yp pe: ; Q, up ; THE DEVELOPMENT AND MANAGEMENT / UGe a OF AMBULATORY CARE PROGRAMS AN ANNOTATED eae: U.S, DEPOSIToRy NOV29 1982 Sunyeres ry ORARY } RE GA Ine Ad U. S. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES PUBLIC HEALTH SERVICE 4 .> HEALTH RESOURCES AND SERVICES ADMINISTRATION , BUREAU OF HEALTH CARE DELIVERY AND gg catretcie CS ke ee ee ea ''''THE DEVELOPMENT AND MANAGEMENT OF AMBULATORY CARE PROGRAMS: AN ANNOTATED BIBLIOGRAPHY was prepared by Professional Management Associates, Inc., and Whittaker Medicus under Contract Numbers 240-80-0067 and 240-81-0040 for the Office of Primary Care in the Bureau of Community Health Service (BCHS). On September 1, 1982--after the text of this bibliography had been completed and submitted for publication--a reorganization established the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) in the Public Health Service. References in the text to the BCHS now apply to the Bureau of Health Care Delivery and Assistance (BHCDA) and references to the Health Services Administration now apply to the Health Resources and Services Administration. Ambulatory care is the responsibility of the Division of Primary Care Services, BHCDA. ''5 oD ‘ Page INT RODUCT ION iv SOURCES Vv GENERAL INFORMAT ION 1-4 ADMINISTRAT IVE MANAGEMENT Facilities 5-6 Governing Board 7-8 Personnel 9-10 Prepaid Health Programs 11-12 Program Planning 13-14 FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT 15-16 CLINICAL MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS Medical Records 17-18 Quality Assurance 19-22 Staffing 23-24 ii ''CLINICAL CARE Adolescent Health Child Health Dental Services Environmental Health Family Planning Genetic Diseases Health Education Hypertension Nutrition Social Work Services Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) PATIENT EDUCATION AND INFORMAT ION Child Health Family Planning Genetic Diseases Hypertension Nutrition Sickle Cel] Substance Abuse Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) AMBULAT ORY HEALTH CARE JOURNALS iii Un ''INT RODUCT ION The development and management of ambulatory health care programs is a complicated undertaking, whether we participate in the process as members of community boards, administrators, clinical directors, or Federal and state managers. All persons who are involved with the numerous programs supported by the Bureau of Community Health Services (BCHS) must be familiar with complex legislative history, mandates, and regulations in addition to the basic clinical, administrative and financial management systems which are required for the efficient operation of ambulatory care programs. This annotated bibliography has been developed to meet the need for an organized listing of the wide range of available resource materials which relate to ambulatory care. We have drawn together a comprehensive collection of Federal and non-Federal publications, as well as general materi.als on the development and man- agement of ambulatory health care programs. The publications are grouped in the following categories: 1) General Information 2) Administrative Management 3) Financial Management 4) Clinical Management Systems 5) Clinical Care 6) Patient Education and Information 7) Ambulatory Health Care Journals The publication date, a brief annotation, the source from which the publication is currently available, and a price where applicable, have been included. iv ''SOURCES There may be a charge for some copies of publications provided by the Bureau of Community Health Services (BCHS). Single copies only may be available from: REGION I REGION II REGION III REGION IV REGION V REGION VI Bureau of Community Health Services 5600 Fishers Lane Rockville, Maryland 20857 and the Regional Offices: Division of Health Services Delivery John F. Kennedy Federal Building Boston, Massachusetts 02230 Division of Health Services Delivery 26 Federal Plaza New York, New York 10007 Division of Health Services Delivery P. 0. Box 13716 Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19101 Division of Health Services Delivery 101 Marietta Tower Atlanta, Georgia 30323 Division of Health Services Delivery 300 South Wacker Drive Chicago, Illinois 60606 Division of Health Services Delivery 1200 Main Tower Building Dallas, Texas 75202 Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island and Vermont New York, New Jersey, Puerto Rico, and Virgin Islands Delaware, Maryland, Pennsylvania, Virginia, West Virginia and District of Columbia Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina and Tennessee Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Minnesota, Ohio and Wisconsin Arkansas, Louisiana, New Mexico, Oklahoma, and Texas ''REGION VII REGION VIII REGION IX REGION X Division of Health Services Delivery 601 East 12th Street Kansas City, Missouri 64106 Division of Health Services Delivery 1961 Stout Street Denver, Colorado 80294 Division of Health Services Delivery Federal Office Building 50 United Nations Plaza San Francisco, California 94102 Division of Health Services Delivery Arcade Plaza Building 1321 Second Avenue Seattle, Washington 98101 Publications marked "GPO" can be obtained from: Iowa, Kansas, Missouri and Nebraska Colorado, Montana, North Dakota, South Dakota, Utah and Wyoming 4 Arizona, California, Hawaii, Nevada, Guam, Trust Territory of Pacific Islands and American Somoa Alaska, Idaho, Oregon and Washington Superintendent of Documents Government Printing Office Washington, D. C. 20201 For other publications, the complete address and ordering information is given under SOURCE. vi ''GENERAL INFORMAT ION DATE TITLE OF PUBLICATION PUBLISHED Funding Criteria for 1980 BCHS Programs A Guide to Data 1982 Analysis for BCHS Project Management How to Speak Primary 1980 Care 2/pp Instruction Manual 1982 for the BCHS Common (Revised) Reporting Requirements Ambulatory Care 1977 (Goldsmith, S.) 156pp General Information ANNOT AT ION Contains critical factors such as applicability, monitoring and _ excep- tions, which must be considered by Regional Health Administrators in establishing priorities for the alloca- tion of limited resources. Description of analysis that can be performed with data obtainable from the BCRR and other sources to monitor activities of health programs in five major areas: project utilization growth; staffing and productivity; cost efficiency; financial management; and clinical management. Glossary of terms frequently used in discussing ambulatory care programs. Provides instructions to projects on compilation and completion of the BCRR. A comprehensive analysis and assessment of ambulatory care facilities and operations. SOURCE Bureau of Community Health Services Bureau of Community Health Services Bureau of Community Health Services Bureau of Community Health Services Aspen Systems P. 0. Box 6018 Gaithersburg, Maryland 20760 862467 $21.50 (hardback) ''GENERAL INFORMAT ION DATE TITLE OF PUBLICAT ION PUBLISHED Basic Health 1978 Planning Methods (Spiegel, A. and Hyman, H.) 508pp Clover Fork Clinic: 1977 The Case History of a New Rural Health Center /76pp Community Health 1980 Analysis: A Holistic Approach (Dever, G. E.) 416pp Guidance for Health 1978 System Agencies and Statewide Health Coordinating Councils; Review and Approval Responsibilities for BCHS 59pp HRP -0900388 General Information ANNOT AT ION A "how to" book which details basic health planning methods. A case history of the development of the Clover Fork Clinic in Harlan County, Kentucky. Covers start up, first three years of operation and future plans. Combines concepts and techniques from geographic epidemiology and public health. Provides