Ul—‘XDJZW CLOOWF—‘CD WOO [\JF—‘L NATIONAL LIBRARY of MEDICINE CURRENT BIBLIOGRAPI-HES IN MEDICINE No. 88-12 Vaccine-Preventable Diseases of Childhood January 1986 through August 1988 748 Citations Prepared by Lori Klein U. S. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTHANDHUMANSERVICES P H' E III S . Nationallnstitutesofflealth F!’ H ‘ LLS‘I3 TDCTD wafllhd' AJ’ 401 AIL Kb {985 PufiL CBM No. 88-12 Vaccine - Preventable Diseases of Childhood January 1986 through August 1988 748 Citations Prepared by Lori Klein, MALS. US. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES Public Health Service National Institutes of Health National Library of Medicine Reference Section 8600 Rockville Pike Bethesda, Maryland 20894 G.P.O. Stock No. 817W12-l SERIES NOTE Current Bibliographies in Medicine (CBM) is a continuation in part of the National Library of Medicine’s Literature Search Series, which ceased in 1987 with No. 87-15. Each bibliography in the new series covers a distinct subject area of biomedicine and is intended to fulfill a current awareness function. Citations are usually derived from searching a variety of online databases. NLM databases utilized include MEDLINE, AVLINE, BIOETHICSLINE, CANCERLIT, CATLINE, HEALTH, POPLINE, AND TOXLINE. The only criterion for the inclusion of a particular published work is its relevance to the topic being presented; the format, ownership, or location of the material are not considered. Comments and suggestions on this series may be addressed to: The Editor Current Bibliographies in Medicine Reference Section National Library of Medicine Bethesda, MD 20894 301/496-6097 Ordering Information: Current Bibliographies in Medicine is sold by the Superintendent of Documents, US. Government Printing Office, Washington, DC. 20402. To order the entire CBM series (approximately 20 bibliographies/year), send $26.00 ($33.50 foreign) to the Superintendent of Documents citing GPO List II): CBM88. Orders for individual bibliographies in the series ($2.00, $2.50 foreign) should be sent to the Superintendent of Documents citing the title and the fiPQ Stock No. printed on the title P386- Use of funds for printing this periodical has been approved by the Director of the Office of Management and Budget through September 30, 1989. ’o' /L J #0/ ,2} / a K / 9 ‘3? #105 l... VACCINE-PREVENTABLE DISEASES 0F CHILDHOOD Immunization is among the most effective preventive measures available today. Immunization programs for children in the United States currently reach 90% to 96% of that patient population. Morbidity and mortality from tetanus, diphtheria, pertussis, poliomyelitis, measles, mumps, and rubella have drastically decreased, while the threat of smallpox has been virtually eliminated. Despite the effectiveness of vaccination programs, however, there are still concerns about the adverse effects experienced by some patients as well as the rising cost of the vaccinations themselves. Even with the high rate of vaccinations performed today, small outbreaks of some of these diseases still occur, threatening young and old alike. The prevention of infectious diseases by immunization is a continuing process, constantly evolving and requiring the involvement of scientists, health-care providers, parents, and children. To remain effective vaccination rates must remain high. Unless there are contraindications, there are seven diseases for which the Centers for Disease Control recommend all