MICROFILMED 1985 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA - BERKELEY GENERAL LIBRARY BERKELEY, CA 94720 COOPERATIVE PRESERVATION MICROFILMING PROJECT THE RESEARCH LIBRARIES GROUP, INC. Funded by . THE NATIONAL ENDOWMENT FOR THE HUMANITIES THE ANDREW W. MELLON FOUNDATION Reproductions may not be made without permission. THE PRINTING MASTER FROM WHICH THIS REPRODUCTION WAS MADE IS HELD BY THE MAIN LIBRARY UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA BERKELEY, CA 94720 FOR ADDITIONAL REPRODUCTION REQUEST MASTER NEGATIVE NUMBER 95-3116 AUTHOR: California. State Sportsman’ Association. TITLE: Reamble, Constitution nd &- loss: PLACE: Sen Francisco paTE:L 13212] voLuMmE F870 i NO. r%9¢ ~~ NEG. NO. 2774 / California State Sportsman's Association, Preamble, Constitution and By-laws, Organized at Stockton, Cal,, June 27-28, 1881, With amendments adopted at Tenth + Annual meeting at San Francisco, Sept; 11, 1891, Alco the Game and fish laws of California, San Francisco, Hicks-Judd [18917] 12 p, 18cm, 1. Sports = California = Periodicals, societies, etc, L California, Laws, statutes, etc, : ) CU=B 68 FILMED AND PROCESSED BY LIBRARY PHOTOGRAPHIC SERVICE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA BERKELEY, CA 94720 JOB NO. 8[6 0[6/012 DATE Rin 8/5 REDUCTION RATIO 8 | |2 DOCUMENT _ mr "SOURCE THE BANCROFT LIBRARY 10 hz jz = wi I 22 —_—llg T= = ie [l22 I ll ° = 1 = lit Iizs fis pe MICROCOPY RESOLUTION TEST CHART NATIONAL BUREAU OF STANDARDS STANDARD REFERENCE MATERIAL 1010a (ANSI and ISO TEST CHART No. 2) ~ LLL yr f¥ rr > vx =f ' "4 " +" F "+. Re:ake of Preceding Frame Po a ee Ee PREAMBLE CONSTITUTION AND BY-LAWS OF THE CALIFORNIA STATE SPORTSMANS ASSOCIATION ORGANIZED AT STOCKTON, CAL., JUNE 27-28, 1881. WITH AMENDMENTS ADOPTED AT TENTH ANNUAL MEETING AT SAN FRANCISCO, SEPT. 11, 1891. ALSO THE GAME AND FISH LAWS OF CALIFORNIA. 'HE HICKS-JUDD CO., PRINTERS AND BOOKBINDERS, SaN Francisco, Car, OFFICERS 1801-2, CRITTENDEN ROBINSON, President - San Francisco F. I.. WOOSTER, Vice-President - S. E. KNOWLES, Treasurer - C. W. KYLE, Secretary, 313 Bush Street, DIRECTORS. F. IL. BOSQUI, - San Francisco I. L. WOOSTER, - 6 ¢. B. SMITH, - Stockton M. CHICK, - San Diego A. W. BRUNER, - Riverside PREAMBLE. Whereas, The game and fish now within the State are not efficiently conserved by our laws as at present enforced, and are decreasing unduly, thereby depriving sportsmen of sport, worthy hunters and fishermen of a livelihood,and the public generally of a prominent food supply, and Whereas, Sportsmen from a large, respectable, and influential element in the body politic of the State will, with mutual respect, harmony, and concerted action, be able to secure the ends and remedy the evils indicated in this preamble; RESOLVED, That we, Sportsmen of the State of California, in Convention assembled, form an association, as hereinafter set forth, and urge the Sportsmen of the State generally to join with us in the promotion of matters beneficial and of interest to the Fraternity. CONSTITUTION. ARTICLE I. NAME. This Association shall be known as the CALIFORNIA STATE SPORTSMEN’S ASSOCIATION. ARTICLE II. OBJECTS. To unite the Sportsmen of the State in securing the introduc- tion and acclimatization of suitable game and fish not found here; to educate the people of the State generally to a higher standard in the beneficent results to present and future generations of a wise code of game and fish preserving laws faithfully observed; to urge the enforcement of the laws now in operation, and to secure the enactment of such further laws as may seem wise; to bring men of kindred tastes into more intimate relations, in order that all proper rights, privileges, and pleasures may be secured to those whose instincts make them lovers of the rod and gun; and to further such other ends as may properly lie within the province of an association of Sportsmen. ARTICLE IIL MEMBERSHIP. The Association shall consist of the citizens and resident Sportsmen of the State of California. The regular annual dues shall be one dollar per annum, payable in advance; life mem- bership shall be ten dollars, payable in advance. No initiation fee shall be paid. ARTICLE 1V. OFFICERS. The officers of the Association shall be a President, one Vice- Presideat, five Directors, a Secretary and a Treasurer, who shall 6 (with the exception of the Secretary) be elected at the annual meeting, to serve for one year, or until their successors are duly elected and qualified. The Secretary shall be elected annually by the Board of Directors, and shall hold his office subject to the pleasure of said Board. ARTICLE V. PRESIDENT. The President shall be ex-officio a member of the Board of Directors, and shall preside, preserve order, enforce the Constitu- tion and By-Laws of this Association; secure a fair hearing to every member on all questions; vote only in case of a tie vote; " shall