7 DAY Stratigraphy of the Outeropping Post- agothy Upper Cretaceous Formations in Southern New Jersey and Northern Delmarva Peninsula, Delaware and Maryland . _" USGEOLOGICAL SURVEY PROFESSIONAL PAPE 674 L. ,J_ 5 NT OF ‘5‘ ’ 93 \\ / ’7‘, V »«c.\ ta, , m aodax“ a w . '/ March. , “‘9 2:3;-~.r'~'='?: 51L; I”: I ‘3“ rs -'\ 1 _W .. WW. 5/” fluchD/IW if " gag 75’ f2 v.474-é27 SCIENCES LIBRARy fl/cmjc. Avid ’"1 fl/fii‘es. U.S.S.D. Stratigraphy of the Outeropping Post-Magothy Upper Cretaceous Formations in Southern New Jersey and Northern Delmarva Peninsula, Delaware and Maryland By JAMES P. OWENS, JAMES P. MINARD, NORMAN F. SOHL, and JAMES F. MELLO GEOLOGICAL SURVEY PROFESSIONAL PAPER 674 Lit/zoxtra tz'grap/zz'c a nd fiz’on‘ra tigrap/zie :tua’z‘ee confirm the ferriyz‘enee of four Campanian formation: from northern New j‘errey to northern Delaware and eaxtern Maryland UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE, WASHINGTON : 1970 UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR WALTER J. HICKEL, Secretary GEOLOGICAL SURVEY William T. Pecora, Director Library of Congress catalog-card No. 73—608366 For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, V U. 8. Government Printing Office 'Washington, DC. 20402~Price 65 cents (paper cover) CONTENTS Page Page Abstract .............. 1 Rock stratigraphic studies—Continued Introduction ............................................................... 1 Petrologic studies .............................................................. 22 Previous investigations ............................................................ 1 Heavy—mineral analyses _ _ 23 Rock stratigraphic studies, by James P. Owens and Light-mineral analyses ____________________________________________ 23 James P. Minard ---------------------------------------------------------- 5 Glauconite—clastic ratios .......................................... 24 New Jersey -------------------------------------------------------------- 5 Clay—mineral analyses .............................................. 25 Merchantvflle Formation .............................. 5 Conclusions ________________________________________________________________________ 26 Woodbury Clay """""" 6 Biostratigraphic analysis, by Norman F. Sohl and Enghshtown Formation ................................... 6 James F Mello 28 Marshalltown Formation ................................. 6 ' """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" Wenonah Formation __________ 6 Megapaleontologic studies ................................ 28 Mount Laurel Sand ___________________________________________ 6 Northern Atlantic Coastal Plain ............ 28 Navesink Formation _____________________________________________ 7 Problems of regional correlation 28 Red Bank Sand _________ 7 Revised correlations ............................. 31 Tinton Sand ______________________________________________________________ 7 Summary of Cretaceous megafauna ............ 35 Distribution of formations ______________________________________ 7 Cretaceous megafauna fossils from the Chesa- Summary of rock stratigraphic studies in New peake and Delaware Canal ............ 35 Jersey ______________________________________________________________________ 10 Merchantville Formation ................ 35 Northern Delaware __________________________________________________________ 11 Englishtown Formation ......... 39 Distribution of formations ..................................... 11 Marshalltown Formation ............ 41 Section along Chesapeake and Delaware Mount Laurel Sand ................................ 44 Canal near Summit Bridge ________________________ 11 Navesink and younger formations ................ 49 Section 1.1 miles west of St. Georges to 1.3 Summary Of megapaleontologic studies ------ 50 miles east of St. Georges at Biggs Farm 15 Micropaleontolog‘ic studies ______________________________________________ 50 Section near Odessa ---------------------------------------- 17 Sampling procedures and sample designations .. 50 Comparison of the Upper Cretaceous forma- Taxonomic revisions ________________________________________________ 52 tions 1n northern Delaware‘and southern Age interpretations __________________________ 52 New Jersey """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 17 E ' t l 'nter retations 54 Eastern Maryland ....................... _ 20 nv1ronmen a .1 p , """"" , """"""" Distribution of formations _____________________________________ 20 Summary of micropaleontologic studies .............. 54 Summary of rock stratigraphic studies in east- Selected references ------------------------------------------------------------------ 55 ern Maryland ........................................................ 22 Index ............................................................................................ 57 ILLUSTRATIONS Page FIGURE 1. Index map of southern New Jersey and northern Delmarva Peninsula ................................................................ 2 I 2. Correlation chart showing development of stratigraphic interpretations of the pre-Miocene strata in New Jersey ............................................................................................................................ 1. ..................................................... 3 3. Composite columnar section showing the Upper Cretaceous formations in the northern and west-central Coastal Plain in New Jersey ........................................................................................................................................ 5 4. Stratigraphic section showing Upper Cretaceous formations from southwestern New Jersey to eastern Maryland ........................................................................................................................................................................... 8 5 Geologic map of southern New Jersey and northern Delmarva Peninsula .................................................. 9 6. Sketch map showing localities along the Chesapeake and Delaware Canal ...................................................... 12 7. Photograph showing excavation for new railroad bridge near Summit Bridge, Del .. ..... 12 8 Columnar section for new railroad bridge near Summit Bridge, Del ...................................................................... 13 9—12 Photographs showing: 9. Contact between Marshalltown and Englishtown Formations _ ...... 14 10. Sharp contact between overlying Englishtown and Merchantville Formations .................................. 14 III IV FIGURE 13—15. 16—18. TABLE 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 25. CONTENTS Page 11. Large Ophiomorpha nodusa borings in the Englishtown Formation ...................................................... 15 12. Contact between sandy and clayey calcareous beds of the Mount Laurel Sand .................................. 16 Columnar sections showing: 13. Stratigraphic sequence in northern Delaware .............................................................................................. 18 14. Cyclic pattern of deposition in northern Delaware and New Jersey .. 19 15. Upper Cretaceous formations in eastern Maryland .................... 20 Photographs showing: 16. Contact of the Merchantville and Magothy at Grove Point on Chesapeake Bay ................................ 21 17. Dark massive—bedded Marshalltown Formation along north bank of Sassafras River ........................ 21 18. Contact between Mount Laurel Sand and Marshalltown Formation ........................................................ 22 Histograms showing heavy-mineral distribution from Woodstown, N.J., to the eastern shore of Maryland 26 Histograms showing light-mineral and glauconite—clastic ratio distributions from Woodstown, N.J., to the eastern shore of Maryland ........................................................................................................................................... 27 Diagram showing ranges of molluscan species from the Upper Cretaceous rocks of New Jersey .................... 29 Graphs showing state of preservation of the described Late Cretaceous pelecypod and gastropod fauna of New Jersey ........................................................................................................................................................................ 30 Chart showing correlation of the Upper Cretaceous post-Raritan formations .................................................... 32 Chart showing comparison of stage nomenclature as it has been applied to the Upper Cretaceous sequence in New Jersey ................................................................................................................................................................. 33 Graph showing clustering of nine samples from the Mount Laurel Sand and Marshalltown Formation ...... 54 TABLES Page Stratigraphic interpretations of formations cropping out along or south of the Chesapeake and Delaware Canal .................................................................................................................................................................................... 4 Heavy- and light- mineral content and glauconite-clastic ratios from Woodstown quadrangle, New Jersey, and from eastern Maryland .......................................................... 24 Heavy- and light- mineral concentrations and glauconite-clastic ratios from localities in the vicinity of the Chesapeake and Delaware Canal 25 Minerals in the clay—silt range in the formations discussed 1n the text 28 Megainvertebrate distribution in the Merchantville Formation in the Chesapeake and Delaware Canal area and New Jersey ............... 36 Megainvertebrate distribution in the Englishtown Formation in the Chesapeake and Delaware Canal area and New Jersey ............................................................ 40 Megainvertebrate distribution in the Marshalltown Formation in the Chesapeake and Delaware Canal area and New Jersey 42 Megainvertebrate distribution in the Mount Laurel sand in the Chesapeake and Delaware Canal area and New Jersey ........ 46 Distribution of microfauna in the Englishtown and Marshalltown Formations and Mount Laurel Sand in southern New Jersey and northern Delaware 51 STRATIGRAPHY OF THE OUTCROPPING POST-MAGOTHY UPPER CRETACEOUS FORMATIONS IN SOUTHERN NEW JERSEY AND NORTHERN DELMARVA PENINSULA, DELAWARE AND MARYLAND By JAMES P. OWENS, JAMES P. MINARD, NORMAN F. SOHL, AND JAMES F. MELLO ABSTRACT Stratigraphic studies of the post-Magothy Upper Cretace- ous Coastal Plain formations of the Delmarva Peninsula indicate that four of the formations recognized in New Jersey are present in northern Delaware and eastern Maryland. These are the Merchantville, Englishtown, and Marshalltown Formations and the Mount Laurel Sand; the Wenonah and Navesink Formations probably either pinch out or have been eroded away between southern New Jersey and northern Delaware. Although the four formations persist as recog- nizable lithostratigraphic units from New Jersey into the Delmarva Peninsula, each shows a depletion of glauconite sand toward the southwest. Comparison of the faunas of the formations in the two areas confirms the rock stratigraphic correlations. The me- gainvertebrate fossils have proved to be, in this area, more useful than the microfauna in stratigraphic correlation. The Exogyra cancellata zone in the Mount Laurel Sand and the E. ponderosa zone in the Marshalltown Formation are in the same stratigraphic positions in southern New Jersey and in the Delmarva Peninsula. INTRODUCTION The northern Atlantic Coastal Plain was one of the earliest areas investigated geologically in North America, and a stratigraphy of Coastal Plain forma- tions gradually evolved from the many early investi- gations. Much effort was devoted to the study of the sediments of Cretaceous to early Tertiary age be- cause of their good exposure between Raritan Bay, N.J., and the Potomac River in northern Virginia. North and south of this region, younger sediments overlap and obscure the underlying Cretaceous and lower Tertiary beds. In the northern Atlantic Coastal Plain the most detailed stratigraphy of these beds was established for the west-central and northern parts of the Coastal Plain in New Jersey. In Dela- ware and Maryland, the stratigraphy that evolved was less detailed. One of the major reasons for the lack of knowledge of detailed stratigraphy southwest of New Jersey is that Delaware Bay and Chesapeake Bay prevent tracing along the outcrop of the New Jersey formations into Delaware and Maryland. These bays divide the outcrop belt of Upper Cretace- ous and lower Tertiary formations in the northern Atlantic Coastal Plain into three ".larts: New Jersey, Delmarva Peninsula (east of Chesapeake Bay), and the western Maryland Coastal Plain (west of Chesa- peake Bay). _ In recent years, three major attempts have been made to extend the Upper Cretaceous-lower Tertiary stratigraphy of New Jersey into the Delmarva Peninsula, the flat low-lying area between the Dela- ware and Chesapeake Bays (fig. 1) . Since 1957 the US. Geological Survey has been mapping the rock stratigraphic units of the Coastal Plain in New Jersey. An area of about 600 square miles has been mapped at a scale of 1:24,000 in west-central New Jersey near Trenton and in the adjacent parts of Pennsylvania. Mapping also has been completed in the Sandy Hook quadrangle to the northeast and in the Woodstown quadrangle to the southwest (fig. 1), both in New Jersey. Reconnais- sance has been done in the areas between. In addi- tion, mapping and reconnaissance recently has been extended into the Delmarva Peninsula. This report is divided into two parts: (1) rock stratigraphic studies and (2) biostratigraphic anal- ysis. The region discussed extends from Sandy Hook, N.J., to Chesapeake Bay, Md. (fig. 1). The main emphasis is on the stratigraphic relationships be- tween units of southern New Jersey and the north- ern Delmarva Peninsula. PREVIOUS INVESTIGATIONS Numerous lithostratigraphic and biostratigraphic studies have been made of Cretaceous-Tertiary rocks in the northern part of the Atlantic Coastal Plain during the past century. Only those that are partic- ularly significant to the main topic of this paper will 1 2 STRATIGRAPHY OF OUTCROPPING POST-MAGOTHY UPPER CRETACEOUS FORMATIONS I l Sassafras‘ River 1. Trenton West (unpublished data) 2. Trenton East, GQ—341 .501» 3. Allentown, GQ~566 a0” sandy "Wk 4. Roosevelt, GQ—340 App imat 5 d e of . FOX 6 Inner e, / 2‘ giitrilg‘iQégzmo Coastal Plain Provifice Atlantic Highland“ 7. New Egypt,GQ7161 / 5 8. Mount Holly, GQ—272 9. Pemberton5GQ—262 I 10. Browns Mills5GQ~264 / Trenton / 11. Woodstown,GQ~404 1 O 2 3 4 12. Sandy Hook, Bull. 1276 5 %y 6 7 8 9 10 j PENNSYLVANIA ___ 7[ MARYLAND 1 1 OWogdstown CHESAPEAKE DEW/2“ N E W J E R S E Y C | ”,1 l § Q l .9 | 'I DELAWARE BAY DELMARVA V | \ (j/ | \ {‘7 o \ Q 3?? \ o 53 PENINSU LA 5e 55 I e 5;) Y’ s 1 3‘6 ? >ltéj. 10 o 10 20 MILES afiP ‘_l_J_L_J_L—_l_—| WW 5“: 10 o 10 20 KILOMETERS 2 EU J Ulm | FIGURE 1.—Index map of southern New Jersey and northern Delmarva Peninsula showing locations of 7%- minute quadrangles that have been mapped. A—A’ is line of section for figure 4. be discussed here. More detailed discussions of early investigations have been given by Groot, Organist, and Richards (1954) for Delaware and by Greacen (1941) for New Jersey. Detailed stratigraphic investigations of the Cre- taceous formations for the entire region began with the studies of W. B. Clark and his associates during the period from 1894 to 1916. Clark, Bagg, and Shattuck (1897) proposed a stratigraphic sequence (fig. 2) from which most of the present divisions evolved. Kiimmel and Knapp (1904) modified Clark’s stratigraphy in New Jersey, particularly the Mata- wan Formation (fig. 2). Weller and Knapp (Weller, 1907) modified the earlier stratigraphic studies and further subdivided the basic units (fig. 2). This stratigraphic sequence is accepted today not only in New Jersey but also in Delaware and eastern Mary- land. They were the first to define the relation be- PREVIOUS INVESTIGATIONS Clark, Bagg, and Shattuck (1897) K'u'mmel and Knapp (1904) Weller (1907) Cooke and Stephenson (1928) Raritan Formation Ran'tan Clay Series Cliffwood lignitic sands and clays Laminated Sands No.4 Amboy Stoneware Clay Sand Bed No.3 South Amboy Fire Clay “Feldspar” Kaolin Sand Bed Woodbridge Clay Fire Sand No. l Raritan Fire and Terracotta (Potters Clay) (including Cliffwood Clay) Raritan Clay EQCENE Shark River Formation Upper marl Shark River Marl (in part) Manasquan Marl Manasquan Marl Manasquan Formation Limesand Vincentown Formation m _ . (including yellow sand) (including yellow sand) E Q Vincentown Sand 5 V1ncentown Lime-Sands U :I ‘5 o E g m (5 '5 Q in Se 11 M 1 M'ddl 1 § § we ar 5 l e mar Hornerstown Marl E Hornerstown Marl o (Sewell) 3 a: Tinton Beds Tinton Sand Member R db k S d Red Sand _ — _ _ .5 e an a“ 5 (Red Bank Sand) a *5 Red Bank Sand =3 Red Bank Sand 5 B S c: e 5. 55 L l E ' / g g Navesink Marls ower mar Navesink Formation / / 5 Navesmk Marl / O : (Navesmk Marl) g / Ed 0 / / / a 2 / E Mount Laurel Formation Mount Laurel Sand 5 Mount Laurel Sands a Wenonah Sand & Wenonah Sand Wenonah Sand D s N E Hazlet Sands Marshalltown Bed Marshalltown Clay-Marl El) 5 Marshalltown Formation :5 <3 3 {a F a: . 5 Columbus Sand Englishtown Sand E ‘2; Englishtown Sand 3 O . g Woodbury Clay Woodbury Clay 1:: Woodbury Clay 2 E Crosswicks Clays MerchantVIIIe Clay Merchantv1lle Clay-Marl g Merchantvflle Clay Magothy Formation Magothy Formation Raritan Formation tween the lithostratigraphy and the biostratigraphy of the Upper Cretaceous beds in New Jersey (Weller, FIGURE 2.—Development of stratigraphic interpretations of the pre-Miocene strata in New Jersey. 1907). Cooke and Stephenson (1928) showed that the uppermost formations assigned to the Upper Cretaceous by previous investigations were actually lower Tertiary (fig. 2). The stratigraphic section proposed by Clark, Bagg, and Shattuck (1897) for the Coastal Plain of 4 STRATIGRAPHY OF OUTCROPPING POST-MAGOTHY UPPER CRETACEOUS FORMATIONS Delaware and Maryland was similar to that of New Jersey. However, despite the fact that Clark con- tinued his investigations in Delaware and Maryland well into the early 1900’s, the stratigraphic section proposed in 1897 was not formally subdivided in this region as it was in New Jersey. Carter studied the strata along the Chesapeake and DelaWare Canal during 1934 and 1935, especially near Summit Bridge, Del. He (1937) applied some of the New Jersey formation names to his units (table 1). The Matawan of the area was subdivided for the first time, and the Monmouth Group, along the canal, contained only a single formation (table 1). Spangler and Peterson (1950) examined the canal section as part of a regional study of the northern Atlantic Coastal Plain. They also applied , New Jersey names to the units, but their identifica- tion and correlation of units differed from Carter’s (table 1). Groot, Organist, and Richards (1954) made the most recent study of the canal section be- fore the present report (table 1). Names of strati- graphic units of New Jersey were assigned to the units, but the interpretation of the section by Groot, Organist, and Richards differed from that of Carter and that of Spangler and Peterson (table 1). The authors of this report first studied the canal section TABLE 1.—Stratigraphic interpretation of the formations cropping out along or nearby to the south of the Chesapeake and Delaware Canal [The column by Carter and the column of this report are nearly identical and are considered, by the present authors, to be thecorrect interpretation of the stratigraphy] (19193327) (193$,a 1:9 1r245) Spatiigsighfxlidgiheison GmOt' 91%??? ifiifiucmrds This “9°“ : o E _ 53 Rancocas 5 . . .E c: , u Vmcentown (Aquia) 4; Hornerstown Sand <3 Formatlon é a) Q a — -- — Unconformity Unconformity — g; Navesink marl g 2 (presence in- 33 A O ferred in area a g. Monmouth g south of the S g R d B k Mount Laurel Formation g canal) E3 Navesink g e an Sand ;: f, 4: o 4—) 2 Mount Laurel g 3 Sand g g E _ g 8 g p: 0 g Marshalltown — 4% Navesink-Mount Marshalltown g g Formation Mount Laurel 0’“ Laurel Formation a) O) m A _ 0 U) a.) s: 5" S I“ 3‘ En lishtown ”1 E & ”1 En lishtown 2 fi 8 g :1 :6 Wenonah .3 A Wenonah g g . o m (.5 Sand 8 S g 8 Formation F) Matawan 3 § g E S 3 ' 4) q) d) g Formation 3 E Crosswicks Clay is 5 I: . 8 5 D E 4:73) the equivalent of a as Marshalltown, g 5.. O 2 the Woodbury & E W°°dbury’ and 3 -11 3 Merchantville H a a M h t .11 N Merchantv1 e Q, _ & Clay and Mer- D :6 811° an Vl_ e ‘5 :3 Formation Q chantville Clay 2 undifferentiated E D in New Jersey — — Unconformity— — ’ g M th : ago Y . Ma 0th 0 - M h F0 mation Ma 0th g Y 3 Formation agot y r g y Formation B :- —— Unconformity — _ Unconformity— as 'E . g Rantan Raritan Formation Raritan 0 Formation 8 U ROCK STRATIGRAPHIC STUDIES in 1963 and mainly agree with Carter’s interpretation (table 1). The Upper Cretaceous stratigraphic nomenclature in eastern Maryland has remained much as Clark (1916) had shown. Clark’s Matawan and Monmouth Formations were the standard for the east side of Chesapeake Bay (Overbeck and Slaughter, 1958) prior to this report. In the following section, the units in New Jersey will be described in detail in order to establish their lithologic characteristics and to compare these units with those in the northern Delmarva Peninsula. ROCK STRATIGRAPHIC STUDIES By JAMES P. OWENS and JAMES P. MINARD The sedimentary rocks of Late Cretaceous age in New Jersey are mostly mixed or interbedded un- consolidated sands, silts, and clays. Both allogenic (quartz, feldspar, mica, and carbonaceous debris) and authigenic (glauconite, pyrite, and siderite) minerals are abundant, although the allogenic con- stituents predominate. These sedimentary rocks can be divided into 11 lithostratigraphic units which are well defined in outcrop. These have a pronounced cyclic pattern that has not been previously recognized and that has been a major cause for misidentifications in earlier regional stratigraphic studies. NEW JERSEY MERCHANTVILLE FORMATION The Merchantville Formation is the oldest of the glauconite sandy units in the Coastal Plain in New Jersey (fig. 3), but unlike most of the younger green- sands it consists of more than one lithofacies. In the north, the Merchantville is mainly a se- quence of thin (2—6 in.) very fine to fine-grained sandy and silty beds and, less commonly, thick (3—6 ft) beds of glauconite sand. Discontinuous layers of rounded pale-gray siderite concretions are abundant in the thin-bedded sequence. In the west-central out- crop area, the Merchantville is a thick-bedded (5—15 ft) sequence of dark-gray clayey quartz silts and dark-greenish-gray quartz-glauconite sands. In the southwest, the formation is a dark-gray massive silty fine to very fine glauconite-quartz sand. All beds in the Merchantville are poorly sorted; So (Trask sorting coefficient) equals 2.56 millimeters average. Fossil casts are abundant, and locally in the southwest, very fossiliferous siderite concretions are common in the lower part of the formation. The Merchantville ranges in thickness from 40 to 60 feet. The contact with the underlying Magothy is sharp and disconformable. A bed about 1 foot thick Hornerstown W Sand ' . ‘ . . . TERTIARY ‘- '. EXPLANATION CRETACEOUS - . . Tinton Sand Gravel ,— r» A NA m A A /\~ N Regafiznk Glauconite sand Quartz—feldspar and sand Silt Navesink Formation _ __ _ _ _. Clay Mount Laurel Sand if/ :// / Wenonah Crossbedding Formation Marshalltown if." ‘- Formation Englishtown Formation Woodbury __—: Clay ....._'_.....__ :...._.__' 0 ,4, N l N 20 LN 0 ~ . .—‘ _—/\/— . IV. i,,* 40’ MerchantVIlle / Formation ,«o _N .~. _....._ _ 60' .LV' N N‘L —W 80' FIGURE 3.——Composite columnar section showing general thickness and lithology of Upper Cretaceous formations in the northern and west-central Coastal Plain in New Jersey. 6 STRATIGRAPHY 0F OUTCROPPING POST-MAGOTHY UPPER CRETACEOUS FORMATIONS containing reworked gravel and rounded woody frag- ments is present along the contact between the two units. WOODBURY CLAY The Woodbury Clay is chiefly a dark-grayish—black unconsolidated massive very clayey silt, except in the upper part where lentils of glauconite sand are common. It is very poorly sorted (802262—424 mm commonly). The silt fraction consists mainly of quartz, feldspar, and mica; mica plates are also common in sand sizes. Carbonaceous matter, both finely comminuted and coarse grained, is also very abundant. Imprints of fossil shells are abundant, and locally in the southwest, well-preserved calcareous shells have been collected. The unit ranges in thick- ness from a maximum of 50 feet in the west-central part to zero in the southwest. It is gradational into the underlying Merchantville Formation. ENGLISHTOWN FORMATION The Englishtown Formation is chiefly a clastic sand that consists of more than one lithofacies. In the north where this unit is approximately 140 feet thick, it is mainly a pale-gray to white cross-strati- fied medium sand in the upper part and a dark-gray silt with thin quartz sandy partings in the lower part. In the west-central outcrop area, it is chiefly an intercalated thin-bedded sand-clay sequence. The Englishtown is approximately 90 feet thick in this area. In the southwest, the Englishtown thins to approximately 40 feet and is a dark-gray massive very fine to fine sand. These beds resemble the Wenonah Formation. The sandy beds in the Englishtown are typically moderately to well sorted (So=1.35—1.58 mm). Quartz, feldspar, weathered glauconite grains, and mica are the major sand constituents. The thin clay beds in the intercalated sequences and the massive dark beds are very silty and micaceous and contain large concentrations of fine to coarse lignitized plant matter. Few fossils have been reported from the English- town. Locally, fossiliferous pale-gray sideritic con- centrations are present in the base of the intercalated sequences. Fossil casts are also common in the massive dark sand in the southwest. The Englishtown grades downward into the Wood- bury Clay throughout most of the outcrop, but in the southwest where the Woodbury is absent, it over- lies and grades downward into the Merchantville Formation. MARSHALLTOWN FORMATION The Marshalltown Formation is a massive dark- greenish-gray very fine to fine sand, which locally contains abundant silt and clay. Small pebbles and granules are common in the base and middle of the formation. It is moderately to very poorly sorted (So=1.36—4.80 mm commonly). Quartz and glau- conite are the common sand minerals; feldspar and mica are present in small amounts. Glauconite is abundant in the middle and upper parts of the for- mation; quartz and, locally, concentrations of ligni- tized wood are common in the base. The glauconite grains are light to dark green and very fine to fine and include several percent of “accordion” forms. Fossils are rare in the north and west-central part of the Coastal Plain but are abundant in the south- west, especially the pelecypod Exogyra ponderosa (Roemer). The Marshalltown is remarkably constant in outcrop thickness, ranging from 10 to 15 feet. The contact with the underlying Englishtown For— mation is sharp; a thin reworked bed occurs locally along the boundary. WENONAH FORMATION The Wenonah Formation is an unconsolidated massive to thick-bedded dark-gray silty very fine to fine sand. It is very poorly to moderately sorted (Sozl.49—2.81 mm commonly). The Wenonah is chiefly a very micaceous, glauconite-feldspar-quartz sand. Finely disseminated pyrite and sand- to silt- sized carbonaceous particles are particularly abun- dant. The formation has few fossils; only casts have been observed. Abundant cylindrical borings indicate that the unit ranges in thickness from a maximum of 60 feet in the west-central part of the Coastal Plain in New Jersey to a minimum of 15 feet in the southwest. The contact with the underlying Marshalltown Formation is gradational. MOUNT LAUREL SAND The Mount Laurel Sand is largely a clastic sand, which weathers readily to a light gray or reddish brown. These weathered beds strongly resemble the upper quartz sand unit of the Red Bank Sand for which it is commonly mistaken. The Mount Laurel consists of more than one lithofacies along strike. In the northeast, it is mostly a sequence of intercalated thin (6 in. or less) dark-gray clay and light-gray sand beds. In the west-central area, it is largely a massive sand that locally interfingers with the inter- calated sequence, particularly at the base of the formation. In the southwest, the formation is mainly a massive to thick-bedded sand. A 5- to 10-foot-thick ROCK STRATIGRAPHIC STUDIES 7 bed of pebbly coarse sand occurs everywhere in out- crop at the top of the formation. Most of the sandy facies are moderately sorted (So=1.15—1.87 mm commonly) , except in the upper coarser beds where the sorting is poor. Characteristically, this formation is a glauconite-feldspar-quartz sand. Locally, mica is abundant in the base. Fossils are largely in thin to thick layers throughout; the upper shell beds include Exogyra cancellata (Stephenson) and Belemmtella americana. (Morton). E. cancellata is restricted to this formation. The Mount Laurel Sand ranges in thickness from 20 feet in the north to 7 0 feet in the southwest. The contact with the underlying Wenonah is typically gradational but locally may be distinct. NAVESINK FORMATION The Navesink Formation is a massive unconsoli- dated dark-greenish-gray clayey and silty medium to coarse sand. It is moderately to very poorly sorted (So: 1.57—3.24 mm commonly). The Navesink is pri— marily a clayey glauconite sand (greensand); the lower few feet contain a few percent quartz, re- worked from the underlying Mount Laurel. The unit is differentiated from the quartz-glauconite litho- facies of the Red Bank Sand mainly by the lack of sand-sized mica and by the smaller amounts of car- bonaceous matter. However, clay- to silt-sized mica is abundant. The N avesink is very fossiliferous, especially the base. In the north, the middle and upper parts of the formation contain fossil beds as much as 5 feet thick largely consisting of mollusks. The unit crops out along the entire inner edge of the Coastal Plain in New Jersey. Here it ranges in thick- ness from a maximum of 35 feet in the west-central part to 5 feet in the southwest. The contact with the underlying Mount Laurel Sand is sharp. RED BANK SAND The Red Bank Sand is restricted to the northern and west-central parts of the Coastal Plain in New Jersey where it forms a wedge-shaped deposit that pinches out downdip and along strike to the south- west. The formation consists of three major litho- facies: an upper quartz sand, a lower silt, and a lower glauconite sand (fig. 3). Upper quartz sand—The upper quartz sand is an unconsolidated massive reddish-brown fine to coarse sand, which locally contains pebbles and which is well to moderately sorted (So=1.17—1.83 mm com- monly). It is a glauconite-feldspar-quartz sand. Typically, it is weathered throughout and locally is cemented by iron oxides. Most of the unit is un- fossiliferous, but it contains some poorly preserved reworked fossils in the base. The upper quartz sand unit ranges from 0 to 100 feet in thickness and grades into the underlying lithofacies, commonly through a transitional zone several feet thick. Lower silt—The lower silt crops out only in the northern part of the Coastal Plain. It is an uncon- solidated massive dark—gray silty medium sand. Typically it is poorly to very poorly sorted (So: 2.34—3.93 mm). This lower silty unit is a moderately to very micaceous feldspar-glauconite-quartz sand; locally it contains much sand-sized carbonaceous matter and pyrite. The unit is very fossiliferous, and, locally, calcareous tests are well preserved. It is as much as 30 feet thick. Lower glauconite sand—The lower glauconite sand crops out only in the west—central part of the Coastal Plain. It is an unconsolidated dark-greenish- gray massive fine sand containing much clay and silt. Typically. it is very poorly sorted (8022.12 mm). The sand consists of feldspar, quartz, and especially glauconite. Carbonaceous matter and sand- sized mica are especially abundant in this lithofacies. This unit is sparingly fossiliferous. It is as much as 30 feet thick, and to the north it grades laterally into the lower silty unit and downward into underlying Navesink with no perceptible break. TINTON SAND The Tinton Sand is an unconsolidated pale- greenish-gray sand in the base to locally reddish- brown well-indurated sandstone in the upper 8—10 feet. Induration is largely due to fine crystalline sideritic cement. The sand is mostly fine to medium. Near the top, however, it is coarse and pebbly and is very poorly sorted (So=3.0 mm commonly). The Tinton is mostly a feldspar-glauconite-quartz sand to quartz-glauconite sand; glauconite is much more abundant near the top of the formation. In some areas, it contains many fossils, chiefly mollusks and Callinassa sp. The cephalopod Sphenodiscus is fairly common at the type locality. The unit is restricted to the northern part of the Coastal Plain where it at- tains a maximum thickness of about 25 feet. The contact with the underlying Red Bank Sand is grada- tional. The upper boundary with the Hornerstown is sharp and unconformable. DISTRIBUTION OF FORMATIONS A major stratigraphic problem in New Jersey is to determine which formations persist from the north- east, where the Upper Cretaceous section is the thickest, to the southwest, where the section is thin- ner and the formations are fewer. An additional problem is to determine what facies changes occur within each formation. The Upper Cretaceous sec- Gravel Clay 977/ ///fi Crossbedding Quartz sand O 40 SW g . T.) 80' A in . . E . _5 E 0 § 2‘ Q U CD » a, Cu c .2 “’0 5 <1) . a {g 1; Cretaceous-Tertiary S m “I ‘8 boundary «— g‘fi O 8 8 g E U) £ O— 0208 L ism fl '0 - Em; a) «530’ ‘o‘o 0’52 c > N NE L>‘ I 0-) ‘0 32 gfi A ~~ H . . .25 '53 ~ oz >0) 0» 32 “cm 0 C_Q O m m m —: MN 538 N.) .g‘g m 3 0' Glaucomte unit of the Red Bank Sand we“ d .1: . the Re ' '. S\“\J Unfirgj sand l 2t it 2 (Izmi'2".'“.1": : Intuit 3i».- }':.'.l I {.1 (I: it Merchantville Formation 120 MILES FIGURE 4.—Stratigraphic section along the Upper Cretaceous outcrop belt from southwestern New Jersey to eastern Mary- land. Line of section shown in figure 1. tion, excluding the Raritan Formation, thins from about 500 feet in the Raritan Bay area to about 250 feet at Woodstown (fig. 4). As can be seen in figure 4, major changes toward the southwest primarily involve the uppermost Cretaceous units, the Tinton, Red Bank, and Navesink. The absence and thinning of these units toward the southwest can be explained by nondeposition and (or) postdepositional erosion. A map showing the areal distribution of the Coastal Plain formations from New York to northern Virginia has been published by the US. Geological Survey (1967). Part of this map is reproduced in figure 5 and illustrates the authors’ interpretation of the geology of southwestern New Jersey and the northern Delmarva Peninsula. The section at Woodstown is discussed in more detail than any other from New Jersey because it is the closest area to the Delmarva Peninsula in which detailed mapping was completed. At Woodstown (figs. 4 and 5), the Tinton and Red Bank Sands are absent, as postulated by Knapp (Weller, 1907, p. 15) and mapped by Minard (1965). The basal Tertiary unit, the Hornerstown, here rests on the Navesink and locally on the Mount Laurel in updip areas. The Navesink thins in outcrop from about 12 feet near the east boundary of the Woods- town quadrangle to zero at the west edge. Downdip or southwestward, the Navesink thickens to more than 20 feet. The wedge shape of the Navesink in this quadrangle suggests an angular unconformity between this unit and the overlapping Hornerstown Sand. ROCK STRATIGRAPHIC STUDIES .AMN was ma magi ”$me zmzsm Rumwofloww .m.D :83 @3565 .335ch sigh—on gases: 9:“ >3an 302 EvamwBfinom mc 92: ofiogoowlh "553m wKMHmZOfix OH m 0 m _ ‘ 4 _ _ _ 3&on m o f o CBSmEEE \ ENE .3930 we once .55: w as m 335 wwm 5:83 295% flmfimsm REES < 3 . . 333:3 Ems: wwfieQ 8350 wmammunwkflficca dofimniom :3?m& 95 955 32:35 SHOEOVLEHD a :oEaEMom hfiowmz \ \ « :cfiaEpom 253.2802 25. :ofinctom :Bozmzwcm Ex :oswEhom c38=wsw§2 .Ex :oEmEgom 828:0? X vcmm EENQ 252 :5. :ofiwfipoh :58; Z max ZO_F_ Formation 3 t. _ Wenonah o a ” Formation 4f°~~ N H Marshalltown ~ ——‘— . ~ _ Formation 1 (UM) \\\\.\\ Englishtown 7 ' Formation Li;_ L” _l " —“‘— Woodbury (>3 _ ...... Clay 0 :71 Merchantville —;—_ Formation FIGURE 14.—Schematic columnar sections showing differences between Upper Cretaceous cyclic deposits in Delaware (A) and New Jersey (B). Lithic symbols are the same as those in figure 13. Drilling by the U.S. Geological Survey during recent investigations in Delaware has now provided complete lithologic data for these units. (See fig. 13.) ogies and faunal associations, the following facts the Mount Laurel in updip sections in southern being kept in mind: New Jersey. 1. Pinchout of the Red Bank in the central Coastal . . . . 3. Thinning of the Wenonah towards the southwest. Plain in New Jersey. 2. Removal of the Navesink by a pre-Hornerstown 4. Continuation of the Englishtown southwestward erosion and deposition of the Hornerstown on from Woodstown. 20 STRATIGRAPHY OF OUTCROPPING POST-MAGOTHY UPPER CRETACEOUS FORMATIONS 5. Pinchout of the Woodbury in the area northeast of Swedesboro. EASTERN MARYLAND The lower formations of Late Cretaceous age are well exposed along the Chesapeake and Delaware Canal in northern Delaware, but the uppermost for- mation, the Mount Laurel Sand, especially its middle and upper beds, is poorly exposed. To better examine the uppermost Cretaceous beds, a series of traverses was made along the Sassafras River in eastern Maryland. Bluffs, some more than 60 feet high, occur along the east-west—oriented Sassafras River, from near Fredericktown, Md., westward to Chesapeake Bay (fig. 5). The stratigraphic sequence exposed in these bluffs ranges from the Vincentown Formation of Paleocene age to the Potomac Group of Early Cre- taceous age. Locally, deep, wide channels filled by gravelly sand of Quaternary age have cut deeply into the older formations and interrupt the nearly con- tinuous sequence of formations. Iron oxide staining and cementation is common in many of the more sandy formations. Many of the more soluble constituents, such as calcareous shells, pyrite, siderite, and carbonaceous matter, have been selectively removed or converted to other mineral phases during weathering. In spite of these wide- spread weathering effects, the same units noted along the canal have retained sufficient lithologic identity to be recognized in these bluffs. Some lithic changes, like those in the area from Woodstown, N .J ., to northern Delaware, have taken place in all the units in the area between the canal and eastern Maryland. Thus, the Upper Cretaceous sequence, the Merchant- ville, Englishtown, Marshalltown, and Mount Laurel can be traced as recognizable lithostratigraphic units to the eastern shore of Chesapeake Bay. Figure 15 is a composite stratigraphic section of the Upper Cre- taceous-lower Tertiary sequence of this region. The total calculated thickness of the Upper Cre- taceous section in eastern Maryland is approximately 240 feet. A southwestward thinning of this section from Delaware to eastern Maryland is not evident. DISTRIBUTION OF FORMATIONS The Merchantville is well exposed on the south bank of the Sassafras River, west of Betterton Beach, and also at Grove Point on Chesapeake Bay on the north side of the mouth of the Sassafras River. A typical section of the Merchantville Forma- tion averages 40—60 feet in thickness in New Jersey, whereas it is approximately 40 feet thick along the Sassafras River. The formation overlies the Magothy EXPLANATION ' ' N N ' Q ' Hornerstown ' ‘ - ' . ' f" N ' . . - . Sand .