Pennsylvanian Fusulinids From Southeastern Alaska By RAYMOND C. DOUGLASS GEOLOGICAL SURVEY PROFESSIONAL PAPER 706 A fauna of Middle Pennsylvanian age showing similarities with faunas from Japan and central British Columbia, Canada UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE, WASHINGTON : 1971UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR ROGERS C. B. MORTON, Secretary GEOLOGICAL SURVEY William T. Pecora, Director Library of Congress catalog—card No. 77—611482 For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office Washington, D.C. 20402 - Price 70 cents (paper cover)CONTENTS Page Abstract____________________________________________________ 1 Introduction________________________________________________ 1 Previous work__________________________________________ 1 Current study__________________________________________ 1 Significance of the fusulinid assemblages______________ 1 Correlation____________________________________________ 1 Localities_____________________________________________ 2 Disposition of material________________________________ 2 Acknowledgments________________________________________ 2 Page Methods of study____________________________________________ 4 Presentation of data________________________________________ 4 Correlation of the local sections___________________________ 4 Systematic descriptions_____________________________________ 4 References cited____________________________________________ 19 Index________________________________,_________________ 21 ILLUSTRATIONS [Plates follow index] Plate 1. Tetrataxis, endothyrids, and A ankinella sp., from Ladrones Islands. 2. Staffella, Millerella, and Pseudostaffella rotunda Douglass, n. sp., from Peratovich Island. 3. Fusulinella pinguis Douglass, n. sp., from Ladrones Islands. 4. Bradyina sp., Ozawainella?, and Fusulinella alaskensis Douglass, n. sp., from Klawak Inlet. 5. Fusulinella alaskensis Douglass, n. sp., from Klawak Inlet. 6. Fusulinella alaskensis Douglass, n. sp., and Beedeina? sp., from Prince of Wales Island. 7. Fusulina flexuosa Douglass, n. sp., from Klawak Inlet and Prince of Wales Island. Figure 1. Index maps______________________________________ 2. Spiral form for Pseudostaff ella rotunda n. sp___ 3. Summary graphs for Pseudostaff ella rotunda n. sp 4. Spiral form for Fusulinella pinguis n. sp________ 5. Summary graphs for Fusulinella pinguis n. sp_____ 6. Spiral form for Fusulinella alaskensis n. sp_____ 7. Summary graphs for Fusulinella alaskensis n. sp_ 8. Spiral form for Fusulina flexuosa n. sp_________ 9. Summary graphs for Fusulina flexuosa n. sp_______ Page 3 6 7 9 10 13 14 16 18 TABLES Tables 1-4. Summary numerical data: Page 1. Pseudostaff ella rotunda n. sp________________________________________________________________________ 8 2. Fusulinella pinguis n. sp_____________________________________________________________________________ 11 3. Fusulinella alsakensis n. sp__________________________________________________________________________ 15 4. Fusulina flexuosa n. sp_______________________________________________________________________________ 17 in PENNSYLVANIAN FUSULINIDS FROM SOUTHEASTERN ALASKA By Raymond C. Douglass ABSTRACT A fusulinid fauna from the Klawak Formation and Ladrones Limestone of Prince of Wales Island in southeastern Alaska includes eight genera of fusulinids and some smaller Foramini-fera. The fauna is similar to faunas of Middle Pennsylvanian age described from north-central British Columbia in Canada, and from parts of central Japan. Four of the taxa are new including Pseudostaffella rotunda n. sp., Fusulinella pinguis n. sp., Fusulinella alaskensis n. sp., and Fusulina flexuosa n. sp. INTRODUCTION PREVIOUS WORK The scarcity of evidence of marine rocks of Pennsylvanian age in Alaska was summarized by Dutro and Douglass (1961, p. B239). Rocks of Middle Pennsylvanian age were identified in Saginaw Bay at the north end of Kuiu Island. At that locality fusulinids w7ere recognized along with a varied megafauna. Muffler (1967, p. C19) assigned these rocks to the Saginaw Bay Formation of Carboniferous age. CURRENT STUDY In 1966 A. K. Armstrong collected a series of samples from measured sections of the Klawak Formation in the areas north of Craig and the Ladrones Limestone south of Craig, Prince of Wales Island. Samples were collected from every 10 feet or less through each section. SIGNIFICANCE OF THE FUSULINID ASSEMBLAGES The fusulinids represented in these samples include several genera characteristic of rocks of Middle Pennsylvanian age and include Nankinella, Staff ella, Pseudo-staffella, Fusulinella», and Fusulina. The species are relatively primitive forms and as such do not suggest latest Middle Pennsylvanian age. As no fusulinids have been identified in this general area below or above the samples studied, no definite limits can be determined for the age of the Klawak Formation and the Ladrones Limestone. CORRELATION The faunas described herein can be compared with faunas described from the Fort St. James area in central British Columbia, Canada, and with faunas described from as far away as Texas in the U.S.A. and from central Japan. The faunas described from central British Columbia by Thompson, Pitrat, and Sanderson (1953, p. 545) and by Thompson (1965, p. 224) include species assigned to each of the genera listed above and show similarity in stage of development. As I noted in the section on systematics, precise comparisons are difficult because of the paucity of data available for the Canadian material. Comparison with the Texas faunas are even more difficult, but there is general similarity in the species of Nankinella, Staff ella, Pseudostaff ella, and Fusulinella. The counterpart of the Fusulina from Alaska and British Columbia has not been reported so far from the conterminous United States. Faunas from three areas in Japan show similarities to the Alaskan fauna. The fauna described by Igo (1957, p. 167) from Fukuji in the Hida Massif of central Honshu contains species of NanJcinella, Staff ella, Pseudostaff ella, and Fusulinella resembling those from Alaska. The Shishidedai area on the northern edge of the Aki-yoshi Plateau in southern Honshu contains a fauna described by Toriyama (1953, p. 251,1958, p. 5) with forms similar to the Nankinella, Fusulinella, and Fusulina from Alaska. The faunas of the-Itadorigawa Group of western Shikoku described by Ishii (1958a, b; 1962) also show similarities to those from Alaska. Comparisons were also attempted with material from other parts of the world where generally similar forms have been described or illustrated. Among these, some similarities were recognized in material from Spitsbergen (Forbes 1960, p. 212) and from Spain (van Ginkel 1965, p. 159). l2 PENNSYLVANIAN FUSULINIDS, SOUTHEASTERN ALASKA Wherever the fusulinid faunas of Middle Pennsylvanian age have been studied in detail, similarities at the generic level are obvious and the general character of the species is similar. Unfortunately, the data presented with most of the faunas previously described are inadequate for comparisons at the species level. Notable exceptions are the more fully documented studies by Ishii and van Ginkel. LOCALITIES The samples are from two areas in the vicinity of Craig, Prince of Wales Island (fig. 1 A, B). The southernmost samples arc from the Ladrones Islands, about 7 miles south-southeast of Craig (fig. 1C), and the northernmost samples are from the area north of Ivlawak and about 8 miles north-northeast of Craig (fig. ID). Locality 29.—Ladrones Islands, field section 66x16 of A. K. Armstrong, Ladrones Limestone. f23973. Sample taken 10 ft above the base of the exposed section above high tide. Light-gray calcarenite largely composed of fossil fragments in a sparry calcite matrix. Fragments of echinoderms, gastropods, and fusulinids are common. Tctrataxis sp., endothyrids, Nankinella sp., and Fusulinella pinguis n. sp. f23974. Sample taken 20 ft above the base of the exposed section above high tide. The lithology and fauna of this sample is similar to that of f23973. Locality 30.—Peratovieh Island, field section 66x4B of A. K. Armstrong, Klavvak Formation. f23975. Sample taken from 101 ft above the base of the section measured on the small peninsula trending north-northwest in the center of the north half sec. 35, T. 72 S., R. 80 E., Craig (C-4) quadrangle map. Dark-gray coarse calcarenite largely composed of fossil fragments in a silty lime mud matrix. Fragments of echinoderms, brachiopods, bryozoans, gastropods, and fusulinids are common. Textularids, Millerella sp., Nun kind la sp., Staffella sp., and Pscudostaffella rotunda n. sp. f23976. Sample taken from 106 ft above the base of the section at the same locality. The lithology and fauna of this sample are similar to that of f23975. Locality 3t.—Small unnamed island exposed at low tide between Peratovieh Island and the main part of Prince of Wales Island and about 1.5 miles north of Klawak. Filled section 66x4C of A. K. Armstrong, Klawak Formation. f23977. Sample from 20 ft above the base of the section. Medium-gray coarse calcarenite composed largely of fragments of fossils in a silty lime mud and sparry climate matrix Textularids, Tctrataxis sp., Fusulinella alasken-sis n. sp., and Fusulina flexuosa n. sp. f23978. Sample from 35 ft above the base of the section. Dark-greenish-gray calcareous siltstone with abundant fossil fragments including echinoderms, bryozoans, coral, brachiopods, gastropods, and fusulinids. Textularids, Tctrataxis sp., Ozaicainclla? sp., Fusulinella sp., and Fusulina sp. f23979. Sample from 45 ft above the base of the section. Medium-gray coarse calcarenite with a silty to sparry calcite matrix. Fragments of echinoderms, bryozoans, brachipods, and Foraminifera. Textularids, Textrataxis sp., endothyrids including Bradyina sp., Fusulinella alaskensis n. sp., and Fusulina flexuosa n. sp. f23980. Sample from 65 ft above the base at the section. Mostly a dark-greenish-gray calcareous siltstone grading into some calcarenite with fragments of fossils in a sparry calcite matrix. Echinoderms, bryozoans, and Foraminifera. Textularids, Bradyina sp., Fusulinella alaskensis n. sp., and Fusulina flexuosa n. sp. f23981. Sample from 75 ft above the base of the section. Dark-gray coarse conglomeratic calcarenite with fragments of echinoderms, bryozoans, and fusulinids. Fusulinella alaskensis n. sp. and Fusulina flexuosa n. sp. f23982. Sample from 80 ft above the base of the section. Medium-gray coarse calcarenite with fragments of echinoderms, bryozoans, and Foraminifera in a sparry calcite matrix. Textularids, Tctrataxis sp., Bradyina sp., and Fusulinella alaskensis n. sp. Locality 32.—Ledges exposed at low tide on west shore of Prince of Wales Island about 1.5 miles nortli-northeast of Klawak. Field section 66x4D of A. K. Armstrong. Klawak Formation. f23983. Sample from 20 ft above the base of the section. Light-gray medium-grained calcarenite with shell fragments in a sparry calcite matrix. Tctrataxis sp., Bradyina sp., and Fusulinella sp. f23984. Sample from 40 ft above the base of the section. Light-gray fine- to medium-grained calcarenite with shell fragments in a sparry calcite matrix. Endothyrids including Bradyina sp. are present with a small Fusulinella sp. f23985. Sample from 55 ft above the base of the section. Medium-yellowish-gray fine calcarenite with shell fragments in a sparry calcite matrix. Endothyrids and a small Fusulinella sp. f23986. Sample from 60 ft above the base of the section. Medium-gray coarse conglomeratic calcarenite with subrounded clasts up to an inch across of other limestone and volcanic rocks. The matrix is a calcarenite with abundant shell fragments and fusulinids. Textularids, Tctrataxis sp., Bradyina sp.. Fusulinella alaskansis n. sp., Fusulina flexuosa n. sp., and Bcedeina'i DISPOSITION OF MATERIAL The specimens used in this study are deposited in the collections of the U.S. National Museum (USNM), and specimen numbers are indicated on the plate explanations. The bulk material is filed in the U.S. Geological Survey collections at the U.S. National Museum under the sample numbers listed for each locality described in the preceding section of this report. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS I thank A. K. Armstrong for his careful collection of samples in measured sections from which those samples studied were selected. Richard Margerum did an outstanding job in the unusually difficult preparation of oriented thin sections of small fusulinids in a dark matrix. The computer programming and processing of numerical data were done by Nancy Cotner, Ralph Richer, and Paul Za'bel.INTRODUCTION 3 Figure 1.—Index maps. A. Southeastern Alaska and adjacent Canada showing area of this report (patterned). B. Part of Prince of Wales Island showing the Ladrones Islands and the Klawak area. C. The Ladrones Islands area showing locality 29. D. The Klawak area showing localities 30, 31, and 32.4 .PENNSYLVANIAN FUSULINIDS, SOUTHEASTERN ALASKA METHODS OF STUDY Each sample was sliced and etched lightly with dilute hydrochloric acid and coated with thinned clear lacquer. Samples that contained fusulinids were prepared for further study by making oriented thin sections of the fusulinids. Measurements of radius, volution height, half length, wall thickness, and tunnel width were made at each half volution on axial sections. Measurements of radius, volution height, wall thickness, and septal spacing were made at each half volution on equatorial sections. The maximum outer diameter of the proloculus was measured for each specimen. The data obtained from these measurements, made at half volutions, was converted to equivalent values at standard radii by linear interpolation of values using a computer to determine the values at each standard radius. Thus the wall thickness for each specimen could be interpolated for a radius of 0.5 mm (millimeter) for instance, even though the actual measurement was a 0.43 mm or 0.52 mm. The interpolated values of each attribute at each standard radius were summarized for each species in every sample. The standard radii were selected so that the logarithms to base 10 of adjacent radii are 0.1 apart. This gives about two points in each volution. The radii used (in millimeters) are 0.10, 0.13, 0.16, 0.20, 0.25, 0.32, 0.40,0.50,0.63,0.79,1.00,1.26, and so on. The statistical summaries provide values commonly needed for making comparisons between samples. How these values are derived is now common knowledge, and formulae used are given in Simpson, Roe, and Lewontin (1960). The computed values include the mean, variance, standard deviation, coefficient of variability, standard error of the mean, 95 percent confidence limits on the mean, and listing the observed maximum and minimum values for each attribute. Graphs similar to those of Douglass (1970, p. G8-G9) showing the mean, confidence limits on the mean, and total Observed variation for each attribute plotted against the standard radii were prepared from these data. The form ratio (half length/radius vector) was also computed at each radius and plotted in a similar manner. When more than one sample contained the same species, the data were combined for the samples and all statistical values recalculated and replotted. Two samples were assumed to contain the same species if specimens were of the same genus and all their measurable attributes when compared at standard radii were similar. Comparisons with previously named or described species were more difficult. In some instances (Ishii 1958a,b, 1962; van Ginkel, 1965) enough data were provided to compare the specimens at standard radii. In most instances data were insufficient for meaningful comparison, and estimates had to be made, often from illustrations of poorly oriented sections. PRESENTATION OF DATA An attempt has been made to illustrate the material as well as possible at magnifications of X 10 with selected details at X 50; thus the many attributes that cannot be adequately measured can be compared. The data obtained by measurement of the specimens are too voluminous to be included in the report, but they are available on request from the author. The data summaries at standard radii are presented. Tables 1-4 give some of the data and the rest are presented graphically on figures 2-9. CORRELATION OF THE LOCAL SECTIONS The samples studied from the four measured sections can be assigned relative positions even though sample localities are not directly connected. Locality 29 is isolated from more closely associated localities 30-32. The fauna of locality 29 is older than that of localities 31 or 32 and is probably younger than that of locality 30, but the evidence on this point is not conclusive. The fauna of locality 29 is not found between localities 30 and 31, but it may be present in the rocks forming the floor of Klawak Inlet. There is good correlation between localities 31 and 32, in spite of some uncertainties. Field data suggest that the section at locality 32 is a continuation of that at locality 31. It is possible, however, that the two sections overlap. The specimens of Fusulinella alaskensis n. sp. in sample f23979 from locality 31 are most similar to those from sample f23986 of locality 32. On the other hand, the only sample that yields Beedema ? sp. is f23986, the top sample at locality 32. This may indicate a slightly younger age for this sample. The local section is represented by locality 30 at the base followed in ascending order by locality 29, locality 31 and locality 32. Localities 31 and 32 may overlap in part. SYSTEMATIC DESCRIPTIONS Genus TETRATAXIS Ehrenberg, 1854 Tetrataxis sp. Plate 1, figures 1-3 Specimens referred to this genus are present in most samples used in this study. The examples illustrated are representative.SYSTEMATIC DESCRIPTIONS 5 Genus BRADYINA von Moller, 1879 Bradyina sp. Plate 4, figure 1 Fragmental specimens referred to this genus were recognized in several collections at localities 31 and 32. The example illustrated is representative. Endothyrid, undet. Plate 1, figures 4, 5 The specimens illustrated from locality 29 are assigned to the family Endothyridae. They may be the inner volutions of a larger form, but no large en-dothyrids were recognized in these samples. Genus OZAWAINELLA Thompson, 1935 Ozawainella? sp. Plate 4, figures 2, 3 The specimens referred with question to this genus show considerable resemblance to Nankinella sp. described below, but the wall is not recrystallized. The significance of the preservation is not understood, but is considered to involve the original wall material. The specimens from locality 31 are similar to those illustrated as Ozawainella TmraJchovensis Manukalova (in Rauser-C'hernoussova and others, 1951, p. 135) but the resemblance may be due primarily to the oblique way in which both specimens were cut. Genus MILLERELLA Thompson, 1942 Millerella sp. aff. M. marblensis Thompson, 1942 Plate 2, figures 2, 3. aff. Millerella marblensis Thompson, 1942, p. 405-407, pi. 1, figs. 3-14. Discussion.—The specimens illustrated are representative of the Millerella found in sample f23975 in association with Nankinella, Staffella, and Pseudostaffella. The size, shape, and degree to which coiling is evolute fit well into the range reported by Thompson (1942, p. 405; 1948, p. 76). Genus STAEFELLA Ozawa, 1925 Staffella sp. aff. S. powwowensis Thompson 1948 Plata 2, figure 1 aff. Staffella powwowensis Thompson, 1948, p. 78-79, pi. 25 fig. 7-12. Discussion.—The specimen illustrated is closely similar to the specimen illustrated as figs. 10-11 on plate 25 by Thompson (1947) and is also apparently similar to the holotype, illustrated mostly as a drawing. Not enough is known about this genus for one to be able to distinguish species at the present time. The Alaskan specimen probably cannot be distinguished from the forms described from Powwow Canyon, Tex. The Texas form was found in association with Millerella, Nankinella, and Profusulinella. The Alaska form was found in sample f23975 with Millerella, Nankinella, and Pseudostaff ella. Genus NANKINELLA Lee, 1933 Nankinella sp. Plate 1, figures 6-22 Diagnosis.—Small, discoidal, planispiral, with broadly angular periphery throughout and umbilicate axial regions. Wall structure indistinct, apparently with three layers. Description.—The spiral form is normal negative to negative with the diameter increasing rapidly through the early stages and less rapidly near maturity. The shape is discoidal throughout with a broadly angular periphery and an umbilicate axis. The chamber height is greatest equatorially and diminishes gradually toward the axis. The form ratio increases gradually from around 0.44 in the inner volutions to about 0.5 in the outer volutions. The proloculus varies in size. The few specimens cut through the proloculus show a range from about 60 to 100 microns, but smaller prolocular diameters are suggested in some of the sections. The wall structure is indistinct and is probably recrystallized. In some specimens the wall appears to be composed of two dark layers with a lighter layer in between. In other sections it seems to have one dark layer with lighter layers above and below. The thickness is difficult to determine, as the wall is irregular and indistinct. The septa are unfluted, closely spaced, and inclined anteriorly. The tunnel occupies most of the equatorial peripheral area of each volution. Parachomata are developed at each septum but they do not join to form true chomata. Comparisons and remarks.—The small number of specimens available for this study precludes satisfactory description or comparison with other members of the genus. Unfortunately no species in this genus has been adequately described. The forms from Alaska resemble A. plummeri Thompson (1947, p. 155) from the Marble Falls Limestone of Texas and N. spp. of Thompson, Pitrat, and Sanderson (1953, p. 547) from central British Columbia. The Alaskan forms are more tightly coiled than the Texas or Columbia forms, but one cannot assess the significance of this without knowing the limits of variability in the described forms. 419-577 0-71-26 PENNSYLVANIAN FUSULINIDS, SOUTHEASTERN ALASKA Distribution.—Nankinella sp. is associated with Fusulinella pinguis n. sp. in samples f23973 and f23974. Other associated forms include Tetrataxis sp. (pi. 1, figs. 1, 2) and endothyrids (pi. 1, figs. 4, 5). Rare specimens of Nankinella sp. are noted in f23975 associated with Millerella sp., Staffella sp., and Pseudostajfella rotunda n. sp. Genus PSEUDOSTAFFELLA Thompson, 1942 PseudostafEella rotunda n. sp. Plate 2, figures 4-21 Diagnosis.—Shell small, globular with slightly um-bilicate poles, the first 1-2 whorls at right angles to later whorls, septa plane, chomata relatively small and asymmetrical. Description.—Summaries of the numerical data are given in table 1. The spiral form is negative to normal negative (fig. 2) with a tendency for an individual to increase in diameter rapidly at first and to grow less rapidly in the later stages. This is also expressed in figure 3 which shows the increase in volution height to be regularly arithmetic throughout most of the growth. The length increases slowly relative to the radius (fig. 3). Note how closely similar the specimens are in this attribute. The form ratio increases in the early stages of growth and then gradually decreases (fig. 3). Individual specimens may develop a maximum form ratio of 1, but the mean form ratio is always less than 1. Coiling starts in one plane but after 1 to 1 y2 volutions the axis rotates approximately 90° so that the third and subsequent volutions are at right angles to the juvenarium. The proloculus ranges in outer diameter from 30 to 75 microns (fig. 3) with most specimens falling in the range of 50-60 microns. Figure 2.—The spiral form of Pseudostaffella rotunda n. sp. shown by a plot of radius vector on a logarithmic scale against volution intervals on an arithmetic scale. Six specimens from samples f23975 and f23976 are represented.HALF LENGTH, VOLUTION HEIGHT, WALL THICKNESS, IN MILLIMETERS IN MICRONS IN MICRONS SEPTAL SPACING, IN MICRONS SYSTEMATIC DESCRIPTIONS l RADIUS VECTOR, IN MILLIMETERS Figure 3.—Summary graphs for Pseudostaffella rotunda n. sp. The half length, volution height, wall thickness, septal spacing, form ratio, and tunnel width are plotted against radius vector. This shows the changes for each character during the ontogeny. The mean (*), confidence limits on the mean (o-o), and maximum and minimum (-|—|-) are DIAMETER OF PROLOCULUS, IN MICRONS shown at each standard radius. The numerical values for the means and confidence limits and the number of specimens on which they are based are given in table 1. The diameters of proloculi are plotted against the number of specimens.8 PENNSYLVANIAN FUSULINIDS, SOUTHEASTERN ALASKA Table 1.—Summary numerical data for Pseudostaffella rotunda n. sp. [The data are presented at standard radii. All numbers are expressed in exponential notation. The number of digits recorded does not imply degree of accuracy] Character Radius vector........... Half length............. Volution height......... Wall thickness.......... Tunnel width............ Septal spacing.......... Half length/radius vector. Radius vector........... Half length............. Volution height......... Wall thickness.......... Tunnel width............ Septal spacing.......... Half length/radius vector. Rad ius vector.......... Half length............. Volu tion height........ Wall thickness.......... Tunnel width............ Septal spacing.......... Half le ngth/radius vector. Radius vector........... Ha If length............ Volution height......... Wall thickness.......... Tunnel width............ Se ptal spacing_________ H alf length/radius vector. Radius vector........... Half length............. Volution height_________ Wall thickness__________ Tunnel width............ Septal spacing__________ Half length/radius vector. Radius vector___________ Half length................ Volution height_________ Wall thickness__________ Tunnel width____________ Septal spacing__________ Half length/radius vector. Radius vector........... Half length_____________ Volution height......... Wall thickness.......... Septal spacing__________ Half length/radius vector. Radius vector........... Half length................ Volution height........... Wall thickness.......... Septal spacing.......... Half length/radius vector. Number of Mean specimens Variance Standard deviation Coefficient of variability Standard error of the mean 6 7.833E-02 3.767E-04 1.941E-02 2.478E+01 7.923E-03 35 3.934E-02 6.253E-05 7.907E—03 2.010E+01 1.337E—03 12 8.750E-03 2.386E-06 1.545E-03 1.765E+01 4.459E—04 11 4.400E+01 1.068E+02 1.033E+01 2.349E+01 3.116E+00 10 4. 0O0E+00 4.444E-01 6.667E—01 1.667E+01 2.108E-01 6 7.833E-01 3.767E-02 1.941E-01 2.478E+01 7.923E—02 8 1.175E-01 1.071E-04 1.035E—02 8.809E+00 3.660E-03 35 4.943E-02 6.161E-05 7.849E-03 1.588E+01 1.327E—03 26 9.192E-03 1.762E-06 1.326E-03 1.444 E+01 2.603E—04 15 5.680E+01 1.467 E+02 1.211E+01 2.133E+0X 3.128E+00 15 4.667 E+00 8.095 E—01 8.997E—01 1.928E+01 2.323E—01 8 9.038E-01 6.340E-03 7.962E-02 8.809E+00 2.815E-02 13 1.554E-01 3.603E-04 1.898E-02 1.222E+01 5.264E-03 35 5.757E-02 5.296E-05 7.277E-03 1.264E+01 1.230E-03 32 9.969E—03 1.386E-06 1.177E-03 1.181E+01 2.081E-04 16 7.200E+01 1.404E+02 1.185E+01 1.646E+01 2.962E+00 17 5.412E+00 1.007E+00 1.004E+00 1.855E+01 2.434E-01 13 9.712E-01 1.407E—02 1.186E-01 1.222E+01 3.290E-02 14 1.979E-01 4.643E-04 2.155E-02 1. 089E +01 5.759E-03 36 7.267E-02 7.183E-05 8.475E-03 1.166E+01 1.413E-03 35 1.169E-02 2.987E-06 1.728E-03 1.479E+01 2.921E-04 15 9. HOE+01 2.178E+02 1.476E+01 1.615E+01 3.811E+00 19 6.211E+00 6.199E-01 7.873E-01 1.268E+01 1.806E-01 14 9.893E-01 1.161E-02 1.077E—01 1.089E+01 2.879E-02 14 2. 429E-01 2. 989E-04 1.729E-02 7.119E+00 4. 621E-03 36 8. 656E-02 6. 443E-05 8. 027E-03 9. 273E+00 1.338E-03 35 1.320E-02 3.165E-05 1.779E-03 1. 348E+01 3. 007E—04 11 1. 277E+02 5.972E+02 2. 444E+01 1. 913E+01 7. 368E+00 20 7. 500 E+00 1.316E+00 1.147E+00 1. 529E+01 2. 565E—01 14 9. 714E-01 4. 782E-03 6.916E-02 7.119E+00 1. 848E—02 13 2.969E-01 5. 731E-04 2. 394E-02 3. 062E+00 6. 639E-03 33 1.082E-01 6. 600E-05 8.124E-03 7. 506E+00 1.414E-03 32 1.519E-02 5. 319E-06 2. 305E-03 1. 513E+01 4. 077E-04 5 1. 564E+02 3.173E+03 5. 633E+01 3. 602E+01 2. 519E+01 18 9. 222E+00 2. 065E+00 1. 437E+00 1.558E+01 3.387E-01 13 9. 279E-01 5.596E-03 7.481E-02 8.062E+00 2. 075E-02 22 4.000E-01 .. 8 3.725E-01 5.929E-04 2. 435E-02 6. 537E+00 8. 609E-03 22 1.306E-01 1. 099E-04 1.048E-02 8. 023E+00 2. 235E-03 22 1.759E-02 5.968E-06 2. 443 E-03 1. 389E+01 5. 208E-04 12 1.108E+01 7. 720E+00 2. 778E+00 2. 507E+01 8. 021E-01 8 9.312E-01 3. 705E-03 6. 087E-02 6. 537E+00 2.152E-02 9 5. 000E-01 .. 3 4. 533 E-01 2.333E-04 1.528E-02 3. 370E+00 8.819E-03 9 1.512E-01 2. 327E-04 1.525E-02 1. 009E+01 5. 085E-03 8 1.837E-02 1. 055E-05 3. 249E-03 1. 768E+01 1.149E-03 4 1.475E+01 7. 583E+00 2. 754E+00 1. 867E+01 1.377E+00 3 9. 067E-01 9.333E-04 3.055E-02 3. 370E+00 1.764E-02 The character of the wall is not altogether clear. In some parts of the shell it is composed of tectum and diaphanotheca alone, but in other parts tectoria are developed. The wall thickness (fig. 3) increases gradually from about 9 microns to just over 20 microns. These measurements taken on equatorial sections are of tectum and diaphanotheca. The tectoria are generally restricted to the vicinity of the septa. The septa are plane. The septal spacing increases arithmetically to about 150 microns in large specimens (fig. 3). The spacing is not regular, however, and the last few chambers are commonly widely spaced. The septa thicken toward their bases in the vicinity of the tunnel. The tunnel is well defined and generally less than half the volution height. The width is variable (fig. 3) and tends to increase rapidly. It is bounded by relatively small asymmetrical chomata that may appear large in some sections where they coincide with the septal plane. Comparisons and remarks.—These specimens belong to a group of medium-sized Pseudostaffellas intermediate in character between Pseudostaffella antiqua (Dutkevich) and P. sphaeroidea (Muller). They differ from P. antiqua in being larger and possibly in regularity of coiling. Unfortunately, orientation of sections is a problem with these forms; hence, it is difficult to make comparisons based on the published data. Closely similar forms include the following: P. cf. P. antiqua (Dutkevich) of Forbes 1960 from the lower part of the Passage Beds in Spitsbergen; the specimens described by Forbes have smaller proloculi, do not attain the size of the Alaska specimens, and have smaller chomata.SYSTEMATIC DESCRIPTIONS 9 P. Jcanumai Igo, 1957 from the lowest part of the Ichi-notani Formation in central Japan; the specimens described are a little smaller and have a larger form ratio than those from Alaska. P. sandersoni Thompson, 1965 from the Fort St. James area in British Columbia, Canada; the specimens described by Thompson are smaller, less regularly coiled, and less round than the specimens from Alaska. Material studied.—The description and illustrations are based on samples f23975 and f23976 in which Pseu-dostaffella is common and is associated with rare Millerella,. NanMnella, Staffella sp., and possible Gli-macammina sp. Thirty-six oriented sections were measured, and many other specimens in 60 thin sections wTere used to describe this species. No larger fusulinids were found in the section sampled on Peratovich Island. Designation of types.—The specimen illustrated on plate 2 as figures 4a and 4b is designated the holotype. The other specimens studied are paratypes. Genus FUSULINELLA Moller, 1877 Fusulinella pinguis n. sp. Plate 3, figures 1-28 Diagnosis.—Shell small, attaining lengths around 2.5 mm and widths around 1.5 mm in about five volutions. The shape is inflated fusiform with convex to concave lateral slopes and bluntly pointed poles. The coiling is relatively loose and the septa nearly straight with some secondary deposits extending poleward from the chomata. Description.—Summaries of the numerical data are given in table 2. The spiral form is normal to normal negative, with a tendency to be positive in the early stages so that the whole curve is weekly sigmoidal (fig. 4). The diameter increase is shown in the plots for height of volution (fig. 5) and it is apparent that the height increases rapidly in the inner volutions and then increases less rapidly in the outer volutions. Figure d.—The spiral form of Fusulinella pinguis n. sp. shown by a plot of radius vector on a logarithmic scale against volution intervals on an arithmetic scale. Nine specimens from samples f23973 and f23974 are represented.10 PENNSYLVANIAN FUSULINIDS, SOUTHEASTERN ALASKA o cr o o < CL (f) £ CL 300 200 100 co 23 c* !§ il < £ 0 30 20 10 0 300 + + O * ■ + + + o 1 + * O + + o * ° +:?° ° + - + og° + + ^++ + + - o + + + +++* 8 ^ - 8 + + g8++ + t ° * D * * - * ; * - O cr o X CD X z o o > + 1 + + + 8 8 >xo + i i +++ 8 _ + 8S + +A + #+ z! < ■ X • RADIUS VECTOR, IN MILLIMETERS Figure 5.—Summary graphs for Fusiilinella pinguis n. sp. The half length, volution height, wall thickness, septal spacing, form ratio, and tunnel width are each plotted against the radius vector. This shows the changes for each character during the ontogeny. The mean(*), confidence limits on the 300 co z o cr o X I— □ cr O o LU > O 2 (x Q ^ s ^ x cr i- o o < x - + ; + 0 ( O + o * ° + + o + * - + r + o o + o + o° §°+ +++ f + + + + + + ^ - 5°++ + + + ' ++ + 1 ? * + + o 0.50 RADIUS VECTOR, IN MILLIMETERS mean (o-o), and maximum and minimum (H—|-) are shown at each standard radius. The numerical values for the means and confidence limits and the number of specimens on which each is based are given in table 2. The diameters of proloculi are plotted against the number of specimens.SYSTEMATIC DESCRIPTIONS 11 Table 2.—Summary numerical data for Fusulinella pinguis n. sp. [The data are presented at standard radii. All numbers are expressed in exponential notation. The number of digits recorded does not imply degree of accuracy.] Number Standard Coefficient Standard Character of Mean Variance deviation of error of specimens variability the mean Radius vector___________________________________________________________ 56 1.000E-01 _____________ .. ........ Halflength--------------------------------------------------------------------- 34 1.215E-01 5.584E-04 2.363E-02 1. 945E+61 4 053E-03 Volution height--------------------------------------------------------------- 56 3.757E-02 4.112E-05 6.413E-03 1.707E+01 8 569E-04 Wall thickness---------------------------------------------------------------- 22 8.091E-03 2.944E-06 1. 716E-03 2.121E +01 3 658E-04 Tunnelwidth------------------------------------------------------------------ 31 3.729E+01 7.048E+01 8.395E+00 2.251E+01 l'508E+00 Septal spacing--------------------------------------------------------------- 21 3.667E+00 9.333E-01 9.661E-01 2.635E+01 2 108E-01 Half length/radius vector----------------------------------------------------- 34 1.215E+00 5.584E-02 2.363E-01 1.945E+01 A053E-02 Radiusvector____________________________________________________________ 63 1.300E—01.............. Halflength--------------------------------------------------------------------- 39 1.667E-01 1.186E-03 3.444E-02 2.066E+6i......(TsUE-OS Volution height--------------------------------------------------------------- 63 4.784E-02 6.336E-05 7.960E-03 1.664E+01 1 003E-03 Wall thickness---------------------------------------------------------------- 36 9.306E-03 2.447E-06 1.564E-03 1.681E+01 2 607E-04 Tunnelwidth..