THE NATIONAL GAZETTEER OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA SOUTH DAKOTA 1989 r444 v 11.3. DEPOSlTORY SEP 2 ’i 1989 THE NATIONAL GAZETTEER OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA SOUTH DAKOTA 1989 “The Pulpit,” Badlands National Park, South Dakota. Apparently named for its resemblance to a ministerial pulpit, ”The Pulpit” is an example of the complex features characteristic of South Dakota Badlands. In South Dakota, the term “badlands” is generally used to describe rough, broken country, devoid of vegetation and unsuited for farming, that is often spectacularly carved by water and wind into unusual landforms. On older maps of the area, badlands are indi- cated by the French name ”Mauvaises Terres,” which had the implied meaning of "bad-for-traveling lands.” (Photograph by H.H. Darton, 1898, U.S. Geological Survey.) THE NATIONAL GAZETTEER OF THE ‘ I UNITED STATES OF AMERICA— SOUTH DAKOTA 1989 U.S. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY PROFESSIONAL PAPER 1200—SD Prepared by the U. 5. Geological Survey in cooperation with the U.S. Board on Geographic Names UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE, WASHINGTON: 1989 DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR MANUEL LUJAN, JR., Secretary U.S. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY Dallas L. Peck, Director U.S. BOARD ON GEOGRAPHIC NAMES Rupert B. Southard, Chairman Any use of trade, product, or firm names in this publication is for descriptive purposes only and does not imply endorsement by the US. Government Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data The National gazetteer of the United States of America. South Dakota 1989 / prepared by the US Geological Survey in cooperation with the US Board on Geographic Names. p. cm. — (U.S. Geological Survey professional paper ; 1200—SD) Supt. of Docs. no.: |19.16:1200—SD 1. South Dakota—Gazetteers. I. Geological Survey (US) II. United States Board on Geographic Names. lll. Series: Geological Survey professional paper : 1200—SD F624.N38 1989 917.83’003—dc20 89—600221 For sale by the Books and Open-File Reports Section, US. Geological Survey, Federal Center, Box 25425, Denver, CO 80225 FOREWORD ”The National Gazetteer of the United States of America” is a cooperative effort between the U.S. Geological Survey and the U.S. Board on Geographic Names. The two organiza- tions have a long history of cooperation in establishing uniform usage of geographic names on Federal maps, charts, and other publications. This cooperation, which has been a blending of technical talent and field-gathered information, has been beneficial to the missions and programs of both organizations. The Board on Geographic Names (BGN) is responsible for establishing official names for use throughout the Federal Government. The U.S. Geological SurvethSGS) is responsible for the preparation and maintenance of the series of base maps of the Nation’s lands and waters and for the publication of reports detailing the results of investigations of the Nation’s mineral, energy, land, and water resources. In addition to being a principal user of the official names determined by the BGN, the USGS, because of extensive field operations, has collected much of the information necessary for making the decisions establishing those names. The basis for the cooperation between the USGS and the BGN is the recognition that the use of standard geographic names is necessary for communication of geographic information. Geographic names are an essential part of our language and form a primary reference system that affects people every day of their lives. Geographic names have strong psychological significance because the names are associated with the processes of thought that give people the ability to understand the world around them. The names are used to identify cultural and administrative areas, to define political boundaries, and to determine property, mineral, and water rights. "The National Gazetteer of the United States of America” is the result of a long-term effort to provide a standard reference to the Nation’s named places, features, and areas. As early as 1892, with the support of the newly organized Board on Geographic Names and as part of the National Mapping Program, the USGS began cataloging geographic names and producing a series of State gazetteers to assist in finding geographic features on atlas sheets produced by the USGS. Compilation was initially done by Henry Gannett, Chief Geogra- pher, under the direction of John Wesley Powell, second Director of the Survey. Gannett was chairman of the BGN from 1894 until his death in 1914. Gazetteers for 12 States, Puerto Rico, the Territory of Alaska, and the Indian Territory (Oklahoma) were published between 1894 and 1906. However, large-scale topographic mapping, from which the name informa- tion for the gazetteers was derived, was a slow process, and inadequate map coverage led to the suspension of the program. The USGS again began the’systematic collection of geographic name information in 1976 when published, large-scale topographic maps were available for more than 70 percent of the country. This information is a major part of the computerized National Geographic Names Data Base. This volume of the USGS Professional Paper series ”The National Gazetteer of the United States of America” is derived from that data base. Dallas L. Peck Rupert B. Southard Director, Chairman, U.S. Geological Survey U.S. Board on Geographic Names Department of the Interior U.S. BOARD ON GEOGRAPHIC NAMES Rupert B. Southard, Chairman MEMBERS AS OF MARCH 1989 Department of State ....................................................... Sandra Shaw, member William B. Wood, deputy Postal Service ......................................................... Robert G. Krause, member Jack Thompson, deputy Phillip Pensa ene, deputy Department of the Interior ........................................ Rupert B. Southard, member Joel L. Morrison, deputy Tracy A. Fortmann, deputy David E. Meier, deputy Department of Agriculture .......................................... Sterling J. Wilcox, member Anne M. Griesemer, deputy Donald D. Loff, deputy Department of Commerce ..................................... Charles E. Harrington, member Richard L. Forstall, deputy Henry Tom, deputy Edward L. Gates, Jr., deputy Government Printing Office ....................................... Robert C. McArtor, member 5. Jean McCormick, deputy Library of Congress ................................................ Ralph E. Ehrenberg, member Robert M. Hiatt, deputy Department of Defense ........................................... Thomas K. Coghlan, member Carl Nelius, deputy Lois A. Winneberger, deputy Central Intelligence Agency ................................................ David Wert, member Elaine Neal, deputy Wayne Kiyosaki, deputy Staff assistance for domestic eographic names provided by the U.S. Geo ogical Survey. Communications about domestic names should be addressed to the: Executive Secretary Domestic Geographic Names U.S. Board on Geographic Names 523 National Center Reston, VA 22092. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The geographic names information in the South Dakota volume of the National Gazetteer was compiled by the geographic names staff at the U.S. Geological Survey in Reston, Va., and by students at South Dakota State University. The National Gazetteer program is directed by Donald J. Orth and Roger L. Payne. Robin Worcester provided necessary coordination for the final production of this volume of the gazetteer. Recognition is also given to Judy J. Stella and Louis A. Yost IV, who developed the specific procedures and software necessary to format the final copy, and to Jon C. Campbell, who provided the historical background research. VI CONTENTS Page Foreword ................................................................................................................. V Members of the US. Board on Geographic Names ....................................................... VI Acknowledgments ..................................................................................................... VI Introduction, by Donald J. Orth .................................................................................. IX U.S. Board on Geographic Names ......................................................................... IX US. Geological Survey ........................................................................................ X National Geographic Names Data Base ................ X Guide to the Use of the Gazetteer ........................................................................ X US. Geological Survey 7.5-Minute Topographic Maps of South Dakota ..................... XIII South Dakota, by Jon C. Campbell .............................................................................. XX Glossary, by Roger L. Payne ....................................................................................... XXVII The Gazetteer of South Dakota .................................................................................... SD1 ILLUSTRATIONS Page Frontispiece—”The Pulpit,” Badlands National Park, South Dakota .............................. || Figures 1—5. Maps of: 1. South Dakota counties ........................................................................ XII 2. Carte de la Louisiane et du cours du Mississipi, 1718 ............................. XXIII 3. Report of military reconnaissances in the Dacota country, 1855 ............... XXIV 4. Dakota, 1876 .................................................................................... XXV 5. Dakota (southern half), 1883 ............................................................... XXVI Vll THE NATIONAL GAZETTEER OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA SOUTH DAKOTA 1989 INTRODUCTION By Donald J. Orth This gazetteer lists 14,107 geographic names in alphabetical order for places, features, and areas within the State of South Dakota. Prepared in cooper- ation with the U.S. Board on Geographic Names (BGN), the gazetteer is one volume of a series of State, territory, and other special listings of geographic names published as U.S. Geological Survey Profes- sional Paper 1200 and collectively titled ”The National Gazetteer of the United States of America.” The pur- pose of this gazetteer series is to provide a national standard reference for geographic names that may have cartographic, historic, linguistic, and data- systems applications. Each volume of the National Gazetteer is identified by geographic area and year and will be revised periodically; the year of compilation is given as part of the volume’s title. Some named feature types, such as roads and highways, commercial estab- lishments, certain public and private recreational facil- ities, and current military installations, are omitted from this gazetteer. Other than these categories, every attempt has been made to be as complete as possible in compiling entries for this volume. The information in the National Gazetteer will be kept current between revisions by noting appropriate changes and new name entries published in the reports of the BGN. These reports may be found in libraries or can be ordered directly from the Executive Secretary, Domestic Geo- graphic Names, U.S. Board on Geographic Names, 523 National Center, Reston, VA 22092.1 US. BOARD ON GEOGRAPHIC NAMES The US. Board on Geographic Names (BGN) is a Federal body created in 1890 and established in its present form by Public Law in 1947. The purpose of the 1 Users are urged to report errors, omissions, and any other information that may improve the usefulness of this publication. BGN is to resolve name problems and to eliminate duplication of effort by Federal agencies responsible for the production of maps and other publications that use geographic names. Composed of representatives of Federal agencies, the BGN is authorized to establish and maintain uniform geographic name usage throughout the Federal Government. Sharing its responsibilities with the Secretary of the Interior, the BGN has developed principles, policies, and proce- dures governing the use of both domestic and foreign geographic names, as well as names for undersea and extraterrestrial features. Although established to serve the Federal Government as a central authority to which all name problems, name inquiries, and new name proposals can be directed, the BGN plays a similar role for the general public.With respect to names used by Americans for places, features, and areas in the United States and its territories, the policy of the BGN is to recognize present-day local usage or preferences where possible. To implement this policy, close coop- eration is maintained with State geographic boards, State and local governments, and the general public. Where there is confusing duplication of local names or where a local name may be derogatory to a partic- ular person, race, or religion, the BGN may disapprove such names and seek alternate local names for the features. In cases where local usage is conflicting or when a name is not used by many people, well- established documented names and names having historical significance are given added consideration. The BGN also has a policy of not approving new domestic geographic names that honor or may be construed to honor living persons. Any person or organization, public or private, may make inquiries or request the BGN to render formal decisions on proposed new names, proposed name changes, or names that are in conflict. Communica- tions concerning domestic geographic names should be addressed to the Executive Secretary, Domestic Geographic Names, U.S. Board on Geographic Names, 523 National Center, Reston, VA 22092. X SOUTH DAKOTA GAZETTEER U.S. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), established in 1879 as a Bureau of the Department of the Interior, is a major earth science and factfinding agency of the Federal Government. The broad and diversified USGS research programs aid in the management of the mineral, energy, land, and water resources of the United States. These programs play a vital role in furthering the Nation’s welfare by providing informa- tion on the character, magnitude, location, and distri- bution of minerals and ores, the sources and supplies of water, and the natural Earth processes that must be understood to maintain environmental quality. The USGS provides geographic and cartographic information, maps, and technical assistance and con- ducts related research responsive to national needs. Other contributions are staff support for the domestic geographic names activities of the BGN, management of the National Geographic Names Data Base and the Geographic Names Information System, and ongoing research in support of national mapping and name standardization programs. NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC NAMES DATA BASE This gazetteer is derived from the National Geo- graphic Names Data Base, which is part of a comput- erized Geographic Names Information System devel- oped by the USGS. The data base presently contains information for about two million names used throughout the United States, its territories, and out- lying areas. Information within the system can be retrieved, manipulated, and arranged to meet the special needs of a wide variety of users in government, education, business, and industry, as well as those of private individuals. The system can furnish alphabetical and special listings in the form of bound reports, magnetic tapes, and microfiche. Information about available services and costs of the Geographic Names Information System may be obtained by writing to the Chief, Branch of Geographic Names, U.S. Geological Survey, 523 National Center, Reston, VA 22092. GUIDE TO THE USE OF THE GAZETTEER This gazetteer lists geographic names found on var- ious maps, charts, and other published documents; the names of railroads, streets, and roads are not included. The names are listed in alphabetical order, and each is followed by seven categories of informa- tion. Except for variant name listings, each category of information is in a separate column on the gazetteer pages; the columns contain the following information, in order from left to right: Feature Name (first column)—This column lists both the primary reference names and variant spellings, as well as variant names, for the same features, in alphabetical order. Each variant spelling and name is listed in two places in the first column—under the principal name and in its proper alphabetical order in the gazetteer with a “see” reference to the primary name. The proper names of features, places, or areas generally are composed of two parts—a specific or substantive part and a generic part. The specific part normally precedes the generic in the majority of names in the United States. In these cases, the names are listed in alpha- betical order according to the specific parts of the names, letter-by-letter, from beginning to end, ignor- ing spaces and printing marks. In the names of physical features where the generic parts precede the specific parts, the order is arbitrarily reversed in the gazetteer to make looking up a name easier. In each case, the specific part is listed first, followed by a comma and the rest of the name: Adams, Mount Ann, Lake Saint Louis, Bay Woods, Lake of the. Definite-form names also are listed with the specific parts of the names first: Crossing, The Mesa, La Racetrack, The. Exceptions to the above rules occur when populated places, localities, civil divisions, or any other cultural 7 features (city, village, county, township, crossroad, and railroad siding) are named for physical features. These names are always listed in normal order even though the generic parts of the names may precede the specific parts. A village or locality called ”Mount Cal- vary” is listed in that order, while a physical feature having the same name is listed in reverse order, ”Calvary, Mount.” Radio and television stations are listed together at the beginning of each alphabet letter according to their call letters, followed by the type of station (AM, FM, or TV) and by the names of the communities they serve. A few names listed in the gazetteer are followed by descriptive words in parentheses. These words or phrases give special information about name usage or about the specific place or feature. This information is INTRODUCTION XI usually self-explanatory; for example, ruins, subdivi- sion, shopping center, and abandoned refer to the present state of the place, and old channel, sub- merged, foot bridge, and siding provide further description. The descriptive word ”historical” gener- ally refers to a feature that no longer exists. The genitive apostrophe usually is not used within the body of a geographic name. Feature Class (second column)—The terms listed in this category identify the kinds of features or places to which the names apply. The meaning of the terms is very broad so that similar kinds of landscape features can be grouped into general classes. For example, the term ”stream” includes all kinds of flowing water that locally may be called a creek, run, river, branch, bayou, or fork. See page xxvii for a list of these terms and their definitions. Status (third column)—Geographic names can be clas- sified according to their use or official status as deter- mined by the BGN. This category of information gives the status of each name in the gazetteer as determined by the BGN. The designators and their meanings shown in this column are as follows: BGN (date): This designator indicates that the writ- ten form of the name and its application have been determined by the US. Board on Geo- graphic Names (BGN) to be official for use throughout the Federal Government. If a year date follows the BGN designation, the name and its application were subject to special research and decision by the BGN, and the decision was published during the year shown. US (date): A geographic name and its application listed with this designator were established by an Act of Congress, and the name is official by law. The date is the year that the law was passed. ADMIN: The names of certain kinds of geographic entities, such as counties, parks, forests, and townships, logically fall within the administra- tive jurisdictions of Federal, State, and local governmental organizations. The authority for establishing these names is based on recog- nized organic, inherent, or constitutional rights. The names listed having this designator are official for Federal usage. UNOFF: The BGN has not established these names as official. The names are included in the gaz- etteer for reference purposes. VARIANT: This designator indicates that the name is a written variant for a place, feature, or area that has another name as its official name. Information about the named entity and a ”see” reference to the official name are given on the line below the entry. However, because this gazetteer is designed to be a reference tool, the true relation between the current and the his- torical name of a place is not always reflected. Historical places, such as forts, Indian villages, and small settlements, that once existed close to or within the current boundaries of a present-day populated place often are listed as separate places but also are listed as appropri- ate variants. County (fourth column)—This column lists the name of the county in which the entity is located. If the place, feature, or area lies in more than one county, the county listed is the one in which the center of the feature is found, or, in the case of a stream, valley, or arroyo, the county listed is the one in which the mouth of the feature is located. Figure 1 outlines the counties of South Dakota. Coordinates (fifth column)—Latitudes and longitudes are given for the mouths of streams and valleys; centers of bays, islands, lakes, populated places, and other areal features; the extremities of points of land; the summits of mountains and hills; and the dams of reservoirs. The first two numbers are degrees, the next two numbers, minutes, and the last two, seconds N (north) latitude. This sequence is followed by three, two, and two numbers, respectively representing degrees, minutes, and seconds W (west) longitude. Example: 354835N1104413W reads 35 degrees, 48 min- utes, 35 seconds north latitude and 110 degrees, 44 minutes, 13 seconds west longitude. Source Coordinates (sixth column)—The geographic coordinates are given for the source or heads of streams, valleys, and arroyos. Elevation (seventh column)—The specific or average elevation is given in feet above the National Geodetic Vertical Datum of 1929 (approximately sea level) for tops of peaks, mountains, ridges, and hills; the sur- faces of lakes and reservoirs; the high points of passes and low points of basins; and the approximate centers of populated places. Map Name (eighth column)—This column indicates the name of the map on which the named place or feature is located. Various cartographic limitations prevent all names from being shown on the topographic maps. South Dakota is subdivided into 1,552 7.5-minute quadrangle areas, each of which is covered by a 1224,000-scale or 1:25,000-scale topographic map SOUTH DAKOTA GAZETTEER XII 39.3 :58 |mem>0u amE 8:8 «Em uEQEmOQQ 9 x09: cos—cm) 20m zo§z<> .3». 482: .528 _ > H 52 8:25 O $.22 35 I 395 9.3 :35 282.55: Ecummo damn :ozmsfism o: Smtzm .8_wo_omo mm.=_2 wh3h3 ‘VmEmmom O 8.3% o .2335 j5 9:62 0 jwmmis $.55de :25 2.55 2865 o 9.88. 9.51. 29.5: Iow3wo 9.3 506;. zOmmOo £35.02 a 3:238 80me £30m we mail; 550; 58 bcgol . Eamola 52¢ :25 zozz5 Enam- 29:5. 32:8 1.80 wCDm wzimma 0:85 0255.: 23:50 INTRODUCTION published by the USGS. When ordering topographic maps from the USGS, refer to the map name that may be found in the next section US Geological Survey 7.5-Minute Topographic Maps of South Dakota. (Sev- eral names of USGS maps have been abbreviated because of limitations of space. Both the full name and its abbreviation appear in the topographic maps list.) State indexes to topographic maps are available from: USGS Map Sales Box 25286 Denver, CO 80225 (303) 236—7477 FTS 776—7477. Some names appear only on U.S. Forest Service maps. Even though the names are not labeled on USGS maps, they are referenced to the 1:24,000-scale topographic map on which the named place or feature is located. The US Forest Service administrative areas in South Dakota are the Black Hills National Forest, Custer National Forest, Buffalo Gap National Grasslands, Cedar River National Grasslands, and Grand River National Grasslands. Maps for these areas may be obtained from: Department of Agriculture US. Forest Service Rocky Mountain Region 11177 West 8th Avenue P.O. BOX 25127 Lakewood, CO 80225. US. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY 7.5-MINUTE TOPOGRAPHIC MAPS OF SOUTH DAKOTA ABERDEEN EAST ABERDEEN WEST ALKALI CREEK EAST ALKALI CREEK WEST ACADEMY ALLAN DAM AGAR ALLEMAN STATION AGAR NE ALLEN AGAR NW ALLEN SE AGAR SW ALPENA AKASKA ALSEN AKASKA NE AMES AKASKA NW AMHERST AKASKA SW ANDOVER AKRON ANDOVER SW ALCESTER ANGOSTURA RESERVOIR ALCESTER NE ALCESTER NW ALCESTER SE ALEXANDRIA ANTELOPE BUTTE ANTELOPE CREEK EAST ANTELOPE CREEK WEST ANTELOPE ISLAND ANTELOPE VALLEY ARCHER HILL ARDMORE ARDMORE SE ARGYLE ARLINGTON ARLINGTON NE ARMOUR ARMOUR SW ARPAN ARTESIAN ARTESIAN NE ARTESIAN NW ARTICHOKE BUTTE ARTICHOKE BUTTE NE ARTICHOKE BUTTE NW ARTICHOKE BUTTE SW ASHTON ASTORIA ATHOL AURORA AURORA CENTER AVANCE AVANCE SE AVON BADGER BADNATION BADNATION NW BADNATION SE BAILEYS LAKE BALD HILLS BAMS BUTTE BAMS BUTTE NW BAMS BUTTE SE BANCROFT EAST BANCROFT WEST BATESLAND BATESLAND NW BATH BATTLE CREEK BUTTE BATTLESHIP ROCK . BEARDSLEY BEARDSLEY NW BEDASHOSHA LAKE BEDNERS DAM BEEBE BELLE FOURCHE BELVIDERE BELVIDERE NE BELVIDERE NW BELVIDERE SW BEMIS BEND BENTLEY RANCH BERESFORD XIII BERESFORD NE BERESFORD NW BERNE BESSIE BUTTE BETTS BEULAH BEVERLY CREEK BIG BEND DAM BIG BEND DAM NE BIG BEND DAM SE BIG BEND DAM 4 NE BIG BEND DAM 4 NW BIG BEND DAM 4 SE BIG BEND DAM 4 SW BIG DRAW BIG STONE LAKE EAST BIG STONE LAKE SE BIG STONE LAKE SW BIG STONE LAKE WEST BIJOU HILLS BIJOU HILLS NE BISON BISON NE BISON NW BITTER LAKE BIXBY BLACK BANKS CREEK EAST BLACK BANKS CREEK WEST BLACK EYES BLACK HORSE BLACK HORSE BUTTE BLACK HORSE BUTTE NE BLACK HORSE BUTTE NW BLACK HORSE NE BLACK HORSE SE BLACK HORSE SW BLACKHAWK BLACKPIPE BLOOMFIELD BLUNT BLUNT NE BLUNT NW BLUNT SE BOG CREEK BOISBERG BOLAND RIDGE BON HOMME COLONY BOND BOTTOM BONEITA SPRINGS BONESTEEL BOUQUET TABLE BOVEE XIV BOWDLE BOWDLE SE BOWDLE SW BOWDLE-HOSMER LAKE BOWEN RANCH BOWMAN-HALEY DAM BOXCAR BUTTES BOX ELDER BRADLEY BRAKKE DAM BRANDON BRANDT BRENNAN FLAT BRENTFORD BRENTFORD SE BREWER BUTTE BRIDGER BRIDGER NE BRIDGER SE BRIDGEWATER EAST BRIDGEWATER WEST ’BRISTOL EAST BRISTOL WEST BRITTON EAST BRITTON WEST BRITTON 4 NE BRITTON 4 NW BRITTON 4 SE BRITTON 4 SW BROADLAND BROKEN LEG DAM BROOKINGS BROOKINGS NE BROWNS VALLEY BRUCE BRUSHY BUTTE BRYANT BRYANT NE BUCKHORN BUFFALO BUFFALO GAP BUFFALO TRADING POST BULL CREEK BUTTE BULL CREEK 2 NE BULL RUN CREEK BULLHEAD BULLHEAD SW BURBANK BURDETTE BURDOCK BURKE BURKMERE BURTON BUTCHER HILL SOUTH DAKOTA GAZETTEER BUTTE BUTTE NW BUZZARD BUTTE CACTUS CREEK EAST CAMP CREEK CAMP CROOK CAMPBELL CREEK CANBY NW CANISTOTA CANNING CANNING NW CANOVA EAST CANOVA SE CANOVA WEST CANTON CANTON SW CAPA CAPA NW CAPA SE CAPITOL CAPITOL ROCK CAPUTA CAPUTA NE CAPUTA SW CARLIN FLAT CARLOCK CAROLINE BUTTE CARPENTER CARPENTER NE CARPENTER SE CARTER CARTHAGE CASCADE SPRINGS CASTALIA CASTLE ROCK CASTLEWOOD CAVOUR CEDAR BUTTE CEDAR BUTTE NE CEDAR BUTTE NW CEDAR CANYON CEDAR GROVE COLONY CENTER POINT CENTERVILLE CHAMBERLAIN CHANCE CHAPELLE LAKE CHAPELLE LAKE NW CHAPELLE LAKE SE CHAPELLE LAKE SW CHARLIE CREEK CHASING HAWK DRAW CHATSWORTH CHELSEA CHERRY CREEK CHERRY CREEK NW CHERRY LAKE CHICKEN CREEK CHIMNEY BUTTE CICERO PEAK CLAIRE CITY CLAIRE CITY NE CLAIRE CITY NW CLAIRE CITY SW CLAREMONT CLARK LAKE CLARK NORTH CLARK SOUTH CLAYTON CLAYTON NE CLEAR LAKE NE CLEAR LAKE NORTH CLEAR LAKE SOUTH CLEARFIELD CLIFTON CLINTON NE CLINTON NW COAL SPRINGS COAL SPRINGS NW COAL SPRINGS SE COAL SPRINGS SW CODY EAST CODY WEST COFFEE FLATS COLE DAM COLMAN COLOME COLOME SE COLTON COLTON SE COLUMBIA COLUMBIA NE CONATA CONATA NE CONATA SE CONATA SW CONDE CONDE SW CORN CREEK CORNELL DAM CORONA CORSICA CORSICA LAKE COTTONWOOD COTTONWOOD CREEK NE COTTONWOOD CREEK NW COTTONWOOD CREEK SE COTTONWOOD CREEK SW COTTONWOOD LAKE COTTONWOOD NE COTTONWOOD SE COTTONWOOD SW COW BUTTE COW BUTTE NE COW BUTTE SE COW BUTTE SW CRANDALL CREIGHTON CRESBARD CRESBARD NE CRESBARD SE CRESBARD SW CRESTON CROCKER CROCKER SW CROKETT MOUNTAINS CROOKS CROOKS TOWER CROOKSTON EAST CROOKSTON WEST CROW LAKE CROWE DAM CROWS NEST PEAK CRYSTAL LAKE CUNY TABLE EAST CUNY TABLE WEST CUSTER DALLAS DALLAS NW DALLAS SW DALY CORNERS DALZELL DALZELL NE DALZELL NW DALZELL SE DANTE DATE DATE NE DAVISTON DE GREY DE GREY NE DE GREY NW DE GREY SE DE SMET DE SMET SE DEAD HORSE DRAW DEAD HORSE FLATS DEADMAN MOUNTAIN DEADMANS LAKE DEADWOOD NORTH DEADWOOD SOUTH DEEP CREEK NE DEEP CREEK NW DEEP CREEK SE DEERFIELD DEERS EARS BUTTE NORTH DEERS EARS BUTTE SOUTH DELL RAPIDS DELL RAPIDS NE DELL RAPIDS SE DELMONT DELMONT NE DELMONT SE DEMPSTER DENBY DEWEY DIERMIER RANCH DITCH CREEK DIXON DIXON NE DIXON SE DIXON SW DOAKS BUTTE DOG EAR BUTTES DOG EAR LAKE DOGIE BUTTE DOLAND DOLAND NW DOLAND SE DOLAND SW DOLTON DOTY RIDGE DRAPER DRYWOOD LAKES DUPREE DUPREE NE DURKEE LAKE EAGLE EAGLE MANS BUTTE EAGLES NEST BUTTE EAST OF SCOTCHMAN LAKE EAST VERMILLION LAKE ECOFFEY LAKE EDEN EDGEMONT EDGEMONT NE EDGEMONT SW ELBON ELEVENMILE CORNER INTRODUCTION ELI ELK POINT ELK POINT NE ELKHORN CREEK EAST ELKHORN CREEK SE ELKTON ELKTON SW ELLENDALE SOUTH ELM CREEK RANCH ELM SPRINGS ELM SPRINGS SW ENEMY SWIM LAKE EAST ENEMY SWIM LAKE WEST ENNING EPIPHANY ERWIN ESTELLINE ESTELLINE NE ESTELLINE SE ETHAN EUREKA EAST EUREKA WEST EVERGREEN EVERGREEN NE EVERGREEN SW FAIRBURN FAIRBURN NE FAIRBURN SE FAIRBURN SW FAIRPOINT FAIRPOINT NW FAIRPOINT SE FAIRPOINT SW FAIRVIEW FAITH FAITH NE FAITH NW FAITH SW FANNY PEAK FARMER FARWELL FARWELL NW FAULKTON EAST FAULKTON WEST FEDORA FEINSTEIN LAKE FERNEY FIRESTEEL FISH DRAW FLANDREAU FLANDREAU NE FLANDREAU NW FLANDREAU SW FLAT LAKE FLAT TOP BUTTE FLIGHT LAKE FLINT HILL FLORENCE FLORENCE NE FLORENCE NW FOLSOM FORBES FORBES NW FORBES SE FORBES SW FORDHAM DAM FORESTBURG FORESTBURG NE FORESTBURG NW FORESTBURG SW FORT GEORGE BUTTE FORT GEORGE BUTTE NW FORT GEORGE BUTTE SE FORT GEORGE BUTTE SW FORT MEADE FORT MEADE NE FORT MEADE SE FORT RANDALL DAM FOUR BEAR CREEK FOURMILE FRANKFORT FRANKFORT SW FRASER DAM FRATZKE RANCH FREDERICK FREDERICK NW FREDERICK SW FREEMAN FREEMAN SE FROZEN MAN CREEK FRUITDALE GALLUP GALLUP CREEK GANNVALLEY GANNVALLEY SE GARDEN CITY GARRETSON EAST GARRETSON WEST GARY GARY NW GAVINS POINT DAM GAYVILLE GAYVILLE NE GEDDES GEDDES SE GERTSON SLOUGH GETTYSBURG XV GETTYSBURG MUNI AIRPORT GETTYSBURG MUNI AIRPORT NE GETTYSBURG MUNI AIRPORT SE GETTYSBURG MUNI AIRPORT SW GLAD VALLEY GLAD VALLEY NW GLAD VALLEY SE GLAD VALLEY SW GLENCROSS GLENCROSS NE GLENCROSS SE GLENDALE COLONY GLENHAM GOODWILL GOODWIN GORDON NW GRANDMAS BUTTE GRANGER CREEK GRASS LAKE GRAVEL DRAW GREASEWOOD DRAW GREENWAY GREENWOOD COLONY GREGORY GREGORY SE GRETNA GRINDSTONE GRINDSTONE BUTTE GRINDSTONE SW GROSS GROTON GROTON SW GROVER GUSTAVE HALEY HAMILL HAMILL NE HAMILL NW HAMILL SE HARDING HARRINGTON HARRISBURG HARROLD HARROLD NE HARROLD NW HARTFORD NORTH HARTFORD SOUTH HARTLEY HAUCKS LAKE HAVANA XVI HAWARDEN NORTH HAWARDEN SOUTH HAY CANYON BUTTE HAY CREEK HAYDRAW HAYES NORTH HAYES SOUTH HAYFORD HAYNES HAYNES SE HAYNES SW HAYSTACK BUTTE HAYTI HAYWARD HAZEL HECLA HECLA NE HECLA SE HEGGS LAKE HEINNE CREEK HELLS CANYON HENDRICKS HENRY HEPPNER HERBERT CREEK HERBERT CREEK NE HERBERT CREEK SE HERBERT CREEK SW HEREFORD HEREFORD NE HEREFORD SE HEREFORD SW HERMOSA HERMOSA NE HERMOSA NW HERMOSA SE HERREID HERREID NE HERREID NW HERREID SW HERRICK HERRICK NE HERRICK NW HETTINGER SOUTH HEUTMACHER TABLE HIDDEN TIMBER HIDDEN TIMBER NE HIDDEN TIMBER SE HIGH ELK HILL HIGH ELK HILL NW HIGH ELK HILL SE HIGH ELK HILL SW HIGHMORE HIGHMORE NE SOUTH DAKOTA GAZETTEER HIGHMORE SE HILL CITY HILLAND HILLAND NW HILLHEAD HILLSIDE HILLSVIEW HILLSVIEW SE HISLE HISLE NW HITCHCOCK HITCHCOCK SE HITCHCOCK SW HOAGLAND LAKE HOG ISLAND HOHRMAN RANCH HOLABIRD HOOVER HORSE CREEK HORSE TOOTH HOSMER HOSMER NE HOSMER NW HOSMER SE HOT SPRINGS HOT SPRINGS SE HOUGHTON HOVEN HOVEN MUNICIPAL AIRPORT HOWARD HOWARD NE HOWES HUB CITY HUFFTON HUMBOLDT HUMBOLT HILLS HUMP BUTTE HURLEY HURON HURON NE HURON NW IDEAL IDEAL NE IDEAL NW IMLAY IMLAY SE IMLAY SW IMOGENE INDIAN BUTTE INTERIOR INTERIOR SE IONA IONA NW IPSWICH IPSWICH SE IRENE IRISH BUTTE IRISH CREEK NE IRISH CREEK NW IRISH CREEK SE IRISH CREEK SW IRON MOUNTAIN IRON POST BUTTES IRON POST BUTTES SE IRON POST BUTTES SW IRON SHELL FLAT EAST IRON SHELL FLAT WEST IROQUOIS IRWIN ISABEL ISABEL SW ISHAM LAKE J B HILL J K BUTTE JACKSON JAMES JAMESVILLE JAMISON JASPER JASPER NW JAVA JAVA SE JEFFERSON JEWEL CAVE JEWEL CAVE NW JEWEL CAVE SE JEWEL CAVE SW JOE CREEK JOE CREEK NW JOE CREEK SE JOE CREEK SW JOLLY JOUBERT KADOKA KADOKA NE KAMPESKA KAYLOR KELDRON KENEL KENNEBEC KENNEBEC SE KENNEBEC SW KEYAPAHA KEYAPAHA NW KEYAPAHA SE KID RICH BUTTE KIDDER KIDDER SE KILGORE KIMBALL NORTH KIMBALL SOUTH KING DAM KINGSBURG KIRLEY KLINE BUTTES KLONDIKE KLOUCEK LAKE KRANZBURG KRANZBURG SW KYLE KYLE NE LA BOLT LA MARS LA PLANT LA PLANT SW LACY LADNER LADNER NE LADNER SE LAFFEY LAKE LAHTI BUTTE LAKE ANDES LAKE ANDES NW LAKE ANDES SW LAKE BENTON NW LAKE BENTON SW LAKE BYRON LAKE BYRON NW LAKE BYRON SE LAKE CITY LAKE FRANCIS LAKE GEORGE LAKE HERMAN LAKE HILL LAKE HURLEY LAKE HURLEY NE LAKE HURLEY SE LAKE MADISON LAKE MADISON SW LAKE NORDEN LAKE PARMLEY LAKE PARMLEY SW LAKE POINSETT LAKE PRESTON EAST LAKE PRESTON NE LAKE PRESTON WEST LAKE SINAI LANE LANGFORD LANGFORD SW LANTRY LANTRY NE LANTRY NW LANTRY SE LAUNDREAUX BUTTE LEAD LEBANON LEMMON LEMMON BUTTE LEMMON CREEK LEMMON LAKE LEMMON NE LENNOX LENNOX NW LEOLA LEOLA SW LESTERVILLE LETCHER LETCHER NE LETCHER SW LILY LITTLE EAGLE LITTLE EAGLE NW LITTLE EAGLE SE LITTLE EAGLE SW LITTLE MOREAU LAKE LITTLE NASTY CREEK LITTLEBURG LIVERMANT LAKE LODGEPOLE LODGEPOLE SE LONE TREE DRAW EAST LONE TREE DRAW WEST LONE TREE LAKE LONE WELL CREEK EAST LONE WELL CREEK WEST LONESOME LAKE LONG LAKE LONG LAKE NE LONG LAKE NW LONG LAKE SE LONG VALLEY LONG VALLEY NW LONGBRAKE RANCH LOOMIS LOWER BRULE LOWER BRULE NE LOWER BRULE NW LOWER BRULE SW LOWRY LOWRY NW LOYALTON LUCAS LUCAS NW LUCAS SE INTRODUCTION LUCERNE LUDLOW LUDLOW SE LYMAN LYNCH NE LYNN LAKE LYONVILLE MACS CORNER MACS CORNER NE MACS CORNER NW MACS CORNER SE MADISON MADISON NW MAHTO MAHTO NE MAHTO NW MAIL SHACK CREEK MANCHESTER MANDERSON MANDERSON SW MAPLE LEAF MARCUS MARIETTA MARION MARLOW MARTIN MARTIN SW MARTY MARVIN MASKELL MAURICE MAURINE MAY RANCH MAYFIELD MCINTOSH MCINTOSH SE MCINTOSH SW MCKENZIE BUTTE MCLAUGHLIN MCLAUGHLIN NE MCLAUGHLIN SW MEADOW MEADOW NE MEADOW NW MEADOW SE MEADVILLE NE MEADVILLE NW MECKLING MEDARY MEDICINE MOUNTAIN MELLETTE MENNO MENOMINEE MERRIMAN MERRIMAN NE MIDDLE CREEK BUTTE MIDDLE DRAW MIDLAND MIDLAND NE MIDLAND NW MIDLAND SE MIDWAY MILBANK EAST MILBANK WEST MILESVILLE MILLBORO ‘MILLER MILLER DALE COLONY MILLER DALE COLONY NW MILLER DALE COLONY SW MILLER DAM MILLER HILL MILLER NW MILLER SE MILLS MILLTOWN MINA MINA NW MINA SE MINA SW MINNEKAHTA MINNEKAHTA NE MINNESOTA RIDGE MIRANDA MISCOL MISCOL NE MISCOL SE MISCOL SW MISSION MISSION HILL MISSION NE MISSION NW MISSION RIDGE MISSION SE MITCHELL MITCHELL LAKE MITCHELL SW MITTELSTEDT SLOUGH MOBRIDGE MOBRIDGE NE MOBRIDGE NW MOENVILLE MONOWI MONTROSE MOON MOREAU XVII MOREAU NE MOREAU NW MOREAU PEAK MOREAU SE MORRIS LAKE MORRISTOWN MORRISTOWN SE MOSHER MOUND CITY MOUNT COOLIDGE MOUNT RUSHMORE MOUNT VERNON MUD BUTTES MUD BUTTES NW MUD CREEK MULE CREEK MULE CREEK SE MURDO MURDO SE MURDO SW MURDO 3 NE MURDO 3 NW MURDO 3 SW MURRAY DRAW MUTSKE LAKE NAHANT NAPER NAPER NW NAPLES NEMO NENZEL NESS CHAIN LAKES NEW EFFINGTON NEW EFFINGTON NE NEW EFFINGTON NW NEW HOLLAND NEW UNDERWOOD NEW UNDERWOOD NW NEW UNDERWOOD SW NEWARK NEWARK NW NEWARK SW NEWELL NEWELL LAKE NIOBRARA NIOBRARA NE NIOBRARA NW NISLAND NO HEART CREEK NO HEART CREEK NE N0 HEART CREEK SE NO HEART CREEK SW NORA NORBECK XVIII NORDEN NW NORRIS NORTH SLICK CREEK NORTHVILLE NORTHVILLE SW NOWLIN OACOMA OAHE DAM OAHE SW OAK HOLLOW OAT CREEK OELRICHS OELRICHS NE OELRICHS SW OGLALA OKATON OKATON NE OKATON SE OKATON SW OKOBOJO OKOBOJO NE OKOBOJO SE OKOBOJO SW OKREEK OKREEK SE OLD BALDY MOUNTAIN OLD STICKNEY LAKE OLDHAM OLDHAM NW OLDHAM SE OLDHAM SW OLSONVILLE OLSONVILLE NW OLSONVILLE SE OLSONVILLE SW ONAKA ONAKA SW ONIDA ONIDA SE ONIDA SW OPAL EAST OPAL EAST SE OPAL EAST SW OPAL WEST OPAL WEST SE ORDWAY ORIENT ORIENT NW ORIENT SW ORTLEY ORTONVILLE OTTUMWA OWANKA OWANKA NE SOUTH DAKOTA GAZETTEER OWANKA NW OWANKA SW OWEN LAKE OWL BUTTE OWL BUTTE NE OWL BUTTE SE PACTOLA DAM PARADE PARADE NE PARADE NW PARADE SW PARKER PARKER NE PARKER SW PARKSTON PARKSTON SE PARMELEE PARMELEE NE PARMLEE CANYON PASS CREEK NE PASS CREEK NW PATCH SKIN BUTTES PATCH SKIN BUTTES SE PATCH SKIN BUTTES SW PATRICIA PAXTON PEACH LAKE PEARL CREEK COLONY PEDRO PEDRO NW PEDRO SE PEDRO 4 NW PEEVER PEEVER NE PEEVER NW PELICAN LAKE PHANTOM LAKE PHEBA 2 SE PHILIP PHILIP JUNCTION PHILIP SE PHISTER RANCH PIEDMONT PIERPONT PIERRE PIERRE NE PIERRE SW PIERRE 3 NE PIERRE 3 NW PIERRE 3 SE PIERRE 3 SW PINE RIDGE PINE RIDGE NE PINE RIDGE SW PINE SPRING PIYAS LAKE PLAINVIEW PLAINVIEW COLONY PLAINVIEW COLONY NE PLAINVIEW COLONY NW PLAINVIEW COLONY SW PLANKINTON PLATTE PLATTE LAKE POLLOCK POLLOCK NW POLLOCK SE POLO PONCA PORTER CREEK POST RANCH POTATO CREEK POWELL POWELL NW PRAIRIE CITY PRAIRIE CITY NE PRAIRIE CITY NW PREACHER SPRING PRESHO PRESHO NW PRESHO SE PRESHO SW PRESHO 4 NE PRESHO 4 NW PRESHO 4 SE PRINCES RANCH PRINGLE PROMISE PROVO PUKWANA PUKWANA NE PUKWANA SE PUTNEY QUINN TABLE QUINN TABLE NE QUINN TABLE SE QUINN TABLE SW RABBIT BUTTE RALPH RALPH SW RAMONA RANDOLPH RAPID CITY EAST RAPID CITY NW RAPID CITY WEST RAPID CITY 1 NE RAPID CITY 1 NW RAPID CITY 1 SE RAPID CITY 1 SW RATTLESNAKE BUTTE EAST RATTLESNAKE BUTTE WEST RATTLESNAKE LAKE RATTLESNAKE LAKE NE RATTLESNAKE LAKE SE RATTLESNAKE LAKE SW RAVINIA RAYMOND RAYMOND SE RED ELM RED ELM SW RED LAKE EAST RED LAKE WEST RED SCAFFOLD RED SHIRT RED SHIRT NE RED SHIRT SW REDELM NE REDELM NW REDFIELD NORTH REDFIELD SOUTH REDFIELD SW REDIG REDIG NE REDOWL REE HEIGHTS REE HEIGHTS NE REE HEIGHTS NW REE HEIGHTS SE REED DAM RELIANCE RELIANCE SE RELIANCE SW RENNER REVA REVA NE REVA NW REVILLO REZAC LAKE REZAC LAKE NE REZAC LAKE NW RICE LAKE RICHLAND RICHMOND RICHMOND NE RICHMOND NW RICHMOND SW RIDGEVIEW RIDGEVIEW NE RIDGEVIEW NW RIDGEVIEW SW RIVERSIDE ROCHFORD ROCKERVILLE ROCKHAM ROCKHAM SE ROCKHAM SW ROCKPORT COLONY ROCKYFORD ROCKYFORD NW ROCKYFORD SE ROCKYFORD SW ROSCOE ROSCOE NW ROSCOE SW ROSEBUD ROSEN ROSHOLT ROSLYN ROSWELL ROUNDUP BUTTE ROUSSEAU ROUSSEAU CREEK ROUSSEAU CREEK NW ROUSSEAU CREEK SW RUDOLPH RUMFORD RUTLAND RUTLAND NW RUTLAND SE SADDLE BUTTE SAINT CHARLES SAINT FRANCIS SAINT FRANCIS SE SAINT FRANCIS SW SAINT HELENA SAINT ONGE SAINT ONGE SE SALEM SALEM NE SALT LAKE SANSARC SANSARC NE SANTEE SAVO NE SAVO NW SAVO SE SAVO SW SAVOY SCENIC SCENIC SW SCHOEPP FLAT SCHOOL SECTION BUTTE SCHUMACHER LAKE INTRODUCTION SCHUMACHER LAKE NE SCHUMACHER LAKE SW SCOTCHMAN LAKE SCOTLAND SCOTT CREEK SEARS DAM SELBY SELBY NW SELBY SW SENECA SENECA NW SENECA SW SHARPES CORNER SHEEP MOUNTAIN SHEEP MOUNTAIN TABLE SHEEP PEN DRAW SHEEP PEN DRAW SE SHEEP PEN DRAW SW SHELBY SHOEMAKER DAM SHORT BOW CREEK EAST SHORT BOW CREEK WEST SHORT CREEK SIGNAL BUTTE SIGNAL HILL SILVER CITY SINAI SIOUX CITY NORTH SIOUX CITY SOUTH SIOUX FALLS EAST SIOUX FALLS WEST SISSETON SKULL BUTTE SLIM BUTTE SLIM BUTTE NE SLIM BUTTE NW SLIM BUTTE SW SMITHWICK SMITHWICK NE SMITHWICK NW SNIDER HILL SNOW LAKE SOLDIER CREEK SOLDIER CREEK NE SOLDIER CREEK NW SOLDIER CREEK SE SOMMERVILLE SORUM SORUM NE SORUM SE SORUM SW SOURDOUGH FLATS SOUTH RED IRON LAKE SOUTH SCALP CREEK SOUTH SHORE SPAIN SPARKS SPEARFISH SPENCER SPENCER NORTH SPENCER SW SPINK COLONY SPRING CREEK SPRING CREEK SW SPRING LAKE SPRINGFIELD SPRINGVIEW NW SQUARE TOP BUTTE SQUAW BUTTES STAFFORD DAM STAMFORD STAMFORD NW STAMFORD SE STAMFORD SW STANDING BUTTE STANDING BUTTE SW STAUM DAM STEAMBOAT CREEK STEPHAN STICKNEY STILL LAKE STILL LAKE NE STILL LAKE SE STIRK TABLE STOCKHOLM STONEVILLE STORLA STORLA SW STOVE CREEK STRATFORD STURGIS SULLY LAKE SULPHUR BUTTE SUMMIT SUMMIT NE SUNRISE BUTTE SWAN LAKE SWETT SWETT NE TABLE MOUNTAIN TABLE TOP BUTTE TABOR TABOR NE TABOR SE TATANKA LAKE TEA TEPEE BUTTES XIX TETON THE FORKS THOMAS LAKE THOMAS LAKE NW THOMAS LAKE SW THOMPSON LAKE THUNDER BUTTE THUNDER HAWK THUNDER HAWK SE THUNDER HAWK SW TILFORD TIMBER LAKE TINTON TOLSTOY TOMATO CAN BUTTES TORNADO RANCH TORONTO TRAIL CITY TRAIL CITY SW TRENT TRIPP TRIPP SE TRUMBULL LAKE TSCHETTER COLONY TULARE TULARE NW TULARE SE TULARE SW TUNERVILLE TURKEY RIDGE TURTON TUTHILL TWENTYONE DIVIDE TWIN BROOKS TWIN BUTTE TWIN LAKES TWO BUTTES TWO LANCE LAKE TWO NATION CREEK TWO TOP BUTTE EAST TWO TOP BUTTE SE TWO TOP BUTTE WEST TYNDALL UNION CENTER UNITYVILLE VALE VALE NE VALE SE VALENTINE NORTH VALLEY SPRINGS VAN METRE VAYLAND VAYLAND NW VAYLAND SE XX VAYLAND SW VEBLEN VEBLEN NE VENTURIA VERDEL VERMILLION VERMILLION SE VIBORG VICTOR VIENNA EAST VIENNA WEST VIEWFIELD VIRGIL VIRGINIA VIVIAN VIVIAN NW VIVIAN SE VIVIAN SW VOLGA VOLUNTEER VOLUNTEER NE VOLUNTEER NW VOLUNTEER SE WAGNER WAGNER NE WAGNER SW WAKONDA WAKPALA WAKPALA NW WAKPALA SE WAKPALA SW WAKPAMANI WALKER WALL WALL NE WALL SE WALL SW WALLACE WALLACE RANCH WANBLEE WANBLEE NE WANBLEE NW WARNER WASTA WASTA NE WASTA NW WASTA SE WATAUGA WATERTOWN EAST WATERTOWN SE WATERTOWN WEST WAUBAY WAUBAY SW WEBSTER SOUTH DAKOTA GAZETTEER WEBSTER NE WECOTA WENDTE WENDTE NE WENDTE SE WENDTE SW WENTWORTH WESSINGTON WESSINGTON NE WESSINGTON SE WESSINGTON SPRINGS WESSINGTON SPRINGS NE WESSINGTON SPRINGS NW WESSINGTON SPRINGS SW WESSINGTON SW WESTOVER WESTPORT WETA WETONKA NORTH WETONKA SOUTH WEWELA WEWELA NE WHEATON WEST WHETSTONE BAY WHITE WHITE BUTTE WHITE HILL WHITE HORSE WHITE LAKE WHITE NE WHITE OWL WHITE OWL NW WHITE OWL SE WHITE RIVER EAST WHITE RIVER NE WHITE RIVER SE WHITE RIVER WEST WHITE SE WHITECLAY WHITEMAN RANCH WHITESTONE LAKE WILLOW CREEK WILLOW CREEK BUTTE WILLOW CREEK NE WILLOW CREEK NW WILLOW CREEK SW WILLOW LAKE WILLOW LAKE SW WILMARTH LAKE WILMOT WILMOT NW WOOD SOUTH WILSON DAM WOONSOCKET WIND CAVE WOONSOCKET NW WINFRED WORTHING WINFRED SE WOUNDED KNEE WINNER NORTH YALE WINNER SOUTH YANKTON WITI'EN YELLOW BEAR CAMP WI'I'I'EN SE YELLOW BEAR CAMP SW WITI'EN SW ZEELAND WOLF CREEK ZEELAND NW WOLFF LAKE ZEELAND SW WOLSEY ZELL WOLSEY SE ZEONA WOOD NORTH ZEONA NE SOUTH DAKOTA By Jon C. Campbell South Dakota became the 40th State of the Union on November 2, 1889. The State derives its name from the prior political division, Dakota Territory, that in turn was named for the Dakota or Sioux Indians. ”Dakota,” usually translated as ”allies,” is the name that the Sioux people speaking the Santee dialect apply to them- selves. Dakota County, Minnesota, established in 1849, and the Dakota Land Company, organized in 1857, provided precedents for the use of the word ”Dakota” in a legal name before the Dakota Territory was created in 1861. The renowned American explorers Lewis and Clark were very likely the first to write the word, or recognizable variants of the name Dakota, spelling it Dacorta, Darcota, and Darcotar in their journals. Pierre has been the State capital since 1889. Although founded in 1878 under the name of ”Mato,” which is said to mean ”bear” in the Dakota language, the city was soon named Pierre after an older settlement, Fort Pierre, located just across the Missouri River. The nearby military post of Fort Pierre was named for Pierre Choteau, Jr., of the American Fur Company, which built the fort. Early in the history of the State, the towns of Huron and Mitchell separately contested the desig- nation of Pierre as the State capital, but Pierre retained this distinction. Huron, settled in 1880, was named by Marvin Hughitt, a railroad official, for the Huron Indi- ans. Settled in 1879, the town of Mitchell was named for Alexander Mitchell, who was then president of the Chicago, Milwaukee, and St. Paul Railroad. The earliest South Dakotans, of whom written records are preserved, are the Arikara, or Ree, Indians. As early as the 16th century these Indians lived along the banks of the Missouri River in villages, which were SOUTH DAKOTA XXI based on an agricultural and fishing economy. In the 1790’s the Rees, under pressure from the Sioux Indians who had been driven from the upper Mississippi Valley by the Chippewa, left the region and retreated up the Missouri to lands north of the Grand River. The word Sioux is a shortening of ”Nadowessioux,” one of sev- eral spellings of a French version of the Chippewa name for the Sioux that is thought to have meant ”an adder” or, metaphorically, ”an enemy.” Reportedly, the Grand River was known by the Sioux in their language as the ”Creek of the Rees.” Lewis and Clark recorded the name of the stream as Riviere au Corn and as Marapa River. The present name has evidently endured from the earliest French explorations. The brothers Francois and Louis-Joseph La Veren- drye are the first men of European descent known to have traveled in South Dakota. In 1743, while following the Missouri River, they buried an inscribed lead plate and claimed the land for the King of France. School- children, playing on a hill that overlooks the Missouri in Stanley County, found the plate in 1913. Fittingly, the place is now known as Verendrye Hill. The United States gained ownership from France of the land where the Dakota dwelt by the Louisiana Purchase of 1803. In the years before the Civil War, the prime attraction of this area to fur traders, who oper- ated between the Rocky Mountains and Saint Louis, was its location on the Missouri River. The fur mer- chants secured and settled strategic places along the river and named them forts, even though they were often nothing more than trading posts. One such place was Fort Pierre, established in 1832 and located at the junction of the Bad River and the Missouri River. Two older forts predate Fort Pierre at the site—Fort Teton, built in 1817 and named for the Teton tribe of the Sioux, and Fort Tecumseh, established about 1822 and named for the noted Shawnee chief who assisted the British during the War of 1812. The Bad River received its name from an incident believed to have occurred about 1738 in which a flash flood drowned many Indians and their ponies. Afterwards the river was referred to as ”bad” in the Sioux language, and the English translation was later adopted by settlers. Lewis and Clark called it the Teton River because they encountered a band of Teton Sioux Indians there, but that name did not persist. On March 2, 1861, President Buchanan signed a bill that created the Dakota Territory. The Territory con- sisted of the present States of North and South Dakota and the portions of Montana and Wyoming east of the crest of the Rocky Mountains. Concentrated in present southeastern South Dakota, the white population of this vast area was then only 2,396. Yankton, the first capital of the Dakota Territory, was founded in 1858 and named for the Yankton tribe of the Sioux who formerly occupied the town site. When the Territories of Idaho and Wyoming were created in 1863 and 1868, respectively, the size of the Dakota Territory was reduced to the current area of North and South Dakota. The discovery of gold in the Black Hills in 1874 by a military expedition led by General George A. Custer precipitated a period of great interest in the area and brought settlers to the western part of the territory. The western region was previously closed to white people by the 1868 Treaty of Fort Laramie. In 1877, the year after the Battle of Little Big Horn, also known as Custer’s Last Stand, the Indians were forced to accept a reduction in the size of their reservation and to cede the Black Hills to the US Government. The Battle of Wounded Knee, December 29, 1890, during which more than 200 Indian men, women, and children were killed, marked the last major clash of Native Americans with United States troops. Wounded Knee Creek, located in southwestern South Dakota, southeast of the Black Hills, is an English translation of the Sioux name for this stream. According to Indian tradition, at some point along the creek, an Oglala Sioux was wounded in the knee by a Crow Indian arrow. There- after, both the warrior and the creek were known as llWounded Knee.” A second account of the origin of this name tells of an Indian man and his wife who lived along the creek. During a quarrel, the woman became so angry that she shot her husband in the knee and he fell to the ground near the creek. The name Black Hills is a direct translation of the Sioux name ”Paha Sapa,” which the Indians used because the dense growth of pine trees covering the hills makes them appear black when viewed from a distance. Lewis and Clark referred to the hills as the ”Black Mountains.” Commemorating the role of the former Union general in the history of the region, Custer is now the name of a Black Hills town, but ironically the first name of this town was Stonewall, honoring Confederate General Stonewall Jackson. In the 1888 national election, the Republican Party favored the admission of two States that would be formed from the Dakota Territory. The Republicans prevailed, and on November 2, 1889, President Ben- jamin Harrison issued proclamations admitting both North and South Dakota to the Union as ”Sister States.” The President purposely shuffled the admis- sion documents so that neither State could claim priority over the other, but, by common agreement reached in later years, North Dakota ranks as the 39th State of the Union and South Dakota ranks as the 40th. During the early years of the statehood movement, people from both the northern and southern sections XXII SOUTH DAKOTA GAZETTEER of the Dakota Territory had wanted to use the name Dakota exclusively. Many residents of southern Dakota Territory believed that northern Dakota Territory should take the name Pembina. Before Dakota Terri- tory was organized, a large part of the northern section had been known for a hundred years as ”The Pembina Country,” ”pembina” being the Chippewa name for the highbush cranberry found in the northern Red River Valley. However, when it appeared that the adoption of any other name might delay the more important matter of statehood, southern Dakotans expeditiously approved the name South Dakota. Some other Indian names suggested for South Dakota during the State name dispute were ”Minisese Wakpa,” Mis- souri River; ”Tinta-Maka,” Prairie Land; ”Mazatinta,” Land of the Prairie; ”Maya-Wakan,” God’s Country; ”Magatanka,” Big Country; and ”Wacatinta,” Prairie Flower. REFERENCES Federal Writers' Project, 1941, South Dakota place names: Vermil- lion, South Dakota, University of South Dakota, 689 p. Federal Writers’ Project, 1952, South Dakota: A guide to the State (revised 2d ed.): South Dakota Guide Commission, 421 p. Hodge, F.W., 1910, Handbook of American Indians: Washington, DC, US Government Printing Office, 2 volumes. Robinson, Doane, 1925, Encyclopedia of South Dakota: Sioux Falls, South Dakota, Beach Printing Company, 1,003 p. Robinson, Doane, 1930, History of South Dakota: Chicago, Illinois, American Historical Company, 3 volumes. Schell, H.S., 1960, South Dakota. Its beginnings and growth: New York, American Book Company, 359 p. Schell, H.S., 1968, History of South Dakota: Lincoln, Nebraska, University of Nebraska Press, 425 p. Sneve, V.D.H., 1973, Dakota’s heritage: Sioux Falls, South Dakota, Brevet Press, 73 p. XXIII SOUTH DAKOTA ("51511: nI: LA 110115115521: E'I: DU SI‘PI t/fll‘I/(Jlttml DU M155 await“ “v ”119—. 4/: / Inn/um.- (‘0th 153516 x». L. «I nuts. 1 I}: Amara. 2 u Wm." m ,2. /. n I”, . m m: #75,: r 2:0}!2/ I’."(J ,1/4’) 1'- u I 1. < . I I’fu/Z' ‘ 1/1 ['7 ‘ 1 .A c, .5 l] P u .I x 1me I H ’1‘“ ’4‘:le“ .1 4 L» 4»; Yaw? 17mm , » 5 Ir, mm»... - /. 15mm ' <12» .. . .. w .3: . “- . ‘4 . 1 .150 Irkmn Knew I, _’ ~ 1..“ .h'wmm Arm ” _ 1' f 5 ‘ I , mum... mm M mm. L ‘9 1 ‘ .ir..{/.z.’.).m 5A “‘3‘ A ( H I ’5‘ .V I‘m .5 m m... ,J In “um-why» K - . , 5 5151...“... I; Aww W... .‘ h .5 5 I’ns nr:.5 (15mm 3- ‘ < I . m mzs * ~ in M» 3* L \L‘ 5" a" v," 1’ ~:../:.. . ‘ I » hum.» I Q g; * Ila A l . Mrs; _ . I ~_ N y... W thump... 1 s 36’ (,7, f 3 ~..»_\ 1., ('ufi‘dlt. ‘ . in...» 55.1 , "Wr‘ Av)» In...“ 3. . _, 15:9qu .5 M I w. ((1 I 1 i I at . y . m ,u ‘ 1.. v . 5 hi“ Aw“: luu- qt... 53 ' ‘ W"~ 5 , : :51; fie.“ MW 473:” 222’ "L“ I I “"1""; ~35. Aux.” ‘51Lyvt‘: {mm ' I‘ ( , '2“ 1 W "that“. 1;“ , 1 MAI-lawns \ 5.51;. . on... .6: ' . L . , ”W... 15' fnvuh I K .4... 5.51m .c. 1.455... ./ m ;"”,.‘ __ ,1 “M , Law. ‘ f i M i 4»- -. :Uh')1‘4§(v#fi. / M I; X] Q L 1455\w‘“ \ em I... FIGURE 2.—Carte de la Louisiane et du cours du Mississipi [Map of Louisiana and the course of the Mississippi] (Guillaume Delisle, 1718). Delisle’s map was the first to portray the Missouri River with accuracy. It influenced the cartography of the Missouri Valley throughout the eighteenth century. The northwest quadrant depicts the area that is presently South Dakota. Here Delisle shows the current name of the Missouri River as well as a variant name, ”R. de Pekitanoni." This earlier alternate name is thought to stem from an Algonquian term that means muddy or turbid, while the name ”Missouri,” first recorded on a 1673 French map, is believed to be an Algonquian name for a Siouan tribe that lived at the mouth of the river. SOUTH DAKOTA GAZETTEER XXIV =.._w>_~_ T5033 0.3:: 9: 8 52¢ gm 9: 8.32 cmtm>> £2: m7: :0 59:3... 8.9282 we :3 mm; 83m :5me 9t *0 :m; 5283 9: van 535mb 989.52 V8 :3 mm; 53x raga—2 of we 58 2930 £30m >ct¢cwwwa £9: E .QmE 25 :9 3.3839. 9.53% ‘39: cautoE< 02me 8:22 .293 wczmcwawu \SSmQ: «Em: 2:. 4mm? 59:85 2.0 .fic >558 38.5 9: E moccamflwccouo. >857: we toavxld 559”. i « .4: 1.. f a}. _ «R» it: 2:53! 3 it? . azba .5. .- 5ch 9: .EwEQoEEu «53955 $50.? boztuh «5an 50:58 “.0 QmE £5 fioozmzflm 22mm 28> o .5553. .3me ~2.95 9.: we mmzm waqu M>chEOU Ucm 2.5232 i=3: Em; 52.503 Sexmold 550E iotzm ocisnzom.‘ >386 m_ oEm: E395 2: .22 9.3:an a ho 8:88an 9: cm..— Ucm mew: wca 32 a he Emuxw 2.3 83 «up: :EEzm a 9 232 __~._. $25380; wEm: 9: $620 85. 8.3.83 .8: 3..on coccmcm E .mmEmc Eat? 5:3 :39: 05 952”. 3:25 1 .3295 _ _ _ 1.: JUQ & :33» «35w xvfiwv an 2 _ :5 i. , i. ‘2 1 am fldpmc SOUTH DAKOTA CAZETI'EER XXVI » a.“ 3&3," 2.2.. «M: nigh :1 :3 fit. msflufi a. o 58 J!» 3...!) in. K»HNNA‘ wflnflnlnab an: rs}. a 51,? , _ En .3. 33 J Yak mucus 3:5 _ , 2x : , .i‘ .H a my . {mm _ «1.0V 3 I0 GLOSSARY GLOSSARY By Roger l. Payne The following is a glossary of common language terms used to categorize each place, feature, or area identified by a geographic name. The terms assigned to each entry form the second column, Feature Class, on the gazetteer page. The terms and their definitions should be considered only as a general guide and not as a dictionary of balanced, exclusive, or precise ter- minology for the identification of cultural and natural features. Commonly used generic terms are listed at the end of each definition to assist in understanding the range of meaning represented by the feature class. A geographic name in plural form is identified by a term in singular form; ”Relic Islands" is identified as ”island.” The term ”populated place” is abbreviated llppl.” airport: a manmade facility maintained for the use of aircraft (airfield, airstrip, landing field, landing strip). arch: a natural archlike opening in a rock mass (bridge, natural bridge, sea arch). area: any one of several areally extensive natural features not included in other categories (badlands, barren, delta, fan, garden). arroyo: a watercourse or channel through which water may occasionally flow (coulee, draw, gulley, wash). bar: a natural accumulation of sand, gravel, or allu- vium or a ledge of rock or coral forming an under- water or exposed embankment (ledge, reef, sand- bar, shoal, spit). basin: a natural depression or relatively low area enclosed by higher land (amphitheater, cirque, pit, sink). bay: an indentation of a coast or shoreline enclosing a part of a body of water; a body of water partly surrounded by land (arm, bight, cove, estuary, gulf, inlet, sound). beach: the sloping shore along a body of water that is periodically washed by waves or tides and is usually covered by sand or gravel (coast, shore, strand). bench: an area of relatively level land on the side of an elevation, such as a hill, ridge, or mountain, where the slope of the land rises on one side and descends on the opposite side (level). bend: a curve in the course of a stream and (or) the land within the curve; a curve in a linear body of water (loop, meander). bridge: a manmade structure carrying a trail, road, or other transportation system across a body of water or depression (causeway, overpass, trestle). building: a manmade structure having walls and a XXVll roof for protection of people and (or) materials; churches, hospitals, and schools are special types of buildings and are assigned individual categories. canal: a manmade waterway used by watercraft or for drainage, irrigation, mining, or water power (ditch, lateral). cape: a projection of land extending into a body of water (lae, neck, peninsula, point). cave: a natural underground passageway or chamber or a hollowed out cavity in the side of a cliff (cavern, grotto). cemetery: a place or area for burying the dead (burial, burying ground, grave, memorial garden). channel: a linear deep part of a body of water through which the main volume of water flows and that is frequently used as a route for watercraft (passage, reach, strait, thoroughfare, throughfare). church: a building used for religious worship (chapel, mosque, synagogue, tabernacle, temple). civil: designates a political division formed for administrative purposes (borough, county, town, township). cliff: a very steep or vertical slope (bluff, crag, head, headland, nose, overhang, pali, palisade, precipice, promontory, rim, rimrock). crater: a circular depression at the summit of a vol- canic cone or one on the surface of the land caused by either volcanism, meteoritic impact, or under- ground subsidence; a manmade depression caused by an explosion (caldera, lua). crossing: a place where two or more routes of trans- portation form a junction or intersection (overpass, underpass). dam: a water barrier or embankment built across the course of a stream or into or within a body of water to control and (or) impound the flow of water (breakwater, dike, jetty). falls: a perpendicular or very steep descent of water in the course of a stream (cascade, cataract, water- fall). flat: a relatively level area within a region of greater relief (clearing, glade, playa). forest: a bounded area of woods, forest, or grassland under the administration of a political agency (national forest, national grasslands, State forest); see ”woods.” gap: a low point or opening between hills or moun- tains or in a ridge or mountain range (col, notch, pass, saddle, water gap, wind gap). geyser: an eruptive spring from which hot water, steam, and (or) mud are periodically thrown. glacier: a body or stream of ice moving outward and downslope from an area of accumulation; an area of XXVIII relatively permanent snow or ice on the top of or side of a mountain (ice field, ice patch, snow patch). gut: a relatively small coastal waterway connecting larger bodies of water or other waterways (creek, inlet, slough). harbor: a sheltered area of water where ships or other watercraft can anchor or dock (hono, port, road, roadstead). hospital: a building where the sick or injured may receive medical or surgical attention (infirmary). island: an area of dry or relatively dry land sur- rounded by water or low wetland (archipelago, atoll, cay, hammock, hummock, isla, isle, key, moku, rock). isthmus: a narrow projection of land in a body of water connecting two larger land areas. lake: a natural body of inland water (backwater, lac, lagoon, laguna, pond, pool, resaca, waterhole). lava: a formation or feature resulting from the con- solidation of molten rock on the surface of the Earth (kipuka, lava flow). levee: a natural or manmade embankment flanking a stream (bank, berm). locale: a place at which there is or was relatively minor human occupation or activity; does not include populated places (ppl), mines, and dams (battlefield, camp, farm, railroad siding, ranch, ruins, site, station, windmill). mine: a place or area from which commercial miner- als are or were removed from the Earth; does not include oilfield (pit, quarry, shaft). oilfield: an area where petroleum is or was removed from the Earth. other: this category is for miscellaneous named man- made entities that cannot readily be placed in the other feature classes listed here. park: a place or area set aside for recreation or preservation of a cultural or natural resource and under some form of governmental administration; does not include a forest (national historical land- mark, national park, State park, wilderness). pillar: a vertical-standing, often spire-shaped, natural rock formation (chimney, monument, pinnacle, pohaku, rock tower). plain: a region of general uniform slope, compara- tively level and of considerable extent (grassland, highland, kula, plateau, upland). ppl: populated place: a place or area having clus- tered or scattered buildings and a permanent human population (city, settlement, town, village). range: a chain of hills or mountains; a somewhat linear mountainous or hilly area (cordillera, sierra). SOUTH DAKOTA GAZElTEER rapids: a fast-flowing section of a stream, often shal- lower than other sections and having exposed rocks or boulders (riffle, ripple). reserve: a tract of land set aside for a specific use; does not include forests, civil divisions, or parks. reservoir: an artificially impounded body of water (lake, tank). ridge: an elevation having a narrow, linear crest; may be part of a hill or mountain (crest, cuesta, escarp- ment, hogback, Iae, rim, spur). school: a building or group of buildings used as an institution for study, teaching, and learning (acad- emy, college, high school, university). sea: a large body of salt water (gulf, ocean). slope: a gently inclined part of the Earth’s surface (grade, pitch). spring: a place where underground water flows nat- urally to the surface of the Earth (seep). stream: a linear body of water flowing on the Earth’s surface (anabranch, awawa, bayou, branch, brook, creek, distributary, fork, kill, pup, rio, river, run, slough). summit: a prominent elevation rising above the sur- rounding level of the Earth’s surface; does not include ridges and ranges (ahu, bald, berg, butte, cerro, colina, cone, cumbre, dome, head, hill, horn, knob, knoll, mauna, mesa, meseta, mesita, mound, mount, mountain, peak, puu, rock, sugarloaf, table, volcano). swamp: poorly drained wetland, fresh or salt, wooded or grassy; possibly covered with open water (bog, cienaga, marais, marsh, pocosin). tower: a manmade structure, higher than its diame- ter, generally used for observation, storage, or elec- tronic transmission. trail: a route for passage from one point to another; does not include roads or highways, categories of entities presently not included in this gazetteer (jeep trail, path, ski trail). tunnel: a linear underground passageway open at both ends. valley: a linear depression in the Earth’s surface that generally slopes from one end to the other (bar- ranca, canyon, chasm, cove, draw, glen, gorge, gulch, gulf, hollow, ravine). well: a manmade shaft or hole in the Earth’s surface used to obtain fluid or gaseous materials. woods: a small area covered with a dense growth of trees; does not include an area of trees under the administration of a political agency; see ”forest.” THE GAZETTEER OF SOUTH DAKOTA FEATURE NAME A Aaberg School (abandoned) Abear Creek See Herbert Creek Aberdeen Aberdeen Filtration Plant Aberdeen Regional Airport Aberdeen Township Abernathy Dam Abigail Gardner Rescue Site Abigale Dam Abraham Lake Academy Academy Dam Academy Lake Accidental Mine AC Hooker Dam Ackerman Hill Ackerman School Adam and Eve Butte Adams Canyon Adams Dam See W Scholl Dam Adams Draw Adams Gulch Adams School Adams Township Adams Township Adams Township Adams Township Ada Post Office (historical) Ada Township Addams School Addie Camp See Kennedyville Addie Lode Mine Addie Spur See Kennedyville Adelia (historical) Adelphi Mine (historical) Aden (historical) Adkins School A Dosch Dan A Drageset Number 4 Dam Adrian Number 1 Dam Adrian Number 2 Dam Adrian Township Advent Cemetery Aeber Creek See Herbert Creek Aeilts See Monroe A Fishbach Dam Afton District Number Afton District Number Afton District Number Afton District Number Afton Post office (historical) Afton Township Afton Township Afton Township Hall Agar Agar Cemetery Agate Dam 8 Fresh Dam Agency Church Agency Creek Agency Creek Agency Township Agnes, Lake Agnew, Lake Lake Bancroft 12 School 13 School 14 School 15 School FEATURE CLASS school stream PPl locale airport civil dam park dam lake ppl dam reservoir mine dam summit school summit valley dam valley valley school civil civil civil civil building civil school locale mine locale locale mine locale school dam civil cemetery stream ppl dam school school school school building civil civil building ppl cemetery dam church stream stream civil reservoir reservoir NATIONAL GAZETTEER--SOUTH DAKOTA 1999 STATUS UNOFF VARIANT BGN 1943 UNOFF ADMIN ADMIN UNOFF ADMIN UNOFF BGN BGN UNOFF BGN UNOFF UNOFF BGN UNOFF BGN BGN VARIANT BGN BGN UNOFF ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN UNOFF ADMIN UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN UNOFF VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN ADMIN UNOFF BGN UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF BGN BGN ADMIN BGN BGN VARIANT COUNTY Fall River Dewey Brown Brown Brown Brown Buffalo Spink Harding Marshall Charles Mix Charles Mix Charles Mix Pennington Corson Jackson Beadle Harding Fall River Dewey Meade Harding Brown Grant Miner Stanley Walworth Jerauld Perkins Minnehaha Pennington Pennington Pennington Turner Lawrence Hutchinson Perkins Ziebach ziebach Mellette Mellette Edmunds Potter Dewey Turner Meade Brookings Brookings Brookings Brookings Hyde Brookings Sanborn Sanborn Sully Sully Fall River Dewey Roberts Stanley Roberts Lyman Kingsbury COORDINATES 432815N1032740W 444554N1005732W 452753N0982910W 453301N0982435W 452659N0982516W 452735N0983020W 440900N0990230W 445443N0983044W 454412N1033S4BW 454857N0972151W 432723N0990446W 432739N0990629W 432739N0990629W 435813N1034643W 454600N1012748W 435320N1015853W 442816N0980155W 452056N1030810W 432013N1032652W 451800N1012806W 441510N1023623W 452011N1034424W 452731N0982928W 450049N0963251W 440332N0973224W 442245N1005032W 453236N0994532W 445750N0933320W 451930N1022445W 433335N0964536W 435523N1033125W 435536N1033111W 435523N1033125W 430503N0970819W 442430N1035205W 431353N0975937W 455046N1021420W 450042N1013518W 452348N1013354W 432642N1005748W 432642N1004900W 453232N0990837W 451050N0994033W 444554N1005732W 432911N0971253W 445842N1020536W 442445N0964448W 442444N0964450W 442259N0964151W 442513N0964027W 443807N0992210W 442445N0964230W 440917N0975436W 440917N0975214W 445018N1000427W 445017N1000338W 431830N1040100W 450320N1002100W 453419N0965738W 443856N1004202W 453121N0970301W 433034N0992601W 442934N0974230W SOURCE COORDINATES 432050N1033000W 441833N1024015W 452111N1034246W 453258N0970705W 443711N1004756W ELEV FT 3719 1304 1301 1296 1813 1680 1625 2592 1322 3190 1615 4950 1420 5440 1580 1909 1665 1359 1351 1858 1623 SDl MAP NAME Hot Springs Aberdeen East Ordway Aberdeen East Aberdeen West Big Bend Dam 4 NE Redfield North Lahti Butte Veblen Academy Academy Academy Ditch Creek McIntosh SW Cottonwood Huron NE Irish Butte Angostura Reservoir Elm Springs Moreau Peak Aberdeen East Revillo Howard Princes Ranch Java SE Hoagland Lake Two Buttes Sioux Falls West Hill City Irene Spearfish Tripp Sommerville Dupree Irish Creek NE Soldier Creek NW Soldier Creek NE Plainview Colony SW Seneca NW Durkee Lake White White White White Highmore N E White Artesian NW Artesian NE Agar Agar Mule Creek SE Patch Skin Buttes SE Peever Iron Post Buttes Goodwill Iona Bancroft East SDZ FEATURE NAME A Heezen Dam A Herron Number 1 Dam Ahlsborg Church Ahnberg A Holzwarth Dam A Houck Dam Ahrenstorff Dam Ahrenstorff Dam 3 Aikens Dam Airmount See Hillhead Ajax Akaska Alabaugh Canyon Aladdin Mine Alameda Mine (historical) Alamo (historical) Alatalo School Alban Township Albany (historical) Albee Albee Cemetery Albert, Lake Albert, Lake Albert, Lake Albert Kulm Dam Albert Lake See Clear Lake Alberta Creek Brandon City Alberts Lake Alberty Ditch Albion Post Office (historical) Albion School Albion Township Alcester Alcester Township Alcester-Wakonda Interchange Alcorn Dam Alden Cemetery Alden Central School Alden Township Aldrich Park A Lee Dam Alexander Mine George Alexander Alexander State Public Shooting Area Alexandria Alex Krischen Dam Alfred Cowan Dam Alfred Hutchinson Dam Alfred J Burke Dam Number 1 Alfred Urban Dam Alice, Lake Alice Mine Alice Spring Alkali (historical) Alkali (historical) Alkali Club House Alkali Creek Alkali Alkali Alkali Alkali Alkali Alkali Alkali Alkali Alkali Alkali Creek Creek Creek Creek Dam Flat (historical) Lake Lake Lake Lake Alkali School Alkali Spring Allard School Alleman Station Allen Allen Dam Allen Gulch FEATURE CLASS locale ppl valley mine mine locale school civil locale ppl cemetery lake lake lake dam lake stream lake canal building school civil PFl civil crossing dam cemetery school civil park dam mine park ppl dam dam dam dam dam lake mine spring locale locale building stream stream stream stream stream dam flat lake lake lake lake school spring school locale locale dam valley STATUS UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF BGN BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN UNOFF BGN UNOFF BGN BGN BGN UNOFF VARIANT BGN VARIANT BGN BGN UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN BGN ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT ADMIN BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN UNOFF BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN UNOFF BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN UNOFF BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN NATIONAL GAZETTEER--SOUTH DAKOTA 1989 COUNTY Hand Ziebach Union Brookings Potter Potter Buffalo Buffalo Buffalo Marshall Pennington Walworth Fall River Custer Lawrence Walworth Brown Grant Lawrence Grant Grant Grant Kingsbury Lincoln Halworth Minnehaha Dewey Marshall Turner Edmunds Eon Homme Bon Homme Union Union Union Harding Hand Hand Hand Brown Dewey Lawrence Codington Hanson Perkins Corson Lyman Butte Lyman Deuel Lawrence Harding Meade Meade Meade Butte Fall River Meade Meade Shannon Lyman Potter Brown McPherson Shannon Spink Custer Custer Clay Haakon Bennett Bennett Pennington COORDINATES 441524N0990536W 445042N1013754W 424923N0964539W 441815N0970324W 451418N1001206W 450700N1001412W 440018N0990330W 440124N0990418W 440830N0993024W 455006N0972330W 435351N1031053W 451957N1000713W 432014N1033317W 434515N1033605W 442050N1034956W 453010N0994945W 455432N0982257w 451114N0963219W 441200N1034125W 450308N0963311W 450328N0963326W 451408N0963120W 443151N0970913W 432132N0965026W 452130N1000742W 434546N0970041W 445143N1002533W 453826N0973509W 432042N0970325W 452144N0984601W 425641N0975554W 425707N0975552W 430117N0963750W 430250N0963930W 430039N0964743W 454406N1033506W 444039N0990713W 444045N0990752W 444016N0990710W 452809N0982914W 451606N1011924W 441920N1033840W 445401N0972946W 433913N0974657W 453400N1023606W 454630N1014300W 434242N1000142W 45121BN1030948W 440518N1000254W 445250N0963811W 441905N1033830W 455132N1033133W 442311N1030322W 442400N1032240W 442524N1031526W 451043N1033944W 430014N1035321W 441406N1022454W 442030N1025223W 430156N1024952W 441100N1000654W 451427N0993838W 453229N0982855W 454431N0990839W 430041N1020534W 450854N0984052W 434914N1034612W 434816N1034742W 423620N0963841W 444137N1011305W 431651N1015526W 431954N1020200W 435549N1033437W SOURCE COORDINATES 432429N1033326W 445409N1002756W 451513N1035224W 430551N1040021W 440734N1023325W 441928N1033118W 430515N1025445W 435602N1033526W ELEV FT 3505 1768 5480 6392 2135 1400 5690 1177 1175 1054 1648 1410 1391 1370 1582 5300 1350 1692 5180 2830 3020 3005 1850 1849 1300 6366 1119 1629 MAP NAME Ames Longbrake Ranch Vermillon SE Lake Sinai Steamboat Creek Lake Hurley Big Bend Dam 4 SE Big Bend Dam 4 SE Lower Brule NE Hermosa NW Akaska Cascade Springs Custer Lead Java SE Savo NW Milbank East Minnesota Ridge Revillo Revillo Milbank East Lake Norden Worthing Akaska SW Artichoke Butte SW Britten 4 NE Hurley Mina 5E Kingsburg Kingsburg Alcester Alcester Beresford McKenzie Butte Ree Hieghts NE Ree Heights NW Ree Hieghts NE Aberdeen East Peach Lake Deadwood South Henry Alexandria Square Top Butte Skull Butte Presho 4 NE Porter Creek Ft George Butte Tunerville Deadwood South Ladner SE Rapid City 1 NE Fort Meade Fort Meade NB Alkali Creek East Wallace Ranch Wasta NW Hereford SE Slim Butte Ft George Butte Seneca NW Ordway Plainview Colony NW Two Lance Lake Chelsea Signal Hill Signal Hill Ponca Alleman Station Allen Yellow Bear Camp Hill City FEATURE NAME Allen Robinson Dam Allen Stirling Number 1 Dam Allen Township Allerton (historical) Alliance Township Allien Stirling Number 2 Dam Allison Creek Allison Crossing Allison Township Allison Township (historical) Allison Township Hall All Saints Cemetery All Saints Church and Indian Mission (historical) All Saints School Allum School Allyn School Alma Cemetery Almos Lake Alpena Alpena Township Alpha-Platus Mine (historical) Alpha Post Office (historical) Alpha Township A1 Reddin Dam Alsen Alsen Interchange Alson (historical) Alsville Alta (historical) Alta (historical) Altamine Altamine See Alta (historical) Altamont Altamont Lake See South Coteau Lake Altamont State Public Shooting Areas Altamont Township Altison Ranch (historical) Alto (historical) Alto Norbert Alton Township Altoona See Hitchcock Altoona Cemetery Altoona Township Alto Township Alto Township Hall Altruria Post Office (historical) Altruria School (historical) Alum Creek See Cottonwood Creek Alum Creek Alvin, Lake Alvin Dam Alvin Hohrman Dam Alwilda (historical) Aman Cemetery Amboy (historical) Ambrose, Lake Ambur Brothers Number 1 Dam America Creek See America School America Lake American City (historical) American Creek Crow Creek American Creek Recreation Area American Crow Creek Canvas Creek American Eagle Mine Bald Mountain Mine FEATURE CLASS dam dam civil locale civil dam stream locale civil civil building cemetery church school school school cemetery lake ppl civil mine building civil dam locale crossing locale locale locale locale locale ppl lake park civil locale locale locale civil ppl cemetery civil civil building building building stream stream reservoir dam dam locale cemetery locale lake dam school lake locale stream park stream mine STATUS UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN UNOFF ADMIN UNOFF BGN UNOFF ADMIN ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN BGN ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT VARIANT BGN VARIANT ADMIN ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT ADMIN VARIANT UNOFF ADMIN ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT BGN BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN UNOFF VARIANT BGN UNOFF BGN VARIANT ADMIN BGN VARIANT UNOFF VARIANT NATIONAL GAZETTEER--SOUTH DAKOTA 1989 COUNTY Perkins Stanley Beadle Lawrence Moody Stanley Harding Ziebach Brown Brown Brown Day Buffalo Minnehaha Gregory Lyman Harding Marshall Jerauld Jerauld Lawrence McPherson Hand Hughes Union Union Clay Hamlin Marshall Pennington Pennington Deuel Deuel Deuel Deuel Brown Codington Hughes Brookings Beadle Beadle Beadle Roberts Roberts Deuel Deuel Fall River Fall River Lincoln Lincoln Stanley Sanborn McPherson Sanborn Hyde Mellette Brule Brule Lawrence Brule Brule Lyman Lawrence COORDINATES 455406N1020554W 442318N1004300W 443130N0983130W 441715N1034041W 435303N0963100W 44221BN1003424W 453826N1031108W 451156N1015501W 454830N0983943W 455106N0983945W 455014N0983946W 452436N0975448W 440445N0993125W 433213N0964339W 430339N0991635W 434421N1000226W 453849N1035053W 453751N0971821W 441053N0982155W 440910N0982315W 441530N1034945W 455457N0985000W 443501N0985955W 443106N1002612W 425740N0964819W 425714N0964741W 425820N0965530W 443512N0970740W 454821N0974000W 440632N1034510W 440632N1034510W 445023N0964121W 444945N0964335W 445125N0964228W 445055N0964210W 453B3lN0983901W 445125N0965540W 44194BN1000737W 441935N0963400W 443747N0982433W 443639N0982441W 443530N0982400W 452607N0971028W 452537N0970928W 444220N0964515W 444150N0964525W 431819N1034903W 431020N1035720W 432627N0963639W 432627N0963639W 441900N1005524W 440404N0980117W 454825N0993313W 435238N0981929W 441502N0992717W 433030N1004536W 433417N0991129W 433232N0991306W 442640N1035223W 434856N0991953W 434905N0991944W 434657N0992423W 442120N1035008W SOURCE COORDINATES 453705N1031007W 430829N1035500W 434501N0990833W 435757N0993603W ELEV FT 5420 1467 2073 1836 1310 6040 1585 1338 1220 1674 1350 5800 1850 1454 1447 1350 2005 1760 1745 1307 1305 1340 1821 3920 6000 SD3 MAP NAME Lemmon NE Lacy Tulare SE Deadwood South Dell Rapids NE Teton Reva NW Redelm NW Frederick SW Frederick SW Frederick SW Andover Lower Brule Sioux Falls East Gregory SE Presho 4 NE Gallup Creek South Red Iron Lake Alpena Woonsocket NW Lead Forbes Miller Okobojo SW Alsen Alsen Hub City Lake Norden Britten East Deerfield Clear Lake North Clear Lake North Tunerville Frederick SW Kranzburg SW Antelope Island White SE Hitchcock SW Hitchcock SW Enemy Swim Lake East Enemy Swim Lake East Bstelline NE Estelline NE Phister Ranch Klondike Klondike Hohrman Ranch Forestburg Eureka East Twin Lakes Macs Corner White River West Bijou Hills Spearfish Chamberlain Chamberlain Oacoma Lead SD4 FEATURE NAME American Game Association State Public Shooting Area American Horse Creek American Island (historical) Cedar Island American Luthern Church Dam America School America Creek Little American Creek America Township Ames Amherst Amherst Cemetery A M Lode Mine A Mosiman Dam Amsden Dam Amsden Lake Ana Spring Anchor Hill Anchor II (historical) Anchor Mountain Mine Ancient River Warren Channel Anderson Cemetery Anderson Draw Anderson Lake Anderson Number Anderson Number Anderson Number Anderson Number 1 Dam 1 Dam 1 Dam 1 Dam Number 2 Dam Number 2 Dam Park Private Airstrip Ranch Ridge School (historical) School School Slough Anderson Anderson Anderson Anderson Anderson Anderson Anderson Anderson Anderson Anderson Anderson Subdivision (subdivision) Anderson Township Anderson 1 Dam Anderson 5 Dam Andes, Lake Andys Lake Handys Lake Andes Creek Andover See Kimball Andover Station 88 Andover Cemetery Andover Township Andover Township (historical) Andrew Dam Andrus Post Office (historical) Andys Acres (subdivision) Andys Lake See Andes, Lake Andy Spring Angel Bottom (historical) Angostura Dam Angostura Grazing Pond Number 1 Dam Angostura Grazing Pond Number 2 Dam Big Trickle Tube Dam Angostura Reservoir Anina Church Anina Township Ankony Ranch Dam Anna Creek See Annie Creek Annie Creek Anna Creek Annie Creek (historical) New Reliance FEATURE CLASS park stream island dam school civil locale ppl cemetery mine dam dam reservoir spring summit locale mine channel cemetery valley lake dam dam dam dam dam dam park airport locale ridge school school school lake ppl civil dam dam lake stream 991 p91 cemetery civil civil dam building ppl lake spring bend dam dam dam reservoir church civil dam stream stream locale STATUS ADMIN BGN BGN VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT VARIANT ADMIN UNOFF BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN BGN BGN UNOFF UNOFF BGN UNOFF BGN BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN ADMIN UNOFF BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN BGN ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF BGN VARIANT VARIANT BGN VARIANT BGN VARIANT UNOFF ADMIN ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF BGN VARIANT BGN BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT BGN UNOFF ADMIN UNOFF VARIANT BGN VARIANT UNOFF VARIANT COUNTY Codington Shannon Brule Corson Brule Brule Hand Marshall Marshall Custer Sully Day Day Harding Lawrence Lawrence Lawrence Roberts Lawrence Pennington Day Mellette Mellette Mellette Stanley Mellette Mellette Brown Lyman Stanley Stanley Douglas Spink Yankton Moody Minnehaha Perkins Meade Butte Charles Mix Charles Mix Brule Day Day Day Day Jackson Bon Homme Minnehaha Charles Mix Harding Stanley Fall River Fall River Fall River Fall River Jerauld Jerauld Hyde Lawrence Lawrence Lawrence COORDINATES 450216N0971730W 432620N1021145W 434825N0992100W 454012N1011948W 433417N0991129W 433240N0991330W 441609N0990504W 454417N0975515W 454451N0975505W 434815N1033224W 444324N0994854W 442112N0975836W 452112N0975834W 452032N1030336W 442008N1034034W 442151N1035324W 442015N1034027W 453515N0965025W 442829N1034123W 435725N1022959W 451643N0971512W 433548N1001906W 434042N1002000W 433542N1010948W 444148N1004906W 433424N1001754W 434024N1002054W 452731N0982805W 435459N0995026W 442820N1004224W 442830N1004232W 432240N0982905W 445710N0981527W 430639N0972632W 435207N0965227W 433059N0963729W 454330N1021705W 443548N1030848W 443530N103ll42W 431048N0982638W 431428N0982424W 43444BN0985729W 452437N0975408W 452459N0975505W 452429N0975430W 452425N0975430W 435154N1013100W 425250N0980644W 433746N0964123W 431048N0982638W 452410N1031112W 444625N1004428W 432036N1032616W 430012N1030424W 430018N1030348W 432036N1032614W 435757N0983638W 435840N0983800W 442854N0991836W 441938N1035333W 441938N1035333W 442037N1035127W NATIONAL GAZETTEER--SOUTH DAKOTA 1989 SOURCE COORDINATES 431253N1020607W 435501N1022732W 432526N0982813W 442037N1035138W ELEV FT 340 1785 1881 1305 5520 1416 5721 5880 5600 975 3886 1831 1700 1640 1295 1572 1480 1437 1482 1300 1450 3198 3187 1711 6300 MAP NAME Florence Kyle Chamberlain Black Horse NE Bijou Hills Bond Bottom Ames Amherst Amherst Custer Blunt NE Pearl Creek Colony Andover SW Sheep Mountain Deadwood South Savoy Deadwood South Browns Valley Deadwood North Quinn Table Waubay Badnation SE Badnation Corn Creek Mission Ridge Badnation SE Badnation Aberdeen East Kennebec Lacy Lacy Corsica Frankfort Jamesville Colton SE Brandon Bison NE Volunteer Volunteer Ravinia Ravinia Andover Andover Andover Andover Kadoka Niobrara NE Renner J B Hill No Heart Creek SW Angostura Reservoir Heinne Creek Heinne Creek Angostura Reservoir Hoagland Lake Wessington Springs SW Macs Corner NE Savoy Lead FEATURE NAME Annie Number 1 Lode Mine Tin Spike Annin Township Annis Ranch Antelope Antelope Antelope Antelope Antelope Antelope Antelope Antelope Butte Canyon Creek Creek Creek Creek Creek Antelope Creek Antelope Creek Cabri River Katota tokah River River au Cabris Antelope Creek Antelope Creek Recreation Area Antelope Dam Boarding School Dam Antelope Development Area (subdivision) Antelope Antelope Antelope Antelope Antelope Antelope Antelope Antelope Antelope Antelope Draw Hollow Island Lake Lake Lake Lateral Point (historical) Ridge School Antelope Antelope Antelope Antelope Antelope Antelope Antelope Antelope Antelope Antelope Springs Township (historical) Township (historical) Township Township Township Valley Valley Cemetery Valley Cemetery Valley Church Antelope Valley School See Cole School (historical) Antelope Valley School (historical) Antelope Valley Township Antelope Valley Township See Mazeppa Township Anthonys (historical) Antioch (historical) Antler-Burlington Mine Antler Dam Antrum Dam A Oakland Dam Apex (historical) Apex Mine (historical) Apostolic Cemetery Apostolic Church Appleby Applegate Township Appomattox (historical) Appomattox School Appomattox Township Aquilla Cemetery Arcade Numbers 1 and 2 Lodes Mine Arcade Township Archambault Creek Archer Hill Archie Millard Number 1 Dam Ardmore Arena School Arena Township Arena Township FEATURE CLASS mine civil locale pol summit valley stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream park dam p91 valley Valley island lake lake reservoir canal cape ridge school spring civil civil civil civil civil valley cemetery cemetery church school school civil civil locale locale mine dam dam dam locale mine cemetery church locale civil locale school civil cemetery mine civil stream summit dam PPl school civil civil STATUS UNOFF VARIANT ADMIN UNOFF BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT BGN ADMIN UNOFF VARIANT BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN UNOFF BGN ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF ADMIN VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN BGN BGN UNOFF BGN UNOFF ADMIN ADMIN NATIONAL GAZETTEER--SOUTH DAKOTA 1989 COUNTY Pennington Lyman ziebach Todd Butte Custer Butte Day Harding Meade Pennington Perkins Stanley Todd Stanley Todd Todd Pennington Fall River Stanley Clark Day Todd Butte Yankton Custer Butte Pennington Brown Lake Perkins Spink Stanley Grant Deuel Grant Deuel Deuel Deuel Deuel Grant Lawrence Lincoln Pennington Harding Harding Meade Lawrence Lawrence Hamlin Brown Codington Lyman Potter Potter Potter Sanborn Custer Faulk Corson Aurora Lyman Fall River Potter McPherson Potter COORDINATES 435542N1033505W 445840N1000355W 444144N1012103W 431811N1003744W 445931N1034720W 433228N1033129W 450107N1033330W 453342N0975811W 453729Ni035539w 441211N1025935W 435727N1025336W 451831N1022658W 441852N1001020W 431338N1002317W 441847N1001017W 431744N1003630W 431808N1003803W 435525N1035922W 431015N1031326W 441910N1001010W 444954N0974319W 451705N0972826W 431744N1003630W 444425N1032206W 425056N0973600W 434707N1035236W 445921N1035556W 435910N1040015W 455360N0980455W 435448N0970556W 451930N1024725W 444009N0980858W 441352N1001853W 450748N0965549W 445720N0962945W 451137N0965827W 445603N0962752W 445445N0962830W 444355N0964250W 445600N0962910W 451115N0965830W 441747N1033515W 432746N0964947W 435735N1033450W 454242N103391GW 454412N1033730W 445018N1020942W 441603N1033701W 442052N1035025W 443356N0971342W 455524N0982337W 444901N0970301W 440905Nl000355W 450517N1000745W 450838N1000752W 450630N1000646W 441147N0991353W 434645N1033057W 445601N0990044W 453352N1014450W 434859N0984032W 434454N1000442W 430110N1033921W 451049N0995241W 454325N0990935W 451143N0995203W SOURCE COORDINATES 433411N1033242W 450236N1034726W 453157N0973913W 453737N1034736W 441945N103174BW 435622N1030611W 452114N1030705W 440928N1002012W 430645N1004240W 435937N1040048W 430818N1031916W 451219N0965904W 452803N1014009W ELEV PT 5200 2540 3516 1433 2585 1748 1940 1195 1911 4862 1505 5260 5420 6280 1708 1875 5240 1690 3540 1952 SDS MAP NAME Hill City Presho Carlin Flat Mission Antelope Butte Pringle Antelope Creek East Langford SW Camp Crook New Underwood NW Caputa Two Buttes Antelope Island Hidden Timber Antelope Island Mission SE Mission Preacher Spring Oelrichs Antelope Island Clark South Waubay SW Mission SE Vale NE Tabor SE Dead Horse Flats Mud Buttes NW Moon Hecla NE Lake Madison Sorum SE Lake Byron NW Pierre 3 NE Antelope Valley Gary NW Antelope Valley Gary NW Clear Lake South Clear Lake NE Deadman Mountain Tea Hill City Lahti Butte Lahti Butte Reed Dam Deadman Mountain Lead Lake Norden Savo NW Watertown SE Ft George Butte Lake Hurley Steamboat Creek Lake Hurley SE Forestburg NW Custer Orient Cottonwood Creek SW Archer Hill Presho 4 NE Ardmore Flight Lake Plainview Colony NW Hoven SD6 FEATURE NAME Arena Valley Cemetery Argentine See Burdock Argentine Township Argo (historical) Argo District Number 24 School District Number 25 District Number 26 Argo District Number 27 Argo District Number 53 Argonne Argo Township Argyle Argyle See Burdock Argyle Canyon Argo Argo School School School School Argyle Dam Argyle School Arickaree Point (historical) Arikara, Lake Arikara Lake Lake Aricara Arikara Dam Arikara Lake See Arikara, Lake Arke Dam Arlington Denver Post Office Nordland Arlington Beach Arlington Cemetery Arlington Municipal Airport Arlington Township (historical) Armadale (historical) Armadale Grove Armadale Park Armadale Township (historical) Armour Arneson Slough Arnett Creek Dogie Creek Arnold Bottoms Arnold Ranch Arnold State Public Shooting Area Arnt Jorgenson Dam Arpan Arpan Lateral Arp Number 1 Dan Arrow Head (historical) Arrowhead Butte Arrowhead Estates (subdivision) Arrowhead School (abandoned) Arrow Head School Arrowhead Spring Creek Artas Artas Cemetery Artas Township (historical) Artesian Artesian City Diana Artesian Cemetery See Diana Cemetery Artesian City See Artesian Artesian Presbyterian Church Denton Presbyterian Church Diana Presbyterian Church Artesian Wesleyan Methodist Church Arthur W Holzwarth Dam Artichoke Butte Artichoke Creek Artichoke Post Office (historical) Artichoke Township A Samuelson Number 1 Dam Asa Township (historical) FEATURE CLASS cemetery locale civil locale school school school school school locale civil locale locale valley dam school cape reservoir dam reservoir dam ppl ppl cemetery airport civil locale area park civil ppl lake stream bend locale park dam locale canal dam locale summit ppl school school stream 91:1 cemetery civil ppl cemetery ppl church church dam summit stream building civil dam civil NATIONAL GAZETTEER--SOUTH DAKOTA 1939 STATUS UNOFF VARIANT ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN UNOFF VARIANT BGN UNOFF UNOFF BGN BGN 1979 VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF BGN VARIANT VARIANT BGN UNOFF ADMIN ADMIN UNOFF BGN ADMIN ADMIN BGN BGN BGN 1977 VARIANT BGN UNOFF ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF BGN UNOFF UNOFF BGN BGN UNOFF UNOFF BGN BGN UNOFF ADMIN BGN VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF BGN BGN UNOFF ADMIN UNOFF ADMIN COUNTY McPherson Fall River Fall River Brookings Brookings Brookings Brookings Brookings Brookings Miner Brookings Custer Fall River Custer Harding Custer Campbell Hughes Hughes Hughes Jackson Kingsbury Brookings Kingsbury Brookings Buffalo Spink Spink Spink Spink Douglas Day Harding Haakon Todd Kingsbury Perkins Butte Butte Jones Ziebach Perkins Pennington Perkins Perkins Hughes Campbell Campbell Campbell Sanborn Sanborn Sanborn Sanborn Sanborn Potter Sully Sully Potter Potter Meade Miner COORDINATES 454506N0990854W 432711N1035934W 432539N1035905W 443116N0964223W 443118N0964111W 443138N0964415W 442816N0964338W 442909N0964035W 443001N0964414W 440424N0973818W 443116N0964145W 433206N1033851W 432711N1035934W 432844N1033741W 454042N1033718W 433015N1034006W 453904N1002505W 442258N1001554W 442258N1001554W 442258N1001554W 435148N1015012W 442152N0970758W 443202N0970551W 442104N0970737W 442340N0970722W 440810N0991250W 451112N0982301W 451145N0982353W 451149N0982400W 451135N0981908W 431907N0982047W 451015N0971925W 455504N1035406W 444105N1011954W 430215N1010352W 443058N097l929w 452100Nl021912W 444718N1033855W 444732N1033916W 435406N1005406W 450150N1015420W 450904N1020334W 440210N1031635W 451102N1020326W 450707N1020201W 441153N0994250W 455317N0994822W 455238N0994804W 455230N0994915W 440033N0975514W 440100N0975516W 440033N0975514W 440023N0975517W 440042N0975518W 450700N1000312W 445109N1002100W 445310N1002142W 445530N1000353W 445604N1000647W 445130N1020600W 440845N0972851W SOURCE COORDINATES 433137N1033915W 455554N1034414W 441456N0994232W 450229N0995646W ELEV FT 4801 1563 1642 1664 1818 1265 1265 1523 2894 2664 3500 2327 1813 1317 2011 1920 MAP NAME Long Lake Burdock Toronto Toronto Toronto White White Toronto Roswell Toronto Argyle Minnekahta McKenzie Butte Argyle Mobridge NW Pierre NE Pierre NE Cottonwood SE Arlington Lake Poinsett Arlington Arlington NE Big Bend Dam 4 NW Mellette Mellette Mellette Brentford Armour Florence NE Doaks Butte Carlin Flat Spring Creek Gertson Slough Sunrise Butte Arpan Arpan Okaton Red Elm SW Faith NE Rapid City West Faith NE Faith Lower Brule NW Zeeland Zeeland Zeeland Artesian Artesian Artesian Lake Hurley SE Artichoke Butte Artichoke Butte NE Agar NE Agar NE Avance SE Oldham NW FEATURE NAME Asbury School Ascension Church Ascension Church (historical) Ascension Church Ash Coulee Ash Creek Ash Creek Ash Creek Ash Creek Ash Creek Ash Ash Ash Ash Ash Ash Ash Creek Creek creek Creek Creek Creek Creek Ash Creek School (historical) Ash Creek Township (historical) Ashcroft (historical) Ashcroft Butte Ash Draw Ash Grove Cemetery Ash Grove Church Ashgrove School (abandoned) Ash Grove School Ashley Island (historical) Ashton New Ashton Ashton Cemetery Ashton Township (historical) Ash Township Ash Township (historical) Ash Township Ash Tree Reservoir A Simons Dam Aspen Slough See Opitz Lake Assam Dam Assembly of God Church Assembly of God Church Assman Number 1 Dam Astleford Number 3 Dam Astoria Astoria (historical) Astoria State Wildlife Management Area Atall School Atfield Cemetery Athboy Athelwold (historical) Athol Myrtle City Athol Township (historical) Athol Township Atlantic Hill Atlantis (historical) Atterbury Creek Atterbury Spring Auburn Township Augustana Academy Augustana Cemetery Augustana Church Augustana Lutheran Church Augustana College Augustana Lutheran Church See Augustana Church Augusta Post Office (historical) Aurelia (historical) Aurland Church Aurora Aurora Center Aurora Center Cemetery Aurora County Aurora Prairie Aurora Township FEATURE CLASS school church church church valley stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream school civil locale summit valley cemetery church building school island ppl cemetery civil civil civil civil reservoir dam lake dam church church dam dam ppl locale park school cemetery locale locale ppl civil civil summit locale stream spring civil school cemetery church SChool church building locale church PPl ppl cemetery civil area civil STATUS UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN UNOFF ADMIN UNOFF BGN BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN BGN VARIANT UNOFF ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN BGN UNOFP VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN UNOFF ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN VARIANT ADMIN ADMIN BGN UNOFF BGN BGN ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN BGN UNOFF ADMIN BGN ADMIN NATIONAL GAZETTEER--SOUTH DAKOTA 1989 COUNTY Lawrence Dewey Dewey Roberts Harding Butte Clay Fall River Haakon Harding Harding Jones Pennington Perkins Stanley Ziebach Ziebach clay Haakon Harding Harding Jones Lake Lake Spink Turner Corson Spink Spink Spink Clark Meade Pennington Harding Meade Day Minnehaha Brown Sanborn Tripp Mellette Deuel Lawrence Deuel Meade Beadle Carson Brookings Spink Spink Spink Custer Day Harding Harding Campbell Lincoln Brown Brown Minnehaha Brown Hughes Sanborn Brown Brookings Aurora Aurora Aurora Brookings Aurora COORDINATES 443039N1034025W 452131N1002340W 451708N1001948W 452745N0970313W 451228N1034149W 443651N1033019W 430308N0965649W 431332N1033537W 440344N1010803W 454814N1034055W 453524N1035552W 434403N1004002W 443016N1020014W 450940N1024300W 441633N1003156W 444018N1013849W 451252N1013352W 430315N0965350W 441729N1015612W 453851N1035624W 454546N1031755W 440149N1005031W 441003N0970649W 441003N0970640W 444216N0980820W 431409N0965638W 453657N1002558W 445942N0982951W 445929N0983121W 450019N0982630W 450200N0975515W 445402N1020204W 441217N1021042W 454839N1032704W 443754N1020254W 453511N0972933W 433242N0963700W 442926N0982953W 440317N0981614W 431930N1000100W 432448N1003912W 443330N0963249W 441946N1034745W 443324N0963221W 443826N1024716W 443028N0981027W 453427N1015520W 442838N0965838W 450032N0983546W 450115N0983840W 450115N0933732W 434847N1034027W 452450N0973245W 453435N1031821W 453356N1031232W 454330N1000905W 431813N0963442W 453517N0975925W 453558N0980001W 433135N0964416W 453558N0930001W 443225N1002222W 440316N0980512W 454614N0982453W 441703N0964107W 433137N0983522W 433125N0983005W 434310N0983330W 441550N0964215W 433325N0982345W SOURCE COORDINATES 452135N1035000W 443726N1033326W 430425N0964619W 430830N1032950W 435410N1010330W 454607N1034342W 453343N1035035W 434740N1004550W 441517N1020003W 451242N1024713W 442315N1004059W 444709N1014049W 450715N1013415W 435415N1004910W 453341N1031201W ELEV PT 3574 1260 3065 3230 1315 1240 1291 1320 1820 5580 1792 2940 1296 2332 1295 6393 1850 1308 1700 1250 1389 1625 1645 SD7 MAP NAME Saint Onge Moreau Moreau SE Summit NE Alkali Creek East Saint Onge SE Centerville Heppner Midland Ladner Camp Crook Westover Howes Imogene Teton Rattlesnake Lake Dupree NB Centerville Post Ranch Caroline Butte Ludlow SE Capa SE Sinai Sinai Lake Byron NW Beresford NW Mobridge Ashton Redfield North Gallup Crocker SW Durkee Lake Pedrow 4 NW Ludlow Dead Horse Draw Brandon Aberdeen East Woonsocket Witten SE Mission NW Astoria Lead Astoria Fairpoint Lake Byron Black Horse Butte Bruce Athol Northville SW Northville SW Berne Webster NE Sheep Pen Draw SE Battleship Rock Selby NW Canton Langford SW Huffton Sioux Falls East Okobojo SE Forestburg Savo SW Aurora Aurora Center Aurora Center Crystal Lake Aurora Stickney SDB FEATURE NAME Aurora Township Austin and Spaulding Ranch (historical) Austin School Avalon See Brownsville Avance Avance Township (historical) Avon Avon Springs Township Avon Township A W Spiry Dam A W Spiry Dam Axtel Park Junior High School Aztec (historical) B Babcocks Ranch (historical) Bachand School Bachelor Creek Bachin Dam Bachin Lake Dam Bachin Lake Dam See Bachin Dam Bad Creek Badger Badger, Lake Badger Cemetery Badger Township Badger Township Badget Ranch Bad Hand Creek Bad Hollow See Sieche Hollow Bad Horse Creek Bad Humoured Island See LaFramboise Island Badland Pond Badlands Badlands Badlands Badlands Creek Badlands Creek Badlands National Park Badnation Airfield Creek Bad Nation Township Bad River See South Fork Bad River Bad River Little Missouri River Shichah River Shick River Teton River Titon River Wak-pa-chicha River Wak-pa-shi-cka Wakpa Schicka River Watha Schicha Bad River Cattle Company Number 1 Dam Bad River Cattle Company Number 2 Dan Badus, Lake Badus Post Office (historical) Badus Township Baer German Lutheran Church (historical) Baier School (historical) Gottlieb Welk School Bailey (historical) Bailey Dam Bailey Dam FEATURE CLASS civil locale school locale ppl civil 991 civil civil dam dam school locale locale school stream dam dam stream ppl lake cemetery civil civil locale stream valley stream island reservoir summit airport stream stream stream park locale civil stream stream dam dam reservoir building civil church school locale dam dam NATIONAL GAZETTEER--SOUTH DAKOTA 1989 STATUS ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT BGN ADMIN BGN ADMIN ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFP UNOFF BGN UNOFF VARIANT VARIANT BGN BGN BGN UNOFF ADMIN ADMIN UNOFF BGN VARIANT BGN VARIANT BGN BGN ADMIN BGN BGN BGN ADMIN UNOFP ADMIN VARIANT BGN 1898 VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF BGN UNOFF ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF COUNTY Brookings Brule Clay Lawrence Meade Meade Bon Homme Potter Ban Homme Walworth Walworth Minnehaha Lawrence Custer Meade Moody Jackson Jackson Lyman Kingsbury Kingsbury Kingsbury Davison Kingsbury Pennington Brule Roberts Lyman Hughes Jackson Perkins Jackson Butte Meade Perkins Pennington Mallette Mellette Haakon Stanley Stanley Stanley Lake Lake Lake Walworth Douglas Hand Brule Brule COORDINATES 441935N0964151W 433430N0991900W 424659N0965607W 441631N1034138W 445506N1021450W 445401N1021639W 430018N0980334W 445601N0994445W 430221N0980258W 453200N1002218W 453206N1002124W 433254N0964450W 441840N1034820W 434243N1035844W 442731N1030419W 435534N0964109W 435333N1012701W 435333N1012701W 434506N0994212W 442907N0971216W 442743N0971033W 442906N0971251W 434940N0980935W 442932N0971305W 440409N1035848W 435222N0991309W 454647N0971041W 440249N0994419W 442110N1002052W 433801N1012102W 451315N1024350W 434700N1015345W 450703N1031624W 442601N1022154W 451153N1020221W 435000N1021800W 433906N1002210W 433754N1002100W 440207N1013956W 442116N1002203W 442000N1004518W 441854N1004548W 440834N0970846W 440856N0970830W 440843N0971048W 452140N0994721W 432140N0981230W 441329N0991221W 435400N0991800W 435400N0991800W SOURCE COORDINATES 440100N0965547W 435052N0994337W 435214N0991411W 440535N0995330W 450955N1031406W 442657N1022418W 450847N1020441W 440207N1013957W ELEV PT 2525 1608 5890 4900 1710 1669 2725 2500 2046 1716 1735 1945 1523 1800 MAP NAME Aurora Bond Bottom Vermillon Avance Lemmon Butte Avon Thomas Lake NW Avon Glenham Glenham Sioux Falls East Lead Jewel Cave NW Rapid City 1 NE Trent Belvidere NW Kennebec SE Badger Badger Badger Letcher SW Badger Crows Nest Peak Chamberlain Lower Brule SW Pass Creek NE Imogene Cottonwood SW Hoover Dalzell NE Faith NE Quinn Table SE Badnation Badnation SE Pierre Princes Ranch Doty Ridge Madison NW Madison NW Madison NW Hoven Municipal Airport Delmont Big Bend Dam 4 NW Bedashosha Lake Big Bend Dam SE FEATURE NAME Bailey Island General Brooks Island Round Island Bailey Pond Number 1 Dam Bailey School Baileys Lake Baileys Lake State Public Shooting Area Bailey Township Baird School (historical) McPhillips School Park Shopping Center Number Dam Number Dam Number Dam Number Dam Number Dam Number Dam Baken Baker Baker Baker Baker Baker Baker UHNNO-‘H Baker Number 4 Baker Park Baker School Number 4 (historical) Baker S Dam See Glen Baker Irrigation Dam Bakers Gulch Bakers Lake Baker Township Dam Baker Township Bakerville (historical) Bak Number 1 Dan Baldhead Creek Bald Hill Bald Hills Bald Hills Bald Hills Bald Mountain Bald Mountain Bald Mountain Bald Mountain (historical) Bald Mountain Mine Bald Mountain Mine See American Eagle Mine Bald Mountains Baldwin Cemetery Baldwin Lateral Baldwin School Baldwin Spring Baldy Peak Ballard Mine Ball Creek See Bull Creek Balmoral (historical) Baloun Creek Baloun Lake Balster School Baltic Keyes Saint Olaf Baltimore (historical) Baltimore Mine (historical) Baltzly Spring Bams Butte Bancroft Bancroft School Banek Number 1 Dam Bang Cemetery Bangor (historical) Bangor Cemetery Bangor Bangor Bangor Banner Banner Banner Banner Banner Banner Cemetery Township Township Gulch School Township Township Township Township FEATURE CLASS bar dam school lake park civil school locale dam flat school dam valley lake civil civil locale dam stream summit range range range summit summit summit locale mine mine range cemetery canal school spring summit mine stream locale stream lake school Ppl locale mine spring summit 991 school dam cemetery locale cemetery cemetery civil civil valley school civil civil civil civil STATUS BGN VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF BGN ADMIN ADMIN UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFP UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN UNOFF VARIANT BGN BGN ADMIN ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT BGN UNOFF BGN UNOFF BGN BGN UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF BGN BGN UNOFF BGN VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF BGN BGN BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN ADMIN BGN UNOFF ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN NATIONAL GAZETTEER-—SOUTH DAKOTA 1959 COUNTY Lyman Fall River Lincoln Clark Clark Lyman Douglas Pennington Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Pennington Jerauld Lawrence Sully Jerauld Davison Kingsbury Custer Mellette Corson Custer Hyde Pennington Pennington Lawrence Meade Spink Lawrence Lawrence Lawrence Hand Spink Butte Faulk Custer Lawrence Custer Lyman Lawrence Hyde Hyde Brule Minnehaha Lawrence Lawrence Custer Harding Kingsbury Minnehaha Mellette Turner Walworth Brookings Walworth Brookings Walworth Pennington Lincoln Beadle Hyde Jones Tripp COORDINATES 433801N0992050W 431549N1032636W 431947N0964003W 445939N0974529W 445939N0974558W 434812N0994020W 431815N0981705W 440449N1031513W 435406N1003724W 435018N1003900W 435042N1003900W 434812N1003748W 435042N1003748W 435042N1003854W 434948N1003818W 435829N1032510W 435845N0985422W 442706N1034342W 444455N1003333W 440558N0983551W 433245N0981330W 442140N0972245W 43~(07N1032544W 433306N1004454W 455530N1003043W 434147N1031844W 445321N0993638W 440131N1032807W 440020N1040302W 442030N1034913W 441720N1032719W 445052N0983916W 442035N1034820W 442117N1034956W 442120N1035008W 445207N0991458W 450647N0982021W 443740N1032706W 450600N0991451W 434108N1035606W 443326N1033901W 434742N1033832W 434104N0992750W 442135N1035318W 444846N0992250W 444846N0992312W 435517N0985916W 434541N0964424W 442014N1034952W 442020N1034943W 433645N1040118W 45274BN1031959W 442917N0974459W 433256N0964219W 432806N1010030W 431159N0972019W 452621N1000247W 441843N0970728W 452630N1000327W 441935N0970407W 452723N1000024W 440549N1033550W 432130N0963258W 442500N0975530W 445040N0992145W 440707N1003659W 432850N0995623W SOURCE COORDINATES 444112N1002906W 455316N1003557W 444954NO992230W 440719N1033620W ELEV FT 1347 1797 1455 1670 1841 4600 3927 6617 4325 1480 6290 1940 1298 1678 3614 5720 5840 1774 1699 1510 6320 6200 3285 1517 1990 1974 1316 SD9 MAP NAME Red Lake West Angostura Reservoir Canton SW Baileys Lake Baileys Lake Reliance SW Armour Rapid City West Draper Murdo SW Murdo SW Murdo SW Murdo SW Murdo SW Murdo SW Mount Rushmore Isham Lake Mail Shack Creek Wessington Springs Mitchell SW Lake Preston West Mt Coolidge White River East Mahto NE Butcher Hill Bald Hills Pactola Dam Parmlee Canyon Lead Tilford Redfield SW Lead Lead Orient SW Brentford SB Newell Faulkton West Jewel Cave NW Saint Onge Berne Savoy Rice Lake Rice Lake Lyonville Dell Rapids Lead Lead Dewey Bams Butte Bancroft Bast Sioux Falls East Parmelee NE Turkey Ridge Akaska NE Lake Sinai Akaska NE Lake Sinai Akaska NB Silver City Canton Yale Rezac Lake Wendte SE Miller Hill SD10 FEATURE NAME Bap Church See Danzig Church Baptist Cemetery Baptist Church (historical) Baptist Creek Baptists Creek Baptists Creek See Baptist Creek Barber Airstrip Barber Landing Field M Bar C Landing Field Bard (historical) Bard School Bare Butte See Bear Butte Bare Top Number 2 Lode Mine Bar H Creek Bar H Spring Barker School Barker School Bar K Ranch Barnard Barn Dam Barnes Ranch Barnes School Barnette Cemetery Barrel Spring Barrel Spring Barrett Township Barrett Township Barry Dam Barry School Barta Crooked Dam Bartels Dam Barthold Flat Bartholdi (historical) Bartlett Creek Bartlett Township (historical) Barton Cemetery See Riverside Cemetery Barton Number 1 Dam Barton Number 2 Dam Barton Number 3 Dam Baruth School (historical) Bass Cemetery Bastian Ranch Bates (historical) Batesland Bates Township Bates Township Bath Bath Corner Bath Township Battle Axe Mine See Sunflower Mine Battle Creek Battle Creek Battle Creek Battle Creek Battle Creek Battle Creek Butte Battle Creek Canyon Battle Creek School (historical) Battle Mountain Battle Mountain National Sanitarium Battle Mountain Reserve Battle Ridge Battleship Rock Batt Spring Bauer School Bauer Township Baughman Park Baxter Number 1 Dam Baxter Number 2 Dam Baxter Number 3 Dam FEATURE CLASS church cemetery church stream stream airport airport locale school summit mine stream spring school school locale ppl dam locale school cemetery spring spring civil civil dam school dam dam flat locale stream civil cemetery dam dam dam school cemetery locale locale ppl civil civil ppl locale civil mine stream stream stream stream stream summit valley school summit hospital reserve ridge pillar spring school civil park dam dam dam STATUS VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF BGN VARIANT VARIANT ADMIN ADMIN VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF BGN BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN BGN ADMIN ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN UNOFF BGN ADMIN VARIANT UNOPF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN ADMIN ADMIN BGN UNOFF ADMIN VARIANT BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN UNOFF BGN UNOFF BGN BGN BGN BGN UNOFF ADMIN ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF NATIONAL GAZETTEER——SOUTH DAKOTA 1989 COUNTY Bon Homme Campbell Campbell Clay Clay Pennington Meade Hanson Hanson Meade Custer Harding Harding Butte Tripp Perkins Brown Harding Todd Brown Mellette Custer Custer Beadle Perkins Meade Meade Custer Potter Haakon Charles Mix Shannon Lake Clay Jones Jones Jones Sanborn Faulk Pennington Brown Pennington Butte McCook Moody Pennington Shannon Butte Shannon Deuel Fall River Fall River Fall River Harding Harding Harding Edmunds McPherson Lake Ziebach Ziebach Ziebach COORDINATES 430314N0975908W 455513N0995912W 454840N0995830W 425436N0965455W 425436N0965455W 440001N1030102W 442745N1023305W 434220N0975350W 434119N0975426W 442833N1032535W 434420N1033320W 453828N1030138W 453422N1030453W 444811N1033856W 431337N0993344W 451251N1023101W 454357N0982946W 455306N1031606W 430139N1010744W 453939N0980615W 434618N1005200W 433751N1040312W 434953N1035853W 443500N0975500W 454815N1023205W 442624N1023224W 442615N1024055W 432854N1030006W 451006N1000400W 442950N1015851W 430914N0984207W 430849N1022126W 440754N0971646W 430225N0965821W 435606N1010148W 435642N1010200W 435624N1010048W 440404N0981113W 450141N0991907W 442544N1020726W 441401N0984646W 430746N1020606W 451703N0980233W 441358N0984506W 452806N0981924W 452733N0981945W 452733N0982020W 435615N1033855W 450628N1032733W 433527N0971030W 441127N0965203W 435625N1033658W 434122N1024900W 450521N1035003W 433915N1024855W 443635N0963720W 432633N1032710W 432615N1032833W 432630N1032525W 453357N1035918W 453135N1030944W 451918N1030142W 450759N1004709W 454325N0993920W 440028N0970536W 450348N1015654W 450342N1015542W 450406N1015742W SOURCE COORDINATES 430203N0965009W 453509N1030417W 430520N1021404W 450730N1035228W 433814N097l352W 441046N0971056W 435521N1033726W 435348N1033103W 433240N1024319W ELEV FT 1830 3200 2655 1335 1330 5300 1392 1287 2682 2237 1498 1743 1989 1900 3412 1302 3555 1919 4434 2343 MAP NAME Zeeland NW Zeeland SW Hub City Box Elder Boneita Springs Riverside Riverside Cicero Peak Reva NE Reva Arpan Dallas Bixby Westport Tepee Buttes Spring Creek SW Claremont Okaton SE Clifton Dead Horse Flats Staum Dam Lodgepole SE Boneita Springs Haydraw Smithwick NE Lake Hurley NE Hilland NW Lake Andes NW Wounded Knee Oldham Stamford Stamford Stamford Forestburg SW Burkmere Pedro Cottonwood Lake Batesland Ferney Cottonwood Lake Bath Bath Bath Haystack Butte East Vermillion Lake Medary Hill City Red Shirt NE Battle Creek Butte Red Shirt NE Astoria Hot Springs Hot Springs Hot Springs Camp Crook Battleship Rock Sheep Mountain Ridgeview NE Feinstein Lake Madison Red Elm SW Red Elm SW Red Elm SW FEATURE NAME Baxter Slough Baxter Slough State Public Shooting Area B Butler Number 1 Dam B Butler Number 2 Dam B Butler B Curtis Bdesaka, B Deuter Beadle Beadle Beadle Beadle Beadle Beadle Number 3 Dam Dam Lake Dam County Park School School School School Beadle School Beadleston Cemetery Beads Creek Beal Dam Beale Ranch Bealer School Beal Lateral Beal Stockwater Dam Bean Blossom Creek Bear Butte Bare Butte Bear Butte Bear Butte Bear Butte Bear Butte Bear Butte Refuge Bear Canyon Bearcat Gulch Bear Creek Elm Creek Red Elm Creek (historical) Creek Lake National Wildlife Creek Creek Bear Creek Day School Bear Den Mountain Beardsley Bear Gulch Bear Gulch Bear Gulch Bear Gulch Bear Gulch I (historical) Bear Bear Gulch II (historical) Elkhorn Bear Gulch Trail Bear Heels Ranch Bear-in-the-Lodge Creek Bear Mountain Bear Mountain Basin Bear Run Bear Spring Bear Spring Creek Bear Beartown Hill Beartrap Cave Bear Valley Lutheran Cemetery Bear Valley Lutheran Church See Beaver Valley Church Beatty Gulch Beaulah Township Beaulieu Dam Beaver (historical) Beaver Creek Creek Creek Creek Creek Creek Beaver Beaver Beaver Beaver Beaver Beaver Creek Beaver Creek See Beaver Dam Creek Beaver Creek Beaver Creek FEATURE CLASS gut park dam dam dam dam lake dam civil park school school school school school cemetery stream dam locale school canal dam stream summit locale locale stream reservoir park valley valley stream stream ppl school summit locale valley valley valley valley locale locale trail locale stream summit basin stream spring stream summit cave cemetery church valley civil dam locale stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream NATIONAL GAZETTEER--SOUTH DAKOTA 1989 STATUS BGN ADMIN UNOFP UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN UNOFF ADMIN ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN UNOFF BGN BGN VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF BGN BGN ADMIN BGN BGN BGN 1977 VARIANT VARIANT BGN BGN UNOFF BGN UNOFF BGN BGN BGN BGN UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN 1981 BGN BGN UNOFF VARIANT BGN ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF BGN BGN BGN 1899 BGN BGN BGN BGN VARIANT BGN BGN COUNTY Hamlin Hamlin Ziebach ziebach Ziebach Dewey Roberts Hand Beadle Minnehaha Aurora Minnehaha Pennington Walworth Yankton Yankton Todd Buffalo Butte Perkins Butte Buffalo Butte Meade Lawrence Meade Meade Meade Meade Pennington Pennington Dewey Pennington Dewey Dewey Lawrence Hutchinson Custer Custer Lawrence Pennington Lawrence Pennington Lawrence Mellette Jackson Pennington Pennington Pennington Pennington Custer Lawrence Pennington Minnehaha Minnehaha Meade Hanson Tripp Miner Dewey Fall River Fall River Harding Lawrence Lincoln Meade Meade Minnehaha Pennington COORDINATES 444629N0971851W 444646N0971903W 450618N1014136W 450448N1014106W 450412N1014000W 450812N1011506W 454234N0965133W 442918N0990812W 442310N0981650W 433227N0964250W 435454N0983302W 433228N0964300W 440538N1031241W 453219N1002619W 425252N0972311W 430130N0973217W 431207N1005802W 435630N0990430W 445003N103Sl46w 45443BN1024631W 443627N1032717W 440248N0985712W 450325N1035521W 442833N1032535W 442032N1033655W 442828N1031825W 443029N1030825W 442720N1032710W 442713N1032641W 440128N1040410W 440632N1034023W 451100N1012417W 435426N1023503W 450344N1012644W 450410N1012630W 442047N1033825W 431754N0975855W 434716N1031740W 435225N1033650W 443150N1040452W 440443N1033126W 442405N1040103W 440448N1033125W 442558N1040155W 434647N1010411W 434116N1015022W 435212N1034437W 435257N1034414W 435853N1040459W 435120N1034642W 434630N1034752W 442305N1040131W 435225N1035427W 433508N0963150W 433508N0963152W 442013N1032833W 433330N0974315W 431848N0994824W 435245N0974608W 452157N1003040W 432540N103l541w 432521N1035921W 452430N1030651W 443048N1040020W 431628N0963510W 444501N1021717W 444508N1021719W 433331N0963512W 440503N1040341W SOURCE COORDINATES 431046N1010632W 450816N1040424W 441709N1034459W 440220N1035948W 440527N1034053W 445810N1013411W 434624N1022946W 434818N1032238W 434952N1033533W 442155N1040304W 440213N1033305W 431258N1015445W 440013N1040009W 435252N1034513W 441957N1033032W 451525N1003125W 434238N1033539W 45262BN1031146W 442103N1040133W 433104N0965947W 445947N1023129W 440136N1035919W ELEV PT 1022 4426 4870 2853 3167 2300 5642 1456 5800 4760 2258 7166 5880 1335 SD11 MAP NAME Grover Grover Bedners Dam Bedners Dam Bedners Dam Lantry NB Peever NB Miller Dale Colony NW Broadland Sioux Falls East Hoagland Lake Sioux Falls East Rapid City East Mobridge Yankton Lesterville St Francis Pukwana NE Mud Buttes Prairie City NE Vale Gannvalley Greasewood Draw Fort Meade Deadman Mountain Fort Meade NE Volunteer Fort Meade Fort Meade Parmlee Canyon Rochford Lantry NW Brennan Flat Lantry Lantry Deadwood South Beardsley Hayward Custer Beulah Silver City Tinton Silver City Tintcn Stamford SE School Section Butte Berne Medicine Mountain Moon Signal Hill Signal Hill Tinton Dead Horse Flats Brandon Tilford Rockport Colony Winner South Morris Lake Promise Buffalo Gap Burdock Flat Top Butte Beulah Canton Opal East SE Brandon Parmlee Canyon SD12 FEATURE NAME Beaver Creek Beaver Creek Beaver Creek See Red Scaffold Creek Beaver Creek Beaver Creek Camp Beaver Creek Church Beaver Creek School Beaver Creek School Beaver Creek Township Beaver Crossing Beaver Dam Beaver Dam Creek See East Branch Beaver Dam Creek Beaver Dam Creek Beaver Creek Beaver Dam Draw Beaver Dam Township (historical) Beaver Gulch Beaver Lake Beaver Lake Beaver Ridge Trail Beaver Siding (historical) Beaver Spring Beaver Spring Beaver Township (historical) Beaver Township Beaver Trap Creek Beaver Valley Beaver Valley Church Bear Valley Lutheran Church Beaver Valley Pioneer Cemetery See South Beaver Valley Cemetery Bebington Group Mine Becker Township Beck Lake Beck Lode Mine Beckman School Beck Township Bedashosha Lake Bednar Dam Bednar Reservoir See Bednera Dam Bedners Dam Bednar Reservoir Beebe Beecher Number Two Mine Beecher Rock Beechers Pillar Beechers Pillar See Beecher Rock Bee Draw Beef Creek Beef Creek Beef Draw Beermug Dam Beermug Lake Beerwagon Spring Begeman State Public Shooting Area Belcher Draw Belchers Mound See Big Mound Belford School Belfcrd Township Belle Eldridge Gold Mine Belle Fourche De Mores Belle Fourche Dam Belle Fourche Diversion Dam Belle Fourche National Wildlife Refuge Belle Fourche Reservoir Belle Fourche River Belle Plaine Township FEATURE CLASS stream stream stream stream locale church school school civil locale dam stream stream valley civil valley lake reservoir trail locale spring spring civil civil stream valley church cemetery mine civil reservoir mine school civil reservoir dam reservoir reservoir locale mine pillar pillar valley stream stream valley dam reservoir spring park valley summit school civil mine ppl dam dam park reservoir stream civil NATIONAL GAZETTEER--SOUTH DAKOTA STATUS BGN BGN VARIANT BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT BGN 1984 VARIANT BGN ADMIN BGN BGN BGN UNOFF UNOFF BGN BGN ADMIN ADMIN BGN BGN UNOFF VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF ADMIN BGN UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN BGN UNOFF VARIANT BGN VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF BGN VARIANT VARIANT BGN BGN BGN BGN UNOFF BGN BGN ADMIN BGN VARIANT UNOFF ADMIN UNOFF BGN VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN BGN BGN ADMIN COUNTY Pennington Yankton ziebach Ziebach Pennington Lincoln Lawrence Yankton Tripp Lawrence Yankton Meade Meade Harding Meade Meade Minnehaha Yankton Lawrence Meade Harding Lawrence Fall River Miner Ziebach Custer Minnehaha Minnehaha Custer Roberts Perkins Custer Jerauld Perkins Buffalo Ziebach Ziebach Ziebach Edmund: Custer Custer Custer Pennington Corson Fall River Dewey Harding Harding Haakon Clark Haakon Sanborn Aurora Aurora Lawrence Butte Butte Butte Butte Butte Meade Spink COORDINATES 435606N1023237W 425721N0972103W 444557N1015022W 445052N1015802W 440101N1035948W 432134N0964113W 443010N1040055W 425740N0972140W 430246N1001032W 442258N1040012W 430034N0972636W 444723N1021945W 444508N1021719W 452427N1035310W 445400N1022401W 442008N1032842W 433811N0970302W 430034N0972636W 442808N1040037W 442050N1032700W 452715N1031121W 440840N1035138W 432538N1031616W 435311N097464BW 451352N1014150W 433633Nl033511W 433508N0963152W 433333N0963212W 434442N1033850W 453211N0965103W 451039N1023954W 434450N1033058W 435756N0983304W 451130N1024010W 435834N0991748W 450426N1013818W 450426N10l3818W 450426N1013818W 452653N0991142W 434226N1033433W 434122N1033522W 434122N1033522W 440748N1035202W 453113N1015853W 430636N1031349W 445110N1010632W 435315N1032045W 455315N1032045W 443231N1013344W 444200N0974241W 440234N1013440W 440319N0980514W 435342N0982140W 435130N0982030W 442205N1034322W 444017N1035106W 444352N1034037W 444124N1035006W 444337N1034209W 444352N1034037W 442605N1021810W 445034N0980858W 1989 SOURCE COORDINATES FT 434852N1022850W 430629N0975016W 450156N1020936W 1387 3772 5509 452405N1035334W 441945N1033103W 1646 3670 451555N1014340W 434311N1033530W 5500 2551 5160 1595 1740 440658N1035214W 452033N1015706W 430825N1032752W 445449N1010750W 2870 440314N1013446W 4880 3023 2964 ELEV MAP NAME Brennan Flat Mission Hill Chasing Hawk Draw Crows Nest Peak Canton SW Beulah Mission Hill Keyapaha Tinton Jamesville Opal East SE J K Butte Opal East Tilford Humboldt Jamesville Tinton Tilford J B Hill Nahant Buffalo Gap Morris Lake Thunder Butte Pringle Brandon Fourmile Browns Valley Imogene Cicero Peak Hoagland Lake Imogene Bedashosha Lake Bedners Dam Bedners Dam Beebe Cicero Peak Cicero Peak Nahant Black Horse Butte Oelrichs SW Herbert Creek 53 Tepee Buttes Tepee Buttes Rattlesnake Lake SE Willow Lake Philip SB Twin Lakes Storla SW Deadwood South Belle Fourche Fruitdale Belle Fourche Fruitdale Fruitdale Dalzell NE Doland SW FEATURE NAME Belle Township Belleview Church Bolleview Township Bell Prairie Township Bell Ranch Camp Collier Camp Jennings Camp Red Canyon Bell School Bell School Bellsman Creek See Deadman Creek Bellview School (historical) Belmont Park Belmont Township Belmont Township Belmont Township (historical) Belmores Ranch (historical) Belvedere Cemetery Belvidere Belvidero Township Bemis Palmer Bemis Bemis Cemetery Church Bemis Church Bemis School (historical) Ben Ash Historical Monument Benchmark Bench School Benclare Ben Clara Ben Clare See Benclare Ben Clark Dam Ben Clark Dam Bend Bend (historical) Bender Cemetery Bender School Bendon (historical) Bend School Benedict Township Benge Creek Cuilbert Creek Ben Hur Mine (historical) Benner Gulch Bennett Canyon Bennett Clarkson Hospital Bennett County Bennett Martin Dam Bennett School Bennett Well Benoit School Benson Dam Church Township Benton Township Benton Township Bentz Township (historical) Beotia (historical) Beotia Township Beotia Township (historical) Berea Township (historical) Berens School Benton Benton Beresford Beresford Cemetery Beresford Lateral Berg Cemetery Bergdorf Township Bergen (historical) Bergen Church Bergen Luthuran Church Bergen Church Bergen Church Bergen Lutheran Church Bergen Dam FEATURE CLASS civil church civil civil locale school school stream school park civil civil civil locale cemetery 991 civil ppl cemetery church church school park locale school locale locale dam dam locale locale cemetery school locale school civil stream mine valley valley hospital civil dam school well school dam church civil civil civil civil locale civil civil civil school ppl cemetery canal cemetery civil locale church church church dam STATUS ADMIN UNOFF ADMIN ADMIN UNOFF VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF BGN ADMIN BGN VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN BGN VARIANT UNOFF BGN BGN UNOFF ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN UNOFF ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN UNOFF BGN UNOFF BGN UNOFF ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF NATIONAL GAZETTEER--SOUTH DAKOTA 1989 COUNTY Edmund: Miner Miner Beadle Fall River Brown Moody Corson Clay Codington Douglas Spink Spink Custer Jackson Jackson Jackson Deuel Deuel Deuel Hamlin Deuel Meade Lawrence Meade Minnehaha Minnehaha Perkins Perkins Meade Meade Campbell Yankton Brule Meade Sanborn Charles Mix Lawrence Pennington Fall River Pennington Bennett Hughes Lincoln Fall River Meade Harding Minnehaha McCook Minnehaha Spink Gregory Spink Spink Spink Faulk Lincoln Union Union Butte Minnehaha McPherson Codington Clay Codington Day Haakon COORDINATES 453231N0985336W 440644N0972806W 440846N0972513W 441600N0975315W 432026N1034711W 455242N0981449W 440307N0964448W 453026N1002606W 430115N0970335W 445413N0970557W 431750N0980740W 444010N0982331W 444011N0982708W 434730N1034424W 435059N1011656W 434955N1011616W 435130N1011731W 445006N0965053W 445000N0965004W 444631N0965155W 444448N0965407W 443945N0965040W 450123N1024341W 441331N1033440W 443107N1033142W 433020N0962843W 433020N0962843W 451712N1023130W 451748N1022954W 441340N1030035W 441547N1030200W 453708N0995525W 430919N0972655W 433610N0990425W 441330N1030150W 440403N0975439W 430948N0984919W 442015N1034920W 440650N1034045W 432534N1035523W 440440N1031507W 431100N1014100N 442000N0995612W 431806N0965158W 432810N1035533W 441338N1031617W 451406N1034142W 433936N0965114W 434230N0973315W 433725N0964915W 450615N0980920W 430338N0984516W 451152N0981243W 451131N0980916W 451128N0980537W 450114N0985321W 432413N0965419W 430450N0964624W 430412N0964512W 444326N1032908W 433644N0964505W 455350N0991700W 450825N0971025W 424723N0970528W 450841N0971107W 452624N0974251W 443115N1013436W SOURCE COORDINATES 431253N09B5025W 440855N1034112W 433030N1035446W ELEV FT 1638 1280 6000 2320 1950 1966 1950 5022 3294 1493 2928 3041 1346 6120 1295 3155 1297 1407 1498 1155 1798 SD13 MAP NAME Leola SW oldham SW oldham NW Pearl Creek Colony Edgemont Hecla Flandreau SW Wakonda Watertown East Delmont Hitchcock Hitchcock Berne Belvidere Belvidere Belvidere Bemis Bemis Bemis Dempster Bemis Cedar Canyon Nemo Saint Onge SE Valley Springs Rabbit Butte Rabbit Butte Bend Rapid City 1 SE Java Midway Eagle Bend Arteaian Campbell Creek Lead Rochford Burdock Rapid City West Batesland De Grey Worthing Burdock Blackhawk Alkali Creek East Crooks Spencer Sioux Falls West Conde SW South Scalp Creek Randolph Randolph Conde Cresbard SW Lennox NW Beresford Beresford Newell Sioux Falls West Schumacher Lake NE Lonesome Lake Meckling Lonesome Lake Lynn Lake Rattlesnake Lake SE SD14 FEATURE NAME Bergen Evergreen Cemetery See Evergreen Cemetery Bergen Lutheran Church See Bergen Church Bergen Luthuran Church See Bergen Church Berger Cemetery Bergner Dam Bergner Dam See Bergner Dam 1 Bergner Dam 1 Bergner Dam Bergquist School Berg School Number 6 (historical) Berkley School Berlin Township (historical) Bernard Stoeser Dam Berne Bern Post Office (historical) Berry, Lake Berry Creek Berry Dam Berry Draw Berry Lake Dam Berry Ranch Berry School (abandoned) Berry Spring Berton (historical) Berton Cemetery Bertram School See Rocky Ridge School (historical) Bertsch Cemetery Bert Thompson Number 1 Dam Thompson Dam Beryl Feldspar Mine Beryl Veal Dam Beryl Veal Dam Beryl Veal Dam Besant Sea Besant Park Besant Flats See Besant Park Besant Park Besant Besant Flats Bess Point Bethania Cemetery Bethania Cemetery Bethania Cemetery Bethania Cemetery See Messiah Cemetery Bethania Cemetery Bethania Cemetery Bethania Cemetery Bethany Cemetery Bethany Cemetery Bethany Cemetery Bethany Cemetery Bethany Cemetery Bethany Cemetery Bethany Cemetery Bethany Church Bethany Church Bethany-Silver Creek Cemetery Sand Creek Cemetery Beth Eden School Bethel (historical) Bethel Bible Camp Bethel Bethel Bethel Bethel Bethel Bethel Bethel Bethel Bethel Cemetery Cemetery Cemetery Cemetery Cemetery Church Church Church Church FEATURE CLASS cemetery church church cemetery dam dam dam school school school civil dam locale building reservoir stream cemetery school cemetery dam mine dam dam dam flat flat flat cape cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery building cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery church church cemetery school locale park cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery church church church church STATUS VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN BGN UNOFF BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT VARIANT BGN VARIANT VARIANT BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF NATIONAL GAZETTEER--SOUTH DAKOTA 1989 COUNTY Clay Day Clay Codington Brule Brule Brule Pennington Jerauld Yankton Douglas Stanley Custer Brown Gregory Perkins Corson Hughes Gregory Pennington Haakon Charles Mix Miner Miner Douglas McPherson Fall River Custer Perkins Perkins Perkins Lawrence Lawrence Lawrence Lake Brookings Kingsbury Minnehaha Moody Roberts Roberts Turner Brown Day Deuel Lincoln Minnehaha Turner Walworth Spink Walworth Sanborn Hughes Roberts Walworth Brookings Grant Hutchinson Hutchinson Minnehaha Beadle Beadle Roberts Turner COORDINATES 424723N0970525W 452624N0974251W 424723N0970528W 450450N0971110W 433900N0991918W 433942N0991906W 433942N0991906W 440508N1031152W 445712N0982210W 425527N0971313W 432915N0981025W 442618N1010606W 434903N1033318W 453850N0984206W 430457N0990833W 451216N1020350W 453709N1014053W 44l74lN1000142W 430457N0990833W 440500N1035940W 440455N1013623W 432835N0991714W 441005N0973045W 440915N0972925W 432445N0981200W 455622N0993426W 432312N1031143W 435115N1032234W 451954N1022242W 452112N1022436W 452200N1022540W 441134N1035214W 441134N1035214W 441134N1035214W 435750N0970155W 441605N0965610W 442949N0972208W 434922N0965809W 435329N0963105W 455151N0964312W 454549N0965610W 431013N097OB30W 451540N0980122W 451659N0974903W 443338N0963212W 431252N0963019W 434752N0970521W 431801N0971200W 453538N1000637W 451254N0982248W 453441N1000710W 440527N0980939W 442434N0994929W 455108N0970840W 453343N1002646W 442958N0970559W 450345N0964501W 431703N0975313W 431751N0975002W 433514N0964839W 443400N0980331W 443148N0981517W 455056N0970917W 432943N0972020W SOURCE COORDINATES 451459N1020557W 441905N1000146W ELEV FT MAP NAME Still Lake Red Lake West Red Lake West Rapid City East 1335 Twin Lakes 1168 Gayville Hillside Hayes North Berne 1456 Richmond NW Herrick Faith NE Cottonwood Creek SW Rousseau Herrick Crows Nest Peak Philip ss Dixon NE Howard NE Oldham NW 2289 1647 1660 Ventura Smithwick NW 4600 Iron Mountain Two Buttes Two Buttes Two Buttes Nahant Lake Madison Volga Lake Preston NE Colton 1086 1154 1319 1393 1742 Rosholt New Effington Center Point Ferney Bristol West Astoria Alcester NE 1732 1355 1710 1297 Buffalo Trading Post Parker SW Selby Mellette Selby Forestburg SW De Grey NE Claire City SW Mobridge 1205 Arlington NE Stockholm Beardsley Parkston SE Sioux Falls West Lake Byron SE Hitchcock SE Claire City SW Marion 1623 1498 1328 1296 1208 FEATURE NAME Bethelhem Cemetery Bethel Lutheran Cemetery Bethel Lutheran Church Bethel Lutheran Church See Oneroad Bethel Church Bethel Number 2 Cemetery Bethel Presbyterian Church (historical) Bathel Scandinavian Baptist Church Bethel School (historical) Bethel School (historical) Bethel Township Bethesda Church Bethesda Homes Bethlehem Bethlehem Cave Crystal Cave Bethlehem Cemetery Bethlehem Cemetery Bethlehem Church Bethlehem Church Bethlehem Lutheran Church Bethlehem Church Bethlehem Church Bethlehem Lutheran Church See Bethlehem Church Bet Lode Mine Bettcher Number 1 Dam Betts Beukelman School Beulah Beulah Beulah Beulah Beulah (historical) Cemetery Church Church Post Office (historical) Beulah School (historical) Beulah Township See Darlington Township Beulah Township Beulah Township Hall B Helleckson Dam Bhif Cold Creek Dam See Cold Creek Dam Bhif Dam Bible Church Bible School Bice Island Bieglers First Addition (subdivision) Bierke School Big Big Big Big Big Bend Bend Bend Dam Bend Landing Strip Bend of the Missouri, The The Grand Detour Bend Reservoir See Sharpe, Lake Bonanza Mine (historical) Bottom (historical) Big Big Big Big Big Big Big Big Big Big Bottom School Buffalo Creek Buffalo Township Canyon Canyon Cedar Creek Cedar Island See Chicot Island (historical) Big Chief Mine Big Corral Draw Indian Creek Cottonwood Creek See Cottonwood Creek Coulee Coulee Creek Big Big Big FEATURE CLASS cemetery cemetery church church cemetery church church school school civil church building locale cave cemetery cemetery church church church church church mine dam locale school locale cemetery church church building school civil civil building dam dam dam church school island ppl school bend ppl dam airport bend reservoir mine locale school stream civil valley valley stream island mine valley stream valley stream NATIONAL GAZETTEER--SOUTH DAKOTA 1989 STATUS UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN 1971 VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN BGN UNOFF BGN BGN UNOFF ADMIN BGN VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN ADMIN BGN BGN BGN VARIANT UNOFF BGN VARIANT VARIANT BGN BGN COUNTY Gregory Roberts Deuel Roberts McPherson Lake Clay Clay Roberts Clay Turner Lincoln Meade Meade Deuel Walworth Clark Grant Sanborn Yankton Grant Custer Mellette Davison Douglas Douglas Hand Hand Miner Douglas Douglas Charles Davison Davison Mix Meade Fall River Fall River Beadle Spink Lyman Brown Harding Hughes Pennington Buffalo Buffalo Buffalo Buffalo Lawrence Meade Meade Jackson Jackson Butte Pennington Perkins Gregory Pennington Pennington Haakon Roberts Roberts COORDINATES 430037N0984815W 453234N0970808W 443325N0963245W 453240N0970806W 453719N0993801W 440526N0965330W 425710N0970215W 425815N0970445W 455056N0970800W 425500N0970500W 432550N0971944W 430528N0964520W 441715N1033008W 441715N1033010W 443406N0963003W 453211N1000442W 444158N0974517W 451211N0963058W 441104N0980859W 430734N0972618W 451211N0963058W 434830N1033134W 434300N1002748W 434223N0980845W 432305N0983330W 432815N0982330W 443622N0984822W 443620N0984825W 435240N0974840W 432905N0982220W 432910N0982220W 432305N0984555W 434230N0980945W 434130N0980835W 444342N1020042W 431200N1035106W 431054N1035254W 442029N0981226W 451354N0983849W 434601N0992515W 453301N0983648W 454827N1025856W 441115N0994030W 440356N1032451W 440306N0992707W 440412N0992751W 44lllBN0994208W 440306N0992707W 442008N1034845W 443508N1033120W 443430N1033251W 435420N1015053W 435126N1014947W 443808N1035538W 441752N1022031W 450901N1024122W 430444N0984218W 435154N1032253W 434357N1024546W 443930N1012253W 452822N0970143W 453021N0965552W SOURCE COORDINATES 434553N1015839W 443632N1035929W 441545N1021632W 450315N1024031W 433632N1023914W 452807N0970440W 452807N0970440W ELEV PT 1866 2040 1825 1829 1200 1445 4000 1281 1320 5440 1635 1570 1407 1326 1545 1545 1335 1390 4220 1470 1420 5840 3000 3072 4400 SD15 MAP NAME South Scalp Creek Drywood Lakes Astoria Bowdle-Hosmer Lake Rutland Gayville NE Cayville NB Claire City SW Gayville Marion Beresford Deadman Mountain Deadman Mountain Astoria Selby Carpenter NB Milbank East Forestburg NW Midway Custer Badnation NW Betts New Holland Corsica Miller SE Miller SE Morris Lake Corsica Lake Corsica Lake Betts Betts Lemmon Creek . Phister Ranch Huron Chelsea Oacoma Richmond Cow Butte 5" Lower Brule NW Pactola Dam Big Bend Dam Big Bend Dam Lower Brule Lead Saint Onge 52 Saint Onge SE Cottonwood NE Cottonwood SE Sourdough Flats Dalzell SE Imogene Iron Mountain Red Shirt NB Summit NE Peever SD16 FEATURE NAME Big Big Big Big Creek Creek Dam Dam Drew Big Big Big Big Big Big Big Big Big Big Ditch Draw Flat Foot Foot Foot Foot Foot Pass Reservoir Foot School Hit Mine Church Creek Hill Pass Big Big Hollow Creek Hollow Creek See Hollow Creek Horn Lode Mine Lake Meadow Creek Morphidite Creek See Spring Creek Morphodite Creek See Spring Creek Big Big Big Big Big Big Mound Belchers Mound John Browns Mound Mazeppa Hill Nasty Creek Negro Draw Prairie Dog Creek Shot Mine Sioux Conifer Nursery Sioux River Big Big Big Big Big Big Big Big Big Big Big Big Big Big Slough slough Smoke Mine Spar Number 1 Mine Spring Spring Spring Church (historical) Spring Creek Hegna Creek Big Springs Big Big Spring Township Stone See Big Stone City Bigstone See Big Stone City Big Stone City Big Stone Bigstone Bigstone Lake See Big Stone Lake Big Stone Lake Bigstone Lake Stone Township Timber Creek See Timber Creek Tom Hill Trickle Tube Dam See Angostura Grazing Pond Number 2 Dan Two Top Butte Square Top Butte Big Big Big Big Big Bijou Hills Bijou Hills See Iona Hills Bijou Hills Bijou Ridge School (historical) Bijou School Bijous Trading Post (historical) Bill Buress Dam Billings Draw Bill Lindshov Dam Bill Lindshov Dam FEATURE CLASS stream stream dam valley canal valley flat church stream summit gap reservoir school mine stream stream mine lake stream stream stream summit stream valley stream mine locale stream gut stream mine mine spring spring church stream locale civil ppl ppl ppl reservoir reservoir civil stream summit dam summit range range locale school school locale dam valley dam dam NATIONAL GAZETTEER-—SOUTH DAKOTA 1989 STATUS BGN BGN UNOFF BGN BGN BGN BGN UNOFF BGN BGN BGN BGN UNOFF UNOFF BGN VARIANT UNOFF BGN BGN VARIANT VARIANT BGN VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT BGN BGN BGN UNOFF UNOFF BGN BGN BGN UNOFF UNOFF BGN BGN UNOFF BGN VARIANT UNOFF ADMIN VARIANT VARIANT BGN 1950 VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT BGN 1953 VARIANT ADMIN VARIANT BGN VARIANT BGN VARIANT BGN VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN UNOFF UNOFF COUNTY Butte Lyman Fall River Harding Union Haakon Fall River Pennington Pennington Jackson Pennington Pennington Pennington Pennington Shannon Tripp Custer Campbell Perkins Campbell Campbell Sanborn Perkins Jackson Jones Pennington Codington Union Spink Roberts Pennington Custer Lawrence Roberts Union Roberts Union Union Grant Grant Grant Roberts Roberts Grant Meade Grant Fall River Harding Brule Lyman Brule Clay Tripp Charles Mix Corson Lawrence Corson Corson COORDINATES 445700N1035036W 434903N0992546W 431200N1032448W 452821N1040117W 424525N0964426W 443339Nl013554W 432302N1032623W 434914N1020329W 435301N1020106W 435202N1015613W 434755N1020308W 435000N1020300W 434824N1020441W 435300N1032432W 433543N1022215W 432817N0995505W 434704N1033518W 454509N1000009W 452253N1021425W 455258N1001428W 455258N1001428W 440319N0980514W 454102N1025029W 435811N1012251W 440709N1005625W 435338N1032711W 445825N0970907W 422923N0962635W 451145N0983245W 455149N0963659W 435130N1032240W 434610N1033910W 442637N1035816W 452953N0970252W 425720N0963630W 453152N0965651W 425617N0963626W 425945N0963900W 451730N0962745W 451730N0962745W 451730N0962745W 452500N0963500W 452500N0963500W 451634N0963013W 443013N1020215W 451045N0962911W 430018N1030348W 454453N1031323W 433202N0990826W 433115N0992716W 433105N0990858W 430100N0970745W 432822N0993607W 432732N0991631W 454718N1014912W 441136N1035052W 452848N1012512W 453136N1012742W SOURCE COORDINATES 450046N1035631W 435047N0993542W 452642N1035723W 443149N1013715W 434701N1020054W 434315N1023305W 452918N1021436W 454938N1032726W 435711N1012602W 441834N10l1242W 451918N0970232W 455810N0965342W 452907N0970600W 441244N1035134W ELEV FT 2630 2632 4480 5560 1644 1310 5200 1283 4560 S600 1381 977 966 1175 3251 1400 1913 1375 MAP NAME Antelope Butte Oacoma Lone Well Creek West Capitol Richland Rattlesnake Lake SE Hot Springs Wall SE Wall NE Cottonwood SW Wall SE Wall SE Wall SE Mount Rushmore Imlay SE Custer Herreid Chance Forestburg Prairie City NE Belvidere NW Capa Mount Rushmore Watertown West Sioux City South Northville Wheaton West Iron Mountain Berne Maurice Summit NE Chatsworth Peever Chatsworth Nora Ortonville Ortonville Big Stone Lake SE Rosen Reva NW Bijou Hills Bijou Hills Irene Rattlesnake Butte Bast Dixon NE Thunder Hawk SB Nahant Isabel Black Horse SW FEATURE NAME Billman Lake Billover Creek Billsburg Bill Smith Slough Billy Young Creek Bion Mine Bird Island Rabbit Island Bishop Hare Statue Bishop Mountain Bismark-Ida Florence Group Mine Bismark Lake Bismark Lake Dam Bismark Mine Bismuth (historical) Bison Bison Dam Johns Lake Dam Owens Dam Bison Flats Bison Municipal Airport Bison Township Bitter Creek Bitter Creek Bitter Creek Bitter Lake Prairie Lake Bitter Lake Bitter Lake See Ness Chain Lake Bitter Lake Bitter Lake State Public Shooting Area Bittersweet Creek Bitty Creek Bixby Bixby Camp Bixhy Post Office Bix Sioux Township Bjornland Draw Bkeha Dam Bleha Dam Black Banks Creek Blackbird Mine Black Bluffs (historical) Black Bull Draw Black Bull Spring Black Butte Black Crow Spring Black Crystal Mine Black Daves Island See Whetstone Island (historical) Diamond Mine Dog Creek Thunder Creek Dog School Dog Township Black Elk Creek Black Elk Peak See Harney Peak Black Black Black Black Blackfoot Community Blackfoot Creek Eagle Feather Creek John Grass Creek Roberto Creek Fox (historical) Fox Spring Black Black Black Cap Black Hawk See Blackhawk Blackhawk Black Hawk Blackhawk Cemetery Blackhawk Creek Hay Creek Blackhawk Creek Black Hawk Township (historical) FEATURE CLASS lake stream ppl lake stream mine island park summit mine reservoir dam mine locale ppl dam flat airport civil stream stream stream lake lake lake lake park stream stream ppl locale building civil valley dam stream mine cliff valley spring summit spring mine island mine stream school civil stream summit locale stream locale spring BBP ppl ppl cemetery stream stream civil NATIONAL GAZETTEER-—SOUTH DAKOTA 1989 STATUS BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN UNOFF BGN VARIANT ADMIN BGN UNOFF BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN UNOFF VARIANT VARIANT BGN ADMIN ADMIN BGN BGN BGN BGN VARIANT BGN VARIANT BGN ADMIN BGN BGN BGN UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN BGN UNOFF VARIANT BGN UNOFF BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF BGN VARIANT UNOFF ADMIN BGN VARIANT UNOFF BGN VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF BGN BGN VARIANT BGN 1968 VARIANT UNOFF BGN VARIANT BGN ADMIN COUNTY Lyman Custer Haakon Roberts Perkins Lawrence Lyman Minnehaha Pennington Pennington Custer Custer Lawrence Custer Perkins Perkins Custer Perkins Perkins Butte Fall River Pennington Day Day Miner Miner Miner Pennington Butte Perkins Perkins Perkins Union Pennington Buffalo Fall River Pennington Lyman Ziebach ziebach Stanley Todd Pennington Gregory Pennington Tripp Lyman Lyman Todd Pennington Dewey Carson Lawrence Lawrence Pennington Meade Meade Meade Corson Meade Haakon COORDINATES 434613N0995210W 434951N1030930W 442402N1014047W 452008N0971034W 455407N1024416W 441915N1033905W 434440N0992440W 433210N0964344W 435519N1033347W 435421N1032546W 434630N1033048W 434630N1033048W 442037N1034722W 435100N1032351W 453113N1022739W 452812N1022406W 433236N1032842W 453100N1022800W 453230N1023155W 445034N1034327W 431432N1033520W 435924N1032419W 451648N0971825W 451942N0974212W 435134N0975000W 435455N0974238W 435439N0974220W 440346N1034159W 444602N1033432W 450854N1023341W 450912N1023530W 451009N1023527W 423315N0963215W 440359N1035443W 441106N0990706W 430509N1031539W 435415N1033050W 433255N0991908W 443500N1014149W 443416N1014810W 443906N1005816W 431904N1010906W 435830N1033030W 431215N0985230W 435210N1034000W 434433N0993830W 440300N0993843W 434100N0993425W 432014N1011158W 435158N1033152W 452128N1002406W 455632N1003116W 440821N1035100W 440952N1035139W 435817N1031103W 440904N1031827W 440904N1031827W 440837N1031823W 454915N1002317W 440852N1031538W 441730N1012720W SOURCE ELEV COORDINATES PT 1685 435423N1031528W 2450 455030N1024339W 5000 1470 5706 4700 5205 5760 4520 2695 2782 445259N1035059W 431225N1033015W 435745N1032610W 1772 1758 1362 440149N1034403W 444829N1033851W 2460 440323N1035650W 430644N1032721W 5000 1440 443651N1014409W 1899 5100 5600 433343N0993909W 1779 431723N1011115W 1718 455559N1004029W 5880 3493 454541N1002639W 440950N1032310W SD17 MAP NAME Kennebec SE Hermosa Milesville Ortley Hettinger South Deadwood South Iona NW Sioux Falls East Hill City Mount Rushmore Custer Custer Lead Iron Mountain Bison Owen Lake Wind Cave Bison Square Top Butte Arpan Heppner Mount Rushmore Waubay Bristol East Bitter Lake Bitter Lake Rochford Two Top Butte SE Bixby Bixby Bixby Jefferson Crows Nest Peak Big Bend Dam 4 NE Black Banks Creek East Hill City Bond Bottom Rattlesnake Lake SW Bridger SE Crockett Mtns Eagle Mans Butte Hill City Berne Hamill NW Lower Brule SW Hamill NE Eagle Mans Butte Moreau Mahto NE Nahant Nahant Hermosa NW Blackhawk Blackhawk Kenel Blackhawk Mule Creek SDlE FEATURE NAME Black Black Hills Hills Kennel Club Black Black Hills Hills National Cemetery National Forest Black Hills Playhouse Black Hills RC and D Stabilization Dam Black Hills State College Black Horse Black Horse Black Horse Black Horse Butte Creek Black Horse Creek Whitney Creek Arena Butte Black Horse Creek See Black Horse Butte Creek Black Metal Mine Black Miner Gulch Blackpipe Black Pipe Creek Black Pipe Issue Station (historical) Black Pipe Township Black Point (historical) Black Slough Black Slough Black Tail See Gayville Blacktail Black Tail Black Tail See Blacktail Blacktail Creek Blacktail Creek Blacktail Gulch Blacktail Spring Blacktail Well Black Timber Gulch Black Township Black Tunnel Mine Blaha School Blaine Drageset Dam Blaine Ranch Blaine School Blaine Township Blaine Township Blaine Township Blair Cemetery Blair School Blanchard School Blanchard School Blanche River See White River Blank Dam Blan Ranch Blarney Castle Spring Blazek Dam Bleak Butte Bledsoe Ranch Landing Strip Bleha Dam See Bkeha Dam Blendon School Blendon Township Blessed Trinity Church Blessing Number 1 Dam Blessing Township Blind Creek Blind Gulch Blindman Table Blind Park Blinsman (historical) Blinsmon Township Bloemendaal and Taylor Airfield Blomberg Spring Blomberg 42 Ranch Airstrip Blom Post Office (historical) Blom Prairie Cemetery FEATURE CLASS range locale cemetery park locale dam school locale locale summit stream stream mine valley locale stream locale civil pillar gut swamp ppl ppl PPl stream stream valley spring well valley civil mine school dam locale school civil civil civil cemetery school school school stream reservoir locale spring dam summit airport dam SChool civil church dam civil stream valley summit flat locale civil airport spring airport building cemetery STATUS BGN UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN BGN VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF BGN UNOFF BGN UNOFF ADMIN BGN BGN BGN