.. .1 a . . 7 I. 4 ..v,.....«. m. :. ”M 1 5‘ _~ , ,1» .1 ., a, , w» 6mm. W i v, V ~ mm \ New 4*‘4/49/1'. Nv , A ’t ’I ”:42? ' N « m4 Xx .wa ‘ W ., :1 t3: A J. “$354, .4 a‘ .EJJII INEHIZJHEIIIEZHENI E] .Enl I||_r_:l_||L__—_I|[:1H:1]|E][I II? III- , -IIr:Ju- mam fin: wn- final® @ D U S T M A N ’ S BOOK OF PLANS AND BUILDING CONSTRUCTION FOR GENERAL CONTRACTORS AND HOME BUILDERS CHARLES cPfJBSIHSZAZON c0. El uur '11; mm". ,. mm”; luv IJII IILEI® Copyrighted 1909 and 1910 by U. M. DUSTMAN, Freeport, Illinois DESIGNS AND This book is designed for general contractors and builders, and for prospective home builders. The contractor can very readily estimate a building by referring to the different tables and therefore ,save the time of figuring out the different parts of the building. He can do the work in an hour that usually takes from two to three days of figuring. This book is offered in response to many inquiries received for practical construction, exterior designs and interior arrangements. It also teaches how to read plans drawn by architects and write specifications. STOCK PLANS:—~The designs shown in this book are stock plans and can be bought for the price mentioned for each plan. CHANGES MADE IN STOCK PLANS :—If you do not find a design in this book that will exactly meet your requirements, you can mark the change you want on the floor plans, send it to me, and I will give you my price for making the necessary changes. SKETCHES:—For the past thirty years I have helped to build and design residences and store buildings. and I very seldom find a design that exactly meets the requirements of two persons. You have your own ideas of how you want the exterior designed and how you want the interior arrangements to suit your own particular needs. If you will send me a rough pencil sketch of the number of rooms and the general arrangements of them, I will work out your ideas and submit them to you for further consideration. Or, if you have not considered any arrangement, write and tell me the size of your lot, location, whether a corner or inside lot, which way it fronts, north, south, east or west, number of rooms you want, and about what amount of money you want to invest in a home; I will then work out your ideas and submit them to you. For special sketches of this kind, including floor plans and two elevations, I make a charge of five ($500) dollars to cover cost of labor and postage. SAVE MONEY BY GETTING YOUR PLANS DRAWN BY AN ARCHITECT :—- The money spent to pay an architect for a set of plans is money well spent. You will save the price of the plans by having the contractors all figure on the same plan. Each contractor can tell just what you require him to do and he will figure accordingly. You have your plans and specifications just as you want your house to be and if the contractor does not follow them, you can compel him to do so before any payment is made to him. There are very few contractors who would not rather work by plans drawn by architects for the reason that they know then just what is required of them to furnish. If any changes are made, they can very readily figure out the cost and get their price for them and, besides, the owner can not compel them to do any work that is not shown on the plans or specified in the specifications. In other ' in many different ways to the contractor as well as the owner. SUGGESTIONS words the contractor contracts with the owner to build a house according to a certain set of plans and specifications for a certain amount of money and, if any addi- tions or deductions are made, the owner and contractor must agree on the price before the change is made, so that the owner gets what he pays for and the contractor gets paid for amount of labor and material furnished. The architects' general advice and sketches are of great value to you in the general arrangement and treatment. Working plans and specifications are valuable They save time in the construction of the work. KIND OF PLANS FURNISHED :—The kind of plans that I furnish you consist of basement, first story, second story, roof, front, rear, right and left side elevations, longitudinal section and detail drawings as shown from page 8 to 17. On page 8 I show a plan of the basement, giving size of building, location of windows, cross walls, porch piers, cistern, furnace and furnace pipes, stairs and sewer pipes. On page 0 I show the first story plan for a frame building, showing the location and size of rooms, stairs, cupboard, sink, etc., also giving the size of the openings. On page 10 I show the arrangement of the second story plan and the roofs of the porches and bay window. On page 11 I show the plan of the roof, showing the hips, ridge, chimney and attic stairs. On page .12 I show the front and rear elevations, also a sectional view, giving the distance between ceiling, joist, height of basement, grade line, width of joist and cornice, and pitch of the roof. ‘ On pages 13 and 14 I show the right and left side elevations and on page 15 a longitudinal section showing the construction of the building which is very necessary and profitable to the owner and contractor. On pages 16 and 17 I show detail drawings of the construction of different parts of the building. \Vhen making plans for you, I furnish you with pencil sketches for your approval before making the final plans. GUARANTEE OF COST OF BUILDING :——I do not guarantee that a building built in one location for a certain amount of money can be built in another locality for the same amount of money, as the difference in the price of material and labor varies in different localities, so that a building built in Freeport, 111., for $1500 will probably cost $5000 in some other locality and probably $4000 in another locality. Hence, it would be impossible for me to guarantee any definite cost of any building. If you will tell me about what amount of money you want to invest in a home, I shall use my best judgment to get within the amount specified and at the same time meet with your requirements, and, if I find that I can not meet your requirements for the money you want to invest, I shall inform you to that effect and will give-you an approximate cost of the kind of building that you want. SPECIFICATIONS:—My specifications are especially prepared for each client, covering every detail of material and workmanship. A copy of the same will be sent ,to you for correction before the final specifications are written. ' COST OF PLANS :—The cost of stock plans shown in this book are given with the plans and include a set of specifications. For plans made to order my prices are two (2%) per cent for residence work and l%% for store, office and factory buildings. The percentage is based on the estimated cost of the building, which includes the building complete; this does not include any superintendence. Plans for a $2500 building will cost $50.00, etc. HOW TO ORDER PLANS :—-—VVrite to me and give a description of your lot, arrangement of your building and amount of money you want to invest and I will give you an estimated cost of the building on which I will base my percentage. After you have received my price for the plans, enclose 30% of the cost of the plans with your order as evidence of your good faith. The balance will be payable on receipt of the plans, which will be sent C. O. D., with privilege of examination at the express office. When ordering plans that are given in the book, you can order by giving the number of the plan that you want. DESCRIPTION OF PLANS :—My plans are all made to a scale of one-quarter of an inch to the foot and detail drawings are made to a larger scale, not less than one—half inch to the foot. You will receive four complete sets of blue prints and speci— fications with each order. HOW TO READ PLANS:—On the basement plan, you will notice short lines drawn as at m-n, and a line drawn between these two short lines, with an arrow at each end, you will also notice the figures 26’—0” on the line between the two arrows. This denotes that the distance between the two short lines or the distance between the ends of the arrows is 26 feet and no inches. In this same way you can get the distance from one point to another, as from the corner of the building A to the angle of the bay window, as from a to b which is marked 14’—0” and is read fourteen feet and no inches. From b to c is 3’4)”, three feet and nine inches, and from c to d 5’—6”, five feet and six inches. The distance from the main building to the outside of the bay window is two feet as from k to h. The openings are generally figured from the center of the opening to the center of another opening or the outside wall, as from the corner A to g, which is 6’~0”, six feet and no inches from the outside of the wall to the center of the opening or window. The distance from 1 to k is 18”, which is the thickness of the foundation wall. The center bearing wall G is marked to be a 9’ ’ brick wall and the center of the wall is 13’—ll” from the outside of the wall A-B. You will also notice that the foundation wall, where the cellar stairs are, is only 12” thick; this is done so as to give more width to the stairs without making the first story stairs any wider. If all the inside measurements are not given, you can scale the blue prints. allowing one—fourth of an inch to the foot, or four feet to one inch; a building 26 feet Wide would then scale 26 quarter inches or six and one—half inches. The cistern is to be a 75 barrel cistern with a 6” tiling to the building, 18” tile neck with iron cover. On the first story plan you will notice the arrangement of the rooms, such as the living room with a large window in front and a smaller one at the side. The opening between the living room and dining room is for sliding doors, each 3 feet wide, making the opening 0 feet wide when finished. This partition must be double to'allow for the door-to slide in between them. Where hot air pipes pass through these partitions, they must be at least'4” in thickness, but where there are no pipes to-pass through them, the studs can be set flatwise. One side of the partition must be set up and the track fastened on to this partition before the other side is put in place. The opening between the living room and reception hall is for a colonnade of which one— half of it is shown in the detail drawings. The door opening between the dining room and kitchen is for a double swing door which is shown by the'dotted lines on each side of the opening. The front stairs has two risers to the first platform and eight risers from the first to the second platform which is also shown on the second floor plan. There are four risers from the kitchen down to the grade platform, which is also shown in the longitudinal section. On the second floor plan you will notice the roof over the one story bay window and the front and rear porches. The stairs to the attic are boxed with a door on the second floor leading to them. They are directly over the lower stairs. You will notice that the main building on the second floor is 27 feet long, as part of the kitchen is only one story high and is roofed the same as the rear porch. You will also notice by looking at the elevations and longitudinal section that there is a second story porch over the kitchen with newel posts and railing; the floor to this porch is nearly level, just enough slant to have the water run off. The roof plans show the cornice outline, and the main line of the building; also the ridges and hips. The attic stairs are also shown on this plan. On page 12 are shown the front and rear elevations with a sectional View, showing the height of the ceilings for the basement, first and second stories. You will notice that the figures between the arrow points show that the basement is 7—0” between the cement floor and the under part of the first floor joist. The joists are 10” and the distance between the top of the first floor joist and the bottom of the second floor joist is 9’—2". The second floor joists are 10” and the height of the second story is 8’—8” between joist; the attic floor joists are 6”. The stone wall is 2’43” above grade and the top of the windows are 7-6” from the floor to the top of the window on the first story and 7’—0” on the second floor. The projection or width of the cornice is 2’—6”. Roof one-third pitch. The detail drawings will show the construction of the porch and cornice. Pages 13 and 14 show the right and left side elevations. The left side elevation shows the one story bay window and gives the general outline of the building. The right side shows the grade door and the height of the stair platform windows. On page 15 is shown a longitudinal section, showing part of stairs, cupboard and location of windows, rafters, etc. On page 16 are detail drawings showing a section through the front porch main cornice, and dormer windows; also an elevation and cross section through the dormers and front door frame. On page 17 are shown some interior details of the colonnade and stairway, kitchen cupboard, side and head casings. \‘Vith a complete set of specifications and a full set of the drawings as described on the following pages, any carpenter with a fair knowledge of carpentry can follow the directions given and put up the building according to plans and specifications given. DESCRIPTION AND ARRANGEMENT OF ROOMS THE HALL :——The front hall in many homes is used only as an entrance to the building and connecting link between the other rooms and the second floor. In such a case it is not necessary to have the hall very large, only to give good passage way to the rooms and stairway. In other homes the hall is made one of the most im— portant rooms of the house and is used as a reception hall. But, however small the hall may be, it should receive its share of consideration from the builder and be made a fitting introduction to the rest of the house. _ LIVING ROOM :——The living room is the room where the family congregate, a combination of the sitting room and parlor. This room should be the largest in the house. and should be made the most pleasant. If there is only one fire place in the house, it should be in the living room. The treatment of the room should be simple, the woodwork of the room may be oak, yellow pine or birch, but none of them used in their natural color, but instead should be stained dark. If varnish is used over the stain it should be rubbed and not have any high gloss finish. Ceiling beams are very effective in a living room and. when no beams are used, a cornice around the room next to the ceiling gives the room a very good effect. Openings from the living room to the hall or dining room should be either a large opening or sliding doors, sliding doors are preferable as the doors can be closed when desired. DINING ROOM z—A dining room should not be less than 12 feet in width and more if the room can be obtained, and not less than 1-1 feet in length. The dining room, the same as the living room, should have a pleasing effect and good light. It should have a wainscot a little more than half the distance to the ceiling in height with a plate rail. A fireplace is also very desirable if the room is large enough. Ceiling beams and a cornice help the appearance of the room. The picture mould should always be next to the cornice and not make a separate line around the room. THE KITCHEN :—A small kitchen conveniently arranged and used for no other purpose will save a good many steps and is more easily kept clean. The refrigerator should be so arranged that the ice can be put in from the outside, unless it can be placed in a rear vestibule. The arrangements of the pantries, cupboards, etc., in the kitchen are generally planned to suit the housekeeper. as every housekeeper has her own peculiarities. If possible, the stairs to the basement should be from the kitchen and lead to a platform having a grade door. In this way the grade door can be used to go direct to the basement from the outside, without going through the kitchen. Each bed room should have a large closet; a linen closet in the second story hall is convenient. The bath room should be at a convenient place on the second floor and should have a medicine chest; a small closet is also desirable. A FEW CONVENIENCES A mirror in a bed room closet door the full size of the door, except the stiles, is very much appreciated when dressing. A CLOTHES CHUTE from the second and first floors to the basement laundry is very convenient and saves a good many steps to the basement The chute can be made of galvanized iron, a 12-inch pipe is sufficient, but can be made larger when room can be had. Two or three drawers in closets come very handy. If the closet is next to an outside wall, a small window should be put in. Doors to closets should always swing so that, when the door is open, it will not shut out the light from the closet. Each closet should have an electric drop light. The laundry in the basement should have a wood floor on top of the cement floor, a flue for a laundry stove. a place to empty wash water and a floor drain. The vegetable room should be separate from the furnace room and laundry, and should have plenty of shelving. The coal room should be as near the furnace as possible. The basement ceiling should be at least 7’6” in the clear, so that the piping can be done Without interfering with the head room. LIBRARY :——A special room set aside for reading and writing makes a very pleasant room if space can be had and not add too much expense to the building. The size of this room should not be less than 12 by 14 feet and larger if the space can be had. If it is used as a general reading room, it should form a part of the principal or living room. DEN :—Sometimes a small room called a den is set aside for some special purposes. as for a smoking room. etc. This room should open to the main hall, and should have plenty of outside ventilation. er / \AanIb H/ \\\\»w // .\ ac // ma / .: ¢w / s\ l // / 756$}. 03/5 m L‘— 7“, ”77/: Can. 31-900" 51’3"" l -..- _ - _.>;. Kr.| 9% - K Jan»! {OltlxhuuUJAWV L. If}!!! t. I : Ill 2: j-co/rcr 2/ " fiofiy ' q 3 Hit // ,' ll/l NH . h.» Qu‘b [067/ room. firnacc roam. 0‘2 3:433 b 33“.» mu 3.32% hum.» .. . . 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ELEVATION Tuna-r" ‘re “9°54 I" ,; 1:} N /un afnn- PRO/1T ELEVATION. Scale ’71"=1' 75/2 o/(drmrzrv fat/rt 4/4/79 ~ g , v on ref . ', LEFT SIDE“ ELEV/KT! 0/1. ;.5néZr,..‘m.‘ : 13 __.__< l:j>’r va 0/ (one re/efupllflin/ 2g I? ICJHT ©1911" ELEVATIO/‘L 14. Cost of Plans No. 100, Complete $15.00. Bill of Material, $7.00 W»; Km; u\ w Li“ LO/IGITUD IAAL SECTI 0/1 15 I__ L f I L I 1 T . I: - . ., l g I 75' an I O . . _ 0' I Siding . I p_ 2 — :e V fl, C I 52 FLEVATIO/‘L S O 11.1 / N [I I figs; ezgggdi/zmazcgifww 1L ‘ I 0 8; n I: : : x O \ P“ ‘5 “I“ M < m I g I k.“ C :7 I F“ V . ,, £1 9 '3 I Q g ‘4... .J—o__ __,I‘____ __ *3- ">T‘ 5 s 9; Q—* E ¥ 5 0 Si “1%,: fl 0 1 | 7 h“_~ ‘ _ I I I ‘5 1 I «12"., w. | I ' ~ A; sitar 723:: I 0 j CDE’CTIOA- 1 p q] 273,? I ”‘3" 9' ' /’\A1/1 COR/1152?. . 1” r I (T 0/"ch r onrfaof’. / , I I E I ? f" tr '6‘ /dar grodflrcjusl' :N i ‘ . ; ‘6» ‘ l‘yb you} I; .6, u. I )XG T‘r/mmrr; l I I ~ ,__A,a__,__ ' [mu/m mw‘ n\\\\\\\\\\\\\“\‘3\‘ 3/ 2 FRO/1T DOOR FRAME. 72m”: 7/f. al'vdnt/wret/ g/Vg/"ndaiun L/r'lp l/ranrrefe/Iyndafmn , 3'4 vrcjralc. 16 hm .Mth/mvv \G‘U r\ .9320an W« x& ./a " [YIH‘ACJ Ian. 4 C ol/onaa’e cma/ Sfd/flud/ ~1‘—" =J/4/‘T‘ ..... HH:\ Owa. EON /f//'c/7cn Cupboard - yy-b = W.“ 4:] ll]:¢.$ll l'fVAI‘Oimnl DET/‘U L. SHEET/79' 2.. GEOMETRICAL PROBLEMS To Bisect a Straight Line. Page 15, Fig.1 shows a method of bisecting a straight line as A—B by using the dividers. Set your dividers with a radius of a little more than half the distance from A to B; with A as a center describe are as at C and D, with the same radius and B as a center describe another are intersecting at C and D; draw a line across the line A—B as shown by the dotted line from C to D and where the lines intersect will be the center of the line A-B. Fig. 2. To draw a Perpendicular to a Line from a Point without. To draw a perpendicular to the line A—B from the point P. take P as centers and a radius more than the distance from P to the line A-B, describe the arc C—D until it intersects the line A-B. With C and D as centers and a radius more than D-C, describe arcs as at E, draw a line from E to P intersecting the line A-B at F, the line P-F will then be perpendicular to the line A-B. Fig. 3. To Bisect any given Angle. Take the angle A-O—B. With 0 as a center and any convenient radius, describe an are as at. D-E. “’ith D-E as centers and a radius more than half the distance from D to E, describe arcs as at C, draw a line through 0 and C and you have the center between A and B. Fig-4. An Equilateral Triangle. The Line A-B being given, how to draw the Triangle. \l'ith A and B as centers and a radius from A to B, describe arcs intersecting each other as at C, draw line A to C and B to C which will give the required triangle. Fig. 5. To Divide any Line into any number of Equal Parts. Suppose the line A-B were 8 inches long and you wanted to divide it into 9 equal parts; first draw a line at one end of the line A-B as at B-D perpendicular to the line A-B, take your rule and hold the end of it even at A and slide the other end along the line B—D until the figure 9 is even with the line B—D: point off the inch marks along your rule and draw lines perpendicular from the line A-B to each of these points, and you have the line A-B divided into 9 equal parts. To divide it into 10 or 12 equal parts follow the same directions as described for 9 equal parts. Fig. 6. To Draw an Egg—shaped Oval. Draw a circle as A-G—B—C, draw the diameter A-B and from the center at O draw a perpendicular line until it intersects the circle as at C. Draw a straight line from B through C and extend it, say one—half the distance B—C beyond C, draw another line from A through C the same way. Take B as a center and B-A as a radius and describe the are from A to D; with A as a center and the same radius describe the are from B to H; with C as a center and a radius of C—H connect D and H. giving you the required shape. Fig. 7. To Pass a Circumference through any Three Points not in the same Straight Line. Let A, B and C be the given points. \Vith A and B as centers and any convenient radius, describe arcs intersecting each other as at I-K; with B and C as centers and the same radius describe arcs as at D and E. Through I-K and through D and E draw lines intersecting at 0. With 0 as a center and O-A as a radius describe a circle, and it will pass through A, B and C. Fig. 8. To Inscribe a regular Pentagon in a given Circle. Draw the circle A-B—C-D of any convenient size, draw the two diameters A-C and B-D at right angles to each other. Bisect one of the radii as O-B at I. \Vith I as a center and LA as a radius, 18 describe the arc A-J cutting D-O at J. With A as a center and A-J as a radius describe an are from J until it intersects with the circle as at H. The chord A—H is then one side of the pentagon. Fig. 9. To_ Inscribe a regular Hexagon in a given Circle. With your dividers set at any convenient radius, describe a circle as at A—B-C-D-E-F; draw the diameter at D-A. With the dividers set the same as for making the circle and A and D as centers, describe arcs cutting the circle at B-F and C-E. Join these points by straight lines and they will form the sides of the hexagon. Fig. 10. To Inscribe a regular Octagon in a given Circle. With your dividers set at any convenient radius, describe a circle as A-B-C—D-E-F-G-H; draw the two diameters at right angles to each other. Bisect one of the 4 equal arcs as A—C at B. Draw a line from B through the center to F. Bisect A-G as at H and draw a line from H through the center until it intersects with the circle at D. Now draw straight lines from A to B, B to C, etc., which will form the required octagon. Fig. 11. To Draw an Ellipse, the Diameters being given. D—B represents the long diameter and A—C the short diameter. The diameters must intersect at right angles to each other in the center 0, so that the distance from O to B is the same as from O to D and from O to A the same as from 0 to C. \l’ith O as a center and O-C as a radius, describe the smaller circle. \Vith the same center and 0—D as a radius. describe the larger circle. Divide the outer circle into any number of equal parts as shown from B to 9, then draw lines from these points to the center 0. These lines will divide the inner circle into the same number of parts through the points of division on the larger circle. Draw vertical lines and on the smaller circle draw horizontal lines. The points of intersection where these lines meet will be points on the ellipse, as A, B, C, D, E, F, etc. Tracing a curve through these points will give you a true ellipse. , Fig. 12. Another Method of Drawing an Ellipse. This is drawn by circular arcs and is not a true ellipse, but is very convenient to draw. Draw the diameters the same as specified in figure 11. On the axis A-B set off a the same distance from B as the shorter diameter C-D and divide a—B into three equal parts. \V’ith O as a center and a radius equal to two of these parts describe arcs cutting the line A—B at d—d’. With d-d’ as a radius and d-d’ as centers, describe arcs at b’-b. \N'ith the intersections of these arcs at b’—b as centers and a radius of b’-D describe the arcs c-C-e and g-D-f. The points c-e and g-f can be found by drawing lines from the arcs at b’—b through d’—d until they intersect with the arc c-e and g—f. “'ith A and B as centers and a radius of A-c describe arcs cutting A-B at d’—d; with the same radius and d’-d as centers describe the arcs connecting the two longer arcs. . Fig. 13. To Trisect any Angle. Draw any angle as A-B-C. Bisect it as described in figure 3 and shown by the dotted line A—G. \Vith A as a center and any convenient radius, as A-E, cut arcs on the line A-B and A-C at E and D. Connect E and D by a straight line. With H, the intersection of A—G and E—D, as a center and H—D as a radius, describe the are cutting the line A-G at I. \Vith I as a center and LE as a radius, describe the are from E to D. \Vith D as a center and I-E as a radius describe the are from E to D, which will make a quarter circle. \Vith D as a center and the same radius describe, an are as at J \Vith the same radius and E as a center describe an are at K. Through intersections of arcs draw lines to A and angle will be trisected GEOMETRICAL PROBLEMS Fly. 5‘ u m 9 lllllllllllllllllll 4I41|4|11 o, c/ , . x , , k‘ .1./ / Tl: . , . , 4 ,f , l/ r a [l V . z x 4 / , / .4 . , / .7 Kl MA / , z ,I _ / , / / .1 r/ , , / C / r v , / .4- 1 //I {I ,1 , , 1 / g .1 , K I Ix , I , ,I. , , .z , z z . T“ l , 1 , / / 4 , / , ,r 4. 9,, r// ,L 8 a o , x .4 — P . E . F ‘\ x \ C A B D C ..X.;.....«.. ...-...-..X fly. 1. Jr 41, , ,, N, ‘ x a 1 ., , a V , x. x. \\ n / ,1: m \\ ‘ / , ‘ 7 / fl, \ \ fl / . ,,, \ (,7 \ / f a \ . E A 5 xv fly. 6. fly. 5. l9 Fig 14. The Height and Width of a Segment being given to find the Radius of the Arc. Bisect the length a—c as described in Fig. 1, page 19. which will give you the line d—e. Bisect b-c as at g-h. Prolong the lines g—h and d-e until they intersect as at O; with 0 as a center and O-b as a radius describe the arc a—b—c which will be the required segment. Fig. 15. How to set Studs in a Circle. When a straight sash window is used as shown in the center of the circle. the studs must. be set parallel to the center line. “’hen circle sash are used then the jambs of the frame will point towards the center of the circle and the studs will be set as shown on either side of the center window. Fig. 16. How to figure the Area of a Gable. The gable shown is 11 feet wide with a half pitch roof. Half the width of the building being 7 feet and the height or rise 7 feet, multiply T by T. or half the width of the building by the height of the rise, and we have the number of square feet in the gable. If there are two gables of the same size. multiply the width of one gable by the rise or height in the center, and you will have the area of both gables. Fig. 17. The Height and Width of a Circle Tower. This shows an elevation of Fig. 20. By having the height and width given. the cut for the rafters can very easily be found. Half the width is (3 feet. and the height is 10 feet (3 inches. Taking (i 1nches and 10,143 inches on the square will make the cut; the (i inch-side for the bottom and the 10% inches. or plumb cut. or the top. Fig. 21 shows how the rafters can be joined at the top. The rafters D-B will be full length and the rest of them will be cut shorter, the thickness of the rafters. Fig. 18. How to cut an Octagon out of a Square Piece of Timber. Take any width of timber from 12 inches down and this process will give you a true octagon at h-l—k-j. \Ye have an 8”XS” timber, a-b being the width. Take your rule and make one corner of it even with the outer edge of the timber as at C and adjust it until the 12—inch mark is even with the other edge of the timber; now point off at Ski—inch and Slag—inch marks as at e-f. Draw lines parallel with the sides of the timber by usmg a rule or other gauge through c and f. which will give you the corners as at m-n. Make gauge lines on all four sides of the timbers the same distance in from the edge of the timber and you have the required octagon as J-K-L-M-N-O-P. If the timber is more than 12 inches square, take 7. 17 and 24 inches on the rule. Fig. 19. A simple way of making a Pattern for an Ellipse. Take a fencing board a little longer than the width of the opening as at E and nail it to the floor just enough to hold it in place. Now nail another one as at F perpendicular to the one at E; this can be done by the use of the steel square. Take the bottom edge of the board E for the bottom of the spring of the arch. and the right hand side of the board F for the the center of the opening. Take a strip of wood. say 2 inches wide and a little more than half the width of the opening, as shown at D. Make a mark at c and e one-half of the width of the opening apart, then measure in from c the height that the opening of the ellipse is to be as at d. Drive a nail through the strip at d and e and bore a small hole large enough for a lead pencil at c. Place the strip with the nails in as shown, so that e is at the intersection of the two boards and the nail d rests 20 against the under side of the board E; insert a pencil at c. Hold the strip with one hand at d and the other at e. pull the point 6 along the edge of the board F and keep the point (1 close to the edge of E until half of the ellipse is made. At g, h and f is shown the position of the strip after it is pulled down part way. Place boards as shown at A, B and C, so that the line of the ellipse will keep on the boards. By cutting along these lines you will have the required ellipse. Fig. 20. To find the Area of an Octagon Bay Window The distance from A to D is 15 feet and the projection is -1 feet 5 inches. Drawing a line perpendicular to the line A-D at the point C, the point C is 4 feet 5 inches from D. leaving a distance of 10 feet 7 inches from the intersection of the line C on the line A-D. Multiply 10 feet 7 inches by 1 feet 5 inches, the distance that the bay projects. and you will have the area of the bay A-B-C—D. Fig. 22. Framing a Truss Roof by Trussing each Pair of Rafters. A-A shows the supports that the rafters rest 011, BB the common rafters, C and F the brace rafters which should be as heavy as the main rafters. and D the collar beam which is fastened to the brace rafters and also the main rafters. E shows a vertical brace from ‘he center of the rafters to the intersection of the brace rafters. A truss built in this way by using 2”x(i” timbers and half pitch will be strong enough for a 10-foot span, spacing the rafters 21-inch centers. For a pitch roof less than one—half, the rafters should be 2”x8”. Fig. 23. To find the Area of a Half Circle. The diameter from A to B is 12 feet and the radius is half that length. or 6 feet to C. Multiply the diameter by the radius, then multiply the quotient by .7854. which will give you the area—ti times 12 equals 72, 72 times .7854 equals 56.54 or 56% square feet. To find the distance around the half circle from A to B, multiply the diameter 12 by 1.57, which is 18. 84 feet. Fig. 24. Shows a form of a low Wooden Truss when the building is not more than 40 feet wide. The truss should be about 4 or 5 feet high. The top and bottom girders A and B being made up of l-2”.\:10” timbers spiked together so as to break joints and not have two joints come at the same place; the braces C and D should be spiked between the 2”x10” timbers forming the top and bottom girders. then filled in between the braces. The trusses should be about 16 feet apart which will give enough strength to carry a roof. These timbers can be bolted together instead of being spiked. Fig. 25 shows another truss for a ~10 feet or more space; the top and bottom timbers A and B are solid 10”x10” timbers with 4”x8” braces at c. The braces c are notched into the top and bottom timbers, and iron 2” rods put in as shown with a heavy washer at the top and bottom. This truss should not be less than 5 feet high. “'hen building trusses. they should have a crown of at least 1 inch in the center before there is any weight put on them. “'hen the trusses rest on brick walls they should have cast iron plates to rest on, the plates should be at least §/4’”x8”x16”. The timbers A and B can be built up by spiking 5—2”x10” timbers together. If the timbers are made of one solid timber. a 4.0 foot span will require at least one splice. How to make splices will be shown on another page. GEOMETRICAL PROBLEMS AND ROOF TRUSSES 4L __~,a: 7" , ._ _,;_,:; E7. 2a 21 Fig. 26 shows how to Lay off Rafters by using the Steel Square. Take a building 6 feet wide with a gable roof, half of the width of the building will be 3 feet; in a half pitch‘ roof the height from the peak of the rafters to the plate will be half the width of the building plus the distance from the outside of the plate on a plumb line with the outside of the building to the top of the rafters. The roof being half pitch, which is 12 inch rise to every 12 inches of run, then by taking 12 inches on the tongue and 12 inches on the blade of the' square. the distance across the corner from 12 to 12 would be the length of the rafter for one foot run. In Fig. 26, where half of the building is 3 feet wide, by taking the square three times as shown from 12 to 12 you have the length of the rafter to the outside plumb line of the building. Draw the plumb line, and measure down from the top of the rafter the distance that you want the rafter to project above the roof. If the pitch of the roof is %, the square can be used in the same way by taking the rise in inches on the tongue of the square, which in a third pitch roof is 8 inches, and the run on the blade of the square, which is 12' inches. and you will have the plumb and level out of the rafter; along the 8—inch side for the plumb cut and along the 12—inch for the level cut. Any length rafter can be found in this way by the use of the square _ Fig. 27. To find the Length of a Rafter. Let a—d be half the width of the building then for a half pitch roof d-c, the rise must equal a—d and a line drawn from a to c will be the length of the common rafter. This drawing should be made to a scale of at least one inch to the foot. then measurements can be taken from the drawing nearly correct. Take your compass and. with a as a center and a-c as a radius, describe an are as from c to f until it intersects with the extended line a—d. Draw a line perpendicular from f until it intersects with the extended line b-c at i. Draw a line from a to i which will be the length of the hip rafter for a half pitch roof. Suppose the distance from a to d was 13'feet and the pitch one—third, then the rise would be 8 times 13 inches or 8 feet 8 inches rise to g. Draw a line from a to g and you will have the length of a common rafter for a third pitch roof. With a as a center and a-g as a radius, describe the arc g-e until it intersects with the line a-f. Draw a perpendicular from e to h, which is the same distance as from a to d or half the width of the building. Draw a line from a to h which will be the length of a hip or valley rafter for a third pitch roof. Any other pitch can be found in the same way. By dividing the line i-f into parts equal to the distance that the jack rafters are to be apart and drawing parallel lines with the line a-f at each space mark from i—f until it intersects with the line a-i, the length of these short lines will give you the length of the jack rafters. " Fig. 28 is part of a plan of a roof showing the lay of the rafters. Fig. 29 shows how to lay out jack rafters, such as are shown in Fig. 28 between the hip and valley rafters. This jack is marked for a half pitch roof. In a half pitch roof the hip and valley rafters do not form a 45 degree orhalf pitch. but as shown in Fig. 27 where a-f equals the length of the common rafter, f-i equals half the width of the building and a—i the length of the hip or valley rafter. After the rafters are in place they form an angle as shown, and in order to have the top of the jack rafter fit against the hip or valley, they must be cut to this angle for the top cut; the plumb cut must be the same as the pitch of the roof as the jack rafters always have the same pitch as the common rafters. We find that 8% inches and 12 inches on the square will make the cut for the angle a-i-f or a half pitch roof. This is found by taking 12 inches on the blade of the square and making it even with the point at a; lay the square straight with the line a-i for a half pitch roof. “'here the tongue intersects with the line a-f will give you the inch mark which we find is 81/3 inches. Lay the square on the top edge of the timber for the rafter as shown making the figure 12 and 22 8% even with the edge of the timber. The line a-b will be for the top cut. Lay the timber on the side as shown. From the point b as shown by the dotted line, draw the plumb line which in a half pitch roof is 12 inches and 12 inches. The bottom cut at c-d is cut in the same way when jacks run from the valley to the hip rafters, but where they rest on the plate they are cut the same as for a common rafter. Fig. 30 at a-b-c-d shows the End Cut of a jack as described in Fig. 29, a-b being the top of the rafter and b-c the side or plumb cut. Fig. 31 shows the starting point or where to commence measuring a rafter. The starting point must always be on a plumb line with the outside of the building as shown by the dotted line. The line parallel with the top of the plate is called the level line. The pitch of the roof as shown in Fig. 31 is 11 inches rise to the foot, as shown by the figure on the square, 11 inches on the plumb line and 12 inches on the level line. Fig. 32 gives a table giving length of common, hip, valley, jack and octagon rafters, according to the rise, for a one foot run. The rise is marked in inches in the first column for a 12—inch run as shown. The second column, giving'the pitch of the roof. A l—inch rise in 12—inch run, is called a % pitch, 5—inch rise g5; pitch, 6-inch rise 14 pitch, 8—inch rise }/3 pitch, 12—inch rise %) pitch, etc. In a 12—inch rise the rise is the same as the run, making a 45 degree angle or a half pitch roof, being % the width of the building. In a third pitch the rise is 8 inches to the foot. If the building were 2—1 inches wide with a gable roof and the rise 8 inches, the rise would be one—third of the width of the building or % pitch. The column marked common rafters gives the length of a rafter for each foot of run; a building 16 feet wide and a half pitch roof will then require 8 times the number given opposite the rise or pitch that the roof is to be, which is 8 times 16.97 inches or 11.31 feet, the length of the common rafter. A third pitch roof for the same building, takes 8 times 11.42 inches. For a hip or valley rafter, take the figures in the fourth column and multiply the same as for the common rafter by half the width of the building. The column marked octagon rafters gives the length of an octagon as shown in figure 28 as E5, E6, E7 and E8. If the octagon were 12 feet wide and a half pitch roof, the length of the rafter will be 6 times 17.69 or 106.1—1 inches, which is 8 feet 10}/§ inches, the length of E5, etc. The length of the rafters between the octagon hips will be found in the same way as for a common rafter. The column marked cut for octagon rafters, the first number will be for the level line and the second for the plumb cut. In a half pitch roof the cut will be 13 and 12, a third pitch roof 13 and 8, the second number always being the same as the rise to the foot. The column marked cut for jack rafters gives the out along the hip or valley for jacks as marked in Fig. 29. The column marked jacks, l2—inch centers is the length of a jack for each foot. of run. In Fig. 28 find the length of the jacks between the valley No. 2 and hip No. 3. If the distance from the corner to the angle were —1 feet, the full length jacks will be «1 times the number opposite the rise or pitch of the roof, as for a third pitch roof it will be 1 times 14.12 inches. Column marked for jacks, 16—inch centers shows the length of a jack when spaced 16 inches apart. If the rafters were spaced 16—inch centers in Fig. 28 from the corner 3 to 1, the first jack would be 16 inches from the the corner and in a half pitch roof would be 22.63 inches long, the second one from the corner would be two times 22. 63 inches and the third one three times, etc. The column marked cut for common rafters shows the plumb and level cuts for common rafters, 12 inches being the level cut and the second number the plumb cut. When cutting jack rafters as for hip Nos. 1 and 10, Fig. 28, the top end of the rafters must . be cut in pairs, one for each side of the hip. Fig. 33 gives a table showing the same equivalent of a common fraction and decimal fraction 3; equals .96, 1792‘ equals .92, etc. $5ch :CCHECU LO.— HEM. in LS 7 16 -) 12-15 -) —11 ~) 12—10 012—9 22:3 .5 3 .mv—oi. in. .54 12— 63 12-1 .y.) -) [3:2 .5 N— 5.0.2. in. 0 8127.7413—1 n 3112161 821711 -) 14.4219. Eodmd .931. Low 2.5 in. - 63/, 21 153 as Evan”— couagoo 5.. “:0 in, Eodnm :cuEuO in. madam Ae:d> @519 SE in. muwddm =oEEoo in. scam % 21.63 24.72 22.2013—181‘ % 20. 0 233120.62 13—1612- 714 20. O 211' m; I S/fi 19.21 226419.85 13—15 1‘2— T'A 19 .1, 18.44 21.99 19.11 13—14 12- 73/.1 18 44 4}} 17.69 21.37183813—1312- 8}/§ 17.69 23.38 12—13 155 15.62 19.69 16.4013—10 1‘2- 913 1.3 6'3 "20.8 3A 15.00 19.21 15.81 13— 9 12- 9% 15.01120. % 14.42 18.76 15.26 13— 8 12—10 M 18.42 18.0014.3213— 6 12—10% 13.42 17.89 12— 6 1.11 12.65 17.43 13.60 13— 4 12—11% 12.65 16.81 12—- 4 .83 M: 8 02: 2:_o.oz. 18 11 1; 20.81 24. 0 21.4013—1712— 7 16 15 14 13 12 M 16.97 20.78 17.69 13—12 12- 81/2 16 97 11 g} 16.28 20.22 17.03 13—11 12- 854 16 10 7 171 13.89 18.36 14.76 13— 7 12-10% 133.89 18.50 12- 7 5 ,5; 13.0017.6913.9313— 512—1111;— 5 4 ,TO FIND THE LENGTH OF RAFTERS giving me length uf common, hip, octagon, valley and jack rafters. Tabl- 23 BUILDING CONSTRUCTION Fig. 35 shows one method of Constructing a Box Sill by. spiking two timbers together around the outside of the building as b—c and laying a plank on the wall for them to rest on as at a; a 2”x4" as at d is then spiked on top of the joist for the upright timbers or studs to rest on. The timber C should be spiked to the ends of joist 6 before the outside timber b is put in place. Sometimes there is only a single timber put around the outside and the end joist set back as shown in Fig. 36 at b, the 2”x4” studs will then rest on the timber that rests on the wall. This gives you a joist inside of the studs for your flooring to rest on and saves some labor and material. ' Fig. 37 shows a solid sill which is in general use. The corners are halved together as shown at a-b-c—d—e—f by cutting out half of each timber. When framing timbers, always measure from the top of the timber, then when the timber is framed and put together, if there should be any difference in the thickness of them, the top will be even. Notches or gains are generally cut into solid sills for the ends of the joist to rest in. If the sills are 6”x8” the 6” edge should be up, and if 2”x4” studs are used the gains should be marked the thickness of the studs or 3%” from the outside of the timber to the gain. At the bottom of the gain there should be at least 2 inches of the wood remain for the joist to rest on. If 2”x10” joists are used they are generally framed as shown in Fig. 38, by cutting out a notch as at b-c-d, to rest in the gain making the distance a—b so that the joist will be 1%” above the sill, which will also bring the bottom of the joist about even with the bottom of the sill. .A 2”x4” can then be spiked on top of the sill at the end of the joist, which will make a tight joint and prevent mice from getting up between the walls, which every builder should take great care to do when putting up a new building. Fig. 39 shows the projection, as of a bay window, A-A—A being the sills. The sills around a bay window are generally mitered. The bevel at B-B shows how to hold the bevel to get the required angle, by making the blade of the bevel even with the angle on each side of the timber. This can be done by laying one timber across the other at the required angle as shown by the dotted lines. Another way is to lay out the required bay on a board at a scale of 14” to the inch. Set your compass at any convenient space and proceed the same as described in Fig. 3, page 19, to bisect an angle. The line C—P will be the required angle. Set your bevel to this line and you have the angle. The 16” marks represent the floor joist spaced 16” centers. Notice the studs at D-D which should be set so that the inside edges can be spiked together; the outside sheathing can be cut as shown by putting on one side and cutting it at an angle on a line with the front of the bay, then let the boards lap over each other as shown. . Fig. 40 shows how to lay off an outside wall studding. To find the height of the ribbon which carries the second story floor joist. The height marked on the drawing is 9’2” between joist. In this plan we show the top edge of the ribbon board at F to be %” higher than the bottom of the joist and the second story joist have notches cut in and fit over the ribbon board. This is done so as to have the joists all even on top, as they are not always all of the same width and, by measuring from the top of the joist for the notch, the joists will all be even. Sometimes the ribbon 24 board is put down so that the joist will rest on top of the board without being notched. The top of the ribbon will then be even with the bottom of the joist. When joists are notched it is better to make a pattern. Take a 1—inch board about 2 feet long and the full width of the joist, cut it the same as the end of the joist is to be and mark the joist by using the pattern. After finding the height of the ribbon, measure down the width of the ribbon for the gain to be cut into the studding for the ribbon. The distance from the first floor joist to the second story joist is as marked 9’ 2’ ’ ; if a plate is nailed on the sill as at C the studs must be cut shorter the thickness of the 2”x4”. Now allow for the second floor joist which is 9% inches, then 8’2” to the attic floor joist, allowing for a double plate on top of the studs which is 3% inches. The measurement from the second story joist to the attic joist must be 8’ 2’ ’ less 3%” or 7’1012”, making the full length of the stud 9’2” less 1%” equals 9’14” plus 9%” plus 7’10%” or 178%” between top and bottom plates. When framing studding of this kind, you should always mark the bottom end of the timber with a heavy pencil, so as to save time when raising the frame work and have the right end of the studs down. The attic floor joists generally rest on the double plate; a 2”x4"’ is spiked on top of the attic floor joists for the rafters to rest on. Fig. 41 shows an outside bearing partition stud with a single plate at the bottom and a double plate at the top. The full length which is 9’2”, including the plates; take away 3%” and 1%” for the plates and you have 8’8%” left for the length of the studs. Fig. 42 shows the studs at the side of an opening. The opening is more than four feet wide and requires an extra strong header to carry the weight above. By spiking two pieces of 2”x8” timbers together as shown at D, it will make a header strong enough for any opening six feet or less in width, if more than six feet wide 2”x10” timbers should be used. The stud A is put in the full height of the ceiling and the stud B stops off under the header D to give bearing for D or the header to rest on. A short piece of studding should be nailed on the outside of the double studs as at E to nail the ends of the base to, as the casing will cover the thickness of the two studs and not leave anything to nail the base to. - Fig. 43, A-A shows the top of a solid sill, B-B-B studs, C-.C the top of gains for the floor joist. Fig. 44 shows a side view of the same sill C-C-C, the gains which are 6” down from the top and 3%” in from the outside of the sill, as shown in Fig. 43, to the gain. At A is shown a halved joint 4” down from the top. To lay out for the joist, commence at the left hand end and measure 3/4”, the width of a 2”x4”, from this measure 17” and then 16”. Always lay your joist on the same side of the space mark which will bring them 10'” centers. You will notice two joists close together, 3%” apart; this should be done where there is a hot air pipe to pass through between the joist into the partition, then it will not be necessary to cut away any timbers. When it is required to have a longer sill than what timbers can be required, it will be necessary to make a splice. This splice should be a halved splice and not less than one foot in length. BUILDING CONSTRUCTION ”III/”Ill/JIIIJ/Illflllllll”III/Ill/Ilfllfl 2110 i131” _ I -5 ,x" / ' a y 7‘ .