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2232332332 23.23.33 3.2 : 3., 3.,,3,33..33232,2,3w2»2.,3323.33.333.23323.222.233.5523. 2232,33,,222333N33.§, 32...»23.333323.3,33.2.32, ::,:,:3 :,,:,,,.n,,::,,,.:,:,,,,:.,,:::,,,:,,, ,33:,3, :3,::..,:,,,:3.,,:,:,:.»:, :,2::, :,,,,.2,3.3:,:.,,,3:,,.2.»:,,:,3:,, ,:,,:,,2,...,,,:,:3,:32::,..2,2:.,:,..,.:,3::.,: 3.2,.» 2.::,.,,,:,,,:,,,...mr,,.2,,,,3 :,,,3:,,3:23:22»:,2,,..m,:,:,33::,,2:,,,,:m, 2 3 .3233:»,:.3,:2.2.2,.,,3,.,.,3.».3,32,,23 233,,u2...2,,3. :,3,,,:, 2.32,..N33233..33222331332232: Chemical Weathering of Basalts and Andesites: Evidence from Weathering Rinds By STEVEN M. COLMAN GEOLOGICAL SURVEY PROFESSIONAL PAPER 1246 Weathering rinds preserve a wide spectrum of uncontaminated alteration products, and allow documentation of the mineralogic and chemical changes accompanying the weathering of basalts and andesites UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE, WASHINGTON:1982 11274 UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR JAMES G. WATT, Secretary GEOLOGICAL SURVEY Dallas L. Peck, Director Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data Colman, Steven M. Chemical weathering of basalts and andesites. (Geogical Survey Professional Paper 1246) Includes bibliographical references. I. Basalt. 2. Andesite. 3. Weathering. I. Title. II. Series, QE462.B3C64 552’26 8l—6803 AACR2 For sale by the Branch of Distribution, US. Geological Survey, 604 South Pickett Street, Alexandria, VA 22304 FIGURE 1. CONTENTS Abstract Introduction Methods Sampling procedures Analytical procedures Mineralogic alterations in basalt and andesite weathering Stages and products of mineral alteration General observations Weathering stages for individual minerals End products of weathering Descriptions of the alteration of individual minerals Alteration of glass Alteration of olivine Alteration of pyroxene Alteration of plag'ioclmv Alteration of arnphibole and K-feldspar Alteration of opaque minerals Stability of primary minerals Rock-weathering stages Rock and mineral alteration with time Implications of the clay mineralogy of weathering rinds Chemistry of basalt and andesite weathering Weathering indicw Absolute chemical changes Standard-cell-cations method Weight-per-unit—volume method TiO2—constant method Chemical changes with time Summary and conclusions References cited Appendix 1. Generalized petrographic descriptions Appendix 2. Tables of analytical data ILLUSTRATIONS Page WMWWNMNHH Page Index map of sample localities Typical X-ray diffractograms of the clay-size fraction of weathering rinds and of associated soil matrices SEM photomicrographs of samples of the clay-size fraction separated from weathering rinds Differential thermal curves for samples of the clay-size fraction of weathering rinds X-ray energy spectrometry for samples of the clay-size fraction of weathering rinds Photomicrographs and XES data for: 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. Weathering product 5 Glass altered to chlorophaeite (weathering product 2d} Glass altered to weathering product 4;: Olivine altered to “iddingsite” (weathering product 2b} Olivine altered along grain margins and fractures Pyroxene altered along grain margins and fractures Altered pyroxene III macaw 12 13 14 15 16 IV FIGURE 17. 18. 19—24. 25. 26. 27. TABLE 1. ._. PSOWFF‘P‘PPN 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. CONTENTS 13. Plagioclase altered along fractures to weathering product 23 14. Zoned plagioclase altered to weathering product 3c 15. Plagioclase microlites altered to weathering product 4b in their cores 16. Plagioclase altered to weathering product 4b around its edi Two titanomagnetite grains in weathering rinds Sketch of relative stabilities of minerals and glass in basalts and andesit'm Diagrams plotting: 19. SiOzszo3 with distance from the stone surface 20. Bases : R203 with distance from the stone surface 21. Parker’s (1970) weathering index with distance from the stone surface 22. Molecular percentage of water with distance from the stone surface 23. Fe203 : FeO ratio with distance from the stone surface 24. Weathering potential index (WPI) versus product index (PI) for weathering-rind data Triangular plots of SiOz, R203, and bases (MgO+CaO +Na20+K20) for weathering-rind data Three methods of calculating chemical changes on an absolute scale, using profile of sample 118 as an exarnple———————— Changes in elemental abundances, calculated by assuming TiO2 constant, for selected weathering-rind samples TABLES 17 18 19 20 21 22 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 35 General description of samp‘ Weathering products observed in andesites and basalts Mineral-weathering stages and weathering product" pH results of N aF test for allophar" Estimates of relative stability for selected minerals Rock-weathering stages and weathering product" Rock-weathering stages for each age of deposit Ratios of elements in the outermost parts of weathering rinds to that in the unaltered rock Weight percentage, sample interval, and bulk density Molecular percentag Molecular ratios Standard-cell cations Weights per unit-volume Weights assuming TiO2 constant Normalized molecular ratios Normalized weights assuming TiO2 constant CHEMICAL WEATHERING OF BASALTS AND ANDESITES: EVIDENCE FROM WEATHERING RINDS By STEVEN M. COLMAN ABSTRACT Weathering rinds on basaltic and andesitic stones preserve the alteration products of these lithologies under conditions that pre- clude detrital contamination, physical removal, and uncertainty of original composition. The mineralogy and chemistry of samples of weathering rinds on andesitic and basaltic stones from several areas with temperate climates in the Western United States were studied using a variety of analytical methods, including thin- and polished sections, X-ray diffraction, differential thermal analysis, scanning electron microscopy, X-ray energy spectrometry, and bulk chemical analysis. Volcanic glass and olivine are the least stable phases in the rocks examined, and early stages of rind development are largely defined by oxidation colors produced by the alteration of these materials. At the other extreme are the remarkably stable opaque minerals, primarily titanomagnetites, which are commonly the only recogniz- able primary mineral in severely altered weathering rinds. Pyroxene and plagioclase have intermediate stabilities, which vary with the chemical composition of these minerals. Grain size, degree of frac- turing, and chemical zonation of mineral grains are important con- trols in determining the location and severity of alteration. The alteration processes that produce weathering rinds on basalts and andesites appear to be mostly degradational; only minor sec- ondary mineral formation was observed. Alteration products ap- pear to result mostly from hydrolysis. leaching, oxidation, and de struction of primary mineral structures, and the sequence from primary minerals to the most weathered products appears to be nearly continuous. The end product of the intensities and durations of weathering observed in this study is a mixture of allophane, amorphous iron oxide-hydroxide, and poorly developed clay minerals. Because many of the samples are from well-developed argillic B horizons formed in deposits more than 105 yr old, the poor development of clay minerals in the weathering rinds suggests that the clay minerals form more slowly than is commonly assumed and that the well—developed clay minerals in the argillic B horizons are from sources other than the weathering of primary minerals. Chemical trends during weathering-rind formation, as indicated by several weathering indices based on molecular percentages, in- clude large losses of bases (Ca, Mg, Na, and K), lesser depletion of SiO,, relative concentration of sesquioxides, oxidation of iron, and incorporation of water. Absolute chemical changes are best estimated by assuming the immobility of a reference consitituent, because volume reduction apparently occurs during weathering- rind formation. Titanium appears to be the least mobile major ele- ment in the rinds, and both aluminum and iron are depleted relative to titanium. Relative elemental mobilities in the rinds are: Ca2Na> Mg> Si> Al>K> Fe> Ti. The rate of loss of most elements appears to decrease with time. INTRODUCTION Weathering rinds on andesitic and basaltic rocks are an important source of mineralogic and chemical data for the weathering of these lithologies. Most previous studies of basalt and andesite weathering have dealt with well-developed residual soils on highly altered bedrock in tropical to semitropical climates (Carroll, 1970, references, p. 179). Of the few studies in temper- ate climates, that by Hendricks and Whittig (1968) on andesites in northern California and that by Roberson (1963) on volcanic ash in Oregon, examined rock com- positions and environments most similar to those ex- amined in this study. Weathering rinds offer a number of unique advan- tages for weathering studies. First, the parent material involved in the weathering is known with certainty. Thin-section examination confirms that weathering rinds are the altered part of the original stones and that the rinds contain no detrital contamination. This relation usually cannot be demonstrated for residual soil profiles. The fresh rock, the altered rock forming the rind, and the soil matrix are easily differentiated. Second, because weathering rinds on basalts and an- desites are cohesive, and because they were sampled from below the ground surface, material can be re- moved from the weathered stone only in solution; physical erosion of the weathered material does not af- fect comparisons among samples. Finally, weathering rinds contain the products of all stages of weathering, both in the transition from the altered rind to the fresh core of a single stone and in stones that have been subjected to weathering for dif- ferent lengths of time. In contrast, well-preserved residual soils of a wide spectrum of ages on a single lithology are uncommon. This report is divided into two sections, based on the mineralogic and the chemical changes that occur during weathering-rind formation. The mineralogic section examines various stages of mineral alteration, identifies secondary weathering products, and docu- ments primary mineral stabilities. The chemical sec- 1 2 CHEMICAL WEATHERING OF BASALTS AND ANDESITES: EVIDENCE FROM WEATHERING RINDS tion assesses bulk chemical changes accompanying weathering and relative elemental mobilities. A companion report (Colman and Pierce, 1981) de- scribes in detail the sample sites and their geology and contains detailed descriptions of the sampling methods and other background information. METHODS SAMPLING PROCEDURES Weathering rinds were sampled on stones from within soil profiles at depths of about 20—50 cm. This interval represents the upper part of the B horizon for the soils sampled, or the upper part of the C horizon where a B horizon was not developed; it was selected because that part of the profile is the most weathered. Between 30 and 60 stones were sampled at each site for measuring weathering-rind thicknesses (Colman and Pierce, 1981); of these, several stones having ap- proximately the average rind thickness for the site were selected for the mineralogical and chemical analyses reported here. Deposits sampled were primarily till, outwash, or fluvial gravels. Sampling sites on these deposits were located where the land surface has been most stable. Most sampling sites were located on broad moraine crests or on terrace surfaces where disturbance of the weathering profile by erosion or by colluvial or eolian deposition has been negligible. General sample localities and descriptions are given in figure 1 and table 1; detailed sampling methods and site descriptions and localities are discussed in Colman and Pierce (1981). 120° 115“ 110° 105° 1 | I J— PUGEr WASHING TON LOWLANo ' MONTANA b D i " 5 i > WEST YELLOWSIONE AMCCALL\f—J ' o WYOMING 45° 40° ‘LASSEN PEAK TRUCKEE NEVADA - COLORADO UTAH 9 ( f“o ¢ '1; 7 TABLE 1.—General description of samples [For detailed descriptions of sample localities, see Colman and Pierce (1981. appendixes 1 and 2). All deposits are till, except for Thorp (outwash(?) gravels) and Logan Hill (genesis uncertain" Sample No. Area Rock type Deposit 98 West Yellowstone Basalt—~— Pinedale. 95 -—do ——do——- Bull Lake. 102 ——do —do——— Do. 105 McCall -—do-——— Pinedale. 104 -—do ——-—-do—— Bull Lake. 109 —do -—-do- Do. 119 Mt. Rainier Andesite— Evans Creek. 120 -do ~do-—- Hayden Creek. 121 ———do —-—do-— Wingate Hill. 118 —do ——do-———- Logan Hill. 84 Lassen Peak ———do-—— Tio a. 89 —do ——-do—— Ear y Tioga. 85 -—-do -———-do-—-— Tahoe. 86 —do ——do—— Pre-Tahoe. 75 Truckee -—do—~—- Tioga. 83 —do ~—-do-——— Tahoe. 79 —do ——do——- Donner Lake. 134 Yakima Valley——- Basalt—— Indian John. 135 —do --do-—— Swauk Prairie. 140 —do —-—do-——- Thorp. I ' I 1 1 FIGURE 1.—Index map of sample localities. Labeled triangles are areas for which analytical data for weathering-rind samples are presented here. Circles are other localities where weathering- rind thicknesses were measured (Colman and Pierce, 1981). ANALYTICAL PROCEDURES Mineral alteration was studied using a variety of analytical tools, including: (1) microscopic examina- tion of thin and polished sections, (2) X-ray diffraction (XRD), (3) differential thermal analysis (DTA), (4) scanning electron microscopy (SEM), and (5) X-ray energy spectrometry (XES). About 55 thin sections were examined with trans- mitted fight, and many of these also were polished and examined with reflected light in oil immersion. Weath- ered portions of the rocks were impregnated with poly- merized methyl methacrylate (Plexiglas), and so the thin sections contained both the unaltered rock and the undisturbed weathering rind. About 30 samples of the clay-size fraction of weath- ering rinds, along with 30 samples of the associated soil matrices, were examined by XRD using Ni-filtered CuKa radiation. Several replicate sets of samples were prepared: One set was mixed with a dispersing agent (sodium pyrophosphate); another set was mixed with the dispersing agent and placed in an ultrasonic bath for 30 minutes. Selected samples of the second set also were treated with a dithionite-citrate-bicarbonate solu- tion to remove free iron (Mehra and Jackson, 1960). The clay-size fractions (< 2 gm) of all samples were separated by sedimentation and were oriented by evaporation onto warm ceramic tiles. Nineteen of the clay-size samples prepared for XRD and 14 of the thin sections (etched with HF) were ex- MINERALOGIC ALTERATIONS IN BASALT AND ANDE SITE WEATHERING 3 amined under the SEM, after being coated with an Au—Pd conductor. While the morphology of these sam- ples was examined under the SEM, semiquantitative elemental chemical analyses were obtained by XES. XES data for individual elements were also obtained in the form of line scans and abundance maps. Chemical analyses of the weathering rinds and of the associated fresh rocks were made by laboratories of the US. Geological Survey. Where the thickness of the weathering rind permitted, samples for chemical anal- ysis were obtained from several layers of the rind. Most samples were analyzed by “rapid-rock” (wet- chemical) methods, but a few were analyzed by a com- bination of X—ray fluorescence (XRF) and atomic ab- sorption (AA) techniques. Differential thermal analysis (DTA) was performed on the samples in an oxygen atmosphere. Precalcined alumina, which was used as the inert material, was heated along with the samples at a rate of 10°C/min. MINERALOGIC ALTERATIONS IN BASALT AND ANDESITE WEATHERING Several topics will be discussed in this section, in- cluding: (1) stages of mineral alteration, (2) products of weathering, (3) relative stabilities of primary minerals, (4) relation of weathering stages to time, and (5) rela- tion between weathering and soil clay-mineral forma- tion. These closely related topics are difficult to. discuss separately. Because all conclusions concerning the weathering of basalts and andesites are based on data and observations for individual minerals, the details of the stages and products of the alteration of each major mineral group will be discussed first. STAGES AND PRODUCTS OF MINERAL ALTERATION GENERAL OBSERVATIONS This section is a combined discussion of the observed sequence of events that occurred during the weather- ing of each of the major minerals in basalts and andesites and of the resulting weathering products. The observed alterations appear to be due almost en- tirely to the degradation of the primary minerals, rather than to the formation of distinct new mineral species. Early alteration products appear to result from the destruction of the primary mineral structure, but some crystallinity is preserved and most of the products are in optical continuity with remnants of the primary mineral. As the intensity or duration of weath- ering increases, the products become finer grained and less crystalline and lose this optical continuity. Chem- ical data, discussed in detail in a later section, indicate continuous depletion of all elements (except perhaps titanium) relative to the amounts in the unaltered rock. Alteration appears to proceed more rapidly in the fine-grained matrix than in the phenocryst grains, presumably because of the larger surface area of the matrix constituents. However, where large pheno- crysts have abundant fractures, localized weathering along the fractures may alter them more rapidly than it would alter smaller, less fractured minerals. Regardless of grain size, however, early stages of alter- ation are mostly localized along grain boundaries and fractures. Exceptions are glass and some pyroxene grains, which commonly display uniform alteration throughout, although most pyroxenes are preferen- tially altered along grain margins and fractures. Control of weathering by mineral structure was not observed. The cockscomb terminations of weathered pyroxene and amphibole, which are often observed in sediments and soils (Birkeland, 1974, p. 160) and in volcanic ash (Hay, 1959, pl. 2), were not found in basalts or andesites in this study. The absence of these features may be due to the fact that most weathered minerals in rinds are encased in a rim of their altera- tion products. The boundary between the mineral and the alteration product commonly is smooth and regular. Compositional variation in minerals appears to af- fect the location and the rate of weathering. Many of the rocks examined contain plagioclase that has nor- mal, reversed, or oscillatory zonation; the more calcic zones in these minerals altered first and more rapidly. In pyroxenes, varying degrees of alteration due to compositional variation were only rarely observed. Compositional zonation in olivine, if present, did not affect the location or the rate of weathering. As time passes or as weathering becomes more severe, minerals become encased in an increasingly thick sheath of weathering products. Hence, in time this sheath may impede the movement of weathering solutions to and from the remnants of primary miner- als. In extremely weathered portions of some weather- ing rinds, nearly fresh remnants of primary minerals appear to be protected in this manner by sheaths of weathering products. Examples of the preceding general observations are given in the next section. WEATHERING STAGES FOR INDIVIDUAL MINERALS The products of weathering described here primarily result from degradational rather than from formative processes. Therefore, they do not have distinct crystal 4 CHEMICAL WEATHERING 0F BASALTS AND ANDESITES: EVIDENCE FROM WEATHERING RINDS structures or readily determinable properties, and few have been described in the literature as distinct species. For this reason, weathering products are given arbitrary symbols such as 2a, 3c, and 5, and will be referred to as such. The descriptive properties of each weathering product are based on thin-section examina- tions, SEM-XES data, and XRD data (table 2). The numbering scheme for weathering products (table 2) is based on the division of the products for each mineral (or glass) into stages (table 3). The stages are arbitrary, and are abstractions of the sequence of alteration of each mineral; the stages are numbered from I for the unaltered mineral to V for the com- pletely weathered product. Because the stages are de- fined for each mineral, a given stage of weathering for one mineral is not necessarily associated either in time or in space with that same stage of a different mineral. For example, olivine stage IV (product 4a) is com- monly found in less weathered portions of rocks than is plagioclase stage IV (product 4b). These mineral weathering stages are arbitrary; they serve only to organize the descriptions of the weathering products and to facilitate comparisons. END PRODUCTS 0F WEATHERING The fate of all minerals in the weathering observed in the rinds is weathering product 5 (table 2). Different minerals approach product 5 through different series of weathering products, but eventually, all vestiges of the primary mineral structure are lost; this loss results in the fuzzy, indistinct masses of product 5. Consider- able data were gathered on the properties of product 5, and it will be discussed first and in detail prior to dis- cussing the sequence of other weathering products for each mineral phase. Weathering product 5, which is very hydrated and X-ray amorphous, is composed primarily of Si, Al, and Fe; it has some Ti and little if any bases (Mg, Ca, Na, and K). Abundant oxidized iron imparts a reddish to yellowish-orange color to product 5; the Munsell colors of the dry, pulverized outer portions of rinds that con- tain abundant product 5 are typically 10 YR 6/5 to 5/4. Weathering product 5 constitutes the major portion of the clay-size fraction of the weathering rinds; the clay-size fraction is significant in many rinds, espe- cially in those from deposits older than about 105 yr. Although no quantitative data were collected on the proportion of clay-size material in the rinds, it appears to increase with time. XRD data indicate that the clay-size fraction of weathering rinds is X-ray amorphous (fig. 2). In con- trast, samples of the soil matrix immediately adjacent to the rinds have well-defined clay-mineral peaks on X-ray diffractograms (fig. 2). Some very highly weathered portions of weathering rinds from old deposits show broad, ill-defined diffraction bands around 7 to 8 A, suggesting possible incipient halloysite formation. The absence of clear X-ray clay- mineral peaks for weathering-rind samples was quite unexpected, and repeated attempts using a variety of sample preparations (section on “Analytical proced- ures”), including citrate-dithionite iron removal, failed to produce clay-mineral peaks on X-ray diffractograms of rinds. Identical techniques produced well-defined clay-mineral peaks for samples of adjacent soil ma- trices. The X-ray-amorphous character of the clay-size fraction of weathering rinds is supported by the few XRD observations that have been previously made for rinds. Crandell (1963) did not find XRD evidence of clay minerals in weathering rinds on andesites from Wingate Hill deposits near Mt. Rainier; Birkeland (written commun., 1976) also obtained negative XRD results for weathering rinds on andesites from Donner Lake deposits near Truckee. XRD data were also collected for randomly oriented powders of some of the rinds. A few of the diffrac- tograms showed a very small, poorly defined peak at about 19.9° 20. This peak might represent the 4.45 A peak caused by diffraction off the (1 10) spacing of layer silicates. However, the poor definition of this peak makes such a conclusion tenuous. The presence of abundant X-ray-amorphous, clay- size material in the weathering rinds immediately sug- gests that a major portion of this material is allophane. This term has been commonly applied to such material since Ross and Kerr (1934) originally defined allophane as “amorphous [to X-rays] material composed of vari- able amounts of silica, alumina, and water.” Since then, much work has shown that allophane has distinct but variable X-ray, morphological, chemical, infrared absorption, and differential thermal properties. Much of this work is summarized by Fieldes (1966) and Fieldes and Furkert (1966). Depending on composition, allophane properties vary considerably (Fieldes, 1966), and the continuous series from completely amorphous Si-Al gels to well-crystallized kaolin minerals has been divided into as many as four intermediate stages: allo- phane B (“pro-allophane”), allophane A, “imogalite” B, and “imogalite” A (Tan, 1969). In addition to the X-ray-amorphous character of the clay-size fraction of weathering product 5, its mor- phology suggests a major allophane component. The morphology of the clay-size fraction of weathering rinds, as determined under the SEM, consists of ir- regular, spongelike masses and globules (fig. 3). These observations are similar to those made for allophane MINERALOGIC ALTERATIONS IN BASALT AND ANDESITE WEATHERING 5 TABLE 2.——Weathering products observed in andesites and basalts Properties Symbol Tentative Plane light Crossed polarizers Principal Clay-size identification elements from XES1 XRD2 1 Unaltered Unaltered————-—~——-~——--—~—- Variable- —————————— —— — Fresh mineral. 23 Clear brown to Optically isotropic ---do — Stained glass. yellow to oran e. 2b3 Translucent, ye ow to Yellowish, microcrystalline, in Si, Mg, Fe-————-———--———-- — “IddingSite.” reddish brown; around colloform bands, simultaneous olivine boundaries to undulatory extinction. and fractures. 2c3 0 aque. Opaque Fc — Fe-oxides. 2d Cigar, yellow-green. Very fine grained, normal Si, Al, Fe — Chloro haeite extinction. (Ca, Mg, Na, K). or c orite. 2ea Speckly yellow, around Microcrystalline, speckled, Si, Al, Ca — Unknown. pl 'oclase boundaries normal extinction. (Na, Mg, Fe). an fractures. 3a Clear, yellow to Microcrystalline, speckled to Si, Al, Fe — “Altered yellow—green. fibrous, sometimes radiating, (C a, Mg, Na, K). chlorophaeite.” normal extinction. 3b Clear to translucent, Microcrystalline, speckled to Si, Al, Fe Amorphous Palagonite(?). yellow to orange. fibrous, vague undulatory (Ca, Mg). extinction. 3c Massive, clear to gray Microcrystalline, very low Si, Al, Ca — Unknown. birefringence, norm (K, Mg, Fe, Na). extinction. 4a Clear to translucent, Massive, vague undulatory Fe, Al, Si——-——-—-—-—-—-—-« Amorphous Unknown. orange to red. extinction. 4b Massive, clear to gray Massive, optically isotropic-~«o— Sii 1:Al), Ca Amorphous Allophane. e . 4c 0 aque, white (light Opaque Fc — Hematite gluish gray) in (maghemite). reflected light. 5 Gray- to reddish-brown, Indistinct masses, does not Si, Al, Fe Amorphous Allophane and indistinct masses. go to extinction. (Ti). iron oxide- hydroxide. )( ), elements present in subordinate amounts. 2X-ray diffraction (XRD) patterns determined for the clay-size fraction of the weathering rinds showed all such material to be X-ray amorphous. Weathering products larger than clay-size are shown as leaders (—); where it is uncertain whether the material was of clay size or larger, the entry is queried. 3These products result from the alteration of only part of the original mineral, commonly along grain boundaries and fractures; alteration proceeds inward from these zones toward the core. TABLE 3.—Mineral-weathering stages and weathering products [( ), product commonly absent; leaders (—), not observed] Stages Mineral‘ I 11 111 IV V Fresh Slightly Moderately Extensively Completely mineralz weathered weathered weathered weathered Glass 1, (2a) (2a), (2d) 3a, 3b 4a 5 Olivine——— 1, 2b 2b -— 4a 5 Pyroxene— 1 (2c), 2d 3a, 3b (4a) 5 Plagioclase 1 2e 3c 4b 5 Am hibole- 1, 2c 1, 2c 2c, 3b — 2c, 5 K—fe dspar- 1 — 3c — 5 Opaques— 1 — — 4c 5 lIncludes mineraloids (glass. some Opaques). 2Fresh minerals, those found in the unweathered core of the rock, may include products of deuteric alteration, such as Fe-oxides and “iddingsite”. by Hay (1960), DeKimpe and others (1961), Bates (1962), Aomine and Wada (1962), Roberson (1963), and Wada (1967). No evidence was observed of the long, threadlike forms of “imogalite” (Wada, 1967; Yoshinaga and others, 1968), the tubelike forms of halloysite (Grim, 1968, p. 168), nor the hexagonal forms of kaolinite (Grim, 1968, p. 171). A chemical test for the presence of allophane was developed by Fieldes and Perrott (1966). The method is based on the fact that aqueous solutions of fluoride react with the hydroxy-aluminum sites in certain types of materials, including cracking catalysts and allo- phane; this reaction causes the release of hydroxide ions and an increase in pH. Fieldes and Perrott (1966) C75—135 C75—118 10 8 6 4 2 0, DEGREES 20 18 16 14 12 FIGURE 2.—Typical X-ray diffractograms of the clay-size fraction of weathering rinds and of associated soil matrices. Numbers in upper right corner are sample numbers. R, weathering rind; c, coarse-grained rock type; f, fine-grained rock type; S, soil matrix; g, glycolated; K, kaolinite; H, halloysite; C, chlorite; M, smectite (montmorillonite(?l); I, illite. Ni-filtered CuKa radia- tion. Peaks above 20° are from the ceramic sample holder. CHEMICAL WEATHERING 0F BASALTS AND ANDESITES: EVIDENCE FROM WEATHERING RINDS FIGURE 3.—SEM photomicrographs of samples of the clay-size frac- tion separated from weathering rinds. A, sample 140; B, sample 79. This material is mostly weathering product 5 (table 2). Note the irregular, spongelike masses and globules. Background is the metal surface of the sample holder. found that by using suitable NaF and soil solutions, the pH of allophanic soils subjected to the treatment rose rapidly, generally to more than 9.0, but the pH of soils without allophane generally remained below 8.0. Results of the fluoride test on samples of weathering rinds and on the associated soil matrices (table 4) indi- cate the presence of allophane in all samples tested. The rapid rise in pH to values considerably above 9.0 in some samples suggests abundant allophane. The only convincing evidence of clay minerals in weathering rinds is found in differential thermal analy- sis (DTA) data (fig. 4). In general, DTA profiles of the clay-size fraction of weathering rinds have the follow- MINERALOGIC ALTERATIONS IN BASALT AND ANDESITE WEATHERING' 7 TABLE 4,——pH results ofNaF testforallophmw [Results are for samples weighing about 2 g in 100 mL of 1M NaF solution (pH 7.5), except for the 1:1 soil-water mixtures. Clay- size fraction of outer weathering rind is mostly weathering product 5] Clay-size fraction of Soil matrix outer weathering rind Sample N“ 1:1 After After After After After After soil 10 30 75 10 30 75 water min min min min min min 118 5.5 8.9 9.0 9.2 8.4 8.9 9.1 120 5.4 8.7 9.1 9.2 8.2 8.7 8.7 121 5.6 9.0 9.1 9.2 8.4 8.8 8.8 102 5.7 8.9 9.0 9.3 9.1 9.1 9.1 105 6.1 8.7 9.2 9.2 8.9 9.5 9.5 109 5.6 9.0 9.2 9.2 9.0 9.1 9.2 86 6.1 9.1 9.4 9.6 9.4 9.8 10.3 79 6.4 9.0 9.4 9.5 9.0 9.1 9.2 134 6.2 8.9 9.0 9.0 8.3 8.4 8.5 —r ‘ ' ‘ ‘ ' ' ‘ ' ' ‘ ' ‘ ' ' ' ' ‘ fl ing features: (1) A large, broad, complex endothermic Sample 79 peak occurs between about 50°C and 350°C. This peak commonly is centered at about 160°C and (or) has an additional individual peak at about 160°C. (2) A moderately sharp endothermic peak of variable size occurs at about 540°—560°C. This peak commonly S I 109 includes a secondary peak, or at least a shoulder, at amp 6 about 480°-490°C. (3) A slightly variable, but gener- ally featureless curve occurs above 570°C, and com- monly has a weak exothermic peak at about 935°—940°C. The broad, low-temperature endothermic peak is Sample 95 AT Sample 118 Sample 134 Sample 86 Illllll 500 T (°C) Illll) 100 300 FIGURE 4.—Differential thermal curves for samples of the clay- size fraction of weathering rinds. Sample numbers for curves are given at right. Vertical scale is relative. characteristic of allophane (Holdridge and Vaughan, 1957). This peak is due to the low-temperature loss of weakly held water; the average peak temperature for allophane is 160°C (Holdridge and Vaughan, 1957, table 5). Endothermic peaks between 400°C and 650°C are characteristic of clay minerals, but identification of in- dividual minerals from DTA data is difficult, espe- cially for mixtures of clay minerals. The 540°—560°C peak is slightly low for typical halloysite (Holdridge and Vaughan, 1957, table 5), but some mixtures of di- octahedral smectites and kaolin minerals have DTA curves similar to those in figure 4 (Greene-Kelly, 1957). The exothermic peak between 900°C and 950°C is characteristic of allophane and of a variety of clay minerals. Elemental X-ray energy spectrometry (XES) ob- tained on the SEM for samples of the clay-size fraction of the weathering rinds (fig. 5) indicates that Si, Al, and Fe are the principal elements in the clay-size frac- tion. The small amounts of Ti and bases (Mg, Ca, Na, and K) present are probably from small remnants of primary minerals in the clay-size fraction. XES data CHEMICAL WEATHERING OF BASALTS AND ANDESITES: EVIDENCE FROM WEATHERING RINDS Sample 109 Sample 79 Si Sample 118 Sample 134 Sample 121 Sample 140 0 1.0 3.0 5.0 7.0 9.0 Kev Kev FIGURE 5.—X-ray energy spectrometry for samples of the clay-size fraction of weatherin product 5. Peak heights indicate relative abundance. Au and Pd are from the cond dispersing agent, sodium pyrophosphate. Sample numbers are given at right. g rinds. This material is mostly weathering uctive sample coating; some Na is from the MINERALOGIC ALTERATIONS IN BASALT AND ANDESITE WEATHERING 9 Al Fe Au AI M M Au 9 Pd Ca Fe 9 Pd Na K _ Ti Fe TI l l I I L l l l I | l l I I 0 2 4 6 8 o 2 4 6 a Kev Kev FIGURE 6.—Photomicr0graphs and XES data for weathering product 5. Au and Pd are from the conductive sample coating. A, Photomicrograph (plane light) of andesite matrix weathered mostly to product 5 (dark). Sample 118—3. B. XES data for product 5 in A; note low Al content. Peak heights indicate relative abundance. C, Photomicrograph (crossed polars) of basalt, altered mostly to product 5 below stone surface (dashed line). Sample 135—a. D, XES data for product 5 in C. Peak heights indicate relative abundance. for in-place product 5 (fig. 6) indicate the presence of The predominance of Si and Al in the clay-size frac- only minor amounts of bases, and the low concentra- tion is consistent with the presence of abundant tion of Al in some samples (fig. 6) suggests depletion of allophane. XES data demonstrate that Fe is also an this element. abundant element in the clay-size fraction. Although 10 CHEMICAL WEATHERING OF BASALTS AND ANDESITES: EVIDENCE FROM WEATHERING RINDS XRD and DTA data do not show evidence of second- ary iron minerals, the Fe in the clay-size fraction of rinds may occur as very fine grained or poorly crystal- line minerals. In summary, weathering product 5 comprises most of the clay-size fraction of weathering rinds; it is com- posed mostly of allophane, and of lesser amounts of iron oxide-hydroxides and poorly developed clay min- erals. The poor development of clay minerals may be due either to (1) very fine grain size, (2) poor crystallin- ity, or to (3) very low concentrations, but likely results from all three conditions. The clay minerals present are X-ray amorphous and yield only moderately defined DTA peaks. Together the XRD, DTA, SEM, and chemical data suggest not only that the clay minerals are a minor constituent of weathering rinds, but also that they are very fine grained and poorly crystalline. Allophane-rich weathering product 5 appears to be the end product of the intensities and durations of weathering observed in this study. DESCRIPTIONS OF THE ALTERATION OF INDIVIDUAL MINERALS ALTERATION OF GLASS Glass is an abundant constituent of most of the rocks sampled in this study (Appendix 1); it is also the least stable. Evidence of altered glass in the otherwise unaltered part of a few of the rocks suggests deuteric alteration. In weathering rinds from young deposits (about 20,000 yr old or less), alteration of glass and olivine is primarily responsible for the discoloration that defines the weathering rind. In the early stages of weathering, glass shows a variety of weathering products. Alteration generally proceeds throughout the entire mass, but some glass alters inward from edges and fractures. Alteration of some glass produces only stained glass (product 2a), which results from the yellow, orange, or brown colors produced by iron oxidation. Product 2a is identical in every other respect to the unaltered glass. In other samples, the glass alters to a clear, yellow- green material that is very fine grained; it shows nor- mal extinction under crossed polars (product 2d). This material is very similar to chlorophaeite as defined by Peacock and Fuller (1928), although it resembles chlor- ite in a few samples. XES data for this material (fig. 7), compared with that for the unaltered glass in the core of the rock, suggest little or no leaching of major elements. Further alteration of the chlorophaeite to a more yellow material suggests some oxidation of iron; Al Ca Fe Mg A” Tl PdK Ca Ti Fe I l l 1 l l l O 2 4 6 8 Kev FIGURE 7.—Photomicrograph and XES data for glass altered to chlorophaeite (weathering product 2d). A, Photomicrograph (plane light) of altered glass (arrows). B, XES data for one of the glass grains marked in A. Au and Pd are from the conductive sample coating. Peak heights indicate relative abundance. MINERALOGIC ALTERATIONS IN BASALT AND ANDESITE WEATHERING I 1 under crossed polars this material appears speckly to fibrous. These changes suggest increased alteration, but because the resulting material (product 3a) prob- ably still fits the definition of chlorophaeite, it is called “altered chlorophaeite” here. Because the altered glass eventually becomes yel- low-orange and is commonly translucent, continuing oxidation of iron is suggested. This material (prod- uct 3b) is speckly to fibrous under crossed polars, but shows weak undulatory extinction throughout the grain. Product 3b was probably included in the X—ray samples of the clay-size fraction of the weathering rinds and hence is amorphous to X-rays. Product 3b appears to fit the descriptions of palagonite, as defined by Peacock and Fuller (1928) and Hay and Iijima (1968). Continued alteration of product 3b produces a mater- ial that is redder and more translucent (product 4a). Under crossed polars this material is no longer fibrous or speckly, but is massive and shows vague, undula- tory extinction. XES data (fig. 8) for product 4a sug- gest a loss of silica and bases (Mg, Ca, Na, and K) and a concentration of iron. Product 4a was probably in- cluded in the X-ray samples of the clay-size fraction of the weathering rinds and is therefore X-ray amor- phous. A description of a distinct species with proper- ties similar to those of product 4a was not found in the literature. Product 4a eventually alters to product 5. ALTERATION OF OLIVINE Olivine, like glass, is one of the least stable consti- tuents of the rocks examined in this study, and, in some rocks, it shows evidence of deuteric alteration. Olivine was always observed to alter first along grain fractures and around margins. Inward from these zones toward the cores of olivine, unaltered remnants persist for long periods of time considering the initial instability of olivine. Compositional zonation, if pre- sent, had no observable effect on the alteration. The initial weathering product formed around the edges and along the fractures of olivine grains is trans- lucent and yellowish to reddish brown (product 2b). Under crossed polars it is yellowish and microcrystal- line and shows simultaneous to undulatory extinction; XES data (fig. 90) indicate that it is composed pri- marily of Si, Mg, and Fe. Product 2b is “iddingsite,” as defined by Gay and LaMaitre (1961). “Iddingsite” can apparently form without losing much of the major elements present in the unaltered mineral. Oxidation of iron and destruction of the olivine structure are evident in thin section in the for- mation of “iddingsite” (fig. 9A), but XES data for some samples indicate little or no differential loss of Si or Mg (fig. 9B). In other examples of the alteration of olivine to “iddingsite” (fig. 10), significant depletion of Si and Mg has occurred along fractures, and some of these elements have been depleted along the grain margins (fig. 10B). As weathering increases, “iddingsite” becomes redder and massive and shows vague, undulatory ex- tinction under crossed polars. It appears to alter to weathering product 4a and then to weathering product 5. ALTERATION OF PYROXENE Pyroxene appears to weather through a series of products very similar to those described for glass. Like glass, some pyroxenes are weathered throughout the grain; however, other pyroxenes weather progressively inward from grain edges and fractures. In addition, some alterations of pyroxene produce finely dissemin- ated opaque grains, presumably iron oxide. Pyroxene initially alters directly to product 2d (chlorophaeite) along grain edges and fractures, or to product 3b throughout the grain. From there, alteration proceeds through the same sequence as that outlined for glass (2d—>3a-*3b->4a->5). XES line scans for Ca, Mg, and Si on pyroxene grains weathered along fractures and edges (fig. 11) show concordant, localized decreases in abundance of these elements, whereas line scans for Fe (fig. 11) are discordant with those of other elements. These data suggest that Ca, Mg, and Si are lost along grain frac- tures and margins, but that most Fe remains immo- bile. In contrast, pyroxenes that are altered mostly to product 3b throughout the grain (fig. 12) show little if any localized depletion of Ca, Mg, Si, or Fe. This altera- tion appears to be due primarily to the disintegration of the pyroxene structure and to the discoloration caused by iron oxidation. ALTERATION OF PLAGIOCLASE The weathering of plagioclase is controlled by primary chemical zonation and by fractures and grain boundaries. Much of the plagioclase examined, especi- ally phenocrysts in andesite, is compositionally zoned, and the zoning may be either normal, reversed, or oscil- latory. It appears that the more calcic zones, most of which are in the cores of the plagioclase grains, are more susceptible to alteration than are the less calcic zones. Plagioclase alteration is also concentrated along 12 CHEMICAL WEATHERING OF BASALTS AND ANDESITES: EVIDENCE FROM WEATHERING RINDS grain fractures and boundaries. In no sample does plagioclase show uniform, or nearly uniform, weather- ing throughout the grain. The initial weathering product of the alteration of plagioclase is a yellow, speckly material (product 2e); it is microcrystalline and speckly and has normal extinc- tion under crossed polars. This material is found along grain fractures and boundaries, or in the most calcic zones of the mineral grain. XES data (fig. 13) indicate that product 2e is composed mostly of Si, Al, and Ca. In some samples small amounts of Fe, K, and Mg are incorporated into product 2e, which also contains small amounts of Na. Compared to the composition of the unaltered plagioclase grain, product 2e is largely depleted in Na, Ca, and Si. A description of a distinct species with properties similar to those of product 2e was not found in the literature. Si Au Al Pd Fe l l I I I L I 0 2 4 6 8 Kev FIGURE 8.—Photomicrograph and XES data for glass altered to weathering product 4a. A, Photomicrograph (plane light) of two large glass grains (arrows) stained by iron oxidation. B, XES dot map of iron for the two altered glass grains in A. Density of dots is proportional to iron concentration. C, XES data for glass grain on right in A. Au and Pd are from the conductive sample coating. Peak heights indicate relative abundance. As alteration increases, product 2e is transformed into product 3c, which commonly appears light gray and massive. Under crossed polars it is microcrystal- line and has normal extinction and very low birefrin- gence. XES data (fig. 14) indicate that Ca is present in small amounts, suggesting that it has been, largely de- pleted, compared to amounts that were probably orig- inally present. Si and A1 are the principal constituents of product 3c. Na has been virtually eliminated, and very small amounts of Mg and K, and some Fe have been incorporated. Whether product 3c was included with the X-ray samples of the clay-size fraction is un- certain, and so product 3c may or may not be X-ray amorphous. A description of a distinct species with properties similar to product 3c was not found in the literature. In highly weathered samples, parts of plagioclase grains have altered to product 4b, either in their cores (fig. 15) or around their edges (fig. 16). This material is massive and optically isotropic, and it is typically gray. Product 4b was probably included in the X-ray samples of the clay-size fraction and hence is amor- phous to X-rays. XES data (figs. 15, 16) indicate that MINERALOGIC ALTERATIONS IN BASALT AND ANDESITE WEATHERING l3 product 4b is composed primarily of Si and Al and has much smaller amounts of Ca. Na has been almost en- tirely removed; Si and Ca have been depleted, Ca severely, compared to the composition of the unaltered plagioclase. The only other cations present are Fe and some small amounts of K, which are probably incor- porated from sources outside the plagioclase grain. These data suggest that product 4b is allophane, and that it differs from product 5 only in its isolation as a discrete replacement of plagioclase and its low Fe oxide-hydroxide content. Eventually, entire plagio— clase grains are altered to allophane (product 4b), which then combines with amorphous iron oxide- hydroxides to form product 5. ALTERATION OF AMPHIBOLE AND POTASSIUM FELDSPAR Amphibole and potassium feldspar are rare in the rocks examined in this study; consequently, generali- l I I l I I I SI C Mg Fe Au Pd P Fe I I I l L I I 0 2 4 6 8 FIGURE 9.——Photomicrographs and XES data for olivine altered to “iddingsite” (weathering product 2b). A, Photomicrograph (plane light) of olivine grain altered to “iddingsite” along edges and fractures (dashed line outside grain edges). B, SEM photo- micrograph of olivine grain in A (outlined by dashed line) and XES line scans for Fe and Mg. Line scans show relative abun- dances along horizontal line. C, XES data for “iddingsite” in A. Au and Pd are from the conductive sample coating. Peak heights indicate relative abundance. zations concerning the stages involved in their weath- ering are tentative at best. Amphibole phenocrysts commonly have reaction rims of fine-grained Opaques, presumably iron oxide, which are in part the result of deuteric alteration. As weathering increases, these rims become thicker, and the interiors of the grains begin to alter to weathering product 3b, especially along fractures. Other intermediate products between the unweathered mineral and product 5 were not observed. Small amounts of potassium feldspar, probably from xenoliths, were observed in clusters in a few samples. These minerals appeared to be quite resistant to altera- tion, but altered to materials resembling product 3b and eventually to product 5. ALTERATION OF OPAQUE MINERALS Opaque minerals, primarily titanomagnetites (fig. 17), proved to be extremely resistant to alteration during the weathering of the rocks studied. In well- 14 CHEMICAL WEATHERING OF BASALTS AND ANDESITES: EVIDENCE FROM WEATHERING RINDS FIGURE 10.—Photomicrographs and XES data for olivine altered along grain margins and fractures. A, Photomicrograph (crossed polars) of olivine grain (bottom). Note prominent frac— tures within the grain. B, SEM photomicrograph and XES line scans for Mg and Si of olivine grain in A. Dashed lines, grain boundaries and major fractures. Line scans show relative abun- dances along horizontal lines; note depletion of Si and Mg along grain fractures and margins. developed weathering rinds, small amounts of hema- tite, mostly along (111) planes, and maghemite along fractures (products 4c) were observed under reflected light in oil immersion. In the most advanced stages of weathering, some Opaques appear to have been altered around their edges to a material resembling product 5. STABILITY OF PRIMARY MINERALS Weathering rinds provide two useful ways of com- paring relative mineral stabilities. First, adjacent grains of different minerals can be compared in the same portion of a weathering rind, where they have been subjected to the same environment throughout their weathering history. Second, outer portions of the rinds on stones from deposits of different ages can be compared to provide a mineral-weathering sequence through time. These comparisons are valid because rinds beneath the ground surface are not subject to physical erosion or detrital contamination, and they begin to weather immediately after deposition of the stones. The comparisons described above provide a basis for ranking minerals according to their stabilities (fig. 18). Volcanic glass and olivine are the least stable materi- als in the rocks examined. Pyroxene and plagioclase have intermediate stabilities, which vary with chemi- cal composition. The composition of these minerals was estimated from optical properties, whole-rock chemical analyses (Appendix 2, table 9), some previous work (Appendix 1), and certain accessory minerals that were present (such as calcite). The relative stabilities of amphibole and potassium feldspar are tenuous because of the scarcity of these minerals in the rocks examined. Opaque minerals, primarily titanomagnetites, proved to be remarkably stable in the rocks and environments studied. Of particular importance for weathering rinds on basalts and andesites is the inherent instability of volcanic glass and olivine. The rapid alteration of these materials imparts oxidation colors to the weathered portion of the rock soon after deposition and largely defines the early stages of rind development. The stability of opaque minerals (primarily iron ox- ides in the rocks examined) has not been considered in many previous stability schemes. Opaque minerals are relatively abundant in basalts and andesites compared to other lithologies and they appear to be the most per- sistent minerals in weathering rinds on basalts and andesites. In the unaltered rocks, the Opaques are mostly titanomagnetites, which partly alter to hema- tite and maghemite in the weathering rinds. In ex- tremely weathered portions of weathering rinds, the Opaques are often the only identifiable primary min- erals that remain. This observation is consistent with the work of Abbott (1958), who noted the persistence of opaque minerals in weathered basalt in Hawaii. Of the numerous mineral-stability schemes that have been previously formulated (table 5), few are based on extensive, direct observations of weathered minerals. The classic study by Goldich (1938) of the Morton Gneiss is one of the few exceptions. Most of the schemes presented are based on concepts such as bonding energies (Keller, 1954; Gruner, 1950), packing indices (Fairbaim, 1943), bulk chemistry (Reiche, 1943; MINERALOGIC ALTERATIONS IN BASALT AND ANDESITE WEATHERING 15 FIGURE 11.—Photomicrographs and XES data for pyroxene altered along grain margins and fractures. A, Photomicrograph (plane light) of pyroxene grain (arrow). B, SEM photomicrograph of pyroxene grain in A (dashed outline) and XES line scans for Ca and Mg. C, SEM photomicrograph of pyroxene grain in A (dashed outline) and XES line scans for Si and Fe. Note concordant, localized depletion of Ca, Mg, and Si, probably along fractures. Line scans show relative abundances along horizontal line. D, XES dot map for Ca; density of dots is proportional to Ca content. Dot map suggests little overall depletion of Ca in the pyroxene grain. 1950), reaction with H+ clay (Jackson and Sherman, authors are, in general, consistent among themselves, 1953), and abrasion pH (Stevens and Canon, 1948). with Goldich’s (1938) sequence, and with the sequence The stability sequences proposed by the above _ proposed in this study. However, several differences in 16 CHEMICAL WEATHERING OF BASALTS AND ANDESITES: EVIDENCE FROM WEATHERING RINDS TABLE 5.—Estimates of relative stability for selected minerals [Stability increases downward in each list. Olv, olivine; Prx, pyroxene; Plg, plagioclase; Amp, amphibole; Fd, feldspar; Opq, opaques; Gl, glass; Aug, augite; Hor, hornblende; Ens, enstatite; Hyp, hypersthene; Qtz, quartz; Mag. magnetite; Ilm, ilmenite; Lab, labradite; Hem, hematite; Ort, orthoclase] This Goldich Jackson and Pettijohn Reiche Fairbaim Gruner Keller Stevens and study‘ (1938)“ Sherman (1953)= 11941y 11943)5 11943)“ (1950)7 (1954)“ Carton (1948)“ G1 01v 01v 01v 01v 54 Aug 5.9 Olv 1.28 Olv 29,800 Olv 10—11 Olv Aug CaPlg Hyp Ens 50 H p 5.9 Aug 1.35 Aug30,700 Aug 10 Prx Lab Aug Aug Aug 39 0 v 5.7—5.9 Ens 1.40 Hor 31,900 Hor 10 Plg Hor CaNaPlg Hor Hor 36 Hor 5.7 Hor 1.45 Ens 32,300 Lab 8—9 Amtp KFd Hor Mag Lab 20 Qtz 5.2 Lab 1.46 Lab 33.500 Ort 8 KF Qtz NaKFd Ilm Ort 12 Ort 5.0 Ort 1.48 Ort 34,300 Qtz 6-7 Opq — Qtz — Qtz 0 — Qtz 1.80 Qtz 37,300 Hem 6 ‘Based on observations of minerals in weathering rinds on basalts and andesites. 1Based on observations of minerals in weathered gneiss, diabase, and amphibolite. “Based on reaction of minerals with l-IJr clay; measured as mineral cations are exchanged for H + ions on the clay. ‘Based on persistence of minerals in sediments calculated from abundances in deposits of different ages. 5Based on Weathering Potential Index; calculated from chemical analyses “Based on a packing index for elements in the mineral lattice. ’Based on an energy index calculated from electronegativities and types of bonding in each mineral. ”Based on bonding energies (kcal) of the cations in each mineral associated with 24 oxygens. “Based on abrasion pH; measured as hydrolysis releases cations from each mineral and HJ’ ions are consumed. FIGURE 12.—Photomicrographs and XES data for altered pyroxene. A, Photomicrograph (plane light) of large pyroxene grain (dark) mostly altered (discolored) throughout (dashed line outside of grain edge). B, SEM photomicrograph of pyroxene grain in A (dashed outline) and XES line scans for Ca and Mg. C, SEM photomicrograph of pyroxene grain in A (dashed outline) and XES line scans for Si and Fe. Note the small variation in these elements across the grain. Line scans show relative abundances along horizontal line. detail occur, particularly within the pyroxene group and in the relation of the plagioclase series to the rest of the sequence. The compositional complexity of the pyroxene group and the isomorphous substitution within the plagioclase series make this discordance ex- pectable. For the same reasons, the detailed stability MINE RALOGIC ALTERATIONS IN BASALT AND ANDE SITE WEATHERING 17 FIGURE 13.—Photomicrographs and XES data for plagioclase altered along fractures to weathering product 2e. A. Photomicrograph (crossed polars) of large plagioclase grain. General area of B and C outlined by dashed lines. B, SEM photomicrograph of the area outlined in A, showing relief (after etching with HF) of weathering product 2e along fractures. C, SEM photomicrograph of area outlined in A and XES line scans for Ca and Na. Note the depletion of these elements in weather- ing product 2e along fractures. Line scans show relative abun- dances along horizonal line. Circle, area of data in D. D, XES data for weathering product 2e at small circle in C. Au and Pd are from the conductive sample coating. Peak heights indicate relative abundance. relations of these groups are also difficult to resolve by observational methods alone. In fact, most other ob- servational stability schemes (Abbott, 1958; Tiller, 1958; Hendricks and Whittig, 1968; Hay and Jones, 197 2) that are based on the examination of specific lith- ologies are quite different. However, observational data have the advantage of physically demonstrating actual occurrences of stabil- ity differences among different minerals, an advantage not shared by laboratory or theoretical methods. This is particularly true for observations of weathering rinds, where variations in alteration among minerals can be observed both in time and in space. CHEMICAL WEATHERING OF BASALTS AND ANDESITES: EVIDENCE FROM WEATHERING RINDS Si Al Ca Mg? F f Au PdK Ca e l l I I I 0 2 4 6 Kev ROCK-WEATHERIN G STAGES Because different minerals have different stabilities and alter at different rates (fig. 18), minerals in equal mineral-weathering stages (table 3) are not necessarily found together. Therefore, rock-weathering stages are defined by combinations of weathering products (table 2) associated with different mineral-weathering stages. Rock-weathering stages were defined for weathering rinds (table 6) on an arbitrary scale of one (A) for the unaltered rock to five (E) for the completely weathered rock. The products listed for a given stage of rock alteration are those that are associated in time or space; that is, those that are found together in indi- vidual rinds or in rinds subjected to similar duration or intensity of weathering. The arbitrary subdivision of alteration into stages is mainly a convenience for sub- dividing the observed sequence of weathering. Transi- tions between stages probably do not represent equal durations or equal intensities of weathering. ROCK AND MINERAL ALTERATION WITH TIME Weathering rinds offer two ways of examining mineralogic changes in rocks that occur through time: (1) the transition between fresh and weathered rock in individual rinds, and (2) the outer portions of rinds (maximum weathering) from deposits of different ages. These two approaches make weathering rinds particu- larly useful for studying weathering that occurs through time. In weathering rinds on basalts and andesites, the boundary between altered and unaltered rock (the “weathering front”) is commonly well defined, and the transition typically occurs over a distance of less than 0.2 mm. Because weathering-rind thickness is a func- tion of time (Colman and Pierce, 1981), the weathering front migrates continuously from the surface of the stone toward the core. Therefore, the length 'of time that a given point in the rock has been subjected to weathering decreases with its distance from the stone surface. FIGURE 14.—Photomicrographs and XES data for zoned plagioclase altered to weathering product 3c. A, Photomicrograph (plane light) of plagioclase grains with calcic(?) zones weathered to product 3c. B, SEM photomicrograph of plagioclase grains in A (dashed lines) and XES line scans for Na and Ca. Note generally low Na content in the altered zones, which probably were originally more calcic, and sharp depletion of Ca in these zones. Line scans show relative abundances along horizontal line. C, XES data for spot in weathered zone shown by small circle in B. Au and Pd are from conductive sample coating. Peak heights indicate relative abundance. MINERALOGIC ALTERATIONS IN BASALT AND ANDESITE WEATHERING 19 TABLE 6.—Rock-weathering stages and weathering products [Weathering products (2a1 3b. 5, and others) defined in table 2; t ). product commonly absent] Stages Mineral‘ A B C D E Fresh Slightly Moderately Extensively Completely rock’ weathered weathered weathered weathered Glass 1,(2a) (2a,2d),3a 3b,4a 5 5 Olivine——— 1 ,2b 2b 4a 5 5 P oxene— 1 (2d) 3a,3b (4a) 5 P agioclase 1 2e 3c 4b 5 Amphibole- 1,2c 1.2c 2c,3b 3b 3b,5 K—feldspar— 1 1 1,3b 3b 3b,5 Opaques— 1 1 1,4c 1,4c 1,4c,5 ‘Includes mineraloids (glass, some Opaques]. 2Some fresh rock (unweathered core) contains products of deuteric alteration. such as Feoxides or “iddingsite.” l l l l I I l Si C Au Al Pd K Ca Fe I I I I | l l 0 2 4 6 8 Kev FIGURE 15.—Photomicrographs and XES data for plagioclase microlites altered to weathering product 4b in their cores. A, Photomicrograph (crossed polars) of several small plagioclase laths with altered cores. B, SEM photomicrographs of one of the plagioclase laths in A (dashed lines) and XES line scans for Ca and Na. Line scans show relative abundances along horizon- tal line. C, XES data for spot shown by small circle in B. Au and Pd are from the conductive sample coating. Peak heights in- dicate relative abundance. As expected, mineral alteration in weathering rinds decreased with distance from the stone surface. For any given rind, arbitrary layers can be defined on the basis of the rock-weathering stages in table 6. The weathering stages typically decrease in a regular pro- gression from the stone surface to the unaltered rock. Therefore, it can be demonstrated that weathering stages migrate continuously from the stone surface toward the core. However, several problems hamper the determina- tion either of the rates of migration of weathering CHEMICAL WEATHERING OF BASALTS AND ANDESITES: EVIDENCE FROM WEATHERING RINDS ("with if / a.» l (V AI Si AU Ca Pd Ca Fe I I I I l I 2 4 6 Kev stages or of the time necessary for the transition from one stage to another. These problems include: (1) Rind thickness is not a simple function of time, but a logarithmic one (Colman and Pierce, 1981); (2) transi- tions between weathering stages probably do not represent equal durations or intensities of weathering; and (3) variations in rock type affect the rate of altera- tion. Because of these difficulties, the data in this study are insufficient to determine rates of mineral alteration from observations of progressive alteration in individual weathering rinds. A more direct method of examining mineral altera- tion that occurs through time is to compare the max- imum alteration in weathering rinds from different ages of deposits. Comparisons are facilitated by the fact that most stones are unweathered when deposited; thus, the duration of weathering to which the outer part of the stones has been subjected is about the same as the age of the deposit (Colman and Pierce, 1981). In addition, the outer part of the stones invariably con- tains the greatest degree of mineral alteration. The rock-weathering stages in the outer part of the weathering rinds that were examined (table 7) show the expected progression with deposit age. Stages B and C in table 6 appear to be attained rather quickly; stage C is commonly found in deposits of late Wisconsin age. The transition from stage C to stage D appears to take more time, and stage D is uncommon in deposits younger than pre-Wisconsin. Thus, more than 105 yr are generally required to reach stage D. Stage E is predominant only in deposits that probably are at least several hundred thousand years old. Both the stages defined in table 6 and the observa- tions presented in table 7 are generalizations, and variations in weathering stages exist among rinds from the same deposit as suggested by entries of more than one stage in table 7. In general, however, rock weathering stages follow a regular age progression for all the sampled areas. The time necessary to form the weathering products characteristic of each weathering stage is important to the conclusions based on the presence of each product. FIGURE 16.—Photomicrographs and XES data for plagioclase altered to weathering product 4b around its edges (arrows). A, Photomicrograph (plane light) of large plagioclase grain with altered n'm. B, SEM photomicrograph of plagioclase grain in A (dashed lines) and XES line scans for Ca and Si. Line scans show relative abundances along horizontal lines. C, XES data for the altered rim of the plagioclase in A. Au and Pd are from conductive sample coating. Peak heights indicate relative abundance. IMPLICATIONS OF CLAY MINERALOGY OF WEATHERING RINDS 21 TABLE 7.—Rock weathering stages for each age of deposit [Rock stages for the outer part of rinds. as defined in table 6; ( ), less common; leaders (—), data not obtained. West Yellowstone, McCall, and Yakima Valley data are for basalts; other data for andesites] Rock Area Deposit weathering stage W. Yellowstone Deckard Flats —- Pinedale B- C) Bull Lake———- C- McCall Pinedale B-C Intermediate— — Bull Lake———- D-E Yakima Valley- Domerie — Ronald C-(D) Bullfrog C-(D) Indian J ohn— C-D Swank Prarie— D-E Thorp E Mt. Rainier— Evans Creek— B-(C) Hayden Creek — Wingate Hill— D-E Logan Hill—-—— E Lassen Peak— Tio a B-C “ear y” Tioga- — Tahoe C-D pre-Tahoe—— E Truckee Tioga B Tahoe B10; Donner Lake— D- E This consideration is particularly true for weathering product 5 (table 6, stages D and E), which is composed of allophane, iron oxide-hydroxide, and poorly devel- oped clay minerals, and which apparently takes more than 105 yr to form in the rocks and environments ex- amined in this study. The destruction of most primary minerals in basalts and andesites (stage E) takes several hundred thousand years under these condi- tions. IMPLICATIONS OF THE CLAY MINERALOGY OF WEATHERIN G RINDS It is generally assumed, either explicitly or implic- itly, that clay minerals in well-developed soils are pro- duced at least in part by weathering of primary minerals (Morrison, 1967, p. 6; Birkeland, 1974, p. 100). Therefore, the observed poor development of clay minerals (see section on “End products of weathering”) in weathering rinds, which are produced solely by weathering processes, is unexpected, par- ticularly in soils with well-developed argillic B horizons. Because of this apparent conflict, a brief review of previous studies of clay minerals formed by weathering of basic volcanic rocks and a short sum- u w" 30p. FIGURE 17.—SEM photomicrographs and XES data for titan- omagnetite grains in weathering rinds. Analyzed grain in A stands in relief; analyzed grain in B shown by dashed outline. XES line scans are for Ti and Fe. They show relative abun- dances along horizontal line. The precise concordance of the two line scans in B suggests that the lower contents of Ti and Fe in the core of the grain are due to compositional zoning rather than to depletion by weathering. mary of several hypotheses for clay-mineral formation will be presented, followed by an attempt to resolve the problem on the basis of data from this and other studies. Numerous workers have found clay minerals that are associated with weathered basalt and (or) andesite or 22 CHEMICAL WEATHERING OF BASALTS AND ANDESITES: EVIDENCE FROM WEATHERING RINDS LEAST STABLE MOST STABLE —‘GLASS—' — OLIVINE— —CL|NOPYROXENE—-— PYROXENE — URTHOPYRDXENE— AMPHIBOLE K-FELDSPAR OPAOUES (Ca, Na) PLAGIOCLASE (Na, Ca) FIGURE 18.—-Relative stabilities of minerals and glass in basalts and andesites. Ranking is based on observations of adjacent minerals in weathering rinds, or of outer portions of rinds sub- jected to varying intensities or durations of weathering. with residual soils developed from these lithologies (Hough and Byers, 1937; Hardy and Rodrigues, 1939; Hanlon, 1944; Carroll and Woof, 1951; Eyles, 1952; Butler, 1954; Hutton and Stephens, 1956; Nichols and Tucker, 1956; Sherman and Uehara, 1956; Abbott, 1958; Tiller, 1958; Hay, 1960; Hay and Jones, 1972; Bates, 1962; Carroll and Hathaway, 1963; Craig and Loughnan, 1964; Swinedale, 1966; Hendricks and Whittig, 1968; and Loughnan, 1969). However, almost all of these studies were in intense weathering en- vironments, commonly in tropical or semitropical climates, or were concerned with very old soils (as old as early Tertiary). In addition, most of these studies examined residual soil profiles rather than the weathered rock itself; exceptions include Abbott (1958) and Hendricks and Whittig (1968). Carroll and Hathaway (1963) reviewed a number of these studies and concluded that the general sequence of alteration is: fresh mineral-*montmorillonitefihal- loysite*kaolinite->gibbsite. Not all members of the sequence are always present, and the full sequence appears most common during the weathering of ferro- magnesian minerals. Plagioclase may alter directly to halloysite (Bates, 1962), or to gibbsite (Abbott, 1958; Swinedale, 1966). The sequence of alteration and clay mineralogy is probably also a function of climate (Bar- shad, 1966; Hay and Jones, 1972; Birkeland, 1974, p. 226). Most early workers were unaware of the presence of allophane, or they suggested that allophane resulted from the degradation of clay minerals (Hough and Byers, 1937). Modern consensus seems to be that allo- phane is abundant in soils formed from weathered basic volcanic rocks and that it represents an early stage in the transition from primary minerals to clay minerals (Fieldes, 1966). Swinedale (1966) concurred, but implied that primary minerals can also alter di- rectly to clay minerals. Theories of clay-mineral formation can be divided into three general categories: (1) precipitation from solution (Millot, 1970, p. 91), (2) condensation and crys- tallization of Si-Al colloids (Siffert, 1967; Barshad, 1964), and (3) direct alteration of primary silicates, in- cluding phyllosilicates (Krauskopf, 1967, p. 188; Grim, 1968, p. 522). These mechanisms are very difficult to document specifically (Birkeland, 197 4, p. 90) and may not be mutually exclusive; different mechanisms may be dominant in individual instances. Differences of opinion exist concerning the role of allophane in mechanisms of clay-mineral formation. Millot (1970, p. 91) concluded that allophane is the end product of degradation and leaching of primary or secondary silicates, and that its eventual fate, except for alumina, is dissolution. Accordingly, clays are formed in the weathering environment by precipitation of ions from solution in contact with residual alumina, rather than by crystallization of allophane. In contrast, numerous studies of the weathering of basic volcanic rocks and other rock types have shown allophane to be an intermediate step in the transforma- tion of primary minerals to clay minerals, commonly to halloysite or kaolinite (Birrell and Fieldes, 1952; Fieldes and Swinedale, 1954; Bates, 1959; Hay, 1960; Aomine and Wada, 1962; Roberson, 1963; Swinedale, 1966; Wada, 1967; Tan, 1969; and Nixon, 1979). Fieldes (1966, p. 601) stated unequivocably: “Allo- phanes are formed at an early stage of weathering of basic silicate minerals in basalt or ultrabasic rock.” These studies suggest a continuous sequence between random-structured allophane and crystalline clay min- erals. Much of the degradation of primary minerals is by hydrolysis and solution, and the residue, as well as the precipitate from the weathering solutions, consists mostly of allophane (Fieldes, 1966). These observa- tions support the theory of clay-mineral formation by dehydration and crystallization of allophane. Direct alteration of primary minerals to clay minerals occurs without the formation of allophane as an intermediate step. Because of the abundance of allophane and because of the poor development of clay minerals in weathering rinds on basalts and andesites, this mechanism does not appear to be significant in the alteration of these rocks. This conclusion does not per- tain to the transformation of primary phyllosilicates— not present in the rocks observed—to clay minerals; such transformations have been well documented (Grim, 1968, p. 520—521). IMPLICATIONS OF CLAY MINERALOGY OF WEATHERING RINDS 23 Thus, on the basis of this and past studies of basic volcanic rocks, the mechanism of condensation and crystallization of allophane (or silica-alumina colloids) appears to be the most likely mechanism of clay- mineral formation in these lithologies. This mechanism is supported by: (1) the fact that allophane appears to be a common early alteration product in these rocks, (2) the fact that clay minerals do eventually form from these rocks, and (3) the fact that continuous gradation between random-structured allophane and crystalline clay minerals is observed in many weathering studies. The conclusion that the condensation-crystallization mechanism is dominant does not exclude simultaneous subsidiary roles of other mechanisms, and as Grim (1968, p. 520) pointed out, all changes from primary to clay minerals do not take place in the same way. A number of observations concerning the conditions affecting the stability of allophane are pertinent here. Much of the alumina in allophane appears to be in four- fold coordination (Fieldes, 1966); to become part of a layer silicate, the alumina must be in sixfold coordina- tion (DeKimpe and others, 1961; Wada, 1967, Linares and Huertas, 1971). Sixfold coordination of alumina is favored by low SizAl ratios (DeKimpe and others, 1961), by pH’s less than about 5.0 (Wada, 1967; DeKimpe and others, 1961), and by fulvic acids (Linares and Huertas, 1971). The converse of these con- ditions, therefore, favors the fourfold coordination of alumina and the persistence of allophane. Because of its hydrated nature, allophane is also favored by continuously wet conditions (Fieldes, 1966). Other conditions that appear to contribute to high allophane contents in soils are high organic matter con- tents (Mitchell and Farmer, 1962; Kanno, 1959)—but not fulvic acids (Linares and Huertas, 1971)—and rapid weathering, weathered volcanic glass, and ex- treme comminution (Fieldes, 1966). Concerning the problem of the poor development of clay minerals in weathering rinds on basalt and andesite, the fact remains that the rinds examined in this study contain abundant allophane and iron oxide- hydroxide, but only very fine grained and poorly crystalline clay minerals. Samples of the adjacent soil matrix, many of which were part of well-developed argillic B horizons, contain clear evidence of crystalline clay minerals (fig. 2). These soil and rind samples are from deposits of about 15,000 to at least several hun- dred thousand years old. This contrast leads to one or both of the following conclusions: (1) The clay minerals in the soil matrix were not formed by weathering of material in the soil, but were derived from other sources. Possible sources include overlying eolian deposits, aerosolic dust, suspended particles in precipi- tation, and the original clay-mineral component of the soil parent-material. (2) Conditions for crystallization of clay minerals in weathering rinds differ markedly from those in the adjacent soil. The available evidence is not sufficient to evaluate the relative merits of these two alternatives. However, several arguments suggest that physical or chemical differences between the rinds and the soil matrix are probably not the only reason for the poor development of clay minerals in the rinds. First, previous studies of weathered andesite and basalt, rather than soil profiles developed over these lithologies, demonstrate that the weathering of these rock types in place does produce clay minerals (Abbott, 1958; Hendricks and Whittig, 1968), given sufficient time and (or) weathering inten- sity. This relation suggests that clay minerals will probably eventually form in the weathering rinds, but that they form much more slowly than is commonly assumed for environments sampled in this study. Second, mineralogic observations indicate a large degree of weathering in the rinds and that, in many samples, almost all of the primary minerals have been destroyed. Chemical data, discussed in the section “Chemistry of basalt and andesite weathering,” indi- cate thorough leaching of the weathering rinds. Weathering rinds are therefore weathered to a degree that commonly would be expected to include well- developed clay minerals as weathering products. In summary, the fact that clay minerals are only poorly developed in the weathering rinds examined in this study suggests that clay minerals in associated argillic B horizons may be at least partly derived from sources other than the weathering of primary minerals. These sources include the original clay mineral compo- nent of the sofl parent material, overlying eolian deposits, aerosolic dust, and suspended particles in precipitation. Differences in environmental conditions cannot be completely ruled out as an explanation for the difference between the rinds and the soils, and in- deed they may have played a significant role. But it ap- pears unlikely that all clay minerals have formed by weathering of primary minerals in the soils examined in this study. These conclusions have important implications con- cerning the rates of formation, the sources, and the controls of both soil clay minerals and argich B horizons. In many soils, especially in those with argillic B horizons, the clay-mineral component is com- monly assumed to have resulted from the weathering of primary minerals. On the basis of this assumption, and because many soils about 105 yr old or older in the Western United States have argillic B horizons (Birkeland, 1974, p. 164-165), clay minerals should form within this length of time. However, the conclu- sions here suggest that the weathering of primary 24 CHEMICAL WEATHERING OF BASALTS AND ANDESITES: EVIDENCE FROM WEATHERING RINDS minerals in the deposits examined in this study has produced only poorly developed clay minerals. Therefore, at least for basaltic and andesitic materials in temperate climates, weathering appears to produce clay minerals much more slowly than is com- monly assumed. This conclusion suggests that well- developed argillic B horizons may form at least partly by translocation of clays from extraneous sources, or by translocation of the original clay component of the parent material; this formation requires little or no contribution of clay minerals from the weathering of primary minerals. If this be true, then climate in- fluences the clay mineralogy of these soils only in the transformation of inherited, or extraneous, clay minerals to clay minerals that are more in equilibrium with the soil environment. CHEMISTRY OF BASALT AND ANDESITE WEATHERING Chemical changes accompanying rock weathering have received much attention. (See, for example, reviews by Loughnan, 1969, p. 32—64; Ollier, 1969; Car- roll, 1970, p. 69—71; and Birkeland, 1974, p. 52—77.) A number of workers have examined weathered basalt, including Hough and Byers (1937), Tiller (1958), Craig and Loughnan (1964), Lifshitz-Rottman (1971), and Hay and Jones (1972), and weathered andesite, in- cluding Hardy and Rodrigues (1939), and Hendricks and Whittig (1968). The climatic regimes in most of these studies were different from that in this study, and most of the workers did not examine the complete spectrum of basalt or andesite weathering, particularly the early stages. Of the above studies, that of Hend- ricks and Whittig (1968) is most comparable to the pre- sent study; their data and conclusions will be exten- sively cited in the following discussion. Chemical analyses were determined for selected stones and their weathering rinds from deposits of dif- ferent ages (table 1), as described in the “Methods” section. Where rinds were sufficiently thick, they were sampled and analyzed in layers, and so chemical gradi- ents from the outer surface to the unweathered rock could be determined. The data were first calculated in the form of weight percentage (actual analyses, Appen- dix2, table 9); and then they were recalculated as molecular percentages (table 10), molecular ratios (table 11), standard-cell cations (table 12), weights per unit-volume (table 13), and weights assuming TiO2 con- stant (table 14). WEATHERIN G IN DICES Several ways of presenting chemical-weathering data exist, and many have been reviewed by Reiche (1943). Most of these methods recast the analyses in terms of one or two indices, which summarize and con- dense the cumbersome array of raw data. Most indices are calculated from the molecular-percentage data, because the stoichiometric proportions of various elements are commonly more informative in weather- ing studies than are weight percentages (Reiche, 1943; Jenny, 1941, p. 26). Weathering indices that will be considered here are: (1) Si02:R203 and baseszR203, which are similar to the ratios used by Jenny (1941, p. 26), (2) silica-bases-RZOa triangular diagrams (Reiche, 1943), (3) Parker’s (1970) weathering index, (4) weathering potential index (WPI) versus product index (PI) (Reiche, 1943; 1950), (5) FezoazFeO ratio, and (6) molecular percentage of water. For these indices, Mg, Ca, Na, and K were grouped as total bases; and A120,, Fe203, and TiO2 were grouped as R203. TiO2 was grouped with A1203 and Fe203 because of its appar- ently similar immobility (Loughnan, 1969, p. 44). One minor problem, which was probably due to sam- pling procedures, became apparent in almost all of the weathering indices. In some sampling areas, especially at Truckee and at Lassen Peak, the two youngest deposits are close in age; the weathering indices for these deposits suggested a greater degree of weather- ing, but to a shallower depth in the stone, for the youngest deposit than for the next older deposit. Rinds from both ages of deposits were thin, and only one sample of the rind was obtainable. Thus, the sample from the youngest deposit contained only the most weathered portion of the rind, whereas the sample from the next older deposit contained both the outer- most weathered part of the rind and the inner, less weathered part. Therefore, the relation (for young de- posits) of more intense weathering to a shallower depth in the stone for the youngest deposit, compared to the weathering in the next older deposit, is considered to be consistent with the general trend of increasing weathering with deposit age. Ratios of Si022R203 and baseszR2O3 were plotted with distance from the stone surface (figs. 19 and 20). These ratios indicate the mobility of SiO2 and bases relative to R203, which is generally considered stable (Loughnan, 1969, p. 52). To the degree to which R203 remains immobile these indices approach measures of absolute changes. The SiOzszo3 ratio changes systematically with the ages of the deposits sampled (fig. 19). The sequences for the McCall, West Yellowstone, and Mt. Rainier areas show particularly good progression with age. These data indicate that SiO2 is systematically de- pleted with time relative to R203. Such depletion can exceed 50 percent, and it is commonly more than 20 percent for deposits older than about 105 yr. In ad- CHEMISTRY OF BASALT AND ANDESITE WEATHERIN G 84 75 0 I I | 95 83\i~§:‘ 85 1.119 | | 98 89 79 ~\ ~ ~1\'~>\-~\‘~.~§. A '09 86 104 \ ‘I‘ \ 1°5\\‘\\'112074“1-:“‘I~~ \ \ ‘v‘N \ "\f- m I 121 ~f.y~\ ., v 4.. . ~ \ s . \_ E _ . v N.“ \7‘\ v ~\__\ I: I. \f E / “NC: / :l ( ‘r~_ ’ ‘ \ : ,/ E \ \I/ : ' _ z 1 ‘ ~ g I _ l .. \‘n 1.1.? v : ,I o v .' E , n: .' D _ .' _ (D .' LLI I Z l o ; ’— : (I) '1 E 2 - I _ O ,' E / LIJ I' o .' z — Ill _ s. Q ,' Q 1' o" 3 - ; — I I | I W I 5 0 B a) _ n: LIJ '— LlJ g ~ . :l 1 — . ~ — S ‘y E . ui U .' _ < ' .' u- l a: .' 3 : ‘0 : LIJ I" Z .' _ E 2 - “I ,- m - .' E l (A o ' a: : / Ll. I 1' — “d ‘ " EXPLANATION Z I '0' ,‘E '. McCall , g 1' —--- West Yellowstone 3 _ I‘ """""" Mount Rainier _ ". --—-— Truckee l ----- — Lassen Peak ‘1“ | | l I l | 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 1.1 NORMALIZED 5102:2903 FIGURE 19.—Plots of SiO,:R203 with distance from the stone surface. A, SiOzzR203 raw molecular ratios (table 11). B, Data in A normalized to the value in the unaltered rock (table 15). Data points represent the midpoint of channel samples over the sampling interval given in table 9. Arrows indicate that the sample above them is from unaltered rock. See table 1 for the deposit and lithology of each sample (numbers). 26 CHEMICAL WEATHERING OF BASALTS AND ANDESITES: EVIDENCE FROM WEATHERING RINDS 84 0 l l l \L l | | w o: LLI LE 2 1.0 - :1 -_J 2 118 Z '-. u.- ‘-. U _ <( ‘. ”- '. n: . D '\ U3 \ Lu '2 Z ‘. E I. . 0‘) 2.0 1| E '.| g .' EXPLANATION I '-‘- '. l5 -,_ McCall z — : — < '-. if) -I —————— West Yellowstone a ‘. ------------- Mount Rainier 3.0 - _ —————— —- Truckee . — ----- — Lassen Peak ‘1 l I l l | l | 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 1.1 NORMALIZED 2 BASES: 2 R203 FIGURE 20.—Plots of basesszo3 with distance from the stone surface. Data are normalized to the value in the unaltered rock (table 15). Data points represent the midpoint of channel samples over the sampling interval given in table 9. Arrows indicate that the sample above them is from unaltered rock. See table 1 for the deposit and lithology of each sample (numbers). dition, with minor exceptions, the SiOzzR203 ratio de- creases regularly from the fresh interior of a stone to its weathered outside surface. The baseszR203 ratio (fig. 20) has trends similar to the SiOzzRZO3 ratio, but the depletion of bases relative to R203 is greater than that of $0,. In all sampling areas, the baseszRZO3 ratio decreases with the age of the deposit. In addition, with one minor exception, the baseszR203 ratio decreases regularly from the unal- tered rock interior to the weathered surface for all sam- ples. These data indicate that bases are lost relatively rapidly from weathering rinds compared to the rate of loss of other elements. In fact, the small change in the baseszR203 ratio for the outer portions of sample 118 suggests that the outer portion of the rind has reached a small limiting value of bases. In samples from depos- its more than about 105 yr old, the value of the baseszR203 ratio has commonly decreased to 30—50 per- cent or less of its value in the unaltered rock. Parker’s (1970) weathering index, which is also a measure of the loss of bases during weathering, was plotted against distance from the stone surface for the weathering-rind samples (fig. 21). The index is de- fined as: 100(K/0.25 +Na/0.35 +Ca/0.7 +Mg/O.9), where the denominators represent measures of the strengths of the cation-oxygen bond. The index is not referenced to R203 or to any other stable constituent, so different samples (that have different initial com- positions) are not directly comparable. However, the index changes rapidly as bases are lost, so it is a sen- sitive indicator of early stages of weathering in a given CHEMISTRY OF BASALT AND ANDESITE WEATHERING 27 118 1 'I, EXPLANATION ' McCall DISTANCE FROM STONE SURFACE, IN MILLIMETERS .03 o I Truckee Lassen Peak . . L I . ) I l I l 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 West Yellowstone Mount Rainier I I I I 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 NORMALIZED PARKER’S (1970) WEATHERING INDEX FIGURE 21.—Plots of Parker’s (1970) weathering index with distance from the stone surface. Data are normalized to the value in the unaltered rock (table 15). Data points represent the midpoint of channel samples over the sampling interval given in table 9. Arrows in- dicate that the sample above them is from unaltered rock. See table 1 for the deposit and lithology of each sample (numbers). sample. As weathering advances and bases are de- pleted (sample 118), the minimal changes that occur in the index suggest that the index asymptotically ap- proaches a small limiting value. The index shows reg- ular decreases, both with the age of the deposit sam- pled in each area and with the distance of the sample from the unaltered rock in individual rinds. The amount of water incorporated in the rinds as a result of weathering appears to be a sensitive measure of weathering (fig. 22). Molecular percentages of water were calculated from the analyses of water released above 110°C (H20+) in the “Rapid-Rock” analyses and from the difference of the total-weight percentage from 100 percent in the XRF analyses. The samples were air dried before analysis, and the amount of water released below 110°C (H20_) commonly was small (table 9). Thus, most of the water incorporated in the weathering rinds is released only above 110°C, and it is therefore either included in crystal lattices or bound to hydrated cations. Because the development of new mineral spe- cies was minimal in the weathering rinds (see “End products of weathering” section), the latter source is considered to be dominant. Water is rapidly incorporated in the rinds as weath- ering progresses, and in highly weathered material (sample 118) the molecular percentage of water exceed- ed 50 percent (fig. 22). Rinds from deposits more than 105 yr old commonly contain 20—40 molecular-percent water. The changes in water content increased as deposit age increases in each area, and water content increases regularly from the unaltered rock to the weathered surface. The Fe203:FeO ratio is a measure of the oxidation that occurs during weathering (fig. 23); it is particu- 28 CHEMICAL WEATHERING OF BASALTS AND ANDESITES: EVIDENCE FROM WEATHERING RINDS DISTANCE FROM STONE SURFACE, IN MILLIMETERS 3.0 — t | 0 10 20 EXPLANATION - H20+ + Total H20 McCall ; West Yellowstone ------------- Mount Rainier Truckee : —-‘-—--— Lassen Peak - l 4—— 30 40 50 MOLECULAR PERCENTAGE OF H20 FIGURE 22.—Plots of molecular percentage of water with distance from the stone surface. Data are from table 10. Data points represent the midpoint of channel samples over the sampling interval given in table 9. Arrows indicate that the sample above them is from unaltered rock. See table 1 for the deposit and lithology of each sample (numbers). larly important for weathering rinds, which are defined largely by color. Fe203 is generally stable in most weathering environments (Loughnan, 1969, p. 52), but any depletion of FezO3 and the potential mobility of FeO may affect the Fe203:FeO ratio as a measure of ox- idation. The FezoazFeO ratio tends to increase with age in each area and toward the outside of each rind, but several irregularities exist (fig. 23). In addition to potential losses of Fe203 or FeO, other complicating factors may affect the FezosteO ratio. For example, rinds from McCall are much more oxidized than are those from West Yellowstone. The fact that the rinds from McCall have incorporated more water than have those from West Yellowstone (fig. 22) may account for the difference in oxidation. The difference in oxidation is also observed in the colors of the rinds, which are much redder and brighter in those from McCall. The redness and brightness of the rinds generally increase with deposit age within each sampling area, but colors are not comparable from area to area because of differ- ences in rock type and climate. Reiche (1943; 1950) devised two indices that incor- porate almost all of the major elements involved in weathering. They are based on molecular percentages and are called the weathering potential index (WPI) and the product index (PI), which are defined as: WPI = 100(Ebases-H20)/(Ebases+Si02+ER203) PI=100(Si02)/(Si02+ER203). The amount of weathering in each weathering-rind sample is clearly shown by plots of these two indices against each other (fig. 24). In unaltered igneous rocks, these indices have high values; as weathering pro- gresses, WPI decreases rapidly as bases are lost and as water is gained, and PI decreases more slowly as silica is lost. R203 functions as a reference constituent in the indices. Because the WPI-PI plot combines all the major ele- ments involved in weathering (bases, silica, R203, and water), it is probably the optimum two-dimensional portrayal of chemical weathering. However, it has the CHEMISTRY OF BASALT AND ANDESITE WEATHERING 29 1.0 — DISTANCE FROM STONE SURFACE, IN MILLIMETERS 3.0 - q, 0.5 1.0 .gLZJ"—’i" EXPLANATION McCall West Yellowstone ------------ - Mount Rainier Truckee Lassen Peak | | l l l 1.5 2.0 F9203 /FeO FIGURE 23.—Plots of Fe203:FeO ratio with distance from the stone surface. Data are from table 11. Data points represent the midpoint of channel samples over the sampling interval given in table 9. Arrows indicate that the sample above them is from unaltered rock. See table 1 for the deposit and lithology of each sample (numbers). disadvantage of not showing changes in individual elements, and because it is based on percentage data, it does not account for compensating (relative) changes in elements or groups of elements. However, the WPI- PI plot shows that weathering-rind samples all change in order of increasing age in each area, and that the changes within rinds are all systematic. In addition, some samples (109, 86, and 118) approach or exceed the stability fields of kaolinite and halloysite (fig. 24). Another method of portraying overall chemical changes occurring during weathering is a triangular diagram of molecular percentages that has silica, bases, and R203 as the three coordinates (fig. 25). This plot shows that the general tendencies during weather- ing-rind formation are concentration of R203; depletion of bases; and small, irregular changes in SiOz. Although the plot is useful for illustrating general weathering trends, it has the disadvantage inherent in all percentage data that the changes shown in elements or groups of elements are relative. Concentration of R203 is more likely due to depletion of other elements than to actual increases in R203. Also, more silica is probably lost than that indicated, but it is compen- sated for by the greater depletion of bases. The weathering indices discussed above have several disadvantages. First, because they are based on molecular percentages, all changes in a given element are relative to changes in other elements. Second, in an effort to present the data in one or two indices (dimen- sions), changes in individual elements are obscured, and compensating changes in grouped elements are not apparent. However, they are useful in that they condense and summarize the data and illustrate general weathering trends. 30 CHEMICAL WEATHERING OF BASALTS AND ANDESITES: EVIDENCE FROM WEATHERING RINDS V I l ' ‘ I I 40 - — 20 ’ _ 0 — _ -20 — — E E 109 /' : —4o — " " — l/ f ,/ ./ I ,/ Iv; "I —60 — 86 _ [If EXPLANATION [’1' —— McCall .'l —————— West Yellowstone -80 _ III, — ,' ............. Mount Rainier Cb ‘ """ wee /' -------- Lassen Peak —1oo — _ f 118 i I ' I l l J 60 - 65 70 75 8° 85 90 PI FIGURE 24.—Plots of weathering potential index (WPI) versus product index (PI) for weathering-rind data. WPI=100(Ebases—H,O)/(Ebases+Si0,+2R203); PI=100(Si02)/(Si02+)3R203) (Reiche, 1943; 1950). Enclosed areas are the fields of igneous rocks (IR), kaolinite (K), and halloysite (H) (Reiche, 1943). Arrows indicate the trend from unaltered to weathered rock. Data from table 11. See table 1 for the deposit and lithology of each sample (numbers). CHEMISTRY OF BASALT AND ANDESITE WEATHERING 31 50 PERCENT BASES EXPLANATION McCall —————— West Yellowstone Mount Rainier Truckee ----- — Lassen Peak 50 PERCENT R203 100 PERCENT Si02 FIGURE 25.—Triangular plots of Si02, R203, and bases (MgO+CaO+Na20+K20) for weathering-rind data. Arrows indicate the trend from unaltered to weathered rock. Calculated from data in table 11. See table 1 for the deposit and lithology of each sample (numbers). The weathering indices indicate that the most impor- tant chemical processes occurring during weathering- rind formation are: (1) rapid depletion of bases, (2) rapid incorporation of water, (3) slower loss of silica, (4) concentration of sesquioxides, and (5) oxidation of iron. Reiche’s (1943; 1950) WPI-PI indices appear to be the most useful, because they include all the major elements involved in the weathering processes. In general, all the indices show a trend of increasing weathering as the age of the sampled deposit increases and a trend of increasing weathering toward the out- side of the stone or rind. ABSOLUTE CHEMICAL CHANGES In detailed weathering studies, changes in the quan- tities of individual elements are important for assess- ing degrees and processes of weathering. These changes are most useful if they are determined on an absolute scale, rather than on the relative scale in- herent in percentage data. Variation in individual elements on an absolute scale not only determines the order of mobility of the elements but also suggests con- clusions about the solubility of individual elements within the weathered materials and about the composi- tion of the weathering products. 32 CHEMICAL WEATHERING OF BASALTS AND ANDESITES: EVIDENCE FROM WEATHERING RINDS Three general methods are available for calculating changes in elemental abundances on an absolute scale, using the relative weight-percentage data; each of these methods involves at least one major assumption. One method, which requires only the assumption that alteration has proceeded without volume change, was developed by Barth (1948); it is based on the cations associated with a theoretical standard cell containing 160 oxygens. If the alteration is isovolumetric, the number of oxygens remains constant, and the number of cations of each element can be calculated from molecular percentages. A second method, which also requires the isovolu- metric alteration assumption, is based on the weight of each elemental oxide in a unit-volume of rock. To con- vert the weight-percentage data to weight per unit- volume, bulk density must be measured for each sam- ple. If volume changes have not occurred, the weights of a given element in unit-volumes of material in each stage of weathering are directly comparable. This method has been infrequently used, but Hendricks and Whittig (1968) obtained reasonable results for andesite weathered to saprolite, a case in which isovolumetric weathering could be substantiated. A third method, which is most commonly used in weathering studies, is based on the assumption that at least one element remains constant, or immobile, dur- ing weathering (Reiche, 1943; Loughnan, 1969, p. 89; Birkeland, 1974, p. 69). This method does not require isovolumetric weathering; it only assumes the immo- bility of a reference constituent. A1203, Fe203, and TiO2 are commonly used as reference constituents; these elements are only slightly soluble in most weathering environments (Loughnan, 1969, p. 52). The quantities of each elemental oxide are calculated directly from the weight-percentage data by multiplying the weight percentage by the ratio of the amount of the reference constituent in the fresh rock to that in the weathered material. The resulting values are equivalent to the amounts remaining after the weathering of 100 g of fresh rock. STANDARD-CELL—CATIONS METHOD The data for the number of cations in a standard cell (table 12; fig. 26A), calculated by the methods of Barth (1948) for the weathering-rind samples, contain some unexpected results. Silica remains nearly constant for samples from young deposits and decreases only slightly for those from older deposits. Alumina, iron, and titanium tend to increase significantly compared to the amounts in the fresh rock. Base cations (Mg, Ca, Na, and K) show a general tendency to decrease with weathering, but the trend is often erratic and K and 0 I ) I I I I Fe Al Si [Tl 107.1 '9 3 - STANDARD-CELL CATIONS (Number) 103.69 22 e — Lu '— LLI E _l :’ E 0 Z ui 0 $3 a: D :1) Lu gs ’— (n E O 0: LL 1410 o z <( I" 1 ‘2 0 3 WElGHT, T102 CONSTANT 6 (9/100 9 fresh rock) .. _ O 5 10 15 1O 30 50 FIGURE 26.—Three methods of calculating chemical changes on an absolute scale, using profile of sample 118 as an example. A, Number of cations in a standard cell containing 160 oxygens, calculated by Barth's (1948) methods, assuming isovolumetric alteration. B, Weight per unit—volume, calculated from weight percentages and bulk density, assuming isovolumetric weather- ing. C, Weight resulting from the weathering of 100 g of fresh rock, assuming TiO2 constant. Mg increase in some samples compared to the amounts in the fresh rock. Some K and Mg could be incorpor- ated into clay minerals, but considering the poor devel- opment of clay minerals in the rinds this is not believed to be an important mechanism. If weathering proceeds mainly by depletion, and if it is isovolumetric, no element should increase to more than the amount present in the unaltered rock. There- fore, the observed increase in standard cell cations must be due either to: (1) additions in solution from ex- traneous sources, (2) preferential concentration of ele- ments mobilized from within the rock, or (3) volume decrease during alteration. Additions in solution from outside sources and preferential concentration are con- sidered unlikely, particularly because of the low solu- bilities of Al, Fe, and Ti at Eh—pH conditions of normal CHEMISTRY OF BASALT AND ANDESITE WEATHERING 33 weathering environments (Loughnan, 1969, p. 52). In addition, for most samples in this study, concentration gradients should be away from the fresh rock and toward the stone surface, especially those for Fe, Mg, and Ca. There is also little reason to expect that the gradients of pH, or of other factors affecting cation solubility, would be irregular enough to produce zones of concentration of elements within the rinds. If the addition of elements from extraneous sources and the preferential concentration of elements in zones are insignificant, then a volume decrease must have ac- companied the weathering observed in this study. However, no evidence of volume reduction was ob- served in thin section, in terms either of textures, dis- tribution of minerals, or of collapse of minerals with weathered cores. These properties may not be sensitive measures of volume changes, but large volume de- creases should be evident. Because volume reduction may have accompanied the weathering observed, the basic assumption of the standard-cell method is questionable. Values calcu- lated by the standard-cell method for elemental abun- dances in the weathered portion of the rock are there- fore overestimates, by the amount of volume reduc- tion, of the abundances resulting from the weathering of the fresh rock. If neither the addition of elements nor the preferential concentration of elements has oc- curred in the rinds, the volume decrease can be estimated if one element has remained immobile dur- ing weathering. Using this assumption for TiO2 (an assumption discussed in the section on the “TiOz—con- stant method”), the outer portion of the rind in sample 109, for example, has undergone more than a 50-percent decrease in volume, because Ti, calculated by the standard-cell method (table 12), has more than doubled. This seems to be an excessive volume de- crease to go undetected in the physical properties of the rinds. Despite the anomalous elemental variations calcu- lated by the standard-cell method, elements that are mineralogically associated behave consistently. For example, Fe and Mg show similar trends, as do Ca and Na. Therefore, it appears that the process that has pro- duced the anomalous elemental variations has affected all the elements proportionately. This relation is con- sistent with an overall volume reduction, rather than with the addition of elements in solution from extran- eous sources or the preferential concentration within the rind. However, neither alternative is attractive, and both volume reduction and additions or preferen- tial concentration may have operated Within the rinds. Analytical error, especially in TiO2 amounts, would also explain some of the anomalies. WEIGHT-PER-UNIT-VOLUME METHOD The weight-per-unit-volume method of determining absolute changes in elemental abundances uses bulk density to convert percentage data to weight per unit- volume. However, to compare a given volume of weath- ered material directly with an equal volume of fresh rock, one must assume that the alteration takes place without volume change. Hendricks and Whittig (1968) used this method to calculate changes accompanying the alteration of andesitic rocks to saprolite. Preserva- tion of the original fabric and structure of the rock sug- gested to them that minimal volume changes had oc- curred. Bulk densities measured for the saprolite were very low, as low as 1.1. An attempt was made to measure bulk densities for the weathering-rind samples in this study. However, the small size of the samples (on the order of 0.1 mm3), their lack of coherence, and their rather high porosity prevented consistent results using either Jolly bal- ance, air-comparison picnometer, or direct-measure- ment methods. Consequently, bulk densities were esti- mated by comparing chemical analyses with the data for similar rock types from Hendricks and Whittig (1968); that is, the ratios of A1203 and TiO2 in the fresh rock to those in the weathered rock for samples in this study were compared with those of Hendricks and Whittig’s (1968) samples for which bulk densities were known. Changes in bulk density in the weathering rinds, which were deliberately estimated conserva- tively, are thought to be accurate within about 10—20 percent. Weights per unit-volume of each elemental oxide were calculated for the weathering-rind samples using the weight-percentage data and the estimated bulk densities (table 13 and fig. 268). The weight-per-unit- volume data appear to be somewhat more reasonable than the standard-cell data, because more elements show a tendency to decrease, rather than to increase. Decreases in Si are consistent with the duration of weathering for each deposit; for example, more than 50 percent for sample 1 18. The behavior of Al and Fe is somewhat erratic, but they tend to decrease and in- crease, respectively, with the degree of weathering. All base cations tend to decrease with increasing altera- tion, although Mg and K increase slightly in some samples. The amount of Ti has a strong tendency to in- crease with increasing weathering. . Using the same arguments presented in the discus- sion of the standard-cell method (previous section), all elements should decrease in abundance during the for- mation of weathering rinds; most of the apparent in- creases in elemental abundances are probably due to volume decrease during alteration. Therefore, both the 34 CHEMICAL WEATHERING OF BASALTS AND ANDESITE S: EVIDENCE FROM WEATHERING RINDS standard-cell and the weight-per-unit-volume data in- dicate a volume decrease during weathering. Both methods depend on the isovolumetric assumption; if contradicted, the calculated values of elemental abun- dances in the rinds become overestimates of the amounts resulting from the weathering of the original rock. The fact that mineralogically associated elements behave consistently in both methods adds support to the conclusion that volume decreases dur- ing weathering. The reason that the weight-per-unit-volume data ap- pear to be more reasonable than the standard-cell data is probably due to the conservative estimates of bulk- density changes. If TiO2 is assumed to remain constant during weathering, the volume decrease for the outer part of the profile of sample 109 is estimated to be less than 40 percent using the weight-per-unit-volume data (table 13), compared to more than 50 percent using the standard—cell data. The difference is probably due to the conservative estimates of bulk-density changes compensating for some of the volume decrease. TiOz-CONSTANT METHOD The third and most widely used method for calculating changes in elemental abundances is based on the assumption that some reference constituent re- mains constant, or immobile, during weathering. Although this assumption is impossible to prove in- dependently, it can commonly be strongly supported. In addition, the method is not affected by volume changes. The most commonly used reference consti- tuent is A1203; but Fe203, TiOz, and a combination of the three elements are also used (Loughnan, 1969, p. 89; Birkeland, 1974, p. 69). TiO2 was used as the reference constituent in this study for several reasons: First, elements that are im- mobile or nearly immobile during weathering should increase in weight percentage during weathering because of the relative depletion of other elements. In- spection of table 9 indicates that A1203 and FezO, (or total iron) commonly decrease with weathering rather than increase. These decreases in weight percentage in- dicate that alumina and iron are not suitable reference constituents for the samples in this study. On the other hand, TiO2 increases in weight percentage in the weathering rinds, compared to amounts in the unaltered rocks, in almost every sample. Second, TiO2 is virtually insoluble above pH 2.5, and Ti(OH), is soluble only below pH 5 (Loughnan, 1969, p. 44). Thus, if titanium is in the dioxide form, it is im- mobile in virtually all weathering environments. Alum- ina is immobile in the pH range of 4.5—9.5; iron is im- mobile in normal oxidizing conditions, but is mobile under reducing conditions (Loughnan, 1969, p. 52). Both alumina and iron can be mobilized by chelating agents in normal weathering environments (Loughnan, 1969, p. 48). Therefore, titanium is potentially the most immobile constituent in basic volcanic rocks, especially if it is released in the dioxide form. Even if titanium is released as Ti(OH),, it is insoluble above pH 5, and may dehydrate to one of the insoluble crys- talline polymorphs of TiO2 (for instance, anatase; Loughnan, 1969, p. 44). Loughnan (1969, p. 45) showed a weathered profile on basalt in which there has been differential move- ment of titanium relative to alumina. He inferred from this relation that titanium has been released as Ti(OH)4 from magnetite and augite and has been mobilized. This conclusion, however, that alumina has remained immobile as a reference is based on an unproved assumption. The converse, that alumina has moved relative to titanium, seems equally likely. The third reason TiO2 was used as a reference consti- tuent is that titanium is relatively abundant in the rocks examined in this study and that most of it appears to be concentrated in titanomagnetite. As dis- cussed earlier (fig. 17), this mineral appears to be remarkably stable in the weathering rinds, and it ex- periences only partial alteration to hematite and mag- hemite in highly weathered samples. XES data sug- gest that pyroxene grains in the rocks examined con- tain little or no titanium. Thus, it appears that most of the titanium tends to be retained in resistant, primary- mineral grains and that the titanium released probably remains immobile. Assuming that TiO2 remains immobile, the weight of each elemental oxide in the weathering-rind samples was calculated by multiplying its weight percentage by the ratio of the weight percentage of TiO2 in the fresh rock to that in the weathered sample (table 14; figs. 260, 27). The calculated values are equivalent to the amounts remaining after the weathering of 100 g of fresh rock. These data appear to be more reasonable than the data calculated using the standard-cell or weight-per-unit—volume methods, because most ele- ments decrease in abundance as weathering increases. However, one cannot rule out the possibility of small losses of titanium during weathering. If some titanium has been lost, the elemental abundances calculated in table 14 are overestimates by the percentage of loss. In some of the rinds for which multiple layers were sam- pled, TiO2 weight percentage decreased slightly in the outermost part of the rind compared to that in the next layer inward; this decrease suggests the possibility of slight depletion of TiO2 in the outermost part of the rind. Such depletion would account for the small in- creases in A120, and SiO2 in the outermost parts of CHEMISTRY OF BASALT AND ANDESITE WEATHERING I AM I ' 1 OH DISTANCE FROM STONE SURFACE, IN MILLIMETERS l I W | I 4 10 15 40 50 60 9/1009 FRESH ROCK FIGURE 27.