---------------------------------------------------------------- 37 4.951E+01 2.330E+02 1.527E+01 3.083E+01 2 510E+00 Septal spacing----------------------------------------------------------------- 24 4.292E+00 1.433E+00 1.197E+00 2.789E+01 2 444E-01 Half length/radius vector---------------------------------------------------- 39 1.282E+00 7.018E-02 2.649E-01 2.066E+01 4.242E-02 Radiusvector------------------------------------------------------------ 64 1.600E-01 ____________ ______________________ Halflength--------------------------------------------------------------------- 39 2.297E-01 1.282E-03 3.580E-02 1.558E+oi " 5 732E-03 Volution height---------------------------------------------------------------- 64 5.758E-02 6.025E-05 7.762E-03 1.348E+01 9 702E-04 Wall thickness_________________________________________________________________ 52 1.029E-02 2.327E-06 1.525E-03 1.483E+01 2 115E-04 Tunnelwidth-------------------------------------------------------------------- 37 6.297E+01 2.884E+02 1.698E+01 2.697E+01 2 792E+00 Septal spacing--------------------------------------------------------------- 25 5.040E+00 9.567E-01 9.781E-01 1.941E+01 1.956E-01 Half length/radius vector------------------------------------------------------ 39 1.436E+00 5.006E-02 2.237E-01 1.558E+01 3.583E-02 Radiusvector____________________________________________________________ 64 2.000E-01.................. ................. Half length-------------------------------------------------------------------- 39 3.105E-01 2.252E-03 4.746E-02 1.528E+oi 7 6obE-63 Volution height______________________________________________________________ 64 7.023E-02 1.099E-04 1.048E-02 1.493E+01 1 311E-03 Wall thickness----------------------------------------------------------------- 60 1.140E-02 3.566E-06 1.888E-03 1.657E+01 2.438 -04 Tunnelwidth-------------------------------------------------------------------- 37 8.235E+01 3.287E+02 1.813E+01 2.201E+01 2.980E+00 Septal spacing----------------------------------------------------------------- 25 6.000E+00 2.083E+00 1.443E+00 2.406E+01 2.887E-01 Half length/radius vector----------------------------------------------------- 39 1.553E+00 5.631E-02 2.373E-01 1.528E+01 3.800E-02 Radiusvector____________________________________________________________ 64 2.500E-01 .............. Halflength-------------------------------------------------------------------- 39 3.990E-01 2.662E-03 5.i60E-02 "l.293E+bi 8.262E-03 Volution height--------------------------------------------------------------- 64 8.777E-02 1.348E-04 1.161E-02 1.323E+01 1 452E-03 Wall thickness....---------------------------------------------------------- 64 1.269E-02 7.004E-06 2.654E-03 2.092E+01 3 317E-04 Tunnelwidth__________________________________________________________________ 35 1.069E+02 6.448E+02 2.539E+01 2.374E+Q1 4 292E+00 Septal spacing....---------------------------------------------------------- 25 7.440E+00 2.757E+00 1.660E+00 2.232E+01 3.321E-01 Half length/radius vector------------------------------------------------------ 39 1.596E+00 4.259E-02 2.064E-01 1.293E+01 3.305E-02 Radiusvector____________________________________________________________ 64 3.200E— 01____________ ____________________________ Halflength--------------------------------------------------------------------- 39 5.218E-01 4.157E-03 6.448E-02 1.236E+01 1.032E-02 Volution height--------------------------------------------------------------- 64 1.045E-01 2.389E-04 1.546E-02 1.479E+01 1.932E-03 Wall thickness--------------------------------------------------------------- 64 1.473E-02 7.881E-06 2.807E-03 1.905E+01 3.509E-04 Tunnelwidth----------------------------------------------------------------- 30 1.455E+02 9.896E+02 3.146E+01 2.162E+01 5.743E+00 Septal spacing--------------------------------------------------------------- 25 8.560E+00 3.767E+00 1.938E+00 2.264E+01 3.876E-01 Half length/radius vector----------------------------------------------------- 39 1.631E+00 4.060E—02 2.015E—01 1. 236E+01 3.226E—02 Radiusvector............................................................ 58 4.000E-01 ........................................ Halflength____________________________________________________________________ 36 6.522E-01 5.841E-03 7.642E-02 1.172E+01 1.274E-02 Volution height---------------------------------------------------------------- 58 1.267E-01 2.676E-04 1.636E-02 1.291E+01 2.148E-03 Wall thickness....____________________________________________________________ 58 1.698E-02 1.167E-05 3.416E-03 2.011E+01 4.485E-04 Tunnelwidth------------------------------------------------------------------- 23 2.011E+02 1.555E+03 3.943E+01 1.961E+01 8.222E+00 Septal spacing_______________________________________________________________ 22 1.009E+01 5.610E+00 2.369E+00 2.347E+01 5.050E-01 Half length/radius vector_____________________________________________________ 36 1.631E+00 3.650E-02 1.911E-01 1.172E+01 3.184E-02 Radiusvector____________________________________________________________ 51 5. OOOE—01 ........... ... ............. Halflength------------------------------------------------------------------- 31 7.761E-01 4.651E-03 6.820E-02 8. 787E+00 i.225E-02 Volution height______________________________________________________________ 51 1.534E-01 3.034E-04 1.742E-02 1.136E+01 2.439F-03 Wall thickness________________________________________________________________ 49 1.973E-02 1.499E-05 3.872E-03 1.962E+01 5.533E-04 Tunnelwidth____________________________________________________________________ 14 2.412E+02 2.072E+03 4.551E+01 1.887E+01 1.216E+01 Septal spacing_______________________________________________________________ 19 1.284E+01 5.251E+00 2.292E+00 1.784E+01 5.257E-01 Half length/radius vector.................................................... 31 1.552E+00 1.860E-02 1.364E—01 8. 787E+00 2.450E—02 Radius vector___________________________________________________________ 29 6. 300E -01 ...................................... Half length__________________________________________________________________ 17 9.629E-01 8.960E-03 9.465E-02 9.830E+00 2.296E-02 Volution height________________________________________________________________ 28 1.856E-01 4.089E-04 2.022E-02 1.089E+01 3.822E-03 Wall thickness_______________________________________________________________ 26 2.058E-02 2.097E-05 4.580E-03 2.226E+01 8.982E-04 Septal spacing............................................................. 12 1.808E+01 1.154E+01 3.397E+00 1.878E+01 9.806E-01 Half length/radius vector.................................................... 17 1.528E+00 2.257E-02 1.502E-01 9.830E+00 3.644E-02 Radius vector........................................................... 6 7. 900E—01 ........................................... Halflength................................................................... 3 1.063E+00 8.533E-03 9.238E-02 8.687E+00 5.33311-02 Volution height............................................................... 6 2.197E-01 4.103E-04 2.026E-02 9.221E+00 8.269E-03 Wall thickness............................................................... 6 2.117E-02 9.367E-06 3.061E-03 1.446E+01 1.249E-03 Septal spacing............................................................... 3 2.067E+01 3.433E+01 5.859E+00 2.835E+01 3.383E+00 Half length/radius vector..................................................... 3 1.346E+00 1.367E-02 1.169E-01 8.687E+00 6.751E-02 The length increases logarithmically in relation to the diameter in the smaller part of the test; it increases more slowly in the larger parts (fig. 5). The plot of the form ratio at various radii (fig. 5) shows the rapid increase and then gradual decrease during growth. The proloculus ranges in outer diameter from about 30 to 180 microns with most specimens fairly evenly distributed in the 60-120 micron range and only 14 speci- mens falling outside that range (fig. 5). A few micro-spheric forms were found. The wall thickness in the small parts of the shell increases regularly and arithmetically in relation to the radius; it increases less rapidly after specimens attain a radius of about half a millimeter (fig. 5). The maximum thickness recorded was 30 microns. The measurements were all made in the equatorial area and12 PENNSYLVANIAN FUSULINIDS, SOUTHEASTERN ALASKA did not include secondary deposits of the kind shown in fig. 17 b, pi. 3. The wall appears to thin toward the poles, but no measurements were made. The wall has a tectum, a well-defined diaphanotheca, and generally a well-defined thin inner tectorium. Development of an outer tectorium or other secondary deposits is discontinuous and commonly confined to areas at the base of the septa. The septa are plane or only slightly fluted toward the poles. They are spaced rather regularly, and the spacing tends to increase arithmetically with increasing radius (fig. 5). The septa tend to thicken in the vicinity of the tunnel. The tunnel is well defined and generally about half the height of the volution. It increases rapidly in width with increasing radius (fig. 5) and is bounded by asymmetrical chomata that may overhang the tunnel. The distinction between chomata, as such, and thickening of the septa in the tunnel area is not clear. Where the plane septa are intercepted by the section (pi. 3, figs. 6b, 27) there is a suggestion of axial filling, but this is not true axial filling. Comparisons and remarks.—Fusulinella pinguis n. sp. is similar in many respects to the general group of F. bocki Moller, 1878. The size and shape, the generally straight septa, the narrow tunnel with well-developed chomata, and the wall structure all lend similarity to the general group that includes at least the following named forms: F. bocki Moller 1878, p. 104; F. bocki timanica Hauser 1951, p. 224 (in Rauser-Cherroussova and others, 1951); F. jamesensis Thompson, Pitrat, and Sanderson 1953, p. 548; F. simplicata Toriyama 1958, p. 36; F. simplicata simplicata Toriyama of Ishii 1962, p. 15; F. pygmaea Ishii 1962, p. 19; F. bocki bocki Moller of Ishii 1962, p. 22; F. bocki rotunda Ishii 1962, p. 24; F. bocki biconiformis Ishii 1962, p. 25; F. pandae Ginkel 1965, p. 149; F. maldrigensis Ginkel 1965, p. 150; F. ex gr bocki Moller of Ginkel 1965, p. 159; and F. alaskensis n. sp. described below. Numerical data for a detailed comparison are available for some of the forms within this group. Using these data, the author made interpolations to facilitate comparisons at standard radii. The wall thickness of F. pinguis is consistently thinner than that of any of the above forms with no overlap in the outer volutions of most specimens. The most similar form in this respect is F. pygmaea Ishii in which, although the wall is consistently thicker, there is some overlap in the total range of thickness. The form ratio (half length/radius vector) in F. pinguis is smaller than for most of this group. The specimens described by Ishii 1962 as F. bocki bocki, F. b. rotunda, and F. b. biconiformis have a smaller mean form ratio than F. pinguis with some overlap in the total range. The greatest similarity in all characters studied is to F. bocki bocki of Ishii, but the greater wall thickness in that form distinguishes it without difficulty. Comparisons with F. alaskensis n. sp. are given under that species. Material studied.—F. pinguis n. sp. is common in samples f23973 and f23974 at locality 29 where it is associated with Tetrataxis sp., endothyrids, and Nankinella sp. Sixty-four oriented sections were measured, and many other specimens in 91 thin sections were used to describe this species. Designation of types.—The specimen illustrated on plate 3 as figures la-b designated the holotype. The other specimens studied are paratypes. Fusulinella alaskensis n. sp. Plate 4, figures 4-30; Plate 5, figures 1-8; Plate 6, figures 1-15 Diagnosis.—Shell small, attaining lengths around 4 mm and widths around 2 mm in about 6 volutions. The shape is fusiform with irregular to concave lateral slopes and bluntly pointed poles. The coiling is relatively loose and the chambers relatively open with little secondary filling and small chomata. Description.—Summaries of the numerical data are given in table 3. The spiral form is normal to normal negative increasing regularly through the early volutions and increasing only slightly less in the outer volutions (fig. 6.). The pattern for the increase in height of volution for combined samples of this species is shown in figure 7 where it is seen that the increase is quite regular throughout most of the growth. The length increases logarithmically in relation to the diameter. Figure 7 shows a straight-line plot of log half lengths against radius vector. Note that the spread is narrow throughout, indicating a close homogeneity in specimens from the seven samples. The form ratio increases rapidly in the early stages of growth and then remains almost constant (fig. 7). The shape is fusiform throughout, with a tendency to develop concave lateral slopes even in some of the early volutions. The proloculus ranges in outer diameter from about 50 to 130 microns in the megalospheric specimens. More than a third of the specimens are in the 75 to 90 micron range (fig. 7), and the rest fall about equally to each side of this central cluster. Several microspheric juve-naria were found with proloculi about 25 microns in diameter. Some specimens with larger proloculi seem intermediate in form with the initial chambers at an angle to the adult chambers (pi. 5, fig. 3, 8). The wall thickness increases regularly as shown in figure 7. The maximum thickness recorded was 32 microns. All measurements were taken from the equatorialSYSTEMATIC DESCRIPTIONS 13 VOLUTION INTERVALS Figure 6.—The ispiral form of Fusulinella alaskensis n. sip. shown by a plot of radius vector on a logarithmic scale against volution intervals on an arithmetic scale. Ten specimens from samples f23977, f23979, and f23986 are represented. area and, although the wall appears to thin gradually toward the poles no measurements were taken in that area. The wall has a tectum and well-defined diaphano-t.heca (pi. 5) and thin, irregular tectoria, mostly in the vicinity of the septa. The septa tend to be plane or slightly fluted and are spaced rather regularly throughout most of the shell. The septal spacing increases arithmetically with increasing radius (fig. 7). The septa are thickened to wedges or bulbs by secondary deposits in the vicinity of the tunnel and chomata. The tunnel is well defined by the chomata. It is generally low, extending less than half the height of the chambers. It tends to be straight or only slightly irregular and increases rapidly in width (fig. 7.). The bounding chomata are small and tend to be symmetrical. Where the plane of the septa coincides or nearly coincides with the plane at the section, the chomata appear to be more massive and asymmetrical because of the extension of secondary deposits along the septa (pi. 5. figs. 1,2,6). Comparisons and remarks.—Fusulinella alaskensis n. sp. somewhat resembles the forms listed in the discussion of F. pinguis n. sp., but increases more rapidly in length than most of those forms and, therefore has a larger form ratio. One exception is F. simplicata Toriyama 1958, p. 36. The specimens measured by Tori-yama have a large, though variable, form ratio, and the four specimens have a consistently higher mean than F. alaskensis. This is in contrast with the several subspecies of F. simplicata described by Ishii (1962) from Shikoku. Other species with which F. alaskensis may be compared are: F. iyoensis Ishii 1962, p. 14, which has the same general shape but a thicker wall and smaller form ratio; F. thompsoni Skinner and Wilde 1954, p. 797, which has less concave lateral slopes, more strongly fluted septa, and a much thicker wall; and F. peruana Dunbar and Newell 1946, p. 486, which is similar to F. thompsoni but has a slightly larger form ratio and an even thicker wall at maturity. Comparison between F. pinguis n. sp. and F. alaskensis n. sp. shows that the 419-577 0-71-314 PENNSYLVANIAN FUSULINIDS, SOUTHEASTERN ALASKA o-------------------------------------------- O 0.50 1.00 RADIUS VECTOR, IN MILLIMETERS DIAMETER OF PROLOCULUS, IN MICRONS Figure 7.—Summary graphs for Fusulinella alaskensis n. sp. The half length, volution height, wall thickness, septal spacing form ratio, and tunnel width are each plotted against the radius vector. This shows the changes for each character during the ontogeny. The mean(*), confidence limits on the mean (0-0), and maximum and minimum (-|—|-) are shown at each standard radius. The numerical values for the means and confidence limits and the number of specimens on which each is based are given in table 3. The diameters of proloculi are plotted against the number of specimens.SYSTEMATIC DESCRIPTIONS 15 Table 3.—Summary numerical data for Fusulinella alaskensis n. sp. [The data are presented at standard radii. All numbers are expressed in exponential notation. The number of digits recorded does not imply degree of accuracy] Character Number of specimens Mean Variance Standard deviation Coefficient of variability Standard error of the mean Radius vector 77 1.000E-01 .. Half length Volution height.......... Wall thickness........... Tunnel width............. Septal spacing___________ Half length/radius vector.. Radius vector............ Half length______________ Volution height__________ Wall thickness........... Tunnel width............. Septal spacing........... Half length/radius vector.. Radius vector............ Half length.............. Volution height.......... Wall thickness........... Tunnel width............. Septal spacing----------- Half length/radius vector.. Radius vector____________ Half length.............. Volution height.......... Wall thickness........... Tunnel width............. Septal spacing........... Half length/radius vector. Radius vector............ Half length............... Volution height........... Wall thickness............ Tunnel width............. Septal spacing........... Half length/radius vector.. Radius vector............. Half length............... Volution height___________ Wall thickness............ Tunnel width.............. Septal spacing............ Half length/radius vector... Radius vector............. Half length............... Volution height........... Wall thickness............ Tunnel width.............. Septal spacing............ Half length/radius vector... Radius vector............. Half length............... Volution height........... Wall thickness____________ Tunnel width.............. Septal spacing............ Half length/radius vector... Radius vector............. Half length_______________ Volution height........... Wall thickness____________ Tunnel width______________ Septal spacing____________ Half length/radius vector... Radius vector___________ Half length............... Volution height___________ Wall thickness............ Tunnel width.............. Septal spacing............ Half length/radius vector... Radius vector............. Half length............... Volution height___________ Wall thickness____________ Half length/radius vector... 60 77 6 60 17 60 78 60 78 28 60 18 60 78 60 78 48 60 18 60 78 60 78 68 59 18 60 77 60 77 77 58 17 60 77 60 77 76 57 17 60 73 57 73 73 53 15 57 70 56 70 70 40 14 56 59 46 59 57 18 12 46 37 28 37 37 6 9 28 7 6 7 7 6 1.408E-01 3. 800E-02 8. 400E-03 3. 255 E+01 4. 212E+01 1.408E+00 1.300E-01 1. 992E—01 4. 681E-02 9. 286E-03 4. 075E+01 4. 817E+01 1. 532 E+00 1.600E-01 2. 653E-01 5. 709E-02 1.015E-02 5.413E+01 5. 683E+01 1. 658E+00 2. 0O0E-01 3.460E-01 7. 036E-02 1.078E-02 7. 017E+01 6. 706E+01 1. 730E+00 2.500E-01 4.400E-01 8. 630E -02 1.206E-02 9. 690E+01 8. 382E+01 1. 760E+00 3. 200E-01 5.657E-01 1.054E-01 1.376E-02 1.333E+02 1.017 E+02 1.768E+00 4.000E-01 7.195 E-01 1.306E-01 1. 621E-02 1. 867E+02 1. 273E+02 1. 799E+00 5.000E—01 8.905E-01 1.630E-01 1. 841E—02 2.376E+02 1.556E+02 1. 781E+00 6.300E-01 1.143E+00 2.029E—01 2.116E-02 2. 964 E+02 1. 860E+02 1.815E+00 7. 900E-01 1.402E+00 2. 499E-01 2. 486E-02 3.527E+02 2. 488E+02 1. 775E+00 1. 000E+00 1. 742E+00 2. 973E-01 2. 786E-02 1. 742E+00 5. 366E-04 2.926E-05 8.000E-07 4. 693E+01 9. 224 E+01 5.366E-02 2. 316E-02 5.410E-03 8. 944E-04 6. 851E+00 9.604E+00 2.316E-01 1. 645E+01 1.424E+01 1. 065E+01 2.105 E+01 2. 280E+01 1. 645 E+01 2. 990E -03 6.165E-04 4. 000E-04 8. 844E-01 2. 329E+00 2. 990E—02 7.129E-04 3. 330E-05 1.545E-06 8. 636E+01 1. 364E+02 4. 218E-02 2.670E-02 6. 771E-03 1.243E-03 9. 293E+00 1.168E+01 2.054E-01 1. 341E+01 1. 233 E+01 1.339E+01 2.280E+01 2.425 E+01 1.341E+01 3.447E—03 6. 534E-04 2. 349E-04 1.200E+00 2. 753E+00 2. 651E-02 1.225E-03 4.245E-05 8. 506E-07 1.153E+02 1. 776E+02 4. 786E-02 3.500E-02 6. 515E-03 9.223E-04 1. 074E+01 1. 333E+01 2.188E-01 1.319E+01 1.141E+01 9.090E+00 1. 984 E+01 2. 345E+01 1. 319E+01 4.519 E —03 7. 377E-04 1.331E-04 1. 386E+00 3.141E+00 2.824E-02 1.007E-03 6. 361E-05 1.607E-06 2. 302 E+02 1.159E+02 2. 519E-02 3.174E-02 7. 976E-03 1.268E-03 1. 517E+01 1. 077E+01 1.587E-01 9.174E+00 1.134 E+01 1.176E+01 2.162 E+01 1. 606 E+01 9.174E+00 4.098E-03 9.031E-04 1.537E-04 1. 975E+00 2.538E+00 2.049E -02 1.932E-03 8. 361E -05 2.588E-06 5. 017E+02 3.418E+02 3.092E-02 4.396E-02 9.144 E-03 1.609E-03 2. 240E+01 1. 849E+01 1. 758E-01 9. 990E+00 1. 060E+01 1. 333E+01 2. 312E+01 2. 205 E+01 9. 990E+00 5. 675 E-03 1. 042E-04 1.833E-04 2. 941E+00 4. 484 E+00 2.270E-02 3. 296E-03 1.838E-04 5. 276E-06 8.891E+02 2. 442E+02 3. 219E-02 5. 741E-02 1.356E-02 2. 297E-03 2. 982E+01 1.563E+01 1. 794E-01 1. 015E+01 1. 286E+01 1. 669E+01 2. 237E+01 1. 537E+01 1.015E+01 7. 412E-03 1.545E-03 2.635E-04 3. 949E+00 3. 790E+00 2.316E-02 5. 259E-03 1.695E-04 6.054E-06 1. 758E+03 1. 987E+02 3. 287E-02 7. 252E-02 1.302E-02 2. 461E-03 4.193E+01 1. 409E+01 1.813E-01 1.008E+01 9. 970E+00 1.518E+01 2. 245 E+01 1.107E+01 1.008E+01 9.605E-03 1.524E-03 2.880E-04 5. 759E+00 3. 639E+00 2. 401E-02 8.154E-03 2.522E-04 9. 956E-06 1. 627E+03 4. 827E+02 3.262E-02 9.030E-02 1.588E-02 3.155E-03 4. 034E+01 2.197E+01 1.806E-01 1. 014E+01 9. 743E+00 1. 714E+01 1. 697E+01 1. 412E+01 1. 014E+01 1.207E—02 1.898E-03 3. 771E-04 6. 378E+00 5. 872E+00 2.413E-02 1.492E-02 4.500E-04 1.521E-05 3. 692E+03 6. 862E+02 3.758E-02 1. 221E-01 2.121E-02 3.900E-03 6.077E+01 2.620E+01 1.939E-01 1.068E+01 1.045E+01 1. 843E+01 2.050E+01 1. 408E+01 1.068E+01 1. 801E -02 2. 762E-03 5.165E-04 1. 432E+01 7.562E+00 2. 858E-02 1.751E-02 3.181E-04 1.084E-05 2. 803E+03 1. 937E+02 2. 806E—02 1.323E-01 1.784E-02 3. 293E-03 5. 295E+01 1.392E+01 1.675E-01 9. 438E+00 7.136E+00 1.324E+01 1.501E+01 5. 594E+00 9.438E+00 2.501E—02 2.932E-03 5. 413E-04 2.162E+01 4.639E+00 3.166E-02 5. 657E-03 4. 786E-04 1.048E-05 5. 657E-03 7.521E-02 2.188E-02 3. 237E-03 7.521E-02 4. 318E+00 7.359E+00 1.162E+01 4. 318E+00 3. 070E -02 8. 268E-03 1.223E-03 3.070E-0216 PENNSYLVANIAN FUSULINIDS, SOUTHEASTERN ALASKA form ratio of F. alaskensis is consistently larger, the septal spacing is consistently wider, the tunnel is consistently narrower, and there is considerable overlap in wall thickness. Except for wall thickness, many of the F. bocki group are in intermediate positions between these two species. The wall in most of the other forms is thicker. Material studied.—F. alaskensis n. sp. is common at localities 31 and 32 where it occurs in a number of samples (see locality descriptions) but is most common in samples f23977 and f23979 at locality 31 and sample f23986 at locality 32. Seventy-eight oriented sections were measured and many others studied in 171 thin sections. F. alaskensis n. sp. occurs in association with tex-tularids, Tetrataxis sp., endothyrids including Brady-ina sp., Ozawinetta'l, and Fusulina flexuosa n. sp. In addition, in sample f23986 it is associated with Beedeina'i Designation of types.—The specimen illustrated on plate 4 as figure 6 and plate 5 as figure 1 is designated the holotype. The other specimens studied are para-types. Genus FUSULINA Fischer de Waldheim 1829 Fusulina flexuosa n. sp. Plate 7, figures 1-20 Diagnosis.—Shell small, attaining lengths up to 9 mm and widths of 1.5 mm in 6 volutions. The shape is irregular subcylindrical, commonly with an irregular axis. The inner volutions are rather fusiform with relatively pointed poles. The coiling is relatively tight with numerous septa in each volution. Chomata are weakly developed. The spirotheca is thin and composed of tectum and diaphanotheca and locally developed tectoria. Description.—Summaries of the numerical data are given in table 4. The spiral form is normal negative increasing regularly through all but the last volutions in which the rate of increase diminishes as shown in figure 8. The volution height increases with increasing radius as shown for the combined samples in figure 9. Figure 8.—The spiral form of Fusulina flexuosa n. sp. shown by a plot of radius vector on a logarithmic scale against volution intervals on an arithmetic scale. Six specimens from samples f23979, f23981, and f23986 are represented.SYSTEMATIC DESCRIPTIONS 17 Table 4.—Summary numerical data for Fusulina flexuosa n. sp. [The data are presented at standard radii. All numbers are expressed in exponential notation. The number of digits recorded does not imply degree of accuracy recorded] Number Standard Coefficient Standard Character of specimens Mean Variance deviation of variability error of the mean Radius vector........................................................... 3 1.000E—01 __________________________________________________________ Half length.._______________________________________________________________ 2 1.700E-01 2.000E-04 1.414E-02 8.319E+00 1.000E-02 Volution height_______________________________________________________________ 3 3.867E-02 5.333E-06 2.309E-03 5.973E+00 1.333E-03 Tunnel width..______________________________________________________________ 3 4.333E+01 3.333E+01 5.774E+00 1.332E+01 3.333E+00 Half length/radius vector_______________________________________________________ 2 1.700E+00 2.000E-02 1.414E-01 8.319E+00 1.000E-01 Radius vector........................................................... 9 1.300E—01 .......................................................... Half length_____________________________________________________________________ 8 2.212E-01 5.355E-03 7.318E-02 3.308E+01 2.587E-02 Volution height_______________________________________________________________ 8 5.050E-02 4.857E-05 6.969E-03 1.380E+01 2.464E-03 Wall thickness................................................................ 7 9.143E-03 5.476E-06 2.340E-03 2.560E+01 8.845E-04 Tunnel width___________________________________________________________________ 6 7.417E+01 7.146E+02 2.673E+01 3.604E+01 1.091E+01 Half length/radius vector____________________________________________________ 8 1.702E+00 3.169E-01 5.629E-01 3.308E+01 1.990E-01 Radius vector___________________________________________________________ 13 1. 600E —01 ________________________________________________________ Half length..._________________________________________________________________ 12 3.292E-01 2.481E-03 4.981E-02 1.513E+01 1.438E-02 Volution height__________________________________________________________ 13 6.331E-02 1.377E-04 1.174E-02 1.854E+01 3.255E-03 Wall thickness_____________________________________________________________ 12 1.158E-02 2.083E-06 1.443E-03 1.246E+01 4.167E-04 Tunnel width________________________________________________________________ 9 9.800E+01 6.358E+02 2.521E+01 2.573E+01 8.405E+00 Half length/radius vector_____________________________________________________ 12 2.057E+00 9.692E-02 3.113E-01 1.513E+01 8.987E-02 Radius vector........................................................... 17 2.000E—01 __________________________________________________________ Half length_________________________________________________________________ 16 4.781E-01 6.403E-03 8.002E-02 1.674E+01 2.000E-02 Volution height____________________________________________________________ 17 7.147E-02 4.314E-05 6.568E-03 9.190E+00 1.593E-03 Wall thickness.______________________________________________________________ 16 1.300E-02 5.733E-06 2.394E -03 1.842E+01 5.986E-04 Tunnel width...________________________________________________________________ 14 1.367E+02 2.259E+03 4.753E+01 3.477E+01 1.270E+01 Half length/radius vector_______________________________________________________ 16 2.391E+00 1.601E-01 4.001E-01 1.674E+01 1.000E-01 Radiusvector............................................................ 18 2.500E—01 __________________________________________________________ Half length___________________________________________________________________ 17 6.747E-01 9.389E-03 9.690E-02 1.436E+01 2.350E-02 Volution height________________________________________________________________ 18 8.956E-02 1.147E-04 1.071E-02 1.196E+01 2.525E-03 Wall thickness__________________________________________________________________ 18 1.439E-02 4.840E-06 2.200E-03 1.529E+01 5.185E-04 Tunnel width____________________________________________________________________ 14 1.624E+02 2.412E+03 4.912E+01 3.024E+01 1.313E+01 Half length/radius vector____________________________________________________ 17 2.699E+00 1.502E-01 3.876E-01 1.436E+01 9.400E-02 Radiusvector............................................................ 18 3.200E—01........................................................... Half length_________________________________________________________________ 17 9.159E-01 2.441E-02 1.562E-01 1.706E+01 3.790E-02 Volution height___________________________________________________________ 18 1.065E-01 1.413E-04 1.189E-02 1.116E+01 2.802E-03 Wall thickness-............................................................ 18 1.678E-02 1.089E-05 3.300E-03 1.967E+01 7.778E-04 Tunnel width.________________________________________________________________ 12 2.229E+02 4.601E+03 6.783E+01 3.043E+01 1.958E+01 Half length/radius vector______ 17 2.862E+00 2.384E-01 4.883E-01 1.706E+01 1.184E-01 Radiusvector____________________________________________________________ 17 4.000E—01........................................................... Half length_________________________________________________________________ 16 1.217E+00 4.015E-02 2.004E-01 1.646E+01 5.010E-02 Volution height_________________________________________________________________ 17 1.231E-01 2.072E-04 1.440E-02 1.169E+01 3.491E-03 Wall thickness__________________________________________________________________ 16 1.900E-02 9.333E-06 3.055E-03 1.608E+01 7.638E-04 Tunnel width_____________________________________________________________________ 8 3.160E+02 7.585E+03 8.709E+01 2.756E+01 3.079E+01 Half length/radius vector_______________________________________________________ 16 3.044E+00 2.510E-01 5.010E-01 1.646E+01 1.252E-01 Radiusvector............................................................ 15 5.000E— 01 _________________________________________________________ Half length_____________________________________________________________________ 15 1.619E+00 8.017E-02 2.831E-01 1.749E+01 7.311E-02 Volution height_________________________________________________________________ 15 1.477E-01 1.151E-04. 1.073E-02 7.261E+00 2.770E-03 Wall thickness__________________________________________________________________ 15 2.073E-02 1.278E-05 3.575E-03 1.724E+01 9.231E-04 Tunnel width_____________________________________________________________________ 5 5.064E+02 2.986E+04 1.728E+02 3.412E+01 7.728E+01 Half length/radius vector_______________________________________________________ 15 3.237E+00 3.207E-01 5.663E-01 1.749E+01 1.462E-01 Radius vector. ......................................................... 9 6.300E—01 . ________________________________________________________ Half length____________________________________________________________________ 9 2.169E+00 1.816E-01 4.261E-01 1.965E+01 1.420E-01 Volution height__________________________________________________________ 9 1.867E-01 6.985E-04 2.643E-02 1.416E+01 8.810E-03 Wall thickness—___________________________________________________________ 9 2.222E-02 2.494E-05 4.994E-03 2.247E+01 1.665E-03 Half length/radius vector._______________________________________________________ 9 3.443E+00 4.575E-01 6.764E-01 1.965E+01 2.255E-01 Radiusvector............................................................ 5 7. 900E—01 ......................................................... Half-length___________________________________________________________________ 5 2.964E+00 2.720E-01 5.216E-01 1.760E+01 2.333E-01 Volution height....___________________________________________________________ 5 2. HOE-01 1.085E-04 1.042E-02 4.867E+00 4.658E—03 Wall thickness________________________________________________________________ 4 2.325E-02 2.092E-05 4.573E-03 1.967E+01 2.287E-03 Half length/radius vector................................................... 5 3.752E+00 4.359E-01 6.602E-01 1.760E+01 2.953E-01 The shell length increases in relation to the width at a rate more rapid than simple logarithmic growth (fig. 9). This feature is reflected in the plot of form ratio against radius (fig. 9); the form ratio increases rapidly in the earlier stages of growth and increases less rapidly to maturity. The axis of coiling varies from nearly straight to highly irregular, commonly curved in more than one plane. The proloculus ranges from 120 to 340 microns in diameter (fig. 9), although most specimens fall in the 150 to 280 micron range. The larger proloculi are of irregular shape. No microspheric specimens were recognized. The wall thickness increases regularly through the smaller parts of the test and then less rapidly in the last stages of growth (fig. 9). The wall is composed of a thin tectum and a diaphanotheca. Inner and outer tectoria are developed intermittently but are never prominent. The septa are irregular but tend to be tightly fluted across the entire length of the test They are less fluted in the inner volutions, especially in the forms with smaller proloculi (pi. 7, figs. 2a, b). The septa appear closely spaced, but not enough spacing data are available for a meaningful statement. The tunnel is poorly defined, wanders in the equatori-18 PENNSYLVANIAN FUSULINIDS, SOUTHEASTERN ALASKA X o < X + . ° 4 * + 5 + 8 * 0 0.50 1.00 RADIUS VECTOR, IN MILLIMETERS (/) o cr o x i~ 9 £ - + o + * o + O * - o o + o jjc + * o o * 0 + ** *° + o + + o o ----------------------------------------- 0 0.50 l.oo RADIUS VECTOR, IN MILLIMETERS NUMBEROF SPECIMENS - 1 1 lJ 1 i 1j 1 , i-LLi i : 0 _______I__I___u____11 J___U I_____1 II 1 I------1_____ 0 100 140 180 220 260 300 340 360 DIAMETER OF PROLOCULUS, IN MICRONS Figure 9.—Summary graphs for Fusulma flexuosa n. sp. The half length, volution height, wall thickness, form ratio, and tunn width are each plotted against the radius vector. This shows the changes for each character during the ontogeny. Tl mean(*), confidence limits on the mean(o-o), and maximum and minimum (-|—f-) are shown at each standard radius. Tl numerical values for the means and confidence limits and the number of specimens on which each is based are given table 4. The diameters of proloculi are plotted against the number of specimens.SYSTEMATIC DESCRIPTIONS 19 al plane, and is bordered by low, discontinuous chomata or parachomata. The tunnel height varies from less than half to possibly the entire height of the chamber. The tunnel width increases rapidly (fig. 9), but measurements in the outer volutions are probably not reliable because of indeterminate tunnel margins. Axial filling is present, especially in the inner volutions, but it is irregular and does not appear in all specimens. Comparison and remarks.