information on issues to be considered for review and approval or disapproval of proposed uses in Federal funds authorized under the Public Health Service National Health Planning and Resources Development Act of 1974: P. L. 93-641 Section 1513(e) and Section 1524(c)(6). SOURCE Aspen Systems P. 0. Box 6018 Gaithersburg, Maryland 20760 430777 $37.95 (hardback) Appalachian Regional Commission 1666 Connecticut Avenue, N. W. Washington, D. C. 20035 Single copy, no charge Aspen Systems P. O. Box 6018 Gaithersburg, Maryland 20760 431617 $27.50 (hardback) National Technical Information Services 5285 Port Royal Road Springfield, Virginia 22151 $9.00 (paperback) ''GENERAL INFORMAT ION DATE TITLE OF PUBLICATION PUBLISHED Planning and Managing 1979 Rural Health Centers (Wade, T. and Brooks, E.) 175pp Primary Health Care 1980 7pp Public Health 1976 Service Grants Policy Statement (OS) 77-50-000 7pp Qué Pasé - En Inglés 1978 Rural Health Centers 1979 in the United States (Bernstein, J., Hege, F., and Farran, C.) 95pp General Information ANNOT AT TON Includes assessment of local need for a health program, administrative and financial practices, and personnel management issues. Bibliography. Provides policy guidance for the use of grant funds awarded by the Public Health Service. An English-Spanish guide for medical care delivery personnel to improve communications with Spanish-speaking patients. Overview of the health center develop- ment process, emphasizing community organization and realistic planning. SOURCE Ballinger Publishing Company 54 Church Street Cambridge, MA 02138 $10.95 (paperback) $18.50 (hardback) Medical Group Management Association 4101 East Louisiana Avenue Denver, Colorado 80222 $7.00 GPO: 017-020-00058-7 $4.75 University of New Mexico Press, Journalism Building Room 220 Albuquerque, New Mexico 87131 Ballinger Publishing Company 54 Church Street Cambridge, MA 02138 $8.95 (paperback) $16.00 (hardback) ''GENERAL INFORMAT ION DATE TITLE OF PUBLICATION PUBLISHED The Rural Health 1979 Development Series (Bernstein, J., Hege, F., and Farran, C.) General Information ANNOT AT ION Six books on various aspects of rural health care: Rural Health Centers in the United States; Clinical Roles in Rural Health Centers; Planning and Managing Rural Health Centers; Legal Guide for Rural Health Programs; Facil- ity Planning Design and Construction of Rural Health Centers; Medical Records and Index Systems for Community Practice. SOURCE Ballinger Publishing Company 54 Church Street Cambridge, MA 02138 $45.00 (paperback) $75.00 (hardback) ''ADMINISTRATIVE MANAGEMENT DATE TITLE OF PUBLICATION PUBLISHED Equipment Guidelines 1978 for Ambulatory Health Centers 18pp (HSA) 78-5505 Ambulatory Facilities 1978 Planning 114pp Equipment for a 1981 Health Care Facility Opp Facility Planning, 1979 Design and Construction of Rural Health Centers (Ashford, T.) 238pp Facilities ANNOT AT ION A guide for determining the equipment requirements of ambulatory health centers. Contains a full range of typical ambulatory services to assist less comprehensive programs in estimat- ing their specific equipment require- ments. Lists and discusses equipment selections that have worked well in health centers. Articles on pre-planning and site selection, case studies, architectural and design considerations, medical service design, and construction and occupancy problems. Bibliography. Extensive references on all phases of planning, design, construction or renovation. SOURCE Bureau of Community Health Services Group Health Association of America 624 9th Street, N. W. Washington, D. C. 20001 Order No. 407 $10.00 Medical Group Management Association 4101 East Louisiana Avenue Denver, Colorado 80222 $7.00 Ballinger Publisher Company 54 Church Street Cambridge, MA 02138 $11.95 (paperback) $19.50 (hardback) ''ADMINISTRATIVE MANAGEMENT DATE TITLE OF PUBLICAT ION PUBLISHED Planning Medical 1979 Equipment for Health Maintenance Organizations 2Upp (PHS) 79-50108 Facilities ANNOT AT ION Document developed to help grantees, Federal staff, and consultants in addressing major issues and problems concerning medical equipment needs. Applicable to all ambulatory care centers. SOURCE Office of Health Maintenance Organizations Park Building, Room 3-32 12420 Parklawn Drive Rockville, Maryland 20857 ''ADMINISTRATIVE MANAGEMENT DATE TITLE OF PUBLICATION PUBLISHED BCHS Governing Board 1982 Handbook BCHS Governing Board 1982 Workbook Manual de Sistemas y 1979 Procedimientos para Miembros de Juntas Directivas 36pp (HSA) 79-5503 Easier Ways to 1975 Organize Groups 13pp Governing Board ANNOT AT ION A policies and procedures manual for governing boards of community health centers. Board membership, organiza- tion and operations, health center finances, quality assurance, legal concerns, and board relationships are discussed. A self-instructional training manual for governing boards of community health centers. Provides exercises, discussion, and information on the roles and responsibilities of board members, board organization, board membership and operations, and board relationships. A governing board manual in Spanish. Pamphlet describing areas of concern in organizing a group, including: prepa- ration of agenda, role of chairperson, parliamentary procedure, and bylaws. «7 SOURCE Bureau of Community Health Services Bureau of Community Health Services Bureau of Community Health Services Citizens Information Service 67 Madison Street Chicago, Illinois 60603 $1.95 ''ADMINISTRATIVE MANAGEMENT DATE TITLE OF PUBLICATION PUBLISHED Hospital-Sponsored 1980 Ambulatory Care: The Governing Board's Role 104pp The Determinative 1978 Team (Swanson, A.) 14lpp Governing Board ANNOT AT ION Describes the governing board's role in financial management, community rela- tions, quality assurance and adminis- tration of hospital-sponsored ambulato- ry care programs. A handbook for board members of volun- teer organizations. SOURCE American Hospital Association 804 North Lake Shore Drive Chicago, Illinois 60611 HA No. 1077 $18.75 Exposition Press, Inc. 900 South Oyster Bay Road Micksville, New York 11801 $6.00 ''ADMINISTRATIVE MANAGEMENT DATE TITLE OF PUBLICATION PUBLISHED Personnel Policy and 1982 Procedure Development for Community Health Centers 143pp Coverage Under the 1976 Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974 12pp Fiduciary Standards, 1976 Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974 llpp Handy Reference Guide 1977 to the Fair Labor Standards Act WH-1282 8pp Personnel ANNOT AT ION Discusses personnel policies and proce- dures for ambulatory health centers. Outlines coverage under ERISA, specifi- cally Title I protection of employee benefits rights. Outlines the fiduciary standards of ERISA. Provides general information about the applications of the Fair Labor Standards Act, as amended. SOURCE Bureau of Community Health Services U. S. Department of Labor Management Services Administration Office of Employee Benefits Security Washington, D. C. 20210 U. S. Department of Labor Management Services Administration Office of Employee Benefits Security Washington, D. C. 20210 U. S. Department of Labor Employment Standards Administration Wage and Hour Division Washington, D. C. 20210 ''ADMINISTRATIVE MANAGEMENT DATE TITLE OF PUBLICATION PUBLISHED Personnel in Clinics 1980 12pp Rural Health and 1980 Manpower /pp State Regulations 1977 of Health Manpower 263pp What You Should Know 1978 About the Pension and Welfare Law: A Guide to Employee Retirement Income Security Act 76pp Personnel ANNOT AT ION Bibliography. Bibliography. Identifies various health manpower regulations