INSECTS AND DISEASE OF MAN FOX INSECTS = o AND LA 7, ©, % 2 % Sa 2° <% S $. BY C CARROLL) FOX, M.D. fi SURGEON, U. S. PUBLIC HEALTH SERVICE; L! CTURER ON MEDICAL ENTOMOLOGY TO THE ? 7 A A CLASS OF STUDENT OFFICERS, HYGIENIC LABORATORY, WASHINGTON, D. C.; FELLOW OF THE AMERICAN PUBLIC HEALTH ASSOCIATION, MEMBER OF THE AMERICAN STATISTICAL ASSOCIATION, THE PACIFIC COAST ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY, THE AMERICAN MEDICAL ASSOCIATION; ONE TIME ASSISTANT DIRECTOR OF HEALTH, BUREAU OF HEALTH, PHILIPPINE ISLANDS, AND ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR OF HYGIENE, MEDICAL SCHOOL, UNIVERSITY OF THE PHILIPPINES WITH 92 ILLUSTRATIONS PHILADELPHIA P. BLAKISTON’S SON & CO. 1012 WALNUT STREET COPYRIGHT, 1925, BY P. BrakisToN’s Sox & Co. CAT. FOR PUBLIC HEALTH PRINTED IN U. S. A. BY THE MAPLE PRESS COMPANY, YORK, PA. PREFACE In this book I have attempted to gather together in a concise and practical way, the information necessary for a student taking up the study of medical entomology, or for the health officer working in the field of preventable diseases transmitted by anthropods. The subject is large and any one of its branches is a specialty in itself. Much of the literature appears in the form of separate articles in serial publications, or as, monographs, bulletins, etc. Therefore it is hoped that this book which aims to give only the essentials for public health practice may be found to be helpful and worth while. As the time of the student is limited, and this is particularly true of the student officers forming my classes, I have not burdened the text (for which no claim to originality is made) with references; therefore, mention must be made here of my indebtedness to the writings of those who have devoted their time to the subject, and particularly G. H. F. Nuttall, Cecil Warburton, Nathan Banks, H. E. Ewing, C. W. Stiles, N. Charles Rothschild, Karl Jordan, Carl F. Baker, Ll. Lloyd, V. L. Kellogg, G. F. Farris, Edward R. Stitt, Victor B. Vaughan, W. B. Herms, Herbert Osborn, G. Ender- lein, L. O. Howard, H. G. Dyar, F. Knab, J. M. Aldrich, R. C. Shannon, W. H. W. Komp, C. S. Ludlow, Bruce Mayne, J. A. LePrince, J. W. Folsom, J. H. Comstock, E. T. Cresson, Jr.and W. R. Walton; to W. S. Patton and F. W. Cragg and their valuable ‘Text Book of Medical Entomology; to Aldo Castellani and Albert J. Chal- mers and to the various authors who have contributed to Byam and Archibald’s “Practice of Medicine in the Tropics,” as well as to the authors of the various official publications of the Bureau of Ento- mology, U. S. Department of Agriculture, the U. S. Public Health Service and State Departments of Health. I am greatly indebted to Doctor Philip P. Calvert, Professor of Zoology in the University of Pennsylvania, to Doctor Henry E. Ewing of the Bureau of Entomology, U. S. Department of Agri- culture, and to Professor C. W. Stiles, U. S. Public Health Service for their kindness in reading the manuscript and offering many valuable suggestions; to Surgeon-General Hugh S. Cumming, Ve 370 vi PREFACE U. S. Public Health Service, for permission to use illustrations belong- ing to the Hygienic Laboratory, many of which were made by the artist Mr. L. H. Wilder, under the personal supervision of the author for his class at the Laboratory; and to Commander J. R. Phelps (M. C.) U. S. Navy, Assistant Surgeon-General Henry R. Carter and Surgeon George W. McCoy, U. S. Public Health Service for advice and assistance in preparing the chapters on diseases trans- mitted by arthropods. Carrorr Fox. CONTENTS PART 1 Medical Entomology CHAPTER 1 Page DEFINITION—THE ARTHROPODA—CLASS INSECTA—GENERAL DESCRIPTION L CHAPTER II THE D1pTERA (FLIES AND MOSQUITOES) . . . . . . . . . . 