Land into Water- Water into Land Original text copyright 1980 by Nelson M. Blake. Additional content copyright 2010 by Christopher F. Meindl, Steven Noll, and David Tegeder. This work is licensed under a modified Creative Commons Attribution- Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 Unported License. To view a copy of this license, visit You are free to electronically copy, distribute, and transmit this work if you attribute authorship. However, all printing rights are reserved by the University Press of Florida (http:// Please contact UPF for information about how to obtain copies of the work for print distribution. You must attribute the work in the manner specified by the author or licensor (but not in any way that suggests that they endorse you or your use of the work). For any reuse or distribution, you must make clear to others the license terms of this work. Any of the above conditions can be waived if you get permission from the University Press of Florida. Nothing in this license impairs or restricts the authors' moral rights. UNIVERSITY PRESS OF FLORIDA Florida A&M University, Tallahassee Florida Atlantic University, Boca Raton Florida Gulf Coast University, Ft. Myers Florida International University, Miami Florida State University, Tallahassee New College of Florida, Sarasota University of Central Florida, Orlando University of Florida, Gainesville University of North Florida, Jacksonville University of South Florida, Tampa University of West Florida, Pensacola   Land into Water- Water into Land A History of Water Management in Florda Nelson Manfred Blake With Contributions by Christopher F. Meindl, Steven Noll, and David Tegeder University Press of Florida Gainesville/Tallahassee/Tampa/Boca Raton Pensacola/Orlando/Miami/Jacksonville/Ft. Myers/Sarasota  /.iVi '/ 7--" 7 ,'~ 1. "9 /r", {" ,.'am, i~j'" A { / - "./ "7..  10 -ZA1,11.1111C,   Big- Deaer 442VI 4~' '-.h rFlos' of Nothr "olrs   Introduction al rrlci scrre )gh V hc 4 , i (A1 xrrtrir'v wih i~h A- Ll~nt 1 aiar 'tLer k visitor 1fing i i lO Fbd yrlk~ may mi~itriiwr' "Wri-er, widt~r ewrywr t ,t, 7 ;1: th me IrIP- 11WS t6~ f-Lt C St &kwn tc) Dytonui3 kaA for PAm Btaeh_1 or Fort; law-M&ra or Mi~rn. Far bekli xw hi m, the glitterin~g [Yr!1ke stretchles -mit to 6f] tjNLm° o&ias t4 11. v-v- ° A 4-, The! AhIati4 kile-n .:prtAadou Ni Ethc l I ai~l I int stmo1 i ht . Sailhnats and fiihing yahk. Iit;k F- iy k L atihitUb bla in *frid Out of,~lt T1w K-CcUist IhaS iIt.ii iOYinIIs~ rariML.i M ilo 1°,.:4 imj .tb-s ;M n~rnw ri hI trnf 4w~n h x. whti rh nnii 1rAt~j3- uii pimr~edI to tie shiefor himdrhx% or miles. Vnmi tho air it is fViWJS tha~t (hji i%~ Where the jjwipulathrn3 Lo (Lstern FLrida3 iLi Lon nrtruatcij. Alung the I.c a nlsd wate t. i-ck [o1 r ai~ -1 iIE" inland ithrn ua Vd~KkncS hCLaVv' h ' t atitrn -hinh- rjNi juildiigS. c nt-Et-{ 'Ruwy. it I . -yon d.tI ii the ntcLofflttr sdr, o oizivl' struuturt, Benvath theL stat 's thjrn Lycr of sandy nit lic dixcp strata of I imctonc depoiSited when thc occun covercxl Watr T ecmulated durin Florida's wct casron ia]-s through the .fit arid jinto this hihl y p rnieahle lii-estorne. Therice it reItii~d "  f~ Ijjj;d ~r~ir tIrj~r-lVejfr-r jx#4J IiJ~tr2f ther vastt i~drunddrU1] rel~l TSrviirsi or a quifrs cn WI*Iih Floridai cites and towns depend fir 147i r wax . sppli s. Fortmmn.LtilIy. the Pr ndc- ja eniniieri1g works-the 414 -,p levees, dvina rig l ;3n Lrr. time41f ditchs-Ihave ofar intu &E rrA mui!tly w~ithL the Nui:w of surface wittr tnd left lrgely Lmnd i urhd the si ihr rr' can itr .nis on- Wh ia l Ithehdtli oftht urbanr PtulLtkin c~1-~~ Butl the u a'~ers jire by11 MOeffN~ lLnthrv; trhPd.. Excessive gEwmh t 1 ifT.pulation with t}he resultinig liciuvy I' SL of Water For d'ri.king, aid-hhrg, ':mniti irig, 41ir-Cmin litionhi g, And Ijmn1 sprinkling s~rates Such de-MaRds on the udund ndt-.UA hupieS AS tU I jer the atle r talenar thi ovt- anmd allow !;,Ot wate~r to irivack the aquifers. Runaway growti -aIso tlrt uki i to .'llute thew aquifers with 1iaeyta trejkd l ig nd ir~dLL'.tT[J'I W~su-s. An C-1wen Aeir It iiLt, rt-cuIqtly witrr1vd offa t~ hr, k15'-Flokk* b~rgt,_r [:;nal that wimid have hisq ,1tfd the peninsula. di ]tir]] kIIL the 'Lit~ll smutffiwr l . Ofw 4 o rfri.- 't(-r anid ir do ng7riflg 11 he rnle r.r- iiwid flow with l elkgE.L of oil and other Firier controversy over tahs- bar'ge canal, dramatizcd the ti that tlhrn. Are tWU l k'eIVI of u itDUS i31 Florida. Thu. firO 4 nii~r s1M rties atnd peir ;nalit'i s Demorlkr , ;331 Republicans, -)and co ting, iac- t'ori SWitirl ajl Wh ]rty. Thta. ~'vi]da p l Iii 7atael mo..WIre ipotijt ';trL ].h is that bf-M-c-Vi cii~mpeting inrtc:rcst grous: real estat pi'oii ir iw ad _tiIiki wrkw r. pushin g for rapid tllr and ( V. ] V 1a'1t su n vee it u rO I er, -le , n 6 gP1 r' 4r~ re i.ting hirhan Spraw and . ,} ing to. open new . A'LiiLL to agrivultunr city dwellers trv'1rig to rtA-- ;.014: 411,him4'e the PIe~r4 i 'e S- of mrrbrmn We~~ with fl ring shrI t S, TIIeen lawns, mnd SWirnhnintg pus. IiU3ter~ an PL~hermtri I -.akrwuing to oo~ve.xndi- tip rn tha~t hlave long MW Florida a wpirtsrman~ °sarad ise ; hird- LwtkrM and mature lovters eekito prutnt tw hwildernerss. For all th-q!-ei -arretir7 i.g ~ fI. w irv I~ prima - iy i~cem. Eachk fecis it initFi thr. t-e3ed by the~ watu r deniaonds .f the others., 15) mucih drainage anid diverion tyf waster rns. the f Lihici, to Jti1u-Ch water or to little terIr ithe Jiingnut Inas inn LrP the c rp I ids; tx much consumptimun Of WatVT Cor irrigat trn thireatens both the wildliu'f of the Everglde& and the WALtr supp Id's of the vities. trp inueh deve4cop- imnrit of rnew-. o.rhaii MVrea reteN 'W;Aer 5horty 1gs in the older s e - ti ci_ SOMIPWhat U~nwillingly, state mid federal agencies 'have ke- com eel ioid in the jrobjleinj' S .f wiaer ri1k Ae menk~rt 1. find thi rselves pushed this way izd that by tht wnflig inter.:',st grnu~ps, How died Florida ge this wy? Why ard w :n wer thc wa-~lter-  Ttnichii klin a wYS, the} ~Als and theL ft-h e a i? Wy awrl whEnl LWer1e the &swamfpLrnrt drai3Ied?- %1 WLt Vi. icpnsO d FI nmrs5 dieua Putt u the eycs of the sett is and iNfILrretWtN the -early pprdir-iiuis? What dri7s ofpx nt [ialunpdl jetucetingl generttonsoa ubUsuutAirieui 5103 F LEGEND I- C&SFFCD Boundary Canal Le a Pumping Station Cxlviii Spillway Splhway With Navigation Lock Evargiadas National Perk LocrDanr A Spillway Existing Hurricane Gate Urbani aras U_ * i I I 1 I I I W4 , t'4w Qn 7ir r Sou~whv-rn Flonda Ilcax"I ":knETCHI rrow.c. ',nalsa.nd Lwrk, c'itr~ml lit: inkm .ud tai hI.5b oF : L.k r1iI Lrrbbro. V'riiiii FIwrjitdL Vir,.ill1 i l alxtsta PIurnrur~, FdnsFa J lr:t'n Oiri 'pirui t.l''nt1.1Jktl :1 I.FP!t" rrrmr Lil~t r:dcarI OII 74 Lake': C0trbem-sa.  8 . id i into 141t2ter- *4yi into Lad coiicoct va.t sichmc' sthr e rtin9 lip thE, lan ld-a pe Why dil the, Mnaism - IEvr.r a certain public ilic y at uon tim an d qutire di- I r res dom later pev~r' .It i~ to ng er .suieh q'uestis these that this book is written.J The tnry of rLr n!water in Florida. mright have been riried ba~ l< nk' remotek t.rnres. Ar'heibku l di %--1rie5 have tht orneo the! early Injdian rrilws 1103 [it V/illa Ie.N ir~- the i dal)15 oiff the I4)rida .-I t an, d rnietiw~es duig,;amtki to sup j '7rL tlit i r i But to kccrp this acount within mnanageable h1urndq wt~i wi the~ ran-vi of the Arn ic~an flag over the teritocry its 1821. S ttlt-rs min~ig tlheir way ter tI}ris n-w fronitier neceded coom uriuatirns ,.and at Onc~a e n-g to , it;teforbetter harto an~md -artificial water I'0v-, '11W pceI.-v ui] AmriC.A~n p Sia oEJtr '1iternal iiip U n~rts" hats hccn continhuously. at work in Flridac h stry. Withou1t this mnotivatio~n the stag would aiev r have dIvele a vplier-IJ-vitr s =rp s, sugar, vtetah hl and Cartle, a y vrar- incI home For th-oi oIflewri er. a id a a'riit ki' i s1it for hordes of tou tiri t. FLor the~ bt-gT ckiln the x'te'rn ypirrnwd to do thing. with F111rifla W~ftr-to preverit shiiwreck,1s k' i vildi iig sheltered wterwvi;s atlong ficoasts, ro save sailing time bvy digging a canal aruse th{- pj m~inua. to I-ilitat the hl ilimlg nF_;:. AAd i~ ds i.' djhi irLg d rainag di ~es' toeN i~tt new famlLUids Li d[Hianiinn &C't kwwiis During the TliIJI.4tacn-l tun r tkci -rLinr -r egn to rearrange the %irater oi Florid du]ring~ evts. At fir-.t it wia only an P--C-siuri cen~tric %,krhu quesion id the cdesir- bElity of all thesie i-nip vene-'i.' and :sk®A whethir the dig. girj;g, mid chimming might he, carr"~ hxJ far. But in rT-ViEtrlt years a 377Mi rcc'r- hoa dl y' iied enj Vi r-0 rri'ci1al movei~I eni t }ua s developed, u1hiL evr more rnsistenhtly whuthcr c.'-sivc inte'rferLnce with natur nmight n~ot jcopard~zc not only the Eicauty [.i the wildf1FCrnes Lut theHl ralt ard well-b'eimg O~f the iWOile, 1ie tor of r p'I Iim anfd xWlrer in Nildd. histryY is in sonie vpre ts UTLiqU b -aiusu r., t1i, : states SI~a r-ii1lirLS ' 1djiii,te arid tkr- r iiii Rut it E i eit aIe g r iL 4ewmit ( tE Iar~e lr pri blemns PU Amrii- van. inkeed f world civil° iokn. Ev.Lvwhere the~ IJane questionsi arise: Must thL gr,:iwrth of oiiilaiori and the aclva~nce of technolog, jievjialy eus v I..e tik- tos of re urees! and illu.6hiw ~ the air and wate~r that IiUirin lift- wrrill he inbcreasingly tire Lte4red'? Or C-11 Me i befo~re it 19o klie5 14t v~ l{an ti!';lyu l it ~ phl ' '. 1.emitvv* their adte ativcs D UI tbieit r u -IS, and pCrslst in the poi.C CS that these chnici a FaIire?  IThe Watery Eden W iJ th thV rifikatin nof s i~as-i, Trraty in Rhru ay 1821 l orfrl pumfa, I s .111 « 1 4i free e Am en-naturalists, sh. - P~~zd JNilrs, Ve MrI'ius r %iler t Cenrei And trew jaiikon o d his - ritjvd 'Sp3misi Florida or sq wkcd oni its Milth~ie great majority knew very lIdrle a1x-ut this )r -moiereix-pn exxttpt LwhItI ha~jd bc- n a his.{-ut° finr mtaraudijng IndilknS Atcd Y~kh-LV~.Ii I'eS_ Beit irl! th~ PrI Y eAr h fr~r lm,,iitkil IoiiE1r. ji11 ~srai uher gf,'Jldicr Arkid etklrs hiim &u 1ppi-rtur it . to we the °ncwl,,-v Itt ter!- ritory Ci~r the - 1 S_ MOSi. 431 thE.-mt wcTO nthus t :W Lt. George A Nl raI a rr en;t gr °efWJ PolMnt,.I k~ i&III loc Irious dimce" 43'tlw a~my h)aws at PnIn In, J , rnmy 182 th e ' .i r o f t[ h e T 111142 1 S la e's w a i uLk i 11 k ) gr rl:i u w iuite r, iilt tv ~lrn Flaid,:, ULU [xlh I t EN . t br a fEr rimnrdI fkvc.v d~L ur the N ky Wa.5 kI- A) :i er Ie, ir)ifftk4 4Iand 1°I di iturhe4 b~ the bet ucia zcpkyr. McrCal dclr bed tot sir as -111 lt and dstiv, :And of that h app taxir}1m ~ ttrr which, iLig amm pow , of the phy®si- 4-:Ill iLIAL'~ S , i akAIlea&Lg the Mcin~d toin~rdug in a dareiiy tranquillity, causs the a mcr nv osn sv i istenL ftp> l~ rr im. a ii kii Jl 11 l ih"I The yu rig iillk'er vouthnI lie!d to Iu'vc 1 i1 Flo~rida aiNmrrr3Cnt. Vic Indians wvre quicA; militan dutics WcLrt, minimal; th fishing and hiin .tng, w-pr exhilaraing-. Ii-;l vi de d t1,04 fo~rt r warLTcmrpa, MLcall N-vas ei. lippiter. On I De311rnber 1827, he wrote- -Ilere we klva tl-i4- mn~ tcharinkn eaw .her 1m~gn~k l r+htlidd Ley, U11V Ialked i1t~ any part Of pu1r LV entry, if. inrdeet, it i suripiss-d in arw part cffth~ woprld. Sine the third d ay re[Octohir .t a d rpof ral h haEs il n, id 114) twicin it lL T Lb J)Tts uveud4 iu ! L ii blwilket ap trd in the bright tcanopy uiu us.. It is a I, .adise for tho~ who lovec to li % inr the open air." FI'id.A it A ili U s~isu -rh4r1Luuent Liver othier early visitors- Thec  I~.J ~ jrJiJJ 1:~4diV - 'i 4J1er i;t~c? .Lr~rid sobher Quaikfer o ir ;4l1 ist illiam~ Bortrarne~)i~ri the St- Johns. River inu 1774, J NI'2mihz -an Ed-enic grove-. HCOI-1~ liipiIy sit! i ad i~ this r--fire.d sport o~vart],! Wha-Lt ar elisi am i t is! Wh r th-e w~acderiin m nn 1-}JII the? riak4.d rei a~rrior, m;:inT at lag- uand pAwer the vigor. riuN VlhLit r t. v_-; I'r'ii thesL r !}Liri }if t ' t WCi rrieridliaci r.sumi. Here is ditnJt uo.uci g ° rred by the Dt,. Liberty, w ti he _ M~uses, iniSlii3 1ig hiT WitIL WisdHln aTd Vadl~]ur, whilst the hal d:,rivE Fvpmyr lan Nuthur'n Florid, theL oinly W isi j~ted by wri of these earliest myilraen. thew Lmg.i~d stru~anis ant] plaioid "fNirLs o-f vater passes .d .t irdE iikfl' d:arirv. 'ViIll4i Rrtrain i crike~d tht S owa11fn ' River a "the Lle st arind pUre~.t CfaLLF ri r h~IIf°er Saw, thle water Was ":L1tret t' rans par-ent % th air we. hmb tic"; he :fimd s_ shi i.i uUi rli' o ishk diAdrmg .ihouit L"Iid even~C restin~g oni the ItrtonlII 1,the ho~pefuil eyes of' early sitlvr . no uthrn Flor.da rivers t plaTl rtin.s longii tike VAiie* and ]eLURAYl lde Shiips ad raift' EHIrjv- ing oWvr~ th WWitnLY..1 n 1-1ss;g t~o thie oniit Ieg 1t'' cotmp c i I se inb d at iiauisr for the Rir~it ti c in 1825, Gov Wi[Iisni P rDiival [mnoinmm.o thej ILands :alo~n the Ak-wL:F1 iI~l. tf) hi- ,t fe~rile as tihe b~ rarkS of til. M N A iipi With a (AHrLuk leitter uadApkd to the g;nli~ 7R~' w'I hAT rn:'hr031 our turritory." Ilc ,LAi "Will be or~ TI) e~.e riv rs ra II in amid Oit of ;ing ul irl l:I~u tiful n-u&d aTLd ]Ake. Dr. William Ihvane Simmons, ixl movd frnm Chardeston, Southl (2a.roiniua. to tL. A'ugustie iii U, des'crlhe cznitr.d Fk'oridat as " land of lakes mrd irjiiumcablc ~hcla :.t -autL'* The t rritory s no- blt Sta n ~Le iii t.t Jtliris Efivir, V a etrliLuu ra Of[ sitiel ]alhcs. "The number of theseL ofe~ tbwater, which~J c~i uipon the t v i eye C °rC, , R he~F sid, I"i, :-r ly (:VdieL1 , and pre lt$ irs-~ g -l rit. that, I h-ic-r. is not tix.l mtE with int Lc topogralphy UAanl other reio n ofthe mirldY' Simmnsi was it pr-i-e'd botLh~ byhe e- tlr'diary de~pt uosoe of hese Iakes andc l'y the Invsterlows rise' and frill ine ih leve] ti thL titer. HJ vpur ted ]cx'lai conjuditucc t~ta"a L i.Ilittrkti-iiS I rile rvo ir~initCrLtJ~l existerl a&nong the warirMus h od ic's c&Avater. r pgru.t s Lru ams of water were movring throUgIL limn-sbot hneannels e e epln twI'he urfxie 4the lid.xf William FVArri-i7 kl ribei :I I  Ihue I ..ery Eden 1i S: kh Fr~in Deffu the *t- J-0hnD RjVPer; 3 "" an (ihanting and amazing crystal fountain, which inL*rr. s;tly lkr-W UP, fn I Ir1 dark. nry {eiers Ieow, 'toils or water L-ke r iriiw ute, k'rMi ng. a kso'ritk. e : CjOe -Ias~Ougb I f6r r eSh~allop to ri in, and acL e rTCIIMir or five I's~ deth i kf wti 7r, tnd neiw rwebrmt. qtrds. over wis h rniertr fl iX ul ik+'. th rtugh gr11 gn i meadow~1 p rig it . ilmplil waIter in)'1 th [t g r a t [ A v i 4 -o r. - , w h c r ec th c y , i4 , m to r v, i ja in pti 3 1 o a rl r nd- n i. K CA -"N i t h : - 4 1 fk o K ~ n v : i l r k ,t ~ i - i ; Y e h 11.1.110d "iht IM il tO 1x X2 " A~tOIg iing aLrid_ 1u-4i01 L11- tiroUgli its gwatit }rCo~? intirmits, rv," ub:rry ,Ifr thlip~f- Of thirry %ciwrnds of uiaritv, "it is armaziing -diid Lil [I.0 inrtdie~blte, what ltxp an~d baThLII of fis, and afther w.ati.ry jnhakrii)tnts arv now in M-P[Lt. all 1ttak Arti lrL V-11 1t --rietvia ugii L'.,kur 01a_ rid forms,~. oiitiriuiylAt'd l Anld de CCmiing: MTI rov n d fighmri11g aimongst oine anaoth r, .... Ev ri nwore I eMaifuI e re thu Silver Springs irl Ceit1I Flcor~ir niair' prsent-daiv )eiia. LietnaN-1-LI MCC. ~1 rodek 1103e~ t() this tranq (uil spot in1 JUI-Y 1823 Wt17 tw,1 o m wpanin he paddl ;1 Viit7 'L bodyV rfatCT tu~ning rrum un~dur a.imesto:ne bl~uff or .-L lFront, in vohImtC- ofl amt inCatle3iaiE htilk. and ftiing, aidc3 rcky -u (njFrr OV-A form, whs ~u rfat~:k woo 43ae h unid 9 apd I fi iI I ad , [cm kith' j byone hunrdrcd in width, 11n1 -A3 TMIJlluid thaLt Io:king Inrb-1 it IN [ikv lkio 117 to tle air., ikr1 ou m-y ir 17ri'IU t;im -. 14-1A ide Oft w 'rnw'i t which wc -v :L it' - t wrn ti Fr a5'i wl :N SPCNIMt:Lr.! Ornc of N r. :aIre A0~io 1111' -14; ivt h hLit Frofm h7i. l hi rr and i ro piwed it ii tri the p:o _hc thre mn Watched it ldIii slbwly th rouh, the Wh --k it ca . to rest an the b r a lftmn. theiy nij[d cvL-n rrrL ke oiut it tiny, hiits "This, at the d1Istarw of Forty Fuct under w.ate.r," h wrotc, -will nio dcbllt appear to )'OLL in1re:dlib~c!, but it is attributable to th ry high rcErativ poc 'r ok"thr Jime-shone watt-r, as we -L it:- Iim pidl i- N RidinIhmg thl-e fl)- CM31rs.ide north of S~ilver Sprrings in 188 Lieu tcu.ant ML iAwi 1 I ri. ue 4x14: j edly upun 'wicie 4the strangcftae- turn of -'s taneLa This w- ts One of tlhwida"S many'~s~ui~ yawingi holes~ [c ~irk t Iir1 er- tiLt! nUbSurfiiI !± Irniston± h&di gJvfLN way. '71 i opening in the rsjck,~ he wrntc. was elliptical or iearly c it-ifm ii, of si' feetr in di imeter it -kiis dttai Fee t d ce , EI I kill- t~arirat] ; UrtaJiDLd, tri the wallIl 1u[mot ;LK regular :L theyP mtight h, v ei een haid they heE- bu ilt b r the hArIdAN1f all unmhidlful Stone Ina- a .1C'~ 11 1. l] rniiuat egiitem~n met Ko shc &u . of the water- ; whrur  L a. Lm - 11Ik rieftl e ("wlh"Piir 4;Arinr i- -Ls-l 4In Hiec* on the coral retufs. Ini jLPrJ W'rf& ? g.h t~ k w4*gULkh Ik'iw 41 e ;VlorrnLoa .utr he rrtir d;nri g wrens in the, world. " Sq--Cf n vesel had lx-ei lost hirrd of"'f Ovcr sewn '.'ships arc krn %-n t0 av V eCn wircv-u ire th ' A-' L~ti:.S Okari. the kd i:;id p'recedin. arj rle'X~t Cof nd. at leas.t thirty-Eke ii Il he'd fim decd .e indru r Amri-li rule Ir,- Amid s.hipk c4)nI- ttiri ri gn downf 'r th1 rIL L1W - tf thWT nial'e nth L..ntur " In N()V r 1kr 1-8:15,. M. reported thaut Tpr', rto the Rijnht of ),{ JtXIMJ I-idLi reiii tv been -41rmt off the FIicia scat-. " lT h ol sr are strL-wn with wrcvk s Se--rveral vraI Ihave~ been sunk WO 11 rvtvy .' home igaln.. Snimm T*rc LVilled or e~nslaved I) tliv Indians, somTW we re fAtri] Vt in j L~re'J Iar Wi~~ur it h ;)I1k~ i Vgt r. 1 lw~jt[ ±snaIe srime died rk013 thijrst anid statnHation. Emui~lating Rob:inson Cr13S-w ,a f~ kept th, ri- Ives a]ive intil they 13111d mjake thui r way  14 L And ri~tri Wo~'T WtIjP-.e Ji.-40 ane1 The sips that brk thp a1141.1g the. F'loriirb it pnwide.- eont sptiIs [or whoever Coun 1 thvn. Ividij7 pjrie~d ope ri t~he lNmreIs and chvs! that w h upet 6T)}1 the~ shores, (leekd te lees in~ Silks aind bg-des .nd toastedP~ on Xmiti(e wines; an, r~wsts White p~aii k and spr ni ad filling their laTdL'rS fri thue StUCSrc Of the wreuked s]liip: , One~ noto4:rious gangi livpc on Fi3. i(-yi4 #'.; er pren.t-dx C cclnut Gnb~vc. ThE-v huilt fires, to lu~re shLips oncto the rtdfs, Lt:iced the stranded killed the c- an kidn.apd th .ofn,.- Uthr xTevkLr hjalffte J tI1tC .Fkrir.a Kvi.~ wl Lre they bri t-1 a poeilot v'~Io --v.- .shiP~~e h,~ e Cri.~ sIp earr ornirneLis c1sp [i Ld nt~h tht'c k. rN~i . Afltr ther. Un ited States mLs- tLh lIshu.d nav'al1-i.~ Ia ey P-, in JI R tn , any wreccrs vaidated their :ivae cAtim_- in the lcical coxurt. The territor's fi rat s;0ivaiii lavw W SO. le glad r.t that W Cker-. WerV,~ iieC ~i W 4M re as MucLh w5 95 peurtn ofi whk thie ll]eL-tvd irk-;t .ad Of tht~a iY'jjiiiYvn rnr 50Prc hjiw&hr ilI4 owej by British andi Amecricain admniralty courts a iI r s n;hL N, pAeLs £ru.i Iiip wmr~ anmd InsIranrhe a pfinje, (7jrm *gte- v tA-~1di-d ii iw fiIjpcrior Cutin Kcy Wst in 18. A hiad-nioe'd judge° txi irtpostd a Frit akurv (of rrder by alIlowing 0o1lY coorti-,ppmved %-.4iieI:l to e in the wrecking busL[iess aTLd by refusing to rL-vizF ]avigtr vlaiivi where tlrrew %~Ii vieii~ cImInion .ietwe-n t ,: ~TLcker1 nd the p iuLT Io iega w13CW r . . 1a- ized w rec.king beC-Arrk a tri vi rig bsioe , rte~v-hirjg a peak of ctivity dur.inig the 185O1b Whi L f hu i6 -4-1 esdtl vaale~ ;~IL t $ Ifi maili wert. salrag , i-. But in rCgio1ns sosparelv d:Otle d it it rule oL hfv- a oni l Ia - Ir.u,ndd0r, anid in the ew-l rI'y i rk iawm : ritinuv-d to op-erate Iin defiarbi n* thc, couirts, swooiping dt~~ QIO the brijkeiir shipsim hiim tlki ripitixlr. 1114e~d ther---UA h a beeny aft agrea~t deal of' outright pirsIcy duriing the Spaiih jx~rL4xt ..d CfiLLo h e 1iext l durirk; thw early 01 {s OArner i;ni ruetO ~U ir hLint and destrov mnS 10n hy the army and nay.' Cominplle to keep . w IevLIS PY- ot tfir terpests and pirates, An q irican sai Lnrs jumpd to the cone]Lu~ir that F rkl & wSalf wrthle~ - orf-I by the flat and uninteresting appeardnTlvt Of its shores,. theyi rep. rteri that ''thje wl~hl- coui~ntry ws little better than ~ dreariy 4vI - ori of ancls, mnarshes, and Iagooms, fit~ for ocwrjhe~, than ]CPtULS Cii- b'eusts oufpr-Y, - AId szil r. were not the iriW skep- tics. A~s ealyI kis 1I2 + i yic-al rah rr rnted that the ff-oppk most e2ag er toj depict the terrtor i a teas-eriat .;ic~d~e were Ia djoh- hers and others intrrtd in the sde of property.r". tIhu no~rthL- era. imd central Florida had lovely riv r.%, lakesi and spuings, it had.  1he Watery Eden r5 vas't swLIm3ps n rlrsqult)ik t-u!1 IagIO'r are -is InL 1h72 a~ dIi i- Iir nd rw imir wnte: " Trn wliit I bI~ivc 1 r rvda I should duierusourlui'-to mlh wter,. to much mummnrer heat, to i1anyI ~t riklktg Cr r' . i.t , ier were huge s .ansmd sucv ' 1id t i i o .11nuAtU1t:s that travelers simnet1imue. iiird FJr- Lhtir Iivrt, Evcn more Werif-ing wer the alligators md crocodiles- Duiring his 175 exploration of the upperT t. Johns River, William Bartram encuun- tsered ailfigrors -in sic~h incrediblie n i lmhers, iI .so close #getl-i r firoy Shr tO NhOre, rlhI it M1(l h~ive 1.. D ea y to have wAitked awncss sai thir heads., hAd theL 2-nimlIs I en harmui s 's2J But hal-rmn- 1e!,s; iw h~ nit1 B8irtr~tm hill oni-14 ,iie ,tw ohebe attacA~ his ~Imat and forc himn to re-trcat to~ sihareY -here j~eee!d im-leed to he two F'lohdiiqx, novwrFn- FNh aril I~I viting~ reT!u gc "etly rolling land, pine fitrcs, and) sparkling airh and rive s and Iitt~r WCvi~ a me4ing curyof 1'04kwri muOstI, jcn~ihy pire1 ,indi11 paImetPI CK and( swamrtps-a Rtk home only for -varmints, ti -A repIOrt Pritt'd to Conl grvN iii 1K26, 2ol- Jame. Q -:1sdilqn pronournced the s-iithern third .4' F1o1riib. to [e ~dn~t worlthip. f4i err agmiuture with tl-w only fe rlile sriI ly"ing Jloin- the marg~in% ofi r vers anti Enlets. S ummauizi.r hlis fiding.:' f?4- VV kler f-egsW urciid that te St, Lawie Hivers~ b~om the lAI- mate imits. of po~pu6Lm on the Atlantic hord er."2 Gradnally Amerkan-mi l-wga n ro le a nf a nrntr a r myterio i s r171&6i Str dii.iigr HLcn.) rri"~it 14 s itherim Florida. Ina a traive 4.'l t publish~ in 1823, Ch lF-s Vig nois said: Vic- G lade, or ,as it is vn- whale interir frw ahuu)kt the prallel of Jupite~r MIr~t Lu car Fkj iid, , thnc Mxw tod 4. p Saible to whkh point [t ;pp11,,h~~t very natar and ii',PLMrthw ,as f ar at !he DdAwaLvLret rive-r d1suchargirmg rint-n Charlotte' bay; its Vii. r l lpei';t',n'4'1s i:; 2 fl~lt Ean4V siriK': mumied in1 the I ir ws ttbLC d T41ks witli fruri six In~L' lum hN-01eLI 44waer lying upon iIt, in which is :A. grR iwthL Of KUM. mid oter watcr grast's thick as~ to ixrripdc the his~g c of boats%%- whe tCe is- mui trre;It2-'" fornp ring Vipgnles' inding writh other early rprs Dr. Sill)if uimr Of St. Au ustitv vuorrIud.A thait aiI. M .tl .91f Fk'rid:L south ofther St_ johns River was a "wat re t!art.- At Frsr LaL OkI , - 't- W&S almo.0st unIkniWcm. -arid t]hi E~ veglIade~we W hoiutigh! to extend miiiitul farther north, than they atually -did. In 1837 JUhci L 'Willias dewcihed the p. . of the ajniirau lying soth ofthe twventy-tiertli paT ll i, approaxiimikly the Irxation of 'Tampa, as  16 Liand irdkr Wtar- Irauer toi 1A nd shapcdl Ile a dish with the cw. t frrning the rm. 17 ii vast bsin.! e.xte-nsive Iakes and Iagoons, formring ai labyrinith whic~h taken to- geft-ter, is calleds thLe Evertgiadcs. " Ek decribed thL E.gIJ ai "n ki- explnm:d -s~ Like to %whieh Voi can ico .. 1xuimd "I After ari. mit of th.~ Scminales rcjcckd Presidnt j ksofn . l f:'r of rel ting th-e ri wesi: of the Misks ir'i iid fled into sojuthj- ern Florida, a writer in. the Amtl .Anapirani Refr descri 01 P hi r sAri,°tu;f' on e 'wie W}LU I crtl to i1LVitC muleCUkt'dtjJn." It %wa 3 plaxu of -half delugd plins, deep nlriris. a and al oi4 in1 :ei IP14 which -a_peiared to fe home .Jr H. g iter nEly Foir bt-st, r for rr ittle clhwutt a vi.rc Iis to wants," But lanId-I tcir rn MI iCTS11ic 141 'w'Jrtl a. rhi ll1.4g tii. (iii{:" eiv --n this~ w aLti ;d tc th T;L~~i rihd fl-mi OJrk i it.d S tates airriy k'{ liin - '~ird in thc,- S nLk Wcur (1 " - ;. a n -drawn-out coEliot ai mnt a e :jL :rern as a Iater genmeratin's Vietn~am War Lrnabl # tn ~'flfthe IWjXLUE't ,i Lfh1i i]I 1.y~ i' Fjnrida~s dry win tern, the -JildieTs had to inarv}L HLd fight d~urirtg tle long hot smeswhen~ heavy. showrs~r were likely tkl ,.i] r _ ti1}'-j~~y twe aga in th~ere it--~ Wau rU]Tluitv. XWhen the4 rains C°raIC, tIhcb% )4'CE FU dr nd-:hr ng dnI- r riimr~ , realizn , a Iiv rsptrart. writer eura- 1)~u)4d, 11le 'uu~ri~v etr~~heexaer ffti 11 4f S1lkktsPeklre wk%4 SokY 0f a N}1.uwtr-r it CtJL]d neat CdbtNJW5Uut fli] by p i'uL '~ O14cr thPVLk vac, phi~ iifo thl ni ii' iivt go, :eviiI; anid stherni Florida ti .s sfr &t that thjc land- mit Lc: submirc d for day~s or weeL. !'n r irtgi frm the' i., John' to St- Auigstine, a oft~re ' eighut.c mil~es, wrote Maj. Ilunry Witin. 'the mad wvill x Irjujnd, A:d-r Ai rrxlerate rain, Cffe h;'W or two thirds to (1dr water, WviLH.h is c-Urid off mL're Iwv -vHapwJat i~r1 than by subsi-tknce and this is a sarnp c -otthe cuntrv i n ;vnruL a. *'Fuirther south thL situa- tkion 4-e~i~' still worse.. Ac O:rd irig wo t uW~ Na vi4 A4:rk, EILL(lDes fwd nLiu eti lxen made "fu the princeipai oattf a dELY throgh t sr- -s ow seas., with miily, a faint hope ofSiding~ dry~ grouind ot5Ljita[Ae extt foIr an rarnpmcnL '. Iii tirv pr t he Inianis reso:rtedI to blu'xlier dee:Ls avid withidruw still d :tapr into the dig Cvp s~ Swamp and the pediti:rns ever further into thLis unkriow~n terrain.. LA.. Col. William Hai-~ , iused Indian mc an to hj crry p ut ~a fL. n ol ft.engencedt;ep in theit Ever kidesi -No euntry [ LAV , ever heard of Im-ar = atziv  The WaeV " en 1' a ieast illeI~d with gt iwid g tn tre, and expressly dig tend ~s a retret fo~r the risaEy [oian ,., (Geirge M - WCAI,. w oas a -nunre rJC ha~d t kn such deligjaI In h iN Florida tu'ur ofC duty. was senut L'ack to ~iw, in the ~infhI is- si gneis ofthe Seminole Wa. In Dccmhcr 1840 and Jar IT~Lry IB he WSELP.V~injlt through tite Big C)prus Sw'arp withli i tff ren He d sribed. the erere iD these WOrd1SI iTe mpagr I~te fiI -two cLLIys. during which jxr;OI wt. mrade sk'ven explraionrs It depth,. or, i~ fhy were calIed ~eu t % avfragin seven duys fe A Flrid ~~nmp T~i~t~i 41 the~ '~i'nt' r~iun.i~whid I):'~~i~ j~~ Ii~iII" ~mX31r in rather words, we' wee ruithin~ thi:)Ugh water fIv!rli inche t tbh &~ .~t deep, iar : -eight day-S. . On t e venh tlt°u no riure th~ll tw h'k .4-l red 4 men 4te Fight hit~idre~ cr id 1~ miit'rd i°Gr diml; f ,vLars dia rhIs, and swu'lltI fet :atd jnke -rhe 1,a'er ,.)t- Udbut bT a he sur _n to g 15stiut nravring in tF, wi Vr -Itaviig laid up in the hti-pita1 three- urth Li Lik olmt nrd. In.182 aL.unstifilh~ war came to afl it lcusiv ending. By- there itimiv of themo st trmjbIe ,m hiian haw1 been killd :o hngcd Mtill others 6~d a~tvptd ru~ttklie it- i defia.t rtinllaiiti r eluded :° rtare wn r i-itimle~ to hideP ntt in mrirte settlements .in the~ Evergliade and the! Big Cyprt s ° But thet rx d mran' Flurid gl ,i e dil imailierand the white mnalis Flonrir1a inriirhly g m r'. -  IS ijri! Into ''at--i t info~ .LanI' spike the hardi-hips of thc -eLnit crpaigrui 1113] otBcrs and "sI- Jier~ di-,riwered the delig~hts. -f life ini !+he Niihtiors In I rh tlliz angeLr oflIndi att &~ iuhid Jd the,~ n-TK-1I a ls]ir d to duty thetre rotmrkd it a trie par~cis-hblei: ~1".s, brivht uqmli ht, ci-wiling bre s srkling rean and rive r. Five yvars latr the riencd-s if fle~ SL-mnnok War to~ tn he n0I1tr irtiOTnf'Foh My rq at rho nith thfde 'l teli e River r the~ 'gulf Of M~e*, arKhtlktte dt-igit- frl r t LePss arractive were the army pos~hi Lrilt in the interior re- ici, but tli sv rved tO 0 rrUp 31-eVY S-1tiuin o:f krida , W rti~rL ne tlds also kxl to openingI up new paths of tr~c Stcarnlxwats 1h'mn t}lt St. Jo-hasm River to L vk F{ .e Once, rx-cupinud by the Spanill bu~t largely a1id red iar the trie Ja.rn a-p~tini E-O Central Flioridat api-kAjed t43 armrtr me a an ide~al rt-.pia iiior tlmflt ('rt .e the I- tia thn--at had e rc mm. .e Ac-. Drain t 141 Majr Whiting, -.1n- valid have lon~g lkr-e to Ior [d as aL rr Fags from tbleODIki- ivinter, and duiring thk, di im'rbani.f" Of theC 1i t' f-.M v earsi, t". A, - gisine has~ ntT4 arilyr b.4ri tht ouilt pLtve ,w r hurt, B.t wh r xlact hl Ix- esta bis ed, and th-e St 5k rr: Jui c x--cupiedr, tla river will ri a~iny pI.s of at-~i atraLdin t t in irm anid pub Thus.l h'I M21 A X77-rievb(ihr we. gihn-h rAnnre Imre.'5ii o the territor that t c v hAd annexred Fri: M Spaim. Still a rcirnote rcgion rf;Ached-! r mmf.hIr llif ; # a lngn d;n i FOU N vu~g 1 n).4 offe~red the l:]i~~of a -L-arii cl rmriate -dd sparkigly cleiar riders and lakes. To sickly pF~ol~ ri pToidPd a ray otfhope} rn p m trs of coitton anid SU Fftu3t aenrr [iirrg f'r ntiLrT. But t1his Floridth of pi] inse W rnorthr Florida. E cept for a 1kv oaie.. Uoth-ern F loida wais re- s s, arid Inudiains  2 Eal Booster n the early ni-neteenlth ven try In rkiwqT-ta displayed k siw~ panded.l the need for transp riir on Ixr ~lCrme urgent. F'111I{rs, rumt'r- IU1hilt S. A IrII VInarIuIf;ac0tii'ers 11Ad to~ rrlc' v-0 t rhl n~elv!e.S ~ 4m !r gi I about thc -Lvuntry. They wanted tu li-iv thea xivz s dwrted. 1110,I 600. "s Iil t, md pairts e-quip~kA with vwharves and brc akw rs. railmac kAssurvd by *citif"inl bI]CoprS that tl(N wtVt~n, 1 Vl'j 1eRd 4-- cks' irn society, f-U-riers . gh t to ac LoT1Lie r v~? rt.-ti]e -9f? thmupihU driR1T U-L: A W AS ta ~Pity firr al tI S l L1 is 2f i r? WC' hn'iier the cosit was not a veessive and thce hopac oreturn waui grt encOUgI, ~r vtt ljutrrescrki. -Yere~ -eager to~ 1nk e t~he verture. It was an1 ;Lge! (If h EnPik trcpnr L~iCS cainal vomytu-r~, wuvWr culmpwi ks, 1mma- uffauring Lmrij lniitS artd barkirig VO rI. p-:n ie.S. BU t mal lv m- p --m-smarms st tao miwth.. the hcmd't tea h4- gainTed wnur trwj (ar in the fture, anid the n-ji~~ pcflt Sw'ere t .'1 mdI iL -to b trcieto prVate° Capital, Sq, f ckcnI.S for rIL nmient tipv ning wu2rv i It:is- ItbI . t- r~y . a 11. 1,f [,t er Ok~j4 -Ik giw mFnt, hurt tvv yne had his a 'wn fujvcrite prujtut fo~r building .mtib, harbors, nr . So 1 o migb t n'ieed pirt*iou ; bte -- niglh CkCd b lan . md grants, and latnd V"M a roUFT-e tlwA ft- dT111 anid Statke pv rim1rt-ns than v -n d in ahtmriclanre. P'oIitiei~mn s me to dil~er rITNI 4uany cIets ofthe min l i - pcV4-tru1tt V, TUe: LLU st f676rth.- nring (.M- v roi()iioa] the, uries voneLrniflg th lx ±wer~ of the natkmi I o%!hmnt nI d state ,SJCR e'rntY. BuLt the k'Lisliitor u udy rut.-vd their L-ti:: ti rhaion r'uLplk,: (nd bdgl~~ rtjln for prosis iiv lvin g other pliti. c s con-StitUCNLIL - Whether F crali t, rtepulicn, Du-i crat,  2)I i (f i p~l ( t~r W ~-- IWgf i r 1.r TafJ f~ or Whid; the~ o fficeholdr usaty bcome a iVlonu L« ppstar r of project., that wolkI Ieneiit h i5 own part 4yF the co~ntiy, This. lbwpter spirit ws p.vrti'olA ol-aracferistK! o fo!ter Florida. The~ pirJE er who4- i'i~rved inito the new territory Iovc~d tie warmi :sign the clear air, and the srin~ .springs and strearns, hut d-key de pfore the wideIr tered uttleeiti~st~he lon distam se from nur-ket5, and the Wm.ter- Oae~d soil-I. % thv wan rd Safer cis For tlhej i rw , ixrsaAbQts. they % aiieo to htave%.t7 hei r ri ve'r£ a~rd har. hors ri-ld- the'v w-anbd hiughways. canals, and adti they wall~ ted rrig e, itr.hes muid levees tO Wt~ S~w-I)S :lflci f aldr, Larkind private caipital], the fmrntier Imstprs clamored for oern- Suppo rt, Aruid unirli Florida was . diittkd to, st-tl Coid in P.445., LhL~ie su plca nts cavti ed .Un awshington. the LvrJN miL' ad r-hf Political I o-t o1 i e dki ted ti kst to e The Florida gcoverm- intnt Nvm tip pooxr to Finance its dTnfl imrotveren~ts. and the ciin- F~titUtion1a] arTumntq ;igainst t~d.rl proL u, t. within thie strtr did rplY- to those bne fticrg the territories - jo Ihr y, the co:'mimor Pmrtyofall the 5ttc. Oii' e. Br Sruih IIa wat'e-1 Iur-urvd aid the Stars Md Stripe: ralis-d rn~fr Florida~, .meriin p~itrinrs n v r doihle th;3t agoro future .--a asnI:U d Irjr thtv rr-gi In 1825 a writer in N-Yi i- ; Vkr and- m1Ade frk(Kt prgr ii' ipnP i 11ent duIlI~g tlh# Eewd V-NAPr it lea kd onwzd to the LirtaSbs than would havc happi:cd in 100 yerr. had it TCITinMe( innmer the~ domin of d~kI1 aui glnnm S~~~~ pKMn "'AtEgott i&irrai~nLEAiMLbe thR2 early Anuerican sttle~rs srim- ci the S mn ish Fowrns and h ilt their 7-1-w f: iftal[ C'ity Tallahassee in the r tso uthue Punha udi, on theC sites of ad niuc villi~ge almos ttds ii fio t, Aligit -ie and Penw -~b~. Aftr a cr inniaus ernlh- in Akc Gen- Andrnw J 6ro, the first American ernor of the territory, wign ,. and Judgs 'Wilt~fl P. Duvall1 sa~c r.fwed hirer Burwnar RichIIond. Vi. ' LLi, Du' aill nd be:r ih. b%~ hip earl P lift on the irnbtdw tr. He. ILraHJ studied4 la.m~ aTr1d g.ilid adunli ssior t t i bgr, ci ok.nan] " cnmpany~ noE %vokintear~s irn the War of 1.82, 3xnd rpren ted Kien- tucky kr orke terra in i ®rss, His First Florida~ iuMfrlen v"AN 0. U-.S- judge. of the East Florida distrct- his elev/ation to tlie goieT- nor-hip soon f4owed. Sihort anmd rotunrd, ruddy i ll c~MplV-ii "radiaknt with grnature and humiir, with a d-nillinm Yoke and m~ther a hl uste rin~v rnaner, DJuvall was welIl equippe Akhr the pst he Meld fr rtht ttwdve %tvars from 11i22 to 1834- He rnain " L a pre-  carim par'e with the Indiwi. guided thy: l risliati~~ cvurcil inL its initia.l 1:1 rrna Mili; an-d po)inted Gut the -need 16r i rmv erncnt5. During ih}L-r. that C.,cvc ir Dull IXr. preach Lag prongrss a.t THall -qc, Ioridlr rrcsntativ*Es to LongrN~ i,,G.i Rich.rrd K. CA4] {LrLd Col jvm: j °, wht- -Yre *0nv vi tihtE rrjntiersmn'Sj r u S O WI i gt n C al u k r r n u l i r se 13 r n pidedl hirn wlfon his~ clos . fi e dshiP w ith A nr , j xrL~L1I1. H e ilded iIflp4Jrtaurt -vtrcchndr inr Jako' vamign and in hiR glnOr~'.1 iC-MT-e . RroiU t 14 1 - rnd by J.-KkSON Call er twiAeiJ 14k%, InVf ee in laand l ~aves, and co riimi~d{l th1e territoariI rikilitia Irperiu1J in Manxner, hie incv~it ly) maciycc-n-igis and se~"rved til Iwo terr jstrttril repe ni~Iu1tivv 'tkF rhelor ' io inmg 0ut to his rrrri rl a Gi~l . Jose~tph White. The~ limes:r wu. a gunWk man, a -shrewrd ccu lawer, and a s. 1ij it tol e r° 1In the ]ater political evO]1.Itit oF0 te regkoiii lWit~ w-U- (Istid NY Ikovic the lLad r of the Demo rats, while CAl11 (ifpite his venerationi of 1211 till iig V- wnt-rWay avru AS Ti Floria pcniusula. Sche es of this kidto pmotct ships9 sirng from the C,1 IE OF IMiCI i- t~he AII1aiv (.'kr'k fro m the JA ijgei kv iv. uks w"-hr~or LUEh dI~uLL t.d d~frIL-' the 182.. Sket/w. -,: Hig ,rilJ and ?f of :Ii-c F!Qrig*Jf M i I S11. do ' l J~ar.i ,neI mti Forbes t':m =l d on the iiiattf.rr He de.- RriI:Wd 'LikV MAV-.10~ a I:lrpu lake k 0-fn rI'r.Iv to the Indions koi~'r wh ich uivers Icli DLLr!id~ r e ritan I rn the AIm'i R Wes L%%-, w e d 4.': 61t L.uilfwhcd Siig e~frd that lkiti vva desatine~d "'to lIbrm ther arnd f-1-ritra] sireV eO mrl LUnat iuri bh% ar t'if he A tiwd l i4 ad .: teM + I ~i ":1 kL L..ik C4%'j. Wus th'ioiI t'~Ixd Of[ N -LJr " ,.P-r tl'. 1K. kno~wn as Lkq- { }] > { , \_' , )\ t"' ii N - - ;= -f- "~ r m. ..- .. 4- * a. - - * . E J ,. j 1. -: Sr"  ELt rly 'ste, rs 2.3 River, which h11 An in th 1.ULLOkd rcmuk SW.:'ipj of sothern -Gega and aiurd rilit'rd ii7d ran NiaIh -1-tW;Lrd Ento th GUYf o M ex"o. with either thc St. Ian--L Rivcr cir the St, Johbns Hivrr ruan- Inirg into Phe Atlaintk ic ai . . h. _ r' es Vil4iw s--m .tktAJ t. h canal iLn (AU'rC I~r °° uponI I tr~d I'1&3): '[ I"ir Iil the waters Or H LCk r rr k &nd Sntaf-V rAT _1 1)%bana~iKLV1L - LLd 'ifithirty gar forirP'v s I!e r o iMtu iiiay be- fP+:r't4I. thl 'i L w ill I 'rdl 1i ny Ei il kle ICIr hTrking~i thic prnxIce tl.l.t COO 1..s dlw ow lAip ad i . bay, to LI e At- oaf twh-rn [IAki LA kyr fir aim".- 1is arounP)td On i~.- 4°a& lll" 3,C1 it h LbrhfhI klpb;ine°d, 111nS intf tih.: St- Jnhri Rivc r, while tihe S~jntkA l\. or Santa 'u, lahit-, outlet inl thE Swuw In a memoiw kl tCngress, aduopted 2.1 Da4-cTrtiber 1824. th° It-giL~tIav cuncil proposed -the ':'1a 7n]TLg aCHIA ICIUrSS the fkPE-nin- sulam (ifEat Florida fruvii thet river Stiwaney t) .ft. johns (oir suich othE7r points as on examinationr may prove t LAh aiore'V dihL' . hI no parnt of(ie U wiited Statt--s ould wu .doject 4o niu'ch ut ilit%: -wt promoted ith less diffiityr or expenditure, 'thC L-Lrijiulit [IcJin inrt rct(r ] t various r1wii nts~ by water LuUTsc~s, tilL! LonflCxlt f whkh l-~ivxld rudt'rr the o, xpt-rke c.f this *x:6: 11f hj.c'.t LufipiJaj ~ D i~igenrily supporting this Prna"aLI, Genmeral Call wFUkc a strung WIT1111Ur7L~LMto the Hou.i~ rr~jfitrteo[ R.,41- AtId l S.d He estimated that a siheltered n11:kigation-a rrom thc- Mi Lkiippi River to the Atl-attik' Ocean wuld ht. alhol~rr~ milvN koig hut Olhar~ 5 ;it TOO miles ofthirt was aldy -° vigabke by ;Ce, TrT, in haa nkc . Only® atxiut II, V -r iIk's of4rrI Would [e nouigh to operr up m)$ mile. of A ht-red 1 atu-m av along the Gull co:st f ~im ren - 'cola hi SL_ NIt Ik' I LhL ~Lt Art-tct [rrm 1i, M urs to the moutah if the, S'uwwm- nv e Iiver Would I!- ° m rt ilfiCIit anLd might ha.'Re to he [.11tpnix[ iieutlui bhow_cJ the rm id St. Johns, r~ii Jr woUld rLLLd nly about 20 miles. rw digging- Thea- proposed waterway w4Omild provwide~ t axie 1,000, l *iI t-% sho~rt r EhuJ tha~t srlurd the- Fl ridma Vap i _ -S i 11t'h S kr. Stm=s~ii.1g "ther d~i ngt r. the delaysr'~, and thme dif- fi( rty-, -;tt TndPT1 t 01i the na~vig~tiown aiiing the. l-en's aid shk of Flu rd&4, Call aL !4ut'l that± wing t ht annual crmt ul shipwrvc .Se ce - °1w7 jPilit(-aLk climate ofT the. IKW W_ 'highly ftjr,i~rl, 1 .Urii Tht-~ ( taous Erie~ Canal aN'r7 ,4. Nt'w York State wa L.U1Ii- pketcd in 1S2 and in other rg" n a s Of ~~~~m  24 Luna rWo W'i-ier-Waley it~o La~n built byy thie stme, srjineL prwti'ktV vr~naie- ei Lu-rJ' ®r en- structiun. In thcscyearsjut Icf(re N1Le 52lUL! hINImL prt.KiKame the sure.t %vuy to rollcitt. ecnouuic gih ktCImud to b the 113- ~p' t~waterwir's. 0.n ther rivers :k jaiba6iat 1gm Wa. jUSt Cri- ~int:sgle ie;o h~~~ ~riv~s.d ih were coo .. tifg foir time tcicsng trade. Exdhih-iT xak ty ht pT3fljL~d P f: it s n: al +f~rrp t dira] Iici~i tll;7t W'ro4i1( open ri ~iid 7i hke Itej -ie t r Ini tI~s it 1i4.phere tmke Florida, repre- scntative to~ Congr ,~ thou)tgh tec-s wua in a [sil to munblpi i S .1 i ~'t for his chemes, H't-eklia~ Niles, Baltimore S 5 .r La~jterJ1 a kIti]~c inkcrest%, ttok UF the Florida cLLWc. In April I~2 he Wro~te- '"vr sinw th ie csesskn of haI- Ccmuntir. hikL- tlhomgPlt that the tiffit wC IV-SHLt fir di~stit whI:em 1 i th peiUiL Of FIB rdes -ruld be onverted intomr -kikand., by mi-AIns oFfac i:n;ki l~irge enlllgh thr the pk.:Sigt of he-ay ships. _N is 1,w]ie tis~ (1We diSac.L U -TOS tl peninsi wa9 only kiJO~Ut 90 M miLIS ankd that a f canv~i l n nri than 1~ miles i lit h ~1)( henovgI~ t I ill. 11 Q41 ting watei.-kes. In Oi> t43kOC 18925 hc argwd that a projcc~t CU~ ir ol $90,W)ro±L hm ririg hjvi--~ i~t tk~irti, in w thip VAk Of 01he, ihic Lanids and ivi-i .,afL~Ly an-r ex litiucm to. tihe ta.i dn. "tirnenenea trade in the gulI.: C Me- ,iot-"# In N 41V rIHT t:1me [IerT-AIaLtIWL l~ rev enI inure intereStd l llw luthel1 1rLmitiIrll ofn~ ei:h~i~Iig; Lj letlFtr 1i'enlConl~~ Wh1it Florijdak ii-mv territoirial] rprr e~itat~ and St~~. of e t7 War- Jamtr 1433-oi mr- kitej mmrik-'rI that ; '1r' o iirier be j'ignw~ to $1iurye prtn-ent .u n rot hkm!Ir the- c e. -Lry inm~ -N, t 5vgE ted an P {-Al an e ebter of Mw :'huserts, sL:e-smaVIr o iv~s sern iirrniter- v~ial in treips, offred a resolution rccmmending am federal survey to said, would cret off' 800 or 1,XI mile's -of"mot dangerous na~vig- r. Il* 171(id heD fit fire~ states on the Ohio aLi lisisipph1i rives amid tike Gul~rffMx Nlex as well (se 1rL'rn tme, Atlantic seaijoard. If fir projt: we.e pr ti hIe: it woiji 1d 4e yore ofih to ,)~ I je-t -Ljcimjettl wAithi genetrahl implrovemenmt, wicl Lvuud e, g-aig the at- tent u oi f governi nent-"~' BEfaokre thek Rouse eol:Ld -eumk.Idr' tei:'s resoldution~ time nestsjl4 had swid the inii;aive in r 5 nse to two new Plod 41~ dnx.Lrn-ent5 The first was& a~ rtcerLL rt~~otutionm of the Fliirid'L kg1t.!ltVV CVU4Lirl priking -the. m nifi rat icy which the ~UitedL 'St~ktts h:v lop,~te J Lqi niterRtaI miinpmJ-crnents nud akin~ fur not 4urmIl a cur  vey. &ic'i F 1k'::-L but ai extension ofrthis wertw~rdi to {oilLe Bay." The s-jr a memorial fnrcirr Jame~s Guden. d Edwi4-rdl R. Gibson, twa of tree~ ornnii~skmiers apinted hi the~ ]egisLai'e 1rrilni to y the fca~.iiility the tl va. l t ecm siiiiikirs urgtd a federal 1. ur ye, if the n gi e'S ° reput was iavolrahble, [he Jl wpt t Lh~it tht7 fvd,-r~l v vruIrLC d vuid build the canal. If Con- .T S dcr~dd uagainst this. the coin rai ioners o~e ckiFr ua pmlxrr- tioriairwilinkarv ccjri~iil ' n to a jouint stuic L%3 p ny w a mac s o e11001.1 reet for privaite inv w in the pnrl" ,St.u On 11 Jantuan' bra6Se, Jasiah Johnstonr of . ii-In-°% irtit -.L:e0 ,I hill pmriding for an mcrinakion of al the country NO~UtI] Of the St~ Marys -acd Apaladikolal rives tcj tI~ 1fl 1t li ihl~ rou~te through which Lti eonnxt the, Adlanrtic cev-4 amid kth (iilfoi iC M w The Cuuiri Lr.tee on Rids and, Canals tiprov&e the b-ill butt add-d 'III ametlldien11 -Pltpt-OfL1 the -mrvv -all the way. firim the Apudach-rjta fU'r~ tj t hu M i lit1ipp It wis th s aimendment that led t a SharpT[ S6ntlkdiht,- onf 14 Fel-ruarv. Virginia" John lRanddlph had suchi .5ti c,1T 1iiitirimAl N(--rt1 1h1 thaL1 t b r. 3W drm Y f ral 8UrYey ai a]ll Atm. t all thf 1-4h rer ietors; were wil~ina to vrnti ffr the FlIoridir CL to tr 1 is iippi_ The is t a. LirF{-y Te~LirnL Senators fracr the~ Ml ia , Labard fvrjr;eliph F1 orid.lJ Stin-~y tL tI t{alt the a x~~irm; thonc, from the fmrrir r stt bordering on the Ohio., the t~i~p~ aVid Lh-e Gulfkupprted lotxh the4 Flni-da sumr's~ an~ the exrtrnsion.M In the end the exte~nsion amr[3r n w as~ %n'ottd downrr 26 to 16, bu~t the. s rrev ti'lcrov i r Was appvwt'd without r.1171, .dTAd theL RuseJ' ....rt -1-d Lag ijtl thisL~ ti sig. n.' It vr-m I rLtt khrl for Floridabu h1LredL tor itq treuchroL Is c a#lirje thaLt dftcrmirnvd time issue. jctotrdin. to tihe 1t r o#0?-b fr. irr Cugr'in, rt. I ohn ri 4111 of kain lini-L!( that he wIlId do almoNpt anything to avoid thek [ho~a4rn ro~und tlr-e csx the ]. y5 wd rt e o uFlIrridau. It i~ the~ bIn nf5FL1 nrS- it i.$ :t Gnltha- a raw, yaird. F ie hoimd not~ (think it, rrrahio1iL lv)[isUt tri e UnitedR]Sates were the wrhoule Ftcmri i Ula oEfln7rida sank intc the GUYlf i Nc- icon. He believed it x+oud IxA a blessing to this v':'ui t ry' if they a -ould dig it d4Y ni w1ith s-i:'viA~ anid Aink it into~ the de . %t Plci in .h Gu~lf.'' JThe. Jthmn 1,Lincy A da mn~ itidmn.artion 4Linppod\-PL a. P - Per- mull. 1)thme TojgJrapIhial E n ~rs to hd l sev n-1rrLUti sure ini parity, andl in ILIJm 1 I.N2iVi! Rev l rapo-d thi3t this team was "usily -1implu ver in~ sreying the route of im 00ii L-ad al crrossh tnitolnof cd I'ln i-"'' W~hile~ the .'iLre' N.Y% _ in I-n r1 N ih4.t clflv- tifl"" t1'1 lbI-KJSt the Cl'~l a 1, I Jdar ~r 1827 Iii~ N'.pvr =paid that th4 L1.1-  take it ibr granted, that ai ship £rmd will be~ cut thh iit-the A~- j et is otme of sueh ovierwhelniig interest, thAt (2onStitutioD, 01r 1"w Or'p P~-er, Aw11I ht!f 1 ~i+) fffw~r 4r f onih~ -e t eff:t it" Not Orkly wVUuId t lmr C~dlW iai A h wt [k -INterIL A .1 1I Jinli guurRIV Nt, rL' thi~r prd 1,ii'. it IvH }idi I1ieu,4:ii t tIhe wholI~ Litnu d-ply 4 -mcl fvrue-.L with PTX)mpt LUld VCaEL 11nFcuLvam" Opened to tdlimerc.e, Florida wOi131]d )wII SriiPpk the ation With Large- quarntities ot s.Jga and ieof- fee, 'Hild lwvus thi e hcw l~1y dutiesi L thesie urticts, tlku Epeople, it it 44-poc -k:A will 1~frieviilytc N-, th pr-ft:tive S syt elrm. ' 1But !ht -iv y rl tigi1r bf4,ckrPe v Irr re.1r4NIi 11 gpiicuN kgt ' f thl- f~ih, si ility d; of;rM I NV tirnhiv to h'Is s I pEri4)r, Rrtig Gen. Siimon E~er- rr14, ore 41 jaII11u ~rv 1827 N1.-.ijw Pervaio1 rprit d thj~ r3174jidi. s p1sIbk hMl-aabor; on the G11fC11uSt h- g Ven Iralitifl bdo vL aig Evur 1. it 11I gh tide thevr e wo. it depth i~f o y ,m2tven1 or edghr fiait i verv thfL 1,3r)jd)ar at the c& the SLvvnWTncL Rii-r. The- ciny rwJssiflel ermn in ig1h~ lx 'IL11:U rr I Ba - (,r' ra : ~ nr 114re hi rl4. cxpIorn this regan. Imut thi ri~y.±I wure till di tmurag.iIg. On 13 N 'emI'f; 'L w Vk1 ['-e .idmti' ' A dapn sM0&-~ the foolwiri1g ent rry its 'hi diary:'L Ceirrt] Ben~rdr -.-d Capuidr PfouAi:-,n called],1-1hvirng dly .rutu c-c fnmm t vi r :;1ur fys in Fliirida. Bcrnard says that the pmjecd 4 daip- -el roi:s t1.1 i NthM rn rS mi t le given up as imprti- bk1:.: that 3a tC'InhO t eanhil six Fecvt dv Eep is: tlw UtrrL4J t tl! 4-x~uld L ele t.Lt~ii thefre1 i~ rri~t morelI t1I r-l,t ver ftg Dr ;it the hiir at tilt BayV 0i St. Ju1.tp1)1, buit thal::t LM CIUK~1 At nil> gret CXip tNsi rII'y b ma;do I twwer n the- Iay of M oie k d 33sen actL.E"M hJ. I C00lwid Whkite' Wvrie toi the Se'crF, tary 4 War Aarigi that the- enginers r report bit released Ix-fore the next si-ssiii of COLBr--. E(eerring~ t ami endoli* c1c. p lrig from aNewv ,AI 1'1 w s paper, hi, Lid: WIuKr will Fa Meivc t}harr a conyiderab)c1k ntcelt is Yet rr.llii1 t( &XI rilnpLcm1ts uttered , o the -delay. """ 41 2?5 Felibn I anT I 1L, l t a wf:.e [-.lhmr he left tofflketr Frv-Si-dcct Adlamsj firm-Aiy traii.iittkd Ltv repo)rt 4o the Fkorida s1tvi- to orgies. U.;, ritIa Bernitrd's drwbts were T~fc kLtL-d in his v 1m1ph s1 UIXT the . k'w- ii-'s- of the Gulf coast har-twc,, rh I'-ec-P1swity Oflocks to t7rv-.4e the h ighkands, ad the Lan,-'rtainy r o the wate:r 1111rrCS. TILE engLiTncrs 11Ad~ eatpIor tWo po iibajl r'niteS-a1 nerll)n1 II01 1 QW ulvg the St, Mur -s Raivr wid paising thirugh the Ok'iiu. kvr_ S-vv.mlp Lndl Mne hkrtir° fi h u g tleL fit. j4 1h"S RiVP r'. HIV-k 'nrk, ;3ndt the Smitai Fe aTd Suwaiwe rer.4 Mkid tt mIurr4ig i Si. M1r. ' R euing dit tmn ad 1 rxpm1 ic of lix-k.gc, "the Tepurt' C-inc-lUdCd, tle St. j 1h r1s rou t-u h'aks thie aLd vinrage.1 ~e~ue of hekvtoiof the ter-  rain and the diflkculty or ski gring -vittr for the~ lam Ohe en r~t77 -advised thAt at deep Ahip -:anal wch]d not b2 practic-l [Lu th l atL Gouu~r+ss aippropriated a small gumii for uoitiiuii.g thto %x,A a in 1 L32 ~a s5rtd7L -erlgin(rie " rt-r't wa-sm 0id P114. -- TI-11 t.i at iOnly With the i'.ity ilOf thb' pcInu that lay anq the %1umTlIuit -if tlll rout ® r'n ins:crs still did not prtivid~t an tstv Iiiakty dov~ L.re4ognI ti that (:n r s h~i In t in tcTo-t in the idea of a cainal, thec lbr"dL lgislative co'Ulj cmade k i01 igi0fiit Chitnge i its ipim s, 1 it r- riLf to Cionr-i~ diic-dI p I l f~i ma' 1k14, it a Led ftor id in bld~ling 4 i rdLi~dfah m i Jivil' t~O St . Ni rki3,~ fIn 1-.37 JIm hnLc Will iq 11$ -rte M,,i) Loiw p--ic ri-A ci~aak wiII prc1liy hc.ux[ rihdcdhy ral l ra.13 . ' 1 I.,re tl s e e it~l11 r4.!ir ii 1"';11 1jil 4'TL r i rnd. I'll hV jll 11i prdVak.Lb' 11-d IC-Ss c-xj-c1n-v. Storkr (o::r luck,. is ,ar~ the N u' S I[ihi 1 .jk 1 trI j rl i vy'dTn~.h to' Nki'[Wrt l'4 ;A 11w ti An~d t1}HLUI4L ,I vIUH1 1 ~iw bi-t c rr i{krr : ]ii, rriav but ina the ndliiig einrA R-2iI mk Ir N-Ith :hll apc r arid mowr cxpcldititou t bcide, the'y "Arc far irt, )t 11:'~ _I .Atlrhni gh t t: reaw-m *f 3amss- fln riijcLn:L[ t Idf~ or [he tii Fl 1s' !ng la' a:kiitio'ii projex'ts to aid i-i.~gLkm t &r ispu vq- k t i a mot w Pi . I r iiS. Li_ Ca mdr. ' attlh C.. -errm', ILatCT tO 'tir I e r lnem rab °~J- agte tC a1 . i] i°a~ VS Snt t t PW.4a1%'15e 101 K4.o %f te-tt. po rtiwIg 0th hisi mi-s in n ; on 2B Nrch l S , rr- 11g that Idl )UY n'u bei 1 Pilt ;.t her lac ;ti :I1 w ;Li-rr t1I4, trk-; e.)mLmti 021A (TQL't duri theP %013th-PT fie. Ccongrrtis r!"4jx31dcd pro ptl-C'by approprwtng 1noiw]V in~ Miiv I822 for the O.-m triu-t Ca1n- oF Iigtho.s- at C~ap-e 1-loRkb I'Bi E 2ne Bya and Dry Tortugas, illt -Askrmnio5!'4 Of~ the~ kA . LA r Ikr it vnt-d J"1l1[fOT ir Iihthogl '..Lt~i St. AUgL LLtrni' MId P('si1;*t : Aa mudlwk in 1824 for lighits at twivi othe,,r daiigr ,I wHrspOW WRE Sw Mtl- I-LL h'4JS A~snerican dijkirrm~tS ~operat-ed i- th- e-50118 try R-1d1.ce ship- wek. in Jiily 1824 [ke~ Moroe -.dminiStrati ,nl su]F' tcd tIhut the Brit i 1h goe F]rrfim-t Might lI.k t 4+L''1& par41t1'- B;.f w jLiiuhw ih jtnd Ci Au o tlt th'i Lii t 4d Staties ciiild red.' a l 014Itii N1 g4u,1I,° S1h1PP'Lu- in! th danigvroUs 51tr3its Ltwccn thec Bahwa -L:'.1d -4411t iL- r st t1.5 bld th t'wn I igfIt] i Is uii Abo .i ()1!5 N in~ 1 ,2.5 l x n'ptar y of2Siate'iiy l; v agkin rai._di thk i~m L' IA. ncitif'Ainpthcf Briti-]l -14rr;uhJ: TFt tlLat tlhe fUitedl StMates ph;ULIEwd ti! b10l-  24~i Lcrid ~; W4~~aW~pfrr inpi~ .F~r~d 1-o tseq at 1Dry 1 rtIigas, : Kz )ysr ili ird df~ Cef,. _ er i Lhts," Clay wn tc "°e C'0]]ten3P~uie T1t6Lr c0j- F1 UrIL1 ard ca Pe QC.ririir~I.. Wei~ all thee woprks Aha[! complIeted, there will bea c1i11'i Of lighfs - dkig the Floida n st,~ _w that a %v... [ miay al - st LUU1E{~aL k Irm4±'. in~il viewmTe Brtish did they Wa p1M. mjSed bil~ihig li;ght~ on their side of the chaunnel hdeween thu~ Bahamas auid Flcorida."' Clay's bowat that his eovcmnt wuld build a o~itinuc'us strinig of1ighlhtmses was by rio neins fulfilled. 1 ept rnw the ligiithouse at t u," ' 1 I'r.' IJ I.i1 iii 1 iri~k®1.17 brll I iiirll Li iv iiA ITh, J U[I17d i~ Il~ IC r~L' aWR Lin J rldi*I ,iId k :in Ir ii~q u bzi l Iniii nd 1w).uhhr-1I. M. St- A 1j i rkP7. the R:Mt eo'd WaS ~imst ntilrek, y. Linpmted: tl Ii thollu-S at Ciape C.Lrffn w-rLus not built. unil 18I4Andi1the C ii-e at Ju.piufer Iiil-et ar~o u n fl 1 N(A). ' rar pr icIrra4 a rit was madie along the mal'tht.rin reefs~ whee-o for- lig~hhrrsw r lip htskrips 'Lp rovide Nbvc c n 1824 andl I1 at QkLpc FIrk1(I i ri sf ti Ret{, 8.111d Kk ' anid Dr ~T rtoig;5 .IFor ri w 'Ai the 14-3i g G-111fcs ha nnly two mf trcuc lights -4311C a fi lCn 151 (M26), OIw Ia1 at a St G~1.rge! OP~ posite ~I.! a~chfL I$3,arnd on at Egmo~nt K -v t the mantrant~ kI Tfampa Bay (;1S4'1 these MV1LaCed I-oac-rn t wem nut er ted -Or mrainLainedl wit} Ui  Eark Boosters 29 adv rtur± and danger. Eruute to Cawy " :a~t Reef in 1825 the ight- 'hip rqn ontn tl rfhik s nd w a dxn-nv by its crow. T&.ckrs tooik oie.,sinn. i:ft~i de SNIl and its builders hadf to ri souu it 1iifore it ctnuld 1-L ru pin and aincklr at its destinatkion. In I&36 ~ ad of Indiants attacked the Cpe Fcrkk idg i usje They se fire toj thet sructure and pIiut to death the I .er's bL k hlp e Th ekr reeie si mus etsh4t wunds and was unable ~ cimb °nn the hluried-out stairs- A peeing ship finkally resied the wounded iInH.T after sidhtiing his flag ofdisiiss irt 1846 a crw °IliithOrus had tJ he built to replace the and one. But lighthooses, how er v'jofurti ag Iio ]r1AriTLtT, WerTU not F~or-id~'uast kid d , awitiese more hipwrecd-S Durinig tie 1: pb t1.e ann wa isses.~ were estimated at akout $1 million- in 1S4. a 17 rtlIarly disatrous yea.r, at leat .53 ships with argis valu4d a~t 8.1. n~illIQT werr pgrted to Iiaxv pilcd u~p a~n the Florida rti I[fa ship craa zro~se IMoridai sieemed t:x aml)]btiou a p:feet, Ies5 {:nrKfly LcwK,-d schemne, had a better Oif'nR ~i Motiil. -M wIn.tLr tqerrliL1-11 l tf lumd red so Ci i i tfthe Floridt oo sts fa ° red iI.e (k- 'rrkpment of i atu ways~ that wojuld permit at Icast the smalr Yes.- sels. to i ~r-igate behind shelteirig isIland barri e eeal Call1 hadI poIintixd out one such passibi1fity in 182.5. Ang the Gulf :oit in the. aktilal ~ei , thein were t t ion aof baysi -,vi-eil al ChOC.'bIMaL}T St° Andrewv. Apalachieri latuhre a I utier 1 ae and Mnw~ -y 'ornu-c-ing these 1i.x bF water it woui I-e p'ussibli- tlu jie -a sheltered ° t.erway, sun 14 200 9n iI es~~ fiurri p ry ; , to Nt. Marks- Only' a little dr rdgin~ d trh. hiidin~ rr~a ft'w 1Iirt ca~L3 w.1L kids rt-qufred,'_t even thfri-r: i'i~ man'r 'c~ri to ahieve., n Cucrs app prpiatcd a lvw throusun d dol- ]ars, to ijmp re ncivigtioui ofrive~rs like the A~i:'k~hinl~ ai4:d the St- M lrh,. Aside. frurrtis,~ it dia41 ThU Trio e than grant upr~flLssrl. to the, tern t(IrV to gilt its own carial thmgl M1 Me Orfthe PuiCk ]I0 ,- ;knd since ter territory1 had no rnu.:lv'., it ruuld onlyr tur prrivattv tumi-l (Oif)rtfies ht ;7 th is ka euli.n iW3= the, Iei '* atie u uriil iriizrpo- rated a ucomj. aiy to build a v dii~ bvtwwti.i St. Anadrew Bade id the AAL f:1-EIiu6a1a k iver.:" i aL~: siila1~r pro~jects were ! l rdsu in ptvts Indreed, the whouleo o~ur extensiv~e sca coast is. lind by in- L krid %vater Uoire tht ig ht,. at th4, ext. n of a fe"w hnilei C]Litin lyg be rendere~d navigale for ,iteiflILt , anid tie - whole dMniger 61H.. 4} Lr imnthE'rn rE-AFs ke'ys ari urartsi he2 oiatedi "-" 51t not ,-houmgh L-apitad C'uld Ut' rise-,d to put throwg these private vectures,  31hL2-id into W oir- Wa7~r ri Lang{ Arn the east 0xYA~t of Fk'rida tht, Sx ib li[ of de~ielopirigr inland iv.-ier v were even more intriguing. Flowing palalei to the *inad andl wiening into lays and l r were a su -e-Nsitn of ri ' e t r- t . Marys, ~h t # nhn. 9the NT; t w, the ;. 1iLFW, the Irjdian. Since the St- Marys Ri ver and oither CeorLaw- wat,-r- w~ pro-i irld ;i sale nrtnce into the~ territory, thie itr ead waxN for rtriproved. wat rway ti'n 4xf tI~ the St Marys arid the St. jtuhrksi Coilgress appropriatied moneya for this purnse duL'rig the 182s U kud 1&3,i, hut it was many yeir &: tre mariner were satisfied with the 57 iifiroii of the A-11nee .)' In 1.1,37 Wilham- .nmP1 inecI tha~t arn p pnipriatioi of $15,XI hjd hciiexpe evd "to very little purpose-" I~ I13 XiW k1 rj gi-i8i reported tlhar th m ith rf the? St. J4.1mLr. VrWa Liiirwdtd by a large b-ar that exten~ded, almost -all the way 3JraS it:i mouth..4 i kl~ ths df ir-u Lie.~ the St- Johns 7'ved ms, ;) gaIteWa to rmih ,uf-tr-trn Flokridad a ccordiig toa Dr. Simns~wi, it served "-:AI the enrds oFThe4: nII ~di-iisly contrivc- ina;s, } pnninigin adirec- titrn the kviit aptif thi l hLl ( ' sii:i i ral tlra&l. _At i rst tlhiS 1il bt. ri-4u,41it ]I1100 or its pn }iti to the old S [);nish port 4f Fernrndinra~ at [hE :m iith Oif 11w I. t- 1f ;A , but int 1822 the~ Ile Jprt of javk. riviIle was. laid out son 24 milc up the fit. Johis Ai~v r Ja.k rnigl-c sw and had Only 2CX inhn- it1nt [in L-43F but its 1je 1 7 iii iI.tArti Idt jXt duritnj the' Stmin-'1C %VLr -alled attention to T hf St. johns Rivas pro:vide-d a Iavorite mu to St. Augustine. Tra ve-Irs L uId go [IV 5131 <<, (4P INCat"AaMrtd then. casks a 20-iilie trip by hors'ChUkoro ic-h toi thc:old Spanish cty1, th.u avFoidnV thcdaragr- htusi ip pmLNrvIi by L-th° ]t qIis ei ad trighe r'us harboj, E4Lrk'.-1. s Vx k S ii .d construction of acanal 10conmect the St_ ohm with t c SarL Se itiarm Rier, which ran pt S t. AMugvastin , In 1)33 te legisIativ~ cuncil chartered a~ company' fo~r this }PurPoMSC. Ihit i~hisi m a st pw-ropia1 wLL- rwerihaidowe d by mor rand ° e. SUhILUTEW fr rarL irntrauL aitAi wVdtUAY tVkiadiii: dOzW-11 tl-eentire as As a rly ; F1 (01.3 J~im.4 Iad. on ha cime d tbat it ould be easy tUO tpr 1] UCILi suca hite rd COITIge. Cs -31id to SuFr vey j pig-A I-P rowki I'r ii rci lhctwEtm St. Au Lstinf And Came Floe-R, he p rorte that t1e ' suthen turrr t of thl~ territory 13i'as at tviitiVl: 01,Iyi iiLt1e. naisers a d rtrtk rsi-'a IV-Prtiim r kCPmIP.nt~ who Aut lk little ViiII~ to i rads R'md 01i1Ad jw,- r ly tlir li-eighlbiw. hmwi tmminiciations making us~e oif those w~k rch ar- I.. provicd by riutrr .- [k l sid thatoT,&cly t 5 EIII LaflI oi-]Mll would bte enoutghr W cinnect the -Matanzas. River w ith the Indianri ivrr prlhiding mom  thanu n11i'le of pm.t-1Ju vwLterWays si th O frSi.. A.jg3Sirine With ~pthk0r t r m ileS r o~ig iri the No rthrF Riv r arm time St, J0i ELS CUhid be l1 iked, there' olpnig Grp a p ag all the way to (2mar estop, SOUth Carrdina.' Iii 1 o7 the legislaive cow)dil chaste .d the FAt 'And SGJ h Florida Gaid~ Crim ~y with L tigrit 1 itu' ${)(),OO() r in zild stick and to VItr mTUt LI wterw.a-L Cmoin "B ci~ &4_Lkii to Au gustin w id the St, jobnHive Kit" The ono-oth- Seninok War ru inrEd whateiir :c vha -us this~ ruuy_-A 'ta fl a- u ha-1.; but the [d,, of ani irtirn a. 1 caniaI lxrisitd.. [hung a~ tour OLLdut% in Florida, Maj. Henfr% Whiitirg Wrote a p UW4i V ' Ekiwrtl for the Wate-iWa The-re wee he eieplaned. a ~urcc sion of a"ns~ aloe the ciast omt The i g ai bodies. ofwater were separaed fmom the sca by stips of land, genceriily nuit more thani a mile oir twti in. widlth. Thvt'e :trips wre hroken by oiinil ir~Iet linking the. IagocWii with the sic a. But these i rIlrht prrivLde.d uITriable dumiknel far ij~ivi- jtdi0n 1K- Lse they we r n lJ]y fi lling.1 u~p ait one point and opening up At a.nth:r_ fluManariZdrLg thr s'Luaitli, Whilin~g Wco'te: Th.ese ] ' uh~ t-ten d [ r'2ll a.iixtU ;ft, Augustiine to j upite ti1 rhet stretch, of thrcec or more hundred milex, With 1,00 a few. mle 1Sint~k-- ruited by land. T~I -i r ciiIInl'rh depth [s sver tial FL-et, Ihob~gh they~ an~ all by shoils or brs, which rctlur-'e their nvii. IAL fa4I~~- it' to @ i~t thl'ee feel. '1eS hx.. , ioQUIVer, ('ntij~d e;X01 I~ i.i*I pasabl for useful pur s By bu lirdcm u~ l 10 to 15 1 mIUs -4 ugD the Irr Jnrhn River ciiiid hL~ cnnir wd(t d wit thei l atan.- a! ' Rivr} alkUtlmer emacul 20 tO 30 Miile$ kIg 111- ]14< irkk ihe t1tlzi ith e llatli; ix HiCT a cut onl-. one-hai milo ng vuld ink [. tf\ M Iitot L -1g . ri t.t the MOiith oF the HaIfax wit h the trrd iarL Fiv r, "S1.1-h ik p}rrd,,C r wrxlte U% it i n. -'wxuld oW-l n inkrijir 33AVigit6A JN oCR11 (TAkrltwSl4Ir to jUpiter inlet a1n1d. -elw Cap V1kiti It i ; xwtII know.-- thI hL pria bl FT Isle and. shltc rid. canrnel runs around the~ 1)(M13u1al-., liiE' i~ ng waterway cn%-isioned. by these c-drl h4M s w- M fwL - n.: l built urrtil a ii aEneii rv lat r, bu t orre smoall step w;A- t;Len n :xw # ar the Semim lc Wair. In m~nn "iLLP]_lic1_ tO the SLuuthl, the army hUd frl nd. it a njlk:w, iWnt have it uis e tialLiLiver' p'N'0g , abut pne-Iraq mile in length, between t}ke Mosiquito Log,_Kmi3 w-Ld the Indiarn Reiver° not far From the prmsert-daiy Kennedy S[%v . Ci-n- ter), In Detmbrs 1813 Brig, en.a Wilia lar orth seded pari i sAi1. to dih a canal through this hnrrie~r -tius dcToU-ng a unintc-rruptc at4w avig.tion '[Iror Mosqujito I agrxr}r tI- Biscaynie Ba'ly.4t Ill Fcbruarv ]4the Florida fibgis- ative cohleL petitioned Collc~ to  .32 fA~d jui~ ~-W~er iri~o Lirn~d appropriate Lucic ,not only Ior this canal but ftor t"i others. ten and one miles in length, that would hriei~ttlers in the India River, ju pte~r miI, and L° W-th rreg--rr . Cougr went padt ay I'y appriiraiag I5U( for th Haquover arn .~ The~ Seminolec War had tcrriwd the frnhier setlrn and haiE~d miigration into the state, but the ~ifion of 1b42 broughr aki~t - _ - a. luirrhIULI 'M u i "id 'I'i l 1w .u Jiii1im 21"LAOU i~ n E JN1. SPA.  Eat~v Daosirers3 dramtic~ reversal. CGJ4x~. ahcnit .Fl4iida' future dLipated. and a ..urge OfopiMnISi took its p1 ae. In Noivemnber 184Z.a repo-rt from St. Arg~irtinc prLickfid the sp-fd setrtlen t (i]f East F[41rida- Nco part Ojf thet United S t. holds out sud termpt iL~nL to eflgrmiAs t his pcninsLuki. whrthr we TLead the fertility 'fits s4il the mildness of it climate, cr the richness ofits pn dtlic sn." , lwvf all, Florli o fre~d heath, In 184~3 t Savannah G~ g rn r-pwe r I-a t 'I thea h-nb Stan ia scukmeat" was~ being made in the neighborhood ~ Flrt flerce, "that piae ienn conide~red Ir .mark;bil hliatiy is a rmii Lary -post during the~ Semninole ar the UI lma hing dcligh u ad the wabrr exceIknt', In 1I84 hurndrds OfCU .e w~er attribu4ted 1o0 drinking and kthing at various mrinie rI on the uip rr tI. I ,hn River. Accoird~ing fir ,'Wr 14luckf Reg.k1r, the spring waters. aKctp'd -like a i i~amE -rL v o n- rnii i-r111lfl~ism, parh i 4.4r , and di,.,:e t i Fte Iivet'r and k~ip ney iT i JSCL'U- inidet to thu Cemnak t-anmtitiutior aLind uprwn alti ciitarxnuis Fortdm~4~ I 1wf D1k]I, the LjUtI~t4 MiruhI~~i, althiiugti almosr.t Lipo,1siblhk i.MJLL1-ed during thUe,. yer eioye4 nsiurpass.ed reputationr Ror salubiitt. A corus, nicdenit to ~' ReiefrCLi 181 Fup~rtc-d tha x o~rp y of sol- d iE r, sta tio n ed th ere. h ad S. t Ii r cd : n a c ii O il in i s~ in r 1 r l ; . h n a a t r s , 1 A h 1 1 h v L o n 1.040 ti vimjty, and iltltuugh the, urrunier aRty V,".arr thic air, dIUring the enieday, is Cannecd by thq- --: etq.rly 1nncfr s rev4, i]1i Iig in thikt .%:-1I 0n , anid rvi d ri7.4 it ~u~forte bb fur thW 1awra- N to pu rsu th4,jr vOc-atin at all rin-it-. Darini lh .s-e btuvui yt ars Fkri.rid'.Larmdua-d iniL Atry'I c'u.IA Al- thoiughk ~et 4m l -jxitc dClaN-yed L kC UldW io MIUntil .M.5. w~hen ni gr'ss u:t~~ l) buk' the &1t'- Nt{Leef uFird with. the nme freer st~ag Of I(W4., h1OiuI de gags~ had drafkc.d ~a state cor&stitut gun . LiitI riuLnp'l vemlIL W41' ~atLipL tv the vrn.It r', and I tad ,rJ r- Po's U up01 C~ igislaIet he~ dittyio nkh-, evi' Jri1) '"Pir Obje triof lingi ive uent, ini rlation to rad, van ls, arnd !itrcun--ks In Leib'ar 1S45 the rag ~t" ate legislai~ture passed a igbiv sig ni ]C-ant M-WI1Irtiofl Conceding that the Evrcr pdcs hd Ilrnt lwenr r ;;rrd ki 0ll v1 li l the l tgi Fator~ ratd the ri~t ,if.., o (rarvtl'. u i "ine , Ichd i~. daily or rgI1tI'iMg, that tlmrest ropiruirn- arc  3 1 r~rd milt) %aiT 2tWer- irite' Lurd smahll e'~xCr1nc, the -said regiorn ca e ec£ntireA. ly aveimjdthLIS , -Pkgj d cmaili, Perhaps not surpasse1 in fertil ty and every natu- ral a~bi~ityby y , tht-r tr the g 1.kbcJ The leg Iiiure inItr,.d'cd the troi xitninth li~ Evrerdt L h . nter R i' to rvllnaltk._4H [ i ied k rejim.r of piul igth- pliug ,m-d Ietting the at-kr out oft]ise Everhiude k4 d. berim t kiigk-rm ia r :t ]emit tt-, yrears. urn 1&37 )ohnr Lee Williams asked whethc-r the F vl - Ig ;15r-ight not I draine "- dept!inrg tIhe rituril outle. If thet lee of water's co~uld he low.ered by ten fecet, -wat a E c-d -wrnld it opv n frr trop"ca prod rietk' 1"4 erhap , Spanish mod it~ori held,. the l rysteriu Everghid,- would yielId aL Ir'~ue'--i inl pe~irN 131 1W34 a writer in the JKrj WIV; Gaet tIbrght tha.t -iniIlingw of ar&s mghe e v, uluirriet. "If th~is be ever done, Suoutli Flor"id will indeed ltc the gair- ~den of-o rmjv 4inrv; (or, in d won~i t F s adaptationi to the krIturre oif t cop _AI fruits anld lueMr P, thi ir aieu sL Irad Will and ui1V q uiA.Jk'd. advanrtiges of l l,: climate, and rwtsition f4Tr theit ~ii~r, fo tton. ri r acid tIiicvo plan ters i"7 Carrying olit th irstruction dthe IgiareSn.Jame PSi1 ' rkr, (I thIe .,1ppr h Il~n DMp.ti 'ru~ t for 'a re. n1ffla1aiht' toE theG Evrg lds Thf- r ;i n nLr~Dt was given to m vki11-1r ,iii ;L repicted St . Aimrnti e 1 wyer alr- I 18 srroithl pruykki the Florida poit i si with a pt rsu ±.'ekargued ~c for dra.iniung the Everglades. With the sk il i apint r, Smith dies ribed tiht! Fc cewn asit then. l d- [rMLx che wriot, "a vast I-akr-ffmh %VAN; 'e,: v r ixte iii every diivectio n from shorwe :oshore h~ey Oi the rtH01-f lrc A3 iii() irjr. Ord ir-ArilV unrufftd Iy ai ri~ppl- tin it s urfiicc, stodded with thoum sd ofris~iinds ofv ioiis 07Rs. fr'o' i,1 iw -tb r ol an ut rV tO 11Utdreds o u-re. inr artwa, and whiub areL generally vo vered with detmse thicke ts of shrubbery and( -%rjflp. He told about the pale gliv-c a wgrs ril1r g throughi the su~~e ot he licpid1 VL'r e argd gently lxndingith rzclidpitdhL i idth v- Colored plIt that floa.ted on th and the bloom ing tlowers of the wild crnvyrt~c and bone ~ckIe-e covering tht! ijnds. "The pmo- [oullid avid wild snlitudA e iif the p Lace, he said, "the lerni silene that pem--ads it - -add to aw~i~cned and excited crc .t--, bordering on awe r'A® ,Iiaiy "l ureor might dr . t} OOII.. ik din that such exquisite beauty }ihuuc not be disturbtxd hut left Rorcve~r wild and UnsIpoiled. IkkLh the. nineenth .. ntiiry "mte .stnl y 5hook off his romrnItit mr!ooJ an hurried OrL t the uw-0i -1 01 se fjtla~Ni Lhnt ii ,erployenr e d.. Ti "a ma of7 practkicl, utilitarr turn of  Early IuMicrs :3. tahought, °Smith re aso sd thl f]Viln1t md thI. 1 alykmgi i~p res . irh 1 thu n -gion ] i [its] utter uli4e;sis~ to civi] ized marn, in i t pr' n t ctMitson, fr a.ny iLsefill T P prctrkdL tojt- A htiar ' indLkb:'- ment LUf m nt civw be uA er"d to a duve t whits man to settle ai'n the interior of he E~vf gblcI,'w # t it was, thec rton wa suitale Sith believed that it'%,Dld b e Cntre-Ay feasible kikiwer the level of thte waters and opena up a vt ex p)se Otfertile soLHO fatimn.tpd that~ the Ev.erglades wer at lciist twelve fetet ubLove S level, ill t] I't restraiined the matr w. a ridg of .slightly h ig~ gmurnd u.le u miles iniland Fmmi the coast. If this rim were cult thro~ngh by de1Jn ink; the Miami Bivcer arid gather stre.aiwi running eLastward into the Atlantic and westcward, into t~ Gul~f, the exces ater in Lilce OL-chcbe and the G1~ide would drain . f; penlinu. up thU C13tire region1A tr' tgietuie, Sm ith e~ti -ated the r st of the Pro fort ait $541,4X0.. He believed that the soil and dlimia -of the rut-Ld rrrl, regon wrnild be iutade r wie range o cp- tmp %ic:i Crits, ofetobacco aind. e ally SULiar_ Th ne~w p"M luin would bernefit the~ nation lbvy lessening dv jplridein 011 tie 1Wt ndL~ "it less than 10 yeatrm" Smith prnphf-dt-d. 'ta n iw, ii~wd State ay leadded to the1Union., lbmmeil out of east1 ind mitith FicI dhi. eVCeriLI that itnnahatira] tnnection n. isit inn ho - thu±e rin anqd m idyle .and west Fk'clrides , _.' A new Ltafr I.~ LUX131 a plantation e~conomyn wouldo tf cciune bCixnv~i- Slav st{td'-ak Pr3i:)S N t YAure t4p'r al toi Nottherni It-gi1 tors in tbi l y1titl( 111;ti of t'he 18441s. s ~upport his findinrga 1 1.11ng~iM L' nith aPP:-end!ettr n ri 1m tnihita e CVTr~natler %hv had k- r1:t- i n FIoridik.+- eithetr d ui 3 tile Seiriok W r rl rIer gr. iri1Lm S. Hlarney) W3L5 SLI that the Everglaideh, cud t* dnihied amid that withfin Five~ years the cldaimned land wrniuld attiract a Uluation oi h. N ) Lwrsnn. Geri. Ja t- G 'dgs.~ rM,'d e 11. T h 0 n~ LS. e S S 0P -.11S lieil'I that th) riclim i. tion Ac-iic was both Ia-gihle~ and deirahle_'}' "The only dis nting- Vbewit rhot of t eheh n i M lords, collector of -iistom~ ;t K-Uy West, later to bcomc sevrntarv of the navy in Ih- Confcd r .t goJv- em ert- He h I, he said, len in the GLde . "-e' a~d eateng its fish, drunk its %%aters, smdkld it- snakes and all ip-AtorD and wuAdd thrnuigh its mud, -hp~j v Io si.sig sm. IittI-: ua1intxnee with its iiao quitciew arid horu-lirs, brui Of Whieli LVilli be r'ol cifrktILd . He thrngt" rhat many rq--gioris withiin the, FrIgI~deL were hLI1y as lo a the sutnid g eaU :acid Couldr v~~er Ledra~ined. Soiime ]ands  36~ Lrid~ inIji W o~fr - r jpot fit iwr &mund the nr~is might bc reciaimctd by draining or vkimg. hut, Malory waned. -it will he frJI~rid Wb~lly dit of the. qkiePtkon to dr .in all.d E~wrgIades&T I. Tin gEI Mdllorv's vo-ur vomrricnts., £rLlr VVO,,-Ant 1 tlpI~ Ct~l'e MO t 01F Oi:Au1ien Froridu~ dlirtly to the stamtr instjta of kfillow- irmg tic iL l pc-dir v ()s Iwlii, the' I~and for ti heneflit of t1he federal t M@ si.1jV illa [tr~l grat ,ldnu.ld bw c----itigent pan t1c statc cr- n din~g withini thre e Yi rs an cnmi~rj~-ing w itin r 'n a.vie of dr.aiia ;J141(; )L ca iir l .14I'rin~g tht- I t a c i\' 4t 'er n .l' Okv r'lil we an~d tht' E raides- If p aeicabL} tlkcN(. Bamia xl cn- ctinig 6 ALk OI~ciw~with the V thik° and the. Ci-idf 'A-1 A. u 1x. d- kvtti i r't -L wterWuV FUS tlLi' Stak.UT Thus Iodrmamn qif tiw 1ast rs - tu h1i 1(i - Florda 4-4kn;,1 ;owd to l aviri the~ L~ k- i gImd. s - li cked icn the Lescott bill. 11ncmkbtJly the :.en:tur tn o ill the n et o theiL me h is at nmd d-1 rpers o tb~her 'itates Hu t-rm copies ofE the BurL inh'hW]T Sritl] n-~puft and the tvxt of his bill, t.::- gethCr With thV IAN"S~t Srimtitii01 ~ipwreel , to Ltim hne w'zq)0:rS the Rallti~i'c Pa fo ik rid- the NCIC r* J joerprud ejf('rrrr -.. df- RVi °f' ' Arlid L1 Via Bu Rrv~i e Iriv iiiiv 1Ie~Ii t-n ! he 'flrtr FiIrirl ;OMIt -Ltppmwd th~e ikimr L apjtid frI ")r the I'eral 14.v rnrrment to pruovide nt-° charts. of thc trc:L-eh~LH- i Irid. H wvtcr t'he ' Veta tt bill crjcourtrcd. stormy~ wcathcr ]-lnvi(LM' other s entov. Ravd ILevy Yi Iee, reficed to support it, He btlie -erJ tllat it$ jirUAS10ioiL I'eM uairillistk b:eCAijSe a 1ir {i d sparseIy TJp~lat-d stt unrmik ke unable to crry through such a Il4?wul'Uati prliytet %vith ln the~ sPe'ifled tme~ limits.~ 11 i~ asb seqIuent L'ICnts r yetVIkd, Yukv was~ placing all hi bx.-ts not oL airA draii ae ditches Fist oii raimldyai-k. With the Flokrida delegation th~us divided. Conguress totil not aution- L~ grerormmi. drL~I g ~,..rernrnjert did endiow the new sty.t with aburijiarut ptentia resu u mvs. In. 1845 it Fgrwkumd to F10rkiia 500, D(N) a-re. of pubhic hind r fcw iter ,,I impwn a1eri-. In 1~5 ('n rs ss~tdj :Lave hiidi .LEllig'rtalmt for Flrirdns fTutu . Fur time purpxi& of e.nabling' Arkarma and o hr statc "to r'cLuim thea: EwaP and over- flowed land therein,1 ' th-e [eder~il vek"'j Lment pi~ro iS4ed to turn over to t6h-m -all gimsold public land "wet ;rrld urit :&r caliatlon'Fr Thc Nt"ALe IVL~i IAtLe Urk: ~t i. [M1,2-:: adh itv to o~pecf the li- d Lpro- vided that the pT,:c-CL)te wc-rc -applied, exclutiivel, aN far as n es- ~4r4tsi the of r tiai iim rrsad rlald% Irv 1. i aii (o the levees anrd drains aforementionied,,,"[  F;44 &I Fiters 3V' How, ulrm~1 J'ltrid~l (71MV~kt 1 mi.~f~ilTlion ;kiT,~ illin the. en- sine gTl ,rks needet Si Wpted ti LC gruwtIt 0f tl State'? i]. 1I the le slat-re tsaL'hshe~d i tBord finterna] I -rplivYIit, bu.t vew it pdakIC s, U. S. t lngressman Edwaird Carrington C ll~ arid Coy. prNuvr ets. ERespinX~Jg on 29AprIl 18592 to aTrt isury DepaItrI!rt re1e t jfkin~rnmktiLon abouit the cofmmer'cial p1x spectN of the vhari- 0U)b state.. C-40-II ~i~v ded are extensi've irkw'e tay of the~ st;:1t IIc~ds. E1- revi-vL9J every scheme4 tilriinternal in pm'.vu rncnts thait had heetl SJLWPtM d urLn th nOHerq depired the~ Lf1- ~trness ojf eal J d~iturr fur iiug rhikai t'~ Florida with it 1,2.: itles of Ldangem] Lu J St had fewepr lighthouses~ thaii the ap- proach to New York or Boston; i Iritriit h r~like, IkA]Ma1vhila otilI ;, .®de~d tn , L-Iredged .; ve -rs rtiing firnm fA411 111;i)~id. Gor- through Florida to~ the G;ulf tkeede l to ['e d u )1itiut'd The i- tr cutal' watrwa'. aloe the uppr Cuff at m s till not hi Ilt. On~ the east oast this Were aS il. bLri St~.ill iI21t~t'l the cu i- mnev of lit. A~u tine ;mcrid l jksti;ivill s. hiP n L ~.Li mgfl thel F'loi&L rrefk wer ur)Stinl 81 In. liODI rar Lat that rri i~lt 1.Kr 14gel a}'-nivd hy i~tilinrg ;nintra-n.Lsrl wnatemway firm the kt M-.-Gs Rive'tr to Came Sable.. lT' enutire jexin so si u a to ,s IL had n -- tirnated at no mor than $250,0(M. "Buif iit sh-o tI k th11rve or fou.r t~iei that s44 rn, ~a b .11 satdF , iI w ild not equal tht V-Alue Of th ien IiIit, res:ulting in LL. fr rjcij puint vfiiew, anid to roter Ntates sie- IP'kv-jd4. " " He ;l so ve his 1)1lessii ri~z to w the~ 'ojor S- ter p rjts of c arlirr years, building~ ai uT-ruj-Flor~da canalt and draining the. Ev Iackas. AIIIsj~ ng (HeIpra i t tn Fir lininL~g thet Atlanitic' and t i l~dii :~I ei b a u-11~a [ALVE )ss thme hihimitisrl ofThLantpec or some thfer meains. ° i1wl paints-d Out than,~. What- d o e - a f s y- -1 k W S r e 1 e 4 F d a . will b co m c i mn 'JTaK l --, ratc -cv y' t e nia bl e t hlw v-3t er n anrd iiddli. Atinfi- stte tii pari4.vli , in t enre4ii 4-Suci a mute. ""The drain~age: of61h Ev rijadv . he id would serve" a duaL pi1 r plli . I0 ~ru i -re- lai m as q ka titis of rih sijg ai' ds anV rd it wojuld provide "the Terse ~t i~ektn?-r coo runicaicon, and alsoc between ever, pari of'thi interiri retjon ani theF , q r-""i ~ Ca1ite1 dIItj rgIVy urg~tl the bljiding~ of rdjlus4J UCove'rnor Bro:wn, t ransrnicAh~!' (ab ell' suicir ofstatv ri{,..h to thx- 1 -i~tiurr aloni, with i i ownr sh-mrg vemrl ndtiwkr ®w. tioll. : Iii retpirks , the~ legitiurt svt up a u w IBoard of Irri-rnal Irnpmv m n is with the -state enginee!r as its pre i n rt. -ik 9rgeui -0  .~iH Ijj r~r! in fr~~ XI~d.rr~- XV.j fr:( iliti.' Urj.'~ri Was 1 !in ~~ nd 'pI N~ t r the r-c ,iii~i of °'.ip I-nds' .inn r 1l . '1 '144!crks o 'f iiw enlAdi Ip t iY i~e iiir.-" MeLIWhiie, Flurid-A iEx.N)!ters, sco-i. by c r A crc k4-m n ir~ithea'r tIions had SLKTC I c-1dd Ln geting arlrw enginVCT' to rnusksc frurtlc~r sIL~d kws of 011-e i:w,,-1 III itr Cot VVI ;ms F1Ii'iidi! -Lj-m ml. On ;) cu iher P1.52 1]I i-e 4Ir i gib] rargc mrq~ttr.] that helui surve vv twio ruuts., one usinig utlcr amome audht- rn route leavinig the St. Joihns abou~t fOUr ]n ilx . s Lah of1_ L- Faonwi w ~ ;U11 Al 1t&hrn: 111tin ' lipi .41. Hi, e, ti- rrtcd t[ wi a six-foot-dt-ij .-'.tr°t m1 tiLlt be built fibr around r3 B~i4 Lt aa pm d % vp dc{estined. tri hL- 5Ltipori d asL thE'- 1-tmr.' turn ed gil i IelIr wtkriimi i ijec four bulid inig rail~~I~ L- ai ecm. th~udiarn that had hern sw~E~pingtI;.th ih- and w~as rnw 1piin~ n~ve'r itt F14 r'id-4° i ()ve rc ivi Iri.l u ij ~i'.e jwkr i 11t crporat kwi s the Fluridla l i latur -chartic LP 1: a nu nhirr of e raiirnudA ui- nie ., II4: rats no:' vied with Wh1igs illn.xig fomt~kr arkt-nding sots id. The~ .re w D m ratuiC ver ror. jartLc, E. fivhfli ii , iwitcil: 14 I.' pTin Ii-mA the I'ml iwipi:1e, lbuti poiuited 4° 1,1t {M Prurni~in1g Sriirce1: Or funds. By 185 theac h~ut Iadlready pile Up 2i ",iLmn ol $2X aK t M m the auIe o intyTrI;L[ imprnvet rien ltmd - Fujrthe~r gal~eso tCt i s kI4 -an~d th- -ite wa; I i pA-il id IiNmrrtisud to Ucra] in '5(fl.t ! S- inhiIl l.n "IIVL rnot, the Lwrlrpt.;LL-*cd irive~t thL i L fon"y in Bciad d'Intrmal Imrovemenits hrId hElLn Pp rln important U. _. Seniator David Wee,,~ fireide nt ofr the Flor di Railr4,ad Corn- die- r'4 road buies P Rtlay, the' draftedJ a bull that prtni d. higE Li flits to th-e rai~u~ a nbrsnd onIv miniu;l aid fpr Cr'r-nI atti As buicd int3 law on6 IMIariry 1855, thcer Intcml prorvecin Aet earimarked LAI] uniild h4inds art'] uiap TJ)T atim~ld JIIrj0L12y rtived thmig 4t-r kzna gPrr,01;rt.:_ ,iI~ n l I..5hi ;Ln il 'rImna.71 l ipmve- cmit Funrd- ti [je a.id7i irk ism.ed. Io .a Barclo T~[~rte~ vI'sa rrrL)4} :l ofI the- zc :%.T r cnrnpt -o] let.. stnte tre:ir irmr, 3LtflL]re t LwFrel.