THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA PRESENTED BY PROF. CHARLES A. KOEOID AND MRS. PRUDENCE W. KOFOID THE BOTANIST’S MANUAL. A CATALOGUE OF HARDY, EXOTIC AND INDIGENOUS 1911mm, ARRANGED ACCORDING TO THEIR RESPECTIVE JIONTHS OF FLOWERL‘VG; AND MORE PARTICULARLY ADAPTED TO THE SERVICE OF THOSE WHO CULTIVATE THEIR OWN GARDENS mm PLEASURE—GROUNDS. COBIPILED AND ARRANGED BY RICHARD MORRIS, “rt—w SURVEYOR, LANDSCAPE GARDENER AND PLANTER. L 0 N D 0 N .- PRINTED FOR THE AUTHOR, Aw swLD BY J. HARDING, 32 ST. JAMEs’s-snwyr; sumwoon, JONES, AND co., pATEuxOSI'En-Row; w. woon, 428 STRAND, MR. LEE, NURSERYMAN, HAMMERSMITII; AND THE AU'I‘HOL, 41 VIxcax'r SQUARE, WESTMINSTER. 1824 . mums» n RICHARD Hymn, sums-m2. PREFACE. THE increasing taste and inclination for the delightful science of Botany, more especially of Horticultural Botany, and the favourable reception which has been bestowed upon works relating to this subject, have en- couraged the Author to offer the present Catalogue; and he trusts that it will be found essentially useful, asit c0111- prises all the Hardy, Exotic and Indigenous Plants,——the names of which are arranged alphabetically, under their respective heads, in the Monthly Order of Flowering. Following the Generic Name are-the Classes and Orders ; and after each Specific Name are enumerated the Native Country, the Height of Growth, and the Colour of the Flower; particulars, it is presumed, not unworthy the no- tice of the Horticulturist. The intention of the Compiler, 1n adopting the present arrangement, was to produce a work calculated for the use of that very numerous class of readers who are in the habit of attending to the cultivation of their own Gardens and Pleasure Grounds : to these the work now produced offers very great facilities; and the want of something of the kind has long been felt and regretted by all who are ac- quainted with the subject. RULES FOR. THE PRONUNCIATION OF BOTANlC NAMES. __+_ A vowel preceding two consonants is long, as discolor. _ Ch is pronounced K, as Chelone, Chalepensis. Diphthongs are long, as lae‘vigata. e final is pronounced full, as Glycené. A vowel preceding another is generally short, as Fumari’a. Words ending in ades or ides have the last syllable but one long, as Daphnoides. The vowel in the last syllable but one is long in all the gen- ders of the following words, and in all words ending in the like terminations. but short in articuléris, collinus, ditlfisus, dentatus, hirsfitus, montanus, odorus, nivalis, spinosus, tetragonus ; aquaticus, gracilis, helastomus, maritimus, oppositus, pendfilns, piluliférus, rigidus, viridis. HARDY DECIDUOUS TREES. —__..___. FEBRUARY AND MARCH. Linnean Name. Englisk Name. Country. Height. Colour. CORNUS, CHERRY, cl. 4. or. 1. Feet. mascula, Cornelian. Austria. 20 white. NIARCH AND APRIL. CORYLUS, HAZEL~NUT TREE. cl. 21. 0rd. 7. americana, American. N. America. 10 yellowish. avellana, common. Britain. 15 yellow. colurna, Constantinople. Turkey. 10 yellowish. rostrata, cuckold. N. America. 8 tubulosa, Lambert’s. S. of Europe. -— PINUS, FIR-TREE. cl. 21. or. 8. Larix, common Larch. Alps. 50 brown POPULUS, l’OPLAR. cl. 22. or. 8. alba, white. Britain. 40 —— angulata, Carolina. Carolina. — —-— balsamifera, Tacamahac. N. America. -— —— candicans, heart-leaved. Canada. 20 —— canescens, hoary. Britain. 20 -—— dilatata, Lombardy. Italy. ' 40 -— graeca, Athenian. Archipelago. — —- lzevigata, smooth. N. America. 30 -—- monilifera, Canada. Canada. — —-— nigra, black. Britain. -— —— tremula, trembling. 5O — trepidu, American. N. America. 30 -— SALIX, WILLOW, cl. 22. or. 2. alba, white. Britain. 40 yellow SAMBUCUS, ELDER. cl. 5. or. 3. nigra, common. Britain. 12 white var. green-, white— and red-berried. APRIL AND MAY. ACER, MAPLE. cl. 23. or. 1. montanum, mountain. N. America. 20 yellow. B Q. HARDY DECIDUOUS TREES. N eguudo, Virginian ash-lea. N. America. 5th.yellow. Pseudo-platanus,Sycamore. Britain. —- var. with variegated leaves. rubrum, scarlet-flowered. N. America. 20 red. tar. Sir C. Wuger’s. AMYGDALUS, ALMOND. cl. 12. or. 1. communis, common. Barbary. 20 pink. orientalis, Eastern or silver-leav. Levant. 15 persica, peach-tree. Persia. 20 ~— var. double-flowered. CELTIS; NETTLE—TREE. cl. 23. 0rd. 1. occidentalis, American. Virginia. 40 white. CUPRESSUS, CYPRESS. cl. 21..ord. 8. disticha, deciduous. N. America. 30 yellow. FAGUS, CHESN UT. cl. 21. 0rd. 7. sylvatica, common Beech. Britain. 50 —— var. with striped and purple leaves. FOTHERGILLA, FOTHERGILLA. cl. 13. 0rd. 2. alnifolia, broad—leaved. N. America. 20 white. JUGLANS, WALNUT, or Hickery. cl. 21. or. 7. alba, white. N. America. 30 —-—— amara, bitter. —— —- — angustifolia, narrow—leaved. —— ——- cinerea, ash-coloured. —————- — — compressa, flat-fruited. — -—- hispida, hispid. —— —— glabra, smooth. — —- lyrata, lyre-leaved. -- -—- minima, least. —- -— nigra, black. ——-— — obcordata, obcordated. — -———— oblonga, oblong-fruited. -— —— olivaeformis, Illinois. —- -—- pubescens, pubescent. — —— LAURUS, BAY. cl. 9. 0rd. 1. aestivalis, willow-leaved. 15 —— Benzoin, com. Benjamin. Virginia. -— LIQUIDAMBAR, LIQUIDAMBAR, or Sweet-gum. cl. 2]. 0rd. 7. imberbe, Eastern. Levant. 30 styraciflua, maple-leaved. N. America. — yellowislpr. NYSSA, TULEPO. cl. 23. 0rd. 2. integrifolia, mountain. N. America. 30 denticulata, water. ————-— 80 PISTACIA, PISTACIA. cl. 22. 0rd. 5. officinalis. common. Levant. 20 whitish. PLATANUS, PLANE. cl. 21. 0rd. 7. acerifolia, Spanish. Levant. 50 white. cuneata, wedge-leaved. — — occidentalis, American. N. America. 60 —— var. IlIaple-leaved. HARDY DECIDUOUS TREES. L9 orientalis, Oriental. Asia. 49ft. white. var. Spanish waved-leaved. POPULUS, POPLAR. cl. 22. 0rd. 8. heterophylla, various-leaved. N. America. 20 PRUNUS, CHERRY. cl. 12. or. 1. avium, wild. Britain. 50 canadensis, Canadian bird. Canada. Mahaleb, perfumed. Germany. - nigra, Canadian black. Canada. 20 Padus, common Bird. Britain. 30 PYRUS, PYRUS. cl. 12. or. 5. baccata, small-fruited. Siberia. 15 Malus, common Apple. Britain. 20 Pollveria, woolly-leaved. Germany. 15 QUERCUS, OAK. cl. 21. or. 7. Robur, common. Britain. 60 var. sessilcfruited and dwarf silver-striped. SALIX, WILLOW. cl. 22. or. 2. . amygdalina, broad- or almond-lea. Britain. 30 babylonica, weeping. Levant. 4O caprea, round-leaved. Britain. 30 var. silver-striped. cinerea, cinereous-leaved. 15 fragilis, crack. — hastata, halbert—leaved. Lapland. —— Helix, Rose. Britain. 10 lanata, woolly-leaved. Switzerland. — pentandra, sweet, or bay-lea. Britain. — vitellina, yellow. 15 SAMBUCUS, ELDER. cl. 5. or. 3. racemosa, red-berried mountain. S. of Europe. 10 ULMUS, ELM. cl. 5. or. 2. americana, American. N. America. 40 var. red, white and drooping. campestris, common. Britain. 80 glabra, smooth. 3O montana, \Vych. 40 var. smooth leaned. nemoralis, hornbeam—leaved. N. America. - pumila, dwarf. Siberia. 10 suberosa, Dutch. Britain. 40 MAY AND JUNE. ACER, MAPLE. cl. 23. or. 1. campestre, common, or small. Britain. 25 creticum, Cretan. Levant. 20 dasycarpium, scarlet. N. America. 25 heteropliyllum, evergreen. Levant. monspessulanum,Montpelier. S. of France. 20 B 2 brown. white. brownish. brown. brownish. brown. white. yellow. white. 4 HARDY DECIDUOUS TREES. nigrum, black Sugar. pennsylvanicum,Pennsylvanian. platanoides, Norway, Europe. vanjagged-leuved and variegated. N. America. saccharinum, American Sugar. N. America. tartaricum, Tartarian. Tartary. IESCULUS, CHESNUT. cl. 7. 0r. 1. Hippocastanum, common Horse. N. of Asia. war. with yellow- and white-striped leaves. flava, yellow-flowered. N. Carolina. variegata, variegated. S. Carolina. BETULA, BIRCH-TREE. cl. 21. or. 7. excelsa, tall. N. America. CARPINUS, HORNBEAM. cl. 21. or. 7. Betulus, common. Britain. 'var. cut-leaved and gold-striped. ostrya, hop. Italy. virginiana, flowering. Vir inia. CASTANEA, CHESNUT-TREE. cl. 21. or. 7. pumila, Chinquapin, or dwarf. N. America. CELTIS, NETTLE-TREE. cl. 23. or. 1. australis, European. S. of Europe. orientalis, Oriental. Levant. CERCIS, JUDAS. cl. 10. or. 1. canadensis, Canada. N. America. Siliquastrum, common. S. of Europe. CRATjEGUS, BEAM. Cl. 12. or. 2. Aria, white. Britain. torminalis, wild service. CYTISUS, CYTISUS. cl. 17. or. 4. Laburnum, Laburnum. Switzerland. EUONYMUS, SPIN DLE-TREE. cl. 5. or. 1. europazus, common. Britain. FAGUS, CHESNUT. cl. 21. or. 7. castanea, common,or sweet. Britain. 'var. gold-striped. ferruginea, rusty-leaved. N. America. FRAXINUS, ASH. cl. 23. or. 2. americana, American. N. America. there are several varieties oft/(is. excelsior, common. Britain. juglandifolia, walnut-leaved. lenticifolia, lentiscus-leaved. Aleppo. Ornus, flowering. Italy. pubescens, black American. N. America. rotundifolia, Manna. Italy. sambucifolia, elder-leaved. N. America. simplicifolia, one-leaved. Britain. JUGLANS, \VALNUT. cl. 21. or. 7. regia, Persia. COHIIIIOD. yellow. 15/}.— 40 —— — red. 20 50 white. 30 yellow. 25 50 white. 60 yellow. 20 3O —— 14 40 12 yellow. 14 white. 20 red. 25 white. 40 20 yellow. 20 white. 70 white. 20 yellow. 70 —— 1 5 white. 30 yellow. 50 white. HARDY DECIDUOUS TREES. 5 LAURUS, BAY. cl. 9. or. 1. Sassafras, ‘ Sassafras. N. America. 1th.yellowish~gr. MAGNOLIA, MAGNOLIA. cl. 13. or. 7. acuminata, blue. N. America. 30 green. tripetala, Umbrella. 20 white. NYSSA, TUPELO. cl. 23. or. 2. biflora, Water. candicans, hoary. villosa, many—flowered. —— OSTRYA, HOP HORNBEAM-TREE. cl. 21. or. 7. virginiana, Virginian. N. America. 80 vulgaris, common. 20 purplish. PINUS, PINE, or Fir-Tree. cl. 21. or. 7. pendula, black Larch. N. America. 25 microcarpa, red Larch. -- PLANERA, WITCH-ELM. cl. 23. or. 1. a uatica, \Vater. Carolina. PRUN US, CHERRY. cl. 12. or. 1. pennsylvanica,Pennsylvanian,orupright. N.Amer. 30 white. rubra, Cornish, or red. Virginia. —- —-— virginiaua, comm. American Bird. N. America. — —— PYRUS, CRAB. CI. 12. or. 5. coronaria, sweet-scented. N. America. 20 white. angustifolia, narrow—leaved. —-—— -— communis, common Pear. Britain. — —- war. double. nimlis, Alpine. Austria. 6 — var. double. prunifolia, Siberian Crab. Siberia. 20 red. salicifolia, willow-leaved. -- —- spectabilis, Chinese Apple. China. —- —— QUEKCUS, OAK. cl. 2]. or. 7. Egilops, greatprickly cupped. S. of Europe. yellow. alba, white. N. America. 40 aquatica, \Vater. —— — — Banisterii, Banister’s. candida, hoary white. —— — -—— cinerea, ash-coloured. —-——— Cerris, Turkey. S.of Europe. 50 ———- var. rough and narrow-leaned. ' discolor, downy—leaved.. N. America. light-green. elongnta, sickle-leaved. ——-—- 40 green. Esculus, Italian. S.of Europe. light-green. heterophylla, various-leaved. N. America. 40 yellow. imbricnria, tile-cupped. laurifolia, laurel-leaved. lyrata, lyre-leavcd. montana, mountain. ——- 40 green. nana, dwarf. ‘ nigra, black. ————-— 60 light-green. B3 6 HARDY DECIDUOUS TREES. palustris, marsh. N. America. 5th.gree . pedunculata, long peduncled. Britain. \ pubescens, Durmast. rubra, red. N. America. 40 -— war. Champion scarlet and lllountain Oak. sericea, silk—leaved. -——— stellata, star-formed. tinctoria, D er’s. —-— — — ROBINIA, ACACIA. cl. 17. or. 4. Pseud-Acacia, false, or Locust. N. America. 40 green. SALISBURIA, MAIDEN HAIR. cl. 2]. or. 7. adiantifolia, common. Japan. 20 yellow. SALIX, VVILLO\V. cl. 22. or. 2. triandra, long-leaved. Britain. 30 white. SORBUS, ASH. cl. 12. or. 3. aucuparia, mountain. Britain. 30 white. 'iomestica, Service-tree. 60 lrybrida, bastard Service. 40 — VIBURNUM, VIBURNUM. cl. 5. or. 3. Opulus, \Vater Elder. Britain. ‘10 white. ZANTHOXYLUM, TOOTH-ACHE. cl. 22. or. 5. Clava Herculis, common. N. America. 6 white. fraxineum, ash-leaved. — 10 JUNE AND JULY. ZESCULUS, CHESNUT. cl. 7. or. 1. Pavia, scarlet. S. Carolina. 25 red. ALNUS, ALDER. cl. 21. or. 4. glutinosa, common. Britain. 35 brown. undulata, wave—leaved. Canada. 30 BETULA, BIRCH. cl. 2]. or. 7. crispa, curled-leaved. Newfoundla. QO daurica, Siberian. Siberia. 30 white. incana, hoary, or silver-lea. Alder. Europe. 20 brownish gr. lenta, Canada. N. America. 60 Tar. paper-white and poplar-[cared odorata, odorii‘erous. Crimea. papyracea, paper. N. America. 30 populifolia, poplar-leaved. —-—-—— 40 serrulata, notch-leaved. -—~ 25 DIOSPYROS, DATE-PLUM. (‘1. 23. or. 2. Lotus, European. Italy. 20 white. villosa, villous. N. America. — virginiana, American,or Pishamin. -——- 15 — EUQNYMUS, SPIN DLE-TREE. cl. 5. or. 1. latifolius, broad-leaved. Europe. 25 —— GUILANDINA, BUN DUC. cl. 10. or. 1. dioica, hardy, or Canada Nicker. Indies. 30 HARDY DECIDUOUS TREES. GLEDITSCHIA, HONEY LOCUST-TREE. horrida, long-spined. N. America. 4th. KCELREUTERIA, K(ELREUTERIA. cl. 8. or. 1. paniculata, anicled. China. 20 MAGNOLIA, MAGNOLIA. cl. 13. or. 7 glauca, swamp. N. America. 15 MORUS, MULBERRY. cl. 21. or. 4. alba, white. China. 30 rubra, red. N. America. 40 tartarica, Tartarian. Tartary.15 PISTACIA, PISTACIA. cl. 22. or. 5. Terebinthus, ‘Turpentine. S. of Europe. 20 QUERCUS, OAK. cl. 21. or. 7. Phellos, willow—leaved. N. America. 60 var. long-, s/zurt- and various—leaved. Prinus, chesnut—leaved. _ Tar. broad- and long—leaved. RHAM\ US BUCKTHORN. cl 5. or. 1. Spina Christi, Syrian Christ’ sThgrn.Bnrbary. 10 Zizy phus, Jujubee. S. of Europe. 15 TILIA, LIME. cl. 13. or. 1. alba, white. N. America. 30 an1ericana,broad~leaved American. 40 europaea, common,or European. Britain. 50 var. large and small striped leaves. parviflora, red-twigged. pnbescens, pubescent Carolina. Carolina. 20 VIBURNUM, VIBURNUM. cl. 5. or. 3. lanata, wayfaring. Britain. 10 JULY AND AUGUST. fliSCULUS, HORSE-CHESN UT. cl. 7. or. 1. parviflora, small-flowered. 30 BETULA, BIRCH. cl. 21. or. 7. alha, common. Britain. nigra, black Virginian. N. America. 70 oblcngata, Turkey. S. of Europe 20 ELIEAGNUS, OLEASTER. cl. 4. or. 1. angustifolia, narrow-leaved. S. ofEurope. 20 FAGUS, CHESN UT. cl. 21 or. 7. pumila, dwm N. America. 12 GPLEDITSCHIA, GLE DITSCHIA. cl. 23. or. 2. 111011osperma, sinule-seeded. N. America. triacanthus, three-themed. —- 30 LIRIODENDRON, TULIP-TREE. cl. 13. or. 7. Tulipif‘era, common. 60 PUNICA, POMEGRANATE. cl. 12. or. 1. Granatum, common. S.of Europe. 18 war. double. cl. 23. or. 2. brown. white. white. reddish. greenish. yellow. greenish-w . yellow. green. red. 40 yellowish-hr. yellow. red. white. red. 8 HARDY DECIDUOUS TREES. SOPHORA, SOPHORA. cl. 10. or. 1. japonica, Japan. Japan. 3th. white. ~ STYRAX, STORAX. cl. 10. or. 1. oflicinale, officinal. Italy. 12 white. AUGUST AND SEPTEMBER. AILANTIIUS, AILANTHUS. glandulosa, Chinese. BIGNONIA, CATALPA. Catalpa, common. cl. 23. or. 1. China. cl. 14. or. 2. Carolina. ENGLISH INDEX, 25 yellow. 30 yellow. WITH REFERENCE TO THE GENERIC BOTANIC NAMES. Acacia S Gleditschia Alnus Alder 5 . . . . Betula. Apple ...... Pyrus. Ash ........ Fraxinus. Bay .......... Laurus. Beech ..... . Fagus. Benjamin . . . . Laurus. Birch ........ Betula. Bird-cherry . . Prunus. Castanea . . . . Fagus. Catalpa ...... Bignonia. Cerasus ...... Prunus. Cherry ...... Prunus. Chesnut Fagus. Chesnut, Horse, Esculus. Crab ........ Pyrus. Elder. ....... Sambucus. Elm ........ Ulmus. Fir .......... Pinus. Ginkgo ...... Salisburia. Hazel ........ Corvlus. Honey Locust-tree Gleiiitsehia. Hop-hornheam Oslrya. Hornbeam Carpinus. Judas ........ Cercis. Juj ube ...... Rhamnus. se 1 and Robinia. Laburnum. . . . Larch ........ Lime ........ Maple ...... Mulberry . . . . Nettle ...... Pishamin . . . Pomegranate . Sassafras . . . . Service ...... Service, wild,. Spindle-Tree . Sycamore . . . . 'l‘acamaliac . . Tooth-ache . . Tulip—tree. . . . Tupelo ...... Turpentine .. \Vitch-elm . . Walnut ...... Willow ...... VVater-Elder ) Wayfaring 5 see Cy tisus. Pinus. Tilia. Acer. Morus. Celtis. Elaeagnus. Quercus. Amygdalus. Pyrus. Diospyros. Punica. Laurus. Sorbus. Cratzegus. Euonymus. Acer. Populus. Zanthoxylum. Liriodendron. Nyssa. Pistacia. Planera. Juglans. Salix. Viburnum. HARDY EVERGREEN TREES. ——-.—-— FEBRUARY AND MARCH. Linncan Name. English Name. Country. Height. .Colour. TAXUS, YE\V. cl. 22. or. 9.. Feet. baccatn, common. Britain. 20 green. DIARCH AND APRIL. ARBUTUS, STRAVVBERRY-TREE. cl. 10. or. 1. Andrachne, Oriental. Levant. 15 white. APRIL AND MAY. ARBUTUS, STRAVVBERRY-TREE. cl. 10. or. 1. laurifolia, laurel-leaved. N. America. 20 white. BUXUS, BOX. cl. 21. or. 3. sempervirens, common. Britain. 12 green. 007'. narrow-leaned, dwarf, gold- and silver-striped. CUPRESSUS, CYPRESS. cl. 21. or. 8. thyoides, : Xiihtrfr-Cviitifiiieg: EN. America. 6 LAURUS, BAY. cl. 9. or. 1. nobiiis, common sweet. Italy. 20 white. PINUS, FIR. cl. 21. or. 8. A bies, Norway Spruce. Norway. 100 Pinastcr, Pinaster, or cluster-pine. S.ofEurope. 50 Strobus, Weymouth, or white pine. N. America. 50 MAY AND JUNE. CUPRESSUS, CYPRESS. CI. 21. or. 8. lusitanica, Portugal. Goa. QO sempervirens, evergreen. Crete. 30 ILIZX, HOLLY. cl. 4. 0r. 3. aquifolium, common. Britain. 30 white. car. yellow-berried, gold- and silver-edged, é‘c. opaca, Carolina. Carolina. 4 —— JUNIPERUS, JUNIPER. cl. 21. or. 13. hermudiana, Bermudas. Bermudas. 10 white. 10 HARDY EVERGREEN TREES. communis, common. Britain. 15ft. suecica, Swedish. ‘ N.of Europe. 10 thurifera, Spanish. S.of Europe. 20 virginiana, Virginian,orred Cedar. N. America. 30 PHILADELPHUS, NEW ZEALAND TEA-TREE. cl. 21. or. 1. aromaticus, sweet-scented. S.of Europe. 10 PINUS, FIR. cl. 21. or. 8. alba, white Spruce. N. America. balsamea, Balm of Gilead. -—.-——— banksiana, divaricated. Hudson’s Bay. canadensis, Hemlock Spruce. N. America. Cedrus, Cedar of Lebanon. M. Lebanus. 50 Cembra, Siberian Stone-pine.Switzerland. 20 halepensis, Aleppo Pine. Levant. —- inops, Jersey Pine. N. America. maritima, sea. S.of Europe. nigra, black Spruce. N. America. orientalis, Oriental. Levant. picea, silver. Germany. pinea, Stone-pine. S.of Europe. Pumilio, Mugho. Carniola. pungens, prickly-coned. N. America. resinosa, Amer. Pitch-pine. ——-—-— rigida, rigid. ————- rubra, red Spruce. Hudson'sBay. sylvestris, Wild,orScotchFir. Britain. 80 taeda, Frankincense—pine.N. America. variabilis, red—leaved. QUERCUS, OAK. cl. 21. or. 7. Ilex, evergreen,orHolm.S.of Europe. 40 virens, live. N. America. — THUJA, ARBOR VITIE. cl. 2]. or. 9. ‘ occidentalis, common. Canada. 30 var: striped-[caved and scented. orientalis, Chinese. China. —- JUNE AND JULY. MAGNOLIA, MAGNOLIA. cl. 13. or. 7. grandifiora, laurel-leaved. N. America. 25 QUERCUS, OAK. cl. 21. or. 7. coccifera, Kermes. S.of Europe. 14 coccinea, scarlet. N. America. gramuntia, holly-leaved evergreen. S.of Europe. 20 suber, cork-tree. ———- — JULY AND AUGUST. OLEA, OLIVE. cl. 2. or. 1. europzea, common. S.of Europe. 15 HARDY EVERGREEN TREES. ll ILEX, HOLLY. cl. 4. or. 8. Cassine, Dahoon. , Florida. 6ft. var. broad— and narrow—leavea’. vomitoria, : 23:33:: 3:523; : W. Florida. — SEPTEMBER AND OCTOBER. ARBUTUS, STRAWBERRY-TREE. cl. 10. or. 1. Unedo, common. Ireland. 20 white. var. doubley‘lowered. ENGLISH INDEX, Wl'I‘H REFERENCE TO GENERIC BOTANIC NAMES. Abies Fir ...... see Pinus. Holly .......... see Ilex. Alaternus ...... Rhamnus. Ilex,orevergreen Q Arbor-vitae Thuja. Oak .......... } ”ercus‘ Bay ............ Laurus. Oak .......... Quercus. Cedar of Lebanon Pinus. Strawberry-tree . Arbutus. Cork-tree ...... Quercus. Yew .......... Taxus. Fir ............ Pinus. AL. HARDY FRUIT TREES AND SHRUBS. -—+——— FEBRUARY AND MARCH. Linnean Name. English Name. Country. Height. Colour. CORNUS, DOG—VVOOD. cl. 4. or. 1. Feet. mascula, Cornelian Cherry. Austria. 8 white. MARCH AND APRIL. AMYGDALUS, ALMOND. cl. 12. or. 1. communis, common. Barbary. 15 pink. 'var. bitter and sweet. CORYLUS, HAZEL~NUT. cl. 2]. 0r. 7. avellana, common. Britain. 10 yellow. colurna, Byzantine. Turkey. —- rostrata, American cuckold. N. America. — brown. var. large cobnut and several others. PRUNUS, CHERRY-TREE. cl. 12. or. 1. armeniaca, common. Armenia. 15 white. RIBES, CURRANT. cl. 5. or. 1. Grossularia, rough-fruited. Britain. 5 yellow. saxatile, mountaingooseberry. Siberia. 3 SAMBUCUS, ELDER. cl. 5. or. 3. nigra, common. Britain. 15 white. var. green-, red- and white-buried. APRIL AND MAY. AMYGDALUS, ALMOND. cl. 1?. 0r. 1. persica, PeachéSzNectarine. Persia. 2 pink. BERBERIS, BARBERRY. cl. 6. or. 1. vulgaris, common. Britain. 6 yellow. our. common red and without seeds. JUGLANS, WALNUT. cl. 2]. or. 7. regia, common. Persia. 50 white. PRUNUS, CHERRY—TREE. cl. 12. or. 1. Cerasifera, Mirobalan Plum. N. America. 8 white. Cerasus, Cherry. Britain. 20 domestica, Plum. —- -— insititia, Bullace Plum. 15 -— spinosa, Sloe. HARDY FRUIT TREES AND SHRU BS. 13 PYRUS, PEAR. cl. 12. or. 4. communis, common. Britain. numerous varieties. Mnlus, Apple. numerous varieties. RIBES, CURRANT. cl. 5. or. 1. Diacautha, two-spined Gooseberry. Siberia. lloridum, American black. N. America. fragrans, fragrant. glandulosum, glandulous. - ' nigrum, black. Britain. oxyacantlioides,{ liaévzlggggélfigred i Germany. pctraeum, rock. Britain. reclinatum, procumbent Gooseberry.Germany. rubrum, common. spicatum,acid mountain gooseberry. Britain. triste, dark. Siberia. SAMBUCUS, ELDER. cl. 5. or. 3. racemnsa, red-berried. Germany. VACCINlUM. CRANBERRY. cl. 8. or. 1. Bilberry, Bleaberry, Myrtillus, 3 Whortle-berry, or Britain. Blackwort. red Bilberry, Vitis Idem, g \‘Vhortle-berry, or g Cowberry. great or marsh Bil- uliginosum, g berry, or Whortle- E Europe. berry. MAY AND JUNE. CELTIS, NETTLE—TREE. cl. 23. or. 1. australis, European,orLote. S.ofEurope. CRATZEGUS, HAWTHORN. cl. 12. or. 2. Azarolus,parsley-leaved,or Azarole. S. ofEurope. tonninalis, Wild-service. Europe. FAGUS, CHESNUI‘. cl. 21. or. 7. castanea, Spanish. Britain. MESPILUS, MESPILUS. cl. 1?. or. 4. Aniclancliier, Alpine. S.of Europe. tar. small- and blackfruited. PYRUS, PEAR. cl. 12. or. 4. Cydunia, Quince. Austria. prunil‘olia, Siberian crab. Siberia. RIBES, CURRANT. cl. 5. or. 1. alpinum, tastelessmountain. Britain. procumbens, trailing. Dauriu. C QthMhite. 4 pale yellow. —- white. -10 yellowish. 20 white. red. white. red. 15 white. 20 3 white. 14 HARDY FRUIT TREES AND SHRUBS. RUBUS, BRAMELE. cl. 12. or. 6. Chamaamorus, {Efgfigfiigg g Britain. white. Idaeus, Raspberry. many varieties. occidentalis, Virginian. N. America. —— SORBUS, SERVICE. cl. 12. or. 3. , domestica, true, or Sorh. Britain. Gqfl. var. a ple- and pear-shaped. VACCINIUM, CRANBERRY. cl. 8. or. I. ~ - ir - temm 4d - - hispidulum, ha y s . c g N. America. “lute. American. smooth-stemmed. macrocarpon, American -—— ()xycoccus, English Cranberry. Britain. ~——- 1 JUNE AND JULY. DIOSPYROS, DATE PLUM. cl. ‘23. or. 9. Lotus, European. S.ofEurope. QO virginiana, American. N. America. —- FICUS, F1 G-TREE. cl. 23. or. 3. Carica, common. S. of Europe. 15 green. ZlIr. Fox‘s th mentions ‘27 varieties. MESPILUS, MESPILUS. cl. 12. or. 4. germanica, Dutch Median Britain. 12 red. var. narrow- and braid—leafed. MORUS, MULBERRY. cl. 21. or. 4. nigra, common. Persia. 30 RUBUS, BEAM BLE. cl. 1?. or. 6. arcticus, dwarf crimson. N.of Europe. «E red. cmsius, Dewberry. Asia. white. canadensis, Canadian. Canada. corylifolius, hazel-leaved. Britain. —.——- odoratus, flowering. N. America. —- VITIS, VINE. cl. 5. or. 1. vinifera, common. Europe. green. var. ”2071670118. JULY AND AUGUST. OLEA, OLIVE. cl. 2. or. 1., europma, European. S. of Europe. PUNlCA, POMEGRANATE. cl. 12. or. 1. Granatum, common. S. of Europe. 6 red. RUBUS, BRAMBLE. CI. 12. or. 6. fruticosus, common. Britain. 6 white. SAMBUCUS, ELDER. cl. 5. 0r. 3. _ canadensis, Canadian. N. America. 10 yellownii 'HARDY FRUIT TREES AND SHRUBS. 15 AUGUST AND SEPTEMBER. ANNON‘A, glabra, trilubu, CUSTARD APPLE. smooth. trifid-fruited, or Papaw. N. America. cl. 13. or. 7. qut.greenish. SEPTEMBER AND OCTOBER. ARBUTU$ Unedo, STRAW BERRY-TREE. COlanH. Britain. ENGLISH INDEX, cl. 10. or. I. 20 white. WITH REFERENCE TO GENERIC BOTANIC NAMES. Apple. . . ....... see Pyrus. Apricot ........ Prunus. Bilberry. . . . . . . . Vaccimum. Blackberr ' and Brambie. i Rubus. Cherry ........ Prunus. (lliesnut ........ Fagus. (Lloudberry .. . . Rubus. Cranberry. . . . . . Vaccinium. Currant. ........ Ribes. Cydonia ........ Pyrus. Dewberry . . . . . . Rubus. E!der .......... Sambucus. Hazel-nut. Gooseberry . . . . Medlar ..... . . . Nectarine. . . . . . Peach ...... . . . . Pear . . . ....... Plum Pomegranate . . zFiibert and g Quince ....... . Raspberry ..... .. Service ........ Walnut ..... . . . Whortleberry . . C2 . see Corylus. Ribes. Mespilus. Amygdalus. Amygdalus. Pyrus. Prunus. Punica. Pyrus. Rubus. Crataagus. Juglans. Vaccinium. HARDY CLIMBING SHRUBS. _+_ FEBRUARY AND MARCH. Linnean Name. English Name. Country. Height. Colour. CLEMATIS, VIRGIN’S BO\VER. 61.13.0127. Feet. calycina, Minorca. Minorca. 8 MARCH AND APRIL. CLEMATIS, VIRGIN’S BOWER. cl. 13. or. 7. cirrhosa, evergreen. Spain. 8 pink. APRIL AND MAY. ATRAGENA, ATRAGENA. cl. 13. or. 7. [\VllltC‘. alpina, Austrian. Austria. 2 yellowish americana, American. America. 10 white. sihirica, Siberian. Siberia. — GLYCINE, GLYCIN‘E. cl. 17. or. 4. sem rvirens $ 'l‘rumpct,0rever- ) \T pe ’ l green scarlet. 5‘ ' NIAY AND JUNE. CELASTRUS, STAFF—TREE. cl. .5. or. 1. America. 10 scandcns, climbing. N. America. 10 “lnze. CLEMATIS, VIRGIN-’8 BOWER. cl. 13. or. 7. florida, large-flowered. Japan. 6 “liite. double var. JASMINUM, JASMINE. cl. 2. or. 1. revoluta, yellmv. China. 6 ~‘eliuw. LUNICERA, HONEYSUCKLE. cl. 5. or. 1. caprifulium, Italian. Britain. 7 “clluw. RUBUS, BRAMBLE. cl. 12. or. 5. laciniatus, jagged-leaved. ' 10 white. lucidus, shining. N. America. — pennsylvanicus, Pennsylvanian. Pennsylvania. 8 -— plicatus, platted. N. America. 6 —— purpureus, purple. -— -— — suberectus, red-t‘ruited. Britain. 10 —- trivialis, shining-leaved. N. America. -— -—-— HARDY CLIMBING SHRUBS. JUNE AND JULY. ’4 AMPELOPSIS, AMPELOPSIS. bi pinnata, Pepper Vine. cl. 5. or. 1. N. America. C3 cord-.1111, heart-leaved. 15ft.white. hirsuta, hirsute. — -—— ARISTOLOCHIA, BRIGHTWORI‘. cl. 20. or. 5. Sipho, broad—leaved. N. America. 15 yellow. tomenrosa, tomentose. 10 IBIGNON[A, TRUMPET FLOWER. cl. 14. or. 2. radicans, rooting, or ash-leaved. N. America. 10 orange. sempervirens, evergreen. ———- — yellow. 2 CLEMATIS, VIRGIN’S BOVVER. cl. 13. or. 7. crispa, curled; N. America. 10 white. cylindricn, long-flowered. -—————- 10 flammula, sweet-scented. S.0fEurope. -— —— maritima, sea. —-——— 2 orientalis, Eastern. Levant. 8 yellow. pennsylvanica, Pennsylvanian. N. America. 10 \‘iorna, leather-flowered. — red. viruiniana, Virginian. —- Viticella. purple. Spain. -— purple. var. blue, red and double. 2 CONVOLVULUS, BINDWEED. cl. 5. 01:1. Dmycnium, shrubby Levant. l DECU MARIA DECUVIARIA. cl. 11. or. 1. sarmentosa, climbing. Carolina. ) GLYCINE, GLYCINE. cl. 17. or. 4. fi-utesccns, shrubby. Carolina. 6 yellow. iHEDERA, IVY. cl. 5. or. 1. 7 quinquefolia, : fiviggiel?‘8§é:;" I N. America. 15 ,. JASMINUM, JASMINE. cl. 2. 07. miicinalis, common white. China. 20 white. 1 LONICERA, HONEYSUCKLE. cl. 5. or. 1. llava, yellow. Carolina. 10 bright yell. japonica, Japan. Japan. 6 white&ycl. Periclymenium, 3 (ii/)iiiifigiiieor 31 Britain. 10 white. I MENISPELMUM, MOON-SEED. cl. 22. or. 12. canadensis, Canadian. Virginia. 12 : PASSIFLORA, PASSION FLOWER. cl. 16. or. 5. cx1ulea, common. Brazil. 15 blue. 'L‘ar. scarlet. I ROSA, ROSE. cl. 12. or. 6. Boursaut, Boursault. China. 8 red. grmillea, Grevillc’s. 10 ——-—- L SULANUM, NIGH'ISHADE. cl. 5. or. I. Dulcrvnara, woody, or Bitter-sw.eet Britain. 9 blue. 18 VITIS, blanda, labrusca, odoratissima, rotundifolia, vulpina, CLEMATIS, Vitalba, comn JASMINUM, fruticans, PERIPLOC A, grzeea. RHAMNUS, volubilis, ROSA, Banksize, liracteata, multiflora, semperrirens, snlplrurea, SMILAX, Bona nox, caduca, China, excelsa, laurifolia, lanceolata, peduncularis, pubera. rotundifolia, Sarsaparilla, Tamoides, ZIZYPHUS, volubilis, BIGNONIA, eapreulau, unguis, GLYCINE, Apios, II A RDY C LI MBI NG. SHRUBS.» VINE. cl. 5. or. 1. white Grape. N. America. downy-leaved. -————- Sweet-Scented. Bull Grape. Fox Grape. JULY AND AUGUST. VIRGIN’S BOWER. cl. 13. or. ion, or 'l‘raveller’stjoy. Britain. JASMINE. ('1. 2. or. 1. common yellow. S.ot'Europe. VIRGINIAN SILK. cl. 5. or. 2. Common. Syria. KHAMNUS. cl. 5. or. 1. twining. Calolina. ROSE. cl. 1‘3. or. 6. Lady Banks’s. China. Macartney. many-flowered. Japan. evergreen. Germany. double-yellmv. LL-rant. SM lLAX. cl. ‘22. or. 6. ciliatcd. N. America. deciduous. Canada. Chinese. China. tall. Syria. bay—leaved. Virginia. spear-leaved. N. America. peduncled. —— downy. round-leaved. Canada. 