—Changes in elemental abundances, calculated assuming TiO2 constant, for selected weathering-rind samples. Data are from table 14. Data for sample 118 are in figure 260. See table 1 for the deposit and lithology of each sample (numbers). 35 36 CHEMICAL WEATHERING OF BASALTS AND ANDESITES: EVIDENCE FROM WEATHERING RINDS those rinds in the data calculated assuming TiO2 cons- tant (fig. 27). Some of the TiO2 variation could also be due to analytical error. The observed decreases in abundance are consistent with what appear to be almost entirely degradational processes responsible for forming weathering rinds, and with the poor development of secondary-mineral species (see section on “End products of weathering”). Decreases of more than 50 percent in A120,, are somewhat unexpected, but Hendricks and Whittig (1968) also showed significant losses of alumina during weathering of similar rock types; such losses could be explained by the influence of chelating agents. The data in table 14 and figure 27 also indicate trends in losses of other elements that are similar to the losses shown by Hendricks and Whittig (1968). The abundances of elements on an absolute scale can be used to estimate relative elemental mobilities. Because volume decrease affects all elements propor- tionately, all three methods of determining absolute changes can be used. That these methods yield essen- tially the same sequence lends further support to the conclusion that individual elements have not been added to the weathering rinds, but that an overall de- crease in volume of the weathered material has oc- curred. The sequence of mobility, based on the abun- dance of each element in the weathering rinds com- pared to that in the unaltered rock (table 16), is: Ca>Na> Mg> Si> Al>K> Fe> Ti. This sequence agrees rather well, except for the posi- tion of K, with the general sequence: Ca> Na> Mg> K> Si> Fe> Al, which has been determined by several workers study- ing stream waters draining igneous rocks (Polynov, 1937; Feth and others, 1964) or the weathering of igneous rocks themselves (Goldich, 1938; Tiller, 1958). The small amount of K originally present may be fixed by incipient formation of halloysite or other kaolin minerals (see section on “End products of weathering”). CHEMICAL CHANGES WITH TIME The most direct method of estimating chemical changes that occur with time is to compare the changes in rocks that have been subjected to weather- ing for different amounts of time. This method was used for the outer portions of weathering rinds from different ages of deposits in all the sampling areas. Chemical variation between rocks was accounted for by normalizing the elemental abundances in the weath- ering rinds by those in the unaltered rock. The weight- percentage data, assuming TiO2 constant (table 14), were used. The method involves two primary assump- tions: (1) that the factors that affect the rate of weath- ering are identical for sampling sites on different ages of deposits, and (2) that the rate of loss of an element is not significantly dependent on the amount originally present. The results of these comparisons (table 8) show general trends of depletion of most elements, but many inconsistencies and contradictions exist. Iron, magnesium, and potassium amounts were particularly erratic, and the apparent relative mobility of the elements was inconsistent with that based on the se- quences of changes in individual stones. Therefore the basic assumptions of the method appear to be un- founded. More consistent results could probably be ob- tained with a larger number of samples, which would better define the apparently large variation in the loss of elements within a given age of deposit. Considering probable ages of deposits sampled (Col- man and Pierce, 1981), table 8 suggests that the rate of loss of most elements decreases with time. The de- creasing rate of loss of most of the elements is prob- ably due to their rapid release as the primary minerals disintegrate, followed by slower loss as they reach low concentrations and as fine-grained weathering prod- ucts impede the movement of water. The degree to which the weathering products are more stable than the primary minerals will also tend to slow the loss of elements that they contain. In the outer portions of the rinds in the oldest deposits in each area, the weathered material is composed mostly of allophane, amorphous iron oxide-hydroxide, and poorly developed clay min- erals (see section on “End products of weathering”). This composition is consistent with the chemical data, which show that the extensively weathered material is composed primarily of Si, Al, and Fe. SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS Weathering rinds on basaltic and andesitic stones of- fer a number of advantages for studying the weather- ing of these lithologies. These advantages include cer- tainty of the original composition of the weathered material, absence of detrital contamination, and physical preservation of the insoluble weathered material. Mineralogic changes in weathering rinds were observed with the scanning electron microscope combined with X-ray energy spectrometry, thin and polished sections, X-ray diffraction, and differential thermal analysis. Standard chemical analyses of the rocks and weathering rinds were obtained to document the chemical changes occurring during weathering. The formation of weathering rinds on andesitic and SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS 37 TABLE 8. —Ratios of elements in the outermost parts of weathering rinds to that in the unaltered rock [Calculated from data assuming ’I‘iO, constant (table 14). Leaders (—), not analyzed] Sample Sio, Al,0. Fe,0, FeO MgO CaO Na,0 K,o H,o+ 105 1.05 1.18 3.67 0.35 0.67 0.70 0.82 0.89 3.59 104 .66 .51 1.55 4.97 .87 .50 .49 .99 3.53 109 .30 .57 3.86 .21 .31 .18 .05 .15 3.63 98 .69 .60 1.00 .77 .73 .62 .58 1.02 3.45 95 .65 .77 1.72 .52 .57 .42 .42 1.18 11.71 102 .43 .40 .95 — .89 .45 .18 .45 1.46 119 .83 .94 1.62 .71 .75 .53 .67 .71 18.88 120 .79 .87 1.94 .39 .45 .36 .53 .58 4.13 121 .63 .75 1.82 .30 .34 .16 .32 .78 5.12 1 18 .29 .45 1.22 — .17 .02 .04 .25 2.16 75 .94 1.25 1.37 .46 .61 .56 .65 .87 12.14 83 .80 .80 1.60 .46 .78 .57 .69 .96 4.44 79 .49 48 1.39 .48 .38 .13 .26 .74 1.57 84 .85 .95 1.77 .53 .72 .61 .78 .81 6.32 89 .84 .79 1.36 .85 .91 .79 .72 1.17 3.31 85 .61 .81 1.27 .79 .59 .34 .38 .61 4.53 86 .70 1 25 2.16 .50 .47 .26 .32 1.37 3.89 basaltic stones appears to be due largely to degrada- tional processes. Each of the primary minerals alters at a different rate through a series of weathering prod- ucts. A few of these weathering products have been previously described and named, including chlorophae- ite and “iddingsite.” But most of the weathering prod- ucts described here are only arbitrarily defined stages in a continuous process of degradation of the primary minerals and have not been previously named or de- scribed. Grain size, degree of fracturing, and chemical zonation appear to be the most important lithologic controls on the variations in the alteration rate of in- dividual minerals. Volcanic glass and olivine are particularly unstable in the weathering environment, and their alteration quickly imparts oxidation colors to weathering rinds. Opaque minerals, primarily titanomagnetites, are re- markably stable; they exhibit only minor and partial alteration even in severely altered portions of weather- ing rinds. The stability of pyroxene and plagioclase, which is intermediate and variable, depends on the composition of these minerals. The location and rate of weathering in plagioclase are strongly controlled by chemical zonation. The fate of all minerals observed in this study is alteration to an X-ray-amorphous mixture of allo- phane, iron oxide-hydroxide, and poorly developed clay minerals. The presence of allophane is confirmed by its X-ray diffraction, morphological, and chemical charac- teristics. Previous studies have shown that allophane is commonly an early stage in the transition of primary minerals to clay minerals, and that clay minerals even- tually form during the alteration of basalt and andesite. The abundance of allophane in weathering rinds on basalts and andesites suggests that, in the alteration of these lithologies, clay minerals form by condensation and crystallization of the allophane. Only very fine grained, poorly crystalline, X-ray- amorphous clay minerals were observed in samples of the weathering rinds; the associated soil matrices, however, are commonly part of argillic B horizons, and many contain clear X-ray evidence of crystalline-clay minerals. This relation suggests that the crystalline- clay minerals in the argillic B horizons may not have formed by weathering of primary minerals but may have been derived from extraneous sources. Given the probable ages of some of the deposits from which weathering rinds were sampled, clay-mineral forma- tion by weathering processes in the rinds appears to occur more slowly than is commonly assumed, at least for the environments examined in this study. Chemical analyses of the weathering rinds, particu- larly for different layers of the rinds, document the chemical changes accompanying weathering of basalts and andesites. A number of indices portray the altera- tions well, including the Si02:R203 ratio, baseszR203 ratio, Parker’s (1970) index, Reiche’s (1943; 1950) WPI and PI indices, molecular percentage of water, Fe2032FeO ratio, and SiOz-Rzoa-bases triangular plots. The general trends demonstrated by these indices are large losses of bases, some depletion of $0,, relative concentration of R203, oxidation of iron, and incorpora- tion of water during weathering. Three methods were used to estimate absolute changes in individual elements during weathering: (1) the standard-cell method (Barth, 1948), (2) the weight-per—unit-volume method using bulk densities, and (3) the method assuming an immobile reference 38 CHEMICAL WEATHERING OF BASALTS AND ANDESITES: EVIDENCE FROM WEATHERING RINDS constituent (TiO2). 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APPENDIXES 1 and 2 42 CHEMICAL WEATHERING OF BASALTS AND ANDESITES: EVIDENCE FROM WEATHERING RINDS APPENDIX 1.—GENERALIZED PETROGRAPHIC DESCRIPTIONS The following are generalized petrographic descrip- tions of the rock types in each of the major study areas on which weathering rinds were measured. BASALTS WEST YELLOWSTONE Basalts examined near West Yellowstone, Mont., are derived from the Pleistocene Madison River Basalt of Christiansen and Blank (1972). The rocks commonly contain scattered phenocrysts of plagioclase as much as 1 mm long and less commonly contain phenocrysts of olivine as much as 0.5 mm in diameter, locally form- ing glomeroporphyritic clusters. The matrix consists of plagioclase, in laths 0.1—0.2 mm long; crystals of clinopyroxene, olivine, and opaque minerals, about 0.05—0.1 mm in diameter; and irregular-shaped masses of basaltic glass and chlorophaeite. Matrix textures are mostly intergranular to intersertal and are less commonly subophitic. Visual estimates of the modal composition are: plagioclase, 45—55 percent; pyroxene, 25-30 percent; olivine, 5—10 percent; glass and chlorophaeite, 5-10 percent; and opaque minerals about 10 percent. McCALL Rocks examined near McCall, Idaho, are extremely uniform in texture and composition, and are probably derived from the upper part of the Miocene Yakima Basalt Subgroup of the Columbia River Basalt Group (John Bond, oral commun., 1976). The rocks, which are mostly aphanitic, contain plagioclase laths 0.1—0.2 mm long (and contain scattered microphenocrysts up to 0.5 mm long); crystals of clinopyroxene, olivine, and opaque minerals 0.05-0.01 mm in diameter; and masses of glass, chlorophaeite, and calcite of irregular shape. The textures are mostly intersertal to hyalo- ophitic and are less commonly intergranular to subophitic. Visual estimates of the modal composition are plagioclase, 45-55 percent; pyroxene, 20—30 per- cent; olivine, 0—5 percent; calcite, 0—5 percent; glass and chlorophaeite, 15-20 percent, and opaque minerals, 10—15 percent. YAKIMA VALLEY Rocks examined from the Yakima Valley, Wash., are derived from the Eocene Teanaway Basalt (Foster, 1958). They are mostly aphanitic, but some contain scattered phenocrysts of plagioclase or opaque minerals 0.3—0.5 mm in longest dimension. Grain size generally ranges between 0.05 and 0.2 mm, and tex- tures are mostly intersertal; less commonly, textures are intergranular, hyalo-ophitic, and subophitic. Visual estimates of the modal composition are: plagioclase, some of which is zoned, 45—55 percent; clinopyroxene, 25—35 percent; olivine, 0—10 percent; opaque minerals, 5-10 percent; glass, chlorophaeite, and (or) chlorite, 10—20 percent; and rare (< 1 percent) potassium feldspar. PUGET LOWLAND The precise source of the basalt in the Puget Lowland drifts in Washington is not known, but it is probably mostly drived from the Eocene Crescent For- mation in the Olympic Mountains. The basalt contains microphenocrysts of plagioclase, 0.5-0.8 mm long, and clinopyroxene, 0.3—0.5 mm in diameter. The matrix consists mostly of thin plagioclase laths 0.3—0.5 mm long; equant clinopyroxenes 0.05—0.1 mm in diameter; and masses of devitrified glass, chlorophaeite, and chlorite of irregular shape. Glass is rarely present. Textures are mostly intersertal and are less commonly hyalo-ophitic. Visual estimates of the modal compo- sition are: plagioclase, 40—55 percent; clinopyroxene, 25—35 percent; olivine, 0-1 percent; opaque minerals, 5—10 percent; and altered glass and chlorite, 10—20 percent. ANDESITES Weathering rinds from sampling areas containing andesitic rocks were measured on two groups of stones: “coarse grained” and “fine grained.” The two textural groups represent an arbitrary field classifica- tion based on phenocryst content and matrix texture. MT. RAINIER Most of the rocks examined from the Mt. Rainier area, Washington, are derived from the Quaternary Mt. Rainier Andesite of Fiske and others (1963), although some weathering rinds were measured on stones derived from older volcanic rocks. Mt. Rainier Andesite is a hypersthene andesite that is remarkably uniform in composition. The fine-grained andesites contain scattered phenocrysts 0.5—1.5 mm in largest dimension, but microphenocrysts 0.1—0.3 mm long are more abundant. APPENDIX 43 Plagioclase is the most abundant phenocryst, with lesser amounts of pyroxene and a few crystals of am- phibole and olivine. Both the plagioclase and the pyroxene are typically zoned, and the plagioclase shows a wide range in degree of zoning. Both ortho- and clinopyroxenes are present; slightly pleochroic or- thopyroxene (hypersthene?) is more abundant. Am- phiboles and some pyroxenes have reaction rims of iron oxides. The very fine grained matrix (0.01— 0.05 mm) appears to consist mostly of plagioclase, py- roxene, Opaques, and glass. Visual estimates of the modal composition are: plagioclase, 45—50 percent; py- roxene, 30—35 percent; opaques, 5—10 percent; glass, 5—10 percent; amphibole, 0—1 percent; and olivine 0—1 percent. Textures are primarily hyalopilitic. Coarse-grained andesites are similar compositionally to fine-grained andesites. Grain size is highly bimodal; the rocks contain abundant, large (0.5—3.0 mm) pheno- crysts of plagioclase and pyroxene, and rare pheno- crysts of olivine and opaque minerals, in a very fine grained (0.01—0.03 mm) matrix. The pyroxene pheno- crysts commonly occur in glomeroporphyritic clusters. Textures range from hyalopilitic to pilotaxitic. LASSEN PEAK Rocks examined from the Lassen Peak area, Califor- nia, are derived from the andesitic flows that make up the volcanic complex around Lassen Peak (Williams, 1932). The mineralogy of these andesites is variable. The fine-grained andesities are nonporphyritic to weakly porphyritic. Phenocrysts, if present, range from 0.3—1.5 mm in size; plagioclase, some of which is zoned, is generally the largest and most abundant phenocryst; phenocrysts of clino- or orthopyroxenes and olivine are less common. The matrix is typically fine grained (0.08—0.1 mm) and consists of plagioclase, pyroxene, opaque minerals and glass; it also contains rare calcite, potassium feldspar, and olivine. In rocks containing calcite or olivine, clinopyroxene is more abundant than is orthopyroxene. Textures are mainly pilotaxitic to intergranular. Visual estimates of the modal composition are: plagioclase, 40—60 percent; pyroxene, 25—40 percent; Opaques, 5—10 percent; glass, 0—15 percent; potassium feldspar, 0—10 percent; calcite, 0—5 percent; and olivine, 0-15 percent. The coarse-grained andesites have similar miner- alogy, except that they contain very little glass. Phen- ocrysts are abundant; the most common is plagioclase (1.0—2.0 mm long), which is commonly zoned. Pyroxene and olivine phenocrysts range from 0.6—1.2 mm; phenocrysts of clinopyroxenes are more abundant than are those of orthopyxorenes. The matrix grain size is about 0.1—0.2 mm, and textures are mostly in- tergranular to pilotaxitic. TRUCKEE The rocks examined from near Truckee, Calif., are derived mostly from the late Tertiary andesites that are abundant in the area. A few basalt clasts (those without olivine phenocrysts) from the Pliocene and Pleistocene Lousetown Formation may have been in- cluded with the fine-grained andesites (Birkeland, 1963). The fine-grained andesites contain microphenocrysts (0.1—0.3 mm) and a few scattered phenocrysts (as much as 2 mm). The phenocrysts are plagioclase, pyroxene, olivine, and amphibole in varying proportions; the microphenocrysts are plagioclase (more abundant) and pyroxene. A few of the plagioclase and pyroxene phenocysts are zoned. Clinopyroxene is commonly more abundant than orthopyroxene. The matrix is very fine grained (0.02—0.07 mm) and consists mostly of plagioclase, pyroxene, and opaque minerals. Glass is scarce. Visual estimates of the modal composition are: plagioclase, 50—65 percent; pyroxene, 20—35 percent; Opaques, 5—10 percent; olivine, 0—10 percent; am- phibole, 0—5 percent; glass, 0—5 percent. Textures are primarily pilotaxitic to trachytic. The coarse-grained andesites are similar mineralog- ically and texturally to the fine-grained andesites. They contain abundant phenocrysts of plagioclase and pyroxene (0.5—2.0 mm) in a matrix whose grain size is generally 0.01—0.1 mm. 44 CHEMICAL WEATHERING OF BASALTS AND ANDESITES: EVIDENCE FROM WEATHERING RINDS APPENDIX 2.—TABLES OF ANALYTICAL DATA TABLE 9.— Weight percentage, sample interval, and bulk density [For samples 109—82. 109-83. 102 tall). and 118 tall), N320 and MgO determined by atomic absorption; other elements determined by X-ray fluorescence; total Fe as Fe203. All other samples analyzed by “rapid rock” (wet—chemical) methods. Leaders (—l. not analyzed] Samplel Bulk No. Intervalz density. Sioz A1203 mo. FeO MgO CaO N320 K20 Ti02 P205 MnO co2 r120+ H20_ Sum 109-al 0.0-0.5 2.1 35.6 17.6 16.0 4 4 2.8 3.2 0.30 0.50 4.8 0 40 0.20 0.10 9.5 3.4 98.8 109—32 0.5—1.4 2.4 38.0 12.0 21.0 — 5.3 7.2 1.01 .81 3.9 < 1 .18 .00 10.7 — 100. 109—a3 1.4—2.0 2.6 41.0 12.0 18. — 5.3 8.3 1.84 .81 3.1 < 1 .20 .00 9.5 — 100. 109—a4 > 2.0 2.8 53.7 14.1 1.9 9.8 4.2 8.1 2.8 1.5 2.2 40 .20 .10 1.2 .3 100.5 105—a1 0.0—0.5 2.7 53.6 16.8 7.0 3.0 2.7 5.4 2.2 1.1 2.0 30 .20 10 4.1 1.8 100.3 105-a2 > 0.5 2.8 53.4 15.0 2.0 9.0 4.2 8.1 2.8 1.3 2.1 40 .20 10 1.2 .5 100.3 104—a1 0.0-0.5 2.3 43.8 11.5 4.4 14.8 8.5 6.4 2.1 .70 3.4 30 .20 10 2.5 .3 99.5 104—a2 0.5—1.0 2.6 43.9 11.9 3.2 15.3 8.7 7.9 2.4 .50 3.1 40 .20 10 1.1 .1 98.8 104—a3 > 1.0 2.8 46.5 15.8 2.0 2.1 6.9 9.1 3.0 50 2.4 30 .20 10 .5 .2 99.6 102—a1 0.0—0.7 2.4 36.0 9.6 23. — 6.40 6.6 .96 .74 3.8 < 1 .26 .00 12.6 100. 102—a2 0.7—1.5 2.5 40.0 11.0 20. 6.05 7.7 1.76 .74 3.2 < 1 .24 .00 9.3 — 100. 102—a3 > 1.5 2.8 48.0 14.0 14. — 4.18 8.5 3.05 .96 2.2 < 1 .19 .00 5.0 — 100. 98—a1 0.0—0.4 2.5 46.1 13.2 5.5 10.5 6.5 7.9 2.3 .70 3.3 .30 .20 10 1.9 .1 98.6 98—a2 > 0.4 2.8 48.8 15.9 4.0 9.9 6.5 9.2 2.9 .50 2.4 .30 .20 10 .4 .1 101.2 118—a1 0.0—2.6 1.7 39.0 16. 19. — 1.6 .29 .31 .72 2.6 < 1 09 .00 20.4 — 100. 118—a2 2.6-5.2 2.0 39.0 7.2 27. — 2.45 .49 .49 .95 3.4 < 1 09 .00 18.9 —— 100. 118-a3 5.2-7.8 2.4 47.0 7.5 21. — 4.98 1.5 .95 1.5 3.0 < 1 12 .00 12.4 — 100. 118—a4 >7.8 2.7 57.0 15.0 6.6 — 3.90 7.5 3.6 1.2 1.1 < 1 11 .00 4.0 — 100. 95—a1 0.0-0.3 2.4 47.6 16.8 6.0 3.2 6.6 4.7 1.8 1.9 1 1 .17 .23 01 6.6 2.4 99. 95—112 0.3—0.7 2.5 52.8 11.6 4.3 6.4 10.9 6.3 2.0 1.6 1 3 .11 .19 01 2.2 1.1 101. 95—33 > 0.7 2.8 54.5 16.3 2.6 4.6 8.7 8.4 3.2 1.2 82 .25 .13 02 .42 .3 101. 119—a1 0.0—0.2 2.5 54.5 16.9 4.1 2.8 3.2 3.7 3.0 1.4 1.1 .41 .11 02 5.4 3.0 100. 119—a2 > 0.2 2.7 59.8 16.4 2.3 3.6 3.9 6.3 4.1 1.8 1.0 .35 .10 02 .26 .2 100. 120—a1 0.0—0.4 2.3 57.9 17.8 5.1 1.7 2.2 2.5 2.4 1.3 1.2 .15 .09 .01 6.2 2.5 101. 120—a2 0.4—1.0 2.4 57.3 13.8 5.0 3.2 3.9 3.5 2.6 3.0 1.3 .14 .11 .03 3.5 1.2 99. 120—a3 > 1.0 2.7 58.9 16.4 2.1 3.5 3.9 5.6 3.6 1.8 .96 .34 .10 .02 1.2 .45 99. 121—31 0.0-0.6 2.1 55.9 19.3 6.4 1.4 1.4 1.2 1.8 1.6 1.2 14 .07 01 7.2 2.7 100. 121-a2 0.6—1.6 2.4 63.5 12.9 4.3 4.1 3.9 1.9 2.7 2.0 1.5 08 .11 02 2.1 .8 100. 121—a3 1.6-2.8 2.5 61.9 14.1 3.0 4.7 4.2 2.5 3.0 1.8 1.3 10 .13 01 1.9 1.1 100. 121—a4 > 2.8 2.7 60.3 17.5 2.4 3.2 2.8 5.1 3.8 1.4 .82 24 .09 01 .96 .55 99. 75—bl 0.0—0.1 2.6 53.7 20.7 4.8 1.2 1.9 3.4 2.4 1.6 .70 30 .09 00 7.2 3.4 101. 75—b2 > 0.1 2.7 58.5 17.1 3.6 2.7 3.2 6.3 3.8 1.9 .72 32 .11 02 .61 .3 99. 83—b1 0.0-0.2 2.5 51.0 15.9 7.7 2.2 6.2 5.4 2.9 2.3 1.8 70 .15 00 3.3 1.1 101. 83—b2 > 0.2 2.7 53.2 16.5 4.0 4.0 6.6 7.9 3.5 2.0 1.5 56 .12 01 .62 .6 101. 79—b1 0.0—0.4 2.2 50.3 16.5 12.4 2.4 2.3 1.6 1.5 2.2 1.5 24 .16 02 6.1 2.0 99. 79—b2 0.4-0.9 2.3 52.5 14.8 10.6 3.5 4.1 2.3 2.0 2.3 1.6 20 .18 01 4.5 1.8 100. 79—b3 > 0.9 2.7 55.8 18.6 4.8 2.7 3.3 6.4 3.1 1.6 .81 25 .13 02 2.1 .8 100. 84—a1 0.0—0.1 2.5 49.6 17.6 4.9 3.0 5.7 6.2 2.6 .98 .95 .25 .13 .00 5.1 1.6 99. 84—a2 > 0.1 2.7 53.0 16.7 2.5 5.1 7.2 9.2 3.0 1.1 .86 .32 .13 .00 .73 .2 100. 89—a1 0.0—0.4 2.5 46.0 14.2 5.8 8.8 7.3 8.6 2.5 59 2.3 45 .23 .02 1 6 .3 99. 89—a2 > 0.4 2.7 47.5 15.7 3.7 9.0 7.0 9.5 3.0 44 2.0 34 .17 .02 42 .1 99. 85—a1 0.0—0.4 2.2 55.1 19.3 5.6 1.8 1.5 1.8 2.3 1.9 .84 .11 .12 .02 7.1 1.4 99. 85-a2 0.4-0.8 2.6 64.8 14.5 5.6 1.6 1.7 1.4 2.7 2.8 .89 .08 .10 .01 3.1 .7 100. 85—a3 > 0.8 2.7 63.4 16.8 3.1 1.6 1.8 3.7 4.2 2.2 .59 .19 .08 .02 1.1 .45 99. 86—a1 0.0—0.6 2.4 36.7 23.6 7.1 2.4 3.9 1.9 .79 69 .74 21 09 .01 14.0 8.4 101. 86—32 0.6—0.9 2.5 41.0 17.8 4.4 5.4 9.1 4.0 .98 49 .85 .25 15 .01 9.2 6.4 100. 86—83 > 0.9 2.7 50.8 18.3 3.2 4.7 8.0 7.0 2.4 49 .72 .13 13 .01 3.5 1.4 101. ‘See table 1 for description of samples. 2In mm, 0=rock surface. 3Estimated by comparison with Hendricks and Whittig's (1968) data for similar rock types, on the basis of ratios of A1203 and TiOz in the weathered rock to those in the fresh rock. APPENDIX 45 TABLE 10.—Molecular percentages [Leaders {—1, not analyzed] 33:3" $02 A1203 mo, “30 MgO CaO N820 K20 Tio2 13205 MnO co2 mo" Sum 109—a1 35.73 10.39 6.04 3.69 4.18 3.44 0.29 0.32 3.65 0.17 0.17 0.14 31.78 100.00 109-82 34.92 6.49 7.25 — 7.25 7.09 .90 .47 2.71 .00 .14 .00 32.77 100.00 109-33 37. 93 6. 53 6.26 — 7.30 8. 23 1.65 .48 2.17 .00 .16 .00 29.30 100.00 109-84 56.15 8. 67 .75 8.56 6.54 9.07 2.83 1.00 1.74 .18 .18 .14 4.18 100.00 105-81 55.33 10.20 2.72 2.59 4.15 5.97 2.20 .72 1.56 .13 .17 .14 14.1 1 100.00 105—a2 56.19 9.28 .79 7.91 6.58 9.13 2.85 .87 1.67 .18 .18 .14 4.21 100.00 104-81 44.73 6. 91 1.69 12.63 12.92 7. 00 2.08 .46 2.63 .13 .17 .14 8.51 100.00 104-82 46.00 7. 33 1.26 13.40 13.57 8. 87 2.43 .33 2.46 .18 .18 .14 3.84 100.00 104-83 54.41 10.88 .88 2.05 12.02 11. 41 3.40 .37 2.13 .15 .20 .16 1.95 100.00 102—a1 31.75 4. 98 7.63 — 8. 40 6. 24 .82 .42 2. 54 .00 .19 .00 37.04 100.00 102-32 37.37 6. 04 7.02 — 8. 41 7. 71 1.59 .44 2. 26 .00 .19 .00 28.96 100.00 102-83 48.54 8. 33 5.32 — 6. 29 9. 21 2.98 .62 1. 69 .00 .16 .00 16.85 100.00 98-a1 48.64 8.19 2.18 9.26 10.21 8.93 2.35 .47 2.64 .13 .18 .14 6.68 100.00 98-82 51.82 9.93 1.60 8.78 10.28 10.47 2.98 .34 1.93 .13 .18 .14 1.42 100.00 118-81 30.22 7.29 5.53 — 1.85 .24 .23 .36 1.53 .00 .06 .00 52.69 100.00 118-82 31.38 3.41 8.17 — 2.93 .42 .38 .49 2.07 .00 .06 .00 50.69 100.00 118-83 41.26 3.87 6.93 — 6.51 1. 41 .81 .84 2.00 .00 .09 .00 36.29 100.00 1 18-34 56.63 8.77 2.47 — 5.77 7. 98 3.46 .76 .83 .00 .09 .00 13.25 100.00 95-31 46.06 9. 56 2.18 2.59 9.51 4. 87 1.69 1.17 .81 .07 .19 .01 21. 29 100.00 95-82 52.25 6. 75 1.60 5.29 16.06 6. 68 1.92 1.01 .97 .05 .16 .01 7. 26 100.00 95-33 56.19 9. 89 1.01 3.96 13.36 9. 28 3.19 .79 .64 .11 .11 .03 1. 44 100.00 119—a1 54.51 9.94 1.54 2.34 4.77 3.97 2.90 .89 .83 .17 .09 .03 18.00 100.00 119-82 64.39 10.39 .93 3.24 6.25 7.27 4.27 1. 23 .82 .16 .09 .03 .93 100.00 120-81 56. 46 10. 21 1.87 1.39 3.19 2. 61 2.27 .81 .89 .06 .07 .01 20.15 100.00 120-112 59.19 8. 39 1.94 2.76 6.00 3. 87 2.60 1. 97 1.02 .06 .10 .04 12.05 100.00 120—83 62. 87 10. 30 .84 3.12 6.20 6. 40 3.72 1. 22 .78 .15 .09 03 4.27 100.00 121—a1 54.80 1 1.13 2.36 1.15 2.04 1.26 1.71 1.00 .89 .06 .06 .01 23.53 100.00 121-82 66.04 7.89 1.68 3.56 6.04 2.12 2.72 1.32 1.18 .04 .10 .03 7.28 100.00 121—a3 64.67 8. 67 1.18 4.10 6.53 2. 80 3.03 1.20 1.03 .04 .11 .01 6.62 100.00 121—84 65.27 11.14 .98 2. 89 4.51 5. 91 3. 98 .97 .67 .11 .08 .01 3.46 100.00 75-b1 52.02 1 1.80 1.75.97 2.74 3.53 2.25 .99 .51 .12 .07 .00 23.25 100.00 75-b2 64.00 11.00 1.48 2. 47 5.21 7.38 4.02 1. 32 .60 .15 .10 .03 2.22 100.00 83—b1 52.49 9.63 2.98 1.89 9.50 5.95 2.89 1.51 1.40 .30 .13 .00 1 1.32 100.00 83-b2 56.44 10.30 1.60 3.55 10.42 8.98 3.59 1.35 1.21 .25 .11 .01 2.19 100.00 79-1)] 52.18 10.07 4.84 2.08 3.55 1.78 1.51 1. 45 1.18 .11 .14 .03 21.09 100.00 79-192 54.38 9.02 4.13 3.03 6.32 2.55 2.00 1. 52 1.26 .09 .16 .01 15.54 100.00 79-133 59.08 11.58 1. 91 2. 39 5.20 7.26 3.18 1. 08 .65 .11 .12 .03 7.41 100.00 84—81 49.35 10.30 1.83 2.49 8. 44 6.61 2.50 .62 .72 .11 .11 .00 16.91 100.00 84—a2 55.48 10.28 .98 4.46 11.22 10.32 3.04 .73 .68 .14 .12 .00 2.55 100.00 89—81 48.80 8.86 2.31 7.80 1 1.53 9.78 2.57 .40 1.85 .20 .21 .03 5.66 100.00 89-a2 51.26 9.97 1.50 8.12 11.25 10.98 3.13 .30 1.64 .16 .16 .03 1.51 100.00 85-81 53. 95 11.12 2. 06 1.47 2.19 1. 89 2.18 1.18 .62 .05 .10 .03 23.17 100.00 85-32 67. 26 8.85 2.19 1.39 2.63 1. 56 2.71 1.85 .70 .04 .09 .01 10.73 100.00 85-83 68. 78 10. 72 1. 26 1.45 2.91 4. 30 4.41 1.52 .48 .09 .07 .03 3.98 100.00 86—a1 32.85 12. 43 2. 39 1. 80 5.20 1. 82 .68 .39 .50 .08 .07 .01 41.78 100.00 86-82 37.86 9. 67 1. 53 4.17 12.51 3. 96 .88 .29 .59 .10 .12 .01 28.32 100.00 86—a3 50.23 10. 64 1.19 3. 88 11.78 7 42 2. 30 .31 .54 .05 .11 .01 11.54 100.00 46 CHEMICAL WEATHERING OF BASALTS AND ANDESITES: EVIDENCE FROM WEATHERING RINDS TABLE 11.—Molecular ratios [Leaders 1—). not analyzed] Sample 1 Parker‘s SiO / Bases/ Fezo / No. Bases R2032 WPIS PIA Index“ R263 11.02 FeOs 109-31 8.24 21.92 —35.74 61.97 11.68 1.63 0.38 1.64 109—112 15.71 16.46 -25.43 67.97 22.65 2.12 .95 — 109—83 17.65 14.96 -16.51 71.71 26.48 2.53 1.18 — 109-a4 19.45 15.44 16.77 78.43 32.32 3.64 1.26 .09 105—211 13.04 15.78 -1.27 77.81 22.32 3.51 .83 1.05 105—82 19.44 15.71 16.67 78.15 31.99 3.58 1.24 .10 104-31 22.46 17.54 16.46 71.83 32.12 2.55 1.28 .13 104—a2 25.21 17.75 24.02 72.15 36.04 2.59 1.42 .09 104—813 27.20 14.91 26.16 78.49 40.85 3.65 1.82 .43 102-81 15.87 15.14 —33.72 67.70 22.25 2.10 1.05 — 102—a2 18.15 15.33 -15.25 70.90 26.67 2.44 1.18 — 102—a3 19.11 15.34 2.71 75.99 31.15 3.17 1.25 — 98-31 21.96 17.64 17.31 73.38 32.69 2.76 1.24 .24 98-82 24.06 17.85 24.16 74.38 36.24 2.90 1.35 .18 118—81 2.67 14.35 —105.86 67.80 4.48 2.11 .19 — 118—a2 4.23 13.65 —94.34 69.69 6.90 2.30 .31 — 118—a3 9.57 12.80 —42.00 76.32 14.91 3.22 .75 — 118-a4 17.97 12.06 5.45 82.44 30.74 4.70 1.49 — 95—a1 17.24 13.85 -5.25 76.89 27.03 3.33 1.25 .84 95—82 25.66 11.97 20.48 81.36 36.89 4.36 2.14 .30 95-83 26.62 13.52 26.13 80.61 40.37 4.16 1.97 .25 119—a1 12.53 13.49 —6.80 80.16 22.82 4.04 .93 .66 119—a2 19.03 13.75 18.62 82.40 34.47 4.68 1.38 .29 120—31 8.88 13.66 —14.27 80.52 16.98 4.13 .65 1.35 120-a2 14.45 12.73 2.77 82.30 27.52 4.65 1.14 .70 120—33 17.55 13.48 14.14 82.35 31.56 4.66 1.30 .27 121—81 6.01 14.95 —23.12 78.56 12.95 3.66 .40 2.06 121—a2 12.20 12.54 5.42 84.05 22.80 5.27 .97 .47 121—a3 13.56 12.92 7.62 83.34 24.71 5.00 1.05 .29 121—a4 15.37 14.24 12.55 82.09 28.70 .58 1.08 .34 75-b1 9.51 14.54 —18.07 78.15 18.46 3.58 .65 1.80 75—b2 17.94 14.32 16.33 81.72 33.13 4.47 1.25 .60 83-b1 19.85 14.96 9.77 77.83 33.35 3.51 1.33 1.57 83—b2 24.35 14.87 23.16 79.15 40.08 3.80 1.64 .45 79—b1 8.29 17.12 —16.50 75.29 16.60 3.05 .48 2.32 79-b2 12.40 15.91 —3.80 77.36 22.47 3.42 .78 1.36 79-b3 16.72 15.34 10.21 79.39 29.54 3.85 1.09 .80 84—a1 8.18 14.10 1.55 77.78 28.46 3.50 1.29 .73 84-a2 25.31 14.18 23.97 79.64 38.82 3.91 1.79 .22 89—111 24.27 16.93 20.68 74.25 35.71 2.88 1.43 .30 89-32 25.67 17.16 25.67 74.92 38.35 2.99 1.50 .18 85-31 7.44 14.54 —20.72 78.77 16.09 3.71 .51 1.40 85—82 8.75 12.43 -2.24 84.40 20.30 5.41 .70 1.57 85—33 13.14 13.19 9.63 83.90 28.05 5.21 1.00 .87 86—a1 8.10 16.22 —58.91 66.95 11.91 2.03 .50 1.33 86—a2 17.63 13.87 —15.40 73.18 23.21 2.73 1.27 .37 86-83 21.80 14.32 11.89 77.82 31.48 3.51 1.52 .31 lBases=MgO+CaaO-)-N)1,O+K20. 211,03:Al,o,+Fe,o,+Tio,. ’WPI=Weathering Potential Index:100(EBases-H20)/(Ebases+ER203+Si021 (Reiche. 1950). ‘PI=Product, Index=100 (Si02)/(SiOZ+ER20,) (Reiche. 1950). 5Parker’s (1970) Index=100 (Na;0/0.35+Mg0/0.9+CaO/0.7+KgO/0.25). APPENDIX 47 TABLE 12. —Standard-cell cations [Standard cell cations are the number of cations in a standard cell containing 160 oxygens calculated by methods of Barth (1948). Leaders (— ) not analyzed] 581:)” Si Al Fe3+ Fe“ Mg Ca Na K Ti P Mn 0 H Sum 109—al 33.04 19.22 11.16 3.41 3.87 3.18 0.54 0.59 3.37 0.31 0.16 0.13 58.77 137.75 109-a2 33.84 12.57 14.06 — 7.03 6.87 1.74 .92 2.63 — .14 .00 63.52 143.31 109—a3 36.63 12.61 12.09 — 7.05 7.94 3.18 .92 2.10 .00 .15 .00 56.58 139.26 109—a4 50.59 15.63 1.35 7.72 5.89 8.18 5.11 1.80 1.57 .32 .16 .13 7.54 105.97 105—a1 48.27 17.80 4.74 2.26 3.62 5.21 3.83 1.26 1.36 .23 .15 .12 24.62 113.48 105-a2 50.26 16.61 1.42 7.08 5.89 8.17 5.10 1.56 1.50 .32 .16 .13 7.53 105.72 104-a1 43.32 13.38 3.27 12.23 12.52 6.78 4.02 .88 2. 55 .25 .17 .13 16.48 115.99 104—a2 44.20 14.10 2.42 12.87 13.04 8.52 4.68 .64 2. 36 .34 .17 .14 7.38 110.88 104—a3 48.15 19.25 1.56 1.82 10.64 10.10 6.01 .66 1. 88 .26 .18 .14 3.45 104.09 102-81 31.85 9.99 15.30 — 8. 43 6.26 1.64 .83 2. 55 .00 .19 .00 74.31 151.35 102—a2 36.07 11.67 13.56 — 8.12 7.44 3.07 .85 2.19 .00 .18 .00 55.90 139.05 102—a3 43.75 15.01 9.59 — 5. 67 8.30 5.38 1.11 1. 52 .00 .15 .00 30.38 120.87 98-81 45.06 15.18 4.04 8.58 9.46 8.27 4.35 .87 2.44 .25 .17 .13 12.38 11 1.18 98-a2 46.71 17.91 2.88 7.92 9.26 9.44 5.37 .61 1.74 .24 .16 .13 2.55 104.93 118—al 30.72 14.83 11.25 — 1.88 24 .47 .72 1. 55 .00 .06 .00 107.12 168.85 118—a2 32.06 6.96 16.69 — 3.00 43 .78 .99 2.12 .00 .06 .00 103.58 166.67 118-33 40.04 7.52 13.45 — 6. 32 1.37 1.57 1.63 1. 94 .00 .09 .00 70.43 144.35 118—a4 50.36 15.59 4.38 — 5.13 7.10 6.16 1.35 .74 .00 .08 .00 23.56 114.45 95—a1 43.19 17.93 4.09 2.43 8.92 4. 57 3.16 2. 20 .76 .13 .18 .01 39.92 127.48 95-a2 49.14 12.70 3.01 4.98 15.10 6. 28 3. 60 1 90 .92 .09 .15 .01 13.65 111.52 95—a3 50.20 17.66 1.80 3.54 11.93 8. 29 5. 71 1. 41 .57 .19 .10 .03 2.58 104.02 1 19-a1 48.72 17.77 2.76 2.09 4.26 3.54 5.19 1.59 .74 .31 .08 .02 32.18 119.27 119—a2 54.65 17.63 1.58 2.75 5.31 6.17 7.25 2.10 .69 .27 .08 .02 1.58 100.09 120-81 49.70 17.98 3.29 1. 22 2.81 2.30 3. 99 1.42 .78 .11 .07 .01 35.48 119.15 120—a2 52.28 14.81 3.43 2. 44 5.30 3.42 4. 59 3.49 .90 .11 .08 .04 21.29 112.18 120—a3 53.92 17.66 1.45 2 .68 5.32 5.49 6. 38 2.10 .67 .26 .08 .02 7.32 103.34 121—al 47.94 19.47 4.13 1.00 1.79 1.10 2.99 1.75 .78 .10 .05 .01 41.16 122.27 121—a2 56.65 13.54 2.88 3.06 5.18 1.82 4.66 2.27 1.01 .06 .08 .02 12.49 103.73 121—a3 55.76 14.94 2.03 3. 54 5. 63 2. 41 5. 23 2.07 .89 .08 .10 .01 11.41 104.09 121—a4 54.78 18.70 1.64 2. 43 3. 79 4. 96 6. 68 1. 62 .56 .18 .07 .01 5.81 101.25 75-b1 46.21 20.96 3.11.86 2.43 3.13 4.00 1.75 .46 .22 .07 .00 41.31 124.50 75—b2 53.84 18.52 2.49 2. 08 4.38 6.21 6.77 2.23 .50 .25 .09 .03 3.74 101.12 83-b1 46.57 17.08 5.29 1.68 8.43 5.28 5.13 2.68 1.25 .54 .12 .00 20.09 114.13 83-b2 49.50 18.06 2.80 3.1 1 9.14 7.87 6.30 2.37 1.06 .44 .09 .01 3.85 104.60 79—b1 45.47 17.55 8.43 1. 81 3.10 1.55 2. 62 2. 53 1.03 .18 .12 .02 36.76 121.18 79—b2 47.73 15.83 7.25 2. 66 5. 55 2.24 3. 52 2. 66 1.10 .15 .14 .01 27.27 116.12 79-b3 50.50 19.80 3.27 2.04 4. 45 6.21 5. 43 1. 84 .56 .19 .10 .02 12.67 107.07 84-a1 45.18 18.86 3.36 2.28 7.73 6.05 4.58 1.14 .66 .19 .10 .00 30.97 121.11 84—a2 49.52 18.36 1.76 3.98 10.02 9.21 5.42 1.31 .61 .25 .10 .00 4.55 105.08 89—a1 44.92 16.31 4.26 7.18 10.61 9.00 4.73 .73 1.70 .37 19 .03 10.42 110.45 89—a2 46.47 18.07 2.72 7.36 10.20 9.96 5.68 .55 1.48 .28 .14 .03 2.74 105.68 85—a1 47.65 19.64 3.64 1. 30 1.93 1.67 3.85 2. 09 .55 .08 .09 .02 40.94 123.45 85—a2 56.58 14.90 3.68 1.17 2.21 1.31 4.56 3.11 .59 .06 .07 .01 18.05 106.30 85—213 56.84 17.72 2.09 1. 20 2.40 3.55 7.29 2. 51 .40 .14 .06 .02 6.57 100.80 86-a1 32.19 24.35 4.68 1. 76 5. 09 1. 79 1. 34 .77 .49 .16 .07 .01 81.85 154.54 86—a2 37.57 19.19 3.03 4.13 12.41 3. 93 1. 74 .57 59 .19 .12 .01 56.20 139.68 86—a3 46.01 19.50 2.18 3. 56 10. 79 6. 79 4. 21 .57 .49 .10 .10 .01 21.13 115.45 48 CHEMICAL WEATHERING 0F BASALTS AND ANDESITES: EVIDENCE FROM WEATHERING RINDS TABLE 13.——Weights per unit-volume [Calculations assume isovolumetric weathering; bulk density was estimated by comparison with Hendricks and Whittig's (1968) data for similar rock types. on the basis of ratios of Al,0l and 'I‘iOz in the weathered rock to those in the fresh rock. Leaders 1—). not, analyzed] Sagile ditty Sio2 A120, F9203 FeO MgO 0210 Map K20 TioZ P205 MnO co2 H20+ Hzo‘ Sum 109—a1 2.10 74.76 36.96 33.60 9.24 5.88 6.72 0.63 1.05 10.08 0.84 0.42 0.21 19.95 7.14 207.48 109—112 2.40 91.20 28.80 50.40 — 12.72 17.28 2.42 1.94 9.36 .00 .43 .00 25.68 — 240.24 109—a3 2.60 106.60 31.20 46.80 — 13.78 21.58 4.78 2.11 8.06 .00 .52 .00 24.70 —— 260.13 109-84 2.80 150.36 39.48 5.32 27.44 11.76 22.68 7.84 4.20 6.16 1.12 .56 .28 3.36 .84 281.40 105-8.]. 2.70 144.72 45.36 18.90 8.10 7.29 14.58 5.94 2.97 5.40 .81 .54 .27 11.07 4.86 270.81 105—212 2.80 149.52 42.00 5.60 25.20 11.76 22.68 7.84 3.64 5.88 1.12 .56 .28 3.36 1.40 280.84 104—a1 2.30 100.74 26.45 10.12 34.04 19.55 14.72 4.83 1.61 7.82 .69 .46 .23 5.75 .69 227.70 104—212 2.60 114.14 30.94 8.32 39.78 22.62 20.54 6.24 1.30 8.06 1.04 .52 .26 2.86 .26 256.88 104—a3 2.80 130.20 44.24 5.60 5.88 19.32 25.48 8.40 1.40 6.72 .84 .56 .28 1.40 .56 250.88 102—31 2.40 86.40 23.04 55.20 — 15.36 15.84 2.30 1.78 9.12 .00 .62 .00 30.24 — 239.90 102—a2 2.50 100.00 27.50 50.00 — 15.13 19.25 4.40 1.85 8.00 .00 .60 .00 23.25 —— 249.98 102—a3 2.80 134.40 39.20 39.20 — 11.70 23.80 8.54 2.69 6.16 .00 .53 .00 14.00 — 280.22 98-31 2.50 115.25 33.00 13.75 26.25 16.25 19.75 5.75 1.75 8.25 .75 .50 .25 4.75 .25 246.50 98—112 2.80 136.64 44.52 11.20 27.72 18.20 25.76 8.12 1.40 6.72 .84 .56 .28 1.12 .28 283.36 118-a1 1.70 66.30 27.20 32.30 — 2.72 .49 .53 1.22 4.42 .00 .15 .00 34.68 — 170.02 118-a2 2.00 78.00 14.40 54.00 —- 4.90 .98 .98 1.90 6.80 .00 .18 .00 37.80 — 199.94 118—a3 2.40 112.80 18.00 50.40 — 11.95 3.60 2.28 3.60 7.20 .00 .29 .00 29.76 —— 239.88 118—a4 2.70 153.90 40.50 17.82 — 10.53 20.25 9.72 3.24 2.97 .00 .30 .00 10.80 — 270.03 95—81 2.40 114.24 40.32 14.40 7.68 15.84 11.28 4.32 4.56 2.64 .41 .55 .02 15.84 5.76 237.86 95-82 2.50 132.00 29.00 10.75 16.00 27.25 15.75 5.00 4.00 3.25 .28 .47 .03 5.50 2.75 252.02 95-33 2.80 152.60 45.64 7.28 12.88 24.36 23.52 8.96 3.36 2.30 .70 .36 .06 1.18 .84 284.03 119-a1 2.50 136.25 42.25 10.25 7.00 8.00 9.25 7.50 3.50 2.75 1.03 .28 .05 13.50 7.50 249.10 119—112 2.70 161.46 44.28 6.21 9.72 10.53 17.01 11.07 4.86 2.70 .95 27 05 .70 .54 270.35 120—al 2.30 133.17 40.94 11.73 3.91 5.06 5.75 5.52 2.99 2.76 .35 .21 .02 14.26 5.75 232.42 120—a2 2.40 137.52 33.12 12.00 7.68 9.36 8.40 6.24 7.20 3.12 .34 .26 .07 8.40 2.88 236.59 120-a3 2.70 159.03 44.28 5.67 9.45 10.53 15.12 9.72 4.86 2.59 .92 .27 .05 3.24 1.21 266.95 121—a1 2.10 117.39 40.53 13.44 2.94 2.94 2.52 3.78 3.36 2.52 .29 .15 .02 15.12 5.67 210.67 121-a2 2.40 152.40 30.96 10.32 9.84 9.36 4.56 6.48 4.80 3.60 .19 .26 .05 5.04 1.92 239.78 121—a3 2.50 154.75 35.25 7.50 11.75 10.50 6.25 7.50 4.50 3.25 .25 .33 .03 4.75 2.75 249.35 121-a4 2.70 162.81 47.25 6.48 8.64 7.56 13.77 10.26 3.78 2.21 .65 .24 .03 2.59 1.48 267.76 75-b1 2.60 139.62 53.82 12.48 3.12 4.94 8.84 6.24 4.16 1.82 .78 .23 .00 18.72 8.84 263.61 75—b2 2.70 157.95 46.17 9.72 7.29 8.64 17.01 10.26 5.13 1.94 .86 .30 .05 1.65 .81 267.79 83—b1 2.50 127.50 39.75 19.25 5.50 15.50 13.50 7.25 5.75 4.50 1.75 .38 .00 8.25 2.75 251.63 83—b2 2.70 143.64 44.55 10.80 10.80 17.82 21.33 9.45 5.40 4.05 1.51 .32 .03 1.67 1.62 273.00 79—b1 2.20 110.66 36.30 27.28 5.28 5.06 3.52 3.30 4.84 3.30 .53 .35 .04 13.42 4.40 218.28 79—b2 2.30 120.75 34.04 24.38 8.05 9.43 5.29 4.60 5.29 3.68 .46 .41 .02 10.35 4.14 230.90 79—b3 2.70 150.66 50.22 12.96 7.29 8.91 17.28 8.37 4.32 2.19 67 35 05 5.67 2.16 271.11 84—a1 2.50 124.00 44.00 12.25 7.50 14.25 15.50 6.50 2.45 2.38 .63 .33 .00 12.75 4.00 246.53 84—a2 2.70 143.10 45.09 6.75 13.77 19.44 24.84 8.10 2.97 2.32 .86 .35 .00 1.97 .54 270.11 89—31 2.50 115.00 35.50 14.50 22.00 18.25 21.50 6.25 1.48 5.75 1.13 .58 .05 4.00 .75 246.73 89-a2 2.70 128.25 42.39 9.99 24.30 18.90 25.65 8.10 1.19 5.40 .92 .46 .05 1.13 .27 267.00 85-31 2.20 121.22 42.46 12.32 3.96 3.30 3.96 5.06 4.18 1.85 .24 .26 .04 15.62 3.08 217.56 85—32 2.60 168.48 37.70 14.56 4.16 4.42 3.64 7.02 7.28 2.31 .21 .26 .03 8.06 1.82 259.95 85-a3 2.70 171.18 45.36 8.37 4.32 4.86 9.99 11.34 5.94 1.59 .51 .22 .05 2.97 1.21 267.92 86—a1 2.40 88.08 56.64 17.04 5.76 9.36 4.56 1.90 1.66 1.78 .50 .22 .02 33.60 20.16 241.27 86—82 2.50 102.50 44.50 11.00 13.50 22.75 10.00 2.45 1.22 2.13 .63 .38 .03 23.00 16.00 250.08 86—a3 2.70 137.16 49.41 8.64 12.69 21.60 18.90 6.48 1.32 1.94 .35 .35 03 9.45 3.78 272.11 APPENDIX 49 TABLE 14.- Weights assuming TiOz constant [Data in grams. represent the results of weathering 100 g of fresh rock. Leaders 1—), not analyzed] Sag-ale rm! Sio. A1303 F9203 peg Mgo CaO Nago K20 no, P205 MnO co2 H20+ H.0‘ Sum 109-a1 0.46 16.32 8.07 7.33 2.02 1.28 1.47 0.14 0.23 2.20 .18 0.09 0.05 4.35 1.56 45.28 109—32 .56 21.44 6.77 11.85 — 2.99 4.06 .57 .46 2.20 .00 .10 .00 6.04 — 56.41 109—a3 .71 29.10 8.52 12.77 — 3.76 5.89 1.31 .57 2.20 .00 .14 .00 6.74 — 70.97 109—a4 1.00 53.70 14.10 1.90 9.80 4.20 8.10 2.80 1.50 2.20 .40 .20 .10 1.20 .30 100.50 105-a1 1.05 56.28 17.64 7.35 3.15 2.83 5.67 2.31 1.15 2.10 .32 .21 .10 4.31 1.89 105.31 105—a2 1.00 53.40 15.00 2.00 9.00 4.20 8.10 2.80 1.30 2.10 .40 .20 .10 1.20 .50 100.30 104-31 .71 30.92 8.12 3.11 10.45 6.00 4.52 1.48 .49 2.40 .21 .14 .07 1.76 .21 70.24 104—212 .77 33.99 9.21 2.48 11.85 6.74 6.12 1.86 .39 2.40 .31 .15 .08 .85 .08 76.49 104-83 1.00 46.50 15.80 2.00 2.10 6.90 9.10 3.00 .50 2.40 .30 .20 .10 .50 .20 99.60 102-81 .58 20.84 5.56 13.32 — 3 71 3.82 .56 .43 2.20 .00 .15 .00 7.29 57.89 102—512 .69 27.50 7.56 13.75 — 4.16 5.29 1.21 .51 2.20 .00 .17 .00 6.39 — 68.75 102-33 1.00 48.00 14.00 14.00 — 4.18 8.50 3.05 .96 2.20 .00 .19 .00 5.00 — 100.00 98-a1 .73 33.53 9.60 4.00 7.64 4.73 5.75 1.67 .51 2.40 .22 .15 .07 1.38 .07 71.71 98—a2 1.00 48.80 15.90 4.00 9.90 6.50 9.20 2.90 .50 2.40 .30 .20 .10 .40 .10 101.20 118—a1 .42 16.50 6.77 8.04 — .68 .12 .13 .30 1.10 .00 .04 .00 8.63 — 42.31 118-112 .32 12.62 2.33 8.74 — .79 .16 .16 .31 1.10 .00 .03 .00 6.11 — 32.35 118—a3 .37 17.23 2.75 7.70 — 1.83 .55 .35 .55 1.10 .00 .04 .00 4.55 — 36.67 118-84 1.00 57.00 15.00 6.60 — 3.90 7.50 3.60 1.20 1.10 .00 .11 .00 4.00 — 100.00 95-a1 .75 35.48 12.52 4.47 2.39 4 92 3 50 1.34 1.42 82 13 17 .01 4.92 1.79 73.80 95—a2 .63 33.30 7.32 2.71 4.04 6.88 3 97 1.26 1.01 82 07 12 .01 1.39 .69 63.71 95-a3 1.00 54.50 16.30 2.60 4.60 8.70 8 40 3.20 1.20 82 25 13 .02 .42 .30 101.00 119—a1 .91 49.55 15.36 3.73 2.55 2.91 3 36 2.73 1.27 1.00 37 10 .02 4.91 2.73 90.91 119-a2 1.00 59.80 16.40 2.30 3.60 3.90 6 30 4.10 1.80 1.00 35 10 .02 .26 .20 100.00 120—a1 .80 46.32 14.24 4.08 1.36 1.76 2.00 1.92 1.04 .96 .12 .07 .01 4.96 2.00 80.80 120—a2 .74 42.31 10.19 3.69 2.36 2.88 2.58 1.92 2.22 .96 .10 .08 .02 2.58 .89 73.11 120-a3 1.00 58.90 16.40 2.10 3.50 3.90 5.60 3.60 1.80 .96 .34 .10 .02 1.20 .45 99.00 12l-al .68 38.20 13.19 4.37 .96 .96 .82 1.23 1.09 .82 .10 .05 .01 4.92 1.84 68.33 121—a2 .55 34.71 7.05 2.35 2.24 2.13 1.04 1.48 1.09 .82 04 06 .01 1.15 .44 54.67 121—a3 .63 39.04 8.89 1.89 2.96 2.65 1.58 1.89 1.14 .82 .06 .08 .01 1.20 .69 63.08 121—a4 1.00 60.30 17.50 2.40 3.20 2.80 5.10 3.80 1.40 .82 .24 .09 .01 .96 .55 99.00 75—b1 1.03 55.23 21.29 4.94 1.23 1.95 3.50 2.47 1.65 .72 .31 .09 .00 7.41 3.50 103.89 75—b2 1.00 58.50 17.10 3.60 2.70 3.20 6.30 3.80 1.90 .72 .32 .1 1 .02 .61 .30 99.00 83-b1 .83 42.50 13.25 6.42 1.83 5.17 4.50 2.42 1.92 1.50 .58 .13 .00 2.75 .92 84.17 83—b2 1.00 53.20 16.50 4.00 4.00 6.60 7.90 3.50 2.00 1.50 .56 .12 .01 .62 .60 101.00 79-b1 .54 27.16 8.91 6.70 1.30 1.24 .86 .81 1.19 .81 .13 .09 .01 3.29 1.08 53.46 79—b2 .51 26.58 7.49 5.37 1.77 2.08 1.16 1.01 1.16 .81 .10 .09 .01 2.28 .91 50.63 79—b3 1.00 55.80 18.60 4.80 2.70 3.30 6.40 3.10 1.60 .81 .25 .13 .02 2.10 .80 100.00 84-a1 .91 44.90 15.93 4.44 2.72 5.16 5.61 2.35 .89 .86 .23 .12 .00 4.62 1.45 89.62 84—a2 1.00 53.00 16.70 2.50 5.10 7.20 9.20 3.00 1.10 .86 .32 .13 .00 .73 .20 100.00 89—a1 .87 40.00 12.35 5.04 7.65 6.35 7.48 2.17 .51 2.00 .39 .20 .02 1.39 .26 86.09 89—a2 1.00 47.50 15.70 3.70 9.00 7.00 9.50 3.00 .44 2.00 .34 .17 .02 .42 .10 99.00 85—a1 .70 38.70 13.56 3.93 1.26 1.05 1.26 1.62 1.33 .59 .08 .08 .01 4.99 .98 69.54 85-a2 .66 42.96 9.61 3.71 1.06 1.13 .93 1.79 1.86 .59 .05 .07 .01 2.06 .46 66.29 85-a3 1.00 63.40 16.80 3.10 1.60 1.80 3.70 4.20 2.20 .59 .19 .08 .02 1.10 .45 99.00 86—a1 .97 35.71 22.96 6.91 2.34 3.79 1.85 .77 .67 .72 .20 .09 .01 13.62 8.17 98.27 86—a2 .85 34.73 15.08 3.73 4.57 7.71 3.39 .83 .42 .72 .21 .13 .01 7.79 5.42 84.71 86—a3 1.00 50.80 18.30 3.20 4.70 8.00 7.00 2.40 .49 .72 .13 .13 .01 3.50 1.40 101.00 l’I‘i R=Ti Ratio=ratio of TiOz in the fresh rock to that in the weathered sample. 50 CHEMICAL WEATHERING OF BASALTS AND ANDESITE S: EVIDENCE FROM WEATHERING RINDS TABLE 15. —Normalized molecular ratios [Molecular ratios are normalized to values m unaltered rock. Leaders 1— ) not analyzed] 53:“ B... ww 22%;? 92%: 3.73:“ 32% 109—a1 0.42 1.42 -2.13 0.79 0.36 0.45 0.30 18.76 109—a2 .81 1.07 -1.52 .87 .70 .58 .76 — 109—a3 .91 .97 .98 .91 .82 .70 .94 — 109-a4 1.00 1.00 1.00 1. 00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 105—a1 .67 1.00 —.08 1.00 .70 .98 .67 10.50 105—a2 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 104—a1 .83 1.18 .63 .92 .79 .70 .70 .31 1 04—32 93 1.19 .92 .92 .88 .71 .78 .22 104—a3 1. 00 1.00 1.00 1. 00 1. 00 1. 00 1. 00 1. 00 102-a1 .83 .99 —12. 43 .89 .71 .66 .84 — 102-a2 .95 1.00 —5. 62 .93 86 .77 .95 — 102—a3 1. 00 1.00 1. 00 1. 00 1. 00 1. 00 1.00 — 98—a1 9.1 .99 .72 .99 .90 .95 .92 1.30 98—a2 1. 00 1.00 1. 00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 118—a1 .15 1.19 —19.41 .82 .15 .45 .13 — 118—a2 .24 1.13 —17.30 .85 .22 .49 .21 —— 118—a3 .53 1.06 —7.70 93 .48 .69 .50 — 118—a4 1. 00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 — 95-a1 .65 1.02 .20 .95 .67 .80 .63 3.32 95—a2 .96 .89 .78 1. 01 .91 1. 05 1. 09 1.19 95-a3 1. 00 1.00 1.00 1. 00 1.00 1. 00 1. 00 1.00 119—a1.66 .98 .37 .97 .66 .86 .67 2.29 119—a2 1. 00 1.00 1.00 1. 00 1. 00 1. 00 1. 00 1.00 120—a1 .51 1.01 —1.01 .98 .54 .89 .50 5.00 120—a2 .82 .94 .20 1.00.87 1.00 .87 2.60 120—a3 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1. 00 1.00 1.00 1.00 121-31 .39 1.05 —1.84 .96 .45 .80 .37 6.10 121—a2 .79 .88 .43 1.02 .79 1.15 .90 1.40 121—a3 .88 .91 .61 1.02.86 1.09 .97 8.5 121—a4 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1. 00 1.00 1.00 1. 00 75-b1 .53 1.02 —1.11.96 .56 8.0 .52 3.00 75—b2 1.00 1.00 1.00 1. 00 1. 00 1. 00 1.00 1.00 83 .b1 .82 1.01 .42 .98 .83 .92 .81 3.50 83 . b2 1. 00 1.00 1.00 1. 00 1. 00 1. 00 1. 00 1.00 79-b1 .50 1.12 —1.62 .95 .56 .79 .44 2.91 79-b2 .74 1.04 —.37 .97 .76 .89 .71 1.70 79—b3 1. 00 1.00 1.00 1. 00 1. 00 1 .00 1. 00 1.00 84—a1 .72 .99 .06 .98 .73 8.9 7 2 3.33 84—32 1.00 1. 00 1. 00 1. 00 1. 00 1. 00 1. 00 1.00 89—a1 .95 9981.99.93.97 96 1.60 89—a2 1.00 1.00 1 00 1. 00 1. 00 1. 00 1. 00 1.00 85—a1 .57 1.10 —2. 15 .94 .57 .71 .51 1. 61 85—a2 .67 .94 — .23 1.01.72 1. 04 .71 1.81 85—a3 1.00 1.00 1. 00 1.00 1. 00 1. 00 1.00 1. 00 86—a1 .37 1.13 —4. 96 .86 .38 .58 .33 4. 35 86-212 .81 .97 —1. 30 .94 .74 .78 .83 1. 20 86—33 1.00 1.00 1. 00 1. 00 1. 00 1. 00 1. 00 1. 00 ‘Bases=Mg0+CaO+Na20+K20. “R203=Al203+Fe,03+Ti02 3WPI= Weathering Potential Index:100(EBases-HZO)/(Ebases+ER205+Si02) (Reiche, 1950). ‘PI= Product Index=100 (SiOz )/(Si02+SR203) (Reiche. 1950). 5Parker’s (1970) Index=100 (Nap/0.35+Mg0/0.9+CaO/0.7+K20/0.25). APPENDIX ' 51 TABLE 16. —Norma1ized weights assuming TiO2 constant [Weights assuming TiO, constant (table 14) are nonnah'zed to values' m the fresh rocks Leaders (— —J. not analyzed] 83$?" TiR‘ Sio2 A1203 mo, FeO MgO CaO N320 K20 "no. 13.05 MnO co2 1120+ H20: 109-81 0.46 0.30 0.57 3.86 0.21 0.31 0.18 0.05 0.15 1.00 0.46 0.46 0.46 3.63 5.19 109-82 .56 .40 .48 6.23 — .71 .50 .20 .30 1.00 00 .51 .00 5.03 — 109-83 .71 .54 .60 6.72 — .90 .73 .47 .38 1.00 .00 .71 .00 5. 62 — 109-84 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1. 00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1. 00 1.00 105-31 1.05 1.05 1.18 3.67 .35 .67 .70 .82 .89 1.00 .79 1.05 1.05 3.59 3.78 105-32 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1. 00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 104—81 .71 .66 .51 1.55 4.97 .87 .50 .49 .99 1.00 .71 .71 .71 3. 53 1. 06 104-32 .77 .73 .58 1.24 .64 .98 .67 .62 .77 1.00 1.03 .77 .77 1. 70 .39 104-113 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1. 00 1.00 1. 00 1.00 1.00 1 .00 1.00 1.00 1. 00 1.00 102-81 .58 .43 .40 .95 — .89 .45 .18 .45 1.00 .00 .79 .00 1. 46 — 102-82 .69 .57 .54 .98 — 1.00 .62 .40 .53 1.00 .00 .87 .00 1. 28 — 102-a3 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 — 1. 00 1.00 1. 00 1.00 1.00 .00 1.00 .00 1. 00 — 98—81 .73 .69 .60 1.00 .77 .73 .62 .58 1.02 1.00.73 .73 .73 3.45 .73 98—a2 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1. 00 1.00 1. 00 1.00 1.00 118-a1 .42 .29 .45 1.22 — .17 .02 .04 .25 1.00 .00 .35 .00 2.16 — 118-82 .32 .22 .16 1.32 — .20 .02 .04 .26 1.00 .00 .26 .00 1.53 — 118-83 .37 .30 .18 1.17 — .47 .07 .10 .46 1.00 .00 .40 .00 1.14 — 118-84 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 — 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 .00 1.00 .00 1. 00 — 95-a1 .75 .65 .77 1.72 .52 .57 .42 .42 1.18 1.00 .51 1.32 .37 11.71 5.96 95—32 .63 .61 .45 1.04 8 .79 .47 .39 .84 1.00 .28 .92 ,.32 3. 30 2.31 95—a3 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1 00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1. 00 1.00 119—81 .91 .83 .94 1.62 71 .75 .53 .67 .71 1.00 1.06 1.00 .91 18.88 13.64 119-82 1.00 1.00 1. 00 1.00 1 00 1.00 1. 00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 120-31 .80 .79 .87 1.94 39 .45 .36 .53 .58 1.00 .35 .72 .40 4.13 4.44 120-82 .74 .72 .62 1.76 .68 .74 .46 .53 1.23 1.00 .30 .81 1.11 2.15 1.97 120-113 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1. 00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1. 00 1 .00 1.00 121-a1 .68 .63 .75 1.82 30 .34 .16 .32 .78 1.00 .40 .53 .68 5.12 3.35 121—82 .55 .58 .40 .98 70 .76 .20 .39 .78 1.00 .18 .67 1.09 1.20 .80 121-33 .63 .65 .51 .79 93 .95 .31 .50 .81 1.00 .26 .91 .63 1. 25 1.26 121—a4 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1 00 1.00 1. 00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1. 00 1.00 75—1101 1.03 .94 1.25 1.37 46 .61.56 .65 .87 1.00 .96 .84 .00 12.14 11.66 75-b2 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1 00 1.00 1. 00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 83-1)] .83 .80 .80 1.60 46 .78 .57 .69 .96 1.00 1.04 1.04.00 4.44 1.53 83-132 1.00 1 .00 1.00 1.00 1 00 1.00 1. 00 1. 00 1. 00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 79-b1 .54 .49 .48 1.39 .48 .38 .13 .26 .74 1.00 .52 .66 .54 1. 57 1. 35 79-b2 .51.48 .40 1.12 .66 .63 .18 .33 .73 1.00 .41 .70 .25 1.08 1.14 79-b3 1. 00 1. 00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1. 00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1. 00 1. 00 1. 00 84-8131 .85 .95 1.77 .53 .72 .61 .78 .81 .00 6.32 7.24 84-82 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1. 00 1. 00 1. 00 1.00 1 .00 1.00 .00 1.00 1.00 89—81 .87 .84 .79 1.36 .85 .91 .79 .72 1.17 1.00 1.15 1.18.87 3.31 2.61 89-32 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1. 00 1. 00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1. 00 1.00 1.00 85—a1 .70 .61 .81 1.27 .79 .59 .34 .38 .61 1.00 .41 1.05 .70 4. 53 2.19 85-82 .66 .68 .57 1.20 .66 .63 .25 .43 .84 1.00.28 .83 .33 1.87 1.03 85—83 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1. 00 1. 00 1. 00 1.00 1 .00 1 .00 1.00 1. 00 1.00 86-81 .97 .70 1.25 2.16 .50 .47 .26 .32 1.37 1.00 1. 57 .67 .97 3. 89 5. 84 86-32 .85 68 .82 1.16 .97 .96 .48 .35 .85 1.00 1. 63 .98 .85 2. 23 3. 87 86-83 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1. 00 1.00 1.00 1. 00 1. 00 1. 00 1.00 1.00 l'I‘1'R='I‘i Ratio=ratio of 'I‘iO, in the fresh rock to that in the weathered sample. 3} US. 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WATT, Secretary GEOLOGICAL SURVEY Dallas L. Peck, Director Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data Sando, William Jasper. and Permian. Revision of Lithostrotionella (Coelenterata, Rugosa) from the Carboniferous (Geological survey professional paper ', 1247) tudy of Hayasaka’s North American species and the literature on other species “A revision of colonial rugose corals based on res referred to Lithostrotionella.” Includes bibliographical references and index. Supt. of Docs. no.: I 19.16: 1. Lithostrotionidae. 2. Paleontology—Carboniferous. 3. Paleontology—Permian. 1. Ti 81—607828 QE778.SZ4 563'.6 AACRZ ribution Branch, U.S. Geological Survey, For sale by the Dist 604 South Pickett Street, Alexandria, VA 22304 tle. II. Series. 4—.— CONTENTS Page Page Abstract _ 1 Systematic paleontology—Continued Introduction _ 1 Family Lonsdaleiidae Chapman, 1893 _________________ 36 Acknowledgments _ 2 Genus Thysanopfiyllum N Icholson and Thomson, 1876 _ 36 The status of Lithost’rot’ionella __________________________ 2 Genus LonsdaletaMcCoy, 184,9 “.— “““““““““ 37 Classification 4 . SubgenusActmocyathas d Orblg'ny, 1849 ________ 37 Family Durhamlnldae Mmato and Kato, 1965 ___________ 37 Phylogeny — 6 Genus Kleopatrma McCutcheon and Wilson, 1963 ____ 37 Systematic paleontology 8 Subgenus Kleopatm'na McCutcheon and Wilson, Family Lithostrotionidae d’Orbigny, 1851 ______________ 9 1963 38 Genus Stelechophyllum Tolmachev, 1933 ____________ 9 Uggetermined lithostrotionelloid corals ________________ 38 A itional taxa _ 39 Fami§“XifiZ‘yl:iiléfii$.32;3§?::::::::::::::: 3 Register of. Uses lsmhties forHayasaka <1936> type specimens , ’ of thhostrotwnella speCIes ________________________ 40 Genus Acrocyathus d Orbigny, 1849 ———————————————— 15 Locality data for USNM specimens not Hayasaka types ______ 41 Family Petalaxidae Fomichev, 1953 ___________________ 23 References cited __ 42 Genus Petalaxis Milne-Edwards and Haime, 1852 ____ 23 Index _ 49 ILLUSTRATIONS [Plates follow index] PLATE 1,2. Stelechophyllum microstylum (White). 3. Stelechophyllum banffense (Warren)?. 4. Stelechophyllum banffense (Warren)? and Stelechophyllum sp. indet. 5. Acrocyathusflomfomisflomfomis d’Orbigny. 6. Acrocyathusflorfiomisflonfomis d’Orbigny?. 7. Acrocyathus flomfomisflom'fomis d’Orbigny? and Acrocyathusflomfomisflomfomis d’Orbigny. 8—11. Acrocyathusflomfomisflomfomis d’Orbig‘ny. 12. Acrocyathus flom'fomis hemisphaericus (Hayasaka). 13. Acrocyathus flonfo’r’mis hemisphaem'cus (Hayasaka) and Acrocyathus flomformis hemisphaericus (Hayasaka)?. 14. Acrocyathus flomfomis hemisphaericus (Hayasaka). 15. Acrocyathus prohfims (Hall). 16. Acrocyathus prohfe’rus (Hall) and Acrocyathusflomfomisflomformis d’Orbig'ny. 17. Acrocyathus pilatus n. sp. and Acrocyathus girtyi (Hayasaka). 18. Petalaxis simplex (Hayasaka) and Petalaacis wyomingensis n. sp. 19. Petalaxis exiguus n. sp. and Petalaxis tabulatus (Hayasaka). 20. Petalam's occidentalis (Merriam) and Lonsdaleia (Actinocyathus) berthiaumi (Merriam). Page FIGURE 1. Morphology of the type species of the principal lithostrotionelloid genera 7 2. Postulated phylogeny of the principal genera of lithostrotionelloid corals 8 3. Variation in maximum number of major septa and maximum corallite diameter in 56 coralla of Acrocyathus flom'fomis ______ 18 TABLE Page TABLE 1. Hayasaka (1936) type specimens of Lithostmtionella _ 3 III REVISION OF LITHOSTROTIONELLA (COELENTERATA, RUGOSA) FROM THE CARBONIFEROUS AND PERMIAN By WILLIAM j. SANDO ABSTRACT Species of predominantly massive colonial rugose corals from the Carboniferous and Permian that were referred previously to Lithostrotionella Yabe and Hayasaka are reassigned to the following genera: Acrocyathus d’Orbigny (including probable junior synonym Lithostrotionella Yabe and Hayasaka), Stelechophyllum Tolmachev (including junior synonym Eolithostrotionella Zhizhina), Petalaxis Milne-E dwards and Haime (including junior synonyms Hillia de Groot and Eastonoz'des Wilson and Langenheim), Aulostylus Sando, Kleopatm'na McCutcheon and Wilson, Lonsdaleia McCoy (subgenus Actinocyathus d’Orbigny), and Thysanophyllum Nicholson and Thom- son. One of the species referred to Cystolonsdaleia Fomichev is reassigned to Petalam's. Stelechophyllum and Aulostylus are referred to the Family Lithostrotionidae d’Orbigny. A new family, the Acrocyathidae, is created for the genus Acrocyathus. Petalam's is placed in the Family Petalaxidae Fomichev, Thysamphyllum and Lonsdaleia are referred to the Family Lonsdaleiidae Chapman, and Kleopatm'na is assigned to the Family Durhaminidae Minato and Kato. The principal lithostrotionelloid genera are Stelechophyllum, Aulostylus, Acrocyathus, and Petalaxis. Stelechophyllum ranges in age from Late Devonian(?) into the late Viséan and is represented in the Carboniferous by 15 nominal species allocated to five species groups; the genus occurs in the U.S.S.R., U.S.A., Canada, and Mexico. Aulostylus is represented by two middle Tournaisian species in the U.S.A. and Canada and a possible species from the Viséan of China. Acrocyathus is represented by 14 nominal species (one new) from the lower to upper Viséan of the U.S.S.R., U.S.A., Canada, and China. Petalaxis is represented by 41 nominal species (six new) allocated to five species groups that range from the upper Viséan into the Permian; the genus occurs in the U.S.S.R., U.S.A., Canada, Spain, Japan, and possibly China and Spitzbergen. Stelechophyllum may have been derived from Endophgllum in the Devonian. Aulostylus, Acrocyathus, and Petalam‘s are regarded as off- shoots from the Stelechophyllum stock in the Carboniferous. Hayasaka’s type specimens of Lithostrotiomalla species from North America are reassigned to Acrocyathus, Stelechophyllum, Petalamls, and Aulostylus and are revised specifically. Three new species and two new subspecies are based on specimens studied by Hayasaka. INTRODUCTION Inadequate description of taxa is one of the principal deterrents to progress in paleontology. The study of fossil corals has been particularly plagued by this prob- lem because many taxa were proposed before thin- section techniques became widely used and thus were founded largely or entirely on external skeletal features. Until these extant taxa are redescribed and adequately understood, new taxa cannot be proposed without risk of duplication. In North America, massive colonial rugose corals originally referred to Litkostrotion Fleming and later to Lithostrotionella Yabe and Hayasaka are noteworthy examples of inadequate description. After the genus Lithostrotionella was founded by Yabe and Hayasaka (1915, 1920) on material from the Carboniferous of China, Hayasaka studied North American corals in the large U.S. Geological Survey collection of fossils (now housed in the U.S. National Museum of Natural History in Washington, DC.) Although Hayasaka’s visit to the United States was in 1927, his monograph on North American Lithostrottonella was not published until 1936. Hayasaka prepared thin sections from all the holotypes of his North American species, but the thin sections were small and only a few paratypes were sec- tioned. Consequently, Hayasaka’s species concepts were based largely on the holotypes, and many paratypes were incorrectly identified. Moreover, the geologic ages of these specimens were poorly known at the time the study was made. Subsequently, the name Lithostro- tionella came into wide use for Carboniferous and Per- mian colonial Rugosa throughout the world. I became acquainted with the problem of Hayasaka’s type specimens some years ago during the course of in- vestigations of North American Mississippian coral faunas. Easton’s (1973) study of Acrocyathus and his conclusion that Lithostrotionella is a junior synonym lent impetus to a restudy 0f the Hayasaka material. All Hayasaka’s type specimens were sectioned and re- studied in detail except for four paratypes that could not be found; most of Hayasaka’s specimens are illustrated in this report. Other described and undescribed specimens of Carboniferous and Permian age in the col- lections of the U.S. National Museum of Natural History were also investigated in order to broaden the base for taxonomic conclusions. All locality data were rechecked 1 f 2 REVISION OF LITHOSTROTIONELLA FROM THE CARBONIFEROUS AND PERMIAN and were revised as necessary on the basis of the latest available information (see locality register on p. 40). As work proceeded on the Hayasaka material, it became apparent that the classification of this material had broader implications concerning the validity of Lithostrotionella as a taxonomic concept and concern- ing the scope and phylogeny of other genera. According- ly, the present study was expanded to include an evalua- tion of all corals that have been described under the name of Lithostrotionella; this evaluation was based on a study of the systematic literature on these corals as of the end of 1978. I found that most of the specimens originally referred to Lithostrotionella by Hayasaka (1936) should be reassigned to Stelechophyllum, Aulostylus, Acrocyathus, and Petalam's (table 1). Corals assigned by other authors to Lithostrotionella also belong in these genera, but a few are assigned to Thysanophyllum, Kleopatrina, and Lonsdaleia. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS I am indebted to P. M. Kier and R. E. Grant of the U.S. National Museum of Natural History for making Hayasaka’s types and other specimens available to me for study. I am also grateful to P. Semenoff—Tian- Chansky of the Muséum National d’Histoire Naturelle in Paris and to N. V. Kabakovich and T. A. Sayutina of the Paleontologic Institute of the USSR. Academy of Sciences in Moscow for courtesies extended to me dur— ing visits to study material in their care. Many of the ideas expressed in this paper were discussed with col- leagues at the Eighth International Congress of Car- boniferous Stratigraphy and Geology in Moscow and the Third International Symposium on Fossil Corals in Paris, 1975; N. P. Vasilyuk, E. W. Bamber, M. Minato, M. Kato, P. K. Sutherland, and J. Fedorowski provided useful suggestions and criticisms. M. Minato and M. Kato provided me with photographs of the holotype of the type species of Lithostrotionella and translations of some of Hayasaka’s short papers in Japanese. E. C. Wilson provided information on some Pacific Coast localities and specimens. B. L. Mamet identified foraminifers in some collections. I am also indebted to the following for searching collections in their care for type material: J. A. Stitt, University of Missouri; L. S. Kent, Illinois Geological Survey; H. R. Cramer, Emory University; A. Horowitz, Indiana University; D. B. Macurda, University of Michigan; and R. R. Shrock, Massachusetts Institute of Technology. K. R. Moore and H. I. Saunders searched the collections of the U.S. Geological Survey and U.S. National Museum of Natural History for specimens used in this study. K. R. Moore also made thin sections and photographs of the specimens. THE STATUS OF LITHOSTROTIONELLA Yabe and Hayasaka (1915, p. 94—96, 133—134) orig- inally proposed Lithostrotionella as a subgenus of Lithostrotion for a cerioid coral having a lamellar col- umella and differing from true Lithostrotion by having a lonsdaleoid dissepimentarium. They described, but did not illustrate, the type species (by monotypy) Lithostro- tion (Lithostrotionella) unicum from the Carboniferous(?) of Yun—nan Province, China. They sug- gested that Petalaxis Milne-Edwards and Haime might be a senior synonym but concluded that Petalax’is is identical with true Lithostrotion. In 1920, the same authors (Yabe and Hayasaka, p. 11, pl. 9, figs. 12a, b) il- lustrated two thin sections of the type species, but both thin sections were cut obliquely with respect to the axes of the corallites, making it difficult to interpret internal structures. _ Chi (1931, p. 28—29) raised the name to generic rank for a species from the Middle Carboniferous Weiningian System of Kuechow Province, China, and Yu (1933, p. 101—102) described two species of Lithostrotionella from the Lower Carboniferous of Kuechow Province. Dobrolyubova (1935b, p. 10—20) described species from the Middle Carboniferous of the Moscow Basin and, later (1936a, p. 9, 28, 66), from the Upper Carboniferous of the Urals. This early work set the stage for Hayasaka’s (1936) monograph of Lithostrotionella in North America. Meanwhile, Stelechophyllum Tolmachev was ignored, even by Soviet students, until Hill (1956, p. F286) treated it as a distinct genus and Dobrolyubova and Kabakovich (1962) used the name for corals from the Kuznetsk Basin. The interpretation of Petalaxis Milne— Edwards and Haime at that time was based on an er- roneous designation of Petalaxis portlocki Milne- Edwards and Haime as type species by Hill (1940, p. 165, 166), who had overlooked Roemer’s (1883, p. 387, 388) designation of P. maccoyanus Milne-Edwards and Haime as type species. P. portlocki is a Lithostrotion, whereas P. maccoyanus has a lonsdaleoid dissepimen- tarium and cannot be referred to Lithostrotion. Recent work has not unequivocally resolved the mor- phology of the type species or the most practical limits of the generic concept. Easton (1973) revived Acrocyathus d’Orbigny, redescribed the type specimen of its type species, and concluded that Lithostrotionella is a junior synonym. By this action, Easton simply transferred the highly variable group of corals previous- ly referred to Lithostrotionella to Acrocyathus. Minato and Kato (1974, p. 67 —75) restudied the holotype of Lithostrotionella unicum. All that remains of the original type material is one of the oblique thin sections originally illustrated by Yabe and Hayasaka (1920, pl. 19, fig. 12a). Minato and Kato concluded that Hayasaka THE STATUS OF LITHOSTROTIONELLA TABLE 1. —Hayasaka, (1986) type specimens of Lithostrotionella Revised stratigraphic level, age, and species Kind of Revised USN M USGS and location (see Register of USGS Localities Plate and identification type specimen identification No. Loc. No. (p. 40) for detailed data) page americzma ___ Holotype ______ Acracyathus flon'fonnis flonfo’mis d’Orbigny 120240 2333—PC St. Louis Limestone, Late Mississippian Pl. 5; p. 17 (Viséan), Kentucky. Paratype ______ Avrocyathus flmtformisjhinfm-mis d’Orbig‘ny? 120241 1211B-PC St. Louis Limestone, Late Mississippian Pl. 6; p. 17 (Viséan), Missouri. ____do ________ Acrocyathus flomfmnis flowfm’mis d'Orbigny? 162001 498-PC St. Louis Limestone, Late Mississippian P1. 6; p. 17 (Viséan), Illinois. ____do ________ Indet. lithostrotionelloid coral 174371 3858—PC (green McCloud Limestone, Early Permian, __________ label) California. ____do ________ Stelechophyllum banjfmse (Warren)? 174372 7130B-PC Alapah Limestone(?), Late Mississippian Pl. 3; p. 13 (V iséan), Alaska. ____do ________ Indet. lithostrotionelloid coral 174373 3890—PC (green McCloud Limestone, Early Permian, __________ label) California. ____do ________ Stelechophyllum banfl'ense (Warren)? 174374 970—PC Alapah Limestone(?), Late Mississippian Pl. 3; p. 13 (Viséan), Alaska. ____do ________ Stelechophyllum banffense (Warren)? 174375 3024—PC Little Flat Formation, Late Mississippian Pl. 4; p. 13 (Viséan), Idaho. ____do ________ Acrocyathus flomfomis flonfwnis d’Orbigny 174376 499—PC St. Louis Limestone, Late Mississippian Pl. 5; p. 17 (Viséan), Illinois. castelnuui ___- Holotype ______ Acrocyathus flortfomis flom'fmnis d’Orbigny 120235 499-PC St. Louis Limestone, Late Mississippian Pl. 7; p. 17 (Viséan), Illinois. Paratype ______ Acrocyathus flon'fo’rmis hemisphaer‘icus 120236 3282-PC Hillsdale Member of Greenbrier Limestone, P1. 14; p. 00 (Hayasaka) Late Mississippian (Viséan), West Virginia. ____do ________ Acrocyathus flortfomis flonformis d’Orbigny 161989 2226—PC St. Louis Limestone, Late Mississippian Pl. 9; p. 17 (Visean), Illinois. ____do ________ Acrocyathus florifomis flortfomis d’Orbigny 161990 346C—PC Residual chert from ’I‘uscumbia Limestone, Pl. 8; p. 17 Late Mississippian (Viséan), Alabama. ____do ________ Acrocyathus flomfomis flonfo‘r‘mis d’Orbigny 161991 643—PC St. Louis Limestone(7), Late Mississippian P1. 8; p. 17 (Viséan), Missouri. ____do ________ Acrocyathus flor'ifomt‘s hemisphae‘m'cus 161992 2020A—PC Greenbrier Limestone, Late Mississippian P1. 14; p. 00 (Hayasaka) (Viséan), Virginia. ____do ________ Acrocyalhus floriformis flmfomis d’Orbigny 161993 3159—PC Newman Limestone, Late Mississippian P1. 10; p. 17 (Viséan), Virginia. ____do ________ Acrocyathus flomfomis florifmm‘s d’Orbigny 161994 2013B—PC Greenbrier Limestone, Late Mississippian Pl. 9; p. 17 (Viséan), Virginia. ____do ________ Acrocyathus flo'rifmnis flowfomis d'Or- bigny? 174377 3946—PC (green Unknown, probably St. Louis Limestone, Pl. 7; p. 17 label) Mississippi Valley region. flomfomis ___ Holotype ______ Stelechophyllum banffense (Warren) 120242 3760-PC Peratrovich Formation, Late Mississippian See Armstrong (V iséan), Alaska. (1970a) girtyi _______ ____do ________ Acrocyathus girtyi (Hayasaka) 120243 4801H—PC (green Little Flat Formation, Late P1. 17, p. 21 label) Mississippian (Viséan), Utah. Paratype ______ Petalazis exiguus n. sp. 162002A, B 3856-PC (green McCloud Limestone, Early Pemian, P1. 19; p. 28 label) California. ____do ________ Stelechophyllum microstylum (White)? 162003 3864—PC Lodgepole Limestone, Early Mississippian Pl. 2; p. 11 (Tournaisian), Montana. ____do ________ Acrocyathus pilotus n. sp. 162004 499-PC St. Louis Limestone, Late Mississipian P1 17; p. 19 (Viséan), Illinois. ____do ________ Specimen lost ______ 2111—PC Meridian Range, Montana. __________ ____do ____do 5077A-PC (green Weber Canyon, Utah. __________ label) ____do ____do Granitville, Utah. __________ hemisphtwn‘ca. Holotype ______ Acrocyathus flortfomis hemisphaericus 120237 1148-PC St. Louis Limestone, Late Mississippian P1 12; p. 19 (Hayasaka) (Viséan), Illinois. Paratype ______ Acrocyathus flomfomisflonfomis d'Orbigny 120238 3283—PC Hillsdale Member of Greenbrier Limestone, P]. 11; p. 17 Late Mississippian (V iséan), West Virginia. ____do ________ Stelechophyllum sp. indet. 120239 5892—PC Madison Limestone, Early Mississippian Pl 4; p. 15 (Tournaisian), Utah. ____do ________ Acrocyathus floriformis floriformis d‘Orbigny 161995 83-PC Newman Limestone, Late Mississippian P1 11; p. 17 (Viséan), Kentucky. ____do ________ Stelechophyllum microstylum (White) 161996 1439~PC Lodgepole Limestone, Early Mississippian Pl. 2; p. 11 (Tournaisian), Idaho. ____do ________ Acrocyathus flonformis flortformis d‘Orbigny 161997 2020—PC Greenbrier Limestone, Late Mississipian P1 10; p. 17 (Viséan), Virginia. ____do ________ Acrocyathus flortfomis hemisphaen'cus 161998 932A-PC St. Louis Limestone, Late Mississippian PI 12; p. 19 (Hayasaka) (Viséan), Missouri. ____do ________ Acracyathus flortformis hemisphae’rt‘cus 161999 2222A-PC St. Louis Limestone, Late Mississippian P1 13; p. 19 (Hayasaka) (Viséan), Illinois. ____do ________ Acrocyathus flortfmnis hemisphmicus 162000 22220-PC St. Louis Limestone, Late Mississippian P1 13; p. 19 (Hayasaka)? (Viséan), Illinois. multirudiata. - Holotype ______ Stelechophyllum microstylum (White) 120244 490—PC Lodgepole Limestone, Early Mississipian Pl. 1; p. 11 (Tournaisian, Utah. Paratype ______ Stelechophyllum microstylu‘m (White) 162005 104—PC Lodgepole Limestone, Early Mississippian Pl. 1; p. 11 (Tournaisian), Idaho. ,' Holotype P ‘ ’ ‘ ‘ ,’ (Hayasaka) 120249 5893—PC Little Flat Formation, Late Pl 18; p. 26 Mississippian (Viséan), Utah. Paratype ______ Petalaxis wmingensis n. sp. 120675 7452—PC (green “Wells” Formation, Late Mississippian or P1. 18; p. 26 label) Early Pennsylvanian (Namurian), Wyoming. tabulata _____ Holotype ______ Petalaz’is tabulatus (Hayasaka) 120246 1476—PC Aspen Range Formation, Late Mississippian P1. 19; p. 26 (Viséan), Idaho. tubtfe'ra _____ ____do ________ Aulostylus tubifem tubifems (Hayasaka) 120247 5894—PC Mission Canyon Limestone, Early See Sando Mississippian (Tournaisian), Montana (1976) Paratype ______ Aulostylus tubifems eotubiferus Sando 120248 3290—PC Lodgepole Limestone, Early Mississippian See Sando (Tournaisian), Montana. (1976) vesicular-ts ___ Holotype ______ Stelechophyllum banjfense (Warren) 120245 3747 C—PC Peratrovich Formation, Late Mississippian See Armstrong (Viséan), Alaska. (1970a) Paratype ______ Specimen lost ______ 970—PC(?) PorcupineArctic section, Alaska(?) _________ 4 REVISION OF LITHOSTROTIONELLA FROM THE CARBONIFEROUS AND PERMIAN the geologic age of the type specimen is probably Car- boniferous. According to these writers, Lithostro- tionella and Acrocyathus are distinct and separate genera, Stelechophyllum is a junior synonym of Lithostrotionella, Eolithostrotionella is a junior synonym of Acrocyathus, and Petalaxis is a junior synonym of Lithostrotion. The single surviving thin section of the holotype (Minato and Kato, 1974, pl. 15, fig. 1) does not permit an unequivocal evaluation of all the critical internal characters of the type species of Lithostrotionella. However, the corallite in the upper left—hand corner of the slide has what appear to be conical tabulae like those of Acrocyathus and shows no peripheral tabellae. The tabularium is certainly not that of Stelechophyllum or Petalaxis. Although none of the corallites show clearly defined septal lamellae, septal lamellae are not present in all corallites of some species of Acrocyathus. I conclude that the type species of Lithostrotionella is most likely a species of Acrocyathus; therefore, I regard Lithostrotionella as a probable junior synonym of Acrocyathus. This action, although debatable, is the most practical solution to the nomenclatural problem because both Acrocyathus and Stelechophyllum are founded on well—described and well-illustrated specimens whose ages are well documented. Although the holotype of the type species of Petalaxis is lost and a neotype remains to be selected, the species is well established on topotypes (Sutherland, 1977). CLASSIFICATION Species that have been referred previously to Lithostrotiomlla Yabe and Hayasaka are reassigned to the following genera in this report: Acrocyathus d’Or- bigny (including probable junior synonym Lithostro- tionella Yabe and Hayasaka), Stelechophyllum Tolmachev (including junior synonym Eolithostro- tionella Zhizhina), Petalaxis Milne-Edwards and Haime (including junior synonyms Hillia de Groot and Eastonoides Wilson and Langenheim), Aulostylus Sando, Kleopat'rina McCutcheon and Wilson, Lonsdaleia McCoy (subgenus Actinocyathus d’Orbigny), and Thysanophyllum Nicholson and Thomson. One of the species referred to Cystolonsdaleia Fomichev is reassigned to Petalaxis. Recent classification of the generic taxa recognized herein is in a state of flux, and there has been little agreement on their familial relations. Acrocyathus was referred to the Family Lonsdaleiidae Chapman by Hill (1956) (as a questionable senior synonym of Lithostro- tionella), Easton (1973), and by Ivanovskiy (1975) (as a junior synonym of Lonsdaleia). Dobrolyubova and Kabakovich (1962) regarded Acrocyathus as a ques- tionable junior synonym of Lithostrotion and referred it to the Family Lithostrotionidae d’Orbigny. Lithostrotionella was referred to the Family Lonsdaleiidae by Hill (1956), Easton (1973) (as a junior synonym of Acrocyathus), de Groot (1964), Armstrong (1970a, b; 1972a, b), and Ivanovskiy (1975). It was placed in the Family Lithostrotionidae by Easton and Gutschick (1953) (as a junior synonym of Lithostrotion) and by Dobrolyubova and Kabakovich (1962). Easton (1958) placed Lithostrotionella in the Family Lithostro— tionidae Grabau. The genus was placed in Family Petalaxidae Fomichev by Pyzh’anov (1964) (as a junior synonym of Petalaxis) and by Onoprienko (1970, 1976). Stelechophyllum was referred to the Family Lithostro— tionidae by Hill (1956) and to the Family Lonsdaleiidae by Ivanovskiy (1975) (as a junior synonym of Lithostro- tionella). Dobrolyubova and Kabakovich (1962, 1966) placed this genus in the Family Endophyllidae Torley because of its inferred derivation from Endophyllum, a Devonian genus that they recognized as ranging into the Lower Carboniferous. Eolithostrotionella was referred to the Family Lithostrotionidae by Zhizhina (1956) and in Bul’vanker and others (1960), by Vasilyuk (1960), and by Dobrolyubova and Kabakovich (1962) (as a junior synonym of Lithostrotionella). It was placed in the Family Lonsdaleiidae by Easton (1973) (as a ques- tionable junior synonym of Acrocyathus), by Degtyarev (197 3), and by Ivanovskiy (197 5) (as a junior synonym of Lithostrotionella). Dobrolyubova and Kabakovich (1966) regarded it as a junior synonym of Stelechophyllum and placed it in the Family Endophyllidae. Pyzh’anov (1964), Onoprienko (1970), and Kozyreva (1974) placed this genus in the Family Petalaxidae. Fedorowski and Gorianov (1973) placed it in the Family Lonsdaleiidae. Petalaxis was referred by Hill (1956) (as a junior synonym of Lithostrotion) and by Ivanovskiy (197 5) (as a junior *synonym of Lithostrotion) to the Family Lithostrotionidae, on the basis of an erroneous type- species designation. Fomichev (1953), Dobrolyubova and Kabakovich (1962), Pyzh’anov (1964), Onoprienko (1970), and Kozyreva (1974) placed this genus in the Family Petalaxidae. Fedorowski and Gorianov (1973) placed it in the Family Lonsdaleiidae. mum was referred to the Family Lonsdaleiidae by de Groot (1964) (as a subgenus of Lithostrotionella) and by Easton (1973) (questionably). Ivanovskiy (1975) re- garded it as a questionable junior synonym of Lithostro- tion and placed it in the Family Lithostrotionidae. Eastonoides was referred to the Family Lonsdaleiidae by Wilson and Langenheim (1962). Aulostylus was placed in the Family Lithostrotionidae by Sando (1976). CLASSIFICATION 5 Kleopatrina was referred to the Family Durhaminidae Minato and Kato by Minato and Kato (1965) and by Ivanovskiy (1975). Lonsdaleia was placed in the Family Lonsdaleiidae by Hill (1956), Vasilyuk (1960), Dobrolyubova and Kabakovich (1962), de Groot (1964), and Ivanovskiy (1975). Thysanophyllum was referred to the Family Lonsdaleiidae by Hill (1956), Armstrong (1970a, b), Degtyarev (1973), and Ivanovskiy (1975). Dobrolyubova and Kabakovich (1962) placed it in the Family Lithostro- tionidae. Pyzh’anov (1964) and Onoprienko (1970, 1976) referred it to the Family Petalaxidae. In this report, the following classification is used: Order Rugosa Milne-Edwards and Haime, 1850 Suborder Columnariina Rominger, 1876 Family Lithostrotionidae d’Orbigny, 1851 Genus Stelechophyllum Tolmachev, 1933 (junior synonym Eolithostrot’ionella Zhizhina in Fomichev, 1955) S. ascende'ns species group S. ascendens (Tolmachev, 1924) S. ascendens simplex Dobrolyubova in Dobrolyubova and Kabakovich, 1966 S. ascendens ascendens (Tolmachev, 1924) S. megalum (Tolmachev, 1924) S. grande (Tolmachev, 1924) S. venukofli (Tolmachev, 1924) S. venukofli venukofi‘i (Tolmachev, 1924) S. venukofli altaicum (Tolmachev, 1924) S. microstylum species group S. microstylum (White, 1880a) S. circmatum (Easton and Gutschick, 1953) S. longiseptatum (Lisitsyn, 1925) S. banjfense (Warren, 1927) S. micrum species group S. micrum (Kelly, 1942) S. lochmanae (Armstrong, 1962) S. ergunjaicum (Onoprienko, 1976) S.? molar-(mi species group S? malareni (Sutherland, 1958) S.? birdi (Armstrong, 1970a) S.? niake'nsis (Armstrong, 1972a) S? macaw/Li species group S.? macouni (Lambe, 1899) S. sp. indet. 8.? sp. indet. Genus Aulostylus Sando, 1976 A. tubifems (Hayasaka, 1936) A. tubtferus tubifems (Hayasaka, 1936) A. tubifems eotubiferus Sando, 1976 A.? sp. Family Acrocyathidae new family Genus Acrocyathus d’Orbigny, 1849a (?junior synonym Lithostrotionella Yabe and Hayasaka, 1915) A. floriformis d’Orbigny, 1849a A. flomformis flom'fomis d’Orbigny, 1849a A. flomfomis hemisphaemcus (Hayasaka, 1936) A. pilatus n. sp. A. proliferus (Hall in Hall and Whitney, 1858) A. girtyi (Hayasaka, 1936) A. pennsylvamcus (Shimer, 1926) Order Rugosa—Continued Suborder Columnariina — Continued Family Acrocyathidae — Continued Genus Acrocyathus — Continued A. utkae (Degtyarev, 1973) A. Total (Zhizhina in Bul’vanker and others, 1960) A. cystosus (Zhizhina in Bul’vanker and others, 1960) A. lissitzim' (Zhizhina in Bul’vanker and others, 1960) A. hsujiulingi (Yoh, 1961) A.? um’cus (Yabe and Hayasaka, 1915) A.? shimem' (Crickmay, 1955) A.? grechovkae (Degtyare’v, 1973) A.? zhizhinae (Vasilyuk, 1960) A. spp. indet. Family Petalaxidae Fomichev, 1953 Genus Petalaxis Milne-Edwards and Haime, 1852 (junior synonyms Hillia de Groot, 1963, and Eastonoides Wilson and Langenheim, 1962) P. simplex species group P. simplex (Hayasaka, 1936) P. wyommgensis n. Sp. P. tabulatus (Hayasaka, 1936) P. bailliei (Nelson, 1960) P. flexuosus species group P. flexuosus (Trautschold, 1879) . donbassicus (Fomichev, 1939) mokomokensis (Easton, 1960) . exiguus n. sp. brokawi (Wilson and Langen- heim, 1962) monocyclicus (de Groot, 1963) . sexangulus (de Groot, 1963) . taishakuensis (Yokoyama, 1957) . immamls Kozyreva, 1974 . belinskt'ensis Fomichev, 1953 . major (de Groot, 1963) P. fo'rm'chev'i n. sp. P. grootae n. sp. P. wagnem' species group . wagnem' (de Groot, 1963) . perapertuensis (de Groot, 1963) . radians (de Groot, 1963) . santaemam'ae (de Groot, 1963) . cantab’ricus (de Groot, 1963) . orboensis (de Groot, 1963) . occidentalt's (Merriam, 1942) P. vesiculos'us species group P. vesiculosus (Dobrolyubova, 1935a) P. lisitschanskensis (Fomichev, 1953) P. exilis Kozyreva, 1974 P. confertus Kozyreva, 1974 P. persubtilis Kozyreva, 1974 P. korkhovae Kozyreva, 1974 P. mimos Kozyreva, 1974 P. widens Kozyreva, 1974 P. maccoyanus species group P. maccoyanus Milne-Edwards and Haime, 1851 P. stylaxis (Trautschold, 1879) P. mohikanus (Fomichev, 1939) P. celadensis (de Groot, 1963) "U‘U’U‘U'Uf‘u f‘U'Uf‘U'U "U‘U’V‘U'Tl'v‘ti 6 REVISION 0F LITHOSTROTIONELLA FROM THE CARBONIFEROUS AND PERMIAN Order Rugosa— Continued Suborder Columnariina— Continued Family Petalaxidae — Continued Genus Petalam's — Continued P. maccoyanus species group-Continued P. elyensis (Wilson and Langen- heim, 1962) P. dobrolyubo’vae n. sp. P. donetsensis n. sp. P. immovi (Dobrolyubova, 1935a) P.? spp., indet. Family Lonsdaleiidae Chapman, 1893 Genus Thysanophyllum Nicholson and Thomson, 1876 T. astraeiforme (Warren, 1927) Genus Lonsdaleia McCoy, 1849 Subgenus Actinocyathus d’Orbigny, 1849a L. (A.) berthiaumi (Merriam, 1942) L. (A.) pemtrovichensis (Arm- strong, 1970a) Family Durhaminidae Minato and Kato, 1965 Genus Kleopatr'ma McCutcheon and Wilson, 1963 Subgenus Kleopatm'na McCutcheon and Wilson, 1963 K. (K.)? dilatata (Easton, 1960) K. (K)? wralica (Dobrolyubova, 1936a) K. (K)? wahooensis (Armstrong, 1972b) Undetermined lithostrotionelloid corals The foregoing classification of lithostrotionelloid cor- als follows Hill (1956) at the ordinal and subordinal level. Placement of Stelechophyllum in the Family Lithostro- tionidae also follows Hill (1956). Aulostylus is placed in the Lithostrotionidae because of its close relationship to Stelechophyllum. The recognition of Family Petalaxidae including only Petalaxis and Cystolonsdalez’a conforms to Fomichev’s (1953) original definition and the subse- quent acceptance by Dobrolyubova and Kabakovich (1962). A new family, the Acrocyathidae, is proposed to include only the genus Acrocyathus, which appears to have been derived from Stelechophyllum. Only a few species are allocated to Thysanophyllum, Lonsdaleia (Actinocyathus), and Kleopatrina (Kleopatrina), which are not closely related to the main stock of lithostro- tionelloid corals. Thysanophyllum and Lonsdaleia are placed in the Family Lonsdaleiidae following Hill (1956), and Kleopatm'na is placed in the Family Durhaminidae following Minato and Kato (1965). . PHYLOGENY Hill’s (1938, p. 35) statement that “little is known of the phylogeny of the Rugosa” is still valid today. In the absence of general agreement on the composition of families, it is very difficult to sketch out even the main phylogenetic lines. Hill (1938, p. 35—36) listed five methods of approach to the phylogeny of genera and species in Rugosa: (1) morphologic comparison without strict attention to detailed stratigraphic chronology; (2) the adult “Formenreihe” method used by Vaughan in his studies of the Rugosa, in which adult characters are traced through a stratigraphic sequence of species; (3) the “Formenreihe” method used by Carruthers in his classic studies of Zaphrentis, in which Haeckel’s law of recapitulation is used on a stratigraphic succession of species; (4) deduction of phylogeny of individual species from their ontogeny and checking this against strati- graphic evidence; and (5) deduction of phylogeny of in- dividual species from ontogeny without detailed stratigraphic evidence. Unfortunately, few studies have been made of colonial Rugosa in the Carboniferous by any of these methods. Nevertheless, it is useful to speculate on how the lithostrotionelloid corals are related phylogenetically. The lithostrotionelloid corals may be divided into two groups of genera, those that seem to be closely related phylogenetically, and those that seem to be independent unrelated forms. In the first group are species allocated to Stelechophyllum, Aulostylus, Acrocyathus, and Petalaxis (fig. 1), which are characterized by a lonsdaleoid dissepimentarium, tabulae that range from tent-shaped to conical to horizontal, and an axial struc- ture that ranges from a simple axial plate ordinarily con- nected to the counter septum to a complex spider-web structure made up of axial plate, vertical axial tabellae, and septal lamellae. The origin of the first group of lithostrotionelloid cor- als is uncertain. The earliest member of this group is Stelechophyllum, which has a lonsdaleoid dissepimen- tarium, a simple columella, and tent-shaped tabulae. Ac— cording to Soshkina, Dobrolyubova, and Kabakovich (1962, p. 342), Stelechophyllum was derived from En- dophyllum Milne-Edwards and Haime, a Middle Devoni- an coral that they considered to range into the Tournai- sian of Novaya Zemlya. The occurrence of Endophyllum in the Carboniferous apparently was based on Gorskiy’s (1935, p. 49—56; 1938, p. 21—24) description of species from the Etroeungtian beds of Novaya Zemlya, which Gorskiy regarded as lower Tournaisian (most Car- boniferous and Devonian stratigraphers now regard the Etroeungtian as latest Devonian). True Middle Devo- nian Endophyllum has a lonsdaleoid dissepimentarium, major septa that approach the axis of the corallites but do not meet or form a columella, and flat tabulae that have down-turned margins (see Jones, 1929). Gorskiy’s (1935, 1938) colonial species are more like Stelechophyllum than Endophyllum in the nature of their tabulae but do not have a columella. Some species of Stelechophyllum have a poorly developed columella. (for example, S. ascendens, S. megalum, and S. grandee). It seems more reasonable to refer Gorskiy’s species PE TALAX I S . hv-\m\\‘\\\\\‘\\‘\‘ PHYLOGENY AULOSTYLUS .121. a, 1. .. 41%.»... h. . . _, . ., . ._ , «vusmtewuv \uvwwé.‘ .. .. Eafifim‘w flash». 3 l , .l.. . , 1. .. ..,. .d @353 a ,. ‘Ilu’xll. v. \ §.A 3. CYL. . STELECHOPHYLL UM ACROC YA THUS Morphology of the type species of the principal lithostrotionelloid genera. Acrocyathus: longitudinal and transverse thin sections (x 4) of A. flomformisflorifomis d’Orbigny (USNM 120235). Stelechophyllum: longitudinal and transverse thin section ( x 4) of of P. maccoyanus Milne-Edwards and Haime (from Fedorowski and Gorianov, 1973). Aulostylus: longitudinal and transverse thin sections S. venukofli altaicum (Tolmachev) (from Dobrolyubova and Kabakovich, 1966). Petalaxis: longitudinal and transverse thin sections (x 4) (x 6) of A. tubifems tubifems (Hayasaka) (from Sando, 1976). FIGURE 1. — 8 REVISION OF LITHOSTROTIONELLA FROM THE CARBONIFEROUS AND PERMIAN questionably to Stelechophyllum and to regard them as possible derivatives of the Middle Devonian En- dophyllum. If the Famennian forms in Novaya Zemlya are refer— red questionably to Stelechophyllum, then there is a gap until the middle Tournaisian, when true Stelechophyllum appears and ranges into the upper Viséan (fig. 2). In the middle and upper Tournaisian, the axial structure was modified to an aulos in Aulostylus, which is a closely related offshoot of Stelechophyllum. Increased complexi— ty of the axial structure and the formation of conical tabulae took place in Acrocyathus, which ranges through most of the Viséan. Acrocyathus seems to be an offshoot of Stelechophyllum rather than a member of the Lonsdaleiidae, although it may have been the ancestor of Lonsdaleia (Acttnocyathus). The earliest species of Petalaxis, which occur in the upper Viséan, are similar to Stelechophyllum in the morphology of their septa and columella, but they have horizontal tabulae. Petalcwcis continues upward to the top of the Middle Carboniferous (Moscovian), but there is a gap in its record of occur- rence in the Upper Carboniferous before it is seen again in the Permian. The Permian species are very similar to Middle Carboniferous species. The significance of the gap is not now understood; the Permian forms may be merely homeomorphs in an unrelated phylogenetic stock. The second group of lithostrotionelloid corals includes two phylogenetic stocks that do not seem to be related to Stelechophyllum. Some species previously assigned to Lithostrotionella are herein placed in Lonsdaleia and Thysanophyllum, which are members of the Family Lonsdaleiidae. The origin of Lonsdaleia, which first ap- pears at the top of the Tournaisian (Hill, 1940, p. 151), has been variously linked to Clisiophyllum (Vaughan, 1905, p. 184), Carcinophyllum (Vaughan, 1906, p. 148), and Thysanophyllum (Carruthers, in Garwood, 1912, p. 563; Smith, 1916, p. 235). However, E. W. Bamber (written commun., 1980) has pointed out that Acrocyathus pennsylvanicus and A. shimem' have axial structures and tabulation similar to those of the North American species of Lonsdaleia (Actinocyathus), that is, L. (A.) stelcki and L. (A.) peratrovichensts. Although these similarities suggest derivation of Lonsdaleia (Ac- tinocyathus) from Acrocyathus in the Viséan of North America, they are inconsistent with the earliest occur- rence of Lonsdaleia in the upper Tournaisian of Great Britain. Thysanophyllum is characterized by a discon- tinuous axial structure and may be polyphyletic (Hill, "1940, p. 161). For the present, the origins of Lonsdaleia and Thysanophyllum and their possible relationships to the Stelechophyllum stock remain obscure. Other Carboniferous corals previously assigned to Lithostrotionella are placed herein in Kleopatrma, a predominantly Permian genus. According to Minato and Kato (1965, test—fig. 4), Kleopatm'na was derived from Durhamina, and all the members of the Durhaminidae were ultimately derived from the Lithostrotionidae in the Lower Carboniferous. Hence, Kleopatrma does not seem to be closely related to the main stock of lithostro— tionelloid corals. SYSTEMATIC PALEONTOLOGY Morphologic terminology is generally that of Hill (1956). The term “tent-shaped” refers to tabulae that slope peripherally from their intersection with the col- umella at a slight angle to a distinct rounded shoulder, where they are vertical (see Stelechophyllum in fig. 1). These tabulae ordinarily terminate peripherally at a zone of horizontal tabellae without reaching the inner margin of the dissepimentarium and rest one upon the other. The term “conical” refers to tabulae that slope peripherally from their intersection with the columella at a moderate to steep angle without distinct shoulders and reach the inner margin of the dissepimentarium (see LOWER CARBONIFEROUS 7 MIDDLE CARBONIFEROUS UPPER CARBONIFEROUS DEVONIAN Tournaisian Vise’an Serpu— khovian Bashkirian PERMIAN Moscovian Kasimovian Gzhelian A CROCYA THUS (ACROCYATHIDAE) _7 STELECHOPHYLLUM (LITHOSTROTIONIDAE) ; ? PETALAX/S, (PETALAXIDAE) A ULOSTYLUS (LITHOSTROTIONIDAE) No record of these corals FIGURE 2. — Postulated phylogeny of the principal genera of lithostrotionelloid corals. SYSTEMATIC PALEONTOLOGY 9 Acrocyathus in fig. 1). Convex or bell-shaped tabulae are like tent-shaped tabulae but are horizontal at the top where they intersect the columella. All types of tabulae are commonly seen in the same specimen, but ordinarily one type dominates. Sections that are not in the plane of the axis show tabulae that appear to be progressively flatter as one approaches the periphery of the tabularium. Because skeletal microstructure has not been de- scribed in most of the species diagnosed herein, no at- tempt is made to include it in the diagnoses of genera. Septal microstructure is described according to the classification of Kato (1963) only in descriptions of type material of new species and subspecies. The repositories for material studied by the author are the US. National Museum of Natural History, Washing— ton, D.C. (USNM), and the Muséum National d’Histoire Naturelle, Paris, France (MNHN, FL). Other material referred to is in the Rijksmuseum van Geologic en Mineralogie at Leiden, The Netherlands (RGM). Occurrence data are limited to information taken from descriptive studies given in the synonymies of the taxa concerned, unless otherwise indicated. No attempt was made to search out all occurrences in faunal lists or other similar citations of the taxa. Order RUGOSA Milne-Edwards and Haime, 1850 Suborder COLUMNARIINA Rominger, 1876 Family LITHOSTROTIONIDAE d’Orbigny, 1851 Genus STELECHOPHYLLUM Tolmachev, 1933 Stylophyllum Tolmachev, 1924, p. 316; 1931, p. 606; Fomichev, 1931, p. 43, 72 (not Reuss, 1854). Stelechophyllum Tolmachev, 1933, p. 287 (replacement name for Stylophyllum Tolmachev); Soshkina, Dobrolyubova, and Kabakovich, 1962, p. 342; Dobrolyubova and Kabakovich, 1962, p. 122; 1966, p. 130; Minato and Kate, 1974, p. 69. Eolithostrotionella Zhizhina in Fomichev, 1955, p. 303, 304; Zhizhina, 1956, p. 40. Lonsdaleia McCoy. Lisitsyn, 1925, p. 68. Lithostrotion Fleming. White, 1880a (1883), p. 159 [part]; Keyes, 1894, p. 124; Lambe, 1899, p. 220; 1901, p. 176; Tolmachev, 1924, p. 314 [part]; Warren, 1927, p. 46 [part]; Easton, 1944, p. 53; McLaren and Sutherland, 1949, p. 631; Bassler 1950, p. 213; Crickmay, 1955 (1961), p. 12 [part]; Nelson, 1960, p. 122 [part]. Lithostrotion [Lithostrotionella]. Bassler, 1950, p. 221; Easton and Gutschick, 1953, p. 19. Lithost’rotiomlla Yabe and Hayasaka. Hayasaka, 1936, p. 61, 62, 64, 65, 67, 68 [part]; Kelly, 1942, p. 354, 356, 357 [part]; Easton, 1958, p. 31; Nelson, 1960, p. 112, 113, 119, [part]; 1962, p. 170; Bamber, 1961, p. 107 [part]; 1966, p. 9, 14, 17 [part]; Armstrong, 1962, p. 38, 39 [part]; 1970a, p. 29, 32, 35 [part]; 1970b, p. 16, 19,20, 21 25, 26; Easton, 1963, p. 297; Sando, 1969, p. 309; Onoprienko, 1976, p. 29 [part]. Lithostrotion [Lithostrotiomzlla] [Thysancphyllum] Sutherland, 1958, p. 95. Type species. —Stylophyllum venukofi Tolmachev, 1924, p. 318, pl. 19, figs. 9, 10 and 1931, p. 607, pl. 23, fig. 2 (by designation of Tolmachev, 1933, p. 287). Lower Carboniferous (Tournaisian), Kuznetsk Basin, U.S.S.R.. Diagnosis. —Cerioid corals with tabular to hemispherical growth form. Septa of two orders. Major septa thin, ordinarily extending across tabularium to columella but discontinuous or absent in dissepimen- tarium. Minor septa absent to variably developed. Col- umella ordinarily a simple, smooth or serrated, strong, continuous axial rod or plate that may have been derived from one or more septa, but thysanophylloid variants are known. Tabularium ordinarily consisting of an axial series of bell-shaped to tent-shaped complete tabulae resting one upon the other and a weak peripheral series of horizontal or inclined, concave-upward tabellae (“split tabulae” of Soviet authors). Dissepimentarium lonsdaleoid, commonly showing traces or crests of discontinuous septa in transverse section. Increase ax- ial, peripheral, and intermural. Discussion. —Tolmachev’s (1924, 1931) original diagnosis of this genus described a coral similar to cerioid Lonsdaleia but without an axial plate and having a false columella formed by arched tabulae. Some of Tolmachev’s figures of transverse sections suggest that an axial rod is present, but the point is ambiguous. Hill (1940, p. 164; 1956, p. 286) and Cotton (1973, p. 195) followed the original diagnosis. However, Fomichev (1931, p. 43, 72) restudied Tolmachev’s types and con- cluded that Tolmachev’s longitudinal sections are cuts that do not intersect the axes of the corallites. Fomichev found a columella like that of Lithostrotion in Tolmachev’s transverse sections. These observations were confirmed by Fomichev’s study of topotypes. Subsequent study by Dobrolyubova and Kabakovich (1962, 1966) on specimens from the Kuznetsk Basin con- firmed Fomichev’s findings and also showed that the Kuznetsk Basin species form a genetic series from weakly to strongly columellate forms. Most authors (Hill, 1956, p. F286; Soshkina, Dobrolyubova, and Kabakovich, 1962, p. 342; Dobrolyubova and Kabakovich, 1962, p. 122—124; 1966, p. 130—157; Cotton, 1973, p. 195) regarded Stelechophyllum as a distinct genus, but Wang (1950, p. 212), Ivanovskiy (1967, p. 34), and Minato and Kato (1974, p. 69—71) regarded it as a junior synonym of Lithostrotionella Yabe and Hayasaka. In my opinion, Stelechophyllum is a distinct genus and Lithostrotionella is a probable junior synonym of Acrocyathus d’Orbigny. Stelechophyllum is differentiated from Acrocyathus and Petalaxis by the nature of its axial structure and tabularium (fig. 1). In Stelechophyllum, the axial struc- ture consists of a simple columella in the form of a rod or plate unmodified by septal lamellae or axial tabellae. The major septa may or may not join the columella, and the columella may be slightly serrated where the septa fall short of it. The tabularium in Stelechophyllum con- 10 REVISION OF LITHOSTROTIONE'LLA FROM THE CARBONIF‘EROUS AND PERMIAN sists of an axial series of convex to tent-shaped tabulae with well-defined shoulders that rest one upon the other and a weak peripheral zone of more or less horizontal, ordinarily concave-upward tabellae. Acrocyathus has a complex axial structure composed of an axial plate, axial lamellae, and steeply inclined tabulae or tabellae. The major septa seldom extend to the axial complex. The tabulae are essentially conical and ordinarily extend without shoulders to the periphery of the tabularium; peripheral tabellae are rare. Petalaxis has an essentially simple columella like that of Stelechophyllnm, although some species have impersistently developed axial tabellae. The tabulae in Petalaxis are essentially horizontal. Eolithostrotionella Zhizhina was proposed for corals that differ from Lithostrotion by having lonsdaleoid dissepiments and from Lithostrotionella by having arched, rather than horizontal, tabulae. Although the morphology of the type species of Lithostrotionella is in doubt, it seems to have conical tabulae like those of Acrocyathns; at any rate, the tabulae are not horizontal. The type species of Eolithostrotionella has an axial structure identical with the type species of Stelechophyllnm and is here placed in the synonymy of Stelechophyllnm. Species of Stelechophyllum are distinguished on dif— ferences in mature corallite diameter, number of major septa at maturity, presence or absence and length of minor septa (weak or strong), development of the col- umella (absent, weak, or strong), major septal exten— sions into the tabularium (weak or strong), major septal extensions in the dissepimentarium (weak or strong), shape of the axial tabulae (flat, tent-shaped, convex), spacing of the tabulae, development of peripheral tabellae (absent, weak, or strong), number of rows of dissepiments, size and shape of dissepiments (large, small, inflated, flattened), and ratio of tabularium width to corallite diameter. The species of Stelechophyllnm fall into five major groups: 1. S. ascendens group, including ascendens, megalnm, grande, and venukofi‘i. This group is characterized by its large corallites, moderate number of major septa, and by having a variably developed col- umella. The group is exclusively Tournaisian. 2. S. microstylum group, including microstylnm, cir- cinatum, longiseptatum, and banfiense. This group is characterized by its large corallites, large number of major septa, and well developed col- umella. The group is Tournaisian and Viséan. 3. S. micrum group, including micrnm, lochmanae, and ergnnjaicnm. This group is characterized by its small corallites and small number of major sep- ta. The group is Tournaisian and Viséan. 4. S.? mclareni group, including mclareni, birdi, and niakense. This group is characterized by its strong- ly polymorphic corallites. The group is exclusively Viséan. 5. S.? macanni group, including only 8.? macouni from the Viséan. This group is characterized by its weakly lonsdaleoid dissepimentarium. Occurrence—Upper Devonian (Famennian)(?) and Lower Carboniferous, middle Tournaisian to upper Viséan. U.S.S.R., Canada, U.S.A., Mexico. Stelechophyllum ascendens species group Stelechophyllum ascendens (Tolmachev) Stylophyllnm ascendens Tolmachev, 1924, p. 319, pl. 19, figs. 14, 15; 1931, p. 608, pl. 23, fig. 4. Stelechophyllum ascendens (Tolmachev). Dobrolyubova and Kabakovich, 1962, p. 123, pl. C—5, fig. 11, p1. C—6, figs. 1a, b; 1966, p. 136. Diagnosis. —Stelechophyllnm with corallite diameter 7 to 12 mm and 13 to 17 major septa that seldom extend into the dissepimentarium. Major septa join the col- umella or end a short distance from it or from the axis when a columella is absent. Minor septa weakly developed or absent. Columella weakly developed or ab- sent from some corallites. Dissepimentarium composed of a single row of large inflated dissepiments. Axial tabulae flat to strongly convex, spaced 0.5 to 1 mm apart. Peripheral tabellae absent or weakly developed. Ratio of tabularium width to corallite diameter 0.5 to 0.6. Increase is peripheral. Discussion. —This species is distinguished by its weak development of minor septa and columella. Occurrence. —Lower Carboniferous, upper Tournai- sian. Nizhnetersin Horizon, Kuznetsk Basin, U.S.S.R. Stelechophyllum ascendens simplex Dobrolyubova, in Dobrolyubova and Kabakovich Stelechophyllum ascendens simplex Dobrolyubova, in Dobrolyubova and Kabakovich, 1966, p. 137, pl. 23, figs. 1, 2, text-fig. 7. Diagnosis. —Stelechophyllnm ascendens in which most of the corallites are without a columella and have tabulae that range from flat (without columella) to tent- shaped (with columella). Description of holotype.—See Dobrolyubova and Kabakovich (1966, p. 137). Discussion-This form is the most primitive in the Russian Stelechophyllnm sequence (Dobrolyubova and Kabakovich, 1966, p. 134). Occurrence—Lower Carboniferous, Tournaisian. Nizhnetersin Horizon, Kuznetsk Basin, U.S.S.R. Stelechophyllum ascendens ascendens (T olmachev) Stelechophyllum ascendens ascendens (Tolmachev). Dobrolyubova and Kabakovich, 1966, p. 139, pl. 24, figs. 1, 2; pl. 25, figs. 1, 2; pl. 28, fig. 3; text-figs. 8, 9. SYSTEMATIC PALEONTOLOGY 1 1 Diagnosis. —Stelechophyllum ascendens in which most of the corallites have a columella and axial tabulae and peripheral tabellae are present. Description of lectotype. —See Tolmachev (1924, p. 319) Occurrence. —Lower Carboniferous, upper Tournai- sian. Nizhnetersin Horizon, Kuznetsk Basin, U.S.S.R. Stelechophyllum megalum (Tolmachev) Stylophgllum megalum Tolmachev, 1924, p. 319, pl. 19, figs. 11, 12; 1931, p. 608, pl. 23, fig. 3. S telechophgllum megalum (Tolmachev). Dobrolyubova and Kabakovich, 1962, p. 123, pl. C—5, fig. 1; 1966, p. 143, pl. 26, figs. 1a—c, 2, text— fig. 10. Diagnosis. —Stelechophytlum with corallite diameter 7 to 14 mm and 13 to 19 major septa that most commonly extend from the columella across the tabularium and in- to the dissepimentarium. Minor septa generally well developed. Columella variable in form and thickness, commonly thick and lenticular, in some corallites re- placed by ends of one or more major septa, absent from many corallites. Dissepimentarium consists of 1 to 3 poorly defined rows of large and small inflated dis- sepiments. Axial tabulae tent-shaped, spaced about 5 in 1 mm. Peripheral tabellae well developed. Ratio of tabularium width to corallite diameter about 0.4. In- crease is peripheral. Description of tectotype.—See Tolmachev (1924, p. 319) Occurrence—Lower Carboniferous, upper Tournai- sian. Nizhnetersin Horizon, Kuznetsk Basin, U.S.S.R. Stelechophyllum grande (T olmachev) Lithostrotion granule Tolmachev, 1924, p. 315, pl. 19, fig. 13; 1931, pl. 22, fig. 6. Stelechophyllum grande (Tolmachev) Dobrolyubova and Kabakovich, 1966, p. 146, pl. 27, figs. 1, 2; text-figs. 11-14. Diagnosis. —Stelechophyttum with corallite diameter 9 to 18 mm and 13 to 20 major septa that most commonly extend from the columella across the tabularium but seldom extend into the dissepimentarium. Minor septa absent to weakly developed. Columella variable in form and thickness, commonly thick and lenticular, in some corallites replaced by ends of one or more major septa, absent from some corallites. Dissepimentarium consists of 1 to 4 rows of small to large dissepiments. Tabulae spaced 0.5 to 1 mm apart, variable in form. Peripheral tabellae poorly developed. Ratio of tabularium width to corallite diameter about 0.4 . Increase is peripheral. Description of lectotype. — See Tolmachev (1924, p. 315) Occurrence. —Lower Carboniferous, upper Tournai- sian. Nizhnetersin Horizon, Kuznetsk Basin, U.S.S.R. Stelechophyllum venukofli (Tolmachev) See subspecies below for synonymy. Diagnosis.—Stelechophyllum with corallite diameter 5.5 to 15 mm and 12 to 20 major septa that ordinarily ex- tend from the columella across the tabularium but seldom extend into the dissepimentarium. Minor septa absent to well developed. Columella absent to very thick. Dissepimentarium composed of 1 to 4 rows of small to large dissepiments. Axial tabulae convex to tent-shaped, spaced about 0.5 mm apart. Peripheral tabellae poorly to well developed. Ratio of tabularium width to corallite diameter about 0.3 to 0.4. Increase is peripheral, axial, or intermural. Stelechophyllum venukoifi venukoffi (Tolmachev) Stylophgllum venulcofl’i Tolmachev, 1924, p. 318, pl. 19, figs. 9, 10; 1931, pl. 23, fig. 2. Stelechophgllum oenukoffi (Tolmachev). Dobrolyubova and Kabakovich, 1962, p. 124. Stelechophyllum cenukoffi venukofli (Tolmachev). Dobrolyubova and Kabakovich, 1966, p. 156, pl. 28, figs. 1, 2, text-fig. 15. Diagnosis. —Stelechophyllum venukoffi with minor septa absent or weakly developed and predominantly large dissepiments. Description of lectot'gpe. —See Tolmachev (1924, p. 318) Occurrence. —Lower Carboniferous, upper Tournai— sian. Nizhnetersin Horizon, Kuznetsk Basin, U.S.S.R. Stelechophyllum venukoffi altaicum (Tolmachev) Lithostrotion altaicum Tolmachev, 1924, p. 314, pl. 19, figs. 7, 8; 1931, pl. 23, fig. 1. Stelechophyllum uenukofii altaicum (Tolmachev). Dobrolyubova and Kabakovich, 1966, p. 157, pl. 29, figs. 1-3, pl. 30, fig. 1. Diagnosis. —Stelechophyllum venukofi’i with minor septa well developed and variable, predominantly small dissepiments. Description of lectotype. — See Tolmachev (1924, p. 314) Discussion. — This subspecies is similar to S telechophyllum microstytum (White) but has fewer ma- jor septa, fewer extensions of the septa in the dissepimentarium, and a lower ratio of tabularium width to corallite diameter. Occurrence. -Lower Carboniferous, upper Tournai- sian. Nizhenetersin Horizon, Kuznetsk Basin, U.S.S.R. Stelechophyllum microstylum species group Stelechophyllum Inicrostylum (White) Plates 1 and 2 Lithostrotion microstglum White, 1880a (1883), p. 159, pl. 40, fig. 7a; Keyes, 1894, p. 124; Easton, 1944, p. 53, pl. 13, figs. 1—3, pl. 17, fig. 1; Bassler, 1950, p. 213, Nelson, 1962, p. 170. Lithostrotionella microstyla (White). Bamber, 1961, p. 110, pl. 8, figs. 4a, b, pl. 9, figs. 1a—h; Bowsher, 1961, pl. 110, figs. 4, 5a—c; Carlson, 1964, p. 663, pl. 110, figs. 4, 6. 