- P'_ . ‘0'“? 'O'O'PUO' ' ' .,~./- . ‘°--0'..' TERTIARY JVLLV :9 - ', b ‘ . '.° "2' ° CRETACEOUS . ’9 -{:'.' O H. Gravel a]. . o. ' ‘- -‘ :'_ '."‘.'.'. ~~~~ '-,.. "’4." HNNI-vfl I . o - ‘ . '. .... ~ ~ ~ ~ . M - . o '. Glauconite sand I I - on . . ' I ..i c " o. . o H - -. o ' . . . . . ' _. ‘ '1', - uartzs nd . .. _ ‘ F,- . o Q a Mount Laurel o ""0 . o. .' _— — ~— Sand "V.- j .': '- — ‘__ — 124/335 Slit - ’_ /,,-: 1,,- 2.‘ _- Clay ' '.'~.' / I I . ‘ . . ' /// ll/l/l/V/ N . ' '- ,/ ’ // // . N‘ 'N " Crossbedding —. '..,;_, '__‘...F-'{ ( f/ I ( Marshalltown ~"‘Z":—'"~ / (/ / ( : / Formation . -‘ (.. ( / k/ (f 4 .' ~ ‘. ....) .. ."-" Fossuls 73’. _~.°‘~. - '————;__'_ 7/ I " ‘ Englishtown ///____‘____' "’ ’ o ‘ 0 Formation '. °°° ~ ° °.'.- Wood ~ '_-—.——.- : _. : ..fv..——-;..,- -..’.:...:-:.’.'- ‘ O Merchantville :3”? °"._.o_.:fv I Formation '02: N '_... _ ......... 2 ' ._..._...,_, _... 20' O ,4...” ._ _ 0 Magothy _ I-’ '.I '— Formation m 40' FIGURE ]5.—Composite columnar section showing Upper Cretaceous formations in eastern Maryland. with a sharp but broadly undulatory contact in this area (fig. 16). The basal foot of the Merchantville is reworked sediment containing pieces of gravel as much as 1 inch in diameter, carbonized pieces of wood as much as several inches long and abundant coarse sand. Overlying this basal interval is a se- quence of thick beds (averaging 10 ft) which are sharply differentiated from each other. These beds consist largely of dark very micaceous silt to very fine sand. Concentrations of very coarse sand and fine pebbles are abundant in some of the beds, and these tend to emphasize the bedding in this unit. Large to small woody pieces are abundant in the entire formation. An unusual feature in some of the lower beds is an abundance of thin indurated, ROCK STRATIGRAPHIC STUDIES 21 FIGURE 16.—Cutbank along Chesapeake Bay at Grove Point exposing the light-colored Magothy at the base of the bluff in sharp, flat contact with the dark-colored Merchantville Formation. The Merchantville is unconformably overlain by sand and gravel of the Wicomico(?) Formation. Pho- tograph by L. C. Conant. siderite-cemented(?) platelets. In the upper part of the formation, intercalated thin (2—4 in.) beds of black clay and light fine to medium sand beds inter- finger with the dark-gray silts. The Merchantville grades upward into about 20 feet of intercalated thin beds of black silty clay and white micaceous sand. Many of the sandy layers have small-scale trough cross-stratification. Most of the sand is fine to medium. Pebbles as large as one— fourth of an inch in diameter are common in many of the sands. Large concentrations of coarse car- bonaceous material commonly associated with coarse mica grains are common in the dark clay beds. The well-bedded character, lithology, and stratigraphic position of this unit indicate that it is unquestionably the Englishtown Formation. This formation is ex- posed along the south bank of the Sassafras at Betterton Beach. The thin-bedded Englishtown is overlain by about 15 feet of massive dark-gray glauconite quartz sand, which we have assigned to the Marshalltown. The lower 6—8 feet of the Marshalltown is dark-gray quartz glauconite sand that contains granules and some small pebbles in the base. The glauconite sand content decreases rapidly above this bed, and the upper part of the formation is largely a dark-gray quartz silt. Borings filled with light-gray more clayey sediment are extensive in the upper Marshall- town (fig. 17). Fossil casts also seen in this photo- graph are common in the middle of the formation. The entire thickness of the formation is well exposed at several localities along the north side of the Sassafras River. The formation is only exposed at one locality on the south side of the Sassafras River just east of Betterton. The Marshalltown grades upward into the yel- lowish-brown to pale-yellow quartz sand of the Mount Laurel sand (fig. 18). The Mount Laurel is exceptionally well exposed in the bluffs along both banks of the Sassafras River between Betterton and Fredericktown (fig. 5). At some localities, more than 60 feet of Mount Laurel is exposed in a single bank. The lower 20—25 feet of the formation is a massive fine quartz sand containing small amounts of glauconite sand. Thin discontinuous borings filled with glauconite sand are well developed in these beds. Overlying this basal massive sand is a series of thick horizontal beds (averaging 10—15 ft), which are commonly sharply differentiated from each other. The horizontal bedding is largely produced by varia- tions in average grain size from bed to bed. Most of FIGURE 17.—Dark massive-bedded Marshalltown Formation, north bank of Sassafras River, 2 miles east of Grove Point. Borings filled with lighter colored clayey sediment are ex- tensive. Photograph by L. C. Conant. 22 FIGURE 18.—Gradational contact between the light-colored Mount Laurel Sand and dark-colored Marshalltown Forma- tion exposed at the same locality as figure 17. Upper part of Marshalltown is weathered pale gray. Photograph by L. C. Conant. the beds consist of pale-gray to brown medium sand, although beds of fine and coarse sand are common. Granules and pebbles are present in most of these upper beds. In general, the average grain size is coarser in the upper beds than in the base. Most of the beds are massive, although some, particularly in the middle of the formation, have large-scale cross- stratification. The mineralogy from bed to bed is similar—— quartz, glauconite, and feldspar are the major sand constituents. Sample Ea 4, table 2, has a typical composition for the upper Mount Laurel in this region. As can be seen, glauconite is abundant and is exceptionally coarse; some beds contain large con- centrations of coarse to very coarse glauconite grains. Large thick-shelled fossils replaced by iron oxides are common in the middle and upper parts of the Mount Laurel Sand particularly at Fredericktown along the north side of the Sassafras River and near Kentmore Beach along the south side of the river. Because of the poor state of preservation of these fossils, precise paleontologic identification is very difficult, but they establish the marine origin of these beds. Ophiomorphia borings are also widespread throughout this unit. At Gregg Neck (fig. 5), a promontory on the south bank of the river east of Fredericktown, the Hornerstown-Mount Laurel contact is well exposed STRATIGRAPHY OF OUTCROPPING POST-M AGOTHY UPPER CRETACEOUS FORMATIONS in a borrow pit and a nearby roadcut. The sharp contact between the Hornerstown glauconite sand and the underlying quartz sand of the Mount Laurel is virtually the same here as at Odessa, Del. About 15 feet of Mount Laurel is exposed beneath the Hornerstown at Gregg Neck. This relationship in- dicates that throughout the northern Delmarva Peninsula the Navesink Formation is absent and the Hornerstown in outcrop rests directly on the Mount Laurel. Along the eastern shore of Chesapeake Bay, the Mount Laurel is a very thick unit, as much as 170 feet thick. The best exposures of the Mount Laurel in the northern Delmarva Peninsula are along the Sassafras River where most of the formation can be seen. SUMMARY OF ROCK STRATIGRAPHIC STUDIES IN EASTERN MARYLAND The section along the eastern shore of Chesapeake Bay is similar to that at the Chesapeake and Dela- ware Canal except that all units were apparently deposited nearer shore. Nearshore deposition is in- dicated by (1) decrease in the glauconite content in the Cretaceous units, particularly in the Merchant- Ville Formation, (2) change in the bedding charac- teristics in most units from massive to thin through thick bedded (Merchantville, Englishtown, and Mount Laurel), or the development of cross-stratifi- cation (Mount Laurel), and (3) increase in general coarseness of clastic material (Merchantville, Mar- shalltown, and Mount Laurel) and abundance of carbonaceous matter, particularly large pieces of wood (Merchantville, Englishtown, and basal Mar- shalltown). In interpreting the stratigraphy of the eastern shore of Maryland, the terms Matawan and Mon- mouth Formations are no longer useful, and it is recommended that these terms be abandoned in east- ern Maryland and that the New Jersey stratigraphic nomenclature be adopted, thereby eliminating the dual nomenclature that has prevailed for many years. The Matawan Formation of eastern Maryland would be replaced by (in ascending order) the Mer- chantville, Englishtown, and Marshalltown Forma- tions, and the Monmouth would be replaced by the Mount Laurel Sand. The areal distribution of the beds in eastern Maryland is shown in figure 5. PETROLOGIC STUDIES A general survey of the petrologic characteristics of the Upper Cretaceous—lowermost Tertiary forma- tions was made in order to compare the Iithologies of all the formations from Woodstown, N.J., and the eastern shore of Maryland. ROCK STRATIGRAPHIC STUDIES 23 Groot (1955) and Groot and Glass (1960) ex- amined some of the petrologic characteristics of the Coastal Plain formations in this general region. In the latter publication concerning the petrology of these formations, Groot and Glass (1960) discussed the clay minerals and heavy minerals in the forma- tions. They noted that the marine sediments are primarily characterized by an illite—montmorillonite clay assemblage in association with a full suite of heavy minerals. A full suite is defined as a mineral assemblage that contains significant concentrations of any two of the following minerals: epidote, Chloritoid, garnet, and hornblende. These minerals are presumed to be relatively susceptible to intensive weathering conditions. The nonmarine sediments characteristically contain kaolinite as the major clay mineral and have a limited heavy-mineral suite. A limited suite, therefore, is one that does not have significant concentrations of the relatively unstable minerals. Groot and Glass (1960) also observed that many formation assemblages varied along strike but that these differences could be explained by a change in provenance or preferential segregation in the clay fractions because of crystal-size sorting. Diagenetic effects were considered unimportant controls on these mineral assemblages. In our petrologic studies of the Upper Cretaceous and lower Tertiary formations, the techniques of Groot and Glass were adopted and were supple- mented by light-mineral studies and the determina- tion of glauconite-clastic ratios. HEAVY-MINERAL ANALYSES Samples of all the formations of southern New Jersey, northern Delaware, and eastern Maryland were studied for their heavy-mineral content (tables 2 and 3, and fig. 19). The results generally agree with those reported from northern Delaware by Groot (1955). Groot, however, subdivided many of the mineral groups (for example, the epidote group); we did not. All formations examined are characterized by full suites of heavy minerals, the terminology of Groot and Glass (1960) being used. Variations in heavy—mineral types and concentra- tions, however, do occur between the formations in a single area and in the same formations from one area to another. In the Merchantville and Mount Laurel, the garnet and epidote content decreases from Woodstown to the eastern shore of Maryland (fig. 19). In the Englishtown, epidote content also decreases southwe‘stward, but garnet decreases only southwest of Delaware. Epidote also shows the same general decrease to the southwest of Delaware in the Marshalltown, but garnet increases southwestward from Woodstown, N.J. Chloritoid also appears to vary systematically from area to area, but the trend is the reverse from that noted for garnet and epidote. As can be seen in figure 19, Chloritoid content in- creases toward the southwest. None of the other minerals show any significant trends like those cited above. Despite the limited number of samples studied from the Chesapeake and Delaware Canal area, it is apparent that detrital heavy-mineral assemblages have little value in stratigraphic correlations. Local source—rock variations, particularly within the meta- morphic rocks of the nearby Piedmont province, apparently are significant enough to produce mark— edly different heavy-mineral assemblages in the same stratigraphic horizons within short distances. It can be stated, however, that the high percentages of metamorphic minerals in the Coastal Plain forma- tions indicate that the Piedmont was a major source land during the Late Cretaceous. LIGHT-MINERAL ANALYSES Petrographic studies of the light-mineral fractions (tables 2 and 3 and fig. 20A) reveal that four major components are present: common quartz, feldspar, polycrystalline quartz and rock fragments. Common quartz is the major sand-sized light mineral in these formations. Variations in the per- centages within the formations are shown in tables 2 and 3, and figure 20A shows the average for each of the formations. This mineral is at least 66 percent to as much as 93 percent of any light-mineral com- ponent of the sand fraction. No significant trends in the common quartz distribution, however, were dis- cernible in the formations of a single region or within the regions. Feldspar makes up 3—18 percent of the sand-sized light—mineral fraction in the formations and aver- ages about 10 percent. Generally, the formations in eastern Maryland have less feldspar than the other regions. Most of the feldspar grains are badly altered in all formations from southern New Jersey to eastern Maryland. Typically, all grains have re- fractive indices of <1.54, and a large number have microcline twinning. The bulk of this fraction, there- fore, is potassic feldspar. Some grains, however, are untwinned and have a cloudy appearance. The degree of alteration in association with the low indices tends to mask whether these are orthoclase or un- twinned albite. An occasional grain with plagioclase twinning was observed, but these are not common. Although two major feldSpar families are present, potassic feldspar is more abundant by far. 24 STRATIGRAPHY OF OUTCROPPING POST-MAGOTHY UPPER CRETACEOUS FORMATIONS TABLE 2.——Heavy- and light-mineral content, in percent, and glauconite-clastic ratios from Woodstown quadrangle, New Jersey, and from eastern Maryland [Approximate sample localities are shown in fig. 5. Tr.. trace; N.d., not determined. Glauconite not counted in mineral analyses. Number in parentheses means that more than one sample was located at that locality] Specific gravity >2.80; particle size <0.177, >0.074 mm Specific gravity GIauconite-clastic 0 <2.80;0particle ”130:2 parbticle size paque - size < .149, < .4 .> .062 mm minerals Nonopaque minerals > 0.074 mm 5 L4 Name of E g formation and a) g N a ,9 field number 3-: a t g ‘5 5.5 g‘ a; g a) g g E o s g 2 g .5 s E 2 c» t g e 3 . v s E 3 3 :8 a ea 76 w 2 M E ‘1 o m '5 '5‘ o o I: g m :8 E 'E w ._ s... e «H .o v o «5 .a 2 r: c o r: “J a W ° E' a. o u fiaAgsééwgsg’aésssa-Esfi‘a’é2:5: as 5 ° “ 5 .s ‘5 5 'a ° 33 E s = — = .2 r "i w " — ~ ° a s :Sgflsmfimmu£m&<52m5$a§éfifin? (so Woodstown quadrangle, New Jersey Hornerstown Sand: 1: 61 1 ................ 99 1 Mount Laurel Sand: Wt 62 ...... 95 2 3 30 10 2 2 27 12 2 7 1 1 1 85 2 1 12 88 Wt 92D .. 6 17 2 3 6 10 3 40 20 3 7 3 3 N.d. N.d. Nd N.d N.d. N.d Marshalltown Formation: Wt 71D ............ 76 10 14 12 4 7 12 10 29 7 7 9 2 1 85 8 7 59 41 Englishtown Formation: Wt 129 2 7 25 5 9 4 2 7 21 7 2 3 1 6 5 3 81 4 14 1 2 98 Wt 74 ...... 2 50 1 2 4 12 10 4 Tr. 2 1 16 22 4 9 13 83 5 12 Tr. N.d. N.d. Merchantville Formation: 1 13 8 7 6 21 Tr. 20 10 4 5 1 7 Tr. 1 2 8 93 2 4 1 25 75 3 11 6 6 10 27 Tr. 19 9 4 2 .. 5 2 1 9 Tr. N.d. N.d. N d. N.d. 16 84 Eastern Maryland 6 14 9 11 6 24 4 5 26 Tr. 3 3 6 3 86 3 11 70 30 21 6 5 6 4 36 12 6 9 4 6 6 84 1 15 34 66 10 9 11 20 13 .. 39 7 6 2 2 N.d. N d. N.d. N.d 6 94 2 9 21 12 12 6 1 22 2 2 11 2 4 N.d. N d. N.d. N.d 7 93 2 21 20 5 5 4 20 17 3 3 2 5 12 4 92 4 4 7 93 Sp 7 ...... 1 16 19 5 12 3 21 18 6 1 Tr. 7 1 6 1 N.d. Nd Nd Nd 16 84 Englishtown Formation: Bet 1A .............. 62 8 30 4 15 19 Tr 15 9 6 21 7 4 84 11 5 2 98 Merchantville 3 ‘33 1 9 8 20 11 1 Tr. 40 7 2 1 87 10 3 4 96 5 24 49 6 8 6 9 1 1 11 7 1 1 N d N.d. N d. N.d N.d. N.d. 1Too small a sample to make an analysis. Rock fragments and polycrystalline quartz are the (Pettijohn, 1957) or subgraywackes (Krynine, other common light components. Their distribution is more erratic than the feldspar or common quartz. Rock fragments and polycrystalline quartz are more abundant in northern Delaware than in southern New Jersey or in eastern Maryland. A plot of the data in figure 20A showed that, in the four categories counted, no definite trends were evident either within a group of formations in a single area or within a single formation from one area to another. The data, however, do indicate a probable metamorphic source for a large volume of these sediments. Because these light minerals constitute the bulk sediment in the elastic sands (Englishtown and Mount Laurel), they determine the composition of the rock and hence their rock-type classification. The relatively feldspathic nature is apparent, and these sands can properly be classed as protoquartzites 1948). Except for variations in glauconite sand con- tent, the Englishtown and Mount Laurel maintain a uniform composition from southern New Jersey to eastern Maryland. In fact, the clastic light minerals are distributed throughout the silts and greensands in nearly the same proportions as in the elastic sands throughout this region. GLAUCONITE-CLASTIC RATIOS During field mapping a gradual decrease in glau- conite sand content to the southwest was observed in nearly all formations, especially those of Late Cretaceous age. To quantify this observation, sam- ples of the sands were electromagnetically processed to determine glauconite-clastic ratios (tables 2 and 3 and fig. 208). The most obvious changes occur in the Merchant- ville, Marshalltown, and Hornerstown (fig. 203), ROCK STRATIGRAPHIC STUDIES 25 TABLE 3.—Heavy- and light-mineral concentrations, in percent, and glanconite-clastic ratios from localities in the vicinity of the Chesapeake and Delaware Canal [Sample localities are shown in figs. 1 and 6; number after railroad bridge pier indicates depth in feet below ground level. Samples from bridge pier are listed in distance from upper surface. Glauconite not counted in mineral analyses. Tr. trace] Spec1fic grav1ty >2.80, part1cle size <0.177. >0.074 mm Specific gravity <2.80; Glauconite-clastic 0 a ue _ particle size <0.149, ratio: particle size miliiegals N°n°DWue minerals >0-074 mm 0.062 mm 5 'u 3 Formation Locality 5 n N g m 0 0 0 '5‘ £2 a. o. ‘5 n a 5% 5 °’ 3 ° 3 o :I E 0 5:2 2.552532: £723 «“35 E s 3 ...o u an '55 w 2 ::: “1‘ 0 m 0 'g 3 a, 3 E, 5 a 3 $3 a m 'a§-=§82§§€§3§§§afsfiraagg E a: 8-3 °’ A 0 '5 5 -~ 5« r.. 5 :2 d “U .2 g *‘ 2 .: 9 1.. 2' 'C o 5 3 E °"" 5 .E :1 a 0 no -.: >. r: .s: .2 {E >. o T) 1': .. :asfiamfimmogma z dornerstown Wt61A ....... .. .. 5 Sand. Odessa ........ .. Tr. .. 4 MillA ........ .. 1 .. 3 Mount Laurel Wt 62 ........ M 1+ 1— 1+ Sand. Biggs Farm, 6 M 2+ Tr. 1— Tr. 2+ Tr. feet above high tide. Biggs Farm, M Tr. 6 1-— high-tide level. Bridge pier, 25 M Tr. ... ... ... Tr. .. . 1— 1— 1— ... Ea4 .......... M 1 1+ 1-— 1 Wt71D ....... M 1 1— 1 5 1— Marshalltown Bridge pier, 27 M 1 1— 1— . . . . . . Tr. . . . 1+ . . . 1 . . . Formation. 39 M 1— 1- 1— 2 1 1— Bet2 ......... M 2 Tr. 2 Tr. Wt129 ........ M 3 3 1- 1— 2 Englishtown Bridge pier, 41 M 2 2 . . . . . . Tr. . . . . . . . . . Tr. 1 Formation. 44 M 1 Tr. 1 51 M 3 1— 53 M . . . ... 1 2 1— 1+ . .. BetlA ........ M 1+ 1+ 1— 1+ Wt 66 ........ M 1 Tr. 1 1 Merchantville Bridge pier, 55 M 1— Tr. 1— . . . Tr. 3 1 . . . Formation. 62 M 1— ... ... Tr ... 4 1— ... 70 M 1— . .. 2 1— Tr. 76 M Tr. 1— 2 1— Bet 1 ......... M 3 . . . Tr. . . . Tr. 3 BIOSTRATIGRAPHIC ANALYSIS By NORMAN F. SOHL and JAMES F. MELLO The prime objective of this section is to integrate the biostratigraphic interpretations with those de- rived from the rock stratigraphy. In order to do this it was necessary not only to evaluate the strati- graphic distribution of faunas along the Chesapeake and Delaware Canal but to attempt to relate them to other parts of the Coastal Plain. To understand the problems facing those attempting to use the available information for purposes of correlation, one must first realize the limitations imposed by the nature of the record. Therefore a critical analysis of the New Jersey Late Cretaceous larger invertebrate fauna has been given as a necessary prelude to rational application of the data. Primary responsibility for the opinions expressed in the sections dealing with the megapaleontology and for the correlation charts rests with Sohl. The interpretations presented in the micropaleontologic section are those of Mello. MEGAPALEONTOLOGIC STUDIES NORTHERN ATLANTIC COASTAL PLAIN PROBLEMS OF REGIONAL CORRELATION Correlation of the Upper Cretaceous sequence of the northern Atlantic Coastal Plain with other areas has been based primarily upon the megafossils. The main basis for correlation has been the two broad zones of Exogym costata and Exogym ponderosa, proposed by Stephenson in 1914, that are recognized along the Coastal Plain from New Jersey to Mexico. Stephenson later (1923, pl. 8) proposed another zone, that of Exogyra cancellata, which was included in the lower part of the E. costatar zone (fig. 23), but it was not until 1933 that he recognized the E. cancellata zone in the Mount Laurel Sand of New Jersey. The confusion surrounding the relationships of the New Jersey Cretaceous sequence to others of the Coastal Plain was well expressed in the 1942 correlation chart (Stephenson and others, 1942, p. 436): The absence of sharply defined faunal zones of regional ex- tent in some parts of the series and lack of knowledge as to the number and vertical distribution of the diastems and unconformities have rendered diflicult the accurate vertical placing of some of the recognized lithologic units; this dif- ficulty has been experienced especially in the North Atlantic Coastal Plaini“**. Recent summaries, such as that of Richards and others (1958, 1962), have done little to refine the correlation, offering only such broad and undocu- 29 BIOSTRATIGRAPHIC ANALYSIS émwaa .wmaH «mama? was mEmSuE Eogw cofiwmfioo Sam: .36 .9? 28 mo and.” oannwmawfiw 23 3.5onme on: ~83“? Scum Somuoh BQZ no 938 380330 BRAD 23 59G 3?me magma—H2: we mownafllém 55th :cfimctom 532$ :oSmth zfiowwg :39.»th Ezfizanohoz ~35 fiancee? :ofiwfiuom Epofimzmam :onmgoh =33=3WES EOSNEO'W Swflciwa wcam 3.53 «552 :ofiafihoh xfimgnz vcmm xcmm gm gum :SEH 30 STRATIGRAPHY 0F OUTCROPPING POST-M AGOTHY UPPER CRETACEOUS FORMATIONS mented correlations as “the Monmouth group is roughly equivalent to the Peedee Formation of the Carolinas, the Navarro of Texas and part of the Maestrichtian of Europe” (Richards and others, 1958, p. 17). That this condition exists is superficially astound- ing. Perhaps because of the proximity of this area to eastern centers of research, the New Jersey Cretaceous sequence and its fauna, through the ef- forts of such men as Morton, Gabb, Conrad, Whit- field, Clark, and Weller was, at an early date, better known and more thoroughly investigated than any other area on the Coastal Plain. By 1907, Weller, in his exhaustive monograph on the New Jersey Cretaceous faunas, had seemingly set a firm founda- tion for future study of the Upper Cretaceous bio- stratigraphy of the northern Atlantic Coastal Plain. According to the most recent summary by Richards and others (1958, 1962), there are 428 species of mollusks in the Upper Cretaceous sequence of New Jersey. Figure 21 is a plot of these species, each vertical line illustrating the total range of an individ- ual species as cited in Richards and others (1962). With such a large fauna and the large number of supposed stratigraphically restricted species one might assume that zonation would be simple. Why then is this not so? One reason why this seeming wealth of biostrati- graphic information has not yielded more precise correlation is that the majority of the described species have never been reported outside New Jersey and Delaware. For example, 99 of the 148 species of gastropods and 173 of the 249 species of pelecypods (about 77 percent of the described species) were erected solely for New Jersey speci- mens. This endemic aspect is not so real as it is a reflection of taxonomic provinciality and poor state of preservation of the fauna. The effect of state of preservation of the fauna is shown in figure 22 in which the number of species based upon internal molds or steinkerns is plotted against the number based on well-preserved material or mixed well-preserved and steinkern material. For example, about 80 percent of the gastropod species are based upon internal molds, many of which are not determinable even at the generic level. Further critical analysis of the gastropod fauna shows that 32 percent of the described species have been cor- rectly identified to genus, 38 percent have been in- correctly identified generically, and the remaining 30 percent are generically indeterminate. The biostrati- graphic utility of the pelecypods is hampered, furthermore, by citation of an overlong range that comes from assignment of steinkerns to species based upon well-preserved specimens from a dif- ferent stratigraphic level. When species described from other areas are cited as occurring in New Jersey, it is difficult to reconcile NUMBER OF SPECIES 0 50 100 l O 50 100 I GOOD MIXED STEINKERNSW GASTROPODA PELECYPODA NUMBER OF SPECIES O 50 100 150 200 250 I l | 1 GOOD MIXED STEINKERNS / / TOTAL FIGURE 22.—State of preservation of the described Late Cretaceous pelecypod and gastropod fauna of New Jersey. Good, species described from well-preserved specimens. Mixed, species description based on both well-preserved and poorly preserved specimens. Steinkerns, species descriptions based entirely upon internal molds. BIOSTRATIGRAPHIC ANALYSIS 3]. their ranges in New Jersey with their stratigraphic ranges elsewhere in the Coastal Plain. History plays a part in this story. Most of the species in question were described in the mid-1800’s by T. A. Conrad and W. M. Gabb from the Campanian and Maestrichtian of the Ripley, Owl Creek, and Prairie Bluff Formations of Alabama and Mississippi. The early paleontologists in New Jersey naturally looked to these descriptions for comparison with their ma- terial. Knowledge of the stratigraphy was scant, and they can be forgiven their misidentifications, but later workers with much more information available have done little to rectify the situation, treating these early identifications as inviolate. These circumstances are sufficient to explain why correlation based upon megainvertebrates is impre- cise for the Cretaceous formations of the northern Atlantic Coastal Plain, but to these impediments to the utilization of the available biostratigraphic in- formation, we must add the common lack of precise geographic and stratigraphic information as to the source of the collections. For example, Weller and others believed that the Mount Laurel Sand and Navesink Formation could not be distinguished on either faunal or lithic grounds. This opinion has led to lumping of the faunas of the two formations and thus the unnecessary lengthening of the stated ranges of many of the species (fig. 21). Minard and ' Owens (1962) have amply demonstrated that the two units can be lithically differentiated and mapped, and, as discussed herein, the faunas differ as well. The biostratigraphic problems outlined in the pre- ceding discussion will obviously not be solved until there is a thorough and critical revision of the avail- able information that involves extensive collecting of fossils from carefully measured and precisely located stratigraphic sections. Such investigations are in progress by the authors and others. REVISED CORRE LATIONS Figure 23 is an attempt at a more refined correla- tion of the Upper Cretaceous formations of the northern Atlantic Coastal Plain. It is based upon reinterpretation of existing data coupled with pre- liminary results of investigations now in progress. As is obvious, much reliance is placed upon the use of ammonites as a biostratigraphic tool. Because of the general rarity of distinctive ammonites in the faunal assemblages of this region, other types of mollusks have previously been used (for example, Exogym). However, from new finds, the literature, and information from older collections in such in- stitutions as the Yale Peabody Museum, it was found that more than 30 species of ammonites occur in the area. The inoceramids, another useful but neg- lected tool, are now under study, and it is hoped that they will eventually yield additional aid in zon- ing the stratigraphic sequence. At present, this in- formation permits more detailed correlation than did the three broad zones based upon Exogym. In ad- dition, some correlations can be made between the Coastal Plain and the western interior. The correlation chart includes only generalized stratigraphic columns for areas outside the northern Atlantic Coastal Plain. The numbers included with the formation names indicate the occurrence of cer- tain species in that unit, the names of which are given at the left-hand margin along with the range of the species as represented by the vertical lines as- sociated with the species. Correlation of the Merchantville, Englishtown, and Marshalltown Formations and the Mount Laurel Sand is dealt with separately and in detail in other parts of this paper, but some departures from the correlation chart by Stephenson and others (1942) need clarification. Considering first of all the stages (fig. 24), it has been common practice to equate the Monmouth Group (the Mount Laurel Sand and younger Cretaceous formations) with the Maestrichtian Stage, and the Matawan Group (Merchantville through the Wenonah Formations) with the Campanian. The Mount Laurel Sand and equivalent units of the Exogym cancellata zone in the gulf coast have yielded ammonites (Anaklinocems, Didymo- cems, and baculites) of the Baculites compressus zone fauna, which strongly suggest a mid-late Campanian age. Recent finds of scaphitid ammonites in the Monmouth Formation of the western shore of Maryland are, according to W. A. Cobban (written commun., January 1965), similar to those in the Baculz'tes clinolobatus zone of the uppermost part of the Pierre Shale in the western interior, to which he assigns an early Maestrichtian age. On the Coastal Plain and the western interior, the wide- spread discoidal ammonite Sphenodiscus first ap- pears in beds at about the same stratigraphic level as the Maryland ammonite. In terms of the New Jersey sequence, this would place the Campanian- Maestrichtian boundary in the upper part of the Navesink Formation. The base of the Campanian lies somewhat below but close to the base of the Mer- chantville Formation where Scaphites hippocrepis (DeKay) occurs. The Upper Cretaceous formations of the northern Atlantic Coastal Plain range in age from Ceno- STRATIGRAPHY 0F OUTCROPPING POST-MAGOTHY UPPER CRETACEOUS FORMATIONS 32 .mcomfiwfinom :wuflwm-umcg 383330 EHED 23 mo nosfivhoolfim BEER 7 . 7 ‘ Ea S :33 noggin mu m 7 7 7 7 7 wwmmeamm w m N H vefiuazb 2on M m 7 7 _ . mo .3? 253 m m I m. M. J. N d 7 7 7 . -0:on zosE< m... w. h. Eu .3 o m A / o \ m .H , m . . LI7 mums 5&3: .A .1 vm I 38: s o w E N .8802 w $852 w m .H 7 7 \ a passion m .H I m 7 :osuELom zammwn e e 7 :2 auto . m3: W . . wcam u. ucmm W1. :23th 7 7 .u m 238932 a N. w I w v AEHV N QBMEEOF w ovnMEEOH U Baazm KASHGWNE $003,320 w —II a. a. m. 0 Z. 615: N w .m .5: N .._. WWW. 8 w .p .m b .m .H a: w m .5: m .b .o .v 2:13... W I Wmn w 0W :osantoh cosactom m Wm“ M w W. W m. 2:22.203: £32295: m w m mwm m 83: 263 m. . , m 2 .w mm m m 0 Md ~ h: hm ” “a 1 A 75d w 7 S :b m :Bowéfifi e S .a .5: w s .m w . 7 . d Wm w. m. m 0 o 7 7 7 S w )m. n . q Sunfish a 7 x. . as p a: w m n wcmw W :BBEEm O 7 .30 w n Wm w. 3.5 x 7 7 7 7 7 :23. a. m, .EttEm. a M mm 3:82 was E m $3532 M cosafigoh :8?th W Wm m .36 £85 Sfifié :So wcmWwdfi m aaozeaqm saosmzmsm W % MW 3 g 9 u; 9 1. m n. /\/\/\/\./\/\/\/\/\/\./\/\/.\/\/\(III P m. 3 m. 1. L . o n m n m n. r. a n uflflflfi m. wwfihww m m m m m S u :Efifigob :oSaEgom Ww m m m . . 1 9 95 Ranch W m :Bofi_m£w§2 :Bcuzwzmgmz W W m B: W. m m m £55 ,w .3852 $952 7 7 7 7 7 7 N . Nu W m WM . m. 1 III W :5 Bocw 7 H S wwi .s; WI. ENS £82:va \y .E .2/ O 3am . 7 7 :oSmEuom H m Mm m WW . . / U. Sammso 7 .. smegma a s s. E H #83:; S E 2 L3: 732,] ”I. S .E .2 .fi H m 7 7 7 M m m: H23 2 WW.” 9 Am.» tonbim H .m. 7 E 2 .2 m m w mm W , q 0 I m E1: .2 .3 .2 . «é» 9 K .E .3 .2 .3 .2 .S .3 .2 .3 .2 e d mm.» w m in: 2.2 m» wfiivob H. N. . . . Yam 3am m S W.» m n £32.3me #125 #60 0 .dl w 2 2 E Q 3.53 3.53 m. W1 m m n m ) ass; a... .M u. 2...... as. W W. WW W, mm... \\ .d 0 m u. . w .m 0 D \\\ m 5 .34: “2.5.3 u 7 7 WWW Wmumm mMWWW 2 .S .S .2 . . \ coficfiom 7 Wm m. m 0% m m, n a E: S W . z. 9 Mn] wmsv E m 25 m. .335 7 a .2 .3 mm” m.,. m m m. w m H £8332 |.||. u :ofimctom . any—$8.8m a u. s Woman Wm. m Qu. .01 . :oSdeZ \HN om ml? fi|.|4J/ mowowm main my M WWW m m Wm n $.33 S Lyonfiwzr [ZN cm 2 r 7 x . z 11 mag mmwm meW v32 mcsmucwm 3:62: P cm W HRHm 9 mg n «sawoioo «amigo wwfiaccb 2 W NN Ww mam mmowvwmm MN .8 .2 w m m m: .vm .NN .HN .om .3 wN findm m w ( mm .8 .2 E2 :2?th . . . . . 3 AN .HN .3 .2 3 .8 .2 . . ism Ex 3. ,n. QEwM mun—m 2.:ng wocwugohm “85$th 7 wcdm w W fisofizoz :SEE mam? $3....wa EEmmmmmmE Efimflwmmi «Egoww 328.8 582 .0 d :Sawnimag whim 589% .322. .52 “$238: $853: 58%? .«o 366? whmaflma 28 was was EEENS ewwmo::we .23an «Exam? E333 Ewumsm 33 BIOSTRATIGRAPHIC ANALYSIS e22 may 83: 9.230 as mcafia $33 $89 88: Sagan ER .53:QO Amway zEEH us.» 69:52 $an 585335 a“? 832%; d 1 I v d n m n n b IIJ a n w n n y H n n ms 1mm wd mam mm mm m Wm ym mm k 1 t L n t .l. t t t y t h H t t s a n o a 1 a h a b a n a t a 1 a n m e m t a n m a .m m d 1 a o r m W V D S e h m .l. r C h m g a r n B a m u W o m o 8 o m o a 0 R 0 1 o n T M N F M F W F E F W W F M F F R 535E332 :Ecmmfino Saab :EEEENO 53o: :E:8:awa éfluflaoo cinch—E. cfinmfioamo :afisowfimomz cflamnfiwo 55‘3”th oz :m_:an:oo an. o: m3 ? :wEEEw #3535“ :Eomao 52:8: 525525 .E . _ . . . . . . aflcsgm :mssugwwaz :EENQENO I:m_o§:oo mam—~25. :mEmEccoo cam—5:332 7% :EEEENU 7__.:w_:8cmw ! :fiuflgo 52.8.59 caEmEocwo :smcwafiso :wtvnmfim :wEEFH :nEqucwo FIGURE 24.—-Comparison of stage nomenclature as it has been applied to the Upper Cretaceous sequence in New Jersey. 34 STRATIGRAPHY OF OUTCROPPING POST-MAGOTHY UPPER CRETACEOUS FORMATIONS manian to Maestrichtian. The Raritan Formation is the oldest of these. According to Stephenson (1954), the Woodbridge clay of Kummel and Knapp (1904) of the Raritan Formation contains a marine fauna of Cenomanian age and most probably would equate with the mid-Cenomanian-age faunas. The Amboy stoneware clay of Kiimmel and Knapp (1904), formerly considered as the uppermost unit of the Raritan Formation, contains pollen of San- tonian age (J. A. Wolfe, oral commun., 1968; Doyle, 1969, table 2), and is now considered the basal unit of the Magothy Formation. On the basis of field relationships, the Raritan appears restricted to the Raritan Bay area of New Jersey. The white clays exposed at the base of the Chesapeake and Delaware Canal section belong to the Potomac Group lithologi- cally, but may, at least in part, be of Cenomanian age. The next highest unit, the Magothy Formation, is of Santonian to early Campanian age. Marine faunas have been found only in the upper part of the forma- tion, and these are restricted to the northernmost outcrops in the vicinity of Cliffwood, N.J. As in- dicated in figure 23, Baculites asper Morton ranges from the late Santonian into the early Campanian. Another significant species, Ostrea cretacea Morton, has been reported from the Magothy of the Cliffwood area by Richards and others (1958, p. 1040). This species is a common form in the Tombigbee Sand Member of the Eutaw Formation of the gulf coast in units considered of late Santonian to early Cam— panian age. On the basis of pollen and spore analysis, J. A. Wolfe (oral commun., 1968) has assigned the Amboy stoneware and Morgan beds to the late Santonian, but he states that the Cliffwood flora con- tains elements previously known only from the Campanian. Thus, there appears to be a significant time gap separating the Raritan and Magothy For- mations. There are no dateable marine Turonian or Coniacian rocks cropping out in the northern Atlan- tic Coastal Plain or, for that matter, to the south, until the Alabama outcrops. The age of the Merchantville Formation is dis- cussed later, but it is a readily correlative early Campanian unit. J. B. Reeside Jr. (in Richards and others, 1962, p. 126), reported that an ammonite closely akin to Scaphites leei Reeside occurs in the Woodbury Clay. The specimen more likely belongs to S. hippocrepis III of Cobban, a species that is a component of the early Campanian faunas of the western interior and the Coastal Plain. The Englishtown Formation has a small fauna in Delaware and virtually no fauna in New Jersey, so that at present little can be done in terms of precise correlation. The Marshalltown Formation fauna is discussed in detail later. Its fauna is of late early or early late Campanian age. The Wenonah Formation cannot be distinguished with ease at present on a faunal basis. The ammonite Placenticeras does occur in the formation, but its lineage on the Coastal Plain is too poorly understood to aid in correlation at present. Another ammonite, Memu‘tes? aff. M. complexus (Hall and Meek), is reported from the formation by Reeside (in Richards and others, 1962, p. 122). This species occurs in the early late Campanian Gregory Member of the Pierre Shale in the western interior; however, Reeside ex- pressed the opinion that the New Jersey specimen probably represented a distinct but related species. The only other significant form reported from the Wenonah Formation in New Jersey is Flemingites subspatulata (Forbes) (see Richards and others, 1958, p. 106). Sohl (1964a, fig. 12) has indicated that this species ranges through that part of the Exogyra costata zone above the zone of E. cancellata. Later studies in the Cretaceous rocks of the Chat- tahoochee River region of Georgia and Alabama have shown that F. subspatulata is part of an evolv- ing lineage beginning with smaller and thinner early forms appearing in the Cusseta Sand Member of the Ripley Formation just below the first occurrence of E. cancellata. The normal large thick-shelled form ranges through the E. costata zone of the Ripley Formation and gives rise, in the basal part of the Providence Sand, to a large but more slender, less curved, and sharper beaked form. The specimens figured by Weller (1907) and by Richards and others (1958) are internal molds, but in size, shape, and the reflection of resilifer and muscle scar they are certainly suggestive of the early form of Flemingites subspatulata that occurs in the upper part of the Cusseta Sand Member. Thus, the Wenonah Forma- tion appears to correlate with the uppermost part of the Exogym ponderosa zone and perhaps the low- est part of the E. cancellata zone. As discussed more fully later, the assemblage of ammonites and other mollusks in the Mount Laurel Sand is of mid-late Campanian age and can be cor- related readily with units throughout the Atlantic and Gulf Coastal Plains. The age limits of the Navesink Formation are at present a problem. The presence of Bacuh’tes clavi- formz's Stephenson in the lower part of the forma- tion and the one specimen of Sphenodz'scus (Minard BIOSTRATIGRAPHIC ANALYSIS 35 and others, 1969, p. H13), recovered supposedly from the upper part of the formation, suggests a close equivalency with the Nacatoch Sand of Texas. A recent collection of ammonites made by H. Men— drych of North Arlington, N.J., from the lower part of the Navesink Formation at the classic At- lantic Highlands section, has, according to W. A. Cobban (written commun., 1968) , yielded specimens that are closely related to western interior and gulf coast species. Species of Exitelocems, Nostoceras, and Scaphites (Hoploscaphites) are represented. In total, they are closely related to species from late Campanian Baculites cuneatus and B. reesidei zones of the Pierre Shale. In summation, the Navesink Formation appears to range in age from late Campanian to earliest Maestrichtian. The Tinton and Red Bank Sands of New Jersey contain a varied assemblage, including a number of stratigraphically restricted but widespread species such as Baculites columna Morton which occur in equivalent formations as far away as Texas and the western interior. Other species such as Trigom'a, cerulz’a Whitfield (=T. haynesensis Stephenson) found in the Providence Sand of Georgia and in the highest beds of the Peedee Formation are restricted in distribution to the East Gulf and Atlantic Coastal Plains. These formations are definitely of Maestrich- tian age but how much of this stage is represented is debatable. At present I (Sohl) feel that on the outcrop, the Tinton and Red Bank represent no more than the lower half of the Maestrichtian and that the overlying formations rest unconformably on the Cretaceous sequence throughout the northern At- lantic Coastal Plain (see also Minard and others, 1969). SUMMARY OF CRETACEOUS MEGAFAUNA In the northern Atlantic Coastal Plain, precise correlation based on megafossils has been hindered by: 1. Dependence on comparison of poorly preserved New Jersey fossils with well-preserved fossils of other areas. 