4 Description—The Head—The Thorax—The Abdomen—Classification== Key to the Suborders, Sections and Families. CHAPTER III SUBORDER ORTHORRHAPHA, SECTION NEMATOCERA. THE CuricipAE (Mos- OUITOES Yohei obi ie Saar hen tai” he! et usin atari gb Sb UEC ie Che Bo A Te SR Description—The Hexd—The This Wings legs Abdcner=alner tary Tract—The Larva—The Pupa—Life History. CHAPTER IV CuLicipAE (CONTINUED) . Classification and entification—Geneial Conddesations—Key to Sib families—XKey to the Genera of American Culicidae—Key to the Larva— Key to the Species of Anophelines—Key to the Larva—X ey for the Determina- tion of Species of Adult Female Mosquitoes—Key to Full Grown Larva. CHAPTER V CuLiCIDAE (CONTINUED) TRIBE ANOPHELINI . . . . . . . . : ; Genus Anopheles—A. quadrimaculus—A. crucians—A. purctipenis— A. pseudopunctipennis—A. argyritarsus—A. albimanus—A. tarsimaculatus— A. maculipennis—Tribe Culicini—Genus Culex—C. quinquefasciatus— C. pipiens—C. salinarius—C. territans—C. testaceus—C. erraticus—Genus Aedes—A. aegypti—A. vexans—A. sollicitans—A. taeniorhynchus—Genus Psorophora—P. ciliata—P. columbia—P. sayi—Tribe Uranotaenini—U. sapphirinus. : CHAPTER VI SUBORDER ORTHORRHAPHA, SECTION NEMATOCERA (CONTINUED). . . . . . . . Family Chironomidae—Family Simuliidae—Family Psychodidae—Phleboto- mus papatasii. vii 10 22 34 49 viii CONTENTS CHAPTER VII PAGE SUBORDER ORTHORRHAPHA, SECTION BRACHVCERA . . . . . . . . . . Tribe Brachycera Homodactyla—Key to Some of the Genera in the Family Tabanidae—Family Tabanidae—Anatomy—Adult—Alimentary Canal—Egg —Larva—Pupa—Subfamily Pangoninae—Genus Chrysops—C. discalis— C. fulvaster—Family Leptidae—Symphoromyia grisea—S. hirta—Brachy- cera Heterodactyla—Scenopinus fenestralis—Family Asilidae, Phoridae. CHAPTER VIII SUBORDER CYCLORRHAPHA. . . . . . x Section Achice-Descdption-Famnlly Syrphidee~Eristolls tones Section Schizophora—Description—Muscoidea Acalyptratae—Piophila casei—Sepsis violacea—Microneurum funicola—Drosophila melanogaster—Borborus equi- nus. CHAPTER IX CYCLORRHAPHA, (CONTINUED) MUSCOIDEA CALYPTRATAE. . . . . . . ~ Description—Anatomy—Head—Proboscis—Thorax—Wings—A bd ome n— Alimentary tract—Larva—Pupa—Family Oestridae—Key to Some of the Genera—Genus Hypoderma—H. bovis—H. lineata—Genus Dermatobia— D. hominis—Genus Oestris—O. ovis—Genus Gastrophilus—G. equi—G. hemorrhoidalis. F CHAPTER X CYCLORRHAPHA MUuscoiDEA CALYPTRATAE (CONTINUED) . . . . . . . . : Family Muscidae—Key to Some of the Genera—The Non-biting Muscidae Genus Musca—M. domesticus—Life History—Eradication—Genus Mus- cina—M. stabulans—M. assimilis—Genus Cryptolucilia—C. caessarion. CHAPTER XI CvCLORRHAPHA, CALYPTRATAE (CONTINUED) THE BITING MUSCIDAE. . . . . . Genus Philaematomyia—Genus Stomoxys—S. calcitrans—Genus Glossina— G. palpalis—G. morsutans—Genus Haematobia—Genus Lyperosiops. CHAPTER XII OTHER NON-BITING MUSCOIDEAN FLIES. . . . . . . . Family Sarcophagidae—Key to the Gonna Deseription=-(36ius Sarco phaga—S. communis and Other Sarcophaga—Genus Wohlfahrtia—Key to the Species of Sarcophaga—Family Calliphoridae—Key to the Genera— Description—Key to Tribe Luciliini—Key to Tribe Calliphorini—Genus Calliphora—C. vomitoria—C. erythrocephala—Genus Cynomyia—C. cada- verina—Genus Lucilia—L. caesar—L. sericata—Genus Phormia—P.