12 REVISION OF LITHOSTROTIONELLA FROM THE CARBONIFEROUS AND PERMIAN ?Lithostrotionella cf. microstyla (White). Bamber, 1961, p. 121, pl. 9, figs. 2a—e. Lithostrotionella microstylurn (White). Easton, 1963, p. 297; Bamber, 1966, p. 9, pl. 1, figs. 5a—g, pl. 2, figs. 1—3, pl. 3, figs. 1—3. Lithostrotionella jasperensis Kelly, 1942, p. 356, pl. 51, figs. 3, 6; Nelson, 1960, p. 112, pl. 21, figs. 1—4; 1961, pl. 1, figs. 1—3; 1962, p. 170; Stensaas and Langenheim, 1960, p. 184, text-figs. 9a, b, 10a, b; Easton, 1963, p. 297. Lithostrotion [Lithostrotionella] jasperensis (Kelly). Bassler, 1950, p. 221. Lithostrotionella confluens Easton, 1958, p. 31, pl. 1, fig. 12, pl. 2, figs. 8, 9; Armstrong, 1962, p. 39, text-fig. 18, pl. 4, figs. 1-5, Nelson, 1962, p. 170; Easton, 1963, p. 297. ?Lithostrotionella girtyi Hayasaka, 1936, p. 65 [part]. Lithostrotionella hemisphaerica Hayasaka, 1936, p. 61 [part]. Lithostrotionella multiradiata Hayasaka, 1936, p. 67. Diagnosis. —Stelechophyllum with corallite diameter 4 to 17 mm and 15 to 22 major septa that most commonly extend across the tabularium from the columella and in- to the dissepimentarium. Minor septa well developed. Columella ordinarily very well developed. Dissepimen- tarium composed of 1 to 10 rows (ordinarily 5 rows) of small to large, commonly flattened dissepiments. Axial tabulae convex to tent—shaped, spaced 2 to 4 in 1 mm. Peripheral tabellae well developed. Ratio of tabularium width to corallite diameter 0.4 to 05‘. Increase is inter- mural(?). Description of neotype. —Acc0rding to Easton (1944, p. 54), the holotype of S. microstylum was probably lost in a fire. USNM specimen 66838, described and il- lustrated by Bamber (1961, p. 110, pl. 8, figs. 4a, b, pl. 9, figs. la—h; 1966, p. 10—11, pl. 1, figs. 5a—g, pl. 2, figs. 3a, b), is here designated neotype for this species. Discussion—This is the most widespread species of Stelechophyllum in North America, ranging from the Mississippi Valley area to western Canada, where its oc- currence is exclusively middle and upper Tournaisian (upper Kinderhookian and lower Osagean). S. microstylum is distinguished from the Russian species S. megalum by its greater maximum corallite diameter, more numerous major septa, ordinarily stronger col- umella, and more numerous, generally less inflated dissepiments. It is separated from S. banfiense by its greater maximum corallite diameter, stronger minor septa, more numerous septa] extensions into the tabularium, less flattened axial tabulae, and less inflated dissepiments. Bamber (1966, p. 12-14) has discussed the synonymy of Lithostrotionella jasperensis Kelly and Lithostro- tionella confluens Easton with S. microstylum, on the basis of study of the type material of these taxa. Three of Hayasaka’s (1936) specimens are here referred definitely to S. microstylum. These are the holotype and paratype of Lithostrotionella multiradiata Hayasaka, USNM 120244 and 162005, respectively, and a paratype of L. hemisphaerica Hayasaka, USNM 161996. A fourth specimen, a paratype of L. girtyi Hayasaka, USNM 162003, is referred questionably to S. microstylum. These specimens are all illustrated herein. Occurrence. —Lower Carboniferous, middle and upper Tournaisian. Chouteau Limestone and Northview Shale, Missouri, U.S.A.; Gilmore City Limestone, Iowa, U.S.A.; Lodgepole Limestone, Montana(?), Idaho, and Utah, U.S.A.; Joana Limestone, Nevada, U.S.A.; Keating Formation and Lake Valley Limestone, New Mexico, U.S.A.; Represo and Venada Formations, Sonora, Mexico; Banff and Pekisko Formations, Alber- ta, Canada. Stelechophyllum circinatum (Easton and Gutschick) Lithostrotion (Lithostrotionella) circinatus Easton and Gutschick, 1953, p. 19, pl. 3, figs. 5, 6 [part]. Lithostrotionella. circinatus (Easton and Gutschick). Nelson, 1962, p. 170; Easton, 1963, p. 297; Sando, 1969, p. 309, pl. 38, figs. 1-7. Diagnosis. —Stelechophyllum with corallite diameter 9 to 13 mm and 21 to 30 major septa that most commonly extend from the columella across the tabularium but seldom extend into the dissepimentarium. Minor septa absent to poorly developed. Columella absent to very well developed. Dissepimentarium composed of 1 to 4 rows of small to large, commonly flattened dis- sepiments. Axial tabulae flat to tent-shaped, spaced 4 in 1 mm. Peripheral tabellae well developed. Ratio of tabularium width to corallite diameter 0.4 to 0.5. In- crease is peripheral. Description of type specimens. —See Easton and Gutschick (1953, p. 19). Discussion. —This species is similar to S. microstylum but differs in having more major septa, a columella that is variably developed, and fewer extensions of the major septa into the dissepimentarium. S. circinatum occurs at a slightly higher stratigraphic level than S. microstylum. Occurrence. -—Lower Carboniferous, upper Tournai- sian. Redwall Limestone, Arizona, USA. Stelechophyllum longiseptatum (Lisitsyn) Lonsdalia longiseptata Lisitsyn, 1925, p. 68, p. 1, fig. 4. E'olithostrotionella longiseptata (Lisitsyn). Zhizhina, 1956, p. 40, pl. 9, figs. 1a, b. Diagnosis.—Stelechophyllum with corallite diameter 15 to 20 mm and 24 to 32 major septa that most com- monly extend from the columella across the tabularium and into the dissepimentarium. Minor septa well developed. Columella well developed. Dissepimentarium composed of 2 to 5 rows of small to large inflated dissepiments. Axial tabulae convex to tent-shaped, spaced 0.2 to 1 mm apart. Peripheral tabellae well developed(?). Ratio of tabularium width to corallite diameter 0.4 to 0.5. Mode of increase unknown. SYSTEMATIC PALEONTOLOGY 13 Description of holotype. — See Zhizhina (1956). Discussion. —This species is similar to S. circinatum but differs in having larger corallites, more major septa, a stronger columella, and in having the major septa com- monly extending into the dissepimentarium. Occurrence. -Lower Carboniferous, middle Viséan. Zone Clvd Donetz Basin, U.S.S.R. Stelechophyllum banflense (Warren) Plate 3; plate 4, figures 1, 2 Lithostrotion banfiensis Warren, 1927, p. 46, pl. 3, figs. 5, 6, pl. 5; Crickmay, 1955, 1961, p. 12, pl. 1, figs. 13, 14. Lithostrotionella banjfensis (Warren). Kelly, 1942, p. 354; Bamber, 1966, p. 17, pl. '3, fig. 5; Armstrong, 1970a, p. 29, pl. 10, figs. 1—8, pl. 13, figs. 1-7; 1970b, p. 16, pl. 3, figs. 5-8, pl. 4, figs. 1—4, pl. 10, fig. 1. Lithostrotionella banfi’ense (Warren). Nelson, 1960, p. 119, pl. 23, figs. 4, 5; 1961, pl. 17, figs. 1, 2. Lithostrotionella cf. banflensis (Warren). Bamber, 1961, p. 133, pl. 10, figs. 3a—d. Lithostrotioncllaflomformis Hayasaka, 1936, p. 64, pl. 17, figs. 1a, b. Lithostrotionella vesicularis Hayasaka, 1936, p. 68, pl. 14, figs. 3a, b. ?Lithostrotionella amcricana Hayasaka, 1936, p. 62 [part]. ?Lithostrotionella aff. L. banfi’ensis (Warren). Armstrong, 1970b, p. 19, pl. 4, figs. 5, 6. Diagnosis. —Stelechophyllum with corallite diameter 6 to 13 mm and 19 to 26 major septa of variable length that seldom join the columella and seldom extend into the dissepimentarium. Minor septa absent to poorly developed. Columella well developed. Dissepimentarium composed of 1 to 6 rows of small to large inflated dissepiments. Axial tabulae ordinarily broadly tent- shaped, spaced 2 to 4 in 1 mm. Peripheral tabellae poor- ly to well developed. Ratio of tabularium width to cor- allite diameter 0.5 to 0.6. Increase is peripheral. Description of lectotype. —See Nelson (1960) and Bamber (1966). Discussion. - This highly variable species is common in rocks of early and middle Viséan age in western Canada and Alaska. It appears to have been derived from S. microstylum, from which it differs in having smaller cor- allites, weaker major and minor septa, somewhat flat- tened tabulae that are variable in form, ordinarily fewer rows of dissepiments, and a larger ratio of tabularium width to corallite diameter. Armstrong (1970a, p. 29-31) has discussed the synonymy of Lithostrotionellafloriformis Hayasaka and Lithostrotionella vesicularis Hayasaka with S. banfiense on the basis of study of the type material. Hayasaka’s type specimens are illustrated in Armstrong’s paper. Three paratypes of Lithostrotionella americana (USNM 174372, 174374, and 174375) are here referred to the species with query and are illustrated herein. Occurrence. —Lower Carboniferous, lower and middle Viséan. Mount Head Formation, Alberta, Canada; Prophet Formation, British Columbia, Canada; Peratrovich, Nasorak, Kogruk, and Alapah(?) Forma- tions, Alaska, U.S.A.; Little Flat Formation, Idaho, U.S.A.(?). Stelechophyllum micrum species group Stelechophyllum micrum (Kelly) Lithostrotionella micra Kelly, 1942, p. 357, pl. 50, fig. 7; Nelson, 1960, p. 113, pl. 21, figs. 5, 6; 1961, pl. 6, figs. 1—3; Bamber, 1966, p. 14, pl. 3, figs. 4a—e. Lithostrotion [Lithostrotionella] micra (Kelly). Bassler, 1950, p. 221. Lithostrotion micra (Kelly). Brindle, 1960, pl. 10, fig. 2. Diagnosis. —Stelechophyllum with corallite diameter 2 to 6 mm and 10 to 15 major septa that most commonly extend from the columella across the tabularium but seldom extend into the dissepimentarium. Minor septa poorly developed. Columella poorly to well developed. Dissepimentarium composed of 1 to 2 rows of large in- flated dissepiments. Axial tabulae convex, spaced 2 in 1 mm. Peripheral tabellae poorly developed. Ratio of tabularium width to corallite diameter about 0.6. In- crease is peripheral(?). Description of holotype. — See Kelly (1942) and Bamber (1961). Discussion. — This species is similar to Stelechophyllum lochmanae and S. ergunjaicum. S. lochmanae has larger corallites and stronger major septa. S. ergunjaicum has slightly more major septa and only one row of dissepiments. Occurrence—Lower Carboniferous, upper Tournai- sian. Pekisko and Shunda Formations, Alberta, Canada. Stelechophyllum lochmanae (Armstrong) Lithostrotionella lochmanae Armstrong, 1962, p. 38, pl. 4, figs. 6—8, text fig. 17. Diagnosis. -—Stelechophyllum with corallite diameter 5 to 8 mm and 13 to 15 major septa that most commonly extend from the columella across the tabularium and in- to the dissepimentarium. Minor septa well developed. Columella well developed. Dissepimentarium composed of 1 to 2 rows of large inflated dissepiments. Axial tabulae convex, spaced 3 in 1 mm. Peripheral tabellae poorly developed. Ratio of tabularium width to corallite diameter about 0.6. Mode of increase unknown. Description of type material. — See Armstrong (1962). Discussion. —This species is similar to S. micrum and S. ergunjaicum. S. micrum has smaller corallites and weaker minor septa, and S. ergunjaicum has weaker minor septa and fewer extensions of the major septa in- to the dissepimentarium. Occurrence—Lower Carboniferous, middle Tournai- sian. Keating Formation and Lake Valley Limestone, New Mexico and Arizona, U.S.A. Stelechophyllum ergunjaicum (Onoprienko) Lithostrotionella ergunjaicum Onoprienko, 1976, p. 29, pl. 11, figs. 3, 4. 14 REVISION OF LITHOSTROTIONELLA FROM THE CARBONIFEROUS AND PERMIAN Diagnosis. —Stelechophyllnm with corallite diameter 4 to 6 mm and 15 to 16 major septa that most commonly extend from the columella across the tabularium but seldom extend into the dissepimentarium. Minor septa poorly developed. Columella well developed. Dis- sepimentarium composed of a single row of large in- flated dissepiments. Axial tabulae convex to tent- shaped, spaced 0.1—1.2 mm apart. Peripheral tabellae well developed. Ratio of tabularium width to corallite diameter 0.5 to 0.6. Mode of increase unknown. Description of type material. — See Onoprienko (1976). Discussion—This species is similar to the North American species S. lochmanae and S. micrnm. S. ergunjaicnrn differs from S. micrnm by having convex to tent—shaped tabulae, better developed peripheral tabellae, and only one row of dissepiments. The Russian species differs from S. lochmanae by having smaller cor- allites, weaker minor septa, fewer extensions of the ma- jor septa into the dissepimentarium, and only one row of dissepiments. Occurrence—Lower Carboniferous, upper Viséan. Utaveem Suite, East Chukotka, Chegitun’ River basin, U.S.S.R. Stelechophyllum? mclareni species group Stelechophyllum? mclareni (Sutherland) Lithostrotion sp. McLaren and Sutherland, 1949, p. 631, pl. 103, figs. 1—9. Lithostrotion [Lithostrotionella] [Thysanophyllnm] mclareni Sutherland, 1958, p. 95, pl. 33, figs. 1a—g. Lithostrotionella. mclareni (Sutherland). Armstrong, 1970b, p. 21, pl. 5, figs. 4, 7, 8—10, pl. 6, figs. 1, 2, 7—9. ?Lithostroti0nella aff. L. mclareni Sutherland. Armstrong, 1970a, p. 35, pl. 8, figs. 8, 9. Diagnosis.—Stelechophyllum? with corallite diameter 3.5 to 4.4 mm and 12 to 15 major septa of variable length that may or may not join the columella and may or may not extend into the dissepimentarium. Minor septa ab- sent to well developed. Columella weakly developed (or discontinuous) to strongly developed. Dissepimentarium composed of 1 to 3 rows of small to large inflated dissepiments. Axial tabulae flat to tent-shaped, depend- ing on strength of columella, spaced 2 in 1 mm Peripheral tabellae absent to poorly developed. Ratio of tabularium width to corallite diameter about 0.5. In- crease is peripheral. Description of holotype. - See McLaren and Suther- land (1949). Discussion. — McLaren and Sutherland (1949), Sutherland (1958), and Armstrong (1970b) have dis- cussed in detail the extreme morphologic variability in this species. According to E. W. Bamber (written com— mun., 1980), who has studied the species, serial sections of the corallites show vertical discontinuity of the septa in the dissepimentarium and vertical discontinunity of the colummella so that some sections have the ap- pearance of Sciophyllnm in corallites that are mainly characterized by the Stelechophylln'm structure. The amount of variation is notable in this species. 8.? molareni is similar to 8.? birdi and S.? niakense, from which it differs in corallite diameter, in number of major septa, and in the degree to which the major septa extend into the dissepimentarium Armstrong’s (1970a) Lithostrotionella aff. L. mclareni has characters that place it close to S.? birdi and is here referred to 8.? melareni with query. Occurrence—Lower Carboniferous, Viséan. Prophet Formation, British Columbia, Canada; Kogruk Forma- tion, Alaska, USA Stelechophyllum? birdi (Armstrong) Lithostrotionella birdi Armstrong, 1970a, p. 32, pl. 7, figs. 1—4, pl. 8, figs. 1—7; 1970b, p. 20, pl. 4, fig. 1, pl. 5, figs 1—3, 5, 6. Diagnosis.-Stelech0phyllnm? with corallite diameter 3.5 to 7.5 mm and 15 to 20 major septa of variable length that seldom join the columella and may or may not ex- tend into the dissepimentarium. Minor septa absent to poorly developed. Columella absent to weakly devel- oped. Dissepimentarium composed of 1 to 2 rows of mostly large inflated dissepiments. Axial tabulae flat to flattened tent-shaped, spaced 2 in 1 mm. Peripheral tabellae absent to poorly developed. Ratio of tabularium width to corallite diameter about 0.6. Increase is peripheral. Description of holotype. — See Armstrong (197 0a). Discussion. —This species shows intracolony variation similar to that of S.? melareni (see discussion of S.? mclareni). It is distinguished from S.? mclareni by its larger corallites and larger number of major septa. Its extreme morphologic variation makes generic place- ment questionable. Occurrence—Lower Carboniferous, Viséan. Peratro- vich and Kogruk Formations, Alaska, USA. Stelechophyllum? niakense (Armstrong) Lithostrotionella sp. A. Armstrong, 1970b, p. 25, pl. 7, figs. 1—6. Lithostrotionella sp. B. Armstrong, 197 0b, p. 26, pl. 7, figs. 7-9. Lithostrotionella niakensis Armstrong, 1972a, p. A23, pl. 4, figs. 2, 6, pl. 9, figs. 1—3, pl. 9, figs. 1—6. Diagnosis.—Stelech0phyllnm? with corallite diameter 2.5 to 4.7 mm and 9 to 14 major septa of variable length that seldom extend from the columella across the tabularium but commonly extend into the dissepimen- tarium. Minor septa poorly to well developed. Columella absent to poorly developed. Dissepimentarium com- posed of 1 to 2 rows of mostly large inflated dis- sepiments. Axial tabulae flat to tent-shaped, spaced 2 in 1 mm. Peripheral tabellae absent to poorly developed. Ratio of tabularium width to corallite diameter about 0.6. Increase is probably peripheral. SYSTEMATIC PALEONTOLOGY 15 Description of holotype. — See Armstrong (1972a). Discussion-8.? niakense is similar to S.? molareni but differs in having fewer major septa, more extensions of the major septa into the dissepimentarium, and less polymorphic variation between corallites. S.? niakense differs from 8.? mucouni in having larger corallites, more major septa, and fewer extensions of the major septa to the columella. Occurrence—Lower Carboniferous, Viséan. Kogruk Formation, Alaska, U.S.A. Stelechophyllum macouni species group Stelechophyllum? macouni (Lambe) Lithostrotion macouni Lambe, 1899, p. 220; 1901, p. 176, pl. 14, figs. 11, 11a, 11b. Lithostrotion? macauni Lambe. Nelson, 1960, p. 122, pl. 23, figs. 1, 2 art. Litiidstrdtionella macouni (Lambe). Armstrong, 1970b, p. 23, pl. 12, figs. 1—6. Diagnosis.—Stelechophyllum? with corallite diameter 1.9 to 2.8 mm and 9 to 11 major septa that commonly ex- tend from the columella across the tabularium and into the dissepimentarium. Minor septa absent to poorly developed. Columella ordinarily well developed. Dissepimentarium composed of a single row of small in- flated dissepiments. Axial tabulae nearly flat to conical, spaced 3 in 1 mm. Peripheral tabellae poorly developed. Ratio of tabularium width to corallite diameter 0.7. Mode of increase unknown. Description of lectotype. —GSC 4327 is here designated lectotype for this species. See Nelson (1960) and Arm- strong (1970b) for description of this specimen. Discussion. —This species is distinguished from all other species of Stelechophyllum by its smaller corallite diameter, fewer major septa, and very weakly developed lonsdaleoid dissepimentarium. Its morphology ap- proaches that of Lithostrotion (Lithostrotion), which is unknown in North America Occurrence—Lower Carboniferous, Viséan. Prophet Formation, British Columbia, Canada. Stelechophyllum sp. indet. Plate 4, figures 3, 4 Lithostrotionella hemisphaerica. Hayasaka, 1936, p. 61 [part]. Discussion. — An indeterminate species of Stelechophyllum is represented by USNM 120239, which is a paratype of Lithostrotionella hemisphaerica Hayasaka. This specimen has corallites 9 to 12 mm in diameter, 18 to 20 major septa, and an impersistent col- umella, but the corallites are too badly crushed to permit evaluation of all specific characters. Occurrence. —Lower Carboniferous, Tournaisian. Madison Limestone, Utah, U.S.A. Stelechophylluxn? sp. indet. Lithostrotiorwlla sp. Bamber, 1961, p. 129, pl. 10, figs. 2a—d. Discussion. —Bamber’s (1961) specimen has corallites 4 to 8 mm in diameter, 19 to 21 major septa, a simple col- umella, and tabulae that appear to be of the Stelechophyllum type. Formal recognition of this species is deferred pending discovery of more specimens. Occurrence—Lower Carboniferous, Viséan. Prophet Formation, British Columbia, Canada. Genus AULOSTYLUS Sando, 1976 Aulostylus Sando, 1976, p. 427. Type species. —Lithostrotionella tubifera Hayasaka, 1936, p. 69, pl. 16, figs. 1a, b, 2. Lower Carboniferous (Tournaisian), Montana. Diagnosis. - See Sando (1976). Discussion. —This genus was established for lithostro- tionelloid corals that have an aulos and a weak col- umella. Two middle Tournaisian species from the U.S.A. and Canada and a possible representative from the Viséan of China are the only described species. The species formerly referred to Lithostrotionella are listed below; pertinent information on them has been given by Sando (1976). Aulostylus tubiierus (Hayasaka) Lithostrotionella tubifera Hayasaka, 1936, p. 69, pl. 16, figs. 1a, b, 2; Smith and Yfi, 1943, p. 42; Sando, 1963, p. 1076. Lithostrotion [Lithostrotionella] tubifera (Hayasaka). Bassler, 1950, p. 220. Aulina tubifera (Hayasaka). Hill, 1940, p. 190; Bamber, 1961, p. 161, pl. 12, figs. 3a—d. Aulostylus tubiferus (Hayasaka). Sando, 1976, p. 428, figs. 3, 4. Description of holotype. — See Sando (1976). Diagnosis. — See Sando (197 6). Discussion. — Sando (1976) recognized two subspecies, A. tubiferus tubiferus and A. tubiferus eotubiferus. The holotype of A. tubiferus tubiferus is probably from the lower part of the Mission Canyon Limestone in Montana rather than from the Woodhurst Member of the Lodgepole Limestone as stated by Sando (197 6). Aulostylus? sp. Lithostrotionella sp. A Lo and Chao, 1962, p. 184, pl. 19, fig. 1. Aulostylus? sp. Sando, 1976, p. 431. Family ACROCYATHIDAE new family Diagnosis. —Cerioid and fasciculate colonial Rugosa that have two orders of septa, a columella that ranges from a simple axial plate joined to the counter septum to a complex Spiderweb structure made up of axial plate, septal lamellae, and axial tabellae; ordinarily complete conical tabulae; and a lonsdaleoid dissepimentarium. Type genus—The type and only included genus is Acrocyathus d’Orbigny, 1849. Genus ACROCYATHUS d’Orbigny, 1849 Astraea Castelnau, 1843, p. 45 (not Fischer von Waldheim, 1830, pl. 31, fig. 3). 16 REVISION OF LITHOSTROTIONELLA FROM THE CARBON IFEROUS AND PE RMIAN Acrocyathus d’Orbigny, 1849a, p. 12; 1850, p. 160; 1852, p. 184; Thevenin in Boule and others, 1906, expl. pl. 6; 1907, p. 90; 1923, p. 90; Easton, 1973, p. 130, 132 [part]; Minato and Kato, 1974, p. 70 [part]. Lithostrotion Fleming. Milne-Edwards and Haime, 1851, p. 433, 483 [part]; Owen, 1852, expl. pl. 4; Hall in Hall and Whitney, 1858, p. 667; Milne-Edwards, 1860, p. 423 [part]; Owen, 1862, p. 364; Rom- inger, 1876, p. 111; White, 1880a (1883), p. 159 [part]; 1880b, p. 506; 1882, p. 401; Weller, 1898, p. 329 [part]; Ulrich, 1905, p. 33; Butts, 1917, p. 46; 1926, p. 176; 1941, p. 239; Shimer, 1926, p. 27 [part]; Morse, 1930, p. 104; Weller, 1931, p. 274; Kelly, 1942, p. 361 [part]; Allen and Lester, 1954, p. 101. ?Lithostrotion (Lithost’rotionella) Yabe and Hayasaka, 1915, p. 133, 1920, p. 11; Bassler, 1950, p. 217, 221. Lithostrotionella Yabe and Hayasaka. Hayasaka, 1936, p. 58, 61, 62, 65 [part]; Kelly, 1942, p. 352 [part]; Parks, 1951, p. 180; Weller and others, 1952, p. 84; Allen and Lester, 1954, p. 101; Nelson, 1960, p. 117, 118 [part]; 1961, pl. 17 [part]; Yoh, 1961, p. 8; Bamber, 1961, p. 107 [part]; 1966, p. 19 [part]; Armstrong, 1962, p. 39 [part]; 1970a, p. 31 [part]; Wu in Yii and others, 1963, p. 86; Nations, 1963, p. 1257; Minato and Kato, 1974, p. 72 [part]. Lonsdaleia McCoy. Crickmay, 1955, 1961, p. 13. Eolithostrotionella Zhizhina. Vasilyuk, 1960, p. 95; Zhizhina in Bul’vanker and others, 1960, p. 250, 251, 252; Degtyarev, 1973, p. 192, 193. Type species. —Acrocyathus floriformis d’Orbigny, 1849, p. 12 (by monotypy). Lower Carboniferous (Viséan), Indiana, U.S.A. Diagnosis. —Ordinarily cerioid colonial corals with tabular to hemispherical growth form; one fasciculate species is known and cerioid-fasciculate coralla are rare. Septa of two orders. Major septa thin, seldom extending across tabularium to columella and ordinarily discon- tinuous or absent in dissepimentarium. Cardinal septum short and situated in a fossula formed by downwarped tabulae in some species. Counter septum commonly long and extending to columella. Minor septa ordinarily ab- sent or poorly developed. Columella ranging from a sim- ple axial plate joined to counter septum to a complex Spiderweb structure made up of an axial plate, septal lamellae, and axial tabellae or upturned edges of tabulae. Tabulae ordinarily complete, conical, without well-defined shoulders, but may be nearly horizontal in some species. Peripheral tabellae rare. Dissepimen- tarium lonsdaleoid, commonly showing traces or crests of discontinuous septa in transverse section. Increase peripheral. Discussion. — d’Orbigny’s (1849a) original proposal and subsequent citations (1849b, 1852) of Acrocyathus pro- vided only brief diagnoses of the genus, and Thevenin’s (in Boule, 1906, 1907, 1923) reinvestigation of the type specimen added only illustrations of the exterior of the specimen. Most earlier authors (Milne-Edwards and Haime, 1851, p. 432, 433; 1852, p. 192; Lindstrom, 1883, p. 5, 11; de Koninck, 1872, p. 26; Thevenin, in Boule, 1907, 1923, p. 90; Sanford, 1939, p. 405; Soshkina and others, 1962, p. 336) regarded Acrocyathus as a junior synonym of Lithostrotion Fleming, although de Fromentel (1861, 304) thought it was a Diphyphyllum Lonsdale, and Wang (1950, p. 212) placed it in synonymy with Lonsdaleia McCoy. More recently, some authors (Hill, 1956, p. F307; Ivanovskiy, 1967, p. 34, and Cotton, 1973, p. 12) linked it questionably with Litho- strotionella Yabe and Hayasaka. Easton (1973) redescribed in detail the type specimen and illustrated thin sections of it, thus providing the first adequate basis for a determination of the morphology and affinities of the type species. Easton regarded Acrocyathus as a senior synonym of Lithostrotionella and espoused a broad generic concept that included species placed herein in Stelechophyllum Tolmachev and Petalaxis Milne—Edwards and Haime. Minato and Kato (1974, p. 70—71) regarded Acrocyathus as a distinct genus distinguished from Lithostrotionella by having a complex axial structure rather than a simple axial plate. In my opinion, Acrocyathus is a distinct genus separated from Stelechophyllum and Petalam's by its complex axial structure and complete conical tabulae. It is distinguished from Lithostrotion by its lonsdaleoid dissepimentarium and complex axial structure and from Lonsdaleia by its lack of a distinct separation of axial and peripheral series of tabellae. Although the mor- phology of the type species of Lithostrotionella is in doubt, Lithost’rotionella is regarded as a probable junior synonym (see p. 4). Eolithostrotionella is included in the synonymy of Acrocyathus because some of the Russian species were referred to that genus. The type species of Eolithostro- tionella is a Stelechophyllum. Species of Acrocyathus are distinguished on dif— ferences in mature corallite diameter, number of major septa at maturity, development of major septa, develop- ment of minor septa, complexity of the columella, shape and spacing of the tabulae, size and number of dissepiments, number of rows of dissepiments, and ratio of tabularium width to corallite diameter. Most of the species of Acrocyathus have a cerioid corallum, but one fasciculate species, A. proliferus, is included here because of its internal morphologic similarity to cerioid species and the presence of transitional forms. Cerioid species included here are the abundantly represented A. florifowm's from the Eastern United States; A. pilatus from the Mississippi Valley; A. girtyt' from the Western United States; A. pennsylvanicus from western Canada; A. utkae, A. rotai, A. cystosus, and A. lissitzim' from the U.S.S.R.; and A. hsujtulingi from China. Questionable forms include A.? unicus and A.? zhizhinae, whose mor- phology is in doubt, and A.? shimem’ and A.? grechovkae, which have essentially horizontal tabulae like Petalam's but have a complex columella characteristic of Acrocyathus. SYSTEMATIC PALEONTOLOGY 17 Occurrence-Lower Carboniferous, lower to upper Viséan. U.S.S.R., U.S.A., Canada, China. Acrocyathus floriiormis d’Orbigny Plates 5—14, 16 Not Astrowa mamillaris Fischer von Waldheim, 1830, pl. 31, fig. 3 Astraea mamillaris Castelnau, 1843, p. 45, pl. 24, fig. 5. Acroc’yathusflorifomis d’Orbigny, 1849a, p. 12; 1850, p. 160; 1852, p. 184; Thevenin in Boule and others, 1906, expl. pl. 6, pl. 6, figs. 1, 2; 1907, p. 90; 1923, p. 90, expl. pl. 6, pl. 6, figs. 1, 2; Easton, 1973, p. 130, pl. 1, figs. 1a—f. Acrocyathus sp. Easton, 1973, p. 132, pl. 1, figs. 2a-b. Not Aninura canadensis Castelnau, 1843, p. 49, pl. 24, fig. 4. Lithostrotion mamillare Milne-Edwards and Haime, 1851, p. 433, pl. 13, fig. 1 [part]; Hall in Hall and Whitney, 1858, p. 667, pl. 24, figs. 5a, b; Rominger, 1876, p. 111, pl. 55, upper-right figure [part]. Lithostrotion mamillare (Castelnau). White, 1880a (1883), p. 159, pl. 40, figs. 6a, b; 1880b, p. 506, pl. 6, figs. 1, 2; 1882, p. 401, pl. 52, fig. 3. Not Lithostrotion mamillard?) Meek, 1864, p. 5, pl. 1, figs. 4—4b. Lithostrotion canudense Milne-Edwards and Haime, 1851, p. 483, pl. 13, fig. 1 [part]; Milne-Edwards, 1860, p. 423; Owen, 1862, p. 364, fig. 6; Butts, 1926, p. 176, pl. 58, figs. 12, 13; Morse, 1930, p. 104, pl. 9; Weller, 1931, p. 274, pl. 36, figs. 13., b. Lithostrotion canadense (Castelnau). Weller, 1898, p. 329 [part]. Lithostrotion? canadense Ulrich, 1905, p. 33, pl. 3, figs. 1, 2. Lithostrotion “canadensis” (Castelnau). Butts, 1941, p. 239, pl. 129, fig. 3. Lithostroticn basaltifor'mc Owen, 1852, expl. pl. 4, pl. 4, figs. 5, 6; Butts, 1917, p. 46, pl. 11, figs. 1, 2. Lithostrotionella castelnaui Hayasaka, 1936, p. 58, pl. 11, figs. 1, 2 [part]; Weller and others, 1952, p. 84, pl. 1, figs. 6, 7; Allen and Lester, 1954, p. 101, pl. 26, fig. 1. Lithostrotion [Lithostrotionella] castelnaui (Hayasaka). Bassler, 1950, p. 217 [part]. Lithostrotionella americana Hayasaka, 1936, p. 62, pl. 14, figs. 1, 2 [part]. Lithostrotion [Lithostrotionella] americanum Bassler, 1950, p. 217 [part]. Lithostrotionella hemisphaerica Hayasaka, 1936, p. 61, pl. 12, fig. 1, pl. 13, figs. 1, 2 [part]. Lithostrotion [Lithostrotionella} hemisphericum (Hayasaka). Bassler, 1950, p. 217 [part]. Not Lithostrotionellaflorifomis Hayasaka, 1936, p. 64, pl. 17, fig. 1. Material studied.—MNHN 1140 (holotype), FL 411; USNM 756, 3779, 8211, 13669, 15526, 17071, 17848, 37466, 39654, 42695, 42766, 71646, 98102, 120235, 120236, 120237, 120238, 120240, 120241, 135092, 135094, 135096, 135097, 135172, 135173, 135174, 135177, 135179, 135300, 135301, 135302, 136704, 161989, 161990, 161991, 161992, 161993, 161994, 161995, 161997, 161998, 161999, 162000, 162001, 166604, 166605, 174376, 174377, 216198, 216199, 216200, 216202, 216203, 216204, 216205, 216206, 216207, 216208, 216210, 216211, 216212, 216214. Diagnosis. —Predominantly cerioid Acrocyathus with corallite diameter 10 to 30 mm and 20 to 40 major septa that are ordinarily short and do not extend across the tabularium to the columella and seldom extend into the dissepimentarium. Cardinal fossula ordinarily well developed. Counter septum commonly joined to col— umella. Minor septa weakly developed as crests on dissepiments. Columella highly variable, ranging from a simple axial plate joined to the counter septum to a com- plex Spiderweb structure made up of an axial plate, sep- tal lamellae, and axial tabellae or upturned edges of tabulae; thysanophylloid variants are known. Dis- sepimentarium composed of 1 to 5 rows of large and small, ordinarily inflated dissepiments. Tabulae com— plete, conical, sharply deflected upward at columella and without shoulders or with poorly defined shoulders and spaced about 1 mm apart. Peripheral tabellae rare. Ax- ial tabellae common. Ratio of tabularium width to cor- allite diameter 0.4 to 0.6. Increase is peripheral. Description of holotype. —See Easton (1973). Discussion. —This species is characterized by the highly variable structure of the columella and the great range in corallite diameter and number of major septa (fig. 3). The variation in the latter two characters ap— pears to be continuous and does not permit recognition of separate species or subspecies. The species has been divided into two subspecies on the basis of the complexi- ty of the columella (see below). Similarities between Acrocyathus floriformis and the fasciculate species A. proliferus are discussed under A. proliferus. Occurrence. —A. floriformis is abundant in and characteristic of the St. Louis Limestone and correlative formations in the Southeastern Province of Sando and others (1975, 1977). Data on its occurrence are noted under the two subspecies of the species. Acrocyathus floriformis floriiormis d’Orbig-ny Plates 5—11; plate 16, figure 2 Not Astrtwa mamillaris Fischer von Waldheim, 1830, pl. 31, fig. 3. Astraea mamillaris Castelnau, 1843, p. 45, pl. 24, fig. 5. Acrocyathnsflorifomis d’Orbigny, 1849a, p. 12; 1850, p. 160; 1852, p. 184; Thevenin in Boule, 1906, expl. pl. 6, pl. 6, figs. 1, 2; 1907, p. 90; 1923, p. 90, expl. pl. 6, pl. 6, figs. 1, 2; Easton, 1973, p. 130, pl. 1, figs. 1a—f. ?Lithostrotion mamillare Milne-Edwards and Haime, 1851, p. 433, pl. 13, fig. 1 [part]; Rominger, 1876, p. 111, pl. 55, upper right figure [part]. Not Lithostrotion mamillare (Castelnau). White, 1880a (1883), p. 159, pl. 40, figs. 6a, b; 1880b, p. 506, pl. 6, figs, 1, 2; 1882, p. 401, pl. 52, fig. 3. Not Lithostrotion mamillarefl) Meek, 1864, p. 5, pl. 1, figs. 4—4b. ?Lithostrotion canadense Milne-Edwards and Haime, 1851, p. 483, pl. 13, fig. 1 [part]. Lithostrotion canadense Butts, 1926, p. 176, pl. 58, figs. 12, 13. Lithostrotion? canadense Ulrich, 1905, p. 33, pl. 3, figs. 1, 2. ?Lithostroti0n basaltifome Owen, 1852, expl. pl. 4, pl. 4, figs. 5, 6. Lithostrotion basaltiforme Owen. Butts, 1917, p. 46, pl. 11, figs. 1, 2. Lithostrctionella castelnaui Hayasaka, 1936, p. 58, pl. 11, figs. 1, 2. Lithostrotion [Lithostrotionella] castelnaui (Hayasaka). Bassler, 1950, p. 217. Lithostrotionella amricana Hayasaka, 1936, p. 62, pl. 14, figs. 1, 2 [part]. 18 REVISION OF LITHOSTROTIONELLA FROM THE CARBONIFEROUS AND PERMIAN 40 o — o — o 35 < — o 2: i2 LU __ w m — O 230 f _ o —_ i o: 35' —— on g __ . 225 + E _ Q _ 1 < 2 E —— o 20 — o J5lllllllllll llllllllllll 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 MAXIMUM CORALLITE DIAMETER (MM) FIGURE 3,—Variation in maximum number of major septa and maximum corallite diameter in 56 coralla of Acrocyathus flomformis. Polygon defines field of variation of coralla from one locality (Livingston, Tenn.). Numbers beside dots indicate more than one corallum. Lithostrotion [Lithostmtionella] americanum Bassler, 1950, p. 217. Lithost’rotiomalla hemisphaerica Hayasaka, 1936, p. 61, pl. 12, fig. 1, pl. 13, figs. 1, 2 [part]. Lithostrotion [Lithostrotioiwlla] hemisphericum (Hayasaka). Bassler, 1950, p. 217 [part]. Not Lithostrotionellafloriformis Hayasaka, 1936, p. 64, pl. 17, fig. 1. Description of holotype. —See Easton (1973). Material studied.—MNHN 1140 (holotype), FL 411; USNM 13669, 71646, 120235, 120238, 120240, 120241(?), 161989, 161990, 161991, 161993, 161994, 161995, 161997, 1620010), 174376, 1743770), 2162050), 216206. Diagnosis. —Acrocyathus floriformis having an axial structure ranging from a simple axial plate to a complex structure composed of an axial plate, a few axial lamellae, and a few concentric intercepts of axial tabellae or upturned edges of axial tabulae in transverse section. Discussion. —This predominant subspecies of the widespread species A. florifo'rmis is distinguished from A. florifomis hemisphae’ricus by its less complex col- umella. The two subspecies occur in the same formations in the same geographic areas. SYSTEMATIC PALEONTOLOGY 19 Occurrence—Lower Carboniferous, middle or upper Viséan. St. Louis Limestone, Indiana, Illinois, Iowa, Kentucky, Missouri, Tennessee, U.S.A.; Greenbrier Limestone and Newman Limestone, Virginia, U.S.A.; Hillsdale Member of Greenbrier Limestone, West Virginia, U.S.A.; Newman Limestone, Kentucky, U.S.A.; Tuscumbia Limestone, Alabama, U.S.A. Acrocyathus floriformis hemisphaericus (Hayasaka) Plates 12—14 Lithostrotion mamillare (Castelnau). White, 1880a, p. 159, pl. 40, figs. 13., b. Lithostrotion “canadensis” (Castelnau). Butts, 1941, p. 239, pl. 129, fig. 3. Lithostrotiori castelnaui Hayasaka, 1936, p. 58 [part]. Lithostrotion [Lithostrotioriella] castelnaui (Hayasaka). Bassler, 1950, p. 217 [part]. Lithostrotioriella hemisphaerica Hayasaka, 1936, p. 61, pl. 12, 13, figs. 2a, b. [part]. Lithostrotion [Lithostrotionella] hemisphericum (Hayasaka). Bassler, 1950, p. 217. Material studied. —USNM 8211, 98102, 120236, 120237 (holotype), 161992, 161998, 161999, 162000(?). Diagnosis.—Acrocyathus florifomis having an axial structure ranging from a simple axial plate to a very complex structure composed of an axial plate, many ax- ial lamellae, and many concentric intercepts of axial tabellae or upturned edges of axial tabulae in transverse section. Description of holotype. —The specimen is a fragment of a large, silicified, cerioid, hemispherical colony. It is about 15 cm high and was more than 18 cm in diameter. Internal structures are poorly preserved. Corallites are polygonal, have straight double-layered walls as much as 0.25 mm thick, and range from 10 to 15 mm in diameter at maturity. Increase is peripheral. The major septa seldom extend to the columella but com- monly extend into the dissepimentarium. The cardinal septum is shorter than the other major septa, and the counter septum commonly joins the columella. There are 26 to 32 major septa at maturity. Minor septa are relatively well developed at the corallite walls and as crests on the dissepiments. The columella ranges from a simple axial plate joined by a few septal lamellae in young corallites to a very complex structure composed of an axial plate, many septal lamellae, and as many as 4 concentric traces of axial tabellae; the columella is as much as 2.5 mm in diameter. Tabulae are ordinarily complete, conical, curved upward to the columella, and spaced 0.25 to 1 mm apart. The dissepimentarium is weakly lonsdaleoid and consists of 2 to 3 rows of inflated to flattened dissepiments of varying sizes. There are or- dinarily 2 or 3 dissepiments in 1 mm. The ratio of the tabularium width to the corallite diameter is about 0.6 to 0.7. Septal microstructure has been destroyed by silicification. Discussion—This subspecies is distinguished by its compact, very complex columella. The holotype (pl. 12, figs. 1, 2) is a poor example of the species because of the poor preservation of internal structures. A paratype, USNM 161998, is a much better example. This specimen pl. 12, figs. 3, 4) has as many as 5 tabellar rings around the medial plate. The other paratypes have fewer tabellar rings than USNM 161998, but all have a more complex columella than is found in A. floriformis florifownis. The transverse section of this subspecies mimics that of Lonsdaleia (Actinocyathus) because of its complex col- umella and lonsdaleoid dissepimentarium. It is readily distinguished from Lonsdaleia (Actinocyathus) in longitudinal section by lacking a distinct continuous separation of axial and peripheral tabellae. The longitudinal section (pl. 12, fig. 3) also shows that the complexity of the columella ranges from a simple struc— ture like that of A. floriformis floriformis to a complex structure in the same corallite. Occurrence—Lower Carboniferous, middle or upper Viséan. St. Louis Limestone, Illinois, Indiana, and Missouri, U.S.A.; Newman Limestone and Greenbrier Limestone, Virginia, U.S.A.; Hillsdale Mamber of Greenbrier Limestone, West Virginia, U.S.A. Acrocyathus pilatus n. sp. Plate 17, figures 1, 2 Lithostrotionella girtyi Hayasaka, 1936, p. 65 [part]. Material studied. —USNM 162004 (holotype). Description of holotype. —The specimen is a fragment of a small, cerioid, hemispherical corallum. It was more than 4.5 cm high and more than 8 cm in diameter. The outer part of the specimen is silicified. Corallites are polygonal, have straight, double— layered, beaded walls 0.25—0.5 mm thick, and range from 8 to 11 mm in diameter at maturity. Increase is peripheral. The major septa most commonly extend to the columella and may or may not extend into the dissepimentarium. The cardinal septum is elongated in some corallites. There are 17 to 19 major septa at maturity. Minor septa are poorly developed as spines on the corallite walls. The columella is complex, composed of a medial plate, septal lamellae, and conical axial tabellae and is as much as 2 mm in diameter; it is or- dinarily thickened by stereoplasm. Tabulae are ordinari- ly complete, conical, uncurved, and spaced about 0.7 to 0.8 mm apart. The dissepimentarium is weakly lonsdaleoid and consists of 1 or 2 rows of inflated dissepiments of variable size. There are ordinarily 2 or 3 dissepiments in 1 mm. The ratio of the tabularium width to the corallite diameter is about 0.6 to 0.7. Septal microstructure is obscured by recrystallization, seem- ingly diffusotrabecular. 20 REVISION OF LITHOSTROTIONELLA FROM THE CARBONIFEROUS AND PERMIAN Discussion. —This species is most similar to Acrocyathus floriformis hemisphaericus by virtue of its complex columella but is distinguished by having fewer tabellar rings and by the stereoplasmic thickening of the columella. Occurrence. —L0wer Carboniferous, middle Viséan. St. Louis Limestone, Illinois, U.S.A. Acrocyathus proliferus (Hall in Hall and Whitney) Plate 15; plate 16, figures 1, 3, 4 Lithostrotion mamillare Milne-Edwards and Haime, 1851, p. 433, pl. 13, figs. 1a, b. [part]; Rominger, 1876, p. 111, pl. 55 [part]. Lithostrotion canadense Milne-Edwards and Haime, 1851, p. 483, pl. 13, figs. 1a, b. [part]. Lithostrotion canadense Castelnau. Weller, 1898, p. 329 [part]. Lithostrotion proliferum Hall in Hall and Whitney, 1858, p. 668, pl.24, figs. 6a—c; Rominger, 1876, p. 111, pl. 55; Butts, 1917, p. 45, pl. 10, figs. 15-17; 1926, p. 176, pl. 58, fig. 14; Morse, 1930, p. 102, pl. 8; Weller, 1931, p. 276, pl. 37, figs. 1a, b; Kelly, 1942, p. 361, pl. 51, figs. 1, 4; Allen and Lester, 1954, p. 101, pl. 26, fig. 2; not Davis, 1956, p. 31, pl. 2, figs. 32., b. Lithostrotion? proliferum Hall. Ulrich, 1905, p. 32, pl. 3, figs. 3—7. Lithostrotionella prolifera (Hall). Butts, 1941, p. 239, pl. 129, figs. 1, 2; Weller and others, 1952, p. 84, pl. 1, fig. 5. Lithostrotion [Lithostrotionella] proliferum (Hall). Bassler, 1950, p. 217. Material studied. —USN M 841 (neotype), 4587, 37469, 37470, 37471, 39655, 42667, 42705, 42714, 42845, 49941, 52681, 60306, 71647, 135085, 135087, 135091, 135095, 135098, 135168, 135176, 216201, 216207, 216209, 216213, 239233. Diagnosis. —Fasciculate Acrocyathus with corallite diameter 10 to 25 mm and 26 to 49 major septa. Internal morphology like that of Acrocyathus florifor'mis, but dissepimentarium is consistently weakly lonsdaleoid. In- crease is peripheral. Description of neotype. —I have been unable to locate the specimens originally described and illustrated by Hall (in Hall and Whitney, 1858). I have therefore selected USNM 841, from the St. Louis Limestone, Hardin County, 111., as neotype for the species. 7 The neotype is a fragment of a large phaceloid cor- allum. The specimen is about 12 mm high and 17 x 9 mm in diameter. Corallites are cylindrical, have single—layered walls about 0.2 mm thick, and range from 12 to 15 mm in diameter at maturity. Increase is peripheral. The major septa do not extend to the columella but do extend into the dissepimentarium, most commonly reaching the cor- allite wall. There are 26 to 29 major septa at maturity. The cardinal septum is slightly shorter than the other major septa and is in a fossula formed by downwarped tabulae. Minor septa are poorly developed as spines on the corallite walls. The columella ranges from a simple axial plate to a structure made up of axial plate, a few axial lamellae, and a few concentric traces of axial tabellae in transverse section. Tabulae are ordinarily complete, conical, curved upward at the columella, and spaced about 1 mm apart. The dissepimentarium is weakly lonsdaleoid and consists of 1 to 3 rows of inflated dissepiments of variable size. There is ordinarily 1 dissepiment in 2 mm. The ratio of the tabularium width to the corallite diameter is about 0.6 to 0.8. Septal microstructure is diffusotrabecular. Discussion. —Colonies of the fasciculate A. proliferus show the same range in variation of internal structures, such as the columella and tabulae, as the cerioid A. floriformis. Both forms have a shortened cardinal sep- tum and commonly a long counter septum. The only con- sistent internal difference is in the dissepimentarium, where the fasciculate forms have fewer rows of dissepiments, and the dissepimentarium is only weakly lonsdaleoid. Increase in both the fasciculate and cerioid forms is peripheral. In the fasciculate forms, the offsets tend to arise in clusters of several new individuals at levels of rejuvenation of the parent corallite. Form variation was studied in 263 USNM specimens from the St. Louis Limestone and equivalent beds in Alabama, Indiana, Illinois, Iowa, Kentucky, Missouri, Tennessee, Virginia, West Virginia, Georgia, and Michigan. Of these specimens, 154 are cerioid A. floriformis and 95 are fasciculate A. proliferus. Both forms occur together at two localities. Ordinarily cerioid and fasciculate forms are discrete colonies, but 14 specimens show both growth forms in the same colony (pl. 16). In most of these, cerioid corallites gave rise to fasciculate corallites, but in one colony, a fasciculate form became cerioid at a later stage. The form variation noted above presents problems in taxonomic treatment of these corals. Some authors (for example, Hill, 1940, p. 151, 166) place cerioid and fasciculate forms of Lithostrotion and Lonsdaleia in the same genus. Others (for example, Kato, 1966, p. 100—101; Sando, 1975, p. 020) regard the two growth forms as subgenera. The evidence with respect to form variation in “Lithostrotionella” floriformis and “Lithostrotion” proliferum suggests a strong genetic relationship between the two forms. Indeed, the basic similarities in internal structure and the presence of transitional forms might lead to the conclusion that the two forms are merely ecologic variants of the same biologic species. However, the rarity of transitional forms, the lack of detailed information on geographic and stratigraphic distribution of the morphotypes, and the obvious practicality of recognizing the two growth forms as separate entities lead me to maintain them as separate species. The treatment is different from my treatment of Lithostrotion and Lonsdaleia, because in North America, Lithostrotion is represented almost en- tirely by the fasciculate form (Siphonodendron), and fasciculate and cerioid Lonsdaleia are separated from SYSTEMATIC PALEONTOLOGY 21 each other in different faunal provinces. Furthermore, no transitional forms are known between the subgenera of either Lithostrotion or Lonsdaleia in North America. Occurrence—Lower Carboniferous, middle or upper Viséan. St. Louis Limestone and equivalent strata, Il- linois, Georgia, Kentucky, Tennessee, Alabama, and Michigan, U.S.A. Acrocyathus girtyi (Hayasaka) Plate 17, figures 3, 4 Lithostrotiorwlla girtyi Hayasaka, 1936, p. 65, pl. 13, figs. 3a, b. TLithostrotionella sp. Parks, 1951, p. 180, pl. 29, figs. 2a, b. Material studied. —USNM 120243 (holotype). Description of holotype. -The specimen is a fragment of a large hemispherical corallum. It was more than 15 cm in diameter and attained a height of more than 8 cm. The outer part of the specimen is silicified. Corallites are polygonal, have straight double-layered walls as much as 0.3 mm thick, and range from 8 to 11 mm in diameter at maturity. Increase is peripheral. Ex- cept for the counter septum, the major septa are short and do not extend to the columella and seldom extend in- to the dissepimentarium. There are 18 to 21 major septa at maturity. Minor septa are absent or poorly developed. The columella is a simple axial plate connected to the counter septum in young corallites but is composed of an axial plate, septal lamellae, and upturned edges of tabulae in mature corallites. The columella is ordinarily thickened by stereoplasm and attains a maximum diameter of 2 mm. Tabulae are ordinarily complete, con- ical, turned up at the columella, and spaced 0.5 to 1 mm apart. The dissepimentarium is strongly lonsdaleoid and consists of a single row of large inflated dissepiments. There are ordinarily 1 or 2 dissepiments in 2 mm. The ratio of the tabularium width to the corallite diameter is about 0.6 to 0.7. Septal microstructure is fibronormal. Discussion. —This species has a columella and corallite diameter like that of A. pilatus but is distinguished from the latter by its strongly lonsdaleoid dissepimentarium, single row of dissepiments, and septa that seldom ex— tend to the columella. The specimen illustrated by Parks (1951) from the “Brazer Limestone” in Utah may belong here, but the lack of information on morphological details prevents certain identification. Occurrence. —Lower Carboniferous, middle or upper Viséan. Little Flat Formation, Utah, U.S.A. Acrocyathus pennsylvanicus (Shimer) Lithostrotion pennsylcanicum Shimer, 1926, p. 27, pl. 5, figs. 3—5 [part]. Lithostrotionella pennsylvanica (Shimer). Kelly, 1942, p. 352, pl. 50, figs. 1, 2, 5, 6, 8; Bamber, 1961, p. 145, pl. 11, figs. 1b, c, 3a-f; 1966, p. 19, pl. 4, figs. 1a—c, 2a—c. Lithostrotion [Lithostrotionella] pennsylvanicum (Shimer). Bassler, 1950, p. 221. Lonsdaleia pennsylvanica (Shimer). Crickmay, 1955, 1961, p. 13, pl. 1, figs. 11, 12. Lithostrotionella pennsylvanicum (Shimer). Nelson, 1960, p. 117, pl. 22, figs. 4-6; 1961, pl. 17, figs. 3, 4. Diagnosis. —Cerioid Acroeyathus with corallite diameter 10 to 17 mm and 18 to 23 major septa that or- dinarily approach the columella but do not reach it and seldom extend into the dissepimentarium. Minor septa weakly developed. Columella complex, composed of an axial plate, septal lamellae, and axial tabellae or up- turned edges of tabulae. Dissepimentarium composed of 1 to 3 rows of large and small inflated dissepiments. Tabulae complete, conical, sharply deflected upward at columella, without shoulders or with poorly defined shoulders, and spaced about 0.5 mm apart. Ratio of tabularium width to corallite diameter 0.5 to 0.8. Mode of increase unknown. Description of lectotype.—See Nelson (1960) and Bamber (1966). Discussion—This species falls within the range of Acrocyathus florifor'mis on corallite diameter and number of major septa. A. pennsylvanicus is distin— guished from A. florifor'mis by lacking differentiation of the cardinal and counter septa, by having fewer rows of dissepiments, and by its larger ratio of tabularium width to corallite diameter. Occurrence—Lower Carboniferous, middle or upper Viséan. Mount Head Formation, Alberta, Canada; Prophet Formation, British Columbia, Canada. Acrocyathus utkae (Degtyarev) Eolithostrotionella utkae Degtyarev, 1973, p. 192, pl. 1, figs. 1a, b. Diagnosis. —Cerioid Aeroeyathus with corallite diameter 1 to 15 mm and 22 to 25 major septa that ap- proach the columella but ordinarily do not reach it and seldom extend into the dissepimentarium. Minor septa absent. Columella composed of a thickened axial plate commonly joined by counter and cardinal septa, septal lamellae, and concentric traces of upturned tabulae in transverse section. Dissepimentarium composed of 1 to 3 rows of large inflated dissepiments. Tabulae complete, conical to nearly horizontal, and spaced about 0.5 mm apart. Ratio of tabularium width to corallite diameter about 0.6. Mode of increase unknown. Description of holotype. —See Degtyarev 1973). Discussion. —This species is similar to A.? greehovkae but differs in having larger corallites, more major septa, a more complex columella, and conical tabulae. Occurrence—Lower Carboniferous, lower or middle Viséan. Zapadnouralsk Horizon, Ural Mountains, U.S.S.R. Acrocyathus rotai (Zhizhina in Bul’vanker and others) Eolithostrotionella rotai Zhizhina in Bul’vanker and others, 1960, p. 251, pl. 61, figs. 2a, b. 22 REVISION OF LITHOSTROTIONELLA FROM THE CARBONIFEROUS AND PERMIAN Diagnosis. —Cerioid Acrocyathus with corallite diameter 15 to 20 mm and 22 to 26 major septa that commonly reach the columella but seldom extend into the dissepimentarium. Minor septa absent or poorly developed. Columella seemingly simple to complex. Dissepimentarium composed of 1 to 3 rows of mostly large inflated dissepiments. Tabulae complete, conical, and spaced about 0.5 mm apart. Ratio of tabularium width to corallite diameter about 0.6. Mode of increase unknown. Description of holotype. — See Zhizhina (in Bul’vanker and others, 1960). Discussion. —At first glance, the transverse section of this species suggests Stelechophgllum, but the tabulae are clearly of the Acrocyathus type, and the axial struc- tures in some corallites appear to be complex. Occurrence—Lower Carboniferous, middle or upper Viséan. Zone Clvf, Donetz Basin, U.S.S.R. Acrocyathus cystosus (Zhizhina in Bul’vanker and others) Eolithostrotionella cystosa Zhizhina in Bul’vanker and others, 1960, p. 250, pl. 61, figs. 1a, b. Diagnosis. —Cerioid Acrocyathus with corallite diameter 20 to 30 mm and 28 to 38 major septa that may or may not extend to the columella and seldom extend into the dissepimentarium. Minor septa poorly developed. Columella seemingly simple to complex. Dissepimentarium composed of as many as 5 rows of dissepiments of varying sizes. Tabulae complete, con- ical, and spaced about 0.5 mm apart. Ratio of tabularium width to corallite diameter about 0.4 to 0.5. Mode of in- crease unknown. Description of holotype. —See Zhizhina (in Bul’vanker and others, 1960). Discussion. —This species is distinguished by its broad dissepimentarium. Occurrence. —Lower Carboniferous, lower to upper Viséan. Zones Cf’b to Clvf, Donetz Basin, U.S.S.R. Acrocyathus lissitzini (Zhizhina in Bul'vanker and others) E'olithostrotionella lissitzini Zhizhina in Bul’vanker and others, 1960, p. 252, pl. 61, figs. 3a, b. Diagnosis. — Cerioid Acrocyathus with corallite diameter 15 to 20 mm and 18 to 25 major septa that ap- proach the columella but seldom reach it and seldom ex- tend into the dissepimentarium. Minor septa absent. Columella seemingly simple to complex. Dissepimen— tarium composed of 1 to 3 rows of dissepiments of vary- ing sizes. Tabulae complete, conical, and spaced about 1 mm apart. Ratio of tabularium width to corallite diameter about 0.4 to 0.5. Mode of increase unknown. Description of holotype. —See Zhizhina (in Bul’vanker and others, 1960). Occurrence—Lower Carboniferous, middle or upper Viséan. Zone CIVf, Donetz Basin, U.S.S.R. Acrocyathus hsujiulingi (Yoh) Lithostrotionella hsujiulingi Yoh, 1961, p. 8, 16, pl. 13, figs. 1a—c. Diagnosis. —Cerioid Acrocyathus with corallite diameter averaging 6 mm and about 16 major septa that approach the columella but seldom reach it and do not extend into the dissepimentarium. Minor septa well developed. Columella composed of a thickened axial plate joined to the counter septum, septal lamellae, and concentric traces of tabulae in transverse section. Dissepimentarium composed of a single row of dis- sepiments of varying sizes. Tabulae complete, conical, and spaced about 0.5 mm apart. Ratio of tabularium width to corallite diameter about 0.5. Mode of increase seemingly peripheral. Description of holotype. — See Yoh (1961). Discussion. —This species differs from the other Chinese species, A.? unicus, in having fewer major sep- ta, fewer rows of dissepiments, and a somewhat more complex columella. Occurrence. —Lower Carboniferous(?), Kwangsi Prov- ince, China. Acrocyathus? unicus (Yabe and Hayasaka) Lithostrotion (Lithostrotionella) unicum Yabe and Hayasaka, 1915, p. 133; 1920, p. 11, pl. 9, figs. 12a, b. Lithostrotionella unica Yabe and Hayasaka. Wu in Yii and others, 1963, p. 86, pl. 24, figs. 7a, b. Lithostrotionella unicum Yabe and Hayasaka. Minato and Kato, 1974, p. 72, pl. 15, fig. 1. Diagnosis. —Cerioid Acrocyathus? with corallite diameter averaging 7 mm and about 22 to 26 major sep- ta that approach the columella but seldom reach it and seldom extend into the dissepimentarium. Minor septa well developed. Columella seemingly a simple axial plate augmented by a few axial tabellae and septal lamellae. Dissepimentarium composed of 1 to 3 rows of large in- flated dissepiments. Tabulae complete, conical, and spaced 6 to 7 in 2 mm. Ratio of tabularium width to cor- allite diameter about 0.5. Mode of increase unknown. Description of holotgpe. —See Yabe and Hayasaka (1915, 1920) and Minato and Kato (1974). Discussion. —This species, the type of Lithostro- tionella, is referred to Acrocyathus with query because of uncertainty concerning the morphology of the type specimen (see previous discussion on page 4). Occurrence.—Carb0niferous(?), Yun-nan Province, China. Acrocyathus? shimeri (Crickmay) Lithostrotion pennsylvanicum Shimer, 1926, p. 27 [part]. Lonsdaleia shimeri Crickmay, 1955, 1961, p. 13, pl. 1, figs. 9, 10. SYSTEMATIC PALEONTOLOGY 23 Lithostrotionella shimeri (Crickmay). Nelson, 1960, p. 1 14, pl. 21, figs. 9—15, pl. 22, figs. 1—3; 1961, pl. 14, figs. 3—5, pl. 16, figs. 8, 9, pl. 17, fig. 5, pl. 18, figs. 4, 5; Bamber, 1961, p. 137, pl. 10, figs. 4a—d, pl. 11, figs. 1a, d—j, 2a—d; Armstrong, 1962, p. 39, pl. 3, figs. 13—15, text-fig. 19. Lithostrotionclla pennsylvanica (Shimer). Armstrong, 1970a, p. 31, pl. 9, figs. 1—3. Diagnosis. —Cerioid Acrocyathas? with corallite diameter 7 to 13 mm and 17 to 30 major septa that com- monly extend across the tabularium to the columella and seldom extend into the tabularium. Minor septa or- dinarily well developed. Columella complex, composed of an axial plate, septal lamellae, and the upturned edges of tabulae. Dissepimentarium composed of a single row of inflated dissepiments. Tabulae complete, essentially horizontal, but deflected upward at col- umella, and spaced about 0.7 5 mm apart. Ratio of tabularium width to corallite diameter about 0.4 to 0.5. Increase is peripheral. Description of holotype. — See Nelson (1960). Discussion. — This species is distinguished by its nearly horizontal tabulae, which approach the morphology of Petalaxis. It differs from the species of Petalaxis by its complex columella. Occurrence. —Lower Carboniferous, middle and upper Viséan. Mount Head Formation, Alberta and British Columbia, Canada; Peratrovich Formation, Alaska, U.S.A.; Black Prince Limestone, Arizona, U.S.A. Acrocyathus? grechovkae (Degtyarev) Eolithostrotionella grechookac Degtyarev, 1973, p. 193, pl. 1, fig. 2, pl. 2, figs. 1a, b. Diagnosis.—Cerioid Acrocyathas? with corallite diameter 10 to 12 mm and 18 to 24 major septa that ap— proach the columella but seldom reach it and seldom ex- tend into the dissepimentarium. Minor septa absent. Columella ordinarily a simple thickened axial plate sur- rounded by intersections of upturned tabulae in transverse section and occasionally abutted by a few septal lamellae. Dissepimentarium composed of 2 to 3 rows of large inflated dissepiments. Tabulae complete, nearly horizontal at the periphery, but deflected upward at the columella, and spaced about 0.5 mm apart. Ratio of tabularium width to corallite diameter about 0.6. Mode of increase unknown. Description of holotype.—See Degtyarev (1973). Discussion. —This species is similar to A.? shimeri in having nearly horizontal tabulae but differs in having fewer major septa, no minor septa, more rows of dissepiments, and a less complex columella. Occurrence—Lower Carboniferous, lower or middle Viséan. Zapadnouralsk Horizon, Ural Mountains, U.S.S.R. Acrocyathus? zhizhinae (V asilyuk) Eolithostrotionella zhizhinae Vasilyuk, 1960, p. 95, pl. 25, figs. 1, 1a. Diagnosis.—Cerioid-fasciculate Acrocyathas? with corallite diameter 13 to 20 mm and 25 to 27 major septa that extend to the columella but do not extend into the dissepimentarium. Minor septa well developed, con- tratingent. Columella seemingly simple to complex, ab- sent in some corallites. Dissipimentarium composed of 1 to 4 rows of dissepiments of varying sizes. Tabulae com- plete, flat to conical, and spaced 0.75 to 1 mm apart. Ratio of tabularium width to corallite diameter about 0.5. Mode of increase unknown. Description of type material. — See Vasilyuk (1960). Discussion. —The original description and illustrations of this species leave some doubt concerning the struc- ture of the columella and the tabulae. The species is therefore referred to Acrocyathus with a query. The long contratingent minor septa are noteworthy. Occurrence—Lower Carboniferous, lower to middle Viséan. Zones Clvc and C1Vd, Donetz Basin, U.S.S.R. Acrocyathus spp. indet. The following taxa are not adequately described and il- lustrated for specific identification: Lithostrotionella americana Hayasaka(?). Nelson, 1960, p. 118, pl. 23, fig. 3. Lower Carboniferous, Viséan. Mount Head Formation, Alberta, Canada. Lithostrotionella shimeri (Crickmay). Nations, 1963, p. 1257, pl. 176, figs. 1, 2. Base of Black Prince Limestone in pebble derived from Escabrosa Limestone, Arizona, U.S.A. Family PETALAXIDAE Fomichev, 1953 Genus PETALAXIS Milne-Edwards and Haime, 1852 Stylaxis Milne-Edwards and Haime, 1851, p. 452 [part] (not McCoy, 1849, p. 119). Petalaxis Milne-Edwards and Haime, 1852, p. 204 [part]; Milne- Edwards, 1860, p. 440 [part]; not Barrois, 1882, p. 305; Roemer, 1883, p. 387, 388 [part]; Lindstrom, 1883, p. 12; Stuckenberg, 1888, p. 20 [part]; 1895, p. 74 [part]; Yanishevskiy, 1900, p. 89[?]; Etheridge, 1900, p. 17; Grosch, 1909, p. 5; Yabe and Hayasaka, 1915, p. 94 (32); Bolkhovitinova, 1915, p. 63[?]; Gabounia, 1919, p. 39[?]; not Chi, 1931, p. 28; Dobrolyubova, 1935b, p. 10; Heritsch, 1939, p. 18; not Hill, 1940, p. 165; not Lang, Smith, and Thomas, 1940, p. 97; Kolosvary, 1951, p. 39[?]; Fomichev, 1953, p. 449; not Hill, 1956, p. F 282; Soshkina, Dobrolyubova, and Kabakovich, 1962, p. 339; de Groot, 1963, p. 81; Onoprienko, 1970, p. 3; Fedorowski and Gorianov, 1973, p. 58; not Minato and Kato, 1974, p. 68; Kozyreva, 1974, p. 24 [part]; Sutherland, 1977, p. 185. Lithostrotion Fleming. Eichwald, 1861, p. 149; Trautschold, 1879, p. 36 [part]; Bassler, 1950, p. 222 [part]. Lithostrotion (Petalaxis) Fomichev, 1931, p. 43. Lithostrotion (Lithostrotionella) Merriam, 1942, p. 377 [part]; Bassler, 1950, p. 220, 222, 235, 252; Easton, 1960, p. 578. Lithostrotionella Yabe and Hayasaka. Chi, 1931, p. 28; Yii, 1933 [1934], p. 102[?]; Dobrolyubova, 1935a, p. 10; 1935b, p. 10, 12; 1936a, p. 28; Hayasaka, 1936, p. 65, 70 [part]; Heritsch, 1937, p. 164; Fomichev, 1939, p. 60; Minato, 1955, p. 99[?]; Yokoyama, 1957, p. 78; Nelson, 1960, p. 114 [part]; Yamagiwa, 1961, p. 102[?]; Bamber, 1961, p. 107 [part]; de Groot, 1963, p. 80 [part]; Wu in Yu 24 REVISION OF LITHOSTROTIONELLA FROM THE CARBONIFEROUS AND PERMIAN and others, 1963, p. 86[?]; Minato and Kato, 1974, p. 68; Onoprienko, 1976, p. 29 [part]. Lithostrotionella (Hillia) de Groot, 1963, p. 86. Lonsdaleia McCoy. Dobrolyubova, 1935a, p. 12; 1935b, p. 29. Cystolonsdale'ia Fomichev, 1953, p. 464 [part]. Eastonot'des Wilson and Langenheim, 1962, p. 511. Type species. —Stylax’£s M ’coyama Milne-Edwards and Haime, 1851, p. 453, pl. 12, figs. 5, 5a, equals Petalamls M ’coyana Milne-Edwards and Haime, 1852, p. 205, equals Petalaxis maccoyomus Milne-Edwards and Haime (by subsequent designation of Roemer, 1883, p. 387, 388). Middle Carboniferous (Moscovian), Moscow Basin, U.S.S.R. Diagnosis—Cerioid colonial corals with tabular to hemispherical growth form. Septa of two orders. Major septa thin, ordinarily extending into the tabularium but seldom reaching the columella and ordinarily discon— tinuous or absent in the dissepimentarium, but species with weakly lonsdaleoid dissepimentarium are known. Minor septa absent to well developed. Columella or- dinarily a simple axial plate joined to counter and (or) cardinal septum but composed of axial plate, impersis- tent vertical axial tabellae, and a few axial lamellae in some species. Tabulae complete and incomplete, essen- tially horizontal, flat, concave, or convex, turned up at columella in some species. Peripheral clinotabellae may be present. Dissepimentarium ordinarily lonsdaleoid but may be mostly regular in some species. Increase peripheral and intermural. Discussion. — Milne-Edwards and Haime (1852, p. 204) proposed Petalaxis for corals previously described and named Stylamls M ’coyama and Stylaxis portlocki (Milne Edwards and Haime, 1851, p. 452) because Stylam's had become a junior synonym of Lithost’rotion, and these two species were distinct. P. M ’coyana, described and il- lustrated in 1851, was distinguished by having septa that were interrupted by the dissepiments and did not reach the corallite wall. The type specimen was collected by Verneuil at Kolomna on the Oka River in the Moscow Basin, U.S.S.R., where it is now known that beds of Middle Carboniferous (Moscovian) age are exposed. Subsequently, Hill (1940, p. 167) determined that P. portlocki, from the Lower Carboniferous of England, is a Lithost’rotion. Milne-E dwards (1860, p. 440) diagnosed the genus Petalaxis for the first time, basing the diagnosis on the previous description of P. M ’coyoma. Lang, Smith, and Thomas (1940, p. 97) concluded in- correctly that Petalaxis is a replacement name for N ematophyllum and that, therefore, Petalaxis is a junior synonym of Lithost’rotion. Hill (1940, p. 167) also at- tempted to place Petalaxis in the synonymy of Lithostro— tion by selecting P. portlocki as type species. However, the foregoing nomenclatura] actions were invalidated by Roemer’s (1883, p. 387, 388) earlier designation of P. M ’coyana as the type species of Petalaxis. Although the name Petalaacis was used by several earlier Russian authors (Stuckenberg, 1888, 1895; Yanishevskiy, 1900, Bolkhovitinova, 1915; Gabounia, 1919, Fomichev, 1931), there was confusion over the meaning of the name for many years. In the meanwhile, Yabe and Hayasaka (1915) had proposed Lithost’ro- tionella, and some authors (for example, Dobrolyubova, 1935a, b, 1936a) used this name in preference to Petalaxis for corals with a simple columella and lonsdaleoid dissepiments, regardless of the nature of the tabulae. Fomichev (1953, p. 449—463) sought to clarify the usage of Petalaxis by regarding P. maceoyanus as the type species and describing some other Middle Car- boniferous corals under the name of Petalaxis; he noted that forms with horizontal tabulae are characteristic of the Middle Carboniferous in contrast to the tent-shaped tabulae of Early Carboniferous corals. Kozyreva (1974, p. 24—26) summarized the history of Petalaxis and stressed the importance of horizontal tabulae in the definition of the genus. She included in the genus some North American species that actually belong to Stelechophyllum, Acrocyathus, and Thysanophyllum. Sutherland (1977) reviewed the Petalaxis problem and pointed out that the type specimen has been lost. He based his discussion of the genus on a study of topotypes at the Paleontological Institute in Moscow. Sutherland called attention to the fact that the topotypes have a variable axial structure that is complex in some cor- allites. He also stressed the horizontal tabulae as a distinguishing feature of Petalaxis, which occurs predominantly in the Middle Carboniferous. Petalaxis is distinguished from Acrocyathus and Stelechophyllum chiefly by its horizontal tabulae and by its columella. In Acrocyathus, the tabulae are conical, without well-defined shoulders, and in Stelechophyllum, the tabulae are tent-shaped, with well-defined shoulders and a peripheral zone of more or less horizontal tabellae. In Petalaxis, the columella is most commonly a simple, thickened or unthickened axial plate connected to the counter and (or) cardinal septum, but some species have impersistent vertical axial tabellae and rare septa] lamellae. In Acrocyathus, the columella ranges from a simple axial plate to a complex Spiderweb structure com- posed of axial plate, septa] lamellae, and axial tabellae or upturned tabulae. In Stelechophyllum, the columella is always a simple axial plate or rod unmodified by axial tabellae or septa] lamellae. Fomichev (1953, p. 464) proposed Cystolonsdaleia as a subgenus of Petalaxis for corals from the Middle and Upper Carboniferous of the Donetz Basin that have a columella composed of a medial plate, a few septa] lamellae, and axial tabellae similar to the Early Car- boniferous Lonsdaleia. The type species of SYSTEMATIC PALEONTOLOGY 25 Cystolonsdaleia is C. lutugini Fomichev from the Mosco- vian of the Donetz Basin. Fomichev also included Lonsdaleia portlocki (Stuckenberg) of Dobrolyubova (1935a, b) and Lonsdaleia ivanom' Dobrolyubova (1935a, b) from the Moscovian of the Moscow Basin and in- dicated that species attributed to Stylidophyllum from the Permian of China by Yoh and Huang (1932) and Huang (1932) might belong to the new subgenus. The Permian species were later reassigned to genera of the Family Waagenophyllidae by Minato and Kato (1965). Petalaxis mascoyanas, the type species of Petalaxis, has an impersistently developed complex axial structure with the same morphologic elements as the axial struc— ture of most of the Moscovian species assigned to Cystolonsdaleia by Fomichev. It seems impractical to separate these species generically from P. maceoyanus. The type species of Cystolonsdaleia, C. latagini, differs from the other Moscovian species by having a complex Spiderweb columella with inner zone of tabellae distinct from an outer zone of regular concave tabulae. Accord- ingly, Cystolonsdaleia is retained as a separate genus for this complex species, whereas the other species are plac- ed in Petalaxis. De Groot (1964, p. 86) proposed Hillia as a subgenus of Lithostrotionella for corals from the Bashkirian of Spain that differ from Lithost'rotio'n by having major septa that fall short of the columella, horizontal tabulae, and a columella connected to the cardinal septum; they differ from true Lithost'rotionella by having a poorly developed lonsdaleoid dissepimentarium. In other corals that have a columella arising from a single septum, that septum is the counter septum wherever the septa can be identified. De Groot gave no evidence for her conclusion that the septum in Hillia is the cardinal septum, and her illustrations of species assigned to Hillia show no basis for that conclusion. The columella appears to be the same as that seen in many species of Petalaxis. Moreover, the name H illia is preoc- cupied by Hillia Grote (1883) and Hillia Mallock (1929), according to Cotton (1974, p. 13), and a replacement name has not been proposed. In my opinion, the reasons for separating H illia de Groot from Petalaxis are insuf- ficient, and I am reassigning the species of Hillia to Petalaxis, recognizing them only as a species group within that genus. Eastonoides was proposed by Wilson and Langenheim (1962, p. 511) for a Permian coral that has a columella composed of an axial plate connected to the counter sep- tum augmented by rare axial tabellae, slightly sloping tabulae, and a vertically discontinuous lonsdaleoid dissepimentarium. Lonsdaleia ivanovi Dobrolyubova was included as the only other known species referred to Easto'noides. The essential features of this genus are so similar to the type species of Petalaxis that I regard Eastonoides as a junior synonym of Petalaxis, which in- cludes four other Permian species. Species of Petalaxis are distinguished on differences in mature corallite diameter, number of major septa at maturity, development of minor septa, complexity and development of the columella, major septal extensions into the tabularium, major septal extensions into the dissepimentarium, shape and completeness of the tabulae, spacing of the tabulae, number of rows of dissepiments, size and shape of the dissepiments, and the ratio of tabularium width to corallite diameter. The species of Petalaxis may be arranged in five species groups: 1. P. simplex group, including simplex, wyomingensis, tabulatas, bailliei, and tschucoticas. This group comprises simple forms having mostly complete tabulae turned up at the columella and a simple columella; these forms occur in the Lower Car- boniferous (Viséan) and lowest Middle Car— boniferous (Namurian). 2. P. flexaosus group, including flexaosus, donbassicus, mokomokensis, exiguas, brokawi, monocyclicus, sexangalus, taishakuensis, immanis, belinskiensis, major, fomichevi, and grootae. This group com- prises forms having a simple columella and a nar- row dissepimentarium (large ratio of tabularium width to corallite diameter); these forms occur in the Middle Carboniferous (Bashkirian and Mosco- vian) and Permian. 3. P. wagneri group, including wagneri, perapertuen— sis, radians, intemedius, santaemariae, can- tabricus, orboensis, and occidentalis. This group comprises forms having a simple columella and a weakly lonsdaleoid dissepimentarium; these forms occur in the Middle Carboniferous (Bashkirian and Moscovian) and Permian. 4. P. vesiculosas group, including vesicalosas, lisitschanskensis, exilis, confertus, persubtilis, korkhovae, minis, and widens. This group com- prises forms having a simple columella and a nar- row dissepimentarium (small ratio of tabularium width to corallite diameter); these forms occur in the Middle Carboniferous (Bashkirian and Mosco— vian). 5. P. maccoyanus group, including maccoyanas, stylaxis, mohikanas, celadensis, elyensis, dobrolyubovae, donetse’nsis, and ivanovi. This group comprises forms having a complex col- umella; these forms occur in the Middle Car- boniferous (Moscovian) and Permian. Occarrence.—Lower Carboniferous (Viséan), Middle Carboniferous (Namurian, Bashkirian, and Moscovian), and Permian. U.S.S.R., U.S.A., Canada, Spain, Japan, China(?), Spitzbergen(?). 26 REVISION OF LITHOSTROTIONELLA FROM THE CARBONIFEROUS AND PERMIAN Petalaxis simplex species group Petalaxis simplex (Hayasaka) Plate 18, figures 1—3 Lithostrotionella simplex Hayasaka, 1936, p. 70, pl. 14, figs. 4a, b; Bamber, 1961, p. 155, pl. 12, figs. 2a—c. Lithostrotion [Lithostrotionella] simplex (Hayasaka). Bassler, 1950, p. 220. Material studied. —USNM 120249 (holotype). Description of holotype. —The specimen is a fragment of a corallum of indeterminate shape in limestone matrix. It was more than 9 cm in diameter and more than 4 cm in height. Corallites are polygonal, have straight, slightly beaded, double-layered walls as much as 0.3 mm thick, and range from 6 to 9 mm in diameter at maturity. Ex- cept for the counter septum, the major septa are short, do not extend to the columella, and seldom extend into the dissepimentarium. There are 16 to 18 major septa at maturity. Minor septa are absent or poorly developed. The columella is a simple thin axial plate that may or may not be connected to the counter septum. Tabulae are ordinarily complete and essentially horizontal; some are turned up at the columella to produce concentric traces in the transverse sections of some corallites. Tabulae are irregularly spaced 0.5 to 1 mm apart. The dissepimentarium is strongly lonsdaleoid and consists of a single row of large inflated dissepiments. There are or- dinarily about 2 dissepiments in 2 mm. The ratio of the tabularium width to the corallite diameter is about 0.6 to 0.7. The mode of increase is indeterminate. Septal microstructure is fibronormal. Discussion. —Comparison with P. wyomingensis is made under the discussion of that species. Occurrence. —L0wer Carboniferous, upper Viséan. Little Flat Formation, Utah, U.S.A. Petalaxis wyomingensis, n. sp. Plate 18, figures 4, 5 Lithostrotionella simplex Hayasaka, 1936, p. 70 [part]. Material studied. —USNM 120675 (holotype). Description of holotype. —The specimen is a fragment of a corallum of indeterminate shape in limestone matrix. It was more than 7 cm in diameter and more than 4 cm in height. Corallites are polygonal, have sinuous, beaded, double-layered walls as much as 0.6 mm thick, and range from 7 to 9 mm in diameter at maturity. The major septa ordinarily extend to the columella but seldom extend in- to the dissepimentarium. There are 17 to 18 major septa at maturity. Minor septa are absent. The columella is a simple thickened axial plate ordinarily connected to the counter septum. It is as much as 0.7 mm in short diameter and 1 mm in long diameter. Tabulae are com— plete or incomplete, essentially horizontal, turned up at the columella, and irregularly spaced 0.25 to 0.5 mm apart. The dissepimentarium is strongly lonsdaleoid and consists of 1 to 3 rows of inflated dissepiments of vary- ing sizes. Ordinarily, there are 1 to 3 dissepiments in 2 mm. The ratio of tabularium width to the corallite diameter is about 0.5 to 0.6. The mode of increase is in- determinate. Septal microstructure is fibronormal. Discussion—The holotype of this species was a paratype of Lithostrotionella simplex Hayasaka. P. wyomingensis is similar to P. simplex (Hayasaka) but differs in having longer major septa, a thickened col- umella, thicker corallite walls, more rows of dissepiments, a smaller ratio of tabularium width to cor- allite diameter, and more tabulae. Occurrence—Middle Carboniferous, Namurian. “Wells” Formation, Wyoming, U.S.A. Petalaxis tabulatus (Hayasaka) Plate 19, figures 5—7 Lithostrotionella tabulata Hayasaka, 1936, p. 69, pl. 17, fig. 2. Lithostrotion [Lithostrotionella] tabulatum (Hayasaka). Bassler, 1950, p. 220. Material studied—USNM 120246 (holotype), USNM 216197 (paratypes). Description of holotype. —The specimen is a fragment of a corallum of indeterminate shape. It was more than 12 cm in diameter and 14 cm in height. Corallites are polygonal, have straight, beaded, and denticulate double-layered walls as much as 0.4 mm thick, and range from 8 to 10 mm in diameter at maturi- ty. The major septa ordinarily extend to the columella and into the dissepimentarium. There are 16 to 18 major septa at maturity. Minor septa are ordinarily well developed. The columella is a simple, serrated, thick- ened axial plate connected to one or more major septa. Tabulae are mostly complete, essentially horizontal, commonly turned up at the columella, and irregularly spaced 0.25 to 0.5 mm apart. The dissepimentarium is composed of 1 to 2 rows of inflated dissepiments of vary- ing sizes. There are 2 to 4 dissepiments in 2 mm. The ratio of tabularium width to corallite diameter is about 0.6 to 0.7. The mode of increase is peripheral. Septal microstructure is obscure, seemingly amorphous. Discussion—The transverse section of this species looks like that of a Stelechophyllnm. It is placed in Petalaacis because of its horizontal tabulae. The species differs from P. wyomingensis in having a serrated, less thickened columella, to which more major septa are at- tached, thinner corallite walls, a larger ratio of tabularium width to corallite diameter, more extensions of the major septa into the tabularium, and well- developed minor septa. Occurrence— Lower Carboniferous, upper Viséan. Aspen Range Formation, Idaho, U.S.A. SYSTEMATIC PALEONTOLOGY 27 Petalaxis bailliei (Nelson) Lithostrotionella bailliei Nelson, 1960, p. 114, pl. 21, figs. 7, 8; 1962, pl. 14, figs. 1, 2. Lithostrotionella cf. bailliei Nelson. Bamber, 1961, p. 126, pl. 10, figs. la—g. Diagnosis. —Petalaxis with corallites 5 to 6 mm in diameter and 17 to 18 major septa that ordinarily extend to the columella but seldom extend into the dissepimen- tarium. Minor septa ordinarily well developed. Col- umella a simple thickened axial rod or plate formed by extension of the counter septum. Dissepimentarium composed of a single row of large inflated dissepiments. Tabulae ordinarily complete, essentially horizontal, and irregularly spaced 3 in 1 mm. Ratio of tabularium width to corallite diameter about 0.5. Mode of increase unknown. Description of holotype. —See Nelson (1960). Discussion. —This species is distinguished from P. wyomingensis and P. tabulatus by its smaller corallite diameter. Occurrence. —L0wer Carboniferous, Viséan. Mount Head Formation, Alberta, Canada, and Prophet Forma- tion, British Columbia, Canada (E. W. Bamber, written commun., 1980). Petalaxis tschucoticus (Onoprienko) Lithostrotionella tschucotica Onoprienko, 1976, p. 30, pl. 10, fig. 6, pl. 11, figs. 1, 2. Diagnosis—Petalaxis with corallite diameter 5 to 7 mm and 15 to 17 major septa that ordinarily extend to the columella but seldom extend into the dissepimen- tarium. Minor septa poorly developed. Columella a sim- ple axial plate connected to cardinal and counter septa. Dissepimentarium composed of a single row of large in- flated dissepiments. Tabulae ordinarily complete, horizontal, commonly turned up at columella, regularly spaced 0.3 to 0.5 mm apart. Ratio of tabularium width to corallite diameter about 0.5 to 0.6. Mode of increase unknown. Description of type material. — See Onoprienko (1976). Discussion-This species differs from P. bailliei by having fewer major septa, a less robust columella, and weaker minor septa. Occurrence. — Lower Carboniferous, Yunon Suite, West Chukotka, U.S.S.R. Namurian. Petalaxis flexuosus species group Petalaxis flexuosus (T rautschold) Lithostrotionflexuosum Trautschold, 1879, p. 37, pl. 5, figs. 7a, b. Lithostrotionella flexuosa (Trautschold). Dobrolyubova, 1935a, p. 11, pl. 3, figs. 1, 2; 1935b, p. 18, pl. 3, figs. 1, 2. 'lLithostrotionellaflemosa (Trautschold). Heritsch, 1939, p. 30, pl. 13, fig. 5, pl. 19, fig. 5. ?Lithostrotion [Lithostrotiorwlla] flexuosum Trautschold. Bassler, 1950, p. 235. Diagnosis.—Petalaxis with corallite diameter 5 to 7 mm and 14 to 17 major septa that approach the col- umella but seldom reach it and commonly extend into the dissepimentarium. Minor septa well developed. Col- umella a simple thickened axial plate ordinarily con- nected to the counter septum and to the cardinal septum in some corallites. Dissepimentarium composed of 1 to 2 rows of generally small inflated dissepiments of varying sizes. Tabulae complete and incomplete, horizontal to in- clined, flat, concave or convex, irregularly spaced 0.25 to 1 mm apart. Ratio of tabularium width to corallite diameter 0.6 to 0.7. Mode of increase unknown. Description of type material. — See Trautschold (1879). The diagnosis is taken largely from Dobrolyubova’s (1935b) descriptions and illustrations of topotypes. Discussion. —Petalaxis flexuosus differs from P. stylaxis by lacking a complex columella and by having better development of the minor septa, more extensions of the major septa into the dissepimentarium, and generally smaller dissepiments. Fomichev (1953, p. 453) and Kozyreva (1974, p. 25) placed P. flexuosus in the synonymy of P. maccoyanus Milne-E dwards and Haime because of general similarity in morphology. I regard these two species as distinct because P. flexuosus does not seem to have axial tabellae like P. maccoyanus. However, Sutherland (1977, p. 187) pointed out that the complexity of the axial structure is a variable feature in topotypes of P. maccoyanus; hence, Dobrolyubova’s (1935b) description may be based on simple corallites in a variable colony. Heritsch’s (1939) specimen is referred questionably to the species because no longitudinal section is available. Occurrence. —Middle Carboniferous, Moscovian. Myachkovo Horizon (C24), Moscow Basin, U.S.S.R. Kings Bay, Spitzbergen(?). Petalaxis donbassicus (Fomichev) Lithostrotionella donbassica Fomichev, 1939, p. 60, pl. 9, figs. 4a, b. Lithostrotion [Lithostrotionella] donbassica (Fomichev). Bassler, 1950, p. 222. Diagnosis—Petalaxis with corallite diameter 5 to 7 mm and 14 to 17 major septa that approach the col- umella but seldom reach it and commonly extend into the dissepimentarium. Minor septa well developed. Col- umella a strongly thickened axial plate ordinarily con- nected to the counter septum. Dissepimentarium com- posed of 1 to 2 rows of inflated dissepiments of varying sizes. Tabulae ordinarily complete, horizontal, irregular- ly spaced 0.25 to 0.5 mm apart. Ratio of tabularium width to corallite diameter 0.5 to 0.6. Mode of increase unknown. Description of type material. — See Fomichev (1939). Discussion. —This species is very similar to Petalaxis flexuosus, from which it differs in having better develop- 28 REVISION OF LITHOSTROTIONELLA FROM THE CARBONIFEROUS AND PERMIAN ment of the minor septa, a thicker columella, a wider dissepimentarium (smaller ratio of tabularium width to ' corallite diameter), and more complete tabulae. Occurrence.—Middle Carboniferous, Moscovian. Svita C26 (L5), Donetz Basin, U.S.S.R. Petalaxis mokomokensis (Easton) Lithostrotion [Lithostrotionella] mkomokensis Easton, 1960, p. 578, text-figs. 9, 10. Diagnosis. —Petalaxis with corallite diameter about 7 mm and 15 major septa that ordinarily are short and do not extend to the columella or into the dissepimen- tarium. Minor septa poorly developed. Columella a thin axial plate connected to the counter septum. Dissepimentarium composed of 1 to 2 rows of large in- flated dissepiments. Tabulae complete and incomplete, essentially horizontal, mostly concave, irregularly spaced 0.25 to 0.75 mm apart. Ratio of tabularium width to corallite diameter about 0.7. Mode of increase unknown. Description of type material. — See Easton (1960). Discussion. — This species is distinguished from Middle Carboniferous species from the Soviet Union by its thin- ner columella and more generally concave tabulae. Occurrence—Permian. Arcturus Formation, Nevada, U.S.A. Petalaxis exiguus n. sp. Plate 19, figures 1—4 Lithostrotionella girtyi Hayasaka, 1936, p. 65 [part]. Lithostrotion [Lithostrotionella] girtyi (Hayasaka). Bassler, 1950, p. 220 [part]. Material studied. —USNM 162002B (holotype) and USNM 162002A (paratype). Description of holotype. —The specimen is a small com- plete silicified corallum 3.5 cm in diameter and 2 cm in height. Corallites are polygonal, have straight to rounded, beaded, sinuous, double-layered walls as much as 0.4 mm thick, and range from 10 to 12 mm in diameter at maturity. Except for the counter and cardinal septa, the major septa extend about halfway to the columella and are present in the dissepimentarium only as crests. There are 14 to 15 major septa at maturity. Minor septa are absent. The columella is a simple thickened axial plate, commonly connected to both counter and cardinal septa. Tabulae are complete or incomplete, essentially horizontal, concave to convex, and irregularly spaced 0.5 to 1 mm apart. The dissepimentarium is strongly lonsdaleoid and consists of 1 to 2 rows of mostly large in- flated dissepiments. The ratio of tabularium width to corallite diameter is about 0.6. Increase is peripheral. Septal microstructure is fibronormal. Discussion—The holotype and paratype of this new species were paratypes of Lithostrotionella girtyi Hayasaka. The two type specimens are so small that they may actually represent immature coralla, although no larger coralla were found at the type locality. The description of the holotype serves as a diagnosis for the species, because the paratype is essentially identical with the holotype. Petalaxis exiguus is distinguished from P. mokomoken- sis, another Permian form, by its diminutive corallum, thickened columella, larger corallite diameter, and smaller ratio of tabularium width to corallite diameter. Occurrence—Permian. McCloud Limestone, Califor- nia, U.S.A. Petalaxis brokawi (Wilson and Langenheim) Lithostrotionella sp. Langenheim and others, 1960, p. 151. Lithostrotionella brokawi Wilson and Langenheim, 1962, p. 512, pl. 88, figs. 7, 8. Diagnosis. —Petalaxis with corallite diameter 4 to 5 mm and 10 to 15 major septa that ordinarily are short and do not extend to the columella and seldom extend in- to the dissepimentarium. Minor septa ordinarily well developed. Columella a simple thickened axial plate or- dinarily connected to the counter septum. Dissepimen- tarium composed of 1 to 2 rows of mostly large inflated dissepiments. Tabulae mostly complete, inclined slightly toward columella, and irregularly spaced 0.25 to 0.5 mm apart. Ratio of tabularium width to corallite diameter about 0.5. Mode of increase unknown. Description of type specimens. —See Wilson and Langenheim (1962). Discussion. —Petalaxis brokawi is distinguished from P. mokomokensis by its smaller corallites, thickened col- umella, well-developed minor septa, and smaller ratio of tabularium width to corallite diameter. Occurrence. —Lower Permian. Ely Limestone, Nevada, U.S.A. Petalaxis monocyclicus (de Groot) Lithostrotionella 'nwnocyclica de Groot, 1963, p. 85, pl. 17, figs. la—c. Diagnosis—Petalaxis with corallite diameter 5 to 8 mm and 20 to 24 major septa that ordinarily approach the columella but do not reach it and seldom extend into the dissepimentarium. Minor septa absent. Columella a simple thin axial plate connected to the counter septum and to the cardinal septum in some corallites. Dis- sepimentarium composed of 1 to 3 rows of elongate dissepiments of varying sizes. Tabulae complete, essen- tially horizontal, concave, turned up at the columella, and irregularly spaced 0.25 to 1 mm apart. Ratio of tabularium width to corallite diameter about 0.4 to 0.5. Mode of increase peripheral. Description of holotype. —See de Groot (1964 [1963]). Discussion. — This species differs from the Middle Car- boniferous and Permian species diagnosed on previous pages in this report by having tabulae that are regularly SYSTEMATIC PALEONTOLOGY 29 concave and turned up at the columella. It also has more major septa. Occurrence—Middle Carboniferous, Bashkirian. San- ta Maria Limestone, Palencia, Spain. Petalaxis sexangulus (de Groot) Lithostrotionella sexangulus de Groot, 1963, p. 84, pl. 16, figs. 3a—c, 4a, b. Diagnosis. —Petalaacis with corallite diameter 3 to 4 mm and 13 to 15 major septa that ordinarily extend about halfway to the columella and seldom extend into the dissepimentarium. Minor septa poorly developed. Columella a simple slightly thickened axial plate con- nected to the counter septum and to the cardinal septum in some corallites. Dissepimentarium composed of a single row of small dissepiments. Tabulae mostly com— plete, essentially horizontal, but commonly nearly tent— shaped, turned up at the columella, and irregularly spaced 0.25 to 1 mm apart. Ratio of tabularium width to corallite diameter about 0.8. Mode of increase unknown. Description of type material. - See de Groot (1964 [1963]). Discussion. —This species is distinguished from other members of the P. flexuosus species group by its very large ratio of tabularium width to corallite diameter and its tabulae that are commonly nearly tent-shaped and turned up at the columella. Occurrence. — Middle Carboniferous, Palencia, Spain. Moscovian. Petalaxis taishakuensis (Yokoyama) Lithostrotionella taishakuensis Yokoyama, 1957, p. 78, pl. 10, figs. 1—4. Diagnosis.-Petalaxis with corallite diameter 3 to 4 mm and 13 to 15 major septa that ordinarily are short and do not extend to the columella and seldom extend in- to the dissepimentarium. Minor septa well developed. Columella a simple axial plate connected to the counter septum and joined by 2 or 3 other major septa. Dissepimentarium composed of 1 to 2 rows of inflated dissepiments of varying sizes. Tabulae complete and in- complete, essentially horizontal, and irregularly spaced 0.25 to 1 mm apart. Ratio of tabularium width to cor- allite diameter about 0.6 to 0.7. Mode of increase unknown. Description of holotype. — See Yokoyama (1957). Discussion. —This species is distinguished from P. sex- angulus by having its columella joined by several major septa, by having stronger major septa, by its tabulae not being turned up at the columella, by its smaller ratio of tabularium width to corallite diameter, and by having more rows of dissepiments. Occurrence-Middle Carboniferous. Dangyokei For~ mation, Hiroshima, Japan. Petalaxis ixnmanis Kozyreva Petalaxis immanis Kozyreva, 1974, p. 30, pl. 2, figs. 4a—c, 5a, b. Diagnosis.-Petalaxis with corallite diameter 8 to 18 mm and 17 to 18 major septa that ordinarily approach the columella but do not reach it and seldom extend into the dissepimentarium. Minor septa absent or poorly developed. Columella a simple, strongly thickened axial plate connected to counter septum. Dissepimentarium composed of 2 rows of small inflated dissepiments. Tabulae complete, essentially horizontal, turned up at columella, and irregularly spaced 0.25 to 0.5 mm apart. Ratio of tabularium width to corallite diameter about 0.5 to 0.6. Mode of increase unknown. Description of type material. — See Kozyreva (1974). Discussion. —This species is distinguished from all other members of the P. flexuosus species group by its very large corallites and its strongly thickened col- umella. Occurrence—Middle Carboniferous, Horizon bl-bz, Voronezh anteclise, U.S.S.R. Bashkirian. Petalaxis belinskiensis Fomichev Petalaxis mccoyana var. belinskiensis Fomichev, 1953, p. 457, pl. 31, figs. 33., b. Diagnosis.—Petalaxis with corallite diameter 7 to 12 mm and 16 to 24 major septa that approach the col- umella but seldom reach it and commonly extend into the dissepimentarium. Minor septa well developed. Col- umella a simple thickened axial plate ordinarily con— nected to the counter septum. Dissepimentarium com- posed of 1 to 3 rows of inflated dissepiments of varying sizes. Tabulae mostly complete, essentially horizontal, and spaced 0.25 to 0.5 mm apart. Ratio of tabularium width to corallite diameter about 0.4 to 0.5. Mode of in- crease unknown. Description of type material. -See Fomichev (1953). Discussion—This species is distinguished from P. donbassicus by having larger corallites, more major sep- ta, and a broader dissepimentarium. It lacks the com— plex columella that characterizes P. mccoyana. Occurrence—Middle Carboniferous, Moscovian. L5 Limestone, Donetz Basin, U.S.S.R. Petalaxis major (de Groot) Lithostrotionella maccoyana forma major de Groot, 1963, p. 83, pl. 16, figs. 2a, b. Diagnosis.—Petalaxis with corallite diameter 5 to 9 mm and 17 to 22 major septa that closely approach the columella but seldom reach it and that commonly extend into the dissepimentarium. Minor septa well developed. Columella a simple axial plate, seldom dilated, con- nected to the counter septum. A few septal lamellae present in some corallites but no axial tabellae. Dissepimentarium composed of 1 to 3 rows of inflated 30 REVISION OF LITHOSTROTIONELLA FROM THE CARBONIFEROUS AND PERMIAN dissepiments of varying sizes. Tabulae mostly in- complete, horizontal, concave, and irregularly spaced 0.25 to 0.5 mm apart. Ratio of tabularium width to cor- allite diameter about 0.6. Increase peripheral. Description of holotype—See de Groot (1964 [1963]). The holotype is RGM 112726. Discussion—This species differs from P. mccoyanus by lacking a complex columella and by its larger corallite diameter and more numerous major septa. It differs from P. vesiculosus by having longer major septa, more major septa, by the presence of septal lamellae, and by having more rows of dissepiments. Occurrence. —Middle Carboniferous, Moscovian. Vafies Formation, Palencia, Spain. Petalaxis fomichevi n. sp. Petalaxis maccoyana Milne-Edwards and Haime. Fomichev, 1953, p. 453, pl. 31, figs. 1a~d, 2a—d. ' Diagnosis.—Petalaacis with corallite diameter 5 to 8* mm and 13 to 22 major septa that extend about half way to the columella and commonly extend into the dissepimentarium. Minor septa well developed. Col- umella a simple thickened axial plate ordinarily con- nected to the counter septum and to the cardinal septum in some corallites. Dissepimentarium composed of 1 to 3 rows of inflated dissepiments of varying sizes. Tabulae complete and incomplete, flat to convex, horizontal, and spaced 0.25 to 0.5 mm apart. Ratio of tabularium width to corallite diameter about 0.5 to 0.7. Mode of increase unknown. Description of type material—See Fomichev (1953). The holotype is here designated specimen number 57 of Fomichev (1953, p. 456). Discussion. —This species differs from P. maccoyanus by lacking a complex columella and other morphological details. It is distinguished from P. flexuosus by having more major septa, more regular tabulae, and more rows of dissepiments. Occurrence. —Middle Carboniferous, Moscovian. L5 Limestone, Donetz Basin, U.S.S.R. Petalaxis grootae, n. sp. Lithostrotionella maccoyana (Edwards and Haime). De Groot, 1963, p. 82, pl. 16, fig. 1a, b. Diagnosis. —Petalaxis with corallite diameter 4 to 6 mm and 14 to 16 major septa that approach the col- umella but seldom reach it and seldom extend into the dissepimentarium. Minor septa well developed. Col- umella a simple axial plate, curved in some corallites, and ordinarily connected to the counter septum. Dissepimentarium composed of 1 to 3 rows of inflated dissepiments of varying sizes. Tabulae complete and in- complete, essentially horizontal, flat, concave or convex, and spaced 0.25 to 0.75 mm apart. Ratio of tabularium width to corallite diameter about 0.6 to 0.7. Mode of in- crease unknown. Description of type material. — See de Groot (1964 [1963], p. 83). The holotype is here designated RGM 112721. Discussion. —This species differs from P. maccoyanus by lacking a complex columella. It is distinguished from P. flexuosus by having longer major septa, a thinner, commonly curved columella, more rows of dissepiments, and more regularly spaced tabulae. Occurrence. —Middle Carboniferous, Moscovian. Vanes Formation and Cotarraso Limestone, Palencia, Spain. Petalaxis wagneri species group Petalaxis wagneri (de Groot) Lithostrotionclla (Hillia) wagneri de Groot, 1963, p. 88, pl. 18, figs. 1—3. Diagnosis. —Petalaxis with corallite diameter 3 to 4.5 mm and 14 to 16 major septa that closely approach the columella but seldom reach it and extend into the dissepimentarium, ordinarily being attached to the cor— allite wall. Minor septa ordinarily well developed. Col— umella a simple axial plate connected to counter or car- dinal septum. Dissepimentarium weakly lonsdaleoid, composed of a single row of small inflated dissepiments. Tabulae complete or incomplete, essentially horizontal, mostly concave, and spaced 0.5 to 1 mm apart. Ratio of tabularium Width to corallite diameter about 0.7 to 0.8. Increase peripheral. Description of type material. —See de Groot (1964 [1963]). Discussion. —This species is similar to P. maccoyanus but has smaller corallites, fewer major septa, a weakly lonsdaleoid dissepimentarium, and a simple columella. Occurrence. —Middle Carboniferous, Bashkirian. Perapertu Formation, Palencia, Spain. Petalaxis perapextuensis (de Groot) Lithostrotionella (Hillia) perapertuensis de Groot, 1963, p. 89, pl. 19, figs. la-c, 2a-d. Diagnosis—Petalaxis with corallite diameter 3.5 to 4.5 mm and 14 to 19 major septa that closely approach the columella but seldom reach it and ordinarily extend across the dissepimentarium to the corallite wall. Minor septa ordinarily well developed. Corallite walls strongly dilated. Columella a simple thickened axial plate con- nected to counter or cardinal septum. Dissepimentarium weakly lonsdaleoid, composed of 1 to 2 rows of small in- flated dissepiments. Tabulae incomplete, essentially horizontal, mostly concave, and spaced 0.25 to 0.5 mm apart. Ratio of tabularium width to corallite diameter 0.6 to 0.8. Increase peripheral. Description of type material. — See de Groot (1964 [1963]). SYSTEMATIC PALEONTOLOGY 31 Discussion—This species differs from P. wagneri by having more major septa, more tabulae, and strongly dilated corallite walls. Occurrence—Middle Carboniferous, Bashkirian. Perapertu Formation, Palencia, Spain. Petahxis radians (de Groot) Lithostrotionella (Hillia) radians de Groot, 1963, p. 89, pl. 20, figs. 1a—c. Diagnosis—Petalaxis with corallite diameter 7 to 9 mm and 15 to 18 major septa that closely approach the columella but seldom reach it and extend into the dissepimentarium, ordinarily being attached to the cor- allite wall. Minor septa ordinarily well developed. Col- umella a simple axial plate connected to the counter or cardinal septum. Dissepimentarium weakly lonsdaleoid, composed of 1 to 3 rows of inflated dissepiments of vary- ing sizes. Tabulae incomplete, horizontal, mostly con- vex, and irregularly spaced 0.25 to 1 mm apart. Ratio of tabularium width to corallite diameter about 0.5 to 0.6. Mode of increase unknown. Description of type material. -See de Groot (1964 [1963]). Discussion-This species differs from P. wagneri by having larger corallites, more rows of dissepiments, and less regular tabulae. Occurrence. —Middle Carboniferous, Bashkirian. Perapertl’i Formation, Palencia, Spain. Petalaxis intermedius (de Groot) Lithostrotionella (Hillia) intermedia de Groot, 1963, p. 90, pl. 20, figs. 2a, b, 3. Diagnosis—Petalaacis with corallite diameter 5 to 7 mm and 16 to 19 major septa that closely approach the columella but seldom reach it and extend into the dissepimentarium, commonly being attached to the cor— allite wall. Minor septa well developed. Columella a sim- ple axial plate connected to counter or cardinal septum. Dissepimentarium weakly lonsdaleoid, composed of 1 to 4 rows of mostly small inflated dissepiments. Tabulae mostly incomplete, flat, concave or convex, horizontal, and irregularly spaced 0.25 to 0.75 mm apart. Ratio of tabularium width to corallite diameter about 0.7 to 0.8. Increase peripheral. Description of type material.—See de Groot (1964 [1963]). Discussion. -This species differs from P. wagneri by having larger corallites, more major septa, and more tabulae. Occurrence. —Middle Carboniferous, Bashkirian. Perapertu Formation, Palencia, Spain. Petalaxis santaemariae (de Groot) Lithostrotionella (Hillia) santaemariae de Groot, 1963, p. 91, pl. 21, figs. 1a-e. Diagnosis. —Petalaxis with corallite diameter 3.5 to 8 mm and 16 to 19 major septa that closely approach the columella but seldom reach it and extend into the dissepimentarium, ordinarily attached to the corallite wall. Minor septa poorly developed. Corallite walls strongly dilated. Columella a simple thickened axial plate connected to counter or cardinal septum. Dissepimentarium weakly lonsdaleoid, composed of a single row of small inflated dissepiments. Tabulae most- ly complete, horizontal, mostly concave, and irregularly spaced 0.25 to 1 mm apart. A peripheral zone of clinotabellae may be present. Ratio of tabularium width to corallite diameter about 0.8. Increase peripheral. Description of holotype. —See de Groot (1964 [1963]). Discussion. —This species differs from P. perapertuen— sis by having larger corallites, poorly developed minor septa, and fewer tabulae. Occurrence—Middle Carboniferous, Bashkirian. San— ta Maria Limestone, Palencia, Spain. Petalaxis cantabricus (de Groot) Lithostrotionella (Hillia) cantabrica de Groot, 1963, p. 92, pl. 22, figs. 1—4. Diagnosis—Petataxis with corallite diameter 4 to 8 mm and 19 to 28 major septa that closely approach the columella but seldom reach it and extend into the dissepimentarium, ordinarily being attached to the cor- allite wall. Minor septa well developed. Corallite wall strongly dilated and denticulate. Columella a simple commonly thickened axial plate connected to counter or cardinal septum. Dissepimentarium weakly lonsdaleoid, composed of 1 to 3 rows of small inflated dissepiments. Tabulae mostly complete, horizontal, concave, and spaced 0.25 to 1 mm apart. A peripheral zone of clinotabellae may be present. Ratio of tabularium width to corallite diameter about 0.6 to 0.7. Increase peripheral. Description of type material. —See de Groot (1964 [1963]). Discussion—This species is distinguished from all others in the P. wagneri species group by having more major septa. Occurrence—Middle Carboniferous, Bashkirian to Moscovian(?). Santa Maria Limestone, Perapertu For- mation, and Celada Limestone, Palencia, Spain. Petalaxis orboensis (de Groot) Lithostrotionella orboensis de Groot, 1963, p. 85, pl. 17, figs. 2a—d. Diagnosis. —Petalaxis with corallite diameter 4.5 to 8 mm and 16 to 21 major septa that closely approach the columella but seldom reach it and extend into the dissepimentarium, commonly being attached to the cor- allite wall. Minor septa well developed. Columella a sim- ple axial plate connected to counter or cardinal septum; 32 REVISION OF LITHOSTROTIONELLA FROM THE CARBONIFEROUS AND PERMIAN columella absent or discontinuous in some corallites. Dissepimentarium weakly lonsdaleoid, composed of 1 to 3 rows of inflated dissepiments of varying sizes. Tabulae complete and incomplete, generally horizontal but turned up at columella, and spaced 0.25 to 0.5 mm apart. Ratio of tabularium width to corallite diameter about 0.7. Mode of increase unknown. Description of type material. —See de Groot (1964 [1963]). Discussion. —This species is distinguished from others in the P. wagneri group by having tabulae that are turned up at the columella and by having the columella absent or discontinuous in some corallites. Occurrence. —Middle Carboniferous, Moscovian. Orbo Limestone, Palencia, Spain. Petalaxis occidentalis (Merriam) Plate 20, figures 1, 2 Lithostrotion (Lithostrotionella) occidentalis Merriam, 1942, p. 377, pl. 56, figs. 2, 4, 7, 8, 11. Lithostrotion [Lithostrotionella] occidentale Merriam. Bassler, 1950, p. 252. Diagnosis—Petalaxis with corallite diameter 4.5 to 6.5 mm and 16 to 19 major septa that closely approach the columella but seldom reach it and extend into the dissepimentarium, commonly being attached to the cor- allite wall. Minor septa well developed. Corallite wall dilated and denticulate. Columella a simple thickened axial plate connected to the counter or cardinal septum. Dissepimentarium weakly lonsdaleoid, composed of 1 to 2 rows of small inflated dissepiments Tabularium con- sists of a peripheral zone of clinotabellae and a periaxial zone of mostly complete, horizontal, flat or concave tabulae spaced 0.25 to 0.75 mm apart. Ratio of tabularium width to corallite diameter about 0.6. Mode of increase unknown. Description of holotype. —See Merriam (1942). The holotype is USNM 143440; new thin sections of this specimen are illustrated herein for clarification of mor- phologic details. Discussion. —This species differs from P. perapertuen— sis by having larger corallites, a thicker columella, and well-developed clinotabellae. Occurrence.— Permian. Coyote Butte Formation, Oregon, U.S.A. Petalaxis vesiculosus species group Petalaxis vesiculosus (Dobrolyubova) Lithostrotionella uesiculosa Dobrolyubova, 1935a, p. 11, pl. 2, figs. 3, 4; 1935b, p. 19, pl. 2, figs. 3, 4. Lithostrotion [Lithostrotionella] vesiculosa Dobrolyubova. Bassler, 1950, p. 222. Diagnosis. —Petala.ris with corallite diameter 6 to 12 mm and 10 to 14 major septa that may or may not ex- tend to the columella and seldom extend into the dissepimentarium. Minor septa ordinarily well developed. Columella a simple thickened axial plate or- dinarily connected to the counter and cardinal septa. Dissepimentarium composed of 2 to 6 rows of inflated dissepiments of varying sizes. Tabulae complete or in- complete, horizontal, concave or convex, and irregularly spaced 0.25 to 1 mm apart. Ratio of tabularium width to corallite diameter about 0.3 to 0.4. Mode of increase peripheral. Description of holotype. —See Dobrolyubova (1935b). Discussion—This species is distinguished from all species of the P. flexuosus and P. wagneri groups by its broader dissepimentarium. Occurrence—Middle Carboniferous, Moscovian. Myachkovo Horizon (C24), Moscow Basin, U.S.S.R. Petalaxis lisitschanskensis Fomichev Petalaxis vesiculosa (Dobrolyubova) var. lisitschanskensis Fomichev, 1953, p. 462, pl. 32, figs. 3a, b. Diagnosis. —Petalaxis with corallite diameter 12 to 15 mm and 16 to 21 major septa that approach the col- umella and may or may not reach it and do not extend in- to the dissepimentarium. Minor septa ordinarily well developed. Columella a simple thickened axial plate or- dinarily connected to the counter septum. Dissepimen- tarium composed of 1 to 5 rows of inflated dissepiments of variable size. Tabulae complete or incomplete, horizontal, concave or convex, and irregularly spaced 0.25 to 0.7 5 mm apart. Ratio of tabularium width to cor- allite diameter about 0.4. Mode of increase unknown. Description of holotype. — See Fomichev (1953). Discussion. —This species is distinguished from P. vesiculosus by having larger corallites, more major sep- ta, and generally fewer rows of dissepiments. Occurrence. —Middle Carboniferous, Moscovian. L4 and L5 Limestones, Donetz Basin, U.S.S.R. Petalaxis exilis Kozyreva Petalaxis exilis Kozyreva, 1974, p. 26, pl. 1, figs. la—d. Diagnosis.