2. Misidentification of well-preserved material. 3. Taxonomic provinciality, which has erroneously lent the New Jersey fauna an endemic aspect. 4. Poor documentation as to source of collections. 5 Lumping together of assemblages from more than one formation. 6. Misidentification of formations. Revised correlation based primarily on ammonite occurrence shows that: 1. The Upper Cretaceous formations of northern New Jersey range in age from the Cenomanian Raritan Formation at its base to the early Maestrichtian Tinton Sand at its top. 2. On the Chesapeake and Delaware Canal, the lowermost fossiliferous Upper Cretaceous unit, the Magothy, is of Santonian to early Cam- panian age, and the uppermost unit, the Mount Laurel Sand, is early late Campanian. 3. Nowhere in the region are there dateable marine beds of Turonian or Coniacian age. CRETACEOUS MEGAFAUNA FOSSILS FROM THE CHESAPEAKE AND DELAWARE CANAL The fossils from the Chesapeake and Delaware Canal section, like those from New Jersey, are com- monly poorly preserved. Calcitic oyster shells are, however, well preserved in some places. Fortunately, sideritic concretions and phosphatic nodules are present in most rock units, and these afford external molds of sufficient quality to allow precise deter- mination. In tables 5, 7, and 8, those taxa marked by an asterisk are known only as internal molds. Except where distinctive characters are shown, no attempt has been made to perpetuate the illusion of certain identification by assigning such molds to a species. Some molds can be assigned to a group composed of similar species. For example, some molds of the pelecypod Nucula, can be placed in the percmssa lineage and others in the amica lineage, but they cannot be assigned with certainty to an individual species. Many gastropods from the canal that are listed only as indeterminable internal molds could perhaps be assigned to species described from New Jersey, but as this would be only a comparison of similar internal molds of uncertain affinities, it seems more a semantic exercise than a taxonomic determination. MERCHANTVILLE FORMATION FAUNAL CHARACTERISTICS The Merchantville Formation contains the largest megainvertebrate fauna of any formation exposed along the canal. One hundred and three genera and subgenera of mollusks (see table 5) are represented (56 pelecypods, 40 gastropods, 5 ammonites, 2 scaphopods). Seventy-six species are definitely as- signed to or compared with previously described species. The remainder are represented by material sufl‘icient only for generic placement. Fossils occur mainly in concretions that are con- centrated in zones in the lower and more coarsely clastic part of the Merchantville. Fossils are rarer 36 STRATIGRAPHY OF OUTCROPPING POST-M AGOTHY UPPER CRETACEOUS FORMATIONS TABLE 5.—Megairwertebrate distribution in the Merchant'ville Formation in the Chesapeake and Delaware Canal area and New Jersey [A, Occurrence of the species outside the Merchantville Formation of the canal'area: x, rare occurrence (1—5 specimens); 0, common occurrence (5—15 specimens); I. abundant occurrenoe (15+ specimens); *, known only as internal molds] Chesapeake and Delaware New Jersey Canal g In eltu 5 Middle and . . . 3 Lower Upper Posmon uncertain .a “ i o .... I: .n a t: 3 é o s: E; g E ‘5 G "I E r: 3 h 4-» o A: > in 3 8 3 E = >3 '5 g >. ‘E '5 8 = g ,4 E .2 4" g .9 fl '2 .Q '5 2 E +1 ._.m=Nmuwbmvoab-mmwaocauca—oo'v:m0: gaze::2:e$::eaeeepse$:'aesBuss: ‘ : {31223455555555525255ESSSSrg‘EEBHEBE Pelecypoda: ' Nucula whitfieldi Weller? ------------------------------------------------------------------ X X X X A A A A A 1 " (Gabb) . x x A Nuculana cf. N. compressifrtms (Whitfield) .............................. ._ x x _ A A N ' ? sp x Yoldia, papyria (Conrad)? .............................................................. x A Trigonia sp *Trigonia sp _ Nemodon cf. N. neusensts (Stephenson) _ SD Area 51) _ .. Barbatia carolinenszs (Stephenson) ................. Breviarca cf. B. haddonfietdensis Stephenson . x SD Idonearca cf. 1. vulgaris (Morton) .............................................. __ SD *Idanearca sp Glueymeris sp *Pinna laqueata Conrad *Pinna sp Lithophaga sp Pteria cf. petrosa Conrad .................. Gervitliopsis ensifarmis (Conrad) lnoceramus sp Syncyelonema simplicius (Conrad) conradi (Whitfield) ................... Camptoneetes bellisculptus (Conrad) .. Neithea quinqueeostata (Sowerby) of Weller .. Plicatula n. sp Lima 51) Exogyra ponderosa Roemer Ostrea mesenteriea Morton falcata Morton *Ostrea sp Anemia cf. A. argentaria Morton . cf. A. radiata Weller . Paranomia scabra Morton Astarte? SD Crassatella cf. C. roodsensis Stephenson ...................................... .. cf. C. car " «in Conrad cf. C. newkirkensis Stephenson .............................................. .. Crassatella sp Vetericardia sp xxxxxxxxxxxxi x5 xxxxxxi EN bi >>§ bi >>§ ixx: xxxg x; xxxxé x; xx; Lucina sp Aenona? sp r. Linearia metast'riata Conrad ............................................................ contraeta Whitfield .- maynoliense Stephenson .......................................................... .. Tellina sp *Tellina sp ‘— Unieardium cf. U. umbonatum (Whitfield) ................................ .. Solyma sp Cardium (Pm-l- ‘dium) or", ' Conrad (Criocardium) sp (Granocardimn) tenuistriatum (Whitfield) .. dumosum Conrad n. sp (Traehyeardium) eufaulensis Conrad (Trachyeardium ?) uniformis Weller longstreeti Weller .. SDD Isocardia sp Cymbophora? sp .. Etea cf. E. earolinensis Conrad ...................................................... SD *Etea? 51') r. Veniella conradi Weller non Conrad .............................................. ,V Aphrodina sp Cyprimeria sp Legumen planulatum (Conrad) .7 concentricum Stephenson ...... n. sp Anatymya sp .l Pholadomya oeeidentalis (Morton) ................................................ .l Pholas cithara Morton Photos? sp BIOSTRATIGRAPHIC ANALYSIS 37 TABLE 5.—Megairwertebrate distribution in the Merchantville Formation in the Chesapeake and Delaware Canal area and New Jersey—Continued [A, Occurrence of the species outside the Merchantville Formation of the canal area; ><, rare occurrence (1—5 specimens); 0, common occurrence (5»15 specimens); I, abundant occurrence (15+ specimens) ; *. known only as internal molds] Chesapeake and Delaware New J ersey Canal E In situ 5 Middle and . . . a E Lower Upper Posrtlon uncertaln a o .3: «“2“ .= .h g ‘3 a a F 2 8 g = = z 3 ‘ a = 3 ‘5‘ a 5 7'; '8 § .4 '2 g >. "E B 8 § ‘1 S .5 a a 4;, .n 5 u g .5 Te § 3 -,: '5 t: > m <0 =9 r m w o :7: iv an u: no a: o c: H a: .— o '5 'U ;: '5 G m x. g 06 H co u: u: m u: v co oo o a: :0 H o co as s! '5 an :- O be h = , =“°§5555355335355552‘;a“~°:mwa H E E [3] H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H (I) S S 3 m E 3 2 Pelecypoda—Continued. . Caesticorbula er" ,' (Gabb) A .. x x X x x x x X A A A Caryocorbula sp Parmicorbula sp _ .. Corbula cf. C. swedesboroensw Weller ............................................ A, A ED Panopea deeisa Conrad A Kummelia sp Cymella belle. Conrad A cf. C. irone'nsis Stephenson Liopistha alternata Weller? ...... of. L. pretexta (Conrad) .. Gastropoda: Urceolabrum mantachiensis Sohl? ............................... Calliomphalus (Calliomphalus) paucispirilua Sohl . (Planolateralis) n. sp ..... Lazispira lumbricalis Gabb Turritella merchantvillensis Weller .. cf. T. merchantvillensis Weller n. sp Haustator quadrilira (Johnson) ...................................................... Cerithium cf. C. ' ‘ Wade Cerithiella n. sp Opalia (Opalia?) n. sp .................................................................... Acrilla? n. sp Graciliala johnsom'. ( Stephenson) .................................................. .. 5D .. Arrhoyes (Latiala) cf. A. (L.) lobata (Wade) ........................ .. Latiala) sp ’A'nchura'! sp Pterocerella aft. P. poinsettiformis Stephenson Tundora cf. T. tuberculata Stephenson Xenophon sp Trichotropis m, (Gabb) cf. Vmikoropsis ambigua (Meek and Hayden) .. GyrodfesGafi. CZ; major Wa e ...................................... c . . a Gabb SDI) .. Empira aft. E. rectilabrum (Conrad) ........................................ Sp .. Pseudamaura lepta Sohl .................................................................. .- ‘Ecpho'ra? sp .. Sargana cf. S. stantom’ (Weller) .................................................. .. Canthamlus? sp A ' fame? S .- Dn'lluta afl'. D. dictum (Conrad) .................................................. .. Drilluta? sp Bellifusus n. sp Hercorh'mchus n sp. Pm-ifusue ' ‘ ‘ Sohl Pyropsis sp N , n. sp Liapeplum cf. L. tho-r ' Sf " m Lonaoconcha sp -- Paladmete cf. P. cancellaria Conrad ............................................ ~- C n.I sp. SD A ' ‘ n. sp Acteon sp N ‘ ‘ 3D Ringicula n. sp Anisommm cf. A. borealis (Meek and Hayden) ........................ Cephalopoda: Bamlites cf. 3. minerensis Landes ................................................ SD Seaphites hippocrepia (Dekay) Placenticeraa placenta (Dekay) .. Snbmartoniceras 1“ ' Young Membites (Delawarella) delawarensis (Morton) .................... Ammonite undet Scapgopoda: A wbar ‘ Conrad Cadul'us obnatus Conrad .................................................................... Chaetopoda: Serp’ula sp Hamulus major Gabb Longitubus 3p Indeterminate echinoids XX .ixx xxxx xxx! xxx; x; xxx? XXXXXXXXXXXE Exxxxi XXXXXXXXE ix xxxxxx; >>§ >3 FE 38 STRATIGRAPHY OF OUTCROPPING POST-MAGOTHY UPPER CRETACEOUS FORMATIONS TABLE 5.—Megain’uertebrate distribution in the Merchantville Formation in the Chesapeake and Delaware Canal area and New Jersey —Continued Merchantuille Formation 17715. Material in place at water’s edge on north side of Chesapeake and Delaware Canal at station 56+600. Delaware. Collected by C. W. Carter. 1935 37. North side Chesapeake and Delaware Canal at station 53+500. Dela- ware. Collected by C. W. Carter, 1935-37. North side of Chesapeake and Delaware Canal at station 53+500, about 1,300 ft west of Summit Bridge, Del. Fossils taken from formation at water’s edge and up to 6 ft above water in the bank. Collected by C. W. Carter, 1935—37. South side of Chesapeake and Delaware Canal at station 53+200, Delaware. Material taken from concretions collected in place at water’s edge. Collected by C. W. Carter, 1935~37. Clay lens in top of formation, south side of Chesapeake and Delaware Canal. approx at station 65+000, Delaware. Collected by C. W. Carter. 1935—37. South side of Chesapeake and Delaware Canal at station 62+550. Delaware. Material from a dry lens in top of formation. Collected by C. W. Carter, 1935—37. From the fossiliferous clay lens at top of Crosswicks Clay (equiva- lent to Merchantville Formation and Woodbury Clay), north side of Chesapeake and Delaware Canal, approx at station 61+000. Delaware. Collected by C. W. Carter, 1935—37. Upper Cretaceous. In sandy top of formation at water’s edge on west side of Summit Bridge, Chesapeake and Delaware Canal. Del. Collected by C. W. Carter, 1935—37. Friable material in a sandy lens about 3 ft thick and 300 ft long in top of Merchantville at the Penn Central Railroad’s Chesapeake and Delaware Canal bridge (formerly Pennsylvania, Baltimore, 17736. 17756. 17757. 17693. 17754. 17740. 17689. 17687. and Washington bridge) on south side of the canal, Delaware. Collected by C W. Carter, 1935—37. At station 63+000 (south side) about 1 mile east of Maryland-Dela- ware line, Chesapeake and Delaware Canal, Del. Collected by C. Carter 1935— 37. South side of Chesapeake and Delaware Canal (in place) at station 62+500, Delaware. approx 1 mile east of Maryland-Delaware line. Collected by C. W. Carte., 1935— 37. South side Chesapeake and Delaware Canal at station 62+000, Dela- ware. Collected by C. W. Carter, 1935 —3. Station 59+850 (north side), 8,000 ft east of Maryland-Delaware line, Chesapeake and Delaware Canal. Del. Collected by C. W. Carter. 1935-37. Material in place at station 59+850, north side of Chesapeake and Delaware Canal. 1%, miles west of Summit Bridge. Del. Collected by C. W. Carter, 1935—37. North side Chesapeake and Delaware Canal at station 57+000, Dela- ware. Collected by C. W. Carter, 1935—37. South side of Chesapeake and Delaware Canal (in place) at station 62+, Delaware. Approx 1 mile east of Maryland-Delaware line. Collected by C. W. Carter, 1935—37. South side Chesapeake and Delaware Canal at station 55+500. Dela- ware. Material contained in concretions in place at water’s edge. Collected by C. W. Carter, 1935—37. Near base of excavation for abutments of new railroad (Penn Cen- tral) bridge over Chesapeake and Delaware Canal just west and approx 1,600 ft south of old bridge, New Castle County. Del. Col- lected by N. F. Sohl, R. W. Imlay. and Jack Wolfe. 1963. 17703. 17695. 17738. 17719. 17700. 17739. 17691. 17749. 28824. Collections from spoil banks 17692. Old dump (1925 dredging) on road from Summit Bridge to Kirk- wood, Del., 2% miles east of Summit Bridge. Collected by C. W. Carter, 1935—37. 17696. Old disposal area on north side of Chesapeake and Delaware Canal, at station 53+500. Delaware. Collected by C. W. Carter, 1935—37. 17698. Old dump (1925 dredging) on road from Summit Bridge to Kirk- wood. Del., 1/é mile east of Summit Bridge. Collected by C. W Carter, 1935—37. Disposal area north side Chesapeake and Delaware Canal at the Penn Central Railroad’s Chesapeake and Delaware Canal bridge, Del~ 17688. in the upper part of the formation in the finer grained and more micaceous beds. For the most part, fossils in these micaceous clayey silts occur as poorly preserved impressions, but Carter, during his col- lecting from the canal section, made several collec- tions from “clay lenses in the top of the formation” (see table 5, locs. 17693, 17754). No fossils from so high a position within the Merchantville were col- lected during this survey. Though the specimens are devoid of shell material, when the sideritic concretions from the lower part of the formation are split, they yield excellent external molds associated with the internal molds. Latex rubber impressions of the external molds show all the characters of sculpture and form, and when combined with the characters of the columella and aperture that can be learned from examination of the internal molds, identification can be precise. In table 5, the first three columns from left to right list the species found in common in the Merchantville and the other fossiliferous formations of the canal section. In the next columns to the right, the collec- tions from the Merchantville are arranged in stratigraphic order. The specimens in collections listed as “position uncertain” were found in place but are not assignable to a specific level; they most probably belong to the lower part of the formation. In summary, the formation bears a larger and more diverse fauna in its lower than in its upper beds. Throughout the formation, gastropods are in- dividually more abundant and diverse than the aware. Collected by C. W. Carter, 1935—37. 16225. Dredgings from Chesapeake and Delaware Canal, north side, about a mile east of Summit Bridge, New Castle County, De]. Collected by .W. Stephenson, Sept. 17, 1932 16579. Chesapeake and Delaware Canal, Deep Cut. Del. Collected by L. W. Stephenson. 15896. Chesapeake and Delaware Canal, from dredgings thrown out of the canal on the north side within 2, 000 ft west of Summit Bridge. 5??? Castle County, Del. Collected by L. W. Stephenson, Sept. 2. pelecypods. In all other formations along the canal, pelecypods are more abundant. In addition, cephalo- pods, primarily Placenticeras and Menabites (Dela- warella), are more abundant here than in the overlying formations. In some places individual con- cretions may be composed almost wholly of a single species. The deposit-feeding aporrhaid and filter- feeding turritellid snails are the most abundant ele- ments of the fauna. The algal or algal-detritus feeder Calliomphalus and possible mucous-string feeder Laxispira are also common snails that are abundant in some collections. No single pelecypod is abundant, but Pinna, Legamen, Pholadomya, and Panopea are of common occurrence. This abundance of deeper burrowing types of clams and the general sparcity of epifaunal pelecypods contrasts strongly with the faunas of the other formations along the canal in which epifaunal clams (oysters, pectens) and shal- low burrowers such as the cardiids predominate. COMPARISON WITH THE New JERSEY MOLLUSCAN FAUNA The Merchantville fauna of the Chesapeake and Delaware Canal compares closely with that of the Merchantville and Woodbury Formations of New Jersey. Species common to other formations are pri— marily those that, according to Richards and others (1962), range through most of the section. For instance, Geroilliopsis ensiformis (Conrad) and Pecten (Camptonectes) bellisculptus (Conrad) range from the Merchantville through the Mount Laurel Sand and Navesink Formation in New Jersey. Forty- BIOSTRATIGRAPHIC ANALYSIS 39 nine species present in the Merchantville Formation of the Chesapeake and Delaware Canal also occur in New Jersey. These are distributed as follows: _ ' Number of species Mount Laurel Sand-Navesmk Formation ........................ Wenonah Formation 17 Marshalltown Formation .................................................... 16 Englishtown Formation ........................................................ 2 Woodbury Clay ....... ..26 Merchantville Formation .................................................... 30 ...13 Magothy Formation The similarity of the Merchantville fauna of the canal section to that of the Woodbury in New Jersey is not surprising. In New Jersey, the Merchantville has yielded 118 species of mollusks, 66 of which, or more than 50 percent, also are reported from the Woodbury. The common occurrence of the strati- graphically restricted species Scaphites hippocrem's (DeKay) and Menabites (Delawarella) delawarensis (Morton) in the Merchantville of both States, how- ever, is strong evidence that the Chesapeake and Delaware Canal fauna correlates with the Merchant- ville fauna of New Jersey rather than with that of the Woodbury. (See fig. 23.) AGE AND CORRELATION The Merchantville Formation is accepted here as early Campanian in age (fig. 23), on the basis of the occurrence of the widespread ammonite species Scaphites hippocrem's (DeKay). This species occurs in rocks of this age from the western interior of the United States to Western Europe (Cobban, 1969). Scaphites hippocrepis has long been used as a zonal index in the western interior. A recent study by Cobban (1969) on the Scaphites leei Reeside and Scaphz'tes hippocrepis lineages in the western inte- rior has special bearing on the age of the Merchant- ville Formation. Cobban (1969, p. 6) has divided each species into three stratigraphically restricted types. Scaphites leei forms I and II are of late San- tonian age. S. leei form III is basal early Campanian and is followed in sequence by Scaphites hippocrem‘s forms I, II and III, all, however, being early Cam- panian. Cobban maintains that all forms illustrated from the Merchantville Formation by Reeside (in Richards and others, 1962, pl. 71, figs. 1—7), as well as those assigned by Reeside to S. afi. S. leei (Ree- side, in Richards and others, 1962, pl. 71, figs. 8—11) belong to S. hippocrepis form III. All the addi- tional material in the Merchantville collections was submitted to him, and these specimens he also as- signed to S. hippocrepis 111. Other stratigraphically important Merchantville species are listed on the correlation chart (fig. 23). In total, these ammonites afford strong evidence for correlation with the sections in other areas. Scaphites hippocrepis III is present in the Matawan Group of Maryland (Gardner, 1916). This occur- rence indicates an extension of Merchantville Forma- tion equivalents to the western shores of Chesapeake Bay. Units equivalent to the Merchantville Forma- tion may be represented by certain parts of the Black Creek Formation of North Carolina, but until more carefully collected and stratigraphically controlled material is available from that area, no refined correlation should be attempted. The Scaphites hippocrepis—Menabites (Delawarella) delawarensis fauna is represented in the medial part of the Bluff- town Formation of Georgia and Alabama, in the lower part of the Coffee Sand of Mississippi (Sohl, 1964b, p. 350), and in the Brownstown Marl of Arkansas. In Texas, the Dessau Formation of Dur- ham (1955), the Gober Tongue of the Austin Chalk, and the Burditt Marl of Adkins (1933) contain this fauna plus Submortonicems uddem’ Young (1963), which occurs also in the Merchantville Formation of the canal section (table 5, USGS 16225). The speci- men from the canal area is unfortunately from a Merchantville concretion from a spoil-pile collection and therefore cannot be precisely placed at a given level within the formation. However, along the canal, most of the sideritic concretions were observed to occur near the base of the formation. In the western interior, the Eagle Sandstone, the Telegraph Creek Formation, and equivalent units contain Scaphites hippocrem's. It is obvious in view of the above discussion that the Merchantville Formation is one of the more easily correlated units in the Upper Cretaceous strata of the Coastal Plain and that it is virtually coordinate in a time sense to at least the upper part of the Scaphites hippocrepis range zone. Evidence that the formation may include equivalents of some- what older units is the presence in a spoil-bank col- lection of Submortom'cems uddeml which should occur lower in the section than Scaphites hippocrepis III. In essence the evidence suggests that the Mer- chantville Formation is of early Campanian age but that it does not include beds of earliest Campanian age. The missing interval of earliest Campanian time is equivalent to the ranges in the western interior of the chronologic subspecies Scaphites leez‘ III and S. hippocrepis I and II of Cobban. This time interval may be represented by part of the Magothy Forma- tion, as is suggested on the correlation chart (fig. 23) . ENGLISHTOWN FORMATION Throughout its extent in New Jersey, the English- town Formation is virtually unfossiliferous. Fossils 40 STRATIGRAPHY OF OUTCROPPING POST-MAGOTHY UPPER CRETACEOUS FORMATIONS TABLE 6,—Megaimzertebrate distribution in the Englishiflwn eI;oririatiori in the Chesapeake and Delaware Canal area and ew ersey [A, Occurrence of the species outside the Englishtown Formation of the caml area; X. rare occurrence (1—5 specimens); 0, common occurrence (5—15 specimens); I. abundant occurrence (15+ specimens)] Chesapeake and Delaware Canal New Jersey 1 x .5 g 2'? 0 "' .— E E 2 5'3 : E 1’ > 5 ‘5 B H E g 5 i? E E" 3 g '5 .3 on —= as J: 'E E w 00 a: N ‘5 "l g 3 .u 5 2 a? E g e s s e s: g 8 2° 5 5 a S E E 3 3 3 3’: E 2 3 {a S 3 E Pelecypoda: Nucula sp. ............ X X Nuculana afi'. N. marlboroensis (Weller) ................................. >< A Sp ----------------- X X Trigonia (Pterotrigonia) cf. T. (P.) bartrami Stephenson ............ X (Scabrotrigonia) sp X Nemodori sp X . Glycymeris aff. G. mortoni (Gabb) ............................................... Q 0 A A Volsella julia (Lea) ......... X A A Pirma sp ......... ........ X Pteria sp .............. X X .. Inoceramus? sp X __ .. Camptonectes bellisculptus (Conrad) .................................................. A A X X A A A A A Camptonectes? burlingtonensis (Gabb) ................................................ X A A A Syncyclonema conradi (Whitfield) A X X X .. Lima reticulata Forbes ............... A X A A A Exogyra sp .................................................................................................. X Crassostrea tecticosta (Gabb) ......... A X X A Lopha falcata Morton? ............................ A A A X X X X A A Anomia argentaria Morton .................................................................... A A A X X A A A Crassatella? sp X A Scambula perplarza Conrad ................ X A Vetericardia sp .................................................................................... . Lucina sp .............................................. . X X AenorLa afl’. A. eufaulensis Conrad .. . X . A A A Linearia metastriata Conrad ....................................... A A A X X X A A A . A A Tellina sp ........................ X Cardium (Trachycardium) longstreeti Weller? ........ A O O X C A (Granocardium) sp ........................................ X X Cymbophora sp ............................. X X X Etea cf. E. carolinensis Conrad A X Legumen ellipticum Conrad? ..... X A Leptosolen biplicatus Conrad ............... X A A A A A Parmicorbula cf. P. bisulcata Conrad X X X A A A Cymella bella Conrad ................................. A X A A A A Liopistha protexta Conrad? . .. . .. ........................................ A A X X A A A Gastropoda: Pachymelania n. sp .................................................................................. X Haustator quadrilira (Johnson) ............. A A X X A A A Turritella cf. T. lorillardensis Weller ............................................ X C A Graciliala sp .................................. X X X Arrhoges (Latiala) sp ...... O . Tuba afl‘. T. bella Conrad .. A X Xenophora sp .......................................... X Euspira aff. E. rectilabrum (Conrad) A A X X X Gyrodes sp .................................................. X Pseudomaura meekana (Whitfield)? _. A X A A Morea cf. M. marylandica Gardner ...... X Napulus sp ....................................................................... X Volutomorpha sp ......... . ........ X Caveola sp ......................... . X Paladmete aff. P. cancellaria (Conrad) ................................................ X Chaetopoda: Hamulus sp ................................................................................................ X Serpula sp _______ X Echinodermata: Hardouinea? sp X X Cidaroid . X Vertebrata: Fish vertebrae .............. . ...... X BIOSTRATIGRAPHIC ANALYSIS 41 TABLE 6.—Megainvertebrate distribution in the Marshalltown Formation in the Chesapeake and Delaware Canal area and New Jersey—Continued Englishtown Formation 16224. Chesapeake and Delaware Canal, north side, at post 40+500, about 1 mile east of the Penn Central Railroad‘s Chesapeake and Delaware Canal bridge (formerly Pennsylvania, Baltimore, and Washington bridge), New Castle County, Del. Collected by L. W. Stephenson. Sept. 16, 1932. 29578. Reddish-brown sand at water level along north bank of Chesapeake and Delaware Canal about one-fourth of a mile west of the St. Georges Bridge, Del. Collected by Arthur H. Hopkins. May 1967. have been recovered from few localities, and Rich- ards and others (1962, p. 209—229) record only two species (Cardium tenuistm‘atum Whitfield and Tur— m'tella quadrilira Johnson) from all its outcrops. In addition, Cymella bella has been found by the author in the Allentown quadrangle of New Jersey. At most localities along the Chesapeake and Delaware Canal, the major organic remains are Ophiomorpha borings that form an interlocking network on weathered sur- faces. However, locally in the area west of the St. Georges Bridge, the upper foot or so of the forma- tion bears a dominantly molluscan fauna preserved as impressions in a case-hardened and concretionary sandstone. Several specimens have also been recov- ered from Ophiomorpha burrow fillings. The total fauna, listed in table 6, consists of representatives of 33 genera and subgenera of pelecypods and 15 genera of gastropods. With the exception of the genus Pachymelam'a, this assemblage is consistent with a shallow-water sand—facies fauna. Pachymelam'a is a thiariid typical of the types that are of upper estuarine low-brackish to fresh—water tolerance. Because the Pachymelania specimens show little wear or other evidences of long transport, they further suggest that the fauna lived not only in shallow water but near shore. The great abundance of Ophiomorpha burrows is consistent with such shallow-water conditions. Although burrows are abundant in the other for— mations along the canal, they appear to have been made by some other organism than Ophiomorpha. The longitudinal striations on the walls of many suggest some type of crab; others may well have been created by worms. Many of the most common fossils in the English- town fauna such as Cardiam (Trachycardium) and Tawt'tella are also common elements in the faunas of other formations along the canal. Glycymeris, how- ever, is rare in other formations but common in sev- eral collections from the Englishtown. The lack of any significant fauna in the English- town Formation of New Jersey precludes comparison with the fauna along the canal. Similarly, the general lack of stratigraphically restricted species in the Englishtown fauna of the canal section does not allow for regional correlation. 29579. Low-tide level beneath main Ophiomorpha level, north side of Chesa- peake and Delaware Canal about 0.4 mile west of the St. Georges Bridge, Del. Collected by N. F. Sohl and J. P. Owens, June 22, 1967. 29582. Low-tide level beneath Ophiomorpha bed in upper part of formation on north side of Chesapeake and Delaware Canal about 0.6 mile west of the St. Georges Bridge, Del. Collected by N. F. Sohl and J. P. Owens, June 22, 1967. NIARSHALLTO‘VN FORNIATION FAUNAL CHARACTERISTICS The Marshalltown Formation of the Chesapeake and Delaware Canal section contains representatives of 72 genera of mollusks (39 pelecypods, 30 gastro- pods, 3 cephalopods) (table 7). Many of these are represented only by internal molds and thus are not subject to precise specific determination. Fossils oc- cur in great abundance and are generally concen— trated in certain beds rather than scattered through the formation. The ostreids are generally abundant and occur both as well-preserved calcitic shells and as internal molds. In the excavation for the Penn Central Railroad’s Chesapeake and Delaware Canal bridge abutments, the Marshalltown is exposed in its full thickness (see section, p. 13). Here, Exogyra ponderosa Roemer is especially abundant, well pre- served, and concentrated in a single bed. Pyncno- donte mutabilis (Morton) is likewise very abundant and well preserved and is found with Exogyra along the canal at water level immediately west of St. Georges Bridge where the contact with the Mount Laurel Sand is seen. In these upper beds are local concentrations of articulated valves of Lopha falcata (Morton) that form rounded patches as much as 10 or 12 inches in diameter. The specimen orientation suggests that these concentrations may be derived from disintegration of a stalked plant to which the oysters were attached. Shell material may adhere to some of the internal molds, or on some specimens the external molds may be impressed upon the internal molds. These circum- stances give sul’ficient information about the external sculpture to indicate specific relationship. The Marshalltown fauna of the canal section is distinctive, especially in its abundance of Exogyra ponderosa, Lopha falcata, large Trigonia, Cardium, Cucallaea, and Cyprimem'a. These genera occur in other rock units in the canal section, but not in the abundance seen in the Marshalltown. This characteristic assemblage extends at least 25 miles to the southwest where the Marshalltown Formation is well exposed and where its fauna can be collected on the north bank of the Sassafras River in Maryland. Although borings are abundant in the Marshall- town, they are not of the Ophinomorpha type. This 42 STRATIGRAPHY 0F OUTCROPPING POST-MAGOTHY UPPER CRETACEOUS FORMATIONS TABLE 7.——Megainvertebrate distribution in the Marshalltown Formation in the Chesapeake and Delaware Canal area and New Jersey [A, Occurrence of the species outside the Marshalltown Formation of the canal area; X. rare occurrence (1—5 specimens); 0, common occurrence (5—15 specimens): I, abundant occurrence (15+ specimens); ‘-", known only as internal molds] Chesapeake and Delaware Canal New Jersey Merchantville Englishbown Mount Laurel 28822 Excavation 17727 17702 17718 17730 17735 17708 17731 17721 17699 17717 29511 29506 Disposal areas Englishtown Mount Laurel l Pelecypoda: *Nucula. percrassa species group Nuculana sp ..................... *Trigonia. thoracic. Morton Nemodon Sp. (large) ........................... *Cucullaea of. C. tippana Conrad of We e Lithophaga, sp .. *Inoceramus‘! sp Camptonectes bellzsculptus (Conrad) Chlamys n. sp. cf. C. eretosus DeFrance Neithea. quinquecostata Sowerby of Weller *Pecten sp ..... ""Spandylus sp . Lima lorillarden *Lima cf. L. Icerri Stephenso Crenella serica Conrad ........... Exogyra ponderosa erraticosta a .. ponderosa Roemer ............................................ ”Sp Pyncnodante mutabilis Morton convexa Say . *Gryphaea sp ...... Gryphaeostrea vomer Morton *Gryphaeostrea‘.’ sp .......... Lopha falcata (Morton) Ostrea mesenterica Morton "‘sp Anomia argentaria Morton cf. A. argentaria Morton Paranomia scabra. Morton ........ Crassatella cf. C. vadosa Morton Crassatellu? sp .. *Crassatella sp Veterioardia sp Lucina cf. L. parva Stephenson *Lucina sp ......................................... Linearia cf. L. metastriata Conrad (large) *Umbonicardium c . Cardiurn (Granocardium) dumosum Conrad *Cardium spp. ...................................... Brevzcardium parahillanum Wade . "CI/mbophora sp .................................. *Etea sp Veniella conradi Morton of Weller . Aphrodina. cf. A. tippana Conrad *Cyprimeria emcavata (Morton) *Cyprimeria SD. (large) .............. *Tenea sp Caesticorbula crassaplica (Gabb) Ca'ryocorbula sp ..... *Panopea decisa Con *Gastrochaena 5p Martesia sp ....... Gastropoda: Patella tentorium Morton Margaritella sp .................. Laxispira lumbricalis Gabb *Laxispira sp ........................... Turritella. marshalltownensis Weller? Haustator quadrilira Johnson trilira. Conrad ................. cf. H. lenolensis Weller .. Turn'tella cf. T. tippana Cont *Turritella sp ..................................... Melanatria? cf. M. cretacea Wade Tuba sp *Anchura? sp ..... Graciliala? sp *Arrhoges (Latiala) sp Capulus n. sp ................ *Gyrodes abyssinus (Morton) . *Gyrodes petrosus (Morton) .. Amauropsis meelcana Whitfield . Euspira sp ............. Cypraea. cf. C. mor . *Bussinid sp .................... B ' p is sp Bellifusus of. B. curvicostasus (Wade) *Bellifusus sp ................................................ Ornopsis cf. 0. (Pornosis) digressa Wade. Ripleyella sp ........... Hercorhynchus sp . Pyrifusus? sp *Pyropsis sp *Pyropsis? sp Napulus cf. N. *Longoconcha. sp *Voiutomorpha sp EOXXxx X ‘ X X A A A A 'X A x I 3;. x . 3; 1x2 Ixxxxigjxx EOxi XXX )2 O 50x: élxo§"'€>< 3;. §x><§ xo§ xx: xlloxxé ii x: I x x O I x 3? x x I x A A A A A A X A A A A n- A X X x A o A X "" X éxé x: xoxxxxi -§ §§§>> §>>i>>E§>>>i§§§§ > Magothy >: > Merchantville >- L4 5 .5 'U 0 O 3 A : 3 s i .n e N s A 'A >§ > Wenonah A >>>>>> BIOSTRATIGRAPHIC ANALYSIS 43 TABLE 7.—Megainvertebrate distribution in the Marshalltown Formation in the Chesapeake and Delaware Canal area and New Jersey—Continued ll. Occurrence of the species outside the Marshalltown Formation of the canal area; X, rare occurrence 1—5 specimens): 0, common occurrence (5—15 specimens): I. abundant occurrence (15+ specimens); *, known only as internal molds] Chesapeake and Delaware Canal New Jersey 3‘ T w E g u; T) i E t: T, > cu E x: H > 3 h 5 E > >. 3 g 5 ‘5. 3 i * .. >. E ‘- 3 ’3 "E A n a A “*1 a s a 3 a 7. 2 .. '5 :: a N b m N 00 o m 00 H H a: b H an O o '5 ”a z: '5. O I: u be t: N N N c H co m o co N :7: H H o a. on i. o an 5.4 t: :1 °’ = 5 g E S E: E: t: E {I " {I 3 E: ‘3: “’ 3 “ °‘ ° = “ °’ ° 2 m g N H H H H H H H 5 H H v—1 ' g Q E 2 a H E a S Gastropoda—Continued Paladmete cancellaria (Conrad)? X ...l *Acteon cretacea Gabb ..... X >< A .. A A *Avellana bullata (Morton A x X X x A A Butla macrostromata Gabb . X Cephalopoda: Didymoceras? sp ....................... >< AM?" '" "' ° 31) Parapachydiscus sp ................................................ Porifera: Clione sp .................................................................... G O I A Marshalltown Formation 28822. Excavation for abutments of new segment of Penn Central Rail- road‘s Chesapeake and Delaware Canal bridge (formerly Pennsyl- vania, Baltimore, and Washington bridge) just west and approx 1,600 ft south of old bridge, New Castle County, Del. Collected by N. F. Sohl, R. W. Imlay, and Jack Wolfe, 1963. Material in place 500 ft west of Penn Central Railroad's Chesapeake and Delaware Canal bridge. south side of canal, Delaware. Col- lected by C. W. Carter, 1935—37. Five to 10 ft above base of formation, Chesapeake and Delaware Canal, south side, 600 ft west of the Penn Central Railroad’s Chesapeake and Delaware Canal bridge. opposite post 47, New Castle County, Del. Collected by L. W. Stephenson, Sept. 15, 1932. South side of Chesapeake and Delaware Canal, 100 yd west of Penn Central Railroad’s Chesapeake and Delaware Canal bridge, Del. Collected by C. W. Carter, 1935—37. South side of Chesapeake and Delaware Canal, 50—1,000 ft west of Penn Central Railroad’s Chesapeake and Delaware Canal bridge, Del. Collected by C. W. Carter, 1935737. South side of Chesapeake and Delaware Canal at station 46+700. Delaware. Material taken from near top of bank. Collected by C. W. Carter, 1935—37. 17727. 16223. 17702. 17718. 17730. fact, coupled with the greater diversity of the fauna and general lithic character, suggests that the Marshalltown was deposited in somewhat deeper water than the Englishtown Formation. The com— mon concentration of fossils in beds suggests some transportation of the fauna, but the articulated nature of many of the bivalves would indicate that transportation was not far. Some parts of the fauna, for example the aforementioned concentrations of bivalved specimens of Lopha falcata, may represent in situ faunas. Groot, Organist, and Richards (1954, p. 24) stated that the Marshalltown Formation does crop out along the canal but that, In New Jersey the Marshalltown Formation contains the index fossil Exogyra ponderosa. Numerous specimens of this pelecypod were found in spoil banks and along the north shore of the canal between the railroad bridge and station 3. Pre- sumably these were dredged from below sea level. Similar specimens of E. ponderosa were also found along the spoil bank of the canal between Lorwood Grove and St. George’s.*** The authors then suggest that the Marshalltown Formation may be present and recognizable in the subsurface. Their interpretation that the Marshall- town is absent on the outcrop is predicated on the 17735. 17708. 17731. 17721. Station 46+500 on south side of Chesapeake and Delaware Canal, Del. Collected by C. W. Carter. 1935—37. North side Chesapeake and Delaware Canal at station 47+500, Dela- ware. Collected by C. W. Carter, 1935—37. South side Chesapeake and Delaware Canal at station 50, Delaware. Collected by C. W. Carter, 1935—37. South side Chesapeake and Delaware Canal at station 50+ 000, about 2,000 3th east of Summit Bridge, Del. Collected by C. W. Carter, 1935— . Station 50, south side of Chesapeake and Delaware Canal. 2,400 ft east of Summit Bridge, Del. Collected by C. W. Carter, 1935737. Material in place in Marshalltown on south side of Chesapeake and Delaware Canal, 100 ft east of Summit Bridge. Collected by C. W. Carter, 1935-37. South side Chesapeake and Delaware Canal, 0.8 mile west of Penn Central Railroad bridge, 27 ft above water level. Collected by N. F. Sohl and E. G Kaufiman. 1966. Upper part of formation immediately below the Mount Laurel Sand about 75—100 yds west of St. Georges Bridge, north bank of Chesapeake and Delaware Canal. Collected by E. G. Kaufi‘man and N. F. Sohl, 1966. 17699. 17717. 29511. 29506. belief that there are no beds of Marshalltown lithol- ogy between the units they picked as Merchantville and those designated as Wenonah. They suggested that although Carter had called some beds English- town, the presence of “Halymenites major” indi- cated that these beds actually belonged to the Wenonah because the Englishtown of New Jersey lacked these supposed diagnostic borings. Ophiomor- pha (=Halymehites of Groot and others) ghost- shrimp borings, however, have little age significance, for they are common to beach or shallow near-shore sand deposits of Cretaceous to Holocene age. Thus, this is an ecologic and not a biostratigraphic corre- lation. Once these so-called Wenonah sands are accepted as Englishtown, one does not seek a Marshalltown equivalent below them but above them, and certainly it is there in the outcrop and not the subsurface as was proposed by Groot, Organist, and Richards (1954). Thus, at least the lower part of the Mount Laurel—Navesink section they give for their station 3 (Groot and others, 1954, p. 35) is actually Marshalltown. Evidence for this is amply shown by the specimen from this locality that they illustrate on their plate 4, figure 2, as an example of Exogyra cancellata Stephenson, a misidentification of a speci- 44 STRATIGRAPHY OF OUTCROPPING POST-M AGOTHY UPPER CRETACEOUS FORMATIONS men that the figure clearly shows to be an example of E. ponderosa. In their interpretation, therefore, the Marshalltown Formation is included in their Mount Laurel-Navesink. COMPARISON WITH THE NEW JERSEY MOLLUSCAN FAUNA Approximately 35 species present in the Marshall- town Formation of the Chesapeake and Delaware Canal section also occur in New Jersey. These are distributed as follows: Number of species Mount Laurel Sand-Navesink Formation ........................ 14 Wenonah Formation ............................................................ 14 Marshalltown Formation .................................................... 16 Englishtown Formation ...................................................... 1 Woodbury Clay .......................... 13 Merchantville Formation .................................................... 15 Magothy Formation .............................................................. 6 There is no clear—cut correlation here, as the higher values correspond closely to the formations contain- ing the largest faunas. In addition, most of the species are those that are long ranging in New Jersey (table 7; fig. 21). Seventy percent of the genera also occur in the Merchantville Formation, but the Marshalltown fauna differs by being rich in ostreid elements and by the lack of any abundance of cephalopods and crustacean remains. Although 80 percent of the genera of the Marshalltown fauna are also found in the Mount Laurel Sand and the fauna of both formations contain an abundance of oysters, the Marshalltown fauna is less diverse and lacks the belemnites common to the Mount Laurel. The best positive correlation of the Marshalltown fauna along the canal with that of the Marshalltown of New Jersey rests in the occurrence in both areas of abun- dant Exogyra ponderosa. Although this is a longer ranging species in the rest of the Coastal Plain, it is apparently abundant only in the Marshalltown For- mation in the northern Atlantic Coastal Plain. In addition, Umbom'cardium is restricted to the Mar- shalltown Formation in New Jersey, as are Turm'tella marshalltownensis Weller and Cyprimem‘a excavata (Morton). The fauna of the Marshalltown Formation is dis- tinctive in its composition, preservation, and in the abundance of certain species from the overlying and underlying units along the canal. Compared with the younger Wenonah faunas of New Jersey, there is little similarity, but a greater similarity with the older faunas of New Jersey is evident. AGE AND CORRELATION As indicated in figure 23, the Marshalltown For— mation is in the upper part of the Exogyra ponderosa range zone. This is consistent with the fact that the costations present on the early part of the shell of many specimens suggest the form called Exogym ponderosa erraticastata Stephenson which is most common elsewhere in the upper part of the range zone of E. ponderosa. The general lack of knowledge of mollusks from this part of the section in other parts of the Coastal Plain, the lack of distinctive ammonites, and the fact that most of the well-pre- served faunal elements present belong to long- ranging species makes precise correlation difficult. On the basis of the gross character of the representa- tives of such genera as Cyprimeria, Aphrodina, Crassatella, and Turm'tella, the Marshalltown fauna is certainly no older than the faunas to be found in the upper part of the Blufftown Formation of Georgia and Alabama, the upper part of the Coffee Sand of Mississippi, or the Wolfe City Sand and Pecan Gap Chalk Members of the Taylor Marl of Texas. The few heteromorph ammonites that have been collected from the formation are too poorly preserved to be of much aid other than to indicate a general Campanian age. The available information from the total fauna suggests a late but not latest Campanian age. MOUNT LAUREL SAND FAUNAL CHARACTERISTICS Along the Chesapeake and Delaware Canal, fos- siliferous exposures of the Mount Laurel Sand occur intermittently from immediately west of St. Georges Bridge, where the contact with the subjacent Marshalltown Formation is seen, to about 11/2 miles east of St. Georges Bridge at Biggs Farm. Preservation of the fauna in the Mount Laurel Sand varies widely. The basal beds near St. Georges Bridge yield well-preserved specimens of ostreids, such as Pyncnodonte, Exogyra, Anomz’a, and Pam- nomia, and of the pecten N eithea; all have shells of calcite. The aragonitic-shelled clams and gastropods are preserved only as phosphatized internal molds. At Biggs Farm the calcitic-shelled forms are simi- larly well preserved, but the rest of the fauna is a mixture both of internal molds and aragonitic shells converted to phosphate, a most unusual occurrence. At both localities, it is common for the chambers of the sponge borings in the shells to be phosphatized, although the calcitic shell material is preserved. Near the base of the formation immediately east of St. Georges Bridge is a bed of Pyncnodonte shells with almost no associated fauna except for a few specimens of Exogyra cancellata. Higher in the se- quence, the fauna becomes more diverse. The patchy distribution of the phosphatic material, as pockets BIOSTRATIGRAPHIC ANALYSIS 45 of concentration, shows that some transportation if not reworking of the material is involved. Richards and Shapiro (1963) have published on the fauna from the Biggs Farm locality. The follow- ing notes may help to clarify the nomenclatural dif- ferences between their list and that included in table 8. Nuculana pittensis (Stephenson): Here included under N. longifrons (Conrad). Yoldia gabbana (Whitfield): This species appears to belong in Nuculana and is based on indeterminate internal molds from New Jersey. Nemodon grandis sohli Richards and Shapiro: Indeterminate internal molds. Cucullaea neglecta Gabb: Long-ranging composite New J er- sey species known only from internal molds. (= Cucullaea sp. herein.) Area rostellata Morton: Based on internal molds from an unknown stratigraphic level in Alabama. This material is better placed in Area n. sp. Area obesa (Whitfield): Based on poor material from the Merchantville Formation of New Jersey: here included with the preceding in Area n. sp. Glycymem‘s mortom' (Conrad): A “wastebasket” term for internal molds of Glycymeris from all formations in New Jersey. Inoceramus proximus Tuomey: Type specimen lost, unfigured and inadequately described, probably from the Eutaw For- mation of Mississippi. Ostrea monmouthensis Weller: A variant of O. mesentem‘ca Morton. Ostrea panda Morton: A good species, but I have not been able to verify the report by Richards and Shapiro. Ostrea biggsi Richards and Shapiro, 1963: Appears to be only a variety of 0. mesente’m’ca. G’ryphaea convexa (Say) : Pyncnodonte mutabilis of my list. Trigonia mortom' Whitfield: Based on indeterminate internal molds from the Marshalltown. Well—preserved specimens from this locality are here placed in T. eufaulensis Gabb. Pecten whitfieldi Weller: Not found. Lima, obliqua Gardner: A misidentification. The Richards and Shapiro specimen is an internal mold belonging in Ptem‘a. Corimya tenm's Whitfield: Internal molds of doubtful generic affinities. Vetericardia crenali'rata (Conrad): Here termed V. aif. V. subci'rcula Wade. Cardium wenonah Weller: Internal molds of doubtful place- ment here placed in Cardium sp. Cardium whitfieldi Weller?: Same as preceding. Tellina gabbi Gardner: Internal molds, may belong in Aenona. Corbula crassiplz'ca Gabb: Belongs in genus Caesticorbula. Weeksia deplzmata (Johnson) : Based on internal molds from the Prairie Bluff Chalk of Alabama = Weeksia sp. of this report. Emarginula ladowae Eichman: Only Emarginula seen at this locality; belongs to a new species. Margarites abyssina (Gabb) and M. depressa Gardner: Based on internal molds here considered to be Calliomphalus sp. , Margaritella pumila Stephenson to Margaritella sp. Polim'ces altispira (Gabb): Based on internal molds, prob- ably equivalent to Amaurellina stephensom' (Wade) of this report. Laxispim lumbricalis Richards and Shapiro [non Gabb]: Be- longs in L. monilife'ra Sohl (1964b, p. 361). Turritella encrinoides Morton: Based on internal molds here treated as Turritella sp. Ans/mm rostrum (Gabb) : Indeterminable molds probably in wrong order. Anchum pennata (Morton): Molds assignable to Awhoges (Latiala) sp. indet. Cypraea grooti Richards and Shapiro, new species: An inter- nal mold. Napulus whitfieldi (Weller): Probably equals N. reesidez‘ Sohl of this report. Pyropsis richardsom' (Tuomey)?: Based on unfigured, lost, internal molds from an unknown locality and stratigraphic level in Mississippi. Equal to Pyropsis sp. of this report. Bellifusus medians (Whitfield) ?: Based on indeterminate in- ternal molds. Turm‘cula sp.: A Holocene and later Tertiary genus. Cinulia naticoides (Gabb): Indeterminate internal molds. Cylichna ’recta (Gabb): Species based on indeterminable in- ternal molds from the Paleocene Hornerstown Formation. Scaphites hippocrepz's (DeKay) : Misidentified; belongs in Hoploscaphites Sp. Menabites delawarensis (Morton): Misidentified; for if it had been identified correctly, like the preceding, its occur- rence in the Mount Laurel Sand would be the only place between Mexico and New Jersey where this fossil occurs at this stratigraphic level. COMPARISON WITH THE NEW JERSEY MOLLUSCAN FAUNAS Of the 99 species (table 8) here listed from the Mount Laurel Sand of the Chesapeake and Delaware Canal area, 36 occur in New Jersey. They are dis- tributed as follows: Number of species Mount Laurel Sand-Navesink Formation ........................ 27 Wenonah Formation .................................................. 13 Marshalltown Formation .......................................... 12 Englishtown Formation ........................................................ 0 Woodbury Clay 11 Merchantville Formation .................................................... 15 Magothy Formation 2 Comparison with the Mount Laurel-Navesink strata of New Jersey is obvious, but precise correla- tion is difficult because of the lack of differentiation of the faunas of the Mount Laurel Sand and the N avesink Formation in the literature. Weller (1907) and Richards and others (1958, 1962) have consid- ered the formations inseparable and therefore have listed their faunas together. The fauna of the Mount Laurel Sand is, however, distinct from that of the N avesink. The common association of Exogym com- cellata Stephenson, Anomia. tellinoides Morton, and Belemnitella americana (Morton) characterizes the Mount Laurel fauna from New Jersey to Maryland. These species do not occur together in the Navesink Formation, which, in turn, characteristically bears a fauna with the brachiopod Chorystothyris and other restricted species. The consistent composition of the 46 STRATIGRAPHY 0F OUTCROPPING POST-MAGOTHY UPPER CRETACEOUS FORMATIONS TABLE 8.—Megainvertebrate distribution in the Mount Laurel Sand in the Chesapeake and Delaware Canal area and New Jersey [A, Occurrence outside the Mount Laurel Sand of the canal area; X, rare occurrence (1—5 specimens); 0, common occurrence (5—15 specimens) ' I abun- dant occurrence (15+ specimens) ; ‘1‘, known only as internal molds] ' . Chesapeake and Delaware Canal New Jersey Merchantville Marshalltown Biggs - lower 26634, 27749 Englishtown Richards and Shapiro St. Georges 29585 Biggs - lower 29507 Biggs - upper 26635 Biggs - upper 29510 Biggs - float 29508 Biggs - float 29509 Magothy Merchantville Woodbury Englishtown Marshalltown Wenonah Mount Laurel Pelecypoda: Nuculana longifrons (Conrad) .................................................. Perissonata stephensoni (Richards) . ""Perissonata cf. P. protexta Gabb? Trigonia eufaulensis Gabb ............... *Trigonia sp ............................ Nemodon eufaulensis Gabb SP Arca cf. A. macnairyensis Wade n. sp .......................................... Breviarca richardsi Harbison? . Barbatia sp ................................ Cucullaea sp Glycymeris sp ..................... Postiligata crenata Wade wordeni Gardner Lithophaga sp ........... *Gervilliopsis sp Inoceramus sp .................................. Neithea quinquecostata Sowerby .......... Radiopecten mississippiensis (Conrad) Pecten (Pecten?) venustus Morton ...... Syncyclonema simplicius Conrad Plicatula mullicanensis Weller ........ Lima reticulata Lyell and Forbes sp ............................................. Exogyra cancellata Stephenson .. Pyncnodonte inutabilis Morton Gryphacostrea vomer Morton Lopha falcata Morton .............. mesenterica Morton Ostrea plumosa Morton SP Anomia tellinoides Morton . argentaria Morton ............................................. Paranomia scabra Morton ...................... Vetericardia afl’. V. subeircula Wade Lucina parva Stephenson ................... sp .......................................... Tellina cf. T. georgiana Gabb . s .......................................... Linearia metastriata Conrad n. sp. (large) ................. Unicardium sp ........................................................ Cardinm (Trachyeardium) eufaulensis Conrad .. (Granoeardium) dumosum Conrad .......... afl". C. (G.) kummeli Weller ......... Cardium afl". C. donohuensis Stephenson *Cardium spp .................................................. Brevicardium parahillanum (Wade) Cymbophora subtilis Stephenson *Cymbophora spp ............ Etea sp ..................................... Veniella conradi Morton .................................... Aphrodina? eufaulensis (Conrad) of Wade . Cyprimeria sp *Legumen sp Clavagella armata Morton ....................... Caesticorbula crassiplica (Gabb) ...................... *Kumrnelia? sp .. .. Liopistha protexia, (Conrad) ...................................................... i >>i §>>H §>>>>§§§§H Eb) Ex. . xxéx. §xxfl ><><éé EPH N ion xo: xoi ><§ l>>§>§>§ V onx x x loxgg . xxxxoixgodxxlxxxlxxlxxxxXXQXXXXOXXXXOXOxxoxxl sooxoozxxaozxm iléwxsxmzaau i>§>i>i>>>i éxéoxxxm x x x xx I i >>>i >EH OxXOxgxxxoxooh §x§xx§xxx§x§x§fl ixxixlixxloxogig EXXXHEEE XXHIEE ><>>mzaam :» z>u §>>H§§§ §>>>§>>>>§>§>>§>i>§§§§§§§§§§§5 BIOSTRATIGRAPHIC ANALYSIS 47 TABLE 8.——Megatnvertebrate distribution in the Mount Laurel Sand in the Chesapeake and Delaware Canal area and New J ersey—Continued EA, Occurrence outside the Mount Laurel Sand of the canal area; X, rare occurrence (1,5 specimens); 0, common occurrence (5—15 specimens): I. abun- dant occurrence (15+ specimens); *, known only as mternal molds] Chesapeake and Delaware Canal New Jersey ‘3: E: E “‘1 m c, 94 V‘ I” 93' H a! m m S w “3 g g a = s g N s a E 2 a a a c g ‘2 éégzfizfissé‘é Ehgagfi Eiéahwlmgfiéfiié‘: o m 3:“ m n O u :1 m as as"..§§§§.§§:sssssg E 2 F11 or. :73 m m m m m m S S 3 m S B s Pelecypoda—Continued Cuspidar'la cf. C. grandis Stephenson ...................................... X A . A A sp X X .... . Gastropoda: *Weeksta sp . A . . X _ . Emarginula n. sp . . X . Calliomphalus (Calliomphalus) americanus Wade? ............ . A - X X . . X cf. nudus Sohl . A . . X X . *Calliomphalus (Calliomphalus) sp' .......................................... - A - - I 0 . Calliomphalus (P‘lanolateralls) sp ............................................ - A - - X - X *Margarz'tella sp . A . X . . X 0 . Architectonica cf. A. voragiforrm's Stephenson ...................... . A - X . X . Pseudomalaxis sp . A . X . . Mathilda n. sp .. X X . Tuba bella Conrad X . ‘ sp .... ..._ .... .. X X X . .... Belliscala cf. B. creideri Stephenson ........................................ A - X . .. . Nudivagus sp . . . X . . Laxlspira monilifera Sohl . X X . Haustator trilira Conrad A . A X C O .. A Turritella vertebroides Morton? ................................................ A X . A *Turritella sp O X X . Turritella macnairyensis Wade ................................................ X . . Cerithium weeksi Wade X . . *Cerithz'um sp X X Arrhoges sp X X *Drepanochilus sp Pterocerella cf. P. poinsettiformis Stephenson ........................ . X . Xenophora cf. X. leprosa Morton .................... X X . . X .. A Euspira rectilabrum Conrad ......... O . . X X . Amaurellina stephensonz' (Wade) X . . X X Pseudomaura lirata (Wade) ......... X Gyrodes americanus Wade? ._ X . *Gyrodes abyssinus (Morton) ...................................................... A .. A *Gyrodes sp .u. "n .N. "u x .u. .u. _ "u Tintorium? sp X . X Sargana sp Bellifusus curvicostatus (Wade) .............................................. s Woodgella typica Wade Remera? sp Hercorhynchus Sp Anomalofusus substriatus Wade? Napulus reesidei Sohl .. Pyropsis cf. P. perlata Conrad .................................................. s .......... P *Longoconcha sp *Volutomorpha sp EXXOHE gXxxxxxxxéxxxgxxéxxéoxgxlexx Beretra sp . Caveola sp ..... . . . Paladmete gardnerae Wade . X _ . Acteon sp _ . X . ancteon percultus Sohl _ . X . . .. Parietipltcatum cf. P. conicum (Wade) ................................. . . . .. *Avellana bullata (Morton) A . . X . .. A .. *Ellipsoscapha sp ....... . A . . . .. Cylzchna secalina Shumard . X . .. Sp A X . Anisomyon? jessuzn' Richards and Shapiro ............................ A X . Scaphopoda: Dentalium intercalatum Wade .................................................. A X X . . .. . 48 STRATIGRAPHY OF OUTCROPPING POST-MAGOTHY UPPER CRETACEOUS FORMATIONS TABLE 8,—Megainoertebrate distribution in the Mount Laurel Sand in the Chesapeake and Delaware Canal area and New J ersey—Continued [A, Occurrence outside the Mount Laurel Sand of the canal area; X. rare occurrence (1—5 specimens); 0. common occurrence (5—15 specimens): I. abun- dant occurrence (15+ specimens); *. known only as internal molds] Chesapeake and Delaware Canal New Jersey 0) E g 5': 'a a“ v a 3 .o a. e = q “a 3 s a s 5 31 31 s = = E 35%”3EE3§§§ Laws: gsae~772...>53§afid 5' 5 i a g m m m m m fl —= 4: ""3 £1 5 " B E '5}, _: ho a be an an no 8; g '8 a, ."j r. S I» N s: .2 - .9? £9 .5.“ .29 E.“ .E.“ N w 0 e w ‘1’ c 2 2 m a: E on m m m m an 2 E B Id 2 3 S Cephalopoda: Eutrephoceras dekayi (Morton) .............................................. . X X . X . . A . . . . Baculites cf. B. undatus Stephenson ........................................ . . x . . . . . sp . . A X . .. A A . . A Hoploscaphites sp ____ . >< . . . . _ . Anaklinoceras sp . .. . X . . . Didymoceras sp .. .. . . . . . Didymoceras? sp . . X _ Belemnitella americana (Morton) ............................................ _ _ A _ _ I . _ _ . A Porifera: Clione sp . O X . . Coelenterata: Micrabacia hilgardi Stephenson ................................................ . . . . . . O X . O O . Wadeopsamea? sp . . . . X . . . .. . . . Bryozoa: Cheilostomata .. . . . . X X . . X . . . .. Brachiopoda : Lingula? Sp . . . . X . . Terebratulina cooperi Richards and Shapiro .......................... . A . X 0 . . X . . . Echinodermata : Cidaroidea (one test and spines) .............................................. ._ . X . . . . Comatulid crinoid . . . . X . . . . . . . . Chaetopoda: Hamulus onyx Morton . . . . X . . Serpula sp . . O O .. X . Arthropoda (Decapoda) : Crab claw . X . . X Mount Laurel Sand 29585. "Gryphaea" bed in bench 150—300 yd east of St. Georges Bridge. south bank Chesapeake and Delaware Canal, Delaware. Collecte by Buddenhagen, Sohl, Kauffman, 1966. 26634. South bank of the Chesapeake and Delaware Canal, about 300 yd west of light 13 and 1.35 miles (airline) due east of St. George’s Bridge. from 0 to 6.0 ft above low-tide line, New Castle County. Del. Collected by N. F. Sohl, 1957. 27749. South bank of the Chesapeake and Delaware Canal about 300 yd west of light 13 and 1.35 miles east of St. Georges Bridge 0~6 ft above low tide, New Castle, Del. Collected by N. F. Sohl, 1960. Mount Laurel fauna in this northern part of the Atlantic Coastal Plain is not only significant but impressive. The following fossils from the Mount Laurel Sand were collected along a tributary of Crosswicks Creek about 1.2 miles east-northeast of Arneytown, NJ. The forms marked by an asterisk are found in both New Jersey and Delaware. Plus marks indicate oc- currence of the species in the Exogyra cancellata zone elsewhere in the Coastal Plain. Pelecypoda: +*Trigonia eufaulensis Gabb Cucullaea sp. Glycymeris sp. Inoceramus sp. Chlamys n. sp. 29507. Biggs Farm locality on the Chesapeake and Delaware Canal, south bank, about 300 yds west of light 13 and 1.35 miles (airline) due east of St. Georges Bridge. Collection near water level in place. New Castle County, Del. Collected by Buddenhagen, Kaufiman. and Sohl, 1966. Locality same as above but at from about 6 to 10 ft above low-tide level. Collected by N. F. Sohl, Aug. 22, 1957. Locality same as for 29507 but from shell bed at base of blulf. Locality same as for 29507 but from float on beach. Locality same as for 29507 but from spoil pile along road. 26635. 29510. 29508. 29509. Pelecypoda—Continued +*Radiopecten weeksi Stephenson +*Syncyclonema simplicius (Conrad) Crenella sp. Lithophaga sp. Plicatula mullicaensis Weller? +*Lima reticulata Forbes Lima whitfieldi Weller +*Lima acutilineata Conrad +*Eocogyra cancellata Stephenson +*Ostrea tecticosta Gabb + *Anomia perlineata Wade + *Crassatella vadosa Morton? + *Vetericardz’a subcircula Wade +*Lucina cf. L. mattiformis Stephenson +*Linear'£a metastriata Conrad Brevicardium sp. + *Vem'ella conradi (Morton) +*Panope decisa Conrad BIOSTRATIGRAPHIC ANALYSIS 49 Pelecypoda—Continued Parmicorbula sp. +*Corbula cf. C. torta Stephenson +*Caesticorbula crassiplica (Gabb) Kummelia sp. + *Liopistha protexta Conrad Gastropoda: Emarginula n. sp. +*Calliomphalus (C.) americanus Wade Calliomphalus? n. sp. +*Ma'rgam'tella pumila Stephenson? +*Pseudomalaxis pilsbryi Harbison Tintom’um sp. *Nudz'vagus? sp. +*Laxispira mom‘lifem Sohl + Arrhoges (Lat'iala) cf. A. (L.) lobata (Wade) + *Euspz’ra rectilabrum (Conrad) + Fusinus macnai'ryensis (Wade) *Anomalofusus? sp. Pyrifusus? sp. +*Napulus of. N. reesidei Sohl +*Bellifusus curvicostatus (Wade) + Paleopsephaea cf. P. mutabilis Wade + Lupim variabilis (Wade) ancteon sp. Cylichna sp. Scaphopoda: Dentalium sp. Cephalopoda : +*Eutrephocems dekayi (Morton) *Belemnitella amen‘cana (Morton) Porifera: *Clione sp. Echinodermata : Echinoid plates Coelenterata : + Micmbacea rotatalis Stephenson? Worms: +*Hamulus onyx Morton Arthropoda: Crab claws Vertebrata: Shark teeth Dermal scutes This list indicates not only the close correspond- ence of the faunas of the Mount Laurel Sand of New Jersey and Delaware but an equally close corre- spondence to the faunas from equivalent units of the Exogyra cancellata zone in other parts of the Coastal Plain. AGE AND CORRELATION The age and correlation of the Mount Laurel Sand is well documented. The fauna is a part of the char- acteristic and widespread assemblage of the Exogym cancellata zone that may be traced from New Jersey to Mexico. The correlation chart (fig. 23) indicates some of the more significant correlative fossils. As noted on the chart, the Mount Laurel Sand can be traced from New Jersey into Maryland, where at Bohemia Mills (Gardner, 1916) it still carries the same distinctive assemblage of Exogym cancellata, Anemia. tellinoides, Belemm’tella. americana, and others. At present, this assemblage has not been definitely identified on the western shore of Chesapeake Bay. Farther south in North Carolina, the Mount Laurel is correlative with the lower part of the Peedee Formation. In the Gulf Coastal Plain, equivalents in age are the upper part of the Cusseta Sand Member and perhaps the lowest part of the unnamed middle part of the Ripley Formation of the Chattahoochee River region (Georgia-Alabama), the uppermost part of the Demopolis Chalk (Bluffport Marl Mem- ber) in Alabama and Mississippi, and the Coon Creek Tongue of the Ripley Formation in Tennessee, but not in Mississippi. In the western Gulf Coastal Plain, the Saratoga Chalk of Arkansas and the Neyland- ville Marl of Texas bear this same fauna. In Mexico, the same zone is recognizable in the lower, but not lowest, part of the Cardenas Formation of San Luis Potosi. The presence in the Mount Laurel Sand and its equivalents of heteromorph ammonites like Didymoceras, Anaklmocems, and Baculites of the Baculites compressus fauna suggests a correlation with medial parts of the Pierre Shale of the western interior. The assemblage is late Campanian in age. NAVESINK AND YOUNGER FORMATIONS There is no faunal evidence at the Biggs Farm locality (11/2 miles east of St. Georges, Del.) of any unit as young as the N avesink Formation. Chorysto- thyris and other characteristic species of the Nave- sink are absent and have not been found in collections from spoil banks near Reedy Point east of Biggs Farm. The citation by Groot, Organist, and Richards (1954, p. 43) of the presence of Exogym cancellata in both the Mount Laurel Sand and Navesink Forma- tion along the canal is thus in error. Extensive collections made recently from their locality 3 where they list E. cancellata as occurring have yielded only Exogy’ra ponder-03a and E. ponderosa erraticostata, all derived from the Marshalltown Formation. More convincing, is that the specimen figured in Groot, Organist, and Richards (1954, pl. 4, fig. 2) as an example of Exogym cancellata lacks obvious can- cellations or costations and is in fact a young speci- men of E. ponderosa. The same error was made by Richards and others (1958, pl. 21, fig. 1), who erroneously assigned to E. cancellata a specimen of E. ponderosa that had faint costations on the early part of the shell (as is typical of the species high in its range zone). Similarly, there is no faunal evi- dence for the presence of the Red Bank Sand along the canal, as proposed by Groot, Organist, and Rich- 5O STRATIGRAPHY OF OUTCROPPING POST-MAGOTHY UPPER CRETACEOUS FORMATIONS ards (1954). In New Jersey, the Red Bank carries a fauna with forms such as Sphenodiscus (fig. 23) that are diagnostic of an early Maestrichtian age. No such forms have been found along the canal. Recent excavations of the old Biggs Farm locality have provided fresh exposures, and fossils collected through the total sequence are assignable to the Exogym cancellata range zone of late Campanian age. SUMMARY OF LIEGAPAIJ‘ZONTOLOGIC STUDIES 1. The Cretaceous section along the Chesapeake and Delaware Canal has yielded four distinct mega- faunal assemblages assignable respectively to the Merchantville, Englishtown, and Marshall- town Formations and the Mount Laurel Sand. 2. Along the canal no invertebrates have been found in the basal unit—the clays of the Potomac Group—and the overlying Magothy Formation has produced only unidentified plants. 3. The presence of marine faunas equivalent to those of the Raritan, Woodbury, Wenonah, or Nave- sink Formations, or Red Bank Sand has not been demonstrated. 4. The faunas of the fossiliferous units are charac— terized as follows: A. Merchantville Formation: Abundance of gastropods—Graciliala (floods of im- mature forms), Arrhoges, Calliompha— lus, Laxispim, and Palademete; the common occurrence of the ammonites Scaphites hippocrepis and Menabites (Delawarella) delawarensis; and an abundance of decapod crustacean re— mains. B. Englishtown Formation: Abundance of Ophiomorpha burrows and a molluscan assemblage dominated by Cardium (Trachycmdium), Glycyme'ris, Lopha, and Turritella. C. Marshalltown Formation: Abundance of Exogyra ponderosa, Trigom'a, Cypri- meria excavata, Crassatella, Cucullaea, and Cardium. D. Mount Laurel Sand: Association of Exo- gym cancellata, Anomia tellenoides, and Belemm’tella americana. MICROPALEONTOLOGIC STUDIES The status of the study of Foraminifera in the Cretaceous of the Atlantic Coastal Plain can be con- trasted in several respects with the status of megain- vertebrate studies. The most important difi'erence is the scarcity of published data on the Foraminifera, which is partly due to the belated appreciation of the value of Foraminifera in correlation and paleo- ecologic interpretation. As a result, there are few localities in which Foraminifera have been described in the Coastal Plain; this makes it difficult to develop meaningful correlation within the region on the basis of the Foraminifera. On the other hand, when pres- ent, foraminiferal faunas are usually well preserved and quite diverse, often containing 50 or more spe- cies. However, very few paleoecologic interpretations have been made on the basis of these faunas, and detailed morphologic and phylogenetic studies have been limited to the planktonic Foraminifera. At present, relatively little is known about Atlantic Coastal Plain Cretaceous benthonic Foraminifera. The intensive study given the planktonic forms has resulted in their wide use in regional and espe- cially interregional correlation. However, because of the detailed morphologic features used in species identification and because of the varying phylogenies and consequent ranges that have been proposed, there is diversity of opinion in the literature as to the definitive characteristics of subspecies, species, and genera, and their ranges. This increased refine- ment of diagnostic morphologic criteria has made many of the older generalized descriptions either unusable or equivocal. A complete review of the study of Cretaceous Foraminifera reported from the Atlantic Coastal Plain is not warranted here, but the recent work of Olsson (1960, 1964), which is considered later, does have direct bearing on the fauna] interpretations made. SAMPLING PROCEDURES AND SAMPLE DESIGNATIONS Forty-two samples from the three Upper Creta- ceous formations exposed in and near the Chesapeake and Delaware Canal were examined for Foramini- fera. The samples were washed through a ZOO-mesh sieve, dried, and floated on carbon tetrachloride. Thirteen samples yielded Foraminifera, and nine contained identifiable specimens. Only one of the nine samples that contained identifiable specimens, sam- ple U from the Englishtown Formation, failed to yield abundant well-preserved specimens. Only 30—35 specimens, assignable to 10 species, were recovered from this sample. The very small size of the speci- mens, the presence of all species in the physically overlying Marshalltown Formation, and the incon- gruity of a predominantly planktonic assemblage in sediments deposited in a probable near-shore shal- low-water environment combine to strongly suggest that the Foraminifera in this sample are contami- nants from the Marshalltown Formation. TABLE 9.—Distribution of microfauna in BIOSTRATIGRAPHIC ANALYSIS 51 the Englishtown and Marshalltown Formations and Mount Laurel Sand in southern New Jersey and northern Delaware U V W X Y Z D C B A Austin Taylor Navarro Comments Bulimina reussi Morrow ................ X X X X X x X x X X X X Gaudryina stephensoni Cushman .. X X X X X X X X X X X X Globigen'rwlloides messinae Bronnimann X X X X X X X X X Late Campanian and early and late Maestrichtian in New Jersey and Delaware. Glabotruncana? subrugosa. Gandolfi .............. X ? X X X X X X X Late Campanian of New Jersey and Delaware (Marshalltown Formation) . Gyroidina depressa (Alth) ............. X X X X X X X X X X X X Hedbergella planispira (Tappan) X X X X X X X X X X Do. Heterohelix globulosa (Ehrenberg) X X X X X X X X X X X X Santoniainsand Coniacian of the western interior Unite tates. Neobulimina. canadensis Cushman and X X X X X X X X X x X Varietal form from the late Campanian Pierre Shale. Wickenden var. A. spinosa, Cushman and Parker .................. X X X X X X X X X X X X Early and late Maestrichtian of New Jersey (Red— bank Sand and Navesink Formation). Campanian of Colombia. Rugoglobigerina macrocephala. Bronnimann X X X X X X Anomalina nelsoni Berry .. .. X X X X X rubiginosa Cushman X X X X x X X Maestrichtian of Europe. Astacolus of. A. cretaceus X . .. X X X X Bolivina watersi Cushman X , . X X Bolivinitella elem’ (Cushman) X X Do. Bolivinoides decoratus australzs Edgell x X X Upper Campanian or lower Maestrichtian of Aus- Bulimina. kickapaoensis Cole ........ X X X X X X X X traua. rudita Cushman and Parker . X X . X X X X X Caucasina. cf. C. pusilla (Brotzen) X X X _ Upper Cretaceous of Sweden. vitrea (Cushman and Parker) .. X . X X X X X X Cibicides beaumontianus d’Orbigny X X X X cf. C. harperi (Sandidge) ........... X X X X x X X X X Citharina. cf. C. multicostata (Cushman) X X X X Dentalina basiplanata Cushman X . X X X X X legumen Reuss ..................... X _ X X X X Frondicularia archiaciana. d’Orbigny X X X X X X X Globotruneana? cretaeea. (d’Orbigny) X X X X X X X Late Campanian of Delaware (Marshalltown For- mationl. fornicata (Plummet) ................................ X X X X .. Late Campanian of Delaware and late Campanian and early Maestrichtian of New Jersey (Marshall- town Formation and Mount Laurel Sand). linneiana (d’Orbigny) ............. X X X X X X . Do. subcircumnodifer (Gandolfi) X X X X X X X X Late Campanian and early and late Maestrichtian of New Jersey and Delaware (Marshalltown Forma- tion, Mount Laurel Sand, Navesink Formation. ‘ and Redbank Sand). tncarinato (Quereau) ---------------------------- X X X X 7 X Late Campanian 'Z and early and late Maestrichtian of New Jersey and Delaware (Marshalltown? and . Navesink Formations and Redbank Sand). Globulina lacnma, Reuss s. l .......................... X X X x x X X X x x Gy'roidina globosa (Hagenow‘) of Cushman X X x , X X X X X X Heterohelix pulchra (Brotzen) X X X X x X X X X X Maestrichtian of New Jersey. Loxostoma gamma (Cushman) X X X X X X >< Upper Campanian of Israel. plaita plaita (Carsey) . _ X X X X ‘ X X X X Marginulina sp. A ................. _ X . X X X X N L " hm n. sp . X X X canodensis Cushman and . X X X X X X X X Varietal form also occurs in the late Campanian Wickenden var. B. Pierre Shale. Nodosaria (minis Reuss . . X X X X X X X X X X amphiotcys Reuss . X X X .. X X obscura Reuss .. _ X X X x x X X Nonionella austinan _ X X X X X X X X Nuttallinella? n. sp . X X X X X - Also occurs in the late Campanian Pierre Shale. Oolina. n. sp .. . X X X X X Do. Planulina of. P. spzssocostata Cushman . X X X X X X X X taylorensis Cushman ........................... ,. _ X X X X x x x x x Pseudoguembelina. excolata costulata _ lX .. X X X .. X X X Cushman. Pseudouvigerina. sp. afl'. P. seliyi (Cushman) , X X X X Pullem’a. americana Cushman .......................... , x x X x x x x x x Sigmomorphina. semiteeta terquemiana _ X X X x X X X X x (Fornasini) . Stilostomella stephensoni (Cushman) x . X ? X x x 'I X X X Textularia ripleyensis Berry _ X X .. X X X X X X X Dentalina basitorta Cushman X . X .. X X Dorothia, glabrella Cushman .. X . X X Eouvigerina americana Cushm x . x x X X x X . Fissurina marginata. (Walker and ass ) . X . X X X X Campanian of California and Tertiary of Trinidad. Gaudryina. sp. A ........................... X . X Glabotruncana rasetta (Carsey) . X Late Campanian of Delaware and late Campanian and early Maestrichtian of New Jersey (Marshall- town Formation and Mount Laurel Sand). Hoeglundina cf. H. supracretacea (ten Dam) . X X X Lagena. sulcata. semiinterrupta. Berry .. . X X X X X X Marginulina taylorana Cushman .......... , X X ., X X Pseudonadosaria. appressu (Loeblich . X? X X X X and Tappan). Pymlina of. P. cylindroides Roemer . _ X X X X Bulimina. n. sp.? ................................ X X? X Dentalina of. D. consobrina d’Orbigny X X X X X X Eouviyerina hispida Cushman ........... . X X X X X X Globorotalites michelinianus (d’Orbigny) X X X X x X X Lingulirw. sp. A . x X Neoconorbina n. sp . X X X X Ramulina of. R. arkadelphmna Cushman X X X X Anomalim cf. A. pseudopapillosa, Carsey __ X >< Astacolus sp. 2 ................................. . X Bolivinopsis rosula (Ehrenberg) . X X X X X Clavulinoides trilatera trilatera (Cushman) X X X X X Dentalina gracilis d’Orbigny . . X X X X X ‘Discorbis’ n. sp ......................... X X "'3 X . _ Fissurina orbignyana (Seguenza) x X X Upper Comaman of Austria. Globotruncana area. (Cushman) X X X" Uppermost Campaman and Maestrichtian of New .1! ersey and Santonian to Maestrichtian in Cali- ornia. 52 STRATIGRAPHY 0F OUTCROPPING POST-MAGOTHY UPPER CRETACEOUS FORMATIONS TABLE 9.—Distribution of microfauna in the Englishtown and Marshalltown Formations and Mount Laurel Sand in southern New Jersey and northern Delaware—Continued U V W X Y Z D C B A Austin Taylor Navarrfl Comments Globotruncana uentn‘cosa White . X ? x . x X Coniacian to Maestrichtian. Heterohelix planata (Cushman) . x .. x .. x Maestrichtian of Egypt. sp. afl‘. H. pulchra (Brotzen) . X x x X H. pulchm, to which this species is closely allied. also occurs in the Maestrichtian of New Jersey. Laaena. sp. 8.6. L. quadralata Brady .. . X x Thsih form also occurs in the late Campanian Pierre a e. substriata. Williamson x X X X Lingulina sp. B. X . m,‘ " sp. X sp. ........... . X .. . Pseudotextularia. elegans elegans (Rzehak) .. X x . X X Uppermost Coniacian to Maestrichtian. Seabrookia stewurti Olsson .............................. X Only previously reported occurrence is from the Maestrichtian of New Jersey. Anomalinoides n. sp.? X X Astacolus sp. 1 x Gaudryina Cf- G. bulloules 0155011 - X X X Only previously reported occurrence is from the Maestrichtian Redbank Sand of New Jersey. n. sp .............................................................. x X X . mg' " sp. B x X Nodosaria cf. N. navarroana Cushman x x X X X Planulirw, sp. aff. P. correcta. (Carsey) x x X x x Plectina watersi Cushman .............. X . X X Senonian of Bulgaria. Pleurostomella. subnodosa Reuss .. X . x X Santlfnian-Maestrichtian of New Jersey and else- W ere. Pr ' k ‘r‘ " ‘ '- M'e x . X Upper Campanian and Maestrichtian of New Jersey ( Voorwijk) . and elsewhere. Schaclcoina multispinata Cushman and X x X X . Maestrichtian of Trinidad. Wickenden. Clavulinoides cf. C. insignia (Plummer) ...... . x X YDentalina aculeata d’Orbigny ........ X X Epom’des haidingen'i (d’Orbigny) .. X X Lower upper Campanian of Bavaria. Gaudryina. cf. G. ellisorae Cushman X X Pernen‘na n. sp. 1’ x Anomalinoides pin X X Mqunt Laurel Sand and Navesink Formation of New ersey. Astacolus cf. A. ja'r'visi (Cushman) ............ . .. . X Refported with question from the Campanian of Cali- orma. Dorothia stephensom‘ Cushman ...................... X X X X Quadrimorphina allomorphinoides (Reuss) X X X X ' _ Spiroplectammina. mordensis Wickenden X Santonian? and Campanian of Alaska. A. Mount Laurel Sand, from the Chesapeake and Delaware Canal at Y. Marshalltown Formation, north side of the Chesapeake and Delaware Biggs Farm. 6—8 ft above the top of the Marshalltown Formation. Canal. 100 yd west of the U.S. Route 13 bridge at St._ Georges. in B. Mount Laurel Sand, from the same stratigraphic position and locality 2'“): 11:33:21“ f°°t 0f the formation and associated Wlth Exogyra as sample A. . X. Marshalltown Formation, south side of the Chesapeake and Delaware C. Mount Laurel Sand, south Side of the Chesapeake and Delaware Canal, Canal, 15 miles northeast of Summit Bridge, Del., from the upper about 100 Yd 935‘: Of the bridge on U-S- Route 13: from a C°n391°u' part of the formation, in an excavation for a railroad bridge pier. ous Pyncnodonte bed, about 3 ft above the top of the Marshalltown W. Marshalltown Formation, south bank of Oldmans Creek at Camp Formation. . Kimble, near Auburn, southwest New Jersey (Mello and others, D. Mount Laurel Sand, same locality as sample C, from inside a closed 1964, p, 361). Pyncnodonte shell. V. Marshalltown Formation, same locality data as for X, but from the Z. Marshalltown Formation, north side of the Chesapeake and Delaware middle part of the formation. Canal, immediately west of the bridge on U.S. Route 13; within the U. Englishtown Formation, same locality as for sample X, but from the upper 1—2 ft of the formation. Faunas from the nine fossiliferous samples are compared with the fauna reported from a single sample of the Marshalltown Formation at Auburn, N.J. (Mello and others, 1964). From these 10 sam- ples, a total of 111 species of Foraminifera were identified, of which 93 are positively or tentatively assigned to previously named species. Eight species are considered to be new or probably new, and 10 are given temporary letter or number designations. Table 9 indicates the distribution of the species in the samples, and shows their Cretaceous ranges. TAXONOMIC REVISIONS Comparisons have been made between the speci- mens from the Marshalltown Formation at Auburn, N.J. (Mello and others, 1964, p. 63) and specimens from the nine Chesapeake and Delaware Canal sam- ples included in this study. Many species are repre- sented by better specimens in the Chesapeake and Delaware Canal samples than in the Auburn sample, and comparisons have shown that several species base of the formation. were incorrectly identified from the Auburn sample. Also, several species present in the Auburn sample but not identified previously could be identified after comparison with the Chesapeake and Delaware Canal faunas. Modifications and additions to the Auburn species list are shown in the following summary. AGE INTERPRETATIONS Repetition of lithologies, thinness of the lithologic units, and scarcity of good exposures has severely hampered stratigraphic and biostratigraphic study of the Cretaceous deposits on the Atlantic Coastal Plain. Stratigraphic interpretations made earlier in this report are the framework within which the fossil evidence presented here is considered and against which other interpretations are compared. Olsson (1960, 1964) was the first in more than 30 years to systematically study Foraminifera from the Cretaceous rocks in this region, and his taxonomic work has been extensively used in this study, chiefly for the comparison of planktonic Foraminifera. BIOSTRATIGRAPHIC ANALYSIS Mello, Mina/rd, and Owens, 1964 Not identified 53 - This report .Anomalina nelsom‘ Berry Do Do Pseudogaudryinella capitosa, (Cushman) ...................................... Not identified Biglobigeri'nella biforaminata (Hofker) ........................................ Not identified ........................................................................................ Globotruncana cretacea Cushman .. Globigem’na (Rugoglobigerina) mgosa Plummer? ...................... Globotmncana wilsom' Bolli ...... .......... Cibicides cf. C. harpem' (Sandidge) Dorothz’a glabrella Cushman Gaudyrina stephensom' Cushman Gaudryina sp. A .......... Globigerinelloides messinae Bronnimann .......... Globotrunccma? cretacea (d’Orbigny) Globotmmccma rosetta (Carsey) .......... Globotruncana? submgosa Gandolfi Globotruncama subcircumnodifer (Gandolfi) ....Lagena sulcata semiinterrupta Berry Lagena cf. L. acutz’costa Reuss ...... Bolivina incmssata Reuss .................................................................. Bulimina prolixa Cushman and Parker .......................................... Pseudoglandulina cf. P. lagenoides (Olszewski) .......................... Not identified .. Olsson (1964, p. 160) reported on planktonic Fora- minifera from one sample of the Mount Laurel Sand and two samples of the Marshalltown Formation in New Jersey, and on two samples of the Mount Laurel-Navesink Formations (undifferentiated) from the Chesapeake and Delaware Canal, Del. Of the planktonic species identified both in this study and by Olsson (1964), the following have ranges that include at least part of the late Cam- panian and at least part of the Maestrichtian: H ed- bergella planispira, Globotrunccma cretacea, G. submgosa, G. linneioma, G. rosetta, G. fornicata, G. tricarmata, G. subcircumnodifer, Globigem’nelloides messinae, and Praeglobotmncana hammensis (=petaloidea of Olsson). The only two planktonic species recovered in this study which do not have ranges extending from the late Campanian into at least the earliest Maestrich- tian are Rugoglobigerma macrocephala and Globo- truncana area, both of which Olsson reported only from the Maestrichtian. Bandy (1967, p. 20) cited a Coniacian to Maestrichtian range for G. area. R. macrocephala, a rare species in seven samples from both the Marshalltown Formation and Mount Laurel Sand, was reported from the Campanian of Colombia by Gandolfi (1955, p. 46). The balance of evidence from the planktonic Fora- minifera, supported by several benthonic species with restricted ranges, indicates a late Campanian or earliest Maestrichtian age for both the Marshall- town and Mount Laurel samples studied. Table 9 lists the occurrences of the identified species in the sam- ples and shows the ranges of many through the Austin, Taylor, and Navarro provincial stages of the Gulf Coastal Plain, as reported by Cushman (1946). It is noteworthy that Olsson’s (1964) usage of the term Mount Laurel-Navesink Formation in conjunc- tion with his two samples from the Chesapeake and Delaware Canal is based exclusively on lithologic .......... Loxostoma plaita plaita (Carsey) .......... Neobulimina canadensis Cushman and Wickenden var. A. .......... Pseudonodosaria appressa (Loeblich and Tappan) ..Rugoglobt’gerina macrocephala Bronnimann character. He clearly points out the difference in age attributed to this unit along the canal with respect to the ages of the Mount Laurel Sand and N avesink Formation in New Jersey. The descriptions of col- lecting localities given by Olsson (1964, p. 160) indi- cate that his sample, DK5, from the Mount Laurel Sand-Navesink Formation, was taken at approxi- mately the same stratigraphic level and within 200 feet geographically of samples C and D of this study. His sample DK6, also from the Mount Laurel-Nave- sink Formation, is apparently from the same strati- graphic level and geographic position as samples A and B of this study. Within the stratigraphic frame- work developed in this paper, samples C and D are from the Mount Laurel Sand, within 3 feet of the top of the Marshalltown Formation; samples A and B are from the Mount Laurel Sand 6—8 feet above the top of the Marshalltown Formation. The presence of each planktonic species in samples from both the Mount Laurel Sand and Marshalltown Formation makes it impossible to differentiate these formations, on this basis, as to age. In addition, 88 out of the total of 111 species occur both in the Mount Laurel Sand and in the Marshalltown Forma- tion. No species represented by a large number of specimens in any one sample fails to appear in both formations, and nearly all the species restricted to one or the other formation are represented by fewer than five specimens in any sample. The persistence of such a large percentage of species, including the supposedly rapidly evolving planktonic species, sug- gests that deposition of the Mount Laurel Sand followed close upon the cessation of deposition of the Marshalltown Formation. In light of this in- terpretation, it is possible that the absence of the Wenonah Formation between the Marshalltown and Mount Laurel is due to the loss of identity of the Wenonah by facies change within the lower part of the Mount Laurel in the sampled area. 54 STRATIGRAPHY 0F OUTCROPPING POST—MAGOTHY UPPER CRETACEOUS FORMATIONS Close faunal similarity, such as is found here be- tween the Mount Laurel Sand and Marshalltown Formation, is suggestive of secondary faunal mixing, although this seems unlikely for these samples. Nearly all specimens from both formations show no abrasion or breakage which might be indicative of transportation, and faunas from both formations are large and diverse in addition to being largely composed of the same species. Also, samples 8 feet or more above and below the contact retain the same faunal character, further suggesting that mixing is not the cause for the similarities. ENVIRONMENTAL INTERPRETATIONS Although it is dangerous to attempt close defini- tion of depositional environment in the absence of specimen counts, sediment analysis, and complete faunal representation, it does seem quite evident that the faunas recovered from the Mount Laurel Sand and Marshalltown Formation were deposited under open marine conditions like those existing over the middle continental shelves during the Holocene. The chief factors favoring this interpretation are the generally very high diversity of Foraminifera and the frequency of occurrence of planktonic speci- mens in the samples. The faunal similarities dis- cussed above strongly indicate that the depositional environments for the Marshalltown and Mount Laurel through the stratigraphic interval and in the area studied were identical or very closely similar. It should be emphasized here that these interpreta- tions pertain only to the glauconite-bearing calcare- ous beds of the Mount Laurel and not to the medium to coarse quartz sand beds found in the upper part of the formation. A simple clustering program was carried out in an attempt to determine What, if any, differences exist between the recovered faunas that might indicate consistent environmental differences between the two formations. The nature of the data itself put rigor- ous restrictions on the coefficients of correlation that could be used. Each of the samples was floated on carbon tetrachloride before picking. This procedure undoubtedly alters the faunal composition and largely invalidates the significance of specimen counts. The logic presented by Simpson (1960) con- cerning the selection of coefficients of correlation is applicable here, and Simp son’s index 2 is used. Com- parability of samples is calculated as: C m X 100 where C equals the number of species common to two samples, and N1 equals the total number of species present in the smaller sample. For ease in visualiza- tion of relationships, the values thus calculated were clustered using the weighted pair-group method with arithmetic averages (Mello and Buzas, 1968). The calculated relationships between samples are shown in figure 25. Sample U, from the Englishtown For- mation, was deleted before clustering because of its probable contamination. Examination of the clustering (fig. 25) shows no subdivision into separate Mount Laurel and Mar- shalltown clusters. Instead, the samples are grouped rather heterogeneously, and this indicates that, at least on the basis of presences and absences, the faunas from the two formations cannot be differ- entiated. The faunas from these samples are also similar with regard to relative abundances of spe- cies. Although no single species is consistently domi- nant, a small group of species is collectively dominant in all samples, and many species are consistently scarce in all samples. In view of these faunal simi- larities, it seems warranted to conclude that environ- mental factors necessary for the existence of the foraminiferal species found in the Marshalltown Formation persisted during the deposition of the Mount Laurel Sand. SUMMARY OF MICROPALEONTOLOGIC STUDIES Eight samples were examined from the Mount Laurel Sand and Marshalltown Formation along the Chesapeake and Delaware Canal, Del., and one sam- ple from the Marshalltown Formation at Auburn, N.J. Faunas from the two formations cannot be 100 to O T l oo o l l \l O | l method usmg arithmetic averages) CLUSTERED SAMPLE RELATIONSHIPS (Calculated by the_weighted pair-group ca 0 I l 50 FIGURE 25.—Clustering of nine samples from the Mount Laurel Sand (italicized letters) and Marshalltown Formation. SELECTED REFERENCES 55 distinguished from each other on the basis of species presences and absences; they are also generally alike with regard to commonness and scarcity of con— stituent species. The ubiquity of most planktonic species in the samples and the presence of all plank- tonic species in both formations indicate that through the intervals sampled the two formations are of late Campanian to earliest Maestrichtian age. The absence of the Wenonah Formation west of the Delaware River is possibly the result of facies change within the basal Mount Laurel Sand rather than of erosion or nondeposition. Comparisons of the total faunas from both formations strongly suggest a close similarity in living environments. SELECTED REFERENCES Adkins, W. S., 1933, The geology of Texas. Part 2, The Mesozoic systems in Texas: Texas Univ. Bull. 3232, p. 239—518. Bandy, O. L., 1967, Cretaceous planktonic foraminiferal zona- tion: Micropaleontology, v. 13, no. 1, p. 1—31, figs. 1—13. Bascom, F. 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Anchura pennuta . , rostrum Belemnitella americana "7, 45, 48, 49 Bellifusus ............... curvicostatus . 11‘ g sp ................................................................ 42, 47 B 7" ’ creideri Beretm sp _____________ Biggs Farm locality .................. Biglobigerinella, biforaminata Biostratigraphic analysis ........ i. Biostratigraphic studies ...................................... 1 Black Creek Formation of North Carolina ....39 Blufitown Formation of Georgia and Alabama ................................................ 39, 44 Bolivim incrassata, ,. watersi .................. A ' ,, borealis Boliv' "0”” eleyi jessupi .............................................................. 47 Bolivinoides decoratus uustralis AM " 'nelsoni ’11. 53 Bolivinopsis rosula ....................... ,. 4 ,, ,illosa. R1 Breviarca haddonfieldensis rubiginosa, ........................................................ 51 richardsi AM 1' n‘J 5p pinguis ......................... Breviwrdium pamhillamum ........................ 42, 46 Anomalafusus substriatus sp 48 sp ...................... . Brownstown Marl of Arkansas Anemia, argentaria . .36, 40, 42, 46 Buccinid SD .. perlineata ........................................................ 48 Buccinopsis .sp ........................................................ 42 radium 26 Bu" ' =31 tellinoides 45, 46, 49 7 ' ' , ein 51 Aphrodina .......... 44 prolixa .. eufuulensis reussi tippana l mdita sp ‘16 Build macrostromata, Area ‘ yensis 46 Burditt Marl of Adkins ...................................... 39 obesa .................................................................. 45 rostellata .......................................................... 45 C Si) . Architectomca ooragiformis C aduius abmtus ____________________________________________________ 37 A'rrhoges (Latiala) lobata 37, 49 Caesticorbula (Latiala) sp . 37, 40, 42, 45 . . crassiplzca sp 47 . Calliomssa sp Astacolus cretaceus .............................................. 51 Call' 1. 1M jarvisi ................................................................ 52 ’ sp 1 ‘2 nudus ................................................................ 47 SD- 2 '51 (Callzomaphalus) americanus Astarte sp .4 Atlantic Coastal Plain, northern Atlantic Highlands section ............ . A "n n L H 4 43’ 47 B Baculites asper . claviformis ...................................................... 34 " ’ " “to zone ‘11 columna l campressus .49 compressus zone fauna .. ...31 r ‘ zone ‘15 paucispirilus ....................... (Planolateralis) .. sp ................................................................ 47 5D 45 Campanian faunas Campanian Stage ...... Camptonectes bellisculptus burlingtonensis .............................................. CHM" ulus sp “7 Capulus Cardium .. donohuensis . dmnosum .. longstreeti tenuist-riatum wenonah whitfieldi (C‘riocardium) sp . (Granocardium) dumosum Icummeli .......... tenuistriatum sp , (Pachycardmm ) (Trachycardium) eufaulensis .. longstreeti uniformis ................................................ spillmam . SD Caryocorbula sp . Caucasina pusilla . vitrea C ' $1) 27, 40, 4'7 Cementation in sand formations .................... 20 Cenomanian age fauna Cerithium weeksi ............ Sp Chattahoochee River region of Georgia and Alabama ...................................................... 34 Cheilostomata Chesapeake and Delaware Canal section near Summit Bridge Chlamys ............. cretosus Chlorite as minor constituent Chloritoid ..................................... Chorystothyris ..................... Cibicides beaumontianus harperi . Cidaroid Cidaroidea Cinulia. nuticoides Citharina, multicostata . Clavagella armata ........ Clavulinoides insignia trilatem trilatem Clay-mineral analyses Clifiwood flora Cliane sp ........ Coffee Sand of Mississippi Comatulid crinoid ......................................... .. Comparison with the New Jersey molluscan fauna Conclusions on rock stratigraphic studies Coniacian rocks Corbula crassiplica ‘esbor “'0 torta .................................................................. SD Con'mya. tenuis ........................................................ 45 Correlation, regional problems .......................... 28 Correlation and age of Cretaceous megafauna fossils ...................................... 39 Correlations of Upper Cretaceous formations revised Crab claw ...... Crassatella ....... carolinensis mwkirkensis roadsensis ..... J 58 Crassostrea tecticosta _ Crenella serica .......... SD Cretaceous formations, comparison .................. 17 Cretaceous megafauna, summary ..................... 35 Cretaceous megafauna fossils from the Chesapeake and Delaware Canal Crosswicks Clay Cucullaea neglecta tippana sp ........................................................ 45, 46, 48 Cusseta Sand Member of Ripley Formation Cylichna recta secalina Cymella bella ironensis Cypraea grooti morttmi .42 Cyprimeria . 44 excavata . ".42, 44 sp .......................................................... 36, 42, 46 D Delaware, northern, rock stratigraphic studies Dentalim aculeata .. basi,’ h- basitorta ......................................................... consobrina gracilis ....... legumen Dentalium intercalatum subarctuatum SD Dermal scutes ....................................................... Dessau Formation of Durham .. Didymoceras ..................................... sp Discorbis . Distribution of formations, Delaware . Maryland .. New Jersey Dorothia glabrella stephensom' ..... Dre, ”We sp Drilluta distans .................................................... 37 sp 27 Eagle Sandstone .................................................... 39 Echinoid plates Ecphora sp ...... . EH5, pha 51) 47 Emarginula ...... ladowae Englishtown Formatlon 24, 26, 34, 39, 44 ancteon peroultus ................................................ 4’7 SD Eouvigerina americana hispida ...................... Epidote content in Merchantville and Mount Laurel Eponides haidingerii . Etea carolinensis ..37, 40, 47, ............. 37, 42 Eutaw Formation of gulf coast Eutrephoceras dekayi ............. Exiteloceras . Exoyyra ...... 31, 41 cancellata 7, 16, 28, 34, 45, 46, 48, 49 INDEX bed .. Zone 28, 31, 34, 48, 49 costata ...... 28 zone .28, 34 ponderosa ........................ 6, 11, 15, 16, 28, 36, 41, 42, 44, 49 erraticostata .42, 44, 49 sp 40 F Fauna. Marshalltown Formation Merchantville Formation Mount Laurel Sand state of preservation .. Feldspar in light-mineral fraction Fissurina marginata .......................... orbignz/ana Flemingites subspatulata Formations, distributions ..... Frondicularia archiaciana Fusinus rizacnairyensis .. G Garnet content in Merchantville Formation and Mount Laurel Sand . Gastrochaena sp ..................... Gaudryina bulloides . ellisorae stephensoni . sp. A ....... Geruilliopsis ensiformis Sp Glaueonite ................................................................ 11 age 16 depletion Glauconite-clastic ratios . Glauconite sand, major constituent Globigerintz (Rugoglobigeri'na) rugosa Globigerinelloides messinae ..... Globorotalites michelinianus .. Globatruncana area cretacea form'cam linneiana rosetta .. subcircumnodifer submgosa .............. trican‘nata r. ventricosa wilsoni Globulina lacrm’La Glycymeris ............. mortoni .36, 46, 48 Gober Tongue of Austin Chalk Graciliala johnsoni . 37, 40, 42 sp .. Greensand . ..24 Gregory Member of Pierre Shale . ..34 Gryphaea convexa ................................................ 45 51) 42 Gryphaeostrea vomer .................................... 42, 46 5p 42 Gyrodes abyssinus . americanus ..47 major . 31 petrosus 42 spillmani . ..37 SD Gyroidina depressa . I L n Hamulus major . onyx ............. Sp 40 Page Harri ' n 51) 40 Haustator lenolensis ............................................ 42 quadrilira trilira ...... Heavy-mineral analyses Hedbergella planispira Hercorhynchus .............. Hetero‘helix globulosa planata . pulchra . Hoeglundina supracretacea Hoploscaphites sp ........... Hornerstown Formation Hornerstown glauconite sand Idanearca vulgaris ................................................ 36 sp ‘36 Illite—montmorillonite clay assemblage ""23, 25 Inoceramus proximus sp .......................... Investigations, previous Iron oxide staining ....... .36, 40, 42, 46, 48 Isocardia sp ............................................................ 36 K Kaolinite occurrence ............................................ 25 Kummelia sp ............................................ 3’7, 46, 49 L LagerLa acuticosta ................................................ 53 quadralata . substriata sulcata semiinterrupta . Laxispira ............... 38 lumbricalis . monilifera . 5D Legumen concentricum ellipticum planulatmn SD Leptosolen biplicatus ............................................ 40 Light-mineral analyses Lima acutilineata ........ kerri ........... lorillardensis . obliqua . retiwlata . whitfieldi Linearia magnoliense metastriata Lingulina sp. A . 51). B .................................................................. 52 SD Liopeplum thoracic-um Liopistha alternata ...... protexta ...... Lithophaga sp . Longitubus sp ..... Longoconcha sp .. Lopha falcata mesenten'ca Lower glauconite sand of Red Bank Sand 7 Lower silt of Red Bank Sand .................. Loxostoma gemma plaita plaita Lucina mattiformz‘s . parva .................... sp .. Lupira variabilis . 46 M Maestrichtian age of formations Maestrichtian Stage ........................ .. ‘Magothy Formation .1 5, 34, 39, 44 Margaritella pumila .. ......... 45, 49 45, 47, 51 Margaritas abyssina depressa Marginulina taylorana SD. sp. B sp. 0 :2 51). D ........................................................ 52 Marshalltown Formation 6, 10, 13. 15, 17, 24, 26, 34, 39, 41, 44 Martesia sp ............................................................ 42 Maryland, eastern, rock stratigraphic studies “.20 Matawan Formation Matawan Group . Mathilda ............... Megafauna, summary of Cretaceous Megafauna fossils from the Chesapeake and Delaware Canal .................................. 35 Megainvertebrate fauna from Merchantville Formation .................................................... 35 Megapaieontoiogic studies Melanatria cretacea ........... Menabites delawarensis (Delawarella) delawarensis Menuites complexus ..... Merchantville fauna, comparison Merchantville Formation ............ 5, 11, 14, 1'7, 20, 24, 26, 85, 39, 44 Micrabacia hilgardi . rotatalis ......... Micropaleontology .. Mineral analyses, heavy light Molluscan fauna, comparison . Monmouth Group .................... Montmorillonite occurrence . Morea marglandica . Morgan beds 6‘, 12, la, Mount Laurel Sand 18, 24, 26, 31, 34, 39, 1.4 Muscovite occurrence ............................................ 25 N Nacatoch Sand of Texas ...................................... 35 Napulus Q7 ’reesidei ,,,,, 42, 45, 47, 49 whitfieldi . ...................... 45 5D Navesink Formation .. age limits Neithea quinquecostata Nemodtm eufaulensis grandis sohli neusensis ........ .. Sp .................................................. 36, 4o, 42, 46 N L 1' ' a1 canadensis 51, 53 spinosa ........... 51 N rbina 51 New Jersey molluscan fauna, comparison ............................................ 38, 1,4 New Jersey rock stratigraphic studies .. Nodosaria afi‘inis ............................................ .151 navarroana . x .1 obscura ......... ..51 Nonactaeonina sp Nanionella austinana .. Northern Atlantic Coastal Plain "28 Nostoceras ................................................................ 35 Nucula Q5 INDEX amica percrassa .. 42 1 1 ‘ 36 whitfieldi .......................................................... 36 SD 40 Nuculana ................. compressifrons longifrons marlboroensis . ,40 pittensis 45 Nuculana sp .. Nudi‘uagus sp .. .. Nuttallinella ............................................................ 51 0 Odessa, formations in Delaware ...................... 17 Oleneothyris harlani ...................................... 11, 17 Oolina 51 Ophiomorpha borings Ornopsis (Pornosis) digressa Ostrea biggsi ,_ cretacea falcata .. 15, 22, 41 mesenter’ica ..... 36 42 45 monmouthensis , 4 45 ,7 46 tecticosta 5D Owl Creek Formation of Alabama and Mississippi .................................................. 31 P Pac‘hymelania .................................................... 40, 41 Paladmete cancellaria ..37, 40, 43 gard’nerae Panopea decisa Paranomia scabra Parapachydiscus sp .......... Parietiplicatum conicmn Parmicorbula bisulcata . Patella tenton'um Pecten whitfieldi (Camptonectes) bellisculptus . SD 42 Peedee Formation ................................................ 35 Perissonata stephensani protexta Pernerina Petrographic studies Petrologic studies , Pl. 1 J yw 59 Page Prairie Bluff Formation of Alabama and Mississippi Protoquartzites Providence Sand of Georgia P 1 Ta lepta lirata ................................................................ W ’ na Pseudogaudryinella capitosa .. Pseudoglandulina lagenoides r. Pseudoguembelina excolata costulata Pseudomalaxis pilsbryi ............... . ......... 5D Pseudonodasaria appressa .............. Pseudotextularia elegans elegans . Pseudouvigerina seligi .......................................... 51 Pteria 45 petrosa .............................................................. 36 sp 4O Pterocerella poinsettiformis Pullem'a americana ..... Pyncnodonte convexa . mutabilis .. .................. Pyrifusus sinucostatus Sp Pyropsis perlata, .. richardsam‘ ..37, 47 Pyrulina cylindroides . Q Quadrimorphina allomorphinoides .. Quartz, polycrystalline ...................... R Radiopecten mississippiensis .............................. 46 weeksi Ramulina arkadelphiana Raritan Formation Red Bank Sand ..... 6, 7, 8, 18, 26, 35 Regional correlation problems ., Remera sp ...................................... Revised correlations of Upper Cretaceous formations Ringicula ................ ..37 Ripleyella sp ............................................................ 42 Ripley Formation of Alabama and Mississippi ...31, 34 Rock fragments in light-mineral fraction ....24 Rock stratigraphic studies .............................. 1, 5 eastern Maryland, summary . ..22 New Jersey, summary ........... "10 Rugoglobigerina macrocephala .................... 51, 53 S St. Georges Bridge ............. 11, 15, 16, 41 occidentalis ...................................................... 36 Sandy Hook quadrangle . 1 Pholas cithara ........................................................ 36 Santonian age pollen . .34 sp ‘ ‘36 Sargana stantom; ......... .37 Pierre Shale of western interior ................ 31. 34 sp 47 Pinm *8 Scambula perplana .............................................. 40 laqueata .. Scaphites hippocrepis .31, 37, 39. 45 sp ........... leei ............................. Placenticeras .. (Hoploscaphites) . placenta 27 S 1' ' ' multhpinata .52 Planuli'na correcta .............................................. 52 Seabrookia stewarti .52 spissocostata A Section 1.1 miles west of St. Georges to taylorensis ,. 1.3 miles east of St. Georges at Biggs Plectina watersi . Pleurostomella subnodosa Plicatula mullicanensis Polim’nes altispira Postiligata crenata wordem‘ Potassium-argon dating method .1 Potomac Group ................................ Praeglobotruncana havanensis . havanensis havanensis Farm Sedimentation cycle in New Jersey Sepiolite occurrence Serpula sp .............. Shark teeth ___________ Siderite occurrence Sigmamorphina semitecta terquemiana Solyma sp ...... Sphenodiscus . Spiroplectammi’na mordensis Spondylus sp ............................. 60 Steinkerns Stilostomella stephensam . Subgraywackes .......... Submorttmiceras uddem _ Summary of Cretaceous megafauna Summit Bridge ...................................... Syncuclonema conradi simplicius ................ T Telegraph Creek Formation .............................. 39 Tellina gabbi . georgiana . sp ........... Tenea sp ..................... Terebratuli'rw. cooperi . Textularia ripleyensis . Tinton Sand .................. Tintorium sp .................................................... 47, 49 Tombigbee Sand Member of Eutaw Formation .................................................... Trask sorting coefficient . Trichatropis squamosus ..... Trigonia, .. cerulia 35 eufaulenszs . .45, 46, 48 hwy ' ‘45 INDEX Page mortom' .............................. 4 5 thoracia. . .42 (Pterotrigonia) bartrami (Scab'rotrigonm) sp ........ Tundora tuberculata Turonian rocks .4 Turritella ............. encrinoides lorillardensis macmiryensis marshalltownensis merchantvillensis quadrilira tippana vertebroides U Umbom'cardium .. ....44 umbonatum .V Unicardium umbonatum ...................................... 36 51;) 46 Upper quartz sand of Red Bank Sand Urceolabmm manmhiensis .................. 7. 11 Page V Vanilcoropsis ambiqua .......................................... 37 Veniella. conradi ................... 36, 42, 46, 48 Vetericardia crenalirata subcircula sp ........ Volsella julia Volutomorpha sp .................................... 40, 42. 47 W Wadeor - sp 48 W ’ ‘ de,’ M 45 Wenonah Formation . Wicomico Formation Woodbridge clay Woodbury Clay Woodsella typica. ............ Woodstown quadrangle X Xenophon; leprosa 5D Yoldia gab band . papyria * U.S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE: I870 O—SOB~36‘ 7 QM” :7? 5 , .. Landslides in the Vicinity of “$757 the Fort Randall Reservoir, South Dakota GEOLOGICAL SURVEY PROFESSIONAL PAPER 675 Landslides in the Vicinity of the Fort Randall Reservoir, South Dakota By CHRISTOPHER F. ERSKINE GEOLOGICAL SURVEY PROFESSIONAL PAPER 675 A stuajz of some fundamental causes of landslides in the Pierre Shale along the Missouri River trench UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE, WASHINGTON 2 1973 UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR ROGERS C. B. MORTON, Secretary GEOLOGICAL SURVEY V. E. McKelvey, Director Library of Congress Catalog-card No. 72—60030?) For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office Washington, DC. 20402 - Price $3.75 (paper cover) Stock Number 2401—2200 CONTENTS Abstract ___________________________________________ Introduction _______________________________________ Purpose and scope ______________________________ Fieldwork ______________________________________ Acknowledgments _______________________________ Geographic setting __________________________________ Culture ________________________________________ Physiography __________________________________ Climate _______________________________________ Vegetation _____________________________________ Geology ___________________________________________ Upper Cretaceous sedimentary rocks ______________ Niobrara Formation _________________________ Pierre Shale ________________________________ Sharon Springs Member _________________ Gregory Member _______________________ Crow Creek Member ____________________ De Grey Member _______________________ Verendrye Member _____________________ Virgin Creek Member ___________________ Mobridge Member ______________________ Elk Butte Member ______________________ Structure __________________________________ Tertiary and Quaternary deposits _________________ Ogallala Formation _________________________ Till _______________________________________ Alluvium __________________________________ Alluvium, colluvium, and loess _______________ Loess ______________________________________ Origin and development of Missouri River trench _______ Landslides-____________-________________» ___________ Types of landslides ______________________________ Rockfalls __________________________________ Soilfalls ____________________________________ Bedrock slumps and block glides ______________ Soil slumps ________________________________ Slow earthflows ____________________________ Mudflows __________________________________ Causes of landsliding in the Fort Randall Reservoir area _________________________________________ Erosion ____________________________________ Ground water ______________________________ Weight ________________________________ Lubrication ____________________________ Hydrostatic pressure ____________________ Uniform hydrostatic pressure"--- _ _ _ _ Variations in hydrostatic pressure _____ Piping _________________________________ Miscellaneous causes of landsliding ____________ Relative importance of the landslide causes- _ _ _ Analyses of the Pierre Shale _________________________ Mechanical analyses _____________________________ Mineral composition- _ - _V ________________________ Montmorillonite __________________________________ "U :2 "<3 CDQQDSDWWOOKIQRIOGO‘JOTUIUIAI‘FthkNWODIONNNi-l Representative study areas __________________________ Method of selection _____________________________ Scope of investigations __________________________ Slope stability appraisal _____________________ Stable ground __________________________ , Stabilized landslides _____________________ Recently active landslides _______________ Reactivated landslides ___________________ Active landslides ________________________ Geologic mapping __________________________ Descriptions of individual areas ___________________ Area 1 ____________________________________ Area 2 _____________________________________ Area 3 _____________________________________ Area 4 _____________________________________ Area 5 _____________________________________ Interpretation of data ___________________________ Prereservoir slope stability ___________________ Correlation of landslides, slope angles, and geologic materials _________________________ Preparation of data _____________________ Analysis _______________________________ Interpretation __________________________ Summary and conclusions ________________________ Ground-water investigations _________________________ Purpose _______________________________________ Method of investigations _________________________ Piezometer locations ____________________________ Results and interpretations ______________________ Relation between reservoir water level and ground-water level ________________________ Relation between cyclic processes and ground- water levels ______________________________ Behavior of ground water ____________________ Site A _________________________________ Site B _________________________________ Site C _________________________________ Site D _________________________________ Sites 1 and 2 ___________________________ Site 3 __________________________________ Site 4 __________________________________ Summary ______________________________ Landslide movements ________________________________ Methods of investigations ________________________ Descriptions of landslides ________________________ Highway 16 slump __________________________ Cable School earthflows _____________________ Cable School slump-earthflow ________________ Landing Creek slump-earthflow _______________ Paulson slump ______________________________ Surplus precipitation, ground water, slope stability: corrections ______________________________________ Precipitation available for storage as ground water__ III CONTENTS IV Surplus Precipitation—Continued Page Surplus Precipitation—Continued Relation between precipitation and potential evapo- Correlation between surplus precipitation and ground- transpiration at Pickstown _____________________ 58 water levels __________________________________ Cumulative precipitation surplus __________________ 59 Conclusion ____________________________________ Correlation between surplus precipitation and slope References ________________________________________ stability _____________________________________ 59 Index _____________________________________________ PLATE ll. 12. 