5 medicinal,orbar- } N. America. saparilla. 5 Mark Bryony-lea. ZIZYPUUS. cl. 5 or. 1. climbing. Carolina. lQ/‘Zgreen. H.“ 10 20 10 12 8 10 1‘2 7 8 8 AUGUST AND SEPTEMBER. TRUMPET-FLOWER. cl. 14.01‘. 2. four-leaved. N. America. four-flowered. W. Indies. GLYCINE. cl. 17. or. 4. tuberous-rooted.‘ Virginia. 10 6 10 pale green. white. yellow. white. white. red. u liite. yellmv. green. green. pale yellow. brown. HARDY CLIMBING SHRUBS. IQ SEPTEM BER AND OCTOBER. HEDERA, IVY. cl. 5. or. 1. , Helix, common. Britain. Qth. striped variety. ‘ SMILAX, SMILAX. cl. 22. or. 6. aspera, rough. S. of Europe. 7 green. ENGLISH INDEX, W‘ITI] REFERENCE TO THE GENERIC BOTANIC NAMES. Passion-flower see Passiflora. Rose ........ Rosa. StgFf-trec . . . . Celastrus. Trumpet-flower Bignonin. Bindwced .. . . see Convolvulus. Bramble . Rubus. Brightworc . . Aristolochia. Honeysuckle. . Lonicera. Ivy .......... Hedera. Virgin’s-bower Clematis. Jasmine ...... Jasnnnum. Virginian-sill; . Periploca. Moon-seed . . Memspermum. Vme . . ...... Vms. Night‘shade . . Solauum. HARDY DECIDUOUS SHRUBS. ___..__,. FEBRUARY AND MARCH. Linncun NI nme English Name. Country. Height. Colour. CALYCAN l HUS, ALLSPICE. cl. 12. or. 6. Fret. praecox, early-flowering. Japan. 8 dull yellow. CORNUS, DOGWOOD. cl. 4. or. 1. mascula (‘ 01 nelian Cherry. Austria. 5 yellmz . CORONILLA, CORONII LA. cl. 17. or. 4. valentina, small shrubby. Spain. — deopycllow DAPHNE, DAPHNE. cl. 8. or. 1. Mezereum, Mczereon. Europe. 4 IVIARCH AND APRIL. AMYGDALUS, ALMOND. cl. 12. or. 1. Hana, . common dwarf. Asia. 2 red. orientalis, silver-leavod. Levant. 10 pink. sibirica, Siberian. Siberia. 15 —-—— DIRCA, LEATH ERWOOD. cl. 8. or. 1. palnstris, marshy. N. America. 6 green. GENISTA, GENISTA. cl. 1?. or. 4. lusitanica, Portugal, or Broom. Britain. yellow. LEDUM, LEDUM. cl. 10. or. 1. buxifoliurn, box-leaved. Carolina. 1% white. LONICERA, HONEYSUCKLE. cl. 5. or. 1. nigra, black-berried upright. Switzerland. 3 yellow. « SALIX, WILLOW. rt. ‘22. or. 2. acuminata, long-lem‘edSallow. Britain. SAMBUCUS, ELDER-TREE. cl. 5. or. 8. nigra, common. Britain. 7 white: var. with green and white berries. SPAR I‘IUM, BROOM. cl. 17. or. 4. Scor pius, Scorpion. S. of Europe. 5 yellow. XAN lJ HORIIIZA, YELLOW-R00 T. (‘1. 5. or. 6. apiifolia, parsley -lemcd. N.America. 3 dullpurplc. APRIL AND MAY. BERBERIS, BERBERY. cl. 6. or. 1. altaica, Altaic. Siberia. HARDY DECIDUOUS SHRUBS. canadensis, Canadian. Canada. chinensis, Chinese. China. cretica, Cretan, or box-leaved. Crete. 3ft. yellow. daurica, dwarf. Siberia. 2 green. ilicifolia, holly-leaved. Terra del Fuego. sibirica, Siberian. Siberia. § yellow. vulgaris, common. Britain. 10 var. purple. and whilst/railed, Canada broad-leaned. BETULA, BIRCH. c1. 21. or. 7. nana, smooth dwarf. Britain. 3 purple. pumila, American, or hairy dwarf. N. America. 6 BROUSSON ETIA,’ BROUSSON ETIA. pa ifera, COM PTONIA, COM PTONIA. Paper Mulberry. Japan. cl. 21. or. 3. (‘1. 22. or. 4. asplenifolia, fern-leaved. N. America, 5 “hire. CORNUS, DOG\V()()D. cl. 4. or. 1. flullila, g1eat-—flowered,orVirginian. N. America. 7 white. CORONILLA, CORONILLA. £1.17. or. 4. Einerus, Siorpinn Senna. S. of Europe. 4 yellow. CRATEGUS, HAWTHORN. Cl. 12. or. 2. cocciuea, great American. Virginia. 8 scarlet. DAPHNE, DAPHNE. cl. 8. or. 1. nltaica, Altaic. Siberia. 4 white. Cncorum, trailing. Alps. 1 red. ' EMPETRUM, CROW, or Crakeberry. cl. 22. or. 3. album, white-fruited. Portugal. nigrom, black- fruited. N. ofEurope. 2 purple. FOIHERGILLA, FOTHERGILLA. cl. 13. or. ‘2. alnifolia, narrow-leaved. Carolina. 3 white. speciosa, large—flowered. N. America. (iliNIS'l'A, GENISTA. cl. 1?. or. 4. candicanS, : :23;¥’8§3§:§E : S. of Europe. 8 yellow. HALESIA, IlALESIA. cl. 1 1. or. I. diptera, two-winged seeded.Car0lina. 8 white. tetraptera, g g:%::;2i€:’e:r : Carolina. 10 white. HIPPOPHAE, SEA BUCKTUORN. cl. 9!. or. 3. canadensis, Canadian. Canada. 10 green. Rhamnoides, common. Europe. 8 sihirica, Siberian. Siberia. 4 green. ILILX, HOLLY. cl. 4. or. 3. prinoides, deciduous. N. America. 6 white. LAURUS, BAY. cl. 9. or. 1. zestiialiS, willo‘v-leared. N. America. 8 white. Diospyros, twiggy. Carolina. genicul: tta, geniculatcd. N. America. 1.51 DUM, LEDUM. cl. 10. or. 1. palustre, marsh. N.of Europe. 1% white. « <- «erglefi‘w‘ ' “axbfiw 2‘2. HARDY DECIDUOUS SHRUBS. LONICERA, HONEYSUCKLE. cl. 5. or. 1. caerulea, blue-herried upright. Switzerland. 5ft. tartarica, Tartarian upright. Russia. 4 MESPILUS, MESPILUS. cl. 12. or. 4. canadensis, snowy. Canada. 5 Cotoneaster, downy—leaved. Europe. 4 PlSTACIA, PISTACIA-TREE. cl. 22. or. 5. reticulata, net-leaved. Levant. Terehinthus, Turpentine. S. of Europe. trifolia, oflicinal. Levant. RHAMNUS, BUCKTHORN. cl. 5. or. 1. Frangula, berry-bearing Alder. Europe. 10 ’wHODORA, RHODORA, 0r Rosebay. canadensis, Canadian. Canada. 5 RIBES, CURRANT. cl. 5. or. 1. Cynosbati, prickly-fruited. Canada. gracile, slender. N. America. hirtellum, hairy. -———-—- rigens, hard. resinosum, clammy. ROBlNIA, ROBlNlA. cl. 17. or. 4. arenaria, Sand. Siberia. Altagana, Siberian. Caragana, Caragana. 20 inermis, smooth. frutescens, shrubby. -———— 10 jubata, bearded. —— Halodendron, Salt-tree. —— —- macrophylla, long-leaved. -—————- pygmaaa, dwarf. ——-——-— ’2 spinosa, spiny. _ 6 SALIX, WILLOW. cl. 2'2. or. 2. adscendens, dwarf. Britain. andersoniana, Anderson’s. 10 argentea, silvery. — arbuscula, little Tree. -—-——- l aurita, round-eared. ~——- 6 aquatica, Water. hicolor, two—coloured. candida, lmul‘y. Switzerland. carinata, keel-leaved. Britain. 4 czerulea, blue. 30 cotinifolia, Quince-leaved. 8 Cl'oweana, Crowe’s. '—~-——- 10 decipieus, Purslane. -—-— dicksoniana, Dickson's. —— 1 fissa, Basket ()sicr. —-———- ‘ forbyana, Basket. --——-——— fosteriana, Foster’s. —— yellow. red. white. pink. yellow. yellow. green. blueish g1 paleyello yellowish whitish. blucish. green. _— yellow. purplish yellow. purple. green. HARDY DECIDUO‘US SHRUBS. Q fusca, brown. Britain. [21. yellow. glauca, glaucous. yellowish. herbacea, least. ——-— é yellow. hirta, hairy. —— 15 green. lambertiana, Lambert’s. ———-— 6 malifolia, apple-leaved. -——— 4 mollissima, velvet. -——-—-- blueish. myricoides, gale-heaved. myrsinitis, whortlealeaved. 2 yellow. myrtilloides, bilberry-leaved. Sweden. nigricans, dark broad-leaved. Britain. 12 brownish. oleifolia, olive-leaved. 10 green. petiolaris, dark long-leaved. -—-- prostrata, prostrate. -—-—-— blueish. purviflora, small-flowered. ----—- phylicaefolia, tea-leaved. ———— green. pruuifolia, plum~leaved. —— 4 purpurea, bitter purple. — yellowish. repcns, creeping. 1 retusa, blunt-leaved. Italy. 1 rosmarinifolia, rosemary-leaved. Britain. 3 blueish gr. ruhra, green. France. rupestris, Roch. Britain. purplish. russellian a, Bed ford. - . yellow. septeutrionalis, northern. -———- sphacelata, withered-pointed. ——- purplish. stipularis, large-stipuled. 8 brownish. tenuifolia, thin-leaved. tristis, narrow-leaved. Pennsylvania. 4 green. violacea, violet. Russia. venulosa, veiny-leaved. Britain. 4 yellow viminalis, common Osier. Europe. 8 green. (SAMBUCUS, ELDER-TREE. (1.5 .ur. 3. racemosa, red-berried. S. of Europe. 10 white. SPARTIUM, BROOM. cl. 17. or. 4. Scoparium, common. Euxope. 6 yellow. ESPIRZEA, SPIRzEA. cl. 12. 07.5. crenata, I-au thorn-leave d. Spain SzSiheriaA red. hypericifolia, hypeiicum-lemed. N. America. 2 white. ESTAPHYLEA, BLADDER-NU]. cl. 5. or. 3. pinnata, fiv-e leaved. S. of Europe yellow. ?SYRINGA, LILAC. cl. 2.07.1. chinensis, Chinese. China. 8 purple. persica, ' Persian. Persia. 5 var. while- and cut-leaved. vulgaris, common. 18 —— 7707'. white. .VACCINIUM, WHORTLEBERRY. cl. 8. or. 1. angustifolium, narrow-leaved. Newfoundlandfl white buxifolium, box-leaved Bilberry. N.America. 1 -—— “-— 24 HARDY DECIDUOUS snnu BS. crassifoli'um, thick-leaved. N. America. 15ft. white. Myrtillus, common Bleaberry. Britain. 1 uligninosum, marsh Bilberry. MAY AND JUNE. AMORPHA, BASTARD INDIGO. cl. 1?. or. czerulea, blue. Carolina. emurginata, emarginate. N. America. fraticosa, shrubby. Carolina. AMYGDALUS, ALMOND. (‘1. 12. or. 1. pumila, double-flowered dwarf. Barbary. ANDROMEDA, ANDROMEDA. cl. 10. or. I. axillaris, axil-flowered. N. America. cassinefulia, cassinedeaved. ———- coriacea, ' thick-leaved. —— dabcecia, trailing. Ireland. floribunda, evergreen. N. America. frondosa, green. —— hypnoides, moss. Lapland. serratifolia, saw-leaved. N. America. A RTEMISIA, SOU'l‘llERNWOOD. cl. 19. or. arbrotanuni, common. S. of Europe. biennis, biennial. Spain. pilulifera, round-capsuled. 1\'. America. siversiana, Siver’s. Siberian. AS'I‘RAGALUS, M ILK-\’ETCH. cl. 2‘). or. 4. Tragacanthe, Goat's Thorn. S. of Europe. AZALEA, AZALEA. cl. 5. or. 1. calendulacea, orange-flowered. N. America. canescens, downy. nudifolia, naked-flowered. ——-—-——— many varieties. pontica, yellow-flowered. Pontas. procumbens, procumbent. Britain. _ viscoSa, viscid. N. America. many 'carieties. CALICANTHUS, ALLSPICE. cl. 11; 0r.6. floridus, Carolina. Carolina. COLUTEA, BLADDER SENNA. cl. 17. or. Pocockii, Pocock's. Levant. CORIARIA, CORIARIA. (I. 22. or. 10. myrtifolin, inyrtle-leaved. S. of Europe. CRATEEGUS, HAWTHORN. cl. 12. or. ‘2. arbutifolia, arbutus-leaved. California. Azarolus,parsley-leaved,orAzarole. S. of Europe. cordata, maple-leaved. N. America. cretica, Cretan. Crete. Crus gulli, cockspur. N. America. elliptica, oval~leaved. —— 2,1 4 . p.- cam-o: phi-F white. dark purp‘ red. green. white. reddiali. HARDY DECIDUOUS SHRUBS. 9.5 flava, yellow pear-berried. N. America. 6ft. glabra, smooth. China. — white. glandulosa, hollow-leaved. N. America. 8 intermedia, whitebeam. Sweden. —— -—-—- . odoratissima, sweet-scented. Crimea. 10 —-—— oxyacantha, comm. or White-thorn. Britain. -- parvifolia, gooseberry-leaved. Virginia. 6 punctala, great-fruitetl. N. America. — ear. with red and yellozvfruit. spatulata, spatula-leaved. N. America. 10 sangniuca, bloody. -——— 15 scarlet. tanacetifulia, tansy-leaved. Anatolia. 10 white. CYTISUS, CY'l‘ISUS. cl. 17. or. 4. biflorus, smooth. Hungary. 4 yellow. purpurens, purple. Austria. 1 purple. sessllil‘elius, common. S.of Europe. 7 yelp“. supinus, trailing. —— 1 DAPHNE, DAl’LlNE. c]. 8. or. 1. alpina, Alpine. S.of Europe. 3 ullite. EUONYMUS, SPINDLE-TREE. cl. 5. or. 1. atropurpureus, purple—(lowered. N. America. 6 purple. europzeus, common. Britain. 10 u hite. GEN ISTA, GENISTA. cl. 1?. 07'. 4. anglica, Petty-whim Britain. 1 yeliow. ' sagittalis, jointed, or Broom. Italy. 2 \' HELIOPHILA, HELIOI’HILA. cl. 15. or. Q. ‘ incana, hoary. ’ HIPPL’RIS, MARE’S-TAIL. cl. 1. or. 1. vulgaris, common. Britain. 15 purpliah. ' HUPEA, HOPEA. cl. 18. or. 3. montana, mountain. LAVANDULA, LAVENDER. cl. 14. or. 1. Stoeclias, French. S. of Europe. 3 blue. . LEDUM, LEDUM. cl. 10. or. 1. lutifolium, Labrador Tea. Greenland. 4 white. L= )NlC ERA, HON EYSUCKLE. cl. 5. or. 1. ' Alpigena, red—herrietl upright. S.0f Europe. 4 red. eapril'olia, Italian. .— LYCIUM, BOX-THORN. cl. 5. or. 1. barbarum, “illow-leaved. Asia. 5 red. car:-l':uiux1urn, Carolina. Carolina. europwum. European. S. of Europe. 6 purple. ruthenicum, Russian. Siberia. -— purplish gr. MESPILUS, MESPILUS. cl. 12. or. 4. arbutil'olia, arbutus«leaved. Virginia. 5 var. red, black, and zq/zitefruit. Amelanehier, Alpine. S.of Europe. 4 white. Chamx-Mcstiilus,basaurd Quince. Pyrenees. 7 red. germanica, com-.non. Britain. 15 white. grandillora, large-flowered. $.01" Europe. -— D UNCUT SPREAD VNCVT SP REA D 28. ACIIELLIA, MILFOIL. (1.19. tcnuifolia, sleiiricr-ieaved. AN DROMEDA , A N D ROM EDA. a rborea, racemosa, ASTRAGALUS, MILK- V F.'.1CU ‘ Armenian. ariszatus, Tr cc. shianchingr, or ) Il’eiinsylianian. 5 or. Q. Levant. cl. )0. or. 1. Virginia. N. America. Cl. 17. nr. 4. Armcnia. HARDY DECIDUOUS SHRUBS. U7.wixit€. 6 fruticosus, wuotly. Siberia. ‘A HALIA, ARALIA. cl. 5. 07'. 5. hispida, his id. N. America. ARISTULOCHIA,BRIGHT\VORT. cl. ‘20. or. 5. arbnrescens, ’l‘rcc. N. America. 2 BORYA, BORYA. (‘1. ‘22. 0.“. 2. ligustrina, privct—leaved. 1““)0i5. purulosa, Ainu‘ican. N. America. (‘ALYCANTHUS, ALLSPICE. cl. 1?. or. 6. fertilis, fertile. N. America. 6 (pcnnsylvanicus, Pcnnsyhanian. —— 8 (HIONAN 'IHUS. lRINGE—TREE. cl. 2. or. 1. iiruinica, V" II' 'inian. N. America.’ 4 (‘ IELHRA, CLEHIRA. cl. 10. 0731. acuminata, acuminatcd. N. America. 6 panicalata, paniclcd. —— 8 scabra, rough. —— 6 COLU I'EA. BLADDER SENNA. cl. 17. or. 1. arborcscens, common. QM)! lumpe. 12 cruenta, ()rientai. Levant. 8 frutescens, scarlet. Cape. 3 CORNUS, ~DOGWOOD. cl. 4. or. I. ailia, whiteberrieii. N. America. 6 circinata, round-leaved. —- — paniculata, New Iloiland. ———-— — sanguinea, cummun. Eurupe. 8 car. with striped lent-cs. sericca, blue—berried. N. America. 10 sibirica, Siberian. Siberia. 8 stricta, u riulit. N. America. 10 L'RATALGUS, HA.“ IHURN. cl. 19.. or. Q. pyrifnlia, pear- -|e.wezl. N. AIDC‘NCH. 6 tomentosa, \\'l)()ii)'-iCil\’(‘d. -—————— 7 viridis, recu-kared Virginian. 6 (TYTISUS, CY'I‘ISUS. Cl. 17. or. 4. :iipinus, smo-itii- poddui. Sn itzcriand. l argentcus, Sii\Cl_\. S. Hi 1 .uropc. Q austriacus, Austrian, or Siberian. Austrim 4. capitatus, cluster-flu“ ercd. leucauthus, cream-coloured. Hungary. —- lrifinrus, three-flowered. Spain. -- Wolgaricus, . wing‘leavcd. Siberia. 2 white. \ purple. b m w n . red. white. \ViliiC. H'ARISY DEC‘IDU’oUs SHRUBS. DAPHNE, DAPHNE. cl. 8. or. 1. Gnidium, flax-leaved. S. of Europe. anton-raira, silvery-leaved. EPHEDRA, EPHEDRA. cl. 22. or. 12. distachya, great. Spain. monostachya, small. Siberia. EUONYMUS, SPIN DLE-TREE. cl. 5. or. 1. angustil‘olius‘, narrow-leaved. N. America. latifolius, broad-leaved. Austria. verrucosus, warted. GELSEMIUM, G‘ELSEMIUM. cl. 5. or. 1. N. America. sempervirens, sweet-scented. GENISTA, GENISTA. cl. 1-7. or. 4. fiOl‘ldH, Spanish Dyer’s. Spain. geruianica’, German. Germany. hispanica; dwarf, prickly. Spain. finctoria, commonDyer’s.- Britain. pilosa, pilos'e. ' sibirica, Siberian. Siberia. triquc—tra, , triangular. Corsica. HYPERICUM, ST. JOHN’S \VORT. cl. 13. or. nndroszemum, common. Britain. calycinum, great-flowered. S. of Europe. denticulatnm,- toothed. elatum, tall. N. America. fasciculatum,~ clustered. hircinum, stinking. S. of Europe. olympicum, Olympian; Levant. prolificum, prolific. kalmianum, Kalmia-leaved. N. America. JASMINIUBI, JASMINE. cl. 2. or. 1. oflicinale, common white. China. var. gold- and silver-striped. ITEA, ITEA. cl.‘5. or. 1. virginica, Virginian. 'var. greater and smaller. N. America. LIGUSTRUM, PREV ET. cl. 2. or. 1. vulgare, common. Europe. . LONICERA, HON EYSUCKLE. cl. 5. or. 1. Diervilla, yellow-flowered upright. N. America. dioica, glaucous.‘ ' implexa, Minorca. Minorca. Uigm, black-berried. Switzerland. ~ Periclymenum, common. EurOpe. var. wild, or lVoodbine. pyrenaica, Pyrenean. Pyrenees. Symphoricarpos, St. Peter’s Wort. Virginia. LOTUS; BIRD’S-FOOT TREFOIL. hirsutus, hairy. S. of Europe. rcctus, upright. D3 2 3 C: t“ , ' N‘thl oar-Io; OJ mambo oh 5: ’i a .4' —. .... n n (b (“b 10 CO H Oflmflm I 4x «29 yellow. white. purple. —_ I " \V'lllté‘. yellev. yellowish. .1“, U I’D 2... C at v. (a ._.. ._. O 3‘ white. yellow. white. purple. “bite. yellowish. cl. 17. or. 4. 3 yellow. 3—- so LUPINUS, arborea, MY RICA, ' Faya, N Y‘JTERIUM, fiavnm, coronarius, shrubby. CAN DLEBERRY—M Y RTLE. Azores. cl. 5. or. I. 3 Louisiana. PHILADELPHUS, SY RINGA, or mark ()rungr. 5.0f Europe. Azorian. NYCTERIUM. 'ellow. COHllllUll . 'vur. (Ia-(15f. inodorus, nan us, large-flowered. dwarf. P01 ENTILLA, CINQUEFOIL. floribunda, t‘rutirosa, I’TlCLEA, trifoliata, RlIA GODIA, hastata, Rll A MNUS, RlIAGODIA. many-flowered. shrubby. P'l‘ELEA, or shrubby Maw. three-leavul. halbert-lcai‘ed. BUCK’l‘ HORN . cl. 17. or. 4. Carolina. S.of Europe. cl. 12. or. 7. N. America. N. America. (‘1. 93. 01.1. N. 3. Wales. cl. 5. or. I. inl‘ectorius,dwarf,oryellow—berried. S. of Europe. olcoides, RHUS, Coriaria, Cotinus, pumilum, radicans, SUM AC H. olive—leaved. elm-leared. Venice. dwarf. Poison-oak. Spain. cl. 5. or. 3. S. of Europe. N. America. Virgin in. war. commou-, Hprig/ll’ and small—[cured ROSA, alba, alpina, arveasxs, berberifolia, blanda, carolina, canina, caucasica, centifolia, czesia», clicrokeensis, collina, damascena, duinetorurn, fenestrata, ferox, florida, gallica, hibernica, hispida, inermis, imolum, - barberry-lcaved. Hudson’s Bay. Carolina. Dog, or Hep-tree. Caucasian. hundred-leaved. grey-leaved. Cherokee. hill. damask. downy-stalked. window. hedgehog. florid. otlicinal. Irish. liispirl-stemmed. unarmed. unexpandcd. ROSE. cl. 12. or. 6. white. Europe. Alpine. Switzerland. field. Britain. N. of Persia. Hudson’s Bay. N. America. Britain. M.Caucasus. S.of Europe. Britain. N. America. Britain. S. of Europe. England. N. America. Florida. S. of Europe. Britain. Siberia. Britain. HARDY DECl DUOUS SHRU BS. LUPINE. 3ft.hlac& uh. 7 CCQOQCQ rp‘l cl. 22. or. ‘1‘. 6 Cl. 12. or. 1. white. 20—— 2—. 3 yellow. (‘1. 4. or. 1. 10 white. yellow, yellow. yellowish. dark re red. HARDY DECIDUOUS SHRUBS; Kanitscliatica, lucida, lurida, lutea, menstrua, inollis, mnschata, muscosa, multiflora, nana, nivalis, Olympica, orientalis, palustris, par-villora, parvil‘olia, pendulina, pimpinelli folia, provincialis, pumila, racemosa, rubil‘olia, rubiginosa, rubella, sanguisorha, spinosissima, serotina, stricta, scabriuscula, tenerifi'ensis, tomentosa, villosa, Kamtschatk a. shining-leaved. lurid. single yellow. monthly. soft-leaved. Musk. Moss. many-flowered. Pompone. snowy. Olympian. Oriental. Blarsh. Pennsylvanian. Burgundy. lianging-fruitcd. burnet-leaved. Provence. dwarf, Austrian. cluster. bramble-leaved. Sweethriar. red-fi‘uited dwarf. sanguisnrba-leaved. Scotch. late-flo wering. upright American. rough. Tenerifi'e. downy. apple-bearing. Kamtschatka. N. America. Carinthia. Italy. Sol" Europe. Britain. Barbary. S.0f Europe. Japan. S. of Europe. Britain. Greece. Levant. N. America. S.0fEurope. N. America. S.ofEur0pe. Austria. N. America. Britain. N.America. Britain. 'l‘enenfi'e. Britaln. red. ~— yellow. red. white, red, [yellow and pink. ed —, The height of Roses varies, from 3 to IOfeet, but in gardens is seldom allowed to attain more than from 2 to 3 feet, unless grown as standard trees. RUBUS, ’ BRAMBLE. cl. 12. 0r.6. dalibarda, simple-leaved. \ Canada. odoratus, flowering Raspberry. N. America. saxatilis, Stone. Europe. 1 SALVIA, SAGE. cl 2.01'. 1. triloba, three-lobed. S. ofEurope. 2 SA'l‘UREJA, SAVORY. cl. 11. or. 1. :nontana, winter. S. ofEurope. 1 SMILAX, SMILAX. Cl. 22. or. 6. Bonn nox, ciliated. N. America. 5 Tamnoides, black Brion '. —— 4: SULAB’UM, N [GHTSUADE cl. 5. or. 1. Dulcamara, , Bitter-sweet. Britain. - 6 (W. 7 white. light purple white. blue. white. blue. 3‘2. HARDY DECIDUOUS SHRUBS. SPARTIUM, BROOM. cl. 17. or. 4. patens, woolly-podded. Portugal. 4ft.white. radiatum, starry. Italy. —- yellow. sphaerocarpum, éygilhztgggdeefié :S. of Europe. —- white. SPIRZEA, SPIRIEA. cl. 12. or. 5. opulifolia, Virginian Guelder Rose. Canada. 5 white. "(Janflesh-coloured, Siberia paraded and broad-leaved. triloba, three-lobed. Siberia. 2 white sibirica', Siberian. ulmifolia, elm-leaved. -— —' STATICE, THRIFT. cl. 5. or. 5'. — sufl'ruticosa, shrubh r. Siberia. 2 pink. TEUCRIUM, GERMANDER. cl. 14. or. 1.» lucidum, shining. S. ol'Europe. 2 rose. THYMUS, THYME. cl. 14. or. 1. caroliniana, Carolina. N. America. ericifolia, heath-leaved. Siberia. VIBURNUM, VIBURNUM. cl. 5. or. 3. acerifolium, maple—leaved. N. America. 4 white. cassinoides, thick-leaved. dauricum, Damian. Dauria. 2 yellowish-w. dentatum, tooth-leaved. N. America. 4 white. 72m: shining and downy. tantanoidcs, large—flowered. N. America. latana, common Wayfaring-tree. Britain. 8 white. van [urge-leaned. pinnina, eatable—fruited. N. America. ZIZYPHUS, ZIZYPHUS. cl. 5. or. '1. Paliurus, Christ’s Thorn. S. of Europe. 8 yellow. JULY AND AUGUST. ANDROMEDA, ANDROMEDA. cl. 10. or. I. arborea, Tree. Virginia. 8 white. catesbzea, Cateshy’s. N. America. —— ferruginea, rusty. —— mariana, Maryland. —-—-———- 2 red. var. oval-leaverl and oblong. paniculata, panicled- Virginia. 4- white. racemosa,branching,orPennsylvanian.N. America. —- speciosa, large—flowered. -—-—-—-— 6 __ ANNONA, CUSI‘ARD-APPLE. cl. l3. or.'7. glahra, smooth. N. America. 16 parviflora, small-flowered. 10 triloba, trifid-fruited. —— 1‘2 greenish-w. ASCYRUM, ASCYRUM. cl. 13. or. 4. Crux Andreae, common. N. America. é yellow. hypericoides, hypericum-leuved. -——- 3 —— villosum, villous. ' — -—- HARDY DECIDUOUS SHRUBS. . ATRIPLEX, ORACHE. cl. 23. or. I. llalamus, great shrubby. Spain. pnrtulacoides, small shrubby. Britain. AZALIA, AZALIA. cl. 5. or. ]. prooumbens, procumbent. Europe. : BETULA, BIRCH. cl. 2]. or. 7. nana, smooth dwarf. i BUMELIA, BUMELIA. cl. 5. or. 1. lanug'mosa, woolly-leaved. Carolina. lzevis, smooth. lycoides, thorn-leaved. N. America. reclinata, reclined. Carolina. (JEANOTHUS, CEANO'I'HUS. cl. 5. or. 1. americanus, New Jersey Tea. N. America. 2 microphyllus, small-leaved. —_ CEI.ASTRUS, STAFF—TREE. cl. 5. or. !. hulizitus, scarlet-fruited. Virginia. 5 CYTlSUS, CYTISUS. cl. 17. or. 4. (lirnricatus, clammy. Spain. 4 grarcus, Grecian. Archipelago. 6 nigricuns, black. Silesia. 4 ELEAGN‘US, OLEASTER. cl. 4. or. 1. angustifolius, narrow-leaved. S. ot‘Enrope. 10 argentea, Missouri Silver Tree. N. America. FPIGEA, EI’IGJEA. cl. 10. or. 1. repous, creeping. Virginia. é HU DSUNIA, IIUDSONIA cl. 1!. or. 1. ericoides, heath-leased. N. America. 2 HYDRANGEA, HYDRANGEA. cl. 10. or. Q. arborescens, shrubby. Virginia. . 3 glauca. glancous. Carolina. 3 horzensis, changeable. China. 4 lrevigata, Smooth. N. America. 5 quercif'olia, oak-leaved. Florida. 4 rzidinta, rnyed. Carolina. 3 HYPERICUM, STJOHN‘S \VORT‘. cl. 13. or. 4. elatum, tall. N. America. 7 hircinum, stinking shrubby. S. of Europe. 3 'car. dwarf prolificnm, proliferous. N. America. 4- JASMINUM, JASMINE. cl. 2. or. 1. ti‘uticans, common yellow. S. of Europe. 8 humile, Italian yellow. 3 LAVANDULA, LAVENDER. cl. 14. or. I. Spica, common. S. of Europe. 3 var. narrow- and broad—lama]. lacifolia, broad-leavcd. S. of Europe. 2 LUNICERA, IIONEYSU'.'KLE. r1. 5. or. ]. Xylustenm, Fly. Europe. 6 red. N. of Europe. 10ft.purple. white. white. yellow. white. white. white. pi n k. a bite. _ yellow. yellow. blue. blue. pink. VN CV T SPKEAD UNCUT S PREAD 36 HARDY DECIDUOUS SHRUBS'. RHUS. SUMACH. cl. 5. or. 3. copallinum, lentiscus-leaved. N. America. RUBIA, MADDER. cl. 4. or. 1. fruiicosa, shrubby. Canary Isle. 2 yellonisli. RL BUS, BRAMBLE. cl. 12. or. 6. bispidns, bristlv. Canada. ‘ SANIOLINA, LAV ENDER COT'l ON. ('1. 19. or. 1. maritima, sea. Britain. squarrosa, rough. S. of Europe. viridis, green. SPIRFEA, SPIRIEA. cl. 12. or. 5. laevigata, smootli-leaved. Siberia. 3 pink. sorbil'olizi, service-leaved. — white. tormentosa, scarlet. Pennsylvania. 1 scarlet. SEPTEMBER AND OCTOBER. ARAUA, ARALIA. cl. 5. or. 5. spinosa, thonn, or Anvelica. N. America. 8 yellow. CURNUS, DOGVV.OOD cl. 4. or. 1. alternifolia, alrernate-lenved. N. America. vu1.r€d-twigued.. IiA'HAMELIS, \V IT (111- HAZEL. cl. 4. or. Q. riroinica, \1 glinian. Virginia. 3 SMlLAX, S'VIILAX. (Z. 92. or. 6. aspera, roug 11.5. of Europe. 8 in) simple— and car-learcd. V lTEX, CHAS'l‘E JIREE. cl. 14.. or. ‘2. A nus ,C astus, common. 8. cfEuropc. 8 rcd. 7.117.127 oud—leaved. NOVEMBER AND DECEMBER. DAMAMELIS, \VITCH HAZEL. cl. 4. or. ‘2. virginica, Virginian. N. America. 3 ENGLISH 11‘ DEX “’l'l‘i’l REFERENCE TO GENERIC BOTASIC EARLS. A‘moiul ...... see Amygdalus. Bladder Senna see Colurea. Aiirpice . . . . Calycunllius. {Button-weed . Ceplialuntlzns. Airiien t‘rutex . Hibiu‘ns. lBladder Nut. . Staphylea. Barbary . . . . Berbcris. Broom ...... Spurtium. Bay ....... . Laurns. CllilblIC-U'CC . . Viru. Birch ........ Betula. Cmbiobcirvwl ush Viburnum. 3w: kibm n . . lemnus. leei r\ . . . . . . l’rnnus. HARDY DECI DUOUS SHRUBS. Cress-rocket . . seeVella. Candleberry Myrtle. g Currant . . .. .. Custard Apple Dogwood Elder ........ Fringe-tree. . . . Glasswort . Gcrlnnnder Goat's-thorn . . Hawthorn . . . Honeysuckle . . Ho!ly ...... .. Indigo ........ Ironwood .. . Jasmine ...... Lavandula . . . . Leatherwood . . L113: Lupine ..... . . . Milfuil ...... . . Milkvetch . . . . Madder ...... Marc's-tail . . . . Moon-seed . . . . Nightshade. . . . (”caster ...... M yrica. Ribes. Annona. Cornus. Sambucus. Chiunauthus. Salicornia. Teucrium. Astragalus. Crataagus. Lonicera. Ilex. Amorpha. ‘ Sideroxylon. Jasminum. Santolina. Dirca. Syringa. Lupinus. Achelia. Astragalus. Rubia. Hippuris. Menispermum Solanum. Elwagnus. Orachc ...... sce Atriplex. Osier . . . . . . Salix. Pistacia-tree .. Pistacia. Privet ........ Ligusticum. Rest-barrow . . Ononis. Raspberry . . . . Rubus. Rose ........ Rosa. Rose Acacia .. Robinia. Rose-bay Rhodura. Savory. . . . .... Satureja. ;Sage .......... Salvia. iSalrwort ..... . Salsola. 'St. John’s-wort Hypericum. Sarsaparilla . Smilax. Service-tree . Sorbus. Spindle-tree .. Euonymus. Sea Buckthorn Hippophae. Staff-tree Cclastrus. Stonecrop . . . . Sedum. palustris, common. Britain. 1ft.yellow. radicalis, touth-leaved. § CARDAMINE, LADlES‘ EMOCK. cl. 15. or. 2. amara, bitter. Britain. 1 white. ; bellidil'olia, daisy—leaved. — ; pratensis, Cuckoo-flower. >3- —— 1 var. double. CHEIRANTHUS, WALL-FLOWER. cl. 15. or. 2. Cheiri, garden. Siberia. 1% red «‘5; yel var. double. CHELIDONIUM, L‘ELANDINE. cl. 13. or. 1. majus, common. Britain. ‘2 yellow. laciniatum, jagued- lenved. __ CHRY SDSPLENIUM, UULDEN SAXIFRAGE. cl. 10. or. Q. alternifolium, alternate-lem ed. Britain. A; yellow. oppositifolium, opposite-leaved. —- CLAYTONIA, CLAY FONIA. cl. 5. or. I. spatulaafolia, spatula-leavcd. N. America. CORTUSA, SAN lCLE. (I. 5. or. 1. Matthioli, Bear'swar. Austria. § pink. CYCLAM EN, CYCLAMEN. cl. 5. or. 1. eurupmum, European. Austria. 5‘; pale red. .herlerzel'ulinm, ivy-leaved. Italy. —- purplish. DENTARIA, 'I‘OO'I'UWORT. cl. 15. or. 2. bulliifera, bulhiferous. Britain. 1 DODECATHEUN, AMERICAN COWSLIP. cl. 5. or. 1. media, Virginian. N. America. 1% pale purpl< var. ahite. EPIMEDIUM, BAIRREN- \VORT. cf. 4. or. 1. alpinum, Alpine. Britain. 1 dark purpl EQUISETUM, HORSE-TAIL. cl. 24. or. 1. arv cnse, corn. Britain. .1} fluriatile, river. 4 limosmn, smooth. 3 palustre, marsh. 1% syhaticum, wood. —- ERUDIUM, CRANE’S-BILL. cl. 16. or. 4. Chaimedrioides, dwarf. Minorca. i white. EU PHORBIA, SPURGE. CI. 11. or. 3. amygdaloides, wood. Britain. 1 green. myrainites, glaucnus. S. ofEurope. — FUMA RIA, FUMITORY. €1.17.0r.2. .capnoides, white~flowered. S. of Europe.1 white. lutea, yellow. Britain. -- yellow. HARDY HERBACEOUS PERENNIALS. 49 GENTIANA, GENTIAN. cl..5. or. 2. acaulis, dwarf. Alps. g‘fldark blue. GERANIUM, CRANE'S—BILL. cl. 16. or. 4. theum, dark-flowered. Britain. 1 dark purple refiexuni, reflex-flowered. Italy. — blue. HIPPOCREPIS, HORSESHOE—VETCH. cl. 1?. or. 4. comosa, tufted. Britain. 4} yellow. IBERIS, CANDYTUFT. cl. 15. or. 1. saxatilis, rock. France. .3 white. sempervirens, evergreen. Italy. _ g -—-— ISOPYRUM, ISOPYRUM. cl. 13. or. 7. thalictroides, meadow rue-leaved. Italy. I purple. LAMIUM, ARCHANGEL. cl. 14. or. 1. molle, soft. Britain. 1 white. LATHRJZA, TOOTH-\VORT. CI. 14. or. 2. squamaria, greater. Britain. palepurple. LEPIDIUM, PEPPERWORT. cl. 15. or. 1. alpinum, Alpine. Alps. 2‘.— white. LYCHNIS, LYCHNIS. cl. 10. or. 4. alpine, Alpine. Alps. % red. Ml'l‘ELLA, MITELLA. cl. 10. or. Q. dipliylln, two-leaved. N. America. % white. OXALIS, WOOD SORREL. cl. 10. or. 5. acetosella, common. Britain. % red & white PHLOX, LYCHNIDEA. cl. 5. or. J. dii'aricata, early blue. N. America. 1 pale blue. setucea, bristly. —-—-—— % pink. subulata, awl-sliaped. -——-—- % POLEMONIUM, GREEK VALERIAN. cl. 5. or. 1. repmns, creeping. N. America. 1 pale blue. Sil)il‘lCUH], Siberian. Siberia. PRIMULA, PRIMROSE. cl. 5. or. 1. Auricula, Auricula. Alps. % various col. 1‘07’. numerous. dt—ntiflora, tooth-flowered. Siberia. % red. elatior, Oxlip. Britain. é yellOW. glutinosu, clammy. Europe. lielvetica, Swiss. Switzerland. it purple. integrif‘olia, entire-leaved. Pyrenees. :} red. intermedia, SiberianBird’s-eye.Siberia. a. purple. longifolia, long-leaved. % margiuata, margined. Switzerland. % nivaiis, snowy. Dauria. % white. ofiicinalis, Cowslip,orPaigle. Britain. 7?;— yellow. villusa, villous. Switzerland. 2‘,— purple. PULMONARIA, LUNGWORT. cl. 5. or. 1. angustifolia, narrow-Ieaved. Europe. % purple. RANUNCULUS, CROWFOOT. cl. 13. or. 7. amplexicaulis, plantain-leaved. Pyrenees. 