} and: reg!i,rfr09LtV ]arirds. The board wasj et p ered to .f tlye, l-and. ark' 1Eit v-t dw pa r-J ;. Thet iit pudfi~d t] i railimd rov-.- to be~ d- ,.Ai ipid ;rmd thy- rrheiurI l:Py W17h thl 'omPak)it- We~ tt)I), el) _Lhli to Ifinarice co n~trudcion, principally through thre issuarnc of $10,00iNI i.'orthcfblc'rndci fi:r e ..h mril tr'? ,i Ir~k, with intere-s ~i~raite~' I'y the  E;ar[y J'.km,;tq.,r biTte ral Irrnpnxvvtirrient Fund Altlbough Lh~e .ait dealt ri r dy kvith rail :s~c, two ~is~q WEe thrown to the ad. tias Gf drain ae 4t t da na-g Sttioti 16 autfhorized. the trnisees to~ -m Ake such arra-rlgelier t for the d rt. - 4f the swamp 4-1- q -werflwed lhtiwIs. as in their jiidg mncrt ma-y k~ ]i{.t dvarutage°us to the Intenal Impruxeincn t Fund7. 'L-tioD 17 Authorized the tru te~e to construct ai navigiLcjLt c ral cnn4,cting the :S. John q and Indian rivers at ai sot per mile of' riot more thkiul -84AX PTu 400(1 ~ir' of ld , Ove~r thre tc'ursc of tit rit feu yecar the trustr cs of th InternalI Il 7314 iiflt P1Lnd (]IF) in1 the rail m i pro ijtrs 9'~ f,4ke i~- gdliher srIiIIIlyv Time -L~rr~p any CvuteC~(V tuijk giri E-L- iSN rV AVpI) to I-M.- in L~fkS t w-tiin; flh. tr'Lm~tPo.s cfhn~~n~ heE- npm 1h1irkid Ilea 15 plq- Iirkg rlF L etq Nin g isi r; i te ii n jf 'tlIer . # I~ p I 1 tL aiid did not top I crw. Both the t L frdlral an rh Ste, I'llnn m I- ri44dt- land grauu1i, amilldkrida Lurmtie~L ari !I _iu] Lk diLl"; t NJllded the m-geke to~ hmku aloa tc. The III trnLNIeP5i in'Westild ; gc: wI1 pti n Oif thelir ise in I' ail roid urties. p t-0-1n iri 4 fth.1 vr-ry CJI1StnruKtiU1 In(4 tiwilr tlwy) 11 g . a rti Vrc'd Tl .J.h ac cptr railroad wurnparmy %ttDk in n;.turn for i itc st -payments thamt he at due while the~ mrls wen Ix-in~ built. TMe state had, to mriide mret a~nd imore id [)CTEW~e Offtalltk mi I N-L-ddehlwV: Pn-sA time panic oif J17, then a cat, l between Cr. Madrison S. Perry aknd Sen~ator YuI!tl ~ad firkailly the oniset of the~ Cii War slowed dowi cnmtructi-n-n and dlay cd the -.timc. when thc ra'la~ N ul 114 h x- eted to 1be 431' their o ri . Accu.-.1rdli ig to onet stiid-e t (ift th (x)rrirl P cated finarii-L-, the tii jut up aboumt $5.4 million in land, RLI ntrc:. AtId (-Lh oe1a ie I OiL s oft he 1 Id in L(-t TI Florida h d at least garlind some .ieeded r~iarltb Iu',11 1 8 5 tlb situation had heen ],Ldiinhlus..Q ik 20 mnile s 4 tryw :l 1t0me iei 14khe arti St. N1arks. had been In o ~ratkirt, anid tnul&. pn . ided th1{' 1 i~ [Iower on this rbLkety line all the other early pxr,-rcr' h-WI filed-4 ELit ye~ars~ later the stat-° }Ld 368 mnile -of new riIi-od pas wengrs and tright cnould rnove~ fromT Fenjrndin-a mni the AtkI1k* codi1 to, Cedar Key on th.e Gulf anid crorn' Jack onillkc on the east a~ist to Tallahaa Ae and Qiiix iii the iinllhndle. e 11k hy L ldn1lg all their kjtS art railroijds, time liF, trL1sIee. ha Shtihtd all the dOther Ixter pjet fhtr djrcdling rivers, dipeing cvanak, and dr ti ni-ng :suw;,.p : Tlhis w v imide dvi hv the mbjA-ir- riage OfPIMrn5 for Iikirm1 tme St. Johns and lmdlia rivers. Te ]cii:;- tur ha pmmisc-d land gtran~ is d 'Fi;n4Thil ;Ld For Li~h I~j ;.+ ra the ;tate teNiner t n tl L US iC'Aly LI]I 1Frwird [h kkt idaL, :arti i g thaLt it %uiuld not only GlXen uLp a g et in Land jM:a1 Im1j wOi tld drain  40 Lard into Wizfer-'1 ester ditto Land o~ver trne. million Eicrs ofprtenti lyv valuabLc Sta Lamd,." In.1857 the legislaUure ve01Li dhfd b-i h0.1d li' ,rni iCMrs W~it~h aulthfITLt to imuc A3O(X worth of lmrb ds, -wil i>i Wvust gum rkteed by Ohe ]IF ttT i~t wh wer a14]dimLctkd trj m e] l ~rd °-LAf52.Xit rres. E~~'e, 1itiht1ition. however, the -tIfp afficials re ad.- nir~lshE~ not to graft Any cnrtcm£ or Ial.Ld that wul inijure the irhte r-est 4f the mua'a d TwImpnh 4 ThiusN ,ih ,-r.d the V Mu-al projeet muae only balltifig pm')gr. Gov- errior bvuxmve, a r-,i-Li I en~tbLIS il~qr. delayed the~ apponmmerit'othe mmi-si,.our-;; Covera ir Perry f ri illy ye 1ut h 1 'm-rd in 1 5W Thei the [Fr tvi -ens df-cid-PAL thatt ]1cuirrt-t fu nds %keTC ]IdCd Cir pam e~mntrjf the in tel-c t on tl i r~a lridr ou truIC-t ifl lyuIId s N4.1t until 184iO did rihIev Dive the (42mmri w-;ioI1{cTt tEh~~{-~tud But tilt Et i o- ]iLtaL ti fr lids. w a .1 rI-LI .4- :e fI, -I.nd rI'w ize of thesr p )i 1 can~al ha~d t) bL rL'duccd hdh- rc miy C31 t rt--tor ti-4O 11~ cc!1-mside r build-m Inng it for the ~1tf1e1S"(.N )ANw ~l ±ma r di1 tsigri a L'nrtTt ix-wri the Civil %War lbrue out. A Soulth Car110ii " iCOEtAFAC- tnrM-;jsi fla~lb faIR11tn ;mnd cir-i.tnic R n kegian. only to lc Entt-rrupted hry thin Union blEA-u-1- id iTwtia -iI Of he St 10110~ LI'eVl: re-gin. In IH8fi2 a f]L~gN3StCmC ]q-itiihLLar hrl .d. thy. pry jevt cvnti: kI-tdv. Some A sckond. dcr itratTL of thae sLrai1*'1ehold of tht v4.kl . d~s w~ PY to tl i41- T L the A a. h icnAia River ;&;3i 1.. Inr I !Y . the! LP.0 latrC Ji.- TVICtE.d t la 1I F fiin d L-' ULl to l eail 0ut the mi' 'Ii7 IA ILt41 a I.t hxafi iirI A-9 101). ' I;.71 U ndr thks n7:i natfr the:. I iE truLtL- h Grdc"~ Lt sur- V[.,V ti., S41( w.31a I ' ited Lu to h ut, Bu, t anj investor who hand pu~r- chse $kIX .(riII'Rm -4:JI1 tTII(:rion IXUlL amiprl to the ciurts k pnihibit this cxpcnd'tur ar t i~I g umidS that I F'"NV Ver totll coivmmitted t<) gt m rtee the inte it nil the rakiIroad bonds- In 1862 the Florida iu rLeIme1I uXrt iupheld kli hcoiidhok)[ieir' r!tentionl. [ )i i k N i n g the a ' gq 1nt that dips hF 1 r- LxT1siStud. tlrgelv of i°LIM-l nd~i g~rntnk to tht state for re'c2Ial kri the et-1111 -el tha.t the le4IInrS haui hekTr 11W W' FWithin it:}F1 powCr5 &' dircin g how° the I F trus leens hruldieh~e~ the pri m.ds fmm the. ICL Irn 18955 the legi:,LnLtLre had specified -nI a fcw trim ribjm-tS, vital to. tffr i']1 hle stake, rtd'l* after the firsr gIIPtIf ipr,:vf~ueentsn-thc' xii' rmdl- TIJ.- arid tile IJTL -a Laui-hLad. L*-. n k~c~ phq [r:1In -siiaefiL a1nprion th. ) 1-egi~kf ;mr id the trus~t~ Iv4t fm-c to mii .urt othmer k ~ qi1g n t i g rr i a n t n v -y h n o ltethe Fk'-nd a m 1 thori m se cle~i~ v violated , ti spirit of the kcdctral ~w m LLndr Act o 18. 11E their p lt y h l Eit rl . Lvt EU], ti t  1v rl; Uitr4 41 flakiulIrh f~ the IR.W 31 i'ght h me bieei, defended On pr;Lgmtt;ni[ gruundso if Bdl had gonte wtAI. the naihu*jdNj wiould; soon hiae bee.. byr o]emiNg Up the int!erirjr of the Latc and briiiing il etkmt railroads mi-1ght have helped the trustees to sell land anid replenish 11wv ftl..E1. 'Tu~ fiE;E~!d t6Ee tLIM" te.0t:.{:[ 111 11L! ILilI ~I.1 k dk drainage. ditches, and dredged rivers. Th Ciil War madeii any sucih hppyc itrne imptissible Instead o~f hdiog able toi py th'eir DOW way the- railroad ' S11fVer-ed Ofne ilr- af-ial INow aar anntber For halm~n luditrs and supplthc e - wcrc pid in ra.pidly depreiatIing paper mney. .NLortbe~r ar ri .sLde- Strayvcd their torrin s and 5.vized sumce -of their rollinig stock; (;rn- fede~rate auitho-ritieg rort? Up won -f their track and cn td Irxcmroti es for us_ e vdierc in~ the South. By1 the~ (ine the great conflict wsus ovr, the railroadI companies ir 111-9lesIy inoe~Irnt, withi hugie debts aired deviastated phk.5sfral prx:'r it. Tha terrn;] ImrY pro . t :n~rt Fund wuva itself irk de lrble oonEd ition. Ilke tr1.L stt haid iinv 9t d in now I ]iEI1 l!i-rairoad stocks and hnds aLnd omf e-~t and stage scurities.. To su~Lre, thcy, had godI3 0hc'1.LSids of mr se of I nd dulrirg the war.., As paper etirrey, boh stt and C nid cratp ,lofckd the state, many jn cLrs Ug}I~t tO faing frorn !isaat r hecame~ a imn watm inrdwrs aong the CiiI t, Spev-ulators Iiurrit to 'buy~ rp thet tidtkuids, Dter mained tocumbat this PfItCCring. the 1 h trustees under the Icader- ship oif (o. John M lion pu~t stici- restr iiris on the sal of wam~p, lads w-,ithin tu miles of the caust]78 Ira A ugust° 1863 the trus.ter-i raised the prie on al i s%% apl ads from 75r to 2.0an acre, ~y-_ .h~ omily iin '~,~b~,u t'i~i ~r .k,~ r iS~tiI hr 1863 they t hi the drastic !step of wlthdraw ing a]] 1 [ bIM1d fmr the mair et,* As the trus~tees Metreak-t Lu wadi uut the st riri.r the 11F debt grn Iarge~r an larger Irr 1Lse c0fdEIA3Uter intt're 0t o rai mi When the E.onlid rats forecs finally- laid dc'wn their arns in the .5pr'i o 11.~f1345. the d rw oitbe early. lr. tern lokkd snore iripidh-  3 Th BigDealers For ih1rt*d at42F~ the Civil War adventmurus hersiries~slue vwc-i pl-IA rg thdr bttS. It wA'A the right.m ccmnij L lcause the~ r pillv growing. nli r edcd i-vvythirhg-IarnA[A1 ', r. il, .st'el, railruds, el Aricity Mmie-v, xuwlly Ix rcuwtd, stati the new~v vvnUrS .end ornc, I,)- tli~ m~ilions, rwardc the' i-rs, Tmen- like& ;mdebii CanKg. rRxkelIe'.l Bu t %vhv did ft'.%t, eiu- tee ,rfl rd stril'e it ric~h. while hunridc&*th c pesgmhxled wwl Wot? Somti ales rh wjno r were Ahr er thnthe lom_,s indI some- ti us. thiey w qtrt i{ikjr, but~i 146n they wtin just: Ix-c-disc- they h-ad the. right l ~ifiCLAI C-OuPnj HVN R~i~ 01'Ii ill tleWa.S ryJr w ~ gl. iIi gerugg ' irnIdi u lism; in pra~k tibusILL;I ROSI [L i Iocd- to gr.)vrrnmmet art ill lees-m uni °ip I, :arite?: ftde-r'a - [or ]. tr rwu [hi '_ , chur politi ..l [riendsj, suc :i'i tichorder, I-gisrdaCjrs, and jidg e. Businsmeni inreh of quik rewEard fr. ui~d thme Fk4:iida situa- tion partici.l6rly inviting. Tc- itc i PALd r l]m arnd i tanIOk c'Pmr aLip the ra lnik'r and drlri i ig.e to cexvrt wwunipy rt-t into f armlund. But thr werc prohkmns ars A, cl o~ ~prtinities fixr the 4.'4pi tal]'ts,~ fl1t stte had a ipuItiu.m d' univy 1.40,O~ in 1 f6O, -s wlaere~t the~ piss ngersi ad sIhippcrv. tO Make ritmads andt c nIs prfit~ihii or the Fm r to purwchise, r ei-'414imed lrnds~? Uless irvs. siv- statek aid FwtAS i':rlJCicci ,,, iVest0rS W rk ot inter kd i Flori ta w ;_~~r~ Biffi r ex[ rienL c' howve -r, hadl tmd the~ Iiiti- gUarranfrcd ba to bnk~ ad ithe'r ~nteyric-4 dLiring the~ early deei jf tueh'l d K.4 addkBed w-iih heavy [)ybL the gubr± -- kcdfa rahilru'ad contrtvtin bornds Or'thc' 1850s, Etattsb auth(oriticEs wou~ld nio 14'P igter h 1.1y thle sio k Or g. r 1 r(11 1etJ ihe Of~d dpr"'te 12r IraNi~ns But the~ did have oneX godvi EIZSLIrrT2Le. U nikzc other state-. wbre t ederal wor rnmn orefgrne r solkd mcos ti[ the public land., Florida Ir r-lti emitro jlk own, land LUL!heLy. By a1 42  JrWILL ,eg il ti. .1rr i r ver a at 5, i-p .Lnt ofthe landi in Flor-idla 21 M-H Lt dim M ii ]te i ut oif aI totLd] o~f 38 rIIlicrn1 to thi , ; t uhbl fields, pastmrlandds. and residenidlni l ivilin 't :uldl rt- q iLine I ..Li -- :ii rli re u thmi tew -4vp hi ig-P . hurt- nrin p r,: ii to c lic made:'y gettping ':i r tvof t he pv1_.i 10 dom3iri A~nd sitripping off lthc tirnbcr. Spccu~ators wrvre aided in their QvI7eMec . b tht state~ du4kVy F1iiarh'.9 ,m i ijr l L0)iL (d gOP rm"3 situatin. The 11F wa adrcmil i rrtd :hV f li ihji'm pOltaln Bi°f'i.. ~sd , .dofthe .ovErnor ~rd 1"Our anther state Aiken,. LanTd polIicy shifted. frc ad viih Atatonto a:driniktratioi as De t.raic leadrs-hip of~ the state tav way to RepubAl'ica and then to Dn QraIie agiill. An~d if the N~ua r ofTri itFr was wii1iwrhl-r to the~ raniphulatiorns of the tmn br-ibe il', ed the pxaIit Uai ddla.- gat ofte dta. 001d it - HISmu C[-err thati thle accsions~i wer o~ftL ~tue. A to rsistel~t appi~~cnt for l-ad grants~ k%44 I'VlWl n Hi (Gie4LSOI , spent mos oTfl-L~i: earlier years in Wisornsin. With va guac t~eentials as a landi sivevt'r anid civi1 engineer, t had dlabbled it fii~tk r poliic, land. 'pC,- Ilatio~n. and small-tc m banling.' Early in 1-9456 Ihe had triielkd ektnivei iii Florida [rnvestigaing the poi h i ty of- f03tb] shing ai colontoi cultivate trOpiC-Al fruit. M Ld i~s wx --Into SriiiW Of' the rmost r rL4te regins of1 tr state he' had taken ip l:'a olar dc-ight in the B]Le wayne Bay L-muatry wlrhe nly L fv .settle. i{Lrk)- ofth-eim fromn 01he Balanns, were the*- ri living, -aliar in~ IoLe w[th th'i w hb-gn a ,scrics of ianeu m~r intended to barirj: ali Southi Florida In April 1866 Gleam~ p puA t hi the It trustees that he be pert t Red tc.31_ ran f ])i e swanlpLIrldS .11 a %,&Si t ajrea IYin1g JZP t V14d south Of th{E F vrr]-adE s and al ; in or ticr of t nships. Houth oJf the Cd h ilh-AU1rit Riven For e.& A 50, OW cubic [fet of itdi - t'ui he diug. he via ntc'd ther' right to hula 640 acres. Ior' square rrlileci ofi the IW Cla1ni ed hiLI at t h V prk- 4S.E -that Ni 61.2 cents an acrt instead rf the, eStaId L~lvd price of S1.25. Tliw amou:I~ra of slit-hin oi f t1l4 irnprc j c,. but utl~Iy it wa Ialtrvr A ditch oinit lo~ ng, three feet w~e 111d three f .e dv-p would p.':vide the . p ied, 5JIX cubic feet. Y-t the Dm rai '.rnrof the state, David Walkaer, ari hs fllw tte reud~v gred 'l' I GknWht he .kd U. inditionail grant (if ovir six million acrs of state lanJ.~  44 boned iiiW W-V4fr--Wiker ditto Laud G 14!;L gt~ri t irou1 dIr~kinuge xnto t vis oinly tine of the any [l+endtfi lx-irit; ShiiwL w '+rU fnbEhi i bmirmen liy thec Dm- crt.~ite adin-ii t;tration. Iti May 1867 the 1IF trustees promised to ..,1 L 250,(M ;:cfre of .Linp-,~rd at five cents a ifl -iure to the Florldi Ctaral anJd Inkl-ad Tr'ansprtation C~pqr1y proi1rded, it built a 'wUtUrwaY ain (Ike A atiC cOu~L frum F'rManLimI to Jupiter [nkL' In lX'&1r 1L7 the tutees Prom~ised to tok exteive land grats LG Hubbard L. Haft of Patlha on crrndition that he cle Ou t~m .he Okiwahii Blver iid maeIiii i-iei aigable-- Hart, h owned a p.t dwir l i i rrwrgh,' t rIti. w . j widr abe sea msliip line plying between Chartestnn 2n Savannab ii the t uns aloig the to wer St, Johns~ Hiv~es, iarried out this proiject pro.mrptly. In Febma,~ 1S& a dispatch ernm ea~n applauided the prop r.sSi- e' 6au mnaing: "It iN bei ie~d tha~t this is. the~ hlt piiiW~ etoiittr u.dtrlkL rIr [or N4)irie years p stC' As [AN M.Wiir ,Hlr r~'civ~d ~UI4)reo statte Lind and hiegp to profitt by l!t iing A-L'Ar i A imrgti'. up the mnyterk''.ut and krntiil Lkaiiha Bivcr t~ SA- rcr Springs, ;in i-x( that pave.d to be -o.ofb rc Nt [MiPUl u 2 uu i ~itadiuns of~ OhtL 18 aO_ The uieW i t itdio policy dkiate#d hy° "inre i Orh rw Dimocratic contidl if Florida and instituted eight y.ilrs ofC ieptu-] c~an rle. Elected lieutenant wearnior in June I i, Wilium H. W~~si Orje o[ thes1 fl? ren uto-mir tog . I"r° T be Yditk-al c tther appearc J to ix- texcelIent for his venture-s becausew the Jpuhik -rn -wti'ii, or was ai othtsr W i:,,oxnto maui 1 E .rrison Reed. The~ nw lei Iisturw. ma&Mk up tif whites arud blacks, Krantcd trorpi-  The Big ' Dersl 45 r-ate cwtei urNt'rey. Durinig its first sessioni 1,1 1FW3 it Lrpartid no fi .wr than tivrw cana 'imsi~. -tri~t (I t- were siial l luiocl pijuctS. but one,, thet Southe~rn Inrmiilj aI~.ilid lmi 'e ment Cbiprnp~y. etimbodL'" ariher of Cl-e':rI W lid-t';IS11g schres.w!. Ignoring the grant to an eairier canaI crn py, th 1cis.h- ture authcuri .d thi- rt to { nrke-t l Bi --a RywLi the wate~rs o the IndiT River, Halifax Kiwir, M4Y.qUrto Lag Ti, and St. Johns Riv'er adto drPdgP oust rL insid F pssagc ~m Iy t to~ Bis- can B&v mid h-umrj the St. Johns to the Si. Ma1)s RLiver,. thu-. providing, a . a navi atin th ugh protected, waters fi-uan Ky West to~ Fe rnmidi a. The 13- trlL~t-, ee aev~r ~.Lbf~d to ®naL-e _SUC~h rncassn of lan in aid i-n conpletion -f aidJ irr v, I me.iits A they may deem for the hest initerets of thee i.t e Amng the iLc.frkrr wCTre Licutc-rat Guverraiir Ckairjin, Iis part fkrI l Ii~wn IH. I-hint, state senator 1mm Lad County, and U. S. Son. Thoimias N. OsbIxrni. irlpted to Lu? LLe mnot rio"werftiI Iipnihcii politician in thc2 tAL,." Although the carpolet17igers appeaed. to bIe ini fir rm contt-ol of Oh state. they couljd not ag.ree- 1miong them.5elv"es. %Wirhli ;i few- iviolrhs Govcrn or nil~ lpuca.rrmt cgt d . bitter bight with 'Sen Itur Osboirn ri rt ie~rert oG'eiio o.E nLrN Ac°uri n ORedth tru} li htari whenr he re~fused to "g43 ikong w"ith- th-e Crr hrrl r heprtle- ofthet Gtlw-r mere. Whather or nrt~ ths :ri true IThc, Os umLd GIe won triedq to driti'e 1keed from the gowvpru mship. 0n. 6 Nove1-iierI 1~ii F mjority in 1he tit' Im l'Ju 01 re JK rLWLt cvs. w .ur~c L E r_ ti I4>t?:" their own" apoxinted r rnnn itrtee to pn:reare i r ir ih iiii-tt chargis. The 1kutmrnt p1vL rlj, i5M1ud a 63nIatki~r n dc.vLIaring t iwt F~e wa IAp nd-eI fro~m Ctf1ige aii(I I~n.~i himse 1F;.c'ti I'g g1-)V-rL~oi For abiut thiree wtceks Floridahliid twvo go'ie.rnors, Red . hlding o to khill r1H1N inl th12 't-p capital rind -Go%- er ClI:as ni doinrg lisincss inJ Lll l ae'~ aria 'ipal IiutrA. GLIB-UNI-cm boa~sd of hi~ sIAsiu of th-e t:Lrr a1N huLt Ref d herd arnIIch mo.)re import it et'sc, firm (1n trlh thq, state suer ine otrt. 'Al f[whoset' j i s'e~ he lLad .ti I red. Not onrly liff the oinrt rILL'^ tl-ILt Rtid. W-al ill] Q-[Vror ppAliru tial~i orJ the If: Loa ChI nw.Jt V13 gf_. but on 14 Dvr.e13k1xr thue jutdgpw ute~d CIeasin Iron his ofic aq [ieimtenant ; o'vteL r o.n th-e groii{; nu1d ht h,- 1'4-d ri1.0t fuilled the ofnirtwtltInal rtsidl4IL{e reip~reiftit.~ lve More~ act In the~fat ' the' rival Jvemron wa i played of t aifter the legi~irtrI M a C:,ix in:L Lto sesion ini Ja~nary... ii claiming to 1we 1erU-IdCI It Of th-e GIe-aNrII] prtside-d o.FL r tme brady d riniii its Pa-rlyv sions. Buit thi: ;krti-Redc mo'verLmrht S1LdeTk [and ratrher mystV~eriusly l]Vl~a m1. Oun 9 JaTIUary 18169 Gtea 4 on signe~d as  46 r'd Jorto ipi ro t priitaf othe~ s nat-, Lind on 26 J an u~ar t-c 6l ho ii . by a vcotc rnC43 tu .5, Ac q~4 W ed ofl a, rg)e s, ' All IiLA rrcr i ied to0- k, O~ A th glinry of having heen liPE ,tiat gnnr kir h L[10>T N an L~ctiiig 1.Iove r'ro Fr thre- %w--cAs- HoI!vrr in aut roiln climate W1ihr.. as~'c VI- r MS mneel fhlo-cmd It LL~eftil I10 li. '"ll,(A 4..olur n4!nI, o -j udgc j" irj wasrj small vadr agenbpc to the M ismi phrmo:ter to: hlt- ki-oii [hr the rest 4:fth is I&k as -GIve rnor leason . Subs Uer it en n;c nk jr-ct, moroiw ., that Governr Rkeed k~kA madersome kind ofA daL A witlh rf OlvrI-Gleaso.iI fati gn. On 23 J anuaLry thrve days1ie bdr. thec QLaliJ Tpe.-avm ct vvtc in t1he VI i.e. the 11F tr4ulst.s ha~d vte to s trip Glci of dall his~ riv lc, ge~ sunder the drinage con~rtract iifIR6,6" but once t ~ c-;PC vr'rnor s in e w, deIre t;lihe 2cxp r~hIt lm in - sries of JeIsign d er!9 to ttdvanc~v Clc . n"_, busines~s interests. On 1 Fcbhr-rv RI'cd aippvd a hill liratei r~ki rng t harter ofthe. iouithern Inhmi a p ricm and Irrtproverrheclt Ctuiriiiwy. Arr4Jrm the new inco ratter. tit-& Dr. N. If- Moragrwnio Pa~atka, a phys~iian, m-rcian t, and m r-r o.the state 1huse of r~iq~r -4tntji-E& iwhothci kirmfl IJrrL& of the or- p-any ith G<r for ten cents an acre -on Conditionh that the ~mpg uy settlea lest .m new irkh ~irwit foT. each 32 acres it reeiy l from~i the itate.22 This deal offtried huge ir ts to the spcculators and politicians. Unlie the Gleason sichernes. which inwclved mos~tlIy the gouathe .tor samplarids, this one gave thle pi~t ra3cier' t}1 it pick 4- pub:]~lirds i r all patsi of thl S e Sinie timhp r was the .-A prize, the nlMY~IV N-11114 hardl se. III tk~ hier 1870 the IIF trustS i 'um.ed te first 100.00 're s ad ac- LcrtIec as.p: rnn $10,1 IfH'-, pa.E in mpo n. OF the d ,ftiled crj- strL4-tioI'M nxii 4i the Fkorida W'i10ad.2" ''till a third Iand-grabbiiug arh e.1ic invo1 l'u a . 'iew r r1tL r IJ4I~mII. theL exotic rinm "A-:uLatik and To-qica-] Hlart Pmrpagai On coinpay" -chartered k' rhe legislar tre i]'1 Fel-ru rti 147i). This or>gni 't'i prnoxo.vd t nu t he~ rc'# n rwtk ctropC al Frmit dr~ainl the~ Everlades . anrd reclaimn wa.. k bid y Citting C-ali inrd drainuag~ dit-uli30 frmri[ LC~ 011 61LCw1 U VVt tO the Guir4Jf MLr.xcO and east to °the Atlantic Ocean. To ]n ertiLr la the.g gcw J.~ "_(k, the lgIsI Ntvrw prnisi humge gr;.ais L~ovt..rim .I rL tnl iand in L1 oth FTu-id, thil t]w L'State air aV held or i Lht acqu] ire fmum thy I'Cld-ral gove Mm111en1i . 'The V IF tr SeeS, were direq ted to rake the uartL[ve ai~xn as (lie CrampVrI- xpendcd. $10.0,cM Lan its impm~rn44i cit The in rrpoirators iiwLJuie4 New YorL- fiinniers anjd suchitI1 't arLI Florida ii~EtLbl s 6th: farmer Lieutenaut Governiir Gle'o. Spekr 'f the Assembly _Marce 1Ihms L. Steam s, ia S. CLnmgr s-5tr1i Gh*ar~ MI Hamiiltonm, Uom isiuni'er o~f IumnrmI ko tioii john S_ AChIM, { tart rr ~~t tr 'r'li[i j. hi'n*u [inn Wu~il". Mi. H .11 .1 The gr at goiveaway was brought to a halt, nuit by: n .itraged ci G ,enry btI the ma11neuvers Of a rival uait list After th~e 'civil TW a the Drniwmtis ILF trustees had atkrmpt d to gcet rid of the tnokilLP q-rne debt creaxi e b the stat gu1ar Lnizee of ther viiiisLru'tirii k1nitmby ordering seizure and sae oftb h an krnpt raIr ~s. But th- Iiqui6d "i hadd Imi U~Lnorirnate LlI~tctr e. David )Aike and iothr ivestors in the Fk-rida FTIalrld wem ahic ter buy ba4k the nofw dht-re line fmm the stte while 'the IE eceived miuchm 1r s  50h f4rrzd ®iih XIir-4 rf1 [Fri f r t r IiI t!V iC'JI I tle E~r0 lQj~urt th 1 wa L e httaiitF t0. pay wtiL kw~L d ue on the duLf'Aklted E1011-1S. Ch HEF tirvc s aifcd .240 ceri at n the dollar to ! hi bonhAA- -D-i whic~h tlmnyi thiotr bucr~pd. t a fi . 1visep a Ne York irorn m nmtut* 43r WhnO had takeni construcioni bonirds irk pimeiiiit f.:ir ra l. so:ld to ti4- FIlorkLFurzid (rad rtes ni tatt the' I[F~ tr jLAL4 wtvtt lqan4riiig : L edged ir the pi- mi- nt oif the : X nk ajp:,;JcLA to the ni i t~ i'or p t~ciobn In De- rm lr 1.7 a U. S, 42itYLI ureurt j udge issued tiie* irst of severald orders pT-oIibitini t he trustce from dlispnsin oft hir tormd cm-upL -it thle A:'101 prigs, pa-ab:le la cash. T ll:1 pt~v !h'it 'Lt , uf'Wap--Ail c0thnr CTl'EitWrs the crurt eventullyI app~iinkcd La rccrr to kandtl put u prompt halt to tblv schemesL of thec Nc' York antd Florida Iu 1 .1. h v , ii I i d 1r nrovt.rieit Gcrdnl~rm °w]1ti. the cou rt i:rdered the oi pnnv to roc ' rvvy tfl the sttoma the 10lki, CXNJavrL F S readd dedekd t i but G1e.-LCM"1i 11 ro[iily eludedi thes .yyik 4-i ~e wc: Mwijii arLnLd the Efe d adminLEistrtion. In Dev r~enIJr j7O, w~e the fe f .rll l knr i~iiRI its fR :t' irLjUrnc iln, dhe IF tr1L.,teea h r i nt kriallyr r..ui~vvd a3 i ]n 22jaia ri ISM -only a . onth Aitepr the fi . t Vome iiijuncetioii-Chiark L M.Utit [, tht'~ treasure~r uI Ike South1ernI li- lahi N;I-vig;rion Cti'mFpaiiy ;an d at J.Lc :nv.ille fttrnid afthe ~oernnr,  MIL L Big Dr°;rlcrt N1 wrote letter t~ Cl Fjs r5 irnploring hrim to 4ep -it $9,N) for Rif-ed(F- bepnefit in otherans riame_ Madhir wote-- "I have pleded my wu:rd. lhart thie Mney ShiOUld b p-aid in Newii YorA dCIf Wedrnesdaa I ";ir rni what it costs it must he don-. !Mh- Gowernor henr- is~ involved irk this mattar to an eaki t thar I c-an 7iwitril0 4oro kit iI J- e and to you .I 14Jwik fbr itsLv ~irI do~ne no matter whaLIt you hrav to 4 promise o~r do.. SLe that 9,10J0) is plac d to the creit of VI'_ I a tle With J.-.y CiIj k CO- 011~ iie~t di d-.y. Betvvem-n April anud Sptemb rl S0 Glcajtrn aipd into the tiv tF~kt(:eP a kjt 56,{IO in the past due ;v.Mt~ rf four difi knt Fluridi. rairrjdsaO W Ii 0Of th1 s uC he. no~ kkd thle itrLU'tLe to O(Wd 50 Me.. millin tv~s of thc- 3,I million tol l prom E qed to t he SOUth'rrrhr Inaid Navigation Criirp,:Li1-, ThiS was drl-rratr.l% nev-idt beta isi- the ionpan° %vai already hil~ding ai dreg wir Pk F;l;itL~ ;id had W U a ir-et fo~r its lxids. The le . , gahupir ruld cfturt ona Gvernor BL-Ld,1 Immigration Cornmrissionnr Arhms, and Sta tte T %u rr Simn IB. Conoverzr, but COMPtrulkCr 3rmnle con- tinued to imakL- ttrnubl14-. In F'ebri .my 18J71 Dr. .oan.pei~~ [11- l~omp~xumv. WV)Cto Conovr: A h~pt' Y-Uu --il l j~rS uTrae lu Gamble toi Sign the Deeds a t. rd 1 to do no °n on the part of the B1.Ar'd wvilIl n ot 4,1 i d our work but itfl aMIab]Lis it id- toR-iIthe. ""'And. tu. Gleison M-Gra ne wrote that he had enrikted the el1p of d~~ in tiyin ir- to i tro deeds, The~ dre~dge, w P. rl~r reiidy,' and he was eic min the Num, ijir k u-ontra etors. Gaylord and Flarni znn to dogn soon, ®sina~ iri~ e Nud :3i ,riL he rr word 'iFthe di uover) -ofphouspl:ate ktd s near IL ,-Wahingto1n -on the mut e f the~ rop::-s4-d ern;1]f"' Ift- in l'r :h, CRaylord wrote to Gle-ar.o ' riiindingh liin uf s~tep~s that were nv eded b for e thy ur- Strrt in kI-nd k e l flnalIy he is'sue4. \M ivimrtant .is 1in touaI dt~qd slgoid by the !]F' trustrse1' Orn 10 FebTLLI° 1871 Revd aind ; majorit oi he hoard] Finally pt iher aie~o~ a ee ~~i~va~g 1,9 wr i uh.pluad tri the cmpny. After hurried-rly gtting, tk: deedP6 recc:irde in Si rM~nV SaN.." :leaso too hi~ l -Kprei dX-ILmeit to~ e l;-A,. %where. lie wh put tliruuyh .a deal with tke UIuan Trust cn~nywk.:vh ytk i-company issuje $7 5millhonh ''orth of 10:5titc. tirml horids by ai mo~rtgage oil its kind, ldS COUP A1' LIwd GICr9n °N .lnP anlyto MOVIC thc'nMV dredgt UiP the St johri Rlig-r ta I~~~ke I-arie ~m ogi'n- dlLiggng ~out the ri ver Jhannel toward Lak. X"Ltrj.hitcjrOThe BL-{°d adminisitratioin cr~ontiniLe to hel'p the h ,ihe Acting A;~ ;eeT arv Off ri F hw.ard. Ar 4irrn ii Sine H 4-°r[ i -  52 oad fwio 144cater-Wra:er Ja'm Larbd cate decektrinrg that the laind gIrat h kwwe pier fete Iy absolutie deed in fee simple, duly .vrded," that niotdy had a y li.en (r legal claim uponr th e Iarid s- arkd that the m i pa ny's t ue "lwws pe f"de , v tr - d a d dd %,t -w a i g t a rhi a r - tik-ate wa~ tLne and eorre t.- This mish-.i ling document camid not alter thbre actual sit~LatK- n Neilher Cllar- S~r' s'~ele ior th-at ifOther seculatLors w uld Pro- ceed kll'h601'ei-iged - L ]King~ Francis Soe pristed in his litig-ion-. Biut M~ilton S. Ullield, the iiost auda ious promoter operati rrg 11n Florida, noW Ct ,n .( aiticd J afICdaI thaIr pmpaoed hi Lake LI= of "'4se and all the other hkwri.gry pw,0e-. On 31 May 14111 the 11Fr t ustccs FTrJm isd {taci nvy~f% tri Littl fleld's Jacksonville, Filahcvla and Mobile Railrnw3 all thf E+Inids held b y them in miust L7-ep Iands deeded or vonr-utradtokib i®nyd to the± SournUT hilAajd. iig ti (nompny, the Aquatic and Tropi!l Plant Proipagation Cu~inpaurkr aud H~ubhird L. Hamrt- For Its pa~rt, the railroad .agrt-ied to df) three thing: Tmplett- a railrnrid hrw-cq-n Quiincy, Fkorida. and Mub1I, Alatoaraii pay Oil- %-k) ~i other holders of the ddeniltted r i~rnma consitructio~n h-Gndsk and turn onvo-r $100:-00O to the Internal 1Lp 1y 1 p]1.3-u- , W -lt %i- w:.i w ilIngr to: i4 cpt thins ttlement, and the c, r.kaiciit judILu at TarA-onvi) apTVd. it in Dcc lwr with ia 11 xlWVi 11'1 to erial-Pe th~e New 1;(-rk rnid Florida 1 .im r, Land arid. JmCrprY CULrPaw- to haVC a ' h ufILLI inL tlre lud. if tbhu: p1rnii s~ l-iifl been ied ou.t, the iniaenas1 Imnprovement Fund -would hav, lbeen stripped o rull its vast acrvagU irk rdu Lrni fOr F palm V~ 1IP 4idri Iq1Liaino tepeC.i a rirK- consltructioT. du btLs But te scliv'i r mis rie~l . News of A I d was h. appertiiig Te~wi.d the lower ho: sef th-e legi.1lat ., whiCh de!- TrII~ldt'tl tlht rre" of LiUI'tfift-[ for r 4u Lrmg to )pe~ar 1xo mi inviestigatinR committee-. This anti-Lt tlic d: iTr4vL may have by en moe ii[VateI moire 4y a-aric th~kn hv) ali 16r ri!Frprrn; soime of the legslauswre a1Ltgcrd toJ be: trying to etur L~kUEIL~y from the~ highi-fly [r prinote, in any event, the Littlefield scheme hecame lost in the gene'ral, political confusion of th-c nv-I ct~ rronthui- still suspicious of G'cvriior Heved the Oqq wrri ring mwde another at. tempt to remove hi. Th assembly rpa~C d a. bill of i pecment. -and (I roim Febn iy to Ap~ril, when the sen~e ri-th ially cleared him, Rcd rismincd on h~is Jii~u~so ille fairmuiri ], Lt, %pr Sarinde T Day si- f- l .i wcti ng goverunr- Altho.kI Day tw as smmpposIFl to be IflC0131 Aii"3. t iti ili h Schewriew: . the rinig than BFcd, th 1UF truistees INwd to publlic oinio and called a halt to th .t chmr'nc'. of tI Er pr~ic-Pte r Oni 6 Ma1.rc.h the~ r'udk k- ~te L~tlt41 d dltjl 1 v a  Tbe Big Dealves,5 faiilium iI i1 I4I it LI, 5'F lI uL5 411' OkI. . .I S ~i-&r. N 11.1 kI hIn:-II L IIL I iii h F'I 'I f h WI'rr r1 q'iiire d fW !k Trip Fri 'E F.JIa ia L4 , kr' S priuiis. SP . thrve~-k hy ote, ind o the 7w ex a }' hey vtel 3 support it 1-gislatiuv-dirrxked -piIv k f eIturig h~omLste is t(3 ' dt~a ~t r+ ,.dw r eiIr tl idsxclaimiedhythe Ncwv York an~d Fbr;3Id U LInbr. Lirnk] arwl ImpruYI-vtic~ t Comparny to 1Me restokI 1to the~ a1~rkt:1 SO[,n ;[Fte r Reed rnriumd the guvt~mrorhip, uwn atte'mpt w-as rr l to~ wvivt OR- lji~ d Al, but byr this timeu UttleI eld was in sucih disgre that I* swhepm never went Lkrougk h Also lost in th.lw iical turrn -iIil n[l7' wi hill which Gkea- n had tric try push thrLIL hl tlw Itg.islwlure. Th S would -athoirize iir to K inge their [ Mnies, cfrrl-lidat hhi capital stic~k andL [rei tleir COTr ratr! powrs A oilmn oif D)rmncris and dtidNi t bla RePli-icas succciu 1IIy' DJPj d the~bill, and rye~o~ tIhe Atter bitterly dtm4LanIed Gk; Iiii himelf: " I1hi gk-n la mn. whof ii rd i , t his bill, it would . r gm, has .a hu by for tior .,rat om I ;j~ firerliby iii&hrm7d that~ his si atur is .at ch to no less than[ ,eghticldes i.F 15 s~i~ltinn rn this St.te. I lhtbde the tr-ue iik[tu or this gill Eis ea solidac khee eight Lvrpuransin~, with Llwir Vpkk u%  arid c~apita] stuck, intoonnc, grand chi~CC V kw f-t~thU Of f]'Uturt ltje p~r Lc-e 'xd W ik higa t 13 hei ame a moore trou- hlnesn . bsta('la to Cicaso'Ln. Susp cinu~s investors rufiscd to buy the SUthtn'I'l11laiLd Nwvig Ir oi 0pa].rL% bonds,. arnd the L'eraek rs stnpp--d tkcir work In Januaryr 1873 [I ara Rcdi':s tern in oafc ril 1In ot , :: 111d O s~ It 3 Hut, ianother Bep~ibhcr4Ci'a b e_-mth goverrw Cutiriuinm tcl c'r ral with. Gla on , thme new ]IF trustes ex- tetd' t . time1 i]~ ~r 4 oiit1L rl i f ~Ih er w xtLmvr lea a~ company wu. given until 1 May 1875 to L1r1T1eVt the St. Ju41r11kn Inkdianf rive~rs and urntil 1 j .nimay 18~77 tn cwmp~et e rnl ir p~ ii. a rLwn effoirt to rriet the1q newx de-i]ries the vcm rkry ordered the cfnnc tnrs tG put thrve orn dredges on the~ joIY" But trouble fca, Gleason mouted. The 1?ank- of 1873 anid the 911 'tiLqrint d pry "iun drie~d up the bond Mnarh i-. Even muwc 'iri- 1Ml ,L'iher7 I~t 'st dcv tt'pr °rrt X1 the ' Vo7i "e- On 4 r : Denn'er. 1873 theU -at t-:rri gcner~d 1fthet stual, gwkv his a~strn3 t to La 11v I°(ckrdi ordFer voiding the. &-c-d to G IVXNnI'' ic.npar.1" NI' A rn1:n to aLdmr i ddere1 t_ . 'ror- GILa ill ri1F di d a I: tl dIlin t~ngrk.dki r m' his sohe T ak7 ing advaina r;L4if a new, geil I in-brpI:)ra- tkhfL law fomrs rall s. mid carnals, GUea ,rk anid Iw' o cithr leulcr politicians. Lt. Cov. M .rccIlus Stearns and A4 .( Gn_ jmohn VULanu. org.ttl e. Thti Uulf ad Atlar tic! Trrit r! :. CanbI 1 Y~w 11it1 1.1e bi lo Grnde~ in '." LC,, rc the'' ] 1i 111 ida r7 117] . and lup Ole Geurm;ia -UNt to, GIUMrC-StOu. UthL Caril.rAen.P2 Ci,-;q s n ew co L ay NA-L nt the- onl y ne jwopoing to hiLdk a eaIvl 41rss1 Florida. Thh'; dr of pre- Civil] 'A~krdJy~ hiad t- k'ie Vivd L~gmn during the early 1870s_ Farrwrs in the NMJ'Sj9SPF]i Valley ha oltM w 1ij uEp tlw usn ds -o clrt f jn pr te sil and were Pax3~ uirin humprcrops oC fwheat and corn-. howy wasc this prc~c to w;ach ids ii-ost proilukble cr1ets on the East Coasit and in E u f pc-P Railroads wer ncat cnog. arand eiingri '4;;LerWayV wecI iflad qUat. Ship"s f 'on Texas pxrts ind N ew Orbeaw s sill kid to rviiike- the kiti voyigte w-uund the Florida peinsrula withk its tr-a~aItruukl rtcefs. In 1l7 thme q:,y WL-s sahagep c-oull handled 70)O ihipwr k Ica s. o dangero as wat':L. the' voyag v tkat shipper] ' wre. ]yim inn Ill IIhO1 _e ~in x etra in tu rane premiums, and the inSLumnf.'r tcLmpantis paid oult be- tweeni $2 milli. an d $2, 5 million i n xvre&-;M, 41 ikim "' In the ea@rly 1870s Ix3th the Texj and Alah1;ma leis lt Lirns rcLl1u- ed Congesi to ex r eiCII the ps itiek1 ' I lR }'r]f a shi c ial akc Ii ssH I l :ki And ® L i 1 I 73" the m~ay) ruf S3%;.Lnah and thc-C3t%-S{h 1-~kbcr aCc1]menrc c-wd fuar information (-n, tj-wue rjjj atFn- t7e~ Army ( orpq of Friginieer° "'  le rfi: ne-urx 5 9 The Sa'aJJimh inqulJiry P h~hly ,r .tomf the ami- nofnkr got f -:11 itlists, am o...i~ ilin Ceii, Law soum Mc 'L s of 4 v Sin- n1at. q4 14. ed r- Ik 1375 M kwl x. nrd ether mrnn tio~~ fmrnt . xrnrnt rn Foida. d. the Gul Cuas t and Floridai Peni suli Grh;I r(rim-. Th4! ire .rporator inCllded G torgc :'. 1Dcw Or E1l;kVMll,, Florida, s'rupron 1-w gocrnor nT the- state, anud Sa ilud A- Swai17,a Ft'riiaiidma mrchaimt i ested in lArnd ,.aiw rAilln'ad 11we new company p upre to dojust w-hat l & latv-it .-rti-i-prise m ated t 4o-4kid a wntrwnvy Fmnit P~wnsac Mr6ong tihc Gul~f Cost ad thren aeross norihur Florkia to the eajjttxtst Am id Iik4_ ("l a a COIinry, the Nid4aw~s cmpany 11111t*' heaVily 01n gnt'C OUt land DuLering the nex few years "og~~ d~oubti rnsponnding to Ilbbin. liv vr uu!; groups, aurmrized two curveL Tire suinm app"- :riated were 1410 smallI tn Iwrm it a thO.Mugh StLLJcY Of the cainal rnutesi but one p~rticu arnc hl -wing thv StL Macys River, through them~ Okdtmk- - wiimp, and d(?'ime the SUWMIIVE~ ~VL t0 t lh± 1114st u itra bI poiru t o the ulf f NIe~o CI Co4-ktlr~k'r ol this ivutle to time excLlusion Pef tILL AL-n-iuse St_ juh-ny-Oklawa ha Riv~er rqiute sugets the l rdl 1ttxa. of the MLwsgO~j }a Ineelr the .fi Marys route wnuld nci the Airts of Fe~rnandin~a and Saa~riaI rattler thari Jcn'., .milke. On . sL34) De ~herr R Lk. co!. QA:. C di~nw loro the ArrmV Giirps of~ Eligi rme rs rciack the first of IhLS rep rte, Twn very difhrnt typesi f'mNwaierway hi.d en pxnisc d- onet ab~arge crtaI that coiild Lie tide orhly vt 1V 1.41diriI1w' More thani clie feet, the gathe~r a ship i'arwl that could. kb used bti iL21_aark~~ ing vt-s. C. In this first rrpnrt Colonel GiIlrnore Sad that a bargc C.IirhAL-oIuld. prr.a11y bebuilt acig thie pntt e rotu ::d he a --tNmtf' thi' disbt.nree tO [X- ah3iut 2A9 mik-s. The faihilitvi r~l~ipi} i caal v-as, het said. vastly mreia_ prlle Matia1., He Pinted out~ the grP~a t econrin is kinefits Lhat a slap canal Wuld bring, but he warned tha ni i fi~Or te1S uve u vywould ht- r1quMred to evaluate the prnjccL1 Ayear later Congress respondeod [). 'Making a small ap- Prop1iriation fr fuithr sr'e, ;Ara irk 1$8O IIv 11,1-1 t ld~ acC r rejpfrt L0-03L'eIntratu~mg un t11+: Shiip 4iiu puM.b~tt1~ Alt} ki, 1li ~kv .xuld 6-- built alon~g th~e St, larNs ror'uLe at im eCqrj e I va _ _i.hmst o 4$ -50 million-. Thrc prop ucd route, 170md ing. 1VLrkl SiaVe 'Lgrships. fl.Ir ni1'lg b1twee New leaas m ad Nw Yor E:1 twelve 11o.r s'I in im1e ard. S175 wortho nccail ran caich voage.'' Buth enthua4'"i4' I"Vn41ier3 lIfke GAe-i on and M LAU.-Vdti not wait fr th fina1 :tLr-'-%,- I tr frying to enlist the laring~ of E nrulpip  5d, Lanrd into W Walk'r--r ri uIAmr1 d inveto~rs. Gleason~ chos~e ~shis sal-snt "Judg-& joIhn H.. Fny of Ncew York- a 0.1 41perator in the re~a of lj hiri finiance. Fry vvs pmmiicvnEd to, Bellv nlym the onstruction ki-Lds of te South- enlj InIUKI r1% Naiition Co~ripaiiy hbmt land in Ahia Panhanl]e O-S wellIJAM In 1874 Gleawn ha niade a w1)Itr unmdr whiki thi- 11F LLtt proiied to sell him~ all II F lnd of the APnIacN ix1ai River- wme 11mill'~ acres -at privem ranginig finT 25 CInLLS anJI i i e took it all trj 55 eenits if he took 50FX) x-'res." Gleason a md Fry ignore': the Voste injuntioni, c itler -mvust }ltey h&optei thatL E umt p ei ities-rocs c-uld he ep)t ie cra of it~ orT l~C~.LP they hell-cc t}I,&t ai m ally bid deal would bri'm in eriiug m~oney topa ii, rr1 FlIlITILLI h%' E3IJ~yV iL i U uiiiik JI. .L I IIAI I~Igi. Cur IAILLt 11lL Sui IN Pl I. pijr.. P rlb.I W. t ',ad~lk It hipIg mioiTNcJ . '.IuuIrrta r'r.WiliiiCIl]F ! ii Tl  Bugikacrs57 ofthe bo~ndholdrs. mci remo ir h geal ~be Sine Fy ws a .IaM prui N) t ° bigger (l rrifl thanrLGIa jr l~r fe ir iireair. irJly inflIated pmj yt t o pi Lrfla!3 i rkvi .Or . In ,L proposaI pmt toi- gethe~r in~ August P74 the stock of the outhenj Ird1ad u% i gtiui Company. was to~ he erkltrgd to a face vali of$2 million, of Whic~h t *uillkili a tcp :to ff& d t-o f~fIvgti Pu r ia t thwe h1irg;imm Prie-P of $imillion. From rhi~i nr omit the nom flrLh y'won'fLl pL G lc aun $1 rrilliun fo:r the Panhanidle lnd- This 1.1 million tn of ,vatiuahle timberland plus the mill"o acres whichi the ca1m piy hop'ed toi 'te in. :hihtem Floridik w %ould give it13.1 cmAIiUlr jrire -and pruvide sercurityr fo~r its coitriicion bontis. Five milio~n dllars W4JIJrud be left for bu Lilding~ the e ,ia. retliri the e- Lstruion~c k'ids, and, caing~ the itic to thc land. Stoxcholders would, be permitted to ewL-hang theirs ~Ik for land .according ~ an agr-,'d hedm 31&_ ' Two, yeii. Later the Gleasu-Fr dl!Nl hadl bet'uiie still more g4r- dicsel involving not only thc Atlantic~r b ut tho-- rrno.'-Fkjri(Lh ttal ellThe Atlalnt&id (11jL lIf hi1 Ca41 fal~ kr' L~mn~ ,With {N 1)4- t!iial C' Pil Of $0f MlionJE, oAPLC ld k]a the~ #1 j thet gold Souffa. ni Inrlandl Navigat itn Coimpany. n w its -Eastcrn Division,. Ikims ai frn -S tOs io hld 4L I~rtwt-iy fr F'ernandina. to the <3 clf MCAWit ""= In 1975 G a4o n sTkct fiver months in Lon dun trying to mail dnWrj the PlIj1iVP el It nevehr qu~ite c.xne off altlho hgl v p~~r' r-d l i L extra 'rd i rwq- tmfiiu~dnct e enmour d,~ - I wruto to Glexion in Nowcrm hEe 1876, " think the endr of the Loiig lIn i~s 11 e? a vi while :1 -k o n h411 j thi ari lt In 11 h r i - e bt. In May 187.5 he reptrt v to the 11iF trtIste , that hi! had dug a canal from lakoe rth to the l .AI~ntk ceeunt, lowering the r %% a rr iin the lake and rei- dmin~ 1 the adjoin in~ Land. Claiming that hE- had a d'etd for 3, -iO avr s n u'r. v with the ld drainage contrct. Had he hcen able to Compete. this tr~in.a:Lion,. Gh-..isor would I~~' puirchased at 6.2.5 cenits n a Cr land rear tlhe. . -ul-eeo rvsurt Ldtv rif Pal Beach. Unhaippily f;:r the promoter, the 117 tLruls.,F¢ Ljed!ded that the Vose hijunction1 for a~~ them to make the -imevr Cefr t1aiim ditc~h silt l in lint later was optJened, it kva r the well-know~n La]he Wart h In lct. errs, ;ig~in ), pni V to hold Al I th fr - r1 tlhL r mi fiar 1luth ~LkI~ Her olfe red to sal e down his. c lim agairist the Internal. Impnivc ent Fund fro O.(7J to $4N.,01,J hu~t the wiisiees weeU]Iable to .. l ertaugh land tuo ay him ofif Only- a big dcual u~oq~ rfsw-w. the~ find, aind N-LO'eltus Stejnj!. who k~cc.mie govr-  ~H La i~d iN4'r' ~4i~i'~r ~rI~'t.'i~ ~x~i~.i' Ld~I~d v rnur Inl 1574 af tr H~art's deth,~a hocped to liriri I sarrlrh- EigiiSh inv- tm .In 1311 1875 the 11w trulste ' ic:ommissind Rovrdy joh E~Inr ra . w WV-k1OWTL aryliand I: ~r- arnd ftuuwar d(jllo l to sell :3 rrmil]~o a14: Lr of s tall? laid it .0 L-tm ti. ani iw'n, julELsoIJ died III L o n~c thef tokinn F'erliary 1--!'0e III could mak_ the h~-For NE~ir -j~hnqori' dc-'tlh nor thc tur ofth De~mocrats to power a t VI ILIb ~? hl aJ m-ii L n' 187 kIll-d the. dr a - a m:of the b.4 deal . Gc'a. George C ]DrewranmJd first appin~ted G .r.y Nojrris, Bal itimr i iwui rdnhirt, ay their' ;oger 1 t ;.Rc l]4tr t]t~dI ui~rlal i A. S iLurL the~ F'erua di.[R SjiiJ i La 6-ds." Iti JunI R ' itiv~m n % n te a long letter to ;i Lonmdnrh vietme nt IlIJLrICa explining the~ Florida situation,. %, %cllirg m~nillion, or :3 l-10 ii 17 a- Of haid the- II F t rvtevq liped toI;. is' -e [louigh I~niey to pir~ off , 000.Owed to V i ariU1d CU~Tle Ii0ld rS Of the gUR-amtN ril i _d }ryrt ruction howls~ . uLIrnermo ~e, i~hf-v t oped that anw iinfu- sion u Ei.rv i gn cupitut truld LNrr EiLI1 rapir] rje.VcI-0]mcrnt aa prnramn ohnt'rnal i mpovc~mirtt t to rcxLNI. NMost irnportant oftt' h anitk1VLtL, pcoj-er-Lt . wuld be a ship cauiid too n r tlie Gulf o Mcxiif with the At[Litie (kean. Others %vould hiv the rast e tiy watinay, hirm Fcmriurndirma to Ke'y West and to rail sa~-ru fro~i 1. - rgiw dLWEL tile eaE!t coast~ bu Kt. Liargo, tIe? Elaer a vross central Florida to Port Charlo~tte. Thv sydicate~ controlling the lIaid1 Swaii ri wrot.. wvou bi11 tae ost likely to t rlrol thest ie ve ~r er::. A Lirg to him,. htard timL's made arn ii veitrmnt in Florida W~i all t m~ 1°4irv i t i t ir~g. d~ie deprits ILA sp iw-d th~e FE-UEntier TrLVVt iilvT1L. ,ar d -Alru-Adlv pi4ipk - ron) the rural, ditritts. 4 the~ sLhrt-ruuin prof'it by cu~icm tiff the timra~ ,acrd, a ]lng-run frift her WlIljrlg LLnd. to the new ;r.~drs. Siwann n ircd it sof500.O a'cres Eir 60 -I yts art acre Mirid I xr aII0lrutI ~ir l S=Tel h itri e [r !ge illiorn acres woul ke .30ribi uwn acre. Swan~n c2mPkhazc that bothi L'litioLl pmties arid the~ LN'i~ had q ecndno_' 1 he -Lurreltplau to get the Intrr2.i] ipmvnre it Furd out (Ifd(ch r.'" Min1 i i t~i .nt t1-1ii fl e *er ' o "W r o ) tIhat the triustee turn ovr 4 million aLTLe s 'laird, to him in sati'ktiun of all his claims, hut t uit s teed tii, .irmLd iitted fr good ni-WS frOl S uaiinii. The agent arri'p'e in hind::,r n 2i~9 Jly 17 anfd se~nt h r ai °dvs i of thl 51(itur i. Re fo6'Li nd E rkgIINh iiiveto~r. worried Thouut tlht povisibility of vvr in TUrkcey and upi ciu o dist tntc r(p-LiLsc  TI Bit;, a-, 1Ts 519 b ut~ een ~, hie wa i x'urad to swe that land investinent~s ad canal Projets conltfiued t h le IM)ulaI. lHe rciorted thea Gk---son' pri.bst!A, aprl ?Td tO be prominI i. "!Jtdg&- Fry lxa- living in .tyle at thc Grand 4 Mid~nd Hotel and hadi ncr succ sful in l i irig his pro fet t-o a yn di ,tte of Am stkrdym p~ec'iIatr. HP, had enhinedA th- rnk-.Fcori , sh ip i-;wia[ wi Ch the ArLantc watrw~ay in what he devrih~ : thte "gr-audv~t ard, rfritnst aieptabk ii.-Pe teit r-iOw lWfow. the 1.LFrnp--n publice.' The Am!--tp n-11 grou had pited a su x ~tiL .uin ru If pwELy, wh c-h would haVe. LX4-n tunlet F~ t1.0 Fry alrcdy had theL investors mot "gt an inkling that thk tuk hi the~ Caal Ui nls could 1not ble~ rxrfetked till the _o dCvr- - was out! -4 the wvay., Frye pmrblkis; bid -en eucnPlkvatd by the arivAl in 1Loln of john T Dr*ew, an arkorri-Py rel-jiwventiri ...i. Swrnni hoped to tUrns th Sdtitti a t&O the 11Fs IaTleen ge. I ordv r to gt u ut thik -Mv lelievd thait Fry was-. going to have to ruiwe the money to hiuiY the it ionw "tre~ heirsgf rid by th T1 _r Ri t(e- i l7w 4yx1Ld not, Swtiann veIierd that there we~re othcr parties in Europe rcady to throw Fryanud CG-s nii~ overxur "'and go iri w itl the~ Dukimiiitii tob thmp [ands and bu:ildl the c-anas themselves_ "I have a oo v~ai, aLI.oJUL tingIIto sell, Swirnn wruite to thet trustee, w I&&11.1r~ Eis in the ; c.nd ti, I 1c~ f lr sr . As .SvanrTI had piredied. Fry put t gethtr :ur[thti ofE his su c:}ehcmen ,one csigned to~ takc tare ofall the interestcd pwtkes- Eur431 i i ijeStof'.. Ftndr 1115 11W., IEF tTUkt - S, Gk'asun. andof cou rN , Fry himstMwlf. Fry p. so to PuruIW~ tht PrI.JUTCd 3 m-i-lll ae .S Or $X,(MX, M~ove thani two-d-hirds of th k a~"uo-iit- $17,6-8-a too tc.o Voase topFay the irtrtston his radrhuad Ikods..i (%®Carn ni[ 1- reseed his rights to the Ar~ii] tkL 't v.-oi1ld not (ixOrrie dur- until 18E)L) The ]IF trustees Would rec L-ive oZ2~32 ut vt whh thy would still have to a off othe~r bond i.Aders,. Fry. GkeaNin, and their hbK~vvi wo~uld not oniy obtain 3 millicon scrof land air the 1-iarg l price of d~ eviit an arbut thtw} wuld, Deleer their titlLv to .2..3 millio imorc acres rn t-d. earlier, o~n the has o J which thei -y had jissu -4- the bonds ofthet Southterri lilatid .,Lv . tioin '~ine ths loome t i the hIF truste s u t', apprubi- it."'r Unwilli ir q g along with a . ccme scl avoae to Glica'ion arid - "1NE- Aiid -i ainf~vorable to the mtater. they lok A '.ta SWLII]TL W4)V~iie uptith something wtr. Swamn sitr d on in Lond4n. until Dc- crm her 187 when th ir friosees orer d h [m to. give up the e ciort U rleSs he hal a prm iirm -o~r. TheyW prdPicxI his btutivitics, which  60 Lan~d rgi Wrjt-War ino Land wobuld have beei su cvt fuI they blieved, -butftr the iraterk re-nx, WV v arid others-"'~ Repwirtin g on other developmnts, a me~mber of the Ird rmte Swann that Vnse was tying to get all the IiF band out ojfthe controlI of the trustees nd into~ hip cwn harkd.6'The Drew admi1inistration r-ontiniued ra play a waiting gam, stalling M i< la%%ye rs ini ther c~ou rt whiile~ anglinig fiir the treat lmd sale that woulid lr eLise the I ntln,111I rnp-eriwnt Fund. 16r other Pu r-%s_ The overior pinirid most of his hopes on the cis-FI1:r1d canal. in .November 18"9 the 1W , 3Iee5 Qffred ;my s in p;31y haying tlwe AIility to carry out the= pboject ifree. He.-ot rightr.-way, and LAn IN ing wirhir oneii-igh th mile of this, at tivL cents r rt soo a er eLurb~~trLiL l t'H r~b the~ truL~tt JKthEoi e tCo sell the~ 00311pitu~y 2 milliorn Acres more at .30 centsL an acre.; whccren tnctruikn was oompetr-4d tht orn paiy coxuld piarLh l l still a a ther 1-1-140 4 ICreS at Vivr.e cents mau iire_ Twu rrtlkNs ].itC! the trunt swkii the~ offer, pm 113']7isirg to sell any s-u I 44 ixi Vjtimyv11 i rnil f cre ..3 ) rti Lan acTe ~ as 50013-S L.1fltob WHiS 1),UgEL an~d L 'dried ill] iTrci Although Dre-a-s uan)'d pc',liky Wasi [Uro'Lbly iited (l t attradi It - Ign7 ii ~tors t-ot he - - Mdj.J%5-Y js --~'pi in which hr- ard Swarnn had an i nturt-st, theL, G4-eatgat LeScrn ontillUd to boost his Wn rhiA pmjxt . %ven hi-frt Fry's London deal fell through. C kuioo hd Ig44 r7 o loe [Nth i his a -elt-. An inrliy about F~ry had brou~ght this disquicting mply My i pru-9sitn o~f himn is, x- t rerr - y u r&Rvra le . I w.o .ld nirot it him in any way whatever."" After the olap cia the ltcs t del, -one of Gkta nr's ass ' iatts des4-ribev.d Fry "the very first aimd inost difficulti in I h-iave over known--- - D-n the old &ul_ We~ would have had things~ -vty kLel' If h- ]i t b ae h~f deent7ll but l ;,is mi w w in no mondto give up his schcmvis. Firing Fry nd hirimg Frank I-Trwini as li ilea, agei t. he Coriir ied r. r da1ik'i_ b-ait in the 1nitia] WI~Preraof l, 1(oiir_ In leardi 1978 GC3I3c Phil= d a ,naiJor -.Uu 1in [4tting12 tlit1 bck-Iig. 4f Sir Edwar RIt ond1~e 4f1F igLAmd' hImo]: enterpriserr wlio: had mLde a fortune± inm tlkiL 1xrnLStr L_KLmOrof hJtt ipi for 11-1t HE)y ikl Navy~ TOr i emsirMre ilihe. (;onslern i n land Nwkg itian Coin- ~pLUiy etd loackt it E54), 1arLId took theC iJ c~n'ntrictie Im id";s i_ i.Nrt 1K- GleasojVi-:!'eI stlriYtt -h wik fit to prxisrynooi ugh m, oriey to build the Atlaack )LVterway:3 Erma the S-. t M arvs River to K-ey W1Ert, ihuI I-%C1rtifing tP 01e1 ~np .1 claim to ovc-r 2 m~blon ag() of lan lAtt4 kua...a~r pyriLe GU LaCOr estimnated tl-iat the l tvje~t ioud N--4 jhmire 20~ dr0!JgV and{ (cot $'3, 5,I (O. h But this n id io eat .1 that I Gl eron hid lVst i nt-erest in' thk:  s-Florida ship caa.On the contrary he had spnt the springI4Qf 1878 in Washi3 ignnoulobbywing for !hie secord Cillimore sumvey JrI.- Ciig She~n~n ofhi' s ,e assuid him that the survey woruld be n-d "lIn our [Iterest. Gilrore wits ul4 winmitted to our nimte Mcjreover GiIlmo r~ 5qiF #, Mtk . fir- erly ofWest Point, would pmb ly make the atul survcy- GClemin descibhed Mahan a -very ale ad effikient offr," who was 'much imnpresscd with o3urproposed rocite" anddesired to "u e it a $wx'es 'S9He is. our friend, Ul ~ors w-%rote, "an calls alinost da iI t at our office." Gliisan wr-: Ii Sherwin that it w~ vry impiortai tf I ileed to av nuw the pram is money so thil1 the y x'id conee contution 'wnd mlntain the sttnding d~the Adlrtic & Gulf rain-it Company. " Despite Glesn~ n' Gdrnce that the en- gin~eers mfaking t:Ihi su *,y would be friendily to his ei terprt-s1 thet, Crsof Englpinecrs, prhap under prs~u ir hm the~ MuL aws groip, replIced MahaMn with S, L,. Freemr n)t, i) $Tmna ri 4.1gneerv? Ini aui a -rtI the secod (llm reort! of I-8~ followd the first one ire n -netratirng on. the northern t. M1aris River and igriing M(.mSe.s Irther south thaut might have Iwn PP la '5 r- rIe While UkaLOEI 4.) IlleLd Wi S in jrLSh-lingto -an1 d J 1_aS ee, Sir lEdw .d tied4 tried to piroe the ia-a p.Fje t in I ondoil. iir the N ye litigatiork Still cUausd rat d [Hk'ulties. In~ Au glis 1st 9 BRt d eiimplaine to Gleason that the lien ..s UN3ed a"'wat dvalue'~ in the S#huthr J&I d Navwgiiitn Compi yi 1Xhw~'oix wI his M difkm1tY you & the G. have unfortumaktly not suet- 'cded in any sway in ren1o1rVOIg or dim inishira .-flsWed had the-'eire Voe}-n !))i ki1g eii~rts of his oiwn to r1- the stair lands frn "the cxistin opp- nu. sivc ]kLUn s. a'nd Nel leeve t h was rnakng suhstantia]pogeslT But Sir Edward did not End tLwt ukjgiv key, ARLi n ]atUarV 1S&4 1, whenPI- WV1iim D. Blo.Kh Arnsjece Drew as. gove rnor, 4,it irn- psst' stil1 ;owrtinue A ecrt uea'ger spc te oikrs wiT re 0ufferi.g ti. Ild j~ wide retge O : dMnlillg ip~eie~s~~t~,d~n ditchtes, rya . k-ays contingent on k!ncrous land grants. frni the stare. The pnlitic'ianq. oten s ckholders in th ptitin ing (9)mni rues, were eiig r-r to c- perate- but Nit' Mill barre~d OWe VV det{'minc A tht RU~ one ekc shtuld imikv Ng .money ouL of the grow th h tie; Uil~e. he W s rpi4 rofFirs:-  Th o .4 Northern Dollars Lr i I I nA Florida hgrn to limb otof its 1Xh5t- CMilar '. i-rty_ The t&~s revovery came i pairtof the nahrwk IMXJrf that iire r : tilroad mile.ige by .almo t p wenu1JIo a sigekc-ad~ and c-atLed rnew fc-ru c in~ oil, steel, eundctr cal v4Iuipme nt. As~ n ro re capitaIi !s re, rkher rnd~ bolder, llx-v lookvd to uanderde- vdqhrd Florida tin a fic d fo~r their nex~t exipui. Th~w -;sa ik btnL- I1~d byl th- v~ rie-eI~e of e I J eiSure -c° No longer content to cnjoy ple : nt sum nkrs Lit NL-wprt andL SrtOg, Fashionabke people iiwow sought to s~e the rigorso lwirit-er by patrniAng the naew Floridii hoteLI , Althongh k ~rh1,t7' ph ter: had piid whit r visit to "1 ri'~ Likes m s rig Iii'ore the Civil WVar. RL-w nor 4herr had mnade, crhe long trip. 10 the resort~s. In 1670( th :..stte -still s eed. a remote anid mysvte-rkous region~. 1cn April o that year.1 rortherli physlciaii de- cril I Fri 1. in r1 mxr;gvine aicle: -It is a land -nf many wionders," Dr. J. P Little rt~xpL-41,d !'O cL4)rt~ SirngUlr iuiitr is to bt Fouind oni t~he kma:1;d contincrit than this mixtu~re oin-d and mud, c.1.11d the land (if FIi~rid ." [Itm an i~ted to take a i%-Lill i EA-S Flbridi, h-eid he had frs . io wade thoug ankle-deep sand and then step into~ a mld puddle, "anid siia oif t a muld Puddles9 r cVf'r a Thole ount ,."L Even Flor da"S fa~mous spr ngui =ru .d kiii pmi'e-;sionaI suspki [;i. The 51LrF~.c' water c;nwf firnm i i)5. tha.t 9WkV;t'11V with "invisill aimalckus." nd, Oh! unrderg:UkLd wi-;.t ur wis ~VzN ',Vr~r %) h ;rrrie it p~sthr tmogh rdtrcn .ihedI-Iesthn. -AThe d x .. r tlue 'rlI, thwedor&, ht warned, "tIie v l ~r 1 .[ lrrr-ru tl3 v wi- ter. ", In another arti-le, he des ri ,~ Florida as -thc- ail -ed o4 the c uculrv, just. as -a horse's tail t:as usefl only~ to brtish ol Lhe flies, Florida~ w vs w thle~ vicepr "to brursh off the amnoyanc e of ill- Ye een to the jaii ndiced eve ciCt Dr. Little, F]Urida scxwt hogam to~ lc ok, hdfr fire St. Johns~ River hadl ibrrawrly seemed to hits  Th e~ Flrrw (1r NUrthtC-rn LjI ar 6i3 4a great l4]itrvI lh~ uv ICHa lding to r uthimi,." he Iisw It O'kgi ig l7 ® 1871 he woe: -Since the wra Large stream ofernigration has pou.rd in~, the rierbanks tire thickly stm~wn }with, urIid ffarkS O:f cul~t!i;tion areen- An incFVX9ng Cmwd of Northcra irmig;tits -ierleiktl and tli~ ,vale pLintirig frLhit-. f s arnd raising vep-ta- hll fr the great cities of the s lx . -d' BFe her Stowe, (hen thf mosf~ ImTf4oit Woman in the Cx~nntry_'. The authrjor of Urw~* To~rre.~ ail iiiade he~r first trip t. F'rida ii. the -winter of 18i6i- 7. She sp*ent a II' ' months at ire Grovrc, onlPd pIritationi on1 thv wet Wlka of the St, jnrhr, b kt. whe foni wi mre prnrisin~ sie at Manciarin, a prc ttm little AiLag on the cast la 1, about fLuj Ii.-cn mnile~s siuth of jaczhw ndll. Here. she lo-l2it a thriV- irln (r~L~ grnvc and had a } LUs4 built. Arrivngt in January 1e7O tile L to we bllLI.Phnld spent 1Fn1rt pn happyr wirnters here- hore the t9iiI- irag Iieth. of Mrs. S "S. lihamd miadhe thie lonI trip ftrm HIrtfordI Cui ntit rn mgr 1i9ilE.' ntE co Iter po de- .rpi ' conve -yS S eim rhng (ifthe clharn Pfthe, pIciI: -No onw Whro ha everr seen it ca w forget the pea ctful beauty of this Fliirda homew and its sue mundingsi. Tt1~ ,-L.b a st41ry arnd a hfi c:,:1tavc Ifmany. f~v mile~ wide at tisL p~irt. It r.tieH in thkr shdet of a grr~v -o su~perIb, moss.lwi lie rLL j~krO r o ne. ofwhiel the firtJO ZZU~ i hrntp, 5-Lveral finie old o~r-unIgI t~ra:t ak8 S.tai4J iie~R (h ''0 t 1 . intinKOth air With the sWOCt PcrCliMC' Cdther b:11Cs4Jm5 in thre CarkV sjptrj , awLd (hiTerirg their golden. fruit to> wticilvii u rI mnav hixs %F_ t phick it du~ring, the w~intc r imonths. 1C' F'ille~d with . isiiiar'. Ld. Mrs, S!4jiv, 4IL4JejqIIared to~ help tlLLI black j:INp 434t the coLntIlrLiniC',. She %v Li bwIgely irian rnenwt;iI irei Eh, iidg l Ii rtty little pi pLd Ali h~dj VVILL r- tihe lavks vr.Ur- slrt~tedat oune servilt and the whkites alt otlx-. She hlpN-f fcinrm r with ukrwiy- rniiLing ~~tiitvs shippin~g 4rnge~ r1L im her grove - Iuvl wriing r4o1r t1hv ivwtlwint pw Yet wit Ml thk i:' N i~ Mr , S t{ 'wet felt (lhe la n ui en hlanti eint of th region: "An~d vki I 4o.4 hfr aiiother life. Th17a world recedcs., I am uut 1) f it, it vea e t o mu LierHce: its 6iistI and nlot t die! .lway iii the far kS L4 F' F 1 14'r r~ s %,i- ter, anI op ii sal r l ifv u qutdn t, rude, °wild wriy:vrre sort of ifie, buth rud14e arid rIh °. . °... In ano4ther leatter sh4-' dcj-ccrih{ t64' wE' .r as "heavenly ne~~iher hoti flo:r cold: cntil val]rrh.. Frig~ht, srenc, ariA soi  Mrs. .5t bvaime &eJL o the Lates bet l1otern. Sh-e wrut-e lit- tle %d emesnof PIF nife Iir h the religiou~s Brs arid phiibshecI a lok entie t W. P tt f -ejr* 81873)-. "No dre ind on -earth , Sl wtek, .1 ~a rr mr uriarthly Irk lt beaiity ETUIgorbe!,S Jjhn's it April." Her Mrth Lwia~n m a . a strng irnr~r r no'rrn readjrers, IF the aulkrjr of Uric} Thm~r'& aiii, deIruUrrvel as di-,iurhcr c~the tir in the 3xnkexc]Lum South, could find a happy second h rne its Florida, other tikee~ could also exrpect to be well, t tetd therc.- And NmJT and more of thLm viuited thJe state~ each win- A steiunboat visage up the St. Johki I~ver Iecarne mei rjfth-cv cal- tu .e events of such -a Florida trrip, lid. Nti~ ® Stwe, g was the pint orrus .k nterest to. .MOrjt trJUTLth;, In brush d ire gardI Lf t}lI. St_. es, privacy, the shipc i.1Iins landed theivrsi-~e-~rs at Ma. nd,-L rin. aid thet siglhsetrs trru p a mivvss. the FurIus author's pruoperty., pricking her frwer-i ard hrva-Ling of brunh cs hrnm her itrec..Ti rde behavior i~uu ju!ed the ire of Prof. (lVirg Stcpwt', Harrier's h13~., whr like :- tol sit on the brad piarza rIaFrj-lg -weig hty buk ir ni (.tTII aTLd Latin. Outraged jy Winmue Piu~ OF inr- &IOkTLVL, Cal~vin~ vruld delive~r a Ilmundtrin nbuk. 1I wAould hav'e Y010 IJLdertand, sir," he to'L WiroIe mi -teal-nr, -that L am the protector and prupietori uMrs.. Stowe andof this, pl c., and if you commit any -we 9iih .shartfi ul ep e~tirIi will h; ve yu pwrriAhed. YnLI Mirs. St~t °i- %vuot the o~nly writcer to advcrtise the stake- Siney I an i4 a; 114,:,e Ii;ath 1)d ben ruiri 9lri by f c~nler'mpnt iti a~ UnJl i priso au rnlmpduning the Civil War. Wa hicen scrathhing out a prccari- ous living i r Baltimore when the Greer Atlantic Coa sdine Railt~ CuTma~ }YLirrd hILM k? write a guidte~ . u Fkurtda.LI craier's pivctLuru u[the ild beauty of tis. guns ilted region- Publis.hed in the .,am e year wa. a Gi~e t' Florida, written under the CLudanyr 'Rambler. SullsidUed I tf- .hvlertisina of trasprtaion~ rz1l panics and IIOelsr, Rmhle'r s ± i& specialized in pr al tif nmrr- t A-r -abu steaii lip l irkeN, ras, and h ffteIs., Still aT14J eriadd F r ii-n to this gmowing litePrat urea~ WW Prge M. Fkirr~ S Forida f tirt t.P , twid ndSc. tom- (1~~i~ k re n Ier4tioar with a state a gncy foPr p rrminK immigration, Barlicur's bK. eon LalncA a wi'de Yarngt o :irirformatio i useful no:t only to ixi tries Iiut t arr aer$ acrd bu,,CIN!:sI1Lqm ljfir mrighut wvunt to, rr e to Lt tII1y. Ti ci traviel JitratL-,. p rViL34d r~tenhia1 vI~itor? 5 W h -OXN-lert  TiM- F6~ Lof North~ern Dollars 65 adv'kt ork what toj ee and d, Diretions~ oni Iir to ge.t to Flrida varied .axwirding to wfr paid. the authior- Lrier onl the payroll -of a t%-e-n New Yor1 and j wksrnille." On the ruther hand Fambler, re~- ~nive to stearnihip ar1krer isir g. rr..merde l eLit iri voyge 'r by ~.a. Ou- Could amharm= at Ne~w Ynr ri jnck at Chirles. ton or Savanmab some 60 buirs liner. Fron'l eihcrof theset ports o(Ir could m~flinlt the my age to Fordi through sheltere~d wiaters- I3by n~r otlher Mute," E~mlukr , xp-ame, "i EIUtL -vIiiiges of{n.vey'rnc arp made impraii- :. cia great in ' pivrene. ard s.uffr~ng to thie in- iv'ai id !tr lt®r7 By sailinig cn the.~ Dieau -or the~ Ciy Point~ all fki- tmuIe LF avnidea and the VigiltT was land~edl ;ir the verb door of the prirLcipail Fk riib hotels, Th stea rirs, pr'eded directly ri Ferwina~mL, j vksonil ,k~ Majail d, Gr r Covce Sprin: p Pk-o1.ata, Thc, and Pa atkas . Harahler ~qRLc hiS re ikstht thle taeocr were~ etea r aid t'tnmfo tbIe, "whlst the tabbcy is, pmvl with LWer lumury thait Charcston. Savannah., and Florida herks can pm- Ithe l'870s the visitor wa i~ ]keIv trbd 111-1mot Of hiN Uime- '-dlw th St. Johns I:Uv r V i~wnn in width frornmat. 5ah k rix i:ks. div 1: ever t-. Johnis seemed more lilke.j $r'a'j OFI--ti 0 ain a riiv4!*. The. Viil steams hip~s that Lirouight pasengrer frm(2s ~ etn anid iia 00o tlc a :ttigatFr ag far ni as Palat6., fi Fry-ii %c-er mik Ic suth fk cFwk-Noin- ti11IV, aiid othe wr gCxl si~ed ves~ 4id ri 11rt rI.0 ibi R1101r..1F ro E- tv rpriL'.H- I[tI on the St. j4hn s, wrrjkc M'rs. Stowew, tr-od is rncir to the 1}hri w P. Lr thc- prrbx~tt state nF atrwclt SI:, rh~ an'i laind carriakgu, and t~k. -deindL of sailing~ is sotinmg iiifnitely ihove any nd'ewi r. lIomwtio r th i reuuat, b'eaiut iful ri v you .~ ctl rifng like a fmthcr orti~ cloud, " '}idlt tt nTc-f, fragrant shIOres fo.,. rI.- ;Nsatly-arrigpirclune' aL ym ps ." Abngi the r I-WC' St. tr tk-rekrNs Barlxi9i ck- rie hc:ti :ic~c-: '"Ltj~re cHickfs., having ~iiimidi~~r~Iw~.e ithql Widfe, MI1iI'1Y ' 4IhdhL. twili irk i thU midst f'rjLati tle Td hmLse-zvronids, ad surroLtrdcd b broad fiel.ds ard t hrifty. Ier-leaved oTaflgwc-g c~s, the rime fir pr- jer-ting into thae river fobrevery iwt r---idnrr.-i tlbt ~ Si. jtbuas EU'tz'r MrtuieF a. terv and a. flki'r t1i~na to 4-1ralt his hapn t L±TC exrvt' m r ir Sit, lirai1LL- the sit rt rjij either l hiaTd I ad C mnrium the traveler with their manife'L vdeniac . otcornf-,rt and eonteti"' Several of the rE~TiverjL s m~a a irn Eirtt rewrhis In 1875 j cksnvillk was the st~ imp ira~t (jiI in b korida, Eery ° 'Vntr a  1. L. 9 L" Y L LT. m Va HMET  f. I.Jivslim hL Dofiigr urm Wrnd5 1h- I toiiriT1 IxIrinn. rflIt' tip l'w . ii Jiilr i'a'n LHIIII1LIMI .AiLLtkl.. Vrrwui UsILoelBLImItuI .GrtdiIAri-9okef Jir ir tyudll hr l~I3 rv'jlrwI,#"J:'' [ran tr fl5h0i:'pm:n 1-vIyi Uivrrrly Pri ,ip %ni FP i-Jk4Iui, 1 -orselan7d4 r P ; A " \ i ' OF THE c 1 0.ST JOHN " \K ! RIVERT y 11) G.rU/-W O ZAE cif i 1 SALE. I' M ~~~Mils heLc .Erllet 6UC:r4&z;1?Se.hj2ll.  1 _. iniflurx l vitoiw~ ddeL to its yea.r-mi_ ind popilation of some 15, 000. ThW new Uriv found inposing, hute r, gotid king, iacili- ties. and railroad adstearnx~t connections with the rest of the state.- Twent-i ur mriles to the . ltth ot ?k tillIewas Green oe Springs.p 'the 5.iratriga oif thc St. jFlinr _' Wealthy v ® brs stm-lk throu h the ri~nds n ol of F lotda~is t hotl~rs, soake~d in the tubs, and drank. the waer, deseribieiJ as "sligh~tly sulphaurus .and re- bli~hy dtea,. pAini aund copiors_'" 1~ Thirty m f~ tarer map the river ]Pailatka was a popular stopovAer plate. (9oninuig their vcIyage nirv t' miles~ fiarth travelers r.acbe ~e Mc-ni'p, the hrix- aln- ild point for most ofthem. The town Eit Erpr 1M3sLted such attraetins as. the Dr Barry r~tiLv with fmc irrangc W-FrVt-, .1 SHIlhu spng., and a large hotel, whkch kiarbour described ~ieclipsinmg any othe.r in the South at the tim cfits Lunstru-Ltion in ffi euar 18805. J Fonr the lst ei tvy miles of the vrcfyage, throitgh the. Str k tha~t Barbour v(Aed the 1A iddle~ Si.Jui the river ciw-.uwe-d to a, rooruked channel ene 50 to 310M feet inm Width. A dePn: grnwth of oals, Vy- Pres s ~wetgLiiia, HTd willoo trees coertNl the, hlrn-s and great clusters of Spirnish moss hung rm the brach s_ Alo::ng the river- ba ks drew a jun~gle oft~ropca -{uses, ri 45 nI Irilliact-hued flrowers, Tturists, crowded the dck1 to adirnirc the y Sfl) Lrsp white herons, and bright-colored birds ofminimy s eis. Alon this stretch travelers might ciatch thiieir first glimpse of lligutors., but thp cr-at1iri-s had kl.arned to he w v~uy o~ ihfe jumihoppy wi~.sjito-, 'Tlit nIIWTaers Of te t t r-litV2 ; Bainrlxiur raaptrrrd, have rte- cn!"y RLmLI Stric ,t OrdersN 'jrhidding any 5honring from their tiern- crs, a is ain tirri l] reg~ultionri hor. by tir insa~c -e}Sooting t ev- ~.. erything, the tourrist were driving~ AI hird l :i i~tor, an~rd auiM.LI f cnr this prt~loi of the riv,7L- Mo: t ri.ll]es, 5rtr, iiid .d, to 1-iti4 chrish.~ shooDting~ as~ th~r EiaawitV p~urkne. and A]ig tnr? appt-aelid to' thema jrfret turgets. As 5a vi~i for to Flrida in 1874 t~pan tI di. pj-Jrce.-f I-i]I l ig aninmal [ Finie~r sport and sdestmy r! deiber- aitely.. e,,x-,ept wh -ir C wi.h to~ us lwf ern fnfod: but (he llitgar is the enery' u'fd] I Ving L2 reau ue : , Ltic 4T&Ift of the wtors, and the deA oIfl t..;i% -ci!lh 1'ei, f h ~i ti m of other aniais. n h l.tsa ,wy a* 1]-t i' ators, 0 ye Florida IA rc o will TLot. kill mat y lthueii anv~A '.aV: their skILll5 j~rP too- thick -bhbt spa~re~ !he Ieli:aI who are~ a hari -s rLie of fisheifuAk , like ojurs &~ _I' Although i t t ioi Pts dl iiot go ar t hei- sou~th thaNi-vi eipi e, thy- St. JLrs! WOIraiL tton r24 milesi more. to ir.N htF' waters in Lake W~iLki i l Advei- tuIUS -,prtsinreri rolrked~ oil a -Small steamw tb)Lt only aho~ut twenhy fE~c{ wictc. iIliN righa crf pushcd its wayut1  CJh iM. of NOthM~i~j TIIL: [AM 6 thrmu ebh neairjs so narrow that it lirushted the tLl c'TLn -I on itherT side anfld oD ouxkecI that it had to inch it- w~ad, arnornd the heD-k 'fr hnmirS Of travl e, Bartmmur wrof.t. "w c ould loxik back, and Within] uneL or kw rails:; dirt ne se th-e outlinies of the stream 7ig: aKLL cr~ssto the righitand left, ]ke a iat lettr S." OL'~asiuJrwJly the ri4-er would broadern into shallow little laes "the. p.LU'dof ]d~- li rtor., fish, hi rd, and P-attle." The entire regori was alive with -i bers, deer, dL okorm -mots, ,pai n .stork, C s hroas."' It wu~ throughi this diffic..ult countr that Wilh ir H. Gleasn hadl tried to~ pus~h his Soutlthe), I hland Novg.ii nThCrpany n l F] dig the early I37s. ExcursUn~ son the upper StL. johns cerc not the only Sidi- trips that Un Is i :ould t~ap fi n the. ri.e r V)irts. No: Visit 110 FjorLW j. jAS a4im- Pldv -Without a. few day. in St. Augustine, and the. nst p4]puliar wa to get theme was. byy the--St, jnhr.s River, One took th Ste~amN:'t t1o TUv', thirty-four Mile -S jin J~mkiirnvrlle,. and then tansferredr to a railroad for am frowen-mile trip thmuLsIh the piime harr'eis to the pk'- t sque old Sp aii~h city, At first hor v. rew the -L Iadw5, bu~t in thv erIV 18O a loiiomotivet wau iibstituted., Froma PAaasmall steam- IitS to(Jk travelekrs to s cwera nearby° lake: ( ari ners,,;, fnn [ E I-i Itm-pti~. there w~et oth+-r interesting~ points to it', tseii~ he± n~ew towr1Ls of Samfrdlbrind NJd16ilnlNc. The muast dc lightful sideL trip wcL the vo~yage frock Palatka to Silver the c ntrepTLenwur ship 4)1 IIli3Imrr Hart, whoi had irst c.ontracted witi, thv st tea make the Oklaiv-JkanavigahL-a and thevn had piut into~ Little in 1I71, -was.. i n rrt vaalI~tt IX itt!m]updl L s~team r v*ii F1LC! ruimety f 4 t kIou by t cnrr fk e wile anlI d v-iwj in oiy r- f iVt of wi tr. A °licel tA tu reagr. with a rudr ruan vadm side uf it, propelle d *r~ f4ni r it i lo a~n hour- r S i-Iney' I Liiet r-, wl-i~ r' tht rip rhr".r0 r fou yars L.iter, de~scribedi the M om~ as "-a tt~.ain ita whWc P., likx rnthin~g in the world ' InLLIIa a F' sacola gopher with.: pry -, terusly 4t aggeraterJ baek. "2 p~ Sei 't:.r til rkc~ iira PklaLtka wit to kod in] onel of the little stateruusi the~ niglkt lxl'ore. A fe w h~ours hbe .e aw ' the sip eg1i~ 4s~ voag tip tliv t. Johns, and aI:Mo L .Suri.~ passengers LLvuld watchiw the pilot made is wm ~ay into the litle bi'Xik i:m' Uri11 OU~ frLL m i 1L Jil7l gl of o' rlai~)i i t r4.e T15U pilot ciintinued to de ons ratc extraordina.ry skll in finidinig th Ch-'HIne1. "It WOtild N1 Ciiffirlt BAihcw ir Nakfi. 113' li magiiwe aii~iking sho: rt oF. ai liow-kno~t more c tuked, and thevr{° were many , c-  a 0 LAT il'1tp ) VW11 'G rt .rtl . %V112rItr lilf at dtp 1r" tr 1I Jl l xIoiing .. Avy ai bl, wEiul d a~a a- %et at Dohr i1.L t W{fIerrLLI a11ii# ty tufihalt, liL freight, All Tla [onri tbf little i~miat pLuLiicd AS~ WaV Lip the ryarmV rrwkIT chai114eI~ w1Ile Ih. ])A tT1 rS I4 ur p;-(ldF cr Jer, It was, Lanicr said, '1ht gwot t~t vvat rLane ink t}I L'w'crldt, 1 lanet whl-ch runs For morp than it hkIrre twlrl t-Ild. fi ilej a ip I r4 i~ digt I. ii t. (ad~uw i iks iand U "f1--ee;~ il]1 ]MI111 and1. kur~. iid magnolias antd mostsu andl minjf 11 A.iiig wCI~ I:t Iw lui to l ~riI : Ikhng fr '0lit,17rt I1 *ee 14yw IkII~ it S'd V IhI v] Idu1I.t Lud 11uLrt dust wilikh thec wind I ":;~ GILtL riJ V~ Iags Aud I[I1iVS, a Itim whicli N 3s if;, *ik.'4 ' w1d {rrq 11 In~ tl r ll R3,:idit ! r>lrFGA h.i ud Irn it'd ir( iiti&rater0w rrlt~ l- rt~uvL4. 'r ui i ij~ ofsr iI°71ditativc ri'.rib131 th MLL .]h tlw it knei .d ~-LIM'in O f L n*) ""uL" The trip li1p tlt O 1I Ah.1iI may.L IhI U I'ecii for it-i pwt rksmiglaI~ int soiul tiEai, haut t':) the ordIInAr-V smen.-,rr i VL Au wh--i j 1'mAigd [~aI°t With r ljiihiji [~ to l1[ia'r± S111,0,1 iru! .I~i~ r , r% "lIii ,2 11hm- ( L ri lLa J lftard rI'Ii I T lr fl Li. , hi . 1i mik l . ""!~t~1w htur' II.1"Lu.EI~: i~r tti bla-4 a thM-i' ,rliN. *i ri'i l9 . t  TtrA Fhkiw rof NortI,.rit E Ihirs tI ;Aw'Y at r1,411d -e'rY b id- liit r rcTJN, Iherns, curlews, snakcc- Wheal d~trknies Finally d ipp) the im rt~rin on this exciting siho-, te itrav41't~x e .priw1-t sill [rther tirills. The crew lihted pirih-pic knitS in Sin mi ,braow. the Pilot hole, -andI under this fbiring, hk Nazi h little steuinilm ')ffi Lt cui lmugrr Wti IAL'k~lts, dli~s ire an i xtr nrdi ; ry sre nc. Barbour rcmcmb(-rcdt- t great tre aiiah~ig oYr the -elanjid: 'JThev. s ove red pa. akgi~ ; 4.VAIm arnd impr4ssivic at ay timie, but in the night, wvhen~ Iiglk(d ul byI tlw( th4-n the~ w cnc isi quite incscrjhahl.le The inky water, the IigImth armd ~.Jk1adtiw Of the roli ge, the distuarbed bir a% the',- wheel 'g.4cehixly o w of Sight. J3 kan in11rNioN1,n rr ..xer to { i i. i r% Lanier hadi4 siu~iair ' LLtrtlvIed bhrds suddt i6y fl t-ev' imt the ]fight, and after an instant cf illumninattd flit melt intur the d~ark- ce.-tian sCit sr W(LI. Ni AUY ippeVarS to he abLout tai utkt.-r I L.rself in these sudi ly- i lu m iratd itms, and r.hen to 4Ih~rnge her nin d and iie Nick into~m~tey Thv Okl ii vY'a4ge i cuhri"iil the rht ' t mr'riil Wh-ell the hIw str ti he river- Alld 'rtim~lel rie iiI-s kup lee'r f[iprng Crek to the spring~ themselt- s Frotsl1 emr tt st di~ vre~rj tl iis I pte~ had deliighted) visinT!. 'The-y stilL dropped rpehhIts and hittcr:s into the Ihimin 'n wvchwd tlhe~n sinig sixty feet to the bottom wherec tliey wt Cle&Irly visil rlu "I Ita s ner TrwIlv wunderfiil thliis-r1.111d irnV beautiful things in F "a,' °a axite Dr. Little, "bUt 3]ow+,lwr IwihavI s at sm a germ of n rrft beau ty SiIw-'pf "jI N i N 4-1r+ Spr nr was thre end oftle jouney for mnost touist-, but by 1875a tile H-art lie tieamrs r er re '1~tring sijil f. rther tip the hr River, to L-k IHri " and a cc EUSt. ThL~e E minute sedtirn of1 the stae- offreed on-e deli.gtIu sp'.t after- another, Barbour wc.-4m*® munmdkd Lake Ajpka -a« "a superb Ixody ofE war" sumhrundk'd by 41irmINUOlly frdl-e land. Hie reported tha~t T . .p ar, a inrrerd ofth L FlopridA enac, was cuttinug a werits~u short canals that would gIVIC wter -cm mri --1Vkn t m Lak es A1p-ka, LDira. Eiistis, ari . r i.:itry the Mk,-Iawkh4 iv'er, Short ri~il ma Iijie W're -J s Viuuim#Lndg fthis p:tential se~ort 1t'in ty n'With the~ river towns alog the St. JqhrtiZH In 1880 Florithi already ha a flourishing tourist tmdc, %rf-t wherc are the Fam"~ [I~i iiamti~r e? T -Ihe tray" )l gij 14 ts do irnt ention1r aly ofthe Atl , tk :hd resurtsi soon to h1 IimnOUH- Daybunh Tich, Palm Beaceh, or Nliami Bie h. And the (1 F e raw : ti . 4rIy Passing  7.Lan~d ~i~k?~ r- I uanirr: Lr ic.nfly L onnacete r a I Jil with the nat Lal-b Alabaima cities. Cedar Key had railro~ad eonJfl in oUfl1 ~h j ikoni le, but its botl] c rnh~mfodati . s were pTrn~uit1vi- 'Tampa wa-s located on a r akmilfccrt bay, hut it could be. readied onlyr by a we~eklyi mil steim3rn-r tim ' " ri leyr or by stage cah ariving thrv timres a week u k m GaincsiIle'- Charlott' ]Ha.L'r w -:t , a ll ii e-'L~ited, hor inac- i(-es ih)e ItoI rolIkiitS. Ponint ng out the jc Lhit VXIsting t'Urri t -TLtttrs did nojt rEtAI%,'ally lne i 'd~.i clmate, Bear'h-oorm wrote; 1 ipparient ,tht thei Erne it r; ,r at hand whe; n ai ,t wintcr "Cont-Y INIarl' witlh Ne w t arcid L orng Branch hrihiried, rmi-s 1 hes bl~hish[ at scm C po~int in thy, -.~nLLrnbrn part Of th lr'P r [Nir, .IC UI_ -m I 1ti- posible dai gar 0f-of Ie, fit:k~t , O1r te'tr'aiii 'Chan ges, whe1rc- a w:cieuh dlri., ihuld skhr A ~~vr~ a rt-ur~ lt*-gr mid, 1 c-Dill1 purl-, etc., eta can I-W 4f IJshed, an w fir the Le;:tltHi ..ekr, the hUfltc , and tbe f1' htr'AS As as1 the loser Of viange: a ;nd ex- v ilt I111 mayI'r findl 3 I pPic]4 ;Lt rtorI'4I. Ch Tk1.tte~ larJ)r, With a rUail- nd, wuji prCseI~t aust ii_'I 101 atiu]:J; r ad rau~i r '.' t r t her1.. h~~Li . a- n thie Arm y O t0U~i5t% to Florida is in erca inu, -and the lmi-tlui- 5UL3h tli0r 'LI it e L i hetr they~ ]ik~l it.. And tkris s offers :Ltlt :1i011!i Notl passesvc h6% any i e ther nT the l wule r°r.ufltry o I) °I.h C h arlC . otte Ilarb o r neve r b l r r-n tIe, Falhi iii ble re. vr that H L.- lbLu r iiv4sioined.- hut PA111;- ff3.-.h w.ron ti]c his D ruiptiun. In. tle 18605 the first set. tle rs , ie:pl w~iint frnpl-we i'1ViliZ~L ntfr a e inote FXderh. had hi?1zun . ~ttingun tie sbt)F f Wo~rth. By 1880 tLer4 "ti t~ Still 0[dyI a h~uldf1 Ll 0If the .W., dI-pPNLreTt Onk salvaging lItm mlr from shipwrcks;' ray hilid innd furnishi ttkcir homrres .d un kill- iiigI L i:I'g l d ri aXii( fish tn .sintlv x thi t°Aile Only the hardit o% nrtmhern sportsmecn ever ventLured this far ikiw the a--m . SoI~me of these hired luats at St. A tiri~e anid rI . Wthe it ~way thrniughI shcl- terse waters ;amsn the Hal Lfax Inver, Mij tuit'o Inlet, arid Mo.Nq itk Lagu'.iii tc the - Kaulovr, -,n . . ara -long c~arial built during the Seminole Winrs to connect the iAUgC-ORnd the Indian Eli ®r® LUsually tr velt'rs eiTA3dI their trip at Jmpitv [nItt, the L uih ofCthc In~diari B LLI, SLid RLaMh L r _ 'vne wre dispii: s o go f through d-Li k~W]~X teir ai)-, h woulJd fiinally -Nt tG Lak V1-037th} 7,!4; h tx u -L-J i2 l ] $ii rrin I ' l VF' I '_ thet vv , t. l folic j* I'.nv &Lyj1, m-a stll Nire reiriute fru' r t I- L' ~k ry Iti tnery The ° siass wi. tog et them, %%-;m to rake a stcanvl-hipt' KLY l~st and then traiinitr toa~ small liat rirtlie vorg1U t4)f tis ihauliLI Oetch Of WAtbr. ILar which a smll nrn hmer of siptt~t-ri tivin~ in I'rip ±  Till Fhnw oF Novt~r~ 73 isuli l. trramu thl. rest '~the wad. I.,aier gwav hit ofpmahL-ty to thei xvheimes of Wjiliim pi, Glei r- [1 it c~i (iepl~rpaior to con- nect thei l -'wr end o Iiiii Riv r wYith theL water; of Biscyner Bade anid Harne Sound 1w a teal~ from Indi Ran iver to I--vW Wrt h-, n from the4. latter to Bi ci Bay-. Tb4 SJiII e~o parr. I(he. So~uthe~rn Inland Navigaionui acid Ili pVCHre rt CoHI p IY. L~risa _ t k?4Ar t the St. Johnis with Indian FEwer Iy a. inod acrs th.: n~i.rr gtrip Uetweerk ''ahn or and th~e latter stre"L~am i tbkUS iu 1 Ailbr n Lland water-rott jro .aks-nviI1e entire;y down the lf.ngth o the Florida IismuIR to Bisi vavr- Ba~y, It is said thaLt i W4Iii er 33'1: Of~ CL.1 1d-Vutm]I ourd si.Av for (le %wlujk1 line. '_ Alth0frI :1 a no F.w rjjt ers wer,- leain- rhic delights of La- ar~ Suth Florida to h-e a mmo.:te and fthrbidding ruzgion. Reporting on~ an exedition to Lae ()kc e s, .--crg .Mei writer in 1-874 notu~ tliat the Semrinoles were. still liviiq utLIh of the Ilake Ilit herto they have got bhr-n hrwtil( to the wh Res," the aTA.hor . id. 'bu a they~ luicre& ittno io rr flgtr thant ffe 1whit-ee tter. itis. not im s~iblu that the ay ivrtvteu y .L h'rI Fk'rid.1, ~ ner rr Iier, it 1winig, in Iaet, a °rcionir suit~- only to the ovn h Lnter.'~ Condtir1iF change([ r rnmjkiA11 drirn the 1W b . ILrlirr big d e4&rs - G~taLon, Fry' MeL awN , Swni -L had graiidius.~ d reauri but I-r:kf-d thei fiind t arr~y thin oujr. A rjew ruip Oj men _ Hai i i kito Dsiim Henry Sanfriid, Hei r Fkiagr-r. a ii Henry FLint-hi access the~k millions ofi dollaim rckd, to dlcvLkp the~ Rlo~har h .c_; a g owrnor in Jan iy t M1. Bloxhai was a ConIcd- er-At }wiLT hero,. plaiitaiim dI1neir . acd iA-+r ry~v Dr-irat, but dpite thcsr imcutcahlkyso -1mlf cre~dentials hru had no prulju- d ke ;ginit iio:rthern~ wor-Nee. A haiid irie tian o dgck-at Aharcn the. ern or E1.-1 mjwean, whoD indic ;Lk:-a4 iniriratiqii to i iv ist i, L I-Flor~ida Fortdunately CCIr 13Inihaiv7 thi- -~ state n lore igtr ]i iil to g'~' t~ in arc~h othe inrvcstor. AVealthy individldis hbcgar t2 om~pete' for the privieIge of pI' in~ thieir dollars inito the - pro:hi i ing fields. A surplus ofcapital in thu Nuorth dM P~ pmnirN~ iih~tiuon in the n- Jke v~Inped strate h il.iLghI striking cox(:Ll~llfisE. First ir 1iL-x ~Ae ]Ri v bet I)TL Fhix .-Lda ri tuL u -i Hareilton Dis- 5tLVI or Phid.IideIphiaL In 1878;, when hi! lather !I t..nry Diss~ton d i-rd, thte tlh v'-ft~tur-ae l'~.'d ia- iLChr u Lmeiili.) the 1, Lrg ,.k A rrLC rircn roo pnos n1Luhatlrini, - arl fi lis. Il k now d~r the re.'ifH. n m~-: to pu rsueI P1 p:ruoj-etu that hadI 141311d hi in~t Ile LO galI  7-4 Land Jjkfe Wafer-IV121& itr Lrad fishin [ trip-s to F~fWidl inl 1877 - j j toItj' dr kcI f WiL thi. r I drt QTL rirdrairiiriag dhi.. On 23 Januar1. 