—Fusulina flexuosa n. sp. is related to a general group that includes the type species, F. cylindrica Fischer de Waldheim 1829, F. ? occasa Thompson 1965, and Akiyoshiella toriyamai Thompson, Pitrat, and Sanderson 1953. A meaningful comparison with these forms is difficult because little data are available for them. The range of variability of Fusulina flexuosa n. sp. is sufficient to overlap that of the three forms above, but without additional data on the latter their variability cannot be determined. It is possible that each named form, when properly studied, will show more limited ranges within the general areas of overlap ; therefore they are not being combined at this time. Material studied.—F. flexuosa n. sp. was recognized in samples f23977 and f23981 of locality 31 and in sample f23986 at locality 32. Eighteen oriented thin sections were measured and many others studied in about 50 thin sections. F. flexuosa n. sp. occurs with Tetrataxis sp., endothyrids, Ozawainella?, Fusulinella alaskensis, and (in sample f23986) Beedeina’1. Designation of types.—The specimen illustrated on plate 7 as figures la-b is designated the holotype. The other specimens studied are paratypes. Genus BEEDEINA Galloway 1933 Beedeina? sp. Plate 6, figures 16,17a-b The genus Beedeina as discussed by Ishii (1957, p. 655) and others seems to be represented in the Alaskan collections by a relatively small, tightly coiled form resembling Fusulina ylychensis Eauser 1951 (in Kauser-Chernoussova and others, 1951, p. 296). Only two oriented sections were obtained. These show the tight coiling, closely spaced and tightly fluted septa, moderately thick wall composed of tectum, diaphanotheca, and tectoria, a relatively narrow tunnel well defined by asymmetrical chomata, and no other obvious epithecal deposits. These specimens cannot be assigned to Fusulinella alaskenis n. sp. or to Fusulina flexuosa n. sp., the other larger fusulinids found in this sample. They are not typical of Beedeina either, but seem to be within the morphologic range of that genus. REFERENCES CITED Douglass, R. C., 1970, Morphologic studies of fusulinids from the Lower Permian of West Pakistan: U.S. Geol. Survey Prof. Paper 643-G, 13 p., 7 pis., 6 text figs. Dunbar, C. O., and Newell, N. D., 1946, Marine Early Permian of the Central Andes and its fusuline faunas: Am. Jour. Sci., v. 244, no. 6, p. 377-402; no. 7, p. 457-491, pis. 1-12. DutkeviOh, G, A., 1934, Some new species of Fusulinidae from the Upper and Middle Carboniferous of Verkhne-Chus-sovskye Gorodki of the Chussovaya River (western slope of the middle Urals) : [U.S.S.R.] Neftyanoi Geologo- Rezvedochnyi Inst. Trudy, ser. A, v. 36, p. 1-98, pis. 1-6. [In Russian, English summary.] Dutro, J. T., Jr., and Douglass, R. C., 1961, Pennsylvanian rocks in southeastern Alaska, in Geological Survey research 1961: U.S. Geol. Survey Prof. Paper 424-B, p. B239-B241, 1 text fig. Ehrenberg, C. G., 1854, Mikrogeologie: Leipzig, L. Voss, 374 p., 40 pis. Fischer de Waldheim, G., 1829, Sur les Cephalopodes fossiles de Moscou et de ses environs, en montrant des objects en nature: Moscuo Imp. Soc. Nat. Bull., v. 1, p. 300-331. Forbes, C. L., 1960, Carboniferous and Permian Fusulinidae from Spitsbergen: Palaeontology, v. 2, pt. 2, p. 210-225, pis. 30-33,1 fig., 1 table. Galloway, J. J., 1933, A manual of Foraminifera (James Furman Kemp memorial series Pub. no. 1) : Bloomington, Ind., The Principia Press Inc., 483 p., 42 pis. Ginkel, A. C. van, 1965, Carboniferous fusulinids from the Cantabrian Mountains (Spain) : Leidse Geol. Meded., v. 34, p. 1-225, pis. 1-53, 13 figs, maps, correlation charts. Igo, Hisayoshi, 1957, Fusulinids of Fukuji, southeastern part of the Hida Massif, Central Japan: Tokyo Kyoiku Daigaku Sci. Repts., sec. C, no. 47, p. 153-246, pis. 1-15, 2 text figs. Ishii, Ken-iclii, 1957, On the so-called Fusulina: Japan Acad. Proc. v. 33, no. 10, p. 652-656,2 text-figs. ------1958a, Fusulinids from the middle Upper Carboniferous Itadorigawa group in western Shikoku, Japan; part I Genus Fusulina: Osaka City Univ., Inst. Polytech. Jour., ser. G, Geoscience, v. 4, p. 1-28, pis. 1-5, tables 1-3. ------1958b, On the phylogeny, morphology and distribution of Fusulina, Beedeina and allied fusulind genera: Osaka City Univ., Inst. Polytech. Jour., ser. G, Geoscience, v. 4, p. 29-70, pis. 1-4, text figs. 1-5 ------■ 1962, Fusulinids from the middle Upper Carboniferous Itadorigawa Group in western Shikoku, Japan Part II. Genus Fusulinella and other fusulinids: Osaka City Univ. Jour. Geosciences, v. 6, art. 1, p. 1—43, pis. 6-12. Lee, J. S., 1933, Taxonomic criteria of Fusulinidae with notes on seven new Permian genera : Natl. Research Inst, of Geology (Acad. Sinica), Mem., v. 14, p. 1-32, pis. 1-5, 8 text figs. Mol'ler, V. von, 1878, Die Spiral-Gewundene Forminiferen des Russischen KOhlen Kalks: St. Petersbourg Akad. Imp. Sci. Mem., ser. 7, v. 25, no. 7, p. 1-147, pis. 1-15. -------- 1879, Die Foraminiferen des russischen Kohlen Kalks: St. Petersbourg Akad. Imp. Sci. Mem., ser 7, v. 27, p. 1-131, pis. 1-7. text figs 1-30. Muffler, L. J. P., 1967, Stratigraphy of the Keku Islets and neighboring parts of Kuiu and Kupreanof Islands, southeastern Alaska : U.S. Geol. Survey Bull. 1241-C, p. 1-52, pi. 1, figs. 1-15.20 PENNSYLVANIAN FUSULINIDS, SOUTHEASTERN ALASKA Ozawa, Yoshiaki, 1925, On the classification of Fusulinidae: Tokyo Imp. Univ. Jour. Coll. Sci., v. 45, art. 4, p. 1-26, pis. 1-4, 3 text figs. Rauser-Ohernoussova D. M., and others, 1951, Middle Carboniferous fusulinids of the Russian Platform and adjoining regions: Moscow, Akad. Nauk SSSR, Inst. Geol. Nauk, 380 p., 58 pis., 30 text figs, (in Russian). Simpson, G. G., Roe, Anne, and Lewontin, R. C., in 1960, Quantitative zoology, revised ed.: New York, Harcourt, Brace and Company, 440 p., 64 figs. Skinner, J. W. and Wilde, G. L., 1954, New early Pennsylvanian fusulinids from Texas: Jour. Paleontology, v. 28, no. 6, p. 796-803, pis. 95-96. Thompson, M. L., 1935, The fusulinid genus Staffclla in America : Jour. Paleontology, v. 9, no. 2, 111-120, pi. 13. ------1942, New genera of Pennsylvanian fusulinids : Am. Jour. Sci., v. 240, p. 403-420, pis. 1-3. ------ 1947. Stratigraphy and fusulinids of pre-Desmoinesian Pennsylvanian rocks, Llano Uplift, Texas: Jour. Paleontology, v. 21, no. 2, p. 147-164, pis. 31-33, 2 text figs. ------1948, Protozoa; Studies of American fusulinids: Kansas Univ. Paleont. Contr., art. 1, p. 1-184, pis. 1-38, 7 text figs. ------1965, Pennsylvanian and Early Permian fusulinids from Fort St. James area, British Columbia, Canada: Jour. Paleontology, v. 39, no. 2, p. 224-234, pis. 33-35, 1 text fig. Thompson, M. L., Pitrat, C. W., and Sanderson, G. A., 1953, Primitive Cache Creek fusulinids from central British Columbia: Jour. Paleontology, v. 27, no. 4, p. 545-552, pis. o7—08. Toriyama, Ryuzo, 1953, New peculiar fusulinid genus from the Akiyoshi limestone of southwestern Japan: Jour. Paleontology, v. 27, p. 251-256, pis. 35, 36, tables 1,2. --------1958, Geology of Akiyoshi; part 3, Fusulinids of Akiyoshi : Kyushu Univ., Fac. Sci. Mem., ser. D, v. 7, 264 p., 48 pis.INDEX [Italic page numbers indicate major references and descriptions] A Page Akiyoshiella toriyamai__________________________ 19 alaskensis, Fusulinella___1, 2, 4, 12, 19; pis. 4, 5, 6 antiqua, Pseudostaffella------------------------- 8 Armstrong, A. K._______________________________ 1,2 B Beedeina_______________________________2, 4, 16, 19 sp____________________________________19; pi. 6 biconi for mis, Fusulinella bocki______________ 12 jbocki, Fusulinella------------------------- 12,16 Fusulinella bocki__________________________ 12 bocki bocki, Fusulinella_______________________ 12 biconiformis, Fusulinella _________________ 12 rotunda, Fusulinella_______________________ 12 timanica, Fusulinella---------------------- 12 Brady ina_______________________________________ 5 sp_______________________________2, 5, 16; pi. 4 British Columbia___________________________ 1, 5 Fusulinella—Continued maldrigensis______ pandae____________ peruana___________ pinguis___________ pygmaea___________ simplicata________ simplicata____ thompsoni_________ sp---------------- Page 12 12 13 1, 2, 6, 9, 12; pi. 3 12 12,13 12 13 2 I Ichinotani Formation___________________________ 9 Itadorigawa Group______________________________ 1 iyoensis, Fusulinella_________________________ 13 J jamesensis, Fusulinella. 12 P pandae, Fusulinella________ Passage Beds_______________ Pennsylvanian age, Middle. Peratovich Island__________ peruana, Fusulinella_______ pinguis, Fusuline lla______ plummeri, Nankinella_______ Powwow Canyon, Texas_______ Prince of Wales Island_____ Pro fusulinella____________ Pseudostaff ella___________ antiqua_______________ kanumai_______________ rotunda_______________ sandersoni____________ sphaeroidea___________ pygmaea, Fusulinella_______ Page ___________ 12 ___________ 8 ___________ 1,2 ______________ 2,9 _______________ 13 1, 2, 6, 9, 12; pi. 3 ________________ 5 ................ 5 ............ 1,2 ________________ 5 ...........1, 5, 6 ____________ 8 ________________ 9 ______1, 2, 6; pi. 2 ............... 9 ____________ 8 ____________ 12 K R C Carboniferous age___________________________ 1 Climacammina sp_____________________________ 9 Craig_____________________________________ 1,2 cylindrica, Fusulina_______________________ 19 E Endothyrid______________________________5; pi. 1 Endothyridae________________________________ 5 F flexuosa, Fusulina____ Fort St. James_______ Fukuji area, Japan. _ Fusulina_____________ cylindrica_______ flexuosa_________ occasa___________ ylychensis_______ sp--------------- Fusulinella__________ alaskensis_______ bocki____________ biconiformis bocki_______ rotunda_____ timanica____ iyoensis_________ jamesensis_______ _____________1, 2, 16; pi. 7 ................... 1 ___________________ 1 ___________________ 1,16 ______________________ 19 _____________1, 2, 16; pi. 7 _____________________ 19 ______________________ 19 ................... 2 .................... 1,9 1, 2, 4, 12, 19; pis. 4, 5, 6 ...................12,16 ___________________ 12 ___________________ 12 ................... 12 ___________________ 12 ______________________ 13 ................... 12 kanumai, Pseudostaff ella_____________________ 9 Klawak________________________________________ 2 Klawak Formation_________________________ 1, 2 Klawak Inlet__________________________________ 4 Kuiu Island___________________________________ 1 kurakhovensis, Ozawainella____________________ 6 L Ladrones Islands______________________________ 2 Ladrones Limestone__________________________ 1,2 M maldrigensis, Fusulinella____________________ 12 Marble Falls Limestone________________________ 5 marblensis, Millerella___________________5; pi. 2 Millerella__________________________________ 5,9 marblensis__________________________5; pi. 2 sp______________________________2, 5, 6; pi. 2 rotunda, Fusulinella bocki__________________ 12 Pseudostaff ella_________________1, 2, 6; pi. 2 S Saginaw Bay____________________________________ 1 Saginaw Bay Formation__________________________ 1 sandersoni, Pseudostaff ella___________________ 9 Shikoku, Japan_________________________________ 1 Shishidedai area, Japan________________________ 1 simplicata, Fusulinella____________________12,13 simplicata, Fusulinella__________________ 12 Spain__________________________________________ 1 sphaeroidea, Pseudostaff ella__________________ 8 Spitsbergen__________________________________ 1,8 Staff ella___________________________________ 1,5 powwowensis___________________________5; pi. 2 sp______________________________2, 5, 6, 9; pi. 2 N T Nankinella____ plummeri. sp------- ....... 1, 5, 9 _______ 5 2, 5, 12; pi. 1 O Tetrataxis________________________________________ U Tetrataxis sp___________________2, 4, 6, 12, 16; pi. 1 thompsoni, Fusulinella___________________________ 13 timanica, Fusulinella bocki______________________ 12 toriyamai, Akiyoshiella__________________________ 19 occasa, Fusulina_______________________________ 19 Ozawainella_______________________________ 5,16 kurakhovensis______________________________ 6 sp___________________________________2, 5; pi. 4 Y ylychensis, Fusulina_________________________ 19 21 U. S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE : 1971 O - 419-577 PLATES 1-7 [Contact photographs of the plates in this report are available, at cost, from U.S. Geological Survey Library, Federal Center, Denver, Colorado 802215]PLATE 1 Figures 1-3. Telrataxis sp. (p. 4) from locality 29 Ladrones Islands. la-b. Axial section X 10 and X 50, specimen f23973-28, USNM 167022. 2a-b. Axial section X 10 and X 50, specimen f23973-31, USNM 167023. 3. Axial section X 50, specimen f23974-l, USNM 167024. 4, 5. Endothyrid undet. (p. 5) from locality 29 Ladrones Islands. 4. Axial section X 50, specimen f23974~12, USNM 167025. 5. Axial section X 50, specimen f23974-3, USNM 167026. 6-22. Nankinella sp. (p. 5) from locality 29 Ladrones Islands. 6a-b. Axial section X 10 and X 50, specimen f23973-16, USNM 167027. 7a-b. Axial section X 10 and X 50, specimen f23973-3, USNM 167028. 8a-b. Equatorial section X 10 and X 50, specimen f23974-20, USNM 167029. 9a-b. Equatorial section X 10 and X 50, specimen f23974-4, USNM 167030. 10. Axial section X 50, specimen f23974-17, USNM 167031. 11. Axial section X 50, specimen f23973-2, USNM 167032. 12. Axial section X 50, specimen f23973-39, USNM 167033. 13. Axial section X 50, specimen f23973-35, USNM 167034. 14. Equatorial section X 50, specimen f23973-33, USNM 167035. 15. Subaxial section X 50, specimen f23973-28, USNM 167036. 16. Axial section X 50, specimen f23973-33, USNM 167037. 17. Deep tangential section X 50, specimen f23974-3, USNM 167038. 18. Subaxial section X 50, specimen f23974-9, USNM 167039. 19. Subaxial section X 50, specimen f23974-5, USNM 167040. 20. Axial section with twisted axis X 50, specimen f23973-35, USNM 167041. 21. Tangential section X 50, specimen f23974-8, USNM 167042. 22. Tangential section X 50, specimen f23973-17, USNM 167043.TETRATAXIS, ENDOTHYRIDS, AND NANKINELLA SP. FROM LADRONES ISLANDSPLATE 2 Figure 1. Staffella sp. aff. S. powwowensis Thompson 1948 (p. 5) from locality 30 on Peratovich Island. Axial section X 50 specimen f23975-13, USNM 167044. 2-3. Millerella sp. aff M. marblensis Thompson 1942, (p. 5) from locality 30 on Peratovich Island. 2. Axial section X 50, specimen f23975-4, USNM 167045. 3. Axial section X 50, specimen f23975-8, USNM 167046. 4-21. Pseudostajfella rotunda Dougiass, n. sp. (p. 6) from locality 30 on Peratovich Island. 4a-b. Axial section of the holotype X 10 and X 50, specimen f23975-12, USNM 167047. 5a-b. Oblique deep tangential section X 10 and X 50 showing the relationship between the chomata and the septa specimen f23976-l, USNM 167048 6a-b. Axial section X 10 and X 50, specimen f23975-8, USNM 167049. 7. Equatorial section X 10, specimen f23975-6, USNM 167050. 8a-b. Equatorial section X 10 and X 50, specimen f23975-5, USNM 167051. 9a-b. Equatorial section X 10 and X 50, specimen f23975-4, USNM 167052. lOa-b. Oblique equatorial section X 10 and X 50, specimen f23975-3, USNM 167053. lla-b. Equatorial section X 10 and X 50, specimen f23976-2, USNM 167054. 12. Tangential section X 50, specimen f23975-ll, USNM 167055. 13. Equatorial section X 50, specimen f23975-10, USNM 167056. 14. Equatorial section X 50, specimen f23976-9, USNM 167057. 15. Axial section X 50, specimen f23976-4, USNM 167058. 16. Axial section X 50, specimen f23975-ll, USNM 167059. 17. Axial section X 50, specimen f23976-5, USNM 167060. 18. Equatorial section X 50, specimen f23976-6, USNM 167061. 19. Equatorial section X 50, specimen f23975-7, USNM 167062, 20. Equatorial section X 50, specimen f23975-9, USNM 167063. 21. Equatorial section X 50, specimen f23976-7, USNM 167064.STAFFELLA, MILLERELLA, AND PSEUDOSTAFFELLA ROTUNDA DOUGLASS N SP FROM PERATROVICH ISLANDPLATE 3 Figures 1-28. Fusulinella pinguis Douglass, n. sp. (p. 9) from locality 29, Ladrones Islands. la-b. Axial section of the holotype X 10 and X 50, specimen f23973-3, USNM 167065. 2. Axial section X 10, specimen f23973-5, USNM 167066. 3. Axial section X 10, specimen f23973-12, USNM 167067. 4. Axial section X 10, specimen f23973-14, USNM 167068. 5. Axial section X 10, specimen f23973-22, USNM 167069. 6a-b. Axial section X 10 and X 50, specimen f23973-24, USNM 167070. A microspheric specimen. 7. Axial section X 10, specimen f23974-5, USNM 167071. 8. Axial section X 10, specimen f23974-12, USNM 167072. 9. Axial section X 10, specimen f23974-15, USNM 167073. 10. Axial section X 10, specimen f23974-l, USNM 167074. 11. Axial section X 10, specimen f23974-3, USNM 167075. 12. Axial section X 10, specimen f23974-6, USNM 167076. 13. Equatoiial section X 10, specimen f23973-25, USNM 167077. 14. Equatorial section X 10, specimen f23973-27, USNM 167078. 15a-b. Equatorial section X 10 and X 50, specimen f23973-32, USNM 167079. 16. Equatorial section X 10, specimen f23973-37, USNM 167080. 17a-b. Equatorial section X 10 and X 50, specimen f23973-39, USNM 167081. 18. Tangential section X 10, specimen f23973-27, USNM 167082. 19. Tangenital section X 10, specimen f23974-22, USNM 167083. 20. Equatorial section X 10, specimen f23974-17, USNM 167084. 21. Equatorial section X 10, specimen f23974-22, USNM 167085. 22a-b. Equatorial section X 10 and X 50, specimen f23974-21, USNM 167086. 23. Equatorial section X 10, specimen f23974-16, USNM 167087. 24. Equatorial section X 10, specimen f23973-38, USNM 167088. 25. Rock slice X 10 showing axial, tangential and subequatorial section of Fusulinella and a subaxial section of Nankinella, slide f23974-9. 26. Rock slice X 10 showing random slices of Fusulinella, Nankinella, and a textularid, slide f23974-25, USNM 167089. 27. Axial section X 50, specimen f23974-8, USNM 167090. 28. Axial section X 50 from slice shown in fig. 25, specimen f23974-9, USNM 167091.GEOLOGICAL SURVEY PROFESSIONAL PAPER 706 PLATE 3 FUSULINELLA PINGUIS DOUGLASS, N. SP., FROM LADRONES ISLANDSPLATE 4 Figure 1. Bradyina sp. (p. 5) from locality 31, Klavvak inlet. Axial section X 10, specimen f23979-3, USNM 167092. 2-3. Ozawainella? sp. (p. 5) from locality 31, Llawak Inlet. 2. Tangential section X 50, specimen f23977-2, USNM 167093. 3. Oblique axial section X 50, specimen f23978-2, USNM 167094. 4-30. Fusulinella alaskensis Douglass, n. sp. (p. 12) from locality 31, Klawak Inlet. 4. Axial section X 10, specimen f23982-2, USNM 167095. 5a-b. Equatorial section X 10 and X 50, specimen f23982-4, USNM 167096. 6. Axial section of the holotype X 10, specimen f23982-l, USNM 167097. 7. Subaxial section X 10, specimen f23981-3, USNM 167098. 8. Equatorial section X 10, specimen f23980-5, USNM 167099. 9. Axial section X 10, specimen f23981-l USNM 167100. 10. Axial section X 10, specimen f23980-2, USNM 167101. 11. Axial section X 10, specimen f23980-l, USNM 167102. 12. Axial section X 10, specimen f23979-5, USNM-167103. 13. Axial section X 10, specimen f23979-3 USNM 167104. 14. Axial section X 10, specimen f23979-2 USNM 167105. 15. Equatorial section X 10, specimen f23979-19, USNM 167106. 16. Equatorial section X 10, specimen f23979-16, USNM 167107. 17. Tangential section X 10, specimen f23979-19, USNM 167108. 18. Equatorial section X 10, specimen f23979-14, USNM 167109. 19. Equatorial section X 10, specimen f23979-20, USNM 167110. 20. Axial section X 10, specimen f23979-l, USNM 167111. 21. Axial section X 10, specimen f23979-8, USNM 167112. 22. Equatorial section X 10, f23977-12, USNM 167113. 23. Equatorial section X 10, specimen f23977-13, USNM 167114. 24a-b. Equatorial section X 10 and X 50, specimen f23977-14, USNM 167115. 25a-b. Equatorial section X 10 and X 50, specimen f23977-15, USNM 167116. 26. Axial section X 10, specimen f23977-ll, USNM 167117. 27. Axial section X, 10, specimen f23977-5, USNM 167118. 28. Axial section X 10, specimen f23977-8, USNM 167119. 29. Axial section X 10, specimen f23977-10, USNM 167120. 30. Juvenarium of microspheric specimen X 50, f23977-6, USNM 167121.GEOLOGICAL SURVEY 00 24b PRh “ SP" N. PROFESSIONAL PAPER 706 PLATE 4 24a 25aPLATE 5 Figures 1-8. Fusulinella alaskensis Douglass, n. sp. (p. 12) from locality 31, Klawak Inlet. All X 50. 1. Axial section of the holotype shown on pi. 4, fig. 6, showing the difference in appearance of the chomata at the septa and between septa. USNM 167097. 2. Subaxial section of the specimen shown on pi. 4 as fig. 7. The septa are in the plane of the section at the right side of the tunnel. Contrast this with the open look of fig. 5. USNM 167098. 3. Axial section of the specimen shown on pi. 4, fig. 11. The juvenariaum is at an angle to the adult and the proloculus is small, but the specimen is not a typical microspheric form. USNM 167102. 4. Axial section of a small specimen showing regular growth. Specimen f23979-ll, USNM 167122. 5. Axial section of the specimen shown on pi. 4, fig. 13, showing the openness in most volutions where the septa are not intercepted. Note the chomata are formed in several layers of different densities. USNM 167104. 6. Subaxial section of a specimen that appears to have massive chomata because of the intersection of the septa in the plane of section. Specimen f23979-24, USNM 167123. 7. Axial section of the specimen shown on pi. 4, fig. 27, showing regular development from a relatively small proloculus, USNM 167118. 8. Axial section of the specimen shown on pi. 4, fig. 26 showing an endothyrid juvenarium with one volution at a large angle to the axis of the adult, USNM 167117.GEOLOGICAL SURVEY PROFESSIONAL PAPER 706 PLATE 5 FUSULINELLA ALASKENSIS DOUGLASS, N. SP., FROM KLAWAK INLETPLATE 6 Figures 1-15. Fusilinella alaskensis Douglass n. sp. (p. 12) from locality 32, sample f23986, Prince of Wales Island. 1. Axial section X 10, specimen 1, USNM 167124. 2a-b. Axial section X 10 and X 50, specimen 9, USNM 167125. Plane of septa nearly coincide with section in upper part giving the impression of more massive chomata. 3. Axial section X 10, specimen 10, USNM 167126. 4a-b. Axial section X 10 and X 50, specimen 16, USNM 167127. 5a-b. Equatorial section X 10 and X 50, specimen 42, USNM 167128. 6. Axial section X 10, specimen 20, USNM 167129. 7a-b. Axial section X 10 and X 50, specimen 2, USNM 167130 cut in a plane where many of the septa nearly coincide with the section and the impression of massive chomata is developed. 8. Axial section X 10, specimen 13, USNM 167131. 9. Axial section X 10, specimen 19, USNM 167132. 10. Axial section X 10, specimen 6, USNM 167133. 11. Tangential section X 10, specimen 29, USNM 167134. 12. Axial section X 10, specimen 23, USNM 167135. 13. Axial section X 10, specimen 12, USNM 167136. 14. Tangenital section X 10, from same thin section as specimen 2, figures 7a-b. 15. Axial section X 50, specimen 3, USNM 167137. 16-17. Beedeinaf sp. (p. 19) from locality 32, sample f23986, Prince of Wales Island. 16. Equatorial section X 10, specimen 44, USNM 167138. 17a-b. Axial section X 10 and X 50, specimen 48, USNM 167139.GEOLOGICAL SURVEY PROFESSIONAL PAPER 706 PLATE 6 7b 17b FUSULINELLA ALASKENSIS DOUGLASS, N.SP.,AND BEEDEINA1 SP. FROM PRINCE OF WALES ISLANDPLATE 7 Figures 1-20. Fusulina flexuosa Douglass, n. sp. (p. 16) from localities 31 and 32., Klawak Inlet and Prince of Wales Island. la-b. Axial section X 10 and X 50 of the holotype, one of the most regular specimens cut in a plane that misses most septa. Specimen f23977-17, USNM 167140. 2a-b. Axial section X 10 and X 50 of a specimen with small proloculus showing tightly coiled inner volutions. Specimen f23979-22, USNM 167141. 3a-b. Deep tangential section of a specimen with small proloculus showing discontinuous chomata even in the early volutions. Specimen f23986-36, USNM 167142. 4. Axial section X 10, partly silicified specimen f23979-21, USNM 167143. 5. Axial section X 10, specimen f23977-18, USNM 167144. 6. Deep tangential X 10, specimen f23979-23, USNM 167145. 7. Axial section X 10, specimen f23986-33, USNM 167146. 8. Axial section X 10, specimen f23981-8, USNM 167147. 9a-b. Axial section X 10 and X 50, specimen f23981-6, USNM 167148. lOa-b. Axial section X 10 and X 50, specimen f23986-28, USNM 167149. lla-b. Axial section X 10 and X 50, specimen f23981-9, USNM 167150. 12. Axial section X 10, specimen f23981-7, USNM 167151. 13. Axial section X 10 of a specimen with a large proloculus. Specimen f23986-31, USNM 167152. 14. Axial section X 10, specimen f23986-29, USNM 167153. 15. Axial section X 10, specimen f23986-27, USNM 167154. 16. Axial section X 10, specimen f23986-30, USNM 167155. 17. Axial section X 10, specimen f23986-34, USNM 167156. 18. Subaxial section X 10, specimen f23986-35, USNM 167157. 19. Equatorial section X 10, specimen f23986-40, USNM 167158. 20. Tangential section X 10, specimen f23986-38, USNM 167159GEOLOGICAL SURVEY PROFESSIONAL PAPER 706 PLATE 7 ittiauw FUSULINA FLEXUOSA DOUGLASS, N. SP., FROM KLAWAK INLET AND PRINCE OF WALES ISLAND    i£nw^ Interpretation of an Aeromagnetic ■'qg l Survey of the Amchitka Island by Area, Alaska GEOLOGICAL SURVEY PROFESSIONAL PAPER 707 Prepared on behalf of the U.S. Atomic Energy Commission DOCUMENTS department NOV 6 1972 ^s.s. nr\Interpretation of an Aeromagnetic Survey of the Amchitka Island Area, Alaska By G. D. BATH, W. J. CARR, L. M. GARD, Jr. and W. D. QUINLIVAN GEOLOGICAL SURVEY PROFESSIONAL PAPER 707 Prepared on behalf of the U.S. Atomic Energy Commission UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE, WASHINGTON : 1972UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR ROGERS C. B. MORTON, Secretary GEOLOGICAL SURVEY V. E. McKelvey, Director Library of Congress catalog-card No. 70-189816 For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office Washington, D.C. 20402 Stock Number 2401-2087CONTENTS Page Abstract.................................................. 1 Introduction.............................................. 1 Previous magnetic surveys................................. 2 Aeromagnetic survey....................................... 3 Reduction of data.................................... 3 Ground magnetic surveys................................... 3 Magnetic properties of rock samples....................... 4 Measuring magnetic susceptibility.................... 4 Measuring remanent magnetization..................... 4 Geologic setting.......................................... 5 Volcanic breccia........................................ 6 Magnetic properties.................................. 6 Aeromagnetic anomalies............................... 8 Ground survey anomalies.............................. 8 Volcanic sandstone, siltstone, and tuif breccia........... 9 Dikes and small sills.................................... 10 Intrusive rocks.......................................... 11 Magnetic properties................................. 11 Aeromagnetic anomalies.............................. 12 Lava flows and thick sills............................... 12 Magnetic properties................................. 14 Page Lava flows and thick sills — Continued Aeromagnetic anomalies........................... 16 Ground survey anomalies.......................... 16 Analysis of magnetic anomalies........................ 17 Depth estimates.................................. 17 Dipole and sheetlike models..................... 19 Interpretation of anomalies......................... 19 East Cape anomaly................................ 20 White House Cove and shelf-break anomalies....... 20 Pillow Point and Rifle Range Point anomalies..... 22 St. Makarius Point anomaly....................... 22 Mex Island anomaly.............................. 23 Bird Rock, Windy Island, Chitka Point-Constantine Point anomalies................................ 23 Site B anomaly................................... 23 —780 anomaly..................................... 23 Site F anomaly................................... 23 Relation of submarine structure south of Amchitka to aeromagnetic anomalies...................... 24 References cited...................................... 24 ILLUSTRATIONS Page Plate 1. Aeromagnetic map of Amchitka and Rat Islands and surrounding area, Alaska............................... In pocket 2. Residual magnetic anomaly and generalized geologic map of Amchitka Island, Alaska.................... In pocket 3. Plots of magnetic anomaly and standard error from ground survey data at stations 0.1 mile apart on Amchitka Island, Alaska....................................................................... In pocket Figure 1. Index map of Amchitka Island and the Aleutian arc............................................................. 2 2-4. Histograms of Koenigsberger ratio, density, remanent intensity, and magnetic susceptibility: 2. Volcanic breccia..................................................................................... 7 3. Volcanic breccia fragments........................................................................... 8 4. Volcanic sandstone, siltstone, and tuff breccia from drill hole EH-5................................. 9 5. Equal-area projections of remanent directions of magnetization for volcanic sandstone and siltstone and tuff breccia from drill hole EH-5....................................................................... 10 6. Histograms of Koenigsberger ratio, density, remanent intensity, and magnetic susceptibility for intrusive rock...................................................................................... 12 7. Equal-area projections of remanent and total directions of magnetization for intrusive rock collected from surface exposures of the White House Cove instrusive............................................... 13 8. Equal-area projections of remanent and total directions of magnetization for intrusive rock collected from surface exposures of the East Cape pluton................................................ 13 9. Histograms of Koenigsberger ratio, density, remanent intensity, and magnetic susceptibility for surface specimens of andesitic and basaltic flows, sills, and dikes............................................. 14 10. Histograms of Koenigsberger ratio, density, remanent intensity, and magnetic susceptibility for drill-core specimens of andesitic and basaltic flows, sills, and dikes............................................. 15 11. Equal-area projections of remanent and total directions of magnetization for andesitic lava collected from surface exposures of the Chitka Point Formation.................................................... 16 12. Equal-area projections of remanent and total directions of magnetization for basaltic lava collected from surface exposures of the Banjo Point Formation.......................................................... 17 illCONTENTS IV Figures 13-15. Diagrams: Pagc 13. Observed data from magnetometer record and from low-sensitivity plot superimposed on profile A-A' along flight line 111....................................................................... 18 14. Theoretical magnetic anomalies computed for five directions of traverse over a dipole source.......... 20 15. Theoretical magnetic anomalies computed for seven traverses striking over sheetlike models............ 21 TABLES Page Table 1. Average of densities and magnetic properties for eight specimens collected from the East Cape pluton and 16 specimens collected from the White House Cove intrusive................................................ 11 2. Average remanent directions and intensities for three specimens collected from the East Cape pluton, measured at natural state and after partial alternating field demagnetization to 100 and 200 oersteds..... 12INTERPRETATION OF AN AEROMAGNETIC SURVEY OF THE AMCHITKA ISLAND AREA, ALASKA By G. D. Bath, W. J. Carr, L. M. Gard, Jr., and W. D. Quinlivan ABSTRACT An aeromagnetic survey of about 1,800 square miles of Amchitka Island and the adjacent insular shelf has provided information on Tertiary volcanic, intrusive, and sedimentary rocks. This includes identification of rocks that cause anomalies and the lateral extents, structures, and approximate depths of those rocks. Near proposed drill sites, anomalies were examined for features that might be related to faulting. The survey was facilitated by data on the magnetic properties of 347 rock specimens collected from surface exposures and 216 from drill cores and by plots of 25 miles of ground magnetic traverse. The data on magnetic properties furnished bases on which anomalies were related to geologic features; ground surveys classified near-surface rocks as either lava or breccia. The total magnetization of volcanic breccia, tuff breccia, volcanic sandstone, and siltstone averages about 7.0 Xl0~4 gauss, an effective direction generally being along the earth’s magnetic field. This value is designated as the “ambient magnetization level” for the area. The prominent anomalies come directly from lava flows and thick sills that have total magnetizations which differ from the ambient level for the island. Anomalies also come indirectly from large bodies of intrusive rock that have altered and destroyed the magnetite content of overlying flow rocks. The average for 219 surface and 81 core specimens of lava is 14.2X10-4 gauss induced intensity and 12.8 xlO-4 gauss remanent intensity. Lavas of the Chitka Point Formation have normal remanent polarities and produce positive anomalies. The basalt lavas of the Banjo Point Formation, as well as the pillow lavas and breccias of Kirilof Point in the upper part of the Amchitka Formation, have both normal and intermediate polarities and produce positive and negative anomalies. Individual breccia samples from the Banjo Point Formation and the lower part of the Amchitka Formation have significant values of remanent intensity, but directions vary so greatly from sample to sample that a thick section of breccia does not give a magnetic anomaly. Although dikes and small sills have total magnetizations well above the ambient level, their thicknesses are too small to give a significant effect at the datum plane 1,600 feet above sea level. The normal polarity of the White House Cove intrusive and the reversed polarity of the East Cape intrusive confirm that these intrusives are separate features, emplaced at different geologic times. Computation of the effects of sheetlike models shows that the steeper gradients of theoretical anomalies are positioned near the ends of flows or sills that have been terminated by faulting. Drill sites were selected in areas away from gradients considered to be fault related. Nearly all prominent anomalies over land and many over water can be reasonably interpreted and can be correlated with known geologic features. Anomalies and geologic data suggest that the magma of the Chitka Point Formation originated in a large volcanic center on western Amchitka Island and eastern Rat Island. Faults that are well delineated by aeromagnetic contours on Amchitka do not appear to extend very far seaward, and marked submarine trenches that have the same general trend are not well defined magnetically. INTRODUCTION An aeromagnetic survey of Amchitka and Rat Islands and the adjacent insular shelf was made during December 1966 and January 1967 to gain information on the structure and subsurface distribution of Tertiary extrusive and intrusive rocks. An area of about 1,800 square miles was covered by the aeromagnetic survey. The resulting data were supplemented by laboratory data on the magnetic properties of 347 rock specimens collected from surface exposures and of 216 from drill cores and by plots of 25 miles of ground magnetic traverse. The main purpose of the study was to investigate anomalies near proposed drill sites (fig. 1; see also pi. 2), particularly emphasizing the recognition of features that might be related to faulting and the detection of large intrusive bodies at depth. Major faults may control the initial deposition or emplacement of magnetized rock or may displace rock boundaries and their associated magnetic anomalies. Anomalies in random pattern seldom indicate structure, but those that have dominant or drawn-out trends or abrupt terminations suggest a relation to faulting. 