not move nor take part in a debate while in the Chair, and shall perform such other duties as may properly devolve on the Chair. ARTICLE VIL VICE-PRESIDENT. In the absence of the President, the Vice-President shall per- form his duties; in the absence of both, his duties shall devolve on the Chairman of the Board of Directors. ARTICLE VIL DIRECTORS. Five Directors shall be elected at each annual meeting, who shall attend to the prosecution of violators of the game and fish laws; shall manage the business affairs of the Association, subject - to its direction, and shall hold all property of the Association, except moneys, in trust for its benefit. They may be represented by proxy held by an officer of the Association at all meetings. ARTICLE VIIL SECRETARY. The Secretary shall collect all moneys due the Association, and keep in detail an accurate account thereof; from what sources received; and shall, on the first of every month, pay over to the 7 Treasurer all moneys so collected, with a statement accompany- ing same setting forth in detail the sources from whence the same was received by him; shall keep a record of things done at all meetings of the Association; shall notify new members of their election; shall faithfully keep all papers, books, and records belonging to the Association, retaining in his office a copy of all correspondence, shall deliver same to his duly chosen suc- cessor, and shall perform such other duties as may be assigned to him. A bond in the sum of $1000 may, in the judgment of the Board of Directors, be required of him for the faithful performance of the duties of his trust. ARTICLE IX. TREASURER. The Treasurer shall have exclusive charge of the funds of the Association, and shall keep a true account thereof; he shall pay out Association moneys on’y on warrants drawn and signed by the President and Secretary of the Association; he shall make a statement at each annual meeting, showing all receipts and expenditures, and he shall deliver to his duly chosen successor all property of the Association in his hands. A bond in the sum of $1000 may, in the judgment of the Board of Directors, be required of the Treasurer for the faithful performance of the duties of his trust. ARTICLE X. AMENDMENTS. The Constitution and By-Laws may be altered or amended at any regular annual meeting by a two-thirds vote of those present. ARTICLE XI The Board of Directors shall have full power to fill any vacancy which may occur from any cause whatsoever among the officers of the Association, and any appointment so made shall be valid until a successor is duly elected. They shall likewise have power to levy an assessment upon every member of the Asso- 8 ciation, not to exceed the sum of one dollar per annum for each and every member of the Association. ARTICLE XII. The Association shall retain the power of vacating the places of any and all the members of the Board of Directors, by a vote of two-thirds the niembers present at a special meeting to be called for that purpose at the request of five or more members, and the object of said meeting shall be specified in the call for the same; provided one-third of the members belonging to the Association are represented at such meeting. ARTICLE XIII. Every member will be considered as having pledged his honor to promote and carry out the objects of the Association; and whenever a member shall be acquainted with the violation of any of the game laws, it shall be the duty of such member to communicate the facts immediately to the Secretary. ARTICLE XIV. If any member shall fail to pay his dues for more than one year, such member shall cease to belong to the Association. ARTICLE XV. Where the application for membership is made by any individual, it shall be referred to the Board of Directors, who shall act upon such application by accepting or rejecting the same. If accepted such individual shall be entitled to all the benefits and privileges of the Association. BY-LAWS. SECTION 1. The fee to be paid by members of the Associa- tion shall be one dollar per annum in advance. SEC. 2. The Association shall hold its annual meeting at such time and place as the Board of Directors may direct. SEC. 3. The Directors shall hold a special meeting for the transaction of such business as may need be done, on the call of the President, and also when made at the request of two or more of the Directors at a place to be designated by the President. SEC. 4. The Secretary shall receive yearly from the funds of the Association, for his personal use, such amounts as the Board of Directors may direct. SEC. 5. For any infringement of the game laws of the State, or improper conduct on the part of any member, or members, likely to endanger the welfare, interest, or character of the Asso- ciation, it shall be the duty of the Board of Directors, by the Pre- siding Officer (providing they deem the offense sufficiently