1S I John A.. 1en-der- , i prom [nent lawyer aind De'~rr a 3 rIt, p~111iii1 a ru$4!Tid Di - ston's PMPMs~I bo thle rnty in .,,LZIIr;.)tk'A (1.ti4,IhOr Bloxhin aimd 4i , F_-II-owtrustis of the Intt-trr-il Im prnvvmcn t Fill-A ad ir 26 A yw u, 1 I.,"iw ty Okl xunh . afo-iii Ii4 ME Etraordiunary skill vin 1411111e1lo I---iuviP thtt  j 1.v F1nw 1% NwOf n 0Ikltas 7.5 Febrnry the~ Iiard APrO~ed a COntr OItk.t) Dk l, 41'11) 4-di ad- .uc-at s lammi stA to drain all tart lands uvrfhwev by Lat Okeec(ai k),e,~ flw i K i.0ime HrL iver qn itFs branch ~, and r{Pnt' trLIr IL~tks, ITI ordVr t4 _ r±,1e-r t , Ii~nds[I fio'1r 4' uIt kvitiou., the' loo ,- r1.i r k-dgAd thcm~iev c to lo::wer- thce lvel of ;3k-L- Okrr Ch duwke, to ,depr! Si, L111d Stt ;tri~ste the cha rmel &1f the Kiiune ive t., rin l L Cut V,-iL kS,; rl114 W 10n dCtfh1 t Iir , t 1.ai6 k with the C.PNA~it'vL4 RiV r oUt the "west, the St. Limit iver ~ n ht east at)(d the Miamni ; nd other rivers on the NOUt}1iP.' t. For their pI I[, bnrrd .ulrf!:1dv Lhiining to the staltL' orhr trnerd ovr by t1W~ fetk ra8l AlthrreiI. A ch the 1;iiidf gra'nt wsg..t11erOm i W'A t 11a. the- c- I 1 iI,4111r.- %,pFr T-CEri gif t-4 tit°tI1 M-~r 4e'IiIr 1.I, .T(' IEIro dbAt 01i Trq1k'Q+1I lI PrOp~g~iX~41 Crrnp;-Lmy. ii alIt~li'1 i 1Ji'- p-tiy had I~r AYte 116 dr~kii ie Everg®i de i 'uld have r4-ce iued ill th annd Rtat- bnd ill thrn FlIorida, Diistn and hi. ;3_ rxi- ;t %wvre promisted unly Ihil f it. M'foraeow r, the uuntrat st pulhatc d that within six month Dissrn must put ati least one hundred men to w wrk .nc k ~p the mon theajob Antil the pm jest was finished. I1e "us to -tuve. no land until he had dr uet1 100,000 aeres and reds it suiitiihle fr cultivation i' Ee Liefore the a ;) r tWA G.1aL1 ti ied, the N1w Thrk 'Thr,.wt praised Disskn asa young gentltillmn 01""7r4-at hug;nhtt: en' L~t "T--L-p ca&nki~s will rnatirelv drain thu. swal±. .u4 iin fr ten to bt"eivr mIll inn ace ofI th ri t l Iind inj the Wnrl wW IW r t~iInlefl. 4"nd it is"t irirmited this ur~a to tappnhxmittei one-third of All thte land in F' krida. B.caiii . of its fro~t-fte L-icima t eviry tnipcvaI prwin:ud- ind igi 1. 11 t e M-Ad es, ]enwin01, ix-ffee, arnd jutai-md c hetl groawn- The Digtcin group plannetI to fo~rm a company and sv Il one million -Aire.s of ick a $1 a~ sh ar it Ech share woldd 1 ri lk its owner to an ac m of this Fumarkabkc soil. "' On I Septemher 1$~ 88 te itw t ute-s ppmnved ,;1 tsignriff.eri-t ofI Dis ton~s draingic ntt °t Lhr Atlantiu and Gulf QoAst Cran au 0-f-redobi-P I ...d Crompainy, in which Disstan v.- : tht- 1a - st Il huld-urY On 2~2 N overtkr the ctimpvw reportud that it %vas empkrirng I h ki ; l '1h t ofr:w 1 hl-drrrd . men in its wnr.,. ;iid on January 1M 2 itL:se rte d thatd it huad s nt $2{YXK) in building lit Cc &- r Ky ad drudg ta I), svint to Fort :M) r!; A iiirthwr 910,(X'"r M ;lri 1 :rial ~ 'd q 1id st ~r tK i o a esCiy w a BarbLur' guidu bouk, pulbtished ine I&2, was enthUNiastic abiiut thme proect: °A . mpiiy of P1-1 adelphia u~itaIlist cre p oeil-g to,,  T~ L'~jiid inu~ ~4~i~'er- lrlkder into Ltmd d&T "n large~ portion of this EVVmg ade regioni by cu~tting a prvies of ctn is 4:-n ru'c'ing it with 1bjth th Gulf and the Atlanic. The enter- prie 6~ on~e fcnierble magntude, au~d, if l sid Bjidaz~1 Will] IJC~ of im mn iJ- valuec to thierne lvrp- #f he tIe" and Indeed to the e.ntir -,mnrtry, as it will opera to profitable~ cultivation milin of acrt-. of thkt TiVIIit sail in the, world, esp~ciall~y andL pe!u1llrlv adaptef tno th produictinn Qr -IU r_ AhMN-lgh the, 11,1 trusee~s l° «d that tl}L{ dr-ainac! opcrations; + ruld stxn increase the 'V2113n o the St..&# '- If O'f the I ii rr le latrd, 0ii. did] nothinig to relieve theIi2 rfthdwr iriirndwitc need 1~r mnc. Frahcis ... was now dead, bI~t his heirs. an other litigants we 1re p ssrig cIaiici totLalirg s4J]Ti &O a~i.nd fderal court in- juncrtions hlocked all statk. Lkrcd gnints for ravruiad and-n l - i ke his prd c :!e-n:r£, Blxh.-An- ti-s de jvirate]' cinh to~ !hLII H~orneJ ii illim 'Ur 4 iii i'Lii7rJn acc [{-± E&.rrip3a r e nough cash to pa oI this iridchtcdne-si. The SitiI~atLiI1 hatd nowI~-jn ritC l -a ie -c ditors t%-'rL- jetitioninig thet federal Lxv~ to tuLrnI Gier all the' IiF unsl~nd hrnd-sine 14 tnill iorhx ir-i thie receiver to sol d farT wb,'tever it wo.uld bring. Them big de'al l~id wait ti ~ner. Fortiit- natc-l fEilr Bloxirm1 the :-aIe that had been~~: diff'ul to ni rduring tbre alp-press of the 1870w. r nine reltivly eas during the r ig rtI F to Ali oos b ei rei c ar pe.!ia, Now -L nvinvd that tho.wands of nvwciirsr from, the N -rth and fFrn Eim p would be rncving in to Flo Ada, rival inv~estoc. lwiim to M4id aginrst each other. One! grou.p wa~s lased iii N.w ° b but had tlht 1:adingof a Gerrnan Ixinking honuse- A secnrd b ea h 4 1~ EnLninlt Was headed k' (A'en. Hery niifurd.. Aimerieaci TrLIEilstvi toj Ek]giuin, a weal~th1 mn a uedy own~ing extc.nsive lands alon the nd ke St. Johns. "ie } third pQ-wehfLI (hrYnp etitor ay. Sir Edward Reedi, the millinaire English sIhiphuild-r who had I.k l , 's~ camel p j mrts and Irs stwr heavily irpohled in rthi t]amtiL Urid 'Gulf Gu.tan West ITIrl ia Trasit R~airoad, a successor to th, olil Florki boilmm n rn® nilig eeret Fernanid in. anid Cedar .4_-y' Still ai fourthi parity with ai miaityr stake in any ei~ landl (teal W-4; {a umel A- SwaiI the. Ferniundina mrebit ardinrestor, who held a oe . of -ttormwv to sell the s amplrnds. SirL4e he ha beten proicmitad a commis.iorn oF thre. cents an *CuTa he wa ,:i; r to find cm er, In) May 1 1 Swiaim reporte~d to, the t utves. that he. hd mnade th £lmn -.uht-C~r tlks. *To a Ffrain JaiMe M~1 mLven(i he had sId .1 ail linnea 'eN at .40 iL~itN n .. jQre- recivinig .t pin.e at if $110, CON tub clinch the transjaction. lIb Jamnes IHatinj,,i Phillip Ilythe and others  eh Flo vV 10 ir1'.l Lkas -7 of nid03w. he had sold 3 rrmillion addition-al ~cr~ate -~nts an ,, 9lluWirille- th r n ti li 1 JUlY to. iiike aL Drst insi aIm e nt of $K ],M 1 Buthyh. time. still oirther WOOL[-ham purchaser had e . ~d. In addition to tlhr laind inivrolved in hit drainage cxmtract, F1~rwi iltonr Jfi -- s nr had deekied thar he wanted to htm'i 4 million acres outright. M4imneu eri]1 at I'irsi. ,i Itit Litq:kgw1,unud he okgrerle his rRl~s and cme iated thrt pureha"e with. the governur hire ]f On .30 Mayi m.h-.I Bloxhare rwikd to his Ilaw ip LFUStces that he had. e to Phi~hadelpha and hiad stgned artkie of[agreementL with Disston fo~r the purch seof 4 million acres at 25 cents ant ac. The itruntL,_cs urhnfin usly apprv.ed and signiel the frnIvm) if-chn rr"r:t on I jimmie.. DiLton D~ W toa W a .$2(O, irrLmeIriatey an d the Ilauict in it are. i cri rLa. ik te firial one being dueon I Jan~uary 1A.S2. Hie was to he allowed to !s t-ect hjis ov,-ii lard ini 11 ° ae tricts A~nd I r*ire title She rnaiwi~ tiplm;tld p tit. Smuie.] Sw n %%% di.%;tk-Pse d at the news , usLe he felt that he was being eheat o rjt' ]:}PI00 in umrni ions om the stiles that he had raT~nged with other "a~~1 lm7he wtto th 1fF trdesli iirfain hhL d.Ll sales., I have om- plishi~ what I 1 ndert~ A and the duty that Wjl. ;. r tgfld to 7e. I elain that, the. othe~r propositio~ns nmde diret to your Bij-ard wr r ~rede hy, anrd w-Pre the re-,.tlt ofthe . impetiton hught -tbO t MeIn icn POP)U riirltg the Umdter k~ing ajid bringinj~ng t (thmough miy parties)I to the iwi.c. o LrtEh- p1~4-s[t fi~pM1)ItK O Stti hoping that Di[SM0oi d [ kat i IIAk the s 9dfid paymets. Swainn _fferr-d to1 buy the whole 4 mnillion ares and ply S-40,() mri than anmyone P I e Wa Wli ii.; I.& rAr, 41 But Dis:sturt pad his first instllme'nt, and the tr1Lsters h~rnshL clf Swain cmnplain . Whyr did (Xwermor 1Blrixhuin c}L4J(s to deal -aAt Di trk~ rather than with other paitis whoc appc,,amd to he of- fering mirc' One prohahli re~s~m wi the 1Ioe ethat 1)isston could pndic aiih faster thlri~h ri...aL s-artr] sp1te wa imnperative- Oterrsns wore undohtecly mpnaoiJI the southcl-irn governor and rI- nnmiheri Iwiiessni~an liked an~d trusted each other. Disstons purchasi4 created ever;mon- of a sen. .ai~n than the drain~agcr contrK:t 'h;A , With. probablet exageraL]tL., the New York T!ri describ'd J ! u. "thme ]acrL y purdmaic of land ever made by a sinler pftrson in the world)" '16 maret his ltest ar-jruiiLorn Dii- s~tun or~ ;k d the 'I'jrikla Lucitd and Improvcrrtunt C,::mrpany. In a l rg mp publishcd in :its .idv~rtisinig hir x-ljit , his ixhriiL:iaIIr ti pr- tray-e~d Di N tu's, 4 in illk,. ee .as a Ia~rcad h ofn urcnd c -vC'rin K mos.t oLcentra Ftorich- tn he Gilf :-St theP p ii r.-hase ,tre tLt'l-d Frorm the  TS Lond (i: tWrvIV4r- Wowe litW Lan~d WiLthIl dhcc Rive cr to Marii ldard, a distjance o oI'ucr 2( miiles; on) the Atlantic coast it n rn~c r toa short strrttii rorth ofTtusvillk. indic.ato that thCV w~er to lj- dlraine-L 13, Dissto,' M ,l chtb~ Lud nnimplayv. -1hese pcnerentl h0 Id~gs wethd a]ong the? easi to t 'rl! 260 criike Irf~mt Rc'ckledge to, Qkp Sabke an m~xendt'dacro til rf~thcu r kr F a uruil they> juln .d thy. 4-m[Iho-acre irrhase Ilndsi. ThC- melp VL"AS rn ieading bec2ause DuNstoin wa entle~d tto ontly half thE, arear.s ccIoe grn even ihe h~ikd biin ~a tO Jrirr thin all, uani he4 h-id iiot purch~ased all th- i-ei ors colored reil but MA~y .414--ctc-{d tracts- E-%cn spa however, the Dstrun inds~ cnstitutkd it h L, gsern t'i s rawlinig ov~er almost two-thirds 4peminsular Fl~ridaC3 J oilnS erer - ws inf Vw t, lrd* tr him to~ ret;iin Int~iiwC Even fu(. a in h±is kire resouce, it wuas not eay toj Taise~ 81 mil- lionj in shd within ai period ofIw~en month_ His agents~ were ron roe g.titiii with othe~r vapi talsts who had b~e.e. vc4.)np~i do 6-r the hg j D Frnbr 18S] Diss n sigried a contract with Sir Ed- ward Reed, under which theC la tr wasi ti. niss halif the agru ~d pa;yments aimJ acqire MIlf he 1A11d.. Arlii'edWith P~eed Wert- ). Jaceobus Werthlim ifAmsterd~u and gather Dutch invstur: in, Fl rida) rl rcuids- Re'~ed and his allies o rgirn ized the Flor da Laind and Mrtg4-t1 C1rnpIiy. to~ sell Ilnid 1.o. E iih 141idX Dut-ch im i igrai its. i* Cramped 4y hi'S i13ina cimmitmenk Ree f:d suon ldd 5(KO( ae to Willi in -I Kornma x-~cksonv'ille lKuo1i r, anid in 1&.'7 Red ta-tritl drum the Florida rea l t skate binessm coimpletely by -seling 011t h-ic bn jing In Gri Philip i7)i3 Iwlody, Iorrrner~y~uIiit .r in the C~rCL~en~armyTN, Uuw a. prote~ilr liinrg in England r lei s.'qtp and ]R-erd hd en ab to purchase4 million acresof land at tle ILin price~ of 25 eenu anm -lre but - u'vrrior Bkl- 'an sa well . tidiedc with the _ea At~ long La9t the Intn al 1 mp vment Lun 4iid enrorg cih to pady o ncvt only the heirs ofFr h'iis uose but 4lther litiganLs under the~ old railmoad constrution bandsi The S.~ eirx-kit xurt re~lei-ed the trutisees frm the tr b l e i-rme injunrc- tions on 8 Juily 1RS.4" This encoura~ged the leislature and the j j trIstvs 0 -terat thme lkyL are~ady - ~rh., oC makin~g hivis.h land grains to the r ilroadck Th E nsiacla and Altlaintic f-al: ad was p~rinhse 200X ares pter mnik- cd railroad c*Tnstriced romsy the Panhandle from Apalachicola to Pensacola- Completed in 1883, this 1 mbile tsth.93imtd the Ibasis 4A the r ilrm As claim fio3r312 (0.X) actres fum thes stat- The Gairnesvlle, Orak and ChahAtc Bailiyad, in(1le rt-ed in 1879~, had been proimise'd 10)1(MX acres a m ile, eor-  The 11c, o[ Nc'rthcrn DolIaun 79 ; ani .an the~ Florda Saluthcrn ftiilroiid. it built 288 mil to lhiim 01A F YrtMm atnd st b] ishe a I ir21 S .2. ,2larn N,- aller ril s4J, unneLdirg othetr jxait in iiuditJrc awl eiritra]i N~orI1 wer prnmi d, gran r_5 rangPig Cmi 6,fN Lo 15,00 LI.3 a mil u Ciw d At tlwt 631- L', 1.013 imUre t IM3 it could vvr v-.%ev ct toi gutI' fr ivi tht L [IijraJ pnvc-nimrtnt Frpr thty tim1t114 ]x'inrtR 6:k" Vr t6 mir LtmJUS pr-o SS o~f~ t te i Lde er 'ybdimpl h ,jipy. L- i rhdig drhe [)istoll 51ei-R I184, (cm or1T~1 Blu-xam claicmi'd that it had a1Lady A4 lawn, on th l pohis Rir, *1 i LitIl r', r--jd- ;,ttk-IIL r had lbts i ®r 1.w il L . U~PC~wd. thim WAY Ftr t1it 4APhtrU tiUI of 7i~ rmrrilea j T-fr~aid id Ih I t of imjcdinknts upJE, our Intnfri-L Jnlrrtorunt Fund tiL'L lifted. th. ggvtrmor .43i -FILnnd.'t NP Lip amd At Onc fIw3urd1ird imur rukk't tiLafi ATIV Stek in the Union. No Stalte c~ui Nshow a e Vilkopmnrt thLLL AX) t ckubld her re - uues in thwu L it four ye Fivw Iitit- t. In S1w w i j)-GA M m i lc Of1. r1 Mjhn h 1.1- i in rIl - ; 7°1 PerTi~d; nd & ybOL tke our pippulat isn and wcathljd tLkUI.'t thcv !'friwhile- Diston's OkLLr_1 Lauid t inpwi kIptI~jkFr to10 b~~~~~ 1ikn Ltp~si r q'giri I rPE-1.imtiion dkirts- Tri nsfIfm- mug. the rt, rrL0.te L co 1urt of KisiimetL Cityi, 1 i rty itV I ~ t~ dI1171V tsLkL OkkWI inc ts iOrW~k-d h;~f, Chi, c-1rr1mpuy puish[,( its  80 Land Wu Water-Walff tv Land d.-edg?s throuLLh} the Kisimmee Vqarlle.), &~c penin and straightenr- i gth .r v ris l n c ti g c n s o oir~ tt e v ro sl kshopek'dig , East Toho ipe 1 . and G pres at the river's ml-t~e State engmineers inspecting the, poject were imipressed t fid otle ,fra.~ ii on 1.asla that haid rec.enutly been sevcraI feet uncdt r water. , u' an eUrp3 vnvrs plarned tx: drain the Whole r- bon north 4f LaPke Mkeehobte by tliwtertiiig the excvs water into, the Id arnd theni t3 kvwe-r the lake itsdlf by dipging canals.n deepenring t~he naturA srpnic. to the ul~fofMexio ai id the Atlanandk Ocean. ASi . i rst ph Ft orke ofC tb uriulupanyr sr wv rk its. wa.' up the Cal aat~ee River frm Fo~rt Myers, dee ~irg th 7h.1i- ne4l a.nd blasting Ihrough the vcx rimi that hld in t w +.w-Aters of °4~TL si of smal takcs lying het-wet-L the river- arnd L~ihi OIL 1 . By hisd d nig D~i tors'-s eikgiiieel" iperie'd " ate~r mute± f-bn Fort Myers thmouih Lakc Okcchohee anid on to XKP- Sii mMCC Cite- In I& 2.3 OMnrnany VieI 111ide the irst Steil0 i ixl trIp Aredy well puLbdz'- d DLstoiis great TeInIt rUII.t proueet en- joyrL a pigbl i it bonanza whenr President Chesiter A. ArthuLr visited the rgon in April 1883'. Arriinig irn Kissimmee City* fmom Sanford ov-r- the recently c'rpleti-d ra~i ,d the president and his p ry i i -ed -and -°rtLised in the h~a- r ii I" .Pain ted titmpay :ire Mhoit_ Ne -ws pper rex rtrs scnt back aiusing ajcounrts ofthis fru~n ir outp:-st With its CE-ack-T co~~roys and ah-surdly costumcd S~inolfchc But thee ~iso wrcote in adI ser~ sne s of the 12 iriillicm - acreS o f lrd wicEh Dl'sron was in the process of draining and the a Ilhd.~ USCrnp5 Of Ugiar ati~r- tropkeal fxuit that wceiild resul~t. ' In thL hone~yrmocon pErifX nf the great Di 'iton vent1Lne, the state enu ineer rewadily suppLored thke 0iP0 npla Ito frLtI it had Ai -add, reclairned over 2 mil lion a-rres_ By the. nd of 18l y 6 ]IF~ trit _ s had d d d abut L.175. 030 iLcrv. to~ the oirky~Ih a s t- hae under the drainage c'ntr t. Budi ruit all Floridians shared G v rii r Bkixham' ad:biration for the acivtLe. rilitn D['-ssrn. Farmers and ranchers already liv- inig wi t rai ded to isiston cnip;inelld Ihly. 4 x 2 were mere at.ttyrs, but thelrs h a °i claims~ under t1e Arined Settdrrue nt A0rof-Seminore Wr days or other fer Laws. Much of the Diort- land, ty _ °argued., wa notl swarfipk d at all my nev!er sho~uld haeLY passeid tG Frida under the, Swtm pIaT~r& :vto The state quieted som~e o~f this eliiowr by~ offer~rig to sell iputf-d la~id to airti I ttlers fo~r one dollar aar, cm-diting the sales to Disston's utmcrunt, OtLtr  Theo Floiw of Nurthe r Ekiairs i critics asstrkd that it am r 1ito ihove rhatr Disston had draint-d anythig, iik-E° 2 illiJ0tm s flere had beri several y.ear of A-). rkorrnaly low rain dl durinig th eagle, M (ks and Distoni =,as climing. crvdit fur what nature had d hTL" in~ dry irg uip this rrion. Res ngdfl to then onipIaint in 1&5, the Ie si' oi-r, dc' invedigatin 4f the whuile mnatter.' [In 1887 a spcial commnittee ru ttude that Disston's rt c i n had prmanently drainhe onrly 6iboi 50.(MX2 acres arnd thia ai much Iuxger LffLIt would be nir's to fuill the terms~ of t a ~.ennt with th state. -l Diston madc as indignat reply, assetrtinug that leis eoirn yu ha~d dug .40 D ilex of camal at an Pxenditrm of V~O,("I and had tdu diy reclaimied nirt thI.. w illirm. wrs Jrk ItMJ8 the .state tknder (Gv Fadwar N~rry mm7oprorniwtl its d ° re aIIL with the pramter bp :a newv a.greeineem t, un~der -,vb the tzVflpany ail to rd a.n adid~ii~~rl $125fNM to priwidc mre_-~ ad cl uate drain a for thme ULand it l Ad Il- M't4lyg( i. t TherA~tfrr theL- company wa to l-wv.r the rTp}L toi purcha!iL addib.Qthui reclaThied IJ dat 25 Cuts. LiL ar By 14 when~ the Digslon drainage caii rnae tip ani ei the Oeeho ~e Lim (~rnp. ry had .x:(u.ire I:52 Wr1O rcms. Fr claimeA 347,C00 acres rmnt, but the =state re i°jei] tij- r xogiie this., Fr over a dec-ade Di3.skn PuSh~d ahirad Witlis .arrmlpitiOUt jj- ectS, The ~xMpaiw1 dIe I .1 Ckrals eCJst othe k~s rnme Valley in they dir ctiun jf the St. jhmm I-i t'r anrid sohho L.Fk okecwho . to.%&;A~x the S -,ark River inL thie hq-.a of the Evcrglad-us. To, di _ rn- 5tVa#tL }Lt i iity1 LifW lhit ID~ Di Mton iiive~te~d irL i a 'ide !'Wlge Ofiex- I:erir ep ts. H4 r]i iir4,. fI, tVE1 FhrOPL~I ;ild Of wag~ r an d :i a# et. ChkPIud lbuiut tiei. iii a 11 ea t .fKhs iri C i t}, lie buLilt a StMiM lIn iIl ca~pilhile of pr:in. l~.(X I1id% a day.. 1k prepairi'd two tht'u sand ikc-rt. kir 64-Lkil clt iji1 akrid h It a rice rill, H e se opt thOUN3.nds OFFpCah t c.. I hk LuMCd {:vi r land to the U LS purt- rri~!i~e r of A rkriture for icro:ip er irn; rjts_. In~ order to makeIR a prrufit twi these,! Eeuv ityinvetmen ts EDi~4)r niee ic3 . tyild np ~a ieady fl of ocash from land als. Fnmm the t- rt he k egtiC S[ t(O d his He estalished eijrat4:hr offic~p , rnot only thMtmghriut thq- Unrited States but inr Europe anwelI. HiN advurtksiig b uwhurtes PTovided a wide range of J ilfo5rriltikrL ;iltrr prtatioin, housL'hold fxpL'n'.,~ sail conditioLnsI. anA cost 1,f Tering JAmI( i i~ij hiiildiv~ 1. i~~i The ni~kw Il'r dowriher-r p- pcIrtunit es hJ' iv Iiueairly ve -tjl ef ; fr 11w.rrt h vriri rrimirk4- EIJIil ha temipting. ctiromn on - Fcow to M ake an )rang Grew&; and hew, t ro tI~gr(~rIe.N hma,, etds aid other e iti:- : r 'pl The  &~ Lan4 i~m~ War~r-We~ter ipi~, Lir~id Fkord' LiE] nd ( Imiprvement Comnpany n red to~ .:ll 4 .~r rt so 8'm225, pay-able in teen qp aterly rr..r'1iie iits $22r With- Di tGi aL-vmpted fouinnd se~veral mr.del commfuni s -t eiUid Omh al 6q- '# lkrj r .Pring . -ald M'ilt -A 1hil.)c themr, } p ing Isc Jwr t its 1patrios by prwiding stagnchi rs n rp(tionf t' Tam~npa, the fr'rmi iq of Plahn' r~afl ft - Ht- wade, tvi iu O to ieondl the old drai.ay Cewmtr b [1 rkder Gh' l ei ~a;i i h I partner, W]]i IIH. Hunt, had rctained a shadyy claiim to much of .; nrh N~~1 _ 111* And on 20i J"ul 1882 the. trugki 'o ided this .etcpri- lurs dm-d or 1871 that liarJ ~jveye 1,3.6,600 a ru of land to Glcatns S1uthern Inland Navigation Company' In his relations~ W i h the bg !r I " iers Glea ri w*as also a ]uor. He tried irk vain to -lI the~ old corprain charbcrs Ircni~ under the Rfccd. nd tie a ii administrationil-, I a j iime 18t42 htk- uB1ed J- Aqua a.d Tropical Plant aPopagation Cinpiany to Sir Edward BRed t41. £5,X' enid 10i*1. , tre~s oflaiid (keiw arge t~hat by pulting-all li Florida lands and railrmhds into this holding company Reed  84 Lt into14, L °- Wathr inr4i Jnd. W1 LMd Erie huig hnfits-the~ Fih tko enstei.kn31,. gea 1~i Lacir] .rT rte, acird lbral tax exe~iiptions . ML But IRteed, perktriipi heL- cuehe had been burned in his prviou dlingk wil Ie. on, took n c ltion., Siirw sr .Lrions a.ttended GIl on's k-rts to findw English purvhusrs. fr his intts iiL the Atlantic an~d Gulf Transit Canal Corj parw. ' In touting his crss-Florida schcrre Clc sn was strugj41ing tu hold his iown in anin-cm asinglycmwdid fid. In March 1S 1 Judge Johni H. Fr rettappeared on the~ F rich &certe with -a po ~wrlhy a- yeand. InnamncL'd iaL ;-k%- would rrxvi 6 milIon artE r fate laa r r I exehanige for as Lcin g ll t ibhlig riu ~s~tlie. kiternr®aI imprwN-E ment Fund a-nd bu ilding a canal arwi-E the stai ." In July 1881 -Lubba) Hart., the teamho , t o~, erator and dev'eloper of the OkIsuria Ri%-r route, urged a pmcpiaIa in lwhal iF Grle .n' Atla- tir: 4 k nd (: C IIJ.i R -t (Xinal Corrpn y of. nwh h H-Iart was ,n pres - det,"L ' InL 18S3the ltegmiliture cljurttr-rd twi new e aial c(rnipartics. The first ef th~ e Flnrida Ship C];iiaI C01"piny, inf 1I~e tdl rrlig its iiEjTclrJiMtI aoide Ofth most 'tGrf{1.l figure-& TI the .nat 0nl Si i' m e- lil'P Vii Ow' ( nron Of Pe,;)vi YNltiia., .n Bmmti~r or the Atlantis and Mexican Clf Canal Cornpay, . Enluded Fo r CGoL. ( i:i3re Drew, Derir. LJatiette MC-LAWS1. Hid Sarr-uail A~ Swi -- n~ gru assoiiated %w ith thte Mc Laws' Gulf Cciat arid FloridaL Pen ili~lia QCinal CcMI-aiiv Of 187-5.~~ "TO OckktiF e-~eSituaion4- still further, RF P Pter, a Lonruri pminter, was urideaarir in 183 t.o rnerge the Gleaison aTM M Laws interests iri still a-1-1th-er coriyratian. the Atlantic ard. M iss-Nippi Canal ad fraripxortatirm (Aiura ry Ini the enid rue tif t} ~ projects for a arm~s-Florida cana] wentL -,-l. herc. The smart moiney w~ flwing into radrcuals, jr:S ;L it harld rIVng rh I V90 But aaofUjh.r vld ide, that of an intrJcnLIta] wutr4ay iiking thle .' tl Unti M:41 33t:. fialk.I'I-ed towi. t he nlri %v'hpartiallyet.ide where Gleasonj~ antd DiiiO Ilhad faied W anowther Aul An dreanmer, [i. john Niet t Refore he trwk ip the idea. of a -coasta] canul, l ' had been i4.Al%,d in oter Irocal rhtrie During~ the 197O~h had Iu'en ± date-d with the t_ r.p ns Rail md,- the sh,: rt line 2onnuliiitnLTx-oi arid juAvsriavilk. in 1.47 6bhad Iasked Ior state "i in buiding a "nt, gC or si-rgt-trak rail nad " ke.r.ccn Orangc Lake and the Oklaa RRB~b",r711 la 188~1 We-toritt iOrQ,11'i ~d the Florida C01st Lin-U Can' -arid Tr sipot Kt.urn . npy and filed ~~~irvpvAg fn oLd m thie rn'mtli Of he t. Jjhns River to i iarme y3a, A1ut 3240 iniles av.Under the general in iipra-  11. Flow of N or I;m Dilan 85 t i o n aw of 1679 for raiilroads a- s~a~i, the n cW r1.1tIaL.1~ Lx' rb rle Ic l digibI tfP nws Witivrn :N-.tdri 11f 54N land Ibr a dikr- tleN'f SL% 11 ~ill either eidk O.,f iuS Cta ~, or 3 .M ar .& For ta l1 mite of tinstnuebm. Utilizing the recs of th c el-known1: in cwr a~y Conke ofWM-chili ~, the. promo~r motae their- franchli -w iind land rightsi to raiis± umough money to start cimstnitioh on the~ f.1rfla Rivtr .0oimh of Ste kiI Augfsine. IiiPethlrg 1 tt jpnijttCd in 1f83, a sltt uri int r was . .wzd Rt its Fkaeir~ Tb h c m pan y Id prep x~d m~ proile dfi W t uir ne detailed jlans for ex avrio" m Inste ad, W e sI _mitt arnd his as o iat .S impmwisd r they went along-. When they we~re tc on thg ne the 1miL il ir~.s 4P~d ~i work ither stopx-d orwias caried in in a billnd ring f:916ir1: lhu.s it h 1c4pi-P rl that th[W grea{ft 4d. 11. ig u..1 R !l 1.1i .rx. kirgui 1 L ar- in4s, c3ndl with msim stn1'th1 id sAupid its pouged Imi, Wa 1 3n Vffl;vu- jttq. 131h:.ndakwr &oL7 Jepter1 rrjhatkr the cxmiii Lm 1 141d on'i4g~d toOpT ] A'11UY At 5161 k Of~e i~t-® Rw~V alxout three fee de p and thirttk rC.t wide, j uA t dcp enough fir a sterni wheel aHte -t to ivivi tek but iotwide~ enough fo two suci Fbiats t.o o i. dTo: n-ardl this q iw t e'hil 1"' aci ,i 'nbra# the ]IF trL St~ d4ee4 Li G;rst° illi t-d nit, of uhnd, siuiie 4,489 Ltrms. to tlrl company in Ju1aly 18&3 '' [c pro"t ed threrv tit-mN fte QiioriV the [IF It'v sysad r- TVCI r. nij c 1! cr a million az.s rnf . rI)pui in :iLlon~g th U proivcted munte of the materrwy. Wild-h, etle tl gr11mh~e i -11 ikis  Land into Water- tt r0-1- in fa Li ti,:f m rn , rtinn, ;ind t[ tTLIr.tPP q .md ilfILd their policy to pcrmit L~f-!. hi act~ual settlk~r sith the. prxoet d,- crvdite4 to tIh corfmp.Iny~S iR'r.l, Boh the 1IF trust-ees. and the legislature, crntinue~d to~ dvfr tc tl wishp.q of the croi nvri. They inmlin wd the re irvatjon 1.1 land al] thle wmv sout to Key West anhd r'e cated °e itldd the tiiTw Lim it fi~r ccmp~etidno the pmj cct. At thec sanmc ti c, however, tILw- stat .auth~oritie~. lid kwnrmr oehat mor stringent terms: the (--n11pw.,ly was to~ pE iide a waterway ,, t la-st #ive feet d ep nd fifty tau L i& .I n d it was tii reeee 1;L~ gr.ts W;-n ly fir the s etches OFca n~fl whre L-xcaLrati n Hs~ ne sar' arid nut for niatur~tIlv iiu. --gab e f Tuf At first the~ work we iLt ver y siw r uid1.1 ,r we tic-Ot 8 rougi' -ard-reAdv P1l4mef~ n n. But in tlhe 1MP nonrthern {,:pitajLgt~ la -g:nr puiiULLg li ii h it- E ~U11d ell g I t-tring skil 6 l re d (I M .S jd i~ tmp. The pl e1_)n Fthts Tqrnnized -on p any wxL; Q-ro.i~4e L- B radkIy or' WaL5Ii, i.gtoiI, who'I1 hAd 11114de! a: Forte 1 i ~1 he tulep o 1e( .4trd I i n mypw hUi~si Se. FBradley th}Irmed,: a3 'itlan c al tionc with I lnry Lmo Flajler, the Standard 0.1 rniil1iuiaire1 who XI1 'A"AS j)U.1hiimg h.i1 Floida Eas-t Coast ERailmuad dlown the )[ peni13 la thruugl;i Ste ULLugwtine,, Wvs t Pam]rni Bva h, -and M mmiL Although1 the .)C j-m~ prn~ie t ;d the pr te~d e niid ap o1 A rr +"i3 L n r -7 ,t i~ i lr a thers ef i~t s ® Ii g ler in vested in the cTa l ,,ad t e c y t > o e o t e r j n:a iaICO ap res o thetdI; I ri r gr ut b 1)y't. te Fj J1,~r" , ,0 ho te1 1. at 5t . A11IgILLtine, Orninond Beuch, P~ni t .-Lk, a.~t Mi iii w-re" -ll buCai, t.-14ose t0 'stdeV canal. IhM,. h thc- efforts f Son-. Mathew QUAy D1 VE:n~- Nyv-,'rfia Br~sJey a1Iw, r,..c 4,i4'e ".~ k L°ar '. aid. In 1W.61 GOUrigr.S afppm-priatd funds Eor imprtvirig thcu Indiin River fromk ThtUM11ViI to I IiiUr. t teh ki6r whk- the aeai in k, no tor~ Ci r-:' 7.10ci ol. 1r l.9h the iNew Nrk flmi4.- rcortcA i 5r sive pmrn:p~tss on thet FhhidCo~ast Line CuinALL. The c'4ArLV ily had a iat :t almoq st $1 m1kniIiir an1 d on two ~e tloa c, o ne beiwe era St. Atigl ia I i Pind Lake W rth and tlie sr 7 nd kltw-cnI [.aku Worth and Biwaow~ Bey. Com ,army dredges hicd opene d u.p [orty rn ile5 ofw terway, but rhore S~- SiI a fourteen-iil atrrivr to pt'rdtte= btwecOI. the Ma~t ra mrd HL~rli rive.rN ciil a fwhtincidred feet betwee -n Jupiter Inlet and Lace Wbrth. The teak was Xalre -dy begs iin i-ig to wouI k i ri~ a 01'-m ife .it etch n rded to ctnce-O the mouth 4f thr St, Jo~hns River vuith lao ek ard th-Pe Nrth River. With thLcm~eir oflcM- pm oels ".in a yea r r t-rO" therm u141 Le a cmtirtluous, hirac asta wit v' From)L, Ja-itivirle to N-i i ii Iom 34 mik S. down th~e t'MitA Th, r Thn.u prov to ke fr tuu i opt i131 biir°U Wrk on the Citala  again bi npd dawn, and the~ I t of th-u 4al} wai not Wosvd untd 1912JH Prhmby t ic into r kking irm'e'tinent hdweiN the Florida )14 Gaun ~np [i i -w d tt- A1~41 L Fat Rai~s iimaic had at gi..od duai] to co witlh thl dekwC elhiI ocpmdei tihe Ilk- wn~ 1)V with.Iv- ing the vet{4. IlrId gn s did the Its trruN trk, 1 r LcmA gt- tke canaI crp iy to finish ip hoh.. E% 'n th-en.. hRMwcver, itpmic no Aei ~mp riwri _lfor 010e t-airoi. 0ly (i> lit [fe t di-e p im'd ity (ee.t wile, the~ patel. ° n Ancd wtur~muvay vras wrthless fin r rgu ships aind mosit tther cnmerciatm ls_~ On the other hiand, iti shelterp, hAnmrke oIfe d a Iovely fa4ith for the wealtli rie ent~.o Pdni lee~h. aind oth1er :Oai tI eisrorts who n wned. "aI , its., vachtsl rtor  5 sive Challenge .1raii-ng ve _5r]~di was an, idet who-t~ hse i Rinai aT-Mr in tiht early yrea-s of the twentieth cnlturv. Why was the a-dent dream u3 i er rvived The anSf rl~ies larely in the populist @id'..'e m 'o~eme)ts Chia swept wrocs Ftorida in oven rrapn waves doting the yea,cr cwcn 1,9O0 andi 1&2O_ The Piiliticians~ who au h'riz the digging of ar amnAi'ssse o aloan ic nw rrm. Ives~ as champions o the t ppe r-udUCtinrg rrdil.kITL of ages soil Frmm wealthy monopisti.s ad I randrming th e swarrpy tr ads into an airkutu ruJi aradise for smiall farmers. Flurk.[Lkni gti rded the ra l r'4)i~k i Hha mringling ofov-e and hac, In agnT ri aly f'a%.r blc pli "-cl ~lmate the pranT~ter~ had laid I d -ater mile of trykbten1~ rdI1 TwFni~ ei1hr 11ad UtvCuragtl t1h k OUILutrst of kdildiong by- pronisingt ~h r;11riiIma 1i~ ~ million acres. ofland. Si c thisi ws nmre than the .tatc at- tu~dly -cw ed. the rail iis ha rei,.ed rteeds tn nly ahout three- fifths of"this acage ht were MtiII elainn ng thbe rest. Lie the r~ai.1 rutds in other parts Of the country. the Fkwid lines had ~ne th , LL4it a ruthls Darwiiant lpy -.ess fn .Whch scores of Ial rovn1p i e- hai be?.n Lxora hit riativecly few had ul ivvedL Dur- inig pu riii t d eps~ t~ Many O3f the 531A Ikr lines were -a W -r - d irnt L~ J. FLW gat yteMS. By acu uring. the~ Pen sacola wud AtIm tie, the Lcpi~ilk a],d ahille Hl lrmd becam the m ts :wer imIl fo~rce~ in the ecnomic life ofu Pandlu Florida. [t received de-t k 2°2 fil~Jl io'r ers 'of state I ad Old J; mii I o ver 1 millin more-. One of itjs offiers, Wmilli D. ChiPle-L Lex-urfd pverit iini lwic e in~ Florida 1x'1ik se nd ti a tertLI iguv i r 1ail hi-5 deah ina 1-8597wasj Henry B. Flailmt, ; t' 0umti4vtu ~rsmr wh'o had JboughrFt wnti) .of the. S1Lrh Fl~rd a Ilrad the Florida Suuth~err,, the ifa-,oin- V~il, 1ampa armd key West, and gather lint-s to add tro his holdings in CGe gia and other scuthera states, T he IKii7 System had aepmirecI  _rL Prs gr+,,ssive C[iiilli ngr- 819 . j t itle to L-)e million a-cres Of sI e knrd rd cLaim s to anrother m - hun.. PLanrt' pr~at riv~al was fire Standkrd Oil tat-utive HenTry M. Flagker who haid heen in s tng in Fl1orkhowtels and milr:~d' si 1'SM. Ftagktr fin t bulgt up teiiLtcmg Iines eentt~ JiMA Sui-irille aiid Daytonar FIeach aniA thEnlt pushbed his Florida East Coast Rajiroad f&ather :iith to Palm Bah, M ism i, and Ke. 'West. Fier l en a great Flrid~ landown er ' acquiring the gra>nt of the rr]d~r lines. Btsidcs dliw t, h hd n~i pruniii.e 8&OOO acres a cmfni new eon]- s eutior and had thus laid the basis fo~r a luture claim ov~er 2 mil- lion iacres. The rai lrix'tr exerted, gru-4 power in !tate politics The prin-ipa n spep_ rs supported ptiM- 'l a ndidates rud poll&4 '. The 1cgisLature pisscd the laws that thr, rail. ,. s want ~, and mitt olD- i LU e ).t oprtv x]~e.YtiiL:ik *~ibp~~u tion b~rings vct in, i a gn-lwing numbcer of politicians Ibegan to court kfw v.oters by taldn g ananti-rail r( lin. In 1987 the 10 tai - i'Ur ;1L0rhir.±P tt uiddcm on rIiz~ iet~V anid expensive, the commission 'as abolished in 1; but ad n 187 the legislatu E-Ntahlished a nE-wvcommission -on a prrirranet 1}1i . A . Imulist seutirrr-n itcnsif~itd. during rlh late 1 80s and 18% thi, StAP'S hi ie lanld ,ar lit if) r m~d 1NUl~~L irPlr;I~ig critLIS111. A;' ertrk -i4S 1 .~k S. Sii, W'lkin?;.Orh castll. rrieiob'er fL famous Florida 'Rrnily, atcused the stut authoritivs gii tcurn 'ing with thf- i~dpral I and (Oifice to ge~t coiti rol irid Hth.i were nor trub. X44A 1iPINad1.:J swi1 -hargL 4 ewE're r hp1 iik h-Alt-,r vars. &-h e ue~rs hetl ' ddcnd-d the LVnII Wt fthC. stalt4-. in 18~ GoFranis~ Fl-emiin argued thrat vivcvthring h1&d 13CC'r1 rOI' in ac- cordace with the law: -No matter %rhar lrpromrt of t hit land h t'rtolr- Imtented to the~ state' mray .e high- mid dr', L~r. ('LrL ill 370 manmier afftt the righat od theL state to the unpatentr- ed -o ktitns which core within the~ termsi o the pa i t,- Sp ecillIv miv-.g called upon the f eral aunthorities tit voim lete a survey (if the E'eglades,1 preparaory to Rrvrlii th-!- O Oer to tbhe tate. Thefur were., lie said, 'vr 4,fX ,) acres ofiu[pi.kcmk IeeL'619Vis t rithu the Evcrglad regioni, whi ,h to anyoinp fl~aniiar with thre ing- rap hy &r F II'rida are as v r~ainly } knurn tri "iewet and unfit for vulti- vatiron' a that the cast coiastt the state is wash.ed hby the eaves ofthe Attc Thc-ic 4 rmilliorn aIcres, still held by the federal g,-crnment hbut (linred by 1"he state, wer the l]st giit toz' b~ cl.3m jt d [or. I r the enisuing~ {-intst the railroads hldL a strong psitinn flieir c:laimsl agregated m-or than the arno n t of inip tet e ads, but  GO) Lowl~ auto 117r -W-or~ Lan4 temeival sy]~v~teIII! vvc wt iien d tltiir p)Lsition Iy ot t V'hngigainist acc othcr. N1or~N vcr, 1-414' btiin .SS11 '1 m wrc'F 41 eager ;i WN't therir rnghht- F!N-, Ilkcrv ai D lis O vIvhdw Land u&tipatw, aind Jv rliN death t ~ Un ito d Lind Cump ny. widin cmd cxtensiv uroge , ndq:r t he ni14d 1-;3i nk4 tT t -1fri ir' 11e iwe w the Floid~ (74YFLst L[!r . 1I;.lI C0331 '011Y, vdi kA ept 1dihig AwayI1X dUrhig1 the IEli.t bei1)h this Iing C: juIJSC jljt L Id 1.1,16 inure laUd. And fi l~dh twrewer L~t~p~,ttiAuni..5ivra much ]N1I4tw l ay ultimatl~cy in the hands -Mfthi' trhitel- OF the IrntFe n.1I tI IlpflW-M-' [11F Et Lnd aji the l Itg rez, It wsti [Ektk:iabkr it IAt iliere id be aL mv- ime t to IEnLTf1ham I tiu hII ' .l. 1Iiwi- il - -yi dfI:1.2IIII I.C. Su rdJlek, co°kri7 I rod :ion snatch. what was left rf[the~ state lanidsiou4Lof Ow r nrfthe c tp- itiringi .lr u~ fn ral cmpanids and to uset it fo~r the L'ei ,it f the frm .r~ UOiit-iii the I &W-4 and I19O. thte old dream of drainring the vemrIidti led beemi revived, ini t~ thrrnighL thc activi.ities oif 11Iialoi lei. ton~ hut also l rcMausi if a faew wdl-pulktviz e pdi- ti~nS thIruI I thle region]. L11 t-w ain 1S th1e i'. 0ran Thi Ekmrtorcft sciiiht, to v £ ':-tlz r (WI i.tre St 11 the~ INN'ton npwmainru b -sendiaivig two (I iervrat 4-1144ning pat ic~ into the nysterkious a acl nd Southi 4.f L+k Oke "IoheI In L NMt:rq-- 11. a third mup ht iA ;ed '~ James irgrahani, prFwsidc nt cifthe Suthi Florida R imaj~d, anr affIifdeO s~he. PJInri~ S:ei ys rrds11i ;l h a us tdou enty-thtvt-ay trp .. Ni the Ew rrladcs to sve whmdt e r Ilrd 4xuld bu hilt als tIhis vviderneies to >irnpc-F 3n-j and F'Ort M)Trsu-ith- Miami.  Thq P tr L~I~1 therey, s rengthiening PFlkt's tkmlTin tw of die Cuit~ trade.' Tct Iii°- grahan ; s hrc wd tr~ his watrery a mire did ntit Iim'h suitable~ for a rail rcipd. but it did iijptar tci havet xtitig tuhn tial. fair ;grkulit . c(rnwine d that no0thing hel~d hback thlL wter exCp t r(3 k.1- i- alk'rig 160 ni~ d r: the eateI-rni im~ 1. t, I1iiI.aX) a guei 61ht bv agrkUltu . Ilk Nhyts 1892 IngL:raliarurr SOUght to ma1kt! aU 031trtkkt for tis pu~rptlse with the iF Itisc-cti i-t oth-r rilm exctives~, jvalous four their lanid vIlmA . r ppcoA u j the prujcctf A yeair lakt INr: raLM1f EtiWLd f ium I1w Plant entourage to that of Flagier, a fi ~rn j 1x~iit kill .s -hued c41IT)Ivim[ lk.iir_ 'Ac.a I'di i I I t repor~t InI tjL %:-1, 1 re ,-,i~ Inigrahaim sui~d the ideja uE driiimmg the~ Evglade-- to his ncw bo rs. The Iarnd was'i cril ed as ArthlIes sty that it 111 Lt btinemd lid the F er grou p ikA arotrrinEl. rie Or a subhsidy frir extending the Flirid East (,-xti triiOAd tLn KE-1 W wt. "Jri .fie fe.t 4o l m anid the richeit soil I: t r rtgkkirrg stiich a Lhla asfrliter, anid "ith1 the cli . -a-to-r kcpred byV f avorable nat~uraI c~nditLmTh the TPies repartr'd, 'it woiuld hI1nA pci1 h'1tiV Fngraham'r~ drainage sdwmeuni srjr, e i again in February 1~ When Cipt_ (inhFv. F. ROSn- ,-r;Vf~d before i irFtrus~tees to :as1 ilmr a contract. I fl M 1W b~ n tener fJty D sston's Ok ~'heu Landl Corn ny ard wvas assm iate with Ingra1iarn and othcr Fla l r lli' 0mm O 29 J umme L416 thie t utk.s Signm~ vii AvotracI~lt %vithi Iosv I11grahrn. 1-I aridl t m~rs atrrhf rI71n~ the j , ia t~ to~ r claim at their C'wri e I4.-rLe ,X.O :Lcrt ",ill thle suieiEri Evrjokiih~s ni r.-- turn I'C:r this work the, ;ry*1+:i~te were to have, a righ-It tor huyv thew d ralrm":d lard for 25 -trr. Wk d. ra. Th -ic ooLtr~idctrs wt~ rv NbEamumr 1up.- cra~ions with in cm-p year anmd. ex rate At le-ASt 247N,(M i :tI~ vrdH .ch .yea In Oc-to Ibr the 2S~:teSO nrii-ied the KFlridai }°.mt Gutt Dn r. anid Sugar Compw' y. Dspitk, its E~~l lr u.onriv- tions the conyi fournd it dificn lt to ri. .* rini uh nirmnev tl l ri~.nch o 1iVoi~, ail in a t}e rmIr 1XO it had to~ ask For a to-vear atrii- sion O tChe tiinc limit for b(-Pinning thep roject." A maiicr ohst 1c to the sceme ws prot'Thly dkh. legal sitUAt cni Tht [LttrA gver..- mnt h~i not yiA paitcntced thke Everig]at' CS Iti the A If and bran it hiave Wu v rEjtilr tire lard '1'itl) l te fther pueriil crILJrLtjul. In 1 01 thww %a a drastic~ chaknL in th1 politii-al clima11tec. Willian Bk1ii n, friend of he rail m Ads, whlo hi ben s i°.,.1 er1; iiArm'm}t krii:1 as pove rr was su ved4ed by Williamr S. Jenninmgs, a min oL very different tempraent~, Tie i ie w gvwt~rir ix, rrIt' ri vnl 0 41thiri of  'YZ L*2'ud ini!u -W~4~~'t ~ Iii rid William J -nnings Br but HpoItiLi. n WheO sllar l BrraS iisutility toi crporate pnwer. Jrnnings and. Byran h~ad had somewhat similar careers. Both were born in smal1I llinois towris, ttr~rdod tlirnoi: Col- legs, and studied law' in the Union Gollr[c of ILaw in Chi. o~th practived their profession briefly in IIlirw~iis. rhem moved to fiwintier comuL-ks-Bram to Licoln, Nebrabsk, jennings to rooks'vill in west-nI'raI Vtor-ii _ enninwr nred. as a county jud ,c and a mvmber and spe,::-r i thet Florkta H-ouse 4 Rpren,i t les. He :'S ad elegn to the~ Fkmcrafic National Cotny-ntion ine 1S anid presumrably heard ris-L-rjuxinu eecrify the - ~emlage with his Cross 0f (3'O 1l S eeh_ O-nly thirty-eight years idwh~en he becainc gv- ternoreW.rrO S, ~ti1"-7 !.lot~ afraid to~ SO y noi to th ;iw r~a4m~i dmar ds.' In Jule 19O1 a mrp eentativ o uthe~ Wa ~ville nd N hirvill Ral- aoid a ° a "d bekore Governor-- 1I Jenikgi wr~ ;i-ahe ] ir CFIwite. t LompPlain tha.t the, St-e h Ad -&_-dtd to o the ia a~k d andl k- n aI tlom- panies millinsi oFacres which had been carri-d b, its sub iiary the P'eEI a aiid Atlanie. I' eflfri- oe L =s rli S% the .0 Lai.Wile alThi N 2ask ilIc w a si h ri i-3in~ suit ag ain st tin e, Q th e p ki ris rs . If th e! rail--o o 1 ii0 1t e C ,i O Il 0 t e t et t e 1 1 il Y AI n .I n l o-n r- in all p~arts of the. sty~. v- pry:v rnt thsh TpXning, tlme l U [- vill, w id Nashv[1k, offered to aixept -. comprmi m .sgeted by I{)rntw r GoT wi Bloxham. Ulnder this p] art th trusthi would eer~- OR.y to the ridapika 1,4 mill in ri~ il kkn-nsmrveye rd land in the E ' r l sei. WhilC the larnd", th:LL ivrb 'd l 11 detded to your petitinr~ ii mu ach less Va ur thanr ithe tanD& in Mtiddle and East Floruda, tu whch it is rmld Cu t Lto -'iN. ,,j~ C: %ea~tir of thie present liti sto And avoid the w- re, si oft fuLture litiv 4 . - -the Pe~ti- tile L wi lIliig to accept a set liiiet r- ar n the 4q~si- prmpoed.'1 In dea ling with this and othe'r vd rrms, 0h iv e. Lags adomlitrati a Wa hJiid i 'aed by the xtrene coiif i otn of thy: L~i records. A imonth hlA -e JCnningys ttok ra tlht. Bkdiha lr i amiitr t o hd ordered aprinting 0'all th- minmte~s of the trut s ofrthe Internal Imprr~tre t Fund sim-re 1 . jetin igs repeated this di tive 4 rid As- ii-titiuted an intensive search fcir othecr rlevant materiAl in the achitirc .' Thki s . h~t° i~alu rtv-ea'l that the leg 4IL'u1 -h11"W p~auSed L. L; 1:1d grant acbh, under whivh app uIitey 9 muIlliIK1 acreshawd hxtrn grai ted to the railrad tomp uiie~ and h million more eWp ivbing rclaiied_ In addition tip this, canal cvTrC iw i s had rig- if al theseP ded' N ;nd c-ja[ s were valid, the stagc had no niore lnd to . ll for grant, having al ircady promised EI~rt Ia Au~ tharn It ov ried oir  The P'Upm3iVe Calen: t-93 caI i~ c'.cr hox-, ba gtL from the~r federal guVern rnfL But G -jenor Jen~nings r:fused to re i ny 1V such limitations- In Jungi 11.1 i1 the 11F trustees sorld Cherle SL'ott anti s. u'diatCN rf NrJltg-uirLuurv. Al.abam a, I24 .rs in the southwesterL Everg des for 3U centt. an acre, or $60,672 in al- mirtt's attorney explaiTLed that "L Vs schternt ord ar-J was!! ilk LXPrtTLtaatiU11, hli'h Would ]1-CtLFC i vriy great becdlt to the .State uFlride.,""r In July 1 h trustees a red to deed Scott IIXAX ares more of Evergkkdes lad for tjP-%u : c 1f 3l in. getting the settIemnt that it had nifred to e- Court° in jack viillk to or-dcr tie trustees to issueL deeds for the full ±mom- it of its c Lim. R "-Whike this casc. was still pendng the Jernnings anistrtir afinted the~ railirad st ll fiurthf-r byr s + in 4 103,0M acw-'s of taed in northern Florida-land specifi Lill rtifie-d to the rail ~a-tom NLill G. Wadc rILtevv Crjunty hor $3A The trus- tees Llprnded their tcion: it p~mrvidlv ri edd E-xh kr the Inrm~I the SA- aplai.I Dervi.g thve vid~lt' of' ihe sak, to~ Wad, thejt L,.ui -iI .e arnd Nashville asked. the criirt Lto ordt r titi th proceed{s te urned o:'Letr to til railro-ad. Whil.e ae?-wvas be~inag hieard, tile court enfjfoined the tru~tre frrn~ exw-ding (lie iurrds. TheL4:uisville LaId N-Asvi]l-e a g only onie of the claimnt LII Irin to~ cmeal the [IF trustees toi issiue deeds. la 1G and~ 19 the Flridai EL~st Cnjst R~ai lmi LLIsc the~ stt Fnr 214}.MK a1ew FkorkiL Cojast Line Ciwj in 'cripary fr 523, CMI ,wres. and M t ilde itell. who had inher'ited ai n irnor r'lrjad rLWm:n for 11 ,E i res. Holdiiig out aga"~r~ as a] t-t r-hamIII w' -eriir jeTnn ,ihii-grued 60ti the~ legilaItive gur:Irit~nc 187I had il] been invalid. hec:;r~i rht-fid- eral act of 1. h pedfki:Iv that the puirpoe of ginag the wamp. lands tG. the state w~a i to provide for their draiinage arid l .rt. -on P't rthermor, the I'iorid. In h-terrh I Improveme~iCntC Ae-t of1855 had plaed the ljjjads in the{. handsL iof the trustees with a rnidlak- to us tam for tI i-s sole~ rr i c. (i November 1914 )(-n inri% and his to 6hf pm% -sing. of tyre ai-o dJanuary 1it%5, C(luptr 610, Laws of FIo.rki , a to th-f-Lr pk'tr acnd duties anid the puirpses for Whitli said trus~t was creutcd, and that theyr will assert their rights and de- fend the tile to) the lJads~ ~r n rd and i , vixwihly vvvfd iii thetm fr Stul4niurly refusinm to dad )-vthing moire tG the rairoads, the  j.exraal arelr Ww r o - WMer iaUrs Lawl Jeningsi admninistration tried to~ sell the land tO jartivs Iile Scoitt faid pny, -.sIkd. for ~a fthe- tIte sial APffts W~iur-1uict in OktoIer 1W2, hu~t jl-W tri LNtekP rt4iL, !! "The mcnany then offir d tai h y 00X~O) a k'eat OeL r* uIt ikr. kc re, rayalV in Ii~sta1111enis o~ver a prind of fi i' teen months. But the Jeflninkgs l; ni1taii rrj'ectid tlii iler 1do "It is the 1 il~ of the 'iVistees their to 111iuon'stated., -t . euren the drainas k d redaniation ofE tlwt swa rp and ov4'rkt-L-ud 1,wd,,s Wtokrngg t he Initernal impnwement Fu.nd Iby Miru .JirigsaIF - of j~rtlii s of suehi lands for cas ti ptie w;5~ W illi 1Lfde1lk. 44t dr11 tle PLIT1-hnisI Iad5, the rTc Eds of such sa s Wt be uset:d fear tt purp'is tf he tru t. - Trn -Mr-A lO; floochl in S-:3uth Florida caused a uaa Idrillh n doll]ars diamiagt to fa-rmers whol h-1-d hee y attempting to grow vegethl(,.s on rpirtil y drained lands. This disaster prompted Governor Jennings to ~eid . ca eti es m; gc nn ~r ainae to~ thE- IegiN]AtUrE. 1P Saki that thev v-ardiw expeqiTL tIrhnA,gh the Everg-Lieks hod proved that It w entirely-, pratic-ahle to red "Me.6JIX t*~n~i most vii- r ahit6 agrvL lt urA d l in the Southerna StLt(-L-_"A .vfynFiwIcEd-ing the r r 'at dliffieulrty in iinciing reclamation hv. w4i rig the :;wmp I;wl in their tir11i )r0)V l -UrmdItkiib, J.-IIiirgif ijskr-A thk 11. LIiitUFC to a4k the U. .. Ci-rgre Ib r aL - 1.Mitlion approapriItiOrL._= I+'drt; lf{ orinny fir the rei 1-im tioi of the: gar-gla £ w; s rwbt f 3-TthcominpL but irn 29 Apri] 1 L PresdettTaeudu EkIusCvlt dlid signr a pteat irW~ifierrig ac,$4 rre~s cif Fvergalds Land m. the SLty .,: Havinig mac gd l itl- ki- r rh In trntaI Iipro~e i rit Fund, Co,%-P fr Ten ing~ iiughtlg dl to fend: o rthe cl is no::t only of the r~]]ro:+dl, Iu 4l io the VlojrkIa C .Lt Line Caa Cow r a ny 4.n;d the sutle_ Sr CoM V1niCN Still ClAiEIUJl f lanMd untder tlw old D.LS t y draini- rge L xr!dr ,, They riiivr ot he Eve M esd piuvidu Lt key issue fo~r the guber- iitkirial Oelec_-.ion -of IIM, Nel igibhle [or a step rd oon.E utive term under tie Florida const it kin, Jennings thr-w his sup xrt to Naq~ leon Bonaparte $1nwo ;rd of jfrkroivilW.A A. bfrte a man be ardn suL!i a riari-e, Bmward 1d Lad Li -colorfiuI -v reer inL whi lt~ dier .nstra.t d sihrewrd intelligemcnce imrn df trmima n and a flair fCf r ii adCi03. Fke had suited the St. Johns River a Pilot ali~d Sr -,Lx.ha C~rt~in; ho hail heIn s ri f DUVd COUTtLnL uni a wn- ~rn 4.r re3T1 . d hrim fu '1r° eXV~e.SI - 111 1.1 Iic~ding irh Im1rN ; he 1m1 dd ed fidetr rUiratity la s by rnning grLkDS into4 Cubs before~ the Spau1Is- mrrfi'-i ar ,"" -  The I'mgrvi;&Iv CbhIfeVigi VP I n Lhe t ruditkron ofE MwuLtwrn pualCU t t ioi 1 For ge4 r4 r %%'L fbuli h t Ir iwl M1 +J1 ;r°rli [rimarUiUN I'LEd in Mayr ~jd JuIC 16O4. strngest two werv BrOwurd Lind Robert WV Davis, promiwent lavyer .a: Ake :tr.-V Lti1 .nd V.& ww~pyrnan..;r Dnnmig Dais aj latrr nnais:ion Lund co1ntinued r~siLu ee to r.aiLr304ad k~i rwl lI I hIs5 e M[Niignl Jitelrftum k1 denie~d t~h! thc' NlohI ICiilhi~ had- iL any piiwtr tkii gtint hhrmd to the rail d~ except i r th.-L odd- nilwrd s E n N within six a nLI t oftheir r~iht-f way.1V. ICLIII1Ld that th stte ciw 111d o~ver i ili 11) r of od. . -d hadJ fI4KJa:.X~ cashin tcCIn-%.a [mpmve1hr1n Fund LJnd I', !)I ii 1: mr+ rm- P} hlivailvI Will thij graTLt: these aridsi or- anmy part ofrthcb.L~ ' nor turni ovrthis money, or and, p rtirw o fit, toi th r swC-1f 01 tre b~ut tha~t Lhe statv JLd cIu r ~iuurwyao (t 1 Lx. n drainingr thf %v rgIadvs I7' UqA LLirur WrntId hrting1. f4Lbku 11411 a'rd'-1', T ht rvduliin1 lit Adx Yr'4 uld sell fir~ t0 $ZO{ill Ucre-, t [W rt'1 ,. Trinufm jIri $15 rmillny 11it, S60 mriltion into th hfitO~ trt=llrL.'ir Tis Fund7 Wid~f ffl~ knv Omh1 . 1 mIiirin di 1 rm uial har -h it tw i C. th [kt jtI]O11 t}trn [ting rai t1d O~ state t xc+ Thy pmwtits ern drainageC wou LldI TMy All the iPXP1-'t:S Of t-Il S ttj goV~erd el id 'iwde an latiu.ri] l ),I M) a C frr 114241 r  96 14t Pat ante Waal -Wat into La nd Coidermniuig these prop s as rieclessj the rvative hr ws- paprs crf th1 luxgr Floida cities strongly supported Davis. But H rna, a.i pqlar fii FP in the rul O ni _',5~ -elk* rl 0 it a pr 'ra i. rjus vic try, c ir inp fn irst in the U tier p'ryrruirv hea bting Dv~i5 by per narrnw iarire in th nt1.,. Ti an1ping the and S i~st c ' didc in the Nu'vemlbr lccitn.M' As governor, Bmward acted with the~ sam virile eergy that hP had dmonstraiew in his slrier <:;rer- by IwPo m eins a one-idea ri4U, he Dressed for a~ broaLd prvgr i5ivc prugramn of tax c r, stati-sup wLd. educatin at ev.E!T) jpel t . m]gar AI~vtion laws, a stg life insuramcp mrgra]rn iri~d gaii inenuiiI Imv.,, But it wa the drainiaigt progrun] that draniatized fUmv ards iron deteninination to e °i the majirods andi rr 'uAin tht~ Ear rglades, whatever the ofbstaucs Although j e1niig-9 tlrie. 0he eeiriE offie over to lr' iard ofi 3 jaruar' 1.905, the fr brrrrnuvr ftirruc, to exe.rt stron g iniflul- cflnce. The nvIw 6iard o i]W trust 's aptr::irjtA hire itsg}enierai CIM~ L1.1- ~eI tohpresceit the 1xoit in the iiy} I~wuL ra Ii L Oui~ at f Lthe r t land policy- jerrin~ sUrged his . cccs% r Wr build d -dgcS a-nd Start aiggi-rg out~ either the MiamJi Ijiver or sc'me oher outlet firocri the ktri iirme, F4rimw;3rdf fle one si lh(14Vr trip to inspect~ Lkrkr{: OL-Lrchubr. shurrrtly. IJ4ADrr thU LiLnt2n and a sc_ nci a mnth ~ter his iaug. ur-atiow . On the secind exr. ir.m qhe t Ai as his im ins JIeninL~s aned Catan FRii the4 s ato~ eltmist who, asan as- sociate. Of Iir rhisr hid rmmof~ drainage. They embarked at Fort M'ers and. pnK'tded up the CM sah tehe River aiid thmii .h th~e nld Dis.iton %-na into Liak O hobe_ They mnade a IeL-1relv eircuit of hat great Io-d y oi wter. mesuring its dethe anmd examning the SU rqitrdin~ terrnn. E rprienced tlimu h many years Of ri ver ife, Browrd o ®lu~dd that it w47mbld hepossible toi lower thy: ]vel of the 121c as m °h as six fvc-t wjit t hram. ring rIwvigatiwn. Douing this. would drin I'lmIL the regioni so'uthIo Qthe lake. and thie swampy terrain to the nirth 31j w'III Sonme t lion r;Wr 5i n al l-mrore thanr k tim~es as riuich -Ji thentire° cultivated aret-,ge of art 3 May 1I{P ; H cm~urd ::Pent the le giihitiire along 51) :iaJ I rl- : Rg , r-VIewiicg earller d.rainae proposalIs, u~niir1a iniii expert ipiniminn th-P I'Parihility ofr&..l ation, and praising the fertility of th:e ccu-. " J tima1{tte]- lhe said, ',about 6,M)XM.X acres ofthe fin~est IarK in r0 :onkftry uoik I rerndi-ted iultiv~ihte-an ara ipah~e of V" -utLCin the tn.TLIrE trnagt ofae4 u gaur used in this~ countryv, ii crop which Acme~ would h of .unto~ld vaLLIEc- the State'"" [n his  'Thck~ a csii hIiri RJ7 analysis Gf the problem, the gove~rnor pointeA out that about hiIF o the 6 mil rt rcres to hereclaimed b-ekoiged to the Iral lIii- pmuvement Fund; the other hafliad beeIn ckedd to °vrious railmad and canmal c)Ifp;bei..- Sie thew. nwi~ wDIu1d efit grqtly, Biuward F rpostcd tbcr- Cr'atik, Of a drai rm, it wtIOith 6-r't!r to Ta drainage, taixe on Iarnnd CF-t-r'' Thei s kidrr e promptly gave Brnwair what kwarjte3d. It .p- pirct, SU~Ijit t t4 ratihvjtiu'.m 'y the Wuter 'XrLstitutiOIlL amendmenit p mvidin, fnr a hnoard of dr~aina commis-sione~rs to bec -cm - td -ofihe sam fiv state ffic[Als who were. ail y Itrute- o the Internal Improve~ment Fund.. The np-w k-mrd wokild hav1e pe to build cii- dr1is, levees, ditL-h',~ arid ref~irvuiri, to establishi drainikk di--trk-ts, and to levyr~ an nual tI nut ev dIig 10t Uents 0Re. -14 Oi the th. rv that a cnfrt~itiofrrl] ;iriendrer t ighl i ot h rc e s y, the legislatur~e d a bill errinlyin the eirls Pri - R tmwir d hLopec to use the~ ra~inaIP 3 to inanc'e a long-range Stat~e 41-ainrge p~orn,~~ but hie was5 in no moad towait until the n~ew v--anuz sbrted to, come in.. 1ank6 gart-[ to the JL'nnings adrinirl- triltli's~ policy -of Iarg 1s111: lee the [i7 e.T l IrIrlPkTOVee tEl~U1i hJKa was re51 rev'1 of ~J st ,40c I whrin. the. gIoverno~r initended to .l iitwihOLi d(elay. Oni two thinjg %we-r niecssry bn make- the dirt llv: ti Iild d rtii a and to 41+ tid where to) put thin to v; c 1. Bmward spc, tt little timie on uither prI:Iilcm. In August 1906 he, and th.' , M Nrnoy generalI ne rntire :d ISnt~xt With a Ch iC;LLOC rmi r'cr16 the 111adiner) ]itead for tht drt+'Iigt arid Vkithiii a. 3Y1,011th thetk I[F tr«S- tcer s gave their approva&L_ MIP23-Mhile. he had :irrange1 for three curiur'r sunrv~ Of x,.SdjkC Varyia4l ut!-a -northrn lire fr m Ld~k Okeeho.ti.e to th st- Lixiel $R iti7} 4f i' tir al rout'e to Lake 'W'rib, andar southern on~e to the New River rinear Fort ~did]~ Al- though Broward FikdL3it firsa ti c-mPL htoVL r he St. Lu6i project,. the I IF triisfrw dtcidvd toib g'ci their firsL vainal on d- Ri ~ver- Political., rather thani enq i7, rp~lI orqpbbyn n'. d is-rted their choice. The SrL t- Fort P-ierce reion~ thmi wokjJd htrewfit fromi a St Ludie Ci iaI wais a trrL wkld orhanti-BrclJward w!inti1TrL( r~t ut Fourt Luclcrdalc and its envirotns had giwrnr the goverL1or stnng iti prt. NjOre, canj~Is th ro:IZtihe s outheasttrri ,E vegijdesti- uld it- C re&e the value syft ~tt-uj'T lends thidt the trustees w~anted to Aell. To siiperviw the inrk. the ruistes appointed [ohii W. New- irtali, a iv'il em ninter whor. had led. I gra 'sn exped it ion across thu EvCerg1LP dsin ' anLd Wm1. now rnPierhdiig the? New fiivr route  9-1 Lduel Iwo irifr) Land ikrmg lecn Menrest in every aspect of th W--tahre, (.overrnor Bro w-r rnwl Freii-iin t rips~ to Fort Lauderdal]e tou. p' r1 dredges being bui[ here, (On 2 Apiil 190 the Broward. famJily pakimpa.e~d in the christeningnof Tiw f, d'a:r gfad& whkii the S1. Ate- gtr~thrwo RiC - f praiseda~ "tie 6ra.gest id (inL~Td !0I.ofh Fhikkdlpkia.' On 4 July T hr Ev grsir~i moved ip ky te New BKi 4 ir ai-Ld 1}ex.gani wirk orn Wll%'t bee.Arne kno-wn asw Mirtnh cv.w River11 Can l In his c G ernocr limwr haid uit a~nted to spf.,n the time 4,r mci , for E: i--ful suirvey. With only tlw in st geniiral in- Structiions, S- Uxvey inl pairties workd just aheand of the drecdge P L- frig fiT A't-ke ifr the hlL4t- IMAhiiie toi 1011w Inr the ;_:Lihe Lt a l rdl Lion Owi ,~e jecoEd dredgo, The Oh-ercbve. hcrgln to dig thcP South £p rriin1 anuncy 'wdye, tkW 1BmFwar ~A ij#ration needed to SLI c~o:i iriet g tihe dral ri LL-N-. -- -A. qickly ;L 114 A)1, D4A~rIITLg thir new I ats ms draingecmisonP~ the .st~dr! offi-erx designriae4d a hugl.Lea d ming. a i'StrI It srei ;jII 'Eg5 oer I ire [-cl lI rtj s loth nojrh iind sc.-1th 43f Laiw Ol hhlKC. kidl t kicd a t;L *13.-cencts ian acrv os-n alt Ileiiaowore11, TheSa4nouia for this tax th,,r.Fw aL reveaL-lig lit iont he ler oE OfLrhC Fhirida lLnd Polcy- 1 Nonrre indent wnars. -f land with in the di-ainoge dirtrk-t i X77 f . r~ai. .ln d s, cn mnnLrs (a rerA1170-;, .°xri ~on ole hNA title t rl ' 14.Of ak'a ti7 Bro-LL':rd'1. plan, the nionresi4dent (trwi'rS WIOUld Pay S2111476 a;r t ir draining the v r lde5 # thersident owners T regre t .r riontis dli their Esit to thwrth e:govcrnur. Th P aippe l d kte L'C Iurth: tht-y sti rrd up the pr-5i n-luw c newspa1pers; th-e5 -.-At-Vd the VLnC r-. FirMt to take urp thIL %ight w the Sc'1utrii Staitesi Ladl ark Timber Company, 0 .x,1n r d i n 10 hy- New 0r- 1c;ai :nd New Xrk investursq amoing t1w rrL Herbeprt I.ehni n, later to 1 w goiveri-n r of Ne 1A. Ha~ving bolo ht frin the r; ilr sid me tw nIllion acres of land in the regiu-n u-uTd Lake Mkee ,be1 the SO there S trytc,: Luid XompiYr 0 ohtmSy wanted it drained, bunt the pmmo:: tr; had no fnid-n~ in the Briwa-Lrd Programn. TI-y wed di pleiL~o h .errus the Board of Dranags, Commissioncrs wvas U.njx. d of five Pol iiW3 without an mepieentaitive 4Fw la C panies, or rlrakThcv were eqwiIly iOIiiked by' the hieads rriag wv ina -xhh ! w~rd ws pitming ahead wirhout any S~i uv of the probklem, ignor1ing~ the LNuflttcTrtILPr that pi eC]i l draiii- Ligeo usr. Al setions would cnak e inwre 5erise than 11 t]7is grirjd1 iate ;- tempt to drain the Everlaces as awbcule. Arguirig tiwi the~ DrIdiTage  Tl L-e~~ (ILiha]eg- Act o 19O5 wa art un onsitut ion dclc .ti-rn -If the~ ta~in~p poer, 'Ii w- r~ tb he Suther]rl it e (I ow nmpamw °,ppli~dto the I~- nAJ di. tret court a1 P~ensa'Lj rur relief. The uthr grt-ilt Imtdownetrs soon followed this t- kampl, avd by, the an of.M, -ch 11)(Xi tlw, state wvas ha i~ku El d Ly in junct im pi N1viibitiiig it Fromm rIedi tin: LI tum Ma~ny of the sinall one rL4 -lsd o~ic.r ~ai gis t t~he levy and 4m 4 April (he W Id of trail ige t:o;rn isi nr~ aidee i l~rspenism ~f t1m tax util thet. courts had-U 11iuad their f'iiua-l deisILnr1i Dtspitr_ this sethad B oard pushed ah-a-d with hris draira gr-. prngjr.m, spending r' ry dollar the [IF tr4 te- 1 i sreW together..- 11w, prailr.d nv spyaloxrs. op ent- up Lt Iheavy kIrraI4, last the nnr. Accusing hm RIC Dsing mroniey frorr the ..wifd mads tund to buy drt-dgtes, the j a rsa&id: '0f A the fi uli }h [drs that evLr fntfcmA.( the brain of mast tk dr iiingt -t o-F e rglads is thl thep I irgjSte r l hl'hlrig; ;. %chx-Ik; I ;lI; ;hm A ie 4ept ed't' th41 t t''s- t" -dipink; into a Nirre1 l m iwlkd -Sc4 mi- Fun rid sn 6oe - ]4n~ r< ' "~ uikraidL : sh-:t= ta er fr" ~ rlsIa rurrrrici Z}ic'e l S~r. tht Thm ni l t A .. a te.C-t Tdi~c :sE11- yn te D Li kv itr~ in lrnI-ktitng th-egnivt or, di- pite his indignantack-i21s that hr wasi mnis imig any o t}Le funds sreI Laside for ruads and Akitmi ,- .h~ drainiage controvgr r enLinumed tkriTOUX1gkilt tkW su~mr anid Fall. of 19%. Browt-Ard VV-L - t r ling t.) get t h~ v -,' i 1)1r~l1 k fr the drainag amendment. Lakin-, t~c'rJc the- miricy i-v11-I pitag to send out his ipe lb.. mard h m. to ;,ir h; s sLtjpi~ort-er ir -g4',.-I and other simill domautitrns He1 rtaid sptevhcs ini r19 ~v part 4f PIte tate,- -Ar mLng (Ic+atL trlthk hii .:p nnnr 11-. ga ied SUPpnrt FromE m1afty 1rdepe al~.tdit r~uv--%paper-. 1).Articl_:iirly in -i'uth7 Florkli The~ St. ihur- Indqe1d4--n! called the p rmipnwd ameandmc nt 'thfe fairFU t. speedkiq°,t anid ir o:t prac-vablik v inhiu y-t~ ~rposerI 1'r M-Clm~irh igthe Fv ryl lm -, end it s~huu1d e u ptr ed 1w the largest V'ote er giei 'v' lel a ur I'liip . F r oTid . But O,po]]tmk' wer abie t' scare thbc vor.Acr-i Ib vir mplh~izinpg the hmacl p: wvrs I-rpmcd for thr mEnt," one pampl - t s~uid, "'i-; the moast dan gemu~ PieCV EgiS14L ti On IPVer 2ttemreci to he in,:cnporateci in the Constition~r of any it-it s the Vnion~. It wivll jjLOU iii th~e hiuso cht1 ~drri1imi~ltraiorQi wajxmn of trnrmendrus jxmer for a ns ir~us u~e a~ai r-Lst the ir [N q1ftiIeevi Under it tht - ULM etahL-il :i~, rie kP di trL{t, of wy sizc. anywheme in the Srtatei '~ According t. t hisip~imn ph Let, only  100 Lan~d io 14-4te-W frr ip4 Lan~d abo~ut c3,- third of1 the Ev~e aes" the, "BLJ Sauw Gras5" irr Ledtely Suuth. of Iak Ok scholer wus worth r 6~ir in .- Bruward's dTCIIFI ofd rring thLL whok vast rcgiL)n va Jpsurd_~ In (he -Nov~erlm r elecionr the t.4)te'r- ddxiively reif.L1_I Er - ars drainage amcndmenL'. Comiplaining that the~ rpj-w~ition ha±3 mnisld the voters, the~ goverrnor kiept the dd5 ir work nw rtg ht nom- laws to~ rn ®k the ad hrs rpity HLe dcfintIA the issue inlJ 5pL vial me s g to the l htlaire on3 Apil 19W;7 "'Tke ~O'I~eSt Isoi be, twcen the P . pk anid the crq rations, and 4 pLiaIy hc-twLcn the ridatv.rearid the co rai , The Lgisature h;_ passed a law-thco Lrxationm rufusc to nby it- The. Lcisaurnhas Sid tlat the lxrr I ions .shigll co~ntribute a just proportion of the c-Ps of &sh irrmr,}a im nts .- kl' corprationsI dieine to duG it, and say that the LE-g-LlAUITr ha'r n right Gr power to rquir- ther to do n. Orwei~ gn-this ticre after bitter debti.k- [hite gisIatuc't bowC4 to Br ~rrd s- wish4cs and passed a mc w drainage, law. Dr fe d hby -. G.overrior Ie rii.a to mnee- the r 'istiLti.nil r 11 t-i idsti the Act (if N115 this m~iEra i re U-Stih t r .0n~le aiim wai ;maCLIr isric wifh de itk Njunid-arits auid Exed thett d riaiw.e tax ait fiv'e Cenits a are. " Broward.s !id. the hll on 2i8 May 11447, hut thy? emorim. s still r4'jused to yii, conitendinig that the -eils under a urstructirjc woiuld bcncilt o~nly ,a s~mall part ofthe dai nage di-srict." At the. ugestioiii of the go'rmu:r, then legiis 'tur~ap pointed , a ik irnitte to inspc-ct the drainage wort Reporting on 21 August 19(37 the legrislar ors ;fanited a v~ pictikIr Lofhv~ A th~ev tjCJIc ;r F-rt Laudtrdak . Thi~ e~ gc and Tfte Ok-ec~h lv were sturdy dredges tk h -i l. dI'g C - -L Nhile of c a~k ;an drTained ., r P 7;0 acres~ of land, onl whli £nnturs wiru ail!&d . +- iwiiig t]LC-h~. The reclaimred kund was estimated I-h worth anJ~ lw~bre' A olLing to Engincer Ncta:man drainage would rvult in in a vcrai. of 90 acres Pe r mnile oenaii the . i-a, siix mik would drain 5,440 acres, wo}fth $16.3,2Xh when dvaJrked& Linable to ollvec{ the drainagu t an rd rapidly~ depleting thke suirplus~ in th Inlterhil ipr 'en-meri r Fiind, Governor Brw-rd rdhs- perately~ n . ded to ma1le mcw land sales. But ffhcse were almost imr- po he to' Jirrarg-e sc' ling s. the r-ilrxod, .Anal companiies, and land tcom~panies etntinu-yd to3 press tiw i r vin-jous suits againist t1I!e tiii teesS Avl th4)Ljgh exGvro ler rbiVig.S ,i special -:fulhI, de., iied the valiofityk FlegI islative lauiri artl the+ Buard auilr iii- tration hcgan to seLL a waN- out ofthis spider's w~eb of iti~gutribi. 0O, 1 ~em r" 19(X the I1fF t]i~rt .s acwcepted a settlemen~t with the F "ka Coast Lmrw! Canal Company, uinder which the v0III]a4tv  Tbi 1km.-, ?ri r ~ tw GI,11A 1 01 W a.L r d to pay the trustee-s $50,~ and to -c rmiliete two unli inished Section-. o& their wraterwa y, one . twi St. AUkSirgi -in d the St. Johns FRLr. the eubut tW*~II tht! M AtaliaLnd Halifax rivter. fIn retiirn, £hce truistes wuild deed 200,00 atcres to thueou rJ.Im im- mediately adthe ha1l eofits Cla.ims~m 2314) i -on Durin[g 1907 -exiini mgs W-11 -Able tOrLow... oe 1rnr-tant rlinigfor the ]IF trutcz~s wphilCe s31 kn hr'. Judg Charles Swaynie in the Fed- r al DiStriCt Court its FensaColat 'eOD-1ized teg right of thtl~ trstees to ctmrr -on thir crnaation pigramir. [n gremtIng an itijUr~ir Mr- que te by the Southeri States ]. rtd Gornuy thep j krdge g;1V( the trute~es the rKgdht4 ill IIot rwtIth aEi 100 O.M 'irVN .. r rt pU of* using the prKcd suezd hIF tru1.t-vv for 34a~X h ce4 ]ai f td1 claimed und(-r the old drainagr cL-ointr eL. jc-nnings v.-:L opposq--d to mflkil-1gf r ' :K aim-o.sgin to the c.4iup-11ny. JAE L.rI:lW~d that the 1Iw trtus- tceesi hd nevcr appruvved the a signrntnt of thrw Dits.1to }gt~ and that. Dl stun i d rho'. ,.r f1L1 filled: the termvis of his contract in any cte. krl MI., OD acu uljar tr14 the morthL Lufike Ok+ tL'Ikle had buerr liermait dr"ied. and the~ liwe.[ of the l4ik h~id not~ Ii*km .- under thes~ vrajji iconwtracts has laI-red tio rclin one ;in 4]4: x-c* r Ila nd with: in fI W r111e~ 0fLt~(~~ehb~i direCU io." 1In° ddinliy 1,652,000 ac."rei to Diston~s original vuum ay, the trwltiivs 11A already grainted 8,19,0X0 cies more~z thh:r the company h id C rn~l Under the terrrns of the contract. DCsP ite jenningS' rt![Lrni- tr wap t. ,he 1w ' ~tart hy 116 Ahree-to~t~ o~1 vote . ed ae7 I - nprninir whtreby the>'i deeded t' the United Lirnd Coiiup°ari' 68.834  1,04 b7Pi d ri 1-4-43ter-Wi2rff- into Land airT: s-les than Gni.-fifth of its claim. Govcrr Brmward voted with The- settlement with ffhe UniitedLn Conpn.~ hKk - ., (.lfll thm mnajor railroa chlaims ex rtc t o of F]:agIlr'S Flouida East Cotast Rit ad. Sir.!t~ Fal l r was still eroijruc.g2teet~rim' series if s1rid .1 rin Ii hige that finii arh1{LO th railroad to ec West, -a fuinal ttlteiniit -o ul not Fie lM&d iurjtil there. On 14 De- c~ember 1iJ11 v-w Alk! rt Gilchrist and hip felkhjw trm~tes ee 210.00 acr to tht, ra[Irrx in sett ri0el' k f -0l .m amrnntig tol .2A74.e9 acrns 13Y altn-At-Iel-' de F -irg am dicker ring with the hid, --rpuratirm B ruwa-ld had svdsie2million fire c4 the lv~rgI,.d; For the 17.1 elrral.[ IProPrerneT1 Firrnd. TI . original Ntratt-y Lad I~n uir( 143d. Iback this land a n I~ draiinage by t rakLrha t ui k}h s min it pi---ible Wr the trustees to sell th r eluinmd kn at toL $20 ai vre But cuntLhdrt~ista ich vi ra it netesrry illseJ 1;1Y;e tr~rHcit f~rWr htev erth-ey would brin~q. Ths rr A the-U More 1m1iPeratiVe 2 L- tht'+ truJStte giioed a CIOre kca il-ei he tnagVrjtlkd Ci the task. By thr! terr Of 1907 tw'j dregs ork ii out [e'[ f'Krt Lu & e1 h a d LiL merore than friur and pane-lf ]] dLksi(I eanj i ud vni v abo~ut12 K) {a_ rt, had htee_-i- rr : i iim''sd-eve-' 15% the P. t pp i i tic d e fin ir ki ii. A t thiis r~itr. on o, t rn w a rd O I ) ap p rsn e l d b edit OJ F A r c - u y t 4 -L r ' n l k ir i~ 'Ihe ner-nt e-rilargc t h(% f-f.brt was Under Iined On 6 IWLuE~TV 1 }b when the~ trus~te-s 1°-u nsidere'1 a reque~st from the M iaxiii W% M4 of Itrle -fora duedg ri tkhe M iamni River "tx. bE. use i fr tI L' LQXI;;iqxi f Ali;gir~g ~ iAu. rk O I' Ll~ mbl ith 'V~g Ld1 %V-P~St t1fE+ thictv. %vith t LijC t 010 rvcLui icmI:g all the larnd Ix:ili.sible iii th [ is i 'I t.- he t rus es prom is to rovide the drdgcv if'thcy cuiul s.cll triU gi, land in 1ue~ vieiiaitv of NI aimi at a 4 vwo~~rice.* In .,trts t4 this Pledg. ,i a oUp of [Miami citizens atrce -A F bUV M0.00 .Wrts at 82 aWL acru. The, t sit 9 -aks rpriiuv u~ -.l l ::I1P3roatip, I Wte M~PA ar S nar Mimi to V [MLOlarge 'private invstors.'f2 In July 1908, WMIe tLhiS dt'a1 WagS al[I pendinig, JR_ P L vi >lr Springs agreE ti) hn bu abut~ 27,50 arcOflhLCHC lamBC at $'z, rrL acre Int add i- tkmi, L1wD °id the t :greeS ;igreed 3o C-OF c~tr-.L uncki-wkieh Daivri wa to. have a il'c-- .car ILeAI ir R u rm . -L Ofu2OXhar~ iIR1.liOf lhich he wour~hd w;,Cf lue rIn1 eriniie a v,~gdabc farmr and SrLI4~ar piI itatir anid did at Mi~r. IYA1m eXper ."L d r~iimag~k 4 i 1 to coume-t with the SflLIh Nl RIxeT C aaLc e itati,:ons jip'j1ovi rl t1W Oither Dade42 Cuntyv lands wterv finalIy 'rILVded Lim c .or & al]t r Cor- fort of New York City 1Iught 6,42 ares at $2 an ace. and the J. H.  Thcr Prckgrrslive Challene 10 T.. in Compay of M iacili t lk -l80ia cres of therLt~ +hII' t+ r!t~l] airif less desirable land fr a 1.25~ an acre." Evren I.I re thewe dealI'N wre ctmpIC ki the trU"t.te Ikjud d-uubkdi- their d r afi ) pnrain kb. COI- tr ting fo:r t~n ncwVF d rcdgv: , one to wiork r the Miami IEiger and the other on the Calor.%hat±h+ P F-13nin. ilto the Gtklfof Nev~kLn. RUE J~d 11 tCumuL~i i 1nra g.173idi1i'- 't1 t hegee b he.nIg -ILrpI durin~g the 1.411 of 1 . Charles A. S.'t of Miitgomerv Alamc, whko had prehase xtc r.siv t raits in the: Ever glades during the jefltunigs a mitii ration, n~~ proposed to take ov'er the whole drainage projet- He ok .rd. to build 1.0mikss Md ra; canals vulthin. ten gears: Ike recmjk1Le lie asked kr Th ° 1]~it th e 0aimd bind. When the trustees mjretcd this. pmpsal. he modilkd his~ offer to) &-4 fo~r 5i -p mveuL. and finally (]perew.rat. lint Jennings .ad- i dn sit xit-tri. rIkte Scoitt ~cpy aI ,f Rergued that 150 mile o 5al wxruld 1e imtdequamte to dr airs thte E-vrglades and that the c~ontra t wnld he. mmi-h Jnove 1)rofiLLPle to1 SN-tt thM~iri jO styteA "T1he trustee kdlow d junning' Ia.ivt buit tIlc vxpr scd more interest in a later proposal from the'Scott Eiilk. Oni 14 (5ki T 19. Clton -4:4-lt offered to putqrh:hs 1~9 m-1llorm ;awres o[-lirvi, He p)ro:misL{I tro )av $1 an aura and tO buILild a eupuDIFliv}W ivthr svstellu druii e aJ Ths,-Ie trty tes ;.lg'ree to OD) r C.11Mk';,t Cjr iti hbtiN if Th-je Sciitt purthas, -,,as n(,, cr rnfadc final, birit the* Broward J4)id iititio lip dEL -fa ; hug- landi kleF to ii lyd J_ HBolle or0nl- Urijjrlu pri. '00110 lwid run up iM ur I w mu. ,x vrik~Ju i1 ri neg -anmd ~regn frari Land. He, onIt red to Pn t[ miliintu O er the crm-L.e 4 o tigl t tears Fu~r 5041.000 'Acres of lad in the Evtrg st~ Thwe t ru L e- Prmi~ed1 to Put h~all'foff h e s moI.~n~neyj iri.a si .pial drainag p hin thiat wu-ulri te use'd to dig with ut delay five major -Arad t-VOe-od arv rdraina, e .aal.k T1e Bclk. dti w C vernor ;Bruw 's last blow fur lis °nuTa..U plugraim. NVhen he~ turned ove~r thec govcu u~rhip to Aflirt W Gil- 0h ri-s[ om3 n IIl'r' Jy 1N)~, only 1' 1.1 ile'x of Cal. mI 1.14l 1 eraii dli 1z' hut are ir'CTri1AL' [)T.'e~s~ had bxrin stt in )tLion. T1Iis was tru'i &-spite~ the f I tha;t~ nwHri:ly 4wd 5 lu~II ; St 4veef 1-pd r i I ®Q~1 Ief4 1 r ingr hi q kLL t ti LO' ik pi, Ur.A le tom rusk [OFr rt44-ctio nunIder tl1r, Fkirkb~ LnsttLion. lie had attemptell to wirui a se-a fin the U_ S. 5et!Lir. In ;k fold I--maixi I )r raIie p.r lac ~OiI t Inr May 194J8 he h i ~:i~1 first, bjut in the~ rEuff hLC had lost t~Dunc~an C. FIletcher, °th,: rcaiii ilate fav or l by th e ril rm iI d in t er f t g. A lthcw n 1i i ni th e ir y oiiw e r 1ya s B o wi r a n Fl e u r h d 1 e o it c l l i s t e at - 'd each other wava gely Luiiirng this fight. Vletcher i~ridemnried the gcv-  I i ' 4 - .9 I- - - - - - - I I ILV --w- c0 4 .i tT1 -- -- sf Kin *uffi 441 .s i B ; :g -o. _ .. ---- .Cs _ r.: ---- - -Iy _1 _ OW~I _'1 1 -1- iLs ,~ - {_ lI i 1 r-0 4,11 = -o ti _ -- - -- -s _ - - - - - - ° ° - a Of I  The Pr1 ;;w1 Ch ri ,km 10 t rnor for pe'r- i iog in hW5 d ainruge pro1gnnrJ despitae vo't ri 're"je- tion of thtu uorrm.itii. tonal 4krrieodmrrit. Aiordli g to Ieeirthe program hal cisa tweeny -StQ OI aL > $5()JC . ndr ha r - c-Imcd omly 12. OOO .vre~s -dried up miore. Iby d~rought tliA31 dramrg , 1r ward had pi1)miYed nevr gvve on f oI.n d 0.r oner dollar to tht- rtidir-u1b y4 , Fteither -i ald, h hkid t uriid~v~ a 1' :o tli tn 44), OW4 9m-t's of terlh aTL-d D~early Ai qLrttr Of a~ Million 4i do1har, Irn WeaI Replying t . these dharges, Bmoward deft-uded his~ kvlmenti with the rahil . As d Ind 4xn-me "°By these corip 1j-1ises we se the only land .amd the. only morney thaut havi,*t ev-r bre-ein saved ini thjis hknd. 1 Heh:i1f done' hiq hrest to draini the F.rgiad1e . The pmjct hd Hlrt- dy pi ed hev.0TrL ffiht Stt Of rtIr~ltLae SWAS~ emdidect frurr Cnrops he:7irig -gr-wn orn the reclaimed Lu-1d "a-9 wcll as by the intcrnst bhkh large~ w,'Wd %ve-a thy onpale~ engagL ted1r the ibeet sugar i i'Id1A 1 try, in th~ e~ tke Ln in the l an--10 Not Bwr choice for v enor, t khrist waik , i mr, -1nf o~ der- at vimvs. without A Stirung priOr Wfilirimeit to th~t driiiiagir proJ- graim After the election Bmoward t ~ hime on an inspection trip through rhi- Evergides and cinvin-Pd him -of th-e imprtrbnce ofIthe prof LtL ' Not olo')krful anid wioiin btit = Bwrd.vrx, CIkchr[t F01- howed a le's cxiting cou ir but -oicthat rstiltd in many mturtr miles ojf :-iijil ihk ad be-enr {1r. m~t d under rov The . n- pair son iS S Cm~Wha unibir, IiuweveT, hcaust' Brea-%vaard hIA to re'- Verse the rijilIiadd d41i nig~ted PtIiei i oFthe t-'re, whr--,u~ Cikhrisit mould tgahr adv t age of the miomcntumT Rchit vd thmugjt Isis pedu- During (lit Cil-uhist adiiilcms.triitivr the Ley figun- i driiiage mT1:tter, w~js james 0_ Wrgr :en engirneer fnum the U-S. Dep[;rt'- irit f uAgricu.Iture, V-ho ktdbeni tudviug the~ Evr~slhitk prub- lem Yin.: Nnv-q err r fXir. t at rho4 P.qI tstr if' fLwird to ad(Liko ithe state. Wr i.Lh1t F7 ~d bee wie La:j {j roaC a gimtnr rt t1 o er~rne" the MjV~gr L)b-h-L1 anmak4- "'-pa Lai d utk icdt[)t 01' aC- comp1ctV systii 4dr iL~aer~ge7 unej.~r his direction. sw v i iag v6rie ,--4ri'ie out ectrsiv wor- during~ the winte rr5' 1I rf) and 1908. From thle bginnr7I rg,. Wright acted niot -L a ie -tr-il e'xert 'hm it s tew~sr fr the Ir ILiila:ttin ~yorairm His Waigtuii Su ipriurS Scxacm [ld to reprimand him, for maing an irripriidlent s pierh to ~a Miatmi 313di- In a mtrrisge to thI.i idtLT datLNI 6i April 10 GLA-Cror Gil- christ incl kded 3 r on r fiii th i re port th;at %right wa-r4 -iil pr - puxiug.?aThese pr 1i iiar'' finkdin~ were h free ouragin~ to t1W Jr;iin~ig;1 1 leers. in pry ;ht's oversimnple aniy%k, emis.. wa.ter in the F K rgIad1 1-CM11ted Ailpy from the o erfllnw of Lake  108 _ L i~i rifi). '4tudor - rFate'' iht~t) I.awl~ Ukeehhb e i This iht be ]emedied r itlifr by bu.ilding -a gvat [E,ee arounrd the lo-wr prt f thwkC O~r by opening~ up -eiugk ha crnas to reduce the water of the lake to a manageable level. Ihe levee woul~d t -n exp r iiv and t oo mein~r, hut the 'r*4-wssry° a. na~ ciuld certwnk my bhuilt. Wright s.upplied ai mp 5ijrjfg q-ight :ci- nak-5 Fou~r ol the-ge rnLlowei rouighly the~ mu~tes -1re;', chiiei- hb Covernor Bmw ,rd four were new-- a Norfth Canal fluom Lke Okemhh . t L-&e Wnriih- ai H illhtm Caa ft r the .atr Ih e t Hil skoro 1TLI!l: a M iddlt Nw Rive rC~hma lwe ea the Oruiinal t-w: hind ;1 t fCanaI r n. tino with the~ remote Shark Rier and a p- tying intri the Gulf. In estimating~ that thee works could built for Lc5 than $2 million, Wright %v s Ikr ofthe mi, as t$Le later inancial hi~ctorv of the n~jet gravedl, Wright alsi t-xdkde ]Lopt-- that the pri-je cted vcaw umJould p °ide the 1 Tg-dUTr e4.-i~r croh_-Floridia wte'LyW. By divig~i the~ Caki atce .id Hills ar c~. 1rI Ini IMay 114J a joint l i~laI~v omhmitt~ .a n d N~ rVit~1 ' omrn"rditjns with imnthsiasn- It prrrmie rhP~ TeclaaThtio fl r thLt -its LL M9 ali Upn the ntrnepr A1111 .itz of the r j- nmaI- thant PIres 4-.Lt hllrixigh then " ti.3 Lakt e eh e7 The' ( -Offil'1n it- te urged tIime truste to "pus1 tl] 4~11 jii] s bd .itv the~ rhr pan the Gldes,1 an r ~Fi ril, l-et several P~f tbe (-a r' o .xirart to reliable, .- n sixlnlub-bidders." The vo ittee h ped that a - 4oJut poli k.> woluld le:id to ..L~a e id to rnaiLe Iart f tlhe =1-i~ ~vgh~ f"tie urn hL iujILg aq Pul i iiway [ron)] "vtain to gull'wi-ut w ill be tlhii' pride L-very LoridiLan and thEr wcinder of, the m orld.- T'h Ii-gl.Lkat " RN strtsn d the~ imIportauu~ L o the Florki ouast Line "arLRIl "T~Ire 2 tals : far uilt l a ve drin.ed v~ast aras Of 5YUarrIp lanid, Whk1-'h are~ now P lriIint vegeta1ble an~d fruits~ of v ar k).isis'i nds in larte qUkrLI~tI S. . . , W LO IuMPlo~eri the. v iinal sv" triN wtiuldH ville too Key VWeO. Ont- l a ic ol niiitrte urgti. federal ac~tio,u ho cping that a f-IeraI S.reyir than [n progress, wouldr~i .1t in -the. M:i 1Lti~ itiofn the. rightry 4h tu (;w11d Con p 3ny 11y iher, .krvtrri ithus makin it f c to~ the p.ubli.j md t hi culargcm-kcnt of the c~anal. ,nmId Hagal~m nsid- e .i rmI] s alonig the wlik c3I~S L.- Whbie legislt.ors dre incdL cfederal sugrpluIms. GnvfPrnor Gil- (:.l~e t had rn: - yrateh for the d II aktokeep four dredJges in o'1)ratuli.r In J,'une 190 the 'U. S- District Court for Soother Florida ha~d rilv-i that the; girl rl; t x wja. cot .~criti w the flohin Fel1irmi4rv the U.S. Circuliit Court Ltt New Orl s IkRd uphceld this derision by 4  Tt' Pr n gr 14k'e C.hALeng 109 two to-oe vote, But the big lndownerst still refuwse to pay ni -Aere? prcmparrin to take 16eir e-ase to the U_1S. Supre-me CoPurL In an a~Itt .Pt Lrt 9Pprrmi :O Gvrnu'ar (IAhrit ProPised that the la d o wncrs give up mlir appeaid and ag~t~u to -pa arr ua~gc pn thcw tax, in ret irrn hr which the Iraqi-Nive shomild redue thie t;,i~ firm f ra ts Althojugh this ~u egtiuni was Inot acted upocn, the two sides rcmuitd closer kpgethIr during 1909. The, big lan dvwntr s xwrr now :ru dy to pay o drainag., provided they Lproved the plansiwind pivite "x- trutdrs did the vwiAr. For thecir p G.t. verror pat ilelidt and hik fd2- k' tTLIste- were reaclr tG tor t