— A -216 //// /"’ f7? .57 EL W fly. 35 n. x i E 0! § 0 2 i ‘ C C W647 ——1 ”EM 7 . “”44" - ”” ~ — —*‘ fly. 4+ ;% § 1 .1 U we” 1:; :0: [i 25 STAIR WORK Fig. 1. page 27. four newels. A-B-C-D. Fig. 2 shows an Elevation of Fig. 1. having six risers to the first platform, five from the first to the second platform and six from the second platform to the top landing B. You will notice three winders dotted in on the first platform. To lay out for the winders take the center of the newel C at O as a center and O—a as a radius. describe an are from a to b. with the same radius and b as a center, describe an are cutting a—b at e. with a as a center and the same radius. describe an are cutting the line a—b at f. By drawing lines from 0 through e and f until they intersect with the lines a-H and b—H. will give you the exact size of the winders, If you have room on the rough floor it will be well to lay out the stairs the full size on the floor before building them. “'hen laying out horses for stairs after the finished floor is laid, the first riser must be enough smaller to allow for the thickness. of the tread. The stairs shown have a 7.1/2” rise. the thickness of the tread is Us”. the first cut of the rough horse must be 71!?” less Us" or ($53” from the finished floor. If the finished floor is not laid. only the rough floor. then add the thickness of the finished floor to 65g”, or whatever the rise may be. The landing floor is (713” thick. then the rise next to the landing must be more than Tlgl, in the rough. as the tread is 1,13” and the floor Zé” there is a difference of a ‘4”. By making the rough riser next to the landing 7%”, the finished risers will all be the same height 713” each. shows a Half Turn Platform Stairs having two platforms and Fig. 3 shows how to lay off a Stair Horse by using a block for a pattern as shown at C. The block as shown at C is made the size that the rise and the tread are to be. This block is cut for a 71/2” rise and a 9” tread as shown at a. the piece C is nailed on the block a and projects on each side about ,1'2"~ so that. when the block is laid on the timber as at C. the edge of the piece b will rest against the edge of the timber and the block a. which is the size of the step. will lay on top of the timber. Mark along the block a and move it along step by step and your steps will all be marked alike. Fig. 4 shows how to use the steel square in the same way as the block. but this takes more work to make it accurate. Fig. 5 shows a Housed String. A-B being the top edge. Draw a gauge line at c-d parallel with A—B and about 10 inches from A, for the line of intersection of the treads and risers. The distance from d to 111 should be about 2 inches to allow room for wedging the steps. Cut a pattern of the rise and tread as at E. Fig. (5. 7,99” rise and 9” tread. Lay this pattern, so that the line d-e will be on a straight line with c-d. Fig. .3. and mark the treads and risers as g-i-l. etc. After you have the string laid out for the treads and risers, cut two more patterns as F and H. F represents the ends of the tread with allowance made for a wedge to be driven in as shown at o-p-q—r, etc.. to hold the treads and risers in place. For all 1 15” treads this pattern at b should be 2” wide and at a 1414”. the projection beyond a is for the nosing which is generally about 1%”. Bore a hole at c for the center of the rounded nosing. The pattern H is for the risers. allowance is also made for a wedge, for a 173” riser this pattern should be 1%” at m and l” at n. Now lay the pattern F on the side string as shown in Fig. 5, so that the point b will be even with the point 1 and the top edge even with 26 the line i-l. make a mark around the pattern and also mark the hole K for the center of the rounded nosing. Now mark off for the riser by laying the pattern H on the string as from g to i. After you have the string marked off, take a 1%” bit and bore holes for the ends of the nosing as at k, take a knife and cut along the line i-l and i-g before sawing in. This will give you a clean cut for the treads and risers to fit against. Saw in %” deep. or the distance the treads are to project into the string for the top and bottom of the treads, and chisel out the groove; next saw in for the risers and chisel out. Put in the treads and wedge them with wedges cut to fit. these wedges should be glued. After the treads are put in place, put the risers in and wedge them the same way. Sometimes the treads have a groove cut in as at P and a tongue cut on the riser to fit into the groove, and the reverse at R. Fig. 7 shows an Open Stair String. The nosing of the tread B is mitered at C for a return nosing, which is generally done when building an open string stairs. At A-A are shown dovetail mortises to receive the ends of the balusters. Sometimes holes are bored into the tread for the balusters instead of dovetails, and sometimes they are toe—nailed on top of the tread. . Fig. 8 shows the Floor Plan of Fig. 9. A being the starting newel, B the landing newel. C an open string and D-E a closed paneled string: a. b and c represent balusters, the dotted lines between the square ends of the balusters represent the turned part of the baluster. e shows the end of the return nosing, f the cove under the nosing, H the floor joist. the dotted line at g-h and i—j represent easing or curved railing. where they join the newels. d shows a cross—section of the hand railing. l a section of the finish above the floor around the well hole or opening in the floor to allow head room above the stairs. k shows a panel around the well hole and m the projection of the newel below the ceiling. The balusters in between the railing and the closed string are shown square with a fillet in between them as at O. 0’ gives a cross—section of the same. P shows the inside string, E the outside panel and r the rough horse. In Fig. 8, a, b and c show the location of the balusters as a—b-c, Fig. 9, d—e—f—g the face line of the nosing of the treads. The 3%)” mark at C denotes that the first riser is 3%” in from the face of the newel and the figure 7 denotes that the newel is 7” wide; the landing newel being (3” wide and the top riser in the center of the newel. “'hen setting up a flight of common stairs, where the treads and risers are nailed to the horses. and an open string as at C, Fig. S). the outside string must be cut for a miter joint for the risers as at s, Fig. 9. and the top cut square. the end of the rise will then be mitered to fit against the end string. After the end string is cut and nailed in place, then cut the risers and nail them in place before putting in the wall string. Next cut the wall string and lay it on the stair horses against the wall and risers. and take your compass and scribe along the front of the rise: cut to the scribe mark and your wall string will fit against the risers. Nail the wall string in place and fit the treads against the string by scribing. “'hen both sides of the stairs are closed. you can crowd the treads a little and it will not open the joint of the risers. )1. >\\ \\\\\\\\ 3 pf. ¢§‘\\\\\\. / WWW/III/ \ \ \\ '. '.' Sfud hzh .. 4.01M: STAIR WORK r - ARV? . -.--|L. . . u ‘2‘». QXN ”V I I ..lll|| Ito ct. QV\V\ _ . .- : rm ... . gill/é, v\\\\\\§~\.| z...\\\\\\x . \ / \ /I ‘\ J‘ [phi/gr. FIN UP. 5 fl}! . J5 cana’F/di/orm. 27 SOME RULES FOR DETERMINING TREADS AND RISERS Multiply the height of the riser by the width of the tread, so that the answer will be between 64 and 72. The sum of two risers and one tread should not be less than 21 inches or more than 25 inches The rise should be between 6 and 8 inches, 7 to 7% inches makes a very good rise. The width of the tread should be determined by the height of the rise. Stone steps without nosing should have treads not less than 12 inches wide. HEIGHT OF HAND RAIL z—Hand rails should be about 2’6” above the tread, straight with the face of the riser. The height of a stair rail should be two feet and two inches above the tread on a straight line with the face or front of the riser. When Laying out Stairs, you should find the height of the stairs from one finished floor to the top of the next finished floor, divide this space into the number of risers requir— ed, which should not be more than 7% inches or less than 7 inches The run of the stairs must also be taken into consideration. If the run will not allow for a 7—inch rise, the rise must be made higher, but where there is plenty of room for the run, a 7—inch rise and a 10—inch tread make a very easy stairway If the run is so that it requires a smaller tread, a 7%—inch rise and a 9—inch tread makes a very good stairs. By 9—inch tread we do not mean the width of the finished tread, but the cut of horses; the width of nosing which is from 114” to 1%” is added to the width of the tread which will make a 9” tread 101/1)” wide and a 10” tread 111/2” wide. Back stairs are generally steeper than the front stairs, sometimes an 8” rise is required to get the stairs in a certain place. Stairs to the basement should be as easy as the front stairs as they are used quite often. Cellar stairs are frequently built with 2” treads and no risers. Cellar stairs should have three 2”x12” horses for a three foot stairs and four for a} four foot stairs. Front stairs should never have less than three 2”x12” horses. When trimming out a well hole for stairs you should figure to have at least 7’6” of head room from the stairs to the under side of the angle or corner of the well hole. The well hole should always be enough wider than the stairs to allow at leastl inches outside of the stair rail after the work is finished. On page 29 we show a table giving the size of the tread and the height of the riser for different heights of stairs. The Height of Stairs has reference to the height from one finished floor to the top of the next finished fioor. Number of Risers has reference to the number of risers required for the height given; Height of Rise gives the height of each riser: Width of Tread, the width of each tread, and the Length of Run is the space it would require to build the stairs, if they were built in one straight run. Take the first line of section 2 for a stairs 2’8” high, if 4 risers were used they would be 8” high and have an 8” tread and require 24” or two feet run to build the stairs; if 5 risers were used, the rise would be 6-25 inches and the tread 11 inches, having a run of 3’8”. The 4 risers would do for a rear or back stairs. but would be too steep for steps to a porch from grade, while the five risers would be all right for steps to a porch, but would take up too much room for an inside stairs in a common residence. EXAMPLE.—--Tak€ a ceiling 9 feet high in the clear and allow 12 inches for the floor joist, plastering and upper floor and you will have 10 feet for the height of the stairs. Referring to the table in section 4, we find that in a 10-foot height, if 15 risers were 28 used, the rise would be 8 inches and the tread 8 inches, having a run of 9 feet 4 inches; if 16 risers, the rise would be 71/; inches and the tread 9 inches and a run of 11 feet 3 inches; if 17 risers were used the rise would be 7117 inches, the tread 10 inches and the run 13 feet 4 inches; if 18 risers were used, the rise would be 6 % inches, the tread 10% inches and the run 14 feet 10% inches. The 7% inches and 9 inches is most commonly used in the modern priced residence, while the 17 and 18 risers will make better stairs for larger buildings where there is more room allowed for the stairs. TERMS USED IN STAIR WORK FLIGHT OF STAIRS—A run of stairs or steps from one landing to another. RUN OF STAIRS—The sum of the Width of the treads. RISE—The height of each tread. TREAD—That part of the stairs we step on when going up a flight of stairs. NOSING——The front edge of the step which is generally rounded and projects over the riser. NEWEL—I’osts at the foot and head of stairs to support the railing. A and B, Fig. 9, show newel posts. LANDINGflThe top end of a flight of stairs either at the platform or top landing. OPEN STRING—Where the ends of the steps are open with a return nosing, as shown at C, Fig 9 CLOSED STRING—Is where the ends of the steps are closed, as shown at D-E, Fig. 9. BOX STAIRS—Where there is a partition on each side of the stairs instead of balusters and railing. CURTAIL STEP—The first step of a stairs when finished in the form of a scroll. HOUSING—Is cutting grooves in the wall strings for the steps and risers to fit in, as shown in Fig. 5 STRINGS—T he pieces that are nailed on the side of the stairs for the treads and risers to fit against or to be let into. HORSES#—Are the timbers cut out to fit the stairs; nailed to the horses. THREE—QUARTER TURN—~When there are three turns in the stair. WALL STRING—The string nailed against the wall. WELL HOLE—T he opening required in the floor to allow for the stairs. the treads and risers are TREADS AND RISERS 1" 1n v- m m 1» v1 '. 111 v1 -EEH-E‘EFE 8251452555 2235155259252ka -2555255525232 1~E 35233.2:2 252325371: 3523252225235; 2,222232‘225232522 §£2§§§~°€o§§1 5129594512952 5915159255 5123511521 5—1;.1—1:1.~_a 5:1 £3§£33°£53 ifiéiéiéifis ééééifiié Séiéfi £32£as££§5£=aié £3 (Lin. m. 1n in. In. In {L in. fun in. 1n ft 111 1n In {1. 1n {tin in. in ft m 1n. in. ft 1n in. "1. 11 1n {1. in. n 11 ft 1n 1n 1n ft 1n. m In ft in 1n 1n {Lin 9 24%10 15 2-8 18 s °~1 565211 3—8 6—2 107339 6—9 1113.-.10% 8-9 12 0111 11% 10— 0% 10- 158 S 9—1 16 71,3 9 11-3 17 7.1. 19 13—4 18633101,:2'14-10y2 9% 2 4% 15 15 2— 8% 4 8% 8 24 5 6%'10%3- 6 6— 310 7!. 9 6- 9 116.“I 111 8— 4 12 5,1411 11— 1 10— 1 111 7.1. 9 11- 3 13— 1 18 11.1: 10% 11—10% 19 0.310%15- 9 10 2 5 14 14 2- 9 4 8% 8 24 5 69: 10 3- 4 6- 4 10 7% 9 6- 9 1101.2 10 8- 4 12111411 10—1 10- 2 11. .11 11 11- 3 17 7.1.10 13- 1 18731. 111% 1+101/._. 19 6.1,10%15— 9 2 5% 13%13% 2- 9% 4 8% 7% 22% 5 6.7.10 3— 1 6— 510 7%; 9 6- 9 117 19 8— 4 12 11:. 111% »,- 5% 10— .1113 7 8%10— 7% 17 7.1. 1 13- 1 1s 111,1. 10 11— 2 19 6.",101315—9 25% 13 13 ' 2-10 414% 7% 22% 5693.9123-2 6—6 10 7919 6-9 117.'. 10 8-1 12 6% 111% 9— 5% —-; 10- 7% 17 7.1. 11%12-8 18 5‘1. 10 14—2 19 61911114 15—9 2 5% 12% 12% 2—10% 5 6.5 9% 3- 2 6- 710 7.7,. 9 6- 9 117:. 10 s— 4 12 6.1, 111%. 9- 5% 10— 5 11; 7173—14—10— 71.17 7.1,. 91412— 8 IS 51+10 11— 2 19 6111o%15— 9 26 12 12 2-11 57 9153—2 6-8 1071,1316 511/1117}. 91% .101. 9— 51:. 111-6 10 7718 10—0 91512-5 187 111 11—2 19111510112159 2 6% 11% 11% 2-11% 5 7.1.. 9% 3-1 6- 9107.1. 8 6— o 1171‘. 91/. 10 9— 2 10-. 11; 712 6 10- 0 17 7:- 9 12— 0 18 711910 11— 2 19 613101415 -9 2 6% 11 11 3— 5 7115‘ 9% 3-1 61) 12 5— 0 6—1010 8 8 6- 0 117.1. 9 .111 9— 2 111- s 11; 8 8 10-11 17 7.1-. 9 1.1- 0 15 71,1. 10 '11- 2 19 01:10 15- 11 2 69610561015 3-1 5 761. 9% 3-1 1101 12 5- 0 6-11 11 7.—*.-9 7— G 12 11:1 10 11 11— 0 9 17. 7‘. 11) 1+- 2 1013111} 1'0 I5. 0 90 0J1. 10% 16— 7% 2 7 10 10 3- 2 5 79s 9 1— o 013%11114— 9% 7— 117.1. 9 7— 6 12 7 10 101.111- 0 15 7-. 119.1’3— 511.11911310 15— 0 20 6V210%16- 7%. 2 7% 9% 9% 3- 3 5 7% 8 2— 8 1; 6% 11 1- 7 7-1117.‘.1<1/2 7-1 12 7.1 10 111% 10- 11 1s ..- 13- 51,2 19 1113111 15— o 20 61.1. 10%10— 7,15 2 7% 9 9 3- 4 5 8 8 2- s 13 6% 101/2 4- «11,5 7- 2117;. 81.; 7-1 1;- 711. 10 10% 111- 1. 11 - 17 711 81g 11- 1 1x1 71. 91;. 1.1- 5,1. 19111.; 111 15- 0 20111111014 16—71;. 2 7% 8% 8%. 3- 5 5 81. 8 2- 8 o 61.1 10 1- 2 7— :1 11 71.2 8% 7— 1'- 1.1 71. 91; 111%10— 6 11-117 71:85—11— 1 12 7.1.9 12— 9 19 7 10 15- o 20 111.: 10% 15— 7% 28 8 8 115% 13 25 3—6 58%: 8 2—5 67 11) 1-2 7-4113 8 6—8 12 71,. 11:, 101410-6 11-2 177118 10—8 18 71/. 9 12-9 19 7.1. 10 15—0 20 6.7,. 10% 16— 7% 2 8% 7% 7% 3 5% 13 26 :1— 7 5 81.4.. 7% 2— 1; 1. 111.10 1- 2 7- 512 7: 9 3- 3 1311.1, 111 11 11-11 11- 7.17 71; 3 10— 8 18 7% 9 1.1- 9 19 7.1, 10 15— o 20 6% 10% 1o- 7% 8% 7% 7%35y, 13 26 3—8 07% 99.1-71.1 711:; 11 5-1. 701.17%» 8- :1 111.1..111 11 11-11 11— 117» ‘i 10—8 18 7‘11. 9 12-9 19 7.1. 10 15—0 20 59s 10 15—10 ' "1 5% 12% 25 3- 9 1; 71/. 9 1- 5 .111. 101,; 5- 3 7— 711 7.7, 9 8- 5 11. 10 111- 11 1:1.1/.1111,.11— 1IN‘17-7u 1: 7:19 1.1- 9 19 7.1. 10 11— n 211 01‘ 10 15—10 211311101317— 1; 3 6 12 24 3-10 6 73.; 81/ 1— 2% 771.1. 101.3 5— 3 7- s 12 7,2; 9 x- :1 1.17.1-111—_111-11 1151;101:711- 11... 11— 1'. 1.- 73.191; 12- 1;. 197;. 91;. 14— 3 21101., 111 15-10' 21111.1 1111.317- 11 3 6% 11% 23 3-11 1. 75.. s 40 7 1.9— 11711:.— 3 7— 91: 73131:. 7- 03.; 1:1 7.1-. 10 111— 0 1-1 11.". 111 10-10 11- 7 1x 71191312- 1.19 7;: 1.11.11-3 2011;; 10 15—10. 2111:; 1111-317- 15 3 6% 11 22 1- 13 8 8 40 . 1.1.11 10 5— 0 7—111 1.1 77., 51/. 7-111 117.4.- 9- r. 11 1.1:. 111 111—111 11- 815' 71., sic. 12- y; 19 7.2. 91;. 11— 3 207.7117 15—10 2111;; 111% 17— 6 3 656 ll 22 451 7 7 0 5— 0 5 01/131: 7— 0 7-11 12 7;1 s 7— 4 117+r 9:: 1.1-1; 11 51,1- 111 111-111 11- 9 18 73,.» s 11— 1 19 7f, 9 1.1- r. 20 7.). 11) 15—10 2113?:101517- 11 3 6% 10% 21 4- 2 7 711110 5— 0 8 61; 111/51;— 8% 11- 12 8 s 7— 1 1117.7T 9111 9— 0 11 117'; 111 10-10 11—10 18 7m 8 11— 1 19 77+. 9 13- 6 20 7.1., 10 15-10 2161.: 10 10— 8 365610 29 1—3 772.. 9%1-9 86M 11 0-5 1: 13 739% 9—6 11 01.111; 11910 15115. 11 12—10 11—11187:;s 11-4 19 71.41 9 13—5 2074710 15-10 2101-7-10 10—8 3 7 1o 20 4- 4 7 71111 9% S1- 9 8 61211 1- 5 8- 2117.7. 9% 9- G 14 7 10 111-10 1:. 5.1.. 11 12-111 12- 1s 8 8 11— 4 19 71.1. 9 13— r. 10 11‘- s 3 71.9 9% 19 4— 5 7 71,4. 9 4- 6 31.51; 11 1»— 5 8— "1117:. 9% 9- 0 11 7.1. 10 111—10 17. 011.10%12- 3 12— 3.11171181112— 9 20 7-7- 9 11- 3 217 10 16— 8 22 011101318- 1% 3 7% 9% 19 +- 6 7 797' 8% 4— 3 8 m. 10,1311- 1% 3- 411..-.9% 9- 13 11 71,7 10 10—10 1517341011. 12-21 12- 611171.: 9 11- 3 2171.110 16— s 22 3. 101.318— 1% 3 7% 9 18 4- 7 7 71,. 8% 4- 3 8 0;: 10 5—10 8- 5 1:1 711.1912 9- 6 11 7. {1,13 111- 3%17. 5.4. 101.... 1:— :1 12- 919 3.1.8 12- 0 2o 71; 9 1+- 3 217% 9% 15-10 22 61110 17— 6 3 7% 9 18 1— 8 7 8 8 1- 0 8 7 10 5—10 8- 5 13 71.1.9 9- 0 11 1.1. 9% 10— 3% 15 01:: 10,1”; 12— 3 1:1- 21171.1; 81,. 13— 52221719 911.: 1510 22 71’. 10 17— G 23 615 111% 105 3 3 7% 8% 17 4- 9 8 7,1110 5—111 9 0% 11 7- 4 8— 1“. 1.171.731. $— 6 11 7. 1.11;.10- 315151111 111,1312-3 13- 3 20 71:8 13- 8 21717 9 15- 0 22 7.1. 91.16— 715 23 611.10 18— 4 3 8 8 16 4 6 12 36 4-10 8 7,1,; 9% 5- 6% 9 01.1. 1111.3 7— o 3— 813 8 8 8- 0 11 71,1; 9 9— 9 15-11.: 11) 11- s 13- 6 20 8.1. s 12- s 2179-, 8%. 7 1 3 8% 8 16' 4 6% 12 36 4—11 8 72s 9 5- 3 9 1191. 101;. 7- 0 8- 914 7% 9 9— 9' 15 7 111 11— 8 11.17.17 11 13- 9 9 38% 7% 15 46% 11% 34% 5- 87% 9 5-3 96% 10%7—0 3-11) 1.1 7.~. 9 9-8 15 7.1. 10 11—8 11; 13% 11 13—9 0 .3 8% 7% 15 4 6% 11 33 5- 1 8 7s, 9 5— 3 9 7,1110 6— 8 8-1114 7:. 9 9- 9 15 7.310 11— 8 1111111 101413—11; 9 3 8% 7% 15 4 6% 11 33 5- 2 8 7% 8% 4-1111; 9 03911) 13- 8 9- 14 7% 8% 9— 2% 15 71,511. 11- 8 1115.111111313-11/9 9 3 8 7 14 4 6% 11 33 ' 5— 3 8 7;; 8 1— 8 11 7 10 1’- 8 9- 1 11 711 8% 9- 21_ 15 7.2 91;.11-1 1131;310:3121—1172 9 39 7 14 46%10 30 5-4 88 8 1—8 971.10 1:8 9-21171ae813 9-21.515711 9%11-1 160M111 12—6 15— 23711815 157 2171. 9 1 6%10 30 5- 5 9 7:1. 9% r.- 4 10 6% 11 s- :1 _9- 3 11 71: 8 8— 8 15 7", 9% 11- 1 10 011 10 12- G 14— 8 21 71/3 9 17- 3 27. 7;: 91: 1o— 11 21.- 73. 1 21,910 4 7 1o 30 5— 6 9 7% 9% 6- 4 10 112+. 11 8— 3 9- 4 1-1 3 8 25- 8 15 7.7. 9 10— 5 16 7 10 12- 6 14— 3 24 73.1 81.1 10— 311;" ‘J 18— U 213 73:11) 20510 4 7%10 30 5— 7 9 7w 9 1;- 0 1011.1. 101/2 7-101, 9— 515 7.1, 9 111— 6 16 7,1. 10 12— 6 17 61: 11 11— 8 8 ‘J 18— 5 l1» 7;. 9'. 10 21— s 4 7% 9% 28% 5— 8 9 7‘“. 9 1;- 0 10 694.111 1- u 9— 615 7% 9 10- 6 16 7% 10 12— (s 17 111: 11 14- 8 8 15— 1 2:. 7+7: ‘3 13- 0 2117.“. 9 18— 9 27 711.10 21- 5 7% 9% 28% 5— 9 9 71; 9 1.- 0 10 0.1., 10 7- G 11— 7 16 7% 9 10— 6 11. 7e. 9% 11—10% 17 OH 10% 11— 0 8 16- 0 26 7+.- 9 18- 9 27 71/, 9 19— 6 28 7.1. 10 -2- 6 7% 9 27 5 6 12 4- 0 5-10 9 77.1. 8);. .3— s 10 7 10 7— 1; 9- 815 71; 8% 9-11 16 7% 9%11-101417011101411- 0 17- 25 St; 8 16— 0 215 711- .11% 17— 8% 27 771. s 17— 4 28 7:1. 9% 21- 41;, 7% 9 _ 27 . 5 6.1.12 4- 0 5-11 9 7:1. 8% 5- s 107.1. 10 7— 6 9— 915 711. 5% 9-11 11; 7.1. 9% 11-101/._; 17 6:110%14— o 18- 26 8.4; 8 16- 8 27 85:. >1 17- 4 28 71+ 9 20- 3 29 71; 9 21— 0 7% 8% 211; 5 011.11%3-10 6- 8 8 5- 4 1o 71: 9117-11/2 9—1015 7:: 8% 9-11 16 7% 9% “-10% 17 61110%11— o 19- 23 8V: 8 18— o 29 7..- 81:19—10 30 73,: 9 21- 9 31711 9 22- 6 7% s 24 56.1,” 3—8 6-1 11.7.1. 9 6-9 116.1.11 9-2 9-111571gzs 9—4 1117.1, 9 11-3 177 10 13-1 211- 29 85".8 18—8 308 8 19-1' :11 73.- 9 22-6 32 7% 9 223 Section 1. Section 2. Secfion 3. Section 1L WINDOW FRAMES Fig. 1 at A shows a Side Jamb for a Common Window Frame without weights for a frame building. This kind of frame is not used very often, only in very cheap work. B shows the edge of the side jamb, F and G the notches cut in to receive the sill C and head jamb D. The sill C should have a slant of at least 3’3’ of an inch. E shows a groove plowed in to receive the parting stop which divides the two sash. At H is shown a cross—section showing the outside casing at a, the jamb at b and the parting stop at c. The space between the parting stop and the outside casing must be the same as the thickness of the sash, also the same distance from the parting stop to the inside stop (1. ‘ To Find the Length of the Side Jambs for a Double Hung or Two Light Window. Suppose the window to be 24”x26”, two lights, the first number always represents the width of the glass, then the height would be two times 26” or 52” plus two inches for the top rail. one inch for the center or dividing rail and three inches for the bottom rail. making six inches in all. Add 6 inches to 52 inches making the height 58 inches or 4’10” in all; measure 4’10” from the top or head jamb, allow 33” for the slant of the sill C, making the inside measurement 3 g" less than 4’10”. The grooves F and G should be the width of the timbers used for the head'and sill and about 34”” or 33" - deep. \Vhen cutting the head jamb or sill, take the width of the glass, 24”. and add 4” for the sides of the sash and the distance that the head jamb and sill are let into the side jambs. which is 3g” on each side, making a1" in all. 24” and 4%”. equals 29%”, the length of the head. jamb and sill. The outside casing at a projects over the jamb b }§” to form an outside stop for the sash. Fig. 2 shows a Cross Section of Fig. 3, a shows the 2”x4”. b the outside sheathing, ' c the jamb or pulley stile. d the outside casing, er the outside window stops. f the parting stop, h the inside casing, P the inside plastered wall and O the weight pocket. Fig. 3 shows a Vertical Section of a Window Frame for a Frame Building. d, e, f, g, h. j represent the same parts as in Fig. 2. K shows the apron under the window stool J. l the sill. m the subsill. n a groove cut into the subsill to receive the siding A, r shows a 2”x4” header under the frame. 5 a cap over the outside head window casing, t a bed mould under the cap and u the outside head casing. At v is shown the siding over-the window frame. W the inside head casing, x the cap over the inside casing, y shows a moulding under the head casing, z a 2”x4” header over the frame. i shows the location of the axle pulleys which are generally from three to four inches down from the top of the frame. Figs. 4 and 5 show Cross and Vertical Sections of a window frame for a 12” brick wall. A shows the stone sill, B the brick, C the furring, D the grounds to stop OH the plastering. At a and b is shown the jambs. c the outside casing which also forms the outside window stop. (1 shows the inside casing to the frame with a groove plowed in at f to receive the sub—jamb g which is necessary. when 12” or heavier walls are used. to nail the inside casing h to. At e is shown a quarter round nailed on the 30 outside of the frame and forms a brick mould, the header n is generally made of 2” lumber and the sill m of 1/16” or 2” lumber. The stool 0 must be wide enough to allow for the inside casing to rest on; P shows the apron. The stone sill A must be wide enough'to project at least one inch on the outside of the brick and also be about two inches under the sill m. Figs. (3 and 7 show a Door Frame for a Frame Building. A shows the studding. B the outside sheathing, C the inside sheathing or plastering, D the door jamb, E the outside casing, F the inside casing. a and b show the grooves cut into the side jamb to receive the head jamb C and sill d. The sill should have about 5%” slant out, and should be wide enough to project an inch outside of the casing. Fig. 8 shows a Vertical Section of a Door Frame from a brick building with a wood sill. “'hen a wood sill is used in a brick wall the jambs are generally let into the sill as shown by the dotted lines a-b, the grooves a-b to be cut into the sill the same width and thickness as the door jamb. C shows the head jamb, D the brick mould and B the brick reveal. When lines are drawn through a drawing as at c-d, they indicate that the drawing is cut in two and is not a full sized drawing. Fig. 9 shows a view at the inside of the frame shown in Fig. 8, A being the head jamb, B the sill and C the side jamb. Fig. 10 shows a cross section of the side jamb of a door frame for a brick wall, A shows the brick work, B the stone sill, a—b-c—d a wood block laid in the wall next to the jamb to spike the jamb to. “'ood blocks should be made the same thickness as the brick and mortar and laid dry without mortar, next to the wood frame. Some— times frames have a rabbet cut out on the inside edge as at e-f for the door to fit against instead of nailing on a door stop as at g. The thickness of the door has to be known so as to have the rabbet the same as the thickness of the door. The dotted lines at i. j and k show a square brick mould which is generally used on window frames when blinds are used. to hang the blinds to: the moulding is generally 1}3”x2". At h shows a stop which is sometimes put on the frame for the screen door to strike against. Fig. 11 at A shows the head jamb of Fig. 10, at B a cross—section of the same showing the groove at C for the side jamb. The dotted line at a-b represents the depth that the groove is cut into the head jamb. You will notice that the quarter round D projects above the head jamb A; this is done by setting the quarter round or brick mould back [19” from the face edge of the jamb. Figs. 12 and 13 show how to lay out a sill and head jamb for a window frame as shown in Fig. 5; at A the head jamb and at B the sill. You will notice the head jamb A is the same width the whole length, but the sill B is 73’” wider than the head jamb and will require a notch cut out as at a—b-c-d for the outside casing of the frame as shown at c, Fig. 4. This casing forming the outside stop. must project past the groove D, or the side jamb, at least one—half of an inch. The end of the sill and head jamb will not require any groove to receive the outside jamb E, as the jamb can be nailed to the ends as shown at E. The space between the jamb D and E should be about 2,913” to give plenty of room for the weights. When plowing for the parting stop of a window frame always allow about one-sixteenth of an inch for play of the sash, when the sash are painted and, if oil finish, less space will do. WINDOW FRAMES C . a A: j; 73 a I %v /-/ 4.. . )0 L,= 4- '— 1 o" r. 61 WI/I/fl/Ifl/Iflflflfl/Illlfll/I/WWI/l/l/W/l/fl/Il/fl////////////////////////////////////////ll/// ‘ ~17 57.. I W 75 ’ &<\\\\}\\\\\\\\ \\ & \h: C ’ i a’ l , f c ‘ M15 ' W ’4 my. 3 F99 1?on my. 1/ , m N gm. c}, MULTIPLICATION TABLE 51. ‘ 61 69 78 76 45 86 102 138 146 152 141 122 129 153 171 199 207 219 228 172 204 244 262 I 276 292 304 '35 215 255 285 305 310 325 320 345 350 365 380 72 258 306 342 366 . 372 388 414 438 456 84 301 315 322‘ 357 399 413 427 434 451 483 497 511 532 96 344 360 408 456 472 496 514 552 584 608 108 387 405 459 513 531 549 567 621 639 657 666 684 064091535111 120 310 430 450 510 570 590 610 620 630 690 710 720 730 740 750 760 ... O 121 132 231 341 473 495 561 627 649 671 682 693 759 781 792 803 814 836 1. .- 108 132 144 516 540 612 684 708 732 744 756 828 852 864 876 912 924 1.2 117 143 156 2': 416 559 585 611 663 741 764 793 806 819 871 884 897 910 923 936 949 962 988 1001 126 154 168 592 030 714 798 826 854 868 882 938 952 966 981) 994100810221036 1064 1078 14 60 135 165 180 645 675 765 855 885 915 930 945 975 1005 1020 1035 1050 1065 1080 1095 1110 1140 1155 15 176 192 416 720 816 912 944 960 976 992 1008 1024 1040 1056 1072 1088 1104 1120 1136 1152 1168 1184 1200 1216 1232 16 102 153 187 204 442 612 714 765 867 952 969 1003 1020 1037 1054 1071 1088 1105 1122 1139 1156 1173 1190 1207 1224 1241 1258 1275 1292 1 309 17 72 108 162 198 216 756 810 918 1008 1026 1044 1062 1080 1098 1116 1134 1152 1170 1188 1206 1224 1242 1260 1278 12913 1314 1332 1350 1368 1386 sszsaznsssaaaa.saa.fi 76 114 171 1209 228 494 741 798 855 950 969 1007 1026 1045 1064 1083 1102 1121 1140 1159 1178 1197 1216 1235 1254 1273 1292 1311 1330 1340 1368 1387 1406 14:5 1444 18 {51:59 8 80 100 120 220 240 520 840 900 1000 1020 1040 1060 1080 1100 1120 1140 1160 1180 1200 1220 1240 12110 1280 1300 1320 1340 1360 1380 1400 1420 1440 1460 1480 1500 1520 1540 20 84 105 126 231 252 546 861 882 945 987 1008 1029 1050 1071 1092 1113 1134 1155 1176 1197 1218 1239 1200 1281 1302 11123 1344 1365 1386 1407 1428 1449 1470 1491 1512 1533 1554 1575 15.16 88 110 132 242 264 286 418 572 990 1012 1034 1056 1078 1100 1122 1144 1166 1188 1210 1232 1254 1276 1298 1320 1342 1364 1380 1408 1430 1452 1474 1496 1518 1540 1562 1584 1606 1028 11150 1672 1017 1604 21 22 138 253 276 299 598 989 1035 1058 1081 1104 1127 1150 1173 1196 1219 1242 1265 1288 1311 1334 1357 1380 1403 1426 1449 1472 1495 1518 1541 1564 1587 1610 1633 1056 1679 17022 1725 1748 1771 96 120 144 240 264 288 312 024 816 984 1032 1080 1104 1128 1152 1176 1200 1224 1248 1272 1296 1320 1344 1368 1392 1416 1440 1464 1488 1512 1536 1560 1584 1608 163:} 1656 1680 1704 1728 175’: 17715 1800 182-1 1848 24 100 125 150 250 275 300 325 825 850 1025 1075 1125 1150 1175 1200 1225 1250 1275 1300 1325 1350 1375 1400 1425 1450 1475 1500 1525 1550 1575 1600 1625 1650 1075 1700 1725 1750 1775 1800 18:15 1850 1875 1900 1925 104 130. 156 260 286 312 676 858 884 1066 1092 1118 1144 1170 1196 1222 1248 1274 1300 1326 1352 1378 1404 1430 1456 1482 1508 1534 1560 1586 1012 1638 1664 1690 1716 1742 1768 1794 1820 [8-16 1872 1895 1924 1950 1076 2002 108 135 162 297 324 351 702 891 918 1026 1107 1134 1161 1188 1215 1242 1269 1296 1323 1350 1377 1404 1431 1458 1485 1512 1539 1566 1593 1620 1647 1674 1701 1728 1755 1782 1809 1830 1863 1890 1017 1944 1971 1998 2025 2052 2079 112 140 168 ”“9 '1'" '1” 728 924 952 1036 1064 1148 1176 1204 1232 1288 1316 1344 1372 1400 1428 1456 1484 1212 1540 1568 1596 1624 1652 1680 1708 1736 1764 1792 1820 1848 1876 1904 1932 1960 1988 2016 2044 3072 2100 2128 2156 116 145 174 319 348 377 754 957 986 1073 1102 1131 1189 1218 1247 1276 1344 1363 1392 1421 1450 1479 1508 1537 1566 1595 1624 1653 1682 1711 1740 1769 1798 1827 1850 1885 1914 1948 1972 2001 2030 2059 2088 2117 2146 2175 2204 2233 120 150 180 '13" 360 390 780 990 1020- 1110 1140 1170 1230 1260 1290 1320 1380 1410 1440 1470 1500 1530 1560 1590 1620 1650 1680 1710 1740 1770 1800 1830 1860 1890 1920 1950 1980 2010 2040 2070 2100 2130 2160 2190 23220 2250 2280 2310 124 155 186 217 341 372 403 651 992 1023 1054 1085 1147 1178 1209 1240 1‘271 1302 1333 1364 1395 1420 1457 1488 1519 1581 1612 1643 1674 1705 1736 1767 1798 1829 1860 1891 1922 1953 1984 2015 2046 2077 2108 2139 2170 2201 232 2263 2294 21125 2350 2387 , 128 160 192 224 352 384 416 832 1024 1050 1088 1120 118-1 1216 1248 1280 1312 1344 1376 1408 1440 1472 1504 1536 1568 1632 1664 1696 1728 1760 1792 1824 1856 1888 1920 1952 1984 2016 2048 2080 2112 2144 2176 2208 2240 ‘ 2304 2336 2368 2400 2432 246-1 132 165 198 231 363 396 429 594 858 891 990 1050 1089 1122 1155 1221 1254 1287 1353 1386 1419 1452 1485 1518 1551 1584 1617 1683 1716 1749 1782 1815 1848 1881 1914 1947 1980 2013 2046 2079 2 2145 2178 2211 2244 2277 2310 2376 2409 2442 2475 2508 254 1 1.36 170 204 238 374 408 442 612 1584 018 986 1020 1088 1122 1150 1190 1258 1202 1326 1394 1428 1462 1496 1530 1504 1598 1632 1666 1734 1768 1802 1836 1870 1904 1938 1972 2000 2040 2074 2108 2142 2210 2244 2278 2312 2346 2380 2414 2448 2482 2510 2550 ‘ 2618 140 175 210 245 ””5 4"“ ‘5‘ 630 910 945 1015 1050 1085 1120 1155 1190 1225 1200 1295 1330 1365 1435 1470 1505 1540 1575 1610 1645 1080 1715 1855 1890 1925 1060 1995 2030 2065 2135 2170 2205 2240 2275 2310 2345 2380 2415 2450 2485 2520 955% “son 2625 2660 1785 1820 2100 2695 252 2°“ "’2 4"" 648 864 936 972 1044 1080 1116 1152 1188 1224 1260 1206 1332 1368 1404 144 180 216 1476 1020 1650 1692 1944 2124 2100 2196 2232 2268 2304 2340 2376 2412 2448 2484 2520 2556 2592 9‘98 9664 1700 2736 1512 1548 1584 1728 1764 1830 1872 1908 1080 2010 2052 2088 2772 36 1406 1443 148 185 222 259 "0“ 407 444 481 0116 888 962 990 1036 10711 1110 1147 1184 1221 1258 1295 1332 1369 1517 2553 2590 21127 2664 2701 2738 2775 2812 1554 1591 1028 1665 1702 1739 1776 1813 1887 1924 1901 . mu In) 111.. 2109 2140 2183 2220 2257 2204 2331 2368 2405 2442 2479 2516 2849 37 304 342 4‘“ “A “M 684 912 1:38 1026 10154 1102 1140 1178 1210 1254 12112 13311 13158 1406 1444 I482 152 190 228 266 1558 1590 1034 1672 1710 1748 1786 1824 1862 1938 1976 2014 2052 2000 2128 2166 2204 2242 2280 2318 2356 2394 2432 2470 2508 2546 2584 2622 2060 2698 2736 2774 2812 2850 2888 2926 36 312 351 4"“ “m 702 741 936 1014 1053 1092 1131 1170 1209 1248 1287 1326 1365 1404 1443 1482 1521 195 234 271 507 . 1599 2613 2652 2691 2730 2769 2808 2847 2886 2925 296-1 1638 1677 1716 1755 1794 1833 1872 1911 1141517 -uaa 2007 2106 2145 2184 2223 2262 2301 2340 2379 2418 2457 2496 2535 2574 3003 39 88838828838383222885 360 "m 720 1000 10-10 1080 1120 1160 1200 1240 1280 1320 1360 1400 1440 1480 1520 1560 160 200 240 280 320 1640 2680 2720 2700 2800 2840 2880 2920 2960 3000 3'14" alum 40 1680 1720 1760 1800 1840 1880 1920 1900 2040 2080 2120 2160 ‘ 2240 2280 2320 2360 2400 2440 2480 2520 2560 2600 2640 STORE FRONTS Fig. 1 shows one style of Store Front Construction of metal facing with wood backing. In this style of construction it is necessary to have copper gutters on the inside of the glass to carry off the water that accumulates on the inside of the glass; this water should be either run into the basement or on the outside walk. The metal facing is screwed to the wood backing and should be % of an inch in thickness and from 2 to 3 inches in width. Sometimes the sash below the bulkhead are made to swing at the top, as shown in the figure to the right of Fig. 1. The sash for a wood backed front are made of wood, while in an all iron front they are made of iron. Fig. 2 shows one style of an All Iron Construction with metal panels. The bulk- head is always built of wood. The front shown here is not ventilated and also requires metal gutters inside. All metal fronts should be ventilated. There are several 32 makes of store fronts that have patented ventilated bars. Love Bros, Incorporated, of Aurora, Illinois. make a very good ventilated front; by writing to them they will send you details showing the construction of their work. The small figure above Fig. 2 shows how and where to fasten a Pin Anchor to a joist, also how to cut the ends of a joist for a brick wall. Fig. 3 shows an All Wood Construction of a store front by using wood sash. You will notice that the sash are cut square and stops put on each side of the glass. Store fronts should always be made so as to set the glass from the outside, then it will not be necessary to disturb the work on the inside when setting glass. Fig. 4 shows another front of Wood Construction With Metal Facing. This front can be ventilated. as shown, by boring holes through the horizontal 2X15. You will notice that the sash below the bulkhead is set back the width of a 2x4; :1 2x4 should be put vertical every 3 or 4 feet under the bulkhead to support the glass. CONSTRUCTION OF STORE FRONTS buck we!)- {1" umm/ALV/I/fl/x/m, Mm 7116;74pr 22 r “‘ :x‘\\\\\\\\¥\\\\\\ //////// ' 1 ;. r "-1 £\\\\\\\\\\\\Y\\\ Ain’t; ,.......”. :II or 1, 3X55“ j inn/ahfa “I 9/45: SECTI O/‘IN STORE FRO/1'1". VF/‘ITILATED 11':_ :::::_—:_‘ ll WOOD QASH BAR. ‘ "mural %; ‘ :Cdl@ 5'2 1/f‘.‘ f4ccledl‘c Z; f 4 § / .4 2 [—— yrm. w /‘ r‘wr'ns , ' bf Wain/mg ' 11 Eda/mm; d '/ fraruam ska? / .1 ,, 2'415/1 2" 7 M IranP/afe . 2'" )3 km :, Aarcd ¢V¢ 7y 72 dFdV. ' Iran p/dfz 9/“: I STORE FRO/1T consrh 3 ,, ' ' ALL. woos: _, wood— 2; STORE FRO/1T CO/‘l ST’A. ' WOOD and METAL‘, ; STORE—f FRO/1T CO/‘Is’rn m g L ALL. Ar: TAL. g Bu/khzdcf. g 7////////////I/////////,/ 4%; ”MP/m Bulkhead alum-eat V 23” — V“; W 1 “2; Jfifi 5‘75” __V I o/es, ¢v¢ry I: ”1 I 214 - - n1 4 M7517 k Fig. 1 Fig. 2 Fig. 3 33 MULTIPLICATION TABLE 31828384353831”39404142”““40474849505152536‘0560515060000109630406006108091011121014101077 1394 15 1428 731 1462 1490 765 ” 1530 1564 1512 1548 1591 1634 1584 1023 1620 1605 17 782 104 1656 1702 799 ' 1128 1598 1092 1739 816 864 1152 833 882 1176 900 1100 1150 1200 807 918 SS4 936 1632 1728 1770 1764 1813 1800 1850 1836 1887 1872 1924 1802 1855 1908 1961 1836 1890 1944 1998 1870 1925 1980 1904 1900 2010 1938 1995 1078 1 1666 1700 1122 1173 1224 1377 1734 1404 1431 1484 1144 1196 1248 1708 901 954 1007 918 972 1026 935 990 1045 952 1008 1064 1166 1219 1272 1188 1242 1296 ‘ 1458 ' 1210 1265 1320 1375 1485 1232 1288 1344 1400 15 1792 ‘ 969 1026 1083 ' 986 1044 1102 1003 1062 1121 1020 1140 1037 1159 1220 1281 1054 1178 1302 1071 1 1088 152 1254 1311 1368 1425 1276 1334 1392 1450 1357 1416 1475 1539 1824 1566 1682 1711 1856 19 1972 1598 1888 2000 1500 1820 1047 1074 1701 1728 1380 1740 2040 1403 1464 1525 2074 1426 1488 1550 1449 1512 1575 1472 1536 1600 2108 2142 2176 2210 STORE FRONTS The transom bar is also set out about 3 inches with holes for ventilation. This makes a very good front for a wood construction. \Vood constructed store fronts should be made of soft pine and well painted. Metal fronts should be of copper when thin coverings are put on wood, and of cast iron when an all metal front. \Vood covered with metal makes a very good store front. Several of these metal fronts, which give good results, are on the market, made by different manufacturers and patented. The plan shown on the left hand side of page 35 shows a Wood Sash Store Front and is made for a building 20 feet wide with party walls. The store has a side entrance, one door leading to the second floor and the other to the store room. Sometimes the stairs are brought out as shown in the other store plan and the side entrance to the store is placed on the opposite side of the building from the stairs. Notice the sectional View of this building giving the height of the ceilings; the height of the roof will be according to the length of the building. The projection for the cornice can be made of metal, wood, stone or terra cotta. The top can be cap stone, terra cotta or tile coping. The store front and floor plan of the front on the right hand side has the store entrance in the center of the store room, which will give two show 34 -which is then set the same as a light of glass. 1763 1804 1845 2501 1 31 1806 1848 1890 1932 1349 1892 1892 1930 1980 1935 1980 ' 2 2034 1908 1 2214 24 2010 142 1978 2004 107 150 2112 3111 3 32 8 3 3 3264 33 I20 180 Windows instead of one, but smaller. The two windows are better when it is necessary to show two different kinds of goods, say Jewelry store on one side and Stationery on the other side. The vestibule floor to the front entrance is sometimes made of iron, sometimes of concrete and tiled, but very seldom of wood. The cornice projection for this building is at the top of the wall and can be made of galvanized iron or copper. Both of these store fronts show prism lights in small squares of about —l inches square. If the store room is (30 feet or more deep, these prism lights will light up the center part of the store. Sometimes sheet prisms are used instead, but they do not give as good satisfaction as the smaller lights. The small lights are put into a copper frame \Vhen the store room is short, 40 feet or less, then plate glass can be used instead of prism, and sometimes there is no transom bar put in and the glass extends to the top. Below the bulkhead it is sometimes necessary to have glass in order to give light to the basement; these sash are sometimes hung so as to give ventilation in the basement which is very necessary. The front entrance door used to be double doors, but of late the front entrance is made of only one wide door, usually 3 feet 6 inches. The single door is better than the double doors, as double doors always let in plenty of cold; a single door can be made to stay in its place better, and it is also better to have one screen door than two. The multiplication table on this page is a continuation of the table on page 32. STORE 'FRONTS I 4373‘": L 0’1". . l ux Hum" .1 110 J9 {Ill ¢/-/0,5¢——5’ do 35% L L ’57; l 1 . <3: 41; ’ LA I ||’r¥!n¥7 7 '- I ”"' ll 1‘ u - r } E T, ’35.:5115.’ E? H r 1 ‘53:" . } J _ T- r 6 g I r I ‘I l kw ; g "_—_ '__1_ — .v-n . 1 n I ‘ f~— —!F‘ ‘ I 3 “1‘ ‘9‘“ 1' ‘ :4, firm ' I lg I: 1311 Elk" ‘ I {2R1 [ Hal? 1 I: :5?" i W“ l !} IE” 1 _ , i‘tl E ‘ ts. E “I; ‘1 _ : J'SI‘ 4 q :3 i m ‘ : :‘ ‘ M a \ q z :3 it 3 r: 1; U t s . ‘ , u v ~ ‘ i ,{:1 .Ji gn==1 LL14; 4 4L L.- Afi‘ ._.L__m =- A: I I flay-be ” “I A, ,7 V J/nnh “nun I ELEVATION OF‘ STORE‘ FRO/1T. ELENJATLO/‘t OF’ STORE FRO/1T. METAL. :>Asr1. WOOD 5A5H. fiHJ >1 S~ ‘\\ / \ Inn 51/07/57'6‘ :0I I Y ~, ' ' in I t l Hafiz/[I l I l ; ‘ 1 i [H , n M! . . 1 _ .. | .5“ {t In" A ' ,,:- Eu4~~~34°~>716K———_1’5~—.¥K_——‘*’ — —>l|‘l I Fae. 345"- -91“; khaki—5.. 3141;..- _ -.. 7'—/o'_' _- - “-4: i _ - -_ - _ __ - -_-__Vgo—-o'_.____ -___- __-- I ‘ ’ n 1r<.