12 INTERPRETATION OF AN AEROMAGNETIC SURVEY, AMCHITKA ISLAND AREA, ALASKA To identify near-surface rock sources, positions of anomalies were compared with geologic units as mapped by Carr and Quinlivan (1969). The magnetic properties of surface and drill-core rock sam- ples were investigated to determine whether the geologic units possessed magnetic properties that could cause anomalies. 160° Figure 1. — Index map of Amchitka Island and the Aleutian arc. PREVIOUS MAGNETIC SURVEYS One of the most exciting investigations in recent years surrounded the discovery by Mason (1958) that the floor of the Pacific Ocean produces remarkably regular magnetic anomalies, or magnetic linea-tions, which form parallel patterns, often extending for distances of several hundred miles. Since then, studies by numerous investigators have resulted in the discovery of similar anomalies in the Atlantic and Indian Oceans and in the development of comprehensive new theories that make use of the concepts of paleomagnetism (Cox and others, 1964), sea-floor spreading (Vine, 1966), and continental drift (LePichon, 1968) to explain the geologic history of oceanic areas. Hayes and Heirtzler (1968) discussed the relation of magnetic lineations south of Amchitka, beyond the Aleutian trench, to the Aleutian Islands arc and trench. Abrupt changes in continuity of the anomalies south of the trench suggest large north-south displacements or faults in the sea floor that offset anomaly patterns as much as 150 miles. The limited data now available from shipborne surveys do not indicate that any displacements trend toward Amchitka Island. Grim and Erickson (1968) inferred a small north-south offset in the magnetic pattern near long 177° W., 175 miles east of Amchitka, which they called the Adak fracture zone. Hayes and Heirtzler inferred a large north-south fracture zone at long 176° E., 100 miles west of Amchitka. No anomaly lineations have been reported over the oceans north of the Aleutian trench, and neither the magnetic anomalies nor the magnetic properties at Amchitka resemble those from ocean areas. In a study of 94 submarine lava samples, Ade-Hall (1964) found that 67.5 percent of the samples had magnetic susceptibilities less than 10X10-4 gauss per oersted and that 61 had Koenigsberger ratios greater than 10. On Amchitka, less than 10 percent of the andesitic and basaltic lavas (see histograms, figs. 9, 10) had susceptibilities less than 10X10-4 gauss per oersted or Koenigsberger ratios greater than 10. Although basaltic lavas do show high Koenigsberger ratios, their susceptibilities are also high, averaging about 40X10-4 gauss per oersted.GROUND MAGNETIC SURVEYS 3 Keller, Meuschke, and Alldredge (1954) published aeromagnetic survey data for northern Adak Island, part of Umnak Island, and Great Sitkin Island. Magnetic properties are unknown for the volcanic formations on these islands, and the anomalies cannot be discussed in terms of geologic features. The fairly large number of positive anomalies suggests the presence of normally magnetized lava, such as the Chitka Point lavas on Amchitka. Richards, Vac-quier, and Van Voorhis (1967) computed the direction and intensity of magnetism for the Quaternary volcanic rocks that form the topographic relief of Great Sitkin volcano on Great Sitkin Island, and of Mount Adagdak, Mount Moffett, and a parasitic cone on the northeastern side of Mount Moffett on Adak Island. Directions of magnetization for the four volcanoes are quite different, a fact indicating that the anomaly-producing rocks are products of separate eruptive episodes. AEROMAGNETIC SURVEY As shown on the aeromagnetic map (pi. 1), more than 65 flight lines were flown: 12 long lines and a few short lines were flown northwest and southeast at about a mile spacing along the axis of the island, and 51 long lines were flown northeast and southwest at about a 1-mile spacing; two tielines were flown in the northwest direction, one over the north insular slope and one over the south insular slope. A barometric elevation of about 1,600 feet was maintained throughout the survey by means of a continuously recording radio altimeter. The magnetic measurements were made by a continuously recording Gulf fluxgate magnetometer, installed in a DC-3 aircraft equipped with loran and Doppler navigational systems. Aero Service Corp. performed the aerial survey and compiled the data shown on plate 1. REDUCTION OF DATA The observed data consist of both residual and regional magnetic anomalies. The residual anomalies are of particular interest because they come from geologic features that are near surface or buried only a mile or two. The regional anomaly is not important in this study because it comes from the northward increase in the geomagnetic field and from rock sources too deep to investigate by drilling. A least-squares method (Richards and others, 1967) was used to eliminate the regional anomaly or, that not being possible, to reduce its contribution to a minimum in the small area of the survey. On the assumption that a planar surface would best fit the data and represent the regional anomaly to be discarded, the observed data of plate 1 were plotted on a rectangular grid representing a length of 50 miles in the x direction (S. 55° E. along the island axis) and a width of 30 miles in the y direction. Based on 1,500 data samples taken at 1-mile grid intervals, the least-squares adjustment, arrived at by means of an electronic computer, provided the following equation for the regional anomaly: T (%yy) =CiX-\-C2y-\-C3. T(x,y) is the regional anomaly, in gammas, computed for coordinates x, y, Ci equals 1.70 gammas per mile, C2 equals —9.64 gammas per mile, and C3 equals 4,304.6 gammas at lat 51°54.6' N. and long 178°56.0' E. The residual anomaly, which is the near-surface magnetic expression of a geologic feature, was graphically determined by subtracting data on the regional anomaly from the observed data. The 50-gamma contours of plate 2 show detailed residual anomalies for most of the area of the survey at a scale of 1:100,000. GROUND MAGNETIC SURVEYS Ground magnetic surveys, taken along roads, were conducted to determine if there are significant differences in anomaly patterns over volcanic breccia and over basaltic lava flows. The ground surveys also served to provide the detail needed to better delineate the aeromagnetic anomalies. Plate 3 shows the residual magnetic anomaly and standard error data obtained from stations 0.1 mile apart along Infantry Road from mile 0 on Kirilof Point to mile 23 northwest of drill hole UAe-3, along Clevenger Road, and along the access road to drill hole UAe-1. At each station, five readings were taken 5 feet apart, and the values were averaged to give the magnetic anomaly at that station. Anomaly-producing rocks are close to the surface beneath the tundra, and the proximity of strongly magnetized rock introduces extreme local anomalies. A measure of these effects is shown by computing the standard error of the five readings and plotting the error as a bar, as done in the lower diagram, “Standard Error, In Gammas,” plate 3. The Sharpe MF-1 fluxgate magnetometer used in the survey provided values of the vertical component of the earth’s magnetic field. Owing to the effects of temperature changes and other factors, readings could only be repeated to within ±20 gammas. Four base stations were established, and one base was reoccupied about every 3 hours to correct for large changes in the earth’s diurnal field.4 INTERPRETATION OF AN AEROMAGNETIC MAGNETIC PROPERTIES OF ROCK SAMPLES A magnetic survey detects those geologic features that have magnetic properties unusual enough to cause a disturbance, or an anomaly, in the earth’s magnetic field. The anomaly arises when a feature has a total magnetization that is significantly different from the total magnetization of the surrounding rocks. The average total magnetization of a uniformly magnetized rock mass, denoted as the vector Jt, is defined as the vector sum of the induced magnetization, Jh and remanent magnetization, Jr, of the mass: Jt=h+Jr. (1) The direction of induced magnetization is assumed along the earth’s field, and the intensity of induced magnetization is a function of the magnetic susceptibility, k, and the strength, H„, of the earth’s field: Ji=kHa. (2) The direction and intensity of the earth’s magnetic field are known for Amchitka (explanation, pi. 1) ; therefore, it is magnetic susceptibility, direction, and intensity of remanent magnetization that must be measured to evaluate total magnetization. For this study, the dry bulk density of each sample was measured to provide an independent parameter that could help in determining whether or not the selected rock samples were representative. Histograms give magnetic properties and densities for 563 rock specimens collected from surface outcrops and drill cores (figs. 2-4, 6, 9, 10). Numbers and types of rock specimens used were: 85 surface and 74 drill-core specimens of volcanic breccia; 61 drill-core specimens of volcanic sandstone, siltstone, and tuff breccia; 43 surface specimens of intrusive rock; and 219 surface and 81 drill-core specimens of andesitic and basaltic flows, sills, and dikes. Koenigs-berger ratios (the ratios of remanent to induced intensities of rock samples Jr/Ji), are also included as a histogram. Site locations for the surface samples are shown on plate 2. In reporting units of magnetic intensity, the authors followed Collinson, Creer, and Runcorn (1967) in their attempt to specify electromagnetic units more precisely. Magnetic susceptibility is expressed in gauss per oersted, and induced, remanent, and total intensities are expressed in gauss. The extreme scatter found in magnetic property data indicates that the usual procedure of using an arithmetic mean places too much emphasis on large values and yields an average value that is greater than the true total magnetization of a geologic feature. Statistical studies by Irving, Molyneux, and Runcorn (1966) suggest that histograms of mag- SURVEY, AMCHITKA ISLAND AREA, ALASKA netic properties may conform more closely to a normal distribution when the abscissas are plotted as logarithms. Our studies, though incomplete, tend to confirm their conclusions, and the histograms included in this report were therefore plotted with logarithmic abscissas. The reader will note the use of the words “sample,” “specimen,” and “sampling site.” Rock samples were collected from points separated by at least 50 feet. Specimens were taken closer together vertically, coming from the same core run of 10-foot length, or from two or three pieces drilled from the same surface sample. Sampling sites were as much as 1 mile apart. MEASURING MAGNETIC SUSCEPTIBILITY Reversible magnetic susceptibilities were determined by inserting samples into one of a pair of matched Helmholtz coils connected to an induction comparison bridge. For large roughhewn samples, coils whose inside diameter is 8^4 inches were used; and for small, 1-inch diameter by 1-inch length drilled plugs, coils whose inside diameter is 21/2 inches were used. Meter deflections were calibrated against a commercially available alternating-current bridge by using a set of standard samples. MEASURING REMANENT MAGNETIZATION The intensity, azimuth, and inclination of remanent magnetization were determined for both large roughhewn and small drilled plugs by means of a commercially available fluxgate-type clip-on milli-ammeter, modified to function as a magnetometer. Jahren and Bath (1967) described the procedure that the present authors used. Surface samples were oriented before they were removed from the outcrop by marking a north arrow on the sample top and a horizontal line on two or more sides. An arrow pointing upward was marked on all pieces of drill core immediately after the core was taken from the core barrel. Although the geographic azimuth is unknown, the intensity and inclination of remanent magnetization were obtained for cores from vertical holes. Most of the samples collected during the geological reconnaissance were not oriented; however, the remanent intensity was determined for many of them. At the Nevada Test Site (Bath, 1967), lightning introduces a relatively strong component of remanent magnetism that is confined to near-surface rocks. Tabulation of data from these samples will not give a true value of average magnetism for a geologic feature under study. In Nevada, data were used from underground samples that were free from these effects and from surface samples in which remanentGEOLOGIC SETTING 5 direction remained constant during partial alternating-field demagnetization in the laboratory. Although lightning has rarely been observed on Amchitka, the possibility of contamination effects cannot be ignored, because parts of the island have been above sea level for perhaps 1 million years (Powers and others, 1960). The present authors partially demagnetized 24 surface and seven drill-core samples of andesitic and basaltic lava in alternating-current fields of 100 and 200 oersteds and found no significant directional changes in the moderately to strongly magnetized rocks that produce the aeromagnetic anomalies. Some of the weakly magnetized rocks did show changes in their remanent directions. This change is explained as being the result of a component of viscous magnetization or the remanent effect acquired when a rock remains in the earth’s magnetic field over a long period of time. In this study, it has been assumed that lightning has not introduced a significant error in the magnetization values. GEOLOGIC SETTING The stratigraphy and structure of Amchitka are now fairly well known as the result of recent studies by Carr and Quinlivan (1969) and earlier work by Powers, Coats, and Nelson (1960). As shown on the generalized geologic map (pi. 2), the rocks are divided into (1) the Amchitka Formation, which comprises a lower unit of older breccias and an upper unit of the pillow lavas and breccias of Kirilof Point, (2) the Banjo Point Formation, and (3) the Chitka Point Formation. The lower Tertiary Amchitka Formation is the oldest formation exposed on the island. Rocks in the northwestern part of Amchitka formerly mapped as Amchitka Formation are now included in the Chitka Point Formation (Carr and others, 1970), and rocks on eastern Amchitka are included either in the older breccias or in the pillow lavas and breccias of Kirilof Point. The outcrops of older breccias of the Amchitka Formation are restricted to the eastern part of Amchitka, mainly between Constantine Harbor and the quartz diorite intrusive rocks of East Cape. Inliers of hornfels occur within the intrusive masses. The unit consists of fine- to coarse-grained sedimentary breccias and lavas with poorly developed pillows interbedded with small amounts of sandstone, silt-stone, and claystone which contain volcanic debris. Most of the rocks are propylitically altered. The degree of alteration increases erratically eastward toward the intrusive complex, and strongly metamorphosed older breccias occur adjacent to the intrusive masses. The upper contact of the older 456-237 0-72-2 breccias is placed at the base of a locally glassy lava sequence and at the top of a thin interval of sedimentary rocks. Numerous dikes, many of hornblende andesite, cut the breccias on the eastern part of Amchitka. More than 3,000 feet of the older breccias is exposed, but because of the thickness of numerous dikes and sills that intrude the section and the possibility of fault repetition, this value indicates a maximum thickness. The pillow lavas and breccias of Kirilof Point consist of glassy monolithologic breccias and subordinate pillow lava flows and a lesser amount of bedded volcanic sedimentary rocks. All these were probably deposited in a submarine environment. Composition-ally, the rocks of Kirilof Point are less mafic than others known on Amchitka; Powers, Coats, and Nelson (1960) published an analysis of hydrated glassy breccia from Kirilof Point which indicates that the rock is a latite. The Kirilof Point rocks are about 3,500 feet thick in the vicinity of Pillow Point. The Banjo Point Formation overlies the Amchitka Formation, showing only a slight unconformity, and is composed mainly of basaltic breccias, a few pillow lavas, and volcaniclastic sedimentary rocks, all of submarine deposition. Hornblende andesite and basalt sills are present locally. Because of a major erosional unconformity at the top, no complete section of the Banjo Point is exposed. The formation is probably between 2,000 and 5,000 feet thick and is late Eocene or Oligocene in age (Carr and others, 1970). The Chitka Point Formation overlies the Banjo Point Formation with marked unconformity and is restricted (Carr and others, 1970) to subaerial hornblende andesite and pyroxene andesite lava flows, breccias, tuffs, and conglomerate in the northwestern part of Amchitka (pi. 2). Included in the Chitka Point Formation by the present authors are all rocks previously mapped by Powers, Coats, and Nelson (1960) as Amchitka Formation on the northwestern part of the island and some rocks in small areas along the Bering Sea coast (between about lat 51°30' N. and Cyril Cove), previously mapped as Banjo Point Formation. The Chitka Point ranges in thickness from 0 near the middle of Amchitka to at least 2,000 feet in the vicinity of Top Side in northwestern Amchitka. On the basis of a potassium-argon date and other evidence, the Chitka Point Formation is determined to be Miocene (Carr and others,1970). Dioritic intrusive rocks cut the Chitka Point Formation on the westerii part of Amchitka and the older breccias of the Amchitka Formation on the eastern part of the island. Intense hydrothermal al-6 INTERPRETATION OF AN AEROMAGNETIC SURVEY, AMCHITKA ISLAND AREA, ALASKA teration of the Chitka Point Formation in the Chitka Cove area may be related to the diorite that crops out at White House Cove (pi. 2). Much of the Chitka Point Formation and the older breccias of the Am-chitka Formation are affected by weak to strong propylitic alteration, producing epidote, quartz, cal-cite, chlorite, and pyrite. In addition to causing locally intense alteration, the intrusives gently tilt the invaded rocks at White House Cove and on the eastern part of Amchitka east of St. Makarius Point. Although faults are not as abundant as aerial photograph lineaments suggest, there are perhaps a dozen major fault zones, a few of which may have a width of several thousand feet and within which the rocks may be highly fractured. Most of the major faults trend about N. 70° E. and dip northwest at 75°-90°. Although some of the movement appears to be lateral, some faults have stratigraphic displacement of as much as 4,000 ft. The middle third of the island is a series of fault blocks that repeat the southeastward-dipping section. Most of the major faulting predates the Chitka Point Formation. Within the area of the aeromagnetic survey are three important submarine fault systems. One lies 5-10 km (kilometers) (3-6 miles) north of Amchitka and Rat Islands along a prominent escarpment. In addition to outlining the escarpment, faults of this system border the basins and ridges between Amchitka and Semisopochnoi Islands. Most of these structural features appear to be younger than the Chitka Point Formation. Southeast of Amchitka about 40 km (25 miles), on the slopes descending into Amchitka Canyon and Ward Basin, are east-northeast-trending faults that parallel those on Amchitka and probably have the same general sense of displacement. About 25 km (15 miles) south of Amchitka on the insular slope are several sharply incised asymmetric submarine canyons. These mark northeast-trending faults, downthrown on the northwest. These faults cannot be connected with certainty to any exposed on Amchitka. VOLCANIC BRECCIA Breccias are an important part of the entire stratigraphic section on Amchitka; most of the samples were collected from the Banjo Point Formation. L. M. Gard and W. E. Hale (unpub. data, 1964) showed that the Banjo Point consists of a thick series of submarine basaltic breccias, lapilli tuffs, and conglomerates, and a small number of intercalated beds of volcanic sandstone, siltstone, shale, and tuff. MAGNETIC PROPERTIES The volcanic breccia consists mostly of coarse fragments of volcanic material that was rapidly deposited at low temperature by submarine landslides. During deposition, the earth’s magnetic field alines the smaller magnetized fragments so that they settle to the ocean bottom in a consistent direction of remanent magnetization. If this alinement is maintained throughout consolidation and cementation, a deposit consisting mainly of small fragments will acquire a bulk magnetization that is directed along the earth’s magnetic field. The earth’s field could not, however, affect larger pieces of magnetized material, especially those deposited rapidly. These larger pieces, therefore, would give the breccia a random remanent magnetization. Experiments with breccia core runs of the Banjo Point from exploratory drill hole UAe-1 verify that the remanent directions are basically random. Measurements on 15 core pieces from core run 1 (Gard and others, 1969), oriented with arrows pointing upward, gave seven upward or negative inclinations, six downward or positive inclinations, and two nearly horizontal inclinations. Inclinations for the 14 pieces of breccia from core run 2 were: seven negative, five positive, and two horizontal. Other breccia core pieces gave similar results. The present authors concluded that this wide scatter effect of disoriented breccia fragments on remanent magnetization will cancel most of the remanent contribution to the total magnetization of a large breccia deposit. Equation 1 then reduces to Jt * Ji■ The histograms of figure 2 present data from 97 breccia specimens, all the breccia measured to date. Logarithmic averages are 14.8XlO-4 gauss per oersted for magnetic susceptibility, 5.1 XlO-4 gauss for remanent intensity, and 0.72 for Koenigsberger ratio. The average density is 2.36 g/cc (grams per cubic centimeter). Equations 2 and 3 (p. 4, 11) determine that the total magnetization becomes 7.1 XlO-4 gauss in the direction of the earth’s magnetic field. Because breccia is the predominant lithology of Amchitka, the authors have designated this total magnetism of breccia as the ambient level for the island. A large geologic structure having a magnetization that differs in intensity or direction from the ambient level should, therefore, produce a residual magnetic anomaly. The 41 core samples from the Long Shot drill hole EH-5, collected at depths from 76 to 1,999 feet, are considered to be representative of breccia of the Banjo Point Formation. Data from these samplesMAGNETIC PROPERTIES OF VOLCANIC BRECCIA 7 have the following averages: Dry bulk density, 2.36 g/cc; magnetic susceptibility, 19.8X10-4 gauss per oersted; remanent intensity, 16.0X10-4 gauss; and total intensity, 9.5xl0~4 gauss in the direction of LOG 10 KOENIGSBERGER RATIO the earth’s magnetic field. The relatively high rem-anence of these pieces of core is apparently caused by a few large breccia fragments and is not the remanence of the rock as a whole. LOG REMANENT INTENSITY (GAUSS) DRY BULK DENSITY (GRAMS PER CUBIC CENTIMETER) Figure 2. — Histograms of Koenigsberger ratio, de for 97 specimens of volcanic brec Histograms (fig. 3) list properties for 62 lithic fragments removed from two surface samples of the breccia of the Banjo Point Formation. Most of the pieces are from lava flows that were probably originally emplaced away from the present island area. Core sections of the breccia of Kirilof Point and the underlying older breccias from UAe-1 have rather different average total magnetizations. Thirteen samples of breccia of Kirilof Point from depths LOG10 MAGNETIC SUSCEPTIBILITY (GAUSS PER OERSTED) ity, remanent intensity, and magnetic susceptibility a. Arrow indicates average value. of 2,415-4,925 feet gave averages of 2.32 g/cc for density, 4.9 xlO-4 gauss per oersted for magnetic susceptibility, 5.1 XlO-4 gauss for remanent intensity, and 2.4X10-4 gauss for total intensity. Thirteen samples of older breccia from depths of 5,756-6,997 feet gave averages of 2.45 g/cc for density, 33.9XlO-4 gauss per oersted for magnetic susceptibility, 5.9X 10~4 gauss for remanent intensity, and 16.2X10-4 gauss for total intensity.8 INTERPRETATION OF AN AEROMAGNETIC SURVEY, AMCHITKA ISLAND AREA, ALASKA LOG 10 REMANENT INTENSITY (GAUSS) c/> z Hi 5 o uj 0- co o £E UJ m z DRY BULK DENSITY (GRAMS PER CUBIC CENTIMETER) LOG jo MAGNETIC SUSCEPTIBILITY (GAUSS PER OERSTED) Figure 3.-—-Histograms of Koenigsberger ratio, density, remanent intensity, and magnetic susceptibility for 62 specimens of volcanic breccia fragments. Arrow indicates average value. AEROMAGNETIC ANOMALIES Aeromagnetic traverses over the large area of Banjo Point breccias and the older breccias (pi. 2) show an anomaly level that is generally above the regional value but is interrupted by several prominent and many local negative and positive anomalies. In the area of the Banjo Point Formation, the marked negative anomalies have been named “Mex Island,” “—780,” and “Rifle Range Point” anomalies. The most marked positive effect is named the “Site B” anomaly. As will be pointed out in a following section, the marked positive and negative anomalies come from lava flows or sills and do not represent the magnetic effect of breccia. The magnetic field becomes fairly uniform after lava-related anomalies are removed. GROUND SURVEY ANOMALIES A striking difference in average anomaly amplitude and standard error is present over breccia and lava flows. The magnetic expressions of the breccia are relatively uniform and have lower values than the lavas, except that the contrast is not great between the Chitka Point lava flows and the Banjo Point breccias. In the Infantry Road traverse (pi. 3), the 8V2 miles over the Banjo Point Formation (from mile 8 to mile 16.5) and the 61/2 miles over the Chitka Point Formation (from mile 16.5 to mile 23) averaged less than 1,000 gammas for anomaly amplitude and less than 50 gammas for standard error. Low values of standard error come from near-surface breccia; high values^from small near-surface features such as flows, dikes, or sills. From mile 0 to mile 5, the pillow lavas and breccias of Kirilof Point as mapped by Carr and Quinlivan (1969) show extreme magnetic effects. Anomaly amplitudes reach values of 5,000 gammas and show standard errors of 600 gammas over nearsurface and strongly magnetized lava flows. From the data of plate 3 the following near-surface source rocks may be identified: lava from mile 0 to mile 0.7, breccia from 0.8 to 1.1, mostly lava from 1.2 to 2.1, mostly breccia from 2.2 to 3.0, and mostly lava from 3.1 to 4.VOLCANIC SANDSTONE, SILTSTONE, AND TUFF BRECCIA 9 The short traverse along the access road to drill hole UAe-1 presents an excellent example of the characteristic low values of standard error that are found over near-surface breccia. The traverse also locates the Mex Island anomaly more accurately than the aeromagnetic survey does. The ground data of plate 3 place the anomaly minimum at 0.3 mile from UAe-1, not at 0.6 mile as indicated by the aeromagnetic data (pi. 2). VOLCANIC SANDSTONE, SILTSTONE, AND TUFF BRECCIA Although Carr and Quinlivan (1969) reported interbedded sedimentary rocks in the Chitka Point and Banjo Point Formations and in the older breccias of the Amchitka Formation, the beds are too thin to be mapped at the 1:100,000 scale, and the outcrop areas are too small to be correlated with individual aeromagnetic anomalies. Sedimentary rocks may be more extensive in some areas offshore as suggested by the abrupt change of the character of the magnetic field (pi. 1) in the area of the broad positive anomaly about 10 miles north of Chitka Point. A thick deposit of rocks having consonant total magnetizations is required to explain the uniform nature of the field. The histograms of figure 4 present data from 30 core specimens of volcanic sandstone and siltstone and 31 specimens of tuff breccia, collected at depths ranging from 543 to 2,225 feet in drill hole EH-5. Logarithmic averages are ll.OxlO-4 gauss per oersted for magnetic susceptibility, 1.4X10-4 gauss for remanent intensity, and 0.26 for Koenigsberger ratio. C/) z LlI O LlI Q_ C/3 Li_ o tr LlI m D Z 2.0 2.5 3.0 DRY BULK DENSITY (GRAMS PER CUBIC CENTIMETER) LOGio MAGNETIC SUSCEPTIBILITY (GAUSS PER OERSTED) Figure 4. — Histograms of Koenigsberger ratio, density, remanent intensity, and magnetic susceptibility for 61 specimens of volcanic sandstone, siltstone, and tuff breccia from drill hole EH-5. Arrow indicates average value.10 INTERPRETATION OF AN AEROMAGNETIC SURVEY, AMCHITKA ISLAND AREA, ALASKA The average density is 2.16 g/cc. Except for remanent direction, average values are similar for the volcanic sandstone and siltstone and the tuff breccia. The authors assumed no structural tilting and obtained true values of remanent inclinations by measurement of drill cores that were referenced to a vertical drill hole. Remanent azimuths are unknown, but a measurement of variation was obtained by referencing azimuth to a line marked along seven continuous lengths of drill core before these lengths were cut into several specimens. Figure 5 gives inclinations and variations in azimuth for drill-core samples collected from EH-5. The low average inclination of 27° for 16 specimens of volcanic sandstone and siltstone is difficult to explain. One possible explanation is the tendency of platy magnetic particles to settle horizontally and thus be only partially N alined by the earth’s magnetic field. Most of these samples are from graded beds or fine-grained, rapidly deposited sediments. For 17 specimens of tuff breccia, the average inclination is 67°, or close to the 62° value for the geomagnetic field, a condition which suggests the effect of a viscous magnetization acquired after emplacement. The total magnetization of volcanic sandstone, siltstone, and tuff breccia is controlled by magnetic susceptibility, or induced magnetism. The low Koe-nigsberger ratio of 0.26 shows that the contribution of remanent magnetism is relatively unimportant. The authors therefore assign these fine-grained sedimentary rocks an average total magnetization of 6.5X10-4 gauss in the direction of the geomagnetic field. N Figure 5. — Equal-area projections of remanent directions of magnetization for specimens cut from continuous lengths of core from drill hole EH-5: A, 16 specimens of volcanic sandstone and siltstone; B, 17 specimens of tuff breccia. Differences in azimuth are referenced to an arbitrary line marked along the core before it was cut. The average of all azimuths is assumed northward, but inclinations are referenced to a vertical drill hole and are, therefore, true values. •, lower hemisphere; O, upper hemisphere; x, present geomagnetic field. DIKES AND SMALL SILLS The presence of dikes and sills beneath prominent aeromagnetic anomalies suggests that the magnetic contribution of several of these small features is sufficient to explain some of the anomalies. For example, the —780 and St. Makarius Point anomalies shown on plate 2 are over complexes of basaltic dikes and small sills intruded into the Banjo Point Forma- tion. Most of the dikes and sills exposed in these areas have thicknesses that are less than 50 feet. From the geologic detail shown by Carr and Quin-livan (1969), it seems clear that these features should be considered as possible source rocks. The St. Makarius Point and —780 anomalies are discussed in more detail under the section on “Interpretation of Anomalies.”INTRUSIVE ROCKS 11 Data are available for 30 surface samples collected from dikes and small sills (pi. 2). Logarithmic averages are 25.7X10“' gauss per oersted for magnetic susceptibility, 5.5xl0“4 gauss for remanent intensity, and 0.45 for Koenigsberger ratio. A maximum value of 17.8x10“' gauss for total magnetization is computed from these data. Subtracting the ambient level value (7.0x10“') from 17.8xl0“4 gauss, the effective total magnetization for the 30 samples collected from dikes and small sills becomes 10.8X10-4 gauss. A single dike or small sill that has this value of effective total magnetization will produce an aero-magnetic anomaly of little importance at the datum plane 1,600 feet above sea level. Assuming a thickness, e, of 50 feet and a depth, t, of 1,200 feet, computations using the equation 2J, e 105 A71max= -----1----- gammas (3) give a maximum anomaly, ATmnx, of only 9 gammas for a total magnetization, Jt, of 10.8X10-4 gauss. Computation for a sill 50 feet thick at a depth of 1,200 feet, 2.4J( e 105 ATm„x= -----t---- gammas, (4) gives a maximum anomaly of only 11 gammas (fig. 15). Because the effect of a single dike is small, the authors have concluded that a complex of many dikes is required to explain a prominent aeromagnetic anomaly. INTRUSIVE ROCKS Samples of intrusive rock were collected from the complex of diorites and andesites exposed on the eastern part of the island, from exposures on White House Cove, Chapel Cove, and Ivakin Point, and from intrusive features that are too small to be shown on plate 2. MAGNETIC PROPERTIES The histograms of figure 6 present data from 43 specimens of intrusive rock. Logarithmic averages are 12.5xl0“4 gauss per oersted for magnetic susceptibility, 5.1X10”4 gauss for remanent intensity, and 0.85 for Koenigsberger ratio. The average density is 2.55 g/cc. The broad spectrum of values shown in the remanent intensity histogram indicates the presence of more than one pluton. A closer inspection of the data reveals that the lower values come from the complex exposed on the eastern part of the island, including Ivakin Point. Table 1 shows an average remanent intensity of 1.3xl0“4 gauss for eight specimens from the East Cape pluton and 19.7X10-4 gauss for 16 specimens from the White House Cove intrusive. Table 1. — Average of densities and magnetic properties for eight specimens collected from the East Cape pluton and 16 specimens collected from the White House Cove intrusive East Cape White House pluton Cove intrusive Density g/cc.. 2.58 2.50 Magnetic susceptibility... ..X10-4 gauss per oersted.. 