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Lu 11 n S V . 5 1 , 1 e 11 . u e .l. .l. n «11C .x. CCt- _n 1 C .8112110) ) «I. O aor £1.13 t6 01. «1B .lUUt.l.l. nu 11 Dr, P» :1 .3 a an Du 4L MM 3 .1 NU AL an 0.“ AA Cm hr T uu DD /\ .1 . I 1 w £511. «11.5....01. ‘11:: I... . .1110111111 . I l 11.. I l 1 . .11 I916- 10 .1 11111111.!Iltl’ nilvlull .1 . , i- . 1!... 1! 1.1111133!" I. ili’lili» . 1 1%.”‘3‘1‘! '10)“: 1.211110...» 1"" '1'; . .4 .1... 11 .91. 11: .11 101.11.! 1. I‘nnlntiiltlth-Iflifl .111 8051'1Z'NVF'1Vd 'A "N ‘asnomig '30ng plopfiatj 9/ “Lu-{L QE’K’ L511. ‘1- H--_,_._ w--.“ __-,- -A__ -_, --__ _-,._--, __ and 1918 to date except those titles previously re— ported. The source of material was the Monthly Catalogue of the Superintendent Of Documents up to and including the issue Of April, 1918, and also the card indexes of the Libraries of the Forest Service and Of the Superintendent Of Documents. The same alphabetical arrangement of titles which was followed in the original bibliography and the same classification by Government departments and bu— reaus have been used here. Also the same classes of titles have been excepted, namely, the decisions and re— ports Of the Interstate Commerce Commission and the articles contained in Commerce Reports of the Bu- reau of Foreign and Domestic Commerce. In order to make such a bibliography as this of the greatest utility, it should be brought up to date from time to time. The Monthly Catalogue, above mention— ed, together with the “Catalogue of the Public Docu- ments” issued biennially by the Superintendent of Documents to cover each successive Congress should be adequate for preparing future supplements. Such catalogues are found in almost any public or Govern- ment library. Explicit directions for borrowing or otherwise se— curing the several Government documents on pulp and paper have already been given in the original biblio— graphy and they are so well known as to make it un- necessary to repeat them here. However, for the benefit Of foreign readers, attention is called to the fact that all of these documents are published by the Government Printing Office, Washington, D. C. AGRICULTURE DEPARTMENT FOREST SERVICE Forest Service. (The series Of annual publications on pulpwood consumption which were formerly pre— pared by the Forest Service in cooperation with the Census Bureau, Commerce Department, have been discontinued as Official publications, but one has been privately published as indicated below under Smith and H elphenstine). Lunale, S. E. 'Effect of varying certain cooking . conditions in the production of sulphite pulp from 2 5* spruce. 24 pp., i1., pl. 8°. 1918. (Dept. Agri., Bull. 620; Professional Paper.) Smith, Franklin H. and Helphenstine, Rufus K., Jr. Pulpwood consumption and wood pulp production, 1916. 30 pp., diagrs., tables. 8°. 1917. A semi—of— 'ficial publication issued by the Newsprint Manufac— turers Association, New York City (now the News— pr1ntServ1ce Bureau) in cooperation with the Forest Serv1ce. PLANT INDUSTRY BUREAU Plant Industry Bureau. Paper-plant investigations NO. I. 16 pp., i1. 8°. 1916. COMMERCE DEPARTMENT CENSUS BUREAU Census Bureau. (The series of annual publications on pulpwood consumption which were formerly pre— pared by the Census Bureau in cooperation with the Forest Service have been discontinued as official pub- lications, but one has been privately published as in- dicated above under Smith and H elphenstine, Forest Service, Department of Agriculture.) Census Bureau. Census of Manufactures, 1914: Paper and wood pulp. 49 pp. 4°. 1917. Census Bureau. Census of Manufactures, 1914; Printing and publishing. 49 pp. 4°. 1918. FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC COMMERCE BUREAU Barrett, Robert S. Chilean market for paper, paper products, and printing machinery. 72 pp., pl. 8°. 1917. (Dept. Com., Bur. For. Dom. Com., Special agents series 153.) Barrett, Robert S. Markets for paper, paper prod— ucts, and printing machinery in Cuba and Panama. 44 pp., p. 8°. 1917. (Dept. Com., Bur. For. Dom. Com., Special agents series 132.) . Barrett, Robert S. Paper, paper products, and print- ing machinery in Peru, Bolivia and Ecuador. 77 pp., pl. 8°. 1917. (Dept. Com., Bur. For. Dom. Com., Special agents series 143.) STANDARDS BUREAU Smith, lV. H. Recovery Of paraffin and paper stock from waste paraffin paper. 