1 white. I" VNCU T SPKEAD UNCUT SPREAD .52 HARDY HERBACEOUS PERENNI ALS- ASARUM, ASARABACCA. cl. 11. or. 1. ~ europaeum, common. Europe. § ASCLEPIAS, SWALLOW-VVORT. cl. 5. or. 2. Vincetoxicum, officinal. Europe. 2 white. ASPERUGO, ASPERUGO. cl. 5. or. 1. , rocumbens, procumbcnt. Britain. i. deep blue. ASPERULA, WOOD-ROOF. cl. 4. or. 1. odorata, sweet-scented. Britain. 73; white. ASTRAGALUS, MILK-VETCH. cl. 4. montanus, mountain. Austria. 2 lightyellow. ASTRANTIA, MAS’I’ERWORT. cl. 5. or. Q. helleborifolia, hellebore—leavcd. 1 white. major, great black. Alps. 2 maxima, three—leaved. Carniola. minor, small black. Alps. I —— BRASSICA, CABBAGE. cl. 15. or. Q. alpina, Alpine. S. of Europe. 1 white. Erucastrum, lyre-leavcd. -—————- 1.; yellow. olymorpha, various-leaved. Siberia. 2 pale yellow. BRYONIA, BRYONY. cl. ‘21. or. 9. alba, white-berried. Europe dioica, common. Britain 6 paleyellow. BUNIAS, BUNIAS. cl. 15. or. 1. orientalis, erennial. Russia. 3 yellow. BUPLEURUM, HARE’S-EAR. cl. 5. or. 2. angulosum, angular-leaved. Switzerland. 1:;- yellow. falcatum, twisted. Germany. 6 deepyellow. longifolium, long-leaved. ——-——-— 3 green. etr-aaum, rock. Switzerland. 53; yellow. CALYPSO, CALYPSO. cl. 20. or. 1. - americana, American. N. America. CAMPANULA, BELL-FLOWER. cl. 5. or. 1. glomerata, clustered. Britain. 2 white. CAREX, SEDGE. Cl. 21. or. 2. acuta, slender-spiked. Britain. alpestris, Alpine. Europe. appressa, close-spiked. N. S. Wales. axillaris, axil-flowered. Britain. 1; capillaris, hair. , >3; caespitosa, turfy. 1 clandestina, hidden-flowered. ——-— 5; curta, white. ———-— ] divisa, hracteated. --———- 1.12» (lepauperata, starved. —— -— digitata, fingered. ~— ,‘g divulsa, grey. ——- 1 (lioica, (lioecious. -——- — clongata, elongated. —— I; lilii‘ormis, thready. —— Q hirta, hairy. ‘ —-—— -- HARDY HERBACEOUS PERENNIALS. incurva, curved. Britain. intermedia, soft. —- - laevigata, smooth. limosa, mud. muricata, great prickly. nitida, glossy. Austria. pendula, pendulous. Britain. paludosa, Marsh. pallescens, pale. pauciflora, few-flowered. —-—- prtecox, early. -—-—- panicea, pink. pilulifera, round-headed. plantaginea, plantain-leaved. N. America npana, common. recurva, heath. remota, remote. strigosa, meagre. sylvatica, \Vood. stricta, upright. teretiuscula, round-stalked. vesicaria, bladder. vulpina, great-spiked. CARTI‘IAMUS, CARTHAMUS. cl. 19. or. 1. Carduncnlus, mountain. S. of France. CARLINE, CARLINE. cl. 19. or. 1. acaulis, stemless. Italy. aggregata, clustered. Hungary. corymbosa, corymbed. 5.0f Europe CARUM, CARAVVAY. cl. 5. or. ‘2. Carui, common. Europe CENTAUREA, CENTAURY. cl 19. or. 3 cinerea, grey. Italy. conit‘era, conic. S. of Eu rope. glauca, glaucous. M. Caucasus. intybacea, succory-leaved. S.of Europe. nigra, black Knap-weed. Britain. nigrescens, dark. Hungary. pullata, various-leaved. S.of Europe. seridis, purple-flowered. Spain. ragusina, white-l'eaved. Crete. straminea, clustered. Egypt. CERASTIUM, CERASTIUM. cl. 10. or. 5. alpinum, Alpine. Britain. aquaticum, Water. arvense, Corn. nivale, snowy. - repens, creeping. France. strictum, upright. Austria. F3 53 Ht. 1% ...I.. up- lulnwuwfi n1... I-l ul— ul- .4- w Nl-l H03 571— hl-t Mu blue. whitish. yellow. white. purple. whitish. purple. yellow. white. r m-m_ Wan—J 54 HARDY IIERBACEOUS PERENNIALS. sufi'ruticosum, viscosum, CHEIRANTHUS, STOCK. alpinus, CHENOPODIUM, GOOSE-FOOT. -cl. 5. or. 2. Bonus Henricus, English Mercury. Britain. COCHLERIA, SCURVY—GRASS. (1.15. or. 1. alpina, Alpine. Britain. Armoracea, Horseradish. micmearpa, long-capsuled. Hungary. saxatilis, rack. S. of Europe. CONVALLARIA, SOLOMON'S SEAL. cl. 6. or. bifolia, least. N. America. lalil'11lia, hroad-leaved. —- 111nltiflorn, many-flowered. Britain. Polygonatnm, Common. -— racemosa, cluster—flowered. N. America. stellatu, star-flowered. \ 1rUinia. \eiticill 1t1, CU( UB \LUS Behen, italicus, sufiruticose. clamm y. Alpine. v horl— 10:11 1. (l. S. of Europe. Britain. cl. 15. or. 2. S. ofEurOpe. lftuwhite. 1 lightyellow. 2 1; white. 2 white. 1. 2 1 white. l 1 l 3 greemsh-w. 2 ullite. N. ofEurope. 2 greenish-w. C-\l\IPlON. (‘1. 10. or. 3. (0111mon.Europc. Italian. CYMB \RIA, CY M BA RIA. daniica, DENT \RIA, T01) Tll- W ORT. diphy lln, pentaphylla, l3 innnta, DIANTHUS, PlNK. cl. 12. or. 2 arenarins, Sand. Britain. DICTAMNUS, FRAXINELLA. CI. 10. or. ‘1. albus, white. Germany. mr. 71d. DIPIIYLLEJ \, DIPHY l .LEJA. cl. 6. or. ]. eymosa, cwne- flou ered. N. America. DlGl'l‘ALIS, lOfoLO\ F. €1.14. or. 2. mino: , small. Spain. D()R()NlCl'\l, LEOPARD’S—BANE. cl. 19. or. Pardalianches, era a Europe. DRABA, WHITLOW- GRASS. cl. 15. or. Androsace, ciliated. Alps. hirta, hairy. Britain. incana, hoary. N. of Europe. pyrcnaica, Pyrcnean. Alps. stellata, starry. Britain. ERIOPUORUM, COTTON~GRASS. cl. 3. or. 1. Cyperinum, Cyperine. N. America. vaginatum, sheathed. Britain. virginicum, Virginian. N. America. D'11n1:.1n tn o-leav ed. fire-lem'ed. seven—leaved. cl. M. or. 2. Danria. (I. 15. or. Q. Pennsylvania. Switzerland. H . llllN-' “5°... ‘2 white. —— gremnsh. Q flesh-Colon r 5-: red. Ni— :3. white. purple. yellow. yelluu . \\ hite. yellow. purple. 1.1 hite. H (JV '91 HARDY HERBACEOUS PERENNIALS. ERODIUM, CRANE’S—BILL. cl. 16. or. 4. Hymenodcs, ternatc-leaved. Barbary. maritimum, Sea. Britain. . \ petraeum, rock. S.of Europe. EUPHORBIA, SPURGE. cl. 11. or. 3. CVparissias, Cypress. Europe. 1 yellow. dulcis, sweet. S.ofEurope. _.. rcd. esula, gromwell—leaved. Holland. 1; yellowish. hibernica, Irish. Britain. — palustris, Marsh. Sweden. pilosa, hairy. Siberia. I’l’tAGARIA, STRAWBERRY. (I. 12. or. 6. chilicnsis, Chili. S. America. elatior, Hautboy. B1 itain. white. collina, Alpine. Alps of Europe? grandiflora, Pine. S. America. indica, Indian. E. Indies. % white. monophvlla, one-leaved. Britain. % —- sterilis, barren. Virginia. virginiana, scarlet. FUMARIA, FUMITORY. cl. 17. or. 2. nobilis, large-flowered. Siberia. 2 yellow. GALARDIA, GALARDIA. cl. 19. or. 2. bicolor, tVVo- c-olnured. Carolina. 1% red & yell. G \I EOBDOLON, DEAD-N ETTLE. cl. 14. or. 1. luleum, yello“. Britain. 1 yellow. GALIU M, LADIES’ BED—STRAW. cl. 4. or. 1. aparine, Goose-grass. Britain. 4 whitish. (ruciatum, Crosswort. 1 yellow. giacum, Grecian. Crete. % pink. G ALINSOGEA, G ALINSOGEA. cl. 19, or. Q pauiflora, small— flow ered. Peru. trilobata, three-lobed. Mexico. GERANIUM, CRANE’S—BILL. cl. 16. or. 4. acouitifolium, aconite—leaved. Switzerland. 1 blue. machorizum, long-rooted. Italy. g bright pur. maculatum, spotted. N. America. -— pale purple. nodosum, knotted. Britain. 1 red. pennsVlVanicum, Pennsylvanian. N.A1nerica. 1% purple. py renaicnm, mountain. Britain. 1 blue. strialum, streaked Italy. —— white. sylvaticum, Wood. Britain. — pale-red. tuheiosum, tuberous-rooted. Italy. -—'- purplish. GEROPOGON, OLD MAN’S BEARD. cl. 19. or. 1. calyculatus, perennial. Italy 1% yellow. GEUM, AVENS. cl. 1?. or 5. inter-medium, Wood. Europe. montanum, mountain. Switzerland. % yellow. urbanum, common. Britain. 1% 56 HARDY HERBACEOUS PERENNIALS. GLAUX, MILKWORT. cl. 5. or. 1. maritima, Britain. fiftyellow. GLECHOMA, GSROUND—IVY. (l. 14. or. 1. hederacea, common. Britain. 2} blueish. hirsuta, hirsute. GLOBULARIA, GLOBULARIA. cl. 4. or. 1. spinosa, prickly. Spain. vulgaris, common. Europe. § blue. GNAPHALIUM, EVERLASTING. ('1. 19. or. 2. olympicum, Olympian. Greece. 1 yellow. GRAMII‘IS, GRAMIT IS. cl. 24.0r. 1. Ceterach common scaly. Britain. HERACLEUM, COW-PARSNIP. cl. 5. or. Q. latifolium, broad- leaved. Dauria. spondylium, common. Britain. 4 white. HESPERIS, ROCKET. cl. 15 or. 9. matronalis, garden. Italy. 1 white&pu. HEUCHERA, SANICLE. cl. 5 or. 2. americana, American. Virginia. 2 purple. sul’fruticosa, shrubby-stalked. Carolina. villosa, villous—leaved. 1 HIERACIUM, HAWKWEED. cl. 19. or. 1. cymosum, small-flowered. Europe. yelloxlv HYMENOPHYLLUM, HYMENOPHYLLUM. cl. 24 or. tunbridgense, Tunbridge. Britain. ; brcnii. llOUSTUNIA, IlOUSTONIA. cl. 4. or. 1. coerulea, blue. N. America. 5- blue. urpurea, pur le-Howered. —— rcddislrpu. HYDRASTIS, YELLOW-ROOT. cl. 13. or. 7. canadensis, Canadian. Canada. fi- white. HYDROCOTYLE, PENNYWORT. cl. 5. or. Q. americana, American. N. America. g- vulgaiis, common. Britain. —- rose. IlYDROPHYLLUM, W AT ERLEAF. cl. 5. or. 1. canadense, Canadian. N. America. g white. virginicum, Virginian. Virginia. £- dirty white. HYOSCYAMUS, HENBANE. cl. 5. or. I. Scopolia, nightshade leaved. Carniola. 2 deep purp. IlYPERICUM, ST. JOHN'S WORT. cl. 18. or. 4. marilandicinum, Maryland. N. America. HYDROCHARIS, HYDROCHARIS.(1.22.0739. Morsus—ran‘ae, Frog-bit. Britain. white. HYPOCHIERIS, CAT’SEAR. cl. 19. or. 1. maculata, spot-leaved. Britain. yellowish. radicata, long-rooted. 2 reddish. IBERIS, CAN DY-T UFI‘. cl. 15. or. 1. ciliata, ciliated. M. Caucasus. rotundifolius, round leaved. Switzerland. 1 purple. JEFFERSONIA, JEFFERSONIA. cl. 8. or. 1. diphylla, Barton 5. N. America. HARDY HERBACEOUS PERENNIALS. 57 ILLECEBRUM, K'NOTcGRASS. cl. 5. or. 1. aronychia, mountain. S. of Europe. & white. IMPERATORIA, MASTER-WORT. cl. 5.'or. Q. Ostruthiuni, common. Scotland. =2— white. ISOETES, ISOETES, or Quill- lVort. cl. 9.4. or. 1.. lacustris, marsh. Britain. 1 LAMIUM, ARCHANGEL. Cl. 14. or. 1. album, white. Britain. 1 white. lzevigatum, smooth. Italy. -—— purple. maculatum, spot-leaved. -—- — —— ()rvula, balIn-leaved. 1% deep pur. LASERPITIUM, LASERWORT. cl. 5. or. 2. aquilegifolium, columbine—leaved. Austria. 3 white. silex, mountain. 6 trilobum, three~lobed. Levant. 3 —-—- LEONTICE, LEONTICE. cl. 6. or. 1. thalictrnides, columbine-leaved. N. America. % LEON1 ODON, DANDELION. cl. 19. or. 1. aureum, golden. Italy. % bright yell. lividum, marsh. Britain. 1 obovatum, broad-Ieaved. Spain. taraxacum, common. Britain. -— yellow. LIGUSTICUM, LOVAGE. cl. 5. or. 2. peloponense, hemlock-leaved. Alps. 3 yellow. LITHOSPERMUM, GROMWELL. cl. 5. or. 1. dispermum, two-rowed. Mexico. blueish. frutlcosum, shrubby. S.of Europe. 2 blue. otiicinale, ofiicinal. Britain. 3 white. orientale, yellow. Levant. 1 deep yell. virginianum, Virginian. N. America. 1% white. LOTUS, BIRl)’“-FOOT TREFOIL. cl. 17. or. 4. difiusus, slender. Britain. % yellow. major, larger. 2 maritimus, sea. Europe. 1 striped. siliquosus, square-padded. S. of Europe. & pale yell. LUNARIA, IIONESTY. cl. 15. or. 1. rediviva, perennial. Austria. 1.},- pale purple LUPINUS, LUPINE. cl. 17. or. 4. nootkatcnsis, Nontka. Nootka Sound. 2 blue. perennis, perennial. Virginia. — purplish bl. LYCHNIS, LYCHNIS. cl. 10. or. 4. (lioica, common. Europe. 2 (liurna, red-flowered. Britain. — red. quadridentata, four—toothed. Austria. é white. vespertina, white—flowered. Britain. 2 ——-. x lacal'ifl, clammy. Europe. 1;; red. var. double. . MELITTIS, BASTARD BALM. cl. 14. 01'. 1. grandiflora, purple. Britain. 1 purple. Inclyssopliyllum, reddish. — red. VN CV T SPKEAD UNCUT SPREAD s 60 mollis, officinalis, pan i‘cnlata , Virgnnca, RANUNCULUS, CROWFOOT. aconitifolius, acris, soft. ofiicinal. panicled. Virginian. aconite-leaved. upright. var. double. asiaticus. garden Ranunculus. N. America. Hudson’s Bay. 1 N. America. cl. 13. or 7. Alps. Europe. Levant. great variety of double flowers. aquaticus, bulbosus, creticus, Ficaria, Flammula, hederaceus, fluviatilis, Lingua, illyricus, marilandicus, Pbilonotis, pedatns, pol yanthemos, reptans, repens, rutzefolius, Tliora, RHEU M, compactum, hybridum, nutans, palmatum, Rhaponticum, Ribes, sibiricum, tartaricum, undulatum, RHODIOLA, rosea, RU BUS, Cliamunnorus, SALV IA, argcntea, indicu, pratensis, SAN lCULA, Canadensis, marylandica, SAPONARIA , lutea, various-leaved. bulbous. Cretan. Pile-wort. small Spear-wort. ivy-leaved. fennel-leaved. great Spear-wort. Illyrian. Britain. l S. of Europe. Maryland. N. America. hirsute. Britain. pedate. Hungary. spotted‘leaved. Europe. least Spear-wort. Britain. creeping. rue-leaved. Austria. kidney-leaved. ~ RHUBAKB. cl. 9. or. 2. tliick—leaved. 'I artary bastard. Asia. nodding. Siberia ofiicinal. China rliapuntic. Asia warted-leaved. Levant Siberian. Siberia Tartariun. Tartan wave-leaved. Siberia RUDE-ROOT. cl. 2’3. or. 7. common. Europe. BRAMBLE. (‘1. 12. or. 5. Cluudberry. Europe. SAGE. cl. 2. or. 1. silvery. Crete. Indian. E. Indies. meadow. Europe. SANICLE. cl. 5. or. 2. Canadian. Canada. Maryland. N. America. SOAP-WORT. cl. 10. or. 2. yellow. Switzerland. HARDY HERBACEOUS PERENNIALS. 1fl.purple 8; r pale blue. 2 red & lllll‘ 1 white. 2 yellow. 1 red & yel? 1 yellow. % pale yell. 2 yellow. 1% yellow-Eli. wliitc. 1 yellow. 1 yellow. -— bright yel :— )ello“ 4- white 4 ._.._ 3 __ 2 _.__ 3 .— 4 .— 1 greenish-3 é Matt 3 blue 2 “lute :5; yellow. HARDY HERBACEOUS PERENNIALS. 61 ocymoides, basil-leaved. Italy. officinalis, common. Europe. SATUREJA, SAVORY. cl. 14. or. 1. graeca, Greek. Greece. rupestris, rock. Carniola. SAXIFRAGA, SAXIFRAGE. cl. 10. or. 2. adscendens, ,. ascending. Pyrenees. androsacea, blunt-Ieaved. Austria. Aizoon, margined. Switzerland. Cassia, grey. Austria. Cotyledon, pyramidal. Switzerland. cuneifolia, wedge—leaved. granulata, grain-rooted. Europe. can double. hieracif'olia, hawkweed—leaved. N. America. lingulata, tongue-leaved. Switzerland. palmata, palmated. Britain. pennsylvanica, Pennsylvanian. N. America. rotundifolia, round-leaved. Switzerland. SCANDIX, MYRRH. cl. 5. or. 2. dulcis, sweet. N. America. odorata, sweet—scented. Europe. SC ROPHULARIA, FIG WORT. altaica, white-flowered. Siberia. aquatica, water. Europe. marylandica, Maryland. N. America. nodosa, knobby-rooted. Europe. scorodonia, balm—leaved. SEDUM, S'I‘ONECROP. cl. 10. or. 4. hybridum, bastard. Siberia. SENECIO, GROUNDSEL. cl. 19. or. 2. aureus, golden. Virginia. SESLERIA, MODE—GRASS. cl. 3. or. 2. coerulea, blue. Britain. elongata, long—spiked. SILENE, CATCHFLY. cl. 10. or. 3. alpestris, mountain Austrian. Austria. maritima, sea. SISYRINCIIIUM, SISYRINCIIIUM. anceps, narrow-leaved. mucronatum, sharp-pomted. striaturn, streak-flowered. Cl. 14. or. ‘2. Europe. .— Mexico. SISYMBRIUM, SISYMBRIUM. r]. 15. or. ‘2. Nasturtium, Watercress. pyrenaicum, Pyrenean. sagittatum, arrow-leavcd. SM ILACINA, SMILACINA. horealis, northern. umbellata, umbelled. Britain. Pyrenees. Siberia. cl. 6. or. 1. N. America. cl. 16. or. 1. N. America. %ft.bright red . 2 purple. 1 palepurple % white. & red & wh. 1 white. 311— Q __ % whitish-ye. 3}; white. 1.; —- % light green. 2 greenish. 1 white. 4 white. % white. 4 purple. Q 3 greenish-p. 4 dark—purp. g purple. 1% yellow. ~12- blue. »; white. 3. —. 4 % blue. 2 striped. % white. yellow. white. VNCUT SPKEAD UNCUT SPREAD 64 speciosa, roundvleaved. Germany. tricolor, Heart’s-ease. Britain. variegata, variegated. JUNE AND JULY. ACHILLEA, MILFOIL. cl. 19. or. Q. abrotanifolia, southernwood-lea. Levant. aurea, golden-flowered. bipinnata, bipinnate. dubia, dubious. ’ t'alcata, sickle-leaved. Herba—rota, Herba-rota. S. of Europe. impatiens, impatient. Siberia. magma, great. S. of Europe. micrantha, small-flowered. Cappadocia. millefolia, common. Europe. montana, mountain. Italy. moschata, musk. Switzerland. irana, dwarf. S. of Europe. nobilis, showy. Germany. pubescens, downy. Levant. santolina, lavender cotton-leaved. setacea, bristly. Hungary. speciosa, tongue—leaved. tanacetifolia, tansy—leaved. Switzerland. ACONITU‘M, WOLE’S-BANE. cl. 13. or. 3. Anthora, wholesome. Alps. variegatum, variegated. S. of Europe. ACORUS, RUSH. cl. 6. or. 1. Calaums, sweet. Europe. gramineus, rass-leavetl. China. AGRIMONIA, AGRIMUNY. CI. 11. or. ]. agrimonoides, three-leaved. Italy. eupatoria, common. Britain. AGROS’I‘IS,’ BENT-GRASS. cl. 3. or. 2. canina, brown. Britain. miliacea, Millet. Spain. retrofacta, broad-leavcd. stolonifera, creeping. Britain sylvatica, wood. tenuifolia, slender-leaved. varia, variable. Germany. AIRA, HAIR-GRASS. cl. 3. or. 2. aquatica, water. Britain. canescens, grey. czespitosa, turl‘y. flexuosa, zigzag. —— gracilis, slender. ~——-- HARDY HERBACEOUS PERENNIALS. 'lft.yellow&hl. IGHlQHWthI—H H H Nl" H l Nit-I H )9 Nl" H LGNJ- v-I yellow. pale yellow. white. yellow. white. pink. white. yellow. white. pink. pale yellow. yellow. yellowish. yellow. whitish. HARDY HERBACEOUS PERENNIALS. 65 laavigata, smooth-sheathed. Britain. repens, creepmg. subspicata, spike-flowered. AJUGA, BUGLE. cl. 14. or. 1. pyramidalis, mountain. Euro e. § ALCHEMILLA, LADIES’ MANTLE. cl. 4. or. 1. pentapliylla, five—leaved. Alps. % white. pubescens, pubescent. Europe 1 \ulgaris, common. — —- ALISMA, WATER PLANTAIN. cl. 6. or. 7. Damasoiiium, star-beaded. Britain. 1 white. lanceolata, spear-leaved. 2 natans, floating. —- purplish. Plantago, great. ALOPECURUS, FUX- TAIL GRASS. cl. 3. or. 2. agiestis, slender. Britain. 1% alpinus, Alpine. % fulvus, tawny. —-————— geniculatus, knee-jointed. 1% pratensis, meadow. -— ALTHgEA, MARSl-LMALLOW. cl. 16. or. 7. cannabina, hemp-leaved. S. of Europe. 5 pale red. ALYSSUM, MADWORT. cl. 15. or. 1. lialimifolium, sweet-scented. S. of Europe. 2 white. ANCUUSA, BUGLOSS. cl. 5. or. 1. axigustifolia, narrow-leaved. S.of Europe. 2 white 5; pu. ofiicinalis, otficinal. Europe. 1% tinctoria, Dyer’ s Alkanet. S. of Europe. —-— purple. ANCISIRUM, ANCISTRUM. cl. 2. or. 1. Iepens, creeping. Peru. Sanguisorba, burnet-leaved. New Zealand. ANDROSACE, ANDROSACE. cl. 5. or. 1. chamaqjasme, grass-leaved. Austria. % yellow. lactea, white-flowered. 7} white. villosa, hairy. -—-——- — ANEMONE, ANEMONE. cl. 13. or. 7. eernua, drooPiIIg. Japan. § red. PulsatIlla, Pasque-flower. Britain — purple palmata, palmated. Portugal. — yellow. patens, spreading. Siberia g. paleyellow. sibirica, Siberian. Siberia. trifolia, tlIree-leaved. Europe. 5 whitish-pix. vernalis, spring. Switzerland — purpleézw. ANGELICA, ANGELICA. cl. 5. or. 2. . sylvestris, wild. , Britain. 6 whitish: verticillaris, whorl-flowered. Italy. “ 6 green, ANTHEMIS, CHAMOMILE. cl. 19. or. 2 Pyrethrum, Pellitory of Spain. S. of Europe. 1% white. tinctoria, yellow. Britain. 2 yellow. G3 66 ANTHYLLIS, ANTHYLLIS. cl. 1?. or. 4. alpina, Alpine. Britain. montana, mountain. S. of Europe. 1ft.purple. ANTIRRHINUM, TOAD-FLAX. cl. 14. or. 2. Cymbalaria, ivy-leaved. Europe. i white& bl. majus, great. 2 white&red. monspessulanum, Montpelier. France. —- pale blue. purpureum, purple. S. ofEurope. 3 purple. triornithophorum,three birds-head. Portugal. 2 APHYLLANTHES, APHYLLANTHES. cl. 6. or. 1. monspeliensis, rushy. S. of France. 1 blue. APOCYNUM, DOG’S—BANE. cl. 5. or. 2. hypericifolium, St. John’s VVort-lea. N. America. 2 white. ARABIS, WALL-CRESS. cl. 15. or. 2. ciliata, Alpine. Ireland. canadensis, Canadian. Canada. 2 lucida, shining. Hungary. i white. turrita, tower. Britain. ARALIA, ARALIA. cl. 5. or. 5. nudicaulis, naked-stalked. Virginia. light yell. racemosa, berry—bearing. Canada. — ARENARIA, SANDWORT. cl. 10. or. 3. altaica, small. Siberia. austriaca, Austrian. Austria. % white. balearica, Minorca. Minorca. —-- cherlerifolia, cherleria—leaved. Britain. ciliata, ciliated. -- —-+ grandiflora, great-flowered. S. of Europe. — —— montana, mountain. France. —- —— multicaulis, many-stalked. Europe. peploides, sea. Britain. 15 —— striata, striated. Switzerland. — — ARESINE, ARESINE. €1.22. or. 5. celosyoides, red-stalked. N. America. ARISTOLOCHIA, BIRTHWORT. cl. 20. or. 5. longa, long-rooted. S. of Europe. 15 pale pur. ARTEMISIA, WORMWOOD. cl. 19. or. 2. caucasica, Caucasian. M. Caucasus. fragrans, lavender-leaved. Armenia. glauca, glaucous. Siberia. 1 pale yell. integrifolia, entire-leaved. 2 repens, creeping. sericea, silky. 1% white. vulgaris, Mugwort. Britain. 3 red. ARUM, ARUM. cl. 21.0r. 7. atrorubens, purple—stalked. N. America. 1 brown. dracontium, green Dragon. N. America. 3; brown. . dracuuculum, common Dragon. S. of Europe. 3 triphyllum, three-leaved. N. America. %— blue. HARDY HERBACEOUS PERENNIALS. p HARDY HERBACEOUS PERENNIALS. 6: , ARUNDINARIA, CANE-BRAKE. cl. 3. or. 2. N. America. macrosperma, long-seeded. . ARUNDO, REED-GRASS. cl. 3. or. 2. calamagrostis, small. Britain. 4ft. colorata, striped. Donax, manured. S. of Europe. epigejos, \Vood. Britain. 1% Phragmitis, common. 6 stricta, small upright. 2 ASCLEPIAS, SWALLOW-WORT. cl. 5. or. 2. nigra, dark-flowered. S. of Europe. 4 dark pur. . ASCYRUM, ASCYRUM. cl. 18. or. 4. multicaule, many—stalked. N. America. . ASPA RAGUS, SPERAGE. cl. 6. or. 1. oflicinalis, common. Britain. 3 yellowish g. verticillaris, whorl-leaved. M. Caucasus. 2 white. . ASPERULA, WOODROOF. cl. 4. or. 1. crassula, thick-leaved. Levant. 9; white. cynanchica, small. Britain. — striped. lzévigata, shining. S. of Europe. 1 white. montana, mountain. Hungary. é— repens, creeping. Portugal. % — ASTER, STAR-WORT. cl. 19. 07‘. 2. alpinus, Alpine. Alpsot'Europe. 1 white. argenteus, silver-leaved. N. America. ‘ aastivus, summer. Labrador. ‘2 blue. caucasicus, Caucasian. M. Caucasus. chinensis, Chinese. China. — whitish. macropliyllus, long-leaved. N. America. praecox, early-flowering. —-— 1.}; blue. squarrosus, ragged. -—- AS'I'RAGALUS, MILK-VETCH. cl. 17. or. 4. albidus, white. Europe. alopecuroides, Fox-tail. Spain. 3 pale yell. alpinus, Alpine. Switzerland. 1 pale blue. asper, rough. Astracan. 2 altaicus, Altaic. Siberia. caro-linianus, Carolina. Carolina. Cicer, bladder-podded. S.ofEurope. 3 yellow. galegiformis, Goat’s Rue. Siberia. 4 greenish ye. glycyphyllus, wild Liquorice. Britain. 3 lightyellorv. hypbglottis, purple Mountain. Austria. % purple. microphyllus, small-leaved. Germany. 1 yellow. monspessulanus, Montpelier. S. of France. — purple. Onobrycliis, purple-spiked. Austria. 1?; red. ATHAMANTA, SPIGEL. cl. 5. or. Q. cretensis, downy—leaved. Austria. 1 white. Matthiuli, fine-leaved. Carniola. 63 HARDY HERBACEOUS PERENNIALS. rigida, rigid. Austria. 1gj't.white. sicula, fiaxweed-leaved. Sicily. 3 trifurcata, three-forked. Switzerland. ATRACTYLIS, ATRACTYLIS. cl. 19. or. 1. gummifera, gummy-rooted. S. of Europe. humilis, dwarf. Spain. ATROPA, NIGHTSHADE. cl. 5. or. 1. Belladonna, deadly. Europe. 3 dark pur. AVENA, OAT-GRASS. cl. 3. or. 2. distichophylla, fan-leaved. Switzerland. fragilis, ‘brittle. ‘ ‘ Spain. planiculmis, flat-stalked. Britain. 3 pratensis, mead0w. 1 pubescens, pubescent. 1% sibirica, Siberian. Siberia. 3 BALLOTA, BLACK HOREHOUND. cl. 14.1w. 1. alba, white. Britain. 2 white. lanata, woolly. Siberia. —- nigra, black. Britain. 2 purple. BARISIA, BARTSIA. Cl. 14. 01'. ‘2. alpina, . Alpine. Britain. % purple. coccinea, scarlet. N America. pallida, pale-flowered. Hudson’ 5 Bay. 5 -— BELLIUM, BELLIUM. cl.19. or. Q. minutuin, small. Lu ant 5; white. BETONICA, BETONY. cl. 14. or. 1. grandiflora, great-flowered. Siberia. 2 red. hirsuta, hairy. Pyrenees. :- purple. incana, hoary. Italy. — flesh. Oiientalis, Oriental. Levant. 1 light pur. stricta, upright. Denmark. — purple. B(EHMERIA, BCEHMERIA. cl. 21. or. 4. cylindrica, cylindrical. Vir inia. BUCCUNIA, TREE CELANDINE. Cl. 11. or. 1. cordata, heart-leaved. China. 8 white. BROMUS, BROOM-GRASS. cl. 3. or. Q. ciliatus, ciliated. Canada. littoreus, Sea. Europe. sterilis, barren. Britain. 2 BUNIUM, EARTH—NUT. cl. 5. or. 2. Bulbocastanum, common. Europe. 2 white. flexuosum, flexuose. Britain. BUPHTHALMUM, OX—EYE. cl. 19. or. 2. K grandiflorum, great-flowered. Austria. 1:} yellow. salicifolium, willow-leaved. S. of Europe. —- BUTOMUS, FLOWERlNG RUSH. _cl. 9. or. 3. . umbellatus, umbelled. Britain. 4 white. CAKILE, CAKILE. cl. 15. or. 1. perennis, perennial. Germany. 1 yellow. HARDY HERBACEOUS PERENNIALS. CAMPANULA, BELL-FLOW ER. americana, azurea, betonicifolia, carpatica, cenisia, cernua, lactiflora, pulla, pyramidalis, rotundifolia, verticillata, versicolor, urticifolia, CARDA MINE, LADY’S SMOCK. asarifolia, cl. 5. or. 1. American. N. America. azure. Switzerland. betony-leaved. Siberia. heart-leaved. Alps. ciliated. Switzerland. nodding-flowered. Hungary. white. Europe. dark-flowered. Austria. pyramidal. Carniola. round-leaved. Britain. whorl-leaved. Austria. various-coloured. Greece. nettle-leaved . heart—leaved. Germany. cl. 15. 01'. 2. Italy. ‘ CARDUUS, THISTLE. cl. 19. 07'. 1. alpestris, Alpine. Croatia. arctioides, pinnated. Carniola. cyanoides, bluebottle-leaved. Siberia. crassif'olius, tbick-leaved. horridus, spiny. America. nitidus, shining. Hungary. parviflorus, small-flowered. S. of Europe. paniculatus, panicled. —— pycnocephalus, Italian. CAREX, SEDGE. cl. 21. or. 3. ambleocarpa, short-fruited. Britain. atrata, black. arenaria, sand. binervis, two-nerved. crinata, hairy. N. America cyperoides, Cyprus. S. of Europe. distans, distant. Britain. erinacea, bristly-capsuled. N. America exteusa, extended. Britain. flava, great yellow. flexuosa, bending. N America Fraseriana, Fraser’s. lagopodioides, Hare’s-f‘oot. leptalca, small. Britain ovalis, oval-spiked. pulicaris, Flea. paniculata, panicled. -— pseudo-Cyperus, bastard Cyprus. —— pulla, dark. -——— rariflora, loose-flowered Alpine. rigida, rigid. schreberi, Schreber's. Germany. stellulata, little prickly. Britain. 69 § 1 pale blue. § blue. 711- 7 white. ;;— blue. 6 blue&wh. 1 pale blue. 4 white&blue 2‘.» white. 2 red. 2 white. 1 purple. ‘1 1’2‘ 1 l i O 1 1_ 2 1 VNCUT SPKEAD UNCUT SPREAD 72 HARDY HERBACEOUS PERENNIALS. CORONILLA, CORONILLA. cl. 17. or. 4. varia, purple. France. COTYLEDON, NAVELVVORT. cl. 10. or. 5. lutea, yellow. Britain. Umbilicus,' common. CRAMBE, COLE-VVORT. cl. 15. or. 1. maritima, Sea Kale. Britain. orientalis, Oriental. Levant. pinnatifida, smooth-winged. Siberia. tartarica, Tartarian. Tartary. CUCUBALUS, CAMPION. cl. 10. or. 3. multiflorus, many-flowered. Hungary. sibiricus, Siberian. Siberia. stellatus, four-leaved. Virginia. tartaricus, Tartarian. Tartary. CYNANCHUM, CYNANCHUM. cl. 5. or. 2. acutum, acute-leaved. Spain. carolinense, Carolina. Carolina. monspeliacum, Montpelier. S. of Europe. nigrum, black. —-——- sibiricum, Siberian. Siberia. Vincetoxicum, ofiicinal. Europe. DALIBARDA, DALIBARDA. cl. 12. or. 6. fragarioides, strawberry-leaved. N. America. violarioides, violet-leaved. ————— DELPHINIUM, LARKSPUR. cl. 13. or. 3. Aconiti, aconite-leaved. Levant. azureum, azure-leaved. N. America. elatum. Bee. Siberia. exaltatum, American Bee. N. America. grandiflorum, large-flowered. Siberia. "car. double. hybridum, bastard. intermedium, palmated. . Silesia. tricorne, three-horned. N. America. urceolatum, hollow-leaved. DIANTHUS, PINK. cl. 10. or. 2. alpiuus, mountain. Austria. barbatus, Sweet \Villiam. Germany. caesius, dwarf. Britain. capitatus, headed. Siberia. caryophyllus, Clove. Europe. our. double and variegated. caucasicus, Caucasian. M. Caucasus. (loltoidcs, maiden. Europe. discolor, two-coloured. M. Caucasus. fragrans, fragrant. Austria. hyssopifolius, hysso p-leaved. Siberia. gft.purple. 3‘; yellow. 2— greenish w 3 white. 2 1 white. 1 -‘—. W 6 dull white. 4 pale rose. :— _'ellow. 1 4 blue. 6 2 fine blue. 3 blue. 8 2 blue. & red CV uh. I % flesh. 2 red & “h. § bright red. ; red & “h. HARDY HERBACEOUS PERENNIALS. 73 orientalis, Eastern. Gurgistan. plumarius, feathered. Europe. pomeridianus, evening-flowering. Siberia. procumbens, trailing. Levant. sufl'ruticosus, shrubby. Siberia. virginicus, upright. Austria. DIGITALIS, FOXGLOVE. cl. 14. or. 2. ambigua, great yellow. Alps. erubescens, blush-flowered. Italy. lnnata, woolly. Hungary. leucophma, broad-lipped. Greece. parviflora, small. Switzerland. Thapsi, Spanish. Spain. DORUNICUM, LEUPARD’S-BANE. cl. 19 or. altaieum, Altaic. Siberia. bellidiastrum, daisy-leaved. Germany. plantagmeum, herbaceum, DRACi'EN A , horealis, altaiense, austriaeum, grandiflorum, nutans, ruyschianum, sibiricum, variegatum, DRYAS, octopetala, ELYMUS, arenarius, canadensis, eaninus, europaeus, geniculatus, giganteus, hirsutus, Hystrix, junceus, philadelphus, sabulosus, sibirica, tener, virginicus, EPILOBIUM, alpinum, plautain-leaved. DORYCNIUM, DO RYCNIUM. herbaceous. DRACZEN A. oval-leaved. S. of Europe. cl. 1?. or. 4. S. of Europe. cl. 6. or. 1. Newfoundland. 1 DRACOCEPHALU M, DRAGON’S—H EAD. betony-leaved. Gurgistan. Austrian. Austria. great-flowered. Siberia. nodding. ‘ hyssop-leaved. N. of Europe. Siberian. Siberia. variegated. Carolina. DRYAS. cl. 12. or. 5. mountain. Alps. LYME-GRASS. cl. 3. or. ‘2. Sand. Britain. Canadian. Canada. awned. Britain. Wood. knee-jointed. giant. hirsute. N. America. Porcupine. Levant. Rush. Siberia. Philadelphian. N. America. glaucous. Sibtria. Siberian. - tender. Virginian. Virginia. WILLOW-HERB. cl. 8. or. 1. Alpine. Britain. H 5ft. whitish pu. 1 yellow. 1 white. 3 light yell. 2 3 % purple. 2. 