children be vaccinated: diphtheria, measles, mumps, pertussis, poliomyelitis, rubella, and tetanus. The references in this bibliography discuss various aspects of the above vaccines and the diseases they prevent, as well as smallpox. The references are to English language journal articles or conference proceedings published between January 1986 and August 1988. References have been limited to those discussing infants or children and adolescents, and to immunization and incidence in the United States, Canada, or Great Britain. Citations have been divided into eleven categories, and a citation may appear in more than one category (for example, a citation on DPT vaccine would appear only under the "Diphtheria/Pertussisfl‘etanus" category while a citation on smallpox and mumps would appear under both categories). Citations dealing with four or more of the diseases or vaccines or discussing vaccination in general have been placed in the "General" category. SEARCH STRATEGY A variety of online databases are usually searched in preparing bibliographies in the CBM series. To assist you in updating or otherwise manipulating the material in this search, the strategy used for the NLM’s MEDLINE database is given below. Please note that the search strategies presented here differ from individual demand searches in that they are generally broadly formulated and irrelevant citations edited out prior to printing. SS 1 = SUBS APPLY AE, AD, DE, PO, TO, SD, TU, ST, OC, PC, TM SS 1 = SMALLPOX VACCINE OR RUBELLA VACCINE OR MEASLES VACCINE OR DIPHTHERIA TOXOID OR MUMPS VACCINE OR PERTUSSIS VACCINE OR ALL POLIOVIRUS VACCINE: OR TETANUS TOXOID SS 2 = EXP SMALLPOX OR RUBELLA OR MEASLES OR DIPHTHERIA OR MUMPS OR WHOOPING COUGH OR ALL POLIOMYELITIS: OR TETANUS SS 3 = SUBS CANCEL SS 3 = ‘SMALLPOX VACCINE OR ‘RUBELLA VACCINE OR ‘MEASLES VACCINE OR ‘DIPHTHERIA TOXOID OR ‘MUMPS VACCINE OR ‘PERTUSSIS VACCINE OR ALL ‘POLIOVIRUS VACCINE OR ‘TETANUS TOXOID SS 4 = ‘EXP SMALLPOX OR ‘RUBELLA OR ‘MEASLES OR ‘DIPH'I'HERIA OR ’MUMPS OR 'WHOOPING COUGH OR ALL *POLIOMYELITIS: OR 'TETANUS SSS=10R20R3OR4 SS6=5AND NOT FOR (LA) SS7=6ANDEXPCHILD SS 8 = 6AND EXP ADOLESCENCE SS9=7OR8 SAMPLE CITATION Citations in this bibliographic series are formatted according to the rules established for Index Medicus. A sample journal citation appears below. For journal articles written in a foreign language, the English translation of the title is placed in brackets and the language of publication is shown by a three letter abbreviation appearing at the end of the citation. Note also that a colon (1) may appear within an author’s name. The NLM computer system automatically inserts this symbol in the place of a diacritical mark. Authors Article Title Rutledge SL ; Snead 0C 3d. Neurologic complications of immunizations. J Pediatr 1986\Dec;109\(6):917—24 Abbreviated Journal Date Volume Issue Pages Title TABLE OF CONTENTS page General 1 Diphtheria/Pertussis/I‘etanus 3 Diphtheria 7 Whooping Cough 9 Tetanus 14 Measles/Mumps/Rubella 17 Measles 19 Mumps 27 Rubella 29 Poliomyelitis 33 Smallpox 37 GENERAL Alberman E ; Watson E ; Mitchell P ; Day S. The development of performance and cost indicators for preschool immunisation. Arch Dis Child 1986;61(3):Z$1-6 Baumgarten M ; 'I‘remblay D ; Bchir A ; Hanley JA ; Infante- Rivard C. The immunization status and source of immunization of two-year-old children in Montreal. Can J Public Health 1986;77(1):24-7 Brookman RR. Immunizations