by state. Provides general information about ERISA's provisions. Ali SOURCE Medical Group Management Association 4101 East Louisiana Avenue Denver, Colorado 80222 $7.00 Medical Group Management Association 4101 East Louisiana Avenue Denver, Colorado 80222 $7.00 GPO: 017-022-005468 $8.00 U. S. Department of Labor Management Administration Pension and Welfare Benefits Program Washington, D. C. 20210 ''ADMINISTRATIVE MANAGEMENT DATE TITLE OF PUBLICATION PUBLISHED Community Education Tips for HMO Sponsors (PHS) 80-50141 16pp 1980 Comprehensive Bibliography of Health Maintenance Organizations 1974-1978 162pp 1980 Financial Management 1981 of a Health Maintenance Organization 5pp HMO Handbook (Kress, J. and Singer, J.) 206pp 1975 Prepaid Health Programs ANNOT AT TON A document that describes a typical community education program for persons planning to start a not-for-profit, community-sponsored group practice health maintenance organization (HMO). Outlines community education activities appropriate to each stage of HMO development. Bibliography referencing journal arti- cles, monographs and proceedings, government publications, doctoral dissertations, and newspaper articles on HMOs. Bibliography. A complete guide on what is involved in developing and managing prepaid group practices and HMOs. af h« SOURCE Office of Health Maintenance Organizations Park Building, Room 3-32 12420 Parklawn Drive Rockville, Maryland 20857 GPO: 017-002-00131-3 $6.50 Medical Group Management Association 4101 East Louisiana Avenue Denver, Colorado 80222 $7.00 Aspen Systems P. 0. Box 6018 Gaithersburg, Maryland 20760 862149 $27.50 (hardback) ''ADMINISTRATIVE MANAGEMENT DATE TITLE OF PUBLICATION PUBLISHED Medical Information 1977 System for Prepaid Group Practice 109pp Selected Annotated 1980 Bibliography on Health Maintenance Organizations 1974-1978 (two volumes) Prepaid Health Programs ANNOT AT ION Articles on management information systems, hospital utilization, referral monitoring, productivity, and waiting time. Annotated bibliography presenting topics including competition; legal issues; marketing and enrollment choice; and facility and construction design. -12- SOURCE Group Health Association of America 624 9th Street, N. W. Washington, D. C. 20001 Order No. 405 $10.00 GPO: 017-002-00132-1 $5.50 ''ADMINISTRATIVE MANAGEMENT DATE TITLE OF PUBLICATION PUBLISHED Prescription for 1975 Primary Health Care (1976 Cornel] University Project ID CP-T -000109-01-0) 117pp Promoting the Health 1982 of Women and Children Through Planning 146pp Marketing Health 1980 Care 6pp Marketing Health 1977 Care (MacStravic, R.) 302pp Program Planning ANNOT AT ION Describes the components and process involved in the development and deliv- ery of a primary care program. A manual that serves as a reference tool for State and local maternal and child health and health planning staff. Capitalizing on current policy reports, the manual promotes a collaborative planning effort. While the material is specific to maternal and child health, it may be helpful for primary care planning at the State and project levels. Bibliography. Presents marketing health care concepts. -13- SOURCE Bureau of Community Health Services National Clearinghouse for Human Genetic Diseases P. 0. Box 28612 Washington, D. C. 20005 Medical Group Management Association 4101 East Louisiana Avenue Denver, Colorado 80222 $7.00 Aspen Systems P. 0. Box 6018 Gaithersburg, Maryland 20760 862416 $25.75 (hardback) ''ADMINISTRATIVE MANAGEMENT DATE TITLE OF PUBLICATION PUBLISHED The Organization 1976 and Development of a Medical Group Practice 742pp Program Planning ANNOT AT ION Discusses the various steps and deci- sions necessary for a group practice formation, presenting a comprehensive review of the subjects. Contains a bibliography. -14- SOURCE Medical Group Management Association 4101 East Lousiana Avenue Denver, Colorado 80222 $50.00 (hardback) ''FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT DATE TITLE OF PUBLICATION PUBLISHED Bureau of Community 1980 Health Services' Accounting Manual 108pp BCHS Illustrated 1980 Accounting Practice Set for Federally Funded Health Centers 195pp A Guide to 1982 Determining Patient Fees in BCHS Projects Illustrated One 1982 Write Accounting (Revised) Practice Set for BCHS Projects Financial Management ANNOT AT ION Designed to assist Federally funded health centers develop accounting, bookkeeping, and fiscal management systems and procedures oriented to functional program management and control. Companion document to the Bureau of Community Health Services' Accounting Manual. Guide that provides grantees with a mechanism to facilitate financial planning, especially maximizing the recovery of cost through charges for services. Assists BCHS projects in implementing a functional cost accounting system. Illustrates typical financial transactions. -15- SOURCE Bureau of Community Health Services Bureau of Community Health Services Bureau of Community Health Services Bureau of Community Health Services ''FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT DATE TITLE OF PUBLICAT ION PUBLISHED An Overview of 1981 Financial Management in BCHS-Funded Projects 53pp (HSA) 81-5509 Financial Management 1979 in Ambulatory Health Care Centers 10pp Guidelines for 1978 Financial and Compliance Audits of Federally Assisted Programs /72pp How to Apply for 1978 Recognition of Exemption for an Organization IRS-557 Financial Management ANNOT AT TON Provides an overview of the financial management process, including planning and budgeting. Bibliography. Provides audit guidelines for financial and compliance audits of Federally assisted programs, including BCHS- supported programs. Booklet describing the rules and proce- dures for an organization seeking to obtain recognition of exemption from Federal income tax. -16- SOURCE Bureau of Community Health Services Medical Group Management Association 4101 East Louisiana Avenue Denver, Colorado 80222 $7.00 GPO: 020-000-00181-0 $4.25 U. S. Treasury Department Internal Revenue Service Washington, D. C. 20001 (Also, local IRS Regional Offices) ''CLINICAL MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS DATE TITLE OF PUBLICATION PUBLISHED Medical Records 1982 Management for BCHS (Revised) Projects An Analysis of 1975 Automated Ambulatory Medical Record Systems 395pp Automated Medical 1979 Records System 5pp Computer -Stored 1976 Ambulatory Record 4Upp Medical Records ANNOT AT ION A guidebook that provides orientation to the POMR system and medical record systems, and a POMR bibliography. Contains sources of information on commercial record systems for health care providers and those concerned with medical record management in BCHS projects. Results of a summary and analysis of the state-of-the-art automated ambula- tory medical records systems. Bibliography. A pamphlet describing the automated medical record system of the Harvard Community Health Plan. -17- SOURCE Bureau of Community Health Services National Technical Information Services 5285 Port Royal Road Springfield, Virginia 22161 76-411 $27.50 Medical Group Management Association 4101 East Louisiana Avenue Denver, Colorado 80222 $7.00 National Technical Information Services 5285 Port Royal Road Springfield, Virginia 22161 PB 268-342/3SL $7.50 ''CLINICAL MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS TITLE OF PUBLICAT ION DATE PUBL I SHED International Classification of Health Problems in Primary Care - Second Edition Wonca ICHPP2 152pp Managing Health Records: Administrative Principles (Liebler, J.) 306pp Medical Record and Index Systems for Community Practice (Sullivan, R.) 96pp Medical Records in Health Information (Waters, K. and Murphy, G.) 706pp Patient Data Keysort System Instructional Manual 36pp 1979 1980 1979 1979 1980 Medical Records ANNOT AT ION Revised version making the classifica- tion entirely compatible with the in- ternational classification of disease. Presents the basic functions of manage-. ment: planning, decision-making, or- ganizing, staffing, controlling, lead- ing, motivating, and communicating. A methodological guide to the key role of recordkeeping in clinical settings where the supervising physician is not always present. A comprehensive guide that describes the major developments in medical records from historical and social perspectives. This booklet describes the use of a BCRR Keysort Card and associated hard- ware to track the patient data required for the BCRR. Available with the purchase of the McBee One-Write system. -18- SOURCE Oxford University Press 200 Madison Avenue New York, New York 10016 $8.95 (paperback) $16.95 (hardback) Aspen Systems P. 0. Box 6018 Gaithersburg, Maryland 20760 431684 $26.50 (hardback) Ballinger Publishing Company 54 Church Street Cambridge, MA 02138 $9.95 (paperback) $15.50 (hardback) Aspen Systems P. 0. Box 6018 Gaithersburg, Maryland 20760 431579 $32.95 (hardback) McBee Systems 4360 Georgetown Square Suite 804 Atlanta, Georgia 30338 ''CLINICAL MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS DATE TITLE OF PUBLICATION PUBLISHED Clinical Data 1982 Collection and (Revised) Retrieval System for Smal] BCHS Projects 42pp Evaluation of Social 1977 Work Services in Community Health and Medical Care Programs 176pp (HSA) 77-5205 A Guide to Quality 1982 Assurance and Primary (Revised) Care Effectiveness in BCHS Projects Primary Care 1980 Effectiveness Program Review Manual 82pp Quality Assurance ANNOT AT TON Describes one approach to developing an appropriate manual clinical information system which meets internal management information needs and those of BCHS. Discusses patient care audits and man- agement by objectives. This book describes quality assurance activities for medical care providers, including: the development of health care plans; implementation of clinical information systems; and application of review procedures. Detailed guidance is provided on seven clinical indica- tors to be monitored by BCHS projects. Includes materials on immunization, ambulatory health care standards and internal quality assessment. Outlines a comprehensive process for review of primary care and family planning programs regarding board functions, administrative, financial, and clinical management. Designed for use by a formal review team or as an on-site self-assessment tool. =]9~ SOURCE Bureau of Community Health Services Bureau of Community Health Services Bureau of Community Health Services Bureau of Community Health Services ''CLINICAL MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS DATE TITLE OF PUBLICATION PUBLISHED Accreditation 1979 Handbook for Ambulatory Health Care 55pp Ambulatory Care 1976 Evaluation for Quality Review 95pp Assuring Quality 1978 Ambulatory Health Care: The Dr. Martin Luther King, dr. Health Center (Smith, D. and Mukerjee, G.) 216pp Dental Quality 1977 Assurance: Bibliography and Abstracts 123pp (HRA) 78-47 Quality Assurance ANNOT AT ION Guidelines for ambulatory care accred- jtation by the Accreditation Associa- tion for Ambulatory Health Care (AAAHC ) Presents an overview of concepts in quality assurance, suggestions and guidelines for implementation of a quality assurance program. The pros and cons of different methods are discussed and sample forms and outlines of procedures are provided. Describes the various methods the health center's quality asssurance committee has devised to evaluate and assure quality care. A literature reference concerned with quality assurance in_ dentistry. Includes a listing of the subject areas of primary interest in the abstracts. -20- SOURCE Accreditation Council for Ambulatory Health Care 4849 Golf Road Skokie, Illinois 60077 $10.00 (paperback) prepaid $11.00 (paperback) billed A.C.E. Project School of Public Health University of California Los Angeles, California 90024 Westview Press 5500 Central Avenue Boulder, Colorado 80301 $27.50 (hardback) National Technical Information Services 5285 Port Royal Road Springfield, Virginia 22161 PB291419 $12.00 (paperback) ''CLINICAL MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS DATE TITLE OF PUBLICATION PUBLISHED Health Care Plan: 1980 A Guidance (Developed by Primary Care Branch, Division of Health Services Delivery, USPHS Region IV) 30pp Organizational 1977 Considerations in Developing Group Practice: Quality Assurance 159pp Practice and 1979 Performance: An Assessment of Ambulatory Care 30Upp Quality Assurance in 1980 Ambulatory Care (Batalden, P., M.D. and O'Connor, J.) 216pp Quality Assurance ANNOT AT ION Provides guidance on the development of a Health Care Plan. Articles on organizational and manage- ment systems, profiles of selected HMOs, and issues on quality assurance. Applicable to ambulatory care programs. A monograph on the assessment of ambu- latory care centers. A specific guide on actual experience, designed to develop a Quality Assurance Program. -21- % SOURCE Bureau of Community Health Services (There may be a charge of $3.00 for this publication.) Group Health Association of America 624 9th Street, N. W. Washington, D. C. 20001 Order No. 404 $10.00 Health Administration Press The School of Public Health University of Michigan Ann Arbor, Michigan 48104 $25.00 (hardback) Aspen Systems P. O. Box 6018 Gaithersburg, Maryland 20760 43165X $55.00 (looseleaf ) ''CLINICAL MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS DATE TITLE OF PUBLICATION PUBLISHED Quality Assurance in 1979 Ambulatory Nutritional Care 206pp Quality Assurance in 1976 Health Care (Egdahl, R. and Gertman, P.) 372pp Quality by 1978 Objectives: A Practical Method for Quality of Care Assessment and Assurance for Ambulatory Health Centers 135pp Tools for Self- 1979 Assessment in Ambulatory Health Care Centers (Hirschhorn, B.) 174pp Quality Assurance ANNOT AT ION Outlines concepts and methodology of quality assurance. Process and outcome criteria in six areas of maternal and child health care are included. A reference guide on quality assur- ance--licensure, confidentiality, direction and control of review--in order to evaluate current programs and develop future ones. A self-instructional manual for quality of care assessment in ambulatory care settings which provides a framework and guides to problem-solving, planning, and self-evaluation. Tools for developing an information base for all aspects of a health center's operation. OF. SOURCE Department of Nutrition School of Public Health University of North Carolina Chapel Hill, NC 27514 Aspen Systems P. 0. Box 6018 Gaithersburg, Maryland 20760 862238 $28.95 (hardback) G. K. Hall 70 Lincoln Street Boston, Massachusetts 02111 $12.00 (paperback) John Snow Public Health Group 210 Lincoln Street Boston, Massachusetts 02111 $35.00 (paperback) ''CLINICAL MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS DATE TITLE OF PUBLICATION PUBLISHED Clinical Roles in 1979 Rural Health Centers (Denham, J. and Pickard, C.) 96pp Clinical Staffing in 1981 Prepaid Group Practice HMOs: Issues for Medical and Nursing Directors 136pp Health Manpower and 1979 Staffing Patterns for Medical Groups 9pp Medical and Executive 1979 Directors on Physician Organization and Health Plan Relationships 1l0Upp Staffing ANNOT AT ION Two physicians call on their own exper- jences to analyze the