13. 14. 10. 16. 17—28. 29. 30. 31. 32. TABLE 1. mucuciuswp ILLUSTRATIONS [All plates are in pocket] . Maps showing slope stability appraisals of areas 1, 3, 4, and 5, Fort Randall Reservoir. . Chart showing classification of landslides. Geologic and slope stability map and sections of area 2, Fort Randall Reservoir. . Graph showing piezometer readings and reservoir water levels. . Detailed geologic maps of selected slumps and earthflows in the Fort Randall Reservoir area. . Map showing physical divisions of South Dakota ______________________________________________________ . Photograph of soilfall and slumping, left bank of Fort Randall Reservoir _________________________________ . Cross sections showing relation between slump and block glide __________________________________________ . Photograph of Landing Creek slump-earthflow ________________________________________________________ . Schematic cross section through a potential slump _____________________________________________________ . Photographs: 6. Highway 16 slump __________________________________________________________________________ 7. Cable School slump-earthflow _________________________________________________________________ 8. Active slump along the Fort Randall Reservoir shore ____________________________________________ 9. Slumping along the face of a gravel terrace _____________________________________________________ 10. Slumping in slow-draining alluvium, right bank of Fort Randall Reservoir __________________ , ....... Idealized diagram of conditions conducive to earthflows ________________________________________________ Photograph of three earthflows in colluvium and Pierre Shale, Cable School area __________________________ Diagrams showing effect of hydrostatic water pressure in fractures _______________________________________ Photograph of slump caused by highway fill placed at head of a potential landslide block ___________________ Graph showing particle-size distribution in five members of Pierre Shale __________________________________ Graph showing Pierre Shale mineral composition ______________________________________________________ Photographs: 17 . Area of Pierre Shale slopes considered stable ____________________________________________________ 18. A low—level stable fill terrace at base of slopes composed of old stabilized landslides __________________ 19. Recently stablized slump _____________________________________________________________________ 20. Stabilized landslide terrain ___________________________________________________________________ 21. Exposed slump along Fort Randall Reservoir Shore ______________________________________________ 22. A recently active slump ______________________________________________________________________ 23. A slump earthflow caused by reactivation of old stabilized slump block _____________________________ 24. The head of an active landslide on southwest bank of Fort Randall Reservoir ______________________ 25. Terrain on southwest side of area 2 ____________________________________________________________ 26. Terrain west of Missouri River in area 4 _______________________________________________________ 27. Blufl's along left bank of White River where river erosion causing active landslides __________________ 28. East part of Cable School landslide area _______________________________________________________ Schematic diagram of piezometer installation __________________________________________________________ Photograph of Paulson slump, a reactivated slump in Pierre Shale _______________________________________ Graphs showing correlation between precipitation and potential evapotranspiration ________________________ Graphs showing correlation between piezometer water levels and cumulative precipitation surpluses __________ TABLES A generalized stratigraphic section ____________________________________________________________________ Estimate of relative importance of agents involved in Fort Randall landslides _____________________________ . Localities of shale samples shown in figure 16 _________________________________________________________ - Percentage of total area of landslides in each class of landsude activity ___________________________________ - Slope stability conditions 0f lore-Quaternary deposits in area 2 southwest of Missouri River _________________ - Average" slope angles 0f Pierre Shale members along cross sections A—A’ to J—J’ ___________________________ . Ranking of Pierre Shale data ________________________________________________________________________ . Piezometer installations in South Dakota ___________________________________________________________ k, - Page 62 63 63 65 Page 11 11 12 12 12 13 13 14 14 15 15 19 21 23 27 30 31 31 32 32 33 33 34 36 39 41 42 46 57 60 62 Page 22 25 42 43 43 44 47 LANDSLIDES IN THE VICINITY OF THE FORT RANDALL RESERVOIR, SOUTH DAKOTA By CHRISTOPHER F. ERSKINE ABSTRACT The Fort Randall Reservoir, which first held water in 1952, is one of the several multipurpose reservoirs created by the US Army Corps of Engineers along the Missouri River. It is in south-central South Dakota and extends from near the South Dakota-Nebraska boundary upstream about 130 miles to the northwest. The walls of the Missouri River valley and its tribu— taries consist predominantly of Upper Cretaceous Pierre Shale, a bentonitic claystone and shale that is subject to extensive landsliding. Alluvium underlies terraces and comprises the flood- plain deposits in the Missouri River trench. The impounded water of the reservoir had little effect on slope stability during the period of study. Emphasis was placed on investigating the nature and causes of landslides along the Missouri River trench above and below Fort Randall Dam. The landslides along the trench are the following types: rock- falls, soilfalls, bedrock slumps, soil slumps, slow earthflows, mudflows, and slump-ea rthflows. The most common of these are slump-earthflows, earthflows, soilfalls (along the reservoir shore), and slumps, in that order. All landslides are activated primarily by erosion and ground water, which may be considered as general causes or as trigger actions. General causes are long-term processes that decrease overall stability of a slope and increase its potential for land- sliding. Trigger actions are rapid, often recurring processes that set off individual landslides in places where general causes have already reduced stability of the slopes. The main general cause of landslides is erosion. Ground water can act both as general cause and trigger action where oversteep, potentially unstable slopes exist. It can affect slope stability by increase of weight of slope material in a potential landslide, lubrication, hydrostatic pressure, and piping. Analyses of the Pierre Shale indicate that it is mostly iso- lated silt-size grains in a matrix of clay-size particles that are predominantly montmorillonite. The silt grains do not inter- lock; hence, the strength of the shale depends almost entirely upon the montmorillonitic matrix. Appraisal of slope stability in five representative areas, each including about 25 square miles, suggests that the Missouri River trench walls have been relatively stable during historic time. Most of the active and recently active landslides are re- lated to erosion by tributary streams, whereas many of the old partially obscured landslide remnants, including most of the larger slides, shown an apparent topographic relation to the main river valley. Landslide activity probably was last at a maximum during the latest glacial advance. A statistical comparison, made for individual members of the Pierre Shale, indicates a relation between montmorillonite in the clay-size component and the average slope angles and also a possible relation between slope angles and the relative amount of landslide terrain. There is no statistical relation, however, between montmorillonite and the relative amount of landslide terrain. The conclusions are that all members of the Pierre Shale along the Missouri River slide as a part of the normal erosion process, and the angle at which individual members develop a stable slope is a function of the montmoril- lonite content in their clay-size portions. The apparent relation between landslide activity and ground— water conditions was explored in a ground-water observation program from 1954 through 1959. Twenty porous tube piezo- meters were installed at eight sites near the reservoir. Four of the sites are in bedrock and four in alluvium. The observa- tions indicate that ground water in the shale bedrock moves primarily through fractures, and the direction and rate of ground-water movement depends on the orientation and size of the fractures. Movements of control points established on five landslides—- one earthflow, one slump, and three slump-earthflows—were measured over a 3-year period. The resulting data indicate that these three types of landslides have somewhat characteristic activity patterns. Earthflows have one short period of activity of a few days or weeks, after which they become stable. The movement of slumps is small relative to their size. Most of the movement probably occurs at one time, although minor move- ments as the slump approaches equilibrium may continue for several years. Slump-earthflows generally have a longer active life than either earthflows or slumps, the active life of a slump-earthflow being proportional to its size. Possible correlations exist between (1) surplus precipitation available for ground-water storage, (2) landslide activity, and (3) ground-water conditions. Theoretical maximum potential evapotranspiration values were calculated from climatic data. The difference between actual precipitation and potential evapotranspiration is the precipitation-surplus or deficiency available to supplement ground-water supplies. The available information shows a distinct correlation between surplus pre- cipitation and landslide activity. Long-term surplus precipita- tion values represented by a 12—month cumulafive-precipitation- surplus curve were at a maximum in 1952 when landslide activ— ity was at a maximum; long-term ground-water influxes, there- fore, seem to be a general cause of unstable slopes. There are usually precipitation-surpluses during the winter and early spring, and most landslide activity occurs in the spring; short- term ground-water influxes thus seem to trigger landslides. The ground-water data from the piezometers are too limited to either prove or disprove that the precipitation-surplus actually affects ground-water conditions. The available data, however, are fully compatible with the precipitation-surplus—landslide- 1 2 LANDSLIDES NEAR FORT RANDALL RESERVOIR, SOUTH DAKOTA activity relation. It seems likely that times of maximum land- slide activity occur when infiltration of surplus precipitation appreciably augments the ground-water supplies. It may be possible to predict periods of appreciable landslide activity by appraising 12-month cumulative-precipitation-surplus curves. INTRODUCTION This report summarizes the results of landslide stud- ies near the Fort Randall Reservoir in South Dakota (pl. 1). The reservoir occupies the Missouri River valley (Missouri River trench) and is formed behind the Fort Randall Dam, located 5 miles above the point where the Missouri River crosses the Nebraska-South Dakota State line. The reservoir extends upstream about 130 miles northwesterly nearly to Big Bend, a large meander curve in the river about 10 miles above Fort Thompson. The walls of the trench in the segment containing the Fort Randall Reservoir are composed primarily of Pierre Shale, which here is virtually a bentonitic mud- stone. Pierre Shale is very susceptible to landsliding when it is saturated or nearly saturated; ground-water conditions, therefore, have a close relation to slope stability in the shale. Filling of the reservoir (dam closure in 1952) has raised the free-water level in the trench and is undoubtedly changing the ground—water regimen in the area. The environs of the reservoir (pl. 1) are well suited to the study of the effect of chang- ingground-water conditions on slope stability. PURPOSE AND SCOPE This study was undertaken to learn more about land- sliding, particularly reasons for the failure of slopes in bentonitic mudstone. The goal is not only to provide general qualitative information but also to point out specific problems for more detailed research. Factors affecting slope stability were studied throughout a large area, therefore, rather than exhaustive studies made of particular landslides. The scope is restricted to three specific problems of landsliding. The first problem is to determine the rela— tion between landslides and ground—water conditions. Because the Pierre Shale is relatively impermeable, its ground-water conditions will take many years to reach equilibrium with. the free-water level in the reservoir. Little can now be said, therefore, about the effect of the reservoir on landsliding except where wave ero- sion and saturation are causing landslides along the reservoir shore. In this report emphasis is placed on ground—water effects independent of the reservoir and that result from seasonal precipitation variations as well as short- and long—range climatic changes. The second problem is to identify the factors that control times and rates of movement of individual and col— lective landslides. The third problem is to determine whether there is a relation between composition of the members of the Pierre Shale and their susceptibility to landsliding. The effects on slope stability of major com- positional variations, such as quartzite versus clay shale, are obvious, but little is known about minor com- positional differences between individual members of the Pierre Shale. The landslide investigation consisted of analysis of the Pierre Shale, appraisal of selected study areas, ground-water investigations, and measurement of land- slide movements; based on these studies, correlation was suggested between surplus precipitation available for groundwater storage, landslide activity, and ground-water conditions. FIELDWORK Most of the fieldwork was done during the summers of 1952—55 inclusive. During 1956 about 1 month was spent field checking and measuring landslide move- ments. US. Geological Survey personnel at Huron, S. Dak., made ground—water measurements during the winters of 1954 (J an.—March) and 1954—55. They as- sumed full responsibility for the ground-water pro— gram in the fall of 1955 and continued to make pie- zometer measurements intermittently through 1959. In the field, data were plotted on maps and on aerial photographs, and later they were transferred to base maps. The landslide movements were measured by periodically relocating control points on the landslides with a transit either by triangulation or by closed traverse. Porous tube piezometers were used to observe ground-water levels. Subsurface samples for analyses of the Pierre Shale were obtained with a power auger. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The author was assisted in the field by W. A. Smyth in 1952, Darrel Kroenlein for 6 weeks in 1953, J. E. Garrison for 3 weeks and J. H. Smith for 5 weeks in 1954, and Herman Ponder in 1955. Members of the US. Geological Survey, especially D. R. Crandell, H. E. Simpson, and D. J. Varnes, visited the project area and made many helpful suggestions. The late Mrs. Helen Varnes accepted the author’s duties when he resigned from the US. Geological Sur— vey in 1957. Without her conscientious revision of the original draft and later work on the manuscript, the report could never have been completed. D. J. Varnes. C. G. Johnson, and R. D. Miller made significant con- tributions in further reviewing and revising the manu— script for publication. GEOGRAPHIC SETTING 3 The ground-water observation program is credited to personnel in several agencies. J. R. Jones, F. C. Koopman, and G. A. LaRocque, Jr., of the Huron, S. Dak., office of the US. Geological Survey, were ad- visers for the overall program. Information about por- ous tube piezometers was furnished by W. W. Daehn, E. E. Esmiol, and J. P. Gould of the US. Bureau of Reclamation. W. H. Jackson of the US. Geological Survey designed the device used to measure water levels in the piezometers. The Omaha District, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, furnished a churn drill and crew to install the piezometers. The Omaha District, US. Army Corps of Engineers, provided the project with maps, services, space for field offices, and storage facilities, and their personnel cooperated with project personnel in every way pos- sible. A. H. Burling, J. A. Trantina, and L. B. Under- wood, especially, gave the author many good sugges- tions at numerous discussions and field conferences. Many other persons and agencies contributed to the project. Among them were theSouth Dakota State Geological Survey and the South Dakota State High- way Commission. The city ofiicials of Chamberlain, S. Dak., allowed piezometers to be installed on city land. Landowners near Fort Randall Reservoir permit- ted landslide investigations on their land. GEOGRAPHIC SETTING CULTURE The land around Fort Randall Reservoir is used en— tirely for farming and ranching. Generally, crops are raised on the relatively flat uplands, terraces, and flood plains, and the valley walls are used for grazing cattle and sheep. The only permanent towns near the reservoir and their 1960 populations are Chamberlain, 2,598; Fort Thompson, 150; Oacoma, 312; and Pickstown, about 600. Pickstown, located at the Fort Randall damsite, was built by the US. Army Corps of Engineers. The roads are mostly in the uplands somewhat re- mote from the reservoir. US. Highway 16 crosses the reservoir at Chamberlain, and US. Highway 18 crosses the Missouri River at the Fort Randall Dam. The up- lands have a good network of State and county roads. There are few roads along the valley walls of the Mis- souri River and its tributaries; in most places the reser- voir shore can be reached only on foot or by four- wheel-drive vehicles. The Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul and Pacific Rail- road line from Mitchell, S. Dak., to Rapid City, S. Dak., crosses the reservoir at Chamberlain. A spur track built by the Corps of Engineers to carry con- struction materials to the Fort Randall Dam runs from the Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul and Pacific Railroad line at Lake Andes to the damsite 7 miles to the south. , PHYSIOGRAPHY The Fort Randall Reservoir lies entirely within the Misouri River trench (fig. 1), one of the 12 physical divisions of South Dakota of Flint (1955), but locally the landslide areas extend eastward into the Coteau du Missouri and westward into the Pierre hills. Missouri River trench—The Missouri River valley constitutes the Missouri River trench physical division (fig. 1). It is a broad southeast-trending trough, 300— 650 feet deep, cut into the eastward—sloping Missouri Plateau. Between the Nebraska border and Big‘ Bend (pl. 1), the trench is 11/2—5 miles wide, and the floor is %—11/2 miles wide. The walls of the trench, cut in eas- ily eroded Pierre Shale, have a rugged “badlands” topography—alternating steep-sided gullies and spurs. Terrace remnants are common. Where large segments of old terraces remain, they protect the trench walls above from direct rivererosion. As a result, in these places the walls have not been greatly affected by post— terrace valley cutting, and the topography is more subdued than in unprotected parts of the trench. Pierre hills—The Pierre hills physical division is characterized by mature topography of low rolling hills and a well—integrated drainage system. Downcutting by the Missouri River has rejuvenated the drainage sys- tem, and steep-walled youthful valleys now are en- croaching on the rolling uplands. Coteau du Missouri—The Coteau du Missouri is a glaciated eastward extension of the Pierre hills. Most of the gently rolling surface is ‘mantled by glacial drift that masks any preglacial drainage pattern. Compara- FIGURE 1.—Physical divisions of South Dakota. 1, Minnesota River-Red River lowland; 2, Coteau des Prairies; 3, James River lowland; 4, Lake Dakota plain; 5, James River high- lands; 6, Coteau du Missouri; 7, Missouri River trench; 8, northern plateaus; 9, Pierre hills; 10, Black Hills; 11, southern plateaus; 12, Sand Hills. From (Flint, 1955, fig. 1.) 4- LANDSLID'ES NEAR FORT RANDALL RESERVOIR, SOUTH DAKOTA tively few youthful streams extend far beyond the lim- its of the Missouri River trench into the Coteau; con- sequently much of the area drains into intermittent ponds in numerous closed depressions. CLIMATE South Dakota has a dry subhumid climate with hot summers and cold winters, US. Department of Agri- culture (1941) and Visher (1954). Within the reser- voir area, precipitation and temperature decrease mark— edly northwestward. Average annual precipitation is about 23 inches at the dam and about 18 inches at Fort Thompson. More than 7 5 percent of the precipi- tation falls from early April through September, and 40—50 percent of the total precipitation falls in May, June, and July. Average January temperatures range from 20° F at Fort Randall Dam to 16° F at Fort Thompson; average July temperatures are about 75° F for the entire area. A temperature range of 130° F, from —25° F minimum to 105° F maximum, can be expected in a normal year. Winds, predominantly northwest in winter and southeast in summer, have an average velocity of 10—12 miles per hour. VEGETATION The natural plants of the uplands are drought-re- sistant grasses. Shrubs and trees grow in the valleys and gullies. Many good stands of trees, predominantly cottonwoods, are along the river bottomland not flooded by water in the reservoir. Trees growing away from permanent streams become increasingly scarce toward the northwest end of the reservoir area, reflecting the regional decrease in precipitation. Cultivated are corn, the main crop in the southeast end of the reservoir area, Wheat, the main crop in the northwest end, and some oats, soybeans, and sorghum. Vegetation commonly is lusher on slopes Where land- slides have occurred for the following reasons: the excess water that encourages landsliding also encour- ages vegetation; the closed depressions and fissures that result from landsliding trap water which would nor- mally run off a smoother stable slope. GEOLOGY This report is concerned with the geologic forma- tions of the Fort Randall Reservoir area relative to their involvement in landslides along valley walls of the Missouri River and its tributaries. The following geologic descriptions and the generalized stratigraphic section (table 1) are presented primarily as back- ground information for discussion of the landslides. More detailed information on the regional geology is given by Petsch (1946), Flint (1955),Crandell (1958), Simpson (1960), and Schultz (1965). UPPER CRETACEOUS SEDIMENTARY ROCKS The Upper Cretaceous sedimentary rocks are virtu- ally the only consolidated deposits in the area. They TABLE 1.——A. generalized stratigraphic section of the Fort Randall Reservoir area Era System Series Group Unit Thickness (it) Alluvium, colluvium, and loess Generally <10 >. Loess 30:1: E 3 Slow draining .2 g Alluvium 100:1: g 0’ Fast draining E D Till Locally as much as 100 >~ S E § Ogallala Formation 403: a; = E4 (14 Elk Butte Member >180 Mobridge Member > 100 3 3 Virgin Creek Member 50—100 65 _._._.. o 3 § fi Verendrye Member 90—170 s o 3 Montana Q —— g g g E De Grey Member 20—50 8 o ._. g 5; :5 °" Crow Creek Member 10:}: a. :5" Gregory Member 30—90(7) Sharon Springs Member 35—55 Colorado Niobrara Formation 16—90 exposed (prereservoir) GEOLOGY 5 include the most stable (Niobrara Formation) and the least stable (Pierre Shale) deposits in the area. NIOBRARA FORMATION The Niobrara Formation, a soft impure fossiliferous limestone, was widely exposed in the lower part of the walls of the Missouri River trench before the dam was built. Now, however, most of the formation in the downstream half of the area is permanently sub- merged. The Niobrara crops out as nearly vertical blufl’s bordering the river and its flood plain. Before the com- pletion of the dam in 1952 these bluffs were from a few feet to more than 85 feet above the river level (Petsch, 1946, fig. 12). The exposed thickness above the river varied considerably, due to the uneven upper surface of the formation and also to the gentle open folding of the Cretaceous beds. Near Fort Randall Dam, the top of the Niobrara, at an altitude of 1,310 feet, was about 70 feet above river level (1,240-ft altitude). Up- stream at the site of the former Wheeler Bridge, only 16 feet of Niobrara was exposed. Near Chamberlain, the Niobrara-Pierre contact is 1,420 feet in altitude, and about 90 feet of Niobrara was exposed above the Mis— souri River. The formation passes below river level near the lower end of Big Bend at an altitude of about 1,350 feet. The Niobrara Formation, the oldest exposed bed- rock in the area, is the uppermost formation of the Upper Cretaceous Colorado Group. The Niobrara rocks that crop out within the report area can be traced di- rectly to the Niobrara type locality of Meek and Hay— den (1861, p. 422—424) near the junction of Niobrara Creek and the Missouri River about 35 miles southeast of the Fort Randall Dam. The Niobrara Formation is a dark-gray impure chalk containing many microscopic shells of Foramini- fera and Ostracoda. Small light-colored shell frag- ments and elastic particles in a darker grou'ndmass give the chalk a salt-and-pepper appearance when closely examined. Weathering changes the color from dark gray to pale orange. (All color terms conform with terminology used in the ‘Rock-Color Chart” by Goddard and others (1948).) The rock is massive and coherent, with a toughness and resilience that makes it difficult to fracture, al- though it is soft enough to be scratched by a finger- nail. The nearly horizontal bedding is best shown by partings a few inches to 5 feet apart and by thin clay and gypsum layers along. many of the bedding planes. Nearly vertical joints 1 inch to several feet apart are conspicuous in most exposures. PIERRE SHALE The Pierre Shale, overlying the Niobrara Forma- tion, constitutes most of the valley walls of the Mis- souri River and its tributaries. The Pierre underlies a mature topography of low, gently rounded hills slashed by recently cut steep—sided gullies and valleys, and locally disrupted by landslides. In this report the Pierre is divided into eight mem- bers following Crandell’s classification (1958, p. 8—19), although individual members are not everywhere map- pable, either because contacts are obscured or because the members are too similar lithologically. Because classification changes by Schultz (1965) after recor- relation of marl beds in the Gregory and Crow Creek Members were (made after completion of the landslide studies, they have not been incorporated in this report. The maximum thickness measured was 423 feet at the site of the former Wheeler Bridge 15 miles above Fort Randall Dam. Although a complete section was not compiled in the upper part of the area, the fol- lowing figures for sections, including the lower six members, suggest that the whole formation thickens several hundred feet within the length of the reser— voir. At Wheeler Bridge, the total thickness of the six members is 228 feet; in the Vicinity of Chamberlain, it is at least 400 feet (interpreted from Petsch, 1952). SHARON SPRINGS MEMBER Before the filling of the reservoir the Sharon Springs Member of the Pierre Shale was exposed throughout the report area. The normal operating water level of the reservoir now covers this member south of the site of the former Wheeler Bridge. The Sharon Springs Member at Wheeler Bridge is 35 feet thick. The thick- ness in the upper part of the reservoir near Chamber- lain is uncertain: Warren and Crandell (1952, p. 4) inferred 55 feet thickness from measurement of weath- ered shale chips in the section, but they saw no actual exposures of the shale more than about 15 feet thick. The contact between the Pierre Shale and the under- lying Niobrara Formation is sharp. The Sharon Springs Member commonly crops out in relatively steep slopes above the chalk, as the unweathered shale is stable and can stand in nearly vertical slopes. As weathering progresses, the shale breaks down into chips which tend to ravel down the slope face until a slope at the angle of repose, generally about 30°, is formed. The Sharon Springs Member is olive to brownish- dark—gray bituminous shale. Fish scale fragments are widely disseminated through the member, and in many places the bituminous content is large enough to sup- 6 LANDSLID‘ES NEAR FORT RANDALL RESERVOIR, SOUTH DAKOTA port combustion. Thin bentonite beds, generally less than 1 inch thick, are common, and secondary gypsum, either as disseminated selenite crystals or as inter- growths in the bentonite beds, is plentiful. A yellow powdery mineral, identified as a secondary hydrous sulfate of iron (Simpson, 1954, p. 63), in places coats the shale along parting and joint surfaces. Partially weathered outcrops of the Sharon Springs Member are characterized by stacks of horizontal chips one-eighth inch or less thick and generally less than 2 inches in diameter. The rock is relatively hard (barely marked by a fingernail) and the only member of the Pierre Shale that does not readily weather to clay. Bedding is not apparent in fresh exposures, but hori- zontal fissility develop on weathered outcrops. GREGORY MEMBER The Gregory Member of the Pierre Shale underlies . moderate grass-covered slopes throughout the area bor- dering the Fort Randall Reservoir. Locally, rapid ero- sion produces fairly steep slopes, although nearly all slopes more than 25 feet high are flattened by subse— quent landsliding. The unit, which is separated from the underlying Sharon Springs by a sharp contact, is the lowest member of the Pierre Shale that will be com- pletely exposed when the reservoir is at minimum pool level (1,310 ft). Thickness of the Gregory Member increases from about 35 feet in the lower part of the reservoir (Gries, 1942, p. 31) to 50—90 feet near Chamberlain (Warren and Crandell, 1952, p. 5). Near the dam, the Gregory corresponds lithologically to the lower beds of the type section (Crandell, 1958, p. 10) and is a dark-gray marl underlain by a basal silty layer and overlain by a dark-gray calcerous shale. In the upper reaches of the reservoir, the Gregory is a predominantly noncalcareous gray bentonitic clay- stone that closely resembles the upper part of the Gregory in the Pierre area (Crandell, 1958, p. 10), al— though a marl layer is locally present at or near the base. The appearance of the outcrops varies with the lith- ology. The marl is a dense resistant rock that locally forms small ledges less than 10 feet high. The shale weathers rapidly; fresh shale alters to bentonitic clay in a few years, passing through a partially weathered stage of chips up to about 1 inch in diameter and one- eighth inch thick. The claystone weathers directly to a bentonitic clay without passing through a chip stage. Marl beds, bentonite beds, and occasional concretionary layers are the only depositional indications of bedding. Unweathered shale and claystone appear to be homo- genous, but partially altered shale develops a fissility apparently parallel with the bedding. CROW CREEK MEMBER The Crow Creek Member consists of a blocky un- bedded marl underlain by a few inches of laminated siltstone. The Crow Creek is remarkably persistent al- though the siltstone is only 10—15 inches thick and the marl is generally 7—10 feet thick. The marl bed has been recognized along the Missouri River trench for more than 250 miles from Yankton, 70 miles down- stream from Fort Randall Dam, to the vicinity of Pierre, almost 200 miles upstream from the dam. The siltstone is present upstream from the former Wheeler Bridge site, but it has not been identified downstream. Exposures of the Crow Creek Member become in— creasingly distinctive from the dam toward the upper . part of the reservoir. In the lower part of the reservoir the member typically is covered by slope wash or soil and is visible only where recently eroded. In the upper part it stands out very noticeably as a light band in the otherwise dark Pierre Shale. The contact with the Gregory Member is sharp and disconformable, al— though no evidence of channeling has been observed. Crandell (1952, 1958) made a detailed study of the Crow Creek Member, and the following brief lithologic description is largely a summary of his data. The un— weathered marl is light gray; upon exposure it oxi- dizes to grayish orange. Secondary iron oxide in the siltstone commonly gives it a yellowish-brown appear- ance. The marl is soft and shows no indication of bed- ding, whereas the siltstone consistently shows bedding and breaks into thin slabs along bedding planes as it weathers. In some outcrops secondary iron oxide has cemented the siltstone to form ledges approximately 1 foot high; in other places it is cemented in varying degrees by calcium carbonate. DEGREY MEMBER The DeGrey Member of the Pierre Shale exposed in the valley walls bordering the reservoir is a massive dark—olive-gray bentonitic claystone containing numer- ous thin bentonite beds and, in the north half of the area, abundant iron-manganese concretions. A black band of residual concretions makes DeGrey outcrops a striking feature of the walls of the Missouri River trench around the upper part of the reservoir. The basal few feet of the DeGrey generally contains no concretions, and the contact between the Crow Creek and DeGrey Members is a relatively sharp transition from marl to noncalcareous claystone. The DeGrey of the Fort Randall area closely resembles the shale and bentonite facies described by Crandell (1958, p. 13— GEOLOGY 7 14), but the thick basal siliceous shale facies described by Crandell apparently is not present in the report. area. The member ranges in thickness from 23 feet at the Wheeler Bridge site (Gries, 1942, p. 31) to about 50 feet near Chamberlain (Warren and Crandell, 1952, p. 7). In a fresh cut the claystone appears well consoli- dated, but it weathers rapidly to gentle slopes blank- eted by 4-8 inches of clay with a characteristic coarse, porous crumblike structure when dry. Wherever the more resistant bentonite beds and layers of concretions are eroded, a steplike topography develops. Continued weathering and erosion, however, break down these layers and leave the concretions scattered as a lag con- centrate on the shale. The DeGrey is very susceptible to landsliding, espe- cially in the southern part of the area. Most exposures show at least minor displacements, most of which can be attributed to landsliding. VERENDRYE MEMBER The Verendrye Member is present throughout the report area. Most fresh outcrops are on active and re- cently active landslide blocks because exposed clay— stone weathers rapidly and is blanketed by residual clay soil. No complete sections were measured during the present investigation, but Petsch (1946, p. 37) showed 80 feet of thickness at the Wheeler Bridge site and about 170 feet at Crow Creek, 10 miles north of Chamberlain. The contact between the Verendrye and the underly- ing DeGrey Member becomes less distinct southward along the reservoir. In the northern part of the reser- voir, the contact can readily be recognized at the top of the iron-manganese concretion zone in the DeGrey. In the southern part of the reservoir, landslides and vegetation commonly obscure the contact. Moreover, the absence here of a conspicuous concretionary zone in the DeGrey results in a similar lithology that makes distinction between the two members difficult in the few good exposures available. Lithologically, the Verendrye is a bentonitic olive- gray claystone very similar to parts of the DeGrey Member. In the Fort Randall area, the Verendrye has far fewer concretions and fewer discrete bentonite beds than the DeGrey. In the Pierre area to the northwest, however, Crandell (1958, p. 15) reported abundant concretions in the Verendrye and a gradational con- tact between it and the DeGrey. The Verendrye Member breaks down to bentonitic clay after a few months of exposure. The material closely resembles the weathering products of the De- Grey except for the absence of lag concentrates. Throughout the area the Verendrye appears to be un- stable and susceptible to landsliding. VIRGIN CREEK MEMBER The Virgin Creek Member, defined by Searight (1937, p. 35) and described by Crandell (1958, p. 15— 16), is present above the Verendrye Member through- out the area. It consists of a noncalcareous bentonitic shale at the base and grades into noncalcareous benton- itic claystone at the top. In the upper half of the reser- voir it is the highest member of the Pierre Shale ex— tensively exposed in the walls of the Missouri River trench. The Virgin Creek Member