VARIANT BGN VARIANT VARIANT BGN BGN BGN BGN UNOFF BGN ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT BGN UNOFF BGN UNOFF BGN ADMIN VARIANT UNOFF ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN BGN BGN BGN BGN UNOFF ADMIN ADMIN BGN ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF NATIONAL GAZETTEER--SOUTH DAKOTA 1989 COUNTY Lawrence Pennington Meade Custer Custer Lawrence Lawrence Corson Corson Corson Corson Corson Pennington Pennington Bennett Mellette Mellatta Mallette Hughes Marshall Brookings Lawrence Lawrence Lawrence Custer Shannon Lawrence Custer Custer Charles Mix Tripp Pennington Bon Homme Corson Custer Sully Jerauld McPherson Sully Sully Pennington Lincoln Sanborn Lyman Edmund: Haakon Harding Meade Harding Harding Buffalo Davison Davison Brule Tripp Campbell Clay Pennington Shannon Pennington Moody Moody Edmunds Harding Perkins Deuel Deuel COORDINATES 442500N1034230W 440740N1031756W 442208N1032831W 435500N1034000W 434824N1032539W 443042N1034848W 442950N1035214W 454257N1012249W 453128N1014925W 453709N1015301W 454025N1014259W 454025N1014259W 435651N1033330W 435626N1033417W 432038N1011627W 434708N1011349W 432810N1011228W 432622N1010517W 441310N0994101W 454537N0973303W 443215N0962938W 442215N1034535W 442212N1034535W 442212N1034535W 433406N103l913w 431414N1024954W 442216N1034538W 434526N1035151W 434537N1035216W 430224N0983118W 432338N0995619W 440509N1034650W 430501N0974715W 454100N1012336W 434328N1040114W 444045N0995919W 435840N0982315W 453810N0991700W 444017N0995809W 444810N1002512W 435904N1031609W 430855N0962922W 435157N0980148W 434250N0992800W 452351N0990452W 442939N1015412W 452934N1031138W 444106N1021806W 454731N1035702W 451610N1031300W 441106N0990706W 434815N0981554W 434945N0981715W 433607N0990420W 432000N0993406W 453820N0995410W 430315N0965708W 440653N1034055W 433714N1025108W 440614N1035819W 435424N0963l43W 435304N0963436W 452708N0990043W 452558N1031154W 451200N1023900W 443510N0963940W 443424N0964210W SOURCE COORDINATES 453222N1020804W 435711N1033348W 431514N1011502W 433726N1032153W 431242N1030543W 442256N1034723W 430343N0982926W 430523N0964603W 440728N1034109W ELEV PT 4759 2627 5240 2545 4960 1369 1307 3241 2872 1350 3167 1596 1521 2610 1990 1863 MAP NAME Deadwood North Blackhawk Tilford Medicine Mountain Iron Mountain Jolly Spearfish Black Horse Twin Butte Black Horse Butte Cottonwood Creek NW Hill City Hill City Blackpipe Stamford SW Norris Parmelee NE Lower Brule NW Kidder SE Hendricks Lead Boland Ridge Slim Butte NE Lead Signal Hill Signal Hill Fort Randall Dam Miller Hill Deerfield Tripp SE Black Horse Clifton Blunt NW Lane Hosmer NE Blunt NW Artichoke Butte SW Rockerville Fairview Loomis Ipswich Hilland NW J B Hill Marcus Scott Creek Irish Butte Starla Storla Eagle Colome SE Salt Lake Centerville Rochford Cuny Table West Crows Nest Peak Dell Rapids NE Dell Rapids NE Ipswich J B Hill Imogene Toronto Toronto FEATURE NAME Blom Ranch Blom Township Bloodgood School Blood Run Bloody Gulch Bloody Run Bloom Basin Bloom Creek Bloom Dam Bloomfield Bloomingdale Bloomingdale Baptist Church See Dalesburg Church Bloomingdale Methodist Church (historical) Bloomington (historical) Bloomington Church (historical) Blooming Valley Flower Valley Blooming Valley Township Sisseton-Wahpeton Indian Reservation - in part Bloom-Shearer Dam Blowout Spring Blue Beaver Creek Blue Bell Bluebell School Bluebird Claim Mine Blue Blanket Creek Blue Blanket Island (historical) Blue Blanket Lakebed Blue Blanket Recreation Area Blue Blanket Township Blue Cloud Abbey Blue Cloud Abbey Dam Number 1 Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Cloud Abbey Dam Number 2 Dog Grave Dog Lake Draw Eyes Creek Lake See Waubay Blue Lake Township (historical) Bluelead Mountain Bluff Center (historical) Bluff Center Cemetery (historical) Bluff View Cemetery Blunt Blunt Cemetery Blunt Township Blythe Slough Blythe State Public Shooting Area Boarding House Gulch Boarding School Dam See Antelope Dam Boating Lake See Summit Lake Bobby Peters 2 Dam Bobcat Canyon Bobcat Canyon Bobcat Gulch Bobcat Gulch Bob Lake Bobs Creek Sand Creek Bobtail Gulch Bobtail Gulch Bob Wiley Field (airport) Bochek State Public Shooting Area Bockert Dam Bockert Reservoir Body of Christ Cemetery FEATURE CLASS locale civil school stream valley stream basin stream dam locale locale church church locale church valley civil dam spring stream ppl school mine stream island flat park civil church dam dam cemetery lake valley stream ppl civil summit ppl cemetery cemetery ppl cemetery civil lake park valley dam lake dam valley valley valley valley lake stream valley valley airport park dam reservoir cemetery STATUS UNOFF ADMIN UNOFF BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN VARIANT ADMIN VARIANT UNOFF BGN BGN BGN UNOFF UNOFF BGN BGN BGN ADMIN ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BCN BGN BGN VARIANT ADMIN BGN BGN UNOFF UNOFF BGN UNOFF ADMIN BGN ADMIN BGN VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN VARIANT BGN BGN ADMIN ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF NATIONAL GAZETTEER--SOUTH DAKOTA COUNTY COORDINATES Mellette 435018N1005915W Deuel 443515N0964210W Beadle 441749N0980425W Minnehaha 432753N0963506W Pennington 440650N1034142W Sully 444734N1002850W Pennington 435426N1021045W Hanson 433227N0974907W Tripp 433142N0995112W Spink 443757N0980555W Clay 425528N0965723W Clay 425804N0965305W Clay 425320N0965620W Charles Mix 432022N0984631W Charles Mix 432021N09B4600W Douglas 432850N0981915W Grant 451446N0970915W Pennington 441248N1022106W Custer 434830N1035938W Dewey 451854N1004233W Custer 434300N1032855W Spink 444153N0981159W Pennington 435510N1033706W Walworth 452854N1001907W Corson 453016N1002313W Walworth 453428N1000912W Walworth 452953N1002043W Walworth 453240N1000902W Grant 451510N0965325W Grant 451500N0965324W Grant 451500N0965312W Day 452541N0971700W Day 452105N0971806W Lawrence 441133N1033106W Gregory 430425N0991425W Day 451955N0971817W Day 451725N0972118W Pennington 435800N1032707W Clay 425515N0970520W Clay 425540N0970405W Clay 424617N0965419W Hughes 443044N0995930W Hughes 443049N1000056W Hughes 442925N0995724W Codington 445440N0972537W Codington 445452N0972551W Pennington 440451N1033023W Todd 431744N1003630W Grant 451658N0970037W Meade 443418N1030336W Custer 434133N1031928W Harding 453013N1031109W Pennington 440408N1033854W Pennington 435415N1034425W Todd 430127N1010851W Stanley 444524N1004506W Lawrence 442207N1034540W Pennington 435428N1032244W Tripp 432330N0995100w Hamlin 444258N0972756W Fall River 432100N1030524W Fall River 432100N1030524W Mellette 432646N1004426W 1989 SOURCE COORDINATES 433211N0962410W 440529N1034226W 444628N1002538W 433902N0974057W 451429N1004039W 453342N1001804W 441059N1033201W 430040N0992023W 440548N1033122W 434119N1032034W 452943N1031014W 440442N1033923W 435551N1034456W 444436N1004627W 442140N1034549W 435503N1032545W ELEV FT 1307 1325 1640 1644 1600 4827 1301 5600 1620 1801 5170 1320 1350 1619 1713 2032 950 950 SD19 MAP NAME Okaton SW Estelline NE Cavour Valley Springs Rochford Artichoke Butte SW Wall Rockport Colony King Dam Bloomfield Hub City Hub City Bovee Bovee Corsica Lake Lonesome Lake Wasta NE Dead Horse Flats Trail City SW Mt Coolidge Lake Byron NW Hill City Moreau NE Mobridge Selby SW Moreau NE Selby SW Marvin Marvin Marvin Enemy Swim Lake West Waubay Nemo Herrick Wauhay Mount Rushmore Gayville NE Gayville NE Vermillon Blunt Onida SE De Grey NW Henry Henry Silver City Volunteer SE Butcher Hill Battleship Rock Rochford Medicine Mountain Spring Creek SW Rousseau Creek Lead Mount Rushmore Winner North Vienna East Hay Canyon Butte Hay Canyon Butte Mission NW SD20 FEATURE NAME Boe Cemetery Boehm, Lake Boehniein Canyon Boekhoff Subdivision (subdivision) Boeson School Bog Creek Bogner Dam Bogner Field (airport) Bogus Jim Creek Bohemian Cemetery Bohemian Cemetery Bohemian National Cemetery Czech National Cemetery Bohemian Cemetery Bohemian National Cemetery Bohemian National Cemetery See Bohemian Cemetery Bohemian Presbyterian Cemetery See United Cemetery Bohle Dam Harry Bickel Dam Bois de Sioux River Sioux Wood River Wood River Boland Ridge B Oleary Dam Boles Canyon Bolstad Slough Bolte School Bolton Post Office (historical) Bolton School Number 3 (historical) Bombard Draw Bomb Range Dam Bonanza Gulch Bond Bottom Bonds Ferry (historical) Boneita Springs Boneita Springs Dam Boneita Springs School Boneita Springs Township (historical) Bonesteel Bonesteel Bonesteel Bonesteel Bon Homme Bon Homme Bon Homme Colony Bon Homme Mennonite Colony Hutterische Mennonite Village Lake Lake Dam Township (historical) Cemetery Church Bon Homme County Bon Homme Mennonite Colony See Bon Homme Colony Bon Homme Township Bon Homme Township (historical) Bonilla Bonilla Cemetery Bonilla Township Bonine Cemetery Bonine Ditch Bonita Springs Lake Dam Bonney Cemetery See Bonny Cemetery Bonniwell Spring Number One Bonniwell Spring Number Two Bonny Cemetery Bonney Cemetery Boocke Number 2 Dam Boocke Number 2 Dam Boocke Reservoir Boock School Booge Booker Ranch Bookfield Township FEATURE CLASS cemetery reservoir valley 991 school stream dam airport stream cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery dam stream ridge school building school valley dam valley bend locale locale dam school civil P91 reservoir dam civil cemetery church locale civil locale civil civil ppl cemetery civil cemetery canal dam cemetery spring spring cemetery dam dam reservoir school locale locale civil NATIONAL GAZETTEER-—SOUTH DAKOTA 1999 STATUS UNOFF BGN BGN BGN UNOFF BGN UNOFF ADMIN BGN UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF VARIANT BGN 1904 VARIANT VARIANT BGN 1954 UNOFF BGN BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN UNOFF BGN BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN BGN BGN UNOFF ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT ADMIN VARIANT ADMIN ADMIN BGN UNOFF ADMIN UNOFF BGN UNOFF VARIANT BGN BGN UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN COUNTY Roberts Hyde Fall River Minnehaha Brule Harding Fall River Fall River Pennington Brule Hyde Roberts Bon Homme Hyde Charles Mix Corson Roberts Custer Dewey Custer Brookings Beadle Clay Jerauld Pennington Fall River Lawrence Brule Lyman Meade Meade Meade Meade Gregory Gregory Gregory Gregory Bon Homme Bon Homme Bon Homme Bon Homme Bon Homme Bon Homme Bon Homme Beadle Beadle Beadle Lincoln Turner Meade Sanborn Harding Harding Sanborn Jackson Jones Jackson Jackson Minnehaha Custer McCook COORDINATES 452302N0965413W 441424N0992441W 432336N1032606W 433236N0965025W 435425N0985201W 452946N1034149W 430E06N1032218W 430700N1032200W 440745N1032443W 433654N0990443W 444736N0991955W 455427N0965645W 430009N0975107W 444736N0991955W 430641N0980958W 453218N1012100W 461552N0963554W 433630N1032200W 451600N1011300W 434625N1040213W 441428N0970326W 441542N0983710W 425430N0970005W 440727N0984018W 440744N1035313W 430706N1035412W 442202N1040102W 433313N0991715W 433110N0991700W 442642N1023343W 442655N1023155W 442643N1023228W 442525N1023153W 430435N0985639W 430418N0990007W 430418N0990007W 430707N0985555W 425244N0974647W 425339N0974546W 425151N0974224W 425830N0975200W 425151N0974224W 425310N0974545W 425311N0974400W 443458N0982956W 443459N0982901W 443445N0983130W 430618N0964932W 430611N0965940W 442706N1023154W 441036N0980300W 453307N1031151W 453302N1031118W 441036N0980300W 435100N1014018W 440900N1002500W 435100N1014018W 435102N1014431W 433845N0962735W 433552N1033233W 434930N0972055W SOURCE COORDINATES ELEV FT 1295 1817 432415N1032828W 1481 1694 452808N1034430W 3660 440739N1032852W 1121 1416 454609NO963819W 435333N1040104W 1462 1530 1885 440830N1035529W 442154N1040139W 1300 2618 2630 1963 1991 1273 1335 1342 1350 1320 2446 1456 4688 MAP NAME Wilmot NW Stephan Hot Springs Sioux Falls West Isham Lake Bog Creek Lone Well Creek East Black Banks Creek East Pactola Dam Eagle Rezac Lake New Effington NW Tripp SE Black Horse SE Boisberg Boland Ridge Livermant Lake Fanny Peak Sinai Wessington SE Gayville NE Wessington Springs SW Crooks Tower Wallace Ranch Old Baldy Mtn Bond Bottom Bond Bottom Boneita Springs Boneita Springs Boneita Springs Boneita Springs Bonesteel St Charles St Charles Bonesteel Tyndall Tyndall Bon Homme Colony Tyndall Tyndall Tabor Hitchcock SW Hitchcock SW Hitchcock Beresford Centerville Boneita Springs Battleship Rock Battleship Rock Forestburg NE Weta Pierre 3 NW Weta Weta Garretson East Pringle Winfred SE FEATURE NAME Boomer Gulch Booms Canyon Boone Draw Boot Bar School Boot Creek Cottonwood Creek Booth Number 1 Dam Bordache Creek See Spring Creek Borge School Bork Number 1 Dam Bork Number 2 Dam Borr Dam See Chester Dam Boscoble and Double Standard Mine Bossko Township Boswell Diversion Ditch Bothun School Bothwell School Crossman School Stewart School Boulder (historical) Boulder Canyon Boulder Creek Boulder Hill Boulder Park Boulder Park School Bouquet Table Bourbeuse River See Spring Creek Bourne Draw Bourne Ranch Bourne School Bourne Slough Boutwell Ranch (historical) Bove Creek See Dove Creek Bovee Heaton Bovine See Van Metre Bovine School Bovine Township Bowdle Bowdle Beach Recreation Area Bowdle-Hoemer Dam Bowdle-Hosmer Lake Bowdle-Hosmer Public Shooting Area Bowdle Municipal Airport Bowdle Township Bower Dam Bowman Draw Bowman-Haley Reservoir Bowman Pond Bowman Ranch Bowman Ridge Boxeld Creek See Boxelder Creek Box Elder Boxelder Camp Boxelder Creek Box Elder Creek Box Elder Creek See Boxelder Creek Boxelder Creek Box Elder Creek Middle Boxelder Creek Box Elder Creek See Boxelder Creek Boxelder Creek Boxeld Creek Boxelder Creek Boxelder School Boydson Draw FEATURE CLASS valley valley valley school stream stream school dam mine civil canal school school locale valley stream summit flat school summit stream valley locale school lake locale stream ppl ppl school civil ppl park dam reservoir park airport civil dam valley reservoir lake locale ridge stream 991 locale stream stream stream stream stream stream school valley NATIONAL GAZETTEER--SOUTH DAKOTA 1989 STATUS BGN BGN BGN UNOFF BGN 1973 VARIANT UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF ADMIN BGN UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT VARIANT UNOFP BGN BGN BGN BGN UNOFF BGN VARIANT BGN UNOFF UNOFF BGN UNOFF VARIANT BGN VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF ADMIN BGN ADMIN UNOFF BGN ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN UNOFF BGN BGN BGN UNOFF BGN VARIANT BGN 1968 UNOFF BGN 197B VARIANT VARIANT BGN VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT BGN 1974 VARIANT BGN 1969 UNOFF BGN COUNTY Lawrence Fall River Pennington Hughes Harding Jones Campbell Spink Jones Jones Campbell Lawrence Roberts Hamlin Minnehaha Hand Lawrence Lawrence Lawrence Pennington Lawrence Lawrence Shannon Campbell Pennington Pennington Pennington Lake Pennington Faulk Charles Mix Jones Jones Jones Edmunds Walworth Edmunds Edmund: Edmunds Edmunds Edmunds Lyman Custer Harding Jackson Custer Custer Harding Pennington Lawrence Bowman (ND) Bowman (ND) Butte Butte Harding Pennington Lawrence Meade COORDINATES 441922N1033927W 432803N1033654W 440043N1032541W 441357N0994404W 454335N1033518W 440012N1002518W 455258N1001428W 451256N0982819W 435530N10l0000W 435354N1005954W 455454N1000930W 442005N1034921W 454659N0971032W 44383BN0970111W 434212N0963835W 442355N0984426W 442255N1033540W 442456N1033321W 442302N1033553W 435743N1032352W 442357N1033549W 442345N1033556W 434055N1021753W 455258N1001428W 442540N1020400W 442250N1020357W 442537N1020352W 43533BN0970407W 435930N1034130W 445846N0983859W 431924N0984607W 440934N1004736W 440655N1005424W 440705N1005122W 452711N0993913W 452236N1001525W 453459N0994040W 453459N0994040W 453445N0994045W 452622N0994029W 452723N0993810W 440242N1001330W 433714N1033335W 455641N1031657W 433853N1012229W 433714N1033332W 433833N1033339W 453623N1032211W 440645N1030404W 441234N1033259W 455840N1035625W 455840N1035625W 444615N1035656W 444615N1035656W 453623N1032211W 440051N1022758W 441328N1034223W 441936N1025641W SOURCE COORDINATES 441910N1034103W 433030N1033552W 440108N1032638W 454545N1033834W 442356N1033459W 442150N1034118W 442325N1020415W 434000N1033429W 451136N1045401W 445022N1035927W 4S4006N1033702W 441325N1033636W 441502N1025529W ELEV PT 1298 6160 1494 4100 5331 3974 2712 5844 1620 1770 2004 1620 1797 1967 2755 4718 3030 SD21 MAP NAME Deadwood South Minnekahta NE Pactola Dam Lower Brule NW McKenzie Butte Pierre 3 SW Mellette Stamford Okaton Lead Claire City SW Castlewood Renner Wessington Sturgis Sturgis Sturgis Mount Rushmore Sturgis Sturgis Bouquet Table Pedro Pedro Pedro Lake Madison Medicine Mountain Bovee Cape Capa SE Bowdle Moreau NE Bowdle-Hosmer Lake Bowdle-Hosmer Lake Bowdle-Hosmer Lake Bowdle Bowdle Ft George Butte SW Pringle Tepee Buttes Pass Creek NE Pringle Cicero Peak Box Elder Nemo Doaks Butte Bull Creek Butte Sheep Pen Draw SE Wasta Minnesota Ridge Hereford SW SD22 FEATURE NAME Boyer State Public Shooting Area Boz Post Office (historical) Bracken Slough Bradfield Diversion and Detention Dam Bradland Township Bradley Bradley Draw Bradley Flats Bradleyon Butte Bradley School Bradley State Public Shooting Area Brady Canyon Brady Canyon Brady Creek Willow Creek Brady School Brady Township (historical) Brainard Township Brainerd Indian Training School Brakke Dam Brakke Dam State Public Shooting Area Brakke Lake Bramble Park Bram Hall See Ree Heights Bramhall (historical) Bramhall Township Branch Mint Mine Brandon Brandon Cemetery Brandon City See Alberts Creek Brandon Township Brandt Brandt Township Brandvold Church Brantford Township Brantford Township (historical) Brant Lake Brant Lake Township (historical) Brant School Bratten Area State Wildlife Management Area Braunson Ranch Brave (historical) Brave Bull Creek Brchan School Breakneck Gulch Breakneck Gulch Breakneck Hill Breasne Dam Brechtel School Brehm School Brekke Draw Brennan See Wounded Knee Brennan See Warbonnet Brennan Flat Brennan Hill Brenneise Cemetery Brenner School (historical) Clausen School Brens Corner Brentford Bretton Township Brewer Butte Bridal Veil Falls Bridal Veil Spring Bridge Creek Township (historical) Bridger Bridger (historical) Bridger Creek FEATURE CLASS park building swamp dam civil ppl valley flat summit school park valley valley stream school civil civil school dam park reservoir park ppl ppl civil mine ppl cemetery stream civil ppl civil church civil civil lake civil school park locale locale stream school valley valley summit dam school school valley ppl locale flat summit cemetery school locale ppl civil summit falls spring civil ppl locale stream STATUS ADMIN UNOFF BGN UNOFF ADMIN BGN BGN BGN BGN UNOFF ADMIN BGN BGN BGN VARIANT UNOFF ADMIN ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN BGN ADMIN VARIANT BGN ADMIN UNOFF BGN UNOFF VARIANT ADMIN BGN ADMIN UNOFF ADMIN ADMIN BGN ADMIN UNOFF ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF BGN UNOFF BGN BGN BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN VARIANT VARIANT BGN BGN UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF BGN ADMIN BGN BGN BGN ADMIN BGN UNOFF BGN NATIONAL GAZETTEER-—SOUTH DAKOTA 1989 COUNTY Brule Spink Beadle Jackson Beadle Clark Meade Fall River Tripp Meade Clark Fall River Fall River Jackson Jackson Jackson Brown Fall River Lyman Lyman Lyman Codington Hand Hyde Hyde Lawrence Minnehaha Minnehaha Dewey Minnehaha Deuel Deuel Roberts Hamlin Hamlin Lake Lake Harding Roberts Mellette Mellette Haakon Brule Lawrence Meade Fall River Custer Meade Meade Hughes Shannon Pennington Pennington Pennington McPherson Douglas Deuel Spink Hughes Dewey Lawrence Fall River Haakon Ziehach Haakon Haakon COORDINATES 434004N0992127W 444502N0984117W 442526N0983442W 434518N1013642W 442300N0982345W 450526N0973836W 442211N1022744W 432604N1034110W 432911N0994537W 442214N1022835W 450434N0973726W 432337N1032610W 431552N1034032W 435456N1013250W 435706N1013343W 435643N1013530W 454310N0982300W 432026N1033348W 43534BN0995712W 435330N0995707W 435348N0995712W 445440N0970748W 443107N0991159W 443113N0991805W 442930N0992105W 442010N1033755W 433541N09634IBW 433516N0963531W 445143N1002533W 433725N0963454W 443949N0963726W 444025N0964210W 455336N0964959W 444538N0972401W 444420N0972401W 435515N0965649W 435305N0965731W 452455N1035108W 454958N0964836W 434229N1010729W 434006N1002316W 440321N1011106W 435146N0990025W 442057N1035607W 441831N1032647W 432216N1035111W 433021N1035408W 442143N1025957W 441210N1025546W 442326N1000316W 430826N1022155W 435957N1030758W 435851N1023129W 435932N1030847W 455259N0994305W 431845N0981300W 445324N0965105W 450937N0981921W 442925N0995007W 452611N1011340W 442501N1035250W 431912N1033232W 441729N1014900W 443245N1015439W 443058N1015630W 443148N1015522W SOURCE COORDINATES 441901N1022704W 432355N1032846W 431738N1034219W 435443N1014130W 435009N1011547W 441954N1035651W 441823N1032923W 442659N1000448W 441539N1015116W ELEV FT 1370 1795 2355 2317 1738 1790 4650 1357 1336 1851 1073 1594 3458 2040 1609 2744 3380 1905 1500 1990 1297 2281 1900 1919 MAP NAME Red Lake West Redfield SW Wessington NE Kadoka Hitchcock SW Bradley Dalzell Minnekahta Winner North Dalzell Heggs Lake Hot Springs Flint Hill Kadoka NE Kadoka NE Kadoka NE Westport Cascade Springs Brakke Dam Brakke Dam Brakke Dam Watertown West Highmore SE Macs Corner NE Deadwood South Brandon Brandon Brandon Brandt Estelline NE New Effington NE Hazel Vienna East Wentworth Wentworth Harding Victor Cedar Butte NE Badnation NW Midland Pukwana SE Savoy Tilford Edgemont Jewel Cave SW Hereford SW New Underwood NW Canning Brennan Flat Hermosa NW Greenway Delmont Goodwin Brentford De Grey NE Brewer Butte Maurice Cascade Hilland Springs Bridger Bridger Bridger FEATURE NAME Bridger Flat Bridgewater Briggs Lake Briggs Lake State Public Shooting Area Briggs Spring Bright Star School Brink School Brisbine (historical) Brisbine Catholic Church See Saint Anthonys Church Brisbine Cemetery See Saint Anthenys Cemetery Bristol Bristol Township Bristol Township (historical) Bristol Township Britten Britten Cemetery Britten Municipal Airport Broad Gulch Broadland Broadland Cemetery Broadmoor Subdivision (subdivision) Breckel Airstrip Breckels Cemetery Broken Neck Creek Bronson Number 1 Dam Bronson Number 2 Dam Bronson School Brookfield (historical) Broekfield Creek Brookings Brookings County Brookings County Farm (historical) Brookings Crossing (historical) Brookings Mall Brookings Municipal Airport Brookings Township Brookings Township Hall Brooklyn (historical) Brooklyn Church Brooklyn School Brooklyn Township Brooks Corner Brookside School Brookside School Brooks School Brophy Big Dam Brest Number 1 Dam Brest Number 1 Dam Brest Number 10 Dam Brost Number 2 Dam Brest Number 2 Dam Brest Number 3 Dam Brest Number 3 Dam Brest Number 4 Dam Brest Number 4 Dam Brest Number 5 Dam Brest Number 5 Dam Brest Number 6 Dam Brest Number 6 Dam Brest Number 7 Dam Brest Number 7 Dam Brest Number 8 Dam Brest Number 8 Dam Brest Number 9 Dam Brothersfield Township Brown Church Brown County Brown Earth Church Old Indian Church Brown Brown Brown Flat High School Hill FEATURE CLASS flat ppl lake park spring school school locale church cemetery ppl civil civil civil ppl cemetery airport valley ppl cemetery ppl airport cemetery stream dam dam school locale stream ppl civil locale locale locale airport civil building locale church school civil locale school school school dam dam dam dam civil church civil church flat school summit STATUS BGN BGN BGN ADMIN BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT VARIANT BGN ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN BGN UNOFF ADMIN BGN BGN UNOFF BGN ADMIN UNOFF BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN BGN ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN UNOFF ADMIN UNOFF VARIANT BGN UNOFF BGN NATIONAL GAZETTEER--SOUTH DAKOTA 1989 COUNTY Ziebach McCoek Deuel Deuel Pennington Brown Spink Sanborn Sanborn Sanborn Day Aurora Day Day Marshall Marshall Marshall Pennington Beadle Beadle Pennington Walworth Campbell Stanley Mellette Mellette Perkins Moody Moody Brookings Brookings Kingsbury Sanborn Brookings Brookings Brookings Brookings Lincoln Lincoln Lincoln Lincoln Roberts Brown Turner Brule Custer Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Turner Cerson Brown Grant Jackson Meade Stanley COORDINATES 443622N1015737W 433306N0973026W 444550N0963211W 444546N0963201W 435750N1035745W 451525N0982703W 445246N0982556W 440913N0975714W 440854N0975000W 440853N0975700W 452041N0974453W 435115N0982830W 452003N0974556W 452146N0974706W 454730N0974502W 454723N0974729W 454900N0974440W 440618N1033340W 442933N0982056W 443002N0982017W 440222N1031621W 453526N1000344W 453958N0995947W 441528N1003500W 433242N1010730W 433312N1010654W 454025N1020720W 435416N0963808W 435321N0963902W 441841N0964753W 441830N0964900W 442512N0973432W 440315N0980510W 441753N0964610W 441818N0964847W 441935N0964940W 441932N0965059W 430640N0965036W 430555N0964918W 430627N0965041W 430712N0965117W 451931N0970615W 452919N0983323W 432153N0972245W 435240N0985657W 434218N1030236W 43444BN1003124W 434624N1004942W 434806N1005154W 434448N1003100W 434818N1005054W 434624N1003142W 434742N1004B48W 434812N1005224W 434718N1003100W 434748N1003206W 434924N1005024W 434912N1004930W 434942N1003636W 435148N1005242W 435018N1003600W 434924N1003500W 435112N1005300W 434942N1005248W 432803N0970532W 45443BN1011437W 453310N0981830W 450720N0964618W 434119N1011755W 442437N1033048W 442542N1002724W SOURCE COORDINATES 440744N1033402W 441925N1003926W 440046N0963135W ELEV PT 1410 1634 1298 1307 1790 1358 1335 1609 1303 1321 3500 1722 1790 1510 1623 1725 1225 1637 1599 1313 1960 1338 1649 1490 1887 SD23 MAP NAME Bridger Bridgewater West Lake Francis Lake Francis Preacher Spring Warner Ashton Artesian NW Bristol East Wilmarth Lake Bristol West Bristol West Britten West Britten West Britten East Silver City Broadland Hitchcock SE Rapid City West Selby Salt Lake Teton Corn Creek Cedarbutte Meadow NE Trent Trent Brookings Brookings De Smet Forestburg Brookings Brookings Brookings Brookings Beresford Beresford Beresford Beresford Summit Aberdeen West Freeman Lyenville Fairburn NE White River NE Okaton SE Okaton SE White River NE Okaton SE Murdo SE Okaton SE Okaton SE Murdo SE Murdo SE Okaton SE Okaton SE Murdo SE Okaton SW Murdo SE Murdo SE Okaton SW Okaton SW Parker NE Miscol Columbia Stockholm Pass Creek NE Sturgis Oahe Dam SD24 FEATURE NAME Brown Jug Draw Brownsdale (historical) Browns Draw Brownsville Avalon Brown Township (historical) Brown Township Bruce Lee Bruce Cemetery Bruce Dam Bruch Brothers Dam Bruck Herman Dam Brueschke Dam Bruget School Brule (historical) Brule Agency (historical) Brule Bottom State Public Hunting Area Brule County Brule Creek Brule Creek Church Brule Island (historical) Brule Island (historical) Lower Island Island Below the Big Bend L’au Isle De Grande Detour School School Township Brule Township Brule Township Bruning Number 1 Dam Brun Skill Number 1 Dam Brunson Township Brush Creek Bush Creek Brule Brule Brule Creek Creek Creek Creek Creek Creek Creek Butte Brush Creek Township Brush Lake Brushy Creek Brush Brush Brush Brush Brush Brush Brush Brushy Draw Brushy School Brushy Township Bruyer Cemetery See Fairview Cemetery Bryant Bryant Creek Bryan Township Bryan Township Bryant Park Bryant School See Walgamuth School Bryant Township Bryant Township Bryant Township BSA Dam B Schuh Dam B Silverman Dam Buchanan School Buchholtz Ranch Buchholz (historical) Buchner Slough Buchner Slough State Public Shooting Area Buck Canyon Buck Creek Buckeye and Lena Mine Union Hill Mine Gopher Mine Buckeye Gulch FEATURE CLASS valley locale valley locale civil civil ppl cemetery locale park civil stream church island island school school civil civil civil dam dam civil stream stream stream stream stream stream stream summit civil lake stream valley school civil cemetery ppl stream civil civil park school civil civil civil dam dam dam school locale locale lake park valley stream mine valley NATIONAL GAZETTEER--SOUTH DAKOTA 1989 STATUS BGN UNOFF BGN UNOFF VARIANT ADMIN ADMIN BGN VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN ADMIN UNOFF BGN BGN VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN BGN VARIANT BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN ADMIN BGN BGN BGN 1982 UNOFF ADMIN VARIANT BGN BGN ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN VARIANT ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN ADMIN BGN BGN UNOFF VARIANT VARIANT BGN COUNTY Pennington Douglas Meade Lawrence Haakon Walworth Brookings Brookinqs Pennington Meade Lyman Dewey Yankton Brule Lyman Brule Brule Union Union Lyman Lyman Lyman Union Brule Lyman Union Mellette Jones Tripp Fall River Harding Harding Harding Pennington Shannon Stanley Harding Stanley Brookings Perkins Pennington Perkins Perkins Clay Hamlin Hand Campbell Charles Mix Minnehaha Faulk Edmunds Faulk Roberts Pennington Dewey ziebach Hughes Haakon Lawrence Day Day Fall River Dewey Pennington Pennington COORDINATES 440455N1034342W 432200N0982520W 443313N1025616W 441631N1034138W 440705N1014150W 452210N1000750W 442617N0965323W 442614N0965302W 435800N1021618W 444154N1024324W 434254N0995712W 450248N1011223W 425643N0971534W 434118N0991640W 434135N0992808W 435510N0991953W 434310N0990305W 424414N0963821W 425004N0964353W 434508N0992510W 440548N0993345W 440541N1000624W 425623N0964631W 434300N0992030W 440350N1000351W 424900N0964315W 433042N1003242W 435106N1005500W 432850N0994914W 425959N1040151W 452709N1034747W 453412N1033615W 453925N1030345W 440246N1032639W 433924N1024947W 444542N1004339W 453719N1033945W 441729N1005122W 441929N0970655W 450913N1023809W 435754N1033834W 451516N1023251W 451700N1023210W 424714N0965100W 443526N0972801W 444830N0984644W 455000N0995945W 430706N0981640W 433451N0964235W 450235N0991446W 452721N0991559W 450115N0991526W 454145N0964804W 435354N1034354W 452124N1012512W 450900N1013306W 442152N1001914W 443607N1012713W 440843N1034312W 452001N0973341W 451959N0973349W 432054N1033620W 451005N1001854W 435831N1033515W 435338N1032527W SOURCE COORDINATBS 440517N1034340W 443213N1025734W 425939N0964239W 430128N1040730W 452356N1034253W 453743N1034651W 454323N1030948W 440159N1032348W 433459N1024806W 443926N1004955W 451522N1024222W 435652N1033919W 445749N0990958W 432149N1033835W 451001N1002047W 435514N1032640W ELEV FT 1550 1620 1172 1620 1350 1320 3100 1760 1840 5850 1811 5950 MAP NAME Rochford Armour SW Fairpoint SW Deadwood south Philip Akaska SW Bruce Bruce Quinn Table NE Stoneville Ideal NW Parade SW Mission Hill Red Lake West Iona NW Bedashosha Lake Bijou Hills NE Elk Point Richland Oacoma Lower Brule Ft George Butte SE Alsen Chamberlain Ft George Butte SE Vermillon SE White River 53 Okaton SW Winner North Oat Creek Harding Buffalo Reva NE Pactola Dam Red Shirt NE N0 Heart Creek SW Saddle Butte Doty Ridge Lake Sinai Imogene Medicine Mountain Rabbit Butte Rabbit Butte Bryant Rockham SE Herreid Wagner Sioux Falls East Roscoe Burkmere Peever NE Medicine Mountain Isabel SW Dupree NE Pierre Cherry Creek Minnesota Ridge Webster Webster Cascade Springs Four Bear Creek Hill City Mount Rushmore FEATURE NAME Buckeye Township Buckhorn Mountain Buck Mountain Buck Pasture Creek Bucks (historical) Buck Spring Buck Spring Buck Spring Canyon Budahl Dam Bud Bartell Dam Bud Bloom Dam Bud Hill Bud Young Section 3 Dam Buena Vista Township (historical) Buffalo Buffalo Bay Buffalo Buttes Turtle Butte Buffalo Cave Buffalo Buffalo Buffalo Buffalo County Buffalo Creek Buffalo Skin Creek Buffalo Creek Buffalo Creek Buffalo slough Buffalo Creek Cemetery Cemetery Cemetery Buffalo Buffalo Buffalo Buffalo Buffalo Gap Cemetery Buffalo Gap Post Office (historical) Buffalo Hill Buffalo Lake Buffalo Lake Church Creek Creek School Gap Gap Buffalo Lakes Buffalo Oil Field Buffalo Park Buffalo Park (historical) Buffalo Ridge Buffalo School Buffalo Skin Creek See Buffalo Creek Buffalo Slough Buffalo Slough See Buffalo Creek Buffalo Slough State Game Refuge Buffalo Buffalo Buffalo Buffalo Buffalo Buffalo Buffalo Buffalo Springs Springs Creek Township Township Township Township Township Township Buffalo Trading Post Bugtown (historical) Bugtown Gulch Bullberry Island (historical) Bull Creek Bull Creek Bull Creek Bull Creek Bull Creek Bull Creek Bull Bull Bull Bull Creek Creek Creek Creek Ball Creek Shannons Creek Bull Creek FEATURE CLASS civil summit summit stream locale spring spring valley dam cemetery cemetery cemetery civil stream stream stream stream stream school gap ppl cemetery building summit lake church lake oilfield flat park locale school stream lake stream park spring stream civil civil civil civil civil civil locale locale valley island stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream NATIONAL GAZETTEER--SOUTH DAKOTA 1989 STATUS ADMIN BGN BGN BGN UNOFF BGN BGN BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN UNOFF ADMIN BGN BGN BGN VARIANT BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN BGN VARIANT BGN 1974 BGN VARIANT BGN BGN UNOFF BGN BGN 1969 UNOFF UNOFF BGN BGN UNOFF BGN UNOFF BGN ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT BGN VARIANT ADMIN BGN BGN ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN VARIANT VARIANT BGN COUNTY Hughes Custer Pennington Butte Lawrence Custer Lawrence Custer ziebach Perkins Pennington Custer ziebach Meade Harding Dewey Gregory Gregory Harding Spink Ziebach Buffalo Dewey Harding Lake Perkins Tripp Tripp Custer Custer Fall River Custer Deuel Minnehaha Marshall Marshall Harding Lawrence Stanley Minnehaha Sully Dewey Lake Lake Lake Harding Harding Harding Jones Marshall Minnehaha Spink Sully Minnehaha Custer Custer Potter Butte Butte Charles Mix Dewey Dewey Haakon Harding Jackson Jones Lyman Meade COORDINATES 442413N1001909W 434728N1033620W 440745N1033040W 445312N1032257W 441650N1033802W 434836N1035747W 440923N103501BW 434414N1040010W 445036N1014612W 454442N1012300W 435618N1020748W 434136N1031902W 451712N1013924W 443313N1023907W 453503N1033244W 451151N1001843W 432724N0993037W 432725N0993014W 453427N1033255W 444131N0984107W 444128N1012155W 440310N0991030W 451239N1002030W 453139N1032738W 435241N0965348W 455600N1025149W 425826N0993126W 430100N0993313W 433110N1032050W 432930N1031845W 432829N1031847W 433024N1031913W 444859N0965035W 434951N0970245W 453723N0971807W 453659N0971726W 454736N1033B34W 441738N1040152W 442615N1002500W 433628N0965313W 444227N0995129W 451239N1002030W 435231N0965629W 435241N0965348W 435254N0965631W £53521N1035224w 453626N103554ow 453545N1033320W 435128N1003808W 453543N0971644W 434752N0970332W 444013N0983807W 444017N0995053w 434726N0970407W 434747N1034215W 434735N1034244W 450645N1001835W 450552N1031925W 445014N1035124W 42503BN0980913W 445148N1002933W 451440N1005510W 443438N1014203W 453944N1031726W 433153N10l5932W 434409N1002820W 434104N0992750W 442214N1023354W SOURCE ELEV COORDINATES FT 6330 5553 445821N1032754W 5260 435113N1035711W 3924 2877 1363 451403Nl003041W 452544N1034120W 435018N0970225W 430444N0993440W 2051 3260 3300 2013 1836 1600 1510 1766 453448N1035051W 1680 5960 434758N1034203W 450047N1032714W 444857N1035630W 425720N0981246W 445654Nl002858W 451031N1005023W 444029N1015916W 454804N1033716W 432740N1020117W 435441N1003804W 431417N0993120W 443550N1023609W SDZS MAP NAME Pierre NE Custer Nemo Castle Rock Deadwood South Dead Horse Flats Nahant Clifton Red Scaffold Black Horse Wall Butcher Hill Irish Creek SW Union Center Buffalo Four Bear Creek Rattlesnake Butte East Rattlesnake Butte East Buffalo Tulare NW Carlin Flat Big Bend Dam 4 SW Four Bear Creek Sheep Pen Draw SW Wentworth Cow Butte NB Burton Paxton Boland Ridge Buffalo Gap Buffalo Gap Boland Ridge Bemis Buffalo Trading Post Piyas Lake Piyas Lake Ladner Old Baldy Mtn Oahe Dam Hartford South Blunt NE Wentworth Wentworth Pine Spring Camp Crook Buffalo Murdo SW Piyas Lake Buffalo Trading Post Tulare NW Blunt NE Buffalo Trading Post Berne Berne Patch Skin Buttes SB Hoover Mud Buttes Verdel Artichoke Butte SW Ridgeview NW Rattlesnake Lake SW Sheep Pen Draw Potato Creek Badnation NW Iona NW Elm Springs SD26 FEATURE NAME Bull Bull Bull Creek Creek Creek Bull Creek Bull Creek See Dupree Creek Creek Butte Creek School Creek School (historical) Bull Creek School Bull Creek-Sully Township Bulldog (historical) Bulldog Ranch I Bull Bull Bull Bulldog Gulch Bull Dog Ranch Bulldog Ranch I See Bulldog (historical) Bull Flats School Bullhead Bullhead Dam See Standing Rock Tribe Dam Bullhead Lake Two Woods Lake Bullhead Lake Bullhead Lake Bullhead Run Bull Head Run Bull Head Run See Bullhead Run Bull Hook Creek Bullion Mine Bullion Mine Bullis Cemetery Bull Moose Lode Mine Bullock (historical) Bullock Community Center Bullock Lookout Tower Bull Ranch Bull Run Bull Run Creek Bull Spring Bultje School (historical) Bunker (historical) Bunker (historical) Bunker Hill School Burbank Green Point Victorias Point Victors Burbank Community Cemetery See Dcwlin Cemetery Burbank Lake Burch (historical) Burch, Lake Burch Brothers Number 2 Dam Burdett See Burdette Burdette Burdett Burdette Cemetery Burdette Township Burdick County (historical) Burdick School Burdick Township Burdock Argentine Argyle Burdock School Burgess Big Dam Burgess Mica Prospect Mine Burk Cemetery Burke Burke, Lake Burke Dam Burke Municipal Airport Burke Slough FEATURE CLASS stream stream stream stream stream summit school school school civil locale valley locale locale school 991 dam lake lake lake stream stream stream mine mine cemetery mine locale locale locale locale stream stream spring school ppl locale school 991 cemetery lake locale reservoir dam locale locale cemetery civil civil school civil locale school dam mine cemetery ppl reservoir dam airport swamp STATUS BGN BGN BGN BGN VARIANT BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN UNOFF VARIANT BGN UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF BGN VARIANT BGN VARIANT BGN BGN BGN VARIANT VARIANT BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN BGN BGN UNOFF BGN UNOFF UNOFF BGN VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT BGN UNOFF BGN UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF ADMIN ADMIN UNOFF ADMIN UNOFF VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN BGN UNOFF ADMIN BGN COUNTY Meade Pennington Pennington Todd ziebach Butte Tripp Tripp Tripp Tripp Lawrence Meade Lawrence Lawrence Custer Corson Corson Deuel Marshall Roberts Hamlin Hamlin Perkins Laurence Pennington Brule Custer Harding Harding Pennington Ziebach Butte Meade Custer Douglas Stanley Stanley Fall River Clay Clay Clay Marshall Gregory Meade Hand Hand Hand Hand Harding Perkins Perkins Fall River Fall River Fall River Custer Minnehaha Gregory Gregory Gregory Gregory Miner NATIONAL GAZETTEER--SOUTH DAKOTA COORDINATES 442617N1021825W 440433N1022348W 441233N1022218W 425759N1005032W 444403N1011014W 444831N1035335W 433750N0993024W 432858N0993305W 433847N0993127W 432611N0994206W 441201N1034523W 442051N1032714W 441231N1034608W 441201N1034523W 434250N1034637W 454556N1010449W 454648N1010518W 445657N0964809W 454243N0972814W 452553N0964619W 443431N0965551W 443431N0965551W 455256N1023820W 441935N1033825W 435404N1032514W 433710N0985112W 434422N1033255W 454125N1035220W 454031N1035114W 440234N1033133W 443314N1014641W 445643N1034947W 445126N1025041W 434814N1034700W 432635N0983400W 441419N1010605W 441730N1010447W 431210N1033015W 424443N0964944W 424644N0964839W 424329N0964822W 454838N0974851W 432335N0992924W 444312N1023912W 444218N0984800W 444218N0984800W 444201N0984713W 444015N0984523W 452610N1033030W 454633N1022137W 454800N1022435W 432711N1035934W 432656N1035944W 431248N1030536W 434421N1033600W 434948N0964837W 431057N0991730W 431042N0991512W 431042N0991512W 431100N0991900W 435817N0974051W 1989 SOURCE COORDINATES 442943N1022229W 435223N102l352W 440840N1021146W 430657N1005420W 442007N1033100W 443729N0964240W 455844N1024105W 445935N1034737W 444736N1024716W ELEV FT 3281 2200 6030 1783 1858 1135 5280 4700 5200 3177 3178 1600 2028 2001 1139 1120 1300 1376 3634 3607 5520 2213 2241 MAP NAME Dalzell NE Wasta Wasta NE Crookston West Bull Creek Butte Hamill NE Rattlesnake Butte East Hamill NE Rattlesnake Butte East Nahant Tilford Nahant Jewel Cave Bullhead Goodwin Lake City Wilmot Estelline Hettinger South Deadwood South Mount Rushmore Cedar Grove Colony Cicero Peak Gallup Creek Gallup Creek Silver City Bridger SE Antelope Butte Bull Run Creek Signal Hill New Holland Midland NE Hayes South Heppner Burbank Burbank Britten West Dixon Stoneville Burdette Burdette Burdette Redig NE Haynes SB Haynes SW Burdock Burdock Oelrichs NE Cicero Peak Colton SE Burke Burke Burke Burke Bitter Lake FEATURE NAME Burke Slough State Public Shooting Area Burke Township Burkmere Burks Lake Burk Township Burlington Dam Burma School Burney School Burning Bluff (historical) Burno Gulch Burnside (historical) Burnt Fork Burnt Ranch Burnt Rock, The (historical) Burnt Rock Creek Burroak Township Burt Mica Mine Busack Dam Bus Butte Saddle Butte Busey Spring Bus Field (airport) Bushby School Bush Creek See Brush Creek Bushnell Bushnell Draw Buskala Creek Buskala Ranch Busse School Number 2 (historical) Busy Bee School Busy Bend School (historical) Busy Creek Butch Creek Butcher Creek Butcher Gulch Butcher Hill Butler Butler Cemetery Butler-Prairie Home Cemetery Butler-Prairie Home Cemetery See Butler Cemetery Butler Township Butler Township Butte County Butte Creek Jug Creek Creek Creek Draw Group Mine Truax Group Mine Butte Lateral Butter Issue Station (historical) Butte Butte Butte Butte Butterview School Butte School Butte Township (historical) Butte Township Butte Township Butte Township Butte Valley School Buxton Mine Buzzard Butte Buzzard Creek Buzzards Peak Buzzards Roost Byre Dam Byre Lake Byrom Lake See Byron, Lake Byron See Tea Byron, Lake Byrom Lake FEATURE CLASS park civil locale lake civil dam school school cliff valley locale stream locale summit stream civil mine dam summit spring airport school at ream ppl valley stream locale school school school stream stream stream valley summit ppl cemetery cemetery civil civil civil stream stream stream valley mine canal locale school school civil civil civil civil school mine summit stream summit summit dam reservoir lake ppl lake NATIONAL GAZETTEER—-SOUTH DAKOTA 1939 STATUS ADMIN ADMIN UNOFF BGN ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN BGN UNOFF BGN UNOFF BGN BGN ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF BGN VARIANT BGN ADMIN UNOFF VARIANT BGN BGN BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN UNOFF VARIANT VARIANT ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN BGN 1976 VARIANT BGN BGN BGN UNOFF VARIANT BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF BGN BGN BGN BGN UNOFF BGN VARIANT VARIANT BGN VARIANT COUNTY Miner Gregory Faulk Charles Mix Minnehaha Fall River Lincoln Lincoln Gregory Lawrence Charles Mix Pennington Pennington Gregory Gregory Beadle Custer Brule Mellette Custer Butte Brown Fall River Brookings Jackson Lawrence Lawrence Jerauld Hughes Clay Jackson Mellette Perkins Lawrence Custer Day Sanborn Sanborn Day Sanborn Butte Butte Butte Mellette Jackson Pennington Butte Mellette Yankton Corson Haakon Hughes Lyman Mellette Gregory Lawrence Jackson Haakon Meade Pennington Lyman Lyman Beadle Lincoln Beadle COORDINATES 435820N0974052W 431220N099l339W 450255N0991841W 430811N0981810W 434750N0964916W 432342N1035234W 431951N0965418W 431253N0964859W 430830N0985055W 442634N1034356W 432450N0990415W 435740N1033612W 435905N1032450W 430508N0990101W 431027N0985930W 441600N0983930W 434447N1033213W 434912N0991448W 433408N1011049W 433142N1033208W 444100N1035200W 455007N0981646W 425959N1040151W 441943N0963932W 435813N1013226W 441154N1034544W 441228N1034806W 441014N0982601W 440902N0995047W 424700N0965810W 435721N1013215W 434533N1005020W 453757N1022041W 442008N1033825W 434259N1031838W 451532N0974243W 435501N0980301W 435501N0980301W 451631N0973950W 435341N0980150W 445300N1033300W 444503N1031620W 444917N1032826W 432951N1001812W 435739N1013234W 435212N1033737W 444138N1033322W 432932N1002828W 452407N1015125W 454815N1003229W 441215N1014901W 44185BN0994250W 434818N0993350W 432628N1002245W 431102N0991242W 442013N1034819W 432622N1013212W 440259N1012419W 443238N1031719W 440308N1032315W 435548N0995000W 435548N0995000W 443402N0980800W 432647N0965008W 443402N0980800W SOURCE COORDINATES 442307N1035007W 435944N1033558W 430648N0990622W 435808N1013505W 441308N1035042W 435551N1012947W 434224N1005352W 453049N1021610W 442027N1034006W 444942NI031346W 445203N1032817W 432208N1003046W 435710N1013645W 441623N1013827W ELEV FT 1745 3669 1316 1314 1400 1582 4400 2045 5240 2628 3042 1337 1693 1380 1510 7051 1822 1305 5520 2149 2080 5700 1015 3001 4695 1246 SD27 MAP NAME Bitter Lake Herrick NW Burkmere Wagner NE Colton SE Burdock Lennox Beresford NE Campbell Creek Spearfish Academy Hill City Mount Rushmore St Charles Whetstone Bay Wessington SW Cicero Peak Pukwana Corn Creek Pringle Belle Fourche Savo SE Aurora Kadoka NE Nahant Nahant Woonsocket NW Joe Creek Vermillon Kadoka NE Okaton SB Bison NE Deadwood South Butcher Hill Bristol East Letcher NE Bristol East Letcher NE Two Top Butte East Schoepp Flat Newell Lake Mosher Kadoka NE Berne Nisland Wood South Glad Valley Kline Buttes Grindstone Butte Chapelle Lake SW Reliance SE Wood South Herrick NW Lead Buzzard Butte Powell Vale SE Pactola Dam Kennebec Kennebec Lake Byron SD28 FEATURE NAME Byron Camp Byron Township C Cabbage Flat Cabbage Flats Cabbage Flats See Cabbage Flat Cabin Creek Cabin Draw Cabin Spring Cabin Spring Cabin Springs Cable Dams Cable Dam 3 Cable Dam 4 Cable Stockuater Dam Number 1 Cable Stockuater Dam Number 2 Cable Stockuater Dam Number 3 Cabrie Island See Goat Island (historical) Cabri River See Antelope Creek Cactus Flat See Cactus Flats Cactus Flat Junction See Cactus Flats Cactus Flats Cactus Flats Cactus Cactus Flat Flat Junction Cactus Heights (subdivision) Cactus Hills Cadillac (historical) Cadillac Township Cadotte Island (historical) Skunk Island Cadottes Wood Yard (historical) Caduell (historical) Cadwell School (historical) The Little Red School Creek Clanton Creek Cady Lake Cain Creek Cain Creek Cain Creek School Caine Creek Calamity Gulch Calamity Peak Calcite (historical) Cady Calf Creek Calhoun Ditch Calico Canyon California Gulch Callahan School Number 1 (historical) Callihan (historical) Calmar Township Calmet See Dakota Calmet Mine Calumet Calumet Calvary Calvary Calvary Mine Ridge Baptist Church Cemetery Cemetery Calvary Cemetery Calvary Cemetery Saint Liborives Cemetery Calvary Cemetery Calvary Cemetery FEATURE CLASS locale civil flat flat stream valley spring spring locale stream locale locale flat locale ppl range locale civil island locale locale school stream swamp stream stream school stream valley summit locale stream canal valley valley school locale civil mine mine ridge church cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery NATIONAL GAZETTEER——SOUTH DAKOTA 1989 STATUS UNOFF ADMIN BGN VARIANT VARIANT BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT BGN UNOFF VARIANT VARIANT BGN BGN UNOFF ADMIN BGN VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT BGN 1977 VARIANT BGN BGN BGN UNOFF BGN BGN BGN UNOFF BGN BGN BGN BGN UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN VARIANT UNOFF BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF COUNTY Beadle Hughes Clay Clay Perkins Pennington Harding Pennington Lawrence Buffalo Buffalo Buffalo Buffalo Buffalo Buffalo Hughes Stanley Jackson Jackson Shannon Jackson Minnehaha Minnehaha Corson Corson Buffalo Lyman Roberts Deuel Harding Jerauld Beadle Shannon Shannon Deuel Lawrence Custer Meade \ Pennington Butte Custer Pennington Jerauld Sanborn Harding Pennington Pennington Pennington Charles Mix Brookings Davison Deuel Hand Hughes Spink COORDINATES 443225N0981003W 442952N1001200W 425631N0965945W 425631N0965945W 450926N1023027W 440308N1035317W 455030N1032858W 440401N1035438W 442336N1035616W 440012N0991012W 440430N0991512W 440248N0991236W 440136N0991900W 440124N0991554W 440242N0991500W 441548N0995410W 441852N1001020W 435008N1015338W 435008N1015338W 433804N1024153W 435008N1015338H 433337N0964001W 433411N0964019W 455200N1005750W 455430N1010230W 441113N0993347W 441255N0993901W 455046N0970336W 445025N0963225W 451322N1034324W 440026N0983641W 441626N0980946W 433750N1021510W 433B39N1021642W 445854N0964013W 442211N1035500W 434642N1033248W 441700N1032710W 44l3llN1022120W 444358N1032716N 433032N1032013W 4401l7N1033633W 440035N0982215W 440616N0975908W 455306N1032157W 435708N1032643W 435709N1032641W 435728N103264BW 432400N0985043W 441745N0964850W 434359N0980156W 444821N0962732W 444653N0990635W 442511N1002121W 450956N0982937W SOURCE COORDINATES 451456N1024008W 440231N1035412W 452110N1035040H 442605N0984702H 434451N1023120W 445358N0963943W 442123N1035314W 441127N1021751W 433030N1032229W 440032N1033518W ELEV FT 1520 2040 1230 1623 5625 3700 1325 1310 1298 MAP NAME Lake Byron Canning NW Hub City Bixby Crows Nest Peak Ludlow Crows Nest Peak Maurice Big Bend Dam 4 SW Big Bend Dam SE Forestburg SW Big Bend Dam SE Big Bend Dam SE Big Bend Dam SE Heutmacher Table Cottonwood SW Sioux Falls East Sioux Falls Bast McLaughlin SW Walker Lower Brule NE Lower Brule NW Claire City Lake Francis Alkali Creek East Wessington Springs Huron Bouquet Table Bouquet Table Tunerville Savoy Custer Tilford Wasta NE Newell Boland Ridge Silver City Woonsocket Artesian Tepee Buttes Mount Rushmore Mount Rushmore Platte Brookings Mitchell Gary Polo Pierre NE Mellette FEATURE NAME Calvary Chapel Calvary Church Calvary Church See Swift Bird Church (historical) Calvin Ballensky Dam Calvin School Cambria Township Garfield Township Cambry Creek See Lazarus Creek Camel Creek Camel Creek See Counselor Creek Camels Back (historical) Cameron School Cameron Township Campaign Hill Campaign Mine Campbell See Ree Valley (historical) Campbell, Lake Campbell, Lake Campbell County Campbell Creek Campbell Creek Campbell Creek Campbell Creek Campbell Gulch Campbell Landing (historical) Campbell Post Office (historical) Campbell Slough Campbell: Ranch See X-T Ranch Campbell Township Camp Collier See Bell Ranch Camp Collins See Custer Camp Collins (historical) Camp Columbus Pinkerton Creek Creek Creek Creek Creek Dam Crook Crook II See Crook City Camp Crook Municipal Airport Camp Crook Township (historical) Camp ‘ Camp Camp Camp Camp Camp Camp Custer (historical) Da—Ko—Ta Esta (historical) Fifteen (historical) Galena (historical) Ivanhoe (historical) Iyataka Jennings See Bell Ranch Camp Judson (historical) Camp Camp Camp Camp Camp Camp Camp Camp Koda Lakodia One (historical) Paha Sapa Prospect (historical) Rapid Raynolds (historical) Red Canyon See Bell Ranch Camp Remington Camp Camp Camp Camp Camp Camp Camp Camp Camp Rosenbaum Airstrip Camp Spring Camp Success (historical) Camp Tepeetonka FEATURE CLASS church church church dam school civil stream stream stream bend school civil summit mine locale lake reservoir civil stream stream stream stream valley locale building lake locale civil locale ppl locale locale stream stream stream locale dam ppl locale airport civil locale locale locale locale locale locale locale locale locale locale locale locale locale locale locale locale locale locale airport spring locale locale NATIONAL GAZETTEER--SOUTH DAKOTA 1989 STATUS UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN VARIANT VARIANT BGN VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN BGN 1981 UNOFF VARIANT BGN BGN ADMIN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN UNOFF UNOFF BGN VARIANT ADMIN VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT BGN BGN BGN UNOFF ' UNOFF BGN VARIANT ADMIN ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF uuoss UNOFF arose UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF ADMIN BGN UNOFF UNOFF COUNTY Tripp Clark Dewey Walworth Minnehaha Brown Lac Qui Parl Harding Lyman Gregory McCook Harding Pennington Pennington Hand Campbell Brookings Campbell Buffalo Charles Mix Hand Harding Hand Campbell Campbell Day Custer Hand Fall River Custer Lawrence Pennington Fall River Meade Turner Meade Fall River Harding Lawrence Harding Harding Custer Hand Lawrence Pennington Custer Custer Roberts Fall River Pennington Charles Mix Lake Pennington Lawrence Pennington Pennington Meade Fall River Custer Union Harding Custer Roberts COORDINATES 430915N0994245W 450352N0974257W 450719N1001903W 451736N1001100W 433229N0964104W 453245N0981645W 444755N0960817W 455248N1033400W 440301N0993035W 431953N0990508W 433605N0972047W 453821N1032215W 43553BN1033620W 435600N1033537W 445330N0990514W 454429N1000753W 441326N0965028W 454900N1000300W 440125N0992159W 430956N0984748W 445154N0985317W 454712N1032952W 442735N0990528W 454037N1001843W 453940N1001700W 452510N0971551W 434409N1035941W 444017N0991430W 432026N1034711W 434600N1033554W 441145N1034356W 440811N1032535W 430012N1035216W 445212N1024902W 432044N0970040W 445415N1025252W 430142N1035300W 4S3301N1035827W 442629N1033759W 453400N1035900W 454007N1035530W 434847N1034245W 442735N0990528W 441008N1032955W 435905N1032920W 434630N1032345W 434736N1032453W 452921N0964513W 432026N1034711W 435415N1022250W 430728N0984351W 435843N0971039W 440310N1032005W 441315N1033745W 440516N1033710W 440452N1031604W 443955N1031048W 432026N1034711W 434942N1032723W 423500N0963950W 452808N103l1l7W 434340N1032250W 452141N0963031W SOURCE COORDINATES 455223N1033613W 441424N0993040W 431613N0985202W 445330N0990915W 455116N1033347W 430419N1035536W 450013N1025544W 432940N0970439W ELEV FT 1822 1280 1484 5800 5360 1779 1575 1900 1940 1854 5780 4256 3110 3140 6000 4700 4780 4570 4600 4640 3780 4790 2630 1100 4370 SD29 MAP NAME Dallas NW Bradley Akaska SW Sioux Falls East Columbia Ladner NE Lucas SE Canistota Sheep Pen Draw Hill City Hill City Selby NW Medary Herreid Big Bend Dam SB Campbell Creek Rockham SW Ludlow Miller Dale Colony Mobridge NE Mobridge NE Enemy Swim Lake West Ree Heights NW Minnesota Ridge Piedmont Crowe Dam . Bull Run Creek Hurley Camp Creek Wallace Ranch Camp Crook Camp Crook Caroline Butte Berna Miller Dale Colony Piedmont Mount Rushmore Iron Mountain Iron Mountain Wilmot Mount Rushmore Lake Andes SW Lake Herman Rapid City West Minnesota Ridge Silver City Rapid City West Rapid City 1 NW Iron Mountain Ponea J B Hill Mt Coolidge Big Stone Lake 53 SD30 FEATURE NAME Camp Watymca Camp Zimbleman See zimbleman Deer Camp Canadaville See Kennedyville Canal Dam C and F Ranch Dam Cane Creek Canfield Mine See High Lode Mine Canistota Canistota Cemetery Canistota Township Canning Canning Township Canotila Wiconi Paha See Spirit Mound Canova Canova Station Canova Cemetery Canova Station See Canova Canova Township Canton Canton Cemetery Canton Dam Canton Exit Canton-Inwood Hospital Canton Mounds Canton Municipal Airport Canton Township Canton Township Canty (historical) Canyon Campground Canyon City Canyon Junction (historical) Canyon Lake Canyon Lake Dam Canyon Lake School United States Indian School Capa Capa Township Capelle Creek See Chapelle Creek Capital Township Capitola Township Caprock Butte See Profile Butte Capstick Ranch Captain Jacks Dry Diggins (historical) Caputa Carbonate (historical) Carl Albright Dam Carl Cronin Dam Carley Draw Carl Gunner Number 1 Dam Carl Hansen Dam Carl Humphrey Dam Number 1 Carlin (historical) Carlin Bottoms Carlin Bridge Carlin Draw Carlin Flat Carlin-Garrett Ranch Carlin School Carlisle Township Carlisle Township (historical) Carlisle Township Hall Carl Kannolt Dam Farmstead Pond Dam Carl Lungren Dam Number 1 Carlock Carlock Township Carlson Cemetery Carlson Ditch FEATURE CLASS locale park locale dam dam stream mine ppl cemetery civil ppl civil summit ppl cemetery 9131 civil ppl cemetery dam crossing hospital summit airport civil civil locale park locale locale reservoir dam school ppl civil stream civil civil summit locale locale ppl ppl dam dam valley dam dam dam locale bend bridge valley flat locale school civil civil building dam dam locale civil cemetery canal NATIONAL CAZETTEER--SOUTH DAKOTA 1989 STATUS UNOFF VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF BGN VARIANT BGN UNOFF ADMIN BGN ADMIN VARIANT BGN 1898 VARIANT UNOFF VARIANT ADMIN BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN UNOFF ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF BGN UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT BGN ADMIN VARIANT ADMIN ADMIN VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF BGN BGN UNOFF UNOFF BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN UNOFF BGN BGN UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN UNOFF BGN COUNTY Codington Custer Pennington Fall River Perkins Walworth Pennington McCook McCook McCook Hughes Hughes Clay Miner Miner Miner Miner Lincoln Lincoln Lincoln Lincoln Lincoln Lincoln Lincoln Lincoln Potter Aurora Lawrence Pennington Pennington Pennington Pennington Pennington Jones Jones Hughes Hutchinson Spink Harding Custer Pennington Pennington Lawrence Hughes Potter Pennington Mellette Stanley Meade Haakon Haakon Haakon Ziebach Haakon Ziebach Ziebach Brown Brown Brown Fall River Meade Gregory Gregory Turner Lawrence COORDINATES 445516N0971344W 434819N1034308W 435523N1033125W 431242N1032618W 452100N1020648W 453445N1001704W 435445N1033215W 433552N0971725W 433613N0971602W 433915N0971800W 442347N1000154W 442413N1000439W 425228N0965732W 435252N0973015W 435333N0972920W 435252N0973015W 435305N0973224W 431803N0963533W 431949N0963330W 430406N0964912W 431805N0964746W 431815N0963324W 431940N0963251W 431843N0963425W 431737N0963706W 450114N0993725W 433540N0983540W 442701N1035151W 440506N1033619W 440508N1033700W 440327N103l710W 440327N1031710W 440418N1031633W 440632N1005840W 440706N1005838W 441633N0995525W 431218N0974110W 444520N0980137W 454631N1035833W 43304BN1033007W 440255N1032105W 435938N1025854W 442400N1035205W 442924N0995430W 450524N1001636W 442534N1020318W 433100N1004854W 441254N1001654W 441230N1024706W 444036N1011654W 444105N1011745W 444145N1011309W 444132N1011831W 444012N1011756W 444138N1011838W 444226N1011812W 453805N0983943W 453645N0983945W 453845N0983956W 430436N1032942W 443348N1030630W 430455N0992604W 430154N0992750W 431104N0971903W 443108N1035258W SOURCE COORDINATES 453843N1001601W 442517N1020115W 444625N1012421W ELEV PT 1549 1549 1523 1300 1366 1450 1239 1610 4640 1771 3600 2911 5780 1900 1450 1642 MAP NAME Watertown West Lone Well Creek West Coal Springs SE Glenham Canistota Canistota Canistota Canning Canning Canova West Canova East Canova West Canton Canton Beresford Worthing Canton Canton Canton Canton Seneca Aurora Center Spearfish Silver City Silver City Rapid City West Rapid City West Rapid City West Capa Capa Scotland Doland SE Pringle Rapid City West Caputa Spearfish De Grey NW Patch Skin Buttes SE Pedro White River West Pierre 3 NE Viewfield Carlin Flat Carlin Flat Alleman Station Carlin Flat Carlin Flat Carlin Flat Carlin Flat Richmond NW Richmond SW Richmond NW Black Banks Creek West Volunteer SE Carlock Carlock Turkey Ridge Chicken Creek FEATURE NAME Draw Island Lake School Roosevelt School (historical) (historical) Carlton Community Church Carlton Township Carl Township Carlson Carlson Carlson Carlson See Carlton Carlyle Township Carmichael Dam Carnahan Flat Carnbray Mine Caroline Butte Carpenter Carpenter School Carr Canyon Carr Landing Field Carr Number 1 Dan Carr Number 2 Dam Carr Number 4 Dam Carr Number 5 Dam Carroll (historical) Carrol Lake Dam Carroll Creek Carroll Creek Spring Carroll Lake Carroll Mine Carroll School Carroll Township Carrol Township Carrol Township See Carroll Township Carrot Spring Carr Ranch Carr School Carr School Carr Spring Carr Township Carson (historical) Carson Lake Clear Lake Carter Carter Dam Carter Dam Reservoir Carter Ranch Tutts Ranch Carter Township Carterville (historical) Cartesville (historical) Carthage (historical) Carthage Carthage, Lake Carthage Dam Carthage Township Carver Ranch Carwye (historical) Cascade See Cascade Springs Cascade Creek Cascade Falls Cascade Post Office (historical) Cascade Springs Cascade Springs Cascade Case Ditch Case School Casey Draw Casey Post Office (historical) Caseys Slough Cash School Cash Township Casper Gulch Casper Gulch Spring Cassiterite Mina Cass School FEATURE CLASS valley island reservoir school ppl church civil civil civil dam flat mine summit 991 school valley airport dam stream spring reservoir mine school civil civil spring locale school school spring civil locale lake ppl dam reservoir locale civil P91 ppl ppl ppl reservoir dam civil locale ppl locale stream falls building spring locale canal school valley building swamp school civil valley spring mine school NATIONAL GAZETTEBR--SOUTH DAKOTA 1989 STATUS BGN BGN BGN VARIANT BGN UNOFF ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN UNOFF BGN UNOFF BGN BGN UNOFF BGN ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN BGN BGN UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN VARIANT VARIANT BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN ADMIN UNOFF BGN 1975 VARIANT BGN UNOFF BGN UNOFF VARIANT ADMIN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN UNOFF ADMIN UNOFF BGN VARIANT BGN BGN UNOFF BGN UNOFF VARIANT BGN UNOFF BGN UNOFF BGN UNOFF ADMIN BGN BGN UNOFF UNOFF COUNTY Hughes Roberts Lincoln Deuel Clark Hand Hand McPherson Beadle Ziebach Haakon Pennington Harding Clark Meade Custer Perkins Mellette Mellette Mellette Mellette Hand Charles Mix Custer Custer Charles Mix Lawrence Charles Mix Charles Mix Charles Mix Harding Haakon Perkins Stanley Custer Potter sully Clark Tripp Tripp Tripp Custer Tripp Lawrence Lawrence Lawrence Miner Miner Miner Miner Harding Meade Fall River Fall River Fall River Fall River Fall River Fall River Butte Meade Stanley Pennington Clark Perkins Perkins Harding Harding Pennington Sully COORDINATES 441800N1000232W 454305N0964324W 430655N0964801W 443645N0964055W 444320N0974930W 444557N0985601W 444532N0985232W 454835N0984710W 441630N0982430W 452042N1015142W 442812N1015819W 435704N1033152W 453922N1035327W 443815N0975459W 442645N1032423W 433811N1040458W 453200N1024830W 433248N1005654W 433254N1005548W 433218N1005654W 433142N1005706W 442124N0990115W 432526N0984704W 433402N1033736W 433814N1033755W 432726N0984704W 442252N1034723W 432726N0984555W 432750N0984600W 432750N0984600W 452835N1031154W 444253N1011059W 454300N1023057W 443923N1010839W 433705N1040247W 450629N0994445W 443924N1001722W 450311N0973215W 432314N1001208W 432330N1001142W 432330N1001142W 433454N1034314W 432339N1001030W 442015N1034445W 442022N1034525W 441950N1034830W 441016N0974258W 441028N0974235W 441028N0974235W 440846N0973935W 452140N1035440W 441320N1032515W 432000N1033300W 431824N1033359W 431910N1033348W 431959N1034715W 432006N1033304W 432000N1033300W 443834N1034944W 442430N1033020W 442515N1004044W 434141N1022450W 445240N0973725W 453615N1023858W 453430N1023905W 454321N1033442W 454439N1033356W 435615N1033455W 444953N1001322W SOURCE COORDINATES 441851N1000220W 433943N1040225W 434044N1033821W 432009N1033336W 442950N1004548W 454443N1033351W ELEV PT 1382 2252 4960 3278 1450 2800 1910 5440 1611 1750 1768 2165 5000 5160 5900 1430 1428 4410 3460 2750 5100 1880 SD31 MAP NAME Rousseau Beardsley NW Beresford Carpenter NE Rockham SW Rockham SW Forbes SE Virgil Glad Valley SE Hilland NW Hill City Caroline Butte Carpenter Fort Meade Clifton Prairie City Murdo 3 SW Murdo 3 SW Murdo 3 SW Murdo 3 SW Ames Platte Argyle Fourmile Platte Spearfish Platte Platte J B Hill Alleman Station Cole Dam Alleman Station Dewey Seneca SW Okobojo NE Heggs Lake Carter Carter Carter Argyle Carter Deadwood South Lead Lead Carthage Carthage Carthage Carthage Gustave Piedmont Cascade Springs Cascade Springs Edgemont Cascade Springs Cascade Springs Belle Fourche Sturgis Lacy Imlay Garden City Grandmas Butte Grandmas Butte McKenzie Butte McKenzie Butte Hill City Agar SW SD32 FEATURE NAME Castalia (historical) Franklin Castalia Franklin Castalia Creek Castalia School Castalia Township Castle, the Castle Butte Castle Butte Township Castle Butte Township Castle Creek Castle Castle Castle Castle Castle Rock Castle Rock See Flag Mountain Castle Rock Castle Rock Butte Castle Rock School Creek Peak Rock Rock Castles, The Castleton (historical) Castlewood Keaton Castlewood Township (historical) Castlewood Township Cathead Creek See Fisher Creek Cathedral Spires Catholic Cemetery Catholic Cemetery Catholic Cemetery Catholic-West Lawn Cemetery See West Lawn Cemetery Catron Irrigation Dam Catron Ranch Airstrip Cattail Lake Cattle Creek Cattles Ranch Cattron Township Caution Island See Fishermans Island (historical) Draw Hills Cattle Company Ranch Cave Hills Church Cave Hills Township (historical) Cavern Canyon See Craven Canyon Cave Cave Cavite (historical) Cavour Cavour, Lake Cavour Township Caylor Ranch Dam C Bennett Dam C Birkland Dam C Clement Dam Cecil Vig Dam Cecil Vig Dam Number 1 Cecil Cedar Cedar Cedar Cedar Vig Dam Number 2 (historical) Bluff Creek Bluffs Boy Creek Cedar Creek Cede Boy Creek Cedar Butte See Washburn Ridge Cedar Butte See Rileys Butte Cedar Butte Cedar Butte Cedar Butte FEATURE CLASS locale locale stream school civil summit summit civil civil stream stream summit pillar pillar pillar summit locale summit school range PPl Ppl civil civil stream pillar cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery dam airport lake stream locale civil island valley locale church civil valley locale ppl lake civil dam dam dam dam dam dam dam locale stream cliff stream ridge summit summit summit summit STATUS UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF VARIANT BGN UNOFF ADMIN BGN BGN ADMIN ADMIN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN VARIANT UNOFF BGN UNOFF BGN BGN BGN VARIANT ADMIN ADMIN VARIANT BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF ADMIN BGN BGN UNOFF ADMIN VARIANT BGN UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN VARIANT UNOFF BGN BGN ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN BGN BGN VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT BGN BGN BGN COUNTY Charles Mix Charles Mix Charles Mix Charles Mix Charles Mix Pennington Perkins Pennington Perkins Harding Pennington Pennington Custer Harding Pennington Pennington Butte Butte Pennington Harding Pennington Hamlin Hamlin Hamlin Corson Custer Gregory Moody Roberts Sanborn Harding Harding Marshall Meade Pennington Potter Dewey Pennington Harding Harding Harding Fall River Lyman Beadle Beadle Beadle Fall River Ziebach Ziebach Hyde Meade Meade Meade Hand Shannon Shannon Corson Jackson Harding Pennington Shannon Shannon COORDINATES 432215N0990504W 432225N0985750W 432013N0985759W 432302N0985937W 432305N0990010W 434700N1020130W 455621N1023131W 434614N1020408W 455500N1023145W 453138N1031228W 440511N1033708W 440517N1034320W 434328N1034203W 455202N1033341W 440249N1034955W 440414N1034935W 445752N1032526W 450037N1032713W 440152N1035031W 453139N1031014W 440355N1033920W 444322N0970147W 444355N0970020W 444538N0970402W 453854N1002544W 435058N1033155W 431802N0991310W 440229N0963445W 452317N0965026W 435346N0980908W 453018N1035600W 453130N1035815W 453849N0972915W 445154N1024652W 440200N1035853W 445604N1001408W 444500N1003000W 440821N1035058W 454440N1033015W 454118N1033358W 454752N1032155W 432302N1034650W 434208N1000710W 442212N0980215W 442428N0980310W 442430N0980230W 430506N1034730W 444712Nl013524w 445718N1013330W 443800N0992430W 445200N1023600W 445118N1023506W 445200N1023206W 442014N0990948W 431707N1024855W 431748N1025450W 454150N1014013W 435215N1014930W 455055N1032516W 440505N1021854W 433950N1023451W 433116N1023315W NATIONAL GAZETTEER——SOUTH DAKOTA 1939 SOURCE ELEV COORDINATBS FT 1400 1545 432554N0985719W 2700 2692 453046N1030948W 440735N1035554W 6358 6783 3145 3768 4960 1690 1200 3152 1782 444837N1024751W 440730N1035104W 2800 1800 1310 432049N1030107W 454854N1014504W 2889 3282 3132 MAP NAME Lucas SE Castalia Castalia Lake George Academy Wall SE Kid Rich Butte Wall SE Kid Rich Butte Battleship Rock Silver City Rochford Fourmile Ladner SE Deerfield Castle Rock Haystack Butte Deerfield Battleship Bock Rochford Castlewood Castlewood Watertown SE Custer Lucas Flandreau Wilmot Camp Crook Camp Crook Lake City Bull Run Creek Crows Nest Peak Agar NW Nahant McKenzie Butte McKenzie Butte Ludlow SE Presho 4 NE Cavour Huron NE Huron NE crowe Dam Sears Dam Miller Dam Mitchell Lake Opal West Opal West SE Opal West Miller Dale Colony SW Willow Creek Willow Creek SW Cottonwood Creek NW Wasta SE Sheep Mtn Table Stirk Table FEATURE NAME Cedar Butte Cedarbutte See Cedar Butte Cedar Butte Cedarbutte Butte School Butte Township Cedar Cedar Cedar Cedar Cedar Cedar Butte Township Canyon Canyon Canyon Cedar Canyon Cedar Canyon Dam See Red Dale Gulch Dam Cedar Cemetery Cedar Church Cedar Church Cedar United Church of Christ Cedar Creek Cedar Creek See Cedar Boy Creek Cedar Creek Cedar Three Creek Creek Creek Island (historical) Cedar Island Dorion Island Number 1 Island Creek Sisters Creek Cedar Cedar Cedar Cedar Creek Recreation Area Cedar Fort See Fort Recovery (historical) Cedar Grove Colony Cedar Hill Cemetery Cedar Island See American Island (historical) Cedar Island See Cedar Creek Island (historical) Cedar Island Creek See Cedar Creek Cedar Pass Cedar Ranch (historical) Cedar School Cedar Spring Cedar Township Cedar Township (historical) Cedar Township (historical) Cedar Township Hall Cedar United Church of Christ See Cedar Church Cedar Valley School Cede Boy Creek See Cedar Boy Creek Ceder Township Celton (historical) Centennial City (historical) Centennial Gulch Centennial Prairie Centennial Spring Center Center Center Center Center Center Center Lake Lake Lake Dam Moss School of Nation Roadside Park Point Centerpoint Centerpoint See Center Point Center Point School Center Point School Number 56 Center Point School Number 56 See Center Point School Center School FEATURE CLASS summit ppl ppl school civil civil valley valley valley locale dam cemetery church church stream stream stream stream stream island park locale p91 cemetery island island stream gap locale school spring civil civil civil building church school stream civil locale ppl valley flat spring locale reservoir reservoir dam school park locale locale school school school NATIONAL GAZETTEER--SOUTH DAKOTA 1989 STATUS BGN VARIANT BGN 1979 VARIANT UNOFF ADMIN ADMIN BGN BGN BGN UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT BGN VARIANT BGN VARIANT VARIANT BGN BGN BGN VARIANT VARIANT ADMIN VARIANT BGN UNOFF VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT BGN UNOFF UNOFF BGN ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF VARIANT ADMIN UNOFF BGN BGN BGN BGN UNOFF BGN BGN UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN UNOFF VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF COUNTY Stanley Mellette Mallette Pennington Mellette Pennington Fall River Meade Pennington Meade Pennington Hand Charles Mix Hand Charles Mix Corson Lyman Mellotte Shannon Lyman Lyman Lyman Brule Charles Mix Brule Lyman Lyman Jackson Custer Hand Custer Hand Jackson Meade Hand Hand Lyman Corson Corson Minnehaha Lawrence Lawrence Lawrence Lawrence McCook Custer Custer Custer Tripp Butte Yankton Yankton Clay Clay Corson COORDINATES 443850N1005610W 433437N1010105W 433437N1010105W 440636N1021714W 433602N1010731W 440705N1021752W 431855N1033511W 450552N1024132W 440714N1022242W 450125N1024124W 440342N1031742W 441639N0991326W 430450N0982845W 442117N0991636W 431534N0985637W 454150N1014013W 440915N0995517W 434844N1005729W 433955N1025144W 440948N0995513W 440855N0995554W 434800N0992228W 433149N0984827W 425147N0980940W 434825N0992100W 440948N0995513W 440915N0995517W 434519N1015608W 433245N1034637W 441937N0991338W 433602N1035306W 44l910N0991355W 435126N1015717W 445915N1025314W 442116N0991546W 442117N0991636W 441141N1001318W 454150N1014013W 453230N1013235W 433430N0970146W 442605N1033805W 442314N1040227W 442724N1034430W 442256N1040255W 434959N0972055W 434812N1032506W 434756N1032454W 434812N1032506W 433238N0994058W 445802N1034616W 431011N097l421W 431011N0971421W 425200N0965244W 425200N0965244W 454312N1015135W SOURCE COORDINATES 432033N1033654W 450037N1024151W 440440N1021926W 431711N0985247W 440701N1001812W 434437N1005849W 433001N1025108W 442252N1040259W ELEV FT 2062 2359 2792 2981 1600 4480 1918 1931 1824 1600 4360 1590 1851 1502 SD33 MAP NAME Crockett Mtns Cedarbutte Wasta SE Corn Creek Wasta SE Cascade Springs Cedar Canyon Wasta Cedar Canyon Miller Dale Colony SW Wagner SW Macs Corner SB Castalia Joe Creek NW Okaton SW Red Shirt NE Joe Creek NW Joe Creek NW Cedar Grove Colony Verdel Cottonwood SW Jewel Cave SE Miller Dale Colony SW Jewel Cave SW Miller Dale Colony SW Cottonwood SW Camp Creek Macs Corner 53 Ft George Butte NW Cottonwood Creek SE Grass Lake Deadwood North Tinton Deadwood North Tinton Winfred SE Iron Mountain Iron Mountain Iron Mountain Hamill Antelope Butte Center Point Vermillon Black Horse Butte NE SD34 FEATURE NAME School School School School Center Center Center Center Center School Center School Riverside School School School (historical) School School Number 1 Center School Number 2 Center School Number 4 (historical) Center Center Center Center Center School Number 5 (historical) Center Township Center Township (historical) Centerville Centreville Centerville School Centerville School Centerville Township Centerville Township Centerville Township Hall Central City Central High School Central Point Township Central School Central School Central School Central Speedway Central Township Centreville See Centerville Century Mine Mateen Chadwick School Chaffee Ranch Chain Lakes State Public Shooting Area Chain of Lakes Chain of Rocks (historical) Rock Bar Chalk Butte Draw Chalkstone Creek See Johnson Creek Chamberlain Makah Tepee Chamberlain Island See Kite Island Chamberlain Municipal Airport Chamberlain Pass Chamberlain Ranch (historical) Chamberlain Recreation Area Chamberlain School Chamberlain Township Chambers School Chambliss Number 1 Dam Chambliss Number 2 Dam Chambliss Number 3 Dam Champion Mine Champion Mine Chance Chancellor Chancellor Cemetery Chancellor Cemetery Chance Township Chance Township Chandler (historical) Chandler School (historical) Wheelock School Chaney Rush Creek Chan Gurney Municipal Airport Channing (historical) Chan Shacha Oju Wakpa See Joe Creek FEATURE CLASS school school school school school school school school school school school school school civil civil ppl school school civil civil building ppl school civil school school school locale civil ppl mine school locale park lake bar valley stream P91 island airport gap locale park school civil school dam dam dam mine mine ppl ppl cemetery cemetery civil civil locale school stream airport ppl stream STATUS UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN ADMIN BGN VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN ADMIN UNOFF BGN UNOFF ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN VARIANT UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN BGN BGN VARIANT BGN VARIANT BGN VARIANT VARIANT ADMIN BGN UNOFF ADMIN UNOFF ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN BGN UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT BGN ADMIN BGN VARIANT NATIONAL GAZETTEER--SOUTH DAKOTA 1989 COUNTY Corson Haakon Hand Hand Hand Hand Hand Sanborn Sanborn Hand Hand Jerauld Jerauld Aurora Haakon Turner Faulk Pennington Faulk Turner Faulk Lawrence Lake Day Custer Hand Jerauld Hand Yankton Turner Pennington Marshall Meade Brule Codington Hughes Harding Hanson Brule Roberts Brule Jackson Hughes Lyman Moody Brule Faulk Jones Jones Jones Pennington Pennington Perkins Turner Turner Turner Perkins Perkins Charles Mix Douglas Hughes Yankton Lawrence Hughes COORDINATES 454312N1015137W 440116N1011109W 443002N0990840W 441938N0985259W 444556N0984601W 443526N0991355W 443527N0990032W 440423N0980845W 440920N0980415W 445107N0990747W 445017N0990630W 440917N0980003W 445852N0983030W 433315N0984230W 440153N1011300W 430710N0965740W 450229N0985358W 435903N1023214W 450114N0985321W 430709N0965816W 450222N0985400W 442157N1034619W 440056N0970613W 451631N0971508W 435006N1031959W 445017N0990220W 435932N0984455W 443009N0985849W 430247N0972551W 430710N0965740W 435523N1033432W 455244N0974840W 443524N1025308W 433406N0990120W 445903N0971633W 441307N0994040W 452410N1033902W 433826N0975237W 434839N0991949W 452054N0962915W 434733N0991918W 434949N1014154W 442711N1003233W 434955N0992021W 440359N0964040W 434715N0991815W 450605N0991833W 435742N1003742W 435748N1003718W 435806N1003654W 435226N1032428W 435537N1033005W 452436N1021651W 432220N0965912W 432039N0965753W 432347N0965751W 452630N1021715W 451930N1024720W 432932N0990714W 431940N0982300W 441306N0994104W 425459N0972308W 441430N1033100W 440934N0994732W SOURCE COORDINATES 452549N1034142W 441853N0993516W ELEV PT 2193 1792 1873 1373 1493 1301 1660 1612 1435 1480 1226 1406 1406 4920 1518 1763 5150 1302 1729 1465 1739 1440 1663 4500 4960 2515 1367 1382 1660 1580 4720 MAP NAME Black Horse Butte NE Midland Ree Heights Vayland SW Rockham SE Ree Heights Ree Heights SE Forestburg SW Forestburg NE Orient SW Polo Woonsocket NW Hoagland Lake Laffey Lake Midland Centerville Cresbard SW Brennan Flat Cresbard SW Centerville Cresbard SW Lead Madison Waubay Hayward Polo Crow Lake Miller Jamesville Hill City Newark Fairpoint SW Eagle Kampeska Lower Brule NW Bog Creek Chamberlain Chamberlain Weta Willow Creek Butte Chamberlain Flandreau 5W Chamberlain Burkmere Murdo Draper Draper Iron Mountain Hill City Chance Lennox Lennox Lennox NW Chance Sunrise Butte Academy Armour SW Lower Brule NW Yankton Nemo FEATURE NAME Chantier Creek No Timber Creek Chantier Creek Recreation Area Chapelle (historical) Chapelle Cemetery Chapelle Creek Capelle Creek Owawichah River River la Chapelle Smoke Creek Chapelle Chapelle Chapelle School Chapelle Township (historical) Chapel School Chapman Draw Charity Cemetery Charles Draw Charles Frazier Dam Charles Heller Dam Dam Lake Charles Charles Charles Charles Charles Charles Charley Charley Creek Recreation Area Charlie Creek Fox Creek Hyde Dam Mix County Price Ranch Weiss Dam Number 1 Weiss Dam Number 2 Weiss Dam Number 3 Creek Charlie Waters Dam Chase Chase (historical) Chase School Chase School Chaudoin School Chaudoin Township Chautauqua Chautauqua Park Chekepa Creek Chelsea Cherry Creek Cherry Creek Cherry Creek Cherry Lake Cherry Lake State Public Shooting Area Cherry School Cherry Township (historical) Chery Township Chesley, Lake Chester Chester (historical) Chester Dam Borr Dam Chester Township Chester Township Chetek See Hitchcock Cheyenne Creek See Little Cheyenne Creek Cheyenne Creek Cheyenne Crossing Spearfish Crossing Cheyenne Feeders Landing Strip Cheyenne Island See Little Bend (historical) Cheyenne Lode Mine Cheyenne Pit See Oral Cheyenne River Shanha River Sheyenne River Shyenne River South Fork Cheyenne River Cheyenne River Agencies I and II (historical) FEATURE CLASS stream park locale cemetery stream dam reservoir school civil school valley cemetery valley dam dam dam civil locale dam dam dam stream park stream dam Ppl locale school school school civil Ppl locale stream ppl stream stream 9131 lake park school civil civil reservoir 91:1 locale dam civil civil ppl stream stream ppl airport island mine PPl stream locale NATIONAL GAZETTEER--SOUTH DAKOTA 1989 STATUS BGN VARIANT ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF BGN VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF BGN UNOFF ADMIN UNOFF BGN UNOFF BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN ADMIN BGN VARIANT UNOFF BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN BGN UNOFF BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN ADMIN UNOFF ADMIN ADMIN BGN BGN UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT ADMIN ADMIN VARIANT VARIANT BGN BGN 1963 VARIANT ADMIN VARIANT UNOFF VARIANT BGN 1954 VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF COUNTY Stanley Stanley Hyde Hughes Hughes Hyde Hyde Hyde Hyde Corson Meade Jerauld Custer Stanley Tripp Hughes Charles Mix Haakon Meade Meade Meade Bon Homme Bon Homme Dewey Fall River ziebach Ziebach Butte McCook Perkins Perkins Lake Grant Day Faulk Haakon Hughes ziebach Clark Clark Haakon Haakon Jerauld Hughes Lake Lake Campbell Douglas Lake Beadle Potter Shannon Lawrence Fall River Sully Custer Fall River Stanley Stanley COORDINATES 442900N1003605W 442848N1003652W 442412N0993355W 441809N0995155W 441633N0995525W 442354N0993554W 442352N0993549W 442440N0993613W 442413N0993535W 453243N1010445W 442859N1020740W 435755N0982828W 435017N1025753W 442318N1004336W 433642N0995236W 441536N0994848W 431130N0983010W 442501N1015848W 445000N1024154W 444912N1024218W 444B48N1024300W 425156N0974351W 425200N0974433W 445140N1004409W 431324N1032454W 445628N1013741W 445405N1013605W 444220N1033518W 433749N0972316W 451521N1022437W 451700N1022500W 435849N0970335W 451905N0962829W 453030N0971551W 451007N0984421W 443554N1012953W 442018N1001339W 443620N1012958W 443244N0973130W 443251N0973015W 440703N1012803W 440707N1012724W 440910N0983800W 442344N1000230W 435342N0965534W 435235N097013BW 455454N1000930W 431910N0982525W 435309N0965617W 443747N0982433W 450346N1001342W 430321N1023434W 441746N1035208W 431030N1035100W 444500N1003954W 435053N1033810W 432418N1031607W 444600N1004200W 444025N1003828W SOURCE COORDINATES 443428N1004802W 442325N0992611W 442913N1021152W 435113N1030556W 425635N0973603W 450212N1005144W 453056N0971031W 444552N1022422W 442107N1001317W 430509N1022832W ELEV FT 1647 1975 1642 1928 144 735 2863 1624 1344 1740 1762 2143 1600 1670 5333 3710 5600 1500 SD35 MAP NAME Willow Creek Butte Willow Creek Butte Chapelle Lake De Grey SE De Grey Lake Lake Lake Lake Chapelle Chapelle Chapelle Chapelle Miscol SE Pedro NW Fraser Dam Caputa SW Doty Ridge Ideal De Grey SE Lake Andes Hilland NW Big Draw Big Draw Big Draw Bon Homme Colony Bon Homme Colony No Heart Creek SW Lone Well Creek West Diermier Ranch Miller Dam Nisland Salem Two Buttes Two Buttes Lake Madison Ortonville Piyas Lake Chelsea Cherry Creek Antelope Island Cherry Creek Cherry Lake Cherry Lake Powell Powell Wessington Springs NW Canning Wentworth Lake Madison Herreid NW Geddes SE Wentworth Pine Ridge Lead Provo Berne No Heart Creek SW Iron Post Buttes SD36 FEATURE NAME Cheyenne River Indian Agency (historical) Cheyenne River Post II (historical) Cheyenne Township Chicago Gulch Chicken Creek Chicken Creek Chicot Island (historical) Big Cedar Island Chief Dam Chief Sitting Bulls Grave Monument Chief White Crane Recreation Area Childers Dam Childstown (historical) Childstown Township Chilson See Chilson Station Chilson Canyon Chilson Mountain Chilson Station Chilson Chimney Butte Chimney Butte Chimney Canyon China Gulch Chisholm Number 1 Dam Chisholm Ranch Chisholm Ranch Landing Field Chism Gulch Chmela Dam Chmela Dam See Chmela Dam 1 Chmela Dam 1 Chmela Dam Chokecherry Island Slough Chateau County (historical) Choteau Creek Coaf Creek Wet Chateau Creek Choteau Creek Township Chateau Lake See Corsica Lake Chouteau Bluffs (historical) Chris Mehloff Dam Christ Church Christensen Ranch Christensen School Christensen Stockuater Dam Christianson Spring Christopherson State Public Shooting Area Christopherson State Public Shooting Area Christ Christ Christ Chunka Church Church Orwick Dam Orwick Dam Orwick Dam Creek Creek Creek Church Church of Latter Day Saints Cicero Peak Cindell Spur See Novak Circle C Number 1 Dam Circle C Number 2 Dam Circle Eagle Dam Circle Grove School (historical) Circle K Resort Circle P Flats Circle P Springs Citadel Rock City See Deadwood FEATURE CLASS locale locale civil valley stream stream island dam park park dam locale civil locale Valley summit locale pillar summit valley valley dam locale airport valley dam dam dam lake civil stream civil reservoir cliff dam church locale school dam spring park park dam dam dam stream stream church church summit locale dam dam dam school locale flat spring pillar Ppl STATUS UNOFP UNOFF ADMIN BGN BGN BGN BGN VARIANT UNOFF ADMIN ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN VARIANT BGN BGN UNOFF VARIANT BGN BGN BGN BGN UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN BGN UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF VARIANT BGN ADMIN BGN VARIANT VARIANT ADMIN VARIANT BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN ADMIN ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN BGN UNOFF UNOFF BGN VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN BGN BGN VARIANT NATIONAL GAZETTEER--SOUTH DAKOTA 1939 COUNTY Dewey Stanley Pennington Lawrence Dewey Lawrence Gregory Shannon Corson Yankton Fall River Turner Turner Fall River Fall River Fall River Fall River Shannon Harding Meade Pennington Stanley Stanley Stanley Lawrence Buffalo Buffalo Buffalo Marshall Perkins Bon Homme Charles Mix Douglas Bon Homme Corson Buffalo Lyman Sanborn Buffalo Lawrence Clark Codington Meade Meade Perkins Todd Mellette Mellette Potter Custer Lawrence Custer Custer ziebach Clay Roberts ziebach Ziebach Lawrence Lawrence COORDINATES 450108N1001820W 444056N1003837W 442246N1021728W 442449N1040234W 452329N1002546W 443448N1035555W 430444N0984218W 430306N1022942W 433116N1003108W 425117N0972744W 431844N1040054W 431615N0971900W 431733N097l944" 431947N1034328W 431549N1033808W 431955N1034155W 431947N1034328W 432740N1022933W 454544N1035035W 441429N1032436W 435624N1033308W 444148N1004906W 444619N1005419W 444400N1005100W 442408N1035005W 435918N0990354W 440124N0990618W 440124N0990618W 454336N0972659W 451730N1024310W 425033N0980911W 430943N0980928W 432428N0981744W 425025N0980840W 453224N1004B42W 440552N0993152W 434142N0995511W 441105N0981351W 440106N0990036W 442417N1040112W 444751N0973705W 445340N0971738W 445554N1025542W 445700N1025712W 450306N1025712W 432202N1010339W 433824N1011248W 433747N1011206W 445828N1000500W 434046N1033339W 441259N1033305W 434542N1024854W 434642N1024736W 444848N1015900W 425815N0970810W 453941N0964922W 444245N1011416W 444221N1011548W 442549N1035652W 442236N1034345W SOURCE COORDINATES 442346N1040300W 452623N1002859W 443145N1035811W 432414N1033919W 441418N1032547W 435849N1033311W 442317N1035019W 432814N0982438W 431940N1011011W 433641N1010829W ELEV FT 1540 1410 4450 3302 1975 1400 1474 1553 1932 6166 975 MAP NAME Patch Skin Buttes 5E Iron Post Buttes Dalzell NE Tinton Moreau NW Chicken Creek Lake Andes SW Manderson SW Wakpala SE Gavins Point Dam Mule Creek SE Freeman SE Freeman SE Flint Hill Flint Hill Flint Hill Sharpes Corner Chimney Butte Piedmont Hill City Mission Ridge Rousseau Creek SW Mission Ridge Spearfish Pukwana NE Big Bend Dan 4 SE Lake City Date Verdel Greenwood Colony Verdel Little Eagle SE Lower Brule Ideal NW Forestburg NW Big Bend Dam 4 SE Tinton Naples Kampeska Camp Creek Camp Creek Mud Creek Eagle Mans Butte Cedar Butte NW Cedar Butte NW Agar NE Cicero Peak Folsom Folsom Chasing Hawk Draw Gayville Peever NE Alleman Station Carlin Flat Maurice FEATURE NAME City Cemetery See Greenwood Cemetery City Creek City of Murdo Number 2 Dan City Plaza C Iverson Dam Civil Bend Cemetery Civil Bend School Civil Bend Township Civil Cemetery C J Larson Number 1 Dam C Jordan Dam C Klein Dam Klein Dam Claeys School Claire City Clanton Creek See Cady Creek Clanton Number 1 Dam Clanton Spreader Dam Clara Clara Clara Clara Belle Camp (historical) Belle Mine Cemetery Church Lutheran Church Clare Cemetery Clare Church Claremont Claremont Township Clarence Goff Dam Clarence Smith Dam Clare Township Clare Township Hall Clark Clark Center Clark Center See Clark Clark Center Church Clark Colony Clark County we, Clark Clark Clark Clark Clark Clark Clark County Airport Joubert School Lake Mountain Park Ranch School Clark School (historical) Clark School Clarksean State Public Shooting Area Clarks Fork Creek Clarkson Addition (subdivision) Clark Township Clark Township Clarno (historical) Clarno Township Clates Creek Clausen School See Brenner School (historical) Clavel Number Clavel Number Clavel Number 3 Dam Clavel Number 4 Dan Claybaugh School (historical) Clay Butte Clay County Clay Creek Clay Creek Cemetery Clay Creek Lutheran Cemetery 1 Dam 2 Dam Clay Creek Ditch Clay Creek Lutheran Cemetery See Clay Creek Cemetery Claymore Creek Clay Point Clay Point Cemetery Clayton FEATURE CLASS cemetery stream dam locale dam cemetery school civil cemetery dam dam dam school ppl stream dam dam ppl mine cemetery church cemetery church ppl civil dam dam civil building ppl PPl church ppl civil airport school lake summit flat locale school school school park stream ppl civil civil locale civil stream school stream cemetery canal cemetery stream ppl cemetery Ppl STATUS VARIANT BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOPF UNOPF UNOFF ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF BGN VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF BGN ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN UNOFF BGN VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF BGN ADMIN ADMIN UNOFF BGN BGN BGN UNOFF UNOFP UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN BGN BGN ADMIN ADMIN UNOFF ADMIN BGN VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN BGN UNOFF VARIANT BGN VARIANT BGN BGN UNOFF BGN NATIONAL GAZETTEER--SOUTH DAKOTA 1989 COUNTY Grant Lawrence Jones Brookings Potter Union Union Union Yankton Dewey Meade Todd Brown Roberts Harding Harding Harding Pennington Pennington Kingsbury Kingsbury Moody Moody Brown Brown Meade ziebach Moody Moody Clark Clark Clark Spink Clark Clark Douglas Faulk Pennington Custer Stanley Davison Douglas Harding Codington Harding Pennington Douglas Faulk Lake Lake Lyman Douglas ziebach Ziebach ziebach ziebach Douglas Corson Clay Yankton Clay Clay Clay Corson Clay Clay Hutchinson COORDINATES 451816N0962829W 442235N1034356W 435242N1004242W 441345N0964800W 450424N1000906W 423437N0963622W 423433N0963622W 423700N0963800W 430104N0973546W 450606N1004912W 444530N1021406W 431200N1002018W 455244N0982644W 455126N0970612W 451322N1034324W 453700N1034312W 453824N1033948W 435150N1033545W 435203N1033553W 443226N0972433W 443142N0972310W 440515N0964226W 440444N0964118W 454019N0980055W 453755N0980420W 450200N1024754W 451642N1014018W 440331N0964153W 440358N0964040W 445240N0974358W 445240N0974358W 445701N0974720W 444722N0975848W 444950N0974500W 445345N0974230W 432630N0984116W 451159N0992008W 435816N1032929W 434643N1032254W 441453N0995446W 433048N0975938W 432305N0982535W 454311N1030235W 445414N0972224W 453700N1032035W 440031N1031935W 432305N0983840W 451145N0992237W 435327N0971539W 435310N097l754w 435539N0992232W 431845N0981300W 444706N1011936W 444742N1011918W 444624N1011818W 444854N1011542W 431655N0981935W 454011N1012717W 425500N0965730" 425647N0971151W 425106N0965844W 425345N0970328W 425106N0965844W 453454N1003000W 425435N0965410W 425356N0965422W 432637N0973927W SOURCE COORDINATES 442312N1034539W 452437N1033630W 435733N0992605W 431559N0972612W 452902N1003417W ELEV PT 1117 1351 1406 1200 5760 1667 1300 1665 1845 1871 1400 1793 1713 5267 1369 1570 4220 1575 1465 2110 270 1317 SD37 MAP NAME Deadwood North Murdo Brookings Lake Hurley Jefferson Jefferson Ponca Lesterville Ridgeview Avance Hidden Timber NE Savo NW Claire City Saddle Butte Lahti Butte Custer Custer Bryant Bryant Flandreau SW Flandreau SW Claremont Claremont Beverly Creek Irish Creek SW Flandreau SW Flandreau S" Clark North Baileys Lake Fordham Dam Clark South Clark North Joubert Clark Lake Mount Rushmore Iron Mountain Joe Creek NW Ethan Corsica Reva NE Kampeska Sheep Pen Draw SE Rapid City West Joubert Onaka Winfred Winfred Short Creek High Elk Hill SE High Elk Hill SE High Elk Hill SE High Elk Hill SE Armour Black Horse Hub City Gayville Vermillon Gayville NE Wakpala SE Hub City Hub City Clayton SD38 FEATURE NAME Clayton Cemetery Clayton Draw Clayton Draw Clayton School Clayton Township Clay Valley School Clay—Yankton Ditch See Yankton Clay Ditch Clear Creek Summer Creek Clearfield Clear Lake Clear Lake See Carson Lake Lake Lake Lake Lake Albert Lake Lake Lake Cemetery Clear Lake Municipal Airport Clear Lake Post Office (historical) Deuel Center Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Lake Township Lake Township Clear Lake Township Clear Township Clearwater Post Office (historical) Clearwater Township Cleghorn Canyon Cleghorn School Cleopatra Mine Cleveland Dam Cleveland School Cleveland School Cleveland Township Cleveland Township Cleveland Township Cleveland Township Cleveland Township Cliff Fees Dam Clifford Creek Cliff Pond Clifton (historical) Clifton Cemetery Clifton School Clifton School Clifton School Clifton Township Clifton Township Climax Mica Mine Climbing Hill School Clinton Mine (historical) Clinton Township (historical) Clinton Township C Little Wounded Dam Clog Gulch Close Ranch Clough (historical) Clough Township (historical) Cloverleaf Colony Clover Leaf Mine Uncle Sam Mine Clover School Cloyd Valley Cemetery Cloyd Valley Township Clubhouse Lake Clubhouse Slough Cluder Gulch Clyde (historical) Clyde Township C McCormick Dam McCormick Dam C McGillvrey Dam FEATURE CLASS cemetery valley valley school civil school canal stream locale lake lake lake lake lake lake ppl cemetery airport building civil civil civil civil building civil valley school mine reservoir school school civil civil civil civil civil dam stream lake locale cemetery school school school civil civil mine school mine civil civil dam valley locale locale civil Ppl mine school cemetery civil lake lake valley locale civil dam dam NATIONAL GAZETTEER--SOUTH DAKOTA 1989 STATUS UNOFF BGN BGN UNOFF ADMIN UNOFF VARIANT BGN 1976 VARIANT UNOFF BGN VARIANT BGN BGN BGN BGN VARIANT BGN 1916 UNOFF ADMIN UNOFF VARIANT ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN UNOFF ADMIN BGN UNOFF UNOFF BGN UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN UNOFF BGN BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN ADMIN UNOFF BGN UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN BGN UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN BGN BGN BGN UNOFF ADMIN UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF COUNTY Hutchinson Haakon Lawrence Hutchinson Hutchinson Yankton Clay Pennington Tripp Bon Homme Clark Deuel Hamlin Marshall Minnehaha Deuel Minnehaha Deuel Deuel Deuel Edmunds Minnehaha Perkins Hughes Miner Pennington Pennington Lawrence Edmunds Minnehaha Union Bon Homme Brule Edmunds Hamlin McPherson Jackson Shannon Harding Sully Spink Beadle Spink Sully Spink Sully Custer Gregory Lawrence Bon Homme Miner Ziebach Pennington Lyman Meade Meade Miner Lawrence Meade Edmunds Edmunds Roberts Marshall Pennington Kingsbury Beadle Todd Hand COORDINATES 432820N0973921W 443201N1015209W 441229N1035506W 432638N0974007W 432610N0974118W 430407N0971546W 424922N0970638W 440216N1033012W 431006N1000140W 430308N0974815W 450311N0973215W 444514N0963928W 444602N0971032W 454140N0972127W 434546N0970041W 444445N0964050W 434544N0970219W 444617N0964116W 444445N0963830W 454540N0964210W 451647N0984624W 434237N0970447W 433430N1020945W 443130N1005503W 435820N0972511W 440325N1031817W 440329N1031819W 442355N1035245W 452245N0990925W 433217N0964059W 425804N0964632W 425707N0974845W 434810N0990533W 452207N0990832W 443514N0971837W 453810N0992425W 435206N1015124W 433556N1022059W 453514N1030945W 444215N1001432W 450038N0981911W 441544N0981138W 445946N0981948W 443922N1001209W 450102N0981755W 444015N1001245W 434555N1033325W 430733N0992642W 442017N1034835W 430455N0980253W 435825N0974650W 445436N1014212W 435845N1032854W 434417N0992903W 443454N1024838W 443315N1024623W 441057N0973212W 441637N1034000W 442709N1025529W 452322N0993238W 452208N0993045W 455358N0963608W 454213N0973014W 440619N1033907W 442718N0972658W 442130N0981645W 43lllBN1001918W 441800N0985618W SOURCE COORDINATES 443649N1015652W 441115N1035411W 440142N1033125W 440441N1032253W 434049N1022343W 435917N1033109W 440532N1033943W ELEV PT 1327 1316 2320 1417 1774 1699 1824 1606 1800 1690 1801 1786 1665 5100 1332 1730 1292 1290 1299 1795 5350 2261 5800 2780 1635 5440 1973 972 1771 1805 MAP NAME Clayton Bridger SE Crooks Tower Clayton Clayton Mayfield Silver City Clearfield Tripp SE Clear Lake North Pelican Lake South Red Iron Lake Buffalo Trading Post Clear Lake North Buffalo Trading Post Clear Lake North Clear Lake South Clear Lake North Mina SE Humboldt Meadow Blunt Canova East Rapid City West Rapid City West Maurice Beebe Sioux Falls East Alsen Tyndall Pukwana Stafford Dam Gertson Slough Hosmer NW Cottonwood SB Imlay SE Battleship Rock Sully Lake Brentford SE Huron Frankfort Sully Lake Brentford SE Sully Lake Custer Gregory Lead Avon Morris Lake Diermier Ranch Mount Rushmore Iona NW Fairpoint SE Fairpoint SE Howard NE Deadwood South Hereford Gretna Bowdle SE Boisberg Britten 4 NE Rochford Erwin Wolsey SE Hidden Timber NE Vayland SW FEATURE NAME C Mraz Dam C Nicholas Ranch C Nuzum Number 1 Dan C Nuzum Number 2 Dam CNV Ranch Number 1 Dam CNV Ranch Number 1 Dam Coad Hill Coaf Creek See Choteau Creek Coal Bank Creek Coal Bank Creek Coal Canyon Coal Creek See Twin Butte Creek Coal Creek See Darling Creek Coal Creek Coal Creek Coal Springs Coal Spring School Coal Springs Dam Coats Dike Mine Cobb Creek Cobblestone Reservoir Cobb Ranch Airstrip Cobb Ridge Cochrane, Lake Codington County Codington County State Public Shooting Area Cody Lake Cody Township Coe Ranch Coffee Butte Coffee Creek Coffee Creek Coffee Creek Coffee Creek Coffee Flat Coffee Flats Coffee Flat School Cohee Cemetery Cold Brook Cold Brook Canyon Cold Brook Dam Cold Brook Lake Cold Brook School Cold Creek Cold Creek Bhif Dam Cold Creek Dam Cold Spring Cold Spring Creek Cold Spring II (historical) Cold Spring School Cold Springs Creek Cole Creek Cole Dam Cole Draw Coleman School Coleman School Coleman School Number 2 (historical) Cole School (historical) Antelope Valley School Cole School (historical) Coletta Mine Colfax Corner Collamar Church (historical) College Park Collidge, Mount Collins Collins Collins See Collins Collins Collins Cemetery Dam Lake Collins Slough Number 1 Dam Number 2 Dam Ranch (historical) FEATURE CLASS stream stream valley stream stream stream stream ppl school dam mine stream reservoir airport ridge lake civil park lake civil locale summit stream stream stream stream flat flat school cemetery stream valley dam reservoir school stream dam spring stream ppl school stream stream dam valley school school school school school mine locale church park summit cemetery dam locale NATIONAL GAZETTEBR--SOUTH DAKOTA 1989 STATUS UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN 1981 VARIANT BGN BGN BGN VARIANT VARIANT BGN BGN BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN BGN ADMIN BGN BGN ADMIN ADMIN BGN ADMIN UNOFF BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN UNOFF UNOFF BGN BGN UNOFF BGN UNOFF BGN UNOFF VARIANT BGN BGN BGN UNOFF BGN BGN UNOFF BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN BGN UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF COUNTY Ziebach Lawrence Meade Meade Jones Jones Pennington Bon Homme Harding Harding Fall River Corson Corson Fall River Harding Perkins Perkins Perkins Pennington Deuel Harding Meade Custer Deuel Codington Codington Bennett Mellette Butte Dewey Bon Homme Fall River Hutchinson Todd Fall River Fall River Fall River Charles Mix Fall River Fall River Fall River Fall River Custer Lawrence Fall River Custer Custer Custer Custer Lawrence Lawrence Perkins Pennington Fall River Moody Jerauld Deuel Douglas Lawrence Clay Dewey Pennington Custer Clark Meade Hand Harding Harding Custer COORDINATES 450700N1013648W 442953N1040154W 443412N1021154W 443530N1021330W 435518N1010254W 435518N1010254W 435510N1033950W 425033N0980911W 454933N1031311W 455513N1040220W 432446N1035201W 453246N1014833W 453317N1015732W 431514N1035211W 453958N1031416W 452630N1020626W 452634N1020933W 452500N1020528W 435529N1033556W 444406N0962606W 454829N1032725W 444045N1022910W 434435N1031643W 444232N0962841W 445730N0971110W 450223N0972649W 425942N1011454W 433912N1003152W 445203N1035344W 451321N1002921W 424930N0980742W 431308N1035609W 432814N0975546W 430643N1010619W 431749N1033355W 431351N1040057W 431758N1033438W 431504N0983350W 432634N1032853W 432634N1032853W 432712N1032918W 432712N1032918W 432953N1033224W 440904N1040104W 431200N1035106W 433427N1033239W 433452N1032837W 433720N1033017W 433724N1033023W 442624N1040859W 442328N1035227W 454300N1023118W 435207N1024125W 432023N1032253W 440818N0964346W 441007N0984648W 445445N0962830W 432120N0982635W 441850N1033905W 430040N0970119W 444545N1010015W 440551N1031321W 434442N1032853W’ 443728N0973919W 444130N1020336W 442126N0990714W 451848N1035148W 451754N1035154W 434543N1033653W SOURCE COORDINATBS 455049N1032204W 455530N1040358W 432712N1035158W 430619N1035623W 454411N1031913W 443609N0963905W 425009N0975952W 432519N0980753W 431347N1011225W 433407N1034057W 433407N1034056W 440716N1035827W 433544N1033331W 440713N1035753W 442301N1035047W 435207N1024726W ELEV PT 6360 2255 763 5240 2750 1682 3033 2105 4640 3271 1622 1935 1212 1595 5120 1236 3297 6023 1802 5440 SD39 MAP NAME Dupree Tinton Plainview Plainview Stamford Stamford Medicine Mountain Ralph SW Snider Hill Edgemont NE Edgemont Reva NW Coal Springs Coal Springs NW Coal Springs Hill City Canby NW Ludlow White Owl NW Butcher Hill Canby NW Watertown West Wallace Cody East White River NE Bull Creek Butte Patch Skin Buttes Verdel Phister Ranch Parkston Spring Creek Cascade Springs Coffee Flats Cascade Springs Geddes SB Hot Springs Hot Springs Hot Springs Hot Springs Minnekahta NE Buckhorn Provo Pringle Wind Cave Pringle Pringle Buckhorn Spearfish Cole Dam Scenic SW Angostura Reservoir Flandreau NW Cottonwood Lake Gary NW Armour SW Deadwood South Wakonda Herbert Creek SE Rapid City East Mt Coolidge Willow Lake SW Dead Horse Draw Hells Canyon Hells Canyon Custer SD40 FEATURE NAME Collins Slough Collins Lake Marshy Lake Collins Slough State Public Shooting Area Collins Township Colman Colman Cemetery Colman Township Colombia Lake See Columbia Road Reservoir Colome Colome Township Colonel Spring Colony of Mercy Home for the Aged Colony School (historical) Colo Springs Dam Colton Colton Creek Columbia Richmond Columbia Mine Maiden Mine Columbia Road Dam Columbia Road Reservoir Colombia Lake Sand Lake Columbia Township Columbus Mine (historical) Columkill Cemetery Colvin (historical) Come Along Lode Mine Comfort, Point Commissary Point Como, Lake (historical) Como School Como Township Compton Ranch (historical) Compton Spring Comptons Ranch (historical) Conata Conata Basin Conata East 302 Dan Conata East 302 Reservoir Conata Township Conboys Ranch Concordia Cemetery Concordia Church See Concordia Pioneer Church Concordia Ditch Concordia Pioneer Church Concordia Church Concord Township Conde Conde Township Condon Township See Hamill Township Confidence Mine Congregational Cemetery Congregational Cemetery Congregational Cemetery Congregational Church Congregational Church See Templeton Church Congregational Church (historical) Congregational Church Congressional Church (historical) Conley School Conner Slough Conners Rock Connors Lake Convas Creek See American Crow Creek FEATURE CLASS swamp park civil ppl cemetery civil reservoir 91:1 civil spring building school dam ppl stream ppl mine dam reservoir civil mine cemetery locale mine stream cape lake school civil locale spring locale locale basin dam reservoir civil locale cemetery church canal church civil PPl civil civil mine cemetery cemetery cemetery church church church church church school swamp pillar lake stream STATUS BGN VARIANT VARIANT ADMIN ADMIN BGN UNOFF ADMIN VARIANT BGN ADMIN BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN BGN BGN VARIANT UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF BGN VARIANT VARIANT ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN BGN BGN UNOFF ADMIN UNOFF BGN UNOFF UNOFF BGN UNOFF BGN ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT BGN UNOFF VARIANT ADMIN BGN ADMIN VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN BGN BGN VARIANT COUNTY Hand Hand Clark Moody Moody Moody Brown Tripp Tripp Harding Hutchinson Sanborn Perkins Minnehaha Minnehaha Brown Pennington Brown Brown Brown Lawrence Clay Charles Mix Custer Harding Pennington Clay Hand Hand Custer Custer Pennington Pennington Pennington Pennington Pennington Pennington Fall River Roberts Roberts Lawrence Roberts Lake Spink Spink Tripp Pennington McPherson McPherson McPherson Charles Mix Jerauld Kingsbury Sanborn McCook Brule Deuel Lawrence Beadle Lyman COORDINATES 442126N0990714W 442045N0990733W 443015N0974035W 435857N0964851W 435844N0964935W 435818N0964908W 454001N0981821W 431538N0994253W 431828N0994206W 452737N1031204W 432956N0974800W 440006N0980403W 452500N1020524W 434710N0965538W 434101N0965439W 453647N0981844W 435357N1032459W 454001N0981821W 454001N0981821W 453825N0981418W 443318N1034626W 430351N0970458W 432810N0985900W 434720N1033300W 452707N1030035W 440201N1032240W 425335N0965255W 441509N0991446W 441357N0991357W 435035N1035740W 435048N1035753W 435430N1035800W 434343N1021118W 434657N1021423W 434600N1021124W 434600N1021124W 434522N1021115W 432004N1034029W 454212N0965459W 454214N0965456W 443516N1034950W 454214N0965456W 440330N0971758W 450926N0980550W 451122N0980154W 433303N0994015W 435238N1032407W 453803N0992806W 454050N0991829W 454010N0991432W 432210N0990451W 440357N0984229W 442113N0972812W 435351N0980811W 435045N0973410W 434926N0990757W 445347N0963941W 442345N1040217W 443426N0980956W 434657N0992423W NATIONAL GAZETTEER--SOUTH DAKOTA 1939 SOURCE COORDINATES 434938N0965811W 452921N1030805W ELEV PT 1680 2268 1605 1304 4420 1286 1286 5160 1650 5370 4598 5900 6100 2479 1150 1150 1314 4400 1725 1425 1612 1243 MAP NAME Ames Miller Dale Colony SW Willow Lake SW Colman Colman Colman Colome Colome J B Hill Milltown Forestburg Coal Springs Colton Hartford North Columbia Mount Rushmore Columbia NE Columbia NE Daly Corners Lead Wakonda Lake George Custer Flat Top Butte Pactola Dam Hub City Miller Dale Colony SW Big Bend Dan 4 NW Dead Horse Flats Dead Horse Plats Preacher Spring Conata Wall SW Wall SW Wall SW Wall SW Flint Hill Peever NW Jolly Peever NW Oldham SE Conde Conde Mount Rushmore Hosmer NW Hosmer NE Plainview Colony NW Lucas SE Lake Preston West Letcher Canova SE Pukwana Tunerville Tinton Lake Byron FEATURE NAME Convent School Convent Township (historical) Cook Ditch Cook Landing Field Cooks Dam Cooks Landing Field Cooley Lake Coolidge School Cool Spring Cooms Ranch Coon Creek Coon Creek Coon Creek Coon Hollow Cooper (historical) Cooper Draw Cooper Hill Cooper Ranch Cooper Ranch (historical) Cooper Ridge Cooper Township (historical) Cope Dam Copper Camp (historical) Copper Mountain Copp School Cora Mine Cora School See East Cora School Cora Township Corey Butte Corey Ranch Cornbelt School Corn Creek Corn Creek Corn Creek Lake Harris Lake Corn Creek Township Cornelian (historical) Cornelian Lake (historical) Cornelison Ranch Cornell (historical) Corn Palace Cornwall School Cornwall Township Corona Prior Corona Cemetery Corothers School Number 36 Corpus Cristi Church Corral Creek Corral Pond Corrin School Corsica Corsica Lake Choteau Lake Corsica Lake Dam Corson Corson County Corson Township Cortland See Mina Cortlandt See Mina Cortlandt Township Costello Point Costigan Slough Coteau Island Lake See North Coteau Lake Coteau Island State Public Shooting Area Coteau Lake See North Coteau Lake Coteaus, The Cother Clanton Dam Cottage Grove School Cottle Creek Cottonwood Cottonwood Cemetery FEATURE CLASS school civil canal airport dam airport lake school spring locale stream stream stream valley locale valley summit locale locale ridge civil dam ppl summit school mine school civil summit locale school stream stream reservoir civil locale lake locale locale building school civil PPl cemetery school church stream reservoir school ppl reservoir dam ppl civil civil em 991 civil cape lake lake park lake ridge dam school stream ppl cemetery NATIONAL GAZETTEER--SOUTH DAKOTA 1989 STATUS UNOFF ADMIN BGN ADMIN UNOFF ADMIN BGN UNOFF BGN UNOFF BGN BGN BGN 1981 BGN UNOFF BGN BGN UNOFF UNOFF BGN ADMIN UNOFF BGN BGN UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT ADMIN BGN UNOFF UNOFF BGN BGN BGN VARIANT ADMIN UNOFF BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFP ADMIN BGN VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN BGN UNOFF BGN BGN VARIANT UNOFF BGN ADMIN ADMIN VARIANT VARIANT ADMIN BGN BGN VARIANT ADMIN VARIANT BGN UNOFF UNOFF BGN BGN UNOFF COUNTY Hyde Hyde Lawrence Brule Buffalo Jackson Codington Buffalo Fall River Shannon Custer Gregory Pennington Pennington Meade Harding Harding Custer Stanley Custer Meade Fall River Pennington Pennington Potter Lawrence Sully Sully Harding Custer Yankton Jackson Jackson Mellette Mellette Potter Potter Pennington Sanborn Davison Spink Spink Roberts Roberts Minnehaha Dewey Lawrence Jackson Hand Douglas Douglas Douglas Minnehaha Corson Walworth Ednunds Edmunds Edmunds Meade Hand Deuel Deuel Deuel Hamlin Harding Lincoln Meade Jackson Jackson COORDINATES 441508N0992248W 441346N0992101W 443240N1035356W 434733N0991918W 440928N0985913W 435824N1015704W 450008N0972050W 435707N0990849W 432028N1033316W 431353N1023457W 433904N1035836W 431337N0991046W 435343N1034129W 435803N1032233W 444915N1021930W 455131N1034216W 455312N1034320W 435014N1035200W 443847N1003832W 435010N1035259W 444847N1021639W 430412N1031218W 440530N1034755W 435615N1034427W 445535N0994406W 441935N1033835W 445042N0994251W 445042N0994330W 455357N1032046W 433618N1033038W 430458N0972055W 433340N1011147W 433009N1014930W 433355N1011212W 433138N1010858W 450047N1000457W 450037N1000445W 440216N1034815W 440736N0980642W 434253N0980129W 444128N0981916W 444013N0981616W 452002N0964546W 452029N0964343W 434708N0963755W 450330N1002100W 441330N1033631W 434017N1011859W 442400N0985900W 432531N0982425W 432428N0981744W 432428N0981744W 433659N0963417W 454500N1010730W 452908N0995300W 452600N0984530W 452600N0984530W 452715N0984623W 441811N1030550W 444819N0990032W 445002N0964313W 445010N0964305W 445002N0964313W 444326N0970815W 451900N1032900W 431346N0964338W 442807N1032056W 435801N1015420W 435844N1015432W SOURCE COORDINATES 434328N1040253W 431046N0991709W 435543N1034027W 43S711N1032314W 455318N1034232W 432641N1011735W 432123N1015909W 441455N1034108W 442322N1032636W ELEV PT 1869 1678 2456 1711 3075 2444 3312 1477 4180 6890 1882 4990 2951 1351 1945 1930 1290 1293 1165 1148 1796 1540 1492 1365 3194 1509 1850 1375 2415 2525 SD41 MAP NAME Macs Corner Big Bend Dam NE Chicken Creek Chamberlain Mittelstedt Slough Cottonwood Florence Shelby Cascade Springs Pine Ridge NE Jewel Cave NW Herrick NW Medicine Mountain Mount Rushmore Opal East SE Ladner Table Mountain Signal Hill Iron Post Buttes Dead Horse Flats Opal East SE Oelrichs SW Deerfield Medicine Mountain Thomas Lake NW Deadwood South Thomas Lake SW Tepee Buttes Pringle Mayfield Corn Creek Interior SB Corn Creek Corn Creek Lake Hurley 53 Lake Hurley 53 Deerfield Forestburg NE Mitchell Spink Colony Spink Colony Corona Big Stone Lake SW Dell Rapids Patch Skin Buttes SE Nemo Pass Creek NE Vayland NW Corsica Corsica Lake Corsica Lake Brandon Miscol Lowry NW Mina Rapid City 1 SE Polo Clear Lake North Hayti Roundup Butte Alcester NW Fort Meade NE Cottonwood Cottonwood SD42 FEATURE NAME Creek Creek Creek Creek Creek Creek Creek Creek Alum Creek Cottonwood Creek Big Cottonwood Creek Cottonwood Cottonwood Cottonwood Cottonwood Cottonwood Cottonwood Cottonwood Cottonwood Cottonwood Creek Cottonwood Creek Cottonwood Creek Cottonwood Creek See Boot Creek Cottonwood Creek See Lake Creek Cottonwood Creek Cottonwood Creek Cottonwood Creek Creek Creek Creek Creek Creek Creek Creek Cottonwood Cottonwood Cottonwood Cottonwood Cottonwood Cottonwood Cottonwood Cottonwood Creek Cottonwood Creek See East Cottonwood Creek Cottonwood Creek Basin Cottonwood Draw Cottonwood Field Station Dam Cottonwood Island (historical) Veale Island Cottonwood Lake Cottonwood Lake Cottonwood Lake Shallow Lake Cottonwood Lake Little Cottonwood Lake Lake Lake Lake Lake Lake Area Lake State Management Area Lake State Refuge Cottonwood Cottonwood Cottonwood Cottonwood Cottonwood Shooting Cottonwood Wildlife Cottonwood Wildlife State Public Cottonwood Cottonwood Cottonwood Lake Township Pass Ranch Landing Strip Cottonwood Recreation Area Cottonwood School School Number 29 Cottonwood School Cottonwood School Cottonwood School Cottonwood School (abandoned) School School Slough Slough Slough Springs Creek Springs Dam Springs Lake Township Township Cottonwood Cottonwood Cottonwood Cottonwood Cottonwood Cottonwood Cottonwood Cottonwood Cottonwood Cottonwood Cottonwood Township (historical) Cottonwood Township Cottonwood Valley Township Couch Ranch Coulsen Hughes Draw FEATURE CLASS stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream valley valley dam island lake lake lake lake lake lake lake lake park park park civil gap airport park school school school school school school school gut lake stream stream dam reservoir civil civil civil civil civil school valley NATIONAL GAZETTEER--SOUTH DAKOTA 1989 STATUS BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN 1978 VARIANT BGN VARIANT BGN BGN BGN 1973 VARIANT VARIANT BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN VARIANT BGN BGN UNOFF BGN VARIANT BGN BGN BGN VARIANT BGN VARIANT BGN BGN BGN BGN ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN BGN ADMIN ADMIN UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN BGN BGN BGN UNOFF BGN ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN UNOFF BGN COUNTY Bennett Butte Corson Corson Custer Custer Dewey Fall River Haakon Harding Harding Harding Harding Jackson Jackson Jackson Jackson Jones Mellette Mellette Perkins Shannon Stanley Tripp Tripp Washabaugh Jackson Meade Jackson Charles Mix Clark Codington Jerauld Marshall Marshall Roberts Spink Sully Clark Roberts Sully Edmunds Shannon Corson Yankton Bon Homme Brule Butte Custer Meade Pennington Perkins Deuel Codington Roberts Fall River Fall River Fall River Butte Clark Edmunds Fall River Mellette Butte Pennington COORDINATES 432309N1011203W 443749N1032411W 454249N1015717W 454019N1013212W 433252N1032358W 433527N1030255W 451355N1005853W 431819N1034903W 443930N1012253W 451421N1030711W 454753N1033610W 454247N1033345W 454335N1033518W 435858N1015935W 435845N1014607W 434218N1011359W 434425N1013528W 434850N1005358W 433853N1011306W 434234N1004410W 450927N1024046W 433206N1022755W 441800N1010521W 434049N1000509W 430340N0995327W 434042N1013424W 434420N1013551W 442211N1030823W 435712N1015118W 431635N0985948W 450736N0974151W 450636N0971311W 441135N0984526W 4S4354N0972542W 454735N0972132W 455023N0964919W 444728N0984023W 445013N0995413W 450735N0974133W 455027N0964904W 445002N0995449W 452721N0993045W 433818N1023834W 454713N1010248W 425131N0972857W 425523N0974955W 434953N0991437W 450909N1031517W 433534N1031109W 443314N1032800W 435756N1020252W 450536N1022433W 443822N0963046W 445729N0971134W 454144N0965120W 432554N1033332W 432615N1033355W 432615N1033355W 451030N1030210W 450530N0974045W 452721N0993045W 431513N1035202W 433654N1005237W 444107N1040025W 435938N1035329W SOURCE COORDINATES 431621N1011802W 443326N1033108W 453633N1020610W 452927N1013641W 433417N1033155W 433729N1031548W 450449N1005006W 430645N1041045W 445730N1013900W 451238N1031619W 454530N1034004W 454527N1034043W 435945N1021336W 434151N1011732W 434042N1013526W 435234N1005700W 433357N1011802W 433845N1010824W 451443N1024456W 433515N1024114W 442149N1011642W 432429N1000536W 425416N0995355W 433347N1013217W 441941N1031331W 454921N0964856W 432900N1034138W 440157N1035521W ELEV FT 1774 1857 1326 1871 1030 1800 1985 1307 1748 2946 2912 2548 1717 MAP NAME Norris Newell Black Horse Butte NW Cottonwood Creek NE Wind Cave Fairburn SE Ridgeview NW Edgemont Cherry Creek NW Fish Draw Ladner SE McKenzie Butte Cottonwood NE Cedar Butte NW Wanblee NE Okaton SW Cedar Butte NW Westover Imogene Imlay SW Hayes South Presho 4 NE Millboro Wanblee NE Rapid City 1 SW Cottonwood NE Castalia Lily Still Lake Cottonwood Lake Lake City Veblen Victor Redfield SW Gettysburg Muni Airport SW Lily Victor Gettysburg Muni Airport SW Gretna Heutmacher Table Bullhead Gavins Point Dam Tyndall Pukwana Granger Creek Fairburn SW Vale Wall NE Signal Butte Brandt Watertown West Peever NE Minnekahta NE Minnekahta NE Minnekahta NE Fish Draw Bradley Gretna Edgemont Murdo 3 SW The Forks Preacher Spring FEATURE NAME Council Bear Creek Council Bear Draw Council House Counselor Creek Camel Creek Night Creek Counselor Creek Recreation Area Country Acres (subdivision) Country Club Dam See Waggoner Dam Country Estates Subdivision (subdivision) Country Gables Subdivision (subdivision) Country Village Mobile Park (subdivision) Number Number 16 Number 21 Number 4 Ditch Number 7 Ditch Number 8 County Home Cemetery County Line Dam Courtemanche Ranch Covells Lake Ditch Ditch Ditch Ditch County 14 County County County County County Covey Dam Covey Lake Cowboy Creek Cowboy Gulch Cowboy Hill Cowboy Mine Cow Creek Cow Creek Cow Creek Recreation Area Cowen School Flat (historical) Church Lake School Spring Cox Spring Number Two Cox Township Coyle (historical) Coyne School Cow Cox Cox Cox Cox Cox Coyote Center School (historical) Voss School Creek Draw Draw Coyote Coyote Coyote Coyote Lateral Coyote School C Peterson Dam C Peterson Number 1 Dam C Peterson Number C Peterson Number C Peterson Number Craig Pass Craig Pass Spring Craig School (abandoned) Crain Mine Crandall Crandall Cemetery Crandall School (historical) 2 Dam 3 Dam 4 Dam Crandon Minden Crandon Cemetery Crandon Township Crandon Township (historical) Crane Slough Crapie Dam See Tower Dam Craven Craven (historical) FEATURE CLASS stream valley locale stream park 991 dam ppl ppl ppl canal canal canal canal canal canal cemetery dam locale lake dam reservoir stream valley summit mine stream stream ' park school flat locale church lake school spring spring civil locale school school stream valley Valley canal school dam dam dam dam dam 93F spring school mine ppl cemetery school locale cemetery civil civil gut dam locale locale STATUS BGN BGN UNOFF BGN VARIANT VARIANT ADMIN BGN VARIANT BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN UNOFF BGN BGN BGN BGN UNOFF BGN BGN ADMIN UNOFF BGN UNOFF UNOFF BGN UNOFF BGN BGN ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT BGN BGN BGN BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN BGN UNOFF UNOFF BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF ADMIN ADMIN BGN VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF NATIONAL GAZETTEER--SOUTH DAKOTA 1989 COUNTY Ziebach Haakon Lyman Lyman Lyman Minnehaha Haakon Minnehaha Minnehaha Brown Sanborn Sanborn Sanborn Kingsbury Sanborn Sanborn Gregory Custer Butte Minnehaha Tripp Tripp Harding Pennington Pennington Pennington Hughes Pennington Sully Meade Pennington Harding Harding Lawrence Harding Harding Harding Harding Brule Hanson Douglas Meade Fall River Pennington Butte Union Custer Dewey Dewey Dewey Dewey Harding Harding Spink Pennington Day Clark Sanborn ‘ Spink Spink Spink Spink Lake Todd Edmunds Fall River COORDINATES 443441N1014504W 443105N1015134W 440440N0993519W 440301N0993035W 440156N0993040W 433002N0965321W 440428N1013856W 433055N0965545W 433450N0963644W 453038N0983130W 440020N0980841W 440450N0981701W 440123N0981558W 441703N0971607W 440229N0981612W 440423N0981538W 430731N0991712W 432842N1030006W 445444N1040108W 433319N0964435W 433600N0994506W 433600N0994506W 451653N1031257W 435527N1033451W 440522N1031457W 435535N1033552W 443336N1002727W 441429N1022057W 443342N1002948W 442853N1022854W 441124N1021951W 455356N1033032W 455423N1033006W 443352N1035938W 455423N1032741W 455340N1032916W 455358N1032922W 455307N1032924W 433220N0985658W 433051N0975342W 432905N0981915W 443858N1025234W 430914N1040039W 435806N1030829W 444508N1032545W 424553N0964337W 435048N1025300W 45024BN1004136W 450406N1004612W 450406N1004542W 450448N1004548W 455122N1033251W 455120N1033247W 445526N0981830W 435935N1033550W 450919N0975719W 450910N0975747W 441059N0975437W A44629N0982728W 444657N0982637W 444522N0982332W 444522N0982707W 440315N0971803W 431942N1003112W 452632N0985529W 432700N1034933W SOURCE COORDINATES 443728N1014542W 442325N1014806W 435801N0993618W 451535N1032108W 435506N1033639W 443349N1001808W 441139N1021210W 443913N1024141W 430618N1035816W 435744N1030948W ELEV FT 1520 1591 1420 1340 2102 3680 5240 2965 2951 3062 1658 1325 1600 1215 1296 5750 1500 1475 1486 3935 SD43 MAP NAME Bridger SE Bridger SE Lower Brule Lower Brule Lower Brule Hartford South Hartford South Brandon Richmond Forestburg SW Woonsocket Woonsocket Lake Preston East Woonsocket Woonsocket Burke Smithwick NE Gravel Draw Sioux Falls East King Dam King Dam Irish Butte Hill City Rapid City East Hill City Okobojo SW Wasta NE Okobojo SW Dalzell NW Wasta NE Ladner NE Ladner NE Chicken Creek Eagles Nest Butte Eagles Nest Butte Eagles Nest Butte Eagles Nest Butte Snow Lake Ethan Corsica Lake Fairpoint NW Coffee Flats Hermosa NW Newell Lake Richland Caputa SW La Plant SW Ridgeview Ridgeview Ridgeview Ladner SE Ladner SE Frankfort Hill City Crandall Crandall Artesian NW Frankfort SW Frankfort SW Frankfort SW Frankfort SW Oldham SE Mina NW Edgemont NE SD44 FEATURE NAME Craven Canyon Cavern Canyon Craven Corner Craven Creek Craven Ranch Craven Township Crawford (historical) Crawford Hill Crawford State Wildlife Management Area Crazy Hole Creek Crazy Horse Canyon Crazy Horse Carving See Thunderhead Mountain Crazy Horse Monument See Thunderhead Mountain Crazy Horse Mountain See Thunderhead Mountain Crazy Horse Post Office Creighton (historical) Creighton Creighton Cemetery Cresbard Cresbard (historical) Cresbard, Lake Cresbard Cemetery Cresbard Lake Dam Cressy Number 1 Dam Cressy Number 2 Dam Cressy Number 3 Dam Creston Crocker Crocker State Public Shooting Area Crockett Mountains Crockett Park Crompton Lake Crook See Crook City Crook City Camp Crook II Crook Crook Dam Crooked Creek Crooked Creek Crooked Creek Crooked Creek Crooked Creek Crooked Creek Township Crooked Dam Crooked Elm Creek Crooked Lake Crooked Oak Creek Crook Mountain Crooks New Hope Crooks Lake Crooks Tower Cross Butte Horseshoe Hill Crossman School See Bothwell School Cross Plains Township Cross Township Crouch Ranch Crow Buttes Crow Creek See American Creek Crow Creek See Soldier Creek Crow Creek Crow Creek Crow Creek Crow Creek Crow Creek Crow Creek Crow Creek Crow Creek Cemetery Crow Creek Church FEATURE CLASS valley locale stream locale civil locale summit park stream Valley summit summit summit locale locale locale cemetery ppl locale reservoir cemetery locale ppl park range park reservoir locale locale dam stream stream stream stream stream civil dam stream lake stream summit ppl lake summit summit school civil civil locale range stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream cemetery church NATIONAL GAZETTEER-—SOUTH DAKOTA 1989 STATUS BGN VARIANT UNOFF BGN UNOFF ADMIN UNOFF BGN ADMIN BGN BGN VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF EGN UNOFF BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN ADMIN BGN ADMIN BGN VARIANT UNOFF VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF BGN BGN EGN BGN BGN ADMIN UNOFF BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN VARIANT BGN BGN BGN VARIANT VARIANT ADMIN ADMIN UNOFF BGN VARIANT VARIANT BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN 1961 BGN UNOFF UNOFF COUNTY Fall River Edmunds Jackson Jackson Fall River Roberts Jackson Roberts Todd Todd Custer Custer Custer Custer Pennington Pennington Pennington Faulk Faulk Faulk Faulk Faulk Jones Jones Jones Pennington Clark Clark Stanley Yankton McPherson Lawrence Lawrence Spink Butte Harding Harding Pennington Pennington Pennington Harding Meade Grant Butte Lawrence Minnehaha Lawrence Lawrence Mellette Hand Hutchinson Meade Pennington Harding Brule Buffalo Buffalo Butte Custer Deuel Lawrence Lawrence Marshall Buffalo Buffalo COORDINATES 432302N1034650W 452652N0985532W 434137N1014309W 434005N1014647W 431510N1034455W 455050N0964626W 435317N1012903W 454856N0964900W 431027N1001520W 431540N1005617W 435013N1033724W 435013N1033724W 435013N1033724W 435010N1033725W 441518N1020958W 441518N1021227W 441520N1021149W 451012N0985653W 451210N0985844W 451023N0990006W 451046N0985627W 451023N0990006W 440212N1004012W 440306N1004l30W 440354N1004130W 435438N1024154W 450619N0974704W 450409N0974919W 444234N1005722W 425248N0972243W 453652N0985112W 442629N1033759W 442629N1033759W 445254N0981312W 450638N1035643W 452920N1025945W 4556$4N1031904W 440347N1034117W 440247N1022703W 435638N1021829W 455448N1025912W 443523N1025847W 450104N0965106W 444015N1034258W 442501N1033806W 433953N0964838W 440913N1035529W 440921N1035504W 433336N1011032W 442355N09B4426W 432750N0975539W 442524N1025337W 441703N1020814W 451336N1033316W 434856N0991953W 440328N0992644W 435838N0991958W 444147N1034943W 434604N1034035W 445545N0962414W 443441N1033140W 443428N1040015W 454725N0975900W 435730N0991243W 435748N0991402W SOURCE COORDINATES 432745N1035139W 432754N1013800W 431508N1001654W 430713N1010106W 45l042N1035846W 453027N1030630W 455525N1033835W 440153N1034311W 435605N1021840W 444214N1030241W 443712N1034425W 441519N0990301W 434514N1034223W 444958N0963442W 443151N1033916W 442710N1035905W 454549N0973310W ELEV FT MAP NAME Edgemont NE 1491 Mina NW Wanblee NW School Section Butte Flint Hill Victor Belvidere NW Victor 1090 2490 Hidden Timber NE Soldier Creek Medicine Mountain 2570 Creighton 2660 Creighton Creighton Cresbard Cresbard Wecota Cresbard Wecota Wendte SW Wendte SW Wendte SW 1450 1450 1463 1446 Creston Crocker Crocker 1783 Crockett Mtns Yankton Wetonka South Deadwood North Doland NW Greasewood Draw Sorum Tepee Buttes Rochford Waste Quinn Table NE Cow Butte Fairpoint SW 1869 Stockholm Fruitdale Deadwood North Crooks 4858 1592 Crooks Tower Crooks Tower Corn Creek 7137 2641 Parkston Hereford Creighton 3413 Lone Tree Draw West Bedashosha Lake Belle Fourche Berne Gary NW Saint Onge SE Beulah Newark SW Shelby 1426 Shelby FEATURE NAME Creek Dam Creek Ditch Creek Drainage Ditch Crow Crow Crow Crow Creek Indian Reservation Crow Eagle Creek Crowell School Crow Head Creek See Hunkpapa Creek Crow Lake Crow Lake Church Crow Lake Township Crowley School Crowley Spring Crowndam Dam Crown Hill (historical) Crown Hill Mine (historical) Crown Mine See McMackin Mine Crown Mine Crow Peak Crowser Ranch Crows Nest (historical) Crows Nest Butte See Crows Nest Peak Crows Nest Peak Crows Nest Butte Crow Timber Creek Crow Township Cruthoff School Crystal Cave See Bethlehem Cave Crystal Cave Crystal Cave (historical) Crystal Lake Crystal Lake Hawley Lake Crystal Lake State Public Shooting Area Crystal Lake Township Crystal Mountain Crystal Springs State Public Shooting Area C Steen Dam Cul de Sac Island See Saint Johns Island (historical) Culvert Lake Cundy Reservoir Cunningham Township Cuny Table Cuny Table School Curlew Dam Curlew Lake Curlew Township Curley Canyon Curley State Public Shooting Area Curry School Curtis Draw Curtis School Curtis School Curtis State Public Shooting Area Custer Camp Collins Custer City Custer City See Custer Custer Custer Custer Custer Custer Custer Lookout Tower Custer Mica Lodes Numbers 1 and 2 Mine Custer Mine Custer Mountain County County Airfield Group Mine Gulch Hill FEATURE CLASS dam canal canal civil stream school stream locale church civil school spring dam locale mine mine mine summit locale summit summit summit stream civil school cave cave locale lake lake park civil summit park dam island lake reservoir civil summit school dam reservoir civil valley park school valley school school park ppl Ppl civil airport mine valley summit locale mine mine summit STATUS UNOFF BGN BGN ADMIN BGN UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN UNOFF BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF BGN UNOFF BGN VARIANT BGN VARIANT BGN ADMIN UNOFF VARIANT BGN UNOFF BGN BGN VARIANT ADMIN ADMIN BGN ADMIN UNOFF VARIANT BGN BGN ADMIN BGN UNOFF UNOFF BGN ADMIN BGN ADMIN UNOFF BGN UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN BGN VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT ADMIN ADMIN UNOFF BGN BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN NATIONAL GAZETTEER—-SOUTH DAKOTA 1989 COUNTY Buffalo Marshall Brown Buffalo Stanley Meade Corson Jerauld Jerauld Jerauld Lincoln Lawrence Pennington Lawrence Lawrence Custer Custer Lawrence Pennington Brown Pennington Pennington Deuel Jerauld Aurora Meade Pennington Meade Aurora Marshall Aurora Aurora Lawrence Deuel Meade Lyman Deuel Harding Potter Shannon Shannon Meade Meade Tripp Custer Codington Union Haakon Beadle Hand Hand Custer Custer Custer Custer Pennington Pennington Lawrence Lawrence Custer Lawrence Custer COORDINATES 435836N0991742W 454641N0975714W 454339N0930419W 440505N0992050W 441446N1003622W 442731N1021654W 455331N1002713W 435727N0984419W 435752N0984630W 435840N0984455W 432136N0965053W 441344N1040108W 435748N1021518W 442640N1035215W 442119N1035202W 434738N1033832W 434738N1033833W 442814N1035746W 442423N1020051W 454721N0983934W 440319N1035744W 440319N1035744W 445645N0962834W 440345N0985156W 434954N0983505W 441715N1033010W 435745N1031820W 441638N1032752W 433838N0983409W 454443N0972048W 433844N0983411W 433905N0983830W 441210N1033506W 444B43N0963857W 445242N1020000W 441118N0994208W 444250N0962714W 453333N1035237W 450115N0995206W 433154N1024100W 433022N1023951W 441430N1024530W 441430N1024530W 433303N1000903W 433504N1032745W 445224N0972256W 423803N0963844W 443350N1013243W 441608N0983303W 441417N0991648W 441730N0990737W 434600N1033554W 434600N1033554W 434030N1032900W 434400N1033705W 435600N1033315W 440354N1032948W 441925N1033805W 441440N1034405W 434702N1033420H 442200N1033810W 434508N1033209W SOURCE COORDINATES 440847N1003548W 445253N0963636W 433540N1032828W 443226N1013230W 440234N1033001W ELEV FT 6120 6160 5760 1465 7048 1555 3780 1583 1885 5681 1652 3228 3172 1123 1832 5318 5600 5000 5551 5400 4978 6089 SD45 MAP NAME Bedashosha Lake Newark SW Claremont Big Bend Dam SE Wendte NE Dalzell NE Crow Lake Isham Lake Gannvalley SE Worthing Buckhorn Quinn Table NE Lead Lead Berne Maurice Pedro Frederick SW Crows Nest Peak Gary NW Gannvalley Wilmarth Lake Rockerville Tilford Crystal Lake South Red Iron Lake Crystal Lake White Lake Nemo Clear Lake North Avance SE Canby NW Camp Crook Lebanon Cuny Table Cuny Table Viewfield Viewfield Two Nation Wind Cave Hazel East East Creek Elk Point Rattlesnake Lake 53 Wessington SE Big Bend Dam NE Miller Dale Colony SW Custer Mt Coolidge Cicero Peak Hill City Pactola Dam Deadwood South Minnesota Ridge Custer Deadwood South Custer SD46 NATIONAL GAZETTEER--SOUTH DAKOTA 1989 FEATURE SOURCE ELEV FEATURE NAME CLASS STATUS COUNTY COORDINATES COORDINATES FT MAP NAME Custer Mountain Lode Mine mine UNOFF Custer 434520N1033354W 5450 Custer Snookum Lode Mine VARIANT Custer Peak summit BGN Laurence 441440N1034405W 6804 Minnesota Ridge Custer School school UNOFF Beadle 441751N0980759W 1281 Huron Custer State Park park ADMIN Custer 434201N1032615W Mt Coolidge Custer State Park Airstrip airport ADMIN Custer 434330N1032100W 3980 Butcher Hill Custer State Park Headquarters locale UNOFE‘ Custer 434615N1032344H Iron Mountain Custer Township civil ADMIN Beadle 442120N0980930W Huron Custer Township civil ADMIN Corson 455400N1014645W Keldron Cut Creek stream BGN Jackson 434330N1015011W 434637N1014913W School Section Butte Cuthbert locale UNOFF Sanborn 435804N0981325W Letcher Espe VARIANT Cuthbert First Methodist Church church UNOFF Sanborn 435804N0981325W Letcher Cuthead Creek VARIANT See Fisher Creek stream Corson 453854N1002544W Cutler Dam dam UNOFE‘ Harding 455042N1025848W Cow Butte SW Cut Meat Creek stream BGN Todd 432431N1005004W 431343N1011129W Soldier Creek NE Cut Meat Issue Station locale UNOFF Todd 431930N1010201W 2630 Parmelee (historical) Cuttys Ark Mine mine UNOFF Pennington 440511N1033818W Rochford Cuyahogo Mine mine UNOFF Custer 435102N1032526W Iron Mountain C W Stewart Dam dam UNOFF Potter 450306N1000906W Lake Hurley C Wulff Stockuater Dam dam UNOFF Buffalo 440324N0990430W Big Bend Dam 4 SE Cyclone Creek stream BGN Corson 454342N1015648W 454736N1015816W Black Horse Butte NW Cyclone Ditch canal BGN Pennington 440138N1030831W Rapid City East Czech National Cemetery VARIANT See Bohemian Cemetery cemetery Hyde 444736N0991955W Dacoma Park VARIANT See Tacoma Park ppl Brown 453235N0981448W Dacy (historical) ppl BGN Lawrence 442115N1035430W 5540 Savoy Dahlberg locale UNOFE‘ Roberts 455121N0971106W 1212 Claire City SW Dohlberg VARIANT Dahlenburg School school UNOFF Bon Homme 425105N0980522W 1406 Niobrara School Number 43 VARIANT Dahling Slough lake BGN Day 452416N0972124W 1789 Enemy Swim Lake West Dahlsborg VARIANT See Dalesburg locale Clay 425837N0965414W Daisy Mine (historical) mine UNOFF Laurence 441942N1034912W 6120 Lead Dakota Calmet Mine mine UNOFF Pennington 435708N1032643W 5400 Mount Rushmore Calmet VARIANT Lillian VARIANT Dakota Christian High School school UNOFF Douglas 432550N0983630W 1600 New Holland Dakota City (historical) locale UNOFF Hutchinson 432300N0975620W 1380 Parkston Dakota City Cemetery cemetery UNOFF Hutchinson 432206N0975609W Beardsley Dakota City Post Office building UNOFF Pennington 440100N1022815W 2320 Wasta (historical) Dakota Mine mine UNOFF Lawrence 442056N1035040W 6180 Lead Dakota Range School school UNOFF Butte 450223N1031345W Deers Ears Butte North Dakota River VARIANT See James River stream Yankton 425217N0971725W Dakota Wesleyan University school UNOFF Davison 434155N0980152W Mitchell Dale and Leonard Eriksen Dam dam UNOFF Potter 45014BN0994506W Lebanon Dale Ellis Dam dam UNOFE' Lyman 43524BN0992512W Short Creek Dale Ranch locale UNOFE‘ Pennington 442203N1020330W Pedro SE Dale Ranch locale UNOFF Pennington 442134N1020752W Creighton Dalesberg VARIANT See Dalesburg locale Clay 425837N0965414W Dalesburg locale UNOFF Clay 42583711096541“! 