during the adolescent years Prim Care 1987 Mar;14(1):25-39 Bui RD ; Nehlsen-Cannarella S ; Marxmiller J ; Mathis C ; Johnston JW ; Mace J. Responses to diphtheria-tetanus- pertussis and Salk poliovirus vaccines in neonatal cardiac transplant infants. Clin Res 1988;36(1):210A Burges MA Update on immunisation for measles, mumps, rubella and pertusis. Aust Fam Physician 1986 Apr;15(4): 449-50, 452-3 Burges MA. Immunisation. Risks vs benefits in the community. Curr Ther (Scaforth) 1987;28(2):19—31 Cadoz M ; Montagnon B ; Yvonnet B '; Xueref C ; Vincent-Falquet JC ; Bandet R ; Gibclin N. Lack of adjuvant effect of the pertusis component on IPV DTP-polio vaccine in children. Dev Biol Stand 1986;65:153-8 Clements CJ ;von Reyn CF ; Mann JM. HIV infection and routine childhood immunization: a review. Bull WHO 1987; 65(6):905-11 Coursaget P ; Yvonnet B ; Relyveld EH ; Barres JL ; Diop-Mar I ; Chiron JP. Simultaneous administration of diphtheria/tetanus/ pertusis/polio vaccine and hepatitis B vaccine in a simplified immunization programme. Dev Biol Stand 1986;65:169-75 Deforest A ; Long SS ; Lischner HW ; Girone JA ; Clark JL ; Srinivasan R ; Maguire TG ; Diamond SA ; Schiller RP ; Rothstein EP ; et al. Simultaneous administration of measles- mumps-rubella vaccine with booster doses of diphtheria- tetanus-pertussis and poliovirus vaccines. Pediatrics 1988 Feb; 81(2):?37-46 Deforest A ; Long SS ; Lischner HW ; Girone JAC ; Srinivasan R ; Bemier RE. Safety and efficacy of simultaneous administration of measles-mumps—rubella (MMR) with booster doses of diphtheria-tetanus-pertussis (DP’I‘) and trivalent oral poliovims (OPV) vaccines Dev Biol Stand 1986;65:111-2 Drucker J ; Soula G ; Diallo O ; Fabre P. Evaluation of a new combined inactivated DPT-polio vaccine. Dev Biol Stand 1986; 65:145-51 Hahault A ; Memiah A ; Jougla B ; Bouvet E ; Perin J ; Hatton F. Sudden infant death syndrome and diphtheria/tetanus toxoid/ pertussis/poliomyelitis immunisation [letter]. Lancet 1988 Mar 12;l(8585):582-3 Gaebler JW ; chiman MB ; French ML ; Chastain G ; Barrett C ; Griffin C. Neurologic complications in oral polio vaccine recipients. J Pediatr 1986 Jun;108(6):878-81 Gordon LK. Studies on the combined administration of Haemophilus influenzae type B—diphtheria toxoid conjugate vaccine (PRP-D) and DTP. Dev Biol Stand 1986;65:113-21 Hinman AR. Vaccine-preventable diseases and child day care. Rev Infect Dis 1986 Jul-Aug;8(4):573—83 Holt VL ; Marcuse EK ; Coombs J. Pediatricians' immunization consent practices in Washington state USA. Am J Dis Child 1987;141(7):734—S Hull D. Why children are not immunised. J R Coll Physicians bond 1987 Jan;21(1):28-31 Iglehart JK. Compensating children with vaccine-related injuries. N Engl J Med 1987;316(20):1283-8 Immunization of children infected with human T-lymphotropic virus type III/ lymphadenopathy-asociated virus. MMWR 1986 Sep 26;35(38):595-8,603-6 Immunizing the world‘s children. Popul Rep [L] 1986 Mar-Apr; (5):L153-71. L174—92 Ipp MM ; Gold R. Acetaminophen prophylaxis for DPT -polio immunization. Pediatr Res 1987;21(4 Pt 2):?84A Ipp MM ; Gold R ; Greenberg S ; Goldbach M ; Kupfert BB ; Lloyd DD ; Maresky DC ; Saunders N ; Wise SA. Acetaminophen prophylaxis of adverse reactions following vaccination of infants with diphtheria-pertusis—tetanus toxoids- polio vaccine. Pediatr Infect Dis J 1987 Aug;6(8):721-S Jenista JA ; Chapman D. Medical problems of foreign-hem adopted children. Am