term that has come to be used in this country to apply to the balance of the food components and is the difference between 100 percent and the sum of the percentages of protein, fat, ash, and water. In addition to the sugars and starches which the body uses almost completely it includes other forms of car- bohydrate which the body utilizes to a lesser degree if at all, such as fiber and pentosans. Included also are other substances that are not carbohydrate, such as organic acids. Fiber as it has usually been determined is that portion of the sample which resists solution when boiled in dilute acid and dilute alkali. It is made up largely of celluloses, hemicellulose, and lignin. Food Energy.-—Calories are the units used for expressing food energy. In this publication calories have been calculated by a modification of the proce- dure that has been in use in this country for 50 years. Instead of applying the general calorie factors h, 9, h to the percentage composition of protein, fat, and carbohydrate, respectively, as has usually been done heretofore, more specific factors have been developed for individual foods or food groups. These more specific factors have been developed along the lines of Atwater's plan but take into consideration the more recent literature on digestibility and phys- iological energy value of foods. The principle for this revised procedure of estimating the calorie values was published 2/ in the report of the Committee on Calorie Conversion Factors and Food Composition Tables, convened by the Nutrition Division of the Food and Agriculture Organization. Details of applying this procedure in the estimation of the calorie values of wheat flours of different extractions have also been published g/. Factors not shown in either of these publications for calculating the calories from protein, fat, and carbohydrate in foods were based on an un- published compilation of data in the files of the Bureau of Human Nutrition and Home Economics. Ash refers to the total mineral matter residue after ignition of the sample. 27 Jones, D. B. Factors for converting percentages of nitrogen in foods and feeds into percentages of protein. U.S. Dept. Agr. Cir. 183, 22 pp. 19hl. (Sl. rev. ed.) 2/ Food and Agriculture Organization, Nutrition Division. Energysyielding components of food and computation of calorie values. 23 pp. l9h7. g/ Merrill, A.L., and Watt, B.K. Physiologic energy values of wheat. Amer. Diet. Assoc. Jour. 2h:9S3—956. l9h8. Calcium, phosphorus, and iron data shown in these tables represent the total amounts of these elements present unless otherwise noted. The question of how to treat the calcium content of foods containing relatively large amounts of oxalic acid remains debatable. In these tables the total calcium content is given but attention is called in a footnote to the possibility that all of it may not be available because of the presence of the oxalic acid. Likewise, deductions were not made for phytin present in the food. Vitamin values in the literature for any one vitamin have been determined by a number of methods. In some cases the early exploratory procedures have been replaced by methods now thought to be highly reliable, but the more reli— able methods have not yet been applied to all foods. The application of better methods will call for a revision in some of the figures. Vitamin A values in these tables are expressed in International Units. They have been based in part on biological assay and in part on physical or chemical determinations of vitamin A itself or on one of its precursors. The physiological equivalence of vitamin A and of the carotenes having vitamin A activity has posed difficult questions. Scientists around the globe are not entirely in agreement as to how much carotene is equivalent to an International Unit of vitamin A. For these tables,values expressed as micrograms of carotene were converted to I. U. of vitamin A on the basis that 0.6 microgram of beta carotene and 1.2 micrograms of other carotenes having vitamin A activity were equivalent to l I.U. of vitamin A. The problem of deriving suitable values for practical use in evaluating human diets is still further complicated by differences in_availability of carotene from different sources. Experimental work with laboratory animals and human subjects have shown that the carotene in some foods is nearly all available and in others only one—third or less is available. Future revisions of vitamin tables probably will require consid— erable change in vitamin A figures. B vitamins.--Methods of extraction and assay for the three B vitamins (thiamine, riboflavin, niacin) included in these tables are still in the proc- ess of development. Modifications of the preferred methods are resulting in greater sensitivity and precision and consequently in better agreement between methods. Results of applying the improved procedures have not as yet been reported for a great many foods; consequently many of the values in these tables are based on older methods. There is still considerable doubt con- cerning the adequacy of present methods for the release of the bound forms of riboflavin; anomalous values are occasionally reported for the retention of this vitamin in foods that have been subjected to heat. NiaCin values in these tables were derived from data in the literature measuring nicotinic acid, nicotinamide, and related active compounds. Ascorbic acid values reported here have been based for the most part on detenninations of reduced ascorbic acid, because this was the form reported by most workers and is the fonn in which nearly all of this vitamin occurs in fresh products. Foods that have undergone storage or processing, however, have been found to contain significant quantities of the oxidized form (dehydroascorbic acid). Data on total ascorbic acid were used when authors reported data on both the reduced and the dehydro forms. Since data for estimating total ascorbic acid were far less often reported, there may be some underestimation of the vitamin C value of the foods. On the other hand, recent developments in methods for measuring the vitamin C value of products show that some foods contain interfering substances which react chemically like the vitamin but do not have the same physiological activity. These interfering substances are found especially in foods having a high carbohydrate content that have been subjected to heat or unfavorable storage conditions. Continued research on methods and application of the improved procedures are needed to show to what extent present data need revision. SIGNS AND SYMBOLS USED An asterisk in the table stub indicates an item for which the composition has been calculated from a recipe. Parentheses denote imputed values for which little or no experimental evidence was available, for which there was relatively little basis for im— puting a value from another form of the food, or for which reported data were not considered suitable. A zero in parenthesis is used where actual data were lacking and the amount of a constituent present was regarded as none or probably too little to measure. Dashes show that no basis could be found for imputing a value although there was some reason to believe that a measurable amount of the constituent might be present. The word "Trace" is used to indicate vitamin values that would round to zero with the number of decimal places carried in these tables. For other components that would round to zero, a zero is used. A zero followed by a decimal point indicates that there may be up to 0.5 of the unit present but bases for showing the amount were inadequate. Numbers with or without decimal points indicate that the average has been rounded to the nearest whole number or in the case of vitamin A to the nearest multiple of ten. TABLE le—Gomposition of foods, 100 grams, edible portion 5 Food Carbo- Phos- Vite— . . . Ascor- Food and description later en- 12:: Fat hydrate Ash 2:; phor- Iron min A Eh; 3:23;: N11:- ‘bic ergy Tota1 Fiber ue value c acid Bet-LELEE-Gl-Gkinggbkkysclfl-kkflkk 1 Almonds, dried, unbleached .......... 4.7 597 18.6 54.1 19.6 2.7 3.0 254 475 4.4 0 0.25 0.67 4.6 Trace Apples: 2 Raw. .............................. 84.1 58 .3 .4 14.9 1.0 .3 6 10 .3 9o .04 .03 .2 5 Canned. See Applesauce. ‘ ' 3 grehydreted (small pieces) ......... 3. 354 1.8 2.4 91.0 4.9 1.8 24 61 1.8 (0) .07 .10 1.2 12 ied! 4 Uncooked ................... 23. 277 1.4 1.0 73.2 3.9 1.4 19 48 1.4 (o) .10 .10 1.0 12 Cooked: 5 ”Unsweetened. ................. 78.1 79 .4 .3 20.8 1.1 .4 5 14 .4 (0) .02 .03 .3 2 6 'Sweetened. .................. . 71.4 105 .4 .3 27.5 1.0 .4 5 12 .4 (o) .02 .02 .2 2 7 Apples and apricots, canned, 82.3 63 .4 .3 16.5 .5 .5 11 16 1.0 1.070 .02 .02 .2 2 strained (infant food). 8 'Apple betty. ....................... . 64.2 150 1.7 2.9 30.6 .8 .6 15 25 .1 160 .06 .04 .5 1 9 App1e butter ....................... . 53.1 184 .4 .8 45.4 1.1 .3 14 21 .6 (o) .01 .02 .2 2 10 App1e juice, fresh or canned. ....... 85.9 50 .1 (0) 13.8 - .3 6 10 .5 40 .02 .03 Trace 1 Applesauce, canned: 11 Unsweetened... ................... . 88.4 42 .2 .2 10.9 .6 .3 4 8 .4 30 .02 .01 Trace 1 12 sweetened ................. . ....... 79.8 72 .2 .1 19.7 .6 .2 4 8 .4 30 .02 .01 Trace 1 13 Strained (infant food). ..... 83.1 61 .5 .2 16.0 .6 .2 5 7 .4 80 .01 .02 .2 2 Apricots: 14 Rear .................... . .......... 85.4 51 1.0 .-1 12.9 .6 .6 16 23 .5 2,790 .03 .05 .8 7 Canned: 15 Water pack, solids and. liquid-oo- Wn9 32 .5 01 8.1 .3 e4 10 15 03 1.3% 002 002 03 4 16 Six-up peck, solids and liquid... 77.3 80 .6 .1 21.4 .4 .6 1o 15 .3 1,350 .02 .02 .3 4 17 Strained (infant food) .......... 82.6 61 1.0 .4 15.2 1.2 .8 20 30 (1.1) (1,700) (.02) (.02) (.2) (3) 18 Dried, sulfured ................... 24. 262 5.2 .4 66.9 3.2 3.5 86 119 4.9 7.430 .01 .16 3.3 12 Dried, sulfured, cooked: 19 'Unsweetened, fruit and liquid... 75.3 85 1.7 .1 21.8 1.0 1.1 28 39 1.6 2.420 Trace .05 1.0 3 20 ‘Sweetened, fruit and simp...... 65.8 123 1.5 .1 31.6 .9 1.0 24 34 1.4 2,110 Trace .04 .9 3 21 Frozen ooooooooooooooooooooooooooo o 77.8 82 07 01 2100 04 04 11 16 .4 1,63) '02 .03 05 4 %88 SR 3% 38 3o 31 32 33 34 35 36 ‘ 37 33 Ba- ............................ ... Cooked ........................... . Canned, green: Solids and liquid. .............. Drained solids ................. . Canned, bleached: Solids and liquid ............... Drained solids. ................. Frazecn ........................... . Agatagus-beans. See Cowpeas. Avocados, raw y ................... . Bacon, medium fat: Raw, slab or sliced .............. . Broiled or fried, drained. ....... . Bacon, canned ...................... . Bacon, Canadian, raw... ............ . Bananas, raw ....................... . Bananas, baking. See Plantain. Barley, peat-led, light, dry ......... Beans, common or kidney, nature dry seeds! Pinto and red Mexican, raw ........ Red kidney: Ram ............................ . Canned (or cooked), solids and liquid. 93.0 92.5 93.6 92.5 93-3 92.3 93.0 65.4 20. 13. 15.6 74-8 8.1 12.2 76.0 21 18 21 18 21 349 349 336 2.2 2.4 1.9 2.4 1.6 2.1 2.2 1.7 9.1 8.7 1.2 8.2 23.0 23.1 5-7 .2 .2 -3 .4 -3 .5 .2 65. 55- 72. 15. .2 1.2 1.7 .4 (.3) 23. 78.8 63.7 59-4 16.4 1.8 000 .6 4-3 227 6.2 .8 4.0 1.5 21 19 18 19 15 21 13 15 13 16 163 163 62 53 43 53 33 62 108 255 94 210 189 437 437 124 -9 1.0 1.7 1.9 .9 1.0 .9 (2.0) 6.9 6.9 1.9 Note: Asterisk indicates that values are calculated from a. recipe: parentheses indicate imputed value. y Data on proximate constituents apply to Mei-to variety. § (0) (o) (o) (0) 433 (0) (e) (o) .16 .13 .07 .06 .05 .05 -14 I12 .65 ~57 .05 C 19 .17 .08 .07 .08 .15 .13 .12 .31 .10 .05 .08 .24 .22 .05 1.4 1.2 -9 1.0 (-9) 1.2 1.1 Hfm—a \11 com ’0 5. .7 3.1 33 15 18 15 18 21 16 II TABLE 1.-Composition of foods, 1CD grams. edible portion-4ontimed Food Carbo- Phos- Vite- . . Ascor- l'ood and description Water en- :re- Fat max-ate Ash 2:; phor— Iron min A It: 21:11: 3::- bio ”8y “‘1 Total Fiber us value acid .221- C_al_- Ln- GJB: a... 6:: GB 1a.- 1a k I_-__U- 1e te & 14g Beans, common or kidney, mature dry seeds——Continued Other (including nawy, pea been, white marrow, other): 38»: ............................. 11.5 338 21.4 1.6 61.6 4.0 3.9 163 437 6.9 0 0.67 0.23 2.2 2 Canned, baked: 40 Pork and molasses. ........... . 70.0 125 5.8 3.0 19.2 .9 2.0 56 113 2.1 30 .05 .04 .5 2 41 Pork and tomato sauce. ....... . 71.7 113 5. 2.1 18.4 1.0 2.0 41 113 1.8 80 .05 .04 .5 2 Beans, lime: Immature seeds: 42 Raw ........................... .. 66.5 128 7.5 .8 23.5 1.5 1.7 63 158 2.3 280 .21 .11 1.4 32 43 Cooked ......................... . 74.9 95 5.0 .4 18.3 2.0 1.4 29 77 1.7 290 .14 .09 1.1 15 Canned! 44 Solids and liquid, .......... .. 80.9 71 3.8 .3 13.5 1.3 1.5 27 73 1.7 130 .04 .04 .5 8 45 Drained 501165.. ............. . 74.9 95 5.0 .4 18.3 2.0 1.4 29 77 1.7 180 .03 .05 .5 6 46 Frozen ......................... . 71.6 109 6.4 .7 19.9 1.3 1.4 53 134 1.9 220 .10 .07 .8 17 47 Mature dry seeds ................. . 12.6 333 20.7 1.3 61.6 4.3 3.8 68 381 7.5 0 .48 .18 2.0 2 Beans, snap: Green: 48 Raw" ........................ 88.9 35 2.4 .2 7.7 1.4 .8 65 44 1.1 630 .08 .11 .5 19 49 Cooked (Small amount of water, 92.5 22 1.4 .2 4.7 .5 1.2 36 23 .7 660 .07 .10 .5 14 short time). 50 Cookeci (large amount of water, 92.5 22 1.4 .2 4.7 .5 1.2 36 23 .7 660 .05 .09 .4 10 long time). Canned: 51- Solids and liquid ............. 93.5 18 1.0 .1 4.2 .6 1.2 27 19 1.4 410 .03 .04 .3 4 52 Drained solids ................ 92.5 22 1.4 .2 4.7 .5 1.2 36 23 1.7 500 .04 .05 .4 5 53 Strained (infant food) ....... . 92.6 22 1.8 .1 4.6 1.1 .9 33 26 .6 490 .03 .07 .3 5 54 szen ......................... . 88.9 35 2.4 .2 7.7 1.4 .8 65 44 1.1 450 .07 .10 .6 11 Fax or yellow: 55 Ban ............................. 88.9 35 2.4 .2 7.7 1.4 .8 65 44 1.1 150 .08 .11 .5 19 56 Canned: Solids and liquid...... ...... . 93.5 18 1.0 .1 4.2 .6 1.2 27 19 1.4 100 .0 .o . 57 Drained solids... oooooooooooo o 92.5 22 1.4 02 4.7 05 1.2 fi 23 107 1m .03 .0; .2 g ZI 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 Beans. soya. See Soybeans. Bean soup. Bean Sprouts, raw. See Soups. See Mung bean and Soybean sprouts. Beef carcass, ram Side including kidney fat: Thin ..................... ....... Medium fat. ..................... Fat. ................... . ...... .. Very fat....... ................. Medium fat carcass, trimmed to retail. Beef cuts, medium fat: Chuck: Raw. ............................ Cooked. .................. ....... Flank: Raw ............................ . Cooked. ........................ . Hamburger Raw ........................... . . Cooked. ........................ . Lean. See Round. Porterhouse: Raw. ........................... . Cooked ........................ . . Rib roast Raw ........... . ................. Cooked ......................... . Round: Ra" ooooooooooooooooooooooo D O 0 o I I Cooked. ........................ . 65. 51. 61. 51. 55~ 47- 58. 49- 59. 51. 69. 59- 207 273 322 224 309 247 314 321 364 296 342 282 319 182 233 18.8 17.5 16.3 13.7 18.2 18.6 26. 19.9 5' 16. 22. 16.4 23. 17.4 24. 19.5 27. 16. 22. 18. 23 O 28. p. 25. 27. 23. 24. 11. 13. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. O. 0. 0. O. 0. 00000 1.0 1.1 .8 1.1 .8 1.2 1.0 1.3 11 10 11 11 ll 12 11 10 11 10 10 11 11 170 150 132 94 161 167 117 186 117 128 158 134 170 149 185 180 224 2.8 2.6 2.4 2.1 2.7 2.8 3.1 3.0 3.0 2.4 2. Note: Asterisk indicates that values are calculated from a recipe: parentheses indicate imputed value. _1_/ Data. assume cut to be prepared by braising or not roasting. Use of 50 percent more thiamine and niacin and 25 percent more riboflavin. (0) (0) (o) (0) (0) (0) (0) (o) (o) (0) (0) (o) (0) (o) (0) (o) (o) .1_/ ll .08 .08 .07 O% .08 .05 .09 .05 .07 .08 .07 .06 .07 .06 .08 1/ ll .08 .17 .16 .15 .12 .16 .17 .20 .18 .20 .19 .15 .18 .15 .18 .17 .22 4-5 4.2 3.9 3-3 4-4 4-5 £1/4.1 4.8 314.1 3.8 4.8 3-9 4-7 4.2 4.3 4-7 5-5 proportionate quantity of drippings would add approximately 00°00 61 TABLE 1.-—Composition of foods, 100 grams, edible portion--Contimed Food Carbo- Phos- Vite.- . . . Ascor- Pro- Cal- Tina- Rdbo- N18;- Food and description Water en- . Fat m ‘Sh . phor- Iron min A . . bio ”8y tem Total Fiber cum us value mine flavm cm acid M%%%Gm-Gfl%-EE&&;LWMS-&&k Beef cuts, medium fat--Contim1ed Rump: 7 Raw ............................ 55. 322 16.2 28. 0. 0 0.8 9 131 2.4 (o) 0.07 0.14 3.9 0 7E Cooked. ........................ 46. 378 21. 32. 0. 0 .5 8 85 2.5 (0) _1j.04 y .15 y3.1 0 Sirloin: 77 Raw. .......................... . 62. 254 17.3 20. 0. o .9 10 147 2.6 (0) .07 .15 4.2 0 78 Cooked .............. . ......... . 54. 297 23. 22. o. 0 1.1 10 175 2.9 (0) .06 .19 4.8 0 Beef, oemmed: 79 Corned beef hash.. ..... . ......... 70.4 141 13.7 6.1 7.2 .2 2.6 26 146 1.3 Trace .03 .14 2.9 0 80 Roast beef ..................... .. . 224 25. 13. 0. o 2. 16 116 2.4 (0) .02 .23 4.2 0 81 Strained (infant food).. ........ . 77.9 105 17.4 3.4 0. 0 1.3 11 150 4.2 (o) .01 .22 3.3 0 Beef, corned, boneless: 82 Uncooked, medium fat ............ . 54.2 293 15.8 25. 0. 0 5.0 9 125 2.4 (0) .03 .15 1.7 0 Canned; 83 Leon. .......................... 62.0 185 26.4 8. 0. 0 3.6 21 110 4.5 (0) .02 .25 3.5 o 84 Medium fat .................... . 59.3 216 25.3 12. 0. 0 3.4 20 106 4.3 (0) .02 .24 3.4 0 85 Fat ................ . .......... . 55.3 263 23.5 18. o. 0 3.2 19 98 4.0 (0) .01 .22 3.2 0 86 Beef, dried or chipped. ............ 47.7 203 34.3 6.3 0. 0 11.6 20 404 5.1 (0) (.07) (.32) (3.8) 0 87 'Beef and vegetable stew ............ 78.6 107 5.5 8.2 7.1 .4 .6 13 75 1.1 1,070 .05 .06 1.5 6 88 Beer (average, 4 percent alcohol)“ 90.2 2/ .6 .0 4.4 -_ .2 4 26 .0 (0) Trace .03 .2 (0) Beets, common red: 89 Raw, pee1ed root ................. 87.6 42 1.6 .1 9.6 .9 1.1 27 43 1.0 20 .02 .05 .4 10 90 Cooked ........................... 88.3 41 1.0 .1 9.8 .8 .8 21 31 .7 20 .02 .04 .3 7 Canned: 91 Solids and. liquid ............ .. 90.3 34 .9 .1 7.9 .5 .8 15 29 .6 20 .01 .02 .1 5 92 .Draimed solids.... ............ . 88.3 41 1.0 .1 9.8 .8 .8 21 31 .7 20 .01 .03 .1 5 93 Strained (infant food) ......... 89.6 34 1.4 .1 7.7 .6 1.2 18 26 .8 10 .01 .03 .2 6 Beat greens, common; 94 Raw. ..................... .. ..... . 90.4 27 2.0 .3 5.6 1.4 1.7 3/118 45 3.2 6.700 .08 .18 .4 34 95 Cooked .......................... . 90.4 27 2.0 .3 5.6 1.4 1.7 3/118 45 3.2 7.440 .05 .16 .4 15 Z - VS ‘ O 0506” Beverages, carbonated: % Ginger ale..............oo... 97 Other, including 1001a type... 'Biscuits, baking powder, made with; 98 Unenriched flour............. 99 Enriched flour............... 100 bricked self-rising flour... 101 'Biecuits, canned, unbaked...... Blackberries: 102 Ram......................... Canned, solids and liquid: 103 Water pack.... ........ ..... 104 Six-up pack................. Black-eyed peas. See Cowpeaa. 105 ‘Blcnc mange (vanilla cornstarch pudding)- Blueberries: Canned, solids and liquid: 107 Water pack................. 108 Sirup peck........ ......... 109 Frozen, without manna“... Bluefish: 1m h.....OICIOO.IUOOO0.0.0.... 111 Cooked, baked................ 112 COOde. fried-u............... Note: Asterisk indicates that values are calculated from a. recipe; y Data. assume cut to be prepared by bruising or pot roasting. Use 910 88. ”.0 27.0 28.0 38.6 84.8 88.7 76.0 76.0 83.4 90. 73- 83.4 (73.6 .2 60.8 342 334 287 57 43 111 61 37 98 61 124 155 205 8.2 8.2 8.0 609 1.2 .9 .7 3-5 .6 .4 -4 .6 m.5 27.4 22.7 10.6 10.6 10.9 8.9 1.0 50 percent more thiamine and niacin and 25 percent more riboflavin. 2] The value excluding energy derived from alcohol is 20 calories. is 48 calories. 3/ Calcium may not be available because of presence of oxalic acid. 9. - -- -- -- -- -- 12. — -- — -- .- 52.2 .2 2.0 218 193 .5 0 .05 .09 .5 0 52.2 .2 2.0 218 193 1.8 0 .23 .22 2.0 o 49.9 .2 3.2 220 250 1.8 0 .24 .23 2.0 0 43.9 .2 1.7 184 163 1.5 0 .24 .2) 1.8 o 12.5 4.2 .5 32 32 .9 200 .04 .04 .4 21 9.4 2.0 .3 18 19 (.7) 180 .01 .02 .2 6 22.8 2.9 .3 18 19 (.7) 180 .01 .02 .2 6 15.7 o. .9 117 92 .1 .16 .1 Trace 85 15.1 1.2 .3 16 13 .8 280 (.02) (.02) (.3) 16 9.0 1.0 .2 11 6 (. 26. 1.0 .2 11 6 (. 15.1 1.2 .3 16 13 . .01 .01 .2 13 .01 .01 13 .2 (.02) (.02) (.3) 14 £61315 o. 0 1.2 23 243 .6 -- (.12) (.09) 1.9 -- 0. o 1.9 23 293 .Z -- .12 . 11 2.2 -— 4.7 o 2.0 19 243 . .. .11 .11 2.1 .- parentheses indicate imputed value. of preportionate quantity of driypings would add approximately If the enery from alcohol is considered available, the value 91 TABLE l.-Composition of foods. 100 grams, edible portion--Contimed Food Garbo- Pho s- Vit a.- . Ascor- Pro- 081- T1118:- Ri'bo- Nisa- F d. d (1 so iption Water en- , Fat hydrate Ash phor- Iron min A . . bio 00 an e r ergy “In Total Tiber ciun .113 value mine flavm on: acid IM%@°2§&§2:°W¥L~E&¥QL~E&&E¥Q Bologna. See Sausage. Boston brown bread. See Breads. 113 Bouillon cubes ..................... 5. 48 (6.) 2.5 (0) o 68. .- - -- —. -— 1.8 25.6 o 114 Brains, all kinds, raw..... ....... . 78.9 125 10.4 8.6 .8 o 1.4 16 330 3.6 0 .23 .26 4.4 18 113 Bran (breakfast cereal, almost 2.6 242 12.0 3.4 74.2 8.8 7.8 94 1.312 10.3 (o) .37 .39 19.2 (o) wholly bran). 116 Bran flakes (40 percent bran). ..... 3.6 292 10.8 1.9 78.8 3.9 4.9 61 622 5.1 (o) .46 .23 8.7 (o) 117 Bran, raisin ....................... 6.4 297 9.0 1.8 78.6 3.5 4.2 60 541 4.8 (o) .39 .19 7.0 (o) 118 Brazil nuts. ................. 5.3 646 14.4 65.9 11.0 2.1 3.4 186 693 3.4 Trace .86 -- _ -- 'Breads: Boston brown bread made with degermed corn meal! 119 Unem‘iched .................... . 44.5 219 4.8 2.1 46.0 .3 2.6 185 158 2.5 140 .08 .12 1.4 0 120 Enriched ...................... . 44.5 219 4.8 2.1 46.0 .3 2.6 185 158 2.9 140 .13 .17 1.9 o Cracked-wheat bread, made with: 121 Unenriched flour. .............. 36.0 259 8.5 2.2 51.4 .5 1.9 83 126 1.0 0 .11 .10 1.4 o 122 Toasted. .................... . 26. 299 9.8 2.5 59.5 .6 2.2 96 146 1.2 0 .lo .11 1.6 o 123 Enriched flour. ............... . 36.0 259 8.5 2.2 51.4 .5 1.9 83 126 2.0 0 .25 .19 2.5 0 124 Toasted ..................... . 26. 299 9.8 2.5 59.5 .6 2.2 .96 146 2.3 0 .23 .22 2.9 0 French or Vienna. breads: - 125 Unenrichod ..................... 35.5 270 8.1 2.7 52.0 .2 1.7 24 71 .7 o .05 .06 .9 o 126 Enriched. ..................... . 35.5 270 8.1 2.7 52.0 .2 1.7 24 71 y1.8 o _1_/.24y .15 y2.2 0 Italian bread: 127 Unenriched ..................... 35.0 263 8.7 .8 53.7 .2 1.8 13 77 .7 o .05 .07 1.0 o 128 Enriched. ................ 35.0 263 8.7 .8 53.7 .2 1.8 13 77 yl.8 o y.24_1j .151/2.2 o Raisin bread: 129 Unenriched ..................... 30.2 284 7.1 3.1 57.8 .2 1.8 80 104 1.3 10 .07 .11 .9 o 130 Toasted. ....... . ........... . 22. 318 7.9 3.5 64.6 .2 2.0 89 116 1.5 10 .06 .12 1.0 o 131 Enriched. ................... 30.2 284 7.1 3.1 57.8 .2 1.8 80 104 yl.8 lo y.m y .15 1 2.2 0 132 Toasted ...................... 22. 318 7.9 3.5 64.6 .2 2.0 89 116 2.0 10 .22 .17 2.5 o 133 Rye bread. American (1/3 rye. 35.3 244 9.1 1.2 52.4 .4 2.0 72 147 1.6 o .18 .08 1.5 0 2/3 clear flour). White bread, unenriched: 134 2 percent nonfat milk solids... 34.5 276 8.2 3.3 52.3 .2 1.7 65 81 .6 o .05 .08 .9 o 135 4 percent nonfat milk solids 3] 34.7 275 8.5 3.2 51.8 .2 1.8 79 92 .6 o .05 .11 .9 0 136 Toasted.... ................ .. 25.5 313 9.7 3.7 59.0 .2 2.1 90 105 .7 o .05 .12 1.0 0 137 6 percent nonfat milk solids... 34.2 276 8.6 3.1 52.3 .2 1.8 92 101 .6 0 .05 .12 .9 0 White bread. enriched: 138 2 percent nonfat milk solids... 34.5 276 8.2 3.3 52.3 .2 1.7 65 81 _1_/1.8 0 yr», y .15 372.2 0 139 4 percent nonfat milk solids 3] 34.7 275 8.5 3.2 51.8 .2 1.8 79 92 y1.8 o 1424 y .15 y2.2 0 140 Toasted...... ...... . ........ . 25.5 313 9.7 3.7 59.0.2 2.1 90 105 2.1 o .22 .18 2.5 o 141 6 percent nonfat milk solids... 34.2 276 8.6 3.1 52.3 .2 1.8 92 101 y1.8 o y.24 y .15 gm 0 142 Whole-wheat bread.... ...... 36.6 240 9.3 2.6 49.0 1.5 2.5 96 263 2.2 o .30 .13 3.0 0 143 Toasted. ...................... . 26.0 280 10.9 3.0 57.2 1. 2.9 112 307 2.6 o .28 .15 3.5 0 See also Biscuits. Corn bread, niffins. Rolls. 144 Broad onions, dry, grated.......... 8.5 385 11.9 4.5 72.5 .2 2.6 111 129 2.6 o .27 .22 3.1 0 Breakfast foods, mixed cereals: 145 Corn and soy grits. reedyhto-eat (added thiamine and niacin). 146 wheat and melted barley, ready» 2.8 389 11.0 .6 82.8 1.8 2.8 47 330 3.5 (0) .53 .17 4.7 (o) to-oat (added thiamine and niacin). Breakfast foods. See individual grain, as Corn. Oatmeal, etc. Broccoli, flower stalkS: 147 Bar... ...................... 89.9 29 3.3 .2 5.5 1.3 1.1 130 76 1.3 3,500 .10 .21 1.1 118 148 Cooked..... .......... . ......... .. 89.9 29 3.3 .2 5.5 1.3 1.1 130 76 1.3 3,400 .07 .15 .8 74 149 Frozen. ......... .. ......... 92.2 23 2.5 .2 4.3 1.01 .8 100 59 1.0 2,330 .07 .12 .9 75 Note: Asterisk indicates that values are calculated from a. recipe; parentheses indicate imputed value. y Iron, thiamine, riboflavin, and niacin are based on the minim level of enrichment Specified in standards of identity proposed by the Federal Security Agency and published in the Federal Register, August 3, 1943. 3/ When the amount of nonfat milk solids in commercial bread is unknown, use bread with 4 percent nonfat milk solids, item 135 for unenriclled bread and 139 for enriched. L1 TABLE l.-—Composition of foods, 100 grams, edible portion-~Contimed 5° Food. _ Carbo- Phos- V't . . ' . As - Food and description Water en- 12“.; Fat hxdrate Ash Csl- phor- Iron 111:3: Tbm— Elbe? 11113.- ‘01? ergy e1 Total Fiber c1um us value mm flavm cm acid IQmefiGfitfiGflGA-Mikfleefl-EQW-WMS- Brc‘m betty. Sen Apple betty. Brussels sprouts: 15o Raw ............................. 84.9 47 4.4 0.5 8.9 1.3 1 3 34 78 1 3 400 0.08 0.16 0.7 94 151 Cooked .......................... 84.9 47 4.4 .5 8.9 1.3 1.3 34 78 1 3 400 .04 .12 .5 47 152 Frozen .......................... 84.9 47 4.4 .5 8.9 1.3 1 3 34 78 1 3 340 .05 14 .6 63 Buchheat flour: 153 Dark ........................... . 12. 347 11.7 2.5 72.0 1.6 1.8 33 347 2.8 (o) .58 .15 2.9 (o) 154 Light ........................... 12. 348 6.4 1.2 79.5 .5 .9 11 88 1.0 (0) .08 (.04) (.4) (o) Buckwheat pancake mix. See Pancake mix. 155 BJtter. .................... . ..... . 15.5 716 .6 81. .4 o 2.5 20 16 .01/3.300 Trace .01 .1 0 156 Buttermilk, cultured (made from 90.5 36 3.5 .1 5.1 o .8 (118) 93 .1 Trace .04 .18 .1 1 skim milk). Cabbage: 157 Ram ............................. 92.4 24 1.4 .2 5.3 1.0 8 46 '31 .5 80 06 .05 .3 50 158 kaed (small amunt of water, 92.4 24 1.4 .2 5.3 ‘.o .8 46 31 .5 9o 05 .05 .3 31 short time). 159 Cooked (large amount of water, 92.4 24 1.4 .2 5.3 1.0 .8 46 31 .5 90 .03 .03 .2 19 long time). I 160 Dehydrated, msuuited 3/ ....... 4. 310 14.4 1.9 72.5 11.1 7.2 394 288 4.9 540 .53 .38 2.9 218 Cabbage salad. See Coleslaw. 1 i Cabbage, celery or Chinese: I 161 Raw. ........................... . 95.4 14 1.2 .3 2.4 .5 .7 43 41 .9 260 .03 .04 .4 31 162 Cooked .......................... 95.4 14 1.2 .3 2.4 .5 .7 43 41 .9 260 .02 .03 .3 22 'Cakesl 163 Angel food. ..................... 31.6 270 8.4 .3 58.7 0. 1.0 6 24 3 (0) .01 .14 .2 (o) 164 Foundation ...................... 25.1 350 5.9 11.7 55.9 1 1.4 126 120 .5 3] 160 .03 .08 .2 (o) 165 Foundation, plain icing. ....... . 24.1 342 5.0 9.3 60.4 1 1.2 101 96 .4 3] 120 .02 .07 .2 (0) 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 175 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 Foundation. fudge icing.. ..... .. Fruit, dark. .......... . ......... Plain cake and cupcakes. ....... . Plain cake and cupcakes. iced... Pound .......................... . Rich. ............. . ......... . . . . Rich. plain icing ............... Spowe. ....................... .. Candy: Candied or glace peel: Citron. ......... . ............. Ginger root, crystallized. . . . . Lemon, orange, or grapefruit peel. ‘Butterscotch .................... 'Caremels. ....................... Chocolate, sweetened, milk... ... Chocolate, sweetened, milk, with almonds. Chocolate creams. .............. . Fondant ......................... .mdge' Plain. eeeeeeeeeeeeeee one. Hard. ........................... Nashmallows. e e oooooooooooooooo e 'Peenut brittle. ................ . Cantaloups, raw. ................. . 8.9 H HBBm8& II... (Dbmwrocn mp. U) 1. 15. 2. 94-0 349 354 327 322 434 392 373 291 314 340 316 410 415 503 532 394 352 411 383 325 441 20 o e on N43- \onbwro-b 58-5 55-9 57.0 62.1 49-3 58.2 54.4 80.2 87.1 80.6 85.6 77-5 55-7 50.0 72. 91. 81.3 99- 81. 72.8 4.6 .2 1.2 .1 .1 0. .2 98 97 155 117 52 105 70) .4/48 (0) (o) 38 17 101 126 137 104 104 113 94 110 7 90 283 249 (0) 67 (o) (0) 124 16 Note: Asterisk indicates that values are calculated from a recipe; parentheses indicate imputed value. y Year-round aVerage. 2] If sulfited, the thiamine value would be much lewer, end the ascorbic acid value would be about double. 3/ If the fat used in the recipe is butter or fortified margarine, the vitamin A value per 100 gm. would be 540 I.U. in foundation cake: 430 I.U. in foundation cake, iced; 410 I.U. in dark fruit cake: 370 LU. in plain cake: 280 LU. in plain cake, cake; 8}) I.U. in rich cake: and 690 LU. in rich cake. iced. 51/ If the calcium contributed by chocolate is considered unavailable, the value would be 38 mg. per 100 gm. 3/ Vitamin A based on deeply colored varieties. 120 160 120 33° 210 170 520 E£J=iEEJ=ikti E21=i ES (0) 17O 150 (0) 220 (o) (0) H3420 .02 -14 .03 .02 .12 .03 .02 .05 (0) .02 .10 .13 (53 .01 (o) (o) .09 .08 .2 1.1 -3 .9 .2 .2 .2 (o) (0) (o) (o) (o) (0) (o) (o) l (0) Trace (o) (0) (0) Trace (o) (o) 33 iced: 99) LU. in pound 6t TABLE l.—~Composition of foods . 100 grams , edible port ion--Cont imed Food Carbo— Phos- Vito.- . . . Ascor- Food and description Water en— in: Fat hxdrate Ash 06.11; phozs Iron min A T1318,- 12:23:11 N1a— bio orgy e1 Total Fiber on us value mne on: acid Ee%%;GmGflGi-$E&LW&M£M£V® Carrots 188 Raw ............................ . 88.2 42 1.2 0.3 9.3 1.1 1.0 39 37 0.8 12,000 0.06 0.06 0.5 “189 Cooked. ....................... .. 91.5 30 .6 .5 6.4 .8 1.0 26 26 .6 12,500 .05 .05 .4 4 Canned: 19o Solids and liquid ............ . 92.2 28 .5 .4 6.1 .6 .9 22 24 .6 12,000 .02 .02 .3 2 191 Drained solids ................ 91.5 30 .6 .5 6.4 .8 1.0 26 26 .6 17,570 .02 .02 .3 3 192 Strained (infant food). ....... 92.0 26 1.1 .1 5.9 .9 .9 25 23 .6 8,940 .02 .03 .5 4 193 Dehydrated. ..................... 4. 347 4.11.4 84.5 9.7 6.0 246 104 2.3 114,800 .31 .30 3.0 12 194 Cashew nuts. roasted or cooked.... 3.6 578 18.5 48.2 27.0 1.3 2.7 46 428 5.0 -- .63 .19 2.1 -- Catsup, tomato. See Tomato catsup. Cauliflower: 195 Ram...- ...................... 91.7 25 2.4 .2 4.9 .9 .8 22 72 1.1 90 .11 .10 .6 69 196 Cooked. ......................... 91.7 25 2.4 .2 4.9 .9 .8 22 72 1.1 90 .06 .08 .5 28 197 Frozen. ....... . ................. 91.7 25 2.4 .2 4.9 .9 .8 22 72 1.1 80 .09 .08 .5 51 Celery, bleached: 198 Raw. ........................... . 93.7 18 1.3 .2 3.7 .7 1.1 50 4o .5 o .05 .04 .4 7 199 Cooked. ........... . ............ . 93.7 18 1.3 .2 3.7 .7 1.1 50 40.5 0 .04 .03 .3 5 Cereal foods (infant food): 200 Dry, precooked. ................. 5.7 364 14.2 2.4 73.4 1.4 4.3 651 686 33.9 (0) 1.19 .46 y4.9 (0) See also Oatmeal (infant food). Chard, leawes and stalks: 201 Ran. ........................... . 91.8 21 1.4 .2 4.4 .9 2.2 _2/105 36 2.5 2,800 .06 .07 .4 38 202 Cooked. ........................ . 91.8 21 1.4 .2 4.4 .9 2.2 3/105 33 2.5 3,110 .04 .06 .4 17 C3161‘d,1eaves only: 203 Ram. ........................... 91. 27 2.6 .4 4.8 .8 1.2 ylos 36 2.5 8,720 .06 .18 .4 38 204 Cooked .......................... 91. 27 2.6 .4 4.8 .8 1.2 2 105 36 2.5 9,690 .04 .16 .3 17 Cheese: 205 Blue mold,domestic type ......... 40. 368 21.5 30.5 2.0 o 6.0 315 339 (.5) (1,240) .03 .61 .4 (c) 206 Camembert. ..................... . 52.2 299 17.5 24.7 1.8 o 3.8 105 184 .5 (1,020) .04 .75 1.1 (o) 217 218 219 223 221 222 223 224 225 Note: Cheddarunuunu... Cheddar, processed. ............ . Cheese foods, cheddar” ....... .. Cottage. from skim milk.... ..... Cream cheese.... ....... ......... Limburger....................... Parmesan. . . . ......... . . . . ...... . Swiss..... ................ ...... Svriss,processed... ............. . Cherries, sour, sweet, and hybrid, raw. (marries, red, sour, pitted,canned Chicken: 5y Raw: Broilers. total edible. . . . . . . . Roasters, total edible.. . . . . . . Hens , total edible ............ Fryers (cut-up piecw): Breast . . . . . ................ . Leg. ...... . ................. Canned, boned, meat only. . . . . . . . Chicken broth. See Soup canned, bouillon, broth and consomme. Chicken soup. See Soups, canned chicken. Chickpea}: or garbanzos, dry, whole seed, raw. Chile con came (without beans), earned SJ. 37- 40. 76-5 51. 45- 30. 39. 40. 83.0 86.6 71.2 66.0 55-9 74-9 74-5 61.9 10.6 66.9 371 345 393 355 61 151 302 104 112 199 359 25.0 23.2 1905 9.0 21.2 fiio 27-5 26.4 1.1 20.8 10.3 4-7 14.8 $09 5.8 0000 00000 5.3 .2 2.2 725 573 570 68 590 1,160 925 887 18 ll 92 495 393 823 375 152 7.1 1.4 Asterisk indicates that the item is calculated from a recipe: parentheses indicate imputed value. 1.400 (1.100) (1.670) (20) (1.450) 1,280 (1.060) 1.450 1,390 620 720 (0) (o) (o) (o) (0) Trace 150 .02 .02 (.02) .02 (.01) .08 .02 .01 .01 .08 .08 .08 .07 .10 .04 .16 Trace Trace 02 (.1) 1.5 .12 2.2 1] Based on products ranging from 2.5 to 6.6 mg. per 100 gm. of cereal. The niacin value of some products is as high as 23.0 mg. 2 L2 Calcium may not be available because of presence cx‘ oxalic acid. .3] 460 mg. if the added emulsifying agent does not contain phosphorus. A! ..l 540 mg. if the added emulsifying agent does not contain phosvghcrus. Vitamin values are based. on muscle meat only. Not less than 60 percent meat, not more than 8 percent cereals, seasonings. ‘ (o) (0) (o) (0) (o) (o) (o) (o) (o) (0) (0) (0) (0) (o) (o) (2) I3 TABLE 1.——Conposition of foods, 100 grams, Odible portion-Jontimed Food. Carbo— Phos- Vite- . . Ascor- Pro- Cal- Tina;- Ribo- N13.- Iood and description Water en- Tat ML Ash phar- Iron min A bio egg “in Total 'Tiber cm" 118 value “in” flu“ “'1 acid 132*; 9332 Elk 9&- 9': GA: 02.- !8: 21- 1‘5.- !-_L'- k.- E“: E 5‘: 226 011111 sauce ....................... 68.7 98 2.8 0.4 23.7 0.7 4.4 (12) (18) (0.8) (1,880) (0.09) (0.07) (2.2) (11) Chocolate: 227 Bitter er unsweetened ........... 2.3 501 (5.5)52.9 1129.2 2.6 3.2 _2j 98 446 (4.4) 60 .05 .24 1.1 (o) Sweetened: 228 Plain ......................... 1.4 471 (2.) 29.8 62.7 1.4 1.4 y(63) (287) 2.8 (30) (.03) (.15) (.6) (0) Milk. See Candy. Milk,with almonds. See Candy. 229 'Chocolate beverage, made with milk 80.5 96 3.35.0 10.5 .1 .7 104 92 .2 140 .03 .16 .1 1 23) Chocolate sirup ................... 39.0 209 (1.2) 1.1 56.6 .6 .63fl15) (86) (1.4) .. .. .. .. .. Cider. See Apple juice. Citron. See Candy. Clams, long and round: 231 Raw, meet only .................. 80.3 81 12.8 1.4 3.4 - 2.1 (96) (139) (7.0) 110 .10 .18 (1.6) .- 232 Canned.solidsandliq111d ...... . 86.7 51 7.9 1.0 2.1 -- 2.3 87 125 6.3 (80) (.05) .10 1.1 -. 233 Cocoaéwgreakfast, p1e1n, dry 3.9 293 (8.) 23.8 y48.9 4.6 5.0 y125 712 11.6 (30) .12 .38 2.3 (0) .P or. 234 ‘Cocoa. beverage, made with all .1111: 79.0 95 3.8 4.6 10.9 .1 .9 119 114 .4 160 .04 .19 .2 1 Coconut: 235 Fresh, meat. .................... 46.9 359 3.4 34.7 14.0 3.2 1.0 21 98 2.0 o .10 .01 .2 2 236 Dried, shredded (sweetened) ..... 3.3 556 3.6 39.1 53.2 4.1 .8 43 191 3.6 0 Trace Trace Trace (o) 237 11111. only ....................... 93.6 25 .3 .4 5.0 - .7 24 29 .1 0 Trace Trace .1 2 God: 233 3a.. ............................. 82.6 74 16.5 .4 o. o 1.2 10 194 .4 0 .06 .09 2.2 2 239 Dried ......................... .. 12.3 375 81.8 2.8 o. o 7.0 (50) 891 3.6 0 .08 .45 10.9 (o) 240 ‘Colealaw ......................... . 83.6 86 1.3 6.1 7.7 .9 1.3 39 27 .4 7o .05 .04 .2 41 Collards: 241 Ran ............................ . 86.6 40 3.9 .6 7.2 1.2 1.7 249 58 1.6 6.870 .11 .27 2.0) 100 242 Cooked (boiledinsmall or . 86.6 40 3.9 .6 7.2 1.2 1.7 249 58 1.6 7,630 .08 .24 (1.7) 44 moderate amount of water until tender). 243 Cooked (boiledinlarge mount 86.6 40 3.9 .6 7.2 1.2 1.7 249 58 1.6 7.630 .07 .21 (1.4) 33 of water, long time). Condensed milk. See Milk, cow. 244 Cookies, plain and assorted....... 4.8 436 6.0 12.7 75.0 - 1.6 22 65 .6 (o) .04 .04 .5 (0) Cooking oil. See Oils, salad or cooking. Corn, Sweet, white or yellow: 245 Ran 73.9 92 3.7 1.2 20.5 .8 .7 9 120 .5 3/ 390 .15 .12 1.7 12 Cooked 75.5 85 2.7 .7 20.2 - .9 5 52 .6 _3_/ 390 .11 .10 1.4 8 Canned: 247 Solids and liquid............. 80.5 67 2.0 .5 16.1 .8 .9 4 51 .5 3/ 200 .03 .05 .9 5 248 Drained solids................ 75.5 85 2.7 .7 20.2 1.1 .9 5 52 .6 3/ 230 .03 .06 .9 5 249 Frozen 78.0 77 3.2 .9 17.3 .7 .6 8 101 .4 110 .12 .10 1.4 8 Corn and soy grits. See Breakfast foods, mixed cereals. 'Corn bread or muffins, made with; . 25o Whole ground corn meal... ..... .. 49.2 215 . 5. 34.8 .6 3.1 141 216 1.7 _4_/ 130 .15 .18 .8 (o) 4. 36.6 .2 2.8 139 155 1.9 5/ 130 .17 .23 1.3 (o) 252 Corn flakes....................... 3.6 385 253 Corn flakes (added thiamine, 3.6 385 niacin. and iron). .04 .10 1.6 (o) (0) .41 .10 2.2. (0) 7 2 251 Enriched, degermed corn meal” .. 49.2 219 6.7 8 8 7 7 .4 85.0 .6 2.9 11 58 1. 4 85.0 .6 2.9 11 58 2. NW A O V Note: Asterisk indicates that values are calculated from a recipe; parentheses indicate imputed value. 1/ Approximately one-third of this total amount of carbohydrate calculated by difference is starch and sugar. The remaining portion is made up of materials thought to be utilized only poorly if at all by the body. 3/ Calcium may not be available because of presence of oxalic acid. 3] Vitamin A based on yellow corn: white corn contains only a trace. :1] Based on recipe using white corn meal: if yellow corn meal is used the vitamin A value is 330 LU. 2/ Based on recipe using white corn meal: if yellow corn meal is used the vitamin A value is 250 LU. Ea TABLE l.-—Conposition of foods, 100 grams, edible portionuContimed E Food Carbo- Phos- Vita— . Ascor- Pro- 081- Thu!- Ri'bo- Nia- l‘ood and description Water en- , Fat drate Ash hor- Iron min A bic L137 tom m; ciun Pu! value mine flwin cin acid %%G&@G&G&%k&&&fi:¥§:k& Corn flour ....................... 12. 368 7.8 2.6 76.8 0.7 0.8 6 (178) 1.8 y340 0.20 0.06 (1.4) (0) Corn grits, degermed: Unenriched: Dry .......................... 12. 362 8.7 .8 78.1 4 .4 4 73 1.0 _2_/300 .13 .04 1.2 (0) 'Cooked. ...................... 87.1 51 1.2 .1 11.0 1 .6 1 10 .1 _2_/ 40 .02 .01 .2 (0) Enriched: Dry .......................... 12. 362 8.7 8 78.1 4 .4 4 73 3/2.9 g/ 300 3] .44 3/ .26 3]3.5 (o) ‘Cooked ...................... . 87.1 51 1.2 1 11.0 1 .6 1 10 .3 y 40 .04 .03 .4 (0) Corn meal. white or yellow: Whole ground. dry: Unbolted .................... . 12. 355 9.2 3.9 73.7 1.6 1.2 10 256 2.4 4/510 .38 .11 2.0 (o) Bolted ....................... 12. 362 9.0 3.4 74.5 1.0 1.1 6 (178) 1.8 _4/440 .30 .08 1.9 (o) Degermed, unenrichedx Dry ......................... . 12. 363 7.9 1.2 78.4 .6 .5 6 99 11 4J300 .14 .05 1.0 (0) 'Cooked ...................... . 87.7 50 1.1 .2 10.7 .1 .3 1 14 2 _4/ 40 .02 .01 .1 (0) Degermed, enriched-x Dry ......................... . 12. 363 7.9 1 2 78.4 .6 .5 6 99 3/2.9 4] 3003/ .44 3/ .26 3/3.5 (0) 'Cooked ....................... 87.7 50 11 .2 10.7 .1 .3 1 14 .4 4] 40 .06 .04 .5 (o) Self-rising, dry: Unenriched. ................. . 12. 340 8.7 3.7 70.8 1.5 4.8 262 634 2.3 _4/480 .36 .10 19 (0) Enriched ..................... 12. 340 8.7 3.7 70.8 1.5 4.8 262 634 3/2.9 _4j4803/.44 _3/ .263j3.5 (0) Corn 05.1. See Oils, salad or cooking. Corn simp. See Six-up, table blends. Cornstarch. See Starch. Cornstarch pudding. See Blane mange. Corn sugar. See Sugars. Cottonseed oil. See Oils, salad or cooking. 257 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 277 278 279 280 231 282 Note: 1.] Vitamin A based on yellow corn flour; white corn flour contains only a. trace. y Vitamin A based on yellow corn grits; white corn grits contain only a. trace. 3] Iron, thiamine, riboflavin, and niacin are based on the minimum level of enrichment Specified in standards of identity promulgated Cowpeast Immature seeds: Ram. ...................... .. Cooked. ..................... 0 Mature seeds, dry. ............ . Young green pods, raw (includ— ing asParagus-beans). Crabs, Atlantic and Pacific, hard-shell: Row. ........................... Canned or cooked, meat only.... Crackers: Graham. ............ . .......... . Seltines . ...................... Soda, plain. ................. . . Cracker meal. See Crackers, soda. Cranberries: Raw ................. . ......... . . Dried ........................ . . Cranberry sauce, sweetened, canned or cooked. Cream: Light, table or coffee ........ . Heavy or whipping .............. Cress, garden: Raw. .......................... . Cooked. (boiled in small or moderate amount of water until tender). 65.9 74-9 10.6 86.2 130 94 104 393 431 48 368 198 204 33° 41 41 74-3 71.1 72-7 11.3 84.3 51-4 .8 -4 .2 .COH 4> £4:- 00 37 37 77 53 (39) 45 ESQS E3 82 (8) 97 78 211 211 182 2.5 182 2.5 451 6-5 65 1.1 (160) (.8) 182 .9 203 1.9 92 1.0 95 1.1 11 .6 22 3.4 (7) (~3) 77 .1 61 .0 (38) (2.9) (35) (2.9) Asterisk indicates that values are calculated from a recipe; parentheses indicate imputed value. under the Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act. A] Vitamin A based on yellow corn meal; white corn meal contains only a. trace. 40 (300) (30) 330 1,440 §~8§ ‘§‘ (0) (0) (0) .605) "82905 (.03) .19 (.02) .03 .02 .11 .07 '08 .16 .10 (.06) .12 .04 .05 (.02 .18 (.02) .11 .17 .15 I I HR) 00m 2.7 (2.5} HHH C HOU‘I 1.0 .8 35 no 23 t3 (0) (o) (0) Ga TABLE 1.-—Composition of foods, 100 grams, edible portion——Contim1ed Food Caz-bo- Phos- Vita— . . Ascor- Pro- Cal- Th1a— Ribo- N18:- Food. and description Water en- , Fat mdrate Lsh . phor- Iron in A . . . bic ergy tein Total Fiber cium us l:alue mm flaw m on: acid P_ct_- 011.- 91- 51° 9& GA. Gl- ¥£g &- & ML ‘48- £58; Hg is; Cress, gardem-Contimied 283 Cooked (boiled in large amount 87.2 41 4.2 1.4 5.3 1.2 1.9 211 (38) (2.9) 3,300 0.06 0.13 0.7 29 of water a. long time). 284 Cress, water, leaves and stems, 93.6 18 1.7 .3 3.3 .5 1.1 195 46 2.0 4,720 .08 .16 .8 77 raw. 285 Croaker, raw ........ . ............ . 77.4 96 17.8 2.2 0. 0 1.3 _- -— -- — .16 .06 (1.8) ~— 286 Cucumbers, raw. ................. .. 96.1 12 .7 .1 2.7 .5 .4 10 my .3 _1_/ 0 .03 .04 .2 8 Cucumber pickles. See Pickles. 287 Currants, red, raw. .............. . 84.4 55 1.2 .2 13.6 4.0 .6 36 33 .9 120 .04 -- -- 36 288 'Gustard, baked. ................... 77.3 114 5.3 5.4 11.2 0 .8 114 119 .5 340 .05 .20 .1 Trace Custard pie. See Pies. 289 Custard pudding, canned, strained 75.2 108 3.0 2.7 18.3 .1 .8 92 82 .3 220 .02 .12 .1 1 (infant food). Dandelion greens: 290 Raw ........ . ........ . ........... . 85.8 44 2.7 .7 8.8 1.8 2.0 187 70 3.1 13,650 .19 .14 (.8) 36 291 Cooked. .............. . ......... . 85.8 44 2.7 .7 8.8 1.8 2.0 187 70 3.1 15,170 .13 .12 (.7) 16 292 Dates, "fresh" and dried. ........ . 20. 284 2.2 .6 75.4 2.4 1.8 72 60 2.1 60 .09 .10 2.2 (o) 293 Doughnuts, cake type.... ......... . 18.7 425 6.6 21.0 52.7 .2 1.0 73 286 (.7) 140 .16 .13 1.2 (o) 294 1:915, raw. ....................... . 71.6 162 18.6 9.1 0. 0 1.0 18 202 .7 1,800 .28 .37 1.4 .- 295 Eggplant, raw. .................. .. 92.7 24 1.1 .2 5.5 .9 .5 15 37 .4 30 .04 .05 .6 5 297 298 299 301 302 303 304 305 307 308 109 311 312 313 314 Eggs, hen, fresh, stored. or frozen: Ram Whole. ............. o ooooooooo o lhite. ............ . ......... . . Yolk. ............ . ............ Cooked: Hard-cooked. ............ . . . . . . ‘Omelet.... .................. .. Poached. ...................... 'Scrambled. ................... . Dried-t Whole.......... .............. . White. ....................... . Yolk. . . . . . ................. . . . Endive, ran. ..................... . Escarole, raw. See Endive. Evaporated milk. See Milk, cow. Farina; Unenrichedx Ran ......................... . . 'Cooked. ....................... Enriched: Rev. .......................... 'Cooked. ....................... Fats . aooldng (vegetable fat). . . . . Figs: Raw. ............................ Canned. sir-up pack, solids and liquid. Dried. ........ ...... ........... . 162 361 162 171 160 171 E92 693 370 44 370 44 884 79 113 270 12.8 10.8 16.3 12.8 11.0 12.7 11.0 4.0 100 . -4 -3 1.2 M o a M I FUNK) o o o WKU‘J‘ 4.0 CO 0000 000 H H 0. O \lmo HHD—‘H O... . ‘E°f‘%” ‘0 Wmm \nmkfio .4 -4 06 -4 2.4 54 147 81 81 190 282 79 54 35 186 210 17 210 194 210 194 757 135 1,123 112 13 112 13 32 21 1.0 .1 .6 -4 111 3.0 Note: Asterisk indicates that values are calculated from a recipe: parentheses indicate imputed value. _1j Based on pared cucumbers: unpared contain about 1.2 mg. iron and 260 LU. vitamin A per 100 gm. 2/ Iron, thiamine, riboflavin, and niacin are based on the minimum levels of enrichment Specified in standards of identity promulgated under the Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act. 1.140 (0) 3,210 1.140 1,040 1,130 1,040 3.740 o 5.540 3.000 (0) 0 (0) 59 E? . 10 -27 .08 .08 .08 .08 .50 .07 0% .01 g. 37 .04 .06 .03 .16 .% '35 .27 .27 .24 .27 1.06 2.05 .66 .12 .06 .01 .26 003 .05 .03 .12 (.1 Trace .1 .1 .1 .1 .8 .1 -5 -4 107 COO 0000 CO 11 (0) (0) (o) (0) Trace (0) La 93 TABLE l.--Composition of foods, 1(1) grams, edible portion-—Contim1ed Food Carbo- Phos- Vite, . . Ascor- P - Cal- - - Food and description Water 9121- t::n Fat hydrate Ash cium phor- Iron min A Till:- 22in N1:- bic ergy Total Fiber 15 value m °‘ acid @LflthGgGm-GgGm-Ma-Ms-&:LU-Ms-k~k¥a 315 Fig bars............... ........... 13.8 350 4.2 4.8 75.8 1.7 1.4 69 69 1.3 o 0.02 0.06 0.9 (0) Fish. See individual kind, as Bluefish, Cod, Halibut, etc. 316 Flounder, Summer and winter. raw.. 82.7 68 14.9 .5 0. o 1.3 61 195 .8 - .06 .05 1.7 -. Flour. See Corn, Rye, Wheat flours, etc. Frankfurters. See Sausage. 317 Frog legs, ran.................... 81.9 73 1.6.4 .3 0. 0 1.1 18 147 1.1 0 .14 .25 1.2 .. 318 Fruit cocktail, canned, solids 80.6 70 .4 .2 18.6 .4 .3 9 12 .4 160 .01 .01 .4 2 and liquid. Garbanzos. See Chickpeas. Gelatin, dry: 319 Plain........................... 13.0 335 85.6 .1 0. o 1.3 (0) (0) (o) (o) (o) (o) (o) (0) 320 Dessert powder............. ..... 1.6 380 9.4 .0 88.7 o .3 (o) (0) (o) (0) (0) (0) (o) (o) ‘Gelatin dessert, ready-to-serve: 321 Plain... ...... .................. 83.1 65 1.6 .0 15.2 o .1 (o) (0) (0) (0) (o) (o) (o) (o) 3 With fruit added................ 80.7 71 1.4 .1 17.5 .2 .3 6 11 .3 110 .03 .02 .2 3 Ginger ale. See Beverages, carbonated. 33 mmywmmun ....... “unuun p4 p7 3” m3 m6 J 211m n 25 1m .m 0810 (m Goat milk. See Milk, goat. 324 Gooseberries, raw........... ...... 88.9 39 .8 .2 9.7 1.9 .4 22 28 .5 290 .. .. ._ 33 325 326 116 (z 337 338 339 Note: Grapefruit: Raw ............................. Canned in sirup, solids and Grapefruit juice: Fresh ........................... Canned: Unsweetened ................... Sweetened ..................... Grapefruit juice concentrate, frOzen. Grapefruit-orange juice blend: Canned: Unsweetened ................... Sweetened ..................... Frazen concentrate. ............. Grapes, ram American type (slip skin) as Concord, Delaware, Niagara, and Scuppernong. European type (adherent skin) as Malaga. Miscat, Sultanina (Thompson Seedless) , and Flame Tokay. Grape juice, bottled, commercial... Griddlecakes. See Pancakes. Guewas, common. raw ............... Haddock: Raw. ............................ Cooked, fried. ................. . 85.3 88.5 85.1 58. 81.9 81.6 81. 80.6 80.7 66.9 52 147 52 147 67 Asterisk indicates that values are calculated .6 -5 .5 1.9 .2 .2 .1 .1 .4 .1 .1 .4 1.4 .0 .6 .1 5-5 10.1 9.2 9.8 13.7 38.1 7710.4 13-9 37-9 16.7 18.2 17.1 0. 7.0 5-5 -4 .4 H H O 22 13 0000 31 17 17 10 30 23 18 I: 56 13 13 13 51 15 55 21 21 29 197 182 .7 .7 06 from a recipe: parentheses indicate imputed value. Trace Trace Trace Trace Trace I04 .03 .03 .03 .12 .05 .05 .17 .05 .04 .02 .02 .02 .02 .02 .07 .02 .02 .06 .08 .09 .2 .2 .2 .2 .2 .2 .2 .2 .2 (.2) 1.2 2.4 2.6 1315 35 35 135 ’38 137 Trace 302 TABLE l.-—Composition of foods, 1CD grams. edible portion--Contimcd Food Carbo- Phos- Vita- . . . Ascor- . Pro- 081- Thw- Rlbo- N15..- l‘ood. and. description Water :21 tein Fat Togldrat;iber Ash ciun ptzr- Iron 381:1: mine flawin cin 82:: ac:- L-l- 92 91- 93.- 93 91- ‘Aee- 19.- 85.- :___u. L‘E as: 38; & Halibut: 340 Re. ............................ . 75.4 126 18.6 5.2 0. 0 1.0 13 211 0.7 440 0.07 0.06 9.2 — 341 Cooked, broned ................ . 64.2 182 26.2 7.8 0. o 1.9 14 267 .8 -. .06 .07 10.5 .- Ham. See Pork. Hamburger. See Beef. Heart: 7 342 Bee£,1ean,ra.. ............... 77.6 108 16.9 3.7 .7 o 1.1 9 203 4.6 30 .58 .89 7.8 6 343 Calf, canned, strained (infant 82.7 81 13.4 2.5 .2 0 1.2 12 150 3.6 -- .06 .82 4.5 .— food). 344 Chicken, re..... ................ 69.6 157 20.5 7.0 1.6 0 1.3 23 142 1.7 30 .12 .91 5.2 6 345 Pork. raw. ...................... 76.8 117 16.9 4.8 .4 o 1.1 35 132 2.7 30 .43 1.24 6.0 6 346 Herring, Atlantic, raw... ........ . 67.2 191 18.3 12.5 0. 0 2.7 -- 256 1.1 110 .02 .15 3.4 - 347 Herring. lake, raw. ............... 74.0 140 18.5 6.8 0. 0 1.1 12 152 .5 (100) .09 .09 3.1 .- 348 Herring, Pacific, re.... ......... . 79.6 94 16.6 2.6 o. o 1.3 -. - - 100 .02 .22 (2.2) — 349 Herring. smoked, kippered ......... 61.0 211 22.2 12.9 0. o 4.0 66 254 (1.4) 0 Trace .28 (2.9) .— Eominy, dry. See Corn grits. 350 Honey, strained or extracted...... 20. 294 .3 0. 79.5 .- .2 5 16 .9 (0) Trace .04 .2 4 351 Honeydew melon, raw. .............. 90.5 32 .5 o. 8.5 .4 .5 (17) (16) (.4) 40 .05 .03 .2 23 352 Ice cream, p1e1n. ................ . 62.1 207 4.0 12.5 20.6 o .8 123 99 .1 520 .04 .19 .1 1 353 Jams. marmalades, preserves ...... . 28. 278 .5 .3 70.8 .6 .4 12 12 .3 10 .02 .02 .2 6 354 Jellies. ......................... . 34.5 252 .2 .0 65.0 o .3 (12) (12) (.3) (10) (.02) (.02) (.2) 4 Kala: 355 Ran. ................ . .......... . 86.6 40 3.9 .6 7.2 1.2 1.7 225 62 2.2 7,540 .10 .26 2.0 11 356 Cooked. . ...................... . 86.6 40 3.9 .6 7.2 1.2 1.7 225 62 2.2 8.380 .07 .23 1.7 5? 357 szen . . .. .................. 86.6 40 3.9 .6 7.2 1.2 1.7 225 62 2.2 7,000 .08 .22 1.7 47 f - VS - O 0506” 358 359 361 362 363 365 367 368 369 370 371 372 373 374 Kidneys , ram Beef ............................ Pork. .......................... . Sheep. .......................... Kohlrabi: Raw... ....................... ... Cooked ......................... . Lamb: Carcass or side, raw: Thin. ........................ . Medium fat ................... . Fat .......................... . Retail items _1j, medium fat: Rib chop: Ram ......................... Cooked. .................... . Shoulder roast (wholesale 3-rib): Rm... ........... . ......... . Cooked. ..................... Leg roast (wholesale leg): Raw ........................ . Cooked ..................... . Canned, strained (infant food)” lamb and vegetable soup, canned, strained (infant food). See Soups. canned, vegetable and lamb. Lard ......................... ..... Lemons. oooooooooooooooooooo cocoa-o i 63-72 0. .3274 . 1074 89.3 114 105 “8‘8 206 317 414 356 418 2951 342 ‘ 235 902 32 17.1 15.7 13.0 me O. 8.7 O H H I O H 0 -5 11 13 10 16 O 40 . 257 221 237 ‘68 191 157 93 138 155 188 213 170 2.6 2.4 2.0 2.2 3.0 M‘AJM - I a WP“ Note: Asterisk indicates that values are calculated from a. recipe: parentheses indicate imputed value. 1,150 130 (1.150) Trace Trace (0) (o) (o) (o) (o) (o) (0) (0) (0) (0) .04 .21 .16 .18 .26 .19 .22 .22 ') a Trace .1 y Values for raw items are from the medium fat wholesale cuts considered to be nearest approximations for indicated retail items. IE ZS TABLE 1.—-Composition of foods, 1CD grams. edible portion--Contimed Food _ Carbo- Phos- V' t . . As - Food. and description Water en- 121.11 Fat _ game ‘51" oil. phor- Iron mine; Thw- Ribo- Nia- biz: ergy e1 Total Fiber c u us value mm flavm on acid 12*;- C_81_' Em; 5&- G_m: 91': EE- EB; 58; £85; 1.0. 93; Ms- N’s- 168- Lemon juice: 375 Fresh ........................... 91.4 24 0.4 0.2 7.7 0.0 0.3 14 11 0.1 0 0.04 Trace 0.1 50 Canned: 376 Un5weetencd ................... 91.4 24 .4 .2 7.7 .0 .3 14 11 .1 o .04 Trace .1 42 377 Concentrate ................... 58. 116 2.0 1.0 37.5 .1 1.5 68 54 .5 (0) .22 .02 .7 230 Lentils, dry: 378 Wmle(entire seeds) ........... . 11.2 337 25.0 1.0 59.5 3.7 3.3 59 423 7.4 570 .56 .24 2.2 5 379 Split (without seed. coat). ...... 12.2 339 24.0 1.2 60.4 1.7 2.2 34 292 7.4 570 .56 .24 2.2 5 Lettuce. ram 380 Headed ......................... . 94.8 15 1.2 .2 2.9 .6 .9 22 25 .5 540 .04 .08 .2 8 381 All other oooooooooooooooooooooo o 94.8 15 1.2 .2 2.9 06 09 62 m 1.1 1,620 004 008 .2 18 382 Limes ............................ . 86.0 37 .8 .1 12.3 (.9) .8 (40) (22) (.6) o (.04)(Trace) (.1) 27 383 Lime juice, fresh. ................ 91.0 24 .4 .o 8.3 .0 .3 (14) (11) (.1) o (.04)(Trace) (,1) 27 Liver: Beef: 384 Raw. .................. . ...... . 69.7 136 19.7 3.2 6.0 0 1.4 7 358 6.6 43,900 .26 3.33 13.7 31 385 Cooked, fried ................ . 57.2 208 23.6 7.7 9.7 0 1.8 8 486 7.853.500 .26 3.96 14.8 31 386 Calf, raw. ...................... 70.8 141 19.0 4.9 4.0 0 1.3 6 343 10.6 22,500 .21 3.12 16.1 36 337 Chicken, raw. .................. . 69.6 141 22.1 4.0 2.6 0 1.7 16 240 7.4 32,200 .20 2.46 11.8 20 338 Park, m ...................... . 72.3 134 19.7 4.8 1.7 0 1.5 10 362 18.0 14,200 .40 2.98 16.7 23 389 Sheep or lamb, raw .............. 70.8 136 21.0 3.9 2.9 0 1.4 8 364 12.6 50.500 .40 3.28 16.9 33 390 Livegtsoiiafmed, strained (infant 77.8 108 16.0 3.9 1.0 0 1.3 m 278 7.1 19,200 .04 2.14 6.4 -- Liver sausage. See Sausage. Liverwurst. See Sausage, liver. lobster: :91 Raw ............................ . 79.2 88 16.2 1.9 .5 0 2.2 61 184 .6 .- (.13) .06 (1.9) .. 392 Canned. ........... . .............. 77.2 92 18.4 1.3 .4 0 2.7 65 192 .8 —— (.03) .07 (2.2) .. 393 Loganberries, raw ................ . 82.9 62 1.0 .6 15.0 1.4 .5 35 19 1.2 (200) (.03) (.07) ( .3) 24 Macaroni: Unenriched: 394 Dry........................... 8.6 377 12.8 1.4 76.5 .4 .7 22 165 1.5 (0) .09 .06 2.0 (0) 395 'Cooked........................ 60.6 149 5.1 .6 30.2 .2 3.5 9 65 .6 (0) .02 .02 .5 (o) Enriched: 396 Dry........................... 8.6 377 12.8 1.4 76.5 .4 .7 22 165 I1/2.9 (0) _1/.88 1] .37 376.0 (0) 397 ‘Cooked........................ 60.6 149 5.1 .6 30.2 .2 3.5 9 65 1.1 (0) .17 .10 1.4 (0) 398 'Macaroni and cheese, baked........ 58.1 211 8.1 11.0 19.7 .1 3.1 191 169 .g/ .5 450 Ig/.03_g/ .16_g/ .4 Trace Mackerel: 399 Raw, common Atlantic............ 68.1 188 18.7 12. o. o 1.2 5 239 1.0 (450) .15 .35 8.4 - Canned, solids and liquid: 3/ 400 Atlantic..... ..... ............ 66.0 182 19.3 11.1 0. 0 3.2 185 274 2.1 430 .06 .21 5.8 .- 401 Pacific....................... 66.4 180 21.1 10.0 0. 0 2.5 260 288 2.2 30 .03 .33 8.8 -- 402 Manges, raw....................... 81.4 66 .7 .2 17.2 1.0 .5 9 13 .2 6,350 .06 .06 .9 41 403 Margarine......................... 15.5 720 .6 81. .4 o 2.5 20 16 .0 453,300 (0) (o) (0) (0) Marmalades. See Jams, marmalades, preserVes. Mayonnaise. See Salad dressings. Meat. See Beef. Lamb, Pork, Veal. Melons. See Cantaloups. Honeydew, Water melons. Milk. cow: Fluid (pasteurized and raw): 404 Whole.......... ..... .......... 87.0 68 3.5 3.9 4.9 o .7 118 93 .1 (160) .04 .17 .1 1 405 Nonfat (skim)...... ..... ...... 90.5 36 3.5 .1 5.1 0 .8 123 97 .1 Trace .04 .18 .1 1 Note: Asterisk indicates that values are calculated from a. recipe: parentheses indicate imputed value. ll Iron, thiamine, riboflavin, and niacin are based on the minimum level of enrichment specified. in the standards of identity promulgated under the Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act. 2] If enriched macaroni is used in the recipe, the values for iron, thiamine, riboflavin, and niacin would be 0.7 1113., 0.10 mg., 0.20 mg., and 0.9 mg., reSpectively. 3] The vitamin values are based on the drained solids. _4_/ Based on the average VitaminA content of fortified margarine. Most of the margarines manufactured for use in the United States have 15,000 I.U. of vitamin A added per pound. The minimum Federal specifications for fortified margarine require the addition of 9,000 LU. of vitamin A per pound. Kl.) U) VE TABLE l.-—Composition of foods, 100 grams, edible portion--Contim1ed . . ' Food Pro- Carbo- ASh Cal- Pios- I V1ta; Thiap Ribo- Nia- A:0or- Food and descnptlon Water :1: tein Fat % ciun pu:r- ron Sine mine flavin cin as: 291- L-l- Ln- Gl‘: <1».- G3: 62- M11- 84. 14:1 Ii- 82s.- Mtg ’92 831 Mi 1k , Gown-Cont med. Carmod: 406 Evaporated (mmweetened). ...... 73.7 138 7.0 7.9 9.9 o 1.5 243 195 0.2 400 0.05 0.36 0.2 1 407 Condensed. (sweetened). ......... 27.0 320 8.1 8.4 54.8 0 1.7 273 228 .2 (430) .05 .39 .2 1 Dried: 408 Whole .......................... 3.5 492 25.8 26.7 38.0 0 6.0 949 728 .6 1,400 .30 1.46 .7 6 409 Nonfat solids (skim). .......... 3 5 362 35.6 1.0 52.0 o 7.9 1,300 1.030 .6 (40) .35 1.96 1.1 7 Malted: _1] 410 Drywa-zder. ................... . 2.6 407 14.6 8.5 70 7 .3 3.6 287 379 2.1 1.020 .33 .54 -- (o) 411 ‘Beverage ...................... . 78.2 104 4.6 4.4 11.8 .0 1.0 135 123 .3 250 .07 .21 .- 1 412 ‘C‘uocolate flavored. ............. . 83.0 74 3.2 2.2 10.6 (0) .8 109 91 .1 90 .03 .16 .1 1 413 Half and half (milk and. cream)... 79.7 137 3.2 12.0 4.5 0 .6 108 85 .1 490 .03 .16 .1 1 Buttermilk. See Buttermilk. Whey, fluid. See Whey. Whey, dried. See Whey. 414 mm, goat, fluid... ............ 87.4 67 3.3 4.0 4.6 o .7 129 106 .1 (160) .04 .11 .3 1 Molasses, cane: 415 First extraction or light. ....... 24. 252 -- -- _2j 65. -- 3/6.3 165 45 4.3 -— .07 .06 .2 -- 416 Second extraction or medium. ..... 24. 232 -- -- g] 60. - 3/8.5 290 69 6.0 -- .. .. .. -- 4.17 Third extraction or blackstrap... 24. 213 -- —- _2_/ 55. -- 3j10.5 579 85 11.3 —— .28 .25 2.1 .- 418 Barbados ......................... 24. 271 -- -. _2_/ 7o. -- 3]1.6 -- 50 -- .- .06 .20 —- .. 'Muffins, made with: 419 Unem‘iched flour. ................ 37.4 280 8.0 8.4 42.1 .1 2.2 206 191 .6 100 .05 .13 .4 (o) 420 Enriched. flour. .................. 37.4 280 8.0 8.4 42.1 .1 2.2 206 191 1.6 100 .18 .21 1.5 (0) 421 Mmg bean sprouts, raw. ............ 92.4 23 2.9 .2 4.1 .7 .4 29 59 .8 10 .07 .09 .5 15 mshrooms: 422 Ram .............................. 91.1 16 2.4 .3 4.0 .9 1.1 9 115 1.0 0 .10 .44 4.9 5 423 Canned, solids and. liquid. ....... 93.0 11 1.4 .2 3.7 -- 1.0 (7) (90) (.8) o .02 .25 2.0 .— Muskmelons. See Cantaloups and Honeydew melon. 424 425 427 428 430 431 432 433 434 437 438 439 Mist ard gre ens : Raw .............................. Cooked ........................... Noodles (containing egg): Unenriched: Dry. ........................... 'Cooked ......................... Enriched: Dry .................. . ......... 'Cooked. ....................... . Oat cereal, ready-to-eat (added vitamins and minerals). Oatmeal or rolled oats: Dry. ............................ . ‘Cooked. ........................... Precooked (infant food) , dry. . . . . Oils, salad or cooking... ......... . Okra! REV]. oooooooooooooooooooooooooooo . Cooked. ........................... Oleomargarine. See Margarine. Olives, pickled: Green. .......................... . Ripe: Mission. ....................... Other varieties (as aficalano, manzanilla, and sevilano). 92.2 92.2 22 22 381 67 381. 396 390 375 884 32 32 132 191 128 12.6 2.2 12.6 2.2 14-5 14.2 2.3 15.0 13-5 21.0 13-5 68.2 11.0 68.7 \7\I o 4.0 2.6 3.1 HH MN 109 -7 4-7 220 220 22 22 160 53 792 82 82 87 87 87 199 35 199 35 350 405 798 62 62 17 17 17 2.9 2.9 2.1 -4 5/2.9 4.1 4.5 .7 31-5 Note: Asterisk indicates that values are calculated from a recipe: parentheses indicate imputed value. y Based on unfortified products; 2/ Total sugars. 3/ Sulfated ash. This overestimates the ash in the range of 8 to 20 percent. \ION §§ 8% 238 (0) (o) (0) (0) 740 740 300 8??? .20 .03 {Lb/.88 -14 .82 I60 .10 1.26 .08 .06 Trace Trace Trace .18 .11 .02 .37 5/.06 .19 .02 .35 .07 .06 Trace Trace 102 45 (o) (0) (0) (o) (0) (0) (0) (o) ESHS 4,] Iron, thiamine, riboflavin, and. niacin are based on the minimum level of enrichment specified in the standards of identity promulgated under the Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act. 08/ Based on products ranging from 1.4 to 4.3 mg. per 100 gm. of cereal. The niacin value of some products is as high as 22.3 mg. per 1 81“. GE 96 TABLE luv—Composition of foods, 1CD grams, edible portion--Continued Food Carbo- Phos- Vite» . . . Ascor- Food and description Water (311- 1:“?- Fat hydrate Ash Cg..- phop Iron min A T111ap Rim: N13:- bio ”EL e111 Total Fiber 0111B us value mm 1' avm on: acid @%%G&Gm-G&G&Mifl-&E£M_8:E§:sz Omelet. See Eggs, omelet. Onions, mature: 440 Ram. ............................ 87.5 45 1.4 0.2 10.3 0.8 0.6 32 44 0.5 50 0.03 0.04 0.2 9 441 Cooked ......................... . 89.5 38 1.0 .2 8.7 .8 .6 32 44 .5 50 .02 .03 .2 6 442 Dehydrated, flaked. ............. 4. 347 10.8 1.1 80.2 4.5 3.9 168 273 3.4 130 .25 .18 1.4 36 443 Onions, young, green ............. . 87.6 45 1.0 .2 10.5 1.8 .6 135 24 .9 (50) (.03) (.04) (.2) 24 444 Oranges ........................... 87.2 45 .9 .2 11.2 .6 .5 33 23 .4 (190) .08 .03 .2 49 Orange juice: 445 Fresh. ........................ .. 87.5 44 .8 .2 11.0 .1 .4 19 16 .2 (190) .08 .03 .2 49 Canned: 446 Unsweetened ................... 87.5 44 .8 .2 11.1 .1 .4 10 18 .3 (100) .07 .02 .2 42 447 sweetened. ................... . 84.8 54 .6 .2 13.9 .1 .5 1o 18 .3 (100) .07 .02 .2 42 Orange juice concentrate: 448 Canned .......................... 35. 229 4.2 .7 58.0 .2 2.1 61 89 1.6 (510) .37 .08 1.1 221 449 Frozen. ......................... 58. 149 2.7 .7 37.1 .2 1.5 34 60 1.0 (330) .24 .05 .7 141 450 Oysters, meat only, raw. ......... . 80.5 84 9.8 2.1 5.6 -- 2.0 94 143 5.6 320 .15 .20 1.2 - 'Oyster stew: 451 1 part oysters to 3 parts milk 82.6 91 5.3 5.4 5.3 -— 1.4 117 110 1.5 280 .06 .18 .4 - by volume. 452 1 part oysters to 1 part milk 79.9 102 6.9 5.5 5.9 -- 1.8 109 122 2.9 340 .09 .19 .7 .- by volume. ‘Pancakes (griddlecakes), baked: Wheat (home recipe): 453 With unenriched flour ......... 55.4 218 6.8 9.2 26.6 .1 2.0 158 154 .6 200 .06 .13 .3 Trace 454 With enriched flour. .......... 55.4 218 6.8 9.2 26.6 .1 2.0 158 154 1.3 200 .13 .21 1.3 Trace 455 Buckwheat, with buckwheat pan- 62.0 176 6.1 8.4 20.9 .5 2.6 249 362 1.2 110 .16 .16 .9 Trace cake mix. 456 457 458 459 450 461 462 463 454 465 466 467 468 469 470 471 472 473 Note: -]_./ Calcium may not be available because 0f presence of oxalic acid. Pancake mix, dry, self-rising: Wheat (mixed with other flours): Unenriched. .................. . Enriched. .................... . Buckwheat ...................... . Payayas, ram. ..................... Pets y, common, raw ............. . Parsuips: Raw ......................... .... Cooked .......................... Pastry, shell, plain. See Pie crust. Peaches: Ram ........................... .. Canned, solids and liquid: Water pack .................... Simp pack. .................. . Strained (infant food). ...... . Frozen. ........................ . Dried, sulfured: Uncooked. ..................... 'Cooked, no sugar added ....... . 'Cooked, sugar added. ......... . Peanuts, Virginia type, roasted, shelled. Peanut 'but t er .................... . Pears: Raw. ............................ 10.4 10.4 11.2 @07 83.9 78.6 83.5 82.7 349 349 319 27 68 78 265 120 559 576 f 03 26.1 .7 HHH . I met. 73.1 73.1 70.3 10 .0 18.2 13.9 1.4 465 465 467 1093 57 57 mumm oo K3111: 13 681 681 827 84 898? 19 15 126 35 393 393 16 6.9 2.2 1.9 1.9 1.9 Asterisk indicates that values are calculated from a. recipe; parentheses indicate imputed value. 1.750 8,230 .02 .01 .01 .02 .01 .01 Trace Trace .12 .02 .07 .11 .28 .12 .10 .02 .02 .02 .03 .06 .05 .13 .04 1.6 16.2 (0) (0) (0) 193 18 12 CD ##ko ewe-b (0) (0) LE TABLE 1.--Composition of foods, 1CD grams. edible portion-~Contimed Food Carbo- Phos- Vite» . . Ascor- Food. and description Water en- :11}; Fat ‘M Ash 0:; phozs Iron min A T13: 13:11: N2: ‘01:: erg, e1 Teta1 Fiber ° us value. ’” ° acid 1:6}.- <2}.- ‘fl: 9.1-;- G_m: C1 Gl- ”£5.- E- 8‘;- 1_-_U' “i 33: 142 & Peus--Contimed Canned, solids and liquid: 474 water pack .................... 91.2 31 0.3 0.1 8.2 0.7 0.2 8 10 0.2 Trace 0.01 0.02 0.1 2 475 Sirup pack ................... . 81.1 68 .2 .1 18.4 .8 .2 8 10 .2 Trace .01 .02 .1 2 476 Strained (infant food) ....... . 85.7 51 .7 .2 13.1 1.1 .3 11 13 (.2) 40 .01 .02 .2 1 Peas, green, immature; 477 11c. ........................ 74.3 98 6.7 .4 17.7 2.2 .9 22 122 1.9 680 .34 .16 2.7 26 478 Cooked. ........................ . 81.7 70 4.9 .4 12.1 2.2 .9 22 122 1.9 720 .25 .14 2.3 15 Canned: 479 sends and liquid. ........... . 82.3 68 3.4 .4 12.9 1.4 1.0 25 67 1.8 540 .11 .06 1.0 8 480 Draftan solids ............... . 76.7 91 4.5 .6 17.2 2.3 1.0 32 77 2.1 670 .12 .06 1.0 9 481 Strained (infant food) ....... . 86.9 49 4.1 .3 7.9 1.0 .8 16 62 1.4 630 .09 .08 1.1 8 482 Irezen .......................... 80.3 75 5.7 .3 12.9 1.9 .8 17 94 1.5 670 .33 .11 1.9 18 Peas. mature dry seeds: 483 Entire seeds. .................. . 