1234 Hub City Dahlsborg VARIANT Dalesberg VARIANT Dalesburg Baplist Church VARIANT See Dalesburg Church church Clay 425804N0965305W Dalesburg Church church UNOFF Clay 425804N0965305W 1232 Hub City Bloomingdale Baptist VARIANT Church Dalesburg Baplist Church VARIANT Dalesburg School school UNOFF Clay 425807N0965413W 1234 Hub City Dalesburg School Number VARIANT 35 Dalesburg School Number 35 VARIANT See Dalesburg School school Clay 425807N0965413W FEATURE NAME Dale State Public Shooting Area Dale Swedland Number 1 Dam Dale Township Dalhke Ranch Number 1 Dam Dalhke Ranch Number 2 Dam Dalhke Ranch Number 3 Dam Dalhke Ranch Number 4 Dam Dalhke Ranch Number 5 Dam Dalhke Ranch Number 6 Dam Dallan Spring Dallas Dallas Cemetery Dalmon Mica Mine Daly Corners Dalzell Dalzell Canyon Damsch School See Domsch School Danby Park Dane Church Danefield School Danefield School Number 51 Danefield School Number 51 See Danefield School Danefield Seventh Day Advent Cemetery Daneville See Viborg Daneville (historical) Daneville Township (historical) Daneville Township Danforth Danforth (historical) Danish Baptist Church Danish Cemetery Danish Church (historical) Danish Lutheran Church (historical) Danish Lutheran Church See Spring Valley Church Danish Trinity Lutheran Church See Trinity Church Danisi Cemetery Dannie O’Connell Dam Danoby (historical) Dan Patch Mine Dante Dante, Lake Dante Lake Dam Danzig Church Bap Church Dark Canyon Dark Horse and General Grant Mine Darling Creek Coal Creek Darlington (historical) Darlington See Edgerton (historical) Darlington Cemetery Darlington Township Beulah Township Darlington Township Darlington Township Hall Date Date School Datton Lake Daum Brothers Dam Daum Brothers Number 1 Dam Daum Brothers Number 2 Dam Daum Brothers Number 3 Dam Daum Brothers Number 4 Dam Dave Flyinghawk Ranch (historical) Dave Peterson Number 3 Dam Dave Peterson Number 4 Dam FEATURE CLASS park dam civil dam dam dam dam dam dam spring ppl cemetery mine locale locale valley school flat church school school cemetery ppl locale civil civil locale locale church cemetery church church church church cemetery dam ppl mine ppl reservoir dam church valley mine stream locale locale cemetery civil civil building ppl school reservoir dam dam dam dam dam locale dam dam STATUS ADMIN UNOFF ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN VARIANT BGN UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF ADMIN ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF BGN UNOFF BGN BGN UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT BGN UNOFF BGN VARIANT UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF ADMIN VARIANT ADMIN UNOFF BGN UNOFF BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF NATIONAL GAZETTEER--SOUTH DAKOTA 1989 COUNTY Day Tripp Jerauld Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Custer Gregory Gregory Custer Brown Meade Pennington Hand Custer Lawrence Clay Clay Clay Turner Turner Turner Turner Hand Hand Turner Butte Kingsbury Kingsbury Turner Clay Yankton Pennington Custer Pennington Charles Mix Charles Mix Charles Mix Bon Homme Pennington Lawrence Corson Charles Mix Charles Mix Clark Charles Mix Clark Charles Mix Perkins Perkins Lawrence Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Stanley Jackson Jackson COORDINATES 450951N0973717W 433736N1000736W 440910N0983040W 434854N1003142W 434924N1003200W 434912N1003036W 434912N1003230W 434936N1003254W 435018N1003330W 433635N1034207W 431410N0993100W 431338N0993158W 434642N1033544W 453848N0981224W 442037N1022346W 441909N1022012W 441543N0984429W 434616N1034409W 443132N1034013W 430107N0965004W 430107N0965004W 430022N0965145W 431013N0970452W 430916N0970507W 430853N0970528W 430710N0970528W 441515N0985259W 441848N0985130W 430931N0970345W 443BZ7N1033855W 442838N0972320W 443144N0971347W 431339N0971610W 424921N0970935W 424920N0970938W 441824N1020148W 454630N1034355W 435340N1032630W 430219N0981102W 430400N0981043W 430400N0981043W 430314N0975908W 440256N1032020W 442025N1034923W 453317N1015732W 432341N0984708W 432022N0984937W 444659N0974630W 432305N0984555W 444645N0974810W 432253N0984605W 452202N1024045W 452545N1023813W 441352N1032826W 435212N1005748W 435136N1010030W 435042N1005812W 435112N1005754W 435148N1005724W 442800N1003527W 435200N1014006W 435148N1014024W SOURCE COORDINATES 441758N102l719W 440221N1032249W 452914N1020641W ELEV FT 2194 5440 1303 2503 3666 1358 1285 1858 1860 1275 3010 1855 1700 1160 5520 4480 1400 6400 1645 1848 2690 SD47 MAP NAME Swan Lake Presho 4 NW Wessington Springs NE Murdo SE Murdo Murdo Murdo Murdo Murdo Argyle Dallas SE SE SE SE SE Dallas Custer Daly Corners Dalzell Dalzell SE Berne Saint Onge Beresford Beresford Viborg Viborg Wakonda Vayland SW Vayland SE Viborg Fruitdale Erwin Lake Norden St Helena Pedro SE Berne Mount Dante Dante Dante Haucks Lake Rushmore Rapid City West Lead Black Horse Butte Platte Raymond SE Platte Raymond SE Platte Date Daviston Piedmont Okaton SW Stamford SE Okaton SW Okaton SW Okaton SW Willow Creek Butte Weta Weta SD48 FEATURE NAME David Jones Dam David Kitterman Dam David Olson Dam Davidson Flat Davidson Post Office (historical) Davidson Spring Davis Davis Buttes Davis Cemetery Davis Creek Davis Draw Davis Draw Davis Draw Reservoir Davis Exit Davis Irrigation Dam Davison County Davis Ranch Davis Ranch Davis Ranch Davis Ranch Davis Ranch Number 1 Dam Davis School Davis School Davis School Davis Slough Dawkins School Dawson Creek Day Brown Draw Day County Days Woods See Gilleys Grove Dayton (historical) Dayton - Crow Creek Ditch Dayton-stena Ditch Dayton Township Dayton Township Day Township D Booth Dam D Booth Number 2 Dam D Booth Number 3 Dam D Dunn Dam Deacon Wright Lode Mine Deadbroke Mine Dead Buffalo Dam Dead Horse Butte Deadhorse Canyon Dead Horse Draw Dead Horse Flats Deadhorse Gulch Dead Horse Spring Deadman Creek Deadman Creek Deadman Creek Bellsman Creek Deadman Creek Deadman Gulch Deadman Gulch Deadman Gulch Dead Man Hill Deadman Lateral Deadman Mountain Dead Mans Creek Dead 0x Creek Dead Ox Spring Deadwood Deadwood City Deadwood Creek Deadwood Gulch Deadwood-Heidelberg Mine See Mascot Mine Deadwood Terra Mine Dean (historical) Dean Hunt Landing Strip Dean Ranch Dean School Number 3 (historical) FEATURE CLASS dam dam dam flat building spring ppl range cemetery stream valley valley reservoir crossing dam valley valley flat valley spring stream stream stream stream valley valley valley summit canal summit stream stream spring ppl stream valley mine mine locale airport locale school STATUS UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN UNOFF BGN BGN BGN UNOFF BGN BGN BGN UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN UNOFF BGN BGN ADMIN VARIANT UNOFF BGN BGN ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN VARIANT BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN VARIANT BGN BGN VARIANT UNOFP UNOFF ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF NATIONAL GAZETTEER--SOUTH DAKOTA 1989 COUNTY Campbell Pennington Stanley Meade Potter Meade Turner Harding Turner Lyman Harding Meade Harding Lincoln Harding Davison Butte Butte Harding Pennington Butte Brown Faulk Waiworth Lake Pennington Bon Homme Pennington Day Brookings Marshall Marshall Marshall Lincoln Marshall Clark Dewey Dewey Dewey Perkins Pennington Lawrence Harding Harding Fall River Jackson Custer Lawrence Custer Bon Homme Butte Corson Pennington Custer Meade Pennington Harding Butte Meade Haakon Lawrence Lawrence Lawrence Lawrence Lawrence Lawrence Lawrence Hand Dewey Custer Jerauld COORDINATES 455042N1012024W 440448N1021700W 443254N1005906W 442734N1020753W 445447N1000340W 442858N1020932W 431527N0965943W 451824N1032559W 431552N0965925W 434236N0994758W 454828N1032939W 441511N1023406W 454810N1032741W 431528N0964746W 452318N1040054W 434000N0981030W 444837N1035041W 445501N1035131W 452935N1035957W 442955N1020215W 445624N1035142W 453338N0981947W 445443N0990307W 453217N1002542W 440749N0971951W 440126N1025323W 431055N0973755W 435445N1023916W 451900N0973500W 442740N0963225W 455105N0975415W 455034N0975035W 455211N0975303W 432250N0963706W 455310N0975421W 445010N0974015W 451236N1004518W 450842N1004412W 450536N1004254W 452248N1020036W 435130N1033815W 442245N1034605W 452536N1032454W 455256N1033830W 431946N1034445W 435817N1012357W 434816N1035606W 441619N1035431W 434702N1035554W 425250N0974816W 444252N1032330W 453026N1002606W 435902N1032044W 435021N1031547W 442403N1033037W 440355N1031723W 453353N1035459W 444358N1032523W 442207N1033207W 440529N1014853W 441552N1035457W 441534N1035759W 442236N1034345W 442223N1034353W 442148N1034403W 442220N1034005W 442125N1034555W 441553N0985630W 450010N1011246W 433722N1034243W 440212N0984014W SOURCE COORDINATES 434840N0995621W 454745N1032654W 441813N1023753W 431543N0975536W 440103N1024329W 432152N1034423W 435759N1012421W 441636N1035637W 425806N0975012W 444635N1032940W 452754N1003315W 435958N1032201W 435438N1032000W 441937N1033316W 440416N1031912W 441423N1015747W 441611N1035842W 442039N1034929W 442105N1034344W ELEV ET 1930 1250 3051 1303 1538 3096 1365 5680 5100 3297 4943 4537 5400 1820 2440 1900 MAP NAME Haynes SE Wasta 5E Standing Butte SW Pedro NW Agar NE Pedro NW Lannox Roundup Butte Lennox Ideal NE Ludlow Elm springs Ludlow Worthing Capitol Bette Mud Buttes Antelope Butte J K Butte Pedro Antelope Butte Columbia Orient Mobridge Oldham New Underwood SW Scotland Creston Webster Newark SW Britten West Newark SW Klondike Newark NW Clark South Ridgeview NE La Plant La Plant SW Coal Springs Berne Spearfish Bams Butte NW Table Mountain Flint Hill Belvidere NW Dead Horse Flats Savoy Dead Horse Flats Tyndall Newell Mobridge Rockerville Hayward Sturgis Rapid City West Camp Crook Newell Deadman Mountain Bowen Ranch Savoy Savoy Deadwood North Deadwood South Deadwood South Lead Vayland SW Parade SW Argyle Wessington Springs SW FEATURE NAME Deans Lake Dearborn Township Decker Creek Dedrick School Deep Bank Creek Deep Creek Deeprun Creek Deep Run Creek Creek Creek Deep Deep Creek Creek Creek Creek Church Creek School (abandoned) Creek Township Draw Run Creek See Deep Creek Deeprun Creek See Deep Creek Deep Deep Deep Deep Deep Deep Deep Deep Creek Creek Creek Creek Creek Creek Creek Creek Creek Cemetery Creek Lateral Deer Deer Deer Deer Deer Deer Deer Deer Deer Deer Deer Dam Deer Draw Deere Creek Deerfield Mountain City Deerfield Dam Deerfield Lake Deerfield School Deer Head Lodge Deer Lodge Deer Mountain Deers Ears Butte Deer Spring Deevaan Villa Development (subdivision) De Grey De Grey Post Office (historical) De Grey Recreation Area De Grey School De Grey Township Dehart Draw Deiter Landing Strip Deiter School (abandoned) DeJong Brothers Number 1 Dam DeJong Brothers Number 2 Dam DeJong Brothers Number 3 Dam DeJong Brothers Number 4 Dam DeJong Brothers Number 5 Dam DeJong Brothers 12 Dam DeJong Brothers 7 Dam DeJongs Brothers 0 Dam DeJong School See Wertz School (historical) Delaney Township De Lange School (historical) Delano County (historical) Delapre Township Delaware Church Delaware Township Delbridge Dam Delhi Post Office (historical) Dell City See Dell Rapids Dell Oliver Dam Dell Rapids Dell City FEATURE CLASS lake civil stream school stream stream stream stream stream stream stream church school civil valley stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream cemetery canal dam valley stream locale dam reservoir school locale locale summit summit spring 991 locale building park school civil valley airport school dam dam dam school civil school civil civil church civil dam building ppl dam ppl STATUS BGN ADMIN BGN UNOFF BGN BGN VARIANT VARIANT BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN BGN VARIANT VARIANT BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN UNOFF BGN UNOFF BGN BGN UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN BGN BGN BGN UNOFF UNOff ADMIN UNOFF ADMIN BGN ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT ADMIN UNOFF ADMIN ADMIN UNOFF ADMIN UNOFP UNOFP VARIANT UNOFF BGN VARIANT NATIONAL GAZETTEER--SOUTH DAKOTA COUNTY Jerauld Beadle Campbell Turner Corson Haakon Jackson Pennington Perkins Stanley Stanley Haakon Perkins Perkins Harding Haakon Haakon Brookings Brookings Butte Corson Lawrence Pennington Perkins Tripp Brookings Butte Harding Harding Meade Pennington Pennington Pennington Pennington Pennington Pennington Lawrence Butte Lawrence Brown Hughes Hughes Hughes Hughes Hughes Hughes Spink Spink Lyman Tripp Tripp Tripp Tripp Lyman Lyman Lyman Douglas Corson Douglas Meade Lincoln Lincoln Lincoln Meade McPherson Minnehaha Perkins Minnehaha COORDINATES 440359N0983650W 442130N0982430W 455449N1001630W 431615N0971202W 453642N1003327W 443832N1012503W 434647N1011921W 442618N1020741W 451052N1021430W 443704N1003903W 44142BN1004001W 443010N1011523W 450657N1021811W 450330N1021740W 451746N1030802W 443832N1012503W 443832N1012503W 441506N0964329W 442834N0962937W 444046N1031826W 454204N1015319W 442237N1035738W 440457N1032643W 455335N1024112W 430004N0993756W 442449N0965207W 444413N1032332W 454512N1034654W 452241N1030951W 442910N1020806W 440102N1035001W 440145N1034707W 440145N1034707W 440147N1034753W 440557N1034550W 440151N1035133W 441806N1034930W 445954N1031105W 440830N1040250W 453018N0982726W 441709N0995503W 441615N0995650W 441637N0995513W 441648N0995749W 441900N0995723W 442405N1000027W 445245N0982330W 445154N0982218W 434006N0993100W 434048N0994724W 434154N0994612W 434136N0994748W 434036N0994642W 434624N0994754W 434518N0994648W 434636N0994648W 432450N0992210W 453500N1015505W 432815N0983335W 444850N1022900W 432806N0965010W 431527N0965319W 431225N0965120W 44514BN1020100W 454130N0984450W 434934N0964221W 453854N1021748W 434934N0964221W 1999 SOURCE COORDINATES 452929N1005025W 442644N1011604W 434157N1011742W 440704N1020749W 450048N1023332W 443645N1004137W 441614N1004158W 452117N1031116W 442627N0963149W 442655N0962830W 444236N1032131W 455035N1015627W 442251N1035922W 440747N1033334W 454834N1024013W 43051BN0993854W 452235N1031125W 443513N1021251W 442420N0995728W ELEV FT 1832 1660 5900 6652 3438 1295 1423 1468 1297 1296 1580 1465 1498 SD49 MAP NAME Wessington Springs Virgil Pollock Parker 5" Wakpala SE Cherry Creek NW Belvidere Pedro NW Faith NW Iron Post Buttes Wendte Kirley Deep Creek SE Deep Creek SE Irish Butte Aurora White NB Vale NE Black Horse Butte NW Maurice Pactola Dam Hettinger South Dallas SW Brookings NE Newell Chimney Butte J 3 Hill Pedro NW Deerfield Deerfield Deerfield Deerfield Deerfield Deerfield Lead Deere Ears Butte South Buckhorn 0rdway De Grey De Grey De Grey De Grey De Grey Canning Ashton Glendale Colony Hamill NE Ideal NE Ideal NE Ideal NE Ideal NE Kennebec SE Kennebec SE Kennebec SB Meadow SE New Holland Opal East SW Tea Lennox Betesford NE Avance SE Richmond NW Bison NE Dell Rapids SD50 FEATURE NAME Dell Rapids Township Dells of the Sioux River Delmage (historical) Delmont Delmont Cemetery Delzer Number 1 Dam Delzer Number 2 Dam Delzer Number 3 Dam Delzer School De Mores See Belle Fourche Dempster Dempster Township Denby Denby Dam Denby Lake Denke Ranch Denmark Post Office (historical) Dennewitz Cemetery Dennis Denton (historical) Dentonville Denton Presbyterian Church See Artesian Presbyterian Church Dentonville See Denton (historical) Denver See Paxton Denver Post Office See Arlington Denver Township Department of Game Fish Parks Dam Hamill Dam Department of Game Fish Parks Dam Witten Dam Derian Subdivision (subdivision) Derry Robert Number 1 Dam Des Lauriens Island (historical) De Smet DeSmet DeSmet See De Smet De Smet De Smet Detmold Detroit Detroit De Smet Cemetery Creek Township Township (historical) Cemetery Detroit Post Office (historical) Detroit Township (historical) Deuel Center See Clear Lake Post Office (historical) Deuel County Deuel Post Office (historical) Devaney School Devil Canyon Devils Devils Devils Devils Canyon Canyon Spring Grave Hill Gulch Spirit Canyon Devils Half Acre Devils Island (historical) Devine School Number 24 (historical) Devoe Devoe Cemetery DeVoe Community Building Devoe Township FEATURE CLASS civil cliff locale ppl cemetery dam dam dam school ppl PP1 civil locale dam reservoir locale building cemetery locale locale church locale locale ppl civil dam dam Ppl dam island ppl ppl cemetery stream civil civil locale cemetery building civil building civil building school valley valley spring summit valley area island school locale cemetery locale civil NATIONAL GAZETTEER--SOUTH DAKOTA 1989 STATUS ADMIN BGN UNOFF BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT BGN ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT ADMIN UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF VARIANT BGN UNOFF BGN BGN 1905 VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF BGN ADMIN ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN VARIANT ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN VARIANT BGN BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN COUNTY Minnehaha Minnehaha Lake Douglas Douglas Butte Butte Butte Hutchinson Butte Hamlin Hamlin Shannon Shannon Shannon Pennington Kingsbury Hutchinson Fall River Sanborn Sanborn Sanborn Gregory Kingsbury Kingsbury Tripp Tripp Brown Mellette Buffalo Kingsbury Kingsbury Kingsbury Lyman Kingsbury McPherson Brown Brown Brown Brown Deuel Deuel Deuel Moody Fall River Harding Harding Gregory Minnehaha Harding Sully Clay Faulk Faulk Faulk Faulk COORDINATES 434750N0964156W 434839N0964244W 440700N0965620W 431603N0980943W 431633N0980853W 445836N1034542W 445748N1034536W 445712N1034518W 432118N0973449W 444017N1035106W 443755N0965705W 444025N0975646W 430339N1022014W 430318N1021848W 430314N1021857W 442352N1021045W 443118N0971347W 431424N0975225W 431541N1035159W 440014N0975614W 440023N0975517W 440014N0975614W 430455N0993155W 442152N0970758W 442328N097ll51W 433554N0994042W 432618N1000424W 452618N0983126W 433442N1002742W 435915N0992033W 442315N0973300W 442315N0973300W 442206N0973414W 435810N0992131W 442228N0973116W 455345N0993155W 454546N0980130W 454733N0980155H 454725N0980113W 454548N0980227W 444445N0963830W 444530N0963850W 443750N0962905W 435422N0964604W 431756N1033855W 455133N1033012W 455055N1032951W 430708N0985938W 434320N0962959W 454913N1034505W 444522N1003215W 425925N0970415W 450530N0985242W 450534N0985207W 450531N0985242W 450626N0985320W SOURCE COORDINATES 435815N0992421W 455038N1032942W 434227N0962724W ELEV ET 1630 1470 1660 3368 1730 3554 1315 1308 1724 1765 1308 1292 1290 1785 1637 3400 1935 1608 1390 1386 1405 MAP NAME Dell Rapids Dell Rapids Rutland Delmont Delmont Antelope Butte Antelope Butte Antelope Butte Wolf Creek Dempster Dempster Denby Denby Denby Pedro N" Lake Norden Kaylor Edgemont Artesian Badger Hamill Witten Aberdeen West Wood North Bedashosha Lake De Smet De Smet SE Bedashosha Lake De Smet SE Ventura Hecla SE Hecla SE Hecla SE Hecla SE Clear Lake North Canby NW Colman Flint Hill Ladner SE Ludlow Bonesteel Garretson East Chimney Butte No Heart Creek SE Gayville NE Creshard SW Cresbard SE Cresbard SW Cresbard SW FEATURE NAME De Vol School Devorak School Dewald School Dewberry Dam See F Macijewske Dam Dewey Dewey County Dewey Dam See M Oehlerking Dam Dewey Mine Dewey Township Dewey Township Dewey Township Dewitt (historical) Dewitt School Dexter (historical) Dexter (historical) Dexter Dexter Dezera D Faulstich Dam D Gifford Number 1 Dam D Gifford Number 2 Dam Diamond Diamond City (historical) Diamond F Ranch Dam Diamond Lake Cemetery Township Diana See Artesian Diana Cemetery Artesian Cemetery Diana Mine Diana Presbyterian Church See Artesian Presbyterian Church Diana Township Dick Canyon Dickens Township Dicks Cemetery Dick Simon Number 1 Dam Dicks School Dienslake Lake Dike Mine Dyke Mine Dike 10 Dam Dillon Campground Dillon Draw Dillon Pass Dillon Spring Dimock Dimock, Lake Dimock Dam Dinger School (abandoned) Dinosaur Park Dipping Tank Creek Dipping Vat Creek Dipping Vat Draw Dirksen School Dirkstown (historical) Dirt Lodge Creek Dirty Womans Creek Disseau Dam 2 Ditch Creek Pitch Creek Diversion Canal Divide Lode Mine Dividened Mine (historical) Divide School Divide Spring Dixon Dixon Dixon Dixon Dixon Dixon Ranch Dixon Township Dixon Township Cemetery Cemetery Cemetery Dam FEATURE CLASS school school school dam ppl civil dam mine civil civil civil locale school locale locale cemetery civil ppl dam dam dam locale ppl dam lake ppl cemetery mine church civil valley civil cemetery dam school lake mine dam park valley 9‘? spring ppl reservoir dam school park stream stream valley school locale stream stream dam stream canal mine mine school spring ppl cemetery cemetery cemetery dam locale civil civil STATUS UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT BGN ADMIN VARIANT UNOFF ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN UNOFF BGN VARIANT UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF VARIANT ADMIN BGN ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFP BGN UNOFF VARIANT UNOFP ADMIN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN BGN BGN BGN UNOFF UNOFF BGN BGN UNOFF BGN VARIANT BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN ADMIN NATIONAL GAZETTEER--SOUTH DAKOTA 1989 COUNTY Yankton Spink Bon Homme Dewey Custer Dewey Hyde Pennington Campbell Hyde McPherson Sanborn Perkins Codington Codington Codington Codington Charles Mix Hyde Meade Meade Roberts Lawrence Meade Minnehaha Sanborn Sanborn Pennington Sanborn Sanborn Fall River Gregory Turner Dewey Turner Hand Pennington Bennett Pennington Perkins Pennington Clay Hutchinson Hutchinson Hutchinson Brown Pennington Lyman Harding Pennington Turner Lyman Corson Haakon Brule Pennington Minnehaha Pennington Lawrence Meade Harding Gregory Beadle Gregory Hamlin Gregory Mellette Gregory Hamlin COORDINATES 425800N0971906W 445532N0982856W 43061BN0975813W 452336N1005948W 433151N1040226W 450830N1005230W 441854N0992612W 435258N1033229W 454210N0995945W 441900N0992817W 453810N0990930W 435130N0980227W 454624N1020206W 450715N0972630W 450835N0971645W 450723N0971750W 450530N0971800W 430955N0983005W 444100N0992754W 444336N1022148W 444700N1022124W 454414N0964128W 440900N1034155W 450006N1021130W 435032N0970600W 440033N0975514W 440100N0975516W 440518N1033413W 440023N0975517W 435850N0975439W 431819N1033717W 430706N0992752W 432710N0971955W 450112N1005954W 432653N0972021W 445133N0990252W 435143N1032444W 430730N1013200W 435118N1021126W 450858N1024355W 435037N1021141W 425745N0970200W 432827N0975907W 432828N0975522W 432828N0975522W 455009N0980339W 440438N1031446W 440747N1000118W 454957N1035553W 435503N1024142W 432649N0965751W 435045N0993940W 454239N1012503W 440732N1015543W 435254N0991042W 435854N1035032W 433456N0964334W 440548N1034725W 442100N1035022W 443706N1023350W 452531N1031208W 432300N0992822W 442444N0975405W 432336N0992826W 444236N0972818W 432342N0992924W 433937N1010711W 432611N0992905W 444026N0972552W SOURCE COORDINATES 432004N1034107W 450619N1024317W 440257N1000123W 455057N1035953W 440146N1024444W 455233N1014424W 441402N1015851W 435549N1034550W ELEV FT 1290 1559 3706 5460 1301 1815 1469 5500 1517 4600 1370 1309 1286 1469 1755 6360 2990 1880 1386 1886 1818 SD51 MAP NAME Mission Hill Ashton Haucks Lake Dewey Ridgeview NW Hill City Mound City Macs Corner Plainview Colony NW Loomis Lemmon Lake Wallace Florence NE Florence Florence Lake Andes Mitchell Lake Marcus Opal West SE Beardsley NW Minnesota Ridge Faith SW Buffalo Trading Post Artesian Silver City Farwell NW Cascade Springs Carlock Marion Ridgeview SW Marion Polo Iron Mountain Deadmans Lake Wall SW Imogene Wall SW Gayville NE Parkston Parkston Parkston Hecla SE Rapid City East Ft George Butte Scott Creek Creston Lennox NW Reliance SW Black Horse Grindstone Shelby Ditch Creek Sioux Falls East Deerfield Lead Enning J B Hill Dixon Yale Dixon Vienna East Dixon Cedar Butte NE Dixon Vienna East SD52 FEATURE NAME D Keffeler Dam D Nuzum Dam Doane Mountain Doane Springv Dobberstien Slough Dobberstien Slough State Wildlife Management Doc Hodge Draw Dodds School Dodge (historical) Dodge Bay Stage Creek Dodge Draw Dodge Draw Recreation Area Dodge School Dodsons Bend (historical) Dody Spring See Doty Spring Dog Butte Dog Butte Creek Dog Creek Dog Creek Dogeagle Lake Dog Ear Creek Dog Ear Lake Dog Ear Township Doggie Butte See Dogie Butte Dogie Butte Doggie Butte Dogie Creek Dogie Creek See Arnett Creek Dog Tooth Creek Dohlberg See Dahlberg Dokter State Public Shooting Area Doland Doland Cemetery Doland Dam See Mirage Dam Doland Ridge Doland Township (historical) Dolan Ranch Dolcode Mine Dolezal John Number 7 Dam Dollar Lake Doll Ranch Dolph Creek Dolphees Island (historical) Dolph Post Office (historical) Dolphus Peninsula Dolton Dolton, Lake Dolton Township Dome Butte Dome Mountain Domsch School Damsch School Donald Ferguson Dam Donald Kelly Dam Donald King Dam Donald King 1 Dam Donald King 2 Dam Donald King 3 Dam Donald King 4 Dam Don Farlee Dam Donnelly State Public Shooting Area Donnely School School Number 7 Doody Creek Dooley Slough Doran Ranch Dorian Buttes Dorion Island (historical) Spar Island Dorion Island Number 2 FEATURE CLASS dam dam summit spring lake park valley school locale bay valley park school bend spring summit stream stream stream lake stream lake civil summit summit stream stream stream locale park ppl cemetery dam ridge civil locale mine dam lake locale stream island building cape ppl reservoir civil summit summit school school stream gut locale summit island NATIONAL GAZETTEER-—SOUTH DAKOTA 1939 STATUS UNOFF UNOFF BGN 194B BGN BGN ADMIN BGN UNOFF UNOFF BGN VARIANT BGN ADMIN UNOFF BGN VARIANT BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN ADMIN VARIANT BGN VARIANT BGN 1977 VARIANT BGN VARIANT ADMIN BGN UNOFF VARIANT BGN ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN UNOFF BGN BGN UNOFF BGN BGN BGN ADMIN BGN BGN UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN UNOFF VARIANT BGN BGN UNOFF BGN BGN VARIANT VARIANT COUNTY Meade Meade Pennington Harding Roberts Roberts Harding Aurora Brown Dewey Harding Potter Pennington Bon Homme Pennington Dewey Dewey Harding Ziebach Corson Tripp Tripp Tripp Harding Harding Harding Harding Perkins Roberts Day Spink Spink Spink Spink Spink Pennington Pennington Mellette Marshall Pennington Hamlin Dewey Hamlin Potter Turner Gregory Turner Harding Lawrence Hand Haakon Pennington Haakon Haakon Haakon Haakon Haakon Dewey Codington Bon Homme Butte Lake Custer Tripp Hughes COORDINATES 444442N1023200W 443124N1021324W 435235N1032700W 455121N1032836W 455144N0965647W 455201N0965704W 453227N1030807W 434812N0984216W 452130N0981125W 450947N1001517W 452450N1034909W 451040N1001542W 435445N1030608W 425038N0974509W 440741N1032334W 452551N1005756W 451952N1005354W 452711N1030051W 443504N1014805W 453026N1005809W 434117N0995834W 431008N0995331W 431313N0995621W 455256N1034644W 455256N1034644W 455227N1035327W 455504N1035406W 454552N1020653W 455121N0971106W 452904N0973213W 445345N0980601W 445358N0980458W 444706N0980554W 444820N0980603W 445305N0980520W 440655N1035703W 435544N1033111W 432900N1004200W 454535N0972318W 435149N1034628W 443550N0971239W 450157N1002313W 443516N0971608W 450311N1001623W 432927N0972307W 431000N0993054W 432757N0971836W 451813N1032542W 442120N1033920W 441543N0984429H 441854N1015048W 435636N1020454W 442036N1014242W 441830N1014048W 441912N1013954W 451912N1014048W 441912N1014100W 450142N101254BW 450036N0971544W 424826N0980036W 445552N1030522W 440723N0971203W 432958N1035857W 431024N1001001W 441127N0995545W SOURCE COORDINATES 453335N1031139W 452301N1035241W 452548N1010559W 452941N1030847W 443956N1015221W 431607N1000223W 454950N1034415W 455042N1020756W 443202N0972633W 450008N1031020W ELEV PT 5375 1099 1303 1640 2112 2140 3300 1358 1357 1929 1697 1440 2227 3241 5455 1837 1480 2595 MAP NAME Redowl Plainview Mount Rushmore Ludlow New Effington New Effington Battleship Rock Archer Hill Groton SW Four Bear Creek Harding Four Bear Creek Hermosa NE Santee Glencross White Horse Flat Top Butte Bridger SE Little Eagle SW Ideal NW Dog Ear Lake Dog Ear Lake Dogie Butte Scott Creek Lemmon Lake Webster NE Doland Doland Doland SE Doland Crows Nest Peak Hill City Mission NW Hillhead Signal Hill Lake Norden Patch Skin Buttes SW Gertson Slough Patch Skin Buttes SE Dalton Dallas Marion Roundup Butte Deadwood South Wessington SW Grindstone Butte Wall NE Elbon Elbon Elbon Elbon Elbon Lantry Florence Niobrara Owl Butte NE Ramona Burdock Keyapaha NW Joe Creek NW FEATURE NAME Dorion Island Number 1 See Cedar Creek Island (historical) Dorion Island Number 2 See Dorion Island (historical) Dorman Dam Dorman Township Dorothy Lode Mine Dorothy Number 1 Lode Mine Dorothy V Prospect Mine Doss Dam Doty School Doty Spring Dody Spring Double Dam Double Rainbow Mine Richmond-Sitting Bull Mine Double R Creek Dougherty Gulch Dougherty Spring Douglas, Lake Douglas City (historical) Douglas County Douglas Township Dove Creek Bove Creek Dove Creek See South Fork Snake Creek Dover Draw Dover Post Office (historical) Dowd Dam Dowell Spring Dowlin Cemetery Burbank Community Cemetery (historical) Cemetery Number 1 Dam Township (historical) Claim Mine Kirka Claim Mine Bowling Bowling Dowling Dowling Downing See Downstream Recreation Area (North) Downstream Recreation Area (South) Dow Ridge Doyle (historical) Doyle School Drake School ' School Number 50 Drakola (historical) Draper Draper Cemetery Draper Dam Draper Township D Rayman Ranch Drei Creek Cemetery Dreis Brothers Dam Driftwood Canyon Driftwood Creek Drips, The Drolc Number 1 Dam Dry Beaver Creek Dry Branch Dry Chateau Creek Dry Creek Dry North Canal Creek Creek Creek Loowell Run Dry Dry Dry Creek Creek Creek Creek Dry Dry Dry Dry FEATURE CLASS island island dam civil mine mine mine dam school spring dam mine stream valley spring reservoir PPl civil civil stream stream valley building dam spring cemetery locale cemetery dam civil mine park park ridge locale school school locale ppl cemetery dam civil locale cemetery dam valley stream valley dam stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream NATIONAL GAZETTEER--SOUTH DAKOTA 1989 STATUS VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN 1975 VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN ADMIN ADMIN BGN VARIANT VARIANT BGN UNOFF UNOFF BGN UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN VARIANT ADMIN ADMIN BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF BGN UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN BGN BGN UNOFF BGN BGN BGN VARIANT BGN BGN VARIANT BGN BGN BGN BGN COUNTY Lyman Hughes Lyman Lyman Custer Custer Custer Jackson Pennington Pennington Fall River Lawrence Butte Pennington Pennington Hyde Douglas Douglas Hyde Faulk Spink Meade McCook Charles Mix Pennington Clay Haakon Haakon Jones Haakon Custer Stanley Stanley Custer Meade Meade Bon Homme Kingsbury Jones Jones Jones Jones Harding Hutchinson Haakon Fall River Fall River Hughes Harding Pennington Brown Bon Homme Butte Butte Custer Custer Custer Custer Custer Fall River COORDINATES 440948N0995513W 441127N0995545W 435818N0995206W 445840N0994932W 434520N1033805W 434527N1033752W 434538N1033B22W 434625N1014513W 440649N1032142W 440741N1032334W 432354N1035242W 442000N1033800W 445501N1030909W 440224N1034009W 440140N1034113W 443826N0992832W 432245N0981855W 432330N0982230W 444018N0992858W 445846N0983859W 450152N0953437W 441513N1023151W 434930N0973455W 43104BN0984500W 440118N1035611W 424644N0964839W 442000N1015900W 442302N1015852W 435900N1003130W 442245N1015549W 435037N1033910W 442600N1002321W 442522N1002314W 433829N1031936W 441629N1032743W 442223N1025035W 425525N0980149W 441416N0972925W 435534N1003224W 435556N1003251W 435455N1003156W 435641N1003058W 453435N1040135W 432149N0974857W 442736N1015700W 432355N1035233W 432149N1035341W 442036N1000338W 454924N1030342W 440555N1040327W 454634N0983535W 425547N0980647W 443935N1032020W 444204N1034247W 434403N1031846W 434807N1025256W 433322N1031547W 433930N1030317W 43323BN1032306W 431635N1032621W SOURCE COORDINATES 445340N1031209W 440135N1034148W 450258N0905524W 441841N1023534W 432806N1035247W 432800N1035250W 442141N1000148W 440412N1035922W 430903N0980506W 445310N1033059W 444556N1035147W 434519N1032204W 434805N1025809W 433341N1032126W 434455N1032441W 433713N1032505W 431142N1032243W ELEV FT 5400 5400 5440 2323 3911 5000 1550 1400 2650 3800 2583 1498 1735 2257 2190 3200 1318 SD53 MAP NAME Brakke Dam Kennebec Berne Berne Berne Cottonwood SE Rapid City West Piedmont Burdock Deadwood South Deers Ears Butte South Rochford Rochford Mitchell Lake Corsica Lake Corsica Mitchell Lake Zell Elm Springs Canova SE Campbell Creek Crows Nest Peak Vermillon SE Post Ranch Hilland NW Draper Hilland NW Oahe Dam Oahe Dam Butcher Hill Tilford Hereford SE Niobrara NE Oldham NW Draper Draper Draper Draper Capitol Rock Parkston SE Hilland NW Edgemont NE Edgemont SW Rousseau Ralph Parmlee Canyon Frederick Niobrara NE Vale NE Fruitdale Butcher Hill Capute SW Boland Ridge Fairburn NE Wind Cave Angostura Reservoir SD54 FEATURE NAME Creek Creek Creek Creek Creek Creek Dry Dry Dry Dry Dry Dry Creek See North Branch Dry Creek Creek Creek Creek Creek Creek Creek Creek Creek Dry Dry Dry Dry Dry Dry Dry Dry Dry Creek Creek Creek Creek Creek Creek Creek Creek Creek Reservoir Creek School Dry Dry Dry Dry Dry Dry Dry Dry Dry Dry Dry Creek Spring Dryden Township Dry Draw Dam Town Dam Elk Gulch Elm Creek Fourmile Creek Gulch Gulch Spring Hole Dam Dry Dry Dry Dry Dry Dry House Creek Island (historical) Lake Lake Lake Lake Lake Lake Dry Lake Dry Lake Public Dry Dry Dry Dry Dry Dry Dry Dry Number One Number Two Number 1 State Shooting Area Dry Lake Number 2 State Public Shooting Area Dry Lake State Public Shooting Area Dry North Canal See Dry Creek Parmlee canyon Run Run Run Dry Dry Dry Dry Run Morris Creek Run Run Dry Run Creek Run Run Timber Creek Run See Willow Creek Dry Dry Dry Dry Dry Dry Run Willow Creek Run Creek See Dry Run Dry Run Number 2 State Wildlife Management Area Dry Run Number 3 State Wildlife Management Area Dry Run Township Dry Wood Creek See Joe Creek Dry Dry FEATURE CLASS stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream reservoir school spring civil dam valley stream stream valley spring dam stream island lake lake lake lake lake swamp swamp park park park stream valley stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream park park civil SCZEBM NATIONAL GAZETTEER--SOUTH DAKOTA 1989 STATUS BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN VARIANT BGN 1975 BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN UNOFF BGN ADMIN UNOFF VARIANT BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN UNOFP BGN 1977 BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN VARIANT BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN 1975 VARIANT BGN BGN VARIANT BGN BGN VARIANT VARIANT BGN VARIANT VARIANT ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN VARIANT COUNTY Fall River Gregory Gregory Gregory Harding Harding Hutchinson Hutchinson Jackson Jackson Jones Laurence Meade Meade Meade Meade Mellette Pennington Pennington Sully Todd Todd Todd Harding Custer Harding Fall River Fall River Meade Meade Meade Lawrence Lawrence Harding Harding Brule Codington Faulk Hamlin Lake Laurence Clark Clark Clark Clark Codington Butte Pennington Brown Brown Buffalo Davison Davison Hughes Sanborn Spink Stanley Stanley Hughes Roberts Roberts Hughes Hughes COORDINATES 431951N1035157W 425630N0984948W 432610N0992015W 425707N0992756W 451308N1030316W 454531N1032711W 432145N0974937W 432430N0974642W 435945N1014540W 435557N1012310W 440856N1004837W 443343N1034359W 443442N1031229W 442056N1025200W 441245N1030420W 441350N1024127W 433002N1011138W 435237N1022442W 435959N1030205W 443502N1003312W 425355N1004024W 432138N1005207W 425617N1004652W 454624N1033443W 434249N1031500W / 454525N1033336W 430959N1031640W 430136N1033754W 441704N1033023W 442610N1025003W 443317N1030511W 442007N1035754W 441647N1035818W 452648N1032330W 454644N1035233W 433945N0992130W 450238N0971937W 451001N0991145W 443742N0970321W 440846N0971209W 441723N1035602W 445545N0974157W 444041N0973943W 445537N0974204W 444101N0973941W 450244N0971900W 443935N1032020W 440256N1040331W 454904N0981356W 454231N0983833W 440029N0990429W 434604N0975947W 434147N0975810W 442035N1001537W 435430N0975916W 445245N0982030W 441858N1002456W 442042N1002315W 442035N1001537W 454533N0965211W 454747N0964913W 442321N1001155W 440834N0994732W SOURCE COORDINATES 431910N1035845W 430143N0985336W 432443N0992358W 430159N0993036W 451644N1030315W 454630N1033512W 432135N0974915W 440455N1015818W 435646N1012716W 435447N1010336W 442956N1033852W 443239N1031657W 442740N1025835W 441048N1031151W 441711N1024834W 432259N1011714W 434753N1022725W 440013N1031416W 443548N1003306W 430757N1005039W 432034N1005705W 430215N1004701W 441619N1033241W 443122N1025843W 443636N1031042W 441635N1035909W 454236N1034424W 440312N1040123W 454918N0984807W 440453N0990432W 440200N0982200W 434215N0981426W 442605N1001300W 435810N0975037W 451342N0930654W 442435N1003033W ELEV FT 1320 1733 1649 MAP NAME Edgemont Butte Dixon NE Mills Fish Draw Ludlow Milltown Cottonwood NE Belvidere NW Van Metre Saint Onge Volunteer Hereford SE Bend Owanka NW Corn Creek Quinn Table Hermosa NE Iron Post Buttes SE Crookston East Soldier Creek SE Crookston West Ladner SE Butcher Hill Ladner SE Lone Well Creek East Ardmore Deadman Mountain Hereford NE Volunteer SE Savoy Savoy Bams Butte NW Scott Creek Red Lake West Florence Norbeck Castlewood Madison NW Savoy Clark North Willow Lake Clark North Willow Lake Florence Parmlee Canyon Houghton Richmond NW Big Bend Dam 4 SE Farwell Riverside Pierre Farwell NW Frankfort Pierre SW Victor Victor Canning NW FEATURE NAME Drywood Lakes Dry Wood Lake Township D Schrempp Dam D Talley Dam D Timmons Dam D Trumble Dam Dubel Bridge Dubuque Claim Ducharme Cemetery (historical) Du Charme Creek Duck Duck Duck Duck Duck Duck Duck Dam Duck Lake Duckles Ranch See Richmond Ranch Creek Creek Creek Creek Dam Number 2 Creek School Creek Township Dudley Dudley (historical) Dudley, Lake Dudley Canyon Dudley Cemetery Dudley Dam Dudley State Public Shooting Area Dudley Dudley Township Township Duell Township Dugan Number 1 Dam Dugan Park Dugout Creek Dugout Draw Dugout Spring Duhamel Flat Duhane Ranch See Winters Ranch D Ulrich Dam Dumarce Lake Dumarce Township Dumarce Township (historical) Dumbuk Ridge Dumont Dumont School (abandoned) Dump Draw Dunbar Ranch Duncan (historical) Duncan Church Duncan School Number 3 (historical) Dunkel Township Dunker School Dunlap (historical) Dunlap Church Dunn Airstrip Dunn Draw Dunn Ranch Dunn Road Dam Dunn School Dunn Well Dunsmore Post Office (historical) , Dupree Dupree Church Dupree Creek Bull Creek Dupris Creek Dupris Creek See Dupree Creek Durango Mine Durex Island (historical) Durkee Dam Durkee Lake Dam Durkee Lake Dam See Durkee Dam Durrstein Lake FEATURE CLASS cemetery stream stream stream stream dam school civil dam lake locale ppl locale reservoir valley cemetery dam park civil civil civil dam park stream valley spring flat locale dam lake civil civil ridge locale school valley locale locale church school civil school locale church airport valley locale dam school well building ppl church stream stream mine island dam dam lake STATUS BGN ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN BGN BGN BGN UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN UNOFF BGN VARIANT BGN UNOFF BGN BGN UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN UNOFF ADMIN BGN BGN BGN BGN VARIANT UNOFF BGN ADMIN ADMIN BGN UNOFF UNOFF BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN UNOFF BGN VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF BGN UNOFF VARIANT VARIANT BGN NATIONAL GAZETTEER--SOUTH DAKOTA 1989 COUNTY Roberts Roberts Dewey Meade Meade Sully Tripp Custer Charles Mix Dewey Fall River Harding Perkins Fall River Perkins Fall River Harding Pennington Custer Fall River Aurora Spink Fall River Aurora Spink Clark Aurora Fall River Perkins Jones Minnehaha Custer Jackson Custer Pennington Custer Perkins Marshall Marshall Marshall Pennington Lawrence Lawrence Pennington Custer Buffalo Buffalo Buffalo Jones Spink Brule Brule Perkins Haakon Harding Harding Minnehaha Harding Faulk Ziebach Ziebach Ziebach Ziebach Lawrence Gregory Meade Meade Sully COORDINATES 453510N0971052W 453635N0971030W 450118N1012106W 445636N1022400W 443812N1021818W 443930N1001800W 425954N0993808W 434435N1034l43W 430955N0984825W 452046N1003531W 430427N1033835W 452028N1032446W 454050N1024332W 430424N1034606W 454633N1024523W 430448N1030754W 454924N1030918W 435855N1035412W 433345N1034333W 431841N1034904W 433047N0982512W 444007N0981737W 432442N1032629W 433744N0982432W 445042N0981712W 444403N0973213W 433910N0982400W 432300N1034823W 451930N1023945W 435136N1004448W 433104N0964358W 433804N1035917W 435412N1014546W 434119N1040236W 442537N1021539W 434120N1033427W 450400N1020100W 454556N0972146W 454610N0972408W 454608N0972028W 435313N1035815W 441419N1034754W 441434N1034711W 440302N1034506W 434128N1034627W 440852N0990140W 441051N0990326W 440815N0990020W 435127N1003056W 451349N0982438W 433325N0985102W 433327N0985000W 452327N1020016W 442756N1015915W 452120N1034500W 451948N1034500W 433127N0964047W 452000N1034248W 445354N0993005W 450251N1013602W 444233N1011416W 444403N1011014W 444403N1011014W 442122N1034622W 432730N0991730W 445830N1020240W 445830N1020248W 444204N0994720W SOURCE COORDINATBS 452815N1004041W 430523N1035424W 452318N1033038W 454654N1024449W 432730N1032538W 434118N1040310W 435355N1014307W 440836N1034518W 442554N1015659W 445335N1012540W ELEV PT 1946 5600 3420 1580 1266 1884 1690 1761 1689 1300 1630 1636 2520 1940 727 5520 1354 1654 SD55 MAP NAME Drywood Lakes Drywood Lakes Lantry SE Opal East Marcus Okobojo NE Springview NW Fourmile Campbell Creek Promise Ardmore Roundup Butte Little Nasty Creek Crowe Dam Cow Butte SE Ardmore Ralph sw Preacher Spring Edgemont Stickney Spink Colony Hot Springs Plankinton Glendale Colony Vienna West Plankinton Edgemont NE Date Murdo SW Sioux Falls East Jewel Cave NW Cottonwood NE Clifton Dalzell NE Faith Veblen Hillhead Veblen Preacher Spring Nahant Nahant Nahant Jewel Cave Big Bend Dam Big Bend Dam 4 NE 4 NE Big Bend Dan 4 NE Murdo SE Mellette Cedar Grove Colony Cedar Grove Colony Coal Springs Hilland NW Hells Canyon Hells Canyon Sioux Falls East Moreau Peak Bald Hills Dupree Alleman Station Alleman station Lead Dixon NE Durkee Lake Blunt NE SD56 FEATURE NAME Dutch Creek Dutch Flats Dutchman Creek Dutch Reformed Church See Immanuel Church Dutch Reformed Church (historical) Dutch Reformed Church (historical) Dutch Reformed Church of Old Platte and Castalia (historical) Duwayne Slaathaug 1 Dam Duxbury D Woddell Dam D Wood Dam Dwyer Dam Dybvig State Public Shooting Area Dyce Post Office (historical) Dyke Mine Dyke Mine See Dike Mine Dykstra Number 1 Dykstra Number 2 Dykstra Number 3 Dykstra Number 4 Dykstra Number 5 Dam Dykstra Number 6 Dykstra Number 7 Dykstra Number 8 Dykstra Number 9 Dykstra Number 1 Dykstra Number 11 Dykstra Number 12 Dam Dykstra Number 13 Dam Dykstra Number 14 Dam Dykstra Number 15 Dam Dykstra Number 16 Dam Dykstra Number 17 Dyson Brothers Landing Field E Eagle Eagle (historical) Eagle (historical) Eagle Bird Mine Eagle Butte Eagle Butte Eagle Butte Lake Eagle Lake Reservoir Eagle Cemetery Eagle Chasing Draw Eagle Chief Creek Eagle Creek Eagle Creek Eagle Feather Creek See Blackfoot Creek Eagle Feather Lake Eagle Island Eagle Lake Reservoir See Eagle Butte Lake Eagle Mans Butte Eagle Mountain Eagle Nest Butte See Eagles Nest Butte Eagle Nest Butte Eagle Nest Creek Eagles Nest Creek Eagles Nest Butts Eagle Nest Butte Eagles Nest Canyon FEATURE CLASS stream flat stream church church church church dam locale dam dam dam park building mine mine dam dam dam dam dam dam dam dam dam dam airport locale locale locale mine summit Ppl reservoir cemetery valley stream stream stream stream reservoir island reservoir summit summit summit summit stream summit valley STATUS BGN BGN BGN VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFP UNOFF ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN BGN BGN VARIANT UNOFF BGN BGN BGN BGN VARIANT BGN BGN VARIANT BGN BGN VARIANT BGN BGN VARIANT BGN VARIANT BGN COUNTY Pennington Lawrence Pennington Bon Homme Bon Homme Campbell Charles Mix Stanley Spink Dewey Meade Jerauld Clark Moody Pennington Pennington Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Lyman Brule Brule Hand Lawrence Jackson Dewey Dewey Brule Ziebach Todd Meade Todd Corson Todd Lyman Dewey Todd Pennington Harding Jackson Jackson Harding Harding NATIONAL GAZETTEER--SOUTH DAKOTA 1989 SOURCE ELEV COORDINATES COORDINATES FT 435914N1032340W 435959N1032402W 441909N1035109W 440145N1034650W 435931N1034539W 430732N0975623W 425107N0980107W 1460 455525N1000255W 1790 431933N0985150W 1635 441300N1002342W 451428N0982941W 452712N1012748W 450142N1023100W 440648N0983624W 444718N0972942W 1294 440528N0965205W 435540N1033316W 1690 5250 435143N1032444W 435142N1004642W 435030N1004612W 435024N1004700W 434948N1004506W 434948N1004730W 434906N1004600W 434B30N1004612W 434819N1004700W 434818N1004742W 434754N1004830W 43464EN1004800W 434612N1004718W‘ 434830N1004454W 434713N1004606W 435130N1003812W 435118N1003918W 435200N1004142W 435440N0994610W 1730 433445N0990605W 433419N0990526W 1720 1753 444857N0994410W 442235N1035123W 433503N1011400W 450009N1011359W 450248N1011223W 1360 5300 2560 2390 2243 433505N0990301W 443459N1013141W 432013N1011158W 445548N1024555W 443623N1013401W 431747N1011253W 445933N1024337W 430956N1001441W 430243N1002916W 455632N1003116W 431918N1010212W 440205N0962540W 450248N1011223W 431925N1011254W 435539N1032449W 3178 5254 455525N1032922W 432751N1013919W 434143N1014609W 3410 432547N1013956W 455525N1032922W 3286 451958N1030749W 452139N1030815W MAP NAME Mount Rushmore Lead Deerfield Niobrara Herreid NE Bovee Pierre 3 NW Mellette Isabel Signal Butte Wessington Springs Hazel Rutland SE Hill City Okaton SE Okaton SE Okaton SE Okaton SE Okaton SE Okaton SE Okaton SE Okaton SE Okaton SE Okaton SE Okaton SE Okaton SE Murdo SW Okaton SE Murdo SW Murdo SW Murdo SW Kennebec Eagle Eagle Redfield SW Spearfish Corn Creek Parade SW Parade SW Eagle Rattlesnake Lake SE Eagle Mans Butte Frozen Man Creek Keyapahe NW Parmelee Big Bend Dam Eagle Mans Butte Mount Rushmore Horse Creek School Section Butte Eagles Nest Butte Irish Butte FEATURE NAME Eagles Nest Creek See Eagle Nest Creek Eagles Nest Spring Eagle Township Eagle Township Eagle Township Eakin Eales Post Office (historical) Eanuel Creek See Emanuel Creek Earl Burtz Number 1 Dam Earl Burt: Number 2 Dam Earl Hanrahan Dam Earling (historical) Earling Cemetery Earling Township Earl Lode Mine Earl McPherson Dam Number 1 Earl Pullins Dam Earlville Cemetery Earl Witte Number 1 Dam Earth Resources Observation Data Center See EROS Data Center East Badlands Creek East Beaver Trap Creek East Bennett Canyon East Branch Ash Creek East Branch Beaver Dam Creek Beaver Dam Creek East Branch Bull Creek East Branch Narcelle Creek East Branch Rosebud Creek Rosebud Creek East Branch Rousseau Creek Rousseau Creek East Branch Squaw Creek East Branch War Creek East Branch White Clay Creek East Branch Willow Creek See Willow Creek East Brule Creek East Fork Brule Creek East Buffalo School East Campbell School East Cattron School East Cemetery East Chance School East China Gulch East Choteau Township East Clarkson Well East Clubhouse Lake East Cooper School East Cora School Cora School East Coteau Lake Rush Lake Cottonwood Creek Cottonwood Creek Cottonwood Creek East Creek East Creek See East Elm Creek East Dam See Wolf Creek Lake Dam East East East Douglas School East Ellisville School East Elm Creek East Creek Easterly Eastern Grazing Association Number 1 Dam Eastern Grazing Association Number 2 Dam Eastern Grazing Association Number 3 Dam FEATURE CLASS stream spring civil civil civil locale building locale cemetery civil mine dam dam cemetery dam building stream stream valley stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream school school school cemetery school valley civil well lake school school lake stream stream stream stream dam school school stream locale dam dam dam NATIONAL GAZETTEER--SOUTH DAKOTA 1989 STATUS VARIANT BGN ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFP UNOFF VARIANT BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN 1984 VARIANT BGN BGN BGN VARIANT BGN VARIANT BGN BGN BGN VARIANT BGN VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN ADMIN UNOFF BGN UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT BGN VARIANT BGN BGN VARIANT BGN VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF BGN VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF COUNTY Jackson Harding Brule Hyde Meade Sully Potter Bon Homme Tripp Tripp Haakon Lyman Lyman Lyman Custer Meade Perkins Beadle Custer Minnehaha Meade ziebach Fall River Ziebach Meade Gregory Meade Todd Dewey Lawrence Jones Jones Corson Union Jones Hand Potter Yankton Perkins Pennington Douglas Harding Roberts Lyman Sully Deuel Tripp Washabaugh Jackson Meade Shannon Hyde Faulk Meade Codington Campbell Campbell Campbell COORDINATES 434143N1014609W 455304N1033001W 433235N0990525W 442414N0992816W 445914N1024553W 443656N1000158W 450927N1000903W 425012N0975438W 433900N1000424W 434018N1000524W 442736N1014724W 435502N0995518W 435514N0995452W 445326N0995640W 434508N1033138W 441748N1024748W 450554N1025154W 441243N0983633W 434936N1024848W 434410N0963658W 442657N1022418W 451555N1014340W 432727N1035545W 444709N1014049W 444723N1021945W 431900N0993039W 443446N1020537W 431345N1005055W 445123N1005125W 442218N1035111W 441228N1002941W 440733N1004403W 454120N1014730W 425939N0964239W 435151N1003735W 444133N0991356W 445628N1001219W 430853N0973322W 452545N1021332W 435707N1033314W 431355N0980930W 454622N1033331W 455354N0963539W 434813N0993125W 445042N0994251W 444954N0964246W 432429N1000536W 434042N1013424W 435249N1013345W 442130N1024241W 430133N1023001W 444138N0992708W 445721N0992657W 442130N1024241W 450255N0971130W 454336N1001606W 454242N1001636W 454300N1001518W SOURCE COORDINATES 443320N1023000W 432946N1035403W 445516N1013322W 431529N0992450W 444022N1020627W 430759N1004644W 445947N1005345W 442126N1035034W 440359N1002153W 435612N1004021W 431014N0963749W 435813N1033316W 431655N1000406W 435034N1013135W 443740N1024012W ELEV FT 1860 1730 1714 5300 1454 2201 1627 1877 972 1811 1874 1828 1691 926 5057 MAP NAME Ladner NE Bijou Hills Macs Corner NW Frozen Man Creek Onida SE Steamboat Creek Presho 4 NE Presho 4 NE Hartley Brakke Dam Brakke Dam Brakke Dam Custer Hereford SE Beverly Creek Wessington Springs NE Folsom Dalzell NW Irish Creek SW Burdock Longbrake Ranch Opal East SE Colome SE Howes Rosebud Rousseau Creek Lead Pierre 3 NW Wendte Nora Murdo SW Ree Heights NW Agar NW Menno Coal Springs NW Hill City Delmont Ladner SE Boisberg Reliance SE Thomas Lake SW Clear Lake North Witten Wanblee NE Kadoka NE Mitchell Lake Rezac Lake NW Elm Springs SW Still Lake Mobridge NE Mobridge NE Mobridge NE SD58 FEATURE NAME Eastern Grazing Association Number 4 Dam Eastern Grazing Association Number 5 Dam Easter Township East Flat Creek East Flat Lake East Fork Beaver Creek East Fork Boundary Gulch East Fork Brule Creek See East Brule Creek East Fork East Fork East Fork East Fork East Fork Creek East Fork Deep Creek Hawkwright Creek Hay Creek Higgins Gulch Little Cottonwood Minneconjou Creek East Fork Mule Creek East Fork No Mouth Creek No Mouth Creek East Fork Platte Creek East Fork Plum Creek East Fork River See East Fork Vermillion River East Fork Ruby Creek East Fork Smith Creek East Fork Spotted Bear Creek Spotted Bear Creek East Fork Vermillion River East Fork River East Fork Vermillion River Reservoir East Fork Willow Creek East Fredlund School East Gimlet Creek East Highland Church East Horse Creek East Irish Creek East Killdeer Creek East Lake Andes Church East Lake Andes Lutheran Church East Lake Andes Lutheran Cemetery East Lake Andes Lutheran Church See East Lake Andes Church East Lake Badus East Lake Railroad Dam See McIntosh Lake Dam East Lincoln School Eastman Cemetery Eastman School Number 4 (historical) Eastman Slough Eastman State Wildlife Management Area East Nidaros Church East Nidaros Lutheran Church East Nidaros Lutheran Church See East Nidaros Church East Norden Church West Norden Lutheran Church East East East East East East East East East East Nugget Gulch Pass Creek Pearl Creek Pretty Creek Prong Wolf Creek Rondell Cemetery Rondell Township Sherman School Shore Recreation Area Short Pine Hills Short Pines Eastside Park . Eastside Plaza FEATURE CLASS dam dam civil stream lake stream valley stream stream stream stream valley stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream reservoir stream school stream church stream stream stream church cemetery church lake dam school cemetery school gut park church church church valley stream stream stream stream cemetery civil school park range park locale NATIONAL GAZETTEER--SOUTH DAKOTA 1989 STATUS UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN BGN BGN BGN BGN VARIANT BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN VARIANT BGN BGN VARIANT BGN BGN BGN VARIANT BGN VARIANT BGN BGN UNOFF BGN UNOFF BGN BGN BGN UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF VARIANT BGN VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN ADMIN UNOFF VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF VARIANT BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN UNOFF ADMIN UNOFF ADMIN BGN 1977 VARIANT ADMIN UNOFF COUNTY Campbell Campbell Roberts Perkins Campbell Dewey Lawrence Union Pennington Custer Jones Lawrence Ziebach Stanley Shannon Dewey Charles Mix Haakon Turner Custer Jerauld Haakon Turner McCook Shannon Perkins Pennington Deuel Shannon Ziebach Meade Charles Mix Charles Mix Charles Lake Mix Corson Potter Roberts Jerauld Roberts Roberts Minnehaha Minnehaha Hamlin Pennington Custer Hand Ziebach Shannon Brown Brown Faulk Hughes Harding Davison Minnehaha COORDINATES 454206N1001548W 454136N1001500W 453634N0965539W 454619N1020925W 453949N0994542W 451946N1003125W 442821N1040342W 425939N0964239W 441717N1020630W 432928N1034753W 434904N1004015W 442750N1035653W 444308N1013106W 443935N1005321W 432041N1024822W 451756N1002314W 432921N0984319W 443536N1012650W 432337N097D405W 434738N1033929W 435725N0984537W 443037N1014637W 432337N0970405W 433524N0971018W 432155N1025214W 454475N1023516W 440624N1033842W 444029N0963131W 432331N1023843W 451431N1013407W 442258N1022826W 431114N0982051W 431114N0982051W 431114N0982051W 441121N0970557W 455518N1012018W 450837N0995622W 452009N0965413W 440752N0982219W 453143N0965247W 453151N0965300W 434358N0964156W 434358N0964156W 443628N0970741W 440403N1033403W 433327N1035144W 443045N0985212W 450944N1013152W 430131N1023010W 451819N0981603W 451705N0981720W 451326N0992818W 442805N1002352W 452233N1034152W 434239N0980053W 433245N0964125W SOURCE COORDINATES 455451N1021221W 451421N1003113W 442719N1040302W 441353N1020021W 433623N1034648W 435329N1004126W 442539N1035648W 444850N1013350W 443041N1004958W 432446N1025003W 451453N1002450W 433331N0983217W 442950N1012015W 434925N1033840W 440354N0983705W 442353N1014523W 441128N0972413W 432717N1025403W 440958N1033859W 432959N1024805W 451449N103324BW 443437N1023444W 440259N1033358W 433937N1034726W 442151N0985131W 450633N1013232W 425816N1022050W ELEV PT 1732 1948 1335 1301 1633 MAP NAME Mobridge NE Mobridge NE Peever Sommerville Flat Lake Promise Tinton Pedro SE Edgemont NE Murdo SW Maurice Rattlesnake Lake NE Crockett Mtns Willow Creek Moreau Joubert Cherry Creek Berne Isham Lake Bridger SE Parker NE East Vermillion Lake Willow Creek Lodgepole SE Rochford Brandt Rockyford NW Dupree NE Dalzell NW Wagner NE Wagner NE Sinai Flight Lake Marvin Alpena Peever Peever Renner Lake Norden Silver City Jewel Cave SE Miller SE Dupree NE Pine Ridge Stratford Stratford Onaka Oahe Dam Bog Creek Mitchell Sioux Falls East FEATURE NAME East East East East East East East East Sinai Cemetery Sioux Falls Slough Spearfish Creek Squaw Creek Thunder Hawk Creek Union Creek Vermillicn Lake East Vermillion Lake Dam East View School (abandoned) East View School Eatondale Township (historical) Eaton School Ebenezer (historical) Ebenezer Baptist Cemetery Ebenezer Cemetery Ebenezer Reformed Cemetery Reformed Cemetery Ebenezer Ebenezer Ebenezer Ebenezer Ebenezer Ebenezer Church Ebenezer Reformed Cemetery See Ebenezer Cemetery Ebenezer School (historical) Ebersoll Dam Cemetery Cemetery Cemetery Church Church Ebert Creek E Besler Ranch E Bruske Dam E B Wilson Dam Echo (historical) Echo Island (historical) Echo Lode Mine Echo Mine (historical) Echo Peak Echo Valley Eckard Post Office (historical) Eckland A W Number 1 Dan Eclipse Group Mine Ed Eerens Dam Eddy Post Office (historical) Eden See Hudson Eden Eden Cemetery Eden School Eden School Eden School Number 5 (historical) Edens Township Eden Township Eden Township Eden Township Eden Township Eden Township Eden Township Ed Frien Dam Edgemont Edgemont Cemetery Edgemont Municipal Airport Edgerton (historical) Darlington Edgerton Township Ediger State Public Shooting Area Edison Creek See Iron Creek Edison Junior High School Edison Mine Edison School Edison Township Edmunds (historical) - Edmunds County Edna (historical) Edna Hazel Mine Edna School FEATURE CLASS cemetery ppl lake stream stream stream stream reservoir dam school school civil school locale cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery church church church cemetery school dam valley building dam mine dam building ppl ppl cemetery school school school civil civil civil civil civil civil civil dam ppl cemetery airport locale civil park stream school mine school civil locale civil locale mine school NATIONAL GAZETTEER--SOUTH DAKOTA STATUS UNOFF BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN 1974 UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN UNOFF UNOFF BGN BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN UNOFF BGN UNOFF ADMIN UNOFF VARIANT ADMIN ADMIN VARIANT UNOFF UNOFP UNOFF ADMIN UNOFF ADMIN UNOFF UNOFP UNOFF COUNTY Brookings Minnehaha Marshall Lawrence Harding Perkins Union McCook McCook Hutchinson Lincoln Faulk Hand Douglas Hand Bon Homme Day Douglas Spink Douglas Hand Hutchinson Bon Homme Douglas Fall River Harding Harding Dewey Meade Gregory Hughes Custer Lawrence Pennington Custer Fall River Mellette Pennington Walworth Roberts Lincoln Marshall Lincoln Hyde Meade derauld Gregory Buffalo Clark Codington Hyde Lincoln Marshall Pennington Fall River Fall River Fall River Charles Mix Hanson McCook Pennington Minnehaha Pennington Beadle Minnehaha Edmunds Edmunds Lyman Pennington Lyman COORDINATES 441348N0970144W 433137N0963630W 454512N0972618W 441746N1035209W 453050N1031935W 454720N1020139W 425050N0963605W 433521N0971020W 433521N0971020W 431149N0973700W 430619N0963409W 450113N0984602W 444135N0990218W 432435N0981910W 441238N0985420W 430551N0974252W 451609N0973754W 432905N0993130W 444537N0981047W 432910N0983125W 441239N0995418W 431244N0973048W 430551N0974252W 432435N0981910W 432230N1030842W 453954N1035557W 453430N1030545W 450306N1011300W 443824N1020724W 430219N0984030W 442948N1003412W 434615N1034355W 442315N1034830W 435533N1032312W 434115N1033623W 430030N1035401W 433506N1002106W 435155N1032341W 452654N1001524W 455045N0970613W 430749N0962714W 453700N0972510W 430804N0962809W 444649N0992040W 442724N1033321W 440213N0984719W 431731N0992905W 440835N09B4500W 445730N0973305W 450530N0972530W 444531N0992148W 430710N0962959W 453912N0972259W 435542N1021454W 431804N1034930W 431859N1034855W 431000N1035100W 132022N0984937W 434230N0974015W 434431N0973604W 435229N1032033W 433136N096444BW 435257N1032416W 442817N0981024W 434236N0963451W 452505N0990410W 452400N0991200W 434305N0995400W 435555N1032920W 434304N0995407W 1989 SOURCE COORDINATES 441456N1034814W 452347N1031606W 455526N1015815W 430047N0963532W 452124N1035929W 434049N1033914W ELEV FT 1290 1829 1435 1302 1401 1532 1585 1370 1797 1575 1575 1939 1590 3050 1808 1440 6000 5400 4790 3724 4400 1195 1836 1285 1754 1850 3459 3608 1610 1567 1780 5200 1787 SD59 MAP NAME Sinai Brandon Hillhead Lead Sheep Pen Draw SE Lemmon Lake Akron East Vermillion Lake East Vermillion Lake Menno Alcester SE Cresbard SE Ree Hisghts NE Corsica Lake Mittelstedt slough Kloucek Lake Bristol East New Holland Doland SW New Holland Mittelstedt Slough Menno Corsica Lake Smithwick NW Caroline Butte Reva Parade SW Dead Horse Draw Lake Andes SW Willow Creek Butte Berne Spearfish Mount Rushmore Cicero Peak Wallace Ranch Badnation SE Iron Mountain Moreau NE Claire City Eden Fairview Rezac Lake Sturgis Gannvalley SE Dixon SW Big Bend Dam 4 NE Garden City Florence NW Rezac Lake Hawarden North Lake City Wall Edgemont Edgemont Edgemont Bovee Farmer Spencer Sioux Falls East Mount Rushmore Huron NW Garretson West Ipswich Beebe Ideal NW Mount Rushmore Ideal NW SD60 FEATURE NAME Edna Township Ed Overton Creek See Middle Fork Sage Creek Edson (historical) Edward and Manuel Hobus Dam Edwards Cattle Company Number 1 Dam Edwards School Edwin Church Edwin Post Office (historical) E E Petteqrew Dam E E Pettegrew Dam Number 2 Effington (historical) Eflle Fourche Township (historical) Egan Egan Mounds Egan Township Egeland Cemetery Bgeland Church Egeland Township Egge Post Office (historical) Eggland Creek Egland Dam Egyptian Group Mine Hoffman Number 1 Hoffman Number 2 Hoffman Number 3 Hoffman Number 4 Hoffman Number 5 Hoffman Number 6 mammal-a E Hoffman E Hoffman E Hoffman Number 9 Ehpresman Cemetery E Hunt Dam Eidsness State Public Shooting Area Eighteen Mile Ranch (historical) Eightmile Creek Number 7 Number 8 Dam Dam Dam Eightmile Creek See Elm Creek Eightmile Divide Eisler Spring E J Mooney Dam Number 1 Eklund Number 4 Dam Eklund Number 5 Dam Elaine Township Elbon Elce Creek Elder Grove School Eldorado See El Dorado Mine Eldorado (historical) Eldorado Mine El Dorado Mine Eldorado El Dorado Township (historical) Eldore L Holzwarth Dam Eldrige Draw Eldrod Kolb Dam Eleven Hour Gulch Elfert Cemetery Elgenfield Cemetery Eli, Lake Elida Township Elim Cemetery Elivra Township Eliza (historical) Elizabeth (historical) Elizabethtown (historical) Elk Butte Elk Creek Elk Creek (historical) Elk Creek Community Hall Elk Dale School FEATURE CLASS civil stream locale dam dam school church building dam dam locale civil ppl summit civil cemetery church civil building stream dam mine dam dam dam dam cemetery dam park locale stream stream ridge spring dam dam dam civil ppl stream school mine locale mine mine civil dam valley dam valley cemetery cemetery lake civil cemetery civil locale locale ppl summit stream locale building school NATIONAL GAZETTEER--SOUTH DAKOTA 1989 STATUS ADMIN VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN BGN BGN ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN UNOFF BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFP UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN UNOFF BGN 1961 VARIANT BGN BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN BGN BGN UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT ADMIN UNOFF BGN UNOFF BGN UNOFP UNOFF BGN ADMIN UNOFF ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF BGN BGN BGN 1963 UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF COUNTY Lyman Pennington Meade Potter Mellette Union Hyde Hyde Fall River Fall River Roberts Butte Moody Moody Moody Day Day Day Lake Harding Harding Pennington Meade Meade Meade Meade Meade Meade Meade Meade Meade McPherson ziebach Hamlin Custer Meade Meade Meade Harding Meade Mellette Mellette Clark Haakon Turner Brown Pennington Buffalo Pennington Pennington Buffalo Potter Fall River Perkins Lawrence Hanson Hutchinson Hanson Potter Yankton Buffalo Hutchinson Hand Lawrence Corson Meade Lawrence Meade Meade COORDINATES 434350N0995440W 435312N1022247W 450117N1021113W 445436N0993748W 434042N1003506W 430039N0963117W 444131N0992709W 444313N0992246W 430342N1032012W 430230N1031642W 454847N0965729W 445500N1035005W 435957N0963855W 435830N0963700W 435817N0964152W 451043N0972026W 451200N0972105W 451117N0971800W 440310N0965712W 453925N1031123W 453918N1031112W 435420N1032534W 450148N1022200W 450106N1022048W 450054N1022200W 450154N1021900W 450112N1021706W 450054N1021530W 450112N1021506W 445930N1021518W 450100N1022000W 455428N0990428W 444524N1012806W 444755N0972849W 433440N1034205W 443408N1025730W 442055N1024206W 443117N1025746W 452047N1030655W 443006N1024800W 433436N1002024W 433518N1002106W 450530N0973315W 441651N1014117W 432135N0970154W 452337N0992557W 435610N1033100W 440035N0985915W 435611N1033100W 435610N1033100W 435910N0990100W 450100N1001306W 430903N1040246W 451900N1023700W 442338N1035442W 433422N0974113W 432118N0980201W 434424N0973633W 445602N0995207W 430904N0972127W 440305N0990025W 431807N0975730W 44384BN0991126W 442315N1034210W 454216N1004721W 441512N1022133W 441743N1033504W 441431N1031129W 441247N1030638W SOURCE COORDINATES 453608N1031131W 444522N1031230W 433420N0970805W 442439N1035700W 441437N1034606W ELEV FT 2598 1691 1670 1155 1520 1580 1680 4640 4660 2500 1302 1685 4900 1357 1447 1368 1440 1627 4400 2193 4960 3018 MAP NAME Ideal NW Faith SW Thomas Lake NW White River NE Alcester SE Mitchell Lake Mitchell Lake Black Banks Creek East Black Banks Creek East New Effington Mud Buttes NW Trent Dell Rapids NE Trent Florence NE Florence NE Florence NE Rutland Reva NW Reva NW Mount Rushmore Deep Creek SE Deep Creek SE Deep Creek SE Deep Creek SE Deep Creek SE Deep Creek SE Deep Creek SE Lemmon Butte Deep Creek SE Long Lake NE High Elk Hill SW Hazel Argyle Fairpoint SW Fairpoint SW Sheep Mountain Fairpoint SE Badnation SE Badnation SE Heggs Lake Elbon Hurley Aberdeen East Gannvalley Hill City Hill City Pukwana NE Lake Hurley Coffee Flats Rabbit Butte Maurice Spencer SW Delmont SE Spencer Gettysburg Muni Airport N3 Turkey Ridge Big Bend Dam 4 SE Beardsley Ree Heights NW Deadwood North Little Eagle Dalzell SE Deadman Mountain Rapid City NW Bend FEATURE NAME Elkhorn Elkhorn See (historical) Bear Gulch II (historical) Elkhorn Elkhorn Elkhorn Elkhorn See Elkhorn Elkhorn Elkhorn Elkhorn See Draw I (historical) XI (historical) Mine Tinsley Mine Mine Mountain Peak Prairie Silver City Elk Island See Fort George Island (historical) Knob Mountain Mountain Mountain (historical) Mountains Mountain School (abandoned) Mountains Lookout Tower Elk Elk Elk Elk Elk Elk Elk Elk Point Elk Point Township Elkton Elkton Township Elk Township Elk Vale Cemetery Ellery Brockel Dam Ellingson (historical) Ellingson School Ellingson Spring (historical) Elliot Ranch Elliot Ridge Elliott School Elliott Spring Elliott Township Ellis Scoopville Ellis Corner Ellis Indian Sits (historical) Ellis Ranch Ellis Spring Elliston Township Ellisville Post Office (historical) Ellisville Township Ell Springs Ellston Township Elm Butte Elm Butte Divide Elm Creek Elm Creek See Wolf Creek Creek Creek Creek See Bear Creek Creek Creek Creek See West Elm Creek Elm Elm Elm Elm Elm Elm Elm Creek Eightmile Creek Creek Elm Creek Public Use Area Elm Creek Siding (historical) Elm Draw Elmer Olseon Dam Elm Grove Cemetery Elmira Post Office (historical) Elm Lake Elm Elm Lake Elm Lake Dam Elmore FEATURE CLASS locale locale valley locale locale mine mine summit summit ppl island summit summit summit locals range school tower ppl civil ppl civil civil cemetery dam ppl school spring locale ridge school spring civil locale locale locale locale spring civil building civil spring civil summit ridge stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream park locale valley dam cemetery building lake reservoir dam ppl NATIONAL GAZETTEER—-SOUTH DAKOTA 1939 STATUS UNOFF VARIANT BGN UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF BGN BGN VARIANT VARIANT BGN BGN BGN UNOFF BGN UNOFP UNOFF BGN 1906 ADMIN BGN ADMIN ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF BGN UNOFF BGN UNOFF BGN UNOFF BGN ADMIN UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN ADMIN UNOFF ADMIN BGN ADMIN BGN BGN BGN VARIANT BGN BGN VARIANT BGN BGN VARIANT BGN 1961 VARIANT BGN ADMIN UNOFF BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN BGN UNOFF BGN COUNTY Hamlin Pennington Pennington Lawrence Lawrence Custer Pennington Pennington Lawrence Pennington Hughes Custer Custer Lawrence Custer Custer Custer Custer Union Union Brookings Brookings Sully Meade Campbell Perkins Perkins Clay Custer Custer Sanborn Harding Sanborn Minnehaha Minnehaha Gregory Lyman Custer Tripp Faulk Faulk Harding Gregory Meade Meade Brule Buffalo Buffalo Dewey Dewey Fall River Hutchinson Meade Meade Meade Brule Fall River Hughes Pennington Yankton Grant Marshall Brown Brown Lawrence COORDINATES 443500N0972603W 440448N1033125W 435523N1024712W 440925N1034540W 440438N1033125W 434451N1033052W 435454N1033013W 435310N1033056W 442831N1034209W 440504N1033348W 441810N1000340W 433351N1033057W 433337N1032926W 442059N1035302W 434437N1035944W 433917N1040231W 434234N1035942W 434327N1040227W 424100N0964100W 424330N0964145W 441410N0962851W 441330N0962845W 443504N0994335W 441328N1030900W 454018N1001718W 455200N1025210W 455142N1025220W 425535N0970245W 434939N1034305W 435020N1034016W 435344N0981623W 452313N1031032W 435341N0991615W 433345N0964949W 433606N0964950W 430413N0984216W 433937N0992819W 434629N1035536W 431340N0993458W 445715N0992648W 445600N0993005W 452930N1030930W 430155N0990633W 443737N1025558W 443656N1025551W 433355N0991849W 435913N0991959W 435923N0990845W 450323N1012653W 451100N1012417W 432459N103l722W 432241N0973616W 443107N1025301W 442055N1024206W 442505N1030211W 433346N0991814W 432805N1032023W 441947N1000345W 440142N1023524W 425351N0973620W 450722N0963101W 454301N0973451W 455106N0984218W 455106N0984218W 441856N1035313W SOURCE COORDINATES 435136N1024929W 433505N0991324W 442717N0991457W 450246N1015109W 432918N1032446W 433346N0973703W 444906N1031052W 442852N1030045W 442123N1000042W ELEV PT 1842 5620 4500 4950 6610 4520 4752 4510 6422 4900 4903 1127 1751 2746 3337 1442 1478 1400 1338 1920 2898 3350 1620 1135 1458 5221 SD61 MAP NAME Bryant Caputa NE Nahant Silver City Hill City Hill City Deadwood North Pringle Wind Cave Savoy Jewel Cave NW Clifton Jewel Cave NW Clifton Elk Point Maskell Elkton Elkton SW Harrold Rapid City NW Mobridge NE Cow Butte SE Cow Butte SW Gayville NE Signal Hill Signal Hill Twin Lakes J B Hill Twin Lakes Sioux Falls West Sioux Falls West Lake Andes SW Iona NW Dead Horse Flats Dallas Rezac Lake NW Bald Hills J B Hill St Charles Fairpoint NW Fairpoint SW Bond Bottom Shelby Lantry Buffalo Gap Clayton NE Elm Springs SW Rapid City 1 NE Bond Bottom Buffalo Cap Rousseau Owanka Tabor NE Revillo Britton 4 NE Frederick SW Frederick SW Savoy SD62 FEATURE NAME Elmore State Public Shooting Area Elm River Elm Springs Elm Springs Church Elm Springs Colony See New Elm Springs Colony Elm Tree Draw Elmwood Acres (subdivision) Elmwood School Blmwood School Number 21 Elmwood School Elmwood School Number 21 See Elmvood School El Rancho Acres (subdivision) El Refugio Mine Elrod Ida Elrod Township Elroy Township Elshers School Elta Mine Etta Camp Elwood (historical) Emanuel Cemetery Emanuel Creek Eanuel Creek Emanuel Creek Recreation Area Emanuel Emanuel See Emanuel Emden See Joubert Emeline, Lake (historical) Emerson School Emerson Township Emery Lutheran Cemetery Lutheran Church Emmanuel Church Township Emery Cemetery Emery Township Emilie Island See Mission Island (historical) E M Lode Mine Emma, Lake Emmanuel Cemetery Emmanuel Cemetery Emmanuel Cemetery Emmanuel Church Emmanuel Church Emanuel Lutheran Church Emmanuel Church Emmanuel Church Emmanuel Lutheran Cemetery Emmanuel Lutheran Cemetery See Immanuel Cemetery Emmanuel Lutheran Cemetery Emmanuel Lutheran Cemetery Emmanuel Lutheran Church See Immanuel Church Emmanuel Lutheran Church See Immanuel Church Emmet Emmet Township E Mooney Dam Empire Empire Church Empire Mine Empire School Empress Gulch Emsley Cemetery Endlee School Enemy Creek Enemy Swim Lake Lake Parker Parker Lake Dam Reservoir Engen Engen FEATURE CLASS park stream locale church ppl valley locale school school school Ppl mine locale civil civil school mine locale cemetery stream park cemetery church civil locale lake school civil ppl cemetery civil island mine lake cemetery cemetery cemetery church church church church cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery church church locale civil dam ppl church mine school valley cemetery school stream lake dam reservoir STATUS ADMIN BGN UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT BGN UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF VARIANT BGN UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT ADMIN ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF BGN VARIANT ADMIN UNOFF VARIANT ADMIN VARIANT BGN UNOFF ADMIN BCN UNOFF ADMIN VARIANT UNOFF BGN UNOFF UNOFP UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF ADMIN UNOFF BGN UNOFP UNOFF UNOFF BGN UNOFF UNOFF BGN BGN VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF BGN NATIONAL GAZETTEER--SOUTH DAKOTA 1989 COUNTY Codington Brown Meade Meade Hutchinson Haakon Brown Clay Lincoln Clay Minnehaha Lawrence Clark Clark Faulk Haakon Pennington Haakon Bon Homme Son Homme Bon Homme Roberts Hamlin Bon Homme Douglas Clay Minnehaha Faulk Hanson Hanson McCook Sully Custer Marshall Dewey McPherson McPherson Dewey Hamlin Pennington Spink Davison Faulk Hamlin Pennington Davison Faulk Union Union Meade Butte Butte Pennington Butte Pennington Davison Perkins Hanson Day Jones Jones COORDINATES 450248N0972930W 453612N0981823W 441848N1023133W 441820N1023140W 432920N0974943W 442743N1015612W 452900N0982915W 424702N0970205W 430628N0963852W 424702N0970205W 433005N0965222W 442015N1033815W 445311N0973424W 445010N0973315W 450628N0993004W 443133N1014151W 435251N1032505W 443615N1012115W 425024N0975925W 425012N0975438W 425022N0975439W 454119N0965358W 444814N0971602W 430735N0975550W 432539N0983959W 425335N0965500W 433233N0964443W 451143N0990038W 433606N0973720W 433326N0973851W 433915N0972505W 444340N1003643W 434823N1033224W 454107N0971357W 451554N1005114W 455218N0991043W 455349N0991129W 451601N1005119W 444814N0971602W 441654N1021004W 444215N0980711W 434600N0901715W 451115N0990422W 444814N0971602W 441700N1021005W 434538N0981708W 451112N0990540W 425858N0964445W 425900N0964330W 444054N1020949W 443703N1031915W 443620N1031822W 435640N1032959W 443707N1031827W 440447N1033235W 433129N0980839W 451511N1024628W 433809N0975338W 452622N0971557W 440100N1002300W 440100N1002300W SOURCE COORDINATES 460807N0985156W 442424N1015021W 431335N0980224W 440237N1033319W 433512N0982356W ELEV PT 2660 1305 1158 1505 5000 2150 1220 1185 1382 5600 1958 2525 1297 2900 2810 2755 1852 MAP NAME Wallace Columbia Elm Springs Elm Springs Hilland NW Aberdeen East Meckling Alcester Sioux Falls West Deadwood South Garden city Naples Seneca Rattlesnake Lake SW Mount Rushmore Kirley Springfield Springfield Springfield Peever NW Tripp Hub City : Sioux Falls East Wecota Bridgewater West Spencer SW Bridgewater East Custer Whitestone Lake Glencross SE Long Lake Long Lake NW Glencross SE Grover Creighton Bloomfield Storla Grover Creighton Nora Alsen Thompson Lake Vale SE Vale SE Mount Rushmore Vale SE Silver City Mitchell SW Sorum SE Riverside Enemy Swim Lake West Pierre 3 SW Pierre 3 SW FEATURE NAME England Brothers Number 1 Dam England Number 2 Dam England Number 2 Dam England Number 3 Dam England Number 3 Dam England Number 4 Dam England Number 5 Dam England Number 5 Dam England Number 5 Dam England Number 6 Dam England Number 6 Dam England Number 6 Dam England Ranch Englebrecht Dam Engle Dam Englehardt Slough Engle School Englewood Englewood Cemetery Englewood Township Englishman Butte Enning Enterprise Township Enterprise Township (historical) Enterprise Township Enterprise Township Enterprise Township Hall Epiphany Kroeger Epiphany Cemetery Epiphany Church Episcopal Boys School (historical) Episcopal Church Episcopal Church (historical) Episcopal Indian Church Erickson Cemetery Erickson Ranch Erickson Ranch Erickson Subdivision (subdivision) Ernest Kolb Dam Ernest Kolb Dam Erne Stnemec Number 1 Dam EROS Data Center Earth Resources Observation Data Center Erskine Jones Erskine Cave Erskine Gulch Erskine School Erva Township Erwin Erwin Cemetery Erwin Eisenbraun Dam Escott Brothers Dam E Six Butte Esmay and Sandy Number 1 Dam Esmay and Sandy Number 2 Dam Esmay and Sandy Number 3 Dam Esmeralda Mine (historical) Esmond Smiths Mine Esmond Creamery (historical) Esmond Township Espe See Cuthbert Estelline Estelline Township (historical) Estelline Township Esterly Cemetery Estes (historical) Estes Creek Estherdale (historical) Etbauer Dam Ethan FEATURE CLASS dam dam locale dam dam swamp school locale cemetery civil summit ppl civil civil civil civil building 991 cemetery church school church church church cemetery locale locale Ppl dam dam dam building locale cave valley school civil ppl cemetery mine 991 locale civil locale Ppl civil civil cemetery locale stream locale dam ppl STATUS UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFP UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF VNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN BGN BGN ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN UNOFF BGN VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFP UNOFF UNOFF BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF VARIANT BGN BGN UNOFF ADMIN BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN VARIANT UNOFF ADMIN VARIANT BGN ADMIN ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF BGN UNOFF UNOFF BGN NATIONAL GAZETTEER--SOUTH DAKOTA 1989 COUNTY Mellette Mellette Mellette Mellette Mellette Mellette Mellette Mellette Mellette Mellette Mellette Mellette Mellette Custer Brown Minnehaha Brown Lawrence Lawrence Perkins Meade Meade Faulk Meade Moody Roberts Roberts Hanson Todd Todd Stanley Roberts Tripp Roberts Union Pennington Pennington Minnehaha Perkins Perkins Stanley Minnehaha Fall River Meade Meade Meade Campbell Kingsbury Kingsbury Pennington Perkins Harding Jones Jones Jones Lawrence Kingsbury Kingsbury Kingsbury Sanborn Hamlin Hamlin Hamlin Codington Lawrence Meade Buffalo Buffalo Davison COORDINATES 433906N1005748W 434154N1005654W 433936N1010236W 434354N1010230W 434300N1005818W 434236N1005618W 434330N1010024W 433948N1010024W 434406N1005706W 433924N1010418W 434242N1010430W 434006N1010348W 434246N1010137W 433212N1031748W 455430N0981617W 433514N0970724W 455431N0981610W 441749N1034703W 441655N1034817W 451700N1021005W 443406N1030359W 443432N1023346W 451144N0991517W 444850N1022400W 435304N0964152W 454700N0970306W 454727N0970417W 435057N0973941W 431605N1010839W 431625N1010912W 444210N1003901W 453721N0965227W 430357N0995505W 453810N0970353W 430041N0963519W 440333N1034807W 441839N1020723W 433629N0964238W 452806N1024006W 452742N1023706W 441330N1010900W 434410N0963658W 432559N1033352W 441044N1032540W 440927N1032740W 442445N1033052W 455355N0995410W 442915N0972641W 442956N0972731W 441730N1021124W 451348N1020624W 452038N1032930W 435112N1005336W 435500N1005418W 435112N1005442W 442225N1034615W 441544N0974616W 441601N0974632W 441538N0974547W 435804N0991325W 443429N0965407W 443632N0965833W 443515N0965834W 450323N0971341W 441020N1032939W 441031N1032922W 435950N0990500W 440418N0991142W 433252N0975916W SOURCE COORDINATES 441132N1032901W 441017N1033422W ELEV FT 1330 2787 3039 1190 1368 1570 1075 2175 1305 1449 2254 1430 1830 3222 5280 1420 1415 1640 B42 4570 1542 1344 SD63 MAP NAME Murdo Murdo Cedar Cedar Murdo Murdo Cedar Cedar Murdo Cedar 5% EE NE Cedar Butte NE Cedar Butte NE Cedar Butte NE Boland Ridge Savo NE Grass Lake Savo NE Lead Lead Coal Springs SW Volunteer SE Enning Clark Lake Opal East SW Trent Claire City Claire City Epiphany Eagle Mans Butte Eagle Mans Butte Iron Post Buttes Browns Valley Millboro sisseton Alcester SE Deerfield Pedro SE Sioux Falls East Daviston Date NE Midland NW Garretson West Minnekahta NE Piedmont Piedmont Sturgis Zeeland NW Erwin Erwin Creighton Faith NE Roundup Butte Okaton SW Okaton Okaton SW Lead Iroquois Iroquois Iroquois Estelline Estelline Estelline Still Lake Piedmont Piedmont Pukwana NE Big Bend Dam 4 SW Ethan SD64 FEATURE NAME Ethan Dam Ethan Lake Etta Camp See Elta Mine Etta Mine (historical) Etzkorn Dam Eub Cemetery Township Cemetery Eugene Field School Eugene Miller Dam Eugene Welder Dam Eureka Saint Petersburg Eureka Lake Eureka Lake Dam Eureka Mine Eureka Municipal Airport Eureka Township Eureka Township Eva H and Silver Tongue Mine Evan Church (historical) Evangelical Church Mission Convenant Church Evangelical Church Evangelical Lutheran Church (historical) Evangelic Cemetery E Vansickel Dam Evans Lateral Evans Number 1 Dam Evans Number 2 Dam Evans School (historical) Evans School Evarts (historical) Evarts, Lake (historical) Evarts Cemetery (historical) Evenson Dam Evenson Irrigation Dam Evenson North Irrigation Dam Eventide Cemetery Eventide-Woonsocket Cemetery Eventide-Woonsocket Cemetery See Eventide Cemetery Evergreen Cemetery Bergen Evergreen Cemetery Evergreen Cemetery Evergreen Cemetery Evergreen Cemetery Evergreen School Evergreen School Evergreen School Everson School E Wilson Dam Ewing County (historical) Ewing Ranch Excelsior Mine Excelsior School Exline Township Eyster Ranch F Faehn State Public Shooting Area Pagerhaug School Paiferlick State Public Shooting Area Fairbank (historical) Fairbank Post Office (historical) Fairbanks Creek Fairbank Township FEATURE CLASS dam reservoir mine mine dam cemetery school dam dam PPl reservoir dam mine airport civil civil mine church church church church cemetery school locale lake cemetery dam dam dam cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery school school school school dam civil locale mine school civil locale park school park locale building stream civil STATUS UNOFF BGN VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN VARIANT BGN UNOFF UNOFP ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN UNOFP UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN UNOFF ADMIN UNOFF ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF BGN ADMIN COUNTY Hanson Hanson Pennington Laurence Hughes Grant Minnehaha Corson Perkins McPherson McPherson McPherson Pennington McPherson Aurora Brookings Lawrence Bon Homme McCook Turner Deuel Douglas Meade Butte Custer Custer Douglas Hand Walworth Walworth Walworth Lincoln Harding Harding Sanborn Sanborn Clay Deuel Fall River Turner Custer Minnehaha Pennington Brown Meade Harding Dewey Pennington Brown Spink Pennington Clark Jerauld Hamlin Sully Sully Dewey Sully COORDINATES 433244N0975633W 433244N0975633W 435251N1032505W 442020N1034553W 441718N0995230W 451319N0964244W 433235N0964214W 453136N1013612W 450942N1021612W 454610N0993709W 454619N0993825W 454619N0993825W 435210N1032320W 454800N0993830W 434315N09B3830W 443117N0964941W 442223N1035330W 425802N0975923W 434907N0972313W 432642N0972132W 444635N0965035W 432445N0980755W 445400N1022530W 443618N1031754W 435013N1030154W 434948N1025854W 431610N0981555W 442307N0985303W 452655N1001820W 452804N1001918W 452748N1001903W 432754N0964624W 454406N1040118W 454500N1040112W 440336N0981703W 440336N0981703W 424723N0970525W 444629N0965157W 432645N1032904W 431158N0970939W 434253N1033457W 433713N0964l20W 440734N1031732W 453429N09Bl446w 443730N1020812W 455030N1033000W 451328N1005806W 435331N1033230W 452337N0981451W 445037N0983808W 440327N1035928W 450435N0973116W 435937N0984715W 444408N0972945W 444756N1002900W 444650N1003032W 444758N1003130W 444530N1002946W NATIONAL GAZETTEER--$OUTH DAKOTA 1989 SOURCE COORDINATES 445010N1003342W ELEV FT 1295 5600 1190 1891 4400 1935 5600 1462 1442 1998 1527 1425 1640 1309 1336 5543 1301 5100 1303 1767 MAP NAME Ethan Ethan Lead De Grey Hilbank West Sioux Falls East Cottonwood Creek SE Deep Creek NE Eureka East Eureka West Eureka West Iron Mountain Eureka West White Lake Estelline SE Savoy Kingsburg Unityville Marion Bemis Hillside Opal East Vale SE Hermosa SE Caputa SW Armour Vayland NW Moreau NE Moreau NE Moreau NE Tea North Slick Creek Humbolt Hills Woonsocket Meckling Bemis Hot Springs Center Point Cicero Peak Sioux Falls East Blackhawk Putney Thompson Lake Ladner SE Ridgeview NW Hill City James Redfield SW Crows Nest Peak Heggs Lake Isham Lake Vienna East Artichoke Butte SW No Heart Creek SE No Heart Creek SE Artichoke Butte SW FEATURE NAME Fairburn Fairburn Cemetery Fairfax Fairfax Lake Fairfax Lake Dam Fairfax Township Fairfax Township (historical) Fairfield Township Fairland Township Fairlawn Cemetery Fairmont Church Fairpoint Fairpoint Cemetery Fair Township Fairview See Manchester Fairview (historical) Fairview Fairview (historical) Fairview (historical) Fairview Catholic Cemetery See Fairview Cemetery Fairview Cemetery See Fair View Cemetery Fair View Cemetery Fairview Cemetery Fairview Cemetery Fairview Cemetery Bruyer Cemetery Fairview Catholic Cemetery Cemetery Cemetery Cemetery Cemetery Cemetery Fairview Fairview Fairview Fairview Fairview Center School Heights (subdivision) Interchange School School Fairview Fairview Fairview Fairview Fairview Fairview School Fairview School Fairview School Number 6 Fairview School (abandoned) Fairview School (historical) School School School School School School School School Fairview Fairview Fairview Fairview Fairview Fairview Fairview Fairview Fairview School Fairview School Number 6 See Fairview School Fairview Fairview Fairview Fairview Fairview Fairview Fairview Fairview Fairview Fairview Township Township Township Township Township Township Township Township Township Township Fairyview School Faith Faith Cemetery Faith Municipal Airport Faith School Fall Draw Fall River Fall River County Falls Canyon Falls Park FEATURE CLASS ppl cemetery PPl lake dam civil civil civil civil cemetery church locale cemetery civil 991 ppl ppl ppl locale cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery school ppl crossing school school school school school school school school school school school school school school school school civil civil civil civil civil civil civil civil civil civil school ppl cemetery airport school valley stream civil valley park STATUS BGN UNOFF BGN BGN UNOFF ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN VARIANT BGN BGN BGN UNOFF VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN UNOFF BGN UNOFF ADMIN UNOFF BGN BGN ADMIN BGN ADMIN NATIONAL GAZETTEER-~SOUTH DAKOTA 1989 COUNTY Custer Custer Gregory Gregory Gregory Gregory Gregory Beadle Lyman Brookings Gregory Meade Meade Hutchinson Kingsbury Kingsbury Lincoln Pennington Lincoln Clay Brookings Brookings Campbell Clay Fall River Harding Jerauld Lincoln Spink Lincoln Yankton Lincoln Brown Brule Butte Clay Custer Deuel Fall River Fall River Hutchinson Jackson Lyman Minnehaha Perkins Sully Turner Clay Campbell Corson Faulk Hand Hanson Lincoln Mellette Pennington Potter Sully Yankton Meade Roberts Meade Turner Pennington Fall River Fall River Fall River Minnehaha COORDINATES 434110N1031240W 434114N1031144W 430139N0985317W 430257N0985240W 430257N0985240W 430155N0985224W 430153N0985445W 443130N0981730W 435301N0992726W 441659N0964004W 430724N0992603W 444454N1024746W 444455N1024708W 431220N0975516W 442209N0974313W 442253N0974324W 431318N0962923W 440605N1033905W 431245N0962916W 424714N0965100W 442601N0963741W 442601N0963741W 455022N1000442W 424714N0965100W 432229N1031923W 453241N1035950W 440644N0982441W 431134N0962921W 450936N0983503W 431157N0963148W 425202N0973130W 431251N0964744W 454405N0982226W 434904N0990341W 444310N1031923W 424643N0965215W 434353N1031907W 445305N0963225W 432233N1031920W 431616N1033717W 432147N0974417W 435454N1015138W 433241N0993608W 434141N0963526W 455000N1025403W 444618N0995123W 431759N0972021W 424643N0965215W 453815N1000905W 453230N1013010W 451139N0985316W 444530N0990708W 434940N0974815W 431131N0963110W 432628N1003003W 435638N1021116W 450627N0993726W 444530N0995050W 430206N0972947W 450123N1020208W 455216N0965504W 450200N1020215W A31202N0965701W 440524N1033648W 432310N1032416W 431600N1033300W 431935N1033415W 433327N0964324W SOURCE COORDINATES 440602N1033653W 432634N1032854W 432428N1033912W ELEV PT 3289 1932 1876 1631 2934 3069 1555 1213 5000 1255 1701 1350 1299 1320 1319 2843 1224 3751 1533 3324 2459 1434 2575 1089 2572 1258 SD65 MAP NAME Fairburn Fairburn Bonesteel Bonesteel Bonesteel South Scalp Creek Bonesteel Hitchcock SE Short Creek Aurora Carlock Fairpoint Fairpoint Tripp Bancroft East Fairview Rochford Fairview White Herreid Vermillon SE Hot Springs SE Camp Crook Lane Fairview Northville Alcester NB Tabor SE Beresford NE Columbia NE Pukwana SB Vale NE Vermillon SB Butcher Hill Clear Lake NE Buffalo Gap Cascade Springs Tschetter Colony Cottonwood NE Hamill SE Garretson West Cow Butte SH Gettysburg Muni Airport SE Freeman SE Selby NW Black Horse SB Cresbard Polo Ness chain Lakes Alcester NE Mission NE Wall Seneca Gettysburg Muni Airport SE Jamesville Faith New Effington Faith Beresford NW Silver City Hot Springs Cascade Springs Cascade Springs Sioux Falls East 5066 FEATURE NAME Falls School Falls School Falnes Church False Bottom Creek Fangon School Fannie Mine (historical) Fantail Creek Fantail Junction (historical) Fantle Memorial Park Fantom Lake See Phantom Lake Fantom Lake Fargo, Lake (historical) Farley, Lake Farley Lake Farley Lake See Farley, Lake Farley Lake Dam Farmer Farmingdale Farming Dale Dam Farmingdale Reservoir Farming Dale 1 Dam Farmington Township Farmington Township Sisseton-Wahpeton Indian Reservation - in part Farmington Township Farmington Township (historical) Farmington Township Farm Island Horse Island Long Beach Island Roys Island Farm Island Recreation Area Farmstead Pond Dam See Carl Kannolt Dam Farnsworth (historical) Farnum Draw Farview School Farwell Farwell Cemetery Farwell-Ravenna Cemetery Farwell Church Farwell Methodist Church Farwell Methodist Church See Farwell Church Farwell-Ravenna Cemetery See Farwell Cemetery Farwell School Fast Horse Creek Fate Dam Fate Dam Fate Dam State Public Shooting Area Faulk County Faulkner Creek Faulkton Faulkton, Lake Faulkton Cemetery Faulkton Dam Faulkton Municipal Airport Faulkton Township (historical) Fauston Post Office (historical) Fayette School Fayette Township (historical) Fayette Township Fay Ranch F Curtis Dam Featherhoff School Feather On Head Lake February Mine Fedora Fedora Cemetery Feeney Draw Feinstein Lake FEATURE CLASS school school church stream school mine stream locale park building lake lake reservoir reservoir dam ppl ppl dam reservoir dam civil civil civil civil civil island park dam locale valley school locale cemetery church church cemetery school stream dam reservoir park civil stream ppl reservoir cemetery dam airport civil building school civil civil locale dam school lake mine ppl cemetery valley lake NATIONAL GAZETTEER--SOUTH DAKOTA 1989 STATUS UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN 1905 UNOFF UNOFF BGN UNOFF ADMIN VARIANT BGN BGN VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF BGN BGN UNOFF BGN UNOFF ADMIN ADMIN VARIANT ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN BGN VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT ADMIN VARIANT UNOFF BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF BGN UNOFF BGN ADMIN ADMIN BGN 1977 BGN BGN UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN ADMIN UNOFF UNOFP UNOFF BGN UNOFF BGN UNOFF BGN BGN COUNTY Fall River Fall River Day Butte Brown Lawrence Lawrence Lawrence Yankton Aurora Bennett Clay Grant Grant Grant Hanson Pennington Pennington Pennington Pennington Day Grant Lake Marshall Sully Hughes Hughes Fall River Sanborn Pennington Meade Sanborn Sanborn Sanborn Sanborn Sanborn Sanborn Shannon Lyman Lyman Lyman Faulk Harding Faulk Faulk Faulk Faulk Faulk Faulk Jerauld Potter Potter Potter Fall River Dewey Brown Shannon Pennington Miner Miner Haakon McPherson COORDINATES 432656N1032128W 432356N1032432W 453332N0974012W 443654N1034906W 454643N0980844W 442022N1034836W 442012N1034727W 442012N1034711W 425319N0972322W 434814N0983010W 430129N1013026W 424930N0970900W 451341N0963037W 451341N0963B37W 451341N0963B37W 434326N0974117W 435733N1025300W 435548N1025336W 435548N1025336W 435748N1025254W 453217N0975426W 451338N0970302W 440329N0971047W 453546N0975426W 445045N1001250W 442010N1001509W 442040N1001611W 430436N1032942W 441000N0980254W 435513N1023332W 443459N1032427W 435102N0975440W 435244N0975208W 435156N0975416W 435156N0975416W 435244N0975208W 435220N0975327W 431027N1022453W 435042N1000024W 435623N1000015W 435628N1000037W 450400N0990900W 453036N1033345W 450206N0990725W 450158N0991003W 450025N0990720W 450159N0991003W 450155N0990655W 450114N0990802W 440351N0984228W 451114N1000607W 451140N1000908W 451140N1000645W 432525N1034709W 450630N1011000W 453703N0980343W 430139N1020812W 435507N1033140W 440032N0974726W 435959N0974726W 444055N1011555W 454139N0994253W SOURCE ELEV COORDINATES FT 442140N1034945W 5890 441943N1034921W 5360 1138 1394 2769 1310 434757N1022935W 1313 1327 430432N1022632W 1767 452737N1034007W 1589 1569 1750 1978 1304 5000 1370 443649N1011807W 1769 MAP NAME Buffalo Gap Hot Springs Britton 4 SW Jolly Houghton Lead Lead Lead Yankton Phantom Lake St HelEna Milbank West Milbank West Farmer Caputa Caputa Caputa Caputa Langford SW Summit Ramona Langford SW Agar SW Pierre Pierre Forestburg NE Brennan Flat Vale Farwell Morris Lake Farwell Farwell Manderson Presho SE Presho Presho Faulkton Buffalo Faulkton East Faulkton West West Faulkton East Conde SW Faulkton East Faulkton West Wessington Springs SW Lake Hurley NE Steamboat Creek Lake Hurley NE Edgemont NE Parade SW Huffton Wakpamani Hill City Fedora Morris Lake Carlin Flat Feinstein Lake FEATURE NAME Feistner Cemetery Felicia School Felix Creek Feltman Dam Feltman Dam See Feltman Dam 1 Feltman Dam 1 Feltman Dam Felton See Hetland Fenenga Ranch Fensterman Slough Ferdig Number 1 Dam Ferguson Buttes Ferguson Draw Ferguson Grove Ferguson Mine Ferguson School Ferkingstad Cemetery Ferkingstad Church Fern Cliff Prospect Mine Ferney F Genzler Dam Fiddle Creek Fiddle Creek Dam Fiddle Creek Reservoir Fielder Bottom (historical) Fielder Creek Fielder Post Office (historical) Field School Fifteen Creek Filmore Township Fineran School (historical) Star School Fine Weather Draw Finger Butte Finlander Spring Finlay Township (historical) Finnie Creek Finnish Church Savo Lutheran Church Finn Lateral Firesteel Firesteel Creek Firesteel Creek Firesteel State Public Shooting Area Firesteel Township Firesteel Township First Black Canyon First Convenant Church First First Creek Creek First Find Mine First Lutheran Cemetery First Presbyterian Church First Presbyterian Church First United Presbyterian Church Fish and Hunter Camp (historical) Fish and Hunter Siding (historical) Fish Creek (historical) Lower Island Creek Nameless Creek Fish Draw Fish Draw School Fishel Ranch Fisher Creek Cathead Creek Cuthead Creek Fisher Creek Fisher Estates (subdivision) Fisher Grove Fishers Grove FEATURE CLASS cemetery school stream dam dam dam ppl locale lake dam range valley woods mine school cemetery church mine ppl dam stream dam reservoir bend stream building school stream civil school valley summit spring civil stream church canal ppl stream stream park civil civil valley church stream stream mine cemetery church church church locale locale stream valley school locale stream stream ppl area STATUS UNOFF UNOFF BGN UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF BGN UNOFF BGN BGN BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN UNOFF BGN UNOFF BGN BGN BGN UNOff UNOFF BGN ADMIN UNOFF VARIANT BGN BGN BGN ADMIN BGN UNOFF VARIANT BGN BGN BGN BGN ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN BGN UNOFF BGN BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN VARIANT VARIANT BGN UNOFF UNOFF BGN VARIANT VARIANT BGN BGN BGN VARIANT NATIONAL GAZETTEER--SOUTH DAKOTA 1989 COUNTY Jerauld Hughes ziebach Brule Brule Brule Kingsbury Tripp Minnehaha Jones Harding Harding Sanborn Pennington Sanborn Roberts Roberts Custer Brown Potter Fall River Fall River Fall River Hughes Dewey Hughes Davison Jackson Harding Douglas Dewey Harding Harding Turner Union Brown Butte Dewey Corson Davison Dewey Aurora Dewey Fall River Minnehaha Carson Stanley Pennington Brookings Moody Sanborn Shannon Lawrence Pennington Lyman Butte Butte Butte Corson Harding Brown Spink COORDINATES 440037N0982215W 443052N1000404W 443856N1013935W 454830N0991748W 434818N0991748W 434818N0991748W 442241N0971405W 433956N0993946W 433325N0970031W 435912N1015000W 451741N1032710W 452414N1040026W 440931N0981449W 435245N1032223W 440222N0980154W 455342N0970114W 455345N0970113W 43$110N1032246W 451950N0980551W 450812N1001436W 431439N1035423W 431624N1035724W 431624N1035724W 443120N1003045W 451553N1001652W 443249N1003019W 434206N0980148W 434322N1013918W 454611N1030322W 432635N0981915W 444759N1005139W 452318N1030615W 454721N1034332W 432250N0970201W 430300N0963038W 455244N0982449W 444610N1032602W 452529N1011705W 454045N1011850W 434147N0975758W 452623N1011849W 434930N0982830W 452330N1011730W 432955N1030434W 433133N0964102W 453356N1015532W 441224N0995625W 435207N1033448W 441850N0965544W 440410N0963506W 440123N0980629W 431416N1021838W 442640N1035215W 440207N1033935W 440427N0993240W 451114N1030045W 450705N1030333W 443832N1040237W 453854N1002544W 453913N1030336W 453110N0983051W 445301N0982121W SOURCE COORDINATES 444121N1015500W 452415N1035832W 431853N1035928W 451457N1002123W 434914N1014745W 444908N1005240W 430729N0963317W 452646N1013600W 441038N0983510W 432220N1030135W 453738N1015851W 441304N0995820W 440125N0993700W 451029N1030721W 454310N1002757W 453344N1030824W ELEV FT 1327 1785 1599 3242 4400 1295 1235 1235 4610 1304 1638 3305 2330 5480 4200 5480 3349 1340 SD67 MAP NAME Woonsocket Onida SE Rattlesnake Lake Schumacher Lake Chamberlain Hamill NW Grass Lake Cottonwood NE Roundup Butte Capitol Forestburg NW Rockerville Forestburg Claire City NE Claire City NE Iron Mountain Ferney Steamboat Creek Phister Ranch Edgemont SW Edgemont SW Iron Post Buttes SE Moreau SE Iron Post Buttes SE Mitchell Wanblee NW Ralph Corsica Lake Rousseau Creek Flat Top Butte Ladner Parker NE Alcester SE Savo NW Newell Lake Firesteel Black Horse NE Riverside Firesteel Wilmarth Lake Firesteel Smithwick NE Sioux Falls East Black Horse Butte Joe Creek NW Custer Volga Flandreau Forestburg Wounded Knee Spearfish Rochford Lower Brule Fish Draw Tomato Can Buttes The Forks Mobridge NW Reva NE Richmond Frankfort SD68 FEATURE NAME Fishermans Island (historical) Caution Island Plum Island Fisher Ranch Fisher Ranch Fisher School Fishers Grove See Fisher Grove Fishers Point Fishgut Creek Fish Hatchery Gulch Fishko Dam Fishko Dam Number 2 Fishko Dam Number 3 Fish Lake Fish Lake Fish Lake State Public Shooting Area Fish Spring Fite Dam Number 1 Fitzgerald School Fivemile Creek Fivemile Creek Five Mile Crossing (historical) Fivemile Draw Five Points Five Ponds Twin Lakes F Joens Dam Flagel School Flag Mountain Flag Mountain Castle Rock Flag Mountain Flagpole Mountain Flag Rock Flagstaff Mountain Flandreau Flandreau Creek Flandreau Indian School Flandreau Municipal Airport Flandreau Park Flandreau Township Flannigan Cabin Flat Butte Township (historical) Flat Flat Flat Butte Township Creek Creek Hidden Wood Creek Creek Lake Flat Creek Lake Dam Flat Creek Township Flatiron I (historical) Flat Lake Flat Lake Flat Flat Top Flat Top See Flat Top Butte Flat Top Butte Flat Top Flattop Butte Flattop Butte See Flat Top Butte Flat Top Butte See Flint Butte Flat Top Butte Flat Top Butte Flattop Butte Flat Top Cemetery Fleetwood Fleetwood (historical) Flensburg Post Office (historical) Fletcher School Fleur de Lis (historical) Flight Lake FEATURE CLASS island locale locale school park spring dam school stream stream crossing valley locale swamp dam school summit summit summit summit pillar summit ppl stream school airport park civil locale civil civil stream stream reservoir dam civil ppl lake lake summit summit summit summit summit summit summit summit cemetery locale locale building school locale lake NATIONAL GAZETTEER--SOUTH DAKOTA 1989 STATUS BGN VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT BGN BGN BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN BGN ADMIN BGN UNOFF UNOFF BGN BGN UNOFF BGN UNOFF BGN VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF BGN BGN VARIANT BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN UNOFF ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN UNOFF ADMIN ADMIN BGN BGN VARIANT BGN UNOFF ADMIN BGN BGN BGN BGN VARIANT BGN 1969 VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT COUNTY Dewey Perkins Perkins Corson Spink Lake Dewey Lawrence Fall River Fall River Fall River Aurora Deuel Aurora Harding Charles Mix Corson Charles Mix Lyman Charles Mix Pennington Pennington Hamlin Dewey Sanhorn Custer Pennington Pennington Fall River Harding Meade Moody Moody Moody Moody Moody Moody Pennington Fall River Pennington Butte Perkins Perkins Perkins Perkins Lawrence Campbell Marshall Butte Harding Harding Harding Harding Jackson Jones Pennington Jackson Minnehaha Minnehaha Douglas Moody Custer Potter COORDINATES 444500N1003000W 451302N1023332W 451440N1023142W 453007N1004843W 445301N0982121W 435744N0970059W 444657N1005413W 44284BN1035139W 430812N1033242W 431218N1033812W 430842N1033818W 434327N0982323W 443608N0962832W 434316N0982308W 452218N1031144W 432618N0990730W 453003N1011707W 431918N0990345W 433117N0991736W 431840N0990345W 440719N1022352W 435817N1033300W 444621N0970709W 450524N1011136W 441022N0980639W 434705N1025951W 440414N1034935W 435556N1033625W 431819N1033123W 453151N1031033W 441601N1033219W 440258N0963542W 440330N0963315W 440340N0963531W 440012N0963536W 440321N0963353W 440331N0963438W 440408N1033712W 430957N1030225W 435123N1020408W 450440N1030738W 454548N1020858W 454642N1021000W 454642N1021000W 454930N1021615W 441935N1034605W 454045N0994707W 454758N0972412W 450802N1035304W 452345N1030320W 452345N1030320W 452345N1030320W 455033N1032203W 434303N1015208W 440221N1005609W 435140N1030430W 435154N1012440W 434638N0965031W 434638N0965031W 432840N0980755W 440448N0962913W 434322N1032705W 45l051N0995548W SOURCE COORDINATES 450021N1005954W 442535N1035632W 432313N0990034W 432845N0992715W 440903N1022905W 441510N0961745W 451021N1031340W ELEV FT 2128 1750 2255 1621 6937 5896 4213 5421 1570 1649 5400 1729 1867 3563 3352 2432 2297 3394 1600 1600 1480 1645 4680 1906 MAP NAME No Heart Creek SE Bixby Bixby Little Eagle SE Lake Madison Rousseau Creek SW Spearfish Heppner Rumford Rumford Plankinton Hendricks Plankinton Irish Butte Lucas NW Black Horse SE Lucas SE Bond Bottom Lucas SE Wasta Hill City Watertown SE Parade SW Forestburg NE Caputa SW Deerfield Hill City Cascade Springs Battleship Rock Deadman Mountain Flandreau Flandreau Flandreau Flandreau Flandreau Flandreau Silver City Oelrichs NE Wall SE Deers Ears Butte North Sommerville Sommerville Sommerville Haynes SE Lead Flat Lake Hillhead Indian Butte Flat Top Butte School Section Butte Capa Hermosa SE Belvidere SW Colton SE Colton SE Hillside Elkton SW Mt Coolidge Flight Lake FEATURE NAME Flint Butte Flat Top Butte Creek Hill Hills Rock Creek Rock Hill (historical) Lode Mine Post Office (historical) Flint Flint Flint Flint Flint Flora Flora Flora Township Florence Florence (historical) Florence (historical) Florence (historical) Florence, Lake Florence Mine Florence Township Florence Township Flowerfield (historical) Flower Valley See Blooming Valley Flowing Well Floyd Cooper Dam Floyd Hall Dam Floyd Sletto Dam Floyd Strong Dam Floyd Township Flutter Ranch Flying T Landing Strip Flynn Creek Flynn Creek Spring Flynn Dickerson Ditch Flynn Post Office (historical) F Macijewske Dam Dewberry Dam F Miller Dam Fods Slough Fog Creek Foldager Slough Foley Foley Mountain Folger Mine Follette School Folsom Folsome (historical) Foot Creek Foote Creek Foote Creek See Foot Creek Forahs Ranch (historical) Forbes Gulch Forbes School Forbes School Forbes Township Pleasant Township Fordham Dam Fordham State Public Shooting Area Fordham Township Ford Lake Ford Mountain Ford School Forestburg Forestburg (historical) Upper Forestburg Forestburg Junction (historical) Forestburg Lutheran Church Forestburg Township See Silver Creek Township Forest Forest Forest Forest City City city City (historical) Recreation Area School South (historical) Forest City Township Forest City Township (historical) Forest Hill Cemetery Forestville (historical) FEATURE CLASS summit stream summit range stream summit mine building civil p91 ppl ppl locale lake mine civil civil locale valley well dam dam dam dam civil locale airport stream spring canal building dam dam swamp stream lake locale summit mine school locale locale stream stream locale valley school school civil reservoir park civil lake summit school ppl locale locale church civil locale perk school locale civil civil cemetery locale NATIONAL GAZETTEER--SOUTH DAKOTA 1989 STATUS BGN 1969 VARIANT BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN BGN BGN BGN UNOFF BGN UNOFF ADMIN ADMIN UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN UNOFF ADMIN BGN BGN BGN UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF BGN BGN BGN UNOFF BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF BGN UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN VARIANT BGN ADMIN ADMIN BGN BGN UNOFF BGN UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF COUNTY Harding Perkins Fall River Harding ziehach Meade Custer Walworth Walworth Codington Hand Pennington Sanborn Hamlin Lawrence Hamlin Hand Hamlin Douglas Butte Harding Perkins Lyman Meade Sanborn Custer Fall River Custer Custer Clay Aurora Dewey Ziebach Lake Shannon Day Codington Lawrence Lawrence Meade Custer Custer Brown Brown Custer Meade Charles Mix Sanborn Charles Mix Clark Clark Clark Faulk Pennington Hand Sanborn Sanborn Sanborn Sanborn Sanborn Potter Dewey Potter Potter Potter Potter Lincoln Codington COORDINATES 455033N1032203W 450610N1022023W 432032N1034043W 455137N1032307W 451130N1015515W 450116N1021552W 434428N1033237W 453400N1002655W 453239N1002351W 450317N0971946W 444130N0985920W 440809N1034647W 440310N0980524W 443925N0970232W 442010N1033800W 444025N0970403W 444015N0985953W 443758N0972533W 432850N0981915W 444253N1034400W 452606N1034712W 452624N1021600W 434148N1000442W 443136N1023842W 440917N0980144W 433324N1033519W 432215N1032245W 433918N1032436W 434100N1033225W 430420N0970351W 433825N0983805W 452336N1005948W 445812N1013224W 435557N0970548W 43274BN1023120W 451232N0971848W 445022N0970850W 442004N1035127W 442030N1035005W 443501N1032048W 434931N1025210W 434917N1025415W 452535N0982842W 452535N0982842W 434825N1033923W 441917N1032642W 432659N0985041W 435709N0980417W 432750N0985305W 444623N0975554W 444607N0975532W 444705N0975530W 450257N0992733W 435530N1033318W 442636N0985200W 440120N0980628W 445950N0980515W 440115N0980617W 440120N0980630W 440353N0980901W 450143N1001600W 450140N1001819W 450029N1001332W 450045N1001817W 450118N1001516W 445934N1001745W 431740N0963751W 450435N0970020W SOURCE COORDINATES 445955N1022600W 450042N1021652W 434122N1033315W 433200N1023727W 454228N0985420W 441922N1033123W ELEV FT 3345 4450 2740 5220 1650 1770 1515 5680 1651 4800 1812 3675 1635 1799 1800 6610 6400 2854 2885 5790 1558 1293 1436 5641 1232 1232 1240 1608 1640 1870 SD69 MAP NAME Ludlow SE Deep Creek SE Flint Hill Ludlow Redelm NW Deep Creek SE Cicero Peak Mobridge Mobridge Florence Miller NW Nahant Forestburg Castlewood Deadwood South Castlewood Miller NW Vienna East Fruitdale Harding Chance Presho 4 NE Union Center Forestburg NE Pringle Hot Springs Mt Coolidge Cicero Peak Wakonda White Lake Glad Valley NW Miller Dam Lake Madison Rockyford Florence NE Pelican Lake Lead Lead Vale SE Folsom Caputa SW Aberdeen East Berne Tilford Platte Letcher NE Lake George Fordham Dam Fordham Dam Fordham Dam Onaka SW 5111 City Vayland Forestburg Letcher NB Forestburg Forestburg Patch Skin Buttes SE Patch Skin Buttes SE Lake Hurley Patch Skin Buttes 53 Patch Skin Buttes SE Artichoke Butte NE Canton SW Still Lake SE SD70 FEATURE NAME Formosa Mine Forney Township (historical) Forrest City Mine Forsch Lake Forsch Lake State Public Shooting Area Fort au Cedras (historical) Fort Bennett (historical) Fort Bouis (historical) Fort Campbell (historical) Fort Defiance (historical) Port Port Port Fort Defiance (historical) Galpin (historical) George (historical) George Butte Fort George Buttes George Buttes See Fort George Butte Fort George Creek Fort George Island (historical) Elk Island Simoneaus Island Fort Fort Hale (historical) Fort LaFramboise Number One (historical) Fort LaFramboise Number Two (historical) Fort Lookout (historical) Fort Lookout (historical) Fort Lookout See Lookout Mill Fort Manuel (historical) Fort Meade Cemetery Fort Meade Veterans Hospital Fort Pierre Fort Pierre Number One (historical) Fort Pierre Number Two (historical) Fort Primeau (historical) Fort Randall Fort Randall Dam Fort Fort Fort Randall Eagle Roost Randall Historic Site Recovery (historical) Cedar Fort Sisseton State Park Sully (historical) Sully (historical) Sully (historical) Tecumseh (historical) Teton (historical) Fort Fort Fort Fort Fort Fort Port Fort Thompson Thompson Recreation Area Fort Township Fort Yankton Historic Site Fortyeight Mile Creek Forty-Five Lode Mine Fossil Cycad National Monument Fossil Ridge Foster Creek Foster Creek Foster Foster Foster Foster Foster Foster Foster Foster Foster Foster Gulch Number Number Number Number School School Township Township Township 1 Dam 2 Dam 3 Dam 4 Dam Fountain (historical) Fountain City Fountain Cemetery Fountain City See Fountain (historical) FEATURE CLASS mine civil mine swamp park locale locale locale locale locale locale locale locale summit summit stream island locale locale locale locale locale locale locale cemetery hospital ppl locale locale locale ppl dam locale locale locale park locale locale locale locale locale Ppl park civil locale stream mine park summit stream stream valley dam locale cemetery locale STATUS UNOFF ADMIN UNOFF BGN ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN VARIANT VARIANT BGN BGN VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN ADMIN ADMIN UNOFF BGN UNOFF ADMIN BGN BGN BGN BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF VARIANT NATIONAL GAZETTEER--SOUTH DAKOTA 1989 COUNTY Custer Fall River Pennington McCook McCook Hughes Stanley Lyman Stanley Custer Lyman Stanley Stanley Stanley Stanley Stanley Hughes Lyman Stanley Stanley Lyman Lyman Pennington Corson Meade Meade Stanley Stanley Stanley Stanley Gregory Gregory Charles Gregory Lyman Mix Marshall Hughes Sully Sully Stanley Stanley Buffalo Buffalo Marshall Yankton Harding Custer Fall River Custer Beadle Stanley Pennington Jones Jones Jones Jones Hutchinson Minnehaha Beadle Hutchinson Perkins Brookings Brookings Brookings COORDINATES 435030N1032822W 431510N1030223W 435613N1032859W 433033N0973044W 433B47N0973039W 441107N0995517W 444018N1003824W 440656N0994345W 442203N1002314W 434632N1033200W 440635N0994215W 442534N1002310W 441704N1000235W 441234N1000109W 441234N1000109W 441703N1000228W 441810N1000340W 435833N0992150W 442051N1002141W 442643N1002349W 43504BN0991903W 435513N0992300W 440417N1034218W 455340N1002731W 442408N1032033W 442438N1032800W 442113N1002224W 442316N1002257W 442522N1002309W 442710N1002540W 430128N0983726W 430335N0983342W 430320N0983215W 430301N0983336W 434800N0992228W 453928N0973148W 442046N1001628W 443512N1003630W 443517N1003522W 442232N1002323W 442045N1002126W 440407N0992615W 440340N0992649W 453732N0973047W 425223N0972958W 452539N1040330W 434727N1034l45W 432342N1034333W 433224N1033110W 443323N0981207W 444416N1010224W 435255N1032021W 435654N1004418W 435742N1004412W 435748N1004348W 435800N1004530W 432747N0975131W 433608N0965103W 443160N0975800W 432750N0974831W 451830N1021005W 442155N0963705W 442157N0964000W 442155N0963705W SOURCE COORDINATES 441425N1000343W 451922N1035518W 445053N0974749W 443731N1010610W 435623N1032411W ELEV PT 5300 5400 1500 1460 5160 1436 1405 1960 1440 1500 1460 1300 1390 1600 1460 1429 1435 1500 1460 1400 1295 1400 1430 1590 1630 1450 1600 1444 1400 5840 4425 1313 1541 MAP NAME Iron Mountain Hay Canyon Butte Mount Rushmore Spencer Spencer Joe Creek NW Iron Post Buttes Lower Brule SW Pierre SW Custer Lover Brule SW Oahe Dam Rousseau Ft George Butte Rousseau Rousseau Bedashosha Lake Pierre Oahe Dam Chamberlain Short Creek Pollock NW Fort Meade Fort Meade Pierre Oahe Dam Oahe Dam Oahe Port Fort Dam Randall Dam Randall Dam Fort Randall Dam Fort Randall Dam Chamberlain Britton 4 NE Pierre Iron Post Buttes Iron Post Buttes Oahe Dam Pierre SE SE Big Bend Dam Big Bend Dam Britton 4 NE Gavins Point Dam Capitol Berne Minnekahta Pringle Lake Byron Sansarc NE Rockerville Murdo Murdo Murdo Okaton NE Milltown Sioux Falls West Staum Dam Milltown Coal Springs SW White SE Aurora FEATURE NAME Fountain School Fountain Township Four Bear School (historical) Four Corner Bridge Four Corners School Four Creek Fourmile Fourmile Fourmile Fourmile Fourmile Fourmile Fourmile Fourmile Fourmile Butte Creek Creek Creek Creek Draw Lake School Fourmile School Four Ranch (historical) Fox Creek Fox Creek See Charlie Creek Irrigation Dam Island (historical) Grouse Island Lake Lake Fox Fox Fox Fox Fox Lake State Wildlife Management Area ' Fox Ranch Fox Ridge Fox Ridge School Foxton State Public Shooting Area Foxton Township Fox Well Francis, Lake Francis Case, Lake Francis Chaffee Dam Number 1 Frank Anderson Dam Frankfort Frankfort Township (historical) Frankfort Township Frank Gebracht Dam Frank Hayes Dam Franklin See Castalia Franklin See Castalia (historical) Franklin Franklin Cemetery Franklin Creek See White Willow Creek Franklin Creek Franklin School Franklin School Franklin School Franklin Township Franklin Township Franklyn Township Franklin Township Franklin Township (historical) Franklin Township Franklin Township Franklin Township Hall Franklyn School Franklyn Township See Franklin Township Frank Ruby Dam Frantz Farms 3 Dam Frantz Farms 4 Dam Fraser, Lake Fraser Dam Fraser Dam Frazier Church Frederick Frederick Cemetery Frederick Dam Frederick Lake FEATURE CLASS school civil school bridge school stream locale summit stream stream stream stream valley lake school school locale stream stream dam island lake lake park locale ridge school park civil well lake reservoir dam dam ppl civil civil dam dam locale ( locale locale cemetery stream stream school school school civil civil civil civil civil civil building school civil reservoir dam reservoir church ppl cemetery dam reservoir STATUS UNOFF ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN UNOFF BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN VARIANT UNOFF BGN VARIANT BGN BGN ADMIN UNOFF BGN UNOFF ADMIN ADMIN UNOFF BGN BGN UNOFF UNOFF BGN ADMIN ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN ADMIN VARIANT ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN UNOFF BGN UNOFF BGN UNOFF UNOFF BGN NATIONAL GAZETTEER-—SOUTH DAKOTA 1989 COUNTY Brookings Edmunds Dewey Haakon Spink Dewey Custer Butte Butte Custer Meade Minnehaha Pennington Marshall Custer Meade Pennington Dewey Dewey Harding Walworth Beadle Deuel Deuel Harding Meade Meade Clark Clark Harding Deuel Charles Mix Meade Pennington Spink Spink Spink Perkins Hughes Charles Mix Charles Mix Lake Lake Haakon Jackson Beadle Hyde Minnehaha Bon Homme Brown Campbell Hyde Jerauld Lake Brown Brown Brown Perkins Tripp Tripp Aurora Aurora Aurora ziebach Brown Brown Brown Brown COORDINATES 442120N0964114W 452717N0985340W 451246N1001640W 443116N1015934W 445005N0981538W 451349N1001629W 434358N1034030W 450740N1034714W 450453N1033135W 434045N1034251W 442904N1030604W 433326N0963208W 441917N1020738W 454325N0972916W 434343N1034032W 443200N1030730W 435915N1031820W 445120N1004419W 445140N1004409W ._551948N1033736W 452603N1001848W 443156N0983353W 443920N0963125W 443834N0963057W 452028N1034040W 450023N1022840W 450134N1023224W 444612N0973412W 444645N0973330W 452108N1034051W 444916N0963202W 430335N0983342W 443718N1024300W 440512N1021800W 445236N0981813W 445218N0981845W 445037N0981616W 451242N1024448W 442418N1001036W 432225N0985750W 432215N0990504W 435330N0970407W 435331N0970142W 440218N1012908W 435307N1013345W 442542N0984012W 445110N0993648W 433319N0964237W 430235N0975552W 454313N0983943W 453815N1001550W 445042N0993608W 440345N0982315W 435309N0970331W 454227N0983945W 454319N0983719W 454318N0983943W 450706N1025430W 434018N0995154W 433954N0995330W 435418N0982930W 435418N0982930W 435417N0982938W 444309N1014452W 454957N0983021W 455034N0982954W 455006N0983042W 455006N0983042W SOURCE COORDINATES 451419N1002103W 451329N1035404W 434518N1034029W 444143N1031237W 433406N0962245W 441936N1021222W 445958N1005307W 434910N1013930W ELEV FT 1683 1294 5336 3482 1796 5323 2685 3080 1329 3103 1649 1354 1296 1665 1675 1435 1915 1454 1451 1375 1392 SD71 MAP NAME Aurora Mina NW Four Bear Creek Bridger Glendale Colony Four Bear Creek Fourmile Alkali Creek West Antelope Creek East Fourmile Rapid City 1 NE Brandon Creighton Lake City Fourmile Volunteer Rockerville No Heart Creek SW Peak NE Moreau Moreau Tulare SE Brandt Brandt Moreau Peak Signal Butte Maurine Naples Naples Moreau Peak Lake Francis Fort Randall Dam Fairpoint SE Wasta SE Frankfort Glendale Colony Glendale Colony Imogene Canning NW Lake Madison Lake Madison Kadoka NE Wessington Thomas Lake Sioux Falls East Haucks Lake Richmond NW Mobridge NE Thomas Lake Lane Lake Madison Richmond NW Richmond NE Mud Creek Ideal NE Ideal NW Fraser Dam Fraser Dam Fraser Dam Rattlesnake Lake Frederick Save SW Frederick Frederick SD72 FEATURE NAME Frederick Township Frederick Township (historical) Frederick Township Hall Fred Hertel Dam Fred Joens Dam Fred Kerner Number 1 Dam Fredlund School Fredlund Township Freedom Township Freeland Lake Freelands Ranch (historical) Freeland Well Freel Spring Freel Spring Freeman Freeman Freeman Freeman Freeman Cemetery Dam Dam Junior College Freeman Township Freeman Township (historical) Freeman Township (historical) Free Methodist Church Free Mission Cemetery Freiberg Ranch Freiberg Spring Freidens Cemetery Freidensthal Cemetery Lutheran Church Cemetery Fremont Township Fremont Township French Creek French Creek School French Creek School (abandoned) French Ranch French School Frenchtown (historical) Fresh Pond (historical) Freya (historical) F R Fackelman Dam Friday Gulch Friday Lode Mine Fridhem (historical) Fridhem Swedish Lutheran Church (historical) Friedenberg Mennonite Cemetery Friedenberg Mennonite Church See Mennonite Church Friedenfeld Cemetery Friedens Cemetery Friedens Cemetery Friedens Cemetery Friedenstahl Cemetery Friedhof Cemetery Friedrick School (abandoned) Frieling Cemetery Friends Church (historical) Friesland (historical) Frink Draw Frisby (historical) Froelich Addition (subdivision) Frog Creek Frog Creek Frog Creek Frog Creek School (historical) Fron Church Frosh Dam See Agate Dam 8 Frost School Frozen Horse Creek North Indian Creek Frozen Man Creek Fruitdale Frying Pan Island Fuegan Brothers Dan Hickens Dam Fuller Canyon Fuller Lake Fuller Pass NATIONAL GAZETTEER--SOUTH DAKOTA 1989 FEATURE CLASS STATUS civil ADMIN civil ADMIN building UNOFF dam UNOFF dam UNOFF dam UNOFF school UNOFF civil ADMIN civil ADMIN swamp BGN locale UNOFF well UNOFF spring BGN spring BGN ppl BGN cemetery UNOFF dam UNOFF dam UNOFF school UNOFF civil ADMIN civil ADMIN civil ADMIN church UNOFF cemetery UNOFF locale UNOFF spring BGN cemetery UNOFF cemetery UNOFF VARIANT civil ADMIN civil ADMIN stream BGN school UNOFF school UNOFF locale UNOFF school UNOFF ppl BGN lake BGN locale UNOFF dam UNOFF valley BGN mine UNOFF locale DNOFF church UNOFF cemetery UNOFF VARIANT church cemetery UNOFF cemetery DNOFF cemetery UNOFF cemetery UNOFF cemetery UNOFF cemetery UNOFF school UNOFF cemetery UNOFF locale UNOFF locale UNOFF valley BGN 1982 ppl BGN ppl BGN stream BGN stream BGN stream BGN school UNOFF church UNOFF VARIANT dam school UNOFF stream BGN 1977 VARIANT stream BGN ppl BGN island BGN dam UNOFF VARIANT valley BGN reservoir BGN gap BGN COUNTY Brown Brown Brown Carson Dewey Gregory Perkins Perkins Faulk Brule Custer Custer Pennington Pennington Hutchinson Hutchinson Jackson Meade Hutchinson Butte Hutchinson Hutchinson Tripp Marshall Meade Meade Campbell Bon Homme Campbell Moody Shannon Custer Custer Lawrence Davison Pennington Potter Turner Stanley Pennington Custer Charles Mix Charles Mix Bon Homme Bon Homme Hutchinson Hutchinson McPherson McPherson Campbell Douglas Fall River Turner Aurora Charles Mix Pennington Clark Minnehaha Butte Butts Clay Clay Day Fall River Minnehaha Butte Meade Butte Roberts Buffalo Harding Sully Harding COORDINATES 454825N0983213W 455107N0983025W 455008N0983342W 455542N1003606W 451318N1010900W 431224N0990536W 454352N1023920W 454330N1023905W 451143N0990802W 433647N0985239W 433755N1034803W 433834N1034757W 440721N1040058W 440722N1035851W 432109N0972613W 432036N0972732W 435331N1010907W 443400N1023254W 43204BN0972614W 445500N1031730W 432152N0972700W 432520N0973035W 430613N0994019W 453929N0975614W 442928N1020903W 442905N1020910W 455535N0995449W 430548N0974512W 455355N1000140W 440844N0964908W 433845N1025518W 433903N1030500W 434050N1031637W 441102N1034506W 433933N0930359W 435315N1032255W 450924N0993934W 430739N0970931W 443512N1010742W 440118N1033643W 434635N1033850W 432725N0985209W 432748N0995044W 425345N0980400W 425344N0980406W 432006N0975014W 431241N0975757W 455259N0993426W 455235N0993156W 454022N0995034W 432812N0980900W 432446N1031804W 431307N0965854W 433215N0993435W 431728N0985914W 435804N1034307W 454500N0975620W 433502N0964258W 450613N1031854H 450518N1035535W 430008N0970026W 430420N0970120H 453141N0973415W 431830N1040100W 433100N0964317W 450258N1035511W 445208N1022447W 444006N1034148W 452114N0962942W 435736N0985742W 455343N1033055W 444814N1002451W 455234N1032846W SOURCE COORDINATES 434651N1034311N 435956N1033553W 435709N1034215W 445920N1032752W 450617N1035808W 430319N0970719fl 450800N1040630W 45004BN1025209W 455216N1032943W ELEV PT 1430 5080 1514 1512 2345 1393 1320 4320 1876 1370 5640 1590 1585 1932 1959 2990 1655 1585 1455 1425 2950 MAP NAME Frederick Frederick Frederick Mahto NE Parade NW Herrick NE Little Nasty Creek Little Nasty Creek Norbeck Snow Lake Jewel Cave Jewel Cave Parmlee Canyon Crows Nest Peak Freeman Freeman Stamford NW Enning Freeman Castle Rock Freeman Clayton NE Dallas SW Amherst Pedro NH Pedro NW Zeeland NW Tripp SE Herreid NE Medary Red Shirt Fairburn NE Butcher Hill Nahant Mitchell Mount Rushmore Seneca NW Center Point Nhiteman Ranch Silver City Berne Platte Platte Niobrara NB Parkston SB Tripp Ventura Ventura Flat Lake Hillside Buffalo Gap Beresford NW Aurora Center Castalia Medicine Mountain Crocker SW Sioux Falls East Hoover Greasewood Draw Wakonda Wakonda Britton 4 SE Sioux Falls East Greasewood Draw Big Draw Fruitdale Ortonville Lyonville Ladner NE Artichoke Butte SW Eagles Nest Butte FEATURE NAME Puller Ranch Fuller School Puller Spring Fuller Township Full Gospel Tabernacle See Garfield Tabernacle Fulton Fulton, Lake Fulton Dam Fulton Draw Fulton Lake Furlong Creek Fuson Canyon F Witte Dam G Gabriel Ranch Gabrielson Cemetery Gaffney School Gahl Ranch Gail Vrooman Dam Gair Township (historical) Gale Cemetery Gale Grazing Association Number 1 Dam Gale Grazing Association Number 2 Dam Galena Griggs Galena Creek Galena Junction (historical) Gale Post office (historical) Gale Ridge School Galigo Table Stronghold Table Galla (historical) Gallager Draw Galla School Gallaway Bay Gall Cemetery Gallop Creek See Gallup Creek Gallup Gallup Creek Gallop Creek Gallup School Gallup Township Gamble (historical) G and J Heck Number 1 Dam G and J Heck Number 2 Dam G and J Heck Number 2 Dam Gannvalley Gann Valley Gann Valley See Gannvalley Gap Creek Gap Lode Mine G A R Cemetery Gardeman School shrank School Garden City Garden City See Maitland Garden City Cemetery Garden Creek Garden of Memories Cemetery Garden Prairie Township Garden Prairie Township (historical) Garden Valley Ditch Garden Valley School (historical) FEATURE CLASS locale school spring civil church 991 reservoir dam valley reservoir stream valley dam locale cemetery school locale dam civil cemetery dam dam locale stream locale building school summit locale valley school bay cemetery stream locale stream school civil locale dam dam dam p91 ppl stream mine cemetery school Ppl locale cemetery stream cemetery civil civil canal school NATIONAL GAZETTEER--SOUTH DAKOTA 1989 STATUS UNOFF UNOFF BGN ADMIN VARIANT BGN UNOFF BGN BGN BGN BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFP VARIANT BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN VARIANT UNOFF BGN UNOFF BGN UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF BGN 1977 VARIANT UNOFF ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN 1906 VARIANT VARIANT BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT BGN VARIANT UNOFF BGN UNOFF ADMIN ADMIN BGN UNOFF COUNTY Butte Pennington Harding Codington Clay Hanson Hanson Hanson Pennington Hanson Hutchinson Custer Perkins Pennington Brule Faulk Custer Dewey Spink Campbell Campbell Campbell Lawrence Custer Lawrence Campbell Moody Shannon Moody Harding Moody Campbell Bon Homme Harding Spink Harding Spink Harding Bennett Dewey Dewey Dewey Buffalo Buffalo Perkins Pennington Hand Douglas Clark Laurence Clark Charles Mix Yankton Brown Brown Douglas Douglas COORDINATES 443818N1040001W 440400N1023518W 452058N1030727W 450210N0971800W 425437N0965355W 434329N0974924W 434124N0975118W 434124NO975118W 440330N1035348W 434126N0975126W 431526N0973835W 433406N1031913W 452800N1020100W 441807N1020254W 433336N0935253W 445507N0990007W 43484BN1034821W 450049N1011118W 450907N0983733W 454750N1001555W 454654N1001848W 454642N1001924W 442001N1033826W 434500N1032504W 441708N1034125W 454735N1001545W 435749N0964340W 433521N1024004W 441100N0964843W 454944N1033945W 441029N0964828W 453900N1002118W 430311N0973937W 454521N1035225W 450414N0982942W 454521N1035225W 450259N0982818W 453914N1034805W 430559N1014928W 452600N1012736W 452618N1012730W 452448N10l2748W 440200NO985915W 440200N0985915W 452653N1025131W 435156N1033337W 443028N0985909W 432635N0981555W 445730N0973452W 442351N1034904W 445720N0973545W 430641N0983355W 425416N0972334W 451704N0980957W 451704N0980615W 432745N0983130W 432815N0982920W SOURCE COORDINATES 440242N1035606W 431842N0973003W 433416N1032220W 434619N1032936W 455259N1034001H 453811N1034656W 453111N1030947W 430910N0983721W ELEV PT 3276 2836 1328 1880 4790 5320 1930 3262 1640 1649 1596 1295 1288 1000 1702 1606 1840 1846 1575 1570 SD73 MAP NAME The Perks Owanka Sheep Mountain Florence Alexandria Alexandria Alexandria Crows Nest Peak Alexandria Tschetter Colony Boland Ridge Coal Springs Pedro SE Show Lake Orient Signal Hill Parade SW Chelsea Pollock SE Pollock SE Pollock SE Deadwood South Mt Coolidge Deadwood South Pollock SE Trent Cuny Table East Medary Ladner Medary Mobridge NE Kloucek Lake Gallup Chimney Butte Gallup Gallup Creek Bcoffey Lake Isabel Isabel Isabel Gannvalley Sorum NE Custer Miller Corsica Lake Garden City Garden City Fort Randall Dam Yankton Groton SW Fernay New Holland Corsica SD74 FEATURE NAME Gardner, Lake Gardner Lake Gardner Lake See Gardner, Lake Gardner Lake Dam Garfield Cemetery Garfield Cemetery Garfield Church Garfield Gospel Tabernacle See Garfield Tabernacle Garfield Peak Gladstone Butte Garfield School Garfield School Garfield School Garfield School Garfield School Garfield School Garfield School Garfield Tabernacle Full Gospel Tabernacle Garfield Gospel Tabernacle Garfield Township See Cambria Township Garfield Township Garfield Township Garfield Township Garfield Township Garfield Township Garfield Township Garfield Township Garfield Township (historical) Garland School Garland Township Garner School Garner Township Garr Dam Garretson Gary Headquarters Gary Larson Dam Gary Larson Dam Gas Belt Township Gassman School Gassman Township Gaughen Township (historical) Gavens Point Dam See Gavins Point Dam Gavins Point Gavins Point Gavens Gavins Dam Point Dam Point Damsite Gavins Point Damsite See Gavins Point Dam Gavins Point National Fish Hatchery Gavins Point Recreation Area Gavins Point Reservoir See Lewis and Clark Lake Gaylord Norman Number 1 Dam Gaylord Norman Number 2 Dam Gay Lord Sauceman Dam Gayville Black Tail Gayville Gayville Cemetery Gayville Township G Boke Number 1 Dam G Boke Number 2 Dam G Boldt Dam Gearhart School Gears Ranch (historical) Geddes Geddes, Lake Geddes Dam Gederos Estates (subdivision) FEATURE CLASS reservoir reservoir dam cemetery cemetery church church summit school school school school school school school church civil civil civil civil civil civil civil civil civil school civil school civil ppl ppl dam dam civil school civil civil dam cape dam dam locale park reservoir dam dam dam ppl ppl cemetery civil dam dam dam school locale ppl reservoir dam ppl STATUS BGN VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT BGN VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN UNOFF ADMIN UNOFF ADMIN UNOFF BGN BGN VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN UNOFF ADMIN ADMIN VARIANT BGN UNOFF VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF ADMIN VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN VARIANT BGN UNOFF ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN BGN UNOFF BGN NATIONAL GAZETTEER--SOUTH DAKOTA 1989 COUNTY Harding Harding Harding Hamlin Spink Hamlin Clay Hand Brown Codington Davison Lake Minnehaha Pennington Yankton Clay Brown Campbell Clark clay Douglas Hamlin Hamlin Roberts Spink Union Brown Jackson Sully Dewey Minnehaha Deuel Perkins Perkins Stanley Tripp Tripp Gregory Yankton Yankton Yankton Yankton Yankton Yankton Yankton Stanley Stanley Stanley Lawrence Yankton Yankton Yankton Meade Meade Dewey Brule Custer Charles Mix Charles Mix Charles Mix Brown COORDINATES 453621N1033630W 453621N1033630W 453621N1033630W 443420N0971944W 443944N0983313W 443516N0972104W 425437N0965355W 444744N0985951W 452728N0982848W 445339N0970557W 434628N0980402W 440001N0970641W 433224N0964522W 440537N1031328W 425231N0972337W 425437N0965355W 453245N0981645W 454205N0995600W 445720N0974815W 425730N0965000W 432815N0981730W 443514N0972551W 443631N0972357W 452234N0964839W 444011N0983050W 425312N0963956W 453758N0982342W 433257N1014804W 444530N1000526W 451618N1012536W 434303N0963009W 444733N0962720W 452854N1022400W 452342N1022900W 441445N1001014W 434026N0993957W 434328N0994022W 431220N0985928W 425144NO972906W 425124NO973305W 425144N0972906W 425144N0972906W 425211N0972829W 425133N0973302W 425144N0972906W 443800N1010648W 443830N1010724W 441618N1010518W 442215N1034535W 425317N0971019W 425342N0971048W 425230N0971236W 445706N1020348W 445449N1020324W 452318N1012648W 435237N0990739W 433552N1033508W 431513N0984142W 431115N0984240W 431115N0984240W 453048N0983046W SOURCE COORDINATES ELEV FT 2925 1325 MAP NAME Buffalo Buffalo Gertson Tulare slough Gertson Slough 1551 1296 2580 1481 1483 1724 4800 1165 1168 1704 4820 1620 1441 1335 Rockham SW Aberdeen East Watertown East Loomis Madison Sioux Falls West Rapid City East Yankton Hub City Salt Lake Baileys Lake Hub City Corsica Lake Bryant Bryant Wilmot Tulare Nora Westport Interior SE Agar Isabel SW Garretson West Gary Owen Lake Owen Lake Ft George Butte NW Hamill NW Hamill NW Whetstone Bay Tabor SE Gavins Point Dam Gavins Point Dam Tabor SE Sansarc NE Sansarc NE Hayes South Lead Gayville Gayville Gayville Avance SE Durkee Lake Isabel Shelby Pringle Geddes Lake Andes NW Lake Andes NW Richmond FEATURE NAME Gedstad School Gee Lake Gehou River See Little Beaver Creek Geigle Dam Gem (historical) Gem Township Scandinavia Township Gem Township Hall Gene Armstrong Landing Strip General Beadle State College State Normal School General Brooks Island See Bailey Island General Harney Mine See Tin Boom Mine Gene Rock Dam Geneseo Township Geneseo Township Hall Genes Spray Strip (airport) Geneva (historical) Gentle Annie Mine (historical) George, Lake Keegan Lake George, Lake George Alexander See Alexander Mine George Clark Dam George Erk Dam Number 1 George Genoff Dam Mallard Dam George Hulm Dam George Jesfjeld Dam George Kjerstad Dam George Knapp Dam George Levin Dam Number 1 George Merickson Dam Number 1 George Turner Dam Georgia Township Gerald Martian Dam Geranium Park Gerkin Lake Gerkin Refuge Number 1 Dam Gerkin Refuge Number 2 Dam Gerkin Refuge Number 3 Dam Gerkin State Wildlife Refuge Gerlach School (historical) German Baptist Church (historical) German Baptist Church German Baptist Church (historical) German Baptist Church German Catholic Church (historical) German Cemetery German Cemetery German Congregational Church German Evangelist Church (historical) Germania (historical) German Lutheran Church (historical) German Lutheran Church (historical) German Lutheran Church See Saint Peters Church German Methodist Church (historical) Germantown Church Germantown School German Township Germantown Township Germantown Township Gertie Mine Gertson Slough Gertson Slough State Public Shooting Area FEATURE CLASS school lake stream dam locale civil building airport school bar mine dam civil building airport locale mine lake swamp mine dam dam dam dam dam dam dam dam dam dam civil dam flat reservoir dam dam dam park school church church church church church cemetery cemetery church church locale church church church church church school civil civil civil mine lake park STATUS UNOFF BGN VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN VARIANT UNOFF ADMIN UNOFP VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF ADMIN UNOFF ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF BGN VARIANT BGN VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN UNOFF BGN BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN UNOFF BGN ADMIN NATIONAL GAZETTEER--SOUTH DAKOTA 1989 COUNTY Lincoln Todd Lincoln Pennington Brown Brown Brown Haakon Lake Lyman Pennington Potter Roberts Roberts Aurora Roberts Lawrence Lake Charles Mix Lawrence Perkins Butte Corson Perkins Perkins Pennington Pennington Meade Butte Walworth Grant Corson Lawrence Faulk Faulk Faulk Faulk Paulk Douglas Campbell Campbell Campbell Turner Campbell Brown Jerauld Campbell Turner Lawrence Hamlin Jerauld Kingsbury Jerauld Turner Turner Hutchinson Codington Turner Pennington Hamlin Hamlin COORDINATES 431617N0965044W 432114N1003821W 431603N0963432W 441242N1020818W 452045N0981830W 452215N0982020W 452406N0981939W 441745N1011120W 440046N0970635W 433801N0992050W 435607N1033507W 451324N1000312W 452233N0964117W 452215N0964036W 434300N0983500W 452410N0964115W 442130N1034550W 435348N0971900W 432709N0985819W 441920N1033840W 451748N1022612W 450136N1031306W 455342N1012924W 453430N1021654W 454248N1024548W 440254N102004BW 435606N1021700W 443042N1025818W 443942N1034400W 452736N1001512W 450047N0964122W 453136N1005300W 441739N1040118W 450008N0985626W 450012N0985548W 450042N0985600W 450006N0955636W 450021N0985607W 432635N0981210W 453645N0994530W 454440N0995755W 453745N0995255W 432345N0965753W 454995N1000530W 452403N0981741W 435850N0982405W 453814N1001249W 4317OBN0971747W 441520N1033545W 444539N0970401W 440645N0982447W 442959N097l721W 445945N0983050W 432502N0965748W 432502N0970123W 431728N0975524W 450520N0970400W 432253N0965827W 435524N1033455W 443309N0971516W 443334N0971538W SOURCE COORDINATES ELEV PT 1292 1270 1300 2240 1115 1600 1115 5400 1640 1414 1601 1795 1722 1745 1385 1670 1302 1931 1369 5360 1706 1355 1475 1418 5080 1685 SD75 MAP NAME Worthing Mission Pedrow 4 NW Stratford Stratford Bath May Ranch Madison Lake Hurley NE Big Stone Lake West Big Stone Lake SW Crystal Lake Big Stone Lake West Lead Winfred Lake George Two Buttes Deers Ears Butte North Hump Butte Box Car Buttes Prairie City NE Elm Creek Ranch Quinn Table NE Fairpoint SW Fruitdale Moreau NB La Bolt Little Eagle SW Old Baldy Mtn Cresbard SW Cresbard SW Cresbard SW Cresbard SW Cresbard SW Hillside Java SE Salt Lake Salt Lake Lennox NW Herreid Bath Fraser Dam Selby NW Freeman SE Deadman Mountain Watertown SE Lane Hoagland Lake Lennox NW Parker NE Beardsley Still Lake Lennox NW Hill City Gertson Slough Gertson Slough SD76 FEATURE NAME Gethsemane Cemetery Gettysburg See Hurley Dam Gettysburg Gettysburg Cemetery Gettysburg Municipal Airport Gettysburg Radar Station Gettysburg Township Gettys Canyon G Flier Dam G French Homestead Dam G Hand Dam G Holloway Dam Lantry Dam Ghost Creek Ghost Hawk Lake Ghost Hawk Park Giannonatti Creek Giant-Volney Mine Gibson Cemetery Gibson School Gibsons Pond Giddings Flat Giddings Post Office (historical) Giedd School School Number 68 Gienger Cemetery Gifford Number 1 Dam Gilam Draw Gilbert Gilbert Gilbert Gilbert Gilbert Gilbert Gilbert Gilbert Dam Gilbert Area (historical) Draw Number One Reservoir Number Two Reservoir Number 1 Dam Number 2 Dam Number 3 Dam Ranches Pond Number 1 State Public Shooting Gilbert Township Giles Creek Gilger Ranch Gill (historical) Gillette Canyon Gillette Lateral Gillette Prairie Gillettes Ranch See Smith Ranch Gillettes Ranch (historical) Gillette Well Gilleys Grove Days Woods Warren Woods Gilliland Roy Number 1 Dam Gillis Ranch Gillum Spring Gilman Lake Gilmore Mine See Montezuma and the Whizzers Mine Gilt Edge Mine Giltedge Mine Gimlet Creek Gingrass Draw Ginsbach School Gira and Ainsleys Dike Mine Giras Claim Mine Gireaus Claim Gireaus Claim See Giras Claim Mine Gknwood Township Gladiator Mine (historical) Gladson Draw Gladstone Butte See Garfield Peak Glad Valley FEATURE CLASS cemetery dam ppl cemetery airport locale civil valley dam dam dam dam stream reservoir locale stream mine cemetery school lake flat building school cemetery dam valley locale valley reservoir reservoir dam dam dam dam park civil stream locale locale valley canal flat locale locale well woods dam locale spring lake mine mine stream valley school mine mine mine civil mine valley summit p91 STATUS UNOFF VARIANT BGN UNOFF ADMIN UNOFF ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT BGN BGN UNOFF BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN BGN UNOff UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF BGN UNOFF BGN BGN BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN ADMIN BGN UNOFF UNOFF BGN BGN BGN VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF BGN VARIANT VARIANT UNOFP UNOFF BGN BGN ‘ VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF BGN BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT VARIANT ADMIN UNOFF BGN VARIANT BGN NATIONAL GAZETTEER--SOUTH DAKOTA 1939 COUNTY Jackson Potter Potter Potter Potter Potter Potter Custer Custer Dewey Dewey Dewey Butte Todd Todd Harding Lawrence Tripp Union Roberts Stanley Hughes Bon Homme McPherson Mellette Meade Aurora Harding Harding Harding Harding Harding Harding Harding Codington Hand Perkins Butte Harding Custer Butte Pennington Custer Pennington Pennington Brookings Mellette Custer Pennington Lake Lawrence Lawrence Pennington Pennington Lawrence Minnehaha Custer Pennington Pennington Clay Lawrence Butte Hand ziebach COORDINATES 433423N1013923W 450518N1000912W 450042N0995719W 450054N0995512W 445924N0995706W 450300N0995722W 450115N0995922W 434656N1040045W 434948N1024949W 451448N1012042W 452612N1002400W 450050N1012735W 444809N1040037W 431533N1005423W 431547N1005414W 451957N1031523W 442229N1040253W 430351N0994127W 423453N0963135W 455344N0963445W 442437N1002917W 441840N0994821W 430313N0980110W 455307N0990422W 432524N1003254W 442131N1023701W 433050N0983825W 452417N1034842W 453030N1033748W 452706N1033848W 453030N1033748W 452706N1033848W 452854N1033424W 452754N1025754W 445454N0972400W 443501N0984522W 454841N1022618W 445924N1035736W 452357N1030700W 434600N1040339W 444311N1033645W 435733N1034455W 433704N1033129W 435645N1034335W 435500N1035034W 442740N0963225W 433748N1001736W 433128N1033633W 440054N1035703W 440558N0972047W 442214N1034435W 441947N1034027W 435302N1032159W 440638N1033842W 440909N1033211W 434118N0965814W 435100N1033652W 435537N1032911W 435537N1032911W 430230N0965000W 442215N1034732W 450623N1030101W 444744N0985951W 452357N1014638W SOURCE ELEV COORDINATES PT 2061 2072 2055 2220 434809N1035902W 452038N1031331W 6000 1112 1660 1651 441914N1023552W 1570 452205N1035149W 455309N1022801W 3080 435427N1034747W 6246 4645 5380 441000N1033931W 440909N1033326W 6440 5050 5400 450724N1030431W 2445 MAP NAME Wanblee Gettysburg Gettysburg Gettysburg Muni Airport Gettysburg Gettysburg Fanny Peak Folsom Lantry NE Moreau NW Lantry Middle Creek Butte Soldier Creek Soldier Creek Bams Butte SE 01d Baldy Mtn Dallas SW Jefferson Boisberg Oahe Dam De Grey SE Avon Long Lake NE Mission NE Elm Springs Laffey Lake Harding Saddle Butte Bog Creek Saddle Butte Bog Creek Redig NE Sorum Henry Miller SE Haynes SW Mud Buttes NW Flat Top Butte Fanny Peak Nisland Medicine Mountain Medicine Mountain Ditch Creek White NE Badnation Pringla Crows Nest Peak Oldham SE Deadwood South Rockerville Rochford Nemo Hartford North Custer Mount Rushmore Beresford Lead Tomato Can Buttes Glad Valley FEATURE NAME Glad Valley Dam Glad Valley Dam Gladys Feller Dam Gladys Nells Mine Glaus Ranch Glawes Airport Glee Lake Glen Baker Irrigation Dam Baker 5 Dam Glen Bringman Dam Glencross Glendale (historical) Glendale (historical) Glendale Colony Glendale Mine 7 Glendale Township Glendale Township Hall Glenda (historical) Glenda School Glenda Township Glen Erin Creek Glenham Glen Holloway Dam Glenlevit (historical) Glenn Ranch Glenn Ranch Glenn Township Glenn Wisherd Dam Glen Post Office (historical) Glen Township Glen View Church Glenwaod (historical) Glenwaod School Glenwoad Township G Lermeny Ranch Glover See Slavonian Mine Glover Mine (historical) Glover Township Glucksthal Township Glueckstahl Cemetery G Lund Dam G Lytle Dam G M Strand Dam Goat Island (historical) Cabrie Island Gobbler Canyon Gobbler Knob Gobbler Pass Gobbler Ridge Gac Number 1 Dan Goehring Lake Goering School Goff Ranch Goiens (historical) Gold Dirt Mine (historical) Golden Crest Mine Golden Crown Mine Leroy Mine Golden Number 1 Dam Golden Reward Mine Golden Reward Mine (historical) Goldenrod School Golden Slipper Mine See Tin Boom Mine Golden Slipper Mine (historical) Golden Slipper Mine Golden Summit Mine Gold Medal Mine Summit Mine Golden Township (historical) Golden Valley Church Golden West Mine Hornblende Camp Goldfield (historical) Gold Fish Group Mine FEATURE CLASS dam dam dam mine locale airport lake dam dam ppl locale locale ppl mine civil building locale school civil stream 991 dam locale locale locale civil dam building civil church ppl school civil locale mine mine civil civil cemetery dam dam dam locale valley summit gap ridge dam lake school locale ppl mine mine mine dam mine mine school mine mine mine mine civil church mine locale mine STATUS UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN BGN UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF BGN UNOFF UNOFF BGN UNOFF ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN BGN BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN UNOFF BGN UNOFF ADMIN UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF ADMIN ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT BGN BGN BGN BGN UNOFF BGN UNOFF UNOFF BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT VARIANT ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF NATIONAL GAZETTEER--SOUTH DAKOTA 1989 COUNTY ziebach ziebach Hughes Custer Brule Minnehaha Miner Lawrence Dewey Dewey Hand Pennington Spink Pennington Hand Hand Harding Perkins Perkins Custer Walworth Dewey Harding Meade Mellette Walworth Perkins Jerauld Edmunds Miner Clay Clay Deuel Harding Lawrence Lawrence Edmund- McPherson McPherson Ziebach Sully Perkins Hughes Custer Pennington Custer Custer Hughes Campbell Sanbarn Meade Meade Pennington Lawrence Custer Jones Lawrence Lawrence Lincoln Pennington Pennington Pennington Pennington Meade Harding Pennington Meade Custer COORDINATES 452630N1014717W 452718N1014712W 441812N0994518W 433909N1033325W 434444N0992336W 433730N0964500W 435250N0974829W 442706N1034342W 450054N1011006W 452654N1005515W 441919N0990617W 435225N1032335W 444758N0981714W 435207N1032231W 441910N0990653W 441816N0980509W 454130N1025715W 454053N1025313W 454330N1025345W 434422N1033105W 453158N1001616W 450148N1012618W 453756N1031914W 443357N1025947W 433900N1010639W 452208N0994528W 452612N1024312W 445630N0985215W 452722N0992323W 440455N0974724W 430440N0965005W 430344N0965019W 445055N0963455W 453405N1030640W 442115N1034440W 442005N1034825W 452207N0992323W 454838N0993920W 455047N0992540W 44594BN1015254W 444724N0994912W 452700N1024030W 441548N0995410W 433051N1032605W 435704N1031446W 433117N1032849W 433113N1032812W 443015N0995712W 454329N0995932W 435708N0975555W 442742N1021342W 441145N1032330W 440216N1033153W 441950N1034125W 434857N1033800W 440619N1004524W 441950N1034820W 441509N1034823W 432901N0965307W 435607N1033507W 440212N1033035W 435619N1032359W 435500N1033200W 443823N1024624W 455307N1025633W 440453N1034514W 443825N1025143W 434907N1033800W SOURCE COORDINATES 434234N1033410W 433235N1032953W ELEV PT 1495 1316 2155 1950 4360 1275 4280 1965 2664 1709 2760 2398 1640 1361 1370 5800 1941 3897 1669 1319 4000 5600 5520 5840 5780 6320 1523 5400 5066 2828 2750 5840 SD77 MAP NAME Glad Valley Glad Valley De Grey SE Cicero Peak Iona NW Crooks Morris Lake Deadwood North Parade 5W Glencross Amos Iron Mountain Glendale Colony Iron Mountain Ames Amen Prairie City NW Prairie City NW Prairie City NW Cicero Peak Glenham Lantry Sheep Pen Draw Fairpoint SW Cedar Butte NE Hoven Municipal Airport Daviston Isham Lake Roscoe NW Fedora Beresford Beresford Clear Lake NE Reva Lead Roscoe SW Eureka West Schumacher Lake SW Bessie Butte Gettysburg Muni Airport 53 Daviston De Grey Wind Cave Hermosa NW Wind Cave Wind Cave Blunt Salt Lake Farwell NW Pedro NW Piedmont Silver City Deadwood South Berna Capa SE Lead Lead Lennox NW Silver City Mount Rushmore Hill City Fairpoint Cow Butte Deerfield Fairpoint Berne SD78 FEATURE NAME Gold Hill Lode Mine Gold Hill Mine Gold Lode Mine Gold Mountain Mine Gold Lode Mine See Gold Hill Mine Gold Medal Mine See Golden Summit Mine Gold Mountain Mine Gold Mountain Mine See Gold Hill Mine Gold Mountain Mine Gold Mountain Subdivision (subdivision) Gold Run Gold Run Goldsmith, Lake Gold Standard Gulch Goodbird Lake Goodenough, Lake Heron Roost Reach Gooder Creek Good Hope Church Good Hope Island See Pascal Island (historical) Goodhue Church Good Humoured Island See LaPramboise Island Good Luck Mine Goodman Number 1 Dam Goodman School Goodnick Dam Good Samaritan Home Good Shepherd Church Good Soldier Creek Good Soldier Creek Recreation Area Good View School (historical) Goodwater School Good Water Township Goodwill Goodwill Goodwill Goodwill Goodwill Creek Goodwill Mission Church (historical) Goodwill Post Office (historical) Cemetery Cemetery Church Goodwill Township Goodwin Prairie Siding Goodwin Cemetery Goodwin School Goodwin Township Gooseberry Draw Gooseberry Spring Goose Creek Goose Creek Creek Dam Island Lake Lake Lake Lake Goose Goose Goose Goose Goose Goose Goose Lake Goose Lake State Public Shooting Area Goose Lake Township Goose Pasture Draw Gopher Mine See Buckeye and Lena Mine Gopher School Gordon Babcock Dam Gordon Canyon Gordon Gulch Gordon Post Office (historical) Gordon School FEATURE CLASS mine mine mine mine mine mine mine ppl stream stream lake valley lake swamp stream church island church island mine dam school dam building church stream park school school civil ppl cemetery cemetery church stream church building civil ppl cemetery school civil valley spring stream stream dam island lake lake lake lake lake park civil valley mine school dam valley valley building school STATUS UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN VARIANT BGN UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN BGN VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN BGN BGN BGN BGN UNOFF BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN ADMIN ADMIN BGN VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF BGN BGN UNOFF UNOFF NATIONAL GAZETTEER--SOUTH DAKOTA 1989 COUNTY Pennington Pennington Pennington Pennington Lawrence Pennington Pennington Pennington Lawrence Pennington Brookings Pennington Marshall Union Faulk Clark Potter Codington Hughes Pennington Stanley Gregory Fall River Brown Corson Lyman Lyman Deuel Sully Sully Roberts Roberts Roberts Roberts Roberts Roberts Roberts Roberts Deuel Deuel Davison Deuel Pennington Pennington Dewey Harding Dewey Roberts Charles Mix Codington Day Day Marshall Codington Charles Mix Pennington Pennington Corson Pennington Custer Pennington Jerauld Gregory COORDINATES 435340N1032501W 435907N1033625W 435907N1033625W 435500N1033200W 442200N1034010W 435907N1033625W 435907N1033628W 435723N1033546W 442134N1034418W 440036N1034737W 442042N0965723W 440252N1032641W 454340N0971839W 423400N0963323W 445508NO9B$818W 444449N0973812W 445621N1002500W 450747N0972332W 442110N1002052W 435536N1033050W 441342N1002748W 430102N0991151W 430518N1030124W 453206N0980602W 453530N1005802W 440218N0992656W 440209N0992654W 443635N0963340W 443713N1001338W 443504N1001244W 453401N0970411W 453532N0970341W 453731N0970343W 453412N0970422W 453509N0965750W 453355N0970436W 453414N0970444W 453635N0970303W 445245N0965054W 445245N0964927W 434959N0980624W 445050N0964925W 435913N1034201W 435214N1035825W 451131N1010052W 452012N1032022W 450635N1010125W 452158N0963059W 431406N0983441W 445038N0971631W 452857N0973200W 451410N0972053W 454216N0973354W 445049N0971606W 431222N0983430W 440457N1033451W 435831N1033515W 453155N1014030W 441600N1021530W 434248N1032045W 435730N1032939W 445852N0983015W 430917N0992641W SOURCE COORDINATES 442107N1034539W 435720N1034611W 440328N1032807W 445549N0990938W 440149N0992B44W 453245N0970857W 435826N1034205W 450415N1005927W 452515N1032844W 440530N1033518W 434417N1032323W 435852N1033309W ELEV PT 4360 5540 4760 5240 1637 1932 4830 2155 1454 1812 1490 1527 1555 1560 2000 1307 1613 1697 1789 1786 1812 1455 MAP NAME Mount Rushmore Hill City Deadwood South 3111 City Hill City Deadwood South Deerfield Volga Pactola Dam South Red Iron Lake Jefferson Miranda Willow Lake Florence NW Hill City Pierre 3 NW Herrick Heinne Creek Huffton Little Eagle SW Big Bend Dam Big Bend Dam Astoria Onida SW Onida SW Goodwill Goodwill Sisseton Goodwill Peever Goodwill Goodwill Goodwill Goodwin Goodwin Loomis Kranzburg Medicine Mountain Dead Horse Flats Parade NE Rams Butte SE Parade Big Stone Lake SE Lake Andes Grover Webster NE Florence NE Britten 4 NE Grover Lake Andes Silver City Cottonwood Creek SW Dalzell SE Butcher Hill Mount Rushmore Hoagland Lake Gregory FEATURE NAME German German Dam Gorman Gulch Gospel Tabernacle Church Gossage Memorial Gothiermink Number 1 Dam Gothiermink Number 2 Dam Gothland Cemetery Gothland School Gottlieb Welk School See Baier School (historical) Goudyville (historical) Gover (historical) Government Draw Government Farm Dam See Wasserburger Pond Dam Government Ford (historical) Government Hill Government Indian School (historical) Government Slough Govert School Gozzard Flat G P Joens Dam Grace Cemetery Grace Church Grace Church Grace Coolidge Creek Grace Hill Cemetery Grace Howard Mission (historical) Graceland Cemetery Graceland Cemetery Graceland Cemetery Graceland Cemetery Graceland Cemetery Graceland Cemetery Graceland Cemetery Graceland Church Graceland Township Graceville Colony Grade Siding Station (historical) Grafton Township Graham Field (airport) Graham Ranch Graham Ranch (historical) Grand Canyon Grand Central School Grand Crossing Post Office (historical) Grand Crossing Township Grandfield Township Grand Island Group Mine Grand Junction (historical) Grand Junction and Hartford Group Mine Grandma Schang Draw Grand Meadow (historical) Grand Meadow Township Grandpie Head (historical) Grand River Palanata Wakpa Ree We tar hoo River Grand River Cemetery Grand River Township Grand Township Grand Township Hall Grand Valley Church Grand Valley School Grandview Grandview (historical) Grand View Grand View See Grandview (historical) Grandview Cemetery FEATURE CLASS locale dam valley church locale dam dam cemetery school school locale locale valley dam locale summit school stream school flat dam cemetery church church stream cemetery church cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery church civil locale locale civil airport locale locale valley school building civil civil mine locale mine valley locale civil cliff stream cemetery civil civil building church school PP1 ppl ppl cemetery NATIONAL GAZETTEER--SOUTH DAKOTA 1989 STATUS UNOFF UNOFF BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF BGN VARIANT UNOFF BGN UNOFF BGN UNOFF BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF BGN UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN UNOFF ADMIN BGN BGN VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF ADMIN ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN BGN VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF COUNTY Potter Potter Pennington Gregory Pennington Jones Jones Union Union Douglas Hyde Harding Stanley Fall River Sanborn Harding Roberts Union Harding Lyman Dewey Walworth Todd Turner Custer Hutchinson Buffalo Davison Douglas Gregory Hanson Lake Miner Spink Codington Codington Lake Grant Miner Union Jones Stanley Crook (WY) Perkins Brown Campbell Haakon Pennington Custer Custer Harding Minnehaha Minnehaha Lyman Carson Harding Perkins Hand Hand Lincoln Lincoln Brule Douglas Douglas Brule COORDINATES 445537N1000428W 445531N1001100W 440514N1033410W 425955N0991743W 440415N1031501W 435542N1005012W 435806N1005312W 430435N0964116W 430408N0964222W 432140N0981230W 445346N0992635W 451546N1030805W 441853N1004230W 430218N1034042W 441031N0980829W 453450N1031245W 453345N0970347W 424115N0964330W 451524N1030346W 433631N0992757W 450430N1011154W 453212N1002309W 431902N1005249W 430855N0970006W 434937N1031311W 431240N0975750W 435825N0991602W 434358N0980206W 432540N0982400W 431105N0991808W 434352N0974841W 440046N0970525W 440001N0973144W 444453N0982310W 445747N0972827W 445730N0972545W 435544N0971709W 451525N0965450W 440845N0973225W 423225N0962905W 435012N1005805W 443905N1003B30W 442009N1041147W 453058N1020903W 452546N0982027W 453725N1002245W 442523N1011218W 435414N1032527W 435030N1033302W 435054N1034020W 453118N1035851W 434350N0965921W 434239N0965622W 434255N0992549W 453437N1002816W 453043N1034135W 455300N1023930W 442941N0984506W 443152N0984700W 431512N0963744W 431528N0963815W 43383BN0991748W 432305N0992130W 432305N0992130W 433835N0991723W SOURCE COORDINATES 440603N1033507W 442513N1004728W 424616N0964908W 434736N1032928W 441208N1040019W 452812N1035611W 454510N1021154W ELEV PT 1905 1854 2225 1399 1380 1840 2820 3624 1495 2808 1772 2363 1560 1571 1570 1765 1106 1916 1477 1293 4600 6040 6080 1615 1400 1451 1333 1740 1593 SD79 MAP NAME Agar NE Agar NW Silver City Jamison Rapid City West Okaton NE Okaton Alcester Alcester Rezac Lake NW Irish Butte Oahe SW Forestburg NW Battleship Rock Goodwill Elk Point Irish Butte Iona Parade SW Mobridge Soldier Creek Viborg Hermosa Tripp Bedashosha Lake Mitchell Corsica Burke Alexandria Madison Howard Hitchcock Henry Henry Winfred Marvin Howard NE Sioux City North Okaton SW Iron Post Buttes Moskee (WY) Meadow Aberdeen East Mobridge NW Bentley Ranch Mount Rushmore Custer Berne Camp Crook Hartford North Hartford North Iona NW Mobridge Saddle Butte Hettinger South Vayland Miller SE Canton SW Canton SW Red Lake West Corsica Lake Red Lake West SD80 FEATURE NAME Grandview Cemetery Grandview Cemetery Grandview Hill Grandview School (historical) Grandview School (historical) Grandview School (abandoned) Grandview School Grandview School Grandview Township Grandview Township Grand View Township Grandview Township Grandview Township Grandview Township Grand View Township Grand Vista Draw Granger Creek Granger Township Grange Township Granite Peak Grant (historical) Grant Center Township Grant County Grant Deuel School See Grant-Deuel School Grant-Deuel School Grant Deuel School Grant School Grant School Grant School Grant School Grant Township Grant Township (historical) Grant Township Grant Township Grant Township Grant Township Gran Valley Township Grashul (historical) Grass Creek Grass Lake Grass Lake Grass Lake Grass Lake Grass Mountain Gravel Creek See Mud Creek Graves Creek Graveyard Gulch Graveyard Spring Gravning School (historical) Gray Blanket Creek Gray Butte Gray Butte Gray Buttes Gray Eagleteil Cresk Gray Goose Gray Rocks (historical) Gray Spring Greasewood Draw Great Bend Township Great Mogul Mine Great Planes Field (airport) Sky Haven Airpark Greenback Mine Green Canyon Green Creek Green Draw Green Draw Greene Gene Number 2 Dam Greenfield Greenfield School Greenfield School Number 18 Greenfield School Number 18 See Greenfield School FEATURE CLASS cemetery cemetery summit school school school school school civil civil civil civil civil civil civil valley stream civil civil summit locale civil civil school school school school school school civil civil civil civil civil civil civil locale stream lake lake lake lake summit stream stream valley spring school stream summit summit range stream locale locale spring valley civil mine airport mine valley stream valley valley dam locale school school NATIONAL GAZETTEER--SOUTH DAKOTA 1989 STATUS UNOFF UNOFF BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN BGN 1982 BGN ADMIN ADMIN BGN UNOFF ADMIN ADMIN VARIANT UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN UNOFF BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN VARIANT BGN BGN BGN UNOFF BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN UNOFF UNOFF BGN BGN ADMIN UNOFF ADMIN VARIANT UNOFF BGN BGN BGN BGN UNOFP UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT VARIANT COUNTY Deuel Douglas Lawrence Douglas Hughes Lyman Pennington Turner Brule Douglas Harding Hutchinson Jackson Jones Sully Pennington Harding Harding Deuel Meade Brookings Grant Grant Grant Grant Beadle Codington Corson Davieon Beadle Buffalo Campbell Lincoln McCook Roberts Corson Meade Shannon Codington Edmunds Jerauld Minnehaha Todd Codington Harding Custer Lawrence Deuel Stanley Dewey Ziehach Dewey Mellette Hughes Custer Harding Butte Spink Lawrence Lincoln Pennington Fall River Union Lawrence Meade Mellette Clay Clay Clay COORDINATES 444823N0962738W 432347N0982114W 442316N1040309W 432305N0982115W 442748N1002940W 434250N0992605W 440312N1031301W 431254N0971539W 433808N0991830W 432305N0982425W 453547N1025953W 432244N0972700W 435638N1014239W 435221N100593BW 444012N1002950W 435348N1034654W 450831N1031951W 454426N1035525W 443700N0964930W 442330N1033409W 44313BN0964715W 451112N0964130W 451130N0964500W 450038N0963401W 450038N0963401W 441517N0981401W 445430N0970626W 455053N1011324W 434749N0975916W 441615N0981630W 440815N0990630W 454205N0995215W 431740N0965121W 433330N0971815W 454146N0965534W 454000N1015500W 441525N1031215W 432449N1023533W 450410N0972259W 451728N0984547W 435704N0982000W 433523N0970218W 430955N1005901W 445658N0970941W 453332N1033945W 435003N1033956W 441426N1035124W 443635N0964550W 441848N1002425W 450533N1002758W 451443N1013555W 444524N1010304W 432359N1005758W 443017Nl002101W 434455N1033700W 452719N1031046W 450419N1035841W 445559N0982359W 441934N1034906W 432727N0964806W 435735N1033503W 431747N1032715W 425908N0963102W 441310N1033117W 442736N1020613W 434136N1005630W 425250N0965043W 425313N0965008W 425318N0965008W SOURCE COORDINATES 435318N1034539W 451526N1032050W 430943N1023308W 453618N1034644W 435011N1034038W 441337N1002028W 432508N1010522W 450353N1035922W 431930N1033116W 430207N0963543W 441350N1033301W 442818N1020728W ELEV PT 5921 1593 1475 4424 1760 1307 1301 3010 1736 1343 1309 1570 2922 1900 1961 2322 1703 5120 5960 5350 1230 1241 MAP NAME Gary Corsica Lake Tinton Corsica Lake Oahe Dam Iona NW Rapid City East Turkey Ridge Red Lake West Corsica White Hill Dolton Philip Junction Okaton SW Okobojo Ditch Creek Granger Creek Caroline Butte Dempster Sturgis Estelline SB Milbank West Milbank West Revillo Huron Watertown East Bullhead SW Farwell Wolsey SE Big Bend Dam 4 NE Salt Lake Worthing Canistota Peever NW Black Horse Butte NW Rapid City 1 sw Rockyford Wallace Mina SB Twin Lakes 1 Grass Lake St Francis Saddle Butte Berne Nahant Estelline SE Pierre SW Patch Skin Buttes SW Dupree NE Herbert Creek SE Soldier Creek NW Okobojo SB Cicero Peak J B Hill Greasewood Draw Ashton Lead Tea Hill City Angostura Reservoir Chatsworth Nemo Pedro Murdo 3 NW Alsen Alsen FEATURE NAME Greenfield Township (historical) Greenfield Township Greenfield Township Hall Green Grass Green Grass Cemetery Green Grass Church (historical) Green Grass Creek Green Hill Cemetery Green Hill Cemetery Island (historical) Lake Green Green Green Lake Green Lake State Public Shooting Area Greenland Township Greenlawn Cemetery Greenleaf Church Greenleaf Methodist Church Greenleaf Methodist Church See Greenleaf Church Greenleaf Township Greenmont Post Office (historical) Green Mound Cemetery Green Mountain Green Mountain Green Mountain Green Mountain (historical) Green Mountain Green Point See Burbank Greens Gulch Green Top Green Trees Subdivision (subdivision) Green Valley Dam Green Valley School Green Valley Township Greenville See Grenville Greenway Greenway Cemetery Greenwood Yankton Agency Greenwood Laflin Greenwood Cemetery Greenwood Cemetery City Cemetery Greenwood Cemetery Greenwood Cemetery Greenwood Colony Greenwood Township Gregorson Number 1 Dan Gregory Gregory (historical) Gregory County Gregory Lateral Gregory Municipal Airport Greives School Grenell School Grinnell School G Renner Dam Grenville Greenville Grenville Township (historical) Grenville Township Gretna Greyhound Gulch Greys Lake Griffin Park Griffis Canal Griffis Canyon Griffis Well Griggs See Galena Griggs Gulch FEATURE CLASS civil civil building ppl cemetery church stream cemetery cemetery island lake lake park civil cemetery church church civil building cemetery summit summit summit summit summit ppl valley summit ppl dam school civil ppl locale cemetery ppl locale cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery ppl civil dam Ppl ppl civil canal airport school school dam 991 civil civil locale valley lake park canal valley well locale valley NATIONAL GAZETTBER--SOUTH DAKOTA 1989 STATUS ADMIN ADMIN UNOFF BGN UNOFF UNOFF BGN UNOFF UNOFF BGN BGN BGN ADMIN ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT VARIANT ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF BGN BGN BGN BGN 1982 BGN VARIANT BGN BGN BGN UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF BGN VARIANT UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF UNOFP VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF BGN ADMIN UNOFF BGN BGN ADMIN BGN ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF BGN VARIANT ADMIN ADMIN UNOFF BGN BGN ADMIN BGN BGN UNOFF VARIANT BGN COUNTY Brown Brown Brown Dewey Dewey Dewey Dewey Hanson Perkins Yankton Lake Potter Potter McCook Spink Hand Hand Hand Lawrence McPherson Lawrence Lawrence Lawrence Pennington Pennington Clay Lawrence Lawrence Codington Jackson Fall River Miner Day McPherson McPherson Charles Mix Lawrence Brookings Grant Turner Walworth Douglas Tripp Custer Gregory Lawrence Gregory Butte Gregory Custer Sanborn Campbell Day Day Day Edmunds Pennington Marshall Hughes Fall River Custer Custer Lawrence Lawrence COORDINATES 455101N0981837W 454922N0981722W 454920N0981832W 451016N1011444W 450941N1011521W 450941N1011521W 451032N1011432W 433930N0974551W 455558N1020925W 425152N0972314W 440717N0965633W 450636N0995756W 450701N0995745W 433930N0974045W 445309N0983059W 443712N0990¢13W 443712N0990413W 443502N0990712W 442100N1035020W 454234N0985554W 442034N1035003W 441145N1034413W 442530N1034512W 435700N1034607W 440812N1032824W 424443N0964944W 440949N1034251W 441326N1033145W 445650N0970920W 432654N1015748W 431904N1031659W 440334N0973937W 452801N0972336W 455435N0994238W 455445N0994304W 425523N0982317W 441313N1033340W 441748NO964859W 451816N0962829W 432454N0971458W 453310N1002535W 431248N0980903W 433916N1000116W 433912N1031618W 431356N0992548H 440940N1034420W 430930N0991230W 444548N1033804W 431300N0992400W 433023N1030128W 435757N0975329W 455630N1001042w 452801N0972336W 452937N0972455W 452754N0972459W 452702N0993052W 435225N1032250W 454301N0971524W 442133N1002040W 432507N1035631W 433951N1034345W 434008N1034403W 442001N1033826W 442736N1035705W SOURCE COORDINATES 445915N1011131W 441011N1034155W 435146N1032600W 434140N1034448W 442635N1035712W ELEV FT 1355 1860 1953 1150 1613 1539 5340 1570 6580 6320 5325 7164 5242 5381 1732 3322 1927 1936 1290 1662 1093 1630 2166 5780 2168 3088 1329 1850 1944 SD81 MAP NAME Save SE Savo SE Savo SE Parade NW Lantry NE Lantry NE Parade NW Alexandria Lemmon Gavine Point Dam Rutland Gettysburg Gettysburg Montrose Redfield North Ree Heights SE Ree Heights SE Lead Leola Lead Minnesota Ridge Spearfish Ditch Creek Piedmont Minnesota Ridge Nemo Watertown West Hisle NW Hot Springs SE Roswell Greenway Greenwey Marty Nemo Brookings Ortonville Parker Mobridge Greenwood Colony Presho 4 NE Butcher Hill Gregory Minnesota Ridge Herrick NW Arpan Gregory Fairburn SE Farwell NW Herreid NW Roslyn Roslyn Roslyn Gretna Mount Rushmore South Red Iron Lake Pierre Burdock Fourmile Fourmile Maurice $082 FEATURE NAME Grindstone Grindstone Butte Grindstone Creek Grindstone Township (historical) Grinnell School See Grenell School Grisinger School Number 3 (historical) Grizzly Bear Creek Grizzly Creek Grizzly Bear Falls Grizzly Bear Mine Grizzly Creek See Grizzly Bear Creek Grizzly Gulch Grobe (historical) Grobe Post Office (historical) Gronseth Slough Gros (historical) Groshong Mine Grosse (historical) Grosse Gross Lake Gross Lake State Public Shooting Area Groton Groton Groton Groton Grouse Grouse Cemetery Municipal Airport Township Creek Creek Township Grouse Island See Fox Island (historical) Groveland (historical) Groveland Township Grovena Township Grover Grove School Grow Lake Gruenig Dam Grummit Canyon Creek Gudat Gulch Gudat Ranch Guericke Dam Guidinger Dam Guidinger Reservoir Guilbert Creek See Benge Creek Gull Ranch Gull School (abandoned) Gull School Gumbo (historical) Gumbo Flat Gunderson Park Gunnison and Vulcan Mine Gunn School School Number 9 Gunny Sack Bottom Gunther School Gunville Ranch Gurney Spring Gurneys Ranch (historical) Gurue Cemetery Gus Allen 1 Dam Gus Allen 2 Dam Gustafson School Gustafsons Dam Gustave (historical) Gustave Gustave Gustave (historical) Aman Dam Gustave Butte Gustave Cemetery Guthmiller Lake Guttenberg Cemetery Gutzman Dam FEATURE CLASS 991 summit stream civil school school stream falls mine stream valley locale building stream ppl mine locale locale lake park 991 cemetery airport civil stream civil island locale civil civil locale school swamp dam stream valley locale dam dam reservoir stream locale school school locale flat park mine school bend school locale spring locale cemetery dam dam school dam locale locale locale dam summit cemetery lake cemetery dam NATIONAL GAZETTEER--SOUTH DAKOTA STATUS COUNTY COORDINATES BGN Haakon 440821N1015801W BGN Haakon 441149N1014752W BGN Haakon 440214N1013602w ADMIN Haakon 440706N1015611W VARIANT Sanborn 435757N0975329W UNOFF Jerauld 440408N0982553W BGN Pennington 435336N1032529w VARIANT BGN Pennington 435150N1032748W UNOFF Pennington 435244N1033340W VARIANT Pennington 435336N1032529W BGN Lawrence 442051N1034407W UNOFP Spink 44S901N0981815W UNOFF Spink 445854N0981731W BGN Marshall 4S4938N0973917W BGN Clark 450510N0975630W UNOFF Lawrence 44l900N1038330W UNOFF Brule 435554N0991715W UNOFF Brule 435538N0991710W BGN McCook 434010N0973009W ADMIN McCook 434009N0973021W BGN Brown 452651N0980554W UNOFF Brown 452748N0980607W ADMIN Brown 453204N0980541W ADMIN Brown 452730N0980341W BGN Lyman 435534N0994926W ADMIN Lyman 445840N0995640w VARIANT Halworth 452603N1001848W UNOFF Moody 441013N0962816W ADMIN Spink 445600N0983837W ADMIN Moody 435817N0963435W UNOFF Codington 444BSONO971606W UNOFF Yankton 425313N0972218W BGN Jerauld 435746N0984323W UNOFF Brule 435542N0990624W BGN Butte 444220N1035746W BGN Lawrence 441233N1034604W UNOFF Lawrence 441256N1034535W UNOFF Hutchinson 432500N0974200W UNOFF Butte 445021N1034451W BGN Butte 445021N1034451W VARIANT Charles Mix 430948N0984919W UNOFF Fall River 431914N1034352W UNOFF Fall River 431851N1034409W UNOFF Shannon 432812N1022750W UNOFF Meade 442715N1021421W BGN Hughes 442822N1000600W ADMIN Turner 430739N0965755W UNOFF Lawrence 442030N1035100w UNOFF Bon Homme 430837N0973927W VARIANT BGN Tripp 434116N0995338W UNOFF Aurora 434958N0984253W UNOFF Dewey 451346N1005545W BGN Custer 434328N1040253W UNOFF Custer 433835N1034753W UNOFF Todd 430207N1010652W UNOFF Lyman 440548N0995206W UNOFF Lyman 44054BN0995048W UNOFF Brown 455317N0983443W UNOFF Hughes 44244BN0994748W UNOFF Harding 441351N1035515w UNOFF Harding 451652N1035829W DNOFF Harding 451610N1035632W UNOFF Corson 455412N1005224W BGN Harding 451356N1035400W UNOFF Harding 451621N1035718w BGN Yankton 430927N0972741W UNOFF Spink 444914N0981750w UNOFF Lake 435142N0971242W 1989 SOURCE COORDINATES 441551N1014806W 435153N1033123W 441859N1034305W 455034N0973752W 440245N1000306W 444144N1040525W 441355N1034444W ELEV PT 2440 2682 1380 1296 1299 1450 5180 1640 1730 1435 1308 1305 1305 1710 1740 1186 2938 2010 1770 6500 1614 5060 1455 3245 3310 3570 MAP NAME Grindstone Grindstone Butte Philip SE ‘ Grindstone SW Lane Mount Rushmore Iron Mountain Hill City Deadwood South Frankfort Frankfort Britton East Crocker SW Deadwood South Bedashosha Lake Bedashosha Lake Spencer Spencer Groton Groton Huffton Groton Kennebec Brakke Dam Elkton Zell Dell Rapids NE Grover Mission Hill Crow Lake Pukwana NB Sourdough Flats Nahant Nahant Clayton Mud Buttes Arpan Flint Hill Flint Hill Sharpes Corner 1 Pedro NW Canning Beresford NW Lead Scotland Ideal NW Archer Hill Ridgeview NW Clifton Jewel Cave Spring Creek Joe Creek SE Joe Creek SB Ellendale South De Grey NE Indian Butte Gustave Gustave McLaughlin NE Indian Butte Gustave Midway Glendale Colony Lake Madison SW FEATURE NAME 6 Wammen Ranch G Welter Dam H Haakon County Haas School Hadley See Plana Hafner Dam Hafner Ducklake Dam Hagamon Spring (historical) Hageman Slough Hague Cemetery Haguge Township Hahns Airport Hainey School Number 4 (historical) Haisch Lake Halcyon Mine Joe Dollar Mine Hald Ranch Pond Dam Hale 1 Dam Hall Draw Halley Park Hallorans Draw Hall Park Hall School Hall School Smith School Number 3 Hall School (abandoned) Halls Picnic Ground (historical) Hall Township Halstead Ranch Hamak Dam Hamak Lake Hamill Hamill Dam See Department of Game Fish Parks Dam Hamill Dam Reservoir Hamill Township Condon Township Hamilton Airstrip Hamilton Irrigation Dam Hamilton Island (historical) ~Hamilton School William Hamilton Hall Hamilton Township Hamilton Township Hamlin Church Hamlin County Hamlin State Public Shooting Area Hamlin Township Hamlin Township Hall Hammann Lake Hammann School Hammer Hammer Cemetery See Saint Pauls Cemetery Hammock Ranch Hammok Lake Hamm School Hampton See Saint Charles Hamre State Public Shooting Area Hanchett (historical) Hancock Township (historical) Hancock Township Hand (historical) FEATURE CLASS locale dam civil school locale dam dam spring lake cemetery civil airport school reservoir mine dam dam valley park valley park school school school park civil locale dam reservoir 991 dam reservoir civil airport dam island school civil civil church civil park civil building reservoir school p131 cemetery locale reservoir school ppl park locale civil civil locale STATUS UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF BGN BGN UNOFF ADMIN ADMIN UNOFF BGN UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF BGN ADMIN BGN ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF ADMIN ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF BGN BGN VARIANT BGN ADMIN VARIANT ADMIN UNOFF BGN UNOFF VARIANT ADMIN ADMIN UNOFF ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN UNOFF BGN UNOFF BGN VARIANT UNOFF BGN UNOFF VARIANT ADMIN UNOFF ADMIN ADMIN UNOFF NATIONAL GAZETTEER--SOUTH DAKOTA 1989 COUNTY Harding Meade Haakon Hand Brown Lyman Harding Clay Miner Clark Clark Roberts Jerauld Gregory Pennington Fall River Meade Haakon Pennington Lawrence Pennington Buffalo Jerauld Meade Spink Perkins Perkins Faulk Faulk Tripp Tripp Tripp Tripp Haakon Haakon Gregory Hyde Charles Mix Marshall Hamlin Hamlin Hamlin Hamlin Hamlin Pennington Pennington Roberts Roberts Custer Faulk Meade Gregory Clark Miner Eon Homme Bon Homme Hand COORDINATES 452630N1031015W 445306N1021900W 441650N1013500W 444017N0990637W 453109N0981832W 435642N0992800W 455018N1031530W 430210N0970307W 440434N0972236W 444156N0974516W 444135N0974800W 435112N1023739W 440151N0984413W 430517N0990329W 435649N1032921W 43011BN1031424W 443454N1022654W 443115N1015624W 440453N1031356W 441124N1034850W 440449N1031617W 435932NO985803W 435740N0984011W 442132N1031449W 445719N0982958W 451930N1023230W 450933N1022620W 451417N0990759W 451417N0990759W 433541N0994052W 433554N0994042W 433554N0994042W 433303N0994015W 443734N1011811W 443730N1011918W 431745N0990300W 443529N0992224W 431820N0985855W 454238N0973211W 444120N0965533W 444000N0971030W 444112N0972620W 444538N0965755W 444537N0965643W 442124N1021131W 442211N1021206W 455119N0970115W 455516N0970107W 434906N1034601W 451418N0990800W 442915N1032541W 430513N0990542W 444414N0973306W 441105N0974943W 425458N0980259W 425156N0980332W 444553N0985500W SOURCE COORDINATES 442747N1015315W 441236N1035049W SD83 ELEV FT MAP NAME J B Hill Lemmon Butte Tornado Ranch 1578 Ree Hieghts NE Short Creek Ludlow SE Wakonda Oldham SW Carpenter NE Carpenter NE La Mars 1775 Wessington Springs SW St Charles 4840 Mount Rushmore Oelrichs SW White Owl Bridger Rapid City East Nahant Rapid City West 1598 Lyonville Crow Lake 2912 Rapid City 1 SW 1272 Ashton Rabbit Butte 2399 Deep Creek NW Norbeck 1573 Norbeck 1770 Hamill Hamill Hamill 2130 Carlin Flat Carlin Flat 1280 Lucas SE 1710 Highmore SB Lucas SE Britten 4 NE 1741 Dempster Hayti Vienna East Kranzburg SW 1823 Kranzburg SW Creighton Creighton 1225 Claire City Signal Hill Norbeck 3040 Fort Meade Vienna West 1390 Artesian NE Niobrara NE Niobrara 1440 Rockham SW SD84 FEATURE NAME Handboy Creek Hand City School Hand County Hand Dam Handel School Handy Island See Randall Island (historical) Handys Lake See Andes, Lake Handys Point (historical) Hangman Hill Hanley Ranch Hanna Hanna Campground Hanover Township Hans Creek Hansen Cemetery Hanson Bay Hanson Cemetery Hanson Hanson Hanson Hanson Hanson Cemetery County Dam Dam Lake Lake Hansen Hanson Lake State Public Shooting Area Hanson Ranch Hanson School Hanson School (abandoned) Hanson School Number 1 (historical) Hanson State Public Shooting Area Hanson Township (historical) Hanson Township Hanson Township Happy Hill School Happy Hollow School Happy Hour School Happy Valley School Harem (historical) Haram Creek Harba See Pollock Hardesty Homestead Mine Hardesty Peak Harding (historical) Harding Harding Harding Harding Harding Grove School Harding Peak Hardingrove (historical) Harding School Harding Township (historical) Harding Township (historical) Hardin Properties Mine County County Airport Creek Hard Scrabble Mine See North Star Mine Hardy Guard Station Harer Farm Strip (airport) Hare School Dam See Mission Dam Hargens School Harild Mikuoik Dam Harju State Public Shooting Area Harlin Addition (subdivision) Harlow School Harlow School (abandoned) Harmon Township Harmon Township Hall Modern Woodmen of America Hall Harmony Church Quaker Church FEATURE CLASS stream Dehool civil dam school island lake cliff summit locale locale park civil stream cemetery bay cemetery cemetery civil dam dam reservoir park locale school school school park civil civil civil school school school school locale stream p91 mine summit locale locale civil airport stream school summit locale school civil civil mine mine locale airport dam school dam park ppl school school civil building church STATUS BGN UNOFF ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT VARIANT BGN BGN UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN ADMIN BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF BGN VARIANT ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN VARIANT UNOFF BGN UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN ADMIN BGN BGN UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN ADMIN UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF ADMIN VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN BGN UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF VARIANT NATIONAL GAZETTEER——SOUTH DAKOTA 1989 COUNTY Dewey Hand Hand Dewey Hutchinson Charles Mix Charles Mix Gregory Pennington Butte Lawrence Lawrence Haakon Butte Turner Campbell Day Potter Hanson Hanson Harding Hanson Aurora Haakon Brown Haakon Jerauld Codington Brown Brown Hanson Jerauld Spink Brown Brown Lincoln Lincoln Campbell Pennington Pennington Harding Harding Harding Harding Haakon Haakon Harding Haakon Corson Harding Meade Lawrence Custer Lawrence Walworth Todd Hand Meade Hamlin Brown Meade Meade Roberts Roberts Jerauld COORDINATES 452016N1003905W 444557N0985540W 443230N0990000W 452536N1002442W 431320N0972954W 430410N0983602W 431048N0982638W 430323N0983358W 440449N1031440W 444601N1034902W 441542N1035043W 441630N1035058W 442800N1011931W 450705N1031628W 430734N0970904W 454412N1001815W 453002N0973906W 451209N1000457W 434000N0974700W 433732N0974814W 455400N1034110W 433732N0974814W 433035N0983349W 442438N1015640W 452125N0981106W 442406N1015626W 441053N0984313W 450521N0965418W 452215N0980612W 452216N0980232W 434230N0975530W 440032N0983825W 444547N0950820W 453400N0980455W 452037N0982447W 431110N0964701W 431228N0965120W 455405N1001717W 435520N1032746W 435535N1032023W 452400N1035013W 452354N1034956W 453500N1033000W 453500N1033200W 443406N1014318W 443010N1014304W 452213N1035310W 443054N1014339W 453309N1004958W 452245N1034430W 444334N1021643W 442120N103413BW 434915N1034330W 441154N1040212W 451324N0994750W 431800N1004012W 444505N0990030W 444600N1024018W 443650N0971518W 452856N0983100W 441802N1031735W 441854N1032108W 454659N0964424W 454727N0964457W 440724N0984505W SOURCE COORDINATES 452746N1004847W 445939N1031439W 431017N0964522W 442502N1014119W ELEV FT 449 3580 1375 1596 1041 2021 1256 1303 2468 1825 1093 1319 1309 1301 1377 4820 5562 3430 3421 2890 4019 2100 2112 5180 1950 1407 1319 3137 3243 1100 MAP NAME Trail City SW Rockham SW Ree Heights SE Moreau NW ' Midway Fort Randall Dam Rapid City East Mud Buttes ' Lead Lead Moenville Hoover Center Point Mobridge NE Britton 4 SW Lake Hurley NE Alexandria ( Alexandria Table Mountain Alexandria Aurora Center Hilland NW Groton SW Hilland NW Wessington Springs NW South Shore Ferney Ferney Riverside Wessington Springs SW Doland SW Huffton Warner Beresford NE ' Beresford NE Mount Rushmore Mount Rushmore Harding Harding Buffalo Buffalo Rattlesnake Lake SW Rattlesnake Lake SW Gustave Rattlesnake Lake SW Little Eagle 52 Bog Creek Marcus Deadwood South Buckhorn Flight Lake Polo Big Draw Gertson Slough Aberdeen West Fort Meade SE Fort Meade SE Rosholt Rosholt Gannvalley SE FEATURE NAME Harmony Hill High School Mine School (historical) School School School Township Township Township Township Harmony Harmony Harmony Harmony Harmony Harmony Harmony Harmony Harmony Harney Harney Cabin (historical) Harney City (historical) Harney Peak Black Elk Peak Saint Elmo Peak Harney Ranger Station Harold Arnold Dam Harold Arnold Dam Harold Davidson Field (airport) Harold Flatmoe Dam Harold Harold Harold Hedstron Dam Meyer Dam Meyer Dam Harold Meyer Dam Harold Meyer Dam Harold Millett Pond Number 1 Dam Harold Millett Pond Number 2 Dam Harold Severson Dam Harold Stirling Dam Harper Ranch Harrington Harrington (historical) Harrington School Harrisburg Salina Selina Springdale Harris Lake See Corn Creek Lake Harrison Harrison Harrison Harrison Harrison Harrison Harrison Harrison Harrison Harrison Cemetery Flat Flat School Mine Number 1 Dam School Township Township Township Harrison Township Harris Ranch Harris School Harris School Harris School Harrold Harrold Municipal Airport Harrold Township Harry Bickel Dam Harry Bickel Dam See Bohlo Dam Harry Spring Hartford Oaksville Hartford Beach Hartford Beach Creek Hartford Beach State Park Hartford Picnic Grove Hartford Cemetery Hartford Picnic Grove See Hartford Beach State Park Hartford Township (historical) Hartford Township Hartford Township FEATURE CLASS school mine school school school school civil civil civil civil ppl locale locale summit locale dam dam airport dam dam dam dam dam dam dam dam dam dam locale locale locale sChool ppl reservoir PPl cemetery flat school mine dam school civil civil civil civil locale school school school ppl airport civil dam dam spring ppl ppl stream park cemetery park civil civil civil NATIONAL GAZETTBER--SOUTH DAKOTA 1989 STATUS UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN BGN UNOFF UNOFF BGN 1906 VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFP UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT BGN BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN ADMIN ADMIN UNOFF VARIANT BGN BGN VARIANT BGN BGN ADMIN VARIANT UNOFF VARIANT ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN COUNTY Codington Lawrence Clay Meade Mellette Pennington Edmunds Fall River Jerauld Spink Pennington Hughes Charles Mix Pennington Pennington Corson Corson clay Perkins Perkins Corson Corson Corson Corson Harding Harding Pennington Stanley Pennington Bennett Faulk Jones Lincoln Mellette Douglas Douglas Custer Custer Lawrence Custer Sully Hand McPherson Spink Sully Custer Brown Hand Jackson Hughes Hughes Hughes Corson Corson Harding Minnehaha Roberts Roberts Roberts Minnehaha Roberts Marshall Minnehaha Sully COORDINATES 445204N0970657W 441942N1034919W 425015N0970620W 441339N1031013W 434902N1010335W 440533N1023739W 452206N0990109W 430445N1031635W 440910N0984503W 445555N0981643W 435333N1032315W 442725N1003210W 431245N0935130W 435158N1033152W 435325N1032314W 454142N1012042W 454718N1012200W 424600N0965600W 452600N1021400W 454300N1023718W 453024N1012830W 453406N1012012W 453118N1012300W 453342N1012536W 452830N1030542W 452724N1030542W 441442N1020554W 442024N1003630W 440557N1035847W 431016N1011515W 450200N0991701W 440037N1004557W 432553N0964149W 433355N1011212W 432547N09E3137W 432630N0983140W 433103N1030554W 433114N1030520W 442100N1034620W 434554N1031018W 445019N1000002W 445045N0991430W 455350N0990935W 444522N0980900W 445045N0995808W 434159N1034650W 453611N0990959W 442633N0984617W 435706N1011959W 443128N0994420W 443200N0994500W 442925N0994248W 453236N1011812W 453218N1012100W 453328N1031013W 433723N0965632W 452420N0964051W 452425N0964043W 452410N0963956W 433722N0965551W 452410N0963956W 455127N0975421W 433723N0965620W 444530N1001245W SOURCE COORDINATES 452754N0964641W ELEV PT 3056 2254 2899 4192 1400 7242 1145 6793 1730 2242 1428 1690 1600 5380 1303 1517 2371 1796 1780 1568 145 SD85 MAP NAME Watertown SE Lead Meckling Rapid City NW Stamford SE Owanka SW Ipswich SE Black Banks Creek East Cottonwood Lake Frankfort Mount Rushmore Willow Creek Butte Campbell Creek Custer Mount Rushmore Black Horse NE McIntosh SE Vermillon Coal Springs NW Cole Dam Black Horse SW Black Horse SE Black Horse SW Black Horse SW Flat Top Butte Flat Top Butte Horse Tooth Teton Crows Nest Peak Harrington Burkmere Capa SE Harrisburg New Holland New Holland Fairburn SE Fairburn SE Lead Hermosa Agar Orient SW Long Lake NW Doland SW Gettysburg Muni Airport SW Jewel Cave Putney Vayland Belvidere NE Harrold Harrold Chapelle Lake NW Black Horse SE Battleship Rock Hartford South Big Stone Lake West Big Stone Lake West Big Stone Lake West Hartford South Newark SW Hartford South Agar SW 5086 FEATURE NAME Hartland Township Hartland Township Hartley Hartley (historical) Hart Table Hart Township Harvey Ranch Harvey Spring Harvey Spring Harwood Flat Haselrodt Spring Haskins Number 1 Dam Hastings (historical) Hatchet Spring Hat Creek Hat Creek Township (historical) Hathaway Ranch Hathaway School Hat Mountain Hat Mountain Hattervig Cemetery Haucks Lake Haugen State Public Shooting Area Hausauer Lake Hausle Ranch Havana Cemetery Havana Township Haven Canyon Hawk Canyon Hawk Creek Hawkeye Lake Hawkeye-Pluma Mine Hawkeye Valley Hawkins State Public Shooting Area Hawk School Hawks Nest Draw Hawks Ranch (historical) Hawkwright Creek Hawley (historical) Hawley Lake See Crystal Lake Hawthorne Ditch Hawthorne School Haxby Draw Hay Camp See Rapid City Hay Hay Hay Hay Hay Hay Hay Canyon Canyon Butte Canyon Dam Creek Creek Creek Creek See Spring Creek Creek See Blackhawk Creek Hay Creek Creek Creek Creek Creek Creek Creek Creek Creek Creek Township (historical) Hay Hay Hay Hay Hay Hay Hay Hay Hay Hay Draw Draw Draw Draw Hay Draw Hay Draw Haydraw Haydraw Cemetery Hayes Hay Hay Hay Hay FEATURE CLASS civil civil p91 locale summit civil locale spring spring flat spring dam locale spring stream civil locale school summit summit cemetery swamp park lake locale cemetery civil valley valley stream lake mine valley park school valley locale stream locale lake canal school valley ppl valley summit dam stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream civil valley valley valley valley valley valley locale cemetery Ppl STATUS ADMIN ADMIN BGN UNOFF BGN ADMIN UNOFF BGN BGN BGN BGN UNOFF UNOFF BGN BGN ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF BGN BGN UNOFF BGN ADMIN BGN UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN BGN BGN BGN BGN UNOFF BGN ADMIN UNOFF BGN UNOFF BGN UNOFF VARIANT BGN UNOFF BGN VARIANT BGN BGN UNOFF BGN BGN BGN VARIANT VARIANT BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN ADMIN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN UNOFF UNOFF BGN NATIONAL GAZETTEER--SOUTH DAKOTA 1989 COUNTY Beadle Kingsbury Haakon Haakon Pennington Roberts Lawrence Lawrence Lawrence Meade Custer Stanley Spink Haakon Fall River Fall River Mellette Lawrence Pennington Pennington Turner Bon Homme Day McPherson Pennington Deuel Deuel Custer Pennington Harding Marshall Lawrence Aurora Hand Gregory Butte Pennington Custer Hyde Marshall Pennington Minnehaha Haakon Pennington Fall River Fall River Fall River Bennett Butte Butte Campbell Corson Custer Fall River Gregory Harding Jones Lawrence Meade Meade Sioux Butte (ND) Custer Haakon Meade Pennington Pennington Pennington Meade Meade Stanley COORDINATES 442500N0982430W 442901N0972359W 442404N1014B36W 442551N1015252W 434751N1023818W 454658N0965550W 441153N1034921W 441216N1034916W 441247N1035218W 442510N1023648W 434250N1033047W 442418N1002712W 445332N0981225W 443046N1015318W 431546N1033608W 430722N1033755W 434939N1010127W 443017N1033612W 435914N1034854W 440631N1032604W 431133N0970238W 430138N0975705W 451056N0973457W 455121N0993958W 440758N1034525W 444638N0965030W 454540N0964925W 433818N1033004W 440411N1022711W 452701N1040242W 454329N0973350W 442137N1034520W 435440N0983903W 441753N0990921W 432822N0992342W 450215N1035144W 435554N1035917W 432730N1034632W 444145N0993147W 454443N0972048W 440402N1030927W 433315N0964401W 442502N1015330W 440450N1031350W 432743N1030658W 431701N1030415W 432348N1030000W 425920N1011444W 444018N1035033W 450718N1032311W 455258N1001428W 454915N1002317W 434146N1034138W 430800N1033708W 430330N0991123W 454159N1032l48W 434507N1003808W 441343N1033433W 442217N1023717W 450423N1025611W 460108N1013636W 445500N1040230W 434406N1035810W 440246N1011828W 441447N1023129W 440624N1033350W 435453N1033108W 435503N1034837W 442642N1024317W 442828N1024304W 442213N1010116W SOURCE COORDINATES 434041N1033229W 440739N1023226W 452407N1035716W 440011N0983433W 450056N1034724W 432927N1034752W 442132N1014912W 431924N1031045W 425958N1012228W 443907N1040453W 451345N1033430W 434325N1033736W 430355N1033235W 425922N0991428W 454355N1033206W 434904N1004015W 441543N1033943W 443326N1024141W 451010N1030737W 455559N1015848W 434524N1035333W 440005N1011858W 441154N1023351W 440712N1033432W 435352N1033125W 435633N1034745W ELEV FT 2490 2430 3055 6287 1290 3382 6779 4883 1812 1816 5160 6260 1710 3460 2661 1935 MAP NAME Wolsey Erwin Hartley Hilland NW Scenic SW New Effington Nahant Nahant Nahant Boneita Springs Cicero Peak Oahe Dam Doland NW Bridger Cascade Springs Ardmore Stamford 53 Saint Onge SE Ditch Creek Pactola Dam Viborg Haucks Lake Swan Lake Eureka West Nahant Bemis Kranzhurg SW Cicero Peak Wasta Capitol Britton 4 NE Lead Crow Lake Miller Dale Colony SW Dixon Battle Creek Butte Preacher Spring Edgemont NE Harrold NE Rapid City East Sioux Falls Bast Hilland NW Smithwick NE Hay Canyon Butte Smithwick NE Cody West Belle Fourche Haystack Butte Fourmile Heppner Herrick Sheep Pen Draw Murdo SW Nemo Elm Springs Mud Creek Pitt Creek (ND) Gravel Draw Jewel Cave NW Nowlin Owanka NE Silver City Hill City Ditch Creek Haydraw Haydraw Hayes South FEATURE NAME Hayes Airport See Hayes Emergency Airstrip Hayes Claim See White Swan Mine Hayes Dam Hayes Emergency Airstrip Hayes Airport Mine Rutherford B Hayes Mine Post Office (historical) School (historical) School Hayes Hayes Hayes Hayes Hayes Slough State Public Shooting Area Hayes Stockwater Dam Hayes Township Hay Hill School Number 1 Hay Hill School Number 2 Hay Hill School Number 3 Hay Ranch Haystack Butte Haystack Butte Haystack Butte Haystack Butte Dam Haystack Buttes Hayti Hayti (historical) Hayti Post Office (historical) Hayti Township Hayward Hayword Hayward Addition (subdivision) Hayward School Haywood School Hayword See Hayward Hazel Hazel Cemetery Hazelden Lake Hazel Miller Number 1 Dam Hazleton (historical) H C Calhoun Dam H Chamberlin Dam H C Seymore East Dam Headlee Ranch Headman Slough Headquarters See Gary Healy Dam Healy School Heap Lake Heaton See Bovee Hebner (historical) Heckel Creek Heck Table Hecla Hecla Township Hedman Number 1 Dam He Dog Dam He Dog Day School He Dog Lake He Dog Village (historic site) Hedricks Number 5 Dam Hedy Creek See Heely Creek Healy Creek Hedy Creek Hegg School Heggs Lake Hegna Creek See Big Spring Creek Hegre Cemetery See Hegrey Cemetery Hegrey Cemetery Hegre Cemetery FEATURE CLASS airport mine dam airport mine building school school park dam civil school school school locale summit summit summit dam range 991 locale building civil locale ppl school school locale ppl cemetery lake dam locale dam dam dam locale lake ppl dam school lake Ppl locale stream summit 91:1 civil dam dam school lake locale dam stream stream school lake stream cemetery cemetery STATUS VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF ADMIN VARIANT UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN UNOFF ADMIN UNOFP UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN BGN BGN UNOFF BGN BGN UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN UNOFF VARIANT BGN UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT BGN UNOFF BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF BGN VARIANT UNOFF BGN BGN BGN ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT BGN VARIANT UNOFF BGN VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF VARIANT NATIONAL GAZETTEER--SOUTH DAKOTA 1989 COUNTY Stanley Pennington Stanley Stanley Lawrence Stanley Buffalo Meade Hamlin Buffalo Stanley Perkins Perkins Perkins Fall River Butte Harding Todd Fall River Butte Hamlin Hamlin Hamlin Hamlin Pennington Minnehaha Minnehaha Brown Pennington Hamlin Hamlin Day Dewey Hanson Hughes Dewey Dewey Jackson Day Deuel Brule Brule Lyman Charles Mix Charles Mix Bennett Pennington Brown Brown Stanley Todd Todd Todd Todd Jones Pennington Pennington Sanborn Clark Roberts Moody Moody COORDINATES 442215N1010030W 435554N1033414W 442142N1010036W 442215N1010030W 441915N1033840W 441651N1003311W 440955N0990356W 442432N103023BW 444000N0972608W 441012N0990254W 442245N1005749W 453746N1020636W 453412N1020634W 453652N1020949W 432627N1034935W 450346N1032702W 453813N1030617W 432004N1003033W 431348N1031200W 443845N1034358W 443926N0971217W 443812N0971114W 44394BN0971452W 444024N0971118W 435218N1032002W 433217N0964735W 433236N0964757W 451539N0980120W 435218N1032002W 444535N0972245W 444632N0972303W 453115N0972719W 450348N1005442W 435050N0975650W 441642N099534BW 452724N1002354W 450606N1012836W 433028N1015202W 451934N0971526W 444733NO962720W 434648N0991400W 434917N0991102W 434958N0994128W 431924N0984607W 431523N0983208W 425955N1014449W 434407N1023039W 455259N0980906W 455334N0980840W 442006N1005554W 431706N1010329W 431755N1010334W 431706N1010329W 431638N1010915W 434754N1002400W 435910N1035000W 435910N1035000W 441104N0981015W 450708N0973131W 453152N0965651W 435705N0965017W 435705N0965017W SOURCE COORDINATES 430222N1015018W 435643N1034912W ELEV FT 1986 5160 1550 1798 3698 2962 2705 1680 1692 1694 3814 1431 1437 1766 1774 1315 1843 1625 3036 1299 1294 1743 SD87 MAP NAME Hayes South Hayes South Deadwood South Teton Big Bend Dam 4 NE Rapid City 1 NB Vienna East Big Bend Dam 4 NE Fratzke Ranch Meadow NE Meadow SB Meadow Edgemont NE Haystack Butte Reva NE Mission SE Oelrichs Fruitdale Hayti Hayti Hayti Hayti Hayward Sioux Falls West Sioux Falls West Ferney Hazel Hazel Eden Ridgeview SW Farwell De Grey Moreau NW Lantry Interior SE Waubay Pukwana Pukwana Reliance SW Geddes SE Merriman sheep Mtn Table Hecla Hecla Hohrman Ranch Parmelee Parmelee Parmelee Eagle Mans Butte Vivian SH Ditch Creek Forestburg NW Heggs Lake Colman SD88 FEATURE NAME Heidepriem and Cattles Mine Heigstadt See Mobridge Heilman State Public Shooting Area Heinemann School Hein Post Office (historical) Heinrich Airstrip Heintz Number 1 Dam Heiser Pond Dam Helen Beryl Mine Helgen (historical) Helgen Cemetery Hell Canyon Hell Canyon Hellgate Canyon See Hellsgate Gulch Hellgate Gulch See Hellsgate Gulch Hells Canyon Hellsgate Gulch Hellgate Canyon Hellgate Gulch Helmick (historical) Helms Ranch Helsels Plum Creek Dam Helster Draw Henden Township Henderson House Dam Henderson Spring Hendricks, Lake Hendricks Number Hendricks Number Hendricks Number 3 Dam Hendricks Number 4 Dam Henleranch Number 1 Dam Hennink School (historical) Henry Henry, 1 Dam 2 Dan Lake Henry, Lake Henry, Lake Thompsons Lake Henry, Lake Henry Cool Memorial Park Henry Dam Scotland Dam Dam Holwsnger Dam Siebrasse Dam Henry Henry Henry Henry Slacks Log House (historical) Henry Tin Mine Henry Township Henry Township Henry Township Hall Henry Wilson Dam Heppner Heppner Dam, Herber Ditch The Herbert Creek Abear Creek Aeber Creek Herbert Stoick Dam West Lake Railroad Dam Herd Camp Creek Herd Camp Creek Wolf Creek Hereford (historical) Hereford Hereford School Herford Lake Dam Hermam Number 6 Dam Herman, Lake Herman Kaubish Dam Herman Kaublsh Dam Herman Matt Ranch Herman Moeller 1 Dam Herman Number 1 Dam Herman Number 2 Dam FEATURE CLASS mine ppl park school building airport dam dam mine locale cemetery valley valley valley valley valley valley locale locale dam valley civil dam spring lake dam dam dam dam dam school 991 lake lake lake reservoir cemetery dam dam dam locale mine civil civil building stream dam stream stream locale locale NATIONAL GAZETTEER--SOUTH DAKOTA 1989 STATUS UNOFF VARIANT ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN BCN VARIANT VARIANT BGN BGN 1963 VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN ADMIN UNOFF BGN BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN BGN BGN BGN VARIANT BGN UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN BGN 1938 VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF VARIANT BGN BGN VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF COUNTY Custer Walworth Edmunds Brown Campbell Pennington Hughes Fall River Custer Codington Codington Custer Fall River Lawrence Laurence Harding Lawrence Hand Harding Fall River Haakon Miner Fall River Custer Brookings Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Douglas Codington Codington Kingsbury Lake Bon Homme Charles Mix Bon Homme Fall River Corson Potter Brown Pennington Brown Codington Brown Stanley Fall River Fall River Lawrence Dewey Corson Jones Shannon Meade Meade Meade Meade Jones Lake Perkins Perkins Pennington Tripp Jones Jones COORDINATES 434449N1033617W 453214N1002539W 453108N0993613W 4S472BN0980417W 455450N0995505W 435112N1023739W 443018N0994842W 430542N1030536W 434246N1034l49W 450700N0971530W 450631N0971615W 433406N1035700W 431851N1033614W 441701N1035356W 441701N1035356W 452041N1035108W 441701N1035356W 444639N0984721W 453103N103ll37W 431412N1034254W 443352N1013547W 440332N0972511W 431100N1034612W 433354N1033646W 442946N0962702W 434836N1002224W 434848N1002206W 434836N1002124W 434754N1002242W 434600N1002900W 432635N0984000W 445238N0972758W 445115N0972844W 441941N0972909W 435452N0971910W 430837N0974154W 432317N0985334W 430842N0974154W 430100N1033500W 455342N1010348W 445436N1001730W 451828N0982122W 435336N1032528W 452733N0981220W 444730N0972520W 452832N0981109W 441406N1005730W 431449N1033258W 431248N1034606W 443436N1035402W 444554N1005732W 455448N1012130W 441257N1004120W 430147N1023045W 441938N1025716W 442314N1025342W 442249N1025522W 442324N1025336W 440306N1003706W 435927N0971028W 450806N1024200W 450948N1023854W 435922N1034641W 433648N1000836W 440206N1003548W 440218N1003554W SOURCE COORDINATES 434630N1034752W 432401N1034039W 452149N1035223W 441723N1035515W 443229N1013437W 445714N1011624W 440103N1003013W 430150N1022400W ELEV PT 5470 1299 1940 2780 1829 1375 1755 1560 1790 1686 1650 1290 1270 4350 2440 2602 2616 1668 MAP NAME Cicero Peak Hillsview SE Hecla SE Zeeland NW Scenic SW Blunt SE Heinne Creek Fourmile Florence Florence Jewel Cave SW Cascade Springs Hells Canyon Savoy Rockham SE Battleship Rook Rumford Rattlesnake Lake SE Oldham SW Provo Pringle Lake Benton NW Vivian SB Vivian SE Vivian SE Vivian SW Vivian SW Joubert Henry Hazel Lake Preston West Winfred Scotland Lake George Scotland Ardmore SE Walker Artichoke Butte NE Stratford Mount Rushmore James Hazel James Capa NW Heppner Provo Chicken Creek Rousseau Creek SW McIntosh Wendte Pine Ridge Hereford SW Hereford Hereford Hereford Wendte SE Lake Herman Imogene Imogene Ditch Creek Bond Bottom Wendte SE Wendte SE FEATURE NAME Herman Number 3 Herman Number 4 Herman Number 5 Herman Number 6 Dam Herman Number 7 Herman Number 8 Herman Number 9 Herman Number Herman Number Herman Number Herman Number 13 Dam Herman Number 14 Dam Herman Number 15 Dam Herman Number 17 Dam Herman Number 18 Dam Herman Number 20 Dam Herman Slough Herman Township Herman Van Den Berg Dam Hermaphrodite Creek See Spring Creek Hermaphrodite Creek Hermosa Strater Heron Roost Reach See Goodenough, Lake Herreid Herried Herreid Municipal Airport Herreid Township Herrick Herrick Lake Lake Splendor Herrick Lake Dam Herrick Township Herried See Herreid Herron Dam Herting School Hessdorfer School Number 5 (historical) Hess Pond Number 1 Dam Hester A Mine Hetland Felton Hetland Cemetery Hett Number 1 Dam Hett Number 2 Dam Heupel Lake Hezel Township H Feist Ranch H Freeze Dam H G Horman Dam Number 1 H Harrison Dam H Holm Dam H Hotchkiss Ranch H Hulm Dam Ritter Dam Hiawatha Beach Hibbs Draw Hickens Dam See Fuegan Brothers Dam Hickman Dam Hickman Lake Hickman Number 1 Dam Hickman Number 2 Dam Hickman Township Hickman Township (historical) Hidden Timber Hidden Timber Dam Hidden Treasure Mine Hidden Treasure Mine Hidden Valley School Hidden Wood Creek See Flat Creek Hiddenwood Creek Hiddenwood Gulch FEATURE CLASS stream stream ppl swamp ppl airport civil ppl reservoir dam civil ppl dam school school dam mine ppl cemetery dam dam lake civil locale reservoir dam dam civil civil locale dam mine mine school stream stream valley STATUS UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN ADMIN UNOFF VARIANT BGN BGN VARIANT VARIANT BGN VARIANT ADMIN ADMIN BGN BGN VARIANT UNOFF ADMIN VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN ADMIN UNOFF UNOFP UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT BGN BGN VARIANT UNOFF BGN UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT BGN BGN NATIONAL GAZETTEER--SOUTH DAKOTA 1989 COUNTY Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Lake Lake Perkins Campbell Haakon Custer Union Campbell Campbell Campbell Gregory Gregory Gregory Deuel Campbell Ziebach McCook Jerauld Harding Lawrence Kingsbury Kingsbury Harding Harding McPherson Campbell Harding Meade Butte Dewey Dewey Harding Dewey Roberts Custer Buffalo Marshall Marshall Ziebach ziebach Marshall Marshall Todd Todd Lawrence Pennington Hughes Perkins Walworth Hughes COORDINATES 440142N1003724W 440218N1003630W 440248N1003630W 440306N1003706W 44014BN1003818W 440112N1003912W 440136N1003800W 440248N1003706W 440612N1003048W 4407IBN1003124W 440418N1003442W 440406N1003518W 440542N1003630W 440618N1003654W 440618N1003630W 440812N1003818W 435918N0970953W 435823N0971045W 451530N1024548W 455258N1001428W 444156N1011152W 435023N1031126W 423400N0963323W 455005N1000408W 455115N1000430W 455000N1000330W 430654N0991115W 430549N0991204W 430549N0991204W 454540N0963455W 455005N1000408W 445154N1013806W 433932N0972542W 440408N0982103W 451754N1032600W 441940N1033910W 442241N0971405W 442330N0971425W 452830N1033824W 452812N1033900W 454013N0994155W 454720N0995945W 455320N1032832W 443600N1024612W 445313N1034618W 452712N1002524W 452018N1012730W 452445N1030815W 452648N1004800W 452812N0964439W 434949N1025259W 435736N0985742W 453924N0974448W 453932N0974444W 445124N1012030W 445100N1012012W 453727N0974656W 454059N0974657W 431346N1002516W 431354N1002454W 442131N1034725W 435639N1033145W 440802N0994111W 45454BN1020858W 453718N1000403W 442254N1000355W SOURCE COORDINATES 442526N1011605W 435241N1025441W 453131N0994942W 442254N1000608W ELEV FT 3303 1682 1725 2155 2079 1485 1340 5080 1733 1721 1757 985 5400 1514 MAP NAME Wendte SE Wendte SE Wendte SE Wendte SE Wendte SW Wendte SW Wendte SW Wendte SE Wendte SE Wendte SE Wendte SE Wendte SE Wendte SE Wendte SE Wendte SE Wendte Lake Herman Lake Herman Scrum SE Alleman Station Hermosa Herreid Herreid Herreid Herrick Herrick Dallas SW Lake Francis Longbrake Ranch Salem Woonsocket Roundup Butte Deadwood South Badger Badger Saddle Butte Bog Creek Feinstein Lake Herreid Eagles Nest Butte Fairpoint SE Antelope Butte Moteau NW Isabel SW J B Hill Glencross NE Big Stone Lake West Caputa SW Britton 4 NW Britton 4 NW High Elk Hill SE High Elk Hill SE Langford Spain Hidden Timber Hidden Timber Lead Hill City Lower Brule NW Selby Canning SD89 SD90 NATIONAL GAZETTEER--SOUTH DAKOTA 1989 FEATURE SOURCE ELEV FEATURE NAME CLASS STATUS COUNTY COORDINATE-ZS COORDINATES FT MAP NAME Hiddenwood Lake lake BGN Walworth 453253N0995859W Java Hiddenwood Township civil ADMIN Walworth 453238N1000139W Selby Hidewood Creek stream BGN Hamlin 443532N0965631W 444503N0963951W Estelline Hidewoods woods BGN Brookings 442320N0963248W White NE Hidewood Townhall (historical) building UNOFP Deuel 443840N0964820W 1905 Estelline NE Hidewood Township civil ADMIN Deuel 444025N0964930W Dempster Hieb School school UNOFF Lyman 434839N0994103W 1794 Reliance SW Higgins Gulch valley BGN Lawrence 443301N1035301W 442345N1035942W Chicken Creek Higgins Spring spring BGN Lawrence 442445N1035851W Maurice High and Dry Reservoir reservoir BGN Harding 454853N1032855W Ludlow High Bank Creek stream BGN Corson 453838N1005241W 452807N1011449W Little Eagle NW High Climb Mine mine UNOFF Custer 435057N1033737W 5800 Berne High Elk Ranch locale UNOFF Dewey 444505N1005919W Rousseau Creek SW High Hawks Village Historic park ADMIN Todd 431652N1010541W Parmelee Site High Lake lake BGN Marshall 454859NO972548W 1963 Hillhead Highland (historical) locale UNOFF Jones 435944N1005313W 2030 Okaton Highland (historical) locale UNOFP Minnehaha 434718N0963145W 1570 Dell Rapids SE Highlanda Church church UNOFF Marshall 453704N0974240W 1584 Britton 4 SW Highland Cemetery cemetery UNOFF Day 450945N0973429W Swan Lake Highland Cemetery cemetery UNOFF Deuel 443933N0963851W Clear Lake South Highland Cemetery cemetery UNOFF Fall River 431818N1033522W Cascade Springs Highland Cemetery cemetery UNOFF Gregory 430125N0985335W 1954 Bonesteel Highland Cemetery cemetery UNOFF Minnehaha 434635N0963130W Dell Rapids SE Highland Center School school UNOFF Jackson 435704N1011657W 2325 Belvidere NE Highland Center School school UNOFF Lincoln 431344N0963743W 1494 Alcester NW Highland Church church UNOFE‘ Minnehaha 434913N0963049W 1557 Dell Rapids SE Highland Lutheran Church VARIANT Highland Creek stream BGN Custer 433356N1032301W 433900N1032646W Wind Cave Highland Lode mine UNOFF Custer 434559N1034041W Berna Highland Lode Mine VARIANT See Ross Mine mine Custer 434600N1034041W Highland Lutheran Church church UNOFF Deuel 443950N0963715W 1855 Brandt Highland Lutheran Church VARIANT See Norwegian Lutheran church Deuel 443935N0963855W Church (historical) Highland Lutheran Church' VARIANT See Highland Church church Minnehaha 434913N0963049W Highland Park park ADMIN Codington 445448N0970643W Watertown East Highland School school UNOFP Brule 433651N0985715W 1687 Snow Lake Highland School school UNOFF Hutchinson 432523N0974420W 1304 Clayton Highland School school UNOFF Lincoln 431104N0964003W 1493 Alcester NW Highland School school UNOFF Perkins 451518N1023857W Date Highland School school UNOFF Tripp 430549N0994427W Dallas SW Highland Township civil ADMIN Brown 452226N0983935W Lake Parmley SW Highland Township civil ADMIN Brule 433747N0995825W Bijou Hills NE Highland Township civil ADMIN Charles Mix 430147N0982348W Wagner SW Highland Township civil ADMIN Day 451116N0973240W Swan Lake Highland Township VARIANT See Hiland Township civil Hand 441914N0985224W Highland Township civil ADMIN Jones 435639N1004517W Okaton NE Highland Township civil ADMIN Lincoln 431224N0963706W Alcester NE Highland Township civil ADMIN McPherson 454835N0990935W Long Lake Highland Township civil ADMIN Meade 443316N1032232W Vale Highland Township civil ADMIN Minnehaha 434755N0962853W Jasper Highland Township civil ADMIN Perkins 451700N1024015W Date Highland Township civil ADMIN Walworth 453238N0995300W Java Highland Township Hall building UNOFF Charles Mix 430222N0982214W 1671 Wagner Highland View School school UNOFF Corson 454755N1014425W Skull Butte High Lode Mine mine UNOFF Pennington 435445N1033215W 5300 Hill City Canfield Mine VARIANT Highmore ppl BGN Hyde 443117N0992628W 1888 Highmore Highmore Cemetery cemetery UNOFF Hyde 443027N0992511W 1910 Highmore Highmore Municipal Airport airport ADMIN Hyde 443230N0992645W 1851 Highmore Highmore Township civil ADMIN Hyde 442926N0992815W Macs Corner NW High Point School school UNOFE‘ ziebach 450944N1013900W Thunder Butte Hight Number 1 Dam dam UNOFF Jones 434754N1003924W Murdo SW Hight Number 2 Dam dam UNOFF Jones 434854N1004036W Murdo SW Hight Number 4 Dam dam UNOFE‘ Jones 434754N1004042W Murdo SW Hight Number 5 Dam dam UNOFF Jones 434724N1004200W Murdo SW Highview Prospect mine UNOFF Custer 434507N1034250W 5640 Berne Highway Department Number 2 Dam dam UNOFF Mellette 433248N1004454W White River East Highway Department Number 3 Dam dam UNOFF Mellette 433236N1004548W White River West Highway 10 State Public park ADMIN McPherson 454554N099l937W Schumacher Lake Shooting Area Highway 44 Dam dam UNOFF Mellette 433406N1004618W White River West Highway 44 Number 4 Dam dam UNOFF Mellette 433200N1004336W White River East FEATURE NAME Highway 44 Number 6 Dam Hiland Township Highland Township Hiland Township Hall Hilderbrand Creek Hilde Township Hilgers Gulch Hill See Hill City Hilland Hilland Dam Hill church Hill City Hill Hilltown Hill City See Hill Side Hillcrest (historical) Hillcrest Cemetery Hillcrest Park Hillcrest School Hillcrest School Hillebrands Lake Hillestad Cemetery Hillhead Airmount Hilltop Hill Lake Hill Ridge Development (subdivision) Hill School Hillsdale (historical) Hillsdale Cemetery Hillsdale Township Hillside Hillside See Hill Side Hill Side Hill City Hillside Hillside Cemetery Hillside Cemetery Hillside Cemetery Hillside Cemetery Hillside Cemetery Hillside Cemetery West Cemetery Hillside Colony Hillside Colony Hillside School Hillside School (historical) Hillside School (historical) Hill Side School Hillside School Hillside Township Hillside Township Hills of Rest Cemetery Hill Spring Hillsview Hillsview Township Hilltop See Hillhead Hilltop School (historical) Hilltop School Hilltown See Hill City Hillview Cemetery Hillview Cemetery Hill View School (abandoned) Hillview School Hilmoe Township Hilton Mine Hilton Township Himango School (abandoned) Hime Spring Hinderlie Cemetery Hines Cemetery Hines Creek Hines Spring FEATURE CLASS dam civil building stream civil valley ppl PPl dam church 991 locale locale cemetery park school school lake cemetery ppl lake 991 school locale cemetery civil locale locale locale cemetery cemetery Cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery ppl ppl school school school school school civil civil cemetery spring locale civil ppl school school ppl cemetery cemetery school school civil mine civil school spring cemetery cemetery stream spring NATIONAL GAZETTEER--SOUTH DAKOTA 1989 STATUS UNOFF ADMIN VARIANT UNOFF BGN ADMIN BGN VARIANT BGN UNOFF UNOFF BGN 1900 VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF BGN UNOFF BGN VARIANT VARIANT BGN BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT BGN BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOPF ADMIN' ADMIN UNOFF BGN UNOFF ADMIN VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN UNOFF ADMIN UNOFF BGN UNOFF UNOFF BGN BGN COUNTY Mellette Hand Hand Butte Walworth Hughes Pennington Haakon Haakon Charles Mix Pennington Union Fall River Yankton Brookings Brookings Tripp Day Spink Marshall Marshall Minnehaha Lincoln Moody Lyman Faulk Douglas Union Union Brookings Day Marshall McCook Moody Roberts Brookings Spink Butte Deuel Douglas Lawrence Turner Campbell Edmunds Minnehaha Faulk McPherson McPherson Marshall Deuel Jones Pennington Dewey Gregory Custer Hand Lyman Harding Harding Brown Harding Kingsbury Fall River Roberts Harding COORDINATES 433342N1004512W 441914N0985224W 441938N0985252W 445056N1034337W 452723N100074EW 442200N1002032W 435557N1033429W 441658N1015122W 441648N1013018W 425308N0981218W 435557N1033429W 425621N0964706W 430420N1032045W 430501N0971005W 441836N0964639W 441830N0964643W 430641N0994129W 452541N0972019W 444140N0981535W 455006N0972330W 454626N0971935W 433332N0963807W 431936N0964825W 435747N0964017W 435420N0995033W 445600N0985321W 432808N0981243W 425621N0964706W 425621N0964706W 442003N0965640W 451053N0974005W 453521N0974848W 434605N0973405W 435910N0963828W 455151N0964427W 441732N0963113W 444420N0980244W 443853N1033629W 443355N0963720W 432900N0981210W 440937N1033516W 431917N0971758W 454400N1001550W 451653N0992325W 433254N0964056W 445442N0991522W 453953N0993329W 453810N0993153W 455006N0972330W 445145N0964700W 440126N1005759W 435557N1033429W 452357N1012642W 431338N0993152W 433149N1031100W 445106N0991355W 434B40Nl001005W 454331N1033313W 454335N1033314W 454917N0981836W 455213N1032859W 442656N0971722W 432523N1031620W 453403N0965730W 452024N1030500W SOURCE COORDINATES 450016N1034620W 442504N1002119W 453059N0970645W ELEV FT 1868 2600 4979 3606 2390 1787 1780 1892 1480 1550 1636 1346 1846 1425 1415 1081 1710 1375 2957 1974 1595 1474 1851 1890 2217 1355 1806 SD91 MAP NAME White River West Vayland SE Vayland SW Arpan Akaska NW Pierre Hilland Tornado Ranch Niobrara NW Hill City Black Banks Creek East Irene Brookings Brookings Dallas 5" Enemy Swim Lake West Spink Colony Hillhead Veblen Sioux Falls East Worthing Trent Kennebec Miranda Hillside Alsen Volga Lily Langford Canova SE Trent Rosholt White SE Bloomfield Nisland Astoria Hillside Nemo Freeman SB Pollock SE Roscoe SW Sioux Falls East Rezac Lake NE Hillsview Hillsview Bemis Capa Isabel Dallas Fairburn SW Orient SW Presho SW McKenzie Butte McKenzie Butte Savo SE Ludlow Lake Preston NE Buffalo Gap Peever Sheep Mountain SD92 FEATURE NAME Hines Spring Hinton-Coleman Hill Hipple Lake Hisega Hishield (historical) Hisle Hitchcock Altoona Chetek Hitchcock Park Hite Private Airstrip Hi-Way School Hix Number 1 Dam Hix Number 3 Dam H J Kerner Number 1 Dam H Lesmeister Dam H Millett Ranch Hoach Spring Hoag Coal Mine Draw Hoagland Lake Hoar Ranch Hoar Ranch Dam Number 2 See Trotter Ranch Dam Hockel Dam Hodson School Hoekman School See Van Zee School (historical) Hoeye Ranch Hofer Dam Hofer Landing Field Hofer School Hofer State Public Shooting Area Hofert-Arcade Prospect Mine See Victory Number 1 Prospect Mine Hoffman Dam Hoffman Iron Deposit Mine Hoffmann Township Hoffman Roadside Park Hoffmans Trailer Court (subdivision) Hoffnugstahl Cemetery Hoffnungberg Cemetery Hoffnungs Cemetery Hoffnungsfeld Township Hoffnungs Gemeinde Cemetery Hoffnungstahl Cemetery Hoffnungstal Cemetery Hoffnungstal Cemetery Hoff School Hokenstad School Hokshela Creek Holabird Hughitt Holabird Township Holcomb Flat Holcomb Ranch Holden Township Hold Spring Holdup Canyon Holey Flat Holland Camp Spring Holland Cemetery Holland Township Hollens Draw Hollingsworth Draw Hollister School Holloway Ranch Hollow Creek Big Hollow Creek Hollow Horn Bear Cemetery Hollow Horn Bear Village Historic Site Holmes School Holmquist FEATURE CLASS locale summit lake PPl locale ppl ppl park airport school dam dam dam dam locale spring valley lake locale dam dam school school locale dam airport school park mine dam mine civil park 991 cemetery cemetery cemetery civil cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery school school stream Pp!- civil flat locale civil spring valley flat spring cemetery civil valley valley school locale stream cemetery park school 1291 STATUS UNOFF BGN BGN BGN UNOFF BGN BGN VARIANT VARIANT ADMIN ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN BGN BGN UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN UNOFF ADMIN VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN ADMIN BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN BGN VARIANT ADMIN BGN UNOFF ADMIN BGN BGN BGN BGN UNOFF ADMIN BGN BGN UNOFF UNOFF BGN VARIANT UNOFF ADMIN UNOFF BGN COUNTY Harding Jackson Hughes Pennington Bennett Jackson Beadle Davison Brown Jackson Jones Jones Gregory Dewey Harding Harding Harding Jerauld Pennington Fall River Jackson Sanborn Douglas Butte Hutchinson Spink Beadle Sully Custer Pennington Lawrence McPherson Welworth Union Hutchinson Hutchinson McPherson Campbell McPherson Hutchinson Campbell Hutchinson Bon Homme Lincoln Dewey Hyde Hyde Pennington Harding Hand Ziebach Harding Custer Lawrence Turner Douglas Lawrence Fall River Minnehaha Dewey Tripp Todd Todd Meade Day COORDINATES 452310N1025850W 435518N1015333W 442028N1001453W 440312N1032405W 431744N1013608W 432421N1014505W 443747N0982433W 434226N0980033W 451714N0980314W 435756N1015832W 434548N1004754W 434512N1004212W 431806N0990842W 450612N1004642W 452910N1030620W 45204BN1030742W 453311N1035823W 435914N0983342W 435929N1034927W 430654N1034924W 435556N1013646W 435917N0975706W 432120N0983330W 445650N1034603W 432954N0973312W 445200N0980418W 443143N0930307W 444541N0994757W 434725N1033200W 441300N1021142W 441815N1034120W 454835N0990205W 452527N1000217W 423625N0963840W 431614N0974635W 431750N0980251W 455024N0990304W 455000N0994645W 455023N0990354W 431615N0975012W 454603N0994644W 431101N0975315W 430404N0975402W 432315N0963258W 452140N1002920W 443123N0993552W 442925N0993532W 435542N1023612W 452533N1035418W 444020N0985232W 443233N1015011W 454257N1033015W 433455N1040056W 441543N1035301W 430641N0970153W 432815N0983145W 441443N1035210W 430946N1040041W 433147N0964245W 444613N1005727W 432817N0995505W 431504N1010609W 431545N1010614W 440916N1031714W 452022N0973910W NATIONAL GAZETTEER--SOUTH DAKOTA 1989 SOURCE COORDINATES 453321N1035959W 451904N1002711W 454332N1033140W 441459N1035226W 431251N1040717W 431719N1000351W ELEV FT 2521 4022 2904 2710 1340 1320 2515 1302 1368 1324 5680 1118 1343 1358 1453 1346 1788 3440 1808 MAP NAME Sorum Cottonwood ‘ Antelope Island Pactola Dam Patricia Hisle Hitchcock Mitchell Ferney Cottonwood Okaton SE Murdo SW Lucas Ridgeview Flat Top Butte Irish Butte Camp Crook Hoagland Lake Ditch Creek Kadoka NE Farwell NW Antelope Butte Dolton Doland SE Lake Byron SE Gettysburg Muni Airport SE Pedrow 4 NW Deadwood South Long Lake SE Akaska NE Ponca Parkston SE Delmont SE Long Lake SE Mutske Lake Long Lake SE Parkston SE Mutske Lake Tripp Haucks Lake Klondike Moreau Holabird Chapelle Lake Brennan Flat J K Butte Miller NW Bridger SE McKenzie Butte Dewey Savoy Wakonda New Holland Nahant Coffee Flats Sioux Falls East Rousseau Creek 5" Miller Hill Parmelee Parmelee Blackhawk Bristol East FEATURE NAME Holmquist Slough Holmquist Slough State Public Shooting Area Holsclaw Township Holsti Dam Holt Holy Holy Holy Holy Holy Holy Holy Holy Holy Creek Angels Cemetery Cross Cemetery Cross Cemetery Cross Cemetery Faith Cemetery Family Cemetery Family Church Family Church Fellowship Cemetery Holy Holy Holy Holy Holy Holy Holy Holy Holy Holy Guardian Angel Church Innocence Church Name Chapel Name Church Name School Rosary Cemetery Rosary Cemetery Rosary Church Rosary School Smoke Mine Holy Holy Spirit Church Terror Mine Holy Trinity Cemetery Home (historical) Homelode Mine Homer Cemetery Homer Faeller Dam Homer Township Home School Homestake Camp (historical) Homestead Number 2 Prospect Mine Homestead Number 3 Prospect Mine Home Township Hoodoo Gulch Hoodoo-Union Hill Mine Hood Tunnel Hooker Hooker Township (historical) Hoop Lake Hoover Hop Creek Hop Draw Hope Cemetery Hope Cemetery Hope Cemetery Rosenau Cemetery Hope Cemetery Hope Church See Lebanon Lutheran Church Hope Church Hopeful See Samelias Mine Hopen School Hope School Hope School Hope Township (historical) Hope Township Hopkins Flats Hopper (historical) Hopper Township Hop Spring Horace Mann School Horman Ranch Hornbeck School Hornhlende Camp See Golden West Mine Horn Draw Hornstra School School Number 44 Horotman Number 1 Dam FEATURE CLASS lake park civil dam stream cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery church church cemetery church church church church school cemetery cemetery church school mine church mine cemetery locale mine cemetery dam civil school locale mine mine civil valley mine tunnel locale civil lake locale stream valley cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery church church mine school school school civil civil flat locale civil spring school locale school mine valley school STATUS BGN ADMIN ADMIN UNOFF BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN BGN UNOFF BGN EGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN ADMIN BGN UNOFF ADMIN BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT BGN UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF NATIONAL GAZETTEER--SOUTH DAKOTA 1939 COUNTY Day Day Tripp Harding Tripp Lyman Dewey Edmunds Shannon Lyman Todd Meade Mellette Charles Mix Shannon Todd Stanley Charles Mix Codington Codington Hutchinson Tripp Shannon Pennington Carson Pennington Edmunds Turner Pennington Day Harding Day Turner Lawrence Custer Custer Turner Pennington Lawrence Custer Turner Turner Marshall Butte Pennington Custer Douglas Edmunds Faulk Jerauld Grant Roberts Pennington Aurora Meade Minnehaha Faulk Lyman Custer Aurora Aurora Custer Minnehaha Butte Gregory Pennington Ziebach Son Homme Mellette COORDINATES 452141N0973327W 452148N0973822W 430753N1001032W 454654N1040130W 430046N0994223W 435328N1000352W 452547N1010318W 452603N0990132W 430110N1023301W 440808N0995916W 432254N1005758W 441207N1030903W 432420N1004308W 425551N0982244W 430345N1024843W 431930N1010220W 441610N1000213W 425436N0980905W 445444N0970713W 445341N0965506W 431245N0975743W 434119N1000112W 430441N1023509W 435441N1032711W 453734N1011734W 435352N1032514W 453441N0992929W 432555N0965935W 440653N1033458W 453053N0975016W 451454N1034900W 453213N0974705W 432852N0965747W 442420N1035345W 434639N1033618W 434641N1033637W 432806N0965825W 440346N1034007W 441952N1034027W 435051N1033441W 431200N0970128W 430855N0965821W 454604N0972354W 450645N1031600W 440755N1034600W 434520N1035943W 431656N0950925W 453236N0992133W 450747N0985623W 440606N0984229W 451602N0970952W 454029N0971318W 435519N1032845W 434215N0982310W 442453N1023717W 433303N0964206W 445600N0985321W 445840N1001820W 433556N1034016W 434304N0982309W 434315N0982400W 434546N1035852W 433144N0964227W 445401N1034803W 431430N0990706W 440453N1034514W 443954N1013521W 425013N0980300W 432618N1001454W SOURCE COORDINATES 440326N1034102W 440945N1034842W 434632N1035733W 444436N1013647W ELEV FT 1778 1830 1532 1735 1885 1438 1432 4400 5400 5480 5400 1279 1849 2775 1437 1778 2564 1460 2033 1512 SD93 MAP NAME Bristol East Bristol East Keyapaha NW Humbolt Hills Dallas SW Presho Timber Lake Ipswich Pine Ridge Joe Creek NW Soldier Creek NW Rapid City NW Mission NW Marty Slim Butte Parmelee Rousseau Niobrara NW Watertown East Kranzburg Tripp Presho 4 NB Pine Ridge Mount Rushmore Black Horse NE Mount Rushmore Hosmer Lennox NW Silver City Langford Alkali Creek West Langford Lennox NW Maurice Custer Custer Lennox NW Rochford Deadwood South Custer Viborg Beresford NW Hillhead Hoover Nahant Dead Horse Flats Delmont Hosmer SE Cresbard Wessington Springs SW Whitestone Lake Plankinton Boneita Springs Sioux Falls East Miranda Vivian Argyle Plankinton Plankinton Dead Horse Flats Sioux Falls East Antelope Butte Herrick NE Rattlesnake Lake NE Niobrara Carter SD94 FEATURE NAME Horse Butte School Horse Butte Township (historical) Horse Camp Draw Horse Creek Horse Creek Horse Creek Horse Creek Horse Creek Creek Creek Creek Horse Horse Horse Horse Creek School Horse Creek Township Horsehead Cemetery Horsehead Creek Horse Head Creek Horse Island See Farm Island Horsely Gulch Horseshoe, The Horseshoe Bend Horseshoe Bend Horseshoe Bend School Horseshoe Butte Horseshoe-Comet Mine Horseshoe Dam See Otto Dietterle Dam Horseshoe Grove (historical) Horseshoe Hill See Cross Butte Horse Shoe Lake Pleasant Lake Horseshoe Lake Horseshoe Lake Horseshoe Lake Horseshoe Lake Horseshoe Lake Horseshoe Lake Horseshoe Lake Horseshoe Lake Horseshoe,Lake State Public Shooting Area Horseshoe Lake State Public Shooting Area Horseshoe Park Horsethief Creek Horse Thief Lake Horsethief Lake Horsethief Lake See Horse Thief Lake Horsethief Lake See Horse Thief Lake Horse Thief Lake Horsethief Lake Horse Trap Mountain Horton Gulch Horton Ranch Hosanger Cemetery H 0 Siding Hosmer Hosmer State Public Shooting Area Hosmer Township Hot Brook Hot Brook Canyon Hotch City See Kennebsc Hot Shot Mine Hot Springs Minne—ka-tah Hot Springs Island (historical) Hot Springs Municipal Airport Hot Springs Township (historical) Houck Ranch (historical) Houde Cemetery (historical) Houdek (historical) Houghton FEATURE CLASS school civil valley stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream school civil cemetery stream stream island valley lake bend cliff school summit mine dam locale summit lake lake lake lake lake lake lake lake lake park park park stream dam reservoir reservoir summit valley locale cemetery locale PPl park civil stream valley ppl mine 991 island airport civil locale cemetery locale ppl NATIONAL GAZETTEER--SOUTH DAKOTA STATUS COUNTY COORDINATES UNOFF Meade 450124N1023737W ADMIN Meade 445915N1023839W BGN Fall River 432116N1032545W BGN Butte 450406N1030400W BGN Butte 443909N1031849W BGN Fall River 430824N1033712W BGN Harding 454016N1030953W BGN Jones 43443BN1003946W BGN Mellette 432929N1004440W BGN Pennington 435946N1032841W BGN Perkins 455512N1024911W UNOFF Butte 444405N1033025W ADMIN Perkins 455445N1025300W UNOFF Fall River 431615N1032048W BGN Fall River 431832N1032431W BGN Mellette 432846N1004353W VARIANT Hughes 442010N1001509W BGN Pennington 435339N1032307W BGN Miner 440221N0972431W BGN Lyman 434403N0994704W BGN Fall River 431835N1033211W UNOFF Hand 442055N0985528W BGN Mellette 434428N10l0841w UNOFF Laurence 441940N1033820W VARIANT Corson 453630N1015800W UNOFF Lawrence 441820N1034515W VARIANT Mellette 433336N1011032w BGN Aurora 433546N0983213W VARIANT BGN Codington 445835N0971913W BGN Day 451216N0973802w BGN Dewey 452124N1011215W BGN Faulk 445358N0991253W BGN Marshall 454033N0973134W BGN Marshall 454937N0972644W BGN Union 423811N0963209w BGN Waluorth 453254N0994256W ADMIN Codington 445858N0971943W ADMIN Day 451152N0973755W ADMIN Aurora 433445N0983250W BGN Pennington 44014BN1035032W UNOFF Pennington 435339N1032845W VARIANT VARIANT Pennington 435339N1032845W VARIANT Pennington 435339N1032845W BGN Pennington 435339N1032845W VARIANT BGN Fall River 432255N1033843W BGN Pennington 440246N1033705W UNOFF Harding 452028N1031148W UNOFF Day 451034N0973203W UNOFF Pennington 440040N1030200W BGN Edmunds 453444N0992828W ADMIN Edmunds 453326N0993227W ADMIN Edmund! 453235N0993044W BGN Fall River 432634N1032852W BGN Fall River 432633N1032853W VARIANT Lyman 435413N0995141W UNOFF Custer 434445N1033050W BGN Fall River 432554N1032826W VARIANT BGN Gregory 432210N0990645W ADMIN Fall River 432215N1032245W ADMIN Fall River 432538N1033030W UNOFF Potter 450840N1001640W UNOFF Clay 430410N0965215W UNOFF Hand 444651N0991442W BGN Brown 454547N0981236W 1989 SOURCE COORDINATES 431824N103203BW 450919N1031015W 445814N1033855W 431050N1034152W 454541N1031741W 435354N1004912W 432047N1004010W 440141N1033327W 455135N1030147W 432600N1003647W 435432N1032402W 440246N1035110W 440126N1033534W 432716N1034046W 432553N1033334W ELEV PT 2894 2827 1830 2533 5000 5680 1706 1746 1768 1872 1094 1932 4926 4682 1848 2961 1906 5120 3464 1280 314a 1720 1296 MAP NAME Cedar Canyon Squaw Buttes Angostura Reservoir Tomato Can Buttes Vale NE Heppner Reva NW Westover Mission NW Mount Rushmore Cow Butte NE Nisland Cow Butte Hot Springs 53 Angostura Reservoir Mission NW Mount Rushmore Oldham SW Ideal NE Cascade Springs Vayland SH Cedar Butte NW Deadwood South Lead Aurora Center Kampeska Lily Livermant Lake Orient NW Britton 4 NB Hillhead Elk Point NE Bowdle—Hosmer Lake Kampeska Lily Aurora Center Deerfield Mount Rushmore Mount Rushmore Minnekahta silver City Irish Butte Swan Lake Box Elder Hosmer Hillsview SE Hillsvieu SE Hot Springs Hot Springs Cicero Peak Hot Springs Lucas SE Angostura Reservoir Minnekahta NE Four Bear Creek Beresford Rezac Lake Houghton FEATURE NAME Houghton Cemetery Houghton Dam Houghton Dam Houk Creek Houk Spring Houston School Houston Springs Hovde Cemetery Hoven Hoven Municipal Airport Hoven Township Hoven Township Howard Howard City Howard Capp Dam Howard Capp Dam Howard City See Howard Howard Hedger School Howard J Kunstle Dam Howard Howard Howard Howard Howard Howard Howard Howard Howard Howell Municipal Airport Schmele Dam Number 1 School Township Township Township Township (historical) Township Township Hall (historical) Howell Cemetery Howell Ranch Moons Ranch Howell School Howell School Howell Spring Howell Township Howes Howie Dam Hruska Lake H Schuchhardt Dam Hubbard School Hubbard Slough State Public Shooting Area Hub City Huber Cemetery Huber Cemetery Huber Number 1 Dam Huber School Huber School Huckens Ranch (historical) Huckfeldt Draw Huddleston Draw Hudgins Township Hudson Eden Hudson Bay Trading Post (historical) Hudson-Centerville Interchange Hudson Flat Hudson Township Huffman (historical) Huffton Huffton (historical) Huggins Township Hughes County Hughes Draw Hughes Pass Hughes School Hughitt See Holabird Hugo Mine Hugo Mine Hulbert Township Hull Lateral Hulm Dam Humboldt FEATURE CLASS cemetery dam dam stream spring school spring cemetery p91 airport civil civil ppl dam dam ppl school dam airport dam school civil civil civil civil civil building locale cemetery locale school school spring civil locale dam lake dam school park ppl cemetery cemetery dam school school locale valley valley civil ppl locale crossing flat civil locale ppl locale civil civil valley 939 school ppl mine mine civil canal dam ppl STATUS UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN BGN UNOFF BGN UNOFF BGN ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN BGN VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF BGN ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF BGN UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN BGN ADMIN BGN VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF BGN ADMIN UNOFF BGN UNOFF ADMIN ADMIN BGN BGN UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN BGN UNOFF BGN NATIONAL GAZETTEER--SOUTH DAKOTA 1989 COUNTY Brown Brown Brown Harding Harding Lyman Gregory Clay Potter Walworth Potter Walworth Miner Perkins Perkins Miner Brown Potter Miner Butte Yankton Charles Mix McPherson Meade Miner Miner Charles Mix Hand Hand Pennington Brule Hand Pennington Hand Meade Meade Bon Homme ziebach Perkins Davison Clay Hutchinson Hutchinson Mellette Hutchinson Yankton Pennington Stanley Meade Perkins Lincoln Brown Lincoln Haakon Bdmunds Kingsbury Brown Brown Tripp Hughes Pennington Jackson Spink Hyde Pennington Pennington Hand Butte Ziebach Minnehaha COORDINATES 454452N0981228W 454637N0981443W 454638N0981504W 452046NlO3l409W 452059N1031343W 434246N0994656W 430439N0985557W 430407N0965301W 451437N0994636W 451524N0994750W 451140N0994445W 451605N0994648W 440039N0973135W 450654N1021248W 450642N1021506W 440039N0973135W 452828N0982930W 451042N0995900W 440145N0973215W 444542N1033406W 425246N0971630W 431220N0982347W 453810N0990205W 443824N1020302W 440055N0973224W 435820N0973223W 431524N0982312W 444739N0985800W 444633N0985836W 435445N1035952W 435210N0991113W 444556N0985923W 435416N1035753W 444530N0985946W 443710N1020305W 443648N1022530W 425636N0974036W 445812N1014136W 454450N1023839W 433923N0981206W 425713N0965415W 431745N0973021W 432356N0973443W 433012N1010154W 431759N0973000W 430403N0972731W 435500N1033959W 442510N1003646W 442050N1023129W 454230N1020315W 430749N0962714W 454708N0983027W 430738N0964747W 443019N1012722W 451654N0993813W 441316N0971648W 453659N0980534W 453523N0980452W 430245N1000317W 442500N1000000W 440253N1035214W 434842N1013816W 445009N0981920W 443123N0993552W 435257N1032523W 435216N1032530W 442427N0984507W 444237N1032227W 452300N1014948W 433843N0970425W SOURCE COORDINATES 452240N1031250W 442937N1004158W 441917N1023157W 440508N1035245W ELEV FT 1302 1286 2968 1275 1902 1866 1572 1582 1511 1476 1795 2407 1227 1447 1342 6202 1221 1396 1750 1308 1307 1294 1710 SD95 MAP NAME Daly Corners Houghton Savo SE Irish Butte Irish Butte Ideal NE Bonesteel Centerville Hoven Hoven Municipal Airport Seneca NW Hoven Municipal Airport Howard Faith SW Deep Creek SE Aberdeen East Flight Lake Howard Two Top Butte 53 Mission Hill Ravinia Plainview Colony NE Lemmon Creek Howard Canova West Armour SW Rockham SW Rockham SW Preacher Spring Pukwana Rockham SW Preacher Spring Rockham SW Howes White Owl Tabor Diermier Ranch Little Nasty Creek Bette Hub City Wolf Creek Clayton NE Cedarbutte Freeman Jamesville Medicine Mountain Willow Creek Butte Elm Springs Meadow NW Fairview Frederick Beresford NE Cherry Creek Bowdle SW Oldham Huffton Huffton Keyapaha SE De Grey NW Deerfield Weta Glendale Colony Mount Rushmore Iron Mountain Vayland Vale NE Glad Valley Humboldt SD96 FEATURE NAME Humboldt Township Humbolt Mountain Hummer (historical) Hummer (historical) Hump Butte Hump Creek Hump Creek Hump Flat Hungry Hollow Gulch Hunkpapa Creek See Spring Creek Hunkpapa Creek Crow Head Creek Hunstad School Huntimer Huntimer Cemetery Huntley Township Hupp Ranch Hurley Hurley, Lake Hurley Butte Hurley Cemetery Hurley Creek Hurley Dam Gettysburg Hurley Township (historical) Hurley Township Huron Huron College Huron Colony Huron Colony Huron Mall (shopping center) Huron Regional Airport Huron Township (historical) Huron Township Hurricane Lake Hurst Number 1 Dam Hurst Number 2 Dam Hurst Number 3 Dam Hushers Bird Santuary See Hushers Grove Hushers Grove Hushers Bird Santuary Huss Spring Huss Spring Huston (historical) Huston Number 1 Dam Huston School (historical) Huston Township (historical) Huston Township (historical) Hutchinson County Hutmacher Table Hutterische See Bon Homme Colony Hutterthal (historical) Hutterthal Church Hutterthal Church Hvezda Zapadu Cemetery Hyde County Hyde Park See Lee Park Hyde Post Office (historical) Hyde School Number 69 (historical) Hyland Township (historical) I Icebox Canyon Ice Box Canyon See Icebox Gulch Icebox Gulch Ice Box Canyon FEATURE CLASS civil summit locale locale summit stream stream flat valley stream stream school locale cemetery civil locale ppl reservoir summit cemetery stream dam civil civil ppl school ppl locale locale airport civil civil lake dam dam dam woods woods spring spring locale dam school civil civil civil summit locale locale church church cemetery civil park building school civil valley valley valley NATIONAL GAZETTBBR--SOUTH DAKOTA 1989 STATUS COUNTY ADMIN Minnehaha BGN Pennington UNOFF Charles Mix UNOFF Charles Mix BGN Corson BGN Corson BGN Haakon BGN ziebach BGN Lawrence VARIANT Campbell BGN Corson VARIANT UNOFF Brown UNOFF Minnehaha UNOFF Minnehaha ADMIN Edmunds UNOFF Pennington BGN Turner BGN Potter BGN Pennington UNOFF Turner BGN Turner UNOFF Potter VARIANT ADMIN Turner ADMIN Turner BGN 1943 Beadle UNOFF Beadle BGN Beadle UNOFF Clark UNOFF Beadle ADMIN Beadle ADMIN Beadle ADMIN Pennington BGN Roberts UNOFF Jones UNOFF Jones UNOFF Jones VARIANT Brookings BGN Brookings VARIANT BGN Faulk BGN Pennington UNOFF Douglas UNOFF Jones UNOFF Douglas ADMIN Douglas ADMIN Gregory ADMIN Hutchinson BGN 1983 Pennington VARIANT Bon Homme UNOFF Hutchinson UNOFF Beadle UNOFF Hutchinson UNOFF Bon Homme ADMIN Hyde VARIANT Brown UNOFF Jerauld UNOFF Codington ADMIN Lake BGN Harding VARIANT Lawrence BGN Lawrence VARIANT COORDINATES 433725N0970334W 435650N1033255W 431947N0934015W 431948N0983315W 455301N1012642W 454403N1011547W 442955N1013212W 443342N1014919W 442916N1035205W 455253N1001428W 455331N1002713W 452404N0981907W 435003N0965547W 435005N0965509W 452720N0990835W 440224N1034921W 431659N0970520W 450522N1000919W 434324N1020859W 431628N0970554W 431446N0970057W 450518N1000912W 430913N0970531W 431736N0970531W 442148N0981250W 442127N0981309W 443352N0981223W 444607N0975432W 442039N0981352W 442307N0981343W 442230N0981505W 440705N1021033W 452415N0970805W 435818N1005718W 435842N1005742W 435830N1005630W 441608N0970220W 441608N0970220W 445356N0990908W 442902N1020136W 432015N0981715W 440430N1010218W 432015N0981715W 431910N0981010W 431731N0992046W 431900N0974610W 434416N1024122W 425151N0974224W 431446N0975745W 443752N0980517W 432417N0972739W 425625N0973918W 443300N0992740W 452840N0982959W 440717N0985113H 450820N0970725W 440843N0970558W 454938N1033033W 455022N1033001W 441756N1035157W 441756N10351$7W 441737N1034941W SOURCE COORDINATES 455603N1013435W 443049N1013453W 442647N1035456W 455157N1003416W 432204N097l423W ELEV PT 5722 1625 1650 2428 1301 1655 1293 1837 2590 1270 1240 1281 1288 1912 1450 1471 3037 1465 1800 MAP NAME Grass Lake Hill City Geddes Geddes SB Hump Butte Black Horse NE Murray Draw Bridger SE Spearfish Pollock NW Bath Colton Colton Beebe Deerfield Hurley Lake Hurley Conata Hurley Viborg Lake Hurley Hurley Hurley Huron Huron Lake Byron Fordham Dam Huron Huron NW Broadland Lake Hill Enemy Swim Lake East Okaton Okaton Okaton Lake Sinai Orient NW Pedro Armour Midland SE Armour ' Delmont Dixon SE Parkston SE Heutmacher Table Tripp Bloomfield Dolton Tabor Highmore Gannvalley SE still Lake NB Sinai Ladner SE Lead FEATURE NAME Ice Ida See Elrod (historical) Mine Ida Tin Mine Cave Ida Ida Ida Tin Mine See Ida Mine Ideal Ideal Cemetery Ideal Township Idlewild (historical) Idylwilde Church Igloo Igloo Cave Ike John Landing Strip John Landing Strip Illinois Township Illinois Township School Imlay Imlay Township Immaculate Conception Cemetery Immaculate Conception Church Immaculate Conception School Immanuel Cemetery Immanuel Cemetery Immanuel Cemetery Emmanuel Lutheran Cemetery Immanuel Church Immanuel Church Dutch Reformed Church Immanuel Church Emmanuel Lutheran Church Immanuel Church Immanuel Church Emmanuel Lutheran Church Immanuel Church Immanuel Church Immanuel Church Immanuel Church Imogene I Molstad Dam Impassable Marsh See Peever Slough Imperial Mine (historical) Inch School Independence Lode Mine Independence Number 1 Lode Mine School Township Independence Independence Independence Township Independence Township Indian Baptist Church (historical) Indian Butte Indian Creek South Indian Creek Indian Creek Indian Indian Indian Indian Indian Creek Indian Creek See Big Corral Draw Indian Creek Lateral Indian Creek Lutheran Church Indian Creek Recreation Area Creek Creek Creek Creek Indian Creek Township Indian Dam See Indian Dam Number 1 Indian Dam Number 1 Indian Dam Indian Hill Division (subdivision) Indian Lake Ponca Lake FEATURE CLASS CBVG locale locale mine mine ppl cemetery civil locale church 991 cave airport civil school locale civil cemetery church school cemetery cemetery cemetery church church church church church church church church church locale dam gut mine school mine mine school civil civil civil church summit stream stream stream stream stream stream stream valley canal church park civil dam dam ppl reservoir NATIONAL GAZETTEER--SOUTH DAKOTA 1989 STATUS BGN VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT VARIANT BGN UNOFF ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF BGN BGN ADMIN VARIANT ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN UNOFF BGN BGN 1977 VARIANT BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN VARIANT BGN UNOFF ADMIN ADMIN VARIANT UNOFF VARIANT BGN BGN VARIANT COUNTY Pennington Clark Hyde Pennington Pennington Tripp Beadle Tripp Turner Turner Fall River Pennington Perkins Hyde Hyde Pennington Pennington Hyde Todd Codington Bon Homme Douglas Faulk Beadle Bon Homme Davison Douglas Faulk Harding Jones McCook Turner Perkins Dewey Roberts Lawrence Yankton Custer Custer Hutchinson Day Douglas Perkins Roberts Butte Butte Fall River Gregory Haakon Jackson Meade Pennington Pennington Butte Perkins Walworth Jackson Fall River Fall River Minnehaha Gregory COORDINATES 435246N1035455W 445311N0973424W 444727N0992115W 435538N1033107W 435538N1033107W 433233N0995408W 442011N0981143W 433303N0995440W 431247N0971722H 431338N0971908W 431209N1035123W 435210N1035344W 452400N1024745W 444530N0992852W 444606N0992931W 434310N1022349W 434614N1021829W 451439N0992721W 431153N1005327W 4453$3N0970637W 430730N0975621W 431958N0981115W 451115N0990422W 441403N0975715W 430732N0975623W 434538N0981708W 432811N0980903W 451112N0990540W 455006N1031128W 440546N1004336W 435001N0973030W 430551N0970233W 450826N1024245W 452600N1002212H 453513N0965727W 442305N1034645W 42534BN0971422W 434608N1033930W 434634N1033926W 431432N0972617W 453213N0973941W 431750N0981710W 453430N1021710W 453759N0965118W 450829N1035756W 444353N1033053W 425955N1034116W 425707N0992635W 440308N1012122W 433353N1020046W 444148N1023339W 434729N1024219W 434357N1024546W 444508N1033434W 452810N1020240W 453104N1002312W 435643N1012110W 430042N1035642W 430042N1035642W 433417N0963717W 430336N0990838W SOURCE COORDINATES 445408N1034816W 430319N0992738W 435116N1012921W 433112N1020424W 443954N1023834W 434047N1023423W ELEV FT 1770 4960 1885 1620 1638 3714 2785 2616 1520 1529 2845 1770 1506 1244 2563 5200 1167 5520 5520 1540 1125 3653 1440 1949 SD97 MAP NAME Preacher Spring Rezac Lake Hill City Ideal Huron Ideal Turkey Ridge Turkey Ridge Provo Dead Horse Flats Scrum NE Rice Lake Rice Lake Imlay Quinn Table SB Stephan St Francis Watertown East Tripp Delmont Wecota Artesian NW Tripp Storla Hillside Wecota Ralph SW Wendte SW Canova SE Wakonda Imogene Moreau NE Spearfish Gayville Berne Berne Midway Britten 4 SW Armour Box Car Buttes Peever NE Indian Butte Nisland Wallace Ranch Mills Nowlin Coneta SE Redowl Scenic SW Two Top Butte SE Coal Springs Mobridge Belvidere NE Wallace Ranch Brandon Herrick SD98 FEATURE NAME Indian Lake Dam See Ponca Lake Dam Indian Memorial Recreation Area Indian Mission Cemetery Indian Mission School (historical) Indian Mounds Monument (historical) / Indian Orphan Home Indian River Indian School Number 11 Indian Scout Lake Indian Slough Indian Spring Indian Springs Indian Springs Creek Indian Springs School Indian Township Indian Trail Draw Indian Village Landing Strip Ingberg Tracts (subdivision) Ingersoll Mine Ingersoll Peak Ingersol School Ingle Airstrip Inland School Inlet Canal Intake Gulch Interior Interior Township Iona Iona (historical) Iona Cemetery Iona Dam Iona Hills Bijou Hills Iona Township Iona Township (historical) Iowa Ditch Iowa Township Iowa Township Iowa Township (historical) Iowa Township Ipswich Ipswich Township Ireland School Number 54 (historical) Irene Irene-Beresford Interchange Irey Spring Irish Butte Irish Creek Worthless Creek Irish Gulch Iron Creek Iron Creek Edison Creek Iron Creek Dam Iron Creek Lake Iron Creek Trail Iron Dog Creek Iron Draw Iron Hill Mine (historical) Iron Lightning Iron Lightning Cemetery Iron Lightning School Iron Monument (historical) Iron Monument (historical) Iron Mountain Iron Nation Post Office (historical) Iron Nation Recreation Area Iron Post Buttes Iron Shell Bridge Iron Shell Flat Ironsides School (abandoned) Ironwood Cemetery FEATURE CLASS dam park cemetery school locale school stream school reservoir lake spring spring stream school civil valley airport ppl mine summit school airport school canal valley ppl civil ppl locale cemetery dam range civil civil canal civil civil civil civil ppl civil school 991 crossing spring summit stream valley stream stream dam reservoir trail stream valley mine PPl cemetery school locale locale summit building park range bridge flat school cemetery NATIONAL GAZETTEER--SOUTH DAKOTA 1939 STATUS VARIANT ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN UNOFF BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN UNOFF ADMIN BGN ADMIN BGN UNOFF BGN 1975 UNOFF ADMIN UNOFF BGN BGN BGN ADMIN BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN VARIANT ADMIN ADMIN BGN ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN BGN ADMIN UNOFF BGN UNOFF BGN BGN BGN VARIANT BGN BGN BGN VARIANT UNOFF BGN UNOFF BGN BGN UNOFF BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN UNOFF ADMIN BGN UNOFF BGN UNOFF UNOFF COUNTY Gregory Corson Todd Roberts Kingsbury Todd Grant Shannon Todd Roberts Meade Haakon Haakon Haakon Fall River Custer Pennington Minnehaha Pennington Pennington Butte Beadle Perkins Butte Lawrence Jackson Jackson Lyman Lyman Lyman Lyman Lyman Lyman Lyman Pennington Beadle Douglas Haakon Sully Edmunds Edmunds Clay Yankton Lincoln Lawrence Harding ziebach Pennington Lawrence Pennington Lawrence Lawrence Lawrence Corson Fall River Lawrence ziebach ziebach ziebach Grant Roberts Pennington Lyman Lyman Stanley Todd Todd Spink Todd COORDINATES 430336N0990838W 453427N1002855W 432047N1004237W 453357N0970347W 441915N0973253W 430611N1004445W 450955N0971113W 431847N1023417W 431406N1005022W 455505N0970004W 442911N1020525W 442918N1015330W 443133N1015305W 442824N1015401W 430358N1035200W 435027N1025514W 435500N1021410W 433332N0963845W 435421N1032646W 435443N1032659W 444129N1034629W 441400N0980300W 450819N1025304W 444227N1034709W 441440N1035535W 434337N1015901W 434523N1015230W 433235N0992528W 433325N0992750W 433341N0992418W 433348N0992724W 433115N0992716W 433350N0992715W 433730N0992305W 440417N1030901W 443030N0983200W 432305N0983110W 441215N1012010W 443502N1002002W 452640N0990144W 452719N0990105W 430450N0970455W 430459N0970937W 430501N0964744W 441255N1034826W 452041N1031014W 451338N1013357W 440734N1034309W 442223N1035504W 435229N1032033W 442230N1035354W 442220N1035839W 442012N1035946W 454654N1010800W 432723N1030935W 442430N1035155W 451047N1015045W 451021N1015134W 451049N1015055W 451809N0962713W 453327N0964814W 435131N1032559W 440724N0994456W 440553N0994212W 444141N1004146W 431335N1005720W 431049N1010656W 445313N0983343W 431626N1005729W SOURCE COORDINATES 451544N0970200W 442530N1015021W 435332N1025647W 441442N1035859W 452521N1014428W 440923N1034343W 442133N1040009W 435102N1033118W 455817N1011434W 432443N1030909W ELEV FT 2605 1525 1790 2885 1146 2340 2950 1461 5000 5356 1300 2378 1814 1780 1540 1364 3101 5444 5600 2171 1000 960 5445 1440 1298 MAP NAME Mobridge Mission Goodwill De Smet SE Olsonville SW Lonesome Lake Rockyford SE Rosebud Claire City NE Pedro Hilland NW Bridger Hilland NW Crowe Dam Caputa SW Wall Sioux Falls East Mount Rushmore Mount Rushmore Belle Fourche Forestburg NE Zeona Belle Fourche Crooks Tower Interior Cottonwood SB Iona Iona Iona Iona Iona Iona Iona Rapid City East Lake Byron New Holland Ottumwa Okobojo SE Ipswich Ipswich Wakonda Irene Beresford Nahant Irish Butte Dupree NE Minnesota Ridge Savoy Hayward Maurice Savoy Savoy Bullhead SW Smithwick NW Spearfish Redelm NE Redelm NE Redelm NE Ortonville Browns Valley Iron Mountain Lower Brule SW Lower Brule SW Iron Post Buttes St Francis Iron Shell Flat East Redfield North Soldier Creek FEATURE NAME Iroquois Iroquois, Lake Iroquois Township Irving (historical) Irving Cemetery Irving Post Office (historical) Irving School Irving Township Irwins Ranch (historical) Irwin Township Isabel Isabella, Lake Isabel Lake Isabel Lake Dam Isabel Lake State Public Shooting Area Isabelle Lake Isabel Municipal Airport Isadorah and Billie Mine Isham Lake Island Below the Big Bend See Brule Island (historical) Island Lake Island Lake Island Lake Island School Issue Wood Spring I Thompson Dam Ivanhoe (historical) Ivanhoe (historical) Ivan Mills Dam Iversen Number 1 Dam Iversen Number 1 Dam Iversen Number 1 Dam Iversen Number 1 Dam Iversen Number 2 Dam Iversen Number 2 Dam Iversen Number 3 Dam Iversen Number 3 Dam Iversen Number 4 Dam Iversen Number 5 Dam Ivers Mine Iverson Number 1 Dan Iversen Ranch Iversons Subdivision (subdivision) Iwan Number 1 Dam Iwan Number 4 Dam Iwan O M Number 1 Dam Iwan O M Number 3 Dam 0 M Iwan Dam Iwan Ranch IXL Fraction Mine IXL Lode Mine IXL Lode Number 3 Mine IXL Number 4 Lode Mine J Jackass Gulch Jack Bastain Dam Jack Creek See South Jack Creek Jack Creek Jack Dailey Creek Jack Freeman Dam Jack Hunt Dam Jack Lake Jackrabbit Draw Jackson County Jackson Dam Jackson Draw FEATURE CLASS 991 reservoir civil locale cemetery building school civil locale civil p91 lake reservoir dam park lake airport mine lake island lake lake lake school spring dam ppl locale dam dam dam dam dam valley stream stream stream dam dam lake valley civil valley NATIONAL GAZETTEER--SOUTH DAKOTA 1989 STATUS BGN BGN ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN UNOFF ADMIN BGN BGN BGN UNOFF ADMIN BGN ADMIN UNOFF BGN VARIANT BGN BGN BGN UNOFF BGN UNOFF BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFP UNOFF BGN 1963 UNOFF VARIANT BGN BGN 1984 UNOFF UNOFF BGN BGN ADMIN UNOFF BGN COUNTY Kingsbury Kingsbury Kingsbury Spink Spink Spink Minnehaha Faulk Pennington Tripp Dewey Marshall Dewey Dewey Dewey Marshall Dewey Lawrence Aurora Lyman Marshall Marshall McCook Union Custer Meade Custer Custer Perkins Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Harding Jones Tripp Minnehaha Mellette Mellette Mellette Mellette Mellette Custer Custer Custer Custer Lawrence Perkins Harding Harding Haakon ziebach Ziebach Todd Jackson Jackson Lyman ziebach COORDINATES 442201N0975102W 442058N0974958W 442229N0974809W 444551N0980929W 444455N0981155W 444641N0981200W 433242N0964356W 445601N0991524W 435625N1033702W 431828N0993458W 452339N1012545W 453819N0972032W 452618N1012442W 452618N1012442W 452614N1012508W 454613NO972422W 452315N1012630W 441939N1034800W 435419N0984524W 440548N0993345W 4S4257N0971708W 454459N0971936W 434741N0970744W 423250N0963354W 433559N1035129W 443936N1021400W 432845N1034140W 434453N1032700W 452854N1021400W 434830N1003936W 440006N1004248W 435918N1003942W 435554N1003806W 435818N100394BW 440018N1004336W 435900N1004406W 435730N1004024W 440112N1004212W 435924N1004230W 453530N1030836W 435730N1004824W 433934N1001257W 433142N0963822W 433436N1004654W 434830N1010506W 434918N1010506W 434700N1010630W 434733N1010550W 434645N1033209W 434640N1033154W 434802N1033212W 434638N1033148W 441953N1035316W 451800N102l342W 454447N1032316W 454231N1032226W 440343N1011100W 445136N1015036W 444606N1011900W 430223N1011019W 435508N1015256W 434110N1014030W 434654N0995206W 443250N1014731W SOURCE COORDINATES 441817N1035432W 454557N1032247W 440830N1011716W 435642N1015719W 443538N1015336W ELEV FT 1398 1295 1300 1294 5360 2400 1848 2398 5650 1949 1909 1114 4300 5000 1661 1465 5280 5240 5420 5220 SD99 MAP NAME Iroquois Iroquois Iroquois Doland SW Lake Byron NW Doland SW Sioux Falls East Rezac Lake NE Medicine Mountain Colome SB Isabel South Red Iron Lake Isabel Isabel Isabel Hillhead Isabel Lead Isham Lake South Red Iron Lake South Red Iron Lake Lake Madison SW Jefferson Jewel Cave SE Thompson Lake Minnekahta Iron Mountain Coal Springs NW Murdo SW Wendte SW Murdo Murdo Murdo Wendte SW Murdo Okaton NE Wendte NE Murdo Battleship Rock Okaton NE Presho 4 NW Sioux Falls East White River West Stamford SE Stamford SE Stamford SE Stamford SE Custer Custer Custer Custer Savoy Coal Springs SW Sheep Pen Draw Midland Red Scaffold High Elk Hill SE Spring Creek SW Cottonwood Wanblee NW Kennebec SW Bridger SE SD100 FEATURE NAME Island Lake Jackson Jackson Jackson Narrows Jackson Number 1 School (historical) Jackson Park Jackson Ranch (historical) Jackson Jackson Jackson Jackson Spring Spring Township Township Jackson Township Jackson Township Jacob Goetz Dam Jacobi Dam Jacobson Ferry (historical) Jacobus School (abandoned) Jacquot Dam Jake Kern Dam Jake Kern Dam James James James James James James James Cemetery Diversion Dam Kjerstad Dam Petik Number 1 Dam Petik Number 2 Dam River Dakota River River Jacques James School James Seiler Dam James Valley Junction Jamesville Jamesville Township Jandahl School J and E Trailer Court (subdivision) J and E Trailer Court (subdivision) Janis Creek Jans Herald Number 1 Dam Jens 1 Dam Jarl Number 1 Dam Jarl Oswarld Number 2 Dam Jasper (historical) Jasper Cave Jasper Township Java Java East Cemetery Java Park Java School Jay A Lake Number 2 Dam Jay A Lake Number 3 Dam Jay A Lake Number 4 Dam Jay A Lake Number 5 Dam Jay Gulch Jay Lake Dam Jay Spring J B Clarkson Spring Number Two Gap See J 8 Pass Hill Love Dam Love Dam Love Number 2 Dam McGinnis Dam Pass J B Gap Spring C4 QQQQQQ CA W WWWWWW w J Chlecq Dam J Clarkson Ranch J C Spring J Dunn Ranch Jean Simon Number 1 Dam Jefferson Jefferson Jefferson Jefferson Jefferson School School School School FEATURE CLASS island lake channel school park locale spring spring civil civil civil civil dam dam locale school dam dam dam ppl cemetery dam dam dam dam stream school dam locale locale civil school P91 ppl stream dam dam dam dam locale cave civil ppl cemetery park school dam spring spring gap summit dam dam dam dam gap spring dam locale spring locale dam 9121 school school school school NATIONAL GAZETTEER-—SOUTH DAKOTA 1989 STATUS BGN BGN BGN UNOPF ADMIN UNOFF BGN BGN ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN 1953 VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN UNOFF BGN BGN BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN ADMIN BGN UNOFF ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN UNOFF BGN BGN VARIANT BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN VARIANT BGN UNOFF UNOFF BGN UNOFF UNOFF BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF COUNTY Roberts Lyman Fall River Charles Mix Codington Pennington Pennington Ziebach Ben Homme Charles Mix McPherson Sanborn Walworth Harding Gregory Sanborn Bennett Corson Carson Brown Brown Beadle Pennington Corson Corson Yankton Brown Corson Beadle Yankton Yankton Day Pennington ziebach Shannon Mellette Mellette Mellette Mellette Charles Mix Custer Hanson Walworth Walworth Walworth Walworth Potter Potter Potter Potter Lawrence Potter Lawrence Harding Harding Harding Corson Corson Carson Perkins Harding Harding Fall River Harding Harding Harding Dewey Union Beadle Davison Hughes Minnehaha COORDINATES 454242N0964357W 434704N0995202W 431636N1033109W 430857N0984540W 445515N0971048W 435308N1034200W 435409N1031849W 443332N1015011W 430221N0974846W 431100N0984520W 453810N0993920W 440917N0980900W 451600N1000642W 454700N1032319W 430910N0984652W 435342N0980416W 432142N1014212W 454612N1014612W 454654N1014554W 452758N0981244W 452727N0981106W 443548N0981430W 440342N1020818W 454606N1015200W 4S4524N1015048W 425217N0971725W 454126N0981034W 455318N1012318W 442250N0991743W 430610N0972900W 430801N0972656W 453352N0973825W 440610N1033132W 452$40N1014305W 430424N1024335W 433236N1002330W 433706N1003130W 433748N1005600W 433718N1005812W 431603N0984821W 434414N1035205W 434230N0974805W 453012N0995310W 453011N0995106W 453000N0995317W 452959N0995310W 450548N1014212W 450518N1001312W 450542N1001130W 450518N1001106W 442445N1035823W 450424N1001400W 442425N1035802W 454513N1033410W 452444N1031311W 452626N1030822W 453554N1004142W 453600N1003724W 453454N1004118W 450754N1022336W 452444N1031311W 452402N1031211W 430912N1034148W 454800N1033610W 454608N1033322W 452225N1034405W 450254N1010054W 423609N0963332W 442124N0981229W 435001N0980105W 442246N1002113W 433152N0964439W SOURCE COORDINATES 430220N1023953W 442422N1035725W ELEV PT 6020 1308 1303 1306 1299 1309 1186 4960 2533 1710 2079 3468 3364 1119 1289 MAP NAME Beardsley NW Kennebec SB Cascade Springs Campbell Creek Watertown West Medicine Mountain Rockerville Bridger SE Tripp SE Bovee Feinstein Lake Forestburg NW Akaska Ludlow Campbell Creek Letcher NE Black Eyes Thunder Hawk SE Thunder Hawk SE James James Lake Byron Lake Hill Thunder Hawk SE Thunder Hawk SE Menominee Daly Corners Hump Butte Broadland Jamesville Midway Britton 4 SW Silver City Irish Creek NW Slim Butte Wood North White River SE Murdo 3 NW Murdo 3 SW Bovee Jewel Cave Alexandria Java Java SE Lowry NW Lowry NW Patch Skin Buttes SE Lake Hurley Lake Hurley Lake Hurley Maurice Lake Hurley Maurice Ladner SE J B Hill Wakpala SW Wakpala SB Wakpala SW Deep Creek NW J B Hill J B Hill Rumford Ladner SB Ladner SE Moreau Peak Parade Jefferson Huron Loomis Pierre NE Sioux Falls Bast FEATURE NAME School Township Township Jefferson Jefferson Jefferson Jefferson Township Jefferson Township Jeffrey (historical) Jehovah Kingdom Hall Jenkins Spring Number One Jenks Draw Jenks Lateral School Gulch Mine Dam Island Landing Strip Number 1 Dam Number 10 Dam Number 5 Dam Number 7 Dam Jenner Jenney Jenney Jensen Jensen Jensen Jensen Jensen Jensen Jensen Jensen Number Jensen Number Jenson Dam Jensvold School Jeppeson School Jerauld County Jerrerson Township Jerry Creek Jerry Willuweit Dam Jesfield School 8 Dam 9 Dam J E Sheehan Estate Number 1 Dam J E Sheehan Estate Number 2 Dam J E Sheehan Estate Number 3 Dam Jesse Dam Jewel Cave Jewel Cave National Monument Jewett Creek Jewett Dam See 0 Jewett Dam Jewett Township Jewitt Pond J Gebhart Number 1 Dam J Harter Dam J Harter Dam J Huston Dam Jim Creek Jim Creek Jim Creek Jimmie Creek Jim Schuyler Number 1 Dam Jim Schuyler Number 2 Dam Jim Schuyler Number 3 Dam Jim Wilson Canyon J Issacs Dam J K Butte J K Gulch J Mangin Dam J Moeller Dam Joachim Cemetery Joan of Arc School Jobee Acres (subdivision) Jobgen School Joe Bush Creek Joe Creek Chan Shacha Oju Wakpa Dry Wood Creek Reynolds Creek Creek Recreation Area Days Bay Days Creek Joe Joe Joe Dollar Gulch Dollar Mine Dollar Mine See Halcyon Mine Ellis Island (historical) Joe Joe Joe FEATURE CLASS school civil civil civil civil ppl church spring valley canal school valley mine dam island airport dam dam dam dam dam cave park stream dam civil reservoir dam dam valley dam summit valley dam dam cemetery school PP1 school stream stream park bay stream valley mine mine island STATUS UNOFF ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN BGN UNOFF BGN BGN BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN ADMIN BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOPF BGN ADMIN VARIANT ADMIN BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN BGN BGN BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN UNOFF BGN BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN UNOFF BGN BGN VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT ADMIN BGN BGN BGN UNOFF VARIANT BGN NATIONAL GAZETTEER--SOUTH DAKOTA 1989 COUNTY Pennington Bon Homme Moody Spink Union Corson Beadle Harding Pennington Butte Spink Pennington Pennington Meade Roberts Minnehaha Mellette Mellette Mellette Mellotte Mellette Mellette Perkins Lincoln Gregory Jerauld McCook Harding Pennington Perkins Stanley Stanley Stanley Ziebach Custer Custer Dewey Dewey Jackson Dewey Ziebach Hyde Hyde Meade Meade Roberts Sanborn Tripp Tripp Tripp Tripp Fall River Meade Harding Harding Potter Tripp McPherson Brown Brown Pennington Corson Hughes Hughes Gregory Gregory Pennington Pennington Pennington Gregory COORDINATES 440441N1031258W 425707N0980300W 440330N0964909W 450113N0982743W 423700N0963100W 454425N1013445W 442000N0981300W 45474BN1032704W 440003N1035835W 443948N1032924W 445721N0983045W 440457N1033243W 440546N1033307W 444018N1024200W 454020N0964752W 435000N0965100W 43374BN1005324W 434113N1005254W 433654N1005106W 433700N1005048W 433806N1005200W 433812N1005612W 453712N1022812W 431105N0963632W 430548N0992659W 440410N0983730W 433900N0973230W 453125N1034210W 441218N1020242W 454150N1024434W 443830N1004806W 444000N1004806W 443812N1004036W 444345N1013900W 434402N1035035W 434413N1035126W 451726N1004614W 451448N1012748W 435643N1012818W 451447N1012753W 452442N1015724W 442412N0993154W 442436N0993242W 444442N1022200W 440907N1032808W 453918N0964947W 435604N0980024W 430030N0994323W 433912N0994554W 434142N0994354W 434048N0994418W 432941N1030502W 445106N1023748W 452746N1035551W 452931N1035428W 451054N1001048W 433848N1001042W 455302N0993153W 452613N0981337W 452646N0982338W 434919N1022916W 455627N1003256W 440834N0994732W 440844N0994743W 430350N0984215W 430308N098424SW 435716N1032928W 435649N1032920W 435649N1032921W 430526N0984300W SOURCE COORDINATES 440122N1035913W 440732N1033616W 453134N1034414W 452120N1005205W 440832N1033716W 454345N0965623W 440803N0974339W 425753N0994433W 432331N1030258W 452552N1035539W 441541N0994416W 430143N0984601W 435609N1032843W ELEV FT 1740 1291 1520 1529 2193 3646 1300 1300 2931 SD101 MAP NAME Rapid City East Niobrara NE Rutland SE Gallup Jefferson Wakpala Huron Ludlow Crows Nest Peak Newell Redfield North Silver City Silver City Stoneville Peever NE Colton SE Murdo 3 NW Murdo 3 NW White River West White River West Murdo 3 NE Murdo 3 NW Bison Alcester NE Carlock Wessington Springs SW Bridgewater West Saddle Butte Horse Tooth Little Nasty Creek Mission Ridge Mission Ridge Iron Post Buttes Rattlesnake Lake Jewel Cave Jewel Cave Glencross SE Belvidere NW Lantry NW Glad Valley NW Chapelle Lake Chapelle Lake Marcus Piedmont Peever NE Letcher NE Dallas SW Ideal NE Hamill NW Rattlesnake Butte West Smithwick NE Big Draw J K Butte J K Butte Steamboat Creek Presho 4 NW Ventura James Aberdeen East Quinn Table SW Mahto NE Joe Creek Joe Creek Lake Andes SW Lake Andes SW Mount Rushmore Mount Rushmore Lake Andes SW SD102 FEATURE NAME Joe Foss Field (airport) Sioux Falls Municipal Airport Gesinger Number 1 Dam Hulm Dam Joe Joe Joe Joe Joe Mangin Dam Papousek Dam Price Ranch Joe Schomer 1 Dam Joe Scheme: 2 Dam Joes Creek Joes Spreader Dam Joe Wiesinger Dam Joe Wonder Dam Joe Wunder Dam Johannestal Cemetery John Alley Dam John Anderson 2 Dam John Browns Mound See Big Mound Brown Spring Number One Brown Spring Number Two Bunker Dam Catron Junior Number 1 Dam Catron Junior Number 3 Dam John John John John John John John John Catron Number 1 Dam Catron Number 2 Dam Gehring Dam McGee Dam Gesinger Number 1 Dam Grass Creek See Blackfoot Creek John Holloway Dam John Isaac Dam John Johnson Dam John John John Landing Strip See Ike John Landing Strip John Liebelt Dam John Meginess Dam Johnny Creek Johnny Pocket Spring Number One Johnny Pocket Spring Number Two Johnnys Pocket John Penor Dam John Penor Dam John Saucerman Number 1 Dam Johns Creek Johns Lake Dam See Bison Dan Johnson See Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Siding Bay Brothers Dam Brothers 1 Dam Butte Johnson Johnson Johnson Creek Johnson Creek Chalkstone Creek Johnsons Creek Johnson Creek See Middle Fork Sage Creek Johnson Dan Johnson Draw Canyon Cemetery Gulch Johnston Gulch Gulch Gulch Hill Lake Lateral Point Ranch Ranch Johnson See Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Ranch Johnsons Addition (subdivision) FEATURE CLASS airport dam dam cemetery dam dam summit spring spring dam dam dam dam dam dam airport dam dam stream spring spring basin dam dam dam stream dam ppl bay dam dam summit valley cemetery stream stream stream dam valley valley valley valley summit lake canal cape locale locale locale ppl NATIONAL GAZETTEER--SOUTH DAKOTA 1989 STATUS ADMIN VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT BGN BCN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF BGN BGN BGN BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN VARIANT VARIANT BGN UNOFP UNOFF BGN BGN UNOFF BGN BGN 189B VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF BGN VARIANT BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN COUNTY Minnehaha Dewey Perkins Potter Pennington Haakon Stanley' Stanley Dewey Harding Perkins Perkins Perkins McPherson Corson Butte Sanborn Harding Harding Lyman Mellette Mellette Harding Harding Corson Dewey Corson Dewey Perkins Perkins Perkins Walworth Dewey Jones Harding Harding Harding Perkins Perkins Stanley Butte Perkins Pennington Charles Mix Perkins Harding Harding Custer Kingsbury Dewey Hanson Pennington Ziebach Harding Lawrence Lawrence Pennington Jackson Brookings Butte Lake Custer Fall River Pennington Minnehaha COORDINATES 433453N0964429W 450442N1005006W 453212N1021612W 451136N1000312W 440024N1020518W 442315N1015458W 441842N1001912W 441736N1001730W 444715N1004511W 454142N1034700W 454006N1020348W 452930N1022254W 453318N1021454W 455536N0992750W 453006N1013900W 443530N1031000W 440319N0980514W 454407N1033125W 454439N1033113W 435200N0992806W 433242N1010006W 433218N1005842W 452248N1034706W 452354N1034800W 455436N1011248W 450600N1005148W 455632N1003116W 450024N1011018W 452424N102¢854W 454830N1012512W 452400N1024745W 452642N1001542W 452712N1012454W 434609N1003529W 454510N1033228W 454512N1033229W 454519N1033235W 452830N1022724W 452954N1022706W 441600N1010800W 445600N1030814W 452812N1022406W 440505N1032615W 431157N0982353W 454012N1022236W 451312N1032713W 453534N1035349W 435150N1033506W 441818N0973151W 451644N1004425W 433826N0975237W 435312N1022247W 450948N1012918W 452744N1035241W 443025N1035339W 442201N1035510W 435840N1032443W 435834N1012635W 442706N0970022W 444023N1033801W 435821N0970219W 432934N1035109W 432442N1034301W 442201N1021132W 433931N0964B31W SOURCE COORDINATES 445140N1004308W 435512N1003935W 445939N1031340W 435053N1033513W 451242N1004133W 434424N0974827W 452602N1035408W 442102N1035421W 435654N1032633W ELEV FT 1429 3328 1715 2435 1625 1593 MAP NAME Sioux Falls East Ridgeview Box Car Buttes Lake Hurley NE Elm Creek Ranch Hilland NW Pierre Pierre Rousseau Creek Gallup Creek Meadow NE Owen Lake Meadow Wolff Lake Cottonwood Creek SW Volunteer McKenzie Butte McKenzie Butte Oacoma Cedarbutte Murdo 3 SW Harding Harding Tatanka Lake Ridgeview Parade SW Sorum NE McIntosh SW Moreau NE Isabel Murdo SE Ladner SE Ladner SE Ladner SE Owen Lake Owen Lake May Ranch Deers Ears Butte South Ravinia Bison NW Lone Tree Draw East Camp Crook Custer De Smet SE Trail City SW Riverside Lantry NW J K Butte Savoy Mount Rushmore Belvidere NW Arlington NE Fruitdale Lake Madison Edgemont NE Minnekahta Creighton Crooks FEATURE NAME Johnson School Johnson School Johnson School Johnson School Number 5 (historical) Johnsons Creek See Johnson Creek Johnson Siding Johnson Onhson Siding Johnson Spring Johnson Spring Johnsons Slough Johnsons Slough State Public Shooting Area Johnson State Public Shooting Area Johnsonville Johnsonville Corner Johnston Gulch Johnson Gulch John Tescher Dam Jolley Creek Jolly Jolly Dump Jolly Flats Jolly Mine Jolly School Jones See Erskine Jones County Creek Creek Creek Spring Dam Eugene Number 1 Dam Island Lake Lake Lake Dam Lake Dam Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Ranch School School Spring Jones Township Jones West Central School Jongejeugd School (historical) Jordan Junction Jordan Mundil Dam Jordan Ranch Jones Jones Jones Jones Jordan Township Jorgenson River Jorstad Spring Josephine Lake Joshua Butte Josie Mine Joubert Emden Joubert Lake Joubert Post Office (historical) Joubert Township Joy School Peterson Dam Quirk Dam Reed Dam Reichert Dam Reich Number 1 Dam Reich Number 2 Dam R Extension Mine R Mine h h U Q Q h Q Q J Tischler Dam Jug Bend (historical) Jug Buttes (historical) Jug Creek See Butte Creek Jug Creek Juhala Hill FEATURE CLASS school school school school stream ppl spring spring gut park park ppl locale valley dam stream locale locale flat mine school locale civil stream stream spring dam dam island reservoir reservoir dam dam locale school school spring civil school school 991 dam locale civil stream spring lake summit mine locale lake building dam bend summit stream stream summit NATIONAL GAZETTEER—-SOUTH DAKOTA 1989 STATUS UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT BGN 1980 VARIANT VARIANT BGN BGN BGN ADMIN ADMIN BGN UNOFF BGN VARIANT UNOFF BGN UNOFF UNOPF BGN UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT ADMIN BGN BGN BGN UNOFF UNOFF BGN BGN BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF BGN UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN BGN EGN BGN BGN UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT BGN UNOFF ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN BGN VARIANT BGN 1976 BGN COUNTY Brown Minnehaha Perkins Jerauld Hanson Pennington Harding Pennington Hamlin Hamlin Day Deuel Deuel Lawrence Perkins Dewey Butts Butte Custer Pennington Clay Fall River Jones Harding Harding Harding Dewey Mellette Bon Homne Brule Hand Brule Hand Butte Haakon Perkins Harding Gregory Gregory Douglas Tripp Meade Haakon Tripp Roberts Deuel Marshall ziebach Custer Douglas Douglas Douglas Douglas Lincoln Hyde Hyde Meade Dewey Dewey Dewey Pennington Pennington Perkins Charles Mix Harding Butte Butte Harding COORDINATES 455243N0980340W 433726N0965324W 45203SN1022131W 445710N0982550W 433826N0975237W 440505N1032615W 454332N1033113W 435431N1035755W 443357N0972641W 443412N0972634W 452830N0973433W 443240N0964707W 443332N0964909W 443025N1035339W 452606N1023800W 451947N1004412W 443717N1034929W 443537N1035203W 434121N1032126W 435513N1033215W 424635N0965524W 432559N1033352W 435730N1004040W 452444N1030804W 453840N1031855W 452711Nl031148W 452518N1004706W 432848N1004154W 424650N0980300W 435321N0985501W 442835N0935639W 435321N0995501W 442835N0985639W 445015N1034942W 440335N1014448W 452038N1025342W 452639N1031223W 430707N0992045W 430733N0992305W 432445N0984035W 432306N1000144W 445530N1025112W 443B35N1011427W 432737N1000323W 453707N0965443W 443422N0963340W 453858N0971842W 444257N1012244W 435010N1032308W 432539N0983959W 432522N0984039W 432540N0984010W 432815N0983925W 430553N0965337W 442006N0993648W 442000N0992254W 445130N1020918W 452130N1012700W 450754N1012830W 450754N1012830W 435705N1033127W 435715N1033140W 450230N1021348W 431430N0985332W 451938N1035740W 444503N1031620W 444348N1031834W 454114N103333BW SOURCE COORDINATES 442553N1035545W 452454N1005049W 452721N1031211W 454416N1034157W 453405N0965725W 445140N1031759W ELEV FT 1296 1499 1385 4278 1777 1765 3220 5050 1624 2305 1574 2015 1830 2152 4560 1575 1575 4920 3425 3492 SD103 MAP NAME Hecla NE Hartford South Sunrise Butte Fraser Dam Pactola Dam McKenzie Butte Preacher Spring Bryant Bryant Webster NE Estelline SE Estelline SE Chicken Creek Daviston Trail City SW Jolly Jolly Butcher Hill Hill City Vermillon Murdo J B Hill Sheep Pen Draw J B Hill Glencross NE Mission NW Niobrara Lyonville Vayland NW Lyonville Vayland NW Mud Buttes Philip Sorum SW J B Hill Gregory SE Gregory Joubert Witten Frozen Man Creek Alleman Station Witten Peever Astoria South Red Iron Lake Cherry Creek NW Iron Mountain Joubert Joubert Joubert Joubert Centerville Chapelle Lake SE Macs Corner Reed Dam Isabel SW Lantry NW Lantry NW Hill City Hill City Faith SW Whetstone Bay Gustave Vale NE McKenzie Butte SD104 FEATURE NAME Julian (historical) Julian Cheney Dam Julius Creek Jumbo Lode Mine Jumpoff, The Jumpoff Divide Jumpoff Spring Junction City Junction Ranger Station Jungle Island See Saint Johns Island (historical) Junior Schmidt Number 1 Dam Juniper Mine Junius Midway Poelke Russell Post Office Junker School (abandoned) Juno Mine (historical) Jupiter Mine (historical) Juso Ranch J Willey Dam K KAUR-FM KBFS-AM KBHB-AM KBJM—AM KBRK-AM KCCR-AM KCFS-FM KDLO-FM KDSJ-AM KDSJ-AM (Sioux Falls) (Belle Pourche) (Sturgis) (Lennon) (Brookings) (Pierre) (Sioux Falls) (Watertown) (Deadwood) (Deadwood) KELO-AM KELO-FM KESD-FM KGFX-AM KGFX-FM KGGG-FM KGIM—AM KGKG-FM KIJV-AM KILI-FM (Sioux Falls) (Sioux Falls) (Brookings) (Pierre) (Pierre) (Rapid City) (Aberdeen) (Brookings) (Huron) (Porcupine) KIMM-AM KIOV—FM KIXX-FM KJAM-AM KJAM-FM KJJQ-AM KKAA-AM KKHJ-FM KKLS-AM KKQO-FM (Rapid City) (Sioux Falls) (Watertown) (Madison) (Madison) (Volga) (Aberdeen) (Rapid City) (Rapid City) (Volga) KKRC-FM KKSD-FM KLSC-AM KMIT-FM KNIT-FM KMSD-AM KNEY-FM KNWC-AM KNWC-FM KNWC-FM (Sioux Falls) (Gregory) (Watertown) (Mitchell) (Mitchell) (Milbank) (Pierre) (Sioux Falls) (Sioux Falls) (Sioux Falls) KOBE-AM KOBH-FM KOKK-AM KOLY-AM KOLY-FM KORN—AM KOTA-AM (Hot Springs) (Hot Springs) (Huron) (Mobridge) (Mobridge) (Mitchell) (Rapid City) FEATURE CLASS 991 dam stream mine cliff 95p spring locale locale island dam mine p91 school mine mine locale tower tower tower tower tower tower tower tower tower tower tower tower tower tower tower tower tower tower tower tower tower tower tower tower tower tower tower tower tower tower tower tower tower tower tower tower tower tower tower tower tower tower tower tower tower tower tower STATUS BGN UNOFF BGN UNOFF BGN BGN BGN UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF BGN VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF COUNTY Clark Pennington Lyman Custer Harding Harding Custer Union Custer Lyman Mellette Pennington Lake Ziebach Lawrence Lawrence Lawrence Potter Minnehaha Butte Meade Perkins Brookings Hughes Minnehaha Clark Lawrence Lawrence Lincoln Minnehaha Kingsbury Stanley Stanley Pennington Brown Brookings Beadle Shannon Pennington Minnehaha Codington Lake Lake Brookings Brown Pennington Pennington Brookings Minnehaha Gregory Codington Davison Davison Grant Stanley Lincoln Lincoln Minnehaha Fall River Fall River Beadle Walworth Walworth Davison Pennington COORDINATES 445950N0974605W 442018N1022012W 440933N0995524W 435016N1032322W 452901N1034608W 453514N1034804W 434018N1035533W 424712N0964709W 435046N1034139W 441118N0994208W 432900N1010136W 435415N1032553W 440023N0971438W 450919N1015642W 442104N1035104W 442223N1034540W 441438N1034607W 451124N1000624W 433130N0964400W 444002N1035122W 442524N1032539W 455505N1021155W 441813N0964610W 442102N1001908W 433154N0964421W 445757N0973522W 442257N1033944W 442309N1034009W 432917N0963814W 433107N0963205W 442010N0971341W 441712N1002018W 442215N1002417W 440414N1031501W 452907N0992946W 441813N0964610W 442046N0981234W 431048N1021925W 440412N1030840W 434346N0970510W 445212N0970646W 440037N0971018W 435914N0970737W 441501N0965723W 452505N0982836W 440251N1031438W 440343N1031029W 441501N0965722W 433323N0964746W 430741N0992601W 445558N0970619W 434125N0980027W 434146N0980335W 451142N0963818W 442215N1002417W 432919N0964708W 432918N0964711W 433107N0963205W 432724N1032834W 432634N1032727W 442144N0980909W 453150N1002030W 453150N1002030W 434214N0975957W 440200N1031115W NATIONAL GAZETTEER--SOUTH DAKOTA 1989 SOURCE COORDINATES 441207N0995909W ELE PT 1820 4520 1194 4720 1740 6360 5000 1460 3225 3250 2615 1675 1425 1475 1350 4675 4680 1410 1415 1745 1825 1720 3850 1305 1675 1300 3650 3175 1800 1720 1700 1695 1650 1295 3725 3115 1650 1475 2275 1765 1240 1315 1155 1720 1485 1485 1415 3675 4450 1300 1950 1950 1300 3115 V MAP NAME Baileys Lake Dalzell SE Joe Creek NW Iron Mountain Harding Pine Spring Jewel Cave NW Vermillon SE Berna Parmelee NE Mount Rushmore Ramona Redelm NH Lead Lead Nahant Lake Hurley NE Sioux Falls East Belle Fourche Fort Meade Lennon Brookings Pierre Sioux Falls East Garden City Deadwood North Deadwood North Harrisburg Brandon Arlington Pierre Pierre SW Rapid City West Aberdeen East Brookings Huron Wounded Knee Rapid City East Humboldt Watertown SB Ramona Lake Herman Volga Aberdeen East Rapid City East Rapid City East Volga Sioux Falls Nest Gregory Watertown East Mitchell Mitchell Milbank West Pierre SW Tea Tea Brandon Hot Springs Hot Springs Huron Glenham Glenham Riverside Rapid City East FEATURE NAME KPAT-FM (Sioux Falls) KQAA-FM (Aberdeen) KQHU-FM (Yankton) KQKD-AM (Redfield) KQRN-FM (Mitchell) KRCS-FM (Sturgil) KRSS-AM (Sioux Falls) KSDN-AM (Aberdeen) KSDN-FM (Aberdeen) KSOO-AM (Sioux Falls) KSQY-FM (Deadwood) KSTI-FM (Springfield) KTEQ-FM (Rapid City) KTEQ—FM (Rapid City) KTOQ-AM (Rapid City) KURO-FM (Huron) KUSD-AM (Vermillion) KVRA-AM (Vermillion) KVRF-FM (Vermillion) KVSR-FM (Rapid City) KWAT-AM (Watertown) KWYR-AM (Winner) KWYR-FM (Winner) KXRB—AM (canton) KXRB-AM (Sioux Falls) KYKC-AM (Sioux Falls) KYNT-AM (Yankton) Kadoka Kadoka Junction Kadoka Lake Kadoka Lake Dam Kadoka Landing Strip See Kadoka Municipal Airport Kadoka Municipal Airport Kadoka Landing Strip Kadoka Township Ka hawys afse Creek See Leavenworth Creek Kaiser Creek Kaiser Number 1 Dam Kampeska Lake Kampeska Vera Kampeska, Lake Kampeska Cemetery Kampeska Township Kanaly School K-and-K Resort K and R Well Kansas Flat School Kapsch School Kargas Subdivision Karinen Karinen School Kari Ranch Karlan School Kary (historical) Kary Number 1 Dam Kary Number 2 Dam Kaspar Post Office (historical) Kassel Church Kassel School Kassel Township Kassel Township Kasuske Public Access Point Kate Sweeney Bend (historical) Katota tokah River See Antelope Creek Kaufman Resort Kaufman Slough Kaupp Hereford Ranch Number 1 Dan Kaupp Hereford Ranch Number 2 Dam Kaylor Kaylor Township FEATURE CLASS tower tower tower tower tower tower tower tower tower tower tower tower tower tower tower tower tower tower tower tower tower tower tower tower tower tower tower ppl ppl reservoir dam airport airport civil stream stream dam p91 lake cemetery civil school locale well school school ppl locale school locale school locale dam dam building church school civil civil park bend stream locale gut dam dam ppl civil STATUS UNOFF UNOFF UNOFP UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFP UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN BGN BGN UNOFF VARIANT ADMIN VARIANT ADMIN VARIANT BGN BGN VARIANT VARIANT BGN UNOFF ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN BGN VARIANT UNOFF BGN UNOFF UNOFF BGN ADMIN NATIONAL GAZETTEER--SOUTH DAKOTA 1989 COUNTY Minnehaha Clark Yankton Spink Davison Meade Minnahaha Brown Brown Lincoln Lawrence Bon Homme Pennington Pennington Pennington Beadle Clay Clay Clay Pennington Codington Tripp Tripp Lincoln Lincoln Minnehaha Yankton Jackson Jackson Jackson Jackson Jackson Jackson Jackson Corson Melletta Custer Codington Codington Codington Codington Hand Roberts Harding Tripp Hutchinson Davison Harding Harding Perkins Brown Mellette Mellette Mellotte Sully Hutchinson Hutchinson Hutchinson McPherson Roberts Union Stanley Roberts Grant Gregory Gregory Hutchinson Hutchinson COORDINATES 433548N0963820W 450632N0975330W 425126N0973232W 445353N0983023W 434214N0975957W 441958N1033220W 433328N0964746W 452524N0983110W 452522N0983107W 432847N0964104W 44l949N1035010W 425100N0975400W 440309N103l438W 440408N1031503W 440406N1031011W 442046N0981234W 424753N0965539W 424732N0970003W 424732N0970003W 440246N1031441W 445212N0970649W 432257N0995438W 431746N0995202W 431943N0963741W 432913N0963547W 433230N0964650W 425330N0972510W 435002N1013034W 435009N1013119W 434936N1013314W 434936N1013314W 435000N1012944W 435000N1012944W 435129N1013152W 453948N1002434W 434418N1003321W 434554N1025330W 445248N0971606W 445538N0971213W 445213N0971640W 445000N0971830W 442358N0985108W 454233N0964527W 454810N1032545W 430915N0994055W 432401N0974017W 434135N0980145W 455402N1034028W 455330N1034119W 450923N1022812W 454638N0981831W 432504N1010512W 432512N1010524W 432500N1010642W 444937N0994900W 431611N0973345W 431753N0973442W 431731N0973408W 454325N0992425W 452403N0963657W 424210N0964813W 441852N1001020W 454303N0964447W 450547N0962835W 430054N0992454W 430012N0992212W 431117N0975018W 431220N0974817W SOURCE COORDINATES 433742N1003503W ELEV PT 1365 1765 1250 1275 1300 5325 1475 1300 1300 1292 7050 1300 3825 3850 3145 1300 1220 1150 1150 3725 1720 1985 2280 1375 1375 1425 1225 2458 2478 2386 1760 1717 1776 980 3200 1340 3278 2575 1875 1351 985 1396 SD105 MAP NAME Sioux Falls East Crocker SW Tabor SE Redfield North Riverside Deadman Mountain Sioux Falls West Aberdeen West Aberdeen West Harrisburg Lead Springfield Rapid City East Rapid City West Rapid City East Huron Vermillon Meckling Meckling Rapid City East Watertown SE Miller Hill Winner South Canton SW Klondike Sioux Falls West Yankton Kadoka Kadoka Kadoka Kadoka Belvidere SW Kadoka White River NE Caputa SW Kampeska Watertown West Grover Grover Vayland Peever NE Ludlow Dallas NW Clayton Mitchell Table Mountain Table Mountain Deep Creek NW Savo SB Parmelee NE Parmelee NE Parmelee NE Gettysburg Muni Airport SE Wolf Creek Wolf Creek Wolf Creek Hosmer NW Big Stone Lake East Burbank Beardsley NW Marietta Carlock Gregory SE Kaylor Kaylor SD106 FEATURE NAME K Bar Creek K Briggs Ranch K Darland Dam K Dorsey Number 1 Dam K Dorsey Number 2 Dam Keaton See Castlewood Keck School Keefton (historical) Keegan Lake See George, Lake Keenan Properties Mine Keha Paha River See Keya Paha River Kehrer School Keith Hansen Dam Keldron Kelier Butte Keller School Kellers Dam See Standing Rock Tribe Dam Kellers Dam Kellerton (historical) Kellett School Kellogg Township Kellogg 1 Dam Kelly Gulch Kelly School Kellys Ranch (historical) Kemp Reservoir Kenel Kenel (historical) Kenel Plats Kenel School Kennebec Hotch City Kennebec Cemetery Kennebec Lake Kennebec Township Kennedy (historical) Kennedy Number One Reservoir Kennedy Number 1 Dam Kennedy School Kennedy Township Kennedy Township Kennedy Township Hall Kennedyville See Kennedyville Kennedyville Addie Camp Addie Spur Canadaville Kennedyville Kenslers Bend (historical) Kent Township Keough Draw Kerberg Dam Kerley School Kermit—Johnson-Number 1 Dam Kerrington Draw Kerstiens Dam Ketchum Lake Ketchum Lake State Public Shooting Area Ketchum Well Ketnel Park Ketterlinc Cemetery Kettle Lake Keuning School (historical) Kewley Ranch Keyapaha Keyapaha River See Keya Paha River Keya Paha River Keha Paha River Keyapaha River Key Paha River Keyapaha Township FEATURE CLASS stream locale dam dam dam ppl school ppl lake mine stream school dam locale summit school dam dam locale school civil dam valley school locale reservoir ppl locale flat school Ppl cemetery lake civil locale reservoir dam school civil civil building locale locale bend civil valley dam school dam valley dam lake park well park cemetery lake school locale locale stream stream civil NATIONAL GAZETTEER--SOUTH DAKOTA 1989 STATUS BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF BGN VARIANT UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN UNOFF BGN UNOFF UNOFF BGN BGN UNOFF BGN UNOFF BGN VARIANT UNOFF BGN ADMIN UNOFF BGN UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN ADMIN UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT BGN ADMIN BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN UNOFF BGN ADMIN UNOFF ADMIN UNOFF BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT BGN 1936 VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT ADMIN COUNTY Harding Haakon Sully ziebach ziebach Hamlin Hand Clark Lake Lawrence Tripp Hutchinson Perkins Carson Pennington Spink Corson Carson Hamlin Faulk Beadle Meade Pennington Brown Custer Harding Carson Corson Carson Corson Lyman Lyman Lyman Lyman Charles Mix Jones Jones Butte Charles Mix Walworth Charles Mix Pennington Pennington Union Edmunds Lawrence Harding Lincoln Perkins Jackson Dewey Deuel Deuel Harding Davison Edmunds Marshall Douglas Tripp Tripp Tripp Tripp Tripp COORDINATES 453714N1035601W 443929N1011947W 444818N1002500W 451942N1014400W 451854N1014318W 444322N0970l47W 441752N0985302W 444430N0975125W 435348N0971900W 442215N1040200W 425354N0985906W 431920N0974153W 452912N1025206W 455555N1014833W 434203N1021049W 445815N0983259W 454530N1003200W 454518N1003143W 444232N0972433W 450837N0990310W 441630N0983115W 442730N1022906W 440526N1033557W 453731N0982338W 433902N1035555W 454302N1034854W 455130N1002734W 455447N1002933W 455419N1002832W 455001N1002731W 435413N0995141W 435417N0995034W 435114N0995136W 445326N0994932W 431140N0982050W 440200N1002400W 440200N1002400W 444731N1033630W 431217N0981640W 452725N1001627W 431155N0981933W 435523N1033125W 435523N1033125W 423026N0963503W 451653N0985346W 441519N1034950W 451524N1034812W 431806N0964113W 455418N1025506W 435847N1013226W 451824N1012042W 444818N0964004W 444809N0964007W 454950N1032650W 434308N0980108W 452754N0994003W 453952N0973025W 432300N0983620W 434108N0995556W 430634N1000815W 425354N0985906W 425354N0985906W 430247N0994206W SOURCE COORDINATES 453544N1040414W 440725N1033623W 441433N1034930W 435921N1013849W 431338N1002317W ELEV PT 1881 1530 5840 1330 1842 1800 1513 1320 4540 1820 1629 1618 1989 1690 1445 2922 1430 1355 1828 3000 2013 1782 1633 MAP NAME Camp Crook Carlin Flat Artichoke Butte SW Irish Creek SW Irish Creek SW Vayland SW Carpenter NE Old Baldy Mtn Tschetter Colony Sorum NE Keldron Conata Redfield North Kline Buttes Vienna East Wecota Wessington SE Dalzell NW Silver City Westport Jewel Cave NW Gallup Creek Kenel Pollock NW Pollock NW Kenel Kennebec Kennebec Kennebec SE Kennebec Wagner NE Pierre 3 SW Pierre 3 SW Two Top Butte 53 Wagner NE Moreau NE Wagner NE Hill City Jefferson Mina SW Lead Hells Canyon Canton SW Cow Butte Kadoka NE Peach Lake Clear Lake North Clear Lake North Ludlow Mitchell Bowdle Britten 4 NE New Holland Ideal NW Keyapaha Springview NW Dallas SW FEATURE NAME Keyes See Baltic Key Paha River See Keya Pahe River Keystone Keystone Cemetery Keystone Lode Mine Keystone Mine Kicking Horse Mine (historical) Kidder Kidder (historical) Kidder Township Kiddvilie See Zimbleman Deer Camp Kid Rich Butte Kid Rich Flats Kieser School Number 7 (historical) Kietzman School Kilborn Post Office (historical) Kilborn Township Sherman Township Killdeer Draw Kimball Andover Kimball City See Parker Kimball Creek See Whitewater Creek Kimball Creek Kimball Municipal Airport Kimballs Ranch (historical) Kimball State Public Shooting Area Kimball Township Kimble Creek Kimmel Park King See Saint Lawrence King Dam King Dam Reservoir Kinghorn Two Top Ranch King Lithia Prospect Mine King Mica Mine Primer Mine White Cap Mine King Number 1 Dam King of the West Mine King Ranch Kingsburg Kingsbury County King School King School Number 37 (historical) Kings Lake King Township King Tut Mine Kinker School (historical) Kinney Canyon Kinney Ranch Kinney Spring Kintigh School Kiowa State Public Hunting Area Kiplinger Ranch Kiplinger Ranch Kirka Claim Mine Downing Claim Mine Cordes Dam Cordes Dam Cordes Dam Kirk Kirk Kirk Kirk Kirk Kirk Kirk Kirk Kirk Kirk Cordes Dam Cordes Number Cordes Number Cordes Number Cordes Number Hill Landing Strip 10 Reservoir 20 Reservoir 30 Reservoir 40 Reservoir FEATURE CLASS ppl stream ppl cemetery mine mine mine PP]- locale civil park summit flat school school building civil valley ppl ppl stream stream airport locale park civil stream park 991 dam reservoir locale mine mine dam mine locale locale civil school school lake civil mine school valley locale spring school park locale locale mine dam dam dam dam reservoir reservoir reservoir reservoir summit airport NATIONAL GAZETTEER--SOUTH DAKOTA 1989 STATUS VARIANT VARIANT BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN UNOFF ADMIN VARIANT BGN BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN VARIANT BGN BGN VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT BGN ADMIN UNOFF ADMIN ADMIN BGN ADMIN VARIANT UNOFF BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF BGN ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF BGN UNOFF BGN UNOFF ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFP BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN ADMIN COUNTY Minnehaha Tripp Pennington Pennington Custer Pennington Lawrence Marshall Lincoln Day Custer Perkins Dewey Jerauld Yankton Grant Grant Meade Brule Turner Jackson Pennington Brule Pennington Brule Brule Harding Todd Hand Tripp Tripp Butte Pennington Pennington Jones Pennington Meade Bon Homme Kingsbury Perkins ~ Codington Codington Tripp Custer Sanborn Pennington Pennington Pennington Hand Lyman Butte Butte Custer Pennington Pennington Pennington Pennington Pennington Pennington Pennington Pennington Lawrence Butte COORDINATES 434541N0964424W 425354N0965906W 435344N1032504W 435301N1032453W 434437N1034210W 435355N1032510W 442325N1034705W 455259N0974247W 431117N0965307W 452145N0973945W 434819N1034308W 455428N1023657W 444502N1010044W 445715N0982818W 430038N0972428W 451650N0964010W 451633N0964841W 442239N1023005W 434448N0985729W 432351N0970810W 435420N1015058W 435233N1020119W 434530N0985840W 435908N1035001W 434436N0985538W 434251N0985822W 454805N1035240W 431808N1003941W 443104N0985615W 433318N0994830W 433318N0994830W 445757N1033751W 435210N1032345W 435246N1032421W 435648N1004300W 440552N1034623W 442832N1020816W 425452N0975551W 442200N0972900W 454553N1022844W 450450N0972705W 450426N0972640W 433303N0994731W 434149N1034545W 440231N0980925W 435454N1040554W 440247N1034633W 440155N1034558W 441541N0985901W 435235N0992105W 44503BN1035507W 445220N1034538W 435037N1033910W 441618N1020506W 441418N1020318W 441454N1020354W 441430N1020406W 441454N1020354W 441430N1020406W 441618N1020506W 441418N1020318W 441918N1033505W 450500N1030600W SOURCE COORDINATES 442633N1023107W 434846N1020827W 454612N1034340W 435601N1040048W ELEV PT 4323 5720 4360 5200 1294 1255 2770 1385 1323 1230 1788 1755 6000 4400 4480 1383 1737 2940 5660 5345 2740 SD107 MAP NAME Mount Rushmore Mount Rushmore Fourmile Mount Rushmore Spearfish Kidder Beresford NW Bristol East Kid Rich Butte Herbert Creek SE Fraser Dam Jamesville Corona Corona Boneita Springs Kimball South Wall NE Kimball North Ditch Creek Kimball South Bijou Hills NE Scott Creek Mission King Dam King Dam Two Top Butte West Iron Mountain Mount Rushmore Murdo Deerfield Pedro NW Kingsburg Lake Preston West Haynes SW Wallace Wallace King Dam Jewel Cave Forestburg SW Moon Deerfield Deerfield Vayland SW Bedashosha Lake Bull Creek Butte Mud Buttes Berne Pedro SE Horse Tooth Horse Tooth Tooth Horse Tooth Horse Tooth Pedro SE Horse Tooth Deadman Mountain Tomato Can Buttes Horse SD108 FEATURE NAME Kirkvood (historical) Kirkuood School School Number 46 Kirley Kirley (historical) Kirley (historical) Kirley Draw Kiser Township (historical) Kite Island Chamberlain Island Klasi Cemetery Klatzer Dam Klaudt School K Lazy K Ranch Dam Klein Dam See C Klein Dam Kleinkassell Cemetery Klein Subdivision (subdivision) Klepke Ditch Kleppin School Number 5 (historical) Klimisch School Kline Buttes Kline School Klooz Lake Klostergaard Dam Kloucek Lake Klug School Knapple Canyon Knebel Slough Knebel Slough State Wildlife Management Area Knecht School Kneirem School Number 2 (historical) Knife Creek Knight Dam Knight Ranch Knight Spring Knippling Ranch Knippling Stockwater Dam Number 2 Knippling Stockwater Dam Number 3 Knippling Stockvater Dam Number 4 Knippling Stockwater Dam Number 5 Knippling Stockwater Dam Number 6 Knocker Creek Knodel Cemetery Knodel School Knodenfeldt Cemetery Knoil (historical) Knoll Knoll See Knoil (historical) Knolluood School Knowles Lode Claim Mine Knox Number 1 Dam Knox Number 2 Dam Knudson Dam Knuppe School Knutsen Spring Knutson Cemetery Knutson Ranch Knutson School Number 2 (historical) Kocer Ranch Koch School Kodak Point Koenig State Public Shooting Area Kolda (historical) Kolda School Kolezal John Number 8 Dam FEATURE CLASS locale school locale locale locale valley civil island cemetery dam school dam dam cemetery ppl canal school school range school lake dam lake school valley lake park school school stream dam locale spring locale dam dam dam dam dam stream cemetery school cemetery locale locale school mine dam dam dam school spring cemetery locale school locale school cliff park locale school dam STATUS UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN ADMIN BGN VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF BGN BGN UNOFF UNOFF BGN UNOFF BGN UNOFF BGN UNOFF BGN BGN ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF BGN UNOFF UNOFF BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF COUNTY Charles Mix Bon Homme Haakon Haakon Stanley Hughes Haakon Roberts Yankton McCook Hutchinson Hyde Todd Hutchinson Minnehaha Turner Jerauld Yankton Corson Union McPherson Clay Bon Homme Gregory Fall River Roberts Roberts Brown Jerauld Ziebach Buffalo Ziebach Lawrence Buffalo Buffalo Buffalo Buffalo Buffalo Buffalo Ziebach Hutchinson Yankton Campbell Hyde Hyde Pennington Custer Jones Jones Lyman Pennington Pennington Aurora Pennington Jerauld Bennett Grant Jackson Sully Hand Hand Mellette COORDINATES 432933N0985308W 425013N0980039W 443125N1011841W 443251N1011215W 443332N1010732W 441925Nl000529W 441216N1011300W 452054N0962915W 430127N0973054W 434454N0971000W 431154N0973252W 441854N0992924W 431200N1002018W 432613N0972959W 433106N0964935W 430544N0970141W 440228N0933303W 430220N0972507W 454841N1003159W 424319N0964117W 454837N0991503W 430406N0964912W 430200N0974052W 430101N0991525W 432201N1032508W 454733N0965837W 454733N0965836W 454218N0981337W 440645N0982522W 451045N1015206W 440400N0985954W 444446N1014032W 442705N1040154W 440906N0991938W 440506N0991348W 440712N0991236W 440554N0991536W 440448N0991748W 440500N0991954W 451614N1015425W 431527N0972938W 430156N0972137W 454459N0995953W 441835N0993903W 441835N0993903W 440602N1031222W 434656N1033549W 440600N1004924W 440812N1005454W 440124N1000954W 435625N1024654W 440354N1035541W 434511N0982157W 442025N1020336W 440500N0982926W 430501N1020127W 451242N0963754W 434006N1013223W 443724N1003640W 444513N0990901W 444501N0990934W 432900N1004l30W NATIONAL GAZETTEER—-SOUTH DAKOTA 1989 SOURCE COORDINATES 442036N1000603W 432219N1032602W 450420N1014758W 451459N1015830W ELEV PT 1650 1498 2067 2034 1374 1316 1429 1515 1610 1310 1124 1904 1355 2207 1298 1350 1722 2015 5580 1406 1405 1615 1625 MAP NAME Lake George Niobrara Kirley whiteman Ranch Whiteman Ranch Rousseau Midland NW Ortonville Lesterville Montrose Menno Oahe SW Dalton Sioux Falls West Wakonda Wessington Springs Jamesville Kline Buttes Elk Point Schumacher Lake Beresford Kloucek Lake Gregory SE Angostura Reservoir New Effington New Effington Daly Corners Lane Redelm NE Gannvalley Rattlesnake Lake Tinton Big Bend Dam NE Big Bend Dam 4 SW Big Bend Dam 4 SW Big Bend Dam SE Big Bend Dam SE Big Bend Dam SE Glad Valley SW Freeman Mayfield Salt Lake Chapelle Lake SW Rapid City East Custer Capa SE Capa NW Ft George Butte SW Caputa NE Crows Nest Peak Storla Pedro SE Lane Two Lance Lake Milbank West Wanblee NE Iron Post Buttes SE Orient SW Orient SW Mission NW FEATURE NAME Kolls (historical) Kolls Township Komstad (historical) Komstad Church Komstad Covenant Church Komstad Covenant Church See Komstad Church Komstad School Number 46 (historical) Kones Corner Konrad Kjerstad Dam Korwelt Lateral Kosciusko Township Koskan Dam Kost Dam See M Schatz Number 1 Dam Koto Township Kouba Canyon Kovanda School Krammer Ranch Kranzburg Kranzburg Township Kroeger See Epiphany Krog Dam l Krogman Harold Number 1 Dam Krogman Harold Number 3 Dam Lawrence Number 3 Dam Louie Number 1 Dam Louie Number 2 Dam Louie Number 3 Dam Number 4 Number 4 Number 5 Krogman Number 5 Krogman Number 6 Krong Stockwater Krogman Krogman Krogman Krogman Krogman Krogman Krogman Krooman Number 1 Dam Krueger Landing Strip Kruse Dam Krutson Ranch K Sutton Dam K Sutton Dam Kubal Lake Kube School Kube Table Kulm Cemetery Kulm School Kulm Township Kunefke School (historical) Scribner School Kunkle Flat Kunk-pa-pa CreeK (historical) Kurth School Kurtz School Kvarness Cemetery Kyle Kyle Dam L L’au Isle De Grande Detour See Brule Island (historical) LaBelle Creek LaBelle Slough Labelle Township LaBold Lake Dam LaBolt La Bolt La Bolt See LaBolt LaBolt Cemetery FEATURE CLASS locale civil ppl church church school locale dam canal civil dam dam civil valley school locale ppl civil ppl dam dam airport dam locale dam dam lake school summit cemetery school civil school flat stream school school cemetery ppl dam island stream lake civil ppl ppl cemetery STATUS UNOFF ADMIN BGN UNOFF VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF EGN ADMIN UNOFF VARIANT ADMIN BGN UNOFF UNOFF BGN ADMIN VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN UNOFF BGN UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN UNOFF VARIANT BGN BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN UNOFF VARIANT BGN BGN ADMIN UNOFF BGN VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF NATIONAL GAZETTEER-rsoUTH DAKOTA 1989 COUNTY Jones Jones Clay Clay Clay Clay Hamlin Pennington Butte Day Melletta ziebach McPherson Custer Brule Brule Codington Codington Hanson Buffalo Mellette Mellette Mellette Mellette Mellette Mellette Mellette Mellette Mellette Mellette Mellette Buffalo Mellette Edmunds Brown Tripp Sully Sully Bon Homme Pennington Pennington Hutchinson Hutchinson Hutchinson Douglas Haakon Corson Heakon Spink Campbell Shannon Shannon Lyman Marshall Marshall Marshall Grant Grant Grant Grant COORDINATES 440229N1003850W 440151N1003659W 430220N0965410W 430231N0965416W 430231N0965416W 430130NO965340W 444353N0970626W 440424N1020542W 444038N1033534W 453028N0971638W 443448N1002248W 445018N1011548W 454835N0985430W 433744N1040429W 435239N0990359W 434117N0992418W 445333N0965507W 445515N0965730W 435057N0973941W 440218N0990706W 432718N1005100W 432530N1005200W 433200N1004312W 432730N1004530W 432736N1004548W 432724N1004154W 43444BN1004654W 433219N1004754W 432530N1005748W 432342N1004342W 432348N1004642W 440512N0990718W 432906N1004948W 453415N0984524W 454024N0983218W 434153N1001129W 444230N1002954W 444418N1003100W 425921N0974220W 435104N1023656W 435121N1023643W 432042N0975119W 432123N0975040W 431722N0980232W 432635N0992510W 440351N1011903W 455203N1002430W 440035N1013510W 445534N0982551W 454542N1001516W 432530N1021034W 452600N1021042W 440543N0993345W 455945N0971931W 455154N0972451W 455308N0972413W 450317N0964121W 450303N0964035W 450303N0964035W 450254N0964009W SOURCE COORDINATES 433922N1040236W 455018N1002632W 455017N0972620W ELEV FT 1980 1270 1787 1629 1596 1960 1465 1627 1354 2788 2808 1569 2326 888 1392 1345 SD109 MAP NAME Wendte SW Wendte SE Centerville Centerville Centerville Castlewood Elm Creek Ranch Nisland Piyas Lake Okobojo SW Forbes SW Clifton Pukwana NE Iona NW Kranzburg Watertown East Big Bend Dam 4 SE Soldier Creek NE Soldier Creek NE White River East Soldier Creek NE Soldier Creek NE Mission NW Murdo 3 NE White River West Soldier Creek NW Mission NW Soldier Creek NE Big Bend Dam 4 SE Soldier Creek NE Wetonka South Richmond NE Presho 4 NW Mitchell Lake Mail Shack Creek Tabor Scenic Scenic Parkston SE Parkston SB Delmont SE Corsica Nowlin Kenel Philip SE Ashton Pollock SE Kyle Coal Springs NW Veblen NE Hillhead Marlow La Bolt La Bolt La Bolt SD110 FEATURE NAME LaBolt Lake Labrador Gulch Labrecque Dam Lackey School Lacreek See Lake Creek La Creek See Lake Creek LaCreek (historical) Lacreek National Wildlife Refuge Lacy Ladders LaDelle LaDelle LaDelle Ladner Ladner Cemetery Park (historical) Township (historical) Ladyfinger Gulch L Aesoph Dam Lafayette Township Lafferty Gulch Sawmill Gulch Lafferty Island (historical) Laffey Lake Laflemme Lateral Laflin See Greenwood Laflin Ranch LaFoon (historical) LaFoon School LaFoon Township LaFrambois Creek LaFramboise Island Bad Humoured Island Good Humoured Island Le Framboise Island Pierre Island LaGrace (historical) LaGrace Cemetery LaGrace Township LaGrange (historical) Lahti Butte Lake Alvin State Recreation Area Lake Andes Lake Andes Municipal Airport Lake Andes National Wildlife Refuge Lake Aricara See Arikara, Lake Lake Bancroft See Agnew, Lake Byron School Byron Township Campbell Campbell Campbell Campbell Lake Lake Lake Lake Lake Lake Cemetery Church Dam Lake Lake Campbell Campbell Lake Cemetery Lake Center Township (historical) Lake City Lake City (historical) Lake City Cemetery Lake City Township (historical) Lake County Outlet Resort Lake Lake County Township Hall Creek Lacreek La Creek Creek Cottonwood Creek Creek Creek Township Da Ko Tah Dam Farley Park Lake Lake Lake Lake Lake FEATURE CLASS lake valley dam school stream stream locale park locale park locale locale civil locale cemetery valley d am civil valley island reservoir canal locale locale locale school civil stream island locale cemetery civil locale summit park ppl airport park reservoir reservoir school civil locale cemetery church dam stream locale cemetery civil ppl locale cemetery civil civil building stream stream stream civil dam park NATIONAL GAZETTEER--SOUTH DAKOTA 1989 STATUS BGN BGN UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF ADMIN UNOFF ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF BGN UNOFF ADMIN BGN VARIANT BGN BGN BGN VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN BGN BGN 1975 VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN UNOFF BGN ADMIN BGN ADMIN ADMIN VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN BGN UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN ADMIN UNOFF BGN 1979 VARIANT VARIANT BGN VARIANT BGN ADMIN UNOFF ADMIN COUNTY Grant Lawrence Brule Minnehaha Bennett Bennett Bennett Bennett Stanley Minnehaha Spink Spink Spink Harding Harding Lawrence Hyde Lyman Pennington Dewey Aurora Butte Lawrence Harding Faulk Faulk Faulk Marshall Hughes Campbell Campbell Campbell Yankton Harding Lincoln Charles Mix Charles Mix Charles Mix Hughes Kingsbury Beadle Beadle Brookings Brookings Brookings Campbell Brookings Moody Hutchinson Lake Marshall Minnehaha Marshall Marshall Lake Codington Bennett Jackson Lawrence Pennington Hand Grant COORDINATES 450317N0964l2lw 442223N1035152W 434054N0995300W 433421N0964649W 431056N1022844W 431056N1022844W 430530N1013B47W 430644N1013215W 442944N1004203W 433324N0964142W 444006N0980713W 444031N0980707W 444242N0980405W 454938N1034339W 454926N1034610W 442145N1040110W 445030N0992042W 445840N0993508W 435338N1032619W 450000N1002517W 433301N0983746W 444639N1033903W 441313N1033340W 451846N1030753W 450225N0990108W 450138N0990121W 450115N0990044W 45514BN0971234W 442110N1002052W 455241N1002148W 45524BN1002219W 455425N1002315W 425709N0971906W 454022N1033752W 432626N0963716W 430923N0983228W 430853N0983222W 430950N0982623W 442258N1001554W 442934N0974230W 443620N0980819W 443415N0980930W 441215N0965040W 441301N0965157W 441238N0965307W 454429N1000753W 441323N0964839W 441135N0965130W 431E38N0975453W 440146N0970556W 454331N0972451W 433126N0965720W 454311N0972327W 454055N0972259W 440210N0970730W 445630N0971005W 431056N1022844W 435859N1015935W 443445N1035840W 440150N1020321W 442736N0990530W 451335N0963844W SOURCE COORDINATES 442121N1035149W 442138N1040201W 435244N1032646W 454736N0972119W 441326N0965027W 430437N1014610W 440502N1021145W 443149N1035839W ELEV PT 1368 1490 3054 2045 1322 1325 3141 2877 1490 1500 1655 1275 3555 1466 1475 1575 1864 1565 1875 MAP NAME La Bolt Lead Ideal NW Sioux Falls West Phantom Lake Phantom Lake Lacy Sioux Falls East Bloomfield Bloomfield Bloomfield Ladner Chimney Butte Old Baldy Mtn Rezac Lake Reliance Mount Rushmore Artichoke Butte NW Laffey Lake Arpan Irish Butte Faulkton East Faulkton East Faulkton East Claire City SW Pierre Pollock Pollock Pollock NW Mission Hill Lahti Butte Klondike Lake Andes Lake Andes Ravinia ‘ Lake Byron Lake Byron Medary Medary 1 Rutland NW Selby NW Medary Medary Beardsley Madison Lake City Hartford South * Lake City Lake City Ramona Watertown West Martin SW Cottonwood Chicken Creek Elm Creek Ranch Miller Dale Colony Milbank West FEATURE NAME Lake Flat Township Lake Francis State Public Shooting Area Lake Fualkton State Game Refuge Lake George Cemetery Lake George School Lake George State Public Shooting Area Lake George Township Lake Hansen See Hanson Lake Lake Hendricks State Recreation Area Lake Hendricks Township Lake Herman State Park Lake Hiddenwood Dam Lake Hiddewood State Park Lake Hill Township Lake John See Saint John, Lake Lake Kampeska See Kampeska Lake Louise Recreational Area And Wildlife Refuge Lake Madison Church Lake Madison Lutheran Church Lake Madison Lutheran Church See Lake Madison Church Lake Mine Lakeside Mine Lake Nicholson Cemetery Lake Nilson See Pickerel Lake Lake Norden Lake Park Cemetery Lake Parker See Enemy Swim Lake Lake Place (historical) Lake Pocassee See Pocasse, Lake Pokahsee See Pocasse, Lake Lake Lakeport (historical) Lake Port Cemetery Lake Lake Port Township Preston Preston Preston Cemetery Lake Preston Lakebed Lake Preston Municipal Airport Lakeside Cemetery Lakeside Church Lake Lakeside Mine See Lake Mine Lake Side School Lakeside Township Lake Sinai Township Lake Sixteen State Public Shooting Area Lake Splendor See Herrick Lake Lake Station See Woodville Lake Sutton State Public Shooting Areas Lake Thisted Cemetery Laketon (historical) Laketon Township Lake Township Lake Township Lake Township Lake Township Lake Township (historical) Lake Lake Lake Township Township Township FEATURE CLASS civil park park cemetery school park civil reservoir park civil park dam park civil lake PP1 park church church mine cemetery lake ppl cemetery lake locale reservoir reservoir locale cemetery civil ppl cemetery flat airport cemetery church mine school civil civil park reservoir locale park cemetery locale civil civil civil civil civil civil civil civil civil STATUS ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN ADMIN VARIANT ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN UNOFF ADMIN ADMIN VARIANT VARIANT ADMIN UNOFF VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF VARIANT BGN UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN BGN VARIANT UNOFF BGN ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN VARIANT VARIANT ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN NATIONAL GAZETTEER--SOUTH DAKOTA 1989 COUNTY Pennington Deuel Faulk Charles Mix Charles Mix Charles Mix Charles Mix Hanson Brookings Brookings Lake Walworth Walworth Pennington Hamlin Codington Hand Lake Lake Custer Codington Day Hamlin Lake Day Codington Campbell Campbell Yankton Yankton Yankton Kingsbury Kingsbury Kingsbury Kingsbury Hanson Meade Custer Campbell Meade Brookings Brule Gregory Lawrence Deuel Kingsbury Brookings Brookings Campbell Clark Hutchinson Marshall Roberts Spink Sully Tripp COORDINATES 440153N1021751W 444915N0963213W 450154N0991030W 432810N0985938W 432723N0990229W 432623N0985731W 432745N0990010W 433732N0974814W 442844N0962831W 454500N0962841W 435915N0970948W 453248N0995900W 453249N0995910W 440152N1021038W 443357N0971110W 445248N0971606W 443715N0990846W 440451N0970237W 440451N0970237W 435042N1033319W 450210N0972326W 453009N0971615W 443450N0971232W 440211N0965953W 452622N0971557W 445855N0971115W 455444N1001744W 455444N1001744W 425449N0973450W 425454N0973457W 425215N0973354W 442149N0972237W 442147N0972435W 442238N0971824W 442200N0972300W 434351N0973650W 441030N1023519W 435042N1033319W 454602N1000202W 441124N1023554W 441600N0970408W 434331N0985124W 430549N0991204W 441728N1034517W 444733N0964129W 442903N0970850W 443024N0970558W 443006N0970330W 454205N0994645W 444135N0974005W 431733N0972657W 454510N0972711W 452658N0964727W 444527N0983807W 443506N0995053W 430758N0994914W SOURCE COORDINATES ELEV FT 1678 6400 1785 1680 1677 1625 1719 1729 1725 2776 1718 5D111 MAP NAME Waste SB Lake Francis Faulkton West Lake George Academy Lake George Academy Lake Benton NW Hendricks Lake Herman Java Java Lake Hill Ree Heights Madison Custer Wallace Lake Norden Rutland Watertown West Tabor NE Tabor NE Tabor SE Lake Preston West Lake Preston West Lake Preston NE Lake Preston West Spencer Owanka NE Herreid Owanka NE Lake Sinai Platte Lake Clear Lake North Badger Lake Poinsett Lake Poinsett Flat Lake Willow Lake Freeman Lake City Wilmot Redfield SW Blunt SE Wewela NE SD112 FEATURE NAME Lake Township Hall Lake Traverse See Mud Lake Lake Traverse Presbyterian Church Lakeview Lake View Cemetery Lake View Cemetery Lake View Cemetery Lakeview Cemetery Lakeview Cemetery Lake View Farm (historical) Lakeview Reform Church Lakeview School Lake View School Lakeview School Lakeview School Lake View Township Lake Village (historical) Lake Watapapa See Summit Lake Lake Whitewood Church Lake Wood Cemetery Lake 16 Dam Lakner Dam Lakota Dam Lakota Homes (subdivision) Lakota Lake Lakota Peak Lale Pond Number 2 Dam Lambert Lake Lame Johnny Creek Lamont Cemetery Lamont School Lampson School Lamro Township Lancaster City (historical) Lance Creek Lander Spring Landers Ranch Landing Creek Rosebud Creek Landing Creek Township Landing Field Landis Dam Lane Lane Canyon Lanesboro School Lanesboro Township Langdon School Langford Lansing Township Lansing Township Hall Lantaff School Lantry Lantry Dam See G Holloway Dam Lantry Lake Lap Circle Ranch LaPlant LaPraire Township Lardy State Public Shooting Area Largis Dam Larive Lake LaRoche Academy Grade School LaRoche Cemetery LaRoche Creek Loiselle Creek LaRoche Island (historical) LaRoche School LaRoche Township Larsen Cemetery Larsen Dam Larsen Lyman 1 Dam Larsen Lyman 2 Dam Larson Cemetery FEATURE CLASS building reservoir church locale cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery locale church school school school school civil locale lake church cemetery dam dam dam ppl reservoir summit dam lake stream cemetery school school civil ppl stream spring locale stream civil airport dam ppl valley school civil school Ppl civil building school locale dam lake locale Ppl civil park dam reservoir school cemetery stream island school civil cemetery dam dam dam cemetery NATIONAL GAZETTEER—-SOUTH DAKOTA 1989 STATUS COUNTY UNOFF Roberts VARIANT Roberts UNOFF Roberts UNOFF Todd UNOFF Charles Mix UNOFF Deuel UNOFF Roberts UNOFF Roberts UNOFF Todd UNOFF Roberts UNOFF Todd UNOFF Brown UNOFF Hand UNOFF Hutchinson UNOFF Minnehaha ADMIN Lake UNOFF Brookings VARIANT Grant UNOFF Kingsbury UNOFF Day UNOFF Brule UNOFF Pennington UNOFF Custer BGN Pennington BGN Custer BGN Pennington UNOFF Harding BGN Tripp BGN Fall River UNOFF Shannon UNOFF Union UNOFF Moody ADMIN Tripp BGN Lawrence BGN Stanley BGN Lawrence UNOFP Fall River BGN Gregory VARIANT ADMIN Gregory ADMIN Jackson UNOFF Brule BGN Jerauld BGN Harding UNOFF Harding ADMIN Harding UNOFF Butte BGN Marshall ADMIN Brown UNOFF Brown UNOFF Lincoln UNOFP Dewey VARIANT Dewey BGN Dewey UNOFF Lawrence BGN Dewey ADMIN Spink ADMIN Day UNOFF Harding BGN Fall River UNOFF Charles Mix UNOFF Charles Mix BGN Stanley VARIANT BGN Gregory UNOFF Stanley ADMIN Charles Mix UNOFF Pennington UNOFF Lyman UNOFF Pennington UNOFF Pennington UNOFF Brule COORDINATES 452723N0964806W 455142N0963422W 453939N09€5026W 430613N1004452W 430916N0983358W 444444N0964038W 455517N0963702W 455308N0964958W 430429N1004348W 453314N0971233W 430414N1004339W 454427N0981840W 441515N0985525W 431126N0974256W 433117N0965920W 435818N0970332W 441540N0964905W 451658N0970037W 441910N0971343W 451940N0971933W 434312N0985113W 435822N1022322W 435100N1032348W 460630N1031305W 435100N1032348W 435157N1031533W 451336N1030854W 430526N0993407W 432827N1030611W 430602N1022439W 424831N0964300W 440817N0965210W 432337N0994914W 442245N1034625W 441526N1003901W 441222N1035615W 430923N1033622W 432747N0991836W 432335N0991823W 434435N1014915W 434142N0991754W 440411N0982529W 454544N1033358W 455150N1031507W 455308N1031430W 443854N1032933W 453609N0974948W 454820N0980956W 454820N0980957W 431618N0964042W 450052N1012552W 450050N1012735W 450050N1012735W 442123N1040058W 450841N1003904W 451139N0981909W 452934N0973129W 454906N1032018W 432701N1032850W 432221N0990508W 432851N0990615W 441340N0995512W 432500N0990915W 441418N0995523W 432725N0990830W 435756N1025242W 434942N0993406W 434948N1022800W 434918N1022830W 433345N0985101W SOURCE COORDINATES 433831N1032052W 442936N1005445W 431754N0992207W 454453N1033435W 441247N1000143W ELEV PT 1170 1025 2882 1014 1070 2898 2020 1311 1880 1338 3350 4163 2306 1200 1623 5200 1376 2921 1373 1295 1316 1942 1300 1459 MAP NAME Wilmot Peever NB Olsonville SW Lake Andes Clear Lake South Boisberg New Effington NE Olsonville SW Drywood Lakes Olsonville SW Columbia NE Vayland SW Scotland Hartford South Lake Madison Brookings Arlington Waubay Platte Lake Quinn Table Iron Mountain Rapid City East Iron Mountain Hayward Porter Creek Paxton Smithwick NE Manderson SW Richland Medary Winner North Spearfish Oahe SW Crooks Tower Heppner Dixon NE Dixon NB School Section Butte Red Lake West Lane Ladner SE Ludlow SB Bowman-Haley Dam Newell Langford Houghton Houghton Canton SW Lantry Lantry 01d Baldy Mtn La Plant Brentford Webster NE Ludlow SE Hot Springs Lucas SE Academy Joe Creek NW Lucas NW Joe Creek NW Dixon NE Caputa Reliance SE Quinn Table SW Quinn Table SW Cedar Grove Colony FEATURE NAME Larson Cemetery Rome Menighed Cemetery Larson Dam Larson School (historical) Larson State Public Shooting Area Larue Draw Larvie Creek Las Oui Parle Creek See Lazarus Creek Latham Latham Latham Latham School Latham Township Latin Bay Laughing Water Creek Laundreaux Butte Laundreeux Creek Laundry Creek Dam Lake Ranch Laundry Creek See Laundreaux Creek Laurel Creek See Short Creek Laurel Post Office (historical) Laurel School Laurel School Lauzon (historical) Lauzon Gulch Lauzon Ranch Lauzon School LaValley School LaValley Township Lavon Shearer Dam Lavon Shearer Dam Lawrence County Lawrence Donelan Dam Lawrence School Lawrence School Lawrence Township Lawrence Township Law School (historical) Layton Canyon Lazarus Creek Cambry Creek Las Qui Parle Creek L Bachand Dam L Barnica Dam Lead Lead City Washington Lead City See Lead Lead Draw Leatherburg Spring Leavenworth Creek Lighting Crow Creek Ka hawys afse Creek Leavenworth Monument Lebanon Webb Lebanon Cemetery Saint Marys Cemetery Lebanon Lutheran Church Hope Church Beau (historical) Beau Cemetery (historical) Beau Church (historical) Beau Creek Beau Recreation Area Beau Township Le Compte Creek Le Compte Island (historical) Leddy School (historical) Richardson School Lee See Bruce Lee Anderson Dam Lee Burrows Dike Mine FEATURE CLASS cemetery dam school park valley stream stream dam reservoir locale school civil bay stream summit stream stream stream building school school locale valley locale school school civil PPl valley spring stream park PPl cemetery church locale cemetery church stream park civil stream island school ppl dam mine NATIONAL GAZETTEER--SOUTH DAKOTA 1989 STATUS UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN BGN BGN VARIANT UNOFF BGN UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN BGN BGN BGN BGN 1976 VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN ADMIN UNOFF BGN BGN VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF BGN VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT BGN BGN BGN VARIANT VARIANT BGN BGN VARIANT UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFP BGN ADMIN ADMIN BGN BGN UNOFF VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF COUNTY Deuel Buffalo Campbell Codington Harding Mellette Lac Qui Parl Faulk Faulk Harding Faulk Faulk Dewey Custer Dewey Dewey Dewey Lyman Sully Brown Meade Custer Custer Custer Custer Lincoln Lincoln Pennington Pennington Lawrence Stanley Lincoln Spink Charles Mix Roberts Douglas Custer Lac Qui Parl Meade ziebach Lawrence Lawrence Pennington Harding Corson Corson Potter Potter Grant Walworth Dewey Dewey Dewey Walworth Walworth Dewey Charles Mix Douglas Brookings Lyman Custer COORDINATES 445605N0964722W 435948N0991248W 453910N1001743W 450613N0965436W 452334N1035953W 434932N1010805W 444755N0960817W 450053N0992516W 450053N0992516W 454030N1035510W 450139N0992318W 450116N0992245W 450849N1001545W 434601N1033529W 452504N1003527W 452315N1003255W 452315N1003258W 435943N0992153W 445020N1001945W 454403N0980455W 442524N1031959W 433850N1035617W 434957N1025848W 434806N1025928W 433816N1035830W 432226N0964339W 432251N0964413W 440736N1020842W 440700N1021200W 442200N1034900W 443724N1004412W 431926N0963453W 445007N0980936W 430151N0981630W 453118N0965540W 431425N0981120W 433929N1034426W 444755N0960817W 444154N1020924W 452636N1015112W 442109N1034553W 442108N1034553W 435255N1032021W 452827N1031008W 453948N1002434W 454046N1002235W 450411N0994610W 450445N0994635W 451602N0970952W 451820N1001800W 451155N1001733W 451155N1001733W 452224N1002807W 451630N1001548W 451843N1001507W 452855N1002146W 430850N0984903W 432125N0993110W 442617N0965323W 435448N0995424W 434452N1033127W SOURCE COORDINATES 452401N1035834W 434026N1010640W 435014N1033700W 452721N1003509W 434805N1030005W 434540N1034650W 443800N0962847W 435457N1032054W 454512N1002634W 452728N1003441W 452521N1002115W ELEV PT 1989 1922 1821 3040 1824 2065 1839 1288 3155 4460 1392 1463 4960 1953 1946 1395 1635 1645 5070 SD113 MAP NAME Goodwin Shelby Mobridge NB South Shore J K Butte Stamford SW Onaka SW Onaka SW Caroline Butte Onaka SW Onaka SW Four Bear Creek Berne Laundreaux Butte Promise Artichoke Butte Claremont Fort Meade NE Jewel Cave NW Caputa SW Caputa SW Jewel Cave NW Canton SW Harrisburg Pedrow 4 NW Lake Hill Lead Iron Post Buttes SW Canton Doland SW Wagner Peever Greenwood Colony Fourmile Dawson SW (MN) Thompson Lake Glad Valley Lead Rockerville J B Hill Mobridge NW Mobridge NW Lebanon Lebanon Ortley Moreau SE Four Bear Creek Four Bear Creek Moreau Moreau SE Moreau SB Moreau NB Campbell Creek Geddes SB Brakke Dam Cicero Peak SD114 FEATURE NAME Lee Calhoon 1 Dan Lee Calhoon 2 Dam Lee Grower Dam Number 1 Lee Dam Leek Ranch Lee Lake Lee Lake Lee Park Hyde Park Leesch School Lees Corner Lees Ranch See Stringham Ranch Leet (historical) Lee Township Lee Township Hall Leeville (historical) Le Framboise Island See LaFramboise Island Le Framboise Island Recreation Area Left Hand Bear Creek Legal Tender Mine Leganger Cemetery Leger Badlands Dam Leger Dam Leger East Dam Leger Irrigation Dam Legion Lake Legion Lake Dam Lehrman Slough Lehrman Slough State Public Shooting Area Leir (historical) Leland Edwards Dam Leland Edwards Dam Leland Edwards Dam Leland Edwards Dam Lemm Dam Lemming Draw Lemmon Lemmon Lake Lemmon Municipal Airport Lemmon State Lake Dam Lems Creek Lena Gulch Lenard Chapman Dam Lenard Chapman Dam Lena Spring Number One Lena Spring Number Two Lenling Airstrip Lennox Lennox Cemetery Lennox Cemetery Lennox-Worthing Exit Lensegrav Ranch Airstrip Leo, Lake Leo Berens Dam Leola Leola Leola Leola Leola Cemetery Dam Township Township Leonard Kjerstad Number 2 Dam Leonard Kjerstad Number 3 Dam Leonard Wenck Dam Morristown Lake Dam Leonard Ziesier Number 1 Dam Leonard Ziesler Number 2 Dam Leo Ritter Dam Leo Ruona Pond Number 1 Dam Lermeny Ranch Leroy Mine See Golden Crown Mine LeRoy Township Leslie (historical) Leslie Caldwell Dam FEATURE CLASS dam dam dam dam locale lake lake park school locale locale locale civil building locale island park stream mine cemetery dam reservoir dam dam reservoir dam lake park locale P91 reservoir airport spring airport ppl cemetery cemetery crossing airport gut dam ppl cemetery dam civil civil dam dam dam dam dam dam dam locale mine civil locale dam STATUS UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN BGN ADMIN VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT ADMIN BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN UNOFF UNOFF BGN UNOFF BGN ADMIN UNOFF UNOPP UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN BGN BGN ADMIN UNOFF BGN BGN UNOFF UNOFF BGN BGN ADMIN BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN BGN UNOFF BGN UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF NATIONAL GAZETTEER--SOUTH DAKOTA 1989 COUNTY COORDINATES Tripp 433900N0995818W Tripp 433954N0995900W Meade 443048N1024500W Dewey 450714N1004206W Mellette 434537N1005525W Marshall 454339N0973427W Shannon 430229N1021938W Brown 452840N0982959W Spink 445717N0982707W Buffalo 440439N0991930W Custer 433343N1033859W Sanborn 445154N0981836W Roberts 452654N0965546W Roberts 452726N0965303W Lincoln 431200N0964713W Hughes 442110N1002052W Hughes 442105N1002040W Dewey 451605N1003552W Pennington 435352N1032637W Deuel 443332N0963834W Harding 451912N1034342W Harding 451825N1034518W Harding 451812N1034500W Harding 451836N1034512W Custer 434534N1032746W Custer 434812N1032506W McCook 434025N097344BW McCook 434032N0973500W Jones 440509N1002708W Perkins 451754N1025206W Perkin. 