J Dis Child 1987 Mar;141(3):298—302 John TJ ; Selvakumar R ; Balrai V ; Simoes EA. Antibody response to measles vaccine with DTPP [letter]. Am J Dis Child 1987 Jan;141(l):14 Katz SI. Controversies in immunization. Pediatr Infect Dis J 1987;6(6):607—13 Leads from the MMWR. New recommended schedule for active immunization of normal infants and children. JAMA 1986 Dec 12:256(22):3076 Leads from the MMWR. New recommended schedule for active immunization of normal infants and children. JAMA 1986 Nov 7;?56(17):2311—2 LingamS;PatcmanJ;Beavch;MillerC:NoahN;HullD; Pullan C ; Harris RJ ; lsaacs D. Immunization of preterm infants Br Med J [Clin Res] 1986;292(6529):1183-s Luric N;ManningWG;PetcrsonC;GoldbergGA;PhelpsCA; Lillard L Preventive care: do we practice what we preach? Am J Public Health 1987 Jul;77(7):801-4 Marwick C. Vaccine policy likely to be namcsed in 19905 when polio-DTP combination becomes available [news]. JAMA 1988 Jun 243590035234 New recommended schedule for active immunization of normal infants and children. MMWR 1986 Sep l9;35(37):577—9 Poon: P. A global view of immunization. J R Coll Physicians bond 1987;21(1):22-7 Rutledge SL ; Snead 0C 3d. Neurologic complications of immunizatiom. J Pediatr 1986 Dec;109(6):9l7-24 Sim EA ; Balraj V ; Selvakumar R ; John TJ. Antibody regions of children to measles vaccine me with diphtheria- pem-b-tetanm or diphtheria-perttfla-tctanm-pollomyciitia vaccine. Am J Dis Child 1988 Mar;142(3):m-11 Simoca EA ; John T1. The antibody response ofseronegative inlama to inactivated poliovirm vaccine of enhanced potency. J Hal Stand 1%6 Apr;14(2):127-31 Swan: TA; Roumiantzcfi‘ M ; Peyron L; Stoplcr T; Drucker J ; Epstein I ; Leitncr L; Goldblum N. Use of a combined DTP- polio vaccine in a reduced schedule. Dev Biol Stand 1986;65: 159-66 vonReynCF;C|cmentsCJ;MannJM. Human immunodeficiency virus lnlcction and routine childhood immunisation. Lancet 1N7 Sep 19;2(8560):669—72 Zimmerman B ; Gold R ; Lavi S. Adverse effects of immunization. grewntlon podble? Postgrad Med 1987 0ct;82(5):n$-9, DIPHTHERIA/PERTUSSIS/TETAN US Alberts ME. When and where will it stop? Iowa Med 1986 Sep; 76(9):424 American Academy of Pediatrics Committee on Infectious Diseases: Family history of convulsions in candidates for immunization with pertussis-containing vaccines (diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis). Pediatrics 1987 Nov;80(5):743~4 Amsel SG ; Hanukoglu A ; Fried D ; Wolyvovics M. Myocarditis after triple immunisation. Arch Dis Child 1986 Apr;61(4):403—5 Anderson EL ; Belshe RB ; Bartram J. Differences in reactogenicity and antigenicity of acellular and standard pertussis vaccines combined with diphtheria and tetanus in infants. J Infect Dis 1988 Apr;157(4):731—7 Anderson EL ; Belshe RB ; Bartram J ; Gurwith M ; Hung P ; Levner M ; Vernon SK. Clinical and serologic responses to acellular pertussis vaccine in infants and young children. Am J Dis Child 1987 Sep;141(9):949—53 Anderson EL ; Belshe RB ; Gurwith M. Comparative study of acellular DTP vaccine and standard DTP vaccine in young infants. Abstr Annu Meet Am Soc Microbiol 1987;87:113 Anderson EL ; Belshe RB ; Gurwith M ; Klempcrer M. Evaluation of acellular pertussis vaccine in infants and children. Pediatr Res 1986;20(4 Pt 2):225A Anderson P; Pichichero M ; Edwards K; Porch CR; Insel R. Priming and induction of Haemophilusinfluenzae type b capsular antibodies in early infancy by DpoZI), an oligosaccharide—protein