at f Er .kt$ i v r g ILI- the River,~ throughl- I thIi e .irki~, dri "-I1.~ ru -.s LAke OkeI'irrvw tt'. hiker STn~di]ng, a night at the B'lIks Hrj6U]. thcv". eNtrL4d thet newly corn- pleIed N orlh Nw Guna] .t . his point 1)13171 rl" i, I 4w Ir e C. morIiI34y mixe LLd thv wafirr fmm two Ccconujts, rC~ cu]]I tainin1g'.~k! ' wer  thusi uflkik~I Opei-d the -Gu~fdto.-At misi (Cana1,- the4 paty huggesd (town the rn; 1w -%vrkt4rww ay Fort 14uderddle foir rwr ktiv ities.' Impr e -cllviat they hindA-k'IL, thew re xrters sent er, thtihsii K, tErnies to their pay .rs- One wrote, "In ii . ]h i9Ia YLm silmpl~ ~ irnvetgai4n w r- sumed In a~pkt I rrr 1912 Wright re signid , vinpkdilrig that the aorde of bhie.-r nmspi ntor h; d phwed rl "rhe. etire proj- eaid evrcv cori wl t Lt,41 with iti i 'l-tIiglI.. -fI~ Ii vt Frh°,.1: , relevI to et illof .nt vesiAt ilthe trusrc-c-t rdered Fred C. El- liott, ne ot1his o ~'~in.d>e, torLk: )V-eTr; ti11g 1°i~r r-ief jih- 1. Mjihd 1914 the y appuit~ El iiti t0 the reltgutair sc~t. nVU 4JlC 1 h wr s<16stir-Ped to mctiipy foe a~n yars- Wrigiit kdl mrV,,*whffe t ;,r1 ii. piit1 nLwith (Ihe FUrst-Okir C rns~tnIiopn (cim11:3y, which u-;- The. anrgEr ii 4h sm21[ land: pure h r5 re~sultcd in at Ncr 5oflaw Coxptiiw [pfr the return 4i th eIr rney. At the trial in~ Kansas Cite WitnrCNi:tU testified that (he -oill .ini ha'.I uiiittr 12, O flr)'cLj halders to p~k ets totaling S2~.~O$.5million inore t6lul Boll~es had lid for th(! [an~d. T1c [ed:1tral L druit coi idgr rtkd that Bolles migh~t loo~ $14Ililli un -Jre-d ® paid t~ h~m hut that 17 .old s eive. nn mor' Until ihIe PrOM [ISC-1 "Islamitin was cor - pluted." III. the.r C--W Lbr U. S. Dr t~par-mnt Of J u V ix ~'ht to hmve &les ,1 bm hip tic] ~nked 'rinfiJ vhrge f q fkr Lori irig to usc lte rr -ilib to defra~ud h l iter ir s i rag tie mnaiks to (.:ondLwcr a lottery In April 1,14a. federal L.%;rn mij e~ar dis- Ttist'd the first inidkc- a rnt on the~ rouetni hat t1e evi e ~e s.h °e noU friminaI iintenL The secnnd indidhuwnt re incd ini ibree but tIes neve~r came to tii.. ' T . --I mr neu vevri r dIeld the- ja~, a~nd on 25 Maurtli 1917 thv proiiio-r .UEL're ii A fl dStFUke .iibuird Flordak East Cwiit R~ai ad train trav~eling fmom Pal~m B3each to CI F ebruav 114 a Ivdcra1 court in Kansoas City tricd Dr. E. _. vv~nimerit claimcd thatL C11iiibers had purui - d 5Q,(J)X- rvsrq4 k])Iiri iw4c, H'1 rid~ Lmd l or $'1 1 11 An ' rie a1iid .C'ld itfrS0t1$1~ w idenpitu the fact that it vua unfit for cultiatkion Ttttiing fur t1e  1 20 Land ird;) '4 r t ,t into Lard. defeii , Governch'r r nael] arid o hvr state cifficialsi insistd thatr th land would evenf 1LI'yh~d ,urkid. ~N eve rihele.s. the jugr' fowiJd th mn guilivt), ad the. Lde irnpose pri w snte "es, bit the sen- tTHV _!ecndI -wte nee served.~ TUP 5LC.eqXO 1 i~s anm rho ilber. i~n evadinhg pri sr~rm de iirU)[k- nstrates not oily thue skill u'tlivir lai%-yers but the c~plexity ci h ise In a rikg .heir lar e S~les (hie (IF t Were acniin. gord fat t ause they carlv it-ndcd to drain t.~ Ev rgI3&, h.ut they 1i i c tro realizeta iLt-PIt ~1r~t i r n 0Id kh korth. But~ the dra iae af1 s wee .al ~ys e.Irngeris to mavigate, and by I M the. Nortlh Ne~w Biver Cari was so educed with SJk tl at s~tair b'iat s .o.ould th long er usE it. Nic while, the opennuu1" k ol NV'~ Wst Parr B ;h O anal in 1917 had. prcidd anther tras rb~t ion m uk, but It hd the sa4mnw. limit atong xts thie carlier -upnr s-h- M'ami Cna was tftm lorig and slulu to brusefuir nt .avigation. r:MjiL l mI~~. Aklllibii J Ii'lL .1 Iki VI CIu!A i II1AuIAUIh'11 114, '1 iI-iUlI rtii 1I1 '1 V1 it i s began to remh tl regk nn in 11-15 whe ln thekc13 ra E (,4X 0h bilk A_ brah line? to Okeechobjee CI L%' a nee t~w df 1 fi awdoC 1) lW i ihe® N~ra' IM~ I jd C-inp }°_. In 1918 the Aikn t iv C OR-I Line, the~ old Plant SskrIelt oKi ed a line Conmn-ettig P'o ri iM i-rs with cir re 1-1 er I t si -%qnt yei- both raiiJruad etrcijt thAdr trck i htH FNr i al East CA1"I+v Ca ~I Poink in 1925 -11d Bi~Ip Cla&e in 192'S: the~ Atlantic xt:tLiie built dowtn vuCev'tch kr 1921; and it t~I he aw raE-rcacds et at LIae lLij-b r at tlwIt uut ern Itud ofihe take." Iven. rn ior irn ati w° t i opcning of the r!ugin T]) toau-  130 Lohd Info Xi ra?-it'rrr i ntcad lialm J. ("Fir '") improlI~API c-krater said to have Ilveii the i3JSi~pri4tiuI fvqjr j.ig iu (-vrgr NI ILWILLs winie~ stip "ringing Up Faihe-2ri After vmAldug a IrtUlle OT the'BuI irhQ, Ne Work. wate rat, C&-iners inlov4,c'dt P0 on and instwesrd heavily in land nea Lke Ok cIcIbe.rr tblr to attrad customers Ikeause of' the prwir trA~hn spnkn Connrwrs ohtai a~ thec Permission of the le is]tur~ tO 101'ild A piftte till i~d fr'r West F.l m Beach th the lakc-_ CompLc~tcd in 1 j), the 52-miLe hi iA aN cot Connrsi 91. 8 IMilionll but liRm~ihi huirr rTvl retUrm. b1tiIl tORS artl dU land Saes FrrLr - iprk i1g o' livid I 1ww tig riciiA ltil b11i 1* r1 in the r- i)4'liticki,-rmX.411 31 isiid :N~ nn 7;r,14.1 I'i h;W' i E m1nIILwk i'Akwr t than tht" %LIIL". ol thC, NI-%, 1h1.L crlv sctt'rN I"puiid Eliut it lwd trwa]] i reIto 'rt.i es Thin a -s d if -N.-1t To Alv tidl I-rer-; with the pln"I.;x mitt the firs~t planting "I'R' 1 ikelv.b t.-I Fid t 'lhumi ]pklik t Ilw i idi'~ ip Or wlit iIi re v wid J IAk. Thc. mu4- had to h~r PI Lrge4-d iif it', tdFisi r.L nCSL's1P Iw lfr;ii 1 rulu ci upacrLl{ a iii e u~ a'Lu Lhi Eg for healhy gruwfvll. The U_. S Dtl.pLvtm-eiid of Ag1i vb11t.lIfr h;-d ) inted1 o0t11 Hom LItE t C IN prohI r !~ C. G. Elhiutt{: TV13<,rt uF19I4 wii in 115 h d i J. mr I ra~.t i~14 A4rh, tfithr cYIi brih;LII k dxiinevii mp h hsiz E Err Ibeddll)tvuflX'ojqr{'pairlgI.r theV Ni lI-ariLd 'L'airwliigl that fw't dar~iiw a m. i L'Flpi E7II?: .I t i5I-, rh1I hif]i Es hi-ii, untric-d kr agricUlILITC ndL 111.71j la I p;art i itAill umirdvr veLttr Lthat Y . i-I b4g l 2 i to th e citiz ens~ f Flr t LA I d~rltk ;.j1rd h t rI.)J ir- l t~ that tl v Iy nFi erd all ava:labl C1pies oil the rvpu4I-t to a public rj fin rv But it mi~dc more cn.c t41 s Ac the .intEsts< *vine. than to burm up their filwlirigs. As t-arly 'a 1913 38-ens~ Tramirmell taIkLd the legislate to estaisih an expe!rimn~n tal Station hi- s.ty thC- P"Ccli r quatiies of E .rgIlidei Lmil, Iur the Iawrria kers took m)~ .Kti'i~ unt~il 1921 whrc tl3CV irdcrnd. Lt L FF tristt s to sc-t asid not lers than ti60 - s 4rnd to~ --ppkpriiv t~ 10,1(00 a yea r fcor t w., yei rs and $.,OCN} -a yeitr th Lft - Iqnr i tli paUrpiX.) Th} State~ trerv~ Was ordered to mratalhthwscontribhtinn 1Ax.:, oated at Help, G1Ad e, the Ev eigl de Fi , rl mti statiomi A~ 'ri Pri~din~ valuabe advicc on ft--liizc-r% anid rw-in mmnag ecnt. Duuing the 1O9205 the "s. a Mond L Ake O1Aef-p vihp vvega ii it lami wea br the! bu rri er ips that tht' promotc- CTe 11111 Pramisd. 'in the atoui:;hmnn tff ne -.m. -r, , 0die; r 41,gbw1es r mek w oilId bum.~ Din rg dry seasons any EliShap -a 11011 OF I gh trniuag,, -anL in -  '1gl ]14-fA l. ) Iea 1 doc.)l' e-Inp fire, tiah (wErw~ Iiki~rmAe - mII i hst NN'tl IPe1.1 Ii;wt W 0,13d C1-11umcU not 0nl 1 the X rawrs but the Sri l U IL n'LT~~th stir: depth ioo o~r two feet® S . riuim, 1~. I pr"Id han rh 11 1.419 Wt~he IegisIaturu mik it a uiisd t.CLIarr puL~nishab V by ;x fO ine or° six 4A1Lr'i i)) it Gre ' jtiii 1 h4l Ivg~d- m)-i~agtiD it 1.4y, MFJ5 i Live was~ s0LferI1t-: pe..dties were L'm'cre.,d tu a $5,X fi or one yi-Li g in at e [i e~o~r.iet]hgTdw~ dlrying out- I[nd.e. it sic rned r hat mone secii ms ,vcrc- ovrrdrarinet 41. .id in neM O' irgidti ki, AlIn 1 c;h-i-nlI~kand dR 1v.w." 1 driul*ltd ti WW irm i he surplus %water, a Sh~ift h] (he )VI.-tlhlr l~ diwi1q, rt-1r Red LkC-d Ilooding vin the rtgicm Atrni1.1nd 1a~ k-c . b.efcnhi 7N L r t4.d 1 e Settlers. Bet% ' 1 {20 :Arid 1U42T dk r5th i 1.LI36 r c Utirilm~k ind tile pVuLLWrIF d the Evcrglude , DruiIIItgtC District both iiuu- Marky I.{-tors con~trriutcd k(t}hI!. kicmi: nrmurrv drah ,r~ TT[a rail-. newiii hi ]hw wii w inp~ giikkVll rLtimr il methi~4'd: E-Srl vial [.rmrkicmrrt Wu the rvgion!.i grnwtlm Wei the CX])i in t~lme -;ugar industry. t- rn6;Liiation ur0f nOtht-r 33iicnl drc-wii. Tlw . r~iest p ry pnnen tts I qi f drniaIg theq~ k rlij- 11;4. 4kr gued .IL I t]uite, 801I ELTLd CliU lAtC wre idteu. kir M~uwir pl1autatiuuoi Diiring~ (Ile I~ JI wi Ilton Disstn h;- A givwn (:ane ar'id opwerd I a tg;Miw m[ l1 A St CLGaud ntear Kii; 3nrrm , find t1.e U. SD artmn vi r O .AgrLvu Lure,  L32 Lwnd inir 1rV iae-Wa icr-. ftim n id I }IrtI1.6q II'I . ! r.Iqh LI, P~f FId 1-11ii I .ipi K II iILf :IL S4II 1!'1'jL4 C2lEirYqgIv I IF I Iu Wi.. of tb&1 i'IV.. J°IA.11i1LLIL AI. 'l K~ had -Pstahlished a M-ire pi ri mnbi Eirm rwarhy. Results we-PT. . ~Ik~ e i hut isston p)l~I.mgn km to deeply lod st heiwiv"L onl is sugaEr rip rtirnis_ In 1915 ihk Southern Staus Larni ad Ti.fxr CO 1p11t-nw I an -ii 4perrrlren i plan tlrmgs o ugar at C.anral P ' t LT 3n ffiv region i-I~ o L kr f tchnohcc. In 192 the LU.S. Dcpart- iieni [ oAgr:k .i Jriv v_%( ehbi-;hd -. ca i-i hreedin:l g station .at (a%'L[ Point, where it develap r threc im rLrffi new disc- : i tmt T1142 F T, s.ugar p~ig in. mdxr d l rpidly, Thae Moijre Havctn S « gr Cnrporati n, which operued a small] mit I in 1(32l i lied withi -L1: few years, but the Floria S tgar :LTd F t - Frod cts Co i ipui~ which built a plant near Canal pit in 1fY23, waus a major promcitinn. Fra~nk Wir Brijt, 4vm Emgih enigiu4 ur who hailtped to devekop the city oftLikc WVorth, pmvkidvd th-P drjng fr . FRmunnirg iiito 6i- rjr'c~ j.mle ryn r'rgwzd his entIf-pri d thes SouitIeier SUk'.cf CtnnganyIV He t- :u~Kt out hb principal cirrpcdiDT, thc ]Penn-  Thi~ n fTrlaubW 1;~ $1,500,000 sugar mill built akpng the t N1"o (C-a-Ld In W2.5 still mre masterfu i gire, Bmr G_ D ,lb .rg, 'wciLoh-1~N pr~idnt LX Ah~c~k lauiiiompui y o~fChicago, C~Affe on~to the seene, Needing tsmmgraan residuie for maa lin waillxird. aol Dh h uht Vn(tm.l r th-e Soutierb S'upr Corgipig 1y vid ir vk Br'1ait Vi to the new 1m-an :410t'lii~t-. DA ll*T 1 ergn'(ve t1te Pen.usy lti ia~ Sugar 0 Ci ia n ' mill to the ncw hjwn of Kc k-isttin on thu southwest shore of LAke O .ho and thiLi became the center of a rapidly expanding a - r'ultura emnpire. In 19R29 the Southert Suigar (npi plT~ywain repu t-,d to in. 13,XM acres Of land, 11SOI acres was do votc d to SUIrr- eIAlie, grid rieri~4r n4 th lke- U.- JLI 4 a djrdair ix Iji~timn w.s-'~ Tl1 pircn ijrt li er troubltlrr Lm irgjades Draillnag-{ Di-ft i{' had L7 rIin"ir. I k i l Iiii ti :...i . _ LW i. I : L ".L [iI HL 4 ~ 1i~u 1irisai 7 l I 4nV is ~L. L>'o . ". i rw ivk:.alpp d'ri li1 ka.1f I ' it nii. I i °I'I.r .t I yh : ' tn'L; iir i dbhu lti t .l i i 1 II ..  13b Lwnd hi1r~ W~it'r-W~rkr jr~W L4~rd built a dike o ~irkiAd anid s .md airound the ~iutliern end of thi l aka from Bascom Point toi MAon Haven1 shorm 47 milps. Rutc the te hair er was only five to~ ninae heet high -ard about 4I} l -pt th it the b w &ten upon bythe }Iu w, ct of 19265, it was worse thwxj use- sess, The water of the lake piled ups th iid the frail s truet" re an~d then brokeC through,. bringing death o~r inj~ury to rrmore. than-400 pe~k n me 1,) sr ivors had to 1.11 fe cuareiil from~ Mooxre -ia . ° ell, Where the 31-Mill streets :5Were Still urie }ktvr three wteeks ftetr the storrn. The dk; str res1lIalefd in sitter rfti-.iFsn Qf C.Vet-114 M, r- tir Lrrd State En;is j r Elliot: the~ friiier wa, blamied furn cudtu- tiny; the Rcd Crs rlicfef . ' . [he latter for conribmUtirig tri the tragedy I-y tn smrariagin the draLrrage works. For wet- :. before t}te hurriine.. -a4shbor rcesidents had fi.-n warning thit the rak ha re t hed a la rgeM L 1Y h igh Le I, b ut . nats off[-iali f;iti -d to r a e o l h a l t of i rs} b --t 0 I~u; t " e n the onfli'atin dwiernana iA' he riom; h.tids barmer livng -rr l t 0klicbee -waii ted. a low 3% Level to Eire,-,L-r t flood Iug, but the fk i wivernmerit iA in sistcd on a level high enough to mept th needs k o Ixat e57 wad [l-shLeiie. FarmIter-, ]iln rg onr thle lower :e ahes dthe cnls3t~I ha :alp,:: oibi-ckd to the r-elaj oftc' much water h1c-ausie they wre aiFrid l h it woulid owerl~ h ak n ang rop,° RHiteriv -Nrded c, 1r t~w, Moor l~x~aen iisaste r, the stite 0lfl 4ea1s held (A (Jet~ehok~to A lown lev-1 dlurinig suabse1quecIkt suim- r In thie early sum Ir di 1~y2 the ake :tfwjd at nI 1 fpei abowe ...a level, to the di~u ths f Ie Ixatmrt~i. 13uL thi& eaks ilot lo c trrgh kn prevent [he grat . t di~SXter of Ill During ,kAgiist and Setemrn rai n fell almost col tiniuusy.I k IAn~ up wau r in the take Lagecr than the drainage sanchtuld cairry it of. And thene onth might ofr16 $ ~r~nhr a ntiher hurrik-e blaste~d -a path ofdestrav' tiTL fnurrh Wrest Pianti &ech c~ross the pninsuka The churning wa- tersi of Lald Okeechohcc pounded thrugh the fragile earth dike~ and i ri dat ll]k Gladt aid the~ whole south sh~i're, As hust mird buildings tumbled th ugh the dluge, su nany pe wer- s wept to theirdah that -anr accurate -oun t w{ts in-possible. k][ef -.or ors had to pile the Imie lik~e cordw'xoi and burn them in In- ifke _ It c,.,triYat J thinkt 1.0,1where betwe.12r 1 LtX) aid 2.000 oplc-th rrr--q aerg of them, b acs lahuorers-last their lives" Th [54w ns O ne ff b otthe M arti x11rin i..t I r don Ever S M1- e toxok Uw~e in January 1925. t[h' governor had 4eD strugglingwith thec tangtded financeoffthe recram~tyation pr 'grm. The Ev -rgkdes Dnr[i kagv DlCito had RI rV d , i: Led botrid. ia.iiOUI'tiiig  Maw of T° hlem 137 to $10, 75Ox ,O and wat'S authtiriz7td N 'ISue $.; million more.i, Bust the neW MY c-u no~ t -heSOld POtenldaI pw hiler S.elrtK rtld of bfy the prof ct s haling pmgesi ;md tlw slow growth of the- popula- tion. Froperty in~ the distr wt wyasi iesstl atI unl $15 milIo~n. Nat wfily ihrv Dry g{- Di "ti bonds huit alt Fko -i to "s were 1e. coming sus . t. Winthe" lgislature met in the spring off" 1 , the gov1ernor pirtesnted aplan rr rdfinancdng tb~ i~ak-c Lnclil_1 4 jd vi FE!m pri fw1r , h11it th e l 7 eak rs rv.j eted it. In ordt-r # ca= yuit the 4111 Ntr udi 1 contrats %ignud 6y the rcdn miLtaiu, Govurnor Martn had to' -.-rtchI up j)'1]Wy *L%, #r vrr lie~ ctuld. The Drainage Jet rap hmwed $00X0 li-nm the I tii nt IM 1U I- mrwnt Fund ard gave I1to th i tti~ 1ractors fear to0,C~ 1 kEe th w rk .go3ig Ili rOLgh 1925 anud 1926~ % 111 --ii a TrIT . 11a .ItIr thul L! ts Iiur1 i iiin l ~r '4 iId 6lp ,%m 1.1111] Iiii %i I1 ml A ~rt- pii&~ up W411h Irefn~~. Ini h i"" j-riI1i m 'rd t iq1Ii . 14=j hL J M~1Ii ' . Ad1i t- tratil w±.i kLttmd by { k-,hitt!'r C-ritiisUm aIL hI fi l hLrTiCA11' ~ i 2. )Ii 1~ (1ktIl r 19~26 the vtr1. r CV frnH Lttd an augn-v gruup o Eves rtLd~ LLahy. hdCE1wrS Lfn %VC- Pa[Fm I-L'L( >r"Nartiri provkLed ai pIaiintiv~ de. riftk. 1011 his iir*~a I ii: "is)t;'i~ Wqij St~ind ini th I co ditkm with' this grea~t mion L' M I~-rhn1tin'g uLi Wit]] no func to c-arry it On, in~ &ht to E-Ve~t- 500Mkro~[m which° xf w(a~ld bormow Pl-y, ivitliu-ui l a iilArk t to sell htrnds in, wit h1r uurnutes given to ivrntra ctors% t{M .eL4Et 71P time wtirk. and Ltw noktCS{X r1-1 ilg -A LL and %10th ftema t an111d du.tV, inaibilitV, iIM-ItN~R~p~~I%b t nU iukof &resight_ atrid evry ulhcr thing that can be th~llLght 4!'~ '1111 gci' 'qwr w;,rnvti I ihi~ I1 djhdI '"sanl :and .iensihbk I f - 4 C1-0~r1",.tH i" wOM Lq I a1npi-d j4tid - k.i :d~ hav the wo rk [jg4ZCthr.TI  1,14 j amf bl Err itiHI"T- WJr"'I- i tvfj to iris{ the President Drftke P enSVIania SUgir C01iiip.- IVtr RI Ah itts.r 10- t fr tO~ M aTin blarnnt~. shtat' LIn m~nianageietit cif the drein~ie Furrari] iiyr nircig the iiti r -, ts of his yeiriitiir HFor LteiitV- f~Ihr yelr 1-1f Ow 17011 f"Atir:g on dli. ti.r Milhnns have ben r] ~it, mnd wt h rio r . u4t "t 'Et jll impo t nt Iiidigriotinn rmeetihg, ReAUy. ixn't it tiimp that~ mim other -Lc-- are Considicrcd3 that may at nc~ver riclalim, the Glades, }w- insisted; dyking and puniping wo~uld hi v.e ~sY'~ $Other lard Pk4wner + wee. dYminirg MrV~wA1i7iAti nof rh ELTgla&s Drairnag District Board -Lf COIIS~orn In ~rder vi, redc t41 tiei11 la i'l -C iei I~r, , r P0 pii~an i;: 1N ( tr-m]' r powe~r tit rcnpr,-sntativcs if the dlistii't 11, I ri Cg~ th- -e~aliy mrtIC-kl: nf1 th v ernr ttpmpted to en t his way t or'this inniij CL1Ju.113kC Chi4rrg r -4.'r FredJ C. El] mt t pu- I ishd a rnpcrt i-aeulatf.i tit ri:Atru the'tr L) oEthe Lnkers- Pointing out thait th1w Drai IIgp Ditriv t had rIV-L." I fi rlk I t1, m +_ itw ,h oL']ig i- t]{ s to hodhl'dc-rs, lit sxc{ tifrth) prt~p1'.SL~is{? i~dit k mil warks that wA AIm i el:4m M~ m rrilliorm 4 rs iji~ar[dE, he a t~i wourld he riL5 R011,1bkt this kvoidi not be L--L ss i vc. Fiur anm -xjditue of $15.48 Pvei'~ aigi-hI LT-Arl LIrd WOrth $50 to~ 5N pier irar would lix creaited. a With I!htI- }relp 4' Si Dira-i:. W firld, preirt t f the cea- hnxtrd Akir i,%r Ftilroad,, Gew rmr Martir w~ ahIl tip nrl (iAar Cd Al %V0im1tw New YbAr1: nirkg F~ri irms, Pidlod & (:[mrpiI andi l dhidlgi & tCnmpanyr. 11' t hc Florida Legislators wudpt enmablinmg 11AwS, the bianIer-s immljii d to pur 1a1e Lal.1r1 k o .EverL kdes Drainage District htmids up to a total of $2) million.7" In a s d~al. 11rMeg to thet latl~ure , Nt rI %Aid that (his iirk,ijraig- nicnt would ".setle fiwevcr the iluc-sti.n 44 ilnane , not tarin p the State ff Iliwki l penn r 'li h~w~L pri iiaptlyv aiithouizd $2 in ilion in h.urrdI, re'ris-d the Ii' C dule O, IdrALriim Le S, an~d t~rni pwere the r. id oiCrriG k,, io~ners to levy 40 a valnr r" tx; oJnl ineal est tc- in the district2" The. Martin~ xc~minixr,3tion ;I -i ohtafwnrd of fivilrhl report frm tme Ev-L r 1 l ds D}rai°nalt~c Buard of Revi ,u 1 i thrv ide- peide.nt t~pv rt5s ef to t~a rnne th , ork n .4i~dy floi+i, ;ar- to ina ke r . mnniue ld ition, The and of Revsw- iip~~~ t hiii e" 4 r~udr for a phlr nf pri rssv draim that wou~ld re-claimn onr sUt on at a timl - F'll theUII 1.4':1W~ Lmi.dit fute, it . O' l ]ied1 comlelr thir ti, LW.i ' (2 a :l. ,t Lr+!?r KtheTh ri]]; time La kee cliolkvi Ievemn'. Lind dJ i~i ing rho eN i ig 1L . Afteri that, it called [nr mew 41nieri;.] QiI'L] I ruriinge-ast nrdl west, and s paed at int -pals of sb to .h }r  Ti mi o e4~n uh -.g 1.3 i [[c-s as ncv ss ir',' r the most cconjmiC;Ll pmOVi.i 1 if$ rcxb r nt I t5 Fair the~ deveIopjrr of t1' E-v,-1~.t4.L& IwudSC Tlww rer ~- mer t" ns~ LCI~ntrattd on ri-, eirh: or~d~ad potled inefnit~Iy Clw recIiwaIL of d' Iw r hPr~vsri 1 parr1, Thrt Botr . Rc'ViLr iindinr diIfiT-A in smu det~aiIs frin1 Fihori' pl~ir ld e~s (~)n I1 MTFy 11127 theu g vrIorbI]LQLICIV t~twc the New 14rk hank- ci k ad purdwxsd $11 millicon wrth' ofthe newly t utb i wizd Ixiinds 77d .gee 147 i;Lfuiur1 S ,sit unitil t}i work Nwa~i c ..plted. ~ mIiwklih of t~t s gTrLat "m~L nwansth much tou wh Stat, -of Florida, -~ h-e said, -and its iccii is now a~1L7re{pl.. B~uc the pwivha~ ' n i u,'wAS AREA iDAMA~IEI i i La II" 0KA~cYQBg *u ~ k II AMlA IDMAEC DI AkEA DAMHE D1 I I kI °ri iI HI i . a Imp WIL I ~ I !,.. .~ .1I 1J2'I 1ImrrKf 1 . r in .  144~ 4r4rn4 jr~4J WoI~rr-Wrdfrr ink'~ Dm4 riot to be Ltrbing unless the Florida 8 hipvere C-mre deided that the rcent lams p~ssE~d by the kegisliiture "vre id and crntiti tltni.~LTm Over the next year opponents of tenwarrangements tied rip the state in ,i str itiaf-kt I [tlga ionk The Phorida; Supree Court iup icl the validit or'the bnd issuL'% but th, Cd Lreal c-ourts were not s ac-nr ~mmidati-1g in 1- t ;ri601)igh h ~~y Sji ire. IKoik & Coin1i3y, wlkh 1ILd 1. Lri OIauKilg Evergldeg draiML t~ cirri !IW7- Ti~ Tolediu firm co tpndecd rha t Ohiw. , nil i. sii- 1L~ t1ed th ir r j Ei i idelr tht atlier rontrrid Without wt-aitinig fpr tdiout CmmC UDfthiI V:_.9 Vs~rnor Miirt.n tried t-, foac tihe isu by ddiv- eriuC the dispute kirjdsk to the New York groupliv but he 00as thwarted by Nalth -May'o. the vmmissi-:.n(Lr f~,agricuit r who r- f' -Wd 11Ioii nh r Officials in sip i .g the setu r ies- r blow w folbwed by the isisuaince a federal crnirt i nrtn n forhidding the Thau, by the~ timer ci 1 h' IIIIe of 1.928, tlie Mte's& rehantion 131it ri " -d- 1wheily in del- tnw mi Cu111 boriiw 1t inw ore monle. All rccmjamticpn -work had come, to) a balL- !'ior and 1114F4'. landowners., di .iusted aind hrmkp, we:req iirf~~sig to [xxr dnii-age I;ixe<<. By the sinmrmr of 1929k thce uarrueiurs had mo ud to $3 mion-"H Dring the (,,vat DepreSio i: hie P)rAiimge D i Or ickt -..lkk sill dee v Into1 th.s ficir idl q i1iit[ Unes I ew murla~ uf ]1,!11# v itt uk 1~ f ), Lndl. th~ rri .-1 re -!lim inig t~ E trgl.AL- x~ ia ht!rd.  7 Tapping the Federal Treasury The great hurricane of 90-6 compellcd Floria politicians tt Ca ~infuI riiy Conri ed , that the state would tri-oisformx %wk; rnl i ts int f- erie iefI, t{i sd off;- rs hail rovefcI into thre Lilk O keei~ob region anid capitAlist k- Ad Iaeste. il lions of dollars in sugar fir ds and ctkhe ran3iLrl~e. Yet the! state's $18 mill'o ex~penditure C [r Cud'als and levees had beein rsuffini~t to !a~vv! thenL peaople fnrorrr r Tob Prvet f'uture floods and fflmkj) r tt r' re!- l aiatirnn wr, cngince{rs nw tsti to d that same m2 mill ion cimure would hav r e spent. Hut the V verglades Iirainag D~istrict was; p rlzd. It could not nollect the drainagc taxes; it could n~ot krruw money, it could not meet the pad'ymen r s on its "4n5s.. Confrnkcd by this situation, Floridai authorities apv]ed tu ConT- resfor fedelr 4I 4%id, IT 4in o1g 500, they were actinrg in keeping with a tra~dition as old a% Flrd ~xl aics . The terl-Ou 's Ilrst repre. i .. atives bn Coingr e had sought f &ra] doLas for harbors, lig ht-, h i h -ays, a rid 4 c Amas fte r state'hcodWJ' 'wsci . , Jlrid~a sc~natr and rcp a nw~tivcs regulary flIed billss~k LAng c1Jltrflc- tion of fedr l buildings and rn[Ilit r y ind naval Fake , improV4.:Went of riersi and tarlxr-m, ard. surT-%cy for projcuti4J carvaIs. 'Thlis. w~ InLU, ,f r1. M pihr~ peculiar to Florida policians. 1--,Vs tors frm alt thc states Ixxisd akmut how mudi fe~deral Tmonry thtw hadl ] en aile to win for prof rds withini their owr districts. Sinc-4 they all lhad sIimrilar nieeds. tIey la1Iv suppv.-ted eaidh other's p etprupls, But the pwir-ha .l politics of th1e nineteenth ('01I t my haLi oper- t iaeh of the Jay-. It ws indijutmbly within the power of Cungrs to build psi Off ,e stabhl h Elfily ~d naV.lha1~ arid dredge rive" And hiwbon~, But coju L Cnrvss apprtpriau r rime} fir irri- gation works, iActi*;ci- pwr- plnts, IQoWd Cotr I proje. t m al i for the utM~r.uk1yed? &fojr 19 musXlf i' kgslaturs would hwv-. said 141  142 1in irilr) I 024'-- JP1 eir ( oLj1 fib (hrng the -diiy. ri 'Ih lre R -ovelt aInd Wr~m Wion they wold. lL I-jvte Saddl F-ryI z duiring the~ Jays of F r-.nklin Rcwisvelt they ere 3eady t sy YeS ThIs Wiiherng ~wy rail tuv ld wxi1L!titu- Siiwnd 5cripIe is tnt pricukIrly iln . As --arly as 17191 Alexan- dtCr HEnJII I.ttr11d s--r tl~e p ~den~t by :I l i i g tl-atr M~grs m't hiue ie power tO eharter a bank h<-c auc theL new gotvemmrrent UV~etId '.,ew Spa Ibadly, Thr afte:1 wh rF af~p er:"i th te: , it ho-.-4ne be ouiitted tp o find ths nece ry jxwo'r. in ffhk Cn~titUr -n The new~ -VCmcunt in theC 1,tkc 0n~ iL th l em~~dn~ of Am.i rl. l ik-, lwith -e[-nmm 11-1 ridk ;( emotionil_ Lo-alI crs;t.s" u-,nt h wVe-.s th-Dusads Of mik S'W twy. D)U~t StOTHIii [ik Ok~ith'.3mn4 S hr e- 4c-nj-jxr p--wevry in Mississippi, and l4-n Iiihr-. in Miehigr brouqh t inju " us~ LN::n'E. lctl'I to[ml g1Din rI ait-r- sttus, Tie ILN-id ,£rLke oft i 1%vetitlh x-41 ' ury heUatn o SIi l iar~ kTIcaI r~lincw to handle., Lju -IA~itii appeAed toi ihcil or ecause that was wh 'r- the money was. Whd the states clung sttbmix-nIly to Lkn- tiq t td tx sytes the fed-eraI go~vernent derived tlh- g'e.,to r p,.rt a its rvE- nIE' fmmr pe rsondl ad C4.3°rWit- income Laxu%, the only as rc* se d-:s ti 1ed to e -qxLrnd Wktj h k-he Pj rapid tiriaiiltioii o~f the cvuuntry. Alit when kisIAt~r: felt it i-es -ry to s .nd m'rie m-rriwty than the U--S- Tri;-.rry took in, they did Wu, co-::nfdent (hat thcu gov vmunt COUld lrIJITF. enough) JjiboeV to 1_1131,4r the. T}Lw-At [pattnM1SOf4 3 ~ini -arie cowmrno alti 414Lme4 01. F1-i1)i 1 Powvedt an d tu Neq.w Dall , but qevvnts wern" mwvjnq in th is direC- tion well bt-k4re 1933" A- trlv a& Dx ern tr 1W2s t'i ij a Conr- gre~ma Herhewrr Drone hegan. tn push fir federail h elp in 4kedinn with- hri state"" floxd pmhblem- Shocked by aninspection it-OU of' the I1 )ded fields and Lae kL N IA~br -u, lhe uitroduced a bill prm- vidirng for a survey tori~e -L-Lxtherv a 4l{.apening of the Cxi- I t r Ier, I4-a :LC:Aia~ migl-t -,,vrvq the rnc d- not onl of navi tion but vl'4 w Ixc mtwru, At firI Drane had ia hIArd ttnnev. Conrs aPpmpited S1IJ)( Zi fr suchll a study, hut the Army Corps of E-n- gineers it i0i s ifIici nt- S 31MiW1-qiently Cnngress auth43rizc.d a xpwenditu rv 04OOO.but the Li-irp-. AltLegedk hoislad the prot- ji ®l At all t eents i t still brad -not re.rted when the MIoore H~a,.:en disaster of 1r26 shocked] the Lcount %. Even ufter thaWt the rorpN re- pert of F~ebruary M27 recomme3n .Lded noidvral action L Cunp1res6 is Sufficietl1y iTTrprie: SeJ by Florid&S Lr'ules to pass aSP(ecial Fill ;ojth-iiizing a more comprda ienltivef Iid- . ntrnI1 st-1frIy ofthe regin-. T13is time tlie ur t mA it. aNiIgIjnr. rnre O.Seriou~sly. Itird todce~  Tappin.- the F ckRi 'ICL4'4L-, 143 pub~ic hiearinigs lfi the tle IOWNc nd wt n 9~ April 1~2t N1 j G Trn Rd.'r judwtn, cief ofthe Arm~y &Irp9 o Egin r5 lI! ai1 !i1 ilkd his renend ionsm t' ~ongress, jades n as Mill highly m nsrvtibvF: -U n til fhtc re su u re e l in ter .t ! iind tlkv S i~ e 4 F l or id a v ve-fie i -' 'h w t d il p i i n 1 w .Y rt x , h i. o d it s K l i e thakt 1-1c4)ir din 4inild Ixm~en irn this ri! Iq-ct unrIsN it is inj direc culnrknx.h tvi tl t11k i9Ltio.n_ "' hlmii t!ILiyi rt stLrL at b [Found iLt ?xs i- NPi -1 r(1-0_11mmmif-td th~ir the fe-der~a] gre rment splnd $642,282 for iIrhIr-wiiig, il1w Caix -atee anuid ate L de w4ateay;4. .AfteTr the great %torm df Scp m her 19213 tr l< '.OOO lives in the OBlk t' io , he ca rf rF d rl h lp g wlo er id P JPe~ts for 5ucecss bniter. C~r~r,i'_ hadl Set R PT02e1e~it by~ fUu- thor-11izing hugre Proet5 in Ow, % isd5%iYii lnd Scr]xnknto v,:]kyq hI NOVVIrri61r 1928 Go'4'rui'jr M'Htli andI h I'U-13 tt L-abiie ~ased -a i l- tion asking the f fde:r~ia1 vrnltt ment tn b kMt high I('VCr amrd. the MILLh rui 'shor 0 LACke Okehe art'C°Id1 Oflerln t av yoi, a haI k tht fi Rut wukI thy. Nat le gishLtut 'I l be WilI hn1 to dci this'? For over twc nhv -.ars Fl,:urid 1:3Wkiiiis i.1Ad Larried on a d ra1cimmage prog ri 1 Ill the-i_ E! erIad w12N'i 01 I nt u i i giug 41 he -147ner0I'4'YL r evenu Lls Thejir fir-st re ou,1rse ; had becn to se ici Eamland1l tlIcir eflllid r- eolled-C CIdr1ria fiOLP fmm huidown*Tlrs within thk Everg;ltldes Dnii age DistricvL Lir dthird, to tsil the biundos0 R[ It D rag D Isrt L--S , iouk xpycr-. elsvcher ill the State he IlrL- p Iled L1. L't1b3 u t e? .C Thet I ous Cornmiitkee on Flud Cnliul PTC1l-d, this sensitive LN41u1L during heirwu iii j am.iwrv 1929, 65mnteeiieN r e- p:r,_"; ' their Wl~igl3;1' It' tmswLide r ftdtril aid, but tljey relInuudrd1 F'lortda, 6pcmecrw Ehi1A th Mrei Lly RPr08' d prijet&. for thlL m"%.s sissi ppi ' d &Sr nnt valley il aI ed fordt LiK jihr 4 Lhe- -a t s t_ bie borne lit l Xi(..t intere st s anid the st t .. C o r M ss w a : Ili-) liklccy to pass ny bgill. thLuit did nyt rquirre a silbstant al lot-:a eort, Re prc- '17ftivc - Orar'n-hh- blltn thc' i~sl "1 ia t f rLT hrgu-uWd tat tiw IXIVLL- p~rnkmi3 L'A wUS f in-aL ti sine-tl t, ftL-d'ral gi~u~t r J i t rcquirx-d Lu~kt'(c:L Vhk l oxtO c- e et at ai hgI IL kC~e-l to ELC'LI041tk 11,1 °i tiON7. e i Miti ned whether the stait1 -shou~ld tie veiiv-d t-ct Pruttt krmrilE1 life COTrLinill I the~r frucim exety ~1ctkui of tIhe Unmion w[heni the dan ger is fa.rn waters Lownd d co~ntroled by the UnitedI t S Itatei. %11'I ° p44h1ed )~ Lhe 4-x11 frnhueie, hE wtiv '-rr, D]' rk 400dk 1d- th Lt theF sta ough130t tO Irn;k-P "a on; tabl c-01trhUtiC-13.~ Flori-da AR03t or CGenleral Frederkck Davis. vccs pi-]rd oIfn thie Skt r ile VJxil t, und 1w first Lurgued that tht' state had iilrciady m adc i a large tvontribu1- tioniri b - ,Plir tlw, t41pird i d ai r ft'a li Rot i Iii filtte°,t  144 Leirl irafi I4 ?FW~- ht ro 14iF mlcmIx r obj L-ccd that thewe Ianr had Iie en giveti to ihe state -~ thec fede i-I go veri meit ii tht- f'irst pIiixet E.T p -ing stmngV dLoubt thiat the VOtr wUM [dprowe the n Niaryrl nn s'ue, Dlavi k, lnedt that the people. biing ip;r L.ake (')) , were popl xrnig From itbher states, 'amd it i mig.Ety 'iu- k gc nt pecupte in other park: of the StaitE- i rwiteltd i h-ether they perish or o 011 3l jan 192'3 CAL-- Ij~d wi-n s.ubited a newp Fjan ct-om-in- ing i .p vment of nvgtio, with fkw ciiirmt- ' Warrid by the taest l urrilcalrie. the ix'rps ajov rt-currLmt'ndd a 31-foot-highIere jiimnd the miuth sho~re ofth,. lake aind a b arrie r aroimnd theI" I(JAL Lh4)re a well. tf this eor tioni werg o n irnl~nhwt-u a d-L-pc nins ofth~e lor a . and LICL w-AtL'ways thLw kik cost woiul lw about W 111 r1nlk, ofwhich -L1 Jdini rcc~n mended that th O ctL a U1 LrX-&l interests contribute 6 2 i.t, ul~pt Wjece .67 3nilIloii kLt'Vi1ng a feder.1 i] V Ofa Onl~y $milLin? Of h~r~*d Florida ouk ,h a state Wvi trib 1. U1dcinfiiver $6 m17illion W. -Oul O the Ct1et-mh op~in1)g ItI gt.erU i -~h berter doah~t the new gily "MOT, DoylJe E_ a~rltun, asiduosnly piiid ou rt to -eA rL H~oover when the ptreident-el'cr visitcd Flobrid L a month, be ~re~ 1l inauguraton.. Hluovcr wuAS t~item rn Oi r W-O~f the, d1eV;'4St;5ite rgion s g-dw1 iku ,t of horio at a dinner in Cl-uwiston. Ktcepin.g ai tight mOUO} tVcn t4J theitp'~ 4_i1- owAirigo01ti0 o 1W fu - °eh- a1 ing, the distin ii.5hcd -% "itor avoidd r makimp rV("l Iim vihr itit," ButI the Floria 1 aders Wa g'xc reasoni to beliew'. th~!k Ie would prove a  Diappinig the Fedckr=- 1t-iiry 145 men&p to their pnMi id.t oiidi wv oe ol Offdl ir ii rOf-rn Stites tha~t hiad I ve-r'hi lr-m it,, 4":,toral -Lcltes , -,Lid the 1k-Pu oli ld1 a r caVcr to consrPidtc h dsr gains. Equally important was Hoover' WeillknOwnr intereSt in I1lxid cintol. As ~eray of eorn m ruu. ~lc hiad pushd For fhe MiS~i-Sippi anda m~rit0 pu jct4 d4e.lpitt t ht'. Attp mpt1iing to pave- (he way &i'r federal1 wtixjn, Govternor Carlton p iu p :c d rLc w stik iLw s. "R lam a ti in In the E ~verg] ade s, ' he 0 ,st. k v - o d i t io d i c1 i t t r e f . I d1th Federal Cu r-e rn iertl giv img 1)MEriWfV -4i jxrat t hat will insure tlhe cmp let ion of this projct in a pry-per way. 5-lN askt~ the kgslm- 1au~kt~m k'.4 No. } dun"Thxjd oI W.. Ab °otrH- !finL.i~H I,, ~iig hif hWe~lh i-diviL~l 0HI. iml , i L I 1 hV U- ii~r III 4 I JMi~i !i _ ~II f2ilii iral. S ['A, ttthi auItnurk. sumvs ery "'1u acv pt suc~h trmsi nd conditions as Corgns~ may vst hli6 nd fmlly co-operate with the etera v Ir'kCirnL' t ilk Carr~iIg- Out thais progrMT1 "I~ Since it waus qutstiun- hile whether the Ev~urglarles. Draina - Di.trkct wvas- ;ktho~riefl rjo e'm~~ l i on prograim of floo it 1n~,a the legslat urn2 r t m e .ierw .O: echubee Fitid Gonlil Dituic"t7 wgnning a little north of I urrp ic-:of : aml etrlcndli1g Inver all Soiutb Fiwida ex ept theo K-eys. The-, ne~w ac1gcn~ N, vru t adiriittcre E by a lrnard gdl te n commissioners ca4'.r1d co Ili iiusal fii-c state- o -r p iw i k% ladclwniers ofi he distrk it to hk! H]PjXcirmtvitd b teg- .ovr _ur-ixrtiil r '1:vygrition ofbc.uim icirtL ThriN buard Vas thIa-'.L Pcower to~ Iiuitl ilrjxd .riinm wijr1,, ivd tdi trktkr 114th Iy. -tIieiit& iith) tile. U. S. ®v . cniet. It might isu bmnbb to ~ amoMLnt of 5. mlliCM. r 1Ie .  14.4j !.~jn~j ~rit~j Wrdi*r - J4P~- i'~f~ L.d~id curnil 6v re- nue derived fCoa a ta1f or trill per dillkru cai A- 1I'd Imrovemet'~~ Fu.i T 1;1 bi' alI. i irNind wrei ge tae on ai slid~ irt k 1iil_ T h~a nTize. o di tht ] iew K l . 1t - i daLtre re- or ~ri, tc the IF.v~rg he. Drainagc! District to- add .Fee app infr- rJ!T1 ErkissicrjE~' toi the I~ari cd nd pi'ivtd. tit :x-rtiar e es~ piud to tht~)~L1e F Cct Controli Ditrict migVht h~ dducted frnmf Ala~ . _ to the E v ergLdes D raiii.g. P[-Wth . Fritaiihing its heandquarters at WLuA Palm 13-c the ()keiui e 44Ic'xj ld Control j~j t t c: jti ~ne j?(j rg (. ihi1I., L Ja:kmi lRlek engineer, to' prepare ~a rqpart on Flar du. neelds. On 8 FLLhruwLr- 1930 Hulls tranmitted toi the Army Corps 4 F 2 ine a t-rirTa!giE] dU-u iteft dealinig no~t 1.1k1 w tt the L-k- e~i1i e .p and tae Cakv atichcc - St Lucie wate~rways but with flctMJ prutevlUt'r for ei iu °rim alld t]e14_r'~ iiitii of the oliId rig 11t 15 Marc-dui 19.0 tI'i. cLrps. sulmaitt4 TL-i ryIIC1I iieE t lq)TLs On the }Y mi .a iitirn fre. tfl my Ila.h4 V ihined to11 hh iie.iz rh.. rfi a posiin- One was the H~il L reIt; ,a {?fYI] d m. a chrang in pursTc]n, kwith Mal. L,{IL. Ltl Bruwnik SUCLedRVhr, Gelerkl ]ad- wian c i ~heL I, .thi rd -pinh4iy the min.'t iira11Lr4n-%;w~ rhe ine;«rgn- ratin of iovr or L p r~tnt. T'Ii corps p)r4a mJatI ii ir[ci a 4-k it Idh [TIe~ arclu nc rho tic aoih shon.e cf 1ikfz. Okee- bpnee1 ,aiinrhr r leIe and't IIUU1ke L ol niiit a eid, and tLfl implovt- w1te. .e4- k~sW flAtr d tha L1n 1 total ta K~~2 I a and rcci m cruded. that the state of uoul~d find no~ justificatioyn far build~ing federal mc rlys to prat tV the The ciirhe had apyirtkmonL Fkdrri's sharv of tfr vjsts at nium the State Offi(:i411N Mrnc Io p;W. h-)t COnTe SS vFMore Rnr 13usi. ]n Imt~nr 19 a b ill to dc a] w thr the 0kc.L14edc itrobum had been intrLtuo inl the hoULse and re terrcd tG t6 Ciwnrnittcv -~n 9I1[mirig lloni-R ronrrnl La- a I:-deral rsiri m Iith cnudr' thr ill's pruy4*ct. _frittk Of t[Wh# m'1_P:easure P sU>edv1 iin h-RIm ing L1 tirin err d LG thv Camnfuittkc Gin Rivers and lfarkxrs lip c~nyid ratim as ail~I toJ ai~id IIaUig"tii. After n equally fr tnd4I ,'e'epi 5n io) the 5enate Colim ittee on Girnmv rec, the projct 5l ippe~d 41 IjCtIV thmruh Curt- grei s pA rt Oft the rr'ill Hive t~ fd Kiarhors AM, sigowd iii atoiw%- bi 6e Preside.nt can 3 July 1930- Fkrida's Sham hiad kbeni rr-flud to .1 4: h contrihmtion rnF$ ,iia]Jinn and the E;i ~tion P] prVide th  Tlapping the~ E nd~a TJL'L -'> 147 nc,:es-i.;ry land and r gt: ;-waV_ The fe r gccnmeint watt to cnstra ct arid Twiu Ptin the~ Prji'Ct ®r' The~ Oki.cchhc- FkNId Control Diii t Nxrd acLpicd the cton- ditI~our s (f ti4 L? at, and Presiden.t FH uver aw to it thtat wojrk P r- ueed~ClLL withrout fay,. In Nov vermr N3Oirnt'irAC-iri b~egan, and in Mrch 1938r the original prof c-t wasi compl ted. The Ili vor Dili. stretchi -Pd fhr 85 miie ari. lnd the 1:1rth, 1-4rkthWE-t, rwriSrh, And siJu tlivL- st s1 'rtesuf tihe Ik. Rising Cromi 34 to 33 ft akkv ea le-vel1 the new harrier three tames~ hig ll: the okd :,rte.-iiit mI Jr d lev had1 'ben it VW;iw Akin 3iiVe in width,1 extendng frmr 125 kiy 150 feet at the bi111tii 1d 10 to 30) frtt ait thec tup- At the pIlres whcrr the mruin drain:,ger canals left the' lake, 3.-fiot-high lIckIu and, hu rri~ink teS e~wrt iTr taIled . The 14x!] gates wxere 4-_qe;rtiie4 bt e lectriryt, hb~t the h1iwuiline gare+. we're hid -pE-r~ita ii±r gr ttr ProtetLioi Thei rr orm i ii iier~ Of h1C Oi±'041.011 F 1104XM1 (C0 r I District confELdc Ity re'porteI, "The leveei'~' pfi iel prevent. th,.' ove~rflow of wti-atr 1mm n- the LakeV ak011g its loCKatkn udr 1 anyC U Conr- -i ;ivlb1 1114i113 ividd rm tde " TII .trait~ flly teted uAntil 26 April 1949, when r a kurJCiarLC with wvindl-i *f 75 to 12-2 Mile.S PCTr hITLr hel U.L VXpOih hairi r foir sven hn~r-. threeP- t i I'll . ls ong a I i tr V p ~reita iormnh. Exc-pt foi ri i irwr r iht k vsructure wcnt th~rougaih tljC Ordea withourt mni~h.L2P AkI impNrtAnt in con- trolngte 14%ke was% th-e greity eriL rged St. i- L k r~l, p roiect 1-W c:ameti i 1i- rea4i i gIy lil w taI- In 193.5 C t° gress% redU4,14C . the L.-tt C'O)triI~ut i il ru I~r r 2 mill ion to XAI. InW udit ctti accluiring rights-oIrwa %knd 2,1tland, t~he fi;II& . 'kmdI~tvi C.{uii lo L rh it $1 million- Th ferlgvriant Iiild the. r't sl.f tht- bill. Th Mual LoPst r~the sari in-Ld prnjfr4 wVAs $J,4. ~-hmt nW~I? the .v tirmate. The Aivers, and Harrx rr At 41937 provided forb r°r w hck and spilhva. ibr tlie St. L ite Cdal. Not until the need I~ar rnlitbry trep rnr dictated a M)ew order of priorities didl'r--tsideiat FraChkiin Roosevelt bring ilxiut' a temrporary hal by vetoing an am, prnptin of almost $4 il Iion for Str.ngtheniig rhe Hoover l) i k akiiig th - k~ 4ihorc ofthe lake-. By 30 June 19i42hc nidSae hadi spent $23' 37O,OOO Ihr comstrIriotin1 mldriitr~w of thV M~ith Flo'rida pro IHr But ifCedxkral aid, for flotad control was new, Frg:tk;.1 I: w~ ipo~r it i is to biooc navigation were as rd;L h oki t is ohe ftc, I tori ihrw rI Frst th ree d ---Ld-u ofth tvvtwintitth Cent~ tu- hC-L~u::lamtof4n y alhitte-d ttb Fkh-ida Eire:: tk inrva: o--d siuitcatl. tJ Ii2 the fed:IriJ  ] -t3 [Aj d intep Wtjh-r$- Water inin Land govenment hi-ed spVemt r r t n 8 m illkrn wo improv the J L _tm vllk birdr and prr-'ii a q~I e chiid kl the ocean- Federal money had lawed. into othier Floridai parts: alma-t S5-3 milon to Tampa, ° millicin to Feru inn, .3J million t~ MiajnitL. $1 million to KLy Wst, and $846,O(W) tG Pcn!eoa. In contrast to thise two Elo'id 1xrts, had 1xeen deveop d with ow lei-eA i d By 19~ the Part oPalm B wh u raised almost $4.3 million through the sa.Ip o IIIivT V~ile and 4r nlui'L riml 5. Panr - "fht- trwmd vo.rI rlir14 I'M~ 1511-A L-A[rid od hond , and the Brtjward Couanty Port Authority had sukld$ rnillitn worth of Pords [or the~ costnwt nor of Fort Laudcr h 's Port Evrg~dt ' Early° Fh1iuS fir an irlAId wa tirw- alonig the PNnhile aaoast wer finally hcging rai By 193.1 Ii alei .prtol ad linked the °r r oars bays nd Lagoons to FprDNkkcar Gulf [ntracpAstal Wk Rtt-ay e. tending soav ZdXI an~k defrom Fen icola to i:' (helle.. Federl dredging ofth Appli lic~ Rimer had ivcn southwetetrn GeorgiII a utlet to this siyit n- °'* AMon~ (hf. Atlinti coat, the Florida Coast Linc Cal had [I - cuineN tn unkvvt l ni ~dter the depth 4-o C ge 1, H id~ey in  T. ,ping the Fieral 1.aS UrY" 14 1906. Tht 'ate-xv-y haLd sineveJ its pldr u wheia thet 4xIrt 4iuik re.- cevd the lLF-t of its L. 1 2 I-avre lan grant~ upon c aml]pktig L T- structiciri it 1912. Theireaft-,r it was rarely main tiied at l.s re qmji v.e- size. a. m gre 50 fec . w iand 5 hect dL2. Bcause the v~at as kmse-less for rnost conme{a ves. s the aw mpFavhv ne. crblkrted urcwgh t Is to s.4"- a prt'1 t_ Ini 192Z3 it ways fwrq :dLI 1It~ re xIv'rr ihi) -and the~ RIodte hdsind Hospital Trust, trustee for the Bratdley estate, sold it to Hlarry S.. Kdciy of West Palm Ikach- The new owner pr0l jh]'1 hoped to rebu~ild the wa1terwa1'y and rai~ke it profitable, bu1.t all suchL dreams were shmattcrc rd by the cull a 'fthe Flurda iXXPE"t the fcdtnril Viiwrr3 rrent Iio tidc ov~er thme canal. Grj%% Park Tr iinelI 6ad Fucoma ndl this ars Carl' as 9I-3, and .a decade later CbIIles F. Bri LLIrII of LDaytonai Ue~t4h r~i tO rrobh1[Ze pulIic oplrion)r akci, Lht cat roat. Th(- Ecoridli~ de~i;2a:. i+i s qj'eded ini pein.g T!; re s to adpt the c-anal as~ a f tlckral project in the River-and H lrm-ors ad of21 jaru rv 1927. Ti is authorizetd tht'v enl~argemet'L -of the wvatervway to ,a width of 751 at. and a depth of S feet at at cof $4.2 million, conditional uiponf local intcrcitas iacquiuij. the ci iting a~Lfal are jd i4 ir~ ri crg i r to the federal gow ri rn . it. Bya lam' apprtwvxd 25 May 1927 thtc Florid:a leislature creaited the Flonrida Inland vi g~ationl District as am sp W tax district to he. ;d- disitrict*. L 9 VCer r wauld apir int the originial bcoard; the v:utr3r to purchasi the r istin, watcrway for a. rive not to ~x-'cd commisionmers purueiw'ir the cns]a and tranisferred it -:, o~ ,h Uriitvd Strei .4oVfEjT1TfleI1L. In the RjvL- anid Hart rs ActLC4J~ :t jiky K1:.1. pr-irided Ifor ~an ItrLIrl rmet to .a width i.11 1100 Jft tLiIJ a deptnh o~f8 It-rvt. Lxal in teresty were requIiTed to p Lr4 ethe iw ider right-of-wii. anLrd jsoa laud fkr the dqsit oC ddged .n3ak'rid anid other constructiorn needs. To meect the A] 'bipatitons. the legislatuire inc 't-ai d thie 1:'k eys rif ti I rilaiid Ni." .a iii IJi ritre aii t1borlii g In Ovkt4-1lW1r tWT~ the~ t.. r rk ThIPM. reprted that th Army Corlys ofErmigimeerS hadi TLiflC drc.geS ;:t woirk on tlw "Florida Itr 'v attuI Watenrwa. 'The wo~rh had bee,1"n in Pry greus for ten months arnd Wdai expeced _ h pv'r:leted this ran t fall, The Ti-wws ~s .t'ptrk fi .,1 p4IperS sports 54 tionrL an approprTiate plaec hLaLJse the en arged cal was -itl largely wort].i les -L ,~inh eyof Cflhfli-14i? IMLI plv 'ridt'd vL~l~i tiwI jai d Fisht-Tri~an with a splenid ii lIay,2' Up to  150 I'and into Wflf iV*Osh r rrdl) Idiri d 19.35 the~ Lia itk-I S katVN.} g)rru Ir I l I and Eht F'ridLI.a Irh Nav:i- gationr Distrirct h rd spent a total of mrert tli;a SY million ork th pj 9t. 27 n ile~i, I r tr kui d opv-P 4il w d tr dream Mr a i 5 PCnrinSu11a Cania!a to diie. Dunvin U. Fletrher, whro r-presnted I'lIid-A 1ai) tht U, - S ! 1i~t frnvi Ill-r :0 1i ri1 his deotli i r1 W3(5., %x- a ~r~ir LuaiL aIJ'1 c:a the o-j~ ehtm Nci Hniiig ais Govt rn o, roiw- -Md it the.4MLN erf-;t in I1KIA, FIE,-whEr had tol the vtterra l IN'~r the i srul'rr 1.) :L Sh lp Caal ar s th~e pnjmiila of F'lor idh ak the Natinu Gworm mat."- In NLPF'eII1ICT 1906 the scmEktr-lkct ais hr e, o resl~ent if thie newly flvgaiied Mielxk-sippi to Atlanti Ir h~nd W.'ikrwii Association,± Tlr~ grup -lucc-m-d1 in geItting ark ;~PJ-TOJ-pTLtl bm(r ai :Na tv'Y'ofpi~Sihle R-11te LN'Sfr ;i kirge -Can irito the ]Rivers id H u-burli Adt of 3 M-a5t'Ii 1909. ]TL 1913 the~ Aum>y CoTps of E ngLL-Weri madte a prelim nir rv L-mrt. I-ut nothing i rther was done In 121 Cn man Frarnk C' Ar of Floiria revived the ismuc by ii mid toin~g a bill callilag for a su~rvey' ex-.13 rtg (he po;1ol tis[or 4 sti L-"mat The~ Ilg1~atuIU~e requ skkl tlme ;ataatmu' L4ag-err] d gaitiiia to s1lqpport the (;Ckrk 1ilt411 ,d ;d-. CIf ;t CI ;r F1orkid Stat COMrriNiiOn ihr SLxvurinr thei Cons truetioi of the Atdtmiti', Gulf mid ki iisippi a1,,. "' h~ F[o-ricrianm f tiI Ld to gert the n-4Iue ed skip u-nma study, but the. Lvrps did] rvviewo it--: tearl icr fiindimg 01 asIj, l caal Repoting on 9i crember 192L4 the ciIrps c Iincucd th~at aL Ick4 rui wunuld provide. timre oily ffea~il:° k lacm akd wouxld r quire waters~ r es L i3t the .sumimt adequate to WOTI{ ht Ic-6- Four ppti- [Ae ruutus wltre suggested: thr'ough tle (Jk.detri-4ke swamip rii--5 pD dby General Gilnmr in 1&SCI; by way ofC the Snh Ft mwad Sklwa ne~e ri x. r sirngOr-angT [;k :Lkr~ a~uMm it !51Lply- 11!.Jfng 11rrii& aid rther L]e an:imt t' hiea 4.l it'- OkIawaha River.® ,ikc- I I r qw C r. prts, this ne h avoOded final reomEn- duitioik n, ~sund "tgs furtiLei- tiudi. lii rritw iiijimtt-rs a ong, Ci- fires m an Lx Green of FhcbriI :.o SIICNNPck in getting intoh the River arid. Harbx'r Act! ofi2 1'7 am X17kior a p l~imuin ri -eiiia" t ion. and rr y of "a waterway ino C umhcerkmd Sound, Geoirgia, and Kilorlda to the M rs-sipsrpi Riv!er. -I[a a prxogre~ss mrt wi19 .veI MULEr 19~29 thc Cuarps Haid thlit it ha C 3amin~ t"') :)o 4'i~~k ame&, 1m Li1ir, thie St M Ar-ty i Rivr and ()k-tc- i1 ee Swa ,1) thk seord Wih'~ce ii~ver *ilie engine&ters irnvn k-l 44-l Ier 1LN~~i1LiOU- in t1 'r p} ferenc-v for the~ co~nd mute.~ In. 193(t{1L-Te Cong rl uthoriz a.m I nnr ~imre -tmnr-ivP !itaU Of po" 1110 TO.t~l 1ir either a LC  p i iLi g the~ FL IIf. Tre~. iir7( J.i earral r a ,hipin 1. Prq''rPy-inl slowlyr~, the corps studivd t'.eMty- fey sil-1. one. his would havce its wes~tr termniunei r .IL Y ]-i 1;eetJvA11, sal:t st'venty rIlex north o:f'lariipa, anid Ilokw thie With- Iehi-* Rive'r to Dunnrillotr hien it would btu dug [in anertCrl midl rrbEatt~ r]y diTN:ihti %ftm) uh o I'aL- :a iI [[vr Sprirnr utitil it jtotrwt'L th~e kLL:iaa ivr,~ w i it winid I'Io ( th tit. johi Rivi-r nleark Filatka: fin Ayk, it wuotild usie te t. J14:11b. tO: the AtUirii (Xt: 9ar jt ONIwil l. On 30D~fEi-Mrnlr 1iK a -;rxia] 1:,r)d cs~ti- aritvi that it lok eima] 30 fIt 1 --p coILld hEL lw.i it i'l-0 M 1'LI Nket r to 'Ldatk3r I.:r S171,,392_-14 For r m- one hun~d red y .rs the mus~s-pennsla c .-la had ben h~ardy [XCtMILIlial] of Fly kii.t politics. From t ime i:) time the stt' WHN'irrf arid r'Pr*V1 E n VV-S° i iritrodt-d hills pnupi np isuT- VC-LS. acid -LtrTgr ,IusikI lug-r ili had resulted in2 scmall kp-oroprja- tions for th L~ P1L~t1 P in 1826, MO,~ 1852, 18759 18713. 1 . i 921, 192 z and 193 .0, But the t'o "'s arliur reports, emiph..iring the dif- ficulties acid dutb~is n~2elits of r.h- projet, had always chilled n- ffiusia!m foir the kiea". Why did m.-itters ch cg driamatically afekr skm~ and the neet pro~vide juI- thiutigim lk 3h3lk VLUl-A Seedig.O t lkt opiirt~ Lrity, chumpi .v m of the c sis--~riiLnRtU aIL3 dc rnorjstriatcdx rolliiiarkLlIe ~~~t! i s i jiiaririg t %nit~h rivlI -cI~ i fi LFfli r e'd ,r~ dlars:. Perh~aps the miist pk r; er dvcae of th- (ari A w;L'4 Mayor A. 'Kn~tts of fikectowun. Aha1id *oi~ul k. FI c rid~ Nokfl d- Lrld Wa~r 1- In ib Nnorth h~ hiad l 4: ; i-tive in the 9A-Ut4--'1wv. 'N rriL v-r irjd had lIrn-d hc' t~ nglTk. I) 'R~iicir i',r Arcrk% 'G ..,rI] oft ErrFL gir rs's !*yV! ire tad raI rivrpr anid hrlJr bill nI de-,: his a Ion~ agiir nrL for a crass~-Ixnfinsula carnal that WJl~d fry iic,x thur1. trndld mt -in~ ofwaterwar a~srxiations in other states, and ader Intand Ctalk Waterways Association, refwhich he bevuaim presi- dent. This o n~r~a [~Izti':ri chi rr1e: tred it fo:r di -ig the- at ri t kii of the~ rii.Iuctarit ArmyL C4Jr1J of n igiIer to thtL4 aad~Va1nL t~' ge f tiL Wih rn--0ka h ute-" Civic h- acIr.i in Ja.knriik- ir~s took up the~ cause~ with eirlhusiasii. The, city t-0111i1isiuci. ~ga.e Gilbert A. Xiunghcrg. ai rt ir eclonel in theco~rps, to r~ ak an eN2L- roie:rm s t uldyInr a rtepiort t rar2,n, ii' tt d to~ theim viri ( iK-t 1X r 1:1 Ybn f6,rg cti ated tht ifa Jip cana[ had hecrn in uLI-. in 19, the  L32 Lwmd intr, W frr~Wrat~,, it~!o L.~iid to k . I i': ner4-, would l iave Pheeai UI5.5 rrW] kri F in 194 the svi g% N-vuuld IF. A4. million.;u flie tmr s-.Florida project nared inrease mursle when Ixcisters From oth Er state't moinaed mIvem~ntl. (In 3 Marc-h 1932 ripre- Sei tLV? 1I ir t k I L"iL 4I.. 1 G I sitti., Aa crII 4 and Firida-nict at Nw Orems and organizcc the "National CLmli-A tlantiL Ship (Tran .l Asmix i l. In dH wtinil Gn. Ch ;3r lr 1 Suinerail to 1 president of tt ew Marin' atUIioT., tile iiwrriLIMr :h ° ..x0, a PLmbJ iC r-Pltins coup. The reciently '~ired general w~ a wllI-kloiwn, if ;siewa ca er pulic figure. Brn in Flo Id " SIlimeralIl baA he ri decorated frir brav ry dunring 'WEnrlci L. had risen to thet ranik tfi] ibr-st gt [Vra] (thn firSt utlherr to do .v -si~nce~ the Civil War), ait liad b ten chief .t F ~ 1926 ti that Ir m F, r :e ltk ton g h ri e P ,ir th ge e a S m ; itat O C 471k i: ill pass t ln:mugl the. canal th An t LT L p any41 I VShip canmal iti the morld, It,,wili hanidle each vca one and athird timer, the ll .]T~ae WIthi passes thro.ughi the~ FaauiiIa CH.; _" Henry H. [B.jekrnari. a Jaid k onvi le en ineer, , w as the niw a s. ci tinn ' m pt b ,tthng c% fr r , p li c a s a d h i rd- writers btaci tij iSSie Lat ]JA 1L It S'Jppt'Ling the Pr-oet H. Y Lo~ng, Louisiana's tlnmuyant °cnak i. ga' it: his backing in ,Apil 1W3 . ArmFIn"i 'Brishane., irrlLLe'FhJhdito~rial writer fr the Hearst cha.~inl, fuTIi I!JEr!tNI t tL ideai dt' .inI1wa Uith. RL'.I kQ idL ICru ]I t i l-- arnd shippinkg grnkip* ;krj10Lr . their %Lippnrt-: thy- M isisippi V-Aiy A - the Atlan Lic Ducpr Water,.kuNs A ijajrn, and the AIalbina Sae Bacrs cre' thc Lcr:is-Fl rica canal reognized a ild~orcn Upprtu- nit in the suIns er of 132 wlien Cogres granted Jbn.ver's oeLn strucionh Financ Grd with thle i rtv-rt_-t which he ir., t ti~g i n the rkt7 Ruigvr to i : t fedleral dollars, the Floria IcgsIuture c rtuterJ tLrme Thip  " Vir7 4 t11 I; rj . l Tre4l-511T-y Carni Authoriy of the State of[Florka . a pubik~c rx ration ernpow- ered ti fcuire, op1-ati%. aud matniiMn a ship ci-S31AI across the~ stat- Gov. Daive Stoltz appoin ted- Genera ul)11 Smnr~mIJ dar ar terib Ixiard ofdirectors, and the rnew authncriy ftok-o- rh cliprn a iraic- tion to ffhe FtFC.4 C)n 21 t~he legislaure pi 1 I .nenw'tri1 urg i4 President o xkeve1t -to apprve sfil contructin proetA~ kn tciumeasure~ in rrlieving une~mployment An srimul:irgine - - ' i r r t .I l rt"r rc ter°K r-r ut dA ded1P-.' ;PnIL. III . IW-11n I&M t. r-i Ft: ( oL% F'mrr; , Frw ;rrrl f IerL-.-i r m 1" Fir , mr: r9 - 1 CArIvirii! t-r" C-frrciWO-11w. a--u- 11,:r ] ki w°di%. '1h Na.tionalt Industrial k~vey Ar~t of 13 Juir X)3 jg~ivf. th~ 11--AhmI C-ili trucI K 11o ni jts. Flifrnda': 3ipplLiation to the aFW1 all tmlr 1i frrtd kthi Rfrl: mew tgtiri cv .iimud 11he ftt Pub hl k.. rk j Adiii i '- tr dion iF1WM' fV IArtti wre eIAo!]rin g- 13 tA th [mna]. ;;w would hav~ t v'm ie Ln.1,1 HWr01d lukesR t tI t'~ see tearv ° f [he rir a~nd PWA a.d!Iinistrator, a notoriusly tight ma with federal dollars. Fo'r wLUII o vr a krer the PNVA krpt the Fcirj,.I~ pmr'is~ fm a slrrow iirn ir. Nlr-uriwhilt- th r- rurvS .ti 20ti i.11 iii . irthi lbw -al ill ILi ,Ljtk0niS, &wkX3rrsT firl Ihr prrnjuvt haid i patikrw wp', bhiPLr i delays Oii)1 2 Mairch 19''-I st~rkators fro Ii a~ll ieG Culf wt4 J Pui kd irk lIette"r to R:. O Fr~dra Rto *~'vet, pntin~g ont thide i rqiincy. 3 iT1 Iiv prim ii r u'% i mu lt 131" the FWA erriugii~es aiid the co rp: - The  154 Latid Jma jji r 't ',T Wrf r Wfjr Lid nsars ,L-:k d thc-L [)reident tOii'pin t A1 S[ptVi4 a l, 1ime t n e, a orn thL wr-ll .aid water sup A recmote fusmi the -eimid. and on Silver Spriiig Run ° as well a on many ofi the stream. that -cone the qn~ r~f . i ii this par it of Florda -- Opoitkin1 LL) theCM s-'cinsula, L-raril aIs debed in Tamripa. EFerng the gmi&4 oF a rival (Gulf port, te Timrp~ Chamb er of Commerce sent a telegram to t it, c&uief of the Army Corps ..,f E c- intrsn in July 1933 critiizinmg tlv prop-1.1cd rmute and tring newv s r °ys along itf rh, ot l~ terrnie mat i TnpiA ay, To eirn later, when FwscvLcIt si-Vmcd to he on the pointi ofappirig t ho  l5Ei. J'iirjd in~i Wrjtjjyr- II~frr ~r~Jg Labd ?dL -i cket nto rojute, the Hillski.roug Curty Cojiniimi. in- coast thir were similar E'-Jr. tha~t &he prnajcc canal mnight in~jure. th O O~r LNfe-.Lt Palm ie~ici,, Fort I.mide1(hP 0e, ;m Mixri. Mw-in 1H. tA Tmpa. vditor of Thr i Fk'idc Gr-uw-..r, mere. of a ~~tti.k, 1 lON1 (he rojecf t- In ai ie e.0h, Ib the Wirl~- Haven chamnber o--f Comnme. IWr~Ier said that, if a. Nephi . to heles w~anted to rin the people of FLOridE, he coiuld 'cunrningly ac~hieve his dial-"- I puirpose- by polsi i the waier they dran~k aind use~d t,:. raise crops. The cn- lould only i' mcd to cut a big d etch to~ drain -Iiff the fitesh %vatevr and all~ow wd1 water to r[e~ in to the wells. -[ni the b-ig, dit-h sc~puratirig thu world [mrm this infernal regiuni of Vloridkf wxte4 sp[lndrs anfd hn e he woluld havo a Riv:er Sty c_ An~ appropriate ° me fr it would t~he Stgiaii anal.-3 Fear that the. big ditch might CLA Offti un derand tiow ofwater vital to the cit- rILs aud vegLt aAik grcwer~s ws par't uirly srct i t Senorle Cointy, -;ith Saford its lhrgest city~ Dturi~r dLb this ad r-L-rwt publicity vi entor Fetd'Ler arid Cell- -rad ~imry-1 v ~al o"ht reF~ s~mn c from Maj.- C.ri.. Edward -Mar- Ihimii Th' chief of the A-rr Cc'rps rplied that the -sp~c~ -W iid of miviemr kid fouind that "with a sca-v c-anal any possible diamage k 4agrk'ultui byid the right.oF-wa to be secu red for the canal would e neglitible, and that aTy dacmag'? to) ter supply would be sma3ll andi WfULIM cirsist only in 6cw ring the levels of nemrbii wel.By lidly I t.' b batt ine s w ere bennm ing cler. , -u --Pap rs in suipportied the PTpWpnvml newspapers in the central and1 «oihm art of the stt -hud, t- Petersburg, -Sarasota, Wtu st Palm Be~ach., Mkijirni, Snl r-oppne it"' For the Flojrida Iril it ir--ens, the issue~ win a troublesomIIe one4. EE&~r° to increase f!deral : .pt-rthflg within1 thA- stag~ rimst r,1 ke LonlnreioniAI &egat n Su pO~tCd the eanM'I. but Re~p. [, Hwrdin pets r i of, -.kiiud wls ii bittr opjhmet1.' He scorned an imnportant fint when Sc rurtarvy Ikes~ rcETACe a. tu- rner-t Fmn the U-.S- (eo-lgiIa iurvey-: T- sunrmrize, th~eT amp- -PL~ars to be no reasrnable doubt that serious ades efIelvto will be PF_1W1ic..d Upon tfi imn rt . tL nde rgrc-irnd water sii~ppl ics of the 0cl ]ILIIe strEIC in a wide ZOnC 1%xtiidiig 1.t'FIi t1W'~ CAAia line by thle : r trnh of a ea-levet c at aunt mLut 13-B. The particu]ar dangers hierein d r°~iu8 d apply tc a s'a-Ieve1 caiAl lily an~d ot, to) a l ki~ crat so constriietecI as to avoid deep cuts into~ the Ouala lime-  Tapping the. FvL1-~;1 vl. iurn 157 st r h st e v n i t~ A t e p e e t s a -rl v l i h s-ndim portant w at e~r-bca ri g fI J iit ) L . 61m .fiat s~idenr Rrwir-vtel had already dr-cidcdl to act. On~ 14 August Senator ,let-ihr and c rGea Hil, 41o rrmi neft ~ksLn it]Ie en- gi r6 called at the White Horus'. ba urge the president tio allrx'a &2 illion for the~ projedt. The~ next day Riivbtvt sen~t -4:k wor~'d that mimey wi~ld he rIth m~n inn, although it might es~s than rn- q 4d' O 30 Au gut .13 lie order th Tr u.ry Illrt --1ent to transfer $3millrn . mn WP. funs~d to~ the Armoy E agiiteern to beircn it~strw!iil of he ,RrMI OIn 3 Septernber tenferai Mark ham established a nt w district at Ocala and 5 LirnukdL Lt, ®l. Brte.Ioi H,. Sinieyvp.]l ,Is diktrwt crgirncr. "' Thisi nc-pr' W&1 prvettN withi jubilation ,all along the p-oix'i&cd rot.'t,"reat Fresideit to build CveP at C, I-F ra th-e ri'-tinn I"nle~r RiM1eveIt' picture in the rtrhr E . niines Sfr- IT ac ksuixvii 1' 0~v Jo~hn T AIsop iIled for ai ful~l W k O Dct ieIbratn_" Colonel Soru ll apared to be. thne "t'ry irv fl'~ir i-na f Ne-Lk Deal energri.. Arrkiig imn OcaIa on r4 saritmn~e. be kiirt -d that by wud cmnplov four shifts ti wut.k day gTid might. ". Ve art giig to push the anal right along ;n Ilng &si the mn1Oey1 [oW out,' he said. I'sup to the~ other Cdf~tiwL ti prov~ide us with ditl l~a fiuin1. " First on the Ynrnii n 9(41hediik]{ was Ca Rn xi et t,: Ihouw w rkers Cn C!~]rlCL3ti O a Site! {L ilet ad -hlf sc.Li -i~t of ()ka- .1 ht Aimost im UltI?1NPLI005L rmea heg~r to hack awayth undekrbrush alrn the t'a it ,t-or-wav seve'n 37ilee th~ of the C itv. On 11.4 September Presid~ent fir It prcsscd a telecgraph button at his Hlyd Pavk rstate.. (h r4-b-le setting of the i31riU1itt £:harge that began th actuidl L'vacu&iatl4rI.. IHunrti rl f Oeala CAINIeIi, Ta thn7 gd to~ tle cpst ru-t ion -site tn' wit ies 6-e -rat e e1r. s'n:i;atr Flptcherm the oraftor fi r the day prai&edl the prnjLevt .as th~e r{-Atest w41t aka.4 to lbilit anwwbere irj the wiorld si we the ionmp[Pt ioni of th Pana ma C al 0nOmv ne ii aku t'ini inrr-,d the &vib ration. n rough snin: errr r' 1 ressed the tPIet-1Ap~him 61M11While Fle--t cr wa stilI in the m.d]1t isi 5 Pe M13. 1' tIki m':icN1 shix' l ipl die onio4ers. so mjc~h char mnost nf rtieip iied to -dolf he'ir hat. [ or the > f ionr l rther~ t Ai 13pr L ritious rvbserver m ig'r have re- gardt-d this tur oftevetst R. uii.d cif" tlLjm.dr-'c-~ an urn- Prriir[1L; o n fr the a s- -r ii ila c~a l_ NearI the emnd f iCNve rrk r the New Y ik D' w ti. rrtd rltht he. coj s wasi cre-;iring. in Florida "w'hat is lperh.Lpj the mant n}pLih'nt .IL[L~gLe Syrcml:] ' O t li New'~ Del It ]1a4 t'rt'iu t w7 buhild irm ':r a 215-. r- 'site n~~ %%qu constructing five other camps h~on tp: ihe t-  158 L fn4 iraWa VV~f r - fotr inro hn of-wy. Eiiip -IIIuriirii hi>d ihM' 4IrA0;tkIX IxfI L-; wa . pc oe trmh clib to~ 6,50)0 aHi SiuWn :I I t Im Tojevt i14)!Ied frrmm~ M~I p IM-rti Ltk Lo, full- . AIV CXCJIVti43n.'' But 3 ~ ml i~r ARC JLction culd bk only a (ohkcn n-Cm il.ient 1:11 a prnij: xrm aterd thi mt 914# million. Senator Fletcher et"PritiniUCL to jmv court to F DR in rr.Iarif $21 iI.ineI to) c~ r innur consklrction th Ligh itS fiT~it vLe - A-Aiun on bLhiilf Of thiLrtv-,4% ve-~tri lw- and slxtvon 1 sena~tors, Flether gave the presI- dn a silve~r tray t-o cmne ratte the rn m en cment dif thu c- ATmIdk' 4'1ti~in in Plnrida .ontintwd tol i l "hr divid-d. Along thle Ix te of the, ;"§a~ii~ tlhe prjie~thad Q%,°rMhelmni ,_ suppriot. }y ,1 vuk ofI5.1F94 to 57,1 (a ratio of 27 to 1) VtiZVn3 in tI~e ix c-0un1,M. aipp-rwqe i~ ;p rd issie of 1-.5 Ini~lion h r 1.eimir the right 41i'wa. ('.n-:Fkinik i uiml 5-11 . 1 .11 I jd, 114:16 FTCr-,I & W Fraw lin D. FuIX -d~i .ILK-M-1 4 " lirks The fr! t +[t9..X; worth' o t hE5 bonds %i purub ° GJ by the Flovrki Nationm 1133-k ffj° k~onvillk dini bw Porint,1 Ball, Irrc-_ The heiLd f° lat I:rr fine "-as Edward alfl, hrother-in-how the drc . °d. Alfred I. Duhrnt. As trustee of the Lu~tnF es~tte, wt vast holdings~ in Florida industrie, b ks, and hin], P ~l w~s~e- t.:I1 mI ,L rr° th Mosti 1~ ° iw erF a] men i n thee~mve.- 1- dip ri hed the C;n17L ;i "a sp~IA-did public,1MT--- mpwrrz-Ent" th AatwiW ' probably d V,14 L the 4'oa177 [31 sjde rdnprnw.I }f~ ®Floida by 1(N) v - s."7 But oppm:ihun wa still l~Itter. The CiiII iwad Sci t h F~lorid W- LIet_ Conirvat n(" r rrmmi Cte, orgnixed ;Lt S afrd, rn lare d- v,:-ri "..rncn Aukini tine f qUtt~siOc 'i Will iW Withoiit va rLI S? ippn~irii-!ri of th~ ena chargcd twt the ri irs d we f9"  itaning the Sanf':'rd campign, 1:ut this v~k hotly deri d, Ini De- c mbcr 1!-3J the SjifDl wA (Pgrionir~ nrired with -a sirmilar one. at Britrr tr forcm the Fkra i4riter a irIii°urR I .;g .~e uFhig- claim4:NI siup[}rt in nlinetten coiunties 7 itio t1hreseo ,5~ tlpItl~!Ls Colon-p Ski'LnervelI a~pLpointed a'soial, board orfi-E civiliani erig in ,rs and iJ~l j gishr to situdcy thce iItial t~ ther p.role on water re ~:uvv'z'. In -. epiri: rrv(34e pullic on 243 De- cendwr the Ij)r ludL' that th L'rc- would he no danuage to tfl ial1 wter 5rple or to a TcIulti rp. The o~nly efAict viuld or Mlfemo inle] 5 mn th~e cut- Ini this belIt shaltc~ farmi wE4Is wolId hav toew deepen~ed. butj -even, here (1CpS, WoI-1i1d it i he _ irj.d, Tbtere WaS crr danger of saltwater iIntrunrLiJn, ~memktr r..rc the tky~l o.r fti in LII vrd flrvEerjet OlILe A the rack formation d~ecp 1 vo thec CanalI72 Bu t the to li tkvcI ftkiri puuww4.ud upon the t'sperts' atdmrii- Cin that the water linty] would ba biwi- red. in thecn ir ftecnl TLI] Llhtrgeud tha.t the~ da ge wciiuld xeI: IL uc- f ih r,'N DouNml Awrned1 by 1k ity in Florid .rid migvi in Con-l gr~rss. Pre sid nt Rcsacvet no~unix a chwngL i n i'attivs on 17 D- CIm.11)r. Ill the fuature. he said. he. piwiined t" k> Conkire ,s to pm on 5UCIJ I aTrL TcqLucsts fo.r funds. "~ In v4JcI;:rTTity "ith thi J,1i11'V, theC 0(r1uin'iE~ktri i4l. ud'1ANJti!I '1t~rj 1'(W $1-2 MVillio Wfor tair p FiL,)iidi (~ariI i the~ afr%,.rivrat0 I~~FIr I .L llin iltrtA.'N into ' 4rker.-s~ in jlliiitiitn Sen. Arthumr VandenbI:rg Of' Mirbij;u iiirn i;atelyIatchdi stnongattaAk upon the~ adm~inistratiu. The cal:u iALLW? I)Rivido~ (uis~ Ilealg Iiepi1[3ihIii'riwith Ir opc 'crtij tiit Vi denoj mwi rhcw i pr~Lt° ri for stur°iru at dubiojus and expetnsive prujcct Lind tbiei leavin i t tor Congress to vats the necessary liui ds. Oni 4 jmiim- ikr he. :sena~tor ill- t jiacd a ra'sutiuon askLing forn investigatiur of the ti-'h1v uulter In si m ite Lii hEfll (Li-il.IW-r s.trTl a L arnugung bl(:'w by th-e w uld not- u ic L water r iE'it WcrV l bikl. Such shippers a.s Stndal.rdl Oil fENew j r. °,tw Texas Cornipanti. Gulf, n C ii s £Sr-vt Colltencded that the v-na wculi t e .o ikd miid JA~igtr- OI]Sto l7:11igatp_ "" Sinc the~ hiiini. s co trnirt , was now heramng bi4terly armtii New Dal, Vanmdenbterg Pro blik fouai it to~ 1~ re- eruit alies fr his cairipaiigo a*ainst the pnij mat. h e s u lx "i mim itte e 1 e r i n~ w . re ~ v i i.41 74-" u v e , hb ut C C o v d l u s u y t a a t r r i L t e n ii% p p rnpmtiaiti01r- Dilt. The proj(eci sil'Vrp i a rail°;t when (he HfliL'st Cohn riitle on A4ppropriatkins -rut ,29 mnilin fromi fjindis req ut-tt-d  160) Lmid ir.'t 14~d121'-Wg1;'Ird L~Anfd forr unauthorized. project~ started hy the presidnit under his P.M*?rgw y Wet". 'T'ese incAluded tit only' the ship c-anal bu t 'the R-ass aquody Maine, tida power scheme and projectd darns and r~cvirs in -Misisippi, Niew Mexico, and West Virgimaim C. .piie pnne-aI'T mrn F~lorid n~ c~esreu the ho~use upheld the L1JTIC[it kT deSic~u,' ®4 Siden t ]RI X~.Itelt VOUF~tere tis~ stct-k Iw alloc-ating V44N)OM more in energncer hfunds to the - jtct. butii this Dill s' offeiied. th oppositioiu Gd oigrss 7 In te Scmatu, Flct~hLT moved hiadd $20l million toi the~ [lous b1ill, aj2 mil lin br the Florid;I c.aI ;wqS i million for re' oilier rejecvted prujidttsa Briningi al h~is gums to hcar ouI the Fiehr ~rendnw.,, Vandenberg remr3ind til te Senate hIthe ira da l7--;'E- .HC3 pproved ['v Vitlwr tihe Arrriv flCrpofEg-n- sr whethci it wikrtS tO hluikil tht Fkiorida canaLl, bcauist if Umippres .1~ its, rsinsihility on [Plti ]Takcs one app npri~itinnr in #his dire- Firk I wilt Fri t-y agree hereidtvr Witli the ~1lt St ILAUUT £iiii Florida that C gruss is uIudt~r EUrnrli obli atiTI to cutiiuc and (colfUdLb the unidertaking- "!t idnegL udcar Fle tr-he r ' p S4 -Las just t}Le admrissionl k-. Tlw. canJal wouldl cost nuc{A more thain csti- mt rd. rand thutr " was LntL"oflp sintilla obfeconmic j. rific-ticn fbr this bJL rd I L Of .uIn 1i , ,JO~cM tio ~OICL', Wlmk~lh is p posed to he plaxI on, thw TTrwur-y of the~ Unite~d Status."~ enitin- Flier.r' re(p-mded with firiedr~ yo ofir r tor. C[Frring, tu a rge map that brad bC Ln hunk in the ScnutL 4h1at Ate lle tick~in to .vm tttiX red i Tfl1L.rks imi"ica:iiri ti'j t LNorrniEg fnn i I Eu.glind, 1-ohl.ii d. F'ranctiv Gtnrnauvy. rITd the~ LUiter wotjd Ll u~ the " -aI "This is the gre tehL strtarft Of oceart-bonle traffic in the wrld, arnd is~ equivalent to on sh i iwery 47 min-i Iiies, dy and rimit. th H ugh ti the year. ... T'his is nearly double thLe traffic ,.)n t. Suez Can al nd almo s t oric-ha lagain grat asthat on tli- P.aramia CicaI. .. ~r. Freidv-m nt, is it rpSwibie thait the Se tr will opos a mighty. -qtri of p ~Tss, Lih- nr -,est undertaking in t~his truieratiion on the part of this *~v rn 17riIu at it possible th-at k ~ishirs will lich: the way% 'fthe greatLcst IL~umplishrnent thievedl by. the gve rm] e II tin tlhis n rut-rnr?- The Senuate repi1 d I)% t1] min~ gdown Fletchers amendment 3TS to 4- All the R.piihik'ArliC-V-4 1t thy! rmre-P.i%.eP Cpi. rNflIT --ed Hirarrt J'hl _41uru vuten lo 00 'U did suv LIV ati - NeWDc De)m -rts as Rini! CAatL LLAO1#lfl nal (Copj'.hr fiw Yr r, and Daid NA ral, ltis ef Ma huttQ' Tlrry rejecteri thme Lt . not cu ~ it  7 )pinjg the Fedtekral Tr utry 161 fihlt jeorpardize thet state's water supply and natural beauty but he- cause. it StcwI for m niash that n or~ conservatives hated big pendinrg, yea strop ac. .vt by thk, p s.ident. and dis gad for Tb suirtr a of the canal were by no meaims ready~ to si rt . Wt'P workers cont~tinuedJ to clear the, and Jacksonv.ille and Ocala lxoustrTi bLIle]d their effrts to line p spipport. With. a reeleri ion aig requirri his a~ttntio, Rciu.svet was c~autiojus fin deaLin with theiss i vi, Tet.itin c a wJEngTLssunaI mo mit- te on 10 Aril 19.37 Harry. Hopkins pic-iri d.L ther non o ai queIC5ed $1.5 aillliom irk relief funds;rjb wul Ix used fr the Florida v J r the Quoddy poe ct, as the tidal poAwer sche1E~ popu-~ larly called. The prp enmi markea siri]lir pledge aI few da lat,""N Fjx.3j.MetS for th y~I~ cnl arct still bic-.jker when the Senjate Ap- IiprtLens Co mitte amendd ad-ivtney hill to~ proVid- thaLt rira wrk -relief mo~ney - aud. be' all1o4ated for -arw project that VUuLd 1Ut hicc~ rplt-t-d With the~ romd-on hard., u 1'm er joseh Robiiion w o Arkans ,~ thc m j-nriLtrleadr. tried s n t Ihi Ftjnd fI pr'oposing X1 amendlrenrt that .%wouki authorie tihe president to 3 t n 10 a n d r iPE 1 cd t he it f lit th e t ~d p o~ w er s tu d ., 3 9 t o.5.1 !u.IaFL ti, lEL t ~ i f u e o e t t' - rL t {Lctiin, l} vwirertr n2 conmittev upheld the 14ni~ ver~mLn 0 h -bf:iLerxc ile an . ud the erate, rU~hiug kiwarddadjournmL'nt, went eln 1t-with tin. 'I culmninate this ir-haprer Of ftiter Lrrl I .-iwri U.. Fletchcrr. who had ,Phran-1pinI~fI the iqd1e4 of a ms-Floria eiiiial for thre. do de , died sutddemly o.n the morning of thf: ri1!si Voe Army. ( orps of Ei~~IInr :rs hA ti ~I ~LEI work On the canal. The project had pr~jvidt wurk fir L~CS nLUmbering at ti ines 6,(KM r. e LAas melancholyv snuvenirs rif the ventre ter jdl= th biiriig Prectteil ro huiouse the wo~rkers. ffle 4, Xirs of land cleared atrng the ri ht- r.a i.* almosnt 13 mrill[ion CIAC. V.3rde oif and~t4T LIM  14:12 1~jrii~j ~ Wu14~- ~er ~N$r.I I4rjd I ifi ih- d eveis-over bridge, , Th empty L'i ildiig were t riled rov-r for temporazr, ur to a "T'A chOOL~ Althrnugh cotrition "AS rie r ObrtI ;i-gtn during the fkuelt v : ar n l br_'t'' citi inued tjL4'r -Agitioii'. Imideed they won se- ral LacticaI victoujes in their Iongqcainrupa in. [n the tirst la , they gahwed suippxrt fmml i the Army (C'1orp.N Of Eng ine.rS. ine oMi-n hers most persi uLvP giimi!reNs hid I tha.t 1 Fi~n3vit b.~ Lfj Mkted the M ,..t WI Cflre he m.rpw bad miade its finail w+ mn mcnatioins. All this was thungcd A ring the ncxt year when the sknwlae il eh n't-iry ref thie m [11~ h ir~ 1~ ~ ii r~_:i3u 1 t thre re- Ix Ft s_ Two oftd:e ieL-avored the e-rii- urie' did not- Ira. N (veimi~iKr 193 the Ht V1isfr, k50'ardic re-iimnimidd inurricie of -the?, pixj wih dvelp r and wider vlmauwllet- 33 feet deer, 250) Iiett wvide t mIake it .~rrFhk4 ew. As early as 11Xk ° rutundis had begun to sr1ug _ t it, but there, was no cnncerted effod until the 190 In 1!2 iai gmu orga- ize Mh Foid Sot'ciety of Ntr.IHistoriy, whikch set 3Son(- of itsk obcties the e.staiblishment of a nativanal park in the Eiverglades. Ernesit II. Coe, i landscape hi~et who came Ici Miami in 19~25, becamp Zea4-U ccrnvert to the ie- In IIE28 he organizd the Tmpi- uL .I Evmyrghid National Park Assoatiun woih Dr, David. N1. Fair- ch 1H, ,in expfrt on tri" lant s plresd tni In I12 : te Florida Itegishlta1I ga'- ni narl su~pp4rt b~ ~I.hOri Tg a T ~i t C Narina[ Pr C~m issk'rL® Appointkd eutive setitrtary, Coe redo 1 liki his effrtq to~ get ion_. Coingress. -1t-r~kt by ordering a study of the prr.psL ,i RA HoLt-~'Ts tfemta Of th1-e iinterlr, Lai' Lym'anr Wilbur . gave tho - idea Ni support in 1931.. Thmc tit-es the U . _ Se~n- ate passtNd Dills approvnrg the pauk, but the hume kldled the ,Al- I oair anl S nak Swap IBill,"' s me Rbehlic-n -le it. Wheni n fseVation-l ithded Frainklin D. Ki eveIt mved into the White House. prie-as for the mesunre improvd, Thew Civilian Con a ntk Cu rp warkedr on ° stur nk; Rya l ralm State INAk and on~ ~M May 19314 kInse eI signed ai bill au iihrzinig E %-ermgiads Na- Lion~ral Fark, whos hirders w IdI etw'om ~ss more th;,l 21 I-ill ion acre-i. Not until thirteen yer later, h1awevr, didl this priete d Park adually materiadl he. BAJU'iw Coi ig's provided .wi fer,-l fu inds, it was uipto the State ro4Florida to acquire the, dcsignar-c-d lantds, some dfwhith b*1kied to 1hw state anId AX~he t~ plriteLv parties. G2 tried to pi-l the 1 .4ist .P.0 l1tbv ihl' time a urriallIi ufgti I r h13ln er~s, Orchjd m hk1';1rbNI, nrI l e tian veloper . aTIJ oil p -*sp3 tors were~ lobbyin~g AgR133si the, plAi. The Great -pm-siort pr,- longed the delay. A new state dm InistraiwI I'Ahed to reappoint the. gaTdfly COe to hih Qfki;l jxi'itio"n. and the 1p4rk pi-oject weilt into cclFps during; most otf World WaV:Ir 11. In 1044 t~ plan was m~vived tro iih the joint Art5 of the out- ginrg go-e nr, Spcsard Holland., anD theC i'er-T--l-L, M ilkird Ciildwell. With the conse 5t of the NatironaI Jark Servic. they r - Clued the SiZfc OIthc pOa to Abi It wo4hirnd: of the ar®- authorized ill 14 The 4";(I r.ion~ nfPr-ey tie' and1.1is north ofh #1-ps.i;11i Tril -ad i 1 the Ke. yrs -a- i- bitkr di~aPpIN13t imeIL( to Cuef_ anld utlme~r c+ns: raton9. bxUt it redrurCd the op::I t ion cl private intar s ;!))( I1114~le the? ' zost okn ma ~r at1abl Fvt-ri sea hard s fling job h1 (I. hid-k&h. t t1. Lthl ' 1kapp;1r pr i ti 'i , Aut Burgl'iiird 0C Fort LuderJal Iwcamna ain (jteLti-w~ (hair a~n of' the reaetiv;Atd state ~xrm,9 ss.1n, arhd ]Oh1TL Ftrnrueurip. edlitor thetl ~Jr  i i is b- rl d x'04) 1.V f,-.-r Wra . f ntct Herad, carried orn a spirited publicity Camp n Rpits that oil had l em disco-vvred within the . rx' 1xbondaries threatened to wreck the 1,jxi but it 17 the Ndte Ws liraity WDn. Te 1i: S6tk~l , apppriated $2millinn fir ac-fuisition E privatCy EYWM-d 1peprty° th Intierna I Imro~~vement FtiLnd turned over the ste lands; and a Iewk large' Ian-d nnrs like the Coltic-r family ckonatcti trad'i.. 0.. 9 D Ue btu r 1947 Presideii Tru- r an fonrmaly o~pened EVE'rgl ds N'atianal Park in a c-cremony a Fi E gas City'~ it vi4 r a. 9 kt tkory for the'1j orr"ti-sts, hu t they still hjd StifIl~ttdlawac 11BAof m. An adorquat- flow of water was vital to the plan t anrd a~nd rn l1i[Fe of he prkl. (-w-ke ofthe JLecil k ' r~e ofth~ Fkirida ras 1 ~ s - CxIotIuu T~ain durirL4 tl It suiin~rirr Ri~d fall and ve~ry LittIl (1, diing t f winter and qptirg- it was imperative t kat the ~ohwad hw of th0 1. e l gkides water shoulieod ine heer tlw ar wuld rtcci'.c cnouh tFthis water di pend hunw1 it Vi handled in the regionr to the- ncrirth -ofthe pall-I,. Here the other con- s.urvatirn ist ide-al PreIiC'1il k iurT-Up trvatiomi v er wINld mkture hu.t k m3an.Q-gY1ejnient of watlr Andl ri Ir thise 4f 11121. WouLd the Trfl]'Cg Tr, ry ard the park 01.l- aCs a 11ui1111irig gnUiid Fir Ulliiut SkkPhI ater, or would the seePf to it that enong ter ntinvedt flew down into the park irk dry vtears well a.- wt ? Thffkghntjt cicuthi~ and ceritraI Florida they ideal Of Prud-ent Iw it r I TLdIIg1 e-11 t 'ase Oft tae- fflarr2111c Nht Wte 'had ruil out kof monc[IfY *hr buildingbig d d~j.te canals, iand prvatuy TrwnAgd I.Uh- draiiiged[strias hod to pride for the r -At 14.11.1 di t 14-11I aCrcaWc, thus insurinp. a .iO m rrd lrev ]]LnLiuii] Lif CRI] SIT-dLvI6n1. iThis (did riot mean, however. that gova 1rre k m t wk. Tpr ainli es- cn rL_ Tle..11 EvernIii,. EXx'rimnt Stitin, -ustalilit~h& by the ,.rate at Belle Glade itn 1921, 4~tiLed c tc, stmiy the pv-Iuliarfties 1of iriuiad soil anid o1te regkrnual prolp[Lrrn. Fi'4kn;] .iem we xcti-ke; the P 17;rrie5it o Ari4cultklIV g~thFTr4d inf aition lhoit rainkfalU, uil subsiknme and waer .Ise; the Cck-L1 5 urwv Lih1VLi"- tigatevd urice a nd gmundrwavr re i11 qs the Biologica Survcy Xt'] 1 r-e tihe irripaLCu ofmnew conditiorns on the fish,. airna1s, and birds ofItthc arua. In thcc. l-ate 193ON ank atte~mpt vv made. to lariat; -all tlii~ fred(ek;l. ird -tate bI tjL Itn srome kii doflmlisre5'rixijrnLmt. (Znsera- tivc Nuspic. on of j,0v' rmmert pLmrni an~d time n°turder~ " riorities nCWrklr gl.Vr li tnimbinje to ablort thi tkerprie, but the prelimi- nary StUdiCS t:}wIa L een i'opetd were imrlport ]t to the+ CevIl- tion ofw ter p Llicy..4 Also irart:rtn vwas the work ofhec So4-il S5cie.ncez: Sociery of Iloril, es!tablished in 19:19 with. RN' Allison of the EvL.TFlarlcs X.L Exirct  tru le r C ryas 171 5hhtitn us ik sc-T -awy-tr?-4iUWT. E pt. its uri vxwcnv in drain Vge 1nd it i;.ri{r 1 t l~Io p r'r a m~ie iiniembe m ad IXtt 194 t se tudie. id 1A JJ) u'zd a suhst-artial imim.ism:3u iLt '-° 1.1t nri~pd toijn n be ckiu b t he prnrkni? I'L llLr gi;14551'1 f'f S15hI Fkti d'; tI(.T-Ct P d1Lt yirik ~I.Iti~n anid wjldifkc.. Ti prvn thu i 13- 'iweralrninsc and Mr provide th - e ie~rv of dwato~:-I i-*xi3v1A- Ir i7ria (Lni, ilidu 0r}-, r d qirki ijci cecrtain impa rff 1u tI~t IE %-L' ed, S I J I'. I " I C I IJI 11311 °li_ I illfilk4' P',1113 Fl-r ir- A John ivialr pIIolovra11 wl' u  172 L~Nd intt a rr- IVIf f JW Land .shcwld he all ' edto trevert to welLnds.. The protprr mama-e cent of tliv' rvgiu.s water eri~ wa so imp t that thiwr- was great need [or some central agency to e sLahislu . tp 4; 11k"t 4ta m Ac PLans -LI a dmfniiter ix'k-Y- - The Evtrgl es Drailago DiS trid was ini noi nditinn tv n i~ r- take inchF a pmram of rpFrrra, In 1. the l gstatue had : we to ithe dt-i 1id for hom e' rule by dv-oppinrlg the sta offien ro hm the I1J~~rd toom5~nr fn iig~k nhrr ive resilents o rho, dis rk i w ~piI y the gove-rno. The icw L aril iihriki aT r~ctrprriv thiat had been in s-:rimt~u muhriLe " '-n :k42 fld fid s-tk -,kill dle& pkr- diaiing the d.~pression, The mriscier Iujd l cm,- selves tlew it in a m iilli[ n-dol]ar SUit hmuLght by the Iw'n4- hcIders to colkict dd~aite"d initr-st. Thefpr,ed] c~tur' pnhibuied th di13tret fromr peniding its tax meTrvenues for Jrny. puqxise other- thanr p:3,irn g .f s in(Iebitin ess. so t 1ghi r asi the"II ri'e that tl- di~ trit had to re-le ae idI lL"S eftlpb'CS} Alld UperAe wil Volunteer help. Nw L-tn3ution W% nut Cdth9 u~e tin, a'nd the old mnil Al~t d ill- Owu del 1.14x 1iior's7 i]Itrr~ffigerhcew self-defcuiing The Moi alU (IF dAi«Iigf' S%'Stem deter rated,. thv less. able and the legs US ChurIrd 'Ibri4 Aii~lrp:.4in. ktii~IuelIC,. jobij k!ilr, nurirni iLmd -ii .jtnraILit. iuid Paiul  tN~t for CA mufr'i*Ljt 173 willinig were the~ I n m~rcrs to pa their are14ge taixts. AIrn4st all therms, inclIuding the ~t §t sof the Interhal I mprverent F'und, rell into arrears. Tk k Ilaturc tried to remedy tl~ itUatLOrL by' rdue- inn rmates and Iorgivirng pat taxes, but the courEIts invridlated these la '' as in r ingI the oligaucm or thet a itr tA with the bonrd holders. In1 I~7 thr IRC Ontrut l4Jrm Fmaiuruc Corpo ration promii4c'd to help with arefurding loa.n, but the bondhdderswr unw~illing.. t amvept a~ .30- .ii t rhihnet I.C l lr settlemien t oftheir ('kl-11 . in 19. the ofr.r ,va raied to :38 CYTLU,. but the edit lS Sill held ()Ut..'J Meanwhile the dht crrn t nu- tgi Mf)ktin At the end of 1940 the distrio o u'd about $16 itlhiik. -...13 m~illin to te [bindhol~de~r, the rest to the cntractgurs Cnr un-p yid bills-. By this tim the disLNurag-ud creditors w~r re. to~ s le For the lest terms they cold get. U11- willing to cVi'rn ithi the j ur di ki of Flo r'ida Leourts. the lxmd. holder rep ri itativei met with Gov. ';pensak" HOlLmd in Georgi, WhcTC they agrued, to a pan of action that -a, carried iiito, tffu ct tIhe On 3 June, 1941, (ar'i- r li HoIcd IrLda Dill bywhk'h the legis 12tUre reUtkrr.ciZ-A the flTch'M el f the Everglides Dradin-"g Di~.r ivt. The new law do-firned scE, r zones according to th amToun~t tdrain- .agof prrOwided; ]grld t ir ir the mnot benefdited ti were to ya 8150a are; th--. in tte wIext h-cnc td only three cunts anure Thnje whoi owed tr.i~e~s f[nr l194(P 4-1- ld P~a d'Lea at tho new 11wer rate's tl .~ whor ry'vd Eur ejrlitr -Ve-t-Fr could jctar thir debt by payv- ing for two years at the new rate'.h de ault'Pr w'ere gvnr y ears tu pd tap: at the end o[ this period O-he vE'+ le~ ] h-.ri::4',e District would ac quire title to all land on which taxes for twor ye r' woere owed. Te district was authorized to refuind its deft l:' a e issue M'honch_ 10 kJuine the RL . intruct c~ Finanuxv Corprai in areed to Iph1Ie:hase. 05, .., , f oth s-i e [11.3nd 5F and thel -c! ~itI:r~ accepted a division of the pnxccds Most of the~se went to the cold their se.tichs.8 Ravini ~e dow.n i tS debti to r; rya ge; le 5 -P the F V-PrIares Dr "r agL District bcgark tolay plans 5Irwthu future. Nivting with the trustees of the Inrrtii'n Imp]rverri tL h"r'i tF.d or a Ahigut~ 114-13, the distritct oWITH~iSit1Iewrs pujiiitl ci out tlhmiit eut SRL.d i;I-PyL the UI. $oil Co-nsetvtion Sf rvic h d-itified icrt~kin rcgj,:.U. in the 13rowir aI i 'it ies un i~~i itrjl f Fr Ljgr ie 1I I rnie ho li1141~ -w withheIld fror  .s _ _ - J>- , _ -..~ - -, _ =- _ _ - .5 ** _; - R A. - - . - s -_ .+ - - - -, - - _ , .. .. - -. a, _  StrUgg-~le fcor C-13 rervation. 