11.6 339 23.8 1.4 60.2 5.4 3.0 57 388 4.7 370 .77 .28 3.1 2 484 spnt. without seed ceet. ...... . 10.0 344 24.5 1.0 61.7 1.2 2.8 33 268 5.1 370 .77 .28 3.1 2 Pea soup. dehydrated. See Soups, dehydrated. 485 Pecans. ..................... . 3.0 696 9.4 73.0 13.0 2.2 1.6 74 324 2.4 50' .72 .11 .9 2 Peppers, green: 486 Ran. ............................ 92.4 25 1.2 .2 5.7 1.4 .5 11 25 .4 630.04 .07 .4 120 487 Cooked. perbened then baked.... 91.9 26 1.3 .2 6.0 1.6 .6 11 25 .4 740 .04 .07 .4 99 488 Pox-Simmons, Jecanese or Kaki. raw. 78.2 78 .8 .4 20.0 1.9 .6 6 26 .3 2.710 .05 .05 Trace 11 Pickles! 489 11111, cucumber ................. . 93.2 11 .7 .2 2.1 .4 3.8 25 20 1.2 310 Trace .06 Trace 6 490 Fresh, cucumber (as bread and 79.5 70 .9 .2 17.0 - 2.4 32 27 1.8 180 .02 .04 Trace 9 butter pickles). 491 sour. cucumber or mixed ......... 95.1 11 .5 .2 2.2 .4 2.0 25 20 1.2 310 Trace .06 Trace 6 492 Sweet, cucumber or mind. ....... 70.5 108 .8 .4 26.4 -. 1.9 16 18 1.3 110 (o) .02 Trace 7 493 494 495 496 497 498 499 500 501 502 503 504. 505 506 507 508 509 510 511 Pics: ‘Apple. ............. . ..... ....... 'Blueberry .................... ... 'Cherry ........................ .. Coconut custard. ............... . Custard. ....................... . Lemon meringue... . ...... .. ..... . Mince y. ...................... . 'Piuupldn. ................ .. ..... . ‘Pie crust, plain: Baked with: Unemiched flour.... .......... Enriched f10ur.. ............. . Unbaked (fresh or fmzen)..-.. Pimientos, canned ................ . Pineapple: Raw. ........................... . Canned, sirup pack, solids and liquid. Frazen. ......................... Pineapple juice, canned. ......... . Plantain or baking banana. ram... Plums (all, excluding prunes), raw Plums (Italian prunes), canned: Simp pack, solids and liquid (except pits). eesegess \DO->U1U1M\XOJ BUD“) U1\l\l 92.4 33:3 76.8 86.2 66.4 85.7 78.6 216 253 204 204 252 202 119 76 o m\° Huuoowm ass \IKDkD .2 .1 .2 .1 .2 .1 1332’; B’xfikfi‘i’xt’d I C oompwmpmm .2 .2 .6 H I o o o \“oUTWW N (DH Hnl-‘HD-‘H 10 125 125 22 27 116 116 51 81 65 17 11 10 12 1.1 Notes Asterisk indicates that values are calculated from a. recipe; parentheses indicate imputed value. _].j The proximate constituents, calcium, phOSphorus, and vitamin A are calculated from a recipe. 160 120 230 230 170 1o 1 ,9 10 2.3.30 1% 100 350 23’ .03 .02 .03 .05 .05 .03 .07 .03 .03 :04 .02 .08 .02 .03 .02 .16 . 16 .08 .04 . 12 .02 .17 .02 .06 .02 .02 .02 .02 02 .2 '3 '3 .2 -4 J .5 2.2 -5 -4 .2 .2 .2 .2 .6 .4 2] The vitamin A values range from about 10 LU. per 100 gm. of white fleshed plantains to 1,200 LU. per 100 gm. of deeper yellow fleshed varieties. vv AA HOOD-lbw 1 (o) (o) (o) (0) 95 ml? 19 TABLE l.-—Composition of foods, 100 grams. edible portionuContimed Food Caz'bo- Phos- Vite.- . . . Ascor- Food and description Water en- :22; Fat hydrate Ash 2:: phor- Iron min A Tlina- 31:11: Nial- bio orgy Total Fiber us value m 118 c :1 acid 1:91- Lal- GL- 01- G& 62 91 142 38; 1e.- I-_U- 13- 14¢ & k Popcorn: 512 Unpopped ........................ 9.8 362 11.9 4.7 72.1 2.1 1.5 (10) (264) (2.5) (o) (0.39) (0.11) (2.1) (o) 513 Popped .......................... 4.0 386 12.7 5.0 76.7 2.2 1.6 (11) (281) (2.7) (o) (.39) (.12) (2.2) (0) Pork, fresh; Packer's carcass, side, ram 514 Thin .......................... 50. 376 14.1 35. o. o .8 8 151 2.1 (o) .69 .16 3.7 0 515 Medium. ...................... . 42. 457 11.9 45. o. o .6 7 117 1.8 (o) .58 .14 3.1 o 516 Fat .......................... . 35. 538 9.8 55. o. o .5 6 84 1.5 (o) .48 .12 2.6 0 Retail items y, medium fat: Ham 517 Ran ........................ . 53. 344 15.2 31. o. o .8 9 168 2.3 (o) .74 .18 4.0 0 518 Cooked ...................... 42. 400 24. 33. 0. o 1.2 11 238 3.1 (o) .53 .24 4.7 o Loin or chaps: 519 Ran ........................ . 58. 296 16.4 25. o. o .9 10 186 2.5 (0) .80 .19 4.3 o 520 Cooked. .................... . 50. 333 23. 26. 0. o 1.2 11 235 3.0 (0) .83 .24 5.0 0 521 Miscellaneous lean cuts. ram. 52. 357 14.5 32.7 0. o .8 8 157 2.2 (o) .70 .17 3.8 0 Pork, cured: Ham, smoked J, medium fat: 522 Ran ........................... 42. 389 16.9 35. (.3) o 5.4 10 136 2.5 (o) .70 .19 4.0 o 523 Cooked ........................ 39. 397 23. 33. (.4) 0 5.4 10 166 2.9 (o) .54 .21 4.2 0 luncheon meat: 524 Boiledham .................... 47.8 302 22.8 22.7 o. 0 6.7 9 92 2.7 (o) 1.01 .26 5.1 o 525 Canned, Spiced ................ 55.2 289 14.9 m3 1.5 .2 4.1 91/7161 2.2 (o) .32 .22 2.8 o 526 Salt pork, fat, raw. ............ 8. 783 3.9 85. o. (o) 3.5 Trace Traci .6 (o) (.18) (.04) (.9) o Sausage, pork links or bulk, raw. See Sausage, pork. 527 Pork, caz)1ned, strained (infmt 75.7 127 17.1 6.0 o. o 1.2 14 180 1.7 (o) .35 .28 4.7 0 food . Potatoes: 528 Ran ............................. 77.8 83 2.0 .1 19.1 .4 1.0 11 56 .7 20 .11 .04 1.2 gm Cooked: 529 Baked. ....................... . 73.8 98 2.4 .1 22.5 .5 1.2 13 66 .8 20 .11 .05 1.4 17 530 Boned, unpae1ed. ............ . 77.8 83 2.0 .1 19.1 .4 1.0 11 56 .7 20 .10 .04 1.2 15 531 Boiled, peeled before cooking. 532 ‘FI‘ench-fried.................. 533 ‘F‘l‘ied re.“ . .1 ooooooooooooooo o o 534 'Hash-browned after holding overnight. 535 ‘Msshed, milk added. ........... 536 ‘Mashed, milk and butter added. 537 Steamed or pressure-cooked. . . . Canned: 538 50116.5 and liquid. aaaaaaa o e o I e 539 Drain-ed solids. ...... e nnnnn o n o 540 Dehydrated. . . .................. . 541 Potato Chips. ooooooooooooooo 00.0.. 542 Potato flour. ............... _. . . . . . 543 Pretzels. ooooooooooooooooooooooo e 0 Prunes, dried, unSulfuredx 544 Uncooked ....................... . S45 'Cooked, no sugar added. ....... . . 546 'Cooked, sugar added. .......... . . See also Plums (Italian prunes), canned. 3'47 Prunes, canned, strained (infant food) . 548 Prune juice, canned ............... 549 'ane whip ........................ 550 551 Note: Pudding, vanilla. See Blanc mange. 77.8 19.6 43-0 50-7 78-4 74-2 7708 W08 393 282 241 81 123 83 83 SW 357 $9 268 125 165 97 71 31 33 2.0 7.1 8.8 1.2 1.0 .1 19.1 14.2 11.7 6.0 37.1 .7 .6 -3 .2 .2 0. '2 '3 19.1 52.0 fie 31-9 17.0 15.9 19.1 13.1 19.1 82.2 49-1 82.2 74-5 71.0 33.0 43.2 25-4 19.3 fld 1.1 .8 .7 ~3 '3 .4 -4 2.2 (1.1) 2.2 1.3 1 2 1.0 36 2.7 2.4 1.7 l. 1.0 .6 1.0 3.0 4.0 3.0 5.5 2.1 1.0 -9 1.1 ll 21 18 ll 11 25 (30) 25 (12) kiéflifl (5) 21 (20) (40) 42 44 (36) (1.9) Asterisk indicates that values are calculated from a recipe: parentheses indicate imputed value. fiBiSEg 8 ) e g 885 B§s A O V 1,890 750 7? (3.400) inc .18 .12 .08 .08 .08 .10 (£9 .04 8%) .02 .03 .11 .08 .06 C05 .05 .04. .03 .03 I 11 (.11) .ll (.04) .16 .08 .06 (.08) .11 (.08) .06 1.0 3-3 2.3 1.7 8 1.2 8 m5 (1» 15 (.7) (.6) 4 y Values for raw items are from the medium fat wholesale cuts considered to be nearest approximations for indicated retail items. y Year round average. after 3 months of storage and about one-third as high when potatoes have been stored as long as six months. Recently dug potatoes contain about 24 mg. of ascorbic acid Der 100 gm. The value is only half as high G) TABLE 1.--Composition of foods, 1CD grams. edible portion-—Contim1ed Food Pro_ Caz-bo- 0 a1- Phos- Vite.— This. w”- ti” Ascor- F 0d and description Water en- , Fat ._§Ldrat_e_ Ash _ phon- Iron min A . bio ° ”83’ ten: Total Fiber oium us value mine flavm in acid P_ct_- 93}.- ‘flL- G_m_- 9k GE 61- k- g; is.- I-_U- £8.- 39 E E8; 552 Radishes. raw ..................... 93.6 20 1.2 .1 4.2 0.7 1.0 37 31 1.0 30 0.03 0.02 0.3 24 Raisins, unsulfured: 553 Dried ........................... 24. 268 2.3 5 71.2 - 2.0 78 129 3.3 w .15 .08 .5 Trace 554 'Cooked, sugar added, fruit and 46.6 194 1.1 2 51.1 .- 1.0 38 63 1.6 20 .06 .04 .2 Trace liquid. Raspberries: 55 Black, raw ...................... 80.6 74 1.5 1.6 15.7 6.8 .6 40 37 .9 0 .02 (.07) (.3) (24) Red: 556 Ran .......................... . 84.1 57 1.2 .4 13.8 4.7 .5 40 37 .9 130 .02 (.07) (.31 24 557 Frozen ........................ 73.9 98 .8 .3 24.7 3.3 .3 28 26 .6 80 .01 (.04) (.21 16 Rhubarb, stems only: 558 Rm. ............................. 94.9 16 .5 1 3.8 7 .7 151 25 .5 3o .01 -— .1 9 559 ‘Cooked. sugar added. ........... . 62.9 141 .4 1 36.0 .6 .6 _1j41 20 .4 20 .01 -- .1 6 Canned in sirup. See Cooked. Rice: 560 Brown, raw ..................... . 12.0 360 7.5 1.7 77.7 6 1.1 39 303 2.0 (0) .32 .05 4.6 (0) Converted: 561 Ran .......................... . 12.3 362 7.6 .3 79.4 .2 .4 24 136 .8 (o) .20 .03 3.8 (o) 562 'Cooked ....................... . 71.5 116 2.4 .1 25.4 .1 .6 8 43 .3 (0) .05 .01 1.1 (0) White or milled: 563 Ram ........................... 12.3 362 7.6 .3 79.4 .2 .4 24 136 .8 (0) .07 .03 1.6 (0) 564 'Cooked ........................ 70.5 119 2.5 .1 26.2 .1 .7 8 45 .3 (0) .01 .01 .4 (0) 565 Precooked, dry ................ 7.6 382 8.8 .2 83.3 .4 .1 4 66 .8 (0) .02 .02 .1 (0) Rice products: 566 Flakes. ......................... 3.5 392 5.9 .6 87.7 .5 2.3 21 116 1.8 (o) .08 .08 .9 (0) 567 Flakes (guided thiamine and 3.5 392 5.9 .6 87.7 .5 2.3 21 116 1.8 (0) .46 .08 5.5 (0) niacin . 568 Puffed .......................... 3.5 392 5 9 .6 87.7 .5 2.3 21 116 1.8 (0) .08 .08 .9 (0) 569 Puffed ()added thiamine and 3.5 392 5 9 .6 87.7 .5 2.3 21 116 1.8 (0) .46 .08 5.5 (0) niacin . Rice, wild. See Wild rice. 'Rolls: 570 571 572 573 574 575 576 577 578 579 580 581 582 583 584 585 586 Note: _lj Calcium may not be available because of presence of oxalic acid. Plain: Unenriched (pan rolls). ....... Enriched (pan rolls) .......... Sweet: Unenriched .................... Enriched ...................... mtabagas: Rye bread. See Breads. Rye flour: Light --------------------------- Medium .......................... Dark ............................ Eye meal or whole grain. .......... Rye wafers or "Swedish health bread“ Salad dressings: Commercial, plain (mayonnaise type) 3]. French .......................... 'Home-cooked, boiled. .......... .. Mayonnaise 3/ .................. . Salad oil. See Oils, salad or cooking. Salmon: Raw, Pacific (Chinook or King).. Cooked. Pacific. broiled or baked. 28.5 28.5 28.4 28.4 11. 11. 11. 11. 6.5 44-7 39-6 68 16. 309 309 323 323 32 384 394 1 5 223 170 0000 20:0 00 I mm \Iq UTE"! O 0000 WW 36.8 35-5 10. 78. 16.5 \fi 0 0‘ 77-9 74-8 68.1 73-4 75.3 13.9 20.3 3.0 0. .4 1.0 2.4 2.0 2.1 (0) .3 o (0) HH O \OKD HH . U‘IU’I .8 1.1 2.0 55 55 22 (27) 54 (38) (0) 19 I l 104 104 fit 185 262 (536) 376 (0) 102 (289) (417) .7 g]1.8 _2_/1:8 .4 1.1 2.6 405 3-7 4-4 (0) 1.0 (.9) (1.2) Asterisk indicates that values are calculated from a. recipe: parentheses indicate imputed value. (0) (o) (o) (0) (0) 210 3/ Iron, thiamine, riboflavin, and niacin are based on the mininum level of enrichment Specified in the standards of identity of breads proposed by the Federal Security Agency and published in the Federal Register, August 3. 1943. Minerals and vitamins are calculated from a. recipe. .06 .11 1.0 (o) g] .24 3/ .15 _2_/2.2 (o) .05 .13 1.0 (0) y .24 3/ .15 3/22 (0) .07 .08 .9 fi .05 .07 .7 21 .15 .07 .6 (o) .30 .12 2.5 (0) .61 .22 2.7 (o) .43 .22 1.6 (o) .32 .20 1.2 (o) .02 .03 (o) o 10) (o) (0) (0) .06 .17 .3 Trace .04 .04 (0) o 010 023 702 9 .10 .28 8.1 .— d: TABLE l.-Composition of foods, 100 grams. edible portionnContimed Food Carbo- Ph 5- - - Food and description Water 311- 1:r0- Fat Marat: Ash C?"- pth- Iron 11:: Thia— Ribo- Nia- L:ci:r er em Total ’Fiber cum us value mine £1"an cin acid m- Cfi- Gg 91° 013- Gl- Gi- &; k- & I-U- ’15.- Ms- 348- Ms- Salmn--Continued Canned, solids and liquid (incl. bones): 587 Chimak or King ................ 64.7 203 19.7 13.2 0. o 2.4 y154 289 0.9 230 0.03 0.14 7.3 (0) 588 Chum. .......................... 70.8 139 21.5 5.2 o. 0 2.6 gm 352 .7 60 .02 .16 7.1 (o) 589 Coho or silver. .............. .. 67.6 166 21.1 8.4 0. 0 1.7 y232 254 .9 80 .03 .18 7.4 (0) 590 Pink or humpback .............. . 70.0 143 20.5 6.2 0. 0 2.6 _1_/187 286 .8 70 .03 .18 8.0 (0) 591 Sockeye or red ................. 67. 173 20.2 9.6 o. 0 3.0 y259 344 1.2 230 .04 .16 7.3 (0) Sardines: Atlantic type, canned in oil! 592 Solids and liquid... ........... 47.1 338 21.1 27.0 1.0 - 3.9 354 434 3.5 .— (.01) (.14) (3.9) (o) 593 Drained solids ................. 57.4 214 25.7 11.0 1.2 -- (4.7) 386 586 2.7 220 .02 .17 4.8 (o) Pilchards, Pacific type, canned, solids and liquid: 594 Natural pack ................... 65.2 200 17.7 13.5 .7 0 2.9 (381 (168] 4.1 (30) (.01) (.30) (7.4) (0) 595 Tomato sauce ................... 63.1 216 17.8 14.8 1.7 .2 2.7 381 168 4.1 30 .01 .27 5.3 (0) Sauerkraut, canned: 596 Solids and liquid. ............... 93.2 16 1.1 .2 3.4 .7 2.1 35 18 (.5) 30 .03 .06 .1 16 597 Drained solids. ................. . 91.2 22 1.4 .3 4.4 .9 2.7 36 18 (.5) 40 .03 .06 .1 16 Sausage: 598 Bologna ........................ .. 62.4 221 14.8 15.9 3.6 - 3.3 (9 (1121 2.2 (0) .18 .19 2.7 0 Frankfurter: 599 3a.... ....................... . 60.0 257 14.2 20.5 2.7 -- 2.7 8 100 1.5 (o) .18 .19 2.8 0 600 Cooked ........................ . 62. 248 14. 2o. 2. - 2. 6 49 1.2 (o) .16 .18 2.5 0 601 Liver, livermu‘st ................ 59.0 263 16.7 20.6 1.5 .— 2.2 9 238 5.4 5,750 .17 1.12 4.6 (o) 602 Pork, links or bulk, raw. ....... . 41.9 450 10.8 44.8 o. 0 2.1 6 100 1.6 (0) .43 .17 2.3 0 603 Pork, bulk, canned. ............... 55.4 299 15.4 25.9 0. 0 3.3 9 166 2.3 (0) .20 .24 3.0 0 604 Vienna. sausage. camed. ........... 64.2 215 15.8 16.4 0. O 3.6 9 170 2.4 (0) .10 .12 3.1 0 605 Scallops, re. (edible muscle) ...... 80.3 78 14.8 .1 3.4 0 1.4 26 208 1.8 0 (.04) .10 1.4 - 606 Shad or American shad. raw ......... 70.2 168 18.7 9.8 o. o 1.4 .— 260 .5 - (.15) .24 (8.4) -- 607 ‘Sherbet ............................ 68.1 123 1.5 .0 30.0 .- .4 50 40 .0 o .02 .08 Trace (0) 608 ‘Short'brenfl ................... 4.0 $4 6.8 24.4 64.3 .2 .5 10 59 .4 0 .04 .02 .5 (0) Shrimp, canned: 609 Dry pack or drained sends of 66.2 127 26.8 1.4 .- —_ 5.8 115 263 3.1 60 .01 .03 2.2 (0) wet pack. 610 Wet pack, solids and liquid...... 75.6 89 18.7 .9 .3 -. 4.5 59 152 1.8 60 .01 .03 1.4 (o) 611 Simp, table blends (chiefly corn 25. 286 (0.) (0) (74.) .- .6 46 16 4.1 o 0 .01 .1 (o) simp). Soups, canned:_2J Bean: 612 Condensed ...................... 64.7 154 6.9 4.1 23.6 1.3 7 75 82 2.2 - .08 08 .7 .- 613 Ready-to-serve. ............... . 82.4 76 3.4 2.0 11 8 .6 .4 38 41 1 1 -- .04 .04 .3 -- Beef: 6141 Condensed ..................... . 83.2 80 4.8 2.7 8.9 .2 .4 12 a .3 - -- -- .- -— 615 Ready-to—serve. ............... . 91.6 40 2.4 1.4 4.4 .1 .2 6 25 .2 .. .. -- .. .. Bouillon, broth, and consomme: 616 Condensed. .................... . 90.9 8 (2.) - (0.) o 3.0 2 19 .9 0 0 .04 .5 0 617 Ready-to-serve. ............... . 95. 4 (1.) .- (0.) 0 1.5 1 10 .4 o o .02 .3 0 Chicken: 618 Condensed. .................... . 87.2 60 2.7 1.9 7.9 .3 .3 15 15 .3 .- .02 .11 1.2 - 619 Beady-to-serve. ............... . 93.6 30 1.4 1.0 3.8 .1 .2 8 8 .2 .- .01 .05 .6 -- 620 Strained (infant food). ........ 87.4 59 3.1 2.4 5.9 .2 1.2 38 45 .2 230 .02 .10 .4 Trace Clam chowder! 621 Condensed... ................. .. 81.7 67 3.5 1.9 9.7 .3 3.2 27 60 2.8 - .- -— .. .- 622 Ready-to-serve. .......... 90.8 34 1.8 .9 4.9 .2 1.6 14 30 1.4 -- -- -- .. .- Cream soup (asParagus, celery, or mushroom): 623 Condensed“ .................. .. 82.5 90 2.2 5.2 9.5 .2 .6 52 45 .3 160 .04 .17 .1 1 624 Ready-to-serve. ...... , ......... 84 .8 79 2.8 4.6 7.2 .1 .6 85 69 .2 80 .02 .08 Trace (0) 625 Liver soup, strained (infant food) 86.8 54 4.2 .9 7.1 .3 1.0 16 65 1.9 4.740 .05 .42 1.8 5 Noodle, rice, or barley: 6:26 Condensed. ................... .. 80.7 93 4.9 3.5 10.4 .5 .5 66 69 .2 20 .02 .04 .5 0 627 Readyh-to-serve. ............... . 90.4 47 2.4 1.8 5.2 .2 .2 33 34 .1 10 .01 .02 -.3 0 Pea: 628 Condensed... ................. .. 72.4 114 5.2 1.6 20.4 1.2 .4 26 80 1.2 (360) .14 .06 1.0 3 629 Ready-to-serve.... ............ . 86.2 57 2.6 .8 10.2 .6 .2 13 4o .6 (180) .07 .03 .5 2 flote: Asterisk indicates that values are calculated from a. recipe: parentheses indicate imputed value. 3;] If bones are discarded, calcium content would be much lower. Bones equal about 2 percent of total contents of can. .2! All the ready-teaser“ soups are calculated from equal weights of the condensed. soup and water except cream soup which was based on 4: equal weights of the condensed soup and milk. U1 TABLE l.-—Composition of foods. 1CD grams, edible portion—-Contimed r d d d 1 t' w 6 Feed Pm' F ’5 gigs; Ash 081' Pfios- I vile: 111113.. Rib“ Nia- AZ??- oo an escr p 1011 8. er en- . 8- . p or- ron m . _ er tem Total Fiber 011m us value mine flavm on acid 1:21. 021.- 02» 01- % GE 61- ML- k- & 1-_U- “i 1‘18.- E 2:: Soups, canned--Continued Tomatox 63o Condensed ..................... 81.4 74 1.8 1.8 14.6 0.3 0.4 21 31 0.7 (1,000) 0.02 0.08 0.6 7 631 Ready-to-serve ................ 90.7 37 .9 .9 7.3 .2 .2 10 16 .4 (500) .01 .04 .3 4 Vegetable: 632 Condensed .................... . 83.2 65 3.3 1.4 11.5 .6 .5 26 40 .6 -- .04 .06 .9 6 633 Ready-to-serve ................ 91.6 33 1.7 .7 5.8 .3 .2 13 20 .3 -- .02 .03 .4 3 634 Strained (infant food) ........ 87.2 41 2.4 .3 9.1 .5 1.0 23 39 1.0 2,450 .07 .06 .5 2 635 Vegetable and lamb soup, 87.7 50 2.4 1.2 7.6 .5 1.1 20 37 .6 2,600 .02 .05 .9 2 strained (infant food). Soups, dehydrated: 636 New beanJ .................... 7. 327 17.6 1.2 62.9 3.5 11.3 134 425 9.2 0 .42 .19 2.2 1 637 PeaJ .......................... 7. 328 20.4 1.1 61.0 1.1 10.5 67 364 5.4 220 .57 .19 3.1 1 638 Soybeans, whole, mature, dried.... 7.5 331 34.9 18.13] 34 8 5.0 4.7 227 586 8.0 110 1.07 .31 2.3 Trace 639 Soybean curd. ...................... 85.1 71 7.0 4.1 3.0 .1 .8 100 95 1.5 .- .06 .05 .4 (o) Soybean flour, flakes, grits: 640 Iow fat ......................... 11. 228 44.7 1.1 3] 37.7 2.3 5.5 265 623 13.0 70 1.10 .35 2.9 (0) 641 Medium fat ...................... 9. 264 42.5 6.53/ 37.2 2.6 4.8 244 610 13.0 110 .82 .34 2.6 (0) 642 Full fat ...................... .. 9. 347 35.9 20.6 3/ 29.9 2.3 4.6 195 553 12.1 140 .77 .28 2.2 (0) 643 Soybean 611k (without added 92.5 33 3.4 1.5 2.1 .0 .5 21 47 .7 -- .09 .04 .3 (0) calcium and vitamins). 644. Soybean Sprouts, r3711 ooooooooooo on. %03 46 6.2 1.4 5.3 .8 .8 48 67 1.0 180 .23 .20 '8 13 Spaghetti: Unem'ichedz 645 Dry .......................... . 8.6 377 12.8 1.4 76.5 .4 .7 22 165 1.5 (o) .09 .06 2.0 (o) 646 ‘Cooked. ..................... .. 60.6 149 5.1 .6 30.2 .2 3.5 9 65 .6 (0) .02 .02 .5 (0) Enriched: 647 Dry ......................... .. 8.6 377 12.8 1.4 76.5 .4 .7 22 165 4/2.9 (0) 4j.88 4/ .37 416.0 (0) 648 'Cooked. ...................... .. 60.6 149 5.1 .6 30.2 .2 3.5 9 65 1.1 (0) .17 .10 1.4 (0) V ' VS - O 0906”; Spinach: 649 Raw. ........................... . 650 Cooked. ........................ o Canned: 651 Solids and 11mm ............. 652 Drained so 11.5 ................ 653 Strained (infz-t 1061) ........ 654 Frozen ........................ .. Squash, summer: 655 Raw. .......................... 656 Cooked, diced ................... 657 Frozen .......................... Squash, winter: 658 Ran. ............................ 659 Cooked, baked, mashed. .......... 66o Cooked, boiled, mashed ......... . 661 Canned, strained (infant food).. 662 Starch, pure (including arrowroot, corn, etc.). Strawberries: 663 Ram. ........................... . 664 Frazen ......................... 0 Sugars: 665 Granulated, cane or beet. ....... 666 Powdered ....................... . 667 Brown. .......................... Note: 15.0 35° 95-0 88.5 85.7 88.6 91.0 12. 37 106 385 385 370 D-‘t-‘l-‘H 0 CC. HWQU‘I _1_/ Navy been meal with farinaceous flour up to 15 percent. 3/ Pee. meal with farinaceous flour up to 15 percent. 1/ Approximately 40 percent of this total amount of carbohydrate calculated by difference is sugar, starch. and dextrin. The remaining t on» ewe-Bu; (0) (o) H H C I HHI—‘H C I \nunxooo mm o o o ##-P- .5 -4 1.2 9%; portion is made up of materials thought to be utilized only poorly, if at all, by the body. 4] Iron, thiamine, riboflavin, and niacin are based on the minimum level of enrichment specified in the standards of identity promulgated under the Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act. Calcium may not be available because of presence of oxalic acid. 55 33 33 33 55 0/37 3.0 2.0 2.0 2.6 Asterisk indicates that values are calculated from a recipe: parentheses indicate imputed value. J Calcium and phosphorus are based on dark brown sugar; values would be lower for light brown mar. 9.420 11,780 6,790 7.630 4.200 6,820 220 4.950 6,190 4.950 1,960 (o) 40 (0) (0) (o) .11 .08 .02 .02 .02 .07 .05 .04 '04 .05 .05 .04 .02 (0) CO3 .02 (0) (o) (o) .m .20 .10 .12 .11 .17 .09 .07 .08 .12 .15 .10 .06 (0) .07 .05 (o) (o) (o) V (0) (0) (o) ‘a’NEE 17 11 bUWVCD (0) (0) (0) (0) £7 817 TABLE l.-—Composition of foods, 1(1) grams, edible portion--Contimed Food Carbo— Phos- Vite.- . . . Ascor- _ Pro- Cel- Th1a.- Ribo- the.- Food and descriptmn Water en- . Fat ‘ hxdrate Ash . phozh Iron in A . . , b“ orgy te1n Total Fiber cmm us (take name flavm cm sci: &-%%%E&%G&&&&I-U'M£&l&k Sugars-4.30m inued 668 Corn sugar, unrefined ........... 7.5 348 -- -- (90.) -- 0.3 -- -- -- (0) (O) (O) (0) (O) . Dextrose (including refined corn sugar): 669 Anhydrous ..................... .5 385 (0.) (0.) 99.5 (0) -- .- — - (o) (o) (o) (o) (o) 670 Crystallized. ................. 10. 348 (0.) (0.) 90. (0) -. - - -- (o) (o) (0) (o) (0) _671 Maple ........................... 7.5 348 —- -— (90.) -- .9 - -— -- - - -- .- -- Sweetpotatoes: _1_/ 672 Raw ............................. 68.5 123 1.8 .7 27.9 1.0 1.1 30 49 .7 7,700 .09 .05 .6 22 Cooked: 673 Baked ......................... 61.1 152 2.2 .9 34.4 1.2 1.4 37 60 .9 9,510 .10 .06 .8 23 674 Boiled ....................... . 68.5 123 1.8 .7 27.9 1.0 1.1 30 49 .7 7.700 .09 .05 .6 20 675 Candied ....................... 57.4 179 1.5 3.6 36.2 .8 1.3 36 45 .9 6,250 .04 .04 .5 9 676 Canned, vacuum or solid 133014.... 71.9 107 2.0 .1 25.0 1.0 1.0 25 41 .8 8.850 .05 .04 .5 14 677 Dehydrated ...................... 7. 362 5.0 .9 84.5 3.1 2.6 75 74 2.3 19,980 .21 .14 1.9 32 Swordfish: 678 Ran ............................. 75.8 118 19.2 4.0 0. o 1.3 19 195 .9 1,580 .05 .05 9.1 -- 679 Cooked, broiled ................ . 64.8 178 27.4 6.8 o. o 1.7 20 251 1.1 2,300 .05 .06 10.3 (o) 680 Tangerines (including other 87.3 44 .8 .3 10.9 1.0 .7 (33) (23) (.4) (420) .07 (.03) (.2) 31 Mandarin type oranges). Tangerine juice, unsweetened: 681 Fresh. .......................... 89.2 39 .9 .3 9.2 - .4 19 16 (.2) (420) .07 (.03) .2 31 682 Canned. ........................ . 89.2 39 .9 .3 9.2 .- .4 19 16 .2 (420) (.06) (.03) (.2) (26) 683 Tapioca, dry ..................... . 12.6 360 .6 .2 86.4 .1 .2 12 12 (1.0) (o) (0) (o) (o) (0) Tomatoes: 684 Ran ............................. 94.1 20 1.0 .3 4.0 .6 .6 11 27 .6 1.100 .06 .04 .5 23 685 Canned or cooked ............... . 94.2 19 1.0 .2 3.9 .4 .7 (11) (27) (.6) 1,050 .06 .03 .7 16 686 Tomato juice, canned .............. 93.5 21 1.0 .2 4.3 .2 1.0 (7) (15) (.4) 1.050 .05 .03 .8 16 687 Tomato catsup .................... . 69.5 98 2.0 .4 24.5 .4 3.6 12 18 .8 (1,880) .09 .07 2.2 11 688 689 690 691 692 693 694 695 696 697 698 699 700 701 702 703 Tomato flakes. .................. .. Tomato puree, canned ............. . Tomato soup. See Soups, canned, tomato. Tongue, beef, medium fat. raw ..... Tortillas ......................... Tuna fish, canned: Solids and liquid ............... Drained solids. ................. Turkey, medium fat, raw. ......... . Turnip greens: Raw. ........................... . Cooked! Boiled in Small amount of water until tender. Boiled in large amount of water. long time. Canned, solids aid liquid ........ Veal: Carcass or side excluding kidney fat, raw: Thin. .................. , ....... Medium fat ..................... Fat ............................ 71. 68. 65. ‘8‘ 207 211 18 156 190 223 10.8 1.8 1.1 .8 2.9 2.9 2.9 1.5 8' 12. 16. 76.7 0. O. O. 6.5 1.2 1.2 1.2 00 6.2 1.3 1.8 1.8 1.8 1.3 1.0 1.0 .9 119 (11) 88 259 259 259 100 11 11 ll 293 (37) 187 184 294 (351) 320 $531 8888 201 193 185 6.5 (1.1) 2.4 2.4 2.4 1.6 pr (DKDO Note: Asterisk indicates that values are calculated from a recipe: parentheses indicate imputed value. 1] If very pale varieties only were used. the vitamin A value would be very much lower. 3.720 1,880 Trace Trace 9.540 10.600 10.600 4.400 (o) (0) (o) _2_/ Vitamin A value of tortillas made from yellow corn: tortillas made from white corn have no vitamin A value. .65 .09 .12 .19 (.04) .05 .09 .05 .04 5k: ~43 6.5 .07 1.8 .29 5.0 .06 1.0 (.10)(10.8) .12 12.8 .14 8.0 .07 I5 .06 .4 .146 .8 .41 I7 0% .6 .09 .6 0% 6.6 .25 6.4 .25 6.2 114 28 (0) (0) (0) (o) 136 45 67 TABLE 1.-Composition of foods, 100 grams. edible portion--Continued Food Cerbo- Phos- Vite- . . Asoo - Food and description Water 311- :ro- Fat hydrate Ash 0131' phor- Iron min A T198” Ribo- Nile,- bier orgy e111 Total Fiber cium us value mne fluvin on: acid M%%%%%%&:E&Ms-I-_&M£klfiw- V eal--Cont inn 611 Retail items y medium fat: Outlet, boned (wholesale round): 704 Raw ......................... 70. 164 19.5 9. 0. 0 1.0 11 200 2.9 (0) 0.14 0.26 6.5 o 705 Cooked ...................... 60. 219 28. 11. 0. 0 1.4 12 258 3.5 (o)g/.083j.28 _2j6.1 o Shoulder roast, boned (whole- sale chuck): 706 Ram ......................... 70. 173 19.4 10. 0. 0 1.0 11 199 2.9 (0) .14 .26 6.5 0 70 C90ked...... ................ 59. 228 28. 12. 0. 0 1.4 12 258 3.6 (0) .13 .31 7.9 0 Stew meat, without bone: 708 Raw. ........................ 64. 231 18.317. 0. 0 .9 11 182 2.7 (o) .13 .24 6.1 0 709 Cooked. ..................... 53. 296 25. 21. 0. o .8 11 124 3.0 (0)3] .053] .243j4.6 o 710 Veal, ca:)1netl, strainedHN H O \1 (1-4) Asterisk indicates that the item is calculated from a. recipe; parentheses indicate imputed value. 3.280 If the calcium contributed by chocolate is considered unavailable, the value would be 172 mg. per pound. Vitamin A value based on deeply colored varieties. Based on products ranging from 11.4 to 30.0 mg. per pound of cereal. Calcium may not be available because of presence of oxalic acid. 2,088 mg. if the added emulsifying agent does not contain phosphorus. 2,452 :13. if the added emlsifying agent does not contain phosphorus. 5-41 .22 .12 -.18 .11 (.11) -09 ~09 .03 J .03 .21 .13 36 '2 .11 2.07 .28 .81 2-77 3042 1.91 1.85 2.62 1-39 1.01 2027 3.31 (1.82) 1.82' .26 2.3 1.2 3/22.2 1.7 .08 'Ihe niacin value of some products is as high as 104 mg. 232 (0) 148 173 (O) (0) (0) (0) (o) (o) (o) (o) (0) (o) 36 £9 TABLE 2.--Composition of foods. 1 pound. as pumhased—Contimed _ Food Total Vitamin . .. Ascor- Food and description 2: en- Protein Fat eei-bo- Calcium Pix: Iron 4 it: 3:13;: hf: bic orgy hydrate value Cl acid. P°_t- Cil- Gm- E Gm- yg- &; ”8» ML 148- 143- 148- Ms- Chicken; y —— _ — Raw: 218 Broilers: Live . ........................... 51 336 44.8 16.0 o. 31 444 3.3 (0) 0.18 0.36 22.6 (0) Dressed ..................... 45 378 50.5 18.0 o. 35 500 3.8 (o) .2 .40 25.4 (0) Ready-to-cook ........ .. ......... 25 514 68.7 24.5 0. 48 680 5.1 (0) .28 .55 34.5 (o) 219 Roasters: Live . ........................... 46 490 49.5 30.9 0. 34 490 3.7 (0) .20 .40 19.7 (0) Dressed ......................... 39 554 56.0 34.9 0. 39 554 4.2 (0) .23 .45 22.3 (0) Ready-to-cook ................... 23 700 70.7 44.1 0. 49 700 5.2 (0) .29 .57 28.2 (o) 220 Hens and. staring chickens: Live ............................ 42 796 47.3 65.8 0. 37 526 3.9 (o) .22 .43 21.2 (0) Dressed ......................... 36 880 52.4 72.8 0. 41 582 4.4 (0) .24 .47 23.4 (0) Ready-to-cook .................... 20 1.098 65.3 90.8 0. 51 726 5.4 (0) .30 .59 29.2 (0) Fryers (cut—up pieces): 221 Breast .......................... 24 359 80.4 1.7 0. 48 731 3.8 (0) .23 .30 36.1 (0) 222 Leg .. ............. . ......... 23 391 71.8 9.4 0. 52 658 6.3 (0) .35 .83 19.7 (0) 223 Canned, boned, meat only ............ 0 905 135.3 36.3 0. 64 672 8.2 (0) .17 .74 28.8 (0) Chicken broth. See Soups, canned, bouillon, broth, and. consomme. Chicken scup. See Soups, canned, chicken. 224 Chickpess or garbanzos. dry, Whole 0 1,631 94.4 21.3 276.5 418 1,702 32.2 Trace 2.50 .79 6.9 (8) seed, raw. 225 Chile con came (without beans), 0 907 46.8 67.2 26.3 173 690 6.4 690 .08 .54 10.2 —— canned. 2] 226 min senc’e ........................... o 445 12.7 1.8 107.6 (54) (82) (3.6) (8,540) (.41) (.32)J(10.2) (51) Chocolate; 227 Bitter or unsweetened ...... . ..... 0 2,275 (25.0) 240.2 3/132.6 4] 445 2,025 20.0 270 .21 1.09 4.5 (0) Sweetened: 228 Piein ......................... 0 2,141 (9.1) 135.3 284.7 51/086) (1,303) 12.7 (150) (.14) (.70) (2.9) (0) Milk. See dandy. Milk, with almonds. See Candy. 230 Chocolate sirup ooooo oooooooooooooo o-oo Cider. See Apple juice. Citron. See Candy. 231 Clams: Pan: 3 Long clams, with shells mid liquid. 17 Round clams, with shells and liquid c Moat only ... ...................... 232 Canned, solids and liquid .... ....... 233 Cocoa, breakfast, plain, dry pewder ... Coconut: 235 Fresh; refuse, Shell and milk .00.... 236 Dried, shredded (sweetened) ......... Cod: 238 Steaks, r91; refuse. bme ooooee-eooo 239 Dried coo ........................... o 240 ‘Coleslafl .. ........ ..... ............. .. 241 Collards, raw; refuse, tough stalks and some leaves. Condensed milk. See Milk, cow. at} Cookies, plain and assorted .. ...... ... Cooking oil. See Oils, salad or cooking- Note: Asterisk indicates that Values are calculated from a recipe: parentheses indicate imputed value. y Vitamin values based on muscle meat only. 951 129 369 233 1.331 1.978 (5.4) 20.4 9-9 58.1 35-9 (36-3) 68.1 371.4 5-9 8.0 27.2 5.0 57-7 257.0 5.4 2.6 15.4 9-5 3/222.o 340-5 A/ (68) (153) (74) (436) 395 51/568 51 195 41 (227) 177 508 100 2] Not less than 60 percent meat, not more than 8 percent cereds, seasonings. 3] Approximately one-third of this total anomt of carbolvdrate calculated by difference is starch and sugar. portion is made up of materials thought to be utilized only poorly if at all by the body. 5/ Calcium m not be wailable because of presence of oxalic acid. (390) (221) (107) (631) 3.232 236 4.045 123 118 295 (6.4) (11.1) (5.4) (31-8) 28.6 52-7 170 500 (360) (120) 14.020 (0) .16 .29 (2.5) .08 .14 (1.2) '44 082 (7'3) (.23) .43 4.9 .55 1.74 10.4 .23 .02 .6 Trace Trace Trace .24 .37 9.0 .38 2.04 49.7 .22 .20 1.1 .22 .56 (4.1) .16 .16 2.5 The remaining 5 (0) (0) 188 203 (0) 59 TABLE 2.-Composition of foods, 1 pound. as purchased-Continzed m- F°°d T0891 Phos- “twin Thia- Ribo- Nia- “5“" 1 Food and description use an- Protein Fat carbo- Calcium phorus Iron A mine flavin cin bio ‘ orgy hydrate value acid 1 3%. 03i- G4“ a. Ln- !2- Mi "eh LU.- EK: 1:48.- k- £5.- \ Corn, sweet, White or yellow: ‘ 245 Raw 8. With husks; refuse, husks and cobs. 62 160 6.4 2.1 35.5 16 208 0.9 y 680 0.26 0.20 2.9 20 b Without husks; refuse, cobs ..... .. 29 297 11.9 3.9 66.0 29 386 1.6 y 1.260 .48 .37 5.4 30 247 Canned, solids md liquid ........ o 302 9.1 2.3 73.1 18 232 2.3 y 920 .12 .23 4.2 24 249 Roman: a. Kernels......... ................... o 350 14.5 4.1 78.5 36 459 1.8 500 .54 .45 6.3 36 1: Corn an cob; refuse, oobs (29) 248 10.3 2.9 55.7 26 325 1.3 350 .39 .32 4.4 26 Corn and soy grits. See Breakfast foods, mixed cereals. ‘Corn bread or: muffins, made with: 250 Whole ground earn meal . ............. o 976 32.7 25.9 158.0 640 981 7.7 g/ 590 .68 .81 3.5 (o) 251 Enriched, degermed corn meal . ..... .. o 994 30.4 21.3 166.2 631 704 8.6 3/ 590 .76 1.06 5.8 (0) 252 Com flakes .......................... . o 1.748 36.8 1.8 385.9 50 263 5.9 (o) .16 .45 7.1 (o) 253 Corn flakes (added thiamine, niacin, 0 1,748 36.8 1.8 385.9 50 263 10.0 (o) 1.88 .45 10.1 (o) and iron). 254 Com flour ........................ o 1.672 35.4 11.8 348.7 27 (808) 8.2 4/1,540 .93 .25 (6.4) (0) Corn grits, degermed, dry: 255 Unmichei .. ........................ 0 1,642 39.5 3.6 354.6 18 331 4.5 g 1,360 .59 .18 5.2 (o) 257 Enriched _6/ . ........................ 0 1,642 39.5 3.6 354.6 18 331 13. g 1,360 2.0 1.2 16. (0) Corn meal, white or yellow, dry: Whole ground: 259 Unboltcd .......................... 0 1,611 41.8 17.7 334.6 45 1,162 10.9 1/ 2.320 1.74 .50 9.1 (o) 260 Bolted .. .......................... o 1.642 40.9 15.4 338. 27 (808) 8.2 1/ 2.020 1.36 .35 8.6 (o) Degerzned: 261 Unmichod ............ .. ....... 0 1,650 35.9 5.4 355.9 27 449 5.0 1/ 1.360 .61 .21 4.7 (0) 263 Enriched 6] ........... . ........ o 1.650 35.9 5.4 355.9 27 449 13. 1/ 1,360 2.0 1.2 16. (o) Self-rising: ‘ 265 Unenriched. ..................... 