FUNDED IN PART BY NATIONAL ENDOWMENT FOR THE HUMANITIES REPRODUCTIONS MAY NOT BE MADE WITHOUT PERMISSION. AUT HOR : Colombia .Laws, statutes , TITLE : United States of Columbia CV] Law ug of 1882 (28th August) concevning public lands. Decvee. PLACE : Lonndon DATE : 18827 VOLUME : (5 CALL Ce > M NEG :a3- NO ° wo.2 A462 A Yop 7 7, ¥ Vv 7 \ &° od, & o £ Zz, \ «56% VV, , V4 0 Nv, “ “ &Y NN \ » =r & A \° NW / t \\ PRA Nd Y¢¢ N 7) EE att N XY o . — A 8 o hl > aS Sl =) ef) © > So o TEBE = > uw L = S588 © i” AB F932, =] © = - i EEE : 3° © — a : > 0° = < ~ NG \Z \ A > £ NL AN ASA IE LI A O37 “A 5 : DN I PA a O - “AN a “ad A v 2, La 3? / 0 YN SAN A A FILMED AND PROCESSED BY LIBRARY PHOTOGRAPHIC SERVICE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA BERKELEY CA 94720 aN JOBNO. | 12 712 JE— raat aa a———— L wre 11 9/3 REDUCTION RATIO 8 DOCUMENT Tic boncrofe Libary SOURCE UNNUMBERED PAGE [S] numbering starts at P-4: pp-0d- C31] not indicated UNITED STATES OF COLU! LAW 48 OF 1882 (28TH AUGUST), CONCERNING PUBLIC LANDS. Oplom bio.. Laws, statutes ete, 7 DECREE. LONDON : COUNCIL OF FOREIGN BONDHOLDERS, 17, MOORGATE STREET. LONDON : PRINTED BY WERTHEIMER, LEA & CO, CIRCUS PLACE, LONDON WALL. «DIARIO OFICIAL,” 31st AUGUST. LEY 48 DE 1882 (28 DE AGOSTO), SOBRE TIERRAS BALDIAS. El Congreso de los Estados Unidos de Colombia DECRETA : ART. 1° La ley mantiene el principio de que la propie- dad de las tierras baldias se adquiere por el cultivo, cual - quiera que sea la extension, y ordena que el Ministerio plblico ampare de oficio 4 los cultivadores y pobladores en la posesion de dichas tierras, de conformidad con la ley 61 de 24 de Junio de 1874. Pardgrafo. Para adquirir gratGitamente una porcion del terreno adyacente, igual en extension 4 la ocupada con dehesas de ganado, conforme al articulo 2.° de la ley 61 de 1874, se necesita que dicha porcion ocupada esté cu- bierta de pastos artificiales. Los duefios de dehesas de ganados establecidos en pastos naturales de los terrenos baldios, slo tendran derecho al uso de éstos miéntras estén ocupados. La propiedad del terreno cercado por los colones, del modo como se expresa en el articulo 3.° de la ley 61 de 1874, no se extenders 4 una porcion mayor del doble de la que esté cultivada. 4 ART. 2.° Los cultivadores de los terrenos baldios, esta- blecidos en ellos con casa y labranza, ser4n considerados como poseedores de buena fe, y no podrén ser privados de la posesion sino por sentencia dictada en juicio civil ordi- nario. ART. 8° Las tierras baldias se reputan bienes de uso pa- blico, y su propiedad no se prescribe contra la Nacion, en ningun caso, de conformidad con lo dispuesto en el articulo 2,519 del Cédigo Civil ART. 4° En el juicio plenario de propiedad del terreno, 4nico admisible contra los cultivadores de terrenos baldios, establecidos en ellos con casa y labranza, el actor deberd exhibir los titulos legales de propiedad de la tierra que reclama, que tengan una antigiiedad de 10 aos, por lo ménos, y en los cuales se expresen, con toda eclaridad, los linderos del terreno que reclama como Suyo. ART. 5° Aun en el caso de que el cultivador pierda el juicio de propiedad, no serd desposeido del terreno que ocupa, sino despues de que haya sido indemnizado del valor de las mejoras puestas en el terreno, como poseedor de buena fe. Parégrafo 1.° Las mejoras 4 que se refiere este articulo consisten en los desmontes, empalizadas, cultivos y habi- taciones, cuya estimacion se har4, por peritos, como lo deter- mina el Cédigo Judicial de la Union en los Territorios, ¥ ol Judicial del Estado en donde se haya hecho la ad- judicacion. Pardgrafo 2.° Miéntras no se haya efectuado el pago, valor de las mejoras, se carece de derecho para pedir el lanzamiento. ART. 6.° Los Agentes del Ministerio pblico amparardn de oficio 4 los cultivadores de las tierras baldias, debiéndose 5 reputar 4 dichos Agentes como parte legitima en los juicios de propiedad que contra aquellos se promuevan. ART. 7.