451736N1025218W Perkins 451500N1025354W Perkins 451812N1025306W Harding 452212N1032206W Custer 434B43N1034826W Perkins 455627N1020932W Perkins 454628N1020049W Perkins 455430N1020700W Perkins 454628N1020049W Harding 454920N1031147W Pennington 435707N1033452W Perkins 452324N1022136W Perkins 452918N1022148W Harding 453534N1031101W Harding 453506N1031048W Dewey 452530N1005330W Lincoln 432115N0965330W Lincoln 432031N0965415W Lincoln 432106N0965120W Lincoln 431949N0964746W Perkins 452737N1020930W Hanson 435043N0974856W Walworth 452706N1001424W McPherson 454322N0985626W McPherson 454325N0991237W McPherson 454336N0985712W Codington 450235N0965730W McPherson 454323N0985435W Pennington 44034BN1020230W Pennington 440342N1020224W Corson 455509N1014526W Gregory 430012N0990612W Gregory 430106N0990736W Walworth 451654N1000600W Harding 452742N1032754W Harding 453232N1031206W Custer 434857N1033800W Lake 440330N0970330W Haakon 443609N1012725W Stanley 441154N1005018W SOURCE COORDINATES 451251N1004059W 435222N1034826W 455235N103l734W 435837N1033443W ELEV PT 1818 1698 1360 1180 1362 1430 4450 1970 1080 2577 2572 2142 1338 1349 2652 1596 1700 MAP NAME Ideal NW Ideal NW Union Center La Plant SW Okaton SW Britton 4 NE Denby Aberdeen East Ashton Big Bend Dam SE Storla Wilmot NW Wilmot NW Beresford NE Pierre Promise Mount Rushmore Toronto Moreau Peak Hells Canyon Hells Canyon Hells Canyon Iron Mountain Iron Mountain Spencer Spencer Pierre 3 SW Sorum SE Sorum SE Sorum SW Scrum SW Bams Butte SE Signal Hill Lemmon Lemmon Lake Lemmon NE Lemmon Lake Ralph SW Hill City Chance Chance Battleship Rock Battleship Rock Glencross Lennox Lennox Worthing Worthing Coal Springs NW Ness Chain Lakes Akaska NW Leola Plainview Colony NW Leola Still Lake SE Leola Elm Creek Ranch Elm Creek Ranch Keldron St Charles Herrick Akaska Bams Butte NW Battleship Rock Madison Cherry Creek Van Metre FEATURE NAME Lessering Draw Lessering Ranch Lester Hetzel Dam Lesterville Lesterville Recreation Area Lesterville Township LeSueur Cemetery LeSueur Letcher Letcher See Township Catholic Church Saint Scholastica Church Cemetery West Lawn Cemetery Letcher Lake Letcher Township Lewellan Engeihardt Dam Letcher See Lewellyn Park Township Lewis and Clark Lake Gavins Point Reservoir and Clark Memorial Bridge Creek Dam Hill Lime Plant Mine Ranch Schmidt Dam Lewis Lewis Lewis Lewis Lewis Lewis Lewis Lewiston (historical) Lewiston Post Office (historical) Lexington Hill Lexington Hill Mine (historical) L Garrett Ranch Liberty Bell Mine See Tin Center Mine Liberty School School Township Township Township Township Township Township Township Township Township Liberty Liberty Liberty Liberty Liberty Liberty Liberty Liberty Liberty Liberty Liebelt School Lien Airfield Lien Park Lien Township Lietner Ranch Lightcap School Lighting Crow Creek See Leavenworth Creek Lightning Creek Lightning Creek Likenwise Dam See Wilson Ranch Dam Lillian See Dakota Calmet Mine Lilly Creek Lily (historical) Lily Lily State Public Shooting Area Limekiln Creek Limekiln Creek (historical) Limestone Limestone Limestone Limestone Limestone Limestone Spring Limestone Township Lincoln Center School Lincoln Centre (historical) Lincoln County Butte Butte Dam Butte Reservoir Canyon Plateau FEATURE CLASS valley locale dam ppl park civil cemetery civil ppl church cemetery lake civil dam civil reservoir bridge stream dam summit mine locale dam locale building summit mine locale mine school school civil civil civil civil civil civil civil civil civil school airport park civil locale school stream stream stream dam mine stream 1391 p91 park stream locale summit dam reservoir valley area spring civil school locale civil NATIONAL GAZETTEER--SOUTH DAKOTA 1989 STATUS BGN UNOFF UNOFF BGN ADMIN ADMIN UNOFF ADMIN BGN VARIANT VARIANT BGN ADMIN UNOFF ADMIN BGN 1954 VARIANT UNOFF BGN UNOFF BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN UNOFF ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT BGN BGN VARIANT VARIANT BGN BGN BGN ADMIN BGN UNOPF BGN UNOFF BGN BGN BGN BGN ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN COUNTY Pennington Pennington Corson Yankton Yankton Yankton Kingsbury Kingsbury Sanborn Sanborn Sanborn Sanborn Sanborn Perkins Sully Yankton Brule Harding Pennington Lyman Lawrence Stanley Corson Sully Sully Lawrence Lawrence Ziebach Pennington Corson Perkins Beadle Brown Corson Day Edmunds Hutchinson Lyman Perkins Walworth Dewey Pennington Minnehaha Roberts Butte Corson Corson Custer Lawrence Custer Pennington Perkins Clark Day Day Shannon Charles Mix Fall River Fall River Fall River Custer Lawrence Custer Fall River Lincoln Lincoln Lincoln COORDINATES 440720N1034726W 44064EN1034746W 454548N1014836W 430222N0973543W 425158N0973511W 430248N0973359W 443023N0974513W 442930N0974545W 435350N0980818W 435344N0980807W 435346N0980903W 435407N0980304W 435343N0980950W 452224N1022348W 443500N1003103W 425144N0972906W 434756N0992057W 455710N1030603W 441542N1021042W 435711N0992533W 442835N1035222W 442733N1003822W 454012N1014654W 444629N1002202W 444525N1001924W 442206N1034141W 442120N1034330W 444228N1011505W 435545N1033425W 453704N1012144W 455225N1022259W 443130N0980200W 455341N0981723W 453510N1012500W 453212N0973222W 451653N0990832W 432236N0975535W 434812N1000228W 455030N1022455W 451657N1000746W 451433N1012912W 440631N1031624W 433406N0964236W 455215N0965540W 444853N1034906W 453609N1012433W 453948N1002434W 434045N1034251W 442103N1040133W 433554N1031024W 435708N1032643W 450608N1022954W 440415N0974415W 451053N0974059W 450946N0974553W 430044N1025004W 430918N0985028W 431014N1031057W 430942N1030942W 430942N1030942W 433455N1032638W 441630N103S736W 433151N1033112W 430959N1030932W 431429N0964710W 431432N0964723W 431735N0964500W SOURCE COORDINATES 440627N1034828W 455220N1030522W 434746N1034543W 442107N1040254W 450016N1022909W 431108N0985103W 433753N1032815W ELEV PT 1380 1579 1308 1294 1203 1784 4200 1850 1873 5800 5200 3470 1750 1845 3531 1317 SD115 MAP NAME Deerfield Deerfield Thunder Hawk SE Lesterville Tabor SE Lesterville Carpenter SE Bancroft West Letcher Letcher Letcher Two Buttes Iron Post Buttes SE Gavins Point Dam Chamberlain Haley Creighton Short Creek Spearfish Lacy Black Horse Butte NE Artichoke Butte Artichoke Butte Deadwood South Deadwood South Carlin Flat Black Horse SE Haynes SW Lake Byron SE Savo NE Black Horse SW Britton 4 SE Stafford Dam Parkston Presho SE Haynes SW Akaska SW Lantry NW Rapid City West Sioux Falls East New Effington Mud Buttes Black Horse SW Fourmile Old Baldy Mtn Maurine Bradley Lily Lone Tree Lake Slim Butte Campbell Creek 0elrichs Oelrichs Oeirichs Wind Cave Savoy Pringle Oelrichs Beresford NE Beresford NE Canton SW $0116 FEATURE NAME Lincoln Lincoln Lincoln Lincoln Lincoln Lincoln Lincoln Lincoln Lincoln Lincoln High School Park School School School School School School School School Lincoln School Lincoln School Lincoln School Lincoln School Lincoln School Lincoln School Lincoln School Lincoln School Lincoln Township Lincoln Township (abandoned) Lincoln Township Lincoln Township Lincoln Township Lincoln Township Lincoln Township Lincoln Township Lincoln Township Lincoln Township Lincoln Township Lincoln Township (historical) (historical) Lincoln Lincoln Lincoln Lincoln Lincoln Lincoln Township Township Township Township Township Township Lincoln Township Lincoln Township Lindbergh School Lindbergh School (historical) (historical) (historical) Lindbergh School Lind Camp Lindemann Lakes Linden (historical) Linden Beach Lindgren School Lind Gulch Lindhorst School Lindia Sattler Dam Lindley School Lindly Ranch Lindsay Butte Lindsay Cemetery Lindsay Post Office (historical) Lindsey Draw Lindsey School (historical) Lindseys Ranch (historical) Lindsley Canyon Line Camp Line Creek L Ingalls Number 1 Dam L Ingalls Number 2 Dam Linker Dam Linker Dam Reservoir Linn School Linn School Number 2 (historical) Linn Township Lintvedt Number 1 Dam Linwood Mine Linwood School Lions Lake Lisbon Township Litchfield School Lithia (historical) Lithia Post Office (historical) Lithia School Lithia Township (historical) FEATURE CLASS school park school school school school school school school school school school school school school school school school civil civil civil civil civil civil civil civil civil civil civil civil civil civil civil civil civil civil civil civil school school school locale lake locale ppl school valley school dam school locale summit cemetery building valley school locale valley locale reservoir school school civil dam mine school lake civil school locale building school civil STATUS UNOFF ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN UNOFF BGN UNOFF BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF EGN UNOFF UNOFP BGN UNOFF UNOFF BGN UNOFF BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN UNOPF UNOFF UNOFF BGN ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN COUNTY Minnehaha Yankton Beadle Brown Brown Clay Codington Davison Harding Hughes Hyde Lake Minnahaha Pennington Pennington Spink Sully Yankton Bon Homme Brown Campbell Clark Douglas Fall River Haakon Harding Hyde Jones Lake Lincoln McPherson Miner Perkins Potter Spink Spink Sully Tripp Beadle Douglas Walworth Pennington Campbell Lincoln Roberts Tripp Pennington Faulk Walworth Lyman Lyman Stanley Dewey Stanley Pennington Sanborn Custer Fall River Fall River Custer Meade Meade Tripp Tripp Meade Jerauld Hand Jones Custer Minnehaha McCook Davison Davison Fall River Fall River Fall River Fall River COORDINATES 433107N0964232W 425509N0971645W 442119N0981300W 452737N0983009W 452832N0981109W 424740N0970748W 445358N0970710W 434907N0980403W 454633N1031450W 442221N1002114W 443529N0992938W 440032N0970713W 433252N0964431W 435850N1022504W 440446N1031426W 443943N0982219W 443713N0995959W 425239N0972401W 430221N0974142W 453340N0983210W 454415N0995220W 445000N0974810W 432305N0981010W 432024N1031623W 441216N1015614W 454334N1031450W 443503N0992900W 435643N1003808W 440752N0965732W 431225N0964411W 453808N0984713W 435307N0972845W 455430N1020845W 450627N0995925W 444521N0981616W 444246N0981503W 443505N0995809W 430758N0993458W 442537N0981137W 432210N0980825W 453209N1001054W 440251N1034648W 454204N0994825W 430509N0963624W 452417N0963854W 434024N0993534W 440321N1033929W 451114N0990257W 452812N1001630W 435417N0992907W 434907N0992613W 444019N1005631W 444308N1010000W 444309N1005945W 435533N1024936W 440038N0981130W 433553N1035028W 432028N1033351W 432150N1033917W 433015N1040334W 445342N1023730W 445736N1024124W 433236N0994418W 433236N0994418W 441756N1022806W 441100N0983945W 445044N0985234W 435342N1002612W 433822N1033S24W 433244N0964016W 433752N0973002W 433915N0980930W 434317N0980130W 432030N1032517W 431757N1032416W 431655N1032440W 431510N1032345W NATIONAL GAZETTEER--SOUTH DAKOTA 1989 SOURCE COORDINATES 440201N1033913W 435413N1025537W 432434N1033710W 433725N1040455W ELEV FT 1157 1310 2933 1772 2718 1304 1283 1559 1718 1380 980 1828 1780 2049 1580 4670 2646 1725 1426 3000 3400 MAP NAME Sioux Falls East Mission Hill Huron Aberdeen West James St Helena Watertown East Loomis Ralph SW Pierre h Highmore Madison Sioux Falls East Quinn Table Rapid City East Spink Colony Blunt Yankton Kloucek Lake 1 Richmond Salt Lake Raymond SE Hillside Hot Springs SB Grindstone Reva NW Highmore Murdo ‘ Rutland NW Alcester NW Wetonka North Canova East Lemmon Gettysburg Glendale Colony Spink Colony Blunt ‘ Dallas Huron NW Delmont Selby SW Deerfield Flat Lake Alcester SE Big Stone Lake West Hamill NE Rochford Wecota Moreau NE Short Creek Oacoma Crockett Mtns Sansarc NE Crockett Mtns Caputa NE Forestburg SW \ Jewel Cave SE Cascade Springs Flint Hill Dewey Squaw Buttes Squaw Buttes White River East White River East Dalzell Wessinqton Springs NW Rockham SW Vivian NW Cicero Peak Sioux Falls Bast Spencer Betts Mitchell Angostura Reservoir Angostura Reservoir Angostura Reservoir Angostura Reservoir FEATURE NAME Lithograph Canyon Lithograph Spring Little American Creek See America School Little Badlands Little Bear Creek Little Bear Run Little Beaver Creek See South Beaver Creek Little Beaver Creek Gehou River South Beaver Creek Little Bend Little Bend (historical) Cheyenne Island Little Bend (historical) Little Bend Post Office (historical) Little Bend Recreational Area Little Bend Township Little Bird School (historical) Little Blue Mine Little Brook School (historical) Sharp School Little Brown Church Little Brown Methodist Church Little Brown Methodist Church See Little Brown Church Little Buffalo Creek Little Buffalo Township Littleburg Little Canyon Little Cedar Creek (historical) Little Cedar Creek Little Cedar Island (historical) Little Cheyenne Creek Cheyenne Creek Little Corral Draw Little Cottonwood Creek Little Cottonwood Creek Little Cottonwood Lake Little Cottonwood Lake See Cottonwood Lake Little Cowboy Creek Little Creek Little Crow Peak Little Dam Draw Little Devils Tower Little Dog Cemetery Little Little Little Little Little Little Dog Creek Dog Dam Dog Draw Dog Spring Creek Eagle Elk Canyon Little Elk Creek Little Elm Creek See Wolf Creek Little Emanuel Creek Little Little Little Little Little Little Flat Flats Grand River Grass Creek Joe Spring Minnesota River Little Missouri River Little Missouri River See Bad River Little Moreau Creek See Little Moreau River Little Moreau Lake Little Moreau Lake Dam Little Moreau River Little Moreau Creek FEATURE CLASS valley spring school area stream stream stream stream bend island locale building park civil school mine school church church stream civil locale valley stream stream island stream valley stream stream lake lake stream stream summit valley pillar cemetery stream dam valley stream PP1 valley stream stream stream flat flat stream stream spring stream stream stream stream reservoir dam stream STATUS BGN BGN VARIANT BGN BGN BGN VARIANT BGN VARIANT VARIANT BGN BGN VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF VARIANT VARIANT BGN ADMIN BGN BGN VARIANT BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN UNOFF BGN UNOFF BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN VARIANT BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN VARIANT VARIANT BGN UNOFF BGN VARIANT NATIONAL GAZETTEER--SOUTH DAKOTA COUNTY COORDINATES Custer 434322N1034956W Custer 434356N1034834W Brule 433417N0991129W Mellette 433149N1003846W Dewey 452405N1001734W Pennington 435944N1040404W Lincoln 431710N0963549W Lincoln 431603N0963432W Sully 444508N1004052w Sully 444500N1003954W Sully 444836N1004248W Sully 444638N1004240W Sully 444603N1003804W Sully 4447OBN1004051W Charles Mix 430411N0983322W Lawrence 441930N1034537W Deuel 445325N0964425w Stanley 442222N1010425W Stanley 442222N1010425W Jackson 435520N1014648W Jackson 435126N1014240W Todd 430242N1002706W Pennington 441711N1022145W Charles Mix 431635N0995942W Perkins 450827N1023747W Charles Mix 431506N0985743W Potter 450346N1001342W Pennington 434433N1024522H Fall River 431222N1035747W Haakon 443933N1012343W Marshall 454413N0972644W Marshall 454354N0972542W Harding 451643N1031206w Dewey 445215N1010235W Lawrence 442416N1035257W Harding 452725N1035959w Custer 435107N1033220W ziebach 444108N1014032w Tripp 434141N1000805w ziebach 444259N1013731W Ziebach 443944N1013715W Jackson 433602N1020130W Corson 454033N1004814W Lawrence 441451N1032446W Meade 441502N1032312W Buffalo 435913N0991959W Bon Homme 425621N0975754W Custer 433432N1040124W Stanley 444526N1005402W Harding 453054N1034200W Shannon 431436N1023439W Harding 453552N1031140W Roberts 453314N0964742W Harding 473638N1025222W Stanley 442116N1002203W Dewey 451605N1005402W Dewey 452053N1010520W Dewey 452053N1010520W Dewey 451605N1005402w 1989 SOURCE COORDINATES 434459N1034731W 452534N1002244W 435921N1040120W 431352N0963312W 434956N1014606W 441529N1021727W 431755N0985750W 450227N1023943W 451306N1000441W 434312N1024053W 431342N1040604W 445126N1013644W 452128N1031133W 445637N1010715W 452655N1035906W 433508N1001402H 444353N1013642W 433429N1020410W 441543N1033452W 44154BN1033452W 430347N0980125W 452942N1034637W 431037N1023736W 455009N0972120W 452656N1011716W ELEV PT 1608 1460 1620 5440 1870 1835 5885 1640 2039 SD117 MAP NAME Jewel Cave Jewel Cave White River East Moreau NE Moon Canton No Heart Creek SW Iron Post Buttes No Heart Creek S" No Heart Creek SW No Heart Creek SW No Heart Creek SW Fort Randall Dam Lead Tunerville Hayes South Cottonwood NE Weta Littleburg Dalzell SE Castalia Imogene Castalia Lake Hurley Red shirt NE Phister Ranch Cherry Creek NW Lake City Irish Butte Herbert Creek SE Maurice J K Butte Custer Rattlesnake Lake Presho 4 NW Rattlesnake Lake Rattlesnake Lake Conata SE Little Eagle Piedmont Tilford Kingsburg Dewey Rousseau Creek SW Saddle Butte Pine Ridge NE Battleship Rock Browns Valley Doaks Butte Little Moreau Lake Little Moreau Lake White Horse SD118 FEATURE NAME Little Moreau State Recreation Area Little Nasty Creek Little Negro Creek Little Oak Creek Little Oak Creek Little Oak Creek Church Little Oak School Little Oak Township Little Pond Dam Little Prairie Dog Creek Little Rush Lake Little Sand Lake Little Soldier Creek Little Spearfish Creek Little Spearfish Guard Station Little Spearfish Spring Little Squaw Creek Little Squaw Creek See Little Squaw-Humper Creek Little Squaw-Humper Creek Little Squaw Creek Little Squaw-Hamper Table Little Tepee Creek Little Thompson Draw Little Tornado Mine (historical) Little Trickle Tube Dam Little Turtle Creek Little Two Top Butte Two Top Butte Little Vermillion River Little White River South Fork White River Little White River Dike Dam Little White River Pool Reservoir Little White River Project Dam White River Project Dam Little Wolf Creek Livermant Lake Livermore Dam L Koch Dam Lloyd Fox Dam Number 3 Lloyd Fox Number 2 Dam L M Hanson Dam L M Hanson Dam Locate Creek Locke Creek Lockwood (historical) Lockwood Township Lodgepole Lodge Pole Buttes Lodge Pole Creek See Lodgepole Creek Lodgepole Creek Lodge Pole Creek Lodgepole Dam Lodgepole School Lodgepole Township Lodge School Lodi Lodi Cemetery Lodi Township Logan Cemetery Logan Dam Logan Reform Cemetery See Reformed Church Cemetery Thoene Number 1 Dam Township Township Township Township Township Logan Logan Logan Logan Logan Logan Logan Township FEATURE CLASS park stream stream stream stream church school civil dam stream lake lake stream stream locale spring stream stream stream summit stream valley mine dam stream summit stream stream dam reservoir dam stream lake dam dam dam dam dam dam stream stream locale civil ppl range stream stream dam school civil school locale cemetery civil cemetery reservoir cametery dam civil civil civil civil civil civil NATIONAL GAZETTEER--SOUTH DAKOTA 1989 STATUS ADMIN BGN BGN BGN BGN UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN UNOFF BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN UNOFF BGN BGN VARIANT BGN VARIANT BGN BGN BGN UNOFF UNOFF BGN BGN VARIANT BGN BGN 1965 VARIANT UNOFF BGN UNOFF VARIANT BGN BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN BGN UNOFF ADMIN BGN BGN VARIANT BGN VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN UNOFF BGN VARIANT UNOFF ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN COUNTY Dewey Perkins Jackson Corson Mellette Corson Carson Carson Harding Haakon Day Campbell Corson Lawrence Lawrence Lawrence Custer Shannon Shannon Shannon Fall River Pennington Lawrence Fall River Hand Harding McCook Mellette Bennett Bennett Bennett Hand Dewey Stanley Dewey Harding Harding Hyde Hyde Ziebach Campbell Roberts Roberts Perkins Harding Perkins Perkins Perkins Perkins Perkins Meade Clay Clay Spink Clark Clark Minnehaha Gregory Beadle Campbell Hand Hughes Jerauld Minnehaha COORDINATES 452116N1010557W 453901N1023745W 435809N1012248W 453824N1005208W 432501N1004836W 453827N1005337W 453059N1010944W 453205N1011010W 452512N1032400W 440610N1010136W 452001N0972002W 453636N1000450W 454240N1012603W 442110N1035544W 441948N1035832W 441346N1040013W 434643N1032408W 433650N1025719W 433650N1025719W 433504N1025552W 431640N1033221W 435753N1034040W 442015N1034915W 430042N1030424W 443640N0984515W 454445N1031123W 434259N0971109W 434340N1003938W 430854N1013054W 430854N1013054W 431000N1013248W 443611N0985935W 452013N1011346W 441012N1003300W 450442N1012243W 451548N1033712W 451554N1033906W 442836N0993754W 442930N0993218W 451123N1015933W 454211N1001738W 452322N0963458W 452235N0963357W 454817N1023937W 455107N1030326W 454252N1021710W 454252N1021710W 454718N1023854W 454720N1023909W 454815N1023830W 442459N1025411W 425857N0965901W 425833N0965927W 445035N0982331W 445054N0975535W 445008N0975702W 434931N0963526W 430112N0990400W 442100N0975445W 455350N1000910W 442427N0985935W 442938N1000438W 435840N0985156W 434750N0963452W SOURCE COORDINATES 454613N1024404W 435745N1012453W 453134N1005254W 432016N1004100W 441425N1011147W 454852N1012728W 441343N1040005W 434642N1032854W 433117N1025317W 431506N1033134W 435717N1034141W 442916N0991014W 440317N0972539W 431106N1020917W 442820N0991706W 451510N1020225W 454226N1001200W 454946N1024333W ELEV FT 2140 1799 1693 3211 6120 3205 985 2775 2726 1208 1209 1477 1443 MAP NAME Little Moreau Lake Little Nasty Creek Belvidere NW Little Eagle Soldier Creek NE Little Eagle NW Miscol SW Miscol SW Bams Butte NW Midland SE Waubay Selby Black Horse Savoy Savoy Buckhorn Iron Mountain Red Shirt SW Red Shirt SW Cascade Springs Medicine Mountain Lead Heinne Creek Miller SE Reva NW Montrose Westover Deadmans Lake Deadnans Lake Deadmans Lake Miller Livermant Lake Wendte NE Lantry Redig Moreau Peak Chapelle Lake NW Chapelle Lake Redelm NW Mobridge NE Big Stone Lake East Big Stone Lake SB Lodgepole Ralph Bison NE Lodgepole Lodgepole Lodgepole Hereford Hub City Hub City Frankfort SW Fordham Dam Fordham Dam St Charles Pearl Creek Colony Herreid NW Vayland NW Canning Gannvalley Dell Rapids SE FEATURE NAME Logan Township Logan Township Logan Township Hall Log Spring Lohner State Public shooting Area Lohre (historical) Loiselle Creek See LaRoche Creek Loisels Post (historical) Lola Butte Lulu Butte Creek Church Grave Cemetery (inundated) Mountain Rock Cemetery Rock Church Rock Creek See Springwater Creek Lone Lone Lone Lone Lone Lone Lone Rock Township Lonesome Butte Lonesome Lake Lone Star (historical) Lone Star School Lone Star School Lone Star School Lone Star School Lone Star Township Lone Star Township Lone Tree Lonetree Creek Lonetree Creek Lonetree Creek Lone Tree Creek Lone Tree Creek Lone Tree Creek Lone Tree Creek Lone Tree Creek Lonetree Creek Creek Creek Creek Creek Creek Ditch Draw Tree Tree Tree Tree Tree Tree Tree Lone Tree Lake Lone Tree Lake Lonetree Lake Post Office (historical) Lone Lone Lone Lone Lone Lone Lone Lone Tree Lake State Public Shooting Area Lone Tree School Lone Tree School Lone Tree School Lone Tree School Lone Tree Spring Lone Tree Spring Lone Tree Township Lone Tree Township Lone Tree Township Lonetree Township (historical) Lone Tree Township Lone Tree Township Lone Well Creek Lonewell Township (historical) Long Beach Island See Farm Island Long Branch Creek Long Butte School Canal Creek Creek Creek (historical) Draw Draw Draw Draw Draw Long Long Long Long Long Long Long Long Long FEATURE CLASS civil civil building spring park locale stream locale summit church cemetery summit cemetery church stream civil summit lake locale school school school school civil civil locale stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream canal valley lake lake building park school school school school spring spring civil civil civil civil civil civil stream civil island stream school canal stream stream locale valley valley valley valley valley NATIONAL GAZETTEER--SOUTH DAKOTA 1989 STATUS ADMIN ADMIN UNOFF BGN ADMIN UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF BGN VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF BGN 1977 UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT ADMIN BGN BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN ADMIN UNOFF BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN UNOFF ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN BGN ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN BGN ADMIN VARIANT BGN UNOFF BGN BGN BGN UNOFF BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN COUNTY Potter Sanborn Hand Harding Day Roberts Stanley Hughes Harding Moody Hughes Harding Moody Moody Minnehaha Moody Corson Day Potter Brown Hand Meade Tripp Gregory Tripp Moody Butte Butte Butte Fall River Gregory Haakon Haakon Harding Hutchinson Jackson Meade Meade Meade Todd Pennington Harding Clark Deuel Deuel Deuel Carson Hand Pennington Perkins Harding Harding Charles Mix Haakon Harding Pennington Perkins Tripp Fall River Fall River Hughes Fall River Corson Butte Jackson Turner Lincoln Custer Lawrence Pennington Pennington Pennington COORDINATES 451139N0993724W 435855N0980948W 442422N0935902W 453015N103ll46W 451353N0972443W 453301N0970719W 441340N0995512W 440928N0995415W 454828N1035015W 435842N0962857W 442720N1003117W 452139N1033940W 435838N0962858W 435845N0962900W 433539N0962713W 435815N0963055W 454610N1003352W 451045N0971355W 450606N1001031W 451611N0981608W 442636N0985744W 441008N1024448W 433748N0994657W 430154N0992045W 433817N0994732W 435844N0964344W 444756N1033223W 445655N1035451W 445536N1030853W 432810N1040124W 432524N0993029W 440515N1010351W 443727N1011353W 455908N1032827W 431328N0974018W 435818N1015044W 442100N1030451W 441454N1023B47W 443307N1025237W 430939N1002958W 440045N1030057W 4513OBN1032643W 450838N0975215W 445216N0963455W 445255N0963255W 445235N0963436W 453244N1011437W 442452N0985526W 440151N1030415W 452546N1022348W 455123N1032921W 453440N1030936W 430154N0980924W 440705N1010546W 451502N1033725W 440339N1025733W 452730N1022500W 433303N1000151W 431150N1031349W 430958N1032343W 442010N1001509W 430239N1033928W 453002N1010106W 443916N1032617W 434153N1014106W 431059N0965527W 431433N0965240W 433812N1034344W 441445N1035051W 435415N1034054W 440756N1034656W 435349N1034703W SOURCE COORDINATES 445212N1034002W 445930N1031702W 432921N1040612W 431749N0992231W 441002N1010952W 443137N1010646W 455354N1034247W 431832N0975116W 440407N1015832W 441807N1030650W 440832N1024042W 443647N1025640W 430909N1003626W 451330N1033301W 431059N1032245W 433007N1013605W 433426N0970510W 434034N1034020W 441437N1035336W 435555N1034141W 440731N1034900W 435525N1034528W ELEV PT 1794 2025 1460 3322 1440 3828 2182 1840 1300 1703 2765 1661 1788 1628 1560 2148 1743 3030 1275 SD119 MAP NAME Tolstoy Letcher Vayland NW Battleship Rock Florence NW Goodwill Joe Creek NW Chimney Butte Jasper NW Willow Creek Butte Moreau Peak Jasper NW Jasper NW Dell Rapids NE Kline Buttes Lonesome Lake Lake Hurley Stratford Vayland NW Owanka NW Ideal NE Gregory SE Ideal NE Trent Two Top Butte SE Mud Buttes NW Deers Ears Butte South Twentyone Divide Rattlesnake Butte East Midland SE Whiteman Ranch Table Mountain Scotland Cottonwood NE Rapid City 1 SE Owanka NW Fairpoint SW Hidden Timber Box Elder Lone Tree Draw East Lone Tree Lake Lake Francis Clear Lake NE Clear Lake NE Miscol SW Vayland NW Box Elder Owen Lake Ludlow Battleship Rock Dante Midland SE Redig New Underwood SW Owen Lake Presho 4 SE Oelrichs Lone Well Creek West Ardmore Miscol SE Newell Wanblee NW Beresford NW Beresford NW Fourmile Nahant Medicine Mountain Deerfield Ditch Creek SD120 FEATURE NAME Longfellow School Longfellow School Longfellow School Long Hill Cemetery Long Hollow Long Hollow Church Presbyterian Church Long Hollow Creek Long Hollow Dam Long Hollow Housing (subdivision) Long Hollow Township Long Lake Long Lake Long Lake Long Lake Long Lake Long Lake Long Lake Long Lake Longlake See Long Lake Long Lake Longlake Long Lake Colony Long Lake State Public Shooting Area Long Lake State Public Shooting Area Long Lake Township Longman School (historical) Long Valley Longvalley See Long Valley Long Valley Longvalley Looby School (historical) Lookout (historical) Lookout Butte Lookout Dam Lookout Mill Fort Lookout Lookout Peak Lookout Point Loomer Township Loomis Loomis School Loomis School Loomis Township Loowell Run See Dry Creek Lords Lake Lorettta Post Office (historical) Lorinda Cemetery Loring See Loring Siding Loring Siding Loring Lost Bonanza Mine Lost Cabin I (historical) Lost Camp (historical) Lost Camp Gulch Lost Creek Lost Creek Lost Creek Lost Dog Creek Lost Draw Lost Gulch Lost Island See Wood Island (historical) Lost Lake Lost Lake Lost Lake Lost Lake (historical) Lost Nation School FEATURE CLASS school school school cemetery valley church ltream dam ppl civil lake lake lake lake lake lake lake lake ppl ppl [:91 park park civil school valley locale locale school locale summit dam locale summit cape civil 991 school school civil stream lake building cemetery locale locale mine locale locale valley stream stream stream stream valley valley island lake lake lake locale school STATUS UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN UNOFF VARIANT BGN UNOFF BGN ADMIN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN VARIANT BGN VARIANT BGN ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN UNOFF BGN VARIANT UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF BGN UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT BGN BGN ADMIN BGN UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN VARIANT BGN UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN VARIANT BGN BGN BGN UNOFF UNOFF COUNTY Aurora Davison Minnehaha Corson Roberts Roberts Fall River Fall River Roberts Roberts Codington Day Hanson Jerauld Lake Marshall McPherson Sanborn McPherson McPherson McPherson Codington Hanson McPherson Deuel Lawrence Washabaugh Washabaugh Sanborn Minnehaha Butte Lyman Pennington Lawrence Custer Fall River Davison Davison Hyde Hyde Custer Brown Bon Homme Codington Custer Custer Custer Custer Lawrence Lawrence Deuel Hand Tripp Jackson Jackson Lawrence Hughes Marshall Minnehaha Minnehaha Turner Meade COORDINATES 435149N0984016W 434236N0980045W 433206N0964310W 453927N1004153W 454109N0970559W 454116N0970959W 430903N1033611W 430830N1033542H 454114N0970911W 454147N0971030W 445656N0972351W 450952N0973711W 434704N0974230W 441001N0984253W 435604NO970032W 454344N0972250W 455054N0991601W 440019N0981328W 455124N0991217W 455124N0991217W 453624N0984909W 445734N0972417W 434743N0974239W 454835N0991700W 443355N0964510H 442250N1035429W 432742N1012940W 432742N1012940W 440549N0975959W 435005N0964944W 445718N1031114W 440830N1002006W 440417N1034218W 442934N1035007W 433435N1032814W 430115N1030601W 434738N0980615W 434721N0980624W 443537N0993656W 443503N0993618W 434807N1025256W 452314N0933459W 425413N0980432W 445331N0972706W 433359N1033836W 433359N1033836W 434735N1033613W 435200N1033435W 441835N1035447W 441955N1035220W 445535N0962200W 443917N0985202W 430419N0995639W 434130N1015535W 435854N1015757W 442213N1033538W 442730N1002430W 454017N0972828W 434053N0970328W 433442N0970451W 432820N0972303W 441429N1025053W NATIONAL GAZETTEER--SOUTH DAKOTA 1989 SOURCE COORDINATES 453805N0971014W 430608N1032751W 442107N1035218W 441933N1035028W 445429N0963632W 444833N0991847W 425451N1000142W 433258N1015611W 440436N1020423H 442043N1033952W ELEV FT 1598 1590 1706 1748 1819 1847 1914 1283 1950 1475 1800 1567 3050 5185 4478 1304 1309 1797 1440 1811 4686 6000 5600 4160 1662 1563 1440 2867 MAP NAME Archer Hill Mitchell Sioux Falls East Wakpala NW Sisseton Whitestone Lake Heppner Heppner Whitestone Lake whitestone Lake Henry Swan Lake Epiphany Wessington Springs N" Lake Madison Lake City Schumacher Lake Forestburg SW Long Lake Wetonka south Henry Epiphany Schumacher Lake Estelline SE Maurice Long Valley Artesian Colton SE Deers Ears Butte South Pierre 3 NE Rochford Spearfish Wind Cave Heinne Creek Loomis Loomis Holabird Holabird Aberdeen West Niobrara NE Henry Argyle Custer Custer Savoy Lead Gary NW Burdette Millboro Interior Cottonwood Deadman Mountain Lake City Humboldt Grass Lake Dolton Viewfield FEATURE NAME Lost Park Spring Lost Spring Lottie Creek Louder Number Louder Number 1 Dam l Dam Number Number 2 Dam 3 Dam 4 Dam Number 1 Louder Louder Louder Number Louder School (historical) Loues Creek Louie Englehardt Dam Louie Englehardt Dam Louis Bonhorst Number 1 Louis Bonhorst Number Bonhorst Number Bonhorst Number Bonhorst Number Caldwell Dam Louis Creek Louise, Lake Louise and Hunter Mine Louise Dam Louis Lesmeister Dam Lounsberry (historical) Louis Louis Louis Louis Loup School Louse Creek Loveland Canyon Lovell (historical) Lowden Mountain Lowell School Lowell School Lowell Township Lowell Township Lower Alkali School Battle Creek School Brule Brule (historical) Brule Agency (historical) Brule Indian Reservation Brule Park Brule Recreation Area Lower Dugout Spring Lower Island See Brule Island (historical) Lower Lower Lower Lower Lower Lower Lower Lower Island Creek See Fish Creek (historical) Lower Lake Traverse See Mud Lake Lower Sully Landing (historical) Lowe Township Lowry Lowry Cemetery Lowry Cemetery Loyalton Loyalton Cemetery Loyd Moncur Ranch L Reeves Number 3 Dam L Runestad Dam L Seven Draw L Stephenson Dam Lucas Lucas Township (historical) Lucas Township Lucerne Lucerne (historical) Lucky Bird Lode Mine Lucky Boy Mine Lucky Cuss Mine (historical) Lucky Spar Lode Mine Lucky Star Prospect Mine Lucky Strike Mine Lucky Strike Mine Lucky Strike Mine Ludlow FEATURE CLASS spring spring stream dam dam school stream dam dam dam stream reservoir mine dam dam locale school stream valley locale summit school school civil civil school school ppl locale locale civil park park spring island stream reservoir locale civil ppl cemetery cemetery p91 cemetery locale STATUS BGN BGN BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN BGN UNOFF BGN UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF BGN UNOFP UNOFF ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN BGN VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF ADMIN BGN UNOFF UNOFF BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN UNOFF BGN ADMIN ADMIN BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF NATIONAL GAZETTEER--SOUTH DAKOTA 1989 COUNTY Pennington Custer Meade Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jerauld Custer Perkins Perkins Stanley Stanley Stanley Stanley Stanley Stanley Mellette Hand Custer Hand Dewey Codington Butte Corson Pennington Meade Pennington Minnehaha Yankton Marshall Potter Meade Custer Lyman Lyman Lyman Lyman Lyman Lyman Custer Lyman Lyman Roberts Sully Deuel Halworth Walworth Walworth Edmunds Edmund: Harding Meade Hyde Custer Hyde Gregory Gregory Potter Haakon Haakon Custer Pennington Pennington Custer Custer Custer Custer Lawrence Harding COORDINATES 440410N1034457W 434022N1035514W 445319N1025058W 435700N1003600W 435348N1003906W 435630N1003648W 435712N1003648W 435748N1003836W 441034N0983747W 435146N1034107W 452106N1022900W 452248N1022818W 441142N1003206W 441106N1005106W 441042N1005142W 441300N1005054W 441300N1005306W 442130N1002500W 434256N1001942W 443729N0990747W 435115N1033805W 443729N0990747W 450242N1010354W 450750N0973020W 443726N1033253W 454059N1012734W 440706N1032337W 445216N1024627W 435833N1033656W 433213N0964410W 430916N0972049W 454242N0974651W 451139N0995926W 442313N1030732W 434548N1030022W 440444N0993452W 440210N0993445W 434743N0992450W 440425N0994555W 440327N0993412W 440348N0993355W 434041N1040157W 440548N0993345W 440427N0993240W 455142N0963422W 443325N1003304W 445600N0963440W 451858N0995856W 451907N0995945W 451748N0995832W 451711N0991645W 451755N0991750W 452210N1035840W 445200N1022030W 442036N0993036W 434656N1030443W 442900N0992900W 431723N0991258H 431731N0991339W 450629N0995200W 441421N1013133W 441615N1013347W 434625N1034355W 435346N1032500W 435600N1032459W 434439N1033613W 434430N1033640W 433921N1033427W 433525N1033502W 441345N1033550W 455004N1032234W SOURCE COORDINATES 445843N1025410W 435046N1034331W 433714N1002412W 453406N1012803W 440602N1032533W 434615N1031511N ELEV PT 1530 1571 5600 2580 6056 1511 2859 1443 1710 1400 1430 1866 1685 2077 2430 2500 6040 4400 4720 5520 5480 3075 SD121 MAP NAME Rochford Jewel Cave Frozen Man Draper Murdo Creek Draper Draper Murdo Wessington Springs NW Berne Two Buttes Owen Lake Wendte NE Van Metre Van Metre Van Metre Capa NW Claire City SN Badnation Ree Heights Berne Bee Heights Parade Florence NW Saint Onge SB Black Horse Pactola Dam Frozen Man Creek Hill City Sioux Falls East Turkey Ridge Spain Flight Lake Rapid City 1 NW Hermosa SE Lower Brule Lower Brule Oacoma Joe Creek SB Lower Brule Lower Brule Clifton Iron Post Buttes SE Tunerville Lowry Lowry Lowry Loyalton Loyalton Gustave Opal East SE Chapelle Lake SE Hermosa SE Macs Corner NW Lucas Lucas Lebanon Lucerne Tornado Ranch Berna Mount Rushmore Mount Rushmore Cicero Peak Cicero Peak Cicero Peak Pringle Nemo Ludlow SD122 FEATURE NAME Ludlow Ludlow Ludlow Ludwig School Ludwig School Luffman (historical) Lugenbeel County (historical) Luhtasaari Ranch Luis Creek (historical) Cave Dam Lulu Butte See Lola Butte Lund (historical) Lundgren 2 Dam Lundin Airstrip Lundquist, Lake Lund School Lund Township Lura Township Lurz Dam Lute Creek Lutheran Cemetery Lutheran Cemetery See Norwegian Cemetery (historical) Cemetery Cemetery Cemetery Cemetery Church Lutheran Lutheran Lutheran Lutheran Lutheran Lutheran Church (historical) Lutheran Church Lutheran Church See New Hope Church Lutheran Church (historical) Lutheran Church (historical) Lutheran Church See Clara Church Lutheran Church (historical) Lutheran Church Cemetery See Freidensthal Cemetery Lutz Lake Spring Lake Lutz School L Woodward Dam Lyle Lewton Dam Lyle School Lyman (historical) Lyman McGill Lyman County Lyman Draw Lyman Number 1 Dam Lyman Number 2 Dam Lyman Number 3 Dam Lyman Number 4 Dam Lyman Number 5 Dam Lyman Number 6 Dam Lyman Post Office (historical) Ranch (historical) School (historical) Lyman Lyman Lynbye Slough State Public Shooting Area Lynch Ranch Lynn (historical) Lynn Beals Dam Lynn Lake Lynn Lake State Public Shooting Area Lynn Township Lynn Township (historical) Lynn Township Lynn Township Lynwood State Public Access Area Lyon Park Lyons Lyons (historical) Lyons Cemetery Lyons Draw FEATURE CLASS locale cave dam school school locale civil locale stream summit locale dam airport reservoir school civil civil dam stream cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery church church church church church church church locale cemetery lake school dam dam school locale locale civil building locale school park locale locale dam lake park civil Civil civil civil park park 991 locale cemetery valley STATUS UNOFF BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN UNOFF BGN VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN BGN UNOFF ADMIN ADMIN UNOFF BGN UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF VARIANT BGN VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT ADMIN BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN BGN UNOFF UNOFF BGN NATIONAL GAZETTEER--SOUTH DAKOTA 1989 COUNTY Harding Harding Harding Sanborn Union Marshall Bennett Pennington Haakon Harding Lyman Meade Grant McPherson Campbell Lyman Grant Pennington Tripp Brookings Brule Gregory McPherson McPherson Sanborn Bon Homme Bon Homme Deuel Hamlin Kingsbury Kingsbury Kingsbury Bon Homme Bon Homme Hanson Gregory Ziebach Harding Sanborn Lyman Lyman Lyman Custer Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Lyman Dewey Douglas Clark Sanborn Day Hughes Day Day Day Day Lincoln Moody Codington Minnehaha Minnehaha Minnehaha Minnehaha Pennington COORDINATES 454907N1032635W 454814N1032631W 453930N1032442W 435429N0975328W 425856N0963922W 454211N0972106W 430830N1014100W 440616N1035715W 443138N1015827W 454828N1035015W 445805N1001025W 443612N1030224W 445935N0962836W 454336N0935712W 453700N1001021W 445840N1001110W 451117N0970759W 441700N1021612W 425904N0993452W 44l755N0964927W 434855N0991140W 430037N0985303W 455126N0991816W 454325N0991546W 440547N0975541W 430548N0974512W 430315N0973940W 443425N0964210W 444144N0971718W 442910N0970850W 442213N0971236W 443142N0972310W 425153N0980255W 430548N0974512W 434926N0973955W 430642N0991636W 450312N1013300W 453930N1040024W 435248N0975549W 435117N1000430W 435252N0994421W 435600N0995230W 433737N1035255W 435912N1005242W 435806N1005254W 440012N1005318W 440042N1005236W 440130N1005354W 440054N1005130W 435020N0992018W 452818N1002117W 431935N0982630W 450735N0973951W 440651N0981504W 452728N0973958W 442448N0995900W 452723N0974019W 452723N0973943W 452700N0973940W 452938N0974327W 431738N0964413W 435306N0964905W 445424N0971509W 433227N0964333W 434323N0965203W 434143N0965300W 434122N0965122W 440405N1035208W SOURCE COORDINATES 443835N1015933W 430559N0993815W 433946N1034826W 440457N1035140W ELEV FT 3l80 1326 1434 1840 1840 1186 1815 1393 1378 1863 1680 1775 1441 1356 2101 1318 1900 1400 1582 1720 1749 1550 1540 MAP NAME Ludlow Ludlow Hay Creek Farwell NW Nora South Red Iron Lake Martin Crows Nest Peak Bridger Presho NW Volunteer SE Gary NW Leola Selby SW Presho NW Lonesome Lake Dalzell SE Burton Brookings Bonesteel Schnmacher Lake Hosmer NE Artesian Tripp SE Kloucek Lake Toronto Badger Arlington Niobrara Epiphany Gregory SE Dupree North Slick Creek Farwell NW Presho SE Lyman Kennebec Jewel Cave NW Okaton Okaton Capa Capa Capa Capa SE Chamberlain Moreau NE Armour SW Lily Woonsocket Lynn Lake De Grey NW Lynn Lake Lynn Lake Lynn Lake Lynn Lake Canton SW Colman Kampeska Sioux Falls East Crooks Hartford North Crooks Deerfield FEATURE NAME Lyons Spring Lyons Township Lyon Township Lyonville Lyonville (historical) Lytle School M Macey Hill Maciejewski Dam Maciejewski Dam Macke Lake Mackey Ranch Macs Camp Macs Corner M A Curtis Dam M A Curtis Dam Macy Butte Mad Bear Creek Mad Bear Mission Cemetery (inundated) Mad Bear Mission Church (historical) Madden Creek Maddox Draw Maderposson Mine Madian Lake Madison Madison, Lake Madison Draw Madison Municipal Airport Madison Ranch Madison School Madison Township Madison Township Madra Madsen Beach Magadanz School See Young America School (historical) Magnuson Number 1 Dam Magnuson Number 2 Dam Magnuson School Magpie Creek Prairiedog Creek Prairie Dog Creek Magpie Creek Magpie Gulch Maher School Mahoney Creek Mahto Mahto Township Maiden Mine See Columbia Mine Mail Shack Creek Maitland (historical) Maitland (historical) Maitland Garden City Maitland Draw Maitland School Maitland Spring Major Lake Majors Gulch Makah Tepee See Chamberlain Makasan Church Mallard Dam See George Genoff Dam Mallard Lake Mallard Slough Manard Slough FEATURE CLASS spring civil civil locale locale school summit dam dam lake locale locale locale cemetery church stream valley mine lake ppl lake valley airport locale school civil civil locale 91:1 school dam dam school stream stream valley school stream locale civil mine stream locale locale locale valley school spring reservoir valley ppl church dam reservoir lake NATIONAL GAZETTEER--SOUTH DAKOTA 1989 STATUS BGN ADMIN ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN UNOFF UNOFF BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOPF UNOFF BGN BGN UNOFF UNOFF BGN BGN UNOFF BGN BGN BGN BGN ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN ADMIN UNOFP BGN VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN VARIANT VARIANT BGN BGN UNOFF BGN UNOFF ADMIN VARIANT BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT BGN UNOFF BGN BGN BGN VARIANT UNOFF VARIANT BGN BGN VARIANT COUNTY Pennington Minnehaha Brule Brule Brule Deual Lake Dewey Dewey McCook Harding Lawrence Hyde Dewey Dewey Butte Corson Corson Corson Fall River Meade Pennington Clark Lake Lake Pennington Lake Stanley Beadle Edmunds Grant McPherson Roberts Deuel Jones Jones Haakon Butte Todd Pennington Aurora Codington Corson Corson Pennington Sully Douglas Fall River Lawrence Pennington Fall River Pennington Pennington Hand Brule Shannon Corson Corson Marshall COORDINATES 440404N1035205W 434239N0964915W 435328N0985914W 435240N0985813W 435310N0985925W 445212N0962843W 440325N0965518H 455206N1010648W 452224N1004654W 434357N0972959W 452455N1034250W 441227N1035855W 441507N0992628W 45084BN1010436W 440930N1011330W 451026N1033600W 454008N1002200W 454408N1002035W 454408N1002035W 425634N1025905W 442224N1023700W 435152N1032208W 450238N0974021W 440022N0970649W 435729N0970108W 440412N1023136W 440100N0970500W 442732N1004308W 442048N0981230W 451654N0993046W 450601N0964122W 455548N0994258W 452737N0964422W 445650N0963625W 435906N1003500W 435748N1003500W 440311N1013401W 445054N1035239W 431916N1010843W 440446N1033153W 434628N0983723W 450250N0971007W 454531N1004033W 454730N1004005W 435357N1032459W 443848N1003711W 431605N0981450W 431508N1032817W 442351N1034804W 440715N1034740W 431447N1033455W 440704N1034801W 435609N1033404W 442712N0984312W 434839N0991949W 431133N1024718W 455342N1012924W 455329N1012921W 453956N0973309W SOURCE COORDINATES 454534N1002345W 430201N1030633W 443219N1024147W 440801N1023550W 444935N1035743W 431746N1011041W 440409N1033224W 450606N0970243W 444414N1003516W 440716N1034939W 442705N0984943W ELEV FT 1547 1334 1700 1455 3400 1853 3186 1620 1620 4200 1767 1670 1600 1714 1100 2183 1592 1812 1425 3380 3358 2187 1781 SD123 MAP NAME Deerfield Crooks Pukwana NE Lyonville Lyonville Gary Rutland Bullhead Glencross SE Salem Bog Creek Crooks Tower Macs Corner Parade NE Midland NW Lone Tree Draw West Mobridge NE Mobridge NE Mobridge NE Heinne Creek Elm Springs Hayward Bradley Madison Lake Madison Owanka Madison Lacy Huron Bowdle SE La Bolt Greenway Big Stone Lake West Draper Draper Philip SB Bull Creek Butte Eagle Mans Butte Silver City Wilmarth Lake Still Lake Mahto Mahto Mail Shack Creek Delmont Angostura Reservoir Spearfish Deerfield Heppner Deerfield Hill City Vayland Slim Butte NE Hump Butte Britton 4 NE 50124 FEATURE NAME Mallard Slough Mallory Gulch Mallula State Game Production Area Malone School Maloney Creek Maloney School M Alspach Dam Maltby Township M A Lynch Dam Manard Slough See Mallard Slough Manchester Fairview Manchester Post Office (historical) Manchester Township Mandan County (historical) Mandernach and Carlson Number Two Dam Mandernach and Carlson l Dam Sargent Dam Number Mandernach and Carlson 3 Dam Mandernach 4 Dam Mandernach 5 Dam Mandernach 6 Dam Mandernach 7 Dam Number and Carlson Number and Carlson Number and Carlson Number and Carlson Number Mandernach and Carlson Number 8 Dem Mandernach 9 Dam Manderson Manganese Draw Manhattan Island Wheaten Island Mankey Slough Mannhan Canyon and Carlson Number Mann School Mann School Mann School Mansbridge (historical) Mansfield Many Trails Ranch Maple Creek See Maple River Maple Grove (historical) Maple Leaf Maple Rivet Maple Creek Mapleton Township Marble Creek Marble Gulch Marcus Maresh School Marietta Marietta School Marietta Township (historical) Marindahl (historical) Marindahl Dam Marindahl Lake Marindahl Township Mario Johnson Dam Marion Marion Junction Turner Junction Marion Flats Marion Island (historical) Marion Junction See Marion Marion Township (historical) Marion Township FEATURE CLASS swamp valley park school stream school civil lake ppl building dam Ppl valley island lake valley school school school locale ppl locale stream locale locale stream civil stream valley ppl school locale school civil locale dam reservoir civil dam ppl flat island PPl civil civil NATIONAL GAZETTEER--SOUTH DAKOTA 1989 STATUS BGN BGN ADMIN UNOFF BGN UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN UNOFF VARIANT BGN VARIANT UNOFF ADMIN ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN BGN BGN VARIANT BGN BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF BGN VARIANT ADMIN BGN 1981 BGN BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN UNOPF UNOPF BGN ADMIN UNOFF BGN VARIANT VARIANT BGN BGN VARIANT ADMIN ADMIN COUNTY Clark Lawrence Harding Haakon Butte Faulk Ziebach Perkins Corson Marshall Kingsbury Kingsbury Kingsbury Meade Ziebach Ziebach Ziebach Ziebach Ziebach Ziebach Ziebach Ziebach Ziebach Shannon Pennington Roberts Clark Pennington Hutchinson Pennington Pennington Charles Mix Spink Sanborn Brown Lincoln Corson Brown Minnehaha Pennington Marshall Meade Brule Fall River Fall River Haakon Yankton Yankton Yankton Yankton Perkins Turner Stanley Stanley Turner Turner Turner COORDINATES 450535N0974934W 442300N1040351W 453950N1034725W 443151N1013554W 443916N1033932W 445815N0991445W 452000N1013930W 442730N1024810W 452936N1014806W 453956N0973309W 442209N0974313W 442211N097424EW 442323N0974042W 442800N1030900W 445812N1014900W 450006N1014842W 445912N1015118W 445742N1015206W 445724N1015054W 445618N1014948W 445618N1014612W 44564BN1014906W 450000N1015143W 431407N1022813W 440521N1035726W 452134N0963017W 445556N0973159W 435242N1031404W 431358N0974413W 435654N1030031W 440552N1031349W 431614N0983023W 451435N09B3345W 435819N0990324W 454656N0983255W 431654N0965005W 455529N1005325W 454656N0983255W 433724N0964205W 435354N1034400W 455318N0973336W 443929N1021622W 433417N0990156W 432331N1035508H 432330N1035416W 442251N1014835W 430133N0971647W 430214N0971521H 430214N0971521W 430248N097l238" 453342N1022354W 432523N0971537W 444309N1010720W 442210N1002221W 432523N0971537W 432523N097l350W 432246N0971237W SOURCE COORDINATES 442225N1040252W 443326N1034005W 440515N1035858W 435305N1031537W 435325N1034442W 455233N0973001W ELEV FT 3200 2227 1813 1536 1530 3039 1799 1615 1290 1290 2460 1650 3496 1325 1322 1440 1430 MAP NAME Crocker Tinton Gallup Creek Rattlesnake Lake SE Fruitdale Orient NW Irish Creek SW Scrum NE Glad Valley Manchester Manchester Bancroft Bast Rapid City 1 NH Bull Creek 2 NE Red Elm Bull Creek 2 Bull Creek 2 NE NE Bull Creek 2 NE Bull Creek 2 NE NE Bull Creek 2 Bull Creek 2 NE Red Elm Manderson Crows Nest Peak Big Stone Lake SE Garden City Hermosa NW Scotland Hermosa NE Rapid City East Geddes SE Northville Letcher NE Worthing Maple Leaf Frederick Sioux Falls East Medicine Mountain Kidder SE Marcus Eagle Burdock Burdock Hartley Mayfield Mayfield Mayfield Irene Bison Marion Sansarc NE Pierre Parker Parker FEATURE NAME Mark Fischer Dam Marks Ranch Marksville Mark Twain School Markus School Markwed School Marlar Township Marlene School Number 2 (historical) Marlette School (abandoned) Marlo Johnson Dam Marlo Johnson Dam Marlow Marlowe Marlowe See Marlow Marne Creek Rhine Creek Marone Landing Field Marple Dam Marsh, Lake Marshall County Marshall Creek Marshall Gulch Marshall School Marshalltown (historical) Marshalltown School (historical) Marsh Creek See Redstone Creek Marshfield Township Marshy Lake See Spring Lake Marshy Lake Marshy Lake See Collins Slough Marston (historical) Marston Post Office (historical) Martel Post Office (historical) Martha, Lake Martha Munroe Dam Marthas Island (historical) Martha Washington Mine Martilla School Martin Martin County (historical) Martindale Addition (subdivision) Martin Dam Martin Draw Martin Sander Dam Martin School Number 1 (historical) Martinson Cemetery Martin Township Martinus Cemetery Martinus Church Martin Valley Martin Valley (historical) Martin Valley School (abandoned) Marty Marty Ranch Marty School Marvin Marvin Butte Marvin Reinhold Dam Number 1 Marvin Schnose Number 1 Dam See Schnose Dam Number 1 Marvin Schnose Number 2 Dam See Schnose Dam Number 2 Mary, Lake Maryland Lode Mine Olds Lode Mine Mary Larson Ranch Mary Mine FEATURE CLASS dam locale ppl school school school civil school school dam dam locale locale stream airport dam lake civil stream valley school 991 school stream civil lake lake swamp locale building building lake dam island mine school 991 civil ppl dam valley dam school cemetery civil cemetery church valley locale school ppl locale school ppl summit dam dam dam lake mine locale mine STATUS UNOFF UNOFF BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT VARIANT BGN VARIANT ADMIN UNOFF BGN ADMIN BGN BGN UNOFF BGN UNOFF VARIANT ADMIN VARIANT BGN VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN UNOFF UNOFF BGN ADMIN BGN UNOFF BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF BGN UNOFF UNOFF BGN UNOFF UNOFF BGN BGN UNOFF VARIANT VARIANT BGN UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF NATIONAL GAZETTEER--SOUTH DAKOTA 1989 COUNTY Perkins Perkins Dewey Minnehaha Douglas Haakon Jerauld Jerauld Spink Perkins Perkins Marshall Marshall Yankton Beadle Ziebach Hamlin Marshall Dewey Pennington Beadle Clay Clay Sanborn Perkins Hand Hyde Hand Sully Sully McPherson Marshall Meade Gregory Pennington Brown Bennett Perkins Minnehaha Jackson Custer Perkins Jerauld Moody Perkins Yankton Yankton Custer Custer Custer Charles Mix Fall River Fall River Grant Pennington Meade Custer Custer Hamlin Custer Butte Lawrence COORDINATES 451400N1023236W 451011N1022248W 450410N1002237W 433141N0964344W 432905N0983145W 443150N1012011W 440910N0985200W 440535N0984713W 445536N0983358W 453418N1022824W 453448N1023012W 455515N0972307W 455515N0972307W 425201N0972246W 441557N0980712W 445818N1013900W 443859N097l424W 454610N0973540W 452042N1003704W 435652N1033448W 443706N0981807W 425625N0965415W 425540N0965315W 440325N0980456W 453430N1022505W 441618N0985501W 442532N0993430W 442126N0990714W 443515N1000950W 443535N1000832W 454255N0992010W 453643N0971359W 444354N1024800W 430656N0984430W 435428N1033013W 454731N0982222W 431021N1014356W 454200N1024300W 433519N0964555W 434832N1015017W 433536N1034345W 451718N1023242W 440027N0983827W 440236N0964745W 451130N1022500W 430040N0972546W 430222N0572616W 433131N1032257W 432955N1032422W 433117N1032510W 425933N0982529W 432133N1034223W 432309N1034227W 451541N0965444W 442022N1021726W 441924N1030654W 433524N1031948W 433418N1031948W 443504N0971049W 434944N1032745W 445528N1035511W 442020N1034225W SOURCE COORDINATES 425444N0973628W 452336N1003945W 440041N1033445W 433749N1034543W 433150N1032751W ELEV FT 1855 1575 2185 1900 1333 1285 1673 1296 1200 1932 1820 1820 1965 1865 4900 1346 3314 1475 1890 1304 3580 3633 1447 4033 1650 2645 1650 5050 5500 SD125 MAP NAME Bixby Deep Creek NW Patch Skin Buttes SW Sioux Falls East New Holland Kirley Mittelstedt Slough Gannvalley SE Redfield North Bison Square Top Butte Marlow Gavins Point Dam Cavour Diermier Ranch Hayti Kidder SE Promise Hill City Hitchcock SE Hub City Hub City Bison Chapelle Lake Onida SW Onida 5W Hosmer NE Drywood Lakes Fairpoint Lake Andes SW Hill City Savo SE Martin Little Nasty Creek Sioux Falls West Cottonwood SE Argyle Rabbit Butte Wessington Springs SW Rutland SE Deep Creek NW Jamesville Jamesville Wind Cave Wind Cave Wind Cave Marty Flint Hill Minnekahta Marvin Dalzell SE Rapid City 1 SE Lake Norden Iron Mountain Mud Buttes NW Deadwood South $0126 FEATURE NAME Mascot Mine Deadwood-Heidelberg Mine Masdon Creek Masonic Cemetery See Scotty Philip Cemetery Masopia Post Office (historical) Massie Ranch Mastiff Mine Mateen See Mathews Mathews Century Mine Brothers Number 1 Dam Brothers Number 2 Dam Mathews Creamery (historical) Mathews Post Office (historical) Mathews Township Matias Peak Mato See Pierre Matson Matson Matson Matter Matter Matter Dam Matter Lake Matthew School Mattison Township Matzke Lake Dam Mutzke Lake Dam Dam Reservoir School Creek Creek Maucher School Maunu School Maupin Flat Maupin School Maurer School Maurice Maurice Maurice Maurine Maurine Brengle Dam Gulch Lake Mawer Lateral Mawl Springs Maximilian Township (historical) Maxwell Colony May (historical) Mayason Church Mayberry (historical) Mayberry Park Dam Maydell Township Mayer Dam Mayfield (historical) Mayfield Mayfield Township Mayo (historical) Mayo School Mays Dam Maywood Mazeppa Mazeppa See (historical) Cemetery Hill Big Mound Mazeppa Area Mazeppa Township Antelope Valley Township M Bar C Landing Field See Barber Landing Field M Butler Ranch McAdam Ranch McBride School McCamley Post Office (historical) State Public Shooting McCart Slough McCasland and Schiller Number 1 Dam McCasland and Schiller Number 2 Dam FEATURE CLASS mine stream cemetery building locale mine mine dam dam locale building civil summit ppl dam reservoir school stream stream dam lake school civil dam school school flat school school locale dam valley p91 reservoir canal locale civil ppl locale church locale dam civil dam locale locale civil locale school dam PPl cemetery summit park civil airport locale locale school building lake dam dam STATUS UNOFF VARIANT BGN VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN BGN VARIANT UNOFF BGN UNOFF BGN BGN UNOFF BGN UNOFF ADMIN UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN BGN BGN BGN UNOFF ADMIN BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN UNOFF VARIANT ADMIN ADMIN VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN UNOFF UNOFF NATIONAL GAZETTEER--SOUTH DAKOTA 1989 COUNTY Lawrence Gregory Stanley Bennett Butte Pennington Pennington Stanley Stanley Kingsbury Kingsbury Kingsbury Fall River Hughes Harding Harding Hand Hand Hand ziebach Hand Stanley Haakon Campbell Potter Brown Haakon Haakon Sanborn Lawrence Harding Lawrence Meade Meade Butte Pennington Haakon Hutchinson Spink Roberts Edmunds Hyde Clark Buffalo Yankton Yankton Yankton Custer Custer Jackson Hanson Grant Sanborn Grant Grant Meade Harding Custer Beadle Sully Miner Meade Meade COORDINATES 442220N1034005W 430933N0992233W 442407N1002413W 431506N1013501W 443945N1040040W 435622N1034415W 435523N1033432W 441212N1003500W 441154N1003542W 441603N0973303W 441557N0973303W 441538N0973456W 432439N1034411W 442206N1002102W 452700N1034048W 452700N1034043W 443344N099063BW 444949N0990521W 444654N0990250W 452100N1014812W 445343N0991139W 441146N1004422W 441730N1012013W 454312N0994554W 450604N1000229W 455432N0982640W 443429N1012316W 443604N1012713W 440733N0980302W 442352N10353SOW 452100N1032948W 442440N1035339W 450123N1023535W 450200N1023624W 444048N1033437W 440514N1024800W 441729N1011300W 431056N0973803W 450501N0981120W 454701N0971241W 452743N0985056W 443924N0992718W 450210N0973305W 435912N0990830W 430858N0971909W 430457N0971906W 430801N0971941W 434045N1033615W 434035N1033620W 43261BN1015800W 433050N0975645W 450956N0970352W 440319N0980514W 451159N0965727W 451115N0965830W 442745N1023305W 454340N1033510W 433451N1033100W 441847N0983328W 444230N0994943W 440658N0972443W 443018N1022024W 443200N1022130W SOURCE COORDINATES 430337N0992937W 445143N0990741W 445202N0991011W 442452N1035453W ELEV PT 5150 3048 3409 6650 1635 1645 4780 1595 1905 1969 1395 1301 4472 2876 2819 2917 1192 1300 1455 1600 1374 5120 1340 1925 2980 1395 1750 MAP NAME Deadwood South Gregory Patricia The Forks Medicine Mountain Wendte NE Wendte NE De Smet SE De Smet 53 De Smet SE Minnekahta Bog Creek Bog Creek Ree Heights SE Polo Polo Sorum SE Orient NW Wendte Pheba 2 SE Mutske Lake Lake Hurley SE Savo NW Cherry Creek Cherry Creek Forestburg NB Maurice Roundup Maurice Maurine Maurine Butte Nisland New Underwood May Ranch Scotland Conde SW Claire City 5W Mina Mitchell Lake Heggs Lake Shelby Turkey Ridge Mayfield Turkey Ridge Cicero Peak Cicero Peak Hisle NW Ethan Still Lake NE Antelope Valley Antelope Valley McKenzie Butte Pringle Wessington SE Blunt NE Oldham SW White Owl SE White Owl SE FEATURE NAME McCasland and Schiller Number 3 Dam McCasland and Schiller Number 4 Dam McClarem Lake McClellan Brothers Dam McClelland School McClure Dam McClure Ranch McClures Ranch (historical) McClure Township McCook County McCook Lake Stevens Lake McCook Lake (subdivision) McCook Lake McCook School McCool School McCormick Dam See C McCormick Dam McCoy Lake McCoy Lake State Public Shooting Area McCoy Ranch McCroskey Addition (subdivision) McCullough Ranch McCumber School McCumsey Spring McCurdy Gulch McCurdy School McCurran Ranch McDaniel School McDonald School McDonald School McFarland School McGee McGees Sliding McGee Dam See John Gehring Dam McGees Sliding See McGee McGill See Lyman McGillvery School McGregor Dam McHenry Dam McIlraby Ranch McInerny Ranch McInerny Spring McIntosh McIntosh McIntosh Lake McIntosh Lake Dam East Lake Railroad Dam McIntosh Municipal Airport Cemetery McKay Ranch McKays Trailer Court (subdivision) McKennan Hospital McKennan Park McKenna Spring McKenzie Butte McKenzie Gulch McKenzie Spring McKillicans Lake McKillicans Lake State Public Shooting Area McKinley, Mount McKinley Gulch McKinley School McKinley School McKinley School McKinley Township McKinley Township McKinney Ranch (historical) McKinnon and Millers Claim Mine FEATURE CLASS lake dam school dam locale locale civil civil lake PPl locale school school dam lake park locale PPl locale school spring valley school locale school school school school locale dam locale locale school dam dam locale locale spring ppl cemetery reservoir dam airport locale ppl hospital park spring summit valley spring lake park summit valley school school school civil civil locale mine STATUS UNOFF UNOFF BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN ADMIN BGN VARIANT BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT BGN ADMIN UNOFF BGN UNOFF UNOFF BGN BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN BGN UNOFF BGN UNOFF VARIANT ADMIN UNOFF BGN UNOFF ADMIN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN ADMIN BGN BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF NATIONAL GAZETTEER--SOUTH DAKOTA 1989 COUNTY Meade Meade Campbell ziebach Custer Custer Butte Custer Lyman McCook Union Union Union Union Hand Todd sanborn Sanborn Pennington Minnehaha Pennington Gregory Harding Pennington Moody Custer Beadle Sanborn Turner Yankton Pennington Corson Pennington Lyman Hand Perkins Jackson Pennington Lawrence Lawrence Corson Corson Corson Corson Carson Meade Union Minnehaha Minnehaha Custer Harding Harding Harding Codington Codington Harding Lawrence Beadle Codington Hughes Campbell Marshall Custer Pennington COORDINATES 443024N1022130W 443000N1021906W 454816N1000245W 445512N1012300W 433120N1035158W 433756N1034055W 445732N1035735W 433706N1034108W 440905N1001110W 434100N0972230W 423216N0963025W 423230N0963020W 423230N0963130W 423225N0962948W 441752N0985856W 431118N1001918W 440155N0981827W 440142N0981823W 440721N1035831W 433856N0964129W 440647N1035854W 430100N0992009W 455410N1032844W 440424N1032909W 440753N0964944W 434339N1033332W 443338N0981917W 440738N0981128W 43215EN0971052W 430039N0971608W 440217N1032301W 455436N1011248W 440217N1032301W 435252N0994421W 441847N0984401W 483506N1025612W 434840N1014740W 442713N1020440W 440949N1035935W 440946N1040039W 455517N1012057W 455602N1012054W 455518N1012018W 455518N1012018W 455430N1012045W 442613N1021115W 423645N0963840W 433203N0964253W 433154N0964319W 433944N1035219W 454051N1033237W 454219N1033141W 454350N1033247W 445734N0971734W 445741N0971657W 455159N1033922W 442000N1035409W 442230N0981253W 445407N0970804W 442141N1002044W 454720N1000330W 454606N0971637W 434530N1034129W 435302N1033225W SOURCE COORDINATES 440326N1032834W 4S4401N1033309W 442057N1035235W ELEV PT 1670 4271 5137 5008 1092 1100 1111 1918 1294 1525 2241 1688 1304 1295 3875 2463 1960 2301 2299 2266 2251 1999 1117 3485 1709 3531 5639 5500 50127 MAP NAME White Owl SE White Owl SE Herreid High Elk Hill NW Jewel Cave SE Fourmile Mud Buttes NW Argyle Ft George Butte NW Salem NE Jefferson Jefferson Jefferson Sioux City North Vayland SW Woonsocket Woonsocket Crows Nest Peak Renner Crows Nest Peak Gregory SE Eagles Nest Butte Pactola Dam Medary Cicero Peak Hitchcock SE Forestburg NW Parker SW Mayfield Pactola Dam Wessington SW Whitestone Lake Cottonwood SE Pedro Crooks Tower Buckhorn McIntosh McIntosh McIntosh McIntosh McIntosh Pedro NW Ponca Sioux Falls East Sioux Falls East Jewel Cave McKenzie Butte McKenzie Butte McKenzie Butte Kampeska Kampeska Ladner Savoy Huron Watertown West Pierre Herreid Veblen Berne Hill City 50128 FEATURE NAME McKinzie School M Clarkson Ranch McLaughlin McLaughlin Municipal Airport McLaughlin Township McLeod Ranch McLeod School McLuin Seymour Dam McLung Lateral McMackin Mine Crown Mine McMann School McNeely Township McNeil School McNenny Fish Hatchery (USDA) McNenny School McPeek State Public Shooting Area McPherson County McPherson Creek McPherson Spring McPhillips School See Baird School (historical) McQuaig (historical) McShane State Public Shooting Area McVay School Meade County Meade Lateral Meadow Meadow, Mountain Meadow Brook School Meadowbrook School Meadow Central School Meadow Creek Meadow Creek Meadow Creek Meadow Drain Meadow Valley Drainage Ditch Meadow Draw Meadow Valley Drainage Ditch See Meadow Drain Meadow View Addition (subdivision) Mears Ditch Meat Hook Number 1 Dam Meat Hook Ranch Meathook Spring Meckling Meckling Cemetery Meckling Township Medary Medary Creek Medary Monument Medary Township Medas (historical) Media Township Medicine Bulls Camp (historical) Medicine Butte (historical) Medicine Butte See Medicine Knoll Medicine Butte See Medicine Mountain Medicine Butte (historical) Medicine Creek Medicine Creek Medicine Creek See Medicine Knoll Creek Medicine Creek Medicine Creek Medicine Creek Cemetery Medicine Creek Roadside Park Medicine Hill Cemetery Medicine Island (historical) Medicine Knoll Medicine Butte FEATURE CLASS school locale ppl airport civil locale school dam canal mine school civil school locale school park civil stream spring school locale park school civil canal ppl flat school school school stream stream stream canal valley canal ppl canal dam locale spring 991 cemetery civil locale stream park civil locale civil locale summit summit summit summit stream stream stream stream stream cemetery park cemetery island summit STATUS UNOFF UNOFF BGN ADMIN ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN ADMIN BGN BGN VARIANT UNOFF ADMIN UNOFF ADMIN BGN BGN BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN BGN BGN BGN VARIANT BGN VARIANT BGN BGN UNOFF UNOFF BGN BGN UNOFF ADMIN UNOFF BGN ADMIN ADMIN UNOFF ADMIN UNOFF BGN VARIANT VARIANT BGN BGN BGN VARIANT BGN BGN UNOFF ADMIN UNOFF BGN BGN VARIANT COUNTY Tripp Harding Corson Corson Corson Butte Minnehaha Perkins Butte Custer Custer Tripp Hand Lawrence Meade Clark McPherson Harding Harding Douglas Lawrence Hamlin Lincoln Meade Butte Perkins Lawrence Gregory Pennington Perkins Corson Dewey Meade Douglas Custer Douglas Minnehaha Turner Harding Harding Harding Clay clay Clay Brookings Moody Brookings Brookings Sanborn Jerauld Lyman Hanson Hughes Pennington Stanley Haakon Hand Hughes Hyde Lyman Lyman Lyman Hughes Lyman Hughes COORDINATES 431101N0993441W 455200N1033120W 454852N1004836W 454750N1004705W 454730N1005500W 444845N1040029W 433911N0965848W 450254N1025106W 444137N1032546W 434738N1033832W 434652N1024532W 431313N0994914W 442056N0984317W 443332N1040033W 442340N1025959W 444010N0974339W 454630N0991440W 453611N1030622W 453615N1030724W 431815N0981705W 441258N1035353W 443310N0972630W 430555N0963135W 443000N1023730W 443643N1031736W 453145N1021257W 442320N1034045W 430522N0993048W 440349N1031614W 453055N1021633W 454114N1013817W 451130N1011446W 441741N1033331W 432930N0983551W 435123N1040116W 432930N0983551W 433712N0964239W 431031N0970013W 452724N1031630W 452530N1031640W 452543N1031230W 425033N0970409W 424931N0970531W 425000N0970500W 441235N0964711H 441117N0964600H 441232N0964714W 441553N0964907W 441910N0980944W 440345N0983800W 434220N0992625W 434350N0975610W 442826N1000202W 435441N1034247W 442644N1002443W 440243N1012B40W 444631N0994113W 441907N1000429W 444943N0993147W 440632N0994147W 435419N1000543W 435709N1001930W 443042N0994443W 440600N0993957H 442826N1000202W NATIONAL GAZETTEER--SOUTH DAKOTA 1989 SOURCE COORDINATES 453535N1030957W 453251N1013801W 452329N1012458W 441608N1033618W 435222N1040226W 441539N1014306W 445804N0955911W 445326N0992646W 435531N1003534W ELEV FT 2001 2006 1658 5720 2788 1507 2479 6400 2650 2293 1440 1150 1575 1291 1347 1390 1600 1803 1803 2037 MAP NAME Dallas Ladner SE McLaughlin McLaughlin McLaughlin SW Middle Creek Butte Hartford North Beverly Creek Newell Berne Folsom Newela NE Nessington SW Beulah Hereford Willow Lake Long Lake Reva Reva Crooks Tower Bryant Alcester SE Union Center Vale SE Meadow Deadwood North Paxton Rapid City West Box Car Buttes Cottonwood Creek NW Parade NW Deadman Mountain New Holland Fanny Peak Sioux Falls East Viborg Bams Butte Bams Butte J B Hill Meckling Meckling Meckling Medary Medary Medary Brookings Forestburg NW Wessington Springs SW Iona NW Riverside Oahe Dam Powell Redfield SW Thomas Lake Lower Brule SW Presho Vivian Harrold Lower Brule SW Canning FEATURE NAME Medicine Knoll Creek See South Fork Medicine Knoll Creek Medicine Knoll Creek Medicine Creek Medicine Knoll River North Fork Medicine Creek North Medicine Creek South Medicine Creek Medicine Knoll River See Medicine Knoll Creek Medicine Lake Medicine Mountain Medicine Butte Medicine Mountain Ranch Medicine Root Creek Meers Township Me George Spring Meier School See Meyers School (abandoned) Meiers Lake Melbourne (historical) Melcher Ranch Melcore Acres Subdivision (subdivision) Meldal Cemetery Meldrum Park Melgaard Park Melham (historical) Melhus Cemetery Melius School Mellette Mellette County Mellette School Mellette Township Melrose Addition (subdivision) Melrose School Melrose Township Melvin (historical) Menno Menno, Lake Menno Colony (historical) Menno Dam Menno Municipal Airport Mennonite Church Priedenberg Mennonite Church Mennonite School School Number 41 Mennonite Village See Ben Homme Colony Menno Township (historical) Menno Township (historical) Mensch Dam Mentor School Mentor Township Mercedes Gulch Mercer Number 1 Dam Mercer Township (historical) Mercier Township Merkel Dam Merna Post Office (historical) Merow Spring Merrill Karlen Number 1 Dam Merritt Merritt Number 1 and Merritt Number 2 Mine Merritt Peak Merry-Go—Round Camp Merton (historical) Merton Township Messiah Cemetery Bethania Cemetery Messiah Church Messiah Church Messiah Lutheran Church FEATURE CLASS stream stream stream lake summit locale stream civil spring school lake locale locale ppl cemetery park park locale cemetery school p91 civil school civil ppl school civil locale ppl lake locale dam airport church school locale civil civil dam school civil valley dam civil civil dam building spring dam locale mine summit locale ppl civil cemetery church church church NATIONAL GAZETTEER--SOUTH DAKOTA 1989 STATUS VARIANT BGN 1959 VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT BGN BGN VARIANT UNOFF BGN UNOFF ADMIN ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN ADMIN UNOFF ADMIN BGN UNOFF ADMIN UNOFF BGN BGN UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF VARIANT VARIANT ADMIN ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN BGN UNOFF ADMIN ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN UNOFF BGN ADMIN UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF COUNTY Hughes Hughes Hughes Codington Pennington Pennington Shannon Stanley Lawrence Sanborn Bon Homme Hand Lawrence Pennington Yankton Minnehaha Brown Clark Turner Faulk Spink Mellette Codington Spink Brown Gregory Grant Custer Hutchinson Hutchinson Hutchinson Hutchinson Hutchinson Bon Homme Bon Homme Bon Homme Hutchinson Hutchinson Hutchinson Hughes Hughes Pennington Hughes Brown Brown Dewey Brown Lawrence Lyman Pennington Lawrence Pennington Pennington Clark Clark Moody Lyman Minnehaha Moody COORDINATES 443130N0995800W 441907N1000429W 441907N1000429W 445906N0972108W 435441N1034247W 435444N1034332W 433632N1021709W 442245N1004318W 441707N1040208W 435526N0980413W 430449N0980447W 445109N0990252W 441015N1034527W 440459N1032622W 430951N0971422W 433306N0964205w 452646N0982852W 443300N0974100W 431343N0965529W 450509N0990121W 450916N0982950W 433330N1004500W 445433N0970702W 450956N0982744W 452712N0982745W 431101N0993048H 451633N0964004W 433855N1031710W 431423N0973439W 431551N0973628W 432235N0974139W 431542N0973654W 431440N0973310W 425344N0980406W 425314N0980410W 425151N0974224W 431455N0973405W 431456N0973030W 432342N0973842W 442953N1002103W 442951N1001913W 440514N1034730W 443018N0995200W 452850N0983936fl 452739N0983936W 452424N1005036W 454736N0980950W 441315N1035433W 435819N0993542W 440827N1033405W 442000N1033820W 440729N1033340W 440612N1034657W 444550N097Sl40w 444550N0974030W 435329N0963105W 440611N0994414W 433455N0964235W 435423N0963104W SOURCE COORDINATES 444942N0993147W 431538N1020415W 440601N1034740W ELEV FT 1702 6878 1655 1530 4310 1805 1262 1494 1296 1300 3580 1326 1257 1190 1350 1716 1295 5104 5000 5556 1540 SD129 MAP NAME Rousseau Kampeska Medicine Mountain Medicine Mountain Imlay SE Lacy 01d Baldy Mtn Avon Polo Nahant Pactola Dam Center Point Sioux Falls East Aberdeen East Willow Lake SW Beresford NH Faulkton East Mellette White River West Watertown East Mellette Aberdeen East Dallas Big Stone Lake SW Butcher Hill Menno Wolf Creek Clayton Wolf Creek Menno Niobrara NE Niobrara NE Menno Menno Clayton Pierre NE Pierre NE Deerfield Blunt SE Lake Parmley Lake Parmley Glencross NE Houghton Crooks Tower Reliance Nemo Deadwood South Silver City Deerfield Raymond SE Clark South Dell Rapids NE Lower Brule SW Sioux Falls East Dell Rapids NE SD130 FEATURE NAME Messing School (historical) Mess Township Metallic Streak Mine Methodist Episcopal Church (historical) Methodist Episcopal Church (historical) Metzgerville Metz Spring Mexican Creek Meyer County (historical) Meyer School Meyer School Meyers Lake Dam Meyer Slough Meyers School (abandoned) Meier School M Feist Ranch M Fisher Dam M Hague Dam M Hamilton Ranch Mica King Mine Mica King Number 3 Claim Mine Mica Mine See Saint Louis Mine Mica Mine Mica Queen Number 1 Prospect Mine Michigan Placer Ground Mine Mickelson Ranch Middle Antelope Spring Middle Beaver Creek Middle Bogus Jim Creek Middle Boxelder Creek See Boxelder Creek Middle Boxelder Creek Middle Canyon Middle Creek Middle Middle Middle Middle Middle Middle Middle Middle Middle Creek Creek Creek Creek Creek Butte Creek School False Bottom School Fork French Creek Fork Sage Creek Ed Overton Creek Johnson Creek Tom Freit Creek Middle Middle Middle Middle Fork Willow Creek Jack Creek Knappie Canyon Kneehone Draw Middle Nugget Gulch Middle Pearl Creek Middleton Township (historical) Middleton Township Midland Midland (historical) Midland Cemetery Midland Dam Midland Township Midway See Junius Midway Midway (historical) Midway Midway Midway Center See Norway Center Midway Midway Midway Midway Midway School Midway School Midwest School Number 71 Mike Canyon Church Lake Recreation Area School FEATURE CLASS school civil mine church church locale spring stream civil school school lake school locale mine locale spring stream stream stream stream valley stream stream stream stream stream summit school school stream stream stream stream valley arroyo valley stream civil civil PPl locale cemetery dam civil ppl locale locale locale locale locale church lake park school school school school valley NATIONAL GAZETTEER--SOUTH DAKOTA 1989 STATUS UNOFF ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN BGN ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN BGN BGN VARIANT BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN UNOFF UNOFF BGN BGN 1987 VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN ADMIN ADMIN BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF BGN ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN COUNTY Douglas Fall River Lawrence Bon Homme Clay Davison Custer Haakon Mellette Corson Meade Perkins Marshall Sanborn Harding Hand Hyde Harding Custer Custer Custer Pennington Custer Pennington Pennington Custer Lawrence Pennington Butte Lawrence Fall River Butte Butte Harding Harding Harding Butte Butte Lawrence Custer Pennington Shannon Harding Fall River Fall River Pennington Beadle Turner Turner Haakon Lawrence Haakon Haakon Hand Lake Minnehaha Moody Union Yankton Lincoln Moody Deuel Yankton Brown Moody Todd Minnehaha Fall River COORDINATES 432510N0982300W 431512N1031639W 442140N1035453W 425523N0980155W 425600N0970450W 433231N0981544W 433031N1034720W 440249N1014222W 431830N1003540W 453402N1005259W 443130N1031446W 455400N1020548W 454006N0971751W 435526N0980413W 455410N1032725W 441824N0990142W 443524N0992230W 452515N1030945W 434422N1033117W 434445N1033121W 434417N1033055W 435235N1032054W 434647N1033343W 445310N1033300W 440728N1035737W 434820N1035325W 442101N1040151W 440740N1032851W 444615N1035656W 441325N1033636W 431B42N1033651W 444024N1035143W 445334N1032408W 455028N1035309W 453943N1025446W 454757N1033134W 444637N1040113W 444226N1035333W 443011N1034309W 434835N1034246W 435312N1022247W 432155N1025214W 454556N1032247W 432219N1032601W 431330N1030145W 440353N1033454W 441654N0980253W 431647N0965824W 431740N0965623W 440418N1010918W 442325N1034835W 440429N1010823W 440430N1011006W 442938N0990653W 440023N0971438W 434212N0964240W 440823N0964617W 425159N0964710W 430733N0972356W 430738N0963741W 440725N0964642W 445532N0964352W 425144N0973142W 451826N0982215W 440818N0964717W 430741N1003630W 433237N0970206W 431914N1033356W SOURCE COORDINATES 441515N1015136W 442012N1040240W 440755N1033133W 441237N1034410W 431930N1033341W 445407N1032811W 454816N1034537W 454347N1030413W 455210N1033916W 434935N1034458W 434727N1021835W 432606N1025711W 454734N1032519W 432308N1032942W 431440N1030200W 440114N1033425W 443229N0975111W 432001N1033546W ELEV FT 1600 5500 1501 1609 2092 2907 1853 1291 5040 5060 5360 5200 3446 3082 3622 1879 5080 2007 1478 1675 1257 1350 1675 1301 1647 2790 MAP NAME Armour SW Hot Springs SE Savoy Niobrara NE Gayville NE Old Stickney Lake Jewel Cave SE Philip Mission SE Little Eagle SW Volunteer Lemmon NE South Red Iron Lake Letcher NE Eagles Nest Butte Ames Highmore SE J B Hill Cicero Peak Cicero Peak Rockerville Custer Hill City Crows Nest Peak Dead Horse Flats Old Baldy Mtn Piedmont Nemo Cascade Springs Belle Fourche Castle Rock Scott Creek Prairie City NW Ladner SE Middle Creek Butte Sourdough Flats Saint Onge Berne Quinn Table SE Willow Creek Ludlow Angostura Reservoir Oelrichs NE Silver City Cavour Lennox Lennox Midland Spearfish Midland Midland Miller Dale Colony Renner Medary Vermillon SE Midway Rutland SE Tunerville Tabor SE Stratford Medary Olsonville Grass Lake Cascade Springs FEATURE NAME Mike Welder Dam Mikkelson Cemetery Mikkelson School (historical) Milbank Milbank Cemetery Milbank Municipal Airport Milbank Subdivision Milberg School Mildrew School See West Deep Creek School Mildrew School Mildrew Township Mile-high Hill Milesville Milesville Dam Milesville Flat Milesville Township (historical) Milford Post Office (historical) Milford School Milford Township Milks Camp Milks Camp Park Millard Millard Cemetery Millard School Millboro Millboro Township Mill Creek Miller Miller Brothers Dam Miller Miller Miller Miller Miller Miller Cemetery Miller Creek Miller Dale Colony Miller Dam Miller Ditch Brothers Dam Butte Cabin Camp (historical) Camp Miller Hill Miller Municipal Airport Miller Ranch Miller Ranch Miller Ranch Miller Ranch Miller School Miller School Miller School Miller School Miller Miller Spring Township Miller Township Miller Township (historical) Millford Township Mill Iron Creek Milltown Milltown Milltown Milltown Cemetery Colony (historical) Township (historical) Milltown Township Milltown Township (historical) Milton Trask Dam Milwaukee Junction (historical) Milwaukee Lake Milwaukee School (historical) Mina Cortland Cortlandt Mina Dam Mina Recreation Area Minden See Crandon Miner (historical) Miner County FEATURE CLASS dam cemetery school ppl cemetery airport ppl school school school civil summit ppl dam flat civil building school civil locale park locale cemetery school 991 civil stream 991 dam dam summit locale locale locale cemetery stream ppl dam canal summit airport locale locale locale locale school school school school spring civil civil civil civil stream 91:1 cemetery locale civil civil civil dam locale lake school ppl dam park locale locale civil NATIONAL GAZETTEER--SOUTH DAKOTA 1989 STATUS UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN 1906 UNOFF ADMIN BGN UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF ADMIN BGN BGN UNOFF BGN ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN UNOFF ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN ADMIN BGN BGN UNOFF UNOFF BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN BGN UNOFF BGN BGN ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN BGN BGN UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF BGN UNOFF BGN 1969 VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF ADMIN VARIANT UNOFF ADMIN COUNTY Dewey Deuel Deuel Grant Grant Grant Grant Butte Perkins Perkins Perkins Custer Haakon Haakon Haakon Haakon Sully Beadle Sully Gregory Gregory Faulk Faulk Faulk Tripp Tripp Lawrence Hand Perkins Perkins Butte Fall River Pennington Pennington Hutchinson Lawrence Hand Meade Butte Tripp Hand Harding Lawrence Pennington Pennington Brule Fall River Gregory Lincoln Pennington Hand Marshall Marshall Beadle Lyman Hutchinson Hutchinson Hutchinson Hutchinson Hutchinson Hutchinson Pennington Sanborn Lake Sanborn Edmunds Edmunds Edmunds Spink Miner Miner COORDINATES 452312N1005306W 443329N0964210W 443340N0964135W 451309N0963807W 451308N0963714W 451400N0963345W 451322N0963619W 444000N1032441W 450400N1023l42W 450639N1023711W 450330N1024100W 434802N1034413W 442729N1014044W 442912N1013918W 442815N1013905W 442800N1014116W 445045N1000335W 443706N0980440W 445045N1000528W 430210N0990814W 430159N0990815W 450858N0991140W 450901N0991218W 450839N0991106W 430423N0995807W 430245N1005450W 443021N1040029W 443106N0985917W 451254N1024936W 451230N1024612W 444120N1033307W 432152N1033708W 435710N1034750W 440216N1034755W 432538N0980134W 442904N1034330W 442400N0990645W 444454N1022430W 443449N1040309W 432856N0995252W 443100N0985727W 455547N1034628W 442926N1040131W 440217N1034657W 440207N1035104W 435148N0985205W 432630N1033704W 430401N0991224W 431949N0965047W 440146N1035703W 442938N0985941W 454757N0974652W 454758N0974654W 443500N0980200W 434155N0995655W 432525N0974305W 432552N0974845W 432548N0974735W 432517N0974453W 432240N0974830W 432520N0974829W 440042N1021130W 440554N0981216W 440106N0965744W 440555N0981130W 452600N0984530W 452630N0984354W 452641N0984422W 444629N0982728W 440035N0974936W 440240N0973730W SOURCE COORDINATES 442654N1035930W 442400N1034659W 435032N1000408W 50131 ELEV FT 1882 1920 1150 1117 1145 2590 6180 2340 1881 1341 1650 1626 2180 1578 3005 6840 1940 2315 1573 6048 1327 1208 1230 1290 1436 1340 MAP NAME Glencross Toronto Toronto Milbank West Milbank East Milbank East Milbank East Newell Maurine Cedar Canyon Berne Milesville Milesville Milesville Milesville Agar Lake Byron SE Agar Herrick Herrick Norbeck Norbeck Norbeck Millboro Millboro Beulah Miller Zeona NB Zeona NE Nisland Cascade Springs Ditch Creek Deerfield Delmont NE Deadwood North Miller Dale Colony White Owl NW Beulah Miller Hill Miller Dogie Butte Tinton Deerfield Deerfield Wilson Dam Minnekahta NE Herrick Worthing Crows Nest Peak Vayland NW Britten West Britten West Lake Byron SB Ideal NW Milltown Milltown Milltown Clayton Milltown Milltown Lake Hill Forestburg SW Rutland Forestburg SW Mina Lake Parmley Lake Parmley Fedora Howard SD132 FEATURE NAME Miners Bend (historical) Miner Township (historical) Miner Township Minerva Mine Minichaduza Creek See Minnechaduza Creek Minichaduza River See Minnechaduza Creek Mini Ska Church Mink Dam Minnawasta Lake See Minneuasta Lake Minnechadusa River See Minnechaduza Creek Minnechaduza Creek Minichaduza Creek Minichaduza River Minnechadusa River Minnichaduza Creek Minniechaduza Creek Minneconjou Creek Minnehaha Cemetery Minnehaha Cemetery Minnehaha County Minnehaha County Poor Farm (historical) Minnekahta Minne-ka-tah See Hot Springs Minnesela Township (historical) Minnesota Cemetery Minnesota Gulch Minnesota Lake See Minnevasta Lake Minnesota Ridge Minnesota Township Minneuasta Lake Minnawasta Lake Minnesota Lake Minneuastie Lake Waste Lake Minnewastie Lake See Minneuasta Lake Minn-Ia-Kota Scout Camp See Oak Lake Girl Scout Camp Minnichaduza Creek See Minnechaduza Creek Minniechaduza Creek See Minnechaduza Creek Minnie May Mine Miracle Mall Mirage Dam Doland Dam Mirage Lake Miranda Miranda Cemetery Miscol Miscol Ranch Miscol Ranch See Miscol Missile Missile Mission Mission See Mission Mission Creek Mission Dam Hare School Dam Mission Hill 249 Dam 249 Reservoir Convenant Church Evangelical Church Creek Mission Hill Township Mission Island (historical) Emilie Island Mission Lake Mission Ridge Mission Ridge (historical) Mission School Mission Sioux Airport FEATURE CLASS bend civil civil mine stream stream church lake stream stream stream cemetery cemetery civil locale locale ppl civil cemetery valley lake ridge civil lake lake park stream stream mine locale dam reservoir 991 cemetery locale locale dam reservoir ppl church stream stream dam 991 civil island reservoir p91 locale school airport NATIONAL GAZETTEER--SOUTH DAKOTA 1989 STATUS BGN ADMIN ADMIN UNOFP VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT VARIANT BGN 1948 VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT BGN UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT ADMIN UNOFF BGN VARIANT BGN ADMIN BGN 1972 VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT BGN BGN UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF BGN BGN VARIANT BGN BGN UNOFF VARIANT BGN ADMIN BGN VARIANT BGN BGN UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN COUNTY Union Miner Miner Lawrence Todd Todd Tripp Harding Day Todd Todd Stanley Minnehaha Minnehaha Minnehaha Minnehaha Fall River Fall River Butte Butte Pennington Day Laurence Roberts Day Day Brookings Todd Todd Custer Codington Spink Spink Paulk Faulk Carson Carson Pennington Pennington Todd McCook Lyman Stanley Todd Yankton Yankton Sully Todd Stanley Stanley Todd Todd COORDINATES 423330N0963837W 440100N0974649W 440335N097464BH 442225N1034539W 425400N1003000W 425400N1003000W 432731N0993303H 454354N1031800W 452333N0972208W 425400N1003000W 425400N1003000W 444616N1005449W 433609N0964201W 434632N0965438W 434000N0964530W 433647N0964143W 432550N1034116W 432554N1032826N 443830N1035130W 443918N1034829W 440640N1033934W 452333N0972208W 441036N1034202W 455214N0970309W 452333N0972208H 452333N0972208W 443058N0963145W 425400N1003000W 425400N1003000W 434644N1033858W 445325N0970701W 444706N0980554W 444706N0980554W 445819N0985750W 445902N0985742W 454037N1010943W 454037N1010943W 435030N1020500W 435030N1020500W 431821N1003928W 434907N0972313W 434213N1000246W 444320N1004112W 431800N1004012W 425524N0971643W 425737N0971939W 444340N1003643W 431800N1004012W 444027N1004611W 443955N1004625W 430825N1005414W 431825N1003740W SOURCE ELEV COORDINATES PT 5000 1794 430013N1010931W 443935N1005321W 1481 1609 1460 4159 3143 440829N1034042W 1797 1725 1443 2581 435057N1001433W 444040N1004614W 1200 1980 2000 2605 MAP NAME Ponca Fedora Fedora Lead Rattlesnake Butte East Sheep Pen Draw Kilgore Rousseau Creek SW Sioux Falls East Colton Crooks Sioux Falls East Minnekahta Sourdough Flats Belle Fourche Rochford Minnesota Ridge Claire City Enemy Swim Lake West Berne Watertoun East Doland SE Doland SE Miranda Miranda Miscol Nell SE Wall SE Mission Presho 4 NE Iron Post Buttes Mission Mission Hill Mission Hill Mail Shack Creek Mission Mission Ridge Mission Ridge St Francis Mission FEATURE NAME Mississippi Flats Missouri River Missouri Slope Grazing Association Number 1 Dam Missouri Slope Grazing Association Number 2 Dam Mitchell Mitchell, Lake Mitchell, Lake Mitchell Creek Mitchell Dam Mitchell Draw Mitchell Mitchell Mitchell Mitchell Mitchell Mitchell Mitchell School Mitchell State Public Shooting Area Mitchell Township Lake Lake Lake Dam Municipal Airport Number 1 Lode Mine Number 2 Lode Mine Mittelstedt Slough Mixes Food Creek Mix Spring Mizpah Cemetery M Kelley Number 1 Dam M Matthews Dam M Mraz Dam M O'Grady Dam Mobridge Heigstadt Mobridge Airport (historical) Mobridge Catholic Church (historical) Mobridge Municipal Airport Moccasin Creek Modena Township Modern Woodmen of America Hall (historical) Modern Woodmen of America Hall See Harmon Township Hall Moe M Oehlerking Dam Dewey Dam M Oehlerking Dan M Oehlerking Dam Moenville Moenville (historical) Moe School Moe slough Mogck Slough State Public Shooting Area Mohawk Mica Prospect Mine Mohawk Mine Mohler (historical) Mohr Cemetery Molan (historical) Molan School Molan Township Molayses Spring (historical) Mollie Lake Mollison Lake Molskness Cemetery Molstad Lake Molstad Lake Dam Molumby Slough Monarch Mine Moncur School Mondamin Township Money School Monheim Ranch Monighan Creek Monitor Mine Monitor School Monkey Lode Mine Monkhouse Gulch FEATURE CLASS flat stream dam dam ppl lake reservoir stream dam valley lake reservoir dam airport mine mine school park civil gut stream spring cemetery dam dam dam dam p91 airport church airport stream civil building building locale dam dam dam ppl locale school lake park mine mine locale cemetery locale school civil spring lake lake cemetery reservoir dam lake mine school civil school locale stream mine school mine valley STATUS BGN BGN UNOFF UNOFF BGN BGN BGN BGN UNOFF BGN BGN BGN UNOFF ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN ADMIN BGN BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN VARIANT ADMIN UNOFF ADMIN BGN ADMIN UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF BGN UNOFF UNOFF BGN ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN BGN BGN BGN UNOFF UNOFF BGN UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFP BGN NATIONAL GAZETTEER--SOUTH DAKOTA 1989 COUNTY Stanley Union Campbell Campbell Davison Brookings Davison Haakon Davison Harding Hyde Pennington Pennington Davison Custer Custer Mellette Deuel Davison Hand Pennington Pennington Aurora ziebach ziebach ziebach Meade Walworth Walworth Walworth Walworth Brown Edmund: Roberts Roberts Lincoln Hyde Hyde Hyde Haakon Haakon Lincoln Brookings Hutchinson Custer Pennington Custer McPherson Hutchinson Hutchinson Hutchinson Gregory Roberts Roberts Moody Walworth Walworth Lake Lawrence Hand Hand Hyde Pennington Deuel Lawrence Aurora Pennington Hughes COORDINATES 444045N1010807W 384900N0901100W 454324N1002006W 454842N1001906W 434234N0980146W 442437N0970449W 434425N0980135W 440357N1010346W 434425N0900135W 453629N1030938W 444021N0992442W 435618N1033212W 435618N1033212H 434629N0990217W 434420N1033211W 434817N1033203W 432742N1003755H 4‘5244N0963656W 434430N0980200W 441200N0985536W 442759N1020418W 440738N1035410W 434317N0982750W 444818N1012206W 452524N1014606W 450936N1013642W 443024N1021130W 453214N1002539W 453255N1002706W 453216N1002712W 453300N1002400W 452128N0981825W 453235N0993812W 454727N0964457W 454727N0964457W 430922N0963631W 441854N0992612W 442036N0992612H 442000N0992606W 442830N1011523W 443028N1012031W 430853N0963632W 442842N0970103W 432038N0974605W 434520N1033130W 435553N1033450W 433023N1030623W 453720N0992039W 431247N0972445W 431248N0972534W 431213N0972654W 430940N0985203W 452228N0970130W 455328N0963651H 435843N0965047W 453342N1001504W 453342N1001804W 441137N0965958W 442033N1034230W 443710N0990258W 441358N0990653W 445224N0992448W 440642N1034542W 444928N0962611W 442137N1034545W 434955N0983129W 435249N1033312W 442343N1002215W SOURCE COORDINATES 445539N1113026W 441736Nl012856w 453409N1031154W 441534N1020108W 453452N0982656W 444910N0964012W 442453N1002156W ELEV FT 1300 1258 1658 1302 5080 5520 1676 1665 1715 1095 1491 2300 2210 1484 1626 5500 5100 2995 1938 1465 1856 1699 5600 1530 1922 5200 1477 5800 SD133 MAP NAME Alleman Station Columbia Bottom (MO) Pollock SE Pollock SE Mitchell Arlington NE Mitchell Midland Mitchell Battleship Rock Mitchell Lake Hill City Hill City Loomis Cicero Peak Custer Mission NW Clear Lake NE Mitchell Mittelstedt Slough Pedro Crooks Tower Plankinton High Elk Hill SE Glad Valley Dupree NE Plainview Mobridge Mobridge Mobridge Mobridge Stratford Bowdle-Hosmer Lake Rosholt Alcester NE Maes Corner Maes Corner Maes Corner Moenville Kirley Alcester NE Arlington NE Parkston SE Custer Hill City Fairburn SE Hosmer SE Midway Midway Midway Campbell Creek Summit Boisberg Colman Glenham Glenham Rutland NW Deadwood South Ree Heights SE Big Bend Dam 4 NE Rice Lake Deerfield Gary Lead Wilmarth Lake Hill City Pierre NE SD134 FEATURE NAME Monks Ranch Monroe Aeilts Sandham Warrington Monroe Cemetery See Reformed Cemetery Monroe School Monroe School Monroe Township Monroe Township Montana Mine Montezuma (historical) Montezuma and the Whizzers Mine Gilmore Mine Montogomery, Lake Montpelier Township Montrose Montrose Cemetery Montrose Township Monty Harer Airstrip Moody County Moon (historical) Moon Moon Draw Mooney 1 Dam Moonshine Canyon Gulch Gulch Moonshine Moonshine Moonshine Lake Moonshine Spring Moons Ranch See Howell Ranch Mooquit Valley Moore (historical) Moore School Moore Township Moore Township Moore Township Hall Moose Camp (historical) Moreau (inundated) Moreau Moreau Peak Moreau River Owl River Sur war har na ha River Moreau River Badlands Moreau School Moreau Shed Dam Moreau Township Morgans Cemetery Morgan School Morgan Township Moritz Moritz School (historical) Morlocks slough State Public Shooting Area Morningside Morningside Cemetery Morningside Cemetery Morningside Cemetery Morningside Township Morningstar School Morning Star School (historical) Morreau Township (historical) Morrill School Morris Creek See Dry Run Morris Creek Morris Creek School Morris Hamilton Dam Morris Jensen Dam Morris Jensen Dam Morris Lake Morris Lake State Public Shooting Area FEATURE CLASS locale ppl cemetery school school civil civil mine locale mine lake civil ppl cemetery civil airport civil locale locale valley dam valley valley valley lake spring locale valley locale school civil civil building locale locale locale summit stream area school dam civil cemetery school civil locale school park ppl cemetery cemetery cemetery civil school school civil school NATIONAL GAZETTEER--SOUTH DAKOTA 1989 STATUS UNOFF BGN VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT BGN ADMIN BGN UNOFF ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF BGN UNOFF BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN VARIANT BGN UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN BGN 1914 VARIANT VARIANT BGN UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN UNOFF VARIANT BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN ADMIN COUNTY Stanley Turner McCook Brown Walworth Bon Homme Turner Lawrence Pennington Lawrence Clay Edmunds McCook McCook McCook Potter Moody Pennington Pennington Ziebach Meade Pennington Lawrence Pennington Harding Harding Pennington Corson Lyman Jerauld Charles Mix Lyman Charles Mix Pennington Corson Dewey Harding Dewey Perkins Butte Harding Perkins Miner Spink Jones Deuel Deuel McPherson Beadle Charles Mix Edmunds Hand Lyman Hutchinson Lincoln Butte Beadle Davison Meade Meade Perkins Perkins Perkins Miner Miner COORDINATES 442602N1004141W 432911N0971253W 433002N0971407W 452814N0982908W 453141N1000710W 430735N0980225W 432800N0971239W 440935N1034439W 435233N1035045W 442214N1034435W 430125N0970700W 452208N0991600W 434155N0971100W 434246N0971119W 434730N0971045W 451205N0995009W 440230N0963930W 435644N1035958W 435647N1040028W 443639N1015207W 442806N1023918W 435841N1031353W 441825N1040305W 440718N1034201W 453434N1031302W 451927N1030250W 435445N1035952W 453855N1002545W 445513N1001440W 435847N0983529W 431828N0983420W 445326N1001110W 431802N0983353W 440146N1032235W 453425N1002855W 452121N1002351W 452042N1034253W 451800N1004329W 450800N1022951W 450655N1032419W 451424N1034606W 451600N1021730W 440337N0974615W 450742N0982706W 435639N1005940W 445002N0963339W 445030N0963345W 454659N0992444W 442157N0981117W 432132N0983914W 452745N0992021W 443053N0991125W 433400N0993425W 431100N0972541W 430832N0965330W 450130N1035500W 442542N0981401" 434604N0975947W 441445N1030945W 441803N1031504W 453518N1024018W 453606N1022754W 453554N1022748W 435611N0974859W 435625N0974859W SOURCE COORDINATES 444110N1015749W 440007N1031452W 441802N1040242W 440321N1034244W 454011N1002751W 450842N1024949W 441728N1032546H ELEV PT 1480 1827 6540 4680 1480 1860 6400 6401 1870 1697 1649 4210 1040 1717 3889 2600 1380 1298 1663 1275 1616 1827 1473 1255 3161 1326 MAP NAME Lacy Parker Aberdeen East Selby Oak Hollow Parker Minnesota Ridge Ditch Creek Deadwood South Wakonda Loyalton Montrose Montrose Montrose Hoven Flandreau SW Preacher Spring Moon Bridger SE Haydraw Hermosa NW 01d Baldy Mtn Rochford Battleship Rock Sheep Mountain Mobridge NW Presho NW Hoagland Lake Geddes Presho NW Geddes SE Pactola Dam Mobridge Moreau Moreau Peak Moreau SE Imogene Haystack Butte Alkali Creek West Sunrise Butte Fedora Mellette Okaton Lake Francis Lake Francis Schumacher Lake SW Huron Geddes Roscoe Ree Heights Hamill SE Midway Beresford NW Elkhorn Creek SE Huron NW Rapid City NW Fort Meade SE Grandmas Butte Bison Bison Morris Lake Morris Lake FEATURE NAME Morrison (historical) Morrison Ranch Morristown Morristown East Lake Morristown Lake Morristown Lake Dam See Leonard Wenck Dam Morristown RR Dam See Robert Rubbers Dam Morse Creek School (abandoned) Morsman Siding Mortimer Slough Morton Township Morton Township Mortvedt Cemetery Moscow State Public Shooting Area Moscow Township Mosely Ranch Mosher Mosher Township Mosquito Creek See Sevenmile Creek Mosquito Creek Mosquito Creek See Slaughter Creek Moss Agate Creek Moss Agate Creek See South Fork Moss Agate Creek Moss Agate Township (historical) Mosteller Draw Motley Island Motley Ranch Mound City Mound City Cemetery Mound City Township Mountain City See Deerfield Mountain Head Church Mountain Lion Mine See Soda Spar Mine Mountain Meadow Cemetery Mountain Meadows (historical) Mountain Meadows I (historical) Mountain Ranch Spring Number Two Mountain Mountain School Township (historical) Mountain View Cemetery Mount Auburn Cemetery Mount Calvary Cemetery Mount Hope Cemetery Mount Hope Cemetery Mount Hope Cemetery Mount Hope Cemetery Mount Hope School Mount Morian Cemetery Mount Olive Evangelical Lutheran Church Mount Pleasant Cemetery Mount Pleasant School Mount Pleasant School Number 32 (historical) Mount Pleasant State Public Shooting Area Mount Pleasant Township Mount Rushmore Memorial Mount Rushmore National Memorial Mount Sheep See Theodore Roosevelt, Mount Mount Vernon Mount Vernon Cemetery Mount Vernon Township Mount Zion Cemetery Mount Zion Church (historical) FEATURE CLASS locale locale PP]- reservoir reservoir dam dam school locale lake civil civil cemetery park civil locale locale civil stream stream stream stream stream civil valley island locale ppl cemetery civil locale church mine cemetery locale locale spring school civil cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery school cemetery church cemetery school school park civil locale park summit ppl cemetery civil cemetery church NATIONAL GAZETTEER--SOUTH DAKOTA 1989 STATUS UNOFF UNOFF BGN BGN BGN VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF BGN ADMIN ADMIN UNOFF ADMIN ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN VARIANT BGN VARIANT BGN 1977 VARIANT ADMIN BGN BGN UNOFF BGN UNOFF ADMIN VARIANT UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN UNOFF ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN ADMIN UNOFF ADMIN VARIANT BGN UNOFF ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF COUNTY Charles Mix Custer Corson Corson Corson Corson Corson Meade Butte Brookings Day Sully Clay McPherson McPherson Harding Mellette Mellette Charles Mix Charles Mix Charles Mix Fall River Fall River Fall River Hughes Spink ziebach Campbell Campbell Campbell Pennington Marshall Pennington Lawrence Lawrence Lawrence Harding Spink Spink Pennington Moody Pennington Codington Pennington Spink Union Lincoln Lawrence Sanborn Minnehaha Minnehaha Clay Clark Clark Pennington Pennington Lawrence Davison Davison Davison Lincoln Lincoln COORDINATES 430902N0981114W 434343N1034612W 455619N1014322W 455554N1013842W 455509N1014526W 455509N1014526W 455454N1013336W 441801N1030636W 443945N1032929W 442730N0965946W 451634N0972458W 445045N0995050W 425501N0970010W 454426N0991612W 454325N0991700W 453300N1035725W 432806N1001752W 432628N1001554W 425957N0982928W 425726N0982103W 425451N0982215W 432356N1035619W 432029N1040117W 432027N1035905W 441936N1000736W 445309N0982108W 444010N1012403W 454331N1000405W 454308N1000325W 454325N1000330W 440102N1035001W 455341N0972146W 435130N1032252W 441214N1033921W 441215N1033902W 442400N1033943W 452202N1031034W 445432N0984146W 445224N0983805W 440357N1031535W 440639N0965206W 440346N1031530W 445459N0970555W 435942N1020653W 445241N0981746W 425319N0963400W 431106N0965045W 442234N1034331W 440320N0981645W 433232N0964156W 434446N0970553W 430225N0970415W 445339N0973708W 445735N0974035W 435244N1032729W 435253N1032710W 442354N1034532W 434238N0981536W 434306N0981448W 434230N0981715W 431018N0965438W 431015N0965445W SOURCE COORDINATES 430338N0982618W 432027N1040116W 442153N1000716W ELEV FT 1545 2250 2235 2305 3141 2816 1257 3110 1240 1692 1722 5440 4480 1302 1411 1391 1230 50135 MAP NAME Greenwood Colony Jewel Cave Morristown Morristown Keldron Rapid City 1 SE Newell Bruce Haubay SW Gettysburg Muni Airport SE Gayville NE Hosmer NE Hosmer NE Camp Crook Mosher Mosher Lynch NE Burdock Edgemont SW Antelope Island Frankfort Cherry Creek NW Mound City Mound City Herreid Veblen NE Minnesota Ridge Minnesota Ridge Deadwood North Irish Butte Zell Redfield SW Rapid City West Rutland SE Rapid City West Watertown Bast Wall NE Frankfort Chatsworth Beresford NE Deadwood North Woonsocket Sioux Falls East Humboldt Wakonda Garden City Clark North Mount Rushmore Mount Rushmore Mount Vernon Betts Mount Vernon Beresford NW Beresford NW SD136 FEATURE NAME Mowatt (historical) M P Ranch Mraz Brothers Dam M Schatz Number 1 Dam M Schatz Number 1 Dam Kost Dam M Schatz Number 2 Dam M Schremp Dam M Scism Number 1 Dam M Smith Dam M Thybo Ranch Mud Butte Mud Butte Mud Butte Mud Butte Mud Butte Mud Butte Dam Mud Butte Dam Mud Buttes Mud Butte School Mud Butte School Mud Creek Gravel Creek Mud Creek Mud Creek Mud Creek Mud Creek Mud Creek Mud Creek Mud Creek Mud Creek Pickerel Creek Mud Creek Mud Creek Mud Draw Muddy Granger Creek Mud Elm Creek Mud Island Mud Lake Mud Lake Mud Lake Mud Lake Mud Lake Mud Lake Mud Lake Mud Lake Mud Lake Mud Lake Mud Lake Mud Lake Mud Lake Mud Lake Mud Lake Mud Lake Mud Lake Mud Lake See Mud Lake Reservoir Mud Lake Lower Lake Traverse Lake Traverse Mud Lake Mud Lake Reservoir Mud Lake Mud Lake State Public Shooting Area Mud Lake State Public Shooting Area Mud Spring Mueller Cemetery Mulberry Point (historical) Mule Creek Mule Creek Mule Creek Mule Creek Dam Mulehead Point (historical) Mulehead Ranch Mulehead School (historical) FEATURE CLASS locale locale dam dam dam stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream valley stream stream island lake lake lake lake lake lake lake lake lake lake lake lake lake lake lake lake lake reservoir reservoir swamp reservoir park park spring cemetery cape stream stream stream dam ridge locale school NATIONAL GAZETTEER--SOUTH DAKOTA 1989 STATUS UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFP UNOFF BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN UNOFF UNOFF BGN UNOFF UNOFF BGN VARIANT BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN 1975 VARIANT BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN 1976 BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN VARIANT BGN VARIANT VARIANT BGN BGN VARIANT ADMIN ADMIN BGN UNOPF BGN BGN BGN BGN ‘UNOFF BGN UNOFF UNOFF COUNTY Laurence Meade Ziebach Ziebach ziebach Ziebach Dewey Custer Hyde Harding Harding Harding Harding Ziebach Meade Harding Harding Butte Harding Meade Codington Grant Gregory Haakon Moody Perkins Perkins Shannon Spink Tripp Yankton Meade Butte Butte Roberts Brule Clark Clark Day Deuel Grant Kingsbury Lake Lawrence Marshall Moody Pennington Pennington Roberts Spink Spink Turner Brown Roberts Union Brown Deuel Grant Custer Yankton Clay Fall River Haakon Shannon Fall River Gregory Gregory Gregory COORDINATES 441743N1033528W 443716N1024453W _ 450942N101354BW 445400N1011600W 445018N1011548W 445218N1011506W 450324N1012330W 434318N1025054W 441306N0992148W 453705N1030535W 454341N1033824W 454957N1030003W 454658N1034211W 445253N1015216W 450017N1025238W 452500N1035806W 454624N1035954W 445205N1034856W 455029N1025837W 445947N1025235W 445658N0970941W 450251N0962846W 431030N0985742W 440320N1011349W 440439N0963353W 451221N1020523W 451001N1024238W 432944N1021314W 451052N0992322W 432038N0995301W 430231N0972201W 442736N1021347W 450936N1032000W 443833N1030222W 452045N0962932W 434938N0990202W 445117N0974414W 443814N0973821W 451422N0973719W 444622N0963526W 450032N0964035W 442848N0973520W 441008N0965832W 443344N1035952W 454341N0971547W 435955N0964722W 435807N1035508W 440635N1035248W 45283BN0965502W 445330N0983607W 444617N0983038W 431754N0970245W 454636N0981444W 455142N0963422W 423236N0963157W 454636N0981444W 444605N0963525W 450034N0964028W 434606N1035129W 430256N0973058W 424345N0965700W 430406N1033829W 441105N1011832W 431851N1024740W 430312N1033554W 434410N0985400W 431310N0985338W 431140N0985315W SOURCE COORDINATES 450420N0965930W 445546N0963819W 430639N0985744W 440928N1011853W 440845N0962039W 451444N1020914W 451449N1024526W 432817N1020836W 451404N0975146W 431555N0995042W 431058N0972615W 443008N1021327W 451241N1031702W 444704N1031210W 430112N1033149W 441938N1012646W 432041N1024822W ELEV PT 4860 3555 3151 3155 2388 3297 2836 1769 1772 1518 1721 1676 1943 1675 1184 1303 2874 1249 1236 1138 1480 MAP NAME Deadman Mountain Union Center ‘ Dupree NB High Elk Hill High Elk Hill SE High Elk Hill SE Lantry Folsom Big Bend Dam NE Reva Lahti Butte Ralph Ladner Bull Creek 2 NE Mud Creek J K Butte Scott Creek Mud Buttes Cow Butte SW ' Camp Creek Watertown West Marietta Whetstone Bay Midland Flandreau Faith NE Imogene Conata SW Mellette Dog Ear Buttes Mayfield Pedro NW Granger Creek Volunteer NE Ortonville 4 Pukwana SE Clark South Willow Lake Swan Lake Lake Francis La Bolt De Smet Rutland NW Chicken Creek South Red Iron Lake Colman Preacher Spring Crows Nest Peak Wilmot NW Redfield North Redfield south Hurley Wheaton West Jefferson Houghton Lake Francis La Bolt Signal Hill Lesterville Maskell Ardmore Ottumwa Willow Creek Ardmore SB Whetstone Bay Whetstone Bay Whetstone Bay FEATURE NAME Mullan T Hnship See ullen Township Mullen Township Mullan Township Muller School Mundt Lake Mundt Lake Mundt Lake Dam See R Mundt Dam Munson Creek Murchison (site) Murdo Murdo Cemetery Murdo Dam North Dam Murdo Number 1 Dam Murdo Municipal Airport Murdo Number 1 Dam See Murdo Dam Murdo Township Murphy Murphy Murphy Murphy Murphy Murphy Creek Ditch Ranch Ridge School Murray Butte Murray Lake Murtha School (historical) Mush Creek Musser Spring Mussman Township Mutchelknaus School Mutzke Lake Mutzke Lake Dam See Matzke Lake Dam M Vikse Dam M Webb Dam M Webb Dam M Weyers Dam Mydland Pass State Public Shooting Area Myer Gulch Myers City See Myersville Myers Lake Myers Landing Field Myersville Myers City Myron Cemetery Myron Township Myrtle Ann Mine Myrtle City See Athol Mystic Sitting Bull N Nagel Brothers Dam Nagel Brothers Dam Nahant West Nahant Nahant School Nahon Naiad Queen Lode Mine Nail Creek Nail Creek Lake Nakomas See Ramona Nameless Cave Nameless Creek See Fish Creek (historical) FEATURE CLASS civil civil school reservoir reservoir dam stream locale p91 cemetery airport dam civil locale stream canal locale ridge school summit reservoir school stream spring civil school reservoir dam airport locale cemetery civil mine ppl locale dam dam locale school locale mine stream reservoir 991 cave stream STATUS VARIANT ADMIN VARIANT UNOFF BGN BGN VARIANT BGN UNOFF BGN UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT VARIANT ADMIN VARIANT ADMIN UNOFF BGN BGN UNOFP BGN UNOFF BGN BGN UNOFF BGN BGN ADMIN UNOFF BGN VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN BGN VARIANT BGN ADMIN UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF ADMIN UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF UNOFP UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN BGN VARIANT BGN VARIANT NATIONAL GAZETTEER--SOUTH DAKOTA 1989 COUNTY Jones Jones Lincoln Sully Sully Sully Marshall Harding Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Pennington Gregory Pennington Haakon Pennington Union Stanley Lawrence Sanborn Hughes Pennington Jones Hutchinson Campbell Campbell Campbell Dewey Dewey Meade Day Marshall Pennington Grant Hyde Pennington Faulk Faulk Custer Spink Pennington Potter Potter Laurence Lawrence Brown Pennington Lyman Lyman Lake Pennington Lyman COORDINATES 434616N1004517W 434616N1004517W 432619N0963740W 445100N0995412W 445108N1000146W 445100N0995412W 454726N0971046W 452310N1031603W 435318N1004245W 435249N1004213W 435520N1004317W 435106N1004242W 435520N1004317W 435130N1004517W 440240N1030736W 430638N0991856W 440230N1030639W 443055N1012728W 435344N1031424W 423759N0963249W 441658N1004436W 443335N1040102W 440317N0981402W 442005N1001246W 440355N1034932W 435640N1002346W 432219N0973300W 454812N0994554W 454812N0994554W 455624N1001130W 450600N1011854W 450612N1011936W 444212N102l230W 452823N0973946W 454607N0971259W 440612N1034419W 451127N0965634W 455200N0993700W 440612N1034419W 450836N0991110W 450628N0990043W 433606N1033428W 450032N09B3546W 440437N1033828W 450936N1000300W 450854N1000312W 441036N1034518W 441156N1034541W 452308N0932422W 435210N1033806W 435420N0995649W 435042N1000024W 440710N0971258W 440331N1032055W 440427N0993240W SOURCE COORDINATBS 454435N0971638W 430356N0992344W 442515N1000813W 454520N0971421W 440351N1000927W ELEV PT 1371 1832 3050 2326 2255 2263 1112 2022 1386 1776 1899 1900 4868 5664 580 SD137 MAP NAME Okaton SE Harrisburg Gettysburg Muni Airport 5W Agar Claire City SW Bams Butte Murdo Murdo Murdo Murdo SW Okaton SE Rapid City East Gregory SE Box Elder Cherry Creek Hermosa NW Elk Point NE Oahe SW Beulah Forestburg SW Antelope Island Deerfield Vivian NW Wolf Creek Mutske Lake Herreid NW Lantry SB Lantry SE Thompson Lake Lynn Lake Claire City SW Antelope Valley Thomas Lake Rochford Norbeck Faulkton Bast Pringle Rochford Lake Hurley NE Lake Hurley NE Nahant Nahant Aberdeen East Berne Brakke Dam Presho SB Rapid City West SD138 FEATURE NAME Nance Township Nancy Hanks Creek Nansen (historical) BNaoby (historical) Naomi Napa Junction Naples Naples Cemetery Naples State Public Shooting Area Narcelle Creek Narrows Recreation Area Nathanael Cemetery Nathaniel Pope Mine National Cemetery National Cemetery Native American Cemetery Native American Cemetery Nazarene Church Nazareth Cemetery Nedved Cemetery Nedved School Needle Eye Needles, The Needles, The Neely School Neeman School Negro Negro Negro Negro Canyon Creek Creek Creek‘ Nigger Creek Negro Creek School Negroedge Canyon Niggeredge Canyon Negro Gulch Negro Hill Negro Hills See Tinton Negro Wool Ridge Neiderworder Dam Neill School Neilsen Number 1 Dam Nelder Ebert Number 1 Dam Nelder Ebert Number 2 Dam Nelder Ebert Number 3 Dam Nels Dam Nelson (historical) Nelson Airstrip Nelson Butte Nelson Cemetery Nelson Cemetery Nelson Creek Nelson Creek Nelson Dam Number 1 Nelson Farm Nelson Landing Strip Nelson Number 1 Dam Nelson Ranch Nelson Ranch Nelson School Nelson School Nelson School Nelson School Nelson Slough Nelson Slough State Public Shooting Area Nelson State Public Shooting Area Nelson State Wildlife Management Area Nels Reservoir Nemo Nerve City (historical) Nesmith School Number 3 (historical) Ness Chain Lake Bitter Lake FEATURE CLASS civil stream locale locale locale locale ppl cemetery park stream park cemetery mine cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery church cemetery cemetery school pillar pillar summit school school valley stream stream stream school valley valley summit ppl ridge locale airport summit cemetery cemetery stream stream dam locale airport dam locale locale school school school school gut park park park reservoir PPl locale school lake NATIONAL GAZETTEER--SOUTH DAKOTA 1989 STATUS ADMIN BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN UNOFF ADMIN BGN ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOPF UNOFF UNOFF BGN BGN BGN UNOFF UNOFF BGN BGN BGN BGN 1964 VARIANT UNOFF BGN VARIANT BGN BGN VARIANT BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN BGN UNOFF UNOFF BGN BGN UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN BGN BGN UNOFF UNOFF BGN VARIANT COUNTY Beadle Jackson Miner Lawrence Lincoln Yankton Clark Clark Clark Meade Lyman Lincoln Pennington Brule Fall River Jackson Shannon Yankton Lincoln Yankton Bon Homme Custer Custer Laurence Pennington Beadle Custer Haakon Lake Pennington Meade Stanley Laurence Lawrence Laurence Custer Jackson Brown Mellette Corson Corson Corson Lyman Miner Perkins Harding Grant Moody Brule Pennington Harding Perkins Sully Mellette Tripp Tripp Brown Hand Jerauld Lincoln Brookings Day Aurora Deuel Lyman Lawrence Lawrence Jerauld Miner COORDINATES 443445N0933530W 434546N1012729W 440431N0972800W 441155N1033905W 431950N0965527W 425628N0972712W 444618N0973041W 444542N0973037W 444821N0972935W 443056N1020007W 440704N0993525W 430550N0963520W 435420N1032525W 433603N0990907W 432625N1032817W 433021N1020050W 430519N1022118W 430642N0971551W 430357N0964SS9W 425549N0973318W 430132N0975032W 435030N1033244W 435013N1033256W 442447N1040057W 435640N1030934W 442821N0983336W 433311N1032645W 443151N1015851W 435500N0965949W 435332N1034125W 443548N1020420W 441903N1003032W 442252N1040210W 442246N1040306W 442250N1040253W 433313N1032522W 435645N1013514W 452736N0982811W 433918N1004600W 454718N1015448W 454754N1015418W 454612N1015506W 441000N1001100W 435137N0972711W 452554N1020736W 455233N1033648W 445909N0964307W 435146N0963735W 434337N0991201W 435314N1033258W 454906N1035042W 451315N1023732W 444215N1000630W 433400N1001630W 434502N0994138W 434044N0994024W 452032N0981717W 442058N0985859W 435701N0983752W 431622N0964711W 441315N097004BW 452837N0973609W 433709N0982243W 445106N0964553W 441000N1001100W 441139N1033016W 442215N1035315W 440036N0983310W 435134N0975000W SOURCE COORDINATES 434057N1012402W 443924N1021108W 433354N1032637W 444002N1020347W 435457N0970700W 435557N1034411W 442109N1003202W 442233N1040238W 433130N0990634W 435138N1033204W ELEV FT 1620 5440 1324 1789 1777 1500 4600 1714 3020 1478 1492 1457 6338 5904 1350 5950 2348 1560 2620 3480 1546 2650 1900 1463 1755 1304 1886 1713 1303 4640 5760 1615 1306 MAP NAME Tulare SW Belvidere SW Oldham SW Minnesota Ridge Lennox Yankton Naples Naples Hazel Howes Lower Brule Alcester SE Mount Rushmore Bijou Hills Hot Springs Conata SE Denby Mayfield Beresford NE Tabor NE Tripp SE Custer Custer Tinton Hermosa NW Wessington NE Wind Cave Bridger Wentuorth Medicine Mountain Hones Teton Tinton Tinton Wind Cave Kadoka NE Aberdeen East Murdo 3 NE Thunder Hawk SW Thunder Hawk SW Thunder Hawk SW Ft George Butte NW Unityville Coal Springs NW Ladner NE Tunerville Dell Rapids Red Lake East Hill City Chimney Butte Imogene Blunt NW Badnation SE Reliance SW Hamill NW Stratford Vayland SW Crow Lake Worthing Sinai Webster NE Stickney Bemis Ft George Butte NW Nemo Savoy Wessington Springs Ness Chain Lakes FEATURE NAME Nestor Kivimaki Dam Number 1 Neudorf Cemetery Neudorf Cemetery Neuharth School Neuharth State Public Shooting Area Neuman-Scott Ranch Neusatz Cemetery Nevada Gulch School Neville School Nevis Draw See Quinn Draw Nevis Draw Quinn Draw Newark Newark Group Mine Newark Township New Ashton See Ashton Newcombe Ranch Newdale School New Deal Lode Mine New Effington New Effington Cemetery Newell Newell Airfield Newell Cemetery Newell Dam Newell Experiment Station Newell Lake New Elm Springs Colony Elm Springs Colony England Mine Holland Holland Cemetery Holland Lake Home Cemetery Hope See Crooks Hope (historical) New New New New New New New New New Hope Cemetery Hope Church Lutheran Church New Hope Township New Hutterthal Church Newman School Number 4 (historical) New Nixon School New Platte See Platte Newport Township New Reliance See Annie Creek (historical) Salem Cemetery Silver Queen Mine See Silver Queen Mine New Sweden Cemetery Newton (historical) Newton (historical) New gNew Newton Fork Newton Hills State Park Newton Park New Underwood Underwood Station New Underwood Dam New Underwood Dam New Wall Lake Dam New Witten See Witten New York Mine New Zion Cemetery Ney Post Office (historical) Nicholas Creek Nichols Creek Nichols Number 1 Dam Nichols Number 2 Dam Nicholson, Lake FEATURE CLASS dam cemetery cemetery school park locale cemetery school school valley valley ppl mine civil ppl locale school mine 991 cemetery ppl airport cemetery dam school reservoir 991 mine PPl cemetery lake cemetery PPl locale cemetery church civil church school school ppl civil locale cemetery mine cemetery civil locale stream park flat ppl dam dam dam PPl mine cemetery building stream stream STATUS UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT BGN VARIANT BGN UNOFF ADMIN VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN UNOFF BGN ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN BGN VARIANT UNOFF BGN UNOFF BGN UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT ADMIN VARIANT UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF ADMIN UNOFF BGN ADMIN BGN BGN VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN BGN UNOFF UNOFF BGN NATIONAL GAZETTEER--SOUTH DAKOTA 1989 COUNTY Butte McPherson McPherson Gregory McPherson Pennington Douglas Lawrence Mellotte Shannon Shannon Marshall Custer Marshall Spink Meade Clay Custer Roberts Roberts Butte Butte Butte Butte Butte Butte Hutchinson Custer Douglas Douglas Douglas Davison Minnehaha Minnehaha Hanson Hamlin Brown Hutchinson Jerauld Tripp Charles Mix Marshall Lawrence Charles Mix Lawrence Day Brule Faulk Pennington Lincoln Pennington Pennington Pennington Pennington Pennington Tripp Custer Hand Sully Lyman Pennington Jones Jones Codington COORDINATES 445612N1031136W 454348N0994101W 454452N0994126W 430337N0992007W 454824N0992749W 435653N1040020W 432028N0980952W 442015N1034732W 432650N1004420W 434200N1024710W 434130N1024728W 455546N0974728W 434620N1034207W 455309N0974650W 445942N0982951W 442728N1021355W 425830N0965009W 434811N1033155W 455123N0965512W 455119N0965542W 444253N1032513W 444300N1032445W 444215N1032536W 445006N1032306W 444350N1032706W 445007N1032310W 432920N0974943W 435105N1032330W 432538N0983632W 432515N0983555W 432610N0983545W 433549N0980243W 433953N0964838W 434024N0964846W 433037N0973845W 444144N097l718W 451710N0983936W 432701N0973335W 440227N0982505W 430312N0994055W 432313N0985039W 453725N0975423W 442037N1035127W 431006N0980738W 441850N1038330W 452306N0973911W 433605N0985040W 445507N0990802W 435604N1033¢03W 431328N0963447W 435753N1033637W 440536N1025009W 440620N1025024W 440618N1025036W 435854N1021654W 432622N1000445W 434209N1034110W 441216N0984914W 443938N1000007W 433900N0992539W 440019N1034953W 434918N1002836W 435012N1002900W 450104N0972219W SOURCE COORDINATES 433442N1024300W 435541N1034103W 433352N0992404W 440058N1035154W ELEV PT 1307 5800 5500 1108 1103 2853 2830 2819 2896 1290 4560 1600 1600 1585 1600 1723 1377 1350 1810 1624 1724 2339 2900 1790 1704 MAP NAME Deers Bars Butte South Feinstein Lake Feinstein Lake Gregory SB Schumacher Lake SW Moon Delmont Lead Mission NW Red Shirt NE Newark Berne Newark Pedro NW Alsen Custer New Effington New Effington Newell Newell Newell Newell Lake Newell Newell Lake Milltown Iron Mountain New Holland New Holland New Holland Shoemaker Dam Crooks Spencer SW Bryant NE Lake Parmley SW Clayton NE Lane Dallas SW Langford SW Greenwood Colony Lynn Lake Cedar Grove Colony Orient NW Hill City Alcester NE Hill City New Underwood New Underwood New Underwood Quinn Table NE Fourmile Cottonwood Lake Onida Iona NW Deerfield Vivian SW Vivian SW Florence 50139 SD140 FEATURE NAME Nichols State Public Shooting AXBG Nicolaisen Cemetery Nicolaisen Landing Field Nicolls Ranch Nidaros Cemetery Nidaros Church Niedan Number 1 Dam Nielsen Cemetery Nielsen Number 1 Dan Niemi Number 1 Dam Niemi Number 2 Dam Niemi Number Niemi Number Niemi Number Nigger Creek See Negro Creek Niggeredge Canyon See Negroedge Canyon Night Creek See Counselor Creek Nightingale School 3 Dam 4 Dam 5 Dam Nihart Nihart Siding Nihart Siding See Nihart Nihart Spring Nikodym Cemetery Ninemile Creek Ninemile Creek Ninemile Creek State Shooting Area Ninemile Draw Ninemlle Lake Nine Mile Ranch (historical) Ninemile School Nine Mile Township (historical) Nipple Butte Nisland Nitche Spring Nix Number 1 Dam Nix Number 2 Dam Nix Number 3 Dam Nix Number 4 Dam Nixon, Lake Nixon Creek See South Fork Snake Creek Nixon River See South Fork Snake Creek N Ketchum Ranch N Mouth Creek See No Mouth Creek Nobeck Dam Noble Ditch Noble Mica Mine Nobles Crossing See Nobles Ford (historical) Nobles Ford (historical) Nobles Crossing No Flesh Creek No Heart Butte No Heart Creek Nohrenberg Number 3 Dam Nolan Sexton Dam Noldner Number 1 Dam No Moccasin Creek No Mouth Creek N Mouth Creek No Mouth Creek See East Fork No Mouth Creek Nora Nora (historical) Nora, Lake Nora Cemetery Nora Post Office (historical) FEATURE CLASS park cemetery airport locale cemetery church dam cemetery dam dam dam dam dam dam stream valley stream school locale locale spring cemetery stream stream park valley lake locale school civil summit ppl spring dam dam dam dam lake stream stream locale stream dam canal mine locale locale stream summit stream dam dam dam stream stream stream ppl locale reservoir cemetery building STATUS ADMIN UNOFF ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT VARIANT BGN UNOFF BGN BGN ADMIN BGN BGN UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN BGN BGN BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF BGN UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF VARIANT BGN BGN BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN VARIANT VARIANT BGN BGN UNOFF UNOFF NATIONAL GAZETTEER--SOUTH DAKOTA 1989 COUNTY Codington Davison Davison Custer Roberts Roberts Jones Kingsbury Jones Harding Harding Harding Harding Harding Pennington Stanley Lyman Brown Custer Custer Custer Yankton Lincoln Meade Lincoln Custer Marshall Custer Meade Meade Pennington Butte Custer Jones Jones Jones Jones Union Spink Spink Harding Dewey Custer Turner Custer Sanborn Sanborn Shannon Dewey Dewey Mellette Perkins Jones Tripp Dewey Dewey Union Hamlin Faulk Union Union COORDINATES 445920N0972653W 433654N0981519W 434100N0981555W 433540N1034049W 455059N0970116W 455332N0971319W 435542N1004854W 442605N0971120W 435806N1002424W 453836N1033354W 453854N1033500W 453742N1033518W 453806N1033142W 453942N1033118W 435332N1034125W 441903N1003032W 440301N0993035W 452610N0980955W 433923N1033526W 433923N1033526W 433852N1033507W 425843N0973320W 432649N0963601W 443602N1031432W 432636N0963613W 434109N1034150H 454603N0972750W 434115N1034213W 443250N1032048W 443315N103l522w 440325N1034951W 444023N1033311W 433030N1034542W 435012N1004018W 435118N100404BW 43504BN1004012W 434912N1003954W 424841N0963634W 450152N0983437W 450152N0983437W 454840N1032620W 451920N1002050W 433448N1032908W 430652N0965658W 435006N1033225W 440746N0980539W 440746N0980539W 432542N1020945W 445438N1004116W 445128N1003819W 433042N1003942W 451712N1022406W 435542N1004842W 434311N0994404W 451920N1002050W 451756N1002314W 425621N0964224W 443530N0971315W 445449N0990136W 425553N0964222W 425815N0964115W SOURCE COORDINATES 432924N0964909W 443119N1032336W 434103N1033937W 431325N1020315W 450139N1004428H 432733N0993809W 451756N1002315W ELEV PT 1482 1440 1229 1301 1824 5040 2873 6810 2857 3160 6000 1221' 1830 1389 1675 1495 MAP NAME Henry 01d stickney Lake Mount Vernon Argyle Claire Claire Okaton Badger Vivien NW McKenzie Butte McKenzie Butte City City NW NE McKenzie Butte McKenzie Butte McKenzie Butte James Cicero Peak Cicero Peak Tabor NE Klondike Volunteer Klondike Fourmile Hillhead Fourmile Vale SE Vale SB Deerfield Nisland Jewel Cave SE Murdo SW Murdo SW Murdo Murdo Akron SW SW Ludlow Wind Cave Centerville Custer Forestburg NE Kyle No Heart Creek No Heart Creek SW White River East Two Buttes Okaton NE Hamill NH Moreau SB Nora Lake Norden Orient Nora Nora FEATURE NAME Nora School Norbeck Norbeck Dam See Norbeck Lake Norbeck Draw Norbeck Lake Norbeck Dam Norbeck Pass Norbeck School Norbert See Alto Norbert Bonhorst Dam Norden, Lake Norden Post Office (historical) Norden Township Norden Township (historical) Norden Township Nordland See Arlington Nordland Cemetery Nordland Township Nordstrom Dam Norfolk School Norfolk Township Normane State Dam Norman Number 1 Dam Norman Nystrou Dam Norman Schilling Dam See Norman Schillinstad Dam Norman Schillinstad Dam Norman Schilling Dam Norman School (historical) Norris Norris Cemetery Norris Peak ‘ Norris School Norris Township North Alabama Bend (historical) North Antelope Spring North Bay North Beaver Creek North Bend Recreation Area North Bogus Jim Creek North Bon Homme State Public Shooting Area North North North Boxelder Creek Branch Cobb Creek Branch Dry Creek Dry Creek Branch Pine Creek Bryant Township Buffalo Creek Bull Creek Canal Canton School North North North North North North North North North North North North North Cave Hills Clark School Clarkson Well Cody Lake Concordia Cemetery Cooper School Coteau Lake Coteau Island Lake Coteau Lake North Cottonwood Creek North Creek North Creighton School North Dam North Dam See Murdo Dam North Deer Creek North Detroit Township North Double R Creek North Dry Lake State Public Shooting Area North Eagle Butte Northeast Riverside School FEATURE CLASS school ppl reservoir valley reservoir 95? school locale dam lake building civil civil civil ppl cemetery civil dam school civil dam dam dam dam dam school ppl cemetery summit school civil bend spring bay stream park stream park stream stream stream stream civil stream stream canal school range school well lake cemetery school lake stream stream school dam dam stream civil stream park ppl school NATIONAL GAZETTEER--SOUTH DAKOTA 1989 STATUS UNOFF BGN VARIANT BGN BGN VARIANT BGN l957 UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF BGN UNOFF ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN VARIANT UNOFF ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF BGN UNOFF BGN UNOFF ADMIN BGN BGN BGN BGN ADMIN BGN ADMIN BGN 1941 BGN BGN 1975 VARIANT BGN ADMIN BGN BGN BGN UNOFF BGN UNOFF UNOFF BGN UNOFF UNOFF BGN VARIANT VARIANT BGN BGN UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT BGN ADMIN BGN ADMIN BGN UNOFF COUNTY Union Faulk Custer Custer Custer Jackson Harding Hughes Stanley Hamlin Deuel Deuel Hamlin Hamlin Kingsbury Kingsbury Marshall Minnehaha Sully Sully Stanley Stanley Hughes Walworth Walworth Deuel Mellette Hellette Pennington Turner Mellette Clay Custer Charles Mix Lawrence Hughes Pennington Bon Homme Lawrence Deuel Hutchinson Mellette Edmunds Lake Harding Butte Potter Harding Faulk Harding Bennett Roberts Lyman Deuel Shannon Harding Pennington Harding Jones Brookings Brown Butte Clark Dewey Hand COORDINATES 425553N0964225W 451103N0991244W 433448N1032908W 434821N1032707W 433448N1032908W 434630N1020006W 454903N1030744W 441948N1000737W 441154N1005654W 443544N0971155W 444110N0963100W 444030N0963340W 443632N0971042W 443513N0970930W 442152N0970758W 442212N0971232W 454751N0973152W 433736N0963854W 444557N0994411W 444530N0994330W 442118N1003230H 444106N1010618W 442236N1000954W 453348N1002100W 453348N1002100W 443935N0964400W 432824N1011145W 432743N1011152W 440549N1032534W 431435N097l452w 432622N1011115W 424515N0965830W 434846N1035343W 430534N0983421W 442103N1040133W 44132$N0994113W 440740N1032851W 425934N0975549W 441325N1033636W 444434N0963053W 432145N0974937W 433156N1005324W 453233N0991557W 435357N0965901W 454804N1033716W 444516N1032840W 450321N0993645W 454957N1032813W 451352N0992207W 454705N1033417W 430104N1011426W 454308N0965457W 434956N0993354W 445002N0964313W 433435N1023123W 453735N1031414W 441844N1021121W 454324N1032118W 435520N1004317W 441638N0965055W 454323N0980226W 445340N1031209W 445809N0973905W 450015N1011400W 443803N0991130W SOURCE COORDINATES 434912N1032757W 442051N1040229W 440823N1033040W 441414N1034407W 444141N0963850W 432122N0980915W 432825N1010325W 435331N0970806W 455254N1034409W 433830N1023835W 453505N1031151W 443439N0963903W 445507N1031906W ELEV FT 1449 1653 1654 1795 1773 1977 2500 2522 4982 1460 2015 1771 1150 1790 1828 2665 2413 1627 SD141 MAP NAME Nora Norbeck Iron Mountain Wind Cave Wall SE Ralph SW Capa NW Lake Norden Brandt Clear Lake South Lake Norden Lake Norden Arlington Kidder SB Renner Thomas Thomas Teton Lake SW Lake SW Sansarc NE Canning NW Glenham Clear Lake South Norris Norris Pactola Dam Center Point Norris Vermilion Dead Horse Flats Fort Randall Dam Old Baldy Mtn Lower Brule NW Piedmont Kingsburg Nemo Brandt Perkston SE Murdo 3 SW Hosmer SE Wentworth Ladner SE Newell Lake Seneca Ludlow Clark Lake Ladner SE Spring Creek SW Peever NW Reliance SB Clear Lake North Stirk Table Reva NW Creighton Sheep Pen Draw Brookings Hecla SB Deers Ears Butte South Clark North Parade SW Ree Heights NW SD142 FEATURE NAME Northern State College North Fork American Crow Creek North Fork Bad River North Fork Bear Gulch North Fork Beaver Dam Creek North Fork Blacktail Creek North Fork Castle Creek North Fork Estes Creek North North North Fork Fork Fish Draw French Creek Fork Grand River North Fork Lame Johnny Creek North Fork Medicine creek See Medicine Knoll Creek North Fork Medicine Creek North Fork Moreau River North Fork Moss Agate Creek North Fork Rainy Creek North Fork Rapid Creek North Fork Snake Creek North Fork Sulphur Creek See Sulphur Creek North Fork Twelvemile Creek North Fork Twelvemile Creek See Twelvemile Creek North Fork Whetstone Creek North Fork Whetstone River North Fork Yellow Bank River North Freedom School Northgate Shopping Center North Greenwood School North Grove Addition (subdivision) North Illinois School North Indian Creek See Frozen Horse Creek North Indian Creek North Ironwood Creek North Jack Creek North Jackson State Public shooting Area North Junior High School North King School North Knappie Canyon North Lateral North Lincoln School North Lowell School North Marty Well North Medicine Creek See Medicine Knoll Creek North Middle Alkali School North Nichols State Public Shooting Area North Park North Parkway North Point Recreation Area North Pole Spring North Preston Church North Rapid Shopping Center North Rapid Stage Station (historical) North Red Iron Lake Red Iron Lake North Red Owl School North Riverside School (historical) North Riverside Township North Rural School North Sand Creek See Sand Creek North Sand Creek North Scalp Creek North Scatterwood Lake Scatterwood Lake Scatterwood Lakes North Shore Northshore Development (subdivision) FEATURE CLASS school stream stream valley stream stream stream stream valley stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream school locale school 991 school stream stream stream stream park school school valley canal school school well stream school park flat park park spring church locale locale lake school school civil school stream stream stream lake ppl ppl NATIONAL GAZETTEER—-SOUTH DAKOTA 1989 STATUS UNOFF BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN VARIANT BGN BGN BGN 1977 BGN BGN BGN VARIANT BGN VARIANT BGN BGN BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN UNOFF VARIANT BGN 1977 BGN BGN ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF BGN BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF ADMIN BGN ADMIN ADMIN BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN UNOFF VARIANT BGN 1977 BGN BGN VARIANT VARIANT BGN BGN COUNTY Brown Lyman Haakon Custer Harding Fall River Pennington Lawrence Butte Custer Perkins Custer Hughes Lyman Perkins Fall River Pennington Pennington Faulk Meade Davison Hutchinson Gregory Grant Grant Faulk Pennington Tripp Brookings Hyde Butte Butte Todd Harding McPherson Pennington Meade Fall River Butte Tripp Potter Harding Hughes Meade Codington Lawrence Minnehaha Charles Mix Custer Kingsbury Pennington Lawrence Marshall Meade Clay Potter Jackson Butte Harding Gregory Edmunds Codington Yankton COORDINATES 452709N0982853W 434934N0992559W 440207N1013956W 434818N1032238W 451834N1040508W 431242N1030543W 440427N1034452W 441009N1033204W 451116N1030140W 434651N1034311W 454509N1021205W 433831N1032053W 441907N1000429W 435610N1001641W 450842N1024949W 432028N1040116W 441417N1020956W 440752N1034408W 450631N0985611W 444552N1022422W 433400N0980450W 432541N0974801W 431100N0985648W 451612N0963404W 451047N0962129W 451354N0990721W 440510N1031140W 433934N1000419W 442553N0964717W 444628N0992929W 450258N1035511W 445409N1034816W 431540N1005617W 454557N1032246W 453951N0994118W 440559N1031248W 441637N1023409W 432219N1032601W 444603N1032107W 430917N0993535W 451327N0995849W 452010N1030120W 441907N1000429W 442525N1031444W 450111N0972716W 441517N1035440W 433112N0964201W 430445N0983307W 434501N1034358W 442624N0971837W 440504N1031240W 441032N1034520W 454124N0971920W 444427N1023040W 430450N0965530W 451141N100l251W 435243N1012146W 