11.9 20.8 5.7 10.0 Induced direction: 7 7 62 62 1.3 19.7 Remanent direction: 181 5 75 69 6.6 29.6 Total direction : 8 6 69 66 Difference in directions of remanent magnetism supports the concept of two separate episodes of intrusion. Experts in paleomagnetic investigations of remanent directions now generally agree that, during cooling and crystallization, the magnetic minerals in igneous rocks become magnetized in the direction of the earth’s magnetic field. In the geologic past, the earth’s magnetic field has changed direction and has undergone numerous complete reversals of polarity (Cox and others, 1964). Directions for 16 specimens collected from the White House Cove intrusive (fig. 7) have a normal polarity that averages 5° in declination and 69° in inclination, a direction that approximates the 7° declination and 62° inclination of the present geomagnetic field on Amchitka. Partial demagnetization of three of the specimens in alternating fields of 100 and 200 oersteds did not result in a significant change in direction, and the natural-state magnetism appears to be stable and related to the direction of an ancient geomagnetic field. In marked contrast, the remanent data of figure 8 from eight specimens of the East Cape pluton show an intermediate polarity, having an average declination of 181° and an inclination of 75°. The natural-state magnetism contains an unstable component of viscous remanent magnetization which was removed by partial demagnetization. At 100 oersteds (table 2), inclination changed from plus to minus. The average direction for three specimens at 200 oersteds gives a reversed polarity, or a declination of 188° and an inclination of —49°. Table 1 gives the total magnetization values that are used in the interpretive studies of the two plu-tons. The reader may be surprised to find that even though the direction of fossil remanent magnetization for the East Cape pluton is reversed, the aver-12 INTERPRETATION OF AN AEROMAGNETIC SURVEY, AMCHITKA ISLAND AREA, ALASKA age direction of total magnetization, shown in figure 8, is normal and approximates the earth’s present magnetic field. This is the result of the low 0.23 value of Koenigsberger ratio. The remanent effect becomes trivial when it is added vectorially to the induced effect. importance are the thick andesite lava flows of the Chitka Point Formation, the andesitic and basaltic lavas within the Banjo Point Formation, and the latitic pillow lavas of Kirilof Point in the Amchitka Formation. AEROMAGNETIC ANOMALIES The positions of several aeromagnetic anomalies that have values well below the regional level correlate with the positions of large exposures of intrusive rock. The East Cape negative anomaly is over a complex of diorites on the eastern end of the island (pi. 2). The White House Cove negative anomalies are over exposures of intrusive rock at White House and Chapel Coves. A less pronounced low occurs near the intrusive complex at Ivakin Point. LAVA FLOWS AND THICK SILLS Lava flows and thick sills produce most of the pronounced aeromagnetic anomalies. Of particular Table 2. — Average remanent directions and intensities for three specimens collected from the East Cape pluton, measured at natural state and after partial alternating field demagnetization to 100 and 200 oersteds [Collected at sample site 13, pi. 2] Natural state Demagnetization level 100 200 oersted oersted Specimen B25A1-67: 189 199 -49 3.0 187 203 —58 2.9 184 —45 44 3.3 Specimen B25A2-67: 169 66 —45 1.5 .7 .7 178 Specimen B25C1-67: 128 170 72 —40 —45 1.7 .4 .3 LOG10 KOENIGSBERGER RATIO LOGio REMANENT INTENSITY (GAUSS) DRY BULK DENSITY LOG i0 MAGNETIC SUSCEPTIBILITY (GRAMS PER CUBIC CENTIMETER) (GAUSS PER OERSTED) Figure 6. — Histograms of Koenigsberger ratio, density, remanent intensity, and magnetic susceptibility for 43 specimens of intrusive rock. Arrow indicates average value.LAVA FLOWS AND THICK SILLS 13 N N Figure 7. — Equal-area projections of remanent (A) and total (B) directions of magnetization for 16 specimens of intrusive rock collected from surface exposures of the White House Cove intrusive. •, lower hemisphere; X, present geomagnetic field; +, average direction. N N FIGURE 8. — Equal-area projections of remanent (A) and total (B) directions of magnetization for 8 specimens of intrusive rock collected from surface exposures of the East Cape pluton. •, lower hemisphere; X, present geomagnetic field; +, average direction. 456-237 0 - 72 -314 INTERPRETATION OF AN AEROMAGNETIC SURVEY, AMCHITKA ISLAND AREA, ALASKA MAGNETIC PROPERTIES The histograms of figures 9 and 10 present data from 219 surface and 81 drill-core specimens of lava flows, sills, and dikes. The surface samples (fig. 9) were collected from all areas of the island except the areas of undivided intrusive rocks (pi. 2). Their logarithmic averages are 22.9X10-4 gauss per oersted for magnetic susceptibility, 9.8 XlO-4 gauss for remanent intensity, and 0.89 for Koenigsberger ratio. The average density is 2.6 g/cc. The subsurface data (fig. 10) were taken from the following: 30 specimens from drill hole EH-5, 12 from UAe-1, 24 from UAe-2, 10 from UAe-3, and five from UAe-7c. Their logarithmic averages are 36.3X10-4 gauss per oersted for magnetic susceptibility, 15.9Xl0~4 gauss for remanent intensity, and 0.91 for Koenigsberger ratio. The average density is 2.49 g/cc. Although remanent directions at Amchitka appear generally constant throughout individual flows or sills, average directions may change from formation to formation, and even within some formations. For example, all pieces of the pillow lavas of Kirilof Point from core runs 4, 5, 6, 16, and 18 of UAe-1 (Gard and others, 1969) have negative inclinations that average about —60°. The change from formation to formation is demonstrated by the data from DRY BULK DENSITY LOG 10 MAGNETIC SUSCEPTIBILITY (GRAMS PER CUBIC CENTIMETER) (GAUSS PER OERSTED) Figure 9. — Histograms of Koenigsberger ratio, density, remanent intensity, and magnetic susceptibility for 219 surface specimens of andesitic and basaltic flows, sills, and dikes. Arrow indicates average value.MAGNETIC PROPERTIES OF LAVA FLOWS AND THICK SILLS 15 drill hole UAe-2, located about 5 miles southeast of UAe-1. Four core samples of lava collected from the Banjo Point Formation at depths of 2,578-3,103 feet have positive rather than negative inclinations that average 68°. However, not all units in the Banjo Point have the same magnetic characteristics, as illustrated by the negative inclinations of lava samples at depths of 2,227-2,244 feet in drill hole EH-5. Small changes in remanent inclination can be interpreted in a similar manner. Inclinations of andesite core from EH-5 have the following aver- ages and 95-percent confidence intervals: 76°±6° for seven samples from 2,340.8- to 2,342.2-foot depth; 55° ±11° for eight samples from 2,466- to 2,468.3-foot depth; and 41° ±4° for five samples from 2,479.7-to 2,480.9-foot depth. The 76° average differs significantly from the 55° and 41° averages, and the authors thus assume that the andesite at the more shallow depth was emplaced at a different time. The remanent data plotted in figure 11 indicate that the thick lava flows of the Chitka Point Formation have normal polarities. The 58 surface speci- LOG10 KOENIGSBERGER RATIO LOGi0 REMANENT INTENSITY (GAUSS) DRY BULK DENSITY (GRAMS PER CUBIC CENTIMETER) LOGio MAGNETIC SUSCEPTIBILITY (GAUSS PER OERSTED) Figure 10. — Histograms of Koenigsberger ratio, density, remanent intensity, and magnetic susceptibility for 81 drill-core specimens of andesitic and basaltic flows, sills, and dikes. Arrow indicates average value.16 INTERPRETATION OF AN AEROMAGNETIC SURVEY, AMCHITKA ISLAND AREA, ALASKA mens collected from 26 samples at 11 sampling sites average 26.4X10-4 gauss per oersted for magnetic susceptibility and 15.1X10-4 gauss for remanent intensity. Average total magnetization, having a direction that approximates the present geomagnetic field, is 27.4X10-4 gauss. A few strongly magnetized surface samples that the authors have collected to date show intermediate remanent polarities. For example, the 10 surface N specimens of basalt collected from five samples at four sampling sites in the Banjo Point Formation average 29.1X10-4 gauss per oersted for magnetic susceptibility and 114.6xl0~4 gauss for remanent intensity. The intermediate directional data for these samples are shown in figure 12. The average total magnetization for these samples is 111.5X10-4 gauss, having a declination of 316° and an inclination of -26°. N Figure 11. — Equal-area projections of remanent (A) and total (B) directions of magnetization for 58 specimens of andesitic lava collected from surface exposures of the Chitka Point Formation. •, lower hemisphere; X, present geomagnetic field; +, average direction. AEROMAGNETIC ANOMALIES The positions of several aeromagnetic anomalies having values well above the regional anomaly correlate with the positions of known exposures of relatively young andesite lava flows of the Chitka Point Formation. Bird Rock, Windy Island, and Site F positive anomalies are over these flows on the northwestern part of the island (pi. 2). The Infantry Road anomaly is over exposures that are mainly breccia, but flows probably lie beneath the breccia. The edge of the large positive feature named the Chitka Point-Constantine Point anomaly is also over the flows. It has been previously pointed out (p. 8) that the positive Site B anomaly and the negative Mex Island, —780, Rifle Range Point, and Pillow Point anomalies are at least partly related to older lavas that are buried within or beneath the Banjo Point Formation. GROUND SURVEY ANOMALIES The data obtained from the traverses and plotted on plate 3 show the characteristic irregular pattern of magnetic anomalies over lava. Weiss (1949) was perhaps the first investigator to point out the extreme variations in the ground anomalies beneath the aeromagnetic anomalies caused by near-surface and reversely magnetized rocks. Data obtained from the short traverse along Clevenger Road illustrate the effects of strongly magnetized rock buried beneath nonmagnetic rock. The irregular and negative residual anomalies indicate rocks having strong remanent intensities and reverse polarities that are assumed to be the pillow lavas of Kirilof Point. The low values of standard error indicate near-surface rocks that are considered nonmagnetic, such as breccia or alluvium.ANALYSIS OF MAGNETIC ANOMALIES 17 N N Figure 12. — Equal-area projections of remanent (A) and total (B) directions of magnetization for 10 specimens of basaltic lava collected from surface exposures of the Banjo Point Formation. • , lower hemisphere; O, upper hemisphere; X, present geomagnetic field; +, average direction. ANALYSIS OF MAGNETIC ANOMALIES A detailed investigation of the complex anomaly patterns given in the Amchitka aeromagnetic survey is possible in areas where individual anomalies stand out so clearly that they can be separated from neighboring magnetic effects. The understanding of geologic structure and magnetic properties of the rocks on the island enables one to identify many of the anomaly-producing features, compute estimates of depths to their tops, and make inference about their lateral extents and thicknesses. The identification of anomaly-producing features becomes more difficult over the insular shelf where little is known about marine geology. However, considerations of magnetic properties and magnetic anomalies over the island units permit a qualitative analysis of many of the anomalies shown on plate 2. The most likely causes of complex anomaly patterns are the strongly magnetized lava flows and thick sills within the Amchitka and Banjo Point Formations; the positive anomalies being related to rocks which have positive inclinations of remanent direction, and the negative anomalies to rocks which have negative inclinations of remanent direction. Most of the broad positive anomalies with the more moderate anomaly patterns are undoubtedly produced by normally magnetized lava flows of the Chitka Point Formation. Areas of relatively uniform anomaly could overlie large volumes of either intrusive rock, sedimentary rock, or volcanic breccia. DEPTH ESTIMATES Several investigators working in petroleum-rich areas pointed out the advantage of using aeromagnetic data to obtain preliminary estimates of the thickness of the sedimentary section throughout extensive areas (Steenland, 1965; Henderson and Zietz, 1958). Their premise is that sedimentary rocks are nonmagnetic and any magnetic anomalies must originate from the underlying igneous rocks. Calculation of depth to the magnetic rock therefore yields a thickness estimate for the sedimentary rocks. On Amchitka, the igneous rocks are at or very near the surface. Some rocks, such as volcanic breccia, are relatively nonmagnetic and do not significantly distort aeromagnetic anomalies arising from deeper, strongly magnetized rocks. These magnetic anomalies were analyzed to determine thicknesses of breccia, some lava flows, and other rocks having low magnetizations. Computed depths were compared with the actual depths of known geologic features that had been obtained by drilling. In general, shallow sources give sharp anomalies having short wavelengths, and deep sources give18 INTERPRETATION OF AN AEROMAGNETIC SURVEY, AMCHITKA ISLAND AREA, ALASKA broad anomalies having long wavelengths. Numerous simple rules have been introduced to determine depth or some other dimension of the anomaly source (Vac-quier and others, 1951; Grant and West, 1965). Most rules are made in accordance with some property of an anomaly calculated for models of varying depth, length, width, thickness, magnetization, or geomagnetic latitude. Often the property consists of the horizontal distance between two critical points of the anomaly. For most Amchitka anomalies, computations were made for horizontal sheet and dipole models: first, the extent of maximum slope (Vac-quier and others, 1951) ; second, the interval between the one-half maximum slope intersections with the anomaly curve (Peters, 1949) ; and third, the interval between inflection points (Bean, 1966). Comparison of these computed anomaly properties with similar properties of an actual anomaly will yield the depth estimate. Figure 13 was prepared to illustrate observed data from magnetometer records, anomalies produced by near-surface rocks, and an anomaly produced by > Infantry Road A A' Figure 13. — Observed data from magnetometer record and from low-sensitivity plot superimposed on profile A-A’ along flight line 111, as shown on plate 2.INTERPRETATION OF ANOMALIES 19 rocks below sea level. The data were recorded at a scale of about 1:30,000, and the distance from airplane to ground and water surface was obtained by radio altimeter. Anomaly analysis indicates that the rocks causing the shelf-break anomaly are along the shelf break and 1,100 feet below sea level, those causing Bird Rock anomaly are at the ground surface, those causing the two dipole anomalies on the north side of Infantry Road anomaly are at the ground surface, and those causing the Infantry Road anomaly and the dipole anomaly on its south side are buried 500 feet beneath the ground surface. DIPOLE AND SHEETLIKE MODELS In spite of the complexity of the earth’s magnetic field at a barometric elevation of 1,600 feet (pi. 1), certain individual anomalies do stand out (pi. 2), and they appear to represent the effect of single magnetized bodies. For these anomalies, a quantitative method of interpretation may give information on the length, width, and thickness of the magnetic feature. The method consists of finding the model, or models, that are both geologically reasonable and capable of causing an effect equivalent to the anomaly. A sharp anomaly having an interval of only about one depth unit (or less) between maximum and minimum values was considered as a model of point dipole effect. One depth unit is equal to the distance from airplane to anomaly-producing rocks. Such a model represents a fairly small geologic feature that has roughly the same dimensions in all directions. Experimental examples of dipoles are the three small anomalies shown superimposed on the Infantry Road anomaly of figure 13, and theoretical examples are data on the five traverses shown in figure 14. The dipole anomaly portrays the limiting case that gives no information on the dimensions of the source. A strongly magnetized body that measures only a few feet on a side will produce the same anomaly configuration as a body with dimensions up to about half a depth unit. Larger dimensions will distort the anomaly and thus show a shape effect. To investigate the dipole effect, anomalies for five directions of traverse over a dipole source were com- A Tt3 puted from —— (eq 8 of Hall, 1959, p. 1947), as shown in figure 14. The depth from datum line to source is designated t, and traverse distance, x, is expressed in depth units. The direction of total magnetization is parallel to the earth’s magnetic field at Amchitka, fi is the dipole moment, and AT is the anomalous total magnetic field measured by the airborne magnetometer. Lava flows frequently occur as well-defined magnetic bodies that have dimensions nearly approaching those of a horizontal sheetlike model. The sheet model has practical importance also because its anomaly does not change in shape for the sake of increases in thickness up to about one depth unit. The anomaly pattern does change for increases in length (fig. 15A) and for increases in width (fig. 155). Also, when the average total magnetization of the body is known, calculations based on the anomaly amplitude will give an estimate of thickness. By using a thickness of one-third depth unit and then converting to the sheet notation, the anomalies of figure 15A were computed from equations 4.3a and 4.3b of Werner (1953, p. 17), and the anomalies of figure 155, from the prismatic models of Vacquier, Steenland, Henderson, and Zietz (1951). The direction of total magnetization, Jt, is parallel to the earth’s magnetic field at Amchitka, and the thickness of the sheet model, e, is expressed in depth units, e', £ where £'=j- The m0(iel length, l, width, w, and the traverse distance, x, are also expressed in units of depth, t. INTERPRETATION OF ANOMALIES The following discussion deals with some of the magnetic anomalies that can be explained by known geologic facts. Also discussed are some anomalies and anomaly patterns that are subject to more conjectural interpretations. The lava flows and thick sills produce most of the anomalies in the aeromagnetic survey. The theoretical magnetic anomalies plotted in figure 15 show steeper gradients near the boundaries of models, which represent simplified configurations for flows or sills having horizontal attitudes. Most drill holes are located away from the strong anomalies that have dominant trends or are terminated abruptly. Termination may also be caused by erosion or other geologic processes, and the present authors have relied heavily on geologic evidence before designating a feature as fault related. Remanent magnetization exerts the most marked influence on the total magnetization of flows and sills, and remanent direction thereby becomes a dominant factor in determining anomaly configurations. The Koenigsberger ratio averages 0.9 for all the measured andesite and basalt specimens, and the ratio increases for many anomaly-producing formations. For example, the 58 specimens from the Chitka Point lavas (fig. 11) have a ratio of 1.2, and 10 specimens of basalt (fig. 12) have a ratio of 14.0.20 INTERPRETATION OF AN AEROMAGNETIC SURVEY, AMCHITKA ISLAND AREA, ALASKA EAST CAPE ANOMALY At East Cape, Pillow Point, and Ivakin Point, the diorite complex intrudes both the older breccia and the breccias and pillow lavas of Kirilof Point. Contact metamorphism has locally changed some of the wallrock to hornfels. Explanation of the broad negative anomaly in the area of East Cape is based on the very low remanent intensity of the diorite and the somewhat higher values of the intruded breccia. Eight specimens of diorite (table 1) have a low average total intensity of 6.6X10-4 gauss along the direction of the geomagnetic field, which is a value just under the ambient level for the island. Thirteen samples of breccia, dikes, and sills from the area mapped as older breccia and hornfels (pi. 2) have somewhat higher average values—4.4 xlO-4 gauss for remanent intensity, and 10.0X10-4 gauss for induced intensity — but the contrast is probably insufficient to explain the anomaly. We therefore conclude that lava flows in the older breccia are strongly enough magnetized to cause the contrast. Examples are samples Q57-66 and Q12-67 (sample sites 12 and 11, pi. 2) which have high average remanent and induced intensities of 156X10-4 and 24.5X10-4 gauss. Drill hole UAe-2 at site B penetrated several thick bodies of mafic magnetic rock in this general part of the section. For example, a hornblende andesite sample, collected at a depth of 6,002 feet, has remanent and induced magnetizations of 14.0X10-4 and 20.9xl0~4 gauss. WHITE HOUSE COVE AND SHELF-BREAK ANOMALIES Another prominent negative anomaly related to intrusive rock is at White House Cove directly over outcrops of diorite porphyry that intrude the Banjo Point Formation and probably the Chitka Point Formation. The anomaly curves across the island to the Bering Sea side of Amchitka where there is a small outcrop of diorite (Carr and Quinlivan, 1969). To explain the negative anomalies, two possibilities that require relatively low values of magnetization were considered. The first assumes that the White House Cove intrusive has a total magnetization lower than that of the adjacent rocks. The limited sample Figure 14. — Theoretical magnetic anomalies, AT computed for five directions of traverse over a dipole source magnetized along the geomagnetic field having an inclination of 60°. Strike of traverse lines: A, magnetic north; B, 22.5° east or west of magnetic north; C, 45° east or west of magnetic north; D, 67.5° east or west of magnetic north; E, magnetic east, t, depth from datum line to source; m, dipole moment, x, traverse distance, is expressed in units of depth, t.INTERPRETATION OF ANOMALIES 21 Figure 15. — Theoretical magnetic anomalies, AT, computed for the following: A, traverses striking magnetic north over the centers of four rectangular sheetlike models; B, traverses striking magnetic east over the centers of three square sheetlike models. All models magnetized along the geomagnetic field having an inclination of 60°. Model length, l, width, w, thickness, c, and traverse distance, x, are expressed in units of depth, t. e'—e/t; J,, intensity of total magnetization.22 INTERPRETATION OF AN AEROMAGNETIC data now available do not support this concept. According to table 1, the diorite has a total intensity which is well above the ambient level for the island and which is about equal to the total intensity of the Chitka Point lavas. This comparatively high value of magnetism would result in a positive rather than a negative anomaly relative to the Banjo Point and practically no anomaly relative to the Chitka Point. The second possible explanation of the anomaly seems to be more reasonable. It requires a local decrease of magnetism in the near-surface volcanic rocks that overlie the pluton, and it requires a lac-colithic structure that would give the pluton a thickness about equal to the total thickness of the Chitka Point lavas. A thicker intrusive could change the anomaly from negative to positive. The anomaly also extends over intensely altered lava flows of the Chitka Point Formation (pi. 2). This hydrothermally altered rock is represented by samples B4-67, B5-67, and Q30-67 (sample sites 4, 6, and 5, pi. 2), which have an extremely low total average magnetization of 0.5Xl0~4 gauss, a condition indicating the almost complete destruction of magnetite. Lava and breccia samples collected beneath the anomaly but outside the intensely altered zone such as samples B19-67, C75-67, and C76-67 (sample sites 3, 2, and 1, pi. 2) have an average total magnetization of 5xl0-4 gauss, which is also well below the regional level. Much of this area shows evidence of weak to strong propylitic alteration, the chief minerals of which are pyrite, chlorite, and quartz. Plate 1 shows that the White House Cove anomaly is only part of a much bigger negative anomaly that extends from the Bering Sea coast of Amchitka northwestward more than 25 miles, culminating in a very pronounced negative anomaly over the eastern part of Rat Island. The part north of the northwestern tip of Amchitka is designated as the shelf-break anomaly on plate 2. Its termination may be related to faulting along the shelf break, the escarpment that parallels Rat Island and Amchitka Island on the north. On Rat Island, the anomaly is over diorite porphyry that appears to be identical with the diorite on Amchitka. Alteration is also locally intense on this part of Rat Island. The total pattern of the anomaly thus subtends an elongated partial oval inside of which are lavas and probably source vents for the Chitka Point andesite lava flows. Gravity data (Miller and others, 1969) show that the western end of Amchitka is a gravity low. In addition, the fact that remanent directions shown in figures 10 and 11 are very similar for the White House Cove intrusive and the surrounding Chitka Point lava flows indicates that these rocks may be nearly con- SURVEY, AMCHITKA ISLAND AREA, ALASKA temporaneous. The two rocks — intrusive and lava — are also similar petrographically. All these data, though sketchy, suggest that the western end of Amchitka and the eastern end of Rat Island may constitute a large volcanic center related to the Chitka Point Formation and that the diorite porphyry may be a series of large ring dikes related to the volcanic center. PILLOW POINT AND RIFLE RANGE POINT ANOMALIES Analysis of the negative anomalies that trend southeastward from Pillow Point (pi. 2) indicates source rocks that are (1) near surface, (2) magnetized in a negative or upward direction, and (3) elongated in the direction of strike. The anomaly is less than 2,000 feet wide but extends southeast from the island 6 miles. At the shoreline of Amchitka the anomaly correlates with pillow lavas of Kirilof Point as mapped by Carr and Quinlivan (1969). The anomaly is also over intrusive rocks at Pillow Point. Although intrusive rock samples C83-66 and Q79-66 (sample sites 10 and 9, pi. 2) were not oriented to determine remanent direction, other data show that they do not have the required total magnetization and have a negative or upward direction. Their average induced intensity (20.1 XlO-4 gauss) is greater than the remanent intensity (17.8X10-4 gauss), and this will result in a total magnetization having a downward direction. The pillow lavas of Kirilof Point, however, are known to have upward total direction, and these rocks crop out beneath the anomaly and have a strike that is nearly the same as the anomaly. Part of the Rifle Range Point anomaly (pi. 2) correlates fairly well with those pillow lavas of the Kirilof Point that are presumed responsible for the Pillow Point anomaly. However, the anomaly diverges from outcrops of the pillow lavas and appears to follow the southeast side of the Rifle Range fault out into the Pacific. The rocks that cause this part of the anomaly have not been identified, but a possible explanation is given in the following discussion of the St. Makarius Point anomaly. ST. MAKARIUS POINT ANOMALY The downward inclination of the total magnetization of the five samples collected from dikes and sills beneath the St. Makarius Point negative anomaly (pi. 2) shows that these are not source rocks. Depth estimates support this interpretation. The depth estimated from the negative anomaly on profile T-16 (pi. 1) is at least 500 feet below the surface. The anomaly is near the axis of a gentle northeast-trending syncline. This fold may be a result of uplift dueINTERPRETATION OF ANOMALIES 23 to intrusion of the diorite to the east. It seems reasonable to assume that the St. Makarius Point anomaly is caused by reversely magnetized but locally thicker pillow lavas near the top of the Kirilof Point rocks. These would lie between 1,000 and 1,500 feet below the surface at the location of the anomaly. The apparent thickening of this reversely magnetized lava in a structural depression further suggests that this depression was present in late Kirilof Point time. This means that structural movements may have begun in Kirilof Point time. Support for this concept is also found in the previously mentioned Rifle Range Point anomaly in which the buried source rocks of the strongest negative anomalies are removed from the trend of the present strike of these lavas. Here, too, the only rocks known to be capable of causing the anomaly are pillow lavas of Kirilof Point. These may be thicker and structurally localized in the Rifle Range Point area, just as they are thought to be in the St. Makarius Point area. Furthermore, the largest and most intense negative anomalies on or near Amchitka lie offshore (pi. 1), south and west of the Rifle Range Point anomaly where one string of negative anomalies projects seaward. This culminates in a large negative anomaly about 4 miles southwest of Rifle Range Point. MEX ISLAND ANOMALY This negative anomaly appears to be another that is attributable to the pillow lavas of Kirilof Point. Like the anomalies at Rifle Range and St. Makarius Points, it occupies a position on the upthrown side of a major fault. Although the Kirilof Point does not crop out in this area, pillow lavas of the Kirilof Point were found in drill hole UAe-1 at a depth of about 1,400 feet. The depth estimated from the anomalies on profiles T-130 and T-8 (pi. 1) is 1,300 feet to the top of the source rocks. A considerable part of the section penetrated between 1,400 and 6,100 feet in UAe-1 is reversely magnetized, although at most depths the remanence is weak. Like the Rifle Range Point anomaly, the Mex Island anomaly extends seaward several miles to a large pronounced low over the ocean floor (pi. 2). BIRD ROCK, WINDY ISLAND. CHITKA POINT-CONSTANTINE POINT ANOMALIES The Chitka Point andesite lava flows are normally magnetized, and, where relatively thick or high in total intensity, they produce positive anomalies. Examples are the Bird Rock, Windy Island, and Chitka Point-Constantine Point anomalies (pi. 2). Almost all oriented samples collected beneath these anomalies have positive remanent inclinations. The one notable exception which has a high negative inclination value, sample B7-67 (sample site 7, pi. 2), was collected from a feature that is probably too small to give an aeromagnetic anomaly. The Windy Island anomaly corresponds to a pile of fairly young subaerial andesite lava flows that make up the highest part of Amchitka. These flows dip seaward from the high points of the island, and the aeromagnetic data suggest that they extend well out into the ocean, particularly south of Windy Island. As previously described, the White House Cove anomaly, a result of alteration associated with intrusion, appears to cut across the anomaly produced by the less altered lavas of the Chitka Point Formation. The Chitka Point-Constantine Point anomaly is mostly over water, but at the northwestern end it is over lava flows of the Chitka Point Formation. It seems reasonable to assume that these lavas, which appear to dip seaward, thicken or are less altered northeast of Amchitka in the area of the anomaly. It is also possible that the southeastern part of the anomaly is due to basaltic rocks in the Banjo Point Formation. The Infantry Road anomaly, also over the Chitka Point Formation, is mostly over altered andesitic breccias that are not highly magnetic. The anomaly may result from andesite lava flows buried beneath the breccias. Andesite is reported at a depth of about 80 feet in a drill hole in the eastern part of this area. SITE B ANOMALY This anomaly, just north and on the downthrown side of the Rifle Range fault, is one of several positive anomalies over faultblock wedges of the Banjo Point Formation. Another unnamed anomaly lies in a similar position north of the major fault between St. Makarius Bay and Constantine Harbor. —780 ANOMALY This negative anomaly appears to be produced by a reversely magnetized near-surface lava flow or sill in the Banjo Point Formation. The body is represented by sample C24-67 (sample site 8, pi. 2). It has a magnetic susceptibility of 35.5XlO-4 gauss per oersted, a remanent intensity of 37.5X10-4 gauss, a remanent declination of 210°, and a remanent inclination of —57°. SITE F ANOMALY The anomalies discussed so far stand out clearly from those in neighboring areas, and they are reflected by data taken on several aeromagnetic traverses. The Site F anomaly is one of the numerous small anomalies that relate to only one or two traverses. The anomaly has an amplitude of 150 gam-24 INTERPRETATION OF AN AEROMAGNETIC SURVEY, AMCHITKA ISLAND AREA, ALASKA mas in the aeromagnetic survey (pi. 2) and 500 gammas in the ground magnetic survey (pi. 3). A depth estimate from profile T-123 (pi. 1) places the anomaly-producing rocks at about 100 feet below the ground surface. Drill hole UAe-3, which started in breccia, penetrated Chitka Point andesite at a depth of 180 feet (Lee, 1969). Four drill-core specimens of the lava average 36.0X10-4 gauss per oersted for magnetic susceptibility, 3.9xl0“4 gauss for remanent intensity, and 68° for remanent inclination. If we assume a northward declination, the average total magnetization becomes 21.2X10-4 gauss for intensity, 6° for declination, and 64° for inclination. RELATION OF SUBMARINE STRUCTURE SOUTH OF AMCHITKA TO AEROMAGNETIC ANOMALIES A comparison of plate 1 with the generalized geologic map (pi. 2) showing possible submarine faults beneath the Pacific Ocean indicates that landward projections of the pronounced submarine canyons, on which the existence of these faults is inferred, do not show a consistent relationship with aeromagnetic contours. Many of the hypothetical faults cross the aeromagnetic contours at fairly large angles. There is a suggestion of local parallelism between aeromagnetic contours and inferred submarine faults above the submarine terrace at about 325 feet below sea level. But most faults on Am-chitka, such as the pronounced Rifle Range fault (pi. 2), apparently either die out seaward or are overlapped by anomaly-producing rocks. Carr and Quinlivan (1969) inferred from submarine contours a northeast-trending fault through South Bight which would have to cross the Pillow Point anomaly and not produce any marked effect on the aeromagnetic pattern. South of Amchitka, the erratic distribution of anomalies with respect to submarine topography (pi. 2) might be explained by an intersecting fault system, by interruption of faults by intrusive masses, or by a combination of both. REFERENCES CITED Ade-Hall, J. M., 1964, The magnetic properties of some submarine oceanic lavas: Geophys. Jour., v. 9, no. 1, p. 85-92. Bath, G. D., 1967, Aeromagnetic anomalies related to remanent magnetism in volcanic rocks, Nevada Test Site: U.S. Geol. Survey open-file report, 20 p. Bean, R. J., 1966, A rapid graphical solution for the aeromagnetic anomaly of the two-dimensional tabular body: Geophysics, v. 31, no. 5, p. 963-970. Carr, W. J., and Quinlivan, W. D., 1969, Progress report on the geology of Amchitka Island, Alaska: U.S. Geol. Survey Rept. USGS-474-44, 15 p.; available only from U.S. Dept. Commerce Natl. Tech. Inf. Service, Springfield, Va. 22151. Carr, W. J., Quinlivan, W. D., and Gard, L. M., Jr., 1970, Age and stratigraphic relations of Amchitka, Banjo Point, and Chitka Point Formations, Amchitka Island, Aleutian Islands, Alaska, in Cohee, G. V., Bates, R. E., and Wright, Wilna, Changes in stratigraphic nomenclature, U.S. Geological Survey, 1969: U.S. Geol. Survey Bull. 1324-A, p. A16-A22. Collinson, D. W., Creer, K. M., and Runcorn, S. K., eds., 1967, Methods in paleomagnetism; Proceedings, Part 3 of Developments in solid earth geophysics: New York, Elsevier Publishing Co., 609 p. Cox, Allan, Doell, R. R., and Dalrymple, G. B., 1964, Reversals of the earth’s magnetic field: Science, v. 144, no. 3626, p. 1537-1543. Gard, L. M., Lee, W. H., and Way, R. J., 1969, Preliminary lithologic log of drill hole UAe-1 from 0 to 5,028 feet, Amchitka Island, Alaska: U.S. Geol. Survey Rept. USGS-474-46, 2 p.; available only from U.S. Dept. Commerce Natl. Tech. Inf. Service, Springfield, Va. 22151. Grant, F. S., and West, G. F., 1965, Interpretation theory in applied geophysics: New York, McGraw-Hill Book Co., 583 p. Grim, P. J., and Erickson, B. H., 1968, Marine magnetic anomalies and fracture zones south of the Aleutian Trench, in Abstracts for 1967: Geol. Soc. America Spec. Paper 115, p. 84. Hall, D. H., 1959, Direction of polarization determined from magnetic anomalies: Jour. Geophys. Research, v. 64, no. 11, p. 1945-1959. Hayes, D. E., and Heirtzler, J. R., 1968, Magnetic anomalies and their relation to the Aleutian Island arc: Jour. Geophys. Research, v. 73, no. 14, p. 4637-4646. Henderson, J. R., Jr., and Zietz, Isidore, 1958, Interpretation of an aeromagnetic survey of Indiana: U.S. Geol. Survey Prof. Paper 316-B, p. 19-37. Irving, E., Molyneux, L., and Runcorn, S. K., 1966, The analysis of remanent intensities and susceptibilities of rocks: Geophys. Jour., v. 10, no. 5, p. 451-464. Jahren, C. E., and Bath, G. D., 1967, Rapid estimation of induced and remanent magnetization of rock samples, Nevada Test Site: U.S. Geol. Survey open-file report, 29 p. Keller, Fred, Jr., Meuschke, J. L., and Alldredge, L. R., 1954, Aeromagnetic surveys in the Aleutian, Marshall, and Bermuda Islands: Am. Geophys. Union Trans., v. 35, no. 4, p. 558-572. Lee, W. H., 1969, Preliminary lithologic log of drill hole UAe-3 from 0 to 4,816 feet, Amchitka Island, Alaska: U.S. Geol. Survey Rept. USGS-474-50, 3 p.; available only from U.S. Dept. Commerce Natl. Tech. Inf. Service, Springfield, Va. 22151. LePichon, Xavier, 1968, Sea-floor spreading and continental drift: Jour. Geophys. Research, v. 73, no. 12, p. 3661-3697. Mason, R. G., 1958, A magnetic survey off the west coast of the United States between latitudes 32° and 36° N, longitudes 121° and 128° W: Geophys. Jour., v. 1, no. 4, p. 320-329. Miller, C. H., Kibler, J. D., and Tuttle, T. J., 1969, Reconnaissance gravity survey of the Rat Islands, with emphasis on Amchitka Island, Alaska: U.S. Geol. Survey Rept. USGS-474-49, 10 p.; available only from U.S. Dept. Commerce Natl. Tech. Inf. Service, Springfield, Va. 22151. Peters, L. J., 1949, The direct approach to magnetic interpretation and its practical application: Geophysics, v. 14, no. 3, p. 290-320.REFERENCES CITED 25 Powers, H. A., Coats, R. R., and Nelson, W. H., 1960, Geology and submarine physiography of Amchitka Island, Alaska: U.S. Geol. Survey Bull. 1028-P, p. 521-554. Richards, M. L., Vacquier, Victor, and Van Voorhis, G. D., 1967, Calculation of the magnetization of uplifts from combining topographic and magnetic surveys: Geophysics, v. 32, no. 4, p. 678-707. Steenland, N. C., 1965, Oil fields and aeromagnetic anomalies: Geophysics, v. 30, no. 5, p. 706-739. Vacquier, Victor, Steenland, N. C., Henderson, R. G., and Zietz, Isidore, 1951, Interpretation of aeromagnetic maps: Geol. Soc. America Mem. 47, 151 p. Vine, F. J., 1966, Spreading of the ocean floor — New evidence: Science, v. 154, no. 3755, p. 1405-1415. Weiss, Oscar, 1949, Aerial magnetic survey of the Vredefort dome in the Union of South Africa: Mining Eng., v. 1, no. 12, p. 433-438. Werner, S., 1953, Interpretation of magnetic anomalies at sheet-like bodies: Sveriges Geol. Undersokning Arsb. 43, no. 6, ser. C, no. 508, 130 p. U. S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE : 1972 O - 456-237UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR GEOLOGICAL SURVEY 178° 10' 52°00' 5 760 000 N I-- 590 000 E 20' PREPARED ON BEHALF OF THE U.S. ATOMIC ENERGY COMMISSION PROFESSIONAL PAPER 707 PLATE 1 179°50' - 52°00' 51o10' 51°10' - — 5 670 000 N 178-10' 179°50' 456 237 O - 72 (In pocket)UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR GEOLOGICAL SURVEY PREPARE) ON BEHALF OF THE U.S. ATOMIC ENERGY COMMISSION PROFESSIONAL PAPER 707 PLATE 3 Chitka 750 w 500 < < v 250 £r o cc cr 11" .........