clinical team. Articles on clinical staffing patterns, staffing pattern changes from 1977- 1980, nurse practitioners and physician assistants, and case study analysis. Bibliography. Articles on organizational alterna- tives, medical service agreement, conflict resolution, medical education, and physician recruitment. ~23- SOURCE Ballinger Publishing Company 54 Church Street Cambridge, MA 02138 $7.95 (paperback) $13.50 (hardback) Group Health Association of America 624 9th Street, N. W. Washington, D. C. 20001 Order No. 414 $10.00 Medical Group Management Association 4101 East Louisiana Avenue Denver, Colorado 80222 $7.00 Group Health Association of America 624 9th Street, N. W. Washington, D. C. 20001 Order No. 409 $10.00 ''CLINICAL MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS DATE TITLE OF PUBLICATION PUBLISHED The Medical Director 1973 in Prepaid Group Practice HMOs 137pp Physician and 1977 Clinical Staffing in Prepaid Group Practice 140pp Physicians in 1981 Management 235pp Physician Recruitment, 1976 Performance Evaluation and the Role of the Medical Director 137pp Staffing ANNOT AT ION Articles by HMO medical managers on role of medical director, functions of medical group, quality assurance, and utilization review. Articles by HMO medical directors and nurse managers on group staffing cri- teria, use of non-physician providers, and policy issues at the national level. Materials used in training seminars for physicians in management positions. Articles by HMO medical directors on physician recruitment and evaluation. zo SOURCE Group Health Association of America 624 9th Street, N. W. Washington, D. C. 20001 Order No. 401 $10.00 Group Health Association of America 624 9th Street, N. W. Washington, D. C. 20001 Order No. 403 $10.00 American Academy of Medical Directors 5205 Leesburg Pike, Suite 207 Falls Church, Virginia 22041 $28.95 Group Health Association of America 624 9th Street, N. W. Washington, D. C. 20001 Order No. 402 $10.00 ''CLINICAL CARE DATE TITLE OF PUBLICATION PUBL I SHED Adolescent Health 1980 Care: A Guide to BCHS Supported Programs and Projects 80Upp (HSA) 79-5234 Compendium of 1980 Resource Materials on Adolescent Health 209pp (HSA) 81-5246 Counseling 1980 Adolescents in Reproductive Health Care Settings 94pp Adolescent 1979 Prenatal Health 39pp Adolescent Health ANNOT AT ION Describes ways of meeting the needs of adolescent patients through redirection of existing primary care centers. Materials used at a series of confer- ences suggesting approaches, perspec- tives, and strategies that are useful in providing services to adolescents. A handbook on adolescent counseling that includes chapters on adolescent development, reproductive health, genetics, assessing counseling needs, a counseling model, and counseling the pregnant client. Intended for physicians, concerned individuals and organizations encoun- tering teenagers in need of prenatal health services in their communities. 95 SOURCE Bureau of Community Health Services GPO: 017-026-00083-6 $5.00 Bureau of Community Health Services National Clearinghouse for Family Planning Information P. O. Box 2225 Rockville, Maryland 20852 American College of Obstetrics and Gynecology 600 Maryland Avenue, S. W., Suite 300 Washington, D. C. 20024 ''CLINICAL CARE DATE TITLE OF PUBLICAT ION PUBLISHED Child Abuse/Neglect: 1979 A Guide for Detection, Prevention and Treatment in BCHS Programs and Projects 26 pp (OM) 2005-70 A Developmental 1979 Approach to Casefinding Among Infants and Children 108pp (HSA) 79-5210 Identification and 1978 Management of Selected Developmental Disabilities: A Guide for Nurses 35pp (HSA) 78-5280 Lead Poisoning in 1978 Children 25pp (HSA) 78-5142 Child Health ANNOT AT ION For use in assisting BCHS-supported programs and projects in developing more effective systems for detection, prevention, and treatment of child abuse and neglect. Guide for nurses and other primary health care providers in recognizing the signs of dysfunction, disease, or anomalies in infants and children. Provides information on prevention, identification, assessment, and nursing management of handicapping conditions in infancy and early childhood. Discusses problems of lead paint poisoning and emphasizes essential steps in preventing death or handi- capping conditions. -26- SOURCE Bureau of Community Health Services GPO: 017-026-00064-0 $3.75 Bureau of Community Health Services GPO: 017-029-00027-4 $7.50 Bureau of Community Health Services Bureau of Community Health Services GPO: 017-030-00032-9 $3.75 ''CLINICAL CARE DATE TITLE OF PUBLICATION PUBL ISHED Childhood Lead 1981 Poisoning Prevention and Control: A Public Health Approach to an Environmental Disease 158pp “Preventing Lead 1980 Poisoning in Children" (Reprinted from Children Today, Jan.- eb., 19 folder (HSA) 78-5143 What Price Shall We 1979 Pay for Lead Poisoning in Children? 4pp Child Health ANNOT AT ION Information on the problems, con- straints, and approaches that might be applicable to statewide programs for prevention of childhood lead poisoning. Discusses importance of preventive mea- sures, identification of children in early stages of undue lead absorption, and remedial action. Article written by Dr. Jane S. Lin Fu, a pediatrician, which includes history, case findings, and discussion of mis- conceptions, prevention and advances in detection of lead poisoning in children. #7. SOURCE National Clearinghouse for Human Genetic Diseases P. 0. Box 28612 Washington, D. C. 20005 Bureau of Community Health Services Bureau of Community Health Services ''CLINICAL CARE TITLE OF PUBLICATION Management Guide for Children's Dental Health Services in BCHS Programs /78pp (HSA) 79-5242 Environmental Health Service Guidance for Primary Care Centers 105pp A Guide to the Development of a Pesticide Health Hazard Management Program 88pp DATE PUBLISHED 1972 1979 1982 Dental Services ANNOT AT ION Suggests minimum requirements for high- quality dental programs for children. Environmental Health This guidance contains information to help centers understand the require- ments of P. L. 95-626. This Act per- mits the spending of funds for making improvements to private property. A guidebook written for Executive Directors and Medical Directors of ambulatory health centers, especially migrant health centers, which provides available sources of information on pesticides and describes the process for developing a pesticide health hazard management program. -28- SOURCE Bureau of Community Health Services Bureau of Community Health Services Bureau of Community Health Services ''CLINICAL CARE DATE TITLE OF PUBLICATION PUBL I SHED A large variety of pamphlets, booklets, and training and pro- fessional educational materials are avail- able from the National Clearinghouse for Family Planning Information located at: P. 0. Box 2225, Rockville, Maryland 20852. Designing Your Family 1980 Planning Education Program 90pp (HSA) 81-5668 Diagnosis and 1981 Treatment of Sexually Transmitted Diseases in Family Planning Clinics Family Planning in 1980 Primary Care Settings 25pp Family Planning ANNOT AT ION A guide to planning a new education service or to improving the quality of an existing one. A manual containing the Center for Disease Control recommendations and other guidance on clinical management of sexually transmitted diseases. Defines education, counseling, and medical components of family planning services with primary care practices. -29- SOURCE National Clearinghouse for Family Planning Information P. 0. Box 2225 Rockville, Maryland 20852 Bureau of Community Health Services National Clearinghouse for Family Planning Information P. 0. Box 2225 Rockville, Maryland 20852 ''CLINICAL CARE DATE TITLE OF PUBLICATION PUBLISHED Family Planning 1980 Services for Disabled People 185pp Family Planning 1980 Services: A Guide for Client Education 225pp Ambulatory Maternal 1978 Care and Family Planning Services 276pp Family Planning ANNOT AT ION Guidance for training staff to work with disabled clients and making facil- ities more accessible. A protocol for providing education to clients during the initial visit, follow-up visit, annual visit, specific medical problem visits, and pregnancy tests. Presents basic principles and guide- lines to improve the quality of care given to females during their repro- ductive years. 