450716N1031640W 451824N1033548W 430302N0985142W 451516N0984513W 445655N0971223W 425200N0973140W SOURCE COORDINATES 435828N0992846W 441237N1020334W 434854N1032344W 451438N1035917W 431411N1031241W 440711N1035026W 441100N1033216W 451040N1030531W 435157N1034425W 460032N1034037W 434252N1032603W 435848N1003130W 452411N1034307W 431916N1040726W 441534N1021423W 441452N1034750W 452841N0991324W 433415N0981455W 431826N0991621W 452544N0970027W 450659N0965456W 451013N1040217W 431514N1005945W 454808N1032539W 432334N1032902W 452155N1033933W 430559N0985819W ELEV FT 3255 1846 1690 2623 3018 1797 3185 5660 1830 2700 2433 1730 1300 HAP NAME Aberdeen East Oacoma Philip Iron Mountain Cactus Creek East Oelrichs NE Rochford Nemo Fish Draw Berne Sommerville Butcher Hill Vivian Zeona NE Mule Creek SE Pedrow 4 NW Minnesota Ridge Cresbard SW Ethan Whetstone Bay Big Stone Lake SE Rosen Wecota Rapid City East Presho 4 NE Brookings NE Rice Lake Antelope Butte Soldier Creek Ludlow Feinstein Lake Rapid City East Elm Springs Angostura Reservoir Schoepp Flat Dallas Flight Lake Sheep Mountain Rapid City 1 NW Wallace Savoy Sioux Falls East Fort Randall Dam Berne Lake Preston NE Rapid City East Nahant South Red Iron Lake Redowl Centerville Steamboat Creek Belvidere NE Redig Campbell Creek Mina SE Watertown West Tabor SE FEATURE NAME North Shore Recreation Area Northside Park North Sioux City North Slick Creek Slick Creek Spink School Spring Spring Star Mine Hard Scrabble Mine North North North North North North North North Star School star School Star School Star School North Star School North Stink Lake State Public Shooting Area North Strool School North Thompson Canyon North Trinity Cemetery Northville Northville Township Northwestern Lutheran Academy North Wheeler Recreation Area North Wolf Creek North 71 Table School Norton Acres Norton Dam Norway (historical) Norway Cemetery Norway Center Midway Center Norway Church Norway Lutheran Cemetery Norway-Meckling Ditch See Yankton Clay Ditch Norway School Norway School Norway Township Norway Township Norway Township Norway Township Norwegian Cemetery Norwegian Cemetery (historical) Lutheran Cemetery Norwegian Cemetery Norwegian Cemetery See Pine Springs Creek Norwegian Gulch Norwegian Lutheran Cemetery Norwegian Lutheran Church (historical) Norwegian Lutheran Church (historical) Highland Lutheran Church Norwegian Lutheran Church (historical) Norwegian Lutheran Church (historical) Norwegian Slough Norwegian Slough State Public Shooting Area Norwegian United Lutheran Church See Pioneer Church Norwich Township (historical) No Sweat Creek No Timber Creek See Chantier Creek Notre Dame School Novak Cindell Spur Novantny Brothers Number 1 Dam November Mine N Overdahl Dam Novey Joe Number 1 Dam Nowlin Nowlin Cemetery FEATURE CLASS park park ppl stream school spring spring mine school school school school school park school valley cemetery ppl civil school park stream school ppl dam locale cemetery locale church cemetery canal school school civil civil civil civil cemetery cemetery cemetery stream valley cemetery church church church church swamp park church civil stream stream school locale dam mine dam dam ppl cemetery STATUS ADMIN ADMIN BGN BGN VARIANT UNOFF BGN BGN UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF BGN ADMIN UNOFF ADMIN BGN UNOFF BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF VARIANT EGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF BGN ADMIN VARIANT ADMIN BGN VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN UNOFF NATIONAL GAZETTEER--SOUTH DAKOTA 1939 COUNTY Buffalo Davison Union Harding Union Custer Harding Custer Lincoln Meade Pennington Pennington Turner Codington Perkins Pennington Lincoln Spink Spink Walworth Charles Mix Hand Pennington Minnehaha Jackson Yankton Roberts Lincoln Campbell Minnehaha Clay Clay Yankton Clay Lincoln Roberts Turner Bon Homme Brule Turner Jackson Clay Sanborn Campbell Deuel Moody Turner Beadle Beadle Brookings Marshall Campbell Stanley Davison Lawrence Tripp Custer Meade Mellette Haakon Haakon COORDINATES 440403N0992844W 434313N0980154W 423138N0962858W 453957N1035511W 425252N0964445W 434351N1040256W 453512N1031229W 434915N1034330W 430331N0964634W 442407N1024640W 435315N1030109W 435758N1021907W 432154N097l908w 445847N0972434W 453141N1024444W 435606N1040546W 430924N0963405W 450920N0983444W 450907N0983733W 453229N1002656W 430957N0984931W 444250N0984951W 435153N1023210W 433438N0964215W 435421N1013152W 430938N0973545W 454821N0970347W 430738N0963741W 453840N1001129W 434353N0963525W 424922N0970638W 424726N0970434W 430903N0973427W 424730N0970500W 430710N0963706W 455210N0971031W 431735N0971239W 425222N0980258W 434855N0991140W 432649N0965714W 434308N1011416W 425926N0970026W 440548N0975600W 455450N1000905W7 443935N0963855W 435702N0965014W 431154N0972020W 442244N0982949W 442137N0982957W 442731N0964334W 454337N0975421W 455100N1002130W 442900N1003605W 434239N0980118W 441259N1033305W 431748N0995118W 435014N1033234W 445342N1020730W 434500N1005354W 440259N1011808W 440404N1011844W SOURCE COORDINATES 454257N1040656W 435646N1040234W 445052N0990000W 430131N0970609W 454927N1001857W ELEV PT 1100 1322 6090 2562 2883 1488 1717 1457 1279 2814 1450 1205 1209 1473 1934 1608 1477 1860 1910 1705 1650 4899 6200 1964 2096 SD143 MAP NAME Big Bend Dam Mitchell Sioux City North Caroline Butte Nora Clifton Battleship Rock Berne Beresford NE Hereford NE Hermosa NE Quinn Table NE Freeman SE Henry Grandmas Butte Moon Alcester NE Northville Chelsea Mobridge Campbell Creek Burdette Scenic Sioux Falls East Kadoka NE Menno Claire City Alcester NW Selby NW Garretson West Meckling Menno Meckling Alcester SE Claire City SW Parker SW Niobrara Pukwana Lennox NW Gayville NE Artesian Herreid NW Clear Lake South Colman Turkey Ridge Wolsey Virgil Amherst Pollock SE Mitchell Nemo Winner South Custer Avance Okaton Nowlin Nowlin SW 50144 FEATURE NAME Nowlin County (historical) Nowlin Creek N R G School Nugget Gulch Number Eight, Ditch Number Four, Ditch Number Six Spring Number 14, Ditch Nunda Nunda Township Nunda Township Hall Nurey (historical) Nursery Draw Nutley Township N Vansickel Dam Nygaard Duckpond Dam Nygaard Leaky Dam Nygaard Trout Dam 0 O'Connell Ranch O'Donald Creek O'Gorman High School O'Leary Dam O'Leary Ranch 1 Dam O'Leary Ranch 2 Dam O'Neal Lake O’Neil Pass O'Neil School O’Neil School O'Neil Township Oacoma Sherman Oacoma Cemetery Oacoma Township Oahe (historical) Oahe, Lake Oahe Dam Oahe Damsite Oahe Damsite See Oahe Dam Oahe Mission (historical) Oahe Mission Recreation Area Peoria Flats Recreation Area Oahe Post Office (historical) Oahe 101 Orton School See Orton School Oak Creek Rampart Creek Rampart River Oak Creek Oak Creek Oak Creek Oakdale School Oakdale School Oak Flat (historical) Oak Gulch Oak Gulch Township Oak Hills Addition (subdivision) Oak Hollow Oak Hollow (historical) Oak Hollow Cemetery Oak Hollow Township (historical) Oak Hollow Township Oak Island Oak Lake Oak Lake Girl Scout Camp Minn-Ia-Kota Scout Camp Oak Lake Township FEATURE CLASS civil stream school valley canal canal spring canal p91 civil building locale valley civil dam dam dam dam locale stream school dam dam dam lake 98? school school civil ppl cemetery civil locale reservoir dam dam locale park building school stream stream stream stream school school locale valley civil p91 valley locale cemetery civil civil flat lake park civil STATUS ADMIN BGN UNOFF BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF BGN ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN BGN UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN BGN VARIANT UNOFF ADMIN UNOFF 051968 UNOFF VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF ADMIN VARIANT UNOFF VARIANT BGN VARIANT VARIANT BGN BGN BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFP BGN ADMIN BGN BGN UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN ADMIN BGN BGN ADMIN VARIANT ADMIN NATIONAL GAZETTEER--SOUTH DAKOTA 1989 COUNTY Haakon Haakon Hughes Pennington Lincoln Lincoln Lawrence Lincoln Lake Lake Lake Lincoln Harding Day Meade Harding Harding Harding Pennington Jones Minnehaha Dewey Dewey Dewey Miner Lawrence Faulk Lawrence Faulk Lyman Lyman Lyman Hughes Stanley Stanley Stanley Hughes Hughes Hughes Stanley Corson Lawrence Mellette Stanley Lawrence Yankton Lawrence Marshall Day Yankton Hutchinson Hutchinson Hutchinson Hutchinson Hutchinson Roberts Brookings Brookings Brookings COORDINATES 441030N1013310W 440309N1011518W 443044N0995307W 440459N1033337W 431524N0965211W 431702N0965005W 441506N1035920W 432105N0964741W 440944N0970107W 440843N0970333W 440908N0970407W 430820N0964015W 455316N1033016W 453213N0972503W 445512N1023148W 455106N1031654W 455512N1031642W 455212N1031624W 441929N1020136W 434549N1004820W 433103N0964545W 451554N1011330H 451354N1011412W 451530N1011613W 435742N0974B4BW 441200N1040038W 450340N0992454W 441209N1040000W 450630N0992245W 434746N0992343W 434816N0992337W 434905N0992640W 442727N1003148W 453811N1003459W 442704N1002407W 442704N1002407W 442719N1003140W 442857N1003139W 442721N1003142W 444325N1004905W 453549N1002633W 443113N1033608W 434101N1001241W 444537N1004934W 443338N1033550W 425857N0970939W 442410N1033930W 454631N0974129W 451121N0975445W 425200N0973157W 431457N0980652W 431415N0980622W 431147N0980336W 431451N0980222W 431214N0980223W 452818N0971026W 443102N0963152W 443058N0963145W 443115N0963429W SOURCE COORDINATES 441000N1012300W 440403N1033402W 455217N1033003W 435229N1005032W 460206N1010241W 443037N1033855W 432000N1002857W 444300N1005110W 454351N0973408W 431053N0980409W ELEV PT 1714 1740 1805 1505 1390 1596 1616 1300 4520 1410 1555 1802 1850 MAP NAME Lucerne Nowlin Blunt Silver City Worthing Worthing Savoy Worthing Sinai Sinai Sinai Alcester NW Ladner NE Eden Opal West Ludlow SE Tepee Buttes Ludlow SE Pedro SE Okaton SE Sioux Falls West Livermant Lake Parade NW Peach Lake Morris Lake Buckhorn Onaka Buckhorn Onaka SW Oacoma Oacoma Oacoma Willow Creek Butte Oahe Dam Willow Creek Butte Willow Creek Butte Willow Creek Butte Mobridge Saint Onge SE Presho 4 NW Rousseau Creek Saint Onge SE Gayville Deadwood North Britton East Crandall Tabor SE Oak Hollow Oak Hollow Oak Hollow Oak Hollow Oak Hollow Enemy Swim Lake East Astoria Astoria Astoria FEATURE NAME Oakland Cemetery Oakland Township (historical) Oakleaf Airfield Oakley Bide Number 1 Dam Oakley Bide Number 2 Dan Oakley Eide Number 3 Dam Oak Park Estates (subdivision) Oak Point (historical) Oak Ridge Cemetery Oaksville See Hartford Oakwood (historical) Oakwood, Lake Oakwood Lake Oakwood Cemetery Oakwood Lake See Oakwood, Lake Oakwood Lakes Oakwood Lakes State Park Oakwood School Oakwood Township Oakwood Zion Cemetery Oat Creek Oatman Spring Oberg Ranch Oblivion (historical) Occidental Lode Mine Ochre City (historical) 0 Counting Dam Odakota Mountain Odden Cemetery Odell (historical) Odenbach Bay Odessa (historical) Odessa Cemetery Odessa Number 1 State Public Shooting Area Odessa Number 2 State Public Shooting Area Odessa School Odessa Township Odessa Township Odessa Township Odessa Township 0 Donnell School Odou Patterson Dam O Drageeet Number 1 Dam O Drageset Number 2 Dam O Drageset Number 3 Dam Oehlrichs See Oelrichs Oelrichs Oehlrichs Oglala Oglala Dam Oglala Lake Oglala School Oglala School Oglala-Sioux Sundance Arena Ogstad Cemetery Ohio School Ohio Township Oil Well Dam Number 1 Oil Well Dam Number 2 Oja Number 1 Dam Oja Number 2 Dam O Jewett Dam Jewett Dam OK Anderson Dam Okaton Okaton Township OK Lode Mine OK Lode Mine OK Number 2 Lode Mine OK Number 4 Lode Mine Okebojo FEATURE CLASS cemetery civil airport dam dam dam ppl locale cemetery ppl locale lake cemetery lake lake park school civil cemetery stream spring locale locale mine locale dam summit cemetery locale buy locale cemetery park park school civil civil civil civil school dam dam dam dam p91 ppl locale dam reservoir school school locale cemetery school civil dam dam dam dam dam dam ppl civil mine mine mine mine locale NATIONAL GAZETTEER--SOUTH DAKOTA 1989 STATUS UNOFF ADMIN ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF BGN VARIANT UNOFF VARIANT BGN ADMIN UNOFF ADMIN UNOFF BGN BGN UNOFF UNOFP UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN 1969 UNOFF UNOFF BGN UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN ADMIN UNOFF ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN UNOFF UNOFP UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT BGN 1895 VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF BGN ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF COUNTY Faulk Faulk Minnehaha Gregory Gregory Gregory Minnehaha Gregory Lawrence Minnehaha Brookinge Brookings Brown Brookings Brookings Brookings Deuel Brookings Brookings Fall River Pennington Pennington Pennington Custer Pennington Dewey Pennington Kingsbury Fall River Gregory Hand Yankton McPherson McPherson Hand Campbell Bdmunds McPherson Yankton Dewey Perkins ziebach ziebach ziebach Fall River Fall River Shannon Shannon Shannon Shannon Shannon Shannon Yankton Hand Hand Fall River Fall River Harding Harding Dewey Meade Jones Jones Custer Pennington Custer Custer Sully COORDINATES 450415N0992930H 450116N0992245W 433500N0965700W 431340N0991324W 431542N0991654W 431536N0991724W 434350N0962930W 430829N0984727H 442321N1034036W 433723N0965632W 442624N0965723W 442615N0965805W 451536N0982106W 442615N0965805W 442600N0970135W 442716N0965921W 444420N0965037H 442447N0965650H 442536N0970043W 430041N1040010W 440650N1035701W 440307N1034758W 435945N1032957W 434602N1034338W 440510N1033922W 450448N1012400W 435525N1034514W 442511N097l949fl 432652N1032310W 430027N0985148W 443807N0985347W 430555N0973528W 454806N0992302W 454634N0992338W 443358N0985423W 455355N0994645W 452208N0993011W 454838N0992425W 430758N0973402W 451008N1012834W 451830N1022454W 452554N1013906W 452612N1013736W 452524N1013442W 431044N1031349W 431044N1031349W 431119N1024421W 431027N1024433W 431027N1024433W 431159N1024614W 430125N1023414W 430201N1023232W 430918N0971646W 441926N0985858W 441914N0985938W 430136N1032712W 430200N1032712W 453630N1034112W 453512N1033924W 451448N1012748W 445730N1023830W 435310N1005329W 434945N1005227W 434814N1033214H 435907N1033602W 434823N1033214W 434805N1033207W 443857N1002343W SOURCE COORDINATES ELEV FT 1876 1625 1530 1420 1624 1940 4760 6040 5440 7205 1759 3380 1425 1424 3365 3004 2240 5480 5700 5500 5440 1709 SD145 MAP NAME Onaka SW Onaka SW Hartford South Herrick NW Dixon SE Dixon SE Garretson East Campbell Creek Deadwood North Bruce Bruce Stratford Arlington NE Bruce Estelline NE Bruce Arlington NE Oat Creek Crows Nest Peak Deerfield Mount Rushmore Berne Minnesota Ridge Lantry Ditch Creek Lake Preston NE Hot Springs Campbell Creek Miller NW Lesterville Schumacher Lake SW Schumacher Lake SW Miller NW Zeeland Bowdle SW Schumacher Lake SH Menno Lantry NW Two Buttes Irish Creek NW Irish Creek NW Irish Creek NE Oelrichs Oglala Oglala Oglala Slim Butte NE Pine Ridge Pine Ridge Turkey Ridge Vayland SW Vayland SW Black Banks Creek West Black Banks Creek West Saddle Butte Saddle Butte Lantry NW Squaw Buttes Okaton Okaton SE Custer Hill City Custer Custer Okobojo SD146 FEATURE NAME Okobojo, Lake Okobojo Lake Okobojo Cemetery Okobojo Creek Okobojo creek Recreation Area Okobcjo Dam Okobojo Lake Dam Okobojo Lake See Okobojo, Lake Lake Dam Okobojo Dam Recreation Area Okobojo See Okobojo Okobojo School Okobojo Township Oko Bojou Islands (historical) Okreek 01a Ola (historical) Olaf Seim Mine Ola Ola Old Old Old Old Old Old Old Old Township (historical) Township Ada School Ascension Cemetery Ashton (historical) Bald Peak Baldy Mountain Baldy Mountain Big Springs Cemetery Bill Mine Old Old Old Old Old Old Old Brandvold Cemetery Brule Creek Cemetery Channel Cherry Creek Diversion Ditch Doc Spring Eagles Nest Canyon Ebenezer Cemetery Old Eden Cemetery Old Effington Cemetery Oldenburg School Old Fort Randall Cemetery Old Fort Sisseton (historical) Old Grand River Cemetery Oldham Oldham Cemetery Old Indian Church See Brown Earth Church Indian Church (historical) Ironsides Mine (historical) Jeff Mine Tin Reef Mine Old Old Old Old Old Johnson School Lodge Creek See Thunder Creek Mike Mine Military Camp (historical) Missouri Cemetery Platte (historical) Platte Cemetery Saint Ottos Cemetery Saint Paul Cemetery Old Old Old Old Old Old Old Old Sisseton Indian Agency vOlds Lode Mine See Maryland Lode Mine Old Smelter (historical) Old Stickney Lake Old Stickney Lake State Public shooting Area Old Town Dam Old Vale Cemetery Old Yankton Trail Stone Marker Old Zion Cemetery Old Zion Cemetery Olean Township (historical) Olean Township Oleson Ranch Oley Creek Oliver, Lake Olivet Olivet Cemetery FEATURE CLASS reservoir cemetery stream park dam reservoir dam park school civil island p91 locale locale mine civil civil school cemetery locale summit summit summit cemetery mine cemetery cemetery stream canal spring valley cemetery cemetery cemetery school cemetery locale cemetery ppl cemetery church church mine mine school stream mine locale cemetery locale cemetery cemetery cemetery locale mine locale reservoir park dam cemetery park cemetery cemetery civil civil locale stream lake ppl cemetery STATUS BGN VARIANT UNOFF BGN ADMIN UNOFF VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT ADMIN UNOFF ADMIN BGN BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN BGN BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN BGN BGN BGN UNOFF UNOPF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF BGN ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN ADMIN UNOFF BGN BGN BGN UNOPF NATIONAL GAZETTEER-—SOUTH DAKOTA 1989 COUNTY Sully Sully Sully Sully Sully Sully Sully Sully Sully Sully Hughes Todd Brule Brule Lawrence Brule Brule Perkins Roberts Spink Pennington Lawrence Pennington Union Custer Roberts Union Ziebach Minnehaha Harding Harding Douglas Marshall Roberts Beadle Gregory Marshall Harding Kingsbury Kingsbury Grant Roberts Lawrence Custer Perkins Tripp Custer Day Douglas Charles Mix Charles Mix Day Aurora Roberts Custer Pennington Aurora Aurora Pennington Butte Minnehaha Day Walworth Splnk Spink Harding Harding Deuel Hutchinson Hamlin COORDINATES 443825N1002532H 443925N1002153W 443409N1003102W 443628N1002752W 433825N1002532W 443825N1002532W 433825N1002532W 443407N1003026W 443949N1001923W 444015N1002002W 443230N1003045W 432144N1002309W 433603N0991237W 433650N0991510W 442220N1034445W 433750N0991508W 433748N099123BW 451837N1022435W 452746N0970338W 445500N0982730W 440131N1033456W 442143N1040048H 435327N1032728W 425644N0963513W 434933N1033057W 455336N0965113W 424740N0964225W 444145N1014244W 434021N0964343W 453323N1031036W 452054N1030741W 432423N0991839W 453839N0972105W 454905N0965731W 441235N0980031W 430233N0983410W 453926N0973145W 453710N1032746W 441339N0971827W 441325N0972027W 450720N0964618W 453919N0965033W 442135N1035213W 434009N1033745W 452028N1021648H 434015N0995221W 434906N1033659W 451821N0975244W 431741N0981216W 431930N0985146W 432446N0985122W 451934N0972936W 433325N0982047W 453259N0970311W 434944N1032745W 435740N103273BW 433552N0982006W 433548N0931957W 435854N1021718W 443707N1032612W 433155N0964416W 452021N0971912W 452118N1001018W 450612N0930538W 450611N0980157W 452550N1040145W 454100N1035454W 444312N0962827W 431427N0974030W 443422N0971234W SOURCE COORDINATES 445929N0994439W 444152N1014259W 452133N1030835W 453806N1034905W ELEV FT 1662 1780 1751 3000 1735 1700 4800 1250 6130 6096 5605 1376 1093 1219 1153 1815 1710 1715 1050 5000 5680 1606 1640 1852 1627 4680 2803 1500 1673 1220 1678 MAP NAME Okobojo Okobojo NE Iron Post Buttes 5E Okobojo SW Okobojo Iron Post Buttes SE Okobojo NE Okobojo NE Iron Post Buttes SE Okreek Bijou Hills Bond Bottom Deadwood South Red Lake West Red Lake West Two Buttes Summit NE Ashton Silver City Old Baldy Mtn Mount Rushmore Chatsworth Berne New Effington NE Richland Rattlesnake Lake Renner , Battleship Rock Irish Butte Corsica Lake South Red Iron Lake New Effington Forestburg NE Fort Randall Dam Britten 4 NE Sheep Pen Draw SW Oldham Oldham Peever NE Spearfish Berne Sunrise Butte Custer Andover 5" Belmont Bovee Platte Waubay SW Stickney Goodwill Mount Rushmore 01d Stickney Lake Old Stickney Lake Quinn Table NE Vale Sioux Falls East Waubay Akaska SW Turton Turton Capitol Caroline Butte Canby NW Scotland Lake Norden FEATURE NAME Olivet Township (historical) Oller Landing Strip Ollie stomprud Dam Olsen (historical) Olsen Cemetery Olsen Dam Olson Cemetery Olson Creek Olson Creek (historical) Olson Creek Olson Draw Olson Number 1 Dam Olson Number 2 Dam Olson Number 3 Dam Olson Park Olson Ranch Olson Ranch Olson Ranches Number 1 Dam Olson Ranches Number 2 Dam Olson Ranches Number 5 Dam Olson Ranches Number 7 Dan Olson Ranches Number 10 Dan Olson Russell Number 2 Dam Olson School Olson School Olsonville Olympia Mine Omaha Creek Omega Mine (historical) O M Iwan Dam See Iwan O M Number 3 Dam Onaka On-a-Tree Cemetery On-a—Tree Church Oneida Township Oneida Township Hall Oneota Township Oneota Township (historical) Oneroad Bethel Church Bethel Lutheran Church Oneroad Lake One Road School (historical) One Road Township Onhson Siding See Johnson Siding Onida Onida Municipal Airport Onida Township Ontario School Ontario Township Onyx Cave Opal Opal (historical) Opal Dam Opdahl (historical) Opdahl Slough State Public Shooting Area Opdahl Township Opitz Lake Aspen Slough Oporto Post Office (historical) Opossum Hollow Oral Cheyenne Pit Pimptown Ordway Ordway Township (historical) Ordway Township Ordway Township Hall See Three Legs Creek Oreville Oreville Spar Mine Orient Orient See Ree Valley (historical) Orient-Prairieview Cemetery Orient Township FEATURE CLASS civil airport dam locale cemetery dam cemetery stream stream stream valley dam dam dam park locale locale dam dam dam dam dam dam school school PP1 mine stream mine dam ppl cemetery church civil building civil civil church lake school civil ppl ppl airport civil school civil cave ppl locale dam locale park civil lake building valley ppl locale civil civil stream locale mine ppl locale cemetery civil STATUS ADMIN ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN BGN BGN BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN UNOFF BGN UNOFF VARIANT BGN UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN UNOFF ADMIN ADMIN UNOFF VARIANT BGN UNOFF ADMIN VARIANT BGN ADMIN ADMIN UNOFF ADMIN BGN BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN ADMIN BGN VARIANT UNOFF BGN BGN VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF ADMIN ADMIN VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF BGN VARIANT UNOFF ADMIN NATIONAL GAZETTEER--SOUTH DAKOTA 1909 COUNTY Hutchinson Lyman Meade Lawrence McCook Buffalo Lake Campbell Campbell Harding Dewey Jones Jones Jones Minnehaha Haakon Harding Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Mellette Brule Harding Todd Pennington Todd Pennington Mellette Faulk Dewey Dewey Sanborn Sanborn Brown Brown Robert: Roberts Roberts Roberts Pennington Sully Sully Sully Hand Hand Custer Meade Meade Meade Hamlin Hamlin Hamlin Day Grant Butte Fall River Brown Brown Brown Dewey Pennington Pennington Faulk Hand Hand Faulk COORDINATES 431455N0974111W 435240N1002142W 445954N1024812W 440930N1034415W 434908N0972540W 440318N0985918W 440952N0965537W 454403N1000817W 454258N1001752W 453825N1025945W 444736N1010531W 440500N1004100W 440554N1004112W 440912N1004506W 433214N0964022W 442827N1015543W 453632N1031242W 440500N1010100W 440524N1005842W 440936N1010142W 440854N1005900W 440706N1005300W 434230N1004724W 435509N0990816W 454022N1025855W 430740N1003631W 435423N1033602W 431147N1005751W 440245N1033223W 434700N1010630W 451134N0992757W 451110N1010400W 451057N1010428W 440406N0980151W 440222N0975928W 454314N0983212W 454825N0983601W 453240N0970806W 453049N0970913W 453236N0970801W 453121N0971030W 440505N1032615W 444229N1000334W 444215N1000530W 444018N1000525W 444646N0991619W 444530N0991430W 433100N1033215W 445330N1022700W 445420N1022933W 445442N1022518W 444120N0971830W 444240N0971644W 444025N0971832W 453511N0972933W 450227N0963657W 445453N1034931W 432418N1031607W 453443N0982442W 453405N0982910W 453246N0932445W 452108Nl001824W 435203N1033721W 435125N1033724W 445401N0990520W 445330N0990514W 445250N0990520W 445601N0990801W SOURCE COORDINATES 454306N1001135W 454457N1001642W 454134N1030212W 444910N1010852W 430957N1005458W 445718N1035336W ELEV PT 2100 2780 1560 2339 1549 2780 5300 5201 1850 1309 2047 1959 2050 1870 1871 1728 2625 2598 1695 1240 2960 1307 5640 1590 SD147 MAP NAME Scotland Vivian Frozen Man Creek Minnesota Ridge Unityville Gannvalley Rutland NW Selby NW Mobridge NE Prairie City NW Herbert Creek SE Wendte SW Wendte SW Van Metre Sioux Falls East Hilland NW Battleship Rock Midland SE Capa Midland NE Capa NW Capa Murdo 3 NE Shelby Prairie City NW Olsonville H111 City St Francis Silver City Onaka Parade NE Parade NE Forestburg Artesian Richmond NE Frederick Drywood Lakes Drywood Lakes Drywood Lakes Drywood Lakes Onida Onida Onida Rezac Lake Orient SW Pringle Opal East Opal East Opal West Bryant NE Bryant NE Bryant NE Eden Revillo Antelope Butte Buffalo Gap Ordway Ordway Ordway Custer Custer Orient Orient Orient NW SD148 FEATURE NAME Orior (historical) Orland (historical) Orland Orland Township Orleans (historical) ' Orleans School Orman Dam Orman Dam Orman School Oro Fino (historical) Oro Hondo Mine Ortley Ortley Cemetery Ortley Township Ortman Landing Strip Orton Orton Orton Orton (historical) Flat School Oahe 101 Orton School Osborne Number 2 Dan Osborne Number 3 Dam Oscar Diess Dam Oscar Orwick Dam Oscar Rische Dem Osceola (historical) Osceola Osceola Osceola Township Osceola Township Oslo Cemetery Oslo Church Oslo Township Oswald School Lake Otlershagen Prospect Mine Otter Creek See Swan Lake Creek Otter Lake Ott Landing Strip Otto (historical) Otto (historical) Otto Dietterle Dam Horseshoe Dam Otto Ericson Dam Number 1 Otto Schmidt Dam Ottumwa Ottumwa Dam Ottumwa Lake Our Lady of Good Council Church Our Lady of Lourdes Mission Our Lady of Perpetual Help Cemetery Our Lady of the Prairie Church Our Lady of the Sioux Church Our Our Out Our Redeemer Cemetery Savior Cemetery Savior Cemetery Saviors Cemetery Our Saviours Church Our Saviour: Church Ouster Creek Overby School Overlook Recreation Area Owanka Wicota Owanka Cemetery Owanka Township Owanka 1 Dam Owatoma (historical) Owattonna School Owattonna Township Owawichah River See Chapelle Creek Owens Bay . Owens Dam See Bison Dam Owl Butte FEATURE CLASS locale ppl locale civil locale school 991 cemetery civil airport 19:21 locale flat school dam locale locale reservoir civil civil cemetery church civil school mine stream lake airport locale locale dam dam dam Ppl dam reservoir church church cemetery church church cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery church church stream school park p91 cemetery civil dam locale school civil stream bay dam summit STATUS UNOFF BGN UNOFF ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN UNOFF ADMIN ADMIN BGN UNOFF BGN UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN ADMIN ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT BGN ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF BGN UNOFF BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN UNOFF ADMIN BGN VARIANT UNOFF ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN VARIANT BGN VARIANT BGN NATIONAL GAZETTEER--SOUTH DAKOTA 1989 COUNTY Moody Lake Lake Lake Faulk Faulk Butte Butte Butte Lawrence Lawrence Roberts Roberts Roberts McCook Stanley Stanley Stanley Stanley Jones Jones Lyman Perkins Corson Grant Kingsbury Kingsbury Brown Grant Moody Brookings Brookings Yankton Pennington Walworth Miner Brown Hamlin Roberts Corson Butte Stanley Haakon Haakon Haakon Shannon Shannon McPherson Harding Shannon Hamlin Dewey Tripp Clark Hamlin Yankton Jackson Brown Hughes Pennington Pennington Pennington Pennington Harding Potter Potter Hughes Charles Mix Perkins Butte COORDINATES 440940N0964425W 435509N0971054W 435330N0971120W 435308N0971044W 451307N0991343W 451324N0991332W 444352N1034037W 444000N1033955W 444403N1033853W 441935N1034020W 442009N1034436W 451956N0971143W 451939N0971219W 452051N0971031W 433600N0971800W 444237N1005030W 444305N1005035W 444339N1005208W 444325N1004905W 440742N1002840W 440912N1003124W 435100N0994100W 450306N1025712W 454512N1004424W 451850NO965310W 442803N0975018W 442805N0974920W 455340N0983218W 451724N0965602W 435417N0963055W 441328N0965539W 441555N0965635W 430854N0972358W 435218N1032243W 451821N1001740W 440256N0972330W 451500N0931000W 444623N0971348W 454559N0971105W 453630N1015800W 450118N1034324W 442718N1010412W 441401N101204EW 441425N1012036W 441425N1012036W 431846N1024729H 431441N1022012W 454346N0985545W 453245N1030009W 431108N1024349W 443608N0972740W 452821N1011501W 432832N0993300W 450818NO974208W 444814N0972737W 430907N0973444W 435511N1013228W 452702N0982843w 442728N1002306W 440120N1023513W 440118N1023611W 440153N1023214W 440118N1023448W 453319N1025731W 445635N1000115W 445603N0995927W 441633N0995525W 430938N0982710W 452912N1022406W 444819N1031329W SOURCE COORDINATES 435151N1013012W ELEV FT 1600 1775 1796 1640 2968 5400 5100 1840 1862 1541 1990 2000 1990 1350 1605 1686 4220 1320 1760 1300 2210 1582 2990 1851 1815 2512 2904 1441 3223 MAP NAME Flandreau NW Lake Herman Lake Herman Lake Herman Norbeck Norbeck Fruitdale Fruitdale Fruitdale Deadwood South Deadwood South Ortley Ortley. Ortley Canistota Mission Ridge Mission Ridge Mission Ridge Mission Ridge Pierre 3 NW Wendte NE Reliance SW Mud Creek Mahto Marvin Bancroft West Bancroft West Ellendale South Marvin Dell Rapids NE Rutland NW Volga Midway Iron Mountain Oldham SW Randolph Pelican Lake Claire City SW Black Horse Butte Two Top Butte West Hayes North Ottumwa Ottumwa Ottumwa Willow Creek Wounded Knee Leola Reva Oglala Bryant Firesteel Rattlesnake Butte East Lily Hazel Menno Kadoka NE Aberdeen East Oahe Dam Owanka Owanka Owanka Waste White Hill Agar NE Gettysburg Muni Airport Ravinia Owl Butte FEATURE NAME Owl Owl Owl Owl Owl Creek Creek Creek School Lake River See Moreau River Oxford Cemetery Oxford Township Oxford Township (historical) Oyster Mountain P Pactola (historical) Pactola Dam Pactola Reservoir Pactola School Pactola Township (historical) Padalower Spring Paddock School Number 12 (historical) Page School Pahapesto Township Painter School Paint of Rocks See Pringle Palanata Wakpa Ree See Grand River Palatine Township Paleck School Palestine Church Palisade (historical) Palisades, The Palisades Recreational Area Palisade Township Palm (historical) Palmer See Bemis Palmer Creek Palmer Creek Palmer Draw Palmer Pearson Number 1 Dam Palmer Pearson Number 2 Dam Palmer School Palmer School Palmyra Township Palmyra Township Hall Pancake Island Panzour Dam Panzour Lake Dam Pazour Lake Dam Parade Parade Creek See Paradis Creek Paradee Creek See Paradis Creek Paradis Creek Parade Creek Paradee Creek Prairie Creek Paradise Gulch Paris (historical) Paris School Park Camp Spring Park Creek Park Creek Parker Kimball City Parker Creek Parker Island Parker Lake See Enemy Swim Lake Parker Peak FEATURE CLASS stream stream school lake stream cemetery civil civil summit locale dam reservoir school civil spring school school civil school 991 stream civil school church locale cliff park civil locale ppl stream stream valley dam dam school school civil building island reservoir dam locale stream stream stream valley locale school spring stream stream 991 stream island lake summit NATIONAL GAZETTEER--SOUTH DAKOTA 1989 STATUS BGN BGN UNOFF BGN VARIANT UNOFF ADMIN ADMIN BGN UNOFF UNOFF BGN UNOFF ADMIN BGN UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN UNOFF VARIANT VARIANT ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN ADMIN ADMIN UNOFF VARIANT BGN BGN BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN UNOFF BGN BGN UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF VARIANT VARIANT BGN 193B VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT BGN UNOFF UNOFF BGN BGN BGN BGN VARIANT BGN BGN VARIANT BGN COUNTY Butte Tripp Butte Roberts Dewey Hamlin Hamlin Hamlin Meade Pennington Pennington Pennington Pennington Pennington Harding Jerauld Custer Tripp Harding Custer Corson Aurora Mellette Marshall Minnehaha Minnehaha Minnehaha Minnehaha Roberts Deuel Pennington Shannon Butte Haakon Haakon Hand Hand Brown Brown Roberts Brule Brule Dewey Dewey Dewey Dewey Lawrence Corson Perkins Lawrence Lake Lawrence Turner Dewey Day Day Fall River COORDINATES 444027N1032845W 433547N0995832W 444921N1035043W 452551N0970831W 451800N1004329W 444540N0971246W 444538N0971308W 444420N0971310W 442608N1033332W 440425N1032900W 440420N1032917W 440420N1032917W 440615N1033122W 440337N1032630W 455035N1032810W 435946N0934930W 433116N1033631W 433815N1000905W 454636N1035218W 433631N1033536W 453437N1002816W 434930N0982430W 433902N1003411W 455519N0971549W 434124N0963120W 434126N0963122W 434117N09631l1W 434235N0962850W 455330N0964203W 445006N0965053W 435706N1033029W 433542N1021921W 450507N1030451W 441636N1014242W 441654N1014236W 442044N0935038W 445159N0991239W 455342N0983945W 455503N0984213W 452120N0962934W 433743N0990929W 433736N0990924W 450126N1010615W 444556N1005649W 444$56N1005649W 444556N1005649W 442357N1034311W 454830N1015650N 454723N1025651W 441757N1035329W 435822N0970412W 442120N1033527W 432351N0970810W 445810N1002719W 452637N0971525W 452622N0971557W 432356N1034128W SOURCE COORDINATES 432730N1000038W 435248N1033358W 432945N1021840W 450838N1030557W 445719N1010649W 442401N1034724W 440352N0970634W 441804N1033522N 445755N1002957W ELEV PT 3033 1945 4045 4580 4500 1755 1470 1400 1060 1503 1664 2340 1372 4840 SD149 MAP NAME Newell Ideal Mud Buttes Enemy Swim Lake East Pelican Lake Pelican Lake Hayti Sturgis Pactola Dam Pactola Dam Pactola Dam Silver City Pactola Dam Ludlow Isham Lake Pringle Presho 4 NW Chimney Butte Storla SW White River NE Veblen NE Garretson West Garretson West Garretson West Garretson East La Mars Hill City Imlay SE Tomato Can Buttes Elbon Elbon Vayland SE Orient SW Frederick NW Frederick NW Ortonville Red Lake East Red Lake East Parade Rousseau Creek SW Spearfish Thunder Hawk SW Thunder Hawk SW Savoy Lake Madison Deadman Mountain Parker Artichoke Butte NW Enemy Swim Lake West Minnekahta SD150 FEATURE NAME Parker School Parker Township Park Jefferson Racetrack Park Pond Dam Park Pond Reservoir Park Ridge Shopping Center Park School Park School Parks Duck Dam Park Slough (historical) Park Spring Parkston Parkston Cemetery Parkston Municipal Airport Park Township Parkway School Parmelee Parmelee Dam Parmley, Lake Parmley, Lake Parnell Township Parsons Pass Pascal Creek Pascal Island (historical) Good Hope Island Pascals Island (historical) Pass Creek Pass Creek Pass Creek Pass Creek Basin Pass Creek Well Patch Skin Buttes Patricia Patrick Henry Junior High school Patrick Township Pats Draw Pat Stout Dam Pat Stout Number 1 Dam Pattee Creek Pattee Creek Flood Control Dam Patten School Patterson Creek Patterson Creek Patterson Holding Dam Paul Berry Dam Pauli Dam Paulmyer Creek Pauls Irrigation Dam Paulson Ranch Paul Spring Pault School Paul Young Dam Paxton Denver Paxton Church Payne Canyon Pazour Lake Dam See Panrour Lake Dam P Bachman Dam Peace Cemetery Peace Cemetery Peace Cemetery Peace Church Peace Church Peace Lutheran Cemetery Peace Lutheran Church See Saint Marks church Peach Lake Peacock Number 1 Dam Peaked Butte Pearl Church Pearl Creek Pearl Creek Pearl Creek Pearl Creek Colony Pearl Creek Township Pearl English Crain Number 1 Dam FEATURE CLASS school civil locale dam reservoir locale school school dam lake spring 991 cemetery airport civil school p91 dam reservoir reservoir civil channel stream island island stream stream stream basin well ridge Ppl school civil valley dam dam stream dam school stream stream dam dam dam stream dam locale spring school dam locale church valley dam dam cemetery cemetery cemetery church church cemetery church reservoir dam summit church stream stream stream ppl civil dam NATIONAL GAZETTEER--SOUTH DAKOTA 1989 STATUS UNOFF ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN BGN BGN UNOFF ADMIN ADMIN UNOFF BGN UNOFF BGN BGN ADMIN BGN BGN BGN VARIANT BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN UNOFF BGN BGN UNOFF ADMIN BGN UNOFF UNOFF BGN UNOFF UNOFF BGN BGN 1982 UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN UNOFF UNOFF BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF BGN VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT BGN UNOFF BGN UNOFF BGN BGN BGN BGN ADMIN UNOFF COUNTY Perkins Turner Union Harding Harding Minnehaha Custer Hand Harding Hamlin Pennington Hutchinson Hutchinson Hutchinson Hand Brown Todd Todd Edmunds Edmunds Brookings Marshall Dewey Potter Potter Fall River Jackson Shannon Jackson Custer Dewey Bennett Minnehaha Faulk Pennington Jackson Jackson Lincoln Lincoln Aurora Pennington Pennington Meade Mellette Tripp Mellette Harding Pennington Harding Beadle Meade Gregory Tripp Fall River Brule Meade Gregory Union Walworth Brown Gregory Brown Brown Dewey Mellette Corson Beadle Beadle Butte Hand Beadle Beadle Hughes COORDINATES 454732N1024229W 432250N0970537W 423426N0963122W 453054N1031836W 453054N1031836W 434517N0964504W 434759N1033852W 445014N0985912W 454518N1030342W 444012N0971256W 435400N1035926W 432356N0975900W 432307N0975835W 432245N0975815W 445043N0985953W 452643N0982603W 431923N1010134W 431918N1010212W 452625N0984349W 452630N09B4354W 441605N0963500W 453924N0973006W 445829N1002714W 445621N1002500W 450109N1002003W 432721N1040104W 434459N1012808W 433707N1025555W 433858N1012820W 433104N1035828W 451101N1002431W 431714N1013042W 433131N0964306W 445602N0992245W 440215N1022816W 435024N1014512W 435136N1014436W 430531N0962745W 431048N0963218W 435333N0984455W 440127N1023557W 43S700N1033521W 445400N1024206W 433106N1011036W 433554N0994906W 434058N1011331W 454418N1035212W 441858N1020256W 455248N1032845W 442637N0983712W 444736N1024130W 430455N0993155W 430413N0993310W 432009N1033335W 433736N0990924W 445719N1020142W 430454N0992341W 425850N0963853W 453357N0995456W 455337N0981757W 430405N0992233W 455405N0981755W 455246N0981726W 451740N1011833W 433900N1001654W 455455N1013858W 441202N0980314W 441502N0980816W 445220N1035616W 442749N0984204W 441943N0975448W 441600N0980200W 443212N1000154W SOURCE COORDINATES 445927N1002946W 433327N1035143W 431446N1012459W 433311N1025319W 440604N1023509W 431244N0963829W 440829N1023946W 435624N1033925W 433741N1011748W 432425N1033546W 443921N0974356W 445032N1035915W 443045N0985213W ELEV FT 1450 1674 1396 1404 1415 1291 2647 1413 2960 1863 2665 1413 2306 2153 1354 1354 2208 2282 1350 MAP NAME Lodgepole Parker NE Jefferson Sheep Pen Draw SE Sheep Pen Draw SE Sioux Falls West Berne Rockham SW Ralph Hayti Preacher Spring Parkston Parkston Parkston Rockham SW Aberdeen Bast Parmelee Parmelee Lake Parmley Lake Parmley White SE Britten 4 NE Artichoke Butte NW Artichoke Butte NW Patch Skin Buttes SE Twentyone Divide Pass Creek NW Red Shirt SW Pass Creek NW Jewel Cave SW Patch Skin Buttes Patricia Sioux Falls Bast Rezac Lake NW Wasta Cottonwood SE Weta Hawarden North Alcester NE Crow Lake Owanka Hill City Squaw Buttes Corn Creek Ideal NE Cedar Butte NW Caroline Butte Pedro SE Eagles Nest Butte Wessington NE Big Draw Paxton Paxton Cascade Springs Avance SE Carlock Nora Java Savo NE Carlock Savo NE Peach Lake Badnation Morristown Forestburg NE Huron Bull Creek Butte Wessington Pearl Creek Colony Cavour Onida SE FEATURE NAME Lake Lake Dam Ross Dam School School Township Pearl Township Pearl Township Pearman Ranch Pearson Creek Pearl Pearl Pearl Pearl Pearl Pearl Pearson School Pearsons Corner Pearson Slough Pease Creek Pease Creek Recreation Area Psase Island (historical) Pease Spring Pechous Lake Peck Dam Peck School Pecks Gulch Pectoria (historical) Pederson Slough Pedley Lake Pedro (historical) Pedro Peedee Gulch Pee-Munky Run See Peg Munky Run Peerless Mine Peever Peever Cemetery Peever Flats (subdivision) Peever Slough Impassable Marsh Peever Slough State Wildlife Management Area Peg Munky Run Pee-Munky Run Pelican Lake Pelican Lake Pelican Township Pembroke (historical) Pembroke Cemetery Pembrook Cemetery Pembrook Colony Pembrook Township Penalua Gulch Penfield School Peninsula Park Penitentiary Farms Pennington (historical) Pennington County Pennington Square School Pennsylvania Mine Peno (historical) Penobscott Mine Peno Grazing Association Dam Hill (historical) Lake Dam School South Peno School Peno Township Peno Township Penttila Butte Peoria Bottoms See Peoria Flats Peoria Bottoms (historical) Peno Peno Peno Peoria Flats Peoria Bottoms Peoria Flats Recreation Area See Oahe Mission Recreation Area Peoria Township Pepper Creek Pepper Slough Perault Number 1 Dan FEATURE CLASS reservoir dam dam school school civil civil civil locale stream school locale lake stream park island spring lake dam school valley locale lake lake locale locale valley stream mine ppl cemetery ppl gut park stream lake lake civil locale cemetery cemetery locale civil valley school PP1 locale locale civil school mine locale mine dam summit dam school civil civil summit flat locale flat park civil stream lake dam STATUS BGN UNOFP UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN UNOFF BGN UNOFF UNOFF BGN BGN ADMIN BGN BGN BGN UNOFF UNOFF BGN UNOFF BGN BGN UNOFF UNOFF BGN VARIANT UNOFF BGN UNOFF BGN BGN VARIANT ADMIN BGN VARIANT BGN BGN ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN BGN UNOFF BGN UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT ADMIN ADMIN BGN VARIANT UNOFP BGN VARIANT VARIANT ADMIN BGN BGN UNOFF NATIONAL GAZETTEER--SOUTH DAKOTA 1989 COUNTY Hand Hand Perkins Beadle Sully Hand McCook Sully Stanley Jackson Brown Yankton Roberts Charles Mix Charles Mix Charles Mix Custer Bon Homme Perkins Brown Lawrence Brown Brookings Miner Pennington Pennington Lawrence Brookings Pennington Roberts Roberts Roberts Roberts Roberts Brookings Codington Lake Codington Potter Potter Edmunds Edmunds Edmunds Pennington Perkins Lake Minnehaha Minnehaha Pennington Pennington Lawrence Hyde Custer Pennington Hyde Hyde Hyde Hyde Pennington Harding Hughes Hughes Hughes Hughes Hughes Shannon Clark Jones COORDINATES 442715N0985400W 442715N0985400W 453924N1022312W 441330N0980313W 444504N1002231W 442426N0985218W 434945N0973315W 444530N1002003W 444438N1010800W 434108N1012752W 455501N0980109W 431010N0971905W 451850N0971057W 430815N0984434W 430849N0984435W 430857N0984515W 434556N1040122W 425710N0974456W 453342N1020254W 453859N0983719W 442153N1034348W 454308N0981848W 441231N0965759W 440116N0972318W 442615N1020738W 442512N1020707W 442315N1034023W 443128N0965246W 435325N1032$10W 453235N0965716W 453143N0965728W 453126N0965608W 453513N0965727W 453509N0965737W 443128N0965246W 445210N0971035W 440535N0965447W 445000N0971050W 451305N0995000W 450933N0995521W 453046N0984703W 452235N0990001W 453228N0984623W 435647N1033141W 455040N1020652W 435645N0970032W 433331N0965353W 434239N0963908W 440000N1024500W 440218N1021713W 442210N1034755W 441843N09921$7W 434829N1034314W 441854N1020812W 441953N0992523W 442024N0992218W 441813N0992251W 441901N0992103W 440705N1020323W 454137N1033455W 442939N1003058W 442657N1003303W 442939N1003058W 442857N1003139W 442945N1002851W 431246N1022858W 450253N0973541W 435200N1010154W SOURCE COORDINATBS 433905N1012418W 431800N0984530W 442126N1034308W 442150N1034118W 443604N0964303W 435742N1033303W 430933N1023241W ELEV FT 1308 1589 1638 1842 1417 1300 1666 1980 2024 1200 1216 1225 1708 1890 1467 1610 1500 2836 5400 1870 2150 1870 3400 1440 1777 SD1$1 MAP NAME Vayland NW Vayland NW Bison NW Forestburg NE Artichoke Butte SW Vayland Canova SE Artichoke Butte Alleman Station Pass Creek NW Hecla NE Turkey Ridge Ortley Lake Andes NW Lake Andes NW Campbell Creek Fanny Peak Tabor Meadow SE Richmond NE Deadwood South Columbia NE Rutland NW Oldham SW Pedro NW Pedro Deadwood North Mount Rushmore Peever Peever Peever Peever Peever Estelline Pelican Lake Rutland Arpan Hoven Flight Lake Wetonka South Ipswich Wetonka South Hill City Lemmon Lake Lake Madison Hartford South Renner Caputa NE Wasta SE Lead Macs Corner SE Berne Creighton Corner Corner SE Corner Macs Macs Macs Macs Corner SE Elm Creek Ranch McKenzie Butte Willow creek Butte Willow Creek Butte Oahe Dam Manderson Heggs Lake Stamford SE SD15? FEATURE NAME Perault Number 2 Dam Perauit Number 3 Dam Perault Number 4 Dam Perault Number 5 Dam Perault Number 6 Dam Perault Number 7 Dam Perault Ranch Percilla (historical) Percy Dam Pere Pearson Dam Pare Pearson 1 Dan Perkins Perkins County Perkins School School Number 45 Pero Creek Perrin Mountain Perry See Roubaix Perry Creek Perry Lateral Perry Township Perry Township Persche Ranch Pershing School Pershing School Pershing Township (historical) Petersburg Cemetery Petersburg Township Petersen Dam See Petersen Kate Number 1 Dam Petersen Kate Number 1 Dan Petersen Dam Peters Number 1 Dam Peterson Bottoms Petersons Bottom Peterson Canyon Peterson Creek Peterson Ranch Peterson Ranch Peterson Ranch Peterson Ranch Peterson Reservoir Petersons Bottom See Peterson Bottoms Peterson School Peterspuddle Dam Peters 1 Dam Petes Creek Petes Creek Pete W Slough Petranek Number 1 Dan Petrodie Cemetery Pettigrew Dam Pettigrew Gulch Pettigrew Pond Number 1 Dam Pettigrew Pond Number 2 Dam Pettigrew Trail Pettijohn Ranch Pettit and Pfanders Claim Mine Peyote Cemetery Pfeiffle State Public Shooting Area Pfister Pond Number 1 Dam Pfister Pond Number 2 Dam Pfister Pond Number 3 Dam Pflamm School Number 2 (historical) P Garr Dam Phantom Lake Fantom Lake Pheasant Ridge Resort Phelan (historical) Phelps Island (historical) Phelps Lode Mine Roosevelt Lode Mine FEATURE CLASS dam dam dam dam dam dam locale locale dam dam dam ppl civil school stream summit locale stream canal civil civil locale school school civil cemetery civil dam dam dam bend valley stream locale locale locale locale reservoir bend school dam dam stream stream lake dam cemetery cemetery park dam dam dam school dam building locale locale island mine STATUS UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFP UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN ADMIN UNOFF VARIANT BGN BGN VARIANT BGN BGN ADMIN ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN UNOFF ADMIN VARIANT UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF BGN VARIANT BGN BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN VARIANT UNOFF UNOFP UNOFF BGN BGN BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF BGN UNOFF VARIANT NATIONAL GAZETTEER--SOUTH DAKOTA 1999 COUNTY Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Sully Pennington Haakon Haakon Bon Homme Perkins Bon Homme Walworth Pennington Lawrence Faulk Butte Davison Lincoln Butte Waleorth Yankton Buffalo Yankton McPherson Mellette Mellette Jones Brule Harding Brule Haakon Jackson Jones Pennington Harding Brule Yankton Fall River Meade Gregory Harding Marshall Mellette Beadle Fall River Lawrence Fall River Fall River Lawrence Jackson Pennington Todd McPherson Fall River Fall River Fall River Jerauld Dewey Aurora Roberts Hyde Lyman Custer COORDINATES 435306N1010342W 435318N1010254W 435224N1010142W 435212N1010042W 435200N1010118W 435130N1010148W 435134N1010221W 445258N1001700W 435742N1022312W 441606N1014100W 441700N1014148W 425156N0980036W 453100N1022730W 425153N0980147W 052115N1001601W 440508N1032832W 441633N1033957W 450432N0984529W 443707N1032145W 434940N0980210W 432252N0965120W 444822N1033252W 452911N1001057W 425828N0972503W 435910N0990100W 430459N0973810W 455350N0992425W 434118N1004130W 434113N1004130W 435900N1005806W 434224N0992358W 454546N1033352W 434435N0992419W 442447N1015331W 434824N1014321W 435036N1005856W 440757N1034555W 454233N1034801W 434224N0992358W 430732N0972510W 431524N1032312W 443242N1030348W 431200N0990713W 455425N1032425W 454044N0971754W 433312N1004342W 443707N0975235W 430136N1031906W 442220N1035827W 430318N1031436W 430312N1031606W 442025N1040020W 433929N1012746W 435415N1033252W 431421N1010545W 454806N0992659W 431442N1040000W 431112N1040100W 430718N1040130W 435930N0985155W 451448N1012606W 434914N0983010W 454131N0964619W 441515N0991916W 433645N0992040W 434830N1033646W SOURCE COORDINATES 452216N1001013W 451042N0984529W 454420N1033310W 434555N0992310W 430918N0991519W 454957N1032739W 442034N1035940W ELEV FT 1815 1448 1448 5212 2904 1938 1292 2350 1356 1848 5200 1745 1481 990 1900 1315 6100 MAP NAME Stamford Stamford Stamford Stamford Stamford Stamford SE Stamford SE Artichoke Butte NE Quinn Table Elbon Elbon SE SE SE Niobrara Bison Niobrara Moreau SE Pactola Dam Cresbard SE Vale SE Loomis Tea Two Top Butte SE Akaska NW Yankton Pukwana NE Kloucek Lake Wolff Lake Westover Okaton Iona NW Ladner SB Iona NW Hilland NW Weta Okaton SW Nahant Gallup Creek Midway Angostura Reservoir Volunteer SB Herrick NE Eagles Nest Butte South Red Iron Lake White River East Staum Dam Black Banks Creek East Savoy Oelrichs SW Black Banks Creek East 01d Baldy Mtn Pass Creek NW Hill City Iron Shell Flat East Schumacher Lake SW Coffee Flats Coffee Flats Oat Creek Isham Lake Lantry NW Wilmarth Lake Peever NE Macs Corner 53 Bond Bottom Custer FEATURE NAME Philip Philip H Hamburger Dam Philip Junction Philip Municipal Airport Phillip Jung Number 1 Dam Phillip Jung Number 2 Dan Phillips Ranch Phiney Flat Phinney (historical) Phipps Number 1 Dan Phipps Township Phister Creek Phragmites Pond Phyllip Mine See Watson Mine Phyllis Lodes Mine See Watson Mine Picasso Park Pickerel Creek See Mud Creek Pickerel Lake Lake Nilson Pickerel Lake Pickerel Lake State Park Pick Lode Mine Pickstovn Picnic Spring Picnic Spring Campground Piedmont Rex Spring Valley Ranch Piedmont Butte Pierce Dam Pierce Lake Dam Pierce Draw Pierce Lake Pierce Lake Dam See Pierce Dam Pierce School Pierpont Pierpont Dam Pierpont Lake Pierpont Lake Recreation Area Pierre Mato Pierre Bridge (historical) Pierre Creek Pierre Indian School U S Indian Industrial School Pierre Island See LaFramboise Island Pierre Mall Pierre Marina Recreational Area Pierre Municipal Airport Pierson Ranch Recreation Area Pierson School (historical) Pietz Cemetery Pigors Dam Pigors Lake Pigtail Bridge Pike School Pilger Mountain Pillar Peak Pilot Knob Pimptown See Oral Pine Camp (historical) Pinecone Lode Mine See Wayside Lode Mine Pine Creek See Piney Creek Pine Creek Pine Creek Pine Creek Pine Creek Pine Creek Township FEATURE CLASS ppl dam locale airport dam dam locale flat locale civil stream lake mine mine park stream lake locale park mine 991 spring park ppl summit dam valley reservoir dam school 991 dam reservoir park ppl bridge stream school island locale park airport park school cemetery dam reservoir bridge school summit summit summit ppl locale mine stream stream stream stream stream civil NATIONAL GAZETTEER--SOUTH DAKOTA 1989 STATUS BGN UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN BGN BGN VARIANT VARIANT ADMIN VARIANT BGN VARIANT UNOFF ADMIN UNOFF BGN BGN ADMIN BGN VARIANT VARIANT BGN UNOFF VARIANT BGN BGN VARIANT UNOFF BGN 1937 UNOFF BGN ADMIN BGN 1931 VARIANT UNOFF BGN UNOFF VARIANT VARIANT UNOFP ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN UNOFF UNOFF BGN EGN BGN VARIANT UNOFF VARIANT VARIANT BGN BGN BGN BGN ADMIN COUNTY Haakon Potter Jackson Haakon Corson Corson Harding Custer Custer Mellette Codington Todd Day Pennington Pennington Minnehaha Spink Day Day Day Custer Charles Mix Harding Harding Meade Meade Pennington Meade Pennington Pennington Meade Day Day Day Day Hughes Hughes Hanson Hughes Hughes Hughes Hughes Hughes Yankton Yankton Hutchinson Brown Brown Custer Yankton Custer Lawrence Lawrence Fall River Pennington Custer Fall River Meade Meade Mellette Pennington Mellette COORDINATES 440222N1013953W 450318N0994800W 435757N1013939W 440253N1013555W 453430N1012306W 453412N1012400W 452340N1030742W 434750N1024334W 434516N1024540W 433354N1011218W 450210N0972550W 431828N1010333W 452517N0972050W 435319N1032252W 435319N1032252W 433221N0964215W 451052N0982322W 453009N0971615W 453100N097l700W 453007N0971658W 434830N1033155W 430402N0933154W 455226N1032913W 455228N1032906W 441354N1032319W 441354N1032203W 441754N1021546W 441520N1023046W 441754N1021546W 441754N1021546W 441706N1023140W 452944N0974951W 452734N0975012W 452734N0975012W 452738N0974953W 442206N1002102W 442222N1002215W 433650N0975034W 442112N1001831W 442110N1002052W 442352N1001855W 442121N1002026W 442257N1001708W 425224N0972907W 425218N0972837W 431613N0975736W 452007N0980002W 452007N0980002W 433604N1032938W 430129N0972728W 433001N1035405W 442212N1033853W 440843N1033417W 432418N1031607W 435900N1032743W 434423N1033209W 431142N1033723W 444552N1022422W 442738N1021612W 433504N1004559W 435405N1032726W 433143N1005236W SOURCE COORDINATES 431445N1011336W 441851N1023309W 434945N0974020W 450104N1024012W 443440N1022612W 433156N1005324W 435225N1033037W ELEV PT 2162 2381 2204 2870 1785 1845 1850 5520 1462 3463 3690 2601 1500 1484 1710 l425 1195 1399 1386 1239 4788 5469 5440 4760 SD153 MAP NAME Philip Lebanon Philip Junction Philip SE Black Horse SW Black Horse SW J B Hill Scenic SW Folsom Corn Creek Wallace Parmelee Enemy Swim Lake West Sioux Falls East Piyas Lake Piyas Lake Piyas Lake Custer Fort Randall Dam Ludlow Ludlow Piedmont Blackhawk Dalzell SE Elm Springs Dalzell SE Elm Springs Pierpont Pierpont Pierpont Pierpont Pierre Pierre Rockport Colony Pierre Pierre NB Pierre Pierre NE Gavins Point Dam Gavins Point Dam Beardsley Ferney Ferney Wind Cave Jamesville Jewel Cave SW Deadwood South Nemo Mount Rushmore Opal East SW Dalzell NE White River West Mount Rushmore Murdo 3 SW SD154 FEATURE NAME Pinedale School Pinedate (historical) Pine Draw Pine Grove School Pine Lakes Addition (subdivision) Pine Lawn Memorial Park Pine Ridge Pine Ridge Agency Pine Ridge Agency See Pine Ridge Pine Ridge Landing Field Pines, Lake of the Pine Slope Cemetery Pine Spring Pine Spring Creek South Fork Grand River Pine Springs Creek Norwegian Cemetery Pine Township (historical) Pine Tree Spring Piney Creek Pine Creek Pink Elephant Beryl Prospect Mine Pinkerton See Camp Columbus Pinkerton School Pinnacle Pinnacles, The Pinney Mine (historical) Pioneer Cemetery Pioneer Cemetery Pioneer Cemetery Pioneer Cemetery Pioneer Cemetery Pioneer Cemetery Pioneer Cemetery Pioneer Church Norwegian United Lutheran Church Pioneer Lutheran Church Lutheran Church Pioneer Church Park Pioneer See Pioneer Pioneer Park Ground Pioneer Post Office (historical) Pioneer School Pioneer School Pioneers of Minnehaha County Monument Pioneer Township Pioneer Township Piper Lake Pipestone Creek Pitch Creek See Ditch Creek Pitrodie (historical) Pitts Ranch Pius Aberle Dam Trail City Lake Dam Piyas Lake Placerville See Placerville Camp Placerville Camp Placerville Plain Center Township Plainfield (historical) Plainfield Township Plains Creek Plains Valley Plain Township Plainview Plainview (historical) Plainview Cemetery Plainview Church Plainview Colony Plainview Colony Number Two NATIONAL GAZETTEER--SOUTH DAKOTA 1989 FEATURE CLASS STATUS school UNOFF locale UNOFF valley BGN school UNOFF ppl BGN cemetery UNOFF ppl BGN VARIANT VARIANT ppl airport ADMIN lake BGN cemetery UNOFF spring BGN stream BGN 1974 VARIANT stream BGN VARIANT civil ADMIN spring BGN stream BGN VARIANT mine UNOFF VARIANT locale school UNOFF pillar BGN pillar BGN mine UNOFF cemetery UNOFF cemetery UNOFP cemetery UNOFF cemetery UNOFF cemetery UNOFP cemetery UNOFF cemetery UNOFF church UNOFF VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT church park ADMIN locale UNOFF building UNOFF school UNOFF school UNOFF park ADMIN civil ADMIN civil ADMIN lake BGN stream BGN VARIANT stream ppl BGN locale UNOFF dam UNOFF VARIANT lake BGN VARIANT locale locale UNOFF VARIANT civil ADMIN locale UNOFF civil ADMIN stream BGN valley BGN civil ADMIN ppl BGN locale UNOFF cemetery UNOPF church UNOFF ppl BGN locale UNOFF COUNTY Pennington Pennington Harding Pennington Minnehaha Pennington Shannon Shannon Shannon Custer Butte Harding Harding Jackson Meade Custer Fall River Pennington Pennington Pennington Perkins Pennington Lawrence Bon Homme Clark Hamlin Lincoln McCook Minnehaha Yankton Brookings Brookings Brookings Fall River Edmund: Faulk Lincoln Minnehaha Corson Faulk Beadle Minnehaha Pennington Clark Custer Corson Marshall Pennington Pennington Charles Mix Brule Brule Fall River Fall River Fall River Miner Douglas Spink Meade Edmunds Edmunds COORDINATES 440507N1031801W 440620N1034600W 453350N1035245W 435635N1031925W 433307N0963807W 440228N1031450W 430132N1023321W 430132N1023321W 430120N1023040W 434336N1033219W 443846N1035200W 453315N1035027W 453254N1034038W 434308N1011416W 445401N1023116W 433403N1034957W 431142N1033723W 435218N1032345W 440811N1032535W 440732N1032500W 454203N1023854W 435147N1021333W 442218N1034526W 425105N0980300W 445515N0974455W 444206N0971910W 431105N0964633W 435034N0971300W 434218N0964426W 430433N0971243W 442731N0964334W 442731N0964334W 441839N0964819W 433300N1031340W 453436N0984507W 450141N0984640W 431118N0964712W 433428N0964240W 455430N1014030W 450113N0984602W 443618N0980844W 434BI4N0962627W 435854N1035032W 443420N0975050W 434707N1035854W 452354N1004430W 453503N0972019W 440439N1032744W 440439N1032744W 430707N0982345W 434335N0984930W 434256N0985115W 430631N1033918W 430905N1034123W 430959N1034455W 443608N1020940W 432810N0980755W 451042N0982055W 443704N1020642W 453454N0990022W 453514N0985412W SOURCE COORDINATES 453234N1035105W 453425N1035000W 434339N1011627W 431130N1034222W 461228N1034959W 461229N1034959W ELEV PT 5860 4322 1420 3232 3331 4550 4960 1438 1848 1415 1645 1086 1470 1482 1495 5140 1827 1660 2410 1490 1300 2423 1575 1495 MAP NAME Rapid City West Deerfield Camp Crook Rockerville Sioux Falls East Rapid City East Pine Ridge Pine Ridge Cicero Peak Belle Fourche Pine Spring Saddle Butte Cedar Butte NW Opal West Jewel Cave SE Heppner Iron Mountain Piedmont Little Nasty Creek Wall SW Lead Niobrara Clark North Bryant NE Beresford NE Lake Madison SW Renner Irene White Brookings Oelrichs SW Wetonka South Cresbard SE Beresford NE Sioux Falls East Morristown Cresbard SE Lake Byron Jasper Carpenter SE Dead Horse Flats Trail City Piyas Lake Pactola Dam Wagner SW Platte Lake Kimball South Ardmore Rumford Rumford Plainview Hillside Brentford Howes Plainview Colony Leola SW FEATURE NAME Plainview School Plainview School Plainvisv School Plainview School (historical) Plainview School (historical) Plainview School Plain View School Plainview School Plainview School Plainview School Plainview Township Plana Hadley Plankinton Plankinton Cemetery Plankinton Township Plano Plano (historical) Plano School Plano Township Plateau Township Plate Mica Prospect Mine Plato Township Platte New Platte Platte, Lake Platte City Cemetery Platte Colony Platte Hutterite Colony Platte Creek Platte Dam Platte Hutterite Colony See Platte Colony Platte Lake Platte Municipal Airport Platte Township Platte-Winner Bridge Snake Creek Crossing Pleasant Cemetery Pleasant Cemetery Pleasant Creek See Pleasant Valley Creek Pleasant Dell School (historical) Grove Grove Grove Grove Grove Hill Hill Hill Hill Hill Pleasant Pleasant Pleasant Pleasant Pleasant Pleasant Pleasant Pleasant Pleasant Pleasant Cemetery School School School Township Cemetery Cemetery Cemetery Cemetery Cemetery Hill Hill Hill Hill Hill Hill Hill Pleasant Pleasant Pleasant Pleasant Pleasant Pleasant Pleasant Pleasant Hill Pleasant Hill (historical) Chapel School School School School School School School Township Pleasant Lake See Horse Pleasant Lake Pleasant Lake School Pleasant Lake State Public Shooting Area Pleasant Lake Township Pleasant Lawn Cemetery Pleasant Peak Pleasant Prairie Cemetery Shoe Lake Pleasant Pleasant Pleasant Ridge Cemetery Ridge School Ridge School FEATURE CLASS school school school school school school school school school school civil locale p91 cemetery civil Ppl locale school civil civil mine civil ppl reservoir cemetery p91 stream dam ppl reservoir airport civil bridge cemetery cemetery stream school cemetery school school school civil cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery church school school school school school school school civil lake lake school park civil cemetery summit cemetery cemetery school school STATUS UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFP UNOFF UNOFF UNOFP UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN UNOFF VARIANT BGN UNOFF ADMIN BGN UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN ADMIN UNOFF ADMIN BGN VARIANT BGN UNOFF BGN VARIANT BGN UNOFF VARIANT BGN ADMIN ADMIN UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN VARIANT BGN UNOFF ADMIN ADMIN UNOFF BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF NATIONAL GAZETTEER--SOUTH DAKOTA 1989 COUNTY Brown Buffalo Butte Deuel Douglas Hughes Lincoln Tripp Union Yankton Tripp Brown Aurora Aurora Aurora Hanson Hanson Hanson Hanson Perkins Pennington Hand Charles Mix Charles Charles Charles Mix Mix Mix Charles Charles Mix Mix Charles Mix Aurora Charles Charles Charles Mix Mix Mix Clark Sully Custer Clay Brule Brule Turner Union Brule Edmunds Lake Marshall McCook Union Union Aurora Gregory Hutchinson Lincoln Lyman Meade Pennington Fall River Aurora Aurora Aurora Aurora Aurora Charles Mix Marshall McCook Douglas Lincoln Perkins COORDINATES 452917N0982718W 435722N0985759W 443947N1031821W 444205N0964815W 432635N0982245W 443108N1002549W 431105N0964334W 432306N0994245W 424342N0964449W 430615N0971530W 432336N0994206W 453109N0981832W 434256N0982905W 434230N0982745W 434315N0983200W 434822N0975520W 434935N0975430W 434818N0975433W 434940N0975505W 453200N1025345W 435404N1032702W 445040N0984519W 432313N0985039W 432301N0985327W 432353N0985022W 432311N0990732W 431734N0990034W 432306N0985312W 432811N0990732W 433920N0984654W 432400N0984930W 432305N0985300W 432310N0990759W 444122N0973419W 444134N0994525W 433308N1034318W 425645N0965945W 433239N0985444W 433235N0985819W 431109N0965906W 423713N0964115W 433235N0985820W 451721N0990130W 435329N0965600W 455034N0973848W 434816N0973413W 430136N0963709W 425227N0964117W 435424N0983531W 430127N0992654W 431612N0974300W 430621N0964115W 434445N1000824W 440917N1030223W 440312N1024227W 430444N1030230W 433546N0983213W 433724N0983048W 433830N0983950W 433603N0983206W 433905N0983115W 431431N0984115W 454912N0972716W 433235N0972659W 431930N0982019W 431345N0964039W 4S4114N1022131W SOURCE COORDINATES 433920N0984654W ELEV PT 1302 2720 1920 1598 1463 2133 1130 1610 1525 1300 1305 1308 4530 1612 1720 1618 1815 1741 1679 1271 1124 1426 1613 1492 3177 2775 2080 1436 50155 MAP NAME Aberdeen East Lyonville Vale NE Estelline NE Corsica Okobojo SW Alcester NW Rattlesnake Butte West Elk Point Mayfield Rattlesnake Butte West Columbia Plankinton Plankinton Crystal Lake Farwell Farwell Farwell Farwell White Hill Mount Rushmore Rockham SE Platte Lake George Platte Lucas NW Lucas SE Lake George Platte Lake Platte Lake George Lucas NW Vienna West Blunt NE Hub City Snow Lake Snow Lake Beresford NW Ponca Eagle Ipswich SE Wentworth Britton East Canova SE Alcester SE Richland Hoagland Lake Carlock Tschetter Colony Alcester Presho 4 NW Bend Owanka SW Heinne Creek Aurora Center Plankinton Aurora Center Crystal Lake Lake Andes NW Hillhead Bridgewater East Armour Alcester NW Bison NE 50156 FEATURE NAME Pleasant Ridge School Pleasant Ridge Township Pleasant Ridge Township (historical) Pleasant School Pleasant Township See Forbes Township Pleasant Township Pleasant Township Pleasant Township Pleasant Township Pleasant Township Pleasant Pleasant Pleasant Valley Pleasant Valley Pleasant Valley Pleasant Valley Pleasant Valley Pleasant Valley Pleasant Valley Pleasant Valley Pleasant Valley Pleasant Valley Pleasant Valley Township Township (historical) Cemetery Cemetery Cemetery Cemetery Church Church Church Church Creek Pleasant Creek Pleasant Valley Pleasant Valley (abandoned) Pleasant Valley Pleasant Valley (historical) Pleasant Valley Pleasant Valley Pleasant Valley Pleasant Valley Pleasant Valley (historical) Pleasant Valley Pleasant Valley Pleasant Valley (historical) Pleasant Valley Pleasant Valley Pleasant Valley Pleasant Valley Pleasant Valley (historical) Pleasant Valley Pleasant Valley Creek School School School School School School School Station Township Township Township Township Township Township Township Township Township Township Pleasant Vally Development (subdivision) Pleasant View Cemetery Pleasant View Cemetery Pleasant View Cemetery Pleasant View Cemetery Pleasant View Cemetery Pleasant View Cemetery Pleasant View School Pleasant View School (historical) Pleasant View School (historical) Pleasant View School Pleasant View School Pleasant View School Pleasant View School Pleasant View School Pleasant View School Pleasant View School Pleasant View School Pleasant View Township Pleasant View Township Pleasant View Township Pleasant View Township Plenty Star Table P Lorang Grazing Association Dam FEATURE CLASS school civil civil school civil civil civil civil civil civil civil civil valley locale cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery church church church church stream stream school school school school school school school locale civil civil civil civil civil civil civil civil civil civil ppl cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery school school school school school school school school school school school civil civil civil civil summit dam STATUS UNOFF ADMIN ADMIN UNOFF VARIANT ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN VARIANT BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOPF UNOFP UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN BGN UNOFF COUNTY Turner Corson Spink Sully Charles Mix Clark Hanson Hutchinson Jerauld Lincoln Lyman Sully Custer Kingsbury Clay Gregory Meade Union Hand Hand Marshall Meade Custer Meade Custer Deuel Deuel Gregory Lincoln Perkins Yankton Custer Clay Gregory Haakon Hand Harding Hughes Marshall Miner Perkins Tripp Brown Hamlin Hyde Kingsbury Lincoln Miner Minnehaha Corson Deuel Deuel Gregory Hutchinson Jerauld Lincoln Pennington Perkins Potter Union Beadle Haakon Potter Tripp Shannon Meade COORDINATES 431851N0971426W 453200N1012510W 444250N09B3807W 444134N0994411W 432750N0985305W 444140N0973315W 433615N0974035W 432755N0973413W 440345N0984455W 430710N0964410W 445840N0994220W 444017N0994337W 433505N1034329W 442907N0970849W 425529N0970045W 430158N0985847W 444123N1023309W 430134N0963243W 441530N0990235W 441544NO985856W 455333N0973957W 441910N1032109W 433308N1034318W 441651N1031547W 433633N1034346W 445605N0964728W 445510N0963930W 430733N0993013W 430832N0964258W 453106N1020142W 425855N0971420W 434140N1034152W 435730N0965730W 430155N0985929W 441215N1014152W 441358N0985936W 455031N1034417W 442412NO995007W 454755N0973929W 440054N0972510W 454330N1020225W 432848N0994208W 453108N0983446W 443923N0971116W 444409N0992928W 441546N0971007W 432529N0964224W 441010N0974154W 433431N0962738W 453755N1012418W 445720N0964350W 443700N0965045W 430127N0992307W 432729N0974645W 440446N0984456W 431346N0965046W 441804N1020248W 453101N1025323W 445537N0993648W 423949N0963809W 443530N0981700W 440703N1012014W 445601N0993724W 431313N0994206W 433905N1024649W 445342N1021048W NATIONAL GAZETTEER--SOUTH DAKOTA 1989 SOURCE COORDINATES 434045N1034252W 434045N1034251W 441945N1033104W ELEV FT 1388 1780 1675 1285 1764 1292 4722 1889 1686 1194 5140 1355 1761 1442 1750 1811 2278 1305 1878 1296 1939 1120 3115 MAP NAME Parker SW Black Horse SW Tulare NW Harrold NW Vienna West Spencer SW Clayton NE Gannvalley SE Alcester Lyman Harrold NW Argyle Badger Gayville NE Bonesteel Redowl Alcester SE Ames Vayland SW Kidder Fort Meade SE Argyle Fort Meade SE Argyle Goodwin Tunerville Dallas Alcester NW Meadow SE Gayville Fourmile Gayville NE Bonesteel Elevenmile Corner Mittelstedt Slough Ladner De Grey NE Britton East Oldham SW Cole Dam Rattlesnake Butte West Richmond Hayti Mitchell Lake Arlington Harrisburg Carthage Valley Springs Black Horse Tunerville Estelline SE Carlock Milltown Wessington Springs SW Beresford NE Pedro SE White Hill Bald Hills Elk Point Hitchcock SE Nowlin Bald Hills Dallas NW Red Shirt NE Avance FEATURE NAME Ployd (historical) Pluma Plumb Creek Plumb Creek See Plum Creek Canyon Creek Creek Creek Plumb Creek Plum Plum Plum Plum Plum Plum Plum Plum Plum Plum Creek Creek Creek Creek Creek Creek Soft Creek Creek Creek Water Creek Plum Plum Plum Plum Creek (historical) Plum Creek Baptist Church See Plum Creek Church Plum Creek Church Plum Creek Baptist Church Plum Creek Grazing Association Number 1 Dan Plum Creek Grazing Association Number 2 Dam Plum Creek Township Plum Draw Plum Draw Cemetery Plum Island See Fishermans Island (historical) Plum Island Plum Island (historical) Plum Lake Plummer Township Pocasse, Lake Lake Pocassee Lake Pokahsee Pocasse Creek See Spring Creek Pocassee Creek See Spring Creek Poelke See Junius Poeno Creek Poinsett See Stone Bridge Poinsett (historical) Poinsett, Lake Poinsetta Colony Poinsett Cemetery Poinsette See Stone Bridge Poinsett Post Office (historical) Point Comfort Pointed Butte Poison Lake Poison Weed Draw Pole Creek Polish Cemetery Pollock Harba Pollock Bay Pollock Recreation Area Pollock Township Polo Polo Creek Polo Gulch Polo Peak Ponca Creek Ponce River Ponka Creek Pouka Creek FEATURE CLASS locale ppl stream stream valley stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream locale church church dam dam civil valley cemetery island island island lake civil reservoir stream stream 991 stream p91 locale lake locale cemetery ppl building cape summit lake valley stream cemetery ppl bay park civil ppl stream valley summit stream NATIONAL GAZETTEER--SOUTH DAKOTA 1989 STATUS UNOFF BGN BGN VARIANT BGN BGN BGN BGN 1901 VARIANT BGN BGN BGN UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN BGN UNOFF VARIANT BGN BGN BGN ADMIN BGN 1968 VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT BGN VARIANT UNOFF BGN UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN UNOFF BGN VARIANT BGN ADMIN ADMIN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN 1965 VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT COUNTY Brule Lawrence Fall River Fall River Custer Butte Corson Fall River Harding Herding Hutchinson Jackson Lyman Meade Stanley Sully ziebach Haakon Hutchinson Hutchinson Stanley Stanley Stanley Meade Meade Dewey Roberts Sully Kingsbury Brule Campbell Campbell Campbell Lake Pennington Hamlin Hamlin Hamlin Hamlin Kingsbury Hamlin Hamlin Roberts Harding Moody Pennington Pennington Yankton Campbell Campbell Campbell Campbell Hand Lawrence Lawrence Lawrence Gregory COORDINATES 433745N0990910W 442131N1034416W 432550N1031423W 431518N1033846W 433237N1040242W 445439N1025751W 453950N1010145W 431518N1033846W 453859N1035615W 452913N1040119W 432426N0974619W 434642N1011825W 440753N1000039W 445626N102‘705W 441225N1004333W 443527N1003145W 443623N1012746W 442216N1013215W 432926N0974042W 432926N0974042W 441948N1005148W 441718N1004718W 441629N10105¢7W 442854N1021437W 445518N1025728W 444500N1003000W 454931N0963631W 444905N1002930W 443119N0912947W 435328N0985205W 455444N1001744W 455258N1001428W 455258N1001428W 440023N097143BW 440730N1020031W 443609N0970334W 443352N0970732W 443356N0970441W 443830N0965405W 443234N0970743W 443608N0970334W 443438N0970614W 452306N0963429W 454552N1033914W 435724N0965009W 442611N1021250W 435849N1035138W 425938N0973546W 455405N1001717W 455404N1001943W 455416N1001656W 455355N1001630W 444646N0990633W 443032N1034307W 442509N1034313W 442453N1034526W 424841N0980803W SOURCE COORDINATES 432025N1031244W 433505N1040006W 445739N1025943W 453633N1011208W 431135N1034252W 452743N1035825W 433808N0973835W 434300N1011736W 441121N1000433W 445910N1024944W 442314N1011653W 443746N1003025W 441941N1012534W 443024N1021719W 440738N1020637W 442325N1021112W 435631N1035317W 442309N1034547W 442309N1034547W 431327N0994554W ELEV PT 1670 4760 2350 1769 1617 1670 1649 1801 1670 3300 1642 1665 1625 1588 5410 SD157 MAP NAME Red Lake Bast Deadwood South Smithwick NW Dewey Camp Creek Miscol NE Flint Hill Caroline Butte Capitol Milltown Belvidere Ft George Butte Frozen Man Creek Wendte Iron Post Buttes SE Cherry Creek Tornado Ranch Clayton Doty Ridge Doty Ridge Hayes South Pedro NW Camp Creek Wheaten West Artichoke Butte SW Bryant Lyonville Pollock Horse Tooth Lake Norden Lake Poinsett Dempster Lake Norden Lake Poinsett Big Stone Lake East Ladner Colman Pedro NW Ditch Creek Tabor NE Pollock Pollock Pollock Pollock Polo Saint Onge Deadwood North Spearfish Naper SD158 FEATURE NAME Ponca Creek Cemetery Ponca Creek Church Ponca Creek Church Ponca Group Mine Ponca Issue Station (historical) Ponca Lake See Indian Lake Ponca Lake Dam Indian Lake Dam Ponca River See Ponca Creek Ponca Valley School Pond River See Spring Creek Ponka Creek See Ponca Creek Pontoon Creek Pony Creek Pony Gulch Pool Creek Pooley Creek Pools Ranch (historical) Poor Thunder Cemetery Poplar Grove Township Poplar Spring Poppy Lode Mine Porcupine Porcupine Butte Porcupine Porcupine Creek Porcupine Creek Porcupine Creek Porcupine Creek Porcupine Draw Peak Porcupine Peak See Porcupine Butte Portage Detroit Ditch Portage Township Portage Township (historical) Porter Cottonwood Dam Porter Creek Porter Landing (historical) Porter Moss Agate Dam Portland See Trojan Portland Junction (historical) Portland Mine Portland Township Post Draw Posthal Township Post Lake Post Lake Post Lake Dam See W Day Dam Potato Butte Potato Potato Potato Potato Potato Potter County Potter Post Office (historical) Potts Dam Pouka Creek See Ponca Creek Creek Creek Creek Gulch Spring Poverty Gulch Poverty Point Powell Powell Powell Creek Powell School Number 1 (historical) Powell Township Power House (historical) Powerhouse Gulch Power School FEATURE CLASS cemetery church church mine locale reservoir dam stream school stream stream stream stream valley stream stream locale cemetery civil spring mine ppl summit stream stream stream stream valley summit canal civil civil dam stream locale dam locale locale mine civil valley civil reservoir reservoir dam summit stream stream PPl valley spring civil building dam stream valley summit locale locale stream school civil locale valley school NATIONAL GAZETTEER--SOUTH DAKOTA 1989 STATUS UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF VARIANT VARIANT BGN BGN BGN BGN 1980 BGN UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN BGN UNOFF BGN BGN VARIANT BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN VARIANT BGN ADMIN ADMIN UNOFF BGN UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN BGN ADMIN BGN BGN VARIANT BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT BGN BGN UNOFF UNOFF BGN UNOFF ADMIN UNOFF BGN UNOFF COUNTY Gregory Gregory Gregory Pennington Gregory Gregory Gregory Gregory Gregory Campbell Gregory Lyman Hutchinson Pennington Butte Miner Custer Mellette Harding Custer Custer Shannon Shannon Butte Mellette Shannon Stanley Harding Shannon Brown Brown Brown Fall River Butte Gregory Fall River Lawrence Lawrence Lawrence Deuel Pennington Campbell Sully Sully Sully Pennington Jackson Lawrence Jackson Custer Lawrence Potter Sully Potter Gregory Pennington Meade Edmunds Haakon Stanley Jerauld Edmunds Pennington Pennington Meade COORDINATES 430243N0990855W 430227N0990852W 430217N0990910W 435234N1032222W 430630N0991830W 430336N0990838W 430336N0990838W 424841N0980803W 430917N0992303W 455258N1001428W 424841N0980803W 434830N0992134W 432631N0974906W 440442N1033831W 444241N1034841W 435233N09744¢1W 433137N1033416W 432321N1011041W 451502N1032947W 434629N1035412W 434853N1033453W 431423N1021950W 431048N1021923W 445828N1035153W 434550N1011319W 433050N1022853W 441803N1002521W 452656N1035316W 431048N1021923W 455232N0980415W 455338N0980227W 455335N0980455W 431318N1035812W 451104N1031031W 430845N0985216W 432206N1035800W 442032N1035015W 442050N1035052W 442050N1035045W 445600N0964200W 440456N1033526W 454605N0994645W 443719N0995409W 443724N0995406W 443724N0995406W 435610N1031218W 434119N1020202W 442255N1040015W 433204N1015923W 434932N1032440W 442255N1040050W 450300N0995700W 445350N1001010W 445549N0994644W 424841N0980803W 440716N1034318W 442432N1022012W 451719N0990150W 440239N1012925W 441744N1002835W 440543N0984228W 451653N0990113W 440422N1032540W 440344N1032508W 441207N1022918W SOURCE COORDINATES 435328N0992321W 432419NO980857W 440511N1034034W 444455N1035145W 440511N0974141W 450727N1035433W 433958N1010718W 430746N1021117W 441206N1002218W 452622N1035441W 450929N1030921W 440521N1033538W 432122N1015732W 442140N1040303W 434937N1032528W 440558N1034323W 442259N1003442W 440344N1032641W ELEV FT 4560 2010 4580 5900 3200 3695 1380 6360 6400 1715 3665 2737 1875 2410 1500 2050 1775 4500 MAP NAME Herrick Herrick Herrick Rockerville Gregory SE Herrick Gregory Chamberlain Milltown Rochford Belle Fourche Bitter Lake Pringle Norris Roundup Butte Dead Horse Flats Custer Wounded Knee Wounded Knee Antelope Butte Stamford SW Imlay SW Pierre SW n] K Butte Hecla NE Hecla NE Hecla NE Phister Ranch Porter Creek Campbell Creek Burdock Lead Lead Goodwin Silver City Mutske Lake Blunt Blunt Hermosa NW Conata NE Tinton Potato Creek Iron Mountain Tinton Gettysburg Agar NW Gettysburg Muni Airport NE Rochford Dalzell NE Ipswich SE Powell Pierre SW Wessington Springs SW Ipswich SE Pactola Dam Pactola Dam Waste NW FEATURE NAME Praire Dog Creek Dam Prairie Belle School Prairie Belle School Prairie Bell School Prairie Center School Prairie Center School Prairie Center Township Prairie Center Township Prairie Chicken Draw Prairie Prairie See Prairie Prairie Prairie Prairie City Creek Paradis Creek Creek Creek Dog Bay Dog Canyon Prairie Dog Creek See Magpie Creek Prairiedog Creek See Magpie Creek Prairie Prairie Prairie Prairie Prairie Prairie Prairie See Prairie Prairie Dog Creek Farm (historical) Flower Cemetery Grove Cemetery Grove School Home Church Lake Bitter Lake Mound Cemetery Oasis Mall Pride School Queen (historical) Queen Cemetery Prairie Rock School Prairie Rose School (historical) Prairie School Prairie Side School Prairie Siding See Goodwin Prairie Prairie Prairie Prairie Prairie Prairie Prairie Prairie Prairie Prairie Prairie Prairie Prairie Township Valley Cemetery View Cemetery View Farms Dam Number 1 View School View School View School View School View School View School View View Prairie Prairie Prairie Prairie School School View School View School Prairie Village Prairie Villa Mobile Court (subdivision) Prairie Wood Village Addition (subdivision) Prarie Lake See Rush Lake (abandoned) Pratt County (historical) Pratt School Pratt Township Pratt Township Preacher Canyon Preacher Smith Monument Preacher Spring Preachers Run Prentis Park Presbyterian Church See Long Hollow Church Presbyterian Church Camp Presentation Heights College Presho Presho Presho Presho County (historical) Municipal Airport Township FEATURE CLASS dam school school school school school civil civil valley ppl stream stream stream bay valley stream stream stream locale cemetery cemetery school church lake cemetery locale school 91:1 cemetery school school school school ppl civil cemetery cemetery dam school school school school school school school school school school p91 ppl ppl lake civil school civil civil valley locale spring stream park church park school ppl civil airport civil STATUS UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN ADMIN BGN BGN VARIANT BGN BGN BGN BGN VARIANT VARIANT BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN BGN BGN VARIANT ADMIN UNOFF ADMIN ADMIN BGN UNOFF BGN BGN ADMIN VARIANT ADMIN UNOPF BGN ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN NATIONAL GAZETTEER--SOUTH DAKOTA 1939 COUNTY Harding Buffalo Jerauld Clay Buffalo Clay Clay Spink Pennington Perkins Dewey Pennington Yankton Charles Mix Custer Butte Butte Harding Brookings Miner Potter Lincoln Meade Day Day Meade Brown Lake Lake Turner Deuel Meade Brown Deuel Union Clark Lyman Meade Brown Brown Hand Hand Hand Lincoln Meade Perkins Spink Sully Lake Beadle Brown Day Jones Hyde Hyde Lyman Fall River Lawrence Pennington Faulk Clay Roberts Pennington Brown Lyman Lyman Lyman Lyman COORDINATBS 453854N1030842W 435747N0990139W 435748N0985314W 424925N0965747W 440821N0991218W 425110N0965045W 425000N0965000W 445550N0980921W 435837N1031347W 453147N1024814W 444556N1005649W 440215N1032321W 430936N0973635W 430439N0983339W 433322N1032725W 445054N1035239W 445054N1035239W 453950N1030756W 443138N0962853W 440549N0974901W 451355N0995531W 432224N0964006W 450126N1023903W 451648N0971825W 451624N09742S4W 450115N1020215W 452055N0980120W 440755N0970026W 440828N0965924W 432152N0971312W 445510N0963230W 442306N1024130W 452331N0980114W 445245N0965054W 430250N0964245W 445518N0975445W 434721N0995412W 442812N1031154W 454125N0981950W 453155N0952250W 441517N0985102W 443911N0990258W 443529N0990523W 432925N0964601W 441618N1030301W 452545N1020206W 444732N0981534W 443947N1002646W 440022N0971002W 441945N0981510W 453040N0992535W 452102N0972202W 435620N1004230W 441927N0993612W 441900N0993535W 434352N1000900W 432501N1032359W 442422N1034303W 435601N1035522W 451044N0984537W 424651N0965504W 454116N0970959W 440345N1032442W 452901N0982928W 435435N1000330W 435630N0995900W 435500N1000200W 445326N1000355W SOURCE COORDINATBS 440007N1031421W 440151N1033205W 430541N0974526W 433422N1032909W 453549N1030920W 432603N1032520W 452922N0985415W ELEV FT 1653 1712 1228 1224 2835 1362 1411 1354 1720 1432 1390 1330 1500 1815 1304 1303 1845 1566 1502 3080 1810 1690 1295 1300 2097 4400 1800 1800 SD159 MAP NAME Reva NW Pukwana NE Lyonville Vermilion Big Bend Dam 4 NW Vermillon SE Vermilion SE Doland NW Hermosa NW Prairie City Pactola Dam Menno Fort Randall Dam Wind Cave Reva NW Hendricks Fedora Flight Lake Canton SW Cedar Canyon Bristol East Faith Ferney Sinai Rutland NW Parker SW Clear Lake NE Haydraw Groton Beresford Raymond Kennebec SW Rapid City 1 NW Columbia NE 0rdway Vayland SE Ree Hieghts NE Ree Heights SB Tea Rapid City 1 SE Coal Springs Glendale Colony Okobojo Ramona Wolsey SE Ordway Murdo Chapelle Lake SE Chapelle Lake SE Presho 4 NW Hot Springs Deadwood North Preacher Spring Cresbard NE Vermilion Pactola Dam Aberdeen East Presho Brakke Dam Presho Presho SD160 FEATURE NAME Preston See Lake Preston Preston Preston Church Preston Township Preston Township Hall Pretty Creek Pretty Creek School Prickett Ranch Priest Canyon Primer Mine See King Mica Mine Prince and Sons Number 1 Dam Prince and Sons Number 2 Dam Pringle Paint of Rocks Pringle Cemetery Prior See Corona Procunter Spring Profile Butte Caprock Butte Progressive Township Progress School Progress School Progress School Promise Prospect (historical) Prospect Cemetery Prospect Gulch Prospect Hill Cemetery Prospect Park Prospect School Prospect Township Prosper Center School Prosperity Flats School Prosper Township Protection (historical) Protestant Cemetery Providence (historical) Providence Township (historical) Provo Provo Township P Stradinger Number 2 Dam Ptaks National Cemetery Puckeroo Spring Pudwell Dam Pukwana Pukwana Township Pulaski Township Pulpit, The Pumpkin Center Punished Womans Lake Punished Womans Lake State Public Shooting Area Punished Womans Mound Pure Water Cemetery Pure Water Township Puritan Mine Put Mine Putnam Dam Putney Putney Slough Putney Slough Putney Township Pyatt County (historical) Pyror Slough Q Quaker Cemetery Quaker Church FEATURE CLASS 991 locale church civil building stream school locale valley mine dam dam ppl cemetery p91 spring summit civil school school school ppl locale cemetery valley cemetery park school civil school school civil locale cemetery locale civil PPl civil dam cemetery spring dam ppl civil civil ridge locale lake park summit cemetery civil mine mine dam ppl stream valley civil civil lake cemetery NATIONAL GAZETTEER--SOUTH DAKOTA 1989 STATUS VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN UNOFF BGN UNOFF UNOFF BGN VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF BGN VARIANT UNOFF VARIANT BGN BGN VARIANT ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN UNOFF UNOFF BGN UNOFF ADMIN UNOFF ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN BGN ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF BGN UNOPP BGN ADMIN ADMIN BGN UNOFF BGN ADMIN BGN UNOFF ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN BGN BGN ADMIN ADMIN BGN UNOFF VARIANT COUNTY Kingsbury Lawrence Brookings Brookings Brookings Ziebach ziebach Pennington Meade Pennington Stanley Stanley Custer Custer Roberts Pennington Harding Tripp Brown Hand Perkins Dewey Minnehaha Lake Lawrence Jerauld Beadle Mellette Mellette Davison Mellette Davison Aurora Corson Hutchinson Hutchinson Fall River Fall River Dewey Bon Homme Harding Corson Brule Brule Faulk Pennington Minnehaha Codington Codington Codington Todd Mellette Lawrence Custer Custer Brown Brown Brown Brown ziebach Grant Davison COORDINATES 442149N0972237W 442128N1035314W 442930N0965805W 442837N0965741W 442836N0965803W 451138N1012949W 450913N1013247W 440242N1035206W 441356N1032400W 435246N1032421W 442212N1004300W 442224N1004430W 433631N1033536W 433631N1033615W 452002N0964546W 440132N1035737W 454631N1035833W 432850N1001030W 453151N0980117W 445255N0991007W 452635N1020950W 451958N1003612W 435047N0965835W 435359N0965808W 442238N1035724W 440435N0983339W 442052N0981235N 434105N1010710W 434202N1010001W 433744N0980131W 434331N1003637W 433900N0980200W 435430N0982955W 454932N1004839W 432537N0980153W 432516N0975914W 431128N1034928W 431002N1035206W 451800N1012200W 425454N0974029W 453257N1031012W 455520N1011552W 434641N0991052W 434810N0991247W 450629N0990802W 435336N1033221W 433236N0970518H 450641N0965613W 450703N0965542H 450415N0965558W 430520N1004704W 432628N1003719W 441920N1034233W 435115N1032242W 433039N1035538W 453337N0981030W 453134N0981301W 453232N0981311W 453240N0980915W 445110N1012500W 450038N0964915W 434206N0981930W SOURCE COORDINATES 450658N1013317W 441340N1032524W 442125N1035804W 453311N0981233W 453654N0981108W ELEV ET 5875 1663 1652 2294 4880 3401 1309 1880 1624 1662 1599 2487 1317 1983 1450 1415 3780 2175 1549 1534 1845 2080 5600 4680 1306 1859 1421 MAP NAME Savoy Bruce Bruce Bruce Lantry NW Dupree NE Deerfield Piedmont Oahe SW Oahe SW Pringle Pringle Crows Nest Peak Scott Creek Carter Huffton Orient NW Coal Springs NW Promise Colton Wentworth Maurice Wessington Springs Huron Cedar Butte NE Murdo 3 NW Mitchell White River NE Mitchell Fraser Dam McLaughlin Delmont NE Parkston Provo Provo Peach Lake Tabor Battleship Rock McIntosh Pukwana Chamberlain Faulkton West Hill City Grass Lake South Shore South Shore South Shore St Francis SB Mission NW Deadwood South Iron Mountain Jewel Cave SW Putney Putney Putney Putney High Elk Hill SW Stockholm Mount Vernon FEATURE NAME See Harmony Church Quam Slough Queen Bee Butte See Quinn Butte Queen Bee Mine Queen Claim Mine Queen Mine See Silver Queen Mine Quinn Quinn Butte Queen Bee Butte Quinn Dam Wuinn Dam Quinn Draw See Nevis Draw Quinn Draw Nevis Draw Ranch Table Table School Township Township Dam Dam Quinn Quinn Quinn Quinn Quinn Quirk R Rabbit Rabbit Creek Creek Dam Rabbit Rabbit Rabbit Creek Reservoir Creek School Creek Spring Rabbit Gulch ' Rabbit Island See Bird Island Rabenberg Airport Rabenberg School Raber School Raber Township Racetrack Butte Racine Township Raddick Gulch Rademacher Cemetery Rader School Rae Number 2 Dam Rae Number 3 Dam Rafferty Ranch (historical) R A Gebracht Dam Ragged Top (historical) Ragged Rahn Rahn Rahn Rahn Top Mountain Lake Lake Dam Lake State Recreation Area Number 1 Dam Rahn Number 2 Dam Rahn Number 3 Dam Raiders Hills Railroad Buttes Rainbow Number Four Mine Rainbow Ranch Rainbow School Rainbow Township Rainy Creek Rainy Creek Township Raish Dam Rake Creek R Allgaier Dam Ralph Ralph Dam Ralph Draw Ralph Hampton Dam Ralph Hednan Dam Ralph Ritter Number 1 Dam Ralph Ritter Number 2 Dam FEATURE CLASS church gut summit mine mine mine ppl summit dam valley valley locale summit school civil dam dam stream dam reservoir school spring valley island airport school school civil summit civil valley cemetery school summit reservoir dam park dam dam dam range range mine locale school civil stream civil dam stream dam locale dam STATUS BGN VARIANT UNOFF DNOFF VARIANT BGN BGN VARIANT UNOFF VARIANT VARIANT BGN VARIANT UNOFF BGN UNOFF ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF BGN UNOFF BGN UNOFF BGN BGN VARIANT ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN BGN ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN BGN UNOFF ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN BGN ADMIN UNOFF BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF NATIONAL GAZETTEER--SOUTH DAKOTA 1989 COUNTY Jerauld Lake Pennington Pennington Pennington Lawrence Pennington Pennington Pennington Shannon Shannon Haakon Pennington Pennington Pennington Pennington Hyde Perkins Harding Harding Perkins Harding Pennington Lyman Walworth Campbell Hughes Hughes Custer Day Lawrence Hutchinson Lincoln Jones Jones Custer Perkins Lawrence Lawrence Tripp Tripp Tripp Jones Jones Jones Jackson Pennington Custer Sanborn Perkins Perkins Pennington Pennington Brule Jackson Hand Harding Harding Pennington Meade Stanley Campbell Campbell COORDINATES 440724N09B4505W 441058N0970452W 435936N1020515W 440119N1033649W 435210N1032255W 441850N103B330W 435917N1020733W 435936N1020515W 435948N1020754W 434130N1024728W 434200N1024710W 443023N1012809W 435415N1022820W 435339N1022724W 435638N1020408W 435736N1020500W 442518N0992118W 451241N1021104W 45234BN1030948W 452348N1030948W 451548N1021547W 452319N1031202W 435418N1033205W 434440N0992440W 452830N1000205W 453650N1001630W 441835N0994910W 441900N0995007W 434030N1032227W 452145N0972457W 441520N1035545W 432610N0973929W 432714N0964714W 440424N1005242W 440300N1005300W 433857N1033850W 451536N102544BW 442135N1035307W 442139N1035357W 430612N0995000W 430612N0995000W 430623N0994959W 434848N1004236W 435000N1004306W 435036N1004318W 435717N1012616W 435316N1025027W 434347N1034145W 435809N0980404W 453057N1022232W 453200N1022425W 441359N1020743W 441725N1021039W 434000N0991912W 434218N1014917W 442936N0990854W 454636N1030356W 454609N1030402W 434545N1024340W 450200N1023612W 442300N1005924W 454930N1012018W 454954N1001906W SOURCE COORDINATES 433545N1024045W 452338N1031303W 435321N1033428W 441513N1035708W 441417N1020956W 434632N1015419W 434402N1024129W ELEV PT 4200 2606 2780 2842 2541 3378 1960 1663 4212 1489 5190 5760 6220 2726 50161 MAP NAME Sinai Silver City Iron Mountain Wall Wall NE Wall Rad Shirt NE Cherry Creek Quinn Table Quinn Table Wall NE Wall NE Macs Corner NE Faith NW J B Hill J B Hill Sunrise Butte J B Hill Hill City Akaska NE Glenham De Grey SE De Grey SE Butcher Hill Waubay SW Savoy Clayton Tea Cape Capa Fourmile Serum SW Savoy Savoy Wewela Wewela Wewela Murdo SW Murdo SW Murdo SW Belvidere NW Caputa NE Fourmile Letcher NE Bison Bison Pedrow 4 NW Creighton Red Lake West School Section Butte Miller Dale Colony NW Ralph Ralph Scenic SW Maurine Fratzke Ranch Haynes SB Pollock SE SD162 FEATURE NAME Rambler Lode Mine Ramhrandt School Rames Township Ramey School Ramis School Ramona Nakomas Rampart Creek See Oak Creek Rampart River See Oak Creek Ramsey Baptist Cemetery See Ramsey Cemetery Ramsey Cemetery Ramsey Baptist Cemetery Ramsey Cemetery Ramsey Church Ramsey Township Ramus School Randall Creek Randall Creek Recreation Area Randall Dam Randall Island (historical) Handy Island White Swan Island Randall Township (historical) Randall Valley Cemetery Randolph Ranger Draw Rank Dam Rankin Number 1 Dam Rankin Number 2 Dam Rankin Ridge Rankin School Ranthun School Rapid See Rapid City Rapid City Hay Camp Rapid Rapid City Regional Airport Rapid City Regional Hospital Airport Rapid Creek Rapid Township (historical) Rapid Valley Rapid Valley Community Hall Rapid Valley School Raritan Township Raritan Township (historical) Rasmussen Cemetery Rasmussen Number 1 Rasmussens Ranch See Waisnan Ranch Rasmussen State Public Shooting Area Dam Raspberry Gulch Rassmussen Number 1 Dam Rassmussen School Rath Lake Rattlesnake Rattlesnake Rattlesnake Rattlesnake Rattlesnake Rattlesnake Smake Butte Butte Butte Butte Butte Creek Creek Rattle Snake Jack Mine Rattlesnake Lake Rattlesnake Mine Rauville Ravenna Township Raver and Michaud Mine Ravina Township See Ravinia Township Ravine Park Dam Ravine Park Lake FEATURE CLASS mine school civil school school 991 stream stream cemetery cemetery cemetery church civil school stream park dam island civil cemetery ppl school ppl Ppl airport airport stream civil ppl building school civil civil cemetery dam locale park valley dam school lake summit summit summit summit summit stream mine reservoir mine locale civil mine civil dam reservoir NATIONAL GAZETTEER--SOUTH DAKOTA 1989 STATUS UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF BGN VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN UNOFF BGN ADMIN UNOFF BGN VARIANT VARIANT ADMIN UNOFF BGN BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN 1954 UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT BGN 1969 VARIANT VARIANT ADMIN ADMIN BGN ADMIN BGN UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT ADMIN BGN UNOFF UNOFF BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN VARIANT UNOFF BGN UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF BGN COUNTY Custer Gregory Tripp Haakon Gregory Lake Corson Corson McCook McCook McCook McCook McCook Hutchinson Gregory Gregory Brule Charles Mix Gregory Gregory Brown Lawrence Buffalo Jones Jones Custer Sanborn Brown Pennington Pennington Pennington Pennington Pennington Pennington Pennington Pennington Pennington Day Day McCook Custer Custer Hamlin Lawrence Mellette Brown McPherson Corson Meade Mellette Tripp Ziebach Ziebach Lawrence Ziebach Pennington Codington Sanborn Custer Brown Beadle Beadle COORDINATES 434445N1033334W 43133BN0991604W 430247N0994914W 442303N1015847W 430036N0992925W 440710N0971258W 453549N1002633W 453549N1002633W 435000N0971428W 435000N0971428W 435000N097l427W 434958N0971339W 434940N0971150W 431704N0973930W 430305N0983247W 430247N0983245W 433606N0991848W 430410N0983602W 430154N0983657W 430140N0983658W 451434N0981234W 441945N1035825W 440336N0992154H 434818N1003700W 434830N1003500W 433641N1032915W 435757N0980040W 453941N0982109W 440450N1031350W 440450N1031350W 440240N1030322W 440440N1031510W 435411N1023756W 440338N1031200W 440345N1030845W 440217N1030527W 440356N1030931W 452655N0973225W 452934N0973222W 433l42N0973324W 434354N103l418W 433141N1034054W 444125N0972757W 441810N1035202W 433700N1010618W 454547N0980149W 45$344N0990608W 454222N1003529W 444540N1025245W 432608N1002506W 432707N0993922W 445654N1015144W 444159N1014251W 441945N1034016W 444213N1014245W 435259N1032213W 445947N0970620W 435338N0975441W 434513N1033825W 453250N0983935W 442205N0981207W 442205N0981207W SOURCE COORDINATES 425041N0984245W 441858N1035847W 440752N1034408W 441856N1034942W 445901N1015338W ELEV FT 5520 2092 1800 1625 1309 1295 1278 1305 3247 3202 3271 3100 3129 1308 1946 2284 2946 2510 2285 2575 5480 1916 5480 1247 MAP NAME Cicero Peak Burke Wewela Hilland NW Carlock Ramona Lake Madison SW Lake Madison SW Lake Madison SW Lake Madison SW Tschetter Colony Fort Randall Dam Fort Randall Dam Bond Bottom Fort Randall Dam Fort Randall Dam Fort Randall Dam Randolph Savoy Big Bend Dam SE Murdo SE Murdo SE Wind Cave Letcher NE Columbia NE Rapid City East Box Elder Rapid City West Creston Rapid City East Rapid City Box Elder Rapid City Webster NE Webster NE Bridgewater West Fairburn East East Vienna East Lead Cedarbutte Hecla SE Long Lake NE Wakpala Table Top Butte Wood South Rattlesnake Butte West Bull Creek 2 NE Rattlesnake Lake Deadwood South Rattlesnake Lake Rockerville Watertown East Farwell NW Berne Huron Huron FEATURE NAME Ravinia Ravinia Township Ravina Township Ray E Smith Dam Ray Haberman Sr Number 1 Dam Ray Haberman Sr Number 2 Dam Raymond Raymond Hanzlik Dam Raymond Landing (historical) Raymond Meyer Dam Raymond Township R Bartels Number 1 Dam R Berndt Dam R Bierman Dam R Bierman Number 2 Dam R Clark Number 1 Dam R Clark Number 2 Dam R Clark Number 3 Dam R Compton Dam Reaser Stock Dam Reausaw Lake Reausew (historical) Reaves Gulch Rebuild Number 1 Dam Recaboth Cemetery Red Bank Spring Redbird Canyon Redbird Draw Red Bull Dam Red Bull Draw Red Red Red Red Red Red Red Red Red Red Butte Butte Butte Butte Butte Butte Creek Butte Creek Canyon Canyon Canyon Red Red Red Red Red Red Red Red Canyon Creek Canyon Station (historical) Cloud Agency (historical) Cloud Mine Coat Creek Cross Draw Cross Spring Dale Gulch Dam Cedar Canyon Dam Red Dale Gulch Reservoir Red Dog Gulch Red Dog Table Red Earth Creek Redeemer Cemetery Red Elm Red Elm Creek See Bear Creek Redelm Township Reder Ranger Station Redfern Redfern Mountain Redfield stennett Junction Redfield, Lake Redfield Lake Dam Redfield Municipal Airport Redfield State Hospital Redfield Township Redfield Township (historical) Red Fish Township Red Red Red Red Red Red Fox Ranch Gate Gulch Hill Hill Hill Cemetery Red Hills Red Horse Draw Redig FEATURE CLASS ppl civil lake locale valley dam cemetery spring valley valley dam valley summit summit summit summit summit stream stream valley valley valley stream locale locale mine stream valley spring dam reservoir valley summit stream cemetery ppl stream civil locale locale summit p91 reservoir dam airport hospital civil civil civil locale 9GP valley summit summit cemetery range valley locale NATIONAL GAZETTEER--SOUTH DAKOTA 1989 STATUS BGN ADMIN VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN UNOFF BGN UNOFF UNOFF BGN BGN BGN UNOFF BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN BGN BGN UNOFF VARIANT BGN BGN BGN BGN UNOFF BGN 1977 VARIANT ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF BGN BGN VARIANT BGN UNOFF ADMIN UNOFF ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN UNOFF BGN BGN BGN BGN UNOFF BGN BGN UNOFF COUNTY Charles Mix Brown Custer Dewey Dewey Clark Meade Gregory Perkins Clark Dewey Dewey ziebach ziebach Dewey Dewey Dewey Meade Fall River Lawrence Lawrence Custer Harding Grant Custer Custer Pennington ziebach ziebach Custer Harding Harding Harding Lyman Harding Tripp Custer Fall River Fall River Fall River Fall River Lyman Lawrence ziebach Harding Harding Pennington Pennington Pennington Shannon Dewey Edmunds ziebach Dewey ziebach Pennington Pennington Pennington Spink Spink Spink Spink Spink Spink Spink Mellette Haakon Meade Fall River Custer Lawrence Tripp Tripp ziebach Harding COORDINATES 430812N0982535W 453250N0983935W 433306N1031024W 450242N1010224W 450142N1010254W 445445N0975619W 445054N1024342W 430905N0985228W 453024N1025648W 445740N0975540W 450430N1004500W 450412N1011448W 452336N1014300W 452518N1013930W 452510N1012630W 452506N1012618W 452536N1012600W 444706N1020148W 430724N1032054W 441510N1033653W 441515N1033645W 433501N1032812W 452330N1031518W 450208N0963322W 434937N1035913W 434625N1040213W 435400N1035710W 443727N1014409W 443844N1013953W 434604N1035758W 452322N1031411W 453944N1033315W 454010N1034502W 435056N0994255W 451849N1031553W 434445N0993716W 434224N1032024W 432043N1034702W 432028N1032647W 431851N1034711W 432035N1034705W 440542N0994113W 442015N1033300W 444540N1015010W 453208N1030900W 453227N1031039W 440342N1031742W 440342N1031742W 435727N1033600W 432324N1024324W 451149N1011807W 452802N0993851W 450319N1014701W 451100N1012417W 450500N1014730W 435617N1033341W 440009N1033840W 440007N1033911W 445233N0983106W 445241N0983144W 445241N0983144W 445145N0983145W 445317N0983128W 445036N0983047W 445217N0982933W 434717N1005922W 443950N1012545W 441420N1032621W 431820N1033324W 434143N1032016W 442153N1033442W 434224N0994659W 432413N1001004W 443220N1015621W 451616N1033252W SOURCE COORDINATES 433719N1032950W 435919N1035515W 440212N1035714W 443729N1014525W 452331N1031339W 435229N0993947W 434215N1032248W 433506N1034328W 432112N1032955W 432043N1034702W 450034N1015723W 453241N1031101W 435731N1033631W 452623N1013521W 431934N1033137W 443606N1015812W ELEV PT 1495 1456 1390 5280 1192 5510 3220 3395 3300 1978 3490 4900 3030 2480 5638 6075 1303 1307 1305 3863 4690 3041 MAP NAME Ravinia Richmond SW Fairburn SW Parade Parade Raymond Big Draw Campbell Creek White Hill Raymond Ridgeview Parade SW Irish Creek NW Irish Creek NW Isabel Isabel Isabel Avance SE 50163 Black Banks Creek East Deadman Mountain Deadman Mountain Wind Cave Bams Butte SE Revillo Dead Horse Flats Fanny Peak Preacher Spring Rattlesnake Lake Rattlesnake Lake Dead Horse Flats J B Hill McKenzie Butte Gallup Creek Reliance SW Bams Butte SE Hamill NE Butcher Hill Edgemont SW Angostura Reservoir Bdgemont Edgemont Lower Brule SW Deadwood South Red Scaffold Battleship Rock Battleship Rock Rapid City West Rapid City West Hill City Rockyford NW Lantry NE Bowdle Red Elm Red Elm Hill City Rochford Rochford Redfield North Redfield Redfield Redfield Redfield North Redfield South Frankfort SW Okaton SW North North South Cherry Creek NW Piedmont Cascade Springs Butcher Hill Deadman Mountain Ideal NE Carter Bridger Redig SD164 FEATURE NAME Redig Cemetery Redig School Red Iron Lake See South Iron Lake See North Iron Lake Lake Lake Lake Lake (historical) Red Iron Lake Red Red Iron Lake Red Township Red Red Red Red Red Lake School Red Lake State Public Shooting Area Red Lake Township Red Leaf Campground Red Leaf Cemetery Red Leaf Creek Redman Slough Redowl Red Owl Creek See White Owl Creek Red Owl Creek Red Owl Dam Red Owl Township (historical) Redpath Creek Red Plum Dam Red Point Red Point Canyon Red Rock Red Rock Pond Red Rock Township Red Red Scaffold Scaffold Creek Beaver Creek Shirt Shirt Creek Shirt Table Spar Mine Red Stone (historical) Red Stone Basin Redstone Cemetery Red Red Red Red Red Stone Creek Redstone Creek Marsh Creek Redstone Township Redstone Township (historical) Red Tank Spring Red Top School Red Valley Redwater Canal Red Water Creek See Redwater River Redwater Creek Redwater Creek Redwater River Red Water Creek Red Willow Creek Red Woman Creek Ree Creek Reed Draw Reede Mine Reed School Reed Spring Ree Heights Ree Hills Heights Bram Hall Heights Township Hills See Ree Heights Ree Indian Village (historical) Reese Ranch Ree Ree Ree Reese Williams Dam Ree Township FEATURE CLASS cemetery school lake lake civil lake lake lake locale school park civil park cemetery stream lake ppl stream stream dam civil stream dam summit valley summit reservoir civil PPl stream ppl stream summit mine locale basin cemetery stream stream civil civil spring school valley canal stream stream stream stream stream stream stream valley mine school spring range ppl civil range locale locale dam civil NATIONAL GAZETTEER--SOUTH DAKOTA 1909 STATUS UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT VARIANT ADMIN BGN BGN BGN UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN UNOFF BGN BGN BGN VARIANT BGN 1920 UNOFF ADMIN BGN UNOFF BGN BGN BGN BGN ADMIN BGN BGN I977 VARIANT BGN BGN BGN UNOFF UNOFF BGN UNOFF BGN BGN VARIANT ADMIN ADMIN BGN UNOFF BGN BGN VARIANT BGN BGN BGN 1961 VARIANT BGN BGN BGN BGN UNOFF UNOFF BGN BGN VARIANT BGN VARIANT ADMIN VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN COUNTY Harding Harding Marshall Marshall Marshall Brule Charles Mix Lawrence Brule Brule Brule Brule Bennett Todd Todd Marshall Meade Meade Meade Meade Meade Lawrence Stanley Custer Custer Gregory Jackson Minnehaha Ziebach Ziebach Shannon Shannon Shannon Custer Hanson Jackson Hanson Jackson Sanborn Miner Miner Harding Meade Custer Butte Butte Dewey Shannon Butte Corson Stanley Hand Custer Custer Faulk Harding Hand Hand Hand Hand Corson Lyman Haakon Charles Mix COORDINATES 451617N1033005W 451615N1033038W 454011N0971904W 454124N0971920W 454055N097163BW 434338N0991316W 430654N0982317W 442128N1035743W 434205N0991123W 434205N0991130W 434432N0991142W 434251N0991240W 432244N1011432W 432310N1011133W 432246N1011220W 453627N0972835W 444152N1023310W 444011N1022139W 444425N1020923W 444130N1023318W 444336N1023117W 442336N1035248W 441724N1001918W 433608N1040003W 433408N1035710W 432555N0991331W 434027N1012l26W 433725N0962854W 444601N1015036W 444557N1015022W 434003N1025354W 434016N1025434W 433543N1025350W 434139N1034330W 435135N0974830W 433945N1012146W 434909N0974944W 434703N1012148W 440325N0980456W 440850N0974647W 440847N0974313W 452329N1031133W 441100N1024924W 433309N1032305W 444056N1034634W 444020N1035040W 451033N1010611W 434003N1021252W 444020N1035040W 454507N1013057W 443308N1003640W 443520N0984727W 434609N1030155W 433713N1033100W 450654N0990724W 454958N1033738W 442846N0991106W 443107N0991159W 442934N0991408W 442846NO991106W 452951N1002215W 434607N0992949W 441818N1014543W 425542N0981642W SOURCE COORDINATES 432012N1011157W 444339N1024232W 442232N1035245W 433610N1035955W 445609N1020456W 434429N1030517W 433330N1011§40W 4‘3329N0974334W 433715N1032512W 452201N1012016W 432125N1020135W 443420N1040015W 455320N1013731W 443134N1003703W 442727N0990728W 434826N1030253W ELEV FT 1551 1597 1597 1590 2746 4653 1400 2215 2694 6050 3213 1320 1322 3330 2706 1575 1729 MAP NAME Redig Redig South Red Iron Lake Red Lake East Wagner SW Savoy Red Lake East Red Lake East Red Lake East Red Lake West Norris Norris Norris Eden Redowl Thompson Lake Redowl Redowl Maurice Pierre Dewey Jewel Cave SW Lucas NW Pass Creek NE Valley Springs Red Scaffold Red Scaffold Red Shirt Red Shirt Red Shirt SW Fourmile Ness Chain Lakes Pass Creek NE Nose Chain Lakes Belvidsre Forestburg Artesian NE Carthage J B Hill Viewfield Wind Cave Belle Fourche Parade NB Conata Belle Fourche Morristown 53 Iron Post Buttes SW Miller SE Hermosa SE Pringle Faulkton East Ladner Miller Dale Colony NW Ree Heights Miller Dale Colony NW Moreau NE Oacoma Hilland Lynch NE FEATURE NAME Ree Valley (historical) Orient Campbell Reeves Cattle Company Number 1 Dam Reeves Cattle Company Number Dam Reform Cemetery Reform Cemetery Reformed Cemetery See Ebenezer Cemetery Reformed Cemetery Reformed Cemetery Monroe Cemetery Reformed Church Reformed Church Cemetery Logan Reform Cemetery R E Grazing Number 1 Dam Rehfeldt Slough Reichert School Reich School Reid Lake Reidy Dam Reimer Creek Reinhold Claim Mine Reinhold School Reindl School Number 2 (historical) Reis School House Reiswig School Reliance Reliance Reliance Reliance Reliance Reliance Reliance R Elling Cemetery Dam Lake Mine State Game Refuge Township Ranch Rempfer Lake Rempp School Renner Renner Corner Reno Reno Gulch Reno Gulch Park Renzienhausen Slough Renz Lake Reppert Addition (subdivision) Republican (historical) Reservation Dam Rest Haven Cemetery Restlawn Memory Garden Retriever Mine (historical) Retzloff Ranch Reva Reva (historical) Reva Campground Reva Gap Reva School Revillo Revillo Cemetery Rex See Saint Lawrence Rex See Piedmont Rex Davis Ranch Rex Township Reynolds Creek See Joe Creek Number 1 Dam Number 2 Dam Prairie Prairie School Ranch (historical) Ranch Reynolds Reynolds Reynolds Reynolds Reynolds Reynolds Reynolds Ranch Reynolds Slough Rezac Lake Rezek Post Office (historical) FEATURE CLASS locale dam dam COMECBZY cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery church cemetery dam lake school school lake dam stream mine school school school school 991 cemetery dam reservoir mine park civil locale swamp school p91 locale locale valley park gut lake ppl locale dam cemetery cemetery mine locale ppl locale park 93F school 991 cemetery PPl ppl locale civil stream dam dam flat school locale locale locale swamp lake building STATUS UNOFF VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF BGN UNOFF UNOFF BGN UNOFF BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFP ADMIN ADMIN UNOFF BGN UNOFF BGN UNOFF UNOFF BGN ADMIN BGN BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN UNOFF ADMIN BGN UNOFF BGN UNOFF VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF ADMIN VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN BGN UNOFF NATIONAL GAZETTEER--SOUTH DAKOTA 1989 COUNTY Hand Meade Meade Bon Homme Yankton Bon Homme Campbell McCook Deuel Minnehaha Dewey Minnehaha Meade Pennington Clark Perkins Brule Pennington Corson Jerauld Todd Hutchinson Lyman Lyman Lyman Lyman Lawrence Lyman Lyman Harding Jerauld Yankton Minnehaha Minnehaha Pennington Pennington Pennington Brown Campbell Minnehaha Minnehaha Roberts Jerauld Beadle Lawrence Custer Harding Harding Harding Harding Harding Grant Grant Hand Meade Harding Lyman Hughes Jones Jones Pennington Pennington Hughes Pennington Pennington Lake Hyde Hutchinson COORDINATES 445330N0990514W 445418N1021748W 445518N1021730W 430521N0974138W 430525N0973730W 430551N0974252W 454907N0995640W 433002N0971407W 444635N0965205W 434931N0963526W 451636N1012142W 433429N0970329W 442953N1024657W 435916N1030502W 450135N0974357W 455218N1020048W 434245N0991539W 435253N1033442W 453149N1004503W 440358N0984935W 432133N1010444W 432335N0974453W 435244N0993610W 435331N0993615W 435254N0993536W 435254N0993536W 442045N1035123W 435321N0993549W 445326N0993$08W 452945N1030625W 441102N0985255W 425947N0971924W 433844N0964341W 433B43N0964240W 435453N1033701W 435436N1033520W 435440N1033813W 454656N0975952W 454117N1000401W 433425N0964740W 433937N0964400W 454609N0963819W 441039N0982123W 441900N0981300W 442040N1034837W 433218N1033553W 453243N1030502W 453215N1030943W 453133N1031036W 453157N1031035W 453055N1030542W 450100N0963415W 450046N0963443W 443104N0985615W 441354N1032319W 452405N1040220W 445326N0994220W 440834N0994732W 435830N1004230W 435806N1004242W 440321N1034752W 440406N1034755W 440853N0994713W 440435N1034823W 440508N1034602W 435636N0971303W 444845N0992130W 431940N0975235W SOURCE COORDINATES 433847N0991900W 435611N1033951W ELEV FT 1590 1841 1515 1930 1585 1735 5280 2066 1740 2650 1294 1796 6000 1330 1436 1679 1453 1440 1306 5760 3059 3200 3027 1200 1223 6042 1520 1772 1370 SD165 MAP NAME Orient Lemmon Butte Lemmon Butte Kloucek Lake Lesterville Zeeland SW Bast Vermillion Lake Bemis Dell Rapids SE Peach Lake Grass Lake Hereford NE Hermosa NE Bradley Lemmon Lake Red Lake East Hill City Little Eagle SE Gannvalley SE Parmelee Clayton Reliance Reliance Reliance Reliance Lead Reliance Reliance Flat Top Butte Mittelstedt Slough Mission Hill Renner Renner Hill City Hill City Medicine Mountain Newark SW Mound City Sioux Falls West Renner Rosholt Alpena Huron Lead Pringle Reva Battleship Rock Battleship Rock Battleship Rock Reva Revillo Revillo Capitol Lyman Murdo Murdo Deerfield Deerfield Joe Creek Deerfield Deerfield Lake Herman Rezac Lake Beardsley SD166 FEATURE NAME R Fields Number 1 Dam R Fields Number 2 Dam R Fields Number 4 Dam R Fields Number 5 Dam R G Goddard Dam R Hampton Number 1 Dam R Ham Ranch R Hanson Dam R Heath Dam R Hepper Dam Rhiley Ranch Rhine Creek See Marne Creek Rhoades Township Rhoads Fork Rhoads Ranch Rhoads Spring Rhoda Township Rhoda Township Hall Rhodes School Rhodes School R Howie Dam R Howie Dam Rice Lake Rice Lake School Richard Cobb Dam Richard Draw Richard Glines Dam Tetanka Dam Richards (historical) Richards Lateral Richardson Number 1 Dam Richardson Number 2 Dam Richardson School See Leddy School (historical) Richardson Spring Richardson Well Richard Waddell Dam Richard Waddell Dam Richard Walth Dam Richard Williamson Dam Richard Wolff Dam Richfield Heights (subdivision) Richfield Township Richland Richland Richland Richland Richland Cemetery Cemetery Cemetery Center School Richland Richland Richland Richland Richland Richland Richland Township Richland Township (historical) Riverside Township Richland Township Church Creek Reservoir School School Township Richland Township Richland Township Richland Township Richland Township Richland Township Richland Township Hall Richmond See Columbia Richmond Richmond Dam Richmond Heights (subdivision) Richmond Hill Richmond Lake Richmond Lake Heights Development (subdivision) Richmond Lake State Recreation Area FEATURE CLASS locale stream civil stream locale spring civil building school locale canal dam dam school spring well dam dam dam dam dam p91 civil ppl cemetery cemetery cemetery school church stream reservoir school school civil civil civil civil civil civil civil civil civil building PP1 ppl dam ppl summit reservoir ppl park STATUS UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT ADMIN BGN UNOFF BGN ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN UNOFF UNOFF BGN UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF BGN UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFP BGN ADMIN BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN BGN UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN VARIANT ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN UNOFF VARIANT BGN UNOFF BGN BGN BGN BGN ADMIN NATIONAL GAZETTEER--SOUTH DAKOTA 1989 COUNTY ziebach Ziebach Ziebach Ziebach Sully Meade Harding Tripp Potter Dewey Pennington Yankton Gregory Pennington Pennington Pennington Charles Mix Charles Mix Sanborn Stanley Meade Meade Hyde Hyde Corson Lawrence Corson Buffalo Butte Jones Jones Douglas Custer Custer Corson Corson Walworth Meade Perkins Brown Spink Union Clark Edmunds Union Beadle Edmunds Union Jones Beadle Brule Brookings Brown Brown Brule Clark Codington Edmunds Jones McCook Beadle Brown Brown Brown Brown Lawrence Brown Brown Brown COORDINATES 445324N1013742W 445300N1013742W 444942N1013618W 445048N1013624W 443854N0994100W 445924N1023924W 454550N1032430W 430742N1000454W 450918N1000942W 451712N1012548W 442612N1021423W 425201N0972246W 431220N0992045W 440843N1035036W 440624N1035427W 440626N1035416W 431755N09B4600W 431611N0984442W 441105N0990300W 442836N1004241W 443748N1021718W 443954N1021300W 444938N0992740W 445158N0992813W 454430N1014406W 441131N103304BW 455612N1011142W 440720N0991140W 443749N1032002W 434430N1004548W 434936N1004618W 432125N09B3110W 433430N1034756W 433619N1034605W 454536N1015348W 454412N1015448W 452824N1001630W 443754N1024936W 453206N1020806W 453043N0983218W 445031N0980139W 424534N0963909W 444026N0975503W 452123N0984704W 424606N0963945W 442011N0980158W 451952N0984939W 424517N096373BW 440900N1002500W 442120N0980424W 433746N0990532W 441902N0962827W 454823N09E2454W 453240N0980610W 433747N0990531W 444140N0974045W 445730N0975515W 452202N09B4620W 440704N1002232W 434230N097l830W 441930N0980150W 453647N0981844W 453122N0983707W 453207N0983524W 453019N0983421W 442306N1035118W 453207N0983524W 453220N0983445W 453228N09B3639W SOURCE COORDINATES 440752N1035528W 441059N1033126W 425037N0964005W ELEV FT 3080 1661 1312 1789 1852 1675 4821 1335 1134 1469 1143 1295 1355 1359 1368 MAP NAME Diermier Ranch Diermier Ranch Sears Dam Sears Dam Harrold NW Squaw Buttes Ludlow Clearfield Steamboat Creek Isabel SW Pedro NW Burke Nahant Crows Nest Peak Crows Nest Peak Bovee Geddes Forestburg NE Lacy Marcus Thompson Lake Rice Lake Rice Lake Cottonwood Creek NW Nemo Tatanka Lake Big Bend Dam 4 SW Vale NE Murdo 3 NE Okaton SB Jewel Cave SE Jewel Cave SE Thunder Hawk SW Black Horse Butte NW Moreau NE Fairpoint Meadow Richmond Doland SE Richland Carpenter Mina SE Richland Cavour Mina SE Richland Pierre 3 NW Cavour Bijou Hills NE Lake Benton SW Save SW Huffton Red Lake East Carpenter Kampeska Mina SE Pierre 3 SW Salem NE Cavour Richmond Richmond Richmond Spearfish Richmond Richmond Richmond FEATURE NAME Richmond Ranch Duckles Ranch Richmond-Sitting Bull Mine See Double Rainbow Mine Richtor Dam Richtor Howard Number 1 Dam Rich Valley School Rich Valley Township Rich Valley Township Ricki Spring Ridgeland Heights (subdivision) Ridge Land Township Ridge Lode Mine Ridge Post Office (historical) Ridgeview Rieger Creek Rieman Number 1 Dam Rieman School Riffle Township Rifle Lake Riflepit Canyon Rifle Pit Spring Riggs and Company Ranch (historical) Riggs School Riggs School Riley Pass Rileys Butte Cedar Butte Riley Spring Rimmer Ridge Rimrock Spring Rimrock Trail Rinehart County (historical) Ring Thunder Ring Thunder Cemetery Ring Thunder Ring Thunder Ritter Bay Ritter Dam See H Hulm Dam River au Cabris See Antelope Creek Church Sacred Heart School Township River Bluff Addition River Bottom School Number 50 (historical) Riverdale Park Riverdale School River Jacques See James River River la Chapelle See Chapelle Creek Riverside (historical) Riverside Riverside Riverside Riverside Riverside Cemetery Riverside Cemetery Barton Cemetery Riverside Cemetery Riverside Cemetery Riverside Church Camp Cemetery Cemetery Riverside Riverside Riverside Riverside Riverside Riverside School (historical) Riverside School See Center School Riverside School Riverside School Colony Park Park School School Riverside School Riverside Township FEATURE CLASS locale mine dam dam school civil civil spring ppl civil mine building locale stream dam school civil swamp valley spring locale school school 9'? summit spring ridge spring trail civil church cemetery school civil bay dam stream ppl school park school stream stream 991 locale locale cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery church Ppl park park school school school school school school school civil NATIONAL GAZETTEER--SOUTH DAKOTA 1989 STATUS UNOFF VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN ADMIN BGN ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN BGN BGN BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN BGN 1969 VARIANT BGN BGN 1982 BGN UNOFF ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN BGN VARIANT VARIANT BGN UNOFF ADMIN UNOFF VARIANT VARIANT BGN UNOFF UNOFP UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN ADMIN ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN COUNTY Custer Lawrence Mellette Mellette Sully Jones Sully Harding Pennington Corson Custer Spink Dewey Walworth Jones Turner Stanley Sanborn Lawrence Custer Hughes Hughes Meade Harding Harding Harding Pennington Harding Harding Perkins Todd Mellette Mellette Mellette Campbell Dewey Stanley Davison Stanley Minnehaha Hughes Yankton Hughes Clay Hanson Hanson Beadle Brown Butte Clay Hughes McCook McCook Beadle Beadle Codington Brown Butte Charles Mix Hand Hanson Hutchinson Lincoln Brown COORDINATES 433345N1034333W 442000N1033800W 432848N1001724W 433018N1001442W 444559N0995617W 440153N1002232W 444530N0995808W 452116N1030312W 440458N1032145W 453215N1004030W 434515N1033820W 444735N0983732W 450506N1004800W 451935N1001000W 435912N1010300W 431407N0970123W 441215N1010547W 440639N0975923W 441820N1040455W 433556N1033113W 442735N1003343W 442204N1002017W 443525N1032844W 455028N1032831W 455055N1032516W 454949N1032659W 440401N1034418W 451856N1030215W 452123N1030637W 451730N1021500W 432017N1004743W 432452N1004741W 432644N1005239W 432623N1005128W 454438N1002156W 452648N1004800W 441852N1001020W 434400N0980355W 443011N1003430W 433155N0964159W 441232N0994718W 425217N0971725W 441633N0995525W 430110N0970020W 434322N0975653W 434340N0975741W 442023N0981150W 452643N0983042W 443947N1035149W 430225N0965821W 442139N1001826W 433210N0971942W 433146N0971939W 442911N0980820W 442143N0981200W 445408N0970733W 453129N0981224W 444036N1032808W 431736N0990041W 443526N0991355W 434304N0975654W 431656N0973716W 431529N0963441W 453241N0980228W SOURCE COORDINATES 452615N0995746W 441319N1040026W ELEV FT 1860 4100 5440 1385 1282 3390 6200 3372 2457 1596 1310 1230 1228 1456 1275 1292 2883 1300 1310 1206 50167 MAP NAME Argyle Mosher Two Nation Creek Gettysburg Muni Airport SW Pierre 3 SW Gettysburg Muni Airport SW Sheep Mountain Rapid City West Wakpala SW Berne Redfield SW Ridgeview Akaska SW Stamford Viborg Midland NE Artesian Old Baldy Mtn Pringle Willow Creek Butte Pierre Vale Ludlow Ludlow Ludlow Rochford Sheep Mountain Sheep Mountain Coal Springs SW Soldier Creek SE Soldier Creek NE Soldier Creek NW Soldier Creek NE Pollock SE Mitchell Iron Post Buttes SE Sioux Falls East Joe Creek Wakonda Riverside Riverside Huron Aberdeen West Belle Fourche Centerville Pierre Canistota Cenistota Huron NW Huron Watertown West Putney Newell Lucas SE Riverside Wolf Creek Canton Huffton SD168 FEATURE NAME Riverside Township See Richland Township (historical) Riverside Township Riverside Township Riverside Township Riverside Township Riverside Township (historical) Riverside Township River Township Riverview Cemetery Riverview Cemetery Riverview Cemetery River View Cemetery River View Cemetery See Riverview Cemetery Riverview Cemetery Riverview School (historical) Riverview School River View Township Keckley Number 1 Dam Keckley Number 2 Dam Kinning Dam L Cundy Dam Number 1 Lemler Dam Lemler Dam Mundt Dam Mundt Lake Dam N W ” W N N W Road Dam Road Dam Road Dam Number 1 Road Dam Number 2 Road Draw Road Draw Spring Number One Road Draw Spring Number Two Roanoke (historical) Robbers Roost (historical) Robbinsdale School Robbinsdale Shopping Center Robbs Draw Robbs Flat Robbs Flat Cemetery Robbs Flat School Robert Bolander Dam Robert Bubbers Dam Morristown RR Dam Robert Calkingsor Dam Robert Kressly Dam Robert Kressly Dam Roberto Creek See Blackfoot Creek Robert Reeder Dam Roberts Chapel Cemetery Robert Schuelke Dam Roberts County Roberts County State Wildlife Management Area Roberts Draw Robertson Number 1 Dam Roberts School (historical) Robey (historical) Robinson Brothers Ranch (historical) Robinson Flats Robinson Ranch Robinson School (historical) Robinson School Robins Township Robison Gulch Roby Canyon Roby Meyer Number Roby Meyer Number Roby Meyer Number Roby Spring Rochford Rochford Cemetery Rochford Township 1 Dam 2 Dam 3 Dam (historical) FEATURE CLASS civil civil civil civil civil civil civil civil cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery school school civil dam dam dam dam dam dam dam dam valley spring spring locale locale school locale valley flat cemetery school dam dam dam dam dam stream dam cemetery dam civil park valley dam school locale locale fiat locale school school civil valley valley dam dam dam spring ppl cemetery civil STATUS VARIANT ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN UNOFP UNOFP UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFP UNOFF BGN BGN BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN ADMIN BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN BGN BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN BGN UNOFF ADMIN COUNTY Brown Clay Corson Hand Jackson Mellette Potter Walworth Brule Jones Moody Moody Turner Mellette Moody Moody ziebach ziebach Dewey Butte Potter Potter Sully Harding Harding ziebach Meade Harding Harding Harding Faulk Lawrence Pennington Pennington Haakon Haakon Haakon Haakon Campbell Corson Stanley Perkins Perkins Corson Perkins Douglas Meade Roberts Roberts Lawrence Gregory Sanborn Aurora Hughes Fall River Fall River Buffalo Fall River Fall River Lawrence Custer ziebach ziebach ziebach Custer Pennington Pennington Pennington COORDINATES 453240N0980610W 430230N0965730W 454005N1014735W 443500N0991430W 435638N1014946W 434130N1002231W 450630N1001407W 452212N1001357W 434715N0991954" 440544N1005759W 441053N0964134W 441053N0964134W 430800N0965724W 434026N1003851W 440909N0964007W 440843N0964157W 445642N1010954W 445548N1010954W 450012N1011612W 445100N1033948W 451124N1000824W 451119N1001000W 445100N0995412W 453918N1030130W 455630N1033924W 443806N1015348W 443718N1020012W 452517N1031000W 452449N1031227W 452429N1031250W 451438N0995423W 434022N1032440W 440345N1031228W 440402N1031156W 443843N1012139W 443647N1011930W 443641N1011900W 443706N1011858W 453512N1001836W 455454N1013836W 441048N1002454W 455012N1021318W 455100N1021400H 455632N1003116w 451754N1024136W 432446N0981321W 450200N1024630W 453730N0970000W 453311N0965642W 441044N1033006W 432010N0992800W 440249N0975701W 433345N0984515W 442815N1002834W 432714N1035054W 432708N1034933W 435658N0990253W 432723N1034918W 431507N1030933W 442600N1035251W 434801N1040212W 452142N1013818W 452054N1014118W 452018N1014106W 434941N1040140W 440729N1034309W 440642N1034448W 440337N1034100W NATIONAL GAZETTEER--SOUTH DAKOTA 1989 .SOURCE COORDINATBS 452514N1031318W 443709N1011940H 441047N1033027W 442502N1035632W 435113N1040319W ELEV FT 1857 1851 1601 1435 4360 3200 2138 2134 1545 1440 1614 3959 5273 MAE NAME Centerville Black Horse Butte NE Ree Heights Cottonwood NE Badnation NW Lake Hurley Moreau SE Chamberlain Caps Flandreau NW Beresford NW Nestover Plandrsau NW Flandreau NW Herbert Creek Herbert Creek Lantry SE Arpan Steamboat Creek Steamboat Creek Gettysburg Muni Airport SW Reva NE Table Mountain Dead Horse Draw Plainview J D Hill J B Hill J B Hill Cresbard Mt Coolidge Rapid City East Rapid City East Carlin Flat Kirley Kirley Kirley Glenham Morristown Pierre 3 NW Sommerville Sommerville Date Hillside Beverly Creek Peever Peever Nemo Dixon SW Artesian Cedar Grove Oahe Dam Colony Edgemont NE Edgemont NE Pukwana NE Edgemont NE Smithwick Maurice Fanny Peak Irish Creek SH Irish Creek SW Irish Creek SW Fanny Peak Rochford Rochford Rochford FEATURE NAME Rock Bar See Chain of Rocks (historical) Rock Rock Rock Rock Rock Rock Rock Rock Rock Rock Bridge Creek Cowan Number 1 Dam Cowan Number 2 3 4 Dam Dam Dam Cowan Number Cowan Number Creek Creek Creek Creek Cemetery Creek Township Rock Creek Township (historical) Rockdale Township >Rockda1e Township Hall Rockerville Rockerville Airport Rockerville Cemetery Rockerville Gulch Rockfield Cemetery _Rockford Township Rockham Rockham Cemetery Rock Hill Cemetery Rock Hill Pond Rock Island Resort Rock Pile Spring Rockport See Rockport Colony Rockport Colony Rockport Rock Ranch Rock Ranch Rock Ranch School Rock Spring Trail Rockwood Town Hall Rocky Butte Rocky Ford Rockyford Rockyford Church Rocky Ford Township Gulch Ridge Ridge Mine Ridge School (historical) Bertram School Rocky Ridge School Rockys Park Rod and Gun Campground Rodee Ford (historical) Sibley Ford Rocky Rocky Rocky Rocky Rodee Grove Rode Hasvold Road Dam Rodney Winkler Dam Number 1 Roe Cemetery Roetzel Deer Camp Rogers Lake Rogers School Rogers Shack Spring Rogers Spring Roghair Number 1 Dan Rogo Bay Rogo Bay Recreation Area Rohloff Number 1 Dam Roller School Rolling Green School Rolling Green Township Rolling Green Township Rollins (historical) Rombough School Rome Menighed Cemetery See Larson Cemetery Rome State Wildlife Management Area Rome Township FEATURE CLASS bar ' cemetery civil civil civil building 991 airport cemetery valley cemetery civil ppl cemetery cemetery reservoir locale spring 9:21 p91 locale locale school trail building summit locale locale church civil valley ridge mine school school park park locale woods dam dam cemetery locale lake school spring spring dam bay park dam school school civil civil locale school cemetery park civil STATUS VARIANT BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN BGN BGN UNOFF ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN UNOFF BGN ADMIN UNOFF EGN UNOFF ADMIN BGN UNOFF UNOFF BGN UNOFF BGN VARIANT BGN VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN BGN BGN UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF ADMIN ADMIN UNOFF VARIANT BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN UNOFF BGN BGN UNOFF BGN ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT ADMIN ADMIN NATIONAL GAZETTEER--SOUTH DAKOTA 1939 COUNTY Hughes Tripp Dewey Dewey Dewey Dewey Corson Hanson Todd Hanson Miner Miner Hand Hand Pennington Pennington Pennington Pennington Clay Perkins Faulk Faulk Charles Mix Jackson Roberts Harding Hanson Hanson Harding Jackson Harding Harding Spink Perkins Fall River Shannon Shannon Mellette Pennington Minnehaha Custer Douglas Turner Codington Lawrence Sanborn Sanborn Grant Butte Spink Custer Pennington Beadle Custer Pennington Jones Campbell Campbell Mellette Fall River Stanley Corson Stanley Aurora Hand Deuel Deuel Davison COORDINATES 441307N0994040W 430037N0994137W 050436N1012554W 450518N1012648W 450542N1012648W 450430N1012712W 454539N1010444W 434341N0975824W 431338N1002317W 434607N0975432W 435310N0973935W 435309N0974313W 442424N0990652W 442541N0990650W 435729N1032129W 435743N1032135W 435805N1032126W 435803N1032230W 425623N0964949W 454330N1022410W 445414N0984928W 445443N0905015W 432651N0984813W 434033N1011538W 454047N0964747W 452537N1035359W 433455N0975019W 433455N0975019W 452311N10309l3w 433805N1012659W 452453N1030842W 452153N1030545W 444035N0981920W 451130N1024454W 431711N1033552W 432950N1023006W 432908N1022902W 434715N1010638W 435406N1032450W 433105N0970201W 434329N1033830W 432445N0981200W 432924N0970124W 445352N0970724W 442021N1035750W 435927N0980528W 445957N0980550W 451512N0965536W 445042N1032918W 444449N0980215W 435039N1034242W 435242N1035653W 442324N0983937W 433449N1035037W 435335N1035614W 435636N1005412W 453903N1002248W 453858N1002251W 432924N1003912W 430255N1034640W 441152N1005724W 454730N1015500W 441216N1005836W 433405N0982920W 442333N0984729W 445605N0964722W 44533EN0964602W 430245N0980215W SOURCE COORDINATES 430656N0994203W 455823N1010717W 442143N0973717W 430451N1004123W 435710N1032435W 435514N1032640W ELEV FT 1304 1970 4371 4440 1396 1377 980 1214 2368 3154 1295 2741 2650 1580 1499 1229 1383 1600 1620 50169 MAP NAME Dallas SW Lantry Lantry Lantry Lantry Bullhead Riverside Hidden Timber Farwell Bitter Lake Bitter Lake Miller Dale Miller Dale Rockerville Rockerville Rockerville Rockerville Alsen Bison NW Colony Colony Rockham Rockham Platte Pass Creek NE Peever NE J K Butte Rockport Colony J B Hill Pass Creek NW J B Hill Sheep Mountain Spink Colony Imogene Cascade Springs Rockyford sharpes Corner Stamford SE Mount Rushmore Grass Lake Fourmile Hillside Parker NE Watertown East Savoy Letcher NE Letcher NE Marvin Newell Lake Bloomfield Berne Preacher Spring Wessington Jewel Cave SE Preacher Spring Okaton Mobridge NW Mobridge NW Mission NW Crowe Dam Capa NW Thunder Hawk SW Capa NW Stickney Vayland Goodwin Shoemaker Dam SDl70 FEATURE NAME Rome Township Romey Irrigation Dam Romsdal Church Ronald Philips Dam Number 1 Rondell Post Office (historical) Rondell Township (historical) Valley Township Rondo Creek See West Horse Creek Roosevelt Dam Roosevelt Group Mine See Rough Rider Mine Roosevelt Lake Roosevelt Lode Mine See Phelps Lode Mine Roosevelt School Roosevelt School Roosevelt School Roosevelt School Roosevelt School (historical) Carlson School Roosevelt School Roosevelt School Roscoe Roscoe Riggle Dam Rose (historical) Rosebad School Rosebud Rosebud Agency Reserve (historical) Rosebud Beef Corral (historical) Rosebud Boarding School Reserve (historical) Rosebud Butte Rosebud Cemetery Rosebud Cemetery Rosebud Church Rosebud Creek See Landing Creek Rosebud Creek See West Branch Rosebud Creek Rosebud Creek See East Branch Rosebud Creek Rosebud Creek Rosebud Lake Rosebud Landing (historical) Rosebud Landing (historical) Rosebud Mine (historical) Rosebud Roadside Park Rosebud Rodeo Grounds Rosebud School Rosebud Timber Reserve (historical) Rosebud Township Rose Cemetery Rose Cemetery Rosedale (historical) Rosedale Colony Russian Colony Rosedale Township Rosedale Township Rosedale Township Rosefield School Rosefield Township (historical) Rosefield Township Rose Hill Cemetery Rose Hill Cemetery Rosehill Cemetery Rose Hill Cemetery Rose Hill Cemetery Rose Hill Cemetery Rose Hill Cemetery Rose Hill Church Rosehill Church building civil stream dam mine reservoir mine school school school school school school school ppl dam locale school 991 locale locale school summit cemetery cemetery church stream stream stream stream lake locale locale mine park locale school reserve civil cemetery cemetery locale locale civil civil civil school civil civil cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery church STATUS ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF VARIANT BGN VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT BGN BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF BGN ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN UNOFF ADMIN ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT NATIONAL GAZETTEER--SOUTH DAKOTA 1989 COUNTY Deuel Fall River Lincoln Meade Brown Brown Shannon Tripp Custer Tripp Custer Beadle Brown Codington Davison Deuel Lyman Pennington Edmunds Stanley Spink Perkins Todd Todd Todd Todd Todd Gregory Mellette Todd Gregory Todd Todd Todd Todd Gregory Lyman Pennington Todd Todd Spink Todd Mellette Deuel Pennington Pennington Hanson Clark Hanson Tripp Turner Turner Turner Bon Homne Clark Hand Lake Marshall McCook Turner Hand COORDINATES 445600N0964915W 430500N1031024W 430927N0964005W 442300N1024630W 451618N0982108W 451705N0982102W 432043N1024143W 431224N0993654W 434815N1034312W 431219N0993657W 434830N1033646W 442120N0983337W 452746N0982849W 445341N0970644H 434541N0980023W 443645N0964055W 434816N0994209W 440514N1031234W 452655N0992018W 442500N1010548W 450923N0981629W 454545N1022225W 431358N1005111W 431412N1004901W 431510N1005020W 431747N1003611W 431348N1005035W 430501N0985626W 43394BN100173OW 431341N1005214W 432747N0991836W 431345N1005056W 431345N1005055W 431$03N1005337W 431345N1005055W 432741N0991835W 433002N0991818W 435155N1032002W 431842N1005400W 431509N1005030W 444943N0982217W 431133N1005928W 433145N1002100W 444027N0964SO6W 442653N1020040W 435445N1032610W 433731N0975221W 444005N0974810W 433430N0973930W 431823N1000328W 430738N0970341W 432522N0972058W 432245N0971945W 430921N0974253W 445353N0974407W 441753N0984623W 435931N0965830W 453658N0973820W 433043N0972052W 432442N0970824W 441754N0984619W SOURCE COORDINATES 431347N1005054W ELEV FT 1532 1293 2219 1296 2010 1742 1830 1299 2647 2725 2782 2010 1300 1320 3791 4720 1841 1798 MAP NAME Kranzburg Black Banks Creek East Alcester NW Hereford NE Stratford Stratford Dallas Dallas Wessington SE Aberdeen East Watertown East Loomis Toronto Reliance SW Rapid City East Roscoe Hayes North Brentford Haynes SE Rosebud Rosebud Soldier Creek SE Mission SE Rosebud Bonesteel Badnation Rosebud Soldier Creek Rosebud Dixon NE Bond Bottom Hayward Soldier Creek Soldier Creek SE Glendale Colony St Francis Badnation SE Estelline NE Pedro Mount Rushmore Alexandria Carpenter SE Ethan Witten SB Viborg Marion Marion Scotland Clark North Vayland SE Wentworth Britton 4 SW Canistota Parker Vayland SE FEATURE NAME Rosehill Church See Rose Hill Church Hill Church Rose Hill Lake Rose Hill Lake Dam Rose Hill Recreation Area Rose Hill Township Rose Karnen Dam Rose Lake Roseland Township Rose Rosenau Cemetery See Hope Cemetery Rosenberg Cemetery Rosen Church Rosendal Cemetery Rosenfeld Cemetery Rosenthal State Public Shooting Area Rosenthal Township Rose Quartz Mine Rose Rabsnberg Number 1 Dam Rose Rabenberg Number 2 Dam Roseth Dam Rose Township Rosette Dam Rosette Lake Rosette Park Congregational Church (historical) Rosette Township Rosholf See Rosholt Rosholt Rosholf Roslyn Roslyn (historical) Roslyn Cemetery Ross Hannibal Mine Ross Mine Highland Lode Mine Ross School Rossville (historical) Rosswell Station See Roswell Roswell Rosswell Station Woodworth Post Office Roswell Cemetery Roswell Township Roubaix Perry Roubaix Lake Roubaix Lake Dam Rough and Ready Mine Roughlock Falls Rough Rider Mine Roosevelt Group Mine Round Hill Round Island See Bailey Island Round Lake Round Lake Round Lake Round Lake Round Lake Round Lake Round Lake State Wildlife Management Area Round Mountain Roundout Creek Round Park Roundtop Hill Roundup Butte Roundup Creek Roundup Township Rouse Township Rousseau Rousseau Cemetery Rousseau Creek FEATURE CLASS church church reservoir dam park civil dam lake civil cemetery cemetery church cemetery cemetery park civil mine dam dam dam civil dam reservoir church civil PPl I291 991 locale cemetery mine mine school locale ppl ppl cemetery civil locale reservoir dam mine falls mine summit bar lake lake lake lake lake lake park summit stream flat summit summit stream civil civil locale cemetery stream STATUS VARIANT UNOFF BGN UNOFF ADMIN ADMIN UNOFF BGN ADMIN VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN UNOFF BGN UNOFF ADMIN VARIANT BGN VARIANT BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT BGN VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF ADMIN UNOFF VARIANT BGN UNOFF UNOFF BGN UNOFF VARIANT BGN VARIANT BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN ADMIN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN ADMIN ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF BGN NATIONAL GAZETTEER--SOUTH DAKOTA 1989 COUNTY Hand Marshall Hand Hand Hand Hand Perkins Clay Tripp Faulk Yankton Union Minnehaha Hutchinson McPherson McPherson Custer Campbell Campbell Haakon Lyman Edmunds Edmunds Edmunds Edmunds Roberts Roberts Day Day Day Lawrence Custer Faulk Pennington Miner Miner Miner Miner Lawrence Lawrence Lawrence Lawrence Lawrence Custer Jackson Lyman Brookings Clark Codington Deuel Lake Roberts Deuel Custer Butte Custer Fall River Harding Mellette Mellette Charles Mix Hughes Dewey Dewey COORDINATES 441754N0984619W 453753N0973549W 441847N0984610W 441847N0984610W 441900N0984651W 441914N0984505W 450436N1025024W 424829N0965100W 433817N0994019W 450747N0985623W 425701N0971534W 425622N0964544W 434724N0962822W 432017N0975604W 454710N0992838W 454838N0993153W 434257N1033054W 453706N1002112W 453736N1002130W 44304BN1012029W 434315N0995550W 453324N0990201W 453324N0990201W 453207N0985742W 453231N0990105W 455200N0964352W 455200N0964352W 452943N0972926W 452320N0973257W 452917N0972808W 441929N1034758W 434600N1034041W 445813N0990229W 434950N1033010W 440026N0974144W 440026N0974144W 435938N0974131W 435821N0973937W 441633N1033957W 441200N1033930W 441200N1033930W 441745N1040305W 442100N1035633W 434815N1034312W 435526N1012521W 433801N0992050W 442626N0965902W 450213N0974618W 450643N0965446W 445751N0964928W 435606N0965846W 455253N0963635W 445539N0964902W 434821N1034443W 444857N1034901W 434714N1032214W 43222$N1033613W 451657N1032244W 434646N1005219W 434343N1005333W 425553N0980935W 441859N1000416W 444437N1005936W 444939N1005033W SOURCE COORDINATES 444730N1035429W 434238N1005620W 445124N1005125W ELEV PT 1824 1717 1750 1350 1500 1047 1865 1840 5820 5600 1510 6000 1405 1406 5900 6000 2414 1751 1841 1858 1597 6610 4469 3208 SD171 MAP NAME Britten 4 NE Vayland SE Vayland SE Vayland SE Vayland SE Beverly Creek Vermilion SE Hamill NW Mission Hill Alsen Jasper Beardsley Schumacher Lake SW Eureka East Cicero Peak Glenham Mobridge NE Kirley Kennebec SW Plainview Colony Plainview Colony Leola SW Plainview Colony Rosholt Roslyn Webster NE Roslyn Lead Berna Orient Hill City Roswell Bitter Lake Bitter Lake Deadwood South Minnesota Ridge Minnesota Ridge Tinton Savoy Berne Belvidere NW Bruce Crocker South Shore Goodwin Wentworth Boisberg Goodwin Berne Mud Buttes Hayward Cascade Springs Roundup Butte Okaton SE Murdo 3 NW Niobrara NW Rousseau Crockett Mtns Rousseau Creek SD172 FEATURE NAME Rousseau Creek Sea East Branch Rousseau Creek Rousseau Recreation and Overlook Area Rousseau School Rousseau Station and Post Office (historical) Rousseau Township Rowbotham Dam Rowena Rowen School Rowe Township Royal Flush Claim Mine Royal McKnight Dam Number 1 Royal McKnight Dam Number 2 Royal Township (historical) Roy Brown Dam Roy Cemetery Roy Lake Roy Lake State Park Number 1 Roy Lake State Park Number 2 Roy McGinnis Dam Roy Post Office (historical) Roy Schull Number 1 Dam Roy Schull Number 2 Dam Roys Island See Farm Island Roy Stout Number 1 Dam Roy Stout Number 2 Dam Roy Township Roy Veit Number 4 Dam R Paine Dam R Schrempp Dam R Talley Number 1 Dam R Talley Number 2 Dam Rua Mine See Two Johns Mine Ruben Creek Rubendall Ranch Ruben Larosh Dam Rubert School Rubicon Gulch Ruby Belle Mine (historical) Ruby Creek Ruby Flats Ruby Gulch Ruby Gulch Rudebusch Corner Rudenvale Spring Rudey Creek See Rudy Creek Rudolph Rudolph Larson Dam Rudy Creek Rudey Creek Rueb Cemetery Ruff School (historical) Rufus Gray Dam Rumford Rumpus Ridge Runaround Butte Runge Ranch Airstrip Runge State Wildlife Management Area Runkel (historical) Running Bird Township Running Enemy Creek Running Spring Runningville (historical) Running Water Running Water Township (historical) Running Water Township Runs Close Creek Ruona Ranch Rush Creek FEATURE CLASS stream park school building civil dam Ppl school civil cemetery lake park park dam building dam dam island mine stream locale dam school valley mine stream flat valley valley locale spring stream locale dam stream cemetery school dam ppl locale summit airport park locale civil stream spring locale locale civil civil stream locale stream STATUS VARIANT ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN UNOFF BGN UNOFF ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF BGN ADMIN ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN UNOFF BGN BGN BGN BGN UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF BGN VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN UNOFF BGN ADMIN ADMIN UNOFF ADMIN BGN BGN UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN ADMIN BGN UNOFF BGN COUNTY Dewey Hughes Hughes Hughes Hughes Perkins Minnehaha Hand Lyman Custer Butte Butte Meade Perkins Marshall Marshall Marshall Marshall Perkins Sully Pennington Pennington Hughes Jackson Jackson Potter ziebach Hand Dewey Meade Meade Lawrence Butte Dewey Potter Sanborn Lawrence Lawrence Custer Lawrence Lawrence Pennington Roberts Pennington ziebach Brown Perkins Ziebach McPherson Douglas Hughes Fall River Mccook Corson Hughes Deuel Meade Mellette Todd Harding Mellette Bon Homme Bon Homme Bon Homme Mellette Harding Gregory COORDINATES 445123N1005125W 441912N1000426W 441923N1000443W 441917N1000458W 442042N1000436W 452936N1022448W 433113N0963320W 442120N0984806W 440905N1001825W 434430N1034136W 444842N1034436W 444818N1034136W 445402N1023839W 453836N1020600W 454415N0971343W 454153N0972555H 454232N0972710W 454202N0972507W 450542N1021854W 444512N0994226W 435830N1022142W 435600N1021518W 442010N1001509W 435212N1014400W 435200N1014354W 450115N0994445W 450712N1014112W 442918N0990948W 450630N1012318W 445612N1021942W 445512N1022224W 442122N1035124W 445330N1035722W 452203N1010429W 445742N0995612W 440458N0980306W 442458N1035245W 441915N1034757W 434555N1033917W 441852N1034704W 441944N1033842W 435703N1033049W 452542N0970915W 435631N1040300W 444350N1010856W 452053N0983209W 452354N1022406W 444350N1010856W 454235N0991205W 432305N0981535W 441712N0994942W 430736N1034151W 433450N0971118W 453422N1004822W 442804N1000056W 444021N0963011W 441802N1033154W 433650N1005951W 430712N1010741W 453410N1030938W 433850N1001454W 424612N0975901W 424843N0980038W 424801N0975927W 435022N1010642W 452300N1033731W 432630N0991638W NATIONAL GAZETTEER--SOUTH DAKOTA 1989 SOURCE COORDINATES 445320N1040402W 442404N1035046W 434949N1034154W 442005N1033948W 435730N1033l35W 445507N1012704W 431136N1010848W 434354N1010238W 432050N0991248W ELEV FT 1500 1432 1411 1772 5600 1794 1710 5520 1994 1480 3517 1488 2222 1613 4850 1700 1251 MAE NAME Rousseau Rousseau Rousseau Rousseau Owen Lake Brandon Vayland SE Pierre 3 NE Fourmile Arpan Arpan Squaw Buttes Meadow NW Whitestone Lake Lake City Lake City Lake City Deep Creek SE Thomas Lake SH Quinn Table NE Quinn Table NE Weta Weta Seneca SW Thunder Butte Miller Dale Colony NW Lantry Lemmon Butte Lemmon Butte Mud Buttes NW Little Moreau Lake Gettysburg Muni Airport Forestburg Maurice Lead Berne Lead Deadwood South Hill City Enemy Swim Lake East Moon Rudolph Owen Lake Alleman Station Plainview Colony NW Corsica Lake De Grey SE Rumford East Vermillion Lake Little Eagle SE Canning Brandt Deadman Mountain Murdo 3 SW Spring Creek SW Battleship Rock Presho 4 NW Springfield Niobrara Springfield Stamford SE Bog Creek Dixon NE FEATURE NAME Rush Creek Rush Lake Prarie Lake Rush Lake See East Coteau Lake Rush Lake Rush Lake State Public Shooting Area Rushmore, Mount Rushmore Airport Rushmore Cave Rushmore Mall Rushs Enemy Cemetery Ruskin Park (historical) Ruskin Park Rusk Township Russell Post Office See Junius Russian Colony See Rosedale Colony Rust Number 1 Dam Rutabaga Gulch Rutherford B Hayes Mine See Hayes Mine Rutland Rutland Township R Van Bockle Dam R Wolff Dam Ryan School Ryan Township Ryno Number 1 Dam Ryno Number 2 Dam S Saaraners Beach Access Area Saathoff School Sacacawea Monument See Sakakauea Monument Sacred Heart Cemetery Sacred Heart Cemetery Sacred Heart Cemetery Sacred Heart Cemetery Sacred Heart Cemetery Sacred Heart Cemetery Sacred Heart Cemetery Sacred Heart Cemetery Sacred Heart Church Sacred Heart Church Sacred Heart Church Sacred Heart School Sacred Heart School Saddle Butte Saddle Butte Saddle Butte Saddle Butte Saddle Butte Saddle Butte See Bus Butte Saddle Creek Saddlerock Creek Saddle Creek (historical) Saddle Point Saddlerock Creek See Saddle Creek Saffron Gulch Sagebrush Dam Sagebrush Drau Sage Creek Sage Creek Sage Creek Sage Creek Basin Sage Creek Pass FEATURE CLASS stream lake lake lake park summit airport cave locale cemetery park p91 civil ppl locale dam valley mine p91 civil dam dam school civil dam dam park school locale cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery church church church school school summit summit summit summit summit summit stream locale cape stream valley dam valley stream stream stream basin gap NATIONAL GAZETTEER--SOUTH DAKOTA 1989 STATUS BGN BGN VARIANT VARIANT BGN ADMIN BGN 1930 ADMIN BGN UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN BGN ADMIN VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF BCN VARIANT BGN ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN VARIANT BGN 1969 VARIANT UNOFF BGN VARIANT BGN UNOFF BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN COUNTY Harding Day Deuel Deuel Deuel Pennington Pennington Pennington Pennington Dewey Sanborn Sanborn Day Lake Hanson Jones Laurence Lawrence Lake Lake Hyde Perkins Union Walvorth Mellette Mellette Hamlin Tripp Corson Brown Corson Dewey Gregory Hutchinson Miner Potter Yankton Todd Todd Yankton Brown Yankton Corson Harding Harding Harding Meade Mellette Lincoln Lincoln Harding Lincoln Lawrence Harding Harding Dewey Haakon Pennington Pennington Pennington COORDINATES 453445N1033328W 452102N0972202W 444954NO964246W 444937N0963652W 444939N0963659W 435249N1032730W 435500N1032500W 43$226N1031952W 440625N1031300W 450805N1004035W 440017N0980605W 440020N0980546W 451632N0973225W 