~~_._—77—~‘_NA_AIZ°‘~' r~-»———-v——->{ PLA/‘l 35 . PLAN. BRICK WORK Fig. 1 shows a Flemish Bond in brick laying. The courses are laid with a stretcher and headers alternate in each course. In Fig. 1 A shows the stretchers and B the headers; this makes a very strong bond but is very seldom used. Small pieces must be put in as at C to start the bond right. Fig. 2 shows an English Bond and has a course of stretchers and then a course of headers alternate. A represents the stretchers and B the headers; this bond, like the Flemish bond, also requires a small piece for filling in and is very seldom used in this country. Fig. 3 shows a Common Bond mostly used in brick work. The headers H are laid about every sixth course with the stretchers S between them. When laying pressed brick, the work looks better if the face brick are all stretchers. and when laying them all stretchers. they must be bond in some other way than by putting in headers. Fig. 3 at A shows one way of bonding the face brick, by cutting off the back corner of the brick and laying brick cornerwise as shown at A. At B shows another way, by laying metal ties as shown from the face brick to the common brick backing. The face brick should have a bond every fifth or sixth course. Fig. 4 at A shows a regular coursed Ashler and at B an irregular coursed. Fig. 5 shows a vertical section of a brick wall on a cement footing C. This section shows how to fasten the iron anchors as at B. Anchors should be spiked to the joist, one to every fourth or fifth one and close to the bottom of the joist, then the pin a will be below the joist and, if the joist should break in the center and fall down, the anchor would pull through the same hole that the joist came out of without tearing any extra wall down. The ends of the joist should be cut as shown, having the ends slanting, so when they break in the center they will pull out without doing any damage to the wall. At b is shown a water table, which is generally on line with the first floor joist. Fig. 6 shows the thickness of a wall 50 feet high and Fig. 7 a wall 45 feet high; these walls as shown are strong enough for a store and office building of the height shown, when there are cross partitions to stiffen the building. Figs. 8, 9 and 10 show walls strong enough for residence buildings. Figs. 8 and 9 will be strong enough for store rooms on the first floor, if they are not more than 24 feet wide. Fig. 11 shows a wall 32 feet high and 12 inches thick; if the building is not more than 20 feet wide this wall will do for a two story store building. Fig. 12 shows a wall 16 inches thick two stories and 12 inches two stories; this wall is strong enough for factory purposes. When a dancing or lodge hall is built on the third floor of a building with a high ceiling, one of the outside walls should be 16 inches thick all the way up, especially if the room is more than 60 feet Wide without any partitions or supports; 8 inch walls should not be used only where there are plenty of cross partitions to stiffen the walls. ‘ Fig. 13 shows the top end of a window frame at c, wood lintels at B and a steel angle at A for the brick work D to rest on. Steel angles are used to span the openings, as _ 36 shown in Fig. 14 at A and the brick laid straight across the opening. Sometimes iron lin- tels are used instead of wood, but the expense is greater and they are, therefore, seldom used only in good work; the wood is liable to shrink and cause a crack in the brick work. When brick arches or stone caps are used over the openings they also require a lintel back of them. Sometimes segment arches are built over openings and, if built the full width of the wall, they will not require any lintels. The segment arches should have a rise of about 4 inches in the center for a three-foot opening and for larger openings in the same proportion. Fig. 15 shows a good way of striking a joint between brick. Fig. 16 shows another way, but should not be allowed to be used, as the water catches along the edge of the brick and soaks into the brick more than if struck as shown in Fig. 15. Fig. 17 shows a raised joint and Fig. 19 a hollow or concave joint. The masons have especially prepared tools to make these joints. When doing common brick work the joints are generally from 93;” to %” thick, while with pressed brick they are from 13,7, to 1/4” thick. When laying pressed brick the mortar is generally spread on the brick before it is laid in the wall, which is called a buttered joint. Fig. 19 shows a section of a brick cornice as shown in Fig. 20, with a stone cap A. Sometimes a tile coping is put on top of the wall for a cap, as shown in Fig. 22 at A, but it is better for the water to run back on the roof than to run down over the front. When building a metal cornice, the top or roof of the cornice should always slant back, so that the water will run onto the roof. Fig. 20 shows a front elevation of Fig. 19, A-A showing the line of the wall as at D, Fig. 19, B the corbels as shown in Fig 19 and C the dental blocks. You will notice by the section that the course below the dental is set out % inch and that dental blocks project % inch beyond the brick course a. The first course above the dental blocks projects one inch beyond the dentals. The projections can all be measured on the section using a scale of one inch to the foot. Fig. 21 shows a brick pier with a concrete footing at A, B-B being the brick work and C and D are cut stone put in the pier to bind the brick together. \Vhen brick piers are 12 feet high or over, they should have at least one stone the same size of the pier to protect the pier and help hold it together. If the pier is very high, it should have a binding stone 4 inches thick every three or four feet in height. Fig. 22 shows a 12—inch brick wall corbeled out at c to receive the metal cornice B, a 2”x4” is laid in the wall as at D to nail the lookouts to, that hold the cornice. The brackets or lookouts are generally fastened to the metal before they are put in place. After the cornice is set in place, build the brick wall above the cornice. A shows a tile coping which comes in two—foot lengths and is laid in cement mortar; these tilings can be had for a 8, 12 or 16—inch brick wall. When laying door or window sills in a brick wall, the mortar should be put only under the ends of the sill and not any in the center; the weight on the ends of the sill will settle the ends, and if there were mortar in the center it would cause the sill to break at the center, as there would not be sufficient weight in the center to press the sill down as at the ends where the upper brick work rests on. After the building is completed, then you can fill in under the center of the sills. BRICK WORK // I I " I ,47/ I I I II I 5/ II I I II f'ly./3 p T IF I i I ‘ I .' - I ' \‘ I T 1' I \ | I ‘Wfépé? - a I l I I \\§§:/‘///// '*%I; J I — T ' ‘W I ‘ l I «A —* I I I . I 14 IL, + 8 T I :5 J' '3 z I o I I I + “I I N In I l | 3 I m 7 I I as I : | I I I I I In \ I I I I .. . . I f. I l 42.7 ’0 I 1H :. i 5 ’2 I j i i I 1;: _';E;s c 20 lb ,5! m] I”, I'M. £254.)". fi95./'7y.,7. I793. 15297.3 FzyJo. 1692/. 16922. fig.” Fngz 37 ‘-\_ WINDOW FRAMES FOR BRICK WALLS Fig. 1. Plan of Box Frame for Brick Veneer Wall. The drawing shows a cross section of half of a window frame, showing the stone sill, l” brick wall, Jé” air space between brick and sheathing, 2”x—l" studding, plastering, casing, frame, and brick mould. Fig. 2 shows the Longitudinal Section of the same Frame. The stone sill is 5”x5%”. When putting up a frame or brick veneer, the frame work must be set back on the foundation wall far enough to receive the brick. The framing is just the same as for any wood frame: sheath the outside of walls and strip it with l”x2” strips vertical spaced about 24 inches centers. It is better to put building paper on the outside of the building before the strips are put on, the strips will then hold on the paper. The brick work must be anchored to the strips with metal bonds made for that purpose, or if the metal ties can not be obtained, then spikes can be driven into the studding. The ties should be every fifth or sixth course and about 24 inches apart. The staging for the brick layers must be built on the outside. Fig. 3 shows a Cross Section of a 9” Brick Wall with half of a window frame. You will notice that you do not require any sub—jambs for a frame in a 9” wall. The frame projects far enough inside of the wall to receive the furring and plastering. Fig. 4 shows a Section of a Frame and Casing for a 12” Wall. Fig. 5 shows a Section of a Frame in a 16” Wall, showing the inside casing stool and apron. also showing the end of the wood and stone sills. The brick above the opening is carried on steel angles. SIZE OF BRICKz—The size of brick varies, some are 7%”x3%”x2%” and others are 8%"xl1 g”x2,1/3”. Pressed brick are generally more uniform, 83é”x4}.§”x2;§”; then there is another size, called the Roman brick, which is made l2”x4”)é1%”. Paving brick are 2V2”x8”x4” and sopietimes as much as 3%” thick. Fire clay, 9”x41/§”x2%”. WEIGHT OF BRICKz—The weight of brick varies according to the make. Common brick weighs from 4 to 4% pounds while pressed brick weighs 5 to 5% pounds each, paving brick from (i to 7 pounds and fire clay brick about 7 pounds each. Fire brick and pressed brick are made in various forms to suit the requirements of the work. KINDS OF BRICKz—Bricks are classed as common, face brick, fire brick and paving brick. They are also classed as soft-mud bricks, stiff—mud bricks, dry pressed bricks and repressed bricks. Soft—mud bricks are practically all hand made, while stiff—mud bricks are machine made. Machine made bricks are used in preference to hand made brick, as they can be handled easier; when hauling brick they can be dumped instead of unloading them by hand without breaking the brick, which is quite a saving in handling them. Soft—mud brick are sometimes repressed and made into face brick. Hydraulic pressed brick are dry pressed and are called face brick. All the above brick requires to be burned in a kiln, and are named according to their position in the kiln, hard burned or arch brick, which are nearest the fire, red or well burned brick, between the arch and salmon brick, and salmon or soft brick, which are the fartherest away from the heat and are not fit to use where there is any weight to carry. 38 COLOR OF BRICK :~The color depends on the amount of iron, lime and magnesia that is in the clay. Iron produces a red color, magnesia a brown and iron and magnesia a drab color. Pressed brick often has artificial coloring by using mineral colors with ground clay. FIRE BRICKS are made from a mixture of flint and plastic clay. They are usually white mixed with brown; they are used for the lining of furnaces, fireplaces, , and any places where great heat is required. PAVING BRICK are a vitrified or annealed brick, they are used for street paving, in places where strength is required, damp places and quite frequently used for face brick. By making a concave joint they have a very good effect as face bricks in a building, but great care must be taken in not getting too much weight on them before the mortar sets, as the brick are so hard that the mortar does not set very readily and are liable to be pushed out of place. Bricks are also made of sand and lime, called a sand lime brick, and give very good results as face brick for building purposes. WEIGHT OF BRICK WORK :—~-Common bricks laid in lime mortar weigh about 120 pounds to the cubic foot, if laid in cement mortar they will weigh about 130 pounds. An 8-inch wall will weigh about 80 pounds per square foot of wall. Paving brick will weigh about 160 pounds per cubic foot. STRENGTH OF BRICK WORK :—Common brick in lime mortar will hold about 100 pounds per square inch, laid in cement mortar about 150 pounds per square inch. ' Hard burnt and paving brick laid in cement mortar will hold about 200 to 250 pounds per square inch. SAFE BEARING LOADS OF MASONRY :—Granite will hold about 700 pounds per square inch, sandstone about 350 pounds, limestone about 500 pounds, rubble— work about 100 pounds and cement concrete about 250 to 350 pounds. SOIL FOUNDATIONS:w--Rock from '15 to 20 tons per square foot, gravel and sand from 5 to 10 tons according to how compact it is, clay 2/14) to 3 tons per square foot. MEASUREMENTS OF MASON WORK:—Brick work is generally measured in the wall regardless of openings, unless the openings contain more than 70 square feet. then they are sometimes taken out. The number of bricks figured for a 9—inch wall per square foot is 15, 7% for a 4—inch wall, 221/3 bricks for a 12—inch wall, 30 for a 16-inch wall, 37%; for a 20—inch wall, or figure 22%; bricks for each cubic foot of wall. The actual number of brick used in a wall is a little less than as figured by wall measure. RUBBLE :flStone work is generally measured by the perch using 161/2 cubic feet for a perch and sometimes 2434. cubic feet. Openings are usually figured in, unless they contain more than 70 cubic feet. Cement work is usually measured by the cubic foot or cubic yard. “'hen specifying stone or cement work the number of cubic feet to be taken for a perch of stone work should be mentioned, and also in what way the concrete work is to be figured. A Single Load of Sand equals a cubic yard. A Cubic Yard of Mortar requires a load of sand and nine bushels of lime, and will fill about thirty hods. One thousand bricks, closely stacked, occupy about 56 cubic feet. old bricks, cleaned and loosely stacked, occupy about 72 cubic feet. A brick layer‘s hod, measuring 1 foot 4 inches by 9 inches, will hold about 20 bricks. One thousand WINDOW FRAMES FOR BRICK WALLS / g m. w \ K - H C I :I / l c x 5/ \ F _r fl/ Jx) / R / p / , Hi / / m m :w 3/ 67 H VHH 1 M T b J 3 / / / / E W... // ,_r l \ V W ///,.,,/ / m z . . / // , // /// M H, ///,/ / F . y. [w / /./ / / FEE {HQ H VA H m dH/WA 7 x HHHaWViLhi. fiJ [yo . H z Hi 0 VH G . 2 mm H 5 WV // Mr J T J a u M. // a». x/Kluv. .7 n Mme wk «\Jnézua E: .1357 xuxafltm GOL h<<flL XOQLO Cain“ «mu: . .xfio A \ Alan}: {4. ‘1 V \ \ x0\ ,H VSKVMMB: .Luxn 17 33V 7 .215”. ~\\ V/ _ / H \ .. v / w W H HI: I 2” HHHHHHHHAWH‘ \ // , 4 / L mefiwmx .Wb .. x... M 4. NW. _/ / 7 TH F HHHHRQQW / w F \\\\ \ L W / 4. w \ gx _ q \f :3 05.x" x w. 7 .\\\Pl “:5 n :4“ 60¢ka unlikhvcfisn HA. .\ M... 2 %MWWMWS§VU<0K W \ / J/ a _/ A/AJ W: H N La? mm .m. "3 Mr F P w z z r , n .W m kuxnlnbttv {W4 , x H H U — /. \j vanlnxhkv K‘VN P 1% V/fl J x 4% / .JJ<>?0M dflMCM>HM< VUHHM EOL \m(\/\UL XOfl LO <9 5 28 9 i 28 1 27 7 27 3 26 2 3—”— 10x10§ 37.53 33. 3 32.5 ' 32. , 31.5; 31. : 30.71 30 2 29.1 28 5 16x12; 15. 10. 39.2 38.5 37.7 J 37. 5 36.5 é 36. 35. 31. ____ 10x11i 52.5 16 15 5 15 11 2 13 5 3 i 12 3 11 , 10 l2leE 51. p 53. , 50. 3 17.5 16.8E 16.3 g 15.7 i 15 11. i 3 11 12x11} 63. y 62. 1 59. j 55. , 51.5 31 53 52. 31 50 17 12x16; 72. , 70. a 67. p 63 3 62.5 62. y 61. 1—-60. i 59. g 58. l 51 11x11; 71. j 73. 72. . 71. . 68.‘ 65. . 61. ; 63. j 62 1 61. ‘ 58 16x16? 96. 95. 91. ; 93. ‘ 92. j 91 ‘ 85. 81. i 83 i 82. 78 18x18: 121. _ 120. 119. J 118. 3 117. 1 116. j 115. 110. 1 108 106 _100 20x20 150. 119. 118. 117. ‘ 117. j 116. j 115. 110. . 136. ‘ 132 __f;; g Diameter Round Columns. _ _ 7 515 7.3 7. 6.8 . 6.5 i 6.3 6.2 T E i 7}: 1 11 5 11. 13 7 13 2 l 13 12.8 12.5 i 12.2 1 ‘ “ih— 913 1 )1 23. 22 8 22.6 ‘ 22. 21.6: 21.1 21.1 1 20.5 1113 i 39 35 31 5 31 . 33 6 33 32 7 12 2 i 31.6 30.5 ((((( _ 1315 § 51. 53 50 17 5 16 8 16 1 15 7 15 11 11 11 1515 1 71. . 73. 72. 71. 68. 05:“; 61. 63. p 62. _ 61. 58 SAFE LOADS FOR I-BEAMS sun; 1.0111) Iron 1 11311115 nl 1015. . 7 BEDS. S‘Hifl- CHANNELS SAFE LOAD [I 10115 01: RECTANGULAR cowus . _~ In lo. 1. Spa in)... “l Spa} in Feel. Lbs. Span in Feel. ~ , Ila. 4_ Height in Fe“. II. II. n u u u n a at as n u a s in R I “I 0 lo 12 14 I pr. F1. 10 12 14 16 1a 20 22 24 25 m In. In. a 10 12 14 10 u an 100 105.3 57.7 75.2 05.9 58.0 48. 44. 40.5 37.7 35.1 32.9 31 29 2 25'6 15 11 11 4 9 7.5 0.5 9111.] 25 s 5 7 z. 3 2 4x 5 3; 4. J. 2. II [02. 85 72.3 03.9 50.8 46.5 42.5 39.3 30.4 :14. 31.3 50 2s 4 21 14 1 1: '1 1:. 7 s 0 7. 0 I 20 7.2 0 a 1 1:. 415 s 34 01 .1; 1; min. to 90. s25 70 s 02. 55. 4s 40 3 :18. :15 31. 29 27 5 20:; n 5 10 s 1.. 5.7. 3:. 12 3 1.1 1 s 9 7.7 119 4x10 3; 10 50 4. as 90. 85. 03.5 05 53 3 4s :3 0 4o :17 :14 :1 32 50. '1 20 5 1s 1.- 5 10 x s 1 7 5 1. 1 10 11 u 2 0 1 4.12 5; 711 59 40 In 92.5 77. 00. as. 51.5 40.4 4: 33.5 :15 r. 33. 31. 29 27 75 e 211 1117 r1 1 a 0 4 5 1 1011» 2:. 0.7 5 1 1 4 r... s M 04 55 41, 41 100 a: 73 s 03 55 4 49 44.2 40 37 14 :11 5 5 ; “f 24 5 1‘5. 17y 1n 7 4 r. a :0 . 4 7 r. a .- 1 r. 5‘ s , 51 7, 01 53 so so 715 01.4 53.7 47.7 .13 39 5'. 11 33 30.0 as 0 20.7 25 23 7 1'. .. g '1 :. 5 4 r. 1'. 7 1 0 9 4 4 4. 5.1 9 ,5 69 1.1 5; 45 no 1:: 09 5 50 s 52 40 41 c. 19 34.7 :12 29.5 27 0 20 24 m 7 7 7. 5 41‘. 40 17 '. 14 '. 111 9 9.7 s. 7 x .5, 9 1 9., 7g 5; 55 ”in. u so 5 57 57.5 55 5 u 3 401 35 G 33.6 39 28 G 26 6 25 23 5 22 3 ' T. ,‘a a 4 J 1') l5 9 13 2 II 5 I'» 2 8 8 7 2 5,10 ‘ 75 55 57 . 49 no 75 05 55.7 43 7 47 5 39 35 5 :15 s 30 27.0 20 21 :1 23 21 0 f,- 1. 1 -. '. 4 s 7 7 12in. au 11 J 12 10 2 9. x 7 s '. (mm 1 90 114 7.1 0:1 75 as as 43 5 42.5 :17 7 31 31 as 3 2r. :4 2 22 5 213 .E 4 r. 12 2f. 1: s 10 c. 9 1x. 7 0 4 r. s 5.12 35 36 7* C4 «‘1 I 10 0.5 5 5.; 4177 41 35,4 :11 r. 29 7 :7 25 "1 5 21'. 1 m 4 i 4 x 1 I :: 5 :6}; 11 . 9 1 s 1 7 031 5 0 '. 0, 0 3‘ 0'1 ’ so 45 4o 1'. _ A55 (.2 g 52 4 4:, '19 34.0 11-4 R 5 ’30 24 22.4 20.8 l9 5 E 99-; 4 '7 .1. :1 2 ‘15 £10.14 "' 111': I] I; 4 H 1‘ s 1118 II 0.1 G I 84.1 1.: 57 51 45 so 04 57 50 8 44 5 39 1. 7:. 5 72 4 "9 1'. 27 25 4 23 0 1111.; :12 7 2 1 50 23.3 :0 0 15 10 14 .1 1:1. 1; 11 10 (R s 51 7‘- w 54 47 4: .5 02 55 49 2 41 as 24 5 '112 28 0 2r. 5 24 :- 21 ~ 93:; :1. 2 z. 2. 4:. 20 s 19 2 10.5 15 13 4 1.- z 11 1 10 .1 o 5 17‘ s 1 91. $7 73 09 01 51 so (‘0 $1 45 19 4 35 'H 3 03 5 20 'll ’1 2.‘ ‘m‘ K55 2 S “in. 40 25. 20$ 17.)} 15.0 IL! 8 I2 4 II '1 I0 4 0 8 9 a GK 9 3/, H 7. {$3 58 5| 45 “in. 15 57 w 43 2 37 s 53 5 35 27 5 2:1 21 5 20 7:5 2 0 2 2 5:. 2:1. 19 10 4 '4 "1 1' 7 11 5 10 4 0 '. r. 11 .2 fix“) 3/, 2.7 79 70 02 55 49 70 54 5 45 4 713.7 74 / 50 :7 21 5 21 19 4 18 l 7,15 17 14 17 .u 15 0 1:. s 11 s 11 3 11 m 9 s 5 .5 0.11. 1 11: 101 90 50 71 1.3 65 52 414 37 372.5 29 - 2'1 0 21 s 20 18 5 17 .‘1 3111. fay: 1.0 171 g m” 9; 1.0 91, so .1 0'1 55 so .111 5 .19 3'. 5 31 27 5 24 s 2: 0 20 7 19 1. 5 10 7 I 5-,,- 19 1 2 "7 0.1;- 1 1.9 111'. 11.4 9.- 51 72 55 47 79 1.1 5 29.4 :0 27 5 21 2 19 s 15 10 7 15 0 . 54173 LOADS 111 tolls 012 31221. (31411111117151. SAFE LOADS 111 10115 or 571-221. 411011-25. 7. 7 a; 50 73 07 01 55 49 44 ‘ 100 111.3 51 45.5 40 35.5 :12 :9 20 r. 24 5 22.5 In. 2. Spun 111 Put. In. :. Span in Feet. 7. 7 1 19-.- 94 u. 711 711 as 57 : Sine! Leg: 5 95 1.2 51 5 44 7 34 4 31 28 25.8 23 7 22 in Inches. 1 a J 4 5 a 7 a 9 m 7.. 9 34 9: 5-7 77 70 0:1 57 51 '5 so 170 42 s 37 5 35 3 '10 - 27 2 2'. 23 21 2 p: 171 s 7 a m 12 14 0 x0 x7. 11; 2 3.1 5.1 «1, 2 7 2 :1 2. ‘ 1s 10 7. 9 1 119 109 100 91 82 74 66 Z; 05 5'; 43 415 30.2 :12 2 29 :0 4 24 2 22 5 20 5 I 0 123 1. 0 x5 x3} 30.5 1:. 2 10.1 7 0 r. 1 .7. 4:1 3 x :1 4 1. 7‘1.- 3/. 111 102 93 55 77 01; 01 a so 50 40.7 40 35 :11 :8 255 233 215 20 n...[ 5 1.1 5 x6 x1; 143 4.4 :9 2.2 1.7 1.4 1._- 1.1 1, 7.1: _T- 113 1.72 120 no 100 95 so 75 49 41 35 30.7 27 ’1 24 5 m 3 20 5 18 9 17 5 I 4 1 5 x5 x1: 13. 9 1; 4 5 :1 r. 7 .1 2 2 p... g 94 9:. 9n 8: 70 70 M 59 “in. 10 47.5 39.3 33.7 29.5 26 " 23 6 214 I9 6 13 I 14': 8 7!; 2 L7 I ’1 II. .‘I ’ I 5 I 2 I S '1' R! 8 I 1’4 II'. [(17 |00 9| 33 75 ca 45 2 37 7 a2 5 2s 2 2.. z: 6 20 5 1% 8 17.4 m 4111. IT; IS 10 14 112 5 0 17 2 8 2 _. 1s 10 14 5x10 109 10.1 95 57 90 73 117 —60 43 3 56 GI 27 2‘ 216 I9.G I8 16 5 I5 I ‘ I 5', l 7 I 4 4 I} I5 I I .9 7 9.1 'J M III I06 ‘99 '33 86 8) 7C 55 365 304 25 2‘28 202 1“: I65 152 H a “L; .57 1| 2}? . A 4 3'7 '3 ll‘- 1'! I I I 'JVI? l I1I II); M} 133 I33 IN 50 34 5 3.7 - 6 2| 5 I9 I7 2 I5 '1' H 4 '5 Bin. [—9— II.I 2.7 '2 I "V- Jlgxflflxfi 3 ‘J 2. I 3 I. .7 .G .5 IlszO I “1."; 13% I30 I42 I33 1'25 ll? 45 32.5 27 2'1 2 20 3 18 I6 2 14 8 n 5 f 1 mg. 2 0 2 2 2 7 ‘# I 3J4X3Fj'x3" r. 4 2 7 1 s 1 3 1 1 <1 .. 1 10.1; 1 131 1'0 107 153 148 139 129 42 31.4 20 ._ 4 19 r. 17 4 15 7 14 2 13 7’ # 2' 15,15 5 s 5. 4 :1 :15 :1 x3 x1; 2 3 1 1 .7 c. 45 12.1: 7,4 181 1.. 171 104 ’59 14° I41 an ~11 2. 21 5 13 5 1c. 7 15 13 7 12 5 4 1:1 5 1 .1 4 3 .9 :I 3 x3 x}; 5 2 2.0 1.7 1 7 1 ‘ 1510 1 21‘. 217 2:9 219 209 199 188 55 29 a 23 s -1 4. 17 s 10 14.2 13 11 s ‘ __ a... my, 4 0 :1 s 7.1 2 7 0 x4 x}; 1:1 2 0.0 4.1 3 '1 2 0 2 2 lo 5 11mm 051mm 12.11 50 27 22 5 19 3 10 9 15 13.5 12 2 11.2 21 :13 :13 2 s 2 :1 0 x4 x u 24 s 12.4 s 2 0 2 5. 5 a; “N 29 24 45 25 4 212 1s )6 14 12.5 19% s 4 7 2 0.3 5. 4 2 0 xsjéxh 1.7. 0 5 4 :1 7 2 2.0 5-5 1. 10 15 :10 20 40 24 29 17 15 . 13 12 171; 7 0 0 5 5 7 4!. 3.5- 5 .14 71,11 94 4 7 31 2.3 LS a 0 a, 47 41 30 :11 27 24 35 202 168 145 120 112 10 . my. 03 59 51 41 11.4 5 x4 .12; 17.2 1.0 5 4:1 34 g 1 59 5.2 45 39 34 no :10 19 10 135 12 105 95 “l 12;; 5.1 52 40 7r. .1 .5 11:! 11:4 89 44 .19 2.2 17 8: 7 a. u. 51 45 4:1 38 :u 40 17 11 12 1 5 9.4 91,; 5.3 4 5 4 .7 2 "11 5 713 .154 10 r. a 2 5 1 4.1 1 3 ‘3‘ 1 Tn 511 01 54 48 93 no... :45 150 13 11 9 21'; 10,0 9 s 1; 4 5 :1 4 5 4 x3 x” 5 7 0 s 19 14 11 35 u 7: 07 m 50 45 40 30 14 3 12 40 2 18-; 9 7 5.3 7 a r. s 4 s .1 4 x3 .131 I0 0 5.3 2.5 2.0 2 1 E 1 91 5:. 79 71 64 58 52 25 13 I0 3 9.3 8 .111. 11.1. 11 9 7 0 r. 0 5 3 4 4 :15 .7140 :1; 4.3 21 14 1 .3 9 ., as 91 85 so 71 65 50 as 13 :1 n 0.5 s 133.; s 0 s r. 4 s 4 .1 4 314.13 .114 s. 4 2 1 2. 1.0 H 1-. 122 114 105 99 89 81 7! . .. so 12 In 8-5 11'. 7 0 54 43 10 :1 _ nsz/JW: 58 2-1 19 1.4 11 10 1 117 120 112 105 89 82 25 11 9 7.5 01:. l 15 9 s. 7 0 0 o r. 4 :1 a x2153” 2 2 1 1 7 a 11 1 143 1.17 129 122 114 100 06 21 10 8 7 F111;; 11 0 7 n 0 r. r. 0 4.0 4 3 4 1 2. 1 1 1 12 1,11 178 171 103 154 140 137 12: 51 LENGTH OF RAF TERS Tables No. 1 and 2 on the opposite page gives the length of Common, Hip and Valley Rafters for gable and hip roofs. These tables are very handy when figuring out a lumber bill, as it gives you the exact length of the rafters from the plate up. Add the length of the rafter for the projection and you have the full length of the timber required for the rafter. Take a building 20 feet wide and a half pitch roof, referring to Table No. 1 we find that a building 20 feet wide with a half pitch roof requires a timber 14 feet 1 inch long, to this add the projec— tion which will be according to the width of the cornice. For a 12—inch projection it will take 17 inches and you would require a timber 14 feet 1 inch plus 17 inches, or 15 feet 6 inches for the rafters. It would take a 16—foot timber. In a half pitch roof by adding 5 inches to each foot in width you will also have the length of the rafter. A two-foot projection for the cornice will then take two times 17 inches or 34 inches. and a three-foot three times 17 or 51 inches. The same building for a third pitch roof will take a 12-foot rafter without the projection. Table No. 2 gives the length of 3. Hip or Valley Rafter. Take a building 20 feet wide. For a half pitch roof it will take a rafter 17 feet 4 inches long and for a third pitch 1.3 feet 7% inches. Table No. 3, Lengths of Jacks, gives the lengths of jacks when they are spaced 12—inch centers. The numbers 1 to 20 refer to the number of jacks required, and the numbers below them give the lengths of the jacks in feet and inches, not includ— ing the cornice projection. For a half pitch roof the first jack will be 1 foot 5 inches long, the second one 2 feet 10 inches, etc. Table No. 4 gives the Length of Jacks Spaced 16-inch Centers. The first jack for a half pitch roof will be 1 foot 10% inches, the second 3 feet 9 inches, etc. Table No. 5 gives the Length of Jacks Spaced 24-inch Cen- ters and is worked the same way as Table Nos. 3 and 1. Table No. 6 gives the Number of Timbers Required for a Building when spaced 16—inch centers; the first row of figures give the number of feet to be divided into spaces of 16 inches each, and the second row the number of pieces that it will re— quire. A building 34 feet long will require 26 pieces spaced 16— inch centers. for the starting piece. Table No. 7 gives the Greatest Center Loads of Wood Beams, but when the load is distributed evenly over the beam instead of in the center, then take 1% times the load given. A 2’ ’ x8” joist with a 12-foot span will carry 640 pounds in the To the number of pieces given you must add one ' center of the joist, but if uniformily distributed it will carry 960 pounds. The weights given will not bend the wood enough to crack the plastering. If the joists were spaced 16—inch cen— ters in a 12 foot span, there would be 16 square feet of floor space and as one 2”X8” joist carries 960 pounds, for 16 square feet there would be 960 divided by 16, or 60 pounds to the square foot. A residence should be figured at 70 pounds per square foot, so that a 2”x8” would be rather light for a 12-foot span and, although they are used quite frequently, the spring is liable to crack the plastering. A 2”x10” joist should then be used for a 12—foot span. 2”x12” joists are generally used for store buildings 20 feet wide and spaced 12—inch centers, but 3”x12” joists give better satisfaction and will not spring so much. When using good yellow pine timbers, you can take two times the amount given in the table. Number of feet board measure is given in Table No. 8 from 10 to 30 feet in length. The size of the timber is given in inches. A timber 2”X10” contains 17 feet for a 10 foot length, 20 for a 12 foot length, 23 for a 11, etc. When you have your lum- ber bill made out for a building. take the number of pieces re— quired of each size and multiply it by the number of feet con— tained in each piece. If you had ’75 2”x8”x11’, we find that one 2”x8”x1-1’ contains 19 feet. By multiplying 75 by $11 you will have the number of feet contained in the 75 pieces. Turn to the multiplication table on page 32 and you will notice that 75 times 19 is 1425 or 1425 feet of lumber. On this page is also given a table giving the number of nails contained in one pound. Nails Required for Different Kinds of Work 1000 Shingles 31/2 to 5 lbs. 4d. 1000 Lath 7 lbs. 3d. fine. 1000’ Siding 18 to 20 lbs. 6d. 1000’ Shiplap and Fencing 20 lbs. 8d. or 25 lbs. 10d. 1000’ 6” Flooring 25 lbs. 8d., 30 lbs. 10 d. 1000’ 4” Flooring 35 lbs. 8d. 1000’ 2”x,3/§” Matched Flooring 20 lbs. 4d. finish. 1000’ 1”x2” Furring lineal foot 20 lbs. 10d. 1000 pes. 1”x3” Bridging 30 lbs. 8d. 1000’ Joist on Frame Building 20 lbs. 20d., on Brick 12 lbs. 1000’ Studding 18 lbs. 20d. and 10 lbs. 8d. 1000’ Finishing 20 lbs. 8d. 52 No. of Nails per pound. Length Gauge No. to in. pound 3 Fine 1 16 1 160 3 Shingle 1 1/4 13 430 3 Common 1 M 15% 800 4 Shingle 1%; 12 280 4 Common 1 1/2 12 V3 316 4 Casing 1 % 14 475 4 Finishing 1% 15 585 6 Common 2 1 1 ,1/3 181 6 Casing 2 12 y“, 236 6 Finishing 2 13 1 2 309 8 Common 2 % 10 11 106 8 Casing 2% 11%, 145 8 Finishing 2 V2 12 ’16 189 10 Common ' 3 9 70 10 Casing 3 10 V2 94 10 Finishing 3 ] 1%, 121 12 Common 3 M 9 63 12 Casing _ 31/4 10 V2 87 12 Finishing 3h 111/4 113 16 Common 3 V2 8 49 16 Casing 3 V3 10 7 1 16 Finishing 3 1/3' 1 1 90 16 Spikes 3 V; 5 30 20 Spikes 4; 4 23 30 Spikes 4 V2 5 17 40 .— Spikes 5 . 2 13 50 Spikes 5% 1 10 60 Spikes 6 . 1 8 TABLE OF RAFTERS N0. 1. LENGTH OF COHEN! METERS FOR GABLE ROOPS 11' FEET AND INCHES. WIDTH 0F BUILDXRG III IEET AID mCEES. 01-111- 11; .01- 0 0'4" 11' 41" 12' 101-0” 14' 14'-o" w w 4" 10' 10'4" 17' 11'4" :01 15'4" iv 191-0" 20 W 4;" 21' 21' a" 22' 221-0" 23' 23' 4" 24' 26' ' 20' 27' g' 21 301 31' 32' 33' 34' 36’. W 33’ W 0 3;: ;, 3 5, 13;, yum 1; 3'. s- 53. 1210;. 0-11 10- 314.10— 3 11- 1411- 5 1- 015 12— 2 ' 12- 631i 12-1r 13- 0141:1— 8 '14- ‘/4 14- 41,214- 9 15-10315— 0 15—10 10- 21; 117» 7 101114, 17- 4 17- 3 1s- 5 19- 2 19-11 20- 7 21- 4 22—1 22—10 23— 7 21- 4 25- I 2210 20- 1 211- 0 211 0 11; 5., 77 1.111,- 5. 4 5- s 0- 0 s— 1‘ s- 51:1 5-10 1.1- 2 0- 0 11-11 11» a 10- 7 10—11 1- 4 11-’8 121-0 12- 4 12— 8 13- 1 13- 5 13- 11 14— 1 14- 5 14- 9 15— 2 15- 0 15-10 10- 3 10- 7 10—11 17- s 13- 4 19-1 19-10 20- 6 21- 2 21-11 22- 7 23- 4 24- 0 2.1- s 25 4 26-10 20 2 . J. 41,-; 1 9 1- 1 4- 5 4- 9 5-1 5- 5 5- 9 7- 111. 5- 2 s— 0 0- 2 1.1- 0 9-10 10- 4 l0—8 1- o 11- 4 11— s 12- 12- 4 12- 8 13- 13- 3,1913- 7 13-11 14- :1 14- 7 14—11 15- 3 15- 7. 15-11 11‘» 4 17. 0 17. s 13.4 10- 0 111- a 20-4 21- 0 21- 8 22- 4 221-1 2:1— 3 24- 5 26- 0 27-1 2 a 35.7 +11 4- 3 4— 01: 0-10 5 2 5- 0 7- 0 7-10 3- 2 s- 011. 0- 11-; 9- 5 0- 9 10- 1 o- 5 [0—8 11 1 11- 4 11- a 12-' 12— 4 12- 8 1:1- 0 13- 4 13- 8’ 14— 0 14— 4 1+- 8 15- o 15- 4 1.5— 8 10- 3 17- 0. 1'7- 7 111- 3 13-10 12 0 21» 2 20-10 21- 4 22- 22— s 2.1— 4 24-17 20-_ ;1 Is- 11; :y 5 1- 9 11- 1 +— 5 4- 51,-. 5- 5 4 7- 2 7- 13 7- 10 s- 51;. 1v 0 0-1 9- 41/_. 0-11 0- 1o- 4 10- 71410—11 11- 3 11'57 11-101412- 2 12-.0 12—10 10-11313- 5 13— 0 14-1 14- 41414- 3 15- 15- 7 216- 3 111-1015 17- 0 13-11913- 9 19- «W, 20— :0 71121- 3 21-1014 22- 0 23- 9 25 1| .3. 3.11 .1-21411-0 4- say: 51 011 7- 212 1-0 8-1 5—5 8—814 9—0 0—315 0—7 0-11' 1o-2y210-0 1o—91g11-1 “-11%11—8 12- 12—31412-7 14-11 12-21513-0 1:1.- 01/: 14-1 11- 414 15- 15-7 15-21110-10 17- 0 111- 1413-3 0+ :1 19—10%20—5 21- 21- 714 22-10 24- 15 ; 02.101422 3-5143—9 4— 141—4 +7113 4— 11 03 0-1112 7-3 7-01; 7- 10 3-1 s- 415 3-3 01112941 0-01/2 9-10 10—11410-5 1041/... 11-_ 11—31/211-7 11-101412-2 121-51,: 12-9 13- 1413-4 15- 71/, 13—11 14-0 15 y._.15-71,‘110-2 10- 9 17- 4 17-1014 13-0 19—1 19-8 20—3 20-111 22- 23-2 g1. 01,3.1 34153-3 :1-11 +214 4—505 4—9 13-5 15—85; 7- 7- 11. 7-015 7-10 3— 114 8-415 s-s 3-1114 9-21; 0-511,- 9—9 10— 11510—4 10— 71.; 111-1014 11'—2 11-51411-sy212—0 12-3 12- 0%. 12.10 13-11313“; 14— 14 7 151515-14 10- 2% 113-9 17- 31/, 17401,; 13—5 19—0 19—7 20-19; 21-‘3 22-4—11. Length 0! Hip Ind Valley Mien in Feet and Inches. IZ— 5% ['2‘]! 13— l3- 9% H— 3 H— 8 15- l'/-j-15- '] )0— IA 16- 5%_ “340%. 17— 4 17— 9M18—‘3 18— 8 lg— I}; IS]. 0 20— :30— 5f_ ‘XL'm_ 21- 4%. 22—«3 33— 2 N— V, 24—” '35— 9'A 26—8 27- 0% 28- 6 29— 4% 3l- 3 31- IM 32— 54 33» 95435- 7 ID— 3 |0— 8 ||— ['4’- ll- 7 I2— 1ln0-5144-11 5-4 5-91.;0—2196—8 7-115 7-. 5. 0 4 1 117.14- 4 4- 9 5 2 5- 7 5- % r- 515 (-11 7- 1 7- 91.5 8- 21,5 3- 14 +1 9- 0,1. 0-11 11» 41-311- 01211- 3 11- 11 12—11412— 01/2 10- 0 1.3- 5 3-10 14- :1 11- $14151” 15- 7 10- _ 10- 5 10—10 17— .1 17- 0 1s- 2 1s- 7 113- 1219- 51419-11 20 4 20- 9 21- 71,2 22- 0 2:1- 41/2 24- 3 25— 11,; 25-111., 20-10 .17- s 20 01/, 20- 5 30- :1 31- 2 32-10 34- s .0100. 21407125- 145-512, 510 c- 31-_ (-51- 7- 117 7-7 s- 13- 5 3-10 9-3 9—8 10- 1 10-0 10-111411—41511-01412- 21412—71g13- 15 71-11% 13—101,; 14—4 1.1-0 15 2 1.1-7 10- 10-0 10-10 17-3 17- 3 1s- 1 13-13% 13-111; 151-4 10.0 20-2 2141 21-10 22- 9 23- 714 2-1- 514 25-3 21-1 215-1114201114 27-8‘- 29-0 30-4 32-0 33-3 111 II.- 11. 4- 0 4-11 0- 4 :- 9 c»- 11,= 1+ 6 6-11 7- 11,. 8— 7,14. 0- 1. 9— 5 9—10 10- :1 10- s 11- 1 11- 515 11-10 12— :1 12- 71,4 :- 0 1:2 5 13-10 14- 114 11- 0 1r» 2 15- 7 10- 0 10- 5 10—10 17- a 17- 8 13-14 13- 5 13-10 19- 3 10- s .11} 0 21- 4 22- 2 22- 11 23- s 24- 0 .15 4 .10- 20-10 27- s 28- 7 20- 01/, :12- 1 32-10 - 4 0+- 4- 5 4-10 5 a 5 71/. 0- r- 41.;. 1- 01.: 7- 21: 7- 75': 1s- 0 11.- 5 1y 9y, 9- 21., 0- 71310- 0 10- 5 1010 11— 21411- 7 12- 0 12- 5 12— 9191.1- 2 13- 01412- ~14 14- 41414- 1.11,; 15- 2 15- 7 10- 10- 5 1010 17- 21/_.17- 71/ 1x,- 0 1s- 5 121-10 10- 2 20- 20-10 21— 7y; 22- 5 23- 3 21-1 24-10 .15-‘7 20— s 27— 3 2s- 14 23- 1a :10- 4 :12, 1 03-11 4- :114 4- a 5-1 5- 51,, 510 v- :1 0- s 7- 1._. 7- 5 7-10 8— 3 s- 711. 9- 0- .11;. 9- 0 10- 2 10- 7 10-111111- 4 11- 31,112- 1 12- s 12- 11 13- 4 10- By; 14-1 14- 6 14-1014. 15- :1 15- 71410— 0 10- 5 10-10 17- 21/.17— 7 1§— 1s- 4%18— 0 10- 0 20- 3 21- 0 21-10 .1:- 3 23- 51,; 21- 3 .15 1 .1511 21‘- s 27- 5 23- 2 29- s :11- 3 1710 .1. 2,, 4. 7 5. 0 5 41;:- 815 0.1 c. 0 .2101... 7- 3 :- s s. 1: s— 5 s— 915 9- 2 1» 01,2 0-11 9- 4 1081,511-1 11- 5 11-10 12— a 112-11.; 1:1- 13- 41,513- 0 14- 2 1.1- 01414-11 10 31415- 8 16-1 10- 41/2 111-10 17- 3 17- 71; 1a- 1.11- 4 19-1 19-1014 20- 7 21- 5 22- 2 22-1111 21 a .15- 3 20- 0 20- 0 27- 0 29' 1 :10- 7 .a- 9 4-114 4- 0 0101-, ‘- 3 2 71-2 0- 0 4- 01-, c- 0 7-113 7- 0 7-1012 3- 3 s— 71, 9- 0 9- 415 9- 9 10- E 10- 11 10-101a11- a 11- 71,112- 0 12- 41412- 0 1:; 1,14 13-‘0 12-101/2 11- 3 14- 7%15- 15 41,415- 0 10-11511- 0 » 1r-1o1/,17- :1 17- 716 18. 13- 0 10- 5 ~20- 3 21- 0 .11- 0 22- 0 .11- .11- 9 :5- 0 20- 3 27- 23- 5 30. Lengtholjukn. 1 lo. 5. lo. 01 Inch. 12” Cemen. No. d. No. of lulu. “fume”. Ho. 5, N01 0! Inch 24" Centen. A a: 1 a a 4 a o 7 a s 10 11 12 1: 14 15 10 11 u 19 20 1 z a 4 1s 0 7 a 11 10 11 12 1a 14 15 1 2' :1 4 s a 7 a 0 10 ”- n 1- 51‘ 2-11 4- 5 5-1014 7- 41. 8—10 103% 11- 111-51-1- 31-114- 9 10— 21,17- 0 111- 2 .10- 7 22-‘1 23— 7 2:»1 2r- 7 23— 0 29- 6 1—1114 3-11 210 7-10 0- 0 11- 111,310- 71415-0 17— 0%19- 51,5 21- 5 2:1- .114 25- 4 27- .1111, 20- 21,-, 2-111,2 5401/, &10 11- 1.11_. 1.1- 0 17- s .11,- 7 21— 7 10- 7 29- 0 1s 1 n1- 5 7,10 4- a 5 715 7-1 1+ 51: 2-11 11- 4 1.1- 8 14-1 1'- 0 16-11 18- 4 111-10 21-2 22- 7 24- 2:,- 4 20-10 212 2 1-1014 .7- 0 z- s 7- 0 9- 5 11- 31,413- 21/215- 17-. 18—l0 20- 0 22- 7 24- 0 20- 5 20 21,15 2-10 :1- 71,:_. s- 51;. 11- 1 11- 1 11-11 10-10 22- 7 25 4 28- 2 12 1 2'11- 414 2- 8% 4- 1 5- 5 0- 0 10 2 1.» 17 11- 1.1- 4 13- 7 1H1 17:017- 8 111- 20- 4 21- a 23-1 24- 5 2.2 9 27-1 1- 31/, 1— 7 5- 5 7- 2 9- 1010 1.1- s 14- 4 10- 31415-1 19-1015 21- s 23- 0 2:- 4 27- 1y, 2- 81,5 ,3- 5’ s- 2 11-H11 7 10- 4 111- 21- s 21- 5 27- 11 '1 1- 314. 2- 7 :111 5- 2 r- 5 7-10 :- 1,1110 5 11. s 1.1- 11- 4 15- s ‘ 17- 119— 3 19- 0 2010 22- 23- 4 24— s 20- 1— 31/, a- 51.’ :- 21_ 0—11 3- s 10 5 12- 114 13-10 15-7 17— 4 19- 1 20-10 22- 01-; 24- 3 20— -_ 2- 7 5- 2 7-10 10-5 1:1- 1.; :4 1y '1 2010 2:1 1 20- 1o 0 I- 3 2- c. a- 9 a- r- 3 7- 0 a- 9 10 11- 3 12- 0 13- 9 15- 10- 3 17- 0 13— 9 20- 21- :1 22- 0 23- 9 25- 1- s 3- 4 5- 0- s s- 4 10- 11-11 13— 4 15- 10- s 13- 4 20- 21- 3 2.11- 4« 25- 2- 0 :- 0 7- 0 10- 1:.- 17- 0 20- 22- 0 25 o I 1- 214 2- 5 :1- 715 4- 91,4 5- 7- 21,-; s- 5 9- 7 10- 91412- 1:1- 217114- 4% 15 7 11-10 11;- 1.5 10- :1 20- 5 21- 7yc 22-10 24-14 1- m :1- 2” 4- 91/. 0- 5 3- 1.1- 7 11- 21412—10 14- 5 10- 17- m 10- 2 20-10 22-5 21- 4- 01:, 7- 21.; 0-7—“11- 11. 115 0-10 113- :4 .11- 71/2 24- ,9 a -1 11- 2 2- :11 :1- 514 4- 714 5- 91,3 (-1115 3-1 0- :1 10- 5 11- 7 12- 9 13-1‘1 1; 1410- 2 17- 4 115— 0 19- 3 20-10 22- 2:1- 2 1- 0y, 3:1 4-114 0- 2 7- 81/, 9-3 10- 9y_.12- 4 13-101415- 5 10111/112- 0 21» 1,5 21- 7 23- 11,4 2- 3% 4- 71/2 0111;. 0- 3 11- 7 1:211 1r.- 2 10 0 2010 2:1- 2 7 .‘ I 1- 114 2- :1 3- 414 4- 514 5 71,4 6- 814 7-10 0111,310- 1411- 2 12- :1 13- 5 14- 7 1:- 8 1c- 9 17-101919- 20-1 21- :1 22- 4 1- 0 :1- 4- 514 0-11.14, 7- 5 0-11 10 5 11-11 1:1- 4 15— 1s— 4 17-10 10- 4 20-10 22-1 2- :1 .1- 5% 0- 111,12 2111, 11- 2 1.1- :. 1:- 3 L17-101, 20- 114 .12. 41: 0 la 6. lo. 01 Men, Join: or 3400- requiud (or I Building. Spiced 10" Centen. ' §.u0[ulm[n|ulululminlululmlmlnlu|xlsl40142l44]40[_41[150|52|54|u‘wlsolozluloelu[70l72l74l'm|7a|colzzlululu|90|92[MLsslselmolnol1mlml1ml1m 3-m-7lol1o|nlnl1olml11lw[20121l2:[ululwlmlsol32]salsaselaalulmlnlulwlulw[50151laalulululsolsolezlulululw'59170‘J1217417s[u]wlulijxu 6mm Center bond- 0! Wood Bums. For Unionuly Dimibuud Load- ‘l'tkc 115 Time- thc lumber Given. , lumbeq of Fee! Board Meuure in Timberu. 11°. 1. hum 01 Pm. e_ . 110.11. Length in 112:1. e ' I 0 7 a 9 1o 12 14 10 15 20 as no as 40 11mm 10 12 14 1a 111 20 22 24 20 23 :10 India 10 12 14 1s 18 20 22 24 as as so "‘ 'C I90 I37 Ill) 77 w 09 34 2x 4 7 8 .9 ll 1.‘ H [S "‘1 '17 I" '3” 6 113 40 ‘ 48 5V1 'H 7.5 80 83 96 I‘M ”2 1m — c 420 336 200 204 100 11s 35 05 50 4o 25 2x 0 10 12 11 10 11a 10 .12 21 .10 _1\ 10 0‘10 50 no 70 so 90 100 110 1.10 1:10 140 150 I no 407 324 225 100 120 100 82 52 35 25 2x 3 13 10 10 21 21 27 :1 3.1 3-. :17 1.; 0x1: 00 7.1 51 00 103 120 1.13 144 155 103 .80 "i 692 500 390 235 220 175 140 90 60 45 , 2x 10 17 20 2:1 27 30 33 :17 40 4.1 17 ;11 0x 11 70 34 as 11.1 1:0 110 151 103 182 100 210 I. 770 535 300 300 237 130 125 as 110 2x12 20 21 2s 32 :10 40 11 1< 51; 1 1 leO 30 00 11.1 1.13 1.11 150 170 1122 208 224 240 .. I: 920 080 520 410 330 210 150 10s 35 2x14 20 2s .3’ 37 42 17 51 at. 01 -__ 1.; 70 8x 8 53 01 75 35 130 107 117 1.112 139 149 1.0 n 1075 825 650 525 340 240 175 1:10 ‘ 2x10 20 :12 37 43 13 52 511 04 09 7; .1 1 8x 10 07 so 93 107 1.10 m 117 100 173 137 2‘00 II 1230 975 790 500 350 200 200 371 0 15 13 21 21 27 .10 3.1 :10 11.1 1.1 4; 511.1 2.0 90 112 123 141 .00 171; 192 201; 224 240 I 1400 1130 ~ 720 500 300 1 27:. . 3x 8 20 24 2a 32 30 40 4-1 18 52 00 1,0“ 5.411 03 112 131 140 ms 157 20.7 224 24.1 201 230 i 1‘ 1‘10 250 175 150 110 90 €10 4.3 f , 3x10 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 00 05 70 73 111411) 83 1110 117 173 150 1137 15:1 200 217 233 250 '0 1100 6.50 500 400 .300 200 150 120 1.15 75 40 3x 12 :10 :10 42 4s 51 00 0; 72 7s 81 ~1 10.1.1 100 1.10 110 110 150 200 220 210 200 230 300 1. 10:0 800 640 450 300 250 .100 ' 150 100 1 . 3x14 55 42 49 50 0:1 711 77 31 1.11 05 1 '. 10111 117 110 10.} IS? 2111 2.13 257 2811) 30:1 327 350 II 15011 10:10 770 000 400 350 240 100 120 - _ 4x 4 13 10 19 21 21 27 20 1.1 , 3.3 .17 11 1.1;...» 1.10 111 11.9 10.1 211; 240 27.1 253 31.1 371-. 300 I: 11320 1350 1030 800 050 400 300 200 100 . _ 4x 0 20 21 23 :12 '10 «10. 41 1s 5.1 51: 1.1 1.1111 110 11.5 11.51 1.4 .15: 2.120 308 330 304 392 420 -, M 2150 1050 1300 1050 000 430 250 20) 4x 8 20 :12 a7 43 4s -—53 50 04 r.) 7; 1'1" ' ’ fl 2450 1950 1500 1000 700 500 4'1 . 4x10 03 4o 47 50 00 07 7.1 so 117 0:1 100 14 1 32/. 1 13/. 51/, 0 51; I. 2300 1000 .1150 900 700 540 350 250 130 41112 40 | 43 50 01 72 1110 83 00 104 112 1:0 11 0 a 0 7 s 0 10 " I: . 2700 2050 1500 1200 1000 020 450 :100 257 _ 1x14 47 50 05 75 3; 00 101 112. 1.11 121 110 11 s 0,1; 3 01; 101,," 12 1.31; II 3200 2500 2000 1000 1000 720 5:10 400 4x10 5:1 04 75 114 9:1 107 117 123 139 110 100 Ix 1o 31,; 10 111; 131,; 15 10,14 ' fix 0 30 as 42 41-1 54 no 00 72 7s 34 90 lxl: 1o 12 14 10 1s 20 53 5 .f . 179 1w1ncli thick ......2 lbs ill/1H ................ 21/2 “ 25 “ “ ................ 3 “ 1'11: “ “ ................ 4 “ Lbs. Lbs Board ft Cubic ft Apple ................ 4 1 49. Ash \meiican white. .39 47. Birch ................ 3.9 45. Beech ................ 3.1 43. Boxwood ............. '7 60. Cedar. American . . . . .2.9 35. Cedar. \V. Indian ..... 3.9 47. Cedar. Lebanon .25 30. Cherry ............... 3.5 42. Chestnut ............. 3.4 41. Cork ................. 1.3 15. Lbs. Cubic. ft. Brick. pressed ................ 150 Brick. common ............... 125 Cement. Portland . .80 to 100 311, 2 gallons : 1 barrel. 2 barrels: 1 hogshcad. 1 barrel: 4/3 cubic feet 8.665 cubic inches: 1 gill 1 barrel pork: 200 pounds .1 barrel fish: 200 pounds. 1 barrel flour: 196 pounds. 1 barrel Salt: 280 pounds. 1 barrel beef : 200 pounds. 1 bushel corn : 56 pounds. 1 bushel oats : 30 to 331/2 pounds. 24 sheets 20 sheets ‘25 sheets : 1 quire. : 1 quire outsides. : 1 quire printers. 214 inches :1 nail. 4 inches : 1 hand. 3 inches :1 palm. 9 inches : 1 span. 12 inches = 1 foot. 45 inches : 1 ell. 3 feet : 1 yard. .......................... 11.03 Spain Holland ........................ 11.14 Sweden ........................ 11.14 America ........................ 12. Russian ........................ 1,100 Italian ......................... 1.467 English ........................ 1,760 American ...................... 1.760 Scotch .......................... 1,984 144 square inches = 1 square foot. 9 square feet : 1 square yard. 272%. feet 2 1 square rod or pole. 40 rods : 1 square mod. 4 roods 160 rods = 1 acre. 4.840 yards 1728 cubic inches = 1 cubic foot. 27 cubic feet : 1 cubic yard. 1 cubic foot of water equals 62.5 pounds, or 7.48 U. S. gallons. 1 cubic inch of water .036 pounds. equals foot. Lath and plastering. two-coat work. weighs from 9 to 12 pounds per superficial foot. Space occupied by water closets, 2 2 feet deep. Urinals should be not less than2 partitions; partitions 6 feet high. Horse Stalls—Width, 3 feet 10 inches to 4 feet, or over Width should .not be be- tween 4 and 5 feet, as in such cases the horse 1s liable to 5 feet in width and 9 feet long. cast himself. Diameter of a circle X 3.1416 Radius of a circle X 6.283185 Base of a triangle X 1/2 the altitude 2 feet ‘2 inches between circumference. circumference. Square of the diameter of a circle X 07854 : area Circumference of a circle X 0.159155 = radius. Weight. per Square Foot of Sheet Lead 111 inch thick ................. 5 lbs. 5A12 inch thick ................ 10 lbs 1/12 “ ................. 6 “ 3/16 “ “ ................ 12 “ 1/10 “ “ ................. 7 ” 1762 “ “ ................ 14 " 1’s “ " ................. 8 “ 1/1 “ “ ................ 16 “ Weight of Materials Dry Woods bs. Lbs. Lbs. Lbs. . Board ft. Cubic ft. Board ft. Cubic ft E1111 .................. 2.9 35. Maple, soft ............. 3.5 42. Ebonx ................ 6.3 76.1 Oak, live ................ 4.9 59.3 Hemlock ............. 2.1 25 ak, red ................ 3.9 45. Hickory .............. 4.4 53 Oak, white .............. 4.3 52. Hornbtam ............ 2.9 47. Pine, Southern .......... 3.7 45 Iron \Yood . . . . . . . . . . .6. 71. Pine. \\ hite .............. 2.1 2'. Larch ................ 3. 35. Pine, yellow ............. 2.8 34.3 Lignuin ritze .......... 6.9 83. Spiuce .................. 2.1 5. Mahogany. Honduras. .29 35. Sycamore ............... 3.1 37. Mahogany. Spanish ...4.4 53. Walnut ................... 3.2 38. Maple ................ 4 1 49. Building Materials Lbs. Lbs. Cubic tt. Cubic ft. Cement. Rosedale ............. 56 Common brickwork. lime mortar.. 120 Common brickwork. cement Concrete Cement ................. 140 mortar ...................... 1330 Earth dry. shaken ............ 82 to 92 Liquid Measure 4 gills : 1 pint : 33.6 c. inches. 1 gallon U. S. : 8.34 lb. ‘2 pints : 1 quart : 67.; ’ c. inches. 1 gallon U. S. : 231 cubic inches. 4 quarts : 1 gallon : 2688 c. inches. 1 cubic foot : 7.48 U. S. gallons. Dry Measure 1 bushel wheat : 60 pounds. 1 cubic foot corn : 42 pounds. 1 bushel potatoes : 60 pounds. 1 cubic foot rice : 48 pounds. 2 gallons : 1 peck. 1 cubic foot hops : 27 pounds. 8 gallons : 1 bushel. 1 carload :: 680 bushels. 64 gallons : 1 quarter. 1 c. foot Anthr. coal : 54 lbs. 1 bushel : 1.28 cubic feet. 1 ton Anthr. coal : abt. 40 cu. ft. Paper 20 quires : 1 ream. 10 reams : 1 bale. 211/2 quires : 1 ream printers. 60 skins : 1 roll of parchment. 2 reams : 1 bundle. Weights and Measure—Lineal Measure , 6 feet : 1 fathom. 100 links or 66 ft. : 1 chain. 16% feet or 5% yards : 1 rod, pole, 10 chains : l furlong. or perch. 80 chains : 1 mile. 4 poles or 22 yards : 1 chain. 3 miles _ 1 league. 220 yards or 40 poles : 1 furlong. 240 yards : 1 cable length. 1760 yards or 8 furlongs : 1 mile. 6086.07 feet : 1 knot or sea mile. 7.92 inches : 1 link. Length of a Foot in Different Countries England ........................ 12. Austria ......................... 12.45 Denmark ....................... 12.35 Portugal ........................ 12.96 Prussia ........................ 12.36 Russia .......................... 13.75 Length of a Mile in Different Countries Irish ............................ 2,200 Swedish and Danish ............. 7,233 Polish ......................... 4 400 Hungarian ...................... 8,630 Spanish ........................ 5,028 Nor“ egian ..................... 12,400 German ........................ 5.866 French league .................... 3,666 Square Measure 43,560 feet I __ 1 30 square acres : 1 yard of land. 10 square chains 5 ’“ acre. 100 acres : 1 hide of land. 640 acres : 1 square mile. 40 hides : 1 barony. 2.471 acres : 1 hectare. 36 sq. miles : 1 township. 6150 square yards : 1 scotch acre. 640 acres : 1 section. 7840 square yards : 1 Irish acre. About 14 25x125 ft. lots : 1 acre. Solid or Cubic Measure 40 cubic feet of rough or 50 cubic feet of hewn timber : 1 ton or load. 108 cubic feet : 1 stack of wood. Water 1 cubic foot of water equals 7.48 U. S. gallons. 1 cylindrical foot of water equals 49.1 pounds or 5.89 U S. gallons. Miscellaneous and Useful Information Roof boards weigh about three pounds per superficial 128 cubic feet 2 1 cord of wood. 40 c. ft. : 1 U. S. A. shipping ton. 42 c. ft. : 1 British shipping ton. 1 U. S. gallon of yater equals 8.34 pounds. 1 U. S. gallon of water equals 231 cubic inches. Pitch of Tin, Copper or Tar and Gravel Roof—Three— eights of an inch to the foot and upward. A bricklayers 110d measuring one foot four inches by nine inches e uals 1296 cubic inches in ca acit , and con- (1 , feet 6 inches wide, tains twenty bricks A single load of sand or other materials equals a cubic yard. Handy Table an elipse. area. Multiplying both diameters and Surface of a sphere X1 Circumference of a sphere X its diameter: surface. Square of the diameter of a sphere X 3.1416 : surface. One hundred yards of plastering will require fourteen hundred laths four and a half bushels of lime, four— fifths of a load of sand nine pounds of hair and five pounds of nails, for two— coat work. .7854 together = area of /6 of its diameter = solidity. Cube of the diameter of a sphere X 0.5236 : solidity. SOME TERMS USED_ IN CARPENTRY BAY WINDOW Any window projecting outward from the wall of a building, either square or polygonal in shape, and commencing from the ground. ORIEL WINDOW—The same as a bay window, only that an oriel window is built on projecting brackets or corbels instead of starting from the ground. BEARING WALL OR PARTITION—A wall which supports the floors and roof in a building. BASEMENT#The part of a building below the first floor. BATTEN—Small strips of boards put over the joints of larger boards to keep out the weather. * BATTEN DOOR#A door made of flooring or other boards fastened to cleats or cross strips. BACK OF A WINDOW—Between the bottom of the sash and the floor. BALCONY—5A projection from the face of a wall, supported by columns or consols. generally surrounded by balusters. ATTIC—A low story at the top of a building under the roof, generally has a few outside windows for ventilation. AREA—The superficial contents of any figure. An open space or court within a building. Also an uncovered wall space around a basement window to give light to the basement. ARCADE—A range of arches. supported either on columns or on piers. ARCH—A structural member rounded vertically to span an opening. Generally speaking. arches are curved. Mechanically. an arch may be considered as any piece or pieces arranged over an opening in a wedge-shape. the top and bottom being flat. APRON#The finish below a stool of a window. ALCOVE~A large recess in a room, generally separated by an arch. ABUTTMENT—That part of a pier from which the arch springs. BRACE—«An inclined piece of timber. used to stiffen the frame work of buildings. BRACKET—A projecting ornament carrying a cornice. BRIDGING Pieces cut between joist and studding to stiffen them. generally have cross bridging. BUTT JOINT—“'liere the ends of two timbers butt together. CAPITAL—The upper part of a column. etc. . CASEMENT—A glass frame which is made to open by turning on hinges at its side. CHAMBER—“'hen the edge or corner of any work is cut off at an angle of 45 degrees. COFFER—A deep channel in a ceiling. - COLLAR BEAM—A beam spiked to the rafters to stiffen them. COLONNADE—A row of columns. COLUMN*A round pillar. The base is the part on which it rests, the top part is called the capital and the center the shaft. CORNICE—A projection at the top of a wall. CORRIDOR—A long gallery or passage. COUNTERSINK—To make a cavity for the reception of bolt or screw heads, so that they will not project beyond the face of the work. COURT—~An open place in the center of a building or back of a building. COVE CEILING—A ceiling springing from the walls with a curve. LATTICE—Any work of wood or metal, made by crossing each other forming a net work. Floor joists CUPOLA#A small room on the top of a roof. ‘ DORMER WINDOW—A window in a room in the roof and projects from it with a valley on each side. DOVETAILING—Fastening boards together by letting one piece into another in the form of an extended dovetail. DOWEL—A pin let into pieces where they join. DRAWING ROOM——A room appropriated for the reception of company. EAVES—The lower part of the shingles hanging over the wall to throw the water off. , . FASCIA A flat board generally nailed to the ends of the lookout or rafter. FLASHINGv—Pieces of metal let into the joints of a wall so as to lap over other pieces. around chimneys or any rising part to prevent leakage. FLUTE—«A concave channel. . FRAMING—The rough timber work of a house. FRIEZE—A board nailed on just below the projection for the cornice; a bed mould is generally put in an angle to cover a joint, as between the frieze and planceer. FURRING—«Flat pieces of boards used to bring .an irregular surface to an even surface. Furring strips are also nailed on brick walls to protect the plastering inside. GABLEfthen the ends of a building are carried straight up to the peak of the rafters. GAIN—A groove in a member to receive the end of another. GIRDER——‘A large timber or iron beam. used to support joist or a wall overhead. GROUNDS-Pieces of wood nailed to the studding or brick work to nail the base to; they are also nailed around openings to stop off the plastering. The plastering will be even with the outside of the grounds. GUTTER’A channel for carrying off rain water. HANGING STILE Is that part to which the hinges are fixed. HEADERS—\V'lien framing openings around stairs, etc., headers are framed in to carry the short joist. HIP ROOF—A roof which starts from all four sides. JACK RAFTER—A short rafter from a hip to a valley, or from the plate to a hip. LINTEL—The horizontal piece of timber or iron over an opening to carry the weight of the wall above it. LOGGIA~—An outside gallery above the ground within the building. MULLION The perpendicular piece between the two windows. PEDESTAL—~The square support of a column. ~ PLANCEER—That part of a cornice which projects out from the building. PLINTH'The square block at the base of a column. REVEALflThe part between the front of a wall and the frame. RIDGEflThe top of a roof. SCRIBING——l“itting woodwork to an irregular surface. SHED ROOF—A roof where all rafters slant one way. SHORE—To put in temporary timbers to support a building while it is being repaired. SOFFIT—The lower horizontal face of anything. WEATHER BOARDS—Outside siding boards that lap over each other. WAINSCOTfiEither wood, plastering, paper or metal to line the side walls of halls, dining room and kitchen of buildings a certain height. VESTIBULE—An ante-hall built at the entrance of buildings to protect the room from having cold air coming direct to the room. :24 // a" 0/957 /9/axa«ag 7 MW (”goo PQO.26 F———J16" 35:; " F—‘édg _4 oncrefe r—gefl—30'—+—60fl iL/Hla/Hgb/Sf % ‘-- ‘ —’ o’ T 9». 00 _J_ u f , x , , / ,1 / /' , ,'/ "/Jl /// 1’ / / ,.’ - ; w / ’, / ; . ’3 ,, ,, /4 / // we / 47/” 4 ' \ ‘ l|/|// ' //// / / ’ = l ’ // 3A./.?")< a," ,/// ,07/ //Z7/./ / ’v ///// //J ///// 52. /.2’ x a; / / i Q/ < ,, ,, [/2 0?; I“: 20 by; ~ / ’ /2 x /.2 y . Z/P _) >’ Sn» / ‘ '\ —e_-' l 1:5 / § Ti \ E / / '_ V/ H Q T‘ /‘ C‘D. / I i :: 3X /2 7//e ;// m 2 l/ / ‘ > £0 ,y 2 / l I .r 779,614 / ‘ § : 1/1/ L—L. _ /r? l _ _ d /,//J _ 7'": _ +——r" Sewer _ _ / / 4&1,1 k Cone/'67? fdo/L/flj ,// _L y; k ‘71 / ,/ :/’,// ‘. ' y :: ’ / // 'r ’ I, H \ 1 \ / / {L ’x‘: ,4? 3’06”? w >1 3 s 4: \ - * ‘ E‘ g CA (7 \\ Concrefe‘ 530290 ”a! \\\\\ fi}:— 3 ' /:’« : //'/// H / "‘ \ ‘ \ “ / //,/ | 7 ' ‘ r'fi‘ \ 7/, I / I 1574/ ”006 WOO/77 /' Q /;/// I I gr 4 f // <§ : / I Z mum/7])”. 0‘ , D I ‘ l \ /// Q: Foo/77 #'/ l i \ / <5 / i ‘ / V \ Z/ i /A l / 9/7/ l '_ K a ’ K \ z? { ’ ’ \ §\ // 1 “v /// jz. /2"x/é ' « \\ 0: /,//,':,// 257/4 4/ / " 77/6 “ p ,, a; // 7/ '. “ a ’3 \ 17'” COVCI‘A’I 80 12/5/ // 61.577929? 4/ I ’I F IGURINGiLABOR AND MATERIAL FOR A BUILDING EXCAVATINGz—W'e will commence by figuring the excavating. The basement plan shows that one side of the building is 35’6” from a to i, the front of the building 27’ and the rear part 21’, the angle h-g-f being 6’ each way. Take 6’, the distance from h to g. away from 35’6” and you have 29’6” left; by multiplying 29’6” by the width of the front of the building you will have 27 x29’6”and will leave 6’ wide by 21’, the width of the rear of the building and the projection for the bay window. The corners of the bay are figured in as being square, 2’X14’; 29% times 27 equals 796. 5, 21 times 6 equals 126, 2 times 14 equals 28. Add 796. 5 plus 126 plus 28 equals 950.5 square feet. You will notice at the front elevation a section showing the height of the ceilings and thickness of the walls. The height of the basement is marked 7’6”, allow 6” for‘the concrete floor, it will then be 8’0” from the top of the foundation wall to the bottom of the excavating. The top of the wall shows 2 feet above the grade, which will leave 6’0” for the excavating. Multiply the number of square feet, which we find is 950.5, by 6’0” and we have 5703 cubic feet; divide this by 27, the number of cubic feet in a cubic yard, and you will have 211.2 cubic yards. The footings for the porch piers and steps. according to specifications, are 4’6” below grade and the size as shown on plans and are generally figured at so much per lineal foot in depth. The rear porch piers are 12” square and are worth 5 cents per lineal foot in depth. Footing for the rear step is 12” wide, 6’ long and 4’6” deep and will make one cubic yard of earth. The front piers are 16” square, four of them, and 4%} deep and are worth the same as for the rear piers. The footings for the front steps are two trenches 3’ long and one 8’. making 14’ in all, 12” wide and 4’6” deep, making 2% cubic yards of excavating. The footings for the brick wall in the basement are 30 feet long, 16” wide and 8” deep and makes one cubic yard of earth. The chimney footing and the footing for the post will nearly make another cubic yard. Add together all of the cubic yards of earth and multiply them by the cost per cubic yard and you will have the cost of excavating. The grading and leveling of the yard is generally done under separate contract and is very often done by the day, but is sometimes figured at 4 cents per superficial yard. “'alls are sometimes figured at a certain price per cubic foot and in such a case it will not be necessary to reduce it to cubic yards. If the most of the ground can be scraped out of the basement the work can be done for less money, sometimes as low as 15 cents per cubic yard. STONE WORK :—Take the outside measurements oflthe building when figuring stone work. Commence at a. from a to b is 27’, b to c 15’6”, the slant of the bay window is 4’ and the front 7’. making 15’ in all around the outside of the bay, 15’6” and 15’ make 30’6” in all for this side. The distance from f to g and from g to h is 6’ each, from h to i 21’ and from i to a 35’6”. making a total of 126’ in all. As stated before, the height of the basement wall is 8’0”; multiply 126 by 8", equals 1008 cubic feet; the wall being 18” thick you will take one and one-half times 1008, which equals 1512 cubic feet, divide this by 16.5, the number of cubic feet in a perch and we have 91.6 perch or practically 92 perch. We find by the figures given above that there are 126 lineal feet of stone wall. Referring to Table No. 10, page 48. You will notice in the table that 129 is not given, we will then take 100 and find the number of cubic yards which is 48.4. 29 is not given, but 28 and 30, take the 57 difference between 28 and 30 which we find is .8 perch, then 29 will be half the dif- ference or .4 perch. You will notice that 28 feet long and 8 feet deep is marked 13. 6 perch, add .4 to this and you have 14 perch. l4 perch plus 48.4 perch equals 62.4 perch, the wall being 1.5 feet thick; take 1%; times 62.4, which equals 93.6, the number of perch, which is the same as given above. CONCRETE FOOTINGz—In the rear there are three of them 12” square and 4’6” deep, making 13.5 cubic feet; the step footing is 6’x1’x4’6”, or 27 cubic feet; four of the footings in front are 16”X16”x4. 5’ or 8 cubic feet to each one, making 32 cubic feet. Footings for the steps are 3’ on each side and 8’ between, making 14’x4.5, or 63 cubic feet, making in all 13.5, 32, 27 and 63, a total of 135.5 cubic feet. In the basement we have footings for the brick wall 8”x16”, making about 1 cubic foot of concrete to each foot of wall. There are 30’0” of brick wall making 30 cubic feet, of footing. The chimney footing is 2’6”X3’0” and 12” deep, making 7.5 cubic feet. The footing for the post is 2’x2’x1’ or 4 cubic feet. We have in the basement 30 plus 7. 5 plus 4, making a total of 41.5 cubic yards of concrete; add this to 135.5 for the outside and we have 177 cubic feet of concrete work. We will now figure the cement floor which is generally figured at so much per square foot, according to the thickness of the concrete. The outside walls being 18” thick, then both ends of the building would make three feet, the inside of the basement will be 3’ smaller than the outside measurements. The basement floor will then be 24’ in front; 'by leaving off the 6’ in the rear, we have 35’6” less 9’ or 26’6”x24”, the width in front, making 636 square feet. The rear part will be 6’x18’, making 108 square feet and the bay window 2’x14’ or 28 square feet. The brick wall is not figured out. 636 plus 108 plus 28 equals 772 square feet in all. FIRST STORY PLANS BRICK WORK :—The brick walls in the basement are 9” walls, 8’6” high to the top of the floor joists and 30’ in length. 8. 5 times 30 equals 25.5 square feet. For a 9” wall it takes 15 brick to the square foot or superficial foot, which will take 15 times 25.5, or 3825 brick. Using the Table No. 8 given on page 49, a wall 30’ long and 8’ high requires 1800 brick, and a wall 30’ long and 9’ high requires 2025 brick, a difference of 225 bricks, or 225 for one foot; then 6” will take half of 225 or 113 bricks, add this to 1800 and you have 1913 brick for 4” wall 8’6” high and 30’ long. Take two times 1913, which is 3826 for an 8” wall. According to the measurements given on the sectional View, the first story between joists is 9’2” and the first floor joists are 10”, making 10’0” from the foundation wall to the bottom of the second floor joists; this wall is 12” thick. The actual measurement around the building is 126 feet, this is not figuring the corners of the bay window square, but actual measurement. 126’ times 10’, the height of the wall, equals 1260 square feet. The wall being 1’ thick and 22% bricks to a cubic foot, it will take 22% times 1260 or 28350 bricks. To work this according to Table No. 8, page 49, a wall 100’ long, 10’ high, 4” thick, requires 7500 bricks and a wall 26’ long and 10’ high requires 1950 bricks, making a total of 9450 brick for a 4” wall; a 12” wall will take three times 9450 or 28350 bricks. If the outside or face brick is to be a pressed brick, it will require 9450 brick for this one layer. The second story is a 9” wall, 8’8” between joists, the second floor joists are 10”, the attic joists 6”, and according to the measurements on the plan, 2’ of brick wall P %: Recn/ pofc 1’1 Ke/Hg. ) 41: [>4 : Luann: ‘ ' Fania/7 / /u | : J/ ________ “WT _______ .y' ________ c. . _ _ —————————————— gay/mm» . 7 ‘ G. E. 9‘ 11. '34x :3 ' $ + \\ VNo. 26 Pct/Io 3/. 6.?“2. , A ’2); 9 o." “.r 1‘. 31% 3” My,” N ‘ $3.123? R E ~6-><—+-9:-—-><— ———-—IO‘3 — ——————><-—-——5”6 ——-———> l...(___.5-é___.><____.__.___12~é_______ —*'><—5‘8 é _.____><___9-é ._.__>. \\\\\\\\ \\ ' V P , n. I Rf» «ch ‘6~ f ”j; 4M» ‘ :% ‘”"" “" % FIRST STORY PLAN. above the floor joist, making 12’ in all for a 0” wall. As you will notice the second story is not as long as the first story. the rear part being carried by two I-beams over the kitchen and pantry as shown by the dotted lines. The distance around the second story is 27 plus 29’6” plus 27’ plus 15 plus 15’6”. making a total of 11—1’ and 12’ high. According to Table No. 8. page 49. it requires 10260 bricks for a 4” wall. a 9” wall will take two times 10260 or 20520 bricks. It will then require 28350 plus 20520 brick. or 48870 bricks in all. If face brick are used, it will take 9—150 plus 10260 or 19710 face brick. If you will measure the top part of the wall, which is under the eaves of the roof and covered with a cornice. we find it measures 3’ high. These bricks can be common brick as they are all covered. Deduct three times 111’ of face brick wall 1" thick from the face brick. or 2065 bricks. leaving a balance of 17645 face brick. The figures given are generally the way that brick work is figured, but, when expensive bricks are bought for face brick. the contractor should find the number of square feet contained in all of the window and door openings and deduct from the figures obtained from figuring wall measure. “'e will now figure the brick for the chimney. which has a tile lining of 8”X12”. Find the height of the chimney by taking the measurements given on the sectional plan. the height of the basement and ceilings, width of joist and the height of the roof; these measurements are generally taken by sealing the drawing according to the scale given on the drawing. W'e find the chimney to be 46’ feet high. The tiling is (”’x12”. And to put a 4” wall around the outside, the chimney will be 16”x20”. By only figuring the corners once the outside measure— ment will be two times 16” and two times 12”. making 56” of brick work; allow 4” for waste and you will have 60”. or 5’. of brick work by 46’ in length, which, according to Table No. 8, requires 1725 brick. The tiling generally commences in the basement about. 2’ below the first floor joist. It would then take 6’ less of tiling than brick work. or «10’. Chimneys are generally figured by the lineal foot, having the tiling thimbles and ash doors figured in. We will next figure the brick piers shown on the basement plan; the height can be scaled on the elevations, three piers in the rear are 12” square and 2’8” high, three times 2’8” equals 8’0”, the height of the three piers; there are 22% bricks in a cubic foot of brick work, then eight times 22%; or 180 brick. In front we have three brick columns and one brick newel. By scaling the plans we find the full length of the columns to be 10’0” and the height of the newel 5’0”. making 35’0” in all. The piers are 16” square. A 16” wall will take 30 brick to the square foot of wall surface, 16” equals 11/3 square feet, 1% times 30 equals 40, the number of bricks required per foot for a 16” pier. By taking the actual brick and laying them on the ground you will notice that a 16” pier takes 8 bricks to each layer. six of them will require to be face brick and two for filling in. It will then take 30 face and 10 common brick for each foot in height. 35 times 30 equals 1050 pressed and 35 times 10 equals 350 common bricks. The brick work at the ends of the steps is 12” wide, 4’0” long and 2’ high, making a wall 4’(”x-l’( ”, or 16 cubic feet. 221/_; times 16 equals 360 bricks, one-third of them common, or 120 common and 240, pressed. There are two gables, one over the bay window, which is 14’ wide. The one in front is the same width, which is found by measuring the plans. The roof is half pitch or a rise of 7’. According to Fig. 16, page 21, to find the area of a gable multiply the height by half of the width of the building. If the gable is 14’ wide and the rise is 7 feet. then the area will be 7 times 7 or 40 square feet; the two gables will be two times 49 or 98 square feet. For an 8” wall it will require 15 times 98 or 1470 59 bricks, one-half of them pressed, or 735 pressed and 735 common. By adding together all of the pressed brick and the common brick separately you can figure the cost of the brick work by multiplying it by the price per thousand. The brick work over the angles of the bay window is carried by an 8” channel with a 4”x5” angle bolted to it for the brick work to rest on. . CUT STONEzaThere are no stone sills called for in the basement except for the grade door. According to the specifications the door sills are to be 6” thick, 2” wider than the wall and 8” longer than the width of the door frame. The window sill 5” thick, 7” wide and 8” longer than the width of the window frame. The grade door is called for a 2’10” door, the woodwork on each side of the frame is 2”, making 4” in all; then you have 2’10” plus 4” plus 8” for the projection in the brick work, making 3’10” in all for the length of the sill. The wall being 12” thick, will require a 1-1” wide sill. . SILLS FOR THE FIRST FLOOR :—The rear door is 2’10”, making a sill the same as for the grade door. The front door being 3’6” wide, add 12” to the width of the door, which will make the sill «1’6” long 6”x1~1”. Sills for the window frames are to be as described. 8” wider than the frame. which will make the sill 16” longer than the width of the glass. A glass ~12” wide will require a sill 42” plus 16” or 58”, 5”x7”. The first number given always gives the width of the glass. On the first floor there are two windows with 32” glass, two with 30”, one with 28”, two 16”, two ~12” and one 60”. On the second floor three 12, two 16”, three 30” and one 32”. In the attic there are two mullion or double windows with glass 20” wide each. For a mullion frame 6” should be added for the mullion, which will make the sills 20” plus 20” plus 16” plus 6”. making 62” in all. You will then have one door sill l’6”x1—l”x6”. two door sills 3’10”x1~l”x6”, one window sill 6’4”, five 1’10”, five 3’10”, three 4’0”. one 3’8”, four 32” and two 5’2”; all the window sills will be 7”x5”. The stone caps for the walls at the ends of the steps will be according to the specifications, 15” wide and 1” thick and 1’2” long. The brick under the stone cap will be set out to form a mould as shown' stone caps for the porch columns and newel posts are to be 3” larger than the piers, making them 20”x20”x4”. Chimney caps will be 3” larger than the brick work making the cap 20”X24”. FLOOR JOISTS:——The first floor joists and girders under the floor are generally figured from the basement plan. The plan is marked four 2”x10” timbers for the girder. The length of the girder can be had by sealing the plans, but according to the measurements given the girder is 18’ long, which requires four 2”x10”x18’ and an 8”x8”x8’ post. The joists will lie from the girder to the wall, which is 10’9” from the center of the girder to the outside of the wall and will take a 10’ joist. The outside brick wall being 12” thick. The length of the wall is 35’6”. Allowing 2’ for the brick walls, we have 33’6”. Spacing the joists 16” centers, according to Table No. 6. page 53, a building 34’ long requires 26 spaces 16” centers; always add one to the number of actual spaces for the starting point, which will require 27 joists 10’ long for this side of the building. It will require two headers 12’ long for the well hole of the stairs. The ends of the joists that are cut off for the stairs can be used in the building to good advantage, although some contractors figure out the actual length of the joist. The joists are generally doubled under partitions which would require two more joists for this side of the building. For the opposite side 16’ joists will be required from the front back to the first brick partition or for 15’6”, which requires 13 joists and for re —d A I I | 0 [LL . l J. 6. In 2 Xoniv‘ «gé'om- \ \ H'—9"— — 21. fax 32.. Ckambef~ 2. A SECOND ETORY PLA/‘I . O \ r- fl. ’. f0 Gtkl/g m.” 0 B ‘I r ( l ,. __‘.. _I|3—3_—_.____ Ckambel/ -1 ~® 3 l {L-YK‘KSL .«n 1;. .«wN (3.5. anonJa‘ a, mil IIJAI 1 1 I [3.3. I I l IXIlo-m.lJ llllll‘lllllalllly Ti lllllllll 29w“. N\I| the bay window it Will require 18’ joists for 14’, or 12 joists; from the bay window to the rear it will require five 10’ joists, making in all for the first floor joists 37 2”x10”x10’, 13 2"x10”x16’ and 12 2”x10”x18’. SECOND FLOOR JOISTS:—-The joists for the second floor are practically the same as for the first floor joists, as will be seen by the partitions on the first floor. Second floor joists are taken from the first floor plan and the attic or third floor from the second floor plan. ATTIC JOISTS:—The attic floor joists will be of a different length as will be seen by the partitions on the second floor. The partition for the chamber No. 2 you will notice is 11’9” from the outside of the wall to the center of the partition, which will require a 12’ joist to the bay window and a 14’ for over the bay. The other side is 13’3" to the center of the closet partition and 2’ across the closets, making 15’3”, which will require 16’ length joists. We will figure joists for the whole length of the building. You will notice that the second floor is only 29’6” long, being cut off even with the angle at f—g. The dotted lines as shown at i on the first story plans represent an I—beam to hold the brick work over the kitchen and pantry as shown on the second story plan. The porch roof extends back over this part of the kitchen and pantry as shown on the second story plan. It takes 23 joists 16” centers for 29’6”, to this add one. making 24 2”x6”x16’ for one side and from the front to the bay it will take 13 2”x6”x12’ and 12 2”x6”x14’ over the bay window. PARTITION STUDS:——\Vhen figuring inside partition studding it is safe to figure one stud for each foot to allow for doubling the openings and corners. On the first story you have one partition the full length of the building less the outside walls, making the wall 33’6” long. By scaling the plans the partition between the dining room and parlor is 22’ long, the one round the closet is 4’ and 10’6”, the one between the pantry and dining room is 9’, making 57 feet in all. It will then require 54 studs 9’ long for the partition or half of 54 which is 27, 2”x4”x18’. PLATES FOR PARTITIONS:flAs stated above there were 54 lineal feet of par- titions and there generally are three plates, one at the bottom and two at the top of the partitions, which will take three times 57 or 171 feet of plates. Eleven 16’ pieces will measure 176’: it will then require eleven 2”x4”x16’ for the first story plates. SECOND STORY PARTITIONS :—The partitions on the second story can be figured in the same way as for the first story. You will notice by the cross sections that there is a 2”X8” plate on top of the brick wall, the wall is 114’ long around the building, less 28’ for the gables leaving 86’ of wall plates which will require five 2”x8”x14’ and one 16’ for the top plates. RAFTERSz—The roof is half pitch and, according to Table No. 1, page 53, a building 27’ wide requires a rafter 19’1” long for a half pitch roof. The projection of the cornice is 12”, which will add 17” more to the rafter, making it 20’6” long. It will require a 22’ timber then for the long rafters. Referring to the roof plan you will notice that it will only require a few rafters of this length—one, in front, one in the rear and three on each side of the center ridge, making eight in all of this length. To find the number of feet required for the rafters, figure the roof as if it were a gable roof. This roof is 29’6” long and rafters spaced 24” centers will require 16 rafters on each side or 32 in all, each rafter being 22’ long; take 32 times 22 ,which is 704 lineal feet of rafters. You can then divide 704 into any number of pieces, say eight 22’ long, eight 20’ long, eight 18’ long and the balance 16’, which will be 14 pieces 16’ long. 61 Sectional View No. 26 fir/flag FRONT EL EVATl 0/1: Mums pan/1'7 I Ajay/9 ROOF“ PLA/‘l, 62 5)». a Ill/s . II‘HI \t E EE 1-{ucn/‘o ; ‘lfilnllfillf. : 7 ‘ I = — I E [CUT ; \.\ ‘ u 'I a _»__ 7:, 1 $32,”?— 1 ”MA L.__<___.._.' l h" 3? RIQHf 5115C? ELEVATION. 63 b? ‘i No. 26 sf”! ( :///r LEFT SIDE ELEVATION. 64 HIP AND VALLEY RAFTERS:——According to the table the long hips Will be 234%” long, allowing 2’ for the projection, you have a timber 234%”, or practically 26’ long. To figure the length of the short hip from the front gable. The gable is 14’ wide, half of 14 is 7, take 7 from half the width of the building and you have (5’6” left to the center of the building, which would make a building two times 6’6” or 13’ wide. According to the table a building 13’ wide, will require a hip 11’3” long or practically 12' long. The valleys for both of the gables will be for a 1—1’ building and will require twelve timbers, allowing for the projection it will take 14’ timbers for the valleys. COLLAR BEAMS :—The main roof should have at least six collar beams each way; if placed half way up the rafters. they would be 14 and 18’ in length. RAFTERS AND CEILING JOISTS FOR THE REAR PORCH ROOF :—The porch is 5’ wide and the pantry 6’, making 11’ x21’ , the second story joists make the ceiling joists for the pantry and rear 0 the kitchen. We will then require ceiling joists for the rear porch, which is 5’ wide, by using 6’ joists we will have 1’ projection which will serve for lookouts to nail the cornice to. The porch is 21’ long and spacing the rafters 24" centers, it will require twelve pieces 6’ long or six 12’ long. The rafters for the rear porch, which is 11I wide and half pitch, will require a timber 15’6” long. The rafter sets on top of the lookouts so that a 16’ rafter will be sufficient. Figure the roof as if it were a shed roof, it will take twelve pieces of timber 16’ long for these rafters. Figure for a plate on the top of the ceiling joist and it will take 36 lineal feet or three 12’ pieces. Floor joists for the rear porch will be 12’ long by putting a girder in the center and it will take ten 2”x8”x1‘2’ for joists, and three 2”x8”x10’ for headers. FRONT PORCH FLOOR JOISTS:—As shown on the basement plan, the porch is 10I wide and 23’6” long with one center pier. The joists for the porch floor must run with the building so that the floor can be laid at right angles to the building. It will take eight joists 12’ long by putting them 16”centers and to double the outside one, it will take nine for each side or eighteen 12’ joists; then two 10’ pieces at each end and three in the center for a girder will make seven 10’ joists for the headers. The ceiling joists are 24” centers and will require thirteen ceiling joists. The porch being 10’ wide, it will require 12’ timbers for the ceiling joists, which will also answer for the lookouts for the cornice. The cornice is only 12” wide, then a 12’ timber will be long enough for the rafters, and will require thirteen pieces 12’ long. The hips will require timbers 18’ long. PORCH FRIEZEz—The timbers required inside of the porch frieze will be four pieces 2”x12”x12’ long and four pieces 2”x12”x10’. The rear porch frieze will be a box and not require any timbers. ‘ STAIR HORSES :—From the first to the second story will require six 2”x12”x10’. From the second floor to the attic three 2”x12”x16’ and the basement stairs will require three 2”x1‘2”x16’. Joists for the four stair platforms 3’6”x3’o"’ will require six 2”x8” timbers 14’ long. It is always well to add a few 2x4s for extra work that can not be seen and twenty pieces 12’ long for this building will not be much. All the dimension lumber is now figured and we will figure the roof sheathing for wood shingles. If slate were to be used then it will be required to figure the roof sheathing solid and matched lumber is then generally used. ROOF SHEATHINGz—Referring to the length of the rafter for the main building we find it is 20’0”, including the projection for the cornice. The projection at the 65 L . Door 3.161;; L1H}, V \ ; \ U/\ I H Ti?) __~_. l m / Fm w r _ Plate Rail / Wainscot ends are 1’ at each end, making the roof 31’6” by two times the length of the rafter or 41’. 31.5 times 41 equals 1291.5 feet. The roof sheathing can be laid 2%” apart, for which you can deduct one»sixth or about 200’, leaving 1091.5’ for roof sheathing. The roof for the rear porch is figured the same way, which will be 16 times 23’. The roof for the front porch will be tinned and we will figure 6” matched flooring. The roof being 12’X29’ or 318 square feet; to this add one—fourth for waste, which will make 435’ of 6” flooring for the front porch roof. ROUGH FLOORS z—For rough floors multiply the width of the building by the length and add one—sixth for waste. ATTIC FLOOR :fiAttic floor is generally of matched lumber. and to this add one-fifth for waste. ‘ FINISHED FLOORS2—The parlor, dining room, reception hall and closet will have oak flooring ,7/3”X2”. The parlor and dining room will take 16 times 29’ or 464’; the reception hall and closet are 10’x20’ or 200 square feet: the stair platform 4’x4’ or 16 square feet, making in all 680’; add to this one—half of the number of square feet and it will require 1020 square feet of flooring. The kitchen and pantry will have a %”x—l” yellow pine floor. The kitchen is 15X10’ and the pantry 6’x10’, making 210’ in all; to this add one—third for waste, making 280’ of flooring. The platform of the cellar stairs will also have yellow pine floors. which is —l’x1’ or 16 square feet, add one—third will make 21 square feet. SECOND STORY FLOOR :—The floor for the second story is of §//é”x2”. The floor space is the same as for the attic floor, 27 times 29’; to this add one—half for waste. 9'5?” flooring is figured the same as if it were ,z/g" thick, but costs less than Zvé” flooring. . PORCH FLOORS z~The front porch is 10’x23’6” and the rear 5’x2l’, making 340’ in all; to this add one—third for waste, making 454 feet of 1”x%” flooring. SHINGLES:——Main roof the rafters are 20’6” for one side, both sides will make 41’. The length of the roof is 31’6”; then 31.5 times 11 will equal the area of roof to be covered, which is 1291.5 square feet. Shingles laid 1%” to the weather, it requires 900 shingles to the square of 100’, then 1291.5 square feet will require 11625 shingles. The rear porch roof, as stated before, is 23’x16’, or 368 square feet and will require 3312 shingles, making 141937 or 15000 shingles. The cornice across the two gables will also be covered with shingles and will require about 500 shingles. EXTERIOR TRIM—MAIN CORNICEz—The planceer is 12” wide, the distance around the building is 114’, to this add 2’ for each corner or 12’, making 126 lineal feet of planceer, add the same amount for frieze, which is also 12” wide? The fascia will take the same amount of lineal feet, but only 6” wide. The rear porch will require 24’ and 24’ or 18 lineal feet of planceer and the same for fascia and frieze. The cornice being box will also require an inside frieze the same width as for the outside, which is 12” wide and a 6” board for the soffit between the inside and the outside frieze. The cornice for the front porch is the same width as for the rear porch and is 27’ in front and 11’ on each side, making 51’ in all. The frieze is also double and will have a 12” soffit. Base boards for under the porch floor are 8” wide and the length and width of the porches. We have 27’x29’ 66 . GABLES:—The gable ends can be scaled to get the length of the cornice. it Will take 12’ length boards for the gables shown. The planceer will be 12” wide and the frieze 8” wide. It will take four 12” boards, four 8” and four 6” for the two end gables. PORCH STEPS :—Steps to the front porch are according to plans and specifica— tions, 6” high and 12” wide cut, making the treads 13%” wide and 7’ long. It will require five boards 7’ long and 6” wide and four 7’ long, 13%” wide by 1%” thick as specified. The steps for the rear porch being five risers and four treads. The steps are 5’6” wide. The treads being only 12” wide instead of 13%” as in front. The horses have already been figured. The rear steps will require a side string, as the steps are open. which will take a 12” board 12’ long for both sides. FURRINGz—All outside or exposed brick walls,on the first and second story will have 1”x2” furring strips spaced 16” centers. To find the number of strips required take the measurement of the outside wall in inches on each floor and multiply it by the height of the ceilings. On the first story the distance is 126 feet and the ceiling 9’, making 1131 lineal feet. The second story is 111’ with an 8’8” ceiling, making 922 lineal feet or 2056 lineal feet in all. BRIDGINGz—For joist spaced 16” centers it takes bridging 17” long for 2”x10” joists, for a 2”x12” joist 18%”, for a 2”x8” joist 16”. For double or cross bridging it will then take twice that amount for each space of 16”. A good way to figure the lineal feet of bridging is to take two and one—half times the length of the room that is to have the bridging. Take the first story, one row of bridging the full length or 31’, through the hall and kitchen and two rows through the parlor and dining room of 28’, each making 90 lineal feet. Two and one—half times 90 equals 225 lineal feet for the first floor, of l”x.’%”. For the second floor take three times 28’ or 84’. 2% times 81 equals 210 lineal feet. GROUNDS :_Measure the distance around one of the openings and multiply this by the number of openings that require grounds and you will have the required number of feet. A door 2’8”X7’6” will take four times 7’6” and two times 3’, making 36’ in all for one door opening. Grounds for the base and wainscot, take each room separate and find the number of lineal feet required. For wood partitions figure Z’§"X2U strips and for brick walls %”x2” strips. WINDOW FRAMES :—To make out a bill for window frames when figuring a building is not done very frequently. as the frames are generally figured in with the mill work at a certain price per frame complete, including the outside stops and sash. Inside stops are generally figured with the inside mill work. To figure the amount of material required for a window frame ~12”x31”, two lights as shown on the first story plan. For the length of the pulley stiles take two times the length of the glass and add 6” for the length of the sash, allow 3” for cutting, making in all 77” for the length of the side jambs. For the outside of the box, the jambs next to the brick will have to be about .‘"’ longer than for the inside ones, as they are nailed against the ends of the sill and head of the frame. The inside and outside casing will be the same length, or 80” long. It will require 14’ lumber for the sides of the frame. The jambs from 1%” to 5%” wide and the casing from 1” to 1%” wide. Some use 6” lumber for jambs, and sometimes they use 10” boards ripped in two. The heads and sills will be the width of the glass and sash. A frame for a 42” glass will be 46” wide inside, then the thickness of the jamb and the size of the weight pocket, which is about 3%” in all on each side. Add 7” then to 46” and you have 53” or 4’5” in length. For the brick mould it will take two times 78” and one time 53”, which is . about 18’ for one frame. For the stops it will take the same as for the brick mould. Window frames for frame buildings are made different and do not require as much material as for a frame for a brick building. The head jamb is nailed between the side jamb or pulley stiles, the side jambs must be long enough to allow for the sill and head jamb. The sub-sill is generally of 2” lumber. The length of the lumber can be figured according to the size of the glass, same as described. DOOR FRAMES for brick require the side and head jambs, which are generally of 2” lumber; a quarter round or brick mould is also required, but Sills are most always of stone. Door frames for frame buildings require the jambs, which are generally of pg" lumber, 5%” wide of a 2”x4” frame and 7%” for a 2”x6” frame. Take the size of the door and allow for the cutting. Sills are generally 2” thick. MOULDINGS:——\Vherever there is to be- any, moulding, as for bed moulding, measure the actual number of feet required, then add one-twentieth for waste and cutting. The gables generally have a crown or band mould but at the sides where the hanging gutters are, the moulding is generally left off and the gutter takes its place unless the gutter is on the roof. A band mould is the best for the gables, as it will not require any return at the ends where it joins the gutter. TIN AND GALVANIZED IRON WORK:;Flash where the roof joins the brick wall with tin shingles where the wood shingles are laid. Measure the length of the rafter and get a tin shingle for each row of shingles. The valleys are 14 feet long and will require two valleys 20” wide and 14 feet long. The tin roof is laid at a certain price per square. The porch being 29 feet long and 12 feet wide will take 348 square feet of roofing tin. GUTTERS:—It will take 136 feet of hanging gutter for the main building and 50 feet for the rear porch. the front porch gutter is on top of the roof and is figured in with the tin work. DOWN SPOUTS:——Figure a 3” down 'spout for the front porch which will be 11 feet long, one 4” down spout from the main'roof to the rear porch roof 10 feet long and one 4”, the full height or 22 feet to connect to the cistern. RIDGE ROLLS AND HIPS :—The two gables will require 10 feet each of roll, the main roof will require 6 feet, the long hips for the main roof will require 26 feet each, and the two shorter ones 14 feet each. The rear porch hips 21 feet each, making a total of 142 feet of 3” ridge roll. PLASTERINGz—Some plasterers take the inside measurements of the building as a whole for the ceilings, then measure the partitions and side walls of each floor and multiply it by the height of the ceiling. The first story on the inside is 33’6”x25’, or 8375 square feet. The outside walls measure 118 feet and the partitions measure 80 feet, double this so as to have both sides and you will have 278 feet of side wall 9 feet high. A wall 9 feet high has one square yard to each foot in length, and there would be 278 square yards in the side walls on the first floor. The second floor in the outside walls there are 110 feet and by measuring the partitions we find there are 105 feet of 67 partitions, which will make 210 and 110 or 320 feet of wall space 8’8” high or 2772 square feet and a ceiling of 25’6”x28’, 714 square feet, add together the number of square feet and divide it by 9 and you have the number of square yards. Some contractors figure each room separate, then add them together. This is a very good way when a very close figure is required. The table given on page 45 makes it very easy when figuring plastering by taking each room separate. Take the bed room No. 2 is 11 feet by 15 feet. A ceiling 11’x15’ has 18.3 square yards, the 11 foot side 10.3 square yards, by figuring the wall. 8’6” high the 15 foot side has 14.1, making 24.4 for the side walls of half the room, two times 24.4 equals 48.8, to this add the ceiling 18.3 and you have 67.1 square yards for room No. 2. Plastering is figured by the square yard. WAINSCOT PLASTERING is figured by taking the height of the wainscot and multiplying it by the length of the space to have the wainscot, reduce to yards. Plastered beams are figured according to the size and kind of mould. WINDOVJ TRIM z—lf sub—jambs are required find the number of feet for one window and the width“ the height of the casing and width, the width, length and thickness of the head casing, moulding for head casing, length, width and thickness of window stools and aprons, inside stops. INSIDE DOOR JAMBS:——You must take the size of the opening, the thickness of the wall, as for a 2’8”x7’0”, it will require two side pieces 7’3” long and one head piece 2’10” long, for a 2”X4” stud wall and plastered on both sides, the jambs will be 5%” wide and will require 6” lumber. Doors are figured always according to their size, quality and kind of material. BATTEN DOORS :A—You must figure the amount of material in the door. As a door 3’XT’ will require 21 feet and, if flooring, add according to the width of the flooring. BASE :flOne way to figure the base is to measure all the outside and partition walls, then deduct for the openings, allowance must be made for cutting. The width of the casing will make plenty of allowance if the carpenter is careful in cutting. Another way is to figure each room separate, then add together the number of feet obtained. DOOR CASING:!Add two inches to the length of the door opening, the head casing to be enough wider than the door to cover the side casing. BASE MOULD:—After the base is figured it is very easy to get the number of feet of base mould and quarter round by taking the same number of feet as there is of base. Picture mould, if it comes above the window casings, will be figured full measurement with one foot added for every 20 feet for cutting. If it comes below the window heads you can deduct the width of the heads. MOULDINGz—Kloulding for door and window casing, find the length required and add one—tenth for cutting. Cove under treads on inside and outside. STAIRS:—Basement stairs are 3 feet wide, 13 risers, 11 treads and 1 platform. It will require an 8” board for a riser and a 10” for the tread. 13 risers of 8” each will take 39 lineal feet of 8” boards, 11 treads will take 33 lineal feet of 10” boards. a 4”x4” solid newel and 12 feet of 2”x4” railing. Stairs from the first to the second floor are 3’6” wide, 16 risers, 14 treads and 1 platform. This is on open stairs (see detail). and the treads will require return nosing at the ends. The risers are 71/2” and will require an 8” board. The treads 10%” wide will take a 12” board, the treads are seldom less than lj/é” thick. Figure cove for under the treads. It will take two 12”x16’ boards for strings. There is one starting newel and two landing newels. It will require 16 feet of railing and, to figure two balusters to each tread, it will take 25 balusters. The stairs to the attic is a box stairs 3’6” wide, 14 risers. It will require an 8” board for the riser and a 10” for the treads. Three 4”x4” posts and 16 feet of 2”x4” for railing in the attic. PORCH RAILING AND BALUSTERS:—The front porch will require 33 lineal feet of each top and bottom railing and three balusters to each foot or 99 balusters 22” long. The rear porch will require 25 feet of railing and 75 balusters. Four frames for metal wire under the front porch and three for under the rear porch. The rear porch columns are 6”x6” box. BEADED CEILING FOR PORCHES:—320 feet for the front and 140 feet for the rear. PLATE RAIL :—The dining room will require 50 lineal feet of plate rail, (see detail drawing). Below the plate rail are plastered panels with wood strips and panel mould. These panels are about 11” in the clear and will extend all around the dining room. Closet shelving, strips in closets for coat and hat hooks, drawers in closet off from bed room No. 3. Pantry cupboards will be as detailed. PAINTING, VARNISHING, FILLING AND STAINING :——Painting is generally figured by the superficial yard. Figure window frames the size of the frame including the glass, as the extra work of painting the jambs, stops and around the glass more than makes up for the glass. A window ~12”x30”, two lights, will be 42”+4” for the sash and 4” for the brick mould. making 50” or 4’2”, the height being two times 30” plus 6” and 4” for sash and brick mould, making it 5’10” in height. 4’2” times 5’10” will make about 24 square feet. The inside of the frames can be figured the same way for varnishing. \Vhen figuring doors the jambs must also be figured besides the size of the door. OUTSIDE MEASUREMENTS :——In frame buildings the outside measurements of the building are taken and no deductions made for openings. Inside base is figured as being not less than 12” wide, stairs and floors the actual measurements. Balusters and railing must be figured according to the work; by figuring the balusters as being solid on each side you will get very close to the number of yards. Quantity of Paint Required per 56 Sq. Yds., or 500 Sq. Ft. of Surface On Woodwork. Inside Work. Lead and Oil priming ...... 1V2 Gallons. Liquid Filler. . . . . . . . . . . . .11/4 Gallons. Two Coat work ........... 2% Gallons. Paste Filler .............. 1V2 Gallons. Three Coats .............. 3/4“ Gallons. Stain. ............. . . . . .1 Gallon. On brick work add one-tenth .......... Varnish, etc., lst. coat.... . 11/2 Gallons. Mineral on wood .......... 1 Gallon. Each other coat. . . . .each 1 Gallon. Mineral on tin ............ 1 Gallon. Shellac. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1 Gallon. Graphite ................. 1% Gallons. Calcimining .. . . . . . . . . . . . .31/2 Gallons. Red Lead ................ 1 Gallon. Varnish Remover ........ 31/2 Gallons. Putty, about 15 its. for a 7 room house. 68 HARDWARE :——F igure the number of locks, hinges and all finishing hardware, including nails, weights, sash cord, sliding door tracks, etc. Sash cord for an ordinary Window will take about 20 feet of cord. A 2—1”x28”, two light window will take about 6-pound weights, a 24”x32” 8 pound weights and 4 weights to a window. Single strength glass will weigh about 1 % pounds per square foot, double strength about 1. 6, plate about 3% pounds. Sash will weigh for a 24”x28”x13g” about 12 pounds, for the window 24”x32” about 14 pounds. FRAME BUILDINGS When building a frame building the work is figured the same way as for a brick building except the outside walls. OUTSIDE WALL STUDDINGz—Take the frame building No. 100 on page 9. The distance from b to c is 33’ and will take 26 studs, to this add three for the corner posts. The other side of the building will take the same number of studding from a to f and from e to (1, you have three extra corners on this side, so you will be required to add three more studs, making 32 for this side. The distance from a to b is 26 feet and takes 20 studs; the corners have already been added. The rear of the building from j to e and from d to c will take the same number of studs as for the front. The plates can be figured the same way as for the inside partitions. A frame building also requires a ribbon for the second story joist to rest on. In a frame building the joist will be longer than in a brick building as they should be even with the outside of the wall, while in a brick building they lay on the wall from —1 to (3 inches. In a residence the outside sheathing boards can be figured by taking the actual measurements of the outside of the building, the openings will make up for the waste of material, SIDINGz—Siding is figured by taking the superficial square feet and adding one- third for 6” siding, two—fifths for 5” siding and one-half for 1” to the number of square feet to be covered. Six inch siding is generally laid 41/13” to the weather, five inch 3%” and four inch 2%”. CORNER BOARDS z—Corner boards are generally the width of the outside casing and sometimes a quarter round is put in the corner instead of nailing the corner boards together. BUILDING PAPER:—Figure the number of square feet to be covered and allow 15 pounds per square of 100 feet. LUMBERz—The most of the lumber is surfacedon one side and edge and is, therefore, from £1 to ,3.§ of an inch less than the dimensions given. A 2x1 is then 1% inches by 3% inches. All timbers are cut and sold in even lengths and by the foot board measure, one foot wide and one foot long and one inch thick. The table given on page 53 gives the number of feet in most of the different sizes of timbers. FINISHING LUMBERz—Finishing lumber is surfaced on both sides and is sawed in thicknesses of 1”, 1%”, 1%)”, 2”, 2%” and 3”, but when surfaced the thickness is reduced T36. of an inch, but is all sold the original size as sawed. MATCHED FLOORING :—The standard sizes are 1x3, 1x4, 1x6 inches, and 1%x3, 1,14ch and llrjxti inches. 3” flooring is 214:” wide, 4” 3% and 6” 5,1»; inches wide. BEADED CEILING is regular stock and the widths are the same as the flooring, and the thickness V, %, % and 3/4 inches, the ég" is dressed one side only and the others both sides. BEVELED SIDING is made 4”, 5” and 6”, for 6” add one-third, for 5” two-fifths, for 4” one—half for waste. For all matched boards take 34 of an inch for matching, 8" ship lap will measure 7%” and 10”, 9%”. Sheathing boards 6” wide when laid tight on roof or for rough floors add one—sixth to the actual number of feet required. On roofs where the boards are laid 2” apart, subtract one—fifth for the spaces. Boards laid tight and diagonal add one—fifth of the actual area for 6’ ’ boards. FLOORING for 3” add one—half the area, 4” add one-third, and 6” add one-fifth. For outside walls where there are openings figure the wall solid and do not add any waste as the openings will make up for the waste. Add two-thirds for thin %’ ’ x1%’ ’ flooring, and five—eighths for 2”. ESTIMATING EXCAVATING:—Excavating is generally measured by the cubic yard. The cost of excavating depends on what is to be done with the earth and the kind of earth. If the earth is to be scraped out and left lay on the lot, it is done for from 12 to 20 cents per cubic yard. If the earth has to be hauled a long ways (unless it can be sold at a reasonable price) the expense depends on the length of the haul, from 30 to 60 cents per load. Earth is quite frequently sold, which reduces the cost of excavating. There is also a great difference in the nature of the soil. If the soil is hard and rocky or too wet the cost is more than if the soil is sandy or good clay. The price can not be set at any definite figure. But an average of 20 cents for scraping and 40 cents for hauling can be safely figured. Digging trenches, about 40 cents per cubic yard. Carting away old material, about $1 . 25 per load. Leveling yard when earth is furnished, about 4 cents per superficial yard. ‘ CONCRETE :~This depends on the kind of work and the price of the material and labor. Concrete is measured by the cubic yard and sometimes by the cubic foot. \Vhen figuring concrete where forms will be required the cost of erecting the forms and taking them down must be figured in and also the expense of lumber for forms. Add to the cost of concrete form 2 to 2% cents per cubic foot, or 54 to 70 cents per cubic yard for the cost of the forms. With Portland Cement at $1 .50, gravel at $1.00, crushed stone $1.50 and sand $1.00. mixed in proportion of 1 part of cement, 2 of sand and 4 of gravel, Cement concrete will cost about 20 cents per cubic foot or $5.40 per cubic yard when the forms are used, and 18 cents per cubic foot or $4.86 per cubic yard without forms. CELLAR FLOORS AND WALKS are generally; figured by the square foot and sometimes by the square yard. The price also depends on the price of cement, labor and other material. For a 4” concrete with 1” top dressing the cost is about 12% to 15 cents per square yard for sidewalks and from 10 to 12% for basement floors. With 3” of concrete and the same top dressing you can deduct 2 cents per square foot. And for heavier floors add 2 cents per square foot for each additional inch in thickness. 