—Petalaxis with corallite diameter 5 to 11 mm and 10 to 14 major septa that ordinarily are short and do not extend to the columella or into the dis- sepimentarium. Minor septa absent. Columella a simple thickened axial plate ordinarily connected to the counter septum and to the cardinal septum in some corallites. Dissepimentarium composed of 1 to 3 rows of mostly large inflated dissepiments. Tabulae complete, horizon- tal or slightly elevated toward columella, and irregularly spaced 0.5 to 1.25 mm apart. Ratio of tabularium width to corallite diameter about 0.4. Increase probably - peripheral. Description of holotype. — See Kozyreva (1974). Discussion. — This species is distinguished from P. vesiculosus by having fewer septa that extend to the col- SYSTEMATIC PALEONTOLOGY 33 umella, by lacking minor septa, by having fewer rows of dissepiments, and by having fewer tabulae. Occurrence. — Middle Carboniferous, Horizon b4, Voronezh anteclise, U.S.S.R. Bashkirian. Petalaxis coniertus Kozyreva Petalaxis confertus Kozyreva, 1974, p. 27, pl. 1, figs. 2a, b, 3a, b. Diagnosis. —Petalaxis with corallite diameter 8 to 12 mm and 19 to 20 major septa that commonly approach the columella but do not extend into the dissepimen— tarium. Minor septa absent. Columella a simple thickened axial plate connected to the counter septum. Dissepimentarium composed of 1 to 3 rows of inflated dissepiments of varying sizes. Tabulae mostly in- complete, varying in attitude, and irregularly spaced 0.25 to 1 mm apart. Ratio of tabularium width to cor- allite diameter about 0.4 to 0.5. Mode of increase unknown. Description of type material. - See Kozyreva (1974). Discussion. -This species is distinguished from P. eac- ilis by having more major septa, longer major septa, and by its incomplete tabulae. Occurrence. —Middle Carboniferous, Bashkirian. Voronezh anteclise, U.S.S.R. Petalaxis persubtjlis Kozyreva Petalams persubtilis Kozyreva, 1974, p. 27, pl. 1, figs. 4a—c, 5, 6. Diagnosis.—Petalaxis with corallite diameter 9 to 15 mm and 15 to 17 major septa that commonly approach the columella and may or may not extend into the dissepimentarium. Minor septa absent or variably developed. Columella absent or weakly developed as a simple axial plate connected to the counter septum. Dissepimentarium composed of 2 to 4 rows of large in- flated dissepiments. Tabulae complete, horizontal, com- monly weakly turned up at columella, and irregularly spaced 0.25 to 1 mm apart. Ratio of tabularium width to corallite diameter 0.3 to 0.4. Increase peripheral. Description of type material. — See Kozyreva (197 4). Discussion. —This species is distinguished from P. con- fertus by having larger corallites, more major septa, more rows of dissepiments, and a smaller ratio of tabularium width to corallite diameter. Occurrence. — Middle Carboniferous, Horizon b1, Voronezh anteclise, U.S.S.R. Bashkirian. Petalaxis korkhovae Kozyreva Petalaais korkho'vae Kozyreva, 1974, p. 28, pl. 1, figs. 7a—c. Diagnosis. —Petalaxis with corallite diameter 9 to 15 mm and 16 to 18 major septa that ordinarily extend about halfway to the columella but seldom extend into the dissepimentarium. Minor septa absent or poorly developed. Columella a simple thickened axial plate con- nected to the counter septum. Dissepimentarium com- posed of 3 to 4 rows of inflated dissepiments of varying sizes. Tabulae complete, horizontal, mostly flat, and ir- regularly spaced 0.25 to 1 mm apart. Ratio of tabularium width to corallite diameter 0.3 to 0.4. In- crease peripheral. Description of type material. — See Kozyreva (1974). Discussion. -This species is distinguished from P. per- subtilis by having a stronger columella, shorter major septa, and flatter tabulae. Occurrence. — Middle Carboniferous, Horizon b1, Voronezh anteclise, U.S.S.R. Bashkirian. Petalaxis mirus Kozyreva Petalaxis mirus Kozyreva, 1974, p. 29, pl. 2, figs. 1a—c. Diagnosis. —Petalaxis with corallite diameter 7 to 15 mm and 16 to 18 major septa that ordinarily extend about halfway to the columella but seldom extend into the dissepimentarium. Minor septa absent or very poor- ly developed. Columella a simple thickened axial plate connected to the counter septum in most corallites but absent in some. Dissepimentarium consists of 1 to 3 rows of large elongate dissepiments. Tabulae complete, horizontal, and spaced about 1 mm apart. Ratio of tabularium width to corallite diameter about 0.3 to 0.4 Increase peripheral and intermural. Description of type material. — See Kozyreva (1974). Discussion—This species is distinguished by its polymorphic coralla, which include the morphologies of Petalaxis, Sciophyllum, and Thysanophyllum. Occurrence—Middle Carboniferous, Bashkirian. Horizon b4, Voronezh anteclise, U.S.S.R. Petalaxis evidens Kozyreva Petalaxis widens Kozyreva, 1974, p. 30, pl. 2, figs. 2a, b, 3. Diagnosis. —Petalaxis with corallite diameter 8 to 16 mm and 18 to 22 major septa that extend about two- thirds of the way to the columella but seldom extend into the dissepimentarium. Minor septa absent or very poor- ly developed. Columella a simple thickened axial plate connected to the counter septum. Dissepimentarium consists of 1 to 3 rows of large inflated dissepiments. Tabulae complete and incomplete, horizontal, concave, turned up at the columella, and irregularly spaced 0.25 to 1 mm apart. Ratio of tabularium width to corallite diameter about 0.3 to 0.4. Mode of increase unknown. Description of type material. - See Kozyreva (1974). Discussion-This species is distinguished from P. korkhovae by having more major septa, longer major septa, and by having its tabulae turned up at the col- umella. Occurrence. Middle Carboniferous, Horizon b4, Voronezh anteclise, U.S.S.R. Bashkirian. 34 REVISION OF LITHOSTROTIONELLA FROM THE CARBONIFEROUS AND PERMIAN Petalaxis maccoyanus species group Petalaxis maccoyanus Milne-Edwards and Haime Stylaxis M’coyana Milne—Edwards and Haime, 1851, p. 453, pl. 12, figs. 5, 5a. Petalaxis M’coyana Milne-Edwards and Haime, 1852, p. 205; Milne— Edwards, 1860, p. 440; Roemer, 1883, p. 387. Lithostrotion Portlocki Milne-Edwards and Haime. Eichwald, 1861, p. 149, 150. Lithostrotion Mac-Coyannm Milne-Edwards and Haime. Eichwald, 1861, p. 150. Lithostrotion maccoyanum (Milne-Edwards and Haime). Bassler, 1950, p. 222. Petalaxis mccoyana Milne-Edwards and Haime. Fedorowski and Gorianov, 1973, p. 58, pl. 12, figs. 4a, b, text-figs. 20a, b; Sutherland, 1977, p. 185, figs. 1—7. Not Petalaxis maccoyana Milne-Edwards and Haime. Fomichev, 1953, p. 453, pl. 31, figs. 1a—d, 2a—d. Not Lithostrotionella maceoyana (Edwards and Haime). de Groot, 1963, p. 82, pl. 16, figs. 1a, b. Diagnosis. —Petalaxis with maximum corallite diameter 5.4 to 7.8 mm and 13 to 18 major septa that ap- proach the columella but seldom reach it and seldom ex- tend into the dissepimentarium. Minor septa poorly developed. Columella a thickened axial plate connected to the counter septum augmented in some corallites by vertical axial tabellae and rare, poorly developed septal lamellae. Dissepimentarium composed of 1 to 2 rows of small inflated dissepiments Tabulae mostly incomplete, essentially horizontal, flat, concave, or convex, and ir- regularly spaced 0.5 to 1 mm apart. Ratio of tabularium width to corallite diameter about 0.6. Increase peripheral. Description of type material. —See Milne-Edwards and Haime (1851). According to Sutherland (1977, p. 185), the holotype and paratype are lost and a neotype may have to be designated from a topotype lot in the col- lections of the Paleontological Institute of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR in Moscow. Pending further work by Sutherland, the diagnosis is based largely on descriptions and illustrations of topotypes published by Fedorowski and Gorianov (1973) and Sutherland (1977). Discussion. —This species, the type of Petalaxis, has a narrow dissepimentarium like species of the P. flexuosus group but is distinguished by its variable columella, which ranges from a simple thickened axial plate to a complex structure made up of axial plate, vertical tabellae, and rare septal lamellae. Specimens of similar general morphology but lacking a complex axial struc- ture were referred to the species by Fomichev (1953) and de Groot (1964) but are here excluded from the species. The only described material included in the species is from the Moscow Basin. Occurrence—Middle Carboniferous, Moscovian. Myachkovo Horizon, Moscow Basin, U.S.S.R. Petalaxis stylaxis (T rautschold) Lithostrotion stylaxis Trautschold, 1879, p. 36, pl. 5, figs. 6a—c. Petalaa'is stylaxis Stuckenberg, 1888, p. 21, pl. 3, figs. 17—21. ?Petalaxis stylaxis Trautschold. Bolkhovitinova, 1915, p. 63, pl. 5, f1 . 1. LitMEtrotiomlla stylaxis (Trautschold). Dobrolyubova, 1935a, p. 10, pl. 1, figs. 1—5, pl. 2, figs. 1, 2, 5; pl. 13, figs. 1—3; 1935b, p. 14, pl. 1, figs. 1—5, pl. 2, figs. 1, 2, 5, pl. 13, figs. 1—3; Fomichev, 1939, p. 60, pl. 9, figs. 6a, b; not Wu and Zhao, 1974, p. 271, pl. 137, figs. 5, 6. ?Lithostrotionella stylaxis (Trautschold). Heritsch, 1937, p. 164, figs. 1—4; 1939, p. 29, pl. 18, fig. 7, pl. 21, figs. 17, 18. ?Lithostrotion [Lithostrotiomalla] stylawis (Trautschold). Bassler, 1950, p. 235. Diagnosis. —Petalaxis with corallite diameter 3.5 to 9 mm and 11 to 18 major septa that approach the col- umella but seldom reach it and seldom extend into the dissepimentarium. Minor septa absent to well developed. Columella ranging from a simple axial plate ordinarily connected to the counter septum to a complex structure in which the axial plate is augmented by im- persistent vertical axial tabellae and rare septal lamellae. Dissepimentarium composed of 1 to 3 rows of inflated dissepiments of varying sizes. Tabulae complete and incomplete, horizontal, flat, concave or convex, and irregularly spaced 0.25 to 2 mm apart. Ratio of tabularium width to corallite diameter 0.4 to 0.7. Mode of increase unknown. Description of type material. — See Trautschold (1879). The diagnosis is taken largely from Dobrolyubova’s (1935b) descriptions and illustrations of topotypes. Discussion. —D0brolyubova (1935a, b) recognized three morphological variants in her study of topotypes: Lithostrotimwlla stylaxis, L. stylaxis var. 1, and L. stylaxis var. 2. These were treated like separate species in a morphological series. The three morphotypes were collected from the same horizon at different geographic locations, all in the Moscow Basin. Pending further study, I have included all three morphotypes in the con- cept of Petalaxis stylaxis. Bolkhovitinova’s (1915) specimen is included here with a question because of inadequate description and i1- lustration. Heritsch’s (1937, 1939) specimens are refer- red questionably to the species because no longitudinal sections are available. Petalaxis stylaxis differs from P. maccoyanus by hav- ing slightly larger corallites, an unthickened columella, and some well-developed minor septa. Occurrence—Middle Carboniferous, Moscovian. Myachkovo Horizon (024), Moscow Basin, U.S.S.R. Cor- akalk, Kings Bay, Spitzbergen(?). Arabian Desert(?). Petalaxis mohikanus (F omichev) Lithostrotiomlla mohikam Fomichev, 1939, p. 60, pl. 9, figs. 5a, b. Petalaxis mohikana Fomichev, 1953, p. 459, pl. 32, figs. 1a, b, 2a, b, pl. 33, fig. 1. SYSTEMATIC PALEONTOLOGY 35 Diagnosis—Petalaxis with corallite diameter 6 to 10 mm and 13 to 18 major septa that closely approach the columella and commonly extend into the dissepimen- tarium. Minor septa well developed. Columella ordinari- ly a simple axial plate but augmented by rare short sep- tal lamellae and a few vertical axial tabellae in some cor- allites. Dissepimentarium composed of 1 to 3 rows of mostly large inflated dissepiments. Tabulae complete and incomplete, essentially horizontal, commonly turned up at columella, and spaced 0.25 to 0.5 mm apart. Ratio of tabularium width to corallite diameter about 0.4 to 0.5. Mode of increase unknown. Description of type material. - See Fomichev (1953). Discussion-This species differs from P. maccoyanus by having larger corallites, more extensions of the major septa into the dissepimentarium, well-developed minor septa, and more tabulae. Occurrence. —Middle Carboniferous, Moscovian. M3 Limestone, Donetz Basin, U.S.S.R. Petalaxis celadensis (de Groot) Lithostrotionella celadensis de Groot, 1963, p. 82, pl. 15, figs. 2a—d. Diagnosis. —Petalaxis with corallite diameter 3.5 to 6 mm and 12 to 16 major septa that extend about halfway to the columella but seldom extend into the dissepimen- tarium. Minor septa absent or poorly developed. Col- umella ranging from a simple axial plate connected to the counter septum to a complex structure composed of an axial plate, vertical axial tabellae, and a few septal lamellae. Dissepimentarium composed of 1 to 2 rows of large inflated dissepiments. Tabulae mostly incomplete, flat to concave, horizontal, and irregularly spaced 0.25 to 0.75 mm apart. Ratio of tabularium width to corallite diameter about 0.6. Mode of increase unknown. Description of holotype. —See de Groot (1964 [1963]). Discussion. —This species differs from P. maccoyanus by having smaller corallites, fewer and shorter major septa, weaker minor septa, and more tabulae. Occurrence. —Middle Carboniferous, Moscovian. Celada Limestone, Palencia, Spain. Petalaxis elyensis (Wilson and Langenheim) Eastonoides elyensis Wilson and Langenheim, 1962, p. 512, pl. 88, figs. 4—6. Diagnosis. —Petalaxis with corallite diameter 4 to 5 mm and 10 to 15 major septa that extend about halfway to the columella. Major septa are attached to the cor- allite wall except where impersistent lonsdaleoid dissepiments are present. Minor septa poorly developed, contratingent. Columella a thickened axial plate con- 'nected to the counter septum and augmented by rare im- persistent vertical axial tabellae and very rare septal lamellae. Dissepimentarium consists of a single row of impersistent inflated dissepiments. Tabulae mostly com- plete, generally flat, locally sagging or domed, and spaced 0.5 to 1 mm apart. Tabularium width equals cor- allite diameter, except where dissepiments are developed. Mode of increase unknown. Description of type material.—See Wilson and Langenheim (1962). Discussion. —This species is distinguished from most other species of Petalaxis by having an impersistent lonsdaleoid dissepimentarium and impersistent axial tabellae. P. elyensis is the type species of Eastonoides Wilson and Langenheim, which was proposed to include the type species and Lcmsdateia ioanooi Dobrolyubova, which Fomichev (1953, p. 464) included in Cystolonsdaleia. These species have the general mor- phology of P. maccoyanus, the type species of Petalaxis, which also has impersistent axial tabellae. Thus, Eastonoides is regarded as a junior synonym of Petalaxis, and P. elyensis is included in the P. mac- coyanus species group. Occurrence—Lower Permian. Ely Limestone, Nevada, U.S.A. Petalaxis dobrolyubovae n. sp. Not Stylaxis portlocki Milne-Edwards and Haime, 1851, p. 453. Not Petalaxis portlocki Milne-Edwards and Haime, 1852, p. 204, pl. 38, figs. 44, 4a; Haime, 1860, p. 441. Petalaxis portlocki Edwards and Haime. Stuckenberg, 1888, p. 22, pl. 2, figs. 44-49. Lonsdaleia portlocki (Stuckenberg). Dobrolyubova, 1935a, p. 12, pl. 9, figs 1—4, not pl. 10, figs. 1, 2; 1935b, p. 29, pl. 9, figs. 1—4, not pl. 10, figs. 1, 2. Not Cystotonsdaleia portlocki (Dobrolyubova). Fomichev, 1953, p. 467, pl. 32, figs. 4a—v. Not Lonsdaleia portlocki (Stuckenberg) densiconus de Groot, 1963, p. 79, pl. 15, fig. 1. Diagnosis. —Petalaxis with corallite diameter 5 to 11 mm and 11 to 17 major septa that extend halfway to or closely approach the columella but seldom reach it and commonly extend into the dissepimentarium. Minor sep- ta absent to well developed. Columella ranging from a simple axial plate connected to the counter septum to a complex structure composed of axial plate, vertical axial tabellae, and rare septal lamellae augmented by stereoplasm in some corallites to produce a netlike structure in transverse section. Dissepimentarium com- posed of 1 to 2 rows of inflated dissepiments of varying sizes. Tabulae mostly incomplete, flat, concave, or con- vex, horizontal, and irregularly spaced 0.25 to 1 mm apart. Ratio of tabularium width to corallite diameter about 0.6 to 0.7. Mode of increase unknown. Description of type material. —See Dobrolyubova (1935b). The holotype is the specimen illustrated by Dobrolyubova (1936b) as her plate 9, figures 1 and 2. Discussion.—Dobrolyubova’s illustrations suggest that more than one species may be present in the type lot. I exclude the specimen figured as her plate 10, figures 1 and 2, because it seems much more complex 36 REVISION 0F LITHOSTROTIONELLA FROM THE CARBONIFEROUS AND PERMIAN than the other two specimens illustrated. The remaining figured specimens are notably different from one another but are retained in the species concept pending further work on the type material. Cystolonsdaleia portlocki (Dobrolyubova) Fomichev does not belong here and is described below as a new species. Lonsdaleia portlocki (Stuckenberg) densiconus de Groot is a separate species assigned to Cystolonsdaleia Fomichev. P. dobrolyubouae differs from P. maccoyanus by hav- ing larger corallites, more abundant complex col- umellae, and more extensions of the major septa into the dissepimentarium. Occurrence—Middle Carboniferous, Moscovian. Myachkovo Horizon, Moscow Basin, U.S.S.R. Petalaxis donetsensis n. sp. Cystolonsdaleia portlocki (Dobrolyubova). Fomichev, 1953, p. 467, pl. 32, figs. 4a-v. Diagnosis. —Petalaxis with corallite diameter 8 to 10 mm and 13 to 16 major septa that approach the col- umella but do not ordinarily reach it and seldom extend into the dissepimentarium. Minor septa absent or poorly developed. Columella ranging from a simple axial plate connected to the counter septum to a more complex structure composed of axial plate and impersistent ver- tical axial tabellae. Dissepimentarium composed of 2 to 4 rows of inflated dissepiments of varying sizes. Tabulae mostly incomplete, mostly concave, horizontal, and ir- regularly spaced 0.25 to 1 mm apart. Ratio of tabularium width to corallite diameter about 0.3 to 0.6. Mode of increase unknown. Description of holotype.—See Fomichev (1953). The holotype is specimen number 36 of Fomichev. Discussion. —This species differs from P. dobrolyubo'vae by having more rows of dissepiments, weaker minor septa, a smaller ratio of tabularium width to corallite diameter, and by its less abundant complex columellae. Occurrence. —Middle Carboniferous, Moscovian. N1 Limestone, Donetz Basin, U.S.S.R. Petalaxis ivanovi (Dobrolyubova) Lonsdaleia inano'vi Dobrolyubova, 1935a, p. 12, pl. 11, figs. 1, 2; 1935b, p. 31, pl. 11, figs. 1, 2. Diagnosis. —Petalaxis with corallite diameter 6 to 6.5 mm and 13 to 14 major septa that closely approach the columella but seldom reach it. Major septa are attached to the corallite wall, except where impersistent lonsdaleoid dissepiments are present. Minor septa well developed. Columella ranging from a simple axial plate to a complex structure consisting of axial plate, vertical axial tabellae, and a few septal lamellae commonly rein- forced by stereoplasm to form a thick rod or netlike structure in transverse section. Dissepimentarium im- persistent, composed of a single row of dissepiments of varying sizes where present. Tabulae mostly incom- plete, horizontal, flat, concave, or convex, and irregular- ly spaced 0.25 to 1 mm apart. Tabularium width equals corallite diameter except where dissepiments are pres- ent. Mode of increase unknown. Description of holotype. —See Dobrolyubova (1935b). Discussion—This species differs from P. elyensis by having larger corallites, stronger minor septa, and a bet- ter developed complex columella. Occurrence. —Middle Carboniferous, Moscovian. Myachkovo Horizon, Moscow Basin, U.S.S.R. Petalaxis? spp. indet. The following taxa are referred questionably to Petalaxis and are not diagnosed because of insufficient illustration or description of morphological details: Lithostrotionella tingi Chi, 1931, p. 28, pl. 4, figs. 6a, b; Wu in Yii and others, 1963, p. 86, pl. 24, figs. 6a, b. Middle Carboniferous, Moscovian. Laokunchai Limestone, Kueichou, China. Lithostrotionella aff. stylaxis Trautschold. Dobrolyubova, 1936b, p. 127, figs. 55, 56. Middle Carboniferous, Moscovian. Ural Mountains, U.S.S.R. Lithostrotionella sp. indet. Yamagiwa, 1961, p. 102, pl. 5, figs. 1—3. Lower Permian. Atetsu Limestone, Okayana, Japan. Lithostrotionella kitakamiensis Minato, 1955, p. 88, pl. 4, figs. 2, 7, 8, 10, pl. 34, figs. 2, 3. Middle Car- boniferous, Bashkirian. Nagaiwa Series, Iwate, Japan. Lithostrotionella spiniformis Yu, 1933 [1934], p. 102, pl. 21, figs. 2a, b; Wu in Yii and others, 1963, p. 87, pl. 24, figs. 5a, b. Lower Carboniferous, Viséan. Shangssu Limestone, Kueichou, China. Petalaxis timanicus Stuckenberg. Heritsch, 1939, p. 18, pl. 2, fig. 8, pl. 3, fig. 1, pl. 15, figs. 2, 3, pl. 21, figs. 8—16. Carboniferous or Permian. Cora Limestone, Spitzbergen. Petalaxis timanicus Stuckenberg. Kolosvary, 1951, p. 39, pl. 9, figs. 5—7. Permian, Hungary. Petalaxis maccoyana var. multiseptata. Fomichev, 1953, p. 458, pl. 31, fig. 4. Middle Carboniferous, Mosco- vian. L5 Limestone, Donetz Basin, U.S.S.R. Petalaxis maccoyana forma orlo’vkensis Fomichev, 1953, p. 456. Middle Carboniferous, Moscovian. L5 and L6 Limestone, Donetz Basin, U.S.S.R. Family LONSDALEIIDAE Chapman, 1893 Genus THYSANOPHYLLUM Nicholson and Thomson, 1876 Thysarwphyllum Nicholson and Thomson, 1876, p. 150; Hill, 1940, p. 160. SYSTEMATIC PALEONTOLOGY 37 Type species-Thysanophyllnm orientate Nicholson and Thomson, 1876, p. 150. Lower Carboniferous, Scotland. Discussion.—Thysanophyllum is distinguished by its cerioid corallum having corallites with a lonsdaleoid dissepimentarium and lacking an axial structure or hav- ing a weak impersistent axial plate. The genus is prob- ably polyphyletic like other colonial rugose corals without a persistent axial structure, corals such as Diphyphyllum and Pseudodo'rlodotia. Thysanophyllum astraeiiorme (Warren) Diphyphyllum astraeifomis Warren, 1927, p. 44, pl. 3, figs. 2, 3. Lithostrotionella. astraeifmmis (Warren). Kelly, 1942, p. 352; Bamber, 1961, p. 152, pl. 12, figs. 1a, b; Nelson, 1961, pl. 18, figs. 1—3. Lithostrotionella (Thysanophyllnm) astraeifo'rmis (Warren). Nelson, 1960, p. 115, pl. 22, figs. 7—10. Thysanophyllum astraeifo'nne (Warren). Bamber, 1966, p. 23, pl. 4, figs. 3a—b, 4a-c; Armstrong, 1970a, p. 37, pl. 11, figs. 5—8; 1970b, p. 28, pl. 9, figs. 1-6, text-fig. 33. Description of lectotype. —See Bamber (1966). Discussion. —This species is rather common in western Canada and Alaska, where it ranges from Mamet Zone 13 into 16i; it is most common in Mamet Zones 14 and 15. These occurrences are of middle and late Viséan age. The structure of the columella, where present, suggests relationship to Acrocyathus. Genus LONSDALEIA McCoy, 1849 Lonsdaleia McCoy, 1849, p. 11; Smith, 1916, p. 218; Hill, 1940, p. 151; Sando, 1975, p. 020. Type species.—Erismatolithns Madrepo'rites (duplicatus) Martin, 1809, equals Lonsdaleia duplicata (Martin). Lower Carboniferous, England. Diagnosis—See Cotton (1973, p. 117). Discussion—The genus is subdivided into two subgenera on the basis of growth form: Lonsdaleia (Lonsdaleia), phaceloid, and Lonsdaleia (Actinocyathns), cerioid. Subgenus ACTINOCYATHUS d’Orbigny, 1849 Actinocyathus d’Orbigny, 1849a, p. 12. Stylidophyllum de Fromentel, 1861, p. 316. ?P*rotolonsda,lia Lisitsyn, 1925, p. 68. ?Sublonsdalia Lisitsyn, 1925, p. 68. ?Protolonsdaleia Lang, Smith, and Thomas, 1940, p. 106. ?Sublonsdaleia Lang, Smith, and Thomas, 1940, p. 128 Type species—Cyathophyllum crennlare Phillips, 1836, equals Erismatolithus Mad'reporites (florifomis) Martin, 1809, equals Lonsdaleia flom'fomis (Martin). Lower Carboniferous, England. Diagnosis. — Cerioid Lonsdaleia. Discussion—See Sando (1975, p. 020) for discussion of the type species and synonymic placement of Stylidophyllum. Protolonsdalia (nomen vanum Pro- tolonsdaleia) and Snblonsdalia (nomen vanum Sublonsdaleia) are both inadequately founded on type material that has been lost (N. P. Vasilyuk, oral com— mun., 1975); they may be junior synonyms of Ae— tinocyathus, but neotypes need to be described before a final decision can be made. Lonsdaleia (Actinocyathus) berthiaumi (Merriam) Plate 20, figures 3, 4 Lithostrotion (Lithostrotionella) berthiaumi Merriam, 1942, p. 378, pl. 56, figs. 9, 10; Bassler, 1950, p. 252. Description of holotype. — See Merriam (1942). Discussion.—Lonsdaleia (Actinocyathns) was previously represented‘in North America by a single species, L. (A.) stelcki Nelson (1960, p. 119, pl. 23, figs. 6—10), as determined by Sando (1975, p. 021). Nelson’s species is restricted to the upper Viséan and lower Namurian (Mamet Zones 16s, 17, and 18). Examination of the holotype (USNM 132988) and a topotype (USNM 132989) of Merriam’s species reveals that it is very similar to Nelson’s species but differs in having fewer tabulae. New thin sections of Merriam’s holotype (USN M 132988) are figured herein to provide a better basis for interpreting this specimen. Merriam (1942, p. 379) stated that the type material of L. berthiaumi is from the Permian Coyote Butte Forma- tion of Oregon, a stratigraphic level that is inconsistent with other North American occurrences of the genus to which it is now assigned. According to E. C. Wilson (written commun., 1979), exposures in the type area are poor, geologic structure is complex, and beds in the area range from Devonian to Permian. I conclude that the specimens are probably from beds of Carboniferous (late Viséan or early Namurian) age. Lonsdaleia (Actinocyathus) peratrovichensis (Armstrong) Lithost'rotionella pemtrovichensis Armstrong, 1970a, p. 35, pl. 12, figs. 8—11. Description of holotype. — See Armstrong (1970a). Discussion. —Examination of the holotype (USNM 160493) of L. pemtro'uichensis reveals a morphology consistent with Lonsdateia (Actinocyathus). The species differs from the widely distributed L. (A.) stelcki (Nelson) by its smaller corallite diameter, thicker cor- allite walls, fewer dissepiments, and tabulae of varying form, some of which are inclined upward toward the col- umella. The presence of L. (A.) pemtrovichensis in beds of late Viséan age and the nature of its tabulae suggest that it is ancestral to L. (A.) stelcki. Family DURHAMD‘IIDAE Minato and Kato, 1965 Genus KLEOPATRINA McCutcheon and Wilson, 1963 Ptolemaia McCutcheon and Wilson, 1961, p. 1020 (not Osborn, 1908, p. 267). Kteopatrina McCutcheon and Wilson, 1963, p. 299; Minato and Kato, 1965, p. 67 (replacement name for Ptolemaia McCutcheon and Wilson). 38 REVISION OF LITHOSTROTIONELLA FROM THE CARBONIFEROUS AND PERMIAN Type species.—Ptotemaia fiatateeta McCutcheon and Wilson, 1961, p. 1025, pl. 123, figs. 1—6. Lower Permian, Nevada. Diagnosis. —See Minato and Kato (1965). Discussion—This genus is found predominantly in Permian strata, although Bamber and Macqueen (1979, p. 11) reported Kleopatrina (Porfierevella) from beds of Moscovian Age in British Columbia. The two species questionably referred here (see below) are the first possible representatives from the Upper Carboniferous. Subgenus KLEOPATRINA McCutcheon and Wilson, 1963 Type species. —As for genus Kieopatrina. Diagnosis. — See Minato and Kato (1965). Kleopatrina (Kleopatrina)? dilatata (Easton) Lithostrotion [Lithostrotiorwlla] dilatata. Easton, 1960, p. 578, text- figs. 7, 8. Description of holotype. — See Easton (1960). Discussion-Judging from Easton’s description and illustrations, the type material of this species has most of the essential features of Kleopatrina (Kleopatrimz). However, the types do not seem to have a complex axial structure, which casts doubt on the taxonomic place- ment. The type material needs to be reinvestigated. Occurrence. —Permian. Arcturus and Rib Hill Forma- tions, Nevada, U.S.A. Kleopatrina (Kleopatzina)? uralica (Dobrolyubova) Lithostrotionella uralica Dobrolyubova, 1936a, p. 28, pl. 13, figs. 33-35. Description of type material.—See Dobrolyubova (1936a). Discussion—Dobrolyubova’s description and illustra- tions of this species suggest that it may be an early representative of Kleopatrina (Kieopatrina). This species occurs in beds of Late Carboniferous age, whereas all other known representatives of the subgenus are from the Permian. The type material needs to be reinvestigated. Kleopatrina (Kleopatrina)? wahooem‘s (Armstrong) Lithostrotiorwlia wahooenis Armstrong, 1972b, p. 14, pl. 5, fig. 1, pl. 6, figs. 1-5, pl. 7, figs. 1-3. Description of holotype and paratypes—See Arm- strong (1972b). Discussion.—Armstrong’s holotype and paratypes have the essential morphological characters of Kieopatrina (Kleopatrina). Differences between these specimens and the holotype of K. (K .) fiatateeta seem to be of specific rank only. However, Armstrong’s species is from beds that are much older than those in which other known species of the subgenus are found. The oc- currence is Middle Pennsylvanian (Atokan) Mamet Zone 21, which equates with high Bashkirian or low Mosco- vian of the U.S.S.R. Because of possible homeomor- phism with the Permian forms, the placement of this species in Kteopatrina (Kleopatrina) is made with ques- tion. UNDETERMINED LITHOSTROTIONELLOID CORALS The following taxa are not identified generically because of inadequate specimens or inadequate illustra- tions and descriptions: Lithostrotionella americana Hayasaka, 1936, p. 62 (Paratypes, USNM 174371 and 174373). Permian. McCloud Limestone, California, U.S.A. Lithostrotionellaflexuosa (Trautschold). Heritsch, 1940, p. 72, pl. 2, figs. 1, 2. Upper Carboniferous, Yugoslavia. Petalaxis grandis Heritsch, 1939, p. 27, pl. 2, figs. 4, 5, pl. 19, fig. 11. Carboniferous or Permian, Spitz— bergen. Petalaxis? inconfertus Lonsdale. Yanishevskiy, 1900, p. 89. Carboniferous, Ural Mountains, U.S.S.R. Petalaxis indigae Stuckenberg, 1895, p. 76, pl. 19, fig. 7. Upper Carboniferous, Timan, U.S.S.R. Lithostrotionella kuechouensis Yii, [1933] 1934, p. 101, pl. 21, figs. 1a, b; Wu in Yii and others, 1963, p. 87, pl. 25, figs. 1a, b. Lower Carboniferous, Viséan. Shangssu Limestone, Kueichou, China. Petalaxis kunthi Stuckenberg, 1888, p. 23; 1895, p. 78, pl. 12, fig. 7; Heritsch, 1939, p. 25, pl. 11, fig. 1, pl. 13, figs. 3, 7, pl. 19, fig. 4. Upper Carboniferous, Moscow Basin and Ural Mountains, U.S.S.R. Car- boniferous or Permian, Spitzbergen. Petalaxis sibiricus Gabounia, 1919, p. 39, pl. 2, fig. 2, pl. 3, fig. 1; Fomichev, 1931, p. 44, 72, pl. 1, figs. 2a—e; 1955, p. 303, pl. 80, figs. 5, 6. Lower Carboniferous, Kuznetsk Basin, U.S.S.R. Lithostrotionella stylaxis (Trautschold). Rukhin, 1938, p. 40, pl. 5, figs. 7—9. Lower Carboniferous, Siranka River basin, U.S.S.R. Lithostrotionella. stylaxis (Trautschold). Wu and Zhao, 1974, p. 271, pl. 137, figs. 5, 6. Middle Car- boniferous, Wei-Ling Group, Kueichou, China. Petalaxis timanicus Stuckenberg, 1895, p. 76, pl. 12, fig. 5. Upper Carboniferous, Ural Mountains and Timan, U.S.S.R. Lithostrotionelta tingi Chi. Yi‘i, Lin and Fan, 1962, p. 24, pl. 4, figs. 3a, b. Middle Carboniferous, Sinkiang, China. Styllophyllum tolmache'vi Rukhin, 1938, p. 41, pl. 5, figs. 10, 11. Lower Carboniferous, Omulevka River, U.S.S.R. Petalaacis uchtensis Stuckenberg, 1895, p. 77, pl. 12, fig. 2, pl. 16,fig. 4. Upper Carboniferous, Timan, U.S.S.R. SYSTEMATIC PALEONTOLOGY 39 Lithostrotionella cf. spinifomis Yfi. Wu, 1964, p. 35, 79, pl. 4, figs. 7, 8. Lower Carboniferous, Viséan. Hunan, China. Lithost'rotionella sp. B. Lo and Chao, 1962, p. 184, pl. 22, fig. 6. Lower Carboniferous, Viséan. Ching-hai, China. Lithostrotionella sp. Kolosva'ry, 1951, p. 38, pl. 10, figs. 4—9,pl. 18, figs. 1—3. Carboniferous or Permian, Hungary. Lithostrotionella sp. Dobrolyubova, 1936a, p. 29, pl. 13, figs. 36, 37. Upper Carboniferous, Ural Mountains, U.S.S.R. Lithostrotionella sp. undet. Minato, 1955, p. 87, pl. 1, fig. 3, pl. 34, fig. 11, pl. 37, fig. 9. Lower Car- boniferous, Iwate, Japan. Lithostrotionella? sp. Ross and Ross, 1963, p. 418, pl. 49, figs. 1, 2, 4, 10. Upper Carboniferous, Virgilian. Gaptank Formation, Texas, USA. ADDITIONAL TAXA While the manuscript was being processed for publica- tion, several additional studies of lithostrotionelloid cor- als described under the names of Hillia, Lithostro— tionella, Petalaxis, Stelechophyllum, and Thysanophyllum came to my attention. Translations of the descriptions of these taxa that are in Chinese and Russian papers were not available at the time, prevent- ing a complete evaluation of them. Moreover, taxa in the Chinese papers are poorly illustrated. These additional taxa are listed below, by publication. Fan, Y. N., 1978, in Southwest China Geological In- stitute, [Paleontological atlas of southwestern China, Sichuan Province]: v. 2, 684 p., 191 pls. (In Chinese.) See p. 182-184. Lithostrotionella maccoyana (Edwards and Haime) . sexangula de Groot mui (Lo) . fugimotoi (Igo) . orboensis de Groot . o'rboe'nsis regularis Fan, n.subsp. pinguis Fan, n. sp. . awenggouensis Fan, n. sp. . vesiculosa vesiculosa Fan, 11. subsp. ?L. sp. Stelechophyllum ascendens ascendens (Tolmachev) S. ascende’ns simplex Drobolyubova Gorskiy, I. I., 1978, Korally Srednego Karbona zapad- nogo sklona Urala [The Middle Carboniferous corals of the western slope of the Urals]: Akademiya Nauk SSSR, Otdelenie Geologii, Geofiziki, i Geokhimi, Iz- datelstvo “Nauka,” 223 p., 23 pls., 43 figs. See p. 150—152. bbbbbbbb Lithost’rotionella stylaxis (Trautschold) subsp. umlica Gorskiy, n. subsp. L. flexuosa (Trautschold) Guo, Z. C., 1976, in Northeastern Geological Institute and Geological Bureau of Inner Mongolia, [Paleon- tological atlas of northern China, part of Inner Mongolia]: v. 1, 502 p., 232 pls. (In Chinese.) See p. 86. Lithost'rotionella ivanovi Dobrolyubova L. banfi‘e'nse (Warren) Wang, H. D., 1978, in Stratigraphic—Paleontological Working Team of Guizhou Province, [Paleon- tological atlas of southwestern China, Guizhou Prov- ince]: v. 2, 638 p., 165 pls. (In Chinese.) See p. 133—140. Lithostrotionella kueichouensis Yii . kuechouensis magnet Wang, n. subsp. . baijinensis Wang, n. sp. . multivesiculata Wang, n. sp. . spiniformis Yii . changshunensis Wang, n. sp. . stylaxis (Trautschold) . tingi Chi . dushammsis Wang, n. sp. . elegantula (Wu and Zhao) . jiamoe’nsis Wang, n. sp. Hillia pempertuensis de Groot H. minor (Wu and Zhao) Wilson, E. C., 1982, Wolfcampian rugose and tabulate corals (Coelenterata: Anthozoa) from the Lower Permian McCloud Limestone of northern California: Los Angeles County Natural History Museum Con- tributions in Science no. 337, 90 p., 48 figs. See p. 65—73. Petalaxis allisonae Wilson, n. sp. P. besti Wilson, n. sp. P. kennedyi Wilson, n. sp. P. pecki Wilson, n. sp. P. suthe'rlomdi Wilson, n. sp. Xu, 1977, in Central Southern Geological Institute and Geological Bureaus of Henan, Hubei, Hunan, Guangdong, and Guangxi Provinces, [Paleon- tological atlas of central southern China]: v. 2, 856 p., 253 pls. (In Chinese.) See p. 202—203. Lithostrotionella hsujiulingi Yoh L. micm Kelly L. maccoyana (Edwards and Haime) Thysanophyllum ascendens ascendens (Tolmachev) T. ascendens simplex (Dobrolyubova) Yu, G. C., Lin, 1. T., Huang, C. H., and Tsai, T. S., 1978, [Early Carboniferous stratigraphy and corals of eastern Xinjiang]: Chinese Academy of Geological Sciences, Editorial Committee of Professional Papers of Stratigraphy and Paleontology, Profes— bbbbhhhbbh 40 REVISION OF LITHOSTROTIONELLA FROM THE CARBONIFEROUS AND PERMIAN sional Papers of Stratigraphy and Paleontology No. 5, p. 1—70, 10 figs, 16 pls. (In Chinese with English summary.) See p. 29, 38-40. Peking, Geological Publishing House) Lithostrotionella shimem' (Crickmay) L. pennsylvam'ca (Shimer) L. crassus n. sp. REGISTER OF USGS LOCALITIES FOR HAYASAKA (1936) TYPE SPECIMENS OF LITHOSTROTIONELLA SPECIES 83—PC: Newman Limestone, St Louis Limestone Member. West side of Roundstone Creek, 300 ft (100 m) above creek, about 0.5 mi (0.8 km) south of site of town of Langford near intersection of Round- stone Creek and Renfro Creek, southeast quarter of Wildie quadrangle, Rockcastle County, Ky. Collected by F. B. Weeks, June 29, 1896. See Gualtieri (1968) for geologic map. 104—PC: Lodgepole Limestone (Zone C1 of Sando and others, 1969).Sec. 12, T. 11 S., R. 44 E., Montpelier quadrangle, Bear Lake County, Idaho. Collected by G. R. Mansfield, June 12, 1911. This collection is composed of two lots, one that has a fauna from the upper part of the Lodgepole Limestone and another that con- tains Faberophyllum and is from the Aspen Range Formation. 346C—PC: Boulders of residual chert derived from Tuscumbia Limestone (St. Louis Limestone equivalent) at unconformity at top of Tuscumbia Limestone. Along pike about 0.5 mi (0.8 km) southwest of Cherokee, probably in SE1/4 sec. 34 or SW1/4 sec. 35, T. 3 S., R. 14 W., Cherokee quadrangle, Colbert County, Ala. Col- lected by P. V. Roundy, 1911. See Butts (1926) for geologic map of the area. See McCalley (1896, p. 152—153, 158) and Butts (1926, p. 175) for description of the geology. 490—PC: Float from Lodgepole Limestone (Zone C1 of Sando and others, 1969). Old Laketown Canyon, near center of sec. 32, T. 13 N., R. 6 E., Randolph quadrangle, Rich County, Utah. Collected by G. B. Richardson, 1912. See Richardson (1941) for geologic map and Sando and others (1959) for discussion of geology. 498—PC: St. Louis Limestone, at base. Outskirts of Maeystown, prob- ably in bed of Maeystown Creek about 1 mi (1.6 km) southeast of Maeystown in SW1/4 sec. 1, T. 4 S., R. 11 W., Selma quadrangle, Monroe County, Ill. Collected by G. H. Girty, September 8, 1912. 499—PC: St. Louis Limestone, basal beds just above cephalopod bed. Ravine in river bluff about 1 mi (1.6 km) southeast of Maeystown, probably in SEl/4 sec. 1 or NE1/4 sec. 12, T. 4 S., R. 11 W., Selma quadrangle, Monroe County, Ill. Collected by Weller and Girty, September 8, 1912. 643—PC: St. Louis Limestone(?). On Tebo Creek about 1.5 mi (2.4 km) east of Leesville, Leesville quadrangle, Henry County, Mo.(?). Col- lected by W. P. Jenney, 1891. Original locality data indicate that the stratigraphic unit was probably the Cherokee limestone or Seneca chert of J enney (1894), which J enney thought to be of Warsaw or St. Louis age. According to Wilmarth (1938, p. 415), subsequent authors regarded the Cherokee limestone as Boone Formation and the Seneca chert as the Grand Falls Chert Member of the Boone. According to Wilson (1922, p. 180), most of Henry County is underlain by the Cherokee Shale of Pennsylvanian age, but the Burlington and Keokuk Limestones are exposed beneath the Cherokee in the valley of Tebo Creek. Hayasaka’s specimen attributed to this locality is surely a St. Louis Limestone form. Thus, the locality data may be erroneous or the specimen may be a residual fragment derived from the St. Louis Limestone during post-St. Louis, pre-Cherokee erosion. There are no other specimens in the collection. 932A—PC: Float from St. Louis Limestone. In cut of St. Louis and San Francisco Railroad in NE1/4 SE1/4 or SE 1/4 NE1/4 sec. 10, T. 4 N., R. 5 E., Kirkwood quadrangle, St. Louis County, Mo. Collected by G. H. Girty, August 8, 1904. See Fenneman (1911, pl. 1) for geologic map of the area. 970—PC: Alapah Limestone(?). 141st meridian, easterly spur from ridge between headwaters forks of Incog Creek, about 2 mi (3.2 km) northwest from station 966, Table Mountain quadrangle, northeastern Alaska. Collected by A. G. Maddren, July 1, 1912. 1148—PC: Float from St. Louis Limestone. 3 mi (4.8 km) west of Tennessee, 111., in NW 1/4 SW1/4 sec. 19, T. 5 N., R. 4 W., Colchester quadrangle, McDonough County, Ill. Collected by Henry Hinds, November 22, 1912. See Hinds (1919) for geologic map. 1211B—PC: Oolite in lower part of St. Louis Limestone. Mosher quarry (Ste. Genevieve Lime and Quarry Company) at Macy (Mosher Sta- tion) about 2 mi (3.2 km) southwest of Ste. Genevieve on Illinois Southern Railroad in T. 38 N., R. 9 E., Weingarten quadrangle, Ste. Genevieve County, Mo. Collected by E. O. Ulrich, November 2, 1903. See Weller and St. Clair (1928) for geologic map of the area. 1439-PC: Lodgepole Limestone, Woodhurst Member (Zone CI of Sando and others, 1969). In low saddle on west slope of hill (altitude 8,172 ft (2,490 m)) west of Georgetown Canyon, NW 1/4 sec. 34, T. 10 S., R. 44 E., Slug Creek quadrangle, Bear Lake County, Idaho. Collected by G. H. Girty, November 11, 1914. This locality was mapped as Madison Limestone by Mansfield (1927, pl. 6). Megafossils associated with the coral specimen are all compati- ble with a Zone Cl determination. 1476-PC: Aspen Formation (Mamet foraminifer Zone 14). SW1/4 sec. 8, T. 5 S., R. 43 E., at altitude 6,650 ft (2,015 m) in point projecting north from ridge south of Grays Lake, Lanes Creek quadrangle, Caribou County, Idaho. Collected by E. L. Jones and G. H. Girty, November 5, 1914. This locality was mapped as Brazer Limestone by Mansfield (1927, pl. 4). The file card by Girty indicates “near top” of the Brazer, but this locality is in a fault block, so the posi- tion is doubtful. Microfossils in the collection indicate Mamet Zone 14, and megafossils indicate Zone E of Sando and others (1969). 2013B—PC: Greenbrier Limestone, Hillsdale Member, near base. In cut of Norfolk and Western Railroad along Indian Creek 1.5 mi (2.4 km) northeast of Cedar Bluff, Tazewell quadrangle (30-minute) and Pounding Mill quadrangle (15-minute), Tazewell County, Va. Collected by G. H. Girty, June 17, 1920. See Campbell (1897) for geologic map of the area. 2020—PC: Greenbrier Limestone, Hillsdale Member, at base. Forks of road 0.5 mi (2.4 km) southeast of Shrader, Tazewell quadrangle (30-minute), Tazewell County, Va. Collected by Hamsberger, September 1916. See Campbell (1897) for geologic map of the area. 2020A—PC: Greenbrier Limestone, Hillsdale Member, about 25 ft (7.5 m) above base. Same geographic location as 2020-PC. See Girty (1923, p. 470) for fauna] list and description of the locality. 2222A—PC: St. Louis Limestone, 0.75 mi (1.2 km) northeast of Hicks, probably in NE1/4 sec. 19, T. 11 S., R. 8 E., Equality quadrangle, Hardin County, Ill. Collected by Charles Butts, 1916. See Weller (1920, pl. 1) for geologic map of the area. 22220—PC: Same as 2222A—PC. 2226-PC: St. Louis Limestone. 0.75 mi (1.2 km) north of Big Creek School, probably in SE1/4 sec. 21, T. 11 S., R. 8 E., Equality quadrangle, Hardin County, Ill. Collected by Charles Butts, 1916. See Weller (1920, pl. 1) for geologic map of the area. 2333-PC: St. Louis Limestone. Near top of divide near Allen Springs, 8 to 10 mi (12.8 to 16 km) northwest of Scottsville, Allen Springs LOCALITY DATA FOR USNM SPECIMENS NOT HAYASAKA TYPES 41 quadrangle, Allen County, Ky. Collected by E. W. Shaw, 1917 . See Moore (1963) for geologic map of the area. 3024—PC: Little Flat Formation (Mamet foraminifer Zone 14). NW1/4 sec. 13, T. 7 S., R. 40 E., altitude 6,650 ft (2,015 m), Henry quadrangle, Caribou County, Idaho. Collected by P. V. Roundy, June 29, 1916. This locality is mapped as Brazer Limestone by Mansfield (1927, pl. 3). Megafossils in the collection indicate Zone E of Sando and others (1969), and microfossils are Mamet Zone 14. 3159—PC: Newman Limestone, at base. 1.5 (2.4 km) mi northeast of Cleveland, Carbo quadrangle (7 1/2-minute), Russell County, Va. Collected by Charles Butts, March 1912. See Campbell (1899) for geologic map of the area. 3282—PC: Hillsdale Member of Greenbrier Limestone, lower 50—7 5 ft (15-23 m). In low hills and flats of the “little levels” within 1 mi (1.6 km) west and southwest of Mill Point, Marlintown quadrangle (15—minute), Pocahontas County, W. Va. Collected by W. A. Price and G. H. Girty, September 23, 1920. See Price (1929) for geologic map of the area and Girty (1923, p. 456) for faunal list and descrip- tion of the locality. The collection contains corals, bryozoans, and brachiopods listed by Girty. 3283—PC: Hillsdale Member of Greenbrier Limestone, lower 70 ft (21.2 m). Limestone ledges at Mill Point in small hill (altitude 2,260—2,330 ft, 685—706 m) just north of residence of Mr. Wallace, east of Stamping Creek and north of highway from Mill Point to Buckeye, Marlinton quadrangle (15-minute), Pocahontas County, W. Va. Collected by W. A. Price and G. H. Girty, September 22, 1920. See 3282—PC for further information on this locality. 3290—PC: Lodgepole Limestone, Woodhurst Member (Zone C1 of San- do and others, 1969). Near Lime Spur, probably in sec. 17, 18, 19, or 20, T. 1 N., R. 2 W., Jefferson Island quadrangle, Jefferson or Madison County, Mont. Collected by D. C. Bard. See Chelini (1965, fig. 5) for geologic map of the area. Collection contains megafossils that indicate Zone C1 of Sando and others (1969) and algae that in- dicate Mamet Zones 7—8. 3747C—PC: Peratrovich Formation, limestone and chert member (up- per Meramecian). South shore of Shelikof Island at entrance to Soda Bay, about on parallel 55° 15', southeastern Alaska. Collected by G. H. Girty, June 9, 1918. See Armstrong (1970a, p. 29—31) for discussion. 3760—PC: Peratrovich Formation, limestone and chert member (upper Meramecian). West end of south shore of Madre de Dios Island, southeastern Alaska. Collected by G. H. Girty, June 18, 1918. See Armstrong (1970a) for discussion. 3856—PC (green label): McCloud Limestone (Lower Permian). Crest of Limestone ridge 0.5 mi (0.8 km) north of James ranch in NE 1/4 sec. 22, T. 33 N., R. 4 W., Redding quadrangle, Shasta County, Calif. Collected by J. S. Diller, July 5, 1902. The occurrence of H eteroccmin’ia? gabb’i (Meek) and Omphalotrochus whitneyi (Meek) in the collection confirm the McCloud assignment. 3858—PC (green label): McCloud Limestone (Lower Permian). 1 mi (1.6 km) northwest of Lillienthal, probably in NE 1/4 sec. 27, T. 33 N., R. 4 W., Redding quadrangle, Shasta County, Calif. Collected by Stanton and Richardson, July 8, 1902. The locality was mapped as McCloud Limestone by Diller (1906). The only other fossil in the collection is Heritschioides? sp. The locality number was er- roneously given as 3859 by Hayasaka (1936, p. 64). 3864—PC: Float from Lodgepole Limestone, Woodhurst Member (Zone C1 of Sando and others, 1969). Unknown canyon on south side of Little Rocky Mountains, Phillips County(?), Mont. See Knechtel (1959, pl. 52) for geologic map of the area. The stratigraphic level assigned to this locality is the only one in which corals of this kind occur in the Little Rocky Mountains. The canyon in which the specimen was found was said to be the one containing the powerline to Zortman, but on recent maps of the area, I can find no powerline shown in any of the canyons on the south side of the Little Rocky Mountains. 3890—PC (green label): McCloud Limestone (Lower Permian). Summit of Gray Rock Ridge northwest of road above Black Diamond mine, probably in NE1/4 sec. 5, T. 33 N., R. 4 W., Redding quadrangle, Shasta County, Calif. Collected by Storrs and Washburne. See Diller (1906) for geologic map of the locality. Brachiopods in the collection indicate a Permian age. The locality number was er— roneously given as 3896 by Hayasaka (1936, p. 64). 3946—PC (green label): Probably from St. Louis Limestone of the Mississippi Valley region. The specimen was said to come from the Santa Anna Mountains, Orange County, Calif, which is an area of post-Paleozoic rocks. It is a museum specimen attributed to Dr. Steven Bowen of Los Angeles, Calif. The specimen has all the characteristics of corals that are abundant in the St. Louis Limestone of the Mississippi Valley region. The locality number was erroneously given as 3446 by Hayasaka (1936, p. 61). 4801H—PC (green label): Little Flat Formation (Member B of Brazer Limestone of Mullens and Izett, 1964). Probably in sec. 30, T. 10 N., R. 2 E., Paradise quadrangle, Cache County, Utah. Col- lected by E. M. Kindle, August 12, 1907. This specimen was erroneously attributed by Hayasaka (1936, p. 66) to USGS Mesozoic 10c. 4801H, which is from the Monte de Oro Formation (Upper Jurassic), “western portion of the Oroville plant beds, north side of Feather River, 3 to 4 mi above Oroville, Califor- nia.” Foraminifera in the specimen are Mamet Zones 13—15 (prob- ably 14) and are Western United States species. 5892—PC: Madison Limestone (Zone C1 of Sando and others, 1969). Ridge west of Holiday Park, probably in sec. 26, 34, or 35, T. 1 N., R. 8 E., Coalville quadrangle, Summit County, Utah. The collec- tion contains megafossils that indicate Zone C1 of Sando and others (1969). 5893—PC: Little Flat Formation (Member B of the Brazer Limestone of Mullens and Izett, 1964). Probably in sec. 5 or 6, T. 9 N., R. 2 E., Paradise Canyon, Paradise quadrangle, Cache County, Utah. Collected by E. Finch. The collection contains Faberophyllum sp. (Zone F of Sando and others, 1969) and foraminifers of Mamet Zone 14. 5894—PC: Float probably from lower part of the Mission Canyon Limestone (Zone C2 of Sando and others, 1969). Crest of ridge east of Old Baldy at altitude of about 9,000 ft (2,727 m), probably in sec. 26 or 27, T. 7 S., R. 3 W., Varney quadrangle, Madison County, Mont. Collected by R. W. Richards. See Hadley (1969) for geologic map of the area. 7130B—PC: Cobble in river wash derived probably from the Alapah Limestone. Along Hulahula River, Mount Michelson quadrangle, northeastern Alaska. Collected by E. de K. Leffingwell, February 1908. 7452—PC (green label): “Wells” Formation (this may actually be a Mississippian unit related to the Humbug Formation). South end of Cokeville Butte, just west of phosphate mine 1.5 mi (2.4 km) nor— theast of Cokeville, probably in NW1/4 sec. 4, T. 24 N., R. 119 W., Cokeville quadrangle, Lincoln County, Wyo. Collected by G. H. Girty, July 22, 1909. Foraminifers in the specimen are Mamet Zones 18—20. LOCALITY DATA FOR USNM SPECIMENS NOT HAYASAKA TYPES USNM No. Stratigraphic unit Locality Acrocyathus floriformis floriformis 13669 St. Louis Limestone _____ Mt. Pleasant Iowa 71646 St. Louis Limestone _____ Rainbow Mountain, Ala. [equivalent]. 216206 St. Louis Limestone _____ Livingston, Tenn. Acrocyathus floriformis hemisphaericus 8211 St. Louis Limestone _____ Monroe County, Ind. 98102 St. Louis Limestone _____ 1.25 mi (2 km) north of [equivalent]. Cleveland, Va. 42 REVISION OF LITHOSTROTIONELLA FROM THE CARBONIFEROUS AND PERMIAN LOCALITY DATA FOR USNM SPECIMENS NOT HAYASAKA TYPES—Continued LOCALITY DATA FOR USNM SPECIMENS NOT HAYASAKA TYPES—Continued USNM No. Stratigraphic unit Locality USNM No. Stratigraphic unit Locality Acrocyathus floriformis subspecies undet. Acrocyathus proliferus—Continued 756 St. Louis Limestone _____ St. Francisville, Mo. 42845 ____do ________________ Scott County, Ill. 3779 Lower Carboniferous ____ Sugar Creek, Iowa 49941 ____do ________________ Clarksville, Tenn. 15526 ____do ________________ Near Prairie du Rocher, Ill. 49942 ____d0 ________________ Eddyville, Ky. 17071 ____d0 ________________ Clear Springs, Harrison 52681 Mississippian __________ Hardin County, Ky. County, Ind. 60306 St. Louis Limestone _____ Eddyville, Ky. 17848 St. Louis Limestone _____ Kentucky 71647 St. Louis Limestone _____ Blount Springs, Bount 37466 ____do ________________ St. LouiS, M0, [equivalent]. County, Ala. 39654 ————do ________________ Elizabethtown Ky. 135085 Hillsdale Member of the Opposite Bishop High 42695 ____do ________________ Eddyville, Ky.) Greenbrier Limestone. School on Virginia 42766 ____do ________________ Clarksville, Tenn. glghyayvlfi, Tazewell 135092 ____do ________________ M c t 1 . , , 91m .7, a- 135094 ____do ________________ ngzfirs 032.232}, 2? Des 135087 St. Louis Limestone _____ 1 mi (1.6 km) east of Moines River, near . . Rockwell, Ky. St. Francisville Clark 135091 St. Loms Limestone _____ 2.5 m1 (4 km) southeast of County Mo. ’ [equivalent]. Bandy, Pounding Mill 135096 ____do ________________ L' ~ t ’ ’ T ' quadrangle, Virginia 135097 ____d0 ________________ 1v1n1g):-on enn 135095 St. Louis Limestone _____ Eddyville, Ky. 135172 ____do ________________ Do. 135098 ____do ________________ St. Francisville, Mo. 135173 ____do ________________ Hillside north of South 135168 —-——d0 ———————————————— 0-7351“ g2 lfirln) east of F k f l ' O um 1a, . 5 2;, (,3 15,1") 3333““ 135176 ____do ________________ Eddyville, Ky. of Kingsport’ Tenn, 216201 -———d0 ———————————————— Maeystown, 111' 135174 Mississippian __________ Millpoint, Pocahontas 216207 ————d0 ———————————————— Llwngston, Tenn- County, W. Va. 216209 ——-—d°—.————.— —————————— . d0: . 135177 St. Louis Limestone _____ Iowa 216213 Greenbrier Limestone ___ Right river cut, 1 m1. 135179 ____d0 ________________ Horse and Muddy Creeks, (1'6 km) northeast Of Dade County, Mo. . . 02d” Bluff, V3" 135300 Mississippian __________ Elgin, 111 239233 St. Louis Limestone _____ 2 mi (3.2 km) northeast of 135301 ____d0 ________________ Caney Fork River, Dekalb M1115 Springs, Ky- County, Tenn. 135302 St. Louis Limestone _____ Livingston, Tenn. 136704 ____do ________________ 0. 166604 Mississippian __________ Franklin, Ky. REFERENCES CITED 166605 ____do____T ____________ . D0. 216198 St‘ Lou1s leestone ----- 1 $110156 13181.?”ch Of Red Allen, A. T., Jr., and Lester, J. G., 1954, Contributions to the paleon- Mlarshgsll 00:10:63, Ala tology of northwest Georgia: Georgia Geological Survey Bulletin 216199 ____do ________________ River bluff 1 mi (1.6 km) 62, 166 9-, 42 918- south of Maeystown, 11], Armstrong, A. K., 1962, Stratigraphy and paleontology of the 216200 ____do ________________ Do. Mississippian System in southwestern New Mexico and adjacent 216202 ————d0 ———————————————— R‘gk Czeelfl’l Hancock southeastern Arizona: New Mexico Bureau of Mines and Mineral oun y, . . . 216203 Mississippian __________ Bloomington, Ind. Resources M99“? 8.’ 99 p., 12 p Is, 41 figs. . . 216204 ____do ________________ Slick Rock Creek, Barren 1970a, M1SSiss1ppian rugose corals, Peratrov1ch Formation, County, Ky. west coast, Prince of Wales Island, southeastern Alaska: U.S. 216205 St. Louis Limestone _____ 2 mi (3.2 km) west of Geological Survey Professional Paper 534, 44 p., 13 pls., 30 figs. .Ste. Genevieve, Mo. 1970b, Carbonate facies and the lithostrotionoid corals of the 216207 —--—d° ---------------- Livmgston, Tenn. Mississippian Kogruk Formation, DeLong Mountains, north- 216208 ____do ________________ Do. . . f - 216210 Mississippian __________ N ear F orbuss, F entr e ss western Alaska. U.S. Geological Survey Pro ess10nal Paper 664, County, Tenn. 38 p., 37 figs, 14 pls. 216211 ____do ________________ About 1 mi (1.6 km) east of 1972a, Biostratigraphy of Mississippian lithostrotionoid corals, Little Crab, Stand- Lisburne Group, arctic Alaska: U.S. Geological Survey Profes- 'lf‘legnsltlgrsISeguadrangle, sional Paper 743—A, 28 p., 9 pls., 25 figs. 216212 Greenbrier Limestone 0 5 mi (0 8 km) southeast of 1972b, Pennsylvaman carbonates, paleoecology, and rugose col- _" .Shrader Pounding Mill onial corals, north flank, eastern Brooks Range, arctic Alaska: quadrangle, Virginia U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 747, 21 p., 8 pls., 16 216214 ____d0 ________________ Millpoint, Pocahontas figs. 0011th, W. Va. Bamber, E. W., 1961, Mississippian corals from northeastern British Acrocyathus proliferus Columbia, Canada: Princeton, N.J., Princeton University, Ph.D. 841 St. Louis Limestone _____ Hardin County, Ill, thesis, 199 p., 14 pls., 1 fig. 4587 Mississippian __________ Gallatin County, Ill. 1966, Type lithostrotionid corals from the Mississippian of 37469 St; 11011.15 Limestone ————— Marion, Ky. western Canada: Canada Geological Survey Bulletin 135, 28 p., 4 37470 M1ss1§s1ppian __________ Saginaw Bay, Mich. plS 37471 ____ o ________________ Belleview, Mich. ' - 39655 St. Louis Limestone _____ Elizabe th town, Ky. Bamber, E. W., and Macqueen, R. W., 1979, Upper Carboniferous and 42667 ____do ________________ Eddyville, Ky. Permian stratigraphy of the Monkman Pass and southern Pine 42705 ____d0 ________________ D0, Pass areas, northeastern British Columbia: Canada Geological 42714 ____do ________________ Clarksville, Tenn. Survey Bulletin 301, 27 p., 40 figs. REFERENCES CITED 43 Barrois, Charles, 1882, Récherches sur les terrains anciens des Asturies et de la Galice: Société Géologlque du Nord Mémoire, v. 2, no. 1, 630 p., 20 pls. Bassler, R. S., 1950, Faunal lists and descriptions of Paleozoic corals: Geological Society of America Memoir 44, 315 p., 20 pls. Bolkhovitinova, M. A., 1915, O Kamennougol’nykh korallakh i mshannakh Moskovskoi gubernii [On Carboniferous corals and Bryozoa of Moscow province]: Obshchestvo Lyubitelei Estestvoz- naniya Antropologii i Etnografii, Moscow, Geologicheskoe Otdelenie Zapiski, v. 3, p. 61-81, pls. 5, 6. Boule, Marcellin, and others, 1906, 1907, Types du Prodrome de paléontologie stratigraphique universelle: Annales de Paléon— tologie, v. 1, pl. 6 (1906); v. 2, p. 89—96, pls. 7, 8 (1907). 1923, Types du Prodrome de paléontologie stratigraphique universelle d’Alcide d’Orbigny: Paris, v. 1, 203 p., 21 figs, 34 pls. Bowsher, A. 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Butts, Charles, 1917, Descriptions and correlation of theMississippian formations of western Kentucky: Frankfort, Ky., Kentucky Geological Survey, 119 p. 1926, Geology of Alabama—The Paleozoic rocks: Alabama Geological Survey Special Report 14, p. 41—230, pls. 3—76. 1941, Geology of the Appalachian Valley in Virginia—Pt. 2, Fossil plates and descriptions: Virginia Geological Survey Bulletin 52, pt. 2, 271 p., 135 pls. Campbell, M. R., 1897, Description of the Tazewell quadrangle [Va—W. Va.]: U.S. Geological Survey Geologic Atlas, Folio 44, 6 p., maps. 1899, Description of the Bristol quadrangle [Va-Tenn]: U.S. Geological Survey Geologic Atlas, Folio 59, 8 p., maps. Carlson, K. J ., 1964, Corals of the Gilmore City Limestone (Mississip— pian) of Iowa: Journal of Paleontology, v. 38, no. 4, p. 662—666, pls. 109, 110. Castelnau, Francis de, 1843, Essai sur le systeme Silurien dc l'Amé- rique septentrionale: Paris, 56 p., 27 pls. Chapman, E. 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(English summary.) 1936a, Korally Verkhnego Karbona zapadnogo sklona srednego Urala i ikh stratigraficheskoe znachenie [Corals of the Upper Car- boniferous of the western slope of the middle Urals and their stratigraphic importance]: Vsesoyuznyy Nauchno-Issledovatel’skiy Institut Mineral’nogo Syriya Trudy, no. 103, 68 p., 37 pls. (English summary.) 1936b, Korally Rugosa srednego i verkhnego Karbonai nizhney permi Severnogo Urala [Rugosa corals of the middle and upper Carboniferous and Lower Permian of the north Urals]: Akademiya Nauk SSSR, Polyarnaya Komissiya Trudy, no. 28, p. 77—158, 81 figs. (English summary.) 1952, Formoobrazovanie u Nizhnekammenougol’nykh korallov Lithostrotion i Lonsdaleia v svete Michurinskogo ucheniya [Mor- phologic development of the lower Carboniferous corals Lithostro- tion and Lonsdalet'a in view of the Michurin school]: Akademiya Nauk SSSR, Izvestiya, Seriya Biologicheskaya, no. 6, p. 95-110, 8 figs. Dobrolyubova, T. A., and Kabakovich, N. 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H., 1944, Corals from the Chouteau and related formations of the Mississippi Valley region: Illinois State Geological Survey Report of Investigations 97, 93 p., 17 pls. 1958, Mississippian corals from northwestern Sonora, Mexico, in Easton, W. H., and others, Mississippian fauna in northwestern Sonora, Mexico: Smithsonian Miscellaneous Collections, v. 119, no. 3, p. 1—40, 2 pls., 3 figs. 1960, Permian corals from Nevada and California: Journal of Paleontology, v. 34, no. 3, p. 570—583, 18 figs. 1963, Additional comments on species of Lithostrotionella: Journal of Paleontology, v. 37, no. 1, p. 297—298. 1973, On the tetracorals Acrocyathus and Lithostrotionella and their septal morphology: Journal of Paleontology, v. 47, no. 1, p. 121—135, 1 pl. Easton, W. H., and Gutschick, R. C., 1953, Corals from the Redwall Limestone (Mississippian) of Arizona: Southern California Academy of Science Bulletin, v. 52, pt. 1, p. 1—27, 3 pls., 2 figs. 44 REVISION OF LITHOSTROTIONELLA FROM THE CARBONIFEROUS AND PERMIAN Eichwald, Eduard von, 1861, Paleontologiya Rossii. Drevniy period: St. Petersburg, 520 p. Etheiidge, Robert, Jr., 1900, Corals from the Coral Limestone of Lion Creek, Stanwell, near Rockhampton: Queensland Geological Survey Bulletin 12, p. 5—24, pls. 1, 2. Fedorowski, J., and Gorianov, V. B., 1973, Redescription of tetracorals described by E. Eichwald in “Palaeontology of Russia”: Acta Palaeontologica Polonica, v. 18, no. 1, p. 3—70, 13 pls., 20 figs. Fenneman, N. M., 1911, Geology and mineral resources of the St. Louis quadrangle, Missouri-Illinois: U.S. Geological Survey Bulletin 438, 73 p., 6 pls., 1 fig. Fischer von Waldheim, Gotthelf, 1830, Oryctographie du gouverne- ment du Moscou: Moscow, A. Semen, 202 p., 62 pls. (2d ed., 1837). Fliigel, H. W., 1970, Bibliographie der palaozoischen Anthozoa (Rugosa, Heterocorallia, Tabulata, Heliolitida, Trachy- psammiacea). Pt. 2, Index zur Bibliographie: Vienna, Oster- reichische Akademie der Wissenschaften, 323 p. Fomichev, V. 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(incl. pls., under separate cover, and geol. map). 1955, Tip Coelenterata. Kishechnopolostnye [Phylum Coelenterata], in Khalfin, L. L., ed., Atlas rukovodyashchikh form iskopaemykh fauny i flory zapadnoy Sibiri [Atlas of the leading forms of fossil fauna and flora from western Siberia]: Zapadno- Sibiriskoe Geologicheskoe Upravlenie-Tomsky Politekhnicheskiy Institut, Moscow, Gosudarstvennoe Nauchno-Tekhnicheskoe Iz- datel’stvo Literatur p0 Geologi i Okhvane Nedr, v. 1, p. 298—305, pls. 79, 80. Fromentel, Edouard de, 1861, Introduction 51 l’étude des polypiers fossiles***: Paris, F. Savy, 357 p. Gabounia, K. E., 1919, Materialy k izucheniyu fauny korallov iz Nizhne-kamennougel’nykh otlozheniy okolo derevin Royki p0 r. Tomi [Contribution to the study of the coral fauna from the Lower Carboniferous deposits around the village of Royka on the Tom River]: Russia, Geologicheskii Komitet, Zapadno-Sibirskoe Otdelenie Izvestiya, V. 1, no. 3, 48 p., 4 pls. Garwood, E. 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Page A Abstract ____________________________________ 1 Acknowledgements __________________________ 2 Acroeyathidae ___________________________ 1, 5, 6, 15 Acrocyathus __ 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7,9,15,20,37 systems __ ___________________ 5, 16, 22 flomfmn1s __ ____________ 5,16, 17, 19, 20, 21 flom'fommw _____ 3, 5, 7, 16, 17, 41; pl. 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 16 hemisphaericus ____ 3, 5, 18, 1.9, 41; pl. 12,13, 14 girtyi _________________________ 3, 5, 16, 21; pl. 17 y. 1 5, 21, 2s 1 J" " ,‘ 5, 22 [1331121711 ________ 5, 16, 22 penmylvanms _ 5, 8, 16, 21 mums _____________________ 3, 5, 16, 19,21;p1. 17 prol1fems _________________ 5, 16, 20, 42; pl. 15, 16 ' _________ 5, 16, 21 5, 8, 16, 22, 23 ________________ 5, 16, 22 utkae ________________________________ 5, 15, 21 '- 1 5, 16, 28 spp ___________________________________ 5, 17, spp. indet _______________________________ 23 Additional taxa _____________________________ 39 A " Hum 1, 4, 6, 37 (Actinocyathus), Lonsdaleia _ ___ 1, 4, 6, 8, 19, 37 berthiaum‘i, Ltmsdakw ___ ___ 6, 18, 37 pemtmv’ichxmsis, Lonsdalew ______________ 6, 8, 37 stelck1, Lo'nsdalem _______________________ 8, 37 Alabama ___________ - 3 Alapah Limestone ________________ 3 Alaska ___________________________ 3 all1sonwe, Pewhwis ______________ 39 (1,11an, Lithastrotion _______________________ 11 SA 1 L L H 7 f7: 5’ 7 11 amemam, L1thost1‘ot1o7wlla __________ 3, 13, 17, 23, 38, pl. 3 4, 5, 6 ameMcanum, Lithost'rotion [Lithostrotionella] ____ 17, 18 J SA 1 1. r1. 1! 51 6, 10 511 1‘1" ,, 4 5,1039 s1mplex ___________________________ 5, 10, 59 s ,' r L "n m - 10 l. ‘ 1. ”W... n J .99 3177117122 _____________________________ 39 asoe'nde’ns, Stelechophyllum ___________-__ 5, 10: ‘99 Thysanophyllum ______________________ 39 1 5* ' l 1 " 5, 10, 39 Thysanophyllrum ______________________ 39 Aspen Range Formation ______-_____________ 3,26, 40 Astraea ____________________________________ 15 .” "is 17 astrmfmrw, Thysanophyllu’m ________________ 6, 37 astram'fimnu, L1thost’rot1orwlla ________________ .17 Lithost’rotitmella (Thystmorphyllum) ___ Aul1’m tub1fe'ra _____________________________ Autostylws ____ 1, 2,4, 5,617,15 tub1fems ___________ 3, 5, 7, 15 sp __________________________ 5, 15 uwenggmmis, Lithostrotio'rwua _ __ 39 Axinura camdens’is __________________________ 17 B ba1j1'nens1s, L1thost1'ot1'mlla __________________ 39 INDEX [Iialic page numbers indicate major references] Page baill1e1, Lithostrotionella _____________________ 27 Pemlax'is ____________ basaltifo'rme, L1thost1‘ot1071 _ banjfense, Lithostrommella Stelechxyphyllum _______________ 3, 5, 10, 18; pl. 3, 4 banflensis, L1thostrot1o11 __________ 13 Lithost’rotwnella. __ 13 belmskwnsw, Petaluxw _____________________ 5, 25, 29 Petaumls mccoyam _______________________ 29 be'rth1'aum1, L1thastrot1‘on [L1thost1'ot1'o7wlla] _____ 37 Lousdaleia, (Actmocyathus) _ _ 6, 18, 87; pl. 20 besti, Pemlazis ____________ ___- 39 birdi, Lithost1'ot1'onella _______________________ 14 Swwchophyllum _______________________ 5, 10, 11; brokaw1, Lithostrou'mwlla _ _______ 28 Petalaxis ____________________________ 5, 25, 28 C California __________________________________ 3 canadense, L1thost’rot1'on _ ”’ 5-3, Acc11mm camdensis, L1thost’rot1o’n ____________________ 17, 19 cantabMa, L1thost7‘ot10nella (H1ll1'a) _ __ 31 cantab’r‘icus, Petalax1s ______________________ 5, 25, 31 Cw! ' r‘, " 8 castelnau1, L1thost’rot1'on _____________________ 17, 19 Litlmst'rotion [Lithostrotio'rwlla] _ 17, 19 L1thost7'ot1'omlla _____ _ 3; pl. 7, 8, 9, 10, 14 0214111271813, Lithostrotiomlla _ ________ 35 Petalmpis _____________________________ 5, 25, 35 changshunemis, Lithostrom'zmella ______________ 89 Cherokee Shale ______________ 40 China ____________________ c17"1m S" 1‘1 71 circinatus, Lithostrotio'n (Lithostrotiomlla) ______ 12 Lithostrot'imlla ____________ 19 Classification _______________________________ 4 cr - L n 8 Columnariina _______________________________ 5 confe'rtus, Petalamls _______ _ 5, 25, 33 confluens, L1thastrot1onellu __ ________ 12 crassus, L1thostrot1omlla __ _____ 40 cremulare, Cyathophyllum ____________________ 37 Cyathophyllum 019111111172 _____________________ 37 CystoLo’nsdalem _________ 1, 4, 6, 24, 35 lutugini ______________________ 25 portlock1 ____________________ 35 cystosus, Acrocyathus ____________ _ 5, 16, 29 Eolithostrafio’rwlla _______________________ 22 D J ' L J ’ ' portlock1 36 d1latata, KLeopatm'm _____ 6 Kleorpat’r'irw. (Kleopatm'm) _________________ 38 Lithnstrotion [L11hostrot1onella] _____ _ 38 Diphyphyllum _______________________ 16 37 dobrolyubtwtw,Petalaac18 ________________ 6,25, 35, 36 darnbasswa, Lithost'ron'on [L1thost1‘ot1'1meua] _____ 27 L1'thost7‘otionella _________________________ 27 J ‘ ' P" 1“ 5,25,27,29 J 1 .13,P" ' 25,36 J ’1' 5 L J 7 ‘ 37 duplicatus, Emismatolithus M 11117213071323 ________ 37 Durhaminidae _________________________ 1, 5, 6, 3, 37 Du:L ' 8 dushanens1s, Lithostrotionella _________________ 39 Page E m, . A 1, 4, 5, 24 7, 35 elegantula, Lithastrotionella ________ _____ 39 elym1s, Easwnowes _____ 35 _ 25 35, 36 Endophyllidae ______________________________ 4 E J rL 11 1’ 4y 6 mm}. ‘ 1 ” 1,4,5,9, 16 9 A 22 y, L ' 2? 11581121711 ________________________________ 22 long182ptata _________ _ 12 701111 _________________________ 21 utktw __________________________________ 21 L' 1‘ 28 “ 1“f 11.3, A ’ ‘,' tubife'r‘us 3, 5,15 m, ,' L1thostr " ”n 18 n1 1 L l. H 5 10’ 13 Ensmtomhus M adrepmtes (11111211031113) ________ 37 M adrepmtes (florifmmls) _______ __ 37 2171112113, Petalax’is ______________ __ -5, 25, 3-9 221113, Petalams ___ 5, 25, 32, 33 91117118,Pemm1‘s __________________ 3, 5, 25, 28, pl. 19 F Faberophyllum _____________________________ 40 fkamosa, Lithostrot’iomlla. _ ______ 27, 39 flexuosmn, L1thostrot1'o'n __________ ______- 27 L1thostrot1on [Lithostrofionella] ____________ 27 flemm.PetalW . 1mg «0... GEOLOGICAL SURVEY PLATE 18 [All figures x 4] FIGURES 1—3. Petalaxis simplex (Hayasaka) (p. 26). Holotype, USNM 120249. USGS 5893—PC, Little Flat Formation, Utah. 1. Transverse thin section, USNM 120249a. 2, 3. Longitudinal thin section, USNM 120249b. 4, 5. Petalaxis wyomingensis n. sp. (p. 26). Holotype, USNM 120675 (paratype of Lithostrotiomalla simplex Hayasaka). USGS 7452—PC (green), “Wells” Formation), Wyoming. 4. Longitudinal thin section, USNM 120675b. 5. Transverse thin section, USNM 1206750. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY PROFESSIONAL PAPER 1247 PLATE 18 ~ 4"'~F}‘g 7,. 4 L 3W1! filas PETALAXIS SIMPLEX (HAYASAKA) AND PETALAXIS WYOMINGENSIS N. SP. PLATE 19 FIGURES 1—4. Petalaxis emiguus n. sp. (p. 28). Holotype, USNM 162002B (paratype of Lithost'rotionella girtyi Hayasaka). USGS Loc. 3856—PC (green), McCloud Lime- stone, California. 1. Transverse thin section, x 4, USNM 162002Ba. 2, 3. Longitudinal thin section, x 4, USNM 162002Bb. 4. Oblique view of corallum, x 1. 5—7. Petalaxis tabulatus (Hayasaka) (p. 26). Holotype, USNM 120246. USGS Loc. 1476—PC, Aspen Range Formation, Idaho. 5. Longitudinal thin section, x 4, USNM 120246b. 6. Longitudinal thin section, x 4, USNM 120246c. 7. Transverse thin section, x 4, USNM 120246a. PROFESSIONAL PAPER 1247 PLATE 19 uglflrwmufififflo! , ..,_.,._, firm). % :1! .o . .. h.’ A. a: .f Afifim \Wm Wm? GEOLOGICAL SURVEY ,. ,4 _ 3% 4w Z. 5 , 5 . . ff 10,. A, ._ . r... m, “A. at. If ‘ @gwmzé ., . . . . iNmnwmfiQwfisvauw s. . . n .Ridnvflwf- .w .H. .K .. ‘figagw. a mm x .wth n. w. .1. _ ,. , I...‘ PETALAXIS EXIGUUS N. SP. AND PETALAXIS TABULATUS (HAYASAKA) FIGURES 1, 2. 3, 4. PLATE 20 [All figures x 4] Petalax'is occidentalis (Merriam) (p. 32). Holotype, USNM 143440. Coyote Butte Formation, Oregon. 1. Transverse thin section, USNM 1434400. 2. Longitudinal thin section, USNM 143440e. Lonsdaleia (Actinocyathus) berthiaum'i (Merriam) (p. 37). Holotype, USNM 132988. Unknown formation, Oregon. 3. Longitudinal thin section, USNM 132988d. 4. Transverse thin section, USNM 1329880. PROFESSIONAL PAPER 1247 PLATE 20 GEOLOGICAL SURVEY . meuuor.‘ PETALAXIS OCCIDENTALIS (MERRIAM) AND LONSDALEIA (ACTINOCYATHUS) BERTHIAUMI (MERRIAM) Compositional Variations and Abundances of Selected Elements ’ in Granitoid Rocks and Constituent Minerals, Central Sierra Nevada Batholith, California By F. C. W. DODGE, H. T. MILLARD, JR., and H. N. ELSHEIMER GEOLOGICAL SURVEY PROFESSIONAL PAPER 1248 A geochemical study of the lateral compositional variations in granitoid rocks across the central Sierra Nevada batholith UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE, WASHINGTON: 1982 UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR JAMES G. WATT, Secretary GEOLOGICAL SURVEY Dallas L. Peck, Director Library of Congress Catalog Card No. 82—600541 For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, US. Government Printing Office Washington, DC. 20402 CONTENTS Page Abstract Introduction Background summary Analytical procedures .. Elemental abundances and compositional variations Rare-earth elements Alkali metals and alkaline earths Elements covariant with iron Variations of other elements Variations across the batholith Variations relative to SiO2 ..... Conclusions References cited wNQDOOOWUVkNNNt—IHt—t H... ILLUSTRATIONS Figures 1—17. Graphs showing: Table 1. «1630‘ng 1 2 3 01% . Twelve representative chondrite-normalized rare-earth-element patterns of Sierra Nevada granitoids ................ . Rare-earth-element mineral-rock ratios or ranges of ratios for some constituent minerals of Sierra Nevada granitoids . . Potassium plotted against caesium and rubidium for Sierra Nevada granitoids .......................................................... . Atomic proportions of large alkali metals in potassium-feldspars and biotites of Sierra Nevada granitoids ........ . Potassium plotted against barium for Sierra Nevada granitoids and constituent biotites and potassium- feldspars . Cobalt plotted against iron for Sierra Nevada granitoids . Scandium plotted against iron for Sierra Nevada granitoids and constituent ferromagnesian minerals ______________ . Vanadium plotted against iron for Sierra Nevada granitoids . Uranium plotted against thorium for Sierra Nevada granitoids . Hafnium plotted against zirconium for Sierra Nevada granitoids . Uranium and thorium in biotites, hornblendes, and feldspars relative to host granitoids .......................................... . Total rare-earth elements plotted onto a line approximately normal to the axis of the Sierra Nevada batholith . Correlation coefficients (r) of total rare-earth elements and individual rare-earth elements relative to easterly distance across the batholith . Tantalum plotted onto a line approximately normal to the axis of the Sierra Nevada batholith .............................. . Barium plotted onto a line approximately normal to the axis of the Sierra Nevada batholith ................... . Selected elements and elemental ratios plotted against silica for Sierra Nevada granitoids ........................... . Solid/liquid distribution coefficients of rare-earth elements for minerals of mafic and intermediate rocks .......... TABLE S . Neutron activation analyses of hornblende . Neutron activation analyses of magnetite Rock units and locations of the representative samples . Elemental analyses of representative granitoid rocks showing compositional variation . Neutron activation analyses of potassium feldspar . Neutron activation analyses of plagioclase and plagioclase+quartz concentrates . Neutron activation analyses of biotite III Page 3 9 10 12 Page 16 17 20 21 22 23 24 COMPOSITIONAL VARIATIONS AND ABUNDANCES OF SELECTED ELEMENTS IN GRANITOID ROCKS AND CONSTITUENT MINERALS, CENTRAL SIERRA NEVADA BATHOLITH, CALIFORNIA By F. C. W. Dodge, H. T. Millard, Jr., and H. N. Elsheimer ABSTRACT Contents of several elements have been determined in 27 repre- sentative granitoid samples from the central Sierra Nevada batho- lith andain 36 separates of their major constituent minerals. The chemical data confirm some previously established lateral composi- tional trends and also demonstrate eastward increase in light rare- earth elements and tantalum across the batholith. These variations are attributable to the heterogeneity of the source regions from which magmas were derived. Continuous fractionation of ferromagnesian minerals throughout the differentiation history of Sierra Nevada magmas is suggested by systematic decrease of iron and a group of related trace elements with increasing Si02. Chemical and mineralogical evidence indicate that hornblende dominated fractionation when the magma con- tained 55-72 percent SiOz, and at higher Sl02 levels iron depletion reflects removal of small amounts of magnetite. Biotite was appar- ently not an important fractionated phase. Below 72 percent Sl02, several elemental variations are largely controlled by hornblende fractionation, whereas above 72 percent both strontium and Eu/Eu* drop abruptly indicating a shift to plagioclase as a controlling frac- tionate. The low barium content of a high S102 leucogranite implies K—feldspar depletion, and the rock may be a true eutectic granite. INTRODUCTION In recent years there has been increasing realization that knowledge of the distribution of chemical constit- uents provides important evidence for origin and magmatic history of granitic batholiths. In the Sierra Nevada batholith, which has been intensively studied in a wide belt across its central part between lat 36°45’ and 38°00’ N., the gross distribution of its chemical constituents is difficult to discover because the batho— lith is made up of many differing plutonic bodies. For this study, part of a continuing program of geochemi- cal study of this batholith, the chemical constituents in 27 samples of granitoid rocks and in 36 separates of their major constituent minerals have been deter- mined. Analyses by neutron activation and X-ray fluo- rescence have revealed the distribution of several ele- ments, including rare-earth elements (REE) and alkali metals. Rock samples used in this investigation are from carefully identified localities and were collected as representative of mapped rock units (table 1). The same samples have been used in many other detailed studies of the batholith: for example, Hurley and oth- ers, 1965; Kistler and others, 1965; Dodge and others, 1968, 1969; Piwinskii, 1968; Naeser and Dodge, 1969; Bateman and Dodge, 1970; and the samples have been previously analyzed for major element oxides and have been studied petrographically. BACKGROUND SUMMARY The Sierra Nevada batholith is a composite of many plutonic bodies ranging in outcrop area from less than a square kilometer to several hundred square kilo- meters. Individual bodies are either in sharp contact with one another or are separated by remnants of meta- morphosed sedimentary and volcanic rocks. Several of the bodies in the central Sierra Nevada have been grouped into intrusive sequences. Each sequence consists of rocks emplaced during a single intrusive epoch; field, petrographic, and chemical data suggest that the rocks in each sequence are coge- netic. Within individual sequences there is a chrono- logical progression from mafic to felsic; the oldest rocks have silica contents as low as 55 weight percent and contain abundant hornblende, biotite, and inter— mediate plagioclase. Successively younger rocks in each sequence have increasingly greater silica con- tents, lesser hornblende and biotite, and more sodic plagioclase. The youngest rocks in some sequences have as much as 80 weight percent silica, contain abundant quartz, K—feldspar, and sodic plagioclase, and are void of hornblende. Lateral gross compositional changes across the en- tire batholith are superimposed on the recurrent com- positional variations within individual sequences. A study by Bateman and Dodge (1970) of variation of major chemical constituents showed clearly that K20 increases systematically eastward, suggested that Fe203 and TI02 may also increase eastward, but that FeO, MgO, and CaO may decrease, and indicated no significant change in amount of 8102, A1203, Na20, 1 2 VARIATIONS AND ABUNDANCES OF ELEMENTS, SIERRA NEVADA BATHOLITH, CALIFORNIA H20, P205, and MnO across the batholith. The oxida- tion ratio [mol(2Fe203x100)/(2Fe203+FeO)] increases eastward (Dodge, 1972a). In addition, the minor ele- ments rubidium, uranium, thorium, and beryllium have been shown to increase eastward (Dodge, 1972b) as does the initial 87Sr/8“Sr ratio (Kistler and Peter- man, 1973). Batholithic rocks generally range in age from Triassic to middle Cretaceous (Evernden and Kistler, 1970); however, the regional compositional patterns are independent of age patterns (Kistler, 1974). The age succession, from oldest to youngest, of the intrusive sequences mentioned in this report is: Scheelite, Palisade, Fine Gold, Shaver (Taft Granite is tentatively included with the Shaver), and John Muir; the generalized geographic position, from west to east is: Fine Gold, Shaver, John Muir, Palisade, and Scheelite. ANALYTICAL PROCEDURES Rocks analyzed in this study were selected from a suite of intensively studied samples. Separates of sev- eral constituent minerals were prepared for analysis from carefully sized rock powders of some of the same rock samples by electromagnetic and density concen- tration. With the exception of plagioclase and quartz, which generally could not be separated from one another, final sample purity of individual separates generally exceeded 98 percent. Rocks and major mineral phases were analyzed by instrumental neutron activation analysis (Gordon and others, 1968; Hertogen and Gijbels, 1971) for REE, alkali metals, and an assortment of other elements. Splits of 1.5 grams of rock powders, mineral separates, and standards (U.S. Geol. Survey standard rock G-2 and synthetic standards prepared by mixing elements with high-purity quartz powder) were irradiated for 30 minutes in the USGS Denver TRIGA reactor in a neutron flux of 3x1010 n/cmZ/s, and then counted over a 4-hour decay interval using coaxial Ge(Li) detectors (resolution 2.0 keV FWHM at 1333 keV, efficiency ~10 percent). The samples and standards were then irra— diated for a second time for 8 hours in a neutron flux of 3x1012 n/cmZ/s and counted with both coaxial Ge(Li) detectors and planar Ge(Li) detectors (resolution ~500 eV FWHM at 122 keV) after decay times of 7, 14, and 60 days. Spectra of induced gamma-ray activities were stored on magnetic tape, and areas under photopeaks were calculated and compared to the standards by computer. A few of the elements determined by neu- tron activation in this study have been determined on some of the materials in other studies (for example, Dodge and others, 1968, 1969, 1970; Greenland and others, 1968, 1971; Wollenberg and Smith, 1968; Til- ling and others, 1969); in general, agreement with pre- vious analyses is satisfactory. Rock analyses for Sr, V, and Ni were performed on pressed cellulose powder pellets with a sample/cellu- lose ratio of 85/15. Conventional X—ray fluorescence techniques were employed utilizing an automated, computerized X-ray spectrometer system. Results were determined using previously established calibra- tion curves for standard silicate rocks; the curves were generated using multiple linear regression equations taking into account various matrix effects. ELEMENTAL ABUNDANCES AND COMPOSITIONAL VARIATIONS Rock analyses have been grouped in table 2 accord- ing to rock type using the classification and nomencla- ture recommended by the IUGS Subcommission on the Systematics of Igneous Rocks and are arranged within groups in order of increasing silica contents. Mineral analyses of tables 3 through 7 are listed simply in order of increasing silica contents of host rocks. RARE-EARTH ELEMENTS REE data on the granitoid rocks have been normal- ized to chondrite values summarized by Hermann (1970). Twelve chondrite normalized patterns are shown in figure 1. The patterns show an overall REE enrichment and heavy REE depletion relative to light REE. They are generally similar to those determined by Frey, Chappell, and Roy (1978) for granitoid rocks of the Tuolumne Intrusive Series of the central Sierra Nevada, except for lower light REE in a quartz gab- bro (CL-1) and a trondjhemite (ST-1) and the presence of large negative Eu anomalies (Eu/Eu*, the ratio of the actual chondrite—normalized Eu value to the chondrite—normalized Eu value if there were no anom- aly, of less than 0.5) in four leucogranite samples (FD— 12, HL-29, R-99, MG-2). Undetermined REE values have been estimated by extrapolation using chondrite- normalized diagrams. Total REE contents range from 74 to 250 ppm if the determined values are added to the estimated values. La/Yb ratios range from 2.9 to 48, but the ratios for three-quarters of the samples range between 15 and 40. Contents of REE in separates of major mineral phases from the Sierra Nevada granitoid rocks are generally somewhat lower than contents reported on the same minerals from granitic suites in other regions (for example, Towell and others, 1965; Buma and oth- ers, 1971; Masuda and others, 1972), whereas REE contents of Sierra Nevada accessory sphenes and apa- tites (Dodge and Mays, 1972) are similar to those REE ROCK/REE CHONDHITE REE ROCK/REE CHONDRITE Figure 1.—Twelve representative chondrite-normalized rare-earth-element patterns of Sierra Nevada granitoids. A, Plag‘ioclase-rich ELEMENTAL ABUNDANCES AND COMPOSITIONAL VARIATIONS 1000 I llITT l EXPLANATION Sample number 0 CLA‘l I WV-l O ST-l FlEE ROCK/REE CHONDRITE 1000 EXPLANATION Sample number 0 MG-3 I JB-l O FD-2 IIII lllil B ‘ l I I L I I I l I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I 1 La Ce Nd Sm Eu Tb l'Jy Tm Yb Lu La Ce Nd Sm Eu Tb Dy Tm Yb Lu RARE-EARTH ELEMENTS HARE-EARTH ELEMENTS ‘00" I I I I I I If I I I I r _ "10° _ I I I I I I I I I I I _ ,_ _ _ _ _ EXPLANATION EXPLANATION _ Sample number Sample number — O MG-l — — 0 HL-29 — I BP-l I 93-99 0 FD-ZO O MG-2 | l l | l l I | l | l La Ce Nd Sm Eu Tb Dy Tm Yb RARE-EARTH ELEMENTS Lu REE ROCK/REE CHONDRITE o o -- La Ce Nd Sm Eu Tb Dy RARE-EARTH ELEMENTS granitoids, B, quartz monzodiorites, C. granodiorites, and D, Ieucogranibes. Tm Yb 4 VARIATIONS AND ABUNDANCES 0F ELEMENTS, SIERRA NEVADA BATHOLITH, CALIFORNIA reported from several granitic suites in other regions (for example, Towell and others, 1965; Lee and others, 1969, 1973; N agasawa, 1970; Staatz and others, 1977). As noted by Towell, Winchester, and Spirn (1965), small amounts of accessory mineral impurities would concentrate relatively large amounts of REE in major mineral phases, and the bulk of REE in magnetites (table 7) are probably contained in accessory mineral impurities. The Sierra Nevada separates are as pure as is practicable without resorting to acid washing. Nagasawa (1970) has shown that, at least in zircon, acid washing preferentially leaches the lighter REE. The range of mineral/rock ratios for hornblendes, K-feldspars, and sphenes, based on 12 sphene analyses used by Dodge and Mays (1972) from the same rocks as those analyzed in this study, and the ratios for a plagio- clase are shown in figure 2. Ranges are not shown for biotites, as only a relative few of the REE have been determined, or for magnetites. The mineral/rock ratios fall within rather limited ranges and are similar to mineral/groundmass partition coefficients for REE in ‘°°°IIIIIIIIIIIII lllllll l 100 General range of 12 sphenes I lllllll | Range of 7 hornblendes l J REE MINERAL/REE ROCK Plagioclase (SampleiCL-I) lllllll 0.1 ||l|l||| Range of 7 potassium feldspars ,0, I I I I I I I La Ce Pr Nd Sm Eu Gd Tb Dy Y Ho Er Tm Yb Lu RARE-EARTH ELEMENTS Figure 2.——Rare-earth-element mineral-rock ratios or ranges of ratios for some constituent minerals of Sierra Nevada granitoids. dacitic volcanic rocks (for example, Higuchi and Nagasawa, 1969; Schnetzler and Philpotts, 1970; Nagasawa and Schnetzler, 1971; Arth and Barker, 1976). ALKALI METALS AND ALKALINE EARTHS Sodium in the granitoid rocks shows little relation to the other alkalis. Bateman and Dodge (1970) showed Na20 ranged from less than 2 to over 5 weight percent in 193 samples of Sierra Nevada granitoids, but 80 percent of the samples contained between 3 and 4 per- cent N ago. The 27 rock samples of the study have Na20 within or very near the 3 to 4 percent range. The relation between K and the two less abundant large alkali metals, Rb and Cs, is shown in figure 3. Potassium ranges a full magnitude from 0.484 to 4.01 weight percent (0.583483 percent K20), Rb from 13.8 to 182 ppm, though not determined in the least potassic sample (CL-1), and Cs from 1.10 to 8.56 ppm. Rubid- ium varies positively with K throughout the entire suite, as shown previously by Dodge, Fabbi, and Ross ( 1970) and Kistler and Peterman (1973) for Sierra Nevada granitoid rocks. Although there is considera- ble scatter in the K-Cs plot, it is apparent that the relationship of Cs to K is quite different from that of Rb to K. In low K samples, Cs is low, but tends to increase with increasing K to a maximum at 2 weight percent K, then abruptly decreases at higher K contents. Relative contents of the three large alkali metals in K—feldspar and biotites, which contain the bulk of these elements in the granitoid rocks, are shown in figure 4. Rubidium is concentrated in biotite (498— 1,740 ppm) relative to K—feldspar (212-468 ppm), and Cs is even more relatively concentrated in the biotite (10.1 to 157 ppm) compared to K-feldspar (1.15 to 5.70 ppm); similar relations have been reported by Carron and Lagache (1972) and Bernotat, Carron, and Lag— ache (1976) among others. The dropoff of Cs in rocks with high K contents reflects the decreasing amounts of biotite contained in these rocks, an effect probably present but not so pronounced for Rb. Barium, generally thought to be characterized by its ability to substitute for K, shows a rather poor correla- tion with K (fig. 5). Bateman and Chappell (1979) have also noted that Ba, which they expected to follow K, is unexpectedly erratic in its behavior in the Tuolumne Intrusive Series of the central Sierra Nevada. Of the two potassic minerals, K-feldspar and biotite, Ba tends to be much more highly concentrated in the former (fig. 5). K-feldspar has an average K/Ba ratio of only 28, whereas biotite has an average ratio of 94, and if a single biotite which does not coexist with K-feldspar is excluded, the ratio is even greater at 100. The presence of significant amounts of Ba in both hornblende and ELEMENTAL ABUNDANCES AND COMPOSITIONAL VARIATIONS 10 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I f _ _ v a — v 3V W V v A AAAA - V VW V v a AAA ‘ Iz— V V v AA A LLI _. E ’ v ‘7 V [AA A E A I— Vv A I L9 LLI 3 1.0 — —_ E : _ S _ _ 9 _ a v A _ E v ‘L ‘ EXPLANATION — V Caesium — A Rubidium I l I l I I I I I l I l I I I I I I I I l I I I I I 0'110 10 100 1000 CAESIUM, RUBIDIUM, IN PARTS PER MILLION Figure 3,—Potassium plotted against caesium and rubidium for Sierra Nevada granitoids. plagioclase may help account for the rather poor corre- lation of Ba with K. Evernden and Kistler (1970) and Kistler and Peter- man (1973) recorded a range of 86 to 764 ppm Sr and of 0.14 to 2.14 Rb/Sr for Sierra Nevada granitoid rocks. With the exception of a leucogranite sample with 42 ppm Sr and 4.14 Rb/Sr, all samples of this study are within these ranges. We do not present data for Sr in mineral analyses herein; however, relatively low Sr values of 16-65 ppm have been reported for horn— blendes (Dodge and others, 1968) and of less than 6-28 ppm for biotites (Hurley and others, 1965; Dodge and others, 1969) from granitoids of the central Sierra Nevada. These values were determined on many of the same mineral separates analyzed in the present study. In addition, the following Sr values have been deter- mined spectrographically on four of the K-feldspars of table 6 (R. E. Mays, written commun.)z HL-29, 40 ppm; BP-l, 120 ppm; MG-l, 150 ppm; MG-3, 240 ppm. Thus, the major rock-forming minerals, hornblende, ,biotite, and K-feldspar, all have considerably lower Sr con- tents than their respective host rocks, and the bulk of the Sr in the granitoids is believed to be contained in plagioclase feldspar. ELEMENTS COVARIANT WITH IRON Several elements, including Sc, V, Cr, Mn, Co, and Ni, show a high positive correlation with Fe (7" = 0.6) and are largely concentrated in the ferromagnesian minerals. The plot of Co against Fe (fig. 6) and Sc against Fe (fig. 7) in the granitoids illustrates the close relations between these elements exceptionally well. Vanadium shows two distinctly different, though strongly positive, trends relative to Fe (fig. 8). The reason for the divergent V trends is not clear. Although these elements are concentrated in the ferromagnesian minerals, consistent strong partition- ing of the elements between coexisting individual fer- romagnesian minerals is shown only by Cr, which is generally concentrated in magnetite, and importantly by So, which is enriched in hornblende, concentrated to a lesser extent in biotite. and impoverished in mag— netite (fig. 7). This partitioning is further shown by the greater Sc contents of hornblende—bearing rocks rela— tive to hornblende—free rocks. Interestingly, biotites that do not coexist with hornblendes have greater Sc contents than those that do. Vanadium and Ni were determined only on whole rocks in this study; however, previous work on constituent biotites and hornblendes (Dodge and others, 1968, 1969) show little partitioning of these elements. VARIATIONS OF OTHER ELEMENTS Of the potpourri of remaining determined elements, Potassiumx0.01 EXPLANATION + B iotite [1 Potassium feldspar V Rubidium Caesium X 100 Figure 4.—Atomic proportions of large alkali metals in potassium feldspars and biotites of Sierra Nevada granitoids. 100 VARIATIONS AND ABUNDANCES OF ELEMENTS, SIERRA NEVADA BATHOLITH, CALIFORNIA U and Th (fig. 9) and Zr and Hf (fig. 10) are geochemi- cally coherent pairs. Uranium and Th contents and the U/Th ratios of the analyzed rocks are similar to those determined by Wol- lenberg and Smith (1968) on numerous samples from the central Sierra Nevada batholith. Feldspars tend to contain less Th relative to their host rocks than do biotites or hornblendes, whereas U contents normal- ized to host granitoid rocks for all these minerals show no consistent differences (fig. 11). The bulk of the U and Th in these rocks is undoubtedly concentrated in accessory phases, particularly zircon, sphene, allanite, and monazite (Wollenberg, 1973). Theer/Hf ratio of the granitoids falls in a limited range from 35 to 60. The bulk of the Zr is believed to be present in accessory zircon, and Zr values are not given for mineral separates. It is of interest that Hf contents of hornblende generally exceed those of biotite by nearly an order of magnitude; a single exception is a biotite (ST-1) which contains appreciable Hf and does not coexist with hornblende. lllll llllll I POTASSIUM, IN WEIGHT PERCENT llll llIlli l EXPLANATION + Biotite Illlli a Whole rock El Potassium feldspar '100 1000 BARIUM, IN PARTS PER MILLION Figure 5.—Potassium plotted against barium for Sierra Nevada granitoids and constituent biotites and potassium feldspars. COBALT, IN PARTS PER MILLION SCANDIUM, IN PARTS PER MILLION ELEMENTAL ABUNDANCES AND COMPOSITIONAL VARIATIONS 100 l l I llllll I I I lll|l_ _ x _ _ xxxx . x 10.— R’xx ‘2 - ,5 x I Z x _ - x _ _ xx . _ x _ _ x -. x Ir x —: I x x I - x _ 0'1 . I I 0.1 ‘I 10 IRONI IN WEIGHT PERCENT Figure 6.—Cobalt plotted against iron for Sierra Nevada VANADIUM, IN PARTS PER MILLION 1000 100 I I ll'll'T] I lllllll III I III 0,1 IRON, IN WEIGHT PERCENT Figure 8.—Vanadium plotted against iron for Sierra Nevada granitoids. granitoids. 1000 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I _ _ EXPLANATION _ ‘ III Biotite without hornblende ‘ — I Biotite accompanying hornblende ‘ O Hornblende-free granitoid rocks :2 , x 100 — X _ _ X Hornblende x xx _ ._ D _. _ . Hornblende granitoid rocks _ _ + Magnetite _ _ . I:I _ I 3 ' _ I 53 '°' II 10 — C o — Z 0 I _ _ ~ . _‘ _ . _ _ . _ I— .. _ _ O O _ O O _ O _ 0 I O + 1 I | I I I I I I I I I l I I I I I I | I I I I I I I 0.1 'I 10 100 IRON, IN WEIGHT PERCENT Figure 7.—Scandium plotted against iron for Sierra Nevada granitoids and constituent ferromagnesian minerals. 100_ I | I IIIIII I l I lllll: z ' : Q . 3 ~ - S x 5105-- x xxx x .21 u. 2 I ,,, - aflk . _ X _ I; x x at ‘ ‘ § * ‘ E x 2“:— x —: :> - _ z I I < _ _ I: D _ 0., . ......I . 1 10 100 THORIUM, IN PARTS PER MILLION Figure 9.—Uranium plotted against thorium for Sierra Nevada granitoids. 10 ...IIIIII I ....r HAFNIUM, IN PARTS PER MILLION 10 100 1000 ZIRCONIUM, IN PARTS PER MILLION Figure 10.—Hafnium plotted against zirconium for Sierra Nevada granitoids. I .I......l 1 IIIIIIII Y lllllll llllll + D + : ++ ° EXPLANATION - Plagioclase (:quartz) rllllll Potassium feldspar - Biotite OU+x Hornblende URANIUM IN MINERAL/URANIUM IN ROCK O I U I 0‘0, . I . I .... 0.001 0.01 0.1 1 THORIUM IN MINERAL/THORIUM IN ROCK Figure 11.—Uranium and thorium in biotites, hornblendes, and feldspars relative to host granitoids. VARIATIONS AND ABUNDANCES 0F ELEMENTS, SIERRA NEVADA BATHOLITH, CALIFORNIA Distribution of Ta in Sierra Nevada granitoids is similar to its distribution in rocks of the southern Cali- fornia batholith (Gottfried and Dinnin, 1965); how- ever, overall the element is more abundant in the Sier- ran rocks, ranging from about 0.2 ppm in two plagio- clase-rich granitoids to more than 2 ppm in a leuco- granite. Hornblende generally contains greater amounts of Ta than coexisting biotite although biotites from hornblende-free rocks are especially enriched in the element. Antimony, which ranges from less than 0.1 to more than 1.0 ppm in the granitoids, shows little relation to other determined elements. Greatest Sb contents are in hornblendes, and, unlike Ta, biotites from horn- blende-free rocks are not enriched in Sb. VARIATIONS ACROSS THE BATHOLITH Previous workers (Wollenberg and Smith, 1968; Bateman and Dodge, 1970; Dodge and others, 1970; Dodge, 1972a, b; Kistler and Peterman, 1973) have demonstrated eastward increase in K, Rb, U, Th, Be, and the initial 87Sr/S‘SSr ratio and the oxidation ratio, that is, the molecular ratio (2F8203X100)/(2F6203+ FeO), across the central Sierra Nevada batholith. Although our data are limited to a few samples, they confirm some of these trends and indicate others may be coexistent. The most important other geographic trend is that of total REE. In figure 12, the total REE, including values estimated from chondrite-normalized dia- grams, are plotted onto a line which crosses the batho- lith approximately normal to its axis. Although there is some scatter, total REE clearly increases gradually from an average of about 80 ppm in the western Sierra 300 _, 250 + ++ ++ N o o Illlllllllllllllllll + IN PARTS PER MILLION a“ a O O 4, TOTAL RARE-EARTH ELEMENTS, + 01 O O IITI'I IIIIIJIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII I..l 40 80 DISTANCE ACROSS BATHOLITH, IN KILOMETERS N O Figure 12.——Total rare-earth elements plotted onto a line approximately normal to the axis of the Sierra Nevada batholith. ELEMENTAL ABUNDANCES AND COMPOSITIONAL VARIATIONS 9 Nevada foothills to over 160 ppm in the eastern part of the batholith. Of the 14 REE, the lightest 2, La and Ce, constitute from one- to two-thirds of the total REE of the granitoids. Thus, the light REE dominate the total REE, and the trend is basically a reflection of varia- tion in contents of light REE. This dominance is graphically illustrated in figure 13, where correlation coefficients of contents of individual REE are plotted relative to easterly distance across the batholith. The light REE show a high positive degree of correlation, the intermediate REE a poor correlation with Eu being slightly negative, and the heavy REE show pro- gressively higher positive correlation coefficients. La/Yb ratios, a measure of REE fractionation, and Eu/Eu* ratios show considerable scatter and no clearly discernible trends when projected onto a line crossing the batholith. Tantalum also clearly increases eastward even though there is considerable scatter in the data (fig. 14). Barium does not show a clear trend completely across the batholith, but two samples suggest a sharp decrease of the element on the extreme west side of the batholith (fig. 15). A third low-Ba sample on the east side of the batholith probably has no geographic signif- icance; it is discussed further in the following sections. VARIATIONS RELATIVE TO SiO2 To further investigate compositional variations, K, Rb, Cs, Sr, Ba, Sc, Fe, total REE, and the ratios La/Yb 0.7 VLF 0.4 H 0.3 0.2 I Tota| rare-earth elements 1 0.1 - .. La Ce Pr Nd Sm lGd Tley v Ho E o lEul RARE-EARTH ELEMENTS Tm Yb Lu ‘0] Figure 13.—Correlation coefficients (r) of total rare-earth elements and individual rare-earth elements relative to easterly distance across the batholith. and Eu/Eu* have been plotted against Sl02, an index of differentiation in granitoid rocks (fig. 16). Horn- blende-free and hornblende-bearing rocks have been distinguished on the plots; hornblende, which de- creases as silica increases, is absent in rocks with more than 70-72 percent silica. Several of the elements and elemental ratios show fundamental changes in trends at about 72 percent Sl02. One of the most pronounced changes is shown by Sr, which displays considerable scatter and no dis- cernible trend at Si02 values below 72 percent, but between 72 and 74 percent Si02 it drops abruptly from values greater than 300 ppm to less than 200 ppm and decreases to less than 100 ppm at 80 percent SiOg. The Eu/Eu* ratio is relatively constant, but with scatter, from 55 to 72 percent Si02, generally ranging from 0.6 to 1.0, then drops abruptly above 72 percent Si02 to 25 ""|""|""l""l""|""l""|""|"”I'”'l'"'|""|""l""l"r' 2,25.— : I + I Z 2.“ —_ 9 3 : S 1.75:— + —:1 cx: - I E 15;— + + '- : + g 125_— + + + _ z ‘ + ++ E g 1— + + + _ 3 : + + + E E 0.75? + + + —: < ’ + H 05 — + —_ : + : 0.25 ‘—+ + __ : + _ :llllllllllllllllI1llll|lllllllllllIllIllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll: O 0 8 16 24 32 40 4B 56 64 72 80 88 DISTANCE ACROSS BATHOLITH, IN KILOMETEHS 96 104 HZ 120 Figure 14.—Tantalum plotted onto a line approximately normal to the axis of the Sierra Nevada batholith. 2000 ""I""l""|""l""l""|""l""l""|""|""l' "I""|""l" g 1500— + — 3 _ E - + + m m - + + . E 1000— + + i —— CL - + _ E — ++ + . + + + + + g - + + + a + + + a 500—— — _+ + 0 ....|....l....l....|....l....l....|1...l....|....|....l....|..i.l.... 0 8 15 74 37 40 48 56 54 72 00 88 95 104 H? 120 DlSTANCE ACROSS BATHOUTH, lN KlLOMETERS Figure 15.~Barium plotted onto a line approximately normal to the axis of the Sierra Nevada batholith. 10 VARIATIONS AND ABUNDANCES OF ELEMENTS, SIERRA NEVADA BATHOLITH, CALIFORNIA 50,000 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 2 40,000 — O .— 3 o o a - . 0 ° - 2 ~ . o . — I — _ 3‘ 30000 — —- 52 ' _ . o ' ° ° _ CC ,_ . _ E _ . o . _ g .. - » 20,000 — o o — g _ O o _ m _ _ ‘2 _ . ° - I. S _ — 10,000 — — :- ° ‘ 0 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I T 200 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I _ o o ' 0 Z - . o g 150 — O s : - ° : I 0 Bi ' . 0 o _ e _ . o o . . _ g 100 —- . -‘ EL _ 3 . T g _ . o _ E — ._ E O a 50 — o —— o I 0 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 10 _ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Z 0 : B — .— Z '— _ Q .— § : . ' - E 6 — _ I; _ O o — m . '— E _ o o o ' _ _ _ \ E _ _ g _ O o < _ E 20_ o o . o . o _ Z _ . _ S _ ° 0 o o ‘ _ . . o _ I0-— 0 o __ :0 — 0 I | I I l | I I I I I I l I II I I II I-5 I I I I I I II I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ._ o _ *2 I- _ 2 —- . o o. — LL 0 C) '. O O _ a: O a _ g . O O _ \ . g o. s — - ~ — D_ a E ‘ 0 ‘ D “J 0.5— o _ ._ O _ _ o _ 0 I | | | I l I l I I I | L I I I I l I I | I I I 55 60 65 70 75 80 SILICA, IN WEIGHT PERCENT Figure 16.—-Continued. values. The plot of Sc against SiOz shows a systematic decrease of Sc with increasing Si02 to 70—72 percent SlOz. At higher Si02 percentages, the Sc trend flat— tens, and the element stays fairly constant at about 2 ppm. Conversely, Fe does not exhibit a change in trend, progressively decreasing throughout the range of SI02 values. As an aid in evaluating plots of the trace alkali ele- ments and Ba, K has also been plotted against SiOg. A detailed discussion of variations of K20 relative to Sl02 in the central Sierra Nevada batholith has been pre- sented by Bateman and Dodge (1970); they concluded that the K20/Sl02 ratio decreases systematically with decreasing SIOz within individual intrusive sequences, but that the decrease is more pronounced in easterly sequences. Samples have not been distinguished by sequences on the plots herein; however, the samples with K contents less than 20,000 ppm are all from the western Sierra Nevada and the three hornblende-free samples with low K contents are from the most west- erly intrusive sequence. Excluding these three sam- ples, there is an overall trend of increasing K20 with increasing Si02, although there is considerable scatter in the data as several different sequences are repre- sented on the K versus SIOz plot. Rubidium behaves very similar to K, increasing with increasing Si02 with considerable scatter, and low Rb, hornblende—free samples are all from the extreme western Sierra N e- vada. In contrast, the Cs against SiO2 plot shows no discernible trend and considerable scatter. Barium values are also widely dispersed relative to Si02. Two samples with low K from the western Sierra Nevada and one significant sample with the highest K and Sl02 from the eastern Sierra Nevada have Ba values con— 12 VARIATIONS AND ABUNDANCES 0F ELEMENTS, SIERRA NEVADA BATHOLITH, CALIFORNIA siderably below the range of values of the other sam- ples; this finding tends to confirm the earlier made statement that there is a rather poor correlation of Ba and K in these granitoid rocks. CONCLUSIONS Regional lateral chemical variations across the cen- tral Sierra Nevada batholith, particularly exempli- fied by K but including some other elements and ratios, have been attributed to changes in the composi- tions of the sources from which the magmas were derived. Thus, the eastward increase in total REE manifested particularly by the light REE, which con- firms a trend noted by Dodge and Mays (1972) in sphenes from the granitoid rocks, is believed to be another reflection of these changes. Enrichment of light REE is characteristic of sediments of the earth’s crust (Haskin and Frey, 1966), and the Sierra Nevada trend may be the result of progressively increasing amounts of crustally derived materials included east— erly in juvenile, presumably mantle-derived material. Eastward increasing depths of magma generation have been proposed as an alternative hypothesis to changes of source materials as a means of explaining lateral compositional variations across the Sierra Nevada (Dickinson, 1970; Kistler and Peterman, 1978). Green and Ringwood (1969) have suggested that chem— ical characteristics of various calc-alkaline suites are dependent on their depth of origin. According to their model, there is a continuum of fractionation processes with depth; at shallow levels of melting, magma com- positions will largely be governed by separation of amphibole, at increasingly deeper levels, by separa- tion of garnet, clinopyroxene, and amphibole, and finally at even greater depths by garnet and clinopy- roxene. This model is difficult to evaluate, as Sierra Nevada granitoid rocks were derived from highly evolved magmas. A basalt or andesite source with a constant amount of melting or fractionation and a sys- tematic progression of amphibole to garnet or simply increasing garnet separation could not have produced the lateral trend of eastward increasing total REE, as the REE partitioning pattern for garnet from basaltic and andesitic rocks intersects unity (that is, from where removal of the mineral will cause enrichment to where it will cause depletion) at intermediate REE (fig. 17). If increasing amounts of garnet separation or a shift from amphibole to garnet separation were responsible for light REE enrichment eastward, these kinds of separation would produce a concurrent deple- tion in heavy REE; this depletion was not observed. On the other hand, a decrease in the percent of melting along with a change from amphibole to residual garnet could buffer heavy REE while light REE increased. Depth-dependent processes at relatively shallow levels involving only increasing amphibole separation from a mafic source are unlikely, because although K and Rb contents increase eastward, the K/Rb ratio does not change significantly (Dodge and others, 1970); amphi- boles from basalts characteristically have high K/Rb ratios (Hart and Aldrich, 1966), and increasing sepa- ration of amphibole would cause significant lowering of the K/Rb ratio from resultant easterly magmas. Also Sc, which has been shown to be concentrated in Sierra Nevada hornblendes, would be expected to decrease eastward; it does not show significant lateral variation. In any case, REE variation, like that of K and some other elements and ratios, is independent of the age of the granitic rocks, making it unlikely that this variation was necessarily caused by eastward increasing depth of magma generation. As with total REE, the eastward increase in Ta is also thought to reflect a progressive shift in source materials. Wedepohl (1978) notes that Ta increases in weathered products relative to alkali, alkali earth, and 100 DEPLETTON ENRTCHMENT Clrnupyroxene or hornblende Flagvoclase — REE CONCENTRATION lN SOLID/REE CONCENTRATION lN LlOUlD 0.01 — DWIIIIIIIIIIIII La Ce Pr Nd Pm Sm Eu Gd Tb Dy Hu Er Tm Vb Lu (Y) RAREVEARTH ELEMENTS Figure 17. Solid/liquid distribution coefficients of rare-earth elements for minerals of mafic and intermediate rocks (from data compiled by Arth, 1976). REFERENCES CITED 13 several other major elements. Age relations of contiguous sequences of the Sierra Nevada batholith generally indicate that the oldest plutons of the sequences are the most mafic, and the progressively younger plutons are increasingly more felsic. This succession has been explained by hypothe— sizing that each sequence was formed from a single fusion event, and subsequent fractional crystallization of the derived magmas formed individual plutons (Presnall and Bateman, 1973). Silica contents that do not systematically vary laterally across the batholith (Bateman and Dodge, 1970) are probably largely independent of differing source materials. Thus the amount of Si02 offers a measure of fractionation of the granitoid rocks or degree of melting of source rocks, or both. The systematic decrease of Fe and related elements with increasing Sl02 suggests continuous fractiona- tion of ferromagnesian minerals throughout most of the differentiation history of Sierra Nevada magmas. Progressive decrease of Sc indicates that hornblende dominated the crystal fractionation when the SlOz ranged from 55 to 72 percent. This reference is sub— stantiated by the absence of hornblende in the grani- toids that contain more than 72 percent SiOz. Biotite, on the other hand, apparently was of minor impor- tance as a fractionate throughout differentiation in view of the considerable scatter of Cs relative to Sl02 and the general increase of Rb with increasing SlOz. Depletion of Fe above 72 percent Si02 may merely reflect removal of small amounts of magnetite. Below 72 percent SiOg, neither the Eu/Eu* ratios nor Sr values show systematic changes. This fact sug- gests that at lower SlOz contents crystal fractionation of feldspar was overshadowed by hornblende fraction- ation. On the other hand, above 72 percent SiOg both Eu/Eu* and Sr drop abruptly; this indicates signifi- cant depletion of feldspar at the higher Si02 values. Although the plot of Ba against SiOz is complicated with two low Ba rocks from the extreme western Sierra Nevada, the general absence of a trend suggests that the feldspar fractionate was plagioclase rather than K-feldspar. The low Ba content of the highest Sl02 rock in eastern Sierra Nevada implies K-feldspar was depleted, and the rock may be a true eutectic granite, having solidified from a magma from which both plagioclase and K~feldspar had fractionated. REFERENCES CITED Arth, J. G., 1976, Behavior of trace elements during magmatic processes—A summary of theoretical models and their applica- tions: U.S. Geological Survey Journal of Research, v. 4, no. 1, p. 41-47. Arth, J. G., and Barker, Fred, 1976, Rare-earth partitioning between hornblende and dacitic liquid and implications for the genesis of trondhjemitic-tonalitic magmas: Geology, v. 4, p. 534-536. Bateman, P. C., and Chappell, B. W., 1979, Crystallization, fraction- ation, and solidification of the Tuolumne Intrusive Series, Yosemite National Park, California: Geological Society of Amer- ica Bulletin, part 1, v. 90, p. 465-482. Bateman, P. C., and Dodge, F. C. W., 1970, Variations of major chemical constituents across the central Sierra Nevada batho- lith: Geological Society of America Bulletin, v. 81, p. 409-420. Bernotat, W. H., Carron, J. 