175 sak- and, deligiated, "a waler hodding ajid ,l QCOUer Vati lo a Givinjg the idea tentativ'e aippru al, the hI] Frstek-s placed a temp- rary h-an tan e~lcs anid Pr rlucsted the district tor PmFlre morn ijweivk pla w; .' For ten gears thei.'srie had b en Ixmo , towtr mrpky] IN :1'n- giner, wm 13 August it 11ire-d PTrir 'if, VcN~ Palm Beawh Lwill:, btou: it w~ith himc hip a ssi twnit, LmAWH r1N II L. Bojtl 'en Iii wrked on the drain ue projcets u the 1 ._O Wali]&~s flTt &,si I- nrt w;LiL to . cpw.4 ith lbn a" r ~y (:LnriI ifrtc rn the r~i ~- erwe~ Swlety iof FIur-ida 'LEI developing a Plan fohr llukd use an~d k r' unjj1.JI With Jeohnw~n difMIng :1113h of the woirk, the advi~sorv mmitt* siubmitted a repwrt inr May 1944. It rurimeindJ that the Old caTtlsk h(- 01L g o«Lrt 2g~Air t improve draing 11W.For eising agrick.tri] bindrh but tLh A td rLUL" o wild ]Ands. slurldukp. By rrtaininjg the ndi- I on tracts unsu itL blc fIhr Iarming. the ti could hE ier .ed Ir wi iit and o ct-tkm andl [or mr rdlng s cl S d1Erj e. The adybi sory' cvm ittec eti rrw ted that E re lativd.y[ ]nmi-s't $3 million would grut tis program intOa rprti L hl' l l' MMU Ptie ~raiI ge DiS- trineeidaX1 ih~ t vc Lr rlt deb11t :rvCTY k an ,td Lldtink t1R1011_2 mai wxr te dry mucrh, the di~trid pIlayed its g4r LIti~t t:riiaph~Li til seaki l hextent tbl Lw htn I lready Iwlnnrgcd L. publ )is 2L rNLiL'S it ii ld "ost rL Ahi to~ i rrt°-rvv i ilm ..rwtring water'. Sm~c- rctledin airllis as chiefIin .e, .r in A pri I194g. John cn p .pii-d ani eCi ~atet 11La dh ig nat 1rL three waktertr' evt4h rs-nr Palm frt ach County, a ui i id iostl Li% Bkriw ~v 1Ccwnt and a t hird4: rnIt t ]n I)de Ci '°irty_ In OcJil r Il-i"N Jnhirni..Tr expl in °d his vaLr- ic-Akii-td map rid aW1 uiiupan>'miu p11lan Wi Ltk trUit-eeS Of the 1rite r CIj Imrorv rnt ]Fkw - Happy to savei S 14. 000 a year in acimge- t Lset. paid by thme I IF' itself. Ihr tru 'ttt-: cqLpph1 L-Ld the aignati r! of th~l V;J in iexh and Rroward cnsrvir'ation ar:a~s, mre-ving fohr the state ally Cuilur triuuwrabs tlia migh t be dLhcr.'er id r aking the tvrnsfiter contin~gent on acl4Jol by the leisluture® L' Iii February 1947 th-e tr L- tees tooks ~imilr action ire regard to the Da~de County L-onsp '~t- n aEeryrthing b inged n I; vorahIe : -ion by the tate t g L'- ture, The Everglades Dra~iTLa- DitIrict q[jtt-J a numbLE)r Lir Idws -for author ity to donate~ land tUP the Wo~rao lras ao le far of these ;arei to the U, S, Fish anid Wi1dIhf S4!rvilee, to' donlate certaint larkds tc, the p ied E ve rgIades National Pa-k, and ttr c,:ni- Stt'ar -i pumping statfrrn~ and oilier worlds tio rrike the old dra)1imiet f'WL r 1 ts: Otre eftive. Bul th di triut i-arL in t FCIuimkle Dl]usiit ron frrm a cornhiratiun oflandowrners, {-;rt°]4 rari:; rs, aitd diiiry 0Y~kr;LC-1-  176~ Lanrd Into( bl '-Wfter Innr Lau~d whor1 w°~ tied to frrt the stat~ to seli [t ad and apply the pred to tihe debt, therebyv reie~ving~ them otf Ie harden of paying dr-Ikia Waes- Ledr of thi. Eion~1 wvee Sarm CollIier, won of the [amo s ran Collier, who hd acquired vast holdings in te weste~rn Eve es, Joseph Lykes, ~a great rancher. and Ern . R. forner state senator who operated a large iimL~i Jaryr. The Cail ier-L~k° GrdA~n Iiuekrn called upon th le is la tL an rlish thE Ever 9d Drain a Distrri-1 Furvol iIto a free-for-u1l With its e ~cies, the Ever g us Dran- ag D Wi~t emei-gkd fmthe 1egisI~riv ew-sri b _dd butL still alive, Te bill to lhoinh the distri failed, hut s4: d [d th-eli to .a- th1orize new aorks-. Bills permitting dianaticjr nf Lai d to the three trs join areaser passed, but i e'i:h Ofthe thr.e i orties - Palm i-ajchk, Bn ,rd Hand Da~die th G-ic n as mnade cn tiLn imri rppv:s by the vrN ttir r I Foli-is~ v1Sklally vore 4 ;igainst such ferenda, prospcs ftbr t new cnervation pokiy did not serm very prmni'iing. Wih-nLLt Waitin~g for the resuli of these Votes,. th4e Collierl-lraha- factioni began litigatlin to try to get the cou~rts to invalidiate the ne~w Ie5IatiLnnr. 1 Rutt in th [i1 off 1947 two riarpa Cs~ of Florida k4 eiher Clk~nged the whole situa~tionc. Al] sprinig grid surmer mrore than the kisual a.moomnt of rain hd EaJkrn sin the E~vr s~dv were uriusu.Al.i wet whenC a hiurric~ane, struck on 17 o *iem her. The winids5 did relati'/ely 1 ittle diagp but the he~avy raums floo~ded th~e f mii of the. upper Evc74lades. Wle thwt rek iwits .til] repair[ig the hvi C.cSiNl4 by this sto~rm, a secxjnd huri at I it Qr 11 Octobe~r. Ome aakik fitni'- er, rvIher, , wid (tairy qr it cr5su ajtad heavyt lases, baut this~ timLe s~idents of the Cold. C iad -ities -id, thir subi~urb~~ were' alsI idedCd In h'o hoursi six inches of rain fel] in H~*ea.overuaiglit frurr 13 to 15 inch-c s poured don~ on JFort t -nde rdale. High i1.-s retr.(. the ru~ne- f d two' fet of wrater sttcid in the trtuet of the hu i4crsectiuiis, Sept tanks overlowedt, polluting hoseholdI wel I!. Tcjii on Ike mitkirt, oC Miai wre. ptiularrb hard [ it. 130-%vte a lU.4XMJ d 12,(MX) peotple had to 1 vaci tail frnn the ir lie ew in M iarn i Spring and Op-L ka. The Armyp 0-irps ofF 1.1- gie rs. esimated~ t14LaC the Ii47t fod! caged IOmiflinm worth of Tbe. hU e iari . prcduced n ithiirst of wrath :main tt the E r~rgh ides Drdsrige Ii Dltr t irmd it 1itf hml vn';'rt rr, reuvar Jli rAn- The drainage canals had e arigid !e xeN waur Frji the Eve esach dowii into' the coail regi tis and john i_ m ;~ im~,L rut mting u slrean a kiiin intkretsi at thre t_-Lvciit oif  5 Mugg Le fo~r tb.i vat 6rjt 177 do-wnslwearri h~ne~i-I- Defendlig himself VIgo+ bS1y, john nr ~rg 1.1a_ tha~t he haid t ripd t me~~r ] fii ns 4.t that the gtokrrs anrd tht efirli*er mim haid Fliupd mmr wat r on. tlie regicrn than the existing wirks could hiardle, As tempers oxlead, public leaders ib .dI- mLrnd ~p rm-ks for r eveitirT gimilar clisastcrs. Thrw moist ppitn [£i lg w't to do fluiN wmm 1l d ~ iil a great kee af Mik Swc-5t« rft6w, .~ Coa~t:. SuS]I a hiuge~ [wrke, k4hrlger thal rye H v er Ike, was far beYIonA fl r". l re-50 kIre r-thc' Cvc-ar~itdc s D imev District or any other stag~ agenmy Onc aigain Soutlh F kidit rppeaIe t43 Wa:,hiaIgtin for Help. Despite thie inpo iiI;Ifty ofrth draiage di.~rkvt Lh PUVVITSr dtdd ell~ tla pprowa1 0fth t~r tWe cur. erah n a ras wais ~en- ii-aI to ;gajing Ierat aiid. So ir 947 pr- cen~t of[Ithe Falm~ Beach G'un.ty tlrs appr w4!l It~ p~in L dlid 8.6 pcrnt in Bruward County aind 96 percent in Dade Qmunty-'" P~rose _ ns for Eeerala1i4-m' were good, E~rei 1Ut;F~e tft hLWr~vICiAC tpe Army Cur s of Fnginc~vrs hmkd he v wnrkingan 1F14 d C~ntrnI ihr FIorid 1 ;31 ihey1 4'.' 5p 'd lp f1he L eff-I'rt. kpe:-sLkCd Ho'I~a w°]Lui b4- came U- S. S I La~tir in. 1946. LL~ s tubbor . 1 e-- i--r-ctdvr. nr L~x~il It a iste.rv operator in .vge~ ijr gfhkriI rn 'ne -q ret iI~ his hoir~t 6s tev. Th tun i rvn±iert d itth t the veturn IN1is i i  I T$ bv4d into W: R-r- 1V4 Wr- iri W Land aippcointI to the f'ubic~ %itrL~ iii i-fitte in November I WOT, "lI shall do everything in myP~ pwer, HQ~an l wmte to r enmtiti ..nt, ,eto bring anlaIt Varly G.1or nioiI C~nsidcratio~n ajC prm rcrn Ikd conrol roject that w+4%iId d~i eigned to' prn~te'o the ECvcrgtdes and oither sctions -which cuff r-c-Ahc-ause :ri rcent w it 1-ie i.11 Foridai.' 11icd on Itrio Ilenrxl--pr With i 11tl.]ent ilL[P t'tr at ;raih house' niear K Li N 1rrii iv',.. IO Oi Bi~VOW1 1,r c,1) i rfi a Of fa uip ui~ki, 1r:Otection b')r thi! k is~Limmcc VIIhv.. arranu~d the mevting. attknkdkih-3y61t fromr the Kissirnm~. v, an-a othe~rs £r--1k piLrcS US far a1wayr is Ftt F ie.:-1 and Cle jito, -3t IlolIari lkcpt ina cloa touch witli the Army~i ngirr { w tlIt~v pri pr their flkw p ntin rei:( Lme ndlatiorks. H psc-d on ti .es - ,t4 m, t i m b Lindqhwcm r friend s mid N.Aw4 to it tha t ov:I l1 r c r C kwball had a _kaee Ip revic-w th-c rqu.xirt kIx~fre it %WrS rn4-Eased-t sTbe n FkhiIJ ]eader, hd every r'ro4siJrtrI ht ltad wit thvnp indings, n-aeplli in FCI2TLhU~h '9I As cxpe-tv-. thu- ncrjxprt re .rtrt.imnelid 0-tI ~h . hiddn In~ f 1®,YPe mmhly n~aal leing the rusa ridgv to prtct lxitI) th Gold Co wt viti s and aini;terveinhg bit ~ lat d suir.ablt f'c-1 Iiamii -g and SnbniwiijM d'elopnenjtr. This5 fIle perimetcr lfv c ould 1w c :.nin,~l with ote lc-u! radLatir f rm I aL' OT-pib to retainMwatPr in th~e th ;P nowi conservatW) ire m. Othe~r Ie vves and4 au rrrphn ri,01 w1t o lId Pv :irivdte p Mt-tic-m fora 7(Kk.(N0-JaTr EVCT ,'ady-s Agricultural Ara~ to Ilae ut~r o cLade t k e h I:'t In a]], tl-w piiaris caIledI for 78 mnils~ if vew .or i m- prove I ve s anid 492 miles *f ganls, as well a. pumping staticln. s~paiIll~~ ys ad rukertsk. The~ Armr~ Corps wouild. hui li thes pril'iliy struhCtItr . -w'tI) f~rdS suppliedl inth by thc U.S. gvern mt andi by statef arid h$K-aL1ae~v ire Florklda. CWWIm4L t w: i wourld h~in 'Q. P has'- th,.c first, .cost int gan est rrudd $ 70 r1uilli1013, would take care o 1'r raeg ia~o tu'uthk]' ai et !fI 1; li <~t~a i~l hn ° h~e -:itPvo woold, p novid , h-nd'its Cr the~ '-rut rt,.-i31 lyffi L4 ir,.-ith uand vvS1 t 'if tL4- ilw,~ incAltirlgn the Upper St- johnsi River and Kis: imini Rier °9ll '. tbt - siti ith of rliAd o, and th-e Galxhahatch-iee" Wray-~ I [I a]ll1, th r if. 4ou ld ti~ .$20q millionJ anid would talc. .at least teni yekr to: h Ilid. Inr ad:l ti ii t i hi r nv.rk of prima sI r o 1Jvies a thei .-41p rumended that subd~iesh using~ kIi puiblic anid pri}"bite funids, Iiu,[Id o i-' kee andj :4ias s erv~e tieh repd~s of thih~r particulr localities- Bcause ettarlIier state eeniturr- s rmi d rrl  Struggle foriNrrvitir, 179 agc and flo'jd -trnl. the ccorps rppii4 that the ft: trill oriIl- rment p~y $5 percent of the Qo~r coo C1)-1 thei pr'ima1r y stnie- tuinrs, 1laving trnlv 15 pv cat -i tM #- b Contr bated bi St:d amid I ..I distrkt .I The Fb4r1:da 4e-at' l~ to Congress had two am r goval. To ~i va-d e -"pmed6 hkt-I p tt y f. j z I Id upx'n the Army CoPs tO Ie~ L USt iWrm approprition c-111.6 million to deepe~n the St- Lucie WatLr-way. For the longer rimun -!. Setors H-ollnd nm Pepper introdulze . 4kil tr)'ku- tliurize the fl id cunraln plan r-c-01mimuemided in thet erc nveer rr- prt. Not all F rwid L ns liked the.i p pogal- Sam. C~lier opin }'ed thy. flood coivroI.;4 ° Iheir ip jc T 2° And 1iv- ders I n S t ift Woe uinhmplyr with plans t-o vril ir thLC St. LUe W'AteT'A'Ar The. StUia Cj its tMmis iOr Qpp ed theim, 1. MUid Fd'in M er -illger,. plu li~her rif'ihe SItrf w tc Srrator lkdbiand i bitter Iettkr omplairi- ig tlIi~t ther 4x;1mr Ji ty h r '11kl7e,4enktl lost' WO~J.CN worth of bkk"'rwes Ltir' RUV r. amufnd which thrr i~ntir rnkrr t31 an comTT i 'IL pidit r Intlk-s 9as lx tn turned irAntFD m u thmi ahL? ei i Lkag",t rt 4r the 416 t. Luc ie a bji pusl1ied 411l1b'~~ L t"itii wac he nlOit fasi I A WAV to get quick htlpk on ther 1lcmx pmLc Fur a lomrng i l tiori 1- wa vki cl-rting o.31 ('4)1gres% iorkl zipp waIxl of his Iiil1, "kinder whichl fh~mid waters will K-- stoar UIi uhtima3ttcly d(a ~re41 ihroug the .Fr1i. rIirhefr thaii 1i (4) lhe 1'Iitit"." r HuI '' 4nninp-r wu.5 still highly c'ritical 1:Ethe pruij Lt_. In riother letter to HIluid: he .sakii~t 'm Sor.y-ledi iIrvar[4riit nieeds tolriq In CinpgF H;NdL1. aridRwim lai ir i .hk LIJ Ole C14 thAt Wt- art 1144 In1- te r.stM in ptine rid of the watrr. The engineer think n i tt~rMa Of dR-AW-4. The rr v J s,-,r,, r+e um could r nride.r Fkri-d~l Ir:lflI bk U) rni ti A ; omp ri ixive progr; mr to [pr-s eiv, unn- ixwnd, ar tres ur thiAt w lk it s our life hkoo4. TIht km~ge livc here, the more I amn impresd with the nce SSity of sl-opinn th i infeviI diiehi i ng7 As ai sp Nifi altier-m ive, Nenn ingrr '-u13gYC td p~clai ng 100I, fWater-M~iSL1t_ iWAmNp-type tree~s ina tLe Kiitmee w'rwdyhi. But If p t: iri Stiiirt did not want the new projects,. tlos in Wort aam ah.. Fort lAir~d{r~lrIPr~ and Mi.mi d-finitc-ly dlid want themir. To~ en1Lgt gi7i1rJion~i~ %ythv ijlthle sap J'trSl pbt toger~her a 1xickof potn.raphs rc.-u wding the 'c uasd by thy: I1A4Afl _d 'r.%IIvi~ IE'r 7 pidie (1Vt '<1e 1I''ThI h ; -waing f', j" 1'1Iderl ''Ir eep in %%-ter, the publication becc kntwn ais thc 4epn Ct 1 ht Amrong thos c cqIeAV WWaS PmP~ident irlMm himself.  180 ird inki, ~~Wea r R iar i' Land Se~nator [Iollucnd W-1 -umL.t I thw suppu rt of Florid a Republkic , C . S aeS , % ., PaIl E exh,. ohirii3kn okh f putdican St Ex ~utiveC rri ITI 1_d "A'F-r~ stae leaders lob11ied for tht, fk'cd itmrnl puigram :among ky Republican trongrmssrrn and s nator s. s" Ho1Land aIhtci rec'eiv~ed -a timely firn mii. l atte sn, president o the United States~ Sugr Coi-poration, wh~o sente sup- porting t egams to eorn resina l~e Erni+"51 O w~q (ki1rdI r9LAIrF* -Fri' 1"I vi 1li IH ive 11"I, I I) NM A bI711:"1.1]11 Li R' kItLiLt wh-- o rI -?~.I t o ti ii i 31 2, 1x ren r erl r~e ikw %mi' 11mcruI 1 I," J1 Ii.1I' F~"~;I~l-" 11iLI1:l i m G:rI 1- ikAIr 11 : : 79inu*I i jiiifmi HI S15tirui Fk1nd SridH P, The~ meashie easily~ °p ssc throkgh Conress and was igmedV ink?( lawrbi. President Trumi ' wk 3OJurne 1948. It apprived ithf- Priie-first ph 4th*# Army Corpss flX1:1: cnbil PlIm. UtailtVd 4l t- s 0.htO7 millin., it authorvd X16,3 mrliIlidm to start work, cnting nt uponr nifritm11,n orom state- and hx1 urt e ofS .7 b iri n ril -rmid and 115r nc. Caireitl t0 ' 1hLr- the. gly WithT oDtcry,. Semitir [kdiaid 44rol1e.; The wh Ii" Iir}lcd lr dcairu bia siv yk'4t ihr fi this rI10- t-i'T 'Mid will, I elll 11t 40 srr' oue todjo :, ;-d L-.wh incnlcr Uf t[e drtio 3]1 n iiS it t' ld tu. I] i full. sare T, 'he~ i:rf~diI~ti Illa citi- .rS , i rkdu tIes arI- piuh .m~ki nts~ havii also vou~pWr: f u to the fullest dfg e as ha l E1gublK:-mn -dek~tg-ton, I vvufl you1 to rpmemalier that th is is rot a p~irtis~rk JIOP-1 t and1 that it Sho.uldLvontintW to inrit ltL 11 urid -ffts o all 01.r peucple.' r { vorret-tion d the autho~rized IlMJ Lcnt)iA vvurl~s did w'L otn fobr Ldrri it s t'1vo ears, Fko:;ku% the Army Corps could not epnd. any  fcJ'raI .the e ors the rajiije until the sta~te hdcotr btd its shaire, thJm gnverninig biodi~s of the [Iterrud 1[mnt~mcnt Fund, th Evt:rgladt! DradiwdI Distrct and PFdrx BEamb, B. w~r, a.d Daide C4oLbftiPs ;td%, ,ed $I5ON to enable the corps to start designing tL TV4 ..r-y Strudture.IL Coiope~ratioii was t -u Lr--w street. Whien South Florida akg Ji suEeed. flooding in~ eptembe r 1948, tht!. urs dipped inito ith, vrcrerey fun]ds to~ build protective Iar-ie~rs.22 Mean-while the swae aiatho rfi - wer puttinjg tuogther a legisla- tive p ~g a or the sesion that hoegm in April 1i4., After some mnaneuve~ring the Iawmaers pu st d a general lamuauthorizingthe es- tablishmient of floo crotml4 districts ani'where in the state with power ~nonpcrae th f-eder-al : cnt in intt~r.k ifp kLting inhlitrnt and propt "Frcml the i-&-c t rX water; e[ither from iL surplus o~r de[3krieney, or IA'~T1L~ le:Oslaur. 'lSlj Lvreatd the torj rplc thet Evergla~des DrinaIg'? Dist rkt and the Okee'4hob t . Fluql Contrl Eistri&4 t."It authorrity eteicmdt-d over aibout 15,5O +.juaare unie ~s in lditng all ohr pa~rrs QI severnte a (i-tLnties. The gov- erning hnchr wEas to he cmpx).d of fire~ resident Iadr.%mers., not in re tliw.. IJre frm the. sine -L-u.ntv. t beappite~d Ley tht' 1i'r - ernor tr sraggered tI:rtee-yaR' t-erms. For the first time in the rfc-,Ik ]f[T~io histo'ry -of Florida, the lgisIature aiuthuriezr the use of rk eral reenues for bhitl the staites share of cns eutionr cos~ts anrd thf, ct cif pLir:h7;Lire pito lands For the ene rvait. in aras Th tew flxd cntro:l dsst te w~ to pay I'Lr rights-o%.--'% -and mainte nknc.. 1The sharp-it 1-gistLii:c h-Utlc wa ove distriVtJ taxesj: ~.nuld lan- rimrs k bes Oil LIhv 1-0.oi-s of the blie~f-its the Would dt-rivL ' Or ..hojtl1 i t re -e anM- ad Man ;rax on ;ll assessed pmptrty? "The first ethkd would Liy substan~tial lourc. ucon the g *a.grK_-ul urac-r praitionsa the -wc-ond WO1l~d sh iEI rnum ofrthis to the' Laxyer~ ofthe~ Guld srat ciie, I giiltors ftL']II the: &-cmall rural I 'unties JrLee!in on the ad v~alnret tax,: and the represent~irives fvrni the c:ities, nc deperatly atraid ll flus, gauv int t O tllt'T A~ a result, thr!-e couLnties.-Pa ie Beh, E mware ,n F) D; -were obli~aedi for 05 per cent of the tot. I hi i ~d. s s ine Ir fw was botit t th ird. 11 In Jamuury 1950 thu cords bq-arn cLnrtruttiIng the iO)-mIIle-long pari ter k/lev.e At first the wrk did not vTeil as rapidly as its, sl.-ooii:'rs h..: ..p d® Onroble.:hIm wa that ploddinug p me of the el gins.-crs them ics. Their master pn had hastily drawn, aknd t hIy neededr rriaiuvy ri20th~ to work oiut the detils,. A seranud prI }lei.] w in ancia].. De~pirf, its approv.J tfhe! prangr Conigrss wa nig- vadh i. t ann ~c.u.4W prira~i Tlie 4 rngllm er ue'd thees t tEll~  1 Lan ~rd inf Waterw- s iIe-r intoii Lan rd allICa1ri n5 a.-i an excim~e fr delay, anid Conigress tiscd rthf. fair, of thy. corps, o: spn cuirfra t a t 1pIpik k4;n 5 AS 0 LI &i'tiii o 30t Lcner g themft. This dilemma played iRU.I tlie hanjds of theL ~isenhner ad initrti , ki3 ,eVr tO apply the Ihvake n f .der :jienmdingj. Irk 1954 CoTngre& rrtde 1 4-0 ineW ippmpriaioc at all. Artu- ally. this wai a dIfhioux ewinno r. I f hi prmjE vteldwark WeT going~ to h~e I)ilt, tlway cme-itkiJ+. toi Ije- built (16.11v 1lH aite Florida wa. e-- joyini i new hcmlrL- llI'V f-Aat' pricr-- Uon p rpidly. which s 1e -,It t iMtIhe. tdLtI h~d to Iay, ih1 rr frifr thc- rogtmrut0ld + I i~n Fi alonig, Tlv tNtC t gisIiture cvJiTLILeLId tob app[J IJ Lk fTl4i s f' thme _mjec~t, anid rIhea Ctra l . nrd Sou~thern Flouidli Flood Cnntroi Dg- trift FCE:)~ -ellr, td ai Sl-11J~ttAl re~tiieL brn the ikg val rr ta, Irudet-c-d the rapid prnwth .arth( Gold Coast iuruaSLCd J9C.) ir ornu fwiviiS30X i n f1.950 to ovt- r $2. iin i i 1 1956, [wrn i [t Li i 11 the Vu~- eriline lxiird t m inuc the t:%: rate byv or-.ieqmrtcer. Enjiiiiir a dc- p7dad:' ilk'im the F'21 P i"i: e.l I4E® i iaiaL~ I *:Ctf fk~ 7i ~ lavyErs, and clerksi. In 19.50 it wasi crt inig o~nly '34 1xrsons; by t9-31 it ha44d a st'd oh100,I. ci5 wded tog-etherv in two~ West K 1m Keiich' ofk~ bKL1uid in _s In 1949 Lamar JLohrsLln arid 13imevr wa]ii bothi d x homr had S# t Ce' --. QliJe-feIa4i4 eT for the uld E vergk1des ti LirI.age Listriet, wer A11d'r consiieration fujr a 3iu ,,:at in tihe newe F D. Bevaus olir suck haid mad':e ei i -iii s -a k., ', sv14:Ivewini. of the ]19~4 flr wI%, r~he pos~iitio~n went to Alis. who wasrj~ u poictd rktt only vi ief eJ7Ler most pu-werIfi individuid in thc flrmdI r..ontrujI pxruirarru. The finat g~ov- erning I ar.rd, composed ol~itical Ericnds ijf G Fuller Wa-e With litl exi ri'rw in driLL e wid [Ilxod .4:IJ tr i . uaters, i A Wallis a free hand. And Wallis wa bul:crn CeIpir= buildekr. AIth,:iugh soe la b~ruaiue rnd -co Nat:iltve in tnm nmt. he- imrinded rc-pect Ix~ith as engiricer arid businessmn. thy linvlfik tl~jt e are vp arn theai -oee di -fl u li rt t-4-ki5 Fipr(d the Iwlw-it- 4- tho: rkp~y p-r;-in ;L; a widla~ h T ae isIig el iWA rp.e~ii th rc i.g 1i .t the Kloo 14,idIRri~h {cncoLurag.L'd LI' orkjnatjon cif L-:un- v-iet nery~atiun an1d flyO!] ''itiil .Ni 7ri r ittee'. III Pl< ~V'?jo t~he 'C VPtt :1n CQiritUFi uch IrK:31 g1-4Jups thiJk shapre, XF Lnlaing the erhergiLvs of ai wide ran-ge. of P03cple -:ie hfl t ' 01gric"ltu r~I ag~ntSU At tlenii.H fi Irwr s ~:itrr15' gnlers ral sta,--1-v eoprs,-nd ji r'P L ubishersan  Ssr'.i~gk f~ir Cc~rira~icuii I.R3 editors. Buvt Walis kneLw that this. mo~biliztinr oE local siLIppxJt Duula 50011 t'qrate UHaCS hee kvteS h . a d '10 vk~ to 110311 w r imiptly h1ilt. For this reaon wa unwillin~g to~ he boundi by the~ Army Corps' timetabule. He develioxd aft emer gency work& prnWram esutimnated tc iL t3341.() abuut two-thirds .uwhich. he h1tci W.ntmld a-%vtiaIIy e reimbunrsed to the F D~ with federal[ an~d state t orley. with. s iLspri:Pr o yin i~i e l is' eiim- -,kru - Are pressure gn:up-so. of thr.cui plitiuall]If Rvrd-niia inmn thet great ,2~1 k, o~M federal-wt te, wtit.- tr rrm l qPj;j vit;kI to th ful-ITmi- Of f,-1h.. He listecl . .vpral profjecrN which w- ~nd t wnli a ECG big lan g W I M i t ' rt u .F o i a h 11 M S I 4 t V -L i l 1 - i-I r c n al uIn d er C o nfl ut i o -n al on g. th e S t. L u d c,- - M n c ou njty hat,, 41This .a]7l - Nid the Srtw~rf Net o, s1 -r apolitkL-al pork bxarrel for the sole benefit of a smal group ofweAthy landonmers who are well ah~e tG pray fror th ir nlW water control p . ji c. TLui.r NWWlis in- that I itic l IyI tL : Icrr{- CaCk d eILCI PITnct. Vr looik f~orw:.rd to) !1I rait that thiLs will ojxi ii up 13[ A'e K-r4- to' AgIC Ii F.ilk sutrvive;- thse if .-1pe' ,rtbikut hisi VII)sitircm1 ..-J.iUEk lS LCUTC in Januadry 1953 when D ani MLLCarty iiu Le cderJ Fuller "'areo as governo'r. AlthiII1! 12i Lh W Hihad prv ided that t he to r-i: o FCDhayrd mum nbcrs would run rL ut atdiffren~t tirncr. dircumtncYs~ ailv~e W.C'ryi: tV i ie~c fiir EKthe m. iiernlwrs T'hc' rmw bnird kept WVaIlis oni ai C[ILiL4 elk sh ter eshlL iitl~arly iTI PP)chrtLg 'LIis n ngr~ progrhri Irov~r hesoon ha~d to de-al with other gov- ernrs. Gvenior McCrty d~tied in. eptenuuLxr 1953 anrd -w is-- ~~c-pde by (;hurl-y Jo~hns. p s.idnt of hi- staitf- sin-at _ i Jx L1Li-%-' 1~5R [kr h y C0I1ii) S. win itrk-r of as speial IM.I u°L-dcrL .i~artm gu'rnkjr. T~rus within hr-arerixtitl- is]] hadrt hidaI with llij r d iffi-ewt peY~ir r-,:Irs ai fc- ii r d ifle rv Ti t N:.Lrds, Ht[A LIid to lu xi ten d -w itht d1is- iaL jwi in the agency< but was wnoln ;at nrhl with WAllis. Late iin 1454 Joh anL3~(I Et"ineIC acid sh~arply QrjtidL' d F:I) ]xIlki-2L ini all iimtM-i phisIEd in t iic r i firr lk~d. *Theb CIJl-al [L int ~ brd ii F:iLk R~V tpX W LS" inciiristrati%.' i w4 r andi !,IJi tedr rim to a rievr4 cl-v~itd pos.'t o~f L1rc urhrr ct pIlIIIilIg all 11t1 nH.4h.4' (f.!Thf1),y With  tiU4 L4aP1 irmir W4WTrF- MU" te Land j~jj these arr T r nenerh1, Wallis reign l irk Janutary 1957, anrd the g.AIinc nftlhc p psed teethe harids iifest ntvr~ii en Thrmiigh all the sh fire winds of FCD li[t cs th great jxjest ki:Ept rr rinm ,k~g T1e Armyv Cor mnd its .qcuee. ;And (>on- -ri. . ornctimr.-s WillingIy, Soo eftimtr-s grwulgui' gl, passed al ihori- -rtig.i~ and epmr;In~ Th ]Fkod Contol Act oif 1954 ami- thcorizcd Pha-c 2 of the "l r-rr~ plain,, the i"Iood. CGmitril, 4:-ts of[1 R5 t 19W(, and l9.5 Y vie fm, ill additional &ir. Dis utis- centd of the~ con~tnuctionl costs Congress rnducd th ftlderu1 shari' to abJouLt 61 roe t its' I1t r aipp prim i res. In th late I9 4k arid £eJFr I~NiOA. Crr sn the state Ili latur bot~h blmiCh THriie gefer- o . By N64 the federa1 iplpmpriationf haid i wrea!Iecl to $16.3 million 110Fth L}IC and thce st~te'S ti 410 C11ldli~lPl Sum izin g its ;nh an~lfts at the end ofi f fr n y m, the FicwA Onnil District-reported] that it 1tand f--i-L~ed thie Es L5t OSL li"e V i I [Ii1)Liilt l# i e r i;rr-iI'1 g ad levees in try .tro s js ot I k- Ukc,-U hol - t k3,. tokct th-v Ac1i~ gricultural Arai~i eastw ai-:jt C.±i t IV-Vk i1prGVe d rjaa on the ctastal hd-.t. It liad cstL-blistid tliroe 1 +r -t it arteF 1~4rii.34H) ..:1Jr rite y, o-rc-A!~~ these~ wirth levees, and ins~tall4l gr~t p~tLImp. to pull iii y t water to h~vI ] d duriri i~ iI af dro rght. Th i)C %%' r "same; the leelf thei~ Fiioiver Die arnd ot)ritinuin it a~riix Lake Ok -W-h he. ft1Ii liir started to build works in thu Kissiminr. depeninigaid widening tke Cak(ahaee River. In 1'i the FCD wAs ucpratini 11 purrmplrg staion , iI 'ire thain l , s l mile:; of cnals anrj l five 60~? m~rakr r il wys and LIl n, iirmd w--ti liuidrtd sLe(crJiLrv Ltrlstmructures, Lt l d iii.$talled _ ~rri~erS il) alI .m~nrk le:ading to the oce'3n to F er!Cnt saltw~ater iii TusIIJTII' tW p~~ th tFCIT ) projeci had cmn!t $174 million. In rtUF tur this nirjv~tmcn t, FCtj }iials '2drrhtd tkiAt Lhl disttr 4 ha -Aei' $2(0-0 iaj illiuri Iii 1:.eMes th r v.i 11nr pon rartion,1 -xpranclE-- ;1crchapR fr a rf l u r Nneiip v t d w, -Ater supply for the t k . B ut aIrae f nd n ~ y c n t u t on n h u rj c a r.nli 40 prcent comiiplI:t d. TI~e F LT anid the oorEm stse them nee for Work in th tip er- St Joihn: Basin, in[rnrtant fiT ProCtdi g the 'tat 'ta [L . w grnwg area."-the4 reir~j aroundl~ Iri.itwdy e s )e te, tr. ThpvytaO AILd fir protIc-tve %W'orS in LI suthiert Dade Counity and in centra N I'cTiT~ to proid~ie gcwing~ Timm 10r Miajui an d C)rland 0.4 lie RF. was pimliuid of its stiis in pm cecting th area where al-  17 6.x , s I r, 4-- IF MA C P F!} a:!+ ~I :=11t41hIJIIL Ali'"'. VAJ I_011 J J"Irn'l . Fg'iii J~r fir- I Ii1 E>4vr }r: r Drjihia..r IJ1,11 r, 11r d 1 ;ilI Im1 ,diIl 1A uIr.": u itablehIbri.rJrL1.hIIL11rWid hI~ IAI1i1t1r1 t Or  186 LA N d iPrL, Q2J4 -a-II"Uih rr14) 1 LJ! e rriOst 4i ptrtgrit of ihe tatespi hUItior lived, Yet fromi the begin. nine; the agf-ne wa a ,Utrn cetekr IiILo)11rover-.y. It w.Vis accusd of gIorirng spee ial agriultuoral interests, &f g-L ing priority to thie tneeds 4i IIi:rr nd cattli een ait the ei je of[ oither water ~nrr rs. of dtuignuiting to inudh land for ariculture, aTj4J nut tug} fur wildhf& in reireatinrm, okvertxdiig eity, dwellers t° the heiffit of the~ rural countci s. The Fcr) turnid c] oer smpnrixion oF Conse ratio~n Area t to the U.S. Fi and Wildlife Service and urf Ari~a s 2 ad .3 to thet Fhlorid. Game' iiJ Frnish Water Fish Comnik n_~." Un kr the~q- gar-. rLI irrent~ the eraofftered r tr 'r iateS k"~rmvent'iIV fIir the~ (DOl C4.0130 (:iti~sL The1Vre- w .r kLRr hirrg ramps an>d loi sfor thnose wh o~ L -Iltelt firlhior I°Flating. V itrors v 6 d hbuy, rent, mrhr almost anything te- ncLded-mtor tbI , airhots. ,iwap kgv,- ges, tvkke, lit, g t1icIae. . Th ere were uravp site~s withr c, I rjQ;.-1 ;0-i1( saniftary tMoku. thu, tatu most povw-vrful lbi~ is- could he cu C TLk(I u~i p&31 W pO e wq~ chlmg krtr' hat would en roaclh uprn the mxner'yatiin bie -'T1his wasanbvr~Io S political, advantage to the FCi,. yrA t] ire wvere Nc riOUS pmhL' mnms invc1vv- in the~ Th :l 11irva;t30n ;ireT1;a: Were 4:rvtvfd tu r' ta:l l Ir. { . jusIN1 IL;t tq IIIk~ erk il opyrit i tm- tis And iumetimes -ne purpos~e can ickted wln tie QL.Oher. Coin- sick-r, iNrex-imple. the plight offhedeer. Before man intc.rkre!-d iwith 1'i1 ari u.5jiidi0kiii s, thwe deer avodd the so ° Ilcd sawg'Iras: Evvrg~acle w.itb it:;"dvep water graing irstead on the dri-er lands o the edel . .Ih E 4cr glades. Y whei th st-ati- d r inage pro+lam dried up miie h of the foirmer nays ; r- on, thu- der Trovedl ink this nt" Iub~ilt. [In dryr yewrs they flouril:hed, IRAut Vk1 -1arN ltif Ieav ra'il- fall whi!n their graingph ..s were 1 ,kided thew ,uder.d from itre.9s ]rd qtrrvat iorh And th -)ey wre still Morin. vulnera-the iii the _ r1.erva- tiifi Areas In the sium mr ofi )64fi thert were h~e iy rains, hind the FC .0 parvipde-es water from the It :m1aiwI: in n t1crr. '~rain LeAs. FlUndreyili of deer were drtrwnetl, .undl s rnller amniruls like wild h. s ;3nd ra ns died IwC-fa13Mc the hiO w-.ater cxovcred their imatu rulid fJI .Upplies DePkIVRmm4 tlii ] l ~ ] 11: -am I [kod,- the New N irk Times sid: "In the Evcrgjadv-s, mindless technology is Inn 1~ Wn 1969 the deraan siufftCrd when the FCD pumped I;.~i qur n ctrti ties o-f wxe nti i 4Ithe c n-irvati'nnt s, r effiirts of unservation i t: and sqrhiaiM3-1en!n mkc-Lxrked. Hoping to mo, the dfr to hhe Wgr:1nwl, the ;rnirnal Iort c prrniad. them irn  St ijghrl fo'r ONINi~A°1;;i 1R7 airh m tsz bu.t the frightened arnimnuk exhausted themn5{ulvs ruJnning . ' r~ t IierIn d ilr ki nes WiIs ki:lling nllow &er i thin w as high w.rkjrw rabrit advisd ° ie LtWeoP rvtionisItI tob ltave~ the l ni- mwl.Ionei4 Bt the Jeer Whra f~jind .IieterOn the harrnimiwcks t!r III-t .taw der O~r t}'ey Wcr(' 1-W ta el SIiir } kunterti. llC Stte uut short th°e hunwtimg sc'R , but LlkC aL kill i I I LekITl~e h.L 4 (1 tveV rruevd to h ~i4 lw c ke rq.duL'esl fryi I .DOtAO to e~ th[rui 1,iKCO" A mcmkAxr oC the state gaflL c mullission3n xEmttkd hEti age(nc s he PP L*F Sne. Y> '.'i ci is il- th Fr(l'D3 he said: ..he're nore- in. t ru! td irk dri;ThuIg fu4TrIn Lgd than~ prat chiir detzm Bu1t th-e' Ld ,control is their funimci.~ -7" Acknowledgling t hat M receAtio 14+1nd L111r J01tinm rcummrnde(lid thutt N Lh4 a" ~SE~t]i-sh A 7T'AI ~N1ii- iWrp' in the Bi-, Cyi ,r ~ ii s that the deer tiu.uld m1rw1 west EVPNr .01-e hitter W-rie (he (cLhE1' awe r° (hie l;.tl_' r' ed of EV-0en Kh~eN Ntik°nM0 F~rrk. Aillpie wMe r Cr flW'file 1)Mk hd llei o e 41t'Of jt- goodir &t.-4.d ptr-i~iv IwV tltk J'4:: )_By reduhCIDng r1n144 thl-lmItgh the r.Old dT-;LEnagfi ra VA "CM 1tri~ VVrlI tti r:1T-.l ht 1.'' 'orbs Wrre .Nupp)[) d toJ take CAre Of Ad cietib3. But C rnstruL-iun11 11f tw'o cujs-Ntate hihwviFrn imi TrAl .and Alligaptrr ;aIley-h.L I alrep~adv S~1P~~hmk i ~ ti~.~ ailtermaipe l te .tLktruI fl4jw 0f warter Nu.w1 "M 11 the Armiy (Corpi of E rt iinet rs 1111i 1dingL"it31 w~~ aerk of Lvees the EC a 11AIa~E- Sv :54j 61LL S thV~TV .-LS Jd('Nf1ILat rainfall the' prk wF Lts+ freaiilI ;;e_' hutA Ill year l'f 'AiRcEy~ w tlub wo "Id the VL tThe th re a.t to the p;wk b m .4=e wevic'w during t [ru -early' 19600, 11 1%31 southern Fly. Li d rr>"±',ed wi c ly 31)X inrtieuj. of rain - all KMut one- half thc- annual averaze. Durinig thi, tirstr ftir ino r7h N of IWf12 there Nwes 1i all~Iy no rj-iIln at aa]1. A-, thw watelf lwhles ill t[Wi!"e 1arr.1 uII) a struggIle fr sunal developed[ Th rain A lnat[[ c~ami ti N-t PPrV a77t further dis'aitr, hit t fr r- -evr l yeiws the flow u,' f '"v: a thr.Lagh the park was dane tu lv NhghL.' Firers (a dug1-h dL-i- 'gd" plant life, thns thr at nivig [-p friix -pply un wl-k.'h the ':il14ljlfI l1 deene R [alias g th l } 4wt c~tif & ht U.S. D epart- Trcu~t- (if the Inteior, GnngT :,i, thorri7Pd PL $ FtX3 Ol .StLkdv Of the I3E titer llpds il 4,f $Qouth FlorkY T4- h1.4. Arr oirp . k itira Vt-1kr& L~ carry out this~ as ' ini th Ime Ir antifi park officials conTtimnLREI to com~rplaini 4 ngrd cri rtVFC 1UI.tLLS Ii. It es for nrrI ivatr th Fv Prk Service ht he~ fi-MvP t :5atp-  IMt Laud info Waefr-VWar into Lwun part OfAudUI n Socetics and atber pr nrvat ioriisLt giUPri. 1iIpvi sinu~ rews r-eports dpk~eiti the plight of the wildlife~ prtwiikd tiationkvid a 'tests. But the values in jeopad were e O'rfaic as well as sepntimienta[ At the mos obvi us9 levee au fiiirisbirig natioriai park di ret ou~rists to Florda fort then~efit of motel owners.. service staios, and airlines. Less understood, c=cept by i iIogits~, was the relationship ofthe park's estuies,, tidl.I flats, and ba>'s to the ,state's vatuable shrimping and fishing indusbry. Thecoastaiv aitrs wetre the nursery grrnunds for s~hrimp, arnd minote mrn li Fe on whichl the larger fish fed, -and .a.. adet fresh-hwaktr flow thiLugh the egtI]1rje m~ neces9. ary to i 4ntain the proper s lirity of this hal tat. As the etha Lrrr r ,t::li ts S'A A the situatkiom, the Ar rn corp of Engineers and the FCI)D wLe.r ignorin~g these a ..logial f cr. lid IIr Li ildirx arnd i opri their c-nl and levees. A nu bher of eAhrts were riide t re rlie vi the pF.vL. The~ park l :r iin~i tr lion drilled wd~sbut WAS UTrLJJ]C ktxtRP ad (tprm I d. leuply, The tDtried to pump Laike OkechoTle Iwo Ie dow n Ilflr)mgh the c als, but threy were tou' shallow The I~rLNerv A3Moi ' iw Nere~ nrjt yt pmiing the water stu rage that h~ad been pI~ ned. One pmh-g lem *-as the suvlo ihnborrnall y . ears. arot!her was tihe W&i Umr Of r nr~ to aff Ppmriate enough money to complete the' ,'cieptlii the fat tht I tinpki ri of tle F CD prr j et wti ud tike many years, t1hw Army ctnrp: in 1 * propcsL a.n ileri "'PQ-, pmet for getting 3morwe at~r 1rlto th paxrk. Sinot thrw lOX.. miiter-kini ternrit' he twn Lake Okeechobee and the park was tnn flat Inr an 1deiqkL i atun flclw, the Engireers wanted to enilarge the~-aiials ffhmLugh the cu . er-vition areas iund instalI pumnpin~ statiorm ti 3 rrmnvC the. waiter souitwrd. The Rork Srvice lihed the idea, but Gov. Hlaydon BurnsaJtmpted to rdanother feature.. He as 6d tra have _a kh-w- earthen leve built acos the soutbern part of the pairk to pre. vent excess runff intio the oxc . Claiming that this would dirupt the. ecok'gy of the region,. parw1 ofikials idef.sed to approe 1t.~ 711e- spite (Ilia NkirnisIh, the thrt~ putis uorps, Purk. Serviuc, aiid FC- -idagree to hack the interim proct 'eitiMrAt-0d to (o t 13 m ii- 1 [or In the spiing of[ Can1~ .. ,igre arkn0411 )WE" KVieII jOf N i;AM i skcnm-d the ifirsit $1.5 mdlio~n a pmprnatio~n thruup.h CnrrzisY-' '13 gig the park sorne i~y whle~ these a e w~rks ',eire hdirig bu te ilt, thc FC xnuiscz to r-LAV is a' mnima"' sUppl O rnillon. gall~ons a, dad', p ivid d that the :urfwe of Li k Okeehobee dlid riot sink~ bekow the aky gevl wied by the Army Corps at 12.51 fet altwwe ., . lve. R ut this pdgE:. given in March i. was severely tesied the niext year when' South Florlia ex prienoied its worst drought in  Strugg~ for U'n er-otimri I~ tw uity-fis-C Years Crops we. rr el. (w ~te were dying-- rrrban W010r Stapp' S.F r. . nming Sh rt'Twtihfirit'i W~rr mi~nig cIut (If co~ntol. The, le~vel ofbiik e k hI. smik toi brteitldi of uir tI.VI aIxwe the erlt i-al1 -2 fm.b Ievel. On 7 May Coy. (;I~itidF K rk ~ nriMd thatif L[ ih druugt etmtinueil tihe r~ ofi wtr itlhe pairk womild hwe to I h i ed, "m Who, are olAI X117 (' Irned }r.~iIi er~ 4 rkdru d " I+.i bisi pr*'d.r Fiqi J3i'i . r 1'f FI'.'i'  11 ! ~ f!t L r j Ti JJ-1I-- V f rdu LdlmI arc more th4iin cint millki people involved in this druught also- "The rth -frii113T hlwvers across the nation pm mptly d ecnde'd Uporn the gov'r-S& head. lw e\re Yo Thw . ;irtedb the ih~rs ;i s yv-rb tlhreat txo tihe Miami eakt supy: "The~ ciumt is nott betwLvri AI~~ir anid people- Rathpr it is be!tWeen rffmeS vho will .i1,fkTr a d~nininkld ci-up anid a park -ofniaon~a1 rmportance anid ui uttiqal- itW_ Crop inN'iUT Arc lld gwfr]1mnt indeinnitiPi_ ekn make Lip the fi1la.r -i-al1 kS. to ' ,.rneS but there iww 11, y mpen7 r l ; he ilio Isr the untold furor donei tio its toniy sb icaI park.."s As t Wo i(,a ruIt tveior Kirk c.ivtl d - -treied this -scolding. Florida's f'irait Republic~ glJverno)r si iv--4 Erw~I~nLLtiond% ,.-wi s . II ti P t t la ew.~ r who shidce: d lh er~ill by his highll e 1 I, - tiu rs. but lie wive lr-ss behuld erk theiniw uio m is prtd6- m~ to the~ jviir~i j1~- rd rain hing i -I tre1ts. (-,Lt i- the mile of vllabin r the figh~t toI V the pairk, Kirk C IIUS t: PIAV a hero's mile insteatd. He i1lte t~? :wiL th thme Army Coirps ar~nc the. FCD to . ,,tinkue the mini- 111:1 1IN, %wLst1_r in ito the irk "I)til the r1 iS e&,424. in j ne~ .A111.3thir LIDexpc-utc~ hcm was I-hcrt Padrich, a1 Republican whom Kirk h;ad 4qpj X11ited t the FCD g 'emi rmg }x~rd. Althoiuigh this Fort Pi'ee ault.E CIdIir came from the same small town pxilitical bukg~uund & hand earlier ~v o Mf~a s, lhe prwed to h;JIIve ' mw-L~h hI-Lrider 'conept dfwater aa~i c ~int_ The prc_ rticinists. lared to thfeir surpiSe thati at hearit Fadriek wii orL~ 43f ther. For his v; kadr'hip In~ ,safeguiirdinig wildkrneikrea Fadrick was desigiiteuJ- ~' lvia'r ouitstanding cinsrvationist" lir the )~rc. 1969. E) emphasize the F nj'S direction. the iigm in~ 19%17 ;.1d4ptd ~lrd the Friendly Alligaitor" as its svinb+:l."" By this tiara Fiat . t"n of Evergladde National Pak had become a raIlyil]g OalSe fr naure I Pv r; i1 tr c' r rer of the u'irmi, arid CVC-L th Army Carps . -cd to Iiiluencd hy the new mcmJi On 19 july 196 4 it lunit id its el ktati V f~idiiig on SOuth h° 1' -d@ eater ncds at a meeting attended byFark Survie representaive2s,. D bo rd rrembters, Flork ia rd of C 17 rvationro c 1;"Ind orlher ifltirested p is, Plesed with what Lh hard. Hardlion .iL Bill, t- ttiii, tha~t tl water cme sd of Ev rgl es N P~a. asre not only r.cngniJ , bRut ther is ak,1 a resokec r43, skilltulIy and equita- Time 4xrps i1 pV-d CIL&TO TLe works that wVol d icu ir- ciz2- sd 1.4--10S Ofw;er to~ the park of up t~ 31.5,(KO aere-li~r every vear. the m1in imum tIuaf4 rtity the Parki Serv consitkred ie~es-trv. %-InddpI~ 1%dgq, dir ohr 4n tho Flrida Fkr of CanrlIVaiLn, Tegari ld th.N X r uierkadat on twith eiiridtmhle Su. piu~I  Struggie frA' Coilie r vtiona 1r41 that it "shiould -N-himie the shortail." 711d t hC E1.1rIuJ N a1011 F 10th All the iiawhral. e~nvinn it, it wellk he A~0 to~w~ P"A pnt tlw P',rk crxnlpk*] aginst3~ tI-t-;s- C'4.l~i i iin. It w- all r4II righ etablih rLl irdi~uothle r1MIMUlrrnum '4.1t'ed Apr :survlva11 but it wuld 'not 13v rei-,ifr t ig-iriint t~ : 13Pa1rk1 a s siircd aia[ fluiwcontraryt 0 thir to Prteet itseIfly Ihii [dini, water _wtoragi:: .ern ~n vheyi nc: :}t rk]QtI rip withlin its wj) hix fid ries As for new wo~rks tciutsde ..- F ~inld- that such cormtnctiori for tie, boneit of t - park s6kwtld not be -al- kIwpcI til dIr1I ® (nI rWirn Of the orginal FlC C) projecLt MilI uonly5-2 percent cowpetdi. L Ting the~ rjxt fi'W mliIlhS thes 13trpr 'Ii ttis t wI :tlrfhb SL4 Of- Iiab ' r_ itinuId kI t rLL g] O~e 0li L1 rps ' iudrl y The' pt ra-i'rt ~ki.lii ts wIntd "rtlwir i.{'r,4:-Tt th~it th par wul ree1 Ler1ni hgh YWater illr ear s s C-Oll ,t U-]I i114, WlILV'~ ly ihe i 1, rn' imni -ofSLout h Ft rik}::k 1-MIuk-LL t:'I1 arid iubt 4ry rright btC[ Tk4-A{ik i I S had no'jf ohjeiEn e~ mec 1n4 tliv dcrn -.IaNd ,ChpINrk: in nornlL VV rs bWt ini te R-m thie i pmri)l4 cd -Sh~nti;r l w dv rit a i k r O In th fin al d raft ~j its n 'prt d at .L e 7 M ay4 I ) , th e4"C O r E g n e s u v el th ~ k S r 1 v - d . r L i O L f t W sC [p -I N of r- the wordb offthe rio~rt; ' 1w Sf*' viCe hu 4k ed tl-Mt tvl itr- xl 41iV- tB-td try thte pFu- on -Ln imrmuid schdu JuleFa 31.5, aerv~-J et, _ itb viying o m~thI se(F'1es p~ttnix-d closely ter the 1 hi--w[4 di trlI qtk,.i of fluw 1hru ugIJlt tline yeamr The Servk& iou dlsrj LBl~ ti wk:tr grL'atly in cxc-irts of 315, 000) v -if-c-t whc-nLvr CXC*-cs~ to ab aviu r n fl iix1U ,dL'{1ui supph!. 'flKM1n rAf oSouth FlorIid' r~lapi-: Sgrwth1O Pj IL'1'km .Ih[w Arrmy (rp. k rned that Ofw r wg_14m ifl igi 1.ufLtr widt pr 11hvrqt .ge L ftitr 197'6 L erhi i 1 auflkL~rr ed F'D 12'vork-. Cnost caaLs into L Ise k-P choh--cf and the I5Imrv; tin n r; :a ad- Jitional c4fll4I, i''es, i1n 4U1CI I. riJIIg st~ationtea II)LaICI'4' t i are ' of need, and highier I vc-s aT 111n1 Like kc 4L-ch1olwq Flo that th"L mraximum rn l v]. t}UIerT -ILkId hP ui i '0 t higheT-. Oth' c-r p~irtr£ of th ' rv- pI,, voP? R.dv4' igcm& In r P.wt"ide.L ! Lettr pnI-Jktr furt1'r CaLrn- lands, a depr hr waross Lake AC Ok IWI ei w'" and mr I- rifr~a3- °ti0mal fa.'Ai'tie i, The eorp, eStifriak to h ~t tilt' rke W CM1L~truLrt rkc W~f 00A~ Lbo'ux 70 millio, t}~ y deerdd i] ~ire to [)- , 3 iiliirnY.  BARRON. R.. 7 LAKE WORTH "-- DRAINAGE J I DISTRICT EVELANLADEN MAJRSANLREISIN ---- ONSERAT AT GIVEN DENG7 -NEW CANAL INCE LASTADATON ".............MAJOR LEVEE avidl., 5L;- I heryn Ficrii f ] ett4r'flA Di, 114"Imt- l Ir i.c. in t ! i fr.;5nI qHtqed 1- ill iniIkc, coimpkR:. b LlW'.Iwrk I taLuak ii I:L 'I. Vejl-et11 orccall ukn 60w sn:utbel", tast4 '"i Fr~ irrm L 1tt Du'.t11i.i u Stb: I'tarInirtg mr Jjif terJdl Mni0r Sp1rclnt Prs'Jna JoL Pr'rrnjf Ldr1f I t j adcatiru 1!a r  Rtrig fu ru i li Despit ea lier iInisgin'rgs the Plarida Bciard of Conservation fraci~y endorsed the corp vIel Du 7 Miiay 198 and tkvi'rruor Kirk wroite .a strong supiM rting lIt ter.= He re..gnr 7d rEr 6de. National lai-k as "a leg~itimate Water user" Rid as a uInique p ev that u_'Pul et o~nly JR Snirth FlnrirL The state, Kik , qi-ts the rcspun- sibditq of .1ar ding this treasum Irr gtemrations unborn. Authow-iza- tioni of the Cors ofI ngineei .wistdy is vital1 to the Park, and tEJ our citizens, whosc lives and livelihu'ud de'pend onr the Cenutra~l mi. Southernm Forid Cxc Conrol istrict. But eve this~ Strun~g st~tffe]J LkILI W ciut tTLIig kc0ii t lm it r of the Pa*r Service- Stanley A. 0in, asgisrant -~~rt3J-' ofthe in-rirr vrCiki.aid that the 'x'rps report failed to establish uinieuivex4-;.1) that the aicwater supply to th park wtukl bet Uiiiuff ied br fu Lurie demnds OF ofi Lvya ad agrilkltiural growth. -We!, rhcrvfcbr ' Cannot m~ocenEd the! paTL," nt miti -rvtd out writtenss ran 'e by the Secretary of the Armnr that he wdi provideth ~rter supplies t fotrth in the reixtr, vnidirm-inishPi 4y new iml:I]1gions_'" On 14 Jane Maj, n,® F. GC WLir . acting chie orengine e re. ponded in ai let- Lt to Scti of the Interitur Sk~r tLUdall: . L:'ndr authority of' th erotav of the Ar t-r,(he Chief o irl Eni t rs -will iniur the project is regulaed tr. d 1liiier the water rrqirert i t~ nt o tlie 1r; Iades Natkonal Park a-9 st-t rnrth in the rt 1::rt_' with all rtiie% pvomis0 i to ct~r , nic-~ rjngrp. ait orizii the necw $0 million project in 1968, but th pr. rvtiuiiikb Still Eult erin- easy, F'4r one thin g, until the new wnrk.9 WD-- adunai y hiiI. the % kterN } upj ~,thti iyark was highly vu1atrLr4hl, Mc'r~c'ver, the l i7 eS fld .1Lhnritv wt-e fr fiu dear. Termy ha pre: im-d that the water needs ofthe park wu uld bemet, but mosut of the 'p re- nilitihes 2fLJecd with mnrstILt nrn- Except i crtain ennting. n- lIe, the . Uwtua in marrgehn of the ciinplex wiir.% lay in the h3.ncl'i tiF th4- t' :u. For the moeunt, diDLe Ixoard sewedr to, I yrn Trp the ti tri the pri wr vatiornist Caus'e-, hut what wounld happen~ it So~uth Floridi's htr(cprat- il] growth con tiu.?" As the dleand or] i water grew, I.. would the v-CL of the~ future respond, to the prvssures of real estate Frtc nd u f t1LL park rie ar ltlLT p~rois~e ini Marui 1FW59 wheni a44lter Hk kl 1,NNoin' : retary nf he intrerior, visited, Fki h. us enCe-Ong LIsj ii -eibuL rapi i o tIhe Uz erL~iearr iit talii~t the eI.rtRtafl. made a tfl-d-y tour of thi rgad to Publicize his~ intenionr Gf V.rackii i 1.vv.i oil alligato~r poch isrs In bi~t tht'NeivT 1 4 'rrk?.s de. scrilw-d qos a -sum mit meeting" held in a trailer at si r gnr stationr onr  1A 1A N61r~ EPLeht eta $ 'r r jb rn fr! f. br ,d thtr CUIF MO ~If ic k l ;. d GnvC1--'-rii-Fr K irk- dji-S -il*d. the, TOr water .qLmiTPu nrtS Onc a gain Kirk reccni td tli klginiay ofC these ad P P}is:5 thjt th y 1 id Uz het."L Avkmilli then.' wu- nou showrtla a~ he! time 4the FkkIKr mlet i Iig. Th4P k-vee ofidry yeirs: ki:.d Iw,-L tl lowr-d by sevv ral N -et yer to 1969 th1e ParL P 1-i + LI- il 1). w r~-fi iof Fwawr, mnr1V.I thnever hbfm and motnvthanh fivc times the 315 00are-f t lipI- ik' J in tbi L1 LjIm 1 M11 °h. But altI . -Pmed knew that thicosi;v veT ('LiF -Of IJundallvt W UlId 1)+. followe-d hk- veiar- Of droirrgr and tim- pr-ir ionisr ; still i'ear t Iir thc- parLs future- In 1970 t' con- gr .':';m. r frienid 4 th-e inovemlent, ertior~ Cayl rd NI - ol. Wik" 'n~i rId Edmund M.wide of Maine, pushi~ thro~ugli Con- n .W mnv %ALkCV'E1IV ere ('Qdcqua the purL w,;L to r .-IVIVe 15 C f I-rffi] pro[E.d. w~lhcver .'.°' kys. To the IT ai Ij , i n Florid~ i his wNitr1 ; I ;Ir i to+ x' L aL~t rhlng usl rigid. L iar juh iouic r4JTrlLO&TL!I JTL t11-VS q1fp1~ P lvrt6..5 p1'I tI 1 rLLgligible- in 11m e rof.9ii, it's 1n11rd'F_ Whi SLKh a t im ~, i'car- rrConiy . the iirtus w Ill [I'i ll pon th part-, not the Cargres° li 4o npAI. ic that the rark officia wasted the water thy A R-tdV" lrWd. ThI LI v1iled to bilid the enrin -ring works within It p7- ir thiat WI Ltd Ski. TC wVIhkm, wimveyto it~L wtrev It ;vas I1. '1 utid cl e I~tth the ]t water, "I i. it wi iia1eq ti Al low 114"S 1 IA'rI t() flo-w Linto the ,.du with. no amttIupt to reilld tI1jt rU1t4)f,~ J10hrVA111 wrte "porkia srtno mnwh of that prxwtir' in the a ll-out dlr.igv pcriod of its his- tory. The part pte'ple aili this, vet the' I1rk1 OiTT thq-Te Like° ai Iled - ling i'gret on its asst, mrnuth optrn aind sa king,, %Vcitirir; to i Ttwl Eve-glaides is.sue sy1 z- tli whole clash I tivV-N'TI r11IR- gtrs anid pv its Florida, The 4)1Lt, .m~g11 rs'1 lo, to:'AI plan riand. huti d the en inee-ring w-,: ol that wuld Li w-lkt'r e - i u1ly;t11w O911dt~i peervat, yi~llitr h r thiq tannp~hinlg withI nat4re an :I P ht tlc L alow the water tsi flw ire-iy th .Lgi133 1111 L iLum lud wildcrmnes. Ea3i groupl t ende3d to lx1irnic in. tolerant o ut}w otier. W Iit w±iU wa C11. %V b}ridl 1Me itit3 the twcp, Th7° wat~er iwan~ gears rn °5'Iid trytoaI Iwcrne 1'i Il i~n ' r-or entr nd mreri S :nitivc~l"{ to: C fUAI1Pi ,d WaLus. the r a'tie 1c Ebin grr we it -i, imirkthALle wII.®i o revr i,. n the 1970- O i4hIc l ILgisl1arurn.. Out uFofJ1tN v-e billy proar ib1-one were passcd. Thc-%.pcnaiuiz-d oil S.pilIkig4d p 1 n t vd N ~tar-nn-led submne1r liuds. restrliu~wI dra i- oi! d redging, Land fiIling, inum ~ed pe.nalties ftor ptllutiron. I' -ii- tcdl tliv f~n cin1- ofeage dris al wori*, cm . the uix 4 1)0-t CJLdtS, Ufere1-'41 ia ALuke Wil-drrmr®S SystC111 ° And b lanned tle SiAlc Of al 1J g1ator pidl.Wt. Alt[hi-Mgh1 jnan11r OfiI the14°w Me.skjr~a iti~ were miid [5 r r1 d anid 'AhFr rwJ i k.'1'uhiAte , it wA -' 'cM mIprus% iv em s,~ntm- t in that the '-rV1:1;nvimn1tn-Ll i-;t wer gaining p: liti. l CLOLur." Inl the 1611 ],, IN re, Cmn'e ( ' 4Lvvtrm 7O-T f~ 11 W;Npe(0V.SS sill Ir'nna re 14k;- ,fter 19~72 t Iie gFOUP betUne13 l-css ctive, but only btc-,auc t he mijrr  Envirilmrt ratalits gym) t, 11{ ; a .l . 199 lekhil3 tivPt battkvs hd he-n won and protectkinO tCth ecWiirnvnt h-ad i I crit rht4 dLI11 C ,L° ~ 4 ai, the ~~wr~ f'orrn idhl 4 wc rv t} e jkckt1.uimillt E~atti~rt, ddtrx311 it411. IlU buid a barge u wia wrn the~ pn ir1subt a; nd Mi isi . stcrs, -tho wanted t~o bhmild a giantU jetpw~rt cln'sc to Ev:crglades Nationral Park. At the I911iririig of KV51 the al '.~Il pr t had 4Twagre'd to he moribund, but it, JL-vAkiiiIdik biit-rs h~tt idu t IQ a]kh i t L.a johii Hi Peir, owmwr or tpic-p pr: in j;: ;-..-MVi11e, Oe iILi. iLnd apthcL-r Florida cities, induicd an ii !flutqntia l Deia orat, CtmgI Lrv s I r~a Enkiuw Ctlir rof Brnuhyn, to. taLk UiP the ick AU'-ith Pr '"imida'i Truiiiiwi. Afer dkiirag o, Cdlhir gu't Id~ c Flridal. Friiiids ark en- couraging "cu~ Thy President ow en mrnr Eiioraht:ly d6TiSxEd Ih"11 I hI' ho111-*-d. ]1-4 1iFri~ ~ Ith- Fay " tIt 1w, kid h;1(1 ht- f4Iri t ~n tIl? beiP i L l'Iir l arid ' °.F di fr it, wAi tl1u l lLt igh uItk1 IR built. " Excirvd by ibis news. C03'g('9an lr-Cb'r' Ruewit ja(-k onvi[Ie trwdE !}ggit Su'n.. Sjw,-%iard H0I1.Lrtr d L114 h- Fbh irae1prrttEaives tot a joiL 1 rmt..1.L~rg w.i th the prl.'-ide11 L, but Hollanid k1iiW Ihit the t-inal j~kMc "Ls unpo7PUIlar in wouthicrn Florida and W-2n [CJ to 1ki' the ad1injk4r-Uoi lik t h'v Ifa lit ative." Tim U tuit s wire,~tp jl}11t iin. TnnmunLr did ak tbec Dc nsec Dpart rnerL4it ;i t~a wview 4 tlim. 0i~rc~ hM~, bti rli , w wt' Ii1' wii'r rn:" ~t 1L0Id 17i leb 4f S'u ite,:d that theyv should not be' used athe primtnw3 kIUJ 6ir decki+;on on Yet if t- DV fCie Department did not LI LA thV IPar.c 'arIl, w Hi did? Jil tix1,' iimirr v 1Umr1t of 1942' id1 their iiore detailed PIMIN~ o* 1.143 the Army Cgnrps it oE Ertin. "U at-44 MC~aLutM thi! puli.- wor] s to khWve at least a. .-toy-1 ratio, the outcHik was hkaILL. r° °vth Ilis, 1 In hiM th(- ")rpS) Ib4 it in ai 'sal (e.mrd For 1'e t rIdd' v ao.'L . rv, andIJ QrkgreS:S~l g~UI~4tuetlv apjpTLri t cnougIL mrwy for t1c le p to issue are ecc onitm restudy in 19158I The e4wx fir L~rc' w re. orfkingRw dri P ifeatt fm the -earlier oil-s, (, ru1011~ V51 [ttra1j Li Only' $44 T[ il on Lri 1942. were now prrc'ivekd at $164.5 3 'Illion. but cstimnatvd baencits badl risen 3hn 541%2,4X a Yeair in 1942 to r ,T a NI, a Fear inl 1J Thre 1t1 3ef t-t -°1 rat io vas rL4t'w 1.05 to 1.~ The wi 'ps new ,rttjei kei.°..d1 ihe o the ° irra] l°°Is r:r4 Gov'. LeRoy Coll irm ,Lave hcproject his bsi ig, and fimakir It-  2(M) L~rnd into Wfler-W'tzler drib Lai'id land soiught tc) Rct constructioni morv intoi the cm-p'as u~d~ ret que-5ts. C~r fist.-aI6l1~ A pm" ideuntia rtf . - smrfs- order blhided this but Holland a ld to his frid. Sen.. Ale) E llemdr oif Lrjuisiana, chairma of th Su cLnmmitte on FubkcWnrkq, to ip- port an ip pm'prkfkMrIO o $16, f(Ior plan-n~i ice Ellen der wr1 Lcek thA t hV- VUuld no',t di au eu 1. l E- I A Sti1 'HA very slim, may- GA. Ciaii- 121oidi, Ei~ t&V CM 'IU: idl:. c I rr~I1rI1-1 wu ILLII4, iii J:iriiijry 1W3[ deii parts ii th.! LIAiW rid iLtd by a heavy 11.k Iinr wt'rr i un iil tad. e  Env n.H~ien ; hli i t theL4I R41. 2- 201 CaTja prospect s uddeily. brigh tened durting the I piig)n 4 1.60 l , :inIMA'I:tcora] ~r.t in t&- S(Yuth, Johni~ Kenniedy~ Iiiied Lv. k'id Jo'hnsoni his v'l-p !kidentiai hoiri~w nr nme a nuliber of other carefully calculd 'eN To Congv-rnw tt~d lie wr re. "I komof ou r p-rise work fror the k-rId mns tirwoii rvF; (!mhs-Fk ridaL E~rgsi manl_ If I ' 1Tn I Ctt'I F t'l:-%j jq.:I I w <1rr j:5o;(Xrd Of COrn Mii .6! ers and other go1i): frouri vtkriou lm arts of thet t-teA . s ki-s Tan hr the states Cabinet . gind~re -w. the try ubhFetiikerv who ha13 "k.14ht (1 'ry rulte of Cain e a , 1rLd objyx-tivity° in their ]Maera- ture fit I I ikL-k th~at the rill . d vvLTre bwind this ' iCi~d~d ",NVc (::;kn f nil% (-r(Inc mme thait tis Icek)-'wri 61-1g cl-linp1alg a~ n:.e in- S])[rvd r11d riaLterrniddd ly LriAd~ti.rt l O pTWU~ILS Of trrwwrS imt i s a last-iitih a l'rt to injPct _irh~.sioii~n nd r ec- tki'n in. o the pa (h ofp Puurv-s v~l-k Itmu..luen laid out 6-v. e dhialI s 4of A Stxa te~k arid Federal govern : cntL" N~t ,ar t spyr~iW th;Rt they ;11 ~to kill the whole p < t, the -Sav~e the O lLh. 1 14JJJU n t Lucrrentrate d its early ceTbr .n tryig nto t~ the rni c:hangn-d_ At a pIJhlir hear;3_6ng itrI ]1h, .. JainiLkary 1% h (fLUT EiLUIIIS i 1mded thie dihamber uif the Hojuse -E F*prp- e~ntafivep ,hbU t .Seemt;iry o 4*tate i~ Adamis, the Only eaibiniet rrfcumIkt r Whit t rcmkdi troul to attend, Indgcre-d the pe~titincr~s With luo t [ .i113 mJLt]eaJru Nor wer the enviitrrnei r l fit y rrr7r "'x v:-Ul i VV iigirL.r til V r cn ~ri tinucld tu vrj t u- NOa iMiul atterit IoTLr Ir 19; ani article in Lif Magai r titled "Park Kkrrel (ub-imge: iif:o Mw::h M'oniey S1 ent F 'ishI<" iden iIfed the ~r x -Fl ri1d barj_ - -~ilal ESN One1 Of twelwr_' 4aing a nple_.' In 'k~i ..~V4:etr: Nr' ij 1~m. -etirm~l rioted that a. 1~r14 i4 ers Sttidy Team. h s t d 1ek 1 k (h' TkV'.a1-1 a4.r ofn SVJtY-Lhrt--e '4RraCkii 'rthv of inclusiuin in a national wild rivers s~te -n- -t is Hine' to stop h  Env'irnentalists theFltwr, ad ~ rrea,'n egh a ulc~ ineres i t1 0 OklawaIaleafore irreparahle, tra ' danage is doine to this stream Ii,r benefit of a~ p j tt hIiLL s~ at Iiist 'dubiusi met~rit.'Tlt Th 7ariw al~ 13ibl ished ~ etier fnnWill an PIr iton oif the Florida Fed- ,cra~t{N CUNlan i) Coiuncil- wYI1U ww-nFEl that 'M Ssi le inter- fom. in the natu~iral ater cndi i n of Florida' wa like pla.ying The c~wnL thrveat to~ th Pflviroflnl an c-rr highily visible a_ ccrntrarurs e arinigup tlitnd vu r both sides ofrthe stag:. On thei wes.tern end they knocked d ~n pal and cyrpress trees and began digginig a 12-FOO-deep waterway thvpcassing 11te cnwoked W i hl cKhe River. They rebuit a dlam and. Icick rnru R hV river rmje w 1n ii~ .'pvn mnnre dismr11)he weerr ihia work.; piid h through on th cast{-m end. Again there was a struight rut b'ip.-::ing theiwehrr rahis of tbir Oklawaha River. Bu~t MUC-h more damaging wtt twoi darns built m, s ihrt river at RldIEiO aLdj Eureka. A* Lhe water iint th Rod niri Re erv iti heganh to rie ° te 4)f*~ Ik.n inti'rfa-rnc:v lbvvn inc MOTE ani T[LRl dliSturbing. A -yprets forest ,a tii -savr~kte . rL liwkr 15 v-re*~.~ ofi the tre's ha been salvaged foir Iumbcr, thc rE-st hbadexn knocked down by a hugeL m nie (;lPlfl ;L m~r ' dhr-(-T2WleY h~y the en~ginlers and a 4tin- kllr" Lw t6kLV nViru nidists, The p4Jwderyr dekbris roe fr033) til 1L4j t is pFlJnEt55 ITI iX'Ib-r I1 St rnata QEtaeTor Ada i ns was e xubc rat akout the pr ojed._ It wuld "put Flurida at tht. apex rjF the greatest trade ten itial] iii the tkiiti -a r+vai% het weer the Arlantic Salwad and the~ Gulfof exim(: and the Mir wst" Thec f aal phase oi the p ml w rl 'e to SILPPIY a msing linK, the 144-mile-strutch hcevuccn the presnt ter-minus of the Gulf In- t a l a t Caahle ::Lad the A cloie Ba"er at Twar Springs..A continuus. rojute exteniding all thew Iay fryn ' sa up tlie. AtlaniWu pruiducts, I'rtilizer. industrial chL rnk~s plaper prouLct, and ani- mal feed- l tcNyuld fIt.ciitatc b trarisp rttn rofm ~isiI,-s and rcicket enmginets to Cape Kerr'.~~1 But t}Le: ecriro i i taiii W-ee not impres d by thLis arg~umeint. Did it Cus~t les to irove feuds by bwxst rhaun by pipe.Iines ncd nilrjdq? Prhabl notr, if the ept~nx to rL uper ufbuildiing id lmintaining frcc w' aterway"i % iriiiudiib M }r n~r, therm W;a i nger th~ot he barge csiiiI %VO1ld be ut-' date eve~n N "ure it wii rmptltC d. Barvc tns ortaticn of all t -Pcs 'iern, d to fww-e a.fl hkiflEti r ,i h i lire ;L 1ir r dp eri d mnore and 9 00rr 'OIL large iAivhrs and caupo shiLP-1i.  206 Lir!i ido Tw tr1 iWth ~ ra. frrit Uneasy that their cusc fir c~i bhits~i wais not mor i:irim- virivig, ftke bocters Lgan. to~ em-rphtizu Ote c'a Ial'. Ivaleii s for r~r~tinNo~t only womuld it pruavidc gxJkting, but therms wuld h o e~clip nt ft hing in the newl c . at~ Uaiw with nearly 34~mile o f f r o rir [ r e . T h e~ p u l li e w o uld h i .L e a sy e - s t h ir ty - t w oPer a "s t s '7 n c g i , t e n i o m n a i t fused to ou4 de any gro:urid. They- arrgue ihat the disrupthri of the wilderm- s~ %v.1 destrying MorM ruc catirona op runities than it W~ti ,14P~tig. LHoth sides quotedl 3 Iii rr th e United States Fishk UMd WiIllife Seg ,vt', wh khli ad projected gi (LS -nd I] 1S..o rve Li fifty-year period. IH untinig windd 1w, redi d, hiir f l inn" Wid 1rLI-ebe 1* Con s,-,maji13 meiiel r.ed that there Would 1-m, "1a net gain off7R.200 man-days. fpnrrt fLisingi ' Biot: how ki ng 113d the .gi:.x fishing ritnue e? Judgirng fi'om th 4v ex1wf- rier with shl ow Flouida I -E-N the enVirTnmanita~list pri-dig kd a growth of wccxds that wt~ oljd si o I1 (khe Spirt within a fewyem--r4® Yie 11-1e 1dI4 LA (in and :Frush Watu r Fi5.h C--.mris~sion. whiich had previously sulporitl the 1-tamVI.rv9z~ irs poiiin-n a report of Novmhr IitN3$J. the CO -1.rleld th10 hth -~rVi0U~ly assumed e. ieilt s from ihiig'L ai hiini wit! niot 1wrealized throuigh: Ut the PmjVC-t tife 0 the 1 lkorldik Bivrge Cnal,-" No,% conir]1Cc.d that the whole wchrme uaug to be scrapped, a kip of eni tt an1d other cote va ir rgannized the Floridla Dfdr5of the Envimnmnt in Julyr 19. A : sting L~ii the~ Corps Of Eogineer haikl nvr 11mide an1 adiite Stndy the p-rojeci. " ecnIoghraI iruixcL the &A" ':nd rs bean their own intrnsivil ink%--S i- gtio. B fon iRh~sip x4 mjorr~leted, the gi u en r rlistd tl~h help oth - .e Eiiviruu13rrrutiaI Defeite Fmi~d a nation d, group of law ers mid i ti In Septem1nber iiJ-9 the Defers Fund appIiid to thkc Iietk'nd diaIrict court ii ~Wishfiitoii for ll Lnnjjurieticon requjiiringih VO rps i hadt construdion of the canal until thepas itv's £Liwi uots and benefits could he! dl~ttrr .,"i' [In January 1970 the' Ieat-der Vgew gv the eause a boost with an article enitlied "Rape on the OkiaWW d a 44 The F66id De f! rEK So tilh Env ionent published their Gond- ng in-1l NarVI 19iY T1heir e-en imtf wammek Cd th*'it even sh;AL c -A 1n1 [lt pollute thre aquifer . ° aUN Oif th.e pvrrity Of lie uderh'-iugi k4 stttr~krmre" nth the surfiae water and the aquifer would he: threteed by olD i~ll~ .aud other Ieage, fromr the 1 rg ,.a ad froml tlhk whoi lfo herhuidcs. jwsticide s. f(rtilizrs, and the wLast-u t that Would ac-v ii npavy i ndU tri01lid f ) idit! detlitn Alon the canail route- The- Okla lkw r ' 11,~ um. Lark kge ared uhi ~t still i pI L3 td -the Iirl , .itum of plant and animadl ife native tG  i E® -n +'7 tJ s La -as o -' LA~  28Land infor Wate-- ritr it~ Lande use, d4ic9]aticrn o~f at It ts~ parit ofthe OlIawahui River to ihke feen "wild ands snic ri nr" system, draining Gf the R~olmn R . rvir, anre st VP~TraItio f' tfhe OkIawahl to iLu hrP-Nlowing TitifII"fl5 D~e m1ite the fernor of c-air viigrn. the.- eirvirrmmeii alists p6u- abl 1HCoul not have siii ,d if the Lorlp.N beel~n ably ro pish thne (aortal project thriojgh as rapidly as 1)1411 ked But a .suu sicir of CVfcnts s.1ow.ed tht- pace crf n.trucLion . Thec first blows r-sulIt 1m th7e Vei nan W tr. Hard-pressed to find Lipeded dollars, Presdent johnstu b -n tri shave dp n ileb1 its ms in hiS~ jUdg h;_ For 1%3 FhiprirL oFk:Jal a~ke~ $2 million fo~r (h-c~-a :an~i werp°al cate on1'v 811.4 mnitlior]. For 19.9 the stag aSk d $11 mTiLlio.n, buet thLN was (- i tJ .6A mri~lion- Fmte ti 'Rg tot~ Hl1W-H Coln 1nitteep on Publi %k-rks, Curon ma S ike s l " I fid no opther erru lte rxf jm~ir sign i'icamc, FbcI;:ra 'IOu which hiu -h een sidrastica~lly 1~t hia lin its Coi kiidiru tias the Cross-Fkiria Bdrgt C-Lrka17" L. RingLUav-r, Elawirrruan a' the Canual Authority &L'-usv the ph"i- de nt 1.-F"wanton disregar of the tealIs i ro-ra- to~ nationlI de~- had to deal with a iuvi stickier situationi whek Claude Kirk bt'arcie governur in .196 arid Richard Nixon president in 1~ B4JthJ %%ecr Aiifibiio:iii [Re ic ui iaripliviLa iis.£ L'war of th-e iftiiih -of the er-k- vi nmental muv.~mi,L W')y sh uld idL}WT Of thtec iCI COt tunkiittted to arn fxPreN~i .31( ; n tn "i31 v r pjec:r a-gsntited with the n 1, r o[ Friirk Roosevelt, Johni Kennedy. ;-r1id U..widori JNohmcft? F'or some months Kirk and Nixon bi~dtheir time. Kirk wevnt along with th Iemorats of the FlridaL cabinret in aking th-e federal greri. mert for construiction money, anjd Nixon included $6 million f'or the. ~na] i.n his first bujdet, mocre than~ Johnson'si~ 1- v re,-est but gush less than tI, $17.5 millrn pmogram proposed by the Cwarps En- ginieers. " [ni January 1970, 162 vn vimnmentai sc.ientists from ac.ross the n ~ ale pp1d t~ theP p~r ws nr to SII1fPEH1C the a ojet kunti an tri4mnenta] study couHd dcrre. Nixojn T4errtd th~e ructuest to his pnitnc il on Fnvi .rnietal Qual ity.% me-nrl appointk-L and Cyager forl :rhin'es. could ih[iS age..ey rev~iew prirct n1edy upprov by Gngrcss Ru-sscI] Train, its ehai ran S'Hia V- .' Kirk wida!o tilfingk Fw i om ti-e ' 11ia 1 Jay I~ 1 he . eri wod to the I Huscr Public' ''arks Apprupriations Sukcommittuv that hewas wthldr endlorsemnent peke digz 4 mpletion of the a - nn ,flcrj L'n ironmte rtal studies. But othe~r Florida Dinelial argue~d ith('4) enntri L.:ti Fly hokkid rin tinme- Cotg-irnman Bennettr hdiciC3el.  Fnvir~n n is t tIw re~~Lt 2XO thr natursto Ivrs.'" aim a Florida mn, "he told theoornm rte, -aui I mngisi sayr a lot thd-e Cn-Flrida. Barge Canal goes through what ge ail !.1rnub oak tn pine fl ts _ Ths iq f snot exactj y every a d er's idea ofthe first Edeni and so it iN ntL) l quite as glorious assome pol would hawe us think2. " Snhbhing the erin nmentaisits, the Ho~u~ Appmpriatins Committee appruvLd $6 million Ibr the harg_ Ica rw arnd st~pLk that eistrwct kin shold, ixnlinrue without iwaLrjflg for the resmmits of further stLd ._ I un. vttay oif tfIn lterior Hickel asked the se-7rkar of the. arrmy to halt constrtkn for fifteen rninths to' per . it a dtatiled stud~y of thecanal's eff :N on the regioimal PCIL)rV ! IT,- a y 5eCrietLafl promised to study th isu ugest Ioh, but the -) I.. 1rp1 kori to dig, H Ackp] di~d not rarr rn ulLchJ wtviht bccause he had rtvntl aLLaol ~d the iiresideviI t h defem-idig StkIdlrt prsh against the Vietnamr -,r in Novembe~r he w~ fired. D U63Ig the fall of 1,070 both (3iwrriir K. irk ,ird Pre id&nt Nixomn Iward led thi, hi t issiue, witl on~gtongs. Rurklftrag or° reelection M aig .il Behu[in Askew, an opponrent 4F this arl, Kirk avoided taking a sroIi stand either for or ng.rit it. Nixn-.n alir, played a ca1Lt1A1u! guinco Visiting~ Flor~ida durinmg the c mjxaigrk, N. rk is rej crtel In h-jwe PO_ nrt lH1Jt i Sn radnR '"StOp tl" Bar[ CaraL . s - VeMVT said flhte preskkit. " -~r is opp..sitionj~ to c'r i]T which Dirk rE'plied: "No, Mr Frtsidcnt, not nkV LaIUnl, your c a1, Tl. Deit se5 V.i (O', the Pm ;Llll ff1 -OS wPM Mtill frrndale. Randuolpl HrMle head of the Florida De-partment of NaturalIRe- So1.LVs, coperate~d with Congressman Bcnerm tt in cuntering the envir1Traenctaisd arguineiits, ;andi Dr. Robtu Vern~on, the siite geckgst, was qnt l a syinig r he can~ral could not hurt th~e saes water supply and would improve, ratlher thiwi LnIjuLr , thit. cmi it rmnn t. The Canal Athrity was. reputed to l~spending. 1, a month can publiJczngth QiI.1 3w1 pru .Ut FEarly in 1971 the environmentaliskt ctrcd two Spet&cular ',ir- tories, The flrst amne on 1i ai ~r. when VU.S, District Coturt jad Barrington P; issued a preiniwy iTL'uJcidLT orde riing the~ CO r5 ot 1Jrgrrr to sIspend con true ofn the canal. The . qud . 'Wa eJTg. Ire 1.and. Ieeust if reparlk 13jury iight Mxbur to t'lIori- daS swainp5 and to the Okfmwa]-w River whle the court wu holdding~ hear~ing?5 011-~a prnribl eut i rkljUCtL4r On 19 ja~i i ir resdti .cr ordered a hat -to the prUjCet "t prVent Oxtti r. itll serit'us err- wornmimtl Llaul~ige. -He was dning tisl not : Ubes -ofthe court order, but because' his~ vun COUnCil Lin Eninmineital Quawlity had Foui-iii th~t the projec -L cjull enrdail pr the unique~ wildlife of the  r 9 I  f I u iY  212 LJrridi frdi~f WW4e-Wtier into Laond artea cr detroyr this rcin of urius a. arid UTLiqU-e ]hLdtuld b"kUty Nixon] declrd tht his action wolhd "prevrent -a iast this ke fnum causing p r.'rn14L rt daELrrLg-, The N etc: 4')rK TIM~ US Ppauded N LIt.ITL'S -cwtI o - hrs t death of..a boonidogglI&: : T F tI Esiden I i pi-E-dr~n h-eginli ng rou ra~ize- and it i_5 high tiMC~ that Cvngr4', rcUg}TLiz'_1J-that t ht Arnerk'-ark 1nple ai. eutrning i..TeaingRr trd up~ wth thecrzry~nsivc, loumn- dogp[ingmjnktc-work, tn'virnrm-T1Latk 'Ietrvtip pr~oi-ects that L'o4 klcat d-u e~ cdwLIcteklZe th Civil ij41t w:i Vitie..s5 Of the Army Corps o1f7 ErLirrc-Vr Two, icadirig Floridla niwE petrs, thee Miami &erad aLd the se. PCTUS iir01 4N rai i the prekI east's d~ii butl otherT pup r~s, rq r"-iadly thosie iiir'rhr Flcwla, dnkIIe( it. Cngrn;s an Blennett anid cithcr prl a plitiul sI were pre- dLVt LbIv :irIL1-1igIIa[iLL M1OBe si r~ris i g the reactionr of uhnmin Ak.vw, thf, Tvc--ntly inauguirated gcve . Altlmig li htm had h . irguii g tiit work iim tl -al -9hQUdd h.R Surf rn~d, -he was critik-al of thec higjh-lkmidt' ~y in vchi-uh Ni-% n had, aded4,l: s i - fial Prnje~c riaIV .dc,? j urdg. Park- r lra] i ssutd -a tem rary irnjuflL'ii, bupt tic Lie & had 4: t1. hew 'td 'oi its, I'' eari k- Nixon h.±d issued ant ex iUtjVV or bLut xA jj italid? On 13 Fd.'Tu- W-Y tieFkI(Y~~{ridCi Authority Wied siir in the Jacksoniville Fedepral Distriia cout challienging the cinstitutionaditv of tile Presid!ent's Rcti. AcirLg tO the, A lIC'brie"f, ne.ither the presilent n-Gr an IFr)ne s 3.tin~g sunder his J -uttiuia had anky :Litihorit to 'override the ".0114o Cigress x r s:ive ini the projrct autElcri7!~tjor and sub- cqui~fnt aFIrpprintionI byills. The~ G Mm] Authorityr 4%4edip-e couirt to- order the~ (:(rp ti rm5Lmfl1 wI~rk jiuT fld tly_ Su~its brought by hiveh m were nsoi ~terl in aln, trial dhat hgn in jaa grTvlle int Jly 1973.1w Wh~ile this litigatiri w5 p oddrn}z th-r ugli the courts, p ru-an tn icarl furvrs vi " hed 'over tht , il fijr Re M00jrv. t ie G; rj harke"r mantcd ti : 1 r this intact so th at ,I]Lrtnc i( oft the C@1i l niin,~ to~ o~pn thL' dar and adll.w thec' Ok~ulat- - FRi+"Vr kpi r ;'t' IrqI t ~I its natural (,h iri e.'l-. AA ;J Iht st !p, they) Lrg !(l hoering the water ]vvcl a thI LUsiid IItI ire!' S N t~ t~ t l NtAlldinrg ilI 1t? 11it . 4a. 7-1:I 4'P the l hie- T)i lNV VEIt this. dr1:kWdoGvn, thy'' c-anal supp: rtc13 Ts alhl 7d thr- lboattcrs aTl iJ I2errrh t~I who 11kd b:'een IIi wli* -A nrt , naOCd L1 ke kI0hOWAA PlIth 1; O jans app --Lir- to t~c- f Icdra] judgLe. whriL4 ruLeil tir ir rit 0][4. NL AuII tIlei for thri ohe.r. 1 he 4w. O he.di-.ntly rwl~led the level oFthe iv ,rvit for a ti rit and then raised it~ again  En betnmenli is [ t t JJ 213 Ibiit all to n~o avail in preventing he stoma dC in ioin of the lake. d .31 ~anr 19~2a74 IicIdg FHar-vep Joh~n.~ rnrir. his cr-rPiirmn.. On themaor oit a isti. he al forces %w i a 1± ar~:r victoR,- ndge jutgecm th rt Pr-Psdent Nion s rder of 19 J2F1LU nv 1971 wu. f,~~]iiv li-Cnges h l ;a t7 ri 1e the lKirg LuIal aid ;irpprtd t viT10iey f1r i- cPn ru vtion~ p md only Logr LN3uId order it h.alr&?rd. Howeier, the judge ruled rthtat tIie Corps of Ecmgurt i ixuld rio)t resume the prrijtct %vith43u: m."in tihe elivirlkIleli tl Timpact study ~eureuji byr4eit Li's He ordered thz Ofice di M~n~ emrnt ;trtc Budget toJ reee iiin c~iit y the S15 ONM thatC4i L~i'-TV ill aippmipriatPei fQF this PU .~i in 1972 and directed the cir ai~canry throeig tis study within the next month .lie issued ari~a nrt irhJlrtt agignst further %iion 'Mi e e'a rtr Liltil Crress had received thes wid d~ekie whether to resume tiurding the aui! judige ohmic-n's dtui in th~us t it up to the o'rj of Engineers lun Un rips to deide the :future of the nl prjLct. The eni nor- ietlsswere Larflhappy i.~ the corps vl b'e~pce ~ mi ii minwe thy.. P 01giC-a] d2llag andr CQiin re to ranin LIP-; pr0 eT oric-thirdi cmpl, bcd. fur which sxTTe 874 iniiti~n had aldrea~dy beenm .speunt, In realir'y, 'hnwevev. prospeI for the Pnvi mnr~ili~st were notA l that bad. Des~itt- ti S ~upig 0rL Of tel. k' Gur~it. %; .rrL r A.skew va dtearly nppumlerd h1 Lt canal. This dlid tnt m arc that a1l thc Prirlc-lpaJ -sitateI~.s were cparatclY eliected, and siomc'o GILh't ivi AH~ciiLe4l to sujpport the pi jec. Hirt irt Aug mt. 19)2 the~ ca binet voter toi withdraw 4.ffira~l suIpur1 until nv ninnriarr[ rreTatinn fitctors had bcnr ryer~.~ In Aiigit~t 197 the Cnrps of Engineers releasP a draft en rmn- rrmerta iuu t tatemet wid a~n PcIxv--)rrti-- restudyt of the p acctr Th corpITs no'w -simat'c that it w~ould co-.t $370 iu]lon hi mlet(! tie cil af. 1-i ksltatiii the rate o[ inter'ti cot 23% Iercent, the v;atw spet~cilled Ly law ii. 1964 when~C the prujecVtwa VAS Utlrrizd., the vurpas etiriated the merit-tn- ., t r~mranirr at 1 t1o I. 1 I draft por did. 1101' u~te..p to: t.7la; iA dollar ;4kue oi the e ytiirI ne~iimfL cu~r E)f thec buLl. it did intludid a 15 mnilliio:n item for aprilyin~ al ,-f grut oin oie. i;.-tii)n to' pitv t -ci ttorinIat ion 40-wtht Fl4: rida i7 X4qj ifer. The rCIV.Irt mimn-cd the dl3[)g-r of spillage t~omi 714} iOLs suh- !$t:ai e. It adni tKAT Ohi~1~r~~i.lif the rese;rw i't- would( 1 harmfl ti:: -dry habitat s cs," but claimecd tha it would h State offiial; Milbfr {ta.l the ATii°1V 0TJ-,Sp- reprirts to ngnmiu  214 ~~ndir~, Wr-WbtyInr~Lin4 °2n irv ®j y Landcrs, ® crft; i I-Vf the Dep-artment ofEnivirurimen- tal INegmIdorJ1, lJiSttk the corps' findIngs in a Lett r to~ the state Cl1earing HrLe~ and the Diision of State Pariring c. .ed ~a h~vathrin~ Fr-port in which it dtie4not onlIy the uiir4ea~tit 2%i p[reent inter 4i rate b i t the Urorps S~ a1ILeeg1d rw'crqtma~ of kenefits landi .ndekre-timite ro Ilts. ie divisiup RhunOd that thvi aiaI irruki ii~rY ri~r 4rnI d j j -e the e-nVin riffle. In the parts O nidy hift the via1 wttr didl not meet stmte quality .t~richda-rds, if olpleted, the Viinral woU11d4 Vut throuigh a. portion of tl - Flortdiin Aiquif,-r, arid 3rp Primaf C 1t 4111 Intlienmil t ltL 4 wt er aday would eafter a1I Lave tire uqi LL&r The COrpasF plan to l ine ati:-4ra [)Orti0n of the Cjxd~luk l f e ye r~ v :rd mi h o o h a a i 1Itt d frm m- 'A"l or chem ical spills i ghtt en ter the . if r hqL:ioer. Thli g C-+ :[-or.-,ticrn they Tn EI ad its r ervu :rirN wulud consume some .) to~ 7511 i IiIJ. l S1w ef fresh Wa . r a da*Y, th U.S d i'erting it [ron'i1 tithr use-® i ii 1he oidi .'don of the Divisioni vf State aInrng the VI)1ort said, 'thait t fhc C~xal~ 5h-O~ld nti he -.Lnpeed rid thaMt t Er- pruject byd~ &aut horiZ4-d ..., A ded .iive showvdowui uvir on 17 Dc-mbehr '[ J7f when 0-If Florida cair tt wu.und Up a~ twan-day me~tiiig oni the' .stbjet, Gcw-s cmnor Mki ewti .sied over ra'ous, pub1 is sesions. ftir over ni ineen 1 irr M.-kn Y hURICNS~m n aind la631- I e3d-r r -wcarini' 1 Suip rt the Craf' bUttO'L!~t~t Wa.mtew, -arid two formfer g'ov rror.4, Bi-ya nt m-10 w41uld lprin4gretit mio~tbJ(l nd fkt to he state, thut Mar'jni'e Carv. P-irsden- O t l NW i rida. Dvdcn rs O '11C Envid nr[meatci t, w i Hl SLUtR, 11C Ivres it. Oftl Fhlri q1ida utki Skty .. led a (d<°toerminvwd yr :r of* l pcoph r ciing "Strap thve Cainal' huttomi. The ATra coirps haid tried rtoke 14!jc i ThuE t MM tipiiilhi by mdninrg the deptht ofE the uarkA~h ad 1--FIrt~utig it iA~V fry i m til0e AlM1 Okbw iha vt. biii the Pniivn iii - rtaisu! were in no mcxLi t(oa (YJn PmciI4. Whetn it W S~ ()vr, t [k( 'al4Iifhrt '00(M~ . sIx t~i nie to wi 1-% tiithd ° -smppnIrt frnt th-e pime(-t. The nly~ dis. ntf-r was.' Cncm mien u[ Agr~uture hyx uthori~dng the De ~rtment al'Natural Fig ureeS toJ TrLLake Plalk Jf setorinmg the O)kil ,t Iji:r qI~ its ntr-.1 c-li ttnne1)A dL si nting it a w ikl Lind scenic rrircr, ° tra1rsicr.Th L' d I rtiin of it Iv) Ova Na- tiona~l P) t ,t, Y-ar1 reimhu ri rin g the OI v ttiPN fr mwri4~ st ,: rt toh °i- q uir landi (o:r t va.° aal~. Oiesipitrc t hi.i. sr ingly lethal blowy the pn jet-t wx s no -- ,E: e~ j d.1vad ~kng as 0h .1 r ~r ar hori "a ioji rejuailled oil the-bi ksk Noar coiuld any step he taken tO rrSt0Oe the aV,]hiwiu  Env[-rtor i .-r W i kt L( w tFj s~vi '-1 River urikess s ®tat 4 fe'rI:"5 1 ag~ea-f a--t'i4d i rgre I An lan1 Of~ timn. Pridknt )Ji. ('urter, bth , constvrv&LkiitsI . Ld a& ft of jirk-1rr mhlk wli- rkLs~i, :UI--iaL4 t-rtni jtinn Ofltl prraeL t ill a Ii)7 envirnnlmntil g 1 C*np1rc2 :and i phrnnrinp study tir- rkfr4od by the- r -m*'1fnr oF rhE. A-m%, F-cc mmeDi~ draiuinig th~ R~I ]IyIRh !,+ I"'4° yJ., Lt.;iring drVwiI e:t i-- dJaiS, arnd ifihiog 1ir th rUL Iuclks, thvi L a tfeingI ;. pvkI l~a storail err of the- river. PtICI W Ljh10 Coiri eoni dtrvd .a Il co.p~i~c- --L by I k v Lwr Flor~i-: ~ iikr-s, Lawtori Chils an'd Rihk;r d Stolle, that knilk- Ifieth0uiZ4- t hean al pIUcCet anid authurizu ( cpun~~l cin f the LAvnti i-s of tike LAk~N- tkrna] F i to irwh-'h A ;hoiit } p.,. .r of the 1: .nal Mtto..t_ Te 0h,- ]awaihii wtiuld 1 x, d-L- ignatrd a wId arid ruric river, tM SrTLglva ® r~~ b y tlw Cartier adminisration~ and by , ove-rn-or Akew, the Chri[US-Strke bi sne tlW Sk-naWX but Wa arrbUNI Wd Ln the tkiue hy three vc-te ran cmnaLl st4]ykr-C[KiICS Bennctt uIJaclswwrille. Bill Chapperll Oc (ala. and Robert Sides of C re~i rvicw, in the I 1'Tnandk-v4ILS tl 1Lt- 15-Yer Old L k1Hl ,.cere 1dUTrL k' li'e hty ai nrrow thread. DRuring th ye ars in~ hich GALneivlle mnvironenh]aists had IxetrImiliig the! e'aiial, Mlamkigksd groups had, .bII bl~ed to Meet ;r WTrf! C loa] threats. Bwfeh3-n{ 1~5 and 1 jr+ D-adc Coiunt',, PIl)11ptL4h!EL h.'J4 -alrru~t 1u1,j 1. md. spm, 'uI sti~i: t'-' , e r t'c de ve-lop the he-mspith o Lhc1 city. p~irtitU 1lady th [V. Yk1-:X 11c BaykL wt ,rfro n t 174] thi L .1hTire03- Vikrcd~ sI]t:1 tl's brii t i tff s, 1ive ptbAli Alarmri therc ,vas d1:ri[ wr of lrwLjo~r ktHrloc] diani : t}w. -wViiter ofC the hbiy"x1 -, i ~I itt4, might heftirthr1iiv p1i m- ciw° mr II;o sarrP mighit Ihe cut duwn, the marine life it he 4tetwVY d . Pdr- ti.(:]]rlV threatening was~ rte aecde, plan of1%2)-). irnder which in- vestors prujxied t kd v'ul it duep ter purl NLind aIl rdr v,1- Firs .gain:ing the attenio~n of this10e lr - S qa wrs andl poHliticri.2ns, dhe m-n- r]UJrr tI i alh ten wri L ter GIierruir Kirl , ouil gre~cN m1:r~ ~i LC l ~t1, : I'Id ~e ~reiry v o t he nL~uerior td te~wart 1:414-Ii. :Sk 1?r' 4.11 d-rtd lev the [1itu Crkr I-p. rlluwnF~ supj orted thie coii ten tio-is ' (t the cEJirvirn ctalists- In 1~& Congress mspond-rd bk psing the Bis- cyie National MOn Lirnt At, which cstah] Uhc daprr~serv~c Y6, J(X1 ays r rwr- Ifflthres, de-e tp~r et ws propl[bitd l Aitha ugh th1e rwL w lawL d id not cover th' mainland, risin q concern for the -evi rciiiriuet c~rmpi I oo the F' h-~3 Pne nd ghCi- parwTLS t& Mlk! mafir m odifl[v~hi s~ to liie the ngui~r 1:A'thearnndL [p 1 I tiGon frMri mi niirpnwLr plant ati TLLrI~vy Nimn. in aintherslg nmif#ait vuk tiwOl erivirnulrrrr'htaiSLti imr.ied dr a tic ic tidI&katl)L ui.'a developent th;Lr would 11a~.. cr fTWded ar'1ytme1('t 1'0Ses a. Id 4 4117a  21S3 Land bjlrj VV '4ih~--U- r' a~ hmto end' miI buihcdnn; onto twoi nmils of hays nt in a niex town.r eaItll Sa.gL Bay~ Mature kivers were es i lak' vigilant against thnrvit to Eve rg es, Mational Park. Troiigh out the J1 s~ the, ha~d kept the pressulI e oII irate aid fed erl g4-'erLIIeIt& toguua ntet eqat s.outhward lLiw af wakr [Awkirn with sIIki iinn on new drilige Clii "k~e to the pitk 1x i1ers, th~ey prtiulu-try virde ned C-1111 built fr a point h-cdlo. Hor . mtd to R 5 Sord. Al-~ thoughI- only eve-n mniles long, C-il tlareattked the elo9Irp) ofth.. t a~terart iof thie park by dive'Lrting the rat-oral flo, of waiter ianid r .king a satwa~itr hbc kflo duriing dry ' - ,l~5 EIi nerI]tILlist LIcargt hat in v-. -ridinjp4 the bb e~.tiuci of' the Fpr Sens ..., the Corp. of Engineers had dug the canal not ju-it to breve m floods, hu to _5erte the #taIns rtatl4ork ne sof hew A oe eGncral Company, a de[ csvcur uv1~tor with political inllucre- "' The National Aqi3dnihor So-:ivty 4±i other grnkip a~~ .pplied for ai fedekraI 42Jurj ilnjuxtE4JrLn t pre L~ent rem'wi ovdf thearthecn plug~ that wo'uld open the t al to the 1I°EItj] thle Issue as r *"vt J1~I, "" U.4LtL tlit glput, was never Fe- moived, {mviron cntalirits complaine~d thht it leaked te in both 4i ~ikhr, T[hey argued that rh' ItCh siOUld lj. c illed and Lhat con- struction~ J-Ieil~ 11- iitoppedI on other South i )de a nalk as well,~ A mnore ~r s threat to the piark ais Crhw takicng &}ape. Orn 2 cLmb r I9Ei*7 tcco! mi. i ns of F"ei anid Collier cuinies agn-4-I to a plimr tnder wbich 12 squar.' inilea Ln Dade acid s6 qua-e 2 i in C lliu r w ould l deig~naed as: tw site r a new~ ai r t hI built ley the, rD.1i C01kntj Porti hi t'. ii would be 45 infle 1 u'ii M iaufl i1 but! a~ searcj eurrMi it aClaimre d thiat no neare r 9i t c waus ic:Lsihk bca.R SO rNuch lard wars ittidr the ionroI of (he Eve. dWes N,.iial Fark and the! stag- water cyOin f!vatiofl eTL The Dade County ]Port Authority fwimated that this writ~ h~e Wri'l('IS -Pgge,-st aLim1.ort. Th~e planes thlie future - jet, ILI~nbU itts. irnd -Llpcrsrinic +rijikwuuld rre and d*epart ev~er thii rt'L secL1nds_'The widlp expanses ofthe )irerg~al tiwul sh~ie1d tw Grj ld Coas.