|m11-t*11h| ..............11 ii 1111 rij-f Ml HI HI | I +H- i i*ii mu m i in n |i 111 >i-hu|hHI mm HI 1.75 1.05 I O U) ce i 11 m H- r 750 500 -500 - -750 J -250 NOTE At each station, the data from five observations spaced 5 feet apart are averaged to give the magnetic anomaly and computed to give the standard error. 5 MILES < -500 5) L -750 PLOTS OF MAGNETIC ANOMALY AND STANDARD ERROR FROM GROUND SURVEY DATA AT STATIONS 0.1 MILE APART ON AMCHITKA ISLAND, ALASKA 456 237 O - 72 (In pocket)7 iY Ground-Water Hydraulics GEOLOGICAL SURVEY PROFESSIONAL PAPER 708Ground-Water Hydraulics By S. W. LOHMAN GEOLOGICAL SURVEY PROFESSIONAL PAPER 708 UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE, WASHINGTON : 1972UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR ROGERS C. B. MORTON, Secretary GEOLOGICAL SURVEY W. A. Radlinski, Acting Director Library of Congress catalog-card No. 74-180716 For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office Washington, D.C. 20402 Stock Number 2401-1194CONTENTS ► » i Symbols and dimensions------------------------------------ Introduction...............................—.............. Divisions of subsurface water in unconfined aquifers—..... Saturated zone--------------------------------------- Water table-------------------------------------- Capillary fringe__________.______________________ Unsaturated zone_____________________________________ Capillarity_______________________________________________ Hydrologic properties of water-bearing materials---------- Porosity_____________________________________________ Primary__________________________________________ Secondary---------------------------------------- Conditions controlling porosity of granular materials— Arrangement of grains (assumed spherical and of equal size)____________________________________ Shape of grains__________________________________ Degree of assortment_____________________________ Void ratio___________________________________________ Permeability_________________________________________ Intrinsic permeability_______________________________ Hydraulic conductivity-------------------------------- Transmissivity_______________________________________ Water yielding and retaining capacity of unconfined aquifers.. Specific yield_______________________________________ Specific retention___________________________________ Moisture equivalent__________________________________ Artesian wells—confined aquifers__________________________ Flowing wells—unconfined aquifers_________________________ Confined aquifers_________________________________________ Potentiometric surface_______________________________ Storage properties___________________________________ Storage coefficient______________________________ Components__________________________________ Land subsidence__________________________________ Elastic confined aquifers___________________ Nonelastic confined aquifers and oil-bearing strata____________________________________ Movement of ground water—steady-state flow________________ Darcy’s law__________________________________________ Velocity_____________________________________________ Aquifer tests by well methods—point sink or point source__ Steady radial flow without vertical movement_________ Example__________________________________________ Partial differential equations for radial flow_______ Nonsteady radial flow without vertical movement______ Constant discharge_______________________________ Example_____________________________________ Straight-line solutions_____________________ Transmissivity__________________________ Storage coefficient_____________________ Example____________________________ Precautions_____________________________ Page VI 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 5 6 6 6 6 6 6 7 7 8 8 8 8 9 9 9 9 10 10 10 11 11 12 13 15 15 19 19 19 21 22 22 Aquifer tests by well methods—Continued Nonsteady radial flow without vertical movement— Continued Constant drawdown. ______________________________ Straight-line solutions______________________ Example__________________________________ Instantaneous discharge or recharge______________ “Slug” method________________________________ Example__________________________________ Bailer method________________________________ Leaky confined aquifers with vertical movement------- Constant discharge..._____________________________ Steady flow__________________________________ Nonsteady flow_______________________________ Hantush-Jaeob method_____________________ Example______________________________ Hantush modified method__________________ Example______________________________ Constant drawdown________________________________ Unconfined aquifers with vertical movement___________ Example for anisotropic aquifer__________________ Example for delayed yield from storage___________ Aquifer tests by channel methods—line sink or line source (nonsteady flow, no recharge).......................... Constant discharge___________________________________ Constant drawdown____________________________________ Aquifer tests by areal methods____________________________ Numerical analysis___________________________________— Example__________________________________________ Flow-net analysis____________________________________ Example__________________________________________ Closed-contour method_________________________________ Unconfined wedge-shaped aquifer bounded by two streams____________________________________________ Methods of estimating transmissivity______________________ Specific capacity of wells___________________________ Logs of wells and test holes_________________________ Methods of estimating storage coefficient_________________ Methods of estimating specific yield______________________ Drawdown interference from discharging wells______________ Relation of storage coefficient to spread of cone of depression. Aquifer boundaries and theory of images___________________ “Impermeable” barrier________________________________ Line source at constant head—perennial stream________ Application of image theory__________________________ “Safe yield”______________________________________________ The source of water derived from wells____________________ Examples of aquifers and their development___________ Valley of large perennial stream in humid region_ Valley of ephemeral stream in semiarid region____ Closed desert basin------------------------------ Southern High Plains of Texas and New Mexico_____ Grand Junction artesian basin, Colorado__________ References cited__________________________________________ Page 23 23 25 27 27 29 29 30 30 30 30 30 31 32 32 34 34 36 38 40 40 41 43 43 44 45 45 46 49 52 52 53 53 53 55 56 57 57 58 59 61 62 64 64 64 65 65 66 67 IIIIV CONTENTS ILLUSTRATIONS [Plates are in pocket] Plate 1. Logarithmic plot of a versus G(a). 2. Type curves for H/H0 versus Tt/rc2 for five values of a. 3. Two families of type curves for nonsteady radial flow in an infinite leaky artesian aquifer. 4. Family of type curves for l/u versus H(u, /3), for various values of /3. 5. Logarithmic plot of a versus G(a, rw/B). 6. Curves showing nondimensional response to pumping a fully penetrating well in an unconfined aquifer. 7. Curves showing nondimensional response to pumping a well penetrating the bottom three-tenths of the thickness of an unconfined aquifer. 8. Delayed-yield type curves. 9. Logarithmic plot of 2 IF (it) versus 1 /uv. Page Figure 1. Diagram showing divisions of subsurface water in unconfined aquifers_____________________________________________________ 2 2-5. Sketches showing— 2. Water in the unsaturated zone_________________________________________________________________________________ 2 3. Capillary rise of water in a tube______________________-______________________________________________________ 3 4. Rise of water in capillary tubes of different diameters________________________________________________________ 3 5. Sections of four contiguous spheres of equal size______________________________________________________________ 4 6. Graph showing relation between moisture equivalent and specific retention____________________________________________ 7 7. Diagrammatic section showing approximate flow pattern in uniformly permeable material which receives recharge in interstream areas and from which water discharges into streams____________________________________________________ 7 8. Diagrammatic sections of discharging wells in a confined aquifer and an unconfined aquifer____________________________ 8 9. Sketch showing hypothetical example of steady flow___________________________________________________________________ 10 10. Half the cross section of the cone of depression around a discharging well in an unconfined aquifer__________________ 11 11. Semilogarithmic plot of corrected drawdowns versus radial distance for aquifer test near Wichita, Kans_______________ 13 12. Sketch of cylindrical sections of a confined aquifer_________________________________________________________________ 14 13. Sketch to illustrate partial differential equation for steady radial flow____________________________________________ 14 14. Logarithmic graph of W(u) versus u_________________________________________________________________________________ 17 15. Sketch showing relation of W(u) and u to s and r2/t, and displacements of graph scales by amounts of constants shown_ 18 16. Logarithmic plot of s versus r2/t from table 6_______________________________________________________________________ 20 17-19. Semilogarithmic plot of— 17. sw/Q versus t/rw2__________________________________________*_________________________________________________ 25 18. Recovery (sw) versus t_______________________________________________________________________________________ 26 19. Data from “slug” test on well at Dawsonville, Ga_____________________________________________________________ 28 20. Logarithmic plot of s versus t for observation well 23S/25E-17Q2 at Pixley, Calif____________________________________ 33 21. Sketch showing relation of z to 6 of pumped and observation wells on plates 6 and 7__________________________________ 35 22-25. Logarithmic plot of— 22. s versus t for observation well B2-66-7dda2, near lone, Colo_________________________________________________ 37 23. s versus t for observation well 139, near Fairborn, Ohio_____________________________________________________ 39 24. D(u)q versus u2 for channel method—constant discharge________________________________________________________ 41 25. D(u)h versus u2 for channel method—constant drawdown________________________________________________________ 42 26. Sketch showing array of nodes used in finite-difference analysis_____________________________________________________ 44 27. Plot of 2h versus Aho/At for winter of 1965-66, when W = 0___________________________________________________________ 46 28. Plot of 2h versus Aho/At for spring of 1966__________________________________________________________________________ 47 29. Sketch showing idealized square of flow net__________________________________________________________________________ 47 30. Map of Baltimore industrial area, Maryland, showing potentiometric surface in 1945 and generalized flow lines in the Patuxent Formation________________________________________________________________________________________________ 48 31. Sketch map of a surface drainage pattern, showing location of observation wells that penetrate an unconfined aquifer_ 49 32. Example hydrograph from well A of figure 31, showing observed and projected water-level altitudes_________________ 50 33. Graph of s/so versus t taken from hydrograph of well A (see fig. 32), showing computation of T/S_________________ 50 34. Graph of s/so versus Tt/r2S for 00 = 75°; 0/0o =0.20_________________________________________________________________ 51 35. Family of semilogarithmic curves showing the drawdown produced at various distances from a well discharging at stated rates for 365 days from a confined aquifer for which T = 20 ft2day_1 and 200 1 Still rising after 72 days. Figure 4.—Rise of water in capillary tubes of different diameters (diameters greatly exaggerated). 0.074 g cm-1. In order to express it in grams per centimeter, we must divide 72.8 by g, the standard acceleration of gravity; thus 72.8 dyne cm-1/980.665 cm sec-2 = 0.074 g cm-1. From equation 3 it is seen that the height of capillary rise in tubes is inversely proportional to the radius of the tube. The rise of water in interstices of various sizes in the capillary fringe (fig. 1) may be likened to the rise of water in a bundle of capillary tubes of various diameters, as shown in figure 4. In table 1, note that the capillary rise is nearly inversely proportional to the grain size. HYDROLOGIC PROPERTIES OF WATER-BEARING MATERIALS POROSITY The porosity of a rock or soil is simply its property of containing interstices. It can be expressed quantitatively as the ratio of the volume of the interstices to the total volume, and may be expressed as a decimal fraction or as a percentage. Thus Vi Vw F vm vm _ . . _. .. 9= — = — = —— =1- — [dimensionless] (4) where 6 = porosity, as a decimal fraction, Vi=volume of interstices, V = total volume, vw = volume of water (in a saturated sample), and Vm,= volume of mineral particles.4 GROUND-WATER HYDRAULICS Porosity may be expressed also as 8 = ——— = 1 — — [dimensionless] (5) Pm Pm where pm = mean density of mineral particles (grain density) and pa = density of dry sample (bulk density). Multiplying the right-hand sides of equations 4 and 5 by 100 gives the porosity as a percentage. PRIMARY Primary porosity comprises the original interstices created when a rock or soil was formed in its present state. In soil and sedimentary rocks the primary interstices are the spaces between grains or pebbles. In intrusive igneous rocks the few primary interstices result from cooling and crystallization. Extrusive igneous rocks may have large openings and high porosity resulting from the expansion of gas, but the openings may or may not be connected. Metamorphism of igneous or sedimentary rocks generally reduces the primary porosity and may virtually obliterate it. SECONDARY Fractures such as joints, faults, and openings along planes of bedding or schistosity in consolidated rocks having low primary porosity and permeability may afford appreciable secondary porosity. In some rocks such secondary porosity affords the only means for the storage and movement of ground water. Solution of carbonate rocks such as limestone or dolomite by water containing dissolved carbon dioxide takes place mainly along joints and bedding planes and may greatly increase the secondary porosity. Similarly, solution of gypsum or anhydrite by water alone may greatly increase the secondary porosity. CONDITIONS CONTROLLING POROSITY OF GRANULAR MATERIALS ARRANGEMENT OF GRAINS (ASSUMED SPHERICAL AND OF EQUAL SIZE) If a hypothetical granular material were composed of spherical particles of equal size, the porosity would be independent of particle size (whether the particles were the size of silt or the size of the earth) but would vary with the packing arrangement of the particles. As shown by Slichter (1899, p. 305-328), the lowest porosity of 25.95 (about 26) percent would result from the most compact rhombohedral arrangement (fig. 5A) and the highest porosity of 47.64 (about 48) percent would result from the least compact cubical arrangement (fig. 5C). The porosity Figure 5.—Sections of four contiguous spheres of equal size. A, most compact arrangement, lowest porosity; B, less compact arrangement, higher porosity; C, least compact arrangement, highest porosity. Sketches from Slichter (1899, pi. 1). of the other arrangements, such as that shown in figure 5B, would be between these limits. SHAPE OF GRAINS Angularity of particles causes wide variations in porosity and may increase or decrease it, according to whether the particles tend to bridge openings or pack together like pieces of a mosaic. DEGREE OF ASSORTMENT The greater the range in particle size the lower the porosity, as the small particles occupy the voids between the larger ones. VOID RATIO The void ratio of a rock or soil is the ratio of the volume of its interstices to the volume of its mineral particles. It may be expressed: Void ratio = — = — = ----- [dimensionless], (6) vm vm 1 — 6 where the symbols are as defined for equation 4. PERMEABILITY The permeability of a rock or soil is a measure of its ability to transmit fluid, such as water, under a hydropotential gradient. Many earlier workers found that the permeability is approximately proportional to the square of the mean grain diameter, fc^Cd2 [L2], (7) where k = intrinsic permeability, C — a dimensionless constant depending upon porosity, range and distribution of particle size, shape of grains, and other factors, and d = the mean grain diameter of some workers and the effective grain diameter of others.HYDROLOGIC PROPERTIES OF WATER-BEARING MATERIALS 5 INTRINSIC PERMEABILITY Inasmuch as permeability is a property of the medium alone and is independent of the nature or properties of the fluid, the U.S. Geological Survey is adopting the term “intrinsic permeability,” which is not to be confused with hydraulic conductivity as the latter includes the properties of natural ground water. Intrinsic permeability may be expressed where k = — g(dh/dl) q* (dip/dl) (8) k = intrinsic permeability, q = rate of flow per unit area = Q/A, v = kinematic viscosity, g = acceleration of gravity, dh/dl = gradient, or unit change in head per unit length of flow, and dip/dl — potential gradient, or unit change in potential per unit length of flow. From equation 8 it may be stated that a porous medium has an intrinsic permeability of one unit of length squared if it will transmit in unit time a unit volume of fluid of unit kinematic viscosity through a cross section of unit area measured at right angles to the flow direction under a unit potential gradient. If q is measured in meters per second, v in square meters per second,

(ft) (ft) (ft) North -. __ 1 49.2 2,420 5.91 0.65 5.26 2 100.7 10,140 4.58 .39 4.19 3 189.4 35,900 3.42 .22 3.20 South __ 1 49.0 2,400 5.48 . 56 4.92 2 100.4 10,080 4.31 .35 3.96 3 190.0 36,100 3.19 .19 3.00AQUIFER TESTS BY WELL METHODS—POINT SINK OR POINT SOURCE 13 RADIAL DISTANCE (r), IN FEET Figure 11.—Semilogarithmic plot of corrected drawdowns versus radial distance for aquifer test near Wichita, Kans. Later (see “Storage Coefficient”), it will be shown how figure 11 may be used to determine the storage coefficient. Column 4 (r2) is included in table 4 so that the data may be used also in the Theis equation, which gives the same value for T as equation 36, thus indicating that steady flow had been closely approached as far away as 190 ft after 18 days of pumping. A good arrangement of observation wells for aquifer tests by the Thiem method, particularly for thin unconfined aquifers, was suggested to me by the late C. E. Jacob (written commun., Jan. 28, 1946) and was used successfully in 39 tests in the San Luis Valley, Colo. (Powell, 1958, table 6, p. 130-133). Three pairs of observation wells are put down along a straight line on one side of the pumped well extending in any convenient direction from the pumped well and spaced at distances of 16, 26, and 46 from the well (where 6 is the initial saturated thickness of the unconfined aquifer). One observation well of each pair is cased to the bottom of the aquifer; the other extends just below the cone of depression created by the pumped well. The drawdowns or corrected drawdowns in the six observation wells are plotted on semilogarithmic paper, and graphic averages are used to determine the position and slope of the straight line, as shown in figure 11. This arrangement is an effective means of correcting for partial penetration (see p. 35) of the aquifer by the pumped well and for local inhomogeneities along this line in the aquifer. (See also Jacob, 1936.) PARTIAL DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS FOR RADIAL FLOW Figure 12 represents two cylindrical sections of a confined aquifer of thickness 6 and radii r and r+dr, respectively, from which a central well is discharging at constant rate Q. Let the gradient across the annular cylindrical section of infinitesimal thickness dr, between points h2 and hi on the potentiometric surface, be dh/dr. Then, according14 GROUND-WATER HYDRAULICS to R. W. Stallman (written commun., Feb. 1967), ^ = ~ y dr = 2rrS f dr [UT~‘], (37) dt dr at in which —— = change in volume of water between h2 and hi, with time, dQ dr = change in rate of flow between hi and hi, with distance, dh dt = change in head between hi and hi, with time, and S=storage coefficient. The expression of Darcy’s law in equation 26 may be altered to the form Q— —2irTr — [DT-1], (38) dr in which T = Kb, b replaces h, and dh/dr, the partial derivative, replaces dh/dr. Differentiating equation 38 with respect to dr, Figure 12.—Cylindrical sections of a confined aquifer. For the benefit of those who have difficulty in visualizing the meaning of the differential terms in equation 41, let us multiply both sides of this equation by r to reduce it to the dimensionless form dh d2h — H-----; r = 0 dr dr2 (42) /dr dh d2h \dr dr dr2 ) In figure 13, the curve represents a part of the cross section [IT-1]. (39) Combining equations 37 and 39, we obtain _ /dh d2h\ _ dh 2ttT (---\-r —- ) - 2irrS — . \dr dr2/ dt Dividing both sides of this equation by 2wTr, we obtain ldh ,d2h_Sdh r dr + dr2~ T dt L (40) which is the partial differential equation for nonsteady radial flow. For steady radial flow, dh/dt = 0, and equation 40 becomes 1 dh d*h r dr dr2 [L-1]. (41) Note that when dh/dt = 0, the entire right-hand member of equation 40 is zero; this indicates that there are no changes in storage in the aquifer. Equation 41 may be expressed also in ordinary differentials. /' Figure 13.—Sketch to illustrate partial differential equation for steady radial flow.AQUIFER TESTS BY WELL METHODS—POINT SINK OR POINT SOURCE 15 of a cone of depression in which steady radial flow has been reached. Let (~) •»5689 22.2663 19. 9637 17. 6611 15. 3586 13. 0560 10. 7534 8. 4509 6.1494 3. 8576 1. 6595 .1584 1.3 33.6992 31.3966 29.0940 26. 7914 24.4889 22.1863 19. 8837 17. 5811 15. 2785 12.9759 10. 6734 8.3709 6.0695 3. 7785 1.5889 .1355 1.4 33. 6251 31.3225 29.0199 26. 7173 24. 4147 22.1122 19.8096 17. 5070 15. 2044 12.9018 10. 5993 8.2968 5. 9955 3.7054 1.5241 . 1162 1.5 33. 5561 31. 2535 28. 9509 26. 6483 24. 3458 22.0432 19. 7406 17. 4380 15.1354 12. 8328 10.5303 8. 2278 5. 9266 3.6374 1.4645 .1000 1.6 33. 4916 31.1890 28. 8864 26. 5838 24. 2812 21. 9786 19. 6760 17.3735 15.0709 12. 7683 10. 4657 8.1634 5. 8621 3. 5739 1.4092 .08631 1.7 33. 4309 31.1283 28. 8258 26. 5232 24.2206 21. 9180 19.6154 17.3128 15.0103 12. 7077 10. 4051 8.1027 5.8016 3. 5143 1. 3578 .07465 1.8 33.3738 31.0712 28. 7686 26. 4660 24.1634 21. 8608 19. 5583 17. 2557 14.9531 12. 6505 10. 3479 8.0455 5. 7446 3.4581 1.3089 .06471 1.9 33.3197 31.0171 28. 7145 26. 4119 24.1094 21.8068 19. 5042 17. 2016 14.8990 12. 5964 10. 2939 7.9915 5.6906 3.4050 1.2649 .05620 2.0 33.2684 30. 9658 28.6632 26. 3607 24. 0581 21. 7555 19.4529 17.1503 14.8477 12. 5451 10. 2426 7. 9402 5.6394 3.3547 1.2227 .04890 2.1 33. 2196 30. 9170 28.6145 26.3119 24. 0093 21. 7067 19.4041 17.1015 14. 7989 12. 4964 10.1938 7. 8914 5. 5907 3.3069 1.1829 .04261 2.2 33.1731 30. 8705 28. 5679 26. 2653 23. 9628 21. 6602 19.3576 17.0550 14. 7524 12. 4498 10.1473 7. 8449 5. 5443 3. 2614 1.1454 . 03719 2.3 33.1286 30. 8261 28. 5235 26. 2209 23.9183 21. 6157 19. 3131 17.0106 14.7080 12. 4054 10.1028 7.8004 5. 4999 3. 2179 1.1099 .03250 2.4 33.0861 30. 7835 28.4809 26.1783 23.8758 21. 5732 19. 2706 16. 9680 14. 6654 12. 3628 10.0603 7. 7579 5. 4575 3.1763 1.0762 .02844 2.5 33. 0453 30. 7427 28.4401 26.1375 23.8349 21. 5323 19. 2298 16. 9272 14.6246 12. 3220 10.0194 7. 7172 5.4167 3.1365 1. 0443 .02491 2.6 33.0060 30. 7035 28. 4009 26.0983 23. 7957 21.4931 19.1905 16. 8880 14. 5854 12. 2828 9. 9802 7.6779 5.3776 3. 0983 1.0139 .02185 2.7 32. 9683 30. 6657 28.3631 26.0606 23. 7580 21.4554 19.1528 16 8502 14. 5476 12. 2450 9. 9425 7.6401 5. 3400 3.0615 .9849 .01918 2.8 32. 9319 30. 6294 28. 3268 26.0242 23. 7216 21.4190 19.1164 16. 8138 14. 5113 12. 2087 9.9061 7.6038 5.3037 3.0261 .9573 .01686 2.9 32. 8968 30. 5943 28 2917 25.9891 23.6865 21.3839 19.0813 16. 7788 14.4762 12.1736 9.8710 7.5687 5. 2687 2.9920 .9309 . 01482 3.0 32. 8629 30. 5604 28. 2578 25.9552 23. 6526 21.3500 19.0474 16. 7449 14.4423 12.1397 9.8371 7. 5348 5. 2349 2.9591 .9057 .01305 3.1 32.8302 30. 5276 28. 2250 25. 9224 23. 6198 21.3172 19.0146 16. 7121 14.4095 12.1069 9. 8043 7. 5020 5. 2022 2. 9273 .8815 .01149 3.2 32. 7984 30.4958 28.1932 25. 8907 23. 5880 21. 2855 18.9829 16.6803 14.3777 12.0751 9. 7726 7.4703 5.1706 2. 8965 .8583 .01013 3.3 32. 7676 30. 4651 28.1625 25.8599 23. 5573 21. 2547 18. 9521 16. 6495 14.3470 12.0444 9. 7418 7. 4395 5.1399 2. 8668 .8361 .008939 3.4 32. 7378 30. 4352 28.1326 25.8300 23.5274 21. 2249 18. 9223 16. 6197 14.3171 12.0145 9. 7120 7.4097 5.1102 2. 8379 .8147 . 007891 3.5 32. 7088 30. 4062 28.1036 25. 8010 23.4985 21.1959 18. 8933 16. 5907 14. 2881 11. 9855 9. 6830 7.3807 5.0813 2. 8099 .7942 .00697C 3.6 32. 6806 30. 3780 28.0755 25. 7729 23. 4703 21.1677 18.8651 16. 5625 14. 2599 11. 9574 9. 6548 7. 3526 5.0532 2. 7827 .7745 .006160 3.7 32. 6532 30.3506 28. 0481 25. 7455 23. 4429 21.1403 18. 8377 16. 5351 14. 2325 11. 9300 9. 6274 7.3252 5. 0259 2. 7563 .7554 .005448 3.8 32. 6266 30. 3240 28.0214 25. 7188 23. 4162 21.1136 18. 8110 16. 5085 14. 2059 11.9033 9. 6007 7. 2985 4. 9993 2. 7306 . 7371 .004820 3.9 32. 6006 30. 2980 27.9954 25. 6928 23.3902 21.0877 18. 7851 16.4825 14.1799 11.8773 9. 5748 7. 2725 4. 9735 2.7056 .7194 .004267 4.0 32. 5753 30.2727 27.9701 25. 6675 23.3649 21.0623 18. 7598 16. 4572 14.1546 11.8520 9. 5495 7. 2472 4.9482 2.6813 .7024 .003779 4.1 32. 5506 30. 2480 27. 9454 25. 6428 23. 3402 21.0376 18. 7351 16. 4325 14.1299 11.8273 9. 5248 7. 2225 4. 9236 2. 6576 .6859 .003349 4.2 32. 5265 30. 2239 27. 9213 25. 6187 23.3161 21.0136 18. 7110 16. 4084 14.1058 11.8032 9. 5007 7.1985 4. 8997 2. 6344 .6700 .002969 4.3 32. 5029 30. 2004 27. 8978 25. 5952 23. 2926 20. 9900 18.6874 16.3884 14.0823 11. 7797 9.4771 7.1749 4. 8762 2. 6119 .6546 .002633 4.4 32. 4800 30.1774 27.8748 25. 5722 23. 2696 20. 9670 18. 6644 16. 3619 14.0593 11. 7567 9. 4541 7.1520 4. 8533 2. 5899 .6397 . 002336 4.5 32. 4575 30.1549 27. 8523 25. 5497 23. 2471 20.9446 18. 6420 16. 3394 14.0368 11. 7342 9. 4317 7.1295 4.8310 2. 5684 .6253 .002073 4.6 32. 4355 30.1329 27. 8303 25. 5277 23. 2252 20.9226 18.6200 16. 3174 14.0148 11. 7122 9.4097 7.1075 4. 8091 2. 5474 .6114 . 001841 4.7 32. 4140 30.1114 27. 8088 25. 5062 23.2037 20.9011 18. 5985 16. 2959 13. 9933 11.6907 9.3882 7.0860 4.7877 2. 5268 .5979 .001635 4.8 32. 3929 30.0904 27. 7878 25. 4852 23.1826 20. 8800 18. 5774 16. 2748 13. 9723 11. 6697 9. 3671 7.0650 4. 7667 2.5068 .5848 .001453 4.9 32. 3723 30.0697 27. 7672 25. 4646 23.1620 20. 8594 18. 5568 16. 2542 13.9516 11. 6491 9. 3465 7.0444 4. 7462 2.4871 .5721 .001291 5.0 32.3521 30.0495 27. 7470 25. 4444 23.1418 20.8392 18. 5366 16.2340 13.9314 11.6289 9.3263 7.0242 4. 7261 2.4679 .5598 .001148 5.1 32. 3323 30. 0297 27. 7271 25. 4246 23.1220 20. 8194 18. 5168 16. 2142 13.9116 11.6091 9. 3065 7.0044 4.7064 2. 4491 .5478 . 001021 5.2 32. 3129 30.0103 27. 7077 25. 4051 23.1026 20.8000 18.4974 16.1948 13. 8922 11. 5896 9. 2871 6. 9850 4. 6871 2. 4306 .5362 .0009086 5.3 32. 2939 29. 9913 27. 6887 25.3861 23.0835 20. 7809 18. 4783 16.1758 13.8732 11.5706 9.2681 6. 9659 4.6681 2.4126 .5250 .0008086 5.4 32. 2752 29. 9726 27. 6700 25. 3674 23. 0648 20. 7622 18.4596 16.1571 13. 8545 11. 5519 9. 2494 6. 9473 4.6495 2.3948 .5140 .0007198 5.5 32. 2568 29. 9542 27.6516 25. 3491 23.0465 20. 7439 18.4413 16.1387 13.8361 11.5336 9.2310 6. 9289 4.6313 2.3775 .5034 .0006409 5.6 32. 2388 29. 9362 27. 6336 25.3310 23. 0285 20. 7259 18. 4233 16.1207 13.8181 11.5155 9. 2130 6.9109 4. 6134 2. 3604 .4930 .0005708 5.7 32. 2211 29. 9185 27. 6159 25. 3133 23.0108 20. 7082 18.4056 16.1030 13. 8004 11.4978 9.1953 6. 8932 4. 5958 2.3437 .4830 .0005085 5.8 32. 2037 29.9011 27. 5985 25. 2959 22. 9934 20. 6908 18.3882 16. 0856 13. 7830 11.4804 9.1779 6. 8758 4. 5785 2.3273 .4732 .0004532 5.9 32.1866 29.8840 27. 5814 25. 2789 22. 9763 20.6737 18.3711 16. 0685 13. 7659 11.4633 9.1608 6.8588 4. 5615 2.3111 .4637 .0004039 6.0 32.1698 29. 8672 27. 5646 25. 2620 22.9595 20. 6569 18.3543 16.0517 13. 7491 11. 4465 9.1440 6. 8420 4. 5448 2.2953 .4544 .0003601 6.1 32.1533 29. 8507 27. 5481 25. 2455 22. 9429 20. 6403 18.3378 16.0352 13. 7326 11.4300 9.1275 6. 8254 4. 5283 2.2797 .4454 .0003211 6.2 32.1370 29. 8344 27. 5318 25.2293 22. 9267 20. 6241 18.3215 16.0189 13. 7163 11.4138 9.1112 6. 8092 4. 5122 2. 2645 .4366 .0002864 6.3 32.1210 29. 8184 27. 5158 25. 2133 22. 9107 20. 6081 18. 3055 16. 0029 13. 7003 11.3978 9.0952 6. 7932 4. 4963 2. 2494 .4280 .0002555 6.4 32.1053 29.8027 27. 5001 25.1975 22. 8949 20. 5923 18. 2898 15. 9872 13. 6846 11. 3820 9.0795 6. 7775 4. 4806 2.2346 .4197 .0002279 6.5 32. 0898 29. 7872 27. 4846 25.1820 22. 8794 20. 5768 18. 2742 15. 9717 13. 6691 11.3665 9.0640 6. 7620 4. 4652 2. 2201 .4115 .0002034 6.6 32. 0745 29. 7719 27. 4693 25.1667 22. 8641 20. 5616 18. 2590 15. 9564 13. 6538 11. 3512 9. 0487 6. 7467 4. 4501 2.2058 .4036 .0001816 6.7 32. 0595 29. 7569 27. 4543 25.1517 22. 8491 20. 5465 18. 2439 15. 9414 13. 6388 11.3362 9.0337 6. 7317 4. 4351 2.1917 . 3959 .0001621 6.8 32. 0446 29. 7421 27. 4395 25.1369 22. 8343 20. 5317 18.2291 15. 9265 13. 6240 11.3214 9. 0189 6. 7169 4. 4204 2.1779 .3883 .0001448 6.9 32. 0300 29. 7275 27. 4249 25.1223 22.8197 20. 5171 18. 2145 15. 9119 13.6094 11.3608 9.0043 6. 7023 4.4059 2.1643 .3810 .0001293 7.0 32.0156 29. 7131 27. 4105 25.1079 22. 8053 20. 5027 18. 2001 15. 8976 13. 5950 11. 2924 8. 9899 6. 6879 4.3916 2.1508 .3738 .0001155 7.1 32. 0015 29. 6989 27. 3963 25. 0937 22. 7911 20. 4885 18.1860 15. 8834 13. 5808 11. 2782 8.9757 6.6737 4. 3775 2.1376 .3668 .0001032 7.2 31. 9875 29. 6849 27.3823 25.0797 22. 7771 20. 4746 18.1720 15. 8694 13. 5668 11.2642 8. 9617 6. 6598 4. 3636 2.1246 .3599 .00009219 7.3 31.9737 29. 6711 27. 3685 25. 0659 22. 7633 20. 4608 18.1582 15. 8556 13. 5530 11. 2504 8. 9479 6. 6460 4. 3500 2.1118 .3532 .00008239 7.4 31. 9601 29. 6575 27.3549 25.0523 22. 7497 20.4472 18.1446 15. 8420 13. 5394 11. 2368 8. 9343 6. 6324 4.3364 2.0991 .3467 .00007364 7.5 31. 9467 29. 6441 27.3415 25.0389 22. 7363 20. 4337 18.1311 15. 8286 13. 5260 11.2234 8. 9209 6. 6190 4.3231 2.0867 .3403 .00006583 7.6 31. 9334 29. 6308 27.3282 25. 0257 22. 7231 20. 4205 18.1179 15. 8153 13. 5127 11. 2102 8. 9076 6. 6057 4.3100 2.0744 .3341 .00005886 7.7 31. 9203 29. 6178 27.3152 25.0126 22. 7100 20.4074 18.1048 15. 8022 13.4997 11.1971 8.8946 6. 5927 4. 2970 2.0623 .3280 .00005263 7.8 31.9074 29. 6048 27.3023 24. 9997 22. 6971 20. 3945 18. 0919 15. 7893 13.4868 11.1842 8. 8817 6. 5798 4.2842 2.0503 .3221 . 00004707 7.9 31. 8947 29. 5921 27. 2895 24. 9869 22.6844 20.3818 18.0792 15. 7766 13.4740 11.1714 8. 8689 6. 5671 4. 2716 2.0386 .3163 .00004210 8.0 31. 8821 29. 5795 27.2769 24.9744 22. 6718 20. 3692 18.0666 15. 7640 13.4614 11.1589 8.8563 6. 5545 4. 2591 2.0269 .3106 .00003767 8.1 31. 8697 29. 5671 27. 2645 24. 9619 22. 6594 20. 3568 18.0542 15. 7516 13. 4490 11.1464 8. 8439 6. 5421 4.2468 2.0155 .3050 .00003370 8.2 31. 8574 29. 5548 27. 2523 24. 9497 22. 6471 20. 3445 18.0419 15. 7393 13. 4367 11.1342 8.8317 6. 5298 4. 2346 2.0042 .2996 8.3 31. 8453 29. 5427 27. 2401 24. 9375 22. 6350 20. 3324 18. 0298 15. 7272 13. 4246 11.1220 8. 8195 6. 5177 4.2226 1.9930 .2943 8.4 31.8333 29. 5307 27. 2282 24. 92.56 22. 6230 20. 3204 18.0178 15. 7152 13. 4126 11.1101 8. 8076 6. 5057 4. 2107 1.9820 .2891 8.5 31.8215 29. 5189 27. 2163 24. 9137 22. 6112 20. 3086 18. 0060 15. 7034 13. 4008 11.0982 8. 7957 6. 4939 4.1990 1.9711 . 2840 8.6 31. 8098 29. 5072 27. 2046 24. 9020 22. 5995 20. 2969 17. 9943 15. 6917 13. 3891 11.0865 8. 7840 6. 4822 4.1874 1.9604 .2790 8.7 31.7982 29.4957 27.1931 24. 8905 22. 5879 20. 2853 17. 9827 15.6801 13.3776 11.0750 8. 7725 6.4707 4.1759 1.9498 . 2742 8.8 31. 7868 29. 4842 27.1816 24. 8790 22. 5765 20. 2739 17.9713 15. 6687 13.3661 11.0635 8. 7610 6. 4592 4.1646 1. 