0 1.544 39.5 16.8 321.4 1,189 2,878 10.4 1/2,2oo 1.63 .47 8.6 (o) 1 266 Enriched 6] ...... o 1.544 39.5 16.8 321.4 1,189 2.878 13. 1/ 2.200 2.0 1.2 16. (0) Corn oil. See Oils, salad or cooking. Corn sirup. See Simp, table blends. Cornstarch. See Starch. Com sugar. See Sugars. Cottonseed 0i1. See Oils, salad or cooking. Cowpeas, ran: 267 Immature seeds 0 590 42.7 2.7 103.1 168 826 11.4 1,640 1.77 .40 4.1 139 269 Mature seeds, dry 0 1,553 104.0 6.4 279.7 350 2,048 29.5 140 4.18 .72 10.1 8 270 Young green pods (including 9 180 14.0 1.2 38.0 219 268 4.5 6,880 .65 .43 4.7 139 Asparagus-beans): refuse, ends and strings. Crabs, Atlantic and Pacific, hard-shell: 271 Ram 13 Whole; refuse, shells............. 52 187 35.1 3.5 1.3 (85) (348) (1.7) —- .31 .14 5.9 - ‘0 Meat only 0 389 73.1 7.3 2.7 (177) (726) (3.6) .— .64 .29 2,3 .. 272 Canned or cooked,:neet anly......... o 471 76.7 13.2 5.9 204 826 4.1 -- (.23) (.26)(11.3) -— Crackers: 273 GrahaMapprex. 140 sma11.65 madam. o 1.785 36.3 45-4 3373 91 922 8.6 (o) 1.36 .54 6.8 (0) or 551arge). 274 Saltines(120-130 crackers) 0 1,955 41.8 53.6 322.8 86 418 4.5 (o) .28 .20 4.7 (o) 275 Soda, plain(60-110 crackers) 0 1,909 43.6 43.6 330.1 91 436 5.0 (0) .29 .21 4.9 (o) Cracker meal. See Crackers, soda. rStreni’bei'x.‘ies: 276 Rew(4cups) 0 218 1.8 3.2 51.3 64 50 2.7 200 (.14) (.09) .6 54 277 Dried 0 1,672 12.7 30.0 382.7 372 100 15.4 (1,370) .86 .79 4.1 155 278 Cranberry sauce, Sweetened, canned or 0 900 .5 1.4 233.4. (36) (32) (1.4) (140) (.09) (.09) (,5) 8 cooked. Kate: Asterisk indiCates that values are Calculated from a recipe; parentheses indicate imputed value. Vitamin A based on yellow corn: white corn contains only a trace. Based on recipe using white corn meal; if yellow corn meal is used vitamin A value is 1,500 I.U. Based on recipe using white corn meal: if yellow corn meal is used the vitamin A value is 1,130 I.U. Vitamin A based on yellow corn flour; white com flour contains only a. trace. Vitamin A based on yellow corn grits; white corn grits contain only a trace. Iron, thiamine, riboflavin, and niacin are based on the minimum levels of enrichment specified in the standards of identity promilgeted under the Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act. 1] Vitamin A based on yellow corn meal; white com meal contains only a trace. Wfi'fi'fl: L9 TABLE 2.-—Composition of foods, 1 pound, as purchased—Contmed Ref- Food Total Phoa- Vitamin Thian Ribo- Nia- Ascor- Food and deseription use an- Protein Fat carbo- Calcium phorus Iron A mine flavin cin bio __ __ orgy hydrate value acid Pc_t. Cal. Gm. 01. Gm. 3. M3. M3. 1.0. Mg. Mi. k- 3. Cream 279 Light, table, or coffee .......... 0 925 13.2 90.8 18.2 440 350 0.3 3,750 0.14 0.64 0.4 5 280 Heavy or Whipping ................. 0 1,497 10.4 158.9 14.5 354 277 ' .2 6,510 .11 .51 .3 3 281 Cross, garden, rear; refuse, stalks 37 117 12.0 4.0 15.2 603 (109) (8.3) 8,490 .31 .47 2.9 250 and outer leaves. 284 Cress, water, leaves and stems, r8! .... O 84 7.7 1.4 15.0 885 209 9.1 21,450 .37 .71 3.6 350 285 Oroaker, whole, raw 66 148 27.4 3.4 o. -- -- -- -- .24 .09 2.8 .- 286 Cucumbers, raw; refuse, parings 3o 39 2.2 .3 8.6 92 67 1.0 0 .11 .14 .7 27 Cucumber pickles. See Pickles. 287 Currants, red, raw ........ 3 241 5.3 .9 59.8 158 145 4.0 530 .16 _- -- 16o Custard pie. See Pies. 289 mstard pudding, canned, strained 0 489 13.6 12.3 83.1 418 372 1.4 1,000 .07 .56 .6 5 (infant food). 290 Dandelion greens, raw ........ .. o 200 12.3 3.2 40.0 849 318 14.1 61,970 .85 .65 (3.8) 163 292 Dates, "fresh” and dried; a With pits . ..... . ................... 13 1,121 8.7 2.4 297.8 284 237 8.3 220 .35 .38 8.6 (o) b Pitted (5o dates, 1-1/2 by 1/2 1.11.0 1.288 10.0 2.7 342.3 327 272 9.5 250 .40 .44 9.9 (0) diameter). 293 Doughnuts, cake type ................... 0 1,9 30.0 95.3 239.3 331 1,298 (3.2) 630 .72 .59 5.7 (o) 294 Eels, raw: head, skin, and entrails 24 557 64.2 31.4 0. 62 697 2.4 6,210 .96 1.29 4.8 -— removed. 295 1391M, raw (1 eggplant, 6-3/4 by 13 95 4.3 .8 21.7 59 146 1.6 100 .18 .20 2.5 19 4 111.): refuse, calyx and parings. 296 297 298 a 303 304 305 307 309 311 312 313 314 315 316 Note: Eggs, hen, fresh, stored, or frozen: Raw: Whole: refuse, shells ....... ...... . White ..................... ....... .. Yolk ............................... Dried: Whole .......... ............. ....... White ........... . ................ .. Yolk oeooocoeeo-co-ocoooceuo ..... no. Endive, raw: refuse, stalks and outer leaves. Escarole, raw. See Endive. Evaporated milk. See Milk, cow. Farina, ram {Jami-chad cote-ee-o-uoous sssssssssss . michdy one ........... o IIIII nee... Fats, cooking (vegetable fat) . . . . . . . . . . Figs: Rer(12 smll or8medium) . ...... ..... Canned, sirup pack, solids and liquid. Dried (22 large) .................. Fig bars .. ............................. Fish. See individual kind, as Bluefish, Cod, Halibut, etc. Flounder, summer and winter, whole, raw. Flour. See Corn, Rye, Wheat flours, etc. Franldurters. See Sausage . 00 OO 48 61 655 227 1,640 2,689 1,806 3.145 47 1,678 1,678 4.013 357 514 1.224 1.587 121 51.7 49.0 74.0 212.5 390.0 141.6 3.8 26.4 46.5 144.8 190.7 277-8 454. 1.8 1.4 5.4 21.8 .9 351.4 351.4 89.0 136.2 310.5 344.1 0. 218 27 667 863 218 1,280 186 127 127 245 159 844 313 108 848 2.660 3.482 613 5.098 132 508 508 145 95 313 345 10.9 -9 32-7 40.0 7-3 62. 4.0 Asterisk indicates that values are calculated from a, recipe: puentheses indicate imputed value. 4.590 (0 14.590 16.970 25.170 7.070 (0) (0) 240 370 .13 .11 . 10 wrap- \ 14H ci‘reu Max's-P- on: w ..:3 is .2 é$ 1. .23 .15 .53 ~27 3 ._O l/ Iron, thiamine, riboflavin, and niacin are based on the minimm levels of enrichment specified in the standards of identity promulgated under the Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act. 000 5% 000 (0) (0) 69 TABLE 2.-Composition of foods, 1 pound, as pumhasodwontimed Ref- Food Tote-1 Phos- Vitamin Thia- Ribo- Niss- Ascor- Food and description use enr- Protein Fat carbo- Calcium phorus Iron A mine flarin cin bio orgy hydrate value acid. Pc_t- Lal- L»- G:- e... 14:: “.5; Ms- ;-_v- £- 12 g. £- 317 Frog legs, raw; refuse, bones .. ....... 35 215 48.4 0.9 0. 53 434 3.2 O 0.41 0.74 3.5 -- 318 Fruit cocktail. canned, solids 0 317 1.8 .9 84.4 41 54 1.8 730 .05 .05 1.6 9 and liquid. Gerbenzos. See Chick-peas. Gelatin, dry: 319 Plain . .............................. 0 1,520 388.6 .5 o. (o) (0) (0) (o) (o) (0) (o) (o) 320 Dessert powder ...................... 0 1,725 42.7 .0 402.7 (0) (o) (o) (0) (0) (0) (o) (0) Ginger ale. See Beverages, carbonated. 323 'Gingerbread .......................... . o 1.486 17.7 54.5 234.3 518 322 11.4 450 .19 .37 4.5 (o) Goat milk. See Lilk, goat. 324 Gooseberries, rsw ..................... o 178 3.6 .9 44.0 100 127 2.3 1,330 -_ .. .. 149 Grapefruit: 325 Ran: refuse, rind and seeds ......... 34 119 1.5 .6 30.3 66 54 .6 2o .11 .06 .6 121 326 Canned in sir-up, solids and 11.11.14 .. 0 329 2.7 .9 86.7 59 64 1.4 40 .13 .08 1.0 134 Grapefruit juice: 327 Has): . .............................. o 162 2.3 .5 41.8 36 59 1.4 40 .17 .09 1.0 183 Canned: 328 Unsweetened ...... . ................ 0 172 2.3 .5 44.5 36 59 1.4 40 .14 .08 .8 158 329 sweetened . ........................ o 235 2.3 .4 62.2 36 59 1.4 40 .14 .08 .8 158 330 Grapefruit juice concentrate, frozen .. o 667 8.6 1.8 173.0 141 232 5.4 140 .53 .30 3.2 612 Grapefruit-orange juice blend: Canned: 331 Unsweetened . ...................... o 183 2. .5 47.2 41 68 1.4 200 .21 .08 .9 171 332 Sweetened ......................... o 239 2.3 .5 63.1 41 68 1.4 200 .21 .08 .9 171 333 Frozen concentrate .................. o 668 10.0 1.8 172.1 150 250 5.0 730 .76 .28 3.3 622 334 335 336 337 338 340 Grapes, ran: American type (slip skin) as Concord, Delaware, Niagara, and Scuppernong (4-5 bunches): refuse, skins and seeds. European type (adherent skin) as Malaga, Muscat, Sultanina. (Thompson Seedless), and Flame Tokay (110-120 grapes, 3/4 in. diameter); refuse, seeds and stems. Grape juice, bottled, commercial ...-... Guaves, common, raw (5-6 medium); refuse, skins. Haddock, raw; refuse, bones, skin, and. entrails. Halibut, steak or section, raw; refuse, bones and skin. Ham. See Pork. Hamburger. See Beef. Heart: 342 Beef, lean, rail .. ................... 343 Calf, canned, strained (infant food). 344 Chicken, raw . .................... ... 345 Park, raz.......... ................. 346 Herring, Atlantic, raw: a Whole ... ........... . ................ 1: Flash only . ......................... 347 Herring, lake, ran: a Whole . ........ . ..................... b Flesh only ....... ................... Note: 22 13 52 19 0000 44 o 232 303 276 171 491 366 713 531 443 867 357 637 5.0 3-5 1.8 4.0 39.7 68.4 5.0 1.8 .0 2.4 .2 19.1 52-7 73-5 82.6 67.5 0. O. 75 41 104 159 74 92 45 115 429 776 922 681 645 599 594 1,162 386 690 2.1 2.6 2.8 1.5 2.6 ...: C O WVWKO H Asterisk indicates that values are calculated from a. recipe: parentheses indicate imputed value. 270 330 990 1,620 140 140 270 (250) (450) .21 '17 .26 I10 .22 .39 .17 .21 .17 .18 .22 xxx-bunt:- . ‘ mH wmflg —35 .68 .23 .41 1.0 (1.0) 4.5 5-3 17 Trace 1.194 33‘s IL TABLE 2.--Composition of foods, 1 pound, as purchased-Contimed aL Ref- Food Total Vitamin . _ Asco Food and description use QDP Protein Fat carbo- Calcium 11:20; Iron A 21:11:- 121:1: bier. ergy hydrate value acid. Pc_t. Cal. Gm. gr. Gm. g. “i 143. LU. g. 1g . $1 Herring, Pacific, raw: 348 Flesh only . ......................... 0 428 75.4 11.8 0. -— -- -- 450 0.10 0.99 .. 349 Herrmg, smoked, kippered . ............ 0 959 100.8 58.6 0. 300 1,153 (6.4) 0 Trace 1.26 -- Hominy, dry. See Corn grits. 350 Honey, strained or extracted ......... . 0 1,333 1.4 0. 360.9 23 73 4.1 (0) .02 .17 16 351 Honeydew melon, row; refuse, rind 37 92 1.4 0. 24.3 (49) (46) (1.1) 120 .13 .08 65 and cavity contents. 352 ‘Ice cream, plain . .................... . 0 938 18.2 56.8 93.5 558 449 .5 2,360 .19 .85 5 353 Jams, merme1edes, preserves ........... 0 1,263 2.3 1.4 321.4 54 54 1.4 50 .07 .11 26 354 Jemes ............................... 0 1.145 .9 .0 295.1 (54) (54) (1.4) (50) (.07) (.11) 17 Kale: 355 Far: Untrimmed; refuse, stalks, outer 36 117 11.3 1.7 21.0 655 180 6.4 21,950 .30 .76 335 leaves, and midribs. b Trimmed: no refuse ................ 0 182 17.7 2.7 32.7 1,022 281 10.0 34,230 .46 1.19 522 357 Frozen .............................. 0 182 17.7 2.7 32.7 1,022 281 10.0 31,780 .36 1.00 213 Kidneys, raw: 358 Beef ................................ 0 639 63.1 36.8 4.1 41 1,002 35.9 5,220 1.70 11.56 59 359 Pork . ............................... o 518 74.0 20.9 3.6 50 1,117 36.3 590 2.65 7.88 59 360 Sheep ............................... o 475 75.4 15.0 4.5 59 1,076 41.8 (5,220) 2.32 11.00 59 361 Kohlrabi, raw; refuse, tops 46 73 5.1 .2 16.4 113 122 1.5 Trace .14 .12 149 and parings. Lamb: Carcass or side, ram: 363 Thin ........................... 31 646 53.5 46.3 0. 31 598 8.1 (0) .48 .66 0 364 Medium fat ............ 22 1,122 55.6 98.1 0. 32 556 8.5 (0) .50 .69 0 365 Fat ............................... 19 1,526 47.8 146.5 0. 29 342 7.4 (0) .43 .59 0 Retail items 1 , medium fat, ram 366 Rib chop .......................... 368 Shoulder roast (wholesale 3-rib) .. 370 Leg roast (Wholesale leg) ......... 372 Canned, strained (infant food) . ..... Lamb and vegetable soup, canned, strained (infant food). See Soups, canned, vegetable and lamb. 373 Ina-rd .. ................................ 374 Lemons; refuse, rind and seeds ........ Lemon juice, Canned: 376 Unsweetened ......................... 377 Concentrate ......................... Lentils, dry: 378 Whole (entire seeds) . ............... 379 Split (without seed cost) ........... Lettuce, ram 380 Headed; refuse, stalks and outer leaves. 381 All other: refuse, outer leaves ..... 382 Limes; refuse, rind and seeds ......... Liver: Rev: 384 Beef .............................. 386 Calf .............................. 387 Chicken ........................... 388 Pork ................... , ........... 389 Sheep or lamb ..................... 390 Liver, canned, strained (infant food).. Note: 0383 38 31 31 00000 O 4.095 108 528 1.531 1.539 47 47 126 618 639 638 608 618 488 89.4 86.3 100.3 89.4 95-3 72.6 111.8 91.8 66.0 20.4 . 454. 1.7 .3 14.5 22.2 18.2 21.8 17.7 17.7 0000 .0. 24-4 35.0 170.2 270.1 274-2 9.1 9.1 42-4 27.2 18.2 11.8 7-7 13.2 4-5 31 33 73 268 154 194 (138) 32 27 73 45 36 109 476 772 78 63 (76) 1.625 1 .557. 1,090 1.643 1.653 1,262 3.4 (2.1) 30.0 48.1 33.6 81.7 57-2 32.2 Asterisk indicates that values are calculated from a recipe; parentheses indicate imputed value. (0) (0) (0) (o) (0) 2,580 2,580 1,710 5.060 199.300 102,150 146,190 64.470 229.270 87.170 K3 8?)§ ER 2.53 2-53 .14 (.16) 1.18 .96 .90 1.8 1.8; .18 (.02) 15.10 14.18 11.19 13. 14-90 9.69 62.1 73-1 53-6 76.6 0000 139 191 1.044 Cfl€8 57 162 91 103 152 28.9 y Values for raw items are from the medium fat wholesale cuts considered to be nearest epp‘ofimations for indicated retail items. EL TABLE 2.-—Conposition of foods, 1 pound, as purchased—Contimed 71; Ref- Food Total Phos- Vitamin Thiap Ribo- Nia- Ascor- Food and description on- Protein Fat carbo- Calcium Iron A . bi use ergy hydrate phorus value mine flavin c111 sci: 35:. gai. Gm. 91. Gm. Mg. 113. Mg. 1.11. Mg. 14;. Mg. 14g. Liver sausage. See Sausage. — ~ — _ — — — Liverwrst. See Sausage, liver. Lobster: 391 111.616, raw .......... . ............... 64 144 26.4 3.1 0.8 99 300 1.0 -- (0.21) 0.09 (3.1) .— 392 Canned .............................. 0 417 83.5 5.9 1.8 295 872 3.6 —- (.14) .31 (10.0) —- 393 Logan‘berries,raxv .......... ...... 0 283 4.5 2.7 68.1 159 86 5.4 (890) (.14) (.30) (1.3) 108 Macaroni,’dry: 394 Unenridled ............... ........ 01,712 58.1 6.4 347.3 100 749 6.8 (0) .42 .27 9.2 (0) 396 Enriched y . ....... ............ 01,712 58.1 6.4 347.3 100 749 13. (0) 4. 1.7 27. (0) 398 ‘Macaroni and cheese, baked _/ . ........ 0 957 36.8 49.9 89.4 867 767 2.3 2,050 .15 .71 1.8 Trace Mackerel: 399 Ram, common Atlantic: refuse, skin, 46 457 45.8 29. 0. 12 586 2.4 (1,110) .38 .85 20.7 .. bones, and entrails. Canned, solids and. liquid; 3] 400 Atlantic" ........................ 0 829 87.6 50.4 0. 840 1.244 9.5 1,970 .26 .96 26.3 .- 401 Pacific... ........................ o 819 95.8 45.4 0. 1.180 1,308 10.0 120 .12 1.50 39.7 -- 402 Manges, raw; refuse, seeds and skin ... 34 198 2.1 .6 51.6 27 39 .6 19.040 .19 .17 2.8 124 403 Margarine . ..... 03,269 2.7 367.7 1.8 91 73 .0 4/15,000 (o) (0) (0) (o) Marmalades. See Jams. marmalades. andpreserves. Mayonnaise. See Salad dressings. Meat. See Beef, Lamb, Pork, Veal. Melons. See Cantaloups, Honeydew, and. Watermelans. Milk, cow: , Fluid (pasteurized and ram): 404 10.616 .......................... o 309 15.9 17.7 22.2 536 422 .3 (720) .16 .78 .5 6 405 Nonfat (skim) . ................... . 0 162 15.9 .5 23.2 558 440 .3 (20) .16 .81 .5 6 Canned: 406 Evaporated (unsweetened) .......... o 625 31.8 35.9 44.9 1,103 885 .8 1,820 .22 1.63 .9 5 407 Condensed (sweetened) .. ......... .. 0 1,455 36.8 38.1 248.8 1,239 1,035 .9 (1,930) .24 1.77 .9 5 Dried: 408 Whole .... .................. . ...... 0 2,233 117.1 121.2 172.5 4,308 3.305 2.6 6,360 1.38 6.63 3.0 29 409 Nonfat solids (skim) .. ............ 0 1,643 161.6 4.5 236.1 5,902 4,676 2.6 (190) 1.60 8.88 5.2 32 Malted: i/ 410 Dry powder .. ...................... o 1.850 66.3 38.6 321.0 1,303 1,721 9.5 4.640 1.48 2.43 __ (0) 411 ‘Beverage . ........................ . o 472 20.9 20.0 53.6 613 558 1.4 1,140 .30 .95 - 5 412 ‘Chocolate flavored ..... ............ . o 336 14.5 10.0 48.1 495 413 .3 410 .15 .72 .5 5 413 Half and half (milk and cream) ...... o 620 14.5 54.5 20.4 490 386 .3 2,230 15 .71 .5 5 Buttermilk. See Buttermilk. Whey, fluid. See Whey. Whey, dried. See Whey. 414 Milk, goat, fluid o 305 15.0 18.2 20.9 586 481 .5 (720) .18 .49 1.3 5 Molasses , cane: 415 First extraction or light .. ....... .. 0 1,142 -- -— 2] 295.1 749 204 19.5 -_ .32 .29 1.1 —- 416 Second extraction or medium .. ..... .. 0 1,054 -- —— 6/ 272.4 1,317 313 27.2 -- - -— —. -- 417 Third extraction or blackstrap ...... o 966 -- -- 6! 249.7 2,629 386 51.3 -- 1.27 1.14 9.5 -- 418 Barbados ...... ...................... o 1.230 -- -- _/ 317.8 —- 227 -- -- .26 .91 -- .. ‘Nhffins, made with: 419 Unenriched flour ... .............. ... 0 1,269 36.3 38.1 191.1 935 867 2.7 470 .21 .59 1.8 (o) 420 Enriched flour ..... . ................ 0 1.269 36. 38.1 191.1 935 867 7.3 470 .84 .96 6.9 (0) 421 Mung bean sprouts, raw . ............... 0 106 13.2 .9 18.6 132 268 3.6 60 .32 .42 2.3 68 Mushrooms: 422 Raw; refuse, skins .................. 9 66 9.9 1.2 16.5 37 475 4.1 o .41 1.83 20.4 21 423 Canned, solids and liquid ........... o 51 6.4 .9 16.8 (32) (409) (3.6) 0 .07 1.12 8.9 - Note: Asterisk indicates that values are calculated from a. recipe: parentheses indicate imputed value. y Iron, thiamine, riboflavin, and niacin are based on the minimum level of enrichment specified in the standards of identity promulgated under the Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act. _2J If enriched macru‘oni is used in the recipe, the values for iron, thiamine, riboflavin, and niacin would be 3.2 1113., 0.45 1115., 0.91 mg., and 4.1 mg., respectively. 3/ The vitamin values are based on the drained solids. Base-:1 on the average vitamin A content of fortified margarine. Most of the margarines manufactured for use in the United States hare 15,000 LU. of vitamin A added per pound. The minimm Federal specifications for fortified margarine require the addition of 9,”) I.U. of vitamin A per pound. 2] Based on unfortified products. _/ Total sugars. 9L TABLE 2e—COIIposition of foods, 1 pound, as purchased—Contimed Ref- Food Total Vitamin _ v- Alcoa.b Food and description use an- Protein Fat carbo- Calcium 11:21:; Iran A 3111::- $1.21!: 2::- Mo orgy hydrate value acid Pct‘L'l- e... a- e... 5- 112 Me- I-_U- £- 13: k- 3. Michaelmas. See Cantaloups and Honey-dew melon. 424 1443ter1 greens, raw; refuse, eta1ke 27 74 7.6 1.0 13.2 728 126 9.6 21,370 0.31 0.68 2.8 338 and lower leaves. Noodles (containing egg), dry: 426 Unenriched ........... .............. . o 1.729 57.2 15.4 332.3 100 903 9.5 890 .91 .50 10.4 (0) 428 xmriehaa.;/ ..... .................... 0 1.729 57.2 15.4 332.3 100 903 13. 890 4. 1.7 27. (0) 430 oat cerea1, readybto-eat (added 0 1.797 65.8 31.8 318.7 726 1,589 18.6 (o) 3.70 .87 8.5 (0) vitamins and. minerals). Oatmeal or rolled oats: 431 Dry . ............................. . 0 1,770 64.5 33.6 309.6 241 1,839 20.4 (o) 2.71 .62 4.7 (o) 433 Precooked (infant food), dry _/ .. .. .. o 1.701 68.1 22.7 311.9 3,596 3,623 143.0 (0) 5.71 1.57 10.5 (0) 434 Oils, salad or cooking ................ 0 4,013 0 454. 0. 0 0 o o 0 o 0 0 435 Okra, raw; refuse, stem ends ......... 12 130 7.2 .8 29.6 328 248 2.8 2,950 .31 .30 4.2 121 Oleomargar'me. See Margarine. Olives, pickled: 437 Green (70 per 1b. "mammoth" size, 16 504 5.7 51.4 15.2 331 65 6.1 1,140 Trace -- - .- 13/16 in. diameter, 1 1/6 in. long); refuse, pits. Ripe: 438 Mission (70 per 1b. "mammoth" size. 16 728 6.9 80.0 9.9 331 65 6.1 240 .02 .02 -- -- 13/16 in. diameter, 1-1/6 in. long); refuse, pits. 439 Other varieties (as asee1ano, 16 488 4.6 51.4 11.8 331 65 6.1 240 .02 .02 .. .— manzenilla, and sevilano) (70 per 113. "mth" size, 13/16 in. diameter, 1-1/6 in. long): refuse, pits. Onions, nature: 440 Raw (4 large onions, 2-1/2 in. diameter); refuse, skins and rootlets. 442 Dehydrated, flaked .... .......... .... 443 Onions, young green; refuse, tops, skins, and rootlets. 444 Oranges; refuse, rind and seeds ....... Orange juice: 445 flesh 00.00.0000... eeeeeeeeeeeeeee III Canned: 446 Unsweetened ... ... ......... . ...... . 447 Sweetened ... ................... ... Orange juice concentrate: 448 Cmed .............................. 449 Frozen ... ........... . ............... 450 Oysters, meat only, rear ...... . ........ Pancake mix, dry, se1f—rising: Wheat (mixed with other flours): 456 Unenriched .. ...................... 457 Enriched ... ....................... 458 Buckwheat ........................... 459 Papayas, raw; refuse, rind and seeds .. 460 Parsley, common, ray! .................. 461 Parsnips, raw; refuse, scrapings ...... Pastry, shell, plain. See Pie crust. Note: 6 193 o 1.574 59 84 28 147 o 199 O 201 o 244 0 1,039 o 674 0 380 0 1,584 o 1.584 0 1.450 32 120 0 225 22 277 6.0 49-0 1.9 43.1 43-1 47-7 1.9 16.8 5-3 3.2 3~2 9-5 364.1 19.7 36.6 49.9 50.4 63.1 263.3 168.4 25.4 331-9 331-9 319.2 30-9 40-9 Q04 137 753 251 108 86 45 45 277 154 427 2,111 2,111 2,120 3/ 876 202 188 1.239 45 73 82 82 404 272 649 3.092 3.092 3.755 49 381 283 2.1 15.4 1.7 1.3 .9 1.4 1.4 Asterisk indicates that values are calculated from a recipe; parentheses indicate imputed value. 210 570 (90) (620) (850) (440) (440) (2.320) (1.500) 1.450 5.410 37.360 .12 .08 .08 .9 6.2 (.4) y Iron, thiamine, riboflavin, and niacin are based on the minimum levels of enrichment specified in the standards of identity promlgated under the Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act. 2/ ihe niacin value is based on products ranging from 6.4 to 19.5 mg. per pound of cereal. The niacin Value of some products is as high as 103.5 mg. per pound. 1/ Calcium may not be available because of presence of oxalic acid. 38 163 162 191 191 1,003 641 (0) (0) (0) 173 877 63 TABLE 2.-Conposition of foods, 1 pound, as purchased—Contimed _ Food Total Vitamin . .. As Food and description 3:: en- Protein Fat carbo- Calcium :23; Iron A Tkinap fibo- 1.13.- big}:- ergy hydrate p value m as gym c111 acid P°_t‘ 03$- 92 E- in- Ex: & 148- ML ”8- Ms- 348- Ms- Peaches: — — 463 Raw; refuse, pits and skins . ........ 12 183 2.0 0.4 48.0 32 88 2.4 3.530 0.08 0.19 3.6 31 Canned, solids and liquid: 464 meter pack ........... . ......... 0 123 2.3 .5 30.9 23 64 1.8 2,060 .03 .09 3.1 19 465 Sirup pack ....... 0 308 1.8 .5 82.6 23 64 1.8 2.060 .03 .09 3.1 19 466 Strained (infant food) ... .. 0 271 3.6 1.4 68.6 32 86 4.1 2.860 .10 .09 2.6 12 467 Frozen ........................... 0 355 1.8 .5 91.7 27 68 1.8 2,360 .05 .14 2.3 18 468 Dried, szflfured, uncooked (60 halve;, 0 1,203 13.6 2.7 315.1 200 572 31.3 14.760 .04 .89 24 5 86 1-2/3 in. diameter. 1/4 intrude). 471 Peanuts, Virginia type, roasted: a. Shelled ............................. 0 2,540 122. 1 200.7 107.1 336 1.784 8.6 0 1. 34 .60 73.5 (o) 'b In shell: refuse, shells ............ 28 1,829 88.0 144.5 77.2 242 1,285 6.2 0 .96 .43 53.0 (0) 472 Peanut butter ............... . ..... 0 2,615 118.5 217.0 95.3 336 1.784 8.6 0 .54 6o 73 5 (0) Pears: 473 Ram refuse, skins and cores 17 236 2.6 1.5 59.6 49 60 1.1 90 .08 .16 5 15 Canned, solids and liquid: 474 water peek ....................... . 0 143 1.4 .5 37.2 36 45 .9 20 .04 .08 .6 8 475 Sirup pack ...................... .. o 308 .9 .5_ 83.5 36 45 .9 20 .04 .08 .6 8 476 Strained (infant food) ........ o 232 3.2 .9 59.5 50 59 (.9) 200 .05 .10 9 5 Peas, green immature: 477 Ram a. 1n pod (approx. 1 qt.); refuse, 55 201 13.7 .8 36.1 45 249 3.9 1.390 .69 .33 5.5 54 shells. b Shelled ........................... o 448 30.4 1.8 80.4 100 554 8.6 3,100 1.53 .73 12.2 119 Canned: 479 Sends and liquid ................. o 307 15.4 1.8 58.6 114 304 8.2 2,470 .51 .28 4.7 39 481 Strained (infant food) ....... . 0 —222 18.6 1.4 35.9 73 281 6.4 2,860 .41 .34 5.2 39 482 Frozen . ........... . ................. o 340 25.9 1.4 58.6 77 427 6.8 3,040 1.50 .50 8.6 82 Peas, mature dry seeds: 483 Entire seeds . .................. 0 1,541 108.1 6.4 273.3 259 1,762 21.3 1,680 3.48 1.28 14.2 9 484 split, without seed coat . ........... 0 1,564 111.2 4.5 280.1 150 1,217 23.2 1,680 3.48 1.28 14.2 9 9 ' VS - 0 050611: the. coup, dabydratod. 80. Soups. wax-.3“. 485 Poems: ‘ mlled o oooooooo ooooouotooannoonco-o b In shell; refuse, $011. ooaooouo-uuu 486 Peppers, green, raw (6 medium peppers): refuse, stem ands, leads, and come. 488 Pareimmans, Japanese or laid, ran: a. Seedless kind ... IOICIOIOOIIOOCIOCOI. 1) Kinds With seeds sooooooloo-no nnnnnnn Pickles: 489 Dill, member .. ............. 490 Fresh, cucumber (as bread. and butter pickles). 491 Sour, cucumber or mixed ........ ..... 492 Sweet, cucumber 0:- mixed .. ....... ... Pies: 493 .Apple .000 oooooooooooooooo a oooooooo no 494 ‘Blueberry .......... ................ . 495 ‘Cherry .............................. 496 Coconut custard ...... ......... ...... 497 Custard. .... ........ . ....... ......... 498 Lemon meringue 00000000000000.0000... 499 15.11001] .. ....... . .................. 500 ‘Pumpkin . ............................ 503 'Pie crust, unbaked (fresh or frozen)... 504 Pimiantos, Canned ..................... Pineajpple: 505 Ran (2/3 Pineapple. 4-1/4 by 4 in. diameter); refuse, crown, core. and parings. Note: Asterisk indicates that values are 00101110.th from 0 recipe; parentheses indicate inwtod value. 1'] The proximate constituents, calcium, phosphorus, and vitamin A are calculated from a recipe. So 16 00 RM.) OOOOOOOO C- 47 3.152 1.644 49 316 49 1,115 981 1.147 927 927 1.143 1.146 919 123 126 42-7 22.2 4.6 1.0 331-4 172.3 .8 .5 5900 30-7 21.7 179.3 170.2 183.4 119.4 119.4 169.8 207.0 117.1 212.0 26.3 33~° 335 175 114 145 114 73 32 45 568 9 1 73 245 41 32 39 1 .471 765 95 91 123 91 82 100 123 527 527 232 182 259 10.9 5-7 1.5 -4 .2 Wk.” cam C \o-b o m 'LooCo 00 a) bow-P- H H WOMKTIWHMH 0‘ e o \l 230 120 2,410 11.900 9.330 1,410 820 1,410 510 730 530 1 .730 1 .030 1,030 790 30 8,660 10 .440- 310 J4 .22 .17 .03 .11 (0) J4 .07 .12 .23 .23 .15 .31 .15 .20 .11 .20 .52 .16 ~29 .19 .08 Trace Trace .2 .1 HHz-‘HH 3"“ . N mam-hump...- N o H o \l 0 \J1 #V 457 430 57 TABLE 2.~Coq)osition of foods, 1 pound. as purchased-40111711111“ 11.:— Food ““1 Phos- Vitamin Thia— Ribo- Ma.- ““1" Food and description .use our- Protein Fat carbo- Calcium phorus Iron L mine flair. cin bio orgy hydra-ta value acid 23.91. Gm. Gm. Gm. g. 35; &. LU. 143. Mg. Mg. Mg. Pin eappl e-Cont- inued 506 Canned, sirup pack, solids and liquid. 0 355 1.8 .5 95.8 132 32 2. 7 360 0.35 0.07 0.8 41 507 Frozen .................... . .......... o 388 1.8 .9 100.8 64 451.4 450 .27 .09 ,9 86 508 Pineapple juice, canned . ............... o 221 1.4 .5 59.0 68 36 2.3 360 .24 .07 ,3 41 509 Plantain or baking banana, raw: refuse, 23 418 3.8 1.4 109.2 24 105 2.4 y .21 .14 2,1 49 skins. 510 Plums (all, excluding prunes), ram 3. Refuse. pits only . ........... . ....... 5 218 3.0 .9 55.6 73 86 2.2 1,510 .28 .18 2.1 20 b Refuse. pits and sldns . ..... 15 195 2.7 .8 49.8 66 77 1.9 1.350 .25 .16 1.9 18 Plums (Italian prunes), calmed; 511 Sirup pack, solids and 11.11114; 4 329 1.7 .4 88.9 35 52 4.8 990 .12 .11 1.6 5 refuse, pits. Popcorn: 512 Unpoppod . ............. ...... o 1.645 54.0 21.3 327.3 (45) (1.199) (11.4) (0) (1.77) (.50) (9.5) (0) 513 Popped ............................ o 1.751 57.7 22.7 348.2 (50) (1,276) (12.3) (o) (1.77) (.54)(10.o) (0) Pork, fresh Packer's carcass, side, ram 514 mm... ........... . ......... 181,397 52.5 130. o. 30 562 7.8 (o) 2.55 .61 13.7 o 515 Medium .. ................... 121.827 47.6 180. o. 28 468 7.2 (o) 2.31 .56 12.4 0 516 Fat .......................... 10 2,201 40.1 225. 0. 25 344 6.1 (0) 1.95 .47 10.4 0 Retail items 2] {Indium fat), ram: 517 Ham. 0. With bane... ..... ......... 141.345 59.3 121. o. 35 655 9.0 (o) 2.88 .69 15.4 o b mum bane ..................... 01,566 69.0 141. o. 41 763 10.4 (0) 3.36 .81 17.9 0 519 Loin or chops ................... 191.088 60.4 92. 0. 37 684 9.2 (o) 2.93 .71 15.7 0 521 msoenamm lean cuts 17 1,346 54.7 123.3 .0. 30 592 8.3 (o) 2.66 .64 14.2 0 Park, cured: 52 Ban, 5210de (medium fat), ran a. 11111. bone ..... ... 131.535 66.8 138. (1.2) 40 537 9.9 (0) 2.76 .74 15.6 o b mum bone ... ... .... .. ...... o 1.767 76.7 159. (1.4) 45 617 11.4 (o) 3.17 .85 17.9 o 524 525 526 547 548 550 551 Luncheon meat: Boiled ham ......................... Canned, Spiced ooo‘OeeIooo ooooooo ee- Salt pork, fat, ran .. ............... . Sausage, pork links or bulk, raw. See Sausage, pork. Pork, canned, strained (infant food).... Potatoes: Raw (3 potstoes, 2-1/2 in. diameter): refuse, parings. Canned, solids and liquid ........ .n. Dehydrated ........................... Potato Chips one. 0000000000000000000000 0 Potato flour .. ........................ . P11152618 coo oooooooooooooooooooooooooooo Prunes, dried, misulfured: Uncooked (50-60 medium prunes); refuse, pits. See also Plums (Italian prunes), canned. Prunes, canned, strained (infant food).. Prune juice, canned . ................... Pumpkin: Raw; refuse, rind. and cavity contents. Canned ............................... 552 Radishes, ram refuse, tops and rootlets Note: A00 15 51 1.372 1,310 3.419 577 318 262 1,619 2.469 1,619 1.675 1.036 439 321 96 151 45 103.5 67.6 17.0 7706 706 7.7 32.2 30.4 32.2 40.0 8.9 5.0 1.8 3.8 4.5 2.7 103.1 110.3 371- .4 .1 3-2 168.4 3-2 2.3 .9 0. .6 1.4 .2 o. 6.8 O. 72.8 59-5 373-2 222.9 373-2 338.2 274-1 115.3 87.6 22.8 35.9 9-3 41 Trace 42 114 (136) 114 (54) 208 118 (114) 66 (91) 82 817 213 177 (690) 400 (322) 328 132 (182) 138 (163) 69 7-7 2.7 2.3 18.2 (8.6) 18.2 (3.2) 15.0 6.8 (8.2) 2.5 (3.2) 2.9 Asterisk indicates that values are calculated from a. recipe; parentheses indicate imputed value. (0) (0) (o) (0) 180 (230) 180 (o) 7.300 3.340 (10.640) 15.440 70 4.56 1.44 -78 1.57 .14 (.14) (.15) .07 .07 1.2) 1.00 .19 .15 .13 .48 (.50) .43 (.18) .64 21.5 4.4 3.8 20.4 (14.5) 20.4 (3-2) 6.6 1.9 (1.8) 2.5 ;/ 64 102 102 (0) 11 (5) 26 y The vitamin A values range from about 30 LU. per pound of white fleshed plantains to 4,200 LU. per pound of deeper yellow varieties- g/ Values for raw items are from the medium fat Wholesale cuts considered to be nearest approximations for indiCated retail items. 3] Year-round average. Recently dug potatoes contain about 91 mg. of ascorbic acid per pound. The value is only half as high after 3 months of storage and about one-third as high when potatoes have been stored as long as six months. T8 TABLE 2.-Couposition of foods, 1 pound, as pumhasedflontimed 38 _ Food Total _ Vitamin . _ . A5001» Food and description if: an- Protein Fat cad-bo- Calcium 13:201.; Iron A :23,- 3:211: 2::- bic orgy hydrate value acid Pc_t- 0&- Ln- Gi' Gi- Add Me a. 131- 3- Mi 1:; k 553 Raisins, unsulfured, dried ............. 0 1,218 10.4 2.3 323.2 354 586 15.0 230 0.69 0.37 2.2 Trace Raspberries: 555 Black, raw .......................... . 0 341 6.8 7.3 71.3 182 168 4.1 0 .11 (.30) (1.3) (109) Red: 556 Ben .............................. . o 259 5.4 1.8 62.7 182 168 4.1 600 .11 (.30) (1.3) 109 557 Frozen .. ...................... 0 445 3.6 1.4 112.1 127 118 2.7 360 .05 (.18) (.9) 73 Enu'bar‘b: 558 Ray; refuse, 1eeves .................. 32 50 1.5 .3 11.7 _1/ 158 77 1.5 100 .03 -. .3 28 559 ‘Stems, cooked, sugar added ........ o 639 1.8 .5 163.4 y 186 91 1.8 110 .03 -- .3 28 Canned in sirup. See Cooked. Rice, raw: 560 Brown ................................ 0 1,634 34.0 7.7 352.8 177 1,376 9.1 (o) 1.43 .23 21.0 (o) 561 Converted ...................... 0 1,644 34.5 1. 360.5 109 617 3.6 (o) .92 .15 17.4 (0) 563 White or milled ....... . ..... 0 1,644 34.5 1.4 360.5 109 617 3.6 (o) .30 .12 7.4 (o) 565 Precooked, dry . ................... 0 1,734 40.0 .9 378.2 18 300 3.9 (0) .09 .07 .5 (0) Rice products; 566 Flakes ............................ 0 1,782 26.8 2.7 398.2 95 527 8.2 (0) .36 .39 4.1 (o) 567 Flakes (added thiamine and niacin).... 0 1,782 26.8 2.7 398.2 95 527 8.2 (o) 2.09 . 9 25.0 (o) 568 Puffed .. ............................. 0 1,782 26.8 2.7 398.2 95 527 8.2 (o) .36 .39 4.1 (o) 5 Puffed (added thiamine and niacin).... 0 1,782 26.8 2.7 398.2 95 527 8.2 (o) 2.09 .39 25.0 (0) Rice, wild. See Wild rice. ‘Rolls: Plain: 570 Ibenriched (pan rolls) ............. 0 1,406 40.9 25.0 250.2 250 436 3.2 o .25 .49 4.4 (0) 571 Enriched (pan r0113) 2/ ......... 0 1,406 40.9 25.0 250.2 250 436 8.0 o 1.1 .7 10.0 (0) Street: 572 Unenriched .. ....................... 0 1,466 38.6 35.4 244.3 286 472 2.7 0 .25 .60 4.6 (o) 573 Enriched g/ .................. 0 1.466 38.6 35.4 244.3 286 472 8.0 o 1.1 .7 10.0 (0) 574 Rubalbagas, raw; refuse. pairings 15 147 4.2 .4 34.4 212 158 1.5 1,280 .29 .30 3.6 140 Rye bread. See Breads. Rye flour: 576 Light ................................ 577 Medium .. ............................. 578 Dark on ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo 579 Rye meal or whole grain ............... . 580 Rye Wafers or "Swedish health bread".... Salad dressings: 581 Commercial, plain (mayonnaise type)3j. 582 French ............................... 584 Meymnaise 3/ ........... . ............ Salad oil. See Oils, salad or cooking. Salmon: 585 Raw, Pacific (Chinook or King); refuse, bones and skin. Canned, solids and liquid (including bone): 587 Chinook or King ... ................. 588 Chum ............................... 589 Coho or silver ..................... 590 Pink or humpback .. ...... . .......... 591 Sockeye or red ..................... Sardines, solids and liquid: 592 Atlantic type, canned in oil ......... Pilchards, Pacific type, canned: 594 Natural pack ....................... 595 Tomato sauce . ...................... Note: 11 00000 C) 1,617 1.478 1,446 1.456 1.473 1.743 1,788 3,212 902 922 630 753 651 785 1.534 909 983 42.7 51.8 74.0 54-9 56-3 ovum ' I O CO\IO 70-3 89.4 97.6 95-8 93.1 91-7 95-8 80.4 80.8 f‘ H H\T o o mum 5.4 167.1 161.2 3%.]. 59-9 23.6 38.1 28.1 43-6 122.6 1.3 7.2 0“ 0‘\ l/ Calcium may not be available because of presenCe of oxalic acid. 2] Iron, thiamine, riboflavin, and niacin are based on the minimum level of enrichment specified in the stmdards of identity of breads proposed by the Federal Security Agency and published in the Federal Register, August 3, 1943. Minerals and vitamins are calculated from a recipe. 4] If bones are disearded, calcium content would be much lower. Bones equal about 2 percent of total contents of can. 00000 0.... i‘ \IU.) 100 (123) 245 (173) 41 (0) 86 840 1,189 (2.433) 1.707 1,816 136 (0) 272 (1.168) 1,312 1.598 1.153 1,298 1,562 1.970 (753) 763 5.0 11.8 ”-4 16.8 20.0 1.8 (0) 4.5 (3-6) mw-P-w-P- U .0 I #ONHMH 15.9 (18.6) 18.6 Asterisk indicates that values are calculated from a. recipe: parentheses indicate imputed value. (0) (0) (0) (o) (0) 660 (0) 950 (120) 120 1-35 2.76 1.94 1-45 (0) .16 .41 .12 .11 .12 .15 .19 (.06) (-03) .05 .31 .99 1.02 .91 (0) .16 (.64) (1.38) 1.23 (0) (0) (0) 33-1 32.2 (0) (o) (0) . (o) (0) (o) (o) (o) (0) (0) (0) (0) £8 TABLE 2.--Composition of foods, 1 pound, as pumhased-oContimed 78 Ref- Food Total Phos- Vitamin This.- Ribo- Nia- Ascor- Food and description use on- Protein Fat carbo- Calcium phorus Iron A mine flarin cin ‘bic ergy hydrate value acid Pct. Cal. 03. 01. an. Eli. & g. 1.0. i Mi. 13 £- 596 Sauerkraut, canned, solids and liquid.- 0 75 5.0 0.9 15.4 163 82 (2.3) 150 0.15 0.29 0.5 74 Sausage: 598 Bologna (1 piece, 1 by 23/4 in. o 1.005 67.2 72.2 16.3 (41) (508) 10.0 (0) .80 .85 12.2 0 diameter". 599 nankfurteé. new (10 sanssges, 0 1.166 64.5 93-1 12-3 36 454 6.8 (0) .79 .88 12.5 0 5-1/2 by 3/4 1n.). 601 Liver: livervmrst .............. 0 1,193 75.8 93.5 6.8 41 1,081 24.5 26,090 .76 5.07 20.7 (0) 602 Pork, links or bulk, new ............ 0 2.044 49.0 203.4 0. 27 454 7.3 (o) 1.95 .76 10.4 0 603 Pork, bulk, conned ............. 0 1,359 69.9 117.6 0. 41 754 10.4 (0) .91 1.09 13.6 0 604 Vienna sausage, canned .... .......... o 978 71.7 74.5 0. 41 772 10.9 (0) .45 .55 13.9 0 605 Scallops, raw (edible muscle) ...... 0 355 67.2 .5 15.4 118 944 8.2 0 (.18) .44 6.4 - 606 $1131 or American shad, raw, 4.1, whole 52 367 40.8 21.4 0. -- 567 1.1 -— (.34) .52 (18.4) -- 607 'Sherbet . ......... . ....... . ...... . ..... 0 558 6.8 .2 136.2 227 182 .1 0 .08 .35 .2 (0) 608 ‘Shortbread . ................... 0 2.289 30.9 110.8 291.9 45 268 1.8 0 .16 .08 2.1 (0) Shrimp, canned: 609 Dry pack or drained solids of 0 577 121.7 6.4 - 522 1,194 14.1. 260 .04 .15 10.1 (0) wet pack. 610 Wet pack, solids and liquid . ........ 0 405 84.9 4.1 1.4 268 690 8.2 270 .04 .14 6.2 (0) 611 Simp, table blends (chiefly corn 0 1,300 (0.) (0.) (336.0) 209 73 18.6 0 0 .05 .5 (0) sirup). Soups, canned: l/ Bean: 612 Condensed . ....................... . 0 700 31.3 18.6 107.1 340 372 10.0 -- .36 .36 3.2 - 613 Ready-to-serve .. .................. 0 348 15.4 9.1 53.6 173 186 5.0 -- .18 .18 1.4 -- Beef: 614 Condensed ..... .. ........ 0 362 21.8 12.3 40.4 54 227 1.4 — .— -- -— -- 615 Ready-to-serve ................. 0 182 10.9 6.4 20.0 27 114 .9 .. -- -- —- -- Bouillon, broth, and consomme: 616 Condensed . .................. . ..... 0 39 (9.1) -- (0.) 9 86 4.1 0 0 .18 2.4 0 617 Ready-to-serve ..... ........ 0 21 (5.) -- (0.) 5 45 1.8 0 0 .09 1.2 0 618 619 620 621 622 623 624 625 626 627 628 629 630 631 632 633 634 635 636 637 Chicken: Condensed ...... ................. .. Reedy-to—serve . . . ...... . . . ........ Strained (infant food) ............ Clam chowder: Condensed . . . . .......... . ........ . . Ready-to—serva ...... . . . . .......... Cream soup (aspar pans, celery, or mushroom): Condensed.......... .............. . Ready-to-serve . ............. . ..... Liver soup, strained (infant food) . . Noodle, rice , or barley: Condensed ................ . ........ Ready-to-serve . . . ................. Pea: Condensed . . ....................... Ready-to-serve .................... Tomato: Condensed ........ ............... .. Ready-to-serve . . . . .......... . ..... Vegetable: Condensed . . . ...... . ..... . . ....... . Ready-to—serve . . . . . . .............. Strained (infant food) Vegetable and lamb soup, strained (infant food). Soup 8 , dehydr at ed: Navybeang/uu ....... . ..... ....... P633]...uuu. ooooooooooooooooooo o 638 Soybeans, whole, mature, dried ........ Note: mater-15k indicates that values are calculated from a. recipe: parentheses indicate imputed value. C)(D C) O O C)\D C)(D 273 137 270 306 153 406 359 247 424 213 520 259 335 167 295 149 186 229 1.485 1 .490 1.503 68 173 123 f 230 386 73 150 118 59 95 45 118 59 104 91 608 304 1,031 68 36 272 136 204 313 295 313 154 363 182 141 73 182 91 177 168 1.930 1.653 2,660 1.4 1.040 730 21 , 530 90 (1.630) (820) (4.540) (2.270) 11 .130 11. CC 1,000 490 -09 .08 1.90 2.57 4.86 1.92 .36 .18 27 .23 .87 1.40 1] All the ready-to-serve soups are calculated from equal weights of the condensed soup and water except cream soup which was based on equal weights of the condensed soup and milk. y Navy been meal with farinaceous flour up to 1'5 percent. 3] Pee. meal With farinnceous flour up to 15 percent. 5/ Approximately 40 percent of this total amount of carbohydrate calculated by difference is sugar, starch, and dextrin. The remaining portion is made up of materials thought to be utilized only poorly, if at all, by the body. \flkfl 98 TABLE 2.-Composition of foods, 1 pound, as purchased~00ntimed . Ref- F°°d TN“ “1 Phos- Vitamin 2111a.- Ribo- N1... “W‘- Food and description use 2;), Pr°t°m Fat 11:32:; cal“ phorus 1”“ nine mim flavin cin 82:: fi-‘ifilgikfi'EEk-Etzk-flkW-W-Ve- 639 Soybean curd .......................... o 321 31.8 18.6 13.6 454 431 6.8 - 0.25 0.23 1.6 (0) Soybean flour, flakes, grits: 640 Low fat .......................... 0 1,034 202.9 5.0 y171.2 1,203 2,828 59.0 300 4.99 1.58 13.0 (0) 641 Medium fat . ......................... 0 1,200 193.0 29.5 _1j168.9 1.108 2,769 59.0 500 3.70 1.53 11.8 (o) 642 11111 fat ............................ 0 1,576 163.0 93.5 _/13.57 885 2.511 54.9 640 3.51 1.28 9.9 (0) 643 Soybean mu: (without added calcium 0 149 15.4 6.8 9.5 95 213 3.2 - .41 .19 1.2 40) and. vitamins). 644 Soybean sprouts,ran..... ............. 0 208 28.1 6.4 24.1 218 304 4.5 790 1.03 .89 3.9 61 Spaghetti, dry: 645 Unenriched.. ........................ 0 1.712 58.1 6.4 347.3 100 749 6.8 (o) .42 .27 9.2 (o) 647 mummy ...................... o 1.712 58.1 6.4 347.3 100 749 13. (0) 4. 1.7 27. (0) Spinach: 649 Raw (3 quarts): a. Uni-rimmed; refuse, minstalkand 18 73 8.6 1.1 11.9 3/ 301 205 11.2 35,040 .41 .76 2.2 219 outer leaves. b Trimmed ...................... .. 0 89 10.4 1.4 14.5 3/ 368 250 13.6 42.760 .50 .93 2.7 267 Canned: 651 Sands and 11.9114 0 89 10.4 1.8 13.6 3] 408 150 7.3 30,830 .09 .45 1.5 66 653 Strained (infant food) ......... 0 78 8.6 1.8 11.8 3/ 350 182 6.4 19,070 .09 .52 1.2 34 654 nozm......... ......... .. ......... . 0 89 10.4 1.4 14.5 3/ 368 250 13.6 30.960 .32 .77 2.3 173 Squash, summer: 655 Raw (2 squashes, 2—1<2by4'by 3 71 2.6 .4 17.2 66 66 1.8 1.140 .24 .41 3.4 75 3-1/2 in. diameter,: refuse, stem and. 657 nozen .............................. 0 74 2.7 .5 17.7 68 68 1.8 1,000 .18 .36 3.2 50 Squash,'inter: 658 Ram: refuse, rind, and contents of 26 126 5.0 1.0 29.6 64 94 2.0 16,640 .15 .39 1.6 28 cavity. 661 Canned, strained (infant food). 0 128 5.0 .9 30.4 141 86 1.8 8,910 .09 .25 (1.8) 19 662 Starch, pure (;.nc1uding arrowroot. 0 1,644 2.3 .9 395.0 (0) (o) (0) (o) (0) (o) (o) (0) corn, etc. . Strawberries: 663 Ran; refuse, stems and cans ......... 4 160 3.5 2.2 36.2 122 118 3.5 250 .13 .29 1.3 261 664 Frozen .............................. 0 483 2.7 1.8 120.8 100 100 2.7 180 .09 .23 .9 186 Sugars: 665 Granulated, cane or boot ............ o 1.748 (0.) (0.) 451.7 -- -- -— (o) (0) (o) (0) (o) 666 Powdered .......... . ................ . o 1.748 (0.) (0.) 451.7 - - -- (o) (0) (0) (o) (o) 667 Brown . .............................. 0 1,678 (0.) (0.) 433.6 4/ 3454/ 168 11.8 (o) (o) (0) (o) (o) 668 Corn sugar, unrefined ...... ..... 0 1,583 -— —- (409.) - -- —— (o) (0) (o) (o) (o) Dextrose (including refined corn sugar): 669 Anhydrous . ...................... .. 0 1.748 (0.) (0.) 451.7 -- -- -— (o) (o) (0) (0) (o) 670 Crystallized . ..................... 0 1,583 (0.) (0.) 409. -- -- —- (0) (o) (o) (o) (o) 671 Maple ............................... o 1.583 -- - (409.) - - -- -- -- -- - -- Sweetpotatoes: 672 Re)! (2 roots, 5by 2-1/2 in. diam- 14 480 7.0 2.7 108.8 117 191 2.7 5] 30,030 .37 .20 2.5 86 eter): refuse, parings. 676 Canned, vacuum or solid pack ..... o 486 9.1 .5 113.5 114 186 3.6 5/ 40,180 .24 .20 2.2 65 677 Dehydrated .......................... 0 1,642 22.7 4.1 383.6 340 336 10.45/90,710 .97 .66 8.7 147 678 Swordfish, raw ................... o 536 87.2 18.2 0. 86 885 4.1 7.200 .24 .22 41.3 .— 680 Tangerines (including other Mandarin 29 144 2.6 1.0 35.1 (106) (74) (1.3) (1,360) .22 (.08) (.8) 99 type oranges). Tangerine juice, unsweetened: 681 hash ............................... o 176 682 Canned .. ............ . ............... o 176 .12 #4:. O 0 PH 1.4 41.8 86 73 (.9) (1.920) .31 1.4 41.8 86 73 .9 (1,920) (.28) AA 0 g..- M vv H o c H Note: Asterisk indicates that values are calculated from a. recipe: parentheses indicate imputed value. 3] Approximately 40 percent of this total amount of carbohydrate calculated by difference is sugar. starch, and dextrin. The remaining portion is made up of materials thought to be utilized only poorly, if at all, 'by the body. 2] Iron, thiamine, riboflavin, and niacin are based. on the minimum level of enrichment specified in the standards of identity promulgated under the Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act. 3/ Calcium may not be available because of presence of oxalic acid. 4] Calcium and phosphorus are based on dark brown sugar; values would be lower for light brown sugar. fl If very pale varieties only were used, the vitamin A value would be very much lower. TABLE 2.-—Conposition of foods, 1 pound, as purchased—Continued 88 Raf- Food Total Phos- Vitamin Thia— Ribo- Nia- Ascor- Food. and description use on- Protein Fat carbo- Calcium phorus Iron A mine flavin cin bic ergy hydrate value acid p._.. L'l' o... 9-1- Ln- £8.- Mi 9- 11- 111- M2- is; 16.- 683 Tapioca, dry .......................... 0 1,634 2.7 0.9 392.3 54 54 (4.5) (0) (0) (o) (o) (0) Tomatoes: 684 Raw (3 tomatoes, 2 by 2.1/2 111.); 12 81 4.0 1.2 16.0 44 108 2.4 4,380 .22 .17 2.0 93 refuse, skin, stem and, and inedible flesh. 685 Canned or cooked .................... 0 86 4.5 .9 17.7 (50) (123) (2.7) 4,770 .25 .15 3.2 75 686 Tomato juice, canned .................. o 93 4.5 .9 19.5 (32) (68) (1.8) 4,770 .23 .13 3.5 72 687 Tomato catsup ......................... 0 446 9.1 1.8 111.2 54 82 3.6 (8,540) .41 .32 10.2 51 688 Tomto flakes ......................... 0 1,544 49.0 15.0 348.2 540 1,330 29.5 16.880 2.96 1.97 29.6 518 689 Tomato puree, canned .................. 0 165 8.2 2.3 32.7 (50) (168) (5.0) 8,540 .40 .32 8.1 126 Tomato soup. See Soup. canned, tomato. 69o Tongue, beef, mdium fat, raw ......... 5 892 70.7 65. 1.7 39 806 12.1 (0) .53 1.24 21.6 (0) 691 Tortillas ............................. 0 958 26.3 (12.7) 220.6 504 835 10.0 y 940 .88 .27 4.4 -— 692 Tune. fish, cammod, solids and liquid .. 0 1,318 108.1 94.9 0. 32 1.335 5.4 (990) (.19) (.44)(48.8) (0) 694 Turkey, medium fat, dressed, raw ...... 33 815 61.1 61.4 0. 70 973 11.6 Trace .26 .43 24.3 (0) 695 Tumips, ran: a Refuse, tops and parings ............ 34 96 3.3 .6 21.3 120 102 1.5 20 .15 .20 1.4 86 b Refuse, parings (4 turnips, 2-1/4 by 13 126 4.3 .8 28.0 158 134 2.0 20 .19 .26 1.8 113 2-1/3 1m. diameter). Turnip greens: 697 Raw: . a Trimmed ........................... 0 135 13.2 1.8 m5 1,176 227 10.9 43,330 .39 2.11 3.5 619 b Untrimed: romso, discarded leaves 16 113 11.0 1.5 20.6 987 190 9.1 36,370 .33 1.77 2.9 520 700 Canned, solids and liquid ........... o 80 6.8 1.4 14.5 454 136 7.3 19,980 .07 .41 2.6 89 701 702 703 704 706 708 710 711 Veal , ram Carcass or side excluding kidney fat: Thin no. ooooooooooooooooooooooooo .- Medium fat . ...................... Ffi . ............................ Retail items y, mdium fat: Outlet, boned (wholesale round.) ... Shoulder roasts (wholesale chuck) .. Stew meat, without bone .......... Veal, canned, strained (infant food).. Vegetables, mixed, Canned, strained (infant food). Vienna sausage. See Sausage. 712 Vinegar . ..... . ........................ 715 b 716 Watermelons; refuse, rinds and seeds .. 58 Wheat, whole grain: y 717 Hard red spring .... ...... ... ........ 0 1,498 718 Hard red Winter 0 eeeeee ...OIIDOIIIIIO O 1.499 719 Soft red winter . .................... 0 1,480 720 White .. ............................. 0 1,523 721 nlru-m....I....III.I..I'ID..""OI... o 1'% Wheat flours: 722 Whole (from hard mheats) . ........... 0 1,511 0. 723 80-percent extraction (from hard 1,656 wheats). Note; y 2] 3/ Vitamin A value ranges from 4,400 to 24,240 LU. per pound. Walnuts, Persian or I‘hglish: With shells: refuse, shells ....... Shelled It ..... e eeeeeeeeeeeeeeee tee. Water crass. See Cress, water. 547 681 823 748 625 1.049 380 134 ER 1.335 2.972 3383;; HO\O couoo VOCO H-P-U’I \’ N 0 O\ F” 28. 59 41. 36. W. 7-7 131.4 292-4 O. O. 0. 0. 31-3 (22-7) Eififl . O ODCD 14.4 313-7 325.5 327-3 342-3 318.3 922.3 336.4 38 39 4o 50 40 136 32 169 377 15 163 191 163 168 186 109 704 693 681 908 722 826 767 154 45 775 1.725 25 1.739 .607 1,816 1.789 1.752 1,689 867 10.5 10.4 10.3 13.2 10.5 12.3 7-3 4.5 .4 14.1 15.4 15- 9 13.6 19-5 Asterisk indicates that values are calculated from a. recipe: parentheses indicate imyuted value. (0) (0) (0) (0) (0) (0) 1,240 (o) (o) (o) (o) (0) (o) (0) Vitamin A value of tortillas made from yellow corn: tortillas made from white corn have no vitamin A value. Values for re)! items are from the medium fat wholesale cuts considered to be nearest anoreximations for indicated retail items. Proximate constituents adjusted to moisture content of wheat as it reaches the mill prior to tempering. content . .50 .50 ~50 .64 .52 .61 .14 .12 .98 2.17 .10 .92 .91 .91 1.18 -94 1.10 1.36 .11 See table 1 for moisture CD(T\O\ ODIDI“I 388 883 h) \N O p; I \J 000 000 12 13 (o) (o) (0) (o) (0) (0) (0) CD \D TABLE 2.--Composition of foods, 1 pound, as purchased-floutimed 8 _ Food Total Vitamin . Food and description 3:: 311- Protein Fat carbo- Calcium 2:: Iron A Thian Bilbo: Nim- A3?- orgy hydrate P value mine flarin cin acid. Pc_t. 0:1. 01. 01. Gm. Eli. Mi 143. 1.0. Mg. Mg. Mg. 1%. Wheat f10urs--Continued — — 72; Straight, hard whéai; ................. 0 1,656 53.6 5.4 338.2 91 44.0 6.4 (0) 0.53 0.32 6.5 (0) 725 Straight, soft Wheat ................. 0 1,654 44.0 4.5 349.1 91 440 5.0 (o) .36 .23 5.5 (0) Self-rising: 726 ‘Unenriched ......................... 0 1,588 41.8 4.5 335.1 1,235 2,197 4.5 (0) .35 .21 5.2 (o) 727 Enriched y ........................ 0 1,588 41.8 4.5 335.1 1,235 2,197 13.0 (o) 2.0 1.2 16.0 (0) Patent: All-pupose or family flour; 728 Unemricbed .. ..................... 0 1,654 47.7 4 5 345.5 73 395 3.6 (0) .28 .21 4.1 (0) 729 Enriched. y ...................... 0 1,654 47.7 4 5 345.5 73 39 13.0 (0) 2.0 1.2 16.0 (0) Bread flour: 730 Unanriched .. ................... .. 0 1,656 53.6 5 0 339.1 73 431 4.1 (0) .35 .25 4.4 (0) 731 Enriched _2j ...................... 0 1,656 53.6 5 0 339.1 73 431 13.0 (0) 2.0 1.2 16.0 (0) 732 Cake or pastry flour ............... 0 1,653 34.0 3 6 360.5 77 331 2.3 (o) .14 .14 3.0 (0) Wheat products: Bran breakfast cereals. See Bran. 733 Flakes ............................... 0 1,613 49.0 7.3 364.1 209 1,494 13.6 (0) .38 .7 21.8 (0) 734 Flakes (added iron, thiamine, 0 1,613 49.0 7.3 364.1 209 1,494 19.1 (0) 2.54 .79 29.1 (0) and niacin). 735 Germ ................................. 0 1,640 114.4 45.4 224.7 381 4,976 36.8 (0) 9.31 3.63 20.9 (o) 736 Puffed .............................. . 0 1,613 49.0 7.3 364.1 209 1,494 13.6 (0) .38 .7 21.8 (0) 737 Puffed (added iron, thiamine, 0 1,613 49.0 7.3 364.1 209 1,494 19.1 (0) 2.54 .79 29.1 (0) and niacin). 738 Rolled, dry .......................... 0 1,545 44.9 9.1 345.9 163 1.553 14.5 (o) 1.65 .55 18.6 (0) Shredded: 74o Plain .......................... 0 1,635 45.9 11.4 363.7 213 1,634 15.9 (o) 1.02 .54 20.0 (o) 741 With added malt and aigar .......... 0 1,610 40.0 5.4 375.9 227 1,530 19.1 (o) 3] .82 .68 20.2 (0) 742 111016 meal, dry ...................... 0 1,564 57.7 7.7 341.9 209 1,780 15.4 (o) 2.50 .69 20.0 (0) 744 10161.3 meal, dry (added wheat germ, 0 1,527 58.1 9.1 328.7 227 1,816 136.2 (0) 6.81 .73 23.6 (0) iron, and thiamine). Wheat and melted barley cereal. See Breakfast foods, mixed cereals. Whey: 746 Fluid 0 120 4.1 1.4 23.2 232 241 .5 5o .16 .66 .3 747 Dried 0 1,562 56.8 5.4 328.7 3,083 2,615 - m 2.24 11.3 3.9 749 mm rice, parched, m 0 1,654 64.0 3.2 341.9 86 1,539 -— (0) 2.02 2.87 27.9 Yeast: 750 Compressed,baker's o 388 (48.1) 1.8 59.0 11.4 2,747 22.2 (0) 2.05 9.38128.o 751 Died,brewer's 0 1,239 (167.5) 7.3 169.8 481 8.594 82.6 (0) 43.99 24.741643 Note: Asterisk indiCates that values are calculated from a recipe; parentheses indicate imputed value. 1/ Iron, thiamine, riboflavin, and niacin are based on the minimum levels of enrichment Specified in the standards of identity pu'ozmlgated under the Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act. Calcium is based on the level usually found in self-rising flour which is in excess of the minimum (500 mg. per pound) required. See page 4. y Iron, thiamine, riboflavin, and niacin are based on the minimm level of enrichment specified in the standards of identity promlgated under the Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act. 3] For brands that are ova-toasted thiamine will be .20 mg. I6 TABLE 3.--Composition of foods, common household units :6 . . Food Total Vitamin . . . Ascor- Food. descr1pt1on. and _ , Phos- Th1ap R1bo- N15- . - approximate measmre en- Protem Fat carbo- Calc1um phorus Iron A mine flavin cin b1c ergy hydrate value 8016. 98$- E“: Gm- 911- Ns- M8.- 148' L”- 158: 318- H8.- ME.- 1 Almonds, dried, unblanched: a Shelled, 1 cup (142 gm.) .......... 848 26.4 76.8 27.8 361 674 6.2 o 0.35 0.95 6.5 Trans ‘0 In 511.11, 1 cup (78 gm.) ....... . ....... 238 7.4 21.6 7.8 102 190 1.8 o .10 .27 1.8 Trace Ayples: 2 Raw, A.P.', refuse, 12 percent: a. 1 large (3 in. diam, 23o 31:1.) 117 .6 .8 30.1 12 20 .6 180 .08 .06 .4 9 ‘b 1 medium (2-1/2 in. (11210., 150 gm)... 76 .4 .5 19.7 8 13 .4 120 .05 .04 .2 6 c 1 small (2-1/4 in. 41.11., 114 gm.).... 58 .3 .4 14.9 6 10 .3 9o .04 .03 .2 5 Rear, E.P. : , d 1 cup cubed. or sliced (142 gm.) . ..... 83 .4 .6 21.2 9 14 .4 130 .06 .04 .3 7 Canned. See Applesauce. 3 Dehydrated (51.511 pieces), 1 pound ..... 1,606 8.2 10.9 413.1 109 277 8.2 (o) .33 .47 5.4 53 Dried: 4 Uncooked, 1 cup (114 gm.) ............ 315 1.6 1.1 83.4 22 55 1.6 (0) .11 .11 1.1 14 5 ’Cooked, unswaetened: a 1 pound ............................ 358 1.8 1.4 94.4 23 64 1.8 (0) .09 .14 1.4 9 b 1 Cup (255 gm.) .................... 201 1.0 .8 53.0 13 36 1.0 (0) .05 .08 .8 5 6 'Cooked, sweetened: a 1 pound ............................ 477 1.8 1.4 124.8 23 54 1.8 (o) .09 .09 .9 9 b 1 cup (280 gm.) .................... 294 1.1 .8 77.0 14 34 1.1 (0) .06 .06 .6 6 7 Ayples and apricots, canned, strained 18 .1 .1 4.7 3 5 .3 300 .01 .01 .1 1 (infant food), 1 ounce. 8 ‘Apple betty: a. 1 pound ............................. 680 7.7 13.2 138.9 68 114 .5 730 .26 .18 2.2 5 b 1 cup (230 gm.) . ....................... 344 3.9 6.7 70.4 34 58 .2 370 .13 .09 1.1 3 9 Apple butter: 8. 1 cup (282 gm.) ....... . ................ 518 1.1 2.3 128.0 39 59 1.7 (0) .03 .06 .4 5 b 1 tablespoon (18 gm.) . ................. 33 .1 .1 8.2 3 4 .1 (0) Trace 'h‘aoe Ila-ace Trace 10 Apple juice, fresh or canned, 1 cup 124 .2 (0) 34.4 15 25 1.2 90 .05 .07 ham 2 (249 gm). Applesauce, canned: 11 Unsweetened, 1 cup (239 gm.) 12 Sweetened, 1 cup (254 gm.) ............. 13 Strained (infant food), -1 ounce ........ Apricots: 14 Raw, 3 apricots (114 3111.): refuse, pits, 6 percent. Canned: 15 Water pack, 1 cup halves and liquid (244 gm-). 15 Simp pack: a. 1 cup halves and sirup (256 gm.).... 1: 4 medium halves and 2 tableSpoons sirup (122 gm). 17 Strained (infant food), 1 ounce ...... Dried, sulfured: 18 Uncooked: a. Large, 1 cup (28 halves, 162 3111.)... 13 Small, 1 cup (40 halves, 150 3111.)... 19 'Cooked, \msweetened, fruit and liquid: 11 1 pound ....................... .. b 1 Cup (approx. 25 halves 285 gm. ).. 2O ‘Cooked sweetened, fruit and sirup: a 1 pound ............................ b 1 cup (approx. 25 halves, 325 3111.)” 21 Frozen, 3 ounces ..................... Asparagus: 23 Cooked: a 1 pound .............................. b 1 Cup Cut 81183105075 gm.) gee- Canned, green: 24 Solids and liquid: a 1 cup cut spears with liquid (239 sun). 1: 6 spears, medium size with 2 table- spoons liquid (126 3111.). 100 184 17 77 205 97 17 423 393- 386 242 559 400 92 42 o \103 O . Q 00-h- «P- Sh bu (“\0 CD 03V .3 .1 .2 WM #90‘ \fiOH 10 10 17 26 12 139 129 127 109 78 86 33 43 23 25 37 18 193 178 177 111 154 110 241 93 103 1.0 1.0 .1 . T’ «hm Amfxlw how» 0 mm 4.1 2.1 885' 2.990 ,300 1,650 (480) 12,040 11,140 10.990 6.900 9.580 6 860 1 .410 Note: Asterisk indicates that values are calculated from a recipe: parentheses indicate imputed value. .05 .05 Trace .04 .04 .02 (.01) .02 .02 .02 . 01 .01 .01 .02 69 .23 .16 -09 .02 .03 Trace 0% .03 (.01) .25 .24 .23 -14 .18 .13 .03 .1 .1 Trace 2.1 1.1 HWUJ 35 19 E6 mu 3.-Conpoaition of foods, common household unity-Contimod V6 Food Total Vitamin Ascor- rgggixifipuon' :ad on- Protoin Fat carbo- Calcium Echo” Iron A 331.118" Bi‘bo— Nia— bio ”a”: orgy hydrate p rus value mm flavin cin acid 921.- 51' an; 6;- 13.- 131- 21- .14!- 1‘5.- yd 1‘5; 16:.- Asparagus-41721111111196. 25 Drained solids: a. 1 pound .. ............................. 97 10.3 1.8 15.4 86 241 8.6 3.630 0.30 0.37 4.4 80 ‘b 1 01p cut spear: (175 gm.) ......... 38 4.2 .7 6.0 33 33 3.3 1.400 .11 .14 1.7 31 c 6 spears. medium size (96 gm.) 21 2.3 .4 3.3 18 51 1.8 770 .06 .08 .9 17 Canned, bleached: 26 Solids and liquid: 8. 1 mp cut swears with liquid 43 3.8 .7 7.3 36 73 2.2 110 .13 .16 1.8 35 (239 gm . b 6 spears, medium size with 2 table- 23 2.0 .4 4.2 13 42 1.1 60 .07 .08 .3 19 spoons liquid (126 gm). 27 Drained sends: a. 1 cup out spears (175 gm.) . ......... 39 3.7 .9 6.3 28 72 1.8 140 .09 .13 (1.5) 31 b 6 spears, medium size (96 gm.) ...... 22 2.0 .5 3.5 15 39 1.0 70 .05 .07 (.8) 17 29 hocados, raw: 1.] a. 1 Cup (1/2 in. cubes, 152 gm.) . ....... .. 372 2.6 40.1 7.8 15 58 .9 430 .10 .20 1.7 24 b 1/2 peeled avocado (3-1/2 by 3.1/4 1n. 273 1.9 30.1 5.8 11 43 .7 330 .07 .15 1.3 18 diam, 114 501.). 31 Bacon, medium fat. broiled or fried, drained: d 1 pound ................................. 2.761 114. 250. 5. 114 1.158 15.0 (0) 2.16 1.41 21.8 0 b 2 moss (16 gm.) ....................... . 37 4. 8.8 .2 4 41 .5 (o) .08 .05 .8 o 33 Bacon, Canadian, raw, 4 ounces . ...... 262 25.1 17.0 (.3) 15 238 3.7 (0) 1.04 .28 5.3 o 34 Banana, raw: refuse. skins, 33 percent: a. 1 large (8 by 1-1/2 111.. 200 gm.) . ...... 113 1.6 .3 31. 11 38 .8 570 .06 .06 1.0 13 b 1 medium (6 by 1-1/2 111., 150 gm.) 88 1.2 .2 23. 8 28 .6 430 .04 .05 .7 10 o 1 cup 811608, 2.2. (154 gm.) ............ 136 1.8 .3 35. 12 43 .3 660 .07 .07 1.1 15 35 Barley, poarIed, 113m, dry, 1 cup 708 16.6 2.0 160.0 32 384 (4.1) (0) .25 .17 6.3 (o) (203 gm). L - VS— 0 0906”: Beans, comon or kidney, mature dry seeds: Red kidney: 38 Canned (or cooked), solids and liquid, 1 cup (255 gm.)- Other (including navy, pea. bean, white marrow, other): 39 Raw, 1 cup (190 gm.) .................. Canned, baked: 40 Pork and molasses, 1 cup (261 gm)... 41 Pork and tomato sauce, 1 cup (261 gm). Beans, 11m: Immature seeds: 43 Cooked: a 1 pound ............................. b 1 cup (160 gm.) ..................... Canned: 44 Solids and liquid, 1 cup (249 gm)... 45 Drained solids: a. 1 pound ........................... b 1cup(16o gm) .............. 47 Mature dry seeds, 1 cup (183 gm.) ....... Beans, snap: Green: 49 Cooked (small amount of water, short time): a 1 pound .. ........................... b 1 mp (125 gm.) ..................... 50 Cooked. (large amount of water, long time) : a 1 pound ............................. 'b 1 cup (125 gm.) ..................... Canned: 51 Solids and. liquid, 1 cup (239 gm)... 52 Drained solids: a. 1 pound. .. ......................... 1) 1.0111 (125 gm.) ................... Note: Asterisk indicates that values are calculated from a. recipe; parentheses indicate imputed value. 230 642 325 295 432 152 176 432 152 610 43 99 27 9.0 U1 O\! .3933 2° KOO“ 6.4 1.8 6.4 1.8 2.4 6.4 1.8 y Data on proximate constituents apply to Fuerte variety. 1.0 o o 3" o o #mm \I Chm N I I mu) .2 -9 .2 42.0 117.0 50.1 48. 21.3 5-9 21. 3 5-9 10.0 21.3 5-9 102 310 146 107 132 46 67 132 46 124 163 45 163 45 65 163 45 317 830 295 295 350 123 182 350 123 697 104 29 45 104 29 4.9 43 N“ o o a N \I\I wort \l\l\l e \DN W o 0 \DM 0:! w H\l U.) (0) 1,320 460 330 830 3.000 3 .000 830 990 2,270 620 .12 $132: $25: .23 .06 .08 .16 .12 't 2 833 .41 Ill 50330: .45 .12 .41 .11 .10 ~25 2.2 1.8 -5 .7 1.8 .5 (0) \IV 85283 N WKOQ 538‘ 45 ‘18..) TABIE 3.--Composition of foods, common household units-42011111111106 96 r , d s - - F°°d Total Vitamin ::m£;::p:10n. 21111 on- Protein Fat carbo- Calcium £205- Inn A T1118» Bibo— Nita;- 5:221“ orgy hydrate P 1‘15 value nuns flavin on: acid 011.: E- GI!- 91- 143.- 3. . LU. . . . , Beans, snap-Continued k — H5" k !5_ H8— Groom-Continued. Canned—Continued 53 Strained (infant food), 1 ounce 6 .5 .0 1.3 9 7 .2 140 0.01 0.02 0.1 1 Wax or yellow: Canned: 56 Solids and liquid, 1 cup (239 gnu)... 43 2.4 .2 10.0 65 45 3.3 230 .08 .10 .7 9 57 Drained solids: a. 1 pound ................... . ....... 99 6.4 .9 21.3 163 104 7.7 540 .16 .25 1.8 25 b lcup (125 gm.) . ....... 27 1.8 .2 5.9 45 29 2.1 150 .0'4 .07 .5 7 Beans, soya. See Soybeans. Bean soup. See Soups. Bean sprouts, raw. See Mung been and. Soybean sprouts. Beef cuts, cooked: 64 Chuck: y a 1 pound with bone ............. .. 1,140 96. 81. 0. 40 431 11.4 (o) .18 .75 15.2 o h 1 pound without hone ....... . 1,406 118. 100. 0. 50 531 14.1 (0) .22 .93 18.7 0 o 3 ounces without hono ................. 265 22. 19. 0. 9 100 2.6 (0) .04 .17 3.5 0 66 Flank: _1_/ a. 1 pouni with bone .. ........ ..... .. 1,381 110. 101. 0. 48 515 13.2 (0) .22 .89 18.0 0 h 1 pound without bane 1,425 114. 104. 0. 50 531 13.6 (0) .22 .92 18.6 0 c 3 ounces without bone ..... ...... 270 21. 20. 0. 9 100 2.6 (0) .04 .17 3.5 0 68 Hamburger: a. 1 pound ..... ........ . .............. 1,654 100. 136. 0. 41 717 12.7 (0) .35 .85 21.8 0 h 3 ounces ........................... 316 19. 26. 0. 8 134 2.4 (0) .07 .16 4.1 0 Lean. See Round. 70 Porterhouse: a 1 pound. with bone .............. 1.269 86. 100. 0. 41 632 11.2 (0) .24 .68 17.3 0 h 1 pound without bone .................. 1,554 104. 123. 0. 50 772 13.6 (0) .29 .83 21.1 0 c 3 ounCes without bone . ..... .. ......... 293 20. 23. 0. 9 145 2.6 (o) .05 .15 4.0 0 72 Rib roast: a. 1 pound with bone 1,050 79. 79. 0. 33 612 9.9 (0) .21 .60 14.2 0 h 1 pound without bone ................. . 1,449 109. 109. 0. 45 840 13.6 (0) .28 .82 19.5 0 c 3 ounces without bone 266 20. 20. 0. 9 157 2.6 (o) .05 .15 3.6 0 74 is a. lpound with bone ............... ...... b 1 pound without bone .. ................ c 3 ounces without bone . ......... .. ..... 76 Rump: y a. 1 pound with bone .. ................... b 1 pound without bone . ................. c 3 ounces without bone ................. 78 Sirloin: a 1poundwith bone ...... ..... . ......... b 1 pound without bone .. ............. ... c 3 ounces without bone . ................ Beef , canned: 79 Corned beef hash, 3 ounces . ........... .. 80 Roast beef, 3 ounces ................... . 81 Strained (infant food), 1 ounce ......... Beef, corned, canned: 83 Lean, 3 ounces . ....................... .. 84 Nedium fat, 3 ounces .. .................. 85 Fat, 3 ounces ... ....................... . 86 Beef, dried or chipped: B 1 Cup (165 gm.) ooooooooooooooo o ooooooooo b 2 ounces . ......... .. .................... 87 ‘Beef and vegetable stew: a. 1 pmmd ............................... .. b 1 Cup (235 gm.) ........................ . 88 Beer (average 4 pct. alcohol), 1 cup (240 gm). Note: Asterisk indicates that values are calculated from a. recipe; parentheses indicate imputed value. 1] Data assume cut to be prepared by braising or pot roasting. Use of proportionate quantity of drippings would add ayproximaxely 50 percent more thiamine and niacin and 25 percent more riboflavin. 917 1.057 197 1,171 1.714 1.173 1,346 257 120 189 159 182 221 336 115 487 252 y 107. 123. 23. 65. 95~ 18. 91. 104. 11.7 51. 59- 11. 99- 145. 27. 87. 100. 19. 5.2 11. 1.0 6.1 O. o. 32.2 16.7 10.6 0.5: N 18 17 16 33 11 59 31 10 885 1,017 191 263 72 691 149 124 43 631332 15.4 (0) (0) (0) (0) (0) (0) (0) (0) (0) Trace (0) (0) (0) (0) (0) (o) (o) 4.870 2,520 (0) .30 ~35 .13 .19 .04 .30 .06 .02 .02 .01 .01 .01 (.12) (~04) .24 .17. Trace .86 .99 .19 0 7o .13 ~74 .16 .11 .19 .06 .21 .20 .19 (.53) (.18) .29 .15 g/ The value excluding energy derived from alcohol is 48 calories. If the enery from alcohol is considered available, the value is 114 calories. n59 f-QB Huoo mL‘O“ \xwoo 4:535 15 (0) TABLE 3.--Composition of foods, common household with-Continued 0d . . Food. description, and. :1 Protein Fat :::_ Calcium Phos- Iron “tin“ Thiau- Bibo- Nic- ‘Z‘?’ approximate measure orgy hydrate phorus value mine flavin cin aci: Eg- ET. Gm Gi- Es.- !s_- 58.- I-_U~ He; 35: k.- Es: Beets, common red: 89 Raw, peeled root, 1 ccp diced (134 gm)- 56 2.1 0.1 12.9 36 58 1.3 30 0.03 0.06 0.6 13 90 Cooked: a 1 pound . ............................. 187 4.5 .5 44.5 95 141 3.2 90 .09 .18 1.4 30 b 1 cup diced. (165 gm.) ................ 68 1.6 .2 16.2 35 51 1.2 30 .03 .07 .5 11 91 Canned, solids and liquid, 1 cup 82 2.2 .2 19.4 37 71 1.5 40 .02 .06 .3 12 (M6 gnu). 92 Dramed solids: a. 1 pound .............................. 187 4.5 .5 44.5 95 141 3.2 80 .05 .13 .5 21 b 1 cup diced (165 gm.) ...... ...... 68 1.6 .2 16.2 35 51 1.2 30 .02 .05 .2 8 93 Strained (infant food), 1 ounce .. ...... 10 .4 .0 2.2 5 7 .2 Trace Trace .01 Trace 2 95 Beet goons, common, cooked: a 1 pound ........................... 125 9.1 1.4 25.4 y 536 204 14.5 33,730 .23 .73 1.8 68 b 1 cup (145 gm.) .. .......... . ........... 39 2.9 .4 8.1 y 171 65 4.6 10,790 .07 .23 .6 22 Beverages, carbonated: 96 Ginger 319, 8 fluid ounces (1 cup. 80 -- -. 21, - -- -- - - - -- .- 230 gm). 97 Other, including kola. type, 8 fluid 107 - - 28. -- -- -- —- -- -- -- .- ounces (1 cup, 230 gm). 'Biscuits, baking powder, 1 biscuit (2-1/2 in. diam, 38 gm.) made with: 98 Unemiohed flour ..... . ...... . ..... .. 129 3.1 4.0 19.8 83 73 .2 o .02 .03 .2 (o) 99 Ehriched flour ........................ . 129 3.1 4.0 19.8 83 73 .7 o .09 .08 .7 (0) 100 Enriched self-rising flour ............. 127 3.0 4.1 19.0 84 95 .7 o .09 .09 .8 (0) B1 ackberr i e s : 102 Raw, 1 cup (berries about 1/2 by 1 111., 82 1.7 1.4 18.0 46 46 1.3 280 .05 .06 .5 30 144 gm). Canned, solids and liquid: 103 Water pack, 1 cup (244 gm.) . ......... 104 2.2 1.7 22.9 44 46 (1.7) 450 .03 .05 .5 15 104 Sirup pack, 1 Cup (251 gm.) .......... 216 1.8 .5 57.2 45 48 (1.8) 460 .03 .05 .5 16 Black—eyed peas. See Cowpeas. 105 ‘Bllanc mange (vanilla. cornstarch pudding): 504 7 7 7 5 4 8 5 720 .4 a. pound. ......................... .. ..... 1 . 1 c 1. 1 l . .1 . 'b 1 cup (248 gm.) ..... ............. 275 3.; 9.7 38.3 230 228 .2 390 .03 .3431 .2 3 Blueberr i e s: 106 Raw, 1 cup (140 gm.) ................... 85 .8 Canned, solids and liquid: 107 Water pack, 1 cup (242 gm.) .......... 90 1.0 108 Sirup pack, 1 cup (249 gm.) .......... 