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John Muir intrusive sequence (Bateman and Dodge, 1970) MG-1 ------- Lamarck Granodiorite ------------------------------ Mount Goddard -------- 37°13' 118°36' MT-Z ------- Round Va11ey Peak Granodiorite -------------------- Mount Tom ------------ 37°28' 118°43' Bea-20 ----- Mount Givens Granodiorite ------------------------- B1ackcap Mountain—--- 37°14' 118°57' BCc-12 ————— —- do --------------------------------------------- -— do ---------------- 37°05' 118°58' HC-1 ------- —- do --------------------------------------------- -- do ---------------- 37°08' 118°59' R-99 ------- A1askite of Evo1ution Basin ----------------------- Mount Goddard -------- 37°07' 118°38' Shaver intrusive sequence (Bateman and Dodge, 1970) SL-1 ------ Granodiorite of Dinkey Creek ---------------------- Shaver Lake ---------- 37°06' 119°18' BCc-13 ----- —- do --------------------------------------------- B1ackcap Mountain---- 37°01' 118°59' SL—18 ------ -- do --------------------------------------------- Shaver Lake ---------- 37°09' 119°18' HL-29 ------ Quartz monzonite of Dinkey Dome ------------------- Huntington Lake ------ 37°10' 119°06' FD-12 ------ Taft Granite -------------------------------------- Yosemite ------------- 37°43' 119°36' Fine Go1d intrusive sequence (Stern and others, 1981) CL-1 ------- Pyroxene quartz diorite of Macdona1d (1941) ------- C1ovis ---------------- 36°54' 120°04' JB-1 ——————— Tona1ite of B1ue Canyon --------------------------- Shaver Lake ----------- 37°06' 119°23' wv-i ------- Tona1ite south of B1ack Mountain(?) --------------- Watts Va11ey ---------- 36°58' 119°29' SJ-1 ------- P1agiogranite of Ward Mountain -------------------- Mi11erton Lake -------- 37°06' 119°44' SL-3? —————— Tona1ite of B1ue Canyon --------------------------- Shaver Lake ----------- 37°02' 119°23' ST-1 ------- Tona1ite of Sherman Thomas dri11 ho1e ------------- Le Grand -------------- 37°10' 120°04' FD—ZO ------ Granodiorite of Know1es --------------------------- Raymond --------------- 37°12' 119°53' Pa1isade intrusive sequence (Bateman and Dodge, 1970) MG-3 ------- Inconso1ab1e Granodiorite ------------------------- Mount Goddard -------- 37°07' 118°31' BP-? ------- ,Granodiorite of McMurray Meadows ------------------ Big Pine ------------- 37°06‘ 118°22' BP—1 ------- Tinemaha Granodiorite ----------------------------- -- do ---------------- 37°O7' 118°27' FD—2 ------- Hunter Mountain Quartz Monzonite ------------------ Independence --------- 36°48' 118°02' FD-4 ------- Tinemaha Granodiorite---——-a ---------------------- -- do ---------------- 36°57' 118°08' FD-3 ------- Paiute Monument Quartz Monzonite ------------------ —- do ---------------- 36°49' 118°02' Schee1ite intrusive sequence (Bateman and Dodge, 1970) MT-1 ------- Nhee1er Crest Quartz Monzonite -------------------- Mount Tom ------------ 37°23' 118°38' MG—2 ------- Tungsten Hi11s Quartz Monzonite ------------------- Mount Goddard -------- 37°14' 118°36' Unassigned metamorphosed granitic rock KR --------- Granodiorite of the Goddard pendant --------------- B1ackcap Mountain---- 37°12‘ 118°47' 17 _F a o_ F_ ¢N N OP FF Rm -------Tz NR mm mm_ o¢_ mae N RN NmF mNo --------> om“ oo¢ ome «me ofim mo¢ m_m 0mm omm -------Lm New. --- ¢_m. mom. «MV. _mm. mom. mow. qu. --J----nm #N.m mm.w o.~_ m.mp m.N_ No.N ¢.N_ N.o_ N.om -------ou oo~.mm oom.~m oo_.m¢ ooo.m¢ oom.m¢ oom.mF ooN.mm co“.rm oow.oo -------wm _¢e mm“ oo¢._ aem mg» ¢m¢ qwm wc¢ o¢on_ -------=z m.o_ _.oF mm.¢ w.- a.mm Fm.a m.¢~ F.mN cop -------Lu m¢._ m_._ wm._ 5N._ Nam. mm_. ¢¢m. me. «NF. -------mF Rm.m mm.o om.¢ m~.m o~.m «N.m «m.e PN.q co.~ -------$I wm_ mmN mom qu NON ¢m_ Fm, aNF N.Pm -------LN m¢.o m.N_ m.NF mm.a w.m_ wo.~ m.mF F.mF m.m~ -------um mcé «QM 84‘ mm.~ MTN In: an: O¢._. Ii IIIIIIII: o.~p N.mF m.Np hm.© F.¢_ m¢.F Kw.m No.m mN.F -------;k omm._ omo._ wwm m_n coo._ ¢¢~ _~o 0mm mm_ -------mm “a NF.~ mF.~ om.F N¢.N ¢m.m o¢._ mN.N Nw.F o_._ -------mu m N._ mm_ F_H w.mN ~__ w.mF m.MN F.mm --- -------nm mu oom.mm ooo.¢m coo.mm ooo.o~ oo~“N~ omm.m ooN.mF oo¢.¢_ .oqm.¢ ........x ml oom.m~ oom.o~ co“.Fm oom.¢~ ooenNN ooF.om 00¢.NN oow.m~ oom.- -------mz Non. mme. owe. oFm. mam. mFF. mom. Rum. mam. -------=4 mN.F mm.~ mm.N “5., mo.~ ¢o5. N¢._ ¢~._ om.~ -------n> --- cam. wow. --- mow. --- mam. Pew. ¢mm. -------sh eo.~ om.m mm.m _¢.m mm.m ~_._ mm.~ om.m mm.m -------»o Nam. No¢. “mm. me. mNn. 9mm. ¢Nm. mFm. wa. -------nh Fo._ N_._ OF._ Nm._ _~._ mww. wwm. o¢._ mam. -------=m mfi.¢ mm.¢ me.m NF.o wm.m mm.N mfi.¢ «o.m _m.m -------Em “.mw m._¢ m._N ~._~ o.e~ m.F_ m.m_ m.¢_ _m.w -------uz m.~o ¢.wm m.mm m.mm m.wm o.- “.mv _.om N.cP -------mu F.Nm m.mm N.om ~.om o.Fm m.P_ ¢._N w.m~ ¢m.e -------w4 N-ou ~-am mg _-ma m-az F-Hm F->z F-4m F-40 muwgowuo~coa Nugmzo mxuog wwopwccgm sovgummmpoowmmrm ucoswrm mcow—Fwe Log magma cw mgrzmmm 2.5 .2232 Hr .: an $92.23 20.5358 cease: 529:3..me E 3:2..me .850 :m 39:3sz .2 .x \3 £552: 8:83:03: augnx B umEEwumu .—2 EB .> £3 :Ewgsg nggmeafibu u§$§w SEE 38:3.3 ESSEwwwsams \o mwmfisgv NS§§§M~IN 2&5. VARIATIONS AND ABUNDANCES OF ELEMENTS, SIERRA NEVADA BATHOLITH, CALIFORNIA 18 m e m m ; w : ----.;z 8 8 R --- 8 8 a. --------> N; m : 5; NS 88 8; o a 5:55 8;. mm. :8. N8. 3;. 8;. N8. ------n_m 8m. 8. 8m. 8:. 86 85 N: ----8 80.8 80.8 83 E: 83: 83: 08.: -----£ m3 8; 8m 3: m8 3m 2m .-----.=2 2.8 --- --- 88 -- 8.9 8.8 -----5 m ;; 8; 8; 8m. 8; <8. 8; -----£ $.N 5; mm; 8; 8.“ S; 85 ------§ 8.: N2 mm; 2 E B; E; --..--.h 8; mg wwm 8; S; 86 2; ---..-.8 a; 2.8 3.0 8.8 :3 86 o; ------= 3.8 «.2 «.8 3m 0.: 8.8 E; -----E 3; :8 wow 8 :; 8m; 85 E ------...m 8; 8.~ as a; 8.; Rd 88 ----8 o: 8; 8; NS 8; a; 9: ------£ 8:8 885 88.8 88.8 08.8 82m 8an ------v_ 8;. 8 88. 8 8m. R 88.8 08. 8 8 ;. a 88.8 .55; 88. 28. N8. 08. E. SN. :8. -----3 2; 8.~ s; 25 8; 8; 8; -----£ 8;. -- SN. mm. 88. 8;. E. ------E 3; R; 8..“ s; 8; 8; :.N 3:58 E. 2m. 8;. 8. ; 8m. 88. am. ------£ 8. 8m. 5. N8. 8;. 88. :m. -----a B; :.N :3 -- fa 2; mm; --..---5 m;~ E; 8.: 8.8 0.: 0.8 28 -----§ 0.8 8.: 2m 8.3 3m 2m 58 ----8 8.8 Em gm t8 «.8 98 8.8 ----3 N-oz 8-x 8;: NZ: 7;. m-E YE 328.305.. up 295 22.5 E coscscoolgxgsg ngfifimoageu aEScfi 33% 38.2888. 88.388835»; \o $3358 Ng§§w§l& wide 19 TABLES / mm m N m : NF -: 2 2 E : :5 e mm 2 mm SN 8 -: 3m NS mg 0: -:> :- 3m m8 0? 8m 8m -: o8 mmm 8m ONN :Lm $5 5 5 88. N E. 85 No; SN. 35 com. :.. NS. :nm 8N -: mm; 8a EN v.2 a; o.N_ W: W: 3: :8 08.: 853 852 08.2 BEN 85 a 08.8 oownNm 806m 8m.Nm 859 :fi Rm 8m m _N o S e S. :5 E m3 m2 m8 NNw :cz EN EN EN m.N_ SN :2 92 3a m.N_ Q: 9: :6 0%. :; 8N. :5 NN5 N3. 0;. S; «N; No; 8m. :3 $6 $6 EN 85 m5m N5m 3a m5m Bé Noé MN.m :E NNF 2: o. a :N z: o _N NE 2: :N a: NNN -LN 26 86 a; Nma m5m N.S 84w 3: 5NF 3d 5S :8 NYm Nm.m NNN. 52 85 EN oNé o: a: 84‘ m: -:= $.m 52 86 98 .3: N.mN mg: 3: SN 93 58 i: m: 8m 2a SN NB N 5 E : 02 go 2a mm :3 m5N m5... 8; ad 86 a; mm.m NN; Sun. 8; $6 :3 5: of 53 m2 2: N2 2: 93 m2 ON. NS :9. 08,2 08. NN o8. m. 08. 8 RN .NN 8m .NN oomJN 08 N 8°.mN 08.8 08. E :-V_ 8m.aN 858 go. 5 SN. 5 08. N 08.x 85$ 85% SQNN 08.3 8m.mN :mz 980. 8 5 $8. :- S 5 5. a _N . 8m . Sm . SN. N a. :3 8m. m8. m2. mNm. mg. 8; ON; 2N NmN cm; E; i; 8 5 N FN . m8. 8 5 -: -: :- -: EN . NmN. $N . :E No; -: :- wNN No; $.m CNN 8N 3a SN 05m :3 SN . -: mam. 3m. 8m. 8N . mmm . m S» m: . m E . mom. -1: B5 NE. 8m. 5. 3m. Em. a; m: 8; NNN. N: :3 8a SN aim SN 85 84V Bé mm.m 36 NM: 5: 1% N.m_ -: 52 f: oaN ¢.mN N.mN EN 5% o.wN 98 :2 5mm mam 3% mi mg; 3; mi 58 mg 0.8 mi :8 N.ON 3: N.: 98 EN 0.8 5% mam 55 _.Nm 0.8 :3 8-8 NEW 78 To: N708 8-8m . N-E 7% 2% E: 2.08 mp {33:55 295 E cwscsgolxozsig NSS.:.36&53 @339? $3; Eotxgu Nficsxwmfiaus \o 333:: Ngxw§w>fll .N 2an VARIATIONS AND ABUNDANCES OF ELEMENTS, SIERRA NEVADA BATHOLITH, CALIFORNIA 20 Rm. 888. $8. 88. 2:. 98. m:. ............,,.m 88. 88. 8—. m:. 88. $8. 3:. ------------8 8m 2: 5 NS m8 5; 82 ------------£ 3: 58 Ni 8.2 S; :8 5.: ............=_,._ 3m. wmm. N8. SN. 8%. 8:. ma. ............5 $8. --- 88. $8. 38. --- 88. ------------£ 38. EN. 88. :8. 88. £8. NNN. .:.........E 38. $8. $8. 88. $8. $8. $8. ............8 3; SN. 8m. 8“. EN. 5. m8. -------------= 88. 8F. Sm. 9:. m3. :a. E. ------------E 8:.“ 88.8 88:8 88.8 82m owmé 88.8 5-5-3-3 8:. 88 88.8 m: 88 8,: :4 ------------8 88 N8 N3 :8 8mm N88 88 ............§ 88.8: 88.82 88.x: 88.2: 88.8: 8on 88.8: ------ -----J_ 88.2 8: 88.2 88.2 88.8 88;: 8.; ------------£ --- :8. --- £8. --- 88. .1 ------------3 38. --- 28. 8:8. 88. 88. . :8. ------------£ 88. 88. mm 8. 88. --- $8. 88. ------------£ 3m. 8:. _ 8:. 88. 88. m2. 8;. ------------5 of. 88. 88. $8. $8. 888. 8,. ------------sm --- --- --- -- --- --- m; ------------E,_ 38 N E :1 88 8; mo; 88 ------------3 $8 8; 5; 38 NM; 9.: 8: ------------5 $4: 3.3 TE 7% 2-4m To: To: 2958 flcoZZE L3 313 E 3:53. .mpmrmcm .933; A. .m vcw “in “Em—:2 .H .7: {$938wa $53.33 \o 3.33:8 “3.33.886 :9;§Zl.m 833. TABLES 21 Table 4.—Neut1'on activation analyses of plagioclase and plagioclase+quartz concentrates [Ana1yzed by H. T. M111ard, Jr., and R. J. Knight. Resu1ts in parts per mi11ion] E1ement P1agioc1ase P1agioc1ase and quartz CL-1 MG-1 SL-18 BP—1 La ............... 4.60 3.84 3.03 6.19 Ce ............... 5.65 3.60 3.73 6.01 Nd ............... 2.04 1.22 1.44 1.79 Sm ............... .224 .118 .141 .156 Eu ............... .611 .157 .291 .243 Tb ............... .0191 .0163 .0171 .0223 Yb ............... .0416 .0310 .0488 .0478 Lu --------------- .0042 --- —-- .0133 Na ............... 38,700 25,400 24,400 32,400 K ................ 2,740 2,630 1,670 3,060 Rb ............... 2.36 9.39 7.43 10.6 cs ............... .0882 .495 2.62 .266 Ba ............... 193 99.8 87.9 174 Th ............... .136 .337 .704 1.28 U ................ .0908 .444 .662 .437 5c ............... .115 .0623 .0492 .182 Hf ............... .0261 .0840 .193 .0810 Ta ............... --- —-- .0079 .0157 Cr ............... .414 .278 .362 --- Mn _______________ 23.0 9.66 6.89 21.8 Fe ............... 1 ,960 516 561 827 C0 ............... .883 .121 .111 .295 Sb ............... .0950 .141 .252 .0773 ’22 VARIATIONS AND ABUNDANCES 0F ELEMENTS, SIERRA NEVADA BATHOLITH, CALIFORNIA Table 5.—Neutron activation analyses of biotite EH. T. M1'11ard, Jr., and R. J. Knight, ana1ysts. Resu1ts in parts per mi111'on] E1 ement MG-3 KR NV—1 MG-1 SL-18 BP-1 La ---------- 2.10 6.36 2.34 4.59 3.91 6.23 Ce ---------- 3.64 10.9 3.97 6.24 6.34 6.34 Nd ---------- 1.86 5.45 --— 3.73 3.30 3.55 Sm ---------- .326 1.03 .408 .510 .714 .503 Eu ---------- 1 .32 .202 .050 .160 .206 .194 Yb .......... -—— .469 .233 —-— -—- .230 Lu ---------- .0300 .0870 .0279 .0448 0677 .0386 Na ---------- 681 894 604 939 822 957 K ........... 69,600 104,000 74,200 72,000 78,400 75,200 Rb ---------- 639 567 498 744 768 792 Cs ---------- 28.0 10.1 18.3 37.0 59.8 28.6 Ba ---------- 930 413 1 ,330 672 897 526 Th ---------- .671 5.59 1.29 1.04 2.44 1.46 U ---------- 1.09 1.31 .221 1.74 2.32 .550 Sc ---------- 7.91 25.9 14.1 11.9 11.8 14.3 Hf ---------- .0818 .521 .220 .229 .437 .293 Ta ---------- .607 .291 1.91 .213 .534 .0921 Cr ---------- 95.0 17.2 125 59.8 57.8 32.0 Mn ---------- 2320 6780 2,260 3,190 2,450 3,220 1 Fe ---------- 136,000 125,000 154,000 134,000 149,000 122,000 Co ---------- 88.0 69.9 64.6 87.2 68.1 81.7 Sb ---------- .209 .350 .157 .508 .722 .299 BCa-ZO MT—1 SL-32 ST-1 FD-20 HL-29 La ---------- 2.43 4.01 6.61 .736 .503 2.32 Ce ---------- 4.05 4.90 4.29 --- --- 3.85 Nd ---------- --- -—- --- -—- -—- --— 5m __________ .222 .625 .171 .178 .173 .239 Eu __________ --- .222 .0936 .0690 .0594 .174 Yb ---------- —-- -—- --- --- —-- -—— Lu ---------- .0376 .0752 .0571 .0549 .0380 .0985 Na ---------- 663 747 609 809 51 2 533 K ........... 74,700 98,400 81,000 74,700 80,500 82,000 Rb ---------- 869 1 ,210 845 302 609 1 ,740 Cs ---------- 80.6 77.9 60.6 23.6 30.1 157 Ba ---------- 902 279 549 2,790 1 ,800 1 ,330 Th ---------- 1.10 1.77 3.96 .109 .287 1.79 u ___________ .543 1.06 1.77 .343 .327 3.72 Sc ---------- 11.4 8.67 15.1 15.9 32.0 70.1 Hf ---------- .190 .592 .265 3.68 .364 .395 Ta ---------- .293 .311 .507 2.52 7.94 27.0 Cr ---------- 52.3 11.7 79.4 31.1 22.5 9.23 Mn ---------- 2,820 8,130 3,440 1,280 3,360 9,190 Fe ---------- 136 ,000 121,000 156,000 160,000 159,000 178,000 Co ---------- 76.8 45.0 63.1 36.6 37.3 26.6 Sb ---------- .313 .140 .237 --- -—- .455 23 TABLES mom. mam. mo¢. a_._ o¢m. om¢. om“. mam. ---------nm _.Nm ~.m¢ u.mw m.o¢ N.m¢ N.o¢ 5.0m w.no ---------ou ooo.wm_ ooo.mup oco.fiop coo.mmp ooo.m__ coo.fimp ooo.om_ coo.mFF ---------om oo~.m op_.m oa~.¢ o¢~.m om_.m ooN.m omm.m omm._ .........=2 5.?“ m.~¢ F.m~ o.mm ¢.¢e com N.mm mom ---------Lo NM.F mo.F _N~. m~._ mam. Fme. mm.P mam. ---------mp Nm.m om.~ mN.F om.m mm.N Fo.m mm.” mm.m ---------$: m.oo opp m.fim “or ¢.ww Nm_ o.¢m $.0o ---------uw mm.p Nun. _o._ m¢._ --- --- mmm. «mm. ----------= mm.¢ #N.F mm.F ao.~ N.._ mm._ me._ o“._ ---------;H --- --- m_F mmm ¢op pow _¢_ ewF ---------mm fim¢. 9mm. N_m. _o~. omm. mfim. mow. NFN. ---------mu --- --- ¢.m¢ --- m.mm --- --- --- ---------nm om¢.o 0mm.m owfi.m --- o¢u.¢ o¢N.m omo.w oo_.w ----------¥ 0mm.m o¢hfiw oom.m op~,fi owo.m cum.o opm“w omm.m ---------mz mo._ mu.“ «NW. mw._ m¢._ mm.m om.F mn.~ ---------=4 mm.h w.N_ m“.~ mw.m om.“ _.m_ ¢.o_ om.m ---------n> a~._ no.F --- Nm._ MN.F Rm.N mm._ om.~ ---------EH --- --- --- ¢.mF --- --- --- --- ---------»o Rm.p Rm.~ mo._ w¢.m N~.F ~¢.m Pm.P o“.F ---------np m.mp c.0N om.m m.m~ m.¢P ¢.om o.wF a.o_ ---------vu om.F _m.N No.p mm.~ ¢¢.N No.m ¢m.~ ¢m.~ ---------=m N.m, m.NN op.m ~.o~ m.o_ a.- ~.m_ e.op ---------Em P._m m.¢w ¢.N~ «.05 w.5o N.m~ N.me m.Nm ---------u2 m.oo o__ N.o¢ N.¢¢ ¢.Nm o.wo o.Pm m.wm ---------ou m.~F _.mm m.o~ o.m~ x¢.mN _.mp m.¢~ m.NF ---------m4 mm-4m om-mum F-¢m m_-4m F-az F->z m-oz F-40 pcmsm_m T8225 L3 3&8 E 3253* .mpmbmcc .235. .n. .m 28 3.3 6.35:; .._. .5 m8§3§§§ 333:3 :EEEES §é§>~l.o 2an VARIATIONS AND ABUNDANCES 0F ELEMENTS, SIERRA NEVADA BATHOLITH, CALIFORNIA 24 mFF. mmm. mmm. who. unnunluunuunm «.5? N.0¢ N.m¢ m.mm -uunu'-uun-oo 086mm ooo.m~m 806mm 086?. -----------mn_ 25: mm“ owe; 5 .........:=2 NF— mam #Nm ¢om -unnuuuiunuso me. womo. mom. mgr. -u-----uu:uwk mm.m NN.N om.m mom. -nnnuuuunuu$: 55.? no._ mN.F mm.~ nun-unnunuuum woe. #0.? ¢_.~ mom. ............3 mg: mmé R.N $6 -------l--£. F._m ¢.om m.mw «.mn null-unnuuucz «mm. o:. RF. m2. ...........=._ Fo._. Fm“. III mum. IIIIIIIIIIIn; --- --- --- ¢m.F -----------zc chm. com. mmF. ome. 1----unuunuzm FP.F mm¢. m¢m. mm._ -=---------em 2.2m .vm.N QTN ow.m IIIIIIIIIIIUZ m.¢~ m.oP mm.n o.mF unnuununuuumu N.Pr o.Fp ow.o mv.m IIIIIIIIIIIwA NIH: Flam Fuwz muwz pcmeFm flcowppra Log mpgoa cw mp—zmom .mpmxymcm .psmwcx .q .m Us“ UL~FFVZ .H .2; 3E§ud§ \o mmmEdSu “8339.893 _:E§m>~ls wEmE GPO 587-041 at Mount St. HelenS he irst 100 Days ‘ Volcanic Eruptions of 1980 at Mount St. Helens The First 100 Days «- #51 U3 {BEEP-OS; afisx i“ ,1 we ‘ ;‘ i: “.1011 JELLY ”‘L d 336.": Photographs of Mount St. Helens after (top) and before (bottom) the May 18, 1980, eruption, taken from exactly the same spot at Coldwater II observation station, 5.7 miles north-northwest of the peak. Haze in the top view is mostly airborne volcanic ash, which is present near the volcano during all but the calmest (or rainy) days. These photographs were taken by Harry Glicken on May 17 and September 10, 1980. Volcanic Eruptions of 1980 at Mount St. Helens The First 100 Days By BRUCE L. FOXWORTHY and MARY HILL GEOLOGICAL SURVEY PROFESSIONAL PAPER 1249 UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE, WASHINGTON21982 UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR JAMES C. WATT, Secretary GEOLOGICAL SURVEY Dallas L. Peck, Director Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data Foxworthy, B. L. (Bruce LaVerne), 1925- Volcanic eruptions of 1980 at Mount St. Helens. (Geological Survey professional paper ; 1249) Bibliography: p. Supt. of Docs. no.: I 19.161249 1. Saint Helens, Mount (Wash.)—Eruption, 1980. I. Hill, Mary, 1923— . 11. Title. 111. Series. QE523.SZ3F69 1982 551.2 '1 '0979784 82—60023] For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, US. Government Printing Office Washington, DC. 20402 IN DEDICATION DAVID A. JOHNSTON DECEMBER 1949—MAY 1980 Volcanologist David A. Johnston writing field notes at Coldwater II observation station May 17, 1980, the evening before he was killed by the lateral blast of the Mount St. Helens eruption. Earlier in the day, Johnston had. collected volcanic gas samples from a fumarole high on the unstable northern side of the volcano (see fig. 20.). This photograph was taken by Harry Glicken, who was relieved of his observer duties at Coldwater II by Johnston and who brought this film out of the area the night before the fatal erup- tion. Among those who lost their lives in the May 18, 1980, eruption of Mount St. Helens was an exceptional colleague, volcanologist David Johnston. David was special not only because he was the first member of the US. Geological Survey to die in a volcanic eruption but also because of his capabilities and his dedica- tion to his science. He knew well the personal risks involved in studying active volcanoes. Yet, his belief in the need to better understand volcano behavior led him to vigorous service in the “front lines” at Mount St. Helens. Through it all, he displayed a rare combination of inventiveness and originality in his scientific observations and in- terpretations. On the morning of May 18, David was alone at the Coldwater II observation station, 5.7 miles from the mountain’s summit, measuring the volcano's bulging northern side. He was among the first to see the beginning of the eruption and tried to send a warning to the control center. ”Vancouver, Vancouver, this is itl,” he shouted into his radio. Then, as the black, billowing front of the lateral blast raced toward him, he tried a sec- ond message, which was garbled by atmospheric disturbance from the eruption. Then—nothing. The lateral blast obliterated Coldwater II observation station. Ironically, the loca- tion was (and is again) considered to be much safer than some of the sites on the moun- tain itself that David and his colleagues visited regularly. We dedicate this report to David Johnston, an untimely loss to his science as well as to his friends. PREFACE This report is unusual for the U.S. Geological Survey's Professional Paper series. Not only does it attempt to describe volcanic events that are un- precedented in United States history, it also tries to describe those events in ways that the nontechnical reader will understand and in a context of human concerns to which he can relate. This account will serve as a backdrop for more technically written scientific reports on the volcanic activity at Mount St. Helens and the geologic and hydrologic effects of its eruptions. Because this report is intended for a broad audience consisting mainly of nonscientists, we have avoided tech- nical language wherever it was possi- ble. Discussions of the volcanic proc- esses and related hazards, however, touch upon many scientific specialties and involve some terms and concepts for which nontechnical counterparts simply do not exist. Some of these technical terms are explained when they are used in the main body of the report, and some are defined in a glossary at the back of the report (p. 121 ). A term that is explained in the glossary appears in bold italicized type the first time that it is used in the text. Similarly, we have used mostly Eng- lish units of measurement (inches, feet, miles, and so forth) rather than metric units for presenting quantitative information. Exceptions include alti- tudes and contour intervals (given in meters) on one of the general maps (fig. 7) and ash thicknesses (given in milli- meters) on the ash-distribution maps (figs. 35, 43, and 48). Temperatures are given in both Fahrenheit and Celsius units. A table for converting other units to the metric system is provided at the back of the report (p.125). Although the words in this report are largely ours, most of the informa- tion comes from the work of many others. These information sources range from scientific publications prepared years before the 1980 erup- tions to oral accounts, news releases, and data obtained after the major erup- tions. It is impossible to present ap- propriate and balanced credits for all information and materials used; gener- ally we have cited only the more readi- ly indentifiable sources, such as photographers (in photographic cred- its) and published reports (listed in the reference section). Among the sources that can be iden- tified are the daily, summary, and hazard reports prepared by the leaders of the U.S. Geological Survey’s Mount St. Helens task force—Robert L. Chris- tiansen, Dwight R. Crandell, Robert W. Decker, Donal R. Mullineaux, and Donald W. Petersen—and by the leader of the University of Washington seismology center, Stephen D. Malone. We also have borrowed freely from U.S. Geological Survey press releases prepared by Donovan Kelly, Edna C. King, and Donald R. Finley. With per- mission, we have quoted the eye- witness account provided by Keith L. Stoffel, first published in Information Circular 71 of the Washington Depart- ment of Natural Resources, Division of Geology and Earth Resources (Korosec and others, 1980). Many other eye- witness accounts and observations by both scientists and nonscientists are quoted or paraphrased. Christiansen provided us with a typescript copy of a paper published in Nature (June 19, 1980) (Christiansen, 1980). We made extensive use of it and of monthly reports prepared by many scientists on the U.S. Geological Survey—University of Washington team. We also have quoted from Potential Hazards from Future Erup- tions of Mount St. Helens Volcano, Washington, published as U.S. Geological Survey Bulletin 1383—C (Crandell and Mullineaux, 1978). The ”Glossary of Volcanic and Related Terms" (p. 121) is derived largely from a glossary prepared by Roy A. Bailey. Although most of the technical in- formation for this report was provided by colleagues in the U.S. Geological Survey, other individuals and agencies also provided valuable information. Malone furnished summary data on seismic events recorded by the Univer- sity of Washington Geophysics Pro- gram. We used information selectively from bulletins prepared by the Mount St. Helens Technical Information Net- work; other information was taken from daily reports and news releases of the U.S. Forest Service, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, and the Federal Emergency Management Agency. For the human side of the volcanic events, we relied on the news media and a few personal interviews. Photographs used to depict various events or features discussed in the text were selected, insofar as it was prac- tical, to reflect the first occurrence or discussion of the specific event or feature. Better illustrations of several subjects, however, are provided by photographs that were not strictly equivalent in time. Other illustrations are enhanced by paintings by US. Geological Survey hydrologist-artist Dee Molenaar. Technical reviews of part or all of this report were provided by Mul- lineaux, Peterson, Crandell, Molenaar, David G. Frank, David P. Dethier, Philip J. Carpenter, Edwin H. McGavock, John E. Cummans, Mark L. Holmes, and Jerry C. Stephens of the US. Geological Survey; Malone of the University of Washington Geo— physics Program; James L. Unter- wegner of the U.S. Forest Service; and geologists Vaughn E. Livingston, Jr., J. Eric Schuster, and Michael A. Korosec of the Washington Department of Nat- ural Resources, Division of Geology and Earth Resources. Individual credits for the many other scientists, graphics specialists, and reviewers who con- tributed to this report are impractical, but the helpful cooperation of all is most gratefully acknowledged. Finally, we wish to acknowledge the key role played by David A. Rickert, assistant to the Chief Hydrologist of the U.S. Geological Survey, who de- veloped the concept for this report and provided encouragement and many helpful suggestions during its prepara- tion. m yaw; ,(A’zc CONTENTS 1 ' Abstract 2 . Introduction 3 0 Cascade Range volcanoes 4 ' TABLE 1. Activity of major Cascade Range volcanoes 9 ' Mount St. Helens before 1980 13 ' TABLE 2. Summary of volcanic events and deposits formed at Mount St. Helens before 1980 14 0 Perception and warning of the hazards 16 0 Chronology of the first 100 days 16 ‘ 18 ' 20' 25' 30 ° 32' 37° 44' 66' 77° 92‘ 97' Unusual earthquakes begin Ash eruptions begin Mountaintop cracks and craters grow State of emergency Eruptive activity decreases Northern side bulges alarmingly Eruptive activity resumes Cataclysmic eruption Continuing threats and mounting toll Another explosive eruption and its aftermath Third explosive eruption Lava dome grows 105 ' At the end of the first 100 days 105 ° 114 ° Summary of conditions Continuing hazards 116 ' Outlook for the future 121 ' Geologic hazard responsibilities 121 ' Glossary of volcanic and related terms 123 0 More about Mount St. Helens and other volcanoes 125 ' Unit conversion Volcanic Eruptions of 1980 at Mount St. Helens The First 100 Days By BRUCE L. FOXWORTHY and MARY HILL ABSTRACT On May 18, 1980, after nearly 2 months of local earthquakes and steam eruptions, picturesque Mount St. Helens, a Cascade Range volcano in southwestern Washing- ton, suddenly began a major explosive eruption directed first northward and then upward. The lateral blast, which lasted only the first few minutes of a 9-hour con- tinuous eruption, devastated more than 150 square miles of forest and recreation area, killed countless animals, and left about 60 persons dead or missing. The 9-hour erup- tion, the huge debris avalanche that im- mediately preceded it, and intermittent eruptions during the following 3 days removed about 4 billion cubic yards (0.7 cubic mile) of new magmatic material and of the old upper and northern parts of the mountain, including about 170 million cubic yards (0.03 cubic mile) of glacial snow and ice. The eruption caused pyroclastic flows and many mudflows, the largest of which produced deposits so extensive and voluminous that they reached and blocked the shipping channel of the Columbia River about 70 river miles from the volcano. The May 18 eruption blew volcanic ash, con- sisting of pulverized old rock from the mountain’s core as well as solidified new lava, more than 15 miles into the air. Winds carried the ash generally eastward across the United States and, in trace amounts, around the world. The ash, which fell in troublesome amounts as far east as western Montana, severely disrupted travel, caused widespread economic loss, and resulted in other problems that persisted to the end of the first 100 days of the volcano's activity (June 27, 1980). During that time, two other major eruptions (May 25 and June 12) also produced troublesome ashfalls in western Oregon and Washington. Mount St. Helens had been labeled in a 1975 US. Geological Survey report as the Cascade volcano most likely to erupt. When frequent earthquakes began beneath the mountain on March 20, 1980, the po- tential for volcanic activity was recognized quickly by University of Washington seismologists and soon was accepted by most other knowledgeable scientists. Of- ficials of emergency-services agencies and other appropriate organizations at all governmental levels were alerted to the possibility of an imminent eruption. Scien- tists quickly stepped up the collection and interpretation of pertinent geologic, geophysical, hydrologic, and atmospheric data. As events progressed toward the cli- mactic eruption of May 18, scientists, law- enforcement officers, and other responsible officials teamed up in round-the-clock ef- forts to evaluate the increasing hazards and to protect tourists and local residents (often against their will) while also attempting to minimize panic and hardships among the citizenry. Officials of the State of Washing- ton and the US. Forest Service established restricted-entry zones around the volcano. Most people respected these restrictions, but the spectacular eruptions of steam and ash from the mountaintop were an irresisti— ble attraction to some, who entered the danger zone by way of logging roads too numerous to blockade. An information center established at Vancouver, Wash., coordinated the release of warnings and other information, including thousands of news releases and responses to telephone in- quiries, daily briefings by scientists, and ex- planatory meetings with officials and local citizens. From mid-April to May 17, eruptions and seismic activity diminished to such a degree that some residents and loggers were clamoring for entry into the restricted area near the volcano. (Limited entry was, in fact, granted on May 17 and scheduled also for the morning of the cataclysmic erup— tion.) The scientific data, however, showed that the mountain was bulging on its upper northern side and undergoing other omi- nous changes and, therefore, that the hazards were increasing rather than de— creasing. Although opposition to official restrictions was widespread before the May 18 eruption, the human responses to the far-reaching effects of that eruption includ- ed acts of exceptional heroism, and selfless cooperation was commonplace. The May 18 eruption differed from what was generally expected by the scientific team mainly in the character and destruc— tiveness of the lateral blast and the lack of prior seismic warning. With these notable exceptions, the scientists’ evaluation pro— vided an ample hazard warning and un- questionably saved hundreds of lives. That evaluation was based not only on the many-faceted project for monitoring rest- less Mount St. Helens but also on informa- tion obtained by earlier geologic investiga— tions of this volcano, of other Cascade volcanoes, and of other volcanoes throughout the world. Hazards that continued after the first 100 days of activity at Mount St. Helens in 1980 included possible ashfall and ash clouds, pyroclastic flows, lateral blasts, lava flows, floods, mudflows, and fires. The main flood hazard existed along the channels of the Toutle and lower Cowlitz Rivers, which were so choked with mudflow deposits from the May 18 eruption that normal wet- season runoff could have caused severe overbank flooding. Dredging undertaken on an emergency basis to open the channels probably will be continued in subsequent years. Abstract 1 The volcanic activity at Mount St. Helens during the 100-day period ending June 27, 1980, is not exceptional in recorded history or in the evolution of the Cascade Range. Mount St. Helens was only one of perhaps 50 volcanoes worldwide that were active during 1980, although its May 18 eruption was by far the most powerful dur- ing the year and, perhaps, during the last decade. At the end of the 100-day period, the mountain remained dangerous to those nearby, but the near-term likelihood of another eruption as destructive as that of May 18 was considered to be small. So far as is known, the 1980 eruptions of Mount St. Helens do not increase the probability that other Cascade Range volcanoes will erupt. The eruptions should, however, serve as a reminder that other Cascade volcanoes will erupt in the future as surely as they have in the past and that they are likely to produce effects that no amount of farsightedness or good intentions will be able to prevent. The outlook for the future of Mount St. Helens and the areas that it affected can be discerned only partially. Salvage of blown- down timber was begun in June 1980, but proposals have been made to incorporate part of the devastated forest area into a park. Tourists are expected to be attracted in great numbers. Future uses of land near the volcano probably will resume largely as they were—forestry, farming, recreation, and hydropower generation—but will de- pend ultimately on the behavior of the volcano. The volcano might go through a period of dome building (as it was on June INTRODUCTION On May 18, 1980, Mount St. Helens in southwestern Washington exploded in a volcanic eruption more violent than any in the conterminous United States during the 20th century. An im- mense avalanche from the volcano’s northern side was followed immediate- ly by an explosive eruption directed first northward and then upward. The sustained lateral blast spewed. hot gas and rock particles from the volcano at hurricane speeds, its devastation reaching nearly 16 miles outward from the volcano’s center. Nearer the moun- tain, massive deposits of rock and ice from the avalanche were followed by intensely hot pyroclastic flows and by countless mudflows. In a wide swath northward from the mountain, surviv- ors of the blast—plant, animal, or human—were rare. Some of the consequent, more dis- tant effects of the May 18 eruption, which were themselves considered to be major disasters, included smother- ing layers of volcanic ash that fell on much of Washington and parts of other States. Others were the extensive floods and mudflows that poured down stream courses leading from the mountain and left huge deposits of sediment that choked the channels of major rivers in southwestern Washing- ton—even a part of the mighty Colum- bia River. The eruption of May 18, 1980, so far has been the main event in a sequence of volcanic activity that began on March 20 of that year and persisted for 100 days (to June 27) and beyond. The eruptive events at Mount St. Helens during the spring of 1980 were prob- ably the most intensively observed, photographed, documented, and reported series of geologic events in history. The broad coverage of the events, particularly by the news media, resulted in many different accounts, from many different viewpoints, on many different aspects of the volcanic activity and its impacts. Unfortunate- ly, these accounts do not all agree or reflect the facts as they are now known. The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) has played a major role in the observa- tion, interpretation, and documen- tation of this sequence since it began. As the Federal agency responsible for geologic and hydrologic investigations and geologic hazard warnings (see p. 121), the USGS has an obligation to report to the Nation on these events. This paper is intended to provide a scientifically sound, general descrip- tion of the events and their effects—to 2 The First 100 Days of Mount St. Helens 27, 1980) interspersed with occasional ex- plosive eruptions; it might extrude enough lava to overflow the crater that was left open to the north; or the volcanic activity might simply stop indefinitely at any stage. In the meantime, the ash gradually will be assimilated into the soil. The streams and lakes that persist on the mountain Hanks and in the devastated area will adjust to the new conditions of runoff and sediment load. Glaciers and snowfields will adapt to the different shape and lower altitude of the cone. Animals and vegetation, already re- turning to the devastated areas at the end of June 1980, will become abundant again. The restorative phase of the cycle, repeated many times before at this volcano and others in the Cascades, has begun once more. supply answers for the general reader, from the perspective of earth scientists, to the questions, ”What happened?" and "What does it all mean?" Another major purpose of this re- port is to provide an accurate summary of the events before, during, and short- ly after the devastating eruption of May 18, 1980, and the two lesser erup- tions of May 25 and June 12. A chronological summary is preceded by a brief general discussion of Cascade Range volcanoes, the geologic proc- esses involved in a volcanic sequence, the conditions at and near Mount St. Helens before the volcanic activity began, and the perception of and warn- ing about the volcanic hazards. The chronology is followed by a short discussion of the continuing hazards, the outlook for future volcanic activi- ty, and some implications for the future use and management of affected land and water resources. CASCADE RANGE VOLCANOES Mount St. Helens is one of a group of high volcanic peaks that dominate the Cascade Range between northern California and southern British Colum- bia, Canada (fig 1.) The distribution of these volcanic peaks in a band that roughly parallels the coastline is typical of the so—called “Ring of Fire," a roughly circular array of volcanoes located on islands, peninsulas, and the margins of continents that rim the Pacific Ocean (Anderson, 1980). Even before it began erupting in 1980, Mount St. Helens and at least six other volcanoes in the Cascade Range were known to be active—that is, to have erupted at least once during his- torical time. Few major Cascade vol— canoes are known to have been inac- tive long enough to be considered extinct or incapable of further erup- tion. Most display some evidence of residual volcanic heat, such as fumaroles, hot springs, or hot ground where snow melt is unusually rapid. Information about the previous erup- tions of some major Cascade volcanoes is presented in table 1. Dramatic eruptive activity in the Cascades has been rare so far in the 20th century. Until the recent eruptions at Mount St. Helens, the only Cascade volcano that had a major eruption dur- ing this century was Lassen Peak in California. A series of intermittent eruptions of steam and volcanic ash beginning in May 1914 and lasting un- til 1921 climaxed, during the 4 days from May 19 to 22, 1915, in a series of violent events comprising small lava flows, massive lava-triggered mud- flows, and explosive eruptions of ash. The most destructive of these eruptions included a nearly horizontal (lateral) blast that reached only about one—fifth as far as the recent Mount St. Helens lateral blast (Day and Allen, 1925). From the time when Lassen Peak quieted until March 1980, the only other known increase in activity at a Cascade volcano occurred at Mount Baker (fig. 1), when a sudden increase in emanations of heat, steam, and other gases from a previously steaming old crater began on March 10, 1975. Although new fumaroles were formed and minor amounts of ”volcanic dust” and sulfur were emitted, "the greatest undesirable natural results” that were observed at Mount Baker were ”an in- crease in local atmospheric pollution and a decrease in the quality of some local water resources" (Bortleson and others, 1977, p. B1). Since 1976, however, even those effects have sub- sided to levels only slightly higher than those that prevailed before 1975. Eruptions of Cascade volcanoes tend to be much more explosive than those of, for example, the well-known Hawaiian volcanoes. This explosive tendency is related to the chemical composition of the magma that feeds o _ Olympia 0 Portland Salem 0 A MOUNT GARIBALDl Vancouver ___-_ A GLACIER PEAK "‘ 3’ Spokane Ogle O 2 l o Ritzville I _,0 Seattle ' ‘2: Tacoma "’ ' Moses Lake. LU AMOUNT RAINIER .Yakima I \ -,__A\ \ ° The Dalles J MOUNT HOOD '_ 2 Vancouver 0 I A MOUNT JEFFERSON ‘THREE SISTERS ' Bend Q A NEWBERRY VOLCANO < CRATER LAKE A(MOUNT MAZAMA) N09189_.~_j-‘\\ ' " fivm o ‘ A MOUNT McLOUGHLIN . Klamath Falls __________’—-4" I N AMOUNT SHASTA‘I O a?! Redding . A LASSEN PEAK VINHO 50 100 MILES l ‘0 50 100150KILOMETERS I I FIGURE 1.—Sketch map of the Pacific Northwest and the western Pacific Ocean showing major Cascade Range volcanoes and other regional features. The position and aline- ment of the Cascade Range volcanoes result from the slow grinding together (con- vergence) of huge plates of the Earth's crust as new volcanic rock is added at spreading zones beneath the ocean (after Atwater, 1970). Arrows indicate relative movement of the crustal plates. These processes are further illustrated in figure 2. 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Helens t 10 0 Days of Mount St 11’s The F 4 Cascade Range Volcanoes 6 The First 100 Days of Mount St. Helens 11 2 1 V 1 _"_” ”em/19A - _ * UNRED STATES % MOUNT BAKER ‘ GLACIER PEAK : 11111111271” 1 1111:1311 - , . 1111111 1 1”:ng 11 1 ‘ 11 W - if“ 31:11? ”@111 1' 111911111 1111 1W 1: :1 : . :1 1 1:11 111111: 1:13 31111111111: W - W 1 11 :1 11W 211 11111111: 1: 1 1 1 1:11:11, 1 W1 11111.1 :W 111 :1 11» :1 1 :31111WW11111E1W1 , : A MOUNT RAINIER 11:11:11 11111111 11 111 1 11:11; v WW111111211110 Yakima “ 11:: 1211 V :1 111111111: 1 W 21111 1: 11:11 13:11:: W 1 :111-1: 1- 1111 1 : 1 11 1:: 1: 1 MOUNT ST «11111113111251? mffiwfij M 1 ’ WW? :1 ‘ {:11 W1111111, 1: $129? 151- W, . _ _ . ”11111111: 41111:? 1:: 1 1:11» 11 WW 1 . HELENS L: _) . _ - - 1 111:1 111111111: W 1 u 1111 111111 , , :1 7111111 11: 1131111111111 > V W, ‘MOUNT ADAMS . ‘ T 1 T + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + m- , + + + + + +, + + + lull/II + North American plate 1:" ”M ‘1‘” II "I" I", " + + + + ‘4aI/n \/ // ‘1 Il\\~\* =¢W = "' ‘ “”“"~>’q.//7 4s||”\\‘,,”:“/,\«‘//¢Mfg/,_‘z, " “, /5\\//\\§~// , \ "I’ + + “;u‘u’1//"’¢:l, Ix,’I« W"\“’”\\’”;//’/==4 E/Intuc“‘ll - + + + ””‘41*’I/z"”:1|9,,\\u\\=“4MANTLE ’/;”:=”‘//‘£/I” ”f”-“"\\‘,“4“*\\ + + "(Ina/HM, ¢,/,’/ ,,// ||”’/“,\\*/, MIN/u” /§'=,“I/’f =“\‘ ‘=u“= n“ FIGURE 2.—The Juan de Fuca crustal plate is slowly thrusting under the North American plate and into the hotter mantle layer, as this greatly simplified diagram shows. This process results in the formation of magma and probably also causes the zones of weakness in the North American plate through which magma rises to feed Cascade volcanoes. As the Juan de Fuca plate moves northeastward (relative to the mainland) at a rate of perhaps 1 inch a year, new rock material is added by volcanic extrusion in the Juan de Fuca Ridge spreading zone. (Data from Atwater, 1970; Srivastava and others, 1971; Riddihough, 1978.) Cascade Range Volcanoes 7 GAMERA, K ‘ 3550mm FIGURE 3,—Typical warning signs of possible increase in volcanic activity and some ways in which they can be detected and monitored. In addition to the phenomena shown, slight variations in local gravity or ma of these clues tells for sure whether or when a volcano wi photographs, precise optical surveys, and laser-electronic distance measurements that span the period of inflation. D, Steam-driven (phreatic) eruptions of old rock and ash; monitored by visual observation, radar observation, photography and video recording, and by studies of the ejecta. the volcanoes and to the amount of gas contained in the magma. Magma from the more explosive volcanoes contains relatively large amounts of gas and silicon and produces rocks such as andesite, dacite, or rhyolite. Magma from‘the less explosive volcanoes con- tains smaller concentrations of gas and silicon and produces basalt as well as andesite. Some Cascade volcanoes, in- cluding Mount St. Helens, have had nonexplosive eruptions of andesite and basalt, as well as explosive eruptions, in the past. The existence, position, and recur- rent activity of the Cascade volcanoes are generally thought to be related to the convergence of shifting crustal plates (figs. 1 and 2). The Juan de Fuca plate and the Gorda plate are oceanic crustal plates that apparently are slowly but inexorably thrusting under 8 The First 100 Days of Mount St. Helens the North American plate at a rate of perhaps 1 inch a year along a con- vergent margin that generally parallels the northern Pacific coast. Although the deep structural relationships are complex and not thoroughly under- stood, the presence of magma bodies beneath the Cascade Range, as well as the zones of structural weakness along which the magma rises to form the Cascade volcanoes, probably is related to the convergence of these crustal pllates. The diagrammatic cross section (fig. 2) shows the relationship between the Juan de Fuca plate and the North American plate and the source of magma for Cascade volcanoes. Lava eruptions occur when magma, formed many miles beneath the Earth’s surface, moves upward through zones of weakness in the crustal rock layers and is ejected from surface vents. Till- ing (1977, p. 37) described the proc- esses leading up to a typical eruption: ” . . magma is fed from depths into a [magma] reservoir [analogous to air filling a balloon], the internal pressure increases, and the surface [rock] layers are pushed upward and outward in order to accommodate the swelling, or inflation. The net effects of such infla— tion include: the :steepening of slope of the volcano's surface; increase in horizontal and vertical distances be- tween points on the surface; and, in places, the fracturing of the [rock] Layers stretched beyond the breaking point. Such rupturing of materials ad— justing to magma-movement pressures results in earthquakes." The earth- quakes, inflation, and related phe- nomena can be monitored by several methods (fig. 3), and such monitoring provides the best available guidance about the state of volcanic activity and associated hazards. Although this con- cept of internal volcanic processes was developed through years of research on volcanoes in other parts of the world, the foregoing description is generally applicable to the sequence of the Mount St. Helens eruptions. FIGURE 4.—A, Aerial view of Mount St. Helens from the west in October 1977. The symmetry of the cone and its snow cover gave the volcano its nickname, the “Fuji of America,” because of its similari- ty in appearance to the famous Japanese volcano. Mount Adams is in the background. (Photograph by Dee Molenaar, USGS.) B, View of Mount St. Helens from Goat Marsh Lake, 5 miles southwest of the peak, in 1978. (Photograph by Dwight R. Crandell, USGS.) MOUNT ST. HELENS BEFORE 1980 Mount St. Helens was known as ”the Fuji of America” because its symmetri- cal beauty was similar to that of the famous Japanese volcano (fig. 4A). The graceful cone top, whose glisten- ing cap of perennial snow and ice dazzled the viewer, is now largely gone. On May 18, 1980, the missing mountaintop was transformed in a few hours into the extensive volcanic ash that blanketed much of the North- western United States and into various other deposits closer to the mountain. Even before its recent loss of height, Mount St. Helens was not one of the highest peaks in the Cascade Range. Its 122°15' 46°15’ _ r ological Survey 1:62.500 Mount St. Helens, 1958 —N 1? MILES _._1 N (A) J 4 KILOMETERS CONTOUR INTERVAL 80 FEET FIGURE 5.—Map of pre-1980 Mount St. Helens showing named features referred to in the text. The shaded area surrounding the peak indicates the approximate extent of timber in 1958, much of which had been logged by 1980. The dashed line encloses the part of the north-side slope that became the unstable bulge area. By 1980, Timberline Campground had been closed and replaced by a public view- point about a quarter of a mile to the east (see figs. 7 and 18). 10 The First 100 Days of Mount St. Helens summit altitude of 9,677 feet made it only the fifth highest peak in Washing- ton (table 1). It stood out handsomely, however, from surrounding hills be- cause it rose thousands of feet above them and had a perennial cover of ice and snow (fig. 4B). The peak rose more than 5,000 feet above its base, where the lower flanks merge with adjacent ridges. The mountain is about 6 miles across at the base, which is at an alti- tude of about 4,400 feet on the north- eastern side and about 4,000 feet else- where. At the preeruption timberline (upper limit of trees), the width of the cone was about 4 miles (fig. 5). Mount St. Helens is 34 miles almost due west of Mount Adams, which is in the eastern part of the Cascade Range (figs. 1 and 4A). These “sister and brother” volcanic mountains are each about 50 miles from Mount Rainier, the giant of Cascade volcanoes. Mount Hood, the nearest major volcanic peak in Oregon, is about 60 miles southeast of Mount St. Helens. Mount St. Helens was named for British diplomat Alleyne Fitzherbert (1753-1839), whose title was Baron St. Helens, The mountain was named by Commander George Vancouver and the officers of H.M.S. Discovery while they were surveying the northern Pacific coast from 1792 to 1794. Mount St. Helens was recognized as a volcano at least as early as 1835; the first geologist apparently viewed the volcano 6 years later. James Dwight Dana of Yale University, while sailing with the Charles Wilkes U.S. Exploring Expedition, saw the peak (then quies- cent) from off the mouth of the Colum- bia River in 1841. Another member of the expedition later described ”cellular basaltic lavas” at the mountain's base. Although Mount St. Helens is in Skamania County, the best access routes to the mountain run through Cowlitz County on the west. State Route 504 (fig. 6), which formerly ended at Timberline Viewpoint (fig. 7) .2.6 miles from the summit, connects with the heavily traveled Interstate Highway 5 about 34 miles to the west. 123° 122° Cow [(2 El , ,1 Silver Lake Castle Rock 46° Woodland OREGON ‘% ( 7 4;“ ’>\ H (6.. a?“ 5) l Base from U.S. Geological Survey State base map, 1:500,000 unedited advance print 1981 VANCOUVER WASHINGTON Bonneville Dam fl .Camas d ’ “NE “% COLUMBIA PORTLAND 0 5 10 MILES U 5 10 15 KILOMETERS FIGURE 6.——Sketch map showing selected streams, population centers, and other features in relation to Mount St. Helens. That major north-south highway skirts the low-lying cities of Castle Rock, Longview, and Kelso along the Cowlitz River (fig. 6) and passes through the Vancouver, Wash—Portland, Oreg., metropolitan area less than 50 miles to the southwest. The community nearest the volcano is Cougar, which is in the Lewis River valley about 11 miles south-southwest of the peak. Gifford Pinchot National Forest surrounds Mount St. Helens, but some land on the mountain and much of the area adjacent to the national forest are Washington State lands or are private- ly owned. Mount St. Helens Before 1980 11 N‘ 15%;? 46°15’ 33f ‘ ‘ ; I \‘ r7 m5 \ , \ x\_ / 8“" J 971‘; Base from U.S. Geological Survey 1:1oo,ooo Mt. St. Helens, Washington 0 1 2 l April 1980, Special Edition l 4 KILOMETERS CONTOUR INTERVAL 50 METERS FIGURE 7.—Map showing Mount St. Helens and vicinity before the 1980 eruptions. The heavy line indicates the area shown in figure 5. 12 The First 100 Days of Mount St. Helens Streams that head on the volcano enter three main river systems—the Toutle River on the north and north- west, the Kalama River on the west, and the Lewis River on the south and east (fig. 6). The streams are fed by abundant rain and snow that dump an average of about 140 inches of water on Mount St. Helens a year, according to National Weather Service data. The Lewis River is impounded by three dams for hydropower generation. The southern and eastern sides of the volcano drain into an upstream im- poundment, the Swift Reservoir, which is directly south of the volcano. The streams that drain the mountain also are somewhat regulated naturally by the mountain’s perennial snowfields and glaciers (blue-contoured white TABLE 2.—-.Summary of volcanic events and deposits form tions (after Cmmiell and Mullineaux, [Eruption dates in the 1800's generally agree with eyewitness accounts summarized by Harris areas on fig. 7; see names on fig. 5). Water is stored as snow and ice during the cool, wet periods and is released as melt water during warmer, drier pe- riods. Water-related recreation has been one of the major activities in the area. All three reservoirs on the Lewis River (fig. 6) have been used extensively for recreation, as was Spirit Lake (fig. 7) before 1980. Before the eruption, Spirit Lake was impounded in the North Fork Toutle River valley by a natural dam formed chiefly of deposits from one or more ancient mudflows (table 2). The principle resource of the region is timber, and many areas near the vol- cano had been logged recently and were still being logged at the beginning of the 1980 eruptive activity. Mount St. Helens, like most other Cascade volcanoes, is a great cone of rubble consisting of lava rock in- terlayered with pyroclastic and other deposits. Volcanic cones of this inter- nal structure are called composite cones or stratovolcanoes. Mount St. Helens includes layers of basalt and andesite through which several domes of dacite lava have erupted. The largest of the dacite domes formed the previous summit; another formed Goat Rocks on the northern flank. Figure 8 is a diagrammatic section through preeruption Mount St. Helens showing the inferred relationship of the former summit dome to the lava layers and the interbedded rubble. Information about previous eruptions is given in table 2. ed at Mount St. Helens during the period of about 3,000 years before’the 1980 amp- 1978; Hopson and Maison, 1980) _ (1980). All dates AD. unless indicated-Otherwise} ‘ 50 (i 100: years) _______________________ , Between about 700 and 100(7) B.C ________ _ Between 1200 and 700 B.C. ____-__.._--_- Date Event or type of deposit 1857 Last-reported eruptions before 1980; no resultant deposit has been recognized About 1847 to 1854 ____________________ Steam and ash; no recognizable deposits 1842 to 1844(7) ________________________ Dacite pumice (extending northeast of volcano); followed by dome of dacite (Goat Rocks), glowing avalanches, hot and cool mudflows, and andesite lava _ flows (north-northwestern and south-southwestern flanks). 1831 and 1835 _________________________ Steam and ash; no recognizable deposits About 1800 to 1802 ____________________ Dacite pumice Between 1600 and 1700 _________________ Voluminousflows of andesite lava from flank vents on all four sides of the mountain; pyroclastic flows on northern and southwestern sides; mudflows- * _ from summit‘area. About 1500 to 1600 ____________________ Thick, extensive dacite pumice; at least three pyroclastic flows down Kalama River valley; andesite lava flows; hot and cool mudflows, some reaching Spirit Lake; growth of Summit Dome (dacite), followed by glowing avalanches on south-eastern, southern, southwestern, and west-northwestern flanks. 800 (i200 years) ______________________ Strong flank explosion, laterally directed on the northeast, followed by the growth of a dacite dome (Sugar Bowl). 300 (i200 years) ______________________ Pyroclastic flows; extrusion of dacite dome (East Dome); lava flows Voluminous basalt lava flows on southern and southwestern sides Pyroclastic flows; lava flows; mudflows extending from southeastern and south- ern sides of mountain. , Sequence of extensive pyroclastic flows and mudflows, some reaching Spirit Lake and into North Fork Toutle River valley; several mudflows reached the present site of castle Rock; dacite dome formed. ' _ Mount St. Helens Before 1980 13 Summit dome SOUTH . “ \\\\\\\\ Imam ‘ “m““mmw mult\|\\\\\|\\\ “‘ a... ... “ v \u “ IuI|I\\\ mm \“uunh‘llll ‘ ‘ “mum“ 1|“2‘fll‘klm. . '..-u - 1 . ‘. \\‘\‘\\\“\/ NORTH Rocks dome m. EXPLANATION \ .qul'll IlulllWIlfll Lava rock I Pyroclastic and mudflow deposits Older rock FIGURE 8,—Mount St. Helens is a composite volcano, or stratovolcano, built of alternating layers of lava rock and pyroclastic debris. This cross section of the pre-1980 volcano shows the generalized relationships between the layers of the volcano’s cone, the lava dome (emplaced about 1600 A.D.) that formed the summit, and the north-flank dome called Goat Rocks, which formed during the 1840’s (table 2). For simplicity, the magma chamber as shown here is much shallower, in relation to the mountain’s height, than it actually is thought to be. PERCEPTION AND WARNING OF THE HAZARDS The death toll from the May 18 erup- tion undoubtedly was greatly lessened by the timely dissemination of reliable scientific information about the vol- cano and the hazards that it presented and by public and private use of that information in response to those hazards. The volcanic hazard informa- tion was derived from geologic studies of Mount St. Helens and other Cascade volcanoes and from monitoring the volcano visually and by various geophysical methods. This information was widely spread in written reports and news releases, briefings of public officials and news reporters, replies to thousands of individual telephone in- quiries, and the formal announcement of a “Hazards Watch" and subsequent updates by the USGS. Responsible of- ficials reacted to that information by taking steps that significantly reduced public exposure to the risks. These steps included restricting and eventual- ly prohibiting access to lands identified as being within zones of relatively high risk and lowering the water level in Swift Reservoir (fig. 6). Although historical accounts of eruptions during the 1800’s (table 2) suggested the possibility of renewed volcanic activity at Mount St. Helens, the foundation of scientific informa- tion that allowed‘ realistic evaluation of the hazards was laid over several dec- ades. Because the volcano has long been a favorite of climbers and natural- ists, the two areas of fumaroles and warm ground known before 1980 had been documented as early as 1939 in a report on the flora of the mountain (Lawrence, 1939). The first systematic 14 The First 100 Days of Mount St. Helens geologic investigation of Mount St. Helens, begun in the 1930’s, was a reconnaissance-type study by Ver- hoogan (1937). The report was con- cerned mainly with the character of the rocks that make up the volcanic cone and underlie adjacent areas. Two of Verhoogen's statements were especially pertinent to the recent activity of the volcano. According to Verhoogen (1937, p. 268), ”The activity of the volcano seems to have continued with- out interruption until very recent times. Many [lava] flows cannot be more than a few hundred years old, as evidenced by the vegetation." Further on, he said, “The writer has been told that, until a few years ago, climbers on Mount St. Helens could witness solfa- taric action [emission of sulfurous gases] and hot springs. Today [1937] the mountain is completely dormant." Later geologic studies verified the relative youthfulness of volcanic de- posits from Mount St. Helens, and geologists most familiar with the Cas- cade volcanoes gradually became aware of the unusual potential hazards posed by the volcano. The geologic record of past eruptions was sufficient- ly well documented by 1975 to enable USGS geologists Dwight Crandell and Donal Mullineaux and geochemist Meyer Rubin to warn, in an article in Science magazine, that . . an erup- tion [of Mount St. Helens] is likely within the next hundred years, possi- bly before the end of this century” (Crandell and others, 1975, p. 441). That judgment was verified in a more comprehensive assessment of the volcanic hazards of Mount St. Helens produced by the USGS in 1978 as part of a broad program for the systematic evaluation of volcanic hazards (see sec- tion on “Geologic Hazard Responsibil- ities”). The results of that assessment were published as USGS Bulletin 1383—C, Potential Hazards from Fu- ture Eruptions of Mount St. Helens Volcano, Washington (Crandell and Mullineaux, 1978). The report sum- marized the mountain's volcanic history since the year 2500 BC. and showed the extent of the deposits resulting from those events. On the basis of that reconstructed history, as well as prevailing land uses and developments near the volcano, Cran- dell and Mullineaux described the an- ticipated effects of future eruptions and included maps showing the hazard zones for various kinds of future erup— tion results (ashfalls, lava flows, pyroclastic flows, mudflows, and floods). The Crandell-Mullineaux re- port proved to be remarkably prophet- ic, differing from the actual eruptive ef- fects of May 18, 1980, mainly in not anticipating such an extensive and devastating lateral blast. Among the accurate forecasts made Crandell and Mullineaux (1978, p. C1) was . . we believe [Mount St. Helens] to be an especially dangerous volcano because of its past behavior and relatively high frequency of eruptions during the last 4,500 years." Another (Crandell and Mullineaux, 1978, p. C25) was “If [a typical eruptive] sequence is followed during future eruptions, the greatest potential danger will exist at or soon after the onset of volcanic activity.” Information about the flow and water quality of streams draining the volcano and other streams likely to be affected by eruptions was available from data collected over several dec- ades by the USGS in cooperation with other agencies and utilities. The stream data were collected primarily for water-resource assessment by the USGS and for water management by other cooperating agencies; the data also, however, provided important background information about preeruption stream conditions, in- cluding the flood—carrying capacity of the stream channels. Under the special responsibilities given to the USGS in the Disaster Relief Act of 1974 to warn of geologic hazards (p. 121 ), the Crandell and Mullineaux (1978) report and a letter discussing its hazard implications were disseminated as a ”Notice of Potential Hazard" in December 1978. The report and letter were sent to appropriate Federal and Washington State officials and selected county and local agencies in southwestern Washington. Also, USGS scientists explained the hazard implications of the report during a meeting with key Federal and State of- ficials in Olympia, Wash., on January 8, 1979. While the assessment of volcanic hazards was being prepared, the vol- cano was already being monitored to detect early signs of an impending eruption. No one knew what kinds of monitoring techniques would provide the most reliable warning, however, because knowledge about the behavior of Cascade volcanoes in general was limited and because Mount St. Helens had not been active recently. Universi- ty and USGS studies in the 1970's had monitored Mount St. Helens intermit- tently by means of three instrumental methods: (1) seismometers that could detect earthquakes caused by the movement of molten rock into a vol- cano, (2) precise ground-surface measurements that could detect swell- ing of the volcano, and (3) aerial in- frared surveys and surface-temperature measurements of two ”hot spots” high on the mountain to detect any changes in heat emission from the volcano (fig. 3). The volcano also was one of many glacier-clad mountains that were pho- tographed routinely from the air to detect changes in snow and ice as part of a USGS glaciology research project. At the beginning of March 1980, the only instrument directly monitoring Mount St. Helens was a seismometer on the western flank of the volcano, from which a record of seismic shaking was automatically transmitted by radio (telemetered) to seismic recorders at the University of Washington in Seattle. That seismometer was one of about 100 seismic instruments de- ployed in a network throughout western and central Washington by the university’s Geophysics Program in cooperation with the USGS. That seismometer was one of the first instruments to warn, by register- ing earthquakes on March 20 and thereafter, of impending eruptive ac- tivity. When increasing seismic activity suggested the possibility of an impend- ing eruption, University of Washing- ton and USGS scientists at Seattle notified other USGS volcano experts throughout the country and the USGS Hazards Information Coordinator in Reston, Va. Aerial observations were begun as soon as possible. Within a few days, additional geophysical in— struments were brought into use, in- cluding more seismometers, precision tiltmeters to measure slight changes in the slope of the volcano’s flanks, and gravity meters and magnetometers to detect changes in the character of the subsurface rocks. Photographic and heat-monitoring (thermal infrared) surveys from the air were resumed as weather permitted. After the first eruption on March 27, scientists and technicians intensified their monitoring activities and began sampling and analyzing volcanic gases, volcanic ash, and snow and melt water from and near the volcano. In the following few weeks, they began using laser distance-measuring instruments and other precise surveying equipment to detect small shifts of the volcano’s surface. They also expanded an ex- isting network of hydrologic measur- ing sites to monitor changes in stream- flow and water quality on streams draining Mount St. Helens and streams likely to be affected by volcanic ash. These additional stream-monitor sites were intended to help detect (1) any unusual changes in flow, such as sud- den increases in melt water that might result from rapid heating of the rocks under ice and snow, and (2) changes in water quality that might be caused by volcanic gases dissolving in the melt water or by materials leached from volcanic ash. As scientists and information specialists assembled, first in response to the forewarning earthquakes and then because of the early eruptive events, scientists already on the scene at the University of Washington and in Vancouver, Wash., provided Perception and Warning of the Hazards 15 most of the information that was available to local agency officials, the news media, and the general public. In Vancouver, initial information releases were coordinated by the US. Forest Service at its administrative head- quarters for the Gifford Pinchot Na- tional Forest, where an emergency op- erations center was set up to provide incoming scientists with work space, communications facilities, and other logistical support until such support could be arranged otherwise. This ac- tion greatly assisted the newly launched scientific effort and also was instrumental in providing anxious re- porters, officials, and the public with the necessary hazard warnings and authoritative information. The USGS also set up its own temporary head- quarters in Vancouver under the gen- eral guidance of Mullineaux, in close coordination with the Forest Service. Volcanic hazards analysis and inter- agency coordination were directed by Crandell, and volcanic monitoring and observational investigations were supervised by Robert L. Christiansen. In the meantime, USGS hydrolo- gists, glaciologists, and technicians operated their stepped-up program of water-related monitoring and data col- lection from their normal headquarters at Tacoma, Wash., and Portland, Oreg. Studies of Mount St. Helens glaciers were largely directed by Mark F. Meier in Tacoma. Stream surveil- lance and water-quality monitoring were supervised by Charles R. Collier in Tacoma and by Stanley F. Kapustka in Portland. After President Carter declared on May 21 that the State of Washington was a disaster area, the Federal Emer- gency Management Agency assumed responsibility for coordinating the release of information and hazard warnings at a temporary emergency- operations center in Vancouver. Inten- sive coverage of the volcanic events by the news media, as well as actions by State and local officials based on co- ordinated information released by scientists, provided most of the warn- ings and guidance for local residents. CHRONOLOGY OF THE FIRST 100 DAYS The following chronology begins with the first telltale earthquake on March 20 and ends during a dome- building phase on June 27. This inter- val gave rise to countless fascinating stories about the volcanic events and the human responses to those events. This chronology emphasizes the se- quence of geologic occurrences and processes as well as the hazard- warning aspects of that historic period, but it also describes other incidents that relate public and agency responses to the volcanic events. This chronology has been written as if it were an evening journal recounting the events of the day—a method tradi- tionally used by field scientists. Indeed, the major sources for the account that follows were the daily reports of field scientists 'and other observers who were on the scene as the Mount St. Helens story unfolded. By far, the most important event of this period was the devastating erup- tion of May 18, hereafter referred to as “E Day." For the convenience of the reader, all dates in the chronology are referred to that day. Unusual Earthquakes Begin Thursday, March 20, 1980 E Day Minus 59 Seismographs at the University of Washington in Seattle registered at 3:37 p.m. today the first sizable earth- quake to shake Mount St. Helens since recording devices were installed in 1972. The quake was distinctly felt near the volcano. It measured magnitude 4.1 on the Richter scale, was followed by many aftershocks, and originated at shallow depth from a point immediately northwest of the summit of Mount St. Helens. That quake and the others that followed were unlike any earthquake sequence ever recorded in the Northwest. 16 The First 100 Days of Mount St. Helens The initial quake differed from other such earthquakes in the Cascade Range because of its unusually shallow origin (how shallow is yet unknown) and its many aftershocks. A telephone call from the University of Washington seismology center notified the USGS regional office in Menlo Park, Calif., of the earthquake and the unusual per- sistence of its aftershocks. Only one telemetered seismic station (linked to university recorders by radio) is operating in the area, but the decision was made to install additional seismometers immediately. Coinciden- tally, four of the instruments already in shipment to Seattle arrived this even- mg. Friday, March 21 E Day Minus 58 Evidence of aftershocks persisted this morning in the record being trans- mitted by the Mount St. Helens seismic station, and telephone advisories be- tween the Forest Service, USCS, and the University of Washington were stepped up. Forest Service officials in Vancouver telephoned a report of yesterday's earthquake to personnel of the USGS Volcanic Hazards Project in Denver, Colo. Scientists at the Univer- sity of Washington seismology center contacted the Forest Service in Van- couver for assistance in locating addi- tional seismic stations (because of snowy conditions) and were told that . the earthquakes had caused large ava- lanches yesterday on Mount St. Helens. The seismology center staff also notified the USGS Menlo Park of- fice that yesterday’s main shock had a very shallow source, which was indica- ted by the reported avalanches, the character of the recorded shock waves, and the fact that the earthquake was so strongly felt nearby. Working together, USGS and Uni- versity of Washington scientists in- stalled four additional seismic stations near Mount St. Helens. Three of these stations (one each a few miles east, , north, and south of the volcano) are designed to begin recording as soon as they detect a shock and to continue op- erating unattended for 5 days unless they are reset. The other station, about 20 miles to the northeast, will automat- ically transmit electronic signals of earth movements to the seismology center in Seattle. Seismologists expect that the addi- tional instruments will help to define the geologic processes that caused the shocks. Those processes, they believe, involve fairly ordinary crustal move- ment along subsurface faults. Saturday, March 22 E Day Minus 57 A second earthquake greater than magnitude 4 occurred today, together with many smaller ones similar to those occurring on Thursday. Seismol- ogists decided that this event was not a single large quake with smaller after- shocks but an earthquake swarm con- sisting of many separate events. Scientists at the University of Wash- ington advised the Forest Service’s ava- lanche warning center in Seattle (as they advised the Vancouver office yester- day) that the possibility of continuing earthquake-triggered avalanches on Mount St. Helens was high. A field trip has been arranged for tomorrow to col- lect records from the 5-day recording instruments in the hope of determining a more precise location for today's major quake. Sunday, March 23 E Day Minus 56 Visits to the seismic stations near Mount St. Helens today were frustrat- ing. All three recording seismographs installed on Friday were not working properly, two because of bad batteries. Thus, no records are available from them to help pinpoint the source of yesterday’s large shock. Meanwhile, seismic data being re- ceived at Seattle show a sharp increase in earthquake activity. Five quakes greater than magnitude 3 were re- corded today, including (shortly after 8 p.m. tonight) the third one greater than magnitude 4. Seismologists in Seattle have decided that this earthquake se- quence may be a forerunner of volcan- ic activity, and they will alert Denver Volcanic Hazards Project personnel tomorrow morning. Monday, March 24 E Day Minus 55 Observers flying over the volcano today were unable to detect obvious signs of increased volcanic or new ther- mal activity, but they did note1 a number of snow avalanches triggered by the continuing earthquakes. Seismic activity continues to in— crease. Ten earthquakes greater than magnitude 3 were recorded from the Mount St. Helens area; 4 were greater than magnitude 4, and the strongest was magnitude 4.7. The University of Washington seismology center is now being staffed 24 hours a day. Seismologists added another seismic station to the USGS-University of Washington network monitoring the volcano, reinstalled one of the failed recorders, and made plans for future additions. They also advised USGS Volcanic Hazards Project personnel in Denver, as well as the USGS regional headquarters in Menlo Park, Calif., and the Forest Service Vancouver of- fice, that a ”tremendous increase in seismicity” has been observed and that the seismic records are indicating a volcanic earthquake sequence. The University of Washington and the Forest Service immediately began ask— ing the public to stay away from Mount St. Helens and Spirit Lake. The USGS Hazards Information Coordina- tor in Reston, Va., was advised that the earthquakes near Mount St. Helens were showing a ”classic preeruption pattern,” a behavior seen previously at Japanese volcanoes. David Johnston, a USGS volcanolo- gist from Menlo Park, Calif ., who was vacationing in the Seattle area, visited the seismology center and stayed on to help handle the rapidly accumulating seismic data. Tuesday, March 25 E Day Minus 54 Seismic activity increased greatly again today, when as many as 5 earth- quakes of magnitude 4 or greater were recorded in 1 hour (22 during one 8-hour period). At this rate, recorder traces of earthquakes even as large as magnitude 3.5 are buried in the con- tinuations of traces of previous quakes. This sharp increase in the number and magnitude of earthquakes has prompted USGS geologist Mullineaux to leave Denver for Forest Service headquarters for the Gifford Pinchot National Forest in Vancouver, where an interagency meeting about Mount St. Helens has been scheduled for tomorrow. Mullineaux will stay on to direct the USGS study of the volcano. The Forest Service announced that national forest areas on the mountain above the tree line (or timberline; fig 5) have been closed, along with the infor— mation center at Spirit Lake, and warned residents near the mountain of the danger of earthquake-induced ava- lanches. The closed area ranges from less than 2 miles to nearly 4 miles from the summit. The Skamania County Sheriff’s office closed the main high- way into the north-side area, State Route 504 (fig. 7), at a point even far- ther away—about 5 miles northwest of the peak. Many national forest roads also were closed. News reporters and photographers have flocked to the mountain. The Federal Aviation Administration has imposed special flight restrictions near the volcano because of the number of aircraft carrying scientists, reporters, and other observers for a close look. Bud Kimball, a commercial aerial photographer, reported to USGS scien- tists in Tacoma that he had photo- gaphed a large crack in the snow and ice across the top of Mount St. Helens. Chronology of the First 100 Days 17 Wednesday, March 26 E Day Minus 53 Extensive cloud cover hid the moun- tain from view all day. The University of Washington seis- mology center this evening registered the 100th quake of magnitude 3.5 or larger in the MOunt St. Helens area since March 20. Today, 7 earthquakes of magnitude 4.0 or greater oc- curred—many less than the 25 record- ed yesterday. Most of these quakes originated at relatively shallow depths of about 3 miles or less below the land surface. Additional recording equipment was installed at the seismology center to handle the saturation of seismic data from the telemetered stations. Data processing and attempts to locate earthquakes’ origins are now round- the-clock efforts. A meeting of Federal, State, and county emergency-services officials was held today in Vancouver. USGS scientists explained their interpreta- tions of the seismic events and poten- tial hazards. An emergency coordina- tion center was set up by the Forest Service at its Vancouver headquarters. In spite of the earthquakes and news reports, some residents do not believe that an eruption is possible. Said one, according to the Associated Press, ”It’s just . . . cooked up by the Federal forestry service for them environmen- talists to delay a big development of the Spirit Lake recreation area. That's my opinion." Ash Eruptions Begin Thursday, March 27 E Day Minus 52 USGS officials today issued a formal ”Hazards Watch" announcement to more than 300 State and Federal of- ficials, representatives of other agen- cies, and the local congressional dele- gation. At 11:20 a.m., an observer in an Army National Guard reconnaissance airplane reported seeing a hole in the icecap on the mountain near the sum- mit and a gray streak (presumably ash) extending southeast from the hole. No emissions from the hole were reported at that time. Then, at about 12:30 p.m., people near the volcano heard a loud boom. This boom probably marked the first sighted eruption, which took place during cloudy weather. Mike Beard, a reporter from a Portland radio station, was flying over the cloud-shrouded mountain and ap- parently was the first to report seeing the eruption. He is quoted as saying that he “ . . . saw ash and smoke spewing out, a little like smoke out of a chimney. It was not explosive. . . ." At 2:00 p.m., the University of Washington seismology center record- ed a magnitude 4.7 earthquake, the second strongest to date. The quake was one of 57 during the day to register magnitude 3.5 or greater. (Earthquakes have become so common in the Mount St. Helens area that a half dozen quakes greater than magnitude 4 are considered normal for a day.) After this magnitude 4.7 shock, the eruption, as described by airborne observers, was a thick black plume rising about 7,000 feet above the volcano. Observers flying over the mountain shortly afterward saw a crater about 200 to 250 feet wide near the summit (fig. 9). They also noted that the ice, snow, and rocks around the crater were deformed and that volcanic ash had darkened the snow in a band that extended across the crater and down the cone’s southeastern slope. Two crack systems trending east-west were seen extending across the peak. The southernmost crack is about 1 mile long; it turns north on both the eastern and western sides of the summit and reaches short distances down the northeastern and northwestern flanks of the mountain. Within hours of the initial eruption, hundreds of people were evacuated from logging camps, scattered homes, and public facilities in the area. Emergency-services officials advised residents within a 15-mile radius of the 18 The First 100 Days of Mount St. Helens mountain to leave. Forest Service employees and their families left the ranger station at the head of Swift Reservoir. About 300 loggers moved out of three Weyerhaeuser Company logging camps near the volcano, as did 20 people from the State fish hatchery on the North Fork Toutle River, about 30 miles downstream from the vol- cano. Skamania County Sheriff's depu- ties moved 45 people, mostly newsr‘nen and scientists, from the Spirit Lake area. Cowlitz County law-enforcement officers evacuated people farther downstream along the Toutle River. Deputies from both counties set up roadblocks on several main routes to keep out the curious. The Washington Department of Emergency Services distributed to residents of the town of Cougar information sheets suggesting that they “pack an overnight bag” and be ready to move quickly. One longtime resident, Harry Tru- man, proprietor of the Mount St. Helens Lodge at the southwestern end of Spirit Lake, refused to leave in spite of strong urging to do so. The evacuations were spurred by two major concerns. One is that the cracks across the summit resulted from a slumping of the ice field on the upper northern flank of the volcano, which may increase the danger of major ava- lanches. The other is that widespread flooding and mudflows might result if heat from the volcano melts the moun- tain’s mantle of snow and ice. By even- ing, however, USGS hydrologists reported that none of the streams that drain the volcano’s slopes was rising. More scientists have been arriving at the Vancouver coordination center to study phenomena such as earthquake activity, deformation of the volcano surface, composition of volcanic gas and ash, heat emissions, and changes in the quantity and quality of melt water (fig. 3). Friday, March 28 E Day Minus 51 Another explosive eruption began about 3:00 a.m. today and lasted near- $1,... . FIGURE 9.—On March 27, 1980, observers saw Mount St. Helens erupt for the first time in 123 years. The eruption, which was preceded by a loud “boom," left a single crater, 200 to 250 feet across, in the snow and ice that capped the volcano’s cone. The snow around the crater was coated with volcanic ash, a material that was to become all too familiar to many residents of the Northwest. The view here is from the north. (Photograph by Austin Post, USGS, March 27, 1980.) ly 2 hours. Although observations were hampered by bad weather and darkness, a cloud of ash and steam was seen by airborne observers to rise “more than a mile” above the volcano, and an ash cloud cascaded slowly down its eastern flank. By dusk, at least a dozen other erup- tions lasting from a few minutes to nearly an hour had occurred. Columns of steam and ash at times reached near- ly 10,000 feet above the volcano and drifted eastward. An eruption just before sunset threw out not only ash but also rocks that ranged in size from a few inches to: about 3 feet across. A short time later, volcanic ash was fall- ing in a wide swath east of the volcano. It was reported as far away as Trout Lake, about 35 miles to the southeast. Several mud-darkened avalanches of snow and ice moved down the eastern flank of the mountain; a few extended down to the 6,400-foot level. Because of their dark color, some observers mistook them for lava flows or mud- flows, an error that added to concerns about flood hazards in the valleys of streams draining the mountain. Earthquake activity remains about the same. Eight events of magnitude 4 or greater took place today; the strongest earthquake to date, which occurred shortly after midnight this morning, registered 4.9 in Seattle. Geophysicists report that the earth- quakes are centered beneath the vol- cano at a depth of less than 1 mile. Scientists from the University of Washington Cloud Physics Research Group flew over the volcano to collect samples of the emanating gases. They found that sulfur dioxide, which is associated with high temperatures, was the main sulfur gas present. This dis- covery was the first indication that a high-temperature source inside the mountain is releasing gas during erup- tions. The presence of sulfur dioxide in the gases is of special interest because its content is usually low in geothermal steam but relatively high in gases emanating from magma. Despite the bad weather and fre- quent eruptions, scientists in a helicopter flew to the 4,000-foot level of the volcano to collect ash samples for analysis to determine whether the volcanic ash was coming from new magma or from pulverized old rock. Chronology of the First 100 Days 19 University of Puget Sound scientists began making gravity measurements at sites near the volcano to detect any changes that might be related to intru- sion of magma. USGS water specialists began col- lecting water-quality data system- atically from sites around Mount St. Helens and in the direction of prevailing winds from the volcano. They also began installing additional water-quality monitors near the volcano. The Pacific Power and Light Com- pany has been releasing water from its Swift Reservoir to two reservoirs downstream; the water level in the Swift consequently was about 20 feet below capacity today. The objective was to create storage space to accom- modate rapid snowmelt runoff or mud- flows that might be caused by erup- tions. A USGS report (Crandell and Mullineaux, 1978) had pointed out that Swift Reservoir, the closest one to the volcano, was both a danger and a margin of safety—a danger if floods were to overtop it, a margin of safety if it could be used to hold back sudden floods or mudflows. Sightseers jammed possible evacua- tion routes with their vehicles and tried to evade roadblocks to get closer views of the volcano. Officials of the Wash- ington Department of Emergency Serv- ices have implored curiosity seekers to keep away from potential danger areas. Yesterday, volcanologist Johnston left his volunteer duties at the Universi- ty of Washington seismology center in Seattle for Vancouver to join the field studies at the volcano. In an interview today with reporters at Timberline Viewpoint, he likened the mountain to dynamite with a lit fuse; “ . . . but you don’t know how long the fuse is,” he said. Mountaintop Cracks and Craters Grow Saturday, March 29 E Day Minus 50 The weather cleared today, and air- borne observers noted a second, larger crater west of the first (fig. 10). Sporadic eruptions of steam and ash were now coming mainly from this new crater. Clouds of erupted ash and steam that swept slowly down the mountain (fig. 11) sometimes were accompanied by lightning flashes, some of them 2 miles long. Scientists speculated that the ground-hugging lightning bolts were caused by rock particles in the ash cloud rubbing togethér to produce elec- trostatic discharges, much as static electricity is sometimes generated by walking over a rug. The first USGS analyses of volcanic ash showed that the ash is composed of pulverized old rock propelled into the air by steam eruptions. There was no evidence of “juvenile” rock material (from the magma) that would indicate the presence of the magma at shallow depth in the volcano. The explosive eruptions to date are phreatic eruptions, attributed mainly to subsurface water coming into con- tact with very hot rocks that are being heated by the magma beneath. When the water reaches boiling temperature, it expands suddenly and violently into steam. Rapid expansion of other gases, such as carbon dioxide, also may con- tribute to these eruptions. Earthquakes recorded today in the Mount St. Helens area included 39 ranging in magnitude from 3.5 to 4.4, part of a total of 86 that exceeded magnitude 3. 20 The First 100 Days of Mount St. Helens Field crews installed the first tilt- meter station, which will help to measure the surface deformation of the volcano. A tiltmeter network is planned, in conjunction with the use of precise distance-measuring instru- ments, so that changes in the volcano's shape—particularly swelling that might indicate upward movement of the magma (fig. 3)—can be detected. USGS hydrologists continue to monitor the streams closely but have detected no unusual increases in streamflow. Stream-water quality also has remained stable, except at sam- pling sites on two streams southeast of Mount St. Helens, both about 40 miles from the mountain and in the path of ash from yesterday's eruptions. Water acidity, hydrologists have found, in- creased slightly at those sites; the pH, an index of acidity or alkalinity, went from about 7 (neutral) to 6 (slightly acid). (The pH returned to normal within 2 days.) FIGURE 10,—The sight of two craters in- stead of one greeted airborne observers as clouds lifted over Mount St. Helens on March 29, 1980, after more than a day of bad weather and frequent eruptions. At night, blue flames, probably from burn- ing hydrogen sulfide gas, were flickering within the old crater (left) or jumping from crater to crater. The view here is from the north. (Photograph by David Frank, USGS, March 30, 1980.) FIGURE 11.—Erupted plumes of ash and steam (and minor amounts of other gases) were carried from the crater by winds and sometimes streamed down the flanks of Mount St. Helens for con- siderable distances. Spectacular displays of lightning occasionally were generated in these ground-hugging plumes by charges of static electricity built up when ash particles rubbed against one another in the turbulent cloud. This photograph was taken from the northwest by David P. Dethier (USGS) on April 8, 1980. Some tourists admitted to reporters that, despite roadblocks, they had evaded the barriers and gone closer to the mountain but could not see the volcano because of the cloud cover. Sunday, March 30 E Day Minus 49 The first major eruption of the day was reported at 4:10 a.m. By 7:40 a.m., a huge anvil-shaped cloud of steam and ash had formed; drifting to the southeast, it produced light ashfalls miles away. Fine gray volcanic ash was reported at Stevenson, Wash., about 25 miles south of the volcano, and of- ficials were concerned about the effects of the ash on the quality of the Bull Run River, the main water source for Portland. Five later eruptions sent ash more than 1 mile above the twin craters. Altogether, observers counted 93 eruptions of steam and ash from the volcano today. Last night, airborne observers could see a flickering blue flame burning within the old crater or jumping from crater to crater. Volcanologist Johns- ton reasoned that the blue flame meant that a flammable gas was being emit- ted. Possible gases were hydrogen, hydrogen sulfide, methane, or carbon monoxide, the most likely being hydrogen sulfide. (The flame disap- peared on April 2 before scientists could determine the exact composition of the gas.) Burning gas has been observed previously above lava flows and lava lakes in other volcanic regions but not in craters before the ap- pearance of lava. Seismographs at the University of Washington recorded 58 earthquakes of magnitudes greater than 3.0, in- cluding 6 above 4.0. A group from Dartmouth College in Hanover, N.H., began remote moni- toring of sulfur dioxide (50;). Early results showing that the volcano is emitting SO; at the rate of 0.3 tons a day verify the March 28 identification of the gas, which is typically found in emanations from magma. This meas- urement also shows that Mount St. Helens at present is not a major source of sulfurous air pollution. (For com- parison, some large coal-burning powerplants may emit more than 100 tons of SO; a day.) In the afternoon, as many as 70 air- craft reportedly were flying around the volcano at the same time, and strict air-traffic control was necessary to pre- vent aerial collisions. Monday, March 31 E Day Minus 48 Shifting winds sent ash from the volcano’s frequent eruptions toward different, more densely populated areas today. By noon, the Kelso- Longview area, about 40 miles west of Mount St. Helens, was lightly dusted by ash. No juvenile rock material has been seen in the ash at month’s end. Airborne observers reported that the twin craters are both growing and have nearly merged. The frequency of earthquakes near the volcano slackened, although an in- crease in the number having magni- tudes greater than 4.3 suggests that the total energy release remains about the same. Tourists, who earlier had been dis- appointed by bad weather and road- blocks around the mountain, have been penetrating the closure boundary during the good weather at the end of March . . until it appeared," wrote Bill Stewart in the Vancouver Colum- bian, “that there was a competition to see who could get closest. Some people [in helicopters] actually landed on the crater rim and climbed inside.” One group wearing camouflage clothing climbed to the top and filmed scenes in- tended for a documentary movie—and for beer commercials. Tuesday, April 1 E Day Minus 47 Clouds shrouded the lower part of the mountain, as they do much of the time, but the top was clear enough for 22 The First 100 Days of Mount St. Helens aerial observations. Several eruptions of ash and steam made clouds that reached as high as about 20,000 feet—10,000 feet above the peak. Light ashfall was reported on the outskirts of Vancouver, and the village of Cougar, 11 miles southwest of the volcano, received somewhat larger amounts. Some observers believe that these emp- tions are the strongest since the vol- cano reawoke last month. USGS scientists reported that a huge wedge (graben) of ice-capped rocks, including the crater area, has settled at least 200 feet downward between the systems of major cracks crossing the mountaintop (see fig. 14). This settling has caused a noticeable outward dis- placement, or bulging, of the rocks and glacier ice north of the crater. Airborne observers noted that the two summit craters are now essentially a single crater more than 600 feet across. At least two new steam vents also were spotted in the crater area. Last night and early this morning, seismographs recorded three of the strongest quakes to date—two with magnitudes of 4.6 and one of 4.7. This afternoon, another of magnitude 4.6 occurred. Between 7:25 and 7:30 p.m., the first weak harmonic tremor was noted on the seismograms at the University of Washington seismology center. It was an undulating ground movement of the kind typically associated with the underground movement of magma (fig. 12). (Although harmonic tremor has preceded and accompanied volcan- ic eruptions in Hawaii, it may occur without being followed by an eruption.) Volcano experts are saying that the possibility of eruptions involving magma seems to be increasing. Their evidence includes the stronger earth- quakes accompanied by harmonic tremor; the new steam vents and the more vigorous eruptions, which may reflect a general heating up of the volcano; and the presence in the gas samples taken last Friday of sulfur ms?” z l 1 | i W m ._...- sum" 4. . n. g . _ . 4‘ we -o—‘mrv l um" FIGURE 12.—Seismograph traces comparing harmonic tremor (top) to normal earthquake pattern (bottom). (Data from the University of Washington Geophysics Program.) dioxide, which shows that a high- temperature source for the gas exists within the mountain. A magmatic eruption may not occur soon, how- ever, and its onset cannot yet be predicted. Scientists are eager to get new aerial photographs looking straight down on the mountain to compare with similar vertical photographs taken in 1979. Comparison of the two sets of photo- graphs will help to determine the physical changes that the mountain has undergone during the last few months. A U-2. reconnaissance plane took high- altitude pictures of the volcano today, but the images were unsatisfactory because clouds obscured too much of the area. Representatives of the University of Washington Geophysics Program and the USGS field headquarters have de- cided to install a computer link be- tween the seismology center in Seattle and the Vancouver facility to improve the exchange of scientific data and to speed warnings of earthquake-related hazards. April 1, which usually marks the start of the mountain-climbing season, finds Mount St. Helens closed to climb- ing. Spirit Lake, which (by Forest Serv- ice records) averages 658,000 “visits” a year, is also closed. Farther from the mountain, however, about 300 loggers have returned to their jobs on and near the lower flanks of Mount St. Helens and at Camp Baker, some 15 miles northwest of the peak (fig. 13). Officials of Cowlitz and Skamania Counties have decided, because of limited county budgets and small law- enforcement staffs, that they must ask the Washington National Guard to help maintain the roadblocks around the volcano. Sheriffs' deputies from both counties have been manning roadblocks across several main access roads west and south of the mountain around the clock since last Thursday, the day of the first eruption. The restricted zone (fig. 13) is not difficult to enter because the mountain is crisscrossed by dirt logging roads. One official estimated that, instead of the 6 roadblocks being maintained by Cowlitz County, as many as 29 bar- riers requiring about 180 officers would be needed to completely block the mountain roads. Nolan Lewis, Cowlitz County Emer- gency Services Director, was quoted today in the Tacoma News Tribune: “I just can’t fathom it,” he said. “People are swarming in from all over, putting their lives in danger. . . Sunday, when the weather was clear, the road up to the mountain looked like downtown Seattle at rush hour.” Wednesday, April 2 E Day Minus 46 A stronger burst of harmonic tremor was recorded by many seismographs in the Mount St. Helens area between about 7:35 and 7:50 a.m. This burst confirmed the recognition of the har- monic tremor of yesterday and is the best indication to date that magma is moving beneath the mountain. (Seis- mologists later determined that short episodes of harmonic tremor also oc- curred on March 31 and earlier this morning.) The number of earthquakes greater than magnitude 3.0 increased to 63 to- day, reversing the decreasing trend of the past 3 days. Five of the quakes were stronger than magnitude 4.0; one was 4.8, among the strongest of the vol- canic sequence to date. (Today was to be the most active day, for earthquakes stronger than magnitude 3.0, during the month of April.) At least a dozen major eruption plumes shot above the mountain, one reaching an altitude of more than 20,000 feet. Large boulders and ”blocks of undetermined matter" (rock or ice) were thrown out of the crater during one 30-minute eruption in midafter- noon. A light ashfall left small amounts of ash on automobiles in Van- couver and Portland. The Forest Service’s Pine Creek Ranger Station, south of the volcano, was closed permanently today. It had been evacuated on March 27. Asked about the likelihood of an ex- plosive eruption—one that would hurl rock and lava from the mountain —-Mullineaux replied that it was the Chronology of the First 100 Days 23 . . W c f 3 15 \ l “Lake - A ‘ . -M Wow _ $ t X 2 - FIGURE 13.—Map of Mount St. Helens W53?” 4 ,P'm‘fm P“ ; cam“ Pr“ and vicinity showing generalized loca- 6562 e VW'CL tions of the various boundaries of the re— 7 eridian Hill stricted-entry zones established by the 14 State of Washington and the Forest Serv- N » ice at the indicated times during the period from March 25 to June 27, 1980. Entry to hazardous zones was further restricted by State and county ‘ roadblocks placed at key locations on ‘Q roads leading to the volcano. (Data from g“ Washington Department of Emergency . l Services and U.S. Forest Service.) ‘ . 8339/ \ W\ ‘ Elk Rack ‘4 Abe ’ Sépotted Buck EM. 1 ., ! 1 1 E. 3 l 4 Adams ‘ ‘‘‘‘‘ ’ W “3397: ‘‘‘‘‘ /\ the \s\‘8“d \ ”“ V Co ”Ema 0 fl, \"~~\ " Bl “ 7 'egg Mm River _Lal«evi§w Peak _+ ”$2"! F lgeon Springs?) 02%“? , will “—- “ i. “““““ ' 15““ l M! s _ lu ‘3“ Yale bake ., I mam Mitchel“ 55°" 0 ” mg g3 A \ (a? Draper Spring 3 L eMarwin _( Trout Lake J E ‘ l - ' i) 3% "' IQ , . ’0 g T > _J ‘ C Laws all?“ / Laurel ’ Gem Q . f, f mAmbOYfl: 59% s < EXPLANATION ,5) - a? - A 9 Boundary Date Established l \ Gums, #9 l .\ d g Red Zone 3 Y limbéfilead M 5; ”9‘6 2 lRldg I—_|.__| March 25 - J63: ‘ %/ 26 l—————— April 30(WDES) Rsum‘J ‘ 3,. May 25 (WDES) x-«vtg’lfifl'gfl'v-M 5 .52 {Hard a k “W M n F S ’3 — June 2(WDES), W, ,_ , " mm." C June 4,11(USFS) 4" , 30,: ' f f n Mnderwood .Mln Pyramld R0 . 66+ ma SW. How ‘ wwmte Salmor Blue Zone Laréhflég. 35 E 9328282 3‘ Pei“; 8‘9 q {Bl/at ' V ’"iBingen __ _’_ __ April 30 (woes, uses t Steve“ ’t“ " G o L U M B M l 5 v F ,, . i 0 10 , 20 May 18 (US 8) / § l HamiltodP‘Mg . '3 L .I l-zms . . . . l l ‘ - l June 4, 11 (USFS) North Bonnet/:9 Fm Rains 0 10 » 20 30 KILOMETER ; . SONNELHLLE DAM ' fSkama"? 