conjugate vaccine. J Pediatr 1987 Nov;111(5):644-50 Ashkenazi S ; Jaber L; Mimount M ; Varsano I. The leukocyte response following diphtheria-tetanus—pertuSis vaccination in children. Am J Dis Child 1986;140(4):3m Asnes RS. Changing needles when drawing up vaccines and medications [letter]. Am J Dis Child 1988 Apr;142(4):4l3-4 Badgett JT ; Rodgers GC Jr. Safety and immunogenicity of a diphtheria-tetanus-pertussis vaccine containing an acellular pertussis component. South Med J 1987 Sep;80(9):1075-8 Baraff LI ; Cherry JD ; Marcy SM. Diphtheria-tetanus-pertussis reactions: relationship of manufacturer lot, potency and endotoxin to reaction rates. Pediatr Res 1986;20(4 Pt 2):304A Baraff Ll ; Cherry JD ; Marcy SM ; Manclark CR. Diphtheria- tetanus-pertusis reactions: relationship of manufacturer lot, potency and endotoxin to reaction rates Clin Res 1986;34(1): 129A Baraff LI ; Shields WD ; Beckwith L ; Strome G ; Marcy SM ; Cherry JD ; Manclark CR Infants and children with convulsions and hypotonic-hyporesponsive episodes following diphtheria-tetanus-pertusis immunization: follow-up evaluation. Pediatrics 1988 Jun;81(6):789-94 Barkin RM ; J abhour JT ; Samuelson JS. Immunizations. seizures, and subsequent evaluation. JAMA 1987;258(2):201 Borkowsky W ; Steele CJ ; Grubman S ; et al. Antibody responses to bacterial toxoids in children infected with human immunodeficiency virus. J Pediatr 1987;110(4):563-6 Brunell PA. The prevention of infectious diseases by immunization. J Allergy Clin Immunol 1987 Jun;79(6):848-52 Cameron J. Fractional doses of DPT vaccine [letter]. Can Med Assoc J 1986 Jan 1:134(1):18—9 Cates KL ; Goetz C ; Rosenberg N ; Pantschenko A ; Rowe JC ; Ballow M. Longitudinal development of specific and functional antibody in very low birth weight premature infants. Pediatr Res 1988 Jan;23(1):14-22 Conway SP ; James JR ; Smithells RW ; Melville—Smith M ; Magrath D. Immunisation of the preterm baby [letter]. Lancet 1987 Dec 5;2(8571):1326 David AB ; Jalilian-Marian A. DTP: drug manufacturers“ liability in vaccine-related injuries. J Leg Med (Chicago) 1986 Jun; 7(2):]87—233 DeForest A ; Long S ; Lischner HW ; Clark JL ; Girone JA ; Smith DG ; Wassilak SG. Serologic evaluation of a reduced primary immunization schedule for DTP vaccine. Abstr Annu Meet Am Soc Microbiol 1987;87:113 Dengrove J ; Lee E] ; Heiner DC ; St. Geme JW Jr ; Leake R ; Baraff LI ; Ward JI. IgG and IgG subclass specific antibody responses to diphtheria and tetanus toxoids in newborns and infants given DTP immunization. Pediatr Res 1986 Aug;20(8): 735-9 Denning DW ; Peet L ; Poole J. Skin rash after triple vaccine. Arch Dis Child 1987 May;62(5):510—1 Edwards KM ; Lawrence E ; Wright PF. Diphtheria, tetanus. and pertusis vaccine. A comparison of the immune response and adverse reactions to conventional and acellular pertussis components. Am J Dis Child 1986 Sep;140(9):867-71 Ehrengut W. Central nervous sequelae of vaccinations [letter]. Lancet 1986 May 31;1(8492):1275-6 Few BJ. Pertussis vaccine. MCN 1987 Jul-Aug;12(4):243 Funkhouser AW ; Wassilak SG ; Orenstein WA ; Hinman AR ; Mortimer EA Jr. Estimated effects of a delay in the recommended vaccination schedule for diphtheria and tetanus toxoids and pertussis vaccine. JAMA 1987 Mar 13;257(10): 1341-6 Gatrell AC. Immunization against whooping cough in Salford: a spatial analysis. Soc Sci Med 1986;23(10):1027—32 Glode MP ; Joffe IS ; Brogden R ; Kuo J. Reimmunization of children