245 1.0 109 Frozen, without sugar, 3 ounces ..... ... 52 .5 Bluefish: 111 Cooked, baked: a. 1 pound ............................. 704 24.4 b 1 piece (3-1/2. by 3 by 1/2 in. 193 34.2 125 gm.). 112 Cooked, fried: a. 1 pound ... ........................... 929 103.1 b 1 piece (3-1/2 by 3 by 1/2 in., 307 34.0 150 gm-)- Bologna. See Sausage. Boston brown bread. See Breads. 113 Bouillon cubes, 1 cube (5/8 in., 4 gm.)... 2 (.2) 114 Brains, all kinds, raw, 3 mmces . ....... . 106 8.8 115 Bran (breakfast cereal, almost wholly 145 7.2 bran), 1 cup (60 gm). 116 Bran flakes (40 pct. bran), 1 cup (40 gm.) 117 4.3 117 Bran, raisin, 1 cup ('50 gm.) ........... .. 149 4.5 118 Brazil nuts: a Skelled, 1 cup (32 kernels, 140 gm.) ... 905 20.2 'b In shell, 1 cup (14 nuts, 1'22 gm.) ..... 394 8.8 Note: terisk indiCates that values are calculated from a, recipe; y Calcium may not be available because of presence of 030.110 acid. (0-) 44-5 31-5 39-3 27 14 104 29 260 113 18 15 15 11 1.330 1,103 364 281 787 249 270 970 423 parentheses indicate imputed value. 400 100 100 (0) (0) Trace Trace (-04) .03 03 ( 01) .49 .16 .20 .22 .19 .19 1.21 -53 (-03) .03 .03 (.01) .07 .22 .23 .09 1.0 11.5 3-5 3-5 32 33 12 15 (0) (0) (0) 66 001 TABLE 3.--Composition of foods, common houSehold units Food, description, and Food , Total , Phos- Vitamin 'Thiae- Ribo- Nia- Ascor- approximate measure en- Protein Fat carbo- Calcmln phorus Iran A mine flawin cin bic ersy hydrate value acid 931: 92: 99- 9!: ES: Air 1%: 2:9: 1E2 E8: 1E0 1&0 'Breads: Boston brown bread made with degarmed corn meal, 1 slice (3 by 3/4 in., 43 gm.): 119 Unenriched ........................... 105 2.3 1.0 22.1 89 76 1.2 70 0.04 0.06 0.7 (0) 120 Enridned ............................. 105 2.3 1.0 22.1 89 76 1.4 70 .06 .08 .9 (0) Cracked-wheat bread, 1 slice (1/2 in. thick, 23 gm.), made with: 121 Unenriched flour ..................... 60 2.0 .5 11.8 19 29 .2 0 .03 .02 .3 (o) 122 Toasted, 1 slice ................... 60 2.0 .5 11.8 19 29 .2 o .02 .02 .3 (0) 123 Enriched flour ....................... 60 2.0 .5 11.8 19 29 .5 o .06 .04 .6 (0) 124 Toasted, 1 slice ................... 60 2.0 .5 11.8 19 29 .5 o .05 .04 .6 (0) French or Vienna. breads, 1 pound: 125 Unenriched ........................... 1,225 36.8 12.3 236.1 109 322 3.2 o .21 .28 4.2 (o) 126 Enriched 1] .......................... 1,225 36.8 12.3 236.1 109 322 8.0 o 1.1 .7 10.0 (0) Italian bread, 1 pound: 127 Unenriched ........................... 1,195 39.5 3.6 243. 59 350 3.2 c .23 .30 4.5 (0) 128 Ehriched 1] .......................... 1,195 39.5 3.6 243.8 59 350 8.0 o 1.1 .7 10.0 (o) Raisin bread, 1 slice (1/2 in. thick, 23 8111.); 129 Unenriched ........................... 65 1.6 .7 13.3 18 24 .3 Trace .02 .02 .2 (0) 130 Toasted, 1 slice ................... 65 1.6 .7 13.3 18 24 .3 Trace .01 .02 .2 (0) 131 Enriched 1] .......................... 65 1.6 .7 13.3 18 24 .4 Trace .06 .04 .5 (o) 132 Toasted, 1 slice ...........e....... 65 1.6 .7 13.3 13 234 .4 Trace .04 .04 .5 (O) 133 Rye bread, American (1/3 rye, 2/3 clear 57 2.1 .3 12.1 17 34 .4 o .04 .02 .4 (0) flour), 1 slice (1/2 imthick, 23 gm.). White bread, unenriched, 1 slice (1/2 in. thick, 23 gm.): 134 2 percent nonfat milk solids ......... 64 1.9 .8 12.0 15 19 .1 o .01 .02 .2 (0) 135 4 percent nonfat milk solids g] ...... 63 2.0 .7 11.9 18 21 .1 0 .01 .02 .2 (o) 136 Toasted, 1 slice ............. ..... 63 2.0 .7 11.9 18 21 .1 0 .01 .02 .2 (0) 137 6 percent nenfet milk solids ......... 63 2.0 .7 12.0 21 23 .1 0 .01 .03 .2 (0) White bread, enriched, 1 slice (1/2 in. truck, 23 gm.): 138 2 percent nonfat milk solids ......... 64 1.9 .8 12.0 15 19 1] .4 0 1] .06 1] .04 1] .5 (o) 139 4 percent nonfat milk solids g] ...... 63 2.0 .7 11.9 18 21 .1] .4 o 1] .06 1] .04 1] .5 E0; 140 Toasted, 1 slice ................... 63 2.0 .7 11.9 18 21 .4 o .04 .04 .5 o 141 6 percent nonfat milk solids ......... 63 2.0 .7 12.0 21 23 1] .4 0 1] .06 1] .04 1] .5 (o) 142 Whole-wheat bread, 1 slice (1/2 in. thick, 23 86.). 143 Toasted. 1 Slice concocooaoeoqu-Ioanc See also Biscuits, Corn bread, Muffins. Rolls. 144 Bread crumbs, dry, grated, 1 (mp (88 gm). Breakfast foods, mixed cereals: 145 Corn and soy grits, ready—to-eat (added. thiamine and niacin) 1 cup (50 3111.). 146 Wheat and malted barley, ready-to-eet (added thiamine and niacin), 1 Cup (105 gm.). Breakfast foods. See individual grain, as Corn, Oatmeal, etc. Broccoli: 148 Cooked, flower stalks: a. lpound .............................. b 1cup(150 gm.) Brown batty. See Apple betty. 151 Brussels sprouts, cooked: a. lpound ................................ b 1 Cup (130 gm.) DOOOICOOIICOUIOOOUOICQI' Buckwheat flour: 153 Dark, 1 cup sifted (98 gm.) 154 Light, 1 cup sifted (98 gm.) BuCkWheat pancake mix. See Pancake mir. 55 55 U) U) \0 177 408 133 212 340 342 2.1 2.1 10.5 9.0 11.6 o U.)\.O 11.3 11.3 33 49 590 195 32 11 8‘ 114 91 346 345 114 354 101 340 86 o \JKD 15.440 5.100 1,820 (0) (0) Note: Asterisk indicates that values are calculated from a recipe; parentheses indicate imputed value. .32 .10 .03 I03 .19 .18 ~54 .16 .15 (-04) y Iron, thiamine, riboflavin, and niacin are based. on the minimum level of enrichment Specified in the standards of identity of breads proposed by the Federal Security Agency an (1 published in the Federal Register, August 3, 1943. 3/ When the amount of nonfat milk solids in commercial bread is unknown, use bread with 4 percent nonfat milk solids, item 135 for unenric‘ned bread and 139 for enriched. (0) (0) (0) (o) (0) 336 111 213 61 (0) (o) 101 TABIE 3.--Composition of foods, gommon househoglgmunitSuContimed ZOI _ . Food Total V't F::g:::::?::::r:nd en- Prote1n Fat carbo- Calcium Phos- Iron 1 2mm T1113" Ribo- N19!- fizz”- ergy hydrate phorus value mine flavin cin acid 951‘ GE:- GE 91' H8: k- Me- Lu. 1&5; fl; “8- E8.- 155 Butter: ’“ a. 1 cup (224 gm.) ............ 1,604 1.3 181.4 0.9 45 36 0.0 1/ 7.390 Trace 0.02 0.2 (0) b 1 tablespoon (14 gm.) .................. 100 .1 11.3 .1 3 2 .0 _1j 460 Trace Trace Trace (0) c 1 pat or Square (64 per 1b., 7 gm. each) 50 .0 5.7 .0 1 1 .0 y 230 'D'ace Trace Trace (O) 156 Buttermilk, cultured (made from skim milk): e 1 quart (976 gm.) .......... 348 34.2 1.0 49.8 (1,152) 908 .7 40 0.35 1.74 1.1 13 b 1 cup (244 gm.) ................. . 86 8.5 .2 12.4 (288) 227 .2 10 .09 .43 .3 3 Cabbage: 157 Raw, 3.2.: a 1 pound, trimmed ......... .. 109 6.4 .9 24.1 209 141 2.3 370 .27 .24 1.4 226 b 1 wedge (3-1/2 by 4-1/2 in. , 24 1.4 .2 5.3 46 31 .5 80 .06 .05 .3 50 100 gm). c 1 cup, shredded finely (100 gm.) ..... 24 1.4 .2 5.3 46 31 .5 80 .06 .05 .3 50 158 Cooked (small amount of water, short time) : a. 1 pound . ...... ................. 109 6.4 .9 24.1 209 141 2.3 410 ._23 .23 1.4 141 b 1 cup (170 gm. ) .. .. ... 40 2.4 .3 9.0 78 53 .8 150 .08 .08 .5 53 159 Cooked (large amount of water.1cng time): a 1 pound. ............................ 109 6.4 .9 24.1 209 141 2.3 410 .14 .14 .9 86 b 1 cup (170 3:11.). ................. 40 2.4 .3 9.0 78 53 .8 150 .05 .05 .3 32 Cabbage salad. See Coleslaw. Cabbage, celery or Chinese: 161 Raw; 1 cup, leaves and stem (l—in- 14 1.2 .3 2.4 43 41 .9 260 .03 .04 .4 31 pieces, 100 gm). 162 Cooked: e 1 pound .............................. 64 5.4 1.4 10.9 195 186 4.1 1,180 .09 .14 1.4 100 b 1 cup (190 gm.) . ..................... 27 2.3 .6 4.6 82 78 1.7 490 .04 .06 .6 42 'Cakes: 163 Ange1 food: 2-‘meh sector (1/12 of 8 in. am... 108 3.4 .1 23.5 2 10 .1 0 Trace .05 .1 (0) 40 3111.). 167 168 170 171 Note: 1 :2]! If the fat used in the recipe is butter or fortified margar'me, the vitamin A value would be 350 I.U. per square, item 164; 390 I.U. 'per 3-inch sector, iced, items 1653. and 166a; ami 520 I.U. per 2—inch sector, iced, items 1651: and 16611. If the fat used in the recipe is butter or fortified margarine, the vitamin A value would be 120 I.U. If the fat used in the recipe is butter or fortified margarine, the vitamin A value would be 200 I.U. per large square, item 1683.: I.U. per small cupcake or square, item 168C; 210 I.U. per 3-inch sector, iced, item 169a; 280 I.U. 140 I.U. per cupcake, iced, item 159C; and 110 I.U. per small cupcake or square, iced, item 159d. If the fat used in the recipe is butter or fortified margarine, the vitamin A value would be 300 I.U. is butter or fortified margarine, the vitamin A value would be 620 I.U. per square, item 171. 150 I.U. per cupcake, item 168b, 90 per 2-inch sector, iced, item 1091): J If the fat used in the recipe Foundation: 1 Square (3 by 2 by 1—3/4 in., 65 gm.) Foundation, plain icing: 3-inch sector of layer cake (1/6 of 6 in. diam., 90 gm.). 2-ind1 sector of layer cake (1/16 of 10 in. diam, 120 gm.). Foundation, fudge icing: 3-inch sector of layer cake (1/6 of 6 in. diam, 90 gm). 2-inch sector of layer cake (1/16 of 10 in. diam., 120 gm.). Fruit, dark: 1 piece (2 by 2 by 1/2 in., 30 gm.)... Plain cake and cupcakes: 1 square (3 by 2 by 1-1/2 in., 55 em.). 1 cupcake (2—3/4 in. diam” 4O gnu)... 1 cupcake (1-3/4 in. diam.) or 1 square (2 by 2 by l in., 25 gm.). Plain cake and cupcakes, iced: 3-inch sector of layer cake (1/6 of 6 in. diam” 75 gm). 2-inch sector of layer cake (1/16 of 10 in. diam, 100 gnu). l cupcake (2—3/4 in. diam, 50 gm)... 1 cupcake (1-3/4 in. diam.) or 1 square (2 by 2 by 1 in., 40 gm.). Pound: 1 slice (2-3/4 by 3 by 5/8 in., 30 gm). Rich: 1 square (3 by 2 by 2 in., 75 gm)...- Year-round average. 308 410 314 419 106 180 131 81 241 322 161 129 130 294 4.0 3-9 5.2 2.6 2.1 2.1 3.8 7.6 8.4 11.2 10.4 13.8 4.1 36.3 54.4 72.R 52.6 70.2 16.8 31.4 22.8 14.2 40.6 82 91 121 88 118 117 47 16 79 86 115 91 121 38 75 55 34 78 104 52 42 31 85 .2 .2 .l .4 .2 .2 -5 -4 relate E: E1 E1 E15: E: E: 5:3: H: £1 £3] Asterisk indicates that values are Calculated from a recipe; parentheses indicate imputed value. 100 110 150 1 10 140 70 90 50 100 160 .02 .02 .02 .01 .01 .02 .02 .01 .01 .02 .02 .05 .07 .03 .05 .06 .2 .2 .2 .3 .2 .1 .1 .2 .2 .1 .1 .2 (0) (0) (o) (0) (0) (0) (0) (o) (o) (o) (o) (o) (0) (0) (0) £01 TABLE 3.--Composition of foods, common household units-40ntimed V01 Food » Total ‘ ' Food, description, and en- Protein Fat. carbo- Calcium Phos- Imn 1711;211:111 Thia— Ribo— Nia- Lzzzr- approximate measure erg'y hydrate phorus value mine flavin cin acid ga_1_. cu. Gm. Gm. Hec- g5: Mg. 1% Lag; £8.- 25; E5.- Cakes-~Contimed 172 Rich, plain icing: ~ a. 3-inch sector of layer cake (1/6 of 378 4.4 14.7 58.2 88 94 0.5 y 170 0.02 0.07 0.2 (0) 6 in. diam, 100 3111.). ‘b 2-inch sector of layer cake (1/16 of 491 5.7 19.1 75.7 114 122 .6 _1_/ 220 .03 .10 .2 (0) 10 in. diam, 130 gm.). 173 Sponge: 2-inch sector (1/12 of 8 in. diam, 117 3.2 2.0 21.8 11 44 .6 210 .02 .06 .1 (0) 40 sin-)- Candy: Candied or glace peel: 174 Citron, 1 ounce. ................. ..... 89 .1 .1 22.7 24 7 .2 -— - -- -- -- 175 Ginger root, crystallized, 1 ounce.... _97 .1 .1. 24.7 - -- - -- - -- -- -- 176 Lemon, orange, or grayefruit peel. 90 .1 .1 22-9 - -- - -' "" "- "‘ " 1 ounce. 177 ‘Butterscotch, 1 ounce. ............... . 116 0. 2.5 24.3 6 2 .5 (0) (0) Trace Trace (O) 178 ‘Caramels, 1 ounce. ............. . ..... . 118 .8 3.3 22.0 36 26 -7 50 .01 .04 Trace Trace 179 Chocolate, swaetened, milk, 1 ounce... 143 (2.) 9.5 15.8 61 80 .6 40 .03 .11 .2 (0) 180 Chocolate. sweetened. milk. with 151 (2.3) 10.9 14.2 58 71 .8 40 .04 .14 (.3) (0) almonds, 1 ounce. 181 Chocolate cream, 1 ounce. ........... . 110 1.1 4.0 20. -- -- - -- - -- -- 0 182 Fondant, 1 ounce ................. 101 0. 0. 26. (0) (0) (0) (o) (0) (0) (0) (o) 183 ‘Fudge, plain, 1 ounce ................. 116 .5 3.2 23.0 3/ 14 19 .1 60 Trace .02 Trace Trace 184 Hard, 1 ounce ........................ . 108 o. 0. 28. (0) (0) (0) (0) (0) (o) (o) (0) 185 Marshmallows, 1 ounce. ............... . 92 .9 0. 23. (0) (0) (0) (0) (0) (0) (o) (0) 186 ‘Peanut brittle, 1 ounce.. ............. 125 2.4 4.4 20.6 11 35 .6 10 .03 .01 1.4 (0) 187 Canteloups, raw: 3. 1/2 melon (5 1n. diam, 385 3111.); refuse, 37 1.1 .4 8.3 31 29 .7 3] 6,190 .09 .07 .9 59 rind and cavity contents. 53 percent. 1: 1 cup diced (145 gm.) ................... 30 .9 .3 6.7 25 23 .6 3/ 4.960 .07 .05 .7 47 Carrots! 188 Ram e 1 carrot (5-1/2 by 1 in., or 25 thin 21 .6 .2 4.6 20 18 .4 6.000 .03 .03 .3 3 strips, w gm). b 1 cup grated (110 3111.). ........ 45 1.3 .3 10.2 43 - 41 .9 13.200 .06 .06 .7 7 189 Cooked, 1 cup diced (145 gu.)........... 44 .9 .7 9.3 38 38 .9 18,130 .07 .07 .7 6 Canned: 190 Solid; and liquid, 1 cup diced (246 69 1.2 1.0 15.0 54 59 1.5 29,520 .06 .05 .8 6 gm. . 191 Drained solids: . a 1 pound...... ............. .... ...... 138 2.7 2.3 29.1 118 118 2.7 79,750 .10 .10 1.4 12 b 1 cup diced (145 gm.). ..... ......... 44 .9 .7 9.3 38 38 .9 25,470 .03 .03 .4 4 192 Strained (infant food), 1 ounce. ..... . 7 .3 .0 1.7 7 7 .2 2,530 .01 .01 .1 1 194 Cashew nuts, roasted or cooked, 1 ounce... 164 5.2 13.7 7.7 13 121 1.4 -- .18 .05 .6 -- Catsup, tomato. See Tomato catsup. , Cauliflower: 195 Raw, 1 cup flower buds (100 gm.). ...... . 25 2.4 .2 4.9 22 72 1.1 90 .11 .10 .6 69 196 Cooked: a 1 pound...... ........... . ...... ....... 113 10.9 .9 22.2 100 327 5.0 410 .27 .36 2.3 127 b 1 cup (120 gm.)... ................... . 30 2.9 .2 5.9 26 86 1.3 108 .07 .10 .6 34 Celery, bleached: 198 Ram a 3 small inner stalks (5 in. long. 9 .6 .1 1.8 25 20 .2 o .03 .02 .2 4 3/4 in. wide, w 3111.). . b 1 large outer stalk (8 in. long, 1 in. 7 .5 .1 1.5 20 16 .2 o .02 .02 .2 3 wide, 1-1/2 in. at root end,40 gm.). c 1 cup diced (100 gm.). ............... . 18 1.3 .2 3.7 50 40 .5 0 .05 .04 .4 7 199 Cooked: a 1 pound... ........... . ............... . 82 5.9 .9 16.8 227 182 2.3 o .18 .14 1.4 23 b 1 cup diced (130 gm.).... ............ . 24 1.7 .3 4.8 65 52 .6 0 .05 .04 .4 6 200 Cereal foods (infant food); dry, precooked, 103 4.0 .7 20.8 185 194 9.6 (c) .34 .13 4/1.4 (0) 1 ounce. See also Oatmeal (infant food). Note: Asterisk indicates that the item is calculated from a. recipe: parentheses indicate imputed value. 1] If the fat used in the recipe is butter or fortified margarine, the vitamin A value would be 690 LU. per 3-z'mch sector iced, item 1723.: and 900 LU. per 2-inch sector, iced, item 172b. _2j If the calcium contributed by chocolate is considered unavailable, the value would be 11 mg. per ounce. 3] Vitamin A based on deeply,r colored varieties. _4_/ Based on products-ranging from 0.7 to 1.9 mg. per ounce. The niacin value of some products is as high as 6.5 mg. 601 TABLE 3.--Composition of foods. common household units-~0ont1nued 8 Food . . road, description, and em Pmtem 1‘ at :::_ 0a1c1un Phos- Iron Viti‘m Thie- Ribo— Nie- ‘15:?" approximate measure ergy hydrate Ph°m5 value mine flavin cin sci: L'l- E Gm El.- Es: EL- k- 1;”: k; EB.- &; Es: Chard: 202 Leaves and stalks, cooked: e 1 pound. .............................. 94 6.4 0.9 20.0 y 477 163 11.4 14,120 0.18 0.27 1.8 77 b 1 cup (145 gm.) ...................... 30 2.0 .3 6.4 y 152 52 3.6 4.510 .06 .09 .6 25 204 Leaves, cooked: or 1 pound .............................. 122 11.8 1.8 21.8 y 477 163 11.4 43,990 .18 .73 1.4 77 b 1 cup (175 gm.) ...................... 47 4.6 .7 8.4 _1j 184 63 4.4 16,960 .07 .28 .5 30 Cheese: / 205 Blue mold, domestic type, 1 ounce ..... . 104 6.1 8.6 .6 89 96 (.1) (350) .01 .17 .1 (0) 206 Camembert, 1 ounce ..................... 85 5.0 7.0 .5 3o 52 .1 (290) .01 .21 .3 (0) 207 Cheddar: a 1 cup, grated (112 go.) .............. 446 28.0 36.1 2.4 812 554 1.1 1,570 .03 .47 Trace (0) b 1 ounce (1 1n. cube) ................. 113 7.1 9.1 .6 206 140 .3 400 .01 .12 Trace (0) 208 Cheddar, processed, 1 ounce ............ 105 6.6 8.5 .6 191 3] 223 .3 (370) Trace .12 Mime} (O) 209 Cheese foods, cheddar, 1 ounce ......... 92 5.8 6.8 2.0 162 226 .2 (303) (.01) .16 Trace (0) 210 Cottage, from skim milk: a 1 cup (225 gm.) ...................... 215 43.9 1.1 4.5 216 425 .7 (50) .04 .69 (.2) (0) b 1 came .............................. 27 5.5 .1 .6 27 54 .1 (1o) .01 .09 (Trace) (0) 211 Cream cheese: 8. 1 ounce .............................. 106 2.6 10.5 .6 19 27 .1 (410)(Trace) .06 Trace (0) b 1 tablespoon (15 gm.) ................ 56 1.4 5.6 .3 10 15 .0 (220)(Traoe) .03 Trace (o) 212 Lmburger, 1 ounce ..................... 97 6.0 7.9 .6 167 111 .2 360 .02 .14 Trace (0) 213 Parmesan, 1 ounce. ..................... 112 10.2 7.4 .8 329 233 .1 (300) .01 .21 .1 (o) 214 Swiss, 1 ounce ......................... 105 7.8 7.9 .5 262 160 .3 410 Trace (.11)(Traco) (0) 215 Swiss, processed, 1 ounce. ............. 101 7.5 7.6 .5 2513/ 246 .3 390 Trace .11 Trace (0) 216 Cherries, sour, sweet, and. hybrid, raw: 5 1 cup; refuse, pits, 6 percent (114 65 1.2 .5 15.8 19 21 .4 710 .05 .06 .4 9 gm. . b 1 cup, pitted (154 3111.). .............. 94 1.7 .8 22.8 28 31 .6 960 .08 .09 .6 13 217 Cherries, red, sour, pitted. canned, 122 2.0 .8 30.2 28 30 (.8) 1,840 .07 .04 .4 14 1 cup (254 3111.). Chicken: 4] Ram 218 Bmilers, 1/2 bird (8 01., bone out). 332 44.4 15.8 0. 31 440 3.3 (0) .18 .36 22.4 (0) 219 Roasters (4 oz..bone out) ............ 227 22.9 14.3 0. 16 227 1.7 (o) .09 .18 9.1 (0) 220 Hens, stewing chickens (4 02.. bone out). Fryers: Cut-up pieces (commercial cut): 221 1 breast (8 oz., bone out)'. ..... . 222 1 leg (5 02., bone out). ....... .. 223 Canned, boned, 3 ounces.. ......... ..... Chicken broth. See Soups, canned bouillon, broth, and consomme. Chicken soup. See Soups, canned, chicken. Chickpeas or garbanzos, dry, whole seed: 224 Raw. 1 cup (210 gm.)...... ..... ........ 225 Chile con came (without beans), canned E]. 1/3 cup (85 gun). 226 Chili sauce: 3. 1cup(273 gm)... ................... .. b 1 tablespoon (17 gm). . . . ..... . ...... . . Chocolate: 22'] Bitter or unsweetened: a. lounce. ........ . ...... ............. b 1 cup grated (132 gm.) . . ............ . Sweetened: 228 Plain, 1 ounce........ ............. .. Milk. See Candy. Milk, with almonds. See Candy. 229 'Chocolate beverage, made with milk, 1 cup (250 gm.)- 230 Chocolate sirup, 1 tablespoon (20 gm)... Note: Asterisk indicates that values are calculated from a recipe: parentheses indicate imnuted value. 342 210 159 169 755 170 268 17 142 661 133 239 42 43-7 8.8 (1.6) (7-3) (.6) 8.2 (.2) 28.3 (hwy- 0 00000 9-9 12.6 1.1 '1 15.0 69.8 8.4 12.5 .2 y Calcium may not be arailable because of presence of oxalic acid. 2/ 130 mg. if the added emulsifying agent does not contain phosPhorus. 3/ 153 1113. if the added emulsifying agent does not contain phOSphorus. Not leSS than 60 percent meat, not more than 8 percent cereals, seasonings. Approximately one-third of this total amount of carbohydrate calculated by difference is starch and sugar. The remaining portion is made up of materials thought to be utilized only poorly if at all by the body. gVitamin values based on muscle meat only. O. O. O. 0. 127.9 4-9 11.3 28 21 12 193 32 (33) (2) g] 28 1/129 .1] (18) 260 l/ (3) 227 428 126 788 129 (49) (3) 126 589 (81) 230 (17) 1.7 HPM \J'IO‘M 14-9 1.2 (2.2) (.1) .5 (.3) (o) (0) (o) (0) Trace 130 (5.130) (320) .13 .03 1.16 .01 (-25) (.02) .01 .06 (.01) .08 .18 .18 . 10 (.19) (.01) 9.1 21.1 8.0 5-4 1.9 (6.1) (.4) (0) (o) (0) (0) (4) (31) (2) (o) (o) (0) ES q 901 TABIE 3.--Composition of foods, common household units-~6ontimed . . Food T tel v- ' rood, desc:1ptlon, and m Protein Fat 02m” Calcium Phos- Iron “Tin Thia— mbo— me.- 1:22" appronma 5 measure ergy hydrate phorus value mine‘ flavin cin acid CE.- Gm- Gm G1- !d- 55: £8.- I-_U- L48; £11- £8; £5: Cider. See Apple juice. Citron. See Candy. Clams, long and round: 231 Rew, meat only, 4 ounces .. ............. 92 14.5 1.6 3 9 (109) (158) (7.9) 120 0.11 0.20 (1.8) - 232 Carmed, solids and liquid, 3 ounces 44 6.7 .9 1.8 74 106 5.4 (70) (.04) .08 .9 —- 233 Cocoa, breakfast, plain, dry powder: _ e 1 Cup, stirred before measuring 329 (9.0) 26.7 y 54.8 g/ 140 797 13.0 (30) .14 .43 2.6 (0) (112 3111.). b 1 ounce ................................ 83 (2.3) 6.7 y 13.9 g/ 35 202 3.3 (10) .03 .11 .7 (o) c 1 tablespoon (7 gm.) ................... 21 (.6) 1.7 y 3.4 g] 9 50 .8 (Trace) .01 .03 .2 (o) 234 ‘Cocoa. beverage, made with all milk, 1 cup 236 9.5 11.5 27.2 298 285 1.0 400 .10 .46 .5 3 (250 8111.). Coconut: 235 Fresh, meet: a 1 Cup shredded (97 gm.) .............. 349 3.3 33.7 13.6 20 95 1.9 o .09 .01 .2 2 b 1 piece (2 by 2 by 1/2 111., 45 gnu)... 161 1.5 15.6 6.3 9 44 9 o .04 Trace .1 1 236 Dried, shredded (sweetened): a 1 Cup (62 gm.) ....................... 344 2 2 24.2 33.0 27 118 2.2 0 Trace Trece Trece (0) 'b 4-aunce package ................... 629 4.1 44.2 60.1 49 216 4.1 0 Trace Trace Trece (0) 237 Milk only, 1 cup (240 gm.) ....... 60 .7 1.0 12.0 58 70 .2 0 Trace Trace .2 4 Cod: 238 Raw, 4 ounces E.P. .. .................. . 84 18.7 .5 0. 11 220 .5 0 .07 .10 2.5 2 239 Dried, 1 ounce ......................... 106 23.2 .8 0. (14) 253 1.0 o .02 .13 3.1 (0) 240 'Coleslew, 1 cup (120 gm.) ....... 102 1.6 7.3 9.2 47 32 .5 80 .06 .05 .3 50 Collards, cooked: 242 Boiled in small or moderate amount of water until tender: e 1 pound . ....................... 182 17.7 2.7 32.7 1,130 263 7.3 34.640 .36 1.09 7.7 200 b 1 cup (190 gm.) ..... . ..... 76 7.4 1.1 13.7 473 110 3.0 14.500 .15 .46 3.2 84 m3 Boiled in large amount of water a. long time: a 1pound.............................. b 1 cup (190 gm.) ...................... Condensed milk. See Milk, 00W. 244 Cookies, plain and assorted: a 1 cooky (3 in. diam.,1/2 in thick, 25 gm). b 2 wafers (2—1/8 in. diam., 10 gm.) ..... Cooking oil. See Oils, salad or cooking. Corn, sweet, white or yellow: 246 Cooked: a. lpound kernels ...................... b 1 cup kernels (165 gm.) .............. c 1 ear (5 in. long, 1-3/4 in. diam., 140 gm). Canned: 247 Solids and liquid, 1 cup (256 gm.).... 248 Drained solids: a lpound . b 1cup(1653m.) .................... 'Com bread or muffins made with: 250 Whole ground corn meal, 1 muffin (2-3/4 in. diam., 48 gm.). 251 Enriched, degermed corn meal, 1 muffin (2-3/4 in. diam., 48 gm.). 182 76 109 384 140 170 140 103 106 3.2 1.3 2.7 2.3 18.8 7-5 41.2 91-7 33-3 16.7 17.6 1.130 473 moox'x 10 110 16 236 86 51 131 236 86 104 74 .1 £2. E: hilt: E2. tflkflii Note: Asterisk indicates that values are calculated from a. recipe: parentheses indicate imputed value. (0) (o) 1.770 ‘6??? ‘§ H v U) on O 8? 8? .32 .13 .01 Trace .18 .11 .15 .06 .07 .95 .40 .01 Trace “45 .16 .10 .11 6.4 2.7 .1 Trace y Approximately one-third of this total amount of carbohydrate calculated by difference is starch and sugar. Ellie remaining portion is made up of materials thought to be utilized only poorly if at all by the body. Calcium may not be available because of presence of oxalic acid. Vitamin A based on yellow corn: white corn contains only a trace. Based on recipe using white corn meal: if yellow corn meal is used, vitamin A value is 160 LU. Based on recipe using white corn meal: if yellow corn meal is used, vitamin A value is 120 LU. Eflflikiki 150 (0) (0) \9 $2 5; (o) (0) 601 TABLE 3.--Composition of foods, common household units-~Continned OII Food . . Total V't m‘ F:;:;o::::::p::::fir:nd en— Prote1n Fat carbo- Calcium Phos- Iron 1 2 1“ Thia— Ribo- Nia’ ‘iizr. ‘ ergy hydrate phorus value mine flavin cin acid 92%: 99: 99: 99: E8: 882 MB- E1£D Ea; Ekt 4&2. 8&2 252 Corn flakes, 1 cup (25 gm.) .............. 96 2.0 0.1 21.2 3 14 0.3 (0) 0.01 0.02 0.4 (o) 253 Corn flakes (added thiamine, niacin, 96 2.0 .1 21.2 3 14 0.6 (0) .10 .02 .6 (0) and iron), 1 cup (25 gm.). 254 Corn flour, 1 cup sifted (110 gm.) .. ..... 406 8.6 2.9 84.5 7 (196) 2.0 1/ 370 .22 .06 (1.6 (0) Corn grits, degermed: Uhenriched: 255 Dry, 1 Cup (160 gm.) ............... .. 579 13.9 1.3 125.0 6 117 1.6 g/ 480 .21 .06 1.8 (0) 256 'Cooked: a 1 pound ............................ 230 5.4 .5 49.9 5 45 .5 g/ 190 .07 .03 .8 (0) b 1 cup (242 gm.) .................... 122 2.9 .2 26.6 2 24 .2 g/ 100 .04 .01 .4 (0) Enriched: 257 try, 1 cup (160 gm.) ................. 579 13.9 1.3 125.0 6 117 3/ 4.6 g/ 480 3/ .71 3/ .42 F/5.6 (0) 258 l‘Cooked: a 1 pound ............................ 230 5.4 .5 49.9 5 45 1.4 g/ 190 .20 .15 1.9 (o) b 1 Cup (242 gm.) .................... 122 2.9 .2 26.6 2 24 .7 g/ 100 .11 .08 1.0 (0) Corn meal, White or yellow: Whole ground, dry: 259 Unbolted, 1 Cup (118 gm.) ......... ... 419 10.9 4.6 87.0 12 302 2.8 4/ 600 .45 .13 2.4 (0) 260 361164, 1 cup (127 gm.) .............. 459 11.4 4.3 94.6 8 (226) 2.3 4/ 570 .38 .10 2.4 (0) Degermed, unenriched: 261 Dry, 1 cup (145 gm.) ................. 527 11.5 1.7 113.7 9 144 1.6 4/ 430 .20 .07 1.5 (0) 262 ‘Cooked: n 1 pouni ............................ 227 5.0 .9 48.6 5 64 .9 4/ 190 .08 .03 .6 (o) b 1 cup (238 gm.) .. ...... .. .......... 119 2.6 .5 25.5 2 33 .5 4/ 100 .04 .02 .3 (0) Degermed, enriched: :22 Dry, 1 Cup (145 gm.) ................. 527 11.5 1.7 113.7 9 144 ,3/ 4.2 4/ 430 .3/ .64_3/ .38 3/5.1 (0) 'Cooked: a 1 pound ............................ 227 5.0 .9 48.6 5 64 1.8 4/ 190 .26 .16 2.2 (0) b 1 cup (238 gm.) . ..... . ............. 119 2.6 .5 25.5 2 33 1.0 4/ 100 .14 .09 1.1 (o) 265 Self-rising, unenriched, dry, 1 Cup 401 10.3 4.4 83.5 309 748 2.7 4/ 570 .42 .12 2.2 (0) (118 gm.). 266 Self-rising, enriched, dry, 1 cup 401 10.3 4.4 83.5 309 748 3/ 3.4 4/ 570 3/ .52 3/ .31 3/4.2 (o) (118 gm.). 8 r 99' 0 050611 Corn oil. See Oils, salad or cooking. Corn sirup. See Simp, table blends. Corn and soy grits. See Breakfast foods, mixed cereals. Cornstarch. See Starch. Cornstarch pudding. See Blanc mange. Cottonseed oil. See Oils, salad or cooking. Coneas: 268 Immature seed, cooked: e 1 pound 428 32.2 2.7 72.2 168 826 11.4 1,770 1.32 .36 3.6 91 b 1 cup (160 gm.) 151 11.4 1.0 25.4 59 291 4.0 620 .46 .13 1.3 32 269 Mature seeds, dry, 1 Cup (200 gm.) 684 45.8 2.8 123.2 154 902 13.0 60 1.84 .32 4.5 3 Crabs, Atlantic and Pacific, hard-shell: 272 Canned or cooked, meat only. 3 ounces .. 89 14.4 2.5 1.1 38 155 .8 -- (.04) (.05) (2.1) .- Crackers: V 273 Graham, 4 small or 2 medium (14 gm.) 55 1.1 1.4 10.4 3 28 .3 (0) .04 .02 .2 (o) 274 Saltines, 2 crackers (2 in. Square, 34 .7 .9 5.7 2 7 .1 (0) Marco Trace .1 (0) 8 gm). 275 Soda, plain: a. 2 crackers (2—1/2 in. square, 11 3111.). 47 1.1 1.1 8.0 2 11 .1 (0) .01 .01 .1 (0) b 1 cup oyster crackers, 1 ounce 119 2.7 2.7 20.6 6 27 .3 (0) .02 .01 .3 (o) c 10 oyster crackers or 1 tablespoon 43 1.0 1.0 7.3 2 1o .1 (o) .01 Trace .1 (0) cracker meal (10 gm). Cracker meal. See Crackers, soda. 276 Cranberries, raw, 1 Cup (113 gm.) 54 .5 .8 12.8 16 12 .7 5o (.03) (.02) .1 13 Note: Asterisk indicates that values are calculated from a. recipe; parentheses indicate imputed value. y Vitamin A based on yellow corn flour: white corn flour contains only a trace. 2/ Vitamin A based on yellow corn grits: white corn grits contain only a trace. 3/ Iron, thiamine, riboflavin, and niacin are based on the minimum level of enrichment specified in standards of identity promulgated under the Food, 11113, and Cosmetic Act. A] Vitamin A based on yellow corn meal; white corn meal cmtains only a trace. III TABIJ 3.-Couposition of foods. common household mits--Contimed zu _ road T tel Food, :scnption. Md en- Protein rant egrbo- Calcium PM" 111311 VitTin T1119" Rib“ N13.- ‘31:”- wpro mate measure any hydrate phorus value nine flavin cin acid L-l- E- Gm 51- k- !8: Es.- L-‘i- E8.- £6; E- Es.- 273 Cranberry sauce, SWeetened, canned or 549 0-3 - 0.8 142.4 (22) (19) (0.8) (80) (0.06) (0.06) (0.3) 5 cooked, 1 cup (277 gm). Cream: 279 Light, table, or coffee: 1/2 pint (240 8...)... ................ 489 7.0 48.0 9.6 233 185 .1 1,980 .07 .34 .2 3 b 1 tablespoon (15 gm.). ............... 3o .4 3.0 .6 15 12 .o 120 Trace .02 Trace Trace 280 Heavy or whipping: 1/2 pint (approx. 1 pt. whipped, 779 5.4 82.6 7.6 184 144 .1 3.390 .06 .26 .1 1 236 3111.). 1 tablespoon (15 3...). ............... 49 .3 5.2 .5 12 9 .0 220 Trace .02 Trace Trace Cress, garden: 281 Raw, 1 pound 2.2 ........................ 186 19.1 6.4 24.1 958 (173) (13.2) 13,470 .49 .75 4.5 396 Cooked: 282 Boiled in small or moderate amount of water until tender! 1 pound. ............................ 186 19.1 6.4 24.1 958 (173) (13.2) 14.980 .32 .68 3.6 177 b 1 cup (180 3111.). ................... . 73 7.6 2.5 9.5 380 (68) (5.2) 5,940 .13 .27 1.4 70 283 Boiled in large amount of water a long time: 1 pound ............................ . 186 19.1 6.4 24.1 958 (173) (13.2) 14,980 .27 .59 3.2 132 b 1 cup (180 gun). ................... . 73 7.6 2.5' 9.5 380 (68) (5.2) 5.940 .11 .23 1.3 52 284 Cress, water, leawes and stems, ram, 84 7.7 1.4 15.0 885 209 9.1 21,450 .37 .71 3.6 3% 1 pound. 285 Croaker. re... 4 ounces 11.2.. ............. . 109 20.2 2.5 0. -. - -- - .18 .07 2.0 -- 286 Cucumbers, raw: 3. 1 cucumber (7.1/2 by about 2 in., 290 25 1.4 .2 5.5 20 43 .6 0 .07 .09 .4 17 8...). b 6 slices, peeled (1/8 in. thick. center 6 .4 .0 1.4 5 10 _1_/ .2 y 0 .02 .02 .1 4 swtion. m 81".). Cucumber pickles. See Pickles. 287 Currents, red, raw, 1 cup (11.0 gm.)....... 283 ‘Ctmtard, baked: a lpound............ . b lcup (248 gm.)........ .............. ... Custard pie. See Pies. 289 Custerd pudding, canned, strainea ( infant food), 1 ounce. Dandelion greens: 290 Raw, 1 pound E.P..... .......... . ....... . 291 Cooked: a. 1 pound. . . ........................... . ‘0 1 cup (180 $11.). .......... . ...... 292 Dates, "fresh" and dried, 1 cup, pitted, cut (178 gm). 293 Doughnuts, cake type: a. 1 dozen (13-1/2 02., 383 gm.).... ...... . b ldougmut (32 gm.).... ....... .......... 294 Eels, raw, 4 ounces E.P................... Eggs, hen, fresh, stored, or frozen: Raw: 296 Whole: 3 1 medium (54 gm); refuse, shell.... b lcup (5 med., 243 gm). ...... ...... 297 White: a. 1 egg white (med., 31 gm.).......... b 1 cup (8 med. whites, 243 gm.).... 298 Yolk: a. 1 egg yolk (med., l7 gun). ....... ... b 1 cup (14 med. M11. 243 gm.)...... Note: Asterisk indicates that values are calculated from a recipe; parentheses indicate imputed value. 518 283 31 200 79 505 1,626 183 77 394 15 121 61 878 -9 .2 .8 Lu I to F‘UJ . c \U'Q H C) u 5-5 27.9 0. 0. 5-4 77-5 40.0 40.0 15.8 134.2 201.8 16.9 0. -3 1.7 .2 1.9 .1 1.7 518 283 349 349 337 123 230 23 26 131 2 15 25 357 54° 2‘35 318 318 126 107 1 .095 92 101 510 5 41 100 1.424 y Based on pared cucumber; unpared contains about 0.5 mg. of iron and 130 I.'J. vitamin A. .1 (.2) 130 1540 8‘ 61.970 68,870 27, 310 100 2.750 (0) (o) 550 7, 810 .04 .21 .11 ~59 .23 .16 .61 .05 .05 .23 .05 .67 .49 .04 ~54 . 22 -50 .04 Trace Trace (3.8) (3-2) (1.3) 3-9 4.8 Trace (.2) Trace Trace 163 73 (0) Eu TABLE 3.-Composition of foods, oomon household mits--Contimed 5 Food Total ’ Food. description. and en- 1, retain Fat carbo- Calcium Phos- Iron Vitimm Thia- Bibo— m... Ari,- approximate measure 01‘8"! hydrate phorus value mine flavin oin ac i d Ld- g- 61 61- 1T.- 11- 1e.- I-_U- L‘e; 1e 11- 14:.- Eggs, hen, fresh, stored. or frozen-- Continued Cooked: 299 Hard-cooked: e. 1 pound; refuse, shell, 11 percent. 655 51.7 46.5 2.8 218 848 10.9 4,590 0.34 1.11 0.3 o b 1 egg in shell: refuse, shell, 77 6.1 5.5 .3 26 101 1.3 550 .04 .13 Trace o 11 percent (54 gm). 300 ‘Omelet: a 1 pound ............................ 775 49.9 58.1 10.0 368 881 9.5 4.720 .35 1.22 .2 o b l-egs omelet (52 gm.) .............. 106 6.8 7.9 1.4 m 120 1.3 640 .05 .17 Trace o 301 Poached: a. 1 pound ............................ 729 57.7 51.8 2.7 245 953 12.3 5.150 .36 1.09 .3 o b 1 egg (48 gm.) .................... . 77 6.1 5.5 .3 26 101 1.3 540 .04 .12 Trace o 3)2 ’Scrambled: a 1 pound. ........................... 775 49.9 58.1 10.0 368 881 9.5 4,720 .35 1.22 .2 o ”b 1 eg (62 gm.) ..................... 106 6.8 7.9 1.4 50 120 1.3 640 .05 .17 Trace o o 1 cup (220 gm.) ................... . 376 mg 28.2 4.8 178 427 4.6 2,290 .17 .59 .1 0 Dried: 303 whole, 1 cup (108 gnu). ............. . 640 50.5 45.4 2.7 205 828 9.5 4.040 .36 1.14 .3 o 304 White, 1 cup (56 gm). .............. . 223 48.1 0. 3.5 27 76 .9 0 o 1.15 .4 o 305 1011:, 1 cup (96 gm). ................ 666 30.0 58.8 1.2 271 1,078 13.2 5,320 .48 .64 .1 o 306 Endive, raw, 1 pound 11.2 ................. 90 7.3 .9 18.2 359 254 7.7 13,600 .30 .53 1.8 49 Escarole, raw. See Endive. kaporated milk. See Milk, cow. Farina: Unenriched: 307 Raw, 1 cup (169 gm.) ................ . 625 18.4 1.4 130.8 47 189 1.7 (0) .09 .10 1.4 (o) 338 'Cooked: 7 a 1 pound. ........................... 198 5.9 .5 41.3 14 59 .5 0 .03 .03 .5 (o) b 1 cup (238 gm.) ................... . 104 3.1 .2 21.7 7 31 .2 o .01 .02 .2 (0) Enriched: 309 Raw, 1 cup (169 3111.). ...... . ......... 625 18.4 1.4 130.8 47 189 y 2.2 (o) _1/ .62 y .45 _1_/2.2 (o) 310 'Coekea: e 1 pound. .......................... . 198 5.9 .5 41.3 14 59 .9 0 .18 .14 .7 (o) b 1 cup (238 gm). ................... 