1 white. a 4 2 yellow. 2 white. light yell. cl. 1;. or. I. 1 blue. % 3 I 1% 1 purple % white 4- 2 3 % red. ti ,4 i VNCUT Seem!) UNLUT SPREAD 76 HARDY HERBACEOUS PERENNIALS. 1 yellow. 1; .1; orange. —- yellow. 1} blue. 3 paleviolet. 5 pale blue- 2. 7',— striped. 1 yellow. 2; purplish. 1 white. é red. .5 yellow. 4 dark purp. 1 yellowish w 1 pale rose. i . 1 white. 2 flesh. 1% pale green. GEUM, AVENS. cl. 12. or. 5. americanum, American. N. America. canadense, Canadian. —— hybridum, bastard. Europe. macrophyllum, long-leaved. potentilloides, Siberian. Siberia. reptans, creeping. Switzerland. GLOBULARIA, GLOBULARIA. cl. 4. or. 1. «:ordifolia, wedge-leaved. Hungary. GLYCYRRHIZA, LIQUORICE. cl. 1?. or. 4. asperrima, roughest. Siberia. cchinata, prickly-headed. Italy. glandulifera, glandular. Hungary. GNAPHALIUM, EVERLASTING. cl. 19. or. 2. alpina, Alpine. Switzerland. arenarium, Sand. Europe. arvense, Corn. (lioicum, dioecious. Britain. plantagineum, plantain-leaved. N. America. sanguineum, Egyptian bloody. Egypt. Soechas, narrow-leaved. S. of Europe. UONOLOBUS, GONOLOBUS. cl. 5. 0r. 2. hirsutus, hirsute. N. America. GRATIOLA, HEDGE HYSSOP. cl. 2. or. 1. otiicinalis, common. S. of Europe. ()YPSOPHYLLA, GYPSOPIIYLLA. cl. 10. or. fastigiata, triangular—leaved. Sweden. glomerata, round-headed. murialis, Wall. Europe. paniculata, panicled. Siberia. perfoliata, perfoliate. Spain. UUNDELIA, GUNDELIA. cl. '19. Or. 5. tournefortia, Tournefort's. Levant. (SYMNOCLADUS, BONDUC. cl. 2?. or. 18. canadensis, Canadian. Canada. HEDYSARUM, HEDYSARUM. cl. 1?. or. 4. alpinum, Alpine. Switzerland. 2 red. ()nobrychis, Saintfoil. Britain. 1 -———- aaxatile, rock- S. ofEurope. -—- light yell. HELLEBORUS, HELLEBORE. cl. 13. or. 7. [green trifolius, three-leaved. Canada. 1 purplish HELMINTHIA, HELMINTHIA. cl. 19. or. 1. (‘ClliOidES, bristly. Britain. HERACLEUM, COW-PARSNIP. cl. 5. or. 2. nlpinum, Alpine. Switzerland. 2 white. angustifolium, narrow—leaved. Britain. 4 yellowish. nustriacum, Austrian. Austria. ‘2 rose. HARDY HERBACEOUS PERENNIALS. 77 elegans, rough-leaved. Austria. 15 ftgreen 81w. flavescelns, yellow. — green. sibiricum, Siberian. Siberia. ‘2 tauricum, dwarf. Tauria. HESPERIS, ROCKET. cl. 15. or. 2. inodora, scentless. runcinata, runcinate. Hungary. HIERACIUM, HAWKWEED. d. 19. or. I alpinum, Alpine. Britain. § pale yell. aurantiacum, orange. Austria. 1% yellow. aureum, golden. — chondrilloides, Gum Succory. 1 —-—- cymosum, cyme-flowered. Europe. — ~—— glaucum, glaucons. S. of Europe. 1% Gmelini, Gmelin’s. Siberia. 1 —-- Gronovii, Gronovius’s. Virginia. pulmonarium, lungwort-leaved. Britain. undulatum, wave-leaved. Spain. 1% -—- venosum, veined. N. Amer 1ca. —-— HOLCUS, HOLCUS. cl. 23. or. 1. avenaceus, oat-like. Britain. 3 mollis, soft. -— % odoratus, sweet-scented. Canada. 3 HORDEUM, BARLEY. cl. 3. or. 2. bulbosnm, bulbous. S. of Europe. pratense, meadow. Britain. HYOSC ERIS, HYOSCERIS. cl. 19. or. 1 lucida, shining. Levant. % yellow. radiata, —— HYPERICUM, STa JrOIIN'S WOR’IS‘p acl. 18. or.4. Ascyron, red-lenved. Pyrenees. 1 ye110w. elodes, Marsh. Bl Itam. -— frondosum, green. N. America. glaucum, glaucous. —— humifusum, trailing. Britain. i— reddish yei. maculatum, spotted. N. America. macrocarpon, large-capsuled. Carolina. pyramidatum, pyramidal. Canada. 1 white. HYSSOPUS, HYSSOP. cl. 14. or. 1. [wliitu oflicinalis, common. S. ofEurope. 2 blue, red,& JASIONE, SHEEP’S SCABIOUS. cl. 5. or. 1. perennis, perennial. S. of France. 1% blue. JUSSIEUA, JUSSIEUA. cl. 10. or. 1. grandiflora, large-flowered. Carolina. INULA, INULA. cl. 19. or. 2. astuans, oval-leaved. . N. America. yellow. liirta, hairy. Siberia. I ~--—- ISATIS, WOAD. cl. 15. or. 1. alpina, Alpine. Italy. 1’5 yellow. H3 78 HARDY HERBACEOUS PERENNIALS. ‘2fl.pale blue. 2 3 2 3 ~19on h cote—w bl- LACTUCA, LETTUCE. cl. 19. 07'. 1. perennis, erennial. Germany LASERPITIUM, LASERWORT. cl. 5. or. 2. angustifnlium, narrow-leaved. S. of Europe. l'crulaceum, fennel-leaved. Levant. gullicum, French. S. of Europe. hirsutum, hirsute. Germany. latifolium, brnad—leaved. Europe. pcucedanoides, fine-leaved. Alps of Europe. 1 silaifolium. sulphur-wort-leav. LATHYRUS, PEA. cl. 17. or. 4. pratensis, meadow. Britain. pisiformis, Siberian. Siberia. recnrv us, curve—padded. s) It c—stris, narrow-leaved. Europe. I I PIDIUM, PEPPERWORT. cl. 15.012 Draba, Wliitlow. S. of Europe. latif‘olium, hroad-leaved. Europe. LICPTANTHUS, LEPTANI HUS. c1. 3. or. 1. renif'ormis, kidney- leav.ed N. America. LIGUSTICUM, LOVAGE. cl. 5. or. 2. austriacum, Austrian. Austria. lm‘earicum, Minorca. Minorca. cornuhiense, Cornish. Britain. lcvisticum, common. Alps. Lobelia, Lobel's. Siberia. pyrenaicum, Pyrenean. Pyrenees. scoticum, Scottish. Britain. LINNIEA, LINNIEA. cl. 14. or. 2. lmroalis, two-flowered. Britain. 1 INUM, FLAX. cl. 5. or. 5. n zignstifolium, narrow-leaved. Britain. :‘iusti lacutn, Austrian. Austria. liirsutum, hairy. perenne, perennial. Britain. LI'I‘TORELLA, SHAW—WEED. cl. 2]. or. 4. lucustris, plantain-leaved. Britain. LITHOSPERMUM, GROMWELL. cl. 5. or. 1. purpurcum coeruleum, creepinv. Britain). LOBELIA, LOBELIA. cl. 5. or. 1. gnudenoides, goodenia-like. LO LIU’M, DARNEL. cl. 3. or. 2. perenne, Rye-Grass. Britain. LOPH IOLA, LOPHIOLA. cl. 6. or. 1. aurea, golden-crested. N. America. LOTUS, BI RD’S-FOOT TREFOIL. corniculatus, common. cytisoxdes, downy. rectus. upright. N. America. Europe. S. of Europe. bli- IBM»: white. yellow. white. yellowish. yellow . white. purple. white. white. yellow. white. yellow. 1‘05?- purple. blue. greenish w. blue. cl. 1?. or. 4. yellow. flesh. HARDY HERBACEOUS PERENNIALS. 79 4ft.scarlet. LYC HNIS, LYCHNIS. cl. 10. or. 4. chalcedonica, scarlet. Russia. "our. double. Flos Cuculi, meadow. Europe. § var. double. LYGEUM, LYGEUM. cl. 3. or. 1. spartum, rush-leared. Spain. LYSIMACIIIA, LOOSESTRIFE. cl. 5. or. 1. angustifolia, narrow-leavcd. N. America. 1 nemorum, grove. . Britain. % nummularia, Moneywort. —}; LY T HRUM, VVILLO W-HERB. cl. 11. or. 1. v irgatum, s. ‘ender-twigged. Austria. 3 LU DVVIGEA LUDWIGEA cl. 4. or. 1. hirsuta, hai N. America. MACROPODIUU,MACROPODIUM.(1.15.072 2. nivale, Siberian. Siberia. MARRUBIU'M, HOREHOUND. (l. 14. or. 1. vulgare, common white. Europe. 2 MATRICARIA, FEVERFEW. cl. 19. or. 2. Partheuium, common. Europe. 3 MEDEOLA, MEDEOLA. cl. 6. or. 3. virginiana, Virginian. Virginia. a} MEDICAGO, MEDICK. cl. 17. or. 4. marina, Sea. Italy. 1 prostrata, dwarf. Hungary. g sativa, Lucern. Europe. 2 MELANTHIUM, MELANTHIUM. cl. 6. or. 3. laetum, spear-leaved. N. America. i virginicum, Virginian. ———--—- 1*; MELICA, M ELIC-GRASS. cl. 3. or. Q. Bauhinii, Italian. Italy. nutans, nodding. Britain. 1% pyramidalis, pyramidal. Morocco. uniflora, one— Hflowered Britain. MELISSA, BALM. cl. 14. or. 1. grandiflora, great-flowered. Italy. 1% oflicinalis, common. 8. of Europe. 1 MENTHA, MINT. cl. 14. or. 1. cervina, hyssop- leaved. France. 3 MENYANTHES, BUCKBEAN. cl. 5. or. 1. nymphioides, fringed. Europe. sarmentosa, running. New [loll-and. MILIUM, MILLET—GRASS. cl. 8. or. 2. eflusum, common. Britain. 3 paradoxum, black-seeded. S. of Europe. MITELLA, MITELLA. cl. 10. or. Q nuda, naked. N. America. 1% red& white. yellow. purple. white. white. brown. yellow. purple. white. greenish w. purple. white. white. yellow. greenish. pale purp. F“ 80 HARDY HERBACEOUS PERENNIALS. MIRABILIS, MARVEL OF PERU. cl. 5. 01- jalapa, common. ' Both Indies. ISjt. red &yell. longiflora, sweet—scented. Mexico. 2 white. MCEHRINGIA, MCEHRINGIA. cl. 8. or. 2. muscosa, mossy S. of Europe. 1 white. MONOTROPA, YELLOW BIRDS-NEST. cl. 10. or. 1. Hypopithys, common. Britain. —; whitish. MOLUCCELLA, MOLUCCA BALM. cl. 14. or. 1. tuberosa, tuberous-rooted. Tartary. MONARDA, MONARDA. cl. 2. or. 1. didyma, scarlet, or Uswego 'lea. N. America. 2 red. fistulosa, hollow-stalked. ———-— 3 pale purp. rugosa, white- flowered. ~———— 1 white. MYAGRUM, GOLD 0F PLEASURE. cl. 15.0121. saxatile, rock. Al 5. :3— yellowish. NARDUS, MAT-GRASS. cl. 3. or. 1. stricta, u right. Britain. 1 yellowish. NEPETA, CATMINT. cl. 14. or. 1. angustifolia, narrow-leaved. Spain. 1 blue. italica, Italian. Italy. — white. lamiifolia, lamium-leaved. Persia. longiflora, long-flowered. melisswfolia, balm-leaved. Crete. ‘2 —-— DIisini, scollop-leaved. M. Caucasus. nepetella, small. S. of Europe. 5 red. nuda, Spanish. —— 2 wl11te reticulata, net- -lea1 ed. Morocco. tuberosa, tuberous—rooted. Portugal. 2 blue ucranica, Ukraine. Russia. 2% NOLINA, NOLINA. cl. 6. 0) . 3. georgiana, Georgian. Georgia. . NYMPHIEA, WATER. LILY. Cl. 13. or. 1. alba, . white. EurOpe. white. lutea, yellow. yellow. CENANTHE, WATER DROPWORT. cl. 5. or. 2. apiifolia, parsley-leaved. Portugal. crocata, Hemlock. Europe. 4 white. fistulosa, common. 2 peucedanifulia, sulpl1ur-wort-leav.1:‘,— —— pimpinelloides, parsley—leaved. Britain. g -——— prolifera, proliferous. Italy. 1.;- —— (ENOTHERA, (ENOI‘IIERA. cl. 8. or. 1. caaspitosa, matted. Louisiana. ; white. frutieosa, perennial. N. America. 3 yellow. glauca, glancous. -—-—- l — ONONIS, REST-HARROW. cl. 17. or. 4. antiquorum, tall. S. of Europe. 1% purple. cenisia, narrow-leaved trailing. Italy. .} purple. Cherleri, dwarf. S. of Europe. 1— HARDY HERBACEOUS PERENNIALS. columna, repens, spmosa, ONOPORDIUM, COTTON THISTLE. rotunglifolium, round-leaved. Italy. OPHIOGLOSSUM, ADAM’S TONGUE. cl. 24. or. 1. vulgatum, common. Britain. 1 green. ORIGANUM, MARJORAM. cl. 14. or. 1. heracleoticum, Winter Sweet. Greece. 1% white. hybridum, bastard. Europe. —- light red. vulgare, common. 2 flesh. ORNITHOPUS, BIRDS-FOOT. cl. 17. or. 4. durus, perennial. Spain. i— deep yell. OROBUS, BITTER-VETCH. cl. 17. or. 4. ' lathyroides, upright. Siberia. 2 purple. luteus, yellow. —— pale yell. niger, black-rooted. N. of Europe.— purple. sylvaticus, Wood. Europe. I% ORONTIUM, ORONTIUM. cl. 6. or. 1. aquaticum, Water. N. America. japonicum, Japan. Japan. 2 white. ORTEGIA, ORTEGIA. cl. 3. or. 1. hispanica, Spanish. Spain. 1 yellowish. OSMUNDA, OSMUNDA. cl. £24. or. 1. cinnamomea, woolly. N. America. claytoniana, Clayton’s. —— regalis, flowering Fern. —- 3 OXALIS, WOOD SORREL. cl. 10. or. 5. acetosella, common. Britain. a; white. corniculata, procumbent. Italy. — yellow. ' stricta, upright. N. America. — violacea, violet-coloured. —— 1 violet. PANAX, PANAX. cl. 23. or. ‘2. quinquefolia, Ginseng. China. 1 whitish. PAPAVER, POPPY. cl. 13. or. I. alpinum, Alpine. Switzerland. 1 yellow. nudicaule, naked—stalked. Siberia. % PARIETARIA, PELLITORY. cl. 23. or. I. judaica, basil-leaved. Europe. % greenish. oflirrinalis, ofiicinal. Britain. 1 PARTHENIUM, PARTHENIUM. cl. 19. or. 4. integrifolium, entire-leaved. Virginia. 2 while. PASCALIA, PASCALIA. cl. 19. or. 2. glauca, gla-icous. Chili. yellow. virginica, Virginian. N. America. 3 PAS'l'lNACA, PARSNIP. cl. 5. or. 2. OpOpanax, rough. S. of Europe. 7 yellow. small-flowered. Switzerland. creeping. Britain. spiny. cl. 19. or. 1. 81 gflmed. VNCU T SPKEAD UNLUT S PREAD 84 maritima, sibirica, PYROLA, maculata, media, minor, rosea, rotundifolia, secunda, umbellata, uniflora, PYRETHRUM, FEVERFEW. bipinnatum, Caucasicum, macrophyllum, maritimum, parthenicum, parthenifolia, petraa n m, PYX IDANTHE RA, PYXI DANTH ERA. barbnlata, RAN UN C ULUS, C R0 W FOOT. kid ney-leaved. abortivus, alpestris, cassubicus, glacialis, lanuginosus, montauus, nivalis, parnassifolius, platanifolius, RAPHANUS, RADISU. maritimus, REAUMURIA, REAUMURIA. ‘ hypericoides, RU BIA, angustifolia, Tinctorum, RU BUS, arcticus, RUDBECKlA, RUDBECKIA. Sea. Siberian. intermediate. small. rose-coloured. round-leaved. notch-leaved. umbelled. one-flowered. hipinnate. Caucasian. long-leared. ea. common. winged-leaved. rock. barbed. Alpine. various~lcaved. two-flowered. woolly—leaved. mountain. yellow Alpine. W l N f FIR—GREEN. spotted—leaved. cl. parnassia—leaved. plane—leaved. Sea. flax—leaved. M ADDER. narrow-leaved. Dyer's. BRA M BLE. d w a r f. cl. 5. or. 1. Britain. Siberia. cl. 10. 0r. 1 N. America. Britain. Europe. Britain. Europe. N. America. N. of Europe. 19. or. Q. Siberia. M. Caucasus. Hungary. Britain. Carolina. cl. 13. or. 7. N. America. Austria. Siberia. Lapland. S. of Europe. Alps. Lapland. S. ofEurope. Germany. cl. 15. or. 2. Britain. cl. 13. or. 5. Syria. cl. 4. or. 1. Minorca. S of Europe. (1. 12. or. 5. N. of Europe. cl. 19. or. 3. hirta, great-hairy. Virginia. RUMEX, DOCK. cl. 6. or. 3. Acetosella, Sheep Sorrel. Britain. Acetosa, garden Sorrel. . alpinus, Alpine. France. crispus, curled—leaved. Britain. HARDY HERBACEOUS PERENNIALS. PULMONARIA, LUNG'WORT. gfuight blue. 1 1 % % 1 i E. 4 1 i-‘HWwaM- umi- N) am... .5; u,»- lilo.— cl. 5. or. 1. W— blue. pale pink. white. reddish w h. red & white. yellow. white. yellow. striped. yellow. yellow. yellow. greenish. red. yellow. greenish. white. brown. HARDY HERBACEOUS PERENNIALS. S5 digynus, mountain. Britain. Patientia, Patience. Italy. § whitish. .1 scutatus, French Sorrel. France. 1% reddish. j RUPPIA, RUPPIA. cl. 4. or. 3. maritima, Sea. Britain. 1;- greenish. A SALVIA, SAGE. cl. 2. or. 1. ‘3 austriaca, Austrian. Austria. 1 light yell. bicolor, two-coloured. Barbary. -_ crassifolia, thick-leaved. glutinosa, yellow. Germany. 3 grandiflora, great—flowered. S. of Europe. 2 light blue. lyrata, lyre-leaved. Virginia. 1 nemorosa, spear—leaved. Austria. 1% blue. nutans, nodding. Russia. 4 pale blue. phlomoides, mullein-leaved. Spain. 2 sylvestris, \Vood. Austria. 3 blue. urticil‘olia, nettle-leaved. Verbenaca, Vervain Sage. Europe. 2 —— SAGITI‘ARIA, ARROW-HEAD. cl. 21. or. 6. bulbosa, bulbous. Cane]. sagittifolia, common. Britain. white. SAMBUCUS, ELDER. cl. 5. or. 3. cbulis, dwarf. Europe. 3 white. SAMOLUS, WATER PIMPERNEL. cl. 5. or. 1. Valerandi, common. Europe. g white. SANGUISORBA, GREAT BURNET. cl. 4. or. 1. canadensis, Canadian. N. America. 3 white. ol’ficinalis, common. Europe. — red. SANICULA, SANICLE. cl. 5. or. 2. europaea, common. Europe. 1 white. SARRACENA, SIDE-SADDLE—FLOVVER. cl. 13. or. 1. flava, yellow. N. America. minor, small. § purpnrca, purple. —-—-—— -- purple. rubra, red. Carolina. SAXIFRAGA, SAXIFRAGE. cl. 10. or. 2. ajugif'olia, ground-pine-leav. S. of Europe. 1 white. aizoides, yellow mountain. Europe. 5- yellow. cernua, drooping. % white. Geum, kidney-leaved. Alps. 1% majuscula, large. Britain. 1 moschnta, musky. % yellowish. mutata, houseleek-leaved. Switzerland. :3; white. - nivalis, snowy. Britain. % quinquefida, fiverclef't. — — rivularis, Brook. —-—— % rosularis, Rose. 2 pink. sarmentosa, creeping. China. % whitish rel, stellaris, starry. Britain. —- white. VNCUT SPKEAD UNLUT S PREAD 83 HARDY HERBACEOUS PERENNIALS. STACHYS, STACHYS. cl. 14. or. 1. alpina, Alpine. Germany. th.(lark purp. ambigua, ambiguous. Britain. 1 pink. Bufl'onia, slender. . cretica, Cretan. Candia. 3 whitish. glutinosa, glutinous. Crete. 1 white. hirta, procumbent. Spain. —— purplish. intermedia, oblong-leaved. Carolina. lanata, woolly. _ Siberia. 1 whitish. inontana, mountain. nepetifolia, catmint—leaved. STRATOIDES, FRESH-WATER. SOLDIER. cl. 13. or. 6. aloides, \Vater Aloe. Europe. SYMPHYTUM, COM FREY. cl. 5. or. 1. asperrimum, rough. Siberia. 4 blue. uflicinale, common. Europe. 2 yellowish-w. TAMUS, BLACK BRYONY. cl. 22. or. 6. cretica, Cretan. Candia. 8 greenish. communis, common. Britain. 10 TELEPHIUM, ORPINE. cl. 5. or. 3. Imperati, true. S. of France. % white. THLASPI, BASTARD-CRESS. cl. 15. or. 1. alpina, Alpine. Britain. a white. TEUCRIUM, GERMANDER. (I. 14. or. 1. Chamaadrys, creeping. Europe. g purplish. hyrcanicum, betony-leaved. Persia. 15 purple. Laxmanni, villous. Siberia. % lucitlum, shining. S. of Europe. 1 inontanum, mountain. France. g white. inultiflurum, many-flowered. Spain. 1 light red. pyrenaicum, Pyrenean. Pyrenees. % purple. sibiricum, Siberian. Siberia. virginieum, Virginian. N. America. 1 red. THALICTRUM, MEADOW-RUE. cl. 13. or. 7. angustifolium, narrow-leaved. Germany. 3 whitish. atropurpureum, dark-flowered. —— dark red. contortum, twisted—leaved. —-—— — white. dioicum, (lioicous. N. America. 1 yellowish-w. nigricans, black. Austria. 2 purple. purpurascens, purple-stalked. Canada. 3 light purp. rugnsum, wrinkled-leaved. N . America. 2 white. sibiricum, Siberian. Siberia. 1 light yell. 'speciosum, glaucous—leared. Spain. 5 yellow. tuberosun), tuberous-rooted. 2 white. THAPSIA, DEADLY CARROT. cl. 5. or. 2. fgetida, foetid. Spain. 2 yellow. garganica, Garganian. —- light yell. villosa, villous. S.of Europe. 3 yellow. HARDY HERBACEOUS PERENNIALS. 39 THYMUS, alpinus, melissoides, montanus, TOFIELDIA, palustris, pubens, T RADESCANTIA, SPIDERW ORT. rosea, subaspera, vn ginica, TRAGO POGON, GOA F’S-BE ARD. Dalcchampi, pe1ennial. Spain. TRIENTALIS, TRIEN l‘ALIS. cl. 7. or. 1. eu1opaea, common. Eu1ope. TRICHODIUM, \VINTER-GREEN GRASS. decumbens, decumbent. TRIFOLIUM, TREFOIL CI. 17. or. 4. alpestre, oval-spiked. Europe. alpinum, Alpine. Italy. bracteatum, .11 0e bracted. Morocco. canescens, graey. M. Caucasus. expansum, expanded. fragifernm, Strawberry Britain. hybridum, bastard. Europe. Lupinaster, Lupine. Siberia. medium, COW-grass. Britain. Olympicum, Olympian. Greece. pratense, Clover. Britain. repens, Dutch Clover. speciosum, large-flowered. Greece. pannonicum, Hungarian. Hungary. rubens, long—spiked. S. of Europe. TRIGLOCHIN, ARRO\V-GRASS. Ci. 6. or. 3. palustre, Marsh. Britain. maritimum, Sea. TRIOSTEUM, FEVER-\VORT. cl. 5. or. 1 angustit‘ulium, narrow-leaved. Virginia. pert'oliatum, perfoliate. N. America. TROLLIUS, GLOBE-FLOWER. cl. 13. or. 7. asiaticus, Asiatic. Siberia. TURRITIS, TOWER MUSTARD. cl. 15. or. arvensis, scabm, stricta, TYPHA, angustifolia, 11111101', THY_ME. Alpine. balpm-leav ed. mountain. TOFIELDIA. do w ny 1 nae—flowered Lyon’s. VirUinian. cl. 14. or. 1. A ustria. Hungary. cl. 6. or. 3. Scotch Asphodel. Britain. N. America. cl. 6. or. 1. N. America. cabbage-tiowered. S. of Europe. rough. upright. CAT’S-TAIL. narrow-leavcd. less. Italy. Cl. 91. or. 3 Europe. Britain. cl. 19. or. 1. cl. §ft.purple. 1 blue. % striped. 7}; white. 1 rose. 1% blue. 1 .__ 1 ' pale yell. % white. 3. 0r. 2. 1 dark purp. 7} purple. 1 white. 1 purple. 17} —— 2 light purp. 1 white. ‘2 dark red. 1 1 dark red. :3- orange. Np- 90 VALERIANA, VALERIAN. cl. 3. or. 1. celtica, oflicinalis, VALANT IA, aspera, glabra, VERATRUM, album, mgrum, VERBASCUM, MULLEIN. nigrum, phoenicium, pinnatifidum, VERBENA, carolina, hastata, VERONICA, Allionii, hybrida, laciniata, maritima, salvifolia, saxatilis, spicata, stricta, urticifolia, VICIA, cassubica, cracca, VIOLA, blanda, concolor, lanceolata, palustris, pilosa, primul'aefolia, pubescens, striata, uniflora, Zoysii, VITIS, laciniosa, UNIOLA, paniculata, spicata, URTICA, cylindrica, gracilis, Celtic. ofl‘icinal. CROSS-WORT. rough. smooth. VERATRUM. dark-flowered. black. purple. pinnatifid. VERVAIN. Carolina. halbert-leaved. SPEEDWELL. creeping. \Velsb. jagged-leaved. Sea. sage-leaved. rock. upright-spiked. upright. nettle-leaved. VE'I‘CH. Cassnbian. tufted. VIOLET. white-flowered. one-coloured. spear—leaned. Marsh. pilose. primrose—leaved. downy. striated. Siberian. cremated. VINE. parsley-leaved. SEA-SI D E OAT. panicled. spikeilowered. N ETTLE. Cylindrical. slender-stalked. cl. 5. or. 1. Switzerland. Europe. cl. 2. or. 3. Siberia. Europe. cl. 23. or. 1. white Hellcbore. Europe. Austria. cl. 5. or. 1. Europe. S. of Europe. Levant. cl. 14. or. 2. N. America. Canada. cl. ‘2. or. 1. S. of Europe. Wales. Siberia. Europe. Austria. Europe. Austria. cl. 17. or. 4. Germany. Europe. cl. 5. or. 1. N. America. Europe. France. N. America. Siberia. Carintlna. N.America. cl. 3. or. 2. Carolina. N. America. cl. 21. or. 4. Virginia. Hudson’s Bay. gflnvliite. 3 flesh. 1 yellow. 7} greenish. 4 dark purp. 5 yellow. 3 purple. 1 yellow. .; white. 5 blue. .5 violet. 1 blue. 2 wl- lo a: .— H- mv fil- m— l w HARDY H ERBACEOUS PERENNIALS. blue 5: Mi. dark blue. blue. flesh. light blue. dark blue. wliite. pale blue. blue. purple. yellow. HARDY HERBACEOUS PERENNIALS. U'I‘RICULARIA, HOODED MILFOIL. minor, vulgaris, VVALDSTEINIA, WALDSTEINIA. geoides, WOODSIA, h y perborea, ilvensis, XYRIS, brevifolia, ' ACANTHUS, lusitanicus, mollis, spinosus, AC HILLEA, al pinn, asplenifolia, atrata, . Clavennae, cretica, cristata, crithmifolia, (listans, decumbens, Eupatoria, hoterophylla, meisa, ligustica, macrophylla, odorata, ochroleuca, pectinata, Ptarmica, rosea, squarrosa, ACONITU M, album, cammarum, intermedium, japonicum, Lycoctonum, nemontanum, ochroleucum, orientale, lesser. common . Europe. cl. 2. or. 1. 9]. light yell. purple. cl. 12. or. 2. avens-leaved. Hungary. VVOODSIA. cl. 24. or. 1. hairy Alpine. Britain. rock. N. of Europe. XYRIS. cl. 3. or. 1. short-leaved. N. America. JULY AND AUGUST. ACANTHUS. cl. 1-1. or. 2. shining. Portugal. 3ft.whitish. smooth. Italy. —— purplish w. prickly. — MILFOIL. cl. 19. or. 2. Alpine. Siberia. % white. spleen-wort-leav. N. America. — pink. Chamomile-leav. Austria. 2 white. silvery—leaved. % Cretan. Crete. 1 —— slender-branched- Italy. % samphire-leaved. Hungary. -- paleyellow. branching. Italy. decumbent. Spain. é white. broad-leavecl. Siberia. 2 yellow. various—heaved. cut-leaved. Ligurian. Italy. 1% white. Feverfew. l Sweet-scented. Spain. — yellowish. Hungary. 2 yellowish. comb-leaved. Sneezewort. Europe. % white. rose-coloured. Spain. ‘2 pink. rough-headed. Hungary. 1 white. WOL i’S—BANE. cl. 13. or. 3. white. Levant. 4 white. purple. Germany. 6 blue. intermediate. M. Caucasus. Japan. Japan. 4 great yellow. Alps. 3 yellow. mountain. Europe. small yellow. Siberia. 2 light yell. oriental. Levant. 6 99 HARDY HERBACEOUS PERENNIALS. pyramidale, long-spiked. Europe. pyrenaicum, Pyrenean. Pyrenees. 4 yellow. septentrionale, Northern. N. of Europe. — uncinatum, American. Pennsylvania. 2 blue. volubile, twining. Siberia. 4 ACT/EA, SNAKE—ROOT. cl. 13. or. 1. racemosa, American black. N. America. 2 purple. spicata, Baneberry. Britain. —— white. AGRIMONIA, AGRIMONY. cl. 1]. or. 1. odorata, sweet-scented. Italy. 1% yellow. parviflora, small- firm ered. N. America. 10p ens, creepimr. Levant. 2 —-— AGROSI‘IS,BE1VI'-GRASS.CI. 3. 0r. 2 alba, Marsh. Britain. 1 hispida, hispid. Europe. littoralis, seaside. Britain. % nivea, snowy. setacea, bristly. 1 vulo'u IS, fine. AGROST EMMA, ROSE CANIPION. cl. 10. or. 5. Flos Jovis,innbelle1l. Alps. 1% bright red. ALCHEMlLLA, LADIES’ MANI‘LE. cl. 4. 01. alpina, Alpine. N. of Europe. {.- light yell. ALOPECURUS, [UPKI AME-GRASS 1/. 3.01'. 2. bulbosus, bulbous. Brit.1i11.1 ALTHIEA, MARSH-MALLOW'. cl. 16. or. 7. otlioinalis, common. Europe. 4. white. AMSONIA, AMSONIA. cl. 5. or. 1. augustifolia, narrow~leaved. Carolina. 2 blue. latifolia, broad-leaved. — sulicil‘olia, willow-leaved. ANCIIUSA, ALKAN ET. cl. 5. or. I. sempervirens, Alkanet. Britain. 1.}— blur. undulata, wave-leaved. Spain. 3 ANDROSACE, ANDROSACE. cl. 5. or. I. carnea, aul- le'u ed Suitzei land. i flesh ANDROPOGON, OLD MAN’S EARD. cl. 23.121". 1. distacllyos, tw—o spiked. B-S ol Europe. 1 gryllus, pu1ple-—spike(l.————— 3 strictus, 11 right. Hungary. ANEMONE, ANEMONE. cl. 13. 07'. 7. baldensis, creeping—iooted. Switzerland. ;- whittikred. ANGELIC. \, ANGELIC. 01.5 .or. 2. anopurpurea, (lurk-purple. Canada. % purple. AN IHEMIS, CHAMOMILE. cl. 19. or. Q. falcata, sickle-leaved. Hungary. montana, mountain. 8. of Europe. .1; purple. nigricaus, (lurk. M. Caucasus. . nobilis, common. Britam. .1. wlnte. saxatilis, rock . Hungary. HARDY"HERBACEOUSPERENNIALS. 93 ANETHUM, DILL. cl. 5. or. 2. feniculum, Fennel. Britain. 6ft.yellow. ANTIRRHINUM, TOAD-FLAX. cl. 14. or. 2. ' asarinum, lieart-leaved. Italy. purple. genistifolium, broom-leaved. Austria. 2% yellow.- linarium, common yellow. Europe. 2 origanifolium, marjoram-leaved. S.of Europe. pilosum, hairy. Pyrenees. 7‘; blue. repens, creeping. Britain. A PARGIA, APARGIA. cl. 19. or. 1. autumnalis, autumnal. Britain. crispa, curled-leaved. Switzerland. dubia, toollrleaved. Germany. hasfilb, shunng. S.0fl§urope. liispida, hispid. Britain. incana, hoary. S.ofliurope. tuberosa, tuberous-rooted. taraxica, Alpine. Britain. 1 yellow. APOCYNUM, DOG’S-BANE. cl. 5. or. 9.. androseemifolium, tutsan-leaveil. N. America. 2 red striped. cannabinum, Hemp. ——-— 3 whitish. venetum, spear-leaved. Adriatic Isles. 2 AQUILEGIA, COLUMBIN E. cl. 13. or. 5. glandulosa, ldue. Pgepaulhiountains.% blue. ARENARIA, SANDWORT. cl. 10. or. 3. saxatilis, rock. Siberia. 2, white. ARETIA, ARETIA. cl. 5. or. 1. alpina, 1\lpine. vvhite. helvetica, imbricated. Switzerland. vitaliana, Primrose. Pyrenees. yellow. A RNICA, ARNICA. cl. 19. or. 2. inontana, inountain. liurope. 1 scorpioides, alternate—leaveil. Switzerland. 2 yellow. ARNCPOGON, LAMBS—BEARD. cl. 19. or. ‘1. Dalecliampi, great-flowered. S. of Europe. ASPLENIUM, SPLEEN-WORT. (I. 24. or. 1. angustifolium, narrow-leaved. N. America. Adiantum ni— S blacl;l Maiden- 1 Britain. 1 grum, air. 5 alternifolium, alternate-leaved. % ebeneunn denden PJ.Arnefica. lanceolaturn, lanceolate. ISfitain. 1 maritimum, Sea. _ Ruta-muraria, Wall-Rue. g. septentrionale, forked Fern. ———- g nichonianes, BIaiden-hair. -—————— § viride, green. VNCVT SPEEAD UNLUT SPREAD 96 lilifolia, lily—leaved. Siberia. nitida, shining. N. America. persicifulia, peach-leaved. N. of Europe. 3 rapunculoides, creeping-rooted. Britain. — rhomboidea, germander-leaved. Alps. 1% Trachelium, large. Britain. "0117‘. double. CATANANCHE, CATANANCHE. cl. 19. or. 1. xeranthemifolia, willow-leavcd. coerulea, blue. 3. of Europe. 3 CELSIA, CELSIA. cl. 14. or. 2. Arcturus, scollop-leaved. Crete. CENTAUREA, CENTAURY. cl. 19. or. 3. alata, wing-stalked. Tartary. 4 atropurpurea, dark-purple. Hungary. aurea, golden. S. of Europe. calcitrapa, Star-Thistle. Britain. 2 Centaureum, great. Italy. 4 cineraria, white-leaved. 3 collina, angular-stalked. S. of Europe. coriacea, thick-leaved. Hungary. dealbata, whitish. M. Caucasus. diluta, pale-flowered. S. of Europe. ferox, stiH'. Isnardi, Jersey Star-Thistle..lersey. jacea, Knapweed. Britain. 1-; macrocephala, long-leaved. M. Caucasus. ochroleuca, Caucasian. —-—- orientalis, Eastern. Siberia. 5 nvina, small-flowered. M. Caucasus. Pallasii, Pallas's. ——-——— pectinata, pectinated. Montpelier. i polyacantha, many-spined. ' pubescens, downy. radiata, rayed. Siberia. rliapontica, broad-leaved. Switzerland. 1% rigida, stifi‘. rupestris, rock. Italy. ruthenica, Russian. Russia. sempervirens, evergreen. Portugal. sihirica, Siberian. Siberia. 2 sonchifolia, sowthistle-leaved. S. of Europe. sphzerocephala, round-headed. — ' Stoehe, wing-leaved. 3 spinesa, spiny. Crete. tagana, white. Spain. tartarica, Tartarian. Tartary. trichocephala, downy-calyxed. Siberia. HARDY HERBACEOUS PERENNIA LS. 2 wliite&blue. blue. yellow. yellow. white. red. white. » bright pur. yellow. pale purp. purple. purple. HARDY HERBACEOUS PERENNIALS. 97 CERATOPHYLLUM, HORN-WORT. 'cl. 21. or. 5. demersum, prickly-seeded. submersum, smooth-seeded. CllfliROPHYLLUM, CHERVIL. aurenm, golden. Britain. cl. 5. or. 2. Germany. CHERLERIA, CHERLERIA. cl. 10. or. 3. sedoides, Stonecrop. Scotland. CHIRONIA, CHIRONIA. cl. 5. or. 1. Centaurium, Centaury. Britain. CHRYSANTHEMUM, CHRYSANTHEMUM. alpinum, Alpine. Switzerland. argenteum, silvery. Levant. arcticum, Northern. N. America. atratnm, fleshy-leaved. Austria. halsamitum, various-leaved. Levant. Barrelieri, Barrelier’s. S. of Europe. coccineum, scarlet-flowered. Iberia. ceratophylloides,Buck’s-horn. CICHORIUM , WILD ENDIVE. Intybus, common. CIN ERARIA, CINERA RIA. cordifolia, heart-leaved. Austria. CINNA, CINNA. cl. 1. 0r. 2. arundinacea, Reed. Canada. CLli'OPODIUM, CLINOPODIUM. cl. 14. or. 1. EgyptiaCum, Egyptian. Egypt. divaricatuni, spot-leaved. incanum, hoary. N. America. CNICUS, CNICUS. cl. 19. or. 1. canus, hoary. Austria. centauroides, artichoke-leaved. Pyrenees. ciliat'us, ciliated. Siberia. ochrolcucus, pale yellow. Italy. oleraceus, pale-flowered. Europe. rigens, upright. Switzerland. serratuloides, saw-leaved. Austria. ' spinosissimus, prickly. Siberia. CONVOLVULUS, BINDWEED. cl. 5. or. I. Scammonia, Scaminony. Levant. Sepium, Hedge, or Bearbind. Britain. CORONILLA, CORONILLA. Piedmont. cl. 19. or. 1. Britain. cl. 19. or. 2. cl. 1?. or. 4. coronata, crown-flowered. S. of Europe. minima, least. —— CREPIS, CREPIS. cl. 19. or. 1. albida, pale-flowered. France. pnlchra, fair. Britain. rigens, bristly-leaved. Azores. rigida, rigid. Hungary. sibirica, Siberian. Siberia. 1 ft .greenish. 1% white. & yellow. % red. cl. 19. or. 2. white. 1 _ 3 blue. 2 yellow. 