immunized at 18 months of age with Haemophilus influenzae type b vaccine. J Pediatr 1988 May;112(5):703-8 Griffin MR; Ray WA ; Fought RL ; Foster MA ; Hays A ; Schaffner W. Monitoring the safety of childhood immunizations: methods of linking and augmenting computerized data bases for epidemiologic studies. Am J Prev Med 1988;4(2 Suppl):5-14 Griffin MR ; Ray WA ; Schaffner W. Risk of infant death syndrome (SIDS) following diphtheria-tetanus-pertussis (DTP) immunization. Clin Res 1988;36(1):15A Habig WH ; Holohan TV ; Phillips TM. Circulating immune complexes after DTP immunization [letter]. J Pediatr 1988 Jan; 112(1):162—3 Haus M ; Weinberg EG ; Malherbe D. Specific lgE antibodies to Bordetella pertusis after immunisation in infancy [letter]. Lancet 1988 Mar 26:1(8587):711 Hendley JO ; Wenzel JG ; Ashe KM ; Samuelson JS. Immunogenicity of Haemophilus influenzae type b capsular polysaccharide vaccines in 18-month-old infants. Pediatrics 1987 Sep;80(3):351-4 Hinman AR. Diphtheria tetanus pertussis vaccine litigation. Am J Dis Child 1986;140(6):528—30 Hinman AR ; Onorato IM. Acellular pertussis vaccines Pediatr Infect Dis J 1987 Apr;6(4):341-3 Hoffman HJ ; Hunter JC ; Damus K ; Pakter J ; Peterson DR ; van Belle G ; Hasselmeyer EG. Diphtheria—tetanus-pertussis immunization and sudden infant death: results of the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development Cooperative Epidemiological Study of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome risk factors. Pediatrics 1987 Apr;79(4):598-611 Kayhty H ; Eskola J ; Peltola H ; Stout MG ; Samuelson JS ; Gordon LK Immunogenicity in infants of a vaccine composed of Haemophilus influenzae type b capsular polysaccharide mixed with DPT or conjugated to diphtheria toxoid. J Infect Dis 1987 Jan;155(1):1006 Lange WR ; Kreider SD. Pertussis immunization: two centuries of controversy. Md Med J 1986 Sep;35(9):753—6 Lavin A ; Nauss AH. Acetaminophen prophylaxis for diphtheria- tetanus toxoids-pertussis immunization [letter]. Pediatr Infect Dis J 1988 Apr;7(4):305-6 Leung AK ; Szabo TF. Erythema multiforme following diphtheria- pertusis-tetanus vaccination. Kobe J Med Sci 1987 Aug; 33(4):121-4 Lewis K; Cherry JD ; Holroyd HJ ; Baker {R ; Dudenhoeffer FE ; Robinson RG. A double-blind study comparing an acellular pertussis-component DTP vaccine with a whole-cell pertussis- component DTP vaccine in 18-month-old children. Am J Dis Child 1986 Sep;140(9):872—6 Lewis K ; Cherry JD ; Robinson RG ; Baker LR ; Holroyd HJ ; Dudenhoeffer FE. A double-blind study comparing the reactogenicity and immunogenicity of an acellular pertussis component diphtheria-tstanus—pertussis vaccine with a whole cell pertussis component diphtheria-tetanus—pertussis vaccine in 18-month-old children. Clin Res 1986;34(1):131A Lewis K ; Cherry JD ; Sachs MH ; Woo DB ; Hamilton RC ; Tarle JM ; Overturf GD. Effect of prophylactic acetaminophen (AC) on modifying local and systemic reactions to DTP vaccination. Pediatr Res 1987;21(4 Pt 2):329A Lewis K; Cherry JD ; Sachs MH ; Woo DB ; Hamilton RC ; Tarle JM ; Overturf GD. The effect of prophylactic acetaminophen administration on reactions to DTP vaccination. Am J Dis Child 1988 Jan;142(1):62—5 Lewis K; Jordan SC ; Cherry JD ; Sakai RS ; be CI‘. Petechiae and urticaria after DTP vaccination: detection of circulating immune complexes containing vaccine-specific antigens [published erratum appears in J Pediatr 1987 Jul;111(1):162]. J Pediatr 