440023N0971438W 433731N0975221W 440300N1005642W 442143N1034741W 441915N1033840W 440522N0965801W 440332N0965618W 444900N0993218W 453100N1010630W 424229N0963841W 452305N0995253W 433148N1003000W 43354BN1002900W 443533N0970432W 431427N0993646W 453057N1002915W 452803N0982746W 453926N1004115W 452636N1005457W 430903N099l729W 432358N0975916W 441057N0974232W 445954N0995616W 425403N0972334W 431443N1010654W 430220N1005304W 425219N0972435W 452745N0982849W 425222N0972324W 453158N1005536W 452215N1033640W 451744N1031528W 453552N1034339W 444623N1025342W 433408N1011049W 431242N0965352W 431203N0964230H 453531N1031233W 431242N0965352W 442510N1040215W 453330N1035242W 452711N1040150W 444746N1005452W 444150N1011208W 435821N102283lw 435135N1021646W 434915N1021904W SOURCE COORDINATES 453951N1034428W 442044N1034841W 430958N0963819W 442420N1040106W 452602N1035644W 445132N1005419W 443617N1011008W 435026N1021319H ELEV FT 1799 1673 5729 4400 1230 1640 1118 2172 2153 1439 1258 2860 1302 2350 3465 3097 3347 2995 1420 3576 2723 SD173 MAP NAME Buffalo Waubay Lake Francis Lake Francis Mount Rushmore Mount Rushmore Hayward Rapid City East La Plant Forestburg Forestburg Webster caps Lead Rutland Rutland Thomas Lake Miscol SB Elk Point Loury NW White River SE Wood North Lake Poinsett Dallas Aberdeen East Wakpala NW Glencross Burke Parkston Carthage Gettysburg Muni Airport Yankton Iron Shell Flat East St Francis SW Gavins Point Dam Aberdeen East Gavins Point Dam Little Eagle SW Redig Bams Butte SE Saddle Butte Table Top Butte Beresford NW Alcester NW Battleship Rock Tinton Camp Crook Capitol Rousseau Creek SW Alleman Station Quinn Table Quinn Table SB Quinn Table SE 50174 FEATURE NAME Sage Creek 344 Dam Sage Creek 344 Reservoir Sagers Ranch Saginaw Mine (historical) Saint Agnes Cemetery Saint Agnes School Saint Albans Church Saint Ambrose Cemetery Saint Andreas Cemetery Saint Angelo Cemetery Saint Anne Cemetery Saint Ann Hospital Saint Anns Cemetery Saint Anne Cemetery Saint Anne Cemetery Saint Anne Cemetery Saint Anne Cemetery Saint Ansgar Cemetery Saint Ansgar Cemetery Saint Anthony Cemetery Saint Anthonys Cemetery Saint Anthonys Cemetery Saint Anthonyl Cemetery Brisbine Cemetery Saint Anthonys Church Brisbine Catholic Church Saint Barbaras Church Saint Bedes Cemetery Saint Benedict Cemetery Saint Benedict Church Saint Benedict Church Saint Benedict Mission (historical) Saint Bernard Cemetery saint Bonafice Cemetery Saint Bonaventure Cemetery Saint Boniface Cemetery Saint Boniface Cemetery Saint Catherine Church Saint Charles Hampton Saint Charles Cemetery Saint Charles Township Saint Christina Cemetery Saint Collumbkille Catholic Church (historical) Saint Columba Church Saint Edwards Cemetery Saint Elizabeth Mission Home Saint Elmo Mine Western Belle Mine Saint Elmo Peak Saint Elmo Peak See Harney Peak Saint Eustace Church Saint Francis Saint Francis Bay Saint Francis Church (historical) Saint Francis Church Saint Francis Mission (historical) Saint Francis of Xavier Church Saint Francis School Saint George Cemetery Saint Germaine Ditch Saint Herbert Cemetery Saint Herbert Post Office (historical) Saint Hyacinth Cemetery Saint Ignatius Cemetery Saint Isadore Church Saint Isidore Cemetery Saint Jacobs Cemetery Saint Jacobs Cemetery Saint Jacobs Church Saint James Cemetery FEATURE CLASS dam reservoir locale mine cemetery school church cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery hospital cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery church church cemetery cemetery church church church cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery church 991 cemetery civil cemetery church church cemetery church mine summit summit church ppl bay church church church church school cemetery canal cemetery building cemetery cemetery church cemetery cemetery cemetery church cemetery STATUS UNOFF BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOPF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN VARIANT UNOFF ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT BGN VARIANT UNOFF BGN BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOPF BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF COUNTY Pennington Pennington Custer Custer Todd Clay Lyman Laurence Kingsbury Todd Spink Codington Charles Mix Charles Mix Hand Lake Shannon Day Minnehaha Butte Gregory Sanborn Sanborn Sanborn Shannon Corson Marshall Corson Roberts Corson Spink Faulk Corson Clark Roberts Charles Mix Gregory Grant Gregory Turner Clay Yankton Lincoln Corson Pennington Pennington Pennington Meade Todd Charles Mix Charles Mix Gregory Todd Gregory Todd Minnehaha Pennington Edmunds Edmunds McPherson Jackson Harding Harding Faulk Minnehaha Minnehaha Shannon COORDINATES 434300N1021900W 434300N1021900W 433209N1033457W 434930N1034423W 430214N1004143W 424630N0965502W 435659N0992306W 442256N1034336W 441424N0971648W 430546N1010249W 445256N0931310W 445440N0970715W 431233N0984333W 431431N0984122W 443120N0985824W 4408$4N0970831W 430227N1022346W 451024N0974758W 434828N0965326W 451102N1032535W 430312N0985301W 440113N0975511W 440853N0975700W 440854N0975000W 433653N1021606W 453929N1003131W 454358N0971450W 455105N1002734W 454124N0970900W 455415N1002757W 445309N0983050W 450304N0993040W 455538N1012058W 445329N0974401W 45514BN0970539W 430008N0982904W 430513N0990542W 451732N0962857W 430706N0990303W 432325N0970901W 430420N0970500W 430548N0971908H 431948N0964711W 453817N1003109W 435153N1033532W 435221N1033542W 435158N1033152W 442407N1025523W 430840N1005417W 430439N0983238W 430422N0953257W 430232N0983324H 430810N1005408W 430035N0990814W 430748N1005414H 433708N0965627W 435913N1025718W 451641N0985309W 451600N0985150W 454654N0985058W 433323N1013828W 455007N1030400W 454304N1030349W 451352N0993200W 434833N0970331W 434820N0970257H 430808N1023823W NATIONAL GAZETTEER--SOUTH DAKOTA 1989 SOURCE COORDINATES ELEV PT 6200 1444 1750 1569 1809 2960 1316 2508 1997 1194 2065 1452 1353 5850 6458 2740 2980 3000 2995 1420 1529 3006 1715 MAP NAME Quinn Table SE Quinn Table SE Pringle Berne Olsonville SW Vermillon Short Creek Deadwood North Oldham Spring Creek Frankfort Watertovn East Lake Andes NW Lake Andes NW Miller Madison NW Manderson SW Lone Tree Lake Colton Lone Tree Draw East Bonesteel Artesian Artesian NW Arte-ian NW Imlay SB Wakpala Whitestone Lake Kenel whitestone Lake Pollock NW Redfield North Seneca McIntosh Clark North Claire City Wagner SW st Charles Ortonville St Charles Parker Wakonda Mayfield Worthing Wakpala Custer Custer Hereford St Francis Fort Randall Dam Fort Randall Dam Fort Randall Dam St Francis Herrick St Francis Hartford South Caputa Mina SW Mina SE Forbes SE Wanblee Ralph Reva NE Tolstoy Buffalo Trading Post Buffalo Trading Post Oglala FEATURE NAME Saint Saint Saint Saint James Chapel James Church James Church John, Lake Lake John John Cemetery John Cemetery John Cemetery John Cemetery Saint Saint Saint Saint Saint John Chapel saint John Church Saint John Church Saint John Church See Saint Johns Church Saint Johns Cemetery Saint Johns Cemetery Saint Johns Cemetery Saint Johns Cemetery Saint Johns Cemetery Saint Saint Saint Saint Saint Saint Saint Saint Saint Saint John! Johns Johns Cemetery Cemetery Cemetery Johns Cemetery Johns Cemetery Johns Cemetery Johns Cemetery Johns Cemetery Johns Cemetery John School Saint Saint Saint Saint Johns Johns Johns Johns Saint Johns Johns Church Church Church Church John Church Church Church Johns Church Saint Johns Lutheran Church Saint Saint Saint saint Saint Saint Saint Johns Church Johns Church Johns Hospital Johns Island (historical) Cul de Sac Island Jungle Island Solitary Island Johns Lutheran Cemetery Johns Lutheran Cemetery Johns Lutheran church Saint Saint Saint Saint Johns Lutheran Church See Saint Johns Church Saint Johns Mission (historical) Saint Johns Wood Yard (historical) Saint John The Evangelist Church Saint Joseph (historical) Saint Joseph Catholic Church See Saint Joseph Church Saint Saint Saint Saint Saint Saint Saint Saint Joseph Joseph Joseph Cemetery Cemetery Cemetery Joseph Cemetery Joseph Cemetery Joseph Cemetery Joseph Church Joseph Church Saint Joseph Catholic Church Saint Joseph Church Saint Joseph Hospital Saint Josephs Catholic Cemetery See Saint Josephs Cemetery Saint Josephs Cemetery Saint Josephs Cemetery Saint Josephs Catholic Cemetery Saint Josephs Cemetery FEATURE CLASS church church church lake cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery church church church church cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery school church church church church church church church church church hospital island cemetery cemetery church church church locale church locale church cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery church church church hospital cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery STATUS UNOFF UNOFF UNOFP BGN VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFP VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF NATIONAL GAZETTEER--SOUTH DAKOTA 1999 COUNTY Mellette Day Shannon Hamlin Douglas Douglas Hughes Mellette Shannon Douglas Douglas Grant Aurora Beadle Brookings Charles Mix Clay Dewey Edmunds Grant Hutchinson McPherson Miner Spink Union Yankton Brown Buffalo Codington Dewey Grant Harding Hutchinson Lake Mellette Spink Beadle Lyman Aurora Lake Brown Lake Stanley Lyman Dewey Grant Minnehaha Buffalo Gregory Marshall McPherson McPherson Union Day Minnehaha Roberts Davison Day Codington Day Miner COORDINATES 432931N1004421W 452602N0971751W 430800N1024032W 443357N0971110W 432905N0981915W 432810N0981210W 443046N0994401W 432346N1004905W 431600N1024856W 432811N0981214W 432841N0931943W 450957N0970355W 434317N0982806W 442334N0982955W 443212N0964821W 430348N0981713W 430411N0965420W 452115N1003515W 452117N0990913W 451323N0962835W 431035N0974939W 453604N0993802W 440038N0973038W 444313N0983936W 430412N0964518W 430219N0973459W 452133N0983708W 435806N0991602W 450233N0970507W 452106N1003521W 450957N0970355W 451801N1035904W 432127N0974416W 440542N0971752W 432701N1010552W 444316N0983847W 442143N0981240W 441118N0994208W 433645N0984455W 440542N0971752W 452135N0983708W 440542N0971752W 444241N1003910W 441002N0994014W 452106N1003521W 451710N0963628W 433329N0970701W 440348N0992751W 431313N0992602W 454308N0972352W 453905N0993303W 453722N0993812W 424046N0964047W 452852N0971539W 433329N0970701W 454940N0964120W 434250N0980030W 451204N0974042W 445947N0965811W 451204N0974042W 440033N0973038W SOURCE COORDINATBS ELEV FT 1650 1610 1617 1770 1357 1762 1110 1822 1485 1543 1806 1926 1314 1330 1340 1540 1105 1455 2165 1900 1859 1829 1509 1083 1874 SD175 MAP NAME Mission NW Enemy Swim Lake West Oglala Lake Norden Corsica Lake Hillside Harrold Soldier Creek NE Willow Creek Hillside Corsica Lake Plankinton Wolsey Estelline SE Wagner Centerville Promise Stafford Dam Rosen Kaylor Bowdle—Hosmer Lake Howard Tulare NW Beresford Lesterville Rudolph Bedashosha Lake Still Lake SE Promise Still Lake NE Gustave Tschetter Colony Oldham SE Parmelee NE Tulare NW Huron Lower Brule NW Laffey Lake Oldham SE Rudolph Iron Post Buttes Lower Brule NW Promise Big Stone Lake SE Big Bend Dam Gregory Lake City Hillsview Bowdle-Hosmer Lake Elk Point Enemy Swim Lake West Crass Lake Rosholt Mitchell Kranzburg Lily Howard 50176 FEATURE NAME Saint Joseph School Saint Joseph School Saint Josephs Church Saint Josephs Church Saint Josephs Indian School Saint Julia Cemetery Saint Lambert School Saint Lawrence Rex King Seneca Falls Saint Lawrence Cemetery Saint Lawrence Cemetery Saint Lawrence School Saint Lawrence Township Saint Leo Cemetery Saint Liborives Cemetery See Calvary Cemetery Saint Louis Mine Mica Mine Saint Luke Cemetery Saint Luke Church Saint Luke Church Saint Luke Church Saint Lukes Cemetery Saint Lukes Church Saint Lukes Hospital Saint Margarets Cemetery Saint Margarets Church Saint Mark Church Saint Marks Church Peace Lutheran Church Saint Marks Church Saint Martians School Saint Martin Cemetery Saint Martin Cemetery Saint Martins Cemetery Saint Mary Catholic Cemetery See Saint Mary Cemetery Saint Mary Cemetery Saint Mary Cemetery Saint Mary Catholic Cemetery Saint Mary Magdalene Cemetery Saint Marys (historical) Saint Marys Cemetery Saint Marys Cemetery Saint Marys Cemetery Saint Marys Cemetery Saint Marys Cemetery Saint Marys Cemetery Saint Marys Cemetery Saint Marys Cemetery Saint Marys Cemetery Saint Marys Cemetery See Lebanon Cemetery Saint Marys Cemetery Saint Marys Cemetery Saint Marys Cemetery Saint Marys Church Saint Marys Church Saint Marys Church Saint Marys church Saint Marys Church Saint Marys Mission (historical) Saint Marys School Saint Matthew Cemetery Saint Matthew Church Saint Matthew Church Saint Michael Cemetery Saint Michael Church Saint Michaels Cemetery Saint Michaela Cemetery Saint Michaela Cemetery Saint Nicholaus Cemetery FEATURE CLASS school school church church school cemetery school ppl cemetery cemetery school civil cemetery cemetery ne cemetery church church church cemetery church hospital cemetery church church church church school cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery locale cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery church church church church church locale school cemetery church church cemetery church cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery STATUS UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN UNOFF VARIANT UNOFP VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNDFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFP UNOFF NATIONAL GAZETTEER--SOUTH DAKOTA 1989 COUNTY Hughes Minnehaha Meade Union Brule Shannon Minnehaha Hand Grant Hand Grant Hand Bon Homme Hand Custer Ziebach Marshall Shannon ziebach Corson Codington Brown Brule Meade Shannon Brown Todd Codington Beadle Hanson Hanson McCook Aurora McCook Shannon Miner Brookinqs Brown Codinqton Douglas Gregory Hamlin Hanson Lyman McCook Potter Spink Todd Turner Dewey Roberts Shannon Todd Union Todd Brown Marshall Marshall Shannon Day Hand Hand Lyman Minnehaha Roberts COORDINATES 442214N1002051W 433313N0964406W 445939N1025238W 425913N0964447W 434934N099l922W 431457N1022024W 433217N0964050W 443104N0985615W 451345N0963712W 443145N0935556W 451316N0963745W 442944N0985221W 425948N0975335W 444658N0990635W 434417N1033055W 451321N1013929W 455021N0971917W 432259N1022244H 451003N1014645W 454819N1002846W 450535N0970159W 452742N0982844W 434413N0985746W 441149N1023515W 432521N1023349W 455246N09Bl726w 432221N1005935W 445454N0970635W 442028N0981059W 433653N0973738W 433422N0974300W 434303N0972435H 433536N0982530W 434303N0972435W 433050N1022823W 440405N0973745W 441403N0962758W 452909N0982834W 445327N0970501W 432213N0980641W 430454N0985629W 443605N0972814W 433855N0974708W 435335N0993617W 434304N0972435W 450445N0994635W 450142N0983537W 431121N1010753W 432614N0971535W 452003N1004127W 453253N0970340W 431852N1023406W 431625N1005845W 425105N0964710W 431743N1003956W 452804N0992851W 455007N097l724W 454855N0971715H 430443N1024721W 453501N0972504W 444604N0985917W 444949N099063BW 435421N0995035W 433443N0964242W 455519N0964755W SOURCE COORDINATES ELEV PT 1560 1540 1421 2914 2025 1961 2744 1273 1379 1335 1629 1490 1457 1763 1730 1517 1848 1294 1434 1637 1475 1244 2585 1356 1099 MAP NAME Pierre Sioux Falls East Camp Creek Nora Chamberlain Wounded Knee Sioux Falls East Miller Milbank Bast Miller Milbank West Vayland Kingsburq Cicero Peak Thunder Butte Veblen Sharpes Corner Redelm NE Kenel Still Lake SB Aberdeen East Kimball South Owanka NE Rockyford Savo NE Soldier Creek Watertown East Huron Spencer SW Spencer SW Stickney Salem Imlay SW Roswell Elkton Aberdeen Bast Watertown Bast Delmont SB Bonesteel Bryant Alexandria Reliance Salem Athol Iron Shell Flat West Marion Trail City SW Goodwill Rockyford SE Soldier Creek Vermillon SE Mission Aberdeen East Veblen Veblen Slim Butte Eden Rockham SW Polo Kennebec Sioux Falls East New Effington NE FEATURE NAME Saint Olaf See Baltic Saint Olaf (historical) Saint Olaf Cemetery Saint Onge Saint Onge Cemetery Saint Onge Peak Saint Ottoa Cemetery Saint Patrick Butte Saint Patrick: Butte Saint Patrick Catholic Cemetery See Saint Patrick Cemetery Saint Patrick Cemetery Saint Patrick Cemetery Saint Patrick Catholic Cemetery Saint Patrick Cemetery Saint Patrick Church Saint Patricke Butte See Saint Patrick Butte Saint Patricke Catholic Church Saint Patricke Cemetery Saint Patricka Cemetery Saint Patricke Cemetery Saint Patricke Cemetery Saint Patrick: Church Saint Patricke School Saint Paul See Turton Saint Paul (hi-torical) Saint Paul Cemetery Saint Paul Cemetery Saint Paul Lutheran Cemetery Saint Paul Cemetery Saint Paul Cemetery Saint Paul Cemetery Saint Paul Saint Paul Cemetery Saint Paul Church Saint Paul Evangelical Lutheran Church (hiatorical) Saint Pauli Church Saint Paul Indian School Saint Paul Lutheran Cemetery See Saint Paul Cemetery Saint Paul Lutheran Church See Saint Paula Church Cemetery Saint Paula Cemetery Saint Paula Cemetery Saint Paula Cemetery Saint Paul: Cemetery Saint Paul: Cemetery Saint Paula Cemetery Hammer Cemetery Saint Paula Church Saint Paul- Church Saint Paul Lutheran Church Saint Paul: Church Saint Paula Church Saint Peter Cemetery Saint Peter Cemetery Saint Peter Cemetery Saint Peter Church Saint Peter Lutheran Cemetery Peter Church Peter Church Saint Saint Saint Peter Church Saint Peter-Greenfield Cemetery See Saint Petere Cemetery Saint Peter Lutheran Cemetery See Saint Peter Church Saint Petersburg See Eureka Saint Peters Catholic Cemetery See Saint Peter: Cemetery FEATURE CLASS ppl locale cemetery ppl cemetery eummit cemetery lummit cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery church Iummit school cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery church school 91:1 locale cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery church church church lchool cemetery church cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery church church church church cemetery cemetery cemetery church church church church cemetery church 991 cemetery STATUS VARIANT UNOFP UNOFF BGN UNOFF BGN UNOFF BGN VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFP VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOPF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT NATIONAL GAZETTEER--SOUTH DAKOTA 1989 COUNTY Minnehaha Minnehaha Minnehaha Lawrence Laurence Laurence Day Ziebach McCook Beadle McCook Todd Todd Ziebach Clay Clark Clark Clay McCook Meade Lawrence Spink Spink Aurora Charlee Mix Charlee Mix Edmund: Shannon Union WalHorth Union Clay Codington Charles Mix Charlee Mix Charles Mix Brookinge Brown Charles Mix Coreon Grant Roberta Breaking! Charles Mix Corson Dewey Hanson Marshall Roberta Clay Jackson Shannon Shannon Clay Clay McPhereon Moody COORDINATES 434541N0964424W 434450N0964402W 434608N0964347W 443248N1034314W 443207N1034324W 443426N1034144W 451827N0973103W 451435N1013044W 434115N0971153W 442242N0980309W 434115N0971153W 430546N1010245W 431623N1011001W 451435N1013044W 425802N0970306W 445400N0975515W 444608N0973020W 425802N0970306W 434116N0971151W 442918N1020943W 442102N1034554W 450259N0980543W 450218N0980445W 433414N0982854W 430951N0981005W 431710N0983130W 452629N0993846W 431112N1022543W 424551N0964222W 453119N0994842W 424551N0964228W 425520N0965020W 450841N0972819W 425949N0982539H 430951N0951005H 430950N0981005W 442813N0964148H 451937N0980534W 425949N0982534W 454051N1004534W 450354N0963327W 455516N0970107W 442816N0964226H 430950N0981005W 454010N1004841W 451611N1005134W 434350N0974111W 453525N0974848W 454819N0964408H 425158N0965045W 435743N1010503W 431017N1024356W 432343N1023104W 425139N0965152W 425158N0965045W 454610N0993709W 435940N0964550W SOURCE COORDINATES ELEV FT 1500 3429 3688 2355 1550 1477 1313 1548 2198 1350 1630 1162 2157 1756 1305 1166 1202 1741 1396 1228 SD177 MAP NAME Renner Dell Rapid- Saint Onge Saint Onge Saint Onge Webeter Dupree NE Huron NE Montroee Spring Creek Eagle Mane Butte Gayville NE Raymond Naples Gayville NE Montroee Pedro NW Lead Turton Stickney Greenwood Colony Geddee SE Boudle Mandereon Richland Java SE Richland Allen Florence NW Marty White Ferney Marty Little Eagle Revillo Claire City NE White Greenwood Colony Little Eagle Glencroea SE Farmer Langford Roeholt Vermillon SE Stamford Oglala Rockyford SD178 FEATURE NAME Saint Peters Cemetery Saint Peters Cemetery Saint Peter-Greenfield Cemetery Saint Peters Cemetery Saint Peters Cemetery Saint Peters Cemetery Saint Peters Cemetery Saint Peters Cemetery Saint Peters Catholic Cemetery Saint Peters Cemetery Sisseton Cemetery Saint Peters Church Saint Peters Church Saint Peters Church German Lutheran Church Saint Peters Church Saint Peters Lutheran Church Saint Peters Lutheran Church See Saint Peters Church Saint Peters Mission Saint Peters School Saint Petri Cemetery Saint Phillips Bay Saint Phillips Church Saint Phillips Church (historical) Saint Phillips Recreation Area Saint Procopius Church Saint Rose Cemetery Saint Rose Church Saint Scholastica Church Letcher Catholic Church Saints Cyril and Mehodius Church Saint Stephen Cemetery Saint Stephens Cemetery Saint Stephens Church Saint Stephens Church Saint Stephens Mission (historical) Saint Theresa School Saint Therese School Saint Thomas Cemetery Saint Thomas Cemetery Saint Thomas Cemetery Saint Thomas Cemetery Saint Thomas Church Saint Thomas Church (historical) Saint Thomas Episcopal Church (historical) Saint Thomas Recreation Area Saint Thomas School Saint Thomas School Saint Vincents Cemetery Saint Wilfrid Cemetery Saint Williams Cemetery Saint Willibrorb Robey Church Sakakawea Monument Sacacawea Monument Salem Salem Cemetery Salem Cemetery Salem Cemetery Salem Cemetery Salem Church Salem Church Salem Church Salem Lutheran Cemetery Salem Lutheran Church Salem Township Salem Township (historical) Salem Zion Cemetery Salem Zion Church Salern Township FEATURE CLASS cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery church church church church church church school cemetery bay church church park church Cemetery church church church cemetery cemetery church church church school school cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery church church church park school school cemetery cemetery cemetery church locale p91 cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery church church church cemetery church civil civil cemetery church civil STATUS UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFP UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOPF ADMIN ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN NATIONAL GAZETTEER--SOUTH DAKOTA 1989 COUNTY Charles Mix Clay Clay Douglas Hutchinson Kingsbury Moody Roberts Deuel Douglas Kingsbury Lake Lake Buffalo Roberts Brockings Charles Mix Charles Mix Charles Mix Charles Mix Brule Minnehaha Todd Sanborn Bon Homme Todd McCook Bennett Dewey Dewey Beadle Minnehaha Clark Corson Lake Todd Carson Dewey Corson Lake Brookings Lake Bon Homme Sanborn Beadle Aurora Corson McCook Day McPherson Turner Yankton Hutchinson Hutchinson Turner McCook McCook Turner Turner Turner Turner McCook COORDINATBS 432354N0984931W 425139N0965152W 430343N0964928W 432305N0981505W 432843N0975946W 443004N0971716W 435940N0964850W 454001N0970209W 444720N0962735W 432302N0981506W 442959N097l721W 435139N0971006W 435139N0971006W 435935N0990751W 454006N0970237W 442817N0965126W 430531N0983712W 430840N0983134W 430519N0933712W 430550N0983732W 433836N0990916W 434313N0962924W 431915N1005250W 435344N0980807W 430800N0975247W 432114N1011334W 433327N0972836W 432247N1011421W 451110N1001845W 451509N1001610W 44213BN0981240W 433257N0964236W 450547N0974832W 455102N1002413W 435929N0970717W 431817N1003834W 454903N1002725W 451120N1010435W 455050N1002356W 435943N0971118W 441832N0964721W 440031N0970655W 425228N0975448W 440337N0931716W 44304BN0975820W 433332N0984516W 453057N1002915W 434327N0972319W 452117N0972429W 455136N0991201W 431551N0972008W 430500N0971228W 431437N0972357W 432636N0973354W 43184BN0972026W 435000N0972053W 435001N0972050W 431221N0971940W 431457N0971943W 432103N0971947W 432104N0972014W 434230N0972545W SOURCE COORDINATES ELEV PT 1429 1490 1376 1706 1520 1793 1209 1640 1431 1795 2003 1670 1351 1813 1527 1513 1595 1605 MAP NAME Platte Vermillon SE Beresford Corsica Lake Parkston Gertson Slough Colman Sisseton Gary Corsica Lake Lake Preston NE Lake Madison SW Shelby Sisseton Brookings NE Fort Randall Dam Lake Andes Fort Randall Dam Lake Andes SW Red Lake East Garretson East Soldier Creek Letcher Tripp Eagle Mans Butte Bridgewater East Norris Four Bear Creek Moreau SE Huron Sioux Falls East Crocker Kenel Lake Madison Mission Kenel Parade NE Kenel Lake Herman Brockings Madison Springfield Woonsocket Staum Dam Cedar Grove Colony Mobridge Salem Waubay SW Long Lake Freeman SE Irene Midway Clayton NE Freeman SE Winfred SE Winfred SE Turkey Ridge Turkey Ridge Freeman SE Freeman SE Salem FEATURE NAME Salina See Harrisburg Sally Cavanaugh Mine salmen Ford Salmen Number 1 Dam Salmen Number 2 Dam Salt Salt Salt Salt Salt Camp Cemetery Creek Lake Lake Lake Salt Lake Dam Salt Lake State Public Shooting Area Salzsiedler Cemetery Sam Alleman Ranch (historical) Samelias Mine Hopeful Samelias Peak Sammons Dam Sammons Number 2 Dam Samuelson Brothers Number 1 Dam Samuelson Brothers Number 2 Dam Samuelson Brothers Number 4 Dam Samuelson Dam Samuelson Ranch Sana Post Sanator Sanborn County Sand Coulee Sheldon Creek Sand Coulee Creek See Valley Creek Sand Creek Sand Creek North Sand Creek Waddell Gulch Office (historical) Sand Creek Sand Creek Sand Creek Sand Creek See Squaw Creek Sand Creek Sand Creek See Spring Creek Sand Creek Sand Creek Sand Creek Sand Creek Sand Creek See Bobs Creek Sand Creek Sand Creek Sand Creek Cemetery See Bethany-Silver Creek Cemetery Sand Creek Recreation Area Sand Creek School Sand Creek Township Sand Draw Sand Draw Sanders Corral Sanders Dam Sanderson Number 1 Dam Sanderson Number 2 Dam Sanderson Number 3 Dam s and 6 Canyon S and G Ranch (historical) Sandham See Monroe Sand Hill Subdivision (subdivision) Sand Island (historical) Sand Islands Sand Lake Sand Lake Sand Lake See Columbia Road Reservoir FEATURE CLASS 991 mine locale dam dam cemetery stream lake lake lake dam park cemetery locale mine building locale civil valley stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream cemetery park school civil Valley valley locale valley locale ppl 9:21 island island lake lake reservoir NATIONAL GAZETTEER--SOUTH DAKOTA 1989 STATUS VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFP BGN BGN BGN BGN UNOPF ADMIN UNOFP UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN BGN 1977 VARIANT VARIANT BGN BGN 1977 VARIANT VARIANT BGN BGN BGN VARIANT BGN VARIANT BGN BGN BGN BGN VARIANT BGN BGN VARIANT ADMIN UNOFF ADMIN BGN BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN UNOFF VARIANT BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN VARIANT COUNTY Lincoln Pennington Harding Harding Harding Todd Butte Brown Campbell Deuel Harding Campbell Walworth Hughes Pennington Pennington Ziebach Ziebach Meade Meade Meade Meade Ziebach Kingsbury Custer Sanborn Harding Harding Butte Butte Fall River Gregory Hand Harding Harding Harding Sanborn Shannon Stanley Stanley Stanley Tripp Tripp Sanborn Bon Homme Beadle Beadle Pennington Ziebach Pennington Meade Jones Jones Jones Custer Custer Turner Davison Yankton Bon Homme Campbell Todd Brown COORDINATES 432553N0964149W 435224N1033737W 454628N1035313W 453200N1033706W 453318N1033736W 431638N1005622W 444757N1034738W 451636N0984l37" 453809N0995505W 445754N0962637W 455106N1031530W 453302N0995450W 453357N0995948W 442825N1002745W 435519N1032845W 435554N1032843W 451212N1013342W 451248N1013418W 444654N1024112W 444700N1024248W 444700N1020619W 444742N1020636W 443846N1013929W 441545N0974612W 434148N1033619H 440200N0970500W 452428N1034808W 453306N1035719W 444441N1031814W 450716N1031640W 432452N1031550W 431119N0990425H 441211N0991621W 453425N1032020W 453959N1031543H 451345N1030507W 440120N0980537W 432615N1023326W 444401N1004024W 441823N1001030W 444524N1004506W 430708N1000450W 434403N0993513W 440527N0980939W 425221N0974942W 441940N0983844W 442100N0983930W 440708N1022447W 451216N1015848W 440620N1040059W 443300N1023254W 435700N1010054W 435718N1010148W 435418N1010106W 433944N1034432W 433208N1040128W 432911N0971253W 434210N0980245W 425145N0973704W 425045N0974646W 453718N1000434W 430232N1010803W 454001N0981321W SOURCE COORDINATES 444551N1035000W 452241N1034313W 444826N1031942W 452218N1034202W 431440N1031326W 430721N0990815W 441516N0991224W 453450N1031229W 441409N0984946W 432954N1023850W 444414N1004248W 441233N1000414W 430159N1002929W 434158N0993329W 440717N1023029W 451520N1015925W 434019N1034654W ELEV FT 5560 1729 1142 1783 1440 4900 5856 1846 1425 1230 1431 3300 1350 1695 SD179 MAP NAME Berne Scott Creek Buffalo Saddle Butte Soldier Creek Mud Buttes Lake Parmley SW Salt Lake Gary NW Ludlow SE Salt Lake Java Oahe Dam Mount Rushmore Mount Rushmore Dupree NE Dupree NE Big Draw Big Draw Avance SE Avance SE Rattlesnake Lake Iroquois Cicero Peak Forestburg Harding Vale NE Hoover Buffalo Gap Herrick NE Big Bend Dam NE Sheep Pen Draw Forestburg Rockyford Iron Post Buttes Antelope Island Keyapaha SE Hamill NE Santee Wessington SW Wessington SW Wasta Redelm NW Parmlee Canyon Enning Stamford Stamford Stamford Fourmile Dewey Mitchell Tabor SE Santee Selby Spring Creek SW SD180 FEATURE NAME Sand Lake National Wildlife Refuge Sand Lake State Game Refuge Sand Lake Township (historical) Sandrock Draw Sand Springs Draw Sandstone Flat Sandy Creek Sandy Number 1 Dam Sandy Number 2 Dam Sandy Ranch Sandy Shore State Park Sangamon Township Sanner School Sanner Township Sansarc Sansarc Creek Sansarc Township Sanson Ranch Santa Clara Post Office (historical) Sarah Lake Saranac (historical) Saratoga School Saratoga Township Sergeant Creek Sargent Dam See Mandernach and Carlson Number 1 Dam Sargent Irrigation Project Dam Saron Cemetery Church Church Saron Church Sasse Ranch Saugetad School (abandoned) Saul School Sausoman School Savage Mine Savo Cemetery Savo Community Hall Saron Saron Savo Lutheran Church See Finnish Church Savo Post office (historical) Savo Township Savoy The Falls Sawbuck Draw Saw Lode Mine Sawmill Canyon Sawmill Canyon Sawmill Draw Sawmill Gulch Sawmill Gulch Sawpit Gulch Sawmill Gulch Sawmill Gulch See Lafferty Gulch Sawmill Spring Sawpit Gulch See Sawmill Gulch Sawpit Gulch Saybrook (historical) Saybrook School (abandoned) Sayles Creek Sayles Creek Saylesville (historical) S Baxter Number 1 Dam Scabby Creek Ti-Shena-Ze Creek Scalp Butte (historical) Scalp Creek Indian Site (historical) Scandia Cemetery Scandinavian Lutheran Church Scandinavian Lutheran Church (historical) FEATURE CLASS park park civil valley valley flat stream dam dam locale park civil school civil p91 stream civil locale building lake locale school civil stream dam dam cemetery church church church locale school school school mine cemetery building church building civil ppl valley mine valley valley valley valley valley valley valley spring valley valley ppl school stream stream locale dam stream summit locale cemetery church church STATUS ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN BGN BGN BGN BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN ADMIN UNOFF ADMIN BGN BGN ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF BGN UNOFF UNOFP ADMIN BGN VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF ADMIN BGN VARIANT UNOFF BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN VARIANT BGN VARIANT BGN VARIANT BGN BGN UNOFF BGN BGN UNOFF UNOFF BGN VARIANT BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF NATIONAL GAZETTEER--SOUTH DAKOTA 1989 COUNTY Brown Campbell Brown Ziebach Meade Jackson Lawrence Jones Jones Jones Codington Bdmunds Potter Potter Stanley Stanley Stanley Custer Brown Marshall Lake Faulk Faulk Lincoln Ziebach Tripp McPherson Day Roberts Yankton Pennington Spink Brown Spink Lawrence Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Lawrence Pennington Custer Harding Todd Pennington Harding Lawrence Lawrence Pennington Custer Lawrence Lawrence Clay Clay Jerauld Union Hand Meade Todd Gregory Gregory Roberts Brown Moody COORDINATES 454847N0981309W 453718N1000¢34W 454524N0981110W 450934N1013536W 441737N1022250W 435456N1012714W 442512N1033916W 435224N1005336W 435242N1005442W 434810N1005328W 445339N097l431W 453233N0992318W 450207N1000426W 450115N1000647W 443024N1010204W 444354N1005915W 442800N1010502W 433300N1032440W 454827N0985845W 454115N0971719W 435340N0965645W 4508¢1N0991524W 450630N0991524W 431418N0963416W 450006N1014842W 430742N1000454W 455351N0990210W 453121N0972312W 454314N0970722W 430915N0972810W 440758N1034655W 443852N0981540W 451549N0982330W 450502N0982312W 441950N1033810W 455218N0982618W 455312N0982450W 455244N0982449W 455425N0981502W 455343N0982450W 442109N1035551W 440503N1034614W 434957N1033745W 455158N1033111W 430725N1010104W 435518N1034744W 452107N1035700W 442205N1034607W 442246N1035657W 435338N1032619W 434411N1035403W 442205N1034607W 442204N1034606W 425620N097OB35W 425620N0970749W 435612N0985147W 424704N0963647W 445109N0984556W 450042N1020700W 431921N1005306W 430510N0980750W 430453N09B4324W 454515N0965730W 452132N0981945W 435333N0963102W SOURCE COORDINATES FT 450822N1013804W 441909N1022347W 442416N1033732W 1981 2035 443140N1010859W 1285 1856 431309N0963534W 1885 1325 1286 1300 1297 5300 1430 134! 4600 440538N1034633W 5960 455148N1032918W 430648N1005714W 435629N1034714W 452219N1035309W 442208N1034654W 442326N1035836W 442209N1034703W 1250 435440N0984638W 425121N0963930W 1370 431626N1010014W 1850 1375 1169 1295 1595 ELEV MAP NAME Houghton Selby Houghton Dupree NE Dalzell Belvidere NW Deadwood North Okaton SW Okaton Okaton SW Watertown West Hosmer Lake Hurley SB Lake Hurley SE Sansarc Crockett Mtns Hayes North Wind Cave Newark SW South Red Iron Lake Wentworth Clark Lake Burkmere Alcester NE Clearfield Long Lake NE Eden Sisseton Midway Nahant Spink Colony Warner Gallup Deadwood South Savo SW Savo NW Savo NE Savo NW Savoy Deerfield Berne Ladner SE Spring Creek Ditch Creek J K Butte Lead Maurice Jewel Cave NW Lead Gayville Gayville Isham Lake Akron Rockham SE Faith Soldier Creek South Scalp Creek Lake Andes SW New Effington Stratford Dell Rapids NE FEATURE NAME Scandinavia Post Office (historical) Scandinavia Township See Gem Township Scandinavia Township Scarborough Airstrip Scarsland Lake Scatterwood (historical) Scatterwood Church Scatterwood Community Building Scatterwood Lake See North Scatterwood Lake Scatterwood Lake See South Scatterwood Lake Scatterwood Lakes See North Scatterwood Lake Scatterwood Lakes See South Scatterwood Lake Scatterwood Township (historical) Scenic Scenic Scenic Scenic Basin Cemetery Township Schaeferville Schaeffer School Schamber (historical) Scharman Dam Schartner Cemetery Schatz School Schaub Dam Schaur Dam Schenk Canyon Schiager School Schiesser Ranch Schimke School Schimmel Slough Schleichart Draw Schleichart Draw Reservoir Schley Township Schlosser School Schmidt Landing Schmidt Number 2 Dam Schmidt Road Number 1 Dam Schnaible Cemetery Schnasse County (historical) Schnose Dam Number 1 Marvin Schnose Number 1 Dam Schnose Dam Number 2 Marvin Schnose Number 2 Dam Schoffelman School Schooler Ranch Schoolhouse Gulch Schoolhouse Spring School Lake School Land Dam School Land Dam School Land Dam School Number 1 (historical) School Number 1 (historical) School Number 1 (historical) School Number 1 (historical) School Number 1 (historical) School Number 1 (historical) School Number 1 (abandoned) School Number 1 (historical) School Number 1 (historical) School Number 1 School Number 1 School Number 1 School Number 1 School Number 1 (abandoned) School Number 1 (abandoned) School Number 1 School Number 1 FEATURE CLASS building civil civil airport reservoir locale church building lake lake lake lake civil ppl basin cemetery civil p91 school locale dam cemetery school dam dam valley school locale school lake valley reservoir civil school ppl dam dam cemetery civil dam dam school locale valley spring lake school school school school school school school school school school school school school school school school STATUS UNOFF VARIANT ADMIN ADMIN BGN UNOPF UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT ADMIN BGN BGN UNOFF ADMIN BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN BGN BGN ADMIN UNOFF BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF BGN BGN BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF NATIONAL GAZETTEER--SOUTH DAKOTA 1989 COUNTY Deuel Brown Deuel Stanley Harding Faulk Faulk Faulk Edmunds Faulk Edmunds Paulk Faulk Pennington Pennington Pennington Pennington Pennington Yankton Mellette Bennett Turner Hutchinson Brule Harding Custer Lincoln Stanley Jackson McCook Harding Harding Campbell Turner Roberts Mellette Mellette Walworth Corson Custer Custer Lincoln Lyman Lawrence Lawrence Deuel Butte Dewey Dewey Roberts Roberts Roberts Roberts Roberts Roberts Spink Roberts Roberts Marshall Marshall Marshall Marshall Marshall Marshall Marshall McCook COORDINATES 443700N0963455W 452215N0982020W 443515N0963340W 443934N1010828W 455025N1031313W 451338N0984528W 451350N0984425W 451353N0985005W 451516N0984513W 451241N0984502W 451516N0994513H 451241N0984502W 451137N0984607W 434647N1023316H 434600N1023307W 434027N1023357W 434953N1023246W 440717N1031742W 430733N0972913W 434645N1010235W 431700N1012500H 432650N0972244W 431102NO973925W 435412N0991318W 455548N1025648W 433529N1035643W 431057N0963255H 443759N1010338W 435707N1013827W 434210N0972923W 454057N1033012W 454932N1032857W 454445N0995945W 432218N0971645W 452247N0963330W 432700N1010706W 432706N1004300W 453237N0995336W 452900N1014500W 433524N1031948W 433418N103194BW 432647N0965310W 434422N0994058H 441945N1035921W 441932N1040021W 445630N0964858W 445754N1034906W 450354N1011019W 452342N1012148W 454543N0971105W 454245N0970841W 455511N0963712W 452356N0970118W 452120N0970005W 454208N0965649W 451253N0901605W 455420N0964543H 453703N0970433H 455422N0972948H 454636N0973134H 454913N0973815W 454346N0974846W 455216N0973004W 454940N0974615fl 454942N0972853W 433402N0971604W SOURCE COORDINATZS 434338N1035113W 455036N1032911H 442009N1040212W ELEV PT 1810 2080 1350 1326 1385 2809 3496 1299 2325 1281 1309 2475 1450 1490 980 1976 1467 1860 1300 1375 1015 1775 1810 1175 1303 1095 1425 1804 1372 1939 1310 SDIOI MAP NAME Astoria Clear Lake South Alleman Station Ralph SW Cresbard NE Chelsea Cresbard NE Cresbard NE Scenic Scenic Scenic Scenic Rapid City West Midway Stamford SE Dalzell Dolton Scotland Shelby Cow Butte Jewel Cave SW Canton Sansarc NE Philip Junction Salem Ladner SE Ludlow Herreid Freeman SE Big Stone Lake East Parmelee NE Mission NW Java Irish Creek NW Boland Ridge Boland Ridge Lennox NW Hamill NW Savoy 01d Baldy Mtn Goodwin Antelope Butte Parade SW Firesteel Claire City SW Whitestone Lake Boisberg Summit NB Summit Peever NW Brentford New Effington NE Goodwill Marlow Kidder SE Britten East Spain Kidder SE Britton West Hillhead Canistota SD132 School School School School School School School School School School School School School School School School School School School School School School School School School School School School School School School School School School School School School School School School School School School School School School School School School School School School School School School School School School School School School School School School School School School School School School School School School School School School School FEATURE NAME Number Number Number Number Number Number Number Number Number Number Number Number Number Number Number Number Number Number Number Number Number Number Number Number Number Number Number Number Number Number Number Number Number Number Number Number Number Number Number Number Number Number Number Number Number Number Number Number Number Number Number Number Number Number Number Number Number Number Number Number Number Number Number Number Number Number Number Number Number Number Number Number Number Number Number Number Number HHHHHHI—‘Hl—‘H NNNNNNNNNN NNNNMNNNNN NNNNHHHHHH HHHHI—‘I—ll-IHD-‘H NNNNNNNNNN 2 (abandoned) (historical) (historical) (historical) (historical) (historical) (historical) (historical) (historical) (historical) (historical) (historical) (historical) (historical) (historical) (historical) (historical) (historical) (historical) (historical) (historical) (historical) (historical) (abandoned) (abandoned) (historical) (historical) (historical) (historical) (abandoned) (abandoned) (historical) (historical) (historical) (abandoned) (abandoned) (historical) (historical) (historical) (historical) (historical) (historical) (historical) (historical) (abandoned) (historical) (historical) (historical) (historical) (historical) (historical) (historical) (historical) (historical) (historical) (historical) (historical) (historical) (historical) (historical) FEATURE CLASS school school school school school school school school school school school school school school school school school school school school school school school school school school school school school school school school school school school school school school school school school school school school school school school school school school school school school school school school school school school school school school school school school school school school school school school school school school school school school STATUS UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFP UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF NATIONAL GAZETTEER--SOUTH DAKOTA 1939 COUNTY Marshall Marshall Roberts Roberts Roberts Roberts Roberts Roberts Roberts Roberts Roberts Roberts Roberts Roberts Roberts Roberts Roberts Roberts Roberts Kingsbury Kingsbury Kingsbury Kingsbury Kingsbury Kinqsbury Marshall Marshall Marshall Marshall Marshall Kingsbury Kingsbury Brown Gregory Charles Mix Jerauld Jerauld Hanson Hanson Brown Brown Beadle Kingsbury Kingsbury Kingsbury Marshall Marshall Marshall Marshall Marshall Marshall Marshall Roberts Marshall Roberts Roberts Roberts Roberts Roberts Roberts Roberts Marshall Roberts Roberts Roberts Roberts Roberts Roberts Roberts Roberts Roberts Roberts Roberts Roberts Roberts Roberts Roberts COORDINATES 453847N0973819W 455245N097533BW 455455N0965339W 453425N0965417W 454008N0965958W 452115N0970758W 453055N0964802W 452910N0965259W 454122N0964839W 454543N0964228W 452357N0964549W 455100N0971155W 452304N0965258W 452025N0963128W 453243N0970330W 452358N0964229W 452910N096464BW 454749N0965227W 454752N0970110W 442445N0973751W 442533N0972817W 443142N0974235W 442537N0974950W 441743N0971948W 441928N0972329W 455518N0971839W 454543N0971857W 453844N0974541W 455519N0972325W 455450N0973945W 441659N0970947W 441839N0974206W 455008N0992332W 431427N0992120W 431154N0981936W 440549N0903157W 440905N0955021W 433329N0975311W 433654N0975351W 454950N0983335W 451849N0981452W 442340N0980801W 443140N0974737W 441607N097l953w 441841N0974731W 455517N0975231W 454940N0974225W 453910N0974234W 453937N0975000W 454816N0971932W 454308N0974235W 454916N0974919W 452404N0970457W 454216N0974616W 454729N0964155W 454024N0971113W 454509N0970458W 452631N0971216W 453454N0970727W 454118N0970222W 452905N0964918W 454938N0973327W 453512N0970416W 453116N0965253W 452359N0965642W 455420N0964915W 454538N0965642W 454311N0964732W 452719N0965258W 455522N0964201W 452210N0964530W 452024N0964311W 455519N0965701W 453727N0965722W 454310N0965348W 454758N0970428W 454752N0971126W SOURCE COORDINATES ELEV PT 1852 1303 1100 1160 1165 1910 1110 1195 1110 1090 1165 1210 1250 1100 1500 1160 1120 1090 1205 1730 1740 1670 1435 1700 1700 1256 1471 1206 1775 1500 2175 1444 1465 1930 1327 1417 1297 1540 1710 1445 1307 1326 1436 1298 2015 1329 1095 2065 1925 1900 1985 1200 1155 1715 1475 1185 1340 1100 1155 1105 1175 1090 1145 1145 1130 1210 1130 1180 1265 MAP NAME Britton OdNW Newark NW New Effington NW Peever Peever NW Ortley Browns Valley Wilmot NW Peever NE Rosholt Wilmot Claire City SW Wilmot NW Big Stone Lake SE Goodwill Big Stone Lake West Wilmot Victor Claire City Bancroft East Erwin Willow Lake SW Bancroft West Lake Preston East Lake Preston West Veblen NE Veblen Spain Marlow Kidder Arlington Manchester Savo SW Burke Wagner NE Wessington Springs Cottonwood Lake Ethan Ethan Frederick Groton SW Huron NW Carpenter SE Lake Preston East Iroquois Newark NW Britton East Britton 04NW Spain Veblen Britton 04NW Britton West Summit NE Spain Rosholt Whitestone Lake Summit NE Enemy Swim Lake East Goodwill Sisseton Wilmot Kidder SE Goodwill Peever Wilmot NW New Effington NE New Effington Peever NE Wilmot NW La Mars Corona Big Stone Lake SW New Effington NW Peever Peever NW Claire City Claire City SW School School School School School School School School School School School School School School School School School School School School School School School School School School School School School School School School School School School School School School School School School School School School School School School School School School School School School School School School School School School School School School School School School School School School School School School School School School School School School School School FEATURE NAME Number Number Number Number Number Number Number Number Number 2 2 (historical) 2 (abandoned) 2 (abandoned) 2 (historical) 2 2 2 2 Number 2 Number Number Number Number Number Number Number Number Number Number Number Number Number Number Number Number Number Number Number Number Number Number Number Number Number Number Number Number Number Number Number Number Number Number Number Number Number Number Number Number Number Number Number Number Number Number Number Number Number Number Number Number Number Number Number Number Number Number Number Number Number Number Number Number Number Number Number Number Number 2 (historical) 2 (historical) 2 (historical) 2 (historical) 2 (historical) 2 2 2-16 3 (abandoned) 3 (historical) 3 (historical) 3 (historical) 3 (historical) 3 (historical) 3 (historical) 3 (historical) 3 (historical) 3 (historical) 3 (historical) 3 (historical) 3 (historical) 3 (historical) 3 (abandoned) (abandoned) UUUUUU 3 3 3 3 (historical) 3 (historical) 3 (historical) 3 (historical) 3 (historical) 3 (historical) 3 (historical) (abandoned) uuuwwuuu 4 (historical) 4 (historical) 4 (historical) 4 4 (historical) 4 (historical) 4 (historical) 4 (historical) 4 (historical) 4 4 4 (abandoned) fihbbfibh 4 (historical) 4 (historical) 4 (historical) FEATURE CLASS school school school school school school school school school school school school school school school school school school school school school school school school school school school school school school school school school school school school school school school school school school school school school school school school school school school school school school school school school school school school school school school school school school school school school school school school school school school school school school school STATUS UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOPF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOPF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF NATIONAL GAZETTEER--SOUTH DAKOTA 1989 COUNTY Bon Homme Roberts Brown Brown Eon Homme McCook Charles Mix Gregory Charles Mix Marshall Kingsbury Kingsbury Kingsbury Kingsbury Kingsbury Hanson Hanson McCook Spink Roberts Roberts Roberts Roberts Roberts Roberts Roberts Roberts Roberts Roberts Roberts Roberts Roberts Meade McCook Marshall Marshall Marshall Marshall Marshall Marshall Marshall Marshall Kingsbury Kingsbury Kingsbury Kingsbury Kingsbury Kingsbury Kingsbury Hanson Hanson Hanson Hanson Fall River Charles Mix Beadle Beadle Jerauld Kingsbury Jerauld Hanson Kingsbury Kingsbury Kingsbury Kingsbury Kingsbury Marshall Marshall Marshall Marshall Marshall Hanson Hanson McCook McCook McCook Roberts Roberts Roberts COORDINATES 425428N0974550W 452240N0963548W 454735N0983333W 453123N0981604W 424748N0980310W 434116N0971826W 431102N0981716W 431229N0992234W 425823N0980744W 454317N0972332W 441750N0973909W 442351N0972441W 442352N0974619W 441812N0971318W 442534N0973535W 433405N0975644W 433929N0975643W 433355N0971122W 451254N0982213W 452035N0963920W 453326N0965137W 452301N0964758W 455338N0964159W 455335N0965712W 454545N0970338W 452211N0965632W 451909N0971215W 452115N0963557W 452633N0965034W 453749N0971113H 454512N0965347W 452540N0965408W 441002N1031240W 433607N0972805W 45384BN0975715W 454633N0972659W 455518N0971533W 454730N0975233W 454726N0973835W 453635N0974236W 455244N0975650W 455241N0973423W 442957N0974245W 441839N0971647W 441231N0972038W 442117N0974732W 44253BN0972330W- 442024N0974359W 442533N0973151W 433932N0975312W 433145N0974521W 434303N0975248W 433908N0974934W 432602N1034147W 425615N0980736W 442822N0981440W 441333N0981l39w 445852N0982249W 441607N0975003W 445842N09B3315W 433604N0974824W 442354N0972925W 441540N0971727W 441813N0972406W 441956N0975108H 441324N0972212W 455516N0973452W 455242N0973853W 455520N0975614W 453633N0973741W 453756N0975502W 434446N0974532W 433654N0975643W 433116N0972313W 433145N0971602W 434303N0971832W 455545N0965314W 452033N0965645W 453322N0964910W SOURCE COORDINATES ELEV PT 1291 1075 1398 1304 1400 1566 1445 1901 1575 1745 1480 1780 1755 1322 1498 1297 1115 1125 1135 1065 1150 1185 1370 1860 1100 1165 1960 1120 1235 1442 1306 1872 1232 1398 1596 1354 1431 1635 1730 1730 1460 1765 1500 1735 1312 1313 1307 1338 4172 1324 1301 1293 1340 1405 1600 1309 1725 1730 1730 1460 1735 1313 1320 1302 1349 1322 1453 1516 1095 1475 1095 SD183 MAP NAME Tyndall Big Stone Lake East Frederick Columbia Niobrara Salem NE Wagner NE Gregory Niobrara NW Hillhead Manchester Erwin Bancroft Nest Arlington De Smet Ethan Riverside East Vermillion Lake Brentford Big Stone Lake SW Browns Valley Wilmot La Mars New Effington NW Claire City Marvin Ortley Big Stone Lake SE Wilmot Whitestone Lake New Effington Wilmot NW Rapid City NW Bridgewater East Amherst Hillhead Veblen NE Newark SW Britton East Britton 04SW Newark NW Havana Bancroft East Lake Preston East Oldham Iroquois Erwin Manchester De Smet Riverside Rockport Colony Riverside Alexandria Minnekahta Niobrara NW Huron NW Forestburg NW Fraser Dam Iroquois Hoagland Lake Rockport Colony Erwin Lake Preston East Lake Preston West Iroquois Oldham Havana Kidder Newark NW Britten 045W Amherst Alexandria Ethan Bridgewater East Canistota Salem NE New Effington NW Marvin Browns Valley SD184 NATIONAL GAZETTBER--SOUTH DAKOTA 1989 FEATURE SOURCE E LEV FEATURE NAME CLASS STATUS COUNTY COORD INATES COORDINATE-S FT MAP NAME School Number 4 (historical) school UNOFF Roberts 452212N0965036W 1200 Corona School Number 4 (historical) school UNOFF Roberts 452308N0963850H 1110 Big Stone Lake West School Number 4 (historical) school UNOFF Roberts 455339N0963854W 1030 La Mars School Number 4 (historical) school UNOFF Roberts 455101N0964612W 1095 Victor School Number 4 school UNOFF Clark 450813N0975747W Crandall School Number 4 school UNOFF Charles Mix 430548N0981936W 1444 Wagner School Number 4 (historical) school UNOFF Roberts 452540N0964811W 1155 wilmot School Number 4 (historical) school UNOPF Roberts 451932N0970801W 1960 Ortley School Number 4 (historical) school UNOFF Roberts 454023N0965346W 1145 Peever NW School Number 4 (abandoned) school UNOFF Brown 451850N0981108W 1296 Groton 5" School Number 4 school UNOFF Beadle 443056N0981442W 1304 Lake Byron School Number 4-9 school UNOFF McCook 433627N0971343W East Vermillion Lake School Number 4-16 school UNOFF McCook 433112N0971343W East Vermillion Lake School Number 5 (historical) school UNOFF Roberts 452115N0965252N 1280 Marvin School Number 5 (historical) school UNOFF Klngsbury 441239N0972358W 1715 Oldham NW School Number 5 (historical) school UNOFF Roberts 452029N0964920W 1200 Corona School Number 5 school UNOFF Marshall 453938N0975308W 1309 Amherst School Number 5 (historical) school UNOFF Roberts 452628N0964530W 1155 Wilmot School Number 5 (historical) school UNOFF Roberts 455101N0963842W 1045 Rosholt School Number 5 (historical) school UNOFF Roberts 455032N0965350W 1095 New Effington School Number 5 school UNOFF Charles Mix 425215N0981232W 1237 Verdel School Number 5 school UNOFF Davison 43444SN0980621W 1320 Mitchell School Number 5 school UNOFF Charles Mix 430732N0981717w 1406 Wagner NE School Number 5 (historical) school UNOFF Kingsbury 442537N0974619W 1525 Bancroft Nest School Number 5 (historical) school UNOFF Kingsbury 441448N0971456W 1750 Madison NW School Number 5 (historical) school UNOFF Kingsbury 442113N097l915w 1725 Lake Preston Bast School Number 5 school UNOFF Brown 452058N0981112W 1304 Groton SW School Number 5 (historical) school UNOFF Kingsbury 442907N0973113W 1780 De Smet School Number 5 (historical) school UNOFF Kingsbury 441540N0973310W 1645 De Smet SE School Number 5 (historical) school UNOFF Kingsbury 442812N0974208W 162$ Bancroft East School Number 5 (historical) school UNOFF Kingsbury 442117N0974017W 1590 Manchester School Number 5 (historical) school UNOFF Kingsbury 442206N0972818W 1725 Lake Preston West School Number 5 school UNOFF Hanson 434447N0975242W 1308 Riverside School Number 5-16 school UNOFF McCook 433115N0971123W 1432 East Vermillion Lake School Number 6 (historical) school UNOFF Kingsbury 441418N0972435W 1700 Oldham NW School Number 6 (historical) school UNOFF Kingsbury 441934N0973751w 1610 Manchester School Number 6 (historical) school UNOFF Kingsbury 442117N0973152W 1720 De Smet SE School Number 6 school UNOFF McCook 433053N0971826W 1457 Canistota School Number 6 (historical) school UNOFF Kingsbury 441240N0971315W 1755 Madison NW School Number 6 (historical) school UNOFF Kingsbury 443051N0973204W 1775 Cherry Lake School Number 6 (historical) school UNOFF Roberts 452024N0964540W 1160 Corona School Number 6 (historical) school UNOFF Roberts 455057N0965702W 1165 New Bffington School Number 6 (historical) school UNOFF Kingsbury 442536N0972210W 1780 Lake Preston NE School Number 6 (historical) school UNOFF Roberts 455101N0964151W 1085 Rosholt School Number 6 VARIANT See Trumbo School school Bon Homme 425522N0980518w School Number 6 (historical) school UNOFP Kinqsbury 442722N0974540W 1530 Bancroft West School Number 6 (historical) school UNOFF Kingsbury 441632N0974132W 1500 Manchester School Number 6 school UNOFF Charles Mix 425138N0980904W Verdel School Number 6 (historical) school UNOFF Bon Homme 424830N0975810W 1440 Springfield School Number 6-9 school UNOFF McCook 433631N0970857w 1541 East Vermillion Lake School Number 6-16 school UNOFF McCook 433119N0970858W 1485 East Vermillion Lake School Number 7 (historical) school UNOFF Kingsbury 441423N0974322W 1455 Carthage School Number 7 (historical) school UNOFF Kingsbury 442745N0975010W 1455 Bancroft West School Number 7 (historical) school UNOFF Kingsbury 443127N0973530W 1775 Cherry Lake School Number 7 (historical) school UNOFF Kingsbury 442025N0973525W 1705 De Smet SE School Number 7 (historical) school UNOFF Kingsbury 441427N0970902W 1785 Madison NW School Number 7 (historical) school UNOFF Kingsbury 442356N0972102W 1725 Lake Preston NE School Number 7 (historical) school UNOFF Kingsbury 442538N0974243W 1575 Bancroft East School Number 7 school UNOFF Davison 433930N0975915W Riverside School Number 7 VARIANT See Donnely School school Bon Homme 424826N0980036W School Number 7 (historical) school UNOFF Bon Homme 430427N0974400W 1392 Kloucek Lake School Number 7 (historical) school UNOFF Kingsbury 441604N0972330W 1720 Lake Preston West School Number 8 (historical) school UNOFF Kingsbury 442026N0972553W 1705 Lake Preston West School Number B (historical) school UNOFF Roberts 455059N0964959W 1085 Victor School Number 8 (historical) school UNOFF Kingsbury 441239N0974213W 1455 Carthage School Number 8 (historical) school UNOFF Kingsbury 443047N0973759W 1760 Willow Lake SN School Number 8 (historical) school UNOFF Kingsbury 441426N0972101W 1710 Oldham School Number 8 (historical) school UNOFF Kingsbury 441609N0971315W 1770 Arlington School Number 8 (historical) school UNOFF Bon Homme 425800N0975030W 1375 Tyndall School Number 8 school UNOFF Davison 433745N0980622W 1356 Mitchell School Number 8 school UNOFF Brown 451612N0980920W 1288 Groton SW School Number 8 (historical) school UNOFF Jerauld 440828N0982551W 1365 Woonsocket NW School Number 9 (historical) school UNOFF Kingsbury 442748N0973829W 1770 Bancroft East School Number 9 (historical) school UNOFF Kingsbury 441257N0974627W 1410 Artesian NE School Number 9 (historical) school UNOFF Kingsbury 442222N0972553W 1730 Lake Preston West FEATURE NAME School Number 9 (historical) School Number 9 (historical) School Number 9 See Gunn School School Number 10 School Number 10 School Number 10 School Number 10 School Number 10 School Number 10 School Number 11 School Number 11 School Number 11 (historical) (historical) (historical) (historical) (historical) (historical) School Number 12 School Number 12 School Number 13 School Number 13 School Number 13 School Number 14 School Number 14 School Number 15 School Number 15 School Number 16 (historical) (historical) (historical) (historical) (historical) (historical) (historical) (historical) (historical) School Number 16 School Number 17 School Number 18 School Number 18 School Number 19 School Number 19 School Number 19 School Number 20 School Number 20 School Number 20 (historical) (historical) (historical) (historical) (historical) (historical) (historical) School Number 20 School Number 21 School Number 21 School Number 21 School Number 22 School Number 23 School Number 23 School Number 23 School Number 24 School Number 24 (historical) (historical) (historical) (historical) (historical) (historical) (historical) (historical) School Number 24 School Number 24 School Number 25 School Number 25 School Number 26 School Number 26 School Number 27 School Number 27 School Number 27 School Number 27 (historical) (historical) (historical) (historical) (historical) (historical) School Number 28 School Number 28 School Number 29 See Cottonwood School School Number 29 (historical) School Number 30 (historical) School Number 30 School Number 30 School Number 31 School Number 31 (historical) (historical) (historical) (historical) (historical) School Number 31 School Number 32 School Number 32 School Number 32 School Number 33 School Number 33 School Number 33 School Number 33 School Number 33 School Number 34 (historical) (historical) (historical) (historical) (historical) (historical) School Number 34 School Number 34 School Number 35 School Number 36 (historical) (historical) (historical) (historical) FEATURE CLASS school school school school school school school school school school school school school school school school school school school school school school school school school school school school school school school school school school school school school school school school school school school school school school school school school school school school school school school school school school school school school school school school school school school school school school school school school school school STATUS UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOPP UNOFF UNOFP UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFP UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFP UNOFF UNOPF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFP UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF NATIONAL GAZETTEER--SOUTH DAKOTA 1989 COUNTY Kingsbury Jerauld Bon Homme Kingsbury Kingsbury Brown Bon Homme McCook Union Kingsbury Deuel Bon Homme Bon Homme Kingsbury Bon Homme Faulk Kingsbury Kingsbury Bon Homme Kingsbury Bon Homme Kingsbury Eon Homme Xingsbury Bon Homne Kingsbury Turner Kingsbury Eon Homme Meade Charles Mix Bon Homme Kingsbury Kingsbury Charles Mix Bon Homme Bon Homme Kingsbury Bon Homme Turner Kingsbury Bon Homne Kingsbury Turner Bon Homme Charles Mix Bon Homme Kingsbury Bon Homme Turner Kingsbury Davison Kingsbury Eon Homme Bon Homme Kingsbury Kingsbury Charles Mix Eon Homme Bon Homme Union Kingsbury Kingsbury Charles Mix Bon Homme Bon Homme Gregory Douglas Kingsbury Lincoln Bon Homme Codington Kingsbury Bon Homme Kingsbury COORDINATES 441232N0971008W 440026N0984321W 430837N0973927W 441329N0974923W 442930N0973423W 454734N0983035W 430848N0874625H 433748N0971600W 430$45N0864230W 442715N0973536W 444449N0962849W 430915N0975040W 430620N0975055W 442723N0973157W 430617N0974625W 445536N0992319W 442913N0970850H 442725N0971644H 430640N0974257W 442725N0971229W 430640N0973955W 443112N0971232W 430315N0974000W 443051N0971612W 430340N0974728W 442906N0971348W 431956N0965639W 442904N0971728W 430340N0975110W 441037N1023516W 431407N0983354W 430128N0973958W 441815N0973152W 441810N0973528W 431406N0983617W 430133N0974327W 430133N0974655W 441610N0973905W 425944N0974655W 431809N0965638W 441551N0973646W 425948N0974323W 442351N0974018W 431620N0965637W 425948N0973955W 431131N0983355W 425802N0973952W 441327N0972931W 425801N0974322W 431433N0971831W 441240N0973310W 434209N0980620W 441324N0973640W 425755N0974700W 425523N0974955W 441323N0973903W 442722N0972056W 430219N0982213W 425545N0975110N 425617N0975455W 430510N0962955W 442824N0972319W 442717N0972707W 430128N0982631W 425613N0975853W 425340N0975555W 430341N0992605W 431751N0982300W 442355N0971012W 432412N0963630W 425422N0975444W 450830N0972000W 443139N0972823W 425340N0975135W 443138N0972105W SOURCE COORDINATES ELEV FT 1780 1805 1395 1750 1375 .1740 1652 1431 1485 1775 1402 1869 1685 1815 1370 1745 1303 1750 1382 1770 1436 1750 1323 1795 1485 1640 1383 1715 1655 1668 1398 1405 1565 1365 1289 1580 1385 1625 1265 1382 1350 1740 1365 1635 1376 1560 1355 1530 1805 1340 1402 1815 1815 1431 1385 1520 1825 1428 1382 1825 1390 1785 SD185 MAP NAME Madison NW Hessington Springs SW Artesian NE De Smet Frederick Kaylor Salem NE Alcester De Smet Canby NW Kaylor Tripp SB De Smet Tripp SE Rezac Lake NW Badger Lake Preston NE Kloucek Lake Badger Kloucek Lake Lake Norden Kloucek Lake Gertson Slough Tripp SE Badger Lennox Lake Preston NE Tripp SE Owanka NE Lake Andes Kloucek Lake De Smet SE De Smet SE Lake Andes Kloucek Lake Tripp SE Manchester Tyndall Lennox De Smet SE Tabor Bryant Lennox Tabor Lake Andes Tabor Oldham NW Tabor Turkey Ridge Howard NE Mitchell Howard NE Tyndall Carthage Lake Preston NE Wagner Tyndall Kingsburg Hawarden North Erwin Erwin Wagner SW Kingsburg Kingsburg Carlock Armour SW Badger Klondike Kingsburg Florence NE Bryant Tyndall Gertson Slough SD186 FEATURE School Number 36 School Number 37 School Number 37 School Number 38 School Number 38 School Number 39 School Number 39 School Number 40 School Number 40 School Number 41 NAME (historical) (historical) (historical) (historical) (historical) (historical) (historical) (historical) See Mennonite School School Number 41 School Number 42 School Number 42 School Number 43 (historical) (historical) (historical) See Dahlenburg School School Number 43 School Number 44 See Hornstra School Number 44 School Number 45 (historical) School (historical) See Perkins School School Number 45 School Number 46 School Number 46 See Kirkwood School Number 47 School Number 47 School Number 47 School Number 48 School Number 49 School Number 49 School Number 50 School Number 50 School Number 50 School Number 50 See Drake School Number 51 School Number 51 School Number 51 School Number 52 School Number 52 School Number 52 School Number 52 School Number 53 School Number 53 School Number 54 School Number 54 School Number 55 School Number 56 School Number 56 School Number 57 School Number 57 School Number 59 School Number 59 School Number 60 School Number 60 School Number 60 School Number 61 School Number 61 School Number 62 School Number 62 School Number 63 School Number 63 School Number 63 School Number 64 School Number 65 School Number 66 School Number 66 School Number 67 School Number 68 (historical) (historical) School (historical) (historical) (historical) (historical) (historical) (historical) School (historical) (historical) (historical) (historical) (historical) (historical) (historical) (historical) (historical) (historical) (historical) (historical) (historical) (historical) (historical) (historical) (historical) (historical) (historical) (historical) (historical) (historical) (historical) See Giedd School School School School School Number Number Number Number Number School 69 (historical) 69 (historical) 70 (historical) 71 (historical) 72 (historical) FEATURE CLASS school school school school school school school school school school school school school school school school school school school school school school school school school school school school school school school school school school school school school school school school school school school school school school school school school school school school school school school school school school school school school school school school school school school school school school STATUS UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFP UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFP UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF NATIONAL GAZETTEER—-SOUTH DAKOTA 1989 COUNTY Bon Homme Kingsbury Bon Homme Kingsbury Bon Homme McCook Bon Homme Kingsbury Bon Homme Bon Homme Kingsbury Bon Homme Kingsbury Eon Homme Union Bon Homme Kingsbury Bon Homme Kingsbury Kingsbury Bon Homme Turner Kingsbury Bon Homme Kingsbury Eon Homme Union Kingsbury Hutchinson Charles Mix 301') Home Union Kingsbury Charles Mix Bon Homme Charles Mix Union Hutchinson Eon Homme Charles Mix Bon Homme Union Bon Homme Bon Homme Lincoln Bon Homme Union Eon Homme Codington Bon Homme Union Eon Homme Charles Mix Minnehaha Charles Mix Ben Homme Eon Homme Charles Mix Union Charles Mix Bon Homme Bon Homme Union Bon Homme Bon Homme Bon Homme Union Bon Homme Bon Homme Bon Homme COORDINATES 425340N0974825W 442927N0972059W 425221N0975832W 442632N0972930W 425015N0975645W 433907N0971342W 425222N0975517H 441929N0971011W 425340N0980035W 425314N0980410W 442056N0971340W 425250N0980600W 442140N0971119W 425105N0980522W 425520N0964630W 425013N0980300W 442351N0971231W 425158N0980147W 442538N0971314W 442511N0971607W 425013N0980039W 431433N0972207W 442140N0971607W 430057N0975030W 441514N0973038W 430820N0990037W 425310N0964400W 443139N0972549W 432914N0974004W 430307N0981558W 425525N0980149W 430145N0964005W 442722N0971836W 430316N0981940W 425825N098040$W 430126N0981827W 430515N0963915W 432900N0974308W 425710N0980103W 430122N0981557W 425853N0980110W 430130N0963630W 430131N0980031W 430040N0980252W 431807N0964450W 430038N0980513W 430210N0964345W 425617N0974253W 450830N0971640W 425617N0974730W 430540N0963250W 425340N0975810W 425806N0981833W 433120N0965700W 425752N0981528W 425343N0974253W 425340N0974005W 425555N0981606W 425705N0963920W 425608N0981830W 430816N0980410W 430616N0980105W 425710N0963250W 430613N0980445W 430313N0980110W 430340N0980450W 425710N0963110W 430125N0975325W 430128N0975555W 430135N0975806W SOURCE COORDINATES ELEV PT 1268 1775 1420 1725 1445 1482 1385 1815 1422 1740 1450 1790 1750 1725 1740 1720 1445 1725 1850 1825 1328 1469 1795 1640 1623 1460 1505 1525 1580 1620 1340 1530 1352 1372 1360 1574 1305 1470 1850 1680 1700 1630 1450 1420 1480 MAP NAME Tyndall Lake Preston NE Springfield Badger Springfield Montrose Springfield Arlington Niobrara NE Arlington Niobrara NE Arlington Alsen Badger Badger Lake Preston NE Turkey Ridge Agar Tripp SE De Smet SE Oak Hollow Nora Bryant Clayton Wagner Alcester Lake Preston NE Wagner Niobrara NE Wagner Alcester Clayton Niobrara NB Wagner Niobrara NE Alcester SE Avon Avon Canton SW Avon Alcester Tabor Florence NE Tyndall Alcester SE Kingsburg Lynch NE Hartford South Lynch NE Tabor Tabor Lynch NE Nora Lynch NE Oak Hollow Avon Chatsworth Avon Avon Chatsuorth Haucks Lake Haucks Lake Haucks Lake FEATURE NAME School School School School School School School School School Number Number Number Number 73 73 75 (historical) 76 (historical) Number 77 (historical) Number 79 (historical) Number 81 Number 81 Number 82 School School School School School School School School School School Number 82 Number 83 Number 84 Number Number Number 88 Number Number 90 Number 91 Number School School School School School School School School School School Number Number Number Number Number Number Number Number Number Number 103 142 143 180 204 205 216 217 219 224 School School School School School School Number 226 Number 266 (abandoned) Section Butte Section Dam Section Draw Section Lakes School Section Number 5 Dam Schoun School Schreiber Cemetery Schriever Township Schroeder Ranch Schroeder School Schubert School Schumacher Lake Schumacher State Public Shooting Area Schumaker School Schwartz Ranch Schwartz Ranch Schwartz Slough Schwiesow School Scissons Township (historical) Scobey County (historical) Scoepp Flat Scooptown See Sturgis Scoopville See Ellis Scoria Dam Scotch Cap School Scotland Scotland Cemetery Scotland Dam See Henry Dam Scotland Township Scotland Township Scotland Township Scott Creek Scott Creek Scotties Cemetery See Scotty Philip Cemetery (historical) Scott Post Office (historical) Scott Ranch Scott School Scotts Slough Scott State Public Shooting Area Scotty Philip Cemetery Masonic Cemetery Scottles Cemetery FEATURE CLASS school school school school school school school school school school school school school school school school school school school school school school school school school school school school school school school summit dam valley lake dam school cemetery civil locale school school lake park school locale locale gut school civil civil flat ppl locale dam school ppl Cemetery dam civil civil civil stream stream cemetery building locale school lake park cemetery STATUS UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN UNOFF BGN BGN UNOFP UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN UNOFF ADMIN ADMIN BGN VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF BGN UNOFF VARIANT ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN BGN BGN VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN ADMIN UNOFF VARIANT VARIANT NATIONAL GAZETTEER--SOUTH DAKOTA 1989 COUNTY Charles Mix Perkins Bon Homme Eon Homme Bon Homme Bon Homme Turner Charles Mix Turner Charles Mix Charles Mix Turner Turner Charles Mix Turner Turner Charles Mix Minnehaha Turner Minnehaha Day Day Day Day Day Day Day Day Day Day Brown Jackson Meade Custer Sanborn Haakon Meade Sully Gregory Pennington Douglas Jerauld McPherson McPherson Brown Jones Mellette Beadle Brule Gregory Meade Butte Meade Minnehaha Harding Perkins Bon Day Homme Bon Eon Bon Day Harding Union Homme Homme Homme Stanley Douglas Pennington Aurora Minnehaha Codington Stanley COORDINATES 425825N0981106W 451012N1023957W 425802N0975815W 425802N0975603W 425757N0975333W 430457N0974002W 431103N0972202W 425845N0982418W 431103N0971827W 425700N0982646W 425516N0982251W 432502N0965639W 432504N0965903W 430920N0983619W 432321N0965636W 432135N0965638W 430641N0982946W 434358N0965911W 431248N0972203W 434144N0970148W 452307N0974554W 452323N0974900W 452543N0974938W 453121N0974209W 453120N0973825W 451754N0975321W 451701N0975735W 451607N0975322W 451152N0975408W 453425N0974248W 451822N0980117W 434213N1015109W 441528N1025828W 434946N1025644W 435140N0975115W 443648N1011730W 441336N1024343W 445256N1000711W 430706N0985930W 442008N1021034W 431930N0981445W 440452N0983748W 454951N099l728W 454849N0991710W 452128N0982100W 434938N1005640W 434821N1005754W 442150N0981952W 435144N0991445W 431731N0990634W 443500N1022810W 444951N1031857W 442435N1033031W 433345N0964949W 454906N1040000W 453102N1023841W 430859N0974302W 451529N0975738W 430842N0974154W 430617N0974515W 430735N0974145W 451635N0975432W 455102N1035330W 425709N0963034W 442407N1002413W 432305N0981010W 440336N1035859W 434630N0984629W 433853N0965905W 445816N0972928W 442407N1002413W SOURCE COORDINATES 434845N1030202W 455254N1035912W 425856N0963418W ELEV FT 1470 1472 1390 1418 1335 1523 1436 1608 1241 1432 1425 1785 1374 1352 1802 1629 1625 1782 1456 1640 2435 2980 1306 2638 1898 1492 1913 1778 1348 1585 1613 1618 SD187 MAP NAME Niobrara NW Imogene Kingsburg Kingsburg Kingsburg Kloucek Lake Turkey Ridge Marty Turkey Ridge Marty Marty Lennox NW Lennox NW Lake Andes Lennox NW Lennox Wagner SW Hartford North Turkey Ridge Humboldt Pierpont Pierpont Pierpont Britton 045W Britton 045W Andover SW Andover SW Andover SW Crandall Britton 045W Ferney School Section Butte Hereford SW Caputa SW Ness Chain Lakes Kirley Owanka NW Agar NE Bonesteel Creighton Delmont Wessington Springs SW Schumacher Lake Schumacher Lake Stratford Okaton SW Okaton SW Wolsey SE Pukwana Lucas SE White Owl Schoepp Flat Humbolt Hills Grandmas Butte Scotland Andover SW Tripp SE Scotland Andover SW Scott Creek Chatsworth Hillside Crows Nest Peak Wilson Dam Hartford North Henry Oahe Dam SDIBB FEATURE NAME Scout Island Scovil Township Scranton (historical) Scranton Township Scribner School See Kunefke School (historical) Scruton Mountain Seabury-Calkins Mine (historical) Seal Draw Seamore Gulch Sears Ranch Second Bull Creek Second Creek Second Creek Second Sand Creek Sedgewick Church See Sedgwick Church Sedgwick (historical) Sedgwick Church Sedgewick Church Sedlano Creek Seeley Ranch Seeps, The Sefrna School Sego Island (historical) Segregated Iron Hill Mine Seilers Dam Seim Township Selby Selby Union Cemetery Selina See Harrisburg Selting School Selvin Johnson Dam Seminole See Seneca ' Seneca Seminole Seneca Common School Seneca Falls See Saint Lawrence Seneca Township Senn School Serr School (historical) Seth Bullock Grave Seth R Smith Mine See 5 R Smith Mine Settin Up Creek Seven D Draw Sevenmile Corner Seven Mile Creek See Sevenmile Creek Sevenmile Creek Mosquito Creek Seven Mile Creek Sevenmile School Seven Sisters Range Seventh Day Adventist Church (historical) Seventh Day Church Seventy Flats Seventyone Table Seventysix Draw Seven-11 Ranch Severns School Sewer Branch Sexauer Park Shadehill Shadehill Dam Shadehill Dike Number 1 Shadehill Reservoir shadehill Reservoir Shadley Creek Shadly Creek Shady Creek FEATURE CLASS island civil locale civil school summit mine valley valley locale stream stream stream stream church locale church stream locale spring school island mine dam civil p91 cemetery ppl school dam ppl ppl school ppl civil school school cemetery mine stream valley locale stream stream school ridge church church flat summit valley locale school stream park ppl dam dam reservoir reservoir stream STATUS BGN ADMIN UNOFF ADMIN VARIANT BGN UNOFF BGN BGN UNOFF BGN BGN BGN BGN VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT BGN UNOFF BGN UNOFF BGN UNOFF UNOFP ADMIN BGN UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT BGN VARIANT UNOFF VARIANT ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT BGN BGN UNOFF VARIANT BGN VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF BGN UNOFF UNOFP BGN BGN BGN UNOFF UNOFF BGN ADMIN BGN UNOFF UNOFF BGN BGN BGN VARIANT VARIANT NATIONAL GAZETTEER--SOUTH DAKOTA 1989 COUNTY Brookings Jones Walworth Walworth Douglas Pennington Lawrence Harding Lawrence Pennington Meade Corson Stanley Harding Hyde Hyde Hyde Lyman Lawrence Custer Jerauld Yankton Lawrence Corson Perkins Walworth Walworth Lincoln Faulk Pennington Faulk Faulk Faulk Hand Faulk Brown Douglas Lawrence Lawrence Jackson Pennington Jackson Charles Mix Charles Mix Custer Fall River Clay Brown Lawrence Pennington Pennington Custer Corson Brown Brookings Perkins Perkins Perkins Perkins Perkins Tripp COORDINATES 442703N0965935W 435640N1005228W 451630N1001616W 451657N1001358W 432635N09B2510W 440234N1033133W 442430N1035130W 454919N1035628W 442248N1035629W 435829N1034514W 442616N1021838W 453315N1015417W 441152N0995629W 451036N1032257H 444557N0993150W 444658N0993138W 444557N0993150W 434205N1001157W 442117N1040142W 435018N1035310W 435935N0984237W 425105N0973234W 442400N1035125W 455315N1012314W 454800N1021720W 453023N1000154W 452938N1000223W 432553N0964149W 445954N0990341W 442124N1021124W 450342N0993042W 450342N0993042W 450237N0992813W 443104N0985615W 450115N0993005W 455247N0983102W 431840N0990855W 442235N1034317W 442029N1034215W 433046N1012522H 441635N1020700W 435009N1013936W 425957N0992928W 425957N0982928W 434139N1034205W 432340N1032902W 430130N0965030W 452735N0982841W 442500N1040225W 435114N1023108W 440855N1022313W 433116N1032416W 453035N1012203W 455517N0983203W 441905N0964815W 454556N1021044W 454509N1021205W 454436N1021224W 454509N1021205W 454436N1021224W 430606N1000126W SOURCE COORDINATES 454953N1040034W 442325N1035651W 442849N1022249W 453729N1015531W 441245N0995858H 451745N1032609W 435131N1002032W 432819N1013755W 441822N1021331W 430450N0982808W 440350N1021604W 425810N1001817W ELEV FT 5922 5600 1830 1809 5902 1798 5600 2204 1912 1519 1907 1399 1564 2489 1302 2895 2215 MAP NAME Bruce Okaton NE Moreau SB Akaska SW Silver City Spearfish Scott Creek Maurice Ditch Creek Dalzell NE Black Horse Butte Joe Creek NW Lone Tree Draw East Thomas Lake Thomas Lake Presho 4 NW 01d Baldy Mtn Dead Horse Flats Crow Lake Tabor SE Spearfish Hump Butte Haynes SB Selby Akaska NE Orient Creighton Seneca Onaka SW Seneca Bllendale South Delmont Deadwood North Short Bow Creek West Pedro SE Weta Marty Fourmile Hot Springs Beresford Aberdeen East Tinton Scenic Wasta NW Wind Cave Black Horse SE Ellendale South Brookinga Sommerville Sommerville Meadow NW Sommerville Meadow NW Keyapaha SE FEATURE NAME Shadly Creek See Shadley Creek shady Beach Shady Creek See Shadley Creek Shaefer Creek Shaffer School (historical) Shallow Lake See Cottonwood Lake Shambo Ranch Landing Field Shamrock Number 1 Lode Mine Shaner Township shanha River See Cheyenne River Shank (historical) Shanks Gulch Shank Township (historical) Shannon County Shannons Creek See Bull Creek Sharon (historical) Sharon Township (historical) Sharon Township Sharpe, Lake Big Bend Reservoir Sharping Lake Sharpings Lake Sharpings Lake See Sharping Lake Sharpings Lake Dam Sharp Ranch Sharp School See Little Brook School (historical) Sharps Corner Sharp State Public Shooting Area Shaw Shaw Shaw Shaw (historical) Creek Creek Creek Recreation Area Shaw Lateral Shaw School (historical) Sheep Buttes See Sheep Mountain Sheep Camp Draw Sheep Canyon Sheep Creek Sheep Creek Sheep Creek sheep Draw Sheep Draw Sheep Draw Sheep Flats (historical) Sheep Mountain Sheep Mountain Sheep Buttes Sheep Mountain Table Sheet Mountain Table Sheep Pen Draw Sheeps Trail (historical) Sheeptail Gulch sheep Wagon Spring Sheet Mountain Table See Sheep Mountain Table Sheffield Sheffield Lateral Shelby Shelby Post Office (historical) Shelby Township Sheldon Creek See Sand Coulee Sheldon School Sheldon Township Sheldon Trailor Town (subdivision) Shephard Ranch FEATURE CLASS stream 991 stream stream school lake airport mine civil stream locale valley civil civil stream locale civil civil reservoir lake lake dam locale school locale park ppl stream stream park canal school summit valley valley stream stream stream valley valley valley locale summit summit summit valley locale valley spring summit locale canal 991 building civil valley school civil ppl locale NATIONAL GAZETTEER--SOUTH DAKOTA 1989 STATUS VARIANT BGN VARIANT BGN UNOFF VARIANT ADMIN UNOFF ADMIN VARIANT UNOFF BGN ADMIN ADMIN VARIANT UNOFF ADMIN ADMIN US 1963 VARIANT BGN VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF ADMIN BGN BGN BGN ADMIN BGN UNOFF VARIANT BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN UNOFF BGN BGN 1970 VARIANT COUNTY Tripp Roberts Tripp Hand Sanborn Jerauld Corson Custer Stanley Stanley Turner Pennington Turner Shannon Lyman Hutchinson Hutchinson Hutchinson Buffalo Brule Brule Brule Lyman Deuel Shannon Deuel Clay Campbell Harding Campbell Butte Clay Harding Custer Fall River Harding Harding Perkins Custer Fall River Harding Lawrence Harding Harding Shannon Harding Lawrence Lawrence Custer Shannon Beadle Butte Buffalo Brown Brown Harding Sanborn Haakon Brookings Custer COORDINATES 430606N1000126W 452413N0963754W 430606N1000126W 444359N0985059W 440315N0975930W 441135N0984526W 453200N1015000W 434550N1033300W 442800N1004315W 444600N1004200W 432813N0965532W 440307N1032141W 432803N0970201W 432110N1023300W 434104N0992750H 431341N0974947W 431453N0975523W 431732N0974822W 440306N0992707W 434749N0990806W 434749N0990806W 434749N0990806W 434944N0992559W 445325N0964425W 432323N1022353W 445341N0964431W 430445N0970930W 454740N1002107W 455055N1035300W 454751N1002036W 443709N1032652W 430445N0970625W 451656N1030319W 433952N1030014W 431819N1034537W 455602N1040013W 453540N1032355W 451019N1025233W 434532N1032735W 430811N104022BW 452153N1035819W 442210N1035900W 453947N1033644H 451656N1030319W‘ 434206N1023435W 454025N1031836W 442223N1033958W 442242N1034633W 433914N1040138W 434206N1023435W 442447N0980425W 444229N1031939W 435653N0991113W 454319N0980824H 454245N0981146W 452428N1034808W 435525N0975624W 440705N1013434W 441608N0964857W 433714N1033044W SOURCE COORDINATES 444936N0991018W 440441N1032403W 45464BN1001758W 454531N1040041W 434121N1030229W 432116N1034503W 455954N1040703W 453958N1033719W 452036N1030541W 434453N1032828W 430450N1040247H 452325N1035418W 454343N1032005W 442203N1034836W ELEV FT 1080 2500 5360 1505 1377 1420 1563 1400 1610 5640 3585 3377 3176 5000 1296 1473 1296 1307 1586 SD189 MAP NAME Big Stone Lake West Burdette Artesian Twin Butte Custer Lacy Lennox NW Rapid City West Parker NE Rockyford SB Kaylor Tripp Parkston SE Big Bend Dam Pukwana Pukwana Oacoma Sharpes Corner Tunerville Wakonda Pollock SE Scott Creek Pollock SE Vale Wakonda Fairburn NE Flint Hill Snider Hill Sheep Pen Draw SN Zeona Iron Mountain Coffee Flats Gustave Savoy McKenzie Butte Sheep Mountain Sheep Mtn Table Sheep Pen Draw Deadwood South Spearfish Clifton Huron NE Vale NE Shelby Daly Corners Daly Corners Farwell NW Philip ss Brookings Pringle 50190 FEATURE NAME Shepherd Flat Sheps Canyon Sheps Canyon School Sheridan (historical) Sheridan Lake Sheridan Lake Dam Sheridan Township Sheriff Dam Sheriff Number 1 Dam Sheriff Reservoir Sherman See Sherman Sherman Sherman Sherman Sherman Sherman Sherman Sherman Oacoma Cemetery Park Park Mounds School Township Township Township Sherman Township Sherman Township See Kilborn Township Sherwood Canyon Sherwood-Kinney Divide Sherwood State Public Shooting Area Sheyenne River See Cheyenne River Shichah River See Bad River Shick Ranch Shick River See Bad River Shiloh Post Office (historical) Shindler Shindler School Shingle Creek Shirley Miller Dam Shirttail Canyon Shirttail Gulch Shoe Creek See Shue Creek Shoemaker Dam Shumaker Dam Short Branch Creek Short Creek Short Creek Laurel Creek Zephyr Creek Shortfoot Creek Short Fork Short Pine Cemetery Short Pines See East Short Pine Hills Short Pines Gas Field Shorty Draw Shottenkirk Lake shrank School shrank School See Gardeman School Shue Creek Shoe Creek Shue Creek Cemetery Shue Creek Township (historical) Shultz School Number 2 (historical) Shumaker Dam See shoemaker Dam Shyenne River See Cheyenne River Shyne Lake Shyne Township Shyne 1 Dam Siamental Cemetery Sibley Ford See Rodee Ford (historical) Sickels Ranch (historical) FEATURE CLASS flat valley school ppl reservoir dam civil dam dam reservoir pp1 991 cemetery park locale school civil oivil civil civil civil valley ridge park stream stream locale stream building locale school stream dam valley valley stream dam stream stream stream stream stream cemetery range locale valley reservoir school school stream cemetery civil school dam stream reservoir civil dam cemetery locale locale NATIONAL GAZETTEER--SOUTH DAKOTA 1989 STATUS BGN BGN UNOFF BGN BGN 1947 UNOFF ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF BGN VARIANT BGN UNOFF ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN VARIANT BGN BGN ADMIN VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN UNOFF BGN BGN VARIANT UNOFF VARIANT BGN BGN BGN VARIANT VARIANT BGN BGN UNOFP VARIANT UNOFF BGN BGN UNOFF VARIANT BGN 1898 VARIANT UNOFF ADMIN UNOFF u VARIANT VARIANT BGN ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF COUNTY Meade Fall River Fall River Pennington Pennington Pennington Codington Jones Jones Jones Lyman Minnehaha Minnehaha Minnehaha Minnehaha Lincoln Brookings Campbell Corson Faulk Grant Pennington Pennington Clark Stanley Stanley Pennington Stanley Sully Lincoln Lincoln Gregory Meade Custer Lawrence Beadle Davison Fall River Butte Lyman Sargent (ND) Custer Harding Harding Harding Custer Aurora Douglas Douglas Beadle Beadle Beadle Jerauld Davison Stanley Pennington Pennington Pennington Hutchinson Sanborn Fall River COORDINATES 441835N1022209W 431948N1032637W 432051N1033246W 435837N1032812W 435830N1032702W 435830N1032702W 445015N0970345W 440700N1002600W 440724N1002600W 440700N1002600W 434746N0992343W 434533N0962833W 434451N0962923W 433221N0964556W 433215N0964610W 432227N0964714W 442445N0963500H 454440N0995600W 454700N1014730W 451143N0993005W 451633N0964841W 435303N1040541W 435428N1040210W 450156N0974612W 444600N1004200W 442116N1002203W 440347N1034841W 442116N1002203W 443432N1001724W 432830N0963854W 432739N0964013W 425718N0992541W 450154N1024800W 433253N1033344W 442221N1040228W 442630N0980654W 433220N0980618W 430108N1033850W 445624N1035441W 435943N0992153W 455959N0971655W 434537N1034901H 452452N1034830w 452233N1034152W 452400N1035535W 433943N1030054W 434851N0983028W 432905N0981615W 432635N0981555W 442630N0980654W 442658N0930421W 443130N0980200W 440031N0983045W 433220N0980618W 444600N1004200W 440703N1022739W 440705N1022500W 440700N1022730W 431249N0974819W 435927N0980523W 431954N1030359W SOURCE COORDINATES FT 432046N1033235W 3271 3920 4720 4624 1495 1410 1384 435416N1040120W 1750 1403 430211N0992503W 433633N1033511W 442209N1040306W 430045N1033214M 445659N1035928W 435931N0992839W 454954N0972415W 434702N1034906W 3900 434121N1030228W 1614 444024N0974901W 1309 1475 1363 3199 ELEV MAP NAME Dalzell SE Angostura Reservoir Cascade Springs Mount Rushmore Mount Rushmore Mount Rushmore Watertown SE Pierre 3 SW Pierre 3 SW Pierre 3 SW Jasper Garretson Bast Sioux Falls West Sioux Falls West Worthing White NE Zeeland SW Thunder Hawk SE Tolstoy Moon Moon Crocker Deerfield Okobojo SE Harrisburg Harrisburg Mills Beverly Creek Pringle 01d Baldy Mtn Shoemaker Dam Ardmore Mud Buttes NW Bedashosha Lake Lidgerwood (ND) Signal Hill Harding J K Butte Fairburn NB Wilmarth Lake Corsica Lake Huron NE Huron NE Lake Byron SE Wessington Springs Wasta Wasta Waste Kaylor Hay Canyon Butte FEATURE NAME Side Camp Spring siding Eleven See Warbonnet Sidney Creek Sidney School Sidney Stockdale (historical) sieche Hollow Bad Hollow Sieche Hollow State Park Sieler Dam Sigel (historical) Sigel Church Signal Butte White Clay Hill Signal Hill Signal Knob Signal Township Silex See Vayland Silex (historical) Silver City Blkhorn Prairie silver Creek Silver Creek Silver Silver Silver Silver Silver Silver Creek Creek Creek Creek Creek Cemetery Creek Township Forestburg Township Silver Lake Silver Lake Silver Lake Silver Silver Silver Lake Lake Lake (historical) Church Silver Lake School Silver Lake Township (historical) Silver Lake Township Silver Mountain Silver Peak Silver Queen Mine New Silver Queen Mine Queen Mina silver Ridge Cemetery Silver Spring Silver Valley Addition (subdivision) Simkins Draw Simmon Lake Simmons Junior High School Simmons School Simmons School Simmons School Number 3 (historical) Simms Creek Simon Dam Simoneaus Island See Fort George Island (historical) Simone Brothers Dam Simon School Simons Dam Simona Pond Dam Simpson Brothers Dam Simpson Lake (historical) Sims School Sinai Sinai, Lake Sinai Cemetery Singsaas Church Singsass Lutheran Church singsaas Slough State Wildlife Management Area Singsass Lutheran Church See Singsaas Church FEATURE CLASS spring locale stream school locale valley park dam locale church summit summit summit civil ppl locale ppl stream stream stream stream stream stream cemetery civil lake lake lake lake locale church school civil civil summit summit mine cemetery spring 1291 valley lake school school school school stream dam island lake school p91 lake cemetery church park church NATIONAL GAZETTEER--SOUTH DAKOTA 1989 STATUS BGN VARIANT BGN UNOFF UNOFF BGN VARIANT ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN VARIANT BGN BGN ADMIN VARIANT UNOFF BGN VARIANT BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN UNOFF ADMIN VARIANT BGN BGN BGN BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN ADMIN BGN BGN UNOFF VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF BGN BGN BGN 1981 BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFP BGN UNOFF BGN BGN UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT ADMIN VARIANT COUNTY Custer Pennington Custer Perkins Meade Roberts Marshall Pennington Yankton Yankton Meade Custer Pennington Charles Mix Hand Hand Pennington Beadle Bon Homme Lake Minnehaha Pennington Pennington Sanborn Sanhorn Brule Hutchinson Marshall Miner Lincoln Hutchinson Lincoln Hutchinson Hutchinson Pennington Pennington Lawrence Aurora Pennington Minnehaha Pennington Marshall Brown Brown Lincoln Jerauld Mellette Potter Hughes Perkins Pennington Potter Fall River Perkins Douglas Aurora Brookings Brookings Brookings Brookings Deuel Brookings COORDINATBS 434704N1040017W 435957N1030758W 434558N1033428W 454150N1024440H 441132N1032228W 454647N0971041W 454429N0971355W 440724N1020318W 430124N0972450W 430221N0972518W 450212N1022521W 434914N1035032W 440114N1034342W 431520N0985300W 442937N0984755W 443006N0984907W 440504N1033348W 441604N0983343W 425221N0974936W 435957N0970608W 433553N0964352W 440709N1034151W 440151N1035037W 440435N0980859W 440353N0980901W 434617N0990335W 432657N0972436W 454914N0972744W 440201N0972342W 430736N0964444W 432653N0972517W 430619N0964448W 432755N0973037W 432756N0972701W 435645N1032417W 440427N1033507W 441850N1038330W 433510N0982516W 440143N1035311W 433201N0964826W 435210N1033937W 454311N0972031W 452706N0982935W 452656N0982934W 432923N0963934W 440733N0983155W 434026N1011306W 451048N0994718W 441810N1000340W 45374BN1020800W 440642N1023517W 451046N0994728W 431242N1040254W 453700N1025130W 432345N09B2440W 434906N0984629W 441440N0970226W 441605N0970412W 441445N0970325W 443134N0962753W 443521N0963146W 443134N0962753W SOURCE COORDINATES 434519N1033549W 454435N0971425W 442331N0984748W 425913N0975113W 435958N0970930W 434742N0963945W 441104N1034413W 440204N1035421W 433902N1011023W ELEV PT 3980 1295 3012 6483 6220 1510 4600 1293 1615 1431 1906 1457 1476 5405 5810 5160 1646 1473 1891 1440 1903 1520 1667 1770 1719 SD191 MAP NAME Fanny Peak Cicero Peak Little Nasty Creek Blackhawk Claire City SW Whitestone Lake Elm Creek Ranch Jamesvilla Jamesville Signal Butte Signal Hill Rochford Castalia Miller SE Silver City Wessington SE Santee Lake Madison Sioux Falls East Rochford Daerfield Porestburg SW Forestburg SW Pukwana SE Dolton Hillhead Oldham SW Alcester NW Dalton Alcester Clayton NE Dolton Mount Rushmore Silver City Deadwood South Stickney Crows Nest Peak Sioux Falls West Berne South Red Iron Lake Aberdeen East Aberdeen East Harrisburg Wessington Springs NE Cedar Butte NW Hoven Meadow NW Owanka Hoven Coffee Flats Prairie City Corsica Wilson Dam Sinai Lake Sinai Sinai Hendricks Astoria SD192 FEATURE NAME Sioux Council Boy Scout Reservation Sioux Creek Squaw Tepee Falls Falls Falls Falls Falls Creek Canyon Creek Sioux Sioux Sioux Sioux Sioux Weir College Diversion Channel Diversion Dam and Sioux Falls Junction Sioux Falls Municipal Airport See Joe Foss Field (airport) Falls Township Park Sanitorium School Township Valley Church Sioux Sioux Sioux Sioux Sioux Sioux Sioux Sioux Sioux Sioux Valley Hospital Valley Landing Strip Valley School Valley Township Sioux Village (subdivision) Sioux Wood River See Bois de Sioux River Sisseton Sisseton Cemetery See Saint Peters Cemetery Sisseton City Wells Sisseton Municipal Airport Sisseton Township Sisseton Township Sisseton-Wahpeton Indian Reservation - in part See Farmington Township sisseton-Wahpeton Indian Reservation - in part See Blooming Valley Township Sitka Sittig Airstrip Sitting Bull See Mystic Sitting Bull Mine Sitting Bulls Grave Sixmile Creek Six Mile Creek Six Mile Creek See sixmile Creek Sixmile Draw Sixmile Lake Sixteen, Lake Sixteenmile Creek Skandinavian Baptist Church (historical) Skeleton Island Skis Air Service Landing Field Skjold Post Office (historical) Skresfrud Church skudesnes Church Skull Butte Skull Creek Skull Creek Dam Skull Gulch Skunk Creek Skunk Island See Cadotte Island (historical) Skunk Island Sky Haven Airpark See Great Planes Field (airport) Skyline Heights (subdivision) Sky Lode Mine FEATURE CLASS park stream falls ppl school reservoir dam locale airport civil park hospital school civil church hospital airport school civil ppl stream p91 cemetery well airport civil civil civil civil locale airport locale mine cemetery stream stream reservoir stream church island airport building church church summit stream dam valley stream island island airport 991 mine NATIONAL GAZETTEER--SOUTH DAKOTA 1989 STATUS ADMIN BGN 1973 VARIANT VARIANT BGN BGN 1943 UNOFF BGN UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT ADMIN ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN UNOFF ADMIN BGN VARIANT BGN VARIANT UNOFF ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF ADMIN VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF BGN VARIANT VARIANT BGN BGN BGN BGN UNOFF BGN ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN UNOPF BGN BGN VARIANT BGN VARIANT BGN UNOFF COUNTY Yankton Harding Minnehaha Minnehaha Minnehaha Minnehaha Minnehaha Moody Minnehaha Minnehaha Pennington Pennington Lyman Lyman Moody Minnehaha Moody Gregory Union Pennington Roberts Roberts Roberts Roberts Roberts Marshall Roberts Grant Grant Walworth Minnehaha Pennington Pennington Corson Brookings Brookings Pennington Marshall Brule Jackson Miner Roberts Lincoln Deuel Lincoln Day Corson Harding Harding Pennington Minnehaha Buffalo Roberts Lincoln Minnehaha Custer COORDINATES 425220N0973605W 4534$1N1032036W 433320N0964321W 433300N0964200W 433155NO964417W 433600N0964415W 433600N0964413W 435845N0964121W 433453N0964429W 433214N0964203W 440428N1031551W 440436N1031616H 434813N1001634W 434628N1001645W 435215N0963839W 433208N0964433W 435900N0964700W 430337N0993050W 425345N0963530W 440652N1031302W 461552N0963554W 453953N097025EW 454001N0970209W 453930N0965918W 454015N0965945W 453732N0973932W 454147N0970303W 451338N0970302W 451446N0970915W 453101N1001109W 433736N0963850W 440437N1033828W 435408N1032605W 453101N1002905W 441732N0965054W 441732N0965054W 435456N1034932W 454430N0972818W 434307N0985120W 434211N1015015W 440913N0972846W 452014N0962900W 431800N0965000W 443335N0962740W 430924N0964914W 452911N0974025W 454627N1014023W 453837N1030149W 454012N1030212W 440207N1033728W 433134N0964615W 441113N0993347W 454441N0963949W 432727N0964806W 433625N0964541W 435047N1033723W SOURCE ELEV COORDINATES FT 1463 453139N1031228w 1442 1515 1678 2309 3370 1204 1161 1490 4300 443352N0963832W 435616N1034542W 1805 434512N1015423W 1696 1312 1795 1846 2370 454412N1031002W 440127N1033643W 435512N0965746W 1520 6200 MAP NAME Tabor SE Sheep Pen Draw SE Falls Falls Falls Falls Falls Sioux Sioux Sioux Sioux Sioux East East East East East Trent Sioux Falls East Rapid City West Rapid City West Vivian SE Vivian SE Dell Rapids Sioux Falls East Colman Paxton Nora Rapid City East Sisseton Peever NW Peever NW Britten 4 NW Sisseton Selby SW Renner Mount Rushmore Mobridge Brookings Ditch Creek Lake City Platte Lake School Section Butte Oldham NW Ortonville Northing Hendricks Beresford NE Lynn Lake Skull Butte Reva NE Reva NE Silver City Sioux Falls West Beardsley NW Sioux Falls West Custer FEATURE NAME Sky Ranch See Sky Ranch for Boys Sky Ranch for Boys Sky Ranch Sky Ranch for Boys Airstrip Slabtown (historical) Sladek Dam Slash Five Spring Slate Creek Slate Creek Slate Creek Dam slate Prairie Slate Prairie Church Slate Prairie School Slate Spring Draw slather Slough Slather Slough State Wildlife Management Area Slaughter Creek Mosquito Creek Slaughterhouse Canyon Slaughterhouse Gulch slaughter Reservoir Slavonian Mine Glover Sled Canyon Sletten School Sletten School Slick Creek See North Slick Creek Slick Creek South Slick Creek Stick Creek Slick Creek Slim Butte Slim Butte Slim Butte Creek Slim Butte Monument Slim Buttes slim Buttes Church Slim Buttes Township (historical) Slim Butte Township Slip-up Creek Sloan Brothers Ranch Sluiter Drain Sly Hill Sly Number 1 Dan Smake Creek See Rattlesnake Creek Smalley (historical) Smaltz Brothers Dam Smelser Creek Smiley Creek Smith and Brost Number 1 Dam Smith Andy Number 1 Dam Smith Bay Smith Brothers Landing Strip See Vivian Landing Strip Smith Creek Smith Creek Smith Creek Smith Creek Creamery (historical) Smith Dan Smith Smith Smith Smith Lake Smith Lake Smith Mountain Smith Number 1 Dam Smith Ranch Smith Ranch Smith Ranch Gillettes Ranch Draw Draw Gulch Smith Ranch (historical) FEATURE CLASS locale locale airport locale dam spring stream stream dam flat church school valley swamp park stream valley valley reservoir mine valley school school stream stream stream summit locale stream park range church civil civil stream locale stream summit dam stream locale dam stream stream dam dam bay airport stream stream stream locale dam valley valley valley lake lake summit dam locale locale locale locale NATIONAL GAZETTEER--SOUTH DAKOTA 1939 STATUS VARIANT UNOFF VARIANT ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF BGN BGN BGN UNOFF BGN UNOFF UNOFF BGN BGN ADMIN BGN VARIANT BGN BGN BGN UNOFF VARIANT BGN UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT BGN VARIANT VARIANT BGN BGN UNOFF BGN ADMIN BGN UNOFF ADMIN ADMIN BGN UNOFF BGN BGN UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF BGN BGN UNOFF UNOFF BGN VARIANT BGN BGN BGN UNOFP UNOFF BGN BGN 1982 BGN BGN BGN BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF COUNTY Harding Harding Harding Lawrence Brule Harding Butte Pennington Pennington Pennington Pennington Pennington Fall River Roberts Roberts Charles Mix Fall River Lawrence Butte Lawrence Pennington Turner Yankton Harding Harding Perkins Shannon Shannon Shannon Harding Harding Harding Harding Fall River Minnehaha Butte Douglas Meade Charles Mix ziebach Walworth Perkins Corson Harding Jones Mellette Corson Lyman Brule Brule Harding Brule Harding Harding Pennington Pennington Brule Codington Pennington Custer Custer Custer Custer Custer COORDINATES 452845N1040130W 452845N1040130W 452959N1094001W 441250N1033317W 435236N0990448W 452547N1031149W 445102N1035255W 440459N1033650W 440220N1033726W 440133N1034415W 440039N1034259W 440112N1034329W 432246N1032117W 454714N0965650W 454720N0965702W £25451N0982215w 432427N1032620W 442446N1034148W 444403N1040009W 442115N1034440W 435153N1035909W l326l6N0970047W 430845N0971418H 453957N1035811W 453922N1035636W 455455N1024424W 430517N1025521W 430434N1024913W 431147N1024853W 453237N1030727W 452921N1031123W 453243N1030157W 452521N1031109W 430444N1030932W 433600N0963916W 445908N1040156W 432821N0934403W 442535N1033l33w 432736N0984706W 444159N1014251W 452430N1001336W 451606N1023412W 452915N1002706W 454124N1035413W 434812N1005254W 433336N1004848W 453357N1002925W 435553N1001953W 435719N0991¢55fl 433609N0991735W 455010N1034047H 433315N0985058W 454941N1031158W 452453N1035410W 435320N1035145W 440721N1034351W 433307N0990113W 445813N0971428W 435720N1033657W 433942N1031612W 434244N1034643W 434200N1035032W 433704N1033129W 434730N1033100W SOURCE COORDINATES 445004N1035829W 435626N1034608W 431755N1031704W 430211N0982112W 432433N1032809W 442348N1034410W 435439N1040023W 430416N1031054W 434747N0964025W 432354N0983947W 452926N1002936W 453940N1034928W 440857N0984317W 433722N0991833W 455115N1034443W 452352N1035357W 440608N1034633W ELEV PT 3200 4020 6014 5040 1456 3224 3012 3080 3009 3917 1900 1596 1630 1736 5897 5280 SD193 MAP NAME Capitol Capitol Nemo Pukwana NE J B Hill Bull Creek Butte Silver City Silver City Rochford Rochford Rochford Buffalo Gap New Effington New Effington Lynch NE Hot Springs Deadwood North The Forks Deadwood South Dead Horse Flats Parker NE Center Point Caroline Butte Hettinger South Slim Butte SW Slim Butte Slim Butte NE Reva J B Hill Reva J B Hill Oelrichs SW Sioux Falls East Gravel Draw Joubert Sturgis Platte Akaska NW Rabbit Butte Mobridge Caroline Butte Okaton SW White River West Mobridge Shelby Bond Bottom Ladner Pukwana NE Ralph SW J K Butte Ditch Creek Rochford Eagle Watertown West Hill City Butcher Hill Jewel Cave Jewel Cave Pringle Custer SD194 FEATURE NAME Smith Ranch Smith School Smith School Number 3 See Hall School Smiths Mine See Esmond Smiths Park Smith Spreader Dam Smith Township Smithwick Smithwick Cemetery Smithwick Township Smoke Creek See Chapelle Creek Smoker Gulch Smoky Run Smyth School Snake Bench Snake Butte Butte Butte Snake Snake Snake Butte School Snake Butte Township (historical) Snake Creek Snake Creek Snake Creek Snake Creek Snake Creek Snake Creek Snake Creek Snake Creek - in part See West Plum Creek Snake Creek Crossing See Platte-Winner Bridge Snatch Creek Snatch Creek Recreation Area 5 Nicholas Ranch Snoma Cemetery Snoma School Snook Dam Snookum Lode Mine See Custer Mountain Lode Mine ‘ Snow Dam Snow Lake Snow Mound School (historical) Snowstorm Mine (historical) Snyders Ranch (historical) Soap Hole Spring Sobek Lake So Oak Park See South Dakota Park Soda Spar Mine Mountain Lion Mine Sodrac Park Soft Water Creek Soft Water Creek See Plum Creek Soft Water Draw Soft Water Township (historical) Soholt Draw Soholt Ranch Solberg Cemetery Solberg School Number 1 (historical) Soldier Creek Crow Creek Soldier Creek Soldier Creek Soldier Creek Soldiers Spring Solheim School (abandoned) Solitary Island See Saint Johns Island (historical) Solomon Gulch Solomon Slough FEATURE CLASS locale school school p91 ppl dam civil ppl cemetery civil stream valley stream school bench summit summit summit school civil stream stream stream stream stream stream locale stream bridge stream park locale cemetery school dam mine dam swamp school mine locale spring reservoir 991 mine park stream stream valley civil valley locale cemetery school stream stream stream locale spring school island valley lake STATUS UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT VARIANT BGN UNOFF ADMIN BGN UNOFF ADMIN VARIANT BGN BGN UNOFF BGN BGN BGN BGN UNOFF ADMIN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN UNOFF VARIANT VARIANT BGN ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF BGN UNOFF UNOFP UNOFP BGN BGN VARIANT UNOFF VARIANT ADMIN BGN VARIANT BGN ADMIN BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN VARIANT BGN BGN ONOFF BGN UNOFF VARIANT BGN BGN NATIONAL GAZETTEER--SOUTH DAKOTA 1989 COUNTY Jackson Brule Jerauld Kingsbury Lake Harding Brule Fall River Fall River Fall River Hughes Pennington Yankton Moody Meade Butte Hughes Jackson Hughes Hughes Charles Mix Corson Harding Lincoln Spink Stanley Corson Haakon Charles Mix Bon Homme Bon Homme Lawrence Butte Butte Meade Custer Tripp Brule Deual Lawrence Custer Harding Brule Roberts Pennington Union Meade Meade Harding Meade Pennington Pennington Jerauld Jerauld Buffalo Corson Todd Todd Lawrence Spink Lyman Pennington Day COORDINATES 434703N1012532W 434258N0990528W 435740N0984011W 441544N0974616W 435606N0965948W 454942N1031200W 434251N0990533W 431805N1031304W 431718N1031623W 432023N1030914W 441633N0995525W 440604N1033124W 425644N0971421W 440633N0964345W 442942N1033228W 445857N1031236W 442539N1002145W 432550N1015545W 441927N0994438W 441858N0994250W 432333N0990729W 453622N1003246W 452153N1033328W 431239N0965108W 445735N0982941W 443420N1004050W 453505N1003$08W 443444N1012729W 432310N0990759W 425252N0974809W 425255N0974756W 442954N1040039W 443759N1034104W 443851N1034133W 442730N1022800W 434520N1033354W 433312N0994112W 433525N0985631W 443635N0963115W 442025N1034950W 433121N1034437W 453218N1031128W 434822N0985758W 452503N0964202W 435130N1032252W 423117N0963016W 443738N1025345W 445626N1024705W 451943N1032645W 444338N1025314W 440339N1035338W 440342N1035333W 435851N0982703W 440037N0992833W 440328N0992644W 454205N1012141W 431907N1005302W 431925N1005316W 442548N1040144W 445436NO982212W 441118N0994208W 440743N1034450W 451550N0972451W SOURCE COORDINATES 440545N1033217W 430905N0972249W 432351N0991251W 452900N1005016W 452211N1033631W 432003N0964714W 453651N0985111W 443458N1004409W 430902N0975359W 444245N1024507W 452135N1033646W 440546N103$340W 441105N0993l48W 454710N1012514W 431312N1004507W 440607N1034656W ELEV FT 1687 1610 3250 1671 3072 1922 3195 1866 1240 2936 1790 6200 4470 4650 1385 1286 MAP NAME Belvidere SW Bijou Hills NE Wentworth Ralph SW Red Lake East Smithwick Hot Springs SE Smithwick Silver City Gayville Flandreau SW Sturgis Deers Ears Butte South Pierre NE Hisle NW Chapelle Lake SW Chapelle Lake SW Academy Wakpala SE Redig Beresford NE Ashton Iron Post Buttes SW Wakpala SE Tyndall Tyndall Tinton Fruitdale Fruitdale Dalzell NW King Dam Snow Lake Astoria Lead Argyle Battleship Rock Kimball North Iron Mountain Jefferson Fairpoint NW Roundup Butte Fairpoint NW Crows Nest Peak Crows Nest Peak Fraser Dam Lane Big Bend Dam Black Horse NB Soldier Creek Soldier Creek Tinton Frankfort Minnesota Ridge Waubay SW FEATURE NAME Sommerville Song Hawk Lake Sonnenschein Number 1 Dam Sonnenschein Number 2 Dam Sonnenschein Number 3 Dam Sonny Boy Lode Mine Soo Creek Soper Ranch Sophia Creek Sorenson Lateral Sorghum Flat Sorum Sorum Addition (subdivision) Sorum Dam Strool Dam Serum Heights (subdivision) Sorum School Soske Dam Sourdough Draw Sourdough Flats South Antelope Spring South Beaver Creek South Beaver Creek See Little Beaver Creek South Beaver Creek Little Beaver Creek South Fork Beaver Creek South Beaver Valley Cemetery Beaver Valley Pioneer Cemetery South Bend (historical) South Bogus Jim Creek South Bon Homme State Public Shooting Area South Boxelder Creek South Branch Blacktail Creek South Branch Cedar Creek South Branch Dry Creek South Branch Duck Creek South Branch Green Creek South Branch Creek South Branch South Branch Pine Creek South Branch Prairie Creek South Bull Creek South Buttes Dam South Canal South Canyon South Canyon Country Estates (subdivision) Grummit Canyon Lonetree Creek South Canyon School South Cave Hills South Chapelle Creek South Clark School South Coteau Lake Altamont Lake Cottonwood Creek Creek Creek Creek Church South South South South South Creek School South Creek Township South Creighton School South Dakota Hand Grazing Association Dam South Dakota Komes 1 Dam South Dakota Park 50 Dak Park South Dakota School for the Blind South Dakota School of Mines South Dakota State University University South Dakota State University Pasture Research Center South Dam FEATURE CLASS ppl lake dam dam dam mine stream locale stream canal flat pp! ppl dam ppl school dam valley flat spring stream stream stream cemetery locale stream park stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream dam canal valley Ppl school range stream school lake stream stream stream church school civil school dam dam ppl school school school school dam NATIONAL GAZETTEER--SOUTH DAKOTA 1989 STATUS BGN BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN UNOFF BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN UNOFF VARIANT BGN UNOFF UNOFF BGN BGN BGN BGN VARIANT BGN 1898 VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF BGN ADMIN BGN 1969 BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN 1975 BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN UNOFF BGN BGN BEN UNOFF BGN BGN UNOFF VARIANT BGN BGN BGN UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF COUNTY Perkins Charles Mix Stanley Stanley Stanley Custer Codington Custer Ziebach ( Butte Fall River Perkins Hinnehaha Perkins Minnehaha Perkins Fall River Custer Butte Custer Laurence Lincoln Lincoln Minnehaha Lawrence Pennington Bon Homme Lawrence Shannon Lyman Hutchinson Harding Union Butte Hutchinson Mellette Pennington Harding Harding Butte Pennington Pennington Pennington Harding Hughes Faulk Deuel Butte Haakon Jones Jackson Jackson Jones Pennington Hyde Meade Roberts Brown Pennington Brookings Faulk Fall River COORDINATES 454629N1021029W 425539N0982008W 442724N1003830W 443518N1003312W 442424N1003724W 434423N1033215W 450614N0970944W 433735N1035511W 451338N1013744W 444037N1033059W 431631N1033630W 452659N1025544W 433904N0964247W 452624N1025312W 433915N0964231W 452651N1025433W 430542N1034006W 434630N1034752W 444040N1035823W 434800N1035406W 442103N1040133W 431603N0963432W 431710N0963549W 433333N0963212W 442227N1032325W 440729N1032850W 425722N0975609W 441148N1033201W 431226N1025458W 440843N1000940W 432135N0974915W 452053N1032730W 430027N0963137W 444206N1040028W 431351N0974053W 433156N1005324W 440227N1032904W 454804N1033716W 451954N1031130H 443827N1032923W 440521N1031809W 440607N1032145W 440504N1031703W 454435N1033226W 441800N0995320W 451021N0992210W 444945N0964335W 451229N1030905W 440104N1012115W 440547N1010047W 435613N1012758W 435612N1012859W 440153N1005835W 441621N1021002W 443818N0992112W 443336N1030424W 452503NO964202W 452653N0982852W 440425N1031220W 441910N0964717W 451204N0991228W 432812N1030430W SOURCE COORDINATES 451022N0970115W 451741N1014105W 435138N1034544W 442027N1040122W 431703N0964428W 440700N1033121W 441030N1034021W 430817N1030805W 440638N1001733W 431607N0980225W 452330N1033251W 425900N0963441W 444120N1040510W 431754N0975925W 432756N1010326W 440130N1033042W 454912N1034457W 440545N1032229W 442020N0993257W 451232N1031633W 435458N1012936W 435659N1010354W ELEV PT 2265 1312 5200 2815 1455 1480 4880 4125 1828 2420 2396 1045 SD195 MAP NAME Sommerville Lynch NE Lacy Iron Post Buttes SB Willow Creek Butte Cicero Peak Still Lake Jewel Cave NW Thunder Butte Nisland Cascade Springs Serum Renner Sorum Renner Serum Ardmore Signal Hill Sourdough Flats Dead Horse Flats Old Baldy Mtn Canton Brandon Lead Piedmont Kingsburg Nemo Slim Butte NW Ft George Butte NW Parkston SE Roundup Butte Alcester SE The Forks Scotland Murdo 3 SW Pactola Dam Ladner SB Irish Butte Neuell Rapid City West Rapid City West Rapid City West McKenzie Butte De Grey Clark Lake Clear Lake North Porter Creek Neulin Midland SE Belvidere NW Belvidere NW Capa Creighton Highmore N B Volunteer SE Big Stone Lake West Aberdeen Bast Rapid City East Brookings Norbeck Smithwick NE SD196 FEATURE NAME south South South South Detroit Township Double R Creek Elrod Cemetery End South South Forest City Township Fork Bad River Bad River South Fork Bear Gulch South Fork Beaver Creek See South Beaver Creek South Fork Blackteil Creek South Fork Castle Creek South Fork Cedar Creek South Fork Cheyenne River See Cheyenne River South Fork Crooked Creek South Fork French Creek South Fork French Creek South Fork Grand River See Pine Spring Creek South Fork Grand River South Fork Lame Johnny Creek South Fork Medicine Creek See South Fork Medicine Knoll Creek South Fork Medicine Knoll Creek Medicine Knoll Creek South Fork Medicine Creek South Medicine Creek Fork Moreau River Fork Moss Agate Creek Moss Agate Creek Fork Owl Creek Fork Pearl Creek Fork Rainy Creek South South South South South South South South South South Fork Fork Fork Fork Rapid Creek Sage Creek School (abandoned) Schoolhouse Gulch Fork Snake Creek Dove Creek Nixon Creek Nixon River West Branch Snake Creek South Fork Twelvemile Creek South South Fork Whaley Gulch Fork Whetstone Creek South Fork Whetstone River South Fork White River See Little White River South Fork Yellow Bank River Southgate Shopping Center Southgate shopping Center South Hand Grazing Association Dam South Highland School South Illinois School South Indian Creek See Indian Creek South Indian creek South Ironwood Creek South Jack Creek Jack Creek South Jackson Public Shooting Area South Junior High School South King School South Knappie Canyon South Lake Campbell Cemetery South Liberty School South Lincoln School South Lodi Cemetery South Mary Well South Medicine Creek See Medicine Knoll Creek FEATURE CLASS civil stream cemetery locale civil stream valley stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream S t ream stream stream stream stream school valley stream stream valley stream stream stream stream locale locale dam school school stream stream stream stream park school school valley cemetery school school cemetery Hell stream NATIONAL GAZETTEER--SOUTH DAKOTA 1989 STATUS ADMIN BGN UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN BGN BGN BGN VARIANT BGN 1974 BGN VARIANT BGN 1959 VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT BGN BGN 1977 VARIANT BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN UNOFF BGN BGN 1964 VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT BGN 1975 BGN BGN BGN VARIANT BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT BGN 1977 BGN BGN VARIANT ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT COUNTY Brown Butte Clark Day Potter Haakon Custer Lincoln Fall River Pennington Lyman Stanley Pennington Custer Custer Harding Perkins Custer Hughes Hughes Perkins Fall River Butte Beadle Pennington Pennington Pennington Custer Lawrence Splnk Hutchinson Pennington Gregory Grant Mellette Grant Beadle Minnehaha Hyde Meade Hyde Butte Butte Todd Harding McPherson Pennington Meade Fall River Lake Jones Tripp Clay Harding Hughes COORDINATES 454310N0980227W 445340N1031210W 445001N0973452W 452833N0971600W 445606N1002l30W 440207N1013956W 434819N1032238W 431710N0963549W 431242N1030543W 440047N1034951W 440801N0995843W 444600N1004200W 440139N1022530W 434652N1034311W 433938N1030159W 453254N1034038W 454330N1021700W 433831N1032053W 443130N0995800W 443130N0995800W 450842N1024949W 432028N1040117W 445201N1035416W 441527N0980354W 441417N1020956W 440752N1034408W 435356N1022407W 433615N1030818W 441949N1040020W 450152N0983437W 432713N0975000W 435752N1033118W 431100N098564BW 451612N0963403W 434340N1003938W 451047N0962130W 442039N0981255W 434443N0964350W 443818N0992112W 443200N1031825W 444412N0992926W 444353N1033053W 445408N1034816W 431342N1005701W 454447N1032316W 453619N0993931W 440347N1031259W 44l€llN1023629W 4322l9N1032601W 441001N0965504W 435059N1003402W 430615N0993535W 425711N0970230W 451845N1030105W 441907N1000429W SOURCE COORDINATES 445302N1031803W 435420N1015058W 434836N1032440W 431147N1031136W 440218N1035625W 440435N1000129W 435424N1021904W 434800N1034508W 433916N1031426W 452715N1034300W 434216N1032815W 442700N0991700W 451102N1035859W 431506N1040610W 445156N1040211W 443334N0974809W 441411N1021401W 441020N1035433W 434643N1022350W 441913N1040221W 450020N0993200W 433120N0981307W 435805N1033233W 431546N0992442W 451119N0965619W 445820N0964757W 450615N1041100W 431401N1010244W 454802N1032626W 432318N1032916W ELEV FT 1807 1956 3334 1284 1440 2976 1761 2623 1676 2101 2329 1333 MAP NAME Claremont Doers Ears Butte South Naples Enemy Swim Lake West Artichoke Butte NE Philip Iron Mountain Oelrichs NE Deerfield Joe Creek NW Waeta Berne Fairburn NE Bison NE Butcher Hill Blunt Zeona NE Mule Creek SE Bull Creek Butte Cavour Pedrow 4 NW Minnesota Ridge Quinn Table Fairburn SW 01d Baldy Mtn Athol Milltown Hill City Whetstone Bay Big Stone Lake SE Marietta Huron Sioux Falls East Highmore N E Vale SE Mitchell Lake Antelope Butte St Francis Hay Creek Bowdle-Hosmer Lake Rapid City East Elm Springs Angostura Reservoir Rutland NW Murdo SE Paxton Gayville NE Sheep Mountain FEATURE NAME South Medicine Creek See South Fork Medicine Knoll Creek South Peno School See Peno School South Pleasant View School South Poinsett Access Area South Prong Wolf Creek South Punished Womans State Public Shooting Area South Red Iron Lake Red Iron Lake South Riverside Township South Sand Creek South Scalp Creek South Scalp Creek Recreation Area South Scatterwood Lake Scatterwood Lake Scatterwood Lakes South Shore South Shore Recreation Area Southside Cemetery South Side Ditch South Sioux School South Slate Creek South Slate School South Slick Creek See Slick Creek South Slough South South Stagebarn Canyon Sulphur Creek South Town Mall South Trinity Cemetery South Victoria Creek South Waubay Lake Southwest School Southwest Township (historical) South Wheeler Recreation Area South Whitewater 251 Dan South Willow Creek Spain Spain Elevator Spain Elevator See Spain Spanish R Mine Spar Island See Dorion Island (historical) Spar Spring Spaulding (historical) Spaw Gulch Spearfish Spearfish and Centaur Mine Spearfish Creek Spearfish Crossing See Cheyenne Crossing Spearfish Falls Spearfish Peak Spearfish Valley Ranch Dam Spearfiss Sandstone Quarry Mine Speckels Dam Spencer Spencer Cemetery Spencer State Public Shooting Area Spencer State Public Shooting Area Spiers School Spiken Ridge Spink Spink Colony Spink County Spink School Spink Township Spirit Canyon See Devils Gulch Spirit Lake Spirit Lake Church FEATURE CLASS stream school school park stream park lake civil stream stream park lake ppl park cemetery canal school stream school stream lake valley stream locale cemetery stream lake school civil park dam stream locale locale mine island spring locale valley Ppl mine stream ppl falls summit dam mine dam PPl cemetery park park school ridge ppl ppl civil school civil valley lake church NATIONAL GAZETTEER--SOUTH DAKOTA 1989 STATUS VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF ADMIN BGN ADMIN BGN VARIANT ADMIN BGN 1977 BGN ADMIN BGN VARIANT VARIANT BGN 1916 ADMIN UNOFF BGN UNOFF BGN UNOFF VARIANT BGN BGN BGN 1976 UNOFF UNOFF BGN BGN UNOFF ADMIN ADMIN UNOFF BGN UNOFF VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF VARIANT BGN UNOFF BGN BGN UNOFF BGN VARIANT BGN BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN UNOFF ADMIN ADMIN UNOFF BGN BGN BGN ADMIN UNOFF ADMIN VARIANT BGN UNOFF COUNTY Hughes Hyde Meade Brookings Shannon Codington Marshall Potter Harding Gregory Gregory Faulk Codington Gregory Edmunds Pennington Minnehaha Pennington Pennington Harding Deuel Meade Meade Pennington Kingsbury Pennington Day Harding Brown Gregory Pennington Butte Marshall Marshall Lawrence Hughes Custer Hamlin Pennington Lawrence Lawrence Lawrence Lawrence Lawrence Lawrence Lawrence Lawrence Brule McCook McCook Codington Hanson Hand Pennington Union Spink Spink Union Union Minnehaha Kingsbury Kingsbury COORDINATES 443130N0995800W 441813N0992251W 443707N1023941W 443226N0970419W 430131N1023010W 450627N0965626W 454011N0971904W 450630N1001407W 451630N1033325W 430519N0984603W 430601N0984618W 451241N0984502W 450621N0965542W 430301N0983542W 452611N0990130W 440039N1030455W 433052N0964405W 435926N1034257W 435722N1034355W 453922N1035636W 444144N0962805W 441201N1032253W 445141N1025029W 44034BN1031351W 443141N0971233W 440054N1032439W 452317N0972711W 455007N1030206W 451948N0983933W 430814N09B4832W 435000N1020300W 445005N1032242W 454211N0974708W 454211N0974708W 442340N1035155W 441127N0995545W 434423N1033751W 443603N0965543W 440404N1033708W 442927N1035132H 442225N1040223W 443538N1035220W 441746N1035208W 442110N1035545W 442552N1035117W 443312N1035200W 442836N1035221W 434954N0991524W 434339N0973534W 434231N0973524W 445518N0972222W 434052N0973710W 443055N0990501H 435826N1031458W 425107N0964448W 444448N0981730W 445610N0981900W 425015N0964429W 425400N0964315W 634320N0962959W 442939N0973626W 443047N0973803W SOURCE COORDINATES 425550N1022326W 451942N1034231W 430312N0985415W 435726N1034600W 441313N1032953W 445010N1031145W 440111N1032705W 445442N1032944W 440306N1033635W 441108N1035607W ELEV PT 3204 1830 1337 1862 1663 3340 1714 1786 1326 5330 1662 3643 5900 5810 4020 1361 1410 1648 123B 1275 1720 50197 MAP NAME Union Center Lake Poinsett Pine Ridge South Shore South Red Iron Lake Lake Hurley Redig South Scalp Creek South Scalp Creek Cresbard NE South Shore Fort Randall Dam Ipswich Box Elder Sioux Falls East Medicine Mountain Medicine Mountain Canby NW Piedmont Bull Run Creek Rapid City East Lake Norden Pactola Dam Roslyn Ralph Lake Parmley SW Campbell Creek Wall SE Nowell Lake Spain Spearfish Fourmile Estelline Silver City Spearfish Old Baldy Mtn Jolly Savoy Spearfish Chicken Creek Spearfish Chamberlain Spencer Spencer Kampeska Canova SE Ree Heights SE Hermosa NW Richland Spink Colony Frankfort Richland Alsen De Smet Willow Lake SW SDlQS FEATURE NAME Spirit Lake Township Spirit Mound Canotila Wiconi Paha Spirit Mound Cemetery Spirit Mound Township Spirt Lake Cemetery Split Log Spring Split Pine Spring Split Rock (historical) Split Rock Church Split Rock Lutheran Church Split Rock Creek Split Rock Heights (subdivision) Split Rock Lutheran Church See Split Rock Church Split Rock Park Split Rock Township Splits Creek Spokane Spokane Creek Spokane Mine Spook Creek Spoonbill Pass State Public Shooting Area Sport Hill School Number 9 Spotted Bear Creek See West Fork Spotted Bear Creek Spotted Bear Creek Spotted Bear Creek See East Fork Spotted Bear Creek Spotted Eagle Mission (historical) Spotted Tail Cemetery Spottswood S Price Ranch Spring Canyon Spring Canyon Spring Cemetery Spring Creek Spring Creek Spring Creek Big Morphidite Creek Big Morphodite Creek Bordache Creek Bourbeuse River Hay Creek Hermaphrodite Creek Hunkpapa Creek Pocasee Creek Pocassee Creek Pond River Spring River Stone Idol Creek Spring Creek Spring Creek Spring Creek Spring Creek Spring Creek Spring Creek Spring Creek Sand Creek Spring Creek Spring Creek Spring Creek Spring Creek Spring Creek Spring Creek Spring Creek Spring Creek Spring creek Spring Creek Spring Creek Spring Creek FEATURE CLASS civil summit cemetery civil cemetery spring spring locale church stream ppl church park civil stream locale stream mine stream park school stream stream stream church cemetery locale locale valley valley cemetery stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream NATIONAL GAZETTEBR--SOUTH DAKOTA 1989 STATUS ADMIN BGN VARIANT UNOFF ADMIN UNOFF BGN BGN UNOFF UNDFF VARIANT BGN BGN VARIANT ADMIN ADMIN BGN UNOFF BGN UNOFF BGN ADMIN UNOFF VARIANT BGN VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN BGN UNOFF BGN BGN BGN 1968 VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN VARIANT BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN COUNTY Kingsbury Clay Clay Clay Kingsbury Harding Harding Minnehaha Minnehaha Minnehaha Minnehaha Minnehaha Minnehaha Minnehaha Dewey Custer Custer Custer Meade Codington Buffalo Haakon Haakon Haakon Dewey Todd Spink Harding Custer Fall River Potter Bennett Butte Campbell Charles Mix Charles Mix Clay Clay Custer Fall River Harding Hughes Jones Lawrence Lawrence Lincoln Meade Meade Meade Moody Shannon Shannon Todd COORDINATES 442930N0973456W 425228N0965732W 425319N0965633H 425000N0965730W 442907N0973156W 453508N1030818W 452217N1035409W 433235N0963056W 433844N0963306W 433259N0963550W 433141N0963858W 433844N0963306W 434319N0963005W 433209N0963451W 444730N1003612W 435029N1032246W 434813N1031623W 435024N1032236W 445116N1020043W 450140N0972338H 441011N0985650W 443037N1014637W 443214N1014637W 443037N1014637W 451150N1012605W 431430N1005107W 443903N0983019W 453035N1034300W 433130N1030311W 432625N1032317W 450837N0993922W 432020N1014001H 450555N1031423W 455258N1001428W 430708N0984346W 425239N0981344W 425457N0970714W 430236N0970128W 435204N1024118W 432358N1031942W 451345N1030507W 443145N1002705W 434608N1003510W 442251N1034321W 443539N1034952W 432743N0963537W 442830N1031647W 445314N1024425W 444105N1022950H 440608N0963715W 430409N1021847W 433313N1022522W 430611N1010443W SOURCE COORDINATES 444728N1003409W 434858N1032623H 450156N1020453W 443037N1014637" 432835N1030007H 432853N1032523W 431303N1013307W 450940N1031400W 455420N0991025W 430920N0983740W 425825N0981528W 425800N0970519W 430430N0970743W 435526N1034528W 432853N1032522W 452127N1031038W 442954N1001722H 435306N1003703W 442332N1034415W 442926N1034B46W 432920N0964207W 442504N1033621W 450115N1024540W 443807N1023406W 434043N1023353W 430306N1010015W ELEV PT 1246 1208 1370 1408 1490 1904 3000 1942 MAP NAME De Smet Vermilion Hub City Meckling De Smet Battleship Rock Gustave Brandon Garretson West Brandon Sioux Falls East Garretson West Brandon No Heart Creek SE Iron Mountain Hayward Iron Mountain Durkee Lake Wallace Mittelstedt Slough Bridger SB Lantry NW Rosebud Tulare Saddle Butte Fairburn SE Hot Springs Seneca NW Black Eyes Deers Ears Butte North Pollock SE Lake Andes SW Niobrara NW Gayville NB Wakonda Scenic SW Buffalo Gap Fish Draw Okobojo SH Murdo SE Deadwood North Jolly Klondike Fort Meade NE Squaw Buttes White Owl NW Plandreau Denby Imlay SW Spring Creek FEATURE NAME Creek Creek Creek Creek Creek Creek Creek Creek Creek Creek Spring Spring Spring Spring Spring Spring Spring Spring Spring Spring Cemetery Colony Day School Recreation Area Recreation Area School School Township Spring Creek Springdale See Harrisburg Springdale (historical) Springdale Church Springdale School Springdale School Springdale Township Springdale Township Spring Dell School (historical) Township Spring Draw Spring Draw Spring Draw Springfield Springfield Cemetery Springfield Municipal Airport Springfield Recreation Area Springfield Township (historical) Springfield Township Spring Grove Spring Grove Indian Church (historical) Spring Grove Township Spring Hill Cemetery Spring Hill School (historical) Spring Hill Township Spring Lake Spring Lake Spring Lake Marshy Lake Spring Lake See Lutz Lake Spring Lake Spring Lake Spring Lake Spring Lake Spring Lake Spring Lake Cemetery Spring Lake Church Spring Lake School Spring Lake School Spring Lake State Public Shooting Area Spring Lake Township Spring Lake Township Spring Lake Township Spring Lake Township Spring Lake Township Spring on the Hill (historical) Spring on the Right (historical) Spring River See Spring Creek Springs Post Office (historical) Spring Township Spring Township Spring Township Springvale Township Spring Valley Spring Valley (historical) Spring Valley Cemetery Spring Valley Cemetery Spring Valley Church Spring Valley Church Danish Lutheran Church Spring Valley Church Spring Valley Colony FEATURE CLASS stream p91 cemetery ppl school park park school school civil civil ppl locale church school school civil civil school valley valley valley ppl cemetery airport park civil civil locale church civil cemetery school civil lake lake lake lake lake lake lake lake lake cemetery church school school park civil civil civil civil civil locale locale stream building civil civil civil civil ppl locale cemetery cemetery church church church ppl STATUS BGN BGN UNOFF BGN UNOFF ADMIN ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN ADMIN VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN ADMIN UNOFF BGN BGN BGN BGN UNOFF ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN BGN BGN BGN VARIANT VARIANT BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF BGN NATIONAL GAZETTEER--SOUTH DAKOTA 1959 COUNTY Todd Todd Campbell McPherson Todd Charles Mix Hughes Lawrence Meade McPherson Moody Lincoln Lincoln Lincoln Hand Lincoln Lincoln Roberts Deuel Haakon Pennington Sully Eon Homne Bon Homne Bon Homme Eon Homme Bon Homme Bon Homme Roberts Roberts Roberts Buffalo Clay Hand Corson Day Hand Hanson Hanson Hyde Kingsbury Lake Walworth Hyde Kingsbury Corson Hand Walworth Hand Hanson Hyde Kingsbury Walworth Custer Custer Campbell Potter Hand McPherson Spink Campbell Turner Turner Campbell Roberts McCook Turner Turner Jerauld COORDINATES 430237N1010019W 430703N1010120W 454931N0995258W 455433N0985242W 430710N1010146W 430746N0984320W 443245N1002836W 443317N1034942W 442029N1032914W 455350N0993920W 440845N0963443W 432553N0964149W 432743N0964132W 432058N0963625W 442820N0984544W 432841N0963628W 432805N0964043W 452234N0965602W 444120N0963000W 443359N1013431W 435220N1024052W 445342N1002126W 425115N0975349W 425224N0975448W 425239N0975406W 425136N0975250W 425340N0975515W 425222N0975516W 452747N0970259W 452748N0970320W 452610N0970304W 440208N0985832W 425335N0970010W 442423N0991408W 453026N1005504W 452445N0971936W 441618N0985501W 434926N0973955W 434922N0973854W 444814N0993606W 441414N0971259W 435200N0965530W 452603N0994949W 444739N0993340W 441608N097l343W 453031N1005612W 441437N0905257W 452551N0995013W 441400N0985223W 434940N0974045W 444530N0993613W 441540N0971313W 452724N0994532W 432917N1034310W 433732N1034213W 455259N1001428W 450906N0993939W 445045N0990707W 454323N0990205W 445544N0980200W 454B40N1001710W 431215N0971607W 431433N0971351W 455551N1001144W 454502N0971108W 433155N097l343w 431339N0971610W 431155N0971531W 440226N0985312W SOURCE COORDINATES 430105N1011348W 443156N1013311W 434213N1023401W 445449N1002155W ELEV FT 264! 