3p. SOURCE GPO: 017-026-00090-9 $5.50 National Clearinghouse for Family Planning Information P. 0. Box 2225 Rockville, Maryland 20852 American Public Health Health Association 1015 15th Street, N. W. Washington, D. C. 20005 $8.00 (paperback) $12.00 (hardback) ''CLINICAL CARE DATE TITLE OF PUBLICATION PUBLISHED A large variety of pamphlets, books, training and profes- sional educational materials are avail- able from the National Clearinghouse for Human Genetic Diseases located at: P. 0. Box 28612, Washington, D.C. 20005 Clinical Genetic 1980 Service Centers Directory 11/7pp (HSA) 80-5135 A Developmental 1979 Approach to Casefinding Among Infants and Young Children 108pp (HSA) 79-5210 Genetic Diseases ANNOT AT ION Gives location of and describes ser- vices provided by clinical genetic service centers and special clinics and programs for hemophilia and sickle cel] disease. Guide for nurses and other primary health care providers in recognizing the signs of dysfunction, disease or anomalies in infants and children. -31- SOURCE National Clearinghouse for Human Genetic Diseases P. 0. Box 28612 Washington, D. C. 20005 National Clearinghouse for Human Genetic Diseases P. 0. Box 28612 Washington, D. C. 20005 GPO: 017-029-0002 7-4 $7.50 ''CLINICAL CARE DATE TITLE OF PUBLICATION PUBLISHED A Guide to Health 1978 Education in Ambulatory Care Settings 136pp (HSA) 79-5501 Health Promotion: An 1981 Assessment Guide for BCHS Projects 47pp (HSA) 81-5007A Healthy People: the 1979 Surgeon General's Report on Health Promotion and Disease Prevention Promoting Health/ 1980 Preventing Disease: Objectives for the Nation 102pp Health Education ANNOT AT ION A guide to health education programming that identifies and discusses several important opportunities for consumer health education within an ambulatory care setting. Recruitment of the consumer into the center, proper utili- zation of the center's resources, prevention of illness, and treatment of illness are highlighted in this guide. This is a guide to health promotion activities and resources keyed to the major areas of preventive health ser- vices, health protection, and health promotion addressed in Healthy People: the Surgeon General's Report on Health Promotion and Disease Prevention. This report sets out a national program for improving the health of the American people. Outlines specific measurable objectives in fifteen priority areas that are key to achieving national health goals. -32- SOURCE Bureau of Community Health Services Bureau of Community Health Services GPO: 017-001-00416-2 $5.00 GPO: 017-001-00435-9 $5.50 ''CLINICAL CARE TITLE OF PUBLICATION Aqui Se Habla Espanol 78pp (HSA) 81-7006 Catalog of Family Planning Materials 144pp (HSA) 79-5606 DATE PUBLISHED 1980 1979 Health Education ANNOT AT ION A guide in the Spanish language provid- ing health and patient information. Lists over 1,000 patient and profes- sional education audiovisual materials. «33 = SOURCE Office of Communications and Public Affairs Health Services Administration U. S. Department of Health and Human Services (OC PA-HSA-DHHS ) 5600 Fishers Lane Rockville, Maryland 20857 National Clearinghouse for Family Planning Information P. O. Box 2225 Rockville, Maryland 20852 ''CLINICAL CARE DATE TITLE OF PUBLICATION PUBLISHED Guidance for High 1980 Blood Pressure Control in Primary Care Settings 28pp Directory of Community 1977 High Blood Pressure Control Activities 368pp (NIH) 77-1243 Guidelines for 1977 Educating Nurses in High Blood Pressure Control 24pp (NIH) 77-1241 Handbook for Improving 1977 High Blood Pressure Control in the Community 1l05pp (NIH) 77-1086 Hypertension ANNOT AT ION A manual to assist BCHS primary care projects in high blood pressure control activities. To be used with the “Report of the Joint National Committee on Detection, Evaluation and Treatment of High Blood Pressure." A national directory of organizations providing high blood pressure control services. Provides guidelines on nursing skills in detecting and caring for individuals with high blood pressure. Discusses the issues and activities of controlling high blood pressure and presents an understanding of the control process with the fundamentals of community planning. -34- SOURCE Bureau of Community Health Services (There may be a charge of $2.80 for this publication.) High Blood Pressure Information Center National Institutes of Health Bethesda, Maryland 20205 NIH/120/80 High Blood Pressure Information Center National Institutes of Health Bethesda, Maryland 20205 NIH/120/80 High Blood Pressure Information Center National Institutes of Health Bethesda, Maryland 20205 NIH/120/80 ''CLINICAL CARE TITLE OF PUBLICATION Report of the Joint National Committee on Detection, Evaluation and Treatment of High Blood Pressure 1l6pp (NIH) 81-1088 DATE PUBLISHED 1981 Hypertension ANNOT AT ION Presents recommendations for diagnostic tests, stepped care approaches, and long-term maintenance. «3 G= SOURCE High Blood Pressure Information Center National Institutes of Health Bethesda, Maryland 20205 NIH/120/80 ''CLINICAL CARE TITLE OF PUBLICATION DATE PUBLISHED Federal and Non- Federal Resources for Nutritional Informa- tion Services: A Selected List 8lpp Guide for Developing Nutrition Services in Community Health Programs 100pp (HSA) 78-5103 Nutritional Disorders of Children 131pp (HSA) 77-5104 Nutrition in Maternal Health Care A Selected Annotated Bibliography on Breastfeeding, 197U- 1977 58pp 1979 1978 1978 1974 1978 Nutrition ANNOT AT ION Directed to primary health care centers to assist them in strengthening coordi- nation and linkages with available community food and nutrition resources. Provides technical guidance material on how to plan, develop, and evaluate nutrition services as an integral component of community health programs. Provides technical guidance material on screening, prevention, and follow-up of four major nutritional problems: obesity, diet and atherosclerosis, dental problems, and _ iron-deficiency anemia. A guide to the nutritional components of maternal health services. Directed to physicians, nurses, nutri- tionists, and others. The references cover many aspects of human lactation. -36- SOURCE Bureau of Community Health Services Bureau of Community Health Services Bureau of Community Health Services American College of Obstetrics and Gynecology One Wacker Drive Suite 2700 (Resource Center) Chicago, Illinois 60601 National Academy of Science 2101 Constitution Avenue, N.W. Washington, D. C. 20418 $6.50 (paperback) ''CLINICAL CARE DATE TITLE OF PUBLICATION PUBLISHED Evaluation of Social 1977 Work Services in Community Health and and Medical Care Programs 1/76pp Promoting Comprehen- 1981 sive Integrated Health Care with Emphasis on Nutrition Care and Social Work Services 18pp Social Work Services ANNOT AT ION Proceedings of the 1973 Public Health Institute, held for social workers in Maternal and Child Health programs in the western United States. Addresses the concerns of the application of evaluation methodologies to social work services in the health field. Proceedings from the 1981 National Workshop on Nutrition and Social Work in Primary Care Services. Contains summaries of the issues and barriers in providing nutrition and social work services and the actions recommended to improve services in primary health care programs. 