69 CONCRETE BLOCKS are sold by the cubic foot and the price depends on the kind of block required. The cost of blocks laid in the wall is from 21 to 28 cents per cubic foot laid in wall. The cost of blocks vary in different localities and according to the cost of material and labor. STONE WORK :—Stone work is most generally measured by the perch. The number of‘cubic feet in a perch should always be specified, as in some localities 25 cubic feet are used and in others 16% cubic feet. Sometimes they are figured by the cubic foot and the cubic yard. But in either case the cost is always considered by the cubic foot and the price per perch or yard' made accordingly. If a perch 0f 16% cubic feet costs $2.00, a perch of 25 cubic feet will cost % more or $3.00. Rubble work is generally figured by taking the outside measurements of the wall and the openings figured in. Rubble stone are sold by the ton or cord. Flagg by the square foot, dimension by the cubic foot. Customs vary in different cities as to figuring stone work. Rubble laid in lime mortar costs from 12% to 15 cents per cubic foot; for cement mortar add about 3 cents per cubic foot to the above kind of stone used. The cost of cutting ashler is from 15 to 20 cents per square foot for sand and lime stone and from 25 to 30 cents for granite. The cost for setting ashler is about 15 cents per square foot. CUT STONE :—Cut stone depends largely on the kind of stone and the price varies in different localities. The following prices will give a very close estimate when figuring. Price per Price per lineal foot. lineal foot 5”x 7” Window Sills. . . . . . . . . . . $0.45 41”x12” Lintel ................... $0.60 5”x17” Window Sills. . . . . . . . . . . . .70 8”x12” Lintel ................... .10 7”x 7” Window Sills. . . . . . . . . . .’ . .60 8”x16” Lintel ................... 1.30 7”x11” Window Sills. . . . . . . . . . .. .90 4”x11” Coping .................. .55 8”x17” Door Sills... . . . . . . . . . . . . .95 4”x15” Coping ................ .. . .70 8”x15” Door Sills. . . .. . . . . . . . . .. 1.25 4”xl9” Coping .................. .85 6”x11” Door Sills. . . . . _ . . . . . . . .. .70 4:”x23” Coping .................. 1.15 6”x15” Door Sills. . . _ . . . . . . . . . .. .90 8”x15” Coping .................. 1.25 6”x10” Water Table ............ .65 7”x11” Steps .................... 1.00 6”x 8”\Vater Table ............ .55 6”x14” Steps.................... .90 4”x10” Lintel .................. .50 6” thick platform (per square foot) . .45 Add to the above prices for setting 5 cents per lineal foot for window sills and 10 cents for door sills and water table. The cost of labor for cut stone is about 35 cents per cubic foot. BRICK WORK :—Measurements for brick are by the cubic foot, counting 22% brick per cubic foot or superficial foot in a 12” wall, 15 for every superficial foot. for a 9” wall, 7% for a ~l” wall and 30 for a 16” wall. No deductions are made for openings less than 70 superficial feet. No deductions are made for stone sills, caps or belt courses. If the ashler is set by a separate contract, then the thickness of the ashler is deducted from the thickness of the wall. The cost varies according to the price of material and labor. The actual number of brick required is about 3/4 of the number obtained by figuring wall measure. Common brick work costs $10 to $15 per thousand wall measure according to the kind of wall and height. Labor for common work, including the mortar costs from $5 to $7 per thousand wall measure. Pressed brick cost more and the laying costs from $10 to $20 per thousand. Pressed brick at $20 per thousand must be figured at from $30 to $32 per thousand wall measure. CHIMNEYS WITH TILE LINING, 8”x8” tile and 4” wall 80 cents per lineal foot. Double 8”x8” $1.40 per foot, 8”xl2” costs $1.25 per lineal foot, U”X16” $1.50 per foot, 16”X16” $2.50 per foot. Labor and mortar for chimney 30 to 45 cents per lineal foot and 50 to 75 cents for double fiues. Flue lining 4%;"x8" 30 cents, 4%”);12” 45 cents, 8”x”” 45 cents, 8”Xl2” 65 cents, 12”x16” $1.00, 12”x12” 80 cents, 16”Xl6” $1.50, 16”X20” $2.00. ' » CHIMNEY BREAST to be figured the same as for outside brick work. SETTING BOILER, figure the brick at the regular price for common brick and add half the amount for extra work. Enameled brick cost from $60 to $00 in the wall. CISTERN AND CESS POOLS are generally built at a certain price per lineal foot in depth, cisterns at so much a barrel. Cess pools cost about $3.00 per foot in depth if not over 4 feet wide. Cisterns cost from 45 to 60 cents per barrel, this includes the cementing, tiling and cover complete. BRICK CORNICE double the cost of laying the brick. WALL COPINGz—Salt glazed are made in 18” and 24” lengths; for 9” wall costs 15 cents per foot. 12” wall 20 cents, and 35 cents for a 16” wall. TERRA COTTA is usually made according to some special design and it is better ‘ to get prices from the manufacturer. cornice. MORTAR COLOR :—Add $1.00 per thousand to the cost of brick when mortar coloring is used. COST OF COLORING :A-Red and brown It comes dry in 500 and 1000 lb barrels. COST OF CHIPPING BRICK is about $2. 50 per thousand. UNDERPINNING costs about 50 per cent more for labor than common brickwork or cement work. PILASTERS are figured extra; figuring the number of brick in the pilaster, labor is worth about 25 per cent more than for straight work. For different size bricks figure the same as for regular size the number of brick to the cubic foot. PAVING BRICK:~~Paving brick with 6” of cement concrete, 1V2”of sand and the brick laid edgewise should not cost more than $1.30 per square yard. Concrete curbing and 20” gutter, 8” thick should not cost over 50 cents per lineal foot. Cellar floor with the brick laid flat on a 5” cinder base and 1” sand, using paving brick, will cost about 12%) cents per square foot, sidewalks cost about the same money. If brick are grouted with cement mortar, add 1 cent per square foot. PLASTERINGze—Plastering is figured by the square yard and the price depends on the price of the material and the wages paid. Drawn work on wood lath, stucco or sand finish, 30 cents per yard. Brown coat on brick work, 23 cents per yard. Drawn work on metal lath, stucco or sand finish, 65 cents per yard.. $6 to $8 per lineal foot will get a very good 2% cents per pound, black 3% cents. 70 For Keenen’s Cement add 10 cents per yard. For blocking to imitate tile add 50 cents per yard. v For base 6 to 9 inches high of Keenen Cement, 10 cents per lineal foot. For back plaster on wood lath, 23 cents per yard. Plaster of Paris moulds 5 cents per inch of girth. Sackett board, white coat on compo board, 36 cents per yard. Metal lath on steel prong studs finished on both sides 1%” thick, figure one side only, $1.75 per yard. , Outside with metal lath, cement plaster, 60 to 75 cents per yard. Pebble dashed, $1. 10 to $1.25 per yard. COST OF LUMBER :—Prices in lumber vary according to the location, so that it is impossible to give the cost of it that will be correct in all parts of the country. The contractor can get the prices from the nearest dealer. For convenience, I will give a few prices of material. These prices are for hemlock or yellow pine dimension lumber; for white pine add $2.00 per thousand. Dimension lumber 12 to 16 feet in length $25.00. Add $1.00 per thousand for every two feet in length over 16 feet long. No.1Fencing................$ 24.00 Maple ........................ $ 40.00 N02 21.00 Beech ........................ 45.((. No. l Shiplap ................ 26.00 7/é”x2” Beech ................. 65.1.1 N02 24.00 YellowPine ................... 35.1.; Flooring, Fence, 6” No. 1 ...... 40.00 %”x4” beaded. ceiling Basswood. 35.( a No. 2.. . . . ................... 36.00 White Pine, 6” ................ 36.1 . No. 3 ........................ 29.00 Siding, Basswood, 6” .......... 2711 4” Yellow Pine, quarter sawed. 45.00 Cedar 6”. . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 30.t.( Flat ......................... 38.00 Red Wood 6” .................. 30M. 6” Yellow Pine, common... . . . . 28.00 Finishing, Yellow Pine ......... 45.0(. 6” Hemlock.................. 22.00 Soft Pine ..................... 50.00 4”Fir ........... , ............ 40.00 Oak 85.00 2”xZ/g” Quarter Sawed Oak.... 100.00 Birch 50.00 Plain Oak .................... 70.00 Gum Wood ................ . . 40. 00 %”x2” Maple, first clear ....... 60.00 Shingles, cedar 6 to 2. . . . . . . . . 3. 75 Factory. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 35.00 Shingles. Cedar 5 to 2, .......... 4.00 3/8”x2”Oak............ 65.00 MILL WORK:—~Mill work, the same as for lumber, prices vary according to the location. A list of material should be made out and sent to some mill for figures, or the plans can be sent and let the mill man take off the amount of material required. Following is a price list of some of the material mostly used for common residence work. DOORS, YELLOW PINE :— 1%” 6 cross panels 1%” 2’6”X7’0”Xl%”.........$2.90 3’0”X7’0”Xl§/3”..........$3.20 $4.60 2’8”X7'0”x1~i«5§”......... 3.00 3’0”X7’0”X13/§” .......... 4.00 5.85 2’10"X7’()”X15'§”........ 3.10 $4.40 2’8”x7’0”x151§”.......... 3.65 5.30 Sash doors, two and four light, about 20 per cent more than for six cross panels. For one light and two or three panels below, add 40 per cent to cost of solid doors. Good front doors with beveled plate cost from $8 to $25. Cupboard doors cost about $1.50 apiece. Side lights on each side of doors cost about half the cost of the door for each side. the center of the opening. 13 \‘H thick Inches Single S. 16 X 20 ..................................... $0.85 16x21 ..................................... .90 18x20 ..................................... .90 18x21 ................................... 1.00 18x32 ..................................... 120 20x20 .................................... 1.00 20x21 .................................... 103 20x28 ..................................... 1.15 20x32 ..................................... 1.35 20x36 ..................................... 1.51 22x24 .................................. 1.10 22x28 ................................... 1.20 22x32 ..................................... 1.11 22x36 ..................................... 162 24x20 ..................................... 1.10 21x21 ..................................... 1.17 21x28 ..................................... 1.31 21x32 ..................................... 130 21x36 ..................................... 155 26x24 ..................................... 1.3 26x28 ..................................... 1.45 26x32 ..................................... 1.60 26x10 2.15 28x21 ..................................... 1.15 28x28 ..................................... 1.55 28X32 ..................................... 1.85 28x36 2.05 28x40 ..................................... 2.18 30x21 .................................... 1.55 30X28 ..................................... 1.70 30x32 2.03 30x36 2.10 30x40 2.62 32X28 2.15 32x32 ..................................... 32x36 ..................................... 34x32 ..................................... Double S. 31. 1. 05 1 2 1.15 DOC/J1010325[OIOEOIQIOIOIOIOHIOIQHV—‘lOléi—‘HF-‘F-‘IQHHHP-‘r-‘t—‘i—Hv-‘H . 31 .62 . 30 .33 .15 . 70 .98 . 40 .55 .82 . 16 .45 CASEMENT WINDOWz—A sash or pair of sash made to be hung on hinges. COTTAGE WINDOWz—A window in which the meeting rails are placed above FRENCH WINDOW :-—A pair of sash made to hang on hinges like a pair of doors. QUEEN ANNEz—VVindOWS or sash divided into small lights. TWO LIGHT WINDOWS—COMPLETE : ~7— VVeight—lbs. SS. ' D.S. 12 14 11 16 13 15 '16 18 20 22 15 17 l7 19 21 23 23 25 25 27 19 21 21 ' 23 21 26 26 28 18 10 20 22 23 25 26 28 23 32 31 34 21 23 21 27 27 30 31 30 ‘23 25 25 28 2‘.) 31 32 35 . 3 37 25 27 27 30 3 3 35 38 37 10 29 31 35 39 37 71 TWO LIGHT WINDOWS—COMPLETE:—— Weight—lbs. Inches Single S. Double S. SS. D.S. 31X31)‘15 $3.50 40 36x28”! ................................. 2.55 3.04 ~ 32 35 36X32........... ......................... 3.70 41 36 x 10 ..................................... 4.55 46 40 X 28 ..................................... 3.12 37 40 x 32 ..................................... 3.75 42 40 X 36 ..................................... 4.55 46 40X10......... ... .................. 4.60 49 41 X 30 .................................. 4.05 44 41X32........ ............................ 4.58 46 11 x 36 ..................................... 4.70 50 41 X 40 ..................................... 5.50 53 48 X 30 ..................................... 4.70 47 48 X 32 ..................................... 4.80 49 18 X 36 ..................................... 5.51 53 48 X 10 ..................................... 6.00 55 TWELVE LIGHT WINDOWS>~V 12 X 11 ..................................... $2.04 32 12 X 11 ..................................... 1.45 38 EIGHTEEN LIGHTS:— 10 X 12 ..................................... $2.08 33 10 X 16 ..................................... 2.70 42 12 X12 ..................................... 3.60 46 WINDOW FRAMES for frame buildings complete up to moulded cap for, 30”X32”, two lights 2”X1” Studs ................... $2.50 2”X6” Studs .................... $2.75 Segment‘headadd .............. 1.50 Circleadd....................... 3.00 For each additional 2” width, 1” in height add 15 cents. FRAMES FOR BRICK BUILDINGS z—Complete sizes up to 30”X32” Two lights ............................................................. $3.50 Larger lights. add for each 2” in width ..................................... .30 Circle heads. add each .................................................... 2. 75 Frames for brick veneer the same as for a frame building. Door frames for frame buildings up to 3’X7’ ............................ $2.60 For transom add ................................................... .70 For brick building .................................................. 3.50 Transoms add ....................................................... .60 Cellar sash frames ................................................... 1.25 Inside door jambs, yellow pine ........................................ 1.00 Inside door jambs, oak .............................................. 1.50 Transoms add ...................................................... .50 Base, casing and moulding 34' of a cent for each inch in Width per lineal foot. BLINDS:-— Sash locks and lifts, each ........................................... $ .10 Inside ....................................................... —. $3.00 Axle pulley, per dozen .............................................. 1.00 Outside ..... _ .......................... - ......................... 1.25 Sash balances, each ................................................ 1. 75 Seats can be figured at, per lineal foot ............................. l .00 Coat and hat hooks, per dozen ....................................... .20 Stairs, open front 3’6” wide, per step ................................. $ 3.00 Strap hinges, per inch in length ...................................... .05 Stairs, box rear stairs, per step ................................... .‘ . . . 1.50 Ventilating wall grates, each .......................... ' .............. .20 Balusters, each .................................................... . 10 Corner guard, per lineal foot ......................................... .06 Railing, per lineal foot .............................................. . 15 TIN: _ Starting newel posts, each .................................. $6. 00 to 10.00 5 /X7// shingles, each ............................................ _01 Landing newels, each ....................................... $3. 00 to 5.00 Roof per square of 100 feet. Porch balusters and railing, per lineal foot ............................ .40 gonxggli common IC ......................................... 6.50 Columns 8’ to 9’ high ............................................... 5.00 20H\ 28" old style IC .......................................... 750 Porcheolumnsl2’ ......................................... $6.00to 7.00 2X0”’8”oldstyleIX 8.50 For composition caps, add ................................... $1.50 to 2.00 For 14”): 30” add 30 per cent. Porch posts, 6x6 box ................................................ 1.70 7” wide tin per lineal foot ...................................... .011“; Brackets 10”xl2”, 25 centsa—2’x2’ ................................... 1.50 20" valley per lineal foot ........................................ 6 Common drawers each. ........................................... 1.75 GALVANIZED IRON: __ ggggéegzisglnggngf}’rgfigémeal fOOt """""""""""""""""" 1888 Hanging gutter- ’ cents for each inch 111 width pei lineal foot. InSide COlumnS 6/, round ............................................ q. 00 CORRUGATED DOWN SPOUTS: V—— - """"""""""""""""""""""""" I. 2” , lin .al f t .............. $0 .05 3” er lineal foot .............. $0.051» InSide columns 10X10 square ........................................ 8.00 I, per , e 00 , _,, p . - - Inside columns 12x12 square ........................................ 10. 00 4,, per lineal fOOt ---------- '00 a per lineal fOOt """"""" ‘08 COLONNADESz—Colonnades cost from $20 to $100, according to the design 6 p :fiangalléOOt """"""" '10 and size of opening. 7 H :— g 3,, PLATE RAIL :—About 6 to 7 cents per lineal foot. Paneled wainscot 40 cents in each. ' ' i ' ' ' ' i ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ’ ' ' ' $0 0:: each """"""""""""" $0 09 v , each. .l- 5”each ........................ .17 per square foot. Wood store front, about $2.00 per square foot. 6” each. 01 HARDWARE :—Common 8d, 10d and 20d nails from $2.25, $3.00 per 100 lbs. CUT— OFFS: _ h ' i ' i ' ' I ' ' ' ' W Finishing nails $2. 75 to $3.50 per 100 lbs. Shingle nails $5.00 to $5.50. 2,, each 0.) w each .75 DOOR IRIMMINGif , 4:” each... . . . . . . . . . . . 36 5’ ’each ........................ .65 InSide lock and h1nges complete for an ordinary house... . . . . . . . . . . . . $1.00 6” each ..................... .80 Outside door hinges complete for an ordinary house ................. 3.00 VENTILATORS P ATENTED _ The price in hardware varies so much on the different designs and kind of material . . . . . - - 6” each. 1.40 l2”eaeh....................... 2.75 that it would be impOSSible to give or undertake to Give the prices of them all. InSide ,, ., ,, _ . . ° - 1 20 each ...................... 10.00 50 each ....................... l; .00 locks for a good building can be figured $4.00 each and up, outSide doors $5.00 and 7 _ 7) up. Store door locks complete $6.00 120 $15.00. Sliding door tracks and hangers RIDGE ROLL, per lineal 1001 ................................... -I . . . .1- $5.00 and up. Sash weights 1% to 2 cents for iron, lead 8 cents per 1b. Sash cord, FINEALS, each ................................................ $1.50 to 3.00 100 feet in a hawk, costs 50 cents. CORNICE, per inch of girth per lineal foot (this includes setting) ......... .02 Dumb waiter ............................................. $15 . 00 to $20. 00 Ends of cornice‘ each ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 5.00 18370ng gctinf .dOOT hinges --------------------------------- 35‘3- 00 to g 88 'MODILLIONS, per foot. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .......................... .50 1 11’1" oor rim .................................................. -. H _ Drawgr pulls and lock, each ......................................... . 10 8 CROWN MOULD’ per fOOt """"""""""""""""""""" '10 Push plates, each .................................................. .75 PEDIMENTS ...................................................... 15.00 Door check ........................................................ 5.98 BRACKETS AND BALUSTERS, each ................................ .60 fffié‘fioé‘aiitiftcf '''''''' ' ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::'.'5'o".¢ 1:50 METALemanapersquarem ----------------------------------- ‘10 Barrel bolts, each ............................................ . 10 to . l5 SKYLIGHTS, per square foot ....................................... .60 72 SPEAKING TUBES,perlinealfoot...................................$ .10 ROOF, No. 28, per square ........................................... 8.00 METAL SIDING, per square foot ..................................... . 10 METAL WAINSCOT, per square foot ................................. . 10 METAL SHINGLES, per square of 100 feet, about. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 10.00 IRON WINDOW FRAMES cost, each complete with wire glass, about. . . . 18.00 COPPER :— For 14 oz. copper put in place, per square foot. . . . . . .. . . . .. ..$0.30 Cornice put in place, per square foot .............................. .60 Gutters put in place, per square foot .............................. .40 Conductors put in place, 6”, per lineal foot. . . . . . . . .60 ROOFING :— Slate. per square ............................................... $13.00 Tile,persquare................................................ 20.00 Asbestos shingles. per square ........................ - ............ 1 2. 00 “'ood shingles, per square ....................................... 6.50 Stained wood shingles, per square ................................ 9.50 Gravel roof. per square ......................................... 4.00 Carey roofing, per square ....................................... 4.00 Rubberoid, 1-ply. per square .................................... 2.10 Rubberoid, 2—ply, per square .................................... 3. 10 Rubberoid. 3-ply, per square .................................... 4.00 SHEATHING PAPER :— Xred rosin, 5005quare feet, perroll............................. .50 XX red rosin. 500 square feet, per roll ........................... .60 XXX red rosin. 500 square feet, per roll ......................... .70 Black water proof. 3—ply. per roll ............................... 1 .00 Perfection water proof, per roll ................................. 1. 15 Neponset black sheathing 36”, 500 square feet, per roll ............ 2.00 Neponset red rope, 500 square feet, per roll ....................... 5 .00 P and B 26” rolls. 3—ply, 1000 square feet, per roll . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.00 Barretts, Eureka brand, per pound .............................. 02% Saturated felt, 12. 15 and 20 pounds, per pound .................. 01%; Dry saturated felt, 36” wide. 500 square feet, per roll. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .80 DEADENING QUILTS, 3 double ply, per 100 square feet ................. $1.25 Union Fibre Company’s, per square 100 feet ........................ 1.25 Asbestos paper, 10 pounds, per 100 square feet ..................... .45 PAINTING for labor and material. Outside frame building. ‘ lst coat, per square yard ......................................... .09 2nd coat, per square yard ........................................ . 18 3rd coat, per square yard ........................................ .26 For brick work add % for first coat. Inside work, 2 coats varnishing and filling, per square yard ........... . 18 73 Inside work, 3 coats varnishing and filling, per square yard .......... $ .26 Sanding extra, per square yard ................................... Floors, per square yard ......... Tinting, per square of 100 feet. . . ................................. 1 Dipping shingles, per thousand ................................... 3 .05 .18 .00 .00 Blinds, per square foot, one coat ................................. .08 Tin roof, per square yard ........................................ .05 BLACKBOARDS :— Slate, per square foot ............................................ .20 Plaster, per square foot .......................................... .15 IRON WORK :— I—Beams, Channels and Angles, per pound .......................... .03 Cast iron caps and columns, per pound ............................ .03 No. 9 Wire netting, 11/2” mesh, per square foot ..................... .23 No.8 wire netting, 2” mesh, per square foot. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .24 Heavy window wire, per square foot ............................... .60 CARPENTER WORK SILLS, SOLID, 8 cents per lineal foot. FRAMING LUMBER not more than 3—story in height. add 30 per cent. For more than 3—story JOISTS:—$8.00 per 1000 feet, or 1% cents per lineal foot, or $1.00 per square of 100 feet. STUDDING:——Outside wall rafters, collar beams, inside partitions, plates, porch framing, $15.00 per 1000 feet, or 1 cent per lineal foot, or $1.00 per square of 100 square feet. SHEATHINGz—Roof and outside walls, $10.00 per 1000 feet, or $1.00 per square of 100 square feet. FLOORS z—Attic and rough, $10.00 per 1000 feet, or $1.00 per square of 100 square feet. FINISHED FLOORS :—Yellow pine. Laying, per square. . ............$1.25 Smoothing, per square. . . . . . . . . .. 1.25 Laying Hardwood, per square. . . . 1.75 SIDING :— 6”, per square .................. $1. 10 5”, per square .................. 1.30 SHINGLES:—~ Wood laid 41/)”, per square ...... $1.50 Slate, per square ................ 1.75 Tile, per square ................. 2.00 CEILING :— Porch, per square ............... $1.50 Light shafts, per square ......... . 1.50 Scraping, per square. . . . . . . . . . . . . $1.75 Porch floors, per square ........... 1.00 4”, per square ................... 1.60 Drop, per square ................. 1.25 Asbestos, per square. . . . . .. .. $1.50 Patent roofing, per square. '. . 1.00 Wainscot, per square ............. $1.50 .................................... CORNICEz—One cent for each inch in width of girth per lineal foot. OUTSIDE BASE, per lineal foot ...................................... $0.06 PORCH RAIL AND BALUSTERS, per lineal foot ....................... .18 CASING AND HANGING WINDOWS :— 1‘rame building each............$1. 50 Transom,each................ . $1.00 Brick each. . . 1. 75 ' DOOR HANGING AND CASING: — Inside door... . . . . . $2. 23 Outside door .................... $2. 75 Sliding doors ................... 4.00 Cupboard doors. . . . . .60 Transoms ...................... l. 00 .................................... Inside base 11 1th mould and quarter round per lineal foot. . . . . . .330 ()6 Plate rail per lineal foot ............................................ .07 Pictuie mould. per lineal foot ........................................ .02 Front stairs, per step ............................................... 1 .50 Rear and cellar stairs, per step .................................... .60 Cupboards. each ................................................... 1200 China cupboard, each ............................................... 10. 00 Closets, each ...................................................... 1 .00 -STOREFRONTS,persquarefoot..... 15 Screen. windows. each .............................................. .30 Blinds. each ....................................................... .50 Storm sash. each ................................................... .60 Screen doors. each ................................................. .60 TILE FLOORS, per square foot ...................................... .50 MANTEL ............................................... $10 . 00 to $100.00 GAS PIPING, per lineal foot in place ................................ . l2 HEATING, hot air. including registers for 6 to 10 room house. 31312.3. 0 0 to $200.00 PLUMBING, according to the fixtures ...................... $200. 00 to $400 .00 BUILDING MATERIALS lbs,cu.ft. 1b5.cu.ft. Brick, pressed .................. , , 150 Granite or limestone well dressed. . 1125 Brick, common ................... 125 1.1111estones and marbles .......... 108 Cement Portland. . .80 to 100 Lime. quick ..................... 53 Cement Rosedale.. . . . . . . . . . . . .36 Mortar hardened... .. . . . . . . . . . . . .103 Common brick w ork cement mortar 1 ;() Plaster of Paris. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , 111 . 6 Common brick w ork, lime 1nortar.... 120 Sand ...................... 00 to 106 ConcreteCement..................140 Sandstone.......................151 Earth dry, shaken ................ 00 Slate ........................... 175 Earth, rammed ................... 100 .................................... USEFUL MEMORANDA AND TABLES One cubic inch of cast iron weighs .................................. 0. 26 lbs. One cubic inch of wrought iron weighs ................................ 0. 28 lbs. 74 One cubic inch of water weighs ...................................... 0.036 lbs. One cubic foot of water weighs ...................................... 62. 321 lbs. One United States gallon weighs ..................................... 8.33 lbs. . One Imperial gallon weighs .......................................... 10. lbs. One cubic foot of water equals. .U. S. gal. 7 48 Approximate estimate by the square or superhcial foot of the building, includin4Vhen mixed by hand lay a tight board floor and spread out the sand, put on the cement and thoroughly mix them by shoveling it over twice, then put on the crushed stone or gravel and shovel again and add water. Add plenty of water to make a slush. TOP DRESSING :—Cement and sand in equal parts. FOOTINGS:~ Porch pier ........................................................................... Steps ............................................................................... Basement cross walls ................................................................. Foundation wall ...................................................................... Chimneys ..................................... i ..................................... Posts ......................................................................... ' ...... FOUNDATION WALL :— Above grade ......................................................................... Below grade ......................................................................... OUTSIDE WALLS BRICK :— Face ................................................................................ Common ........................................................................... , Mortar .............................................................................. Metal ties .......................................................................... 8L CUT STONE ........... WINDOW AND DOOR SILLS .............................................. .. ............. WINDOW AND DOOR CAPS:— Front ............................................................................... Qide .............................................. Rear ................................................................................ PORCH PIERS :— Front ............................................................................... Rear ................................................................................ Side ............................................................. . .................. PLASTERING :— Interior .............................................................................. Exterior ............................................................................. LATH :— Interior ............................................................................. Exterior ............................................................................ Remarks ............................................................................ WAINSCOT :— Bathroom .......................................................................... Kitchen ............................................................................. Diningroom ....................................................... ’ .................. Livingroom......................................I .................................. Toilet room .......................................................................... TILE FLOORS ........................................................................... FRAMING LUMBER :— Sills ..................................... . ........................................... Studding..i ......................................................................... JOIsts ................ I ...... Outside sheathing .................................................................... Roof sheathing ............................... y ........................................ SHINGLES .............................................................................. SIDING ................................................................... ' .............. EXTERIOR TRIM ....................................................................... Remarks ................... L ........................................................ INTERIOR TRIM :— Living room .................................................... ‘ ..................... Dining room ......................................................................... Reception room ...................................................................... Library ...... . . ................................................... 65 Stairs and stair hall ................................................................... Kitchen ............................................................................. Bath room ......... ,. ............................................................ Bed room, first floor .................................................................. Bed rooms, second floor ............................................................. Closets ............................................................................. BEAM CEILING :-—— Dining room ........................................................... . . .......... Living room ...... , ............................................. . ................... Hall ................................................................. . .......... . . METAL CEILING ..................................................... i ................... Remarks ............................................................................ ROUGH FLOORS :—— First story ........................................................................... Second story ......................................................................... Third story ......................................................................... FINISHED FLOORS :— LiVing room ......................................................................... Dining room ......................................................................... Reception room ..................................................... i ................. Library ............................................................................. Attic ............................................................................... Front porch.“ ........................................................................ Rear porch .......................................................................... Vestibulc ................................. .. .' ....................................... Stair platforms ............................................... . ........................ Stair hall ............................................................................ Kitchen. . . . ........................................................................ Bath room ........................................................................... Bed room, first floor .................................................................. Bed rooms, second floor ............................................................... Store room ..................................... . ..................................... TIN :— Valleys .............................................................................. Ridgeroll ........................................................................... Gutters...........................: ................................................ Hanging gutters ...................................................................... Fineals ................................................................ . ......... 08 BUILDING PAPER:— Between floors ...................................................................... Under shingles ...................... ‘ ................................................ Under siding ........................................................................ PORCH COLUMNS :— Kind ............................................................................... Size ................................................................................ Caps ................................................................................ PORCH CEILING ........................................................................ HARDWARE :— Hardware on first floor to be .......................................................... Hardware on second floor to be ............................. , ......................... Bath room hardware to be ............................................................ PAINTING :— White lead .......................................................................... Oil ......... - ........................................................................ Shellac ...... O ....................................................................... Stain ............................................................................... VARNISH :— Outside ............................................................................. Inside ............................................................................... WAX. . . .' ............................................................................... SHINGLE STAIN .......................................................................... Remarks ............................................................................ SCREEN WIRE ............................................... ' ........................... DOORS :— First floor ........................................................................... Second floor ......................................................................... GLASS :— Living room ......................................................................... Dining room ......................................................................... Reception room ...................................................................... Reception hall ........................................................................ Bed room, lst floor ................................................................... Bed rooms, 2nd floor .................................................................. Kitchen ............................................................................. Bath room .......................................................................... Casement, windows in ................................................................. Transom over Dutch window ........................................................ 18 Tran sonis ........................................................................... China closet ......................................................................... Store . front ........................................................................ . . FURNACE :— Hot water ............. . ....................................... . ..................... Steam .............................................................................. Hot air .................................................................. . .......... REGISTERS :— First floor ........................................................................... Second floor ......................................................................... PLUMBING :— Numbers to refer to ............................................... I ....... in catalogue. Bathtub....................., ................................................. _ ..... Lavatories ........................................................................... Closets .............................................................................. Kitchen sink ......................................................................... Slop sink ...................................... I .................................... . . Laundry tubs ........ ., ................................................................ Hot water boiler ..................................................................... Grease trap .......................................................................... Instantaneous heater ................................................................. \Vater lift ........................................................................... Kind of faucets ....................................................................... Soft water tank ...................................................................... Pressure tank ......................................................................... Sillcocks ............................................................................ Sewerage ............................................................................ DESCRIPTION OF WORK EXCAVATING :—C1ear away all rubbish, excavate for the basement, porch piers and step footings, cistern and drains to cistern according to plans and specifications. All earth or rock to .............. ................................ the premises. FOOTINGS:—I“ootings for piers to be 4 feet (5 inches below grade. All other footings the size marked on plans. LEVELING THE YARD :—The contractor to grade the yard as directed by the owner. FOUNDATION WALL :——The foundation wall to be ............................ inches thick to grade and ...................... inches thick above grade. All exposed wall to be laid in regular courses and tuck pointed with cement mortar. PORCH PIERS:-—l’orch piers to be built the size marked on plans. CEMENT FLOOR :——Basement to have a 4-inch cement floor in rooms .......................... same to have 3 inches of cement concrete and 1 inch of top dressing. Floor to be drained to where directed by owner. Z8 CEMENT STEPS :—-—The ............................ . ............. . . .............. . . . . . . . . CEMENT WALKS :——The walk in front to be the width of the steps for ........ feet, then ........ wide to the street walk. Walks to the rear will be ........ Wide; all walks to have 4 inches of concrete and 1 inch of top dressing. BRICK WORK :—‘A1.L brick for backing up and inside wall to be hard burned. Face brick to be bound to the common brick with ................ . ............................................. ................ Jack arches over openings in and row locks over ................................... openings. Inside walls to be built up between the joists to the under side of the floor. CHIMNEYS:—Build chimneys where shown on plans, furnace flues to have .................... inch tile lining, kitchen and fireplace flue ....... I ........... I. . . . . . ..... . . inch tile. Furnish all necessary thimbles and iron ash doors. Face joints to be . . . .' ................. . ................... CISTERN:~——Build a .................. barrel cistern, where shown on. drawing, .......... tile ‘ neck, ................ ‘ cover, 4-inch thick wall, well cemented and guaranteed to hold water for one year. TILINGz~Put 4—inch glazed tile drains from building to cistern as shown on plans. MANTEL: Furnish and put in place ........................ mantel in .............. and ..................................................... in same to be as catalogue number ............................. of catalogue. Mantel to cost ................................ f. o. b. cars Design to be selected by the owner. Contractor to put the same in place. TILE HEARTHz—Tile hearth to be of tile .................... laid on a 3—inch bed of cement concrete. LATH:———Lath all side walls and ceilings on the first and second story, stair soffits and ....... ....................................................................... Joints to be broken every 10 lath. No lath to be put on vertical or run through behind the studs. All lath back of tiling must be metal. All joints where brick work joins the woodwork to have a metal lath 10 inches wide, all ceiling beams to be covered with metal lath. All exterior angles to have metal corner guard ...... PLASTERINGi—Plaster all walls and ceilings .............................. and finish with a coat of stucco or sand finish as the owner may direct. Bath room and ............................ to have a ...................... wainscot 5 feet high and ................................... also to have a ........................... base same as wainscot 6 inches high. Kitchen to have three foot ................................... wainscot. Remarks ............. INTERIOR BEAMS AND CORNICEzw—Bcams ceiling and cornice in .......................... room as per detail drawing. PLASTER PATCHINGz—Do all necessary patching after the other craftsmen have finished their work, and repair all damaged plaster and cracks. CARPENTER WORKz—The carpenter shall do all the cutting of timbers as may be required by the other crafts for the due execution of their work. FRAMINGza—The frame work shall be balloon frame. Double all joists under partitions and spread them apart 4 inches where pipes are to go through between them. Put double headers around all openings in the floor. Truss all openings 3 feet wide and oyer with two 2”x8” timbers, double stud on each side all of inside openings. $8 GIRDEsz-All girders to be the size marked on plans and made by spiking 2-inch timbers together. Joist 2”x. .’—~lti” centers for the first story and ‘2”.\'. .’~—lt3” centers for the second story, attic joist II II 2”X. .’—]tl” centers. Collar beams 2”x. . , one to every ................ rafter, rafters 2”x. . . . inch centers. Outside studs 2”x..’—lti”centers. partitions 2”x. ’46” centers. Valley and hip rafters 2”x. . . .”. l’orch floor joist 2”x. .’—lti” centers and the outside ones doubled, ceiling and roof joist for II porches 2”x. . . .” centers. COAL BIN: wBuild coal bin in basement of ti-ineli matched flooring, with flooring door and boards 3 feet high back of door made to slide. BRIDGINszwBridge all joists of lti foot span and less with one row of l”x2§” cross bridgings, spans of lti to 18 feet to have two rows and over 18 feet three rows. GROUNDS: —l’ut 7/§”x7«§” grounds around all inside openings to stop off the plastering. FURRING:——li‘ur all walls for base and wainscot cap with 2”x7/§” strips for wood. and 1/2”x2” for brick walls. All exposed brick walls will be furred with l”x2” strips spaced .............. inch centers. OUTSIDE SHEATHINGz—Thc outside sheathing to be nailed with two 8d. nails each bearing. ROUGH FLOORS:—~The rough floors to be laid ....................................... on the first story and .............................................. on the second story. Attic floor to be laid over the ......................................... All oak floors to be scraped and sanded. yellow pine floors smoothed and sanded, other floors, the joints smoothed. l’orch floors to be laid in white lead, smoothed and sanded. BUILDING PAPERz—l’ut one layer of building paper between all double floors and under all sidingr and one layer of ............................ under ......................... shingle. SHINGLES:~v~Sliingles to be laid .............................. . ............ to the weather and nailed with ...................... nails. PORCHESV’Build the porches the size marked on the plans and as detailed. Beaded ceiling to be smoothed before putting it in place. Railing as shown on detail, balusters ........ spaced ...... centers. WINDOW AND DOOR FRAMES:V#Basement frames to be made of 2”x8” soft pine plank with quarter round on the outside, sash to be hung at, the top and fastened with an approved sash fastener, also provide hook to fasten sash when open. CASEMENT FRAMES:~Made for the sash to swing out. BOX FRAMES:#All box frames to have ......... , ..... jambs and ..................... , axle pulleys and pockets for weights. Outside casing)r to be .............................. inches by. . . . .............. and madeforblinds. Headcasingtobe STATIONARY WINDOWS: Stationary window frames will have a ............... Wide stop on the outside. DOOR FRAMES :~—~Outside door frames to have ......... inch ...... jambs with a 2—inch ...... sill, casing same as for the Windows. Furnish all outside stops with frames. CORNER BOARDS z—Corner boards to be .................... inch with a .............. inch quarter round in corner. CORNICE:-~l’lanceer to be of . . . . . . . . . . .inch by .............. inch ............... wide. FRIEZE:~—Frieze % inch by .................. inches with a 21/2 inch bed mould. FASCIAz—Fascia to be }§”x. . . .”. Gable ends and dormer to have .................... inch .................. ........mould. V8 PORCH CORNICEt—Porch cornice to be as detailed of ...................................... Remarks................................ ......... MOULDING :—Crown .............. inch. Bed. .................... inch. WATER TABLE :———As shown on .............................. sides of building. BARGE BOARD :——As shown ..................................... , ........................ OPEN TIMBER WORKz—As shown ..................... . ................................. SIDING:—Siding to be ...................... inches and laid .................... inches to the weather nailed with (id. siding nails. OUTSIDE STEPS:—Front steps to be 13% inches wide by 1% inches thick, with % inch cove under nosing. SIDE AND REAR STEPS :——Rear steps to have ll%{”x. . .. inch treads. All outside steps to be of ........................................ DOORS AND WINDOW SASH:—~Outside doors to be ................ inches thick. Sliding doors .................... inches thick and inside doors, first floor, ...................... inches thick. Second floor, ...................... inches thick. Remarks .......... BASEMENT DOORS:—Door in basement to be ............................ thick. Outside doors will be .......................... inside doors ....................... All doors on first and second floor to be made to match the inside trim. CUPBOARD DOORS :—All cupboard doors to be .......................... inches thick... . .. ...................................... doors. SASHz—All sash for plate glass to be 1% inches thick, other sash to be .............. inches thick. All sash to be soft pine. INTERIOR TRIM :—~To be as detailed on ....................................... second floor ........................... closets BASE :—Base to be .. ................ inches ................ i with ................ and quarter round. Kitchen base ............................ closet .............................. CASING z—Casing to be as detailed .................... wide, with .................. head. Closet casing to be ............................................................................ Remarks .................................................................................... WAINSCOTz—Will be as detailed in the ........................ and ...................... Remarks ................................................................................... SEATS :——All seats will have paneled back and front as detailed. Seat in ...................... room to be as detailed. All seats made to open. Remarks ................................................................................... BOOKCASEz—Build bookcase in ............................................... as detailed. Remarks .................................................................................... COLONNADEz—Colonnadc between .................. room and ............ to be as detailed with ............................................. caps. Remarks .................................................................................... 98 PICTURE MOULDz—I’icture mould in all rooms to match trim and where directed by the owner. CORNER GUARDS :——Put 1%”)(4’ three-quarter round corner guards on all exterior angles. KITCHEN CUPBOARD :—Build a kitchen cupboard where shown and as detailed or described. Remarks ................................................................................ . . . . FLOUR BINz—To be lined with tin and to tip out. PANTRY CUPBOARD :—I’antry cupboard will be built as detailed or described. Remarks .................................................................................... LINEN CLOSETk—Linen closet will have .......... 10—inch drawers the full width and ........ shelves above the drawers. CHINA CLOSETz‘China closet will be as detailed to match the trim. DRAWERS IN CLOSET :——I’ut ...... 10-inch drawers in closets number ...................... CLOSETS:—l’ut two 16-inch shelves in each closet and two Jr—inch strips all around the closet. Put a'coat and hat hook, one every 8 inches on both strips. PLATE RAIL : ~—l’ut a plate rail in dining room as detailed. STAIRS:-—Front stairs to be .................... built where shown and as detailed, l%-inch treads, [73—inch risers, with cove under nosing .............................. string. REAR STAIRS:—-Rear stairs to be a box stairs, . . . . . . . . inch treads, % inch risers of ............ Stairs to basement to have 1% inch treads, 10 inches wide, 73 inch risers all of ..... ' ................. All stairs to have three 2”x12” horses, except for the outside steps, which will have a horse every 24 inches. CLOTHES CHUTEzv—I’ut in a ...... inch ............................ clothes chute from the bath room to the basement, same to have a door opening on first and second floor. Make a box for clothes in basement as detailed of ........................... lumber. THRESHOLD :~—Put oak thresholds under all outside doors. SCREENS :—Put screen doors on all outside doors, .................. inches thick of .. wood. Double hung windows will have screens on the ...................... side, .............. size to ...................... MEDICINE CHEST:~—Build medicine chest in bath room wall J. inches deep, lti”x2()”, with panel door 1,1, 3' inches thick, same to have three shelves. GLAZINsz-Art glass in ................................ and to cost 35 ........ per square foot and in .................... room to cost it? ........ per square foot. Put mirror in ............ doors. All glass not described to be double strength. GAS :——Pipe the building for gas according to the rules of the city gas company. Provide for kitchen range, heater in the bath room and connect same. Figure street connections and provide for meter in basement ready for use.. VALLEYS:—Valleys to be 20 inches wide. Flash around all chimneys and where roofs join the p—v main building with I inch wide tin. All gutters and tin roof to be painted on the under side. All tin to be .................... lb. coating. GALVANIZED IRON:—-All hanging gutters to be ............. inches for the main building and .......... inches for the porch and . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Down spout to be . . . . . . . . . . inches for the main building and .......... inches for the ................................... All down spouts to be corrugated and have cut-offs at ................................ Put .......... inch hip and ridge rolls on all hips and ridges. Remarks ........................................................................... ' ......... FINEALS:—Fineals, one at each gable. 98 HARDWARE :—Contractor to furnish all hardware to complete the building. All numbers refer to .............. . . ................ catalogue. Front and side outside door locks .............. Axle pulleys ............................. Rear outside door locks ....................... Store door locks .......................... Inside door locks, lst floor .................... Blind hinges ............................. Inside door locks. 2nd floor .................... Storm sash hinges ......................... Door knobs. 1st fig ............................ Basement window fasteners ................. Door knobs, 2nd 'flg ........................... Cellar sash hinges ......................... Escutcheons. lst fig. . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Transom hinges ............ i .............. Escutcheons, 2nd fig .......................... Sash locks lst fig ........ _ .................. Bath room trim .............................. Sash locks 2nd floor ........ - ............... Hinges. outside doors ......................... Transom lifts. . . . . . . ..................... Hinges, inside doors .......................... Sash pulls ................................ Sliding door tracks ........................... Drawer pulls .............................. Basement trim ............................... Thumb latch ............................. Cupboard catches ............................ Door plate ................................ Double action door hinges ..................... Barrel bolts ........ . ....................... Casement window hangers ..................... Coat and hat hook.. . . . . , .............. Sash cord. . .‘ ................................. Sash weights for plate glass ................. Door stops .................................. W'eights for other glass .................... BLINDS:——Blinds on all windows marked B. STORM SASHz—Storm sash on all windows marked S. PAINTING :——All exterior woodwork to have ................ coats of paint, color to be selected by owner. All knots and sappy places to have a coat of shellac. Putty all cracks and nail holes. Porch floors to be painted ............ coats. Porch ceilings to have ............ coats of ............... Vi'oodwork in basement to have ........................ coats of paint. Tin and'galvanized iron to have ........................... . ....... coats of .............. ' ............ and .............. of lead and oil. INTERIOR PAINTING :—'-Inside of window sash to be grained to match the trim. Wainscot in kitchen to have ................. coats of . . . and one of glue size. Plastering in .............. to have ............. coats of . . . . and one of glue size. Bath room wainscot to have ............ coats of paint, one of oil size and ............ of white enamel. All woodwork in bath room to have ...................... coats of paint and of Old woodwork to have .............. coats of .......................................... .... INTERIOR STAINING:——Living room ....... . .......... : dining room ............. . ....... ; stair hall ' .................... ; kitchen ...................... ; bedroom, first floor, ............ bedrooms, second floor, ...................................................................... Remarks .................. . ................................................................. £8 FILLER:-»—;\ll hardwood to have a coat of paste tiller. yellow pine liquid filler. VARNISHz—Living room ...... . . ........ coats, dining room ................ coats, hall and stair ................ coats, kitchen ....... . .......... coats, bed rooms ................ coats. Sand between coats in ............................................... to be rubbed. TINTING‘:——'l‘int rooms ............................................ color to suit the owner. Remarks ................ . . .................................................................. SHINGLE STAIN:—»—All wood shingles to be dipped in .............. shingle stain two-thirds the length of the shingle ........................ coats and ..................................... HEATING: —»—Set one number ........... cast iron ............................. furnace where directed by the. owner on a cement foundation and a galvanized iron smoke stack. RADIATORS: —Figurc ........................ . ............. feet of radiation. Remarks ................................................................ . . ............ - ...... HEATER PIPES:--«-Run all vertical stacks and cellar pipes to the different registers where shown in the floor plans. each pipe to have a damper close to the furnace. COLD AIR DUCTS: «Put cold air ducts the. required size to the ................ and ............ PIPE COVERING: ~Cover all hot air pipes in the basement with two layers of asbestos sheets, weighing not less than ll) pounds to the square, of 100 feet. GUARANTEE: eliurnish the owner with a written guarantee that the heating apparatus shall heat the rooms in the building to a temperature of 70 degrees when the weather is 20 degrees below zero on the outside. REGISTERS z—VVall registers for the following rooms ........................................ ........................... floorregisterfor All registers to be approved by the owner. ELECTRIC WIRING :~~-;\ll wiring to be done according to the rules of the national fire under-writers and the local ordinance for wiring. The work embraces all labor and material necessary for a complete wiring system except lixturcs and their installation. CUT OUT CABINET:A——The cut out cabinet will be located in .......................... and will be of ample size. made of ................................... lined with .................. sheet asbestos, with a panel door furnished complete by this contractor. MAIN FEED WIRES:—~Thc main feed wires will be brought into the building Where the owner directs and the work shall be subject to the inspection of the city electrician. All switches to be. . . . ............................................ with plates to match the hardware. The switches will be located where the owner directs. Meter to be placed where directed by the owner. Number of lights; living room .......... , stairs or reception hall .......... , dining room .................... , library .................. , kitchen ........................ , den .................. , bed rooms ........................ , second story hall , attic pantry ...................... ,bathroom rear stairs ................,basement ...................... , coalroom , laundry , furnace room ........................... All lights not located on the plans 11111 be put where directed by the owner. First and second story halls to hach -w ay svs 1tches PLUMBING AND SEWERAGE: ~Contractor to furnish all necessary labor and material to complete the plumbing and sewerage work in a workmanlike manner ready for use in accordance with plans and specifications, and according to the rules of the ........................ city ordinance for plumbing and sewerage. All work to be done to the satisfaction of the ...................... . ............. . 88 SEWERAGEz—Outside sewer pipes to be the size shown on plans of the best salt glazed pipe and laid with proper fall, all joints to be laid in Portland cement. All sewerage inside of basement to be extra heavy soil pipe of the size shown. Place trap screws at the foot of all stacks or turns in iron pipe, same to be on a level with the floors. CATCH BASIN z—Catch basin to be built where shown on plans of sufficient depth. Inside diameter not to be less than 2 feet 6 inches, plastered with Portland Cement ............ inch tile neck and ............ cover. Same'to be connected with sewer and to sink waste. GREASE TRAP ......................................................................... SOIL PIPE :—Soi1 pipe to be standard and extend one foot above roof, flashed with sheet lead. I VENTS:——All fixtures to be revented with ................ and taken from soil pipe five feet above highest fixture or run through roof independent. TAPS :—— Laundry tubs .......... ; ................................ i ............................. Kitchen sink ......................................................................... Basement sink ......................... c ............................................. Lavatories ........................................................................... Bath tubs ........................................................................... Closets to be connected to soil stack with ................................................ WATER SUPPLY :—From water company’s connection at curb line lay into house .............. ...................................... to supply all fixtures and sillcocks. PIPES :— Exposed in kitchen ................................................................... Exposed in basement ....................................... ......................... Pipes in partitions .................................................................... Exposed in bath room ........................................... i ..................... SOFT WATER-TANK:— Tank in attic to be ................................ and lined with .................... Oneinchoverflow.................. .................................... pipe. Supply fixtures ....................................................................... Connections from overflow and feed to tank to be made with lead pipe and brass solder unions. Tank to have 1—inch Brass Grate valve on feed pipe. MOTORz—Place same over sink in basement and connect same with 1—inch lead pipe to cistern, discharge to be connected to tank in attic. Motor to have by pass, so that closets and city water faucets may have city water when soft water is shut off. Wash basin and sink to have three faucets. PRESSURE TANK ............................ ' .......................................... Remarks .................................................................................... HOT WATER BOILER IN BASEMENT:—- Size ................................................................................ Connect with fixtures ................................................................. Connect with coil in .................................................................. Fixtures as specified and shown. KDTCHEH. l : FORTE COCXTIRE. l o | I vama lzfiz ST 51-on FLAP-i. VERAHDA . Plan N0. 11 The house and barn as shown were built at a cost of $12,000. The barn is sided on the outside and the first floor is of cement. It is 24x28 feet and is parti— tioned on the inside with board partitions. The house is modern built, wood frame and veneered with sand— lime brick, slate roof, cement porch floor. The base— ment is 8’ high, the first story 990”, second 8’43” and the third 9’. The first floor is finished in oak, except the kitchen which, with the rest of the building, is finished in birch, The third floor is all finished, having a billiard room and one bed room, with plenty of closet room. The house is heated with steam heat, has two mantcls, electric and gas fixtures. Plastered beamed ceiling in dining room. Hardware is Verde Antique. Plate and colored glass. The roof over the porte cochere and porch is covered with best tin. Complete plans and specifications will be furnished for 55:25. ()0, for the house only Bill of material, SUM“). The size of the building is 2(' b ’xl'.” and has all modern plumbing. c 89 SEC on D 51'on PLAN. CHAMBER- 5 CHAHBER- 4- 1—.— —a clos l 1'. Ame < I l CHAHIIR 2 CHAHBER L ' V re re)» K/{chen “3’27, ’ ICCrl DIN/”g 760771. L 715 rdr/ ----- — Plan No. 10 The elevation shown is :1 reverse of the floor plans. This is :1 very eosy house for :1 small family. The. dining room 11nd pztrlor open from the reception hall, the library can he closed from the parlor by sliding doors. The recep— tion hall is divided from the parlor by :1 colonnztde. Hot :tir furnace, modern plumbing: first tloor, except kitchen, finished in oak with oak floors. The rest of the house is finished in yellow pine. There is :1 small attic with attic window. flier/or Cost of plans coni-plete 315.00. Bill of material $7.00. First Story Plan 90 clos. Chamber 5:719? 160m. Alcovc ..—-.~.... .___.—. Po rC/7. Second Story Plan Plan No. 9 -\ pressed l>rick veneered residence :113 ft. by 40 ft. Basement R ft., first floor 9 ft., second floor 8 ft. in the clear. The basement wall and front porch are of native stone, (mil the brick of Kulage Brick, Hobert, Indiana. with Bedforvl sills and jack arches. The den is used for (L family room. Four large bed rooms and hath on second floor; has stairs to the attic, which has a matched floor. Shingles dipped in shingle stain. The main rooms on the first floor are finisherl in oak and the kitchen and second floor in yellow pine. A good, pleasant home for a family of five or six. The cost complete for such It home is about $6300. Plans and specifications complete for $20.00. Bill of material $8.00. Modern plumbing, hot air furnace heat and brick fireplace. _\ SE‘CO/TD STORY FLA/‘1 / 1 / \ I \ - Dining room Kll'clfi eh Reap. l‘kil l ‘ FIRST STORY...» Plan No. 7 llere is a very convenient house for a small family. Cement block foundation, 4 in. siding and wood shingle roof. Front porch clear across the house with square columns. This building is 24 ft. by 30 ft. with a bay window projection of :2 feet. The house is finished throughout with oak. There is no waste room and the construction is simple, making the cost reasonable. The plumbing is modern and a hot air furnace, basement cemented, woodwork stained and varnished. Plans for this house complete with specifications, $12.00. Bill of material $0.00. All of the plans can be reversed if desired. 92 Chamber Clfidmloer SE C Ofl D STODY. Porch Enclosed Porch. / \Pa ni r]. I l kitchen Dmmg room Livmg room First Story Plan Plan No. 21 This frame residence is 30 ft. by 232 ft. with living a room, dining room, library, stair hall, pantry and rear vestibule makes a very well arranged home. The front porch is 10 ft. wide, basement 7 it. (3 in., first story 9 ft., second story 8 ft. Attic stairs and floor. The center hall is closed off by sliding doors between the hall and the library and hall and living room. Modern plumbing, hot air furnace, cement floor in basement and an oak mantel. The building was finished in yellow pine and natural finish for $4.300. Price of plans and specifications complete $18.00. Bill of material 581%). 93 Tinned roof Imeh Clos. Second Story Plan Chamber D Bath room Dining room. Sii‘lnhg Toom Po Yc l-x Plan No. 23 The arrangement of this two story house is ditl‘erent from the general arrangement by having the dining room at the rear and the kitchen at the side of the building. The foundation wall is of native stone 7 ft. 0 in. in the clear, first story 9 ft., second story 8 it, the hall and parlor are divided by a colonnade and the parlor and sitting room by a large opening. The building was finished in yellow pine throughout and oak floors on the first story. Cost $3700, including plumbing and hot air heating. ("ost of plans and specifications complete $15.00. Bill of material $7.00. 94 Cup’c‘ . Chamber Q Roof Ba l'vroa amLcr Chamber CL C105. Clos. Chamber AlCOVC scab finncddeck Second Story Plan KITCHEN . DH‘IIHG ROOK- First Story Plan Plan N0. 16 The cottage shown is very roomy and is Bl ft. by 38 ft. with :1 10 ft. front porch. The rooms are good size and convenient. The cellar way is under the front stairs with :1 grade door. Height of basement 7 ft. 0 in., first story 9 in, second story 8 ft., no :tttic. Good plumbing, hot air furnace. Native stone wall, 4 in, siding, wood shingle roof. Finished in all yellow pine will cost about $3300. Plans and specifications complete for $12.00. Bill of material SGUO. CHAMBER CHAMBER- CHAMBER Roor—. Second Story Plan Ehlry KllClWElfl ICC - O Lava‘lor/ lhd Smiling Yoorn Dining room / “P. Earle)? Reef). Hall Vesi'. First Story Plan Plan No. 41 This well arranged house is 24 ft. wide in front by 88 ft. long. Has two stairs, front and rear. The sitting room can be closed off from the dining room and parlor by sliding doors. The lavatory off from the kitchen is very convenient. Basement 7 ft. 6 in., first floor 9 ft, second 8 ft. Modern plumbing and hot air furnace. House is finished in yellow pine except hall, parlor, sitting room and dining room are finished in oak for $4000. Plans and specifications complete $18.00. Bill of material $8.00. 96 00,4 Clos~ Clas- Chamber q. Ba door“ [E] &.thn 6105' Dawn Chamber Clrxawxbcr Clasr clas . Dow landing uP Chanfilaer Scwmg 'rm. clof. Roof .L__.. ,0 Second Story Plan , V y Plan No. 1 This modern convenient home was designed for the owner and makes a Very attractive and well arranged home. The reception hall and parlor are separated by slidingjr doors. The dining room and parlor the same. From the kitchen you can go to the second floor and also to the basement with a grade door. .\ refrigerator is built at the rear of the kitchen. The second story is very nicely arranged. The building is 20 ft. by 32 ft., base— ment 8 ft., first story El ft, and second 8 ft; attic stairs with floor. House finished in yellow pine with 2/1.} in. face yellow pine flooring. Native stone wall, .3 in. siding, shingles stained. Hot air furnace, with modern plumbing. This house can be built for $3300 complete. Plans and specifications: t‘t’nllplelc $1.7M). Bill of material $74M. 97 Cifiamlscr— 3 i—{oc}t “‘Egaoaaseaaf We, To Ccllar Porch / DW‘HHg room/ \‘ ch'ke‘x First Story Plan Plan No. 71 This building is ‘24 ft. by 32 ft. and very convenient. The stairs from the reception hall and kitchen have the same landing and then go to the second floor. The hall on the second floor is short, but opens into Llll the rooms on the second floor. Ceilings regular height. Cost of building 32000. Yellow pine finish and floors. Hot nir furnace and good plumbing. Cost of plans complete $15.00, Bill of material $7.00. ' Roof shelvcr _/ cloa. / / O Ciadmbcv Ball-\‘rm. ./ up lhc‘nclu. DOW“ r 4105. Chamber Chamber f Koo . , F Second Story Plan f‘gfil ’i‘“ 7—: 1 ' l- Rea? porch l ‘ i I I l . L__J Clqam‘ber' ”“1 Ball) Tworn. C/cs . Plan No. 77 . 7 . . Chamber T1115 plan shows (L very well arranged house With seven rooms and bath. / clos- The floor plan is 24 ft. by 232 ft. Height of ceilings, basement, 7 ft. (3 in.,‘first Chamber. story, 2) It, and second story, 8 ft. The parlor or living room can be Closed by sliding doors. The house is finished throughout with yellow pine finish Clafi and maple floors, refrigerator opening in kitchen, grade door, plenty of l Closet room. Hot air furnace and modern plumbing and wood mantel. ‘ if (‘oit \\';L\‘ SIMON. (‘ox‘t of plans $13.00. Bill of material SHIN). l i F70 ‘rc l '\ ‘ s ‘ ’ i [3—- l'i—L' . l l _—7 _—| _‘—‘"7fi‘ I fi'l R51“ STOR‘fi g [:::;;: l of 7l L1—”’ ““4 SE: C O/‘lD STORY. illicixen Dix-1mg room. Patriot” Plan No. 37 This cottage, 2:2 ft. by 28 ft., was built for $1700, with hot air furnace and plumbing, yellow pine throughout. Ceilings regular height. This makes :1 very attractive and roomy cottage. Cost of plans $7.00. Bill of material $5.00. First Story Plan 100 Tuned Porck Second Story Plan Dmmg room E 0 O >_ ‘2” E .4 Knickeh "P fijnlr/ Donn-n le‘l'cll’)’ Plan No. 75 this building is 22 ft. by 40 ft. full two stories, basement 7 ft. 6 in., first story 9 ft., second story 8 ft., hot air furnace, yellow pine throughout, .3 in. siding, shingle roof, good plumbing, cement floor in basement, was built for 32400. Cost of plans and specifications complete for $13.00. Bill of material $0.00. First Story Plan 101 E Q 0 p :é ’U (:1 o <31 % .._C U closcl Down Chamber Second Story Plan D1 Hugh/7'7,” I2 -0 v ’. /4~p Bed/700m 0er " 9 #3 " L/szfioom 2/ "0 I flay/1T ELEVATION 1/ HM Plan No. 301 no A frame rcsixlence with lmtll room 011 the firm llnox‘, the room lllill‘lieLl store room on the second floor can alsu be used {Ur (x bath room for the second floor. Yellow pine trim, hut (lll‘ lwzn 11ml good plumbing, cost Bedvffoom :1lmut $5000. /2 _9 I Cost of Plans $15.00.. Bill 01‘111zucriul SUM. /o'- 1' 7%I‘Cfi £00 Fro/7 /J;:‘0 C /’ TTRST E001? EA/ni Sim/1D 1100]? RAM % . .\ fl\ iflZCAé’fl D( 111' {Lg/fog”, ‘ //""1” . /-'r “6 1,“ .. 0‘74 A 1' VII. 717’ /?)00 [2'0' 1‘1 ‘2 N flon/ fire/4. First Story Plan Plan No. 30 Size of building Bl ft. by 530 ft., regular height ceilings. Finished in yellow pine or birch, 3 in. siding, hard wood floors first story and yellow pine Second story. Hot nir furnace, good plumbing, two coats paint and varnish; hard plaster. ("an be built for about 33000. Cost of plans $13.00. Bill of material $6.00. are /7 Woof BeiJZioom Bea] 72:00": a —,,o . . ”XL-l '— o ' . / ’7 /1 '—-/a I RNA 7?” Second Story Plan I2 *4 I 13"? 7'10 n7 Ere/z // / T LEVAT ! O/‘l Plan No. 112 This frame residence 24x28 feet with £111 8x20 one story part. This is 3 very convenient and easy to build residence. with It good stair hall. The stairs to the basement go from the kitchen and have :1 grade door. The second floor has three bed rooms, bath room and sewing room, with :Lttie stairs. Front porch 10 feet wide, rezir porch 7x8 feet. Yellow pine finish, dining room, living room and hall floors to be oak. lIot :Lir furnace, modern plumbing. Cost about $3000.00. (‘ost of plans $13.00. Bill of material $0.00. 104 SECOND FLOOR EAH RNA R» f B? 7/2, é $0., Bc’c/ é’oom 7" 320’ Room 7;” PC a ' I’ ”ct/l Beg/P907" ”:6! ' /Z 5‘5 J94 /‘ f”0 Ol‘c‘Foo , I c J c 4 , 4 4 r ., 48-77” fi’oom ‘ E‘e ‘ __J ‘ ’ ‘ r h , O \ .2 2 1' I c)”; ‘ r: l 4% 1 5111':- f , ”44;: am» ,, ‘ ». 47 /"’- 7 Plan N 0 78 , ,4 * ‘- The floor plans and perspective of plan No. TS is a modern house with a large living room and dining room. The second llumr is well arranged and a 1”.”sz wr nv 0,».7nomw gr , , . . e . . Sngfgnsxffv'fw Iw-a very large atue. flie first floor, except the kitchen, is hnlSllCd in oak and ‘4 sLained, second floor in gum wood enameled and stained. Hot air furnace, _,__v, ,7” ,i, First Story Plan modern plumbing. This house can be built for $4500. Second Story Plan (£051. of plans $20.00 Bill of material $10.00. 105 Rfcm Pore/7 Awe/‘7 e N \ Ian—o" 11"“ ‘r/ Din/n /\>oo.77/ any" a ., r1970 G rad Dot r [ti/[y 7:700 ‘3; //;\"’ /(,""J u t //a // /L/‘0///720rc/7 First Story Plan Plan No. 34 A very convenient and well arranged house. basement floor. Cost $3500. Cost of plans $15.00. Bill of material $7.00 Direct entrance from the kitchen to the dining room and sliding doors to the living room, seat in stair hall, grade door, hall closet, no waste room on the second floor and a small hallway with attic stairs. Size of building, 28 ft. by 32 ft., yellow pine or birch finish, hard wood floors, hot air furnace, good plumbing, cement Porc I; foa/ Be 0’ Woo/71 /3'~?" re "10 '( .ZS/g’g/yfioom aIv-o tr //“—v be vnfld // n BOW/Ill 6L0 -r ’—0 Ch fzéifi’F/Jfiioor77 ,éE{e£)’;§20 2! ,3” I n L ., 5’7“ ll 0 5,,9-1 Pore A ”/00 f Second Story Plan ; Pa'rck l V“: L! \’ J I Dlnlhg Rm Kfl’chcr‘ ii “us a 4%on f1 , ./ I Pdnl‘r% ‘1, i U? W I D i J. F ‘ FdTlOT Chamber 1: [H ““34 7—6 r to d 1 q—Q‘L\ ‘ L Po-rclw £113an CI =-=-CIL] IEW. First Story Plan Plan No. 35 This cottage," .fl ’.ft by 30 ft. ,plastered outside or sided, hot air furnace, good plumbin Good room in the attic. 9 ft., second 8 ft. Cost of plans complete with specifications $10.00. Bill of material 36.00. g, yellow pine finish and floors, can be built for about $2200. Height of ceilings, basement, 7 ft. (3 in., first story 107 “do @1_J_ Cbambci’ "‘5' l’rx/o _, Dawvx ,____" J I Balh K‘rw.LJ H 1‘ 7x0 1 5 FL L. ‘P‘ 1' i ' t i1” 5—“ I ‘ {r (T. W id“ Chamber ‘C'Jos. ‘ m9 ¢. ____ s__ Second Story Plan WEST ° 3: \ T‘LOORT-EAH ch” _ « (mien Ch? I/ 5—1! _ Punk‘s l3 -‘ <\ ‘ J ‘1 pl ’74 131900!" - "V” /3'—n ,l />‘ -; \ 3~¢ /L,‘<~ ‘ 4'14 (2p é l Bed/(Pooh) Ali/”3775),,” Fan/Bra? T‘RONT ELEVATION Plan No. 115 This building is Zlei feet on the first floor, the rear part is only one stnry with (1 bztth rumn under the roof. The bed room shown on the first Iluur can be used for :1 library. The stairs to the second floor LlI‘C very eon— \'enient {ruin the liitehen and living room. The eellztr stairs are under the IIILIlIl stztirs with :1 grade damn The seennd tluor lltlS three bed routns with wind elusets tn ezte i, also :1 hull eloset, :tttie stztirs Lllltl bath room. The eust. if tinished in yellow pine, will be ubuut Sllmlllltl, including steam heztt Lind ntndern plumbing. t‘ost ut’ plans 5113M). Bill wt ntuteriul $7.00. 108 Bee/Pm. /2"'3' ) 5, ‘l i 1-....._..-.._.,..j\L Eric/~11” ELEVATzon. Porck KllClWC h clo: . Luring Y'oorrx [Owing Y‘oom Ing’ H‘Rb’r STORH AH Plan No. 14 This bungalow, 30 ft. by 534 ft., plas- tered on the outside, oak finish and floors, wood shingles, hot air furnace and good plumbing, can be built for about 83500. Cement lmsemem floor. Cost of plans complete 81.3.00. Bi“ of material $7.00. 109 SIDE ELEVATLQ/I. Cixamlae/ . Ckamlcae‘r’f firm: or”: STORY RAN . C rade D00 r SCe? / ENTRY 37°” " \li Km: HEN a ' 'n PORCH W'x13'~c" 0 . g Mb Toilet {E BED Room /5 ’ x Is' Ltvme Room DU‘HNGPOOM lé'X/ty’ /3'x/‘/' . / Pore h C L o //% L SECOND é _ ~ _ ”P IRE LIBRARY lé'XIs’ HALL ' TTQO/‘IT ELEVATION. v" Plan No. 122 A two story frame or plastered house mix—l4 feet on the ground. The . _... first floor contains a stair hall, library, living room, dining room, toilet room, . H entry and kitchen, a large front poreh, small side and rear porches. The ‘ dining room is divided from the living room by sliding doors and a eolonnade ‘ PORCH between the liying room and library, also sliding doors between the stair hall and the library. The second floor has three large bed rooms, bath l‘unll‘l, sewing room, three elosets, one for each bed room, and one hall closet. The balcony on the rear makes a very convenient place for airing ‘ bedding. This house, finished in yellow pine, will cost about $4300.00 7 in oak, about $400.00 more, including steam heat and modern plumbing. / fiR ST FLOOR (‘ost of plans $18.00. Bill of material $8.00. TEA/1 ~li’oor OVerPOTx’C H 110 BATH Rm. Dmmc Room. CHAMBER Plan No. 46 This cottage is 26 ft. by 20 ft. with two bed rooms on Lhc second floor and one on the firSL. Hot air furnace and plumbing, yellow pinc finish, can be lmxlt for 51800. Cost of plans Unllplclc 557 00. Bill Hf material 255.00. CHAHBER. close‘l. - F' S Pl Second Story Plan Irst tory an 11! AI/Cflffl 1‘1 I 0' M, '1 . r, , l lllf/‘gf/lM/Vr ’3 f i ,1 ll :0 L 1' ”’17 7m: 777 /3* f" ‘ c // If KM fl Fran/porC/I First Story Plan Plan No. 81 A. very well arranged cottage with hot air furnace Size 2-1; ft. by 36 ft, half pitch roof, hard wood finish and floors, can be lmih for $2400 Cost of plans complete $1.1m. Bill of material $7.00. 112 and good plumlung 730/1012: Foa/ Second Story Plan Cupéoard! 7.1510 2 4/? « 5i] 1.090”, K I! tic/é e I] x l/Ku” ,‘x‘ $95 I. \/ D: n [y [dam ' 0 \yr‘ M'” flan/75,465 First Story Plan Plan No. 59 This cottage, 24 ft. by 30 ft., with one bed room on the first floor and three on the second is very well arranged, with hot air furnace, good plumbing, yellow pine finish, regular height ceilings, wood siding and shingles. Can be built for about 32200. Cost of plans complete $12.00. Bill of material $0.00 113 imam // ‘0 X , ,. mré AM flea/@0772 r3’—‘r ’ x ,. /a"9 EMA 7220/ Second Story Plan KITCHEN ?IK12' l/lxfis' WI'I Dmmc Pom .lemoRoom /3'x/2’—é" HALL Pom n TTRST T1200]? R A n FRO/1T ELEVATION Plan No. 121 This five room cottage is 22x28 feet beside the porches. The front porch is 9 feet Wide and the rear porch 0x10 feet. The second floor has two good bed rooms, bath room and three closets. The chimney in this building is located so that stoves can he used, if desired, instead of a furnace. The stairs to the second floor from the stair hall and the stairs to the. cellar from the kitchen with a grade door. Yellow pine finish and floors, hot air furnace and good plumbing. The house will cost about $1800.00. Cost of plans $10.00. Bill of material $5.00. 114 R300? ND E007? EAH Form H -‘ BED Roch M’xzo' DININGF'M Mir/sis" tTCHE/‘t /0'K/o' Eon T TILE/AT 1 on Plan No. 120 A eottage 32mm feet with a reeeption hall, living room, dining room and kitchen on the first floor, two good bed rooms, bath room and plenty of 740er eloset room on the second floor. The stairs to the second floor start BEDROOM from the reception hall, and the eellar stairs from the kitehen are under the front stairs with a grade door. .\ 9 foot poreh in front and a tixltl foot in /3'1/1/' Livmo Room // 745" the rear. This building, finished in yellow pine with yellow pine floors, hot air furnace and goovl plumbing, can he l)l.lllt for about $2200.00. (‘ost of plans $121M), Bill of material SHIN) Pore r1 fiRST 007? SECOND 71:00? FEAH TEA m 115 g KITCHEN 0 PORC H AND DINING ROOM Ricn'r SIDE is! T“ ”‘T'O/‘l Ll VINGEOOM Plan No. 118 -\ ~1nall, four room frame residence, 10 feet, wide by 3'.) feet long. The fi‘st floor has a living room 11x13 feet, kitchen 11x15, a closed stairwzzy from the living room to the second floor and to the basement from the kitchen with a grade door. An 8 foot front porch and a 7x12 rear porch. The second floor has two bed rooms with two large, closets. This house, finished in yellow pine, can be built for about $1400.00ine1uding furnace. (‘ost of plans 558.00. Bill of material $4.00. Pom: H SECOND E001? EA” WEST 11007? PLAN no Way-1T ELEVAT ION Plan No. 1B This and the next two pages show plans complete of a frame building showing the basement, roof, first and second story plans, the four elevations and detail drawings. On the first floor there is a living room, dining room, kitchen, pantry, stair hall and den, which can be used as a bed room. Second story four bed rooms with plenty of closets and bath room. Two stairways to second floor. This is finished in yellow pine. Can be built for 2154200, Hot air furnace and good plumbing. Cost of plans complete in % in. scale $5.00., in M in. scale $12.00. Bill of material $6.00. ‘ k.___-__27~é'___-__,; Wren f’LE‘VA-nom PLAN [‘19- 1.1 | 5“" c—‘T’-*"‘° :::7_0-—_: \ A , I 1‘A'T’1 75” ._,////////// ”‘15“ \ —~~-~-~-—--——---—~~; LMbusimcm Archi. / ’ I, a —‘ i. I i I I l / w . . firecpor l. ' 1 i i / / ,1 l . i \ if? i i % “I , 3 . i ,.7 ,, =5; 2 I // T‘it ' t I y I' H.— / i?‘ :3: ‘1 [7? i“; ‘2 WWW/é 4‘ :y 3 ,1! Di H .R— ‘ ' ; v/ ‘0], 77 Tnlid.» a .’ i: ‘ 1 i , .‘4- % /“’ i! ‘0 :— i7 - /—.—£- ‘ "~ / é” .“9 i" TEr f g -: ”IE? % ‘ é 1: ' . ‘ :_ 'j? g g i _‘:l «ACQTH ELEVATION. //Q:—1’ \ ‘ 2 a ‘ a .1: ., is; 1 i 7‘ _fi'/, T ‘9 ‘ //_:/ I T' :aj’, ‘ lur‘ef 7 A\\ w \\ j? % fl—g—w— 79 n ' — ‘ ml / z /? ' l 7 u LLJ //////////// //////// //////////4 1'_ ,1 1 E w E [-l a- , 7 , — — 2540 —————— >5 :q‘ if ‘r ‘ —J ,6 ,7“? «,1 l: . l r? H "Ti! {3" E El D 1 H ’2'“ Bfifil ". . it Fifi . . _, i - - , :w w r a J a Lil ‘* Jo” “ ‘ "‘“ "L "k L ‘9' ' R00!- PLAH . E} L-‘fi ‘ ’ BASEABH T FLA H. Fflj’ m m 117 «aid—4 acygenv4. k {bx-ch. e. . I a <4—If"°~——$ I i I 1417‘! sl-IIF s—- 730'. L- V ‘« Q vi k” 7- 6"» H-ELF 55s" , E15 37‘ STOR Y. 3-K, ‘—-—- 6-. 0 -—-—-—— 6-? —-5:n..-3‘9x- < fl we-» PLAN ”9 1.9. UMDufiman Arch‘l. Weepofi 'Ill. chamber} My ’21.: d.‘ T/hhr ——> 74'.“ fiRONIj Lavggzt'g NQBILE‘LEVAWQH: ‘ ‘ ‘ / ‘ r//7.nncd»Ra" E E 5 L, F I gulf ELEVATIONbOchPbgafd3 (firiiaii'grly ,;i L L ' L. W enal/m — _ R M L L ‘ (i ‘ ’ I] " \ \\ nEVATIOI‘I-Jrarr515CAI-f I ' ’f arc-non. WI \\ \\ 5‘“ ‘7‘ “I” I — : I L ThraFvohrsréps. I 3 \\ I __ I L V5,“, g)“, scale: I"=Irf'? l I L I —" g . . f, l l I‘VY I l f . — ur-d E . fl 2 was": 1/ , I , I I II :3 ?f;o:,fl“j I - .. :5“ ,, L I m L =Ifr" 3 '~‘ - R I I! —— I I L 1‘ I {E 1 L ‘ : dx¥ff 'IIi &; . >91 I: L DETAIL bHEr-r. L ‘..=.g,i, E? W’" L:.__.v,,,:=:f:::;?fiw LL.“ L'f m" ”a" “°‘ 1“ ‘1': ‘ I , — "77*in ‘ ‘777 E'.‘ . I—Jw'gn" I II: II N :L 1 _-7 UM \é__\ “E i . , r, }——I 7: G; I 1 ill I _. busiman Archt. M All n _ —>M‘_ -- '- Vfir V';_ l—“VA f L ~ L L L— rTecpori Ill. 119 Dining Room 13x n Living Room. 23XI3-6. L. E-‘rsl Sro‘rl . Plan No. 56 Here is a very well arranged house, with a large livingr room. All rooms are well ventilated; finished in yellow pine or birch. Hot air furnace 21ml good plumbing. Bill of material Cost of plans complete $8.00. $5.00. Cost of building $3200. Chamber-:3. ”$1.5 chamber. 1. (IX/34' ,Sacovwal 5Y5?" Y_ 120 l l l 11 l lllIJlllllllllllllllllllIllllllllllllllllml =_: =7T— = = E £13221?) = l l ( ILL] jingr. — x. ’1 - fl—ILH‘; ‘ 5.4% / F’B chi; Eléfléifi . _...._ \llflmlll/Emllflfl —=:. == = Illlllllllll : E n H mm llllllllllllllllllllll ll" mmmmmlu Plan No. 65 A cheap and attractive cottage 22 ft. by ‘28 It, finished in yellow pine or birch, hot air furnace, good plumbing, regular height ceilings, frame building, wood shingles, grade doors. Can he lmilt for $1800. Cost of plans complete $7.00. Bill of IllillCI‘lZil $3.00; P‘ r Dmmg Rm/ ‘. )(flckcn 1/1154“ Wax/0 Dow" SP1 i 1 LU_J “ :’ l5! eii #4 n 1 LE‘F‘T 6mm? ELE’VATLON.[‘=~1 w 2 1 l i Fifi-r107 [HUB-o ii, . 137351“ STORY EAN. 55‘06’3‘3 STOKY ji/J‘H‘ FR ©f‘1T'__E——1~E‘VA'T‘I 121 Plan No. 13 .»\ lmusc 21 ft. by 3:: ft. for $2600. Yellmx‘ pine linisll, hot air furnace, gmul plumbing; _ Cost of plans $6.00, complete. Blll of material $4.00. ITEM/v7” EL EVA now. 779/. *7 fire I? 7})001' _ : 21/942” Dz‘nglyfioom ”A71, // ;o " fl, 5—6 0‘ "4 ' [I'll/l. 719’77300 l2 — o " M ‘2 .. Bee/3.0077: // '~,(o . I} ~«4 77/2071/ RFC/4. 122 Plan NO. 64 Anuthor very cnnwnient and attractive cottage :4 ft. by :26 ft. for $2200. Yellow pine, hot air furnace and good plumbing. Cost of plans complete $7.00. Bill of material $4.00. .' Kil'chzh )0—éxn-é (hambcv tbsp-b “F Cl! amber / T117 DH’NUg Rm- llvlnng- 11x11! 15+ nil-0 closcl‘- WRIST STORY FLAP—I. SZJQOND ETOKV @AH- 123 f! fl l: L 1» L . Ti LL l LEFT ”£2139: -516 V.- : : ;‘_‘_‘__._____i ‘2; V 77¥_h7 7' _ ? ./’ / \ \3. \ _—:? E... L,: . ._ _ \‘\T§ _ _~ / I l \ ‘ x /’ \\\ l m I . I I l l l I , W .; . -_,,__i l ‘Jx L 7 Jllll fiéor‘i'r ELEVATION- EA?! F19- (zir- Plan No. 63 A two story frame, regular height ceilings, hot air furnace, good plumb- ing, first story 011k, second birch, for $3800. Cost of plans 3,511.00. Bill of material $5.00. \Rt’oyi / POTC—lfi D'H'NG RT” \ 5 Chamber—5 15¢”an chamber—+l 1"7_é'x,3.'o" \‘H’ I4llvvCl'1'¢.T\t , )2~67\t3 7W3 [IL-b x15 ! H )4XI3 clu. alasel. c105, Dan/n Hw+ [JP ivlvn-yg Ram. lq-ox2:»o VP day Keep. Hall. Chambcr “a )3ld'1l7lofl )‘leb- ChambC—T-l 17% 11-9 alas. i / i // Roof. f7“ ,bTWEVLQE‘Io 6&1;ch STOKY. 124 FRONT ELEVATION. PLAN HQ- 63. Plan No. 82 House 0... ft. by 26 ft. for $3500, hot air furnace, good plumbing, brick veneered building, yellow pine or birch finish. (‘ost of plans complete S12”). Bill of material $5.00. Rea,» Porch Pom/7 71’00 1‘7’1‘1/Ci5efi a (a /' ”in H \< Pa r173 Cup 7? flat/x up \/ Lil LI L: l \_ Z i Vz‘zzjfi’owr/ V M I" 0 H /)’,2" K, ~ L , m ' 0 J 79" ! Bec/ 52/0/77 I ytgh 1, ,4 / Clo. /_3 "0 l W \< K ; ll % ] r_-vr,,,r.. \ * 15 ~ ~ \~ CC} /1007 [iQC/a .' 37,,” J W t L, , DL‘L/ /) ///«'/// V1 ,. I, on? " 43 ’“é 972" ,Dz. 77129 Room 01,0 /¢" f” 50’? Bar Keg {'7'}: // /}' '7 3/7 P x‘F /’L/v27 / pm'c, First Story Plan Second Story Plan 125 l l W DOPC~ DEWEY i F l I l I I l H i; ‘ll‘ it i illlilu lli/ r—7 l KiTanm 1 l'M‘tCPGDH _ 1731/1 We Rear 1 fins? TT. cot? PAN U FPO/n ELEV/AT Ion Plan N o. 103 The main part of this building is 26x32 feet. On the first floor there is a large living room 14x20 feet, dining room 13x10 feet, kitchen 11x16 feet, entry 5_1-_§x7 feet, a 10 foot porch in front and a 0 foot at the rear. The stairs to the second floor is open in the living room, with stairs to the base- ment underneath, also grade door The second floor has three good bed rooms with a closet to each room, also a. Closet from the bath room. Attic stairs can be had from this closet. This house can be built for $3200.00, finished in yellow pine and oak floor in the living and dining room; this includes hot air furnace and modern plumbing. ("0st of plans $14.00. Bill of material $7.00. 126 BALCONY BATH ClOI E: .\ . BED Doom HALL BED Davin BED Peon Paar °v¢, Dove r1 SECOND FL 0237: RAM UP. hALL DIAI/‘lcpfi, LthflG Doom fizonr ELEVATION Plan No. 102 Here is it six room house with :1 reception stair hall and a rear stairway from the kitchen, which lands on :1 platform within six risers of the second lloorlevel. 'The lunlding isilflx35 feet “ith u 10 foot porch the fun “idth of the front and a six foot porch on the rear. The first floor has a living 1' mm 15x18 feet, dining room 13x15 with sliding doors between, the kitchen i ; 10x18 feet with an entry 7x8 feet, plenty large for an ice box and cupboard. The second floor has two large bed rooms and one smaller one. The smallest one being 10x10 feet, bath room 7x8 feet, closet to each bed room and a large hall closet, also passageway to rear balcony. Regular height of ceiling, \x'itli ;;()(wl l>ZlS(?IY]€Ill (lIltl Illll(‘, l](>l :uir ftiriizti-c :tritl Illt)1l(‘r11 I)ltiiiil>iri;{ f(>r $4200.00. (‘tlst ()f IllLLIlS 5§lt$.(lll. llill t)f lllill(‘rlzll $3§<,tl(L 127 c BED Doom Poor— 0%,Dopcn SEC om) T110012 TQA/‘I. ~PORT, n ‘6 E KITC FTC/‘1 f, 3) 3 . o SmK DmmCFOOM S szmcfi‘oom Up. CL 0. poRC n‘ T‘TE’ST T‘toow TEA/1 fiomT ELEVATION. Plan No. 119 Another small house 10x32 feet. This plan has three rooms on the first floor, living room 11x12, dining room 10x13, kitchen 85x15 feet, stairs are boxed and start from the livingr room, cellar stairs start: from the liitehen and have a grade door. The front porch is 8 feet wide and the rear 5x8 feet. The second tloor has two large bed rooms, bath room and two good closets. Yellow pine finish throughout. Hot air furnace and plumbing for about “52000.00. Cost of nlans $10.00. Bill of material $3.00. \ 128 BED Foo HA L BED Poor/I EH71? ‘T JIDODCN _ '1 ‘TC r113“! ‘Cuphoovd Dmmc 12H: Lhm/WC DOOM T‘sDST LEA ’1 FRO/1T ELEV/mom Plan No. 104 .\ modern six room house, bath and sewing room and stair hall. The first floor has a large living room, 14x23 feet, dining room 12x15 feet, kitchen 14x14 feet, a rear entry 513x54 feet, a l0 foot porch in front and a 0 foot at the rear, a rear stairs to the basement with grade door and one to the second floor. The front stairs have a closet underneath. The stairs to the attic go up over the rear stairway. ()n the second floor there are three good bed rooms, hath room and a sewing room 7x7 feet, good closets to each bed room and one hall closet, a rear door to balcony. The main house is 24x39 feet with a BXH') foot addition. Cost in yellow pine finish $3800.00, Living room, dining room and stair hall on first floor to have oak floors and stairs. ' ("ost of plans $16.00. Bill of material $8.00. c 129 Dw mGDGDM D» “7 II Law/10 Dean 2! T ELEVATION Plan No. 101 A well arranged six room and bath with a large attic. The dining room has a direct door to the kitchen. The stairs to the second floor and basement are located between the kitchen and living room, which also serves as a passageway from the kitchen to the living room without going through the dining room. A large closet with each bed room; there is no waste room. The living room is 23x13 feet, dining room 12x17 feet, and the kitchen 101/ng feet. The main part of the building is 24x32 feet, full two story. First story 9 feet, second 8 feet, basement 7,11; feet. (‘omplctc in yellow pine finish $3000.00, including plumbing and hot air furnace. Plans and specifications $14.00. Bill of material $0.00. 130 JQGDTL over 31:3an 3320012 IPA/1 U .? Dmmc Poem V‘ 'fi \ l‘i"‘, 'e LIVING K’oom \l \ WEAR PORCH : \ fliTann ‘7 "1 \ x) p" , Di 1~~E PORCH fi‘fi’sT STORY RAN, 4L '6" Dear O/‘IT LEVATlO/‘t Plan No. 113 This frame building 24x31} feet, two story, attic and cellar. The first floor contains three good rooms with stair hall, the basement Stairs are! under the front stairs with a grade door. 8 foot front porch, 0 foot rear. The second floor has four herl rooms, bath room and closets, the attic stairs will go up from the front bed room. Finished in yellow pine this house can he built for SQUUUXH), including hot air furnave and plumbing. Cost of plans $12.