1986 Dec;109(6):1009—12 Lewis T; Osborn LM ; Lewis K; Brockert J ; Jacobsen J ; Cherry JD. Influence of parental knowledge and opinions on 12- month diphtheria, tetanus, and pertusis vaccination rates. Am J Dis Child 1988 Mar;142(3):283-6 Lione A. More on aluminum in infants [letter]. N Engl J Med 1986 Apr 3;314(14):923 Mauro LS. DTP vaccine and sudden infant death syndrome. Drug Intell Clin Pharm 1986;20(9):672—3 McKercher SW. Pertussis and the pertussis vaccine. SD J Med 1986 Jan;39(1):5—11 Mortimer EA Jr. DTP and SIDS: when data differ [editorial]. Am J Public Health 1987 Aug;77(8):925-6 Nkowane BM ; Wassilak SG ; McKee PA ; O’Mara DJ ; Dellaportas G ; Istre GR ; Orenstein WA ; Bart KJ. Pertussis epidemic in Oklahoma. Difficulties in preventing transmision. Am J Dis Child 1986 May;140(5):433-7 Nyerges G ; Adam MM ; Gacs P ; Ring R. A comparison of combined diphtheria, tetanus and pertussis vaccines produced by different manufacturers, in laboratory animals and in infants. J Biol Stand 1986 Jul;14(3):241-7 Pichichero ME ; Badgett JT ; Rodgers GC Jr ; McLinn S ; Trevino-Scatterday B ; Nelson JD. Acellular pertusis vaccine: immunogenicity and safety of an acellular pertussis vs. a whole cell pertussis vaccine combined with diphtheria and tetanus toxoids as a booster in 18- to 24-month old children. Pediatr Infect Dis J 1987 Apr;6(4):352—63 Pichichero ME ; Barkin RM ; Samuelson JS. Pediatric diphtheria and tetanus toxoids-adsorbed vaccine: immune response to the first booster following the diphtheria and tetanus toxoids vaccine primary series. Pediatr Infect Dis 1986 Jul-Aug;5(4): 428-30 Response of preterm infants to DTP immunization [letter]. J Pediatr 1986 Jun;108(6):1034-5 Robbins JB ; Schneerson R. Haemophilus influenzae type b: the search for a vaccine. Pediatr Infect Dis J 1987 Aug;6(8):791-4 Robbins-Jessee R. DTP vaccine immunization [letter]. Am J Dis Child 1986 Nov;140(11):1096 Roberts SC. Vaccination and cot deaths in perspective. Arch Dis Child 1987 Jul;62(7):754-9 Salomon ME ; Halperin R ; Yee J. Evaluation of the two-needle strategy for reducing reactions to DPT vaccination. Am J Dis Child 1987 Jul;141(7):796—8 Shelley WB ; Shelley ED. Immunization, abrasion. and sunburn as localizing factors in chicken pox. Pediatr Dennatol 1987 Aug; 4(2):1024 Steketee RW ; Wasilak SG ; Adkins WN Jr ; Burstyn DG ; Manclark CR ; Berg J ; Hopfensperger D ; Schell WL ; Davis JP. Evidence for a high attack rate and efficacy of erythromycin prophylaxis in a pertusis outbreak in a facility for the developmentally disabled. J Infect Dis 1988 Mar; 157(3):434-40 ' Sun M. Vaccine compensation proposals abound on Capitol Hill [news]. Science 1986 Jul 25;233(4762):415 Torch WC. Characteristics of diphtheria-pertussis-tetanus postvaccinal deaths and diphtherua-pertussis-tetanus—caused sudden infant death syndrome: a review. Neurology 1986; 36(4 Suppl 1):148 Torch WC. Diphtheria-pertussis—tetanus immunization may be an unrecognized cause of sudden infant death and near—miss syndrome: 12 case reports. Neurology 1986;36(4 Suppl 1):149 Valdes-Dapena M. Sudden infant death syndrome. Morphology update for forensic pathologists—1985. Forensic Sci Int 1986 Feb-Mar;30(2—3):177—86 Vohr BR ; Oh W. Age of diphtheria, tetanus, and pertussis immunization of special care nursery graduates. Pediatrics 1986 Apr;77(4):569—71 Walker AM ; Jick H ; Perera DR ; Knaus TA ; Thompson RS. Neurologic events following diphtheria-tetanus-pertussis