3 2 pale purp. 4 purple. 3 6 red. light yell. 3 __ 8 sulphur. :1; blue. 1% yellow. % 2 lightyell. 3 yellow. 1 2 VN CV T SPREAD UNLUT SPREAD 100 FESTUCA, FESCUE—GRASS. / rl. 3. or. Q. decumbens, decumbent. Britain. dumetorum, bushy. - lmvis, smooth. Hungary. sylvatica, \Vood. Germany. triflora, three-flowered. Britain. % vivipara, vivipamus. —- FRANKENIA, FRANKENIA. cl. 6. or. 1. hirsuta, hairy. Siberia. .} lzevis, smooth. Britain. 5 pulverulenta, dusty. GALEGA, GOAT’S-RUE. cl. 17. or. 4. montana, broad-leaved. Siberia. GALIUM, LADIES’ BED-STRAW’. (l. 4. or. 1. austriacum, Austrian. Austria. erectum, upright. Britain. 1 glaucum, glaucous. S. of Europe. -— palustre, Fen. Britain. — pilosum, hairy. N. America. pusillum, least. Britain. § rubioides, madder-leaved. S.0f Europe. 1 splendeus, shining. Germany. sylvaticum, Wood. S. of Europe. uliginosum, bog. Britain. % VVitheringii, rough. — GEN'I'IANA, GENTIAN. cl. 5. or. 2. asclepiadea, svrallow-wcrt-leav. Austria. I; bavarica, Bavarian. New Holland. é caucasica, Caucasian. M. Caucasus. ciliata, ciliated. Germany. 9; gelida, pale-coloured. Siberia. macrophylla, lung-leared. Switzerland. 1 ochroleuca, yellowish. N. America. septemfida, seven-cleft. 'l‘auria. i verna, spring. Britain. 9} GEUM, AVENS. (l. 12.01; 5. rivale, water. Britain. 1 strictum, upright. N. America. — virginiauum, Virginian. -—————— I}; GLAUCIUM, HORN ED POPPY. cl. 13. or. 1. fulrum, ta“ ny. S. of Europe. . GLOBULARIA, GLO BULA RIA. uudicaulis, GLYCYRRHIZA, LIQUORICE. glabra, GNAPHALIUM, EVERLASTING. hyperboreum, naked-stalked. CUI’IHIIOD. Northern. Leontopodium, Lion’s-foot. cl. 4. or. l. Austria. cl. 17. or. 4. S. of Europe. cl. 19. or. 2. Britain. Austria. Ni— HARDY HERBACEOUS PERENNIA LS. light blue. whitish. light blue. white. dull ‘white. deep blue. violet. blue. _.__._ purplish. striped. white. blue. pale blue. yellow. HARDY HERB'ACEOUS PERENNIALS.‘ margaritaceum, early. rectum, upright. supinum, small. sylvaticum, Wood. GYPSOPHILA, GYPSOPHILA. altissima, tall. arenaria, Sand. prostrata, trailing. Saxifraga. small. Struthium, shrubby. repens, creeping. HEDYSARUM, l'lEDYSARUM. argenteum, silvery. canadense, Canadian. canescens, hoary. cuspidatum, sharp—pointed. frutescens, shrubby. glutinosum, glutinous. junceum, rusli-leaved. marylandica, Maryland. niveum, white. obscurum, creeping. roseum, rose-coloured. tauricum, Tauric. violaceum, vnidlflorum, HELIANTHUS, SUNFLOWER. cl. 19. or. 3. atrornbens, dark-red. Carolina. strunmsus, carrot-rooted. Canada. HERACLEUM, COW-PARSLEY.. cl. 5. or. ‘2. Panaces, palmated. Siberia. HERNIARIA, RUPTURE-WORT. cl. 5. or. 2. glabra, smooth. Britain. graeca, Grecian. Greece. hirsula, hirsute. Britain. HIBISCUS, HIBISCUS. cl. 16. or. 19. incanus, hoary. Carolina. palustris, Marsh. Virginia. scaber, scabrous. N. America. virginicus, Virginian. Virginia. HIERACIUM, HAWKWEED. (I. 19. or. 1. albidum, whitish. amplexicaulis, heart-leaved. Pyrenees. Auricula, uinbelled. Britain. cerinthoides, Honey-wort. Pyrenees. denticulatum, tooth-leaved. Britain. echioides, long-leaved. Hungary. flexuosum, bending-stalked. lapsanoides, lapsana-like. Pyrenees. violet-flowered. green-flowered. N. America. Britain. CL 10. or. 2. Siberia. Hungary. Siberia. S. of Europe. Spain. Siberia. cl. 17. 01‘. 4. Siberia. N. America. Siberia. N. America. Alps. M. Caucasus. Tauria. N. America. 101 Ififtmhite. 1 g yellow. 1% 2 red& white. 1 white. % 2 _ 7} white& red. 9 purple. white. § purple. 2 violet. —— green. 3 brown. 10 yellow. 6 greenish w. % yellowish g. 2 yellow. 7}. orange. yellow . 3 b 102 HARDY lIERBACEOUS PERENNIALS. lyratum, Siberian. - Siberia. 2ft. yellow. intyhaceum, endive-leaved. Alps of Europe. maculatum, spot-leaved. Britain. 1 —- molle, soft-leaved. ‘2 — pyrenaicum, Pyrenean. S. of Europe. 1% —- sahaudum, shrubby. Britain. 3 —- umbellatum, umbelled. — —-- IIOLCUS, HOLCUS. cl. 23. or. 1. halepensis, panicled. Syria. HOTTONIA, VVATER-VIOLET. cl. 5. or. 1. palustris, Marsh. Britain. 1 pale purp HYDROCOTYLE, PENNYWORT. cl. 5. or. Q. ficarioides, pilewort—leaved. N. America. HUMULUS, HOP. cl. 2‘2. or. 5. Lupulus, common. Britain. 15 yellow. HYOSERIS, HYOSERIS. cl. 19. or. 1. fmtida, stinking. Alps. é yellou HYPERICUM, ST. JOHN’S WORT. cl. 18. or. 4. barbatum, bearded. N. America. yellow. canadense, Canadian. 1 dubium, imperforate. Britain. 3 — hirsutum, hairy. 2 —— laavigatum, smooth. N. America. 1% —— montanum, mountain. Britain. ——- —— perforatum, perforated. —— —— pulchrum, upright. -—- —— quadrangulatum,square-stalked. —- -—-——— undulatum, \rave—leaved. Portugal. 1 -—- ILLECEBRUM, KNOT—GRASS. cl. 5. or. 1. capitatum, headed. S. of Europe. % white INULA, INULA. cl. 19. or. 2. hritannica, creeping—mooted. Germany. 2 yellow. Bubonium, Austrian. A ustria. 1.; ensnfolia, sword—leaved. g -——-—- Helenium, Elecampane. Britain. 4 —— mariana, American. Maryland. 1 —— montana, mountain. S. of Europe. 15 — odorata, sweet-rooted. ———-— 2 — provincialis, Provence. S. of France. 1 ——- squarrosa, net-leaved. —————— — — JUNCUS, RUSH. cl. 6. or. '1. articulatus, jointed. Britain. l bulbosus, bulbous-rooted. 1 purplish. congestus, crowded. — brown. Forsterii, Forster’s. -——- 1 squarrosus, Moss. '15} JUS'I‘ICIA, JUSTICIA. cl. 2. or. 1. americana, American. N. America. HARDY HERBACEOUS PERENNIALS. 103 KITAIBELIA, KlTAIBELIA. cl. 16. or. 7. vitifolia, vme~leaved. Hungary. 4ft.white. LAMIUM, ARCHANGEL. cl. 14. or. 1. garganicum, woolly. Spain. 1 pale purp. rugosum, wrinkled. Italy. —— red. LATHYRUS, PEA. cl. 17. or. 4. . grandiflorus, great-flowered. Europe. 5 purple. heterophyllus, various-leaved. S. of Europe. 4 flesh. latifolius, broad-leaved. Europe. 8 purple. palustris, Marsh. ‘ 4 —--—- tuberosus, tuberous. Holland. 2 bright pur. LAVATERA, LAVATERA. cl. 16. or. 7. - tburingiaca, large-flowered. . Germany. 4 pale blue. LECHEA, LECHEA. cl. 3. or. 3. minor, smaller. LEERSIA, LEERSIA. cl. 3. or. ‘2. virginica, Virginian. N. America. LEONURUS, MOTHERWORT. cl. 14. or. 1. Cardiaca, common. EurOpe. 4 purple. crispus, curled-leaved. Siberia. 2 white. LEPECHINIA, LEPECHINIA. cl. 14. or. 1. spicata, spiked. LEPIDIUM, PEPPER-WOR'I'. cl. 15. or. 1. graminif‘olia, grass-leaved. V S. of Europe. 2 white. LESPEDEZA, LESPEDEZA. cl. 17. or. 4. capitata, headed. N. America. polystachia, hairy. —— sessiliflorn, sessile-flowered. LIATRIS, LIATRIS. cl. 19. or. 1. elegans, huirycupped. N. America. 4 purple. heteropliylla, various-leaverl. -——-—- 3 squarrosa, round-headed. ————- — -— LIGUSTICUM, LOVAGE. cl. 5. or. 2. candicans, pale. LINUM, FLAX. cl. 5. or. 5. alpinum, Alpine. Austria. 1 blue. flavum, yellow. 2 yellow. bypericifoliurn, tutsau-leaved. M. Caucasus. maritimum, Sea. Europe. 1 —-—- narbouense, Narbonne. S.of Europe. reflexum, reflex-leaved. -- blue. spicatum, long-spiked. N. America. tauricum, glaucous. Siberia. tenuif'olium, slender-leaved. Europe. LOBELIA, LOBELIA. cl. 5. or. 1. cardinalis, cardinal-flower. Virginia. 3 red. fulgens, fulgent. N. America. 2 bright crims. '21—... spleudens, splendid. 104 HARDY HERBACEOUS PERENNIALS. LYCOPUS, WATER HOREHOUND. cl. 2. or. 1. eurOpaeus, European. Britain. 3ft.white. exaltatus, tall. Italy. 4 intermedius, intermediate. LYCOPODIUM, CLUB-MOSS. cl. 24. or. 1. alpinum, Alpine. Britain. % annotinum, interrupted. 1 yellow. clavatum, common. Britain. ;— complatanum, arbor-vitze-leaved. N. America. denticulatum, spreading. watzerland. inundatum, Marsh. Britain. & obscurum, Fan. N. America. Selago, Fur. Britain. —- LYSIMACHIA, LOOSESTRIFE. cl. 5. or. 1. ciliata, ciliated. Virginia. 2 yell.-spotted. Ephemerum, willow-leaved. Spain. 3 “hire. quadrifolia, flur-leaved. N- America. -- yellow. stricta, upright. ———-—-—— _ thyrsoides, tufted. Europe. 2 — vulgaris, common. 3 __ LYTHRUM, WILLOVV—HERB. cl. 11. or. 1. Salicaria, common. Europe. 5 triflorum, three-flowered. N. America. 2 purple. verticillatum, whorl-flowered. ——. _ _ MALVA, MALLOW. cl. 16. or. 6. Alcea, Vervain. Britain. 3 red. moschata, Musk. 2 flesh. MARRUBIUM, WHITE HOREIIOUND. cl. 14. or. 1. Alyssum, painted—leaved. Spain. candidisusimum, woolly. Levant. 3 white. creticum,‘ Cretan. hirsutum, hirsute. hispanicum, Spanish. Spain. -- —— peregrinum, serrate-leaved. Austria. — MEDICAGO, MEDICK. cl. 17. or. 4. faleata, yellow. Britain. 2 yellow. MELICA, MELIC-GRASS. cl. 3. or. 2. altissima, tallest. Siberia. ciliata, ciliated. 3 coerulea, purple. Britain. 1 lanata, woolly. Siberia. ' MELISSA, BALM. cl. 14. or. I. nepeta, field. Britain. 1 blueish wli MENTHA, MINT. cl. 14. or. 1. crispa, curled. Siberia. 2 purple. gratissima, oblongdeaved. Germany. graveolens, strong-scented. HARDY HERBACEOUS PERENNIALS. 105 hirsuta, hirsute. Britain. incana, hoary. niliaca, white. Egypt. odorata, Bergamot. Britain. pi'atensis, Meadow. - praecox, early. —— viridis, Spear. 2 purple. MENYANTHES, MARSH TREFOIL. cl. 5. or. 1. trifoliata, common. Europe. white. MESSERSCHMIDIA, MESSERCHMIDIA. cl. 5. or. 1. Arguzia, herbaceous. Siberia. MIMULUS, MONKEY-FLOWER. cl. 14. or. ‘2. alatus, oval-leaved. N. America. 1 light. blue. luteus, large-flowering. Unalaska. — yellow. ringens, oblong-leaved. Virginia. 2 whitish blue. MONARDA, MONA RDA. cl. 2. or. 1. ciliata, ciliated. N. America. eliuopodia, pale-flowered. —-—— 2 purple. nitida, glossy. oblongata, long-leaved. punctata, spotted-flowered. purpurea, purple. 3 —— MYAGRUM, GOLD OF PLEASURE. cl. 13. or. 1. perenne, perennial. Germany. M YOSOTIS, SCORPION-GRASS. cl. 5. or. 1. nana, dwarf. Britain. pectinata, pectinated. Siberia. rupestris, rock. MYRIOPHYLLUM, WATER-MILFOIL. cl. 21. or. 6. spicatum, spiked. Britain. 5‘ pale blue. verticillatum, whorled. -— NEPETA, CATMINT. cl. 14. or. 1. Cataria, common. ’ Europe. 2 white. multifirla, small. S. of Europe. violacen, violet-coloured. Spain. —- blue. NYMI’HzEA, WATER—LILY. cl. 13. or. 1. advena, three-coloured. N. America. yellow. mloram, sweet-smelling. — white. nitida, glossy. Siberia. rosea, rose-coloured. N. America. ORIGANUM, MARJORAM. cl. 14. or. 1. creticum, Cretan. S. ofEurope. 1 white. PACHYSANDRA, PACHYSANDRA. cl. 21. or. 4. procumbens, procumbent. N. America. § white. PA RNASSIA, PARNASSIA. cl. 8. or. 4. caroliniana, Carolina. N. America. 1 greenish w. palustris, Marsh. Europe. g white. ll VNCUT SPKEAD UNCUT SPREAD :kf'tgreenish. — dull purp. 1 yellow. 1 light yell. —- white. 1 yellow. [red. 1—}; purplish % white. 2 light yell. — purple. ; light blue. — white. 11. or. 1. 1 purplish re white. MW 1 yellow. 1; yellow. 2 yelloniall. 3 \ is yeiluw. 2 3 yellow. 108 HARDY HERBACEOUS PERENNIALS. natans, broad-leaved. Britain. perfuliatum, perfoliate. pusillum, small. POTENTILLA, CINQUEFOIL. cl. 1%. or. 5. bi f'urca, bifid. Siberia. mouspeliensis, Montpelier. S. of Europe. nor-vegica, Norwegian. Denmark. supina, trailing. Siberia. viscosa, clammy. POTERIUM, BURNET. cl. 21. or. 7. polygamum, angular-stalked. Hungary. Sanguisorba, common. Europe. PRENANTIIES, PRENANTHES. cl. 19. or. 1. alba, white. N. America. altissima, tall. Virginia. purpurea, purple. S.of Europe. PRUNELLA, SELF—HEAL. cl. 14. or. 1. grandiflora, great:flowered. Austria. hyssopil‘olia, hyssop—leaved. S. of Europe. intermedia, various-heaved. laciniata, jagged-leaved. Germany. vulgaris, common. Britain. PYCNANTHEMUM, PYCNANTUEMUM. cl. aristatum, spear-leared. N. America. incanum, hoary. _.____. virginicum, Virginian. RHEXIA, RHEXIA. cl. 8. or. 1. inariana, ciliated. ' virginica, hairy-leaved. N. America. RUBlA, MADDER. cl. 4. or. 1. cordil‘olin, heart—leaved. Siberia. lucida, shining. Majorca. peregrina, wild. Britain. RUMEX, DOCK. rl. 6. or. 3. acutus. sharp-pointed. Britain. cordit‘olius, heart-leaved. Siberia. maritimus, golden, 0r Sea. Britain. obtusifolius, broad-leared. palustris, yellow Marsh. pulcher, Fiddle. sanguineus, bloody-veined. tingitanus, Tangier. Barbary. RUDBECKlA, RUDBECKIA. ci’. 19. or. 3. fulgida, bright. N. America. laciniata, jagged-leaved. Virginia. purpurea, purple. HARDY HERBACEOUS PERENNIALS. 109 SALVIA, SAGE. cl. 2.. or. 1. bullata, . blistered. Spain.~ ' disermas, long-spiked. Syria. Forsk'dhlii, Forskohl's. Levant. haematodes, bloody. Italy. 4 purple. mollis, soft. Siberia. 1 reddish wh. odorata, sweet-scented. pomifera, apple-bearing. Crete. 5 pale blue. virgata, long-branched. Armenia. 4 whitish. viscosa, clammy. Italy. 2 purple. SANGUISORBA, GREAT BURNET. cl. 4. or. 1. media, short-spiked. Canada. 3 red. SANTOLINA, LAVENDER COTTON. £1. 19. or. 1. alpina, Alpine. Italy. % white. anthemoides, chamomile-leaved. S. of Europe. —- light yell. SAXIFRAGA, SAXIFRAGE. cl. 10 or. 2. ~ [red spots. autumnalis, autumnal. Switzerland. % yellow,with SCA BIOSA, SCABIOUS. cl. 4. or. 1. agrestis, field. Hungary. arvensis, Corn. Europe. 2 light purp. banatica, Hungarian. Hungary. columbaria, fine-leaved. Europe. g light blue. corniculata, horned. ' Hungary. ‘ gramiuifolia, grass—leaved. Alps. 1 blue. incana, downy. Hungary. —— isetensis, hairy. Siberia. 1 white. lucida, shining. Hungary. ochroleuca, pale. Germany. 3 pale yel. sylvatica, \Voud. Switzerland. 2 light blue ucranica, Ukraine. Ukraine. —- SCIRPUS, CLUB-RUSH. cl. 3. or. 1. acicularis, needle. Britain. —;~ caricis, compressed. carinatus, blunt-edged. 2 caaspitosus, turf'y. 1 fluitans, floating. % glaucus, glaucous. 2 holoschoenus, round-headed. 3 lacustris, Bull-rush. 5 maritimus, Sea. 2 mucronatus, sharp-edged. multicaulis, many-stalked. fi- palustris, Marsh. 2 sylvaticus, Wood. 3 triquetra, triquetrous. — . SCOLOPENDRUM, HART ’S-TON GUE. cl. 24. or. 1. ofiicinarum, common. Britain. 1% SCOLYMUS, GLOBE-THISTLE. cl. 19. or. 1. hispauicus, perennial. S.of Europe. 3 yellow A L VNCU T 5mm!) UNCUT SPREAD 112 5 2 Dn— lllllllll l 2 2 3 2 4 1 4 2 1 HARDY HERBACEOUS PERENNIA‘LS. greenish. La ’7‘ 9" q blue. yellowish. blue. pale blue. blue. whitish. yellow, va- [rying to white. SMILAX, SMILAX. cl. 22. or. 6. herbacea, herbaceous. N. America. SMYRNIUM, ALEXANDERS. cl. 5. or. 2. cordatum, heart-leaved. N. America. integerrimum, entire-leaved. Virginia. SOLIDAGO, GOLDEN ROD. cl. 19. or. 2. altissima, tallest. N. America. ambigua, angular-stalked. -—-—-—- arguta, sharp-notched. cambrica, \Velsh. Britain. canadensis, Canadian. N. America. latifolia, broad-leaved. -—-——-— mexicana, thick-leaved. —-— minuta, minute. Pyrenees. multiradiata, many—rooted. Labrador. odora, sweet-smelling. N. America. procera, tall. -——- SONCHUS, SOWTHISTLE. cl. 19. or. 1. canadensis, Canadian. N.America. coeruleus, blue. Europe. maritimus, Sea. S.of Europe. Plumierii, panicled. Pyrenees. sibiricus, Siberian. Siberia. tartaricus, 'l‘artarian. Tartary. SOPHURA, SOPHORA. CI. 10. or. 1. alopecuroides, Foxtail. Levant. lupinoides, lupine-leaved. Kamtschatka. — tinctoria, Dyer’s. Virginia. SPARGANIUM, BUR-REED. cl. 21. or. 3. natans, floating, Britain. ramosum, branching. simplex, upright. SPIGELIA, WORM-GRASS. cl. 5. or. 1. marylandica, perennial. N. America. SPIRIEA, SPIRZEA. cl. 12. or. 4. lobata, lobe-leaved. Siberia. STACHYS, SI‘ACHYS. cl. 14. or. I. erecta, upright. S.of Europe. gerinanica, German. Germany. maritima, Sea. S. of Europe. mollissima, soft. orientalis, oriental. Levant. palustris, Clown’s Allheal. Britain. rubra, red. Levant. sylratica, \Vonrl. Britain. STATICE, THRIFT. cl. 5. or. 5. auriculaefolia, Auricula. Barbary. echioides, bugloss—leaved. S.of Europe. ferulacea, fennel-leaved. ——-—- flexuosa, zigzag. Siberia. 1 whitish. bright red. red. yellow. white. yellow. purplish. brown. pale blue. yellow. red. HARDY HERBACEOU‘S PERENNIALS. 113 Gmelina, Gmelin’s. Siberia. graminifolia, grass-leaved. latifolia, broad-leaved. —- blue. olerefolia, branching. Spain. —- red. reticulata, matted. Europe. 7} light purp. scoparia, Broom. Siberia. spatulata, spatula-leaved. Barbary. speciosa, spreading. Tartary. 1 white. tartarica, Tartarian. g pale blue. STIPA, F EATHER—GRASS. cl. 8. or. 2. aristella, awned. Montpelier. juncea, rush—like. Germany. penuata, soft. Britain. 1% SWERTIA, SWERTIA. cl. 5. or. 2. perennis, Marsh. Switzerland. 1 dark blue. SYMPHYTUM, COMF REY. cl. 5. or. 1. orientale, Oriental. Constantinople. 2 blue. TEUCRIUM, GERMANDER. cl. 14. or. 1. orientale, multifid. Armenia. 1 purple. Scordium, Water. Europe. 7‘} red. Scorodonia, \Vood Sage. 1% whitish. THESIUM, BASTARD TOAD-FLAX. cl. 5. or. 1. linophyllum, common. Britain. % white. umbellatum, umbelled. N. America. THYMUS, THYME. cl. [4. or. 1. BIarschallianus, savory-leaved. Tauria. Serpyllum, wild. Britain. 4i b ue. virginicus, Savory. N. America. 1% “hite. vulgaris, common. S. of Europe. Zygis, ciliated. Spain. TRIFOLIUM, TREFOIL. cl. 17. or. 4. macrorhizum, long-rooted. Hungary. ' 1 white. montanum, mountain. Europe. --— TRIGONELLA, FENUGREEK. cl. 17. or. 4. hybrida, bastard. . platycarpos, flat-podded. Siberia. % yellowish w. ruthenica, Russian. — yellow. TRITICUM, W HEAT. cl. 3. or. 2. elongatum, long-spiked. Germany. junceum, rush-leaved. Britain. repens, Couch-grass. TYPHA, CAT’S-TAIL. cl. 21. or. 3. latifolia, great. Europe. 3 VALERIANA, VALERIAN. cl. 3. or. 1. ruthenica, Russian. Siberia. - 1 yellow, VERATRUM, VERATRUM. cl. '23. or. 1. luteum, yellow-flowered. N. America. 1 yellow. viride, green-flowered. 4 green. - L3 1 14 VERBENA, paniculata, urticifolia, VERONICA, Anagallis, austriaca, candida, carnea, crenulata, foliosa, gentianoides, glabra, incana, incisa, longifolia, media, Inultifida, orientalis, pinnata, scutellata, sibirica, Teucrium, villosa, virginica, VICIA, pisiformis, sylvatica, VIOLA, CUCullata, mirabilis, sagittata, URTICA, cannabina, dioica, uivea, ZIZANI A, aquatica, VERVAIN. panic-led. nettle-leaved. hollow—leaved. broad-leaved. arrow-leaved. NE'I‘TLE. cl. hemp-leaved. common. snowy. CANADA RICE. Water. ZIZYPIIORA, ZIZYPHORA. aeiuoides, Pouscblum, serpyllacea, ZYGU PHYLLUM , BEA N—CAPE R. f abago, ACHILLEA, Ageratum, serrata, MILFOIL. sweet Maudlin. notched-leaved. thyme~leaved. hairy—headed. sweot- scented. COIDIDOH. cl. Cl. 14. or. 2. Buenos A yres. N. America. SPEEDWELL. cl. 2. or. 1. Water. Britain. Austrian. Austria. white. Siberia. flesh-coloured. Germany. crenulate. —-—— leafy. Hungary. gentian-leaved. Armenia. smooth. Germany. hoary. Russia. cut-leaved. Siberia. Iong-leaved. Russia. long-spiked. Germany. multifid. Austria. Oriental. Levant. winged—leaved. Siberia. Marsh. Britain. Siberian. Siberia. Hungarian. Hungary. villous. Germany. Virginian. Virginia. VETCH. cl. 17. or. 4. pale-flowered. Austria. common Wood. Europe. VIOLE 1‘. cl. 5. or. 1. N . America. Germany. Pennsylvania. — 2 l . or. 4. Siberia. Britain. China. Canada. cl. 2. or. 1. Siberia. M. Caucasus. Syria. 19. or. 2. Britain. cl. 21. or. 6. cl. 10. or. I. S. of Europe. AUGUST AND SEPTEMBER. HARDY H ERBACEOUS PERENNIA LS. § pale blue. 1; blue. 1 1 deep blue. 1% deep blue. 2 blue. 3; light blue. 1 blue. ; flesh. 4 blue. 1% 6 blueisb. é blue. % blue. —- pale blue. blue. 5 greenish. 3 5 2 white. 2 yellow. —- white. HARDY HERBACEOUS PERENNIALS. 1'15 IETHUSA, FOOL'S PARSLEY. cl. 5. or. 2. fatua, fine—leaved. ALTHEA, MARSHMALLOW. cl. 16. or. 7. Narbonensis, Narboune. S. of France. thmose-col. rosea, Hollyhock. China. 6 purplish. ARENARIA, SANDWORT. cl. 10. or. 3. tetraquetra, square. Pyrenees. a! white. ARTEMISIA, WORMWOOD. cl. 19. or. 2. coerulescens, lavender-leaved. S. of Europe. 1%- red. Dracuncula, Tarragon. Siberia. 2 white. japonica, Japanese. Japan. — maritima, Sea. Britain. 1 rupestris, rock. Siberia. 1 brown. ASCLEPIAS, SWALLO\V-WORT. cl. 5. or. 2. purpurascens, purple. N. America. 3 purple. ASTER, STARWORT. cl. 19. or. 2. auiellus, Italian. S. of Europe. 2 light blue. linarifolius, savory-leaved. N. America. 1 linifolius, flax-leaved. . —— 2 white. nemoralis, grove: - Novas-Anglia, New England. —— 4 purple. patens, spreading. —————- phlogifolius, red-flowered. rigidus, rigid. Virginia. 3 sibiricus, Siberian. Siberia. 2 blue. silphioides, silphium—like. N. America. solidaginoides, golden—rod-like. ———-—- spurius, bastard. tardiflorus, spear-leaved. -—-——- — pale blue. tenuifolius, slender-leaved. Tradescanti, Tradescant’s. 3 white. Trifolium, Sea. Britain. — umbellatus, umbelled. N.America. -— —-——— BALSAMITA, BALSAMITA. cl. 19.- or. 1. virgata, twiggy. Italy. 3 yellow. vulgaris, Costmary. S. of Europe. 2 BlDENS, BIDENS. cl. 19. or. 1. nivea, snowy. N. America. 2 sambucifolia, elder-leaved. Mexico. BLECHNUM, BLECHNUM. cl. 24. or. 1. boreale, rough Spleenwort. Britain. 1 BRASENIA, BRASENIA. cl. 13. or. 7. peltata, purple. N. America. BRIZ A, QUAKING-GRASS. cl. 3. or. 2. elatior, tall. Greece. 3 media, common. Britain. 2 116 HARDY HERBACEOUS PERENNIALS. CACALIA, CACALIA. cl. 19. or. I. atriplicifolia, oranche-leaved. Virginia. 4ft.purple. hastata, halbert-leaved. Siberia. 1 white. reniformis, kidney-leaved. N. America. saracenica,’ creeping—rooted. S.of Europe. 4 yellow. CACHRYS, CACHRYS. cl. 5. or. 2. Sicula, hairy-seeded. Spain. 5 yellow. CAMPANULA, BELL-FLOWER. cl. 5. or. 1. hononiensis, panicled. Italy. 3 violet. CAREX, SEDGE. cl. 21. or. 3. ampullacea, flask. Britain. 2 anceps, twovedged. N. America. foetida, stinking. Switzerland. granularis, grain-seeded. N. America. hordeiformis, barley-like. France. Mielichoferi, loose-spiked. Britain. CARPESIUM, CARPESIUM. cl. 19.0r. Q. abrotanoides, Southernwood. China. cernuum, drooping. ‘ Austria. 2 yellowish gr. CASSIA, CASSIA. cl. 10. or. 1. discolor, two-coloured. N. America. marylandica, Maryland. —-—— 4 yellow. C ENTAUREA, CENTAURY. cl. 19. or. 3. alba, white. Spain. alpina, Alpine. M. Baldo. amara, bitter. S. of Europe. whitish. aspera, rough. —— CHELONE, CHELONE. cl. 14. or. 2. glabra, white-flowered. Virginia. 4 white. obliqua, red-flowered. N. America. —— purple. CHRYSOCOMA, GOLDILOCKS. cl. 19. or. 1. biflora, two—flowered. Siberia. 3 yellow. villosa, hairy-leaved. CLI'I‘ORIA, CLITORIA. cl. 1?. or. 4. mariana, Maryland. N. America. 5 pale blue. COLLIN SONIA, COLLINSONIA. cl. 2. or. 1. canadensis, nettle-leaved. N. America. 3 yellowish. COMMELINA, COMMELINA. cl. 3. or. 1. erecta, upright. Virginia. 1% pale blue. CONYZA, FLEABANE. cl. 19. or. 9. asteroides, Starwort. Canada. 1 light blue. hifrons, oval-leaved. . — yellow. linifolia, flax-leaved. N. America. -— white. thapsoides, thapsus—leaved. M. Caucasus. COREOPSIS, COREOPSIS. cl. 10. or. 3. alata, winged-stalked. Mexico. amplexicaulis, stem-clasping. HARDY HERBACEOUS PERENNIALS. angustifnlia, narrow-leaved. N. America. aurea, hemp-leaved. —~————- auriculata, ear-leaved. Virginia. crassifolia, thick-leaved. Carolina. seuifolia, seven—leaved. N. America. tripteris, three-leaved. Canada. verticillata, whorl-leaved. . Virginia. CORNUS, DOGWOOD. cl. 4. or. 1. canadensis, Canadian. Canada. CUCUBALUS, CAMPION. cl. 10. or. 3. catholicus, panicled. Italy. CYNARA, ARTICHOKE. cl. 19. or. 1. acaulis, stemless. Barbary. Cardunculus, Cardnon. Crete. humilis, dwarf. Spain. Scolymus, garden. S. ofEurope. DACTYLIS, _ COCK’S-FOOT-GRASS. cynosuroides, American. N. America. patens, spreading. —_ stricta, upright. Britain. DAUCUS, CARROT. cl. 5. or. 2. verticillatus, ' whorl-leaved. Barbary. DRACOCEPHALON, DRAGON’S-HEAD. cl. denticulatum, tooth-leaved. N. America. DIANTHUS, PINK. cl. 10. or. 2. atrorubens, dark Italian. Italy. dauricus, Daurian. Dauria. pungens, pungent. Spain. serotinus, white—flowering. Hungary. DIOSCORIA, DIOSCORIA. cl. 22. or. 6. villosa, ' hairy. Florida. ECHINOPHORA, SEA-PARSNIP. cl. 5. or. 2. spinosa, prickly. Britain. ERIGERON, ERIGERON. cl. 19. or. 2. uniflorum, dwarf. Lapland. EUPATORIUM, EUPATORIUM. cl. 19. or. 1. ageratoides, nettle-leaved. Canada. cannabinum, common. Europe. fueniculaceum, fennel-leaved. Carnliua. hyssopifolium, byssop-leaved. N. America. maculatum, spotted. —— Paralias, Sea Spurge. Britain. perfoliatum, perfuliate. N. America. scandens, climbing. Virginia. syriacum, Syrian. Syria. trifoliatum, three—leaved. N. America. verticillatum, whorl-leaved. 117 3ft.yellow. 2 orange yell. 3 yellow. 6 pale yell. 3 bright yell. % white. 2 white. 3 blue. 4 cl.3. or. 2. .l 1% 14. or. 1. 1 striped blue. 2% scarlet. % rose. 3 red. % white. :‘f white. 5 white. pale red. 3 white. purple. , 2 white. 5 1 8 purple. l VN W T SPKEAD UNCUT S PREAD 120 HARDY HERBACEOUS PERENNIALS. major, greater. Britain. purplish. minor, smaller. 1ft.yellowish. ramosa, branching. — violet. rubra, red. —- red. ORTEGIA, ORTEGIA. cl. 3. or. 1. dichotoma, forked. Italy. green. PANICUM, PANIC-GRASS. cl. 3, or. 2. clandestinum, hidden-flowered. N. America. latifolium, broad-leaved. dactylou, creeping-rooted. Britain. 6 purple. PENTSTEMON, PENTSTEMON. cl. 14. or. 2. lazvigata, smooth. Mexico. 2 light purl pubescens, hairy. N. America. —- —— 'vur. narrow-leaved. ‘ PHLOX, LYCHNlDEA. cl. 5. or. 1. paniculata, panicled. N. America. ‘2 purple. PIMPINELLA, BURNET SAXIFRAGE. cl. 5. or. 2. glauca, glaucous. S. of Europe. 1 white. magna, great. Britain. — POLYGONUM, POLYGONUM. cl. 8. or. 3. scandens, climbing. N. America. virginianum, Virginian. ———— 3 white. POLYMN’IA, POLYMNIA. cl. 19. or. 4. canadeHSIs, Canadian. N. America. 8 pale yell. tetragonotheca, narrow-leaved. Virginia. 2 yellow. uvedalia, broad-leaved. 1 PRUNELLA, SELFHEAL. cl. 14. or. 1. pennsylvanica, Pennsylvanian. N. America. g yellow. PTERIS, BRAKE. cl. 24. or. 1. atropurpurea, purple. N. America. caudata, American. America. aquatica, common. Britain. 2 PYRETHRUM, FEVERFEVV. cl. 19. or. 2. rosenm, rose—coloured. M. Caucasus. RHYNCHOSPORA, RHYNCHOSPORA. cl. 3. or. 1. alba, white-headed. Britain. fusca, brown-headed. RUDBECKIA, RUDBECKIA. cl. 19. or. 3. angustifolia, narrow-leaVed. Virginia. 1% yellow. digitata, digitated. N. America. i SACCHARUM, SU GAR-CANE. cl. 3. or. 2. adpressum, brown. Hungai y . SALSOLA, SALT-WORT. cl. 5. or. 2. sativa, cultivated. Spain. SANTOLINA, LAVENDER-COTTON. cl. 19. or. 1. maritima, Seafi Britain. 1} yellow. HARDY HERBACEOUS PERENNIALS. 121 SAXIFRAGA, SAXIFRAGE. cl. 10. or. 2. ambigua, ambiguous. Britain. ' ifhwhite aspera, rough. Switzerland. 71,— ceespitosa, matted. Europe. —- yellowishwh. densa, close. - — Hirculus, . Marsh. -— yellow. viscosa, clammy. Siberia. purple. SCABIOSA, SCABIOUS. cl. 4. or. 1. caucasica, large-flowered. M. Caucasus. 1 blue. ciliata, ciliated. gramuntia, cut-leaved. S. of Europe. % —- lutea, yellow. M. Caucasus. succisa, Devil's-bit. Europe. 1 -— SCLERANTHUS, KNAWEL. cl. 10. or. 2. perennis, perennial. Britain. SENECIO, GROUNDSEL. cl. 19. or. 2. japonicos, jagged-leaved. Japan. yellow. SERRATULA, SAW-\VORT. cl. 19. or. 1. spicata, spiked. N. America. 4 purple. tinctoria, Common. Europe. 3 / SIBTHORPIA, SIBTHORPIA. cl. 14. or. 2. europaaa, Cornish. Britain. {— pale red. SIDA, SIDA. cl. 16. or. 4. dioica, rough. Virginia. Nepaea, smooth. SICUTA, SICU'I‘A. cl. 5. or. 2. :naculata, spotted. N. America. virosa, \Vater Cow-bane. Britain. SIDERITIS, IRONWORT. cl. 14. or. 1. pcrfolinta, perfoliate. Levant. 4 whitish. scordioides, crenated. S. of France. 1 yellow. SILPHIUM, SILPHIUM. cl. 19. or. 4. terebinthinum, broad-leaved. N. America. yellow. SISON, HONEWORT. cl. 5. or. 2. verticillatum, whorl-leaved. Britain. 1 white. SOLIDAGO, GOLDEN-ROD. cl. 19. or. 2-. elliptica, elliptic. N. America. yellow gigantea, gigantic. —-————~ 5 juucea, rush-stalked. China. — laterifolia, l;road-leaved. N. America. —- nemoralis, grove. -——- ——- patula, spreading. __._. 'reflexa, reflex—leaved. —-—-—-—— 4 _ rugosa, wrinkled. .__. serotina, upright smooth. -—— — .— SONCllUS, SOW'l‘llISTLE. r]. 19. or. 1. palustris, Marsh. Europe. 6 orange. M VNCU T SPKEAD UNCUT S PREAD 124 RESEDA, fruticulosa, shrubby. RUDBECKIA, RUDBECKIA. Coluumm'ia, lobata, pinnata, SAURURUS, cernuus, luc1dus, SCABIOSA, leucantlia, SC ABIOUS. high-cruwued. lubed. pinnate. LIZA RD’S—TAIL. common. shining. 590“ y. SERRATU LA, SAW-\VORT. noevboracensis, long-leaved. pilosa, praealta, scariosa, occidentalis, SOLIDAGO, aspera, ~ bicolor, caesia, rigida, sempervirens, strlcta, viminea, VERBESINA, Siegesheckia, VERNONIA, glauca, ASTER, altissimus, flexuosus, grandiflorus, juneeus, longifolius, pcndulus, salicifolius, serotinus, SALVIA, napifolia, vertieillata, SAGE. hairy-leaverl. tall. ragged—cupped. SI EGESBEC KIA, SI EG ESBEC KIA. American. GOLDEN—ROD. rough-leaved. two-coloured. Maryland. rigid. narrow-leaved. upright. thggy. VERBESINA. American. VERNONIA. glaucous. STA R- W0 RT. tall. 7ig2ag. _ great-flowered. rush-stalked. long-leaved. pendulous. \-.-illow-leaved. late-flowering. rape-leavcd. Mimi—flowered. (1.11. or. 1. Spain. cl. )9. 