~t Qle frUi tire "SUH1i IX-10113s Thy- autlwrityr claimed that thw cxristin~ airport w~i alread'iy tLf srnl1L it had , :td1 I-lk( (j3(' r '1Fy 0(X W t-oIIs and lanidinmgs a yer but i13 196 thuere± re 445,{iOO .lli hit al~u t Eme-quarterofthem fr the traininjgof pilut5 By 1975~ aboumt 7.50.IM Rlights ixiuldI be eN ected. The~ fir St teel :frrjii tl~ rm w jt' "rt w'iU4d141 to rli e'.c the old airjxort of traiigfih~. A t fir,~I the , s little [ear that the phlned jt port ni ight L.-arim t}we v nriunent. Wi.henr the Part Aujtho~rity~ rea;le.I it pre~lim ,ina r  Envii-.ronentaLsts to the Rescue 213 lps~n, oAFfcials of the FllwiId Gririiv& District, the~ ~Lte aii :'[Eed Fresh Water Fish u~ mISS110rr, and Evrrgladcs NaMtinA Park rwaie *uO tIou object fl.a I Ye~t, from311 tht-4 L)k.-V.AtkiIi AI hIt to viVw, A wresite 14 k ccly hav e-ci a chosen. "T hE nv-w FAAi ty wouldI be tal ins 1h Bigr Cy ~reN Swamp. ;ccitvy Nix~ ankles fromrn Evg1 4Ic Ni~tiunl a L~ kNl fruyrn 't v;-41 Id sha~tter the~ stillness, I"rghieaitng the wildlife Exhaust f'urs~ I'rii thwe- n.& ckibc-swLukl poll~uth ain ir Still more iuhjIIrrHLI W4,iik 1t he irir(lu - t na and o mmem-cdaJ immplets thatr muld he ~e te to spring. ~Inp in thet vicinity. Ansy -u 5tkc~vdlpm it of the Big~ ypmrr_-sgion iAktere # tltne~jt mu nnp e,4I °p~k r riv y w Ater sq,11 vces Not jvtlx'r4 l- txpe~-I pem~.i.iLI4' onrr, 1s 4 i :-iiI1Ii.A I her- 114rpz 4. %~-L &i.iu I Pr4:-r'.- 1.:i 19"14  218 i d iIJJ ih!TO r-r lr 47 iPTIh 1AFd only I I il it rei I ,ce the vithil X111 rF 6wi rd illm, hbt it wikuid p,'MI tiy the VLafrr withr} "kiwagt, .', atLl. iT~d Ii. lJ R 4 ,orig 'wiftk to acquir the.ik F ede land bw sale ai d ixntdem hill. tin m tlu rLt UI~thoiLam' vt'i Iedc ur;il-; - rt ofitetiii't rup'? h -r On lei -Si-i- U I I 114-1VU.. iu d~ignitmie~, in&lUl{in~g a nInrIu LI%11 ~~~~~rI ;.w d. M i tiMk t i n i a d i ~ I i cl tri f r l a l t c' trc1nn I 9; asrijuiN h rtii i I an im r4.1 i.cN " i t., ha:rd tr d u i w o 03)e of th first pmtesr. c-anw froni Rlli-Et F'ri cl, charm Al) Of t~hk Fkjoud CUntuilt Dist riet's gwte inn Ihu NMI, Attending a t ate roead departiment m ecatin9 on 31i OCktt l "r Ii.,Padrick If -m rw tchat a plan rpid- -etrIi 1) f I11~iLit r~ fi.121T ~Tri-i'Ki to M wi'1[ ~I vucl 1d lxe 811.00d tI1rIILLJ4,l lHIth ni-dd1v of tfi iitw jc~tput ad fliyni dirt'_v ly ewit thtiormgh (' i'i rvm-ON4io A11iLv , I" i11HP h w~tt ° wIi tc,. iiiai tl 1is~m~ huiidred jiC~aii-jiidddiii ar- irm~ It mum 4wdi-'r to s;avE' HIN: riI il ie":f lime on I he tri p iroi i 1I-w airpg1Tt to MNimi, the um~ ' it's pr i[)poIkLrigl,T tr bild la m 1t t~i i kaA ' 4rall. vk'~ lkL- ill dKI~t Vi the inLL cw alUV.% iar Vwi4Ii t I I ;rr:h k~uzS b~.L~n Pn~i~ erd In clin Na1 hiad airradi htii built and a vond was undUT rconstructicn, At is the° 14'.v 1th h-ii ir hutt not °,. t a l~ aua.t Oi 1f0 --ttmlk-w rirk trit-d to fiAd safe muli(lle g rour rd byV -pAr'vi thti e-w I i st rip fo~r  220 Land into 'r i s r 4i'a r into Land trainin~gflightsi but at the same time promising to prtc Eveglades N ai tml ?} rk from harmsM Th Leopold report, y -~ubli 17 Sep~teirber, irrided tike . - vin-nmentils with al the~ irnnitio~n the~y. iiwd havea hoped for. "Dek.--copc.remt of the~ proposed jetport and its atitrmdanl I' dlit i ., the rL'port concluded, "will gad to lan'd drainage and dkeeopment for 4ekric-uklure, ik)(InSry1 houSin~g. I mi~rak and serv isllj the BIg4 Cyjpr±,s Swa:Liap which will rtciX14_ri1,r dt-st' the South Fkiorida c-m }'step m and thkr E%,erglaes ' atinl F ar1_7 Eve~n tie tri'dnirg strip was {r toerahle, - ot so rr UC-h heC-AU~e of the training flights tIhemsve vr- bcicause of tli pressure ticYr w41uld ervate- for in.iutrial de'veoprxie.rk ec rtyry of the Interior lHkCIe Iin incdlately announ~ced that 1w_- fully e~xpctd the jetpert to he relo- Tw,- thr i rinm ntal rets~r fIllk'wed theLv 4ocd study Thc firtL made Pub:ic jg Septemrner, ws the WIIk of s~ixty scientistsi W01lring liidi'r ,k gant f-on the Ntin Academy' of SL'nce. It ,.lFhALizc-d th~ need for reionl planning and Cor reserving the w leBig t : 1-Wess Swaimis L w;.ter we.nsrvx. bil' area. k. nle-S rigomus measure~s were take-n to prec-nt de-vodopment of the- siur- rouncding re~gionI~, the scitrktI~ts d d 1iiit faVr'r C~Verr L a ning fil on the Pmpu~kSd sie." Thc Ud:all pojxrt outlined means by which the jetj r. IYri gt )Lx~bilt w~wLCe~~i etlii-lj ryl bU , released, ink Dccemhk-r, it waw too late t4 halve much influe nr~v o 'Ihe j tptWr i tm h 3 involved a piowar sIrggkr he wee 'WIpe, WhOt Urigi~larllv' iiwured the~ ])ro-ed, hAij Fliekel Wk,4 Uoi _i~~ it. Ii. this situarion cverything dtepende1d on the White Housc, where al crUCil rile Ws ;app::Lr+.I dyl Jayed 1 i John E hy1i'h mi. Prtesideat N12xoI]5 nrumMrt :aide, who hud hcv-n involved in land usecascs as a Seatle I~yr~On 25 Nve mh W-'Ipe ainouwce thati hie w0131d approve td' the runway fhr a one-vyar tria pe~r"~ but only with strin- gentsflp aurd s for the park."" On 15 Janu.ary 1970 represa ahriv s of the Interior Dtepartment, the Trasnar~tion] Dc~imrtment, dw state} of l F~ri a the Dader (Tounty 'Port Authority, imd Dade County signwi °: ° fn. id re~inL pterimutting the t~ I i plet d runrway to be BILE brt training fligts, bu.t Urnderr Irct a nvirnnnoni aI .. .rerc tob moniitored b the [edera]. agencies. If dhe fights %vere ijurirng the park or neig.hhring crmunities, the I"deai go.vernment n i d the nee-d ror a. re . nal airpc'rt to 1k cwrnplrtcd within tcei, yea~rs. Thy Port A thotffv was to bgi a an imu rr y-i t~ sear'h for in Llternate site, and the federal F e: rflmeft promiscd to provick  Envivrnmentalists to the Rescue ± funids for the tiew i'fseilit When the iie-w .SiI %kv aci1iired, priority '4 mq to l- i .n tp i b11 klin j tr~j n ir k g iIliI~e ir. Mr It dLrr of tle Rip y~prs Ltid LuuId be 1aitrdd.gad Oil hf. the iilzi Use Of Big Crp Fr imwldcd a [robibition on igh at less tIhau 5, fX kvt aboive the paLrk, 4e-dverts of sufit-ierit sit In I~ihu-iai n the histor is wter fkow, and Irc~libitin~n uvn Fu wlin plates .nd 4 m u o dtv-tr- geiuts aTLd pestiides withuut the feral gVern 11I ei-y writtp n L.y n- ~t. The agreV -Lnt wWas to rn~ kir i Lt VtW4r IXt cMight Attojrney' D ujit. Filt -a-h had be xl O i the N'at lork Ml uidla- ho ti ty cal1ed the ;igrE EMent "a cr.ompiete vic o r the n~r- 4Lkgin~tatl eiI c,ddt. bir % hav wco..'~ He~ u~reditedl thu victory to theU l ecirnc an L.Vtc~l.i t sn ovcmi t, totugh fca' La culd : vt ddICRd t.LhV word a yr~h ilo Rut whiere ini SIUth Florida tL':uld sudm a hugL- .iiriwxu hte b:uilt w~ithout danj. r tohr e Lvin[11LTMER In JurY 197.2 ~ite seletim Dade GAuntv nwar the Bro r v uunto- line- But Ctpwh1StQT :41xJii de4vi _ op esidetst in npe vrcr.nUi ties obj ctiod to the ariic- pr~mcd ther rimmcnchaktion &adapp~l iivd to tI FvLdtral ait .rr A 1.- thor ity f or a $1153 ilimni grant to h i iv hf I jlid Mid bild 2 t ~i'n-Ii 11 ruwy Whfn the fCEL'ra] authritics bidktcd arguing that this %was t M TnlLtib to POLYtO3 n'p1 W*-ti~iti r th.t~ had Cost the teal autho~r ti C oinly $15 miliLn- Dade County r-duc& th S LZ4-' OF thje P~ry .d Site to M ijIthliHiles' alld C-iht its' 1eI~trb to S691-26 iio]ini.v ICh pI)IM cWj1in.Ued t- ite EEu- tkr dlays. Ho'useholpders kept uip t hi~r pmretists. ard th Fl raise(L ser u qiuesti ns about the irn- paL t t:fhe Eirje:t on the adjoinir Irg (,)t se athori areas- N mre love r p3-oktcdb- tha planecs landing and taking.i off Errn this ,.ikv v;uld fly~ Oi[.ce to tjhe IleSttI rg pkr-0 '6 't' I+' r14;I'L 'riAI,' -egIJ& k i t r 1ierflIktn 'the wnrld INIPLklationl Of tiL;; rare: bird. Tlw. Fi-d(---ni Avian .TL Autho ity iprmai-it-d to ivtijri the L AtL&r Iii tlwir rUrni- FalRd the~ environ rlL1[i:its w aideti by ]aiing trendsq dtkimn the'190s Not, -01131 aSWii thle L4)LrcltrY b 'o2irIsIag lei tolue'rantI of is and air pollution, bu~t plane travel wa not cvxp.nd inrf as rapidly as hail beenip lert9Jd:I ,1~ e~' ,em;Ai:d SitU~atiIrk i '.r, rdfleck.d at tle Bi.g Cypress tr irisite-.~ r~inL'i{fl1972 there eAT 1O'.XIW traiLiI q flights; by 1)1, th4~ hau1 f Ileir tW M,100~ flight. NOt 1nnk W r e F -Y,' t. pilots lwinu tr tii td. but oari rte fILLI WA~S had fi:rmed theV air]i iu, ; to  222 Land inrjv Water--~- 'Ar r jju Lwind J1I~inc~r1U use 4a 1 igIt a imi atr v 'i ligb h t yk1 wa tlmw fig C y p re ss field thait cu m c nvi ro rn , c r tari t w e re n w su gi; -tin g i :-it b .'V sh r f t t tl rw th ,z r i i g 1 i i ~ :i i n p th pit I3ut the je jir idea was fiar from dead. ni the lL~tu 1970s a new WaI/t oif touism andl a hu."wuing mail estat market aar~ cmwckil the older :tirpom In j lIy 19i7 Stt-uWg P qFIjur4f ffr bLaSiiewS.-rie'f in- duced tht .Scutli Fkrida: Rr-i...4 Ia Fl aning Council rop its ppol- sition to the northwe vc-rn Da~d,? site- pk~om ie L'anker wa~rned that Sou th Flur Mirr mig h lne ii-'r° e to -cliqune VnOuth land for a regiopnal airport 1.111) I-'S t bpd pmm-pty.. V-h n if Om- [¢o rl4:rtwrt not i mmerl6m t&'-1 bji I t i t wrinld .. lbttt-r Wu IM.> the~ Iland- mdA -Knh it fear Lutu-C nvL~dS. "" BUt 1pir ik vn-L-ntin ueid to h sngydivided. For' the p~rreent the e)xpirnsioii 'wo fe i LH,i. fa'iiti?' at Mi-am i l nterna- ti!r RRI md Fo::rt hrdra-1~I'rIrci~ I-pr10wiV w hile for the rr e di , :Li ro 0on tIi~ [11tie Arlurs wtrv~ akrg Uil Ii r ii situ farther 1,K- Am- i . .i w Lrri Pkir.. Be-rmd-i County, where it co~uld i ll nrf, 1%C)mNr li 1oifL. Tli~F[ii.ridlt tcu viroiimiit-A i Ard.t~ cujneit carrie Of aget in 1970 and 1971 With tit'1 tl a UefCUI reua]).' S tolt c nStrK't'rn G tht, es- F1riri b~kyer i nir~l ;irnd the Big Cypre t jrprt, i Lk Ith E~I-I~ts the sttlT.1 gups had t] 1. g-rt tdV 1 tot ae o:T alliance with I .i~a rw in the rtiitf ll; ] I tr 'akt1 i'aolheknento o d with prom li o%:s lW irk 4ton puih-Cns Brcusc of t~l wm -agr. to~ the Orki aI r R hri'.r ;tril Everglad . Nationali P:Ar. ri-gi rt,~ highly d1.0 ie h> irru appcu3VlOfth t mk r ationis w -ere t ka]sere1 mriver, 11- the se1. g11'tifW- ic dtj w r~li . h' -cgit arid~ r '.FRmri' ta Tht- rigumus find'-irmVs 1of" thu State Camer tand re1'sh Watert Fish Cnii ithe ]firt..)r r1 I,- r r IptK11 JmenlI retta eg. IRILiL. an iI Dth Vi k01kof State Plarnn InLg w-L hd heavily in the Florida cahirict" trt~r"h0iit On the kirg4 wnI ind the Leopold re poi t wa~s p mbly dedc iive in the Nixon ,mSI tiuton -3 rijeiion of the Big Cypress airprt. It rc a in c 7 t orr h1 1 6 s~ 1.- r, w e p 1 h~ w ell the Plr id ,a eo'v ilr lx-h 1 C! t I Nt. N L j d Lt kCr t L r ' - t l ip g ifiialsh ~1~U~r dQWhF.EI~h~ tr~ukup ' Iamorous ql irais M e land UseW'.%V't4" imanrIig! riient and wr-te ut~rility'r. Ik4i r' i--s1.°f-rme rig 1iSuta ,t. ' i1m1. e!s im~prtatrtout to~ the futurr- 14 the sta~te.  FloidaTakes the Lead oa10 43ivcrramir wI°rc 11i h - 'lud ~i c n4.1 oni rhL. r4 J 4.' r y EELS FNiNrLr ° rL 1IL Ir] 7 sii lI}id c°L ouenr A ' in; April 1973, T ,iinfIeuilt P141rids. woid I If1 ":;Exy , ith thn' k ,icir4 WU ip'istd [Wit irr Lr. prupgra rri;(fe t T Lp11eir I I 1 IlEid alid .,. M I ] rhLIn 1IirIbIg I Ila h11.rigl'V ltt n 1 1 E a Lt 1.w 1.1c.,t tn the vac)untrl., Muid rl-41Lv Nekrced T f w-, 9'e ]~'Ir1n'~ty n~iiI I.1iiwV11111 fh:t Lid 1)x'enT galhering rnmt*L' il ihc ]alt~ . &... id f1ur:ir 19 70: s lr ~ ri i tl; kih p inEX101;t II11: r L, ~H IL k W i 11- et, wF r e The t Law' Io Y I 1 5 tid i j rIrI tiC1 thIMOO] LL,-runmLata] i sI [ti t'u fight tuo di endu;1 tIieir L As ;1d litt pass additiou-al I.glsla r LW. Mt,)'t (1f]dkI C-~ WL~r Id-.euLd O1 twi l t t C'LtIIP Lrkki Laet Lr 1 litteVr W Ine . . Wy i 1 . w1 ~hr4° .I -,lI;' . P.h 11"t Vwr I G' I f uartt:I I. a 1ir this~ L°e t° I a L 11iwro t rill I-O t_ HI Lk-mrcne, :andi tmpk-a°l E L rn h : r11tgh E: : 1°4 - ti's k flq K~dl I . anjd E 1v4' I in norm1;I1 7a 7 .r J - ;11 L w% ALL; %I 'L[i1~t ;j'It 1IyLS Wrm11 NO 9WA1 Lnpy4 tr) r th'Ami.J witOutJ Lr~aa~ [T'I.L t lld 21n ilv rag . e 1I.14 wilk a Ia r Iii f 1taII tf3Ih' Es. Iii Ig rj1t ti11r nio7 t I aI 411 aterl., evaporated t- vu lrt~iLizi:A d h~ti cnd pLvJFLinKt." bult -p~.nPILug 'AT-I'Md iicur~t rId I lc~awK k Ctw!- the nrecdt1 mi ht 1W -11UUtILwdd Un' pr~-iwer J.ri Ii cImrI - it culd Ir 1Met b L d.1111 I .:L artit r 4 dl.a Fu~r de 'air thel hnWe ink the earth had viCId'd LL C-pOu[ MS -F.pp1% h~t ;rcund reservoirs were hkin~ .wc::k'rdr.3Wnl. C.OF3 id(-T ki.r' Oamnpe the fv g1lt1rg experL I' (ie ci °{' rF tWi ,mc h  2>24 L~n4 ijr ft-Wi'itr" 1rirr, f rid tUrM~ h as W .f' L[ iA-11d OJit Of Sight illtO .a grea t imuic *ie i.r Lakeland that copcd su ~denly that the drivers 7ould nT avoid it. ! inL-hhIN .wmp niithing new in thii N~ parut oFt i t;t . [ ht tJ i 5 7, ini if fi o n ieIt e i yl: hat aj m(Iht -a~ b i7r ~cm~ 19and April 1 ,9677 indicating a scrmt dmup in the water tahIci ROh[ brt Ve'rnnn, th stte _ t lcgisr reported tha kt he uiide rgmiind level in thih re-giur of citrw~ g ri . ureuig juicr pnx'esing }i ats, HiTmd Phkoi- PFLiiiie hiasld (I pred alxiimi 55 fet sinice 1l-20. Asked what the 0111ui4.aLpr W13Ulrd l;4 irk t el year 24~, Nlemo r l.~i °It fromil N .W-4L1h4,- the hell nult of me-' ThtS Gulf eit .ie tr Mi d SeTrOiS WV 110r shotages In July 1972 der s vral nmcnflt ofdry weather the Piroel:L~s ICM ycl1Misi dceclarcd a~ rf1ritor U[mm1 0 or nW Ibuidirig permits. in St. Pct rskurp, ;alt wa ;tcr was intruding into the nItniCipfal w0elk, and the c~ity e aMITUh11g fur 1iew dl[ siw.. fttrIherfro llh~ the wit "ii-aw un su: LLn 4.ri :hl eitieS irk thai ;t idiL not depenrd on welly but on Watr pumpe d [reM1 the Hilkh~rmih iv 'Pyt it t~ +1W~s suffrin ro sievere shrtag I L ii1 1972. ThtV rixe'r L t'" vel WL l&w, arid tlhe filiitie~ rOV pumpinlg ;JWd tre*";di1n t1he water %were '. i1' 1refpiaw- An icipjtin: ii 50 frtt[ i1RUT ib: In w.:ter TLtd ' 0verr th1r= next twen.' yc .s,t c Tamnpa w~t -nrif" . wer hioking Co~r necW 5nwrPS- But if Cviitrali Florida's NwvL&_r slimr-Ag! were mPs tdhaSe Of tILL soothetw it 4xoAs were~ even Iim-oe l. r 1970-71 It~ .LkU in Su~ferel. ire, -ar t rought in ry ye.rS~. t'rN .iMly 1itwoI th imi J une 19)71 it r - i vted onluy 34.6 inCTLU 4f rin-ine simallest aiinur t er rc - crdA~ totF an1 tWlve-iloUthl pLTLd. The level of Luke O.)hbCh dropped to mn urrre ei ~ ted 10.3 feet. I In May 1971 th 317 mk1_V id au~thorities iu Pa:m Reach and "Wc-St Palm h~c thr at(.ncd t,:° finc ior jil r-ist wihn 1iaIcred tr~ w ttrv Colervidorn Ovdh L111M M--SNi-Aui srd Fort 1 cLrd rr3~ ducc~ it quLI ntit-v af waiexr pum71ped ii tl lw 1' tali l 'lp1 weI k t l i y 5 per~en~t arnd 4Ipp aied to t heCc dt lz)s!t aL~id NlwAstO. T'" .4 iev the firer i~n the FW I od a Contrl District rJ - l,.j,1,0 Like: )11: -VL1.14~ wa3..-Utef l v dir tle iar i~NA bu wrmued thati tits~ J .iuUL h~vc to stun if t~h lak v CL vontinucd to dmp . Mc rwhilc fir*- w in tho IEvc~tglaclo age thmi- L1gh 74 0,..X ares of drt ~awgr~xs anid cyprvt ;i, des"t t i31 ng thc rrhLlAr~d aTLd h1arrrI gi the % wildl if-. Nci's ottk wa°.Lc{r wl;::rt LN i J l the tmrc' :;b:rm n4 bcase Fliorida'! I r,1U.iriiL y l',uw t . Si iue 1920 th. t~ Imuf'Ld liern ucwu~ ing ini I W IPo p u l a t i l n f !w eC - y 1 w x c a t y - t w ov y e a r s . a nr n n t t h r ~ e w r i m e s a u s t a s t h e ° i i ' ) a ' ° 1 3 r . ,% 1 . L ' ' l _ . a ° .i u f N j 1 1 t l 4 : r n F o d k , 4 r t gro-wing L.N Ste L MAll, dohiLrJiuR in NPopulation;f'1 Fvr ' CnurteP'l x'°;  Florida iaikes the Leud 1kAii -2 sori o Poulationi Uroewth and the Afinerk{iri FI.tLurt i:~rd ted lloat fror t}w rot of tIW (*:tury oahtomt~r Flrkla v,--tl1d gr:w rahtr than iia- {:ither in . the Unit-ed States, juinpigtfrorrn d.2. irilka in 19-70 thi 5.6 mill'n in 2 eO~ thvr rapidly grtwing. uaa wo~uldk 0 rland and ' Limp- S t_ ." nrni ror ellsw keenly aware of the~ f* r il. of thet hoittiau. Arthur Marshi l, wdwpr ir'hed. the rmrtii Of CrLIi. rc1t.u 1it l rtepefn tangs with theh In or of an Old Testament mrph r, appccd hd:-frr thFr LW~br and lahmr tin April W7 v. WTi~iwr thar Snhm1th S 1- -f1k;4 S Waktr supgil vu*-L d tkr0 it i T Ltu.lity. Hiu urd .,U124 1n .U irt as ll( rlding rtbr, Kissimmee VaI~ey prcting the Big Cypress, and filling mum Ui,[ Vsa C s i rt Pad~rick, chia~rman oftle S4&Ut} F' r i Fl unl GCrntrtil OInrmngiurd. ,J 1 ' .nccr~ ayon hLawye'Cr who b:rit 4d Lh-e gora,(or on iatu ral t ra .a i prblems, and to 1ic Kupu rb rie nt ,wly app :inte d cLwuti'.c d irc-tor or th Internal tha.t thw gi-rrirr Np'LhrLNor aiw rrleRwa1 ofL'[-~ tpert -ni de.,ir Sou.tL Flok lstida i-iater problem s, Their plan cAled list a po im Of wo.1:rL. shops on th6 mm~c] of the~ Amecian Assembly. Tow r-kvc as chairman, thpfir recraItcL djnhn Deernv - of Finrid Atian tit- UJniv .r i , why IuMad b'c-L-n ac'tiV1re in thia ATrI ur14.-L] A~eN-Sl3 r r..-,-.[enti 11 In Svptqcin bcK.r 191 tis CUiarl 1V hr pparid G: %- mor s Cyant rc ce O k L:Water 'iri~rgem rt in~ S1.3th FloritdAatLi.*. .' at Bl .IrM, Thc 150 FurtiparItk c~nstitut{ d a Who's Whe arncng Muhira vn-.. v i rcliinrieta~isis anad tip atr iL- Lihgurs. Am ng~I t i. %w .p . pkt firL'i ti.! Aud u}.Mn Scwicty Cori, v rvatic, ii~ W ; FkIx-0d CUnrtmUl D'kt . the Army Crnc~ay o Err;-iFPt-ti Fv('r-gbirdq; National ]ark, .i'ie'rV- uliatu.~ Hg;-k~-1 time lq!1.kitaure, coLin ty crn nissi ns, and lbusincss gTcII 13 _ Int hF ri~ ig a dd L r '~ vrir r y l w rinw jt W fl,1t cities ir-rrms id the~ Evci-ladu National Pail- were in~gc n fievrce yiri ii fr I okre t )kt -e io 1ii'r.&l d''riidig *'iIr LIf wa ter, Fk 0 ik S CLLrtn PIJ1)L f11.)II wic expect.Aed to droubh loreT the year 200. Sho~uld a limnit~ lw 1}1: cd an, Imputation trrywth in giu.), an~d -]LAt . rs' should4 1x grrated tto thin~r? die1 .d: yZT. re is a %ter -ri ki i 'Jouith FI'3ridla C.Kia-, r 1iis rI, has ]oIng-rarLn aspcts. Evenr rnajir Watcr 3 in the SILLth F,::,rid~r b in, Evr.Le N-j in;.i ParIk, the ri:ervat ii. are F r- Okt evkI10I t tr~d U1 t1 F bsiraart V alkvti is~ steadily dete~riorating in quai iy riinr a karicty c1 IVI Lamrin, - - - - 11-e 1jiavtit yci dwiner, thouigh potential] Ir ~t41u~t!o for ludiAv's LkIIIaLd, l2[IflTL4Jt *TL4 b  ntj!imj in Ow Rij4 Cyvrv" ", II, I... 'bl .. IIAT F ILvi 111T1eni-AI in, IrIII.Il 11111 1 .v[[[I^r..  rriag-edeff-eL-tiy lvoer wet/dry cyclc,,. to amu:ir mni ~mum adquatk su]-py in ex-ten~d drouuht pecriodxb." T1IClit f iftra~I-t i grte c I.h L i ,1k riat:Lwn d atirn!;. many (;t thf ('M IVUIV g ai CILangC in historic Flok'rid pr iwtires. -)1o fUrtl 1cr d iiLni;-Ig Of ,eI 1VdtS fitr ;MVy Pi r nftiwid ing the K i.s immpeII mark of17.5 feeLc in L.-ke vOkeechobee,- pl.uP-h-aoe or zjr' )J O lhiid.S to protleit water Trchat-ge a~s; tilling in C-V1tahL~t Sut h D6dr Mnl S, re5solutions, weiE these on pilannin~g. -Far an adcquat! longr angc Wat~er S~uply, the State in71j:1t have~ ivh t-rnrorc " ble v-omprefoh e land and water usec plan," a pliri dtr';igrn};d t0 limit irnCrLades in pnpiiltin::n and tahine.. to1 a leVel tha~t wLIld in-tre ~a qtLjIty en- v Ii n ' Inrt ° .N"i Acting in the spirit o thesie recoin rendatiunm, Goivernor Mskew- appo~inte Mi filite- nwrm he.r tMsk firce to draft an envimonntnrl1 pnmgram- for the C rW.0x cS-LS ion of the kgWIs~turC- jOhn DC W- wVAs ch~u rmn of this grvup arid Arthur NLarshall anid State Senator Tranismitting their pnpus to the I-LgMsature, GtC-vernor AA1~ ki;Li: hec mpeitwn of gt-;i, innmi plan r n I I-Pb n~1L,~ wh~r y411L'r diat it ligi1t li1AVC ;410 TIN Fmuii sqpvrkdi~ X53 IrhilhioiI ruiin- mn tlIx KiiLmmec, Riv vr in the rnamu: tELmxl vi r1 onr .. -or $ 13 it- ifon end~gr'iiak5 i grl the I : 'ghde I in th-e I1 jmeW oj4 ttrVeIl.. -0,r mnillio un ar bu1r ± :Lca4 anal wdlid is iin Ctrrideral~le btjt" Graham led the evi i-mi n~ist ighr ini the o n w h[['I~li l Spemaer Richiard PI'~cw tti~vv0 Miam-i kk 3d Jak Shrvt ofV Me"rritt h.- hind guided. the bill- th r the ]wI~q: Cnv-r vai kn gr up lol 1) 1.1 vigo.1rMu4 for the gv mor4 pm gramn, vLJIlc some, but not a]l, Of tlhe' Lv'rg e P evek'per S Ipp e F 31= L I it 1 11I~f IC J01 Lof gr ntirlg tn Enh ixiwer to suite Llgenv1ie S, tliv kL-gislaturc didt no~t gi H far as thy' task fi ire mmnlc f ~ bill i i p~. iLd. and ~ipevLl°te Pr igrw ;A,~e 11.j1t t lu 1 iia ibS ''101fr th (7,'i .1. ~.wMe.ms1mt thL Im fthe histurvt urthe Thk lorkk Water 11 vi~re t4 fW2 frr I' 1- al pI- -1ko fMk SkirVLrig and etontillIng the WHITS~r Of the StatV "t. FViEZC thecir fUl hnfiiial 11UP.," CPrei :'l nesnibility °W-ks vested i hte I-ePi- menit of Nat ura] R Sources.(D RI)- Among rather duties the L), R was dirmcted to Cnrnulate ai stat, wvaler i. .~ plan that wc'uld invc-ntory water reurmes1 and fOrcMUI- te cWS I M.- -sfir ]ii m1rtiii afL adequater supply. prenventing~ w 14e. , presvin t and impmVinp wter qp i Ey, ind contr Ilini th- v-.aU:-r for B-r inr11a1 rort vIlir  2.28 Ld_4, into Irtr-WatePr T riI oj ri d ~inig , fI I control, a nd water stor re The -.vaer ue plaij was to det d to d In Lcorrdination with a grate~r quality sL2Jndards '-srem that the Deil-arlmert of Pollutioni Corntrol woold sLdih.Thb water ukebILh -amid the. Water qu.-diy st-andlard System would to- gecthe'r conntihite "the Florida tefr pI;n.- }1'e-P F.NI ~ given ex Ir. hivg r'l~lItht powers, but~ it w uthr Zei-VltJL- liel a muiLnf these k tg~ ~ Earv~.TeI~ rvddr the r~l L'dimpnl c- f ive~ water manragcmrAn districts hrt letFt he det~e'rinkn ofrtheir l bouLTie S 1 i U ir Urrv kLLttu-Are Amnn the nst. rirbrnt pv'r tO lx' ':wtrc~i.W'd 11V tl]4- DxN K and the districts wL rh~rr Of NSiI irig! pert i'i Fr-Or Al % IfA Ater uer5 ! tpt. khdividuil lIJOIneiSldeR4rs. Per-mits vverr to Ine issued :for Spi f u quantities, which had to x' r pric :ldially rehwed .md v'diInghr hE vdu? in rimes of e camtLiHv Equaily important was the Florida Envinn nt] Land and Water~~~~~~~ M aeirrAoW2 h 'e]dELS A., -TJ i sure wiitrII mfLacrri4 Lj cmlr iyste~nj that will ruk-ver~v the deriorat iOn 'water (qualit% and provide np timm or 11.,tki OfI _wr li mitd x-% oer W L(V t'N' and, to f cilitate orderly .ard vctl pI-1r d"vduPcnrnt," t1lro kIisatu~rL dvdekrtel it nLctX51s.aE7y'1b the state to Ustahlish prolicies 1 Wuke arnd e ns nt local d'nt_ i.% -w relatfing toi gnowth amid dteveI- opment. The ad provided htwu majour t4ads for thi U .. One proi-ided rh;,t the gov'erix~ r ca{-iiiiet mIighIt deSigIna'te areas of c riti a] State ea rn.e, 1'wherC 51xwc i. r{ g ii tion clT)Ibwrrnir~g land dikv loprent m li st for trDIlht-d by r1 1x tve aclmhtei l al aikd stkate icis.~ The 4tihr j.rtLd IOr>aI ad StateL rgr nc ! ptra wc'xr to pmkibit 0r FE.,ibLt 4deve iopment5 ofregional irtr .r"w that mI ght have " ~vul)'b,~ti'%- alr it.:w ulrXnir the IC tl1, fty~jrwulfairc o~f c:rtI lzen S of more thain nnb~ i WNi~i. Asi a q ' ii tes~ro ger 01-e ILilU o1' time cabi t¢S ruuaticins on dcvc Ii' th y r 97 I~g SlatUT . o~spite th i s .. nnjent (C wemh-or Askw p9 aied t~i I lw a's m rrvT~g Florida ¢'furt}lur long the cuad Wi Iiud crjntrol" than any TIhe- 1; 12 lgi laturtre Iased... two oter igcifleamL 111c mres ru- OrmcD el'11]d 'y the raIk IC-t c. TheS ftate Comnpr.,,heiisive Pl n-,iing Aadk4ndeurtxiI to~promide Imig-rd-atg gulauct- d.fther orderly ~u~I e-L-11LurimiC, nd jfiVie-al UgRcw4th of thl! statpi Tbe gornor .S r 4,~- igtd ra.1:AS e f jh~plainim iffivt r for the stte and u Division oif State Plann1ing within1 the DepI~mrt1Ireit of Adminkittr m-ii41 s WL -rte-d to vn'r v 4Th1 th)L4 e oi itlib The Larnd Cj tre-atitbnk Ad-u aur- ihuriyztd. S I~.iuI't tO aL rel" rdum i, a $m4 illion bond is slit to ri- nancte kttri i 1 11M i pm'ha of en irrl menuI~ry r Kar' t!L d IandJA 1 1  Fki rdL Taike the Lead 229 Nrjo-ven btr 1972 the voer VrkT up~ d the~ bon.d is..u~ lv mom~r tIarI al two-to-one-rm7gn mLrp In~ tihe 197 3 tie,, i:p'rh the gove rvior eiociLtet'e-:L nmre ves i J-I~ey T pl7J1krd rcor - tfutev L by lawy ijf (UT wctlanr are aii Ix:th cuoLja and n i land. Ihut a bill for this w~'rx' was killed irk the ; njtL N4aIun Rte-L'up--tS arnd G:crlsrutiJIi Cr.inrnittU~ yftr thiirty-n2" w rie3F t-~ d:evcel prrv and Eanr~iir appa~ to~ I> [x it-~ Buti thc Iegi Iatum did piws bilIs for the protecion' ofithe Big CpesSwamp vw tITfinn, Lertawrn jiarts of the 1972 eEIicIITM~eTLL IS1WUS, In 1975 the 4wt or wre!tIed with- the le isI:rire ove~r L:ontrDI of ecr itrneiita1 ikw Rte1'i dill t0j thef rnir~hiInts o~f devtlIo[)r~s w hu had hi c-k permits from a variety of [ic-al. and state. aLthoritic-s. atkn ptL to consolidate all the fnvimnmntal a-g-enL'ics inter a gr .atl enlarged , 1tpaI rtinrnt of lr;dJr ei U11' V.41 t' r)te c~iet ESL atru. 'row vrvaticli mups p id this~ "sup ragenvv pla aiT HS W 'EttF.Tt toD5 iLpprTC cf1rtain ind -[4 p e tn u hL,311Sr Like the FnlI4rtion Ccmntni Boiar41 AT [1 the g4°i [1rmJr XT iiidrinvCd it a% .4m attempjt to di- lute his aiutkrit y Tht deal dc WA~ 13MI4:.-M b l &i P101 htnpuIie ulkr..r 'which the disput' dr p wrr4.- da'vick1d Iww Iel two ,:} e~ a t'e 'uon i .d I ep:avtmnel'it i 4 L N ti X 11 Re .L IU:S (V %B T IiI L 1l de r ' ° bi ridt 4x.L[L ], anid a new' Dk-paimcritof Evia~ni I Ei-gu1lion (DER):, di _rdly cbft ro~l h ! the g o r."" The nv.irnm nnwrtal Bei~irgiiiztioi Adt o:f 1975 aboi~ied thle Trus~tves~ 'thlc Itktrnal Imprtovcmunt Fund anrd tramfc'd the1:ir hicn iin,".s to tl- .h R'pi rt nlnt of -a j :,h.411eS with k~a iiaiL thcr r Its' rtained by t] 1i giwernr and c-ahirjd. Ilic L, N H was to ranagc :mate-+ wn'pil land s and pairk~ nU tnip '- Q uch etber f'imections ai kiat gist ratioin, aq uaitic plsjnt recr~ and h-Jcac ETstorarion-1 le n'e# -Ppa1.rtnwd'nt of Erinvii-onraEII I~ti Ht- LLtirOnI ronk civ!r r L.lai it iii Ears .iuit.]v er 'iedb t' li tf W ltt brI Coitru l Board and L a riLhrnhww 1 of other a cnrix_~.J It w Is iLrobnri:d to e-ibliAh ni imt- 7 'irftg'l stiL1iird- t aPL.lV dJCNWt L0iTO1u;IJ the isai~ 41L1,Lrj4 prcit s.Land tATm enfrrme- nt act r, ag iunst viL-htfrt. [ ;jxyhei-d I p the~ rit- Ina[Lajg ' l Atlvlt istrkts, '+erre ttablihod with LJIwer to rikc iixt. d-F-Ci1- 1 *IhFE1 1.L97r 100w q.'W-N-e 'rin A.i:I sflaw it Ci-L.I.i~rwt'r poljcy : IidA m Ils 1S rvar E]L.rtilt%- libd [le the re~NJ-)s ibilV Of h' orLldJ Depiartment of' Natural FIot- 1LUP the pry' raionr CIf pflhI]1LiOVI1 mment of drinking water stall dard s had 1we'n the h1 H 1 S of t h1: Dtepairrwta o Health Mu~d IlehatbiltatiVe Se vicx. N1W t}sr.-  2-30 Lrfi ri iJUr! 'v r- -4'I '.!r" ~t fAnrr L4fl fii ttI~i tiII ~ w ;lE th7e neW I)A't1,)~iYC 4' t jF Ea:iTLT)Mental Iieg@ 11[Lionl , S j diA t [e Su prvision of thit f'i v wate r maagm rt dii- utrs and the pry pation of the stag:: wut er plan." 1 ,At 'i i r L v 'Ster fty e p®1,w ,g --L e w Lt er R u.s A t of1972 not rriut'li was d~uce tuwwd IorgalkiZiTL tl ite water mEaT uev-rnt~k disric-. 11.. proeitesn L:;ImietI rilficilq -the dir . ing ofT digtr 4-r tih1-PF bnav l di ticjn th~iat , fl-h rir.LtrV liriP:-, shooul Fif kw 0.- LntV I it!- tlr1 1942 1x-%, l~id s itiCed tihat they S1ht.)lI' 'Iolk'wu as iwIarly its F Ut i{W F A A Ch th an IU trLi naL rive r b ~a cin h n n a r iF-'i O f thc' sta te. B u t lvl t~ e d l l h ,f n l 1 1 [ C i ~ t t o f t i a o L n vars. Colirt Cty a~r LsupicionI :,fthe G:old Caast led the Irg isla- t l4=a rI Vre L iLl aj PPV0Va to a six Lh di-,trig tq heW Gur~f1 RiiFigr taut ithiidta 'NUN w ai kdonir] in 1976 whden the. diktrPv kutuuIIdatrie~ wf r - fiY1Al % i-rii } i i t"ur the' wf!t r~ i'f he legiS11 irrP diI- t~iI I L4t lime i.I th Fk'prida .:Lir Iaiiigemv t L-I k i stiein o Lw.': ub dist iiiWts, r hw Frig -yp r. BA'D in a the 0keI--!0T1(W1E BAin, aiicl s ~ifietha i.t Ltai levi.-d iii ae('i -6iould k- ,d Iai-Lt4'a Itor the I .i- edit of hat pr. (hn the mihLr hand, th Lrgo eaterii mi trmti(-, w~hk h had r] .npl~ai3]ed ofE underreprewrt'itioin I tlwv Fkm~ CUtLnroL Disi- tlict, -l.. - m!5s yrhd ofat I.Fast o~~ ie3! n thi: ttei-rii7t Itk :id of the Ie t Watter NIur gtiuneiL District:. The gcrnuk %Wa ti) all rI I at IuL~ wo p-er nS IT':m D ade Connt). ani one e h tm B r 1Irand The uui iruhb~turi -Yvan s I settleCI [n I W76~ wia i t~ ti' tru- a atifie _ 1 (lltitnILtiona. ark1Thi~rlt Kiinp each swaitr ~a iinaumt distrI t LtW pile r t4o irisI)~ V1 i41 A Y rrl t 5 rott tO et~l9 HiC rntmll p r t 4m.s~imx IoIIar, mi ,)11 tt",i1 prnpfrt ." 'J'b i 1n"&-r atdr-(Fcy er- c[iJ- b (he old CUntral atrid Srjuthrm Flokla Flor Ct)Tltp'l Dis- triCt aild the Souith st Florida Water Ma nagfLent 1)istrict., was e'd4.TIL~4 to lme new distriects su~ite reverreciitL cu r lain~ ithat ag- r:i ib i rauI i t res. were iLvnrew1 at cit'i dwf'] 1cr peruitlizecl. The- IL? (I~I..'dirt~ ._t,14P1rurr e i lli) OUD.iWl -exis -i~ I JI L a v 19I77, The S(uuth F l':ridlj w'~'2, -12 was the tdd Fkud Ciottrl Distridt SAkrrLm Ofthe uipper Su. jolhcms RN-r bsIini nor~th -- i trAl Fr da It still },e'ra d the v~at Ki iin c Rver- Lake Oh c abee- E~ N-rgldes reic'fn 5 t ipii Ft-omi the Ciiif c COi5t IL' theA t1Itiv a-m im hthw -vd~ th ri. the "outhi-Trn wart oif r:irnd.,. It indUdCILl t~he: LLYiC1,3s tj cI' i~ Fort M x 41'N ~Atd Nple-. 4~i theo AtLa1tik (-ars 1'ities I~at h PAlmI a~i FijFrt LAikderdl, Hulldtyord aLIJ M ini. Tlv-- SutthwoeNt Florida 'Xm 41 1 VEr' the- Ifr Lr Ci'..e r Kiasi.N~ wet-n tr 21 Flici the Wryh~ie H il1.rripg ~~4 iper ()kI:a kh;. It in,  FhJc th c ea -j! eI id4l'd uvLd major rcities as Taipa, St. P cersbu g. C k.-ar iaer, S~1aYAuub, an~d 1 ikd lad. "he. St_ Johns5 :River Bitii wm-- rnwrd all of1 uo thter-n mid .nlirl Florida, irw-udin NUICh p'it' ai a. Jacksonvilke, to Ausutine. Daytona~ bwh iunl iwrthen 0 rlaid , Th4, I.wanrie R-ive~r lla'in wmIu)c ~v Pre the C11I ust region "' - t~ed by the famoii LL' am-nwe, the IfehlrihIvw,. and other u3nikrr Florida WMD covc-re thti Painhanidle with its inJ prhiu ri ver,,theI Th Wu.Ittr RFsuru s Act uf 197 2 had. Aa~tpriztd tLlit goverc~irafii cabuinet u)4.uv deiwt -aref - rt ' 4V1~ 1iiorn, ije B Cnll (L [- ing Su~d 'h rh1llt Tulti(ra[l. rL' 41ir C- O 1110 MIi!:41rc rellIacm' th1AI thtw ] 4 uLra-11 s~~iIA L'w~tklol F~lrltllm i; r,"'d , ]pi ' h1lkl ': r.1d dredge's . Dl iturbcdi by thqny clmy reiat4}iurnLh:. t lat '..Mcn e.i[s Wl rween11 Irtv1 ig t frn s ~In re t1. al 'A aldt iii ret. i r h -, biI i "1p'1:0- Th~.- X11'it '4ili1rt irit r;L SIL i aridPu to hlio -dVrA~lE-- e lh in,' 't stagL vahin~ tL Big C yiprL- . SwarS[M]l. T71R ctpv t rt +1 r t~ii ~rver had fii, ~i I;w at~n ioi n this %'ri4.g~iicid tc-rm~in o1 ~wrnpFL. laki°N. sly u] iis, ari nn tiek l AL10SyirIg we~st of tl [c KU-Ng S EVU17;iadt, - Tk . B~ig Cypr n'.Lhe .' Isl{ -xendd over 1.5 millioui : fr-S, &omri thV mniddle 4A' Suuathj Fhj.-d4i ',"et to tle GulF. ,Irth Uo Iilii4 lee. ikrui siuth to 2'.rgyalks N aiinnl Park. During the rain k a wa tl di rv- Ento thEo ncrjthWest part fof ffi pairr; :11:1 nw it :;] iIi M the 1 L h:c.--W Evern hdire the jetxrt warv. Jn-seratirnist had LI-gar to woirry .Om the. Ii.1tLt* O4 011 1ig CVJ)4 SS. I)[lL-i1g the~ 19110 all 193s lumbxering a, &rtions: fu;[d remncie most of' the timher., arid after that dle enrs hand hi'ginr ;- hi h-Pr iRSr ampsaig toNel lots. Tht pruict] [ketwroru aid, drAunax.e ca~l S Llr eLt . [ total digrimption nfthe natIur~iI l . hf dthe water. Other spef-kilttors were~ sekirig sIlre for olI-edrilIIitg, ExLstii Oiate h gliw-a.i - had id. rei'! a(i ~ rh crw~nirnnmen . Thc. 'Thiniai T raji l ilt (I I ng the l~12y to link -Iiwnrlp, ;anid ' i i;'mi i., h~ L( alttei 1 w~t' r1 rLr a are j u t iiorit of vrglkde~ N'ti nid Park,, still gntekr harig had re~sulted firm the cor itin of All igt-nr Alley, th till mriad linking Nuples an :Fort Laudrdale. NDw a siup-:rh ihwiy was lhcing, planned, an ension o filterstaite 75 [rim ;nIimp;i to "dktmi. What-  f F° Ir DL C Y' t aJ - U -L - i y I N   234 fjdn1d r~J4 ri yrr 1 q r I'fJJ r 1J~lo Ji'1 anILihon fun~d. to thePMwCf ppdu ldral rv' What fhe V~rr, York T aAN arat 'ri~kFI ;L Ii74~t 3°gr~knd ! +'- tlur&' It~d t?.1 gr4 the Idiii iI I Ar aILikn, bill tLhrI*-g}°r tie I1ldtiuMI'lu 5I i 4iCM tF pL1: -r: tiv [t~a7, in Oct b r 14~73, biu t the S MCn t' tok rko ir1hrh '01 11 I IJi J I L~r 111~i ri1'k grwd . l i 1 -e 1)I "11, l) hr oiigh With) hi LDp1a-JN'tH)1l. Oni 23 AutigfL Sclim~ifr J4IkttsI1, Cd1LrI ul 431t+1Lu Cc'rirri 1 h)v ter ~r ixw .II I r 1 A I~i :4 pr1 [ 4.-d .;k 1't roni aebk port, AalI[h pi e i ;1liil ir Wh13C 'VLLS01 fl - de i1dt irh thet rIrg tJTl ai A-- :kt~ra nr k k'mne at 5a- i 11g and~t d tit eorr _national ly p~a As anad national mcrt~Linu37 4-LFTna!; IPmWlb iguied iidrt law LOk'' Fr Uda14m1I C'iul r] l ordrn 11 Oct ,lr 1! 7, t bL~ haillJth( .L kbrd ' kriiI erpcdlurn( it i M.r 1'16 mill mn, con- mitt cd dtf sl i ia' finwp and pL'a3CEN, Aid lpwcI ll0' ow1i'r1" Of imni~ falimly' Ul 'C~aLJ11 l LI right of rv J1.1Th-VAlL HLR wIA iI'Lrid up to~ tLhrc' wvresi 1 ir rwe'Fnt-E1%- L" 'rIUrii ljk'r ; .e]I ig the:i r ILknd to~ thla g-rirullme iiit Th.t- Inia-,Iiii the i tivr!gk III ii ra griM4IEk i ly' rigt t4 coantinuei tl)0'dT c{iLOnI ery' hunting acid 1 fIsig 1md '.'reU gr;knti~d 1)AltI''1 LtCnrd mi uduDIi ~r!reitidtr b i INg Cypkr-CL: National PrSn'r thinL1 [hr any p .viois~ of dition to the n{L iid l ok y~ttei., niLIhI rai 1LeI to [ duii t to~ sa&-gir lime wile N' I( LrcP% Int thi- first placen thu-: 5taLq o~f Florida and~ the ifM- viTl v gui a iirmeiit I to buy t6h Lid fruri i i ts priv to iowren', NO' 011 knL. just how, iniulyN there w',A. r The initil] estimate wasabu 35, XP Laer g'tsivms Wiverie 3i4JX1K v- 60, OX. Afew wet lrg-sal o~wmators; any - %vc rvptt% -.pL-c'cIltixr 5ctte cd a : the Unitd Stte and in F' tw I1' ig tir i4'ntm]It.5wv WI1;. -Pru mewho w ii air it f Xling ~.crrmps anrd I Lnting lodges, Tlw Park Svrvir _-- t.Iuld flidi it dlfiblehlt to_ (-4+1~tE L ~I"tt ASPLLrchja~ p-rog ;ram W th~n thL si yers- Stip, u- kLt d boy Co~i igre'%.' L43d k~ep~I1its. 116 mii~Oi a~ ~ r:L11.H But even afttcr tke Big Cvlirf ; National Pr'-C a rjeal- it, it -vurp.ild Li triaii k IV5O'J L art' S OUt uCf.k wtFLtr~hN d1111,5 111 i- Iin ac-Lrv Ar. final 1%. 119--h giwtd by% the- Finrid 11i cIlmtt, t h 1rL1a of T-uii Ll d wIlof theL n ational parenc andi 2V,(:)L-v 41 VrJ~l toi the' wesP:t Alld rkcwlh ofir. Thr. ° ir O n gt°gr;'t ec11tci~oi I V2a[f, it!h  Pl onda ° eks the Lcnd I Oka6-Niiv~ochve St~Lmgh. the 1~ahkahatch-ce Stmand, and the TIrniliem part Of tihe Tura TiiOUiauld ThSarMd -M-Ce imineld, d. tohe portionsi that lay outside tht nutitmal prn , the prirvate unerslip oftiand was permitted, but stmt~ regulations wvere issued to prevent ths overcrnw ding of sites, re-qu iru restoratio:n of vc-tation, li it: the .siz ofpaling lots nequ in methods of roar constrLuctIon that wnruld not in terL-, . with the natUral floaw 44 the 13'.'LT. prihibit thu dir'gin offinger vnb anid prevent water lcihiarg,. into tl iw' f ( lk vf~opfrs dCD-PInccd the T-CSridiOnS as CU31fiS,'atOTY Of tlir prop- erkY, ])tit Only tlhe, trnnr~ hat eL Lugh pINlitita Clnutci0 hepeXALd Unfrtun~iately state and ccrral e i~ts tea protrcd the Big. Cypres TLA vouii t-~ late to~ save iC ure of lauid inrw 4--vttr i Collier CounIty. in the num~t scandalous prm-utilun of the M~ks the Gulf Amnea'irkr C :o oa to had i ridtied ai etfinted ,0('00 or 40, MXI NPlOICto buy lots Tir a Pn)Jet-t Ca~lled GOldti i Gate E stak& S irwte fF~'W fatnilii~s thaI ly V45riiLr. t-t rake up rifnein rhos-C wide, onpci SIiLs thte ILLL ~riia icrducirem to buy vva tu h p lw tf iniakiung it, profit m~ resales ® Wh-en this arr fnild mrh~ret c Ilae 4 W-d .angfy Pikrch~wr - bega.n to MR -hIg fr ai id, G13lf Anerirn sold Lout to thf. EAC Cn1'rporIFLtiC'n. condIomera 0 t ri ed to raw rTN inr a s9' 1,- what iriore rt.po nsifie l hion. To resrrore ce-ibility r43 the prymo- 60iii tle.LIV EYtw ~wiCrs :i pled up tl. hudiimtrg Of ak .,1t M) ile.I4 of ma,~ and 171 mnilus Theina le rkrViri~rmIIVwiil k,1iiUt1f[~ e i- ter'ded over alxi i L31*A suare mile o nd mii g ogirrn on which wATr used teastand For aIdF Iht Ike er wtvre now u thuoruuglv drain-ed th-Ait t rei 5nd 4ndrr1h 11WjIlte~d anrd burned arway in tfrr,it I~res x wi lc- Ahte seind blviw thirou'ih the doom amid windows ofin lime-Ss I4Thhm p ace thc" roundwater1c v,:-1 Naka Lwhd as tlhrnc f~t- ~ "arnMinli N) dwl -et of Niples bee~us i w l iater wixq AlrejLy iiwhyti-g its welI-1 near the Gulf L" a.tti agn a e(.Ly prie for its Jlay in developing land use plans, the. 0341icr Gouty Co~mmIisiong w iseht with conflicting avice on. whamt to do abut the Golden Gate pr-oblem. Environmentalisti urged plugging the-a'is to %L P ibhe ru rraff lIritlie Guf, d-Lw1kip-ers '~al td. fbar publi wirks to pruvid,: K-ttt r Watc'r zn Am. 1I eNkt .:md I~Iooc conroI.- Ar'o ngv tlw- propoe d r4eju tr~? t forv feruld - wi-k. in 11978 was one v.Iling fo~r ant Army Curps of Engiuneers Anudy to d L, up a wter map-gemehrit system to irr. kw the GoldEn- C3'ate st.htf re' 23 frDon the etffeds of o yerdr~daig ou On~e of' t1ire srius rbkim ns AS the ra id encroadiment of wu-trtlhlcs lelieuea k rues at the cxpc n~s(  2.3e1 Land hifr X h~W~IIruftt (r~f~j ~xid En irn anits~ were± also larnil by +'henie for deelp- ment al ran the inttwetrn Cul'toa--t and , tn he nrri h rind i4- !ad, a regki ofgreat ee1og a1I ultue. In the sluiow hays, tidail c~reteks, and rcm-I~n' .3Le swams rin te Ike life flourished. -e ing in turr-na~ I'm- Ib: r fishr and water blirds. Coat uersy cLnterfd on M~&rx' IIari wit it fuiift nr~l4 b e he-, giwid f shirn , uid cx-::tiuwildlife. In 1!i6the clt-::,aC rpxration ann ounecd plan 5 fur tievdtl iig Marx -acid it surrtwimdiug rt- VnII ®~ Jrded.T g acid fill- inig the ar w'Fbd_ andl CrIitri iInal1' to rrovid .vrI wair~fmont lots. At first, ill went qrin wthl . D~elrona L-njoyed an NL 'Ieiirt re)pitAtlCon klr Sexn -.OI.E I~IMUV1 v.1 UCS and Stiate aid i~EraI acncit- commncded the company x &'r 1-ntanig a a- Wffl muiit (oid it 4f gimni r1EntaI prowd1 ~l Deltona r- sorted t,:. the traditionad methovd ulf s -ding its lets. in dvnc oC Imprivi roew L anid using theit i 17stall merbts as a eah flow toi Fin Its J II t 7h uvgi Jfi umetds dur Ing the late 1*I and early 19(70.- IJrn1UgLh coiidtLirna tWiu r th} Ma.rco Isaiid - ro 9~t. The firsit phase o dcnstiori ha cho ilw'd 13P large(- % sretclh-s of sh rlifiv awl the Florida Auduki r ddy Ited a -eiuu im to W a Swhatr'rt .VA ]lf. Ddtona hadl upplied for dredge-und-fill pwrrvhits! to dtwek6Lp U 31- .v rV._LtipriNLh , thew pm posed work a biud &-stray cin ia.xjv aimig 0O mrI-eil! of khwe'-lin m-n;d would eliinare about 735,Kr- (A dhi.I ° mrr Acm and the rvit accepted a. to lpting tradL'- ffuth the cI~ip]ytny Under whi(h t1.w State wi~ild I eiiv 4.O :-reS off the permits lay w l'i t h Army Corps ofT hiner'ils. in p~mhki hear in~ rninme ntal i N u rg-d the tfrp tf deny theme while F"'r- CC1111ity k .:'U~r' uge M ILh Ult theyL he granted. o-,--jr Akew ake:.d that the stat ' aLmC'1JVt With Dltona he retad. bLkt L'UCIh Nixoni 451C'-reIs as Kris:-4 l Trin. of the Envri caiecittil Protev-afi Agency ani Nathaield Re-d oXth Interior Dy arbncn topp sed the appli'tioii In a fina tty E17l1Lit t eetI1 )"i t Ai-., 11 eI- Deltoni cmpkiied Dean Burch, form Lr chairman -:4tlc 1Rcpu1AiL-.n Natimdl 0*111rttL eignc its un l. ! b vnnec " lecs ,announc-d 16 ApriL 1976, a3nl-eod the~ I.-M IM11. The corps appmv-r only one or the thrN-e rPeqtiestfI jr- 3110_, deuiig for~ r tS irn wilrikh Det~wt h-Ad S014 an 'AI si- matedI~ 3,7IX0 lot and crlklced. some 840 million in inStlmenItAS.  Florii k-t-- the. Lead M~ Unless thec courta ovemiled tk corps's ision,~ he x1m11iarky f d th nhppyv ,p-p of vit] r returning thi.N money to e purr- ch - r3 or getting t hL i cwsent tO ank 4eXfd'kangP OF IifLs. Aklihlog som of ewrers ihmugt l thi Ddwmat had 1KV 91 penaizc! byV a chmiige of the. rules in, t[he middle M the~ raetie -enrinmnm-er l10h11 littk svmpth y either C r the , rnpiiy thaLt 1hW1 fd: Eed k 1.! L' 19tII bL iirru iuvivIflg the n .iia~ priir or For the cu to4rne WI wh hid ontracted to buy laind that was unr eter."' EILVI.nal Ii uduIN-FItNi31 ~i a4iine Ie5d'rh Il arjagi~ w the Corkwrw Swamp, a wes~tern Cn]Ii4~r (__ unty rtegion, % hc, e to werin g °pre~s~ aid other t r s had s~ip ed the Imurrirnans i ' Milrd Mwhlre rare birds and arri1ah. jive- in the r~.hy Lindjer rm.t. '1111 CGli r f i-nily anid oth -r 1Iir oldtrs vitlr l or L-a-a hnd to thet~ frpri.-e, and a~vntu.-Jlv the~ Nation-.] Auduboni £uck-Itty wT'l +°-,itvnst with the tdinnisration of -4 rk1: tuaro of mocri f IL(NK  2.3 P f a p i d Gratr1 Wot r ;V j i"7' iiihi d-40k Lar.. L, ti.r the tiorA i 11 diil r1 i, SiE~t cr p r d Wiih the. Natw t ' (Sju r'Il ' a rid the Cier CoAi t.ra nrv s upported b~ wealthyr naur lomirT in aciquirin'R _1Iji k acres of wildeune~i at .r da4~y i on thi, -OIlf sr 3 -v flh ohf Nip]--:. In t97' th} state a- ,[-da 9-ye.r La_'e o Istract to: Ie ..~ USJAS art C-tUarrit silLnlt L- I Tprow% ct JFund to becomuw dircvbujro udhcw tcm ~ ~ion~ for the Trusti fOV f'.bhi- [arid, a C~aifitrrnia-Iiwed nonpmfit £LrI- !LtIo s abislu to qu ai Iru ev~o kLA vluJ1ab~l land anitransfer it toi nblI -k o ri i p. Thliree years later hme itj ~ident of th-e Wt;uMIS irn Vou~m:i Counr01 a lift FrORn RfExKrt ;,rid RNiI rde. CFr LI I two ttdtb',.' bt litws, The Cry te~ alu w ]iatCd 1-459 :Lvrr-4Li r dIi-genzd ]ands in h6e Floricn Kc.. In unrth L]it t coin then tTrbst ERuiulu (, Ple 1 rltrjU e u s -,PlaCt iom the F'rid wet L- lA Ku .prwrg-s mst remiiaL i:hI CO, yp w~ jpfT'1PS F thed ;)arr:-;Di IbNWCLIk the trust and tlic rcnra] -cv elp , nt Co:rproratJrn, F'Ior Lt ].it- c--t hlii[[proff°nw y-nir unitiesi. IrjioL d nfi~hrng the SUO .N rl 1)RELhiOIT 0.'. 4rdlTd-f1J r.:dtk,.m. Gi:2rmera] D(-- veroptnent ;krgnjed 0.) :'.d! 7,.'I ;Vrf Of give hl)4 ;Irjdi f ln. t' rig~ lo.. ted aljt F"' rl (hrl,,Ate vrk t112 i CLF4 1.'K1tiL j n OrL' ri'ar trr AtLnti ,.usr In CentrAl Flu idt.uTty nis bRight the munitive~ land # S O A«: ~i~ ta~r° I[Alw its potent~il if 9e"~ii~d w-ith itr in A~~ ;rid 1 2nd, the 1rnt'1 did noct relyv entirI"y onr I4Vvit for the~ envi- i 1! e-'~. It pinted ouit t{01 Ailt s ELIS wel @.s uI) rtun.iiis to d5Fpo.E o land that it would bv diftIcult or imp ilhI to develop u nder flie ineweironn_i w~ I aws, Filorida' terar p~ rnI.-rri tit+re no( conrmInmd to. thc*. south2 In July 1974 (1w- goverukir -aid k-k ijeua't des-1igr}M.e& the? ULdeei- Swiip fit Ce'ntral F'krida a a L 'oI d tl arritic-J~ kaik' corncern. Lxwated Infdway hettyn OarF j1 rnri4:rmd 'I~ipa, rt14 -~e S;tikwamtp as a . sqtu inilk rcgLo.L Of LZouvuil inter--~j,- e. >il wth Fri bmill, sandv ridges, iind sinkop lake i. Thiis was a vi haJ recharge .oiurta fir th I' i:rrdait .gUifte' Or. Fwh- uvh 2.4 MilliOn pek:'pAe in ri erhri and -o i trid Floirida-city dwi-1 c-rs, faiirsr~ ranchlitr~ Ts, minriman- ikifi:.('ir r - 4j i -Ide itw 1 Ki - _i.el -i t i4 thiei.r Y,-o er s41 0pIy- Dcirlng the dry yeir of c 19& and 19 70i thc'r4- had bccn n'iJr~rg avidence that ohi's of i~hk 'i:ri AqLuifem we r g ov~erdriwrn, [n ai U. ( 1.4gcLd Surv rruii. of 1969 ia ra in  -5umthwest Pol~k Co~uinty had I e -xmkrtk red t &bcmI:J "caiutio~n .5 to1 WA Ft ith0 1 " p ~i rkg fik- VtnL-J -:., -I& TXSt of uILravy tNnUm- Plarnt-,. At firsit thts ai di se( : a~ 10i t [311] pI1 - 1wn but d inm t c° nxt five ears the dro~p in chc wate-r tII. up~ ~ i id svuthk int ot ~her &nritcies." F14"im fo~dItf1 . i4; ldl1 r lItA 19ll 1izIjnL [ fil. "ah~~n~ IwEii Th eIiiri1II1eNta1 IegiSIati~n oif Ui72 aivid 194.3 had ale ;r~g 1W syxm~ijiirility for diainV, with the wvatcr Pruh3A s~ 4this T.rlgcrn to the -WLL nut oiIW ii-wLg(,i 1i Imt 4,)1Wt url.iL-M i tau R arVlier to CCtxL with L. lha~ s1Itst1Aihrrughi the ciiM FIJT vfu l I ik't the tm o as died new pLumed1ww «rrr muLntitiebs. In the Gold Cciast untics, wal e. ato  9. cr' m .,. w 3 hi1 -. - -~~~~ - y o -qu .  01 .rn ! i L~:r'~r V~~i j~~!r~r ill-i I ,pm . 1717a ° 1 I r:it rIlt~ki1 .d; I) uEI 1rLN-,i they hid at kaIvs 3, I'M uai Ii ts E iVmI if ii rl rLWaI i S c4I ~LI l-LtTh4 tLiWI ufftrLrnLnt of the law was m-t strict ernough to i ))ply the hr-takes to ppulation growth, even in arf -i.i imI1rrmn t fr th eh rget". rt-1 Hli :yw A r ifl., r ri wu rc now cq i ird to, rI ]uirC I uildrti ti 133d if 1tki 1jl;iinF to Pm4- 1-i acn I IflC- w r o'n th Y.Li t 1 * iwkmw-n tr- TWjt4Jlrel[ L br.Ik IiiI III. v.italI lature' pawd thre IJ -'Lt G:5m cnt Phinning Act. ELK' IICOiLnt- ind irtnica ipi i te w7 1~ i~ r pre t Ip;r m4( ;idnpt ;t nip"reh niVe Plan tu k .L- an Lontrul fCuturu dtelitnt. If a rthuInicipaity fleiiid to ~t het IJiij l 1! 7 , the trounty plan would pwr.rn - 11' h the EarLrm]3aiv itv and CLr'mIti failed to Lid, I~r the t Aid ]n ptukninl .nc-y at lr tPie plams for bpthl county and Mun ici lily.. and tth '? 5IiTrkLr ill Cabie had 11LL i tV t o i r1 i s Pbe m Ih4 il M i k !mans rveqa di~ng di-velopment NNwLrv to ix. consUi~vktL witli thjjf}_L Mort rlitiiv', rioan s run . 1ak ptiI* But~ l wlriq 1ter private devdtlipnient wasi~ nmt th tn tny th r'Lt to the envi~r1tnt For deiids, th-e Army (nrri' of En inrl hailF tf hn °idredging harhurs, rt toriijg beIw1: l, diggig 4111w4y m  F li -eel 1LTW! thIA Lea 251 di chci:, and buildiijg Lhtar. and I IrivariabIy ao~ po~l i Lan blj )'4'1?Wnfl h~rcl lobied Err tha ;N Prcfrdest andlNr.-p TEmI n in d ncators I k Rd II'CPIi~y alp-priatd theL 1- aiy.0 I~ ®7-eP Irp'ItseN' WAS ~iwaiy minendahk. l~l-to improve navigatLn. rotect he- &-hvs. preitit NloiIs. .%tore wate., vmruwidempyen.t t'i-ee r p'Ibk: i.:.rks had olkevi lbrouluth doploi'abk h-celc v mutihmkd, mangruve 'wiamp-s de-trmy-d. wdl ntkl dlri-~ind. WarUS p0,1II3itel4 Nr was tbia Army Conrps of EngineE-rs tlhe only iiaLprit. 'Odwjr f .derill :iS, sMbc as the Aviaition .Adr15i i i traaior, the 1 ighway Admrnist ratio~n, the Atomic Engr.rgy Coomissionm, anid the~ Sr,[E CnPrvartion Sr.rv .,' hd crrie n~n actities that thr4%:tened to Up~iet tihe . icid L _a I -L~ In an effort to remnciy thi i ~i~itinifl9r Crgre s w-dsid in 16i the N-atiwnl] E~wR~ifrluunta] PAL-t Adts~ 1iinii ai Cuni' vil E~l- viro nmental Quality and ~u-iirng fi-dIer:1 :igi. nPes to prq'-arre n Vi iner E1I rP~f-t .%krenwiw 1101 e fov®em s -T-L-iiig oii ne~w pi y5). - L- nevr Iix-edu re~ pje c ril~w b1Iy Ihte fed ral Offir of Ma g rm rit And Biudget (o .. th r rA envi nmien ta im--1P;4t St ern l hd to kSulimitked to othe~r fcdcrad, stak. an FEitna -~cs 1~- -ik fro-i'ns thiw ve'view phae was used ihi pr gxri the I-iii t'it vimR I]Inirstall k-rmriits. Ror time inki'rtiUHu Of 03318'eoiss and th exie(-u.ri e® The (MDie reoned tha t stare arn r4:giorula c leaving. 1iOUSUS I) CSL ki~ihed k*iordnirrte rcvic-w n on ::- the Prwimrimer tal impac-t srT t'S~n bit nf thr 111;J.14. rei~h r4 ) proposed 1edraI granmts. To L' prie with time ntnw puky the Kirk imitratiori eC u 1P a. state leairing hoitNe in I 1. When the Divikiourif 4Sr Flani rig ms eswl'oisl-r{d dUriiig tlmU AAke adtlrinuiA tion, the Burv-AuI Of CnpehnivL: PLanning tax:k orver thi (nction. Hede I) Rus tip M-It LfIld, the Enavir[ riiitle (iA iearTL Hous sent Out C tiW , u )tlw]L draft envirnnimental imjp~kw Nt wne t,5 tol -.11't1 age1Wisie, Ck.1 anrd then held weekl diiissio medtrmgs. For the pirt tiiw tx- pr rm different rI;-d had an rappmnt to ii ti public wllrks pmrspalr~ rn :avehirng orunny. The~ -el avgh 1oue them i prep-ared -a mP4.M)ced stage Ni t lun fmr sulyiirotn tD thf- rnr or some Other authority for flunal apr1-w-MVI heore hewi ,g orw r0ed0 to the fedev? 1'4 O:Ligrk(!v 11rV0lVed The Ernvirunmrc~nila ickaring Ukuse prok~ evi iinntal ."i- enti-sts-workingIfor htat hL L mtiL r i i i-ie oPportuinit y t i~e~ secr O[Ilrip rtknt Llcitn- 3tfi irpurts, building llcwd-: control ° rksi. granrting ordr edge - iwl-Fill applk i~raic'fl' h1 Ari 4t WiA trte highWA-VS .Acmd diginr uf-wateraays. inmtL'm S, als in. the  252 La r l nt~i) T~ ra;T- Wi~tr"~~r at d ms- o tLhe a xgi-Ftridhag caIa, the En-irunmenbi Clearing [3o a~ pla yd a& d -iv role inL khIIIbi thy r uit. Mo're oiften it atrhed r fo dIac's [rn design Cormpleting his eight year s in Tic on .1 Januar 19. ov rnor Askew took his greatest Lahti A inni in th-P Viciyiiei achieved for e - vi n entalis~t uses. Grnitinuing th Loursc initiated during t~ Kirk years. th legislature had 'eraitedwith AAkew its paslig uipo rtart erwimnlmental lams; the- cjdiinct Supported him in imnxI- ing vurbs, {31 d-ede-and-fill tipv rahorks m i~ Ia pvro t-'.ing 'aea s4 L "i~a stmt-v converm" u. 3 St -L log~ dwent. net w State Ligen- cies and invipirted ld a gvi ies calkulated the ecologic-Al comts and kneftht .p s ~td pulic , wor1~s. m u ikr1pities, m-1n tiet1 rgonal autlm~ri les and st.bk bwmus: all EXCmnC involvvd in plann~ing~ ac4thiiie Y -t e vie:oriesg., r' rhr m CMfor ~m]i I ny i Am--rican histr iod 4F rtuformn Lat, iardii a1: ntu ret~sts "u~.jrt to reglatiMn have tmd ~iionkIry lvlid low kkotil the rm-r e-ive winjs have bto un thMS1VC OLAu, thtn astz-~ Lt Jt~U1SU1n~eVes oftten Cx - 1.)jltng the very age"Cues are it to O~mI t hJwm-l Dv rin t~he minn Ekvc,.de pub]i -Le inin .rw; likly to shift Andl bkbw frum 543111 oth direci-gion . Al t''!;dy a. new rv~J estate 1-m-wn was gnestinig pmnectis for n-%%VLEI1w3 ~udin~i, nS ew?"'Vtl ruburban trAS tL.ii-id TI eWv pkiarmed cnmtlnitiE' . And in the rstate: ,Lc ~io~ns -of19 7 r.,,itician1 5 v icd with t~vh 4 k 1.4 r i LIw-i'i i~e r_ fil;L kti tg P .VW iTndihJsirirV TO tht- st;3. Ali L~th in the hvPT1 itiC C.UIuC 1:0 l' wth , reved, k niAro-(gU- k RIe jn- 01.)a girtal sh1-raeed the 'iiw, Iev es to hOMc nsntci the grraiiil ailt-prs y wo~n and to Wink fuirtherrpntCtjki jairi tkt sht tL-1&. vitaI w ater rt  1 IRial PreTsciiptions for South florda 'er. is "ai grater crisis in Borah k1orki °-dy' tb k fid-Ig, adotedbythe trero's C rnr- Water Ma i meat in South j loridh I.n 1, reterrred to lath thei inT mdiatle sti 3tion aimd tihe unrolling, futures The~ LuIIct- of tht~ moment was ~ eee d rought that had requifred i-mergncy mease r in tk Gold Coast cities; the p mns ufthe future re1 d to the region's rapidly gruottng population, Would there N water -enugh for the newtivm- s~r? Wo~uld the water be purg eough to drinmk? Th BF~i 4Ile .Aquife~r still provided a ciipionus supply during nral ycears but aj'- forded only anarrow imrgin dluri rig dry year rs Lake Okee h-we and three -on ervaati n areas 4ifl twin A backup siuFFlic, that could he released &%%'fL [Ile Old Ul , Im b t rur the~, ruserv-s {adequate, p~rticutmrly in -vicw Dflthf- heavy dcmn®ands DC suarL mwrs and vvg- etable [armeP Awl d.'k s°e (xitinue to b safe., or 'k~'ere: ItI1 -cm ing. L'u' rim n.t_Ad? 'lLg[ut tlhe 197O :kdiakT acrd state ajgenc-ies, regi lT l AIAIiOritie.S, F.MNIev.r -LIL P~rj~~ rd nVif~n- .ffe1ntA~i~s strLLigglI-d to inllueiiee water tmx'] ky2V The I os t irmlyr cntrcnched agt nics in the regitm were t6- Armri Corps 4f Ejngin ers and the Centrad arid. ?outhernl Florikl~ Flox Control Distrid tIn edosL alliline th.y had built a vast rict- work 4f levrees, purapi~n stationis, and di zOnkge 4C~als ThesI e FITTD works protes.t d 1,2iX) sIuarc~ ni d.s of frciiL d fmrt ik~L and ta'x- vidpd water f Or iri itin theyr prte2e e. GopC-iagn loth inLLIndat'LE Mr 'TLrd drUght:, Frijud of Cii1seac urrhplhItrWkt~, t r- erp and the J':CA? mnade- F"1 s for nw engine ri m rhs that would Mieet Southt.Id& 5itqii. rneds- RutI the envi lmmieiraidists re- garde~d thiLs tt hiEok' hgiicil appiroimi h witth inereasirg. Ftispkin. N- tarp kovi-r. deplored the ma s~iv o itudurps that disruipttd pleat life -and destroye the habiats of bird.N w~ils and fish.. An thfe p~is- erva iflrnists-wcrr- rnt the nly people who ichalen gvc the. engiie Er'sj  ~254 Lon4 iJ;to Win~r-W~j~e, it~ Din~d Calculating dhe vol~ts il dc.-iiple riiici.. ;.Ltgii dwmagt, wnf 1 11 tsiirLtlwii'1ri rn diyk Sr Lla rld irLn ko# , inita the lake 4or Iht FI ti seratkrLi. rlclr ew In ani ag of~r 17rk-'n F re] 'Eic lnreovelP;1' it WaS hIwcin ing re T 3d more c~xpvn-siv4- to pump w atr f rui 7- ml-t place lt. la, M iglh t at C~e a ants g , I~ Ra 1k. r of~h r ;1114- r:11 i1r1w o ar' arind lit~ retentio~n in m aurslch~ arid SVAmp Ll]-S iron-]T nmLt I 1°i'i { 1lr1 r [n eres7t ed i1 thea. Arl 7 Co rpsf'1 J l K r alternarive, that ofs tring moewait-r ill1n[c ['b on rv ation aLrC.L'i or in tate.. a ~~neld i tin ~h r %Cet r. irgwI A r I rri Areat. Even''a brm t}&e 4ittd Flowil CntrolI Distrid reAUrgMnM Zed athe new W.Ltq-r Mbna(mrrit DigitricM, its stf had taken up the ts LoFl preW-[LrI~g t2IeWL watCr u.I t-IAL-in. - 1 3 walliam itk .crh l~fi nkA.r for the distict, present-ard what hcc ca3lled a3 mLI~h ItRC uLC1 o ta ir thr. 'Watetr ue 1l11r. Earlier plaks had a uveputN iter- in iitv' t~ gmwth and atSLLmed that wate r nimprinn wn Id inereL-lsc propior- t marl y.. 1,hi lieft to the engfieer's onrly t t rheLS I'lll recomnw ill t ie e-IS [iV wkiel tlheJ-t Deeds cuuld ber ii U.. But Ski rdat pointed ont that 1c t~s Lrnd k~~ 1w influ ence d byr pnh1liclicy. Ie 1 14-SIL- k -. tad that it rnight l ( L-e irbIe t~ rr1A:1.3, tAh 1,;W 11(j1 grovth anid C0115UMptmofl hab ts_. FLanners at i rtgyra SLf4t2 lrnges obiJt&- mntive iLnd then calculate iWot onily thtt euu.101i. 0iecot but the nViTirrLe-Ihtu inipat of the suggested Lobe ~.S 4f ation.. "ELCh wabPr SLPPly -opriti n,- h A "~WnIIl lw ijhired With ai 4.111.Li n PxhpulationI level agrlvulrA d eV-elC1]pr-rLt le-Vel, arLd 1 yipti1LmU.Pr dlistrihmition - - - A n -ajrxc ach w a .4 :/ u .a fndI o frvsrdo,  Land iWo Wigle --'i a 14) Ladd Stocs "rLough scit mn 1°' lin ridi'-ted the principal ingredients that he thorught would have to go inito the Souith Florida plan. It nIId I~necessar to mnake-MX~riIL (-ctive, safe u of the shallo~w wat.ier iters ai to~ protect their ivbur ;t6 pry p id 4 -arn-vhr1 strajge capblt at %,arin pint vti ter+g anl to vT pW~de~ stet ie -~ elh~e to: the Lareas ofd-i muud s sibk.' St'rne} diri iun 1976, hut [he South. Ficorida W {r _Maage men t 1)i5- t i{ct (:ntinle! -1 t devdnopits plats its axrdaj) with hi ideas. In iva IlIingII alternive the N}fD'~~.L pla nnrs L':)iCcntrartcd first o~n the Paern , tkrnties, Rd~we: hlavjd:. nI~ P lm 8eth and two enttJL Cuiritis, Gladt~ drad Hndry- In a draft ri-port iisued inh 1977,. the ±ta ffuoimpa vrin; preditibns Of itrnr' rprpiji Lion anTd ;~i meithat te three Gold Cn' :fit 2'13kfr7tleS. WOUld rin{Ilh their sat- u ratityn points sumnetimc af~t the. ar 2KLAt that time lqacf wokJ~ l hae 6~~ . mnillio~rt lnih biLits, twice its 1970 Pijpulatiurn; Bncrw-wrd wuld hAVC 1.8 rnillin, al.,ost three time~ its 1970 poaputa- rio n; and 1'.drii 141?l + would have 2.° Millionr, eiglt Uiies it 197 pjoilat onL To~ pruvidit for these resIidents and to Incer the [rripit i ne~eds of' the iiarmers. aWatt-r StrnPPIV Of1-. tip i.F4il i~km gjIkni tlt Woulqd ht ine-eded- ~ (Wt he amixuril uti: d iii i970.' The M S±t iobVUOtt vrav mc, rnt these nc-r d5 wa to di-relop . iL- t iqil1.1A weIields a a~ i.E- ct 4:hrnewherCT h-A_44tti-3 40 iiorn juid .5 rIli] ILIP L. By L-arefuil a I air .'r,.irent of the oild we~ll and the drilling of nle oncs a lr'~aadO FnanrJd, era arl~er ni~d .. C.Oiid be Met imtil abhout 1i TL3; after that, sipreitnaur v -suplies. from othetr 4)r..tee wuuld he, reqjuira~ed. But the 6f111 iti[izatii.n Of theC ~t wtr :riuifferN wrl111 rrrpi ire 4::aref al mffiamenii. Th prtveni t siItwaterr i II iI[ sir t was i irrijirativc to avouid oerpu rpink in periods od . viht arnd to keep Xh witer ii the :orastl cad~ at a eight abov'e yalvl A.,ritLw welifidis wt-e 4)ptrd Fartherr w-ust, theC risk of cnviron.- lc~e~-i:I. tlw arii *:it would rxi&Le- arid bun duing the dni va- sui and Mdlalcuc tiees 3cd othier rnnde.siraihle n lif. w oul s.prre~afl4 A m_-viid alternative wa to varc-v ?uut~ thc e rm-- GC:,rps plani for idildi ng theu im w r1Ie ed t w l° heiii i) stn1j !%ater F Mii the \imet R-th-n Bta sir, Hillsbor4, arid ikin liimi cc si intlo the n ra tiiR(' Svhk1 ~4 i [ri f~ ; lNit mc3 fillionT. B - crn brnirjg tis  RdVaI sh'riptoii r f South Florida 257 nt-cds of the thrc& cld CQoist L nrs Could be_ met £ri indelnit itr even in times of dru ut there wol ' I& e gr;Lve ensirn - me~ntal risk~s in pumping p ihly piliLted w~atery ja4 into the Ev.e g~es, an~d it m-iight be IL . sarvtc devise rrris of cirst p~u ' ,:in~ the drain agi wter6 Abtter xa might. be to ijct exes rainrwatr in to dLeeCp -elk~ vtheoLry~ was' simnple- Far I Flow the shaIlmor aquLifers Lhed f4 the COt er suppl1y Ly the F Aquifer, tro) salty inL this pairt of the s tatt to, kr ued. if surfM we lteCr wer injeLetcd into this dep u~pifer, it %%-rnild not mix with the hP ".r :salt Vate-r h3u!WG LT1d MkL'ert inm ar LEI rdeTgrTL bubble- oF f rvli wakr 1Mwh-1 Siught rtricVed for latrer USe.. Aft-r ting this. theory in f-x uiniental bring., it N-a-it n riaed thar 2k1 wehLuld sto~re snnie T,2 billioni 9111 f waerr durinr the WL{e sawin. About half of the stored ~rter, or LE. hiLIion loIns., couIld 1 recovperri~ng dry pe.rijd!;. A 0 pern. t rreovery rati±woul~d t--ipart- -y favojrably w~ith 'ak PLtrnping intoi the orj~erviina~9 re a lrge pmIpo rtini nf the stored. ater was Certiii LI last th njuU[ }h vaMdrat.?T1 An additioruji iad-v!-Itagp %giuI be that t hP u wtprwn7 Qid st e ~ r dDSP to wh e it reovered, but this would he c-hfapeir than proidking waerby Je- The actual scts of dein-linaion were hard to estimate,. partLCIularly in a n e ti e eM te o t d p n iteand the tbr x of wat r. T o de~galinate_ SteaWiaUti er HAisV -e, LOver le.9f pr millini gilons. T) treat hbr*:kish %V Ltr, sumch as that in the Florid u&r Aquifi- ulid he .nuvh -Lheamper. untder $100 per mrilIIXI .gallons. Anotheir variahle wouarld hi-' the Lry: to Lip Lud of the re- -LAi-ied waxer® D riaAlI r-g wr Lt r otild h~ tfx Oro i e: w ftrr seneid just enoig ir ~rrutnirp. watering lawn., and aircimditoning Wild~ he Jheaper. AHi t the~ efflue~nt would pr, . er" ii envi n- alrrmeruaI jrolr. It imiglit blisth .arged into tl'e o'eu or into thet sysr tE m s; it m ig~ht bc- allonw cd to dry Gut in e %apfora ion p ornds;i r " t h t tl i r l a 1 s a l f t e e m t o .' a disposal HisLcd serkius djs dvauntag _r The d1ra[t phwalsc aIdi. :LIudthe advw ,.e s f [rier s Irig th 5i:r- age cai4ty f' Lake. Okccr~hohec. Raising the (xmitccvl 1t43 ':Inty 14. 5 feet above sea level i(thc er ipi. rs.r an ule f~r 2,1 5 Lc t ) -Lo ld prvide rrough- ester tii meetr regioral ti:ed up to Lli~s v ar 2020 a a cost of $1(. 7 millionm ($7r1.7 million 1dral money, $3 mui- lini sratei. 1 ut the en vi nnintal risk r WI-uLki h :.Lhh t 131 More O~f ther shoreldicit would he. ubinierged, thius dt'struyii iniiiq khrit  0_58 Lu~ X141 j w., a r- l~rdhr b~tfo' .arid anrd disru~pt]rhrg fish and v ild NFL- Pollution from Tahk14r Cr1-, Nuh- bin Sloiogh, tie Iwer Kk'sinjrrle m theEier1ac + c<, agri lurj] Th e M 1 1 pIH.LrktnM 1'ivr i iI m tv iiig W, di '.L 1 .A-P(.+ hL I wh? maji'I 'rt.1 ouil* rcr frwI thE" f~l~it TEMA c i HUNk. In[ L:; ruu 9;Ii L!ut. ffkI el, 441 [" 1 p)Iy1 i 1ri gatiOri wtL' r to tl3C L4rttu'UWrailihh I-a dj Avrwent to tlLe lake Mild SUJpkiAwnll N'1W7° i i ]kip.alt"t terl 11- ritlwm l~ BF'2 'h GnOmnt9,. The Park's mintmUrurr 'jaiu r1mnfll -Ah.uld b~ suphd lift~r 1ht1. iou rvakr~ irer3 . I~inafly, t~h coe ast coast area Fhould. get RF i [l[l3Tl lltamei VVLW'r frwr, loal storage. (il l erlill 8Ihallow gr'inld wVlt1'r, r' ;Lndl chJEp .ndF-rgrmtnd LUa).in combiniation, P(:rI1apl' wiRth the Evergade~s Lon3' ervat 1!1 lT ar ,S I.. tilmes o jrm ight, lL-' O kc cco~ Water WL:Ls uLNJ I ] lap tieis not by. the diret "tq.'pl v QFp N4'at.-r hu L by 'r~ sia-ng a wev down thE 1w.a Il. to t 1 r~pIsni1 the ' aqLLiktr3 Tlmu wm i) if cc~!a:c L set[vrk Isu '1 pit wo kT.-haps where its ,;dtv r-.tii tr dV~i, ete txxyrsnr4lwrnel t{dli N ilplayed much E ntl3n1isiasm Jr nc pUblic wLork- to HInCrUta the sttpnalgt- capaity of Ltkt (W cd t0 '~ lobkpi up the- c4w:.L NMI ~a11'Wi1 . 11~1175 p qi.r waix the idAE',; of r -vul ipnn a mc ic''~titn pm.- gra ti.: m't dc~v i Ion 4° r 'L~ r 1,l. P~ ponenth argLILd that noi rvtiurj wrrOUld I1 ,-ii (,XI c 3p.nsv md EIIOre o 't~i ° thi lI I I+ trirt1ri-1g X5wt Corhoer wI-rwat ivrd 51LggeF t uns %w to hold the brAc,, orn 4l~l:rrl-kt:,Fnpmtnt by t4ihterreguhtion,i dw ater ptzrm17i s arnd vi ivuse eWk't W4Lt4ev 1or FivIrigaI1tior"'1° Thes N!ta il f rfrrd ou II. thv k w~d v4Ft reL' [)0 diNl appn1tin g: "'A we. ~ Ie it, the roport peans t(NT hi .;iIV 011 inrcrda S.d r irwnagem1rWI t v. A1.'r r,.11 'iev iAnd not, eric 'I rn ti "x 11-uc-li which eip1lI it Or 3im- iittur ALIil ,'sttCrn ter the faIle"°st exten t pishible Nor d* It dlwill 1.Iifii .'i y 4 9,11 puinrit is. E'ling to f1ups Ain ccrtain qucstiona1AL LIklWeSA'"L Du~r~ r he tlv me ±ee.irs: tiht w'%11 ptftnc-r With headqu garkv rs .:t NWLt Palm BtRIgL Wirre, pmp41]TLIg rv u t rem t]t rin 'L' r1k..- vpxto rilmth Florida's :htLr .water I UPply. Ler : therr grlMLLp ofE EyI 1mrr opt-r ~.ktik 0At of TaIIl&L i'tC 11'x. C!eVelopiIIN t-ommelklfndIi rat ll p Pc~ ri3Ltar C'M PhkaSi on1 rL-atriring h ito.ri wi°Lt-rlevvel iLnd cLOI- servin g wat! i rl inre r1,t]wL rf e rvoirs provided by lakvlw , strreamts m;irhcs, and ac!Uilfl r,.. The lltW PIarLlerS, IIRLTL yOf themnv.1. Eatr;g meal, eI'lloyed °-l rt Crhe nei!9, Hra re nr3 nnpr1 1niv- Panning., r-eiU rcd ther'ir' drat greaut oprtunity, when. tlty wt'-L-rt' gr -l to sibldv tle L ke Okevhlbe pmhler. Long amou # ts~ ik Good flhn.tlh  Rivral PEI hptk-0..!InS F~r Smith 1Florida~ _r lake was dIIl fhll of sport fkh u h ulrn~izx idai cbi r wVthb'e{ %Pii(S ws in ajingo Ano~ther dan~gtr x gi t wa the~ sprad oif AIgat- [i1ii n s and tther w~~over wid k jt:Iliri o the Lak. T~) Ln'Lrrnbll tI tL tLh'S!- e smune -we-rc 't'-1denve f"I t h 4'ik 'mii itrre Primenit otlir surfa tu~r Pi nutri- 11~t4 %r(j I tt iib~it-® p E vL,-i h.ari, cta-t~iLum, aid carhi he UI _ ilgejuiviI Su rvcre~ r4tki tha~t Lake ~ho we wc% hi aun 1I4. stt 11(f utrphioation, and t LiVerUT"S Conferi ,.r QTL LVatlu 1:Il iMi i- ~ kii r 6IL" [ii n i Iim . L. in di v gh ir ldt'ini % ni . r rwt .; 0-kd i 1wC>rI 1 h 1d1n11u1tk. FM IF R-11 .I irt rkv -.ql H- "1.~d Rr11i p% Fl 11ii E ' rr l.le{1, rmirliu D~~itr t, MiimLla. Lm : (1t rpate t he ' w r-rng. Whjy was this biking p I me?'e Could the p rcss b kt ludkd or trevisd befomre Lii A limm t air i j. ke Apopka i:,ar Orlandro, onvi NI inri-vii~ pbtradi ard1 ruin'ed fr sport ;n L r atrtii? But s Irt~rmlel1 Wert~ n[cPL Lt ui, gIruP w'i aja ill th*'. eater qiiai.v~ of Laik. !rp ehoK, c. -Me IU~ prov'ided public dri rking was er k- r the 1rdti{ring . fWll 11 ii irec4y supplied the wkt Cod C ta~ duringL (int o ud r-1okgt, w h4 II V wajiei W'. rele d down, thie canas to rtr'e ihe itiyIiw : Aqli~e.' Thi Lkc' wu ahr, tu~ ter th ir rigatigin 11 ds 5 f the. grt Eivun.:1 -s AgrtIIul iiyd Amta b~t rain o 'ii~ t i milm i thecenter of- vast warTihd. CXtCindinDg from31  Cenatral Fri& dto the tipk of the LnvnLul _ In ea~rier ti s T ainwitf-r f lli ag nr th flat aind marshy terrain ki~th of Orlando .gadk.all0y made its y~ar suhwr through a string of ae pretty lesto the Ki&- si mnw- River. This love[yrstrearn meander clIazily thrmug..h Orn ile of arsrhlan-d to Laike Okechobxee, Serving as a .itu ral ineseryoir, the lake pirn.r~claaI, overowed it, ~i~t e~ ~h 1,wm~i~ sheet rAf vLeatr tha~t ikiei thiroughd th-e Evtr.hdds to Florida Bay. Bece. qmP o its i [rbE in receiving and dliicFhargin thie lit,- tius.tawai."u lui. L Ake -ki.hoettya , desribed th Ie 'liquid Id L b ] 'O he a iners had largely !-eplLNLd this natuiral arterTi3l wsb'r vtfkil atifcil neoiiiod of hundreds, of mjlies o i~iaals and ch-i r , [id rivers. ras well as a widei assortent. of~ darns, ~. 'h.i Str struues, i'd PUIrirrPig% Stti IuIi. By all i3roirr Of hiSt~n th IS m 3inpulatitn or nAtu T-Cwi bc-gun and rende-d irn thic sameL viiity. The Kissiraflee _ chi of laks acd the Kis-im31i ff River ha~d b th sc o Di ton's Eist dreAgin,, iper aticirs duaring th2 a iRs; thLe 'A1m dk wfrIIdrifl mrl~reI i'the Army' Corpks T he~ Central and S outh c m Florida Floiadc Control pm j t had wa sai-oe l n to Nf. t e K ssr m 4,K e%1 - had inurndated 6M001) Orcs in this hasiin ; c-ausing $4 milliorn worth of damrage, p l tec themsi elves gai r-N- [htire loisses, cattle r.annhe~rs and bjndowrers hand soughit the~ sid u Sen. .S s 'nr Hul- ]and~ in. getting th~e Army (Arrer Enginieers to include Kissimmnee Ruuxd control Ask iEn its overll pi~li of 194'8. Gogs prvdti phie in ] 9FA, bunot-~hingw s done until a new scrims fflw.'n 15 led to alls ir wvicm. The Armny Corps the. prop~osed a 31-11 k.111oi po- grmthat includekd st to s on the laes ~~ain or cIas~ water, Fr tt r ( tiiiMff sbetwee nt the lakesr iid Lbathr n~.1 atiM 4f he Kissimmite Rivv-r ith i ve cuxnrl lrjtrn to reulate~ it, I 1wd Thle U. . FJ;h a,,d Wildliie Se rvkoe arid the Honda Game arid FreshJ Wadter Fish Ctrn.i io~in Opposed c s n] zatiu warning that it wo- kll serioimsl y disturb the eLcln - of the region, bnt the atedi money for the proje~ct. The .frmy Corps bea coristruction in the, eaL~r 1960s. Irk 1965 a Af -jprr4 Hera~d reprter conTtraste~d the,! old KiLsimmcc Rive~r with C aS 3t hat ua replacirng it The old st nm had "woid fwnearly fr100 mile~ drvwn ta Lake (Akeechowe.. It W twhtd r.-u a co~uple ofr Ilk near Kissimmtee, arosy rsat mnrr:}hhanks, prtxi cypr 5 Lp~d anid [iv~e oikL and cabhage pali lhammocksd~. Now u idter (he, ius It Of grieat, Slating s c.iy.nLdred.  Pi~vl crpt" s i RB outh For"d 961 CI d t-;Jg ne -e iritgIV efillOhf terrk to build anj14Jt}Ier P.nanIL Caali -atrih t-gut is hrig cipA thmough it, cutting its lengthi in ttle mnore thn haIII:1 VWhen the project was cmpl tad ini 1971 I h h Ki-imm e- OkehoIs watcrshcd be~came a plumber's masterpiece.. By opeing tuid clusing gaies and by pumping watt r, the gmnat; s welduk tuiml the flonw thmough 1:AO(M mil-s Of -C!Rf1 During the rainy scn they could Stue ,vat-er in the Kissinmc chain dnf akes, L.ake O6le be e, and three conservationn~es dur~rg dry spells they could L-rct- o he water to the area ofnee~d. Tht F works pr- tected 1, (Mh~quare iniles oiftiirmind G~fm thot and pruwi dd- e for irrigaLkrn; they prutected the (kd C ; . t a:Ki t both 1nU3d6 .)'n But. despite thc~' 1 bcfiti envirn neni ts deplore tIht chandiz ain of th K isxim-;mee. The old river, h4°i ing in ::x6:ws th rougb the rrn-rhl ~d.,, had bena natural filteri tg ssem, delis'. e~rin purnr water to Llke Okeft- hobee. Nowk all WA. r~harkKei -dme 40,O acres O~f rnais Ii I'*]lwfn T-q.-duc. lip only cA), vtc,- T'housaLwds of vatike grazed rn neighb rn inchmc, and the runoff, heanvily burdened with animal wasttu. dra~nAd into a great d tk . f e % e ad3 -fe e p Ae All ths: was bad enouti, but uw're trmube wLas in pmros t- Central Florida was hiuoing. partly because ofDisney v Mild, and the OrhlIVdO su Arb were gfr ° rig rarpidl . M~'uch Of (13i aa drained iLnt-o the u .r like-q ofrthe Kjssdirne Vallp . John V Iktz, University of Florida niic xbiologist, d h~ie the cionsequerices; "1What was intended tuo help answer "h CVMtiiwater needs in South Florda hwi instead broiight the.m to~ a crisis by Forging ai short ciri-uil from the 1xkhrrvrns and streets of rtrl~ Floridai to th- °, majLor drinking-w ate r rec v}ir of south Florida. "" bre d by the ILakke Ok ...hokwi a iti ~On.. the, ential and aSOUtlernL FkirMd. ECU) Leah an experimen~*t in rtA1ltwx intg Sion C Of the marhes by building a temlwai ' stuctu~re vrhE. K for e about 25 miles niorth of Le k - cho ,,." In 1972 the, FC U g *- ernmg~ bord held public hearirgs on thiL PT0131m and made a.serw: 4f e m~mend l tkms that indvided elorts to stop th discharge of V.RSteS. into theW %YStelflI it pgra i to placi and ountml all land aid, water actwities in t hi- river bacsin, anti a study to dft4ernin whi ther there shlimld Lieadditional refl iing of4 the jrr lk. TO Ci' out such a k - uC rccormcnd d establishment of an cinimerdilm. '- In [enbigr 1972, Whe4f h GOvleTrmrjr Asikew~ and the Florida  22 L4jnrf fi riaW lfe'r-I1 akir djio ;rui d cabinet took up the F-ca) m. om-eikiptki, they aiNo had h-ef OT tf orin e rl Ntic tl dmnd% a team i XC--ntists heackil by Arthiur l ar hbEII. Not Irii.ustll tim. 'CD bo oplmul itsi mn ri[tAkeq this gro~up called Up-Tn tlle r 0.arrkO'r to' a1Ifl(ant iqw, r iu lit v .ncrmme Ehr ttir kimmel -Okech 17['4 1 Ikin.. They -wted the legilIature k'. ti~iid lta~ rea rt 4fhe Ki,, simlmev R iver hoaed u nk perndct cng icr ng St odi ThL' k-tm.1ir rr.)lrain . M~a, "el sajid, vo I mlhIi liii I i .i trJLid tEhn rL" o, ff Ir ,ami IIIII1 L ji I iirI. pW Ii.:c4.a 1 , i tLhd . Shoui ld he dl ira4ed towar vergin1g the- pnx . shich has i p de the quad t I -[i4tev Iii t~~O~-1 o~ its ve-s~ m itpWl-oi ad shoul be v-- ntcerv-d "on Aun, rather thani study andi mon i- toni. "17P In his annual mcsiige oni 3 April 1973, Cioverrwr Askew urged Lhve legislature. to) itre self hR tih l r tl of eviru11-ru~t~i1 p 6lI-emr owiAth n thP Ki~isimmov Rive~r BL-m5 _ - - prablkm2 tlUt Am-- dangI irgLke k hch; the imjwwtrrer'enFir f& theC, P1x ifkiu Gold Crawt. The~ liwcIILm rF-smjndi-kd wth al s I iitiIlkin ;1rl l iJf 0 I 0t iP a. ..i 1 .c4tl Ifi 1Prw nt the E utmhiea-  ENO~ IPr-c:ripti ns for Son. th 11lorkIda 263 tion of L a Oke-L'hoicce. " By aj~urmnt ang ptlce staite- apUCV1'iC~ thl? pMin11;3' po~rsiI ilyf her making. the n~r :y ~ti i~ tdieF;d -~ rmmndaitir n~ was. ghiv(en tO the Diiir Of StA Plaum in, th} I prtmewnt Of Fnrinmeintdl Re~giipn, and thlr akti1in Sw uthorn Fhida Fkioa: d Conrtroll Distrit. 11c pmjve mllkadcr wus I Mle W Lke nw amplovvd by the Bureaiu tkGo lruIII w as i vfe PFlr- mli I-g 1)LII L1 ~r x~ r 4 lh~L in .th. rn- C a nd F-resih Waw r F~ish Cor- mi )n way rr- lay had lwen s Lvielv IzutivI lathi uf the vmISS- Fmda ha.rc' :Laria] prnjiet° ar1i the ch nne]liLt un of r, Fi- alo iU pIE.pbyed by itlrt- BU.-W-1 14F Cwup.Hk]ri4iv PTuNna t7Am]i ngd Lin ear.ILt rnvirtnmert rli c tLi st trained at rl v Un vpn t y n-f Frmida. ' ;i ker +1 d I i iii OI)++r Ik.~ the tnilrm dolI~w api) p)rkI-tkiol tc' re- crcide thie mtnter, Gverno r eakcw 's. k muepd issuied. 'n.mmritt e. written, ti's do kirci ttit i i I nki r.i the fi 4 ' ~lndn in -a 1rvai that, in the vie o Mthe Htv-hintson groUp. iiderstatr the Bitterly opposed 1y a widt etrwim of intersts - Nlgar g r , deer hinters} arnd natu mIre vr~ sdki ppinrted hEi1LmAe S10 41 re"tor - ti n] of the~ Kissir nuiet had. iLIt been reuiniiiei~-dte sp vitl pmj*et baid arnciy-) time during he1.976 sessiion Of t1W_ Iisatuc. lrl-MIigL [t~s fi Odiigs, the 1aak rler ga : moki of their Lattkrtiort to a bill fort full Futraition 4W ihc Kis irtmn:, PLU~ih-d by Johnrny Jones of' the, Florida WildliI FadkraIicion. :ti te stawe's mcsteffertive, koh- bn- s. Irl 1k tend, IIYY1 rtTeS w fnnt ratctl when opponents cut -tut ofhis bitl aL Liy pmvwision ]evyrng ia 91-weia ix ~ rnc~ ina- -rTto- ratie , nsteAd the, 1;w :set uip hi new~~ study gn-o p, the''- 'Cxrd1Ii 7ttm Coiuncil oin the Restoration af the Kissimr:~ Riv--r %r e and the Taylor ... -Numbbin~ -Lsin The1e1slire desig nied of fidAls from.. fw state agen W' s to wJm eL the Cirdimating.Cuunci but diJl noit inn! ide a~nyone ill the. Depairtmenit of State FPi Ann mcg. wliikhl had M arw~vtd (u~ utagon ize somany t~wcrfuI groups A'1 11w ~t c-aled fior rest rtinn'o of the Kissimme~ bi. Just whit did .sk'ratiio i rigkrk? Ira it r N ri o~f April 1977, the Coordinatting Council utn mmcndlcd .eaisurr s fr rediicng pnII.tion in the I'3ylor Cr ... arva and wniimlling dtvel-pnw'nt in fe Iissime Vnr alley.. But it threvw the~ red-hot owl of iT t tirau hack to the kegislau re. The council propo~sed t~w alte3nativ-es If the Lr-'ri ;lat.]e really writedj to - st'v the t'ier ajM " egut4'gil&i' 'ATIa1 thae c anc- l ad- i isd againsit completely rling tIhe sana1;, insret it iiv'cored pav-= tiuil bac"LI liiig," thait 1}, fillin~g irk SUOi ts.iVe stagfes fCHa 38 and  -a~' FInd4 ~IU4 to War- ' to !r infer Le nd Awdull1 forcn th-u water bat int inuit L u ld rv- rIcd This wouIA cost at least S"30 million and might -in to tw- m- thre tirr'kVS this aul sinc;:e it would~ pnibiibdy iiI%'QlV c i~tsn l ard- nwmries whosF' latd woumld I~trfor f'rn)ii [,v:LSL~re back tbo m lanwJd. if thluekislature dLvidkcd it did not rally waint to "nrdLer- lake s'~i~ , an expensive resto>raiokn, ti 41.rmciI re'i.'uiriu't.dtl "[in- pu[Ided veIands" as an, alternativc. This woldL abanfldon the oid riverho~ hLIrt T:r-V ' .;L iflIE! ] 10(XI:K aecreS -If hniland by rau :i rmg serit si burrier across thc- canal and rdkwodiriR wame fthe~ w!ey. 11~is prng-rarn, which wold cost . me Xt 14 mnilli-or, r tyi~ faTr land cquJi itjiom1 'a a extension1 -d the exp eri nental prorum that the. ha kd initiated in 1970o and. the sp ial Profr:l h~c r ee~o n~d in 1 Th_ Tiet 1977 kgii laure was unOlile to resol'pe the i~suc.Although mny nat.]r [W tr sIl argILe([ kir lr irr .1he who~le -calb anid .,rts paI.rmst this- for oEe thin , it WO~lEd he ve~ry exrp Diwe cosfing ;rr1 iL W)( inil jii -for 4ihhr iig]Lr it31 ight -Add t'j Lakt es [33-0131CM 5 :- 1)i1gi1nL douwn larg amounts o ob- ie nt. Sc mos~t Pn- virnmei~nt O kT% (evted txrial bac'klllimig PLC I Ms pUnXvt and less Iikdv tk) rrimtil n dtip'sd ccs Th)is ALi n c:.jI ed Fr fI!liri in abouit 65O pf'rat of the c-iai and re.pioririg ti' -thirds o~f the~ risir hel. ill v 'r TnitLihg thev stag to this strategT psd their first hurdle ,i in die hoUse and nomte~ hbt there rain Einnt4 rioms pLL!- "pilo 60thE~ from lan1downersi ;nd fir m Iegitilwtor' bl 1edly i 171 priths~l'd the flidinTL o rth~e speI projed CUWhiCh supportec t1bC1le dr SHti im mIIided weda ds s'olution. bi the rid, the k,~islkuTe NCOu tI4r, problem. back tok C Caxrdirlatinq Cou~nciil firr fLI-krher stildx&:I Singei tee AT!i1i cL~i--) n wnold 'he fl " SN-Ly Fo:r aid eraios in the flicid eonT- tr l wu'rks, particularl - i-f1"edral doll ri wErcr to h1 scigbt, the a.nrie a app es to 'eoGigs to falrd arn ArJIIy Co" restudy tod~ temilife whether Iw:Mifiihrlo we~re crr a; iar to safeguard e"ater quality fish ad wi~ldlife rc ourv s, and otheir envirorimenta While the Kis urnnentrvw s mnpoli .iig the atenionh o~fthe 1ijtii rs the. eri'u i,:irinei.ul-;ientits iiu the State agecir.s vontirn±u ku o meaxiurs tLhy t rDIddrPcl MOrn i prtai t. The MeaA fR rPstLring -W~rr-r lpIe rx -jV d i rrl :rt ji7tiLlitifir' 5tippirt [in ti-Lt s'tr-i'lled S idit Fl'tkt &p7 rt pirc d by the Cen- tk-r For Wetlands, hcald by lJiowari Odim Of[ the Universit~y nF Floridai -nd hy the HIr!ii r ' 1 .f 011 1EInrd'i.v ?1SL-VP111ing. Published ini 1976, this.& dcu raet repoirted th findings 4f a stuidy ~c~rnis.  Ri}'-i] P'riptiu s r Suish FiwdL 269 simne] afer the jertport conutroveTr by tihe U. S. Dpahinen the Interinr and thc Florida Div~ision -d State Planning toi develops guideinues fo~r 1ari .rd water mn Wement ire the re i Fn The OLlu1 m group argiicd that .ustie of rising e ri ,cots South Floria Ipe ,rird t,. pid t owh 1;s~irtiig - all n md. The l'gin rn ightr sootn i!