5 Base from U.S. Geological Survey 3 . . . . _. — 7 least likely of the volcano’s possible ac- tions. ”A series of small eruptions would be more likely than a large, cataclysmic event," he said. State of Emergency Thursday, April 3 E Day Minus 45 Washington Governor Dixy Lee Ray today declared a state of emergency and set up a “Mount St. Helens Watch Group.” Local officials in both Washington and Oregon issued leaflets prepared by the Federal Emergency Management Agency entitled “What To Do During a Volcano Ashfall.” The leaflet gives advice on the dangers of ashfalls, mudflows, and floods. Seismographs recorded six earth- quakes of magnitude 4.0 and greater, the strongest of which was 4.6. Two more bursts of harmonic tremor occur- ring this evening indicate continued movement of magma beneath the mountain. The total duration of har- monic tremor—33 minutes—is more than double last evening’s 15-minute episode. Airborne observers reported that the crater has enlarged to a diameter of about 1,500 feet and a depth of about 300 feet. Plumes of steam and ash billow from the crater almost hourly. Traces of volcanic ash fell in and near Tacoma, about 70 miles north of the mountain. Friday, April 4 E Day Minus 44 Two episodes of harmonic tremor 27 and 32 minutes in duration were re- corded by seismographs today, as were five earthquakes stronger than magnitude 4.0 and many weaker quakes. Governor Ray called out the Na- tional Guard to share duties at roadblocks around Mount St. Helens. Only property owners and scientists are to be allowed inside the blockaded zone. In an effort to protect sightseers and to keep them out of the way, Washing- ton State officials moved one road- block on State Route 504 about 20 miles farther from the mountain and established a major public viewing area near Ridgefield, Wash., about 40 miles from the volcano. Loggers and truckers are urging county officials to let them resume work in the restricted zone, and they have offered to sign waivers releasing public officials from liability for any volcano-related casualties. An at- torney for several logging companies argued that loggers should be able to make their own choice about entering and working in the restricted zone, "since they make their living in the woods and are familiar with the dan- gers," according to a story in the Seat- tle Post-Intelligencer. No measurable radioactivity was found in the volcanic ash during radiological testing reported today by the Washington Department of Social and Health Services. According to State health officials, there is no reason to believe that the small amounts of ash that sometimes drift beyond the immediate vicinity of the volcano are dangerous to people in good health. Most scientists believe that the greatest hazard currently posed by the reawakened volcano is the possibility of flash floods or mudflows, especially those that might enter Swift Reservoir and cause a massive overflow and flood surge into the downstream chan- nel and reservoirs. USGS hydrologist David Frank set up a time-lapse movie camera to take color pictures of the periodically erupt- ing volcano. The camera, designed to expose one frame of film after each preset time interval, was installed on a logged-off ridge accessible only by log- ging roads, 8.4 miles northwest of the volcano's summit. The site overlooks the North Fork Toutle River near the mouth of Coldwater Creek and affords an unobstructed view of Mount St. Helens. It also is high enough to be safe from even the largest mudflow that might result if the ice and snow were melted by the volcano’s heat. The site was selected a few days ago as a scien— tific observation post, and a tent was set up to shelter observers. Additional instruments, including another time- lapse camera, will be installed within the next few days. Scientists refer to the observation site as “Coldwater” (later called “Goldwater I”; see fig. 7). Saturday, April 5 E Day Minus 43 At least three eruptions today sent ash to altitudes of about 15,000 feet, and scientists using airborne measuring devices detected low concentrations of sulfur dioxide in the plume. Only four earthquakes today reached magnitude 4.0 or greater. Harmonic tremor oc- curred for 16 minutes shortly before noon. Sixty Washington National Guards- men took up duties this morning at four roadblocks on major routes to Mount St. Helens. They immediately moved two of the roadblocks farther away from the mountain to allow them better control of side roads leading to the volcano and to place some of the most congested (and therefore poten- tially most dangerous) viewing spots off limits. Scientists and technicians have been working long hours in the field under difficult and often risky conditions. When the weather permits, some are flown by helicopter from Vancouver to various places on the mountain or to nearby sites such as Timberline View- point or Spirit Lake (fig. 7), depending on their scientific specialty or work assignment. If expensive helicopter support is not available, investigators must drive to the area, usually by way of State Route 504 through the valley of North Fork Toutle River, from headquarters in Seattle and Tacoma as well as in Vancouver. Ground travel away from the vehicles usually involves Chronology of the First 100 Days 25 trudging through deep snow. Heavy rain or snowfall, often accompanied by bitter wind, is common in the area. When bad storms hit, fieldworkers use tents and umbrellas to shelter sensitive instruments during the measurements. Fieldwork includes visiting instrument sites to change batteries and calibrate instruments already in place or to in- stall additional instruments; photo- graphing the widening crevasses in the upper glaciers; making measurements of gravity and magnetic field with portable instruments; and sampling and measuring fumarole gases, volcanic ash, and the flow of streams draining from the mountain. Some of the work must be done on avalanche- prone slopes while the upper parts of the mountain are hidden in clouds. At such times, the sudden, strong earth- quakes can be startling. During good weather, helicopters ferry scientists from one site to another during the day and return them to Vancouver in the evening. The helicopter flights are made during the daylight hours, but the long drives to and from the area often begin and end in darkness. Workers from Vancouver then conduct evening conferences to review the day's activities. Fourteen-hour working days are common; clockwatching is mainly for timing scientific observations and resetting instruments. Most scientists, however, prefer the hardships and long hours in the field to remaining at the Vancouver center and being besieged by news reporters, who persist in asking questions that the scientists cannot answer about what the volcano will do next. Sunday, April 6 E Day Minus 42 Although clouds, rain, snow, and oc- casional “mud rains” containing ash hampered visibility today, they did keep away much of the expected crowd of sightseers. The Spirit Lake area received 6 inches of new snow. Scien- tists termed the few eruptions of ash and steam as "insignificant." Earthquake activity around Mount St. Helens was about the same as it has been in the last few days—hundreds of quakes of magnitude 3 or less, 54 greater than magnitude 3, and 6 of magnitude 4.0 or greater. N o harmonic tremor was recorded today, however. Scientists found the ash to be 3 in- ches thick on the eastern flank of the mountain at the 5,000-foot level. In an interview with Seattle Times reporter Hill Williams, USGS geologist Crandell explained that scientists really do not know what to expect from the volcano because information about ac- tual eruptions of Cascade Range vol- canoes is limited and because the erup- tive history of Mount St. Helens is different from that of other Cascade volcanoes. ”Mount St. Helens has done so many different things in the past that hardly anything would be a sur- prise,” Crandell said. "The only thing it hasn’t done is blow itself apart.” Monday, April 7 E Day Minus 41 For the first time, observers today got a clear view of a vent in the floor of the enlarged crater and saw a single cir- cular “throat” at least 20 feet in diameter in the deepest part of the floor (fig. 14E). The crater, which has been enlarging progressively since March 27, is now about 1,700 feet long (east to west), 1,200 feet wide, and 500 feet deep. Airborne observers reported ponds of muddy water, large enough to float chunks of ice, in depressions in the crater floor. The ponds are fed by melt water from the crater walls and a capping of ice 30 feet thick on the crater’s rim. The water reportedly disappears with each eruption, but more watt accumulates again soon after an eruption subsides. Two of the ponds have short streams draining from them into the crater bottom. This is the first report of substantial pond- ing in the crater. Overall seismic activity at Mount St. Helens continues at about the same 26 The First 100 Days of Mount St. Helens level. Although the number of earth- quakes greater than magnitude 3 de- clined slightly today, the activity in- cluded one event of magnitude 4.7 and one of 4.6. A 15-minute episode of har- monic tremor occurred, the first in 2 days. Most quakes were clustered be- neath the volcano at depths ranging from 0.5 to 3 miles. A plot of earth- quake epicenters since March 20, com- pleted today by scientists from the University of Washington Geophysics Program, showed a heavy concentra- tion of quake locations under the northern slopes of Mount St. Helens. Scientists installed a new tiltmeter in the parking lot at Timberline View- point, 2.6 miles northeast of the crater (fig. 7). The snow there, 3 feet deep in places, hampers the work of scientists who are using various kinds of geo- physical instruments to detect changes in the shape and subsurface makeup of the mountain. The snow surface is coated with volcanic ash, and pits dug in the snow show alternating layers of ash and snow that have fallen during the last 12 days. Tuesday, April 8 E Day Minus 40 One long, single eruption, visible for more than 5 hours, was first seen at 8:22 a.m. and continued until at least 2:00 p.m. today. During the eruption, a hole opened in the ice at the head of Wishbone Glacier (fig. 5), near the northwestern rim of the crater, and melt water from the surrounding ice poured into the hole for several minutes to form a pond. Then the rim cracked, the water disappeared, and a slice of the upper Wishbone Glacier caved into the crater, enlarging the crater’s north- western side by more than 300 feet. For several minutes after the cave-in, air- borne observers noted an especially heavy concentration of dark ash in the eruption cloud. On calm days, the white clouds of steam from the volcano sometimes rise nearly 10,000 feet above the crater rim, and they often resemble thunderheads. On windy days, the steam is carried out laterally from the crater. At times, winds direct the clouds downslope on the leeside of the cone as a ground- hugging plume that deposits ash as it moves (fig. 11). A pattern of black scallops on the slope of the volcano often marks the lower limit of these downslope plumes. There is still much uncertainty and speculation about what the volcano will do next. Some news reporters complain that they get a different idea or view from each scientist inter- viewed, depending on his background and specialty. Most scientists prefer to withhold judgment until they have more data to help them decipher the volcanic events. Wednesday, April 9 E Day Minus 39 Cloud cover prevented scientists from observing the mountain today, either from the air or the ground, but light ashfalls near Timberline View- point and Spirit Lake and the odor of sulfur marked at least three eruptions. An apparent decrease in seismic ac- tivity, begun yesterday, continued to- day. Yesterday, only 38 earthquakes greater than magnitude 3 were record- ed, 4 of which reached or exceeded magnitude 4. Today’s totals were 37 and 6, respectively. No harmonic tremor was recorded either day. (This general level of seismic activity was to continue throughout April. Most days this month saw less than 40 events stronger than magnitude 3 and less than 10 events of magnitude 4 or greater.) The new tiltmeter installed near Timberline Viewpoint started sending to Vancouver continuous records that are expected to show any deformation of the mountain’s northern flank. The Forest Service officially desig- nated Mount St. Helens as a ”Geologi- cal Area," an area that is protected from land-use changes because of its geologic importance. Thursday, April 10 E Day Minus 38 Clouds covered the mountain most of the morning, but they cleared enough for aerial observation by early afternoon. Several major and minor eruptions of steam and ash occurred at irregular intervals, most of them lasting no more than a few minutes. A fresh snowfall last night, as yet unsullied by ash on the southern side of the peak, gave residents and tourists to the south much the same view of the mountain that has existed for more than a century. Fracturing and slump- ing on the upper northern side, how- ever, are causing cracks in the ice cap that are much too large to be hidden by the fresh snow. The progressively enlarging crater now measures about 2,000 by 1,200 feet. Coatings of gray volcanic ash give the northern side of the crater's interior a velvety look, except for some jagged rock outcroppings and scattered huge blocks of fallen rock on the crater floor (fig. 14E). The eruptions are confined to a single circular vent, perhaps 30 feet across, in the position of the sec- ond (western) crater but now at least 500 feet lower than the opening origi- nally blasted through the volcano’s ice— cap on March 27. The position of the first, more easterly crater has been largely obscured by crater growth. To the west of the active vent, however, the presence of a cone-shaped depres— sion in the crater floor, separated from the active vent by a small, sharp ridge, suggests that a third orifice for the eruptions of steam and ash may have been active until recently. Some of the intermittent eruptions since March 27 have consisted of a single explosion; others have surged upward in pulses. The cloud sometimes consists of three parts: (1) a lower, very dark, tephra-rich finger, (2) an in- termediate gray cloud of ash and steam, and (3) an upper cloud of white steam (figs. 143, C). The intermediate part develops from the dark finger and soon roils out in all directions to obSCure the finger that feeds it. Blocks of rock and ice occasionally blast through the cloud. As the gray clouds drift downward, thin veils of ash fall from them. Lobate fingers of several “genera- tions" of ash-darkened snow and ice avalanches reach down to the lower slopes of the mountain. The youngest are darkest and contrast sharply with the stark white of the newly fallen snow. Harmonic tremor, the first in 3 days, occurred twice today. One episode lasted for 22 minutes, the other for 16. Gravity has been measured repeat- edly at most of the established gravity stations, but, so far, measurements near the mountain have shown little change. Precise instrumental measurements on the mountain often are hampered by rapid, short-term tilting of the ground. Two scientists measuring the gravity at East Dome (fig. 5) felt an earthquake and then watched with fascination as the level bubbles on their gravity instruments moved far offcenter in response to a strong upward tilt of the mountainside above them. This tilt was followed a few minutes later by a puff of steam from the crater, whereupon the bub- bles registered a similar tilt in the op- posite direction. Friday, April 11 E Day Minus 37 Good weather returned to the moun- tain, which continued to erupt inter- mittently. Airborne observers could see into the crater during a moderate eruption that took place from 6:12 to 6:58 a.m. They saw large blocks of ice being hurled into the air along with ash and steam and also noticed two new steam vents on the northwestern flank of the volcano, just below the crater rim, as well as ponded water on the floor of the crater. For only the second time since activi- ty began 23 days ago, a magnitude-4.9 earthquake occurred today at 3:51 p.m. This quake and the similar one on Chronology of the First 100 Days 27 FIGURE 14.—Aerial views of the Mount St. Helens crater and eruptions on April 10, 1980, from the north and northwest. A, The oblong crater, enlarged since the merging of two smaller pits, continued to grow with the repeated eruptions and avalanches from the crater walls. The summit graben had slumped noticeably since March 30, as the prominent offset (scarp) along the major crack (fault) on the southern side (back) of the crater shows. (Compare with fig. 10.) (Photograph by John Whetten, USGS.) B, The beginning of one of several erup- tions observed on April 10. The eruptive cloud often included a lower, very dark, ash-rich finger; an intermediate gray cloud of mixed ash and steam; and an upper, white cloud of steam. (Photo- graph by Fred Pessl, Jr., USGS.) C, These phreatic eruptions seemed to grow in slow motion because of the immensity of the scene. Some were powerful enough to throw out automobile-sized blocks of rock and ice. (Photograph by John Whetten, USGS.) D, A moderate-sized eruption cloud obscured the crater as steam and ash drifted eastward. (Photograph by John Whetten, USGS.) E, By April 10, eruptions were coming from a single circular vent (shown by an arrow) in the lowest part of the crater and almost directly below the position of the crater first seen on March 29 (fig. 10). Traces of what probably was another, but now-dormant, vent can be seen to the right of the active vent, here steaming weakly. The active vent was about 30 feet across. (Photograph by John Whet- ten, USGS.) March 28 have been the strongest of the volcanic earthquakes to date. The results of tiltmeter measure- ments on the volcano’s northern and eastern flanks are, so far, inconclusive. Although the ground both swells and subsides over periods of minutes or hours, the net change seems to be in- significant. Signs now have been posted along Interstate Highway 5 notifying motor- ists of four safe points from which to view Mount St. Helens. Saturday, April 12 E Day Minus 36 Continued clear weather allowed viewers as far away as Portland to see some of today’s many eruptions. Most were small, as activity was less than it has been in the past 2 weeks, but a few larger ash-rich clouds lifted above the crater rim. As the summit crater gradu— ally deepens, eruptive plumes must rise to greater heights in order to be visible above the mountain. Instruments have detected a slight swelling on the northern flank of the mountain near Goat Rocks (fig. 5), and scientists working on the volcano’s flank report fresh, new ground cracks in the swelling area. The clearer weather today made it possible to take aerial photographs so that the shape of the mountain could be compared sys- tematically with its shape as shown on photographs taken last year. Pro- gressive shifting and cracking of the ice on the northern side below the crater are increasing concern that a large mass of ice and rock could break loose and form an avalanche reaching to the valley of the North Fork Toutle River. A period of harmonic tremor begin- ning at 2:12 p.m. and lasting until 2:29 p.m. ended with an earthquake of magnitude 4.5. (This harmonic tremor was to be the last recorded for nearly a month.) USGS Director H. William Menard arrived in Vancouver to observe the volcano and to inspect the scientific in- strument installations and data-col- lection activities. Officials of Skamania County, in which Mount St. Helens is located, are speculating about how long they can (and can afford to) control access to the mountain. Some question whether it is even appropriate for the county to keep people out against their will. Sunday, April 13 E Day Minus 35 Between sunrise and sunset today, USGS scientists counted 18 eruptions of steam and ash ranging in duration from a few minutes to 45 minutes. The recording tiltmeter installed in the parking lot at Timberline View- point showed small but consistent changes, the overall results indicating a slight subsidence of the central part of the volcano relative to the Timberline instrument station. In order to monitor surface tilt more closely, the USGS in- stalled an additional tiltmeter on East Dome at the foot of Ape Glacier. The number of earthquakes of mag- nitude 4 or greater increased slightly today; there were nine, the largest number since March 29. Clear weather brought record-break- ing numbers of sightseers to the area from all over the United States and from other countries. This weekend, two television camera crews were airlifted onto the mountain in defiance of closure orders, and unauthorized climbers were also sighted. Forest Serv- ice officials warned again that the mountain is not safe and that it is off limits to the press and public above the 4,400—foot level. Chronology of the First 100 Days 29 Eruptive Activity Decreases Monday, April 14 E Day Minus 34 Cloudy weather prevented scientists from seeing the volcano, and no new ash fell today. Instruments, however, continue the volcano watch. Seis- mometers show a continuation of sizable earthquakes but no eruptions. The recording tiltmeter at Timberline Viewpoint showed a shift that may represent additional slight subsidence in the central part of the volcano. The evidence from this one instrument, however, is not conclusive. Tuesday, April 15 E Day Minus 33 Mount St. Helens became visible by midday for the first time since Sunday, and observers were able to verify that the volcano has slowed its eruptive ac- tivity. Only one eruption, near dawn, was seen today. The apparent slight subsidence of the cone has stopped; no change in the ground tilt was recorded by the tiltmeters. Teams are in the field during this lull to collect samples and to try to evaluate the volcano’s status. The Washington Department of Game announced that three popular fishing lakes near Mount St. Helens will remain closed when the regular fishing season opens next Sunday. Of- ficials felt that Merrill Lake, Spirit Lake, and Swift Reservoir, if they were not closed, would add to the tempta- tion to slip around the roadblocks and enter hazardous areas. Wednesday, April 16 E Day Minus 32 Activity was low again today, although at least nine small steam eruptions and some ashfalls occurred during daylight hours. Seismic activity is lower than it has been at any other time during the month; only 30 earth- quakes greater than magnitude 3 oc- curred today. Three quakes greater than magnitude 4 were recorded during the early morning hours, and two more were recorded this evening. The tilt- meters continued to show no change in ground tilt. Some erupting volcanoes have shown a marked decrease in activity followed by a dramatic increase in seismic activity just before a major eruption. Scientists have no way of knowing, however, whether Mount St. Helens is experiencing a “lull before the storm” of a magmatic eruption or pos- sibly is in the final part of the eruptive sequence. A sampling project begun on April 14 ended today as scientists completed taking ash from 30 stations. The sam- ples were taken from accumulated snow so that the ash would not be con- taminated by soil. Thursday, April 17 E Day Minus 31 The summit crater of Mount St. Helens erupted frequently but mildly today; 12 plumes were seen between 7:00 a.m. and 1:30 p.m. Two of them formed vertical columns that extended about 500 feet above the crater rim, but strong winds then carried the plumes away from the summit. In the afternoon, weather conditions pre- vented observers from seeing clearly into the crater. Seismic activity remained compara- tively low, although two earthquakes of magnitude 4.6 occurred. Scientists took advantage of the relative lull in activity to make a gravity survey around the mountain, to place survey- ing targets near the summit, and to col- lect information on the total amount of ash accumulated. Some fisheries specialists are con- cerned that accumulating ash washed into the streams by water from the melting snow may harm the valuable fish population in streams near Mount St. Helens. When Mount Baker (fig. 1) suddenly increased its steaming activi- ty in 1975, some of its emanations of gases and “fumarole dust” were acidic. A stream draining the fumarole area of 30 The First 100 Days of Mount St. Helens Mount Baker apparently once carried enough acid water into nearby Baker Lake to cause some of the fish there to die. So far, however, none of the Mount St. Helens ash has been found to be strongly acidic. The greatest hazard other than ash, USGS scientists reported today, is the increasing instability of the northern flank of the volcano. Contributing to this instability are ground shaking, avalanching caused by continuing local earthquakes, subsiding of the summit graben, fracturing of ice and rocks, and accelerated melting of snow and ice caused by the heat of the volcano and possibly by solar heating of the fallen ash. This announcement marks a shift in the emphasis on hazards. The possibility of volcano-related flooding in the Lewis River drainage system is now thought to be less of a threat than the possibility of large avalanches from the volcano’s northern slope. Friday, April 18 E Day Minus 30 Eruptions of steam and ash were ris- ing only about 500 feet above the crater today, and seismic activity stayed at a moderate level. “Because all pertinent factors seem to remain about the same each day,” USGS scientists at Vancouver have decided to reduce their information releases from daily to twice weekly. Scientists are encouraged in their grueling work by the excitement de- rived from Mount St. Helens’ spec- tacular, historic reawakening and by the opportunity for major scientific achievement. Few of the scientists, if any, had seriously expected to see a Cascade volcano in eruption, much less to be part of an intensive study of the volcanic activity. They are fas- cinated by what has occurred already, and each hopes for a spectacular event that will advance his or her scientific specialty. They also feel frustrated, however, by the frequent bad weather that obscures the mountain from view and hampers ground travel and fieldwork. i_ Scientists who lack aircraft support are especially frustrated. Many aspects of the volcano can be seen only from the air, and scientific work on the mountain itself is not practical without helicopter support. For reasons of public safety, teams whose work deals with assessment or warning of the hazards have first call upon aircraft owned or chartered by Federal agen- cies. Scientists whose work does not relate closely to the hazardous poten- tial of the volcanic activity may have long waits before they can be fitted in- to the busy flight schedule. Some distinguished scientists and govern- ment officials have arrived at Van- couver expecting to be given tours of the volcano, only to find that senior USGS scientists have Federal aircraft completely booked for urgent hazard assessments. Saturday, April 19 E Day Minus 29 Seismographs today recorded about the same amount of earthquake activi- ty as they have in recent days—37 'earthquakes greater than magnitude 3, including 8 greater than magnitude 4. One this afternoon, however, reached magnitude 4.9, equaling the strongest to date. No harmonic tremor has ap- peared in the past week. Local scientists who are most famil- iar with the shape of Mount St. Helens are saying that the upper northern side of the mountain obviously has moved outward (northward), but they are not unanimous about cause and effect. Some believe that the outward displacement is caused by the down- ward-settling mass of the summit graben. Others believe that intruding magma is inflating the mountain and causing a spreading of the summit that allows the graben to subside (see fig. 3). Snow surveyors from the U.S. Soil Conservation Service, who periodical- ly measure snow depth and water con- tent in order to predict snow-water resources, have been observing the melting rate of the ash—rich snow near Mount St. Helens. They reported re- cently that the snow is melting faster where it is covered by the dark ash because it absorbs more heat from the sun than the clean snow does. Whether spring runoff this year will be faster and the danger of flooding greater are still uncertain, because much of the water melted at the snow surface can be held in lower parts of the snowpack. USGS hydrologists report no evidence of unusual runoff at their stream— gaging stations so far. Sunday, April 20 E Day Minus 28 No eruptions were seen today, but seismic activity increased somewhat. The number of earthquakes stronger than magnitude 3 was 47; 7 were stronger than magnitude 4. This count was the highest in 2 weeks. Although clouds have covered the peak most of the weekend, tourists continue to be a problem. These first weeks of volcanic activity have been treated as a gigantic carnival by some people in the Northwest, who have come to see Mount St. Helens “per- forming” on center stage. T-shirts im- printed with various slogans, coffee cups bearing photographs, plastic bags filled with ash, and other souvenirs are being offered for sale. Sightseers line the roads leading to the mountain in spite of the several ”Mount St. Helens viewpoints” that the State of Wash- ington has designated near Interstate Highway 5 so that the local roads leading to the mountain would be less congested. The opening of the sport- fishing season this weekend doubtless- ly contributed to the crowds in this popular fishing area. Understandably, a great many people want to see the first erupting volcano in the conter- minous United States in more than half a century. Monday, April 21 E Day Minus 27 The lull in eruptive activity con- tinues. Poor visibility kept scientists from observing the volcano closely to- day, but the instruments continue to watch. The seismographs indicate that earthquake activity today was less than it was yesterday and more like the previous week. On many of these typical cloudy spring days, airborne observers can fly above the clouds and see the mountain peak even though the lower slopes re- main hidden. Mount St. Helens and its neighboring volcanoes then seem to be riding on a billowing sea of clouds. Nearest to Mount St. Helens are Mount Adams, Mount Hood, and Mount Rainier (fig. 1), all easily visible and identifiable. Mount Rainier is the giant of the group. Rising 14,410 feet above sea level, it dominates this part of the Cascade Range. Of these three neighboring volcanoes, only Mount Adams, closest to and due east of Mount St. Helens, has not erupted in historical times (table 1.) Even Mount Adams, however, may not be extinct. Tuesday, April 22 E Day Minus 26 Improved weather today brought better aerial views of Mount St. Helens, although low clouds still prevented observers on the ground from seeing the volcano clearly. Dawn disclosed a new mantle of snow on the mountain, covered in only one spot with a light dusting of ash. The only eruptions reported during the day were small bursts of steam during the noon hour that barely cleared the crater rim. Steam vents, not directly associated with the eruptions, can be seen on the eastern part of the summit area. The tiltmeters continued to record small changes that have not, as yet, shown a consistent pattern. In discussing the leveling off of erup- tive and seismic activity, USGS volcanologist Johnston reminded re- porters that, “Lassen in California went through a year of this kind of ac- tivity before it turned into a magmatic eruption in 1915." Chronology of the First 100 Days 31 Northern Side Bulges Alarmingly Wednesday, April 23 E Day Minus 25 Good weather allowed scientists to observe the volcano more closely and to note that there were no eruptions large enough to add to the light mantle of ash seen on yesterday’s new snow. The volcano’s quiet period also permit- ted researchers to collect gas samples from the steaming areas near the sum- mit itself. (Analyzed later, these samples were found to contain a high concentration of sulfur.) Two new steam vents were seen in the crater to- day. Although the slumping of the sum- mit graben and the breaking up of glacier ice on the volcano’s northern side have been evident for about 3 weeks, the first real indication of the amount of deformation came today when optical comparisons of aerial photographs taken on August 15, 1979, and on April 12, 1980 (11 days ago), were completed. These com- parisons show that some places on the northern flank are about 250 feet higher than they were last year (fig. 15). The full extent of the bulged area is not known. Scientists and technicians flying in by helicopter placed survey- ing targets on the northern flank of the volcano today to help monitor its changes in slope. Tiltmeters at Timberline Viewpoint and Spirit Lake indicated a slight tilting of the ground surface downward to the northwest; on the southern side of the mountain, tilting was downward to the southwest. This surface tilting suggests that the volcano may be inflating because of increasing magma pressure beneath it (fig. 3). The sustained period of relative quiet prompted Forest Service officials to schedule discussions within the next few days on opening some areas around the volcano to restricted use. USGS geologist Crandell, Mount St. Helens Hazard Coordinator, warned, however, that avalanches could begin on the unstable, bulging area of the northern slope and surge into areas downslope. Such avalanches, he said, could also cause floods by suddenly raising the level of Spirit Lake. An avalanche also could dam the North Fork Toutle River temporarily, and the dam could fail later in a washout that would release a torrent to downstream areas. USGS scientists in Vancouver, in re- sponse to demands for more frequent information about the volcano, agreed to resume daily information releases. Thursday, April 24 E Day Minus 24 Although fumaroles continued to emit steam near the summit crater, no ash eruptions were large enough to throw material outside the crater walls. The number of earthquakes was about the same as it has been in recent days, but the quakes were stronger; eight were of magnitude 4 or greater, and one reached magnitude 4.7. The USGS Volcanic Hazards Project made public a map showing the possi- ble dangers presented by the bulge area and emphasized the potential for ava- lanches. Friday, April 25 E Day Minus 23 Fumaroles continued to steam to- day, and seismic activity continued at about the level that it has maintained for several days. About 1,560 earth- quakes stronger than magnitude 3 have been recorded since activity at the volcano began March 20. More than 200 have been stronger than magnitude 4. Tiltmeters continue to show slight tilt that, once again, does not have a consistent pattern. In an effort to better define changes in the shape of the volcano, scientists are using electronic distance-measuring devices. They were 32 The First 100 Days of Mount St. Helens able today to measure the precise distances to five targets on the upper slopes of the volcano, as well as two additional reference points nearby. These measurements, together with others to be made by using markers in- stalled on the mountain today, will help to define the size, shape, and growth of the bulge on the northern flank in days to come (fig. 16). Saturday, April 26 E Day Minus 22 The mountain is relatively quiet to- day. Clear weather allowed observers a good view of the crater, but they saw only fumaroles emitting steam and eruptive bursts too weak to lift ash out- side the crater. The seismographs in- dicate that earthquake activity was about as low as it has been since March 24. Tiltmeters on the mountain’s eastern and southern flanks showed small, un- systematic changes, but the tiltmeter at Timberline Viewpoint recorded down- ward tilt to the north. Sunday, April 27 E Day Minus 21 The mountain remains quiet, although fumaroles continue to send up steam. One fumarole on the south- eastern crater wall is especially active. Clear weather gave observers a good view today, but they saw no ash erup- tions. On the ground, changes are being detected by the instruments. Ground tilt measured by the tiltmeter at Timberline Viewpoint now shows an increase in tilt, downward toward the northeast. This tilt is interpreted to mean that the volcano is swelling. In addition, surveys of the Goat Rocks FIGURE 15.—A comparison of the shape of Mount St. Helens (A) at the time of the March 27 eruption and (B) just before the May 18 eruption shows the large out- ward displacement of the bulge area. The View here is from the northeast. (Paint- ings by Dee Molenaar, USGS.) FIGURE 16.—At Goldwater II observation station, a scientist (back to camera near rear of vehicle) uses a laser ranging instrument to measure distances to reflector targets on the northern side of Mount St. Helens, including the unstable bulge area (left and center parts of the mountain as viewed here). Dogs Head is on the skyline to the right of the tree, and Goat Rocks, the lava dome that formed during an eruptive period in the 18405, is directly above the rear of the vehicle. (Photograph by Harry Glicken, May 4, 1980.) area using instruments on the flank of the volcano indicate that the area has moved outward, away from the main mass of the mountain, at least 15 to 20 feet in the past 4 days. Geologists report seeing new fractures in the bulge; some ground locations on the bulge are now about 300 feet higher than they were in 1979. Monday, April 28 E Day Minus 20 Although poor visibility hampered aerial observations, there was no in- dication today that any eruptions of ash were large enough to extend be- yond the crater. When the crater was visible, it was emitting clouds of steam punctuated by occasional short bursts of ash. The northern flank continues to deform, as the tiltmeter at Timberline indicates. Most scientists are unwilling to specify the exact cause of the tilting, but they generally agree that it prob- ably is related to the subterranean movement of magma. Tuesday, April 29 E Day Minus 19 Continuing studies of aerial photographs show that the bulging area on the northern side of the moun- tain is now about 1 mile long and 0.5 mile wide and has a northeast-trending axis that extends from the northern side of the summit crater toward Sugar Bowl, on the northeastern flank of the volcano. The outward displacement of the slope has caused ground positions on part of the bulge to be as much as 320 feet higher than they were last year. From this maximum, the bulge decreases toward the east, north, and west. Ground surveys confirm that the deformation is continuing. Between April 27, when the last survey was made, and today, Goat Rocks has shifted about 9 feet toward the north- northwest, and little or no vertical uplift has occurred. The tiltmeter at Timberline View- point, on the northeastern side of the volcano, indicates tilting downward to 34 The First 100 Days of Mount St. Helens the north and confirms that the bulge extends to that site as well. The mountain itself remains relative- ly quiet; it has produced only 27 earth- quakes stronger than magnitude 3.0 and no sizable eruptions. The bulge continues to cause scien- tists concern. They now believe that it represents the most serious potential hazard from the present volcanic ac- tivity. They are especially worried about the likelihood of avalanches headed toward the North Fork Toutle River and Spirit Lake. (Spirit Lake itself was formed over a period of time by volcanic mudflows damming the river.) USGS geologist Crandell said, in a prepared statement to be released tomorrow morning, that Forsyth Glacier (fig. 5), upslope from Spirit Lake, “looks so unstable that a sharp earthquake or volcanic explosion could trigger a large avalanche of snow, ice, and possibly rock, without warning. In addition, measurements indicate that the upper part of the volcano from Forsyth Glacier west to Goat Rocks is shifting and may be unstable. An avalanche from this high part of the volcano could result in [millions of] tons of debris dropping a vertical distance of more than 4,000 feet, from an altitude of about 7,600 feet down to about 3,200 feet, the altitude of Spirit Lake. Such an avalanche could move downslope at a high velocity—more than 100 miles per hour—and could move long distances, certainly as far as [State Route] 504, about two and a quarter miles away." Scientists believe that such an avalanche could extend beyond Tim- berline Viewpoint as far as Spirit Lake and could cause a large surge wave in the lake. The momentum of such an avalanche might carry parts of it across the valley of the North Fork Toutle River west of Spirit Lake and upslope along the northern wall of that valley, as well as down the valley to the west. Emergency-services officials are be- ing frustrated in their attempts to make the public aware of potential dangers. One official, quoted in the Seattle Post- Intelligencer, said, “The hardest thing is to warn people of the danger. The mountain looks so serene, so people can’t fathom 4,000 vertical feet of earth, rock, and ice plunging into [Spirit Lake] in less than two minutes.” Wednesday, April 30 E Day Minus 18 The crater was not active today, ex- cept for steam venting from many fumaroles. Earthquakes continued, al- though larger ones—those stronger than magnitude 4—numbered only 6, and only 15 stronger than magnitude 3 were recorded. Since March 20, about 240 earthquakes of magnitude 4 or greater have been recorded. The northern flank of the volcano continues to swell and move outward. In order to compare the large move- ment at Goat Rocks with possible movement elsewhere on the mountain, scientists commenced ground measure— ments near Sugar Bowl and Dogs Head, ancient lava domes that are prominences on the northeastern side of the cone near the base and the upper flank of the bulge, respectively (figs.5 and 16). During the lull in eruptive activity, volcanologist Johnston flew by heli- copter to the crater rim and climbed down into the crater to collect samples of water from a small lake that had formed in the crater bottom. Formed by melting ice, the lake had a temper- ature of 17°C (62°F), and gas bubbled through it. Analyzed later, the sample of lake water was found to have a pH of 5.1 (slightly acid), 120 milligrams of chlorine per liter, and 32 milligrams of sulfur in the form of sulfate per liter. These analyses indicate that the water has a low to moderate concentration of dissolved minerals. The radioactive gas radon was present in the minor amount of 100 picocuries per liter, well within the range found in geothermal waters in other regions. USGS scientists, concerned over the increasing instability of the bulge area and the possibility that large ava- lanches of snow, ice, and rock could disrupt State Route 504 south and west of Spirit Lake, today issued an updated Hazards Warning to State and local of- ficials and to the Forest Service. Governor Ray and the Forest Serv- ice’s Forest Supervisor Robert Tokar- czyk, acting on this and earlier hazard assessments, closed additional areas near the volcano to entry. A ”Red Zone" (fig. 13) was established around the peak to distances ranging from about 3 to 8 miles and included the Spirit Lake area. Only scientists, law- enforcement officers and other of- ficials, and search-and-rescue person- nel are permitted in this zone. In a “Blue Zone," which extends beyond the Red Zone, logging operations are allowed to continue, and property owners holding special permits may enter, but no overnight stays are al- lowed. As an added precaution, Governor Ray also declared the entire State an emergency area because, under certain conditions, winds could scatter tephra from volcanic activity over hundreds of miles. Toutle Lake School, located about 25 miles from the mountaintop, held a ”volcano drill," the first of its kind in the United States. Despite the ominous bulging on its northern side, the mountain remains quiet as the month closes. The erup- tions of March and April spread ash for at least 30 miles in every direction and as far as 60 miles to the south- southeast and 70 miles to the north. So far, the ash has been derived from pulverized old rocks. Although 35 days have passed since the first eruption, no new lava has been seen or found in the ejected ash. The installation and use of in- struments to measure and monitor the volcano have continued throughout the month. As April closes, the in- struments being used to measure at various sites include: 0 Six 5-day seismic recorders operating within 10 miles of the sum- mit of Mount St. Helens and 10 telemetered seismometers within 35 miles of the summit. Receiving and recording equipment at the Universi- ty of Washington seismology center in Seattle has been expanded to han- dle the blizzard of data, and a com— puter link has been established with the USGS group in Vancouver to speed data transfer and communi- cations between the two centers. 0 A network of five tiltmeter stations and their automatic telemetering in— struments at distances ranging from less than 2 to about 9 miles from the summit. 0 Fourteen reflector-type surveying targets on the mountain, many of them precariously accessible only by helicopter, used in making precision measurements that detect changes such as slumping or swelling of parts of the volcano. Distances between base stations and the targets on the mountain are measured with a geodimeter (electronic laser instru- ment). Horizontal and vertical angles are measured with a theodolite (manual optical instru— ment). 0 A network of six gravity stations spread over the northwestern, north- ern, northeastern, and eastern sides of the volcano at distances ranging from less than 2 to about 5 miles from the summit. Each station is visited twice in a typical day, and the gravity is measured with one of three electronic-readout precision gravimeters. These measurements are repeatedly checked against meas- urements of presumed stable gravity made at a base station about 12 miles west of the summit. 0 Three recording magnetometers located northeast, east, and west of the volcano at an average distance of about 2.5 miles from the crater. Magnetic field intensity is auto- matically recorded on tape every 10 minutes. ' A preexisting network of hydrologic measuring sites expanded by the ad- dition of 33 stream sites for collect- ing water-quality data (chemical, Chronology of the First 100 Days 35 biological, and sediment character- istics) and monitoring changes in streamflow. Nineteen of these addi- tional sites are on streams that drain Mount St. Helens; 14 are on other streams likely to be affected by ash from the volcano. Two of the addi- tional sites have monitoring instru- ments that automatically send telemetered data by way of an or- biting Earth satellite to the USGS of- fice in Tacoma. 0 Two time-lapse cameras that are making a photographic record (when visibility permits) of the erup- tions and profiles of the volcano. Thursday, May 1 E Day Minus 17 As the month opens, the mountain is steaming continuously but otherwise is not erupting. USGS observers report that a small lake has formed again in the volcano’s crater and has covered one of the steam vents and that gas bubbles up through the water. The most active steam vents, however, are above the lake surface on the southern side of the crater. The swelling on the northern flank continues. One point on the bulge, ac— cording to measurements, moved about 2 feet outward in less than 12 hours. Earthquakes, too, continue; 26 stronger than magnitude 3 and 5 of magnitude 4 or greater were recorded today. A seismic station was installed today at Dogs Head to help detect earth- quakes that might trigger a major avalanche and to improve the accuracy of earthquake location. Near the 7, 500-foot level, it is the highest instru- ment station on the mountain. Also today, a new observation sta- tion was established on a ridgetop east of the Coldwater I site and 2.7 miles closer to Mount St. Helens. The new site is between the valleys of the North Fork Toutle River and South Cold- water Creek, 5.7 miles north-north- west of the summit. It is at an altitude of about 4,100 feet—about 1,400 feet above the floor of the adjacent river valley. Automatic cameras, other monitoring equipment, and radios for communication have been moved there from Coldwater I. Also, a travel trailer has been brought in to shelter volcano watchers, who now are at the site 24 hours a day. The new station is called Coldwater II (fig. 16). Friday, May 2 E Day Minus 16 The mountain is not erupting, although it continues to steam. Thirty earthquakes stronger than magnitude 3 were recorded today, 8 of which were of magnitude 4.0 or greater. The bulge is growing outward at a rapid rate, as much as 5 feet a day near Goat Rocks. Scientists studying a thermal in- frared survey made by personnel of the US. Naval Air Station at Whidbey Island, Wash., detected a previously unknown area of warm rock in the middle of the bulge on the northern slope of the volcano. Ice continues to break up in this area, which is about 100 feet long and 50 feet wide. No one knows whether it is a new hot spot or one that existed before and has been hidden by a covering of ice. Skamania County Sheriff Bill Clos- ner accused television newsmen of practicing “one-upsmanship” by flying helicopters into the volcano’s dan- gerous Red Zone, according to an ar- ticle in the Seattle Post-Intelligencer. He is quoted as saying, “The mountain is getting more dangerous all the time. It's getting to the point where some- body’s going to get hurt, and we’re go- ing to arrest them. . . . ” Most news reporters and photographers, how- ever, seem to be responsible and law abiding in their efforts to present the Mount St. Helens story to the public. Some news teams have provided air- craft rides for scientists who otherwise would have had no access to the volcano area. Owners of some of the many sum- mer cabins in the Spirit Lake area reportedly have refused to make their 36 The First 100 Days of Mount St. Helens semiannual property-tax payments be- cause they have not been allowed to use or even enter their property since the area was evacuated after the erup- tions of March 27. Saturday, May 3 E Day Minus 15 The bulge continues to grow as Goat Rocks moves northward at an alarm- ing rate. Although steam continued to issue from summit fumaroles today, there were no eruptions, and seismic activity was down—only 26 earth- quakes of magnitude 3 or greater, in- cluding 5 exceeding 3.9. USGS scientists in Vancouver took time out from their measurements to discuss funding for the increasingly ex- pensive volcano watch and whether some of them should return to their regular duties. Volcanologist Johnston, who normally is assigned to the Menlo Park office but who has been involved since the first earthquake on March 20, told newsmen, “We all want to stay. We don’t want to be in California, Denver, or Virginia if something hap- pens. I even offered to move here.” Sunday, May 4 E Day Minus 14 The mountain remains quiet, and scientists were able to remeasure the bulge. They confirm that outward movement continues at a rate of about 5 feet a day. USGS geologists are now convinced that some bulging of the northern flank resulted from a mag- matic intrusion within the volcano dur- ing late March. They do not know yet whether the intrusion is still active or how much of the continuing change in the mountain's shape may be merely a gravitational spreading of the moun- tain accompanying the settling of the summit graben (fig. 14A). Volcanologist Johnston has been using a spectrometer, which measures the wavelengths of light components, to examine the makeup of the gases emanating from the crater. He uses the instrument at Timberline Viewpoint at midday when the sunlight shining through the gas is brightest. So far, he has not detected significant amounts of sulfur dioxide, which would indicate that the volcanic gases are from a high— temperature source. Monday, May 5 E Day Minus 13 Mount St. Helens continued to steam but did not erupt today. Smoke from the burning of timber slash (debris) led to rumors of lava flows, but there were none. Although strong eruptions of ash have not been com- mon during the past 3 weeks, scientists do not think that the volcanic activity is subsiding yet. Jack Hyde, a Tacoma Community College geologist who has done exten- sive research on Mount St. Helens and has worked with USGS geologists on studies of other Cascade Range vol- canoes, was interviewed today by reporter ]im Erickson of the Tacoma News Tribune. ”1 have a gut feel- ing . . . that as the bulge continues to grow, something dramatic is going to happen soon," Hyde said. He spec- ulated that the instability of the north- side bulge might result in massive land- slides, which could be followed by a “spectacular” explosion of lava, possibly without warning, as lava vents on the northern slope are opened up. When he was told that scientists are watching the northern face of the volcano from nearby ridges, Hyde replied, ”I hope they’re not in a direct line. That’s like looking down the bar- rel of a loaded gun." The frequency with which the famous Hawaiian volcanoes erupt and the type of lava flows that they pro- duce have contributed to the popular belief that all volcanoes have fluid, channeled lava flows. Because of this notion and because Hawaiian volcan- oes, being less explosive, are much safer than volcanoes like Mount St. Helens, some people who have visited Hawaii do not understand why scien- tists and officials are being so cautious. “We’re logging 10 miles away from the /peak,” one logger was quoted as say- ing. “I don’t see any hazard. I just came back from Hawaii, where they run tourist buses right up to the edge of a venting volcano." Tuesday, May 6 E Day Minus 12 Athough clouds obscured the moun- tain most of the day, there was no reason to suspect that it had erupted. The northern flank continues to bulge at the rate of 4 to 5 feet a day; earth- quakes continue at about the same rate as they have in recent weeks. The relatively gentle behavior of Mount St. Helens so far in this eruptive sequence makes it difficult for those who are unfamiliar with explosive volcanoes to realize the potential danger. For the last 2 weeks especially, the mountain has done nothing to con- vince a nonscientist that a volcanic hazard exists. If the scientific in- struments were not measuring the omi- nous displacement of the bulge and if the news media were not reporting the scientists’ concerns extensively, the public clamor to do away with the roadblocks and entry restrictions un- doubtedly would be greater. Eruptive Activity Resumes Wednesday, May 7 E Day Minus 11 The volcano resumed activity after a lull of about 2 weeks, sending up erup- tions of steam and ash late today as high as 13,000 feet. The northern flank of the mountain maintains its outward creep, but earthquakes are mostly of low magnitude. Some who are trying to carry on their daily lives in the shadow of the volcano find that their patience is wearing thin. Bombarded by rumors as well as official warnings, some residents say that they glance at “The Mountain” whenever they hear a noise. Several, according to reporters, wish that the volcano would ”blow and get it all over with.” One was quoted as saying, ”Inflation and that damn volcano—it's a wonder we don’t have ulcers." Thursday, May 8 E Day Minus 10 Muddy rain fell on the Timberline monitoring station today, and ash blew to the north and east as the moun- tain continued its sporadic eruptions. The crater steamed, as did areas near the head of Shoestring Glacier and the Boot, high on the eastern and northern sides of the cone, respectively. Many geologists agree that it is only a matter of time before the bulge area fails, probably in a gigantic landslide. They are unable to judge, however, when the failure is likely to occur. The strength of the rocks under the bulge and the depth to which they are af- fected by the deformation are not known. In the meantime, the northern flank continues its outward creep. Earthquake frequency is about the same as it has been in previous weeks (25 stronger than magnitude 3), but 11 quakes stronger than magnitude 4 were recorded—the largest number of higher magnitude quakes since April 24. The strongest of these registered 5.0, the most powerful single quake to date. Harmonic tremor returned to the records for the first time since April 12. Tremor was recorded in three bursts, from 4:43 to 5:03 a.m., 10:04 to 10:13 a.m., and 10:03 to 10:12 p.m. Friday, May 9 E Day Minus 9 The mountain continues to behave as it did yesterday, sending up inter- mittent plumes of steam and ash, steaming continuously in the main crater, on the upper northern flank, and at the head of Shoestring Glacier, and bulging farther outward on the northern side. Seismicity, too, is about the same. Twenty-one earthquakes stronger than Chronology of the First 100 Days 37 magnitude 3 were recorded, including nine that ranged from 4.0 to 4.9, but no harmonic tremor was noted today. USGS scientists curtailed observa- tions at Timberline Viewpoint because of the increasing danger that a sudden avalanche might reach that site. Many volcano observations now are being made at Coldwater I and Coldwater II, about 6 and 3 miles farther from the crater, respectively (fig. 7.) Saturday, May 10 E Day Minus 8 The volcano was under cloud cover most of the day, but erupting steam and ash could be seen when the clouds lifted. USGS scientists remeasured the bulge on the northern side when weather permitted and found that the rate of movement apparently has slowed to less than 3 feet a day—about half its average rate for the previous 2 weeks. (The apparent low rate was later thought to be due to an erroneous measurement.) Seismicity continues at about the same level; of 20 events ex- ceeding magnitude 3.0, 10 were magni- tude 4.0 or greater. University of Puget Sound geologist Al Eggers told reporters that tide- producing gravitational forces will be exceptionally strong on May 21, and he warned that the extreme force might trigger a major eruption if the volcano were already set to erupt. Although most USGS geologists do not totally discount this idea, they believe that other factors, such as magmatic pres- sure inside the mountain, are likely to be much more important. Sunday, May 11 E Day Minus 7 Although the crater emitted only small bursts of steam and ash, 10 earth- quakes of magnitude 4.0 or greater oc- curred again today. Increased steaming observed at the hot area on upper Shoestring Glacier may indicate changes in the distribution of heat in- side the volcano, according to USGS volcanologist Johnston. Volcanic-hazard scientists and pub- lic safety officials are feeling the pressures of responsibility these days. They believe that the volcano is cap- able of producing dangerous ava- lanches, mudflows, and explosive eruptions, and they are striving to give realistic warnings and to provide ade- quate protection for the public. At the same time, they recognize that per- sonal hardships and economic loss to local individuals and businesses could result from an overreaction to the hazards. Scientists hope to provide advance warning of any impending disaster. They are watching the mountain close- ly from the observation post at Cold- water II, which is being manned 24 hours a day. Also, a Forest Service observation airplane is in the air around the mountain almost contin- uously when weather permits. In addi- tion, instruments such as the tele- metering seismometers remain “on du- ty" and are closely monitored around the clock. Most USGS and University of Washington scientists who are stud- ying the volcano believe that any ma- jor eruption would be preceded by a change in the seismic activity or in the rate of bulging; therefore, they believe that they can give adequate warning if a dangerous eruption occurs. If, however, earthquake patterns do not change before the onset of a major event—such as the expected massive avalanche—or if the event occurs when visibility is hampered by darkness or clouds, even scientifically trained volcano watchers may not be able to give warning. Monday, May 12 E Day Minus 6 The mountain continues to erupt ash and steam, and observers today could see a new cluster of fumaroles on the western rim of the crater. The bulge continues to move out in the same direction (fig. 17) at a rate of about 5 feet a day. Scientists agree that the bulge poses a danger, but they still can- 38 The First 100 Days of Mount St. Helens not determine how extreme that danger lS. . Earthquakes stronger than magni- tude 3.0 have increased over the past few days; of the 28 recorded today, 8 exceeded 4.0. One earthquake of mag- nitude 5.0 triggered an 800-foot-wide debris avalanche that plunged more than half a mile down the northern flank of the mountain. The avalanche did not take the bulge with it, nor was it the huge avalanche that scientists an- ticipated. They believe that today’s avalanche demonstrates the increasing instability of the northern flank and that it was just a sample of larger events to come. A University of Washington seis- mology group moved a portable seismic recorder from a station at Spirit Lake to a ridgetop location northeast of Mount St. Helens. A major ava- lanche probably would reach the Spirit Lake station and would destroy the in- strument if it were to remain there. Tuesday, May 13 E Day Minus 5 Steam and ash continue to erupt, but the rate slackened in the afternoon. The eruption cloud rose only about 3,000 feet above the crater, and most of its ash fell nearby. However, a false report (of unknown origin) that a “mammoth” eruption had sent ash as high as 18,000 feet above sea level caused the Federal Aviation Ad- ministration to issue a pilots' warning that an ash-plume area extended 20 miles north-northeast of the volcano and was ”of extreme hazard to aircraft." The pit at the head of Shoestring Glacier has enlarged, and steam emis- sion from that site has increased. USGS observers reported also that new steaming areas have opened up on the western side of the mountaintop, just outside the crater rim. Geologists noted yellow-green encrustations on the old ash on the upper southern slopes of the volcano, probably from sulfur that was either deposited by the fumes or leached from the ash. Similar SOUTH METERS 3,000 2.500 2,000 1500 FIGURE 17.—Profile drawing of Mount St. Helens showin (dotted line), and April 7, 1980 (dashed line). Diagram is mo encrustations have been seen for weeks within the crater and around the rim. Earthquake activity continued at a lesser rate; 21 events stronger than magnitude 3.0, including 6 of magnitude 4 or greater, were recorded. Scientists at Vancouver spent much of today quashing rumors about the exaggerated size of the ash plume and also about a nonexistent lava flow, which was reported to have been mov- ing down the side of the volcano. Wednesday, May 14 E Day Minus 4 Although bad weather obscured the volcano more than half of today, observers did see some eruptions of steam and ash. They noted one new steaming vent between the two small peaks on and just north of the northern crater rim along part of the fault system on the northern side of the sum- mit graben. Instruments show that the northern flank continues to swell at a rate of about 5 feet a day and that seismicity is about the same or slightly less than it has been in recent days. Scientists from Dartmouth College, who are cooperating with the USGS in studying gas from the volcano, report that sulfur dioxide (50;) is being Graben Fault zone emitted at rates of 10 to 20 metric tons a day during the eruptive pulses and about 1 ton a day between eruptions. These SO; rates are much higher than those estimated from samples collected on March 30 (0.3 ton a day). Because volcanic SO; requires a very high- temperature source, the increased emission of this gas might indicate that the magma is moving closer to the sur- face. Thursday, May 15 E Day Minus 3 The volcano was visible part of the day; USGS observers saw no erup- tions, but they could see new ash on the southwestern flank. Some of the summit vents appear to be filled with fallen blocks of ice. The north—side bulge continues to shift outward at a rate of about 5 feet a day. Seismic activity included one earthquake of magnitude 4.8 early this morning. Mount St. Helens continues to at- tract the curious from around the world. Hard-pressed law-enforcement officers, unable to man roadblocks on the maze of logging roads around the mountain, can only check periodically for people trying to get around the bar- ——————— Postutated boundary of‘ NORTH FEET EXPLANATlON --. 10,000 o o o o I In August 36,1979 ————— April 7, 1930 May 12, 1980 8,000 dome-forming mass 6,000 4,000 g the shape of the north-side bulge on May 12, 1980 (solid line), August 16, 1979 dified from Moore and Albee (1981). ricades and locked gates for a closer look at the volcano. Many roadblocks have become places where visitors congregate—picnicking, socializing, photographing, or just waiting for the clouds to lift and for the volcano to “do something." Their vehicles often cl ~ the very routes that they would need to escape an explosive eruption. Fifty days have now passed since the March 27 eruption, but no lava has been seen, and no evidence of fresh magma has been found in the ash. Even with the renewal of ash eruptions on May 7, the amount of tephra ejected since March 27 has not been great in comparison with that ejected during eruptions of other volcanoes in the Cascade Range or during previous eruptions of Mount St. Helens itself. Friday, May 16 E Day Minus 2 The lull in eruptions continues, and seismicity has remained at about the same level for the past few days. To- day, there were 28 earthquakes stronger than magnitude 3.0; 10 reached 4.0 or greater. No harmonic tremor has been recorded since May 8. Airborne observers could see clearly into the growing summit crater and Chronology of the First 100 Days 39 40 FIGURE 18.——A, This aerial photograph of the northeastern side of Mount St. Helens shows conditions on May 17, the day before the devastating eruption. This quiet scene belies the forthcoming lateral blast. Dark streaks on either side of Sugar Bowl are deposits from avalanches of ice and rock caused by earthquakes and the increased breakup of the northern slope. (Photograph by Robert M. Kimmel, USGS.) B, Named features on the mountain and the extent of the north-side bulge are shown on the accompanying sketch. The First 100 Days of Mount St. Helens noted that steam continues to emanate from the summit area, particularly from a large fumarole on the southern wall and from a gradually enlarging pit at the head of Shoestring Glacier. The bulging northern side also was steam- ing today, especially on its higher parts. The volcano has changed shape con- siderably during the last week and a half. The northern and northwestern rims of the crater show abundant cracks, which have been partly filled by snow and ash; this area appears to be moving downward as a mass toward the crater. The bulge area, too, continues to be highly broken and distorted. Before dawn today, an aerial ther- mal survey of the volcano was made by the US Department of Energy. Because the results of the survey were recorded as digital data on tape, they are not immediately available for inter— pretation. Glaciologists set up a time-lapse camera on Dogs Head, 1 mile north- east of the mountain’s crest, and aimed it at the growing bulge. The camera takes a picture every half hour and can operate for more than 5 days without being reloaded. Cabins and camps at Spirit Lake, at the foot of the volcano, have been deserted for the most part, as they are in the Red Zone. Yesterday and today, however, workers were allowed to remove equipment from the Boy Scout and YMCA camps along the lake. Owners of private property in the no- entry zones are demanding similar ac- cess to the homes and cabins that they were forced to leave weeks ago. Some threatened to converge in numbers on the roadblocks and go through ”come hell or high water.” The penalty for be- ing found in the zone without permis- sion has been set at $500 or a 6-month jail sentence. The National Weather Service predicts good weather for volcano watching this weekend. Saturday, May 17 E Day Minus 1 No ash erupted from the mountain today, but the bulge on the northern side continues to expand (fig. 18). Seismic activity decreased to its lowest level this month, which is only slightly lower than the May 7 level. Eighteen earthquakes stronger than magnitude 3.0 were recorded today, six of which were of magnitude 4.0 or greater. Responding to pressure from prop- erty owners and with Governor Ray's consent, law-enforcement officers to- day escorted about 50 carloads of property owners to their property in the Red Zone to retrieve some of their possessions. Those who entered the zone were required to sign liability releases at the road barricades and to be back out by nightfall. Authorities have agreed to allow a second caravan of property owners to go in at 10 a.m. tomorrow, if the mountain remains quiet. At least two people have remained in residence in the restricted zones. Harry Truman, proprietor of the Mount St. Chronology of the First 100 Days 41 FIGURE 19.—This aerial View of Spirit Lake, seen from the southeast on the morning of May ’ 18, is probably the last photograph taken of this popular recreation area before the devastating eruption. At the left end of the lake is Mount St. Helens Lodge, where pro- prietor Harry Truman presumably was buried a few minutes later beneath hundreds of feet of avalanche debris. (Photograph copyright 1980 by Keith and Dorothy Stoffel.) Helens Lodge (fig. 19), has stayed in his home at Spirit Lake (in the Red Zone) in defiance of government authorities and the threatening volcano and has become something of a folk hero in the process. Ray Jennings also has not left his cabin in the Blue Zone near Swift Reservoir (fig. 13). Because the road barricades are not difficult to evade, the number of others in the restricted zones is not accurately known. ”No one would listen,” Skamanian County Sheriff Closner was later quoted in the Vancouver Columbian as saying. “It didn’t matter what we did. People were going around, through, and over the barricades. Some were climbing right up to the rim of the crater. Maps were even being sold showing back-country roads around the barricades." One man will be in the Red Zone legally tonight. He is volcanologist Johnston, who today took up duties at the USGS Coldwater II observation post 5.7 miles north-northwest of the summit of Mount St. Helens. Johnston is taking instrument readings of the distances to targets on the swelling bulge and radioing them to the volcano-watch headquarters in Van- couver. He also has been gathering in- formation about the volcano’s condi- tion by studying the volcanic gases—his scientific specialty (fig. 20). He will be alone at the ridgetop site overnight but expects to be joined in the morning by other USGS staff members. Johnston is taking over for geology student Harry Glicken, an in- termittent USGS employee who has been at Coldwater II most of the time since May 1 but who left at 9 p.m. tonight to participate in a required col- lege field trip. Geologists Daniel Miller and Donald Swanson plan to visit 42 The First 100 Days of Mount St. Helens Coldwater II tomorrow to change film in the time-lapse cameras and to pick up a geodimeter. They expect to leave Vancouver about 8 a.m. Normally, the trip could be made in a few minutes in a charter helicopter. Tomorrow, however, the helicopter will not be available, so they face a 2-hour trip by automobile. On the next ridgetop beyond Johnston’s is the post of Gerald Martin, a retired Navy radioman from southern California, who is one of a team of amateur radio operators serv- ing as volunteer volcano watchers for the Washington Department of Emergency Services. Martin will spend the night in his radio-equipped camper at a site just outside the northern boun- diary of the Red Zone, less than 2 miles north of the Coldwater II observation station and about 7 miles north of the volcano’s top. Also staying near the volcano, but not inside the restricted zone is Reid Blackburn, a staff photographer for the Vancouver Columbian. Blackburn is at the Coldwater I observation post, which is 8.4 miles northwest of the mountain's summit and 2.4 miles west of the present Red Zone boundary. Blackburn will stay overnight to record images of the mountain at intervals during the night and also to photograph it in the clear light of early dawn. Two of his colleagues, Fred Stocker and Jim McWirter, who also have been camping at Coldwater I, went into Vancouver and ”on a whim" have decided to remain in the city overnight. FIGURE 20.—A, On May 17, volcanologist David Johnston collected gas samples from a fumarolerecently found high on the unstable north-side bulge (shown by the arrow). (Photograph by David Frank.) B, Johnston and assistant Harry Glicken were lifted by helicopter to a precarious landing site nearby. C, Johnston scrambled over the chaotic rock mass to crouch at the edge of the fumarole and collect the samples. (Photographs by Harry Glicken.) Chronology of the First 100 Days In eastern Washington, everyday ac- tivities are going on with little or no concern for the increasing instability of Mount St. Helens. In Spokane, Washington’s third largest city, the an- nual Lilac Festival has brought an in- flux of visitors to the city. Fair weather is expected for tomorrow’s festivities, after which many people will be travel- ing homeward. In the farming area around Ritzville, the winter wheat is about 20 inches Cataclysmic Eruption Sunday, May 18 E Day Today began free of clouds and so quietly that some scientists delayed planned reconnaissance flights over the mountain. Seismicity during the early morning was moderate, about the same as it has been in recent weeks. The Oregon Army National Guard flew over the volcano before dawn to make a thermal survey. ’The infrared scanner in the aircraft recorded the relative temperatures of the volcano's surface on photographic film, which was processed in a matter of hours after the plane landed. In Yakima, the sky was almost cloudless. Keith and Dorothy Stoffel, geologists working in the Spokane area, were visiting Yakima to attend a meeting. They decided to charter an airplane and fly to Mount St. Helens to photograph and observe the volcano. At about 7:15 a.m., they took off from Yakima airport with pilot Bruce Judson. At 8:30 a.m., some campers north of the mountain were up and enjoying a clear blue sky and warm gentle breezes from the west; others were still in their tents and sleeping bags. Fishermen, a few loggers, and other early risers had long been on the move. Several volunteer volcano watchers and amateur radio operators were at their posts. Some photographers, cameras cocked, were already awaiting the high. Although spring has been cooler than normal this year, good crop yields are expected because precipitation has been abundant, and the soil is moist. At Yakima, the late spring has de- layed crops, but the blossoms are gone from the extensive orchards now, and the tiny fruit is beginning to form. The alfalfa crop is good; the first cutting of hay is about 5 percent complete, and the rest of the fields are about ready to cut. mountain’s next move. The Stoffels and pilot Judson were in the air over the volcano. In Yakima, Robert L. Washburn, geologist for the Wash- ington Department of Transportation, and his friend Chris Linschooten started on a morning run along a road west of the city. At Coldwater II, Johnston had already made two sets of laser measurements to the growing bulge and had transmitted the last data to Vancouver at about 7:00 a.m. The quiet was ended abruptly at 8:32 a.m. by an earthquake of about magnitude 5.1, the first in a day-long series of sharp quakes and seismic noise “like we’d never had before." That earthquake started a chain of events that was to leave the mountain and its surroundings drastically changed and was to claim the lives of about 60 people. The earthquake shook the walls of Mount St. Helens’ summit crater and started many small avalanches. Then, a huge slab of the northern slope of the volcano in the area of the bulge began to separate from the main cone along a crack across the upper part of the bulge. As this immense mass of rock and ice plunged northward, small, dark clouds emerged from the base of the slide, followed closely by vertical plumes of steam and ash from the crater area. As the huge avalanche raced down the volcano’s lower flank, black clouds grew from the scar of the mountain- 44 The First 100 Days of Mount St. Helens The Army National Guard's 116th Air Cavalry Squadron is also in the Yakima area with its helicopters for summer field training. Nearer to Mount St. Helens, about 30 ships are expected to depart at the busy ports of Vancouver and Portland in the next day or two and head down the Columbia River for the Pacific Ocean. About 20 incoming ships are expected to steam upriver to these same port facilities. side. Within seconds, as more of the northern flank slumped downward, these clouds developed into a large blast, directed outward, that became a devastating hurricane of ash and coarser fragments. The avalanche, now outdistanced by the lateral blast, slammed into a ridge about 5 miles north of the old summit, forming a hummocky debris flow that over- topped the ridge at one place but most- ly turned to flow westward down the valley of the North Fork Toutle River as far as 14 miles. Farther east, part of the avalanche debris dived into Spirit Lake, where it displaced the water as a huge swash onto adjacent slopes, buried countless trees already blown into the lake, and raised the lakebed by more than 200 feet. The major lateral blast probably began about 20 to 30 seconds after the triggering earthquake and spread northward at remarkable speed. Seventy-seven seconds after the earth- quake began, a seismic station about 3.5 miles from the blast origin stopped sending signals to the University of Washington seismology center, pre- sumably when the instrument was hit by the blast. That timing suggests an outward speed of 220 to 250 miles an hour for the debris-laden blast cloud. Johnston was among the first to see the avalanche and the beginning of the eruption. He probably was outside his trailer making measurements to the mountain and recording data. He grabbed his radio. ”Vancouver, Van- couver, this is it," he shouted—then, as the black, hot cloud of the lateral blast raced toward him, a final transmission, too garbled to be understood. The center in Vancouver did not receive his warning; atmospheric disturbance caused by the eruption probably blocked the radio signals. Johnston’s message was received in- stead on the radio of a private citizen and recorded on an attached tape recorder. A more detailed warning came from volcano watcher Martin on the ridgetop north of Coldwater 11. When the action started, he coolly radioed a description of the avalanche, the begin- ning of the eruption, and the progress of the blast cloud. “The camper and the car just over to the south of me [Cold- water 11] are covered,” he reported. "It [the blast cloud] is going to get me, too.” He was right. There was no escape from his position. No one could see what was happen- ing within the spreading dark hur- ricane, but later observations showed that the blast had spanned an area north of the crater in an arc of nearly 180°, which measured 23 miles across from east to west and extended from the mountain crest northwestward for about 18 miles. Within that area was an inner zone nearly 6 miles wide in which almost all life was destroyed. Trees were stripped of their branches and snapped off near the ground or uprooted, and vehicles were over- turned. In an area rimming that zone and extending to near the edge of the blast area, trees were mostly denuded and toppled; on the outer limit, trees were left standing but seared. How hot the blast was can only be estimated by its effects; melted plastic and charred wood found in its path suggest temperatures as high as 680 °F (360°C). Later, scientists made a pre- liminary estimate that the energy of the blast was equivalent to at least a few megatons of TNT and greater than the first atom bomb, although the sus- tained volcanic explosion was entirely different in character VIEW FROM ABOVE The Stoffels watched and photo- graphed the beginning of the eruption from the air, narrowly escaping the in- itial blast and the rapidly spreading ash cloud. Here is their story (Korosec and others, 1980): ”At about 7:50 a.m., we entered (with permission) the restricted air space around Mount St. Helens from the northeast and began our first pass in the clockwise direction. We were im- mediately impressed and surprised by the wet appearance of the north face. We circled above the base of the volcanic cone, at an altitude of about 11,000 feet, taking photographs. The mountain looked serene, with only very minor wisps of steam blowing toward the north and west. Striking features on the north side of the moun- tain included large wet areas glisten- ing around Goat Rocks and Sugar Bowl, where small avalanches had kicked up rocks and snow. The reddish-brown debris flows surround- ing the two domes contrasted sharply with the lighter color of surrounding slopes. We wondered if these flows were very recent features and if they were hours or days old. “After we had completed the first pass, we began the second from the north-northeast, with a tight bank and a pass directly over the south side of the summit crater, at an altitude of about 11,000 feet. Again we were im- pressed by the serenity of the scene below. Activity included very minor steaming from a vent at the bottom of the main crater and from a small hole on the southeast side of the top surface of the raised southern lip of the crater [fig. 218]. We saw numerous wet seeps on the north-facing wall of the main crater, and a small lake had formed on the crater floor just below this area. As we continued westward across the crater’s edge, we noted the immense fractures on the top of the south lip. “After we circled around to the north, we began a third pass along the same path followed in the previous pass, crossing directly over the sum- mit. We didn't notice anything dif- ferent, but the pilot thought he noticed more extensive cracking. ”The fourth pass began with a wide sweep to the northwest to get a better overview of the entire mountain. We circled clockwise at a distance of about 5 or 6 miles from the summit, passing over the northern end of Spirit Lake, and viewing each of the flanks as we continued the circular path. We turned sharply on the west side of the crater, intending to pass over the summit and continue east back to Yakima. ”As we approached the summit, fly- ing at an altitude of about 11,000 feet, everything was as calm as before. Just as we passed above the western side of the summit crater, we noticed land- sliding of rock and ice debris inward into the crater [fig. 21C]. The pilot tipped the wing towards the crater, giving us a better view of the land- sliding. The north-facing wall of the south side of the main crater was especially active. “Within a matter of seconds— perhaps 15 seconds—the whole north side of the summit crater began to move instantaneously. As we were looking directly down on the summit crater, everything north of a line drawn east-west across the northern side of the summit crater began to move as one gigantic mass. The nature of movement was eerie, like nothing we had ever seen before. The entire mass began to ripple and churn up, without moving laterally. Then the en- tire north side of the summit began sliding north along a deep-seated slide plane [figs. 21D, E, F]. We were amazed and excited with the realiza- tion that we were watching this land- slide of unbelievable proportions slide down the north side of the mountain toward Spirit Lake. We took photo- graphs of this slide sequence occurring, but before we could snap off more than a few pictures, a huge explosion blasted out of the landslide-detachment plane [fig. 21G]. We neither felt nor heard a thing, even though we were Chronology of the First 100 Days 45 ,v .1 mg 46 The First 100 Days of Mount St. FIGURE 21,—Aerial closeups of the earthquake-triggered landslide and the beginning of the devastating May 18 eruption of Mount St. Helens. (Photographs copyright 1980 by Keith and Dorothy Stoffel.) A, The airplane carrying geologists Keith and Dorothy Stoffel skirted the northern side of the crater dur- ing the earthquake that triggered the huge north-side ava- lanche and the start of the May 18 eruptions. Symbols show the approximate flightpath and positions of the airplane when the accompanying photographs were taken. B, View from a position about 1,000 feet higher than the northwestern lip of the summit crater, less than 1 minute before the major erup- tion. The crater was serene, and there was little steaming. A fumarole in the Notch (fault trench) north of the crater was fuming only enough to show a slight haze. C, As the airplane passed just north of the crater, a strong earthquake started avalanches of ice and rock debris on the southern wall of the crater, seen here from the northeast, and also triggered a huge avalanche on the northern side. When this photograph was taken, the area shown in the lower right was “rippling and churning in place” but had not yet slumped downward. A puff of steam that had appeared from the Notch fumarole (shown by an arrow) also shows clearly in D, E, and F. D, This view westward across the upper northern side of the crater stops the action as a large slab of the mountainside was dropping to the north and forming an avalanche tongue. The slide mass has detached from a steep slide face, seen here from the edge, to the right (north) of the steaming Notch area (shown by an arrow). Fuming from the slide face also had begun. The north- western rim of the crater is seen in the upper left of this photograph, and the eastern part of the South Fork Toutle River valley is in the upper center. E, Moments later, the slide mass had moved farther down and toward the north (right), and a second slab had begun to slide down after the first. Fume emission increased from the slide face and Notch areas. The first dark ash plumes were seen starting from the lower edges of the slide face—one above and to the left of center in this view and the other at’the bottom edge to the right of center. F, The initial slide mass had moved even farther down, and the entire remaining mass of rock and ice north of the crater rim (upper left) had begun to slump as this picture was taken. Fume and ash eruptions were beginning from the slide face, the Notch area, and the bottom of the crater itself (just out of view at the upper left). G, The eruption cloud grew from emana- tions from the north-side slide face, the former Notch area, and the bottom of the crater. These sources determined the initial shape of the eruption cloud, here partly hidden from View (see figs. 23 and 24). H, Although the vertical crater plume appeared almost stationary, the lateral cloud grew quickly and violently. Note the projectiles (rock and ice) being thrown to the north (right of this view). I, This view, photographed shortly after H, shows slight further growth of the vertical plume. At this point, the darker cloud (right) was becoming the upper part of the rapidly expanding lateral blast (see figs. 23, 24, 25, and 26). The Stoffels had used all their film, and the pilot opened the throttle and dove the airplane to escape the expanding blast cloud. Chronology of the First 100 Days 47 122°15' LEWtS COUNTY SKAMANIA COUNTY Goldwater | Blackburn X X 46° 15’ Rogers and the Kearneys Merrill La 9 Coldwater || Johnston 3 Ryan Lake X Rosenquist and Honnholm x Martin Eagle Cliff Bridge 46° 10 MILES l l l 10 15 KILDMETERS FIGURE 22.—Sketch map of the Mount St. Helens area showing where some of the victims of the May 18 lateral blast and some of the photographers contributing to this report were located. (Modified from Cummans, 1981.) just east of the summit at this time. Dorothy saw the southern portion of the summit crater begin to crumble and slide to the north just after the initial explosion [fig. 211]. “From our viewpoint, the initial cloud appeared to mushroom laterally to the north and plunge down. Within seconds, the cloud had mushroomed enough to obscure our view. At about this time, the realization of the enor- mous size of the eruption hit us, and we focused our attention on getting out of there. The pilot opened full throttle and dove quickly to gain speed. He estimated that we were going 200 knots. The cloud behind us mush- roomed to unbelievable dimensions and appeared to be catching up with us. Since the clouds were billowing primarily in a northerly direction, we turned south, heading straight toward Mount Hood. “After a couple of minutes, we felt sure we had outrun the clouds. Behind us, we could see the clouds continue to mushroom to the north and northwest. An ash cloud rolled across the summit and down the south face, completely enveloping the cone and eventually obscuring all but the lower slopes. The pilot suggested turning west and flying around the west side of the cloud, but after we thought about it briefly, we 48 The First 100 Days of Mount St. Helens realized that the billowing clouds were moving west faster than we could fly. To the east of the volcano, the ash cloud separated into billowing, mushroom-shaped clouds and a higher overhang of cirrus-type clouds. Ashfall from the mushroom-shaped clouds was heavy. Lightning bolts shooting through the clouds were tens of thousands of feet high. Soon, the ash extended to altitudes higher then 50,000 feet. “We thought about flying back to Yakima and even turned to the east briefly, but again we decided against it, realizing we could never beat the ash cloud. Sometime between 9:00 and 9:15 [a.m.] we landed at a Portland air- port." VIEW FROM THE WEST Ty and Marianna Kearney were at a ridgetop site 7.6 miles west of the sum- mit outside the restricted zone (fig. 22). Like Martin, they were amateur radio operators serving as volunteer volcano watchers, and they had been living in their camper van at that site for nearly a week. Also at the viewpoint that morning was sightseer Robert Rogers. The triggering earthquake drew their attention to the peak; they then watched the avalanche and the grow- ing eruption plumes in profile. Rogers ran for his camera, which was about 60 feet away, and began taking pictures (fig. 23). He was able to expose only a few frames during a span of perhaps 15 seconds before his camera jammed. Kearney radioed a warning about the eruption and then began using his camera, taking his first picture (fig. 24A) several seconds after Rogers' camera failed. The observers heard a roaring sound as the laterally directed cloud began to roll down the moun- tain, and they could see fires starting as lightning in the cloud ignited trees. They drove southward to safety by roundabout logging roads as winds generated by the eruption rocked their vehicles. FIGURE 23.—These photographs of the early part of the May 18 eruption were taken from a ridgetop 7.6 miles west of Mount St. Helens. The photographer felt the triggering earthquake, saw the begin— ning of the eruption, and operated his camera as fast as possible (manually) un- til it jammed after he took the last picture shown here. He estimated that this se- quence required about 15 seconds. Even at this early stage of events, the front of the avalanche was already out of sight below the horizon to the left of the large, streaked hump (which probably was a dust cloud). Marianna Kearney, a volunteer observer and radio operator stationed at the site, is in the right foreground near her camper van. (The earlier development of this avalanche is shown in fig. 21.) These pictures also show the growth of both a lower and an upper laterally directed eruption cloud. Similarities in the sizes and shapes of the eruption clouds show that the second pic— ture in this sequence must have been taken at about the same time as figure 21G. (Photographs copyright 1980 by Robert Rogers.) FIGURE 24,—This sequence of photo- graphs, which, like that in figure 23, was taken at a site 7.6 miles west of the sum- mit of Mount St. Helens, picks up shortly after the sequence shown in figure 23 leaves off and covers a time interval of about 15 seconds. It shows the further development of the north-directed blast. The panoramic photograph (C) spans an arc of about 90°. Mount Rainier is at the lower left edge; the site of Coldwater II is in the lower center of the left half, obscured (and probably already demol- ished) by the rapidly expanding lateral blast cloud. The photographs were taken by Ty Kearney, an amateur radio operator and volunteer volcano observer for the Washington State Deparment of Emergency Services. Observers at the site distinctly felt the earthquake that trig- gered the huge debris avalanche preceding the eruption. (Photographs copyright 1980 by Ty and Alan Kearney.) 52 The First 100 Days of Mount St. Helens VIEW FROM THE NORTHEAST At Bear Meadow, about 11 miles northeast of the summit of Mount St. Helens (fig. 22:), Gary Rosenquist, an amateur photographer, and Keith Ronnholm, a graduate student in the University of ‘Washington Geophysics Program, were camped within a few hundred yards of each other, along with several other parties of campers. Earlier in the morning, Rosenquist had mounted his camera on a tripod and aimed it at the volcano. Thus prepared, he was able to begin taking pictures as soon as he realized that a huge avalanche was occurring. After taking the remarkable sequence of eruption photographs shown in figure 25, he snapped a few more pictures, warned other campers who had not yet stirred, and drove his vehicle to safety northward of the blast zone. Ronnholm was in his camper when the avalanche began, and he estimates that he did not start taking pictures (fig. 26A) until about 10 seconds after the eruption began (compare figs. 26A and 25G). He waited, taking more pic- tures from the same site and expecting the blast cloud to be stopped or diverted upward by ridges closer to the volcano. When the turbulent gray FIGURE 25.—This remarkable sequence of photographs was taken by Gary Rosen- quist, who was camped at Bear Meadow about 11 miles northeast of the summit of Mount St. Helens. On the morning of May 18, he had mounted his camera on a tripod and was thus well prepared to record the fast-moving events that began at 8:32 a.m. These photographs (copyright 1980 by Gary Rosenquist) are estimated to span about 20 seconds. A, This photograph was made at about the same time that Keith Stoffel, flying above the volcano, was taking the picture in, figure 21E, looking down the avalanching northern face of‘ the mountain. At this early stage, the summit eruption cloud was just begin- ning to emerge. The first huge avalanche mass was roaring northward; its front was already below the crest of the timbered ridge (lower right), and a sec- ond slab of the mountain’s northern side was beginning to slump. The beginning of the lateral blast is shown here by small black eruption clouds on the left- and right-hand sides of the scarp left by the avalanches. B, and C, In these views, the second large slab from the upper north- ern side was falling and also was begin- ning to be blown apart by the lateral eruption, and the eruption plume from the summit area was rising rapidly. The left—hand (eastern) side of the avalanche mass consisted largely of ice from the Forsyth Glacier (white area in left center of both views), which was flowing around a dark rock obstruction. (Com- pare with ice extent in A.) D, E, and F, Both the vertical and the lateral eruption clouds enlarged rapidly as the avalanche mass moved downward and to the north (right). D stops the action during the col- lapse of the entire remaining upper north- ern side of the mountain. At about the same instant, Robert Rogers was taking his first picture (fig. 23A) from the west. G, The forceful blast cloud overtook the trailing edge of the avalanche mass and may have boosted its upper part (lower right) in its northward rush. H, By the time that this picture was taken, the upper (darker) and lower parts of the lateral blast had merged, and the blast was in full force. Most of the upper northern side of Mount St. Helens was involved. Large blocks of rock and ice (right center) were thrown through the air to the north. Chronology of the First 100 Days 53 FIGURE 26,—Ground views of the rapidly expanding lateral blast cloud of the May 18 eruption. (Photographs copyright 1980 by Keith Ronnholm, University of Washington Geophysics Program.) A, View from about 11 miles northeast of the summit (from Bear Meadow), where geophysicist Keith Ronnholm began taking pictures about 10 seconds after the eruption began. The front of the ava- lanche was already out of view behind the ridge at the lower right; the upper and lower lateral eruption clouds (figs. 23 and 24A) were merging as they grew. B, Telephoto View from the same spot about 4 seconds later (about 14 seconds after the eruption began), taken at nearly the same instant that figure 25H was taken. Note the streaming projectiles (blocks of ice and rock) being thrown beyond the eruption cloud to the right. 54 The First 100 Days of Mount St. Helens cloud continued rushing toward the camp about 90 seconds after the erup- tion began, he took one more picture (fig. 26C) and began driving north- ward to outrun the cloud. Keeping barely ahead of the menacing hot cloud, he stopped about 3 miles farther from the mountain to take a picture of the towering front of the cloud (fig. 26D). About 8 minutes after the emp- tion began, airborne ash from the volcano was streaming eastward with the wind (fig. 26E). By that time, lightning was flashing, and thunder was a constant rumble. Shortly thereafter, rocks the size of golf balls began to fall on him. Ronnholm’s vehi- cle was soon engulfed in an ashfall so thick and so dark that he could con- tinue driving only by following a log- ging truck that was being guided by men walking ahead to feel out the road. FIGURE 26. — Continued. C, The blast cloud quickly obscured the mountain and expanded northward. Ronnholm waited at the same site, expecting the cloud to be . stopped or diverted upward by ridges between him and the volcano (A). When the cloud continued to expand beyond the first ridge and then the second and was still rushing toward him, he took this photograph (about 90 seconds after the eruption began) and then began driving his vehicle northward to outrun the cloud. D, Keeping barely ahead of the towering hot cloud, Ronnholm stopped about 3 miles farther from the mountain (about 6.5 minutes after the eruption began) and took this photograph by aim- ing his camera upward between trees. E, This photograph, taken toward the south from the same site about 1.5 minutes later, shows clear sky below the ash cloud, which by then was streaming eastward with the wind. (The volcano is to the right ”about two photo widths”) By this time, lightning was flashing, and thunder was a constant rumble. Amid a shower of golf-ball-sized rocks and ash so thick and dark that he could barely see, Ronnholm escaped to the north. Chronology of the First 100 Days 55 VIEW FROM THE NORTHWEST Marshall Huntting was up early at his home about 30 miles northwest of the mountain near the town of Silver Creek, Wash. (fig. 13). A former State Geologist, he was very interested in the volcano and had been observing it in- tently through binoculars during the past weeks as weather permitted. When he learned of the eruption, he made a hasty start in his car toward a nearby hill where he and his neighbors had watched previous eruptions of steam and ash. After a spinout at a road intersection, he got his car back on the road and arrived at the hilltop in time to see a widespread vertical erup- tion cloud rising to an amazing height and a ground cloud (from the lateral blast) spreading westward, apparently following the valleys of the North Fork Toutle River or the Green River or both. At about 8:42 a.m., the westward front of the ground-hugging cloud ap- peared to stop at a position about 2 miles upstream (southeast) from Camp Baker (fig. 22). Thereafter, the ground cloud seemed to be ”sucked up into the vertical ash plume" rising toward the stratosphere. About 20 minutes after the eruption began, observers at Silver Creek saw a second ash cloud rise from the direc- tion of Mount St. Helens and begin moving westward near the ground, as the first cloud had. They could not see whether the second cloud originated at the volcano or was some kind of after- effect of the original lateral blast. About 10 minutes after the second \ cloud appeared, the observers saw a white halo forming and rising around the vertical eruption plume from the volcano (fig. 27A). They noted that the second ground-hugging cloud extended even farther west than the first; ac- cording to Huntting, it stopped slightly west of the direction of Camp Baker, at about 9:30 a.m. (fig. 278). Thereafter, the lower cloud seemed to settle rather than to rise. Part of it moved north- westward out of the Green River valley, crossed the Cowlitz River, and, at about 10:15 a.m., stopped at Silver Creek, the northwesternmost extent of ashfall from this eruption. The higher ash cloud gradually drifted eastward as the volcano continued its upward erup- tion, and the western side of the volcano was clearly visible (fig. 28). OTHER OBSERVATIONS After watching the “slow-motion’ beginning of the eruption, other observers sought escape as the lateral blast cloud sped outward to the north and overtook dozens of people in a wide area. Some survivors told of rac- ing their automobiles at breakneck speeds along mountain roads to escape the turbulent dark cloud. At least one couple, however, drove to the mountain after they heard about the eruption. They avoided roadblocks and drove as far as they could up a log- ging road. Three miles from the moun- tain, their car was disabled by volcanic ash. Luckily, a passing helicopter crew spotted them and flew them to safety. A party of 12 climbers had risen early to ascend Mount Adams, 34 miles east of Mount St. Helens. They had reached the false summit, at an elevation of 11,800 feet, when the eruption started. Within 10 minutes, they ‘ felt a “heat wave”—a rise in temperature of 30° to 40°F (17°422 °C)-—that lasted several minutes. Afterward, a gray cloud cut off the sun, and the atmosphere became charged with electricity. The climbers heard no sound from the eruption, nor did observers at Silver Lake, 30 miles west of Mount St. Helens, but others 18 miles northeast of theT mountain heard a rumbling that sounded like a large avalanche 1 or 2 minutes after the first dark eruption cloud? rose. The sound of the initial ex- plosidn was heard distinctly in north- western Washington and southern British Columbia in Canada. In- struments at the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration labora- tory in Silver Spring, Md., detected an I 56 The First 100 Days of Mount St. Helens atmospheric wave 3 hours and 20‘ minutes later; in another 10 minutes, instruments at Columbia University’s Larriont-Doherty Geophysical Observatory in New York registered it. The average speed of the wave travel- ing across country was nearly 700 miles an hour. Seismograph records show that the triggering earthquake came from a depth of roughly 1,000 feet below sea level and from a point about 1 mile due north of the summit. The initial quake was followed about 2 minutes later by a second earthquake of roughly the same magnitude (about 5). Strong seismic signals were recorded for another 10 minutes (until 8:44 a.m.); then, seismic activity was relatively low for the following 3 hours. At 11:40 a.m., instruments at the University of Washington seismology center began to show a gradual increase in seismic activity. By 1:30 p.m., it was impossi- ble to discriminate individual earth- quake traces on the recorder charts FIGURE 27,—Photographs taken about 1 hour after the start of the May 18 erup- tion from a spot about 31 miles north- west of Mount St. Helens. (Photographs by Mrs. Jim Lenz.) A, This photograph, taken about 9:20 a.m., shows, beyond the distant ridges, the westward- spreading plume of a ground-hugging ash cloud (the second that was seen) when it had reached a position about 14 miles west of the volcano, probably following the valley of the North Fork Toutle River. Also shown is the “halo” that first began to appear around the ash column rising from Mount St. Helens (hidden at left edge of this view) about half an hour after the eruption began. B, This view, taken from the same site about 9:30 a.m., shows the second ground plume near its westernmost extent, about 15 miles west of the volcano. The umbrellalike higher cloud from the vertical eruption column first spread outward in all directions but later was swept eastward, and the west- ern side of the mountain was left clearly visible (see fig. 28). The ground plume continued to spread northward, its northwestern edge stopping at about 10:15 a.m. near where these pictures were taken. FIGURE 28,—The dense column of ash from the May 18 eruption billowed out of the volcano almost steadily for more than 9 hours after the 58 lateral blast had removed the upper northern side of the mountain (hidden in this view from the south-southwest). The ash reached an altitude of more than 15 miles, well into the stratosphere, but most of it was carried eastward at lesser altitudes by the prevailing winds and often formed distinct horizontal layers in the sky, as seen here. The large white cloud extending above the low layer of ash to the left of the eruption column was rising from large steam explosions in hot avalanche deposits near the southwestern end of Spirit Lake (see fig. 30). Less violent steam vents (left of mountain) were scattered across avalanche deposits that extended into the upper valley of the North Fork Toutle River. This photograph was taken about 11: 0 a.m., May 18, 1980, by David Frank (USCS). The First 100 Days of Mount St. Helens because of the large number of seismic events and the strong harmonic tremor. The seismic activity peaked about 3:40 p.m., declined, and reached “moderate” levels by 5:30 p.m. Har- monic tremor continued at fluctuating levels. ASH SPRTEADS EASTWARD Although vertical plumes of steam and ash accompanied the beginning of the lateral blast (figs. 21G, H, I), the lateral blast was well underway before the strong vertical eruption from what had been the: volcano’s summit crater began. Ash from the vertical eruption column, which within 10 minutes had risen to a height of more than 15 miles, was rapidly blown to the east- northeast. The ash cloud produced countless lightning flashes that started hundreds of fires in trees and forest debris near the volcano. Dense clouds of ash from the contin- uing eruption turned daytime to darkness as far as 120 miles away, and a lighter covering of ash dusted areas many hundreds of miles away. Ash fell heavily in Montana and visibly as far east as the Great Plains of the Central United States (fig. 29). By 9:30 a.m., Washburn and Lin- schooten had run from Yakima toward the community of Cowiche. As they continued running in the warm, clear morning, they began to see what they thought was a very dense rain cloud rising over the foothills of the Cascade Range from the west, the normal direc- tion for storms moving into the area. FIGURE 29).—Satellite pictures and map show the eastward spread of the ash plume from the May 18 eruption, which began at 8:32 a.m., Pacific Daylight Time. (Photographs from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.) A, By 8:45 am. (eruption plus 13 minutes), the eruption cloud (shown by an arrow) was already large enough to be seen clearly in the image from a satellite more than 22,000 miles above the Earth. B, By 9:15 a.m. (E plus 43 minutes), the eruption cloud was spreading rapidly, still ex- panding in all directions from the volcano. C, By 10:15 a.m. (E plus 1 hour, 43 minutes), the ash had expanded eastward across the Cascade Range into eastern Wash- ington, reaching beyond Yakima (see accompanying map). D, By 12:15 p.m. (E plus 3 hours, 43 minutes), the ash was falling on Spokane and had extended into Idaho. A dense aslh cloud from the continuing eruption persisted near the volcano. E, Sketch map showing times of arrival of the airborne ash as it spread across the Northwest. The time lines represent the margins of the ash plume as seen in satellite images at half-hour intervals (from Sarna-Wojcicki and others, 1981). WA" 12'2“ 120‘ 118' MB VA HZ 130° ' l l l | T--——-___-flIII§H CO_LL_JMBIA _____ 95M" 25’—--‘"' ' ' ' "r" UNITED STATE8 -2‘ ‘ WASHINGTON ’fiifi :‘i‘ ””””” ///‘~‘~ ‘Spokanegr‘g 3 7 , \i "f: MONTANA :5 C _O|ymplao 73‘ '9 73‘ A “ . MouN rm _, ST, HELENS V ' , , J ~ —~ ¢\ PortlandO ‘ '/ \’ OREGON _ ~ 0 V 100 200 MILES If ' 0 Boise 0 100 200 300 KlLOMETERS I W I l _?__l’_.i14.lii 7, ALE 7,4,,C4u# ,7 The cloud appeared very dark blue—the "darkest thunderhead” either had ever seen—and had a very abrupt edge on its northwestern side. Although the cloud looked ominous, they still hoped to outrun the “storm.” When they were about 2 miles east of Cowiche (8 miles from home), they were suddenly heavily pelted with sand-sized particles; they then realized that Mount St. Helens had begun a ma- jor eruption, and they turned back toward Yakima. The sky very quickly turned black, and the pelting ash par- ticles were accompanied by "bad lightning.” They sought shelter under the stairs of an old fruit warehouse near the road. After about 15 minutes, a young man in a flatbed truck came by; the runners flagged him down and were driven back to their homes. By this time (10:30 a.m.), it was black as a dark night, and ash continued to fall. The ashfall diminished, and the sky started to lighten about 3:30 p.m., but soon the darkness and the ashfall resumed. Just before the ash arrived at Yakima, aircrews of the National Guard 116th Armored Cavalry Squad- ron quickly detached armaments from their helicopters and scrambled to get the aircraft into the air. Twelve of their 32 helicopters did not get off the ground in time. The other 20 headed north where they ”could still see light in the sky." They flew a long route FIGURE 30.—Steam erupting from still-hot parts of the avalanche deposits 18 days after the major eruption. Hundreds of steam vents and craters formed near the site of Spirit Lake and the head of the North Fork Toutle River wherever the very hot volcanic deposits were con- tacted by water, which then turned to steam and blew out through the overly- ing deposits. The view here is toward the southeast. The steaming crater in the right foreground is about 250 feet across. The southwestern end of Spirit Lake, largely covered with floating forest debris, is in the lower left. (Photograph by Philip Carpenter, USGS, June 5, 1980.) 