-regina— Genus Protophormia—P. terrae-novae—Genus Cochliomyia—C. macellaria— Genus Bengalia—B. anthropophaga—Genus Auchmeromyia—A. luteola— Genus Protocalliphora—Genus Pollenia—P. rudis. CHAPTER XIII FAMILY ANTHOMYIIDAE.. . . . « + + . Description—Genus Fannia Glomaloiirid Gon Tvienviaa Gens Hy drotea. 53 60 62 79 Qo . 107 CONTENTS ix CHAPTER XIV 3 Pace Key 10 THE LARVAE CAUSING MyIasis . . . . . . at bin Balt) Jl en CHAPTER XV SUBORDER PupiparA . . . . . . . meee ER ely Description—Malophagus ovine ppabonts equina. CHAPTER XVI ORDER SIPHONAPTERA. . . + + « » +» 112 Description, Adult. Anstoray—Byp-LareimPupe-Cliicrtion=Key to the Genera—Family Sarcopsyllidae—Genus Tunga—T. penetrans—Genus Echidnophaga—E. gallinacea—Genus Pulex—P. irritans—P. dugesi—Genus Xenopsylla—X. cheopis—X. astia—X. brasiliensis—Genus Ctenocephalus— C. canis—C. felis—Genus Hoplopsyllus—H. anomalus—Genus Ceratophyl- Ius—C. fasciatus—C. acutus—Genus Leptopsylla—L. musculi—Eradication. CHAPTER XVII ORDER ANOPLURA ty ES 143 Description—Adult, Anstony-Taes and Nymphs—Family Pediculidae— Description—Species—Habits—Pediculus corporis—P. humanus—Phthirus " pubis—Lice of Domestic and Laboratory Animals—Key to the Families, Subfamilies and Genera—Eradication. = CHAPTER XVIII OrpEe HIuMIPTERA hi. in a a wy baie a let Cd al Sele, She 158 Description—Family Cimicidae—Genus Cimex—Adult, Anatomy—Eggs and Immature Forms—Classification—Genus Cimex—C. lectularius—C. hem- ipterus—Family Reduviidae—Genus Conorrhinus. CHAPTER XIX ORDER ORTHOPTEBA:. is 0. ela LUNE Ee i i att Ft Se Se ae 168 Description and Habits—Anatomy of Mouth Parts—Internal Anatomy— Eradication. CHAPTER XX CLASS ARACHNIDAT. rt ih re af eet tnt, «174 Order Acarina—External Anatomy—Internal Anctony--Lite Histor Ticks—Anatomy—Classification—Key to the Superfamilies and Families— Superfamily Ixodoidea (Ticks)—Key to the Genera of Argasidae—Genus Argas—Genus Ornithodoros—Family Ixodidae—Genus Ixodes—Genus Bo- ophilus—Genus Haemaphysalis—Genus Dermacentor—Genus Rhipicentor— Genus Rhipicephalus—Genus Hyalomma—Genus Amblyomma—XKey to a Few of the Species of Amblyomma. CHAPTER XXI Crass Amacai (CONTINUED). Fo = % urn pial ee ER Ral hh ee . 109 Family Eupodidae—Family Bdellidae—Family Chivletidas—Tamily Tetrany- chidae—Family Trombidiidae—Key to the Family—Family Parasitidae— BODENTS Vo tts wy Pn TA aa SS at pe INTRODUCTION ooh Nerrow BRVER. boi onan 0 as alien i A aa EE a SA ne DENGUE REY RR i Ce a LF Thi ey Tr Mie rape Fi ne tp oi i of CONTENTS Key to the Family—Key to the Dermanyssidae—Family Tarsonomidae— Key to the Tarsonomoidea—F amily Tyroglyphidae—Family Sarcoptidae— Key to the Sarcoptidae. CHAPTER XXII Detsiftion—~Fomily Maridne—Rattus torvegions—Tattus Futins = Retis alexandrinus—Mus musculus—Diseases of Rats—Natural Enemies—Eco- nomic Considerations—Ectoparasites of Rats—Family Sciuridae—Citellus beecheyi—Arctomys bobac. CHAPTER XXIII A FEw NOTES ON PECHNIQUE 2. 5 ie inl al, oh el ates SVS JE NE CRS, PART II Diseases Carried by Arthropods among Human Beings CHAPTER XXIV General Considerations. CHAPTER XXV VA ABTA A ER a WL i a i ea Te Causative Agenit-