0r. 2. Louisiana. N. America. cl. 7. or. 3. Virginia. N. America. cl. 4. 0r. 1. S. of France. cl. 19. or. 1. N. America. Virginia. Virginia. cl. 19. or. 2. N. America. cl. 19. or. 2. Virginia. cl. 19. or. 1. N. America. 5 CI. 19. or. 2. N. America. cl. 2. or. 1. Italy. Germany. HARDY HERBACEOUS PERENNIA LS. RESEDA. 3ft .purple . 2 #0! cl. 19. or. 2. IO]:- ul- Hana um I l OCTOBER AND NOVEMBER. white. white. purple. red. purple. purple. dark blue. .tlue. “hire. pink. dark purp. Linc. HARDY HERBACEOUS PERENNIALS. SOLIDAGO, lanceolata, lzevigata, petiolaris, GOLDEN-ROD. cl. 19. or. 2. spear-leaved. N. America. smooth. —— two-coloured. 5ft- 6 NOVEMBER AND DECEMBER. HELLEBORUS, HELLEBORE. foetidus, fcetid. cl. 13. or. 7. Britain. ENGLISH INDEX, —;— greenish. WITH REFERENCE TO GENERIC BOTANIC NAMES. Adam’s-tongue see Ophioglossum. Alexanders Alkanet . . . . . . Arrow-grass . . Arrow—head . . Artichoke . . . . Assafoctida . . . . Avens ........ Barren-wort . Bastard Cress . Bastard Toad-flax B21“ d-moncy . . Black Bryony . Beet .......... Bell-flower . . . . Binduseed . . . . Bird’s—Foot . . Bent—grass . . . . Bistm‘t ........ Brake ........ Bug-rush ...... Bonduc Blucbntllc . Dirthwurt .. Broom-rape . . Buckbeau . . . . Bugle ........ Bugloss ...... ...... Burnet. . .. .. . . Smyrnium. Anchusa. Trigluchin. Sagittaria. Cynara. Ferula. Geum. Epimedium. Thluspi. Thesium. [Ethusm Tzunus. Beta. Campanula. Convolvulus. Ornithopus. Agrostis. Pulygouum. Pterls. Schmuus. Gymnocludus Centaurcu. Aristolocliia. Orobanche. Menyanthes. Ajuga. Anchusfl. § Puterium and l Sanguisorba. M Bur-reed ...... Butter-bur . . . . Butter-wort . . Cabbage ...... Campion ...... Canada Rice . . Canary-grass . . Candy-tuft . . . . Carrot ........ Catchfly ...... Cat's-ear ..... ,, Cat’s-tail-grass Camiint ...... Cat’s-tail. . , . . . Chamomile. . . . Celandinc . . . Cllervill ...... Christmas Rose Cinquef'oil . . .. Club-rush . . . . lCuck's—fuot-gmss iC'nlt's-fout . . . . ‘iCulumbinc . . . . iCtJmfi'ey . . . . Colewort ..... A. ‘Coral-wort . . . . iCostmafy . . . Cotton-grass . . 3 Bun-net Saxifrage seePimpinella. Sparganium. Tussilago. Pinguicula. Brassica. Cucubalus. Zizania. Phalaris. lberis. Daucus. 5 Cucubalus and ( Sileue. Hypochzuris. Phleum. Nepeta. Typha. Anthemis. Chelidouium. Charophyllu m. llclleburus. I’uten tilla. Lyvcupod in m. Dactylis. Tussilago. Aquilegia. Symphytum. Crambe. Dentaria. Tanacetum. Eriophurum. 126 Cotton-thistle . see Onopnrdium. Cow—parsnip Herncleum. , , Erodium and Crane s-bIll. . . .4 g Geranium. Cross-wort . . . . Crucianella. Crow-foot . . . . Ranunculus. Cudweed. . . . . . Filago. Daisy . . . . . . . . Bellis. Daisy-blue . . . . Globularia. Deadnettle. . . . Galeopsis. Deadly Carrot . Thlaspi. Dill Anethum. Dittander . . . . Lepidium. Dock . . . . . . . . Rumex. Dog's-bane. . . . Apocynum. Dog-wood . . . . Cornns. Dog’s~ tail-grass Cynosurns. Dragon . . . . . . Arum. Dropwort . . . . Spirzea. Buck's—foot . . l’odophyllum. Eartlmut. . . . . . Buniumf Elder . . . . . . . . Sambucus. Elecampane . . Inula. Enchanter’s C' , Nightshade. } "C” Endive. . . . . . . . Cichorium. English Mercury Chenopodium. Everlasting. . . . Gnaphalium. Everlasting Pea Lathyrus. I‘elathered (’0‘ l Thalictruni. umbme. Feather-grass. . Stipa. Fenugreek . . Trigonella. Feverfew . . . . Malrieuria. Fever-root . . . . Triostcuni. Feséue—grass . . Festuca. Fig-wort . . . . . . Scrophnlaria. Flag (sweet) . . Acorns. Flax.......... Linum. Flea-bane . . . . Conyzu. Flea-wort . . . . Cinerarin. Flowering—rush Butoznns. Fool’s Parsley . Ilithusa. Foxglove. . . . . . Digitalis. Fox-tail—grass. . Alopecnrus. Teucriuni. Ferula. Gerinander. . . . Giant Fennel. . Ginseng . . . . . . Panax. Globe-flower . . 'l‘rollins. Ualoga. . . . . . .. Galegu. HARDY H ERBACEOUS PERENNIA LS. Glohr-thistle .. see Echinops. Goat’s-beard . . Golden-rod. . . . Golden Salnpire Tragopogon. Solidago. Inula. Golden Szuxit'rage Cln'ysosplcnium Golden Thistle Gold ofPleusure Goldilocks . . . . Goosefoot . . . . Goutweed . . . . Scolyin ns. Myagrum. $ Cln‘ysocoma& I Ranunculus. C lienopodiun). fligopodium. Grass of Parnassus Parnassia. Greek Valerian Cromwell . . . . Ground Ivy . . Gum Suecory. . llare'n-eur . . . . llzm'kweed . . . . llcdgc-hyssop. . Hedge—mustard Polemonium. Lithospernnnn Glechoma. Chomlrillu. L'n pleurum. I l ieracium. Gratiola. Erysimum. Hemp Agrimony Eupatorium . Henbane ...... Hepatica . . Herb Bennet . . Ilyoscyamus. Anemone. Geum. llerb Christopher Actaza. llerb Paris. . . . Honesty . . . . . . Hone—wort . . . . Paris. Lunaria. Sison. llorehound,blnck Bullota. lloneywort. . . . Horned Poppy. Cerinthe. (.‘helidoninm. Horned Rampion Phyteunia. Horseshoe-retell Horsetail. . . . . . Hoz-ind's-tongue Hop‘.......... Horn-wort . . . . llouselrek Jerusalem Arti- Choke. Iron-wort . . . . Kidney—vote!) . . Kidney-wort . . Knau'el Knot-grass . . . . Hippocrepis. I‘lquisetnm. Cynoglossum. H nmulus. Ccratophyllum. Sodom. : Heliuntlius. Sideritis. Anlhyllis. Saxi l'ra ga. Seleranthus. Illecebrum. Ludies' Bedstraw Galium. Ladieb' Mantle Ladies” Smock . . Larkspur. . . . . . Leadwort . . . . Alclieniilla. Card-amine. Delphiniuin. Plumlnago. HARDY HERBACEOUS PERENNIKALS. Loopnrd’s—bane see Dorouicum. 19.7 Mouse-ear 7 Ceirastium S . Lettuce ..... . Lactuca. ' ’ \ Lion s-footLud- I Filavo. weE‘d ‘3 Liquorice Glycirrhiza. Liquorice, wild. Astragnlus. Lizard’s—tnil Saururus. London Pride. . Snxifiaga. Loosestril‘c... . . Lysinmehia. Lounge ...... Liguslicum. Lonsewort . . . . Pedicularis. Lucern ........ Medicago. Lungwort . . . . Pulmonaria. Lychnidea . . . . Phlox. Madder ...... Rubia. Madwort ...... Alyssum. M andrakc . . . . Atropa. Marjoram . . . . Marsh Cinquefoil ()riganum. Comarum. Marshmallow. . Althzea. BIarsh-marigold Caltha. h'larsh-lrefoii . . Menyanthes. Marvel of Peru Mirabilis. Marigold ...... Calendula. Master. . ...... Imperatoria. Mat-grass . . . . Nardus. Maudlin ...... Achillea. bitty-apple . . . . Podophyllum. MeadOW-rue . . Meadow-sani- frage ...... Thalictrum. S Peucedanum l andSeseli. Meadow-sweet Spiram. BIercur g Chenopodinni y """ & Mercurmhs. Melic-grass. . . . Melica. Meu .......... H‘llhusa. Milfoil ........ Achillen. Milk-parsley . . Seliuum. Milk-vetch . . . . Astragnlns. Milkwort ...... Polygala. Millet-grass . Milium. Mint .......... Mentha. Mulucca—bnhn . Molncelln. Moon-wort. . . . Botrychium. Moor—grass. . . . Sesleria. i lonk’s—hood . . Aconiunn. Monk's-rhubarb anex. Moschatel . . . . Adoxa. Mothcm'ort . . Loonurus. Scnnnnony .. . . Chickweed. . Mugwort ...... see Artemisia. Mullein ...... Verbascum. Nettle ........ Urtica. Nightshade. . . . Solanum. Old Man’s Beard Geropogon. One-berry . . . . Paris. ~ Oswego-tea. . . . Monarda. Ox-eye : Anthemis and ‘ " Buphthalmum ()x-eye Daisy. . Chrysanthemum. Oxlip ........ Primula. Parsnip . . . . . . Pastinaca. Pepperwort. . . . Lepidium. Persicaria . . . . Polygonum. Pink .......... Dianthus. Poppy ........ Papaver. Panic-grass. . . . Panicum. Pcnnywort . . . . Hydrocotyle. Pepper—grass . . Pilularia. Plantain ...... Plantago. Pellitory ...... Parietaria. Pond-weed . . . . Potamogeton. Pnccoon ...... Sanguinaria. Quill-wort . . . . Isoetes. Radish ........ Raphanus. Rattlesnake-root Polygala. Reed ........ Arundo. Rest-barrow . Ononis. Rhubarb ...... Rheum. Rocket ........ Hesperus. Rlose-bay W11- Epilobinm. ow-her b . . . . Rose Campion . Agrostemma. Rose-root . . . . Rhodiola. Hush (sweet). . Acorns. Rush ........ Juncus. Rupture-wort. . Herniaria. Sage ........ . . Salvia. Suintt'uil ...... Hedysarum. St. John's Wort - SLPcter’s \Vort i Hypencum. Saltwort ...... Salsosa. Sumphire . Critlnnum. Sandwort ...... Arennria. Savory ........ Satureja. Saw—wort Serratula. Sea-holly ...... Eryngiunn. Convolvulns. 128 Sea-lavender . . see Statice. Sea-milkwort . . Sea-parsnip . . Self-heal . . . . . . Scngreen. . . . . . Septfoil . . . . . . Side-saddle—flower Snake-root, black Scurvy—grass . . Scorpion-grass . Shaw—weed . . . . Sheep’s Scahious Snake-weed . . Sneezewort. . . . Solomon’s—seal Sorrel Southernwood . Sowthistle . . . . Sperage . . . . . . Speedwell . . . . Spignel . . . . . . Spleenwort . . . . Spring-grass . . Spiderwort . . . . Spurge Laurel . Spurge Olive . . Squinancy-wort Spurry...... .. Star-wort ...... Stock Stonccrop . . . . Stitchwort . . . . Succory . . . . . . Sulphur-wort . . Sundew . . . . . . Sunflower . . . . Sugarcane . . . . Swallmwwort. . Sweet William Syrian Rue. . . . Strawberry. . . . Tarragon. . . . . . Thistle. . . . . . . . Thrift . . . . .. . . Tick-sunflower Toothwort . . . . Tuadflax . . . . . . 'l‘uwer-zmistird Anthoxanthum. l S W Glaux. Echinophora. I’runella. Saxifraga. , Tormentilla. Saracenia. Actaaa. Cochlearia. Myosotis. Littorella. Jasione. Antirrhinum. Sapouaria. Cnnvallaria. Rumex. Artemisia. Sunchus. Asparagus. Veronica. Bithusa. Asplenium. Valantia. Daphne. Asperula. Spergula. Aster. Cheirantlms. Setlum. Stellaria. Cichorium. I’eucedanum. Drosera. Helianthus. Saccharuni. Asclepias- Dianlhus. Pegauum. Fragaria. Arteinisia. Carduus. Statice. Gureopsis. Dentaria and Latlirzea. Antirrlniuum. Turritis. HARDY HERBACEOUS PERENNIALS. Trefoil. . . . . . . . see Trifolium. True—love . . . . Valantia . . . . . . Vervain . . . . . . Vetch ........ Vine ....... . . . Viper’s-grass . . Paris. Galium. Verbena. Vicia. Vitis. Scorzoncra. Virginian Cowslip Dodecatlneon Virgin’s-bower Uredalia. . . . . . Wake Robin . . Wall-cress . . . . \Vallflower. . . . \Vall-peunywort Wall-pepper . . \Vater Aloe Dropwort -leaf . . . . —-Lily Parsnip . . Pimperuel —- Plantain . —- Radish .. Rocket . . —- Violet. . . White Hellehore Horchound M urrubium. Whitlow-grass . Wild Basil . . . . Rocket .. Willmv-hcrb . . Winter Acunite — Cherry . . —— Cregs . . . . -greeu . . Wolf's-bane . . \Voutli 00f . . . . Wood-sage . . . . Wood-sorrel . . \Vurrn~grass . . \Vurniwuod . . Yarrow u...- HOI'ClIOIIIld (ierniander Clematis. Polymnia. Arum. Arabis. Cheiranthus. Cotyledun. Sedun). Stratnidcs. (.Enanthe. Lycnpia. Hydrupliylluln. s Menyanthcsét l Nyuiphzea. Sium. Samulus. Alisma. , i Sisymbrium. Hottouia. Vcratrum. s Draba and I Saxiz'raga. Clinupodiuui. Veronica. Brassica. S Epiluhiuinanil 2 Lythruun. llellchorus. Physalus. Erysnnuu). Pyrola. Acunitum. Aspcrula. Tcucriuxn. Uxalrs. Spigclia. Ark-mien). Achilloa. Yr-l low Bird’s—nest Monotrupa. Yellow-root . . Hydrastis. HARDY BULBOUS-ROOTED PERENNIALS. __+_ FEBRUARY AND MARCH. Linnean Name. English Name. Country. Height. Colour. GALANTHUS, SNOWDROP. cl. 6. or. 1. Feet. nimlis, common. Europe. fi white. var. double. MARCH AND APRIL. ALLIUM, GARLIC. cl. 6. or. 1. inodorum, Carolina. N. America. 2 purple. BULBOCODIUM, BULBOCODIUM. cl. 6. or. 1. vernum, spring-flowered. Spain. .3; dark blue. CROCUS, CROCUS. cl. 3. or. 1. . biflorus, Scotch. Britain. 3;; blue. llavus, bright Scotch. — yellow. mzesiacus, cream-coloured. Greece. -— cream. pallidus, pale. Britain. —— light blue. reflexus, reflex-flowered. S. of Europe. —-— yellow. sulphureus, sulphur-coloured. ——-——- —- susianus, Cloth of Gold. Turkey. —- vernus, Spring. Britain. — various. versicolor, parti-coloured. S. of Europe. — blue & yell. ERYTHRONIUM, ERYTHRONIUM. cl. 6. or. 1. americanum, golden. N. America. % yellow. DBMS Cunis, Dog’s-tooth Violet.Eur0pe. -—— purple. var. rc/lite. FRITILLARIA, F RITILLARY. cl. 6. or. 1. imperialis, Crown Imperial. Persia. 3 red & yell. HYACINTHUS, HYACINTH. cl. 6. or. 1. Non Scriptus, Hare—bells. Britain. % blue. orientalis, Garden. Levant. 1 white, red var. double. [and blue. IRIS, IRIS. cl. 3. or. 1. persica, Persian. Persia. & striped blue. VNCUT Seem!) wom- SPREAD 132 HARDY BULBOUS-ROOTED PERENNIALS. MAY AND JUNE. ALLIUM, GARLIC. cl. 6. or. 1. angulosum, angular-stalked. Germany. 11ft. light purp. subhirsutum, hairy. S.of Europe. 12 \1 hite triquetrum, triangular. Spain. 2 victoriale, long-rooted. Alps. 1% light greer AMARYLLIS, AMARYLLIS. cl. 6. or. 1. Atamasco, Atamasco Lily. N. America. 2 white. ANTHERICUM, ANTHERICUM. cl. 6. or. 1 Liliago, grass—leaved. S. of Europe. $2 white. Liliastrum, Savoy. Alps. 1% ramosum, branching. S. of Europe. 2 —— serotinum, mountain Spiderwort. Britain. —- ARETHUSA, ARETHUSA. cl. 20. on? . bulbosa, bulbous-rooted. N. America. ASPHODELUS, ASPHODEL. cl. 6. or. 1. altaicus, clmnnel-leaved. Siberia. fistulosus, onion-leaved. S. of Europe. 2 white. luteus, yellow. Sicily. .5 yellow. ramosus, branching. S. of Europe. 5 white. COLCHICUM, MEADOW-SAFFRON. cl. 6. 0r. 3 byzantinum, broadvleaved. Con atantinople.1 CONVALLARIA, SOLOMON’S-SEAL. cl. 6. or. bifolia, two-leaved. N. America. 11 white. japonica, J apan. Japan. 1 latifolia, broad-leaved. N. America. — —— majalis, Lily of the Valley. Europe. .3. —— var. double. multiflora, 111any-flowered. Q greenish wl Polygonatum, common __ racemosa, cluster-flowered. N. America. —- white. , stellata, star—flowered. Virginia. 1 verticillata, whorl-leaved. N. of Europe. 1 greenish u CYPRIPEDIUM, LADIES’ SLIPPER. longitolia, IlYACIN l HUS, llYAClN l H. coulosus, IllOllbtl‘USUS, l‘omunus, acaule, two-leaved. N. America. arietinum, Ram's-head. Canada. Calceolus, common. EurOpe. parvifiorum, small—flowered. N. America. , pubescens, downy yellow. —_ FRITILLARIA, FRl'l‘lLLARY. cl. 6. or. 1. pyreuaica, Pyreueun. Europe. HELONIAS, HELONIAS. t". 6. 0r. 3. asphodeloides, gruss~lea\'ed. N. America. long-lei“ ed. —— cf. 6. or. 1. pmplc Gr1pc. S. of Europe. feathered. ——--- Ronni“ Grape. Italy. if cl. "0. or. 1. =3 reddish WI 1 purple 3; ye 1 yellow&pu1 2 white. —. | " .3. b1ueiel1pu1 L 2 1 ——_— HARDY BULBOUS—ROOTED PERENNIALS. 133 IRIS, IRIS. cl. 3. or. 1. aphylla, naked-stalked. Europe. 2ft.purple 8; w. cristatu, crested. N. America. 1% blue &yell. florentina, Florentine. S. of Europe. — white. germauiea, German. Germany. 3 light: blue. pallida, pale. Levant. 1 blue. sanguiuea, bloody. Siberia. — dark purp. sibirica, Siberian. — blue. Sisyrinchium, omens-rooted. Spain. tenuil‘olin, slender-leaved. Dauria. variegata, variegated. Hungary. LEON FICE, LEONTICE. cl. 6. or. 1. thalictroides, columbine-leaved. N. America. LEUCOJUM, LEUCOJUM. cl. 6. or. I. aestivum, Summer. Europe. pulchellum, neat. LILIUM, LILY. cl. 6. 07'. 1. Camtsehatka, Kamtschatka. Russia. cordifulium, heart-leaved. Japan. Pomponium, Pornponian. Siberia. OPHRYS, OPHRYS. cl. 20. or. 1. anthropophora; Green Man. Britain. muscit‘era, ‘ . Nidus Avis, Bird’s-nest. ovata, Tway-blade. ORCHIS, ORCHIS. cl. 20. or. 1. biliolia, Butterfly. Britain. hraeteata, long-bracted. N. America. latifolia, broad—leaved. Britain. mascula, Male. —— militaris, Man. Mario, Female. N. A merica. spectabilis, showy. Britain. ustulata, dwarf. ()RNITHOGALUM, STAR OF BETHLEHEM. Cumosum, ixioides, striatum, umbellatum, uniflorum, PANCRATIU M, PANC RATIUM. illyricum, maritimum, SCILLA, campannlata, lusitanica, peruviana, unil'oliu, SQUILL. short-spiked. ixia-like. striped-flower. umbelled. one-flowered. Illyriau. Sea. hell-shaped. Portugal. Peruvian. oue-leared. Austria. California. Siberia. Europe. Siberia. cl. 6. or. 1. S. of Europe. cl. 6. or. 1. Spain. Portugal. — purple&ycl. ( 1 yellowrSzpur. % white. 1; white. 1% dark yell. 2 yellow 8; red. 1 greenish. 1;- brown. 1 —- green. 1 white. 1% rose. 1 pale purp. —- dark pur. § purple. greenish. i— pale purp. cl. 6. or. 1. white. 1 whitish gr. é yellowish gr. ' 2 white. 1 dark blue. % light blue. 1 dark blue. VNCU T Seem!) UNCUT SPREAD 136 HARDY BULBOUS-ROOTED PEHENNIALS. ()PllRYS, OPURYS. cl. 20. or. 1. apii‘cra, Bee. Britain. -§ft.l1rnwn. lilil'olia, liiy-leaved. N. America. -- rcu'. ()RCHIS, ORClllS. cl. 20. or. 1. alhida, small white. Britain. 7} white. cunopsea, aromatic. 1 rul. Coreoptcra, Lizard. -— —— t‘usca, brown. globosa, round-spiked. Austria. 1.3. purple. maculata, spotted. Britain. — pale purp. papilionacea, papilionaceons. Spain. % pyramidalis, pyramidal. Britain. 1.; light purp. \iridis 110g. 5} green. URNIIHOGALUM, STAR OF BEIHLEHEM. cl. 6. or. i. pyramidale, pyramidal. Spain. 2 uhite. pyrenaicum, Pyrenean. Pyrenees. -— striped. siachyoides, close—spiked. S.of Europe. 3 light yell. PARDANTHUS, PARDANTHUS. cl. 3. or. 1 chinensis, Chinese. . China. SA’I‘YRIUM, SATYRION. cl. Q0. or. 1. album, white. Britain. 1 greenish w. hircinum, » Lizard. 2 brownish rel. nigrnm, black-flowered. Switzerland. :2— dark pui‘p. viride, green. Europe. i green. SCILLA, SQULLL cl. 6. or. 1. verna, S ring. Britain. % light blue. SERAPIAS, HELLEBORINE. (‘1. ‘20. or. 1. 21 andiflom, g1 eat-floweicd Britain. 1 whitish. Lin gun, tongue—hearing. S of Europe. SISYRINCHIUM, SISYRINCHIUWI. cl. 16. or. 1. anceps, two-edged. ' V irginia. I;— light hlue. striatum, ellow-flouzered. Mexico. 2 striped blue. S'l‘REP’l‘OPUS, STREPTOPUS. cl. 6. or. 1. distortus, stem-clasping. lanuginosus, woolly. roseus, red-fruited. N. America. . UVULA RIA, UVULARlA. cl. 6. or. 1. flara, small yellow. N. America. lancwlata, spear-leaved. ————~——-— sessilil'olia, sensiledeaved. 3‘; light yell. JULY AND AUGUST. ALLIUM, GARLIC. cl. 6. or. 1 adsccndens, purple-headed. Switzerland. 2 nntans, flat-stalked. Siberia. 1 red. sibirica, Siberian. — striped. splueroccpl:alon,small round—headed.l :aly. 2 red. iricoccum, three-seeded. N. America. i white. I" HARDY BULBOUS-ROOTED PERENNIALS. 1.27 FERRARIA, FERRARIA. 01.1 pavonia, tiger-flowered. GLADIOLUS, CORN—FLAG. cl. ' cardinalis, large-flowered. imhricatus, round-headed. 11 EM EROCALLIS, DAY-LILY. 6. or. 1. Mexico. 3. or. 1. Cape. Greece. cl. 6. or. 1. fulva, copper-coldured. Levant. japonica, white-flowered. Japan. HELONIAS, HELONIAS. cl. 6. or. 3. dioica, Spike-flowered. N. America. graminea, grass-leaved. Carolina. lzeta, narrow-leaved. N. America. IRIS, IRIS. cl. 3. or. 1. halophila, long-leaved. Siberia. ochroleuca, pale-yellow. Levant. spnthacea, sheathed. Cape. spuria, spurious. Germany. LILIUM, LILY. cl. 6. or. 1. canadense, Canadian Martagon. N. America. Cntesbazi, Carolina. ————-—— philadelphicum, Philadelphian. Ll MODORU M, LIMODORU M. tuberosum, tuberous-rooted. N. America. )IALAXIS, MALAXIS. cl. 20. or. 1. palndosa, Marsh. Britain. NEOTTIA, NEOTI‘IA. cl. 20. or. 1. cernua, nodding. N. America. pubescens, downy. -——-— repens, creeping. Britain. OPHRYS, OPHRYS. cl. 90. or. 1. cordata, heart-leaved. Britain. Loeselii, Loesel’s. monorchis, yellow. ORCHIS, ORCHIS. cl. 20. or. 1. ciliaris, ciliated. N. America. cristata, yellow- crested. —— fimbriata, fringed. Canada. hyperborea, Northern. Labrador. PONI‘EDERIA, PONTEDERIA. cl. 6. or. 1. cordata, heart-leaved. Virginia. SERA PIAS, HELLEBORINE. (I. 20. or. 1. cordigcrn, heart-bearing. S. of Europe. ensif‘olia, sword-leaved. Britain. latifolia, broad-leaved. longifolia, long-leaved. palustris, Marsh. UVULARIA, UVULARIA. cl. 6. or. 1. spear-leavcd. lanceolata, N 3 cl. 20. or. 1. N. America. 2 scarlet SI. wh. 4 orange. 3 blue. . 4 light yell. 1% blue. 4 yellow. 1 orange. :1- yellowish 5r. % grrcn. — yellowish gr. % yellmvish gr. 1 purple. % yellowish 5r. 3 blue. 1 white. 2 brownish g. % striped. 1 yellow. if. SERAPIAS, 133 HARDY BULBOUS»ROOTED PERENNIALS. AUGUST AND SEPTEMBER. AMARYLLIS, AMARYLLIS. cl. 6. or. 1. luten, yellow. S. of Europe. C()MMELINA,CO\ 3. m. 1. erecta, upright. Virginia. IRIS, IRIS. cl. 3. or. 1. dicliotoma, forked. Siberia. OPHRYS, OPHRYS. cl. 20. or. 1. spiralis, triple Ladies’-traces. Britain. SA’I‘YRIUM, SATYRION. cl. 20. or. 1. rep ens, creeping. Scotland. SCILLA, SQUILL. cl. 6. or. 1. autumnalis, Autumn. Britain. hyacinthoides, Hyacinth. Madeira. HELLEBORINE. (1.20.07'. 1. rubrn, red-flowered. Britain. .‘jflycllow. 1; pale blue. 1 pale blue. i- green. .3. flesh. ;- striped. 1 blue. 1 purple. SEPTEMBER AND OCTOBER. AGAVE AGAVE. cl. 6. or. 1. virginica, Virginian. America. 20 greenishyell. COI .ClllCUM, MEADOW-SAFFRON. (1.6.07'. 1 auluninnle, Autumn. Europe. var. double. variegntum, spot-flowered. Levant. CROCUS, CROCUS. cl. 3. or. 1. officinalis, Saffron. Levant. LEUCOJUM, LEUCOJUM. cl. 6. or. 1. antumnale, autumnal. Portugal. ENGLISH INDEX, éredSz striped. .} purples: wh. 5; blue. ‘ . . .3 white. WITH REFERENCE TO THE GENERIC BOTANIC NAMES. Atnmasco Lily see Amaryllis. Lilinm and Corn~flag . . . . Gladiolus. Llly """"" sec Anmryllis. Daffodil ..... . Narcissus. Lily of the Valley Cnnvnllnria. D :y Lily. ..... Hemelocallis. Moly ........ Allium. Dog’ 5— —tootli Violet Erythronium. Snowdrop . . . . Galantlius. 11y Ol‘ClllS . . . . Oplnys. Solomon's Seal Convallnria. Garlic ........ Allium. Spiclevwort Tradesmntia. Hare-bells . . . . Scilla. Sqnill . . . . . . . . Scilln. llelleborine. . . . Serapias. Stai of Bethlehem ()I nithognlun‘. Jonquil ....... . Narcissus. l“ uy l ladc. Ophr) s. Ladies’-slipper . Cypripetlium. Tulip. . . . . . . . . . Tulipa. Ladies’-traccs . Ophrys. HARDY BIENNIALS. _._.¢..._ MARCH A’ND APRIL. Limzean Na English N.ame Country. ARENARIA, SANDWORT. cl. 10. or. 3. ciliata. ciliated. Iceland. SCROPHULARIA, FIGWORT. cl. 14. or. 2. vernulis, yellow. Britain. APRIL AND MAY. ALYSSUM, MADVVORT. cl. 15. or. 1. simmtum, sinuate-leaved. S ain. Alt ABlS, \VALL-CRESS. cl. 15. 07‘. 2. turrita, Tower. Britain. (LLAY‘I‘ONIA, CLAY'l‘ONIA. cl. 5. or. 1. :zlsinnides, chickweed-like. Noutka Sound. Height. Colour. Feet. 1 white. 2 yellow. 3; light yell. 2— lightyell. CYNOGLUSSUM, HOUND’SJI‘ONGUE. cl. 5. 0r. 1. appeninum, Appenine. Italy. DELPHINIUM. LARKSPUR. cl. 13. or. 3. Szanhis Auria, Stavesacrv. S. of Europe. IEESPRRIS, ROCKET. rl. 15.0r. 1. tristis, night-smelling. Austria. MAY AND JUNE. AQUILEGIA, COLUMBINE. (1.5. or. 1. alpine, Al ine. Switzerland. P ARENARIA, SANDWORT. cl. 10. or. 3. laricil‘olin, larch-leaved. Britain. ASTRAGALUS, MILK-VETCH. cl. 17. or. 4. eiepressus, dwarf white. Europe. BRASSICA, CABBAGE. cl. 15. or. Q. « leracea, esculent. Britain. Ra a, Turnip. C llEIRANTHUS, STUCK. cl. 15 or. 2. lielieticus, Swiss. Sweden. 3 blue. 2 light blue. 1 deep purp. 1 green. % white. 1 white. 1% yellow. I40 HARDY BIENNIALS. COCHLEARIA, SCURVY—GRASS. cl. 15. or. 1. anglica, English. Britain. 2ft.whit(‘. danica, Danish. 1 omcinalis, ofiicinul. 2 ——~ CYNOGLOSSUM, llOUND’S-TONGUE. cl. 5. or. 1. officiniale, common. Europe. 3 purple. sylxaticnm, Wood. —— —- blue. DEN FARIA, TOOTHWORT. cl. 15. or. Q. enneaphylla, nine-leaved. S. of Europe. DRABA, WHI'FLOVV-GRASS. cl. 15. or. 1. incana, hour . N. of Europe. % white. LVULA, lNULA. CI. 19. or. 2. bifrons, two-coloured. S. of Europe. ISATIS, WOA D. cl. 15. or. 1. tinctoria, Dyer’s. Europe. 4- yellow. LEONURUS, MOTHERWORT. cl. 14. or. I. sibiricus, Siberian. Siberia. 2 red. LINUM, FLAX. cl. 5. or. 5. narboncnse, Narbonne. S. of Europe. 1;— pale hluo. strictum, upright. —— 1 yellow. PEDICULARIS, PEDICULARIS. cl. 14. or. 2. palustris, Marsh. Britain. 1 purple. sylvatica, Wood. % SAGINA, PEARL—WORT. r1. 4. or. 3. procumbens, procumbent. Britain. SMYRNIUM, ALEXANDERS. cl. 5. or. 2. Olusatrum, common. Europe. .4 light yell. erfoliatum, perfoliate. Candia. 3 yellow. TRAGOPOGON, GOA Y’s-BEARD. cl. 19. or. 1. major, great. Austria. 3 purple. porrifolius, purple. Europe. 4 villosus, villous. Spain. — liuht \ell. undulatus, wave-leaved. Tauria. 7 \elloa. ’I‘URRITIS, TOWER-MUSTARD. cl. 15. or. Q. glabra, smooth. Europe. ‘2 yellow. hirsuta, hairy. 1 \rhzte. VALERIANA, VALERI \N. cl. 3. or. I. sibirica, Siberian. Siberia. VERBENA, VERVAIN. cl. 14. or. Q. Aubletia, cut-leaved. N. America. 2 blue. JUNE AND JULY. AGROSTEMMA, CAMPION. cl. 10. or. 5 coronal-Ea, rose. Italy. 2 red. war. double. ALTHIEA, MARSHMALLOW. cl. 16. or. 7. ficifolia, fig—leavcd. * Levant. 6 orange. hirsuta, hairy. S. of Europe. 1 purplish. HARDY BIENNIA LS. 141 ALLIUM, GARLIC. cl. 6. or. 1. Cepa, Onion. 3ft.white. ALSlNE, CHICKWEED. cl. 5. or. 3. mucronata, hristly. S. of Europe. 1 white. ALYSSUM, MADWORT. cl. 15. or. 1. clypeatum, shield-seeded. S. ofEurope. 1 yellow. maritimum, Sean —- white. AN ETHUM, DILL. cl. 5. or. 2. graveolens, common. Spain. 3 yellow. ANGELICA, ANGELICA. cl. 5. or. Q. archangelica, Garden. N.of Europe. 6 striped. ANTHEMlS, CHAMOMILE. cl. 19. or. 2. hyhridu, bastard. pubescens, downy-leaveil. S.ofEur0pe. '1 white. ANTIRRHINUM, TOAD-FLAX. cl. 14. or. 2. alpinum, Alpine. Austria. 9; llght blue. hellidifolium, daisy-leaved. France. 1; blue. majus, great. Europe. 3 \\llil‘.t;&f€d. var. double and variegated. Spartium, branching. Spain. 2 blue. APIUM, PARSLEY. cl. 5. or. Q. graveolens, Celery. Britain. 4 white. petrosclinum, Garden. ’ Sardinia. 3 ARENARIA, SANDWORT. cl. 10. or. 3. tenuifolia, slender-leaved. Britain. 1} white. BUFFON IA, BUFFONIA. cl. 4. or. Q. tenuifolia, slender-leaved. Britain. 1 white. CAMPANULA, BELL-FLOWER. cl. 5. or. 1. media, Canterbury Bells. Germany. 3 blue. CARDUUS, TllIS'l‘LE. cl. 19. or. 1. Carabona, Fish. S. of Europe. 6 purple. hamulosus, hooked. Hungary. radiatus, rayed. -————- CHEROPHYLLUM. CIIEEROPHYLLUM. cl. 5. or. ‘2. bulbosuxn, bulbous-rooted. Europe. .4 white. CHEIRANTIIUS, STOCK. cl. 15. or. 2. cuspidatus, sharp-capsuled. Tauria. fenestralis, clustered. incanus, Brompton. S. of Europe. ‘2 purple,white war. double. [and scarlet. littoreus, small Sea. 1 purple. pannonicus, Hungarian. Hungary. —- quadrangularis, square-podded. Siberia. 2 ——-~ sinuatus, great’Sea. Britain. 1 flesh. taraxifolius, (lamlelion-leaved. Siberia. COCHLEARIA, SCURVY-GRASS. cl. 15. or. 1. glastifolia, wood-leaved. Germany. g white. 1 gruenlandica, Greenland. Greenland. 111‘ VNCUT SPREAD UNLUT SPREAD 144 TRIFOLIUM, dentatum, maritimum, spadiceum, HARDY BIENNIALS. TREFOIL cl. 1?. or. 4. toothed. H ungary. Sea. Britain. lft.pale purp. pale-flowered. Europe. TRIGONELLA, FENUGREEK. r1. 1?. or. 4. platycarpos, flat- odded. Siberia. 1 white. VER‘BASCUM, MULLEIN. cl. 5. or. 1. Blattaria, Iotli. Europe. 4 yellowish pu. floccosum, wool-bearing. Hungary. glabrum, smooth. Lychnitis, while. Europe. 3 light yell. plilomoides, woolly. Italy. 4 yellow. sinuatum, scalloped. S. of Europe. 3 virgatum, slender. Europe. 5 yellowécpur. VESICARIA, VESICARIA. cl. 15. or. 1. sinuata, sinuate. Spain. JULY AND AUGUST. ETHUSA, FOOL’S-PA RSLEY. cl. 5. or. 2. Bunias, coriander—leaved. Pyrenees. ALTlIfEA, MARSH-MALLUW. (I. 16. or. 7. rosea, common Hollyhock. China. 6 variety ofco. "car. double. ALYSSUM, MAD‘VOR . cl. 15. or. 1. incanum, lmary. Europe. 2 white. ANCHUSA, BUGLOSS. cl. 5. or. 1. italica, Italian. S of Europe. 4 ochroleuca, pale—flowered. Russia. ANDROSACE, ANDROSACE. cl. 5. or. 1. coronopifolia, buck’s—horn-lcav. Siberia. ANDRYALA, ANDRYALA. (I. 19. or. 1. integrifolia, hoary. S. of Europe. 1-;— yellow. ANGELICA, ANGELICA. cl. 5. or. 2. lucida, sliiningdeared. Canada. 2 pale yell. *ANARRHINUM, ANARRHINUM. cl. 14.07‘. ‘2. beliidifolium, daisy-leaved. France. 1 blue. ARCTIUM, BU RDOCK. cl. 19. or. 1. Bardana, woolly-headed. Britain. 1% blue. Lappa, common. 3 purple. Personata, cut—leaved. Austria. 1% violet. BUBON, BUBON. cl. 5. or. Q. rigidus, stil’f. Sicily. 1 white. CAMPANULA, BELL-FLOWER. cl. 5. or. 1. as pe ra, rough. N. America. cervical-in, ware-leaved. Sweden. 3 light li'mc. pamla, spreading. Europe. 1 blue. peregrina, rough-leaved. Switzerland. 2 «of: A.“ ’1’ “‘mm——’———'—w—"m"m HARDY BXENNIALS. 145 Rapunculus, Rampion. Britain. 3fl.light blue. sibirica, Siberian. Siberia. 1 tln rsoiden, long-spiked. Germany. 2 wliite&blue. CARLINA CARLINE. (‘1. 19. or. 1. vulgaris, common. Britain. 1 purple. CARDUUS, THISTLE. cl. 19. or. 1. candicans, whitish. Hungary. carlinoides, Pyrenean. Pyrenees. Q purple. crispus, curled. Europe. 3 pale red. Eriophorns, “()(illylieaded. 5 purple. nutans, Musk. Britain. personatus, masked. Alps of Europe. CARUM, CARA\VAY. CL 5. or. ‘2. Carni, common. Europe. 2 white. CENTAUREA, CENTAURY. (I. 19 or. 3. paniculata, panicled. Europe. 2 pale purp. peregrina, soft-leaved. S. of Europe. 3 yellowish. reflexa, refiexed. Siberia. romana, Roman. Rome. 3 ‘ red. salamantica, lyre-leaked Sp of nEurope. — pllrp. splendens, shining. —— CH ’EROPHYLLUM, CgOW-PARSI EpYin cl. 5. or. 2. temulum, much. Europe. 2 white. CICUORIUM, ENDIVE. cl. 19. or. 1. spinosum, prickly. Candia. 8 blue. CNlCUS, CNICUS. cl. 19. or. 1. afer, Barbary. Barbary. discolor, two-coloured. N. America. ferox, prickly. S. of Europe. 6 white. lanceolatus, spear-leaved. Britain. 4 purple. palustris, Marsh. 3 CONYZA, SPIKENARD. cl. 19. or. 2. squat-rose, Plowman’s. Europe. 2 light purp. CORIS, CORIS. cl. 5. or. 1. monspeliensis, heath-Ieaved. Montpelier. % blueish. CO'I‘YLEDON, UAVEL—W'ORT. cl. 10. or. 5 hispanica, Spanish. Spain. dull red. CREPIS, CREPIS. CI. 19. or. 1. bicnnis, biennial. Europe. 