~ tr.a .2c0-gvtG h r 'sLeady .taL& 003nditiMl -a god thing because it would i rr Ipia.e the u l~ity of ife, irL r 41 e ~o m~:e sthil ty: anid p Foriiuk mltural health.a~ The S th Floridai Report pointed out that it reuir' a re-at deal ofreer-gy to move water firim one place t another-. It wa- riw m wre, efficien~t to klt rhiture distribute the water and adapt larbr use to natu- ral mdiitionn. This meant prtectirng lI au ife rs and their re- charge5 ~c Rsso to i Lriur i th red for Pmenn dIgtwinr -,niI r'>' it meant pre.. ring %%,-tands and usin~g therm Ear water rctc:nuion and wste. licy p In. ft rn .t leaving the amarigove swmd intat and bildini horm~es A~trun ratundu strmsu ins of caniaks Orlucm re- OlM lTeO bhkiri.n .vbtkrh i" 'homes onr Piligs rather thain dra in- ing tratw, hliLidhdikes arounkd C-ruI and liuio1 . rg sutls water in~to lo1 baiins itead of diggIng Likrze canals, and uisinig cypress The Spjuiea1"LAS whu had beeii urging rector t ion of hatu rat wxv l -rels hadl a InkIilcf oppordunity to~ exert their influ nec in the draft- ing of the Fl "rkia State Comprehen~ive Flan. Marndated by th legislaurt! in 1972. the Tcrpreh iL~ve pLii as in~tenId to flpr'- vide long-rame gumichnce of the orderlyr cia1 economic, nd physi- -A growth- 4f the state~ ..." In all i rnport Lcir areasf .KAiC pI- i culture, tcmonmic de Iarpan~rt, ieducation, and the like -task ko s went rou~igh ai loag rie.s if drafting repot and subie'.tig thlcrm' tea expiF3rt VriotiC irr Id Pubik fr'lrrs . Curry Hutlhisoi r rrI red a key draft for the water nection of the comiprehensive plan. It 4--Lled :for rngia ic rk ; rr~sJUT Lr J "tLaaintainl gmLord and. .Lr~af witcr levels whidi apprniximate the byd r rr which existedJ prior to rmodif:kirtii:' the mvaximum extentIpreek l within the - ni stnints of eisting rdev l piient rAnd plaiined land use" Jolinnyi o~nes oithe 'alilsi Feder,.tiort praised thme H'ht hir nr Pratt a- the best dr ~tnt ] bel seen Turin am~.~ yeiirs of lobbying- "When Y. ol Ik at the~ 5ioih Firn-kia %W rr Mesa, lewnt rDi-stict report, it mrakes y~ou sick When YOU lixk il t his orne it rnake~ souI prowl, . But the Deprtmrnct or Envirmental Ro -;mlation and t hit) pinh teste $l tht the re triI~ton~ nF h iic °wiT er 1e'le s mm Ufrpiit. 'Our ILAisi p~Oll phy,' said rPete RhoaIds, wmII1 district elairing direc~tor, -is that wter rm trrces nee.d trIw m~tai.eI ini viw fwhait  270~L~rd~ir~Wir ~~ ~.JL'n ri~have tn41r . Int att l~ Ipti tI s41 imute~ what 3 ut had 75 or 100 V44arSau "A ' N-t-pers aEid. } r rLItwig iwa. i rt any rk' rat ion of c~ent water 1ev~els that might threaten to flood their subi- Thmis triiggle iiVe~r the~ Wiat lr itki Of tt l*-. L a1 p elmi% ti~ plani Lii- ijol d~ tIe rji-raj preschiptions that had eiirgedc over the. p~is d~~- ale.V The older ageniest (the South1I Florida 'hiMDl arid UK- Army Corps of' En, iicrs sLiil placed their pr ti]vip faith in. nc~ PLihi I wo~,rk--' daqiife'r .sucprL; r' dtshE~4'Ii h ~ir dnI ai~ jd itmure pumping stajtions. The nvewt r agi-nies, csip4:ial y the Briii 4f Cominpreheive tnn ~ 'iiI , di trosItEA ree-h iiik~ ' and plate'~ thifr Prinipal reliarin on sc1itiiU c iagc nt to res4tr wate~r levels toi o4j'It uI~m 1ttL-es a ad wuc. a [iprucJ lb* Enor.t of the spicalsty, onc1Vt it Floid W ..1D ,*,l.kd forT mo~d it 'tixi, ( O °pele.i r0 ;«r ii:- a refewr , vrIamo wimtidiri [actions, the~ e.~ pu rrlnt o~f Admi~nistrationr fanlly aippruved c.omprmii wording Sgi*'StP4d in meetinj. imnvotviii the DE It, the So nth Florida wm 3-, arid rersiidiL s o theA ,LJhIrh SLHcietr and SierrL4 C]lub. ill further editing wais d~one in thL' g'rove r i L. Buit althouigh the~ finmal JluA "inJ diferd rI-n, thin (if tihe Hutitmnn draft, time essen- tia[ principle nif that dociient remnained inta t.'i1i-e d13SpUitc1 pI- hydrnlieL is mtionsfhips in areas w~her development activ.ities ]uwe sini acln ditri ntal1y altered the natural hydmlogy h~ni tIge e!k rL tIICL dry, ti !a pJrt de i tiirg 1d VFAIpIekit ar' *4lth ough tIlku yrieS reqii11ir& ,I. r u:7gF 1 ai tit is -.w vaver. hei r demndsL'. werfe 11it I- tc~d. Iw fi Fve actory D rrng (te_ I.u'm nir't aLJJ fall 'hl i'gfirin bad ;dli iid an t rainfal_ Many r:4 6 the -,- ~r We~ r in tl~ Ueiirakl hkin11ds where 011. rvIlilg urnywriitda splenidid rechu-Je Lr' for the Flciridan Aqifvir..'i r Ev,-1c w ie h grut'r. JWld t i rvige w;t ith eate~r d4wII f ,r1 meICWh1'V Y 1, 4trtm iiIS, lAkebi. and ri'vcri the,: de(- ds %~ 'e F1fiCI-4OV i, And iiuh w1i ofthe w:~itLr %epc-rd badct into t he ftlu fer. IridIcod an OranvE, County Carcnr aLEr traveled throuii~ the runzki disp-3Iaig "arL e111)tV ratii ban rel to dl iv;t~i z4 thei warein that Urban dc :elnpmenrt in th!- regiun north tEED nei, I -t rlE1d wias 1eic ieug the x-iviage i ha 'r .,e nv,: the: biy -endiingv-ring the Itiftkr.~ Th stafte had 317,716 ACEPI of irrigated N-L6gtaiibke irmri. -Alm B~eachl °oi~ had 11, aMX of lt h&Ms aurei, mor thwn 3 perrrn :)f Coiher, lHendry, LeeL, and{ BuwM Ird - LvL UOU31td for iti niost 80,XK acn 'L-rv jwor 1r i X011, thifs L Iy -i+,' r~ion of Soith F[nnida, [d~al I ;:r Prow.7irig wiiiinkur °iagtLaibI h WD inu1 re. rthan 62 p1e.1a"'9# cutlw totAn iv'tiJF;JtP'f tr-1Vt firming a~cageOftiketate.. The LtLe.r :3 per- L uit wars wid lv NcALrrd kvtId 19, 1(1 airc 111 5.ft Jhi I (4i rk~ on the nnrtkelcxast iLtand 12,500(K acirUN in Jack sum ,uit~ ii ItIae ri.rth- -r F'ari:hanIdle. ° AlthoughIFI tIhe. %' geI-r;L'le werC!7 Of' SC t h Florida were~ htL'a-vv waiter U'PLS, 11i % 4JKLAbd for et I}'p g amid 1 at.r ; lnw w;Ac-r tahl . Only iii this~ %vay could hrfi-Ir.ynuxreI, ecijak th~at locattd i.wur Ilit, v iirt iii ;oiiffiern D~ade ('01 nty. The IOW wa'et-er tale wKAN a tkreaC-t, partcubarly in droughlt y to i the  2~$O icrid inr~ W~J~'~- ~afrr hi rr Laud urlian wcllfied s n w-h ch the Cold Goamt cities dunnded. In othe~r problems. As the mnetixopolitan rexepa.nded, etkipes bcought up more and moreL of the~ agTulLturaI land The camrs. the~re~fr h~w to~ opera yp iue acreage to: th~e west Rinud sixiih, But wheneer they did w, they alamcd the envirc:jnna ists, fcaffl that wit I. 5d~ imrp-irtint tob the fow of wattar into Everglades Natinal Park o~'uld 4~U inV1:1ded. in~ 1976 two Llrg C-0 i aie r aiciUn~ed PluIS tO gIU -Ttir hk~ll on tracts closeL k the :tern entrance to the ~rk- NaLurr luau- rs [irn.-e tlhat this winduk di inli sh thv- Now and I0- lute' the wa~tu of'Thylor Slough, which was vrital to the ,Anhin~ga Trail,. the tr t~ m-opku1tr riuihive wilk In the p, k, Tjhe% 1:,ressA tht- Dale CO~UPt", Elan ning te tfo I~ the - v_,tarirrj .mC ° f urt lwr ien~- crr-jirihmei t, A1 kNtake wa.rt nvi only the hvv luhri( Cf na;tulr- h 1.1t the FI'k~ L r Biwvayne. Aquifter ajid t1t 4r LOE Mrrmirume life SuLlg Lr gi7.iv°r~ i"i-te Yer 1 iwv irLItri 1975 Fli'rid;a h , 280:1000 ar-- 4)1 irrigatvd su :r tic Lds. 0Othi, 245.00 acn-s, or,8 lwre'vli t, vrc I'.'uia'd i Ucdr i i tr -h ClLE~rt _ ALLI ills rt"t V. .1 i ree" t r itir I~i tircrlari rrg I E.iL : t * i'hohrr: tp - I . r lr y irrig21ti1 WLLL(*T "3Uk~ i::llst Ivy tx- rt FLnofi'tht Was P1]II IIl~C hbck~ into1 Uiclir ci ~ i thilre- %Icr th . Lm, rqa u y k~ N o I or~iutt~l WT Vi om.ltR t::' the Cuitrclph ition Pt-NCL11 EI' VJAi-rr-1ttltritiizd Lhe sugar gJx:Werm 01ki ther° Piu ids as~ w-re]]. To protect th~e Ev-Prglades griciittural Are;, from llniddiu, the Aiva' Co" o lr~ ir3g tr" hid bltI ]te1r'eiti. (vr1iia id PUlr[ i ig Stblr. ,MO~tly 3t tde.rarl xa~:V-Lrs expen~rse. T aiousands or of lat~d ha 'L 4Led helti -e it .'a i ne4, IntLev1'iptirn th flbw of watkr intor the t~on PLrvat in arcgas and the a,.quifers as well as~ into EvergLadvs h tirl FPark. AlI rh rarined ch-,~ whether ciltivated Or uncr ultivated vvere b4m raijdly depltLed bv'°au.i1 this type of soil, uin~e Wv t reiwairied mokiit,, LvidL7ZPd andt dliaapea0",rN Soil s"Il!si- de]!x had, in, hiact. be4n- L IM e~ft1 e ~~ Sin C+_ iJT.rLLLe , in the regin-. Eq.*erba~ iItt the averag rat- okmhir-ide at one4 inc:h the amous muck Hil -re acdvertised a- richecr thear the so~il of theL Nile %dli er - woki ,enne t0I shallow. kir W:th 1" ion b~efore the v r 21X10 This was; thcr rr why envrirn. enta] wcientists urgedN~ the stat~e to sell no more E Irgl~aL1S Il . 1 the EITarrnrr an ins~e~ tallow as rnucha poisible to rev'rt to wetlands. Tht'ey~ a u rtl  W2ler Fjv th Ful ij 2lR 4-primeatsv wit}L rice iind gather wetland crp that wur,1d be~ ke&S i tesi i t c.F thc- sail.'" sugii- grI. uwren u hHL ve av, en hte 1 wil. inwolvid in h';i~iltam4l poh- ti(-S. 00ne-sW p r .r loth 4 come arid Iwect siu 4r, hadk kcr adut~p inr obtainimi tarff pI)MdL 141i -arid Mu id [:, At the.f;pll he i rg OfliC I9 warI1UU 5 in Bedke Gtid Luit il~hvr is t f Soiuth F=lurtkLai Were h1 gi n WRI-h U. _ -wi I qj L-d:u r acquire~d duritng tlev C.:rkrT dmin iST-trion in the late :} Othee te4 .rkai41P n-. pgrm,1.g inys i Vf pvry level ofTt v~~~ rrknii ft--r.~.d, ]a " ki sag r'tlirn lt'1. W 4 T} important dec, isinsi to h a m ftir ithr fiiturc. Should twriffs. qLucta-N d W. k- irrigviiin polIo e-, Atd. ]ahnr pnlid c4mnn- tinuc to fmft r tLiu~ dorhestiu vultiv~tlin 4f s~l ga.T Eni y r~ir]IbI 1' L NL o zd tht~xe- --pedial puivil'geN rn ;mi enterpi.e that was~ pols ting the WV ktC1-:13d c.UITLiIJg tIe SirJ. SNLLfitiUI)ri5 N jQLik ilL ttL 4'~ii~a un Iilren Lid adults. But tILL nnET Lt ?sLiLLrpL1Tatii1--4 L9Jrtl~wed to exert -,tru'rg pol]itic- v~aIvXhF in deending their ine~ ThrEy v r- IUL that di'ie~tiC. SU far p]ro diidr pro ded 4A]11t!ILI dlr- trrde-d 010 (flhWwkrd 11o%% (]fnerican dn[IiTS- But sugaL~r W int ih f l fly T01 th~lt r~iANd pmhI-rms. in 19~75 Flo]rida bh~ 537,60 K'm 5 uF: irriP ated pw'XLtuw- Ludo 3310 LrTIg~ltd 4-v'rrtS R hal K 1' [ AkE4~htrL gtd' r ~igr 41.rhd ~e On oly t -CdtriLS. C l-r ha~i" of this LUa~ wasl V NV irL u fU T L0.1tie S b1 nCring on Lake OeC01tL-hohe-14 HihI;rL'i wLithk I(NNN MkI: MFr ta.,1-'Icnry with SKiOO, Palm7 Be "h WOtL 60, 000, Lind( Okj I~aoIaee)I. 34R(l 0 :Tmi! 1. rhil of 1,jI=r ciIl1. r; vh -ftL Alt 4I ;iri 0.h 1'1L4- Iw'n -tir) r fLrmta d byt ,tr' liodt 4_,x0[rr42)I vk41rk' Et'rn bift1.r1. tllie. -oe.r- IliR t 1.v V hk~d 15.4'1 -Lr i - t4 nsivf Ijvc- ;#ickI indLmstry, bu4r the43]4e h~d I LS I IAI~ypad i a1tqJ- r, lL ta.,V ~. I 1 w aimhals hadc adapt ed: :t m I dve:; to the cilima andf tltw Lrnri L .1_41~iIgrIL the ]lizh'lr r 1.ui duLt rig the tt m.r1.1 -rd venturing down) inL tihe~ mi~rrshlands d Bring ther diy onihJ. But ther dij4L411 u;iafii -U kkL i1id dTraim.r ditches had biught drI w%1_1il hai tx. Nr® t olyIL we'Frn tboii:;acids: oiac4r s redai { LId hr riehin 1 bu]Lt heaL LEv$'1EII~rIt, vueri ]fljjdeC.rra fU rida gr'CI:: !uL tpru'11_ lxd ( 1tr fkage In the.. [ Simniee a ' Sn aknne~ impmovedcl pature ii rc] i::;d 370 pl'.r- Wvi t I' 1 IrweLt n J!J5 Vl : rnd 19 -fmi'n 122 .(>(N)M me .St 7, Thi S CX]Mrhs Un A, o impF-oi Id Listurn 1.L: r~l aa rlrku iiijl i iioriL F(ir ~iat4er rE nti~ LS. To trri ve ,the art ]iida grsr.,f h'Lkd to haVe plCnty Of' i i 1 re, et the d ria°I- .a prw igr1I .'adl r1.' ,11LPLd III it rapid raumiofT'of raihiwater and a L 'er waer tLalkI-Iiemcve ther need for rrL1inrr sand  fro] r eit.? 1v wastes d ralining off intoi the. strea~ms anud lake i. E nvirun- mn. l s ti is arguifed that the number of cattle n . d-d b e re- dLtCeda that better mN iaeaten Should be required to pvvent thi d~charge J iwA tef, ;end that ]w re water sl uId b~ retainied hir the upliauds. 5irie lr 1. !Imri rkTi aemt of'imrprv d pasture requir-d heavy expnd itui osI-r d 1tc -king, Ufrtiizig, ind pump1ri n at r, the 1 w~ion en ntlistsh arguecd that the ranchers would mttk mim mones In rr timr~ir] to ; r[A{] U~ ciiatmra t ir n, [irniti g ncc pervE-nI- Lie Of iiirtpmV~d n attt r. tOAn a.VtT41 f 25 cmrcnrt .is Muc-h oit he water withdlrawn for irriga.tion sioahk A nt the~ nit or ran ofW into n6ieiwing sireaim-, 4krid canIs OI th' ePortiai ut3lizc by the v,-.Ictation ir CVa P-.)rtCd Was atuilkV cDrSUMPe. I~Er- ] eim mteid k hat fur th-e, statc @ whiole, Irrigation 4xc w l 1twd Ions withdrawn. In tI~h hot southern cc untiv-s the ccrnsumption raite W&, Iigdwr. ahmmi~t 65 p)i.,r(:4- 1t fi PLairra Bc A1_ 1 Couait anid ab~o it 58 pervert in Hendry.'" Thr'oL gl tt h t aP ttI det +.l iii "cit x a. ~airm a . at ag- ricutirix Th I Iiut~f of Fiood an1d .XgrR-ka1turl .cikAnA'S ;3t th4= Ne 1;1: ,1 ,i tv o P10 Kh4rid! :- 1.imated t17 1.14 rI l t~ wii a of fakr m laud~ at 57.,~tN IDDO acr B Evas o nge gmvc s E uln ex75tnin the-ri we r 0101001h hettr maurra g?VrrIm tI g rS -vvr v atuallV '4Tgnuw1g morc orangL's. AgrLvultuml1 cxpcorts Io.-Fcd th.t; rmore int(MSEVc gJ-001t] Eur Fhr riculturc. but }r avitr irrigat uri and ircater isn 4~ieI~iti-f1r1 an ti~mt more J potenrtial wotrL~vll pi ein . Durfig 197 5 FkiriA i TL11st ry witi d1rt w abLjult 2. 7&M billioii 10115u -n1' fh q e Wary day. The hea.6s ~s~ for genierauig electricity. SbhUa nd rid w nter Pxiw-er TAR13ts used 13.137 billit ga]lons a day, motL, J63r their cIng rd:% rrI ess Of this I 11._ h rilion ,~ln. Were -aNk111. kt' Vi!e ijinl I., 6% 131ll i It lrin fresh. Although. tkctrk Jxqwrer :r i : w~ increasing, mpidly, gi-tiing by' 42 perccnL [be- tweeni W~7 ad 197.5. the [ndiistry's 1 r imie re~ booo1 FI'fI PI-rC-Clt during theL same1 pryriod. M'.uch 411 the ECrs~ wutc r wa5i LVW rteyc x hig eoltl a il rg pIndC ar'iNid t-d'4tingf tower.,.1v~ ic iise' ni ti time ve~itr rwas '.tur[L! ad tO ti tre Luimj it lIked, time RE-tuH]1 c4)Tl.SuIptAJI1 Was "1111I], -utimatd . 1at A.-.ut ;a ]r iIlioni galloni A dIAy OT 2 ...nt 4 the Itfital withdr alas, in conutrdst witlh o~thrr idus1trijJ ues, - til)Ati-d to- corSkanle abouDt 919 prcent o~fthe water withdrawn."N Thes -,-c-: hli~l .iiduslrI lu . of water w-kAS imPu. Si~k mining, In 1976 Ilroricla mrext ~racted more than 395 millian tn  Phl-;r~:11 1111 mLu 1"1 i mi" F' :3 i .m%-wr. PT m A II: Eir .,rnI,11Ihu w-- I Ann'4!1 Cl IF!  284 LeanhlD 1o ver- Weilt- info Lanrd co pL'ophateTiot wuily iiir th tha of wAide other state but rE~r re [han that i ny othk conuntry. Thec w comnies doIminatin~g the Eidid exerted _5iwh po we r ire Hlrid 1x~1iti: that Il le4 -qIai4 jre did ro eve!I iirlxse ai svernv-u a, until 1 9T1." Er 1in nrteitlisits us - [i- ,d phosphate mining because of its he~avy water demand,,, its pIlu tinr idscbargP. , sud the ujgly pit holes ana w sr pile.s ha fol- lowcd its ope~raii.s. I n 107.5 t ht, Flnw~igi& pho5phnie inrdost ry withdrew ;bowum 270p mil- lion. ll :. Io tivii wtt-i ik day. Almost 90 ivrent ofthis w ue Ii Polk Cnunh# . Combinixi with tlic heavy dem~ands fofelet~ric~ ?Iwer p~arits anid dtrb 'tes, the.we withdrawals mAe Ik Ekaunty the 17e av]e~t water uster in the state, 713 million jp1kms a day (Palm Beach Gcurkt-v. with ahno-st twice the lpmpuatiori o[fk'k withdrew 6iI3 miluiun tains a day)"" Ling C-AR-es In its d~isoa of wastes, the phospate iii~ustr hard Fmir lirpo% Nikic ),Oiks mjor kah kilts in the Peace River. R- rf 1pnd~ing tt ik ' v]i riticism, and vresure ona the ne envi nnment ag cis the- mining compnif- wVr mah - ilg~ Strag +-ffcrt to ei ]1 lu ) ut htim act. The~y tL rnea mi r-US t IC ofl- .Nfrv fan11d rk:m., ;is} miirh w4;rier -N rl ih{ Lind plante-d timber on their rt~svi-v Iaidgl wid I1ilsurw rocr T1.err ni~alsx plios phatte ius ini Hi14ki 1( Crnicaly in. the iLpT 17 ii LW e River hks ini. In IiM when Congress was nomidr- .Ln prtu-A03 Of tlie SUWLU1I ne O M th r1ae Etius " wild acd svrrnr riv rs. -q' r;Mator Hall anrd N. ijfv :-[-& in hawin v t hef rpr i defemrtd 1i.ivr further .tud%. But me'ri Lh. ps jmpuct disturbedi the -elemul4- rrmp~nie.s_ A Mn7 ST atOj 4---cqj5ti V TW-1rnd1 }Ii nd that hisi rorn- Priu1 crigglit have tea r pv"Ldvsktt its p]n~ ftomW ~AidI operations. andI sp Ice rm n kfr the Ckiid4-ntoJ AgriIJtUrai Chemical Company urged theft the pimp e'rl study be limrited to the Iwer part ofthe river when, t hivr wr no mines. Covcmor Kirk, thl Florida oib t 1 ei Fkoidii legisIatuie all we i nro re-twni ; . oipp to any inclutijon iofth(, Suw nce Asi flnally s & v, thaebi]l Iimiited tme Stukdy te th Io 'r aches ifthe river.~ I]7 197;3 kideiital asked state p ermrission~ tAuexpand, itsoperatIins alrmhg at (hirty-mile srtretch of the ohw; nei. Fanwironmenai .ti dhamged that this wojuld mar the natiu~ra beauty tif tlw-t ar a, pollutt E 1; tr]Led b :sportrn n, and iirnpair the purity f ir rnt and sinhi,l that were c-nr ti td with the ,gw~hii~r. w uL the. Iu alli of 'Land Planning recomlmended against d'cla~rng the *uipr Suwanr- n1ee jil 1ar4ea fcritic-,Ul state cor eni . Instead it pr~iiced th l jsph~t Company plun to refrain fr . iIninin al on v a I.4X(C-mavt buffroer n e~ither side nfthe riv~er ;3rnd in other setitive )eas. - k0entAI  XV;dt-t-r &)r t e Futu the repxirt sad -ha r~ho n Ii k 1ively high dq-re nfrtwironm-n la awarun-cs: in their -existing Hainii~tuii (..UtLUy upit-ritiw. IIi their geRipn witlir ness~ ru prt with ena irnmcnta] 2;tnvies iand the~ir iltlmLve II X eritne"0igWith t-N:1 -iri114. inl r ,Lamatioin lr pilIuitkon cuntmul. the iiruin prvides a fine~ examrple to. the extractivre industr. "" Three oth r inl{I1Ltfe rcS Mk.iccl phosp~hat, mnng in tha~t itlkcv wre=r Lot~h heavy wa ter Lrls: anid Iie~ivdn hare of polui rig frL rC th rarL 22~5 cmil ii ':0 nIti.s I °kW th e tic - i ,,1 ,dt itv fti id mO~tIy in the Panhandle Rit rew .aborut IUO Mri]ll 1 gulI'r.1 a L4 andi: citr u5 vixe-irig ire r+ rtrAd Florida withdrew 0 mn]i igr OInS a day Lime ck minim,. whielh usLed &. Tlitn galkm s a v~ was ianother t ir-irV thtirr C.3e;P4 war Prohl1-ri,. Lirnr1.I was the Prirbcipal ingerr-dit nt iii the eemrnij ihat FlOTLd~a I..9r arac OSUrsed for 1117 -1r evo r vtiing they htiilt-fi e - il Lidn-, coridomniniums, S1iIwi', LrkcI -iriIrt rIL[IwL41Y1s. In FL 1 di te r tii l] PIr4,N - kItul) (2'rc. acm", p ariIc" Gwnd by Sergi. jame,; .9 ce VfNe irl!~ a0d Wii R~ Ackley. thce cv umnnist, sou~gt er rmi5iorJ to dligt fiur claimed ai le 1 right under an .-Tar lieLr- E-011 trl [Ke State jtrrniitii it ri ll f~r ciil. Tfhe F[fi ::d ('nrtl District trrngl ij .tid. to uMiinn Lcmp t"prut4.I.Rh th~at eAV id not tinik' pollute th imec butLL litight evf n knck ar hole' th uglh thy rckL ba~rrie~r 'ieP-ririne O k' lAe fr Icn pnscd th rruics. In thyv tend, the Army Carps of En gnvers 1LkILEI-II permission ti: dredge, ,iida fe del-AI jug pheld rl-re ste andl~ the tamets fifRty fe et deed]. tk m iinne i iarreil iv the js1Y.i° an~d un'-id Imnds. lackirg the pur water needed Eior hcalthx phlnt~ p;rnr tai~d Although d-L-lers rtuirt.d less~ water tiLar;&r , r du Fmeh- an indLt r ia~iCL. their riwed Llin ,rd YAJ-ridv wyith the bu~r- gL-Vaungri pulaticn. Btween 1950 Lafld 197 F1l~rLs pr.3uiL0TkIr grew° hJ4' 4 perutnm~rt, a k-ie rat-e th 1) tihat Of 017'1 of r tat~ xvirie irv .. 11195 th're po:pu.latin i - I 14 - 2J. 6 rilill L.'i p i rk 19 7II it wv;r 6- mril in- Andi- the i. roa~tl CIRMIti d: inl 1978 thr.V P1ipuiaO L.J w 'E t1ie twiter S tt~us a Iaoe-t'r r.-id i.g these EilJls uor nc' residents With P6 'Ei to liic hrrnught big tea. s to landowners,.  2~.1*~ !,~rwd rrjIrJ Irr~'r~ - 11i~4~ iiU~ L.r~ILi %f4~l'I~ I ii~~ V ~ ~I~I 1 dq~i ii W. I iiiPr iviiid 1-i1 FI~i~ ba nlr d rvir en.-menu Wll i lj 11 ~~'.x. frim mAiwtr.iki., Wit h 111,'1 r dv F,? w1il c, pi, r1 1L. -aii, tI1:4 LiJ1d t .'4. Sprn'.a ruipidly, idis*pIIti ll~ Vhd I ' ~:wA,iii ' LII ~ir dsI I i! h1&% ifI p~Lill h punics- and n.sioibi iinds- Citiied gjrn h -'as ti# I-fort ' f vjtall St1png t o~iu oIj thi aliint ws the -Pnv iionlrntjisl , wr b1e to oonv rwe 6-y public oAlls-k thait nat all conslrueti n a .wa d Ex ° rt. L4utId nruw presen~t -4cint fc data to t-x .. . the hi ;cIv . ~ i v1iid Il ILJ1rn1hi1ned growth, In D Ac CoIunty tLIL , . was~ ring up)- rJit _rh 4 [31 b~iIdJirg PrL j tli tihit W(111Jd add to the~ [-Al ltr on of Ri5- Maynel Riy. drill) It Ymi OlF th w eVr tljrjdS. or Qrvia& wvr~it SUPPly ;!Wd r+~ pr' All of t he t°Ir urkai iwe ,ao-11mipa. St. Fe-ftri~urg, jlwkconvillc. OrlandoI \4- t Palm eavd, Fo~rt Ikml(e,T -Ie-we gOing througL} -Amlt] e 'nT1J.S &cvaur : 4 thet 11 h prkc af building lotsi andi thev 17iri I rity- f!Irkl hrh Tn l ivig d~vv:,44pxrs prvf rt°" t'i 1-pfti eR iht rh I d isL~ I'n1s . operi uj mdILre Ali t-HI1t tract whr ir kyLEI}LnId h] Ly A03-1 pw .11flphald or ilMx Lrae4 ii°* d farrns By drIii Iin lim r hIt nui it have rErfI r  Wart-r fir the FuIltur 2Y87 -wf. , the pin r Itcv er"It1"o p Jrw is~Irt pk thet4 e1okgy of-li ok] TV g 4.01LS Tl ' de:Atrtw t It mrldMtatS IA fIS~h nd MIld&f; (hey polluted r rmi they' 4:--m ert d .aid better sa Ii ti1: for jpIaurage. or wetland Cn)])s into huma rLlots. Draining ,thc~sc lowlands dIs Lc: I alquifer levet [, no -rI't -4la ndiekri~g wser siip -Iles but p. -hing 1fvut healthy veptaitkion .41nd Prm~rL n the grtmwh gal MeI ua trces5. knd othr M an Tpurha ers in these- newv dcwvlInpm-eiir thhJat tirhe d kragt d i l-es ijmd 111;,1 L1 PrtrO lw%%' 11- gave themi g1A tr{v- utd ButIv its -&rdkk tI.41L&t buiy hurriane likt, thoss of 1926, 1928J. 1947, t).r 1118 w o i 11 iri't at thu--anids of a crv sr~ low-ly rg tal v., .k , rding[ to Na~t li", 7 now t'1 rrine~ °1' the Sou04th Florida W\'11 gon n.i1~In bourd., "tens Rf thusands' " o nr would hiave- thcir (ur '[t ieri rw Yill :fir iS 1LM-'%-od a npreuwisin. Reed Ti] wd 1,hC' hiwvt_ 1 lo t Eter ]hecs aid aill their pt~rorhi pmp~r.t%'. Who wxL rv,'%pr~ilu1i fur thiis d]Irr 11Lrx Iiitiii 1it Li b1laII I Ll tI- and cucit',' rra rvrrrct , wh Ei ch h~ia#d abd tijukd4 t i~irol 1 !d i :1-iiihties, to - Prt wATTpm Lt lain1dL'dpr WhoU rrlu[It on 1 ir i[gil awx~a1 hmu'i-j1 il d rL ll nt ut cvautal Ploriai " From, the Ilwnd plaalII. V'ie"-t'li it, Rrtvd si~d, It 'a a t iv Mrg-1v it I h w t;te h'1kd nrr~ h1Id A I raijr wrti hrtr -.Twin thr WtL .igh -'r tcia.L t 41e t unniroLled1 "rth.i H- preted thti t irt'r~te r nrial ~tir ondition "gain bring uhii r c an evcity rhrmct t fvc- ye ,krs- tLU dctedl i'ia l Iri ha4vt hti e3 l ]'. i i'I akjo nim tr inr th 1,11' IIi IIg laws will Lavc. Passd ixom the eecvne, and] the water mnai;-'m f m-n t d.3i tr icts will rew;Lp the hitter MOnP 01i PiLhlie wrath_. And the-n what' It* histcury rnra"_gls itself, F' rkhui vials Yvil be!6vge Coiirr s vvjii ap pPO ;IS fr eXp!thiVP new l1M'OCInto cmmpN)jects. BUt c-d wvarmvd thdt %'i:~aLi Rugtnait 'i~iarm~ feari[rn tdap::Lr tr re &iI m rht, will Ihe ri Ir 1 i les ready to ,me to th state's rc wuc.. It w~ul his m~uch, wiser, -redt sid, fi~r the s tate N) kIetri the Iec,.ivi tdart Thiarglili Ia id s eai- Witterf-5t p rtyi L_-mimnided std h a high price that devel- opers huaced diiw mand rvL swarn~~ nar time uxevui ard the i- tT.'Kkwt;"i r;aI;]s531fld gfINg pr . ads5. In interior Florida thir used- :,ill Iar irita.:riN tt~ 1- deelo the l bke nt ii-utti7.L dnwii the~ kImrd r- ing cypress, dr{'dig it} th il-i lakehnttcimns, 2nd dike.inLg 1lnger cu- aI I e1.At~e ste a , fort11 to h alt t1.1i dl~y ' r'I rtn in to It1eg ml sknewl all heau~ .the courts~ ruled tii TwJr.'Pt FloriL- ]al es were Pi  2~ Djr,4 JJ~to Wirer- ~4 er d;tVr' hrrjd ttin 'mrearhdertd - avtgabiv, vIaters by feorali s urv 'rs during the. nin~r4a-) th (: titrI . " Thi _ p ion I fhrt ke-rrh tW xt trnd d #}p Vh-e~ e isti'rl o "CIrtifril lees despite the fttthat cutti n into the lim.]~ctre rrhi IA diinlg . t[ auifer anid that th-L-5t ]farm-made Ikes w c difficult:t k hp clei of weeds and rcljjsc.. Thlw jpromriters who most dimrigd a he enviri' 'nt were tlhn!ir who draincd. and clcar d lcInd be rt.w it was nctcd. Mtmptirng tu ajdd plwI ai i hft y to their saI-s vi paigncj, they b iilt roads and N_~ n;Ils that cmpklqy'l dL rupted thc' I)LatUE-U flow of thfL -wLtkr and tl'ierdty Jisriptrl thv. t.o1n. Gr]deIa Gate Esitates in. Coilier Cd!urty wathe mos~t notorious e'iaunplo 'pis1, but t ert'!w iru uwan thh'; U nder the PreSSuhrf othf e'rvirnrnental nwPmv t, dev l- rS P"Xli- p rlV ffI L-Whici rr'13r- it 'ittsl duiring the, 197)s, hoiinn thr{ir sit-scm.% rcareful1-. prc'crvin~g natural] fiaturcs, arid mit 4ing f v rvr r iovr ir water supply aiid .ewage d isx I. Bu t th-: JLm4 i nC of thd l de jrs W~ nUt SO }hig4.Iv Sen~IitL th::t. L rI~vi ifrdo the ned [or p u bIic r l-kmti1 ,iai. uiJ gijir'i mn t Lt all ]c-vc-kI4s pC~yd arn incrc-i iingly k'active role. The Army Corps or Ent- gii4Pr'I g,;3 t mre .eou r0]. stl]udv to the en Ilr'rn13m-ntaI impact oiU its .PrLjj(t rA. arnd bkwcd tw diggc.h of v rti.1 private: reim-al Thet Err- vimnmen4 F tat1 Ptxutction Age4 n,_ trlwik steps to pry: tect thc purri ty o~f d rnking IL .~mrr xirid prev~l ]Iuiion- Trhe Ste~ 1egiljkr m:e laws dLt ahng wttvot hn lariWd wdter use .and gm-t- i rchpc'rlIt i v pwr tu t Dp tei of Elk troanennt l Iiegifti1. M hi NlI kii o;')lA F4 counh: ctimm Ins.n, aind recpt rid Mg ntiC pFCqxtrvd land a 4(- PIaruS to gtidPa thf.In in iRSsuing 1niuilding permit. and1 AAI~ithvng water ~nd. FvP iopers and thtir Iies nctirnrInWd ti flighlt ;g.Miit t[WV rt arded as iirrer e ill. ith t ri l rt~ , o prividtt. p rtI', Thee strLtgt]e was parriciularly IKitt('r in Da&{ C MuILitA,. 6 'r a niLster plan kidtl c1 -JIyl- miiAppCd rr' , --here. deo~kprhiit woulid k~peril it- kd' . trw t wtwuld le n®rv .,et~d fir 1 rn)ii], . ld are tha t I'd ho~ pw vr'd in rheir n. th ' n-I tate. At a hearing oE the M,-tr Pn- rcilng AdviJ~&'rn B'iiird ini 197, de'vehigxrs Waned the' rWgldt oft th-e Pi nI4 ti r-~ . fpainig to t ofLand 'Ind hn)-P anti r'r iUn mpInimen~t in. itIc iurmhat ryAiu i iridustry. A %':- ,'tkt1 k11., s -,t.". tvui~ aId t I-14 hie w;i-. -sk .k ;ind rirn-X 4this "no gmwrh' po::li ,. A not hPT bIMIic'.ul~: kl~ k 1 11i *WJ Id yor il)'0l i e 1O mtflit cJ 4 i1 (r uiing L k4', DII CrOUntv's dem is --hut y'ou and youvir pi- awr uny ofth as: .'"T A4 i Plidi. 1 ~iirtO "'>T IJp Ih gi'i~ gitit l W;' al m4b l ike;. ak i ig ImiDI to? vuYtV agait Cud -Lnud ]r°Ioht-raucd, Huw thell -;vrr theV e-_' vri rn mpntaIisui 1hk ta Est i o an, 90 AV C[~C Oiw e M OU R-4-IS  WW*-r kir Ill)r Fi3fi 2. their bTmatfreninl e-IN% No I[oni Lr c-uLd thcy w~ dismnissed as bird- wtdlrin eL'rctIli tikit r wutI w ..o n xuianed thousa ndS of Stold newcomers free th North, cnni.ccd that hr-Ikur-skchr develop- wen~it mright rJilm th e} state they Irb _ Galed h om't. A stat-c wate~r p lAn W S iyrt art kI tla t IV 10 &V~im'11I~~t lo111by arnd the ev in- ntauists- If gimvitk wii t I t ~rin~ l ii i t lt 4L3- pace, it wa5 necesi kmake piuvisirr fuor futurr! -Later nceds if growthi wastoi e rsLrairicd or gided,. it wa vitail tr. ideut& thy it gL1T1s thrit vculd an(! could rin tto erat d vek'.penrt- eu o krlier work hy'. 6-r Central and S Lthern FloidaFTL.txi:dConrol Dis- tr L' znd the? rj-!1i otvp qf thiie~r~ le S-nith F~lo~rida Wate.r 1 arhe mart Distirict ha gone fiitwr ttiwartd dty;lping iits water W~' 1pt;n than am'y othe~r district. A we ha'.e q ,Vn, korwcver, thC Ca~rly dr ;ft SE tJHLIItkfti St Lg riti+ X7 J*.a LLSC O ti c I 4i'A [rihN Om tcchnitiologic-a answe~rs to p ijected wtate r needs. lb mect ohjct ions tit i'ne r pl k1 'I Cr rti srat agen 1 ie l' ch 1 d i: ~t hen'iII to 0 lif>, its piiArn toa pgr.e moure ts sI {ik liragr ard CUEIneVitLtItL Mtean 1Whi le. the Southet Florida WVater Management District h%3 10lo Iwen drafingLr itsy plas. Scve rrra s~ing ~gat had iiven ols rvr4 during t4e 19F -A 1 nd I WO. ]-;,i i id 31irk the gio L hi-loh-1 le than nrna[ dnrrig e'le'vn of the thirte (n year from 19r11 t} ruL4glI 1974. In o tuutl'we te .rr Fo~lk. Co~rd Iau I4r HitN';.k h14r I~rrih Coun ty the r17 Undwatkr ievel had drpTU AII IunA i ie~ AS ritoe ls (KI rfet- MIJ tnidpt wl; ells in fit. IF 441 rV!iLhrg wer ~I ffri-ng l il'h 'Limj-. dr'ew it sW'Aer N-apply, Was dropping.- Gwr~ld Fav r.. (cief hk y)[o gt forw the cIioricet rnadI som gl :omyr preditirns. In 1970 the district '-L s w ith-d awing~ 486 A'illiorh gdoi f-water a yeaIr, ahOLt 70 pE ric Int~ of he normal rearc..e By 1984 thr, iunual wilkdr.- is would e'iIul- t1W ' r ' v~rt. Itria 7 1w!eS s irv to utilize all the 4wd~ w j*L uI atI (.rcmip, hut this was d~ific-.i I to -ido h-ause residents in the intecrirrwe unwiIlinF: triLllow L-rhe:ir wat r to [w. rmoed to the coxita.I cities whc re it uwas nuiclad. Ni oreaver. it was nut ea1set Ic' its mew s. rges o kupIk, Tho Ti m w~ cities Could not learn ,nltut becKIuw water was altrca. x'scarct in S° rasota adC iarl t o o n t I V.:- te Lkl n nt I l:- .t n liC , r4 - vP n S Wa m1,i Iivcause -of rapid url Oin.h-tki= 10 dnIgtie Ur.OS-4tt- 111gh-01 lei4dLl ng to) Disniey World and Orlando. The moiit promnising tarc deve'op were- uitxad to the~ north, in I'a i, tIe,-'mci, CitvIus, wild Ievy a"ountic. In the more dirt,-mt future, Thirkerr said, it rnih]fht l.Ck i aqed uu frnm the Suw-ij)nrwe Lind ApalaiiiculaL riLVVTS, buet there  290 Neid rrjir) 1 of rrr.. titj~ rirj 1t ordlrJr *4)(( 1me ruii plIiC4 jj1 Up,1,111YtitirFip tU li, "It vani OJIly' Iu achievd ieed,- said Piarlkr, -wi-he LL TtfgiFnLIj k~ater sUpph ly ytem iS V- tldishud hiw h is in iroratf-A iniF. o r -bik' and acripptal-lv stah'o iWar.ter Pb4-n thi kvill girantef tx' Appb' iT% pr i.t (he~ w:ttr rU- In the 197 diAlt ii the distit Plan, t~wr wa9 a . m m .hat more' mwrId JJP' than1° dfl Ldlrl? ring fm 2-2 million ini L976 toi 41) iil- I kmi I a~ 2Y20 If pra.t~ert vorvruupt. .it pwtteri.s qntfinuvd, demand fur wajter w-iuld a] must doi~uble in the saZmLe pri~rd, rig ing from 1.2 billin -OR ~E~;Bia~ nd a~ kh ~rd~IJi~ 25i1 'rdii~lp q:rtITiI tw_ Hf~Itn uri FnIIq~I ilI~~tIIott ~ or"iLt~ ih4rr~ma.S' within~~~ th F~k ~driir ~i~ ~a~cihti ol iitl'IIa r cIt'i 11° WILLIEI nerd lLi LIkwfU li tm . Rc-ivr bTh it Uld Sthe,4 0 ' W r11is [3; wt]YLI w.L an. e(344 i Lr iti ,D GL th f T. mm r  Wvrfi~r the Future 291 their~~~~~~~~~~~ uwrI r ikp]wswaefamr odrsea inidstrial o'r 7'lnif; ip3;I W-XetVe~kr fi-r ~inio LtI l n mldit 111L On ut Lri fkt~ their er u .:A'. i n thv}{.r wa3Y~g tU niniiptitk1i-s could ri1..1 s wattr''Lter for sprinrinRi 1 PJxkS. road mediins, and la si, Jcarh~aps d~c i-lping a dmL1m1. ~Iv~e 1i 4~ rcbalc rk r (druli - u L water ad °4,viter 1,:r Otht'..r V .r- I -occd that wutal, wattr ut, fojr the ew 202061 riOUkI he L ct frl 1rh 2.119~ hi Iim g~daIrns to~ 1.4 i] 1 ion-al m it .7k perFvent_ Y iimLnr- taist. 1:rd'1erred the oLithwef-t 11-0r dii WM) ArR ACh IVith it~ sitmng l-iha~ds cn co it iri r« Ith~t of the dill Lth F~oi~ ILJ W).1 With li t~ ixn In ' I reiai~ ®.n mrore ,1 e .n ririm! ' m1rk J~~u irilig the "Thc- three ne,,w wvalc .r ancet d~i!tricts werE' not ;i: lkr A11- %1A3"1d_,3 in thvi r 1I)Lvi an 1g. KNortwust arrid~ S i.IWv'iaIc wi_,rt, rcgRri1 N . aH .1drlnt r.ainiid"L arnd n'in,.iing- l .s, rivers- :ndc s~r. s A t)± Panihandle cities like Pana City, Frt M"Alrnr Rf;h And Qui. y were tmoubled eithe'r by altwjjtr intrusicni gar dropping matLr A- e1s. but the more -,erious pw etnc i UI irve t'1 d it11Jkstii1 JXAl~uti'.ri. Ey: pU]r- acid-patper iji'LUN In tIm- e t m rri RIII.arld.le iiid curther-jL Gulf CiAKLt mcgicn injur,:d : veraJ rivirs; pph te . -hamning inj dia' tipper 1544-Aw-lieo Basra as .a th ret{AtC ai Ji be_ .att[EU1 II 11i lii tu1' st tra8 1tl ix~ r';to~ Norhwest ' rr d Lu~iSie e. t [- St . f 6bhri- s;f ~r' .fUirn~,emIut Di t was in ai regi"n if rapidIk. e.uriI1 g 6 i[ .v- JI;, i" iii ' , I~z , It AL L. Mt1Iiit, L.7 ' i s :'4. l iti 4 I llt""; r M lwrrI., e aidI crr ri1 Or~alu.1o The 1pUltir Of urt Id distrkt. WiMS ext"N ed-k ronomr;. thlLn 6,piIill in 45-ycar perioci, fiu 2 i.lhiur in 1975 to 4-3 riiil litrOI in [00 n 1975 the district 11S 'Wit.dra-.irF 1L655 brill ns ga;llon51ir of frf~di 1A_;t r ;i daiy." lIn 220, ; ditzi'a11 im est mtae rn ipdtj biy the IJtp~irt11rnet 14 % du.r a] I t E ~o .; ill 1970, it wuk rr-q i re tovr 2.6 billiiji lk 'l lN~ ;L daV. The k~t'ai a ab Sup- plyr in tht St_ Joh~ns River 92-i ri hod 1'mwt"Y Lgti m11Ltd at 4. 5~ Dillioni g.I iis da> abL 2t billiuon iii gruun J4Ldwar a1md 2 billion inI sLT- faeacrA This m i~ht wiem tG & ur a~i marin, }iLut the SitL1:- ti n w~ iiiplicated bvii'nf --tors Not ill wiuleatr w as avaiIahlet fYr all pu p si Many Laks ;lrd nr w re niagr;i kriiUtfr b imn ci.d fishing ]-Prt t'~ polred4: For dlrii1 ilrig,. Draik i "fro tat urrt Aini tvrplandt~s ,c%-d anM-~al %svamtrN IpErt iY.Pr!- ,. nd jw-sicid°es ulito the .!s1itE la jifr aid thr.ateaiied! try %vep In~to thi?11 L1.uifers. Thrr- were- eriuua sAtwater intru1iorn pr:,hlcm5 in J cLstoniIk :ind 4otkr cxtaIa c-itites In thec interior, cxcvssive drimargc. porlY p Larnd  2i~'2 L.wid inr~ W i~r-W~ter fur, Lvi~d h~hwi~i~ r edeo i tmI arnd h uge park.Ing Io nuttrft red wit die F khrgp ra( the aqiIa r r and reducd local sn he-9. FEwvera the an och 1)r aiw Floridan Aquiifer did ro alasy prvi4de high q ulity wter. InI a ican River County and uthCT Catem rei'ns. the Flori- dan Aqiai1' 1, tts w~is t o~ highly r1,iin I-ized0 for "Ili iail 0. L A.I thOQih rLIy gool k1 d eij wg f( r raIii.r In 1970 L'N I c-%p,-ts had rvULmme1ndedj careIfil mainagmErj{t to &a.::Ch tLo de IU1 v IIfit ds faLu-tlutr tad the wteit i1 are heure the . rchi r rf of tm ii~ ° l-ers w -A C4q~if(-. 1hes -10I~c:Irge - kre M~ he0 Itv4Ie Fromr de ,ek'pari T'1.4i-rig 1kfml n Ah eII vl* 110d Limo b-.Es pig uni t ed to exceed the rech;Larg0 L) the aiqu ilE'r::. To~ preveant io-r'eruui pia nixd iaswte itru uiwa. !trnd v we ll 4shuld be~ pnwd'd Thf dowrh pciur Fmom sprm~ sjhor not 11r ~Alow ed to flciw il~tO thU 4 '~I.":r but slicwuld be ieiimnded for fut ur usIt. o Fmv[dn sihouhd lie Tnade (rrtr.anfirring wateir from7 arva Of -1 rp1 is upply tOf are~ 04 ' 5hockpp~. Minimum lev-, sh41ldk h'-M ISh116' for the lakes. Con tm Sl steures shou~tld bebuilt LAT1 the: d rii~gL- ea uiI t .ducec the rnce-i ftJr irj tflg$E~fl I'rihv lanii ir' the riPgion waN l', dit-- pJoas1iIt ilito he oetW watecr iminagemnit d s tret. In a draifl rcleancd in 19717 thcr J istrict engirt eers { xllMLintd their Is ! pn)ble in a simlpoifiedwte budjzdt Out of art dra - ainnu ranlki]l of 53iniuhLs, rougliy 73 e r.4.'1. iac 3~ incbhe~ w lcc th oulii -ev pt rimspi rtior The L~ [EIfLdi[ig 14 inches rn rout t ~L'L t i1 th-MUP.h either surfiicror uni- krgmiwl tlnw. ilie only w~alS a r~e vilkbI for ti ei froQwrc if btu ringv this 141 i-Nh F runoff oir withdrvifiig water stored ina thy aiuiftri. Even thes sources, had to b xcare~ful] u d. if the dis- -h~irg# -~IV rive illto uhe e~r'ike as red 4 'e too rnuw-. mt) rie IL-[ WOUld sufir IftX Much groii .undwahter %%u withdrawn. saltvate wxi i in cruad innI thi-A $ar-Ii I el }.end of~ge Fveg4 anon %&.11ld tx'urjr in 'tht'r. 4vr.. riinid mra~s.'H 1t.e 114 J dr1ift 1}[ain emltphiisizd e'iin roii is jAind~rs 1 i ti(MI j d'fuIS. l 1) A Iist Of unanLMcg TLnt 013Iclu . the dihtr ct Con, ittd it. t tL[iiin w1a-ter near T intsi oF n P.d hdiire seeping more di - signifi~mnt errnsidct-1 m i tai evironmental imp;L(-t f kv-rile )X 1.r~srtt~wIri ragr il it '1,L ie.,rhL a lmt hii uti ., -d fErlLVokhi-- I LpvLw-t u7f 11At H r&I trii tc Es er strL'turTAl S~it~rLt kVN; and v~idcsjhring, v N - 9iii all([~r~~ rtagf rki l mad stjtat' [ric~i~o r~ While the new wINA er 1'~g~mn '4'jk~ ;~ rlemintarLxng  Wa~ter- fiji the 1' utu re 293 s nririvi ty to the nE, envi nn,.mtli~sm, tIe, Intcrrjatiora TelLe- phmne and Telegraph C ornpm-iy was pmvk linga case study in theld honslerism in its plans kor a hrugte dcekpmcni n F1.ajgru Couriy, Inidwkavy LtV- t t Augu!c , ,t ieid ID-Jytria Bei h Tile 111xhrily An3,14r11c1"We that thmi neaw rc-tA rt e ty. caled Palm Cuast. iuld livc a. p~o) pi-i ofr75,0Wo bys thc- yia 2010 tind wvould ncm-d 5Q mr~llion gr~ ai1:P:f water ai da~y, i Illy, a pl~- u .hat Ia.rg- wornilId prohphly re~quire twif't. thait animouri. judging Crmm the uxprkmc OF other Flori1da CUki ) "'O eanm't nmove that uamount 1«1C water Efmm that re " 5 rrird to riix- Aiuih, e a ti're d i ri c.o tc iw Of W.,hn- D ..r Amore in~irit edwkt itirt wvas the 1oI,41rrb o ' ta1 PV i~tS OF tFVrt-th*1L ir had e1iuig to pmn d warrfrcibnt lots, .5oc O them pariUvt~d kr S2c1IXK .aiiLT vi mewi74Itah11StN %%"arnd that thie: canals ith their %vr ater quality would ke lpk~ i with ~Alpa hl rnmr aind wo~uld wn tirn ixn~~i~ethe AtlanticIiricotI WAterwayv. T13c Army Carps ulf E~ugicers a~nted pearli,,iun t -rnuct ni'ilv 1.5I' ,it of the new c-it tih he wtim'in r govern~merlt po.Aick-S. noA it would buV-L tai RIrp Ltd pmA-j t to ?Sr(I tiw with the, imn t Orinj3 Ent r6, q1i'rq, iwrir pl t tlY' nr?'" environ- While -h trk fv wa{ [rr rn aatment di ltriut isw r dlUlly wA- i~n Outi th" 1r %kiXr I kme pl~Nr ntther bui-ilding b1 .1 s in the state water PILUJ yr er -AlIW -) ~Lgwin pre~pared, Thu. DMS ¢ ° r oEtf t 11 F iim had pmovided nu !such Ml in t11wf wV[a cr ~ in Oi* the S t.Li Com- prix'htiivte Pbwia nd1 tD 1ifprlmjH,!nt of EnVjronrtn ertitaIjt guIl io .L putting together another in the witer [ijuaility plan that wojuld irdi 'I 4 t t a i d an he p rer for -e nrinr theme. lbprovide for Flor .dal future nue~ limhe iTriPr~j'vv'rrhrut ga'Cw-Lv'ga"r utIity a w il a~-[m r-nj nt_ Fromi all pwit of t hiS AL L21'110 ll)(V r'f rivers and 7drW im rige t tr safe Cufr vit-1wr -drirmkmm i u r s.wi.1nig P!i7i'iw'u dibF iare rom 1 per° X7i]7 i ~l I I ,i;,i1 t'i ie 11;d ruinedl l L 110Aim i Fivr iiurll tIC Qj °k dr~ nL LUV i WN1 1H. F' iifh It w A} oin tho' nnTIOTA GLl' .s t ovrrenrkhn5,c'nr [mmr L arid Lltlurl it l t.s .aridLsl -.a h1w dvacrated Like ApflpLi, x. r fHLCP ra1rc1'01-n it- lzc, fisliaig L.,usLburbmi de l ikieit wal; th~rt-teiTLg tAI~.r J.:Lvku~ iwore1V UlahamSS- palurf runoffwaL pO]liut ing. th " Ki. imrnet I Rk:L.I c'.r Land lT ylorCreeA-, li &h rgos frost these, SULr kze nd frcirin thkW Siuar iitud& were inijuring IA- OkLechnbee. If te unit'l r stiin 11 nd l ke wee in pcr onditicrn, rbc, rt ifi- viaI] ou i-err iniin IJUlKIIV ~rFse uEnIdLt iu.1. (IS~d aIi t1' . k1'liuked the canah al :1 dram age ditcs.-a' oi[ spilage .end. .a roiled:'1 the in-  t a1Lass4iL waterways- e Th err,.11 PAhtwig YPIjPIjh ttd t11Lk rfi-L,~ ill ru 1 wht'ch tlit i'ars~I rm, thw mrwr ey fliv rc allIured. Acording ro to 5tin(1tkrdS' kvater Safe for w-L icoea~'n I.f purpoStS Should tc..t~ii NI ill I C.. lw J I H ~U1 dfu-rrl CO I A 1 if15X10 end te~n rther Grild Cos caal had l 1(t l W nr r1n 1re . A n v 1i 1 :1 tidisx t it nwdr. l Itrly: F, !Tihp if ~cI:W.3Ie k11t-.v Mni Hi O1L g L olu thei mater []umI ty uou r canals, the wuuld'.111( hV-,Lt e I w,:::rp huying a warfronth me- A c'hikI enaIs, ' '-La - . _____ _ .. A t-' "1i 1iW I ill ir Wirl 1nii P.Ak. tL -5.~ Oi1ii1 r11.. ,4 h1 r~ii -., I'M h iAId1n . LVI1IpI14+:-1 I But hacteria wt-re not t+hw LnlyI hide i enom[- in- thIf wai1trways. lah 197 irk pt --; diwov'..l~ the high-,st tclac entration ci I-C.B v i nical. CLVVT reld-.3 IrriIllion paort. per billion -in Bmuward i~ni] OIII!er U~uilk._q Sir PtB y err. hi'elh y ixk LI.IduLLtri]l chemicaLs RilrilaLr Mti- IYF tbhey 4.01,1 0 d A ~ thlr at ~t'i~ wiife hn the Evrghide11, i" 14fl alIid 31Wi r l iLf- ul .g the 1 1 tiid { ip the ]oIDl populiition.. Thcey wer 51L~wcP , I-, ckmong fidsher thirlgsL, of cairig I Lt ho{iw d!id t1e PC 5 g-et inito the water? 'r'Ty Y",F1r1 ust'l In the~ mnan u kcure of inks, plastics, paints, hnhrican t., aind cefetri-cal eqtrl Iro mlib. 0IL whre1 w;* 'ver ' little of this kiinkI fI.oIid Ustry ill, Soutli  W~ter for the Future 2195 Flo- - n-0. FuUed a ll iits {A .42'11d ii'i r aI i a to i i., Lk I; m -vt 4!r 11 h411relp prevent particls ofpint, and fibc-r$v s~ Irwmr hdw h k --~sin ikitft. New River Ca.mA [In a sit' nPreying so 1weivily on wm:II-wratror draiwn t'rom relatively shallo~w ujri hrs, the propcr dispus-ai ofswg wlau p riculkI+ irrL- jjrttant;. Yc±t I-lrrli. cities: se'rtiied ritrver to 'catdi LiI]a wih their reeds. New tracts would. Ii; 4pcnc hlrc there wer secwcres aviul- able. L° b ieh ml-bo wki ma1de dr with it s nr qrlptik tik: Overflhw froin t~ktSC tlrre-te.nt t to pri[Iute first the ind'LAIduA1's% wtll and then those of his nvighlhorr. Irn 194S trem wcre El" Sffw scrs in hl r' 1 -I derd 1 J4.1e th rt -tii hEtta h d'-iret tk 'hhit j 1104oat Ili 130 top of a. vast t-s-mi)].. Iln t I and *th-ur cities s wcer h; ttr thari tlw tTra tr; n1er ridc ml~r t"rw -If1t~S. nd th4-w -sir- F-r1g31I IteiitV wt-rU r la'y t I1.4nJgliWE ac 1 ICrI.' Rt. I1kc M iui~ regir wcr 4ci a Iarge niumrCt of 5mall, Chkap bUilt- SystV mt. F',W D~r ia kl'LIv~~ Ltr'rLd { t, ag ft quL~etl i d lh~h:IL [ inato thel I ' :ori [rr P'' C.LRk4I. In E1-153 I leln Mu~ir wr,,T~: -Ouit ofs ~i it, out OFf mined Ljied k MiTrhi'S trea-ltTTrmn fl sewigv Ihruk I tglll[. yt'L-rs Uiitil time 4wk W°bLild c# iav e when sbtie l d ~4i['daU LkP}i h c'r, lea . Lct river and hter blue . I~iiri4 buy tCP WuIh -all t-'tet that it --vk w.u lkm, I~er apt t 4 sight anhd Ifs wou. ~ld. d." Cnd :seaL irdc n; wold d isippcand the b1~' t-U BJ~ul. i t Bay would lkie. i~l p'I iut bMnei afl J)i rin~g the 1 0. ; ; lid 1970s 1bNlh~ed efforts -WLf'r m7'Adet to stop °1i a im rro'opEr gtwil r NIV'TLent WAS thhVed th0" 0krg:Lrni7atiOn Of A Mi7 " I1 .D Wate k i md ~wrA uthor-;y inti I'led 't- n '.VA1 jjt the local units- But cttingo an cN21i&vL lhand 1 On At' Irolc[ rne %%' a Skhw arnd p le yl L roessi. F mm tim'ri to trim- :x,1 4.1pti-III WOIuld remn lard the' C701IU1 crkU Litt or t~ei t uhitiLii Lgh da1194_r f rim ithe- va les dk-0a OF hILM. w(5e, Its10k 11P7'"tV ther i I ri. in r irr] h-p~rii-S l ids ici Dade Curty antid in ithker partN of FhL~rikt: Lanid in 1973 Ilkrir wS An eidic i1 Of [' lPhid t 4I-11V tve 111'nn dw ; ri _riLL'l t orkf-r.. ' F11.3iL 1H.111 11CIlt ok kterOtLS a-td r he d riiiii waF;tifetr r guI ail s, and th6- locat authorities Ch]Orinat, { aiid othrwisce treatci d- %.e water r0rk-i mr.in4kin' it al ;j Sfe #taji 1 xr Ii-" des l . [tr 1 l idits ly wi 1igh kar riad CIUn t r --rheless led to u iCvasil S~iarU Luid ordters u hio water. It '4 B dif -Wu lt to FarLtr lwr the f~ -1vi-hi;ig ir in l;ilny eite Lhr OW pI~ S11 Pdl L EtICC- tr~tlizt.°, with Trtuim Ia i' vvaiter di TV0- and small priv.ate watr c1ompanies in o~p etin. Imn tes~t nR tf Water  296 LaLi dah Wi~Wfr ir~fj .~rjd Of n C dtie.- th LlighodUt the no.-t ioni1 the E ii roi!.nta] Frotetiork Agtency ftiund tha of Miami tri contaiin tiv irost dlkrtblhrm-31,1 -parts per billion. 71V other chemicals, vinyl chkide and carhikn tet- [Aflhilerk~p ci.r ;Lisp dil-AWe in [tihe M1 iim i water, All three dw.I_-riI2~sr, rC 1A1[1't' ~ausirig cinero The prewniic of vinyl chlonkdr and carbon tc-t rnalrkl was not reasil'r explained, hut tkp Heavy oi ioen i'i II Of hl IfrN40't i i .: a Ve 1~ to~ re, l lt frOln the~ waker trV.Ltmennt itself. BIe aU'LI~ rainwatert Mking th-rnigh the I ergl'-i:1d" miek into thl mi- u4[i -er iti t i on- Ark .twLi t1-iy , though ha.rnk :-;, brown eub, the Mi ai plant ha~d Ixcn hkca C-hing it w:ith lini taII' high [loes of ch-Ilrinp,. more than wountld h-tti v-:-. rro Lill the bw't rig., Furtlier L tt:t, buCild teil rulbrrri anad otLhr Su [ped ehei'lA r [n other Dade Cnurnnty waters_ EPA.2 officials siI' ee thatt 10C11 .autlirit k' fU rax that th Iis a pensI e process would jncrcas~ wa3ter r#ei hv 5 4) eI n Tl wy rnok 00 ;ctiot), .a tii kItol evidt-ni on thrW da3gCr inivolved &ud lIurthc~r randlatcni fom 63, th A crly L 1 L3 tlhe 1U V ]g.LltU. hrd d iF.Lvkd th{' sb~ t ard. ref health hi pro~u-CLcuk Lin disch~arging karmkf l maLteriLab into the t ties, rk 1k -ihu Lt mines', and citrus pritx-v.sipv conltinuexd to dUmp~ d Li rreahLL~c wastes into the ri'".r5 and %trei 1I1 WithI4-1 LtSri- MISL ~htkng.Iiided, dur cn~ the~ 1940s tile ]ea1'i~l]turt gran ted ;p*-cifk- E -emnptiA)Yj fnr the IwrMefit Of theP P.r 31Ind t 11 FM- im;4i'll- flvr' 1Lr®, of Nassau ari Taylor c+ iati'~s ®I t ---as wit rltiI 1%..9 (La~t a ncw,, Polluitiorn C41ntr4 fid inder the 10 ;i~er hip nf Nat, IV°e ip mre energetic program to p re wiN*vr qual Iity through R wxicr of a c4uiring as d sAi1Irj prmrii aild c-n~frcting com- -AtiUir f riLA1ily1 d71puSitd t1ut, ftior i1L u t1 It D-ep rrent of' Enr- Vironin- r 1tIL 1AP6iuLlAtion. ID a ~ti i t o ti. ,f-Qqrfegirig the qu t1 y r ~ 0.d tiait 4,jt. wIr. the. DER a.. tos i rii imi iwr° qkiitiW 1L.U'l,~ name, supcr vri .e solid wa-r disq -iiaI pr rcet custa l times. and ap- 'r vet he I Kai iof O[ Iw poc wer plin ts Ovr r the- .ieXt E-VC ). LT th VDE LFR.. Ireaded by Jay Ladims, set up ai I r-m' ;athiig 1'0 ra rL1 ie'r Nhl .hiiie i~tt sadids Ifir w'a4 r quil it'', iS.-ir1 +Th 111riit"s. 31)id I'OringL tuipiI LL.. an efIht tLn dICL'-4- tr.afi:4 t~he.e fiicIons, ifiliai. ORfki s Ver al3ih~ 1o rril gkIu. ol Iiu41;h.Iy P~ir1I4inig t1w. ;4't .,r IIMaciiP~rlilit dINLrL. bnr fiA~lq Stark- dArd, the - DER sought txi Fring t h[- ;t~jtl r4-'r ikation!.. inton h;irmIn0H wi th tho :q. tahliLhrr-1 y fdrit,, rl Foul I rpart, t Ire E rvimroiie II-tal  Water fcw- the Futuw 297 PeL~ o Ageiwy. cyr Inde-d Afcl, ne of Lthe 33EK m rin imtir it funL~- t1i an~ wias to belpe I'wii :govt mnri4t Ls agdEF [ or fe.. ,,.J dnIIars in pkmnireg ;Id, hnluding qc.-.agii treatment plants and ither pro.)jec Fr rar rig M-Aut'er qU~H1 }. 'I heDE L C:A cLbIsA LL twitm ut~12r -wIiii V waers 1.f thIi StAte v,.-v Lv pJLcU d i r i uLVt I L-Lt n~ rn in rom7 7}n Ca ; LA 16Pt th 'Wter $ kL Pp I: i1, - W *mrsi to CI~V- B :Fvushwatcr Stor- L00 U tilih, and I ridusIria1 U r-;: S ALrw Grc~unid Witters " 'l CuU in v4 ~II t th c si F c'airon% wa a spccWi~ d v Lnatiuo ri ~Oh tadn wi raol H4011i {)FW5 irwduifd watrs in the~ national and state parks. the scenicf aned .&mtur- r, r~io:1 .id ari tAImL-r W~ilt -Lrigdw . l e. JJ! - ±f i~ L 1 M. L I Id O.V ai~4 d ± I heic SP14 L.~ diL1:.- *I' a" aL '1ii .irti Iii LtE"A wild -i-V t"L,. 1114w wIi lri~. u~The bid;(pi0 c;L N; tinraa yI' r4Yhwa kt F rv rC , e a Ld :it~it C U- L°I«tw n v i r un m ~t t 1 b [i nd np crc d l an d -: & i as u f c r W t - 5 we , }I d h " i . Lj c t x 1 t o ii th1w L ti i nk' c ~i i ip] ixrhce, w-itl i a W 'ra11 law spec'yri iwi rI 19at83 211 PutbliC-NVtLcr~s shoukl be jL3h Pnouug to -HlIprr°,th(Ailat e pka~nt wu tan dArdSiL Byr 1977 some 9(1I pimarcnt of induu trad and muifi ip %V.t-,.M1 r ti iem t p1hLiII 4vre in corcripl iisw ith DERFJ Tr~ilk- tU01,,S or 11,L 1)rjeut LIIadrI; V tbrinig t lw Irc in to Lu mph .JvL. A kwV fl~torlwL, .Ltrafl1!i..-Cihe MIi ii lFi~r, th I °rrtllkiway Om tlw (_'III cost R~c ivO vk near Palatka, md Eleven Mflt C JIB wrua  Pcn waacola-we're vxpevkbd to Ibe still: hrA r Clasis II[ stanards irn 1 F3 buti eve oil ths the~ anBe.1dfrig Intiesr mostly PaIp-LTd- pape or celluk a mills., had installed better facilities tor treaintg their wst .watier." Daffiult thchiugh it M &S t) {.IA, the~ di chairg . industr s- -trhd sewiige trewatme~ i t AlI ii , 01I"F. n~l fevx1 a. still fnore Aal~lrn irrr probkm for the Future i r- dc1 alin With o,-C..dipid non- "StcrrrLwt r runof.. [n 1197 th I4-gilaw n- extciid the p ,cr;inE L hw J~i. By [he Fk4-16114 Safe. Drrtk i rg l'r.tIIr Ad the gii .[. dir4vtsd to. Ladiq-t and enfrircv drinking vatvr ainda11rds no~ less t rin-gEnit than tho.14: Spi fied hy re [d1c~n, gwernmmtir I3yt the W ekr Re.ot ii reeI: rtion and P'rser'aion Act time. DE ~ thorizc'd to taldw me'oa- LhEti hi TT1h1iht;it( the' 0;tc-'s ailing bLes- Ftmnd-cl iC f1y 010 J ,r- ~ralI gYieRnLi t ATl d tmlfb'. ii~it "t'Lite, the ut°w { iur ntrated 1 ~vI d~rt~~n limn~rimg i~ S~UTCSof 11 ut n that haid r i rkv,4 Ini thf[ is~ el irs to ;ri-stre t[he clrity of RoTida s LLak: 'S:ani rivrers yeinc~tf nrsr'r hity RYA mturr tc, those E n condrJition-1S that haid E~xistvcl when A Melr '._ns first v~sited the torrit ry. N Am- ralists like, %I-]lwiii3- ri1 -Lqnd4 soldiers lke, (C~r. l cM akl hil texiuIt l in rh ~ear blesh -s th a-1lmrNw'tth r, ;id 111ih Ld' vex- - ttAtiun Thi y hadt r -ed !Ia°ic- pt1r1144la t~ ~ tlie xi.rrnr ttnre:Lf cYf the water-lakes cnd rives ive wth 4h;rtirtige lish, an d srrhg irlVVt k. Olle o.C OUtd Wakhd a tinny hu1kin sinlk AO i'jle' to thrV ~ttOM_ EVCTn the rain watCr ~eM.C!]d to h~rtcer in Florida. In IJ951 ;an early lioote.r. urgeLd C i[ i~rIoio i ships; to ill iheirc ks at Key West: "There is no.4 sweeter water carriced to % ca than tha~t uf- fhn-dd Uy' 4w r la ge {° uriritemrn linw -ter n~evur o~ms uur, Jior dues it a.cquire arn unpk asuit bilgy t q but it ]ilprve, withag F l r r ~ r t . 1 - i e o r " r L S . : 1 ° r l rtr r ; w j l t a i d a r a i r n v atk r w , d ac 1'~ i h ie i~ t i irs t a n d s , ,e t te st % a t ce r in th c v Nature had betoJwed lak-sh gft-s omi Fkid, 1-ut thet early settlrs were not happy mith al1 oflnature's rrmtng-ments.. The neini.J1I1 h 3very bong comas; rinie, i1wiv dntmbly dlang esi by wef' ;tnc I-y t hq r- Lown~ violent Nttbrs.; W ithin a fctA' va.'ir o[ef nian tt Iemft, inihab~itants began to agitaarte Cora crs i ros-rida carpal and other wiiterway~i that would pm.vtent shipwrecks- The call for these : imn- prnve.. nns persisted for L.50 yi,.rs, long aft*~r tho w rig t ; iling V r-  Wat r fi w 0 F1o Rita 2 m °h~ :nfIIjI. ,1° 1 h I d L AItfII~ !.. wi k hi'. Ifa d 6 j1rirIv 4fl1 1° I I i II~ir w t Ei r M~ u Y 4r L II r* h isYL~ l ni X7 L MI iia [ i k 4 :VmutL4rJ Natm'reR "s S nA jIllepd. n~istake inJ rKIw. vv;L t A p tI. miuch rain on -w fkat Wto aLn m'idi raidkquatw Trnoff lu roulmir th-.t dcfrcc o rly droniers cnc't1 schwes O~ drain~ing the= E-prghados alwd thier %v 1la ads, TohAd i reclamratin ::1 rEIMOWuu ke4.aI g4.vl~rtriwrmt tu~rned oJver to the state som-u 22 mihiion aercs of 1om-y dufln~ strit' r o'f raflr-LKAd: other Iariip t purrtkms &41 l~ inr th h~ ~ds rif  T f a4ri4izI 1alrr-144 rr F' b i timrber ]Grck ard lanld Np-i-cm1LCIrw Not tintil LSM when t te mIkttl its -Lvntuxt with Habmilton Diskrn w any~ Lkr~v mnount 4'I swainpiand used to promote reclamation. Disston's drainage pro. grmrrflhid only m-in i n ia Niux-is4 bIti the SN~e t t VfwPuI into the rvlirniatlom b1 u01I emI: u dr Govv-rror BHrowitrd and hLIS sixokors. 1im plirt hrok- don Lomplftlly diitingtlw Gr.At flepripxin hut' t rriblr flu-w bixught asistaiw f rr thet ftei* trrrr~t# Fir-s~t rnjund Laike 01 tdholme, m~t~ in a wide ma of South Flo: rida, jjrjn fin1-4Al ® in thre ', rnp a y regirn, the Arn Gorp OF rgieers. -Barried i L a IaS cM13UI~pgci to bring erranlt tur, u.I der vontm. Teir ro 4:x p-mroie d flocid prat ctionrt i i iitsi of msdent ,- 0-[Y'ied UP thOUSWIS OfdM tor~e ci rop p-ruuticn anmd rirnching, aind 5torc-d eate~r fir various ii:sc'L. Bit [in eiaculating co:sts and heofis d ia[i- for vf_-gLtaLt fl dttrupyed, wildlife disrup ted, rivers Txd-_ F.t~,lakes-c killi-d. and. riarshe-s dtried. up. fhlivt iikr shclrLagts t'i-ut 1:i) 6 ;And 19~70S, prvided, a dran-aik warning tita man"S in rI-rc iivv with nature hat3 gone tcwn if.r For rtil .t of Its history J1 r 1. -0r4-1)1b le had ben to~ 1 I h wate~r! now rs idcnts artrriA~ that thf~ri, w--.4I~d u -:t 1cenough %wate-r of arleqi te pwrit- tL- i :-tw liiiiir rht ud, How.-A ix.Ald a d1_pr~rdabkrt supply aes surcd? OLsion aly mongii wt~uld su j.!.et ai giat aqueduct hi tvrwa prt a~t r fro the rivi_-rr- a-41 -springs iF . l[Xc ao trn Florida to tile }weavilyP PoMpulted LitiCei rIt t [Wc trI nd mmiUtIJLrf seionstfl. BUt most plan ners dismissied ,zich d a ns sav to cxpeniitive anld t~ iitrq~ve.,r gal tu IiL lupptirLr i .F ria' reimmll p ja L ra egila- tu r. Rcjce6ting gTr, h9 S(' C&ibrnMi3i-tyt I s lons, the pbnwr5 ugt h av each cits' &nd idf itr itt x t[NCll to - pro'vid~ its IWn su p[%, finum riay, wt-IlitI4 rivers, ;Ind ]AlCN. I310f-.Il oF radical new dvj')Ak'tD mre , the reh nIed fo~r the~ mnost pert on ti4 iwmaio l Florkld. M t re S Time 0Univ ruaIlv new clem it wa-s the stTOng TCVLgn iticrn that w'Atr t .I 1t r"Imr toi ht- guude-d. rh~ oimei i rthir, tai ['ft. %, LI1Id t r u.r .a h~ r g rtiitckJ.. Ini il of treVLtiig ihl ra.LirkW"Atl JL'i. ]Lud dnWri dLuITng JUN1ILI-1T LLF[e"~rnt a~i a 1311i nti? to hir grtfn rid ofas 4Pt.4'1ediN & jkl5111 iit IL'S 14: IQe cl- ri~ h a a bk*,ssIing. Op.n lijts~ w] Lre the ruinwa kt[' m~ight stand liar h;ours should serve~' toJ rL'dlagL the nuii-r. Wrn~ded huriidirig:, Tpawed rO~icP, aind parking hat; %V(.uld iripede suc~h recharge-. GuLMyI UrI,Ln planning, tdirt, re- fiiiirc'wl provi:kinn for imie opwn N l _ter d ind iha anid i?,,4rkirhg lakt 0HU ~rwt d tmUt the rainwater ud nu~ ofi' onto ,ner land. Jndi.vidtalhaI boi ewnrs culd hwlp by in-NtalliflR wter-  Wattr Ihr thsA Fuhi.uw i*1 saving EaLes,. shower headws ai toilet bowkls 'And b~ Ia,11 d,4apbi Lg wth Bri nu as a wid rti vegtation rther thail varieties tiat requiind heavy sprinklirig. Farmers and indt ra its~ ui~i14 L XA' largvam Ut Lit~i~ o~f kvater byi reLcyd irhg it £urr further use ntkvr CL)4J1d1 e ~ r~ mei~i. ONI'Wt- ckSOF trin g 5tIr in Water, reakith anld. R-euS- Iin Newago water, and de: lii ting tiawtk r Crucii thut uctvi and Acu It all adE. up to armewmed p~jerati-r; behwtn ann and niatlra, Nathjr. did its part byv JrppLfig ftl'rat j u lltl flUlI n Fluirii t}iw I~~~w in [11 A onSAIpbiunp an l~ t~ nd1 irvdn rt~rdni Inegoun r igly tHiit wek ran dr, crops -wcrtw parrmtld arid X1 iuiit d.l d I42o t] Ii r~s. F'rnI thi~i man .H Ul1( nametimes inipmva -ron niA tin-, but painf'irl t"X[KtrieIL Was tetKInir Min kl2milit . Hk' vc'l~m k4{rnimg to StICIdy-1OH m r': Ari111) th 1nigica] tu tquu rv, o cCiI. it-1,C. aund ( dJitg iikh. v lik'li: teaiIdl ",ltwd hi iprw flO p'i ',veing SN'a33 niIId oand manigrm-c's. arnd to restrain LL-~ -ucvf Iiat dk- VtI1' Fi N r Ii~ i( l p12IIt4rl III N w.Nrrdr Tan .%s kl't~iru kj N-1 tr-i wter withj due re',c r{- i.   Notes 1, Maj. r~~n ('A-iri* A. UI~r: 11, It.41 frrn fhWe Frn!ivr A KIWsimniI EL. 91 1rLA E i Iil~i &ri~u ap , 1). -om. 3. Tiald r ekiwfrori V&Ilrai , i imdisp L5-dltta d rulilme (N1 ; cu~ Yi irj~v'ifrr, 20 s, 19lHr, p.1.U 4. 141 .,p 41 "'Z - 15. IIhLr F. L% 1iiiiWk ebIrii 1i.25.~ iEU ~I~t,11 ) Thr o ,1;ii j 42,... IF- " t p ITI-3ihe i.rj S ih il- uiI fI lu I'l~i al H !Jri i-i~i iral- Wi~l .Fr4'J1Jr . A Frn.~iiri l l. Ek]rdu uI lino t hl 187 E d 1iI !:(;.ITW' 11e L Urt ier si y F6 .r -lrti P r s 1 ,47-1 pp.-7iIr4 i Lr.,JihJ 1] Id A 1iri.j -1 1)rIr~tC2 ~ Lti~~ ~2' ] -47 k'IiirjuJs"' WGi~tuink ErriLY uFFciiLPr,11ip~p. 117.5 1 f I Id .pr 14 - 46  304 Nric' Lml pmuige -5I.-25 $2, 1iwh. .: . 2F Pitm Inv L&AL MMJacI. ~e W-r"-iry ofif vrde.i . ... A Far EiIse i Vk mtHHJ mrI Al 3.1 1°d Iiii I~j~ l I~I rCaili'OL cvrs!43" 4 Florid~ If V- v, J p.- I. 11 28. flOk.. . p 14. 2. aj~i~ . C i-enry. Fti~1,& . .. ttu cr y. IE)Arta 1IT.'iS T(Jr Ir-F.Jin.c r I' l Ir FP rr;it i, efr ,Io r {Iir'rh 4Ia u "r"d . ';vi~iI I~rxuL ii uf.A lary 18 ": ii A.iuu 1(%1 ~ J~. 1Lue i'.a iv"r iIv 51r jymi:r E 12 49~' . 1 . I lih1i:4. "(um " jii~i Hri ri rid-s p.1: E L rc~, a . .4 1.~ ~ ~~~2 im~ir WrkI I-g~br RI Axi I$!T I . ;Nd n Wvr'r R~ °geriirv[ 2,ji~ 04-tbv f'j'1 2 :. . ~ ~ dnr1 1. ja es G~~rnt Fst, SIuk h1Irr F4J5 PllftirtJVr' > amd4P T ir !. ovJltii1.f Ow~lI 1"rh ~ fr ' ti! , "u f it~1 " II I slr; aT ? rd jJ-rJ9J1 a ,: ir III ' i .' rllr :id41 1911 (I I II' "a? ;I1;dswri6 1f* "chir-My in FIrigrlIS,; 2EWEJUL~ In~ 101. mILJLr~1~F rr I °r 'Jr r '1 'r Ii' . r.i 2 f ~j 1 '. I~Sj4L~ fr'II 1I~ r Y" ~ ri 1 $d PI~ irfp'iI i'{iiTL 'ii'A yp ir i.F iAJ(u f f  N te tc, pags 2i-35 3fa I7. "J,-% 1 IP k II~ ~fir.h-r, NkJ "ria, l&-.. .i~rrxJ.a Pr~rtin, fl!1 f tl1 I.' i~r fnul tJT', °-.1 I I 1=S , d. Chi ls-% Fx~aIJuis ALdant IrJ. TJrr ia! PrPurs. 21.33 .3. 20.I14 tI.L ]~itr~ Xi1n , Le'irrf rrrl' Il jriS',.rrjr r4lrWeir 'rtr a ri n'~jinu. a ° 'farJ1 4J Ir d' bII htJir°1 11ijh IL PJr~kV, "U ' 'kaai !?L & 1 F -CV r 4TrII~t ci f C iIII a.. r1i 21. Ihill 1[3p. 1 2. 2.3 %k 1IJLum1r1,. Rj ~i r i 1Iq i' F,-1r1411 p >144i. 21. L'I. S. Nut1Imial :nI ri1IVLi', T.I1Lw J .1 db'~o~iiLL or L ki Lo~uL w!,In FhpridL. Ih-i [2, - l' 114,. r5 iir 114 r'e Im- AIript, P~ K. lum i[Nr "~ai, Unk[VVTit r 1 25f. F,'c Xle-n ';V ritt rrrj, 'M A iL 111 ift. UIr(9.t"u i~ I g t L,'_ 1 +tvr11t. ° K Yorl L]ar :I1r}. 11I L Iil cr'I.41rV 4f .iII:11:, f iianc1 " . 1F[11 21~~~~J.1 IbkL. 1.'71111, 180 L }rru* ~M I.LU F ebiuary V W.i :s11. W ill~ i CJ p,.. ,r qr J r 1ri.e 41- Li, 146. :32. N,- rr~ Lk lr'.tiry i °!i J~a'r. IR W jiii ilr. 'L 17JmtI &D 31. 1NirIIja.p P r1j itL i'~f Me rilf p . L9 4*. I.rI' .ti..VifrlaM J !h I r ligil i. 3. Aer ofJ fhe I, j Iiil C?'IrrwHi lkll I. 95 (1.3 F',"1,1+,;I ' lb3 39. Ao 'r r t.!. F r .r 1 !j ic .111( 1~~i . Ir . .- 31 rl2 F' I I~7 4), JJ'1 irl L'~a !4ItIr iJJIJ '1tcirk N 1-lplF " Hu Iirw I i ll 1 38,5IiA K3 1S.. per~e6 20pr.,2 2 42. L'2i. C Iiirr Ss-rifi- .i''hdirfia'-2.r~ ~~phi air ~Piij 652 ir 'h&. .11'fr? - 'aNI. -FIW- 4.'- [blid1,. nI%14f  30' Notes to m- -45 .9-3 161. ,pp. 5.9 1 5'..I IK l" L4.wihrr ]1ii)iE, '' {tr"F' LIrr (wr~fi'~ IG IK iI LIImr. LJ?:;.9. ihriiL. . Irk; I ,]. U pmei I'~i .'4r rirefOr ., rrrr ] if i d ,ILpn 4 Li-' W.t vii!raut C1. L., 3~~1h~ Tnrl? P.- L6rj hki~ 110M.Nrii41ii il t3 102 J. Ap-t, p.~lw 13. TL2 pwii #iL. Jlrm. pvi 10.)Cu, TwAmiirain11 nri1lmrm'n M.3 Ibid., ppr. 124- 5 rl. I .f4 ir'! 0 MI rd! ~rtrr. 5f- i.pp . Fa - 1 Ill a va l urx I.9. 67. S. t nfi'!i s, fli J gor-. , "i'4 r r i r L JN,~JThi1 t. M.i 14 Fd ri I IJ..7ip 1 Ripv ? f. I) T4'rayti V~u. 1 4 t 9.N -s. !5. IU-,I~i':.Di . WJ°i u °~~ rl Tciflru Irar # Pi JhrJk A r F nr - p. 8N kiEIll. JCL1[VU16 A iUB JJ4 1h'ri ". ...[1w Adn i"~iI~mL il~tkmi 3 L Ii trnJi] EImr v- Pr' 3, i r .'±.ai JFly I.o :2 - 1. I' ald-iam r r~ he-- Fi-pir-a}1?I r ?.rr'm P p P - . fir 11, JA IfgPrr L ?' J::; k-i xxI.. 1 Fdi iir I 59. Ac ' ! M (7h ir Wiir~e ar.4 °e '. riids irS9 + 1 . 'd pp,.3 - ( ilM, 01  15. :1 . Uld r Mon W ~~urr 110) 1r J~tru: iii ~n h erspp ~i5 1 -°,Ib W 3 J L,71 ' h11 Y , LW, ioi L231.B'tI iit~ ~iiiL.i.~~~t I i . l [hi pp 0ia ..-4- r~rr 1 4a 1 p "K - t4. Lrn~ ii oi Eliir . irhrO. Frc ar, . r'ear i!1 F iriiriY pp.63 - - ,8 j1. I'' 1r.I F kit. r C 1*m U': I5, Fk:, 1. F1® r~r JK 1 :-1 L L i ot , ,mi i°'r ti ul r1, i d., p. 5' fhiiI Lit H kI 2tL~~ ~ ,iad .3.. LMrif p4rUJE ~ fL ~Ii~~,ii 3,k ihvlt1 fijw l A' or 1b Ad (.31iI, 3] lt, t hLy 1 7LN .btI i - Bu, ir I'al rtIra .1 r,]u W Ii. r I1 : F~~ iKrrtit 11irj 1 H r:1 .Ah - 1 F ih4'qI& I ;. pruirini iI '5 27.. ~LId MuLjl. d t W tc H .I F1v srPJ, pp )a=nu M 1, ' d, k . -io. swl., irid mi \ t~I i&T uhL iai,- & " 12 ~ rii )L Iiu11V rp ntin 21 ilbnir[n J1: ' L .Ir~rt Lr) S.iW B. ~ t ( .1115Mr-r . L d IrI ). 2 . 1, ihk .~ 1M rf~ al, p. 2 3AY 1;reduJI ViK FW. Ufwiiis 11.2 N; v 0 !Irpf'rI 441. Variu(2mi rw'iVS ibid.,~rt Flux rJii r].'. ~g~hriv4A~~~JN  3I08 No f e Ic pg- .W--62 1!#t2 im'a i. ])cw.' 'i 11. Fpp. I-~ IJEr" Crongrt":9 HOUSE-, RF'hdi ia FJA 1 r S 5rtrre fno Urge ur pm (ore-i* fI? ruv -tynd Corg OcPUof~ -a 5 & i-c-.urwi SPeriryulu o EP ' 134 u, 43. Ik rt.ark V 1974.~S~od~~rur~I'p Ci f'~tr IFrndu ) Y--i~a WI cvr Illi tr ile5 pCm.jufir pf Ij ]l -,7. F"raI? (I.rRr p o~r t. pp. --15. Th . mu CUu r~ ofr.. pp. 6, 23-24. 4!4. W, H3 I ; Gk uwia Ito LJ H Fry . 12 Jul) J874, C'.IaU u P ' rN, B}UX 1. C4PnktIL S,. ihu l NaviL;Airb C. I . aud3 J. RI. Pry. ] 11 LIy a 4, ibid.., Hx 6. 5A). MIrirrr, rrv. 2? 6i1 G1. 51, V'owrt 4AI~'Lttnv": So. ImIiand Naigadki C. to f. H. Fry, IAugust 1114 52. hAriiLI"! rdA ln4d11nrrt: Op rri;, r). ~ii; Iii ii. nrdj J. . Fry. Ili M s 54Z. J. H. Fr,. IC W. H1. I:A-mmiui, 2a) N uveir If476I iidr , Rcm 1" -54]~L r F. 1 31! 494,~ 5.i S_ A. SwiIn Ou Plailip, Ilwtr:. MIyth, 13furuI1Vs7., SalmuI A. Swuamn PapeA, Jduxi 23, R~ K. Y.-ini LL1 rnry. 1irl ivirxr ofF dIa ,. (li~hivkj . S A :I' =11rd Ix hug Coiitk it AuIg~ 1 ]'.7, ilbd. ~12 bid pp 236- 37. E. H u I CkIl~vr ® kt S. A. ' wani, 27 j a n ur PI D. S auin ri'i- B Hnx L. 6b. Ri. j~a rd In C. LIJ. WilLard, 6i Se -uihrr 1"'i7. G[eavii PJ y.T ;,D IfA 197. Fr".anL $ "her i In W T1 p . :*"i 4I r'ilb-r 14-77. ibid: ibid., ti~ t 4i9 XV Fl t ( ;~uI II 1, Fr~.k £I itIrwii 1 , juuit 187-8. Ibid.. - tx 1. 1. E. J. ML"Id ~ 14'. H1. (Imi25iii. 12 AuL1miI 1Ii Fi lFI, nAr~ Thr' 1. 1..P~ LaIti. 'IFirida,~ Lppirgrar~:4r'. ~ iu I~pri 1.4.A'-; 42.1 2. [hid, p j. 4.23. . J: P L I tk- , 1:F1 i-.kk: Hu w to' au mLd IM berv Li, Sta,-p Likirw!Lr' Az dIrirw4  No ip~6~1 77 ~ T aIy PC CiT "J r4 rri oIA e6, .j ,P ' rr°S Ik J~~i~ 11T Ilia4 % I I: 1njber3I ~i :I - : ryItC;M, fr, r HM MArrwI 40 '~r Jr~war, :lnNV1- J iiia-rffuJ 6 ulr rl'C rericid I~li Fer(1 B'.1,riri: Ihp ... tfmi M. iifib l .1';4 i p 403 'A EI uriiel hC,:°dwLr'-T 1.' Pid A I P-+111 V% A 1' Ci~nil[r Etepdi-ion uElie 10. SlAI Qh- d1 L f ilar~in Of w J, p x-7hmr. . 11.I f I'rn'I I ] 1. Sli!1 vr I ATINir url in , Ii i ll'5 Allr. LJniP, 1 ~urdau It.; r'~rr C"trwei r!, IJI i!M.t~ A FM'i1O mef1151- M75 ~11 I : Aitw~i]L4 . U IrLt r ~I i .FoL 1Ui1 ' Hi:Sd.j pp. tir -4I 13. HO 1lbcm 1111'~' fdI t F ~R~A A FAC~IA 11 OF '" C 05 101 r Edtil ~{~mnc1 lk41 u4 ivi- wet 4, r J I .L r.N , 9f 1p.6 ;- .I . , 15. tvigv M. Fuzbrir,I Pf'dj fi'r~ Jilrrla.,. brilirh, u',1J S'de.o" A flii,:- Shi vI 11r pn}13c411 iiO th., 1. 12 1- JitLum (-1 JiIWA-IIL'. U DJ'., hsil 4 l ' Ftwiidb Pe%',, I1G. Biunbh-r.. Gufd to' Florida, P. 193, Barhnur, kloiridaj, ppt I..L I12. 17 Bild,1111I. vifrjld.I. 1i' 1.21. 1 S. 1Ii., i j I N1~. S. C. CI;Lrk.L-. AI1re the Ali JQtur, .Lepji, If~l4!rzLis'r 13 i1'lruan 211 I 11119 1. ri 11I i I p. IfI2 - ':. . _] Kilriil Nm' AIIIr Fr~IrO F L4,. k~~~.r I'ii I1rjr i p. I. "L.. ir iihz l1 iif i 2e . 1a. 7 1 g~ . i 1111 I'f"av ii. 3: ~l 1 - 3 2 6'. 1hd*p.T h 4 .9 nIi r F rrj.ii. -pp -1 ~- 112 "AA .~ i' AI-010 flhii . 1'1 14:w ~1. PA :2 ~~iII . ~ ' 4 2 i T W h1 ' 1 1 L 1 1 1 .A % 4 - I r . I ' L k-1 :  -1.3 rkd . 2~I- 7 44~ II111 ,' g"5('ir'. 7 lrwI'1,54 iin lr I 1.Lp. P K. I:'lrr[i1r.Lrt" [I1i'n 1 r'".Ii ai5iI O nrid.j. G:I1 kIII- la. ij ii rr ii ' :Y!1 . ALW.'tI,, J) Liaiirai ;id KuLt~iryr A.I HzInn. Lah, 111 ' I "I Iil I Irr($I 11. i 1 11I- Fid iIA FIor I a. r Ir~rij~~ 26~ N~av 1493. pt +1 4 IY. "&Ili en fI~,Kaii, r ILiir Salt/ anti OR, StaieF' Innx." A Svw 'h llidi'vn-i c11 the~ I'rk:Tliri-aemr., j,1t .31}rl''iIL FI1L., 215 A1:ij Ig I N4, pi 7- k,'. P Yo,:1: . LIiu r., Luri' I md'I ti f F11n1dII C1i11*- 51 Nii r Tr~ Ap1r 22N1ril ]"i " 1.1. AJdwIriir aJJd rUiif1 °r ',1N CujiuII irid (J1vrkiiW~'V LffII J f °I~tlM ,2 j1111ixv IMJN, ~p- 54. JrArIw u ( Iroridij, I&f- , pEt. at- r LiiiPb~ Irhr; J145. 5.K JirJ rf rif the, Cr uijiei-i A .joj.' niji r dry thii, C. I", rueI - Ir ii i 9ri r rpt~. h' l a iuw .'f VO,601 i 4i11 Me~ U I ricI.r k o4 Ma~ie MaJni I- 11 ( ; irff Cmo "7e Uiaiu iirril' r Av ilj ulm-bc d1re' Ir arldap p4Jr° 2wI . T481- pp. 6i-9. F K. 1iige Lmry, ILnhI iIr AirL ij ::I ]'l;r 11I: (kL . 11I *fi. Me ic Tk ii 1a11r' :. 1113~ "1 hI- 1 t4P. Lhu'5.rl:IL .r' D. 'Itllr- a AUi arif I Faris!r SCursI BC.~llt, 1 Fluda t!iir' -. 1i1'. I' rf ,iis i , 197RI" 11 pIF I 4;:L111"'11' bi4 VJrf r1 U 'i 'ri"r"g irj =r:I7. Eur Lr IL, t: M NI'.{ FCi. Wntb m PrrW.'r H.- iTh1r Aei 'Li loJ""L. 0 air L . Crimp. s7s'1. }. I, B I Pr~~ 1= 1':i I),ai p, UiLtrII,~Iai ~ Iu dry. Iid.; Trr 1d7 ~ride-N aradp 'i.P, 14 17.~r(iJrI~Ji '1~~ i~~ rjrr lI'ni .i.xI rq I'I' 111'' I, ' I'! . fh4 LbUV. ih'r tV #}1 rIJ ,(j UlL iI m. I1.L" 4  77. ", rf J ! nwIryi ratdrehij o L i "i ifu lBi--ri h _y IA[11 Arbiur: vr~it'~M ~M IFi7 dl 4;44fl 12-4. I'" .1 thil '. Ir. irir ) . T-irJr rrI: . 4. 'CI ia7rLv'. a4 I i.°rI I.-I Inp~'m rihq-I -1 ~ RI11 d. 1 hnkri a S h~ ii ) {.1Ij n~ l i 1, u A. r r 4Igu--~alr I ii nrg'~ 1J ~y ruirvI! : bWVh IMin ( ~!~r~r It IrJlri, V~ S v -',rIiir IDS--16. 6. f ra Tr 6. III 1.w 1,44. 'a1 . h. [id arll. II. 1 11- - 91 1 1 . ~I.,IrM' 40 -~ 1irqtr f Jrf2. ~ ~ r~,IIlI I.3'L ~11 Affnrjhl .5J3, 5 L4 Ibi d !It :31. %L 15. lbid. ;,000. [a 11UL n.9162 67. 18. i14'ra irr° larrrr( ° .-. pp. W - 2 2. Ibid. "v i. 23 i i. 11 iL I 1-37: It, T~imm ionI Iiri . i y It ; Th~ eJ'~~J i.! FlorlrAT. rll. hi JMrI'7md I M WP M lV~ Ehl i'Jri fr°' I'J4 I " h l t fri I frLIrt dj0 if Ffr'i°d-I Imlid f t Jr Irs' r.Il'- 25. Sanwii E-'1 Ik r, Nrrrir , iirr I r5pr irrprrrv I'.I L ~irr r.. JP'r 14ir i_ gIi P i,_: ?rlr'i- N7 N4I 11-ii B>Fl i5 A iJ d ktpu' . Ik% AI P R V'jiiiy LiI : i1.1 L in~~y iI'( h. Ihiil  31 2 Norc.-Z r"gyp pum-$ M MJ9 ,32., IbidA_[ 411. 2.J- L L4 1" "~r~T ~hJ p :r. ]i4.p i m.6' 37 lhwd . rpp . 10 1. Ln~.n aw arOcrsrp 3 :48. 141tna, 1.Br fic We. Lp 2-13 111, ' I 1dJ1e4°.Fhr-hk ffw - 4a Thu . ir 4f6. tkrudaIS.ii Irird P ^. T7 iJl'u &v r rmI'lul 1 FAY , P, %,~ IRIIlh uui ItLIi land Andr H.;Hl3La. L kE 1 51. V1.1IMi4 . i I i d. 1) 2,4-9 42. hbi, l 7 9-l~. dE]AL 3. - 6 45. ibid . P. 94~~ 49. Ha" and I b 1i 1-. 1 1M . El]}r 1rt4 $IJ A p. pp. -a9L .J. 52. [hid_. pp. : 4.L 1. [bid ,_9* 1. [b1id , I. p JM)1 .I Jh-r+"'"4II'r P fi r4 i g'J![, DrP ;ruII , 15. J'fi'. :Jr.p oih L, ki. 75b. [hid., pp I4-. 7 . 1hirl.. 6 :p. rk 4 - 1 77 , Wid ,Q~rIr 1'2.2 Ap.'p.)-I  N 4j l e-. i p o4ri s JOI-i 313E 7 T& Hujiowriua! 1911J. p. 61 62.. 78. IiMamiind Hiim,. fAA p. 132. 1_ IbkId., 11.313- 17. T4 l bKllo. EF.R &3 p85 Ibi1. pp. 131-33. W I it.d. pp31 . 8I7. Ibid., pp j3.4-76, 632-3, &48-57. 88I . Mid r2 TLM E 4WIT u3 Es 2. Thei Fr'r~rF1Ljh-: of Firie ziT~ iicho-sl Lamfd ri dgt' Brri , PeIIIjr~r '.thr, 4a73r Hfi .rI aUlhd H; i.rr LII&4 n -. I'jt4l)-?r. BmL'* e.Ilr% ) .. t[.S_ jH.,r~t& , E~ouj:,., Iii ririr;" by-f.rete i' 1 ) 01111j~rif1~ i : p 1:fIIIIfir!1rv; hq mart DO0HNN :rnK Ig~ur1r" J~r"~ 14JJ4-S .tfr flS, Fi4unj 3 ri!' A l ui 2, dCurg., 19L2 Jlt-}piirk No. 11i07, p. 3.Han Ijuru& la ~na:!, Lurkq" 4O&{- .dadiv 1760-655, p. Iii K1 M. A. H44rut s) oi~ ~h~~ hkF~i'' r-.Ii pp. 13. Mlarnna LLT LA niria, L...Tk* IOkerrchidIe, pl' 15 -U. L2: V, ~IW* TI lt . 7Ebitiy"r ICIrw112, -52; 9~ IF4iriAfry 1.912. :3. 13. IbN& 11H FrI~u tJI2 Ir',Q 1 -:3, . I bid1.. "6 juiiw ]912, M- L. IS. Exprri~jdrjn'i un kv !JI'qpirrnw ojf Anrirdfrrn pp J , IILr ~17. Mannd Manna.r . LaeOvrJrfrp! H rj II i fAi, ~ . kit." 1.. mirjir' OF, 9-5045. 2. .Vow Tbir* ]'rjj, IL1 Iri r NUT~r iFJL. L 4, 1.6:5.. IIrrnjl iUr141 [10.1iii rra 141- 44 23. N474' ?1)4 71111Y 14 April 19~14, 15i::..  -314 JNOcrrY (0 pithJra 120-33 25i. ibid_ 21 NOWPE-lbbf-r E2J 4. 9:. L: NrT '-n~r'~nr 1914 _ 12:4. 27 f-I rjwdd Ul'o.otrrutf : P13, it. 1L15h. 31 II111,1, M 4'-L H aI I t la Lud Jlanria, Lffrkr )kr~vrttlwr, pp. ]6~4f 32. 10 imiirtc, 01F,~ 9.5lKI; I hi l Ihd M~nin rsi. p 164 33. U. S. (-.: DT s,,SH iiti' . R1'r" ri ,)'jfJJ.1 IrjrrVcr LEptr i -""5 Cor11= f i1i 11ru ni)i* lIrrrrrS 'I fl'F r "1'e E~LI JI -L' t).1rr gi'!e! wtdldJ,. Sf l]J', ak .3 ,pPI 4, S. I rxA aft yr L!eI t "~ Atzijtwhflpl A ri r 11". Yr.fI hr 1i : . C43 lp. 129- 77. 36 I.I 1, I1. ]7-2 . 37.r !rrid. o X11 Af~pm. p}. [2. ''I. lh dp. h -m~ Ibid. , p. b6i. 11 111 1. ,P. ['5. -14. 11 V~tJirir 41id Rama pp~2.I~i W ~wiu il - 7 . -16. Uarm ler '.I PIsi . f11'A :.411' im4JL , L.eI1,* fl i r .'i1®p .1 ] 7 47. rEl1rg1i.,k1 Dr,1i :aa Dr.1 l. Hkiriir rpLorf: Jr: 2-192', p. 73; 111irs o L I. F I' Thr'1 rLrrJIti uit dC~fi~L L~rrtdl ofF~drlr Thr Dsi u P. 4L9. Nei'~n WIrt l4r F001rido 1itIrr A~f Eriu~rrrbr rr iku5utri: Thmv Pauge C.. EA?. L~rvnc-r WkI'iNl I. 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Ni'w 1i-r F~9r 6 Miiy ]t 3i2, LL. A8:1 f 4S. 11io Her'ig bn9ii.Jwir Ri rw''di ie fr =? ullln ti"1' ir7w"r19 ) 3n Ap irlb la hv 34. .1it1a d)iFrl T', 24) Jaiuaiyi 1471G. :1. 2; Ar VMi7. 1kaii r l?:r3 i r1 i.'rlJ r 0fJ Ctir~ f' ArnXrio. 12kP5 '7 I~I . { M ".: . 1% ldhlk, [4. lM'i .; L' i F'vrd r. 4,r :' . IO:r:r~" JotA %rjiakrltIi Fh,'r iwd. Jr bN 30 IraJbar, LrW Ofr .I irrrr ifr vii :# ppIr yr ia Mrnol .S5 Ibid. 1,W il.. rt~~l~ {t.s.C 2  NoIc-~ tc~ p~e~ 1133- 2~J2 :321 r35, o'c4 1c ik Tht-c*, 16 Marcht 1*9 37:1, Ei6. Waal. .em~ grat If'ulfrhn 2 0ur -a july I270). L 68. Johui o~, Bewrid C& -el O~nh as damior, pp'. 211, 24. 0-. EN"'RnrMxENTAusns Tt THE ftESCULE I- 'Ca bridgc Swvey &,ir9 Fiti,,wlr1 aTtrd FJ~iwrdia W'014r: T" ir Ci ru- Vr" H- UFi Grvfh. nla £rst.Po~ h'Jiioru, Lurni is ' Cui fri~A, !'n-.r~uhfrLr Ttrxei, ?cditic& anid jhw 1'uhrdt 4}f AO StUtU (Ui a-Vil ! Urhari Und HEiMal. DiCLlojp- mwnI '" krr, In~wrmi4' Frd. 19'74)W p hI . Ca6ter Tpp. cr ap 0 4. 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  • L2~ p 17, 1.  3 34 1 a t~rs P v .5 imi . ilim 1111.1. 11 fe 1rrii . r i [1pp~ wl~C Dilkno 1. 215- 16, Conjri.. Larvu 10, n '27, 1I 41P I'Ih "I I ...nv §:r. J:O .A ]1n. u.1 JO Eil. h 'a1 i 'r m ~li, I in. M~ "i tN-1 ln i&Kbri h.ic 2 ~ n 44- i' Li pn Golde 12S, Rsutvri, 1 24;-5I. lkrIh m .11-I r. ala l'o . N '. 1 Fro. - ;1'. [. fIi ..1 1 'I dUIL :11'ithirk Vrii, t5 52 -. 10ttrv . 1ii 241 1 FLiLJ ku J IEL : L~I 41f r LIKLa ,., d 17"3:i.~ iii S r llif1I~r1 du IM . IIII 1Lm- P-4y.r lerwar 11 IOI 1.11. ~L ii3  idI[k-x M5 J urrh- Tt 1 -~e riI. v 7:It Iof II=:'"r e 2n lt f-th<. tL5uIHS 4 r "Yv4 ['Jv-1on e- l~tit Pnor1:luiI I 1 A Lk } (nF1. Lr1Mj, _-L, :4. v-puLb ?vs. L4wap 1]ult') ir m i 2V.:II I .1111L 1':1 li'. 4.111 Ii Im uI' .r. p ll1 Ill al . J, J i411 LL* !' " ! -If. '1& 1 "".. Pln , I ia- prI741. i i.S rIii'.ii :-I<5Lri In~h Ii- . l J. I 1 2;. L IILIjI r 1IL:J119 h, 13 -'6 215- 6.7- 71. T4 'LI11;t~II r w v ka i II. 9T5 i - llla tl il' ' r i s i ~ F.4HI'L1IjI I14J lii . ~IjII-Lto!I I N~ie I1Lk k'1.'lCrlllA. F r iiiiIr q"yk V igt L :J y2'i IIk~r I IIIL1 I1I, L ., I '"I l'J 11'1 I~ i I LI L 7. Id i ~.~iid ~ Sales iwulm y I 'iji L2.® PII -I Li II .ur, 66-70,P 17-5.u d lIiItb Du 'L 11 rw!. .a V7W.L ; v11 11- LI I 11u1I d I o L~ li -I IN PAIJ73*1 iwi 1j1j1jl~a ILi. Li, II4 -Ii iii.ri 11" i.ll~ 1'w r j r:LII* u I I IflJ " I -' r~ WI ; ii lIIJ I Fi I dtr5 i iat~ ii11H7- Altul, 272- 7T " I 'kI1' .ll Ii ni I IU vil t  13 le4i FLrb!ju CL Lien~ caaiArid Tr I ipc rta- i aivi .uII1.f11u I° "CI4- ..7 6N. I , J(NI- Lfii, W S -'1 h. F lrrkI }- vn.uvm diu~ d)uIwM~ f l' ii r IFldiry 1.i .~~I linn, ~.17 u 3gldLInvJuij iIda VaL.nW, 11YJ. 2w;, F :1.1111lu PA.~i RJI I, . ., HUc :ii lYh I , ] IL LJ1 1I1naidd C~in and I w h ib wawtr Fhh JE?1". i3F, ] I 6~ . ilv, YL1.'d In 1°-f l m 'Of1Lm- 43 12i 154 lFir Id111. X 1. J24, Vary. .1A 1141,2t 1111:i ' v.-Ulimid iurI, ill Fc rw!r Jurkfs (1 - 21 P111i110 ".k ",T2 iSI i l ky + -4 Id4Jr. III c-r ak~i vht mppy1. 211, 2Iip Port V~x Y14 1. k _i +11 1''Iu .1:3L V r I:.rI ±1- : 11 .1 24TJ, ; Iin bh F- PN I l uri ai291 Flow! II'' r l,in Iwi 1j1.dd a 2F'. Li ( a Fo 7 ' E i Iarf {. 13 lI 4I1114IIJI. '1. Iii L121 1'0 IEfI (.iilF AII 111w: I Pll Lr ir12 U 215 CIlIA 1)1"'~~. rj 5.ri :2. l roMU n ".'  WII1IH4 1 illu - 1711 3 HWri. I . gk71, J14 1Il.41, I1I1i16fKIrLI, 4-I, 4F5, .2 6i!F !,A Hart, Lu. 54a Hiau l' r CI r.fl . Ul-32. -di Hlealth ild ERdidbiItI ul .'-e FIL-1IL c:1i'111 ' 2%r 74 2.9,-H.1 FLI .r l.I I *l'r ii; 2-1-7 I X14 - 1~ I ULii4 , i ir y- 1) 1r, I n . 141 Iel 6.11 ri1, iI~I X1i II, 11:1 "1.11 ' d}% I , rsa.. 11111i G -nrg,. 15.1.b Vj i3'iir4 .~I7 i 11N~ m] ~. L1-36 1%, D4 14 I IllP, ~4i: il I1r1 k 1'x 1] *7 iI09 iu in11a Lui Cr. .mp :27j IIIIL.151J Jb .I A LI 41. CI I, JLJrs, t±LH IIli 4>'rIr, 11,{'4. I ]rjirIr4nn Ii~r ii 14:7. Iis. Il.JJ, 10-2. 124-2.. 151 ~. 3, -N .4K-I ."-~T [I1L- 3".I~ : 1upIx1I l - -11_i IrrI7.1EkI2.', 2"1* U'1" ~% 4!- 70u. 52- irl ,11 bar 1znui~rL L' 2II -:Ik-h": .i HRII :II IJ1311 akZ 111- ]T X1".1 M.. A6 14d . "-l' ,1.5'-Ve.5 . -11 !J1, Ik J r- 1 "rI IIi l L ' :Ir"- aL l  kuL I:. II I, L4. I K1 1.1;I '1" . 1 iI L~~ r-, 1.. Z-'. 31,T jici j I:1'.'-Pin. U n .±r J LjJI 14, Q r l' Y, : U~ I I 11L ! 1 11.9iiE JIH~k 4 ,I Iti hII. J 75,tl I 7 ' 11' ' ' 1 111 i 1u. I LnoItI1aI 1ii 1 1ilr .'1 I1km . 5 wu.'iII.. A. 141 RII 11=1I Ifl. 1165. 211-2 24 i JIkIIl :ML~ li ii ,I I:HII iii-l %1 II-_: ~~~1I. 20 .iv 4.vri Lm.. 77. . I ii Ia11 11 .vuI I llm' L IIi1 .I 'I.1J f F:11 I i '"-I-5 1 - k11 huIb 1111 XIL ii. I'. l . 41IL~ pnl "IhL' I.~ I ni1 '.:~E. I )''I,, -; I 71-4 - pru ev. JI 1iJYIi l. 2''1'6.IL 2Ut!.m, 7-1k'i k u1 ICI. pr1n'i q7 C ii 1 IA n~ptI'.II.I11 ..-1. 1 !i:3..54 5 70 j~Il LUi . N J,11! I:'1i -65, 9i 1, 31 1lii.'. l L'1{ I '!-:II 5111111 LIW~ 4 h  IndK 339 Mci.-CaI C. , ]671..Li NIn, JKi-mu 2C4,ph 211 N171-7:92l. a: U 1 r Ldai111,r. F~I 1 1 _,~I 1 111I1 . a l r . .i a b 2tt,2'3 51i:111.cr1 1r 1 'A I: I I J Mwairi 1 , J4U'I M6, 2Mt. 24 m wdx L 24.. 20-. 2r F 2iNr. "L[X- 2i®I. .iiira i2~ $ I 1. 4L1TIIIndI"ij ii. L5 Lus atHX StEIir-d , 1 a'i 1 .31 27- 64 ,Ii .- el :i"I 1'1iu °" L ''II4VItLI. 4I ' LF 11>4:rll JH r'II iI -1 4 .r 1.12 Mc1 1dd LlifrdJ C i1 i , Jai. 41 111 ~ r At' L74 Li1~~ u, k i , :34", n"111r1. rII1i'. 243~1. 4 :Iui :4=_1'°II avl J21RI.,5212ts Mu-i . 27l jl? 0. '.:-h' N1Aur 4il 1 I.I1IrtIIj' I311, 4 I)41 2n we- . Kirk- 17. L7I ;Ii N i ii, k:I'dtryr.: L M~)P~.I'4 LIAd FIX-I Lid I hi- I'Y q L~MiI1a ~ 1 1" IIIi.l . N'. : .r'. k~lir 11",171 1i ~ 11 :1'11irt 11 .i 51u '0I iiiiimw' i 11! 42uIi.'n1dl. IIW- 90 lA. w- 9 i X. J~ _*Ii~ 7.7.~ H 4;uiH~ aullIrid 'b IIKI L fpl~ KvFII~rdA L"51~t  34t JFnrki {51.ijj 1.51. 1,5 ®,1- 7 1 I~ 2115 4JL jdai .4 i''lt~liluril { lir11'11::11I ::11 - 0111101:1I' LJI.Ii -fladILI anid B' Ok'lt. U.5 C 1. hld I IL' 1 ~~~IiwiL1-_ r'ir rw k 1 , Eis, 2-21 .6, r+J-P 22tp 2. 21}i. ''iwr~n n;ir,10 . 1Z1 -1u. E11 w1rI114r Am M I 1.1t41-Vit chkt=1 .:iii ii-L.i. k5tr URi 2 .r !l iu h,..a7. II"r v i, 11 I 'T I 14 -Nn11 tUiii." i.. (l I v L ii: L"..% 1'_' hi, "" :. ,I. r Be.L L.'rl 57. FL. 6 H .L1 l !! L trrrt. h ,. Iw ri , J atrp4E' n Pelr= ] I I.1s 17l- .. LH1 1;. pru 1' . " I -",1"11 ii1-fir, l'irI..anI, 2 rP rlnlil:L- E '''. I Flrc iouI iuntk' rl l.T U51N . ill 5~.2Fi  fl E4-1 341 !.EuIIW+d '.'.uarr fl , 2±im7 _k~ moo. 291I c11i~'l S, ]UT 2115. 214. 251, 2715 in H-1-, ±. fnmh, irvirlii lfl i1Itl4 kl I'.irI , I 1.lI I]1I ?'11 11 2!- .Iifaiw.' 1 'bhi,1 2-11 27"1 PliIILL.I 1L,] I I 15 14 , 265 SO 'l14. 41I Ir. iN W~i~~ii II 4r..~ Pnr!- 1r p IlI.r 1I''n ri.6.7. 'ri 1" I:11J,"l 1, 11 4 11 I frC_ *iLi~ ,'i I'l11il wi. 11.'1 r ii cl~ pl . f.~.H1 2 I-iE{li 11 11: Kok " 4l- A t11I, now r 1ir-ui 310 FCC 1 iL 4I pro 1# i i iI" i1' 11 1!-917 irui P-T7 .. - 214=- DIL.~ ir iA 'ilv - %71 7b 11t .t ..'1 ' 1 k1i7 1 -1 1, C 1Lhr& " 1'''1 AL~.sri T:r, 17~v 6 ONi mgrlr pn1rut k1) 4hj1I~m a L'IUrlII -' i .7 2 ..5 .II"'b1 1px gr{i n 10L'1'. 1"I, 11-1L 1) * 111L L1 r h r ini 1111, J11 f i L rlr i rrI4 1o' RIx'L~ Frnkir fjE"104.1 IA,'1 2 IU1 u.- Lr:1 i 1r . 26 L; .1)W)ii~. ~:rii~ I ' rirL, .ri~t Fi''l~mh i , 277 I i-i d. 0 -51 hi'i rii --tII.u I I.ti 2INL , !. - I Fi~ i-i LIiii, u11- 1:.'.1 14 11F L T 64 .~r S411.11 L111:11 R i 1.1 . ' 1. LVi h. _ia" 5] 16  342 InAW" Jtit INt I 1, , irwtnil p'n1 e ir l h SA 4= 'Ii JI1:1 k-l Hk . I Io J i q Lh rjv 'I JUL, P I itr d vrlt. p 2 1 . r4- . E I, 184a5 t5i in FJ :' b2 ii r-iii 653-044 i1 J.91x;l yriv i i! i ll 2 'Li r 4. i.Ic 2-35: 32A-, ] my T A I wl 111=i M 'JL1mII'L" 1- 7.:1 di.1-32wr pr 73 , 17 I 5 r I i +1". FrNI Ljii FI .' Nwrr S3iuh. 2 29 O h, i L iLui d -.'LIL I I T., 21Im Fi. 11'.1 wl mdrrai Sevie Of- . 73 1 LiIIIL1 ii I1ILII sc.i-y I*a1L i" i hod [w1-L7 ' I lAl Ii". lli. ICI- 1. L I 1 IHll'1'.k kIi 'iL :LA - LJ'd - J ' 1T. 1':h ' 111.',1h r 111.11,1'! 'Ii ' ii I'4111 - li ri.d1. ri~7 4lIlz '. 'iu . Iin.57 .J ~i inpra .I~iri 1:. °4 - 1 I,I . 