is about 50 feet thick near the dam and increases in thickness to the north- west. Poor outcrops make direct measurement difficult in the northern part of the reservoir, but comparison of the Chamberlain quadrangle geologic map (Petsch, 1952) and the topographic map suggests that the mem- ber is about 100 feet thick near Chamberlain. Outcrops typical of the Virgin Creek Member are rare in the smooth, grass-covered slopes. Fresh out- crops are found only where stream erosion or landslides have recently exposed the member. Outcrops of the shale facies show a characteristic silvery sheen derived from the shale chips. In outcrops weathered to a ben- tonitic clay, it is difficult to distinguish the Virgin Creek Member from the underlying Verendrye Mem- ber, as apparently there is no sharp contact between them. The contact, which is inferred to be gradational over a vertical distance of 5—10 feet, is usually hidden by slump blocks derived from weathered Virgin Creek beds. Both the shale and claystone are dark gray to gray- ish black where fresh and brownish gray where weath- ered. Concretionary layers and thin bentonite beds as much as 1 inch thick are common. The basal shale, with the exception of the Sharon Springs Member, is the most fissile material in the Pierre Shale. It weath- ers to small chips generally less than 1 inch in diameter and one-eighth-inch thick. After prolonged exposure the chips disintegrate to a bentonitic clay similar to the soils derived from the DeGrey and Verendrye Mem- bers. The transition of shale to claystone is gradual. No obvious break separates the two facies, but the upper part of the member is less fissile and quickly weathers to bentonitic clay. MOBRIDGE MEMBER The Mobridge Member of the Pierre Shale consists of partly indurated marl and calcareous shale beds 8 LANDSLIDES NEAR FORT RANDALL RESERVOHL SOUTTT DAKOTA very similar to those described in the Pierre area by Crandell (1958, p. 16—17). In the south half of the Fort Randall area, the Mobridge crops out in the Mis- souri River trench walls bordering the reservoir; in the north half, it crops out only in the uplands away from the trench. The Mobridge is about 100 feet thick near the Fort Randall Dam (Gries, 1942, p. 25). Although it thickens northwestward along the trench, no data are available on thicknesses in the northern part of the report area. The lithology has considerable lateral variation. Along the Missouri River trench in South Dakota, the member grades from bentonitic marl (containing roughly 35 percent calcium carbonate) near Fort Ran- dall Dam to calcareous bentonitic shale (containing less than 10 percent calcium carbonate) near the North Dakota border (Curtiss, 1950, p. 7 5). The color changes from medium dark gray in fresh exposures to yellow— ish gray and buff in completely weathered beds. The rock appears massive and firm, although it is more friable than some shale members of the Pierre. Concretionary layers are common. As weathering pro- gresses, partings and color bandings 1/2—1 inch thick develop parallel to the bedding. The contact between the calcareous Mobridge beds and the noncalcareous Virgin Creek beds is sharp, although the two mem- bers intertongue locally. The Mobridge Member is more resistant to erosion than the underlying members. Although it typically forms grass-covered hillsides, the slopes are generally more pronounced and, in many places, the Mobridge crops out as fairly steep buff-colored slopes. The steep- er slopes suggest that it is less susceptible to landslid- ing than are most members of the Pierre. ELK BUTTE MEMBER The youngest unit of the Pierre Shale is the Elk Butte Member, a locally calcareous bentonitic clay- stone and shale. Exposures are confined to the uplands and the upper trench walls bordering the south half of the Fort Randall Reservoir. The original thickness of the Elk Butte Member in this area is unknown because the upper part was eroded and later overlain unconformably by upper Tertiary beds. At the Wheeler Bridge site, Gries (1942, p. 31) recorded nearly 100 feet of Elk Butte beds overlain by 80 feet of Fox Hills Formation. The Fox Hills as used by Gries is now considered to be part of the Elk Butte Member (Stevenson and Carlson, 1950), and therefore the total thickness is now estimated to be 180 feet in this location. Exposures of the Elk Butte Member are similar to those of the underlying Mobridge, and the contact between the two members is transitional. The top of the calcareous beds is commonly considered to be the top of the Mobridge (Crandell, 1950, p. 2338; 1958, p. 18), but because some calcareous beds occur above the supposed base of the Elk Butte Member in the lower part of the reservoir, color is also used to separate the two members (Crandell, 1958, p. 18). The weathered Elk Butte material is generally darker than the Mo- bridge. The color ranges from olive gray where par- tially weathered to moderate brown where fully weath- ered; unweathered material is rarely seen. A distinctive feature noted by Crandell is the presence of yellowish- brown calcareous concretions throughout the Elk Butte. In the Fort Randall area concretions are commonly scattered throughout the member and are also concen- trated locally in lenses and discontinuous beds. The Elk Butte Member appears to be well consoli- dated. As it weathers it develops slight fissility, and partings are spaced about one-fourth inch apart paral- lel to the bedding. Continued weathering easily alters the material to bentonitic clay. Weathering also brings out a conspicuous color banding in outcrops of consoli- dated shale and claystone. STRUCTURE The exposed rocks of Cretaceous age are flat-lying undisturbed sediments. Some minor open folds un- doubtedly exist, but they are too small to affect land- sliding in the area. The Niobrara—Pierre contact has a vertical range of almost 150 feet within the length of the reservoir. These fluctuations in altitude may represent open folds. Exposures of the Niobrara Formation and the Pierre Shale show some faulting. Most of the faults have no more than a few feet of displacement and rarely can be traced between outcrops. Subsurface damsite in— vestigations by the Corps of Engineers have revealed intense local faulting of both formations. Almost all the coherent outcrops show randomly oriented near-vertical joints, which presumably are present in all members of the Pierre Shale as well as in the Niobrara Formation. TERTIARY AND QUATERNARY DEPOSITS The Tertiary and Quaternary sediments are mostly unconsolidated terrestrial deposits. They include the Ogallala Formation of Pliocene age, glacial till, allu- vium, colluvium, and loess. All these deposits form more stabe slopes than does the Pierre Shale. Only a few of the landslides along the reservoir occur wholly in the Tertiary and Quaternary deposits. GEOLOGY 9 OGALLALA FORMATION The Ogallala Formation of Pliocene age is a hetero- geneous‘mixture of silt, sand, and fine to medium gravel locally cemented to form orthoquartzite. The Ogallala is restricted to the south half of the reservoir area. Uplands and buttes protected by resistant caps of orthoquartzite of the Ogallala rise above the gen- eral land surface. The original thickness of the formation is unknown and the present thickness varies because of erosion. The average thickness in the area is about 40 feet. Many landslides in Pierre Shale have extended up into the Ogallala Formation, and masses of Ogallala material are found in landslide remnants on slopes below their true stratigraphic locations. The orthoquartzite is grayish olive in fresh exposures and weathers to yellowish gray. Unconsolidated parts of the formation generally are pale shades of gray. TILL Unsorted glacial deposits blanket the uplands along much of the east side of the reservoir and are exposed in many places along the east wall of the Missouri trench. Till occurs chiefly in small isOlated patches on the west side of the reservoir. Because glacial deposits tend to fill in and smooth out irregularities in the preglacial topography, the thickness of these deposits varies greatly over short distances. Generally, the deposits are less than 50 feet thick although locally they may be at least twice as thick. In the Fort Randall area till is primarily silt and clay wth some pebbles, cobbles, and boulders. Mechan- ical analyses of the till at Chamberlain show that about 70 percent is of silt and clay size (Warren and Crandell, 1952, p. 44). Most of the till is partially weathered to some shade of brown; fresh til] is gen- erally a dark gray. ALLUVIUM In this report the term “alluvium” is applied to all water-laid deposits of Quaternary age and includes glacial outwash as well as stream and flood-plain de- posits. The general category has been subdivided into fast-draining alluvium and slow-draining alluvium. Fast-draining alluvium is sufficiently permeable to offer little resistance to the passage of water. Where it borders the shore of a lake or reservoir, there is no appreciable lag between fluctuations in the water level and resulting water table fluctuations within the allu- vium. Slow-draining alluvium has relatively low per- meability, and the movement of water is restricted. There is slower adjustment of the water table within slow—draining alluvium to changes of water level in an adjacent body of water. Extended studies of alluvial deposits enabled the author to use field methods to set a relatively consistent boundary between fast- and slow-draining alluvium. Fast-draining alluvium was predominantly composed of particles of coarse-sand size (0.5—1.0 mm) or larger; slow-draining alluvium was predominantly composed of particles of medium-sand size (0.5—0.25 mm) or smaller. The alluvium either covers nearly flat valley bot- toms or is exposed in terraces. The valley bottom allu- vium is widespread and deep at least along the Mis— souri River trench. Flint (1955, p. 147) gave a depth of 189 feet to the bedrock floor of the Missouri River trench at Fort Randall Dam. Because valley bottom alluvium is comparatively unimportant as a landslide medium, the author did not attempt to separate it into fast- and slow-draining groups. Most is permanently flooded by the reservoir or is too far up the tributaries to be affected. Some minor landsliding may be antici- pated in the zone where periodic drawdown of the water level will expose banks of slow-draining alluvium. The terrace alluvium is considerably more important for the purposes of this report. Alluvial terraces are common along the walls of the Missouri River trench and, in places, form the reservoir shore. Locally, ero- sion has produced a topographic reversal so that allu- vial deposits cap uplands bordering the trench. The thickness and composition of the terrace allu- vium vary. In some exposures the alluvium is only a thin veneer over bedrock; in others it forms terraces as much as 80 feet high. Preponderance of the slow— or fast-draining alluvium varies from one outcrop to the next, but most terrace deposits are composed of fast- draining alluvium overlain by a few feet to perhaps 25 feet of slow-draining alluvium. Many landslides resulting from the combined effects of wave erosion and changes in saturation have al- ready developed in fast—draining and slow-draining terrace aluvium. Continued sliding may be expected until the slopes reach equilibrium. ALLUVIUM, COLLUVIUM, AND LOESS These deposits are composed of mixtures of allu- vium, colluvium exclusive of landslide material, and loess. Acording to Stokes and Varnes (1955), collu- vium is earth material moved or deposited mainly through the action of gravity. The grain size common- ly is no coarser than fine sand, although locally there are thin lenses of pebbly material. The material be— haves as slow-draining alluvium. These deposits are 10 LANDSLIDES NEAR FORT RANDALL RESERVOIR, SOUTH DAKOTA rarely more than 10 feet thick and commonly occur as relatively small areas in the bottom of small valleys. LOESS Loess, a porous wind-deposited sediment composed predominantly of silt with minor amounts of fine sand and clay, forms a patchy blanket along the Missouri River trench walls and on the bordering uplands. In most of the Fort Randall area it is a few inches to a few feet thick, although locally it is more than 30 feet thick. When dry, loess has sufficient strength to stand in vertical bluffs. This characteristic apparently results from the bonding action of clay particles that adhere to the silt and sand grains (Holtz and Gibbs, 1951, p. 15). When the clay becomes wet, the bonding forces are reduced and the loess loses its strength. Loess bluffs saturated by the reservoir water soon collapse, and the fallen material is removed by wave erosion. ORIGIN AND DEVELOPMENT. OF MISSOURI RIVER TRENCH A brief discussion of the origin and development of the Missouri River trench is pertinent because nearly all the landslides in the area are the result of the downcutting and widening of the trench. History—The Missouri River trench is a compara- tively recent feature. Until mid—Pleistocene time the major drainage in central South Dakota was easterly (Flint, 1955, pl. 7). During the Illinoian Glaciation ice dammed the east—flowing streams so that they were forced to drain southeastward along the ice front (Warren, 1952). By the time the ice retreated, this melt-water channel, the incipient Missouri River trench, had become well established in the easily eroded Pierre Shale. Most of the downcutting in the trench probably occurred during the Sangamon Inter- glaciation (Warren, 1952, p. 1151). Successive glacial advances in Wisconsin time partly filled the trench with outwash and till. Although most of these deposits were removed by renewed downcutting after each ice advance, numerous terraces and terrace remnants along the trench remain from this period. The Missouri River has reexcavated its valley in Holocene time and now has a gradient of'about 1 foot per mile. Until the reservoir was filled most of the river’s energy was spent cutting laterally into the valley walls. .llecham'cs of erosion—In the course of its develop- ment the Missouri River trench was excavated in the Pierre Shale primarily by mass wasting and stream erosion, and to a minor degree by slope wash. In this multiple effort, landsliding probably was at least as effective as stream cutting. Slope wash probably was most effective on slopes where there were few if any active landslides. Erosion by landsliding is caused by and in many places perpetuated by stream action. Downward and lateral cutting by streams oversteepens and undercuts the valley walls. Blocks of material adjacent to the streams thereby become unstable and break loose, slid- ing down and outward until they reach a stable posi- tion. Movement of these blocks leaves unsupported oversteepened slopes above, and eventually other blocks will slide. By repetition of this process, the entire val- ley wall slowly slides toward the stream, which in turn makes further sliding inevitable by its removing the landslide debris when it reaches the valley bottom. The upslope migration of a zone of active landslides is never as obvious in the field as it would seem from the preceding description, because in nature many factors other than removal of toe support affect slope stability. At numerous places along the walls of the Missouri River trench, nevertheless, a slide sequence grades upslope from old, barely discernible, stabilized landslide blocks along the riverbank, through more re- cently stabilized slide blocks, into areas of active land- sliding near the uplands. In some places, moreover, new landslides are developing along the riverbank, start- ing a new cycle of landsliding. Over a long period of time the cumulative effect of several landslide cycles may be considerable lateral and vertical movement, although individual blocks are not necessarily transported a great distance during a single cycle. Wave erosion along the west shore of the reservoir about 10 miles upstream from Fort Randall Dam has exposed an old landslide containing isolated blocks of Ogallala Formation more than 350 feet below the outcrop level of the formation in the nearby up- lands. LANDSLIDES Because landslides are the result of variable combi- nations of material and movement, it was inevitable that several systems of clasifying landslides were de- vised. The Highway Research Board classification (Varnes, 1958) based on two main variables—type of material and type of movement—was selected as the most satisfactory for this investigation. Plate 2 is a graphic summary of this system, with notes added concerning the materials involved in the most common landslides in the Fort Randall Reservoir area. The fundamental concepts of landslides and their behavior are stated concisely by Varnes (1958, p. 20), as follows: * f * the term “landslide” denotes downward and outward movement of slope-forming materials composed of natural rock, LANDSLIDES ‘ 1 1 soils, artificial fills, or combinations of these materials. The moving mass may proceed by any of three principal types of movement; falling, sliding, or flowing, or by their combinations. * * * Normal surficial creep is excluded. Also most types of movement due to freezing and thawing (solifluction), together with avalanches that are composed mostly of snow and ice, are not considered as landslides. TYPES OF LANDSLIDES Most landslides in the Fort Randall Reservoir area involve at least two types of movement and commonly more than one type of material. One type of movement predominates in most of the slides, and if more than one kind of material in involved, generally only one is responsible for the landsliding. In the slump—earth- flow type of landslide, two kinds of movement occur, slump and flow, and a hyphenated compound term is used to describe them. The various types of landslides along the reservoir are discussed in the order they are listed on the land- slide classification chart (pl. 2), rather than according to their abundance or size in the Fort Randall area. ROCKFALLS Small rockfalls occur in the Niobrara Formation where the chalk beds are undercut by stream and wave erosion or are weakened by prolonged weathering. The blocks rarely are more than a few feet in maximum dimension and the process usually borders between raveling and rockfall. SOILFALLS Soilfalls—in till, slow-draining alluvium, the allu- vium, colluvium and loess unit, and loess—(pl. 2), caused by stream and wave erosion, are very common where fine-grained unconsolidated deposits crop out along the reservoir (fig. 2) or along the tributary val- leys. Generally the blocks are a few feet wide and no more than 30 feet long. The overall importance of soil- falls as a landslide process is usually overlooked be- cause the individual blocks are relatively small. Prob— ably more than half of the fine-grained unconsolidated material undergoing erosion along the reservoir shore is entering the water as soilfall blocks. Although soilfalls are a common result of erosion, their mechanics are relatively simple. Soilfalls result from removal of support at the base of nearly vertical or vertical bluffs. Slopes must be so steep that unstable blocks tend to fall downward and outward instead of sliding along the surface of failure. Saturation, seep- age pressure from ground water moving toward a free face, and unbalanced pore-water pressures may con— tribute to soilfalls, but they are never primary causes. FIGURE 2—Soilfa11 and slumping along the left bank of Fort Randall Reservoir, Charles Mix County, S. Dak. This land- slide consists of two distinct types of movement, soilfall at the water’s edge and slumping upslope. The material is slow- draining alluvium capped by a few feet of loess and underlain a short distance below water level by Pierre Shale. Several small overhanging blocks of loess are visible in the center of the photograph. Photographed September 27, 1954. BEDROCK SLUMPS AND BLOCK GLIDES Slumps (rotational movement) and block glides (planar movement) (pl. 2; fig. 3) represent the end members of the series of landslide types caused by shear failure of coherent blocks. The relation between the two slide processes is shown in the schematic cross sections of figure 3. If slumps have cylindrical surfaces of shear failure, the shear surface appears in cross. section as the arc of a circle with a radius of finite length, r (fig. 3A). If the curvature of the shear sur- face is reduced. the radius, r, will increase, gradually approaching infinity. The extreme case, where the radius, r’, is infinitely long and the shear surface is planar, is represented by the block glide (fig. SB). Be- Surface of tension failure 5. BLOCK GLIDE FIGURE 3. Relation between slump (A) and block glide (B), end members in the series of landslide types in- volving shear failure of coherent blocks. 12 LANDSLIDES NEAR FORT RANDALL cause of the similarity in causes and behavior, block glides in the Pierre Shale are considered slumps. Slumping in the Pierre Shale is the most common type of landslide movement in the project area. In some parts of the Missouri River trench the trench walls are almost entirely slump blocks. These slides vary greatly in size. One slide, the Landing Creek slump-earthflow (fig. 4), has a scarp about 1,300 feet long at the head of the slump section; but some slides are no more than 30 feet across. Although rotational movement predominates, most slumps seem to be composite, with both rotational and planar movement. Where the shale is relatively ho- mogenous, the slump movement is rotational along a concave-upward shear surface. Abundant bentonite beds in the Pierre, however, represent zones of weak- ness. If a shear surface encounters a bentonite bed near the base of a slump block (fig. 5), the shear sur- face becomes planar, and movement is translated to glide. Sometimes there is contemporaneous glide move— ment along several parallel shear planes at the base of a slump. If a shear surface encounters bentonite beds at the back of a slump block above the base, it cuts through the beds and remains curved. Most slumps start as movement of a single block (fig. 6, lower half of slump). If the block is large or if the shear surface is irregular, deformation caused by the movement breaks the single block into several smaller units. Where there is sufficient water, the toe of the slump, which is commonly highly fractured and most easily saturated, may become an earthflow (fig. 7). The original block continues to move, either as a single unit or in pieces, until it reaches a stable posi- tion. If the toe of a slump is removed by agency of nature or man, the landslide will not become stable until all or most of the slide material has been re- moved (fig. 8). FIGURE 4.—Landing Creek slump-earthflow. The upper part of the landslide consists of slump blocks moving out on an old terrace remnant. Where gullies had eroded the terrace, the slump blocks received no support. and the material disin- tegrated to form earthflows moving down the gullies. SEJANE14 sec. 25, T. 100 N., R. 72 W., Gregory County, S. Dak. Photographed September 12, 1953. RESERVOIR, SOUTH DAKOTA Planar shear 27 Curved shear FIGURE 5,—Schematic cross section through a potential slump with a bentonite bed controlling development of the shear surface. Slump movements become more complex as move- ment continues. The material in the unsupported scarp above the initial slump block generally cannot stand long without support on its downhill side, and soon a second block breaks loose. If the initial slump block continues to move, the second block follows, leaving a new unstable scarp at the head of the landslide. By repetition of this process, the slump area gradually migrates upslope until the individual blocks reach stable positions (figs. 7, 8). SOIL SLUMPS Soil slumps—alluvium, colluvium and loess unit, loess, and till ?—(pl. 2) were rare before the filling of the reservoir but they have been fairly common along the shoreline since, and probably will continue to occur for many years. The lower part of most of the soil slumps is submerged, and many have been completely inundated by the rising water. Till adjacent to the up- lands is involved in many slumps, but failure of the Pierre Shale underlying the till generally is respon- sible. ’ a . " Presser ; recign FIGURE 6.——-Highway 16 slump. A slump southwest of U.S. High- way 16 about 1 mile south of the center of Chamberlain, S. Dak. The lower part of the slump, with a pressure ridge caused by forward and upward thrusting of the slump block at the toe, is inferred to be the original slump block. The upper part is a graben formed by collapse after the original slump block moved and left the upslope material unsup- ported. Photographed October 14. 1954. LANDSLIDES 13 FIGURE 7.——Cab1e School stump-earthflow. NE%NE% sec. 25, T. 103 N., R. 72 W., Brule County, S. Dak. The upper part of the slide (above points 5, 6, and 7) is numerous slump blocks. In the scarp between points 3 and 4 and points 5, 6, and 7, the slump blocks are disintegrating to chunks of weathered shfale and clay. Water from springs near point 4 mixes with the disintegrated slump blocks and forms an earthflow (the lower part of the slide below points 3 and 4). Numbers refer to control stations established to measure movement. Photographed October 14, 1954. Soil slumps now occurring along the reservoir shore range from those caused primarily by saturation to those caused by erosion. The slump shown in figure 9 has developed along the face of a terrace composed of FIGURE 8.—Active slump along the Fort Randall Reservoir shore in Gregory County, S. Dak. Wave erosion at the toe of the slump is breaking up the slump blocks and removing the material. Photographed September 27, 1954. 472-733 0 - 73 - 2 gravel (fast—draining alluvium) blanketed by loess and colluvium. A small wave-cut bench about 8 feet above the water surface represents the reservoir water level before a drawdown beginning about 2 months before the photograph was taken. The wave-cut bench on the slide block is closely alined with wave-cut benches on each side of the slide area, a feature indicating that little or no movement has occurred since the drawdown. Also, the fact that the bench is as well developed on the landslide as it is on either side indicates that the slump occurred before wave erosion started. These facts indicate that neither minor wave erosion nor drawdown noticeably affected the slump block after it became stabilized. The slump movement apparently is related to saturation of the materials composing the 14 LANDSLIDES NEAR FORT RANDALL RESERVOIR, SOUTH DAKOTA FIGURE 9.—Slumping along the face of a gravel terrace blanketed by colluvium and loess. The limited amount of wave erosion implies that saturation, rather than oversteepening of the shore, was the primary cause of slumping. Fort Randall Reservoir shore, Charles Mix County, S. Dak. Photographed October 24, 1953. slump block. Failure began after saturation destroyed the intergranular bonding effect of capillary forces in the gravel (see p. 18). Once the block began to settle, part of its weight was supported by water, the inter- granular friction in the gravel was reduced by the buoyant effect of the water, and further settling occurred. A soil slump caused primarily by wave erosion is shown in figure 10. This photograph, taken at the same time as figure 9, shows slumping in slow-draining allu- vium. Here also, there has been a temporary drawdown of about 8 feet in the reservoir water level. There is no indication of a wave-cut bench, however, despite the fact that wave erosion is more active here than in near the area shown in figure 9. The slump shown in figure 10 was still moving at the time it was photo- graphed, and the combination of landslide movement and wave erosion apparently obliterated all evidence of a wave-cut bench. Saturation followed by friction from draining water and unbalanced pore-water pres- FIGURE 10.——S1umping in slow-draining alluvium along the right bank of the Fort Randall Reservoir, Gregory County, S. Dak. The area is exposed to‘wave erosion which, by re- moving support at the toe of the slump block, is probably the primary cause of slumping. Photographed October 24, 1953. sure probably decreased the stability of the slow-drain- ing alluvium; however, the area should have become stable after the water level dropped. A logical explana- tion of the slump’s continuing movement is that re- moval of support at the toe by continuing wave ero- sion was the main cause of slumping and was still preventing stability at the time the photograph was taken. SLOW EARTHFLOWS Slow earthflo-ws—weathered Pierre Shale, till, and colluvium—(pl. 2) (Varnes, 1958, p. 38) are the most common type of slope failure in plastic unconsolidated materials along the reservoir. Most of the earthflows are small, less than 100 feet Wide by 150 feet long. Where a larger area is involved, the upper part of the landslide generally is a well-developed slump, and the slide is classified as a slump-earthflow. Earthflows form only on slopes that are composed of a mantle of plastic, unconsolidated material under— lain by relatively coherent impermeable material. Two conditions are responsible for this restriction. Earth- flows form only in material that is sufficiently porous to hold enough water to make it sufficiently plastic to flow as a mass or to be converted into a viscous fluid. Generally this qualification applies only to clay-rich colluvium or weathered shale and till. Also, earthflow material must be saturated, or nearly saturated, before it will flow. Where relatively impermeable material is overlain by more permeable material, water perco- lating downward from the surface will stop at the con- tact and build up a saturated zone in the mantle (fig. 11). Sections of the mantle will fail by flowing if the saturated zone is thick enough and the slope steep enough. Blocks of unsaturated material commonly are carried along on the surface of the earthflow. LANDSLIDES 15 \\ \\\\ 11".: \\\ \\\ ‘\\\ \\\ \ \\.\\ \. Arrows Indicate direction of movement of downward percolating water Zone of saturated weathered shale FIGURE 11.—Idealized diagram of conditions conducive to earthflows. The three earthflows shown in figure 12 are typical of those along the Fort Randall Reservoir. They have formed in shale-rich gravelly colluvium and weathered Pierre Shale, all underlain by relatively competent shale. The small flow shown in the lower left corner of the photograph has virtually no slump movement. In the middle of the photograph is a flow in transition from slump-earthflow to earthflow. The upper half of the flow consists of many slump blocks so small that the overall behavior of the material more closely resembles flowage than movement of unit slump blocks. The third flow, on the right in the photograph, is the most com- mon type. Although there are one or two large coherent slump blocks at the top, over three—quarters of the area involved is a true flow. MUDFLOWS Mudflows characterized by the rapid flow of a satu- rated mass of material are confined to the weathered Pierre Shale along the Missouri River trench. Though viscous, they are much more fluid than earthflows and, once started, they flow on very gentle slopes. Old flows closely resemble, and are locally incorporated in, allu- vial fans at the mouths of gullies. Most members of the Pierre Shale weather to benton- itic clays that when dry develop a very coarse, porous, crumblike structure. During heavy rainfalls this open structure rapidly absorbs large quantities of water before the wet bentonite expands and reduces the per- meability. The saturated mass of weathered shale be- comes .a mudflow when added water has increased the weight and lessened the cohesion of the clay so much that it is no longer stable on a slope. FIGURE 12.——Oable School earthflows‘, NWIA sec. 30, T. 103 N., R. 71 W., Brule County, S. Dak. Three earthflows in gravelly colluvium and weathered Pierre Shale. The two larger flows have numerous small slump blocks in their upper portions. Note vehicle on top of ridge for scale. Photographed July 7, 1952. 16 LANDSLIDES NEAR FORT RANDALL RESERVOIR, SOUTH DAKOTA CAUSES OF LANDSLIDING IN THE FORT RANDALL RESERVOIR AREA The causes of landslides are in two general groups: (1) basic processes which slowly reduce the stability of a mass of material and (2) trigger processes which in themselves are of minor importance but which, when added to the stresses already operating in a potential slide area, are sufficient to set the mass in motion. The trigger actions are more obvious and often are errone- ously considered the dominant causes of slides. A trig- ger process, however, can start a landslide only after an area has become unstable through the operation of other factors. Eliminating possible trigger actions, nevertheless, can prevent or at least postpone many landslides. EROSION Erosion, the main cause of landsl-iding along the res- ervoir, operates both as a basic cause of movement and as a trigger action. As a basic cause, it creates the topography that makes the downward and outward movement of landslides possible. Landsliding could not continue in structurally stable South Dakota if ero- sion did not create steep slopes. Erosion-becomes a trig- gering process when it removes from the toe of a potential landslide material which otherwise would serve as a buttress (figs. 8, 10). GROUND WATER Ground water is the most versatile cause of land— slides. It can affect slope stability by means of weight, lubrication, hydrostatic pressure, and piping. Some of these increase landslide stresses; others decrease sheer strength in potential slides. Ground-water conditions may be the trigger action or simply the general cause of instability. WEIGHT The effect of the weight of ground water on a poten- tial landslide is not easily evaluated. Addition of water to earth materials increases their density because air in the voids is replaced by water; the greater den- sity then produces some increase in the stresses within the earth materials. The {present studies have not fur- nished sufficient data to determine if an increase in stress due to greater density will necessarily be accom- panied by a decrease in stability. LUBRICATION Lubrication by water is one of the oldest explana— tions regarding the disastrous effects of ground water on the stability of slopes. Consequently, such lubrica— tion is often acepted as the trigger action in most land— slides that closely followed periods of heavy ground— water intake. The nature of the material to be lubri- cated and its reaction to water must be considered in order to analyze the lubricating effects of water in landslides along the Fort Randall Reservoir. Fresh Pierre Shale is a coherent aggregation of close-packed, interbonded particles of silt and clay size. Its present character is explained by the history of its deposition and compaction. The sediment that comprises the Pierre Shale was deposited on the bottom of an inland sea as a mud composed of loosely bonded aggregates of poorly ori- ented particles that were relatively admixed with large quantities of free and adsorbed water. As the deposits thickened, compaction gradually broke down the poorly bonded, unstable aggregates. The platy clay-mineral grains probably developed the horizontal orientation that gives fissility to the shale, and much of the free water was squeezed out by the reduction in pore space. At this stage the material became a soft clay. Compaction of the Pierre Shale continued as the overburden increased until much of the adsorbed water was driven from between the particles. The particles became closer packed, and molecular forces between particles formed a relatively tight bond. In subse- quent periods of uplift, erosion removed much of the overburden, but molecular forces bonding the particles apparently remain strong enough to prevent re—expan- sion of the shale under most conditions. The rapid weathering of exposed Pierre Shale to a poorly bonded clay indicates, however, that the ad- sorbed water layer was still sufficiently thick to prevent the molecular forces between particles from developing a bond between solids. When overburden pressures are removed, therefore, the attractive forces between the adsorbed water and available free water are greater than the molecular forces between the particles. Addi- tional water is drawn into the adsorbed water layer, reducing the bonding forces between particles. The effects of weathering are aggravated by the presence in the Pierre Shale of montmorillonite, a clay capable of swelling by adsorbing water within its molecular structure (p. 25). Behavior of unconsolidated material not directly derived from Pierre Shale depends on the size of the particles. In materials in which clay or fine silt is a binder, the area of intergranular contacts is high in proportion to the volume of solids. Molecular forces are important, therefore, and the material behaves much like Pierre Shale. In coarser grained material the area of intergranular contacts is small in propor- tion to the total volume of solids; the effects of molecu— lar attraction are less and lubrication by water is a less important factor in stability. LANDSLIDES 17 The shear strength along the surface of contact be- tween two solids is related to friction between the sol- ids. If a liquid is placed so there is direct contact between the two solids, shear will occur in the liquid, which has much less shear strength than the solids. Reduction of friction by allowing shear to occur in some medium with very little shear strength is the basic principle of lubricants. Terzaghi’s theories (1950, p. 91) that a very thin film of water around a particle provides full lubricating effect and that most materials are always fully lubri- cated do not seem entirely valid with regard to the sediments along the Fort Randall Reservoir. Full lubrication implies shear within the lubricant; there— fore, the shear strength of a material should equal that of the lubricant. Such conditions occur only locally and intermittently in any of the materials along the reservoir. In fact, full lubrication during movement is approached only in the more fluid types of flows. Lubrication in Pierre Shale slumps, though probably never complete, is a major cause of movement. Ground- water investigations (see section “Ground—Water In- vestigation”) indicate that the regional water table is high enough to saturate permanently most of the shear surface in large slumps. In smaller slumps the shear surface generally is saturated for at least 4 months of each year. Even in saturated shale, lubrication is not complete, however, because a combination of molecular forces and overburden pressures binds the particles (including adsorbed water layers) together at their contacts. The pressure of the saturating water nor- mally is not great enough to penetrate these contacts and lubricate where friction is greatest. Although shale is not fully lubricated even in zones of permanent or semipermanent saturation, its lubrication is as complete as is possible for the given conditions. Lubrication is more complete in flows than in slumps. An active flow is essentially an assemblage of solid particles, or