9393 .2694 8.9 31. 7755 29.4729 27.1703 24. 8678 22. 5652 20. 2626 17.9600 15. 6574 13.3548 11.0523 8. 7497 6.4480 4.1534 1.9290 .2647 .00001390 9.0 31.7643 29. 4618 27.1592 24. 8566 22.5540 20. 2514 17. 9488 15. 6462 13.3437 11.0411 8. 7386 6.4368 4.1423 1. 9187 .2602 9.1 31. 7533 29. 4507 27.1481 24. 8455 22. 5429 20. 2404 17. 9378 15. 6352 13.3326 11.0300 8. 7275 6.4258 4.1313 1.9087 .2557 9.2 31. 7424 29. 4398 27.1372 24.8346 22.5320 20.2294 17. 9268 15. 6243 13. 3217 11.0191 8. 7166 6.4148 4.1205 1. 8987 . 2513 9.3 31. 7315 29. 4290 27.1264 24. 8238 22. 5212 20. 2186 17. 9160 15. 6135 13.3109 11.0083 8. 7058 6.4040 4.1098 1.8888 . 2470 9.4 31. 7208 29.4183 27.1157 24. 8131 22. 5105 20. 2079 17. 9053 15. 6028 13.3002 10.9976 8. 6951 6. 3934 4.0992 1. 8791 . 2429 9.5 31. 7103 29. 4077 27.1051 24. 8025 22.4999 20.1973 17. 8948 15. 5922 13. 2896 10. 9870 8. 6845 6.3828 4.0887 1.8695 .2387 9.6 31. 6998 29.3972 27. 0946 24. 7920 22.4895 20.1869 17.8843 15. 5817 13. 2791 10. 9765 8.6740 6.3723 4.0784 1.8599 .2347 9.7 31.6894 29. 3868 27.0843 24. 7817 22. 4791 20.1765 17. 8739 15.5713 13. 2688 10. 9662 8.6637 6.3620 4.0681 1.8505 .2308 9.8 31. 6792 29. 3766 27,0740 24. 7714 22. 4688 20.1663 17. 8637 15. 5611 13. 2585 10. 9559 8. 6534 6.3517 4.0579 1.8412 . 2269 9.9 31.6690 29. *3664 27.0639 24. 7613 22.4587 20.1561 17.8535 15. 5509 13. 2483 10. 9458 8.6433 6.3416 4.0479 1.8320 .2231 .000004637w T u, CURVE A IQ"2 10"1 10 10- 10-2 Figure 14.—Logarithmic graph of W(u) versus u. AQUIFER TESTS BY WELL METHODS—POINT SINK OR POINT SOURCE18 GROUND-WATER HYDRAULICS logio r*/t Figure 15.—Relation of W(u) and w to s and r2/t, and displacements of graph scales by amounts of constants shown. and t u or logioy = logi 471] ’ S J +log10M [L2?1-1]. (49) If the discharge, Q, is held constant, the bracketed parts of equations 48 and 49 are constant for a given pumping test, and W (u) is related to u in the manner that s is related to r2/t, as shown graphically in figure 15. Therefore, if values of s are plotted against r2/t (or l/t if only one observation well is used) on logarithmic tracing paper to the same scale as the type curve, the data curve will be similar to the type curve except that the two curves will be displaced both vertically and horizontally by the amounts of the bracketed constants in equations 48 and 49. The data curve is superimposed on the type curve, and a fit, or near fit, is obtained, keeping the coordinate axes of the two curves parallel. An arbitrary match point is selected anywhere on the overlapping parts of the two sheets, the four values of which (two for each sheet) are then used in solving equations 46 and 47. It is convenient to choose a point whose coordinates on the type curve are both unity— that is, where W (u) = 1.0 and w= 1.0. In some plots it may be desirable to use a power of 10 for one coordinate. (See fig. 16.) A convenient alternative method is to plot W (u) versus 1 /u as the type curve; then for the data curve, s may be plotted against t/r2 (or t, if only one observation well is used). This procedure is illustrated on plate 9, which also may be used for solutions of the Theis equation by superposing plots of t/r2 or t versus s on the heavy parent type curve.AQUIFER TESTS BY WELL METHODS—POINT SINK OR POINT SOURCE 19 Table 6.—Drawdown of water level in observation wells N-l, N-S, and N-S at distance r from well being pumped at constant rate of 96,000 ft3 day~l [Logarithmic plot of data, except values preceded by an asterisk, shown in figure 16. Data from J. G. Ferris] Time since pumping s (min) /t (ft* day-1) Observed drawdown, s (ft) r*/t (ft* day-1) Observed drawdown, s (ft) r'/t (ft* aay-1) 1.0 0.66 5.76X107 0.16 2.3 X108 0.0046 9.23 X10s 1.5 .87 3.84X10’ .27 1.53X108 .02 6.15X10* 2.0 .99 2.88X107 .38 1.15X10s .04 4.6 X108 2.5 1.11 2.30X10’ .46 9.2 X107 .07 3.7 X108 3.0 1.21 1.92X10’ .53 7.65X107 .09 3.1 X108 4 1.36 1.44X10’ .67 *5.75X10’ .16 2.3 X108 5 1.49 1.15X10’ .77 4.6 X107 .22 1.85X108 6 1.59 9.6 X106 .87 *3.82X10’ .27 1.54X108 8 1.75 7.2 X106 .99 *2.87X10’ .37 1.15X108 10 1.86 5.76X10® 1.12 *2.3 X10’ .46 *9.23X10’ 12 1.97 4.80X10® 1.21 1.92X10’ .53 *7.7 X10’ 14 2.08 4.1 X10® 1.26 1.75X10’ .59 6.6 X10’ 18 2.20 3.2 X106 1.43 1.28X10’ .72 5.1 X10’ 24 2.36 2.4 X106 1.58 *9.6 X106 .87 *3.84X10’ 30 2.49 1.92X10® 1.70 7.65X10® .95 3.1 X10’ 40 2.65 1.44X10® 1.88 *5.75X10® 1.12 *2.3 X10’ 50 2.78 1.15X106 2.00 4.6 X10® 1.23 *1.85X10’ 60 2.88 9.6 X105 2.11 3.82X106 1.32 1.54X10’ 80 3.04 7.2 X10® 2.24 2.87X106 1.49 *1.15X10’ 100 3.16 5.76X105 2.38 2.3 X10® 1.62 *9.23 X106 120 3.28 4.8 X105 2.49 *1.92x10® 1.70 *7.7 X106 150 3.42 3.84X105 2.62 1.53X10® 1.83 6.15X10® 180 3.51 3.2 X10® 2.72 1.28X106 1.94 5.1 X10® 210 3.61 2.74X105 2.81 1.1 X106 2.03 4.4 X10® 240 3.67 2.5 X10® 2.88 *9.6 X106 2.11 *3.84X10® Example Use of equations 46 and 47 for determining T and S by the curve-matching procedure may be demonstrated from the data given in table 6, which gives the drawdowns in water levels in a theoretical confined aquifer at distances of 200, 400, and 800 ft from a well being pumped at the constant rate of 96,000 ft3 day-1. Most of these data are plotted in figure 16 except for values preceded by an asterisk, which would plot too close to adjacent points, and except for values of r2/t of 108 or larger, which would have required 2X4 cycle paper. Superposition of figure 16 on curve B of figure 14 gave the match point shown, whose values are IT(w) = 1.0, w=10-1, s = 0.56 ft, and r2/t = 2.75 X107 ft2 day-1. Using equation 46, tween brackets in equation 44 may be neglected. Under these conditions, equation 44 may be closely approximated by S=4^[~a577216_l0geS CL]' (50) This may be rewritten and simplified; Q r 4Ttl r-^og.a^+.og.-J 2.30Q 4irS logu 2.25 Tt ’ r2S [L2T-1]. (51) _ (96,000 ft3 day-1) (1.0) (4t) (0.56 ft) = 13,700 ft2 day-1 = 14,000 ft2 day-1 (rounded). Using equation 47, (4) (13,700 ft2 day-1) (10-1) 2.75 X107 ft2 day-1 = 2 X10-4. STRAIGHT-LINE SOLUTIONS TRANSMISSIVITY Cooper and Jacob (1946) showed that for values of u = r2S/4:Tt r—* ll 9 0 T\ cl * o o o t, IN SECONDS Figure 19.—Semilogarithmic plot of data from “slug” test on well at Dawsonville, Ga. From Cooper, Bredehoeft, and Papadopulos (1967, table 3). of H/H0 are computed and are plotted on the linear scale of semilogarithmic paper of the same scale as plate 2 against the time of measurement, t, in seconds, on the logarithmic scale. Note that H/H0 is a dimensionless ratio, hence any convenient units of measurement may be used without affecting the final results in any way. The data curve is then superposed on plate 2 by the usual curve matching procedure, and a match line is selected for the value of t at Tt/rc2= 1.0 (match point values of H/H0 are not needed). The transmissivity is then determined from the followingAQUIFER TESTS BY WELL METHODS—POINT SINK OR POINT SOURCE 29 form of equation 77: 1 Or 2 T= [L2T-1]. (79) By rewriting equation 76, the storage coefficient may be determined from y 2 S=-^~a [dimensionless], (80) nr 2 1 s but, as pointed out by Cooper, Bredehoeft, and Papa-dopulos (1967, p. 267): “However, because the matching of the data plot to the type curves depends upon the shapes of the type curves, which differ only slightly when a differs by an order of magnitude, a determination of S by this method has questionable reliability.” They go on to say: The determination of T is not so sensitive to the choice of the curves to be matched. Whereas the determined value of S will change by an order of magnitude when the data plot is moved from one type curve to another, that of T will change much less. From a knowledge of the geologic conditions and other considerations one can ordinarily estimate S within an order of magnitude [see “Methods of Estimating Storage Coefficient” and “Methods of Estimating Specific Yield”] and thereby eliminate some of the doubt as to what value of a is to be used for matching the data plot. In 1954 J. G. Ferris and D. B. Knowles (see Ferris and others, 1962, p. 104, 105) described a “slug” test based upon an instantaneous line source rather than a well of finite diameter. Their equation is identical to equation 81, except for algebraic sign. As shown by Cooper, Bredehoeft, and Papadopulos (1967, p. 265), however, the method of Ferris and Knowles is strictly applicable only for relatively large values of Tt/rc2, and hence of t, and should not be used for the values of t generally measured during a “slug” test. Example Cooper, Bredehoeft, and Papadopulos (1967, p. 265-268) illustrated the “slug” method using data obtained from a “slug” test on a well near Dawsonville, Ga., and described the well and procedure as follows. The well is cased to 24 m with 15.2-cm (6-in.) casing and drilled as a 15.2-cm open hole to a depth of 122 m. A nearly instantaneous decline in water level was obtained by the sudden withdrawal of a long weighted float whose total weight was 10.16 kg. From Archimedes’ principle, they determined that the float had displaced a volume of 0.01016 m3 of water when floating in the well; hence, F = 0.01016 m3. From equation 78, H0 was found to be 0.560 m. Their recovery data, obtained from an electrically operated recorder actuated by a pressure transducer in the well, are given in table 10 and are shown in figure 19. By superposition of figure 19 on plate 2, the data are found to fit the type curve for a —10-3. The value of t for the match line where Tt/r?—1.0 is 11 sec. Therefore, from Table 10.—Recovery of water level in well near Dawsonville, Ga., after instantaneous withdrawal of weighted float [#o =0.560 m. From Cooper, Bredehoeft, and Papadopulos (1967, table 3)] Head above t datum H (sec) (m) (m) H/Ho -1 0.896 , 0 .336 0.560 1.000 3 .439 .457 .816 6 .504 .392 .700 9 .551 .345 .616 12 .588 .308 . 550 15 .616 .280 .500 18 .644 .252 .450 21 .672 .224 .400 24 .691 .205 .366 27 .709 .187 .334 30 .728 .168 .300 33 .747 .149 .266 36 .756 .140 .250 39 .765 .131 .234 42 .784 .112 .200 45 .788 .108 .193 48 .803 .093 .166 51 .807 .089 .159 54 .814 .082 .146 57 .821 .075 .134 60 .825 .071 .127 63 .831 .065 .116 equation 79, T = (1.0) (7.6 cm)2 11 sec = 5.3 cm2 sec-1 or (1.0) (7.6 cm)2(8.64Xl04 sec day-1) (11 sec) (0.929 X103 cm2 ft-5) = 490 ft2 day-1. BAILER METHOD Skibitzke (1958) proposed a method for determining the transmissivity from the recovery of water level in a well that has been bailed. At any given point on the recovery curve the following equation applies: T= 47rs,<[e^Js/4Ti] (81) where s' — residual drawdown [L], V = volume of water removed in one bailing cycle [I/3], t = length of time since bailing stopped [71], and rw — effective radius of the well [L], As rw is small, the term in brackets in equation 81 approaches e°, or unity, as t increases; therefore, for large values of t, equation 81 may be rewritten: r- <82> If the residual drawdown is observed at some time after the30 GROUND-WATER HYDRAULICS completion of n bailing cycles, the following equation applies: _irzi+z?+^+...+i=l 4tts' L<1 k u f„ J [L2T-1]. (83) If approximately the same volume of water is bailed during each cycle, equation 83 becomes t= r-Jr + r + r+'-'+fl (84) 47rs Lh k k tn J Equation 84 is applied to single values of V and s' and the summation of the reciprocal of the elapsed time between the time each bailer was removed from the well and the time of observation of s'. If T is to be expressed in square feet per day, then obviously V should be expressed in cubic feet, s' in feet, and t in days, or suitable conversions of units should be made. The bailer method should give satisfactory estimates of T for wells in confined aquifers having sufficiently shallow water levels to permit short time intervals between bailing cycles. In wells in unconfined aquifers, or in wells having relatively deep water levels, the method should be used with considerable judgment or not at all. (See also “Precautions.”) Unfortunately, I have no data available with which to illustrate the bailer method. LEAKY CONFINED AQUIFERS WITH VERTICAL MOVEMENT The flow equations for confined aquifers under conditions of both constant discharge and constant drawdown discussed in earlier sections of this report all are based upon the assumptions that the confining beds are impermeable (or have very low permeability), that they release no water from storage, and that vertical flow components are negligible. It is well known that no rocks are wholly impermeable and that some confining beds have finite permeability. We will now take up the equations for both steady and nonsteady radial flow from infinite aquifers whose confining beds leak water either from or to the aquifer. The change may be either a decrease in the rate of leakage out of the aquifer or an increase in the rate of leakage into the aquifer, but either way the change results in a net increase in the supply of water to the aquifer and, therefore, constitutes capture of water. Jacob (1946) derived an equation of steady flow near a well discharging at a constant rate from such an infinite leaky confined aquifer and described a graphical method for determining the transmissivity of the aquifer and the “leakance” of the confining bed. The leakance is the ratio K'/b', in which K' and b' are the vertical hydraulic conductivity and the thickness, respectively, of the confining beds. Hantush and Jacob (1954) derived equations for steady flow in variously bounded leaky confined aquifers. Later, equations for the more generally encountered non-steady flow in such aquifers were developed, and these will now be taken up. NONSTEADY FLOW HANTUSH-JACOB METHOD Hantush and Jacob (1955) derived the following equation for nonsteady radial flow in an infinite leaky confined aquifer: ^-=2Ko(2v)- r - exp — \ dy Q/4ttT J,2luy \ y } [dimensionless form], (85) where K0 = the modified Bessel function of the second kind and of zero order, T IKf v=2\bT [dimensionless], (86) where K' = the vertical hydraulic conductivity of the confining bed [LT-1], b' = the thickness of the confining bed [L], and T = the transmissivity of the aquifer [L2T_1], CONSTANT DISCHARGE STEADY FLOW Consider an aquifer overlain by a confining bed of low but finite permeability, which in turn is overlain by an unconfined aquifer. When discharge occurs from a well in a confined aquifer, the potentiometric surface is lowered throughout a large circular area (Cooper, 1963, p. 48). This lowering changes the relative head between the confined and unconfined aquifers and results in turn in a change in the rate of leakage through the confining bed. u = r2S/4iTt [dimensionless], and y = the variable of integration. The authors gave two series expressions for the formal solutions of equation 85—one for large values of t and one for small values—and gave a few examples in both tabular and graphic form. In January 1956, Hilton H. Cooper, Jr., computed many values and prepared two families of type curves which were later published (Cooper, 1963, pi. 4). Meanwhile, unknown to Cooper, Hantush (1955) also had computed many values. (See also Hantush, 1956.)AQUIFER TESTS BY WELL METHODS—POINT SINK OR POINT SOURCE 31 Table 11.—Postulated, water-level drawdotvns in three observation wells during a hypothetical test of an infinite leaky confined aquifer [Pumped well began discharging 1,000 gal min-1 at 1=0 min.] From Cooper (1963, p. 54) Well 1 Well 2 Well 3 (r =100 ft) (r =500 ft) (r = 1,000 ft) Time since pumping began, t t_ r* Min Day (day ft-1) (ft) (day ft-1) (ft) (day ft-*) (ft) 0.2 ... 0.000139 1.39X10-* 1.76 5.56X10-10 0.01 1.39 X lO-10 0.00 .5 .000347 3.47X10-8 2.75 1.39X10-8 .14 3.47 X 10_1° .00 1 .000694 6.94X10-8 3.59 2.78X10-8 .45 6.94X10-10 .02 2 .00139 1.39X10-7 4.26 5.56X10-9 .93 1.39X10-" .14 5 .00347 3.47X10-7 5.28 1.39X10-8 1.76 3.47X10-" .55 10 .00694 6.94X10-7 5.90 2.78X10-8 2.34 6.94X10-" .99 20 .0139 1.39X10-6 6.47 5.56X10-8 2.85 1.39X10"8 1.46 50 .0347 3.47X10“" 6.92 1.39 X10-7 3.31 3.47X10-* 1.95 100 .0694 6.94X10-8 7.11 2.78X10-’ 3.50 6.94X10"8 2.10 200 .139 1.39X10-5 7.20 5.56X10-’ 3.51 1.39X10"’ 2.11 500 .347 3.47X10-8 7.21 1.39X10-" 3.52 3.47X10-’ 2.11 1,000 .694 6.94X10-8 7.21 2.78X10-" 3.52 6.94X10"7 2.11 As described by Cooper (1963), if the right-hand side of equation 85 is represented by L(u, v), the L, or Ieakance, function of u and v, equation 85 may be written S=£tL{U’v) CL]’ (87) S is determined by t / T^ where Calif., in 1961 from tabulated values by Hantush (1961). Time-drawdown or time-recovery data from tests in aquifers whose confining bed or beds are suspected of releasing water from storage are plotted (as s versus t) on 3 X 5-cycle logarithmic paper having the same scale as plate 4 (such as K & E 359-125G or 46-7522), and this is superposed on plate 4 until a fit is obtained on one of the type curves by the usual curve-matching procedure. From values of the four parameters at a convenient match point, T and S may be determined from equations 90 and 47, respectively. Thorough knowledge of the geology, including the character of the confining beds, should indicate in advance which of the two leaky-aquifer type curves to use, or whether to use the Theis type curve for nonleaky aquifers. Example Table 12 gives the time-drawdown measurements in an observation well at Pixley, Calif., 1,400 ft from a well pumping 750 gpm, supplied by Francis S. Riley (U.S. Geological Survey, Sacramento, Calif., written commun., March 5, 1968). The pumped well, which is 600 ft deep, obtains water from gravel, sand, sandy clay, and clay of the Tulare Formation in an area where considerable land subsidence has resulted from prolonged pumping from confined aquifers containing appreciable amounts of clay. K = hydraulic conductivity of main aquifer, K\ K" = hydraulic conductivities of semipervious confining layers, S = bS, Storage coefficients of the main aquifer S' = b’S/ and of the semipervious confining aS" = 6"&/'J layers, respectively, and S„ S,', (S'," = specific storage (storage coefficient per vertical unit of thickness) of the main aquifer and confining layers (6, b', and b"), respectively. The versatility of equations 90 through 92 lies in the fact that they are the general solutions for the drawdown distribution in all confined aquifers, whether they are leaky or nonleaky. Thus, if K' and K" approach zero or are made equal to zero, P approaches or equals zero, and equation 90 becomes equation 46, the Theis equation for nonleaky confined aquifers. Hantush (1960, p. 3716-3718) gives general solutions for three different configurations of aquifers and sets of confining beds. If K", S', and S" approach zero or are made equal to zero, two of these solutions become equal to equation 85 of Hantush and Jacob (1955)—the equation for leaky confined aquifers for which release of stored water from the confining beds is considered negligible. Plate 4 is a logarithmic plot of \/u versus H (u, p) for various indicated values of p, copied from a plot made by E. J. McClelland, U.S. Geological Survey, Sacramento, Table 12.—Drawdown of water level in observation well 23S/25E-17Q2, 1,400 ft from a well pumping at constant rate of 750 gpm, at Pixley, Calif., March 13, 1963 [Drawdown corrected for pretest trend. Data from Francis S. Riley (written commun., March 5, 1968)] Time since pumping began,/ (min) Drawdown, « (ft) Time since pumping began,t (min) Drawdown, 8 (ft) 6.37 0.01 90 0.75 8.58 .02 100 .82 10.23 .03 137 1.04 11.90 .04 150 1.12 12.95 .05 160 1.17 14.42 .06 173 1.24 15.10 .07 184 1.27 16.88 .08 200 1.35 17.92 .10 210 1.40 21.35 .12 278 1.68 21.70 .13 300 1.76 22.70 .14 315 1.83 23.58 .15 335 1.87 24.65 .17 365 1.99 29 .21 390 2.10 30 .22 410 2.13 32 .24 430 2.20 34 .26 450 2.23 36 .28 470 2.29 38 .30 490 2.32 41 .33 510 2.39 44 .36 560 2.48 47 .38 740 2.92 50 .42 810 3.05 54 .46 890 3.19 60 .52 1 ,255 3.66 65 .56 1 ,400 3.81 70 .60 1 ,440 3.86 80 .65 1 ,485 3.90!, IN FEET 1 10 1 02 103 1 0* t, IN MINUTES Figure 20.—Logarithmic plot of s versus t for observation well 23S/25E-17Q2 at Pixley, Calif. co CO AQUIFER TESTS BY WELL METHODS—POINT SINK OR POINT SOURCE34 GROUND-WATER HYDRAULICS (See table 3, “Tulare-Wasco area.”) The aquifer is confined by the Corcoran Clay Member, about 6 ft thick, above which is an unconfined aquifer about 200 ft thick. A logarithmic plot of s versus t from table 12 is shown in figure 20, which shows also the match-point values of the four parameters obtained by superposition on plate 4. From these data, T and S are computed from equations 90 and 47, as follows: 7= H(u, 0) 47TS (750 gal min-1) (1,440 min day-1) (1.0) = (4x) (5.3 ft) (7.48 gal ft-3) = 2,170 ft2 day-1, rounded to 2,200 ft2 day-1, and \Ttu (4) (2,170 ft2 day-1) (12.6 min) r2 (1,400 ft)2(l,440 min day-1) (1/1.0) = 3.9X10-5, rounded to 4X10-5. Preliminary attempts to fit both early and late data from table 12, and similar drawdown and recovery data from two other observation wells at r = 650 and 1,220 ft, to the Theis curve gave apparent values of T from 5 to 20 times the more realistic value computed above, and apparent values of S from 17 to 25 times the value computed above. where Ki = Modified Bessel function of second kind, first order, Ko — Modified Bessel function of second kind, zero order, Jo = Bessel function of first kind, zero order, F0 = Bessel function of second kind, zero order, and u = variable of integration. The integral in equation 96 cannot be integrated directly but was evaluated numerically, and values of the parameters are given by Han tush (1959, table 1) from which plate 5 was drawn after Walton (1962, pi. 4). When 2? =<®, rw/B and K'b' (equal to T/B2) = 0, so that the parent-type curve on plate 5 is the same as on plate 1—the nonleaky-type curve of Jacob and Lohman (1952, fig. 5) — except, of course, that the values of the parameters differ. On translucent logarithmic paper of the same scale as plate 5 (such as Codex 4123) values of Q are plotted on the vertical scale against values of t on the horizontal scale, and the data curve is superposed on plate 5. From the match point obtained by the usual curve matching procedure, preferably at G(a, rw/B) and a = 1.0, values of the four parameters G(a, rw /B), a, Q, and t are obtained. T is then determined using equation 93, and S is determined by rewriting equation 94: Tt S= —— [dimensionless]. (97) rw2a CONSTANT DRAWDOWN Hantush (1959) derived an equation for determining T and S for a well of constant drawdown that is discharging by natural flow from an infinite leaky confined aquifer, and he also gave solutions for a circular leaky confined aquifer with zero drawdown on the outer boundary and for a closed circular aquifer. The equations for the infinite leaky confined aquifer follow: T — ® YL2T~l~\ 2tswG(a, rw/B) (93) where Tt a = ——- [dimensionless], Srw2 (94) and rJB-rWTKK'/V) [A2], (95) «(«■!) (rw\ Ki(rw/B) , r [ A-VI -Uw./B>4ven “U)J Unfortunately, I have no field data with which to illustrate this method. UNCONFINED AQUIFERS WITH VERTICAL MOVEMENT Boulton (1954a) derived an integral equation for the drawdown of the water table near a discharging well before the flow approaches steady state, which is founded partly on a consideration of vertical flow components, such as those that prevail near the well during the early stages of a pumping test in an unconfined aquifer. (See Stallman, 1961a.) In our notation, his partial differential equation describing the head (h) at the water table is MKSM0-S] <-> As equation 98 is nonlinear and cannot readily be solved, he assumes that the head gradients are small enough that their squares may be neglected, whence u exp (— au2) du Jo2M + Y02(u)'u2+(rJB)2 [dimensionless], dh K dh dt + S dz [LT-1], (99) (96) where h = pressure head (p/gp) plus elevation head (z).AQUIFER TESTS BY WELL METHODS—POINT SINK OR POINT SOURCE 35 Boulton’s solution for an isotropic unconfined aquifer, in which the vertical and horizontal permeability are equal, is s= —f [1— exp(rX tan/iX) ]d\ 2tt/vO •'q X where and ' [dimensionless], > [dimensionless], M, (100) (101) Jo = Bessel function of the first kind of zero order, and X = variable of integration. For anisotropic aquifers, in which the vertical hydraulic conductivity, Kz, differs from the horizontal (radial) hydraulic conductivity, Kr, equation 101 becomes (102) Equation 100 may be written: T~ 2ns V(^’ t) (103) where V (yp, r) = the V function of yp and t. When r is sufficiently large, equation 103 reduces to the Theis equation (eq. 46). When r is small, the Boulton equation 103 and the Theis equation (46) are related thus: V _ rW 4r ~ 4Tt [dimensionless]. (104) Boulton (1954a) gave a short table of values for V (yp, r) which was extended considerably by Stallman (1961b) with the aid of a digital computer. Stallman (1961a) also plotted values of 2V(\p, t),otW(u), versus 1/w for various values of yp) values of 2V(yp, r) versus yp, for various values of r; and s versus t/r2, for values of yp and r, for pumping-test data for unconfined aquifers in Kansas and Nebraska. From finite-difference expressions of partial differential equations similar to Boulton’s, Stallman (1963a, 1965) designed electric-analog models simulating the assumed hydraulic model of an anisotropic aquifer, which he used to compute various values of the parameters for different penetrations of both pumping and observation wells. The principal results are given in his figures 10 and 12 (Stall-man, 1965), which are here reproduced at larger scale on plates 6 and 7. These are nondimensional logarithmic plots of sT/Q versus Tt/r2S, for observation wells at different values of yp and for a pumping well for which yp = 0.002. Plate 6 is for a fully penetrating pumping well, for five different penetrations of observation wells; plate 7 is for a pumping well open only for the bottom 0.36 and for the same five penetrations of observation wells. For tests of aquifers whose values of Kz and Kr are suspected to differ appreciably, observed values of s versus t, t/r2, or 1/r2 (for constant t) are plotted on translucent logarithmic graph paper of the same scale as plates 6 and 7 (such as K & E 359-125b or 46-7522, 3X5 cycle) and are fitted to the appropriate curve of plate 6 or 7 by the usual curve-matching procedure. From the four values of parameters at the match point, assuming that the match point is chosen so that both sT/Q and Tt/r2S are equal to 1.0, T obviously is obtained from T = 1.0 — [L2T~l~] (105) s and S is obtained from Tt S= ------ [dimensionless]. (106) l.Or2 Of course the values of any other match points, such as 10 or 10"1, may be used in these equations, but the ones assumed are most convenient. Note that, in plotting his type curves, Stallman omitted the 4r and 4 from the parameters sT/Q and Tt/r2S, respectively, thus omitting these pure numbers also in the computations using equations 105 and 106. The relation of z to 6 in both the pumped and observation wells for curves on plates 6 and 7 is shown in figure 21. A well for which z — 0 would fully penetrate the aquifer but would be open only at the bottom. Dagan (1967) gave Figure 21.—Relation of z to 6 of pumped and observation wells on plates 6 and 7.36 GROUND-WATER HYDRAULICS a digital computer solution for producing curves like those on plates 6 and 7 for any degree of penetration. Boulton (1954b, 1963, 1964) also derived an equation to take account of the delayed yield from storage, which occurs in unconfined aquifers during the early part of the pumping. Boulton’s (1963) differential equation is, in slightly modified notation, e-“(‘-T)dr ILT-1], (107) where where and Se = early time apparent specific yield, Si = later time specific yield, and t = variable of integration. When n = oo, where n = S.+ Si S' Boulton’s solution of equation 107, for the drawdown at distance r from a pumped well that completely penetrates the aquifer, is [L], (108) where Jo = Bessel function of the first kind of zero order, x = variable of integration, and ^•2 « = ^-^exp{-arj«(x2+l)}. For sufficiently small values of t, equation 108 becomes equal to equation 85, the leaky confined aquifer equation of Hantush and Jacob (1955). Boulton (1963, p. 480, 481) gives tables of solutions of equation 108 for his W function (AwTs/Q) for various values of, in our notation, \/ue = ATt/r2Se, for his type A curves, for various values of \/ui = ATt/r2Si, for his type B curves, and for various values of r/B. Families of Boulton delayed-yield type curves based upon these tabulated values are shown on plate 8, which is similar to Boulton’s (1963) figure 1. His type A curves (1/w,) are shown to the left of the break in the curves; his type B curves (1 /u{) are shown to the right of the break. Note that the type A curves are essentially the same as those shown on plate 3A for leaky confined aquifers. Note also that the Theis type curve is asymptotic to the left of the type A family of curves and to the right of the type B family. Logarithmic time-drawdown plots for tests of unconfined aquifers in which delayed yield from storage is suspected may be superposed on plate 8, and a match point may be obtained for a suitable value of r/B. From the four parameters s, t, AwTs/Q, and ATt/r2Se or 4Tt/r2Si thus obtained, the desired values of T and Se or Si may be obtained as follows, assuming that the dimensionless parameters chosen on plate 8 are both equal to 1.0: T= 11215 [L2T-1]. 4tts (109) For early values of t, = ATt e r2(1.0) for later values of t, ATt [top scale, dimensionless]; (HO) Si = r2(1.0) [bottom scale, dimensionless]. (Ill) Example for Anisotropic Aquifer Table 13 gives the time-drawdown data for an observation well of z = 0.56 which was 63.0 ft from a fully penetrating, fully screened well (2 = 6) pumped at an average rate of 1,170 gpm, near lone, Colo. The wells are in unconfined alluvium having a prepumping saturated thickness (6) of 39.4 ft. The pumped well is 56.5 ft deep and the observation well is 25.8 ft (0.526) deep. Figure 22 is a logarithmic plot of the data given in table 13, and also it shows the values of the four parameters at the match point obtained by superposing figure 22 on plate 6D. From equation 105, (1.0) (1,170 gal min-1) (1,440 min day-1) = (10.3 ft) (7.48 gal ft-3) = 2.2X104 ft2 day-1. From equation 106, S = (2.2 X104 ft2 day-1) (52 min) (1.0) (63 ft)2(l,440 min day-1) Using equation 102, = 0.2 (rounded).i, IN FEET 1 1 1 1 1—1—1—I— i i i i i i i i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 - • ' — - MATCH POINT . - Tt/r2S=\.0 - - s77 Q=1.0 - - s= 10.3 ft t=52 min o°o - r, CBCGfflP - 0 o o O - O O O O O O O O O O c - o Ao o ° o - o ° 1 . - o ° - - 0 o o o - - . o o o o o - o o o ) - t, IN MINUTES Figure 22.—Logarithmic plot of s versus t for observation well B2-66-7dda2, near lone, Colo. oo AQUIFER TESTS BY WELL METHODS—POINT SINK OR POINT SOURCE38 GROUND-WATER HYDRAULICS Table 13.—Drawdown of water level in observation well B2-66-7dda2, 63.0 ft from, a well pumping at average rate of 1,170 gpm, near lone, Colo., August, 15-18 1967 [Data from D. R. Albin, written commun., January 1968J Time since pumping began,t (min) Corrected drawdown, a (ft) Time since pumping began, t (min) Corrected drawdown, a (ft) i 0.28 520 2.66 2 .38 580 2.74 3 .38 700 2.91 4 .44 820 3.02 5 .48 940 3.17 6 .50 1,060 3.22 7 .52 1,300 3.41 8 .53 1,360 3.44 9 .56 1,420 3.48 10 .56 1,480 3.48 12 .61 1,540 3.51 14 .65 1,600 3.56 16 .67 1,660 3.57 18 .70 1,720 3.59 20 .72 1,810 3.64 24 .79 1,900 3.67 28 .82 1,960 3.70 36 .92 2,020 3.73 40 .96 2,380 3.84 50 1.00 2,740 3.94 60 1.15 2,800 3.96 70 1.24 2,860 3.97 80 1.30 2,920 3.98 90 1.38 2,980 3.99 100 1.42 3,040 4.00 120 1.55 3,100 4.01 140 1.67 3,160 4.02 160 1.74 3,220 4.04 180 1.84 3,280 4.03 200 1.93 3,340 4.05 240 2.05 3,400 4.05 280 2.17 3,460 4.07 320 2.27 3,820 4.14 360 2.36 4,180 4.20 400 2.48 4,240 4.21 460 2.55 1 4,270 4.20 Table 14.—Drawdown of water level in observation well 139, 73 ft from a well pumping at constant rate of 1,080 gpm, near Fairborn, Ohio, October 19-21, 1954 [Data from S. E. Norris (written commun., Apr. 29, 1968)] Time since pumping began,t (min) Corrected drawdown, a (ft) Time since pumping began,t (min) Corrected drawdown, a (ft) 0.165 0.12 10 1.02 .25 .195 12 1.03 .34 .255 15 1.04 .42 .33 18 1.05 .50 .39 20 1.06 .58 .43 25 1.08 .66 .49 30 1.13 .75 .53 35 1.15 .83 .57 40 1.17 .92 .61 50 1.19 1.00 .64 60 1.22 1.08 .67 70 1.25 1.16 .70 80 1.28 1.24 .72 90 1.29 1.33 .74 100 1.31 1.42 .76 120 1.36 1.50 .78 150 1.45 1.68 .82 .200 1.52 1.85 .84 250 1.59 2.00 .86 300 1.65 2.15 .87 350 1.70 2.35 .90 400 1.75 2.50 .91 500 1.85 2.65 .92 600 1.95 2.80 .93 700 2.01 3.0 .94 800 2.09 3.5 .95 900 3.15 4.0 .97 1,000 2.20 4.5 .975 1,200 2.27 5.0 .98 1,500 2.35 6.0 .99 2,000 2.49 7.0 1.00 2,500 2.59 8.0 1.01 3,000 2.66 9.0 1.015 by interpolation, r (0.9) (39.4 ft) T Kr L (63.0 ft) J ' : Kz = 0.3Kr ft day-1, and 2.2 X Wft2 day-1 39.4 ft = 560 ft day-1; therefore, Kz = (0.3) (560 ft day-1) = 168 ft day-1. For additional examples of this method and evaluations of results, see Norris and Fidler (1966). supplied by S. E. Norris (U.S. Geological Survey, Columbus, Ohio, written commun., Apr. 29, 1968). The pumped well, which is 85 ft deep and is reportedly screened to full depth, obtains water from glacial sand and gravel. The observation well is 95 ft deep, but it penetrates only 75 ft of water-bearing material, the rest being 20 feet of clay in four beds. This is the same test as that for observation well 1 analyzed by Boulton (1963, fig. 2, p. 475-476) and by Walton (1960). The water-level measurements from 0 to 2.80 min were made using a technique described by Walton (1963). A logarithmic plot of s versus t from table 14 is shown in figure 23, which also shows the match-point values of the four parameters obtained by superposition on plates 6C and 8. Using the parameters of the lower match point in figure 23 for Boulton’s type B curves on plate 8, T is obtained from equation 109: Example for Delayed Yield from Storage Table 14 gives the time-drawdown measurements in an observation well 73 ft from a well pumping at constant rate of 1,080 gpm near Fairborn (near Dayton), Ohio, (1.0) (1.08X103 gal min-1) (1.44X103 min day-1) (1.257 X101) (4.22 X10-1 ft) (0.748 X101 gal ft-3) = 4 X104 ft2 day-1 (rounded).IN FEET - • MATCH POINT PLATE 6C sT/Q=\.0 Tt/r2S=\.0 t=26.5 min 8=6 ft ^=0.154 Q o o O O o O oo« L n n 0 O 0 : T”"’"" ""1 . ■ ■ ill “I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 o o o o o Ocpoo O ° ° u O-O-O- ~oOO° - o o o % c - o o " o • 0 MATCH POINT o PLATE 8 47rTs/Q = 1.0 ' o 4 Tt/r2Si=\.0 t==4.4 min o s = 0.422 ft - r/B—OA o 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 t, IN MINUTES Figure 23.