37. SOURCE Bureau of Community Health Services Bureau of Community Health Services ''CLINICAL CARE DATE TITLE OF PUBLICATION A large variety of pamphlets, booklets, posters, and training and professional edu- cational materials are available from the: Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) Clearinghouse, 1555 Wilson Boulevard, Suite 600, Rosslyn, Virginia 22209. The Sudden Infant 1979 Death Syndrome 34pp (HSA) 70-5251 Sudden Infant Death 1981 Syndrome Research and Grief Counseling: A Selected Bibliography 101pp PUBLISHED Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) ANNOT AT ION Gives a medical overview of SIDS, concentrating on definition, terminolo- gy, epidemiology, pathologic findings, theories of causation, and counseling of parents. This bibliography contains literature on all areas of SIDS research. -38- SOURCE Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) Clearinghouse 1555 Wilson Boulevard Suite 600 Rosslyn, Virginia 22209 GPO: 017-046-00032-2 $2.25 Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) Clearinghouse 1555 Wilson Boulevard Suite 600 Rosslyn, Virginia 22209 ''PATIENT EDUCATION AND INFORMAT ION DATE TITLE OF PUBLICATION PUBLISHED Books that Help 1976 Children Deal with a Hospital Experience 24pp (HSA) 78-5224 A Reader's Guide for 1976 Parents of Children with Mental, Physical or Emotional Disabilities (HSA) 79-5290 144pp Rubella 1l2pp 1978 (HSA) 78-5225 Watch Out for Lead 1975 Paint Poisoning (HSA) 75-5101 (folder) Available in Spanish (HSA) 75-5106 Child Heath ANNOT AT ION Explains how parents can use books in preparing a child for the physical and emotional experience of hospitaliza- tion. Contains an annotated list of books for children about hospitals and illness. Provides an annotated reading list of books and pamphlets containing inform- ation for parents, families and non- professional workers about disabilities of children and how to cope with them. Also useful to health professionals directly involved with parents of a disabled child. Discusses the disease, particularly its effect on the fetus, and prevention through vaccination. Warns parents about the danger of lead paint and tells how to protect children. -39- SOURCE Bureau of Community Health Services GPO: 017-031-00020-1 $3.25 Bureau of Community Health Services GPO: 017-026-00058-5 $6.50 Bureau of Community Health Services Bureau of Community Health Services ''PATIENT EDUCATION AND INFORMAT ION DATE TITLE OF PUBLICATION PUBLISHED A large variety of pamphlets, booklets, posters, and training and professional edu- cational materials are available from the: National Clearing- house for Family Planning Information, P. O. Box 2225, Rockville, Maryland 20852. Changes and Choices: 1980 Your Children and Sex 1l6pp Changes: Sex and You 1980 l6pp (HSA) 80-5648 Choices: You and Sex 1980 l6pp (HSA) 80-5647 Family Planning ANNOT AT ION A booklet for parents on communicating with their children about human sexual- ity. Topics include facts children should be told, discussion of values, birth control, unplanned pregnancy and communication techniques. A booklet for the early adolescent that explores coping with the changes that transpire between the ages of 8 and 18. A booklet for adolescents on choosing what is right for them in regards to family planning. -4)- SOURCE National Clearinghouse for Family Planning Information P. 0. Box 2225 Rockville, Maryland 20852 National Clearinghouse for Family Planning Information P. 0. Box 2225 Rockville, Maryland 20852 National Clearinghouse for Family Planning Information P. 0. Box 2225 Rockville, Maryland 20852 ''PATIENT EDUCATION AND INFORMAT ION TITLE OF PUBLICATION The Choice is Yours 22pp (HSA) 79-5615 (Available as a 16mm film) Contraception 30pp (HSA) 80-5659 Family Planning Methods of Contraception (folder) (HSA) 80-5646 (Available in Spanish) Female Physical Examination for Contraception (HSA) 76-10623 (Available in Spanish) 17pp Information for Men: Your Sterilization Operation 9pp DATE PUBLISHED 1979 1976 1976 1976 1978 Family Plannin ANNOT AT ION A booklet for teens using a game show format that provides a challenging way to learn about birth control. A self-instructional booklet that discusses contraception methods, sup- plemented by drawings. Presents advantages and disadvantages of various methods of contraception. Self-instructional booklet. Explains female physical examination, including the interview, lab tests, and breast and pelvic exams, in simple language. For use in clinics. Informational booklet on male sterili- zation and other methods of birth control. -41- SOURCE National Clearinghouse for Family Planning Information P. 0. Box 2225 Rockville, Maryland 20852 National Clearinghouse for Family Planning Information P. 0. Box 2225 Rockville, Maryland 20852 National Clearinghouse for Family Planning Information P. 0. Box 2225 Rockville, Maryland 20852 GPO: 017-031-00016-3 $1.75 National Clearinghouse for Family Planning Information P. 0. Box 2225 Rockville, Maryland 20852 National Clearinghouse for Family Planning Information P. O. Box 2225 Rockville, Maryland 20852 ''PATIENT EDUCATION AND INFORMAT ION DATE TITLE OF PUBLICAT ION PUBLISHED Information for Women: 1978 Your Sterilization Operation 9pp A Male Sterilization 1976 Procedure 8pp (HSA) 76-5604 (Available in Spanish) The Man Who Cares 1978 23pp (HSA) 76-5628 (Available in Spanish) Many Teens are Saying 1981 "NO" (HSA) 81-5640 Natural Family 1979 Planning (folder) (HSA) 76-16025 Family Planning ANNOT AT ION Informational booklet on female steri- lization and other birth control methods. Explains the male sterilization proce- dure. For use in clinics. Discusses the man's responsibility in family planning. A pamphlet on how sex can harm you as a teenager. Discusses the advantages and disadvant- ages of the currently accepted tech- niques used to determine a woman's fertile period. aD. SOURCE National Clearinghouse for Family Planning Information P. O. Box 2225 Rockville, Maryland 20852 National Clearinghouse for Family Planning Information P. 0. Box 2225 Rockville, Maryland 20852 National Clearinghouse for Family Planning Information P. 0. Box 2225 Rockville, Maryland 20852 National Clearinghouse for Family Planning Information P. 0. Box 2225 Rockville, Maryland 20852 National Clearinghouse for Family Planning Information P. O. Box 2225 Rockville, Maryland 20852 ''PATIENT EDUCATION AND INFORMAT ION DATE TITLE OF PUBLICATION PUBL ISHED Learning Together 1980 24pp (HSA) 80-5131 Human Genetics: 1978 Information and Educational Materials Supplement No. 1 96pp Educational Materials 1977 for Hypertensive Patients 56pp (NIH) 77-1244 Genetic Diseases ANNOT AT ION A resource guide for families with genetic disorders, including informa- tion on organizing a parent support group. Provides a collection of informational and educational printed and non-printed human genetics and genetic disease materials for professionals, their patients, students, and ciients. Hypertension A catalog of publications chosen for accuracy and attractiveness. Each item is listed for its recommended audience. -43- SOURCE National Clearinghouse for Human Genetic Diseases P. 0. Box 28612 Washington, D. C. 20005 GPO: 017-026-00088-7 $3 .50 National Clearinghouse for Human Genetic Diseases P. 0. Box 28612 Washington, D. C. 20005 High Blood Pressure Information Center National Institutes of Health Bethesda, Maryland 20205 NIH/120/80 ''PATIENT EDUCATION AND INFORMAT ION DATE TITLE OF PUBLICATION PUBLISHED Breast Feeding 22pp 1980 (HSA) 80-5109 (Revised) Food for the Teenager 1978 During Pregnancy 1l2pp (HSA) 78-5106 Iron Nutrition in 1976 Adolescence 1l0pp (HSA) 77-5100 Skim Milk in Infant 1978 Feeding (folder) (HSA) 78-5102 Fats in Food and Diet 1974 (Revised) Nutrition ANNOT AT ION This booklet provides information on how to prepare for breast feeding, how to nurse a new baby with ease, and how to continue nursing if you work outside the home. Provides information for young, preg- nant girls about practices of good nutrition that can help them give birth to healthy infants. Provides information on nature and problem of iron-deficiency anemia. Discusses nutritional problems result- ing from feeding skim milk to infants. A pamphlet that provides answers to medical questions about the risk of heart attacks due to inappropriate diet. oT SOURCE Bureau of Community Health Services GPO: 017-026-00084-4 $3.25 GPO: $2.00 017-026-U00099-2 Bureau of Community Health Services Bureau of Community Health Services Human Nutrition Information Services U. S. Department of Agriculture Federal Building, Room 325A 6505 Belcrest Road Hyattsville, Maryland 20782 Single Copy GPO: 001-000-03568-1 $2.25 '' PATIENT EDUCATION AND TITLE OF PUBLICATION Keeping Food Safe to Eat Nutrition Teaching Aids What's to Eat? 144pp INFORMAT ION DATE PUBLISHED 1978 (Revised) 1979 Nutrition ANNOT AT ION This bulletin contains information on how to protect your family from illness caused by harmful bacteria in food. A booklet that provides innovative education materials designed and tested by nutritionists and educators for teaching nutrition at every level. This book contains a feast of food facts to stimulate thought. -45- SOURCE Human Nutrition Information Services U. S. Department of Agriculture Federal Building, Room 325A 6505 Belcrest Road Hyattsville, Maryland 20782 The Nutrition Foundation Office of Education 888 17th Street, N. W. Washington, D. C. 20006 GPO: U01-000-040413 $8.50 ''PATIENT EDUCATION AND INFORMAT ION DATE TITLE OF PUBLICATION PUBLISHED Adolescents with 1978 Sicle Cell Anemia and Sickle Cell Traits 5pp (NIH) 78-1479 Asf Que Tengo Las 1978 Caracteristicas de Las Células Falciformes l6pp (NIH) 78-749 So I Have the Sickle 1978 Cell Trait 16pp (NIH) 78-421 Your Employee with 1978 Sickle Cell 4pp (NIH) 78-1523 Sickle Cell ANNOT AT ION Describes sickle cell traits and anemia. Advises adolescents on how to deal with both. For children. Explains in Spanish the sickle cell trait. For children. Explains sickle cell trait. Describes sickle cell trait and anemia. Answers questions employers may raise about the disease. -46- SOURCE Bureau of Community Health Services Bureau of Community Health Services Bureau of Community Health Services Bureau of Community Health Services '' PATIENT EDUCATION AND INFORMAT ION DATE TITLE OF PUBLICATION PUBLISHED Deciding About Drugs: 1979 A Woman's Choice (ADM) 80-820 For Parents Only: 1980 What You Need to Know About Marijuana (ADM) 80-706 Let's Talk About Drug 1979 Abuse (ADM) 80-706 Parents, Peers and Pot 1980 98pp (ADM) 80-812 (Reprint) Substance Abuse ANNOT AT ION Pamphlet discusses how women can best handle stress and the many reasons why drugs are not the answer. A pamphlet which contains the latest scientifically accepted information about marijuana. This pamphlet presents many of the questions about drugs and drug-taking that concern adults and young people. This book is about the use of marijuana by children. It describes one strategy for parents to use in preventing mari- juana use by their children. -47- SOURCE National Clearinghouse for Drug Abuse Information National Institute on Drug Abuse 5600 Fishers Lane, Room 10A-43 Rockville, Maryland 20857 National Clearinghouse for Drug Abuse Information National Institute on Drug Abuse 5600 Fishers Lane, Room 1LOA-43 Rockville, Maryland 20857 National Clearinghouse for Drug Abuse Information National Institute on Drug Abuse 5600 Fishers Lane, Room 10A-43 Rockville, Maryland 20857 National Clearinghouse for Drug Abuse Information National Institute on Drug Abuse 5600 Fishers Lane, Room 10A-43 Rockville, Maryland 20857 ''PATIENT EDUCATION AND INFORMAT ION DATE TITLE OF PUBLICATION PUBLISHED Using Your Medicines 1979 Wisely: A Guide for the Elderly (ADM) 80-705 Want Some Straight 1980 Talk on Drugs? (ADM) 80-794 Substance Abuse ANNOT AT ION Pamphlet focuses on some of the prob- lems elderly Americans confront as drug consumers and provides useful approach- es to dealing with these problems. Pamphlet describes how to acquire in- formation on drugs through the National Clearinghouse for Drug Abuse Information. -48- SOURCE National Clearinghouse for Drug Abuse Information National Institute on Drug Abuse 5600 Fishers Lane, Room 10A-43 Rockville, Maryland 20857 National Clearinghouse for Drug Abuse Information National Institute on Drug Abuse 5600 Fishers Lane, Room 10A-43 Rockville, Maryland 20857 ''PATIENT EDUCATION AND INFORMATION DATE TITLE OF PUBLICATION PUBLISHED Facts About Sudden 1979 Infant Death Syndrome llpp (HSA) 70-5259 Muerte En La Cuna: 1980 Sindrome De Muerte Infantil Repentina 20pp (HSA) 80-5263 Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) ANNOT AT ION Discusses common questions about Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS). A pamphlet in Spanish that discusses Sudden Infant Death Syndrome and the Causes. -49- SOURCE Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) Clearinghouse 1555 Wilson Boulevard Suite 600 Rosslyn, Virginia 22209 Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) Clearinghouse 1555 Wilson Boulevard Suite 600 Rosslyn, Virginia 22209 ''AMBULATORY HEALTH CARE JOURNALS DATE TITLE OF PUBLICATION PUBLISHED American Journal of Monthly Public Health Family and Community Quarterly Health Health Care Quarterly Management Review The Journal of Quarterly Ambulatory Financing Topics in Health Quarterly Care Financing * U.S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE: 1982 383-186/8663 ANNOT AT ION Journal on all aspects of health re- lated issues. Covers topics on elements of family and community health, community assessment, perinatal health promotion, nutrition, legal issues, aging, and health promo- tion and maintenance. Articles focusing on health care finance, marketing, management, policy operations, and regulations. Focuses primarily on financial manage- ment, personnel, facility design, planning, third-party payment, legal issues, and regulations. Topics covered include: compensation, capital budgeting, and regulations. physician financing, -50- SOURCE American Public Health Association 1015 15th Street, N. W. Washington, D. C. 20005 $40.00 yearly Aspen Systems P. 0. Box 6018 Gaithersburg, Maryland $42.00 yearly 20760 Aspen Systems P. O. Box 6018 Gaithersburg, Maryland $44.50 yearly 20760 Aspen Systems P. 0. Box 6018 Gaithersburg, Maryland $38.50 yearly 20760 Aspen Systems P. 0. Box 6018 Gaithersburg, Maryland $34.50 yearly 20760 '''' U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES Public Health Service Health Resources and Services Administration Bureau of Health Care Delivery and Assistance Division of Primary Care Services 5600 Fishers Lane Rockville, Maryland 20857 OFFICIAL BUSINESS Penalty for Private Use, $300. Postage and Fees Paid U.S. Department of HHS HHS 396 THIRD CLASS ''cozasheede ''