4 light yell. leontodootoides, dandelion—like. Italy. CYNOGLOSSUM, HUUND'SJI‘ONGUE. cl. 5. 0r. 1. Chelrifolium, stock-leaved. Spain. 1 striped. pictum, painted. Madeira. 1% pale blue. virginicum, Virginian. N. America. 4 white. DIANTIIUS, PINK. cl. 10. or. 9. Armeria, Deptford. Britain. red&white. chinensis, China. China. — red, white, [and purple. ferrugineus, rusty. Italy. 1; striped. superbus, fringed. Europe. — r.erl VN CU T SPREAD UNCUT SPREAD I48 cuspidatus, rostratus, sinuatus, D lPSACUS, ilosus, EUPllORBIA, dentata, Lathyris, GAURA, biennis, mutahilis, LAC'I‘UCA, canadensis, elongata, stricta, virosa, LAVATERA, arborea, LEONURUS, tartaricus, RUDBECKIA, triloba, TRII’OLIUM, ofiicinale, HARDY BIENNI A LS. CHEIRANTHUS, STOCK. great Sea. TEASEL. hairy. SPURGE. toothed. Caper. GAU RA. biennial. N. America. 5 reddish wh. changeable. S. America. LET’l‘UCE. cl. 19. or. 1. Canadian. Canada. 4 yellow. elongated. Pennsylvania. 3 upright. Hungary. 4 ~--—--- strong-scented. Europe. 3 ———- MALLOW. cl. 16. or. 7. Tree. Euro 0. 8 reulc‘cuhite. MO’ ‘HERWORT. cl. 14. or. 1. Tartarian. Tartary. Q flesh. RUDBECKIA. cl. 19. or. 2. three-lobed. N. America. TREFOIL. cl. 1?. or. 4. Melllot. Europe. 2 yellow. cl. 8. or. 1. cl. 15. or. 2. sharp-pointed. long-beaked. Tauria. Siberia. Brltain. cl. 4. or. 1. Europe. Il/‘tnaldte. Cl. 11. or. 3. N. America. S.of Europe. 4 gl'eenlslnyell. OCTOBER AND NOVEMBER. SESELT, tortuosum, MEADOW SAXIFRAGE. hard. cl. 5. 0r. 2. S. of Europe. 4 yellow. ENGLISH INDEX, WITH REFERENCE TO GENERIC BOTANIC NA M £3. Alexanders . . see Smyrnium. Bell—flower . . . . Chickweed . . . . Catchfly ...... Caraway . Chamomile. . . . Centaury ...... Columbine . . . . Crowfoot . . . . Campanula. Alsine. Silene. Carum. Anthemis. Centaurea. Aquilegia. Ranunculus. Cotton-thistle . Onopordium. Cudweed ...... Unuphallum. Canterbury-bells Campanula. Everlasting-flower Gnaphalium. Figwort . . . . . . Srruphularia. Flax .......... Lllxuuz. Fool’s Parsley . rEthuau. French ”om-y- . l llcdvsarum. suck.e......3 ' HARDY BIENNIALS. Foxglove. . . . . . see Digitalis. Germander. . . . Goat’s-beard .. Goat’s-rue . . . . Groundsel .. . . Hawkweed . . . . Hedge-nettle .. Hemlock . . . . . . Henbane ...... Hollyhock . . . . Hone-wort . . . . Horehound . . . . Hedge-mustard Hound’s-tongue Indian Millet . . Ladies’ Bedstraw Laserwort . . . . Loosestrife. . .. Madwort. . . . . . Marshmallow. . Milk-Hatch . . . . Mothcrwort Meadow Saxi- fi‘age. . . . . . Parsley . . . . . . Teucrium. Tragopogon. Galega. Senecio. Ilieracium. Stachys. Conium. Hyoscyamus. Altliaea. Slson. Marrubium. Erysimum. Cynoglossum. Holcus. Galium. Laserpitium. Lysimachia. Alyssum. Alllraea. Astragalus. Leonurus. g Sese‘li. Apium. Pink.......... Plantain . . . . . . Radish...... .. Rocket” . . .... Rose Campion . Sage.......... Sandwort. . . . . . Scurvy-grass . . Scabious . .»-. . . . Spikenard . . . . Spurge.... Stock Sowthistle . . Thistle. . . . . . . . Teasel Throatwort . . Thyme....l... Toadflax . ..... Tree Primrose . Trefoil. . . . .. .. Valerian . . . . .. Vervain . . . . . . V i per’s-bugloss Viper’s-grass . . Wall-cress .. . . 05 14.9 see Diantlms. Plantago. Raplianus. Hesperus. Agmstemina. Salvia. Arenaria. Cochlearia. Scabiusa. Conyza. Euplmrbin. - (Ilieiranzhus. Sonchus. (Iarduus. Dipsacus. Trachelium . Thymus. Antirrhinuzm (Enothem. Trifolium . Valeriana. Verbena. Echium. Scorzonera. Ambis. HARDY AN NUALS. + MARCH AND APRIL. Linnean Name. English Name. Country. Hag/at. Cua'uur, ANDROSACE, ANDROSACF. cl. 5. or. 1. Feet. elongata, cluster-flowered. Austria. maxima, oval-leaved. CARDAMINE, LADIES’-SMOCK. cl. 15. or. 2. parviflora, small~fluwered. Britain. APRIL AND MAY. ADONIS, PHEASANT’S-EYE. cl. 13. or. 7. aestivulis, (all. .5. of Europe. 1; red. ANDROSACE, ANDROSACE. cl. 5. or. 1. elongata, cluster-flowered. Austria. ’3 whim. maxima, oval-leaved. - fi —— septentrionalis, tooth-leaved. N. of Europe. ARABIS, WALL-CRESS. cl. 15. or. Q. pendula, pendulous. Siberia. l “bite. Thaliana, common. Britain. — —- BELLIS, DAISY. cl. 19. or. Q. annua, annual. Spain. $3- white. CARDAMINE, LADIES’—SMOCK. cl. 15. or. 2. gracca, Grecian. Greece. { white. liirsuta, hairy. Europe. ; impatiens, impatient. Britain. 1; CUCUMIS, CUCUMBER. Cl. 21. or. 9. acutangulus, acute-angled. India. Angurea, prickly-fruited. Jamaica. flexuosus, Serpent. . prophetarum, Globe. Levant. satlvus, common. ERODIUM, CRANE’S-BILL cl. 16. or. 4. cicutarium, hemlock-leaved. Britain. , ERVUM, TARE. cl. 1?. or. 4. soloniense, Spring. France. HARDY ANNUA LS. 1.51 KCENIGIA, KOENIGIA. cl. 17. or. 4. islandica, Iceland. Iceland. LEPIDIUM, .PEPPERVVORT. cl. 15; or. 1. petraeum, rock. Britain. 1ft.\xhite. MAZUS, MAZUS. Cl. 14. or. 2. rugosus, Chinese. China. liONTIA, CHICKVVEED. cl. 3. or. 3. fontana, Water. Britain. ’5 MYOSOTIS, SCORPION-GRASS. cl. 5. or. 1. Lappula, pritkly. Europe. 1% bright blue. MYOSURUS, MOUSE-TAIL. 01.125. or. 5. minimus, least. Epuro 8.1% light blue. PHYSALIS, \‘VlNIER-CHERRY. cl. 5. 07. pubescens, pubescent. Indies. % yellow. VALERIANA, VALERIAN. cl. 3. 0r. 1. Locusta, Lamb’s Lettuce. Europe. é light blue. VERONICA, SPEEDWELL. cl. 2. or. 1 acinifulia, basil-leaved. S. of Europe. hederifolia, ivy—leaved. Britain. 5- pale blue. triphyllos, trilid. —- deep blue. verna, Spring. § blue. VICIA, VETCH. cl. 17. or. 4. lathyroides, dwarf. Britain. 1 purple. MAY AND JUNE. ALCHEMILLA, LADIES’-MANTLE. cl. 4. or. 1. arvensis, Parsley Piert. Britain. f white. ANTIRRHINUM, TOAD-FLAX. cl. 14. or. ‘2 multicaule, many-stalked. Levant. 1 yellow. BLITUM, STRA WBERRYoBLITE. cl. 1. or. ‘2. capitatum, berry-headed. Austria. 2 red. virgatum, slender-branched. France. 3 CACALIA, CACALIA. cl. 19. or. 1. coccinea, scarlet-flowered. S. America. 1 scarlet. CALENDULA, MARYGOLD. cl. 19. or. 4. ’ arvensis, Field. Europe. v 2 yellow. saucta, pale-flowered. Levant. CALLITRICIIE, \VATER-SI‘ARWORT. cl. 1. or. 2. aquatica, common. Britain. white. CA MPANULA, BELL-FLOVVER. cl. 5. or. 1. hyhrida, Corn. Britain. 5 blue. Speculum, Venus’s Looking-glass. S. of Europe. 1 purple. CAPSICUM, CAPSICUM. cl. 5. or. 1. ‘ annuum, long-podded. Both Indies. 2 white. crassifolium, Cherry Pepper. 1 — CAUCALIS, CAUCALIS. cl. 5. or. 2. nodosa,‘ knotted. Europe. § yellow. .152 HARDY ANNUALS. CENCHRUS, CENCHRUS. cl. 3. or. 1. capitatus, round-headed. S. of Europe. CLYPEOLA. TREACLE—MUSTAED. cl. 15. or. 1. Iontlilaspi, annual. I‘rance. if'tqellow. CRASSULA, CRASSULA. cl. 5. or. 5. rubens, annual. Switzerland. ,; red. DRABA, WHITLOW—GRASS. cl. 15. or. 1. muralis, Wall. Britain. § yellow. verna, Spring. — white. ELSHOLTZIA, ELSHOLTZIA. cl. 14. or. 1. cristata, crested. Siberia. ERODIUM, CRANE’S-BILL. cl. 16. or. 4. Chinm, various-leaved. S. of Europe. laciniatum, jugged-leaved. Barbary. malvacoides, mallow-leaved. S. of Europe. moschatnm, Musk. Europe. romanum, Roman. Italy. ; iigllt red- ERVUM, TARE. cl. 17. or. 4. bispermum, two-seeded. E. Indies. Lens, Lentil. France. monanthos, one—flowered. Russia. tetraspermum, smooth. Europe. ERYSIMUM, HEDGE-MUSTARD. cl. 15. or. ‘2. oflicinale, common. Europe. 2 yellow. orientale, Ham’s-ear Cabbage. Britain. repandum, spreading. Spain. — —— ' FUMARIA, PUMITORY. cl. 17. or. 2. capteolata, rnmping. Britain. 2 wliitcéwur. officinnlis, common. Europe. 1 purple. parviflora, small-flowered. Britain. —- pink. vescaria, Bladder. Cape. I; “hit-N: _\;cl. GLAUCIUM, HORNED-POPPY. cl. 13. or. 1. plioeniceuin, red. Britain. 2 red. violaceum, violet. , ' —- violet. HELIOPHILA, HELIOPHILA. cl. 15. or. 2. arabioides, blue. Cape. g blue. pinnata, pinnate-leaved. — IIESPERIS, ROCKET. cl. 15. or. ‘2. verna, early-flowering. S. of France. purple. HYOSCERIS, HYOSCERIS. cl. 19. or. 1. minima, least. Europe. 1 _‘t‘llo\\-‘. IBERIS, CANDYTUFI‘. cl. 15. or. 1. nudicaulis, naked-stalked. Europe. % _ odorata, sweet-scented. Geno 1 Mme. LACTUCA, LETTUCE. cl. 19. or. 1. quercina, oak-leaved. Sweden. 2 yell“: HARDY ANNUALS. 153 LAMIUM, ARCIIANGEL. cl. 14. or. 1. axnplcxicaule, Hen-bit. Britain. 1ft.purple. incisuni, cut-leared. é red. purpurcum, purple. -— LATHYRUS, LATHYRUS. cl. 17. or. 4. Nissolia, crimson Grass—vetch. Europe. 5 crimson. LEPIDIUM, PEPPER-WORT. cl. 15. or. 1. chalepense, Aleppo. Levant. , 1 white. LINDERNIA, LINDERNIA. (‘1. 14. or. 2. pyxitlnriu, European). Europe. % pale blue. LUNARIA, HONESTY. Cl. 15. or. 1. \ annua, annual. Germany. 2 purple. MYAGRU‘M, GOLD OF PLEASURE. cl. 15. or. 1. nustriucum, Austrian. Austria. 1 yellow. .. dentatum, tooth-leaved. S. of Europe. orientale, Oriental. I.erant. sativum, cultivated. Europe. 1% yellow. URNITHOPUS, BIRD'S-FOOT. cl. 17. or. 4. [and yellow. perpusillus, common. Europe. % “hite, red I’ALLAVIA, PALLAVIA. cl. 16. or. 4. malvifolia, mallow-leaved. Peru. .11 rose. l’EDlCULARIS, LOUSEVVORT. cl. 14. or. 2. sylvatica, common. Europe. I:— purple. PHARNACEUM, PI‘IARNACEUM. cl. 5. or. 3. Cerviann, umbelled. . Russia. white. POLYGALA, MILKWORT. cl. 1?. or. 3. cruciata, four-leaved. N.America. 1 greenish. sanguinea, purple-spiked. — —- purple. verticillutu, whorl-leaved. -—- .1. white. POLYGONUM, POLYGONUM. cl. 8. or. 3. Convolvulus, black Bindweed. Europe. 10 purple. RANUNCULUS, CROWFOOT. cl. 13. or. 7. arvensis, Corn. Britain. 1 yellowish. t'alcatus, crooked-podded. S. of Europe. I; inuricatus, prickly-seeded. —— .1)- yellow parvifiorus, small-flowered. Britain. —— parvulus, upright. - —- —— RAPHANUS, RADISH. cl. 14. or. 2. caudntus, long-podded. Final. 3 whitish. Raphnnistrum, wild. Britain. 1:; yellowish. entirus, Garden. China. 4 whitish pink. RESEDA, RESEDA. cl. 11. or. ‘2. ulba, upright. Spain. Q; white. SALVIA, SAGE. cl. 2. or. 1. zethiopis, woolly. Austria. 2 pale blue. VNCUT SPKEAD UNLUT SPREAD 156 HARDY ANNUALS. ANTHERICUM, ANTHERICUM. cl. 6. or. 1. annunm, annual. Cape. AN’I‘IRRHINUM, TOAD-FLAX. cl. 14. or. Q. bipunctatum, dotted-flowered. Spain. chalepense, white-flowered. Levant. liirtum, hairy. Spain. pelisserianum, violet-coloured. France. triphyllnm, tliree—leaved. Sicily. versicolor, spiked-flowered. S. of Europe. ARENARIA, SANDWORT. cl. 10. or. 3. fastigiata, fastigiate. Britain. media, Sea Spurrey. rubra, purple. tennifolia, fine-leaved. -—--— ARNOPOGON, LAMBS-BEARD. cl. 19. or. 1. aspera, rough. Montpelier. picrioides, rickly. S. of France. ASTRAGALUS, MlLKJ’El‘CH. cl. 17. or. 4. boeticus, triangular-podded. Sicily. epiglattis, heart-padded. S. of France. glaux, small. Spain. liamosus, dwarf yellow. I‘lrance. sesameus, starry. trimeslris, Egyptian. Egypt. ATHANASIA, A'l'HANASIA. cl. 19. or. 1. annua, annual. Cape. ATRACTYLIS, ATRACTYLIS. cl. 19. or. 1. cancellata, netted. ‘ S. of Europe. AXYRIS, AXYRIS. cl. 21. or. 3. amaranthoides, simple-spiked. Siberia. hybrida, bastard. ——-——- prostrata, prostrate. BALBISIA, BALBISIA. cl. '19. or. Q. elongata, long-stalked. Mexico. BALTIMORA, BALTIMORA. cl. 19. or. 3. recta, upright. Maryland. BARTSIA, BARTSIA. cl. 14. or. 2. viseosa, clammy. Britain. BELLIUM, BELLIU M. cl. 19. or. 2. bellidioides, small. Italy. BISCUTELLA, BISCUTELLA. cl. 15 or. 1. apula, spear-leaved. Italy. auriculata, ear-podded. France. coronopil‘olia, buck’s-horn-leav. S. of Europe. lzevigata, smooth. Austria. lyrata, lyre-leaved. S. of Europe. BORAGO, BURAG E. cl. 5. 0r. 1. al‘ricana, African. Cape. indica, Indian. E. Indies. ofiicinalis, r common. Levant. éftgellow. 1 purplish yel -—— white. — purple. — blue. —- yellovsish p1 % yellow —— white. 17;- purple. ‘12? .— 2},- yellow. —- (lecp pm; — yellow. 1 i; copper. 1 yellow. 3”; yellow. a”; purple. 2 yellow. 1 yellow. 2 pale yell. 1 (lull u hi1 —- “ hite. 3 blue. HARDY ANNUALS. 157 BRASSICA, CABBAGE. cl. 15. or. 1. campestris, Field. Britain. 1ft.yellow. elongata, lon_g- podded. Hungary. Eruca, striped— —.flowered Switzerland. orientalis, perfoliate. Britain. —- -— BRIZA, QUAKING-GRASS. cl. 3. or. 2. n1axima,great. S.ofEurope.1 white. BUCHNERA, BUCHNERA. cl. 14. 07. 2. capensis, Cape. Cape. % white. fmtida. foetid. —- flesh. BUNIAS, BUNIAS. cl. 15. or. 1. balearica, Minorca. Minorca. 1 yellow. Cakile, Sea. Europe. —- pale red. Erucago, prickly- -podded. Austria. % pale yell. BUPLEURUM, HARE’S—EAR. cl. 5. or. 2. Gerardi, branching. Europe. é; yellow. odontites, narrow-leaved. Switzerland. % rotundif‘olium, round-leaved. Europe. 2 — CALCEOLARIA, CALCEOLARIA. cl. 2. or. 1. Futhergilii, naked—stalked. Falkland Isles. % yellow CALENDULA, MARIGOLD. cl. 19. or. 4. hybrida, great Cape. Cape. 1 white. incana, boar . Barbary. — nudicaulis, naked—stalked. Cape. —— pale yell. ofiicinalis, common. S. of Europe. 3 orange. pluvialis, small Cape. Cape. 1 white&pur. stellata, star-seeded. Barbary. 2 orange. CAKILE, CAKILE. cl. 5. or. 1. maritima, Sea-rocket. Britain. 1 flesh. rugosa, wrinkled. S. of Europe. CAMELINA, CAMELINA. (1.15.0121. austriaca, Austrian. Austria sativa, _ cultivated. Britain. CAMPANULA, BELL—FLOWER. cl. 5. or. 1. perfoliata, perfoliate. N. America. 1% purple. CANNABIS, HEMP. cl. 2?. or. 5. sativa, common. India. 6 CARDUUS, THISTLE. cl. 19. or. 1. acantboides, welted. Britain. 2 pale purp. australis, thorny. Sicily. 1 purple. stellatus, starry. S. of Europe. — tenuiflorus, slender-flowered. Britain. 3 pale purp. CARLINA, CARLIN E. cl. 19. or. 1. lanata, woolly. S. of Europe. 2 purple. CARTHAMUS, CARTHAMUS. cl. 19. or. 1. creticus, Cretan. Candia. 1% light yell. tinctorius, bastard Saffron. Egypt. 2% orange. CATANANCHE, CATANANCHE. cl. 19. or. 1. lutea, y.ellow Candia. 1% light yell. P VNCU T Seem!) UNLUT SPREAD 160 HARDY ANNUALS. CRUCIANELLA, CROSS-WORT. cl. 4. or. 1. zgyptiaca, Egyptian. Egypt. 3“ Ciliata, ciliated. Levant. 1 monspeliaca, procumbent. S. of Europe. % CUMINUM, CUMIN. cl. 5. or. Q. cyminum, oflicinal. Egypt. ;} CUNILA, CUNlLA. cl. 2. or. 1. thymoides, thyme-leaved. Montpelier. :} CUSCUTA, DODDER. cl. 4. or. 2. europaaa, common. Britain. .5 E ith mum, lesser. - — CYNOGLOSSUM, HOUND'S-TONGUE. cl. 5. or. 1. hirsutum, hirsute. Cape. linifolium, Venus’s Navel-wort. Portugal. 1 DALEA, DALEA. cl. 17. or. 4. alopecuroides, Foxtail. N. America. Lagopus, downy-spiked. Mexico. DAUCUS, CARROT. cl. 5. or. 2. Gingidium, shining. S. of France. 2% mauritanicus, fine—leaved. Spain. 3 muricatus, prickly-seeded. Barbary. 2 Visnaga, Pickdooth. S.0f Europe. 3 DELPHINIUM, LARKSPUR. cl. 13. or. 3. A jacis, upright. Switzerland. 2 earn double. Consolida, branching. Europe. 4 DIANTHUS, PIN K. cl. 10. or. 2. Armeria, Deptford. Britain. 15 diminutus, small-flowered. S.of Europe. § proliferus, proliferous. Europe. 1 ERODIUM, CRANE’S—BILL. cl. 16. or. 2. ciconium, long—beaked. S. of Europe. gruinum, broad-leaved. Candia. ERUCARIA, ERUCARIA. cl. 15. or. Q. aleppica, Aleppo. Levant. ERVUM, TARE. cl. 17. or. 4. Ervilia, ofiicinal. France. hirsutum, hairy. Britain. FUMARIA, FUMITORY. cl. 17. or. 2. claviculata, climbing. Britain. 10 GENTIANA, GEN'I‘IAN. cl. 5. or. 2. fimhriata, fringe-flowered. N. America. 1}; GALIUM, LADIES’ BEDSTRAW. cl. 4. or. 1 anglicum, Wall. Britain. % spurium, smooth—seeded. 1 tricorne, three-flowered. —— GERANIUM, CRANE’S—BILL. cl. 16. or. 4. holiemicum, Bohemian. Bohemia. 2 (livaricatum, spreading. Hungary. ft.yellowish. purple. white. white. white. various co] [and white blue, red, red& white pale red. red. 2 purples: rel greenish \ purple. . pale yell. green. pale yell. fine blue. HARDY ANNUALS. '161 GLYCINE, GLYCINE. cl. 17. or. 4. angulosa, angulose. N. America. aurea, golden. Georgia. 'sarmentosa, annual. N. America. GYPSOPHILA, GYPSOPHILA. cl. 10. or. 2. viscosa, clamm . Levant. 1fl.pale red. HEDYSARUM, HEDYSARUM. cl. 17.0r. 4. Caput—galli, Cook’s-head. France. 1% flesh. Crista-gal“, Cock’s-comb. S. of Europe. — ‘ fiexuosum, zigzag-podded. Levant. 1 pale red. muricatum, prickly— —podded. Patagonia. HELIANTHUS, SUNFLOWER. cl. 19. or. 3. annuus, annual. Mexico. 8 yellow. indicus, dw Indies. 3 HELIOI ROPIUM, TUfRNSOLE. cl. 5. or. 1. europacum, European. Italy. % white. so pinum, trailin . S. ofEurope. % HETEROSPERMUM, HETEROSPERMUM. cl. 19. or. 2. pinnatum, innate. S. America. HESPERIS, ROCKET. cl. 15. or. 2. africana, African. Africa. % flesh. arenaria, Sand. Algiers. linifolia, flax-leaved. Morocco. HIBISCUS, HIBISCUS. cl. 16. or. 7. Trionum, Bladder. Italy. 2 yellow. hispidus, hispid. Cape. vesicarius, Africa. HYOSERIS, HYOSERIS. cl. 19. or. 1 cretica, Cretan. Candia. \ % pale yell. Hedypnois, branching. S. of Europe. 2 yellow. scabra, rough. Italy. HYPECOUM, HYPgECOUM. cl. 3. or. 2. pendulum, pendulous. S.0f Europe. 1 yellow. procumbens, procumlient. % JASIONE, SllEEPS SCABIOUS. cl. 5. or. 13. montana, annual. Britain. 73, blue. IBERIS, CANDYTUFT. cl. 15. or. 1. . amara, white. Europe. 1 winte- linif‘olia, flax-leaved. Spain. :— purple- pinnata, winged. S. of Europe. 15 white. umbellata, urple.1 purple- ILLECEBRUM, KNOT-GRASS. cl. 5. or. 1. alsinefolium, chick .voeed lea\ ed Spain. , echinatum, prickly. Britain. f wlnte. verticillatum, whorled. IMPATIENS, BALSAM. cl. 5. or. I. . Balsamina, common. E. Indies. 2 red.\'wlnte. biflora, two-flowered. N.Americn. 1% pink. coccinea, crimson E. Indies. 2 crimson. Noli-me-tangere,yellow. Europe. —— yellow. P3 "‘7 162 HARDY ANNU ALS. IPOMCEA, IPOMCEA. cl. 5. or. 1. triloba, three-lobed. W. Indies. 12ft.violet. ISATIS, WOAD.’ cl. 15. or. 1. lusitanica, Portugal. Spain. 1 white. ISOPYRUM, ISOPYRUM. cl. 13. or. 7. fumarioides, Fumitory. Siberia. KNAUTIA, KNAUTIA. cl. 4. or. 1. orientalis, oriental. Levant. 3 light red. LACTUCA, LETTUCE. cl. 19. or. 1. angustana, oblong-leaved. Italy. 5 whitish. crispa, curled. ' intybacea, endive-leaved. S. America. 3 pale yell. sativa, garden. Europe. 4 yellow. LAGCECIA, LAGCECIA. cl. 5. or. 1. cuminoides, wild Cumin. Levant. 1 greenish yel LAPSANA, NIPPLEWORT. cl. 19. or. 1. communis, common. Europe. 3 purple. crispa, curled. grandiflora, great-flowered. M. Caucasus. Koelpinia, small. Siberia. 1 Rhagadiolus, heart-leaved. Levant. 1; yellow. stellata, starry. S. of Europe. 1 whitish. Zacintha, warted. 2 yellow. LAT HYRUS, LATHYRUS. cl. 17. or. 4. amphicarpos, subterranean. Levant. 4 pale purp. angulatus, - angular-seeded. S. of Europe. 3 scarlet. Aphaca, yellow Vetchling. Britain. 15 yell.strip6( Cicera, flat—padded. France. 2 pale yell. odoratus, sweet Pea. Sicily. 6 blue, red, [white and purph sativus, blue Chickling-vetch. France. 2 blue. setifolius, narrow-leared. S. of France. _.. scarlet. sphzericus, spherical. S. of Europe. violet. tingitanus, Tangier Pea. Barbary. 5 red. LEONURUS, MOTHERWORT. cl. 14. or. 1. Marrubiastrurn, small-flowered. Austria. 3 flesh. LEPIDIUM, PEPPERWORT. cl. 15. or. 1. didymum, procuxnbent. Europe. 1 “hite. lyratum, lyre-leaved. Levant. — ruderale, narrow-leaved. Eur0pe. — pale yell. sativum, Garden-cress. Levant. 2 white. virginicum, Virginian. Virginia. 15 LINUM, FLAX. cl. 5. or. 5. catharticum, purging. Britain. .2 white. pumile, dwarf. —— usitatissimum, common. —- 1; blue. HARDY ANNUALS. LITHOSPERMUM, GROMWELL. cl. 5. or. 1. arvense, Corn. Britain. dispermum, two-seeded. Spain. tenuiflorum, slender-flowered. Egypt. LOBELIA, LOBELIA. cl. 5. or. 1. urens, stinking. Britain. LCEFLINGIA, LCEFLINGIA. cl. 3. or. 1. hispanica, Spanish. Spain. LOTUS, BIRD'S—FOOT TREFOIL. cl. ornithopodioides,claw-podded. Sicily. LUDWIGIA, LUDWIGIA. cl. 4. or. 1. alternifolia, alternate-leaved. Virginia. LYCOPIS, BUGLOSS. cl. 5. or. 1. arvensis, small wild. Europe. ciliata, ciliated. Levant. lutea, yellow-flowered. orientalis, oriental. pulla, dark—flowered. Europe. variegata, spotted-leaved. Crete. vesicaria. bladder-podded. S. of Europe. LYSIMACHIA, LOOSESTRIFE. cl. 5. or. 1. Linum stellatum,small. Italy. MALCOLMIA, MALCOLMIA. cl. 15. or. 2. africana, African. Africa. maritima, dwarf annual. S. of Europe. MALOPE, MALOPE. cl. 16. or. 7. trifida, trifid. Barbary. MALVA, MALLOW. cl. 16. or. 6. aagyptiaca, Egyptian. Egypt. americauu, American. N. America. crispa, curled-leaved. Syria. hispauica, Spanish. Spain. mauritiana, ivy—leaved. S. of Europe. nicaaensis, Italian. Italy. peruviana, Peruvian. Peru. rotundifolia, round-leaved. Europe. verticillata, whorl-flowered. China. MA'l‘RICARIA, FEVERFEW. cl. 19. or.’2. Chamomilla, wild Chamomile. Britain. suaveolcns, sweet. Europe. MEDICAGO, MEDICK. cl. 17. or. 4. aculeata, prickly. Italy. circinata, kidney-padded. S. of Europe. (:oronata, crown-padded. — elegans, crenate. Sicily. hirsuta, hairy-padded. S. of Europe. intertexta, Hedgehog. ——- laciniata, jagged-leavcd. 163 1ft.white. § pale blue. -- blue. 1% bright blue. ; white. 17. or. 4. 2 yellow. 1 yellow. 1 pale blue. dark purp. blue. Ml" H NI- bl- pale green. pale blue. flesh. ‘ white. flesh. pink . pale red. purple. red. whitish red. lllllmlo... 2 yellowishg. 1% yellow. .V7 164 Lupulina, minuta, Murex, muricata, nigra, orbicularis, polymorpha, radiata, M ELAMPYRUM, MELAM PYRUM. HARDY ANNUALS. black. minute. murdock-pudded. bristly. black. orbicular. Snails. ra - odded. Britain. Greece. Britain. France. Italy. Europe. Italy. 4ft.yellow. 1 green. yellow. cl. '14. or. 2. arvense, purple Cow-wheatEurope. 1 yellow. 5 lvaticum, Wood. Britain. MICROPUS, MICROPUS. cl. 19. or. 4. erectus, upright. S. of Europe. 1 su inus, trailing. % white. MINUARTIA, MINUARTIA. cl. 3. or. 3. dicliotoma, forked. Spain. MOLLIA, MOLLIA. cl. 5. or. 1. diffusa, diffuse. Canary Isles. MOLLUGO, MOLLUGO. cl. 3. or. 3. verticillata, whorled. Vir inia. % white. MYAGRUM, GOLD OF PLEASURE. cl. 15. or. 1. perfoliatum, perfoliate. France. yellow. MYOSOTIS, SCORPION-GRASS. cl. 5. or. 1. Apula, small. S. of Europe. é brown. arvensis, common. Britain. squarrosa, squarrose. Siberia. NARDUS, MAT-GRASS. cl. 3. or. 1. aristata, awned. S.of Europe. NAUENBERGIA, NAUENBERGIA. cl. 19. or. 5. trinervata, tliree-nerved. S. America. NEPETA, CATMINT. CI. 14-. or. 1. botryoides, cut-leaved. Siberia. 1 white. NIGELLA, FENNEL—FLOWER. cl. 13. or. 5. arvensis, Corn. Europe. 1 white. coarctata, dwarf. S. of Europe. — damascena, common. 1% pale blue. liispanica, Spanish. 1 sativa, small-flowered. Candia. ‘2 blue. OCYMUM, BASIL. cl. 14. or. 1. americanum, American. America. basilicum, common. E. Indies. 3 “hite. capitellatum, headed. China. 1 —-——— laxum, loose. E. Indies. menthoides, mint-leaved. 1 minimum, bush. % —— polystachyon, many-spiked. ————- 2 ~— sanctum, purple-stalked. ——-——- I; bright pur scutellarioides, scullcap-like. —-—-———- 2 tenuifiorum, slender—flowered. ————-— -- purple. HARDY ANNUALS. 165 CENOTHERA, (ENOTHERA. cl. 8. or. 1. mollissima, soft. Buenos Ayres. 3 yellow. purpurea, purple. N. America. 2 purple. sinuata, scollop-leaved. -—-—— 1 yellow. tetraptera, square-capsuled. S. America. 1;. white. villosa, villous. Cape. 1 ONONIS, REST-HARROVV. cl. 17. or. 4. multissima, cluster-flowered. Spain. 1% purple. reclinata, spreading. 1 white. ORNITHOPUS, BIRD’S—FOOT. cl. 17. or. 4. compressus, hairy. S. of Europe. % yellow. scorpioides, purslane—leaved. —— 2 PANICUM, PANIC-GRASS. cl. 3. or. 2. brevifolium, short-leaved. E. Indies. capillare, hair-panicled. N. America. 3 pale green. fasciculatum, fascicled. W. Indies. 3 brown. filiforme, thread-form. N. America. 1 hirtellum, rough—haired. W. Indies. — whitish. hispidulum, hispid. E. Indies. -— lineare, linear. Both Indies. sanguinale, slender-spiked. W. Indies. serotinum, yellow-seeded. stagninum, 0nd. E. Indies. 3 verticillatum, whorl-flowered. Britain. 1%, green. viride, green. — greenish. PA PAVER, POPPY. cl. 13. or. 1. Argemone, rough. Britain. 2 dubium, smooth. — hybridum, bastard Poppy. 1 red. Rhoeas, Corn. 2 somniferum, oflicinal. 5 white. PEDICULARIS, LOUSEWORT. cl. 14-. or. 2. incarnata, flesh-coloured. S. of Europe. PHALARIS, CANARY-GRASS. cl. 8. or. 1. aspen-a, rough. Britain. 1 aquatica, Water. Egypt arenaria, Sand. Britain. canariensis, Canary. 2 paleyellow. capensis, Cape. Cape miclielina, long-spiked. Britain. PHYSALIS, WINTER-CHERRY. cl. 5. or. 1. angulata, tooth-leaved. Both Indies. 1 white. PISUM, PEA. cl. 17. or. 4. arvense, wild. S. of Europe. Ochrus, yellow-flowered. 6 yellow. sativum, — white. Garden. VNCU T SPKEAD UNC‘UT SPREAD ."7 ’ H _ . 168 HARDY ANNUALS. SISYMBRIUM, SISYMBRIUM. cl. 15.01'. 2. altissimum, tall. Siberia. 4 Barrelieri, small. S. of Europe. 2 yellOw. bursifolium, various-leaved. —— —— polyceratium, succory-leaved. —— — Sophia, Flixweed. Britain. — pale vel supinum, trailing. S. of Europe. . terrestre, annual. Britain. 1% SONCHUS, SOWTHISTLE. cl. 19. or. 1. oleraceus, common. Britain. 3 pale yell SPERGULA, SPURREY. cl. 10. Or. 4. arvensis, Corn. Britain. 1 white. maxima, largest. pentandra, pentandrous. — .— SPERMACOCE, BUTTON-WEED. cl. 4. or. 1. hispida, hispid. E. Indies. — violet. tenuior, slender. America. — white. SPIGELIA, WORM-GRASS. cl. 5. or. 1. anthelmia, annual. Jamaica. 1; SPINACEA, SPINAGE. cl. 2%. or. 5. oleracea, esculent. 2 white. SUCCOWIA, SUCCOWIA. cl. 15. or. 1. balearica, Minorca. Minorca. TAGETES, TAGETES. cl. 19. or. 2. erecta, African Marigold. Mexico. ’ 3 yellmv. TEUCRIUM, GERMANDER. cl. 14. or. 1. Chalmepitys, Ground Pine. Europe. g yellou. THLASPI, BASTARD—CRESS. cl. 5. or. 2. alliaceum, garlic—smelling. S. of Europe. % white. arvense, Field. Britain. 1 Bursa-Pastoris, Shepherd’s-Purse. —- — campestre, wild. — -— perfoliatum, perfoliate. France. .5; —— THYMUS, THYME. cl. 14. or. 1. Acinos, Corn. Europe. ; purp!e. TlLL3EA, TILLZEA. cl. 4. or. 3. muscosa, procumbent. Europe. ‘2 TRAPA, _ WATER—CALTROPS. cl. 4. or. 1. natans, floating. Europe. white. TRIBULUS, CALTROPS. 01'. 10. or. 1. terrestris, prickly-seeded. S. of Europe. % yellow. TRICHOSTEMA, TRICHOSTEMA. cl. 14. or. 1. dichotoma, marjoram-leaved. Virginia. % purple. TRIFOLIUM, TREFOIL. cl. 1?. or. 4. alexandrinum, Egyptian. Egypt. croticum, Cretan Melilot. Hungary. pale yel filiforme, slender. Britain. ; brownie HARDY ANNUA LS. glomeratum, round-headed. incarnatum, flesh—coloured. indicum, Indian. involucratum, striped-flowered. italicum, Italian. messinense, Messina. mauritanicum, Barbary. Ornithopodioides, Bird’s-foot. polonicum, Polish. resupinatum, trailing. spurnosum, hladder-podded. striatum, soft-knotted. tomentosum, wooll -podded. TRICHOSANTHES, SN AKE—GOURD. anguina, cucumerma. TRIGONELLA, FENUGREEK. corniculata, Foenum Greecum,common. monspeliaca, TROPIEOLUM, INDIAN CRESS. majus, minus, peregrlnum, VALERIANA, VALERIAN. coronata, discoidea, echinata, vesicaria, \‘ ELLA, annua, VEKBENA, supina, Lambertii, V ERONICA, tiliformis, digitata, VICIA, alba, angustifolia, hillora, hitliynica, canescens, capensis, Faha, hyhrida, leucosperma, lutea, narbonensis, nissoliana, cl. 21. or. 9. common. China. 3 white. cucumber-like. E. Indies. 4 cl. 1?. or. 4. Horse-shoe. S. ofE-Jrope. Montpelier. trailin . 5 yellow. cl. 8. or. 1. great. Peru. 5 orange. small. 1 fringe-flowered. cl. 3. or. 1. crown-seeded. Portugal. 1 white. Hook-seed. Spain. é purplish wh. prickly-capsuled. S. of Europe. 1% white. Bladder. Crete. 3 red. CRESS-ROCKET. cl. 15. or. 1. annual. Europe. pale pur. VERVAIN. cl. 1-1. 07‘. 2. trailing. Spain. 2 light blue. Lambert’s. Europe. 1 blue. SPEEDVVELL. cl. 2. or. 1. long-stalked. Levant. digitated. Spain. BEAN. cl. 17. or. 4. white. Germany. narrow-leaved. Britain. two-flowered. Algiers. rough-padded. Britain. hoary-leaved. Levant. Cape. Cape. common. Egypt. 2 white. hairy-flowered. Europe. 3 yellow. white-seeded. France. smooth. Europe. — broad-leaved. France. —— white. red-flowered. Levant. red. Q 169 1ft.pale red. Britain. Italy. E. Indies. N. America. Italy. 1 Sicily. Barbary. Europe. % Poland. Europe. S. of Europe. Europe. 2 yellow8rwh. yellow. pale green. 1% pale purple. VNCVT SPREAD UNCUT S PREAD I72 HARDY ANNUALS. A RTEMISIA, WORMWOOD. cl. 19. or. 2. annua, annual. Siberia. ASPERULA, WOODROOF. cl. 4. or. 1. arvensis, Field. France. f, ASTER, STAR-WORT. cl. )9. or. 2. annuus, American annual. N. America. 1 chinensis, China Aster. China. 3 'nar. double. ASTRAGALUS, MILK-VETCH. cl. 17. or. 4. annularis, ring-padded. Egypt. contortuplicatus,wave-podded. Siberia. 1 cymbiformis, boat-podded. Portugal. : pentaglottis, rough-padded. Spain. < sinicus, umbellated. China. ATHAMANTA, SPIGNEL. cl. 5. or. 2. g annua, annual. Candia. ATRIPLEX, ORACHE. cl. 23. or. 1. glauca, glaucous. S. of Europe. 3 hortensis, Garden. Tartary. rosea, Rose. S. of Europe. 2 sibirica, Siberian. Siberia. 3 \ ATROPA, ATROPA. cl. 5. or. 1. physaloides, annual. Peru. BIDENS, BIDEN S. cl. 19. or. 1. bipinnata, hemlock-leaved. N. America. bullata, various-leaved. —— 2 l cernua, nodding. Britain. fl chinensis, Chinese. China. I frondosa, smooth-stalked. N. America. 