44 pp. 8°. 1916. 3 (_Dept. Com., Bur. Stand., Technologic paper 87) Smith, IV. H. Studies on paper pulps. 13 pp. ° 1917. (Dept. Com, Eur. Stand.,‘Technologic‘ paper ‘ 88.) Stratton, 5. IV. Specification of transparency of paper and tracing cloth. 8 pp., il., p1. 8°. 1917. (Dept. Com, Bur. Stand, Circ. 63.) CONGRESS Printing, Joint Committee on. Standards of paper prices, proceedings in Senate on S. Res. 269, di- recting Federal Trade Commission to investigate in crease in prices of various kinds Of paper required for printing and binding during last year, with corre— spondence of Joint Committee on Printing in relation thereto. 25 pp. 1916. Printing, Joint Committee on. Standards of paper prices, proceedings in Senate on S. Res. 269, di— recting Federal Trade Commission to investigate in— crease in prices of various kinds of paper required for printing and binding during last year, with corre— spondence of Joint Committee on Printing in relation thereto. 25 pp. 1916. Printing, Joint Committee on. Standards of paper for public printing and binding as fixed upon by Joint Committee on Printing, Dec. 15, 1917, for year begin— ning Mar. 1, 1918, with Report Of Committee on Pa- per Specifications, Dec. 12, 1917. 43. pp. 4°. 1917. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES — House of Representatives. Sale Of waste paper, letter from doorkeeper of House Of Representatives transmitting statement Of money received from sale of waste paper, Dec. 1, 1916—Dec. I, 1917. 2 pp. 1917. (H. doc. 502, 65th Cong, 2d sess.) Printing Committee. Government paper mill, re— _ port to accompany H. R. 17699, authorizing Public Printer to provide pulp and paper mill, or mills, fOr manufacture Of print paper for Government; sub- mitted by Mr. Barnhart. 9 pp. 1916. (H. rp. 1244, 64th Cong, 2d sess.) SENATE Printing Committee. Economies in Government printing and use of print paper, report pursuant to 4 F?" S. Res. 290 and to accompany 5.7795, to amend and revise laws relating to printing and binding and dis— tribution of publications for Congress; submitted by Mr. Chilton. 45 pp. 1917. (S. rp. 910, 64th Cong, 2d sess.) - Printing Committee. Government control and regulation of print—paper industry, report to accom— pany S. J. Res. 101; submitted by Mr. Smith of Ari- zona. 11 pp. 1917. (S. rp. 177, 65th Cong, Ist ' sess.) ' - Senate. Sale of waste paper by sergeant at arms, Senate, letter from sergeant at arms of Senate trans— mitting statement showing amount of receipts from sale of waste paper and condemned property and dis— position Of proceeds thereof since Dec. 4, 1916, 1 p. Dec. 11, 1917. (Sfdoc. 126, 65th Cong, 2d sess.) FEDERAL TRADE COM MISSION Federal Trade Commission. Book—paper industry, final report of findings of fact, with conclusions and recommendations with reference to book-paper in— dustry; 125 pp. 8°. 1917. S. doc. 79, 65th Cong, Ist sess.) Federal Trade Commission. Book—paper industry, letter transmitting preliminary report on book—paper industry. II pp. 8°. ,(S. doc. 45, 65th Cong, Ist sess.) ' ' Federal Trade Commission. News—print paper in— dustry, letter transmitting, in response to resolution, report relative to investigation Of news—print paper industry of United States. 12 pp. 8°. 1917. (S. doc. 3, 65th Cong, special sess.) Federal Trade Commission. News—print paper in— vestigation reply of Federal Trade Commission to resolution 95 of Senate. 8 pp. 8°. 1917. (S. doc. I 61, 65th Cong) Federal Trade Commission. Report of Federal Trade Commission on news—print paper industry. 162 pp. 8°. 1917. (Also issued as S. doc. 49, 65th Cong, Ist sess.) , . TREASURY DEPARTMENT Treasury Department. Dyestuffs, printing paper, and stamps, extracts Of revenue act providing rates 5 . of duty on dyestuffs and printing paper, and repeal- ing stamp taxes on entries and bonds. 3 pp. 1916. (Treasury decision 36667.) v U. S. Forest Service, Washington, D. C. May I, 1918. 5:“ Stookbr I . . . G076 T311385 RKELEY LIBRARIES $8 llHlllHlllUlllHlll THIS BOOK Is DUE ON THE LAST DATE ' STAMPED BELOW J "l 3 1. ‘1 I4 L; L; AN INITIAL FINE OF 25 CENTS WILL BE ASSESSED FOR FAILURE TO REI'URN THIS BOOK ON THE DATE DUE. THE PENALTY WILL INCREASE TO 50 CENTS ON THE FOURTH DAY AND TO $1.00 ON THE SEVENTH DAY OVERDUE. LD 21—95m-7.'37