—Logarithmic plot of s versus t for observation well 139, near Fairborn, Ohio. From Walton (1960, fig. 4). co CO AQUIFER TESTS BY WELL METHODS—POINT SINK OR POINT SOURCE40 GROUND-WATER HYDRAULICS Similarly, using equation 111, = (4) (4X104 ft2 day-1) (4,4 min) 1 (5.33 X103 ft2) (1.44 X103 min day-1) Matching the early data to Boulton’s type A curves gave the same value for T, but a value of Se of 3X10-3. This value of Se seems to be about one order of magnitude too large for a confined aquifer less than 100 ft thick; on the other hand, the value of Se seems too small for the unconfined aquifer and suggests that it is only an apparent-value observed before gravity drainage was completed. Using the upper match point in figure 23 for Stallman’s type curve in plate 6(7, T is obtained from equation 105: (1.0) (1.08X103 gal min-1) (1.44X103 min day-1) = (6 ft) (0.748X101 gal ft-3) = 3.5 X104 ft2 day-1, which is of the same order of magnitude as that obtained from Boulton’s curves (pi. 8). Similarly, from equation 106, AQUIFER TESTS BY CHANNEL METHODS-LINE SINK OR LINE SOURCE (NONSTEADY FLOW, NO RECHARGE) CONSTANT DISCHARGE In 1938 C. V. Theis (Wenzel and Sand, 1942, p. 45) developed an equation for determining the decline in head at any distance from a drain discharging water at a constant rate from a confined aquifer. The equation is based upon the following assumptions: The aquifer is homogeneous, isotropic, and of semi-infinite areal extent (bounded on one side only by the drain); the discharging drain completely penetrates the aquifer; the aquifer is bounded above and below by impermeable strata; the flow is laminar and unidimensional; the release of water from storage is instantaneous and in proportion to the decline in head; and the drain discharges at a constant rate. Theis derived his equation by analogy with heat flow in an analogous thermal system; later Ferris (1950) derived a similar equation from hydrologic concepts. In slightly modified form, Ferris’ equation (Ferris and others, 1962, p. 123) may be written: S = (3.5 X104 ft2 day-1) (26.5 min) ----------——----------■—-———- =0.1 (rounded) (5.33 X103 ft2) (1.44X103 mm day-1) T = Qt>x I" e-“2 2s L U\^ir -1 + L x/iy/Tt/S which is virtually identical to the 0.09 value. As the observation well is reported to be fully screened through the aquifer, figure 23 should have matched one of the type curves on plate 6A. The fact that it exactly matches the curve for ^ = 0.154 on plate 6C for 2 = 0.756 suggests that the intercalated clay beds may have changed the shape of the response curves, but this is only speculation. From equation 102, 73 78 'A, = 0.154, where or and [dimensionless] [dimensionless], [L2T-1], (112) (113) K_z Kr "(0.154) (78) T 73 0.027, S = ATtu2 [dimensionless], (114) 3.5 X104 ft2 day-1 .78X102 ft = 4.5 X102 ft day-1, and Kz = 2.7 X10-2X4.5 X102 ft day-1 = 12 ft day-1. The low vertical hyraulic conductivity compared to the radial value indicates that the aquifer is anisotropic and suggests a valid reason for the delayed drainage from storage, even after some 50 hours of pumping. This also suggests the desirability of trying both plates 6 or 7 and 8 for matching data curves similar to figure 23, knowledge of the local geology may help decide on which results to choose if they differ significantly. s = drawdown at any point in the vicinity of the drain, Qt = Constant discharge rate (base flow) of the drain, per unit length of drain, x = distance from drain to point of observation, and t = time since drain began discharging. The part of equation 112 in brackets may be written D(u)q, the drain function of u; the subscript q identifies the constant discharge of the drain. Equation 112, therefore, may be written: T~ TT- D(u) q [L2T-1]. (115) 2s Values of D(u)q for corresponding values of u and u2 areAQUIFER TESTS BY CHANNEL METHODS—LINE SINK OR LINE SOURCE 41 Figure 24.—Logarithmic plot of D{u)q versus u* for channel method—constant discharge. given in table 15, and a logarithmic plot of D (u) q versus u2 is shown in figure 24. Observed values of s versus x2/t are plotted on translucent logarithmic graph paper of the same scale as figure 24 (such as K&E 358-112) and are fitted to figure 24 by the usual curve-matching procedure. From the four values of parameters at the match point, assuming that the Table 15.—Values of D(u)„, u, and u2 for channel method—constant discharge [From Ferris, Knowles, Brown, and Stallman (1962, table 5)] u D(u)q || V £>(«)« 0.0510 0.0026 10.091 0.2646 0.070 1.280 .0600 .0036 8.437 .3000 .090 1.047 .0700 .0049 7.099 .3317 .110 .8847 .0800 .0064 6.097 .3605 .130 .7641 .0900 .0081 5.319 .4000 .160 .6303 .1000 .010 4.698 .4359 .190 .5327 .1140 .013 4.013 .4796 .230 .4370 .1265 .016 3.531 .5291 .280 .3516 . 1414 .020 3.069 .5745 .330 .2895 .1581 .025 2.657 .6164 .380 .2426 .1732 .030 2.355 .6633 .440 .1996 .1871 .035 2.120 .7071 .500 .1666 .2000 .040 1.933 .7616 .580 .1333 .2236 .050 1.648 .8124 .660 .1084 .2449 .060 1.440 .8718 .760 .08503 .9487 .900 .06207 1.0000 1.000 .05026 match point is chosen so that both D(u)q and u2 are equal to 1.0, T is obtained from T= ^L0) [L2?1-1] (116) 2s and S is obtained from 47V1.0) S= ——— [dimensionless]. (117) Unfortunately reliable field data to illustrate the method were not available. CONSTANT DRAWDOWN Stallman (in Ferris and others, 1962, p. 126-131) found a solution for a similar drain, in which the head abruptly changes by a constant amount and the discharge declines slowly, by borrowing the solution to an analogous heat-flow problem (Ingersol and others, 1954, p. 88). The basic assumptions are the same as those for equation 112 just described. Stallman’s equation is [2 rx/ty/Tt/S "I 1— J e~“2dwj =s0D(u)h [L], (118)IX.u\ rf>- bO Figure 25.—Logarithmic plot of D{u)k versus v? for channel method—constant drawdown. GROUND-WATER HYDRAULICSAQUIFER TESTS BY AREAL METHODS 43 Table 16.—Values of D(u)h, u, and u2 for channel method—constant drawdown [From Ferris, Knowles, Brown, and Stallman (1962, table 6)] u U* DMh | U D(u)k 0.03162 0.0010 0.9643 0.6325 0.40 0.3711 .04000 .0016 .9549 .7746 .60 .2733 .05000 .0025 .9436 .8944 .80 . 2059 .06325 .0040 .9287 1.000 1.00 .1573 .07746 .0060 .9128 1.140 1.30 .1069 .08944 .0080 .8994 1.265 1.60 .0736 .1000 .010 .8875 1.378 1.90 .0513 .1265 .016 .8580 1.483 2.20 . 0359 .1581 .025 .8231 1.581 2.50 .0254 .2000 .040 .7730 1.643 2.70 .0202 .2449 .060 .7291 1.732 3.00 .0143 .2828 .080 .6892 1.789 3.20 .0114 .3162 .10 . 6548 .4000 .16 .5716 .5000 .25 .4795 where So = the abrupt change in drain level at t = 0. D(u)h represents the bracketed part of equation 118 and is the drain function of u for constant drawdown, and where u2= — [dimensionless], (119) the bracketed part of equation 118 is the complementary error function, cerf, solutions of which are available. The discharge of the aquifer from both sides of the drain per unit length of drain, Qb, resulting from the change in drain stage, s0, is Q„ = ^ VST [Z/2T-1]. (120) Solving equation 120 for ST, we obtain ST= ^ [L2T-1]. (121) 4s02 Dividing equation 121 by equation 119 to eliminate S, and replacing s0 by s/D(u)k, T= a/tt [L2?1-1]. (122) Solving equation 119 for S, S= —— [dimensionless]. (123) x2/t Values of D(u)h for corresponding values of u and m2 are given in table 16, and a logarithmic plot of D(u)h versus w2 is shown in figure 25. Observed values of s versus x2/t are plotted on translucent logarithmic graph paper of the same scale as figure 25 (such as K&E 358-112) and are fitted to figure 25 by the usual curve-matching procedure. From the four values of the parameters at the match point, assuming that the match point is chosen so that both D(u)h and v? are equal to 1.0, whence u is also equal to 1.0, T is obtained by rewriting equation 122, ^ <12*> and S is obtained from equation 123 using the value of T determined from equation 124, 47V1.0) S= ----—— [dimensionless], (125) x2/t Unfortunately, field data to illustrate the method were not available to me, but the method was successfully used by Bedinger and Reed (1964). (See also Pinder and others, 1969.) Jacob (1943) developed methods for an unconfined aquifer subject to a constant rate of recharge {W) and bounded by two parallel and assumedly fully penetrating streams. The base flow of streams or the average rate of ground-water recharge may be estimated from the shape of the water table, as determined from water-level measurements in wells, in such a bounded aquifer. Rorabaugh (1960) gave methods, equations, and charts for estimating the aquifer constant T/S (hydraulic diffusivity) from natural fluctuations of water levels in observation wells in finite aquifers having parallel boundaries. Examples of such aquifers are: a long island or peninsula, an aquifer bounded by parallel streams, and an aquifer bounded by a stream and a valley wall. For similar bounded aquifers, Rorabaugh (1964) also developed methods for estimating ground-water outflow into streams and for forecasting streamflow recession curves. The component of outflow related to bank storage is computed from river fluctuations; the component related to recharge from precipitation and irrigation is computed from water levels in a well. Rorabaugh’s methods have widespread application in areas having the required boundary conditions. AQUIFER TESTS BY AREAL METHODS NUMERICAL ANALYSIS The equations given above for the radial flow of ground water were derived from ordinary or partial differential equations by means of the calculus, for various assumed44 GROUND-WATER HYDRAULICS boundary conditions. Stallman (1956, 1962) showed that, after the manner of Southwell (1940, 1946), the partial differential equation for two-dimensional nonsteady flow in an unconfined homogeneous and isotropic aquifer subject to a steady rate of accretion, W, can be closely approximated by a finite-difference equation in which, for example, dh/dt is replaced by Ah/At. He has since (written commun., 1965) developed a simplified application for use during winter periods when there is little or no transpiration from plants and no recharge from precipitation and, hence, when W = 0. He (later he and C. T. Jenkins) developed comparable equations for nonhomogeneous isotropic aquifers (R. W. Stallman and C. T. Jenkins, written commun., January 1969). For homogeneous isotropic aquifers, the equations with and without W are by two systems of equally spaced parallel lines at right angles to each other. One system is oriented in the x direction and the other, in the y direction; the spacing of lines equals the distance a. A set of five gridline intersections, or nodes (observation wells), as shown in figure 26, is called an array. The first two differentials in equations 126 and 127 can be expressed in terms of the head values at the nodes (wells) in the array, thus d* 2h h\ -f- hz — 2ho — «-------------- [I/-1] dx2 a2 and d2h h2+hi—2h0 r -. —- ---------- ru-n d2h d2h S dh W dx2 + dy2 ~ Tdt ~ T and d2h dVi _ S dh dx2 + dy2~ T dt where h is the head at any point whose coordinates are x and y. Let the infinitesimal lengths dx and dy be expanded so that each is equivalent to a finite length, a, and similarly, let dt be considered equivalent to At. A plan representation of the region of flow to be studied may then be subdivided (126) (127) X Figure 26.—Array of nodes used in finite-difference analysis. where the subscripts refer to the numbered nodes in figure 26. Substituting these closely equivalent expressions in equations 126 and 127, and letting dh/dt be considered equivalent to Ah0/ At, we obtain h+ht+h+h-Mo^j: htt ~ ~ [i] T At T (128) and hi-\-h2-\-h2-\-hi—4ho = X htt — — \_L~\ (129) T At where Ah0 is the change in head at node (well) 0 during the time interval At. Example R. W. Stallman tried this method on several such arrays in the Arkansas River valley, Colorado, during the winter of 1965-66 and the summer of 1966. Wells 1-4 were spaced 1,000 ft apart so that o = 1,000 ft V2/2 = 707 ft, and a2 — 5 X106 ft2. From estimated values of T and S, a normally is determined from the convenient empirical relation a2S/T = about 10 days, but in the Arkansas River valley, nearby boundaries made it necessary to use a2S/T = about 4 days. The elevations of the measuring points at each of the five wells were determined by precise leveling above a convenient arbitrary datum, and the water levels in feet above datum were obtained from automatic water-level sensors. The winter data from a test near Lamar, Colo., are shown in figure 27. The slope of the straight line in figure 27 is A X! h/ (Aho/At) =4.25 days, whence a2S/T = 4.25 days. 5 was obtained from neutron-moisture-probe tests (see Meyer, 1962), made during periods of both high and low water table, and was determined to be about 0.18. Then,AQUIFER TESTS BY AREAL METHODS 45 the contour interval of the equipotential lines. The contour interval indicates that the total drop in head in the system is evenly divided between adjacent pairs of equipotential lines; similarly the flow lines are selected so that the total flow is equally divided between adjacent pairs of flow lines. The movement of each particle of water between adjacent equipotential lines will be along flow paths involving the least work, hence it follows that, in isotropic aquifers, such flow paths will be normal to the equipotential lines, and the paths are drawn orthogonal to the latter. The net is constructed so that the two sets of lines form a system of “squares.” Note on the map that some of the lines are curvilinear, but that the “squares” are constructed so that the sum of the lengths of each line in one system is closely equal to the sum of the lengths in the other system. Figure 29 represents one idealized “square” of figure 30, whose dimensions are Aw and Al. By rewriting Darcy’s law (eq. 26) as a finite-difference equation for the flow, AQ, through this elemental “square” of thickness b, we obtain Ah Ah AQ= — KbAw — = — TAw —- [L3T-1]. (130) Al At FLOW-NET ANALYSIS But Aw= Al, by construction, so The following discussion of flow-net analysis has been adapted in part from Bennett (1962) and from Bennett and Meyer (1952, p. 54-58), to whose reports you are referred for further details. In analyzing problems of steady ground-water flow, a graphical representation of the flow pattern may be of considerable assistance and may provide solutions to problems not readily amenable to mathematical solution. The first significant development in graphical analysis of flow patterns was made by Forchheimer (1930), but additional information was given by Casagrande (1937, p. 136, 137) and Taylor (1948). A flow net, which is a graphical illustration of a flow pattern, is composed of two families of lines or curves. (See fig. 30.) One family of curves, called equipotential lines (solid lines on map), represents contours of equal head in the aquifer on the potentiometric surface or on the water table. Intersecting the equipotential lines at right angles (in isotropic aquifers) is another family of curves (dashed lines on map) representing the streamlines, or flow lines, where each curve indicates the path followed by a particle (molecule) of water as it moves through the aquifer in the direction of decreasing head. Although the real flow pattern contains an infinity of possible flow and equipotential lines, it may be represented conveniently by constructing a net that uses only a few such lines, the spacing being conveniently determined by AQ=-TAh [L3T-1]. (131) If 71/= number of flow channels, nd = number of potential drops, and Q = total flow, then Q = nfAQ, or AQ = Q 71/ and h = ndAh, or Ah = nd [L3T-1], (132) m. (133) Substituting equations 132 and 133 in equation 131, we obtain Q= — T7— h nd [L3?1-1], (134) or T= — Q (nf/nd)h [L2T-1]. (135) Example According to Bennett and Meyer (1952, p. 55), the average discharge from the Patuxent Formation in the Sparrows Point district in 1945 was 1 million ft3 day-1. The map (fig. 30) shows 15 flow channels surrounding the using equation 129, a?S A D h/(Ah0/At) (5X105 ft2) (0.18) 4.25 days ^2 X104 ft2 day-1 (rounded). The straight line in figure 27 has been transferred to the plot of spring and summer data shown in figure 28. In figure 28, points to the right of the straight line indicating W=0 show recharge to the water table; those to the left show discharge from the water table by evapotranspiration. The average value of above the line is about 0.1 ft. Using T^2 X104 ft2 day-1 and a2 = 5X105ft2, from equation 128, 0.1 ftss- (5X105 ft2) (IF) 2X104 ft2 day-1 and Trr (2 X104 ft2 day-1) (0.1 ft) W ------------------------- 5X105 ft2 i—4X10-3ft day-1 (rounded).46 GROUND-WATER HYDRAULICS 10zAfco/At, IN FEET PER DAY Figure 27.—Plot of 2h versus A/io/A< for winter of 1965-66, when W = 0. district, hence n/=15. The number of equipotential drops between the 30- and 60-ft contours is three, so nd = 3. The total potential drop between the 30- and 60-ft contours is 30 ft, so A = 30 ft. Then, from equation 135, 10® Hav—^ T =------v v =6,670 ft2 day-1 = 6,700 ft2 day"1. (15/3) (-30 ft) Note that the value of T thus determined is for a much larger sample of the aquifer than that determined by a pumping test on a single well. This method has been largely neglected and is deserving of more widespread application. CLOSED-CONTOUR METHOD A water-level contour map containing closed contours around a well or group of wells of known discharge rate may be used to determine or estimate the transmissivityAQUIFER TESTS BY AREAL METHODS 47 Figure 28.—Plot of 2h versus Aha/At for spring of 1966. of an aquifer under steady flow conditions. Equation 26 may be rewritten: Q= - KAAh A r TLAh A r [L3r-1], (136) which, for any two concentric closed contours of length Li and Ln, may be written r=- 2 Q ([<\+ L2) Ah/ At [L2r-1], (137) where Ah is the contour interval and Ar is the average distance between the two closed contours. An example will illustrate the method. . Assume that two irregularly shaped closed contours 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 A l 1 1 1 have measured lengths (as by wheel-type map measure) of 27,600 and 44,000 ft, respectively, that the contour interval is 10 ft, that the average distance between the two contours is (1,800+2,200+2,100+1,700)/4=l,950 ft, and that the rate of withdrawal from a well field within the lowest closed contour is 1 million gal day-1. Using equation 137, Aw 1 1 1 1 (2) (106 gal day-1) (7.16 X104 ft) [ — (10 ft)/(1.95 X103 ft) 3(7.48 gal ft-8) 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 = 730 ft2 day-1 (rounded). 1 1 Figure 29.—Idealized square of flow net. The regularity or irregularity of the shape and spacing of the contours, the density and accuracy of the water-00 Figure 30.—Map of Baltimore industrial area, Maryland, showing potentiometric surface in 1945 and generalized flow lines in the Patuxent Formation. From Bennett and Meyer (1952, pi. 7). GROUND-WATER HYDRAULICSAQUIFER TESTS BY AREAL METHODS 49 level data, and the accuracy to which Q is known control the accuracy of T and should be carefully considered to guide the rounding of the final result. In the above hypothetical example, greater irregularity in the contours would necessitate rounding the result to 700 ft2 day-1. In the example, four measurements of Ar were averaged, but the number required would range from one, for concentric circles, to perhaps eight or 10 for more complicated patterns. Use of my method may save the trouble of drawing a flow net. UNCONFINED WEDGE-SHAPED AQUIFER BOUNDED BY TWO STREAMS Stallman and Papadopulos (1966) presented a method for determining T/S (hydraulic diffusivity) from water-level recession in an observation well caused by dissipation of recharge from an unconfined wedge-shaped aquifer between two perennial streams. The hydraulic system here is analogous to a nonsteady heat-flow problem solved by Jaeger (1942) by means of a complex integral equation, which may be evaluated only by very laborious numerical methods (Papadopulos, 1963). The close fit between observed and theoretical water-level recession curves computed from Jaeger’s equation for three observation wells in Wisconsin (Weeks, 1964) led to the computation of many evaluations by a digital computer. The following four illustrations from Stallman and Papadopulos (1966) show the method. A simplified form of Jaeger’s equation is s ( 0 t Tt \ — =F ( 90, — , - , — ) [dimensionless], (138) s0 \ d0 a r2S/ where F is simply a function of the four parameters in parentheses: 90, 9, r, and a are as shown in figure 31; s and so are as shown in figure 32; the components of Tt/r2S are as defined previously; and the solution for T/S is given in figure 33. Note in the example in figure 31 that observation well A is near the confluence of two of several streams that drain an unconfined aquifer. The two tributaries form a wedge having an angle 90, of approximately 75°, and the angle 9, between the well and one side of the wedge, is 15°. Radius r, to the well, is about 5 miles. Radius a, the distance from the apex to the circumference along which water levels are presumed to be constant, was chosen to be 20 miles, so that r/a = 0.25. Note in figure 34 (and on many of the plates in the report by Stallman and Papadopulos) that as r/a approaches zero (larger and larger values of a), the response curves form an envelope on the lower right, and that values larger than 20 miles would not affect the final result in the example given. In the hypothetical hydrograph in figure 32, the water level was declining until about mid-May, when the aquifer received recharge during the spring thaw; this raised the water level by late May by the amount s0 at t = 0. For times after t = 0, values of s were determined by subtracting altitudes of the projected water-level trend, had no recharge occurred, from the smoothed curve of actual water levels. Values of s/s0 (linear scale) and t (log scale) were Figure 31.—Surface drainage pattern, showing location of observation wells that penetrate an unconfined aquifer. then plotted on semilogarithmic tracing paper (such as Codex 31,227) to the same scale as figure 34, and the data curve was then matched to the type curves by a procedure slightly different from those described earlier. The s/s0 axes are kept coincident, and the data curve is moved from side to side until the data curve fits the theoretical response curve for r/a = 0.25. Any convenient match of Tt/r‘2S in figure 34 and t on the data curve is then selected; the one50 GROUND-WATER HYDRAULICS Figure 32.—Example hydrograph from well A of figure 31, showing observed and projected water-level altitudes. chosen in the example in figure 33 was for Tt/r2S =1.0 and t = 360 days. From the value Tt/r2S = 1.0, T/S= 1.0Xr2/< = 1.0 X 6.98 X 10s ft2/360 days = 1.94 X106 ft2 day-1. If S is known or estimated to be, say 0.2, then T = 0.2 X 1.94 X106 ft2 day-1 = about 4X105 ft2 day-1. Note that in figure 34, 0 0.2 0.4 a Sq 0.6 0.8 1.0 Figure 33.—s/s0 versus t taken from hydrograph of well A (see fig- 32), showing computation of T/S. "1 I I TTTTT| I I I I I I I I ] I I l I I I I I / ''Observed a ^Theoretical response / Match line at / -^ = 1.00 / <=360 days j Computation: / Z= 1 00 x 6.98xl0_B=194xl061 / S 360 -J—ii ....I i i i i i i m i i___i i 1111 10 100 t. IN DAYS 1000 which is a nondimensional plot, Stallman and Papadopulos omitted the pure number 4 from the numerator of Tt/r2S, thus eliminating the necessity of using it in computations. In the hypothetical data plotted in figures 32 and 33, values of s/s0 were plotted for t from 5 to 200 days, but the authors warn that in actual practice it would be difficult to reliably project the water-level trend much beyond July and that, in general, values of s/s0 for only about 50 days after cessation of recharge should be considered useful. Note in figure 31 that observation well B is considered to be within a circular area of 8(> = 360° and a radius of 16 miles surrounded by streams but that only the stream at 8 = 108° was considered. R. W. Stallman (U.S. Geological Survey, oral commun., 1968) indicated that this rather extreme example might be improved by reducing radius a to about 12 miles, so that it just intersects the streams to the northwest, west, and south. Figure 34 is but one of 120 sheets containing in all some 1,500 response curves for various values of 60, 9/do, and r/a. This method should have widespread application in many places where unconfined aquifers are traversed by perennial streams, and where at least a few wells are available for observation of water levels preceding and following periods of recharge. In some studies this method might provide the only values of T/S and estimates of T; in others, it could conveniently supplement values obtained by otherAQUIFER TESTS BY AREAL METHODS 51 °s/s Figure 34.—s/s0 versus Tf/rtS for 0o = 75°; 0/0o = O.2O.52 GROUND-WATER HYDRAULICS methods. In areas where T is known, this method also could be used to estimate S. METHODS OF ESTIMATING TRANSMISSIVITY In some ground-water investigations, such as those of a reconnaissance type, it may be necessary to estimate the transmissivity of an aquifer from the specific capacity (yield per unit of drawdown) of wells, as the determination of T by use of some of the equations discussed above may not be feasible. On the other hand, some of our modern quantitative studies, such as those for which electric-analog models or mathematical models are constructed, require a sufficiently large number of values of T that transmissivity-contour maps (T maps) may be constructed. In unconfined aquifers, such T maps generally require also the construction of water-level contour maps and bedrock-contour maps, from which may be obtained maps showing lines of equal saturated thickness, b, for we have seen that T — Kb. For example, a quantitative investigation of a 150-mile reach of the Arkansas River valley, in eastern Colorado, required a T map based upon about 750 values, or about 1% values per square mile. About 25 of these values were obtained from pumping tests, selected as reliable tests from a greater number of tests conducted. About 200 values of T were estimated from the specific capacity of wells, by one of the methods to be described. About 525 values were estimated by geologists from studies of logs of wells and test holes, by methods to be described. Thus, only about 3 percent of the values were actually determined from pumping tests. SPECIFIC CAPACITY OF WELLS Several methods for estimating transmissivity from specific capacity have been published, some of which are cited below. If we solve equation 51 for Q/sw (specific capacity), using sw as the drawdown in the discharging well, and rw as the radius of the well, and assuming that the well is 100 percent efficient, we obtain Q 4ttT sw ~ 2.301og10 2.25Tt/rJS [L2T-1], (139) which shows the manner in which Q/sw is approximately related to the other constants (T, S) and variables (rw, t). As rw is constant for a particular well being pumped, we see that Q/sw is nearly proportional to T at a given value of t, but gradually diminishes as t increases, by the amount 1 /logio t. Thus, for a given well, considered 100-percent efficient, and assuming that water is discharged instantaneously from storage with decline in head, we may symbolize the foregoing statements by the following equation: Q B __ _________ Syj lO^JO t [L’T-1], (140) where B = a constant for the well, including other terms as in equation 139. No wells are 100-percent efficient, but, according to construction, age, and so forth, some wells are more efficient than others. Jacob (1947, p. 1048) has approximated the head loss resulting from the relatively high velocity of water entering a well or well screen as being proportional to some power of the velocity approaching the square of the velocity, which in turn is nearly proportional to Q2; thus head loss is nearly equal to CQ2, where C = a constant of proportionality. Adding this to equation 140, Q B ___ ________________ 't''w logio t +CQ2 [L2T~l~\. (141) Thus we see that Q/sw diminishes not only with time but with pumping rate Q. In unconfined aquifers it may be necessary to adjust factor B further to account for delayed yield from storage. In an uncased well in, say, sandstone, rw may be assumed equal to the radius of the well, but in screened wells in unconsolidated material, in which the finer particles have been removed near the screen by well development, or in gravel-packed wells, the effective rw generally is larger than the screen diameter. Jacob (1947) described a method for determining the effective rw and the well loss (CQ2) from a multiple-step drawdown test. Most other investigators have neglected well loss in their equations, which are then equations for wells of assumed 100 percent efficiency, such as equation 140, but some have arbitrarily adjusted for this loss by selection of an arbitrary constant for wells of similar construction in a particular area or aquifer, which generally gives satisfactory results when used with caution. Theis (1963a) gave equations and a chart, based upon the Theis equation, for estimating T from specific capacity for constant »S and variable t, with allowance for variable well diameter but not well efficiency. Brown (1963) showed how Theis’ results may be adapted to artesian aquifers. Meyer (1963) gave a chart for estimating T from the specific capacity at the end of 1 day of pumping, for different values of S and for well diameters of 0.5, 1.0, and 2.0 ft. Bedinger and Emmett (1963) gave equations and a chart for estimating T from specific capacity, based upon a combination of the Thiem and Theis equations and upon average values of T and S for a specific area, for well diameters of 0.5, 1.0, and 2.0 ft. Hurr (1966) gave equations and charts based upon the Theis and BoultonMETHODS OF ESTIMATING SPECIFIC YIELD 53 (1954a) equations, which.allow for delayed yield from storage, for determining T from specific capacity at different values of t for a well 1.0 ft in diameter. None of the methods just cited includes corrections for well efficiency, but this can be added in an approximate manner. LOGS OF WELLS AND TEST HOLES As noted above, about 525 values of T out of 750 total values in the Arkansas River valley of eastern Colorado were estimated by geologists from studies of logs of wells and test holes and from drill cuttings from test holes. Wherever possible, pumping tests were made on wells for which or near which logs were available; otherwise, test holes were drilled near the well tested. From several or many such pumping tests accompanied by logs, the values of T were carefully compared with the water-bearing bed or beds, and, as T = Kb, the total T was distributed by cut and try among the several beds, according to the following equation: T = 2Z Kmbm = K\bi~\-Kzhz~\- • • • -\-Knbn i (142) From this, table 17 was prepared, comparing average values of K for different alluvial materials in the valley. Equation 142 may be solved also by multiple regression using a digital computer or graphical method (Jenkins, 1963). R. T. Hurr, who prepared table 17, then carefully examined the logs of other wells and test holes for which no pumping tests were available. He assigned values of K to each bed of known thickness on the basis of the descriptive words used by the person who prepared the log. The values of K that were assigned may have been (1) equal Table 17.—Average values of hydraulic conductivity of alluvial materials in the Arkansas River valley, Colorado [Courtesy of R. T. Hurr] Hydraulic conductivity1 Material (ft day _1) Gravel: Coarse----------------------------------- 1,000 Medium________________________________________ 950 Fine------------------------------------------ 900 Sand: Gravel to very coarse__________________________ 800 Very coarse____________________________________ 700 Very coarse to coarse__________________________ 500 Coarse_________________________________________ 250 Coarse to medium_______________________________ 100 Medium________________________________________ 50 Medium to fine__________________________________ 30 Fine_________________________________________ 15 Fine to very fine_______________________________ 5 Very fine_______________________________________ 3 Clay...............-.......-__________________ 1 1 Values were converted from gallons per day per square foot and were rounded. to, (2) more than, or (3) less than values given in the table (depending upon cleanliness, sorting, and so forth), and thus they necessarily involved subjective judgment. As experience was gained, however, the geologist who prepared the table generally could estimate K and T with fair to good accuracy. The T values from all sources also were compared carefully with the saturated-thickness map. This method for estimating T has been used successfully in the Arkansas River valley in Colorado, in the Arkansas Valley in Arkansas and Oklahoma (Bedinger and Emmett, 1963), in Nebraska, in California, and elsewhere. Laboratory determinations for K of cores of consolidated rocks, such as partly to well cemented sandstone, may be used in place of estimates. Reconstitution of disturbed samples of unconsolidated material is not possible, however, so laboratory determinations for K generally do not give reliable values. However, they may be very useful in indicating relative values, as was done in Arkansas and Oklahoma. The above methods may also be used by the geologist for estimating the hydraulic properties of exposed sections of rocks containing water-bearing beds. METHODS OF ESTIMATING STORAGE COEFFICIENT In examining logs of wells or test holes in confined aquifers, or in measuring sections of exposed rocks that dip down beneath confining beds to become confined aquifers, the storage coefficient may be estimated from the following rule-of-thumb relationship: s b b (ft) S (ft-1) l.__________________________________________ I0-*1 10______________________________________________ 10-‘l 10-6 100___________________________________________ 10—‘f 1,000___________________________________________ 10-3J One may either multiply the thickness in feet times 1(R6 ft-1 or interpolate between values in the first two columns; thus, for 6 = 300 ft, )Sft:3X10-4, and so on. Values thus estimated are not absolutely correct, as no allowances have been made for porosity or for compressibility of the aquifer, but they are fairly reliable for most purposes. Such estimates may be improved upon by comparison with values obtained from reliable pumping or flow tests, then extrapolated to other parts of an aquifer with adjustments for thickness if needed. METHODS OF ESTIMATING SPECIFIC YIELD Earlier it was stated that the specific yield generally ranges between 0.1 and 0.3 (10-30 percent) and that long54 GROUND-WATER HYDRAULICS periods of pumping may be required to drain waterbearing material. Thus, in the absence of any determination, as in a rapid reconnaissance, we would not be very far off in assuming that, for supposedly long periods of draining, the specific yield of an unconfined aquifer is about 0.2—the average value between the general limits indicated. Better estimates of specific yield—which might be slightly more or less than the average—could be obtained from (1) careful study of the grain sizes and degree ot sorting, if logs of wells or test holes are available, (2) data from a few reliable pumping tests, (3) values obtained from the use of neutron-moisture probes (Meyer, 1962), and (4) laboratory determinations of the specific yield of disturbed samples (values of laboratory determinations are likely to be larger than those obtained in the field). Data from the sources listed could also be extrapolated to similar types of material elsewhere in the aquifer. Table 18.—Computations of drawdowns produced at various distances from a well discharging at slated rales for 365 days from a confined aquifer for which T = 20 ft2 day~l and S = 5X10“* _s_ 4Tt r r, (ft'*) (ft) (ft*) u 1 4tcT TF(m) (ft-* day) 8 (ft) for Q (ft* day-1) 10* 2X10* 3X10* 4X10* 5X10* 6X10* 7X10* 1.71X10-9 1 1 1.71X10-* 19.61 3.98X10-* 78.1 156 234 312 391 469 547 10 102 1.71X 10“7 15.01 59.7 119 179 239 299 358 418 102 104 1.71X10-* 10.40 41.4 82.8 124 166 207 248 290 102 106 1.71 X10-* 5.80 23.1 46.2 69.3 92.4 116 139 162 2X103 4X106 6.84X10-* 4.41 17.6 35.1 52.2 70.2 87.8 105 123 4X102 1.6 X107 2.74X10-2 3.23 12.9 25.7 38.6 51.4 64.3 77.2 90.0 6X103 3.6 X107 6.16X10-* 2.27 9.0 18.0 27.0 36.0 45.0 54.0 63.0 8X103 6.4 X107 1.09X10-* 1.74 6.9 13.8 20.7 27.6 34.5 41.4 48.3 104 10s 1.71X10-* 1.35 5.4 10.8 16.2 21.6 21.0 32.4 37.8 1.5X104 2.25X10* 3.85X10-* .73 2.9 5.8 8.7 11.6 14.5 17.4 20.3 2X104 4X10* 6.84X10-* .39 1.6 3.2 4.8 6.4 8.0 9.6 11.2 3X104 9X10* 1.54 .10 .15 .30 .45 .60 .75 .90 1.05 4X104 1.6 X10* 2.74 .02 .08 .16 .24 .32 .40 .48 .56 Figure 35.—Family of semilogarithmic curves showing the drawdown produced at various distances from a well discharging at stated rates for 365 days from a confined aquifer for which T — 20 ft2 day-1 and