60 First 100 Days of Mount St. Helens north and then west around the ash cloud and were directed to the Kelso airport and to the Toutle River valley to help with search-and-rescue efforts. Ground-based radar observations at the National Weather Service’s station in Auburn, Wash., showed increases in vertical ash emission at four distinct times—at about 8:40 a.m., 10:15 a.m., 12:45 p.m., and 2:00 to 4:00 p.m. Other observers said that the strength of the eruption at about 4:30 p.m. was second only to the 8:40 am. pulse. The ash column (fig. 28) persisted for more than 9 hours, producing numerous pyroclastic flows. The early ones were mostly ash flows, which were produced as the dense part of the eruption column fell back onto the volcano's flanks and poured down- slope at least short distances on all sides. Later pyroclastic flows, from about noon on, consisted of pumice, which was produced by the fountain- ing of lava froth from the eruptive center and poured out through the giant breach in the northern side of the crater. The pumice and ash flows fanned out over the huge mass left by the debris avalanche and extended part way down the North Fork Toutle River valley. Now and then, explosions caused by water flashing into steam within the hot pyroclastic and debris- avalanche deposits along the former river course blew material as high as 1 mile into the air and left craters as much as 2,000 feet across (fig. 30). MUDFLOWS AND FLOODS Water from melting snow and ice on the slopes of Mount St. Helens and in the avalanche debris and from the now-buried and disrupted stream channels produced dozens of mud- flows, large and small (fig. 31). On or near the blasted mountain, mudflows developed within minutes, some pour- ing over and eroding deposits of the debris avalanche itself. Many mud- flows stopped on the lower flanks of the volcano, and others were dammed temporarily behind debris deposits; many, however, coalesced and began to move through the major drainage- ways, generating floods all the way down the Toutle River and the Cowlitz River below it (fig. 32) and on into the Columbia River. The mudflows swept FIGURE 31,—Elffects of the May 18 mud- flows in the vicinity of Mount St. Helens. (Photographs by Philip Carpenter, USGS, May 20, 1980.) A, The mudflow in the South Fork Toutle River reached the Camp 12 logging camp (27 miles downstream from headwaters on Mount St. Helens) about 1 hour and 40 minutes after the start of the May 18 eruption and left a tangled mass of logs and heavy equipment. B, The mudflow in the Mud- dy River left streambanks strewn with logs between ash-coated trees at a reach 16 miles downstream from headwaters on Mount St. Helens. C, Mudflows destroyed nearly all the bridges that crossed streams draining from the north- ern, northeastern, and northwestern parts of Mount St. Helens. This lack of stream crossings greatly hampered ground rescue and recovery efforts. The steel highway bridge shown in D was formerly at this site, on the North Fork Toutle River 23 miles downstream from headwaters on Mount St. Helens. D, The mudflow in the North Fork Toutle River was dense. enough to support heavy machinery and this section of a steel two- lane highway bridge as it carried them downstream. The mudflows moved some of this heavy debris for miles before depositing it at places where the mud lost velocity. 62 The First 100 Days of Mount St. Helens FIGURE 32.—Effects of floods and mud- flows in the Toutle and Cowlitz River valleys. A, The maximum stage of the May 18 mudflows on the Toutle River reached the second story of this house, as mud coatings on trees and structures show. When the high water (mud) re- ceded, sediment deposits completely covered this homesite to a level about 3 feet above the first floor of the large house. The structure on the right was a large wing of the house that the surging mud ripped off and moved to the posi- tion shown here. Many lower or less pro- tected homes were completely swept away by the mudflows or more severely smashed than this house by debris that the mud carried. The shallow, debris- choked channel in the background is the South Fork Toutle River near its con- fluence with the North Fork. (Photo- graph by Dwight R. Crandell, USGS, May 24, 1980.) B, Debris-laden flood- water from the Toutle River inundated the flood plain of the Cowlitz River, shown here, to a width of about 1 mile at Castle Rock. The volume of flood de- posits left on the flood plain and in the channel of the Cowlitz is estimated to be as much as 40 million cubic yards, not counting a huge, unmeasured amount that was carried downstream into the Columbia River. (Photograph copyright 1980 by Bud Kimball, June 20, 1980.) up thousands of logs (and heavy log- ging equipment) from timbering opera- tions, destroyed homes, vehicles, roads, and bridges, and inundated broad areas of the Cowlitz River flood plain. One small mudflow developed in the valley of South 'Coldwater Creek (fig. 7) from the tongue of avalanche debris that crossed into that valley over the ridge west of Spirit Lake. The mudflow probably buried everything that the lateral blast had carried into that valley from the site of Coldwater II. Mudflows also moved rapidly down Smith Creek and Muddy River, which drain the eastern side of the mountain, and Pine Creek on the southeastern side. The mudflows, which were laden with logs and forest debris, took out a bridge near the mouth of Pine Creek as well as Eagle Cliff Bridge across the head of Swift Reservoir (fig. 22). A tree-planting crew that had been work- ing near the upper Swift Reservoir op- posite the volcano reported that Eagle Cliff Bridge was taken out by a tower- ing flood surge "perhaps 30 feet high” that struck without warning about 9:00 am. Observers reported that the flood surge entering the upper (eastern) end of the reservoir caused an initial 6—foot rise in the water level at that end of the reservoir in about 15 minutes; the USGS reservoir gage at the dam 9 miles downstream recorded a rise of 2.6 feet by noon. The reservoir, whose level had been lowered previously, held the added volume and did not overtop the dam; thus, the flooding anticipated along downstream parts of the Lewis River was avoided. The mudflow left the eastern end of Swift Reservoir filled with mud and forest rubble, its brown color contrasting sharply with the clear blue of reservoir water farther west (fig. 33). FIGURE 33.—Timber and mudflow debris, carried by flooding tributary streams that drain the eastern and southeastern slopes of Mount St. Helens, began entering the eastern end of Swift Reservoir about half an hour after the May 18 eruption began. The flood surge reportedly caused an in- itial rise of about 6 feet at this end of the reservoir in 15 minutes, but the level of the reservoir had been drawn down about 30 feet in anticipation of floods from the mountain. The mudflows poured about 11,000 acre-feet (about 18 million cubic yards) of mud and debris into Swift Reservoir and caused a water- level rise of 2.6 feet throughout the reser- voir. (Photograph by Philip Carpenter, USGS, May 20, 1980.) It took time for the major floods to build up in the Toutle River drainage system—time that allowed many in low-lying areas to escape with what they could carry. Within minutes of the lateral blast, law-enforcement of- ficers were dispatched to warn people about the danger of flash floods and to police evacuation routes. Cowlitz and Skamania County personnel were ordered to prearranged flash-flood observation positions along the Lewis, Kalama, Toutle, and Cowlitz Rivers. People along these streams were alerted by radio, telephone calls, sirens, and loudspeaker warnings to be prepared for hasty evacuation. The USGS stream-measuring sta- tions were destroyed or disabled by the muddy floods or the bank-to-bank flood debris. By midaftemoon, how- ever, USGS hydrologists were in the area observing the floodflows. Their accounts, other eyewitness reports, partial records from the gages, and communication logs allowed USGS hydrologist John Cummans to recon- struct the downstream progress of the flood crests (Cummans, 1981). The first of the Toutle River floods began as a major mudflow traveling down the river’s South Fork. The mud- flow originated in water-saturated eruption deposits on the western flank of the volcano and began developing during early phases of the eruption. By about 10:10 a.m., the mudflow was 27 miles downstream from the volcano at Camp 12 logging camp, where it de- molished equipment and left a tangled mass of logs and debris (fig. 31A). The flow was swift, perhaps as fast as 20 miles an hour, in headwater reaches, but its speed decreased as the crest swept downstream. As the mudflow progressed downvalley, it battered down streamside trees and carried them along, swept up buildings and auto- mobiles, washed away miles of roads along the channel, and destroyed at least one bridge. No one is known to have drowned in the South Fork flood, however, despite a few close calls. By 10:14 a.m., the flood crest was nearing the confluence of the South and North Forks of the Toutle River and was described by a deputy sheriff as a 12-foot wall of water containing logs, debris, and buildings. The mass of debris came close to the underside of a bridge across State Route 504, about half a mile downstream from the con- fluence of the two forks, but floated safely underneath. Downstream from the confluence, floodwater from the South Fork stayed within the channels, and its velocity decreased. The water level also dropped quickly after the flood crest passed. At a USGS stream gage on the Toutle River about three-quarters of a mile below the confluence of the two forks, the peak flow probably was reached before 11:00 a.m., but mud disabled the recording equipment, and so the exact time is not known. Hy- drologists did determine, however, that the flood crest there was about 21 feet high, 1 foot higher than the highest flood recorded at that site since the gaging station was established in 1909. The floodwater apparently had dropped most of its sediment before it reached the Toutle River, where it was described as being very muddy water rather than the mud of farther up- stream. After the crest of the South Fork flood reached the Cowlitz River, its ef- fects diminished greatly. At a USGS gage on the Cowlitz River at Castle Rock 2.7 miles downstream from the mouth of the Toutle River (fig. 6), the flood peak, which occurred there at 1:30 p.m., caused a water-level rise of only 3.2 feet. The arrival of the flood- water at Longview, Wash. (fig. 6),.was marked not by a rise of water level but by the arrival of ”logs, trees, limbs, and bark," which continued to float down the river past Longview for more than 3 hours. The South Fork mudflow apparently was not greatly heated by the eruption deposits from which it originated. A survivor described the mud in the up- 64 The First 100 Days of Mount St. Helens per part of the valley of the South Fork as being like “warm, fluid brown con- crete," but no other comment about the warmth of the mudflow was heard. A second surge of mudflow was observed in the upper valley of the South Fork Toutle River about 2:00 p.m. This mudflow did not reach more than a few miles downvalley, however, and did no further damage. Before the South Fork flood had reached Castle Rock, airborne ob- servers had already reported that mud- flows were developing in the upper Valley of the North Fork Toutle River. Search-and-rescue flights into the area by military helicopters were getting underway at the time. No one knew how many residents had chosen to re- main in the valley of the North Fork in spite of evacuation warnings or how many survivors of the eruption might be trying to make their way out of the area by the main highway (State Route 504) that follows the valley. More large mudflows, however, obviously would be a major danger. The mudflow that came down the valley of the North Fork Toutle River originated in water-saturated parts of the debris-avalanche deposit in the up- per valley. It was made up of many smaller mudflows and took hours to develop because individual small flows crossing the hummocky surface of the avalanche deposit became ponded in closed depressions and could break out and merge with adjoining mudflows only after filling the depressions. In the process, the mud picked up heat from the volcanic materials in the avalanche deposit and became steaming hot. The crest of the mudflow did not pass the downstream end of the avalanche deposit until after 1:30 p.m. By that time, the crest of the South Fork flood had passed Castle Rock, and the mud- flows entering Swift Reservoir had sub- sided greatly. The North Fork mudflow moved more slowly than the South Fork mud- flow but was much larger and more destructive. The downvalley progress of the mudflow was complicated by several massive logjams that, when they broke loose, caused flood surges that were especially destructive and that added to the uncertainty of flood- response efforts. The maximum flow at Camp Baker (fig. 22), about 5 miles downstream from the end of the avalanche deposit, came about 3:00 p.m. The mud destroyed most of the camp and carried away hundreds of stored logs as it moved downstream. Unlike the South Flow mudflow, which became more fluid as it flowed downvalley, the North Fork mudflow remained thick and dense with sedi- ment and thus was able to carry almost anything that it swept up or broke loose. A tongue of the mud flowed upstream into the Green River (fig. 6) and filled the rearing ponds of a fish hatchery with debris that included steel bridge girders. A few miles farther downstream on the North Fork Toutle River, observers said that the mud had the consistency of fresh mortar and that it carried ice chunks, buildings, and a variety of equipment, ”riding high.” They reported seeing a fully loaded logging truck being carried up- right in the mud and submerged only to the lowermost tier of logs. Motion pictures of this steaming mudflow car- rying everything from houses to a steel bridge framework, as well as an un- imaginable number of trees and logs, were shown in color on local television stations within hours of the eruption. These films were the first visual indica- tion for most people in the Pacific Northwest that such colossal devasta- tion had begun. 'When the North Fork mudflow reached the Toutle River valley, it was so great in height and volume that it dwarfed the record flood just estab- lished on the South Fork and extended flood damage to higher levels and broader areas. About 6:00 p.m., the mudflow destroyed the bridge at State Route 504, half a mile below the con- fluence of the North and South Forks of the Toutle River, just as it had car- ried away several other bridges up- stream. Shortly thereafter, it also de- stroyed the gaging station a quarter of a mile downstream. By 8:30 p.m., the mudflow reached the mouth of the Toutle River and began to raise the level of the Cowlitz River as well. At 8:41 p.m., a report said that a bridge 6.5 miles upstream from the mouth of the Toutle River had just been destroyed and that the flood level was still rising. This report raised serious concerns about a bridge on Interstate Highway 5 that crosses the Toutle River about a quarter of a mile above the river’s mouth. Interstate 5 is the main north-south highway; if this bridge were to be destroyed or seriously damaged, transportation in this region would be severely curtailed. Moreover, if the mudflow were to wash out this bridge, it probably also would destroy a smaller highway bridge less than 1 mile upstream and a bridge for the main railroad just downstream from Interstate 5. Washington State Patrol officers halted traffic on Interstate 5, as they_ had done for hours during the South Fork flood. Officials, local residents, and stalled motorists watched in anxious fascination as the mud lapped higher and higher on the concrete bridge abutments. Soon, large pieces of floating debris were scraping and bang- ing on the underside of the bridge. The largest masses, such as cabins and vehicles, began to strike the upstream side of the trestle. They would hang there briefly and then submerge further and roll noisily under the bridge, caus- ing it to shudder ominously. As dark- ness fell, the flood level was still rising. Then flood waves themselves began lapping the underside of the trestle. Logs could no longer float freely underneath; bark and limbs were sliced from their topsides as they scraped under the bridge. The number of logs banging the trestle forcefully before being carried underneath by the powerful mudflow was increasing. No one knows how long the bridge and its approaches can withstand this battering from the debris and the erosive power of the mudflow. There are encouraging reports from ob- servers, however, that flood levels upstream are receding. Meanwhile, the nearby channel of the Cowlitz River can no longer carry the flow; its banks, too, have been overtopped by the muddy floodwater, which is spreading outward and inun- dating homesites and farms on the flood plain near Castle Rock. CLOSE OF E DAY Although the full story of today’s events will not be known for months to come, their significance cannot be doubted. Within a few minutes, what was once Washington’s fifth-highest peak lost about 1,300 feet of its height. What remains of its top, formerly a glistening white cone, has changed to ashy gray. The scenic view on the northern side has changed to one of stark desolation. Vast green forests have been transformed into jumbles of giant matchsticks. Spirit Lake, once clear and blue, is now a steaming ex- panse of black water and floating shat- tered trees. Broad ribbons of mud ex- tend up the valleys of former trout streams and disappear into clouds of ash around the volcano. Gone are most of the glaciers that yesterday mantled the mountain’s northern slope. Gone is Goat Rocks, relic of a past eruption episode. Gone too, are the observation posts called Coldwater I and Coldwater II. The toll continues to rise as losses and damage are reported. Dozens of homes and camps along the Toutle River and its forks have been de- stroyed, along with cabins and camp- sites at lakes north of the mountain. Volcanic ash inches thick is being re- ported from eastern Washington, al- though conflicting reports suggest that some of these thicknesses may be exag- gerated. The North Fork Toutle River mudflow continues at very high levels, but, so far, it has spared the critically important highway and railroad Chronology of the First 100 Days 65 bridges that cross the lower Toutle River. The Cowlitz River is flooding extensive low-lying areas near Castle Rock, but it is still staying within its banks in downstream areas. How many people died or are miss- ing is not known, but some officials say that the total may reach into the hundreds. By dusk tonight, military and other helicopter crews had rescued or evacuated more than 130 survivors. They had also seen grisly evidence in the blast zone that others did not sur- vive. No one knows whether the worst is over or what the volcano will do next. Continuing Threats and Mounting Toll Monday, May 19 E Day Plus 1 The pace of the eruption has slowed. The ash column seldom rises more than a few hundred to a few thousand feet above the volcano; during the night, it appeared to consist mostly of steam. The volcano seems to be quieting. No one knows how long it will remain so. Earthquakes, too, have diminished. What earthquakes there were today came from depths of 10 to 20 miles rather than from 3 miles or less, as they had before yesterday’s eruption. Only three were stronger than magnitude 3. Daylight revealed that the Interstate Highway 5 bridge was still standing, although it bore a load of mud and debris from last night’s battering mud- flow. The nearby highway and rail- road bridges also survived. The Toutle River was still high, but the flood was diminishing, and the debris that it car- ried was no longer striking the under- sides of the bridges. Mud lay thick on the riverbanks and on the wreckage that they held; it also coated the trunks of surviving trees up to the maximum flood level. Steam from the still-warm mudflow created a mist that added an eerie aspect to the morning's scene of mud and destruction. A bulldozer cleared the mud and debris from the In- terstate Highway 5 bridge, which was reopened to traffic about 8 am. Search-and-rescue operations were resumed at dawn but are hampered by ash and unstable deposits. No one knows how much time may be left be- fore the mountain lets loose another killing blast. ReSCue efforts and attempts to assess damage north of the mountain are be- ing made by aircraft only. Access roads in valleys affected by mudflows are largely buried or eroded away, and blown-down trees (fig. 34) block all roads throughout a wide area of the uplands. Ground vehicles also are hampered in other areas by loose, blinding ash, which slickens the roads and chokes engines. Many bridges that provided access across streams east and west of the mountain have been washed out by giant mudflows (fig. 31). Even aircraft cannot always get close. Visibility is hampered by air- borne ash and, in the upper valley of the North Fork Toutle River and near Spirit Lake, by steam from hundreds of new fumaroles rising from the hot volcanic debris. More important to fliers, however, is the danger to air- craft engines. No one knows for sure how much ash an aircraft engine can take in before it stalls. Still, the heli- copter sweeps, flown mainly by Army and Army National Guard, Air Force, and Coast Guard aircraft, continue as frequently and as far afield as possible to locate and assist whatever survivors remain. National Guard helicopters alone reportedly helped rescue another 15 people today. (Eight National Guardsmen later would be awarded medals for heroism during the rescues.) Visibility is hampered, too, by forest and ground fires started yesterday by the lateral blast and by lightning bolts from the ash clouds. Although the ash blanket is acting as a fire retardant, hundreds of fires inside the blast area are burning in wood debris buried be- neath the surface. People in the area are too busy rescuing others—or trying to survive—to worry about the fires. 66 The First 100 Days of Mount St. Helens The magnitude of the disaster is just beginning to be realized. At least 5 peo- ple are known dead, and 21 are miss- ing. These figures will no doubt swell in coming days as bodies are discov- ered and as relatives and friends are missed. Among those known dead are Fred and Margery Rollins of Hawthorne, Calif., who stopped 15 miles from the volcano to watch the eruption. Includ- ed among the missing are USGS vol- canologist Johnston, who had been at Coldwater II observation station; pho- tographer Blackburn, stationed at Coldwater 1; Mount St. Helens Lodge proprietor Truman, who had simply refused to leave; and volunteer radio operator Martin, whose radioed warn- ing about the eruption provided precious lead time for organizing the rescue efforts. Survivors tell harrowing stories of pumice raining on them, of outracing ash clouds and floods, of seeing others die, and even of seeing crows fall lifeless from the sky. Stranded sur- vivors are being sheltered in churches, schools, and other public buildings in nearby communities. In the Cowlitz River valley down- stream from the mouth of the Toutle River, an area about 1 mile wide near Castle Rock lies under mud and water (fig. 328). The flood crest from the North Fork Toutle River mudflow reached Castle Rock about midnight, causing a maximum water-level rise of 20 feet in the Cowlitz River at that point. That crest was more than 6 feet above the lowest nearby banks of the river. Much of the Cowlitz River flood FIGURE 34.—Within a few minutes, hurri- cane—force winds from the May 18 lateral blast transformed vast stands of ever- green forest into drab tangles of giant matchsticks. The trees were stripped of their branches, toppled, and “combed” into patterns. The logging roads shown here are about 12 feet across. (Photo- graph by Austin Post, USGS, June 30, 1980.) plain farther downstream was inundat- ed to at least shallow depths all the way to a point about 4 miles upstream from Longview at the community of Lexington, where several low-lying homes were flooded. The cities of Kelso and Longview, however, were spared. The flood crest reached Long- view about 4:00 a.m. today. The North Fork mudflow has dumped huge volumes Of sediment and debris into the Cowlitz River, which, in turn, is carrying it on to the Colum- bia River. Tugboat crews worked through the night on the Cowlitz River to keep floating trees and logs from forming logjams that would force water levels still higher. The Coast Guard reported that the Columbia River channel near the mouth Of the Cowlitz also is littered with floating debris; another mass of logs and trees about 600 feet wide and extending for about 20 miles reportedly is floating down the Columbia River toward the Pacific Ocean. This morning, the ocean-going freighter Hoegh Mascot went aground in the Columbia River near Longview, the first indication that the navigation channel of that river is blocked by deposits of mud and debris carried into it by the floodwaters from the Cowlitz. A Coast Guard spokesman said that the channel depth had decreased from 40 to 15 feet for a distance of 2 miles, “which severely limits the ships that can come to Portland.” The Coast Guard closed the Columbia River to major shipping tonight; the closure strands 24 ships at the mouth of the Columbia waiting to come upriver and another 23 ships in the Portland- Vancouver area that cannot move downstream over the shallows in the navigational channel. The US. Army Corps of Engineers dredge Biddle is slowly pushing its way through the floating debris in the Columbia toward the shallow area to begin reopening a navigation channel for oceangoing ships. The North Fork mudflow remained warm throughout its course to the Co- lumbia River. Its temperature as it passed a bridge on the lower Toutle River was 91°F at 9:45 a.m. this mom- ing. At Castle Rock, the mixture of mudflow and Cowlitz River water measured 85°F at 1:15 a.m. and again at 6:30 a.m. At Longview, the water temperature at 8:00 a.m., about 4 hours after the flood crest had passed, reportedly was 90°F. Fish could not FIGURE 35.—Approximate distribution and thickness of measurable ashfall from the May 18 eruption of Mount St. Helens. Lines represent equal ash thickness, in millimeters (1 inch=25.4 mm), and are dashed where observations were lacking. Circles represent measurement sites; plus signs, sites where trace or light dusting was observed; crosses, sites where no ash was observed. The measurements were made over several days by several in- vestigators. At many of the measuring sites, enough time had elapsed before the measurements were taken for the ash to settle and drift,- at some sites, rain had fallen. Therefore, individual reports Of ash-thickness measurements, especially those made before the ash had been disturbed by wind or rain, may be at variance with this map. (Map from Sarna-Wojcicki and others, 1981.) 125° 124° 122° 120° 118° 116° 114° 49 ‘ _ 33* —\__‘_B_RITISH_ QOLUNLBIQ _____ CANA_DA ____ l ‘[ UNITED STATES , I I ' Kalispell O 48 Spokane + lcgfi‘flwfli’ofi'é/ ’ WASHINGTON .. . L 1 0____o&_ / o “I ' 93 / o 0050 2. M v o . .:_‘ \\ O , .- .212 ”To ‘ \fi. \\ 8 47 . 40 30 \\ o \ x \ MONTANA - .a O o /// O // \ // $0 . . g '0 o'-itzvi|| “esqglV—T’B'OR 80.MISSOUIa o . . . he : ‘D 2 V YakImag 3) . 70- I 8 ~ _ . \ . O 46 * \ x 0 Pasco \ + mil: _ MOUNT 5T. HELENS 60 /—‘————_»——& IDAHO \ 00 l‘ z’F\\ /“/’- \\ + 00 Portland' ‘4 ' f \ f‘l ([3 1[|)0 290 MILES \ I l \ _ l ' l ' | I f ‘ 0 100 200 Q I 68 OREGON The First 100 Days of Mount St. Helens 300 KILOMETERS FIGURE 36.—Volca.nic ash from the May 18 eruption blanketed much of eastern Washington *3 and caused great disruption, hardship, and economic loss. A, Street scene in Yakima the afternoon of May 18. The dense ashfall made the day “black as the darkest night.” (Staff photograph from Yakima Herald—Republic.) B, Many motor-vehicle accidents (most of them minor) were attributed to the ashfall. Most occurred when drivers, blinded by the ash, smashed into stalled vehicles ahead of them or, like the car shown in this photograph, lost traction in the ash and slid off the roadway. (Photograph courtesy of U .8. Soil Conservation Service.) C, Dozens of emergency vehicles in the “ash belt” were disabled, mostly by ash that clogged engine cooling systems or air filters. Several ingenious modifications were tried to keep vehicles operating, including large diesel truck air cleaners, like the one seen on this Washington State Patrol car. Because the fine ash rose in clouds at the slightest disturbance, the dust mask worn here by Trooper Leonard Whitney was an essential part of his outdoor uniform. (Photograph by Carolyn Whitney, May 19, 1980.) D, By May 19, the farming com- munity of Ritzville was beginning to dig out from an ashfall of more than 3 inches, at the same time that it was providing emergency accommodations for more than 2,000 stranded travelers. The ash ”drifted like snow but did not melt.” (Photograph by Ronald Hartman, U.S. Soil Conservation Service.) survive in water this warm, and hun- dreds were found floating dead on the floodwater. Meteorologists tracking the east- ward—moving airborne ash estimate that it will take 3 days to cross the country. No one knows how danger- ous to health the ash may be, but other problems that it is causing are almost overwhelming. The ash has halted transportation almost completely throughout most of central, eastern, and southeastern Washington, as well as in parts of Idaho and western Montana (fig. 35). State and local police have banned driving on the most dangerous roads and highways, and the Federal Avia- tion Administration yesterday closed all airports in affected areas. West- bound trains stopped today as far away as Billings, Mont., and Minot, N.D., to avoid entering the equipment- damaging ash. In ash-blanketed areas of eastern Washington (fig. 36), thousands of motorists have been stranded by con- tinuing poor visibility or by disabled cars. They spent last night wherever they could find shelter from the chok- ing ash. One traveler in eastern Wash- ington described the ashfall as ”like be- ing in a desert sandstorm without the wind.” Minor highway accidents were reported in which cars ran off roads after losing traction in the ash or smashed into stalled vehicles that drivers could not see (fig. 363), but no deaths have been reported. Chronology of the First 100 Days 69 Law-enforcement and other emergency-services crews struggled to keep patrol and service vehicles run- ning, but about 200 patrol cars were disabled by ash yesterday and today. The damage to vehicles included seized engines that overheated after their cooling systems were clogged with ash, ruined vital parts that were just ”worn out" by the abrasive ash, and clogged carburetors and air filters (fig. 36C). The fine ash, blown into clouds by each passing vehicle or gust of wind, enters every crack and crevice of a vehicle and seems impossible to con- trol. Where the ash is deep, highway snowplows are at work in sometimes futile attempts to clear the ash off the roadways. Washington Department of Transportation officials said that high- way-clearing work is being slowed up because the plows have to stop every 100 miles or so to have the ash blown from engine air filters. The ash drifts like snow but does not melt. It often blows back into cleared areas as fast as the crews can scoop it off. The heavy ash, frequently described as being like Portland cement, has flat— tened many field and row crops in cen- FIGURE 37,—The avalanche deposit, largely the remains of the bulge mass from Mount St. Helens, included hot parts of the volcano as well as blocks of ice from destroyed glaciers. A, USGS hydrologist J. R. Williams examines a fumarole area within the cooler avalanche deposit at the northern base of Mount St. Helens. The heat was derived from hot rock material buried within the deposit. (Photograph by Philip Carpenter, USGS, June 5, 1980.) B, The huge debris avalanche that "uncorked" the lateral blast included ice from five glaciers on Mount St. Helens. Barry Voight of Pennsylvania State University examines this ice block, which was rafted along on the avalanche debris in the North Fork Toutle River valley. A small pond of water was forming as the ice melted in the warm springtime. Another ice block, found closer to the mountain and not shown here, had a diameter of about 300 feet, the length of a football field. (Photograph by Robert L. Smith, USGS, June 2, 1980.) 70 First 100 Days of Mount St. Helens tral and eastern Washington. State of- ficials and various agricultural experts expressed deep concern today that agricultural production, one of the mainstays of Washington’s economy, could be greatly curtailed by the vol- canic ash. They are concerned that a dense covering of volcanic ash could damage orchards, hayfields, grazing lands, and extensive grain acreages. It all depends, said one, on the buildup of ash and on the amount of water (rain and artificial sprinkling) available to wash the plants. The results of both the May 16 and the May 18 thermal surveys of the mountain are now available. They show that, in addition to the warm areas found during the May 2 survey, a new hot spot had appeared at the top of Shoestring Glacier and that the up- per area of the bulge had been “per- forated" with new warm areas. Ther- mal features detected in both the surveys were very similar. Geothermal specialists interpret the images as proof that the magma had moved up to a very shallow position—perhaps within a few hundred yards of the surface— before yesterday’s eruption. At 5:09 p.m. this evening, an erup- tion produced what appeared to be a small pyroclastic flow, which prompt- ed officials to call back rescue units from the Toutle River valley. How- ever, the volcano soon returned to a quiet state, and no evidence of the pyroclastic flow was found. At dusk, the level of the Cowlitz River at Castle Rock was still about 10 feet higher than it had been before the eruption, and the channel downstream from the mouth of the Toutle River re- mained choked with mud, logs, and wreckage, most of it from the valleys of the Toutle River and its two forks. Much of the lower Cowlitz River flood plain remains inundated. USGS hy- drologists warn of even more serious flooding if water trapped in the debris- dammed Toutle River system, in- cluding the area of Spirit Lake, were to be suddenly released. Tuesday, May 20 E Day Plus 2 Sporadic eruptive activity is produc- ing mostly steam. Seismicity, too, has declined to a level lower than any since March 22; no earthquakes registered more than magnitude 3 today. Scientists in the field are finding that the debris flow that rushed down the upper valley of the North Fork T-outle River immediately after the initial Sun- day morning blast includes hot areas as well as cold ones. Scattered warm masses in the avalanche debris, which is largely the remains of the ”bulge” mass from the mountain, probably came from hot parts of the volcano, and colder parts are blocks of ice from the destroyed glaciers that were caught in the flow (fig. 37). The debris- avalanche deposit is riddled with fumaroles, and, now and then, scien- tists hear explosions, which, no doubt, occur when the buried heat in the deposit causes subsurface water to flash into steam. Field crews also have measured the temperature of some of the pyroclastic flows that followed the initial blast (fig. 38). At a depth of about 2 feet, they obtained readings of nearly 150°C (300°F). FIGURE 38,—Mount St. Helens pyroclastic deposits. A, Geologists R. P. Hoblitt of the USGS (left) and Edward Graeber, Jr., of Sandia Laboratories (right) use a thermocouple probe to measure the temperature in a pumice slope north of Mount St. Helens. Although the pumice at the surface was cool enough to walk on, at a depth of a. few inches it was hot enough to boil water. (Photograph by Terry Leighley, Sandia Laboratories, May 30, 1980.) B, Hobblitt digs into a deposit of pyroclastic material near the head of Smith Creek, about 2 miles east of Spirit Lake, for samples of charred wood (see piece below his foot in left foreground). The dark-gray deposit is overlain by several inches of light- colored airfall pumice, which, in turn, is overlain by a thin layer of gray ash that developed mud cracks when it dried. (Photograph by Robert L. Smith, USGS, June 6, 1980.) Chronology of the First 100 Days 71 No one yet knows how much of a flood threat the “new,” higher Spirit Lake may be. One crucial unknown factor is the stability of the debris- avalanche deposit that buried the lake’s former outlet (to North Fork Toutle River) 'and impounded the lake at its new, higher level. Another uncertainty is whether the lake, now that its former outlet is blocked, will rise until it over— tops the debris darn. Although most of the water displaced from the lake by last Sunday’s giant avalanche already has drained back, the lake continues to receive inflow from its various tribu- tary streams. If the dam is overtopped, Crandell said, ”It will be like water go- ing over a spillway; but, in this case, the spillway is not made of concrete, but of very unstable material." The spilling water could quickly erode a channel through the debris dam that would release more floodwaters, per- haps at catastrophic rates, to down— stream areas. Scientists who are watching the lake (as best they can) report that the water level thusfar has remained below the top of the debris dam, and no flooding from this source is imminent. They cannot measure the lake’s level direct— ly, and aerial observation of the deposits southwest of the lake, in the area that might be overtopped, is greatly hampered by steam pouring from dozens of fumaroles. However, aerial radar imagery has shown no signs that the area of the lake is enlarg- ing, and some observers have seen water seeping through (or beneath) the debris dam and flowing westward. If this seepage keeps pace with inflow to the lake, the chances that the lake level will stabilize below the dam crest and that the dam itself will hold are greatly increased. If the dam does fail, it might go quickly and (if visibility were poor when it failed) with little warning. A flash-flood watch remains in effect along the Toutle River, and Washing— ton State Patrol officers are stationed at the Interstate Highway 5 bridge across the Toutle River to close the highway again, if it becomes neces- sary. Hydrologists working with limited data are trying to estimate the likely height and speed of the flood crest that would occur if the dam is breached. On the basis of the available information, they cannot guarantee even a 1-hour warning for downstream areas. Mapping specialists from the Forest Service, USGS, and the Washington Department of Natural Resources met today to coordinate production of aerial photographs and maps of areas affected by the eruptions and flooding. New aerial photographs of the modi- fied areas will be obtained as soon as weather permits. In the meantime, a new color topographic map of Mount St. Helens and vicinity, showing features as they were just before the March 27 eruption, will be prepared from existing data as soon as possible. These maps are urgently needed for evaluating changes in landscape, lakes, and streams and for guiding rehabilita- tion efforts and further scientific studies. Existing maps of the Cowlitz River channel and flood plains are as obso- lete as preeruption maps of the Spirit Lake area. Today, hydrologists began remapping the debris-choked channel in order to evaluate the continuing flood hazard. They are finding that the river bottom is as much as 15 feet shallower than it was before the mud- flows and that the water-carrying capacity of the channel is greatly reduced. Since the May 18 eruption, nearly continuous bad weather has prevented flying over the mountain to obtain ac- curate data on changes in heat emis- sion. An aerial infrared survey flown by a U.S. Navy airplane at midday, however, and a daytime helicopter survey over the accessible western and southern flanks of Mount St. Helens revealed no new sources of volcanic heat emission outside the crater. The City of Yakima has declared itself a disaster area, and Washington 72 The First 100 Days of Mount St. Helens Governor Ray telegraphed President Carter to ask that the entire State be declared so. Many schools and roads are still closed, and the Columbia River remains closed to most shipping, but people are digging out of the ash. Residents of Ritzville, which re- ceived more than 3 inches of ash, have an especially difficult cleanup problem. After spending most of Sunday and Monday helping each other (and about 2,000 stranded travelers) survive, they are now seeking places to dump the ash where it will not just blow back into town. Although people in areas where vol- canic ash is present are still being cau- tioned to avoid breathing it, agrono- mists are now predicting less long-term harm to animals and crops than they had expected. Some say that the effects in most of the ”ash belt” will not be much worse, if any, than those of a bad dust storm. Much of the first hay crop, however, apparently has been lost. The airborne ash cloud from last Sunday's eruption is still moving east- ward and has now reached beyond the Mississippi Valley. USGS Chief Hy- drologist Philip Cohen assigned the task of mapping the areas of noticeable ashfall beyond the Pacific Northwest to USGS hydrologists in the other States along the path of the ash cloud (fig. 39). Some meteorologists had ex- pected the ash to fall in trace amounts, at least, on every State east of the Rocky Mountains except Texas, Louisiana, and Florida. Ben Bena, Cowlitz County Deputy Sheriff, has compiled a ”scorecard" of the number of people rescued from life- threatening situations by aircraft crews: Air Force, 61; Washington Ar- my National Guard, 28; Coast Guard, 6; Army, 4; and Civil Air Patrol, 1. These same crews have plucked dozens of other people from less desperate situations. Several rescues also have been made by scientists and news re- porters in other helicopters. Ninety- eight people are now on the official “missing” list. Wednesday, May 21 E Day Plus 3 Eruptive and seismic activity con- tinues at a low level. The mountain vented only plumes of steam today, and only two earthquakes greater than magnitude 3 were recorded. Scientists flew to Spirit Lake and found the level to be about 150 feet below the top of the debris flow; although the danger of an outburst flood is thus lessened somewhat, they nevertheless placed markers along the lake to help maintain a watch on its level. The Federal Aviation Administra- tion today warned flyers that volcanic ash can pock aircraft Windshields and clog engines. The ash cloud in the stratosphere reached the Atlantic coast. Reporters in Yakima, after establish- ing a grid within the city and sampling and weighing ash from grid locations, ——____..) \ 7 7 KANSAS ‘ MlsSOURI \ )2: I .J _____._ r a I ARKANSAS / MISS ' l ALABAMA s ‘ —- — — I H’— ( LOUISIANA I TEXAS / s ' TxLLINOlS I l \ GEORGIA \ FIGURE 39.—Approximate distribution in the United States of noticeable ashfall from the May 18 eruption of Mount St. Helens, as of May 23, 1980. Most of these ashfall areas, which were identified during a rapid reconnaissance by USGS hydrologists and others, received only trace amounts. Other areas to the east probably received minute amounts of ashfall. Minor concentrations of ash from the same eruption were suspended in the stratosphere (above 36,000 feet) and carried slowly in convoluted paths around the world. determined that about 600,000 tons of ash from Sunday’s eruption have fallen on the 12.9-square-mile city. Spokane and several smaller com- munities have been forced to ration city water because residents’ attempts to wash ash from cars, streets, and buildings have depleted reservoirs. The City of Longview has instituted emer- gency water-use measures for another reason. Intake pipes from the Cowlitz River, which normally supply the city’s reservoirs, have been clogged by mud and debris from the flooding that began on May 18. The mass of muddy debris so far has resisted all efforts to remove it from the intakes. Electrical utility crews in the ”ash belt" are busy removing accumulations of ash from high-voltage powerline in- sulators by using high-pressure air and water jets. Although the ash is an in- sulator when it is dry, it conducts elec- tricity when it is wet and causes high- voltage arcing and power surges that damage electrical equipment. Electrical service has been interrupted because power must be switched off during the cleaning operations. Airports and roads in eastern Wash- ington have begun to reopen. Wash- ington Department of Transportation officials report that about half of the 1,100 miles of State roads that were Chronology of the First 100 Days 73 closed because of ash have been re- opened. President Carter today declared Washington State a disaster area, and major Federal aid to victims of the vol- cano's devastation can begin. The Coast Guard reported that 31 oceanbound ships now are tied up at Portland and Vancouver awaiting the reopening of the Columbia River ship- ping channel. Another 10 ships are waiting at Astoria, Oreg., to come to those upriver ports. Several incoming ships originally scheduled to call at Columbia River ports now have been diverted elsewhere. Thirty military helicopters scheduled to search today for survivors and vic- tims of the catastrophe were grounded because of cloudy weather. The official count is now 14 dead and 90 missing. The body of photographer Blackburn was recovered today from Coldwater I observation station. He had been seated in his car, which was mired in ash to the windows (fig. 40A). Thursday, May 22 E Day Plus 4 Eruptive activity has slowed to a steady pattern. Eruptions of steam are frequent or nearly continuous, and the plumes sometimes rise 18,000 feet above sea level when the wind is light. Little or no ash darkens the plumes, although the familiar ”rotten egg" smell attests to the presence of hydro- gen sulfide. Earthquake activity has diminished. Small quakes recorded today were from deeper sources; some originated northeast of the volcano. Crandell reports that the water level in Spirit Lake behind the debris dam is declining; the water seems to be flow- ing out through the debris-avalanche deposit and gravel in the old channel that was buried by the avalanche deposit. Geologists have determined that the avalanche deposit is hundreds of feet thick near the southwestern end of Spirit Lake. Scientists now think that the avalanche deposit can retain 74 The First 100 Days of Mount St. Helens FIGURE 40.—Desolate vehicles in the blast zone created by the May 18 eruption. A, The body of photographer Reid Blackburn was recovered from this car on May 21, 1980, at Cold- water I observation station. None of the photographic film in the car produced a discer- nible image. The small red flags indicated to other searchers that the vehicle had been checked. (Photograph by Terry Leighley, Sandia Laboratories, May 28, 1980.) B, An ash-covered truck and horse trailer near Ryan Lake, more than 12 miles northeast of Mount St. Helens. The vehicles were parked at the edge of the area in which trees were blown down by the lateral blast. Two men, one the owner of these vehicles, were camped at the lake nearby and were asphyxiated by the hot volcanic ash, which covered this spot to an average depth of about 6 inches. The blast temperatures were hot enough to melt the plastic of the truck grill, trailer window, signal indicators, and a lunch box. The tires and glass truck windows, however, were intact. (Photograph by Daniel Dzurisin, USCS, May 27, 1980.) the lake indefinitely unless its water level rises greatly. USGS geologist David Dethier was among the first to get a broad view of the huge new crater. He was riding in a Forest Service airplane that was flying an observation and radio-relay mission at an altitude of 18,100 feet above the general cloud cover that has persisted since the night of May 18 and 19. (Al- though helicopters have been able to edge up to the crater, clouds and steam have obscured the interior.) About 6:00 p.m., the clouds began to open, and the pilot spiraled down steeply to a lower altitude over the devastated area north of the volcano, from where the observers got the first spectacular view of the mountain’s interior and from where Dethier took the photograph in figure 41. They saw a greatly shortened peak, now crested by a jagged rim en- closing a huge, steaming crater shaped like a giant amphitheater open to the north. James Moore and Peter Lipman, also of the USGS, were the first scientists to get a close look at features inside the volcano’s crater today. Lipman said that there is now a second crater inside the larger one. A ridge rising above the middle of the large crater’s floor forms the rim of the smaller crater, which lies in the southern half of the large amphi- theater. Small pools of muddy water are collecting in depressions in the am- phitheater floor, which is about a third of a mile wide. Much of the steam creating the plume above the volcano is jetting upward from several large vents within the central crater, which form a ring around the deepest part of the crater and probably mark the vol- cano's central “throat." Short-term plans for scientific studies give first priority to mapping the devastated areas and evaluating the flood hazard that may still remain. Lost or damaged scientific instruments will be reinstalled as soon as conditions are considered safe. Spokane International Airport re— opened today "under limited condi— tions" after an all-night cleanup effort, ( _ FIGURE 41,—The ”new,” shorter Mount St. Helens. A, The first opportunity for a broad view of Mount St. Helens after the May 18 eruption came on May 22, when clouds that had obscured the area since the eruption parted to reveal the stubbed-off, hollowed-out volcano, newly coated with 4 to 6 inches of snow. This photograph look- ing into the open mouth of the amphitheaterlike crater was taken from an airplane about 3 miles north-northwest of the crater’s center at an altitude of 6,000 to 7,000 feet. The new 8,364—foot “summit” of the mountain (the highest part of the crater rim on the southwestern side) was obscured by vapor clouds. (Photograph by David P. Dethier, USGS.) B, The cratered stump of Mount St. Helens as viewed from the northeast. The dashed lines show the height lost (about 1,300 feet) in the May 18 eruption. This paint- ing by Dee Molenaar (USGS) also shows remnants of Shoestring Glacier, descending from the notch in the left side of the crater rim, and of Forsyth Glacier (right center). Chronology of the First 100 Days 75 but most airports in the “ash belt” re- main closed. Trains in the region are running on near-normal schedules, and interstate bus service is resuming. Idaho police lifted a travel ban on their State's ash-covered highways, but they cautioned motorists to drive with care. State of Washington health officials said that crystalline silica, which can cause chronic lung disease, has been found in the ash. Available informa- tion, however, is not adequate for judging the actual risk to the general population. Also, postal officials warned the public not to mail "sou- venir" ash in paper envelopes that can leak and damage postal machinery. President Carter toured the stricken area today in company with Gover- nors Ray of Washington and John Evans of Idaho. The eruption was, President Carter said, "a natural dis- aster of unprecedented proportions." The Corps of Engineers began dredg- ing mud and debris from the Columbia River shipping channel near the mouth of the Cowlitz River. Thirty-one vessels remain stranded above the shoal waiting to move downriver and out to the Pacific Ocean. The Forest Service began ground searches today for more victims of the eruptions. Friday, May 23 E Day Plus 5 Although the weather was very cloudy until late afternoon, the clouds finally broke up, and today was one of the best days for viewing the mountain since May 18. Today’s eruption pattern in the crater was similar to yesterday's; plumes of steam and other volcanic gases were rising above the crater rim. Observers saw one small ash cloud but concluded that the ash had avalanched down from the walls of the crater and was not new material. There is a lull in seismic activity; no earthquakes registered above mag- nitude 3 today. Although there were several smaller quakes, they were spread over a larger area than the quakes before May 18 had been. At a seismic station at Elk Rock about 10 miles northwest of the crater, one of several instrument stations that had been destroyed by the lateral blast, in- struments were reinstalled today to help supply data for continuing studies of earthquake activity. A large area north of Mount St. Helens is dotted by steam vents and craters from steam explosions. The steam is from underground water that is heated by hot avalanche and blast deposits. One vent near the southwest- ern end of Spirit Lake (fig. 30) erupted steam 5,000 to 6,000 feet into the air early this evening, startling the pilot and passengers of a Forest Service airplane that happened to be flying over the area. A chemical analysis shows that the glassy ash blown out of the volcano on May 18 and since has the composition of dacite; this rock is formed from a type of magma that has a moderately high silica content and is generally quite viscous. The first Disaster Assistance Center, mandated by President Carter and Governor Ray, opened today in Kelso, Wash. The center is operated by the Federal Coordinating Office of the Federal Emergency Management Agen- cy in cooperation with the Washington Department of Emergency Services. In addition to the Kelso center and the temporary Federal Emergency Man- agement Agency headquarters in Van- couver, other centers will be opened as needed in eastern Washington and in Idaho communities. Governor Ray called out the Na- tional Guard to help clean up volcanic ash in eastern Washington this weekend. A major manufacturer of dust masks donated 21,000 of them for use in ash-covered areas. Hay is being sought for animal herds in areas of thick ashfall in eastern Washington and for surviving animals near Mount St. Helens. By the end of the day, USGS hydrologists had installed new stream- flow-measuring stations equipped for 76 The First 100 Days of Mount St. Helens radio telemetry on the Cowlitz River at Castle Rock, on the Toutle River about 6 miles upstream from its mouth, and on the North Fork Toutle River farther upstream. State of Washington officials this evening released an estimate of more than $1 billion for most of the losses suffered in the State as a result of the May 18 eruption. Today is the beginning of the Memorial Day weekend, a time when eastern Washington normally would receive hordes of vacationers from western parts of the State and from the Portland area. The Washington Department of Transportation, how- ever, warned of windblown ash, con- tinuing restrictions on road use, and limited public transportation in ashfall areas. These warnings, as well as the continuing closure of traditional recreation areas around Mount St. Helens, are expected to cause unusual- ly heavy use of recreation areas in western Washington, especially the Pacific Ocean beaches. The number of bodies recovered from the Mount St. Helens area rose to 17, but 71 people are still missing. The body of one man was found on the seat of his car,- his camera was still held toward the volcano. Saturday, May 24 E Day Plus 6 The volcano ejected plumes of ash and steam about 15,000 feet above the crater twice today, at about 2:30 p.m. and 11:05 p.m. Ash sprinkled towns as far south as Salem, Oreg. Harmonic tremor, which has continued at vary- ing weak levels throughout the past week, was somewhat stronger most of today. USGS scientists installed new targets on the mountain for laser distance- measuring instruments today. They also measured temperatures of about 540°F (280°C) in pyroclastic flow deposits on the volcano's northern flank. Geologists mapping in the devastated area found that the lateral blast had carried stones as large as grapefruit that undoubtedly caused much of the stripping and battering clone to the exposed surfaces of trees (fig. 42). About 45 National Guardsmen ar- rived today in Ritzville, which has received the heaviest ashfall of any community away from the volcano. They began shoveling ash from some of the town’s flat roofs to reduce the danger of collapse. Scientific instruments and related equipment lost as a result of the May 18 eruption include: 0 One electronic laser distance- measuring instrument, 1 theodolite, and 18 surveying reflector tar- gets—destroyed. Three other reflec- tors—damaged. 0 Three telemetered seismic stations and two 5-day recorders—de- stroyed. 0 Two automatic platform tilt- meters—destroyed. 0 Two recording magnetometers— buried (one may be shallow enough to recover). 0 Three time-lapse cameras, two video cameras, and several hand-held cam- eras—destroyed. 0 Several communication radios and two satellite-relay data trans- mitters—destroyed. 0 One portable spectrometer—de- stroyed. 0 One stream-gaging station and its in- struments and two water-quality monitoring stations and their instru- ments—destroyed by mudflows. Another Explosive Eruption and Its Aftermath Sunday, May 25 E Day Plus 7 Shortly after 2:30 a.m., the volcano began ejecting a huge vertical column of ash, the most vigorous eruption since last Sunday. Airborne observers could see that the column reached a height of 24,000 feet in about 7 minutes and began to mushroom at the top. The National Weather Service radar operator in Portland watched it reach an altitude of 45,000 feet by 2:45 a.m. Because winds were moving in dif- ferent directions at different altitudes today, the ash was scattered over wide areas of western Washington and Oregon. The eruption was heralded at 2:32 a.m. by an increase in the amplitude of harmonic tremor, which had been present at a very low level since about midnight. A swarm of small earth- quakes began at 2:40 a.m. and con- tinued at a rate of one or two an hour, all originating about 5 miles beneath the mountain. By 8:00 a.m., the inten- sity of tremor had diminished, and the earthquake swarm began to subside, although the volcano continued to erupt. Aerial surveillance was continued from a Forest Service airplane through the early morning, but only once could observers see the volcano itself. That brief glimpse revealed that the ash was rising from two vents—one in the northeastern part of the crater and another in the southwestern part. A new, small mudflow had descended south of Shoestring Glacier on the southeastern side of the mountain but did not extend beyond the base of the cone. Even aerial observation, however, was halted when Portland International Airport closed because of the ash, which had begun to fall heavi- ly in Portland and Vancouver as early as 6:00 a.m. Most people still living near the volcano on the southern side—about 200 in all—were evacuated this morn- ing. Flood warnings were issued for FIGURE 42.—This shattered tree stump on an exposed ridge about 5 miles north of the crater is striking evidence of the tremendous force of the May 18 lateral blast. The handle of the folding shovel is 1.7 feet long. (Photograph by David Frank, USGS, August 19, 1980.) Chronology of the First 100 Days 77 most rivers draining from Mount St. Helens, in case renewed eruptions should trigger new mudflows or floods that might spill out of river channels still choked with debris from the May 18 eruption. The top of the ash column remained between 13,000 and 20,000 feet above sea level most of the day. By early evening, the erupted column, as seen on the weather radar, was only a few thousand feet above the crater rim; as of midnight tonight, activity had returned to its former subdued level. Measurements of the sulfur dioxide (80;) content of an ash-laden eruption plume this afternoon showed the highest concentrations found to date According to Richard Stoiber, a Dart- mouth College air-quality specialist, the amounts measured were equivalent to an emission rate of 2,400 metric tons of 50; a day. The ash content appeared to lessen as soon as the column began to mushroom, and the height of the col- umn decreased within the first hour; still, the quantity of ash was so great that it hampered visibility throughout the day at places in nearly every direc- tion from the volcano except north- east. Most airports in southwestern Washington and northwestern Oregon were closed at various times during the day because of poor visibility and the fear that the ash would harm vital air- craft parts. Airports in the Seattle area also were closed briefly. The latest ashfall at it heaviest is much less than the thickest deposits laid down last week in eastern Washington; it has been troublesome nonetheless and has affected several ur- ban areas that had received only light dustings before. Traces of today’s ash reached as far north as Seattle in western Washington and south of Portland in western Oregon. The bulk of the ash, however, blew to the north- west (fig. 43). Chehalis, 50 miles north- west of the volcano, received about half an inch of ash. Light ashfall reached the ocean beaches of south- western Washington and northeastern 124°30' 48°19 121°43 Angeles 46°UU’ 0 Seattle MOUNT ST. HELENS l FIGURE 43.—Generalized distribution of ash from the May 25 eruption of Mount St. Helens, as compiled by Sarna-Wojcicki and others (1981). Lines represent equal ash thickness, in millimeters (1 inch=25.4 mm), and are dashed where observations were lacking. Circles represent measurement sites; plus signs, sites where trace or light dusting was observed; crosses, sites at which no ash was observed. Other observers reported that ashfall in the areas of Olympia, the Washington coast, and the Portland-Vancouver metropolitan area was greater than the map indicates. Oregon. In areas of densest ashfall, the sky stayed dark until midmorning. While the ash was still falling in many areas, the rain started. As one observer said, “It was raining mud." Many traffic accidents were attributed to a combination of roads made slick by wet ash and visibility obstructed by the muddy rain. Drivers reported that they could drive only so long as their 78 The First 100 Days of Mount St. Helens windshield washers operated— and then only if they could keep their vehicles on the slippery roads. These conditions resulted in a 15-vehicle pileup, with injuries, on Interstate Highway 5 near Chehalis, For much of its route between Olympia and Van- couver, Interstate Highway 5 was in the path of the densest ashfall. Officers of the Washington State Patrol and sheriffs’ departments closed that highway and others while driving con- ditions were most dangerous. Portland Mayor Connie McCready limited traf- fic in that city to 15 miles an hour to help avoid stirring up the fallen ash. The ashfall disrupted business as well as travel. In Kelso, even the Disaster Assistance Center was closed. Road and airport closures temporarily stranded thousands of travelers this Memorial Day holiday weekend. Ironically, many travelers were in ashfall areas because they had been warned away from traditional recrea- tion areas in eastern Washington. Major traffic jams were caused when motorists returning early from the coastal areas~converged on population centers in the Puget Sound and Portland-Vancouver areas. Travel in eastern Washington was restricted, too. Interstate Highway 90 was closed through most of the eastern part of the State as winds stirred up blinding clouds of the fine ash that fell last Sunday. Busloads of National Guard troops from Seattle, on their way to help clean up at Moses Lake, were stranded overnight at Ellensburg, Wash. (about 30 miles north of Yakima). Nine pieces of cleanup equip- ment already had been trucked to Moses Lake, but no one arrived to operate them. Emergency crews in areas blanketed by wet ash worked rapidly to clean transformers and insulators, so that electrical systems shorted out by the sticky ash could be restored. Participants in the Mount St. Helens Technical Information Network, a group newly organized by USGS scien- tist Robert L. Wesson under a directive issued by President Carter and Gover- nor Ray, met in Spokane today. Their purpose is to find answers to health, agricultural, and transportation prob- lems caused by volcanic ash. Because solutions to many of these problems do not now exist, the group, which con- sists of specialists in various fields, will summarize what is known about volcanic ash hazards and focus research on what is not. The Corps of Engineers reported that the removal of approximately 300,000 cubic yards of material from the Co- lumbia River channel has deepened it to a minimum water depth of 20 feet— about half the 40-foot depth of the nor- mal shipping channel. The dredged material is being dumped on islands in the Columbia River and along parts of the riverbank. The Cowlitz River, engineers estimated, also will have to be dredged upstream at least to Lex- ington (9 river miles upstream from the Columbia) and probably beyond Cas- tle Rock (to river mile 21) for flood control. The levee along the Cowlitz River near Castle Rock is being built up 5 feet along a front 2,000 feet long. At Lex- ington, 300 feet of the levee was raised 3 feet, and, at Kelso, the levee was raised 2 feet. Cowlitz County has been given 40,000 sandbags to help in flood control. USGS geologist Crandell today presented a new map showing the volcanic hazards of the Mount St. Helens area to Governor Ray. He pointed out that the main dangers from the volcano still consist of ash, mudflows and floods, pyroclastic flows, and lateral blasts. The history of this volcano, however, and that of others like it suggest that lava flows are an unlikely event. Governor Ray, by executive order, extended the Red Zone around Mount St. Helens out to 20 miles in all direc- tions from the volcano (fig. 13). Only people on official business (including approved scientific work) or holding special permits are to be allowed in the zone. The penalty for unauthorized presence in the Red Zone was set at a fine of $1,000 or a year in jail or both. Monday, May 26 E Day Plus 8 Although both the volcanic erup— tions and their seismic accompaniment have settled down, ash continues to fall during the day and to be picked up again by the wind. Observers in the round—the-clock surveillance plane can see the volcano now and then; when it is visible, it seems to be emitting steam almost entirely, although occasional traces of gray ash are sighted. No earthquakes above magnitude 3 were recorded. By 10:00 a.m., only four State highways in Washington were still closed, three of them being in the southwestern part of the State near Mount St. Helens. Interstate Highway 5, which received a troublesome amount of ash between Portland and Olympia, is no longer closed, but blowing ash along that reach of highway remains a hazard to the still- heavy Memorial Day traffic. The Federal Aviation Adminis- tration lifted the restrictions imposed yesterday on air travel in the ashfall area. Air traffic in the vicinity of the volcano, however, is still restricted. A National Guard helicopter crew rescued five hikers who were in the Red Zone illegally. All five were nearly blinded by ash; one was hospitalized. Communities near the volcano have suffered from either too much or too little water during the previous week and a half. A flash-flood watch con- tinues on the Toutle River and parts of the Kalama, Lewis, and Cowlitz Riv- ers. At Longview, water intakes from the Cowlitz River remain clogged and have caused the water system to go dry in part of the city. In eastern Washington, ash clogging the sewage- treatment plants in Spokane and Yakima has forced officials to dump raw sewage into the Spokane and Yakima Rivers. The Port of Portland reports that closing of the Columbia River to ship- ping has meant a revenue loss of $4 million a day. The Port of Vancouver, across the Columbia from Portland, estimates losses of $1 million a day. The first autopsies conducted on vic- tims of the May 18 eruption indicate that they were suffocated by hot ash or gas, not killed by burns or other in- juries. Chronology of the First 100 Days 79 A group calling itself ”The Friends of Washington” announced its intention to sell ash at $1 a packet to benefit search-and-rescue groups. It was, however, only one of many ash sellers in the stricken area. ”Volcanic Ash—U Haul,” one wag advertised. (By mid- summer, many advertisements running in magazines and newspapers through- out the country were offering samples of Mount St. Helens ash at various prices.) Many large blocks of ice on and in the rubble north of the volcano might seem to have been thrown out by the May 18 lateral blast. Most, however, are actually chunks of glaciers that were part of the huge initial avalanche and were carried along with the ava- lanche debris to their present locations (fig. 37). Scientists paced off the diameter of one ice block that is mostly buried in debris overlooking the North Fork Toutle River and reported that it is about 300 feet across—the length of a football field. Farther west along the North Fork (beyond the avalanche debris) and in valleys where other major mudflows occurred, much of the bottomland is “flat as poured concrete" and just as gray (fig. 44). Mud from the mudflows of May 18 now fills most depressions and is still too soft to walk on in many places. USGS hydrologists today completed their first appraisal of the debris- choked Cowlitz River channel down- stream from the mouth of the Toutle River. They found that mud and debris from the Toutle had reduced the depth of the Cowlitz channel by as much as 12 to 15 feet and probably had ac- counted for about 40 million cubic yards of new flood-plain deposits and channel fill between the Columbia River and the mouth of the Toutle River. 80 The First 100 Days of Mount St. Helens FIGURE 44.—The May 18 mudflows from Mount St. Helens reached levels much higher than those of any earlier recorded floods in the major valleys that carried them. (See the highest mud marks on the tree in the foreground and on trees in the right background.) When the mudflows receded, they left tangled masses of assorted debris such as this jumble of boulders, branches, and machinery pieces. The rock particles in the mud stripped and abraded the trees left stand- ing and sharpened trailing tree limbs to tapered points. As the mud settled out of the receding floodwater, it filled and buried former depressions and left much of the valley floor “flat as poured con- crete.” In this View, looking downstream along the Muddy River 9 miles southeast of Mount St. Helens, a hydrologist (yellow figure on boulder in center of background) is surveying the mud marks to determine the downvalley slope of the mudflow at its highest position. (Photo- graph by Philip Carpenter, USGS, June 4 1980.) Yakima reopened its downtown dis- trict today. Officials said that the citizens have done a remarkable job of “pitching in” and cleaning up. In the city, a block-by-block cleanup was organized and supervised by “block captains.” Outside of town, property owners volunteered parts of their land as dumps for ash cleared from the city. Tuesday, May 27 E Day Plus 9 Seismicity was very low during the day, and eruptions of mixed ash and steam were mild. USGS scientists examined ash from Sunday’s eruptions and found it to be a mixture of pumice, glass shards, crystal fragments, and fragments of older rock —simi1ar to the composi- tion of the May 18 ash. Field crews saw younger pyroclastic flows on top of the May 18 deposits. The pumice in the newer deposits is of two types—one a light-colored, frothy rock and the other darker and more dense. As the ash from last Sunday’s erup- tion dries out, motorists along In— terstate Highway 5 find that problems with visibility and clogged air cleaners are increasing. The Washington State Patrol imposed an emergency speed limit of 25 miles an hour, but, accord— ing to reporter Kerry Webster of the Tacoma News Tribune, it was being ig- nored by so many impatient drivers that “dust clouds were spread for miles obscuring both sides of the highway." State Patrolmen were greatly hampered in enforcing the new regula— tion because Speeders were creating dense “smokescreens” of ash dust. Finally, according to Webster, after a multicar accident had delayed north- bound traffic for more than 1 hour, truckdrivers took matters, into their own hands. Communicating by citizen’s band radios, they maneuvered their rigs into three-abreast formations and formed moving roadblocks travel- ing at the emergency speed limit. The trios of trucks spaced themselves about 7 miles apart, just about far enough for the dust from one convoy to settle before the next arrived. A State Patrol sergeant who was interviewed by Webster reported that the accident rate dropped immediately and that the dust began to clear. He added that, al- though the State Patrol did not con- done the truckers' action, it certainly kept the highway open and probably saved some lives. Gifford Pinchot National Forest Supervisor Robert D. Tokarczyk today announced preliminary estimates, prepared by his staff, of damage caused by the Mount St. Helens erup- tion (fig. 45). The total loss of $114 million worth of timber and resources within the national forest, not in- cluding damage to private timberlands, is as follows: 0 One billion board feet of timber, valued at $100 million, has been damaged or destroyed. This amount is nearly a thousand times as much timber as the Lassen volcanic erup- tion of 1915 destroyed. 0 Two lakes, Crane and H00 H00, covering a total surface area of 6 acres, perhaps have been destroyed. Spirit Lake and 26 other lakes have been severely damaged. No estimates were given of how long it might take for aquatic life to return to the lakes. 0 Valley floors of the North and South Forks of the Toutle River, Pine Creek, and the Muddy River have been buried by mudflows, and Cold- water Creek has been severely disrupted, as have the lower reaches of Spirit Lake tributaries—a total of 152 miles of streambed. Forest Ser- vice biologists surmised that only pockets of aquatic life survive in the 297 miles of heavily damaged streams. In addition, more than 2,000 miles of stream channels were moderately or lightly damaged. The damage to stream channels will be especially disastrous to fish, in- cluding the anadromous species that spawned in these waters. 0 About 59,200 acres of deer and elk habitat reportedly have been com- pletely or almost completely defoliated. An additional 62,080 acres have been moderately dam- aged. An estimated 2,000 black- tailed deer have been killed, as were 300 elk, 30 bear, and 12 mountain goats. Mount St. Helens’ ptarmigan population, the southernmost known in the Cascade Range, prob- ably has been destroyed. (This estimate does not take into account the smaller mammals, birds, reptiles, and amphibians that have been killed. Wildlife loss is not included in the $114 million damage figure.) 0 Twenty-seven Forest Service recrea- tion sites in the devastated area have been destroyed; the largest of these was Spirit Lake Campground. All Forest Service administrative build— ings in the blast area, including the Visitor Center and the Spirit Lake Work Center, have been destroyed totally. The St. Helens Ranger Sta- tion has been abandoned. Four pri- vate areas under Forest Service use permit, primarily used as summer camps for organizations, also have been destroyed. 0 Sixty-three miles of road within the blast and mudflow areas have been totally obliterated, and 154 miles of paved road and 1,560 miles of gravel road have been covered with 1 to 8 inches of ash. Seven permanent road bridges, five logging-road bridges, and five trail bridges are known to have been destroyed. Also 97 miles of national forest trails have been obliterated, and 30 miles are covered with ash. Governor Ray estimates that total eruption damage, of which national forest losses are but a small part, is ”$1.1 billion and might go higher." Flash-flood warnings for the Cowlitz River were cancelled today by the Na- tional Weather Service. The flood watch for the Toutle is still in effect. The death toll now stands at 21. Sixty-eight are still missing. Chronology of the First 100 Days 81 S n b... e H t 100 Days of Mount St The Firs EXPLANATION Unaffected area, forested and logged Pyroclastic or debris flow with dammed marginal lakes Damaged standing timber and downed or blast-removed timber Valley mudflow FIGURE 45.—A shaded relief map of the Mount St. Helens vicinity after the devastating May 18 eruption and before (inset).(Painting by Dee Molenaar, USGS.) B, Map label- ing features shown in A. Chronology of the First 100 Days 83 Wednesday, May 28 E Day Plus 10 The amount of ash in the eruptive plumes has been generally decreasing since the last big ash eruption of May 25, and little was emitted today. Although the weather has been poor for viewing the volcano, radar images by the Oregon Army National Guard showed an area that could be either a dome or a ridge of ash and pumice within the large amphitheater and south of its open end. During the night, observers using light-enhancing binoculars reported seeing bright spots in the crater, which led to speculation that molten lava may be nearing the surface of the crater floor. Seismicity was low, and quakes were centered near Mount Margaret (fig. 7) to the north. Although two earth- quakes were of magnitudes 4.0 and 3.8, seismologists found no indication that these were directly connected with the eruption of Mount St. Helens. An evaluation committee, headed jointly by John Eliott Allen, professor emeritus at Portland State University, and retired Oregon State Geologist Ralph S. Mason, was formed to proc- ess applications for permission to con- duct scientific research in the closed areas around Mount St. Helens. The committee was charged with making certain that the applications were for legitimate scientific research by compe- tent scientists. The Mount St. Helens Technical In- formation Network issued its first bulletin—”The Nature of Mount St. Helens Ash." The ash from the May 18 eruption, it says, consists of three layers. The bottom layer, which erupted first from the volcano, is a dark-gray ash composed of tiny frag- ments of older rocks and mineral crystals. The middle layer is a mixture of pumice and crystal fragments. The top layer, which forms the bulk of the ash that overlies much of eastern Washington and Idaho, is a light-gray ash composed mainly of fine particles of volcanic glass and mineral crystals. Geologist Washburn of the Washing- ton Department of Transportation, stationed at Yakima, described the thickness of the three layers that fell on that city as about one-sixteenth inch for the dark basal layer, about one-half inch for the middle layer of ”beach- sand-size” particles, and only a “final dusting” of the upper fine, light-gray ash. Although too few analyses of the ash have been made to predict long-term effects, two fears were allayed. First, the ash is not sufficiently acidic to form “acid rain" or to increase the acidity of streams and lakes markedly. Second, the fluorine content is low; thus, the amount of fluorine leached from the ash will not be significantly greater than the amount of fluorine found in fluoridated city water systems. The amount of free silica in the ash, which might constitute a long-term health problem, and the quantity of trace elements are still being studied and debated. In its second bulletin, the Technical Information Network gave ”Precau- tions for Handling Volcanic Ash.” These precautions include moving the ash only in well-ventilated areas or outdoors, keeping it wetted if possible, and using dust masks to protect res- piratory systems. All of Washington and eight Idaho counties are now considered disaster areas by the Federal Emergency Management Agency. About 300 houses in western Washington have been destroyed or badly damaged, mostly by floods and mudflows, according to estimates prepared by the American Red Cross and the Skamania County Assessor. The Washington Department of Emergency Services estimated private timber loss at about $143 million. The death toll reached 22 when one man, hospitalized earlier for burns, died today. 84 The First 100 Days of Mount St. Helens Thursday, May 29 E Day Plus 11 An Air Force SR-71 reconnaissance aircraft today flew a mission to take photographs showing topographic fea- tures of the altered mountain. Radar imagery obtained by the Oregon Army National Guard and reportedly show- ing a recently formed hump on the floor of the Mount St. Helens crater led to speculation that the volcano may be producing a lava dome. The presence of a lava dome, however, could not be checked by direct observation because steam and clouds permitted only occa- sional glimpses into the crater. Emergency-services officials an- nounced a critical need for hay and grain to feed animal survivors, both domestic and wild. Because of the danger of flooding on the Cowlitz River, the USGS issued an updated Hazards Watch to local of- ficials. They pointed out that the capacity of the Cowlitz River channel has been reduced about 85 percent, from about 76,000 cubic feet per sec- ond down to about 10,000 cubic feet per second, a flow rate that usually is exceeded at least once every year. Airborne search-and-rescue opera- tions were ended at 5:00 pm. today. Altogether, nearly 18,000 manhours have been spent in the extensive and dangerous search for victims and sur- vivors. More than 100 people have been rescued since the May 18 erup- tion. The toll stands at 22 dead and 71 missing. Ground searches, however, continue. Friday, May 30 E Day Plus 12 The crater was cloud free for prob- ably the first time since May 18, and the crater floor was visible through the steam plumes that rose from dozens of vigorously fuming vents'within. Ob- servers could see that the hump detected by radar is not a dome but is, instead, a ridge, or “rampart,” of ash and pumice that has built up between the most active steam vents and the open end of the amphitheater on the north. South of the rampart, an ir- regular crater (fig. 46) occupies only a fraction of the broad floor of the huge May 18 crater. In addition to the steam spewing from the vents, a burst of ash rises now and then, and, even less often, a block of pumice is thrown up- ward and tumbles back into the crater. According to the tiltmeters that have survived the two major eruptions, the ground near the volcano has deformed only slightly. One tiltmeter about 4 miles south-southwest of the volcano's center has shown an almost continuous slight inflation of the volcano since before May 18; instruments farther away show little or no change. Seismographs today recorded a few periods of weak harmonic tremor, which died out within a few hours. Costs for flood-control, navigation, and water-supply rehabilitation proj- ects necessitated by the eruption of Mount St. Helens could reach $219 million, according to preliminary estimates made by the Corps of Engi- neers. Of this amount, $44 million will be needed to restore the Columbia River channel, where 22 million cubic yards of material will have to be removed. The shoal near the mouth of the Cowlitz River extends farther upstream in the Columbia than engineers first believed. The channel- filling debris from the Cowlitz River may have caused the Columbia River itself to deposit much of its sediment load where it encountered the shoal. The Corps of Engineers estimated that the cost of clearing intakes and rebuilding or restoring water-supply systems in Toutle, Castle Rock, Long— view, and Kelso will be about $14 million. An additional $28 million will be needed to restore the Cowlitz River channel, including dredging an esti- mated 25 million cubic yards of FIGURE 46.—View of the “crater within a crater” between the May 25 eruption and the June 12 eruption, looking into the north-facing mouth of the main crater from the northeast. The smooth slope in the right foreground is a rampart of pyroclastic debris and ash that built up in front of the main eruption center, which is at the base of the large steam plume. The rock ridge on the left side is old volcanic rock, formerly buried, that was exposed for the first time in centuries by the May 18 eruption. (Photograph by Terry Leighley, Sandia Laboratories, June 4, 1980.) volcanic and flood debris. All Corps of Engineers dredges on the west coast have been assigned to work on rivers affected by the eruption. USGS hydrologists have now made preliminary calculations of the size of the May 18 mudflows down the major valleys radiating from Mount St. Helens. The volume of water in these mudflows is estimated to have been more than 100 million cubic yards, or more than 20 billion gallons—enough to supply household water for every person in the United States for 1 day. The mudflow from the South Fork Toutle River, which crested at the steam—gaging station on the main Tou- tle River about 11:00 a.m. on May 18, 2.5 hours after the main eruption began, reached a peak stage (high- water level) that would be equivalent to a water-flow rate of 46,000 cubic feet per second, or 1,700 cubic yards per second; the actual flow rate was less (by an unknown amount), how- ever, because the mud slurry could not flow as fast as water. The mudflow from the North Fork Toutle River, which destroyed the Toutle River gage about 6:00 p.m. on May 18, left high-water marks that in- dicated a peak flow roughly two to three times that of the previous mudflow from the South Fork. The peak stage near the mouth of the Tou- tle River was equivalent to a water discharge of about 100,000 cubic feet per second, but, again, the actual rate of flow into the Cowlitz was less because of the lower velocity of the mud slurry. Hydrologists also completed and released to emergency-services agen- cies the first computations of probable flood levels in the mud-choked Toutle and Cowlitz River valleys if various amounts of storm runoff were to oc— cur. They found that a wedge-shaped mass of mud even extended upstream in the channel of the Cowlitz for 2.5 miles above the mouth of the Toutle River; the volume of this upstream deposit, however, was only a small fraction of the amount deposited downstream. The volume of sediment left in the channel and on the flood plain of the Cowlitz River between Castle Rock and the Columbia River (not including the vast, but unknown, amount that flowed through to the Columbia) is estimated to be as much as 40 million cubic yards. This volume, if it were the concrete that the wet mud resembles, would be enough to pave an eight-lane highway between Mount St. Helens and New York City. Daily checks of 40 hospitals in Washington, Oregon, Idaho, and Montana have failed to reveal any severe respiratory ailments caused by ash from the May 18 eruption, accord- ing to information released by the Na- tional Center for Disease Control. Ray Jennings, the south—side resident who had resisted earlier evacuation at- tempts, and his four dogs were airlifted out of the Red Zone today by a Na- tional Guard helicopter. He had been in his cabin on the volcano’s flank since before the May 18 eruption, but, because his whereabouts were known, he was never on the list of missing per- sons. Saturday, May 31 E Day Plus 13 Travel in the Northwest is nearly normal again. Only four sections of State highways are still closed, and two of those allow local traffic. No airports are closed on account of ash. On the Columbia River, nearly 550,000 cubic yards of material have been dredged to form a shallow navigation channel, which has allowed 18 vessels to move upriver and 10 to move downriver. The volcano steamed more strongly today than it has in the immediate past; clouds reached an altitude of 15,000 feet. Seismic activity was low, and small earthquakes—none greater than magnitude 3—centered near Mount Margaret, 8 miles northeast of Mount St. Helens. The volcano is still emitting sulfurous gases, even though there were no eruptions of ash; the emission 86 The First 100 Days of Mount St. Helens rates are several times higher than those measured before May 18. Con- centrations of sulfur dioxide (50;) measured by Thomas Cassadeval on May 26 and 31 averaged about 150 tons a day, in contrast to the few tens of tons a day measured before May 18. The team of gas specialists reports that the volcano is also emitting at least as much hydrogen sulfide (H25) as 502. Forest Supervisor Tokarczyk an- nounced that the Forest Service prob— ably will recommend that Mount St. Helens and some of the devastated areas surrounding it be designated a “Na- tional Volcanic Area." Others are pro— posing that the area become a national monument or a national park. The Mount St. Helens Technical In- formation Network issued two bul- letins today; one gives advice on driv- ing in heavy ash areas (drive slowly; change oil, air filters, and other filters; and clean brakes occasionally), and the other suggests that exposure to the ash may have reduced the insect popula- tion significantly. Honey bee colonies, although damaged, apparently were not obliterated. Rod Preston of the Washington State University Animal Sciences Depart- ment reported that the only elements in the May 18 ash that concern animal scientists are copper and molybdenum. Although the concentrations of these elements in the ash are small, they might cause illness in livestock that eat feed containing unusually large amounts of ash. At the month’s end, no lava has ap- peared at the surface. Recently, however, there have been several night observations of incandescent rocks, which probably are caused by hot gases streaming through the vents from a magma body not far below. Sunday, June 1 E Day Plus 14 The month has opened quietly. The volcano continues to vent steam, which rises in clouds to about 12,000 feet. Poor weather has prevented good aerial observation, but field crews, transported by helicopters, continued making ground observations (fig. 47) and deploying monitoring instruments today. Measurements of the “new” Spirit Lake revealed that its depth is now about 100 feet or less, instead of its former depth of about 200 feet. The lake-water temperature was measured at 97°F (36°C) at the surface and 95°F (35°C) on the bottom. Earthquakes were small and few, and harmonic tremor, which returned to the mountain a few days ago, de- creased in amplitude by about two- thirds early this morning. This decrease could mean that movement of magma under the volcano is subsiding, but no one knows. Winds blowing at about 25 miles an hour plagued parts of eastern Washington and northern Idaho by redistributing ash deposits from the May 18 eruption. Poor visibility caused temporary closure of sections of two highways in east-central Washington. USGS geologists warn that, al- though the volcano appears to be relatively quiet now, it still remains dangerous to anyone nearby. If a lava dome were to build in the crater—an event that would be in character for this volcano—the dome building would likely be accompanied by more explosive eruptions, pyroclastic flows, and mudflows. Search dogs have been used in ground searches for survivors and vic— tims of the May 18th eruption; how- ever, these searches have now been suspended. From now on, special search-and-rescue missions will be con— ducted only if the last known location of a possible victim can be closely fixed. The count now stands ‘at 22 dead and 53 still missing. Monday, June 2 E Day Plus 15 Both eruptive activity and earth- quake activity are quite low today. Ash plumes barely reach the crater rim, but the ash from the May 18 erup- tion has circled the Earth in the high- altitude air mass. A meteorologist with the Air Resources Laboratory of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration said today, ”The ash is over the Aleutian Islands in Alaska, possibly up to the North Pole, and then extends south through Canada.” He added that the ash is in the 20,000- to 40,000-foot altitude zone and is in such low concentrations that it is invisible to the eye. Scientists generally agree that, although the worst dangers from Mount St. Helens may be over tem- porarily, the volcano remains danger- ous. USGS geologists Crandell and Mullineaux, in a hazards statement, said, “At present there is a relatively high degree of risk in working in areas near the volcano. The degree of risk varies according to wind direction (for ash) and according to topography (for pyroclastic flows). By comparison with an ashfall of about 4,000 years ago [table 2], a major eruption now could result in the deposition of as much as 3 feet of ash at a distance of 20 miles and 1 foot at 50 miles. The sector affected would depend on wind directions and strengths. ”Pyroclastic flows tend to move down valleys and other depressions, and clouds of hot ash accompanying them may affect areas beyond the sides and ends of pyroclastic flows. There is some risk even beyond the pyroclastic flow limits shown on [previous] vol- cano hazards maps because of the possibility that some will occur that are longer than those of the past. “A sector directly north of the volcano will be especially hazardous if and when a dome is formed in the crater because of the possibility of strong lateral blasts. “There is no unequivocal boundary anywhere around the volcano that sharply divides areas of risk from areas of no risk. Risk increases toward the volcano in all directions for all kinds of volcanic events, but the rate of increase is different for different kinds of volcanic events. ”It is not possible to predict now what the volcano will be doing a month from now, or even a week from now. It should be assumed, for plan- ning purposes, that a major explosive eruption could begin and progress to a climax very rapidly, so there would be essentially no time for warning." Governor Ray today changed the ex- ecutive order that established the restricted zones around Mount St. Helens (fig. 13). The exact boundary of the Red Zone was defined, and new rules for entry were set forth. The Governor also asked today for more Federal aid, saying, “Clearly, neither this State nor its local sub-units of government can continue [on their own] to cope with the physical effects of the disaster, let alone the financial burden.” A second manufacturer of dust masks suitable for use in volcanic areas donated 160,000 of them to the State of Washington to distribute to people in the “ash belt." A new report by the Mount St. Helens Technical Information Network said that, when the May 18 ash is viewed under the microscope, two main ingredients can be seen: (1) pumiceous volcanic glass and (2) crystal fragments of the mineral feldspar, which is composed of sodium, calcium, aluminum, and silica. These ingredients are ”new” (juvenile) volcanic material, mixed with variable, small quantities of other minerals and particles of the “old" volcanic rock torn from the walls of the eruptive vent. When USGS researchers examined the ash, they found only minute amounts of the free-silica minerals (quartz, cristobalite, tridymite, flint, chalcedony, and opal) that have been of such great concern as a potential long-term hazard to the health of those breathing the ash. The ash is about as abrasive as finely crushed window glass. Its density is about two or three times as great as that of water, but it is almost insoluble in water. For that reason, it should Chronology of the First 100 Days 87 FIGURE 47.—Fieldwork in the avalanche de- posit. A, Geologists collecting samples at a weakly steaming fumarole in the May 18 debris-avalanche deposit. The view here is eastward; the fumarole is in the valley of the North Fork Toutle River, just south of the destroyed Cold- water II observation site and about 5 miles north—northeast of the crater’s center (see fig. 51). The debris-avalanche deposit, derived from the upper north- ern side of the mountain, here is about 300 feet thick. Part of a new pond, covered with floating pumice and wood debris, is at the lower right. (Photograph by David Frank, USGS, June 7, 1980.) B, USGS geologist Robert L. Christiansen is dwarfed by the jagged landscape formed by debris from the avalanche and a tangle of uprooted trees at this site north of the western lobe of Spirit Lake. The view here is toward the southwest. (Photograph by Robert L. Smith, USGS, May 30, 1980.) weather slowly, giving up some plant nutrients such as lime, potash, and phosphorous in the process. Some potentially harmful substances— chiefly acids and salts—cling to the tiny particles, but the amounts of these substances are small. The USGS completed a new topo- graphic map showing preeruption features in a 2,700-square—mile area surrounding the volcano. An accurate single map showing features in the degree of detail needed for posterup— tion planning and rehabilitation had not been available previously. (Some earlier USGS maps showing features at a larger scale and in more detail are badly out of date with regard to roads, trails, and logged-off tracts.) Athough the death toll remains at 22, the list of missing persons is shrink— ing as some people, initially reported missing by worried friends or relatives, come forward to tell authorities that they survived. Tuesday, June 3 E Day Plus 16 Harmonic tremor, which has been fluctuating in a range of low amplitudes for the past several days, fell off to a very low level last night; then, about 2:00 a.m.,it began to in- crease strongly. The University of Washington seismology center con- tacted USGS scientists in Vancouver and informed them that this pattern of harmonic tremor was similar to the one that had preceded the May 25 erup- tion. Furthermore, no earthquakes (”none at all”) have occurred since Monday morning, reminiscent of the gradual decrease in earthquakes that took place before the May 18 eruption. Because of these similarities, scientists are keeping an especially careful watch on the volcano. As of midnight, however, no eruption is evident. Measurements of sulfur dioxide pro- duction from Mount St. Helens today show that the volcano is emitting about 200 tons of SO; a day. This emission rate is about the same as the rates measured in late May. Two men, an injured professional photographer and his uninjured helper, were picked up from the flank of Mount St. Helens by a Forest Service helicopter and brought to Vancouver early this evening. They reportedly have been in the restricted zone taking pictures and eluding airborne observers most of the time since before the May 18 eruption. They may face both State and Federal prosecution for deliberately entering the restricted area. The Corps of Engineers reports that its plans for flood control and water rehabilitation include not only dredg- ing the rivers and raising dikes along the Cowlitz but also constructing rock- fill dams and settling ponds on the two forks of the Toutle River. The dams and settling ponds are intended to catch additional sediment eroding from the area of the volcano blast and car- ried by the two river forks and, thereby, to lessen the filling of channels downstream. The captured sediment reportedly will be removed from catch- ment ponds later by earth—moving equipment. The National Weather Service office in Seattle began issuing “St. Helens plume trajectory forecasts” warning where ash will fall if more erupts. Enough rain fell today in Portland to permit cancellation of an “air-pollution alert” that has been in effect since the May 25 eruption dusted that city with fine ash. Automatic banking machines are the latest victims of the ash. Two bank machines in Yakima and 40 in Portland reportedly have been disabled by ash that has blown into their mechanisms. The ash may be useful in some manufacturing processes, however. A California firm announced that, when the ash is mixed with a plastic resin, it forms a porcelainlike material that can be used to make bathroom fixtures and other products. An instructor at Spokane Falls Community College (near Spokane) previously had reported that the ash is a “ready-made" glaze material for some ceramic prod- ucts. Wednesday, June 4 E Day Plus 17 The volcano’s plumes continued to be principally steam, which rose regularly to altitudes of 12,000 to 14,000 feet. Earthquake activity was low. Harmonic tremor, which yester- day was stronger than it has been at any time since May 25, decreased in amplitude. Upward (inflationary) tilting on the volcano’s southern side continues at a very slow rate, quite unlike the rapid bulging of the north— ern side before the May 18 eruption. Scientists continue to warn that the ap- parent quiet may be misleading—the volcano may be poised for another eruption. Despite the continuing ap- prehension of scientists, however, the Red Zone is scheduled to reopen today for loggers, residents, and news report- ers if the volcano remains quiet. A hospital patient died today of burns received during the May 18 erup- tion. A body discovered about 3 miles west of the crater was identified as that of a missing Portland photographer, Robert Landsburg. These two events brought the death toll to 24 and reduced the missing persons total to 50. Chronology of the First 100 Days 89 Thursday, June 5 E Day Plus 18 Eruptive and seismic activity at Mount St. Helens remained low today. USGS and University of Washington scientists have concluded that the ominous pattern of earthquakes and harmonic tremor earlier this week, which had been thought to indicate an impending eruption, “must be con- sidered a false alarm." The Forest Service announced that it will set up seismographs at the visitor centers on Interstate Highway 5 southwest of Mount St. Helens and at Lewis and Clark State Park northwest of the mountain, so that visitors can follow the recording of the volcano’s earthquakes as they occur. Washington State University scien— tists in Pullman have determined, on the basis of experimental work with chickens, that the ash is not acutely toxic to domestic animals. Scientists are still concerned, however, that eating and breathing ash will have some effect on larger animals. There is no evidence that food raised in ashfall areas poses a health threat, the Technical Information Network re- ports, but careful cleaning of fruits and vegetables is recommended. The Coast Guard office in Portland reports that dredging of the Columbia River shoal has deepened the naviga- tion channel to 33 feet, more than three times deeper than the 10-foot depth left after the May 18 and 19 floods from the Cowlitz River. Colleagues of photographer Blackburn, who died in the May 18 eruption, found one of the remote- controlled cameras that he had been operating from Coldwater I observa- tion station. Film from the battered camera was processed, but it had been fogged by the heat and showed no clear images of the May 18 blast that killed Blackburn. Friday, June 6 E Day Plus 19 Seismic activity remained low, and plumes consisting mostly of steam rose only about 15,000 feet above sea level. Loggers and property owners "swamped” State offices today seeking permits to get into the Red Zone, as Governor Ray’s most recent executive order allows. Emission of SO; has increased signif- icantly between June 3 and today. To- day’s measurement of about 900 tons a day is nearly four times greater than the June 3 measurements. Researchers from the National Center for Disease Control who analyzed four samples of volcanic ash for free silica found concentrations to be low—about 6 percent of the respirable size (less than 10 microns) by weight. Of this, two-thirds was in the form of the mineral cristobalite, and one-third was quartz. (Some chemical analyses previously had reported a high percentage of silica in the ash; most silica, however, was chemical- ly bound in various other minerals, and it was not the dangerous “free silica," or SiOz.) Although exposure to free silica for many years can cause silicosis and exposure to large concen- trations for a short time can cause an acute form of the disease, Federal health scientists do not think that short-term exposure to the ash is a sig- nificant public health hazard. They suggest that persons working in the ash, as well as those having respiratory diseases, should wear dust masks. Children should be cautioned not to play strenuously in ash-filled air, and they should not be allowed to play in deep ash. Tourists, the lifeblood of Wash- ington's ocean beach communities, are ”staying away in droves” after the traf- fic jams and accidents, strandings, and other problems that ashfall from the May 25 eruption created for Memorial Day travelers. The Ocean Shores Chamber of Commerce, according to the Tacoma News Tribune, reports that business in that normally busy resort community is ”down 60 to 70 percent." One huge industrial vacuum cleaner was operated for 2 days to remove 17 tons of volcanic ash from the roof of the Yakima City Hall. 90 The First 100 Days of Mount St. Helens Saturday, June 7 E Day Plus 20 Mount St. Helens continued its low eruptive activity today, sending steam plumes, but little ash, to an altitude of about 11,000 feet. No earthquakes were recorded, and harmonic tremor was as low as it has been since May 18. USGS water-quality specialists say that the chemical constituents of Mount St. Helens ash should not affect water supplies significantly. They soaked ash samples collected in Spokane and Richland, Wash. (near Pasco) (fig. 29G), and in Helena and Kalispell, Mont., in water for 4 hours and then analyzed the leachate (soak- ing water). The test simulated the ef- fects of rain falling on one-half inch of ash. The test was designed to show a “worst case"—that is, to produce the highest likely concentrations of chemicals in water draining through the ash. The first water draining through the ash did contain some chemical ions‘(in- cluding chloride, fluoride, sulfate, am- monium, manganese, boron, cad- mium, and selenium) in concentrations that exceed the water~quality standards for public water supplies. Later soak- ings yielded much lower concentra- tions of these ions. Under natural con- ditions, reactions within the soil and dilution by other ground water or sur- face water would lower these concen- trations in the runoff or in water in- filtrating from ashy lands. Manganese, one element that could prove to be annoying, was present in the leachate in concentrations as much as 100 times the recommended level. Although manganese could impart an objectionable taste to water and perhaps cause staining of light-colored objects washed in affected water, it should not be a health hazard. Boron concentration in the leachate was as much as 2.5 times the maximum recommended for long-term irrigation of such boron-sensitive crops as apples and some berries. Under natural condi- tions, however, such strong concentra- tions would be unlikely to reach the roots of the plants before irrigation water had diluted them adequately. The ash could change acidity levels slightly but reportedly not enough to damage crops. The pH of the leachate was about 6.0 (very mildly acidic), slightly less acidic than the average for rainfall in the Northwest, which generally has a pH of about 5. The new State system for gaining en- try to the Red Zone provides “blanket” 30-day permits for logging corpora- tions and other companies. To qualify, each company must: ‘ 0 Have a method for identifying and locating each employee, agent, and (or) contractor authorized to be in the Red Zone. 0 Inform each employee of a predesig- nated escape route. 