3 leucantha, white—flowered. —- pilosa, hairy. tripartita, trifid. Britain. 3 BISERRULA, THATCHED-VETCH. cl. 17. or. 4. Pelesinus, bastard. S. of Europe. % BLITUM, STRAWBERRY-BLI'I‘E. cl. 1. or. 2. l Chenopodoides, Goosefoot. Tartary. é tartaricum, Tartarian. 8 BRASSICA, CABBAGE. cl. 15. or. 2. chinensis, Chinese. China. 2 BRIZA, QUAKING-GRASS. cl. 3. or. 2. eragrostis, branched. S. of Europe. § 1': minor, smaller. Britain. ‘- virens, Spanish. Spain. 1 BUPHTHALMUM, OX-EYE. cl. 19. or. 2. aquaticum, sweet-scented. S. of Europe. 1 spinosum, prickly. Spain. 15 BUPLEURUM, HARE’S-EAR. cl. 5. or. 2. junceum, linear-leaved. France. 6 semicompositum,dwarf. Spain. g l tenuissimum, least. Europe. 1 1ft.white. white. white. red, purple, [and white. yellow. purplish. purple. yellow. white& red. white. blue. yellow. yellowish g. yellow. green. yellow. yellow. yellow. yellow. HARDY ANNUALS. CAMPANULA, BELL-FLOWER. cl. 5. or. 1. americana, American. Pennsylvania. 2ft.white. Erinns, forked. Spain. a. purple. lobelioides, small-flowered. Madeira. 2 purplish w. CARDUUS, THISTLE. cl. 19. or. 1. arabicus, Arabian. Arabia. 1 purplish. argentatus, white. Egypt. — leucographns, long-stalked. Italy. 3 purple. marianus, Milk. Britain. {7 syriacus, . Syrian. Levant. 1 white. CARTI-IAMUS, CARTHAMUS. cl. 19. or. 1. lanatus, woolly. S. of Europe. 2 yellow. CASSIA, CASSIA. cl. 10. or. 1. prucumbens, procumbent. Virginia. CAUCALIS, CAUCALIS. cl. 5. or. 2. arvensis, Corn. Britain. 2 yel10wish. Anthriscus, Hedge. 5 reddish. daucoides, carrot-leaved. Europe. 1 grandiflora, great-flowered. S. of Europe. 2 white. latifolia, hroad-leaved. Europe. 1.},- purplish. leptophylla, fine-leaved. % purplish w. macrocarpos, long—seeded. Morocco. platycarpos, large-seeded. S. ofEurope. CELSIA, CELSIA. cl. 14-. or. ‘2. orientalis, cut-leaved. Levant. yellow. CENTAUREA, CENTAURY. cl. 19. or. 3 Behen, serrate-leaved. Levant 1.}, yellow. Calcitrapa, Star-thistle. Britain Crocodylium, blush. Levant galactites, white-veined. S. of Europe. Lippii, Lippi’s Centaury. Egyyt. 3 melitensis, cluster-headed. Malta. nioscham, Sweet Sultan. ‘ Persia. 1.} yellow. muricuta, purple-flowered. Spain. nnpifolia, turnip—leaved. Candia. sicula, bl'OWl)-Spill('(l. Sicily. solstitialis, St. Barnaby’s Thistle. Europe. Verutum, long—spined. Levant. CERINTHE, HONEYWORT. cl. 5. or. 1. :ispera, rough. S. of Europe. ‘2 yello-wézpu. major, great. Siberia. 3 CliAl’tA, CHARA. cl. 21.072 1. Iiexilis, fiexilc. Britain. 1- yellowish. gracilis, slender. 5 red. hispidu, prickly. 1% . nidifica, proliferous. —— 1 whitish. tomentosa, tomcntose. -—— ranslucens, transparent. —- 1;- green. Q3 I74 CHENOPODIUM, GOOSE-FOOT. cl. 5. or. 2. album, white. Britain. 3ft.white. rhomboideum, angular-leaved. multifidum, strong-smelling. S. America. 4 CHRYSANTHEMUM, CHRYSANTHEMUM. cl. 19. or. 2. coronarium, Garden. Candia. 4 white& yel. "our. double. italicum, Italian. Italy. 2 white. tricolorum, three—coloured. Barbary. — yell. {K' bro. CHIRONIA, CHIRONIA. cl. 5. or. 1. Centaureum, Centaury. Britain. 1 pink. pulchella, dwarf. % CICER, CHICK-PEA. Cl. 17. or. 4. arietinum, common. Levant. CICHORIUM, ENDIVE. cl. 19. or. 1. divaricalum, branching. Barbary. Endiva, Garden. China. 3 blue. pumilum, dwarf. CNICUS, CNICUS. cl. 19. or. 1. Acarna, cllow. Spain. 1 purple. CONVOLVULUS, BINDWEED. cl. 5. or. 1. Nil, azure blue. America. 10 light blue. purpureus, purple. -———- —— purple. sibiricus, Siberian. Siberia. 3 pink. CONYZA, PLEA-BANE. cl. 19. or. 2. squarrosa, Plowman’s Spikenard. Britain. 2 yellowish. CORISPERMUM, TICK-SEED. cl. 1. or. 2. hyssopifolium, hyssop-leaved. S. of France. 15 yellow. CORINUCOPIEE, HORN OF PLENTY. cl. 3. or. 2. cuculatum, hooded. Levant. 1 greenkpur. CORONILLA, CORON ILLA. cl. 17. or. 4. securida, hatchet Vetch. Spain. % yellow. CORRIGIOLA, KNOT-GRASS. cl. 5. or. 3. littoralis, bastard. Britain. % white. COTULA, COTULA. cl. 19. or. 2. bicolor, two—flowered. E. Indies. coronopifolia, Buck’s-horn. Cape. % pale yell. madraspatana, Madras. E. Indies. minima, least. China. CRASSULA, CRASSUIA. r1. 5. or. 5. verticellaris, whorl-flowered. S. of Europe. red. CREPIS, CREPIS. cl. 19. or. I. alpina, Alpine. Italy. 1‘ pale blue. CROTON, CROTON. cl. 21. or. 9. tinctorium, officinal. Spain. CRUCIANELLA, CROSSWORT. cl. 4. or. 1. angustifolia, narrow-Ieaved. S. of Europe. 1 white. latifolia, broad-leaved. —-— 3 pntula, spreading. Spain. 5 -— HARDY ANNUALS. HARDY ANNUALS. 175 CRYPSIS, - CRYPSIS. cl. 2. or. 2. aculeata, rickl . S. of Europe. CUCURBITA, GOURD. cl. 21. or. 9. aurantia, Orange. Both Indies. 1ft.yellow. lagenaria, Bottle. E. Indies. —- white. Melopepo, Squash. — yellow. Pepo, Pumpkin. —- verrucosa, warted. -- —- CYPERUS, CYPERUS. cl. 3. or. 1. pannonicus, dwarf. Hungary. DATURA, THORN-APPLE. cl. 5. or. 1. ceratocaulis, horn-stalked. S. America. fastuosa, purple. Egypt. 4- purple. ferox, long-spined. China. 1% white. laevis, smooth-capsuled. Africa. 2 Metel, downy. Asia. 3 Stramonium, officiual. Britain. 2 pale green. DENTELLA, DEN I‘ELLA. cl. 5. or. 1. repens, creeping. New Holland. DULlCHOS, DOLICHOS. cl. 17. or. 4. biflorus, two-flowered. E. ludies. 1:} yellow. Cataing, linear-podded. ~ — ensifbrmis, rapier-podded. Jamaica. 5 violet. Lablab, black—seeded. Egypt. mianeusis, American. N. America. minimus, least. Jamaica. 4 yellow. pilosus, pilose. E. Indies. sinensis, Chinese. —— 5 violet. tranqueharicus, Tranquebar. DRACUCEPHALON, DRAGONS-HEAD. canescens, hoary. Levant. inoldavicum, Moldavian. 'L‘(l7‘. while. peltatum, will()\\'-le:u'e(l. thymilloruln, thyme-flowered. Siberia. ECHINOPS, GLUBE-THISTLE. cl. 19. or. 5. strigosus, annual. Spain. ECllIUM, VIPEl 'S BUGL()SS. cl. 5. or. 1 creticum, Cretan. Levant. lusitanicum,. Portugal. S. of Europe. orientale, Oriental. Levant. parviflorum, small-flowered. Barbary. plantagineum, plantain-leaved. S. of Europe. rubrum, red. Austria. violaceum, violet-flowered. S. of Europe. ELLISIA, ELLISIA. cl. 5. 0r. 1. Nyctelea, cut-leaved. Virginia. ELIC HRYSU M, ELlC H RYSUM. bracteatum, shining. cl. 19. or. 2. New Holland. 6 pale yell. cl. 14. or. 1. 2 blue. 1 purplish. 1 % blue. 2 pale blue. 3 blue 6: red. 2 3 pale red. 1 red. 2 violet. 1 red. 3 blue. % white. I 76 ERIGERON, bonariense. Gouam, ERYSIMUM, angustifolium, HARDY ANNUALS. ERIGERON. cl. 19. or. 2. Buck’s-horn. S. America. cluster-flowered. Canary Isles. lfiftlilue. 1 white. HEDGE-MUSTARD. cl. 15. or. Q. narrow—leaved. Hu ngary. cheiranthoides, Treacle VVorm—seed. Europe. difi'usum, odoratum, EUCLIDIUM, syriacum, EUPHORBIA, Cliamaesyce, difi'usa, ~exigua, l'nlcata, geniculata, liypericifolia, inaculata, Peplis, EUPHRASIA, odontitcs, oflicinalis, EUSTOMA, silenil'olia, EXACUM, liliforme, FRAN KEN IA, pulvcrulenta, FESTUCA, calycma, crislata, mexicana, Myul‘us, tcnella, lnnglunns, umolmdcs, diffuse. Hungary. sweet-scented. —— EUCLIDIUM. cl. 15. or. 1. Syrian. Levant. SPURGE. cl. 11. or. 3. crenated. (liflrusc. Austria. puny. Britain. sickle-leaved. S. of Europe. kneed. Morocco. hypericum-lea’ved. W. Indies. spotted. America. purple. Britain. EYE-BRIGHT. cl. 14. or. 9. red. Britain. common. EUSTOMA. cl. 5. or. ]. silene-leared. EXACUM. Cl. 4. or 1. least. Britain. I’RANKENIA. cl. 6. or. 1. mealy. Britain. FESCUE—GRASS. cl. 3. or. ’2. awned. Spain. crested. Portugal. Mexican. Mexico. \Vall. Britain. slender. N. America. single-hushed. large-spiked. FORSKOLEA, FURSKOLEA. cl. 8. or. 1. angustil‘olia, tenamssnna, FUMARIA, sompervirens, splcata, GALEOPSIS, Ladan um, villosa, )ARI DELLA, Nigellastrum, narrow-leared. 'l‘eneril’fe. clinging. ' Egypt. FUMITURY. cl. 1?. or. ‘2. glaucous. S. of Europe. narrow-leaved. DEAD-NETTLE. cl. 14. or. 1. retl. Britain. yellow—flowered. GARIDELLA. cl. 10. or. 3. fennel-leaved. S. of Europe. S. of France. 2, ycllow. -2- yellow. — pale yell. 1.}; red. purplish. 1 purple. .1)- blueish “'1 Isle of Providence. g yellow. n llitldll. l9 1:: palv pnrp ‘3 drop rut. 1 purple. 15 pale yell. 1; inc. HARDY ANNUALS. 177 GERANIUM, CRANE’S-BILL. cl. 16.0124. carolinianum, Carolina. N. America. lft.pale blue. columbinum, long—stalked. Britain. 2 pale purp. dissectum, cut—leaved. 1 purplishred. lucidum, shining. — rose. molle, soft, or Dove’s-foot. —— — purple. purpureum, purple. —— — pusillum, small—flowered. —— — purplish bl. Robertiannm, Herb Robert. % rose. 1‘otundifoli11111, round-leaved. 1 pale pur. GERARDIA, GERARDIA. cl. 14. or. 2. purpurea, purple. N.America. 1 purple. GEROPOGON, GEROPOGON. (I. 19. or. 1. glabrum, smooth. Italy. 1 flesh. liirsutum, hirsute. GLINUS, GLINUS. cl. 1]. orS 6. lotoides, ha air.y fEumpe. HASSELQUISTIA, HASSELQUISTIA. c1. 5. or. 2. mgyptiaca, Egyptian. Egypt. 1—;— white. cordata, heart-leaved. 2 HEDYSARUM, HEDYSARUM. cl. 17. or. 4. pumile, dwarf. Spain. 5 red. HIERACIUM, HAWKWEED. cl. 19. or. 1. glutinosum, glutinous. France. HIPPOCREPIS, HORSE-SHOE- VE'ICH. cl. 1?. or. 4. multisiliquosa, many- -.podded S. of Europe. 1 yellow. unisiliquosa, single-padded. Italy. -— HOLCUS, HOLCUS, or Indian JUillet. cl. 23. or. 1. saccharatus, yellow-seeded. E. Indies. 6 Sorghum, cultivated. —— spicatus, spiked. 1 HYOSCYAMUS, IIENBANE. cl. 5. or. 1. pusillus, dwarf. Persia. % yellow. reticulatus, Egyptian. Egypt. 2 red. HYOSERlS, HYOSERIS. cl. 19. or. 1. arenaria, S .1.nd Morocco. hispida, hispid rhagadioloides, Nipple-Hort. S.0f Europe. HYPOCHlERIS, llYPOCH/ERIS. cl. 19. or. 1. arachnoidea, Cobweb. minima, least. Barbary. % INULA, INULA. cl. 19. or. 2. foetida, Stinking. Malta. undulata, wave-leaved. Egypt. 1 IPOMCEA, IPOMCEA. cl. 5. or. I. campanulata, bell-flowered. E. Indies. carnea, flesh-coloured. S. America. 5 flesh. coccinea, scarlet. W. Indies. 6 dark red. VN CU T SPREAD UNCUT SPREAD up, .. »_, 180 HARDY ANNUALS. NIGELLA, FENNEL-FLOWER. . cl. 13. or. 5. orientalis, Eastern. Syria. 1-3; ft. yellow NOLANA, NOLANA. cl. 5. or. 1. prostrata, trailing. Peru. g blue. ONONIS, REST-HARROV‘V. cl. 17. or. 4. alopecuroides, Fox—tail. Sicily. 1 purple. viscosa, clammy. S. of Europe. —- pale yell. PANICUM, PANIC-GRASS. cl. 3. or. 2. agyptiacum, Egyptian. Egypt. buzoides, bum-like. E. Indies. ciliata, cilinted. China. coloratum, coloured. Egypt. Crus-corvi, Crow’s-foot. E. Indies. Crus—galli, Cook’s-foot. Britain. germanicum, German. 4 S. of Europe. geniculatum, knee-jointed. glaucum, glaucous. -——— italicum, Italian. Both Indies. miliaceum, Millet. E. Indies. muricatum, prickly. PARIETARIA, PELLITORY. cl. ‘23. or. 1. lusitanica, Chickweed. Spain. polygonoides, polygonum-leaved. Armenia. PEPLIS, PEPLIS. c/,. 6. or. 1. Portula, \Vater Purslane. Britain. 1 pink. PHASEOLUS, KIDNEY-BEAN. cl. 1?. or. 4. achoriensis, large-fruited. inamoenus, various-coloured. Africa. 10 whitish. Max, hairy-padded. E. Indies. 4 greenish Mungo, small-fruiterl. 1% multiflorus, Scarlet-runner. S. America. 8 scarlet. radiatus, rayed. Ceylon. 2 pale yel semierectus, upright. \V. Indies. 3 red. stipularis, large-stipuled. Peru. trilobus, three-lobed. E. Indies. vexillatus, sweet-scented. \V. Indies. 6 whitish vulgaris, common. E. Indies. 4 whitefii) PHYSALIS, WINTER-CHERRY. cl. 5. or. 1. barbadensis, Barbadoes. \V. Indies. 15 yellow. cheHOpodifolia, gonse-foot-leaved. minima, least. E. Indies. : white. prostrata, trailing. Peru. 1 violet. pruinosa, hairy annual. America. -— white. PICRIS, OX-TONGUE. cl. 19. or. 1. echioides, rough. Britain. 2 yellow. hieracioides, Hawkweed. 3 bright y PIMPINELLA, PIMPERNEL. cl. 5. or. 2. Anisum, Anise. Egypt. 13 yellowisl H A RDY ANN-U A LS. PLANTAGO, PLANTAIN. cl. 4. or. 1. asiatica, Asiatic. Siberia. indica, Indian. India. Loeflingii, narrow-leaved. Britain. Psyllium, clammy. S. of Europe. POLYCARPON, POLYCARPON. cl. 3. or. 3. tetraphyllum, four-leaved. Europe. POLYCNEMUM, POLYCNEMUM. cl. 3. or. 1. arvense, trailing. Italy. PYRETHRUM, FEVERFEW. cl. 19. or. 2. indicum, Indian. E. Indies. inodorum, scentless. Britain. POLYGONUM, PERSICARIA. cl. 8. or. 3. arenarium, Sand. Britain. aviculare, Knot-grass. chinense, Chinese. China. emarginatum, notch-seeded. Fagopyrum, Buck-wheat. Europe. IIydropiper, Water Pepper. Britain. incanum, hoary. Germany. minus, small. Britain. orientale, Oriental. E. Indies. var. double. Persicaria, spotted. Britain. sagittatum, arrow-leavcd. N. America. tartaricum, Tartarian. Tartary. PRENANTHES, PRENANTHES. cl. 19. or. 1. muralis, Wall. Europe. PULMONARIA, LUNGWORT. cl. 5. or. 1. maritima, Sea. Britain. RADIOLA, RADIOLA. cl. 4. or. 3. millegrana, All-seed. Britain. RESEDA, RESEDA. cl. 11. or. 2. lutea, yellow. Britain. sesamoidcs, spear-leaved. S. of France. ROELLA, ROELLA. cl. 5. 07'. 1. cernua, drooping. Cape. decurrens, decurrent. inuscosa, Moss. RUMEX, DOCK. cl. 6. or. 3. roseus, Rose. Egypt. vesicarius, Bladder. Africa. SABBATIA, SABBA'I'IA. cl. 5. or. 1. grarzilis, slender. New Jersey. cl, 1. or. 1. Britain. SALICORNIA. SA LTWORT. annua, annual. radicans, rooting. whitish. yellow. brownish y. whitish. thavhite . L 2 u (0“... Knot-w cal-n .;|»- :21» u:- CO white. whitish. white. pale red. rose. red. rose. white. light yell. light blue. white. light yell. white. red. whitish. green. A“. gunman--. . .. . m; Judy”... _ Hwy—w. Mr...“ u ,; lS‘l HARDY ANNUALS. SALSOLA, SALTWORT. (I. 5. or. ’2. altissima, grass-leaverl. Italy. hirsuta, hairy. Denmark. hyssopifolia, hyssop-learcd. Siberia. Kali, prickled. Britain. 9;. laniflora, woolly. Siberia. 2 muricata, hairy. Egypt. —- rosacea, rose-coloured. Asia. 5 Soda, fleshy-leaved. S. of Europe. 3 salsa, striped. Astracan. l trigyna, slender-leaved. Spain. veriniculata, small—leaved. Siberia. 4 SALVIA, SAGE. cl. 2. or. 1. clandestina, cut-leaved. Italy. % laciniata, jagged-leared. truncata, blunt-leaved. viridis, green-topped. I; SANVITALIA, SANVITALIA. cl. 19. or. 2. procumbcns, trailing. Mexico. SAPONARIA, SOAPWORT. cl. 10. or. 2. porrigens, hairy. Levant. 2 vaccaria, perfoliate. Germany. — SAROTHRA, SAROTHRA. cl. 5. or. 3. gentianoides, gentian-like. Virginia. SCABIOSA, SCABIOUS. cl. 4. or. 1. dichotoma, dichotomous. Germany. integrifolia, red-flowered. S. of Europe. 1% maritima, Sea. Italy. palmstina, Palestine. Egypt. 1 papposa, downy-headed. S. of Europe. —— prolifica, prolific; Egypt. —- sicula, Sicilian. Sicily. stellata, starry. Spain. 3 syriaca, Syrian. Syria. 5 transylvanica, Transylvania. N. America. 6 villosa, villous. Morocco. SCIIKUHRIA, SCHKUHRIA. cl. 19. or. 2. abrotanoides, fine~leaved. Peru. SCLERANTHUS, KNAWEL. cl. 10. or. 2.“ annuus, annual. Britain. 5.- SCOLYMUS, GOLDEN-THISTLE. cl. 19. or. 1. maculatus, annual. S. of Europe. 5 SEDUM, STONECROP. cl. 10. or. 4. Cepa’a, purslane-leaved. France. 5 hiapauicnm, Spanish. Spain. SliLlNUM, SELINUM. cl. 5. or. 2. Munnieri, annual. S. of Europe. 12. yellow. I'OSC. flesh. pink. purple. white. yellow. whitish. purplish. green. yellow. white. P' HARDY ANNUALS. _ lS3 SENECIO, GROUNDSEL. cl. 19. or. Q. agyptiacus, Egyptian. Egypt. cernuus, drooping. E. Indies. lftmiolet. hieracifolius, hawkweed-leaved. Egypt. 1}; whitish. triflorus, three-flowered. yellow. SERIOLA, SERIOLA. CI. 19. or. 1. athnensis, rough. Italy. yellow. laevigata, smooth. Candia. urens, stinging. S. of Europe. ‘ SESAMUM, OILY-GRAIN. cl. 14. or. 2. , indicum, spear-leaved. E. Indies. 2% orientale, oval-leaved. —-—-—— 2 white. SICYOS, SINGLE-SEEDED CUCUMBER. cl. 2]. or. 9. angulata, angular. N.AmeriCa. 10 pale yell. SIDERITIS, IRON-WORT. rl. 14-. or. 1. elegans, black. 1 brownish. J montana, mountain. Sicily. — yellow. l SILENE, CATCHFLY. cl. 10. or. 3. _ Armeria, Lobel’s. Britain. 2 red. bellidifolia, daisy-leaved. rose. conica, Corn. - 1% dichotoma, forked. Hungary. gallica, French. S. of Europe. 2 pale pur. l noctiflora, night—flowering. Britain. — brown. nocturna, night-smelling. S. of Europe. — ‘ quinquevulncra, variegated. 1 —— ‘l sericea, silky. 171 vespertinn, Evening. Barbary. 2 —- ‘1, SINAPIS, MUSTARD. cl. 15. or. Q. 1 Allioni, pinnated. Italy. yellow. : chinensis, Chinese. China. 3 white. l' erucoides, Spanish. Spain. 5} hispida, rough. Morocco. 1% yellow. l integrifolia, entire-leavcd. E. Indies. ' juncea, rush—leaved. China. 4 —— l larvigam, smooth. S. of Europe. 2 ——- l murialis, Sand. Britain. ramosa, branching. E. Indies. SISYMBRIUM, SISYMBRIUM. (I. 15. or. 2. Columnze, hoary-leaved. Austria. ‘2 pale yell. Iris, broad-leaved. Britain. -- yellow. Loeselii, hairy-leaved. Austria. 3 orientale, Oriental. Levant. SOLANUM, NIGIITSIIADE. cl. 5. or. 1. lycopersicum, Love-Apple. S. America. 5 yellow. iilgruin, common. Britain. 2 purple. tuberfiun‘n, Potatoe. Peru. 3 l n ‘3 ' 181-1 HARDY ANNUALS. SONCIJUS, SOWTHISTLE. cl. 19. or. 1. picroidcs, various-leaved. France. tenerrimus, Clammy. Italy. ringitanus, Tangier. Barbary. SPHENOGYNE, SPHE‘NOGYNE. d. 19. or. 3. antheinoides, white-crowned. Cape. S’l'ACHYS, STACHYS. cl. 14. or. 1. annua, white annual. Germany. STELLARIA, S'l‘l'l’CIlWUR’l‘. cl. 10. or. 3. dichotoma, forked. Siberia. 2 S'I'ELLERA, S'lELLERA. cl. 8. or. 1. passerina, flax-leavcd. S. of Europe. 1 Sl‘EVIA, S'l‘EVlA. cl. 19. 07‘. 1. pedata, annual. Mexico. SUBULARIA, AWL-VVORT. cl. 15. or. 1. aquatica, \Vater. Britain. TAGETES, TAGETES. cl. 19. or. 2. minuta, minute. Mexico. 10 patula, French Marigold. 3 tenuifolia, slender-leaved. Peru. TANACE'I‘UM, TANSY. cl. 19. or. 2. aununm, annual. Spain. 2 'IEUCRIUM, GERMANDER. cl. 14. or. 1. Botrys, cut-leavetl. S. of Europe. 1 TH ELYGONUM, 'I‘HELYGONUM. ('1. 21. or. 7. Cynucrambe, purslane-leared. S. of Europe. T HLASPI, BASTARD-C RESS cl. 15. or. 1. Cerotucarpon, Siberian. Siberia. TURDYLIUM, HART—WORT. cl. 5. or. 2. apulum, small. Italy. 4 maximum, great. 1. otlicinale, offieinal. Britain. 1 siriacnin, Syrian. Syria. 1 TRADESCANTIA, SPIDER-\VOR'I‘. 01.6. or. 1. erecta, upright. Mexico. 2 TRAGUPOGON, GOAT'SoBEARD. cl. 19. or. 1. picroides, prickly-cupped. TRIFOLIUM, TREFOIL. cl. 17. 02‘. 4. albidum, white. Germany. arvense, IIare‘s-foot. Britain. elypeatum, shield—seeded. Levant. lappaceuln, liurdock—leaved. France. pictum, painted. squarrosum, round—leaved. Spain. stellatum, starry. S. of Europe. 1 TRIGONELLA, FENUGREEK. cl. 17. or. 4. liainosa, Egyptian. Egypt. 1% polycerala, Spanish. France. — spluuba, {horny Cmulia. 1 yellow. 2ft.yellnw. 1.: white. white. white. orange. bright yell. blue. white. white. flesh. white. blue. yellow. white. pale ruse. pale yell. HARDY ANNUALS. 185 VALANTIA, CROSSWORT. (I. 23. or. 1. articulata, jointed. Egypt. aperine, warty—fruited. Britain. lft.wliite. cucularia, hooded. Levant. liiSpida, hispid. S. of Europe. pedemontana, small. Italy. VELEZIA, VELEZIA. cl. 5. or. 2. Iiuida, Spain. VERBZXSCUU, inlULLElN. cl. 5. or. 1 Buerhaavii, annual. S. of Europe. VERBENA, VERVAIN. CI. 14. or. 2. prostrata, spreading. S. America. VICIA, VETCII. cl.17. or. 4. glauca, glancous. globosa, globular. liirsuta, hairy-podded. Germany. lazvigata, smooth—podded. Britain. 1 yellow. Michauxi, long-seeded. monantha, one-flowered. Barbary. pannonica, Hungarian. Hungary. peregrina, broad-padded. France. serratifolia, saw—leaved. Hungary. » ‘2 light pur. striata, striated. Germany. Sepinm, Bush. Britain. 2 purple. sordida, large yellow. Hungary. URTICA, NEI‘TLE. cl. 21. or. 4. aastuans, heart-leaved. Surinam. 1 white. Dodartii, pellitory-lcaved. S. of Europe. pilulifera, Roman. Britain. urens, small. -— XAN'I‘HIUM, BURDOCK. cl. 21. or. 5. Strumarium, lesser. Britain. 2 XERANTHEMUM, XERANTHEMUM. cl. 19. or. 2. 2nnuum, annual. S. of Europe. 4 yellow. inapertum, small-flowered. -'——— 1 orientale, Oriental. Levant. 2 pale pur. XIMENESIA, XIMENESIA. cl. 19. or. 2. encelioides, hoary-leaved. Mexico. ZANNICHELLIA, ZANNICHELLIA. (1.21. or. 1. palustris, Marsh. Britain. ZINNIA, ZINNIA. cl. 19. or.2 grandiflora, large-flowered. fi red. pauciflora, yellow-flowered. Peru. —- yellow. revoluta, revolute. S. America. -- red. verticillata, wliorl-leaved. 3 violacea, purple-flowered. Mexico. -— purple. ZIZIPHORA, ZIZlPHORA. cl. 2. or. 1. capitata, ovate-leaved. Syria. Z(EGEA, ZQZGEA. cl. 19. or. 3. leptaarea, yellow-flowered. Levant. 1; yellow. R3 [— ,_., 186 HARDY 11111-311131 15. AUGUST AND SEPTEMBER. ALCINA, ALCINA. 6!. 19.011 4. perfoliata, perfoliate. Mexico. AMARANTHUS, AMARANTII. cl. 21. or. 5. Blitum, least. Britain. aft. caudatus, L01 e-lies-bleeding. E. Indies. 4 red. viridis, g'.1een Europe. 1% green. AN'I‘H EMIS, CgHAMOWILE. cl. 19. or. 2. altissima, tall. S..oi'Europe. 2 white. arabica, Arabian. Arabia. 1 yellow. buphtbalmoides, broad-leaved. Peru. clavata, clubbed. Barbary. fuscata, brown—scaled. Portugal. maritilna, Sea. Britain. g white. BE l‘A, ‘ BEET. cl. 5. or. ‘2. spatula, spreading. Madeira. 1 greenish. BUNIAS, BUNIAS. cl. 15. or.1. wgyptiaca, Eg lian. Egypt. 1 yellowish. Clll‘NOPODIUM, OGOOSE- FOOT. cl. 5. or. aristatum, bearded. Virginia. 1 green. Atriplicis, purple- China. 2 red. botryuides, many- -clustcred. Britain. — ficifolium, fig-leaned. 1 green. guineense, Guinea. Guinea. liybridum, maple—leavcd. Britain. 2 pale yell. mulale, \V all. 1 red. 1“ulnum, z; CONVOLVULUS, eBlNDWEED. cl. 5. or. 1. sp1tl1.mn1us, small. Virginia. CORISPERMUM, 'lICK-SEEI). cl. 1. or. 2. squarrnsnm, itiugh-spiked. Russia. 1 COSM EA, COSMEA. cl. 19. or. 3. parviflora, small-flowered. Mexico. sulpliurea, southernwood-lea. CUNlLA, CUNILA. 01.2.01. 1. puleginides, pennyioyal- -lea\ed. N. America. a white. ELATINE, WAlEli—WOR’I. cl. 8. or. 4. llydropiper, small. B1 1mm 5 white. liHIGERUN, ERIGERO’N. cl. 19. or. 2. canadense, Canadian. Britain. 4 striped. .siculuni, red—stalked. Sicily. EVOLVULUS, EVOLVULUS. cl. 5. or. 4. linifolius, flax-leaved. Jamaica. GA LEUPOIS, DEAD-NETTLE. cl. 14-. or. 1. ’l‘etrahir, common. Europe. 1 purple. versicolor, various-coloured. —- various. GAURA, GAURA. cl. 8. or. 1. tripctalzi, three-petalled. Peru. hexandiia liexandra. HARDY ANNUALS. [87 GENTIANA, GENI‘IAN. cl. 5. or. Q. umarella, autumnal. Europe. 11?. campestris, Fineldl. -- mvnlis, Britain. % hlue&green. GNAPHALIUM, sEVERLASTING. (l. 19. or. Q. gallicurn, ii'irrow-le'u ed Britain. .1. pale green. germnmcum, common. — green. pyramidatum, pyramidal. S. of Europe. HELIANTHUS, SUNFLOWER. cl. 19. or. 3. tubiflorus, tube-flowered. Mexico. 15 yellow. HYOSCYAMUS, HEN BANE. cl. 5. or. 1. alhus, white. S.of Europe. 1% white. LIMUSELLA, MUDWORT. cl. 14. or. 2. aquatica, Water. Britain. LINUM, FLAx. cl. 5. or. 5. catharticum, purging. Europe. g white. Radiola, least. 21’ LYTHRUM, WILLOW-HERB. cl. 11. or. 1. hyssopifoliiim, hyssop-leaved. ,Europe. & blue. MERCURIALIS, MERCURY. cl. 22. or. 9. annua, annual. Europe. 1% blue. ONON IS, REST-HARIKNV. cl. 1?. or. 4. ornithopodioides,Bird’s-foot. Sicily. pubescens, downy. S. of Europe. 1 red. ORIGANUM, MARJORAM. _cI. 14. or. 1. Majomna, sweet or knotted. Portugal. 1 white. PISPILLA, PERILLA. cl. 14. or. 1. ocymoides, basil- leai ed. E. Indies. white. PLAN'I AGO PLAN IAIN. cl. 4. or. 1. squarrosa, leafy- spiked. Egypt. .1; white. \irgmica, Virginian. N.America. I S -,\LIC()RNIA SAL’I WORT. cl. 1. or. 1. her bacen, Marsh. Britain. SEDUM, STONE-CROP. r]. 10. or. 4. annuurn, annual. N. of Europe. SISYMBRIUM, SISYMBIIIUM. Cl. 15. or. ‘2. pnnnonicum, Hungarian. Hungary. SOLANUM, NIGIITSUADE. cl. 5. or. 1 mthiopicum, Ethiopian. Ethiopia. guinccnse, large-berricd. Guinea. Jacquini, Jacquin s. E. Indies. pntulum, spreading. Pseudo-lycopersicum, round- fruited. Indies tillosum, yellow-berricd. Barbadoes. virginianum, Virginian. N. America. STACHYS, STSACHY cl. 14. or. 1. arvensis, Corn. Britain. 'I‘RIFOLIUM, TREFOIL. cl. 17. or. 4. con‘uleuni, blue. Germany. 3 light blue. 188 HARDY ANNUALS. SEPTEMBER AND OCTOBER. PEPPERWORT. rl. 15. or. 1. LEPIDIUM, oleraceum, piscidium, spinosum, notcll-leared. South Sea prickly. New Zenland. Qfl.wliite. Society Isles. —- Levant. :3 ENGLISH INDEX, WITH REFERENCE TO THE GENERIC BO’I‘ANXC NAMES. Archangel . . . . sce Lamium. Awl—wort ...... Sub-.nlariu. Bastard Pimpernel Centunculus. Bastard Hemp . Balsam . . . . . . Bell-flower . . . . Bent-grass . . . . Bindweed . . . . Bird’s-foot . . . . Bishop's-weed . Basil.......... Bugloss. . . . . . .. Burdock ...... Button-weed . . Canary-grass . . Candytuft . . . . Catchfly . . . . . . Catmint ...... Caterpillar . . . . Clary ........ Chickweed . . . . Cress-wort . . . . Crow-foot . . . . Cross-wort . . . . Cucumber . . . . Crane’s-bill . . Daisy Dead-nettle . . Dodder . ..... Dragon’s-head . Duck's-meat . . Dyer’s-wced . . Everlasting. . . . Acnida. Impatiens. Campanula. Agrostis. C Polygonum & I Convolvulus. $ Ornithopisand Lotus. Ammi. 0cymum. Anchusa and Lycopis. Xeranthemum Sperma. Plialaris. Iberis. Silene. Nepeta. Scorpiurus. Salvia. Alsine. Valantia. Ranunculus. Crucianella. Cucumis. Erodium. Bellis. Galeopsis. Cuscuta. Dracocephalon. Lemma. Reseda. Gnnphalium. Eye-bright . . . . see Euphrasia. Fennel-flower. . Nigella. 5 Matricariam Feverfew ...... l Pyretlirum. Fescue-grass .. Festuca. Flax .......... Linum. Flea-Lane . . . . Conyza. Fig-wort . . . . . . Scrophularia ,- - \’ Mcseml-r '— 1 g-mangold ' ' I antliemuyu). French and Afri- T . . :wetes. can Marigold . . '5 Fool’s Parsley. . tEtlmsa. Fox-tail-grass. . Alopecurus. Fumitory . . . . Fumaria. Gentian ...... Gentiana. Germander. . . . Teucrium. Golden Thistle Scolymus. Gold of Pleasure Myugrum. Goose—foot . . . . Clienopodiux Grass-retell . . Lathyrus. Cromwell . . . . Lithuspermul Hard~grass . . . . 1Egilops. llare’s-ear . . . . Bupleurum. lledgehogs . . . . Medicago. Hedge-mustard Erysimum. Hemp . . . . . . . . Cannabis. Henbane . ..... H yoseyam us Heart-wort . . . . Tordylium. Heart‘s-ease . . Viola. Hone-wort . . . . Sison. Honesty . . . . . . Lunaria. Horn-poppy . . Clielidonium Horned Poppy . Glaucium. Honey-wort . Cerintlie. Horn of Plenty Cornucopim. HARDY ANNUA LS. llawkweed . . .. see Ilieraciu m. Indian Corn . . Jacobma ..... . Iron-wort . . . . Knot-grass . . . . Kuawel ...... Ladies’ Mantle Lamb’s-beard. . Ladies’ Smock Lasernor: . . . . Larkspur ...... Lentil ........ Love-apple . . . . Lobel’s Catchfly Love-lies-bleeding Loosestrife. . . . Lousewort . . . . Lupin ........ .Madwort ...... :Mallow ...... Marigold ...... Marjoram . . . . Medick ...... Marshmallow. . M ignionette . . Milk—vetch . . . . Motherwort . . Mouse-tail . . . . Mullein ...... Navel-wort . . . . Nightshade. . . . Nipple-wort . . Old Man’s Board Ox-tongue . . . . Ox-eye ........ Panic-grass. . .. Pea .......... Pea, sweet . . . . Pearl-wort . . . . Pepperwort Pheaszmt's-eye Palma—Chrisli . Pink .......... Puppy Zea. Senecio. Sideritis. Illeccbrum. Scleranthus. Alchemil la. Arnopogon. Cardmniue. PedicularisQ Delphinium. Ervum. Solunum. Silene. A maranthus. Lysimachia. Pedicularis. Lupinus. Limosella. Mulva. Calcudula. Origanum. Medicago. Altha'a. Rescda. Astragalus. Leonurus. Myosurus. Verbascum. Cyuoglossum. Solanum . Lapsana. Geropogon. Picris. Buphtlmlm um. I’unicum. i I’isum. Lutlrrrus. Sugina. Lepidium. Adonis. Ricinus. Dianthus. l’upaver. 189 Pimpernel .. . . see Anagallis. Prickly Poppy . Prince’s Feather Qunking-grass . Rest-barrow . . Rose Campion . Rocket ....... . Sage...... Sandwort. ..... Sultwort ...... Scorpion-grass Sheep’s Scabious Shepherd’s-comb Sowthistle . . Soapwort ...... Spurge ........ Spinnage ...... Snake ........ Stock ........ Stitchwort . . . . Strawberry-Mite Starwort . ..... Spurrey ...... Spider-wort . . Sunflower . . . . Thistle ........ Tick-seed . . . . Thorn-apple . . Toadflax ...... Tobacco ..... . Trefoil ..... . . . Turnsole ...... Valerian . . . . . . Viper’s-bugloss Wall-cross . . . . \Vater Chickweed Water Starwort Waterwort . . . . \Vinter Cherry Worm-grass . . Wormwood. . . . \Voadmof . . . . Yellow Rattle. . Argemone. Amaranthus. Briza. ()nonis. Agrostemma. Hesperus. Salvia. Arenaria. Salsola. Myosotis. Jasione. Scandix. Sonchus. Saponaria. Euphorbia. Spinacea. Trichosanthes. Cheiranlhus. Stellaria. Blitum. Aster. Spergula. Tradescantia. Helinnthus. Carduus. Corispermym. Datura. Autirrhinum. Nicotia-na. Trifolium. Heliotropium. Valerianu. Echium. Arabis. Montia. Callitriche, Elaline. Physalis. Spigelia. Artemisin. Asperula. Rhinanthus. Estates accurately surveyed and planned; Grounds laid a and planted ,- and Designs furnished for the improvement Pleasure Grounds, jbr Conservatories, Hothouses, Greenhousl and all kinds of Ornamental, Rural and Horticultural Er‘ tions, by RICHARD JWORHIS, Surveyor, Landscape Gardem and Planter, 41 Vincent Square, Westminster. M Richard Taylor, Primer, Shoe-Lune. '3 EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE CUEElESSS‘I