104 3.1 .2 21.7 7 31 .5 o .10 .07 .4 (o) 311 rats, cooking (vegetable fat); a. 1 cup (200 gm.).... .................. . 1,768 o. 200. o. o o o o o o o o b 1 tablespoon (12. 5 3111.). ..... 110 o. 12.5 o. o o o o o o o 0 See also Lard, 0113. Figs: 312 Raw, 3 small (1-1/2 in. diam, 114 gm.) 90 1.6 .5 22.3 62 36 .7 9o .06 .06 .6 2 313 Canned, sirup pack, solids and liquid: 8. 1 cup (265 3...). ................... .. 300 2.1 .8 79.5 93 56 1.1 140 .08 .08 .9 1 b 3 figs and 2 tablespoons simp 129 .9 .3 34.2 40 24 .5 6o .03 .04 .4 1 (114 Sin-)- 314 Dried: a. 1 large (2 by 1 16., 21 gm.)...... 57 .8 .3 14.4 39 23 .6 20 .03 .02 .4 (o) 'b 1 cup cut (168 3111) 453 6.7 2.0 114.9 312 186 5.0 140 .26 .20 2.9 (0) 315 Fig bars: e 1 small (16 gm). .................... .. 56 .7 .8 12.1 11 11 .2 0 Trace .01 .1 (o) b 1 large (25 gm.)..... ...... 87 1.0 1.2 19.0 17 17 .3 o .01 .01 .2 (0) Fish. See individual kind, as Bluefish, Cod, Halibut, etc. 316 Flounder, summer and winter, ran, 78 16.9 .6 o. 69 221 .9 -- .07 .06 1.9 -- 4 ounces E.P. Flour. See Corn, Rye, Wheat flours, etc. Frankfurters. See Sausage. 317 Frog legs, raw. 4 ounces 11.13... ....... 82 18.6 .3 o. 20 167 1.2 o .16 .29 1.3 -. 318 Fruit cocktail, canned, solids and liquid, 179 1.0 .5 47.6 23 31 1.0 410 .03 .03 .9 5 1 cup (2% 91.). Garbanzos. See Chiclqaeas. Gelatin. dry: 319 Plain, 1 tablespoon (10 gm.). ........... 34 8.6 .o o. (o) (o) (o) (o) (o) (o) (o) (o) 320 Dessert powder. 3 ounce-package. 1/2 cup 324 8.0 .0 75.6 (o) (o) (0) (0) (o) (o) (o) (0) Note: Asterisk indicates that values are calculated from a recipe; parentheses indicate imputed value. _/ Iron. thiamine, riboflavin, and niacin are based on the minimum levels of enrichment Specified in the standards of identity promlgated under the Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act. TABIE 3.--Composition of foods, common household with-Continued 911 rood. description. and :2? Protein Fat :::_ Calcium Phos- Inn “tin“ I'hia- Ribo- Me,- ‘32" approximate measure erg), hydrate phorus value mine flavin cin acid L.ll g m. 6.9;: E. I I ICU! O I I O ‘Gelatin dessert, readyi-to-serve: & k — k k k k 321 Plain: a. 1 pound .............................. 296 7.3 0.0 69.0 (0) (0) (0) (o) (0) (o) (o) (o) b 1 cup (239 gm.) ...................... 155 3.8 .0 36.3 (o) (o) (o) (0) (o) (o) (o) (0) 322 With fruit added: 7 . e 1 pound .............................. 324 6.4 .5 79.4 27 50 1.4 510 .13 ‘ .09 1.0 13 ‘b 1 cup (241 gm.) ...................... 172 3.4 .2 42.2 14 27 .7 270 .07 .05 .5 .7 Ginger ale. See Beverages, carbonated. 323 ‘Ginger‘bread, 1 piece (2 by 2 by 2 in., 180 2.1 6.6 28.4 63 39 1.4 50 .02 .05 .6 (o) 55 em). Goa-t milk. See Elk, goat. 324 Gooseberries, rear, 1 cup (150 gm.) . ...... 59 1.2 .3 14.6 33 42 .8 440 .- -- -— 49 (k'apefruit: 325 Ran; refuse, rind. and seeds, 34 percent: a 1/2 large (5 in. (118111., No. 46's, 104 1.3 .5 26.4 57 47 .5 20 .10 .05 .5 105 395 3111-). b 1/2 medium (4-1/4 in. diam, No. 64's. 75 .9 .4 13.0 41 34 .4 20 .07 .04 .4 76 285 gm). c 1/2 sma11 (3-7/8 in. (118111., No. 96's. 49 .6 .2 12.6 28 22 .2 10 .05 .02 .3 50 190 gm.)- d 1 cup sections (194 gm.) . ............ 77 1.0 .4 19.6 43 35 .4 20 .07 .04 .4 78 326 Canned in simp, sends and liquid, 181 1.5 .5 47.6 32 35 .7 20 .07 .05 .5 74 1 cup (249 89-)- Grapefruit juice: 327 Fresh, 1 mp (246 gm.) ................. 87 1.2 .2 22.6 20 32 .7 20 .09 .05 .5 99 Canned: 328 Unsweetened, 1 cup (246 gm.) . ........ 92 1.2 .2 24.1 20 32 .7 20 .07 .04 .4 . 85 329 Sweetened, 1 cup (251 gm.) ........... 131 1.3 .3 34.4 20 33 .8 20 .08 .04 .5 87 330 Grapefruit juice concentrate, frozen, 297 3.8 .8 77.0 63 103 2.4 , 60 .24 .13 1.4 272 1 can (6 fluid oz.. 202 3111.). Grapefruit-erase juice blend: Canned: 331 Unsweetened, 1 cup (246 gm.) ......... 332 Sweetened, 1 cup (251 gm.) ........... 333 hour: cmoentrate, 1 can (6 fluid 02.. 202 8:11.). Grapes, raw: 334 American type (slip skin) as Concord, Delaware, Niagara, and Scuppemong: a. 1 bunch (3-1/2 by 3 111., 100 gm.) ..... b 1 cup with skins and seeds (153 gm.).. 335 European type (adherent skin) as M31353, Muscat, Sultanina (’Ehompson Seedless), and Flame Tokay: 1 cup (40 grapes, 3/4 in. diam, 160 gm). 336 Grape juice, bottled, camercial, 1 cup (254 gnu). Griddlecakes . See Pancakes. 337 Guavas, common, raw; refuse, skins, 1 guava. (80 3111.). Haddock: 339 Cooked, fried: e. 1 pound . ............................. b 1 fillet (4 by 3 by 1/2 in., 100 gm). Halibut: 341 Cooked, broiled: a. 1 pound .............................. b 1 steak (4by3by1/2 in., 125 gm.).. Ham. See Pork Hamburger. See Beef. Heart: 342 Beef, lean, raw, 3 ounces ... .......... . 343 Calf, canned, strained (infant feed), 1 ounce. Note: Asterisk indiCates that values are calculated from a. recipe; parentheses indicate imputed value. 99 132 297 102 170 49 676 158 827 228 92 23 #:JH Jr-wUI 1.2 1.0 53.9 e 0 \Im 118.9 14.4 3.8 R: w mm 0 e 25-9 46.2 12.0 23 67 21 82 18 37 111 16 25 33 826 182 1,217 335 173 43 -5 HM) 0&0 110 110 330 120 180 30 .11 .12 .05 007 -09 .05 2'8 -04 .13 .12 .03 ~75 . 23 .5 .5 1.5 -3 -4 (-6) fixes \X'IW Trace 212 [.11 TABLE 3.--Composition of foods. common household units-401111111106. 9n _ 1' d 1: tal - . Food. descripuon, and excl: Protein Fat cZIbo- Calcium Pb“- Iron Vitimm Thia— Ribo- Niac- A321” approximate measure ergy hydrate phorus v 81“ e mine flavin cin acid 081- 5111- G"!- 9.": 5‘5.- k- E5; El- 881 E5.- EE; He: he art--Cont inued 3.44 Chicken. ran. 3ounces. ............... . 134 17.4 6.0 1.4 20 121 1.4 30 0.10 0.77 4.4 5 345 Pork, raw, 3 ounces. ................... 100 14.4 4.1 .3 30 112 2.3 30 .36 1.05 5.1 5 346 Herring, Atlantic, raw, 4 ounces E.P ..... 217 20.8 14.2 0. -- 290 1.2 130 .02 .17 3.9 -- 347 Herring, lake, raw. 4 ounces 3.2. ....... . 159 21.0 7.7 o. 14 172 .6 110 .10 .10 3.5 -- 348 Herring, Pacific, raw, 4 ounces E......P. 106 18.8 2.9 o. —- -- -- 110 .03 .25 (2.5) - 349 Herring, smoked, kippared, 3 ounces 3.2.. 180 18.9 11.0 o. 56 216 (1.2) 0 Trace .24 (2.5) — Hominy, day. See Corn grits. 350 Honey, strained or extracted: o 1 cup (338 3.11.)“ ...................... 992 1.0 0. 268.7 17 54 3.0 (0) .02 .13 .7 12 b 1 tablespoon (21 m.).......... ....... . 62 .1 o. 16.7 1 3 .2 (0) Trace .01 Trace 1 351 Honeydew melon, raw: a. 1 wedge (2 by 7 111., 150 gm, 49 .8 0. 12.8 (26) (24) (.6) 60 .07 .04 .3 34 frOm melon, 5-1/2 by 7 in.) . without seeds and. rind. 352 'Ice cream, plains _1_/ a. 1 slice or individual brick (1/7 167 3.2 10.1 16.7 100 80 .1 420 .03 .15 .1 1 of quart brick, 81 gun). I) 1 container 3-1/2 fluid ounces (62 gm.) 129 2.5 7.8 12.8 76 61 .1 320 .03 .12 .1 1 c 1 container 8 fluid ounces (142 gm)... 294 5.7 17.8 29.3 175 141 .1 740 .06 .27 .1 1 353 Jams, marmalades, preserves, 1 table- 55 .1 .1 14.2 2 2 .1 'nraoe Trace Trace Trace 1 Spoon (20 31m). 354 Jemes, 1 tablespoon (20 gm). ........ .. 5o .0 .0 13.0 (2) (2) (.1) (Trace) (Tracexrreccmrace) 1 356 Kale, cooked: a. 1 poun . ............... . ....... . ...... . 182 17.7 2.7 32.7 1.022 281 10.0 38,050 .32 1.04 7.7 232 b 1 cup (110 3111.). ...................... . 45 4.3 .7 7.9 248 68 2.4 9.220 .08 .25 1.9 56 Kidneys , ram 358 Beef . 3 ounces ......................... 359 Pork, 3 ounces. ....................... . $0 Sheep, 3 ounces. ...................... . Kohlrabi: 361 Raw, 1 cup diced (138 gm.) ............. 362 Cooked: a 1 pound. ............................ . b 1 cup (155 gm). .................... . Lamb: Retail items, medium fat: 367 Bit chop, cooked; a. 1 pound with bone. ............... .. b 1 pound without bone. .............. c 3 ounces without bone .............. 369 Shoulder roast (wholesale 3-rib), cooked: a. 1 pound with bone .................. b 1 pound without bone .............. . c 3 ounces without bone. ........... .. 371 Leg roast (wholesale leg), cooked: a. 1 pound with bone. ................. 'b 1 pound without bone. ............ .. c 3 ounces without bone. ............. 372 Canned, strained (infant food), 1 ounce Lamb and vegetable soup, canned, strained (infant food). See Soups, canned vegetable and lamb. 373 Lard: a. 1 cup (220 511.). ....................... b 1 table5poon (14 gm). ................ . 374 Lemons; refuse, rind and seeds, 38 per- cent; 1 medium lemon (2-3/4 by 2 in., 100 gm). Note: Asterisk indicates that values are calculated from a. recipe: parentheses indicate imputed value, 120 89 41 136 47 1.254 1,900 356 1,160 "1.551 293 981 1.241 230 30 1.984 126 Star-J mm 0 H1000 N 0 Wk!) u W‘J‘I 72. 109. 20. 71. 95- 18. 86. 109. ”0 4-4 105. 159. 30. 95- 127. 68. 16: 1.9 220. 14. -4 y Based on 5 pounds of ice cream to the gallon, factory packed. \Oflm 9.2 30-4 10.4 504 63 71 25 188 202 69 227 600 908 170 639 160 923 1,167 219 .4 980 110 (980) Trace Trace Trace (o) (0) (o) (o) (o) (0) (o) (o) (0) (o) .32 .50 .18 .06 .64 .12 .41 .55 . 10 .49 .62 .12 .01 2.16 1.47 2. 3'3) .18 '06 .77 1.17 .22 -75 1.01 .19 1.13 .21 .07 OO 910°? U.) $‘J‘I o \0 o \OKD 15-5 3-9 18.4 23-3 4.4 1.1 00 .1 11 11 11 168 57 000 000 0000 31 611 TABLE 3.--Composition of foods, common household units-43ontimed. _ Food T tel v- - Food, descriptmn. and en- Protein Fat chbo- Calcium Phos- Iron “Tm Thia— Ribo- Nine- AZEZI‘ approximate measure ergy hydrate phorus value mine flavin ein acid 391' Gib 5“- G"- 28.- k- k.- 1-_U- ‘15.- E8.- £5; £8: Lemon juice: 375 Fresh: a 1 cup (246 gm). ..................... 59 1.0 0.5 18.9 34 27 0.2 0 0.11 0.01 0.3 122 b 1 tablespoon (15 3111.). ............... 4 .l .0 1.2 2 2 .0 0 .01 Trace Trace 7 Canned: 376 Unsweetened: a. 1 cup (246 gm). ................... 59 1.0 .5 18.9 34 27 .2 0 .11 .01 .3 104 b 1 tablespoon (15 gm). ............. 4 .1 .0 1.2 2 2 .0 0 .01 Trace ham 6 380 Lettuce, headed, ran a. 1 hee31, loose-leaf (4 in. diam, 220 32 2.6 .4 6.4 48 55 1.1 1,200 .10 .18 .4 17 gm. 0 b 1 head, compact (4-3/4 in. diam. 68 5.4 .9 13.2 100 114 2.3 2,470 .20 .38 .9 35 1 pound). o 2 large or 4 small leaves (50 gm.) ..... 7 .6 .1 1.4 11 12 .2 270 .02 .04 .1 4 382 Limes: refuse, rind. and seeds, 24 per— 19 .4 .1 6.4 (21) (11) (.3) o (.02)(Treee) (.1) 14 cent: 1 medium lime (2 in. diam, 68 3111-). 383 Line juice, fresh. 1 cup (246 gm.).. ..... 58 1.0 .0 20.4 (34) (27) (.2) 0 (.11) (.01) (.3) 65 Liver: 385 Beef, cooked, fried, 2 ounces. ......... 118 13.4 4.4 5.5 5 276 4.4 30,330 .15 2.25 8.4 18 386 Calf, ram, 3 ounces ................... . 120 16.2 4.2 3.4 5 292 9.0 19,130 .18 2.65 13.7 30 387 Chicken, raw, 3 ounces. ................ 120 18.8 3.4 2.2 14 204 6.3 27,370 .17 2.10 10.0 17 388 Pork, re», 3 ounces .................... 114 16.7 4.1 1.4 8 308 15.3 12.070 .34 2.53 14.2 19 389 Sheep or lamb, raw, 3 ounces. .......... 116 17.8 3.3 2.5 7 309 10.7 42,930 .34 2.79 14.3 28 390 Liver, canned, strained (infant food), 30 4.5 1.1 .3 7 79 2.0 5.440 .01 .61 1.8 .- 1 ounce. Liver sausage. See Sausage. Liverwurst. See Sausage, liVer. 392 lobster, canned, 3 ounces. ............. .. 78 15.6 1.1 .3 55 163 .7 -- (.03) .06 (1.9) —- 393 Ioganberries, raw, 1 cup (144 gm.) ....... 90 1.4 .9 21.6 50 27 1.7 (280) (.04) (.10) (.4) 34 macaroni: Unenriched: 3% Dry: 5. 1 cup, elbow type (123 gn.)........ b 1 cup (l-in. pieces, 110 gm). ..... c 1 cup (2-in. pieces, 86 gm.)....... 395 'Cooked: e. 1 pound. ......................... .. b 1 cup (l-in. pieces or elbow type, 140 gnu). Enriched: 396 Dry: 8. 1 cup, elbow type (123 gm). ...... . b 1 cup (l-in. pieces, 110 gm.)...... c 1 cup (2—in. pieces, 86 gm.).. ..... 397 ‘Cookedx a 1 pound. .......................... . b 1 cup (l-in. sticks or elbow type, 140 gm). 398 ’Macaroni and cheese, baked: a. 1 pound. ......................... ...... b lcup (220 gm.)...... ............. ..... Mackerel, canned, solids and liquid: 4] 400 Atlantic, 3 ounces. .............. ...... 401 Pacific, 3 ounces. .................. ... 402 Mangos, raw, 1 medium (200 gm.): refuse, seeds and skin, 34 percent. Note: Asterisk indicates that values are calculated from a. recipe: parentheses indicate imputed value. 463 415 324 678 957 464 155 153 87 wrap-a M‘flxl H 33 §¥ 333 camp-- ww com..- H 4>w NT) U1 \UH ON 89. 43-; 34> 0. 0. 22.7 19 41 13 19 41 13 867 157 221 203 182 142 295 91 203 182 142 295 91 $7 an 233 245 17 Mil: Menu) ‘J'le HUI O o U10 (o) (0) m (o) (0) (0) (0) (0) (o) (o) 2.050 990 .11 .10 ~07 ~07 .05 .08 .02 (0) (0) (o) (o) (0) (0) (0) (0) (0) Trace Tr see I l 55 1] Iron, thiamine, riboflavin, and niacin are based on the minimm level of enrichment specified in the standards of identity promulgated under the Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act. _2_/ If enriched macaroni is used in the recipe the values for iron, thiamine, riboflavin, and niacin would be 3.2 mg., 0.45 1113., 0.91 mg. and 4.1 mg., respectively. 1/ If enriched macaroni is used in the recipe the values for iron, thiamine, riboflavin, and niacin would be 1.5 mg., 0.22 mg., 0.44 mg. and 2.0 m” respectively. .4] The vitamin values are based on the drained solids. IZI TABIE 3.-—Composition of foods, common household units-~60ntimed ZZI Food. Total Vitamin r::1~<>::::::PZ:::111-:nd en- Protein Fat carbo- Calcium iohos- Iron L H.118" Rib“ N3?" €22”- erg hydrate P ms value Inna flavin on: acid 62-1.. G_m- cm- 21- 14:.- 22- 382 1_-11- 22 !a_- HS; 24- 403 Margarine: a 1 cup (224 gm.) ........................ 1,613 1.3 181.4 0.9 45 36 0.0 y 7.400 (0) (0) (0) (o) b 1 tablespoon (14 gm.) .................. 101 .1 11.3 .1 3 2 .0 _1_/ 460 (0) (0) (0) (0) c 1 pat (64 per pound. 7 gm.) ............ 5o .0 5.7 .0 1 1 .o _1_/ 230 (0) (0) (0) (o) Marmalades. See Jens, marmalades, preserves. Mayonnaise. See Salad. dressings. Meat. See Beef, Lamb, Pork. Veal. Melons. Sec Cantalmxps, Honeydew, Watermelons. 11111:, cow: Fluid (pasteurized and my): 404 Whole: : :quartzizfi 81):»)- ---------------- - 622 33.2 38.1 47.8 1.1%; 908 .7 (1,550) .35 1.68 1.1 13 cup . gm. ................... . 1 , . 12.0 2 . . . . 405 Nonfut (“(11% : ) 5 9 5 227 2 (390) 09 42 3 3 a. 1 quart 9 4 gm. .................. 350 34.4 1.0 50.2 1.210 954 .7 (40) . 1. 1.1 1 b 110.11) (246 gm.) .................... 87 8.6 .2 12.5 303 239 .2 (10) .33 :47: .3 g Canned: 406 Ev?orated)(unsweetened)» 1 cu? 346 17-6 19.9 21-9 612 491 .4 1.010 .12 .91 .5 3 252 gm. .. 407 Condensed (sweetened), 1 cup (306 2m.) 981 24.8 25.7 167.7 835 698 .6 (1.300) .16 1.19 .6 3 Dried: 408 Whole: . a 1 cup (128 gm.) .................... 630 33.0 34.2 48.6 1.215 932 .7 1,790 .39 1.87 .8 8 b 1 tableslmon (8 gm.) ............... 39 2.1 2.1 3.0 58 .0 110 .02 .12 .1 1 409 Noni‘art solids (skim): a. 1 cup (120 gm.) .................... 434 42.7 1.2 62.4 1,560 1,236 .7 (50) .42 2.35 1.4 9 b 1 tablespoon (7.5 gm.) ........... .. 28 2.7 .1 3.9 98 77 .0 (Mace) .03 .15 .1 1 Maltedz y 410 Dry pomier, 1 ounce .................. 115 4.1 2.4 20.0 81 107 .6 290 .09 .15 .. (0) 411 'Beverage, 1 cup (270 gm.) ............ 281 12.4 11.9 31.9 364 332 .8 680 .18 .56 -— 3 412 ‘Chocolate flewored: a. 1 quart (1 kg.) ...................... 740 32.0 22.0 106.0 1,090 910 .7 910 .32 1.59 1.0 10 b 1 cup (250 gm.) ...................... 185 8.0 5.5 26.5 272 228 .2 230 .08 .40 .2 2 413 Half and half (milk and cream): a lquart (9683111.)..uu ....... ....... b lcup (24.281110). oooooooooo noooncollo. Buttermilk. See Buttermilk. 414 Milk, goat, fluid: a. 1 quart (976 gm.)....... .............. . b 1 cup (244 3111.). ...................... . Molasses. cane: 415 First extraction or light: a. 1011p (328 gm.)-ollccon.oooonn.-OIIOI b 1 tab1e5poon (20 gm). .............. . 416 Second extraction or medium: a. lcup (3288111.)00000 ............... .. b 1 tablespoon (20 gm.)..... ........... 417 Third extraction or blackstrap: e. 1 cup (328 gnu). .................... . 'b 1 tablespoon (20 gm.).... ........... . 418 Barbados: 8- 1 Cup (328 gnu)....... ...... o ooooooo o b 1 tab1e5poon (20 gm)... ............ . 'Muffins, made with: 419 Unenriched flour, 1 mffin (2-3/4 in. diam, 48 gm). 4m Enriched flour, 1 mffin (2-3/4 in. (118111., 48 gm). 421 Ming bean Sprouts, raw, 1 cup (90 gm)... 423 M15hrooms, canned, solids and liquid, 1 cup (244 gm.). Muskmelons. See Cantaloups and Honeydew melon. Note; Asterisk indicates that values are calculated from a recipe: parentheses indicate imputed value. 1 .322 33° 164 825 762 46 698 43 889 134 134 28 31.0 7-7 32.2 2.6 3-4 116.2 29.0 39-0 9.8 4.0 4.0 .2 43-6 10.9 3/2132 3/ 13.0 3/196.8 3/ 12.0 3/1804 3/ 11.0 .6 20.2 3-7 9.0 1.045 261 1.259 315 541 33 951 1.899 116 99 (17) 823 1.035 259 148 279 17 164 10 92 92 53 (220) (1.550) (390) 50 10 ~39 .10 .23 .01 .01 .02 .09 .06 ~04 1.52 .38 .66 1.0 .2 2.8 -7 Trace 60 'J .4 .2 -7 out; 10 (0) (0) 1] Based on the average vitamin A content of fortified margarine. Most of the margarines manufactured for use in the United States have 15,000 LU. of vitamin A added per pound. The minimum Federal specifications for fortified margarine require the addition of 9.0% LU. of vitamin A per pound. _2j Based on unfortified products. 3/ Total sugars. Eat TABLE 3.--Composition of foods, common household units-40nt1med Vat 1' a 1 a1 ‘ Food. description. and er:- Protoin Fat 0::bo- Calcium Pb”- Inon “3:013 Thia- Bibo- m.” ‘18::1‘. approximate measure orgy hydrate phorus value nine fluvin cin acid 9% CE;- 9': 5"- !8: EL- !5: L".- k 56.- 28: ES: 425 Mustard greens, cooked: a 1 pound ................................ 102 10.4 1.4 18.2 999 173 13.2 32.600 0.27 0.82 3.2 204 b 1 cup (140 gm.) ........................ 31 3.2 .4 5.6 308 53 4.1 10.050 .08 .25 1.0 63 Noodles (containing e88): Unenriched: 426 Dry. 1 cup (1-1/2 in. striPS. 73 am) 278 9.2 2.5 53.4 16 145 1.5 140 .15 .08 1.7 (0) 4.27 'Cooked: e. 1 pound ............................ 302 10.0 2.7 58.1 18 159 1.8 160 .15 .09 1.8 (o) b 1 cup (160 gm.) .................... 107 3.5 1.0 20.5 6 56 .6 6o .05 .03 .6 (0) Enriched: 428 Dry, 1 cup (1-1/2 in. strips. 73 gm.) 278 9.2 2.5 53.4 16 145 y 2.1 140 y .64 y .27 314.3 (0) 429 'Cooked: a. 1 pound. ........................... 302 10.0 2.7 58.1 18 159 2.3 160 .63 .30 4.8 (o) b 1 cup (160 gm.) .................... 107 3.5 1.0 20.5 6 56 .8 60 .22 .10 1.7 (0) 430 Oat cereal, ready-to—eat (added vitamins 100 3.6 1.8 17.6 40 88 1.0 (o) .20 .05 .5 (0) and minerals), 1 cup (25 gm). Oatmeal or rolled oats: 431 Dry, 1 cup (80 gm.) .................... 312 11.4 5.9 54.6 42 324 3.6 (o) .48 .11 .8 (o) 432 ’Cooked; a, 1 pound .............................. 285 10.4 5.4 49.9 41 304 3.2 (0) .43 .10 .8 (0) b 1 cup (236 gm.) ...................... 148 5.4 2.8 26.0 21 158 1.7 (o) .22 .05 .4 (o) 433 Precooked (infant food.) . dry, 1 ounce“ 106 4.3 1.4 19.5 225 226 8.9 (0) .35 .10 2] .7 (0) 434 Oils, salad or cooking: a. 1 cup (220 gm.) ........................ 1,945 o. 220. o. o o o o o o o o b 1 tablespoon (14 gm.) .................. 124 0. 14. o. 0 o o 0 o o o 0 4f Okra, cooked: a 1 pound. ............................... 148 8.2 .9 33.6 372 281 3.2 3.360 .27 .27 3.6 91 b 8 pods (3 in. long, 5/8 in. diam, 28 1.5 .2 6.3 70 53 . 630 .05 .05 .7 17 85 gm). Oleomargar ine. See Margarine. 437 438 439 Note: Asterisk indicates that values are calculated from a. recipe; parentheses indicate imputed value. Olives, pickled, ”mammoth" size, (13/16 by 1-1/6 in.: refuse, 16 pct.): Green, 10 olives (65 gm.).............. Ripe: Mission, 10 olives (65 gm.).. ..... ... Other varieties (as escalano, manzanilla, and sevileno), 10 olives (65 gm). Omelet. See Eggs, omelet. Onions, mature: Raw: 1 onion (2—1/2 in. diam). E.P. (110 gm.). 1 tablespoon chopped (10 gm.)........ Cooked, whole: 1 paund........... 1 cup (210 gm.)...................... loco-noooonooIo-Olo Onions, young green; 6 small onions without tops (50 gm). Oranges; refuse, rind and seeds, 28 per- cent: 1 large (3-6/8 in. (113111., NO. 126' S, 325 gm-)a 1 medium (3-in. diam., no. 200's, 215 gm.)- 1 small (2-1/2 in. diam, No. 288's, 150 gm.). 1 cup sections (193 gm.)............... 72 106 70 49 172 23 106 70 49 87 o \J'l 2.1 1.0 1.7 7.4 11.6 7-4 .2 .O .9 -4 .1 .5 .3 .2 .4 2.2 1.4 1.7 26.2 17.4 12.1 21.6 fat; 77 51 36 64 \DkD f: C3 1% )9 .9 -9 .8 160 18 {3 Trace 230 110 (30) (440) (290) (200) (360) (.02) .18 .12 .08 ~04 .03 .05 .2 Trace .9 (-1) 10 13 12 116 77 53 95 2] Iron. thiamine, riboflavin, and niacin are based on the minimum level of enrichment specified in the standards of identity promulgated under the Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act. g Based on products ranging from 0.4 to 1.2 mg. per ounce of cereal. The niacin value of some products is as high as 6.5 mg. per ounce. t 931 TABLE 3.-Conposition of foods. common household units-401111111941 36 . Food Total ' r a. d , v t 1 :pm£:::P:::u1-:nd en- Protein Fat carbo- Calcium :2“- Iron 1 :1!- n T11115- Ribo- Nia- fizz,- orgy hydrate P ms value nuns flavin cin acid. 93- L"- 00- 91' £8.- £8.- E- L-‘L H6.- £8: £8; £8: Orange juice: 445 Fresh, 1 cup (246 gm.) ................. 108 2.0 0.5 27.1 47 39 0.5 (460) 0.19 0.06 0.6 122 Canned: 446 Unsweetened, 1 cup (246 gm.) ......... 109 2.0 .5 27.3 25 44 .7 (240) .17 .04 .6 103 447 Sweetened, 1 cup (251 gm.) ........... 135 1.5 .5 34.9 25 45 .8 (250) .18 .05 .6 105 Orange juice concentrate: 448 Canned, 1 ounce ....................... . 65 1.2 .2 16.4 17 25 .5 (140) .10 .02 .3 63 449 Frozen, 1 can (6 £1. cz.. 202 gm.) ..... 300 5.5 1.4 74.9 69 121 2.0 (670) .48 .11 1.5 285 4m Oysters, meat only, raw. 1 cup (13-19 200 23.5 5.0 13.4 226 343 13.4 770 .35 .48 2.8 -- medium size oysters, selects, 240 gm.) ‘Oyster stew: 451 1 part. oysters to 3 parts milk by volume: a 1 pound. .............................. 413 24.1 24.5 24.1 531 499 6.8 1,280 .29 .84 1,8 .. b 1 cup (with 3-4 oysters. 230 gm-)---- 209 12.2 12.4 12.2 269 253 3.4 650 .14 .42 .9 -- 452 1 part oysters to 1 part milk by volume: a. 1 pound. .............................. 461 31.3 25.0 26.8 495 554 13.2 1,560 .40 .86 3.0 -— b 1 cup (with 6.8 oysterS, 240 gm.).... 244 16.6 13.2 14.2 262 293 7.0 820 .21 .46 1.6 .— ‘Pancakes (griddlecakes), baked: Wheat (home recipe): 453 With unem‘icbed flour: a 1 pound .......................... .. 991 30.9 41.8 120.8 717 699 2.7 890 .26 .59 1.5 2 ‘b 1 cake (4—in. diam, 27 gm.) ....... 59 1.8 2.5 7.2 43 42 .2 50 .02 .03 .1 Trace 454 With enriched flour: a. 1 pound ............................ 991 30.9 41.8 120.8 717 699 5.9 890 .84 .95 5.7 2 ‘b 1 cake (4.1.1. diam, 27 gm.) ....... 59 1.8 2.5 7.2 43 42 .4 50 .05 .06 .3 Trace 455 Buckwheat, with buckwheat pancake mix: a. 1 pound .............................. 798 27.7 38.1 94.9 1,130 1,643 5.4 490 .72 .72 3.9 3 b 1 cake (4.111. 41am, 27 gm.) ......... 47 1.6 2.3 5.6 67 98 .3 30 .04 .04 .2 Trace Pancake mix. dry, self-rising: meet (mixed with other flours): 456 Unenriched. 1 cup (135311.) .......... 471 12.8 1.9 98.7 628 919 2.7 o .20 .10 1.9 (0) 457 Enriched, 1 cup (135 gm.) ............ 471 12.8 1.9 98.7 628 919 4.5 o .53 .42 3.9 (0) 458 Meet. 1 cup (135 gm.) ............ . 432 14.2 2.6 94.9 630 1,116 4.2 0 .49 .15 3.0 (o) 6 ' VS' 0 05061€ 459 Papayas, raw, 1 cup (1/2-111. cubes, 182 8111-). 460 Parsley. common, raw, 1 tablespoon chopped (3-5 am). 462 Per snips , cooked: a. 1 pound ............................... b 1 cup (155 gm.) ....................... Pastry shell, plain. See Pie crust. Peaches: 463 Raw 3. 1 medium: refuse. pits and skins, 12 percent (2-1/2 by 2-1n. diam., 114 gm.). 1) 1 cup, sliced (168 gm.)...... ...... . Canned, solids and liquid: 464 Water pack, 1 cup (244 gm). ........ 4.65 Sirup pack: a. 1 cup (256 gm). ..... . ........... . b 2 medium halves and 2 tableqoons sirup (117 gm). 466 Strained (infant food), 1 ounce ....... 467 Frozen, 4 ounces ..................... . Dried, suli’ured: 468 Uncooked, 1 cup (160 gm). ........ .. 4.69 'Cooked, no sugar added, 1 cup (10-12 halves plus 6 tbsp. liquid, 270 gm.). 470 ‘Cooked, sugar added, 1 cup (IO-12 halves plus 6 tbsP. liquid, 305 5.11.). Peanuts, Virginia type, roasted: 471 Shelled: a 1 cup medium halves (144 gm.)....... 1) l tab1e5poon, chapped (9 gm). ..... . Note: Asterisk indicates that values are calculated from a recipe: parentheses indicate imputed value. 71 274 46 174 17 89 424 366 805 50 1.1 .5 1.2 1.0 .5 .2 4.8 2. 38-7 2.4 .2 .0 63.6 4.0 y Calcium may not be available because of presence of oxalic acid. 18.2 259 107 363 124 22 37 16 17 202 105 107 566 35 .5 .2 1.0 1.0 1.0 -5 -5 11.0 5.9 5.8 2.7 .2 3.190 880 1,483 1,110 1,160 530 180 590 5.200 2,750 2.750 .06 O 27 .09 .02 .02 .02 .01 .01 .01 .02 .01 .01 .42 '03 I01 .45 .16 .05 .08 .05 .05 .02 .01 .03 .31 .16 .15 .19 .01 .5 .1 .3 102 13 H \Jll-l £113 \nra K3 (0) (0) Lat TABLE 3.-Conposition of foods, common household with—Continued 8n . . Food Total v- - road, :Sc:1pt10n, and em Pmtein Fat ”my Calcium Phos- Iron “in“ Thia— Ribo- Nia— “7°” app“ ma. 6 measure ergy hydrate phorus mine flavin cin bzc value acid 91-1.- E- G'I- Gil- 145.- EL- !e: L”. £6; £6.- !8; Es.- 472 Peamt butter: 5 1 cup (258 gnu). ........................ 1.486 67.3 123.3 54.2 191 1,014 4.9 0 0.31 0.34 41.8 (o) b 1 tab1e8poon (16 3111.). .................. 92 4.2 7.6 3.4 12 63 .3 o .02 .02 2.6 (o) Pears: 473 t . a. 1 pear: refuse, $10.11 and core. 17 per- 95 1,1 ,6 23.9 20 24 .5 30 .03 .06 .2 6 cent: (3 by 2-1/2 in. diam, 182 $111.). 1) 1 cup, quartered (192 gm.) ............ 120 1.3 .8 30.3 25 31 ,6 4o .04 .08 _3 8 Canned, solids and liquid: 474 water pack, 1 cup (242 gm). .......... 75 .7 .2 19.8 19 24 .5 10 .02 .04 .3 4 475 Simp pack: a. 1 cup (256 gm.). ................... . 174 .5 .3 47.1 20 26 .5 10 .02 .04 .4 5 b 2 medium-size halves plus 2 table- 79 .2 .1 21.5 9 12 .2 Trace .01 .02 .2 2 spoons sirup (117 3111.). 476 Strained (infant food), 1 ounce ...... . 15 .2 .1 3.7 3 4 (.1) 10 Trace .01 .1 Trace Peas, green, immature: 4.78 Cooked: a. 1 pound. ...... . ....................... 316 22.2 1.8 54.9 100 554 8.6 3,270 1.14 .54 10.4 68 b 1 cup (160 gm). ..................... . 111 7.8 ,6 19. 35 195 3.0 1.150 .40 .22 3.7 24 Canned; 283 Solids and. 11211114, 1 cup (249 3111.).... 168 8.5 1.0 32.1 62 167 4.5 1,350 .23 .15 2,5 21 Drained solids: a 1 pound ........................... .. 411 20_4 2.7 78.1 145 350 9.5 3,030 .54 . 4.5 2 b 1 cup (160 gm.) ..................... 145 7.2 1.0 27.5 51 123 3.4 1.0w .19 .38 1'6 41’5 481 Strained (infant food), 1 ounce. ..... . 14 1.2 .1 2.2 5 18 .4 180 .03 .02 .3 2 Peas, mature dry seeds: 483 Entire seeds. 1 cup (200 3111.). ......... . 679 47_6 2.8 120.4 114 776 9.4 740 1. 6 6 484 SplitS without seed coat. 1 cup (200 689 49.0 2.0 123.4 66 536 10.2 740 1.2; .26 6:; 1 gm. . 2 Pee. soup, dehydrated. See Soups, dehydrated. 485 Pecans: e, 1 cup, halves (108 3111.). ............... . b 1 tablespoon, chopped (7.5 gm.) ....... .. Peppers, green: 486 Raw, 1 medium: refuse, stem end, seeds and core, 16 percent (76 5121.). 487 Cooked, parboiled then baked: a. 1 pound. .............................. b 1 pepper, medium (65 gm). ........... . 488 Persimmons, Japanese or Kaki, raw; 1 persimmon (2-1/4 in. diam, 125 3111.): a. Seedless kind; refuse, skin, 3 percent.. b Kind with seeds; refuse, skin and. seeds, 24 percent. Pickles: 489 11111, cucumber, 1 large (1-3{4 in. diam, 4 in. long, 135 gm. 490 Fresh, cucumber (as bread and butter pickles): e. 1 cup (22-24 slices, 170 3111.). ...... .. b 6 slices (1/4 in. by 1-1/2 in. diam, 42 gm). 491 Sour, cucumber or mixed, 1 large (1-3/4 in. diam, 4 in. long, 135 gm). 492 Sweet, cucumber or mixed: a 1 pickle (2-3/4 in. long, 3/4 in. diam. or 2 pickles 2 in. long, 5/8 in. diam, 20 gm). b 1 cup, mixed, chopped (210 gm). ..... . c 1 tab1e5poon, mixed, chopped (13 gm). Pies: 493 ‘Apple: a 1 pie (9-11.. diam, 945 gm). ....... .. 'b 4-inch sector (or 1/7 of 9-11.. diam, 135 gm). c l-inch sector (of 9-111. diam, 34 gm.) Note: Asterisk indicates that values are calculated from a. recipe: parentheses indicate imputed value. 752 52 16 15 118 15 22 2,322 331 83 1.5 m§ o 0 mm .3 “J" m m 0“ 2'3? OK) 373-3 533 13-3 m8” \18 n‘fi \D 16 114 16 31 25 27 46 11 27 2.6 .2 2.7 .2 .1 Trace 420 310 420 240 10 1,510 .02 .18 .03 .06 Trace ~04 .01 Trace (0) .01 .07 .02 TraCe Trace .16 .02 .01 1.0 .1 .2 1.8 -3 Trace Trace .1 .1 Trace Trace Trace Trace Trace 2.3 .3 .1 13 10 631 TABLE 3.-—Composition of foods, common household magncontmed \8 , _ F 0d 1 tal - - Food. descnptmn, and e:- Protein Fat egrbo- Calcium Phos- Iron Vitim 1n This- Ribo- Nia- {:23- appmximate measure 8187 hydrate phorus value mine flavin cin acid Gil.- Qflc Gm Gm Es.- EE: E.- 1-1- £8; £8.- £8.- £5: Pies--Conti.1med 494 ‘Blueberry: a 1 pie (9-1n. diam, 945 311.). ........ . 2,042 19.8 65.2 354.4 94 208 4.7 1,110 0.15 0.28 2.3 34 b 4-inch sector (or 1/7 of 9-1n. 111511., 291 2.8 9.3 50.6 14 3o .7 160 .02 .04 .3 5 135 gm.)- c l-inch sector (of 9-in. diam, 34 gm.) 73 -7 2-3 12-7 3 7 -2 40 .01 .01 .1 1 495 ‘Cherry: 8. 1 pie (9-111. diam. 945 gm.) .......... 2,388 22.7 92.6 381.8 94 255 3.8 3,610 .25 .16 2.4 13 b 4-1roh sector (or 1/7 of 9-in. diam, 340 3.2 13.2 54.5 14 36 .5 520 .04 .02 .3 2 135 gm). c l-inch sector (of 9-1n. diam, 34 gm.) 85 .8 3.3 13.6 3 9 .1 130 .01 .01 .1 Trace 496 Coconut custard: e 1 pie (9-1n. diam. 910 gm). ....... .. 1,859 47.3 79.2 239.3 1,138 1,056 10.9 2,060 .46 1.49 2.7 (0) b 4-inch seitor (or 1/7 of 9-in- diam. 266 6.8 11.3 34.2 162 151 1.6 290 .07 .21 .4 (0) 130 gm. . c l-inch sector (of 9-in- diam. 32 am.) 66 1.7 2.8 8.6 41 38 .4 7o .02 .05 .1 (0) 497 Custard: a 1 pie (9-in- diam. 910 gm.) ---------- 1,859 47.3 79.2 239.3 1,138 1,056 10.9 2,060 .46 1.49 2.7 (0) b 41-inch suitor (or 1/7 of 9-in- diam. 266 6.8 11.3 34.2 162 151 1.6 290 .07 .21 .4 (0) 130 gm. . c l-inch sector (of 9-in- diam. 32 gm.) 66 1.7 2.8 8.6 41 38 .4 70 .02 .05 .1 (o) 498 Lemon meringue: 1 Pie (9-111. diam. 840 gm). ......... 2,114 30.2 84.8 314.2 168 428 4.2 1,460 .27 .70 1.6 8 ‘b 4-inch sector (or 1/7 of 9-in. diam, 302 4.3 12.1 44.9 24 61 .6 210 .04 .10 .2 1 120 gm.)- c l-inch sector (of 9-in- diam. 30 gm) 76 1.1 3.0 11.2 6 15 .2 50 .01 .02 .1 Trace 499 Mince: y 1 pie (9-in. diam, 945 gm.) .......... 2,386 23.6 65.2 430.9 151 378 20.8 70 .64 .33 3.3 6 b 4-inch sector (or 1/7 of 94:1. diam, 341 3.4 9.3 61.6 22 54 3.0 10 .09 .05 .5 1 135 3111-)- c l-inch sector (of 9-in. diam, 34 gm.) 85 .8 2.3 15.4 5 14 .7 Trace .02 .01 .1 Trace 500 'Punrpkim a 1 pie (9-in. diam, 910 gnu). ........ . 1,842 38.2 87.4 234.8 491 737 7.3 17,350 .30 1.06 2.9 2 b 4-inch seafloor (or 1/7 of 9-in. diam, 263 5.5 12.5 33.5 70 105 1.0 2.480 .04 .15 .4 (0) 1% gm. 0 c l-inch sector (of 9-111. (113111., 32 gm.) 66 1.4 3.1 8.4 18 26 .3 620 .01 .04 .1 (o) Pie crust. plain: - ‘Baked with: 501 Unenriched flour: * a 1 lower crust, 9-inch shell (135 sin-)- b 1 double crust, for 9-inch pie (270 3111.). 502 hriched flour: a. 1 lower crust, 9-inch shell (135 sin-)- b 1 double crust. for 9-inch pie (270 3111.). 503 Unbaked (fresh or frozen) , 1 pound...... 504 Pimientos, canned, 1 medium (38 gm.)...... Pineapple: 505 Raw: 5. 1 cup, diced (140 gm.)...... ....... ... b 1 slice (3/4 in. thick, 3-1/2 in. diam, 84 gm). 506 Canned, sirup pack, solids and liquid: 9. 1 cup crushed (260 gun). .............. b 2 small or 1 large slice plus 2 table- Spoons juice (122 gm). 507 Frozen, 4 ounces. ...................... . 508 Pineapple juice, canned, 1 cup (249 gm.).. 510 Plums (all, excluding pnmes) raw: a 1 plum (2-in. diam, 60 gm): refuse, pits. 5 percent. b 1 cup halves (2-in. diam, 185 gm.)..... Plums (Italian prunes), canned: 511 Sirup pack: a. 1 cup, fruit and juice (256 gm): refuse. pits, 4 percent. 1: 3 prunes (without pits) plus 2 table- sPoons juice (122 5111.). Note: Asterisk indicates that values are calculated from a recipe: psrentheses indicate imputed value. y The proximate constituents, calcium, phOSphorus, and vitamin A are calculated from a. recipe. 557 1.314 657 1.314 1,946 10 97 121 $8 186 92 I 10.1 20.2 10.1 20.2 30.0 -3 .4 1. 3 1.0 .5 36-3 72.6 36-3 72.6 107.6 .2 a [\J u.) .2 .2 .1 .4 .2 .1 71-7 143.4 71.7 143-4 212.0 2.2 50.2 24-9 15 3o 15 30 41 75 35 16 10 31 10 176 259 18 11 11 37 3o 15 -7 1.4 2.7 5.4 1.8 .6 .3 1.6 .7 .3 1.2 -9 2.7 1.3 870 180 110 210 100 110 560 .12 .07 .20 .07 .13 ~04 .04 .02 .02 .02 .04 .02 Ow .7 3.0 5-9 2.2 .1 .3 02 .4 .2 .2 -4 -9 -9 .5 (0) (o) (o) (o) (0) 23 11 :61 ‘ TABLE 3.--Composition of foods, common household unitsé-Continued «:61 Food Total ' ' road. deSCription, and em Pmtem rat cam” Calcium Phos- Iron “tram Thia- Ribo- Nia- 1:221“ approximate measure ergy hydrate phorus value mine flavin cin acid c_al_- 62- on- G_"_° HS: 144. 24- L!!- He; 2:2 22 He.- Popcorn; 513 Popped, 1 cup (14 gm.) .................. 54 1.8 0.7 10.7 (2) (39) (0.4) (0) (0.05) (0.02) (0.3) (0) Pork, fresh: Retail items. cooked: 518 Ham: 3. lpound with bone ................... 