0 Monitor radio frequencies estab- lished by the local sheriff’s depart- ment or other governmental agency for transmitting emergency signals about Mount St. Helens. 0 Check each authorized employee in and out daily. 0 Issue an identification card, tag, or other form approved by the Wash- ington Director of Emergency Serv- ices to each worker. 0 Provide the foreman of each work crew with a two-way radio and re- quire him to make regular contact with a central dispatcher. 0 Inform each worker that he must stay within a 15-minute walking dis- tance of his vehicle. Weyerhaeuser, one of the largest owners of timberland in the Mount St. Helens area, reports that most of its downed timber seems to be salvageable and that the company expects to begin immediately restoring its equipment, facilities, and routes into the blow- down area. Loggers in ash-coated timber areas report that they must sharpen their saws about three times as often as they did before May 18. The Federal Emergency Management Agency closed most of its remaining disaster assistance centers in eastern Washington and northern Idaho this evening. Only the centers at Kelso, Spokane, and Moses Lake remain open. Agency officials report that more than 3,700 people have registered at centers in the two States to inquire about or apply for disaster assistance loans or grants or to seek counseling. Scientists are still warning that the volcano could explode or send out eruptions of pumice and ash. USGS geologist Richard Waitt said today that a larger eruption plume and a thicker ashfall are still “very possible." Scientists in the field report the reap- pearance of small plants of the horsetail rush type, as well as small animals, in the devastated area. They also have seen fresh deer and cougar tracks in the ash. News reports remind the public that Mount St. Helens is not the only volcano now active. Mount Etna in Sicily is erupting and reportedly has killed nine people. Worldwide, prob- ably 30 to 40 volcanoes are active now. Sunday, June 8 E Day Plus 21 Several nervous residents called the Mount St. Helens coordination center today to ask if the sharp lightning flashes visible over the volcano meant that it was erupting. It was not. The mountain remained quiet again today; only very low level harmonic tremor was recorded at the University of Washington seismology center. Rain and clouds kept observation aircraft grounded, but an Oregon Army Na- tional Guard airplane flew over the mountain to obtain radar and thermal infrared images. Radar showed the base of a steam plume that rose lazily through the rain clouds to an altitude of about 12,000 feet. The thermal in— frared images showed a general heating, since late May, of the eruptive center that was active May 18. The im- ages also showed that heat was still be- ing emitted by the pyroclastic flows. Scientists used the sporadic periods of clear weather this weekend to reestablish some of the survey lines on the southwestern side of the mountain for ground-deformation studies. The lines are to be measured as regularly as weather conditions permit. Observers are watching closely for the formation of a dome—a buildup of extruded lava that is too pasty to flow far from the extrusion vent. A dome could signal a rebuilding of the moun- tain, although not necessarily the end of danger. Following previous erup- tions, Mount St. Helens has formed other domes; the now-vanished Goat Rocks was probably the latest such dome (table 2). Dome-building activity in the inner (May 25) crater has been reported but not verified. Monday, June 9 E Day Plus 22 Steam plumes and some ash con- tinue to be vented. No harmonic tremor was recorded today, and seismicity was low. New avalanches took place under the persistent cloud cover, but none was observed in prog- ress. When observers were able to see into the crater, they noticed a new, crescent-shaped lake in the northern part of the crater floor. It was about 1,000 feet long and 300 feet wide. On Friday (June 13), the moon will be at its closest proximity to the Earth since May 17, and strong tides will result. Although geologists generally agree that tides, by themselves, cannot cause volcanic eruptions, some con- cede that strong Earth tides might be “the straw that breaks the camel’s back” if the volcano is already primed for an eruption. The persistence of ash from the May 18 eruption has caused the Army to cancel its usual summer exercises at the extensive desert training center near Yakima. Normally, one or two bat- talions at a time would be using the Yakima Firing Center, but uncertainty about the effects of the dry, blowing ash on the health of soldiers and on precision equipment prompted the cancellation. Because volcano damage has been rare in this country, no one is certain how much of the private losses caused by the eruption will be covered by in- surance. People who are listed as miss- ing pose special problems for life- insurance companies and claimants. Chronology of the First 100 Days 91 Tuesday, June 10 E Day Plus 23 The mountain remained quiet again today; only minor amounts of ash were vented in plumes of steam that rose less than 2,000 feet above the crater rim. No harmonic tremor and no earthquakes were recorded USGS scientist Arnold Okamura says that one tiltmeter on the southern side of Mount St. Helens has been showing a slight inflation of the southern flank for the past month. The rate of tilt has been relatively constant since about May 9, even through the eruptive periods of May 18 and 25. The Corps of Engineers reports that the dredge Art Riedel began operations in the mouth of the Cowlitz River. Previous dredging has been concen- trated in the Columbia River naviga- tion channel. Nearly 4,200 people reportedly had visited Federal disaster assistance centers in Washington and Idaho by this evening, when the centers in Spo- kane and Kelso were shut down. Plans call for the center at Moses Lake to be closed Thursday evening and for a new center to be set up in Centralia, Wash., that same day. Governor Ray, in an appearance yesterday before the US. Senate Ap- propriations Committee, had praise for the “timely warnings” about the Mount St. Helens eruptions. "We were warned of all possible consequences and tried to have a general plan, and as a result of that I believe many, many lives were saved,” she said. No major population centers have reported serious problems with drinking-water quality as a result of volcanic ash, although some smaller water systems have been plagued by turbidity and equipment damage, nor has anyone reported toxic levels of metallic ions or other chemicals de- rived from ash in drinking water. However, Washing away the ash taxed some water supplies, particularly at a time when many normal surface-water supplies were not usable. Wednesday, June 11 E Day Plus 24 No harmonic tremor, no unusual earthquake activity, and no strong eruption changed the even tenor of the day at Mount St. Helens. Officials of Federal agencies and the State of Washington told Congress to- day that the bill for damages caused by the Mount St. Helens eruptions will be about $2.7 billion. The total would have been even greater if volunteers had not assisted the State and Federal governments, according to the Wash~ ington Department of Emergency Serv- ices. Besides volunteer service groups, such as the Tri-County Search-and- Rescue Association, the Lower Colum- bia Amateur Radio Association, the Salvation Army, and the American Red Cross, many individual volunteers have been working steadily throughout the emergency. A machine specially designed to lift, comb, and shake ash-coated alfalfa is being manufactured in eastern Wash- ington and is expected to salvage part of the hay crop in the ”ash belt.” Salmon can be killed if sharp ash particles damage their gills, according to a Washington Department of Fish- eries investigation. The department concluded that fish probably could not survive a swim through the ash-filled Cowlitz River. The official death toll remains at 24. The removal of four more names from the list of missing persons has reduced its number to 46. Third Explosive Eruption Thursday, June 12 E Day Plus 25 The third explosive eruption of Mount St. Helens occurred tonight. It was preceded by a buildup of harmonic tremor, which began at low levels about midday and increased in 92 The First 100 Days of Mount St. Helens amplitude throughout the afternoon. The University of Washington seis- mology center notified the Vancouver coordination center and the Wash- ington Department of Emergency Serv- ices that a buildup in tremor similar to the one that preceded the May 25 erup- tion was occurring. A marked increase in the harmonic tremor was noted at 7:05 p.m., and reports of an eruption cloud rising to an altitude of at least 13,000 feet were received 5 minutes later. Tremor dropped off in strength immediately after the eruptive pulse and fluctuated at moderate amplitudes for more than 2 hours. This temporary lull was broken dramatically by a large increase in tremor amplitude at 9:11 p.m. Shortly thereafter, observers in a Forest Service airplane witnessed the very rapid climb of an eruption column to an altitude greater than 35,000 feet. About 400 families living in the latest Red Zone were warned to evacuate, but many reportedy declined to do so. A flash- flood watch was put in effect for the Toutle, Cowlitz, Kalama, and Lewis Rivers. National Weather Service radar observers in Portland tracked the eruption plume to an altitude of 50,000 feet at 9:18 p.m. Forest Service air- borne observers reported that the col- umn was “several kilometers wide” at its base and was producing lightning. Cloud cover, however, prevented ob- servers from seeing whether new mud- slides or pyroclastic flows were occur- ring. The plume height as detected by radar fluctuated between about 15,000 and 35,000 feet above sea level until about midnight, when it diminished. Prevailing winds are carrying ejected ash to the south and southwest, and pumice particles as large as one-half inch across are falling “like hailstones" on Cougar, about 11 miles downwind from the volcano. Ashfalls began in Vancouver and Portland about 10:50 p.m. and are still continuing as of mid- night. Recognition of the preemption pat- tern of the harmonic tremor warned emergency-services officials of the im— pending eruption and allowed them to warn the public quickly. No casualties were reported. Friday, June 13 E Day Plus 26 The eruption that began last night apparently continued sporadically into the early hours of this morning. At 2:02 a.m., the Portland office of the National Weather Service reported that its radar showed ”a heavy plume” up to 15,000 to 16,000, feet above sea level. The pilot of the Forest Service observation airplane reported at 2:31 a.m. that, at his position 22 miles northwest of Pendleton, Oreg., he was “in ash” at an altitude of 24,000 feet and that the plane was being peppered with pumice particles as large as one- eighth inch in diameter. (The plane outdistanced the eastward-moving ash and landed safely in Spokane after having been warned away from Port- land area airports). At 4:00 a.m., the National Weather Service radar showed the plume top to be at 13,000 feet and the ash content to be slightly reduced. At 6:00 a.m., the University of Washington seismology center re- ported that steacly, low-level harmonic tremor was being recorded. The Federal Aviation Administra- tion closed airspace and airports as far away as 150 miles from Mount St. Helens (Portland International Airport reopened about 7 hours later). The Na- tional Weather Service issued travelers' warnings for anyone using roads within 50 miles. of the mountain. By 6:00 a.m., the Washington Department of Emergency Services had announced that all Red Zone entry permits had been suspended. and that only perma- nent residents would be allowed in the area. This action will keep more than 200 loggers out of areas where they had resumed work only a few days ago. Although last night's eruption was shorter than the one on May 25 (about 5 hours as opposed to more than 12 hours), it may have spewed more ash, according to USGS geologists. The prevailing winds at most altitudes reached by the ash plume seem to have spread the ash mostly in the quadrant extending south to west from the volcano (fig. 48). Traces of ash, however, were reported falling as far away as Seattle to the north and Salem (and perhaps Medford) to the south. Vancouver received about one-eighth 124° U 10 20 3U 40 0 20 40 60 inch, and Portland received about one- sixteenth inch. The coastal city of Tillamook, Oreg. , nearly 100 miles southwest of Mount St. Helens, ap- parently lay directly in the path of the plume that reached the Oregon coast. As much as one-eighth inch of ash reportedly fell on that city, but little or none fell on nearby communities to the north and south. 123° 122° 50 MILES 80 KlLOMETERS FIGURE 48.—Generalized pattern of ashfall thickness from the June 12 eruption of Mount St. Helens (modified from Sarna-Wojcicki and others, 1981). Although winds at the dif- ferent altitudes reached by the ash were blowing in different directions, most of the ash was distributed to the southwest of the volcano. 1 formation on the extent of trace amounts of ash was not available. Lines of equal ash thickness are designated in millimeters (1 inch=25.4 mm). Chronology of the First 100 Days 93 The National Weather Service, which has been monitoring the move- ment of the airborne ash, predicts that some of the ash carried out over the Pacific Ocean last night will be blown back over northern California by tonight. (The curved path of the ash cloud may account for reports that ash reached Medford, near the southern border of Oregon.) Day-long rains in much of the ashfall area settled the ash and helped cleanup efforts, but the rain also fOrmed slick mud that made driving hazardous. A speed limit of 15 miles an hour that was imposed in Portland during the ashfall was lifted by midmorning. The flash- flood watch for the Toutle, Cowlitz, Kalama, and Lewis Rivers, which was imposed last night, also was cancelled. In the 8 hours following last night's eruption, many small “aftershocks” were recorded at the University of Washington seismology center. Twenty-one of these shocks were strong enough that preliminary loca- tions could be calculated. These quakes originated at depths of about 4 to 7 miles below the surface and were lo- cated just west of the volcano’s crater. Bad weather and the fuming volcano prevented observation of the crater to- day, but radar imagery obtained at about 2:00 p.m. by the Oregon Army National Guard clearly shows that the amphitheater and rampart are about the same as they were when last seen and that what appears to be a dome now is in the position of the former in- ner crater. Helicopter reconnaissance around the mountain today could not verify the presence of the dome, but obser- vers could see that the eruption had caused extensive new pumice flows north of the volcano and also minor mudflows that ended on the mountain itself. The pumice flows had poured out of the open end of the amphi- theater and rushed downslope to the north, completely burying the ash flow from the May 25 eruption and filling steam-explosion craters that formed in the May 18 debris-avalanche deposits (fig. 30). One lobe flowed nearly 5 miles, stopping within 30 yards of Spirit Lake. Another extended west~ ward more than 1 mile in the upper part of the North Fork Toutle River valley. USGS geologist Peter Rowley said that the material ejected in the eruption was from fresh magma rather than old rock or ash from the larger (May 18) crater. Like those from the May 25 eruptions, the latest pyroclas- tic deposits contain dense dark-gray pumice and vesicular tan pumice. The deposits also contain blocks of dense gray dacite rock. Temperatures meas- ured in the June 12 ash flows are more than 1,100 °F (600°C)—hotter than any measured in the May 18 ash flows and nearly hot enough to melt aluminum. USGS volcanic hazards geologists today described the effects of the erup- tions and the outlook for continued ex- plosive activity to a US Senate sub- committee hearing in Portland called by Oregon Senator Robert Packwood. By this evening, the volcano was still emitting steam but little or no ash. Saturday, June 14 E Day Plus 27 Although avalanches in the crater could be heard from the ground, the mountain itself was quiet today. All that could be seen was a small steam plume rising to an altitude of about 15,000 feet. Poor visibility prevented viewing of the crater. Although the strength of the harmonic tremor con- tinues to diminish, the University of Washington seismology center says that the mountain still is more seismically active than it was before the last eruption. Scientists began installing new tiltmeters near the cone, but they could not reach gravity-monitoring sites because of poor flying weather. Ground parties found that pyroclastic deposits from the eruption of Thursday and Friday were still very hot, coated with sulfur in places, and dotted with fresh pumice blocks. Temperature measurements made at a depth of 10 94 The First 100 Days of Mount St. Helens feet in deposits filling an old steam- explosion pit near the downslope end' of the pyroclastic flows registered near- ly 1,100°F (600°C). Ash from the eruption of June 12 and 13, collected dry in Vancouver, was soaked with distilled water, and the leachate was analyzed, as was that of the earlier ash. The chemical constit- uents of the leachate were about the same as those of the earlier ash, except that this leachate was more acidic (pH 3.6-4.2). Designated State of Washington of- fices began reissuing permits today allowing residents to return to their homes in the Red Zone. Washington Department of Fisheries biologists say that salmon are ”bleeding to death” in the ashy mud carried by the lower Cowlitz River; they doubt that fish will ever be able to adapt to river water made muddy by the ash. Dissection of the fish shows tiny, razor-sharp particles of silica lodged in their gills “cutting them to shreds.” Agricultural experts, however, are now saying that ash damage to Washington's agriculture industry (fig. 49) is less than originally estimated. Scientists from Federal and State FIGURE 49.—Effects of ash from the May 18 eruption on agricultural areas in eastern Washington. A, Compacted ash 0.75 to 1 inch thick smothered lentil plants in this field about 25 miles south of Spokane. The severe damage to this crop is ob- vious, but many crops in the “ash belt” produced profitable returns in 1980 despite the ashfall. (Photograph by Earl Baker, U.S. Soil Conservation Service, July 1980.) B, Tractor towing a disc cultivator through a field at the Lind Agricultural Experiment Station, about 12 miles southwest of Ritzville. As much of the ash as possible was mixed into the underlying soil in this manner. The thick cloud of ash dust raised by this rather gentle cultivation method shows why dust respirators were strongly recom- mended for agricultural workers in the “ash belt." (Photograph by C. Kelley, U.S. Soil Conservation Service, summer 1980.) FIGURE 50.—Aerial photographs of the lava dome that extruded into the crater of Mount St. 96 Helens during the latter part of June 1980. The volcano’s dacite lava has a pasty con- sistency when it is molten, and it tends to pile up rather than to flow laterally. This dome, which was largely destroyed in a subsequent eruption on July 22, 1980 (fig. 613), was, at this stage, about 1,200 feet across and 200 feet high. Its rough, shattered ap- pearance resulted mainly from the expansion and shattering of the solidified outer crust as more molten lava was forced upward by the great pressure in the magma chamber underlying the volcano. A, View through the amphitheater mouth from the northeast (direction of view same as that in fig. 46 but farther out). The lava extruded into a depression left by the June 12 explosive eruption. The curved ridge, or rampart, across the inner crater mouth is clearly visible in the middle of this photograph. At this time, fuming was strongest in the southern and eastern parts of the crater floor and inner crater walls and at places in the “moat" around the base of the dome. Two cracks in the crater floor, radiating outward from the dome, are marked by rows of faint vertical vapor plumes (white streaks) at left center. (Photograph by Michael P. Doukas, USGS, June 28, 1980.) B, View from the west over the crater rim from a helicopter taking geologists to collect samples and measure temperatures inside the crater. The bread- crust texture of the dome’s surface is well shown here. The white area inside the crater rim in the left foreground is sunlight reflecting from vapor and light-colored tephra. The tephra rampart is at the extreme left. (Photograph by Jules D. Friedman, USGS, June 29, 1980.) The First 100 Days of Mount St. Helens agricultural agencies today placed the total agricultural damage at between $175 and $186 million. Previous estimates were $200 million or more. Volcanic activity at Mount St. Helens has caused renewed concern about Mount Baker, the northernmost steaming volcano in Washington. The interagency “Mount Baker Information Committee," formed in 1975 when that volcano heated up, has been reac- tivated. Recent flights over Mount Baker by USGS observers and others, however, have not yielded any indica- tion of an increase in volcanic activity. Many "volcano watchers" in Van- couver are getting their first real taste of the aggravating personal effects of the persistent ash—effects that have been all too familiar to residents in the eastern Washington ”ash belt.” These include wearing dust masks whenever there is a need to go outside; careless drivers whose vehicles raise un- necessary dust clouds; the slipperiness of ash during a rain and the return of dust almost as soon as the rain stops; and the continual presence of ash on hair, clothing, furniture, and equip- ment. Lava Dome Grows Sunday, lune 15 E Day Plus 28 Weather conditions today permitted detailed observations of the crater's in- terior for the first time since the latest eruptions, and the presence of the dome shown on radar images last Fri- day was confirmed visually (fig. 50). The dome was seen first this morning by observers in a Forest Service airplane and later from a helicopter at crater level. The dome is a symmetrical mass, circular in area, about 700 feet in diameter and rising 130 feet above the level of the crater floor. It is tan to light gray, and its surface is cracked into a pattern resembling large-scale bread- crust texture. A slight red glow emanates from within the hot dome through cracks in the crust of solidified lava. Almost its entire margin was fuming today, as was much of the crater floor near the steeper crater walls. Small steam explosions, con- centrated mainly at the northeastern edge of the dome, were periodically spouting small amounts of gray ash up to heights of about 300 to 700 feet within the crater. A shallow moatlike depression lies between the dome and the rampart to the north. The dome is the cooling top of a column of magma rising from beneath the volcano. No flows or other obvious signs of rapid growth were seen today, however. The appearance of the dome does not, scientists say, change the assess- ment of hazards from the volcano. Although the dome may represent a late, less highly explosive stage in this eruptive sequence, the flank of the volcano directly north of the breach in the crater (fig. 51) is still subject to small explosions, partly because of the crater’s shape and partly because of the position of the new dome. Further— more, the record of Mount St. Helens’ previous eruptions shows many highly explosive eruptive sequences within long-term eruptive episodes. There is "life in the old girl yet," scientists point out, and highly explosive eruptions of both tephra and gas could reach into the stratosphere, and pyroclastic flows could speed down the volcano flanks into adjacent valleys. Although the dome may cap the present volcanic vent, it could be blown away by erup- tions, or explosions from beneath Chronology of the First 100 Days 97 98 The First 100 Days of Mount St. Helens FIGURE 51.—Aerial photograph of Mount St. Helens taken from about 7 miles to the north-northwest, looking over the site of the demolished Coldwater II observation post (marked by an X) and debris-avalanche deposits in the eastern part of the North Fork Toutle River valley. The location of the geologists shown in figure 47A is indicated by the vertical arrow (center foreground). (Photograph by Austin Post, USGS, June 30, 1980.) could direct lateral blasts down the slopes at high speeds. University of Washington seis- mographs recorded vibrations caused when sections of the crater rim ava- lanched back into the crater; low-level harmonic tremor also was recorded, but there were no actual earthquakes. A few measurements of sulfur diox- ide gas taken since the eruptions of Thursday night show that the emission rate has averaged about 1,000 tons a day during the initial growth of the dome. The most consistent of the Mount St. Helens tiltmeters, located about 3.5 miles south-southwest of the volcano’s center, stopped sending data today. That instrument, which had been operating during all three of the major eruptions, had indicated a nearly con- stant, though very small, inflation of the southern flank throughout May and early June but had shown little or no change in tilt beginning the second week of June. Warm, dry weather and light breezes combined to create zero-visibility con- ditions in some parts of northwestern Oregon that had received a substantial dusting of ash during last Thursday night’s eruption. In the Vancouver- Portland metropolitan area, blowing ash also was causing problems. In Portland, a speed limit of 15 miles an hour was reimposed to reduce traffic hazards. Area residents spent much of their weekend hosing ash from cars, homes, sidewalks, and streets. Flushed- off ash clogging the filters of sewage- treatment plants necessitated dumping partly treated sewage into the Colum- bia River. Dust masks were a common sight on area residents and even on participants in the Portland Rose Festival, which ended today. The parade, a major event of the festival, took place yester- day despite ash-related problems. Three airlines temporarily suspended flights into Portland International Air- port for fear that the ash would damage airplane engines. The Corps of Engineers reports that a second dredge has now begun work— ing in the lower Cowlitz River channel to remove debris deposited by the flood of May 18 and 19. A third dredge is expected to move into the lower Cowlitz tomorrow. Monday, June 16 E Day Plus 29 It was a quiet day on the mountain; no harmonic tremor or significant earthquakes were recorded. Poor visibility prevented scientists from observing the height and size of the new dome. Mullineaux reminded news reporters that, although the dome represents the first lava to be seen dur- ing this year's eruptions, the building and destruction of lava domes have been repeated occurrences in the 40,000-year history of Mount St. Helens. The previous summit was formed by a dome extruded 400 to 500 years ago, and Coat Rocks was a dome formed in the mid-1800's (table 2). The Corps of Engineers reports that five dredges now have scooped out a narrow channel in the Columbia River shoal, off the mouth of the Cowlitz River, that will allow passage of ships having a maximum draft of 36 feet. The volcanic ash that powdered many forests may reduce the danger of forest fires in central and eastern Washington and northern Idaho this year, according to University of Idaho scientists. They say that the ash looks and acts just like some fire retardants now in use. They concede, however, that blowing ash could hinder fire- fighting efforts and also could reduce visibility from fire-lookout stations and thus allow small fires to grow before they are spotted. The Mount St. Helens Technical In- formation Network suggested ways to suppress the volcanic dust that has fallen so widely on the Northwest. One method is to mix the ash with agricultural lime and use the mixture as a cementing agent to form a windproof crust over ash dunes and other loose ash. A crust also c0uld be formed by using lignin sulfonate (a byproduct of wood-pulp industry), asphalt com- ponents and emulsions, or soft asphalt itself. Tuesday, June 17 E Day Plus 30 Mount St. Helens has remained quiet since its eruption on June 12. Today was partially clear, but steam and gas continued to rise from the crater and formed clouds too dense to allow observation of the new dome. Shortly after 4:00 p.m., the volcano briefly ejected a plume of dense ash—the “most significant" since last week’s eruption. The top of the dark plume leveled off at about 12,000 feet above sea level, and, because the air was still, most of the ash fell back into the crater. Seismographs recorded no significant local earthquakes and no harmonic tremor. Field crews remeasuring the defor- mation network on the mountain have found no appreciable change. A week ago, the southern side of the mountain was swelling slightly; now, it is stable. A light rain last night reduced the air pollution caused by persistent volcanic ash in the Portland-Vancouver metropolitan area. Most of the time since last Thursday night’s eruption, both cities have been shrouded in a foglike cloud of ash dust that makes breathing uncomfortable and occa- sionally disrupts automobile and air- craft traffic. Autopsies have been performed on 22 of the bodies so far recovered from the blast area. Sixteen deaths resulted from inhalation of hot ash, three from Chronology of the First 100 Days 99 burns, and three from head injuries (two of these caused by falling trees). Two other people rescued as they were fleeing later died in the hospital from burn-related injuries. The death toll now stands at 24, and 45 are still of- ficially missing. The Skamania County Coroner has been holding hearings about the last-known activities of per- sons still listed as missing. These hear- ings could result in the issuance of “presumptive death certificates” for some or all of the missing. Wednesday, June 18 E Day Plus 31 The mountain was quiet today. The University of Washington seismology center recorded one minor seismic event at 7:00 a.m. that may have been caused by an avalanche in the crater or by cracking of the new dome’s outer crust. Forest Service airborne observers said that the 7:00 a.m. seismic event was followed about 3 minutes later by a burst of steam and ash that rose a few thousand feet above the crater before dissipating. An earth- quake that was recorded at about 11:00 a.m. registered as magnitude 2.8 and was located to the north of Mount St. Helens. About 5:30 p.m., the volcano again shot a plume of steam up to about 13,000 feet and then lapsed back to minor activity. The new dome has grown 60 feet in height since Sunday, or an average of about 20 feet a day. The height of the dome is difficult to estimate because the crater floor is irregular and largely obscured by steam. Another major eruption could destroy the dome en- tirely, or the dome could continue to grow, perhaps for decades. If the dome were to continue rising and if it were fluid enough, it could begin moving out to the north through the breach in the crater. If and when that were to happen, volcanologists say, the thick lava probably would flow downhill at a rate of no more than a few feet a day—a rate much slower than that of the more fluid basaltic lava flows from erupting Hawaiian volcanoes. The US. House of Representatives today passed a supplemental ap- propriations bill that includes more than $783 million for disaster relief programs in response to the Mount St. Helens eruptions. The funds will be used to reimburse State and local governments for cleanup costs and to pay for dredging and debris removal, streambank restoration, construction of sediment-retention dams, restora- tion of farmlands, loans to businesses that suffered economic loss, and con— tinuation of scientific study and monitoring of the volcano. USGS scientists Moto Sato and Ken McGee installed a hydrogen gas sensor today on the southern flank of Mount St. Helens at an altitude of 7,000 feet. The instrument will continuously monitor the hydrogen emissions from a cool crack (not a steaming fumarole) in a prehistoric lava flow; the data will be transmitted by radio to Vancouver. This information and other data being gathered about gas emanations from the volcano should lead to a better understanding of the volcano’s internal processes. Oregon Governor Victor Atiyeh asked President Carter to declare Oregon a major disaster area. The Governor also called up 100 National Guard troops to help clean up the volcanic ash in Portland this coming weekend. Local newspapers report that a man with a gun commandeered a Portland city bus for a trip 30 miles east into the Columbia River Gorge after telling the driver, “I want to get out of town—out of all this ash." The hijacker ordered the driver to stop and fled on foot after an Oregon State Police car began fol- lowing the bus. A meeting with officials of the Washington Department of Emergency Services was held in Kelso to present arguments for moving the Red Zone boundary 12 miles closer to the volcano. Mullineaux said that the basic issue was not that of being “safe” at some specific distance from the vol- cano but rather “the difficult decision of what is an acceptable ris ." 100 The First 100 Days of Mount St. Helens An early warning system is planned to alert those who might be endangered by floods during the coming winter. Floods may be worse than usual this year because waterways already clogged with sediment and debris will be filled further when more sediment washes downstream from the blast area. Although the Corps of Engineers has been dredging and today brought in a fourth dredge to speed sediment re- moval from the lower Cowlitz River, how much of the clogged channel can be opened up before the next flood is not known. In order to monitor flood threats more closely, 22 new river gages will be installed; the Corps of Engineers plans to install 8, the USGS 2, and the National Weather Service 12. The Weather Service also plans to install nine new precipitation gages linked by radio to emergency-services centers. USGS hydrologists completed de- tailed surveys of the Cowlitz and Tou- tle Rivers and computed a second set of floodwater profiles for several postulated conditions of runoff from rainfall and snowmelt. These data were sent to the Federal Emergency Manage- ment Agency. They showed that, if no changes are made in the choked chan- nels, Castle Rock could be flooded this year by runoff from precipitation that is no greater than normal. If the chan- nels are not opened up and the winter brings an extended period of moderate rainfall, the result could be a record- breaking flood at Castle Rock, as well as severe flooding on the Cowlitz in the area of Kelso and Longview. The missing-persons list was reduced to 44 today when a Seattle man called authorities to report that he is alive and well. Thursday, June 19 E Day Plus 32 The weather today was clear enough for good viewing of the crater and for aerial photography. Photographs to be used in mapmaking were obtained by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration and by a contractor for the Washington Department of Natural Resources. Mount St. Helens was inactive to- day, except for steaming inside the crater. The dome has grown another 6 to 10 feet since yesterday, and its top now stands about 200 feet above the crater floor. Thermal infrared surveys of the volcano were made from U.S. Navy and Oregon Army National Guard air- craft. These surveys reveal a circular pattern of fumaroles on the crater floor southeast of the dome and about the same size as the dome. Some scientists speculate that the circular area may be a forerunner of a second lava dome or of a new lobe on the present one. A new instrument station was established this morning on the high point of a ridge about 5 miles north of the crater floor (fig. 52). The ridgetop provides a good view directly into the crater, and several distinctive features of the dome top can be tracked from there with a theodolite (telescopic surveying instrument). The station is FIGURE 52. -—A scientist aims a laser beam at one of several reflecting targets on steam- ing Mount St. Helens to measure precise- ly any change in distance that might in- dicate swelling of the mountain or pro- vide other clues to the likelihood of an eruption (see fig. 3). This instrument site is about 5 miles north of the crater floor on a ridge informally called ”Harry’s Ridge” because it overlooks the former location of Mount St. Helens Lodge (out of view to the left), where proprietor Harry Truman presumably died during the May 18 eruption. (USGS photo- graph.) Chronology of the First 100 Days 101 informally known as “Harry's Ridge” because it overlooks the now-buried site of Mount St. Helens Lodge, where proprietor Harry Truman presumably was killed during the May 18 eruption. Use at this station of other instruments; including a remote-controlled televi- sion camera, is planned. Friday, lune 20 E Day Plus 33 No sizable steam or ash plumes were seen today. No seismic events were recorded, other than those that could be attributed to avalanches down the inner slopes of the crater. Cloudy weather prevented measure- ments of the dome. Last night, however, observers again saw the glowing red cracks in the lava dome, as they have for the past few nights. Clement Shearer, USGS hazards geologist, said that there is no way to know whether the dome will eventual- ly build up to become the mountain’s new top, as at least one volcanic dome became in the past (table 2), or whether this dome will be blasted out in a new series of eruptions. University of Washington geologist Anthony Irving believes that the growth of the dome is "probably the best thing that could happen” because, as long as the lava oozes out, the pressure in the magma chamber beneath Mount St. Helens is unlikely to build up to an explosive eruption. If the growth stops ”for a period of weeks," he says, the danger of an ex- plosion will increase. The Washington Department of Emergency Services announced that it has decided not to decrease the size of the Red Zone (fig. 13), as had been re- quested last Wednesday. Several streams that formerly flowed into the upper (eastern) part of the North Fork Toutle River were blocked near their mouths when the May 18 avalanche sent debris into that part of the river valley. These tributary streams include Coldwater, South Coldwater, and Castle Creeks (fig. 7), Studebaker Creek (fig. 5), and a few smaller streams. Ponds have formed behind dams of avalanche debris, and water levels generally have been rising since May 18 as the streams continue to flow into these ponds (fig. 45). Some of the ponds, which already contain large volumes of water, might continue to grow until they overtop or break through the debris dams. The conse- quent outflows could increase in volume as they incorporate the easily erodible debris, and a major mudflow coursing down the channel of the North Fork Toutle River and further damaging downstream areas might result. Geologists are assessing the stability of the debris dams, while hydrologists are calculating how much water is in the ponds and watching the rates of water—level rise to determine whether and when steps should be taken to drain the ponds artificially. Saturday, June 21 E Day Plus 34 The volcano is very quiet. When the dome was measured last on Thursday, it was growing at a rate of about 6 to 10 feet a day, and so the crater area still must be considered unstable and dan- gerous. Clouds and plumes of steam that rose to an altitude of about 11,000 feet obscured the view into the crater. Seismometers on the mountain's flanks were jiggled today but only by ava- lanches of rock crashing down the in- ner walls of the crater. About 180 National Guardsmen used shovels and powered street- cleaning equipment today in Portland to assist in cleaning up ash from the June 12 eruption. About 235 of an estimated 350 miles of main streets already had been cleaned before the Guardsmen started. Air quality generally improved throughout the city. The Oregon Department of En- vironmental Quality suspended an air- pollution warning for the Portland metropolitan area, but it kept in effect the warning for Tillamook County on the coast. 102 The First 100 Days of Mount St. Helens The mayor of Ritzville, a farming community of less than 2,000 people that received more than 3 inches of ash on May 18, said that conditions are far from normal now, more than a month after the ashfall. The ash is still very troublesome, despite valiant cleanup efforts by local residents and National Guard troops. The town is surrounded by flat to gently rolling farmland, and, when the frequent winds blow, the ash cannot be prevented from “redistribut- ing itself.” The mayor added that, although about 65 percent of the ash in town has been cleaned up, it is the other 35 percent that is causing much of the problem. Sunday, June 22 E Day Plus 35 Mount St. Helens has spent a quiet weekend. No earthquake or harmonic tremor was recorded, but there were minor seismic jiggles, probably caused by avalanches. Persistent clouds of steam and fumes continue to rise above the crater to altitudes as high as 14,000 feet. Although the dome could be glimpsed within the crater, visibility was too poor to permit measurements of its growth. The scientific team continues to work hard to learn as much as possible about Mount St. Helens and, conse- quently, about this type of volcano in general. The main thrust of the work so far has been hazard evaluation; in this effort, many team members have been voluntarily working 16 to 18 hours a day. Geologist Rowley says that they really believe that they will learn enough from Mount St. Helens to help save many lives during future eruptions of other volcanoes. The USGS crew at Vancouver numbers about 20 to 25 at any given time, but many more can be recruited, if needed, from other USGS installations. At the pace now being maintained, “people get ’burned out,’ " Rowley said, ”and we bring others in.” The official casualty count—24 dead and 44 missing—presumably will I change tomorrow. A geologist riding in a Forest Service helicopter today spotted another body, which will be recovered tomorrow, if possible. Monday, June 23 E Day Plus 36 This morning, a steam plume rose briefly—first to about 13,500 feet and then to only 11,000 feet—before dissipating. Otherwise, neither erup- tive nor seismic activity was recorded on the mountain. Most of the day, the mountain again was shrouded in clouds, and scientists could not see into the crater to observe the dome. USGS scientist Joseph Rosenbaum has reported on some of the details of the lateral blast—the great north- directed “wind” caused by the sudden release of gases that had been held within the magma. Blast damage was caused, he believes, not by a shock wave or by an ultrahigh-speed wind but by a hurricane-speed wind heavily laden with debris. Such a particle- laden wind that could “sandblast” everything in its path would explain the pattern of destruction, according to Rosenbaum. Trees, stumps, and even soil were removed from exposed ridges nearest the mountain; only bare rock was left. Farther from the volcano, trees were snapped off at the ground, and bark was cleanly removed from trunks. A normal wind would have had to reach speeds of 150 to 200 miles an hour to destroy the trees in that manner. If the density of the ”wind cloud" were increased by suspended rock particles, however, a wind mov- ing at lesser speeds could achieve the same results. Investigations in the devastated area give ample proof that the blast wind was carrying pulverized rock (stones up to 4 inches across car- ried at least 8 feet off the ground) as well as other debris picked up in its outward rush. The Forest Service is asking Con- gress for additional funds to pay for monitoring smoldering timber debris under the ash and blast deposits on and near Mount St. Helens. Several hundred fires caused by lightning and hot ejecta from the May 18 eruption still burn beneath the ash. The ash is acting as a fire retardant, but Forest Service officials expect that, when it dries and the wind blows it away, flames and sparks could spread fires to neighboring timber stands. Governor Ray announced today that tourism in Washington so far this year is only about half the amount ex- pected, largely because of adverse publicity about ash dangers. Financial institutions across the country apparently are wary of in- vesting in some Pacific Northwest bond issues because of disruptive ef- fects and economic risks attributed to the ashfall from Mount St. Helens. A San Francisco bank official estimates that this perceived increase in financial risk could drive up interest rates for borrowers such as school districts and city or county governments in affected areas. The body sighted yesterday was recovered by a helicopter team today and identified by Lewis County of- ficials. The official number of dead is now 25; 43 are still missing. Tuesday, June 24 E Day Plus 37 The crater remained obscured by clouds all day, and light snow began falling on the mountain tonight. The volcano emitted only occasional bursts of steam that rose above the clouds. Tonight, two episodes of harmonic tremor were recorded—the first since June 15. The tremor was very weak, and it was detected only by the seismometer nearest the mountain. USGS glaciologist Melinda Brugman reports that about 70 percent, or 170 million cubic yards, of Mount St. Helens’ glacial ice mass was lost during the May 18 eruption. All of Leschi and Loowit Glaciers, most of Wishbone Glacier, and the upper parts of For- syth, Nelson, Ape, and Shoestring Glaciers (fig. 5) disintegrated on May 18. Toutle and Talus Glaciers now ap- pear to be significantly thinner than they were before; large amounts of snow were removed from the surfaces of these two glaciers and Shoestring Glacier by both the heat of tephra and scouring. Only Swift and Dryer Glaciers appear largely unchanged. Surprisingly, the melting rate of the surviving glaciers at their surfaces of contact with the mountain’s rock flanks does not seem tohave increased. Increased melting probably would cause accelerated downslope ice move- ment and (or) increased flows in streams still draining Mount St. Helens" glaciers, but neither effect has been seen so far. A controversy has developed be- tween people who think that the timber downed by the May 18 blast should be left as a testament to the awesome force of the volcano and those who believe that the timber should be salvaged. Foresters point out that downed ash-coated timber is likely to be a threat to nearby healthy forests because it increases the risk of fire, tree disease, and insect infestation. Private timber companies plan to begin remov- ing all salvageable trees from their lands soon. Forest Service official Nor- man Anderson said that it probably will take several months to work out plans for salvaging downed timber on national forest lands without jeopard- izing adequate scientific study of the eruption aftermath. Some areas of blown-down forest probably will be left for public exhibit. Wednesday, June 25 E Day Plus 38 The volcano continued to expel plumes of steam, which occasionally contained light ash, several thousand feet above the crater rim. The ash bare- ly tinged the white of last night’s snow on the upper part of the mountain. Seismic activity increased again to- day; two small earthquakes (magni- tudes 2 and 2.5) occurred, as did more harmonic tremor. The University of Washington seismology center reports that this morning’s earthquakes were centered about 7 miles southeast of Chronology of the First 100 Days 103 Mount St. Helens. The quakes were not of volcanic origin but were perhaps the result of a crustal adjustment to re— cent volcanic and seismic activity at Mount St. Helens. Soon after the earthquakes were recorded, “sustained harmonic tremor” began. Scientists cannot tell how the latest harmonic tremor may relate to condi- tions in the volcano’s crater because poor weather and dense clouds of steam and fumes have prevented obser- vations of the crater floor and dome for the past several days. Thursday, June 26 E Day Plus 39 Harmonic tremor occurred early this morning (3:30 a.m.) but ended about 9:00 a.m. No earthquakes were re- corded, and no unusual eruption plumes were seen. Airborne observers got a brief look at the dome inside the crater, but they were unable to see well enough to judge whether the dome has grown during the past week. Forest Service biologist William Ruediger reports finding some encour- aging signs of wildlife in the generally bleak areas covered by Mount St. Helens ash. Eggshells from hatched eggs have been discovered, an indica- tion that some birds stayed with their eggs during the ashfall. Native rainbow trout also have been found ”surviving remarkably well." Conversely, cut- throat trout appear thin, sick, and less likely to survive. In Japan, according to the As- sociated Press, geophysicist Motokazu Hirono reportedly has measured mi- croscopic particles, which he ascribes to ash from the May 18 eruption of Mount St. Helens, at an altitude of about 11 miles in concentrations that might block sunlight and lower the Earth’s temperature. Hirono cites the example of the stratospheric ash band from the 1883 eruption of Mount Krakatoa in Indonesia (see fig. 62), which caused record low temperatures and severe crop damage in Japan and elsewhere the following year. Scientists from the National Weather Service and the University of Washington, how- ever, dispute Hirono's evidence for that much Mount St. Helens ash in the stratosphere and, especially, his com- parison to the Indonesian eruption. Krakatoa blew a volume of ash into the stratosphere much larger than the en- tire mass of material blown out of Mount St. Helens so far this year. “Comparing Krakatoa to [Mount] St. Helens is like an elephant versus a gnat," says one scientist. Friday, June 27 E Day Plus 40 The 100th day of activity at Mount St. Helens showed evidence that magma is still moving beneath the volcano. Harmonic tremor, which preceded the last two major eruptions, was recorded again today. Seismolo— gists at the University of Washington said that, although today’s harmonic tremor was the strongest since June 12, it had only about one-fourth the ampli- tude of the tremor preceding the June 12 eruption. Seismologists also reported a small (magnitude 2-2.5) earthquake that seemed to be centered about 7 miles north of the volcano. The volcano continued to vent steam to an altitude of 11,000 feet today, but airborne observers were able to see in- to the yawning crater and reported that the dome of solidified lava looks no larger than it did when it was seen last. It was previously measured from pho- tographs as about 1,200 feet across and 200 feet high. USGS geologist Tim Hait said that, if the dome has really stopped grow- ing, gases may be building up in the volcano. He repeated earlier warnings that the volcano could still explode without warning into further large eruptions of ash, along with pyro- 104 The First 100 Days of Mount St. Helens clastic flows of superheated gas and shattered rock. “It still is a mighty dangerous area," Hait said. Water from the pond on Castle Creek (fig. 45), which was dammed by avalanche debris, has emerged from the debris deposits about 1 mile downstream from the pond after ap— parently seeping out along its buried channel deposits. The outflow is eroding a new creek channel through the valley-fill deposits. The debris dam, which contains timber debris as well as rock material, probably will not be undermined by outflow at the rate seen today. The water now is flowing into the next pond downstream, however, and may increase the danger of an Out- burst from that smaller pond. The Corps of Engineers is moving a large dredge farther upstream (to river mile 6.3) in the Cowlitz River, which is still clogged by millions of cubic yards of volcanic flood debris. The dredge is intended to help clear a channel 25 miles long in the lower Cowlitz for flood passage and navigation. The dredge was moved from the mouth of the Cowlitz River, where it had been at work since June 10. FIGURE 53.—Views of Mount St. Helens and Spirit Lake from the north-northeast before (top) and after (bottom) the erup- tions of May and June 1980. The dashed outline in the bottom view shows how much of the original volcano cone was lost during the early part of the May 18 eruption. Spirit Lake (bottom view) now is more extensive and shallower, and its shoreline is about 200 feet higher than it was formerly. The lake now is choked with thousands of logs blown into it by the initial blast. (Paintings by Dee Molenaar, USGS.) 1’ V AT THE END OF THE FIRST 100 Summary of Conditions At the end of its first 100 days of 1980 activity, which began with the sudden earthquakes of March 20, Mount St. Helens is quiet, but it cannot be considered stable or safe. Mount St. Helens has been called “a volcano in a hurry." In 11 weeks (March 27—June 13), the volcano has had three major eruptions of ash and pumice and related pyroclastic flows, as well as countless smaller eruptions involving only ash, steam, and other fumes. It has lost an estimated 3.4 billion cubic yards (0.63 cubic mile) of DAYS its cone (fig. 53) and has pulverized about 400 million cubic yards (0.07 cubic mile) of new magma; it has scat— tered volcanic ash and pumice over much of the Northwest and has begun to build a new dome inside its new crater. Volcanologists say that many volcanoes of this type require months or even years to complete these steps. FIGURE 54.—Aerial view of Mount St. Helens from the southeast showing extensive mudflows on the eastern flanks. The larger mudflows originated from or near Shoe- string Glacier, which now heads at the deeper notch in the crater rim. Many smaller mudflows cover the upper slopes on all sides of the mountain, but the dark areas seen here on the upper slopes are mostly ash that had been wetted by underlying snow or ice. The major streams shown here are the Muddy River, which leaves the photograph at the lower right, and Pine Creek, which leaves at bottom center. The pattern on the land to the left of Pine Creek is the result of logging before the eruptions. The haze in the picture is mainly from windborne volcanic ash, which is present near the volcano most of the time. (Photograph by Ralph Keuler, USGS, July 1, 1980.) Above the timberline (on the sides of the volcano where timber still survives), the stubbed-off cone is ash gray streaked with brown from count- less mudflows (fig. 54). Snow and ice remain on the upper slopes beneath the insulating blanket of ash but can be seen from the air only where the melt water has darkened the overlying ash or where steep ice faces have shed the ash. Many mudflows reach down- slope into dusty timber, and the larger flows extend down the courses of preeruption streams. Tongues of mudflow deposits have killed some of the standing conifer trees and turned them brown. Observations of the volcano, as well as general visibility in the area are often hampered by cloudy weather, by haze caused by blowing ash, and by smoke from hundreds of fires. These fires, which originally were started by lightning and hot pyroclastic material during the May 18 eruption, still smolder beneath the volcanic deposits. The fumaroles in the vicinity of Spirit Lake and the upper valley of the North Fork Toutle River that formerly were so effuse have dwindled greatly in their output. The cratered cone yawns open to the north. The rampart on the northern side of the inner crater at its lowest point is now at an altitude of about 6,150, about 2,200 feet lower than the highest part (8,364 feet) of the sharp, jagged crater rim on the southwestern side. A broad ramp of avalanche debris and older rocks, somewhat smoothed by a mantle of pyroclastic deposits, descends northward from the rampart into the valley of the North Fork Tou- tle River and to the southern shore of the raised Spirit Lake (fig. 55). Ava- lanches frequently bring showers of rock and some blocks of glacier ice left at the crater rim down the inside crater 106 The First 100 Days of Mount St. Helens walls. The horSeshoe-shaped crater, which stretches about 7,000 feet (1.33 miles) from rim to rim in an east-west line, tapers to about half that width at its irregular inner floor, which, in places, is lower than the northside ram- part by about 100 feet. North of the center of the inner crater floor is the roughly circular dome of gray, broken lava rock, surrounded by a “moat." Steam rises from the margin of the dome, but most of the steam now emanating from the volcano comes from a concentration of vents along the southern, or closed, part of the crater floor and the lower crater walls. Dur- ing most of the period from June 15 to June 27, there was no running or stand- ing water on the crater walls and floor; by June 28, however, a small pond had formed in the southwestern part of the crater floor. The profile of the lava dome remains much as it was when it was first seen on June 19. The dome grew rapidly the first few days after its appearance, but its growth now seems to have slowed or stopped. No one knows what the final size of the dome will be (it is now roughly 24 acres in area) or what the volcano will do next. (This dome was almost completely blown away by an explosive eruption on July 22, 1980, which is shown in progress in figure 613. Thereafter, dome building re- sumed.) USGS and State of Wash- ington mapmakers are hoping that there will be no major changes in the FIGURE 55.—Views from Mount St. Helens northeastward across Spirit Lake toward Mount Rainier before (top) and after (bottom) the eruptions of May and June 1980. Decades may pass before the bar- ren ridges and log-choked Spirit Lake return to something like their former beauty. However, the coating of ash on Mount Rainier(bottom, background) was soon hidden beneath fresh snow. (Paint- ings by Dee Molenaar, USGS.) landscape for a while, since they are busy preparing maps of the "new” Mount St. Helens and vicinity. Sulfur dioxide emissions from the volcano were about the same at the end of June as they had been since mid- month—that is, about 1,200 tons a day. The presence of this gas proves that the volcanic fumes are coming from an underground source that re- mains very hot, and the rapid rate of emission makes Mount St. Helens the greatest point source of SO; air pollu— tion in the Pacific Northwest. The size of the area devastated by the May 18 lateral blast and the scale of the changes wrought by the eruption are often difficult to comprehend, especially from the air (fig. 56). Only when the view includes a familiar ob- ject such as a low-flying aircraft or when the observer is reminded that the tumbled mass of "matchsticks" may consist of trees 80 to 100 feet long does the immensity of the disaster become apparent. On the ground, there is heartening evidence of the resurgence of vegeta- tion and wildlife. A few green plants are emerging from the ash and blast deposits (fig. 57), and deer and other animals have been seen in the blast area. The restorative part of the cycle, repeated many times before at this volcano and others in the Cascade Range, has begun once more. The Red Zone is still closed. Its boundary, established on June 2, re— mains at a distance of about 17 to 27 miles from the mountain (fig. 13). The Blue Zone boundary extends beyond that of the Red Zone to the east, south, and north. Individual entry into the Red Zone is by permit only; the only human activities legally allowed are logging, scientific studies, law enforce- ment, firefighting, and searching for those still missing and presumed dead. State officials are receiving requests to decrease the size of the restricted zone, despite the facts that the three major eruptions have spewed out hot pyro- clastic flows and that no one can be sure if there are more eruptions to come. Salvage of about a billion board-feet of blasted-down timber has begun slowly. Work is greatly hampered by a lack of access roads and even pathways between the large, tumbled trees and by the blinding, choking ash that rises in clouds at each disturbance. The ash affects machinery, as expected, by in- creasing wear and necessitating fre- quent maintenance. To humans work- ing in ash areas, however, the ash is FIGURE 56.—Aerial view of Mount St. Helens across the devastated area from about 13 miles to the north-northwest. The Viewpoint is well within the area of blown-down trees. Elk Lake (lower center) and the quarter-mile—long Hanaford Lake (center) are among about 30 small lakes and ponds, formerly jewellike in forested settings, that were turned brown and desolate by blast and ashfall in a few minutes. Coldwater II observation station, where David Johnston was on duty at the time of the May 18 blast, is at right center. (Photograph by Austin Post, USGS, June 30, 1980.) FIGURE 57.—Life returns to the vicinity of Mount St. Helens. A, Ferns and other small plants pushed up through a blanket of ash 4 inches thick on the southern flank, 3 weeks after the May 18 eruption. (Photograph by J. R. Stroh, U.S. Soil Conservation Service.) 8, Avalanche lilies (Er thronium montanum) growing through blast deposits from the May 18 eruption, about 10 miles northwest of the volcano. (Photograph by Joseph G. Rosenbaum, USGS, June 8, 1980.) At the End of the First 100 Days 109 proving to be even more troublesome. Some dust masks and respirators that are effective in filtering out the ash are unpleasant to wear and make stren- uous labor difficult. Other masks leak, and some respirator filters are difficult to keep clean. In the eastern part of the North Fork Toutle River valley, the debris ava- lanche has left a hummocky deposit (estimated volume, two-thirds of a cubic mile) that extends about 14 miles westward down the valley from the avalanche source on the flank of the volcano (fig. 47). The former valley floor is buried under more than 600 feet of avalanche debris directly north of the crater, but the debris deposit thins gradually in the downvalley direction. Farther west in the valley of the North Fork and also in the valley of the South Fork Toutle River, the former valley floors were buried by ex- tensive but thinner mudflow deposits (fig. 31). The valley of the main Toutle River, which is a scene of mud-plastered tree trunks, shattered buildings, miss- ing bridges, and barren mudflow deposits, is slowly beginning to recover (fig. 58). The rebuilding of damaged or destroyed homes (fig. 32) has been 110 The First 100 Days of Mount St. Helens slowed by the destruction of many ac- cess roads and driveways, by the widespread loss of income among log- gers, farmers, and merchants, and by the threat of future floods. Even the valleys of the North and South Forks of the Toutle River are coming back to lifé. At logging camps in both valleys, the chaos caused by the May 18 floods is beginning to be overcome. The tangled masses of logs and machinery are gone, and the logs have been restacked in neat storage piles. Logging trucks are moving along some roads again, trailing clouds of ash behind them. FIGURE 58.—Effects of the Mount St. Helens eruptions in the upper valley of the South Fork Toutle River. A, Aerial photograph of mudflow deposits on the valley floor, looking east towarcl steaming Mount St. Helens and Mount Adams, in the distance. (Photograph by Austin Post, USGS, June 30, 1980.) B, A tongue of the hot lateral blast, which generally went to the north and east of this area, jumped across the ridge from the valley of the North Fork Toutle River and left an area of blown-down and scorched trees in the valley of the South Fork. The view here is to the northeast, at the point marked by the arrow in A. (Photograph by Edwin McGavock, USGS, May 20, 1980. ) The channels of Pine Creek, Muddy River, the Toutle River system, and the lower Cowlitz River are still largely choked with sediment and debris. Near the volcano, the streams are eroding new courses through the avalanche and mudflow deposits (fig. 59). Farther downstream, most original stream channels have been reoccupied by postflood streams, but they are ob- viously very shallow. Where former streams were deep and clear, many bars and shallows show through the muddy brown water. These channels probably will not enlarge much natu- rally before the period of increased runoff begins next autumn during the wet season. Travelers along Interstate Highway 5 can easily see the effects of flooding at the bridge across the Toutle River and southward beyond Castle Rock. Most trees standing near the highway seem to have survived the flooding. Some leafy trees, however, are chang- ing to their dormant coloring, giving the impression of an early autumn. Farther downstream on the Cowlitz River, the Corps of Engineers is operating dredges to restore as much of the channel capacity as possible before the next wet-season floods begin (fig. 60). Off the mouth of the Cowlitz, dredging has restored the depth, if not the full width, of the Columbia River ship channel. As the dredges operate, areas of brown dredge spoil grow daily along the Cowlitz riverbanks and on the Columbia channel islands. In the “ash belt" of eastern Washington, light-gray volcanic ash still borders the highways and blankets many uncultivated areas. Where the At the End of the First 100 Days 111 ashfall was thick, workers in the fields (fig. 49) face the same kinds of prob- lems with breathing protection and machinery wear and maintenance as the loggers near Mount St. Helens. The ash rises into the air at the slightest disturbance, unless it is wet. Fortunate- ly, rainfall in the main ashfall areas during June 1980 was unusually fre- quent and abundant (20 to 25 percent greater than normal) and greatly alleviated the dust problem in the region. Ash is still being removed from highways in eastern Washington, and motorists may experience some delay during the upcoming Independence Day holiday. Some insect populations in eastern Washington have been badly depleted by the ash, and other competing species have flourished as a result Many crops have suffered at least some damage, even if it is only stunted growth because the ash on leaves retarded photosynthesis this spring. Crops that still bear the persistent coating of fine ash bring lower prices on commodity markets. In southwestern Washington and northwestern Oregon, evidence of the ash also persists, even in the cities of Portland and Vancouver, which re- ceived relatively light ashfalls and where cleanup efforts were extensive. However, by this time, little ash re- mains in the air, and deposits on buildings and streets are becoming less apparent. Spokesmen for the tourist industry in Oregon and Washington are warn- ing of dire impacts on that industry, which ranks third largest in both States. Ripple effects could be felt throughout local commercial struc- 112 The First 100 Days of Mount St. Helens tures unless the Northwest can manage to shed the “image of a hazardous volcanic disaster" and turn Mount St. Helens from a liability into a tourist at- traction. Economic losses in the State of Washington have been estimated of- ficially at $860 million, down substan- tially from earlier estimates. The largest loss, reported to be $450 million, was standing timber in areas affected by the lateral blast and mudflows. Losses in agricultural out- put, which apparently are less than of- ficials had expected, may range from $40 to $100 million. Except for losses in areas near the volcano, most economic damages were caused by ashfall. Notable exceptions are the flood damage along the Toutle and lower Cowlitz Rivers, the costs of dredging and levee building, and economic losses related to interrupted shipping 4 FIGURE 59.—Debris from the May 18 eruption in the valley of the North Fork Toutle River. A, View eastward up the debris—choked valley toward steaming Mount St. Helens (the edge of the crater mouth is barely visible). This area is near the southern fringe of the blast zone. (Photograph by Austin Post, USGS, June 30, 1980.) B, Stream eroding a new channel in avalanche and mudflow deposits in the valley of the North Fork Toutle River. This kind of erosion will go on for years, or even decades, until the stream net- work reestablishes itself into a new, stable system. (Photograph by Edwin McGavock, USGS, June 23, 1980.) FIGURE 60.—One of several dredges that b were clearing 'mudflow debris from the dangerously filled channel of the Cowlitz River during the summer of 1980. The floating pipeline carries dredge spoil (mud) to the dumping ground on the river flood plain. (Photograph copyright 1980 by Bud Kimball.) on the Columbia River. The economic impacts on communities in the “ash belt" varied greatly, but, as a general rule, the greater the ashfall thickness, the greater the economic loss. Oregon also has suffered economic losses, mostly because of ash effects and cleanup costs. A notable agricultural loss in northwestern Oregon (and also in southwestern Washington) occurred after the ashfall of June 12 and 13. Much of the strawberry crop rotted in the fields when ash-laden leaves pressed the fruit against the soil. Other losses to berry crops occurred because ash could not be washed from the fruit. Most economic loss in the Portland- Vancouver metropolitan area has been related to ash cleanup, but a major loss also has resulted from the disruption of shipping on the lower Columbia River. For example, the Port of Portland reportedly expects to lose at least $5 million in revenues through the month of August 1980 because of closure of the Columbia River shipping channel. In addition, workers dependent on port business reportedly are losing about $4 million a month, and ship- ping firms also are suffering loss of business. The number of victims stands at 25 dead and 37 missing and presumed dead as of late June. Searches for the missing now are being made only when there is evidence that can be used to pinpoint areas of search. Search dogs are often brought in by helicopter to help find human remains. Still, no trace of USGS volcanologist Johnston has been found. How many lives were saved because essential information about the volcanic hazards was available and was used to reduce public risks? There will, of course, never be a precise answer, but estimates can be made. Forest Service records indicate that, during a nice spring weekend, as many as 2,000 visitors normally would have been in the Spirit Lake area. The added attraction of an active volcano might have brought as many as several thou- sand people into the area of destruc- tion, had it not been for the desig- nation and closure of the hazard zone. Continuing Hazards Potential hazards related to the Mount St. Helens eruptions have con- tinued beyond the first 100 days. Infor- mation about these hazards comes from several sources. The discussion of hazards from ashfall, lateral blasts, pyroclastic flows, lava flows, and mudflows is taken mostly from an in- formation bulletin (Federal Emergency Management Agency, 1980) prepared by Crandell. (Although he compiled that information before the June lava dome was seen, he anticipated its ap- pearance.) Information on flood hazards is modified from a description prepared by USGS hydrologists to accompany a May 29 Hazards Watch update. Information on fire hazards comes from a variety of sources, in- cluding discussions with Forest Service officials. The following perceptions of hazards, as well as the hazardous con- ditions themselves, undoubtedly will change in the future. ASHFALL Because Mount St. Helens is still in an explosive eruptive phase, eruptions similar to those of May 25 and June 12 should be expected. Either a coarser grained pumice and ash eventually will erupt from the volcano, or else magma will form a dome within the present crater. The formation of a dome also could be accompanied by an eruption of ash, probably smaller than the erup- tions of May 18 and 25. As of June 1980, it was not known whether such changes would take days or weeks. If the maximum expectable eruption of pumice and ash were to occur, ap- preciable amounts could fall in any direction from the volcano but would be more likely in southeasterly, easter- ly, and northeasterly directions because of the most probable wind pat- terns. As the May 25 and June 12 114 The First 100 Days of Mount St. Helens ashfall patterns show, however, areas in other directions cannot be con- sidered immune. The actual areas covered by future ashfalls would de- pend on the directions and strengths of winds at the altitudes reached by an ash column at the time of an eruption. The effects of the May 18 ashfall, bad as they were, would have been in- calculably worse if the winds had car- ried the ash northward over the major cities of northwestern Washington. Autopsies on people killed by the May 18 eruption indicate that the in- halation of hot ash was a major cause of death. Thus, hot ash clouds from the volcano, even from an eruption other- wise considered to be ”light" or “moderate,” can be an extreme hazard to humans and animals nearby. LATERAL BLASTS Present conditions at the volcano suggest that another lateral blast similar in force to the one of May 18 is unlikely unless a prolonged period of increasing seismicity and ground defor- mation occurs. However, the extrusion of a dome within the crater might be accompanied by lateral blasts that could carry rock debris outward at high velocity. The present shape of the crater suggests that lateral blasts from a growing dome most likely would be directed northward; blasts in other directions would tend to be deflected upward by the crater walls. If a dome were to grow to a height above the crater rim, however, lateral blasts also could affect the western, southern, or eastern sides of the volcano. Magma could move into subsurface parts of the volcano at some point east, south, or west of the existing crater. Such movement probably would cause inflation that could be detected by surveys and perhaps also by visual observation, as the north-flank bulge of March 27 to May 18 was. Surveying and tiltmeter observations have been resumed, but, at the end of June 1980, no such bulge or other sign of instabili- ty had been detected on the other flanks. LAVA FLOWS Explosive eruptions of dacite, like those of May 18 and 25 and June 12, typically are not accompanied by lava flows. Molten dacite is relatively viscous and would tend to pile up around a vent and form a dome rather than a lava flow. The past history of the volcano suggests that, as this erup- tion progresses, magma of a more fluid type could be extruded and might form lava flows. Flows, however, are not anticipated in the near future. PYROCLASTIC FLOWS Pyroclastic flows can form during an eruption of pumice and ash. The largest and longest pyroclastic flows, which could be expected during an eruption of coarse pumice, would oc- cur as a large eruption column was ris- ing above the volcano. Pyroclastic flows of this kind most probably would follow the valleys of the North Fork Toutle River, Muddy River, and Pine Creek because the present north- ward opening of the crater rim and the notch in the southeastern wall of the crater would direct them toward these valleys. They are less likely, although possible, on all other sides of the volcano. Pyroclastic flows probably would occur also during the eruption of a large dome. Such flows could be formed as the steep and unstable flanks of the dome crumbled and avalanched or as they were disrupted by earth— quakes and volcanic explosions. Pyroclastic flows of this type probably w0uld not extend into the North Fork Toutle River valley more than 10 miles from the dome, and they would not oc— cur at all in the other valleys as long as the crater rim retained its present shape. MUDFLOWS The debris-avalanche deposit that now forms the floor of the upper North Fork Toutle River valley appears to be stable in the opinion of soil-mechanics experts who have examined it. The possibilities of piping (erosion along subsurface water conduits) or of sud- den liquefaction of the deposit during a strong earthquake appear to be negligi- ble in view of the fairly gradual general slope of the deposit and its poorly sorted texture. Mudflows may occur as streams cut down through the debris- flow deposit, but they probably would be small in volume in the immediate future and would not reach the heights or distances of the May 18 and 19 mudflows. Probably the greatest potential for major mudflows lies in the possibility that water in ponds behind the debris dams blocking tributary streams along the valley of the North Fork Toutle River could break out. A sudden outburst of this impounded water, especially from the largest pond at the mouth of Cold— water Creek (fig. 45), could rush down the valley of the North Fork, increasing in volume as it mixes with the easily erodible mudflow deposits, and might become large enough to inflict damage in the main Toutle River valley. The ef- fects of such an outburst, if it were to occur, would be intensified by the diminished capacities of the stream channels. The principal danger zone of such mudflows would be in the North Fork Toutle River valley. Ample warn- ing of any such outburst mudflow probably can be assured by continuous monitoring of water levels in the ponds. Mudflows could also be caused by pyroclastic flows occurring during heavy rainfall or moving across snow- covered flanks of the volcano. Al- though this type of mudflow could oc- cur in any valley that heads at the volcano, it would be most likely in the valleys of the North and South Forks of the Toutle River, Pine Creek, and Muddy River, which are the most probable routes for pyroclastic flows. Mudflow hazard zones should be regarded as extending up to and onto the flanks of the volcano. In the long run, increased discharge into Spirit Lake by streams in its drainage basin could occur during periods of heavy precipitation and (or) rapid snowmelt. Although the lake currently has no surface outlet, water from the lake is seeping into and through the debris flow. During times of rapid inflow into the lake, water could enter the lake faster than seepage through the debris flow could carry it away. In such a situation, the lake water might rise to the top of the valley fill west of the lake, spill over, and begin to erode a new outlet channel. If the rate of spillover from the lake were adequate and if water were available from other sources, such as ponds be- hind debris dams at the mouths of tributaries, mudflows could form in the North Fork Toutle River valley. USGS hydrologists are studying this situation. FLOODS Sediment and debris in the channels of the Toutle and Cowlitz Rivers have increased greatly the short-term flooding hazard posed by even relatively small storms. Moreover, the threat of flooding in the Toutle River valley and along the Cowlitz River from the mouth of the Toutle down- stream to the Columbia River may re- main one of the greatest residual hazards associated with the volcanic activity. The Cowlitz channel was filled as much as 15 feet above its normal depth. The flood-carrying capacity of the channel thus was reduced by about 85 percent, from a former ability to carry 76,000 cubic feet per second to a capacity of about 10,000 cubic feet per second. A flow of 10,000 cubic feet per second is about the average annual discharge of the river, and wet-season freshets often cause flows at several times that rate. Therefore, unless the channel can be restored and main- tained at or near its former capacity, more frequent flooding seems in- evitable. Although dredging of the Cowlitz channel undoubtedly will help, at least At the End of the First 100 Days 115 during the first major flood, the prob- lem is complicated by the vast amount of easily erodible sediment in the Tou- tle drainage area. This sediment will move downstream, mostly during periods of high flow, and may occa- sionally add to the sediment “plug” in the Cowlitz channel. FIRES As of June 1980, hundreds of smoldering fires still were burning in OUTLOOK FOR The question of greatest interest con- cerning the future of Mount St. Helens probably is, “Will Mount St. Helens continue to erupt?" The answer is, “Yes.” The volcano most probably will go through a period of repeated small- to moderate-scale eruptions producing ash, pyroclastic flows, and lava-dome growth. No one can predict how long that period will continue or how many such eruptions will take place. Less likely, but not im- possible, is another large eruption among the expected smaller eruptions. The natural evolution of Mount St. Helens and a few other Cascade Range volcanoes, as geologic evidence ac- cumulated over the last several decades indicates, has included repeated ex- plosive destruction of parts of the volcanic cones followed by generally longer periods of cone rebuilding. Both the destructive and the rebuilding phases have involved eruptions that could (and often did) damage the sur- rounding countryside. No one can be certain yet that Mount St. Helens is truly in a rebuilding phase; moreover, even if it is, the volcanic activity may take a different course this time. For example, the rebuilding may include long periods of nonexplosive lava eruptions, similar to those at Bezy- mianny, Siberia, in the U.S.S.R.(Gorsh- the timber beneath the volcanic ash near Mount St. Helens. The danger of these fires breaking out and spreading to standing timber is greatest during the dry season and is a threat to timber on Federal, State, and private lands. Hot spots caused by the buried fires can be located by using infrared sen- sors carried on aircraft, but reaching and extinguishing the fires pose other problems. Firefighters are hampered by a lack of ready access, by the ag- gravating ash, and, most of all, by the THE FUTURE kov, 1959) (fig. 61A). Conversely, frequent explosive eruptions that remove accumulated lava might con- tinue for years in the future (fig. 618). Seismologists at the University of Washington and USGS are cautiously optimistic that a pattern of preeruptive seismic activity at Mount St. Helens may provide advance warning of future eruptions. The key to fore- casting volcanic activity may be the pattern of harmonic tremor. Before both the May 25 and the June 12 erup- tions, the tremor built up steadily and then stopped for a time just before the explosive eruptions. The pattern must be used cautiously, however, because it was seen on June 2 and 3 as well, and no eruption occurred. If, however, the seismic pattern proves to be a useful predictive tool at Mount St. Helens, it may be useful for other volcanoes, as well. Some scientists believe that using this seismic clue to predict and assess volcanic activity could help save lives. Other Cascade volcanoes also will erupt in the future, just as surely as they have erupted in the past. There is every reason to believe that the oceanic crustal plates will continue to thrust under the North American plate and generate magma to feed future erup~ tions (figs. 1 and 2). The rate of under- thrusting is relatively slow, how- 116 The First 100 Days of Mount St. Helens need for heavy machinery to uncover and unpile the smoldering logs. All or most of the fires still burning beneath the ash were set by the light- ning and hot debris that fell during the May 18 eruption, and more fires could be set by lightning accompanying future eruptions of ash and ash ava- lanches. Many of the volcano's pre- vious heavy eruptions of ash were ac- companied by lightning, so it is reasonable to assume that future erup- tions might bring ash-generated light- ning into standing forests. ever—on the order of 1 inch a year— so, in the long run, Cascade volcanoes may be expected to erupt less frequent- ly than some other groups of volcanoes around the Pacific Ocean's "Ring of Fire.” The possibility still exists, how- ever, that any volcano could erupt again at any time. Although scientists are not now capable of predicting which of the other Cascade volcanoes will be the next to erupt, the lessons learned from Mount St. Helens may allow them to forecast more accurately when a volcano is approaching erup- tion and to better anticipate when that eruption will occur. Volcanoes, however, are notoriously individual- istic; therefore, much of what is learned by studying the activity at Mount St. Helens might not be valid if another Cascade volcano came to life. The May 18 eruption of Mount St. Helens was not a large eruption by world historical standards or even among prior Cascade eruptions, although it was by far the most power- ful of the year and, perhaps, of the last decade. Mount St. Helens is only one of perhaps 50 volcanoes worldwide that were active during 1980. As figure 62 shows, the amount of volcanic material thrown out of Mount St. Helens on May 18 (less than one-tenth cubic mile) was only about one- eightieth of the volume ejected during the 1815 eruption of Tambora volcano in Indonesia and less than one- hundreth of the estimated ejecta from FIGURE 61.——T‘wo possible futures for Mount St. Helens. A, The recent history of Bezymianny, Siberia, in the U.S.S.R., suggests one possible behavior pattern for Mount St. Helens in the near future. After exploding violently in March 1956 with a lateral blast that created an am- phitheater crater similar to that of Mount St. Helens, Bezymianny has remained ac- tive; dome-building lava extrusions have dominated the volcanic activity. How- ever, explosive eruptions also have oc- curred, the last in 1979. (Photograph by S. Gorshkov, May 1957, from Bulletin Volcanologique, 1959.) B, Mount St. Helens may continue in the near future having occasional explosive eruptions that remove accumulated lava. An erup- tion on July 22, 1980, shown here in progress, blew away nearly all of the June dome and thus confirmed the expec— tation of most volcanologists that ex- plosive activity was not ended by the ap- pearance of that dome. (Photograph copyright 1980 by J. Stewart Lowther, University of Puget Sound.) A.D. 79 l 1707 I Fuji, Japan 1842— I Vesuvius, Italy Mount St. Helens - Krakatoa, Indonesia - Mount Katmai, Alaska 1956 I Bezymianny, Kamchatka 1857 1883 1912 1980 ' MOUNT ST. HELENS Volume, in cubic miles FIGURE 62.—Comparison of the volumes of ejecta thrown out by selected volcanoes during historic eruptions. The volume of ejecta from the May 18 eruption of Mount St. Helens (less than one-tenth of a cubic mile, not including avalanche or mudflow deposits) is relatively small in comparison with amounts from several earlier eruptions, including those from Mount Mazama (Crater Lake) in Oregon. (Data from Hédervari, 1963; Friedman and others, 1981; other USGS sources.) 118 The First 100 Days of Mount St. Helens W 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Mount Mazama during the eruptive period that resulted in Crater Lake. Therefore, future eruptions of large Cascade volcanoes, including Mount St. Helens itself, might be even larger than the May 18 eruption. So far as volcano experts know, the magma reservoirs deep beneath the Cascade volcanoes are not intercon- nected—at least not to the degree that an eruption at one volcano increases (or lessens) the chances of eruption at another. Nor are the region’s earth- quakes typically related to volcanic ac- tivity, except for the unusual shallow, frequent quakes (”swarms") of the kind that preceded the March 27 eruption of Mount St. Helens. The normal, deeper earthquakes are related to volcanic ac- tivity only indirectly—that is, only in the sense that earthquakes and volcanic activity all result from the same complex system of moving crustal plates (Hamilton, 1977). Erosion of the volcano’s deposits, as well as transport and deposition of the sediment derived from this erosion, will continue at a rate that is historical- ly unprecedented in southwestern Washington. Moderate to intense rainstorms or even rapid melting of snow are now much more likely to cause flash floods and mudflows than they were before May 18, because little vegetation remains in the blast area to retard runoff and erosion and because all the volcano-related deposits are readily erodible. The erosion is most rapid on bare or ash-covered steep slopes, especially where avalanche debris and mudflow deposits have buried former stream channels at con- siderable depths. These deposits have disrupted greatly the natural stream gradients, which adjust automatically to the combination of sediment load, water available to carry the sediment, and differences in the altitudes of the headwaters of the channel system and of the stream mouth. Stream channels began adjusting (by erosion and sedi- ment deposition) to the new volume of sediment supplied by the volcano dur- ing the floods of May 18 and 19 and will continue to do so for the fore- .— seeable future—probably for several decades. Erosion occurs most rapidly during periods of high runoff and floodflows, and sediment is deposited largely as floods begin to subside. In western Washington, more than 90 percent of sediment transport by streams takes place during brief periods of high runoff from rainstorms and rapid snowmelt. The sediment loads carried by the Toutle River to the lower Cowlitz River and by the Cowlitz to the Columbia River also are greatest during these high-runoff periods, which usually occur during winter, spring, or late autumn. Sediment transport from the Toutle River system will be an integral part of the stream-gradient readjustment; it is inevitable and will be largely uncon- trollable by human intervention. Flood hazards along the lower Cowlitz River, however, can be reduced by dredging out previous flood deposits to increase channel capacity before the arrival of each succeeding flood and its new load of sediment. Some areas that probably will be subject to a great deal of erosion or sediment deposition can be identified now; other areas where such changes may occur in the future will be found through studies now being conducted by the USGS and other organizations. After a few annual cycles of high and low streamflow, the patterns and trends of erosion, flooding, and sedi- ment deposition will be more apparent than they are at present. Revegetation is occurring in the blast-cleared areas, with and without human assistance. Surviving trees and other plants around the devastated area, especially the few small stands of remaining old-growth trees, would seem to be of critical importance in reestablishing the forest ecosystem. New vegetation eventually will slow erosion on the slopes but, in the short run, will have little effect on the re- adjustment of major stream channels themselves. At times when the capacity of the lower Cowlitz River channel is sub- stantially smaller than it was before May 18, the susceptibility of the lower Cowlitz to flooding may complicate the management and operation of hydropower reservoirs upstream. The reservoirs upstream from the Toutle River conceivably could be managed so that they provide more flood con- trol than they have in the past. That is, reservoir levels could be controlled so that there would be storage volume available to retain peak flows from the upper Cowlitz basin when floodflows of the Toutle River (or other down- stream tributaries) threaten to exceed the limited channel capacity of the lower Cowlitz. Operating those reser- voirs to increase their flood—controlling capacity, however, might reduce the amount of electrical power that they can provide. The low-level flows of streams that drain the flanks of the volcano and that are sustained largely by melt water from glaciers and snowfields on the mountain will be reduced to some ex- tent because much glacial ice was lost on May 18. How the remaining glaciers will adjust and what the effects of this adjustment on the flows of the various streams are likely to be are now being studied by USGS hydrologists and glaciologists. If eruptions were to be- come less frequent and the volcano were to cool and stabilize in its present form, year-round snowfields or even a glacier might grow inside the largely shaded amphitheater. A crater lake also might form; if it did, it probably would act like a reservoir for a stream (or streams) draining from it, presumably to the North Fork Toutle River. The main uses of land on and near Mount St. Helens before the 1980 erup- tions were generally well suited to an area of long-term volcanic hazards, and these uses probably will be re- sumed. Forestry, farming, recreation, and hydropower generation seem to have struck a reasonable balance be- tween using the land productively and minimizing human risk. In view of the known volcanic mudflow deposits in the major river valleys (including the site of the town of Castle Rock) and the frequency of historical volcanic activ- ity, human occupancy of the flood plains was probably a less appropriate use. As volcanic activity decreases in the future and as former land uses are resumed, new flood plains (mudflow deposits) can be used more ap- propriately for nonresidential pur- poses. These valley—floor areas, along with the areas near and north of the crater mouth, should be considered the most hazardous places, unless changes occur indicating increased volcanic ac- tivity or related hazards on other sides of the mountain, as well. Human reactions to the hazards and' to warnings about them are being studied, and the lessons learned from the first 100 days of Mount St. Helens’ activity doubtlessly will be applied to future hazard warnings and responses of emergency-services agencies. Visitor information centers such as those already established near In- terstate Highway 5 are of great benefit in informing the public about erup- tions, about volcanic hazards, and about the natural-hazards warning procedures. An essential prelude to good education already has been achieved; Mount St. Helens' eruptions have increased the American public’s awareness of and interest in volcanic activity in the Cascade Range and else- where in the world. State of Washington officials,looking beyond the dampening effect that the eruptions have had on the State’s im- portant tourist industry, envision a future that includes a Mount St. Helens National Park (or Monument or Volcano Area); as many as 2 million visitors to the volcano each year; more motels, restaurants, and visitor centers near the mountain; and a resultant $150 million boost to the State economy. Even President Carter, when he visited the devastated area, predicted that, “People will come from all over the world to observe—when it's safe. It will be a tourist attraction to equal the Grand Canyon.” Public tours of the volcano itself, however, may be a long time off. Outlook for the Future 119 Volcanologists warn that relatively small but dangerous eruptions might be expected for an indefinite time. Mount St. Helens' eruptive period dur- ing the mid-1800's apparently spanned at least 15 years. How soon it will be ”safe" to ap- proach the volcano on its northern side, no one can answer simply. Part of the answer depends, as Mullineaux recently said, on “how much risk one is willing to assume” (fig. 63). Some dif— ficult decisions will have to be made about when and where to open the restricted areas. For the foreseeable future, a continuing flow of sound scientific information will be needed to guide these decisions and others like them; the USGS intends to provide such geologic and hydrologic informa- tion as long as it is needed. If intermit- tent explosive eruptions and dome building continue as expected, the need for such information may extend for years or even decades. 120 The First 100 Days of Mount St. Helens FIGURE 63.—The June 1980 dome viewed though “the gun barrel,” the north- sloping ramp bounded by sidewalls of the Mount St. Helens crater. This informal name, used by scientists and officials, acknowledges the continuing hazards of working in the area north of the crater mouth. This ramp, sculpted by the May 18 lateral blast, was the route taken by several later pyroclastic flows that would have cremated anyone caught in their paths. (Photograph copyright 1980 by Bud Kimball.) GEOLOGIC HAZARD RESPONSIBILITIES The broad responsibilities assigned to the USGS by the Organic Act of 1879 include collecting, analyzing, and disseminating information about the Earth, its processes, and its water and mineral resources. As part of its basic historical mission, the USGS has, for many decades, undertaken studies of earthquakes, volcanoes, and other natural hazards. In recent years, as knowledge of these phenomena and related geologic processes has in- creased, the USGS has developed capa- bilities for predicting some potentially hazardous events in certain areas. The USGS has an implicit obligation to in- form civil authorities and the public of all such predictions. The USGS mechanism for assuring that the public and its officials get needed information quickly and in a form suitable to their needs is the Hazards Warning and Preparedness Program, developed in 1976 in response to previous Federal legisla- tion. Under the provisions of Public Law 93-288, the “Disaster Relief Act of 1974" (88 Stat. 143), and subsequent delegations of responsibility, the Direc- tor of the USGS is required to ” . . . provide technical assistance to State and local governments to insure that timely and effective disaster warning is provided . . . for an earthquake, vol- canic eruption, landslide, mudslide, or other geological catastrophe.” A USGS Hazards Information Coor- dinator receives information about a potential geologic hazard and then is responsible for obtaining expert review of the data and conclusions and for disseminating information to the public, government officials, and news agencies. The program’s procedures, outlined in the Federal Register of April 12, 1977, define three levels of geologic-hazard information and notification: 0 Notice of Potential Hazard— Information on the location and possible magnitude of a potentially hazardous geologic condition. 0 Hazard Watch—Information, as it develops from monitoring or from observed precursors, that a poten- tially catastrophic event of a gen- erally predictable magnitude may occur within an indefinite time (possibly months or years). 0 Hazard Warning—Information (pre- diction) as to the time, location, and magnitude of a potentially disas- trous geologic event. Notices are then sent to appropriate local, State, and Federal agencies and, through the news services, to the public. These procedures do not apply to flood warnings, even if the floods are related to volcanic activity. Flood warnings, as well as predictions about windborne ash distribution, are the responsibility of the National Weather Service of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric. Administration. Concern about potential hazards posed by Cascade Range volcanoes led the USGS to establish a Volcanic Hazards Project in 1967. This project is based on the concept that a volcano’s behavior pattern can be determined by studying deposits formed by its past eruptions. This project assesses the potential threat of a volcano by a special kind of geologic ”detective work.” Such investigations involve determining (1) the ways in which various volcanic rock materials and deposits originated, (2) the order and sequence in which rock materials from the volcano and other deposits inter- bedded with them were deposited, (3) the timing of past volcanic events as in- dicated by the deposits that they pro- duced, and (4) the various areas that received deposits from and, therefore, were affected by past eruptions. Mod— ern eruptions of a volcano may not af- fect exactly the same areas exactly the way that a geologic study might in- dicate; such studies of areas affected in the past are, however, the best gage available and are used as a rough guide to the potential impacts of future erup- tions. GLOSSARY OF VOLCANIC AND RELATED TERMS Active volcano: A volcano that is erupting. Also, a volcano that is not presently erupting but that has erupted within historical time and is considered likely to do so in the future (there is no distinction be— tween “active ” and “dormant" in this sense). Andesite: Volcanic rock (or lava) char- acteristically medium dark in color and containing 54 to 62 per- cent silica and moderate amounts of iron and magnesium. Ash (volcanic): Fine pyroclastic ma- terial in fragments less than 4.0 millimeters in diameter. ”Ash” in this sense is quite distinct from the ash produced by common com- bustion because the rocks do not catch fire and burn during a vol- canic event. Ash cloud: Eruption cloud containing appreciable amounts of ash. Ashfall (airfall): Volcanic ash that has fallen through the air from an eruption cloud. A deposit so formed is usually well sorted and layered. Ashflow: A pyroclastic flow consisting predominantly of ash-sized (less Geologic Hazard Responsibilities 121 than 4 millimeters in diameter) particles. Also called a glowing avalanche if it is of very high temperature. Avalanche: A large mass of material or mixtures of material falling or sliding rapidly under the force of gravity. Avalanches often are classified by their content, such as snow, ice, soil, or rock ava- lanches. A mixture of these materials is a debris avalanche. (See also Debris avalanche.) Basalt: Volcanic rock (or lava) that characteristically is dark in color, contains 45 to 54 percent silica, and generally is rich in iron and magnesium. Crater: A steep-sided, usually circular depression formed by either explo— sion or collapse at a volcanic vent. Dacite: Volcanic rock (or lava) that characteristically is light in color and contains 62 to 69 percent silica and moderate amounts of sodium and potassium. Debris avalanche: A rapid and un- usually sudden sliding or flowage of unsorted masses of rock and other material. As applied to the major avalanche involved in the eruption of Mount St. Helens, a rapid mass movement that in— cluded fragmented cold and hot volcanic rock, water, snow, glacier ice, trees, and some hot pyroclastic material. Most of the May 18 deposits in the upper valley of the North Fork Toutle River and in the vicinity of Spirit Lake are from the debris ava- lanche. Dome: A steep-sided mass of viscous (doughy) lava extruded from a volcanic vent, often cir- cular in plan view and spiny, rounded, or flat on top. Its surface is often rough and blocky as a result of fragmentation of the cooler, outer crust during growth of the dome. Dormant volcano: A volcano that is not presently erupting but that is considered likely to erupt in the future. (See also Active volcano.) Ejecta: Material that is thrown out by a volcano, including pyro- clastic material (tephra) and, from some volcanoes, lava bombs. - Extinct volcano: A volcano that is not presently erupting and is not likely to do so for a very long time in the future. Fumarole: An opening at the Earth’s surface from which water vapor and other gases are emitted, often at high temperature. Graben: An elongate crustal block that is relatively depressed (downdropped) between two fault systems. Harmonic tremor: A continuous release of seismic energy typically associated with the underground movement of magma. It contrasts distinctly with the sudden release and rapid decrease of seismic energy associated with the more common type of earthquake caused by slippage along a fault. Lava: General term for magma (molten rock) that has been erupted onto the surface of the Earth. Lava flow: An outpouring of lava onto the land surface from a vent or fissure. Also, a solidified tonguelike or sheetlike body formed by outpouring lava. Magma: Molten rock beneath the surface of the Earth. (See also Lava.) Magnitude: A numerical expression of the amount of energy released by an earthquake, determined by measuring earthquake waves on standardized recording instru- ments (seismographs). The num— ber scale for magnitudes is loga- rithmic rather than arithmetic; 122 The First 100 Days of Mount St. Helens therefore, deflections on a seismograph for a magnitude 5 earthquake, for example, are 10 times greater than those for a magnitude 4 earthquake, 100 times greater than for a magnitude 3 earthquake, and so on. Mudflow: A flowage of water- saturated earth material possess- ing a high degree of fluidity during movement. A less-saturated flow- ing mass is often called a debris flow. A mudflow originating on the flank of a volcano is properly called a lahar. Phreatic eruption (explosion): An explosive volcanic eruption caused when water and heated volcanic rocks interact to produce a violent expulsion of steam and pulverized rocks. Magma is not involved. Pumice: Light-colored, frothy vol- canic rock, usually of dacite or rhyolite composition, formed by the expansion of gas in erupting lava. Commonly perceived as lumps or fragments of pea size and larger but can also occur abun- dantly as ash-sized particles. Pyroclastic: Pertaining to frag- mented (clastic) rock material formed by a volcanic explosion or ejection from a volcanic vent. Pyroclastic flow: Lateral flowage of a turbulent mixture of hot gases and unsorted pyroclastic material (volcanic fragments, crystals, ash, pumice, and glass shards) that can move at high speed (50 to 100 miles an hour). The term also can refer to the deposit so formed. Rhyolite: Volcanic rock (or lava) that characteristically is light in color, contains 69 percent silica or more, and is rich in potassium and sodium. Tephra: Materials of all types and sizes that are erupted from a crater or volcanic vent and deposited from the air. v MORE ABOUT MOUNT ST. HELENS AND OTHER VOLCANOES Anderson, C. A., 1980, Volcanoes: U.S. Geological Survey information leaflet 341-618-28, 9 p. Atwater, Tanya, 1970, Implications of plate tectonics for the Cenozoic tec- tonic evolution of Western North America: Geological Society of America Bulletin, v. 81, p. 3513—3536. Beget, J. E., 1979, Late Pleistocene and Holocene pyroclastic flows and Iahars at Glacier Peak, Washington [abs]: Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 11, pt. 3, Cordilleran Section, p. 68. Bortleson, G. C., Wilson, R. T., and Foxworthy, B. L., 1977, Water-quality effects on Baker Lake of recent volcanic activity at Mount Baker, Washington: US. 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UNIT CONVERSION Quantitative information in this report is given in the traditional (English) units of measurement that are most familiar to the general population of the United States, the intended major readership for this report. This conversion table is for the convenience of those who prefer metric units. Multiply inch-pound unit By To obtain 81 unit acre 4,047 square meter .4047 hectare cubic yard .7646 cubic meter cubic feet per second 28.32 liters per second .02832 cubic meters per second cubic mile 4.166 cubic kilometer foot .3048 meter gallon .003785 cubic meter 3.785 liter gallons per minute .06309 liters per second inch 2.540 centimeter mile 1.609 kilometer miles per hour 1.609 kilometers per hour square mile 2.59 square kilometer ton, short (2,000 pounds) .9072 ton, metric 907.1848 kilograms Unit Conversion 125 RETURN gggm C" LQE'” '1 t. :k,‘4 1.