° Los terrenos baldfos que la Nacion enajene por cualquier titulo vuelven grattitamente 4 ella al cabo de 10 afios, si no se estableciere en tales terrenos, durante ese tiempo, alguna industria agricola 6 pecuaria. Parégrafo. Los reglamentos del Poder Ejecutivo determi- nardn de antemano, y con toda fijeza, la relacion entre la extension adjudicada y la que debe cultivarse G ocuparse con ganados, para conservar aquella, pero en ningun caso se fijard ménos de la décima parte de la porcion adju- dicada. ART. 8° Los terrenos baldios que por cualquier titulo se adjudiquen, quedan sujetos 4 las servidumbres necesarias para el eémodo uso y goce de los terrenos que quedan como baldios y que requieran esas servidumbres. ART. 9° En toda adjudicacion de tierras baldias, por cualquier titulo que ella se haga, se entenderdn expresa- mente salvados los derechos de propiedad de los ocupantes, Jos cuales ser4n amparados contra los adjudicatarios, en los términos de la presente ley. ART. 10. En toda adjudicacion de tierras baldias que comprenda una extension de més de mil hectéreas, el agrimensor que haga las operaciones de mensura y levanta- miento de planos, debera determinar la posicion astrondmica del terreno por longitud y latitud de uno de sus puntos sobre cualquiera de los linderos. ART. 11. En ningun caso podré adjudicarse 4 un mismo individuo 6 Compaififa una extension de terreno mayor de cinco mil hectdreas ; ni 4 diversos individuos 6 entidades, en extension continua, una superficie mayor de cinco mil 6 hect4reas, pues siempre deberdn dejarse, entre una y otra porcion, lotes alternados, por lo ménos de igual extension 4 los adjudicados, que la Nacion reserva exclusivamente para cultivadores. En todo caso, se exigird tambien que el peri- metro del 4rea que haya de adjudicarse sea tal, que su mayor longitud sea préximamente igual 4 su mayor an- chura. ART. 12. Las tierras baldias que existen en las cordilleras que sirven de limites 4 dos 6 mas Estados, y entre los cen- tros poblados de cada Estado y los rios navegables, que sean vias nacionales, se reservan para aplicarlas exclusivamente 4 los objetos siguientes : 1° Para el fomento de nuevas poblaciones ; 92.° Para adjudicaciones 4 cultivadores, y 3.° Para el fomento de las vias de comunicacion. ART. 13. El Poder Ejecutivo dictard todas las disposi- ciones necesarias para que esta ley tenga su debido cumpli- miento. Ordenars que de ella y de las disposiciones vigentes de la ley 61 de 1874 y sus concordantes, se haga una edicion especial, la cual serd distribuida gratuita y profusamente en todos los pueblos de la Republica, para que llegue & conocimiento de los cultivadores y pobladores de tierras baldias. ART. 14. Lo dispuesto por la presente ley no afecta los derechos adquiridos por los adjudicatarios 6 compradores de tierras baldias, de acuerdo con las disposiciones sobre la materia vigentes cuando se hizo la adjudicacion 6 la venta. Dada en Bogoté, 4 24 de Agosto de 1882. El Presidente del Senado de Plenipotenciarios, ANIBAL GALINDO. 7 El Presidente de la C4mara de Representantes, FrANcIsco MuNoz. El Secretario del Senado de Plenipotenciarios, Julio E. Pérez. El Secretario de la Camara de Representantes, Carlos Cotes. Poder Ejecutivo nacional— Bogotd, 28 de Agosto de 1882. Publiquese y ejecttese. (L. S.) FRANCISCO J. ZALDUA. El Secretario de Hacienda, MIGUEL SAMPER. UNNUMBERED PAGE [S] should be p-8 [TRANSLATION. «DIARIO OFICIAL,” 31sT AUGUST, 1882. LAW 48 OF 13882 (28TH AUGUST), CONCERNING PUBLIC LANDS. The Congress of the United States of Columbia DECREES :— ART. 1. The law maintains the principle that property in public lands is acquired by their cultivation, whatever be their extent; and commands the authorities to uphold, de officio, cultivators and settlers in the possession of such land, according to Law 61, of June 24th, 1874. In order to obtain gratis a tract of adjoining land, equal in extent to an area used as a cattle run, in the terms of Law 61, of 1874, Art. 2, it is requisite that the area sO used be laid down in artificial grasses. The owners of cattle runs established in natural pastures on public lands shall only have a right to their use so long as they remain occupied. : The property of land fenced in by settlers, according to the provisions of Art. 3, Law 61, of 1874, shall not em- brace an area greater than twice as much as may be under cultivation. 9 ART. 2. The cultivators of public lands, established thereon with house and tillage, shall be considered as bon fide possessors of the same, and shall not be dispossessed except by sentence given in ordinary civil judgment. ART. 3. The public lands are considered as effects of public use, and no length of occupancy prescribes a right of ownership as against the nation, in any case whatever, according to the provisions of Art. 2519 of the Civil Code. ART. 4. In what is called—*juicio plenario de propiedad del terreno” (plenary judgment as distinguished from jui- cio sumario interdictum) which kind of action is alone ad- missible against the cultivators of public lands, who are established on them with house and tillage, the claimant