1,432 as, 118. 0. 39 854 11.1 (0) 1.90 .86 16.9 0 b l—pound without bone ............... . 1,818 109. 150. 0. 50 1.081 14.1 (0) 2.40 1.09 21.3 0 o 3ounces without bone .............. . 338 20. 28. 0. 9 202 2.6 (0) .45 .20 4.0 o 520 loin or chops: a lpound with bone .................. . 1,149 79, 90. o, 38 811 10.4 (o) 2.86 .83 17.4 o b lpound without bone. .............. . 1,508 104. 118. 0. 50 1,067 13.6 (0) 3.77 1.09 22.8 o c lchop (115 gm.) .................... 293 20. 23. 0. 10 204 2.6 (0) .72 .21 4.4 0 d 3 ounces without bone ............... 234 20. 22. O. 9 200 2.6 (0) .71 .20 4.3 0 Pork, cured: 523 Ram, smoked, cooked: a lpound with bone. .................. 1.496 87. 124. (1.5) 38 626 10.9 (0) 2.04 .80 15.7 0 b lpoundvrithout bone. ............... 1,804 104. 150. (1.8) 45 754 13.2 (o) 2.46 .96 18.9 o c Bounces without bone .............. . 339 20. 28. (.3) 9 141 2.5 (o) .46 .18 3.5 o luncheon meat: 524 ~.-Boiled ham, Zoumes. ................. 172 12.9 12.9 0. 5 52 1.5 (o) .57 .15 2.9 0 525 Canned, Spiced, 2oumes. ............ . 164 8.4 13.8 .9 5 91 1.2 (0) .18 .12 1.6 o Sausage, pork links or bulk, raw. See Sausage. pork. 527 Pork, canned, strained. (infant food), 36 4.8 1.7 0. 4 51 .5 (0) .10 .08 1.3 o 1 ounce. Potatoes: Cooked: 529 Baked: a. lpound. ............................ 446 10.9 .5 102.2 59 300 3.6 110 .50 .21 6.4 77 b lmedium potato (2—1/2 in- diam; 97 2.4 .1 22.3 13 65 .8 20 .11 .05 1.4 17 peeled, 99 gm., or unpeeled. 128 gm.: refuse, 23 pct.). 530 Boiled. unpeeled before cooking: a. 1 pound: refuse, cooked skins, 5 percent. ‘0 1 medium potato (2-1/2 in. diam; peeled, 142 gm. or unpeeled, 150 gm; refuse. 5 pct.). 531 Boiled, peeled before cooking: a. 1 pound ............................. b 1 medium potato (2-1/2 in. diam.) or 1 cup diced (126 gm). 532 Trench-fried: a. 1 pound ............................. b 8 pieces (2 by 1/2 by 1/2 111., 40 gm. . 533 ‘Fried raw: a 1 pound. .......................... .. b 1 cup (170 gm.) ..................... 534 ‘Hash-browned after holding overnight: a. 1 pound ............................. b 1 cup (195 gm.) ..................... 535 ‘Mashed, milk added: a. 1 pound. ........................... . 'b 1 cup (195 gm.) ..................... 536 ‘Mashed, milk and butter added: a. 1 pound ............................. b 1 cup (195 gm.) .................... . 537 Steamed or pressure-cooked: e. 1 pound ............................ . b 1 medium potato (2-1/2 in. diam.) or 1 cup diced (126 gm). Canned: 538 Solids and liquid, 1 cup (including some liquid, 250 gm). 539 Dreined solids! a 1 pound ............................. 'b 3—4 very Small potatoes (142 gnu)... 541 Potato’ chips, 10 medium (2—in. diam.) or 7 large (3-in. diam, 20 3111.). Note: Asterisk indicates that values are calculated from a. recipe: parentheses indicate imputed value. 359 118 378 105 1.784 157 1 , 281 479 1.094 470 369 159 559 378 105 378 118 108 8.6 .0 .5 .1 7.4 47 16 58 136 12 95 82 35 123 53 123 53 5‘8 (6) 241 481 180 422 181 281 121 268 115 254 71 98 254 80 (30) 3.0 1.0 (.4) 80 170 150 190 80 1.170 30 80 3o (10) .43 I43 .12 .82 .07 ~57 .21 .36 .15 -37 .16 .35 .15 .45 .12 ~14 .36 .11 (-04) .17 .15 -04 ~35 .13 .11 .25 .10 .23 .10 .18 .05 I07 .15 .05 (.02) 5.0 1.6 H H-E: H4> wax H-b WV mo 0 I “E” axxz \xo Cow \o-b HUI o 62 17 11 $8 $3 53? 5‘3 5‘15: 55?. 563} £61 m1: 3.-Composition of foods, common household units-~60ntin10d X r d 12 tel v road. description. and 8:: Protein Fat c;b°_ Calcium Phos- Iron “in“ Thia- an». Ma.- ‘32" approximate measure ergy hydrate phorus value mine flavin cin acid CJEELE'GU'Gl' 141014-111. 1421610112 543 Pretzels, 5 Small sticks (5 gm). ........ . 18 0.4 0.2 3.7 1 4 0.0 (0) Trace Trace Trace (o) Prunes. dried, unsulfured: 544 Uncooked: a. 4 large prunes: refuse, pits, 12 per- 94 .8 .2 24.8 19 30 1.4 660 0.03 0.06 0.6 1 cent (40-50 per 11)., 1-2/3 by 1 by 2/3-in.. 40 gm). b 4 medium prunes; refuse. pits, 15 per— 73 .6 .2 19.2 15 23 1.1 510 .03 .04 .5 1 cent (50-60 per 1b.. 1-1/2 by 1 by 1/2—in., 32 3111.). c 4 Small prunes: refuse. pits, 18 pen- 54 .5 .1 14.2 11 17 .8 380 .02 .03 .3 1 cent (70—80 per 1b., 1-1/3 by 1 by 1/2-in.. 24 gm). 4 1 cup medium; refuse, yits, 15 per- 375 3.2 .8 99.4 76 119 5.5 2.650 .14 .23 2.4 4 cent (165 3121.). 545 'Cooked, no sugar added (med. size); prunes and liquid; refuse, pits, 8 percent: a 1 pound ............................... 523 4.6 1.3 137.9 104 167 7-5 3.720 -13 ~33 3-3 4 b 1 (Sup, 16.18 prunes and 1/3 cup liquid. 310 2.7 .7 81.8 62 99 4.5 2,210 .07 .20 2.0 2 270 3m. 0 546 ‘Cooked, sugar added (med. size): prunes and liquid; refuse.pits. 7 percent: a, 1 pound. .............................. 695 4.2 .8 182.3 93 143 6.3 3.160 .13 .25 2.5 4 b lcup, 16-18 prunes and 1/3 cup liquid 483 2.9 .6 126.6 64 100 4.4 2.200 .09 .13 1.8 3 (315 gm- See also Plums (Italian prunes), canned. 547 Prunes, canned, strained. (infant food), 28 .3 .1 7-2 7 8 .4 210 .01 .01 .2 1 1 ounce. 548 Pmne juice. canned. 1 cup (240 gm)... 170 1.0 o. 46.3 (601 (96) (4.3) - (.07) (.19) 1.0 (2) 549 Tune whip: a. 1 pound. ............................... . 574 mg 1.4 168.4 118 191 8.2 3.910 .17 .49 3-3 9 b 1 cup (135 gm.) ........................ . 200 3. .4 50.1 35 57 2.4 1.160 .05 .15 1.0 3 Pudding, vanilla. See Blane mange. 551 552 553 554 555 556 557 553 559 560 561 562 a. b 563 564 e b 555 Note: Asterisk indicates that values are calculated from a recipe; parentheses indicate imputed value. Pumpkin, canned, 1 cup (228 gm). ......... Radishes, raw, 4 small (40 gm): refuse, tops and. rootlets, 51 percent. Raisins: Dried, unsulfured: 1 cup (160 gm.) ..................... .. 1 tablespoon (10 gm.) ................ . ‘Cooked, sugar added, 1 cup (295 gm.).... Raspberries; Black, raw, 1 cup (134 gm.) ............. Red: Raw. 1 cup (123 gm.) ................. . Fromm, 3 ounces ...................... Rhubarb: Raw, 1 cup diced (122 gm.) .............. ’Ccoked, sugar added: 1 pound ............................... 1 cup (272 gm.) ....................... Canned in sirup. See Cooked. Rice: Brown, raw. 1 cup (208 gm). .......... .. Converted: Raw, 1 cup (187 gm.). ............... .. 'Cooked: 1 pound ............................ . 1 cup (176 gm.) .................... . White or milled: Raw, 1 cu? (191 gm.) ................. . ‘Cooked: 1 pound. ............................ 1 Cup (168 gm.) ooooooooooooooooooooo Precooked. dry, 1 cup (110 gm.) ......... 429 26 572 100 70 84 19 639 383 748 677 525‘ 204 692 542 201 420 2.3 .2 10.9 4.2 14.5 11.4 4.2 9-7 I a o 0‘06) .5 '3 .1 -5 -3 3-5 .6 -5 .2 .6 .5 .2 .2 y Calcium may not be available because of presence of oxalic acid. 18.0 .8 113.9 7.1 150.7 21.0 17.0 21.0 4.6 163.4 97-9 161.6 148.5 115.3 44-7 151.7 118.9 44.0 91.6 (46) 125 112 1] 62 1 186 E; 112 (82) 3o 91 63° 195 g‘u dek§ (1.6) 1.4 .5 1.5 1.4 .5 .9 7.750 10 40 110 (o) (o) (0) (0) (0) (o) (0) (0) .04 .01 .02 .18 .03 .03 .01 .01 .03 .02 ~14 Trace .13 .01 .12 (.09) (.08) (-03) .10 .02 .05 .01 .02 1.2 -- .1 5 .8 Trace trace Trace .6 Trace (~4) (32) (-4) 29 (.2) 14 .1 11 .3 28 .2 17 9.6 (0) 7.2 (0) 4-9 (0) 1.9 (0) 3-1 (0) 1-9 (0) .7 (0) .1 (o) 561 mm 3.--Composit1011 of foods, common household with-Confined ‘66 read. description, and :2? Protein Fat 22:: 0mm PM» I!“ “tin“ Thia- Ri'bo- Ma.- #3:" approximate measure orgy hydrate phorus value mine flavin cin acid <21- e_... e... c;- 111- 111- 15.- I-_U- 16- £8; !5; 111- Rice products: 566 Flakes, 1 cup (30 gm.) .................. 118 1.8 0.2 26.3 6 35 0.5 (0) 0.02 0.03 0.3 (0) 567 Flakes (added thiamine and niacin), 1 cup, 118 1.8 .2 26.3 6 35 .5 (0) .14 .03 1.6 (0) (30 811-)- 568 Puffed, 1 cup (14 gm.) .................. 55 .8 .1 12.3 3 16 .3 (0) .01 .01 .1 (0) 569 Puffed (added thiamine and niacin), 1 cup, 55 .8 .1 12.3 3 16 .3 (o) .06 .01 .8 (0) (14 gin-)- Rice, wild. See Wild. rice. none: 570 Plain. unenriched (pan rolls): a. 1 roll (16 per 1b., 28 gm.) ........... 86 2.5 1.5 15.4 15 27 .2 0 .02 .03 .3 (o) b 1 roll (12 per 1b., 38 gm). ....... 118 3.4 2.1 20.9 21 36 .3 o .02 .04 .4 (0) c 1 roll (8 per 11)., 57 gm.) ............ 176 5.1 3.1 31.4 31 55 .4 0 .03 .06 .6 (0) 571 Plain. enriched (pan rolls): a. 1 roll (16 per 1b., 28 gm.) .......... . 86 2.5 1.5 15.4 15 27 y .5 o y .07 y.o4 y .6 (o) b 1 poll (12 per 1b.. 38 gm.) ---------- . 118 3.4 2.1 20.9 21 36 y .7 0 y .09 y.06 y .8 (0) c 1 roll (8 per 1b.. 57 gm) ------------ 176 5.1 3.1 31.4 31 55 _1j 1.0 0 y .14 gm y1.3 (0) Sweet: 572 Unenriched: a 1 package (6 mils. 330 gm-)- ------- 1,065 28.0 25.7 177.5 208 343 2.0 0 .18 .44 3.3 (o) b 1 roll (55 gm.) ..................... 178 4.7 4.3 29.6 35 57 .3 o .03 .07 .6 (o) 573 Enriched: a. 1 package (6 rolls, 330 gm.) ....... . 1,065 28.0 25.7 177.5 208 343 y 5.9 o y .80 y.51 y7.3 (0) b 1 roll (55 gm.) ..................... 178 4.7 4.3 29.6 35 57 y 1.0 0 y .13 y.08 gm (0) 575 Rntabagas, cooked: a 1 pound ................................ . 145 3.6 .5 34.0 250 186 1.8 1,590 .23 .32 3.2 95 b 1 cup cubed or sliced (155 gm.) ......... 50 1,2 ,2 11.6 85 64 .6 540 .08 .11 1.1 33 Rye bread. See Breads. 576 Rye flour, 118m. 1 cup, sifted (80 gm.).. 285 7.5 .8 62.3 18 148 .9 (o) .12 .06 .5 (0) 580 Rye wafers or "Swedish health bread". 43 1.6 .2 9.8 6 52 .6 (0) .04 .03 .2 (0) 2 wafers (1—7/8 by 3-1/2 in., 13 3111.). 581 a. b 582 a. 586 587 589 590 591 592 593 594 595 Note: Asterisk indicates that values are calculated from a. recipe; parentheses indicate imputed value. Salad dressing“ Commercial. plain (mayonnaise type): _2_/ 1 cup (235 gm.) ..................... .. 1 tablespoon (15 911.) ................ . French: 1 cup (240 gm.). ...................... 1' tablespoon (15 gm.). --------------- O ‘Home-cocked, boiled: 1 cup (270 gm.) ...................... . 1 tablesPoon (17 gm.). ............... . Mayonnaise: y 1 cup (205 3111.). oooooooooooooooooooooo 1 tab1e5p00n (13 gm.). ............... . Salad oil. See Oils, salad or cooking. Salmon: Cooked, Pacific, broiled or baked: 1 steak (4 by 3 by l/2-in., 1m gnu)... Canned, solids and. liquid (including bones): Chinook or King, 3 ounces. ........... . Chum, 3 ounces. ....................... Coho or silver, 3 ounces. ............. Pink or humpback 3 ounces. ........... Sockeye or red, 3 ounces. ............. Sardines: Atlantic type, canned in oil: Solids and liquid, 3 ounces. ......... . Drained solids, 3 ounces. ............. Pilchards, Pacific type, canned, solids and liquid; Natural pack, 3 ounces. ............... Tomato sauce, 3 ounces.. ............. . 945 59 28 1.451 92 173 118 140 122 147 288 182 171 184 .6 1.4 3/ i 3/ 3/ (0) (0) 243 15 39 131 212 197 159 220 301 328 (324) 324 (o) (0) 275 17 123 369 498 (143) 143 2.0 .8 .6 .8 1.0 3.0 2.3 (3-5} 3.5 (0) (o) 1.350 80 430 3o 50 7o 190 (20) .04 .07 Trace Trace (0) (0) (0) (o) .16 .46 .01 .03 .07 .07 Trace Trace .12 .33 .02 .12 .02 .13 .02 .15 .03 .16 .03 014 (.01) (.12) .01 .15 (.01) (.26) .01 .23 (o) (0) (o) (0) Trace (0) (O) (o) (0) Trace Trace (0) (0) (0) (0) (0) (0) (o) (0) (o) 1] Iron, thiamine, riboflavin, and niacin are based on the minimum level of enrichment Specified in the standards of identity of breads proposed by the Federal Security Agency and published in the Federal Register, August 3, 1943. 2] Minerals and vitamins are calculated from a recipe. 3/ If bones are discarded, calcium content mld be mud: lower. Bones equal about 2 percent of total contents of cm. LEI TABLE 3.--Composition of foods, common household units-4011011111136. 961: Food Total Vitamin Ascor- l‘ood. description, and en- Protein Fat carbo- Calcium Phos- Iron ‘ Thia— Ribo— Nia- bio approximate measure any hydrate phorus value mine flaviq cin acid L-l- 91.- 6m- G;- 19.- 14- 15.- 12- EB; 14.. 14:1- 24- Sauerkraut, canned: 596 Solids and. 11.3114, 1 cup (235 gm.) ...... 39 2.6 0.5 8.0 85 42 (1.2) 80 0.08 0.15 0.3 38 597 Drained solids: a. 1 pound. ......................... ‘ ...... 99 6.4 1.4 20.0 163 82 (2.3) 190 .15 .29 .5 74 b 1 cup (150 gm.) ...................... . 32 2.1 .4 6.6 54 27 (.8) 60 .05 .10 .2 24 Sausage: 598 80103.08: 8. 1 pound (1 by 2-3/4-in. diam.) ........ 1,005 67.2 72.2 16.3 (41) (508) 10.0 (0) .80 .85 12.2 0 b 1 piece (1 by 1-1/2—in. diam, 211 467 31.2 33.5 7.6 (19) (236) 4.6 (o) .37 .40 5.7 0 gm.)- 600 Frankfiuter, cooked: a 1 pound. .............................. 1,131 64. 91. 9. 27 222 5.4 (0) .72 .83 11.3 0 b 1 frankfurter (51 gm.) ................ 124 7. 10. 1. 3 25 .6 (o) .08 .09 1.3 0 601 Liver; livemust, 2 ounces ............ . 150 9.5 11.7 .9 5 135 3.1 3,260 .10 .63 2.6 (o) 602 Pork. links or bulk, raw, 4 ounces ...... 510 12.2 50.8 0. 7 113 1.8 (0) .49 .19 2.6 o 603 Pork, bulk, canned, 4 ounces. ........... 340 17.5 29.4 0. 10 188 2.6 (o) .23 .27 3.4 0 604 Vienna sausage, canned, 4 ounces ........ 244 17.9 18. 0. 10 193 2-7 (0) ~11 ~14 3-5 0 605 Scallops. raw, _ed.i'b1e muscle, 4 ounces.... 89 16.8 .1 3.9 29 236 2.0 0 .05 .11 1.6 -- 606 Shad or American shad, raw, 4 oumces 3.12.. 191 21.2 11.1 0. —- 295 .6 -- (.17) .27 9.6 .- 607 ’Sherbet: 1 a. 1 pint 386 gm.) ........................ 475 5.8 .2 115.8 193 154 .1 0 .07 .29 .2 (0) b 1/2 cup (96 gnu). ..................... .. 118 1.4 .0 28.8 48 38 .0 0 .02 .07 .0 (0) 608 ‘Shortbread (2 squares, 1-3/4 by 1.3/4.1:... 81 1.1 3.9 10.3 2 9 .1 0 .01 Trace .1 (o) 16 gm). Shrimp, canned: 609 Dry pack or drained solids of wet 108 22.8 1.2 - 98 224 2.6 50 .01 .03 1.9 (0) pack, 3 ounces. 610 Wet pack, solids and 11.11114, 3 ounces... 76 15.9 .8 .3 50 129 1.5 50 .01 .03 1.2 (0) 611 Sim. table blends (chiefly corn simp): a. 1 cup (328 3111.). ....................... . 939 (0-) (0—) (242-7) 151 52 134 0 0 -03 L -3 (0) b 1 tablespoon (Z) 301.). .................. 57 (0-) (0.) (14-8) 9 3 o 0 0 Trace race (0) Soups , canned: 2/ Bean: 612 Condensed, 11 ounces......... ....... .. 481 21.5 12.8 73.6 234 256 6.9 -- .25 .25 2.2 .- 613 Ready-to-serve, 1 cup (250 gm.)....... 191 8.5 5.0 29.5 95 102 2.8 - .10 .10 .8 — Beef: 614 Condensed, 11 ounces ...... . .......... . 248 15.0 8.4 27.8 37 156 .9 - -- —— -- .. 615 Ready-to-servc, 1 cup (250 gm). ..... . 100 6.0 3.5 11.0 15 62 .5 — -— _- -— -- Bouillon, broth, and consommex 616 Condensed, 11 ounces....... ......... .. 26 (6.) - (O.) 6 59 2.8 0 0 .12 1.6 O 617 Ready-to—serve, 1 cup (240 gm.)....... 9 (2.) —- (0.) 2 24 1.0 0 o .05 .6 0 Chicken; 618 Condensed, 11 mmces. ................ . 187 8.4 5.9 24.6 47 47 .9 -— .06 .34 3.7 .— 619 Ready-to-serve. 1 cup (250 gn.)....... 75 3.5 2.5 9.5 20 20 .5 -— .02 .12 1.5 - 620 Strained (infant food), 1 ounce....... 17 .9 .7 1.7 11 13 .1 7o Trace .03 .1 Trans Clam chowder: 621 Cendensed, 11 ounces..... ........... .. 210 10.9 5.9 30.2 84 187 8.7 -- - -- —_ -— 622 Ready-to—serve, 1 cup (255 gm.)....... 86 4.6 2.3 12.5 36 76 3.6 - -- -- -- —- Cream soup (asParagus, cele: , or mushroom): 623 Condensed, 11 ounces... ......... 279 6.9 16.2 29.6 162 140 .9 500 .12 .53 .3 3 624 Ready-to-serve, 1 cup (255 gm.)....... 201 7.1 11.7 18.4 217 176 .5 200 .05 .20 .1 (0) 625 Liver soup, strained '( infant food), 16 1.2 .3 2.0 5 18 .5 1,340 .02 .12 .5 1 1 ounce. Noodle, rice, or barley: 626 Condensed, 1.1 Ozinces..-..-.. ....... 291 15.3 10.9 32.4 206 215 .6 60 .06 .12 1.7 o 627 Realy—to-serve, 1 cup (250 3m-)....... 117 6.0 4.5 13.0 82 85 .2 3o .02 .05 .7 0 Pea: 628 Condensed, 11 ounces. .......... . ..... . 357 16.2 5.0 63.6 81 249 3.7 (1,120) .44 .19 3.1 9 629 Ready-to—serve, 1 cup (245 gm.)....... 141 6.4 2.0 25.0 32 98 1.5 (440) .17 .07 1.2 5 Tomatox 630 Condensed, 11 ounces.. ...... . ........ . 230 5.6 5.6 45.5 65 97 2.2 (3,120) .06 .25 1.9 22 631 Ready-'bo—serve, 1 cup (245 gm.)....... 90 2.2 2.2 17.9 24 39 1.0 (1.230) .02 .10 .7 10 Vegetable: 632 Condensed, 11 ounces........... ..... . 203 10.3 4.4 35.9 81 125 1.9 - .12 .19 2.8 19 633 Ready-to-serve, 1 cup (250 gm.)....... 82 4.2 1.8 14.5 32 50 .8 —- .05 .08 1.0 8 634 Strained (infant food). 1 ounce....... 12 .7 .1 2.6 7 11 .3 700 .02 .02 .1 Trace 635 Vegetable and lamb soup. strained 14 .7 .3 2.2 6 10 .2 740 .01 .01 .3 Trace (infant food), 1 ounce. Note: Asterisk indicates that values are calculated from a recipe: parentheses indicate imputed value. _1_/ Based on 6.8 pounds to the gallon, factory packed. H 2/ A11 readyu-bo-serve soups are calculated. from equal weights of the condensed soup and water except cream soup which was based on equal ‘(3 weights of the condensed soup and milk. 1 ‘ mm 3.-Coq;osition of foods. common household with-Contimed r d 1 1:51 - ' Food. descriptéon. mad 9:: Protein Fat chbo- Calcium Phos- Iron Vitinlm Thia- Ribo- Nia- ‘Zcizr- approximate measure ergy hydrate phoms value min: flawin cin acid L-l- Ln- an. e... 19.- 144. 56: 11- 146 1‘5: E8_- 14:.- Soups, dehydrated: 636 Navy bean, 1 ounce y ................... 92 5.0 0.3 17.8 38 120 2.6 0 0.12 0.05 0.6 Trace 637 Pea, 1 ounce _2] ........................ . 93 5.8 .3 17.3 19 103 1.5 60 .16 .05 .9 Trace 638 Soybeans, whole. mature, dried, 1 cup 695 73.3 38.0 3] 73.1 477 1.231 16.8 230 2.25 .65 4.9 Trace (210 55111.). 639 Soybean curd, 1 cake (2—3/4 by 2-1/2 by 85 8.4 4.9 3.6 120 114 1.8 -- .07 .06 .4 (o) 1—in., 120 gm). Soybean flour, flakes, grits: 640 Low fat, 1)cup soy flour, stirred. 230 45.1 1.1 3] 38.1 268 629 13.1 70 1.11 .35 2.9 (o) (101 gm. . 641 Medium fat: a. 1 cup soy flour, stirred (88 gm)..." 232 37.4 5.7 3] 32 7 215 537 11.4 100 .72 .30 2.3 (0) b 1 cup soy grits (138 8111.). ........... . 365 58.6 9.0 3] 51.3 337 842 17.9 150 1.12 .46 3.6 (0) 642 m1 fat, 1 cup (soy flour. stirred. 250 25.8 14.8 3] 21 5 140 398 8.7 100 .56 .20 1.6 (0) 72 gm). 643 Soybean milk (without added calcium and 38 3.9 1.7 2.4 24 53 .8 - .10 .05 .3 (o) vitamins).4 ounces. 644 Soybean sprouts, raw, 1 cup (107 911.)..." 49 6.6 1.5 5.7 51 72 1.1 190 .24 .21 .9 14 Spghetti: Unenrichedx 645 Dry, 1 cup (2411. Pieces, 94 gm.) ..... 354 12.0 1.3 71.9 21 155 1.4 (o) .09 .06 1.9 (o) 6.46 ‘Cooked: e 1 pound. ............................ 678 23.2 2.7 137.1 41 295 2.7 (o) .08 .08 2.2 (o) b 1 cup (146 gm). .................... 218 7.4 .9 44.1 13 95 .9 (o) .03 .02 .7 (o) Enriched: 647 Dry. 1 cup (2-in. pieces, 94 911.)..." 354 12.0 1.3 71.9 21 155 4] 2.7 (o) 4] .83 4].35 4]5.6 (o) 648 'Cookedz a 1 pound. ........................... . 678 23.2 2.7 137.1 41 295 5.0 (o) .79 .47 6.4 (o) ‘b 1 cup (146 3111-) --------------------- 218 7.4 .9 44.1 13 95 1.6 (o) .25 .15 2.1 (0) Sp inachx 649 Raw, 4 ounces E.P.. .................... . 650 Cooked; a. 1 pound. .............................. b 1 cup (180 gm.) ....................... Canned: 651 Solids and liquid, 1 cup (232 gm.).... 652 Drained solids; a 1 pound. ........................... . b 1 cup (180 gm.) .................... . 653 Strained (infant food), 1 ounce ...... . 656 Squash, summer, cooked, diced: 3 1 pound. ................................. b 1 cup (210 gm.) ......................... Squash, winter: Cooked: 659 Baked, mashed: a. 1 pound. ........................... . b 1 cup (205 gm). ................... . 660 Boiled, mashed: a. 1 pound. ........................... e b 1 cup (228 gm.) .................... . 661 Canned, strained (infant food), 1 ounce. 662 Starch, pure (including arrowroot, corn. etc.)3 a. 1 cup (128 3130). oooooooooooooooooooooooo b 1 tablespoon (8 gm.) oooooooooooooooooo a. Note: Asterisk indicates that values are calculated from a recipe; parentheses indicate imputed value. Hm mg m U15 to . . . . . ' . man- u: an m LON Wm woo I w4>~oo \oox y Navy been meal with farinaceous flour up to 15 percent. 2] Pea meal with farinaceous flour up to 15 percent. 3.] Approximately 40 percent of this total amount of carbohydrate calculated by difference is sugar, starch, and dextrin. The remaining portion is made up of materials thought to be utilized only poorly if at all by the body. 111.4 7.0 109 49 86 43 (o) (o) 62 150 59 77 150 59 11 159 72 127 ":(0) (o) (0) (o) 10,680 53.480 21.200 15.750 34.650 13.740 1,190 1,180 550 28,100 12,690 22.470 11 .290 '".60 z (0) (0) ea -04 .10 .01 .18 .08 .23 .10 .18 .01 (0) (0) .32 .15 .68 .31 .45 .23 .02 (o) (0) 1.8 (0) (0) «1&8? $2 311% 8‘8 31 23 11 (0) (0) 4/ Iron, thiamine, riboflavin, and niacin are based on the minimum level of enrichment specified in the standards of identity promulgated under the Food, Drug. and Cosmetic Act. 5/ Calcium may not be available because of presence of oxalic acid. TABLE 3.-Couposit10n of foods, common household with-Confined Food Total Food. description, and en- Protein Fat carbo- Calcium Phos- Iron Viti‘mm Thia- Ri'bo- Nil:— 1:15 approximate measure ergy hydrate phoma value mine flavin oin cold 9&- E- GM 51- 258: k- !5: $1.".- EB; 26.- £6; £8: Strawberries: 663 Ran. capped. 1 cup (149 gnu). .......... . 54 1.2 0.7 12.4 42 40 1.2 90 0.04 0.10 0.4 89 664 Frozen, 3 ounces ........................ 90 .5 .3 22-6 19 19 '5 p '02 '04 '2 35 5113838: 665 Grazmlated. cane or beat: a. 1 cup (200 gm.) ....................... 770 (o_) (0) 199.0 __ __ .. (o) (o) (o) (o) (o) b 1 tablespoon (12 3111.). ................ 4g (0.) (0.) 12.4 .. —. -- (0) (0) (o) (0) (0) c 1 teaspoon (4 gm.) ................... . 15 (0,) (0,) 4,2 .. -_ .. (0) (0) (0) (0) (0) a 1 piéce, 1ump sugar (1-1/8 by 5/8 by 27 (0.) (0.) 7-0 - - -— (0) (0) (0) (0) (0) 1/8 in., 7 gm). 666 Pomlered: a. 1 :ug sug;r, (stirred before naming, 493 (0.) (0.) 127.4 __ .. _. (0) (o) (O) (0) (0) 2 gm. . b 1 tablespoon (8 gm.) ................. - 31 (0.) (0.) 8.0 - -- - (0) (0) (0) (0) (0) 667 Brown: a 1 cup. firm-packed (220 gm.) .......... 813 (0.) (0.) 210.1 y167 y 81 5.7 (o) (0) (0) (0) (0) b 1 bab1espoon (14 gm.) ................. 51 (0.) (0.) 13.1 1] 10 y 5 .4 (o) (0) (0) (0) (o) 571 11:91.3, 1 piece (1-3/4 by 1-1/4 by 1/2 104 - -- (27-) - - - - - -- -- -— in., 30 gm). Sweetpotatoesx Cooked: 673 Baked: a. 1 pound ............................. 691 10.0 4.1 156.2 168 272 4.1 2413.160 .45 .29 3.5 105 b 1 sweetpogato, peeled (5 by 2.16., 183 2.6 1.1 41.3 44 72 1.1 g]11,410 .12 .08 .9 28 120 gm. . 674 Boiled: a. 1 pound ............................ . 560 8.2 3.2 126.7 136 222 3.2 234.960 .39 .24 2.9 90 b 1 sweetpotato, peeled. (5 by 2-1/2 252 3.7 1.4 57.2 62 100 1.4 g/15.780 .18 .11 1.3 41 1.11.. 205 911.). 675 Candied: a 1 pound ............................. 813 6.8 16.3 164.3 163 204 4.1 g/28,380 .18 .18 2.3 41 b 1 Small sweetpotato (3-1/2 by 314 2.6 6.3 63.4 63 79 1.6 gj10.94o .07 .07 .9 16 2-1/4-1n., 175 3111.). 676 Canned. vacuum or solid pack. 1 cup 233 4.4 .2 54.5 54 89 1.7 19,300 .12 .09 1.1 31 (218 gm). Ol - VS“ O 0906” Swordfish: 679 Cooked. broiled; 1 steak (3 by 3 by 1/2-in-. 125 gm)” 223 34.2 8.5 o. 25 314 1.4 2.880 .06 .07 12.9 (o) 630 Tangerines (including other Mandarin 35 .6 .2 8.8 (27) (19) (.3) (340) .06 (.02) (.2) 25 type oranges), 1 medium tangerine (2—1/2—in. diam, 114 gm). Tangerine juice, unsweetened; 681 Fresh, 1 cup (2469.) ................ .. 95 2.2 .7 22.6 47 39 (,5) (1,040) '17 (.06) .6 75 682 Canned, 1 cup (24b gm.) ................. 95 2.2 .7 22.6 47 39 .5 (1.040) (-15) (~06) (.6) (64) 683 Tapioca, dry, 1 cup, emulated quickn - 547 (.9 .3 131-3 13 18 (1.5) (0) (0) (0) (0) (0) cooking, stirred 152 gm). TOmatoeS: 684 Rear: 8. 1 mec1§um E.P. (2 by 2—1/2-in., 150 30 1.5 .4 6.0 16 4o .9 1,640 .08 .06 .8 35 911. . b 1 small E.P. (1-3/4 by 2-1 4-1:», 22 1.1 _3 4.4 12 3o .7 1 210 .06 05 6 26 110 5111.). ' ' ° 685 Canned or cooked, 1 cup (242 gm.) ....... 46 2.4 .5 9.4 (27) (65) (1.5) 2.540 .14 .08 1.7 40 686 Tomato juice. canned, 1 cup (242 8:11.)...“ 50 2,4 .5 10.4 (17) (36) (1.0) 2.540 _12 .07 1.8 38 687 Tomato oatsupx a. 1 cup (273 911.). ........................ 268 5,5 1.1 66.9 33 49 2.2 (5.130) .25 '19 6.1 31 b 1 tablespoon (17 5...). .................. 17 .3 .1 4.2 2 3 .1 (320) .02 .01 .4 2 689 Tomato puree. canned, 1 cup (249 gm.)..... 90 4,5 1.2 17.9 (27) (92) (2_7) 4,680 .22 .17 4.5 69 Tomato soup. See Soups, canned, tomato. 69o Tongue, beef, medium fat. raw,4ounces... 235 18.6 17. .5 10 212 3.2 (o) .14 .33 5.7 (o) 691 rort111as.1 tortilla (5.11:. diam, 20 gm.) 50 1.2 (.6) 9.7 22 37 ,43/ 4o .04 .01 .2 -- Note: Asterisk indicates that values are calculated from a. recipe: parentheses indicate imputed value. 1] Calcium and phosphorus are based on dark brown sugar: values would be lower for light brown sugar. 3/ If very pale varieties only were used, the vitamin A value would be very much lower. 3] Vitamin A value of tortillas made from yellow corn: tortillas made from white corn have no vitamin A value. EV! TABLE 3.--Coqosition of foods, cannon household unitso-Contimod Food tal rood, description. and up Protein “t :21». 081cm Phos- Inn “tin“ Thia- Ribo- no. 2:” Ippmximte measure orgy hydrate phorus value nine {10.7111 cin acid E: GI- E 0;- 1‘5: ‘16.- 1‘5.- L‘l- £8. £5: £8; £5: Tuna fish, canned: 692 Solids and liquid, 3 ounces ............. 21,7 20.2 17.8 o. 6 250 1.0 (180) (0.04) (0.08) (9.1) (o) 693 Drained sonds, 3ounces ............... . 169 24.7 7.0 o. (7) (299) 1.2 70 .04 .10 10.9 (o) 694 Turkey, medium fat, raw, 4 ounces 11.2 ..... 304 22.8 22.9 o. 26 363 4.3 Trace .10 .16 9.1 (o) Tumips: 695 Raw, 1 cup diced (134 gm). ............. 43 1.5 .3 9.5 54 46 .7 Trace .07 .09 .6 38 696 Cooked: e 1 pound ............................... 122 3.6 .9 27.2 182 154 2.3 Trace .18 .27 1.8 82 h 1 cup diced (155 gm). ................ 42 1.2 .3 9.3 62 53 .8 Trace .06 .09 .6 28 Turnip greens; Cooked: 698 Boiled in small or moderate amount of water until tender: e 1 pound ........................... .. 135 13.2 1.8 24.5 1,176 227 10.9 48,120 .27 1.86 3.2 272 b 1 cup (145 gn.) .................... . 43 4,2 .6 7.8 376 72 3.5 15,370 .09 .59 1.0 87 699 Boiled in large amount of water, long time: a. 1 pound ............................ . 135 13.2 1.8 24.5 1,176 227 10.9 48.120 .23 1.63 2.7 204 b 1 cup (145 gu.)..... ................ 43 4,2 .6 7.8 376 72 3.5 15.370 ~07 -52 .9 55 70° 082?; 8°)lids and liquid. 1 cup 41 3.5 .7 7.4 232 70 3.7 10,210 .03 .21 1.3 45 gm. . Veal, cooked: 705 wtlet (wholesale mund): a. 1 pound without bone. ..... . ......... .. 993 127. 50. o. 54 1,171 15.9 (0) y.37 y1.26;}_/27.5 0 b 3 ounces without bone ................ . 184 24. 9. o. 10 219 3.0 (0) gm y .24 yaz o 707 Shoulder roast (wholesale aback)! a 1 pound with bone. .................. .. 762 94. 40. 0. 40 867 12.1 (0) .44 1.05 26.5 o b 1 pound without bone .................. 1,029 127. 54. o. 54 1,171 16.3 (0) .60 1.42 35.8 o e 3 ounces without bone ................. 193 24. 1o. 0. lo 219 3.1 (0) .11 .27 6.7 o 709 Stew meat: e 1 pound without bone ................ .. 1,344 114. 95. o. 50 563 13.6 (0) 2m 3/1.09 3/214 0 h 3 ounces without bone ................. 252 21. 18. o. 9 105 2.6 (o) g].04_2/ .20 2] 3.9 0 710 Veal, canned. strained (infant food), 24 4.5 .5 0. 4 48 .5 (O) .01 .09 1.6 0 1 ounce. 711 Vegetables, mixed, strained, canned 8 .5 .0 2.0 9 10 .3 3/ .01 .01 .1 1 (infant food). 1 ounce. Vienna. sausage. See Sausage. 712 Vinegar: a. lcup (240 gm.).... .................. 29 o. .— (12.0) 17 24 1.2 .. .. .. .. _ b 1 tablespoon (15 9...). ................. . 2 o. __ (.8) 1 2 ,1 _. -- .. .. ._ ‘Wafi‘les, baked with: 11 'ch (1 f1 713. n??3...§...f‘fff ..... ......... 1.304 42.2 48.1 171.6 872 926 4.5 1.630 .29 .82 1.6 (o) b 1 waffle (4-1/2 by 55/8 by 1/2-in., 216 7.0 8.0 28.4 144 153 .8 270 .05 .14 .3 (0) . 75egmoio 1mm}. f -- 714. llpound..ilfi ........................ . 1,304 42.2 48.1 171.6 872 926 8.2 1,630 .83 1.22 6.0 (o) b 1.6211. (4.1/2 by 5.5/8 by 1/2-in., ' 216 7.0 8.0 28.4 144 153 1.4 270 .14 .20 1.0 (o) 75 511.). 1 Walmt , P i or Er lish: 7 5. 1 6311:1151:st100 (4.1)....“ ........... . 654 15.0 64.4 15.6 83 380 2.1 30 .48 .13 1.2 3 b 1 tablespoon chopped (8 91...)..W 49 1.1 4.8 1.2 6 28 .2 Trace .04 .01 .1116“ Water Cress. See Cress, water. 716 Watermelons: refuse, rind and seeds, 54 percent: a. Wedge (4 by 8-1... 1/16 melon 16 by 120 2.1 .9 29.4 30 51 .9 2.530 .20 .22 .7 26 10—111., 925 gm). 08 08 b 1/2 slice (3/4 by 10-111., 345 gm.)...... 45 .8 .3 11.0 11 19 .3 950 . . .3 10 Wheat flours: 72 Whole (from hardwheats), 1 cup, stirred 400 16.0 2.4 85.2 49 446 4.0 (o) .66 .14 5.2 (0) (190 3111.). 723 80-percent extraction (from hard wheats), 401 13.2 1.4 81.5 26 210 1.4 (0) .28 .08 2.3 (0) 1 cup sifted (110 gm). Notes Asterisk indicates that values are calculated from a. recipe: parentheses indicate imputed value. y Data aesume cut to be prepared by bruising or pet roasting. Use of proportionate quantity of dripping: would add. approximately 50 garcont more thiamine and niacin and 25 ercent more riboflavin. g 2 Use of proportionate quantity of liqui would double amount of thiamine and niacin and add one-third more riboflavin. U1 3'] Vitamin A value ranges from 270 to 1.510 LU. per ounce. MI! 3.-Conposition of foods, common household with-Contimod l'ood Total Food. description. and en- Protein Fat oarbo- Calcium Phos- Iron Vitzmin Thia- beo— N10.- 1:1“ approximate measure erg: hydrate phorus value nino fluvin cin acid 99.1.- ‘Lfl- Gm 0-. Es: 1‘8.- ‘18: L!- !6; £8.- £8.- 1‘5: Wheat floursucontimed Self-rising: 726 Uncm'iched, 1 cup sifted (110 gm.).... 385 10.1 1.1 81.2 299 532 1.1 (o) 0.08 0.05 1.3 (0) 727 Enriched, 1 cup sifted (110 gm.) ...... 385 10.1 1.1 81.2y 299 532_1_/ 3.2 (o) y .48 y .29 y3.8 (0) Patent: All-purpose or family flour: 728 Unenriched, 1 cup sifted (110 gm.).. 401 11.6 1.1 83.7 18 96 .9 (0) .07 .05 1.0 (o) 729 Enriched, 1 cup sifted (110 gm.).... 401 11.6 1.1 83.7 18 96 g] 3.2 (o) _2/ .48 y .29 {43.8 (0) Bread flour: 730 Unenriched. 1 cup sifted (112 gm.).. 408 13.2 1.2 83.7 18 106 1.0 (o) .09 .06 1.1 (o) 731 Enriched. 1 cup sifted (112 smo)---- 408 13.2 1.2 83.7 18 106 y 3.2 (o) :2] .49 g/ .29 g/3.9 (o) 732 Cake or pastry flour, 1 cup sifted 364 7.5 .8 79,4 17 73 . (o) .03 .03 .7 (o) (100 gm). ‘ Wheat products! Bran, breakfast cereals. See Bran. 733 Flakes, 1 cup (35 gm.) ............... . 125 3.8 .6 28.1 16 115 1.0 (o) .03 .06 1.7 (0) 734 Flakes (added iron, thiamine, and 125 3.8 .6 28.1 16 115 1.5 (o) .20 .06 2.2 (o) niacin) 1 cup (35 gm). 735 Gem. 1 cup stirred (68 3111.)... ....... 246 17.1 6.8 33.7 57 745 5.5 (o) 1.39 .54 3.1 (o) 736 Puffed, 1 cup (12 gm.) ................ 43 1.3 .2 9.6 6 39 .4 (o) .01 .02 .6 (o) 737 Puffed (added iron. thiamine, and. 43 1.3 .2 9.6 6 39 .5 (o) .07 .02 .8 (o) niacin) 1 cup (12 gnu). 739 'Rolled, cooked: e. 1 pound ............................ . 341 10.0 1.8 76.7 36 345 3.2 (o) .33 .12 .4.1 (o) b 1 Cup (236 gm.) ..................... 177 5.2 .9 39.9 19 179 1.7 (o). .17 .06 2.1 (o) Shredded: 740 Plain: a . 1 large biscuit (4 by 2-1/4 81.. 102 2.9 .7 22.7 13 102 1.0 (0) .06 .03 1.3 (o) 1 oz. . b 1 small biscuit (2—1/2 by 2-in., 79 2.2 .6 17.6 10 79 .8 (o) .05 .03 1.0 (0) 22 gm.,. c 1 round biscuit (24 gm.) .......... 86 2.4 .6 19.2 11 86 .8 (o) .05 .03 1.1 (o) 741 With added malt and Sugar: 1 cup bite-size biscuits or 1 cup 213 5.3 .7 49.7 30 202 2.5 (0) 37 .11 .09 2.7 (o) shreds (60 3111.). SZ9LIV- 0 L56! :I-IDIJJO Dmlmud .LNENNHSAOD 'S 'n 743 ‘Whole noel, cooked: e. 1 pound. . . . . ........................ . . b lcup (243 3111.)... .................. .. 745 "JJhole meal (added wheat germ, iron, and thiamine) , cooked: a. lpound. ....... ............ ......... .. b lcup (2113 3111.)“... nnnnnnnn on ....... 9 meat and malted. barley cereal. See Breakfast foods, nixed cereals. 748 White sauce, medium: a. lpound......... ................... cocoa b lcup (265 gm.).. ................... .... 749 Wild rice, parched, raw, 1 cup (163 gm.).. Yeast: 750 CompreSSed, baker's, 1 ounce. ......... .. 751 Dried, brewer's, 1 table5poon (8 gm)... 327 175 248 133 429 593 24 22 18.2 10.6 23.0 (3 0) (3-0) 1.4 ~7 1~4 ~7 .1 .1 71~7 3804 53-6 28. 522 305 31 377 202 295 158 431 252 553 172 151 ~5 ~3 1-4 105 (0) (0) 2,310 1.350 (0) (0) (0) ~25 1.00 ~53 .16 ~09 ~73 ~78 .15 .08 .12 0% .70 .41 1.03 ~ 59 ~44 '1 ~3 10.0 (0) (0) (0) (0) PM (0) (0) (0) Note; Asterisk indicates that values are calculated from a recipe: parentheses indicate imputed vane. y Iron. thiamine. riboflavin, and niacin are based on the minimum level of enrichment Specified. in the standards of identity pmnulgated under the Food, Drug. and Ccsmet ic Act. Calcium is based on the level usually found in self-rising flour, which is in excess of the minimum (500 mg. per pound) required. “See page 4 . 2] Iron, thiamine, riboflavin. and niacin are based on the minim level of enrichment specified in the standards of identity promulgated under the Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act. 3/ For brands that are oven-toasted thiamine will be 0.03 mg. [in U. C. BERKE RARIES H1 H Hililliifllllflllmllll Cl] wanna