aggregates of particles, in a matrix of water, and behaves like a viscous liquid. The shear strength of flow material, as a result, is much less than that of solid material in a dry state. In some mud- flows it approaches that of water, indicating almost complete lubrication. The difference in the degree of lubrication in Pierre Shale slumps and in flows is due to differences in ma- terials and environment. Slumps occur in coherent materials that generally have sizable overburden pres— sures along the surface of failure. Flows occur in near-surface unconsolidated materials where coherence is relatively slight and overburden pressures are negligible. Lubrication generally has a secondary effect in slumps in unconsolidated materials. If enough water is present, the failure is by flowage instead of by shear. When flow occurs in unstable material underlying co- herent material, movement in the coherent block may resemble a slump. The effect of saturation on apparent cohesion prob- ably is a common trigger action for slumps in uncon- solidated materials. Apparent cohesion is the cohesion developed by surface tension at air-water interfaces in materials than contain water but are not saturated (Terzaghi and Peck, 1948, p. 126). Saturation destroys air-water interfaces, and the resulting loss of apparent cohesion directly reduces stability of the material. Saturation also reduces the cohesion between the grains, and as a result more water can enter the ad- sorbed water layers as a lubricant. The effects of lubrication on soil slumps (unconsoli- dated materials) are not as great as on slumps com- posed of Pierre Shale. The only exception is slum-ping in till. Being fairly compact material derived largely from Pierre Shale, till behaves like Pierre Shale. The effects of lubrication cannot be classified on all landslides either as a general cause of decreased stabil- ity or as a trigger action. In general, however, lubrica- tion by permanent or semipermanent saturation prob- ably results in decreased stability. Lubrication by peri- odic or occasional inflow of ground water commonly is a trigger action. HYDROSTATIC PRES S URE The effects of hydrostatic pressures in ground water have increasingly been emphasized as landslide causes. Terzaghi (1950), one of the chief proponents, sum- marizes the engineering viewpoint on effects of hydro- static pressures. Many of the theoretical principles of hydrostatic pressure, though not directly applicable in nature, can be combined with empirical data to yield quanti- tative information. For example, the theoretical dis- cussion of hydrostatic pressures that can develop in shale fractures cannot be used quantitatively in nature. Water pressure changes can actually be measured, nevertheless, and the application of theoretical reason- ing to these data will determine the changes in forces acting on the shale along fractures. Thus, water levels in the standpipes of piezometers within stable shale have been known to rise more than a foot in less than a month. A 1-foot rise in water level represents 62.4 psf (pounds per square foot) increase in pressure. This increase in pressure acting on a surface 10 feet square creates a force of more than 3 tons. 18 LANosLIDEs NEAR FORT RANDALL RESERVOIR, SOUTH DAKOTA Hydrostatic pressures are either uniform or vari- able. Uniform hydrostatic pressures create static ground-water conditions. Ideally, pressure can occur in unconfined water as a result of the weight of over- lying ground water, in which case the pressure is di- rectly proportional to the depth below the local water table; or else the pressure can occur in water confined to a permeable zone overlain and underlain by rela- tively impermeable materials. In the latter the pressure theoretically would have no direct relation to the over- lying water table. UNIFORM HYDROSTATIC PRESS URE Independence between unconfined static ground water and the surrounding material is a basic concept of soil mechanics. Under static conditions the total pressure at any point in saturated material composed of incompressible grains is equal to the pressure exerted by the material (effective pressure) plus the pressure exerted by the contained water (neutral pressure). The two component pressures act independently of each other. Hydrostatic pressure in confined static ground water behaves much like a hydraulic jack; pressures in the fluid are constant throughout any horizontal stratum in the system, and pressure exerted anywhere on the fluid system is transmitted through the entire system. A small increase in pressure over a large area thus can represent a major increase in force. A vertical rise in the hydraulic head of a small fracture connected with a horizontal permeable stratum can also create a tremendous increase in the total hydraulic force in the stratum. Pierre Shale is the only material, with the possible exception of till, along the Fort Randall Reservoir in which pressure in confined static ground water may be important. The Pierre is a generally massive shale with very low permeability. Fractures are numerous, however, and investigation (see p. 50) shows that they carry most of the moving ground water. Ground water in these fractures reacts like confined water to pressure changes. The effects of hydrostatic pressure in fractures within the Pierre Shale are demonstrated schematic- ally in figure 13A, a cross section through a shale bank containing a horizontal permeable parting 40 feet be- low the top. It is assumed that the parting is sealed at the surface to permit static conditions. Another frac- ture, a steeply dipping joint, intersects the parting and crops out at the top of the bank. The block outlined by the two fractures and the surface of the shale represents a potential landslide. When the fractures are filled with water, the pres- sure is proportional to the height of water. The water pressures throughout the parting shown in figure 13A are caused by the 40-foot head of water in the joint. Although water pressures exert force in all directions, the water pressures acting on the potential landslide block are the present concern. An essentially horizontal pressure at the back of the block pushes it laterally; an upward pressure along the base of the block reduces friction (see below). If the total forces from these com- bined pressures is great enough, the block becomes an active landslide. Reducing friction by increasing hydrostatic pres- sures in confined ground water can renew movement in old landslides as well as initiate movement in new slides, the only difference being that in old landslides the surface of failure forms the permeable fracture (fig. 131)). An analysis of vertical pressures on a small block of shale (block X, fig. 13A) illustrates the potential effect of hydrostatic pressures. When the fractures are dry, the vertical pressures on block X are a downward pressure from the weight of the overlying shale and equal upward pressure transmitted to the potential slide block from the shale below the parting (fig. 133). If an average density of 155 lb per cu ft is assumed for the shale, the magnitude of each force acting on block X is about 6,200 psf. When the fractures are filled with water (fig. 130), the downward pressure on block X remains the same, but about 2,500 psf of upward pressure is now exerted by the water. Inasmuch as total upward pressure still equals 6,200 psf. the pressure transmitted through solid shale particle contacts now is only 3,700 psf. The re- duction of the upward-acting solid-to-Solid pressure to about 60 percent of its original amount correspondingly lowers friction along the base of the block and in- creases the chances of movement along the parting. VARIATIONS IN HYDROSTATIC PRESSURE One important effect of lateral changes in hydro- static pressure results from friction created by molecu- lar attraction between the water and the solid particles betWeen which it passes. This drag of moving water exerts a force on particles known as seepage pressure (Terzaghi and Peck, 1948, p. 54; Terzaghi, 1950, p. 99). Where the pressure gradient is steep, seepage pressures may become great enough to trigger land- slides. The effectiveness of seepage pressure depends on the particle size of the material on which it acts. In coarse gravel and other fast-draining materials, resistance to flow is slight, and generally large seepage pressures do LANDSLIDES 19 Water pressure Water 1 6,200 lbs per 6,200 lbs per sq ft weight sq ft weight of shale of shale 2,500 lbs per sq ft water pressure 3,700 lbs per sq ft transmitted l through shale , 6,200 lbs per sq B l ft transmitted l through shale Joint Water pressure Permeable parting/ Shale block I/X Water pressure/ Density of shale:155 lbs per cu ft l 40 ft I m Seal/ FIGURE 13.—Effect of hydrostatic water pressure in fractures Within relatively impermeable shale. A, potential landslide block; B, pressure exerted on block X when fractures are dry; 0, pressures exerted on block X when fractures are filled with water; D, old landslide block where the surface of failure is the permeable fracture. not develop. Pressures caused by seepage in clays prob- ably can be considered minor, also. In clay, the finest- grained of slow-draining materials, water pressure is virtually static. Slow-draining materials in the effec- tive size range of silt and fine sand are most affected by seepage pressures because they are coarse enough to permit considerable movement of water, yet fine enough to develop large seepage pressures. Slope fail— ures in which seepage pressures may be the trigger action occur in silt and fine sand along many reservoirs subject to rapid large drawdowns (Terzaghi, 1950, p. 99). Sudden drawdown of the free water level creates a steep pressure gradient in the ground water. The re- sulting movement in the ground water creates seepage pressures that may be large enough to trigger land- slides. The effects of saturation and drainage on the bond- ing forces of capillary water combined with the effects of seepage pressures are responsible for marked differ- ences in the behavior of fast-draining alluvium and slow—draining alluvium. Fast-draining alluvium becomes less stable as it is saturated, and it regains its stability as it drains. As water saturates fast—draining alluvium it quickly fills nearly all the pores and eliminates the air-water inter- faces. As a result, the bonding effect of surface tension is destroyed, and the alluvium becomes less stable. As the alluvium drains, it soon regains the original condi- 20 LANDSLIDES NEAR FORT RANDALL RESERVOIR, SOUTH DAKOTA tion in which capillary water bonds the particles. There is no appreciable friction between the draining water and the alluvium, and the water drains too rap- idly to build up significant pore-water pressure. Several factors cause slow-draining aluvium to be appreciably more stable when saturated than fast- draining alluvium. When the level is raised in an adjacent body of water, the low permeability of slow— draining alluvium resists entrance of the water. In- stead of rapidly filling the pores, the water becomes a buttress against the alluvium, thus making the allu- vium more stable. Moreover, air trapped by the Slowly infiltrating water preserves some of the air—water in- terfaces and so the bonding effect of surface tension is not entirely destroyed. The adsorbed water layer on the surface of every particle (Terzaghi and Peck, 1948, p. 10—17) also increases the stability of slow- draining alluvium. Water in the adsorbed layer is less fluid than normal water and as a result has greater shear strength. The adsorbed water layer, consequently, has little effect in coarse-grained alluvium. In the finer materials of the slow-draining alluvium, however, the proportion of voids smaller than 0.2 micron wide be- comes significant and the adsorbed water layers become important forces in helping the material resist shear. Two forces tend to reduce the stability of slow- draining alluvium when it is draining. If the water level falls rapidly in a body of water in contact with Slow-draining alluvium, the water in the alluvium can- not escape as rapidly as the free water level drops. Then the friction between the alluvial particles and the escaping water creates an internal stress which acts toward the free face of the alluvium. At the same time the pore-water pressure in the alluvium is no longer balanced by water pressure in the adjacent water body, and the unbalanced pressure creates a lat- eral stress toward the free face of the alluvium. PIPING Piping, internal erosion by moving ground water, is a minor process that gradually reduces the stability of slopes. The stability changes caused by piping are generally impossible to determine quantitatively. In- ternal erosion can occur by mechanical transportation or by solution? Mechanical transportation usually in- volves movement of particles of silt and fine sand small enough to be easily transported but not so small that they are held together appreciably by molecular forces. It is most common in poorly sorted gravels in which the coarser constituents can support the overly- ing material while the fines are washed away. The effect of solution on stability in the Fort Randall area is unknown; the removal of material by solution does not leave large cavities, and appreciable surface deposits are not precipitated. The best evidence that solution ocurs in this area is the ground water itself. Searight and Meleen (1940) stated that there is hard water in more than three-quarters of the shallow wells in the counties along the reservoir. All these wells are less than 200 feet deep, and most are less than 50 feet deep. The water is relatively pure when it enters the ground; it must, therefore, dissolve minerals from the material through which it passes. MISCELLANEOUS CAUSES OF LANDSLIDING Earth tremors and loading on the heads of potential landslides can produce movement. Earth tides and atmospheric pressure changes are possible but generally unverified causes of landsliding. Although loading at the head of a potential landslide is rare under natural conditions, it occurs fairly commonly as a manmade phenomenon associated with various engineering proj- ects. It may be either a general cause of instability or a trigger action. The slump pictured in figure 14 is a typical example of an earth movement produced by artificial overloading of an unstable area. Failure occurred after fill for a new highway was placed on a ridge of Pierre Shale. Abnormally lush vegetation in parts of the landslide area indicates that the shale was already wet and unstable; the added weight of the fill was the trigger that set the slope in motion. In the Great Plains area the effects of earth tremors are probably very slight. Small or infrequent trigger actions, on the other hand, may be important comple- ments to a larger trigger action. For example, the eflects of saturation may not be enough to trigger a potential slide, but a very slight earth tremor occurring when material is saturated may produce movement. RELATIVE IMPORTANCE OF THE LANDSLIDE CAUSES Most landslide movement results from a combination of causes, but the various agents involved have been discussed separately so that their individual effects on slope stability could be appraised. Table 2 summarizes landslide causes and presents estimates of their relative importance in the Fort Randall Reservoir area. Investigations along the reser- voir were qualitative, and at best crudely quantitative. The interpretations presented in the table are intended to be a guide for future detailed investigations. ANALYSES OF THE PIERRE SHALE All the slope failures along the Fort Randall Reser- voir, except soil slumps and soilfalls in alluvium and loess, involve either the Pierre Shale or material de- rived from it. ANALYSES OF THE PIERRE SHALE 21 FIGURE 14.——Slum.p caused by highway fill being placed at the head of a potential landslide block. Relocation of South Dakota Highway 47, sec. 36, T. 103 N., R. 73 W., Lyman County, S. Dak. Photographed July 16, 1955. A thorough investigation of the characteristics and behavior of the Pierre Shale is beyond the scope of the present study, and the data included here are only qualitative at best and are not complete. The informa- tion about the Crow Creek Member, which is thin and seems to have little effect on slope stability, was taken from Crandell’s report (1952). The samples of the other shale members were collected from only one locality and, in most cases, one horizon per member; therefore they cannot show lateral and vertical vari— ations although they give a good picture of the general nature of the Pierre. Investigation of the shale included mechanical anal- yses, mineral analyses, and some clay studies. Mechan- ical analyses were made to determine possible relation between grain size and stability. Mineral analyses were made to evaluate the effects of mineral composi— tion on stability. The clay studies were made in an attempt to correlate behavior of the clay minerals with slope stability in the shale. / MECHANICAL ANALYSES The mechanical analyses were made by the hydrom- I eter method virtually as prescribed by the American Society for Testing Materials (1950). Interpretation of particle size from the hydrometer readings was based on the empirical time particle-size relation used ' by the US. Bureau of Reclamation (1951) . The accuracy of mechanical analyses by the hydrom- eter method is limited by certain inherent factors. It is practically impossible to disaggregate completely fine- grained consolidated or partly consolidated sample ma- terial without also breaking some of the component particles. Although maximum possible disaggregation without excessive breakdown of the individual particles was attempted, most of the samples used included a small percentage of aggregates and some clay mineral particles broken during disaggregation. Some materials tend to flocculate even though deflocculating agents are added to the water-sediment mixture. Therefore, hydrometer analyses could not be made on the Mo- bridge and Virgin Creek Members of the Pierre Shale. Finally, errors of as much as 10 percent may result from the US. Bureau of Reclamation’s empirical method of correlating time with the sizes of particles in suspension. This method does not ignore the effects of specific gravity, but there is no correction factor for variation in specific gravity of any particular sample from the mean of the samples from which the empirical curve was constructed. Mechanical analyses of the Pierre Shale ShOW the particle-size distribution in the shale and permit com- parison of particle-size distribution between individual members. A cumulative curve of data from the analyses was plotted in figure 15 for five members analyzed: Sharon Springs, Gregory, DeGrey, Verendrye, Elk Butte. The data also were averaged to construct an average cumulative curve to approximate a composition curve for the entire formation in the Fort Randall area. The curves are divided into three general size classes: greater than 0.074 mm (sand and coarser) (Truesdell and Varnes, 1950) ; less than 0.074 mm but greater than 2 microns (0.002 mm) (silt) ; and less than 2 microns LANDSLIDES NEAR FORT RANDALL RESERVOIR, SOUTH DAKOTA TABLE 2.—Estimate of relative importance of agents involved in landsliding in the Fort Randall area Agent Mode of operation Relative effectiveness in Fort Randall area Principal type of movement III. Loading head of IV. Tremors in earth’s crust. I. Erosion _____________ Creates slopes on which landslides start. Triggers landslides by oversteepening or undercutting slopes. II. G round water _________________________________________ A. Hydrostatic pressure. Increase in hydrostatic pressure in joints and fractures, resulting from an influx of ground water, creates a large force acting out- ward and upward on a potential landslide block. A vertical rise in the hydraulic head of a small fracture connected with a horizontal permeable stratum can create a tremendous increase in the total hydraulic force. As a result of a steep piezometric surface, moving ground water creates enough pressure on soil or rock particles to overcome frictional resistance of the material. C. Lubrication- a _ _ (a) A sudden influx of ground water lubricates normally dry surface material and destroys its coherence. (b) Addition of ground water to a shear surface failure perpetuates movement already started by other processes. B. Seepage pressure. D. Weight ________ (a) An influx of ground water into pores and fractures of previous or unconsolidated materials can produce an appreciable increase in weight. (b) Fractures in unweathered shale probably cannot hold enough water to have appreciable effect on the weight of a potential slide block. E. Saturation _____ Saturation of moist weathered shale and unconsolidated material in which surface tension has allowed abnormally steep slopes to develop, destroys their apparent coherence. F. Piping _________ Subsurface removal of fine solids or soluble materials by movement of seepage water may weaken material thus eroded. Weight of added material increases shearing stresses in already unstable material to point of failure. Vibrations are known to set potential slides in motion. potential slide. Probably the major general cause of instability. Also a major trigger action in shale or unconsolidated deposits. Various effects of ground water combine to make it the most common trigger agent. All landslides in the area, except those started by direct erosion, occur when ground-water conditions favor instability. Probably one of the main important trigger causes of landsliding. Probably not a major factor while the reservoir is filled, but it is a potentially effective agent in silt and fine sand whenever the reservoir is subject to rapid drawdowns. Effective trigger action in flow type of movement. Probably ineffective as a trigger agent in most slumps, but probably very effective in continued movement of active slides. Significant in flows but probably less significant than lubrication. Probably only very minor importance either as a general cause or as trigger action. As a reservoir fills, saturation of steep sand and gravel banks may trigger landslides. No present indication that piping is an effective force in this area. May be a general cause or a trigger action. Effective only locally. Very minor trigger action _________ Generally slumps in shale; some soilfalls in unconw solidated materials; rockfalls in Niobrara Formation. Predominantly slumps in shale. Slumps and earthflows in weathered shale and unconsolidated materials. Mudflows and earthflows in weathered shale and surficial materials. Predominantly slumps in shale. Earthflow and mudflows in weathered shale and (or) unconsolidated deposits. Slumps. May be slumps or flows in weathered shale and surficial materials. Presumably produces slumps. Mostly slumps and slump- earthflows in fresh and altered shale. Slumps or flows. ANALYSES OF THE PIERRE SHALE 23 100 _ l l | I l | l l f __ \ . | ‘ ___’———=—- ——’J Material >0.074 mm, SE S”: / / mostly fibrous _ calcite Predominantly Material >0.074 mm, clay minerals mostly selenite 9O - Material >0.074 mm, mostly fibrous calcite Sand f . ——> 80 _ —200 mesh +200 mesh ._ _ Z LLJ O O: LIJ 0. Lu 2 _ )— < _J D E D o m 60 / f 40 I l I | l l i 1 i 0.001 0.002 0.003 0.004 0.005 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.1 PARTICLE DIAMETER, IN MILLIMETERS FIGURE 15.——Particle-size distribution in five members of the Pierre Shale. (clay) (Grim, 1953, p. 1—2). The first division, 0.074 mm, is the dividing point between sieving and the more complicated methods of mechanical analysis, such as hydrometer analysis or elutriation. The division be- tween silt and clay is placed between 2 and 5 microns in various size classifications (Truesdell and Varnes, 1950). The 2-micron division, as given by Grim (1953, p. 1—2) , is selected for this report: Although there is no sharp universal boundary between the particle size of the clay minerals and nonclay minerals in argillaceous sediments, a large number of analyses have shown that there is a general tendency for the clay minerals to be concentrated in a size less than about 2 microns, or that naturally occurring larger clay-mineral particles break down easily to this size when the clay is slaked in water. Also such analyses have shown that the nonclay minerals usually are not present in particles much smaller than about 1 to 2 microns. The cumulative curves ShOW the predominantly fine grained character of the formation and similar part- icle-size distribution among five different members of the Pierre Shale. The average curve indicates that more than 95 percent of the particles are silt size and smaller. About 65 percent of the material has a particle diam- eter smaller than 2 microns. Particle-size distribution of the individual members shown in figure 15 is sur- prisingly similar to the average distribution. The ma- terial retained on the 200-mesh sieve ranges from less than 1 to about 8 percent of the individual samples. In several samples this material is mostly secondary minerals formed after deposition of the shale, and in all samples the +200-mesh material undoubtedly in- cludes numerous aggregates of grains not separated during disaggregation of the samples. At the 2-micron size there is a range of about 16 percent. In the Sharon Springs Member about 58 percent of the material was finer than 2 microns; in the Verendrye Member about 74 percent was finer than 2 microns. Particle-size vari- ation in the —2-micron sizes seems greater. At 1 micron, the smallest size measured, the range between members has increased to 24 percent, and presumably the curves continue to diverge in the smaller sizes. The particle—size distribution is a significant factor because it seems to control mineral distribution (fig. 16), which in turn afl'ects the strength of the material. The predominant mineral in the —-2-micron size range is montmorillonite clay, but in the +2—micr0n size range the predominant mineral is quartz. The only exceptions, the Mobridge Member and the Crow Creek Member as described by Crandell (1952), contain large amounts of calcite. Shear strength of consolidated montmorillonite clay is small compared with the shear strength of consolidated quartz grains. The problem essentially is whether the +2-micron material, the —-2-micron material, or the combination of both deter- mines shear strength in the shale. Relative effects of the two particle-size components on shear strength of the shale are controlled by struc- 24 LANDSLIDES NEAR FORT RANDALL RESERVOIR, SOUTH DAKOTA tural arrangement of the grains. The effects of grain structure are considered first in theoretical homogene- ous mixtures composed of varying ratios of two grain sizes: large relatively strong spherical grains, and minute relatively weak grains. The theoretical mix- tures can then be compared with the Pierre Shale. Two extreme types of particle or grain structure can develop in a homogeneous mixture of coarse grains and fine grains depending on the relative proportions of the two components. If the volume of the interstices between the coarse grains is the same as, or greater than, the volume of the fine grains, the coarse grains can develop a stable structural network. If the volume of fines is greater than the volume of the interstices, the fine grains can form a matrix in which coarse grains are isolated from each other. In the first case, shear strength of the mass is a function of the shear strength of the coarse grains and also of the friction between them. In the second case, shear strength of the mass is controlled by the shear strength of the fine- grained matrix. The changes in shear strength from material in which the coarse grains predominate to that in which fine grains predominate are gradual. If the volume of fine grains only slightly exceeds the volume of the interstices between coarse grains, much of the shear strength of the coarse grains is retained. Even after the coarse grains are completely isolated from each other, they may effectively increase friction along shear surfaces. The transition point at which the fine grains change from filler to matrix is controlled by the packing of the coarse grains. In systematically packed spheres of uni- form size, the porosity ranges from 25.95 to 47.64 per- cent (Graton and Fraser, 1935, table 2). The transition point in the theoretical mixture thus should be about 26—48 percent fines, if the fines fill all the voids. In ran- dom packed spheres, if one asumes that a stable net- work of coarse grains exists, the transition point prob- ably Will fall in the same range as in the theoretical mixture. Comparison of the +2-micron to the ~2-micron particle- or grain-size mixture in the Pierre Shale with the theoretical mixture shows their general be- havior to be similar. The +2-micron fraction of the Pierre is predom— inantly quartz grains, which commonly are equidimen- sional if not spherical. Mica, one of the minor coarse- grained constituents, is platy and may increase porosity of the packed coarse grains. The fine grains are not without dimension as in the theoretical mixture, but their average size is small compared to the coarse grains. On the average cumulative curve (fig. 15) about 15 percent of the —2—micron particles occur in the 1- to 2—micron size range; about 85 percent of the fine- grained component has a diameter of less than half the smallest diameter in the coarse-grained component. The shale, moreover, consists of particle sizes undoubt- edly mixed heterogeneously although they appear to be homogeneous when inspected through a binocular microscope. These variations in the particle-size mixture of the shale should reduce the proportion of fines necessary to reach the transition point at which the coarse grains no longer form a continuous structural network. The closer packing should also counteract the tendency of the mica to increase porosity. The —2—micron particles in the shale cannot completely fill all voids between coarse grains, because the shale has some porosity; the volume of fine particles necessary to separate the coarse grains thus is less than the total volume of voids. Comparison of the Pierre Shale and the theoretical mixture implies that —2-micron particles in the Pierre Shale become a matrix for the +2-micron grains at some proportion of fines less than 50 percent. The per- centages of -2-micr0n particles in the five members of the Pierre Shale shown in figure 15 ranges from about 58 to 73. It seems valid, therefore, to assume that the —2-micron size fraction of the shale is a matrix for the coarser grains and that shear strength is deter- mined by this matrix. Because the +2-micron fraction probably has little effect on the shear strength of the shale, it can be ignored in the shale behavior studies. MINERAL COMPOSITION Although the results therefrom are approximate, X- ray diffraction is the only feasible method of quantita- tive mineral identification for the dominantly fine grained Pierre Shale. Identifications for each member except the Crow Creek were made by Dorothy Carroll, J. C. Hathaway, C. J. Parker, and W. W. Brannock, US. Geological Survey, August 1955, using the fol- lowing procedure: A portion of each sample was disaggregated and dispersed in distilled water with sodium tetraphosphate added as a dis- persing agent. The silt (2-62 microns) and clay (less than 2 microns) fractions were separated by repeated centrifuging and decanting. Excess water was removed from the clay sus pension by porcelain filter candles under vacuum, and the clay was Ca+2 saturated by passing the concentrated suspension through a Ca ion-exchange resin column. Oriented aggregates were prepared by pipetting portions of the concentrated sus- pensions on glass slides and allowing the water to evaporate at room temperature. ANALYSES OF THE PIERRE SHALE 25 X-ray diffractometer patterns were made on each sample as follows: Clay fraction Oriented aggregate, untreated. . Oriented aggregate, ethylene glycol treated. . Oriented aggregate, heated to 400° C. . Oriented aggregate, heated to 500° C. . Randomly oriented powder. Silt fraction 6. Randomly oriented powder. Quantitative estimates are based on the intensity of the lines recorded by the X-ray diffractometer and are given as parts in 10. Inasmuch as many factors in addition to quantity of a mineral affect diflraction intensity. these estimates are not intended to give more than a very general indication of the relative amounts of the various minerals present. “sealer-l OI Throughout the rest of this report, 74 microns is used for the upper limit of silt size, rather than 62 microns as given here. An average of less than 1 percent of the shale particles is in the 62- to 74-micron size range; therefore, the approximate quantitative mineral data should be equally valid for the larger silt-size limit. Mineral compositions of the various shale members are shown graphically in figure 16; geographic loca- tions of the samples are given in table 3. The Virgin Creek, Verendrye, and DeGrey Members are each rep- resented by a set of samples, an auger sample from depths of 25 feet or less, and a surface grab sample. An additional auger sample was collected from 9. ben- tonite bed in the Sharon Springs Member to check possible variations between it and the enclosed shale. Sets of samples from two horizons were used for the Elk Butte and Mobridge Members. The grab samples were collected to determine the effects of near-surface weathering on mineral composition. Inasmuch as auger samples were. from comparatively shallow depths, they are all presumed to be at least slightly weathered. TABLE 3.—-—Localities of shale samples shown in figure 16 Sample Locality (fig. 16) County Sec. T.N. R.W. 1 _____________ Gregory ______ SEMSWM 13-- _ _ 95 66 2 __________________ do _______ SWMSEM 13--- _ 95 66 3 _____________ Lyman _______ SWMSWV; 21- _ _ 104 72 4 __________________ do _______ SW%SE% 22- _ _ _ 104 72 5 __________________ do _______ NWMSEK 22- _ _ 104 72 6 __________________ do _______ SE%SE% 22---- 104 72 7 __________________ do _______ SWMSEM 14____ 104 72 The mineral composition of members of the Pierre Shale (fig. 16) is easily summarized. The clay-size material is predominantly mon-tmorillonite, ranging from five parts in 10 in the Gregory Member to nine parts in 10 in the DeGrey, Verendrye, and Virgin Creek Members. Except in the Mobridge Member, the major mineral in the silt-size material is quartz, which is three to five parts in 10 of the silt-size category. In the Mobridge Member montmorillonite does not exceed four parts in 10 of the clay-size component, and quartz represents only one or two parts in 10 of the silt-size component. Calcite in the Mobridge Member, although only two to five parts in 10 in a single grain-size com— ponent, is an abundant mineral in both size compo- nents. Mineral com-position of the Crow Creek Member is similar to that of the Mobridge Member, and cal- cium carbonate (presumably calcite) is the most abun- dant mineral (Crandell, 1952). One of the most interesting features of the mineral- ogy of the Pierre Shale is the contrast in mineral com- position between clay-size and silt-size material. Ca1- cite in the Mobridge Member is the only nonclay min- eral that exceeds the proportion of one part in 10 in the clay-size portions of the samples shown in figure 16. In the silt-size portions of the same samples no clay mineral exceeds two parts in 10, and in only four of the 19 samples does a clay mineral comprise more than one part in 10. The data in figure 16 imply that near-surface weath- ering has no profound universal effect on the Pierre Shale. Apparently the effects of weathering are influ- enced more by local conditions than by any regional control. The available data are insufficient to show the lat- eral and vertical ranges in composition and weather- ing effects. They suggest, however, that there is little variation within a given member. The two sets of samples from the Elk Butte and Mobridge Members show little variation over a vertical distance of 10 feet, but they cannot be considered representative of the total thicknes of each member. The Mobridge and Elk Butte samples show that minor variations (one part in 10) in mineral com-position between surface and subsurface samples are not necessarily representa- tive of the weathering conditions. Samples may show a small change in the amount present of a mineral between the surface and one subsurface horizon, but another horizon a few feet above or below the first horizon may show no difl’erence in the amount present of the same mineral. MONTMORILLONITE Montmorillonite clay in the Pierre Shale apparently is responsible for the susceptibility of the shale to landslides. Interpretation of the data from mechanical analyses indicates that shear strength of the shale is determined by the shear strength of its clay—size por- tion, and the clay—size portion of most of the shale is dominated by montmorillonite. Slope stability of indi- vidual members, therefore, should depend on the pro— LANDSLIDES NEAR FORT RANDALL RESERVOIR, SOUTH DAKOTA 26 E w m N H o OH _ w 7 y m 0— 2_ WE”; C. I C. I I, I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I .2 22m «k mm NV ._., o 550 3.28 532$ 55:0 8:583. 5:2 2252;95:03— 550 35.3 .momEmu 55:0 3::me 8:2 uz_:o__:oE.=cs_ 550 2.28 E32$ 25:0 9 cm; m o_::o__:oEEcE $50 35.3 533$ 25:0 8258; 8:2 9:525:55: o:_:c=:oE.:os_ 5.20 2.25 532$ 2.5.0 0; E62 no.5. u;_:o__:o::=os_ .25 86.3 53.2mm Ntmzo 92.5.93 no.5. 9:5 550 2.23 BEES). EnwEmm 25:0 o__Eo___‘_o=z=oS J ll'S AB“) A INS Rem A ll'S Ken J. ll'S mo (u oz-slflv-Z (1; 01-8) ‘v—z 838W3W EDGIHGOW 2 m w _ H u;_:o___EEEo_2 5.20 2.23 533: ; 2.55 2:56; I I I , $50 I, 2.23 532$ I 2.9.0 :. r— m E quoztoEEoE REES 3:252; :. SEES c. $50 C 26.3 J 532mm I 2520 I 22563. I :. _Eo=_E 3:..52: :. : I I ; u;_:e___EEEo_2 05:22.; 550 w:u_mu C 5523 I I I i u _:a___EEEoE 550 C. mtg—mo 332$ : 25:0 I, 2:563. I f M _ r > S m, < m N H o 3 z_ why—(m II'S 1|!S ma 3|!S K213 INS £213 z“ (u sz~zz> zv-I (u eI-zv‘v—I MBSWEIW 31mg M13 27 ANALYSES OF THE PIERRE SHALE .m 23. E @353. 83:82 Saaww .2595“ womb 5m ”2953 83.3w “m ”29:3 “35¢ JV $22132 23:3 8.365 $52852 Exam 3.55 we :ozmmonfioo 35521.3 3 m m N m m w m N N 5:5 5:250 : 532$ 3 25:0 3 3 _24 0 82.5.5: 5:2 S 323.5550: 550 36.50 532m“. 55:0 u; .652 m s. C EtcoztaEEoE 550 36.50 .H 532mm I £55 I 2:533 I 8:2 0:22.355: :. 350 8850 ; 532m“. 25:0 83.:wa 8.2 u...:o___5E.:oS .220 328 5 5323 9:3... 75:5 ; 532mm 25:0 2:232 8:2 u:Eo__:oE.=os_ 5:5 .F 532$ 25:0 ; Lb ll l l 2650 36.50 2.2. cm: 5 u;_:c__:oEEaE 5:5 26.8 532.: , N. :0 u. 585: was. .._. 22:2:55202 550 .fi 26.50 532$ 3 £520 3 9:3me I _ H _ _ 2 H p _ 2 9 m w m w m w m N H 0H 2. WE: 0 ms K213 3|!S Aem ms RIO 1|!S KEIO k "'5 Mali) L 8'9 (14 ZI'OI) V—l (U ZI‘OI) Paq 91!U01U98—IV‘/_ S'l (11 VI—ZI) V’Q H38W3W SSNIHdS NOHVHS UBHWEW A809383 9 m w v m N H o _ 2 _ _ 2 _ 93.3838 555E 35.52:: i i C 2:535: r— 1L 2:223; c r— c. £528 : i 5:5 2650 5330... £53 32:5: NEE 2:22.355;— 550 2550 5323 u rcczcoEEos. .26 £28 2:535: 8.5. 032.8550: 5:5 , 26.3 5323. 25:0 2:533. 8.2 u_::o__:oEEos_ 5.20 25.3 532$ 2.2230352 .26 5:350 5323. 2 m 2 z. mhm