1660 3367 3165 1432 1408 1460 1792 1275 1317 1700 1704 2100 1788 1705 1361 1574 1950 2133 4290 5000 1890 1514 1325 1514 1610 SD199 MAP NAME Spring Creek Spring Creek Zeeland SW Forbes NW Spring Creek Lake Andes NW Okobojo SW Jolly Fort Meade Greenway Flandreau NE Harrisburg Klondike Vayland Klondike Harrisburg Wilmot NW Canby NW Rattlesnake Lake SE Scenic SW Artichoke Butte NE Springfield Springfield Kingsburg Springfield Kingsburg Springfield Summit NE Summit NE Summit NB Gannvalley Gayville NE Miller Dale Colony NW Little Eagle SW Enemy Swim Lake West Vayland SW Epiphany Thomas Lake Madison NW Colton Spring Lake Thomas Lake Arlington Little Eagle SW Mittelstedt Slough Spring Lake Cottonwood Lake Epiphany Thomas Lake Arlington Spring Lake Minnekahta Fourmile Seneca NW Polo Plainview Colony NB Doland Pollock SE Turkey Ridge Center Point Pollock Claire City SW Bast Vermillion Lake Turkey Ridge Turkey Ridge Cannvalley 50200 FEATURE NAME Spring Valley Colony Church Spring Valley Post Office (historical) Spring Valley Ranch See Piedmont Spring Valley School Spring Valley School Spring Valley School Spring Valley State Public Shooting Area Spring Valley Township Spring Valley Township Spring Valley Township Spring Valley Township Spring Valley Township Spring Valley Township Hall Springview School Springwater Creek Lone Rock Creek Spruce Gulch Spruce Gulch Spur Creek Spurgeon Gulch Square Top Butte See Big Two Top Butte Square Top Butte Squaw Butte School Squaw Creek Squaw Creek Squaw Creek Sand Creek Squaw Creek See Sioux Creek Squaw Creek Squaw Creek Squaw Creek Squaw Creek Squaw Creek See Squaw-Humper Creek Squaw Creek Reservoir Squaw Creek School Squaw Flat Squaw Hill Squaw-Humper Creek Squaw Creek Squaw Humper Dam Squaw—Humper Table Squaw Tree Spring 5 R Smith Mine Seth R Smith Mine 5 Schroder Dam S Simon Dam Staadt Creek Staben Strip (airport) Stadem Slough State Public Shooting Area Stafford Dam Stafford Dam State Public Shooting Area Stafford Lake Dam Stage Barn (historical) Stagebarn Canyon Stagebarn Crystal Cavern Stagebarn Caverns Stagebarn Crystal Cavern See Stagebarn Canyon Stagebarn Ridge Stage Creek See Dodge Bay Stage Hill Stairs Slough state Public Shooting Area Stamford Standby Mine Standfast Creek Standing Cloud Creek Standing Rock Tribe Dam FEATURE CLASS church building ppl school school school park civil civil civil civil civil building school stream valley valley stream valley summit summit school stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream reservoir school flat summit stream dam summit spring mine dam dam stream airport park reservoir park dam locale valley cave valley ridge bay summit park locale mine stream stream dam NATIONAL GAZETTEER--SOUTH DAKOTA 1989 STATUS UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF BGN VARIANT BGN BGN BGN BGN VARIANT BGN UNOFF BGN BGN BGN 1974 VARIANT VARIANT BGN BGN BGN BGN VARIANT BGN UNOFF BGN BGN BGN VARIANT UNOFF BGN BGN UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF BGN ADMIN ADMIN BGN ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF BGN VARIANT BGN VARIANT BGN VARIANT BGN ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF BGN BGN UNOFF COUNTY Jerauld Turner Meade Hand Minnehaha Turner Clark Clark Gregory McCook Turner Walworth Gregory Mellette Minnehaha Lawrence Pennington Butte Pennington Harding Harding Meade Gregory Haakon Harding Harding Jones Lawrence Moody Pennington Shannon Gregory Pennington Fall River Marshall Shannon Shannon Shannon Harding Lawrence Meade Meade Harding Haakon Clark Edmunds Edmunds Edmunds Meade Meade Meade Meade Meade Dewey Fall River Clark Jackson Pennington Roberts Corson Corson COORDINATES 440210N0985309W 431522N0971523W 441354N1032319W 444131N0985919W 433134N0965138W 431102N0971309W 450711NO974843W 450530N0974305W 430153N0991337W 433400N0971115W 431222N0971236W 452631N0995412W 430222N0991415W 433817N1001837W 433539N0962713W 442303N1034257W 440126N1033635W 450714N1032945W 440512N1033559W 454453N1031323W 452433N1031004W 445244N1024710W 430020N0990351W 440322N1011927W 453425N1032020W 453451N1032036W 434407N1002504W 442404N1035339W 435907N0963948W 442552N1021740W 433643N1025849W 430106N0990736W 441926N1021605W 430806N1033836W 454527N0972804W 433643N1025849W 432912N1025630W 433222N1025933W 453340N1031253W 442029N1034215W 443024N1021912W 443654N1021124W 455325N1033146W 443115N1013533W 443645N0973116W 451627N0991223W 451630N0991234W 451627N0991223W 441115N1032330W 441233N1032151W 441153N1032348W 441233N1032151W 441142N1032436W 450947N1001517W 431548N1033420W 444G46N097424BW 435342N1010519W 440712N1034236W 454553N0971155W 453228N1011926W 453224N1005754W SOURCE COORDINATES 442046N1034244H 440050N1033503W 451527N1034033W 440608N1033639W 425944N0991233W 441011N1012434W 453047N1031833W 435157N1002944W 4‘2042N1035044W 440644N0964421W 441552N1021559W 432618N1025656W 455300N1033810W 441401N1032714W 454458N0971356W 453130N1012718W ELEV PT 1338 1518 1530 2110 3465 2652 1962 3252 5500 2227 1625 3780 3535 2398 MAP NAME Gannvalley Freeman SE Miller NW Sioux Falls West Center Point Crocker Crocker Herrick East Vermillion Lake 'Center Point Lowry NW Herrick Badnation Valley Springs Deadwood North Silver City Haystack Butte Silver City J B Hill Frozen Man Creek St Charles Nowlin Sheep Pen Draw SE Badnation NW Maurice Trent Dalzell NE Herrick Dalzell SE Rumford Hillhead Red Shirt SW Willow Creek NW Red Shirt SW Battleship Rock Deadwood South White Owl Plainview Ladner NE Rattlesnake Lake SE Cherry Lake Stafford Dam Stafford Dam Stafford Dam Piedmont Blackhawk Piedmont Piedmont Cascade Springs Clark South Stamford Rochford Claire City SW Black Horse SE Little Eagle SW FEATURE NAME Standing Rock Tribe Standing Rock Tribe Standing Rock Tribe Kellers Dam Standing Rock Tribe Bullhead Dam Dam Dam Dam Dam Stanford School Stangland Slough Stanley (historical) Stanley Corner Stanley County Stanley Island (historical) Stanley Smeenk Dam Number 1 Stan-Penn Lodge Mine Stapp Quarry Star and Blue Bonnet Claims Mine Star Cemetery Starcher (historical) Star Corner (historical) Star Corner School (historical) Starkey (historical) Stark School Number 1 (historical) Star Lake Star Lake Dam Star Lode Mine Star Prairie Township Starr (historical) Starr Township Star School See Fineran School (historical) Star School (historical) Star School Star Valley Township Star Valley Township Starve Out Creek State Experiment Farm And Antelope Reserve State Game Lodge State Land Dam State Line Bay State Normal School See General Beadle State College State of South Dakota Dam State of South Dakota Dam State Park School Station Elm Creek Station 50 See Waubay Station 88 See Andover Staufer School Staum Dam Staum Dam State Public Shooting Area Staums Dam Stavanger Cemetery stavanger church Steamboat Bay Steamboat Creek Steamboat Landing (historical) Steamboat Rock Stearns Park Steele School Steichen School Number 3 (historical) Steigelmier State Public Shooting Area Stekl School (abandoned) Stena Township Stennett Junction See Redfield Stephan Stephan Mission Dam Stephan Post Office (historical) FEATURE CLASS dam dam dam dam school lake locale PPl civil island dam mine mine mine cemetery locale PP1 school locale school reservoir dam mine civil locale civil school school school civil civil stream park Ppl dam bay school dam dam school stream PPl ppl school reservoir park dam cemetery church bay stream locale pillar flat school school park school civil ppl p91 dam building NATIONAL GAZETTEBR--SOUTH DAKOTA 1989 STATUS UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF BGN UNOFF BGN ADMIN BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN UNOFF ADMIN VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN ADMIN BGN ADMIN BGN UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN 1976 VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN BGN UNOFF BGN UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN UNOFF ADMIN VARIANT BGN UNOPF UNOFF COUNTY Corson Corson Corson Carson Turner Day Stanley McCook Stanley Sully Butte Pennington Custer Custer Todd Gregory Clay Clay Jerauld Jerauld Gregory Gregory Pennington Tripp Hutchinson Hutchinson Douglas Sanborn Union Gregory Tripp Perkins Harding Custer Meade Corson Lake Perkins Potter Custer Butte Day Day Hand Beadle Beadle Beadle Roberts Brule Potter Potter Charles Mix Meade Lawrence Shannon Jerauld Edmunds Sanborn Marshall Spink Hyde Hyde Hyde COORDINATES 454348N1003906W 455448N1005748W 454530N1003200W 45464BN1010518W 432318N0970124W 453136N0973607W 442252N1002056W 433236N0972315W 442630N1004800W 443445N1003743W 450818N1031006W 435401N1034630W 434408N1034526W 434445N1033127W 430615N1005535W 430855N0985223W 430225N0970350W 430025N0970600W 440215N0982702H 440545N0982110W 430312N0992218W 430312N0992218W 435224N1032052W 431313N1000325W 432910N0980051W 432656N0990245W 432635N0981915W 440550N0951402W 425807N0964302W 430154N0984516W 433815NO995440W 450940N1022703W 453021N1031654W 434616N1032300W 444424N1025400W 455625N1003141W 440046N0970635W 451242N1025054W 454200N0994542W 434551N1032258W 443833N1030222W 451955N0971817W 452437N0975408" 445252N0991731W 443521N0975331W 443531N0975315W 443224N0975530W 454632N0970229W 433234N0955101W 451130N1001448W 451048N1001335W 430932N0985120W 440946N1032815W 441841N1040218W 432714N1023233W 445552N0982500W 451931N0993029W 435525N0980151W 454756N0975423W 445233N0983106W 441453N0992710W 441542N0992918W 441504N0992739W SOURCE COORDINATES 411423N1023307W 444928N1031144W 451050N1000916W SD201 ELEV FT MAP NAME Hakpala NW Maple Leaf Kline Buttes Bullhead Parker NE Britten 4 SE Oahe Dam Bridgewater East Princes Ranch Iron Post Buttes SW Porter Creek Ditch Creek Jewel Cave Cicero Peak 1430 1445 5030 st Francis SW Campbell Creek Wakonda Wakonda Lane Woonsocket 1400 1300 1380 1325 2188 Gregory SE Gregory SE 4040 Hayward Clearfield Delmont NE Delmont NE 1390 Forestburg SW Nora South Scalp Creek Ideal NW 1350 Deep Creek NW Sheep Pen Draw SE 4160 Iron Mountain Dead Horse Draw Mahto NE Zeona NE Flat Lake Iron Mountain Volunteer NE Rezac Lake NE staum Dam Staum Dan 1451 staum Dam Claire City Cedar Grove Colony Steamboat Creek Steamboat Creek Campbell Creek Piedmont Old Baldy Mtn Rockyford Fraser Dam 1179 1608 5081 2690 1360 Bowdle SE 1296 Letcher NE Newark SW 1800 Stephan Oahe SW 1850 Macs Corner SD202 FEATURE NAME Stephan Rural School See Stephan School Stephan School Stephan Rural School Stephen Mission Dam Steptoe School Steptoe School Sterling Church Sterling Church Sterling Township Sterling Township Hall Sterne Number 1 Dam Sterns Number 2 Dam Stetson (historical) Stevens Lake See McCook Lake Stevenson School Stewart Dam Stewart Gulch Stewart Gulch School Bothwell School School State Public Shooting Stewart See Stewart Stewart Area Stewart Township Stick Creek See Slick Creek Stickel Township Stickney Stickney Stickney Stickney Stickney Stickney Stickney Lake Dam S Tidball Dam Still Lake Stillwell Ranch Stilwell School Airport Stink Creek stinking Buffalo Dam Stinkingwater Creek stinking Water Creek Stink Lake Stink Lakes Stink Slough Stirk Table Stirling Number 1 Dam Stirling School Stoa slough Stockade Beaver Creek Stockade Draw Stockade Lake Dam Stockdale Lake Stockholm Stockholm Cemetery Stockholm Township Stock Post Office (historical) Stockton Number 1 Dam Stoddard School Stoller School (abandoned) Stone Bridge Poinsett Poinsette Stone Creek See Stove Creek Stone Hill Stone House Lake Stone Idol Creek See Spring Creek Stone Lake Stone Lake State Public Shooting Area Stone Quarry Canyon Stoneville (historical) Stoneville FEATURE CLASS school school dam school school church church civil building dam dam locale lake school dam valley valley school school park civil stream civil ppl airport dam dam reservoir reservoir school stream dam stream stream lake lake lake summit dam school swamp stream valley dam reservoir ppl cemetery civil building dam school school ppl stream locale lake stream lake park valley locale locale NATIONAL GAZETTEBR--SOUTH DAKOTA 1989 STATUS VARIANT UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF BGN 1963 BGN VARIANT UNOFF ADMIN ADMIN VARIANT ADMIN BGN ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF BGN BGN UNOFF UNOFF BGN UNOFF UNOFF BGN UNOFF BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN UNOFF UNOFF BGN BGN 1900 BGN UNOFF BGN BGN UNOFF ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF BGN VARIANT BGN ADMIN BGN UNOFF UNOFF COUNTY Hyde Hyde Hyde Hand Hand Brookings Brookings Brookings Brookings Harding Harding Jerauld Union Faulk Clay Lawrence Pennington Hand Yankton Clark Tripp Harding McPherson Aurora Aurora Aurora Aurora Aurora Aurora Aurora Dewey Codington Perkins Lincoln Corson Harding Butte Shannon Codington Marshall Marshall Shannon Jones Hutchinson Marshall Weston (HY) Harding Custer Custer Grant Grant Grant Jerauld Jones Turner Yankton Hamlin Dewey Deuel Miner Campbell Sully Sully Fall River Meade Meade COORDINATES 441414N0992631W 441414N0992631W 441430N0992442W 443624N0991015W 443951N0991051W 442721N0964711W 442304N0965112W 442500N0965000W 442537N0965106W 455212N1033812W 455218N1034042W 440210N0934337W 423216N0963025fl 451259N0991747N 430436N0964912W 441933N1034800W 440l50N1033S40W 442355N0954426W 425329N0972338W 445307N0973652W 4307S7N0994206W 453922N1035636W 454325N0993155W 433521N0982613W 433524N0982706W 433548N0982000W 433712N0982118W 433718N0982125H 433720N0992244W 433718N0982125W 452254N1012636W 450209N0971346H 451451N1023945W 432450N0964008W 454558N1010620W 452524N1032306W 444010N1033330W 430609N1020056W 445803N0972416W 453907N0972424W 454542N0972950W 433219N1023041W 440830N1005754H 432357N0975050W 455145N0972751W 433349N1040852W 451936N1032617W 434553N1033049H 434553N1033049W 450559N0964306W 450517N0964727W 650554N0964841W 441010N0983810W 440300N1002548W 431900N0970128W 430838N0973622W 443608N0970334W 450235N1002851W 4444$0N0962850H 435209N0974924W 455258N1001428W 445253N0994441W 445241N0994503W 432043N1034702W 444500N1024438W 444401N1023915W SOURCE COORDINATES 441923N1034902N ‘40340N1033626W 455656N1012217W 443249N1034100W 431043N1020946W 440618N1040205W 451751N1032709W 432329N1034421W ELEV FT 1626 1689 1663 1775 1742 1630 1625 1741 1701 1772 1815 2890 1314 5169 1650 1615 1267 1650 1652 1309 1817 2760 2928 MAP NAME Stephan Stephan Ree Heights Ree'Heights NW Brookings NE Brookings NE Brookings NE Brookings NE Ladner Ladner Nessington Springs SW Clark Lake Beresford Lead Silver City Yankton Garden City Dallas NW Hillsview Stickney Stickney Old Stickney Lake Old Stickney Lake Old Stickney Lake Stickney Old Stickney Lake Isabel Still Lake Imogene Harrisburg Bullhead Bama Butte NW Nisland Two Lance Lake Henry Lake City Hillhead Stirk Table Capa NW Milltown Hillhead Dewey SW (WY) Roundup Butte Custer Custer Stockholm Stockholm Stockholm Wellington Springs NW Pierre 3 SW Hurley Menno Lake Poinsett Canby NW Ness Chain Lakes Thomas Lake NW Gettysburg Muni Airport NB Edgemont Big Draw Stoneville FEATURE NAME Stoney Butte Township stoney Run Dam Stony Butte Stony Butte Butte Butte Creek Butte Draw Buttes Butte School Stony Buttes Draw Stony Butte Township (historical) Stony Creek Stony Gulch (historical) Stony Stony Stony Stony Stony Stony Hill (historical) Stony Point Stony Point (historical) Stony Point School Number 3 (historical) Stony Run Stony Run Stony Run Stony Run Lake Stordahl Cemetery Storla Storm (historical) Storm Hill Storm Hill Storm Mountain Storm Mountain See Storm Hill Storm Mountain Retreat Center Storm School (historical) Stoten Lake State Canyon Stots Spring Stoughton School Stove Creek Stone Creek Teel Creek Stove Creek Bay Stovehole Park Stover School Stover State Public Shooting Area Stradinger Number 1 Dam Straight Creek Straighthead Creek Straighthead Draw Straka Brothers Dam Strand Brothers Farm (historical) Strandburg Strandell Ranch Stranger Creek Strassburg Cemetery Strater See Hermosa Stratford Strato Bowl See Stratosphere Bowl Stratosphere Bowl Strato Bowl Stratton (historical) Strawberry Creek Strawberry Hill Campground strawberry Ridge Strawberry Spur (historical) Stray Creek See Stray Horse Creek Stray Horse Creek Stray Creek Streeter Dam Streeter Ranch Street Hill Strehlow Island (historical) Strine School (historical) FEATURE CLASS civil dam summit summit summit stream valley range school valley civil stream valley summit cape cliff school stream stream stream reservoir cemetery ppl locale summit summit summit building school lake valley spring school stream bay flat school park dam stream stream valley dam locale Ppl locale stream cemetery 991 ppl locale locale locale stream park ridge locale stream stream dam locale summit island school STATUS ADMIN UNOFF BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN UNOFF BGN ADMIN BGN BGN BGN UNOFF BGN BGN VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF BGN BGN BGN BGN VARIANT VARIANT BGN BGN UNOFF ADMIN UNOFF BGN BGN BGN UNOFF UNOFF BGN UNOFF BGN UNOFF VARIANT BGN VARIANT UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF BGN ADMIN BGN UNDER VARIANT BGN VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF BGN BGN UNOFF NATIONAL GAZETTEER--SOUTH DAKOTA 1989 COUNTY Lyman Beadle Haakon Lyman Perkins Lyman Haakon Pennington Perkins Pennington Meade Harding Sully Hughes Stanley Charles Mix Jerauld Beadle Beadle Edmunds Beadle Minnehaha Aurora Marshall Pennington Pennington Pennington Pennington Douglas Charles Mix Pennington Pennington Butte Dewey Dewey Lawrence Spink Codington Dewey Lyman Haakon ziebach Lyman Hughes Grant Pennington Stanley Bdmunds Custer Brown Pennington Pennington Corson Lawrence Lawrence Lawrence Lawrence Hamlin Hamlin Custer Custer Pennington Charles Mix Charles Mix COORDINATES 440350N1001820W 441842N0981254H 443148N1012453W 440213N1001713W 451218N1023212W 435456N1000317W 443253N1012556W 441803N1020430W 451238N1023214W 441737N1020619W 445400N1020922W 454813N1035739W 444920N1002725W 442822N1002407W 441831N1000607W 430957N0985119W 440726N0984644H 441218N0980907W 441939N0981124W 451743N0984547H 441841N0981144W 434732N0964308W 435149N09B2104W 455051N0972856W 435607N1033213W 435759N1032325W 435759N1032325W 445940N1032020W 432445N0981510W 432005N0984455W 435645N1040532W 435809N1040116W 444522N1033629W 450235N1002351W 450125N1002656W 440952N1035845W 450138N0982551H 450251N0972737W 451806N1012306W 440851N0995549W 443416N1014117W 443816N1013240W 435442N0992700H 442820N1002651W 450239N0964537W 441901N1020547W 441726N1003135H 452952N0985257W 435023N1031126W 451859N0951816W 435836N1032043W 435836N1032043W 453615N1002540W 441927N1033902W 441837N1034127W 441911N1034133W 441925N1033805W 444121N0970026W 444121N0970026W 433248N1032136W 433215N1032254W 435600N1020323W 430418N0984000W 431010N0984818W SOURCE COORDINATES 440722N1001957W 442536N1011625W 441735N1020256W 454855N1040124W 444730N1002500W 441318N0975806W 442104N0981812W 452520N0984940W 435854N1040055W 450353N1003945W 441247N1000324H 442541N1013937W 444259N1013336W 442239N1003716W 442017N1034012W 445350N0965144" ELEV FT 2210 2120 2751 2783 1620 1780 2010 1252 1366 1850 5656 5192 4320 1546 1297 1690 1480 1290 1040 4800 2680 SD203 MAP NAME Pierre 3 SE Huron Cherry Creek Pierre 3 SE Bixby Presho Cherry Creek Pedro SB Bixby Pedro SE Avance Scott Creek Artichoke Butte SW Oahe Dam Rousseau Campbell Creek Gannvalley SB Forestburg NW Huron Mina SE Huron Dell Rapids Storla Hillhead Hill City Mount Rushmore Rockerville Corsica Lake Geddes Moon Moon Two Top Butte SE Patch Skin Buttes 5" Patch Skin Buttes SW Crooks Tower Gallup Wallace Isabel SW Joe Creek NW Rattlesnake Lake SW Rattlesnake Lake NE Short Creek Oahe Dam Stockholm Pedro SE Teton Mina NW Stratford Rockerville Mobridge Deadwood South Deadwood South Deadwood South Deadwood South Castlewood Boland Ridge Wind Cave Wall NE Lake Andes SN Campbell Creek 50204 FEATURE NAME Stringham Ranch Lees Ranch String Town Logging Camp (historical) Strol Township Stromer Herman Number 1 Dam Stromer Herman Number 2 Dam Stronghold Table Stronghold Table See Galigo Table Strool Strool Dam See Sorum Dam Strool School Stroud School (historical) Strouseton (historical) Struck School Sturgis Scooptown Sturgis Municipal Airport Sturgis Reservoirs Sturgis Sandstone Quarry Sturm Ranch styles Number 1 Dam Sublette and Campbell Post (historical) Success (historical) Sugar Loaf Butte Sugar Loaf Hill Sugarloaf Mountain Sugar Loaf Rock (historical) Sullivan (historical) Sullivan Peak Sully Buttes Sully County Sully Creek Sully Lake Sully Lake Dam See T R Baker Dam Sully School Sulpher Township (historical) Sulphur Sulphur Butte Sulphur Creek North Fork Sulphur Creek Sulphur Spring Summer Creek See Clear Creek Summit Summit Station Summit Summit Summit Summit Summit Summit Summit (historical) (historical) Cemetery Cemetery Dam Hill Cemetery Lake Boating Lake Lake Watapapa Summit Lake Summit Mine See Golden Summit Mine Summit Mine Summit Pass Summit Peak Summit Reservoir Summit Ridge Summit Ridge Lookout Summit Spring Summit Spring Summit Station See Summit Summit Township Summit Township Summit Township Sumner (historical) Sumner Slough Sumner Township Sumner Township (historical) FEATURE CLASS locale locale summit ppl dam school school locale school ppl airport reservoir mine locale dam locale ppl summit summit summit summit locale summit range civil stream reservoir dam school civil locale summit stream spring stream ppl locale locale cemetery cemetery dam cemetery lake lake mine mine gap summit reservoir ridge locale spring spring 991 civil civil civil locale gut civil civil STATUS UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF BGN VARIANT BGN VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN VARIANT ADMIN BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN UNOFF BGN BGN ADMIN BGN BGN VARIANT UNOFF ADMIN UNOFF BGN BGN VARIANT VARIANT BGN VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN VARIANT VARIANT BGN VARIANT UNOFF BGN BGN BGN BGN UNOFF BGN BGN VARIANT ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN UNOFF BGN ADMIN ADMIN NATIONAL GAZETTEER--SOUTH DAKOTA 1989 COUNTY Custer Lawrence Perkins Mellette Mellette Shannon Shannon Perkins Perkins Perkins Buffalo Grant Douglas Meade Meade Meade Meade Custer Jones Stanley Clark Todd Faulk Lawrence Potter Jerauld Custer Sully Sully Sully Sully Sully Tripp Meade Meade Butte Meade Meade Pennington Roberts Custer Lawrence Grant Roberts Lyman Minnehaha Grant Marshall Pennington Pennington Harding Pennington Lyman Pennington Pennington Harding Pennington Roberts Lake Roberts Sully Spink Codington Spink Spink COORDINATES 433343N1033859W 440855N1033125W 453210N1024645W 434042N1004800W 433712N1004454W 433500N1024125W 433521N1024004W 453002N1024816W 452624N1025312W 453150N1024832W 435750N0990845W 451002N0970717W 432905N0980830W 442435N1033031W 442515N1032340W 442128N1033107W 442335N1033235" 434910N1034701W 435848N1002730W 442216N1002227W 443414N0973210W 431614N1005115W 445536N0991014W 441931N1034732W 4457S7N1002230W 440214N0993301W 433533N1040007W 444216N1002925W 444110N1001000W 443530N1003546W 444236N1001148W 444236N1001148W 432311N0993532W 445402N1025314W 445236N1025447W 445827N1031607W 444552N1022422W 443111N1032624W 440216N1033012W 451316N0970210W 433852N1031707W 442050N1034635W 451724N0970230W 451844N0970339W 440630N1002100W 434224N0963154W 451658N0970037W 454650N097l603w 435500N1033200W 435503N1033200W 452226N1030944W 435432N1033236H 440630N1002100W 435210N1040256W 435116N1040305W 452220N1030948W 435341N1040159W 451816N0970210H 440845N0965618W 452051N0970303W 443505N1000526W 445946N0981100W 450235N0971651W 450100N0980921W 450100N0980536W SOURCE COORDINATES 444056N1003040W 445638N1032116W ELEV PT 4831 4800 2855 1580 1850 1485 3440 3280 4160 1425 1780 2805 1964 6037 1858 1600 4967 1739 1939 3163 1999 3560 5000 2010 1974 1977 5655 6096 1295 MAP NAME Argyle Nemo Prairie City Murdo 3 NE White River East Cuny Table East Prairie City Prairie City Lyonville Still Lake NE Hillside Sturgis Fort Meade Deadman Mountain Sturgis Signal Hill Vivian NW Pierre Cherry Lake Soldier Creek SE Orient NW Lead Artichoke Butte NW Wessington Springs Dewey Okobojo Sully Lake Iron Post Buttes SE Sully Lake Rattlesnake Butte East Camp Creek Camp Creek Sulphur Butte Opal Bast SW Vale Summit Butcher Hill Lead Summit summit Pierre 3 SE Garretson West Summit Veblen Hill City Irish Butte Hill City Pierre 3 SE Fanny Peak Fanny Peak Irish Butte Moon Rutland NW Summit Onida SE Doland NW Florence Conde SW Turton FEATURE NAME Sumption School Sunbeam Cemetery Sunbeam Church Sunbeam Mine Sundahl Trailer Court (subdivision) Sundall Dam Sundance Mine Sunday Gulch Sundy School Sunflower Mine Battle Axe Mine Sunflower School Sunnycrest Church Sunnyside (historical) Sunnyside (historical) Sunnyside Gulch Sunnyside Mine Sunnyside School (historical) Sunnyside School Sunnyside School Sunnyside School Sunny side School Sunnyside School Sunnyside School Sunny Side School Sunnyside School Sunnyside Township Sunny Slope School Sunny Slope School (historical) Sunny Slope School Sunnyview Sunnyview School Sunnyview School Sunnyview School Sunny West School Sun Prairie Baptist Cemetery Sun Prairie Church Sun Prairie Township Sun Prairie Township Hall Sunrise Hill Sunrise Lode Mine Sunrise School Sunrise School Sunset Beach (historical) Sunset Farmers Co-op Colony Sunset Lode Mine Sunset Memorial Gardens Sunset Memorial Park Sunshine Dam Sunshine Hill Sunshine Lake Sunshine Sunshine Sunshine Sunshine Sunshine Sunshine Sunshine Sunshine Sunshine Sunshine Mica Prospect Mine Ranch School School School School School School School School (historical) Super City Mall (shopping center) Super City Shopping Center Surprise Mica Mine Surprise Valley School Surprise Valley Township Surrey Township Surveyors Hill Sur war har no he River See Moreau River Susie Peak Susquehanna Township Sutherland Ranch (historical) Sutherland Ranch Sutherland Spring FEATURE CLASS school cemetery church mine 9:21 dam mine valley school mine school church locale locale valley mine school school school school school school school school school civil school school school 991 school school school school cemetery church civil building summit mine school school beach locale mine cemetery cemetery dam summit lake mine locale school school school school school school school school locale locale mine school civil civil summit stream summit civil locale locale spring STATUS UNOFP UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN UNOFF UNOFF BGN UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFP BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN UNOFF BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN ADMIN BGN VARIANT BGN ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF BGN NATIONAL GAZETTEER--SOUTH DAKOTA 1989 COUNTY Brown Hand Hand Pennington Brookings Tripp Lawrence Pennington Lincoln Pennington Beadle Minnehaha Marshall Union Pennington Pennington Deuel Hughes Lincoln Lincoln Lincoln Marshall Pennington Perkins Union Pennington Butte Deuel Meade Brookings Brown Spink Tripp Perkins McCook McCook McCook McCook Charles Mix Custer Hand Yankton Codington Marshall Custer Brown Davison Haakon Lawrence Haakon Custer Stanley Beadle Brown Brown Brown Douglas Haakon Minnehaha Spink Davison Brown Custer Mellette Mellette Walworth Custer Dewey Butte Hutchinson Custer Custer Custer COORDINATES 454736N0982607W 444040N0905027W 444043N0995156W 440024N1033608W 442029N0964638W 430418N1001024W 441920N1034815W 435325N1033516W 430846N0963925W 435615N1033955W 443427N0980143W 433050N0964706W 454451N0972330W 430210N0964135W 440514N1033335W 435724N1033535W 443935N0964055W 442832N1001121W 431946N0963559W 431950N0964339W 431621N0965416W 454523N0972333W 441057N1021547W 452546N1023118W 430157N0964709W 441217N1021750W 444036N1040043H 443330N0964815W 443946N1023313W 442041N0964706W 451615N0991946W 444455N0991200W 430404N0993644W 454915N1024634W 435048N0972429W 435050N0972427W 434935N0972545W 434820N0972905w 430434N09B3409W 434840N1033955W 444201N0995309W 430541N0971813W 445630N097l350w 454822N0975328W 434905N1033952W 452736N0982335W 434052N0980028W 440606N1013306W 442259N1040308W 440305N1013808W 434705N1033605W 444405N1010323W 443001N0980644W 451757N0982600W 451856N0983429W 452222N0982933W 432210N0981910W 440640N101403BW 433356N0965658W 443942N0981159W 434341N0980139W 452735N0982726W 434651N1033544W 432533N1005914W 432830N1015850W 452210N1000024W 434557N1035518W 451800N1004329W 444407N1034437W 432237N0900238W 434013N1033825W 434003N1033523W 434021N1033501W SOURCE COORDINATES 435057N1033227W 440619N1033441W ELEV PT 1402 1622 5820 5800 1362 1936 1420 1950 1821 1337 1357 1471 3283 1761 2849 1630 1300 1300 2282 1540 1525 6000 1406 1310 6000 1343 5999 2180 5540 1297 1292 1299 1537 2295 1623 1297 1305 5470 5645 3242 5360 SD205 MAP NAME SAVO SW Burdette Burdette Silver City Brookings Olsonville NW Lead Hill City Alcester NW Medicine Mountain Lake Byron SE Sioux Falls West Lake City Beresford Silver City Hill City Clear Lake South Canning NW Canton Canton SW Lennox Hillhead Waste NE Date NE Beresford Wasta NE The Forks Estelline SE Redowl Brookings Stratford Lake Byron NW Paxton Cow Butte SB Unityville Unityville Unityville Unityville Fort Randall Dam Berne Miller NW Mayfield Watertovn West Newark SW Borne Aberdeen East Mitchell Philip Tinton Philip Custer Sansarc NE Lake Byron SE Warner Rudolph Warner Armour Philip Hartford South Lake Byron NW Mitchell Aberdeen East Custer Soldier Creek NW Soldier Creek NW Akaska Dead Horse Flats Pruitdale Delmont NE Fourmile Cicero Peak Cicero Peak SD206 FEATURE NAME Sutherland Spring Sutley Cemetery Sutley Cemetery Sutley Post Office (historical) Sutton, Lake Sutton Bay Recreation Area Svatos Point Sverdrup Township Svetcoff Ranch Swallow Church Swallow Draw Swan Creek Swan Creek Recreation Area Swan Creek Township Swan Draw Swan Draw Swan Lake Swan Lake Swan Lake Swan Lake Swan Lake (historical) Swan Lake Creek Otter Creek Swan Lake state Public Shooting Area Swan Lake State Public Shooting Area Swan Lake State Public Shooting Area Swan Lake Township Swan Lake Township Swan Pond Swanson Lake Swanson School Swanson School Swanson School Number 3 (historical) Swede Gulch Swedes Draw (historical) Swedish Augustana Cemetery Swedish Cemetery Swedish Cemetery Swedish Cemetery See Swedish Augustana Cemetery Swedish Lutheran Church (historical) Swedish Mission Cemetery Swedish Mission Church Swedona Convenant Church Swendona Church Sweeney Dam Sweet Betsey Gulch Sweet Clover School Sweet Gulch Sweetland (historical) Sweet Marie (historical) Sweet Township Sweetwater Draw Sweetwater Lake Swendona Church See Swedona Convenant Church Swett Swift Bear Lake Swift Birch Creek See Swift Bird Creek Swift Bird Bay Swift Bird Cemetery (historical) Swift Bird Church (historical) Calvary Church Swiftbird Creek See Swift Bird Creek Swift Bird Creek Swift Birch Creek Swift Creek Swiftbird Creek While Brant Creek FEATURE CLASS spring cemetery cemetery building lake park cape civil locale church valley stream perk civil valley valley lake lake reservoir reservoir locale stream park park park civil civil lake reservoir school school school valley arroyo cemetery cemetery cemetery church cemetery church church dam valley school valley ppl locale civil valley lake church ppl lake stream bay cemetery church stream stream STATUS BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN ADMIN BGN ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF BGN BGN ADMIN ADMIN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN UNOFF BGN VARIANT ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN BGN BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN BGN UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF BGN UNOFF BGN BGN UNOFF ADMIN BGN BGN VARIANT BGN BGN VARIANT BGN UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT VARIANT BGN VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT NATIONAL GAZETTEER--SOUTH DAKOTA 1989 COUNTY Custer Campbell Campbell Campbell Deuel Sully Charles Mix Minnehaha Perkins Shannon Harding Dewey Walworth Walworth Perkins Ziebach Clark Walworth Dewey Turner Turner Walworth Clark Clark Walworth Turner Walworth Day Hughes Brule Perkins Jerauld Lawrence Potter Moody Deuel Moody McCook Grant Deuel Minnehaha Lyman Lawrence Meade Meade Hand Roberts Hutchinson Butte Day Minnehaha Bennett Todd Dewey Dewey Dewey Dewey Dewey Dewey COORDINATES 433126N1034756W 453811N0994723W 453746N0995254W 453810N0994938W 444731N0964104W 445249N1002119W 430537N0983430W 434239N0964202W 451350N1023306W 430935N1025931W 451939N1032l42W 451648N1004442W 451851N1001553W 451750N0994534W 451020N1022‘23W 443441N1013506H 450757N0973304W 451724N0995113W 451541N1004537W 431313N0970534W 431354N0970623W 451821N1001740W 450727N0973344W 450755N0973253W 451710N0994937W 431223N0970529W 451606N0995300W 452454N0972045W 443034N0994757W 434625N0990536W 454465N1025226W 440038N0982522W 441038N1034546W 450715N1001736W 435608N0963409W 445100N0964622W 435608N0963409W 435205N0972055W 450625N0962706W 443725N0962951W 433820N0963755W 434554N1000018W 441848N1035240W 441641N1024342W 441203N1030127W 442026N0985904W 453311N0964808W 431217N0973402W £51106N1030041W 451121N0975459W 433B20N0963755W 431019N1015704W 431711N1004901W 450733N1002223W 450718N1002051W 450719N1001903W 450719N1001903W 450733N1002223W 450733N1002223W SOURCE COORDINATES 451723N1032240W 450802N1004800W 451337N1022836W 443701N1013639H 453044N0994758W 441006N1035050W 450557N1001555W 441923N1035150W 441004N1030117W 450844N1030100W 450955N1003014W ELEV PT 1772 1745 1780 1805 1743 1851 1721 1255 1263 1788 1663 1365 1625 1885 1590 2716 1895 975 1732 3337 MAP NAME Jewel Cave SE Flat Lake Salt Lake Flat Lake Clear Lake North Artichoke Butte NE Fort Randall Dam Renner Bixby Slim Butte NW Bams Butte SE Trail City SW Moreau SE Hoven Municipal Airport Deep Creek NW Rattlesnake Lake SE Swan Lake Hoven Municipal Airport Glencross SE Viborg Viborg Moreau SE Heggs Lake Swan Lake Hoven Municipal Airport Viborg Lowry Enemy Swim Lake West Blunt SE Pukwana SE Cow Butte SW Lane Nahant Patch Skin Buttes SE Dell Rapids NE Bemis Winfred SE Marietta Hendricks Renner Presho SE Savoy Elm Springs SW Bend Vayland SW Browns Valley Menno Fish Draw Crandall Swett Soldier Creek SE Patch Skin Buttes SE Patch Skin Buttes SE Patch Skin Buttes SE Four Bear Creek FEATURE NAME Swift Bird Day School Swift Bird Training Center Swift Creek See Swift Bird Creek Swimmer Creek Swinehart Draw Swinehart Hill Swint Creek Sydney Township Sylvanite Lode Mine Sylvan Sylvan Sylvan Lake Lake Dam Lake Resort Sylvia (historical) Sylvia Township Synaground School Syndicate Gulch T Table Table Table Butte Mountain Mountain Township Table Tabor Tabor Tabor Tabor Tabor Tabor Top Butte Cemetery Cemetery Church Lutheran Church Recreation Area Tabor Township (historical) Tabor Township Tacoma Perk Daooma Park Tacoma Park Dam Tadpole Dam Tahana Lake Tailrace Recreation Area Tailrace Recreation Area See Trailwaters Recreation Area Tailwaters Recreation Area Talcut Draw Tallent School Talley Dam Tall Prairie Chicken Creek Tama (historical) Tamarack Gulch Tama Township (historical) Tamworth School Tamworth Township Tanaka (historical) Tanner Ranch Tanner Ranch Taopi (historical) Taopi Cemetery Taopi Township Target Flat (historical) Tarter Ranch Tashnke-Ko-Ki-Pa-Pi Cemetery Tatanka Lake Tatenka Tatenka See Tatanka Lake Brothers Dam Cemetery Draw Ranch Ranch School Spring Township Township Taylor Taylor Taylor Taylor Taylor Taylor Taylor Taylor Taylor FEATURE CLASS school building stream stream valley summit stream civil mine reservoir dam ppl locale civil school valley summit summit civil summit ppl cemetery cemetery church church park civil civil ppl dam dam lake park park park valley school dam stream locale valley civil school civil locale locale locale locale cemetery civil flat locale cemetery reservoir reservoir dam cemetery valley locale locale school spring civil civil STATUS UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT BGN BGN BGN BGN ADMIN UNOFF BGN UNOFF BGN UNOFF ADMIN UNOFF BGN BGN BGN ADMIN BGN BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN BGN VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF BGN ADMIN VARIANT ADMIN BGN UNOFF UNOFF BGN UNOFF BGN ADMIN UNOFF ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN BGN UNOFF UNOFF BGN VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN ADMIN ADMIN NATIONAL GAZETTEER--SOUTH DAKOTA 1989 COUNTY Dewey Dewey Dewey Mellette Pennington Pennington Custer Perkins Custer Custer Custer Custer Lyman Lyman Brown Meade Todd Harding Harding Butte Bon Homme Deuel Grant Day Grant Bon Homme Bon Homme Bon Homme Brown Brown Harding Roberts Hughes Lyman Lyman Dewey Pennington Meade Dewey Meade Pennington Meade Faulk Faulk Corson Custer Custer Minnehaha Minnehaha Minnehaha Sully Harding Shannon Corson Corson Sully Clay Hughes Butte Custer Faulk Pennington Hanson Tripp COORDINATES 450500N1002530W 450324N1002054W 450733Nl002223W 432443N1010625W 435503N1024405W 435519N1024437W 434048N103l720W 454330N1024740W 434738N1033307W 435051N1033355W 435051N1033335W 435046N1033350W 434302N0995925W 434238N1000155W 452333N0980838W 442008N1032846W 432222N1004421W 455350N1033927W 455307N1033647W 445130N1025755W 425655N0973931W 444449N0964923W 450226N0964532W 452634N0973620W 450226N0964539W 42513BN0973912W 425829N0973908W 425615N0974107W 453235N0981448W 453224N0981448W 455436N1025854W 453244N0970949W 442641N1002308W 440205N0992610W 440204N0992622W 444915N1010542W 440351N103l318W 445006N1023748W 445134N1004120W 444735N1023021W 440431N1032805W 444846N1023115W 450138N0990800W 450114N0990802W 455645N1011245W 433101N1033232W 433804N1033519W 434730N0965922W 434705N0965919W 434751N0965625W 443611N1003633W 454015N1035856W 430720N1023922W 455605N1011155W 455605N1011155W 443318N1002254W 425014N0970443W 442006N1001044W 444548N1035240W 433247N1033311W 445813N0991827W 440630N1035010W 433250N0973945W 431822N1001012W SOURCE ELEV COORDINATES FT 432212N1010832W 435958N1024624W 2704 434245N1032418W 5380 6145 6000 1820 1305 441943N1032949W 2660 3602 3003 1364 1985 1689 1853 1690 1302 1998 445052N1010946W 450057N1004712W 2438 440350N1032810W 2180 1635 1700 2182 442050N1001019W 3228 6402 SD207 MAP NAME Patch Skin Buttes SW Patch Skin Buttes SE Parmelee NE Creston Creston Butcher Hill Prairie City NE Custer Custer Custer Custer Ideal NW Presho 4 NB James Tilford Mission Table Mountain Ladner NE Table Top Butte Tabor Estelline NB Stockholm Webster NB Stockholm Bon Homme Colony Tabor Tabor Putney Putney Cow Butte Drywood Lakes Oahe Dam Big Bend Dam Herbert Creek 53 Rapid City East Squaw Buttes No Heart Creek SW Opal West SE Pactola Dam Opal West SE Paulkton West Faulkton West Tatanka Lake Pringle Cicero Peak Colton Colton Colton Iron Post Buttes SE Caroline Butte Pine Ridge SW Tatanka Lake Okobojo SW Meokling Antelope Island Bull Creek Butte Pringle Rezac Lake NE Deerfield Spencer SW Witten SW $0208 FEATURE NAME T Doland Ranch (historical) Tea Byron Tea Cemetery Teasdale School Number 1 (historical) Teddy Bear (historical) Ted Matson Dam Ted Molstad Dam Ted Olson Dam Teel Creek See Stove Creek Teepee Dam Teeter Creek Tekakwitha Dam Telegraph Draw . Telegraph Flat (historical) Telegraph Gulch Telemarken Church Telstar Landing Field Temple Number 1 Dam Templeton (historical) Templeton Church Congregational Church Templeton Post Office (historical) Templeton School Number 4 (historical) Tenderfoot (historical) Tenderfoot Creek Tenderfoot Group Mine Tenderfoot Gulch Tennant Ranch Landing Strip Tenneboe Slough Tennis (historical) Tennyson Dam Tenny Son Dam Tenny Son Dam See Tennyson Dam Tepee See Tepee Ranger Station Tepee (historical) Tepee Butte See Tepee Buttes Tepee Buttes Tepee Butte Tepee Canyon Tepee Canyon Creek See Sioux Creek Tepee Canyon Creek Tepee Canyon Spring Tepee Canyon Well Tepee Creek Tepee Creek Tepee Creek Tepee Gulch Tepee Mountain Tepee Number One Spring Tepee Peak Tepee Ranger Station Tepee Tepee Spring Tepee Springs Terrace Park Terraville Terry Terry and Terry Number 1 Claims Mine Thom Carroll Property Mine Terry Peak Terrya Peak Terrys Peak See Terry Peak Terry Station Tetanka Dam See Richard Glines Dam FEATURE CLASS locale ppl cemetery school locale dam dam dam stream dam stream dam valley flat valley church airport dam locale church building school locale stream mine valley airport gut locale dam dam locale locale range range valley stream stream spring well stream stream stream valley summit spring summit locale spring spring park ppl locale mine summit summit locale dam NATIONAL GAZETTBER--SOUTH DAKOTA 1989 STATUS UNOFF BGN VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT UNOFP BGN UNOFF BGN BGN BGN UNOFF ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF UNOFP UNOFF BGN UNOFF BGN ADMIN BGN UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF VARIANT BGN VARIANT BGN VARIANT BGN 1973 BGN UNOFF BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN UNOFP VARIANT BGN BGN ADMIN BGN UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT BGN VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF VARIANT COUNTY Hughes Lincoln Lincoln Jerauld Pennington Harding Walworth Meade Dewey Harding Harding Roberts Meade Sully Pennington Clark Davison Jackson Jerauld Jerauld Jerauld Jerauld Custer Pennington Custer Custer Harding Kingsbury Hand Pennington Pennington Custer Lawrence Harding Harding Custer Harding Harding Harding Custer Fall River Fall River Meade Pennington Fall River Harding Pennington Custer Custer Harding Minnehaha Lawrence Lawrence Custer Lawrence Lawrence Lawrence Carson COORDINATES 442840N1003203W 432647N0965008W 432523N0964820W 441102N0982815W 435705N1033020W 452042N1033136W 453254N1002000W 445454N1024830W 450235N1002851W 455406N1031754W 45$655N1030339W 453354N0970312W 440842N1022434W 443438N1003556W 440756N1034547W 450602N0972940W 434154N0980116W 435324N1015612W 440521N0983828W 440357N0984229W 440747N09fl4122W 440729N0984233W 435017N1033824W 435157N1033725W 434957N1033830W 435044N1033805W 455100N1035700W 441728N0971149W 445203N0991737W 435839N1020558W 435839N1020558W 434323N1035554W 440902N1035717W 455329N1031743W 455329N1031745W 433303N1035702W 453451N1032036W 453138N1031228W 452912N1031100W 434329N1035556W 431706N1032728W 431633N1033124W 442720N1021345W 435434N1032241W 431639N1032957W 452917N1031102W 435539N1032352W 434323N1035554W 434532N1035304W 455243N1032016W 433328N0964433W 442144N1034551W 442001N1034859W 434620N1033354W 441939N1035005W 441939N1035005W 441920N1034902W 455612N1011142W SOURCE COORDINATES 455110N1030311W 441024N1022729W 440913N1034653W 434928N1033927W 434956N1033906W 434603N1035207W 452837N103ll3lw 431445N1032910W 431305N1033013W 443701N1022123W 435649N1032525W ELEV FT 1580 1486 1380 5700 1793 1310 1915 1756 1858 1812 5660 5800 3053 1920 2569 6690 3013 3795 4800 5000 5280 7064 5880 MAP NAME Willow Creek Butte Tea Tea Woonsocket NW Rochford Redig Glenham Frozen Man Creek Haley Haley Sisseton Wasta NW Iron Post Buttes SE Nahant Wallace Mitchell Cottonwood Wessington Springs Wessington Springs Wessington Springs Wessington Springs Berne Custer Berne Berne Scott Creek Arlington Rezac Lake Wall NE Crooks Tower Tepee Buttes Jewel Cave SW Battleship Rock J 3 Hill Jewel Cave NW Angostura Reservoir Cascade Springs Pedro NW Mount Rushmore Angostura Reservoir J B Hill Mount Rushmore Jewel Cave NW Dead Horse Flats Tepee Buttes Sioux Falls East Lead Lead Custer Lead Lead 5" SW NW SW FEATURE NAME Teton Tetonkaha, Lake Tetonka Township Teton River See Bad River Tetouka (historical) Tetro Creek Tetro Rock Texana (historical) Texsam (historical) Thatcher Theater Ridge The chicken Ranch (historical) Thed A Holzwarth Dam The Empire Mall The Falls See Savoy The Ghost Town Capitol of Roberts County See Travare (historical) The Grand Detour See Big Bend of the Missouri, The The Little Red School See Cadwell School (historical) Theodore Theodore (historical) Cemetery Theodore Kjerstad Dam Theodore Roosevelt, Mount Mount Sheep Theodore Roosevelt Peak Theodore Roosevelt Peak See Theodore Roosevelt, Mount Theodore Township Theresa Township Third Creek Thirty-six Mile Siding See White Lake Thisted, Lake T Holzwarth Dam Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas Bay Recreation Area Brothers Landing Strip Burke Dam Number 1 Thomas Thomas Thomas Dugan Dam Lake Number 1 Dam Thomas Number 2 Dam Thomas Number 3 Dam Thom Carroll Property Mine See Terry and Terry Number 1 Claims Mine Thompson, Lake Thompson Butte Thompson Canyon Thompson Cemetery Thompson Creek Thompson Dam See Bert Thompson Number 1 Dam Thompson Ditch Thompson Draw Thompson-Kinney Divide Thompson Landing Field Thompson Ranch Thompson School Thompson School Thompsons Lake See Henry, Lake Thompson Slough Thompson Spring Thompson Township Thorpe School Thorp Township Thorson Airfield FEATURE CLASS locale lake civil stream locale stream summit locale locale locale ridge locale dam locale ppl locale bend school locale cemetery dam summit summit civil civil stream ppl lake valley cemetery stream dam canal valley ridge airport locale school school lake gut spring civil school civil airport NATIONAL GAZETTEER--SOUTH DAKOTA 1989 STATUS UNOFF BGN ADMIN VARIANT UNOFF BGN BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN 1919 VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT ADMIN ADMIN BGN VARIANT BGN UNOFF BGN ADMIN ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT BGN BGN BGN UNOFF BGN VARIANT BGN BGN BGN ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT BGN BGN ADMIN UNOFF ADMIN ADMIN COUNTY Stanley Brookings Spink Stanley Spink Lawrence Lawrence Lawrence Mellette Dewey Custer Lawrence Potter Minnehaha Lawrence Roberts Buffalo Deuel Walworth Walworth Pennington Lawrence Lawrence Walworth Beadle Corscn Aurora Kingsbury Potter Hamlin Walworth Lyman Butte Corson Hyde Jones Jones Jones Custer Kingsbury Pennington Pennington Roberts Dewey Fall River Butte Pennington Pennington Stanley Pennington Brown Perkins Lake Lake Pennington Campbell Perkins Clark Brown COORDINATES 441713N1003027W 442622N0965938W 450620N0981908W 442116N1002203W 450716N0982350W 442755N1034724W 442437N1034930W 441000N1034855W 433952N1005226W 450119N1005538W 433201N1033150W 441840N1034035W 450130N1001248W 440010N0991500W 442109N1035551W 453454N0965115W 441118N0994208H 445025N096322SW 451815N0995108W 452142N0994646W 440500N1020612W 442354N1034532W 442354N1034532W 451934N0995255W 442515N0981700W 453258N1014859W 434349N0984248W 442834N0970906W 450230N1001312W 444539N0971233W 452718N1001856W 435600N0995200W 450730N1032730W 453818N1014154W 444B49N0993119W 434518N1004036W 434500N1004118W 43444BN1004306W 434620N1033354W 441721N0972804W 435505N1025907W 435529N1040528W 455425N0965835W 452916N1002633W 432312N1031148W 443456N1035858W 435754N1034034W 435535N1040156W 443400N1004500W 440519N1035537W 453059N0980914W 453610N1021627W 435452N0971910W 441129N0970505W 435633N1040200W 453810N0994640W 452038N1021038W 450205N0973915W 452300N0982900W SOURCE COORDINATBS 442407N1034707W 453653N1015305W 435739N1040052W 452609N1002610W 435757N1034159W ELEV PT 1625 1292 5562 5480 2275 5240 1425 1904 5690 1667 1763 1620 1740 1773 3457 2113 1303 1300 SD209 MAP NAME Teton Bruce Brentford SB Gallup Spearfish Spearfish Lead Murdo 3 NE Ridgeview SW Pringle Deadwood South Lake Hurley Sioux Falls West Haven Municipal Airport Hoven Municipal Airport Elm Creek Ranch Spearfish Lowry Broadland Twin Butte Badger Lake Hurley Pelican Lake Moreau NE Kennebec Lone Tree Drew Bast Cottonwood Creek NW Thomas Lake Murdo SW Murdo SW Westover Lake Preston West Caputa Moon New Effington NW Moreau NW Chicken Creek Medicine Mountain Moon Iron Post Buttes SW Crows Nest Peak Putney Box Car Buttes Sinai Moon Flat Lake Coal Springs SW Bradley Aberdeen Bast SD210 FEATURE NAME Thorson School Thorstensen 1 Dam Thorstensen 2 Dam Thorstensen 3 Dam Thrall Mountain Three Forks (historical) Three Legs Creek Ordway Township Hall Threemile Creek Threemile Lake Three Moccasin Park Three Rivers Township Three Sisters Creek See Cedar Creek Three Sisters Islands (historical) Three Tree Draw Thumb Butte Thunderbird Homes Addition (subdivision) Thunder Butte See Thunder Hawk Butte Thunder Butte Thunder Butte Thunder Butte Creek Thunder Creek Old Lodge Creek Thunder Creek See Black Dog Creek Thunder Hawk Thunder Hawk Butte Thunder Butte Thunder Hawk Creek Thunderhead Falls Tunnel Thunderhead Mountain Crazy Horse Carving Crazy Horse Monument Crazy Horse Mountain Thunder Valley Drag Strip Thury School (historical) Thybo Pond Dam Thybo Ranch Thybo Spring Thybo Well Tiblis Ranch (historical) Tidd School Tiemens School (historical) Tieszen Cemetery Tiffany School Tiffel Mine Tiger City See Tigervllle Tiger Lode Mine Tigerville Tiger City Tilford Tilford Gulch Tillisons Mine Tillson Creek Timber Canyon Timber Creek Timber Creek Big Timber Creek Timber Creek Timber Creek See Dry Run Timber Creek Timber Creek Timber Creek School Timber Draw Timber Gulch Timber Lake Timber Lake Timber Lake Cattle Company Number 3 Dam Timber Lake Municipal Airport Timon Campground Tim Plate Mine FEATURE CLASS school dam dam dam summit locale stream stream lake park civil stream island valley summit PPl summit summit locale stream stream stream ppl summit stream tunnel summit locale school dam locale spring well locale school school cemetery school mine locale mine locale ppl valley mine stream valley stream stream stream stream stream stream school valley valley lake ppl dam airport park mine NATIONAL GAZETTEER--SOUTH DAKOTA 1989 STATUS UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN UNOFF BGN VARIANT BGN BGN ADMIN ADMIN VARIANT BGN BGN BGN BGN VARIANT BGN UNOFF BGN BGN 1982 VARIANT VARIANT BGN BGN VARIANT BGN UNOFF BGN VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT BGN BGN UNOFF BGN BGN BGN BGN VARIANT BGN VARIANT BGN BGN UNOFF BGN BGN 1963 BGN BGN UNOFF ADMIN ADMIN UNOFF COUNTY Brown Dewey Dewey Dewey Pennington Pennington Dewey Shannon Marshall Shannon Spink Lyman Hughes Pennington Harding Pennington Corson Ziebach Ziebach Ziebach Tripp Tripp Corson Corson Corson Pennington Custer Turner Douglas Harding Harding Harding Harding Custer Moody Douglas Turner Brown Pennington Pennington Pennington Pennington Meade Meade Custer Lawrence Harding Dewey Meade Spink Spink Stanley Tripp Meade Pennington Lawrence Dewey Dewey Dewey Dewey Lawrence Pennington COORDINATES 453128N0982601N 451442N1010954W 451242N1010942W 451318N1010148W 440412N1032613W 435705N1033020W 452108N1001824W 432152N1021508W 454215N0973235W 430039N1023337W 445602N0983117W 440915N0995517W 441000N0995520W 442010N1020756W 454152N1033457W 440720N1032813W 455517N1015742W 451912N1015249H 451246N1014011W 451309N1014114W 434015N0995221W 434433N0993830W 455618N1015828W 455517N1015742W 454313N1015829W 440330N1032447W 435013N1033724W 432453N0971245W 432355N0980825W 452442N1030712W 452454N1030807W 452240N1030854W 453540N1030945W 434825N1033717W 440723N0964059W 432910N0983745W 432519N0972020W 452828N0982831W 440155N1033602W 435836N1033322W 435333N1032050W 435836N1033822W 441801N1032546W 441804N1032633W 434550N1033128W 441040N1034521W 454516N1033321W 452934N1002303W 443013N1020215W 444807N0981729W 445245N0982030H 441719N1001158W 430152N0994855W 442838N1020915W 435655N1023238W 442012N1035454W 452611N1010355W 452545N1010425W 451930N1010148W 452454N1010458W 441940N1035919W 435332N1033647W SOURCE COORDINATES 452150N1002018W 431638N1021517W 442214N1021243W 453112N1024546W 431556N0994629H 455610N1021150W 441811N1032958W 441151N1035310W 454439N1033326H 452659N1002402W 443706N1021606W 450150N0980617w 441204N1000421W 425829N0994938W 440016N1024053W 441800N1035540W ELEV PT 1303 5091 4800 1802 3405 4725 2755 2710 2715 6567 1539 3133 5540 1562 1446 3960 3578 5280 2282 2159 2193 5590 5200 MAP NAME Ordway Parade NW Parade NW Parade NE Pactola Dam Hill City Moreau SE Kyle Britten 4 NE Pine Ridge Redfield North Joe Creek NW Creighton McKenzie Butte Pactola Dam Glad Valley SW Thunder Butte Thunder Butte Ideal NE Thunder Hawk Thunder Hawk Black Horse Butte NM Pactola Dam Custer Parker Wanblee NU Flat Top Butte J B Hill J B Hill Battleship Rock Custer Flandreau SW Joubert Marion Aberdeen East Silver City Rockerville Medicine Mountain Tilford Tilford Custer Nahant Ladner SE Moreau NW Howes Glendale Colony Antelope Island Wewela Pedro NW Brennan Flat Savoy Timber Lake Timber Lake Little Moreau Lake Timber Lake Savoy Hill City FEATURE NAME Tin Boom Mine General Harney Mine Golden Slipper Mine Tin Spike Number 1 Mine Tin Center Mine Liberty Bell Mine Chance Mine city Mine See Tin King Mine Tinity Church Tin King Mine Tin City Mine Tin Mountain Mine Tin Queen Mine White Blowout Mine Tin Tin Tin Reef (historical) Tin Reef Mine See Old Jeff Mine Tinsley Mine Elkhorn Mine Tin Spike See Annie Number 1 Lode Mine Tin Spike Number 1 Mine See Tin Boom Mine Tinton - Negro Hills Tipton Community Church Tiptop Mine Tiry School Tischudy Gulch Tisdale Lake Tisdale Lake Dam Ti-Shena-Ze Creek See Scabby Creek Tielo Post Office (historical) Titon River See Bad River Titus School T Jennings Dam T Mahaffey Dam T Mason Dam T-M Draw Tobacco Bottom Tobacco Creek Tobin Draw Tobin Township Todd, Lake Todd County Todd School Todd School Todd School Toe Gulch Togstad Post Office (historical) Toledo (historical) Toles Cemetery Towlee Cemetery Toll Gate Creek Tollgate Flats Tolstoy Tomaha Camp Tomaha Point Tomahawk Tomahawk Creek Tomato Can Buttes Tomek Slough Tom Freit Creek See Middle Fork Sage Creek Gabbert Dam Hauk Number 1 Dan Triple 0 Enterprise Dam Hill Creek Mason Dam Spring Tom Tom Tom Tom Tom Tony Krebs Dam Tony Matt Ranch FEATURE CLASS mine mine church mine mine mine locale mine mine mine mine ppl church mine school valley reservoir dam stream building stream school dam dam dam valley flat stream valley civil lake civil school school school valley building locale cemetery stream flat ppl locale cape locale stream range lake stream dam dam stream dam spring dam locale STATUS UNOFF VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT BGN VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN BGN UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN BGN BGN BGN ADMIN BGN ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT BGN BGN BGN UNOFF BGN UNOFF BGN BGN BGN VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT BGN UNOFF BGN UNOFF UNOFF NATIONAL GAZETTEER--SOUTH DAKOTA 1939 COUNTY Pennington Pennington Pennington Pennington Roberts Pennington Custer Pennington Custer Custer Custer Pennington Pennington Lawrence Beadle Custer Brown Brule Meade Meade Todd Campbell Stanley Sanborn Hyde Meade Meade Haakon Charles Mix Gregory Hughes Davison Clark Todd Hand Lawrence Sully Custer Deuel Jones Lake Custer Lawrence Potter Pennington Pennington Lawrence Stanley Butte Faulk Pennington Perkins Walworth Dewey Perkins Lawrence Pennington Pennington COORDINATES 435607N1033507W 435545N1033425W 435540N1033452W 435207N1033703W 454448N0965002H 435207N1033703W 43¢449N1034314W 435145N1033524W 434822N1033745W 434909N1033745W 434451N1033052W 435542N1033505W 435607N1033507W 442250N1040253W 443710N0984111W 434256N1034010H 455512N0980337W 435221N0991758W 441146N1024030W 441146N1024030W 431921N1005306W 453755N1001050W 442116N1002203W 435158N0980417W 441336N0992300W 444512N1021212W 445512N1020618W 440518N1010624W 425743N0981801W 425522N0984517W 441709N1000043W 433245N0980945W 450306N0973314W 431100N1004500W 441607N0904727W 443446N1034536W 445229N1001210W 434634N1034115W 443950N0964420W 434613N1004932W 441002N0971834W 435049N1032407W 4423¢2N1035739W 451229N0993650W 440314N1032428W 440247N1032423W 441243N1033141W 441423N1004011W 450111N1030634W 451408N0985221W 435312N1022247W 452700N1021512W 451812N1001406W 452149N1003301W 450506N1021730W 441220N1040050W 440024N1020100W 435734N1034550W SOURCE COORDINATES 435206N0991406W 440645N1010740W 430142N0984835W 441857N1000115W 434746N1034202W 435102N1032620W 441752N1004621W 452445N1003602W ELEV FT 5190 5000 5160 1101 5460 5680 5680 5200 5000 1390 2713 1880 1306 1828 1879 1980 1850 1741 1940 4710 3092 SD211 MAP NAME Hill City Hill City Hill City Peever NE Custer Fourmile Custer Berna Cicero Peak Tinton Tulare SW Fourmile Hecla NE Chamberlain Owanka NW Owanka NW Selby uw Loomis Stephan Reed Dam Durkee Lake Midland SE Lynch NE Butte Rousseau Mitchell SW Heggs Lake Olsonville NW Vayland SE Jolly Agar SW Berne Clear Lake South Okaton SB Oldham Iron Mountain Maurice Tolstoy Pactola Dam Pactola Dam Nemo Wendte Tomato Can Buttes Cresbard NE Chance Akaska SW Promise Deep Creek SB Buckhorn Elm Creek Ranch Ditch Creek 50212 NATIONAL GAZETTEER--SOUTH DAKOTA 1939 FEATURE SOURCE ELEV FEATURE NAME CLASS STATUS COUNTY COORDINATES COORDINATES FT MAP NAME Tooktay (historical) locale 0110?? Charles Mix 431900N0905045W 1655 Bovee Topbar Township (historical) civil ADMIN Haakon 442247N10l4116w Milesville Torey Lake Township VARIANT See Torrey Lake Township civil Brule 433235N0985103W Tornado Mine mine UNOFF Lawrence “2007111034900“ 6040 Lead Tornow Number 1 Dam dam UNOFF Jones 43503011100492” Okaton SB Toronto ppl BGN Deuel 443423N0963832W 1997 Toronto Toronto Cemetery cemetery UNOFE‘ Deuel 443450N0963950W 1979 Toronto Torrey Lake swamp BGN Brule 433156N0985210W Cedar Grove Colony Torrey Lake School school UNOFF Brule 433239N0985107W 1623 Cedar Grove Colony Torrey Lake Township civil ADMIN Brule 433235N0905108W Cedar Grove Colony Tory Lake Township VARIANT Torey Lake Township VARIANT Torvik Subdivision » ppl BGN Roberts 453945ND970436W 1295 Sisseton Tory Lake Township VARIANT See Torrey Lake Township civil Brule 43323511098510”! Tower Dam dam UNOFF Todd 431942N1003112W Mission 51?. Crapie Dam VARIANT Tower Lake reservoir BGN Todd 431942N1003112W Mission 51’. Tower Reach (historical) bend BGN Charles Mix 43531211090290“) Marty Towhead Island (historical) island BGN Gregory 432015N0990430W 1280 Lucas SE Towles Cemetery VARIANT See Toles Cemetery cemetery Lake 441002N0971834W Town Dam VARIANT See Dry Draw Dam dam Fall River 430136N1033754W Towne Ranch locale UNOFF Haakon 443426N1012401W Cherry Creek Townley Ranch locale UNOFF Haakon 442612N1015409W Hilland NW Townley Spring spring BGN Custer 434927N1035250W Dead Horse Flats Township Cemetery VARIANT See Bub Cemetery cemetery Grant 451319N0964244N Town Site Lateral canal BCN Butte 444344N1032744N Newell Town Site Lateral A canal BGN Butte 444226N10326l3w Newell Town Site Lateral B canal BGN Butte 444054N1032429W Newell Town Site Lateral C canal BGN Butte 444106N1032353W Newell Townsite Mine mine UNOFF Custer 433600N1033450W Pringle Tracy School Number 4 school UNOFF Jerauld 441010N0983303W 1435 Wessington Springs NE (historical) Tracy Township civil ADMIN Lyman 440350N1001110N Ft George Butte SW Trail City ppl BGN Dewey 452821N1004330H 2131 Trail City Trail City Cemetery cemetery UNOFF Dewey 452824N1004230W 2145 Trail City Trail City Lake Dam VARIANT See Pius Aberle Dam dam Corson 452854N1004430W Trail City Railroad Lake reservoir BCN Corson 452859N1004425W 2098 Trail City Trail Creek stream BGN Butte 450340N1025955H 450019N1030933W Mud Creek Trail Creek stream BGN Meade 445513N1024543W 450050N1024011W Frozen Man Creek Trail Spring spring BGN Harding 4.5294611103105711 J B Hill Trail Township civil ADMIN Perkins 455530N1021615N White Butte Trailwaters Recreation Area park ADMIN Lyman 440205N0992610W 1380 Big Bend Dam Tailrace Recreation Area VARIANT Trasta Cemetery cemetery UNOFF Brookings 442907N0970408W Arlington NE Travare (historical) locale UNOFF Roberts 453454N0965115W 1095 Browns Valley The Ghost Town Capitol VARIANT of Roberts County Traverse, Lake reservoir BGN Roberts 454609N0963819N Rosholt Travers Spring spring BGN Harding 455031N1033055fl Ladner SE Travers Spring Number One spring BGN Harding 4549S7N1033028W Ladner SB '1‘ R Baker Dam dam UNOFF Sully 444236N100114BW Sully Lake Sully Lake Dam VARIANT Trebor Draw valley BGN Lawrence 440932N1035246W 440901N1035516W Crooks Tower Tree Draw valley BGN Pennington 435655N1034101W 43563311103413“! Medicine Mountain Tremain Creek VARIANT See Twelvemile Creek stream Hutchinson 432541N0974801H Trent ppl B611 Moody 435423N0963913W 1510 Trent Trent Cemetery cemetery UNOFF Moody 435451N0963926" Trent Trent Mounds summit BGN Moody 435242N0963911W 1525 Trent Trenton Township civil ADMIN Brookings 441550N0964205w Aurora Triangle A Mine mine UNOFE‘ Custer 434429N1033055W Cicero Peak Triangle Park flat BGN Custer 433602N1040032W Dewey Tribal Dam dam UNOFF Stanley 441318N1000000W Ft George Butte Tribal Ranch locale UNOFF Todd 431426N1004727W Rosebud Tribe Number 1 Dan dam UNOFF ziebach 444754N1014942W Bull Creek 2 NE Tribe Number 2 Dam dam UNOFF ziebach 450624N1014406W Bedners Dam Tribe Number 3 Dam dam UNOFF ziebach 452318N1014710W Clad Valley Tribe Number 4 Dam dam UNOFF ziebach 451118N1013106W Dupree NE Tribe Number 6 Dam dam UNOFF ziebach 444224N1015742W Dead Horse Draw Tribe Number 7 Dam dam UNOFF ziebach 444318N1015530H Dead Horse Draw Tribe Number 0 Dam dam UNOFF ziebach 444212N1015124W Bridger NE Tribe Number 9 Dam dam UNOFF ziebach 444800N1013848W Longbrake Ranch Tribe Number 10 Dam dam UNOFF ziebach 444336N1012530W Cherry Creek NW FEATURE NAME Tribe Number 11 Dam Trinity Cemetery Trinity Cemetery Trinity Cemetery Trinity Cemetery Trinity Cemetery Trinity Cemetery Trinity Cemetery Trinity Cemetery Trinity Cemetery Trinity Church Trinity Church Danish Trinity Lutheran Church Trinity Church Trinity Church Trinity Church Trinity Church Trinity Lutheran Church Trinity Church Trinity Church Trinity Church Trinity Lutheran Church See Trinity Church Trinity Lutheran School Triple Seven Number 1 Dam Triple Seven Number 2 Dam 7 Triple U Enterprise Dam See Tom Hauk Number 1 Dam Tripp Tripp, Lake Tripp County Tripp Dam Tripp Lake Tripp Park Tripp Township (historical) Trojan Portland Trondhjem Cemetery Trondhjem Church Trondhjem Church Trondhjem Church Trotter Ranch Dam Hoar Ranch Dam Number 2 Trout Dam Troy Troy Cemetery Troy Lake Troy Lake State Public Shooting Area Lee Hunt Dam Post Office (historical) School Township Troy Township Troy Township Truax Group Mine See Butte Group Mine Trudeaus 1794 Camp (historical) True Draw Troy Troy Troy Troy Truesdell Creek Trulock Cemetery Truman Dam Trumbo Draw Trumbo School School Number 6 Trunk Creek Truro Township Trussman Draw Tschetter Cemetery Tschetter Colony Tschetter Slough Tschetter Slough State Public Shooting Area T Scholzen-Glen Schillingstad Dam T Sternard Dam FEATURE CLASS dam cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery church church church church church church church church church church school dam dam dam ppl reservoir civil dam reservoir park civil locale cemetery church church church dam dam ppl cemetery reservoir park dam building school civil civil civil mine locale valley stream cemetery dam valley school stream civil valley cemetery locale lake park dam dam STATUS UNOFF UNOFF UNOPF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFP VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT BGN BGN ADMIN UNOFF BGN ADMIN ADMIN UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF BGN UNOFF BGN ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN VARIANT UNOFF BGN BGN UNOFF UNOFF BGN UNOFF VARIANT BGN ADMIN BGN UNOFF UNOFF BGN ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF NATIONAL GAZETTEER--SOUTH DAKOTA 1989 COUNTY ziebach Aurora Beadle Bon Homme Brookings Brookings Lyman Miner Sanborn Todd Charles Mix Clay Hutchinson Kingsbury Lincoln Minnehaha Moody Sanborn Spink Minnehaha Charles Mix Custer Custer Walworth Hutchinson Hutchinson Tripp Hutchinson Hutchinson Yankton Hutchinson Lawrence Marshall Marshall Roberts Yankton Fall River Fall River Grant Grant Sully Grant Corson Grant Sully Day Grant Sully Pennington Lyman Stanley Gregory Brookings Harding Hughes Bon Homme Harding Aurora Meade Hutchinson Hutchinson McCook HoCook Walworth Meade COORDINATES 452006N1014742W 433709N0994508W 442840N0975715W 425947N0980145W 441302N0962912W 441935N0965632W 435105N0994110W 441011N0974425W 445158N0981725W 431009N1003839W 432216N0990233W 424921N0970935W 431850N0973009W 441324N0972212W 430912N0963409W 433422N0965513W 435422N0963054W 435158N0981726W 451349N0953923W 433422N0965513W 432221N0990236W 434106N1030530W 434248N1030900W 451812N1001406W 431332N0975756W 431212N0980454W 432100N0995230W 431209N0950449W 431209N0980449W 42523BN0972346W 431220N0975516W 442032N1035015W 455240N0973006W 455127N0972848W 454632N0964442W 430158N0971403W 430654N1034924W 430200N1032354W 450215N0965154W 450305N0965141W 445145N1001928W 450125N0965219W 455100N1010000W 450259N0965226W 445019N1001814W 451115N0974720W 454500N0964840W 445037N1002119W 435212N1033737W 433856N0992530W 442443N1003530W 431103N0985528W 442925N0962729W 451724N1034015W 441922N1000439W 425522N0980518W 455444N1033002W 433245N0983100W 442148N1023225W 432312N0972511W 432213N0974109W 433035N0973555W 433039N0973556W 453218N1002300W 445200N1021218W SOURCE COORDINATES 442943N1004057W 430719N0985628W 442135N1000551W 455454N1033407W 441916N1022909W ELEV FT 1377 1415 1702 1737 1614 1605 1351 1347 1531 1851 1112 1870 1907 1880 1954 1350 1385 1480 50213 MAP NAME Glad Valley SE Cedar Grove Colony Yale Niobrara NE Elkton Volga Reliance SW Carthage Storla Mission Lucas SE St Helena Wolf Creek Oldham Alcester NB Hartford South Dell Rapids NE Storla Chelsea Lucas 53 Fairburn NE Fairburn Tripp Oak Hollow Dog Ear Buttes Oak Hollow Oak Hollow Yankton Tripp Lead Havana Hillhead Rosholt Irene Croue Dam Black Banks Creek West Stockholm Stockholm Artichoke Butte Stockholm Bullhead Stockholm Artichoke Butte Lone Tree Lake Stockholm Artichoke Butte Iona NW Willow Creek Butte Whetstone Bay Lake Benton NW Moreau Peak Rousseau Niobrara NE Ladner NE Aurora Center Elm Springs Dalton Tschetter Colony Bridgewater West Bridgewater West Mobridge Opal East SE $0214 FEATURE NAME T Trent Number 1 Dam Tubbs Canal Tubbs Dam Tubbs Moss Agate Dam Tucker Smith Township (historical) Tufte Dam Tulare Tulare Cemetery Tulare Township Tunerville Tungsten Lode Mine Tunnel (historical) Tunnel Ridge Tuntland Cemetery Turbiville Irrigation Dam Turbiville Ranch Turgeon Dam Turgeon Township (historical) Turkey Creek Turkey Hill Turkey Ridge Turkey Ridge Creek Turkey Valley Cemetery Turkey Valley Church Turkey Valley Township Turk Group Mine Turner (historical) Turner County Turner Draw Turner Junction See Marion Turner School Turner Township Turney Township (historical) Turtle Butte See Buffalo Buttes Turtle Butte Turtle Creek Turtle Creek Turtle Creek Turtle Creek River Turtle River Turtle Creek Dam Turtle Creek River See Turtle Creek Turtle Creek Township (historical) Turtlefoot Lake Turtle Lake Turtle River See Turtle Creek Turton Saint Paul Turton Township Tuschen Slough Tuthill Tuthill Park Tutts Ranch See Carter Ranch Twelvemile Creek North Fork Twalvemile Creek Tremain Creek Twelve Mile Creek Twelve Mile Creek See Twelvemile Creek Twelve Mile Ranch (historical) Twilight Butte Twilight Hills Addition (subdivision) Twilight School Twin Brooks Twin Brooks Township Twin Butte Twin Butte FEATURE CLASS dam canal dam dam civil dam ppl cemetery civil locale mine locale ridge cemetery dam locale dam civil stream summit locale stream cemetery church civil mine locale civil valley 991 school civil civil range summit stream stream stream dam stream civil lake lake stream 991 civil lake locale park locale stream stream locale summit ppl school ppl civil summit summit NATIONAL GAZETTEER--SOUTH DAKOTA 1989 STATUS UNOFF BGN UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN UNOFF BGN UNOFF ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN BGN BGN UNOFF BGN UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN BGN VARIANT UNOFF ADMIN ADMIN VARIANT BGN BGN BGN BGN VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF VARIANT ADMIN BGN BGN VARIANT BGN VARIANT ADMIN BGN UNOFF ADMIN VARIANT BGN 1898 VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT UNOFP BGN BGN UNOFF BGN ADMIN BGN BGN COUNTY Ziebach Fall River Fall River Fall River Haakon Harding Spink Spink Spink Deuel Pennington Lawrence Pennington Lincoln Harding Harding Brule Gregory Yankton Pennington Turner Turner Turner Yankton Yankton Custer Turner Turner Meade Turner Aurora Turner Gregory Gregory Tripp Harding Jackson Spink Harding Spink Meade Marshall Brookings Spink Spink Spink McCook Bennett Minnehaha Custer Hutchinson Hutchinson Custer Lyman Pennington Butte Grant Grant Brule Corson COORDINATES 444842N1014542W 432308N1035606W 432327N1035708W 432318N1035706W 441215N1013438W 455124N1032430W 444417N0983034W 444455N0982932W 444523N0983047W > 445325N0964051W 435209N1033415W 442513N1034138W 440629N1033647W 431016N0964112W 453712N1040112W 453845N1035710W 435542N0991048W 431218N0990633W 425619N0971041W 440432N1031932W 431437N0971645H 430627N0965905W 431940N0971502W 430734N0971049W 430801N0971232W 434600N1034155W 431347N0965920W 431830N0970730W 442155N1023429N 432523N0971537W 434629N0983127W 431227N0965820H 432335N0991225W 432724N0993037W 430346N0994915W 454112N1031052W 433010N1014847W 445446NO982906W 454218N1031112W 445446N0982906w 444847N1020200W 454517N0971902W 442627N0970023W 445446N0982906W 450259N0980543W 450059N0980200W 434157N0972805W 430921N1012936W 433047N0964220W 433454N1034314W 432541N0974801W 432541N0974801W 433918N1034427W 433016N0992734H 440450N1030846W 445727N1030735W 451221N0964645W 451111N0964845W 433055N0991526" 453119N1015156W SOURCE COORDINATES 431154N0971901W 431921N0972521W 441910N1023235W 454443N103125‘W 433238N1015632W 442058N0990108W 433119N0981642H ELEV PT 3558 1322 1328 6000 4320 1539 3100 4080 1441 1480 5780 1255 1505 2350 1915 1320 1456 4840 2160 3300 2926 1260 2042 2465 MAP NAME Red Scaffold Burdock Burdock Burdock Lucerne Ludlow Tulare Hitchcock Redfield South Tunerville Custer Deadwood North Silver City Alcester NW Capitol Rock Caroline Butte Shelby Herrick NE Gayville Rapid City West Turkey Ridge Centerville Freeman SE Center Point Center Point Berne Beresford NW Parker SW Elm Springs Wilmarth Lake Beresford NW Lucas NW Wewela Reva NW Interior 53 Ashton Reva NW Avance SB Veblen Arlington NE Turton Turton Salem Tuthill Sioux Falls Bast Milltown Fourmile Iona Rapid City East Deere Bars Butte South Twin Brooks Twin Brooks Bond Bottom Twin Butte FEATURE NAME Twin Butte Creek Coal Creek Twin Buttes Twin Buttes Twin Buttes Twin Buttes Twin Butte School Twin Butte Township Twin Butte Township Twin Dams Twin Lake (historical) Twin Lakes Twin Lakes Twin Lakes Twin Lakes Twin Lakes Twin Lakes Twin Lakes See Five Ponds Twin Lakes State Public shooting Area Twin Lakes State Recreation Area Twin Lake Township Twin Peaks Twin sisters Twin Sisters Twin Sisters Twin Sloughs Range Twin Springs Twin Springs Twin Township T H Lyman Dam Twobit (historical) Two Bit Creek Two Bit Mine (historical) Two Bit Mine (historical) Two Island Lake Two Johns Mine Rua Mine Twomile Lake Two Rivers Ranch Two Strike Bridge Two Top Butte Two Top Peek Top Butte See Two Top Peak Top Butte See Little Two Top Butte Two Top Peak See Two Top Butte Two Two Two Top Peak Two Top Butte Two Woods Lake See Bullhead Lake Tyler School Tyndall Tyndall Cemetery Tyndall Landing Field Tyree Basin Tysdal Ranch Tysdal School (historical) U Udager Dam UDLH Flood Control Dam Ula (historical) Ulen Park Ulmer Cemetery Ulmer Lake Ulmer School ulster Mine Uncle John Coulee FEATURE CLASS stream range range summit summit school civil civil dam locale lake lake lake lake lake lake swamp park park civil summit summit summit range lake spring spring civil dam locale stream mine locale lake mine lake locale bridge summit summit summit summit summit lake school ppl cemetery airport basin locale school dam dam locale park cemetery lake school mine valley STATUS BGN VARIANT BGN BGN BGN BGN UNOFF ADMIN ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN VARIANT ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF BGN UNOFF UNOFF BGN UNOFF VARIANT BGN UNOFP UNOFF BGN VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT BGN VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF BGN UNOFF ADMIN BGN UNOFP UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN UNOFF BGN UNOFF UNOFF BGN NATIONAL GAZETTEER--SOUTH DAKOTA 1989 COUNTY Corson Butte Dewey Custer Dewey Stanley Corson Stanley Butte Sanborn Grant Jerauld Kingsbury Miner Pennington Spink Hamlin Miner Jerauld Sanborn Lawrence Custer Pennington Custer Clark Harding Pennington Harding Corson Lawrence Lawrence Lawrence Lawrence Marshall Lawrence Marshall Meade Todd Butte Butte Harding Butte Butte Deuel Davison Bon Homme Bon Homme Ben Homme Pennington Pennington Sanborn Meade Brookings Minnehaha Deuel Hutchinson Hutchinson Hutchinson Lawrence Marshall SOURCE COORDINATES COORDINATES 453246N1014B33H 452623N1015520H 443927N1033326H 452159N1010130W 433624N1040108W 451424N1002509W 441242N1005421" 453200N1015540W 441215N1005120W 450334N1035902W 435735N0991901W 451525N0970003W 435742N0981945W 441807N0970842W 435847N0974256W 435619N1035336W 444705N09B3153W 444621N0970709W 435834N0974252H 435752N0981946W 435856N0981615W 442212N1035242W 434246N1034220W 440114N1032744W 433422N1033134W 450704N0974835W 452111N1030503W 440030N1040050W 455308N1025935W 455512N1004630W 442136N1034126W 442314N1033750W 433505N1034225W 441955N1033715W 454537N0972656W 442122N1035124W 441922N1034130W 454046N0973249W 442629N102li20" 431429N1005657W 445746N1033604W 44574BN1033559W 454445N1031123W 445746N1033604W 445748N1033559H 445657N0964809W 433656N0975910H 425936N0975145W 425943N0975257W 430100N0975200N 435049N102l946w 440440N1035939N 44052BN0975703W 445842N1021818W 442730N0963030W 434951N0970342W 444531N0963918W 431103N0972950W 431139N0972944W 431102N0972915W 442215N1035307W 454711N0971223W 454541N0971421W ELEV FT 4949 2023 2065 1325 1965 1308 1741 1374 1292 1370 6420 5926 5244 4872 1796 5040 4680 4800 1817 5900 1706 2040 2463 3635 3727 1327 1422 1429 1435 6726 1665 1326 1334 5760 50215 MAP NAME Twin Butte Nisland Little Moreau Lake Dewey Patch Skin Buttes Capa NW Black Horse Butte Van Metre Greasewood Draw Twin Lakes Summit Twin Lakes Arlington Bitter Lake Preacher Spring Redfield South Bitter Lake Twin Lakes Twin Lakes Savoy Fourmile Pactola Dam Pringle Crocker Sheep Mountain Parmlee Canyon Cow Butte McLaughlin NB Deadwood South Deadwood North Argyle Deadman Mountain Hillhead Lead Britten 4 NB Dalsell NE St Francis Two Top Butte East Two Top Butte East Ethan Tyndall Kingsburg Tripp SE Quinn Table SB Crows Nest Peak Artesian Lemmon Butte Badger Buffalo Trading Post Clear Lake North Midway Midway Midway Savoy Claire City SW SD216 FEATURE NAME Uncle Ned Spring Uncle Sam Mine See Clover Leaf Mine Underwood Church Underwood School (historical) Underwood Station See New Underwood Underwood Township Union (historical) Union Cemetery Union Union Union Union Union Union Union Union Union Union Cemetery Cemetery Cemetery Cemetery Cemetery Center Center Center School church County Union Union Union Union Creek Church Union District School (historical) Union Hill Union Hill Mine See Buckeye and Lena Mine Union Mine (historical) County Cemetery County State Park Creek Union Union Union Union Union Union Union Union Union Union Prairie School School School School Township Township Township Township Township Township Union Union Union Union Union Union Union Township Township Township Township Township Township Township Union Township Union Township United Cemetery Bohemian Presbyterian Cemetery United Cemetery United Cemetery United Cemetery United Church United Church United Church of Christ See Wheaten Church United Norwegian Church United States Indian School See Canyon Lake School Unity Church Unityville University See South Dakota State University University Mall (shopping center) University of South Dakota University of South Dakota at Springfield Unkpapa Peak Updike School Upper Forestburg (historical) Upper Forestburg See Forestburg (historical) Upper Hand Spring FEATURE CLASS spring mine church school 991 civil locale cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery PPl locale school church civil cemetery park stream church school summit mine mine school school school school civil civil civil civil civil civil civil civil civil civil civil civil civil civil civil cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery church church church church school church ppl school locale school school summit school locale locale spring STATUS BGN VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN UNOFF ADMIN BGN UNOFF UNOFF BGN VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT BGN COUNTY Harding Lawrence Aurora Deuel Pennington Pennington Potter Brule clay Davison Jerauld Moody Spink Meade Minnehaha Meade Miner Union Union Union Union Union Roberts Pennington Pennington Lawrence Day Aurora Brown Perkins Brule Butte Davison Day Edmunds Faulk Gregory Harding Hyde Jones McCook Meade Moody Sanborn Spink Charles Mix Faulk Kingsbury Kingsbury Hamlin Turner Hand Deuel Pennington Hutchinson McCook Brookings Brookings Clay Bon Homme Custer Beadle Sanborn Sanborn Custer COORDINATES 452127N1030832W 441637N1034000H 435237N0984342W 445750N0963255W 440536N1025009W 440152N1024641W 450608N1000151W 433141N0991014W 425859N0970720W 433523N0981817W 435850N0983414N 440234N0963447W 444033N0975948W 443339N1024008W 433236N0970631W 442951N1023833W A35521N0972435W 424900N0964140W 424554N0964226W 425519N0964635W 425008N0963457W 425326N0963509W 45¢402N0970¢22W 435833N1033533W 435831N1033515W 441900N1034812W 652607N0974631N 435151N0993148W 454500N0983603W 452735N1024628W 435328N0990625W 445500N1030230W 433945N0981630W 452700N0974707W 452205N0985345W 451137N0984607W 430708N0991339W 455308N1035522W 445044N0992847W 440152N1004409H 433315N0972515W 443824N1021014W 440333N0963056W 435852N0980150W 444007N0980136W 430641N0980958W 451350N0935002W 441607N0971801W 442959N0970744W 444222N0972101W 432646N0970342W 444556N0984714W 443405N0963000W 440418N1031633W 432453N0973709W 434805N0972708W 441910N0964717W 441740N0964610W 424705N0965526W 425137N0975357W 433049N1032226W 442435N0983711W 440116N0980628W 445950N0980515W 433446N1033932W NATIONAL GAZETTEER--SOUTH DAKOTA 1909 SOURCE COORDINATES 425050N0963605W ELEV PT 1708 1285 1940 1410 1408 2901 1499 2737 1180 6120 5800 1495 1382 1677. 1414 1810 1326 1528 4220 1265 4819 MAP NAME Irish Butte Crow Lake Clear Lake NE New Underwood Lake Hurley 53 Bijou Hills Gayville NE 01d Stickney Lake Hoagland Lake Flandreau Carpenter Union Center Grass Lake Haydraw Canova East Richland Richland Alsen Akron Chatsworth Sisseton 5111 City Lead Pierpont Wilmarth Lake Richmond NE Serum NE Pukwana NB Owl Butte NE Old Stickney Lake Pierpont Mina SW Cresbard NE Herrick Doaks Butte Rice Lake Wendte SW Bridgewater Bast Thompson Lake Flandreau Letcher NE Bloomfield Dante Cresbard NE Lake Preston East Badger Bryant NE Parker NE Astoria Clayton NE Unityville Brookings Vermillon Springfield Boland Ridge Nessington NE Forestburg Argyle FEATUFE NAME Upper Lake Traverse State wildlife Management Area Upper Pleasant Valley School Upper Rapid School Upper Red Owl Township Upper Welcome Mine (historical) U P Ranch Urban (historical) U S Indian Industrial School See Pierre Indian School Usta Utica Utica Township V Vail School Vail Township Valandra Bridge Valberg—Lamb State Public shooting Area Valburg Ranch Landing strip Vale ;Vale Cemetery Vale Lateral Vale Township Valle Trading Post (historical) Valley Valley Creek Sand Coulee Creek Ranch (historical) School (historical) School School Springs Springs Township Township Valley Valley Valley Valley Valley Valley Valley Valley Township See Rondell Township (historical) Township Township Township Township Township Township Township Valley Valley Valley Valley Valley Valley Valley Valleyview (historical) Valley View Valley View See Valleyview (historical) Valleyview Valley View Valley View See Valleyview Valley View Estates (subdivision) Valley View School Valley View School Van Collins Number 2 Dan Vanden Hoek School (historical) Vanderbilt (historical) Vanderbilt Post Office (historical) Vanderlaan Bay Vanderlehr Creek Vanderlehrs Ranch (historical) Vanderplat Ranch (historical) V Anders Dam Vanderveer Ranch Van Eps Park Vanervorsite Bay Recreational Area FEATURE CLASS park school school civil mine locale locale school locale ppl civil school civil bridge park airport ppl cemetery canal civil locale locale stream locale school school school 91:1 civil civil civil civil civil civil civil civil civil civil locale locale locale locale 991 school school dam school locale building bay stream locale locale dam locale park park NATIONAL GAZETTEER--SOUTH DAKOTA 1989 STATUS ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF BGN ADMIN UNOFF ADMIN UNOFF ADMIN ADMIN BGN UNOFF BGN ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF BGN 1977 VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN ADMIN ADMIN VARIANT ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN UNOFF VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF VARIANT VARIANT BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFP UNOFF UNOFF BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN ADMIN COUNTY Roberts Meade Pennington Meade Lawrence Mellette Custer Hughes Perkins Yankton Yankton Perkins Perkins Todd Clark Jones Butte Butte Butte Butte Dewey Douglas Harding Lawrence Clay Hughes Hyde Minnehaha Minnehaha Beadle Brown Campbell Day Douglas Hughes Hutchinson Hyde Tripp Hand Hand Yankton Yankton Roberts Ben Homme Mellette Mellette Douglas Campbell Campbell Campbell Pennington Pennington Hughes Perkins Dewey Minnehaha Campbell COORDINATES 455329N0963601W 442041N1032544W 440457N1031617W 444337N1023838W 441932N1034927W 434313N1005614W 434623N103I2OBW 442112N1001831W 451313N1020945W 425852N0972946W 435733N0972630W 453719N102¢552W 453430N1024625W 430938N1010036W 44444SN0973416W 434400N1002350W 443713N1032406W 443650N1032419W 443655N1032401W 443900N1031730W 444610N1003226W 432305N0981615W 453306N1035719W 442510N1033912W 424930N0964825W 442503N0995800W 444041N0993653W 433457N0962803W 433213N0962855W 442415N0982430W 451705N0982102W 453315N1013040W 451633N0974707W 432305N0981725W 442415N0995723W 431733N0972657W 444016N0993615W 430246N0993458W 441744N0991528W 441744N0991528W 425802N0971643W 425802N0971643W 453915N0970727W 424828N0980223W 433959N1004723W 433748N1002536W 432635N0982845W 455449N1002446W 455440N1002457W 455239N1001948W 435201N1034028W 435145N1034l30W 442707N1003157W 450330N1020524W 444452N1010506W 433301N0964350W 455504N1002512W SOURCE COORDINATES 452150N1035024W 435211N1034357W ELEV FT 3532 6200 3455 2333 1370 2577 1688 2766 1470 3960 1772 1392 1870 1259 1575 1587 1635 1630 5821 1625 SD217 MAP NAME Boisberg Tilford Rapid City West Stoneville Lead Murdo 3 NW Hermosa Faith NW Yankton Yankton Prairie City Prairie City Iron Shell Flat East Vienna West Badnation NW Vale Vale Vale Vale NE No Heart Creek SE Corsica Lake Camp Crook Deadwood North Vermillon SE De Grey NW Harrold NE Valley Springs Valley Springs Huron NW Mound City Bristol West Corsica Lake De Grey NW Freeman Harrold NE Paxton Macs Corner SE Mission Hill Sisseton Niobrara Murdo 3 NE Badnation NW Corsica Pollock NW Pollock NW Pollock Berna Medicine Mountain Willow Creek Butte Faith Sansarc NE Sioux Falls East Pollock NW SD218 FEATURE NAME Vangen Church Van Horn Lateral Van Lone Draw Van Meter Township See Van Metre Township Van Metro Bovine Van Metro Township Van Meter Township Vanocker Creek Van Offern Butte Van Order Township Van Vuren School (historical) Van Zee School (historical) Hoekman School Van Zee School Varilek Fishpond Number Varilek Fishpond Number Varilek Fishpond Number Varilek Fishpond Number Vayland Silex Veale Island See Cottonwood Island (historical) One Two 1 Dam 2 Dam Veblen Veblen Township Vedin Corner Vega (historical) Vega Cemetery Vega School Ventling Ranch Ventling Ranch Ventling Reservoir Veo Creek Vera See Kampeska Vera (historical) Verdon Verdon Cemetery Verhulst Spring Vermilion See Vermillion Vermilion River See Vermillion River Vermillion Vermilion Vermillion Flats Vermillion River Vermilion River White Stone River Vermillion Township Vermillion Township (historical) Vermillion Township Vermont Township Vern Anders Dam Vern Long Dam Vernon (historical) Vernon Township Vernon Township Vernon Township Hall Versely Number 1 Dam Versely Number 2 Dam Veryl Schroeder 1 Dam Veryl Schroeder 2 Dam Vessey Dam Vessey Lake Vessey Township Vesta Dam Vestal Springs Vetal Veteran Lookout Tower V Garrett Dam Viborg Daneville Viborg Interchange FEATURE CLASS church canal valley civil wl civil stream summit civil school school school reservoir reservoir dam dam m1 island W1 civil locale locals cemetery school locale locale reservoir stream wl locale W1 cemetery spring m1 stream wl flat stream civil civil civil civil building dam dam dam dam dam reservoir civil dam locale wl tower dam pm crossing NATIONAL GAZETTEER--SOUTH DAKOTA 1989 STATUS UNOFF BGN BGN VARIANT BGN VARIANT ADMIN VARIANT BGN BGN ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF BGN BGN UNOFF UNOFF BGN VARIANT VARIANT BGN ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN BGN VARIANT UNOFF BGN UNOFF BGN VARIANT VARIANT BGN 1931 VARIANT BGN BGN 1931 VARIANT VARIANT ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN ADMIN UNOFF UNOPF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF BGN UNOFF UNOFP BGN VARIANT UNOFF COUNTY Yankton Butte Pennington Jones Jones Jones Meade Harding Hyde Douglas Douglas Hand Charles Charles Charles Charles Hand Mix Mix Mix Mix Charles Mix Marshall Marshall Yankton Brule Brule Brule Custer Custer Custer Dewey Codington Jones Brown Spink Harding Clay Clay Clay Kingsbury Clay Clay Lake Miner Edmunds Perkins Dewey Roberts Beadle Grant Grant Mellette Mellette Pennington Pennington Harding Harding Harding Pennington Custer Bennett Meade Sully Turner Lincoln COORDINATES 425535N0971552W 444415N1032619N 435502N1024325W 440707N1004408W 440934N1004736W 440707N1004408W 442458N1033006W 454214N1033228W 442416N0992102W 432910N0982515W 432120N0983330W 444227N0990350W 430336N0984118W 430854N0984l45w 430836N0984118W 430854N0984148W 442937N0984755W 431635N0985948W 455147N097l714w 455214N0971645W 430457N0972355W 433320N0985103W 435515N0990442W 435445N0990519W 433824N1033633W 434057N1034919W 433930N1034043W 451914N1004225W 445248N0971606W 434828N1002212W 451438N0980550W 451400N0980504W 453054N1030851W 424646N0965544H 424352N0965326W 424646N0965544W 441352N0972630H 424352N0965326W 424730N0965730w 435450N0971531W 435305N0972508W 451653N0991600H 450942N1024106W 451900N1010612W 455514N0964958W 442150N0983200H 450602N0963251W 450630N0963235W 434036N1001848W 434006N1001906H 442012N1021054W 442000N1021106W 455245N1030748W 455245N1030748H 455308N1030700H 440736N1024112W 434943N1034109W 431252N1012235W 441958N1033219W 444142N1002930W 431013N0970452W 431015N0964743W SOURCE COORDINATES 435958N1024506W 442107N1033206W 452436N1005136W 432336N0970405W ELEV FT 1694 3065 1566 1656 1597 1486 1270 1312 1630 1530 1504 1920 1305 1322 1221 1680 1095 1145 2969 5333 1304 MAP NAME Mission Hill Newell Creston Van Metre Wendte SN sturgis McKenzie Butte Macs Corner NB Corsica Geddes SE Ree Heights N" Lake Andes Lake Andes Lake Andes Lake Andes Vayland fiiii Veblen Veblen Jamesville Cedar Grove Colony Pukwana NE Pukwana NE Cicero Peak Jewel Cave Fourmile Trail City S" Vivian SB Conde Conde Battleship Rock Vermillon Oldham NW Maskell Vermillon Winfred Canova East Loyalton Imogene Little Moreau Lake New Bffington NE Wessington SE Revillo Revillo Badnation Badnation Creighton Creighton Bowman-Haley Dam Bowman—Haley Dam Haley Owanka NW Berne Tuthill Deadman Mountain Okobojo Viborg Beresford NE FEATURE NAME Vickers Township Vick Township Victor Victor Church Victor Lutheran Church Victoria Victoria Victoria Victoria (historical) Creek Dam Victoria Gulch' Victories Point See Burbank Victor Lutheran Cemetery Victor Lutheran Church Cemetery Victor Lutheran Church See Victor Church Victor Lutheran Church Cemetery See Victor Lutheran Cemetery victors See Burbank Victor State Wildlife Management Area / Victor Township Victor Township Victory Mine Victory Number 1 Prospect Mine Hofert-Arcade Prospect Mine Victory School Vida May Mine Vielhauer Township (historical) Vienna Vienna Cemetery Viet Number 1 Dam Viet Number 2 Dam Vietor School Viewfield Viewfield Cemetery Vig (historical) Vig Ranch Vig Ranch Airfield Vig Ranch Landing Field Vig Ranch Landing Field See Vig Ranch Airfield Viking Township Vik Number 1 Dam Vilas Village Square Villa Ranchero Shopping Center Vincent (historical) Viola Church Viola Township Viola Valley Cemetery Viola Valley School Virgil Virgil Horton 1 Dam Virgil Horton 2 Dam Virgil Horton 4 Dam Virgil Township Virgin Creek Virginia (historical) Virginia Virginia Township Virkula Gulch Vitoria Mine Vitters School Vivian Vivian Cemetery Vivian Dam Vivian Landing Strip Smith Brothers Landing Strip Vivian Township V J Ranch V Miller Dam V Miller Number 1 Dam Vobedja Dam FEATURE CLASS civil civil PPl church locale locale stream dam valley ppl cemetery church cemetery ppl park civil civil mine mine school mine civil ppl cemetery dam dam school locale cemetery locale locale airport airport civil dam Ppl locale locale locale church civil cemetery school ppl dam dam dam civil stream ppl locale civil valley mine school ppl cemetery dam airport civil locale dam dam dam STATUS ADMIN ADMIN BGN UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF BGN UNOFF BGN VARIANT UNOFF VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN VARIANT VARIANT ADMIN UNOFF BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF BGN UNOFF ‘ UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN BGN UNOFF ADMIN BGN UNOFF UNOFF BGN UNOPF UNOFF ADMIN VARIANT ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF NATIONAL GAZETTEER--SOUTH DAKOTA 1989 COUNTY Perkins Walworth Roberts Davison Lawrence Lawrence Pennington Pennington Pennington Clay Davison Davison Davison Clay Robert- Marshall Roberts Custer Cueter Buffalo Pennington Bon Homme Clark Clark ziebach ziebach Lincoln Meade Meade Roberts Meade Meade Meade Perkins Jones Miner Brookings Pennington Fall River Jerauld Jerauld Jerauld Jerauld Beadle Pennington Pennington Pennington Jones Dewey Lawrence Dewey Union Meade Lawrence Hand Lyman Lyman Lyman Lyman Lyman Ziebach Ziebach Ziebach Perkins COORDINATES 452630N1023l45w 451700N1000017W 455208N0964957W 434905N0981823W 4423(2N1035426W 442410N1035126W 440251N1032040W 440112N1032318W 435940N1032133W 424443N0964944W 434905N0981823W 434905N0981823W 434905N0981823W 424443N0964944W 455209N0964848W 455309N0973155W 455215N0954axow 434657N1033409W 434725N1033200W 435744N0990518W 435555N1033l30W 430027N0975430W 444211N0973004W 444245N0973040W 451012N1015436W 451012N1014342W 431906N0965420W 441243N1024945W 441133N1025059W 454957N0971233W 445137N1023437W 445200N0993700W 445200N0993700W 455300N1024615W 435536N1002830W 440038N0973549W 441345N0964625W 440805N1030410W 432655N1033035W 435758N0983043W 435840N0983040W 435941N0903040W 435851N0983043W 441727N0982526W 434918N1020748W 434930N1020930W 435024N1020730W 440152N1002943W 452031N1003659W 441935N1033055W 451433N1003403W 430235N0963215W 441653N1033359W 442330N103S345W 442912N0985037W 435537N1001730W 435524N1001555W 435436N1001642W 435553N1001853W 445326N1001020W 443656N1015443W 450812N1015018W 450700N1015618W 455206N1023724W SOURCE COORDINATES 440218N1032633W 440012N1032332W 450615N1004710W 441658N1033513W ELEV FT 1083 1360 5600 5320 1595 4900 1830 1308 2811 1245 2600 1478 3800 1484 1481 1485 1310 5000 1745 5200 1590 1950 1920 SD219 MAP NAME Date NE Akaska Victor Storla Maurice Spearfish Rapid City West Pactola Dam Rockerville Storla Victor Havana Victor Custer Custer Pukwana NE Hill City Haucks Lake Vienna West Vienna West Redelm NW Thunder Butte Lennox Viewfield Viewfield Claire City SW Opal Weet SE Opal West 53 Cow Butte NE Vivian NW Howard Brookinge Bend Minnekahta NE Hoagland Lake Wessington Springs Hoagland Lake Hoagland Lake Virgil Wall SW Wall SW Wall SW Pierre 3 SW Promise Deadwood South Virginia Alceeter SE Deadman Mountain Maurice Vayland Vivian Vivian Vivian Vivian Vivian Bridger Redelm NW Red Elm SW Lodgepole SE SD220 FEATURE NAME Vodnany Post Office (historical) Vogeler Draw Vogeler Lake Vogeler Lake Dam Vohr Ranch Voight Lake Volga Volga Volin Volin Volin Township Cemetery Township Voll Cemetery Volney (historical) Volunteer Volunteer School Volunteer School Voneye Slough Von Wald School Voorhees School Number 2 (historical) Voss School See Coyote Center School (historical) Vroman Ranch V-Tail Draw V Wall Dam W WNAX-AM (Yankton) Wabash Mine Wabash Spring Wachter Township Wacker Township Weddell Gulch Sea Sand Creek Weddell Gulch Waggoner Dam Country Club Dam Waggoner Lake Wagner Wagner, Lake Wagner Lake Wagner Cemetery Wagner County (historical) Wagner Draw Wagner Historical Monument Wagner Lake See Wagner, Lake Wagner Lake Dam Wagner Municipal Airport Wagner Park Wagner Ranch Wagner School Wagner State Public shooting Area Wagon Canyon Wagon Canyon Spring Wagon Creek Wagoneer Creek Wahhay See Waubay Wahbay Post Office (historical) Wahbay Township (historical) Wahehe Township Waisnan Ranch Rasmussens Ranch Waite Gulch Waite Ranch Wakefield Spring Wakonda Wakonda, Lake FEATURE CLASS building valley reservoir dam locale lake PPl civil ppl cemetery civil cemetery locale locale school school reservoir school school school locale valley dam tower mine spring civil civil stream valley dam reservoir 991 reservoir cemetery civil valley locale reservoir dam airport park locale school park valley spring stream stream ppl building civil civil locale valley locale spring ppl lake NATIONAL GAZETTEER--SOUTH DAKOTA 1999 STATUS UNOFF BGN BGN UNOPP UNOFF BGN BGN ADMIN BGN UNOFF ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN ADMIN ADMIN VARIANT BGN 1977 UNOFF VARIANT BGN BGN BGN VARIANT UNOFF ADMIN BGN UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF ADMIN ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN BGN BGN BGN 1977 BGN VARIANT UNOFP ADMIN ADMIN UNOFF VARIANT BGN UNOFF BGN BGN BGN COUNTY Bon Homme Faulk Faulk Faulk Mellette Roberts Brookings Brookings Yankton Yankton Yankton Yankton Hand Meade Meade Meade Buffalo Brown Jerauld Douglas Harding Shannon ziebach Yankton Custer Custer McPherson McPherson Butte Harding Haakon Haakon Charles Mix Charles Mix Bon Homme Perkins Lyman Meade Charles Mix Charles Mix Charles Mix Charles Mix Harding Hutchinson Clark Lawrence Lawrence Harding Harding Day Day Day Charles Mix Custer Lawrence Butte Custer Clay Clay COORDINATES 430755N0975255W 450115N0991457W 445952N0991421W 445952N0991421W 435015N1010313W 455302N0963532W 441925N0965534W 441935N0965653W 425726N0971048W 425802N0971015W 425739N0971229W 430324N0972237W 444343N0991501W 443043N1030757W 442921N1031331W 443018N1030646W 440918N0985730W 452400N0981146W 440311N0983605W 432905N0981915W 452821N1032155W 433423N1023623W 450000N1013310W 425447N0971858W 434610N1034331W 434542N1034233W 455350N0984710W 455350N0990208W 450716N1031640W 452045N1033956W 440428N1013856W 140428N1013856W 430447N0981734W 430506N0991814W 425522N0980151W 454250N1024500W 43454lN0993430W 443117N1032649W 430506N0981814W 430506N0981514W 430340N0981745W 430502N0981811W 454230N1030352W 431910N0973930W 450718N0975044W 441815N1040730W 441832N1040315W 454204N1035451W 455024N1035453W 451955N0971817W 452530N0972055W 452145N0972115W 425729N0982340W 433141N1034054W '441402N1032756w 444608N1035355W 433021N1033118W 430030NO970623W 430045N0970700W SOURCE COORDINATES 445614N0991239W 433636N1023849W 452151N1034139W 434745N0993304W 441839N1040245W 454411N1040241W £55207N1035937W 441331N1032808W ELEV FT 1520 1730 2114 1634 1185 1655 2569 1829 1305 1895 929 1180 2212 1448 1475 1316 1810 1377 MAP NAME Tripp Faulkton West Orient NW Orient NW Stamford SB Boisberg Volga Volga Gayville Gayville Gayville Jamesville Highmore N 3 Volunteer Rapid City 1 NW Volunteer SE Mittelstedt Slough James Wessington Springs Bams Butte stirk Table Dupree Mission Hill Berna Berna Forbes Long Lake NB Moreau Peak Philip Philip Wagner Wagner Niobrara NE Meadow NW Reliance SE Vale Wagner Wagner Wagner Reva NE Tschetter Colony Crocker Old Baldy Mtn Old Baldy Mtn Caroline Butte Scott Creek Enemy Swim Lake West Waubay Marty Argyle Piedmont Bull Creek Butte Pringle Wakonda Wakonda FEATURE NAME Wak-pa-chicha River See Bad River Wakpala Wakpala Township Wakpamani Lake Walk Upon He Lake Wakpa Schicka River See Bad River Wak-pa—shi-cka See Bad River Walcott Number 1 Dan Walcott School Waldro School Waldro Township Walgamuth School Bryant School Walker Walker Hill Walker Lake Walker Number 1 Dam Walker Ranch Walker Ranch Walker School Walker School Walkers Point Walking Horse Cemetery Walk Upon Me Lake See Wakpamani Lake ‘Wall Wallace Wallace Jewett Airstrip Wallace Township Walla Church Wall Canyon Wall Lake Wall Lake (historical) Wall Lake Wall Lake State Public shooting Area Wall Lake Township Wall Municipal Airport Wall Township Walnut Grove School Walnut Grove Township Walsh Mica Prospect Mine Walshtown (historical) Walshtown Cemetery Walshtown School Walshtown Township Walsh Well Walt Crawford Dam Walter Dennis Irrigation Dam Walter Dennis Irrigation Dam Walter D Miller Dam Number 1 Walter Miller Number 1 Dam Walter Schlomer Dam Walter Thompson Dam Walthall School Walth Bay Recreation Area Walt Hoffman Number 1 Dam Waltner and Richards Airfield Walton, Lake Walt Smith Canyon Walworth (historical) Walworth County Walworth Township Walz Cemetery Walz School Wammen Spring Wanalain, Lake Wanaiain Lake Dam Wanamaker (historical) Wanblee Wanblee Lake Wanblee Lake Dam Waneta (historical) FEATURE CLASS stream ppl civil lake stream stream dam school school civil school locals summit lake dam locale locale school school cape cemetery lake 991 ppl airport civil church valley lake lake 1ax§ park civil airport civil school civil mine locals cemetery school civil well dam dam dam dam dam dam dam school park dam airport reservoir valley locale civil civil cemetery school spring reservoir dam locale p91 reservoir dam locale STATUS VARIANT BGN ADMIN BGN VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF BGN BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN UNOFF VARIANT BGN BGN ADMIN ADMIN UNOFF BGN BGN BGN BGN ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN UNOFF ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFP ADMIN UNOFF ADMIN BGN BGN UNOFF ADMIN ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF BGN BGN UNOFF UNOFF BGN BGN UNOFF UNOFF COUNTY Stanley Corson Corson Shannon Stanley Stanley Lyman Tripp Brule Brule Faulk Corson Jackson Sully Harding Meade Mellette Brown Lyman Lake Dewey Shannon Pennington Codington Dewey Campbell Roberts Fall River Hand Hand Minnehaha Hand Minnehaha Pennington Jackson Union Douglas Custer Yankton Yankton Yankton Yankton Custer Perkins Jackson Jackson Meade Ziebach Walworth Stanley Meade Walworth Pennington McCook Dewey Pennington Walworth Walworth Walworth Hutchinson Hutchinson Harding Brule Brule Jackson Jackson Washabaugh Jackson Potter COORDINATES 442116N1002203W 453926N1003205W 454005N1002730W 430039N1020947W 442116N1002203W 442116N1002203W 434318N0993312W 434259N0993348W 434952N0985634W 434810N0995825W 450235N0991446W 455437N1010524W 435643N1015358W 443611N0994159W 451306N103d100W (42643N1020710W 434302N1011336W 454919N0981105W 434444N0992717W 435740N0970141W 444402N1010104W 430039N1020947W 435933N1021428W 450510N0972832W 445935N0962836W 454840N1000905W 455149N0965321W 432048N1032613W 441534N0990046W 442215N0985500W 433203N0965731W 441510N0990107W 433210N0965622W 435942N1021500W 434614N1013530W 424830N0964712W 432815N0932435W 434515N1033049W 430154N0971931W 430222N0971834W 430221NO971911W 430246NO971940W 433258N1035835W 450224N1025148W 434806N1012112W 434806N1012142W 440948N1025012W 445642N1013412W 453048N1001506W 444354N1004200W 442116N1024630W 452447N1001618W 441124N1021236W 433400N0973200W 452636N1011851W 435339N1031337W 452704N1001835W 452530N1000000W 453239N1001628W 431936N0973335W 431943N0973336W 452612N1031134W 433B39N0991505W 433839N0991505W 432738N1012114W 433410N1013936W 433336N1013934W 433342N1014136W 450249N1001752W NATIONAL GAZETTEER--SOUTH DAKOTA 1989 SOURCE COORDINATES 432224N1032951W 435618N1031706W ELEV FT 1640 1705 1733 2572 1673 2818 1770 2350 1755 1774 1558 2810 1226 5160 1325 1339 1332 1628 1403 1370 1531 2641 2630 1608 50221 MAP NAME Wakpala Wakpala Wakpamani Hamill NE Hamill NE Kimball North Kimball North Faulkton West Walker Cottonwood Harrold Alkali Creek East Pedro Cedar Butte NW Houghton Iona NW Lake Madison Sansarc NE Wall Wallace Ridgeview Herreid SW New Effington Angostura Reservoir Ames Vayland SW Hartford South Amea Hartford South Wasta SE Kadoka Vermillon SE Corsica Custer Hayfield Mayfield Hayfield Mayfield Jewel Cave SW Beverly Creek Belvidere Belvidere Viewfield Miller Dam Glenham Iron Post Buttes Hereford SE Moreau NE Pedrow 4 NW Bridgewater West Firesteel Hermosa NW Horeau NE Akaska NE Glenham Wolf Creek Wolf Creek J B H111 Chamberlain Chamberlain Long Valley Wanblee Wanblee Wanblee Patch Skin Buttes SE SD222 FEATURE NAME Warbonnet Brennan Siding Eleven War creek War Creek Township War Creek Township Ward Ward Academy (historical) Ward Airfield Ward Cemetery Ward Draw Ward Gulch Ward Reservoir Wards Canyon Ward Township Ward Vanhorn Dam War Eagle Hill War Eagle Mine Warnecke Post Office (historical) Warner Warner Cemetery Warner Lake Warner Lake State Public Shooting Area Warner Township Warnes Slough Warren Creek Warren Draw Mine Warren Gulch Warren Gulch Spring Warren Ranch (historical) Warrens Ranch (historical) Warren Township Warren Township Warren Township Hall Warren Woods See Gilleys Grove Warrington See Monroe Washabaugh County (historical) Washburn Ridge Cedar Butte Washington See Lead Washington County (historical) Washington High School Washington Number 1 School Washington School Washington School Washington Washington Washington Washington Washington Washington Washington Township Washington Township (historical) Washington Township School School School School School Township Washington Township Washington Township Washington Township Washington Township Washout Dam Wasserburger Pond Wasserburger Pond Dam Government Farm Dam W Assmessen Dam Wasta Wasta Township Waste Lake See Minnewasta Lake Watauga Watauga Township Waterbury (historical) Waterbury Post Office (historical) FEATURE CLASS locale stream civil civil PPl school airport cemetery valley valley reservoir valley civil dam summit mine building pp! cemetery lake park civil lake stream mine valley spring locale locale civil civil building woods PPl civil ridge ppl civil school school school school school school school school school civil civil civil civil civil civil civil civil dam reservoir dam dam ppl civil lake PPl civil locale building STATUS UNOFF VARIANT VARIANT BGN ADMIN ADMIN BGN UNOFF ADMIN UNOFF BGN UNOFF ADMIN ADMIN BGN BGN UNOFF BGN BGN UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN ADMIN UNOFF VARIANT VARIANT ADMIN BGN VARIANT VARIANT ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN UNOFF BGN UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF BGN ADMIN VARIANT BGN ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF COUNTY Pennington Stanley Jones Stanley Moody Charles Mix Lincoln Lawrence Lawrence Harding Custer Meade Moody Harding Lawrence Lawrence Sully Brown Brown Codington Codington Brown Sully Butte Custer Custer Custer Custer Custer Clark Sanborn Sanborn Brookings Turner Jackson Jackson Lawrence Pennington Minnehaha Douglas Beadle Brown Brown Davison Hughes Hyde Lake Aurora Bon Homme Charles Mix Clark Douglas Hyde Jones McPherson Harding Fall River Fall River Sully Pennington Pennington Day Corson Carson Jerauld Jerauld COORDINATES 435957N1030758W 441547N1003211W 440705N1002945W 441217N1002B33W 440917N0962736W 432700N0990510W 430500N0965300W 441428N1035133W 441532N1035027W 452123N1034456W 433841N1034044W 440849N1031902W 440850N0962843W 452224N1033136W 442122N1035101W 441940N1033810W 443823N1001234W 451933N0982942W 451938N0983019W 450030N0972905W 450123N0972852W 451948N0983132W 443624N1001411W 450447N1031333W 434438N1034252W 434417N1034315W 434522N1034310W 433914N1033255W 432058N1030600W 450430N0975530W 440915N0981615W 440735N0981841W 442740N0963225W 432911N0971253W 433310N1014110W 435215N1014930W 442108N1034553W 433340N1023500W 43323BN0964343W 432815N0981041W 442059N0981316W 453400N0980725W 452745N0982905W 434813N0990135W 442150N1002000W 444043N0992228W 440034N0970632W 433315N0984230W 430735N0974846W 431642N0982500W 443015N0973305W 432815N0931025W 444017N0992145W 440153N1005123W 453810N0985438W 455448N1030054W 430218N1034042W 430218N1034042W 444218N1002412W 440407N1022643W 440152N1022501W 452333N0972208W 455522N1013233W 455500N1013230W 440330N0985310W 440256N0984935W NATIONAL GAZETTEER--SOUTH DAKOTA 1989 SOURCE COORDINATES 441250N1002913W 441230N1035208W 452226N1034223W 440846N1032058W 445934N1031401W 434559N1034320W ELEV PT 1740 1600 1300 6092 6340 5200 1780 1298 1283 1778 5160 2360 1312 1302 1301 1499 1668 2313 2252 1685 1755 MAP NAME Hermosa NW Teton Pierre 3 SW Pierre 3 NW Elkton Academy Centerville Nehant Lead Moreau Peak Fourmile Blackhawk Elkton Redig Lead Deadwood South Sully Lake Warner Rudolph Wallace Wallace Rudolph Onida SW Deers Ears Butte North Fourmile Fourmile Berne Cicero Peak Smithwick NE Crocker SW Alpena Alpena Wanblee Cottonwood SE Stirk Table Sioux Falls East Hillside Huron Huffton Aberdeen East Loomis Pierre Highmore N E Madison Cedar Grove Colony Kaylor Armour SW Cherry Lake Hillside Highmore N B Capa SB Leola Haley Ardmore Ardmore Okobojo Waste Waste Watauga Watauga Gannvalley Gannvalley SE FEATURE NAME Waterbury School Number 3 (historical) Water Draw Water Draw Spring Waterford (historical) Waterhole Creek Waterhole Creek Waterholes Creek Waterholes Creek See Waterhols Creek Waters Hill Watertown Watertown Mall (shopping center) Watertown Municipal Airport Watha Schicha See Bad River Watson (historical) Watson Draw Watson Mine Phyllip Mine Phyllis Lodes Mine Watson School Watznauer School (historical) Waubay Blue Lake Station 50 Wahbay Waubay Lake Waubay National Wildlife Refuge Waubay Township Waverly Waverly Township Waverly Township Waverly Township (historical) Waver Tree Branch Wayne Besler Dam Wayne Kennedy Dam Wayne Kjos Dam Wayne Township Wayne Township Wayne Township Wayside Lode Mine Pinecone Lode Mine Wayside School Wayside School W Briggs Ranch W Combellick Dam W Day Dam Pest Lake Dam W Day Dam W D Crockett Dam Weaver Township Webb See Lebanon Webb Draw Webb Ranch Webb School Weber Township Webster Webster Airport Webster Cemetery Webster Grove Addition (subdivision) Webster Municipal Airport Webster School Webster Township Webster Township (historical) Webster Township Wecota Wedean Number 1 Dan Wedean Number 2 Dam Wedean Number 3 Dam Wedean Ranch Weedman School (abandoned) Weeks Spring FEATURE CLASS school valley spring locale stream stream stream summit ppl locale airport stream locale valley mine school school p91 lake park civil p171 civil civil civil stream dam dam civil civil civil mine school school locale dam dam dam dam civil ppl valley locale school civil ppl airport cemetery ppl airport school civil civil civil PPl dam dam dam locale school spring STATUS UNOFF BGN BGN UNOFF BGN BGN VARIANT VARIANT BGN BGN UNOFF ADMIN VARIANT UNOFF BGN UNOFF VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF BGN VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT BGN ADMIN ADMIN BGN ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN VARIANT BGN UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN BGN ADMIN UNOFF BGN ADMIN UNOFF ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN NATIONAL GAZETTEER--SOUTH DAKOTA 1989 COUNTY Jerauld Custer Custer Sully Harding Lyman Lyman Faulk Codington Codington Codington Stanley Harding Butte Pennington Beadle Sanborn Day Day Day Day Codington Codington Marshall Marshall Tripp Perkins Perkins Haakon Hanson Lake Minnehaha Custer Campbell Pennington Haakon Potter Sully Sully Perkins Tripp Potter Pennington Stanley Butte McPherson Day Roberts Day Minnehaha Day Yankton Day Day Hughes Faulk Jones Jones Jones Jones Perkins Custer COORDINATES 440340N0985310W 434036N1035037W 434045N1035024W 444846N1000353W 453124N1035542W 433937N0992813W 433937N0992813W 445358N0991543W 445358N0970653W 445325N0970530W 445450N0970915W 442116N1002203W 454608N1035640W 445930N1035721W 435319N1032252W 441506N0984046W 440828N0975707W 451955N0971817W 452503N0972405W 452530N0972026W 452330N0971753W 445955N0965817W 450205N09656$0W 454238N0973930W 454055N0973930W 434345N0993553W 451948N1023536W 450900N1022336W 441630N1014442W 433530N0974025W 440845N0971757W 433210N0964913W 434423N1033209W 453936N1001402W 440545N1023215W 444023N1011722W 451442N1000718W 443724N0995406W 443724N0995318W 454948N1020942W 431828N0995617W 450411N0994610W 442819N1020305W 444234N1005310W 443945N1032126W 455350N0985425W 451956N0973111W 452530N0965200W 451839N0973106W 433256N0964840W 451730N0973045W 425228N0972315W 452147N0973228W 452003N0973337W 442412N0994250W 451021N0990702W 434948N100$348W 435030N1005500W 435054N1005512W 434932N1005508W 450919N1022424W 433101N1033142W SOURCE COORDINATES 434002N1034718W 452806N1035128W 433009N0992937W 434001N0993430W 442617N1020116W ELEV FT 1685 1835 2035 1739 1723 1748 2713 4300 1814 1785 1980 5160 1954 2736 1847 1160 1855 1438 1848 1558 2397 SD223 MAP NAME Gannvalley Jewel Cave Jewel Cave Agar Camp Crook Iona NW Rezac Lake NE Watertown East Watertown East Watertown West Cow Butte SW Mud Buttes NW Mount Rushmore Wessington SW Artesian NW Waubay Roslyn Enemy Swim Lake West Enemy Swim Lake West Kranzburg Still Lake SE Britten 4 NW Britten 4 NW Hamill NE Rabbit Butte Deep Creek NW Elbon Rockpott Colony Oldham Sioux Falls West Cicero Peak Selby NW Owanka Carlin Flat Lake Hurley NB Blunt Blunt Sommerville Dog Ear Buttes Pedro Crockett Mtns Vale NE Forbes NW Webster Wilmot Webster Sioux Falls West Webster Gavins Point Dam Webster Webster Chapelle Lake NW Wecota Okaton SW Okaton SW Okaton SW okaton SW Deep Creek NW Pringle $0224 FEATURE NAME Weiger Slough State Public Shooting Area Weisner Dam See Weisner Dam 1 Weisner Dam Weisner Dam l Weisner Dam Weiss School Welby school Welcome (historical) Welker Lake Weller Number 1 Dan Wellington (historical) Wellington (historical) Wellington Cemetery Wellington Township Wellman Church Wellman School Well Park Well Pole Creek Wells Dam Wells Fargo Mina (historical) Wells School Wells Spring Wells Township Wendell Gilman Dam Wendte Wendte Township Wentworth Winton Wentworth Roadside Park Wentworth Township Wentworth Township (historical) Wenzel School (historical) Werckman School Werning School Wertz School (historical) DeJong School Wesley (historical) Wesley Beaman Dam Wesley Beaman Dam Wesley Township Weslyan Cemetery Wessington Wessington Cemetery Wessington Springs Wessington Springs Township Wessington Township West Acres Development (subdivision) West Badlands Creek West Baptist Church See West Church Beaver Trap Creek Bend Recreation Area Bethany Church Branch Ash Creek Branch Beaver Dam Creek West Fork of Beaver Dam Creek West West West West West West West West West West West Branch Bull Creek Branch Firesteel Creek Branch Horse Creek Branch Lac qui Parle River Branch Narcelle Creek Branch Rosebud Creek Rosebud Creek Branch Rousseau Creek Branch Skunk Creek Branch Snake Creek See South Fork Snake Creek West West West West Branch Soldier Creek West Branch War Creek West Branch Willow Creek West Branch Willow Creek Willow Creek West Britton West Britton Station FEATURE CLASS park dam dam dam school school locale lake dam locale locale cemetery civil church school flat stream dam mine school spring civil dam locale civil ppl park civil civil school school school school locale dam dam civil cemetery Ppl cemetery ppl civil civil ppl stream church stream park church stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream locale NATIONAL GAZETTEER--SOUTH DAKOTA 1989 STATUS ADMIN VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF BGN BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN BGN VARIANT ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN UNOFF BGN UNOFF BGN ADMIN ADMIN BGN BGN VARIANT BGN ADMIN UNOFF BGN BGN 1984 VARIANT BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN VARIANT BGN BGN VARIANT BGN BGN BGN BGN VARIANT UNOFF VARIANT COUNTY Hutchinson Buffalo Buffalo Buffalo Hyde Yankton Lawrence Hanson Jackson Minnehaha Minnehaha Turner Minnehaha Moody Moody Lawrence Custer Brule Lawrence Lawrence Custer Perkins Lyman Stanley Stanley Lake Lake Lake Lake Douglas Stanley Hutchinson Douglas Faulk Walworth Walworth Faulk Ban Homme Beadle Hand Jerauld Jerauld Beadle Minnehaha Meade Moody Ziebach Hughes Kingsbury ziebach Meade Tripp Davison Todd Deuel Meade Todd Dewey Minnehaha Spink Todd Stanley Corson Dewey Marshall COORDINATES 432203N0974548W 440042N0990954W 440054N0990918W 440042N0990954W 445200N0992147W 425551N0971907W 441945N1034925W 433943N0974035W 435230N1013842W 433152N0970604W 433235N0970435W 432958N0970532W 433208N0970332W 440448N0965207W 441030N0964455W 441323N1035248W 434l41N1033607W 435324N0990606W 442315N1034705W 443010N1035333W 434941N1035503W 451930N1022335W 435712N0994442W 441440N1003953W 441216N1003659W 435950N0965750W 440023N0970029W 435817N0965619W 435957N0965739W 432630N0980905W 441034N1003248W 432704N0974310W 432450N0982210W 450443N0984530W 452812N1001354W 452800N1001400W 450625N0984607W 425853N0980355W 442715N0984148W 442725N0984237W 440445N0983409W 440345N09S3040W 442600N0983930W 433246N096515BW 442657N1022418W 435329N0965053W 451555N1014340W 441019N0994301W 442955N0973039W 444709N1014049W 445012N1022257W 432719N0993233W 434708N0981834W 432339N1004225W 445547N0960204W 443334N1020504W 431345N1005056W 445124N1005123W 433948N0965520W 450152N0983437W 431704N1004900W 441231N1002945W 454918N1015219W 445331N1003237W 454732N0975015W SOURCE COORDINATES 434247N1033454W 443400N1023120W 445849N1014111W 431613N0993845W 440024N0983524W 432108N1004242W 444523N0963207W 443715N1021514W 431027N1005130W 450125N1005416W 434343N0970627W 431049N1004513W 440233N1002809W 455248N1015544W 450135N1004142W ELEV PT 1941 1259 6210 1358 1510 1535 1684 1586 5280 1590 1680 1691 1543 1562 1352 1415 1416 1687 1490 MAP NAME Parkston SB Big Bend Dam 4 SW Big Bend Dam 4 SW Rezac Lake Mission Hill Lead Farmer Philip Junction Grass Lake Grass Lake Parker NE Grass Lake Rutland SE Flandreau NW Crooks Tower Cicero Peak Pukwana NE Spearfish Chicken Creek Dead Horse Flats Sorum SW Lyman Wendte Wendte NE Wentworth Madison Wentworth Wentuorth Hillside Wendte NE Clayton Corsica Lake Cresbard SE Akaska NW Akaska NW Cresbard SB Niobrara NE Wessington Wessington Wessington Springs Wessington Springs Wessington Sioux Falls West Dalrell NW Irish Creek SW Lower Brule NW De Smet Longbrake Ranch Opal East SW Rattlesnake Butte Bast Storla Mission NW Gary Howes Rosebud Rousseau Creek Hartford North Soldier Creek SB Pierre 3 NW Thunder Hawk SB No Heart Creek NE Britten West FEATURE NAME West Britten Station See West Britten Westbrook Draw West Brule Creek West Bull Creek West Butte Dam West Campbell School West Cemetery See Hillside Cemetery West Cemetery West Cemetery West Church West Baptist Church West West West West West Cooper School Coteau Lake (historical) Cottonwood Creek Cottonwood Creek Deep Creek School Mildrew School Elm Creek Elm Creek Western Belle Mine See Saint Elmo Mine West Western Feldspar Mine Western Mall Western Star Mine Westerville See Westreville Westerville School (historical) West Fairbank School West Fork Westfork (historical) West Fork Brave Bull Creek West West West West West West West West West Fork 31m Creek Fork Estes Creek Fork Hawkwright Creek Fork Hay Creek Pork Hermaphrodite Creek Pork Minneconjou Creek Fork Mule Creek Fork No Mouth Creek Fork of Beaver Dam Creek See West Branch Beaver Dam Creek West Fork Spotted Bear Creek Spotted Bear Creek Fork Vernillion River Fork Willow Creek Fredlund School Hanson Township Hell Canyon High School Horse Creek Rondo Creek West West West West West West West West West West West Indian Creek School Junior High School Kneebone Draw Lake Andes Cemetery West Lake Cemetery West Lake Marsh State Public shooting Area West Lake Railroad Dam See Herbert Stoick Dam West Lawn Cemetery Catholic-West Lawn Cemetery Letcher Cemetery West Merton Cemetery West Minster Township (historical) West Nahant See Nahant West Nidaros Church West Norden Cemetery West Worden Lutheran Church See Bast Worden Church West Worden Lutheran Church (historical) FEATURE CLASS locale valley stream stream dam school cemetery cemetery cemetery church school lake stream stream school stream mine mine locale mine locals school school ppl locale stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream school civil valley school stream school school arroyo cemetery cemetery park dam cemetery cemetery civil locale church cemetery church locale STATUS VARIANT BGN BGN BGN UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF BGN UNOFF BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF VARIANT VARIANT UNOFP ADMIN VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF NATIONAL GAZETTEER--SOUTH DAKOTA 1989 COUNTY Marshall Haakon Union Meade Harding Hand Roberts Turner Yankton Moody Lyman Deuel Tripp Washabaugh Perkins Meade Pennington Pennington Minnehaha Custer Clay Clay Sully Haakon Haakon Jackson Buffalo Lawrence Custer Jones Haakon Stanley Shannon Dewey Meade Haakon Turner Shannon Perkins Brown Custer Pennington Shannon Jackson Pennington Fall River Charles Mix Lake Hamlin Corson Sanborn Clark Hughes Lawrence Minnehaha Hamlin Hamlin Hamlin COORDINATES 454732N0975015W 444101N1011248W 425939N0964239W 442601N1023502W 452200N1031554W 444041N0991736W 455151N0964427W 431706N0971721W 430950N0973540W 435329N0965053W A34815N0993612W 455005N0964405W 432429N1000536W 434042N1013424W 450400N1023142W 443107N1025301W 435153N1033532W 435510N1033955W 434415N0970000W 434730N1034436W 425527N0970123W 425430N0970120W 444500N1002801W 442645N1013253W 443007N1013224W 435525N1011228W 441050N0991514W 440954N1033151W 432927N1034752W 434904N1004015W 443757N1011402W 443935N1005321W 432041N1024922W 451756N1002315W 445012N1022257W 443037N1014637W 432336N0970805W 431951N1025113W 454205N1023912W 452216N0980955W 434450N1035027W 440430N1031720W 432043N1024143W 435707N1012341W 440435N1031633W 431315N1030145W 431157N0903503W 440958N0965508W 443752N0971537W 455448N1012130W 435346N0980908W 444440N0974256W 442925N0994250W 441036N1034513W 434210N0964727W 443747N0971234W 443628N0910741W 443750N0971233W SOURCE COORDINATES 4‘3826N1011228W 431007N0964127W 443704N102¢010W 431638N1000938W 443833N1030222W 435138N1011851W 442004N0993220W 440957N1033443W 433229N1035016W 435326N1004403W 443149N1011558W 443453N1005458W 432428N1025014W 451620N1002600W 442620N1o14705w 441311N0973415W 43232IN1030037W 435233N1034804W 432900N1025114W 431520N1030510W ELEV FT 1649 1361 1683 1764 1823 6300 1420 2600 1960 2287 975 1580 1311 1599 1721 1721 50225 MAP NAME Alleman Station Nora Boneita Springs Bams Butte SB Highmore N B Freeman SE Menno Colman Reliance SE Clear Lake North Witten Wanblee NE Maurine Fairpoint SW Medicine Mountain Sioux Falls West Borne Gayville NE Artichoke Butte SW Murray Draw Rattlesnake Lake SE Stamford NW Big Bend Dam NB Nemo Edgemont NB Murdo SW Alleman Station Crockett Mtns Willow Creek Moreau Bridger SB Parker NE Willow Creek Little Nasty Creek Groton SW Jewel Cave Rapid City West Rockyford SW Belvidere NW Rapid City West Oelrichs NE Lake Andes Rutland NW Bryant NB Letcher Willow Lake Chapelle Lake NW Crooks Hayti Hayti SD226 FEATURE NAME West Nugget Gulch Weston School (abandoned) Weston Township Westover Westover Township West Paint School (historical) West Pass Creek West Pearl Creek West Pipestone Creek West Plum Creek Snake Creek - in part West Point (historical) West Point Township West Pollock Recreation Area Westport Westport Cemetery Westport Township Westport Township (historical) West Prairie Church West Prairie School West Ranch West Redstone Creek Westreville Westerville Riverside School Randell Township Rondell Township Hall Saviors Cemetery School School Shore Recreation Area West West West West West West West West Short Pine Hills Westside Park West Spring West Squaw Creek West Strawberry Creek West Tepee Canyon West Union Creek West Vermillion Cemetery West Vernon Cemetery West Weta 91 Dam West West Weta Weta 91 Reservoir 22d Street School Weta Station We tar hoo River See Grand River Weta Station See Weta Weta Township Wet Choteau Creek See Choteau Creek Wetonka Wetonka Cemetery Wet Parmlee Canyon Wetterqren Ranch Wetz School Wewela W F Collins Dam W 6 Draw W G Flat W G Flat School W G Flat Township W Grueb Dam Whaley Canyon Whaley Gulch Whaley School What the Hell Spring Wheatland Cemetery Wheatland State Public Shooting Area Wheatland Township Wheaten Church United Church of Christ Wheaton College Summer Camp Wheaton Island See Manhattan Island Wheaton Township FEATURE CLASS valley school civil locale civil school stream stream stream stream locals civil park ppl cemetery civil civil church school locale stream locale school civil building cemetery school school park range park spring stream stream valley stream cemetery cemetery dam reservoir school locale stream locale civil stream p91 cemetery valley locale school ppl dam valley flat school civil dam valley valley school spring cemetery park civil church park island civil NATIONAL GAZETTEER--SOUTH DAKOTA 1989 STATUS BGN UNOFF ADMIN UNOFF ADMIN UNOFF BGN BGN BGN BGN VARIANT UNDER ADMIN ADMIN BGN UNOFF ADMIN ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOPF ADMIN BGN 1977 ADMIN BGN BGN 197! BGN BGN BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT ADMIN VARIANT BGN UNOFF BGN UNOFF UNOFP BGN UNOFF BGN BGN UNOFF ADMIN UNOFF BGN UNOFF BGN UNOFF ADMIN ADMIN UNOFF VARIANT ADMIN VARIANT ADMIN COUNTY Pennington Sanborn Marshall Jones Jones Clay Custer Hand Minnehaha Haakon Minnehaha Brule Campbell Brown Brown Brown Brown Lincoln Yankton Dewey Sanborn Clay Hand Brown Brown Clark Charles Mix Lawrence Stanley Harding Davison Harding Harding Lawrence Custer Union Turner Grant Jackson Jackson Beadle Jackson Corson Jackson Jackson Bon Homme McPherson McPherson Pennington Custer Meade Tripp Dewey Fall River Fall River Fall River Fall'River Meade Fall River Pennington Moody Lawrence Day Day Day Hand Pennington Roberts Hand COORDINATES 440403N1033403W 435341N0980039W 454241N0975422W 434452N1003957W 434615N1003304W 425135N0965515W 433327N1035143W 443045N0985213W 433902N0963411W 443444N1012729W 434222N0964935W 435326N0991458W 455332N1001956W 453856N0982908W 453847N0983006W 453854N0983145W 453920N0982720W 431806N0965053W 430221N0971643W 444410N1010046W 440254N0975636W 425527N0970123W 443447N0991618W 451709N0982445W 451826N0982215W 450817N0974414W 431431N0982646W 442934N1035218W 442703N1002702W 452301N1035323W 434239N0980203W 453500N1031311W 453048N1031834W 442111N1034416W 434356N1035315W 425050N0963604W 432814N0971908W 450442N0963613W 434200N1014500W 434200N1014500W 442032N0981359W 434628N1014259W 453437N1002816W 434628N1014259W 434614N1014240W 425033N0980911W 453731N0984603W 453716N09B4644W 440231N1040326W (33548N1033021W 443420N1031220W 430038N0994650W 450248N1012349W 432641N1031147W 432540N1031041W 432511N1031040W 432536N1030914W 450212N1022406W 432035N1033035W 435712N1033032W 440303N0964731W 441511N1035804W 451115N0972555W 451228N0972704W 451116N0972520W 444556NO984714W 440345N1032429W 452134N0963017W 444529N0984523W SOURCE COORDINATES 440128N1033524W 433740N1034925W 442400N0985355W 435929N0963248W 441555N1014347W 442017N0974520W 452458N1032618W 441902N1034229W 434551N1035316W 425911N0963759W 440227N1040118W 432220N1031150W 432228N1033314W 435825N1033256W ELEV PT 1807 1600 1662 1320 1327 1309 1834 1534 1178 2302 1471 1470 2678 2070 3094 1845 1377 MAP NAME Silver City betcher NE Amherst Westover Murdo SW Vermillon Jewel Cave SE Miller SE Garretson West Cherry Creek Crooks Shelby Pollock Westport Richmond NE Richmond NE Westport Worthing Hayfield Sansarc NE Artesian Gayville NB Highmore SB Warner Stratford Lily Ravinia Spearfish Oahe Dam J K Butte Mitchell Battleship Rock Sheep Pen Draw SE Deadwood South Jewel Cave NW Akron Marion Revillo School Section Butte School Section Butte Huron Weta Weta Wetonka North Wetonka South Parmlee Canyon Pringle Volunteer Wewela Lantry Smithwick NW Smithwick NW Smithwick NW Smithwick NW Signal Butte Cascade Springs Hill City Rutland SB Savoy Florence NW Florence NW Florence NW Rockham SE Pactola Dam Rockham SE FEATURE NAME Wheelbarrow Butte Wheelborg Landing Field Wheeler (historical) Wheeler Bottoms (historical) Wheeler Bridge Wheeler Gulch Wheeler Township (historical) Wheelock School See Chandler School (historical) Whetstone Agency (historical) Whetstone Bay Whetstone Bay Recreation Area Whetstone Island (historical) Black Daves Island Whetstone River Whetstone Township (historical) Whetstone Township Whidby Structure 20 Dam While Brant Creek See Swift Bird Creek Whimmer Whammer Draw Whipple, Lake Whipple Ranch Strip (airport) Whipple School Whiskey Gulch Whiskey Gulch Whiskey Island (historical) Whisler Number 1 Dam Whispering Pine School Whistle Creek Whistler Gulch White White Bear Cliff (historical) White Bell School White Blowout Mine See Tin Queen Mine White Butte White Butte White Butte White Butte Reservoir White Butte Township White Cap White Cap Mine See King Mica Mine White Clay Butte White Clay Creek White Clay Creek White Clay Dan White Clay Hill See Signal Butte White Clay Lake White Clay Park White Cloud Ranch White Dam White White White White Deer School Dog Mica Mine Draw Draw School White Eagle School White Earth River See White River White Elephant Mine White Gate White Hill School White Hill Township Whitehorse Whitehorse Catholic Church White Horse Cemetery Whitehorse Creek White Horse Creek White Horse Creek White Horse Creek White Horse Creek White Horse Draw Whitehorse Gulch FEATURE CLASS summit airport locale bend bridge valley civil school locale bay park island stream civil civil dam stream valley lake airport school valley valley locale dam school stream valley p91 cliff school mine summit summit ppl reservoir civil summit mine summit stream stream dam summit reservoir park locale dam school mine valley school school stream mine 9‘? school civil P91 church cemetery stream stream stream stream valley NATIONAL GAZETTEER--SOUTH DAKOTA 1989 STATUS BGN ADMIN UNOFF BGN UNOFF BGN ADMIN VARIANT UNOFF BGN ADMIN BGN VARIANT BGN ADMIN ADMIN UNOFF VARIANT BGN BGN ADMIN UNOFF BGN BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN BGN BGN BGN UNOFF VARIANT BGN BGN BGN BGN ADMIN BGN VARIANT BGN BGN BGN UNOFF VARIANT BGN ADMIN UNOFF UNOFP UNOFF UNOFF BGN UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF BGN UNOFF ADMIN BGN UNOFF UNOFF BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN 1990 VARIANT VARIANT COUNTY Butte Minnehaha Charles Mix Charles Mix Gregory Pennington Fall River Douglas Charles Mix Gregory Gregory Gregory Grant Gregory Gregory Jackson Dewey Meade Roberts Roberts Minnehaha Custer Hughes Stanley Jones Pennington Meade Lawrence Brookings Yankton Haakon Pennington Harding Pennington Perkins Perkins Perkins Harding Pennington Jones Jones Shannon Shannon Meade Shannon Shannon ziebach Marshall Corson Custer Fall River Fall River Pennington Lyman Custer Meade Perkins Perkins Dewey Dewey Todd Dewey Mellette Shannon Todd Pennington COORDINATES 445745N1030851W 434824N0964231W 430930N0985026W 430910N0984700W 430917N0984953W 440344N1033947W 431004N1035903W 431940N0982300W 431045N0935207W 431118N0985445W 431133N0985518W 431215N0985230W 451750N0962659W 430942N0985444W 431220N0985818W 434606N1013242W 450733N1002223W 443004N1020437W 453629N0970846W 452616N0955958W 433052N0964055W 434625N1032018W 442243N1002205W 443801N1003825W 440054N1004006W 440033N1031850W 445228N1024454W 442148N1034356W 442605N0963858W 425138N0973355W 440309N1010100W 435145N1033524W 454527N1033945W 435342N1022243W 455626N1022143W 455636N1022106W 455530N1022330W 452457N103544BW 435246N1032421W 435617N1004042W 440929N1004546W 431225N1024838W 430018N1023355W 450212N1022521W 430015N1023355W 431119N1024519W 443954N1012312W 455124N0973712W 454725N1015150W 434513N1033735W 432009N1034720W 432238N1035004W 440234N1030640W 434250N0992800W 433922N1033457W 441418N1032606W 453105N1025350W 453430N1025405W 451614N1005310W 451614N1005310W 431552N1010258W 451546N1005226W 432545N1001803W 431336N1022752W 431642N1010337W 435203N1033719W SOURCE COORDINATES 440423N1034006W 451612N0963404W 443213Ni020727W 434701N1032138W 442334N1002048W 445603N1025034W 442103N1034319W 435601N1004048W 432410N1034849W 452459N1005508W 431721N1001926W 430454N1022618W 431419N1010240W 435427N1033911W ELEV FT 3047 1553 1952 4060 1777 1310 1916 3316 2782 2500 3780 2516 3257 5440 1718 SD227 MAP NAME Deers Ears Butte South Dell Rapids Campbell Creek Campbell Creek Campbell Creek Rochford Phister Ranch Campbell Creek Whetstone Bay Whetstone Bay Campbell Creek Ortonville Whetstone Bay Whetstone Bay Kadoka Howes Drywood Lakes Wilmot NW Sioux Falls East Hayward Pierre NE Iron Post Buttes Wendte SW Rapid City West Big Draw Deadwood South White Tabor SE Midland SE Ladner Quinn Table White Butte White Butte Haynes J K Butte Murdo Van Metre Slim Butte NE Pine Ridge Pine Ridge Slim Butte NE Cherry Creek NW Kidder SE Thunder Hawk SE Berne Edgemont Edgemont NE Box Elder Cicero Peak Piedmont White Hill White Hill White Horse White Horse Parmelee Glencross SE Moshar Manderson Parmelee Custer SD228 FEATURE NAME White Horse Draw See White Horse Creek Whitehorse Gulch See White Horse Creek Whitehorse Lake White Horse Springs White House Gulch White Lake White Lake White Lake White White Lake Lake Thirty—six Mile Siding Windsor Yorktown Lake Public School Lake State Game Refuge Lake Township Mansion Owl White White White White White White White Owl (historical) Owl Creek Red Owl Creek Pond Number 1 Dam Ranch Ranch Ranch Dam River Blanche River White Barth River White White White White White White River White River Grazing Association Number 2 Dam White River Grazing Association Number 3 Dan White River Municipal Airport White River Project Dam See Little White River Project Dan White River Township White White White White Rock Rock Dam Rocks Rock Township White School White Shirt Creek Whiteside Township Whiteside Township Hall White Spar Mine White Spring Whites Ranch (historical) Whitestene Lake White Stone River See Vermillion River White Swan Bottom (historical) White Swan Creek White Swan Island See Randall Island (historical) White Swan Mine Hayes Claim White Swan Township Whitetail (historical) Whitetail Creek Whitetail Gulch White Tail Peek Whitetail Summit White Thunder Bottom White Thunder Creek White Thunder Ranch White Township White Township (historical) Whitewater Creek Kimball Creek White Water Creek White Water Creek See Whitewater Creek White Whale Mine FEATURE CLASS valley valley reservoir spring valley lake lake lake reservoir ppl school park civil summit PPl locale stream dam locale locale dam stream ppl dam dam airport dam civil ppl dam summit civil school stream civil building mine spring locale lake stream bend stream island mine civil locale stream valley summit summit flat stream locale civil civil stream stream mine NATIONAL GAZETTEER--SOUTH DAKOTA 1989 STATUS VARIANT VARIANT BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF ADMIN ADMIN BGN BGN 1906 UNOFF BGN VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN 1969 VARIANT VARIANT BGN UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN VARIANT ADMIN BGN UNOFF BGN ADMIN UNOFF BGN ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF BGN UNOFF BGN VARIANT BGN BGN VARIANT UNOFF VARIANT ADMIN UNOFF BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN UNOFF ADMIN ADMIN BGN VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF COUNTY Pennington Pennington Dewey Mellette Pennington Aurora Charles Mix Todd Marshall Aurora Aurora Marshall Aurora Lawrence Miner Meade Meade Herding Custer Pennington Perkins Lyman Mellette Mellette Mellette Mellette Bennett Lyman Roberts Roberts Lawrence Roberts Butte Carson Beadle Beadle Custer Pennington Pennington Roberts Clay Charles Mix Charles Mix Charles Mix Pennington Charles Mix Lawrence Lawrence Pennington Pennington Lawrence Haakon Mellette Haakon Marshall Marshall Jackson Jackson Pennington COORDINATES 435208N1033719W 435208N1033719W 451724N1005850W 434618N1010040W 435151N1034211W 434BOlN0984421W 425944N0981544W 430232N1004142W 455120N0973718W 434349N09B4248W 434330N0984150W 455114N0973704W 434315N09I4230W 441346N1033111W 443532N1022549W 444054N1022517W 444011N1022139W 451312N1031236W 433018N1033220W 442416N1020703W 45064BN1024000W 434250N0992800W 433405N1004442W 434006N1001536W 434154N1001400W 433342N1004429W 431000N1013248W 434657N0994845W 455500N0963417W 455142N0963422W 442236N1034312W 455215N0964041W 443710N1034850W 454431N1011503W 450000N0983530W 443010N0933825W 434453N1033739W 435731N1035754W 435730N1033603W 453820NO971159W 424352N0965326W 430500N0983715W 430546N0953653W 430410N0983602W 435554N1033414W 430709N0983432W 441950N1034445W 442034N1034528W 440337N1033924W 440708N1035005W 442029N1034620W 443402N1013532W 434306N1002527W 443410N1013621W 455310N0973922W 455311N097¢306W 435420N1015058W 435420N1015058W 435536N1033345W SOURCE COORDINATES 435303N1034302W 443906N1024120W 424110N1035012W 455638N1012221W 430850N0983640W 441800N1034905W 440220N1034113W 43203€N1003303W 435336N1021329W ELEV PT 1828 1565 1555 2783 1358 1650 5341 2890 2625 2135 1783 976 5250 5320 2017 5040 5560 6962 5655 5250 MAP NAME White Horse Stamford SB Berna Archer Hill Lynch NE Olsonville SW Kidder SE White Lake White Lake Kidder SB Platte Lake Nemo White Owl White Owl NW Marcus Porter Creek Pringle Pedro Cedar Canyon Iona NW White River East Badnation Presho 4 NW White River East Kennebec SB Boisberg Wheaten West Deadwood North Rosholt Jolly Black Horse NB Tulare SW Tulare SW Fourmile Preacher Spring Medicine Mountain Whitestone Lake Fort Randall Dam Fort Randall Dam Hill City Fort Randall Dam Deadwood South Lead Rochford Deerfield Lead Rattlesnake Lake SB Badnation NW Rattlesnake Lake 52 Kidder Kidder Cottonwood NB Hill City FEATURE NAME White Willow Creek Franklin Creek White Willow School Whitewood Whitewood, Lake Whitewood Creek Whitewood Peak Whitewood Township Whitlocks Bay Recreation Area (West Unit) Whitlocks Bay Recreation Area Whitlocks Crossing (historical) Whitney Creek See Black Horse Butte Creek Whitney Creek Whitney Township Whitten Whittier Whittier Whittier Whittier Whittier W Holmes W Holmes Junior High School School School School School Number 1 Dam Number 2 Dan W Holmes Number 3 Dam Wicksville Wicksville Community School Wicksville 1 Dam Wicota See Owanka Wientjes Brothers Number 1 Dam Wientjes Brothers Number 2 Dam Wiese Field Wigdale Lake Wiggin School Wigwam Creek Wilbur Center School Wilburn Creek Wilbur Russell Dam Wilbur Township Wilcox, Lake Wildcat Canyon Wildcat Canyon Wildcat Cave Wildcat Wildcat Wildcat Gulch Wildcat Peak Wilder Landing Strip Wilder School Wild Horse Creek Wild Irishman Gulch Wild Rice Creek Wild Rose Mine Creek Draw Wildwood Addition (subdivision) Wildwood Cemetery Wildwood Church Wiles School Wilhelm Mine Wilkie Slough Willard Church Willard Gap Will Dam Willett (historical) William William William See William William William Baxter Dam Freise Dam Hamilton Hall Hamilton School Hamilton Township Huether Dam Olson Dam William Patterson Dam William P Ransch Dam Williams Creek Williams Creek Township Williams Dam Williams Draw FEATURE CLASS stream school ppl lake stream summit civil park park locale stream stream civil locale school school school school school dam dam dam ppl school dam ppl dam dam park lake school stream school stream dam civil lake valley valley cave stream valley valley summit airport school stream valley stream mine 991 cemetery church school mine gut church gap dam locale dam dam school civil dam dam dam dam stream civil dam valley STATUS BGN VARIANT UNOFF BGN BGN BGN BGN ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN UNOFF VARIANT BGN ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFP UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN BGN UNOFF BGN UNOFF BGN UNOFF ADMIN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN UNOFF BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN ADMIN UNOFF BGN NATIONAL GAZETTEER--SOUTH DAKOTA 1989 COUNTY Haakon Minnehaha Lawrence Kingsbury Butte Lawrence Kingsbury Potter Potter Potter Carson Perkins Perkins Tripp Minnehaha Aurora Beadle Davison Yankton ziebach ziebach ziebach Pennington Pennington Pennington Pennington Campbell Campbell Minnehaha Deuel Lincoln Todd Brule Haakon Hughes Brule Roberts Custer Fall River Pennington Butte Pennington Lawrence Custer Kingsbury Minnehaha Jackson Pennington Marshall Custer Pennington McCook Shannon spink Custer Aurora Sanborn Harding Brule Harding Meade Perkins Hyde Hyde Pennington Meade Meade Potter Lyman Jones Fall River Pennington COORDINATES 440218N1012908W 434449N0963037W 442740N1033817W 442046N0971754W 443822N1032735W 442433N1034033W 441445N0972249W 450237N1001550W 450308N1001444W 450247N1001715W 454025N1014259W 453319N1020500W 453230N1020345W 432614N1000501W 433306N0964251W 435513N0983904W 442634N0980914W 434239N0980148W 430640N0972204W 444818N1013130W 444900N1013036W 444718N1012900W 440546N1023517W 440547N1023514W 440536N1023442W 440120N1023513W 454218N1001242W 454230N1001330W 434708N0965432W 445457N0964735W 431622N0964339W 431828N1005246W 433750N0985115W 440214N1013104W 442230N0995206W 433746N0935115W 452421N0964026W 433023N1032943W 431851N1033536W 440339N1032125W 444602N1034528W 435112N1035506W 441635N1035157W 434013N1040227W 442551NO973339W 433128N0964510W 433858N1012730W 440405N1031934W 460055N0973825W 434742N1033317W 440207N1031628W 434304N0972427W 430843N1024739W 445802N0981834W 434922N1033928W 434822N0983926W 441015N0981946W 452108N1030644W 435454N0995954W 454853N1035335W 450312N1020306W 452106N1023954W 443529N0992224W 443504N0992045W 434724N1021430W 445942N1024300W 445412N1025318W 451442N0994900W 434228N1001613W 434853N1002347W 430854N1031942W 435501N1034907W SOURCE COORDINATES 434931N1013217W 441508N1034744W 453627N1020810W 431421N1004852W 440942N1013348W 433057N1033545W 432053N1033849W 444610N1034944W 435220N1035222W 441529N1035218W 433753N1012346W 440543N1032510W 454912N0973045W 435210N1002616W 435634N1034826W ELEV PT 1512 3648 140 1955 1671 1308 1373 2907 2900 1864 1324 1627 2551 1729 3600 1299 6040 2970 SD229 MAP NAME Powell Garretson West Deadwood North Lake Preston East Newell Deadwood North Oldham NW Patch Skin Buttes 53 Lake Hurley Patch Skin Buttes SE Meadow SE Meadow SB Witten Sioux Falls East Crow Lake Huron NW Mitchell Mayfield Sears Dam Sears Dam High Elk Hill SW Owanka Owanka Owanka Selby NW Selby NW Colton Goodwin Canton SW Soldier Creek Platte Lake Philip SE De Grey NE Kimball South Big Stone Lake West Wind Cave Cascade Springs Rapid City West Mud Buttes Dead Horse Flats Savoy Clifton De Smet Sioux Falls West Pass Creek NW Rapid City West Kidder Custer Rapid City West Salem Slim Butte NE Frankfort Berne Archer Hill Alpena Sheep Mountain Brakke Dam Scott Creek Faith Date Highmore SE Wall SW Squaw Buttes Camp Creek Hoven Badnation Vivian SW Lone Well Creek East Ditch Creek SD230 FEATURE NAME Williams Junior High School William Smith Dam Williams Number 3 Dam Williams Number 3 Reservoir Williamson Gulch Williamson School Williams Ranch Williams Subdivision (subdivision) Williams 783 Dem Williams 783 Reservoir Willow Bend School Willow Creek Willow Creek Willow Creek Willow Creek Willow Creek East Branch Willow Creek Willow Creek Willow Creek Willow Creek See West Branch Willow Creek Willow Creek Willow Creek Willow Creek See Brady Creek Willow Creek Willow Creek Willow Creek Willow Creek Dry Run Willow Creek See Dry Run Willow Creek Willow Creek Bay Willow Creek Butte Willow Creek Buttes Willow Creek Buttes See Willow Creek Butte Willow Creek Butte Township Willow Creek Church Willow Creek Dam Willow Creek Lake Willow Creek Reservoir Willow Creek Lateral Willow Creek Lateral Willow Creek Reservoir See Willow Creek Lake Willow Creek School Willow Creek Shopping Plaza Willow Creek Township Willowdale School Willow Island (historical) Willow Lake Willow Lake Willow Lake Airport Willow Lake School Willow Lake State Public Shooting Area Willow Lake Township Willow Row School (historical) Willow Township Willuweit Dam Number 10 Reservoir Wilmarth Dam Wilmarth Lake Wilmot Wilmot Cemetery Wilmsen School Wilsey Wilson Wilson Wilson Wilson Wilson Wilson Wilson Wilson Ranch (historical) Cemetery creek Dam Draw Lateral Number 1 Dam Number 1 Dam reservoir valley school locale p91 dam reservoir school stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream bay summit summit civil church dam reservoir canal canal reservoir school locale civil school island lake ppl airport school park civil school civil reservoir dam reservoir ppl cemetery school locale locale cemetery stream dam valley canal dam dam STATUS UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN BGN UNOFF UNOFF BGN UNOPP BGN UNOFF BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN VARIANT BGN BGN VARIANT BGN BGN VARIANT BGN BGN BGN BGN VARIANT VARIANT BGN BGN BGN VARIANT VARIANT ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF BGN VARIANT BGN BGN VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN UNOFF BGN BGN BGN ADMIN UNOFF ADMIN ADMIN UNOFF ADMIN BGN UNOFF BGN BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN UNOFF BGN BGN UNOFF UNOFF NATIONAL GAZETTEER--SOUTH DAKOTA COUNTY Meade Lyman Stanley Stanley Charles Mix Meade Butte Codington Stanley Stanley Aurora Brown Butte Butte Codington Corson Custer Custer Dewey Fall River Gregory Jackson Minnehaha Pennington Shannon Stanley Stanley Tripp Dewey Stanley Stanley Stanley Minnehaha Brown Brown Butte Butte Brown Stanley Minnehaha Tripp Yankton Stanley Clark Clark Clark Brule Clark Brule Deuel McPherson Pennington Aurora Aurora Roberts Roberts Brown Pennington Grant Butte Harding Aurora Lawrence Butte Harding Jones COORDINATES 442441N1033048W 440818N1000712W 441500N1000900W 441500N1000900W 430300N0983200W 443503N1031926W 443853N1040101W 445730N0970955W 441230N1000800W 441230N1000800W 434313N0983241W 454249N0983422W 443831N1031558W 443956N1035000W 445204N0970516W 454120N1014730W 434626N1033245W 434745N1025316W 445331N1003237W 431640N1032230W 430211N0990759W 435456N1013250W 433327N0964925W 435351N1033211W 431824N1024840W 441858N1002456W 442042N1002315W 430523N0995808W 445135N1003l43W 442314N1003620W 442314N1003620W 442245N1003601W 434726N0964839W 454252N0983526W 454252N0933526W 444143N1031658W 443842N1031427W 454252N0983526W 442403N1004357W 433145N0964125W 430758N0995621W 425319N0971922W 442302N1002246W 443900N0973820W 443739N0973812W 443735N0973730W 434813N0985122W 443826N0973809W 434810N0985125W 444145N0964210W 454320N0984710W 441213N1020242W 435140N0983400W 435148N09E3400W 452431N0965l27W 452358N0965103W 455154N09Bl727W 442630N1020559W 450115N0963820W 443852N1032346W 455719N1030705W 434853NO984510W 441344N1033134W 443939N1032556W 453330N1034300W 440054N1004918W 1989 SOURCE COORDINATES 430355N0982927W 454859N0985801W 445736N1033453W 443612N1035517W 445740N0965054W 45532¢N1015505W 434951N1033646W 434508N1025342W 431511N1032413W 430736N0991020W 434713N0964903W 435219N1033140W 432155N1025215W 442945N1005051W 431553N1001159W 455231N1031102W 441435N1033320W ELEV PT 2794 1728 1518 2090 1657 1940 1463 1173 1763 1780 1783 1789 1935 1531 1190 1184 1341 1953 1360 2876 MAP NAME Sturgis Ft George Butte Antelope Island Antelope Island Fort Randall Dam Vale SE The Perks Watertown West Ft George Butte NW Ft George Butte NW Wilmarth Lake Richmond NB Vale NE Belle Fourche Watertown SE Black Horse Butte NE Custer Caputa SW Angostura Reservoir Herrick Sioux Falls West Hill City Willow Creek Pierre SW Millboro No Heart Creek SE Willow Creek Butte Willow Creek Butte Colton SB Richmond NE Richmond NE Vale NB Volunteer NW Lacy Sioux Falls Bast Dog Ear Lake Mission Hill Oahe Dam Willow Lake Willow Lake Willow Lake Wilson Dam Willow Lake Kimball North clear Lake South Wetonke North Horse Tooth Wilmarth Lake Wilmarth Lake Wilmot Wilmot Savo SE Pedro La Bolt Newell Bowman-Haley Dam Wilson Dam Nemo Newell Saddle Butte Cape SE FEATURE NAME Wilson Number 2 Dam Wilson Ranch Wilson Ranch Dam Likenwise Dam Wilson Ranch Dam Wilson School Wilson School Wilson School Wilson School Wilson Township Wilson Township Winans Winans School Winchell Brothers Number 1 Dan Wind Cave Wind Cave Canyon Wind Creek Windmill Draw Windmill Draw Windom (historical) Window Rock Windsor See White Lake Windy Flats Windy Flats Windy Point Winfred Winfred, Lake Winfred Cemetery Winfred Township Winfred Township (historical) Wingate Arm Winkler Ranch Winkler School Winnebago Indian Reservation (historical) Winnebago Valley Winne Dam Winner Winship Winship Post Office (historical) Winsor Township Winter Draw Winters Ranch Duhane Ranch Winther School Winton See Wentworth Wise Spirit Lake Wismer Township Wiso School (historical) Witcher Holes Creek Witch Spring Witten New Witten Witten Wittenberg (historical) Wittenberg Church Wittenberg Post Office (historical) Wittenberg School Wittenberg Township Witten Dam See Department of Game Fish Parks Dam Witten Dam Reservoir Witten Township W J Asmussen Dam W J Johnson Ranch W Jordan Dam W Knox Dam Wlliam T Malloy Dam W Madison Ranch (historical) W Mann Number 1 Dam W Mann Number 2 Dam W Mann Number 3 Dam FEATURE CLASS dam locale dam dam school school school school civil civil locale school dam cave valley stream valley valley locale pillar p91 flat flat cape ppl lake cemetery civil civil bay locale school reserve valley dam ppl locale building civil valley locale school ppl lake civil school stream spring pp1 91:1 locale church building school civil dam reservoir civil dam locale NATIONAL GAZETTEER--SOUTH DAKOTA 1989 STATUS UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF UNOPP BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN UNOFP BGN BGN BGN UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF VARIANT BGN ADMIN UNOFF BGN BGN BGN VARIANT BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN VARIANT BGN ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF COUNTY Harding Pennington Custer Perkins Beadle Brown Meade Pennington Perkins Tripp Roberts Roberts Mellette Custer Custer Shannon Custer Pennington Roberts Harding Aurora Butte Lawrence Custer Lake Lake Lake Lake Lake Day Butte Butte Hughes Hand Jackson Tripp Brown Brown Brookings Harding Custer Pennington Lake Marshall Marshall Sanborn Haakon Custer Tripp Tripp Hutchinson Hutchinson Hutchinson Hutchinson Hutchinson Tripp Tripp Tripp Hyde Harding Meade Hyde Perkins Stanley Meade Meade Meade COORDINATES 453448N1034206W 435132N1035642W 433554N1031024W 450218N1022824W 442132N0981324W 452848N0901338W 442829N1031942W 440414N1031359W 454730N1025345W 431829N0994914W 454730N0964517W 454007N0965200W 433519N1005219W 433329N1032844W 433250N1032411W 433522N1022221W 434630N1034752W 435538N1034702W 454402N0964B44W 453401N1031259W 434349N0994248W 443954N1035324W 441747N1033920W 433255N1032948W 435950N0972143W 440003N0972131W 440029N0972138W 435917N0971752W 440053N0971643W 452512N0972129W 445110N1033008W 444733N1033134W 441530N0994630W 441331N0991108W 435240N1012039W 432236N0995131W 455522N0903106W 455527N0983055W 442500N0970403W 453454N1030716W 434120N1033427W 440320N1032110W 435950N0965750W .454619N0972502W 454702N0973202W 440040NO975927W 440309N1012216W 433359N1033609W 432622N1000445W 432618N1000506W 431954N0974243W 431944N0974119W 431943N0974417W 431915N0974415W 431633N0974115W 432618N1000424W 432618N1000424W 432612N1000322W 442954N0993512W 454615N1033115W 444500N1020954W 44204BN0993454W 453B42N1021154W 442935N1003528W 444018N1022436W 444024N1022442W 444054N1022006W SOURCE COORDINATES 433415N1033037W 434053N1023334W 434654N1034641W 435640N1034652W 453457N1030928W 441543N1013055W ELEV PT 6142 1304 2872 3317 1105 1100 1105 1710 1689 1729 1785 2932 1900 1950 1437 1425 1849 1929 605 1330 1322 1322 1331 SD231 MAP NAME Saddle Butte Dead Horse Flats Fairburn SE Signal Butte Huron James Fort Meade NE Rapid City East Cal Butte SW Winner South Victor Victor White River West Wind Cave Wind Cave Inlay SB Signal Hill Ditch Creek Peever NB Battleship Rock Sourdough Flats Deadwood South Wind Cave Winfred Oldham SE Oldham SB Winfred Oldhem SE Enemy Swim Lake West Two Top Butte 53 Two Top Butte 83 De Grey SE Big Bend Dam 4 NW Belvidere NE Winner North Bllendale South Bllendale South Arlington NB Reva Cicero Peak Rapid City West Hillhead Kidder SE Artesian Nowlin Pringle Witten Witten Tschetter Colony Tschetter Colony Tschetter Colony Tschetter Colony Tschetter Colony Witten Witten Chapelle Lake Ladner SE Reed Dam Chapelle Lake SE Meadow NW Willow Creek Butte White Owl NW White Owl NW Marcus SD232 FEATURE NAME W N Barrick Estate Dam W 0 Johnson Ranch Wolf Butte Wolf Canyon Wolf Creek Elm Creek Little Elm Creek Wolf Creek Wolf Creek Wolf Creek Wolf Creek See Herd Camp Creek Wolf Creek Wolf Creek Wolf Creek Wolf Creek Colony Wolf Creek Colony See Wolf Creek Wolf Creek Lake Wolf Creek Lake Dam East Dam Wolf Creek Township Wolf Drain Wolf Draw Wolff Cemetery Wolff Lake Wolff Lake Dam Wolff School Wolf Hill Wolf Lake Wolf Lateral Wolfram Lode Wolf Ranch Wolf Slough Wolf Spring Wolf State Public Shooting Area Wolken 2 Dam Wolsey Wolsey Cemetery Wolsey Township Wombacker Slough Wonderland Cave Wood Weodchuck Mine Woodcock Spring Wood Inland (historical) Lost Island Wood Lake Cemetery Woodland Cemetery Woodland Township Wood Lateral Woodlawn Cemetery Woodlawn Cemetery Wood River See Bois de Sioux River Woodrow Hayes Dam Woodruff Dam Woodruff Lake Woodruff Lake State Game Area Woods Ranch (historical) Wood Tin Mine Wood Township Woodville Lake Station Woodville Hills Woodworth Post Office See Roswell Woodworth Ranch Woodworth Township (historical) Wooledge Dam Woolhizer Dam Woonsocket Woonsocket Township Word Dam Word Number 1 Dam Word Ranch Worms Township Worthen Township FEATURE CLASS dam locale summit valley stream stream stream stream stream stream stream locale locale reservoir dam civil stream valley cemetery reservoir school summit lake canal mine locale swamp spring park dam PPl cemetery civil lake cave locale mine spring island cemetery cemetery civil canal cemetery cemetery stream dam dam reservoir park locale mine civil locale range Ppl locale civil dam dam ppl civil dam dam locale civil civil STATUS UNOFF UNOFF BGN BGN BGN VARIANT VARIANT BGN BGN BGN VARIANT BGN BGN UNOFF VARIANT VARIANT BGN UNOFF VARIANT ADMIN BGN BGN UNOFF BGN UNOFF UNOFF BGN BGN BGN UNOFF UNOFF BGN BGN ADMIN UNOFF BGN UNOFF ADMIN BGN UNOFF UNOFF BGN VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN BGN UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF BGN ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN UNOFF VARIANT BGN VARIANT UNOFF ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF BGN ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN ADMIN NATIONAL GAZETTEER--SOUTH DAKOTA COUNTY COORDINATES Stanley 443319N1005348W Harding 454235N1033135W Perkins 455453N1023530W Fall River 431822N1034058W Buffalo 435913N0991959W Gregory 425622N0992219W Harding 451902N1031622W Hutchinson 432040N0973733W Shannon 430147N1023045W Shannon 430137N1023339W Spink 444158N0983953W Hutchinson 432051N0973724W Hutchinson 432051N0973724W Shannon 430133N1023001W Shannon 430133N1023001W Hutchinson 432243N0973410W Lake 435420N0970128W Custer 435057N1035458W McPherson 455258N0993804W McPherson 455338N0992454W McPherson 455338N0992454W Meade 442921N1030839W Jackson 435837N1012331W Marshall 454145N0971513W Butte 444437N1032758W Pennington 435537N1033500W Custer 434335N1034656W Codington 444BZSN0971947W Harding 452035N1030424W Codington 444333N0971952W Meade 441012N1025748W Beadle 44242BN0982828W Beadle 442400N0982717W Beadle 442530N0983230W Miner 440135N0972436W Meade 441621N1033003W Mellette 432949N1002837W Pennington 435941N1033544W Custer 433055N1033220W Hughes 442730N1002430W Deuel 443700N0962958W Clark 443909N0974633W Clark 450210N0974305W Butte 443735N1031821W Hamlin 443513N0972708W Minnehaha 433133N0964248W Roberts 461552N0963554W Corson 453800N1014212W Hughes 443023N0994648W Hughes 443023N0994648W Hughes 443017N0994649W Custer 434210N1033947W Pennington 435224N1032155W Corson 453130N1004305W Lawrence 441725N1034517W Lawrence 441736N1034629W Miner 440026N0974144W Butte 445054N1034004W Miner 440057N0973941W Buffalo 440306N0990306W Tripp 430230N0994324W Sanborn 440313N0981631W Sanborn 440405N0981615W Mellette 434736N1011112W Hellette 434730N1011148W Jackson 434615N1012736W Campbell 454840N0995410W Hanson 433400N0975515W 1909 SOURCE COORDINATES 441119N0992044W 430138N0992304W 452505N103l914W 440119N0973228W 430131N1023010W 443032N0992148W 435215N0970420W 435158N1035241W ELEV PT 2960 2750 3650 3303 1869 1994 2736 2272 5800 5617 1350 1805 1630 1839 1737 $270 4260 5942 1307 MAP NAME Standing Butte SW McKenzie Butte Flint Hill Bedashosha Lake Mills Bams Butte SE Tschetter Colony Pine Ridge Tulare NW Wolf Creek Pine Ridge Pine Ridge Clayton NE Lake Madison Dead Horse Flats Gresnway Wolff Lake Wolff Lake Rapid City 1 NW Belvidere NW South Red Iron Lake Newell Hill City Jewel Cave Grover Sheep Mountain Grover New Underwood NW Wolsey Wolsey Wessington NB Oldham SW Deadman Mountain Wood South Hill City Pringle Oahe Dam Hendricks Carpenter NE Crocker Vale NE Bryant Sioux Falls East Cottonwood Creek NW Blunt SE Blunt SE Blunt SE Fourmile Hayward Little Eagle SE Lead Lead Arpan Roswell Big Bend Dan 4 SE Dallas SW Woonsocket Woonsocket Stamford SW Stamford SW Belvidere SW Zeeland SW Ethan FEATURE NAME Worthing Horthing Cemetery Worthless Creek See Irish Creek Wortman Township Wounded Knee Brennan Wounded Knee Creek W Peterson Dam Wray and Elaine Hall Dam NRC Flood Control Dam "RC Flood Control Dam W Reedy Dam w Richardson Dam Wright Township W Scholl Dam Adams Dam w Schutte Dam Huinn Dam See Quinn Dam Wulff Dam Wusp Number 2 Mine W Venjohn Dam Wyandotte Township Hyandotte Township Hall Wylie Lake Wylie Park Wynia Store (historical) Wyoming Gulch X X-T Ranch Campbells Ranch X ziltner Dam Y Yahr Park (historical) Yale Yamboya (historical) Yankee Hill Yankton Yankton, Lake Yankton Agency See Greenwood Yankton Clay Creek Ditch See Yankton Clay Ditch Yankton Clay Ditch Clay-Yankton Ditch Norway-Meckling Ditch Yankton Clay Creek Ditch Yankton College Yankton County Yankton County Poor Farm (historical) Yankton Mall (shopping center) Yankton Plaza (shopping center) Yates (historical) Yellow Bank (historical) Yellow Bird Mine Yellow Butte Yellow Creek Yellow Draw Yellowhorse Ford Yellow Jacket Spring Yellow Shoulder Creek York School FEATURE CLASS locale dam locale PP1 locale summit ppl reservoir p91 canal canal school civil locale locale locale locale locale mine summit stream valley locale spring stream school STATUS BGN UNOFF VARIANT ADMIN VARIANT BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF VARIANT UNOFP UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN UNOFF BGN ADMIN UNOFF BGN UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN BGN BGN VARIANT VARIANT BGN VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN BGN BGN UNOFF BGN BGN UNOFF NATIONAL GAZETTEER--SOUTH DAKOTA 1989 COUNTY Lincoln Lincoln Ziebach Tripp Shannon Shannon Hyde Potter Marshall Marshall Perkins Meade Tripp Dewey Hyde Pennington Buffalo Lawrence Hand Perkins Perkins Brown Brown Bon Homme Lawrence Custer Hyde Meade Beadle Custer Custer Yankton Yankton Charles Mix Clay Clay Yankton Yankton Yankton Yankton Yankton Lawrence Grant Pennington Custer Lawrence Jackson Dewey Lawrence Stanley Lincoln COORDINATES 431945N0964545W 431925N0964557W 451338N1013357N 430758N1000327W 430826N1022155W 432611N1023243W 442100N0993806W 445936N0994318W 455412N0973448W 454718N0973906W 45051BN102054BW 443312N1020330W A3l312N1001032W 451800N1012806W 443724N0992530W 435948N1020754W 440248N0990300W 441920N1034536" 444124N0990548W 451700N1025430W 451945N1024620W 452919N0983047W 452927N0983106W 425038N0980301W 442400N1040218W 434409N1035941W 444112N0993548W 442453N1032930W 442602N0975923W 434640N1032637H 434530N1030245W 425216N0972349W 425149N0972840H 425523N0982317W 424922N0970638W 424922N0970638H 425249N0972324W 430300N0973000W 425528N0971749W 425335N0972400W 425325N0972400W 442030N1034605W 451201N0962730W 440559N1034627H 434636N1035516W 442026N1034513W 435348N1014536N 451649N1004748W 441201N1035532W 441654N1002929W 432134N0963625W SOURCE COORDINATES 425443N1022115W 442309N1040259H 425513N0971253W 441833N1034413W 435309N1014223W 4‘1400N100263BW ELEV PT 1362 1353 3243 5480 460 3500 1235 4920 3228 1205 1168 1235 1222 1215 5200 1095 2461 1369 SD233 MAP NAME Worthing Worthing Clearfield Wounded Knee Rockyford Chapelle Lake SM Thomas Lake NW Havana Britton East Faith Dead Horse Draw Keyepaha NW Isabel SW Highmore Big Bend Dam 4 SE Lead Ree Hieghts NE Scrum SW Scrum SB Aberdeen West Aberdeen West Niobrara Tinton Jewel Cave NW Harrold NE Fort Meade Yale Iron Mountain Hermosa SE Gavine Point Dam Gavins Point Dam Meckling Yankton Jamesville Mission Hill Yankton Yankton Lead Rosen Deerfield Dead Horse Flats Lead Cottonwood NE Glencross SE Crooks Tower Pierre SW Canton SD234 FEATURE NAME Yorktown See white Lake York Township Yory Township York Township Yorkville (historical) Yorkville Post Office (historical) Yory Township See York Township Youman Ranch Young America School (historical) Magadanz School Young Lateral Youngman School Young Ranch Yount Ranch Yukmi Creek Y-4 Ranch Y-4 Well Z ZCBJ Cemetery Z Drum Dam Zeal (historical) Zebell Table Zeeb School Zeigler (historical) Zeke Allart Dam Zell Zell Lake Zell Lake Dam Zell School Zell Township Zeona Zephyr Creek See Short Creek Zickrick Township Zinckrick Township Ziebach County Ziemet Ranch Zimbleman Deer Camp Kiddville Camp Zimbleman Zimmerman Slough Zimmermans Ranch (historicel) Zimmer Ridge Zinckrick Township See Zickrick Township Zion Cemetery Zion Cemetery Zion Cemetery Zion Cemetery Zion Cemetery Zion Cemetery Zion Cemetery Zion Cemetery Zion Cemetery Zion Cemetery Zion Cemetery Zion Church Zion Church Zion Church Zion Church Zion Church Zion Church Zion Lutheran Church Zion Church Zion Lutheran church Zion Church Zion Lutheran Church See Zion Church FEATURE CLASS 991 civil civil locale building civil locale school canal school locale locale stream locale Hell cemetery dam locale summit school locale ppl reservoir dam school civil ppl stream civil civil locale park gut locale ridge civil cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery church church church church church church church church church NATIONAL GAZETTEER--SOUTH DAKOTA 1989 STATUS VARIANT ADMIN VARIANT ADMIN UNOFP UNOPF VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFP DNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFP UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF VARIANT COUNTY Aurora Day Hand Brown Brown Day Jackson Deuel Butte Brown Stanley Custer Mollette Custer Custer Gregory Perkins Meade Pennington Hutchinson Hyde Perkins Faulk Faulk Faulk Spink Faulk Perkins Lyman Jones Ziebach Custer Custer Lake sully Pennington Jones Beadle Bon Homme Douglas Hamlin Hutchinson Hutchinson Hutchinson McPherson Minnehaha Potter Turner Deuel Hutchinson Hutchinson Lincoln Marshall Minnehaha Roberts Yankton Minnehaha COORDINATES 434349N0984248W 451119N0974000H 443501N0985241N 453123N0981253W 453150N0981318H 451119N0974000W 434535N1012724N 445650N0963625fl 444706N1033750H 455429N0981952W 444306N1010621W 435058N1035155W 435004N1005857W 434216N1034639W 434223N1034507W 431243N0992749W 450324N1020124W 444430N1020317W 434431N1024350W 431058N0973514W 445011N0992917H 451318N1023306W 445349N0984341W 445632N0984711W 445632N0984711H 445954N0982708H 445600N0984601W 451136N1025443H 435943N0992153W 434615N1003056W 445630N1013730W 433333N1033629W 434819N1034308W 440316N0965437W 443610N1003727W 435353N1033722W 434615N1003056W 441150N0982647W 425801N0980140W 431656N0980921W 444144N0972104W 432043N0975935fl 431152N0975929H 431103N0972411W 454525N0993730H 434252N0962924W 451132N0993610W 431758N0971201W 443933N0964817W 432124N0973435W 431103N0972521W 430831N0964356W 454819N0972216W 433415N0965814W 455515N0970340W 425948N0971323W 433415N0965814W SOURCE COORDINATES 434334N1010026I ELEV FT 1300 1280 1581 1380 2280 2925 1299 1860 1364 1340 1298 2707 1460 1748 1598 1931 1915 1221 1264 HAP NAME Lily Miller Putney Putney Belvidere 5" Clear Lake NE Arpan Save NE Sansarc NE Signal Hill Okaton SW Jewel Cave Jewel Cave Gregory Faith Lemmon Creek Heutmacher Table Menno Rice Lake Bixby Zell Rockham Rockham Ashton Rockham Zeona Murdo SB Diermier Ranch Pringle Berne Rutland Iron Post Buttes SB Hill City Noonsocket NI Niobrara NE Belmont Bryant NE Beardsley Tripp Midway Eureka lest Garretson East Tolstoy Parker SW Estelline NE Wolf Creek Midway Alcester NW Veblen Hartford South Claire City NB Cayville FEATURE NAME Zion Lutheran Church Sea Zion Church Zions Cemetery ziskov (historical) ziskov Township Zoar Church Zoark Church Zorc Brother] Number 2 Dam Zorc Brothers Number 3 Dan 2 R Ranch Zuber Ranch Zurcher Draw Z—X Ranch (historical) 109 Community Hall FEATURE CLASS church cemetery locale civil church church dam dam locale locale valley locale building STATUS VARIANT UNOFF UNDFF ADMIN UNOPF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF NATIONAL GAZETTEER--SOUTH DAKOTA 19I9 COUNTY Roberts Roberta Yankton Yankton Deuel Day ziabach ziabach Fall River Custer Butte Custer Pennington COORDINATES 455515N0970340W 454819N0965653W 425715N0973338W 435733N0973354W 445745N0962710W 453236N0971421W 445112N1011218W 445000N1010824W 432723N1033824W 433003N1032810H 450411N1030220W I34336N1031100W 441437N1021005W SOURCE ELEV COORDINATES PT 1149 1480 2003 450607N1030404W 3270 2570 SDZJS MAP NAME New Efflngton Tabor NE Tabor NE Gary NH Dryvood Lakes Herbert Creek SW Herbert Creek SW Minnokahta wind Cave Tomato Can Button Fairhurn Pedrow 4 NW