immunization. Pediatrics 1988 Mar;81(3):345-9 Walker AM ; Jick H ; Perera DR ; Thompson RS ; Knaus TA Diphtheria-tetanus—pertussis immunization and sudden infant death syndrome. Am J Public Health 1987 Aug;77(8):945-51 What is ‘significant' and DTP reactions [letter]. Pediatrics 1988 Jun;81(6):912-3 Wiesenthal AM ; Lauer BA Syringe preparation technique and minor adverse reactions to diphtheria-tetanus-pertussis immunization. Pediatr Infect Dis J 1987 Nov;6(11):1048-50 Wilkins J. Circulating immune complexes after DTP vaccination [letter]. J Pediatr 1987 Jul;111(1):162 Wilkins J ; Chan [5 ; Wehrle PF. Age and dose interval as factors in agglutinin formation to pertussis vaccine. Vaccine 1987 Mar;5(1):49-54 Zebede MS : Anhalt GJ ; Nsouli TM ; Nsouli SM ; Bellanti JA. mm bullous eruption In a 3-month-old infant [clinical conference]. Ann Allergy 1987 Jan;58(1):12-3,63-6 DIPHTHERIA American Academy of Pediatrics Committee on Infectious Diseases: Haemophilus influenzae type b conjugate vaccine. Pediatrics 1988 Jun;81(6):908-11 Anaphylaxis due to vaccination in the office [letter]. Can Med Assoc J 1986 May 15;134(10):1109 Anderson P ; Pichichero M ; Lawrence E ; Edwards K ; Eby R ; Smith D. Vigorous antibody responses in early infancy to DPo- 20, a conjugate vaccine of diphtheria toxoid and periodate- cleaved oligosaccharides from the Haemophilus-influenzae B capsular polymer. Pediatr Res 1986;20(4 Pt 2):304A Anderson PW ; Pichichero ME ; Connuck DM ; Korones D ; Zahradnik JM. Effect of oligosaccharide (OS) chain length, terminal group, and hapten loading on the serum antibody (Ab) response of l-yr—old infants to Haemophilus-influenzae B capsular antigen (PRP) conjugated to the diphtheria protein CRM197. Pediatr Res 1987;21(4 Pt 2):321A Berkowitz CD ; Ward Jl ; Meier K; Hendley J0 ; Brunell PA; Barkin RA ; Zahradnik JM ; Samuelson J ; Gordon L. Safety and immunogenicity of Haemophilus influenzae type b polysaccharide and polysaccharide diphtheria toxoid conjugate vaccines in children 15 to 24 months of age. J Pediatr 1987 Apr;110(4):509~14 Borkowsky W ; Krasinski K Residual cell—mediated immunity to recall antigens in pediatric acquired immune deficiency syndrome-related disease. Pediatr Res 1986;20(4 Pt 2):292A Bowler IC ; Mandal BK ; Schlecht B ; Riordan T. Diphtheria--the continuing hazard. Arch Dis Child 1988 Feb;63(2):194-5 Brettler DB ; Forsberg AD ; Brewster F ; Sullivan JL; Levine PH. Delayed cutaneous hypersensitivity reactions in hemophiliac subjects treated with factor concentrate. Am J Med 1986 Oct; 81(4):607-11 Buckley RH ; Ochs HD. Development of B cell function in human haploidentical bone marrow chimeras. Fed Proc 1987;46(3): 1021 Cates KL; Ballow M ; Rowe JC ; Goetz C. Specific and functional antibody responses in very low birth weight infants. Pediatr Res 1986;20(4 Pt 2):388A Communicable disease report October to December 1986. From the PHLS Communicable Disease Surveillance Centre. Community Med 1987 May;9(2):17681 Conjugated Haemophilus influenzae type b vaccine. Med Lett Drugs Tim 1988 Apr 22;30(764):47-8 Eskola J ; Peltola H ; Takala AK ; et al. Efficacy of Haemophilus influenzae type b polysaccharide-diphtheria toxoid conjugate vaccine in infancy. N Engl J Med 1987;3l7(12):717-22 Fischer A ; Durandy A ; Sterkers G ; Griscelli C. Role of the 'LFA—I molecule in cellular interactions required for antibody production in humans. 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