()(), Bill of material Stitl'l. Plans will he reverse/l or marle for brick veneer or plaster. 13! Roof 0%, PORCn SECOND STORY FEA n. Grade Doof “T Q .l '2 CLOSETr 'Q -| 3' DI/‘HHG Room C HAMBE-R Q i I\ .Q N A Luvmc. Poor1 s CnAmBER 45—0 ‘17? ~ 0 FRONT PORCH <3 ROOF o'cYPORCH Q i TTEST STORY EA/‘t. ECOND STORY PEA/*5. Plan No. 126 An eight room house Very convenientlv arranged and planned so that the timbers will cut to an ad 'antage without any waste. The living room is separated from the stair hall and dining room by sliding doors. The stairs to the second floor are easily accessible from the kitchen. The stairs to the cellarare under the It]:ti1‘._:~‘1:li1‘5 with a grade door, a good sized pantry, with ice box, so that it can be filled from the rear porch, The second floor has: four bed rooms and bath room, closets and an attic stairway. The main part of the building is sided and the gables rough cast plaster. This building, finished in yellow pine, hot air furnace and modern plumbing, can be built for about tsfii.‘%tl0.ti(l; finished in oak SSTWLUU. (‘ost of plans 9513.00 Hill of material $7.1m. 132 fi—R’ONT ELF: VAT on ti“! L.) I _‘—-o I! Pic-mt 5n): ELEVATION. L 1 w fry Foam 12:4 ” r, ,. 11‘“ Fron/ Bro/7 TTFST filooTx’ FEAn TFO/‘IT ELEVATION Plan No. 125 This five room cottage 22x32 feet, ll foot posts, 8 {out frnnt porch, (5x10 foot rear purch, basement 7 feet, first story 9 feet, second story 3 feet, shingle roof, basswood Siding, yellow pine finish thrrmghout, czm he built for about $1400.00 mum and kitchen. of vloseta The first floor contains at stair hull, living rrwm, (lining The second floor, two bed moms, bath romu and plenty C0>t of plant: 5510.0”. Bill of material S-LUU. 133 RFC/7 Fan,” 2320’ Foam ISL?” SECOND TiOOR‘ TEA/‘1 Down lecben dos. clas. VP Fa tr ," n Y - ‘ Dining room Parlor- Po To In —J FIRST bTOR‘Y FRO/7T E’LE’VATIO/‘I L Plan No. 123 .\ very attractive and well arranged six room cottage. The first floor contains a hall vestibule, parlor, dining room, kitchen, pantry and two closets. The size of the building is 213x330 feet. The second floor has three good sized bed rooms with plenty of closet room and a good bath room. The stairs to the second floor start from the dining room and the cellar stairs from the kitchen with a grade door. The front porch is 10 feet wide. and the rear 7x12 feet. \\'ith yellow pine tinish, except the first tloor hall, parlor and dining room, which will be finished in oak, includingr the Iloors, will cost about $2800.00 including“r hot air furnace and modern plumbing. Cost. of plans $14.00. Bill of material $6.00. 134 Charmaine? 'Chambzv Simona Chambcr aroie‘r _ E! _t FRO/1T RIGnT SIDE‘ Tigris/Anon ELEVATaon HchnEn ————-————-4——)— (ah—4 Plan No. 132 A five room cottage 32x32 feet, with large living room the Whole Width of the building, good sized dining room and kitchen, the second floor has ,x ’ two bed rooms, bath room and good closets The stairs to the second floor are closed with a door from the dining room. Stairs to the basement are under the main stairs with a grade door. Stone foundation, frame house and finished in yellow pine with yellow pine floors will cost about $2100.00, including hot air furnace and good plumbing. Cost of plans $10.00 Bill of materials $5.00. Unless otherwise specified the height of the ceilings are in the clear. Basement 7 feet 8 inches, first floor 9 feet, second floor 8 feet. ~. LIVING R’oo m Poor W.,T:bRCn Shea/312 STORY TEA/1. They Brow PEA/‘1 135 Dm 0/10 T3001”! \ \ Lu7mc ROOM § \ Q CHAMBER S m '—o " 24' ~a" T'R’ONT POPCn Ric nT StDE ELEVATION FRO/1T ELEVATto/i. Plan No. 133 Another cottage 24x30 feet with one bed room on the first floor and two on the second floor with :1 closet for each bed room and one in the hall on the second floor, also one for the livingr room. The stairs are about the same as for plan No. 132. Stone wall or cement blocks, The house is sided up to the gables and the gables are rough cast plaster. L‘Ost with yellow pine finish $2300.00, including hot air furnace and good plumbing. Cost of plans $11.00. Bill of materials $5.00 All plans can be reversed. 136 ‘— . DALCO/‘Hr ' -_-_‘ -.1>.t2:-_-_l__ _ L I 1 l I /-—--———-4\ f . / l? i , 1 / 001‘ \\ ' SECOND- STOP} EAn. LWI/‘IG Peon DODCH TFDST lice? BAA T‘TQO/‘IT ELEVATIO/i Plan No. 127 A frame house 32 feet square with a living room 15x22 feet, dining room 12x13 feet, kitchen 12x11 feet, entry (3x8 feet, a good stair hall and a small hall between the living room and kitchen The stairs to the secor’d story start from the stair hall and also the kitchen. They both come on the same landing fiye risers from the second floor. The cellar stairs go down from the small hall, with a grade door, which makes it convenient for a side entrance. The stairs to the attic start over the kitchen stairs. The second floor has three bed rooms with a good closet to each room, also a hall closet and a bath room. The front porch is 10 feet Wide and the rear platform (“m8 feet. This building, finished in yellow pine or birch, including steam heat and modern plumbing, for about $3800.00. ()ak $400.00 more. Cost of plans, 81mm. Bill of materials, $7.00. 137 BED 12mm SECOND Tia??? IPA/1 CLO hiTanm g; Ill/'é“ n L! Vl/‘IC R RNTRY le'mr Dmmc Room //' A/Iy'g" fiO/VT ELEVATION. Plan No. 134 A six room cottage 25x28 feet with a 10 foot iront porch and an 8 toot in the rear. The first floor has a large living room with a mantle, a small vestibule in front, the dining room is also in the front of the building, with a pantry between it and the kitchen, the rear pantry is plent§r large for an ice box. The second story has tWo large bed rooms and one smaller one with Closets to all of them. The stairs to the second floor start from the living room and the inside cellar stairs are under it. The. outside cellar stairs have a grade door. This building, finished in yellow pine or birch, hot air furnace and good plumbing, outside veneered with paving brick, can be built for about $2500.00. Cost of plans $12.00 Bill of materials 356.00. 138 BED Room /0 'L " SECOND T100)? EA/‘t PORCH Foo}: CHAMBER CLO CHAMBER CHAMBER CHAMBER Poor We , 93ch .\ tun >tor_\' and basement frame residence 34x53” feet, front porch H lt‘t‘l wide and extends lU feet to the side of the building, the rear porch is (SXT l‘eeti dining room, kitrxhen and pantry, the second floor has four bed rooms, but one of them run lie used {or :1 bath room. The stairs to the set-ond floor are open and start in the reeeption hall, the cellar stairs are under it with :1 grade door; the attic stairs are over the lower stairs. SECOND STORY TEA/1 UP 1% T630133 HA LL \ L: Vino Room ’1‘— 9’ 9 d \ /¢ [”3 H - fig- 16’ l \o" FRONT PORCH . Q 4“ Eb f: J /// "é 30~0 FIRST Plan No. 155 The first floor has it reception hall, living room, in yellow pine or lrirch, hot air furnace and good plumbing, for about 82500.0(). (let wfp11m< $113.00. Bill of materiak 36.00. The building, finished STORY PEA/1 139 WW Tee/WT ELEVAT lO/‘l View 3D): ELEVATlO/‘l Feqrporc/r WEST T—L—OOT? TEAM 3 1? C’u/vfioflr/t. ”/3 7Céen I’\\ I 9)“ .. in I‘ll”? g N I“ .D( I74 17PM)” 5—9 ” /2L0" Grade Emr / [.4 w INFMM u? L '( Rec Hal/ ’3 1° / '-0” 15'4”" X n 91 é flan/perm}; 73—?ch ELEVATION MM Plan No. 110 A 53500 frame residence 24x35 feet. 10 foot front porch, ti foot rear. The size of the rooms are all marked on the floor plans. Only one flight of stairs from the first to the second story, but the stairs are very convenient to all of the rooms. The basement stairs are under the main stairs, with a grade door, also making it convenient to go to the kitchen without going round to the rear porch. .\ good pantry between the kitchen and dining room. The second floor has four bed rooms and a bath, closet to each room, and an attic stairs. 10 foot porch in from and (3 at the rear. Yellow pine finish, all except dining room, living room and reception hall, which will be oak, hot air heating and modern bath. Cost about $3500.00. Cost of plans $14.00. Bill of material $0.00. 140 lam: L r u 5 72/577170070 Mf‘" :;..- . k- / 3 ',_3’ ’31'-3 ~ . x: r. WAT ELEVATION fiRST T3100? RAN Plan No. 114 This well arranged house has four rooms on the first floor including a stair hall. The cellar stairs from the kitchen have a grade door, making it very convenient to get to the cellar from the outside. The second floor has three bed rooms, bath room, Closet to each bed room, also a hall closet. Finished in yellow pine except living room, dining room, parlor and stair hall, including front stairs. Cost 333500.00, including hot air furnace and plumbing. (‘ost of plans $14.00. Bill of material $6.00. ”072/ Par-05 141 Ken r Porch Thrsr E007? TEAH (be €“F60q rq/ ,7: PM!" Pauly fl7kflen , /04_/0., I l, n V. /7 ”’0 g . 3. D1 77/ nyRm /f'-3 X 1. . 12"?— Crhcc C10 J7pcr ( "-3 , , ; . Unwfim _ /’7’ */0' B€§fi0// ,}A’~o' n: ~Io‘ N ~‘I Fran] Pore f1 fire/1T ELEVATION Plan No. 106 A frame brick veneered two story and basement. The front porch is 10 feet wide The building is 28x28 feet with a 14x18 rear addition. The dimensions of the rooms are shown on the and the rear one (3 feet. floor plans, four good bed rooms and bath on the second floor. Only one flight of stairs to the second floor and that is from the reception hall. The stairs to the basement are under the main stairs with :1 grade door. There is a good attic with dormer window. The attic stairs go up over the main Yellow pine finish throughout, except the reception hall, living stairs. Porches have wood railing, bulusters and dining rooms which will be oak. 11nd columns. (‘ost of building $4100.00, including,r stemn heut and plumbing. (‘ost of plans $10.00. Bill of material $7.00 142 POI‘CA Roof SECOND "EOORTEAH pair/7 3900/ Wear 17:00}? Em / ”t .4 530/1131in WAN / . Bro/9390f . J» 6 Mad» /'/'////” TreomT ELEVATION Plan No. 107 A modern frame building with a large living room, (lining room and kitchen on the first floor, good pantry. Main stairs are open to the living room, having three risers to the first platform. The stairs can also he reached from the kitchen to the first landing. The fireplace and beamed ceiling in the living room make it a very pleasant room. The second floor has three good bed rooms with bath, hall closet and attic stairs. Each bed room has a closet. Slate roof, yellow pine finish, except living and dining rooms, which will be oak, steam or hot water heat for $4200.00. A very good plan for a family of five or six. Cost of plans 31.9.00. Bill of‘matcrial $7.00. DI,” )1? mom “i” ..' 15"“6 flan/3'09 143 § (“TEST FLOOR RAN lfu/ [.1 tag 77700277 Ve Frofl/ 9/179 Tim/1T ELEV/AT! on A!“— Plan No. 108 A frame building 3);) feet frontage, 28 feet back with an 18x8 foot one story addition. sized diningr room and pantry between diningr room and kitchen. The The livingr room is 14x20 feet with mantle in corner, good stair hall can be entered from the kitchen without going through the dining room, sliding doors between the dining“r room and living room, also between the stair hall and livingr room. stairs have a grade door. large closet to each bed room and linen closet in hall. The stairs to the basement under the main The second floor has four bed rooms, bath room, Steam heat, modern plumbing, yellow pine finish, except living room, dining room and stair hall. l’oreh in front lt) feet wide by 2% feet long. Rear porch tlxx feet, entry (3x7 feet. Good attic floor. (‘ost about $rl.’)t)t).()()~ (‘ost of plans 25518.0(). Bill of material $71“). 144' SECOND E007? EAH Ere/7 Woo f 73ml: H v a I C-(Iau /2 ’0 an”, Daor w E II- n] 2] p (-9, Cu? t fl'noykmm 17:6 ”411/ '- /3 "é Mes“ . Bani Bra; #290 £1.10th km 2’?" A. /?/4 TTR’ST 77:00}? TEA/‘1 _ " :t stztir hull 9 feet wide. BECO/‘ID T1001? Elm PM. PM 2:4 ”Room I ) /#’~0' flee/1T ELEVATI on Plan N0. 111 _\ modern frame residenu', 2%” find tronttge, 23 feet deep “ith 2t 1'.\‘_’ \' toot one story addition. The diningr room and living room are divided bV The size of the rooms is marked on the floor plans. The main stairs can be reached from the kitchen by three risers to the first platfornr Stairs to the basement are under the main stairs, The front porch is 10 feet wide and the rear (3x6 feet. The second floor has three good bed rooms, bath room, closet to each bed room and one linen closet, stairs to :tttiti. Common finish, hot air furnace, modern plumbing, two voztis of paint. (‘ost about SilHUlJ.(l() (‘HSI HT plans SIT.()(T. Bill of Inziterizd $7.4m. 145 w 3130 wn l KITCHEN It x / 3' «P Q Sink 0"131 / Ste‘P DmmcR’oom L|Vl/‘tG Poom Up My“) 11' Hit/2 CLo at PEP: LtvnnCFoo: M r #7"- 1, ”ALL - Seé‘l EST PORCH lTRST _. Tiooe BEAN WWW ELEVAT ion Plan No. 105 No. 105 shows a brick building 332 feet frontage by 30 feet in width. two story and basement. The first floor contains a reception hall 13x15 feet, vestibule, two living rooms, dining room and kitchen. The second lloor, three bed rooms, bath room and sewing room, with closets for all rooms. The kitchen is only one story and has a balcony over it. The front porch is 10 feet wide by 29 feet long, cut stone caps and railing. ‘ The stairs start from the reception hall and dining room onto a platform and then continue as one flight of stairs. The cellar stairs from the kitchen go to a landing which has a grade door, then to the cellar. Plans are made for frame, brick, brick veneer, or plaster, as the owner chooses. First floor finished in oak except kitchen. The rest in yellow pine. Cost about $4200.00. Cost of plans $18.00. Bill of material $7.00. 146 BED Room //'1/2’ SECOND Eooe TEAn 5 0721:? TI/mz POPCH KITCHEN A/‘ITR‘T Dl/‘l mo 32mm uwm;D@m PECDT HALL Done H TTPST limp IRA/t. It] Ti‘eO/W ELEVATION Plan No. 131 i\n eight room house 23(3xtH feet, brick veneered with paving brick, slate or asbestos shingles, stone foundation, steam heat, modern plumbing, plate glass in front, oak finish on the first floor, except the kitchen; second floor yellow pine. Cost about $5000.00. The first floor contains a livingr room, reception hall divided by a colonnade, sliding doors between the livingr room and dining room, pantry between the dining room and kitchen. The stairs to the second floor start in the reception hall but can be reached from the kitchen by going through a closet, the stairs to the basement are under the main stairs with a grade door. The second floor has four good sized bed rooms with a closet to each room, also a hall closet, a bath room and a balcony open from the bath room, Cost Of plans $18.00. Bill of materials 57 ()0. BALLON‘T BED Damn BATH / BED 12mm CLO LG I .— EH _ it HALL M a Down U|P CLO J, '\ III-- CLO BED Kazan BED 32mm CL 0 DOOT“ 0 ”e , DOPCH SEC 0ND mu lam OW U'p Kircntn Pom” 'PANTQY Dl/‘l choom meo Doom CLOSET REC'PT H’ALL -pADLOp Via-.5. R’O/‘t T Pope r: o fi’psr Team: TBA/1., # limo-r ELEVATION Plan No. 124 A $5500.00 frame or plastered residence. The building is 2(3x5i3 feet. Two stories, basement and attic. The first floor contains a large reception hall, vestibule, closet and open stairs. The parlor is divided from the stair hall by sliding doors, the parlor and living room are divided by a colonnade with a sliding door between the living room and dining room. The front stairs to\the second floor have a closet under the same, the rear stairs to the second floor are over the cellar stairs, the cellar stairs have a grade door. The front porch is 10 feet Wide, the rear porch 7x10 feet. The second floor has four large bed rooms with a large, closet for each room, a modern hath room, attic stairs, door to halcony. Slate roof, steam heat; dining room, living room, reception hall and parlor finished in oak, including the floors, the rest of the house finished in yellow pine or hirch. Cost of plans $20.00. Bill of material $0.00. 148 :— ——— "I w». _ ‘- l" 'PAss. IIllllll - EIIWW - BATH KtTCHEn ll," A12 ' Dim/167? /2 71/4 ' Livmo POOH HALL 2/' )(/€' POFC H l7}? 5T TT. 007? TEA/1 {Tron T ELK VAT! on Plan No. 130 A 3110(101‘11 seven room house 28x5“! feet, two 51(11‘}' and basement. The first floor contains a living room, dining room, kitchen, entry and stairhall; the second floor four hetl rooms with a closet to each room and a bath room. The stairs to the second floor can lye reached from the front ~\‘tair hall antl also from the kitchen. The front porch is It.) feet wide and is lwuilt of cement concrete. Finished in yellow pine except the-living room, dining I‘HHIH. stairs anrl stair hall which will he oak, will cost about SSHUUXN),including hot air heat anrl good plumbing. Cost of plans $141M Bill of materials 550.00. 149 CLO, BED ROOM CLO, lo’xn' BATH é'x7' BED Woom CLO R001"— F0 07“ BED Room 12' mt“ CLo BED POOH Mtg/42' §Ecom> I100}? FEA n KITCHEN /0'(,"}i ”'4" Cu‘P. DtntncRoom IQ'J"X /3’ BED Room /0 Y," x n ' vmc Room m's" we" N0. 128 Q Tfionr ELEVATION Plan No. 128 and 129 The front elevation shown on this page can be used for tloor plans Nos. 128 and 129. Plan 12\‘ is 23x11 feet with livingr room, diningr room and kitchen on one side and two bed rooms, bath room, vestibule pantry, closets and cellar stairs on the other side. The cellar wa_v has a grade door. The front porch is 10 feet wide and the rear porch 0x8 feet. This building, finished in yellow pine or birch, hot air heating and good plumbing, will cost about $2300.00. Cost of plans 5512.00. Bill of material $3.00. Floor plan No. 129 is 2th.33 feet and has three bed rooms, elosets and bath, pantry between kitchen and diningT 1'( 10111. This floor plan can be used with the elevation shown, and finished in yellow pine or birch will cost about 532700.00. Cost of plans $123.00. Bill of materials $5.00. 150 ERG H KiTC HEN I344" a I7 ' Dmmo Room 0'6" x 15' BED Room /o'4";3'¢" LIVING ROOM ls'é" ; H' STI. CLo. Pom: n fiOOR RAN N0. 129 Dmmc Room Iz'xw’ BED Room /2'X/3' Ll'v’l/‘lG Foam /2 '1/4’ R00? °V2 , PORCH fi‘RST lioo‘re TEA/1 Plan No. 116 The iirnt floor plan of this brick building is 38x34 feet with a 10 foot front porch in front the full wivlth of the house, the rear porch is under the betl room. The «lining room and reception hall have a colonnade between them and a large opening between the reception hall and living room. Stairs to the second floor starts from the dining room, the cellar Stairs from the kitchen. The building, using common brick for face brick, yellow pine trim exeept dining room, reception hall [U141 living room, which are oak, will cmt about $1300.00,including steztm heat and modern plumbing. The >econnl floor has four bell rooms, bath room and a good closet with each bea:~ brick veneered double house was built for $47M), using commnn ('liiL~zigu 1))1‘lk‘k laid in black colored mortar, The building is 537 ft. wide by ‘/ zilunii 1.4 ill lung, finished in yellow pine, grml plumbing (lllKl lior air fiirnzu-c, Vccshbulcz Chamber (‘nst ()1~ plans $15.1“). Bill Hf material STIR). Povck A-———4 _J—_—_——— FIRbT ETOR‘Y 261 SEC 0/113 STORY BATH BED Poem l’\lTC HEM L< Dm we PCOM BED Roam lemc DOOM LIBPARY Dom: n fiPS—yr I100}? JEAN Plan No. 161 or 3 The floor plan shown here is the first story plan of a double frame hnusc, the second floor is practically the same as the first floor with stairs to the attic; the building is about 30 by (30 feet. Cost about $6500. Cost of plans 3520.00. Bill of material $10.00. 162 Plan No. 68 This shoWs floor plans of a double house 4-1 ft. by 45 ft., two full stories and basement. Hot air furnaces, wood mantels, good plumbing, finished in yellow pine throughout, shingle roofs, cement floors in basement, 4 in siding, two coats of paint, double strength and plate glass. Can be built Complete for $4500. Cost of plans $20.00, complete with specifications. Bill of material $8.00. l ‘_7 Cl‘xdniber l V , i l! .D/mrg 7‘06”) ,“x AC/rhcn grery I ‘ [2%. .5"; « 1:1,),5 5 ' L,, :L. fi¢,_ 'x FT : up ./A*, Lawn; room are r x s - c‘ ’9wu \ :3 9‘ lz—o't/S é Par/or” kg¥i Chamber. 5 g ewm rm l/esfibzl/iz /aia"x4 '-a‘ P0 2-5/7 // KO oi: FIR 5T ©TQI2‘1/ BLUA/l . DO‘ 'EsLJr NOR/Qt: EECO/‘lD ETORY pLA/‘lo DOVbl—E“ HOVSE“. 163 Plan No. 9 This plan shows floor plans of a double house of 6 rooms on each side with reception hall, bath room and plenty of closet room. The porches are separated from each other. This house, with a % pitch hip roof, frame building, oak floors on first floor and yellow pine on second, hot air furnace and plumbing, wood mantel, ceilings regular height, for $5000. The building is 45 ft. square. Cost of plans $20.00 Bill of material $l0.00. Roof II We rm” ‘L I K/fC/mn -?x,// “- up ' / D/fl/ng roam ' 1/ x /5 v6 * 56/}? 7270171. C/Idmée 2’ (0d! (/0 a. - :17: : _ Z 1 V. I 1 [55777752 1" I Par/or i l ' 1 —6 I I /3 x 3 i '. Cf/dméer [Peep 541/. 7—6 x l a -—| | I] Vest l P L—-—- I arc/z . It SEC 0/10 Snonv PLA/‘i m ITRCD'T STORY PLA/‘l. DOUBLE Novas: DOUBLE? HOVbE‘. ERICK vE—AEE‘Q. bmcK VENEER. 164 CEMENT CONCRETE WORK GIVING A DESCRIPTION OF HOW TO DO CEMENT CONCRETE WORK Cement concrete is manufactured stone formed by mixing cement, sand and gravel or crushed rock together. The proportions of each ingredient depend upon the use to which the concrete is put The proportion of the mixture also depends largely on the quality of sand and gravel; it should be so proportioned that the sand \\ ill fill all void spaces betw een the gravel or stone, and the cement fill all voids between the sand. CONCRETE AS A BUILDING MATERIAL. Cement concrete as a material of which houses are built is becoming more widely used each year. It is recognized as a more duiable material than wood or even masonry and gives promise C’of being more extensivelv used than the other and older materials Many are under the impression that “the house beautiful" cannot be built of concrete. However, the greatest beauty of a building lies in the gracefulness and proportioning of its lines and in its simplicity of construction. Concrete is adaptable to any form or shape of house because of its plastic state when it is applied. It is simple in its construction and needs neither paint nor ornament to make it pleasing to the eye. If ornamental shapes are desired, the concrete can be molded into any desirable form. One great advantage of concrete construction is the durability of the concrete. A house so constructed needs no repairing and will stand for ages. A frame house will decay and after a few years will need yearly repairs. A stone or brick house will stand a much longer time but sooner or later the effect of the winds and rains will be to cause the mortar to decay and crumble and the walls to become weak. Finally they must be torn down or they will fall. Concrete only mproves with age. The longer it stands the harder it becomes. Concrete rightly made is fireproof: it may be made waterproof: it is a poor conductor ofheat and. COltl,SO makes for greater equity of temperature both summer and winter; it is vermin—proof which makes it a very valuable material about the farm. Concrete is somewhat costlier than frame. However, it is only the first cost that is greater. “'hen one takes into consideration the cost of repairs on a frame building he soon comes to the conclusion that in a very few years it becomes a larger sum than the difference in the original costs of the two materials of construction. It can readily be seen that when we figure time and durability as a factor the concrete house is really the cheaper of the two. Concrete has been successfully used in the construction of residences, factories, office buildings and all manner of farm buildings. In Short it may be used in almost 165 any conceivable structure where strength and durability are required. Bridges, tunnels, water towers, dams and in fact all structures required to withstand great forces have been successfully built of concrete. There are two kinds of cement in use—Portland and Natural. Natural cement is cement made from material as it is taken from the ground without reproportioning. It is burned at a fairly low temperature. Portland Cement is made from practically the same material proportioned so as to make the greatest strength. It is burned at a very high temperature. It is much heavier than Natural cement. It is, therefore, readily seen that Portland cement should be used where great strength is required. Concrete houses are not damp. It is usual to allow for an air space either Within the wall or between the wall and the plastering. If the wall is made of solid concrete it should have furring on the inside as is explained in another part of the book. It may also be subjectebd to a coat of water— proofing. Even though a house is built of hollow walls it is a good plan to coat it with nater— proofing and thus prevent all moisture from entering the concrete. If a concrete house is properly built it is as dry as a house built of3 any material. (oncrete may be colored by means of mineral pigments. These pigments should be in powdered form and should be mixed with the dry cement before it is mixed with the sand. The shade of the color w ill depend upon the proportions used when mixmg. For black or gray, use lamp-black; for brown use burnt umber; use yellow—ochre; for red use venetian red; for blue use ultramarine; a mixture of blue and yellow. for yellow for green use CONCRETE AS AN INVALUABLE MATERIAL FOR BUILDING PURPOSES The farmer can make permanent improvements with cement; which, considering their endurance, are very reasonable 111 cost. THE ADVANTAGE OF CONCRETE OVER OTHER MATERIALS AS A FARM NECESSITY:WThe farmer can do his own concrete \\ ork with but little help thus saving expense. A tank or building once completed needs no repairing painting or ov erhauling as frame structures do. Fence posts of concrete do not rot off at the ground, nor do they burn with a grass fire, nor can they be easily broken if properly reinforced. One should decide that the location of a building is final before he builds it of concrete because a building of such construction is permanent in location as well as durable in make—up. improvements The farmer with his buildings all constructed of concrete has a place to attract the eye of any passer-by. If kept in order it presents a neater appearance than if it were built of any other material. It will command a higher price if at any time it is put upon the market. It is fire—proof and so the insurance rates are reduced in proportion to the reduced risks. SIZE OF GRAVELz—VVhen building a heavy wall the gravel can be larger than when building a thin wall, but none should be larger than what will pass through a 2%)” ring. Very good results are obtained from a mixture of difi‘erent sizes of gravel, from %” up to 2%”, which will reduce the spaces or voids between the stones and make a very compact concrete, requiring less sand and cement than would be required if all large gravel were used. Gravel should be clean, free from loam, clay or vegetable matter. Gravel should also be screened and all of the sand taken out, then mixed in the right proportion. Sometimes sand and gravel is used just as taken from a gravel pit, but such mixtures are not always even, usually having too much sand, which makes a very unevenly mixed concrete. SAND. Sand should be clean, coarse, and free from loam, clay or vegetable matter. Fine sand takes at least ten per cent more cement than coarse sand. PROPORTIONINGz—A -mixture of one, two and four means that one part of cement, two of sand, and four of gravel are used, making seven parts in all. MIXING BOARD z—VVhen mixing by hand a mixing board should be made which should not be less than 10’ square for two men, and lO’xlli’ for four men. Matched surface boards are the best as they make shoveling easier and also prevent the cement from washing through the cracks between the boards. Fig. 1 on the opposite page shows a mixing board; a, b, c, etc., represent the 2”x4” girders on which the flooring boards A are nailed. B and C show 2”x4” timbers nailed on top of the boards around the edge. These are very convenient, especially when the board is rather small in that they keep the mixture from running off of the boards. m x\ I a“ I I \\\ ”P7 ’—~——~—\\ / \\\ ’fi’ A\ fit A t‘ / - ' 4\\\ A\\ , A“ // \\ M A\\ ll 4\\\ l’ W I I I ‘l i a a b c We. 1 HIM/~10 BOARD HOW TO MEASURE MATERIAL FOR CONCRETEzw—Measuring by wheelbarrow loads, etc.:—Measuring boxes are sometimes made to measure the sand and gravel. A good way to make these boxes is shown in Fig. 2. Use 2” plank 12” high; the ends of the sides of the box should project past the end pieces about 12” and should be cut out as shown at A to allow for hand hold to lift off the box after being filled with sand or gravel. These boxes are made of different sizes according to the mixture required and according to the number of bags of concrete that you are going to use in one batch. For a batch using two bags of cement, the box for sand must be 2’0”x2’0”. - — - . . -- and the width of a 12” plank in depth, which is about 11%”. The box for gravel should be 2’0”x4’0”; all measurements are inside measurement. . The following table will give the different sizes of measuring boxes, the amount of ingredlents used and the resultant amount of concrete. Table No. 1 Proportions I CEMENT SAND I GRAVEL ICONCRETE iii““9""???_Bf”‘“112,i,DEE_IApproximale I . I_§o._ol Bags Cubic Feel I Cubic Feel I Cubic Fm SAND , I_ 935V“ _} Water 1 1:04 I 2 2% I 5% I 6 1' x‘Z’S” I 2' x2’8” s - 1to5 I 2 31/3 I 6% I 7,14 1' Km” 7—2} x3'4” 9 1 to 1; I 2 4 I 8 I 9 1' x4’ _I 2' x—l’ 10 1 to 7 I 2 I 4% I 9% S‘ 101/3 *1 1U.”x3'6” I 2'1”x4' 11 I 1 m SFI 2 I—Eag I 102: 13 I 1'4”x4' I 2’8”x4’ 12 1:09 I 2 6 I 12 _S 13% Ifll’fi’kJr' I 2's”x+'a"_‘_ 1:; For a ~l—bag mixture the measuring boxes must be made to hold twice the amount specified in the above table, so that a mixture of l to 6 would pequire a sand box 2’0”xl’0” ; fill the same sized box two times with gravel as it requires twice as much gravel as sand. A Wheelbarrow will hold about 2 cubic feet; then for a 2-bag mixture and a proportion of 1 to 6, it will require two wheelbarrows of sand and four wheel— barrows of gravel. HEAszEIno Box 166 Mm"— TABLE NO. 2:—Showing the amounts of the different materials required to mix concrete of the different proportions; the wheelbarrow is used as the unit of measure. The table is divided into two parts; the first part is arranged showing the amounts of sand and gravel to be used for the same amount of cement; the second part shows how much cement to use when the amounts of sand and gravel are constant. Cement is shown only in number of bags, two bags making one wheelbarrow full. Table No. 2 ‘ CEMENT SAND GRAVEL Proportions SAND 1 GRAVEL ! CEMENT 1—72 1% 225;" .1 t0 1 2 Fifi—i :1 d— 2 15.; 3‘; — 1105“: 2 _N4 l 224. _ 3 '7—F-’*-i 1106 ';—i 2 -i V—I 2 _ n—Tiflzfj— 7‘47:F WES—T—;#2_ _~ W1] 1% 2 71:2? .31; 7—1 1 to s ’ 2 4 F71: ##2FF-r; "“7"“ 1:09 1* 2 it 4 l—iu If the sand and gravel are mixed in about the right proportions without being separated as it comes from the pit. the mixture will be as shown in the following table. Table No. 3. 5,, ,BT‘FE :“il‘efl‘ii’ff 63:533.. 1 1 m 1 2 4 61;; l ’1 to 5 W ‘3 i 5 F. 8,1 '. 7 m (i — 2 6 -.i_ 10 I l to 4 3 ‘ A “ll/lé Finis! 2 s 13 37:17 2 it” in? You will notice in Table No. 3 that a two—bag mixture of l to (i will make 10 cubic feet of concrete, while a mixture of l, 2 and 4, as shown in Table No. 1, will only make S) cubic feet of concrete. The reason for this is that if you would take the pit gravel (6 wheelbarrows full) and screen the sand out of it, measure the gravel and sand separately, you would have nearly seven wheelbarrows full. When the sand and gravel are mixed together the sand will fill all of the voids in the gravel making less bulk. HOW TO MIX CONCRETE :——After you have your mixing board made and placed close to your sand and gravel pile you are ready to mix concrete. Sometimes the mixing board is placed close to where the concrete is to be used; then the concrete is shoveled right in place without putting it into wheelbarrows and wheeling it to place. It is a good idea to have the material all near the place where it is to be used as it is all very heavy. Where the sand and gravel are separated it is well to measure your sand first and spread it out on your board about 6” thick, then put your cement on the sand and spread it as evenly as possible over the sand; turn it over twice by shoveling and spread out again; measure your gravel and spread it over the sand and cement; water can then be added before mixing the gravel with the sand. It should be turned over twice after the gravel is added before putting it in place. More water can be added while turning the mixture until you have the required amount. MIXING PIT GRAVELz—When mixing pit gravel that has the required amount of sand, the gravel should be put on the mixing board and spread out not more than 6” in thickness; then add the cement; turn over twice before adding any water; then add water and mix the same as specified above. WATER AND TAMPINszlt takes nearly one gallon of water for a cubic foot of sand and gravel. Concrete should not be mixed too dry. \Vhen the concrete is wet enough to be mushy and run off a shovel when handling, it will make a very solid wall and will leave no voids; it will not set as fast as when the mixture is less wet, and the longer it is in setting the harder it becomes. Cement blocks when made of a dry mixture should be stacked up under shelter where the sun will not shine on them, and should be thoroughly soaked with water at least twice a day for a week. When the concrete mixture is made very wet so as to be a slush it will not require any tamping but should be spaded along the sides of the form as shown in Fig. 3. In this way the walls will be made smoother by pushing all large gravel and stones away from the outside. A medium wet mixture of concrete should be put in in layers, not more than 8” at a time, and then well tamped until the water stands on top of the concrete. A tamper shown in Fig. 4 is made by using a cast iron plate, as at a, about 6” or 8” square, with a 2” gas pipe or wood handle, as at b. Fig. 5 shows a tamper made of a (3”x6” timber which is sometimes used when an iron one cannot be had. A. . [Ron TAMPER 7:13 5 T‘cg 1/ WOOD TAMPER SPADm o REINFORCED CONCRETE is ordinary concrete with steel or iron rods in various shapes, or wire netting, imbedded for the purpose of giving greater strength in places where there is danger of pulling or bending, as in floor spans, columns, walls, tanks, etc. The rods or wire hold the concrete together in such a way that stress or force would first have to break the rods before it could break the concrete. By reinforcing concrete with metal we avoid the necessity of arching it. fore, floor beams can be made flat on the bottom. Round rods or square twisted rods are oftentimes used. There are also special r0ds,made by different manufacturers, especially designed for reinforcing concrete. For concrete slabs, wire netting similar to metal lath, though heavier, is frequently used, either with or without rods. Barbed fence wire is sometimes used for reinforcing small work. . PLACING OF STEEL RODS:——-The placing of steel rods in beams where the weight is on the top of the beam should be as near the bottom of the beam as possible. However, they must be imbedded in the concrete. Should the rods be placed near the center of the beam they would be subject to a greater strain than when placed near the bottom. Fig. (5 shows a concrete beam with rods at a-a. Many maintain that at least two of the rods should be bent up at the ends as at b. The rods shown at d are floor rods and are not connected with the beam rods. The following table gives the size of rods for different sized beams. There— Table giving Size of Rods for Reinforced Concrete Beams to carry 150 lbs. to the sq. ft. Table No. 4 31;; .1 win. 01"Tnepn. {IT *"r...‘...”*?..;;1n;;' . 13.51;... " Span in ‘ Beam in . Beam in 0i in Belween Beam Feet Inches l Inches Rods Inches Centers T 7 14 TT3 9/1.; 4 T 8 s 15 ' 2;; §/8’ r) 9 16 T 3 11/16 T 8 TT 8 1.1 4. 5/3 T 4 10 T 9 15 4 11/11; 1 T 10 m 4 3/4 8 T 9 11; 4 T 54 T 1 T 12 10 17 4 T 3/, o 11 18 4 % 8 10 is 1 :34 4 14 TiTT “Tin—T TT4TT MT T 1. 12 I 211 T 4 1 s 168 All?“ .—.~.'-“r:]‘»\~“ ‘. r ‘ 5-} .. 0. ~ ’ nix“. r-- .. .-. : {"12"}. .b 1c ,. .— 3531.; Filling ‘1 . ~1 inn: F.1- ’. ’5’,ch JJ/ - FIG 6 -/:..'.,n;;: f'fiylé IKI‘J .‘ a/zefl‘éllrm Q’T.»..»—,~,- _. . . .. r ‘1 SECTION ThROUGh moor: A/‘ID bEAm. FENCE POSTS:-—By making fence posts of concrete we have a post which will last. a life—time. They should be made about 5 inches square at the bottom and 4 inches square at the top. The posts should be at least 3 feet in the ground, the distance above the ground depending upon the height of the fence. It is not necessary to make a post tapering. It can be made 4 or 5 inches square in cross section and the same thickness throughout. By making a form as shown in Fig. 7 one can make his own fence posts of concrete. The forms shown in Fig. 7 are for posts 7’ long. A shows the top of the form and B the side. As shown at C forms for two posts are made together. The board forming the bottom should be cut 11” wide at one end and 9” at the other. The board 1 is placed in the center throughout. The wooden pin at 5 is loosely placed and extends up through the bottom. We 7 After making the form, mix the concrete, using a proportion of nothing less than 122:4. The mixture should be placed fairly wet so as to entirely envelope the reinforcing bars. Use no gravel larger than what will pass through a screen with a 1” mesh. Oil the inside of the form well before placing the concrete. Put in a layer of concrete from %” to 1” thick. Then lay in two reinforcing rods about 1” from the sides of the form as shown at 3, Fig. C. Again fill in the concrete until 1” or %” from the top when two more rods should be placed as at 2. Fig C. The remainder of the form should now be filled with concrete. MAW/‘10 CONCRETE POSTS. It will be necessary to make some arrangement whereby you will be able to fasten your fence wire to the posts. Take a piece of good heavy wire, say about 10” or 12” long. Bend it in the middle and twist the two ends so as to make a loop on one end and about 3” on the free ends. Place one such wire in the post as at 4, Fig. C., while the concrete is still soft for every wire you expect to have on the fence, and set them at the proper spaces. Then when you are about to string your fence the wire can first be stretched and brought into place when the two free ends of the loop in the post should be twisted firmly about it, thus making it secure to the post. Another method is to place wooden pegs or pins made of oak or some other hard wood through holes properly placed in the bottom of the forms as at 5,. Fig. C. These pins should be about %” at one end and 1” at the other and should be of such a length that they will project entirely through the post. They should be well oiled before the concrete is placed so that they can be easily removed without injuring the rest of the post. Allow the concrete to set for two days at least before you attempt to remove the forms. In stringing the wire through posts made in this manner it will be found necessary to secure the wire frequently by driving a plug into the hole after the wire has been stretched through it. For reinforcing rods for fence posts use round rods about 14” thick; No. (3 wire will serve the purpose just as well. They should be cut so as to measure 1 3/2”shorter than the finished post. Barbed wire is often used not only for reinforcing, but also for securing the fence wire to the post. In this case it will not be necessary to loop the wire. A 7” or 8” piece of wire can be bent into any form and placed so as to leave about 3” projecting from the post. The strands can then be used as described before. CORNER BRACES can be made the same as the regular posts except that they must be longer. Make them about 7’6” long or even longer. CORNER POSTS AND GATE POSTS should be made 9” or 10” square throughout and about 9’ long. They should be reinforced with rods at least %” in diameter. HITCHING POSTS, CLOTHES LINE POSTS, ETC., can be made in the same manner. For a hitching post place a staple made of 1/4” iron with a ring on it near the top of the post. The staple should be at least 6” long. \Vhen making posts the concrete should be allowed to set for 48 hours at least. Remove the forms by turning them up-side—down on an even piece of ground. The posts should be allowed to remain on the ground for at least five days and should be sprinkled with water at least twice daily and covered from the sun. By this means they will be sufficiently set to allow of handling and placing in the ground. WATERING TROUGHS Watering troughs are made in various shapes—oblong, Spuare or circular. Concrete mixed for water troughs should be 1 part cement, 1% parts sand and 3 parts gravel. FOUNDATION FOR TROUGHz—First decide upon the size and site of your trough. Stake out the ground as you would for a house. If the ground is hard. it will not be necessary to do any excavating. Level the ground and tamp it solid and you are ready to place the concrete forms. \Ve will suppose that your tank is to be 4’ wide, 8’ long and 2’ deep. Place two 72” planks 10’ or 12’ long on the ground as shown in the cut, Fig. 8 as at M-N. so that the distance between them is 4’2”. This will allow space for the sheathing, as at A and B, Fig. 8. Cut 1” boards and nail one at each end of the planks to hold them in place as shown at D-D. Cut short pieces of studding of any convenient material 3”x3” or 2”x4”; make them 4” longer than the height of the tank or 2’4” long. PlaCe five of them on each side of the tank and toenail them to the plank so that their inner - 7‘ , D edge comes even with the edge of the plank. lhey should be evenly placed and so spaced that the distance between the outside edges of the Corner posts lengthwise of the tank .is just 8’. Now cut your boards 8’ long and nail them to the inside of the posts as at A-B, keeping the ends even with the edge of the outside post. Build up to the required height or 2’. Now nail boards across the ends as at E. The outside form for the tank is now complete. It may, however, be necessary in some cases to place studding at the ends and fasten them by means of braces fastened to the ground. Now make the inner form as shown at Fig. 9. The walls and bottom of the tank should be 4” thick. Therefore, the inner form should be 7’4” long, 3’4” wide and 2’0” deep. Cut eight studs as before, making them 2’ long. The side boards of the form should be 7’2” long. Nail them to the studs beginning at the bottom and building to the tOp as before, A—B, Fig. 9. Then cut the end boards exactly 3’4” long and nail. them on the ends of the side walls as shown in Fig. 9 at C-D. You are now ready for the concrete. Place about 2%” of concrete in the bottom of the outside form. Now cover it with a netting of fence wire for reinforcing. Should you care to reinforce the side walls as well, as at Fig. 11, make the wire long enough that it can be bent up into the walls. Now fill in with concrete again until you have reached the depth of l”. The inner form can now be set within the outer form. It must be evenly spaced on all sides and secured by strips nailed across the tops of the studs as shown in Fig. 10. Now fill in with concrete fairly wet keeping the reinforcing wires in place and tamping lightly until filled. The concrete should also be spaded. To provide drainage for the trough a wooden plug of any size desired should be made of a length equal to the thickness of the walls. Place this in the concrete 2” or 3” from the bottom of the tank. It should be made tapering and well oiled so as to be easily driven out after the concrete is set. A plug can then be made to fit the opening with a ball on the end so that it can be pulled out. by hand when desired. Allow the tank to remain in the form for two days or so. After removing the forms it will be well to make a mixture of Portland cement and water and go over the tank inside and out, rubbing it with a small smoothing board or a brick and filling up all pores and open spaces with the cement. Should you want any piping done away from the tank the connections must be put in as the tank is being built. There are other ways in which forms for such tanks can be built but it does not seem necessary to show more than one. You can make hog troughs. chicken troughs or any kind of tank you may desire in this way. Forms for circular tanks can be made as shown under the head of Silos. -----—-.. «--—-—> ' ’1‘ FOUNDATION WALLS AND FOOTINGS Most foundation walls require footings. “'hen the footing is not laid below the cellar floor: Place a plank as shown at C, Fig. 12. Drive a few stakes on the inside to hold it in place. Fill in the concrete even with the top of the plank. When the footing is below the cellar floor: The size of the footing, of course, depends upon the size of the house to rest upon it. For ordinary dwelling houses the footing is seldom made more than 8” to 10” deep and from 4” to 6” wider than the wall. Dig this trench entirely around the cellar excavation the size of the footing and fill with concrete. Now place the form for the wall and brace it as shown at D, Fig. 12. In this case the bank of earth on one side is used for one side of the form up to grade line. The form may be built up on both sides. in which case it will be necessary to make the excavation a foot larger all around. In the latter case the earth should not be thrown back in until the concrete has set for ll) days or so. It is not necessary to reinforce foundation walls. The cross walls and floor 301st reinforce it from the inside and the earth from the outside. In the case of a frame building to be erected upon a concrete foundation it is the better plan to place bolts in the concrete work for the purpose of holding the wooden sill of the building. These bolts should be V2” or 5g” thick and about 18” long and should, of course. be allowed to project high enough from the top of the H \\\‘ r I. 74 \\\\\\ 7////// s concrete to extend entirely through the sill. Place them about every (3 feet on the wall. This method secures a light frame building to the wall in such a-manner that. it will not be shifted by the winds. However, if you desire to build the superstructure also of concrete it will be necessary to level off the foundation walls and place your first floor joist. After this the forms may be placed and the wall built up to the height of the second floor joist. If the concrete wall is made solid it should be furred on the inside before the lathing is done. Use 2”x2” strips placed its” center for furring. This method leaves an air space in the wall. An air space makes for a more even temperature, winter and summer, and also provides ventilation for the wall which keeps out dampness. Instead of the furring it is a good plan to build a hollow wall. This may be done by placing box forms in the wall as shown in Fig. 8. These forms should be made somewhat tapering and about 4” thick. They should be raised at the same time the outer form is raised. The same form as shown in Fig. 8 is used to make a solid wall. In this case the box forms are left out. CONCRETE SIDEWALKS A common use to which concrete is put is the construction of concrete sidewalks. In this capacity it has proven very successful. HOW TO LAY A CONCRETE WALKz—Dig a trench the width of the proposed walk. If you wish the surface of the walk