grave and important), to present, in writing, at the next annual meeting of the Association, the charges against such member or members, and move his or their expulsion. On the question being taken, each member present shall deposit a ballot on which shall be writ- ten ‘‘ Yes or No.” The vote of two-thirds of the members present shall be requisite for the expulsion of such member or members. Any two members of the Association may present to the President written charges against any member, or members, for any of the causes enumerated in this by-law, and it shall be the duty of the Secretary to notify at once, in writing, the member or members against whom the charges are preferred, in order that he or they may prepare his or their defense. SEC. 6. The resignation of members shall be in writing to the Secretary, and all interest in the property and effects of the Asso- 10 ciation, of members resigning, or in any manner ceasing to belong to the Association, shall revert to the Association. SEC. 7. After the election of officers of the Association, and the transaction of general business for each year, a wing shooting tournament will be held, open to every member in good standing belonging to the Association. The annual tournament will be held under the general supervision of the Board of Directors of the Association, under American Shooting Association rules. SEC. 8. Ten properly accredited members belonging to the Association shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of busi- ness at any meeting of the Association. Members may be repre- sented by proxy. SEC. 9. Order of business. 1. Roll call. Reading minutes of preceding meeting. Reading communications. : Reports of committees. Unfinished business. Miscellaneous business. Election of members of the Association. Election of officers. 2. 3 4. 5. 6. 7, S. 1892. GAME AND FISH LAWS OF CALIFORNIA. The Acts relative to game and fish, as amended by the last Legislature, are as follows: Every person who, in the State of California, between the first day of March and the first day of October, in each year, hunts, pursues, takes, kills. or destroys any quail, partridge or grouse, or any kind of wild duck or rail, is guilty of a wmisde- meanor. Every person who, in any of the counties of the State of California, at any time, takes, gathers, or destroys the eggs of any quail, partridge, or grouse, or mallard duck, or any kind of summer duck, red head. teal, or any gray duck, or any other kind of wild duck, is guilty of a misdemeanor. Every person who, in the State of California, between the first day of January and the first day of July in each year, hunts, pursues, takes, kills, or destroys doves, is guilty of a misde- meanor. Every person who, in any of the counties in the State of California, hunts, pursues, takes, kills or destroys any male deer, antelope, mountain sheep, or buck for the period of two years from the date of the passage of this Act, is guilty of a misde- meanor. Every person in the State of California who has in his posses- sion any green hides or any green skins of any deer, elk, ante- lope, or mountain sheep, killed after the passage of this Act, and before the expiration of two years from the date of the passage of this Act, is guilty of a misdemeanor. Every person in the State of California who, at any time, hunts, pursues, kills, takes, or destroys any female deer, antelope, elk, mountain sheep, or doe, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor. Every person who shall at any time hunt, pursue, take, kill or destroy any spotted fawn, is guilty of a misdemeanor. Every person who shall take, kill, or destroy any of the animals or birds mentioned in this section, at any time, unless the carcass of such animal or bird is used or preserved by the person taking or slaying it, or is sold for food, is guilty of a misdemeanor. Every person who shall buy, sell, offer or expose for sale, transport or carry, or have in his possession, any deer or deer- skin; or any hide or pelt, from which the evidence of sex has 12 been removed, or any of the aforesaid game, at a time when it is unlawful to kill the same, as provided by this and subsequent sections, is guilty of a misdemeanor. Every person who takes; catches, or kills, or exposes for sale, or has in his possession, any speckled trout, brook or salmon trout, or any variety of trout, between the first day of November and the first day of April in the following year, except salmon trout taken with rod and line in tide water, is guilty of a misdemeanor. Fishing for salmon, shad, etc., between six o’clock Saturday evening and sundown of succeeding Sunday, prohibited. Fishing by explosives, or by pound, weir, cage, trap or set net, prohibited. CC. W. KYLE, Secretary California State Sportsmen’s Association, 313 Bush Street, S. F. "END OF TITLE "END OF REEL. 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