must exhibit the legal titles to the land he claims, of at least ten years’ standing, wherein must be expressed, with the utmost clearness, the boundaries of the land he lays claim to. ART. 5. Even should the cultivator lose his suit regard- ing the property, he shall not be dispossessed of the land he occupies until he has first been indemnified for the value of the improvements made on the land by him, acting as bond fide owner of the same. Par. 1. The improvements referred to in this Article consist of cleanings, fencing, cultivation and dwellings, in the man- ner decided in the Judicial Code of the Union for the Territories, and in the Judicial Code of the State in which lands have been adjudicated. Par. 2. No one has aright to demand dispossession until after the party to be dispossessed has been paid the value of his improvements. ART. 6. The public authorities shall uphold de officio the cultivator of public lands, and should be considered as law- 10 fully interested parties in the actions which may be brought against such cultivators. ART. 7. The public lands which the nation may by any title alienate, shall lapse to it gratis after ten years, if during that period nothing has been done to till them or convert to grazing purposes. Par. Regulations issued by the Executive shall determine beforehand, with absolute certainty, the proportion between the extent adjudicated and the part of it which must be cultivated or converted to grazing purposes, in order to retain possession of the former; but the latter shall in no case be below the 10th part. ART. 8. The public lands which may be adj udicated under any title remain subject to the easements necessary to the convenient use and enjoyment of the public lands still re- maining unoccupied, which may require such easements. ART. 9. In every adjudication of public lands, under whatever title it be made, the right of property of the occupiers shall be expressly secured, who shall be upheld against the parties in whose favour the adjudication may be made, according to the tenour of this law. Art. 10. In every adjudication of public lands, em- bracing an area of more than 1,000 hectares, the surveyor who measures the land and draws up the plans, shall be obliged to determine their geographical position by taking the longitude and latitude of some’ point in one of the boundary lines. ART. 11. In no case shall an extent of land greater than 5000 hectares be adjudicated to any individual or com- pany, nor to divers individuals or corporations, in con- tinuous extent, an area exceeding 5,000 hectares, for alter- nate lots must be always left between two succeeding 11 areas, of at least equal extent to those adjudicated, which the nation reserves exclusively for settlers. In all cases it shall also be made a condition that the circumference of the lots adjudicated be of such figure that their greatest length be more or less equal to their greatest width. ArT. 12. The public lands lying in the Cordilleras which serve as boundaries between two or more States, and be- tween centres of population of a State, and between navi- gable rivers, which are national highways, are reserved to be applied exclusively to the following objects :— 1. To encourage the settlement of new townships. 2. To be adjudicated to cultivators. 3. To aid the formation and maintenance of public roads. ART. 13. The Executive shall take all the necessary steps to the end that this law be carried into full effect. It shall also order an especial edition to be made of it, and the provisions in force of Law 61, of 1874, and others there- with agreeing, which shall be gratuitously and profusely distributed in all the towns of the Republic, in order that it may come to the knowledge of the cultivators and settlers on public lands. ArT. 14. The provisions of this Law do not affect the rights acquired by parties to whom public lands have been adjudicated, or who have bought such lands according to the provisions in force at the time of such adjudication or purchase. Bocota, 24th August, 1882. Signed by the President of the Senate— ANIBAL GALINDO. 12 Signed by the President of the House of Representa- tives— Francisco MuRNoz, Countersigned by the Secretary of the Senate— Julio E. Pérez. Countersigned by the Secretary of the House of Repre- sentatives— Cdrios Cotes. National Executive— Bogota, 28th August, 1882. Let it be published and carried out. Signed by the President of the Republic— (L. 8) FRANCISCO J. ZALDUA. Countersigned by the Secretary of Finance— MIGUEL SAMPER.