flush with the ground the trench should be nearly 12” deep. If you wish the walk to set above ground the-trench should be of such a depth that combined with the height of the form above ground it will be about 12”. In the cut the trench shown is 8” deep with a 2”x—1” timber used as a form above ground, as shown at D. Fill in the sub—foundation composed of large Cinders or gravel tamped solid, yet leaving plenty of voids. This should be about 6” thick in cold damp climates, though in warm or dry climates it may be made 2” or 3” thick and is sometimes omitted altogether. Of course as this sub-foundation is reduced in depth the trench may also be reduced in depth. The foundation comes next. This is composed of cement concrete mixed in proportions of 1—3—6. It should be placed and well tamped and” should be about 4” thick. The surface of this layer should be kept as clean as possible and should not be allowed to set before the last coat is placed. The last layer as shown at C is the surface or wearing coat. This gives a finished appearance to the walk. It is composed of one part cement to two parts of coarse sharp sand. It should follow as close upon the laying of the layer B as possible that a good connection shall be made between the two layers. This surface coat should be mixed rather stifl though not dry. It should be well worked in the foundation surface so as to fill all pores and holes, and should be 1 or 1%” thick. As soon as the surface film of water leaves the surface it should be floated with a wooden float and rubbed smooth. Too much floating, however, will in many cases bring a coat of pure cement to the surface; it is thus likely to cause cracks when setting, ed because of the unequal densities of the mixture. The surface may be floated with a rough float or may be rolled with a toothed roller to remove the smooth surface which so many concrete walks have. The forms (1 on each side of the walk should be even and flush with the proposed grade of the walk. They should be even and flush with the proposed grade of the walk. They should be held firmly in place by stakes 6. By keeping the forms even a straightedge may be moved along the top of the forms to give the surface of the walk. The surface should be cut through every (i feet or so and it is a good plan to cut entirely through the foundation every little way and put in a tar or sand joint. This join takes up the expansion of the concrete so that it will not buckle. To cut the surface lay a straightedge over the walk and cut with a trowel. The edges can then be rounded with a tool made for the purpose. Should the walk be a very wide one it should be cut through the center lengthwise. DRAINAGE OF SIDEWALKS:—If a concrete sidewalk is not properly drained in a cold climate there is danger of water collecting beneath it and freezing. In this way the center of the walk is raised up and a crack results. The loose texture of the sub-foundation is for the purpose of drainage. However, if the earth outlying this is of a dense texture the sub-foundation will finally fill with water. Therefore, some means must be found whereby the sub-foundation can be drained. In the cut is shown a tile laid at the side of the walk and leading to the street gutter. In place of a tile a trench may be dug and filled with the same loose material, as the structure of the sub—foundation. The beams should be placed about event/.25 feet. In loose sandy soil it is not necessary to place drains. \ CL as vax __f;_ -.L 9 'I '1 v’ r 'l v ’40.”:{9/4‘0/0'6”, DRAWING Snowmo W\ SECT l on 3 TH R0 UGH SIDEWA L K. W Snowmo HOW THE SURFACE OF EL SIDEWALK :5 (WT REINFORCEMENT FOR CEMENT SLABS Span in Thickness in Spacing "I Size ol Rods Feel Inches 1:31;: in inches 4 4 7 i 5/16 (3 -1 i 7 I 5% 3 i 4 "3 i 7/14; '7 W" —_l ll] i i) i l L; Where the weight to be carried is less than 150 pounds per square foot the rods can be made 1-16 inch smaller for each 2.3 pounds less. However no rods should be less than 7—16 of an inch. Concrete shrinks when setting. It also shrinks in cold weather and expands in hot weather. It is, therefore, necessary that continuous concrete should have joints filled with tar to allow for expansion and contraction. This method keeps the concrete from cracking. COBBLESTONE CONCRETEz—There is an increasing tendency throughout the country to build houses of a rather massive structure. This tendency is far more noticeable in the western part of the country and particularly upon the coast. Cobblestones seem to lend themselves in almost endless ways to this massive con— struction. These are not often used in city residences nor yet in suburban houses, but find their greatest field of usefulness in the building of country or of mountain homes. Oftentimes the entire sub-structure of the house, up to the belt—course, is built of cobblestones. Other times they are carried only to the lower window line. The upper part of the house may be constructed of wood, brick or stucco, all having a pleasing effect. A style which so far seems only extant in California—which fact seems due to the institution of Japanese ideas—is created by the practice of building the body of the structure of dark brick and by placing at random among the brick cobblestones of varying sizes. The larger stones are placed near the bottom, pro— gressing up the wall, both the size and frequency of the stones decrease. A large outside chimney built in this way lends a novel appearance of strength and endur- ance to a house. Where a house is set in a naturally rugged location, the cobblestone construction, either wholly or in part, seems to make the structure a part of the landscape. If the garden walls are made of cobbles they may be worked out to have a very pleasing effect and seem to form a connecting link between the house and the outlying landscape. Cobblestones are not to be recommended for general use. It is only in a naturally rugged site that they take a pleasing part. Put them in the city with its lack of 172 shrubbery and its smooth lawns and they seem strangely out of place. Then again it is often very difficult to find the stone. In a mountainous or rugged country where such stones abound they may be used as a matter of economy as well as for artistic purposes. Cobblestones should be neither too large nor too small. A range of from 3” to 8” covers the size fairly well. In very massive walls boulders of larger size may be used to advantage along the ground. They should be held together by a good durable mortar, preferably of cement base. The color of the cobbles to be used can be left to the choice of the one building the house. Moss-covered stones may often be used with a pleasing effect, suggesting the idea of age and close touch with the natural world about. The stones are usually found in various colors,sueh as red, white, black, gray, brown and green. The use of stones of various colors often gives a very pleasing effect. STUCCO WORK:-~Stucco work is cement plastering. It is used forthe purpose of veneering either new or old buildings. It gives an old building the appearance of a new one. It is both durable and artistic and is not greatly affected by weather conditions. A stucco finish may be applied to a frame, brick, stone or concrete house. However, before the stucco may be applied the house must be prepared in such a manner that the stucco will not crack or scale off. The stucco should be applied about 1% inches thick, preferably in two coats. The first coat should be mixed in proportions of one part Portland cement to two . parts of coarse sharp sand and three parts of slaked lime putty. A little hair mixed in the mixture will strengthen the coat. The second or finish coat should be mixed in proportions of one part cement to four parts of clean coarse sand and one part of slaked lime putty. It should be applied medium wet and should be well floated leaving a smooth or rough finish as desired. The stucco work should then be covered to protect it from the sun and should be kept wet for five or six days. can be applied to a frame building the building should be covered with a heavy coating of building paper. It must then be furer and covered with wire lath. Expanded metal lath is most widely used for this purpose. This lath allows the plaster to fold over and clinch on the inside thus holding it firmly Before stucco In applying stucco to brick, stone or concrete the wall must first be thoroughly cleaned with good clean water. In the ease of a concrete wall it is a good plan to take a stone axe or an old hatchet and roughen the surface by chopping it full of holes. This gives the stucco a better hold on the wall. Stucco work is much cheaper than solid concrete. If applied to a new building it ranges along with the cost of a frame structure. Stucco finish may be made monolithic. Again the plain severity of a monolithic wall may be relieved by the artistic placing of beamswmdows and a belt course in the surface of the structure. A very pleasing effect is produced by plastering the house up to the belt course above the first story windows; above this may be shingled or sided as desired. This method may be reversed though it gives a more or less top-heavy appearance to the house. It seems more consistent to have the frame structure resting on the apparently massive sub—structure. It is a good plan to give a stucco house a good coating of water—proofing. This together with the great amount of air space in the walls will make a house free from dampness. A FEW SUGGESTIONS:—Cement should always be stored in a dry place and it is well to keep it covered as it absorbs moisture from the atmosphere and becomes lumpy. “'hcn cement becomes lumpy it should not be used as it has lost its greatest strength. Cement should not be stacked on the bare ground. New concrete work should always be covered and not exposed to the hot sun for three or four days at least. Cement concrete should never be allowed to freeze. If cement’concrete freezes it should have no load put upon it until after it has thawed out. After concrete once sets it should not be used again. KIND OF CEMENTzflll’hen doing cement work always use the best Portland cement. The cement comes in paper or cloth sacks and wooden barrels; it is easier to handle when in cloth sacks. WEIGHT OF CEMENT:—A barrel of cement weighs 390 pounds and a sack 95 pounds. Four sacks are required to make one barrel. CONSISTENCY OF CONCRETEz—A dry mixture requiring vigor oustamping to bring the water to the surface is perhaps the strongest kind of concrete. However, for the sake of time and labor expended a wet mixture requiring little tamping is to be preferred. The longer concrete is in drying the harder it will become. It is therefore, a good plan to cover a green wall to keep off the sun and then to sprinkle it with water at least once a day for a week or even two. , RUBBLE CONCRETEz—Often in the construction of massive retaining or foundation walls large stones called cobbles are thrown in. They do not particularly strengthen the walls but are used rather as a matter of economy. Using such stones less concrete is needed and less- time required in placing. \Vhen used in this way they should not be closer than J; or 5 inches to the outside surface nor should they be closer than that to one another. 173 HOW TO BUILD A CONCRETE SILO In building a silo there are several very important considerations to be kept in mind. A silo must be both air-tight and water—tight; its walls must be very strong as the weight of the silo when filled with silage is very great; the inner surface of the walls must not only be vertical but they must be perfectly smooth as well, as any projection is likely to retard some of the silage on its downward course thus leaving an air space as the silage below it settles; these air spaces mold the silage. A silo must also be located upon the firmest ground you can find about your place. Four tons of silage will feed the average cow for six months. This requires a space of about 200 cubic feet. Knowing this you can readily figure out the size of silo for your needs. The following table will aid you in this task. It gives the number of tons which silos of various sizes will hold. Dividing the number of tons shown by 4 you will find the number of cattle which can be fed from the silo for six months. For instance, take the silo shown as being 12’ inside diameter and 20’ deep. According to the table it will hold when filled 336 tons of silage. Dividing this number by -l we find that we can feed 9 head of cattle for six months from a silo of the size shown. It is never likely that you will be required to feed silage for a greater period than six months out of a year. Table of Capacity of various sized Silos. mf’lfh,£lds”°l IMSIDE DIAMETER 0F SILO [N FEET 10’ 11’ 12' 14’ 16’ 17' 18’ 19' 20' 20 2o ‘ _ 22 30 ‘ ‘36 _ ~_‘__* 24 34 41 40 _ —— 3 25 _[ 36 4‘3 ‘- 32 fl—“H‘ _ , 5 28 l 4-2 31 m ‘3 fl _ _____ 5? 30 47 #56 . ‘67 . 91 107 _” E: #32 .31 o.) 73 — 102 1:30 __ _: ' 34 m (is 80 110 _ — 142 165 Z: 36 GO 7‘: so 120 130 i 175 195 * 38 *no so 95 137 165 l 190 215 240 40 70 — 8') 100 _ 140 F 180 l_ 200 2.0.0 255 j 275 The ordinary size for a silo is 10’ or 12’ inside diameter and from 25’ to 30’ in height. It is considered the best plan to have the silo over two times as high as it is wide. You should so figure out the amount to be used per day so that you can lower the feed in the silo at least 2” a day as anything less than this is likely to cause the silage to mold. The foundation footings for a silo should be set below the frost—line or about 5’ below the surface. Because of the great weight of the silo, as stated before, it must be set upon very solid ground. The depth at which it is Set in the ground insures it against settling and against the wind. \Vhen you have decided upon the site for the silo drive a stake as near the center as you can. Put a nail in the top of this and attach a string to be used as a compass. Take a radius 3’4” greater than the inside radius of your silo and mark off a circle on the ground. This will be the outermost circle of the excavation. Dig down as shown in Fig. A, allowing the walls to slant so as to avoid caving and also to allow more room in which to work. \Vhen you have reached a depth of 3’ 8” drive another stake in the center and lay out the circle for the footings. As 12’x25’ is about the average size for a silo it is one of that size that we will cons1der here. T5U/‘1DATIO/‘1 REINFORCEMENT J-.-.---- . can be done by placing thin steel bars or wires as shown in Fig. B. j .. V to As shown in Fig A, it is 6’4” to the outer circle of the footing. After marking this circle off dig it all down 4”. Then mark off the inner circle of the foundation, which is 2’ less in radius. Now dig a trench 1’ deep and 2’ wide, leaving the raised earth floor as shown in Fig. A. LAN/‘10- OUT AND BUILDING- TnE FORms \ A dJ'LLSllllff Bills Now we are ready for the concrete. This should be mixed fairly wet though not slushy in a proportion of 1—3—5. The excavation should be filled with concrete 4.” above the earth floor in the center and the concrete should be well tampcd. Should the ground be at all unstable it would be well to reinforce the floor. This In place of the steel bars it would be consistent to use barbed fence wire, in which case the pieces should be placed closer together. The reinforceing bars should be placed about 3/19” below the surface of the floor. 174 After the concrete has all been placed, the center!to within 1’ and 4” of the outside— should be smoothed off, as this is to be the floor of the silo. I "x 3' braces } I u If l V). [.7 I \L 17 l ('\ Tl\ Z \f} _ .. .. l I, \egz; ' l I ‘ " trculdr' \j 7 S ‘( 17' l {/ TF0. D DETAu. 0, r-omns— 51m;— AWAY r-Rom CONCRETE L \Alfi J lax/1" Sir”) Braces Fig.1: FORMS E f— fi‘mm ran DOOR OPE/VINO ' ' ' AND LAnm—R moms, \Vhen the form is filled and well tamped and the concrete is set enough to keep We now come to the construction of the walls. First the forms must be made it from giving, the forms may be loosened by means of the adjusting belts or screws. and set ready for the concrete. Fig. C shows how to go about making the forms. shown in Fig. 0 They can then be raised by means 0f the letters, arranged for the The circular pieces shown at 1 and 2 (Fig. C) are cut from 2”x4” material of the lengths purpose and again filled With concrete. They should not be raised to the. tOP Of the shown. These are fastened together with a piece of iron or wood used as a cleat W311 already bUht- heave enough concrete “'1th1h them 50 that the weight 0f the as shown in the drawing, and are then securely bolted. They are further secured new concrete thrown 1113““ not break 03 the edges 0f the wall- by the 2”x4” studs shown at 1. Fig. E, and the l”x4” strip and l”x.3” braces shown in As the wall progresses upward it becomes necessary to erect a framework or fizz-[’11 A_ 1”x4” plece must be cut alse so as to set WIthrthe elreuler edgeef the scaffold upon which to work. This should be built up then with the wall. After 2 X4 - It 15 to be set 1” back from the Circular edge 0f the 2"X4”~ It 15 t0 th15 Sthp the scaffolding is so high up that a man can no longer hand up a bucket of concrete that the 1’53” str1ps,forming the inner surface Of the form, are fastened. The entire a tower or derrick should be erected of any convenient beams or posts. A block form ShOUId be about 3’ high can be attached to this and the material drawn up by a horse. “'hen the forms are completed they should be so placed upon the foundation The steel bars or wires for reinforcement should be placed upon the foundation that the inner surface Of the form “'1“ he JUSt 7” from the center 0f the floor. You before any concrete is placed. It is a good plan to have both vertical and circular are now ready to put in the concrete. reinforcement. 175 The forms are raised by means of levers mounted firmly to posts within the circle of the structure. These levers may be made of 2”x(3” planks. They pull upon other planks which are secured to the forms by means of wire loops or an adjustable chain. Both sides of the forms must be raised evenly and at the same time. \Vhen the wall reaches the proper height the frames for the doors should be set in place. Fig. F shows two views of the. way in which these frames or forms should set. They should be set firmly in place and the concrete filled in around them. RAM 07"— Ram’- At 1 and 2 (Fig. F) are shown two wooden plugs slightly tapering and 1” thick at the small end. These plugs are for the purpose of leaving holes in which the ladder rounds can be secured. as shown at 3 and 4. At 5 is shown another view of a round. A wooden ladder can be made to hang from the top of the silo or can be bolted to the wall in holes made in a like manner. However. the round iron ladder is the better of the two. 176 (;\1 ' ~ ,' an a. ‘ua‘n Stet l on 07‘- R00?— . .7, ma; nu- . The roof is the next step in‘the building of the silo. Pieces of 2”XS”, as showri in Fig. G. are cut to lay on top of the wall. There should be bolts imbedded in the concrete by means of which these pieces of plank are securely bolted to the wall Then they are fastened together by means of 2’53” cleats as shown in the drawing The rafters are cut from 2”x($” lumber and must be about 9’8” long. Fig. H shows another view of the roof. A roof of cement can be built it such is preferred. structed and reintorcement placed. the structure. Forms can easily be con— Such a roof is more in keeping with the rest ot u. I“. Q‘O D ' 'v '1' 5 1.: n ' “ 1‘. E .‘ A" “.1 '..' .. '.‘. vi i" 3-1- :. ‘.‘ . .. 3‘ ,2 I:' :‘l. .‘I; . ‘ It . 1.; 3. In. ,’ ‘1 '1. ,. ., . ... - :‘ :.- J 3 ‘.l .0. .2" . -". r.‘ N .'1 I ; a. .0. 2“ ‘r '- ..‘ ("1' . :‘: :kvl , -~. A“ :": . 2" . H' ... a 1“: . .. II '. . '1' ~ '2:- K.‘ N .‘. -:. .‘. :' 3' :1. I" : T '.-‘ ": (>0 1‘ 'l - n . Z. :2 . 0 I l.‘ . ". N : 1‘ '. ". ‘l‘ I~. l ‘ T .4 .‘_- -. '.-'. .3 . .‘e ‘ i . 1 s \O L 329- .9" . Locm'lon OF DOORS . “'hen the walls have reached the required height they should be plastered with a mixture of cement and fine sand, 1—]. and rubbed thoroughly with a smoothing board. This is necessary on the inside that no projections will be allowed to remain on the wall. On the outside it only helps the appearance. Should you desire a chute for the ensilage to be built over the doors, bolt strips of 2”x4” on each side of the doors and the full height of the silo. To these you can build the chute. All boards should be put on the inside of the frame as shown in Fig. K that it may have a perfectly smooth surface. 177 closcl Dwnnc Roon.\J MTCHEH. Down CHAMBER i O O l! 3: ,— {13 LlVll‘lG ROOM CHAHBER ALCOVE Plan No. 4 Here is a very convenient and well arranged cottage 24 ft. by 28 ft. basement 7 ft. 6 in., first floor 9 ft. and second 8 ft. Finished in yellow pine and hard wood floors, hot air furnace and good plumbing, can be built for about $2200. The outside walls are plastered as shown by the perspective ROOF Cost of plans $12.00. Bill of material $6.00. First Story Plan Second Story Plan 178 klrcnen shelvca Rum" LIVING R00!"I DH‘IIHG Rm finer STORY PLAN. Plan N0. 13 This cottage is 36 ft. wide by 2—1 ft. long. 7 ft. 6 in. basement, 9 ft first story, 8 ft. second story. Outside pebble dash plaster on metal lath. The center hall connects the dining room and the living room With colonnades between them. The cellar stairs are under the front stairs with a grade door. The second floor has three bed rooms and a bath room and plenty of closets. The house is finished in oak for the living room, diningr room, stair hall and stairs stained weathered oak. The second floor is finished in birch and stained mahogany. Hardwood floors. This cottage complete costs $3300 with modern plumbing. Price of plans and specifications complete for $18.00. Bill of material $6.00. 1:9 Jhflvrrl (/1 r ”9.1-- . l L l l i V L—J C ”6 BATH R'! CHAMBER d CHAHBER CHAT‘BER \\ — clonal SECOND STORY PLAN. c 170" L_-_-__ - _-----4 Proa/Brcfi 17L fi‘F'I‘L fl ._. H First Story Plan Plan No. 27 The size of this bungalow is 33 ft. by 35 ft., brick fireplace, beamed ceilings in dining room and living room. The outside is pebble dash, cement porch, plate and art glass in main rooms, gas and electric light fixtures, Oak finish, with oak floors throughout. Hot air furnace, modern plumbing. Basement 7 ft. 6 in., first floor 9 ft., second 8 ft. The wood is stained dark. This house complete cost $3500. Cost of plans and specifications complete $15.00. Bill of material $8.00. 180 BIT/7 300/ Second Story Plan \ I i -_.- 3cm 4 ,___-______._ K: k\ '()rcne” ht / I /' \ \ Dmmo Room I , i \ \ ENTRY / // E] BATH T6904, IH'x ly' , \ I HA / ..... _ ,3: ‘. ~ 321;:- 6.3. - LL l' H :i'fg _(( { Lid,“ - i‘ t \ // BED Room | N .‘4 1%? ; a l , .1 wig;- [ 7 :1 M— - "ii-VJ %/ - u ‘ CLO. CLO, ' " ‘ =- i}; l lemo Room -_- _/6.'m’—6" Pisa? Btbfoom HALL \ z / ,\ l. l—‘ _- _. ' LIB IRY ‘ l —/ 9L$Q FEDO/‘IT PORCH \ i l l l / \ r i I‘m/W ELEVATION. i I l I 17.001? EA/i Plan No. 163 .\ l'tlllgllllWV with >13; 1‘H()Ill,\‘, l'ztth‘ hull :md pantry. This is :t Very eunvenient house Hood ventilatiun vlentv Hf clown. hath rmmt and lied ‘ . _, , , , , . rooms entered frmn the hull. This building finished in yellow pine, exeept the dining room. living I‘umll, library and reeeptitm hall. which will 1,0 t‘; i ‘ - . - . u . ' “1‘" tmished in 0:11;, wood SlllIlQlCS stained, either SOlItl cement walls ()r cement ix ’ « ' I plaster. This house will cost :tlmut $3300.00 (‘ust includes plumbing and [Hi 1‘7. hen t in g. (inst uf pluns SliJHL Bill mi materiah Stunt E10 HT SIDE ELEVATlON 181 \\ ‘ CL?3{T 1%ch BED POOH BATH ‘\ CLOSET \ gal . Q iJ—e' 711001? FEAN. Plan No. 157 This cement plastered bungalow, 30 feet front and 35 feet deep, the rooms- and bath with plenty of closet room, with basement whole house, wood shingle roof, yellow pine finish, with oak floors in the «lining and living rooms, eolonnztde between the dining room and living room, cement porch floor and columns will cost about 83200.0(); without basement 8'30000 194,-, Cost of plans $13.00. Bill of materials $0.00, under the 182 \ TfiGHT 3D]: ELEVA‘HOH 5‘ ' , 'V :: “,"J t ~ I i ll , 3»- ‘-:' g Id. ' l‘ "‘ ’. '— : 1N:- ; :. ll ‘ ,,: .. '//.‘f( (‘1 r ‘ _ '13 ,1 . I. — .. , S k. _\t ‘. w s-t r..- ll'.l‘[ I 1;; k; "I ‘ W" , , a :. I: a -. ‘ _ TWO/17 ELEVATION v, Z313. fir' ’ ill 3. ‘33 r: a ”A .. . t 31...»...1 n“ ,3 J 1‘ [pert—4 ill: ~_—r - ‘ «mm \g 4mg: \y [2; ‘74 c, f K 7/ SEWING Plan No. 156 A six room bungalow with basement. The outside shows wood siding part way up and then cement plaster, but it can either be all wood siding or plaster as the owner may prefer. The living room and dining room are divided by a eolonnade, the cellar stairs go down under the stairs to the second floor, all of the bed rooms have good sized closets. The house, finished in yellow pine, hot air furnace and good plumbing, eun l)C buii: for about $3000.00. The front of the building is 230 feet and the depth 32 fee‘. Livmc Foom Dl/‘HNG Room ("0st of plans $10.00. Bill of materials $5.00. Woo? ”5731mm FRONT Pom: r1 JEFST STORY LA” SECOND STORY PLAN 18‘: 0rd de Door ‘REAR FbRcH CH mBER Q 12 —0' § CnAmBER Iii '~D" Q . I 0‘ \ CLOSST Lwomo Room Donnnc Room CHANB | ’0 \ CLOSET 0 FRONT Po RC :1 F1357 STOE’Y YEAH SECOND 3TOPY TEAH. 184 FR’on T ELEVATION. I”! Ll llll II]! nll‘ WIGHT SIDE ELEV/mom. Plan No. 168 A two story bungalow built of frame or cement plaster, wood shingle roof, the bath room and one bed room are on the first floor, the dining room and liv- ing room are divided by a wall with a large opening. The rooms are all very pleasant and convenient, Cement foun- dation wall, cement porch and cellar, cement steps. This building finished in yellow pine, except the living room and «lining room, which will be finished in oak and oak floors, can be built for about $4000.00. This includes steam heat and modern plumbing. 185 Q 3L0 ’ " ' ; nDWNQROOM \ / ,1"? .Anq‘hll I I ‘4 \ \ "‘ , x/‘,. - fian’rfanyw ”/ r ‘ Plan No. 139 3111/1/10 Rloom A very attractive bungalow, can be plastered :11stead of siding, the i livingr room and dining room are divided by :1 colonnade, :1 good sized kitchen 11nd two bed rooms with closets, :1 bath room between the bed rooms and :1 toilet room back of the kitchen. \l'ith wood shingle roof, cement foundation, yellow pine finish except dining room and living room floors which will be I: 11 i, II I. .1 , oak, hot :1ir furnace and modern plumbing for about 82700100. 1 L.LL_l U. l l l I Cost of plans $11.00. Bill of materials $5.00. 9111100111 130111011 ‘ ,1! II | LlLllJUUUULI 17:00}? EAN. 186 Illlll tllllu .T ”l —T::——‘~—~_w a ll ET / 13/ LEFT 5m]: tax/Anon BED 00M Plan No. 140 “L11: is It ‘lléill fur a five ruon‘. llLlIl‘UlllHY unil lmtli. The lvuildiiu i.\ l s h /'2 A12" . ll) feet wide by 116 feet (leep, front porch 0x18 feet :11va the rear IJOI‘L'lZ fix l'.’ teet, :1 pantry between the (lining room and kitchen. either \vourl siding or ceii‘vent plaster, yellow pine, finil and living room, which will be oak, hot air furnace (mil grmrl plumbing, can be built for about Sllllllllll). Cost of plans $14.00. Bill Hf materials WHHL \l'oml shingle roof, excqxt dining rmun: 37' // ///// T1001? TEA/i l—Ti’O/‘lT ELEVATION. 187 BATH CHAMBER [2. 0,. b. 0., 12'— 0.1 / Q ha [I 3 KITCHEN -N \ . \ HALL \‘1 CLO Cu‘P UP I C Lo. \‘/ Z \ \ s ‘5 Q I? 1," :2 :3" ’0 ‘QLJVI/‘IC, ‘mDDmmc ROOM C HA M1533 fiF— F 32' o:' 4, mm —— J,- e STORY FRONT PORCH , 5 \ PLAN - OOl:i—_ __J J K Plan No. 141 This pretty t-nttugc with six I'UUIIIS zmrl l>zttll czm l)C lwuilt fur (llmll 1 S'JNUHMH, finished in yellow pine 01‘ lJircli, hut ztii' furnace 1L1’1(l gowl plumbing. The plzm shows wnml siding part way up then finished with cement plaster. "ast 0f plans 558.00. Bill of materials $4.00. \ 5’4 Tim/77 ELEVATION. 188 SECOND STORY PLAN T—— yo PORCH ll WIN TRY - H || II ‘TWEN CHAMBER 14% x I3 _ or LIBRARY IZ—éuxlé' |I CLOSET ENTRY I TABLE flALL " Livmc Foom P3 )0 ll /7'1 /6' . DmmoR’oom II," x /6' ll n ' ' - Q 10 __.+_ § 70 J. II OPEN FbRCH 7 §% § TEST STORY BAH. Sufi:ELEVATiom Plan No. 138 A seven room cottage 40x33 feet. The plain shows wood siding up to tho cornice of the first story and ulnstered galvlex‘, the ‘mlk helmv the cornice can also be plastered instead mf siding. Cement foundation, wood shingles, paving brick for outside of the chimney. Cost of this building with yellow pine fiflifill, vxcep! the living ro<’>m and dinning room which is figured (ml; \Viih oak floors, steam: limit, modern pluml’dng, will be about SUM). LVN: of plans SIIHH). Bill. of mmm‘imh MUN}. .\\'l\' for prlt‘US to change plunx‘ :0 wit you. 189 TfiomT ELEVATwPi CHAMBER mtg"): /3'—b" __._._..-....___._ 1.0-sz .CLosiaT HALL CfiAflBEE /l/'-é" I /6' CHAMBER n\ /L/‘—é"x 12‘4" ,/ i i 1 I l SECOND 5TOEY EAN. a 'oL—el 130ch AL— CHANBER \[ 0“" Kn-anH i“ :0 3 31> /2'~o' /3'—o" \ HALL BATH“ i" 21mm" IHH 111mm ‘0 B CLO 5? '— 0" rl IL111 w : LlVI/‘IG AIYDIDl/"1l/“l(; \ '0 Q ~Room . J CHAMBER 'u L\ . \ ‘3‘ 40' é" /5'—o" Plan No. 162 This cement pl 1stere room and dining room will be about SBSMHH) Cost OI plans $14.00. Bill of materials 80400. F'I R 5T EDTO RY. 201 C115 me‘r farce/10 $TORY Panh’, ‘ , , w F-lm\1 ;‘_ ...,. H Dining room 13‘: ///l'/D°Wh ‘\ ii [i 'yH-II / q ; ' l , I 1:4 up L. - ‘- V , , . Hal ‘ i I I . i 1 ‘ leVd'V il- ; . r‘inor Vanbm I Farah Fifiis’r SJTOF-tY 3%: :2:1E: This two story house with full basement and large attic, FRO/~17 i’LE’VATIO/‘i Plan No. 146 cement foundation, first story sided with wood siding and the second story cement plaster, cement or asbestos roof shingles, cement porch, 10 ft. porch in front and an 8x8ft. porch in the rear, hot water heating plant, finished in yellow pine or birch-except the living room, dining room, library, vestibule and first floor hall, can be built for about $4200.00. front and 30 feet deep. Cost of plans $18.00. Bill cf materials $9.00. 202 Building is 34 feet in Ill U ‘ q Clo: Ciiamhc‘r SECOAD 537'on E 9 . B 2. 'I .' N D I‘m-K Chamber DOW|1 Hall / \y ‘ “V“: III-[.- 5105 a Ciwambzr Chemise? (to: — __ .— Ill r "P" Dmmg Yoonw Earlor V: s l". chh FIR 3T STORY FRO/Tl" ELEVATION. Plan No. 158 An eight room house with cellar under the whole house but no attic. The porch piers are built of brick, foundation wall cement and the outside either cement plaster or wood siding. You will notice that the second story extends over the first story porch. This building finished in oak and yellow pine, steam heat, modern plumbing, can be built for about 83800.00. Cost of plans $16.00. Bill of materials $8.00. 203 Chamba’ ball: nn J r Dawn ' Chamber scaf i (/05 Cbambcr Chamber \E/ EDE‘CO/‘ID STORY ‘REAR PORC n 0 ad. ‘Dco‘r mo Roan K'ITC HEP! "$5 Q 1 -N ,9 _, Ltvmc Poon Q .I ‘2 HALL a - a. FRONT ELEVATIOJ‘L Worn PORCH i? Poor «.93ch L 5ECOHD STORYTEAH. FRST STOK'Y PEA/1. Plan No. 144 A six room cottage with a large stair hull and bath room. The stairs to the second story are from the front stair hall with a closet underneath. The stairs to the basement are from the kitchen with a grade door. With cement block foundation, outside walls sided to the gables and the gables cement plaster, hard plaster inside, hot air furnace, modern plumbing, wood shingle roof, can be built for about $2100.00. ll V A Cost of plans $10.00. Bill of materials $5.00, a _ —: I it a . . . . _, , .n ' 1;. _— _. 204 View i 310: ELEVATION Pom; n !I <3 1h SPA/11 1" \ Lo. iBATH , .. , .. ' . 5 0 RH a I \\ ‘ cm: . - W Cup. '. ‘T n ‘ ‘ \ _ . I ~o . ” \ I plume Room 1 Dow, ‘t HALL , / UP , . To CHAMBER \ lllll cut. .fi‘ ‘_—" 7N - -= -- l w pOVC M R 00? 0V9 130ch 27 z) r Q I0 ..I _ \ § LIVING Room LIBRARY i ‘ CHAmBER ,g' 0’ [2 o" I | A I i if ' 0" L1 fib’l : — i4... __ - .— 'e 0 oo‘ 68 OO WST SECOND STORY EAA. STORY RAH. Plan No. 145 Here is :1 very convenient cottage iii feet front and ill) feet deer. The plan shows cobble stone foundation and porch piers, which can be changed to stone or cement if the Cobble stone can not be secured. The house is sided up to the gables and then plastered with cement. The living room and the library are divided by :1 eolonnade, the living room and dining room the same. \Yith common finish, steam heat, modern plumbing, cement porch and basement floors, this building can be built for Zth wut SBNHU (‘ox‘t of plans SHIN). Bill of materialx‘ $71M ?——- WEI «e'eflnsdg/t‘ Fri mm 1551 125-1, 205 From SIDE ELEVATION 32m" 7x7 Chamber 3 le/y 04>an I clo: <'“ CH} g A i E ' 1 g “ Livin, Rocrn I ' ' 22x14 I chamber. a chiml’oir L .Sidc, Elevation. . ' 1111/ l m - Frrsr STORY plan baconcl STORY TEAM, 9 Plan No. 117 A well arranged cottage with living room, vestibule, nook, dining room, kitchen and entry on the first floor; three bed rooms, bath room, four closets on the second floor. The front porch is 1() feet wide and the rear 8x12 feet. The house is finished on the outside with cement plaster, rough cast. \Vith yellow pine finish except the floors of the living room and dining _‘ , room, will he about $3000.00 including hot air furnace and modern plumbing. ' i' g f : Size of house Sioxffi‘.) feet on the ground. ' (‘om of plum; $513.00. Bill of material $3.00, Won ttlflavation. 206 Clo CLO Dmmo Ram LiVI/‘iG PGOM HALL Plan N o. 299 ‘\ brick veneered residence, finished in \'€U()\\‘ fine, with hard Wm“? _ BEDROOM Dawn , I b of “‘ " ‘ ‘ '~\' ‘ ~- 1' ‘ e..u .. ww-* , ATM REC}? HALL flu n , 11m rur hlIIIJLL and 111016111 plumnmg (m \ .Lm‘L >.,g(y()_ BEDRGDM SEWING l R” KITCHEN (UM Hf plans SUHHL Bill of mulerizd SSUH. SECOND KER JEAN 7.717 R Y FPST Kama? BAA n cellar jr'fi CIos. Krlc‘hen VP“ Chamber—2 ‘ VP: mi" L l Balk room. 0 Dmmg Room. Chambev- 1 "’5' meg Room” Veranda. f‘fRST STORV FLA” . .— Plan N o. 22 This bungalow, 3—]: ft. by 50 ft., with wood siding, concrete block foundation, wood shingle roof, hard wood floors and finish was built for 39-1000 complete. The living room extending clear acrOss the front of the building, with a large fireplace, makes it a very pleasant room. Two rooms are finished on the second floor. The ceilings are, basement, 8 ft., first, 9 ft., and the second story, 8 ft. Cost of plans with specifications complete $15.00. Bill of material $7.00. Hot air furnace and good plumbing. 208 CHAHBER Rou- l \ ”4“,,” Down ("AMBER ‘ lac: CHANGER TUE-corn: ETORY PL. AH . CVP- chhen. Panisry Tinned roof Plan N o. 3 The floor plans shown make a very convenient home, as can be seen by examining the arrangement of the floor plans. This house finished in yellow pine with hard wood floors, wood mantel, half pitch shingle roof, hot air furnace, good plumbing, grade door, attic floor, 8 ft. basement, 9 ft. first story and 8 ft. second story for 33800. The building is Bl ft. by 48 ft. Cost of plans 31.3.00. Bill of material $7.00, Dmmg room. Silimg “roowx. Balk room. Chamber Chamber uP Chamber Vcslllaule Fr 1: Story Plan Second Story Plan 1 s 209 BARN PLANS, GARAGES AND FARM BUILDINGS BAR/‘1 RAN n9 E :3. ____= fl§a=a __:. @ EH E E E E ELEVATION 'E—Efiq Barn Plan No. 301 ticks: STABLE l T Here is a well arranged barn for cows and horses, with a silo at the l ‘ end of the cow barn. The main barn is 38x60 feet and the cow barn the . 1 same size. The cost depends on the kind of material used for the outside ' of the building. “'rite for cost of building, stating the kind of material I AREA WAY i you intend using. ‘ F . Cost of plans as they are $20.00. Bill of materials 810.00. S. LO Cow STABLfis J I . MAR/1:55 __L _ t P .I—“ CRA m CRA m BOxS‘rALL Box STALL GROUND EM. 2H FRO/1T VIEW 212 Plan No. 302 Box STAL L CARRIAGE Ram fiRsT View? EA»: SECOND E42372 TEA/1 Barn Plan No. 302 This shows a cement block barn with reinforced cement caps and sills, cement floor, wood shingle roof. The flour plan is 24x32 feet. Cost of barn $2000.00. Cost of plans $8.00. Bill of materials $4.00. ALA d a 1.1112 SIDE VIEW ““"““““‘““""”""‘- 213 L-__fi___ _____ __._.___.—-_.__-.--.J CARRIAGE Room Barn Plan No. 311 This burn is 24x38 feet, solid cement four feet high, the rest of the barn is of wood siding and wood shingle roof. Cost of burn $1500.00. Cost of plans $10.00. Bill of materials $35.00. Box STA LL ““21 SECOND TECKDR PAN JTRST fixes BAN CONCRETE . l__ :2' o"—___—’ EASTER BARN. STALL _ BOX BTALL. Q STALL .w HARAESS W CARRIAGE Room C—fi’Al/‘I GROUND TEA/‘1 Barn Plan No. 321 A bum well arranged ZUXBZ feet, cement plaster, wood shingle roof, ELEVATION cement floor fur alumt Slzmlm Cost Hf plans 881M. Bill Hf materials $4.00. 215 BAR/1 TEAM H 9 HARNESS CARRIAGE Room 526' CFOUHD TEA/‘1 Barn Plan No. 327 This burn is 2(3x35 feet, solid cement walls 4 feet high and thc 1‘s; sided with wood shingle roof, cement floor. Cost about ~91200.0(). Cost of plans 558.00. Bill of materials $4.00. E. SE], O/‘I ELEV/mm 216 I Won T Vle Barn Plan No. 330 Tim lrcmniful burn 34x7“) for“. wmmu ;r1;1\1v:; $111811], floor. wood >hinglc rt “'1‘. (‘usL :Hmu: {<1 HNHHI. Um HI. Ivlanx‘ {\‘UHM, Bill wI‘ mum-rink $3M“. 217 TE NDER 5 POOH END VIEW OFFICE Brick Garage Plan N0. 335 This plan shuws 4L lu‘ivk Humgc SKIN! fu‘t, u‘mcnt flour. [Lu 1w: and gmvvl rmuf. (Rust almul $IUUUMH. L‘uxt Hf ylzms SIUUH. Hill «~[111411L‘1‘i41ls SEAN]. 218 N0. 341 No. 324 Plans Nos. 5533, $341 and 324 show different makes of fronts for Garages. If you will send usa (les— cription of What you want and the amount of money you want to spend, we will send you our prices for plans to suit you. 219 N0. 335 COW/1 CRIB CAPACITY 5000 BU. Q % % null!” 11E VAT! on GROUND TBA/1 Plan No. 343 This plan shows a corn crib built on concrete foundation and concu floor, wood shingle roof. Cost of plans $5.00. Bill of materials 5153.00. 220 fi' I Box STALL Bo x STA L L T‘rED HALI GROUND PAN 221 3 I131: VIEW Dairy Barn N0. 349 A well :erzmgetl lxn‘u with plenty of runm fur hay. The floor plzm i. 31 ft. by .39 ft, \Vritv {Hr lll‘lk‘CS, stating the kinrl Hf mutvriul that, yuu want I‘nc lmm lmilt (mt Ml“ (,‘ust Hf plmw S‘lJJNL Bill nl‘ mutvriuk $9.1M CATTLE SHED MACH WT: SHED Box 3mm. fi F I A ~ — GROUND FEAm ‘ HORSE STALLS 222 if “II-i I 5:131“: VIEW Barn Plan No. 351 ¥ IE ”HEP END VIEW SECTIOAAL VIEW Barn Plan No. 351 In this plan we show the firxt Ilrmr, end and side View and sectional Views showing the construction of the frame— work. The size (If the floor plan is 00x70 feet. Cost of plans $20.00. Bill of materials $10.00.. L_ _-e _ - --_,____ _ _ _ --_-_____-_______-___-__________._ _ - ____. _..._._J VIEW snowmo COHSTR ucr 10/1 223 /\/ \, / \ g / \ /é \ /_ \m [17,: __ 711.12:ij TIC—f... ZZZ-.LTL'; TEL—.7: :2: L‘:.'".‘.'. '_"_'.'_ '_:L I: I; L: 11;. -'_. ‘_"“:";_IL:"_‘_‘_‘:_'L‘LT_T_‘ :Z'Z_':_JJ SECTION THROUGH CENTER Barn Plan No. 351 224 MISCELLANEOUS BUILDINGS BED Foo M BED Room SECOND E007? TEA/‘1 Plari No. 147 First and second floor plans without an clevzuiwzi for it five roum 1w?) s1 :ihuut Sjlwtuitm with siui‘y residence. The Hour plan is 22x38 fccp (.3 yvllnw pine finish. (~51 mi plums $8.00. Bill Hf materials SUN). 225 STOP}? Pam H2 I STOPE Pam H9 2 DISPLAY WI/‘IDOW DISDLA Y DWI/mo w fiR’ST STOPY EA/‘I EILET PGDM JA/‘I ITORS PM 326 ‘ oI I .4 A Or-I’Icr: on OFF-ICE S = _ = WOMLNS G — _ TOILET , — TEL Mm = ’ _ _ TOILET =- rm: E -‘ . _- CL° OFFICE éup ‘ . JM‘TOR’ LANDING ROOM __ OFFICE- 24 {'Down HALL CLO , CLO. OFF—ICE OFT—ICE OFT- I (:7: TEL. TEL. OFF-ICE Or—PICE OFFI CE — — — —_ E'i'i SECOND STORY JEAN UP“ , . mu3lC‘dl‘lS g¢LLE$ :properlg WOme n Tot le 1 V35 T- DODm 79-? "est LODGE HA L L TH mD STODY PAN pQODEDT T 12 m 227 The store building, shown on pages 330 Ltnll 227, was built ill a cost of $26,000.00, including it store room in the basement Sllxlfi feet, two cellar rooms and a furnace room; the coal room is untler the sidewalk. There are prism lights in the walk next to the building to give tultlitional light in the basement store room. Modern plumbing, steam heat, electric wiring, tin roof, hard plaster, oak finish, tile floors in corridors and toilet rooms, all stairs iron, steel ceiling in lodge hall, pressed brick front, steel trusses over lodge hall. Plans will be made to suit the owner for any kind of at store building at 1,143 m of the estimate cost of the building. SZZ WJA__A ._x_ "[1 :1. [In I 1‘ l ' r l 1 l l ‘1’ 1 . . n x x l x l J I I I I 1 (7??? I 'l'llllllflllllllll"1""qu {3} ‘ (I ~ . y/fl/WW—‘I M ’/ 4521/“ é? {35% I‘ f‘ : M ¢> 5:54 ( V. '53 1/ 3‘ :3 /uumum _ _. I}; :émmmml \ If 95- m . <43. :/7 (,1 ‘ ‘ w. i . \ - (£3 .- / r j v‘ t};1/§ \h 337*. f/ "9 b‘»-4 /\ ' l '1'], V5 ‘2 ; ('4‘ § _ I,tr/.I/ ’ - ' 1 " § - 5‘-~x:!::::::::::;:::'::'“'1'"LL—"Erag / i ; f ‘f _ ,er _ ~ E u _. 759% /’ § . E: I,ugunfiuuuhliinggg)r3 , / 1 'r (W § > %Mirannuumuugg-J‘ i 'p 76 § § Imgpuuuwu— m E Q t , § ‘ Aflnwmwgfi él ' I i; If? \ a7!!l!IwIIH—_‘fiagj / . ., '. 12’ , ., s Admm'ifiifi’“ ,, 9" 7‘ " ":23 J ' 1" 71 [fig __ . ,. \ ,4 N0. 2 _-L_ l | I | | — 4 : JL- — ..__..__._.___¢.___ 1 ._.__._.___._._.. _.__.__ n I . L__ __ l i SWVNG TRANSOM ~—.———- -——————4 *r-—--——“—‘ WOOD CASING PmsMs ________ 4,. «Lu—“n-4— i ._._.-——._.____.‘L.- _, SECTION N0. 3 The Plan No. 4 shows a double store front with a stairway in the center to the You will notice that the store entrances are at the side. second floor. 0 Plans Nos. 2, 3 and 4 show floor plans and elevations of store fronts. Plan No. 3 shows a center entrance with a store front on the first and second story having plate glass with small prism lights over the plate. cornice above the front shows an ornamental cast iron plate with a cast shows a deep center entrance with a stairway taken off of one side. iron mould. Plan No. v 0 Z —~H‘.— ——4i-———-——— DQEOU L0 COT—you” \\ \ m /l gha/l . t , \ 05185 aok Mzmfia I +—————————a~ macror§>§Si‘5 No. «3 ()n pages L332 (Ulil 3333 :tt‘t' shuwn the interior \‘iews Hf Plan NH. ll. NH. 1 shmws A \‘ie\‘»‘ Hf the third llnur Hr liilliurrl rnum‘ NH. '3 Hf l)C‘l romn an seetmd lluwr with (t dressingy rrmm, l;t\':;~ turyhnd lurgemirrm‘s tn the left. Xu. 5} shunts the dining rumi‘. with sidelmztrd and door to kitehen, ztlsu shows the plastered beam eeiling. This picture was taken lief-“re the lighting fixtures Were put in plate. No 4 shows Ll. \'lC\\' (if the living room and library with it eulonnttde between them instead of sliding doors as marked on the plans. Nu .3 gives IL View ()f the gas grate and mzmtle (m the set-0nd floor and N0. U gives 8. View Of the front stairs to the seewnd floor, 23.3 10\\'H two imcrim‘ \‘Inn‘wnvs wi 9 ‘11‘0 s} ‘1‘" mix’; 11 On 234 ()n this page we show fmur different Views of single residenees, View 381 shows 2t six rtmm house, eost uhont SillHHHl. View 392, :i nine 1‘00111 residence, eost about SSSHUMU. View ‘ 3; {L11 eight room cement plaster house, Cwst about $5000.00. View 287% at ,seven mum frame, eost about KISZUIHN). “'rite fur Ilnmr plans and cost of plans. XL). 283 7 285 No. 287 On this page, we show fuur mm‘c \‘iCVVS of houses. No. 383 shows 21 View of :1 (inuhle house, seven rooms uh «(uh side, (0&1 :0)qu 95320000. No. 2W3 shows :1 Six room frame, cost about $3200.00. N0. 287 1111 eight room brick, cost about 555000.00. No. 288, (m eight room frame, v0.91 about $4000.00. \Vrite for floor plans and, c051 of plums. 236 No. 280 No, 298 On this page we show the raising of a steel smoke stack 70 feet high and 4 feet across. “'6 make plans for all kinds of factory buildings on a per- centage basis. We also make plzms for brick and conct ate smoke stacks. Let us know your wzmts. 237 KlTCHEH . ' Plan No. 296 Shows floor plans of an eight room house and bath, with modern plumbing, hot air furnace and yellow pine finish for about $4000. I Cost of plans $12.00. Bill of material $6.00. DmmoFM LJVINC- Room SECOND TLooR RAH 238 Roof Fanlrf / \ Plan No. 35 ‘ Dmma Room. . . . , . ‘ CHAMBER This floor plan, 24 ft. bV 32 ft., is one that 15 built qmte Irequentlv, . - . .- CnAnseR 'l hree good rooms on the first floor and three good SIZCd rooms and sewing KITCHEI‘I room on the second floor, with hot air furnace and good plumbing, )‘Cllnv.’ pine finish. This house can be built for $2500. ‘ Cost, of plans $12.00. Bill of material $0.00. (“105' BATH Room. 0 U 5’05. clos, I 1 Down -- cl as , CHAMBER RECF. HALL SEWING ROOM . )R’oof. Second Story Plan First Story Plan 239 WHEN YOU BUILD YOU WILL NEED WORKING PLANS ANO SPECIFICATIONS By special arrangement with the author we will furnish the plans shown in this book, complete with specifications, at the prices named in the book. These prices range from $5.00 to $25.00 according to the estimate cost of the building. A complete bill of materials will also be furnished for the prices named. WILL SAVE YOU MONEY No matter what kind of a building you may be going to erect—Residence, Club-House, Public Hall, Church, School House, Barn, etc., you can not proceed intelligently without a carefully prepared set of plans. These will save you time and avoid a lot of irritating annoyance. DESCRIPTION OF PLANS All plans are drawn to a scale of one-quarter of an inch to the foot. A set of plans consist of: basement and floor plans, front, rear and side elevations, construction of roof, sectional view and detail drawings. Every point is thoroughly covered so that any workman of ordinary intelligence may erect a building without any special assistance from a superintendent thus saving the expense of a superintendent. Remember you will get four complete sets of blueprints and specifications with each order for plans. The bill-of—materials gives the dimensions, quantity and grade of materials that is required to complete the building. CHANGES MADE IN PLANS Any of the plans shown can be reversed without any extra charge to you. Should you like the floor plans of one building and the roof plans of another we will make the desired change at a very low cost. Should you desire any change in the floor plans let us know the changes you would like to have made and we will let you know the cost of making the change. Read carefully on pages five and six of this book. KINDS OF BUILDING MATERIALS Any of the plans shown in the book can be adapted to various kinds of construction such as cement, concrete, plastered, brick-venered, solid brick or frame. Let us know which you prefer and we will send you the kind you want. When ordering plans also mention the kind of interior finish you want. HOW TO GET THE PLANS Look over the book carefully, and select the one that suits you best. Order by number as given in the book, and enclose postal, or express money order, or bank draft for the amount named for the plan you wish. Remit to CHARLES C. THOMPSON CO., Architectural Department, 1126 S. Wabash Ave., Chicago and the plans will be forwarded to you at once. We also give special attention to drawing plans for Business Blocks, Public Halls, Club Houses, School Houses. etc. Write us for prices. We can save you money. . ,' ' 1, . u} ~11. 1.5 {3323' , . , . ¥ -\ K ‘ ‘1 .' 2 A" i 9 Y: . g; 2-. , $2,; a if?! ‘ 1' 3;}. v - ~. . ,é‘gw, {m 'm 2 . -- v,‘ ' 2 . fl. . 32:" ,, W” ‘33; gig... $53: . , #41; 22.42.2222; f $12: 2222252 23222;; ‘ ham 1 32 '2? @2523’2‘23’3 52‘2“ 243,222» @225: 2’3“”?! ' ’ 25’ "‘3 2 ' ’. '2: v: "2 3‘ a” We 2/»: 2» I 23%,. 2 u. H “22,5 "iiiJ’ifiéyi’i’W? 2%;42’2: ~’?33:5"£’ ’ 29553;? ,= 22:21.?» - ‘1; {553224, 222214. H22 2,2 2212.422 222322 2- *‘ :21 22:22:22, 2:22; ’3 , WW; as’uuia’k L2"). m; ' 572;.» 'fi/Vfi’ -' ‘r ’2 ’2‘» "’2 '. ' ‘ 1'2’ _~2{€¢;§"2’, .2 “hf win/n ? 2, 2-,»: 1 {1222: 713.4% M I, ’5 .u: ,9, ,2 2;, “gm; 2,24,1st 2 2 n. . ,2, w,”- my 1’ 2 WW1» » 2,222 '2 ’ 2‘: i 2 ""“i '1’” 5, y:."r23’232’-221>2»-4 ’ s”,f’"h ’1 Jx’ ”‘3’“! tune-“i“dmm 5413(5): X . ’7, .v, 2:. "2222222 «22:2 2122222222" 2222222522 2:222» M :wmri 222.2222“; 2. .222 4 fl ' 1- ~ “ml ’11:"! 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