4 ;7U s huha 1. I rL 1 i Y wiI nI1 il.Afi IIa . 3 1, fxk ' .1 1 ~'9 11 251. ]IIhI'riLa II. 'I, a .1iiini sll'dii =un  IA am, 343 Skmrahp ir. 51-1a Lp', 11- 159li SIB'-WL [I-i 1riril- 6A. I1uL. (r1:-Li5 7_ ,.F M5uhnw4 iI L115, 197.'1 5L. 5 la'i.ii I AIHI.~h~ 21 itHI L : i prrkIne irl. Fkrdji .O 4u5 HO 2} l-7 TC'l.! x;14 !rv9 1 :d1 an] L2 TIAu I11W .]L.i~L. 1 ,.14 . ~ !i* dnJlri . Li. iIL e®, ,3!:7I II~ II ]I~i" "I'N 1.111' uhi Mru'~ u 11 3.1 71}""I I:.Ii L ihi".- T1 1-,]9 14°~. -ENN I~rII 4tiii i. ur u 111 46 J I T kr 111r Lprr. 11 . 1 i, , ix J A -5 . 7 TIun t I - i rn'L II I 2 21i 11 N . j li " T . AT 1 1 = 1 5 g Trupir i N;iI j'#'nu1l, 1P~rlt Illmim n IIt] Ih kM LtE Li L mIIJ. '1~ Tiickicr. Du. 22.9 L".111 %O;-k.i4 RiIE.5, 171.)L V'l, S. 1 .iva. I :ipv !XI, 10' II!1U.4.I I L 1 l 1iL' ..I 1A '5 YIr a 1111I111111!'". iI lrfl I A I' i. .5~i111w I U Sii LI filE"11,.'5L'd .0- % t1 1 " 11"117:- L' 1 *ijli .Ii -i -Y1 N;~I i * S® I i L1! WivI~ I rini50 2T , irk, 5 7-'. Fr .  344 Van i,;h1l1rfl IhIriib F1h11d (AMO iI Dli'i- 1 S1r VIL 111 Dr I 'AL :0" -.I "4~ L I ir'HH11I ' .w I I1I0.r a;1iiiidwjxt; I!L4g Bin Aivr. i lu~l L. tadJ, 251. 277 OWali Awl. lI. 21.1- *i pnipiumh 1Iwr lEvvp iiv wdiwn1 in. N74. 0%~I~J ai !iLiUh1:, 1.iII,'y9, Nj-M W.-rillhrnu, J.mihum, T8 %M':-.1 ii E; jkm L11-9..14 k: 71;~r .q JlIid iru F i ;Ipi . 9'44t FI T - T o ji i 1 %~i . , 2 1.E rILItr JhII eit, 2L, 24. 21:1 XIitiwi1, ]Jv Jy 11 ..I7 Wlkid.p. udnw1 J1! 42f.IN.3 Ill .L',1 . 1a 1 II im..1i tL imu Lfi@ ~r W~ild dW sar 1 r [I 11.- se.2. WI~iII L&, 1-K. !ti. 7iJ -,i AC~ 12 ItT~rr Wi5-1. TLins1 1 44i1111 i: j iii, l . L l:.2 1.<_ F 0  CI 1I&IO !tAF.MMNDL as a grdut SId-i1' h ery ,qqs ...was\+pt~a\\d iYth CBlae _UVIV. s.\:F~ of~ 3&i&3 \+: \"\aA.n3.\;. y'14KyK aICONp3 .C" gave"' 'up, ~' N Y l, c an Cra,,'1'k~ m yN deih hnT" NJh,,ataFoiaw trp l th lrd eat-.-'''v-AW ofA Prtetin' Offic of.N book -11111 hd peviusl- p 'WAN">som reAN CX"'eligBlk' hisorca ge rA''""L wor' on tNh(NQ Evrlde, 'Nfwlgre ha _1,k view f F,1[kA~d wate manaementover-the ast ]-50 as ptN r,. .. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ (I iC.: . but _: muh ha hapene si: _\ \. Blke .: , . thre dcade ag (lie N XC'a- \S"'Vlin N"' th' stt' po tiai Nf thNt "th e boo NN cu ' stnd s updatiCnfliI ' \'N .n\ k C, NU r ih ...,s--,>- s S e e N l n \ .  34 6 \N-, N, N N Our w rk hs be13 c333\ ..." 4..x"\_ byseve Kl iNk es oC bei. i Blak an Ni'CNNQ .ny i c\":y1aae. \a ..e .e e .. at r c e do n _ \N\.:\s\C ' \ O .\ C- ^ \\ \\ ( \NC retiredj , CC-NC ('CC N"N\'iNN '(\ n t eC . coast), ~ ~ ~ ~ N and- thuh'i N o\ l_ efatee oe r" ewr fCCN '' I '\ . C.'i; C~f, : N'C' \\\'" r 2n .' r l :~, 4 :'" ; r ' :1 .- ee d r e our~~~~~~~~- prpsl N sne4,bokhad ot prntCic , a CN\\.+S th u ivrstyPrsso loid hd fleofdoumnt rla to th rii al\'C.\:;.\=N."N NN'''N' .\an :l\:\Ci\' N(\.Nev nha dCo-, \ 'N" bo k, k-v\. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ;' cN 'C'tc~e_ \_"'n M ak\n\C'\ ie tro ti FoiaSu isC \ NNCN' N -CC C'NC'('C ~ CNoC.- at~~~~~~~~~' th oN ONt-11 Floid C(i Tama) abou obanngo C' i 'a\t-b g n .*-." 4,, .g N - .. ,\ C \'- N3-3 CNN ,'N N:\ Y-,n. re ie N ('C°'~g\ \ -"F or d a e ' \ N '' C'\ '\ N \ 'N NN NN - NN + " ' :\ , u nd 'inN'\..". .N \ iNo si l NNC-\ ' N'\\\ tN N ". 3'N ; 1Q' 4 i N NN.n 'Nnie over ' this deiso Co a C N\ N N\'\ CNeks N-+ only afteNrCCN Ste e 3 o. ,\." vAd .I d\:3n nd a s \., ...... :. \.h,\..4-we oud idedN (N-- ~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 'l(,' boo -cc \ a ehddesalse tto ra .12\A CNN Nv CC N' S\:C C UN.\. *\f._ \- \-3\- _ ih r w 3 : t e ;-' : \- . . ," hel-p\Nd NN..\ N s '\ .e 'Nvde a.n' N NN>N(Ntt KNNNcN ti(NCke of ou rp sd"Nhper, ilBleil Cnd Gary'- No 3 C.33 -N N'NNNe. redn roCrfso h o cu igc ai N'n . he r c n t u ti e \;-- N N. N. N.,. NSNC . CaN Ct_ a d, . i nt pr t to C'Qn-f -\*^ : : e t t e la e" C .+. .\.\( 1..\naa ..^ N''' NC NC(N\CNN K'N N'N NNNNNNNC'NNNNNC CNK'NC:"NNC3'Ni 3 .er o s)\:..\ -tiC' aed Ni? o l k ' C r m' nor. \:\:,\ 'N N \M~ n..e~ S. >'e w s p "\, n. Il n o d) \' n ha LWaS NCC a.'. C"C(CCCC' NCC NC CC ' NCCC:C NC "UM ~S)XK NC C 'N C N C "N C4.NC N NN N ' .,. :1,t\: ,: a-^1C. , ,6 u tN ' R'NN\r t r m n t . \a a w l 4RR : 2\ . 1 " 1"N N N\ "'Nd CNN NtiCN NN N" N N RQNC R C'CR 4.\ .:NNN N 'C \ilKW NN NNNCCN SC CN ('N e~ wrot seveCNN tC 'CC\. \"oo so ";e .. .  c _ sils ti g t es a d r " fe a, *_ ' 4.' ut Flrdai \-:a..\ 4Make444 se't44 hi ihs\:a. h v44'3?. fFord ,a and~ ~~ (4 water4 r.444\a\_ - \\ .ieseil: e sa: . Gros CFlori4da4'44 444g Caal 4Af444er ''4,-peiovL -,-,,dinoit '44'Nl4"44:101 away in4 .3 o \:'.b\:. 39$ The original ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~4 d\ ;.1-\_i~i ( _"1; V 4ut o, . ata td ''\\' _3._.\ .'1"~ - \1',"-\",a- i..\S, .\ aAa flyo thi~e:s \ 44''4>4 -44. 4'> 444>44" \ 4444es whr .wsrvee4i"ols nsvn cdmcao a0" .A3,\ ta l fths - . ,del dmrdBaeswr n, a44~'>lthough44 4A. .i:\ t n m ak 4h"'\ '^, .\*\ ..\ r^ i t e p l i _h . . h \.< 4h+\ , :: --ender~~~~~~~~~~~~~ as 5 > w tes* . 00 ~,,k,\dBae scesuEu ing he pst o hep u- unerstnd pessng cnten,,,po4Vi tk44- i:~ ~ ~ ~ ~~i 3W tk \:44 \ \:_3''4--am rb ea4 '\ s\\n e\\ aYAta oh rr vew rl u e l k -a 4\'i,'v"t ee -.~~\ie.t h c e p ea~a \ot I \_ 15\ 0\:50 . i\: he \\444.4 .' 40 44.e :. 4 4, 3 m i "4 ,,  _:.A -,v deid owlmunh Co&f ~fter A\ hod ; :U'Oi _n ,~ whch is ago pecntg of~U the~~~~~~~~~~~N sttsoudb . .: . '\:G. NNuedf\ r .\\ \'f \ tra\? _\C? af\ te 441.44\''\:f:'-s ,-; "\ \.an\\ al 4 :\' ; swam and ''\- \,\ u o question">' .y v s'NNNNsJ . : a C .\-da QVUSnd 'N4 't _--hes\: ~ 2 crtiue ,tU U e current curen edto n.tebokW\: 444: s v r,- igewodo (4444Blk' . gn. tx i. \ ~ UiniS\, i, helt Qv"'r'4'\ by'>4 Steve NN'4NNN' ,.-,n, D avid '441k +,,'~n+ : , .t " ,. ,,, . . f:,,, f: f + f b~rt g ca al b the N ixo 141(1>4R.., rep rte ,. . ' :\".N 4 a~~nn. ,. ..~~.nny\ , -tration ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ \\ N-), ea>'4'. b'ut?' itto ""Nvt om r ecdso for Co~ngre totriaeteprt oevr 'D4 N"''> ' N N N although ~ ~ '4'INN N'.\ Cros Flrd a 44) a a il l o e\ ._ l.t\:,,\_A. .a.. the ~ ~ ~ ~ 4 s w7 \'\nn srcue d \\ 4rin fcn )alks and.4 prope'rty alng44N'NN'NN 4>447pr>,e cnlrut uclybct-r-,ea oii int ~ ~ 4 po tato . KWYN~rk .,n IIa..-'4 n fsa ...\\\, 'Np\',' ' N4N44 .iNflr 0R Nd O ,+:,t,4 Nse ia l a mon Net a a:. 4g\.44 n n. ..\1. ... .. '44 1-1 the4I)N \N''"' 'N Kikp trc Dam.N ,4>"4NN44NN" + 4'h p e nt is '4 474 o~-. .o nanl sso h on\ 3 3at m n g \ f: , .\F ord n io m n , s eily -h 11,_ N4N la'\s '47'1al a i m g as''te ew e 4:e 4l\ and4 444Ne Eve 47d\: even 4 as so t F' \_N'r"\ 'N4 \.,44 'N were 4',egnn g s en. k\:.' i ,,-.d:ce\na iaa .oIeci ~ ,eo y . - s\'. . '444n\,\.U 4natr open spce and tour ntCC N4NiN pas tN"h"'ee dec des ho ev r +4 N + have. bee N4,.,>+n .a_:~\ ~ ' ,\\ NN , 44 'N4 474444474n.A7..a..,s :. \ti" ..4 447'444N'<> ,.&:+Uini , ' O OW at S anW . n4 .\iC :\- d\  lN 1'V'P passing~ ~ ~~~~~~~NKtUI "N 'Nvra pi'N' :3C r- 3\ " , \. C\ eorepo IDNNt4N~V a \- e t t tis. \ 'N'," .h waV-oti4apo iio t com en on tN '(N \N ft_"\. ~~ 'tt4adfalrs"fwae"ineFlrd hasmad muh pogrss ate reoures vert_11.ept444 " ' w deads-n tht public semtNtk teematessrmisl - a 4)rd st i t arN '4 stl 4..-; QN' \ i'N'_ n .+.\ m r \\-\\." -\l n tN\''\o >, " " .\as3 Z. .\\ s pl4t--mN'y J.t-,to wa resource KatN'Vtttt - "n d e , -Kt'N't "'Nlop en W'a't prevente any'K4 s" "oi ti\ u-4': : . . . op lto gr\'\ l \._ at ss apabe ef,-. \:\ _\Vt"\b iepniv oa waee, sou ce , \ + \"+' A' s,:,. \ ,. . ",. . N'N \ t.N.of, ".\.N 'N to i " -' ' V1 R\_ .\' t here ir' :"+ - " 'N \'i e t r v d ., ' \ k, ..\^ s :"" N t\' ;fit ;'N ""' ;t"';\ 3 ., \ : , " tt\ .. i \ ' < e \ o f :; , t newV water'seurces, CeKntra and South Flrd' inxpnsv K'u~ ''' $ "'"'K t "" ouc' h 4nowN'4 bee ''N tetrl eeopd diinlpplai~-- rwhwl req ir -mor K"'n iv wate so re "Nc as N \ .. 'atN sb:\".:\,+t 4N'4t't pr''N' es or 4 mor 44N .-ifca- NNN us"' of Ne~ f,-r-.d a watr, hic will "Y'q'it e 4NNN\.t \N. _'NN~ .. .. o4fd las" f dto a ines en in inrstuNue Blk'eacsdo ftu.--i "N 'N nen ,,,,a pop laio growth (patiulrl i tiN reso rce f'N"e": \: s\:4t "~r to' "44-, gro t.n~ ..a. N'n: N. N N  >4  ""'N iht ei9 u lc to .. :b no '3 - ^^^ ' "b es .k- Blkec_ .\ \:\3\ JJ of th Nrs lrd a .. ~a nan amivlet .t MsSt bsevers i'N udnBae nerto h aa proectwa f irualy " dad '-\- hecatiosl co cludedta1 h . ,\: old- ~ STVE NOEL AND-r-t-e DAo 3D~t banrowtheGED"'NwERr- ti NNN"NNs N.S (NN'N n. \-:~f \. \INN .\\.\ \\a s o g r i tio I \ N NNNN'NN A~ .\ n :3 l s:.:N~ \ik -i _\..\...a d i \. N' N"'N' 'NNNNN 'Nces 33 'NN$NNN' an l on structon, Ro man R servoi s .-has rmained+ aas i + + 'N..NNN-N N:N 'Nr\a a. 1~stervcoyrm isyas Nnonilt beNNs NNe Nclwh NNiver does~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~' 333.:3 _::9'Nex, or osres h er sneRcad\_o 'N\ :. an N \'N a NN \: NN., lN st pp n N \ \ na NNN :.:N' e r-.,.* '. k3 .I, :\; 0 N< '? '% '."\ \ N'-N a n N e \"\'1+R: N,." " ' c y c l 1_\A\ N.,; '\: A.1i \ 1. ;\c Qi °^J . -JN +' 1- N"f ~ \ N e m e tore ole \i.. __,,nNNNNpNNNNN \\ ._x'\. '\=\.'-an\N3 r. servoir N \;NNN'N <\N ' :NN'NN'3 NN; +_ ""NN\_.'NNN : "NNN'NNNN 'NNNN h .- _ ts l " i.; a e ' ,\: J1 I .3\. \: N N N- N"N --N \N N N h dN N nNN. sel f :. 3~ 8N ' \: ce t r a \' :.e \. ''NNNN'N ,\ \'N\l 'N No\\ N-, IN" N\\.. \g *:3~' 'N Nn NNNNe \.\ n c Nto rs , Nne \.a..n .sg .o .e i c e i l ...: 3,.\+... . \..\. o .,'~ r d h ra.  State " N"a\, tam N' 3a:t who na.+ canal. 'N'-- sruAioA "''oNNNteNd Nwi ((( nea unanim t toNN NNNNoN backin NtN' NNNNNNNNt INnNNNNNNNN NNNNNNe-1t. NNNoweN'NNNN e n.. c> u: NNn \ N N \s :N uiid n eG . . controersie thatN inNN'ed Nea Nn 1'N N'u:reoltin\Nte "\se N'_y ; Nt) _ a rNNNN' h lo i a .,..\ a33 \ f\.\ nv rnNtNNn: ._a N (>NN N ' viewed~ tha N N ,nN .,"R,.- tt ,+RR\ d cso o V\Rt i a;\ u p r NVo NNN Nh . ca a s \ s3 NJ tna n it_>~ e o n zn h . -ti N N. a"nd Nh n N Nev n .1 s QN.N' ".".>NN:_ ': . \ na b ot r re h p lti a eb c 'dsp on n g an , Na o u d rt n , the Ner er.. ...N NNN Nd- Pun m o nt' (_ 'N.. NNN N' .:_. NN ' NN h'NN eN'> ral dteNaieNmee\N.NN I a hen tc e deckN NNNNNN .. NN\';'e r d :\.\N , ;.'N'N\o n\ .*- n.\ b t\\ re \i', No NN'NNNNNNN NCan'N AutNNNNNN NN..N' Newi Smih onc N'a~, nN ...'N ,:iNce','NNNZNN thatNNNNNNNN N+a:.J su p resto \NN h t \ cn ++s i jc Nhoght aNs ~ " sucsflc nc s , N ot oNNlyN to the pepl NV Noda N, N NNNNNNN~k we'\')re takn bu 0 0 r4 er o n t-- od.Alteej may ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ N not be N' ('N N bu Nil be \:\. \. .N NNNNN \ N:. an \.ter NaM r St n m n \:.g.GN~ h ,t..en \ n :NN\: Nam \" .J N\: :.NNN ((NVy~~n ((N a NNn Nn". \.aN~N N n. wa(Nall NNoo \y NNy NtNhe NNN intrctabl N\y oN NN. NNN'NNat NNNNNN \oawl otrs ay -- ... h fn l w r ss NNandV N$aN :V N N\Ns...ain \, bNNt NQ. NNVN "N'N s (N NNNNNNNNNNN NNll theNNNN NNs a..- Ns "N NN 'a aNCN NN a.-a:I s c e sa ei o rh n . 'tt N' N'NNNNN flN' \'~-. , , , o kNN a\\os a"\HNNN(N y\1,: llk ep w a NNN su e 'NNan K§No NNi Nt "s N "' N t a NN N N \.N e N \ t\ N \.\ 'NC "V ' N' NNNve beN e rng o p to (N'.+ +,.\\ N_,a.-n.. " st 'N NNNNNU tNNNNNoNN nNnN N"' 'VN r n' __ NNN N NN ._\_: N'NN 'NN$NNN\\NN'Wok s o h A m orso \_tgners\,b.:\ \a..:  Of OC ~ VU 11 fl CH Js _KK -Z'KKKKK' K-K': \ \.K 'K, a.\".1K \J:\~ t om..s &KK 3._ K.-O ofcontru tio ; ".KK theKK \"\ ".-,auh rzto .Kiv asltr th ' <'Km e i C a i e d 'KK XK <'(K t e e s d d \ ,,\ h c , a,.'* t a the ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ' ,.: K t .. fFoiaofcil wl aei ifcl, nt t\: K KK K K ''K ' .K'tt 1.,h \ K 'KK'K\ lo a :o : ..a i n K"K'K..\\. a CL i ik i\"\°:, . " \';\ \ ,\; \ _' \ £^ . "i t-'-'- K"1\ A.h r j c \ -\ ' 1 ' "\ \ - : M r 1\ i \ C r . h \K KKK K ) 'K- K~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~'KKKKKK KKK.K-KKKKKKK-KK .-. 3. -p..... epcs +, a 3\m d svnyar ale .F E\ a 'i A t o f: " _ \\\a Ko -s of Kor thKtK K 1e wa KKtfii1 grtiie afe ove a~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 'K.~n ..k .: K. KK'K ,.n o d \ : ._3330 3.\ t 3. 333 \ 3333:3 3 daKK ng K'KK'K Kn w 3KK rKo etm .-eta t' . -r\ o .\ Kop Kdit it. Khl i perdteC rs a-dn o peeIu ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ K K K otKer lo g-im Kciit toKk Ksu ih . .,.on-yso tm s assess.:..K(NKK ,,-KKKKK \^3.,wt o d esnta rm n ier :\.. K.tb Krse .< K o hal -h p(V KKd Lc .~ia.sit nteC rsp sto , s\ \. .a \ \_ i\\\ 3.4 : \ :. ,. \. . of "3 *\. ..\ e.3. ":3\.aKKKKKK .\ \ .1. \ : K\'\: K\_ ;e \ Kra elo skpics , Unbl toK'KK' K elev itsKKKK9 KK\-K in\ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~K'h1\_.f t a_.1y 11\_..a nom: ' a_-- tnit ctin . lik FDE moe tan abunh o v'r""K~--o.- _N _t' _~ N Y 4 n; o -i - a,\. *. ~ ~ ~ ~ ('K'-k-ka e .s a tc l rn ',11: K'_ . .1a \111 y\\ r ;*,, ff e1 'S ,+ 1' e1 -'1 :; ' '" 1 ,.*\'' tit _:'+^ : c n e r s \ -- '\ 1 '' ~n .\\\ , a d .'NJ a r , a.\ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ QN S - \t n. 1\of y :.\; Lttle 'Q'Q." , ti \ \.the1 .- +.. _f .V\.\gti n+" 'N f l C o p ' o fi e ,btN A a ever ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ N sol slwy m vn a, .\:\;i :a$\ a d\ il \N .: t': l _C I N \ ' (' ' N 4 eal 'K' Ideb 97 h . _ a crae a nNNN\ w eeK o o ' nf + + :\''i\' d N'f '" ""N_'"$ "'('N...' \ A si t n \aa.-" fiNN',-.f . C ivi \\l'f.." , ;pof \ \?i\ :\ \ \ a. .. \ ~~' fl :<.,,.: .a 'n*\_ " f 'Nf,*+l , ;S tbi.4KVe "to kee a 'NV cl.- ove' N er-,s.v: .uli *works projcts NKtN Nito \:sa w r .ep,\' ::C:n n : ..a\_\\n a ittt ._ the posiion Ns 'N N'fl'NW'N ErNes \~~' n,. s de ut che :'he th o pe , a a~ d :i t t . a: C1 ~S>IC 1.n:t: o t\.\1_h l\'\ , _.4 Nh Co p a o nd .o an Nt.f:.: a.~_Ci1 t eAo t : :t ._. 1o t Of K wmcn 'ho kckfwaa shedo  : ,1-.\ ' '£\ \-'.~N ; .:k : \ ? ":.!. 1' \us ' c n l .\" \ . z \ \ , \:.b it Ae ; tz:ULU', ~ ~ ~ C"NNC _\V_ \\1 \_ .._. he\\1;.Y . :--. message instea f"NNNsdo r~ eltiaiN o hthdbe Nsr',-- , a h re i eFNN ei _ c .' o' _ \ C.-: o t\' 'N \" ( , :\\ is uNNN\\ . clean~~~~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~ N'-t thity si page NN"---,e sa~ Nha lai ou 'n a e d osr ig h -t NN'N5.3.NheINN'--\33\ no enda needs ece, : -\. N Nt)_N\N(N \J',eC N ".:, N'N' +N\\N i" : o+- ', " : + ,,", .: : 'NNN NNN N 'N';\ \ 0' 'N'N'" ' N'NN 'N; 5: N~ N _o- . s -9 .*. 3 \_: \ .:\ ..._\ :.3 : _ \ _.a , _.-.\'° deig Ne als calle for th sa wl n c nc rve , 'N1,o g ed d n tad rs h o , r v ttat she was "S deigte wit th an ;;,NN wi t - NN'NNNNNNN"NNNNN N( ' .. \ NN \ WNN'N O~ .,...\ n. " n~ a ,.NNN. .. .,..e e t ra i n \ \ ...,N Nk N.. N*.h iv ,a.3\ .._' N h 'e ald s 3x tal1 .?,oa. h r NQNN~NN~NNNN~gNNA cana" propon et, No,-,a,, wNNre (N'(N'N-NNN'NNNNNNNNN ""''Aec'd 71h presidentN of Co nt NNoNf CoNerc ('NN --(NN(( 1ifN~ NN' had "beenN~ delWNotl boww.i cla ie . . _ ft '\' ' ," c NN. +\'NB ilN R d er e\:\\"33 _';~NNN '': N"s in M l. m o e\t ,\ - .h n f u d r t t m n t.3\, , .th t C rt r 1"' 1 1 :_\ . \ ,; \ \ .11" 1 N NN . ' 'NNN "' V us no T'. No_ <\n t\ (No -\f\._ , \C?<' \ ('(NC>N h lm dtebo ses( -\\evs'N,' h i rer\C:":\n r in ea eh" Ni.t, \N N N, N e w e caNal \"\_ N'..- \. N N~\. and ,' 'N s.,. ofN( *'\- m D a N. _:._t' the car',,a11111 rojeN is scraped" heN (N itie,.. sugste "N""o e o a C(MN e N'NN:NN \.b aN\ "- ]h mostYV.cVCl\:\ eposWa efr m C nlAu hr\S '..a: ..:\,.Ns ''NN n"NNNat n ..a.\a h ,ER f . ,Q ..o ,\ N-_ N"(N N " . N" N....: -N.++ N. "\ . . : t . \ ..\ \>NN a ns NN~N the.N'"N "NNN'NN NNJ(N \NNN N'tNNNNNNN'N' NYN\" NNZN;\' NN '(; ' enN' li c na ' prjc.b gn' and o"N.4'N + 'N' NNNNNN th Co(nNN( re NN. 'N Nhe snaled "'N,,tr  \n n ceo~' M n dayn fo C..octh Css- lor d B a g UI C U C anal 6I S VtK C As any obeNe 'ofN N'.... NA,, i\ ea ytm cn ats,\1:a.. N5 on tk otruNp t,,,NN~, b y ast ec \, --N \\-N~' ;, N ae tecr-.l.A to g - ,:,:ao ,_. *.n\:.,..,. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ \(NNN \--NN'-'-N\ ". h .,..\ .\.:. .. . ._ :: C ie n ihadSo ei m ditl p noed e aebl illN -tN (Nuh rz h anl trB .,,re olblt N~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~h NOcNNala- NN NNNNNN asC re' xeuin r" 'he "N'N, 'aio -N.,de N t- N-s, o - ne tdeNte.NN'N+S. ,+ - \fl. ? NNN\.d_ N_ "..n\ ,R ,'N de a eaN .+ Nv r he m n N: \N .n N'' N ": N'N. N .n' _ ":N(NN - : .\:_ \\ n Noh NNN ;:KC a al morbid NI- N N' ' o. \,i-~\ se mdse m d .~~ . a r o o a .: \ \; a *-. ..,.d~~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 10 '2 \\S\_+\. \ n l n n ,\:p t .t e,,, a a , N NNNNNNNNN '+, tI .\\: n. h o N +' NNN -: \, n.\ N NNNNNIINI \.N.+NNNN oN Noke N Nh Not o e s !\Y, be o ig\ C\> s;RR\_n - 3'a - N-fe .." N lo NNNN't N. N," NN NNnNN.'N ' tNNNNNNU NNNN\\NNNN N (NNQ(" .:. 13.\\;. mt\ 3t[ t ~ . D\"\._ Nlrd '\t N__ Nee a Ji Nm t .\ -" Nfe tN mnlnn~t\_.\:N-'' ' INN N in~ 1'ItttSI." v nn, wI' - ._..'WUIN2 N N 'N N K' N o  Q ___EC K\\""'\\KK'" KKK a",,'"', n;, c n c d d ,KK-t -, KKKK ' * ; . *, \ , s - ic:c, " a .K \ . \. ". \.:\ K\. _' dead . \ 'Kud ? . a esr c aKI bold < blow Soais th proec bu't tha wa on 'K in KJI KKK,"K K 'Q KKKKKnal K KKpKKKKKK \ ' its' stl aK toKK rek nKt o ges .. \t vnM n :\:t d i 'K o .. \ d u 1 K ' \ K' he sai ' wa K \K Q-' nk e wit \V Q-lt\K \ d . _,.._ p\\.".. _-p \. \m of a d iK'es\\ ,........,b \ K K"KKKK K K'K KKK 'KOKK C,. mos -\K K'KKK \$i : .x . ' +m m eso C l rd ' o g esi nl \:: K K (e od l'1( -,F rt ersto h ,9 o , h re e nt ZK KK K K 1K' KKKK"9KKKWKK, Kn KKKKKKill KKKK Kha KKKKKKKK'1 K'KKbKoKKKK' keptKKK thK '',K'''' alive K Kf K)'IyT Wit eK Q(K'K'KKKpK'tion "KK'>KK K K"KK " " 'K K "K (".'o-ir ,,r-_,mittees ~ ~ ~ as Kprp ito s S ivcs ter~~~~~~~~I KAKKKces Kte''sdrbe nlecAl"(.,Io lrd K7 k, K.i\ 3 K \: Kt r KoKgh K: K \",. \"_ to K to th KKKK\K- 'KKKK o ' K'..-". 1 ,35c s one + \K Q ~K° , Kn) KKKK CKKKK KKe "K K ;: \ 'K'~ K\. th Kaal K; :s K : \. " e or e i m ' 'K \ _;;-\"" K, +_ ::- KK'. ,;\b c _.e 'ff+\ 3 0 .CS'.,, ..;.\, ,Id: ', t a e a k c+. "KK >K - 'K' KK\ to'~ KKK'Ka \ 'K~~ ball Kn .x3 4.33p .5.\:\':3 3 .". \_ ' Kr K':_ r For~~ ~ ~ ~ ,KK>\' ,p\K K'K ,K+,oKKKKo),e , ,,KNKtn) +de t oK\re m \KK bu \t K :.r ad iso ofK'\:tt h se. o ecnierd .:w wt d. versaries,-~~~~~~~~~~~ Koev-- he relzdtelgsainwudhrl Kh  Oc XV)K1a, \KhUN h Ki "'J'"dveopd"aunqu2eol b und '(K ]wt get, al\,, ihad-tecags ruh NaNcNNN [thNt] -hav ReRN'Nl'Ned "Naina N'Q'('rk1te sktee---,jo e b th 'us ndsNUN' "of "Nm RN \"' 1 T N+'N (( " N'o ii "'N' (N'N' 'J' ' N"" ~-t 'the Nhrea "NUNk, NNUN"NNNN- NNNN'NN(" also'N'j '"~e u t, _ .. ;.. .A.* 'K N"N'NN' NI''' ": _ \ f -:a -e ; \'\:.., \ "+, '°, \ o -, c ' + :+:\ \\\.,, o .t " "N' Nn .'fit;\ - 'N"."3'' .f i\*a. i o i t l \,.,k.3.:f \ "K3KN "( \NN NCNN "\, n'\'..:a..:a n a.8 n (NN, h.'NN lind llr'etaNNNN \ ~ iC rs :a bi .t \.n \" ~ ,i\,i fn. o on nss w he\:ie wh tn a -" N'N'NlNNNNN' "('KfY. 'KNNNrtN'N Nof N '(' prop nKnt tokepJcna ''i. \ t. forhis c use(I N' " ' N N N ~ '(NN '' '' lk thN NNNNN shoul "'(N' be""N(' '(NUNNUNed ByN9,k3, L1. o (Nt(N(N\ Florda' p NNNNNca ( Nn h~ii- Go er o ('Bob '"NNNNN""' (N NNN'("( '' Neuhoiai,,-, A N th sa e p bi p rvl -h"rjc 1'1. dramatNcally Ka"e inaesta eeoc h ey etro ro R ,t. N'(1 vi'NNisue Na reouto urgng ' N o (N'~ "N"'r rad ca 'N('NNNN N'(N' 'K NR 'N '0KNN thN N"'g \: pN NNNrN N'NNj e"NNct ~~N~~~'(KR~~~, (N,~(' 'N '' ' U N N N (N\ 'n'nN\\ Ne:.n N ""'Nn ou t r vdea n ", t .hN\: NNnNNN. ,NN\N'( Nn N'-' s g e-e h u tc R U ,,\. t 'N NKNNNN N'NN k ((NNNNN an , ;\'f,\\ \\' : '\ \ dd 'N' ul toN'N'NN , fiN "N ::: *' ; N'f" a Urc n ', " -\: -i \p 'NNN"~~~iut atNN"N~ ne diNNstrNict(N pushed ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~NNN NNNUN'N'KNNN ou ftecnrl lrdcuiy Nd,'(NJN t : ...\coas\. 'Now re rse tn Main('RR' Co nR._. \A., ("N- eJ-,, NB d-1-" 'N~a vividlN deNoNstraN'N Nust oN .G' r\ Ns, "h.\ N i- N :ny n Nk W v C ' N - ' "? NN a'o~\ as r ,  IrOSS 3'5 _:i\ ~ '. .\ .4( 4:.: : o pein ih n\ni e n w t\ ae ono 4'N't.' : \ C 1\.4 ' "-4> :. 444 \.i 444\ - ; 4 ,"'44 - 4 44444 \ "\' ' \.-, Qc;_ in >4'44'K4> 4:t4a 44 a\ \\ s~4 .' 444( 4 44 ti : 44 ,,4 \4~ 4\4.4Cassumed 4r N \:_ ^' nryt Foia ao osdrto i h al 4F the.. prjet Jo no s\ \.>'44,' m44c4 lie142e ovr 4.'hap th caa' 4 s ''ilhnru pr , s bls Marori Car an '44 alie as "caz ('4444 e nvio metlit, He ,N N4'44 4 N4' \a\ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 444 \v',4 o44-oay 3ve . \ ;t eat4e'n ho e \ the ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ (4'' r44o\\\'433yf\ -'\44'4(444\\ ..-\. :\ Jakon il a\ N.o Na . sho host, '444 spea h44sg n di\ 44'444" .\. ump r N44'\\ \ All'4 o4 '44N\'4'4 \ e. 4G.\:i a' :v:v\ \- ... >e e th g44"R \ -,+ Pep er,4hoNa \\'4'4"' .'4N44K4444 N 4R '' :: N 4'por ;*rt a a '4~ ~~~ _4N'44N'4'K4444N _t '4c devoted~~~~~~44 t\o ,the c~ 4ea as'ws"C oca.Sce N' '44N4 4a4442 444- "tr aly i '--h dra 4 \o ilb £\ \ \ 1 ' \ rcpt u cin,\_ theO peopl 444 \.N44'4'4 4ept l h o 444n_, proide tagil reu4s 4R E ' 44aliNe 44hey 4 wer sigi444 tl ' tig nt.- 4t.- chate Ne b r ac4'cor44'i'n( to~\4 4 4N o3.31-\"a3. : 3 se \"e. 3a\., .4 v\3 x\..\: \aa 33\\\., .333'o ..i a t of-tme H hs tod-Jor-iso. nn-be o tme ,tatth cna pojcti 4e-N d M ore 443 an Ca "'4, : 4-N 444 \- \ \"3 a:(4. :"t a a b h n \ . ca 'VN VV\"-\\ ~\R+44I-N' 4 '2. 44 laN st-dit4 h f"4 it444 ltl :..\, -\ '4 \ - , 344: 4.. N4 4.44<\".\ , Jo n o ' ".\"\\ .h d '- _ _ 4444ss, ,A,4>'(> 34 444N ' N . 4etd "w era a. '4ote'4 th "4a-th rztiri 'NN' worN h an'4"2O 4tt -w de" W it th s 4u,.-bes 4h tksins .-o ,,,*,d.-.-.y -a.,a o i 033 ~~~ 33b.\.4.w ._: .:.^° ,,4(4,4444 tar fi all be a t\o ,K'4N"V"" \.3. '' :_ +\4 .. 3. 198 .\- ]986 s .C..\_legslaorshel C~ seies\: heaing \.V.,\'\.:.:.3d ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~44 444 \\444.. todtrmn44,4444I3..* .\a* ipoiin ftecaa  k'A- '' KKK-KK' finalhy-~~~~K''K bei -h .:-og rcss: ' Kt"KK'\ o nn h thrsde h .w :r\ : cana 'NW' 'U -trstidt'ovn eFo iinst e\'* \ \'. woldyil tldeon-tidcbeeit testte owve,-, i hecaa was no ''(' l\::. Ke 2,\ _... K ., .".: w sb c m n .b n\.1A _ .:"' " ." 3 .3:3.K \ \ ;CKKK'K "-R o K'-R K('K-''KKK ; t- . d o Pi c. KKK'KKKKKKK'KKK KKK \..0'KKK p p,'\. h K'S .f~ K hadKKKKK'KK'KKKKK' KKK J K>+- a K-_KK+ K KKK.K- '"K _a K' KKKK (K 4 . ___._C\, \.\.b e . , KKKK - D \,-4 KKKK K_;)'-.\ lost under the , wks of a Kan.o 3 etutv ' se,\ : e\ ' e1 \k.K d- \ "K'"\ K'\ )K ' >K .h d a e ispac "h yn w e tle :h. K1 . C f. TK9 e e v i s h ii g e os se K\ K\(\K" tKK K\K:KK K' ' K'\.K.3.3\.:wa KKKK \ \\ .: u ns .. A ,w r i py , .. ~ ~ KK ." :.k K.1.33.\'\ r n s e 3fn l' Rt\ ,, o i 1 KKKKi.f ,f ->1: K\ R.. R+tK.rl of c a s"Q.f\v.,\ \ C _ t u lc y+ . Q 'KK"KKha in s :'y K QR d..\ ,.\.* '\"1 Ktat 'K RK K '+K' KRK KKKK"'2 theKK g - ' Al e K Kh K'KK-. .s K>K. K":. KKKKK KKK. .- + ,Oi _: "\ ..\ 4i\\,uJ.;-.-:\ K-. 'K K o , .3 K. .. a a k e t n \.3 , KKK'KKK Go e'o "Kb K 'Kha -mad K"a -h K'KtK' K: KK? K\? \. K\n_\ thi 'KK'KKKK'K'K' KKKK,'K'K\'KK ss rt d, a e atvfm needs ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ K K\ K+ Kee R+ w' sc oos K Kr Kec es KKK"K' K 'K K. K'a s K Kl , Kn se e ' ;_ K.....b '+ K, is "\ thin we \ K + K ne d +, , K KK 'K KK Kh Cr s Klrd Ka g K\.ana _. K\ 3..K. .,-.\, e \o ,pa\e t a -\a1 Kf K' \+K':.. ;.t' ,: K\.\ Kn ct o Ka Kx c r a e thK K KK'KK -K K' K' K K' 'KK' 'KKKKKKKKKK KK'K KKKK' tha Kthe lackK"K oreou ona.o edtoa,.cniu g-vc-tt-y-,al toewKitKh Kitl K e a d K3 K K, v"KKKKKK P'_KKK:- \o\r a\fo; \'xh a l d r -\ i\, \ \f " ''+' ,'" Kr KKKK ul ' +''.t 'Kel1A, K) . R -h : K K m n K-. K. . K\. Ko (' Ka\ K: t\>sy). o K n th Se a e ''__ K\ K' K K ' K. K:. K_ K K" KK" K. KK'K. \43.3\: - a KK\\+ KKK 'K' KK4K KKKKK K K K 'K' K K £KKKK.KKKKK.K~~~~~~~~~~~~~ KKKK\: KKK K.. Ke K'KKau-K " KK)'K ' KKKKK K KKKK In' K 'K.KKKKKJK -KKKKK4KKK)K K'KK K K -..K \K Ka H K' inKh p n o tofh rtr a ilt in"NK .: . :\ \\e . ... a e d w _\ ~ : .KKKK theK' 'r\.:' K" \KK'K .-...\:r stKKceKK.KKKKKKKKKat aKriceKKhowevKKKK KKKYKKWKA\...\> u bled FDKE, K', K s, 'K. oKK \FKAK\.. K:3K'3 4,KKKK K\g -t a a bu on th co dto tha th loKks  NNMss N\~id Bag N NN'N" \.\ 3\?'N~' ,eN excpton tN"o the ~N growin NNHNousN"e' \;'NN" NNa..mvy e oo h u t_.-_-ng wee hanin. Caue Pppi- oninud ."i Op OILUI..\buthi \~N'NN\~fl~N~N NNNNN~N'N''NUNNNNNN o prim r-k.-r'le isative inte et reae toNNNN'"NNN KK aN n dN mJNth s\N b h s m e w segI K N'N"N N N' NN"N.N N .5 di -o mad Iiii-n Ni \\N 'NNNNNN \ , 'N'NN'U\.\ \ at :\ \" IKN'KN'YNC1 \. NN +.N'A J NN a 'N'a KNNNN'N a,-'N N> AN iNN vN \:."~"' . ..('NA' a e i g +. h \., \:_ . \: .\ simpl NNN'NNNNNNNN as1i lclb inNNNN1N(itAVK ANs)CBnCnett sNowlNNNNN on ized- ft-itit~~~~~~ity-~( ofN\\ i h ~ceo iril-a N"NA---,,-,',"N 'o s e MNlt oii '.\ nws an cceptableNN K .,.p 'A mN se,'AMCNNA undeNN thIKniNonN'aNte rpet aloae \ a co sruto remai in \'NN'N' publi han "-N da N NA- Be N'KN'('fpos inNN" NN'he;'N basisN aN uniNquNeAN NNN in N 'N N.:".s a ac' Ns NJ\ . a. N: N \ 'Nh\ Nu ices ~ e-i Ne the s t ' '(NNA \NNN'N'A' ANN. ",,N NM NNN' .NKKNNwa h ln W u d o,'NN RORR +, : R ,\1 ..,". _\ "Al\y .. _. . \\. r mp ., N'N'N\. \ K"'-' '.3 3 \ - . : N -3 . _ \ K": : -\ ' . \: ' 1 x ' ._ K "\ e \ ' -AK " K K a 3 " : . . ,: _ . \ - \: . 3 \ : 5:" ' ' ' e \ N \ - , : . 1 \ : . 3 p a :' K N .; t NN. \-:.\:*,"' K f a \*\d:\ ,u" " :; -K KN \+ .\.\;,kS ^..Ae _ \" *^ ,,. -'\\,^.**^ \ ,\ tress~N ;. 'K .K '3 3\: of h .e v r n e t .:N' _C.vKKNAN\ nd t e c. .e Xi a.. ,- :' ; \' '-+ -\--o : C--- \: ,,:t.\ .,_ oK\ K.~~rr\_ N N N K N K K K\- ' _ iAN :;\ie ,\ -:i\:_c,. \,\ r se c and 3'.. \ - Kk in~NC theKNK neKw co sevtinaraan C'K"NKKtitte tato ' KN' K+ ,n~a N : \':K , KK$N (NVa l R, R+ .i, .R\+' ~ ~ aa.~ane h l n s ;\. ' iNK, (N). Z.. '\ sh u d \:o r . ~a\ nnn~~~~na>n \a dn-. t\: . \, . '',.. a,.n A ll ths \:",,,kt -ed w\": \.. :a~kn o . ..a AQ \ -..\__ a . 3 -. .. ....t:KK'\: KKK- KKK K : a.' .A w as~K KAY KAKKK,:tdte opso ng~ KA\er,-te o ..\K- KKQNKKNKK (NA> KKN)NKKK%:,i: -t.\sg iia tv iei 1t ed s o iin o ,-ec n l W _66rs~~~~~~~~~~~N vet "th Sertr [of ,..3 ArNy KKU11 oprae h 'K'A nD a:.3 NN \: r' f u , . d ; i . ' '\ K\,,\ . 3.t.'23 a: i ' . n \\"4 :\\''' ' K? : a N ..; KKNK'KKNKKK'KN \. J 3..;\ ,rsev irNn~\+NK-.tasL keKNlw ha K.3na.3' KKeNcaly dead N, b' Nt .3\ peratKKon K' KKsN'reK -the ' c lw h Kie KK.,,,I~ notKNN- vet. flow))' NKK'KKN N- 'NKKN'K N'K'K K KK M \jN -:\ . . .' \, KN:KK K\(N'S\.:K AK' KKNK\NK K \ .t e -:l~ ' .. \ _": h s a e ea\iR. \> .,:a . goveyKnmnts"nd heKN . K rNlN .'\ KNK he K' osrainaea tt fiil K - 'K N -' K K ) KoK- Krt K h\ co srv to .A aKKreaKK K's Kat ' KKNKKN Kol .: 'K YKNK KstaNNKKKteK le ilt :.t-ee isue KaN'KKn\.3.KKN a1i 3' anN K- ".3 KKN \.3 .tot eL:3. s\ \ greaterN'N KKKK KsNKate KKNit(d KNK' d'poin oK K KNKNKKK'KNKK ( asNK KKK 2sK 1 ' a,_h~'N N' +\a\ UK \."'. KKKKN N-'K-N--'N' 'NKKNKN+*al ," NKNK .. 'Na K N "\ ,. K 'nna\: K :3 K' .\ a_ s \__ _ \_ _. a- \: _a _... '~\ ._ .. K -KKINKN'KN"K'KKKK A .++K PUKK\ mn t N N' K'ul Kes Nrvd prNKectio K \K> \K '.K, lan. \ he am tme privae c33. :a_,"\: t s prpare lega batles ver he \..N-KN .Nf \..K -KrKlKn dN-KK  U'ac DFC'SSUY C_ N"> P.. .:.;\ pr ss r n 'K* .:. ''' e x_33._a ho s uo ntsa \ o to . 'NP>'>ads .3\ Ko,g A"'> :te:. now '.a taro . d " the \.P'NK :..'> ac- cetal souto is>; to'>>>>> creat> a stat p'rk o s a"e oner I aea[h wo ld lke\. >>>' .+\1 .> \ 'N C the'"'' ashes 'of KKBteda"V'> a, Sta_. .ns f caawh h d iledMac1\:)s ea, : .n"+\: a altr ~aNv\ bl N'ha "los "" ree bldB\>N ._\-~ *"'NN"N' .1Np-'NN'mehig il \+.. Ku >'>f> K1_d Kottges 'N-r_'ieta r_,.u c " p thibe ndu an dce ,' N_3 N NNN> ' N . N . N. 'N>'>' K'> at. ".\ \ f- .ui \: g 3abt \ U. \ _t3, . A.* u '?o t thes meat~tes n.-,korethantheCot--,q: res haKno N''NNN'N NNthe"+N'.N t\;;NNuN>N'>NNo N'+ ;''>Q>N'" -'>-NKnNhN- >NNN sof-hesae . . . :+ ;rN\NN>' .3\, . a \_ NNNNN> . N. . ..: \: . 3.3 33, N >N .N N ..:.:,> n .. \:... . : \_5+ .>N .N '\3 . w nn:3: \e.\ '3n.'Se~.3.\ .a .n .\ n. .s\ IL33'u \ c u.NNNN \\\:r .NN'NN 33\ '-.. N\aNN:..>NK K> N' E prs r\->>> N' - eC" applaude th n K'a * s + ,c a d\+ 1' "g \:' \\ s,-\e ^\a r blmpr bl mm - \,\- -\+ \;'A '' >'N> \;'NpN >2>>"> F o i i 'tC,;,- Car earsN>~ C'' he'>"Nf NN>>> i v:, eulen. \ 3x_.3peope o lll 3i "N"' h a Nnnu3e. wl 'ha veC~K' K " a > ..\KNN~fl grenbl instNNead' No>NN f thi N' lbaN >>ss N;.a,.; N 33 aru' N. eK: e k l r d t t e33c sj ie.. .\ .' \. Ks., \:\:'a~~~~a _: 3.3ca$3.3 ~ ~ 'K \._:\ K'> N>.., ,3 N> NNQN""a..3 N>:3.C.n :. tha N .\>N a s -. i nQ>.\1ei na \1 ' N>'>N'>'>\n w ould '>K.+"-:.'>2 N^ a:\ Nit n N _N 'N \ N" ' t^.\ N -\ '>'> N,+^\: ' 'N a.\:n +3 a : ri .'a_\oiig. o_-N adNoa>NNNNN. it o t h s m tiK'\K>>> r e es'anK n ual de- bates ab ut .3 \:_ea;.\ \ KNN th 'K Cross N> "r. AN''e >> l _\d \\ asstn ; o f t h \\ '; ' "\ :\+ ' ..v ' \\t , ' \ r 2 , h e " r t\ ,' " o w,+n o \ ,_ i ' N > ' +, K>+ o t t o N\ N N and N>NNr>NoNNNNNN>NNNN> wa ~iA e noa oh r'N"'>,-g "NNN>'N ,,, 'NN"N' re">>'> e act, E'">N n -> u_.. no- N>aNNum meNNKNK .N>>N3 N.NKNNK3n'.\_ak .\,.C n rsN: 33 :3::4  N N- 4w tLe l' -~n of4~ 4-k th --1.8 act th 4i99 st"'atut' Na ,-k*,.,-.k-- wit fu d fro 4set of 44--t 4t tt' Canal. 4 4,\ . , 4 ,, " +: h t= N ,4y44m4 - 44) 4,4- . \-i . 4')4\4i_. "\c,:444 -4)4\+ j4-' 4j4 ^\ K , '4)4,tY.\.:. .: .\ ^f . ; "? .^\ ' t. \orty \ 'I. t3 t \ t .\:4)') k- T tu ov4 . .. e N_' N4 t\' ~ and 44 ma a em n 4t 4 - \ .s 'l 4 to he \:.\\\..- A4te4 4444 : 4 -' S4'44 N '4 4;f~ 4 : 4" \. Q.J.A. 4 :, -h iw "i t e m doctor decidin cu off 4, comtos 44nt.'~'W444V444~4~ 4 44 44-4'4' aben from 4444 41vs-kto wa (in eninoftedipstin \.: a a.D~d \. \: '\S':.. :a :, , tt~t\ \ ' b hin \\ 4444'44,4 '''4 ' e ~ ~ 4 nom Lawto 444sa dteC bne g\ :i.:t.. . f,,,h id __ '>4 "4 "', 4, \t , , N'44> '4 park> 4 ht44 4-k\ 444 t\4 plaNce4 of the4 canal4,) Lega -44' N 4ner the~~~~~~~~~~~~ conro of .\4.e^ca\,.\lnstraee o+ke lrd n\asae \.: 4 \..... 44,444\_.\ \: litigation 444 e r t o e J' ..e .. . 4,N4'4,-: '444: \.^ ove the) lag s 1, 44'd 4,4 444the4k 4f to, '' 42'4 4'4"4 -4li : 4-4:\' t , ,- 4 44~ had b i Ate' ltat -.+1.J444"4 : \C. L_.Y work44> 4 v(N4444t v-:44'4 4 in . 444) 44l,4 4 . i a s r+, o\s v as \,\._\. . _: . \.. \ t 1eri er _\.: -_ ._ d\ \e. g\. gr up ot\-_\", _ ..\\.\3 -' 4 vii-s-ions~~~~~~~ of rerato in the spc tha wa to be th4aa. a\~~ ~ ~ ,, 0 +y4 4o \\ \4~ poitcin on th s o cr sw ud 4\t ....\t naur o44,..44 '\'44 \\a..\. 4':44'44' 4.- \. . :\.3t. ..Fl ri a a geCa. l of kq -.,,th 44,id ledsatr 44 kp44444,4,4 44eprcsso todcd' hwt4s an develop swat of 1'd ho' pr4' a:~' ,u:' _ 44444 )4N444 4444 .^-n w :,, ,c ti 4: :+v, '(4'4h i n ."N'444(4,44.. . .:1~ the4, .,44 4r4s,4,444,ee bet 4:44^A ,4 44 '4 4- 4 'Q,\4 \ S t t \" 44 ;\, 44'4 4-i 44,4,4444 'on erv ''o Ar a. t\",~4~ do J~444,4 4 t\ . \" A A:- h -e~\y o .f-\.\. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 4,444 44.4 444'"N4'444 \4>4_. , + ..A \e(._+td\C n \c .o ' o r Q p s  4444'~~~~~ ~~~ -'4 4. 44' 44 V .4 4~'4C4l.4'('14('> +s=of\h: a d, 44 a ent ' 44\.44-,a arey fc mp tn ,, s 4.4 ariclae P uiiri 44>"ior thnaya'flca ulcFrC ,22 2 1 \\:4 in.44 444R04 R 44'" th r "'s4o44c4o4e ae,1 ,;- "l s 4pa s recreational ~ ~ ~ '44( e..''& pusis shkig aur riladn\.cnoig._:C\ \ t alone at. $_e..1 \" ..: 44\: of g 444"'4 444y ex e ie c , As444(4 4'44V44 " y l1 of.: R a e - a " _\ a ;"\N'. . "\he rig,.. . d . _ _to _, e eiaa. on exlane a34at.4._.._.4 \ __ w. g t or4o 3. .. u C\bm a s_,kl e.1 g a-..1\ avi g v'_ .-Je. he \:\1: el t 4:.\\-4 444'' y September -the S . e . \ ,, s bV p. . ..\ o n e t ai a l e r aio a.\+\: " .. ..*. '. , .C...\ .e vso 4pcnic4 tal s n -4o s an4ris eeo esde mo aiaan. \ e \C \ ' .'.5i.4 .An0o \ e s \e \e o s or - J.u >\ g 1 n . ''.. 44. \44 e \44"H4*.4 .V 11 .\C. \ were~~z" evndsue4 n\h \.lre:\u'.M n ,\ fro M rio \, , \ ho e ounry\'\a 1 e\:- .f44J awold (> cc c laseusra and 44'44 4'~. agrcutualcete tatse medmoe . ;..\ turst _ a.\-tananesap 1:\?1 x.1\ hutl an butl of mo er Ontewsen 4u.,. 444>4""4"44444>'4444 ~4 4''4""444 4(4 444 '>""' 444).'4'(4'4'&4&444 (' "4 of ~ ~ ~ ~ '"" the44 'ropose park Jim 4"4eir a' 4444444sta 444rdveo mo e4..e ih ~.1 e1ev\" es--\. . An44 to the east "4t 1\'\ - -1\ ^_."\\eet te d .oo \:a\ --\...s esi en s r m ane rv-;\,\+"') : ..1 the r n ;;\;;\\°de an -, \" ;" \ .h.1\e: ;.;\ - - .\ '144 444 io \ :'_4 Reservoir 444 as444 fihig-paais,.Spnin<4e eked ol, .\.. "4 ...... a as b s4. ."a \" _. a o . _ "ass -+ at, \ . sa N : IL k\. .. _.... "' 444i1.4.4\.4g\.: 44o t t44e4 hou'\_; 44 \_" a 44444fl tan4 na pa4n44tr44 h-._aa.. On Se te be a\:e.," 44(44444wJa~n mVr 4442n '+ ofd lb ai 444 ,..44 4.4. 44 4 44( \\\__.: ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 444 \_. *444_" 44, C\*',m t ' c l \\ s u t .. ,. e o t n ,; \,.1 1: u u .:. \. h . ." r e - ^ 11. .: .44:.4 444.e 444he4 f4'4\- .4 - b\-_1a.~~~~~~~~~~~.44 '.ow. ca4e sh r s 4lrd ^2.e w .'.A na vsrv o r ,. 44.4 "~'44 n ,: 4"444444"4'\ '<; ,' 4444.444.44444 . \ 1" 1 - . v h 2 "' . <\ : -; - ; 2':\ _ k G~: *,1 'eld~" '4"4'42-. 44444:+.'\.4444 \.: :,\ .:.:1:\\ a:.-:o :  Lz-l~~~~~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ :. ;\K :n \ .t AA ,v 33..t \: o d\_3 : 'i\ . \na3v n Exprssig a.belef p ssie rereaio_,,ni,,,',,_ tht Inllismarn a ' t \g_.\ ndlo e a' . s " * \. ,r"elativefl y inva Nive "f ' ))YNN"ut' oo a(ct i eteN .\ , t -N its ~ most iNportNnt ( .li ,.\. Sl NLNNN by N \ (N" . aN s o tn io sis e\'N .\.\" . .: : KNt.:\. ' \\ \ \*~~(~ ''' fiN)NNi mn-N" N+\'m N)nd h''NNN \" .a\:4 N -,N RQfl \N! I'Ne d itv te u os ' N' + NV 'N "N i N: ' (N 'N) N'NN N'N(N (N V N'" NNNNNN' ' \. :.. s\ ., . ,- \- t is im e " ;-;°^ i;"< \ \:e\- \ r vie ' NNNN) N'N';10° NA'(NN 'N...,s \ :^ , -i; _ \~~ ~ ~ .. '~ :( :N NSN~i .NNNNNNivrNNvN:\ei : .n ew NNN) emN)N n dN1 tan.NN Nnce NaN:NN'N again ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ '(' theN" "sa(ehnclK nd cn mi ot eneft ) f h \' N'N(NNN '''N'NN NN' o: N)(eft NNN'N:(meNNNNNNrNsNN)NNNNNNN NNr~ inf ,'N NNN \.\.Ilr*, Rh,_\, saw as jus round o; NN,i\'\" "i i-re ; tii Nwe'k NNNN atNNhe age (NNNANN 'N"N"nc"d N'NNN'NNr NNNe NNNNN' Ioul n 'N'o N'N) WNNNNNN to) )N)seN)N'NeN' "herN" 'ra ufle . -.Ih i lN"' be ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ NNZ)N(NIN r\s\ 4e nh ra t.1\ 'a n u cdD vd\,.*, , . - D '\_.\ . Netrto Nrjc Nie to, deiin 'o a,,7 me n N tat Nic~or N , N not~~~ ~ ~ ~ evn'NN.Nn1-,,.r tiN) ) Ct NN Be i e N- ''N' Nhth ))is e NNNNN N\ N , ' w it ,'N)) , N' "N''' Nat A_.. sN"rd cda- :'e3t h e at:saesn trG o KikpN rc ofN' N' ttNNNNN" le NA memberZ of"'' Nhe siaelgsauesnNeNN'NNNNNNN N 5\v ^ ? ,D m ca uc l e N "GN' N a\ the of' he Reevor Notniu Nn NN N-1 \v.f'( N'rvldin sw N.:NNN N'N "'" '. Nsap ltc l . .". \ .a:\ ' \ \\ :: \ N) 6.:)))N N N'N N N NN -th scn Nsin th Nusin Nhttee-(rsr ,,~drdek v ""nte '' t\:+" as"N e NNNNN -\rN~ e.falN.9 NN.- . \t'" !'\.I pNNNNN ' l'cN k\N e\:N ..e 'NN'NNN n tNNN tCNNNNNN No an ans e, I No n Nn N po nd, N' pecie Ns aro t N Cif somene1 Ia agesi -Ato IN tur mefl hr side, a'( n d IN' lknoS mthey e ((Nh,,,-  aged~~~~~~~ .NN... asp_3\ s\:_,aQNN'nv\r of Flrd ' .__:\ ,N' . .o ih re n A u tcS in et . .. ~.\:tyt ass non g , than n- NNC"NN-Co n g\:suu ".eooia iatr u ddi paNrt' NNN 'N'e CouN-"V n N ty ))NN N"'' N) 'N + ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ NN :\4'N'NN- . - ., ._o , :3x33 d s o ii n \n \.,\n _ n,_., \S NttNNforce Ns'-k - no ', :n, eyN _d a .o la s.\ t u o . ._. :sa \..\- \.h: us d \,nf 3.a r se rc t b ttessa- .+a .\\o - _'Nro ecNNN :> , f aNK Q: N o \ ,.,h" laeN :\., ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ K 'N"')nee a : hnh rt ta po ,so t C 3~~~~~~~~~N have>N write exesvl nd\nG. aothercnrs"bu hisN NNtud' desigNe NNN)' 'NQ'N if a c N's NN Noud N N 'N N 'N NN'NN N' NN) (N )<) "' CC'KN R es _ f t Na .,''tha * ; \..+ .^." +': :\..\\.a, ' w a a,\ a a C i + g' . w ter , _, \N N N\ NN 'N N N NN 'N-N.' ''N .,., LNN .N Nn N'N 'N ., -'N ., that~~~~~~~~~~N is Ne\hk. ' Nia 'N N " _,3 uNtm \headdte N:)d\~ -. FN" NC.Q'' Na N;'o s r e a , ,o ~ ~ '',on t o l i h '\.d w l l l" b ta 'NN'N'NN'N' 'N~' ' N. N N ' N~ NN N.N tNN e locNN. N)'na n ('~\ N N \N- .tyeo o yCafed eahd\ eco cu on: y\ :U N'++, '{' N '\";333a. \: N ..a.a CNN'''.33.aa3. N\~e3 N .fblet i e n w, n w, l§3 3s No Nilgc lec l gc l n \ N~s? N. NNo NuNN N.:.\.aa \na\. R + Rfsin ii a3in . \n n te theN N)N' el N e or Noo \N'N"' ,,, " lthe 'UN N , (') N' Nf su prN'NN" N NN' it-- th -Ner oi i nNN .N n~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~N N' N' Na 'N 3 +\"'\' ,t\:,\n1u seian se\. pJ~~~aJ~~~m(C th tu yasaovr)D Nf theN Nake Nhch N N N- ' a A . : R eqoe m td do e s R R,\, \. swe e " .\, \.1ece afr m ep rt+ N . on ~' N( N\ in'K-'),\''. N~ 'N'N'Nn.\+ N3\. . N. \"N\,,.. N'd Nee NNN)'NNONNN' : bee Nak st ag tti.NV) b S.s J i ssd ne . h \ wic s.NN N-NNO. 'N eNNarNNNlyNNN )'K aNNNN" 'N;N \_" (Ns ''.' ' NN"'. N'N\N N) s is a en~ o\\.:\, : bagel," ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 'N'' FacedCNN wiN-th NV.f\. ny p erd__\ h o r NNN'N\c had \. NNNNNJ.\N\ '\NNN "N ..'' +' :*':. : aa n \\ N. ' , N\NN.'" " \ NN""V N " ffi \ . : ;"f a~ : v -Qf .f \, "Q ;ft .'' :f\A\ '\. \\N)) ..,'N N. .., :' N-.n N\ N' .. N 'N N) . 'N° N\ N N N) *\ ' N N" N) N N' \.± ; \ \ n\'e NN)'NkNJ.'-:_\ ,, th aNare ultoftN u\ .',\_:._. , \ ,,: \a \ N-. sNNN _NNNNN N)) \NNNN) ..NN~ Nt NNaNNNN~"'nd, NN N\NN 'KN'NN"^"V \"\ ' C\" *-. ; NYN&N"NN N)' KNN . b Ny --N c nNN de N NN'": .A N''- , :, t a ". 'N'. . 'NNN'NN _\.. N'-~ i: "' N=\\ was .lm~~' 'Nt 'N)" NlNu N. N_ N_. \ N- a-.: \\ isanc. ' NN Anohe roN n oXN N eay Ne Na\: y~- ND me br No Ne N N\ Nh N_.'N N N more ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ &Lt)1& siise reso thSeiin _4 C,< ey esn: o ; ' '\Sao . ik N. N N33-\:NNNN N N'NNN ~'')NAN  3-N N ' ;,,":N \ , W ' __N _ N _ - 1:+.__ \) ,'1 ' I''' : NIC" ' i.. \Ae ,,. \NN \ D\ ' \- 'h 1- 111'N NeN tea: k,. ,_, a\. .. \. AN\ :G\. :-\ \, NA_ \.\_ .1. N- N' at D- Of- N- :;:.. i.g v ro s .: \ : : \ : :D1 H'(N"(D~ 4 NN4 -N 'Nkp trc nom \. ,et .-.. \.. h a' NNN \'N'. nN N to : make sur NA at -:1 'N Hc\NNNN NNnad N' is baseN oNN ac urt WhN' Ns e N",,,,u N ,,~ alleged N"e N ' N \' \, ''N ... ~ ~ NIN _a: "\".N'N. -.- 2,t e o en or n dN ._a\" ., - \..: C\ \ "3o .\ i ''N-c')( _ .\_.. N '"'-, c r N .0.4y ? u3 :::3 t e 3_: 3 .".\ t_.a i t , 3 -. -t"' NNuNbNlicNN -NN'mC'.1 wit 'V',an ofK 'NNN b e -N'NerN relaNteHd NK No Nh NN 'an> NNN': N\ ro S eaecnee n tetl" o m OAN c \ NN\gaNNiNn,~N Ndesre Necne nte\aia n-sd e u h N\p:o s a igcv NNnjNN.rNkN NHa .NN"NN'I<- NAK\H' ')N\ r \",NNo\"" sarc. ,.,:\\hAokAAe s n l ,fs\\ ' \: :A\ .._~A Ar ,\. A A c" '°: A ar A AA 3 ,,;,3 ,f R ' *'esl A- ;1o ; ni \. - ; eo u n + , h n on d 3-\..e, 13.33x; ; '\' A. A . A"') A)) 'A... s\: Aa '. A A " '' A A d ec sio ._AA A" A A . A t first~'AA Alnc A33t ._ .. .: e m d .C34. eov h s i. 3 D\.3__A) sAA . INN~ \A, H A \. AA A .. buriA A n the Aa gu g >AAAA CP AA''AAAA, as.AAAAtors AAAA ~as th phAs A ., on Af, \9 Abe legslaiv a'~.. A 3 'in., Aoo Ah A cA A. e~A~' _ A' A AA''At o ANA "AA'NAA AhA go er o sAA handsA an'dAAA A-ac) iti .i st .E e .3CAA; .3_: E AA'PA AAAfiAAA .A A)_ 3.:ZAAS A\) tAAA Yt_,"A oAAfAK theiA Aito y Ar '1,kif a ar  n\-4444 VKpatric an 444 ,sa es prepared _ b4'-4'441 verth b.\+,~~~~ ~ ~~ 4>R - , R:,\\ Rd "n e tn a ke. t.,~ o .ol' Z,> 4'I444 4-4 1 ~ ~ '4 ply' "it" t4 h\'\4nt4'eiso , 4ikp tik As'4ado'.4 \ C nt .1A ., 444444444"s 0 4nk- rvfurthr )- tes-,rw n rOf-.'U -h legisla4'44tr '4444\: '44444 measure a -\>444404\9:"..\ .. 4\ _a " 4"-3 3:3 <. *. t -otto \. . o.r. e e vi , a al d .[. yf. \a3p sil 4(,tte ato -fdl orp ril rt ni n o h es r o r rf -l rp r 4ia retrto4ftervr n epcs, sti gd 3.4.e t b ih do43v . _Snknn: a.n \. \ \:>4 ' *-4.\s. >4\_ whc subcontracted s0 '4-"rserht te j . s \ r,\ . ter '444)4~e~. 4\a.:a _3: 444.\. \ast es m ato fa \\..- '4 4f4444rs a chA d g ve). o te to s _atu .\. f:. \ o 444. 4 ''4-4' 444rs lin 4i 4 4\ ..4 \. 7' . :r po t ..a."ttia .\ . ..J n a y . \, o 3 3e,. fina '4,so4'~ 444 4io4, of the isu, .4\~ii o cu e ta \.t\_\^ td was often'- so4 44ieb 444-u and t 4'4niai arcane 4444 bot sde sa a confirm ~ ~ ~ _4~~4< 44 a.'43444-4 44_4 .444 o ito ,K rl 3+ . k _ ta y -3\\, M ar, gin ..\-'4 Carr" _a a _,. he rt \.. 4434 \i\.\.\ ..-in4 the '4' umes'f 4nse"p44se4a 4)4444 f\4-44 4" 4'44 .: "\ \ : . - a -1\ '- '+ CV1 +' d r c e n t a '4''44'-'4' 4. \-\\..1 . 44' 4 44 4- si pl a: .+ 4. \ 44 444 '-4'4 - at n 4: .\: _..\+ of 4 4 Following44444 tY4 ht,- 444~44 report's 3 44e . 44~444) 3K±n& ..4 n4 w4443'lO ff :' re 44 . 4' 4 4 4 '3 4 o .nm \.n.n'i_, . ,3 \ ., , \ .> Q_\Rom 3t e i . n\.\ .\: . . . t. - t 4 4 \. \, . .. \ \, , . , 44 \... . 3.. .....\.\ at 4 t '4 w ow of \. .e reev i in aniip to o4 retrain K _:. a+ n4.44'4 44'4~4~4'44 t'VC~ 44~ tl4 fK \043MU 44' '44 '4444)' , 44444)-,t44' 44e 4 4444" 4- 44444_44 .44 to44-44444d44s -etrto \ - -'h ato h ar \ .a setd  ',a e-.__ '.' . __n 3\. :;'""'' 'N 'Nf an N~+ nn 41tNLN ' , kw\ d1 \ ) 1 ' \\11 <(N of~ ~~N'N Nh stt4\4s ~r\\\,:dcl \:,i eoa f omttDn.kA-, 4'NN(NCKQ<101 27 W he firstC\NE'NNNN4 \-_.N ;\>' :-_:1'V']c e \'''t:\\ \+''4\yC" 3. 3 . K'' " pp a ed " _ : , NNNN " "V.\NN4 NNN \..\i, : 1\ \': a \' "; .: -.°to n _. __ C 'C;1 .: "d;\ .^ ;\, 1i n . eprN') 3 . 'I N \1i"\.s . a,+ °-3 .:a t o NNNN N' "N ""N1444'IN 2 4..144.444.4 en-. vironmentall \.\ \No"_u.:I'\::" : JJIXVit ct t. 3h lk an.\.3: ''IC' 'boys who spen whateveN _...\ x.33\-te a N4NSnnn: eNNNKN iN' "N As' h' onNe no2NN 'NI R'resent \ \,4"N \ 4n N i, . 'NNN' \:..:\ 3" ..\"\\\ _ th in tere ts.N. the \,3n\ N'NN: .Loy'\:\use anddepend n>the R servoir .N_\": 4 livelihood.N"" N C N :~_o .d N\\ ha to,"N 4NI N ' 41" 4. h e >' c:nzd ta n o--,eta hsp ltclilat etdi l.\. ID'4N4~ N~ 'NNNNNNNNN hands.K N4Nft- 4'r-..n "'Ni NNNN"''N 'Nn _1'NN'4'N4tNNN \, e t a m :.i J ofNNN\N4\_. .,33, NN . \ 'NNN :\ ; .oNs'NNNN"NNNca efrmfr m C n. url . .:\-:.,\.s~~~~~~' 'ho Na . 'N'N as N h ]o e\4fn e o h i a h(: .._ h 'N \ 33\N NN4N'' NN(N'KN N\NN _'44 "NN\'4'4' \334NN' \,\33:"-.\y\.\- - \ r so a on b thh and pepl N ofN '4 r ai_-r- Co nt "wouNd _"S Niah NN'a4 Nhe co > N n allianc bNetwNNNenN goe nmNentN brac ts~ 3\.cn tificNN experts, NNN:N_\ aNNNnN elts4NNet e a etig o e hNNNNNNa(NrtNis isedt en-,,, V4NNNNN4N ' NN&orNNNN' , . :3313 N\''4N '\".\ __3 t ll'cm n f dir eN N iNN -,NN theN N'NNN N 'NN 4e .4 of, \\\444 of4.n. 'N-*4.~ NNNN' _\: x..3.\ N N'id nt N"NN4'4' re to a .-4_ .-\ NN _t 'N g n z d r u cale N av N o a Neevor to "gh of he wihe Nf NtNsNNho know NNN bete," Worki- anti 4 Na a 33.\: '\" :\ '- N. 3 4.' 'ANN 4' NII' sough N rsrv to of NNN-Lak.4 ~ eNI N444NN4'NN. andN4 i44 EN4Ene w N N Nr4.,  to Ai.O' .n . \.b N "N~ . tsh .'_'hN,.: .°3\"t. t .3_ v\"33 \s v .. . o co l,\\, ii\'decie ,M r earlier Kf 'N " ,rEs M ikeN~ NNNNNNNN a iC\--\Ng3 .f s 3h y . .. - ads, ta .n....'f.'..g -te oe bc n heSxisa,-, bsadscm n to taa 3_\'3 them""'\N'N' _3: ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~K he 'Nl~f3_ .d.' "nw " eh v \a3 3-~~_ga 'NoNe 'N"sN'Nr""" \Nre(N'Ni Ov rt en ex hr e +,'s, "K* sessionsN''N' Kikp trc al ndNNN his t~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ h .;. , '',. \a "\ NC' \". * .J\ad et. a.ok '\_ )ekNNKo \._.":.N NiNNY an the 'N<° \'C\. \..."..N'o E .v .,.i \nt . ,. \\\3. ..F r M ro Carr, 82 e 1 :.1\' ' .,\ -_3i_ . \ .l1' ,3_ 'N"NK"N'NKN ' .:\\ hN" stb csfoNNNNNNavNN"NN ,l al_;.\ 'O-*" ~ - -;\ ._.. .s ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ iN \\ a e .\\ N. N E .. _. Y\:" f " ,,,,,. C . 3*:Y3\; L K.o .- n,._ a .f f, \. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ N '(' Is \ 'N'.y 'atr d. 3.3:\: ti , ..3.. . a .333.\: \.fe .\ .,,.:\ . .' .\ 3 .b3 B ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~ N' v h'.33 . 3\ . n,\-e t no_,, ,- 'botl n n..n....toh rc eih d'.3n.anNN .h m t . to paioNom in " _.3 ideo "'nsvle NCarrN'NN plain iely's >live t'NoN sN"N ee itN~ ! 1 ; \ C\ - a ' ..T :\ . \ \ r n ' f C ".\ o * \ ."' ._, Q d n , k " ' ~ W a h i n w a that Gerg 'Nkptrc was no i N"NouceoI alN e _.NN. IaN + Chr actrizngN hiso "omn'a a beso, h d ta h senatorN sucNcessN" 'nNI N'nN'' 3C .'Nm.a n o 'Nii .t he cae. .. No g lo ge abl No lead Nh atl N N.~ k f o f Kn 'N 3' 'I : \ N .a. N N\ . \.f33n . 'N . . t \\, a\Q \..~ _f.. .\ \:\:,,+ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ N' fald t s et e\ s\,N. N \ :3.\.c h \NN"N .'N'NaNNN3.N a.Y., N'''"..a"\\, I. Y '... NN N\K' KN ''K'N NWCNN'N \"\N" N 'N "N' iheki- " Ou h No 'N' Nsa e of ' h~.r,,sv s _"N'NNNoN ' t i u nyi N'nN KUNOi> 11' N'() >N" ' Nh reNNeNvNNirNN *N Nh sam Nt Nar 'efir,--,,,e h. .3 n .: n - \ atach entto th _3n r\s \\.:Ad g n~k _, NNK i Nt, Sidne L nier t\ 3  h Ner friends and) aliesNN with r N tIhe NNNIN \'' NN.NNN \ II. 1 Ihe had 'f created s N).w'ut l,- N) CaA"\^ N[ '^fN loss. NHer NN N ; . N>"':\ )N)NflR:.-*'NN)N)\^,NC.NN)N ^,,yrNfN ectedN'N'N ,+ . ~~ Nz N,,, N'olaue R N'er r'\i\Alm ,n AC ;. NNNN Ne No NN\ :.d:v'n \ NsNNe had N'~: t Nd N 'NNNNN ~ >N N N ' . N> y\:a-. s f he to te stuggl, he a~a..ent~a NNit'NsdNoN \,....._\:NatINa ; \' i\. as as die withouN hN (...+ \NNNNwa a twa u de mt N. a \N N N N cee rto Nn N Na k. o fFlrd r N N'" ea t NN N D si c N'N' N>a\ , \:NsN N ex pN -N-s . NNi N.'- Na \. N' '\C r 'N'NNN N ' to se te-- '"- ,,o? " a a :b te piiill ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ - -ta Nar N N de t ev sUS1oIi-10,A.F u n ,,., u r-Z, NtNNN NNN N'N)NNNNNN -Nmmo ae Nar) Nit Nh N\sa tt.a .a. NNNN: CrossNNN N N.NNNNN) NNNN'IIN-~e. 1v :..: he.I m n eset i ak d h - ~~~~~~~~~~~ ~ ~~ ~~~ N',' ' \1 \ N)\;"y\ N) \ ;> : \\ r N. N- N" N" N N: w m n \ N' . ,'' N N " N ' N :f N \ a.k.,"A " " v " NN'NNNN'I NNN'NNNNNNNNNNN3N3: :\: \_._: \1 Y:. ;1: NN -NNN N :N'NNNNN NNN eNN))NN)NNN "N N' N Nci n _, v,\ r D ' _.\:b li . g :. t \-t N N N N N N- NN NN N - N N NNN 'N N' - N 'N N N N -N NN N N N - '.I N) provide ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~N theKNN poiia2N> . " ly e tr '...\eh.i O'C ' ,\a . a\:\.\ ..i ' .\ N-ded N h Na\,7 Nfe N_1 N Ne iltkr hon re Na w'N Ne Na m N.a :.e Nt als Na N N NNN No Neo i lz N N N. 3\ Ia NN +\" N ,c\, N+ IN. as\ N NNN 'N \ NN =Nt.N -N N\.NN\N:N N N sI 'bl NirkNNtriN ,.)VJ lN-I N'N N'n atoNNNNN'N)) Na-ii avd .Nfse ma ,Nau ait,) \$wt NaNN N>.ae s nNNhNN,)N\NNNNNtonNNNNKN~a \_ lgilaur N _: N N N N C~~~~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ N.e Ni Nfut \: N_.. N.t .\ p oiint h \ \ vC : .*h: \..+,.N NI\ .a NNNIN -INat .a'O ar e " -^\_. + tS, n n .nN. Nn \s . ... N N N -N NNNN N) NN) NN N. N , Nn\\ .\ Na I' Nh No s ++) , N. -NN'.. .t\. N 'Nn NN N.NNN-NN. N NNNNN '' N N N NNN- N -> N ma ne . \ N-~~\:\\e, Nav\:a Wi Na_\.. N :-\..a Ng e as Nh US ForNsN  La ,,Nto4N stt 3a:.\et."..'te m lm -s *:+ N>> ,N' s~a \:n-K t - -I N K,.\ h dac a S m.3 l-,: W-n 1 K - ". < l _t3 ' u asinV NN-NNNNNth F low n ' yNflN- \:\1- h ~ rp ti k '\0q3 \ wou- d 5 e"?eN . \NNQN-BN'NCN:_-Q;--\'f" ti:\ . ..,,~~1";;^ her s rv i s h (-io g b- \._ O v\. ,..., u :. tr m i ed -> n r d c d s s sin."' NNNNNNN-N- sesNN nNM'sc'fs >\ >K f\ R+ \ I\D I-N -tax 'olar KCt_- n tereevo Noat iN ,\,~N. N''-'"N'N- " N"N- aN NN e Re\eroc^'\,-N'>r-a:\ arg ed -NNNNN\$ aftN Nerl N~iryy aso xse c, ariica lake had beo ep r ftntrl +9 \ + tefA ex laned, i' s it N-N-N-N Nc lo y is'N~N gN INQ s oNN n onNN e. _N ,- 'N N KNNNe, Nit NewNpaNNrsN rn g 00 N afte N\ NN0 b\-a\ NN SwNNN-Nt DeNateN n d NNN k \ Kl.'. ob e vi g _ - N,, N N, N-e N.. '-1 N. a\ N, N , . FloN id N-N-' - ,.,n- tu ne -ft ol -o n og l oNfNN-NCNNRNNNN aKNNNN'N$NN" model, ~ NN+N\Nn N-N-4N NNN NNNNNNN"H As" NNNid Re'sn.a~ e Bl rnt p l i ed x1i'kr NN\ \e' - N N ,\f-i : ._\ r ',- : \' g ' ' ' t , m N -NNNN-N.0 No, \. :1 , I , :1. : t e s a o ' f : . o NN-NN 'NNNNNNNN N t CN th Nhnc to Novr Nn le o Nnt Nf\i the ' NNN Niiei N _+' N', N" Nh Nw es No ; a N le il r NtooN Wfl>NI VN\, ' N-N'N KNNNN t- N: 3 NN-N \: andNN N- n aNtN ur l, pr srNto NNN' N -N N -~ 'f Negi n - \ \-.-N-: N-N\-\- . oNN +..t o t \ i n a\-.n.\" Dro t \:n .e ::\j .3 .tKNNKf>N , , --A I C i.99 _: on  ~W~Na \to the east,' an W'NItl-,.Ia o c -.\.e '~'<> +? wet, 'NNNN'" :a d ao gsa e+,w tr s o tep ,ti e h N. :.: 3 ' : C" it :\ .. \ .1 "\ .3 .. am h sc n b t.t i u e 'o + NNutu re a s'K .N (INNll ;NK~r.,,,t 2 0NN'N'z-o-i 'ln big "" n ettet op r ,NNNN'Nme 'N N N'N',N'N ' N ' 'NC \" ;1 N\e 'NNNr d t is'NN *. ; -.,... \ r" ' :. e a t a d w s ,:'\ \+:N-\ si esof"tQ.\C -\ '\ 1""- ":\'>-\\f N\' ' :_ fc m g on dsNNN tr ils,'N n d o 'N: .1 N" \ " N(NN.' .N N'NNN''N . \ : .'N . - Ae : 3 \' \ .\ 'N 'N 'ams o "d of Niitr floke tIo" th vait o reto a 20 Nlt.- "'h Crs Florida "New -y'poab-y'spot a * :\:A *...i+._\ ,'varie yNa'\ 'C'oNO Cd ' ,N\f;* \ . .:3s 't,\ N:'N N , NN '\ :Q\N u e 'a y' \ o NNQNXVNN,, ar r "N 1N N', ~ ' \N ,N N'; N\ ,_ , ' N: 'N Ni. :. \:\,1 1 iN20 5(h a t :*. o a n u l were availNN'N'N1,N"\N"\NN~ol sd he_11ailte f te-,o oar iNN', NC ar i .' N: ' allN acN o nts \NNNNNN. .NNN :.e NNK'.e N .hNsKNe'nU.' re "'N' l-iri succeN Nn N ~r legac 'No 'N Niji "N ' N'N NN \_:"..: it ea ter . ide ....: c n .,r\. \\: s N over N N.\ :. I :\Nt of N K r ptrNN'N 'N1 a n Nd ) '\\. N 'N' \: N \ __3u oo. . N_ ,33, _. ,\ a -l . e t w m I jwtw~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ N$ Nh NtRvrWtr\,A A: +_ Dsrc eevdapr Ni Np'N.. .,. m rn ta ako h NNho NNNNN of NNN~i RNN" \_;'N \N'- NNNNNNNN'.. up otrso ier et ai awte\?G NNNNN NsN anth'N "N ep'okeptersevi nacKrnA so the Nrpoa N i Ni \'b cue' e i  4.G_. the-treervor"' I \A pteL of thi "runswl of cocr n" h t'ne 4.4"4 ,0:x"3'.-h r l s ar4 le r d, 4 .-\4.\:,,, _:. \4 . >4. ' '4 tannGs,. ad\\n..\ i'nct \ ' Prxm tyt he \ n\. onn of.4( the coo \..o.44 rectr would taken4(,N ,>N04R 4' 4'46.: th N$'4-,f~nse rs lrd brecnladpp e]svrl t h plant and '44 \"4N44N sev4a .3. n. .:bakotth ufofMxc. .adiin theNcomp]. eNtN'c'> d-potin f th cnl es o Igls ok il srv a - _n '4 r . r4 444 :> 4'\n . . _.: \>N ' _nn. i \ a . C? \nn : ,n n. .- \:.:_ \=n n___.,.. th 444'N444 .: m r.4., '4 co,.t \: ""'' 'N iteh sbe n ,eov da o h 1.. a~ dispositioNn of"hi("isu ,,) -he' "44N'4N"44 ins"4 4pro'N- 4 "4N 4 44 ac of> Kh 4Nos Floid Bag 4N44"4'4'44 -1l"4'44N4'4e ema n\. undl ~ ~ ~ ~~' '444'444 va,"n,\. 4> \\*_\n so nld 4a:; .N "n. '4 n. '' 4 .:,-4d4NN \ : _ dream "'4 44444 canal4>4" N""'er hav cre te N < M arN :\44 ?44,.. I _. \._ of''4 4 Hari C4' .. . ( ^ :n. 4 u f h d sg ae 4kor b.c n .u 'The,:oged ativit--r.,-, \' ar, nd hr co ortsprovd tht ° , 4N4>4>NIe 4"' -x :..\,,:\ go e n m n pr j c s \,...... N u\": . ..\.._\ have4 \..._.. .,., ' 3n .43. 4- wel, :. :_'1 4tc a -z ,, o m n R s r o ro h a ,44.444 .4 44'44.44 44.O~.C 44' ..44444  C A \A'' fi~dhP X ~fds ,B reC'.,A 2;! ci " 'KWAAAA A A "A A ANA'NAA A AAA ~ cAAt'ApuAbA lished~~~~~~~~~~~~~4c \' -A n as >, : \,\;: \. usin bu t\ \ rd 11 A'AcAAA' -.,i A', AN - ~f fl nlntf " A nt .- vm.h -- cAA'AA~P re 16A" n. tee.A~ AANAAAe. AAAA \AA tA eii! A' \-.H 'A A\ H~ :i l.ian . , enA A"" A'" AAAA" {>t A"' p"",; f \ AAA\ A \ S 1= .' -l~~ AAa tet , J-, .5.\AIF (). ..- Ba ge ',J :.J.. cs~d\,.I ,., . ..,A A t ,.2't " \t \. . 1. ,, ay,, \ Ai 1 S\ '\ " A ' A!i "\' S ta A f. +A: A\ ". A Ar- A A 'A As e Ao ..a .\n..AA a ge\. ..,A.'f\e;\ fin ~ ~ ~ ' An ~ S, A.\ AKAA\A. , .\ M y > A, ."e Ar e N ' Ao 'A-, ? : f 2 ' \ "4 ' , , ~ . t g r o s l s Y +;.., _ ,.",: : : :+ .e . ,' ' f , &n e , ,' q - \ :3 -\ - c: . v ,, ; . . \ : . \ : a \ , S r "' __ t rC ? Y Ss e ,,7 AfAS$tA All \:: AVA ''" At>''K tAAiA:,A Ati~iA A A N C~A K I i'AAA'  ;"'i C o s F o i . "' a a \ \+ ..\ . , f :\ : y 2 "n, .."-: . : .a_\ _,\::\\:S \_:\:!_.., i to _..;.\\:.\ Pe per, _._A a.:v C , f ries ... B o \ _,\:\: v p i. ' Ne ',ltt N cfl Bor of Nelos 'N c, ApiN18,R ,B x4 i-,e I ViFo \.....y.Nil _.,.,.gp:\:_ .. YIINNNNN\_ ..:.... f..\ N\. NNIN IOI\ NNINN.... NIN~1,cy \.3NNN t-,cn krINNVNNNKi_,,-, NN- 'NN'N'N -198-NN \NNN'N VIN'Nc~e lo sFlrd ig ( a~nfl.,Pa L., ,,.., . a\ I kr- '~ a es .r- N \\._. fa ',W t- ak NNNINar NIg NK IsNNNNStillNNN NN\NNNN N'N\NNNNNAX72i_ ; '\.\-.R la e d S re \ N N + \ , Cr ssNK 4 ,\ N , NN N; f NNNNN Ba g N' ~ ie. IN1:, Nm 2\a N ta NA N' :,- .,.:\ a :C i_.\ a k IN a e e:.\ f 1 to 9' ,2N'-\ ; \' 1' 8 habi 1- N ,6 Nw s c N NI N N' NN NI Cha'e N\-~ 'INN pres Nce N :'dN- ;:''::; ere \\, od r,.,- (2), FIDE, 'N Y INNl- 'N,,t Nill ReuN. N a~i NN o Nttel N',,a tr gqo; bid a n forNNNN'N'NNN BagN,' _n ib no P rs :. d-.' l1 : e,:y m ay 19 >': G ae:.:,:a, 1:.c 1 IN:. I. "'INN \.:a aa I o \, IN..\, .\,N _,\ _,.II N' ..i B a g \NNNNNN IN' ~ a NY .. s \ . - fY R:i, .:;,.i :, . a 1N9NN\ 1 N" d 2,\ N :1 I: N. ,\ N N N N;'l NNNNf N dN :..,. rz kir.\k.Atv:: ...o ri 'c.,'k,,:. NN >NNf If I'K,,. . \o.:a\ ±. + lf p _. "a 1. ,w ,II NN~ IN . -::vN * I..  _.1 LA .33333 3.3..33333 + cen' ' t : >b . \_:3.-g \. ter:,3.\.;t \., D 713 i..-.. \_ .. _ ,.I \j _.. .67_ \:\71: :k71 11 \_.-11>371. t.w'.. B ett \_..,. :\z. is Y.:e\:\a_,.t:\A 192 . 1st .-i D oO,.a. ..:Y..S \:...::..i,.~g o \,\-S..- ' 1.. ' R. _. 3 333 -C' 2 4 . Y .. :\ . : . \ Y . \ i:.. . \:? ,> Y. . *\:. z\..: :._ ..? . \ 3 \ \...Y . ; " :.: . l : >>", ,"; > ,i. : n '3 33 S \K \ to Restre Rive'" 3\33.3 iil +t".3 ''33 ,-,,e% P+)cen& , 26.. 3337(733-Four R the + \ -e O " ov.'a'\.,Ri er \ \ ', \ t333 > -3333 '\",\' St on 'ieS \'\" c. : George ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~111177 1731:\._\k . _-..::s\ ._ \.\am. ereK\ \_ rc aesM k M ; 1'"; y a, l 7c1> !o7", G ',;.,\;\..\.. ,1.\ _.;,: p333 .3333333 7 -\11173Kik,1,7...+..k1 nk , . "o t e 1o, \.. ,333 333 "-"3333 the G eorge 71737133:+\ to 3 3 ' \._.: NA "' :d o?: _-_;a \:\_ : Y :",1 ,"\,\ ", '*: -ki ;\ nG or e K rks:13 i erS 7it \r ;~71 "3 3 3 ;,'; 3,,ikevle Fla3'N3"3". 33"3333 pers ~~~~~N Mike> Muth 333eti-n ""hNadeo ,08 3 3 3 3Nnk -,!9 '9N, { 2 i "';\S" . , . .,:\".. a s F ;1 333333333333 ~i '\ \ 3 'NN. I\\ N33 3 E3'3 : _-.3'N'2\13 7 1. _31- .. . 7 N".. \... "333 ?\;' > '' 1\11111 7117171173 17i1 ';33173X ' 111 117111 1711.137; 3 '3  r7/' / M '7 wz 7/)  'U) ' 'T"N'N A Douglas's1947(NN'Nss yN'NN'NNN(NN' N.N..NN. N.. Rie oN 'm 'nN:. 0 these \ -\' ..\ K'et r ~\.,s.~ Fk a . f~ \ Fo iaI trm io- N ' N. \_.h Nopl te N'"N- 'N.N. '' N. ' . \~~~~~~~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ . v\." an N: .\n_ N..\ Nu N_ No\ , N Nrm r so rc ,mt .NNN o ''he :.1\eN .\ \: n_ n\e . "'N q'N \N N\_: N NN N"' N N \.. diN' : . 'e e_ _ ".\ ckk ,. . \ .,\ ep o .sfc l lection N"s N'RNN "N pers 'N\l pap N' Nr-.d NNa hitoie a NQN)"NofNrif~u nta Everglades~~~~ ~~~~~ Nesnliis Nn exesv "N ,,esae Noerg of Nvnt " "' N "N. NN. N v r la e n' 3. _. ' ~ a N',_ . 3. N+ u Nh r N~ ~ no \ a Na g N"be Nf N\ Nn3'NN: N'." N \?b .k a n. .arNi.N.. s N" N,\" '. " , N' N ,. 'N ec N a p c Nf N'.\+\ \ s _r", ,'a u science, a "N" ''NNa 'N" -.'i NNNN th Ev rla e siN. N'9,3o I' thNN Nh pe. willSSKN' us som pN..NrN soNNce 'tt enee m r N 'te .N.''.N~n N' Nf. " "N \N' 'N NNNNN' \N >N NN.N R-N NN" Nt''N N NN. N" NN'N NNNNN"C V0111111-11h, \, .n N a n \., .:.r c n b o k \nn,-- rt l so - N'" n. NQ''Q " _, . NNNNi' N' NNN(NNNN2(N.n- n d . .. \ f .~" fN.N. a +.+:N N'. f''N '> N N "k>NNN.\a:+ ,, \\ e i \nNNNN ,N"N 'NN N'~N "N N.N  ,3 er NNNiNNiN I liNN .,A)i'i Lai'KLni~~ii0 waNe> i. .\N N": -AiN~k \:a, otp ope t as teE erld s .__::\. i.a e consisi of' a.wd 'Nvv feosse s i'NiNNNNCNNNfi,-_,~ extnsve ('NNN NN r,,ashkN tickbdso peat N-L 1N iS .\-\ k~ soi 'KiN \\ \ hn)d .d gaebasd sils ouc'>piN (in-iS', stoni iand spa>N e N a c as th -i iZ, i i wht eee wte \..a. lug. I hSa.C Gaes wt its~' N">>"d ire 'ANN>1a-z ,,d juta o"N b v 3l JU I N'C ic II ~~NiN'N " N" ' 33 ;\ .; t.3 s u r n ". :._. \ ,a\lng' ..." o \ ". \ of"N" >.kailn \nui'; h d af 'wamp Nl.\~ ~ge f .-., "kes" N suc as Pardis "KeN N' ion P i Ke ) N ...bad, re sl .\_;s ..r ... \;3 3 t e cinN~N b t:: t .::." .:W\.d b 3:ac h ,N1N 11. II 'NN 'lN Flo id KNNNNN \- e i .e es \..l.o Va.(h etn\ , 3a, D . t .\ -. southern~~~~~~~~~ anN' wetenshr o kecobe eNBae aNN'Na.,,,-_ \egn NNNN oa\ i:\i\\ h rwigh m n+otr -i h t  101110M a \\-l "1%11111 7,000,00 - - --- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------oEMN ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --- -------------------------------------- ------------ ------- ~ t'~v00 '3MOO -------- ------ --- -- ------- _-°' M'"C" \'C'C"N')CC' 11\' C" 910'C' 192 193 194 NC5C 1960 197 1980 191 1\0 \\C+ f ,.,Ch \: a,,;.,~ fhn,-.d Lew Gade, O". ",,,o\,,, an 'Kt ')i CNC ''CC"N t~.. n al, k -iN ")N,''C. Ah\"'.RY C 'C 'C C C N c i a f s h r i eC\ C: b)' )C ' 'l o o m( s a r ' \ AN '\ ''QNNf'_'no a d d h'et n i eC\ : \ .'to _ Q: \~ i .\ -\ : s . l S " \ ; i \ \ \ \ O R h ;1 V ,1 + ne t e n p r i n 'CCC~:- NoNNNf ''CN the lakeA. C ,sN ~ce 'ee ,..*~\ \' uset hto R , "^ ,,i, ,\,',,,se -° C.'\ + \ t ' C . :.~+ 'Ct r U 1-. +' ,of o ", .s N' ' ''4''CC ruC 1,) C' '\ exce'siv 'C0'))2 C'4LC'4C:\ '; '4CC))'\ .." expandin )'C'C1- ' " ' \\ ' \' \ ,'\1\ Lake \s_._ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 'C' C3 -' .' C. . \.te-. C\ - ... .. \aa.,"' , C .3, " \ : C' " a_.. '.N~'C~CC~ N'C'CCC'CC' CCCCCC CC ) 'C .- ") C"ghteCC")C&CC')\:w"C:.+00;_i"+\.igsmeadiinl hspo  inl N \ V.. k ." i N'" N. n ..N .\. ' \ \ N 1 n InN2IN; lake and \.NnN'h eW N \. \:NN 3N sN.Vtn s\._.atisb :\a t in 7N the cosrain aras Catal toFlria .'NN sa d Anot tiksad htco d u te pce fpat +" s * . ~ ~ ~ ,'g Nn k\ Nat oN Pr 1 i P) over a ; 22.2 hy \, +N 2NN'A NI N' ' NNN NV' pas N'NNNQii ('uNe t' dumping exes atN"'. o par du in th dr y sea on \ e ::.b r o \ +\*+ , \\: : \ :,4: . \:\J:.*' u., i .. NNet'N N ~ '''tII htcnocso alkrocrd.,,ri- h r eso 'N . se er l and in$N in NN ' 1 e V regio 'N \, ANN5 \;_ - NNN" *.: aN OINN) . . N" N .N" N...\ N.. N' N'\ N'ln s±..-\ :. \ . INNca '~N~u~ f' N N N +) ,th NInua Nr 'Naon N h- o ds -.+:\*, _ fr;\ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~' N"" NI2: Nee d . N N.\ ^.' N '1 ; n a u a a n u a N:" 'N.,\ .a \ ',.\ .\+.*. c\ a e c n N 'tr t : .\ . N+1 , N'NN\"N N ' NNN'sm a le \> ''N N\NNW N 'NN.N ' N' 2.I'. t N+ nN , ,N"'N ~to tNhNir yo ngw oNr' h tceNNNtiVNf te p "N ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ h r Nf Nae Nm n g-r Neva prviNn NtA'N IINN.EINN NNN ' I NN'NNN''NN ' NI N'N Nc)N Nila l ot -fn f at rf I 1 ,N N N an I l od n ,+~ N +N N2 211 NNN N fJ ' N' RNNNNNN . \; wet lo_,,,-fti uing-th chaiN' Nf Nrb e s th Ne--rl -&,ciono ae a  ult-ima~~~tt(NI bega toNN caus ecologica prblm $NNN.out t 'o t F o i a "" : :Nf \^ N\NN$NN' "5'. ' NNyN \.:' \-3 .+.f g'NN'Ntw tNs(:.\3\. :d. t e y\ after ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~''NA' _t0tNNNo'NNpbih dtI _~cea \ \\n , :\. o \:.. lsl wiR:-t~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ,,Nh stat oN Floid an h(N+ ' \+ ; \\'; .. i : '" " \\ t..a ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~' -\"a tocetNisan aio a ak(''8 heFoiaKesN to M arneSan tu ry R,.\a+1+ \n , "'R\ R( , R.* s atona \ ,\(1 , : ^^^^aA ''"'~')N N'N% KN'N " 'C,: NNad Nve R. o'N (NN( ",> \,> " \, acres' to Big .\. atina Prsere \_,\ N acrNN to'Nc \. ?*\ r ? ed eN a-NNN 'A z\ :Ni lat '(NUN 'AN: lk ' o ea e 1 \ta \\\ \. oc p ihw t \*\\\\...Nt in th N ... ..\ . . my : \\ .....*- \ _ \ :: - +: w r 'A"N\"1. 'k '<'AU..o t'A .. i\..d - N\ , \" : : .^. :? , -v -my \; J NN. NtANNCNNNNNNNNNNN ..+°_33\ NNNN N.0:.RRY r ;t tg t N\ ,R5 _+ _3 \ N N. Su ':\ . : N: Nr +\.\ da 1o NN"NN1%UNSiat N eAN io t'NN N' tN Nlrd ' N* "N ., h c l b biNeNd' haNNN tNNN'oNNN"'N'NNN NNNN'(\a.\-e t esoete ie n ,q 6 Passage of this bill set ofN Nal N'N years ~ Nf aru,.\,<,N' N'NN)''NNN.N N'NN J-.,, N..\ )' : N' \. \ N:N\:.\.;'~ NNN \ .\NN(5NN'NNNNN \-.t 1-. .N'''''' \ N.\ competin \. "" NNN NNN N'NN." 1a\NN' thNeN' N t\" . sk dC n rs ohv thN Norp NNf 'Agier 'Asud thNe~NNNN Nism e ive-(,j0cnlw nN~N ey o ad et rngt erve,'A(_>E w s t.. NNNS'N\NAs\NNNt:. No Nt N s\:NNNN~' . ('NNNN a in no usN' NNNo Neven N'-w N ,te , of~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~N . R. N' N'et-, Nn NNN' 'NteCrsfnlyisedarpr nwiht NNNNN'NNN n~s o 'a 'N :+ a.\N"N' N\' "(\ :a. i+ N:' NN yiN l n) ,.no Ne N'N : N'- ec no i (NN'NNelf . NNNN . N. that:NNNN~ {P'NlN N'NN(N( 'N N NN'NN' since ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~' 0N R'N.a.~\ N'N. \:";p\'\.\a tthtt ehdtog nae etcno benefit, t . \ .e 3n L . \~ar. y dashed h\ (Npe of _\'J." N .-a -' al\ a \x55;~~~~IK &.. ie etrto! It ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ N i"a NN"NN N. e rt\s. . 0- \\ .\. N''t Presiden 'N'al N pa and-'~ N. ttN''~ . N a Nmi nistration  'asK '3 vt 22 C: 2222 :_: C ,;a3a... '" 22 g \2 .. .. 21\'3'>2C:221\t~a3 . \ ceme~-_aN N(ihat r -,, C , ty in' the 2'ir 2 popular K2imsuit'1 (1979t in Febuar tO211(1)11X221211U211 1Ft , N. .3 N-. a- \. N. N\. \ a n Nx os N ..: a- t- N N C .. A tN N . \:\.(. . a s A . . e o d \ .1i N''NNt(N) '\ \ N .\4\.\."' p ' .;:\ r . " +\ . "\\+' ' '1^ t \"\ ' ... ' ._\ _....3 "..:, \ " 3. ... Vi : :t' \-. ,3 \ \ _ C .. N NN KN..,, N3 .., NN n N33_\ \$,'" fl o i g r"'8 i w...:3E e a e Naio a PaNrNk(N(N was \"\'N NsCNN\N :;" s.: \ "i"1gou d ."._ \a ou t fe c s wae ub n anNd' agiclt" a \((NN a"'-\ N' n wasNN oveN to'NNnc t""(N'NN'cCI. VN2 ~ Save2> Our O NE'v'N"NNg"lNNNNeNsN n Na l ,1.83 t:\N .w insiNteN't'N"N"'N"Nis"tN i ,.3att .3 ; " .,,; A-;\ .,:\pro uce .: 1 \," . ^ o i pro e ec log cal . ._ "_1 .^ in -\\:\ .NN er "N'N"NNN'N2~N'N>4NN>4N NNNN.NNNN. "NNN'> N'N N\l-\ :. Nneed N ~\' Bl k wa am n 'Ne N:-. '' N ' 'N 'b\)':N' h:;N -(N N .oN flNN"N(- ; NNNNN > 'NNN ; ."\ 'N( ' " h -C \ , ,\.. - _1"- >'N(\\.: ' NVfNN N "' NNN ' N intended~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~N'N' to((>N>NNN Nh:\ :..St, . _ \-\. :. . River ~ ~ ~ NN~'N 'N'\'eicln in S loi ,': \1 a\ \ -- \ r e t o a t o n o \ ",\\-"s ' o \ \ N N\\,iRN(>N NR"_1;^ ,- -"\ :. " l n s ..; -_Y.\ N\at --Q^\e \ ;F i " o e _" \ \ 1\;.~~~~~~~ ~ ..,..' oN' N(NQNN4-\ NY: _. .- b :.t x1.1 ., \ . . ", 1, \w' Nd _''N' 'N '., l N-n . t e s -w s n N NNN'NNN' ''N'N(~~~N " ~'N NN N' ( N' N'N4N>'JN 2N A e' N 1'" " h ?" ''' N +'N\v- \ . ;'^\ en l "'N e N a u a l wse t o a e ,_ _ N N"'\ N*-o 3J\ oN the N'\- N.a Nk anNi N'" hNeN ofrstrn teo NN.' t lrda(,,-o +nsN Evrla e . 'i.\J . N 3a_. Park). + svisN n cn , e N >NN NN N' NN'N \NN 1N N':_t erg o.Bbi t o t x n t e a-, sa c d m cae fsu ye oo i '4~~~~~~ NR NNNQNNN N \" .14 NNN N Na N'N' N>s (Nf-i c in' tNN Nar N''NN NNN''s NNNN( \-sr ;\'r~b~t \ o \'Ne N"'N'N(NN' '1 N'NN'N ',N$KNNN r ( ft eS utNl r N N2 N.. t o 'w ' '.' C: .P o ec . ... 19 4 t . 2' \ i \ S3 \' a'.._.: ;1, ;w :\ '\_.t\-- e i e ^ ' ".N o o\ ln( .' i.\k & &k (N\o N.\ Nc e th LU . i .^.s* N.^.^+ : ' \N'.>\ C\ \(Na+N ll N;.1' in (+N 'N. a n j;1N'" ' '_re t e Na aN N ((> ' &(( NN. ., \" soNme N 5t'K21 £12 WQ2"2'\ ,'2,2N . £11 \ :_t_1\\'.3:"," t. (1'111> to (2 N.- \ ;_ N\ Nl 1 ' ., .: ' N _ N'\ N . N: N Ni e c h nn l N \ N^ N, N\ '\ ,'N\ :\ \. :-1'N N " ; .I Ni1, N, . N. 0,-'. was(22 i'V2plahe2>1nd1 . t\, CO112'S&.3_aa.3 NWV yNN(NC result weev ry\"t. )1 \ . \ T32t~21 W \:l 21(2 ...0  set ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ YK Krl :; * . 1 '' _. 'KK A' _ ,_ co pt ion AC' \oM .Kn. :n.,t )n.C ' \.\:sc'k \ the \_\ 'KKK "' K project wasK AK1abe and' in NK K ' ' . 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Flow t:r \t:1oV".:t\.. -_a J . ~E t-3.\ ,\: cete t , ,,-,e ,,I. wetland in111,994," Sti-JIL -te State ofFloridaN'NN i-ru dt llww trp l Nt) NN\\ "" NA'N'C': ;,.. , e: \ *'\ ~ ..:. . . a .,_\,as 221 : e p ci l y p o s h r s) a... .0 0211 \s in o \1 +',.i . .\.' .\.,. w ~ " 'N aaa._ ~r\, .~~~~N tie 'O \N R\: 'N. + Kta e . N'NA' I,'( t ndad.lo casIl aessa''''. oc s hl ...t e._t\ o..-.:.... WYNN's of' a body>N ofw tr ea.e, \\ 's)st ce iNmbalanceNNU " Nii -.-tN N"~au ..) po ultin ol" aq ai .oSe ndNNNN9'.+\Nsrfntrrenl... ditrct I''NN , N ',,,,,, . .,, ,N, ; '\ \ " \ - \ ) , \ \ " t t ' t e . " \ -; ' - - ++ \ c\ U S ? .$ ft.- ; : _ _ ; \i : \ '' - i t u \ \ " v . -\ u " D e t e r :_. \ :. " "\ \ \ : t "n r N N N ; : s NR N 1,-.i~~~~~~~~s Nea Ni-- h o i o s si toNN N'e N'e State N"oid anNN t'he stt 'N-p iedSuhFoi a Man ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~N N)K'-i-,,~,-- Nitrc N1.Iiln No N)f"oc Floid N wt_.wae u stn dars, NN'NNN'N' e fle sui'iNNNdraNNo'N'oNiiOctberN1'81 It' t.N NNNNNNt .NNN'NN.NNN'h E ega esi - ey\? ,\t :: sytm tspa t nd an l hav N dpe Nve to Nn Nnio mn mn. t.~ low ''' N'rti of ese til p\N)n t nN)NN tr'N ienK NNNs ' N') ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ' NU' N'NN N'NNN'N NNNNNNw NNNN odK N no' NN 'N ceKain N man sc'n tit a n NNNNNeNNNN e NNN \9:. \ '' th N \a\- \. N' N. s NNn JoNs Nh ha' No gag e a ae 'N''N'~~~C. rN'.NNN~NK N N' o (rt- N N \NNNNN'NK to N'at '~ANN't Nc' lgiNN Nh n e N th ' \' : EvergNladN) esNN \.,: \.. N'i K-..l \.-N'N "~ \. ~...S.n .N.N .\.e .N.N.n "' N)NN c :N NNN-\l. o t (NNNNNNN~~~~iN'NNN..._ uN\..Ni - comNNN'Ne 'NnN cNrowNd-o'N 'N 'N.'>( NNNN.NN uN' NNthNerN Nla\" N')N1 'Kse is1_. h .'1 ) ri '('''( IS ( the A .,k ('NN'N"('N'NNN'. ,, _ , , \ f~ rkm NflH'y;'lN' about I~~~~kexter appare~~'ntl o ,-.td011sp ot(ra ~>C"" " """"~' i' H NNNNNN'N'N' ~ '("N", least ~ ~ ~ (' noRRfl*n o \ rsdn"t'f *;lN \ \W>e C .11-W Bush he canN"N :' :T"Ng+.-d "fN. Prsd n inO tbrt98 eo nn .\Oasa1 ue Cov - nor ~ a.' quait -(H n\.. cause an C\ -,.:. ..C';t ' ';:\" -": ,: b e a s C NKC"KN N , :\: t "\ $' 'NV N"'(N \ (. \. . NA : \:\ ' .\a s e e , _\. '. \: . ap ea e to \: (N'( scie nt'i c cons'enCCsus'" that 'w\ ,N( 'NNN''' Kasd cattails to rl ac SN ,HN , , in Sout Flria -th Stae' N'N-k~ir had vey-lite \ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~tH VN'' a'd '-- s. \:<\, 1 " n t:3\ r_1 ._e o i n \3S o n\- '(NNN . NNN Ad.C-aig ultwol la ftCSC 'N" tha wol com Nout'(o e((' 3NN:..' N"Nf "ocN N'N'H'N N':.N N' ("N ~ ( 'N"(N in" N'NNN'NNCNN( \Na(" _N .1_ N" \: \$ \ :1l.- :1ln d aN::N ,\.\± ';.N' - c No a\ cr at ariica \ -, '; N N 'N .y1A1: *. or m v x e sph s h r s,. Nc: +N N \' Ne la d ' - o\': be Na. - a. N a .\: a \" N \.0(o(' didNN -CWSUo tbieve w ul d I work), K,i l )''f(~ *-2 h\ \, "s m :m " : s of+.\.NWi;2 aeo i .i- \ N+\r N u''''_t d a ' R he N- oic, ou h ito d \.o e o(, , N' N\\\\ "'xcesN N'( \- 'N NNN3. NN .\ 'NNNN'NN"( ' ' \'N\ NN\4\: _: 'N N('( ( mem er .\ \.ne1(fl ,'- t h - lS 'F'a mer HN'\ " dNH N A (NNNN N.'\",_ ; V N>:'N\ t t.w \ 4'$'C A N N \;. \: \ n c ur ,  ._a co.,. . -\9a \ : S tt .c 01K .,,"\o .t>K ., .K\' -t KKKKK\.taKeK.K .\(.1t- ._ A "K 'K) 'KK'K' 'KKK"''K''K KKQ j'Ka..y KKY \ ' ; ' ' \n\ ,;' - KKKKKKK 'K. \ e *K.', ; K." .. + K.; ¢ \\\; 'K '+ - \"K'KK\ K'KQ 'Ka _" . . 'K ''"t t-K'K' \\._"K t" KK.'\K"\ :K\:\:t \ _ il \.'.KKK,:t\(\. -3a K KK_\ '. ,. ' ?"KKK \:\.K'KK, , -\ \ SotKKK ."" .es cK \- 'A-i K'-E'cn e e h t \x ; ._gn s\\ _tK' \. \. t. a ..t _t .iKtt\:_ n \, \, Q \ \.3\,"t. : t t~tt t Y: t; \ Wi. \ .t. > l .. s an \'titK ::KK'K\KK a t K..: KKK.3 V C_32, _K 1G .a; .t . it ~.\ .;\ \ .\\ \\:\ a~ \"\\ . t:'\:.. \ a~ t- . . S~\\. ' . .\.\_t . . '\ tK AK tKn.nK K' .tt. . .. K . K .:,KKK ;+ , :+K-K2''\ KK \\ + K\ dK \\K r : 'KC KKKK. ; .. KKKK " 'KK'K( KKK'\\^.' K - : en ,r , -:- "\ , ;\.-' ' \S" \-\ Ae- _ " :' KKK ; ,+\K( Q^ ' ((K \ .: .. ^ "' VK'KK>-\\,KKK ,K.K' ,K v ^\-+. .A_ : - " _ : ' .Q. c\.. \,..Y. KK\. \. K-\'. \,-> K' a 'K as K K : K K'K'K' K. '~\ aA. K'KK K. K. "AKs K'J K" \ae ,, :a , . . . a3 . : ; " ' ": . ' ' o\ '"+\\ Q :;".\: . . r?.' .t'''K:":KKK\ ' \KKK r\.KK...K..:^ .,::.:" 'KK' t ._ i \: K KKKK 'K KK .,..K'K''K' \K.:n'K,.".a.a.K,.. K.'K'. . ....: * 'i.\: ae .\ . *KKKK\. '.:ia K \ t \ _ t .. G. > C W '' KKKKK' K K'K KA KKKK "KKK'KKaKK" A\ -\ '\ \\K ;\ ; '\ -\. .. :Y. ._.,o;,+\\ KKKK '_ :K ,' K :3.+ ,.. KK K'K"K(o .a.o\ \':\ °r' :\;: v K' n. 'K n K .n ' \ : K>& K : _t:K) , _. . t . \:n .3t . itt a ,t\ t -'_. \i \ ~.\ -,n \.K : 'K . 'K (KK\ K \'K r \ AK"'K\:t to s ' \A:.t. K'e 'K KKK' "K: K K: 'K tiKK'KK'~K K tK'.- ' i i ' m ea, C \. i a :tt :"i - _ \ n n.t\ : .. : .'. ttt :t.:., : s :t . t : .=.sstKK'Kn't.KK. " t tt.AK'tKKK ...\ .t. : '+ ;des \ ._,.\\.ion. , c r-k. a-\ '.,q a t.tin , "\ ca, e S\ \. :.k'\..aKK\. K Ki K \,K ° \ st, :i . _ . .\ -.;"1 --§. Sa_ -+' _ \'KK 'KK K'KK "KK.-tK ,_ ti3 , \" \ \,.. "_ \_ , . , :3\_. ... t ,.^ KK'K:; \:ta '\t. t" * .; . .y . _ d \:_ KKKKK_. KKK \ +1 KK'\ "K. 1 KK..Kf\ K: K(.K.\'; K+ \"\;" K.., ' KKKK ":, K,\":\ .,, . KK,'. \\ K-:\ ,": K*KKKKAe. N\ :. K- K 1 " S\Kb \CK)Q \" S'  AN '--A'1 I A t : \,"\ '., \\ :" \Q\ ;" i ," - , 1\" +" :; ."V\\ " ^'\+ '. - :1 . \ - :\ ;.. .- S\ '\ ' t\-- at 2AAAAAAAA_ \ :. . \ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ A \_\ ,,c m a,\. a\.\\,. 1 aa: ... CJa: WNAAA<; \_, A 'A "AAK\. \_.\ ", to ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ A focNiNSgrt cnrbtemr owr ''oI~k" by~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Arpsig A 'Ao Acns-e-poudtxo--.rfnds.,~a-,Foiavt t a'A.'\NN A'AV" K~~2~ +-n tEl- :\ae" :o:C" a1 . ov +\:,ab t\ atA A No \k - t- u a' reta~n.,-tt,,kiwit a vgorus pbli rltionsK '-'mpaig'nw iht len ed ~ ~ ~ ' \AA \" a\t. ,,\a \. AA'NNA _\.A.Sa at ",. \ a a._ s . ,\_ _..\: ta ) -t'i -ilHt oc n iu ~.__,,n h -ain n li e (witK AApAtAAA N-N' S~fl us ++("" , io) , '~a-; i,; A wer te C'Ka,",bn e fte; \\\e o o ta" e fl od d .. .\ "\ :: . w th \\NA'e ' "A N IK ri\: .l b y s s a A'I A "1 t*- t'A'"2 i t\. .t~ n\: ' staNA AN'A-' At\ l poAANciNns ''An~ A- .AA9 tanas r e e to :aa.~\a.~ -.:k. m , easy NStAKktNA'\ At A-Nt Ato ' 'A" V1+"'\1' +\ l ;'\-':\ -N : .\ 1e V' \"\ Ah \-.l\ ''Vn ,at\ - 'N"N \' hisAri AKAN'( AN A A_ A_-A AAAAAA \.AANNAN A\ ..\+ .\.\"t. AA' " \ 3..:i .:\ \A$ AN-A ._: \- \ ' " N" ... NAA :_a: ''A-mentA of tA-AKgan 'At -ket AA d usingt -A- C',-o A' wA-"- NseAN be~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~' th A'rlae -t -ephnsn-,wpois 'JA ta rwr md -a ' s(AA ,A t+. an, excessiv A o h,+. , a d ep ,W some oAA NANe regio' is the that thei rQA ow e ad"A.' a-eadpo ut rw , .te\. \adee :\ cpA A.u a 'ArR A ~e to Ah m e u k \\ ,, ++ R *2 A'AA'AA'AAAA AAAA&KA NANAN A>NNAA~N~ AN> tAAAATI"- Foia. AidAAAsnt'A ANN\A'AANAA..A .atBBgSu risba e s;b titd e N w,_, a l A rb> \. A .,2:a,_ A. s NAa a:aa .,:t. a d l o o ti u e \. Ktt \-.. tA \AA _\ , ,.. \ s A'AKa o t o h v o _.e :\ol g cln+ h tS ut l rd a e' m By~~~~~~~~~~~" AA \ A93 Nt +na:cer-u h vrlaewss,1te Nf-, F' Ae at-,m A- - - anA SeA-t 'A Af -A e Anero a. \-A\ B abb (wh A . rAc A'-h Nbut a \: .A e .\ it~ t' XVC~' iRN ditdN  'N ~ ~ ~ 1 "'"VNNN \. ~ f:_.\. :. ._ D .. ._ g ..\,\. F re e ct'NNNNtto e .s\ . 'v t Act) l '~ NN'WNNrs tat NN<"' u ti 2 o ,pr vd ds N N'N mill\N 'N'i_-_i,,-4 ,o oa rs ffl(--, 'n~~'_ designed to ~~'NN' \'N-c 'NN'N(NN'\',-u NNNNN'N'N' (wtNt-,sta o etid f-h 101' V" N .I2N Nroes a$ N d> the N.3''erod ." " :: \;\dn N2 e t e ae NNoNNfN 'N',, 11.99 legslaio because' sheN' beivd m rkd rtetN NNNN'N'l NNNttNe'VNt age m~n;b ttelwpasday-a,,-- \_N vUN e~'N- N'de "NtcinA t.I ~::ca f\ .ra a,\;\ : vr NNN'N"N~~~~~~~~~~N~~Z \I"N N" '" NNN N'N~"NN " J thi la s i an s :t.\ ,i .m r h n'.f :ayy aa_ a : b cu e\ :e N~~N~~NN'~~& NrNN\ "I" N(TN thouh p osph ruslevel shav bee si-- 1111.4c. 1tv r duce-)wter r _11 N N'NNN~NN0NN'NNN23 th "C. sstllhsNorNa h\- N . ,V NNNN N\ t n allwe byNNNNN \"\ \.. e: y \ . ."3. " cate b-,7 NNN wK" NN'N Na ma er Nlon 'N" i'_no eabet N''_v\ _ NaNN pl'n '"'N"' 'Ne EvergNNd' that' di 'Ns NNa 'Ntst .r. quate o e p liicl \ ss uil o t e d grde net-a Floi da cc'N' Ns se Nb 'Ct NN'NNNK NN'NN CNNN (JNN-N N NN N NNNNN'. NCN, NNN-.~. and along NNe N'NNN'N Nh e in -\:_.a o~ agency ~ ~~~~~~~~~~ ofNe Niwe Nepuiblte totl~' on" "Nnsttin th n \ . t e ' a., -\ - av. o _.NNNN"N.:\ NNN NNYN'NNthe NCNrps .\ 'V NKN mo NN si nifc _ \\ "N: N NN'. .. NlNN \h\+: N' NN,,'-gi e r "Nay mor 'Neese pr vi in Nl o conro N"NN"a-Zti N 'NN on _.eNa aNNdN e k" N'N. N:n e~::t N'il ofi il at E N' N'de N aio a Nar N wN ere " N' iN _a\ 'Nt\ N N."\ _. N. N..." Ne _ OR h ,0....,.\ e lhRd: f h a k t a ,, ay\r . , \ n + \ ~ ~ _. N'N' . 'NN_ NNN'NNNN(NN hnN_. Ny N h lat Nt 9,!. o'' s, N Na dfi Nf Nce t t N 'Ni - N' \N' \, 'NN NNN 'NNN 'f N , :",NR \ , - '\o NN. $ "_ buried'NNNtecNnNcal Ne'orts"]IN Nces 'Mro er eNNeteNr wngy'Nu \ f a- \a'Na NNN\"\NN'NN" ''NJ ;N' N'NN' N m a N'NNNNNNN\N ; Nl NNNNNfsce tssst i1e \+~ a, iNN  U ikl N'NNu ~ w3 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ N NNNWNNNN

    NN \NN:a-3n:.31-_o fp o let ; e s na l uKNi.\ N'N'NITv...-"N.13.\"\\N"N( ._. N\N\ D rcort _ t a and"" Biospher 3N N'\+NN \x N_. (- :__.0 -D )d vl 'N~~ \.~' ' G.~~~~~~~~ ~ ~~~ \. NN N. N \NN\ 'oQ"\. ,:.33 C n : o 3 \. \ a c \, . _,nnkanao ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ NN CNN'''ti Noi sQ ae ac oAd Lood v-\"\ ~ ~ ~ ~ " o-\-\\",a .\t\ \ ,+' '\ N N NN . * (U " S o'v \ -; ^. \ '' \\- t a \' + NNN\N lN '\l2Q~"N' : NNNNNN..NNNNNNNN NK&NNK&NN*NNN \ C:I (NI. -r : .oft ep s in N Sout 'Florid where t N N'3\ "N +s -h sb eno3 0 \N': anhooeti eirst ae +,adubnd"l 0.-:.3' -3N.33:prNc N\N'\N"'''3.3 N"NN'NNN3 N_''NN da- \ c lo i a "3\ N33. se s n Nh reatv N lb1n,'' of3\1 e 1 NN. Nv Nl rd Nv s'N NN \~" \'\ N ;N\~ NN'N N \i' 3,\\\6\-s,( ' NNNNNN (TNV 01 e rd dN"NNNq\: . ~\.\c \8-.a' (s c sc e ia -res~~~~~~~~~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ .? se NJt~a~ to aNJaib - rsm wa a~i esrd.. ,no \, ~ ~ ~ NN N33aNNNNN: N.-p 3a33 au s(u ". step p lto fo t NNNNN N', NNNN(NNe.seie) _ or\x~ drvr _, _ _a1 _ \ w te 3. --. -.\ . e..:'NNNNN a .\"N ^ r\re u e NNNhNt(N 1°^, o '' 1\ +.^A"_ ate IN'3th o g N1NNNNN ' A:\3 \, -,: r; . ) th iNN'N'"NN 'inNN'N N.du e NJ(NNQN' "_ N N3 Nh~NNCe iNn :unN(sNNNNN\NN"1\)NiNeaedsliit iNN' n' NFlo d B'NN, but'NN N \rs le  ntrlscie ntists could cooperate and pri'oduce I canlng-1d assessmet of curren cN)NlwN ios Kalt y cold~lfff geeA)t n sesaseiso ok ofpblsed ccsiewor, ,o . No~ N -\. exml,19 are ; ,\.\ :apaa F roa.'1ti ofb o s w ch \ or . 'CNKKO'0'N0&', .. sY.N NO'-_ 0' :.:.>;,\^ "a an. tre en ou "' OF' -'' o.> '0K ''' ' 0 NA'.~'..'.' Ko'No~O ~o'o ". N 'NOONN VQO'\n- iii e'c'osytmsietsswihteS..AM. and Everlas Naioa :''''.O0 andNO o0 it n0 3'0 .b s\i\ O ore rsoain C \. sN toN nIA a" ,_ 0"i'. oa e entists'ONN< argu Kha th vegaescn eeNb0.-,ay etoebeasehl '.N :Noj.o0. \ .. ..-e\ nd of-. . .c. 0'. n''ny, D vi n gd n\, 0o',;\ .'\\ r a patchw0.0.ork '.\ t';...,^\ ,.\"1\1 -.7>1\+\ m o ed fi00 Q" . .\ ) \ NO n.\an-.\ "00 \ "' "\n 0 \n~a 0t nn3 h: 1\ p e r e a s \ : "_y\.^dh v \"t\:_._ \'n' n'\\ :'\\"' \l1\;'_-\"- N\ d a ta \ v\, t0".".\ \_' OIO $OO NN \:"0 OA N. .ON \ f0,\\:0,0t 00y 00. n.'. \\R+ ' R 0, \C , -n.O .:. \ t '\.t .ttNA\' OX-VP 000 ' .0 0.0.0'.'.  ~': . '.\ a \a , .. ,_.^ '\. " l \:.;... o " = "r '1 '\ 1'"^: . \Ar ,'\ \ t ion: "What wol on :Ked k : but..h. adrlt \..\.. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ( ?"X \'".>no d rt o h v _ : o d u d r t n i g3. CeC?\ C?,._' a.++x3,i\' \. ;3.t\ - how heywo \, H wok 3 notof .\.\:.333\ x. b\. t s a e;" \_\.:\.. .... tV 0 K, K'(X'K' ;~' 0\\ ;3:".. ";' 0 hK\ ii. - C '00RC h'gK~sK U00 KC0 \V:C'0+V"\ K 1KKYK RC\ .KV,.K*- n\,'.,\,4y.,\_.KK W . .K g h ave'K +""\ "K1 3:s\ :. .'" . - K;\" ^ 313 . \ K"_'KKK\'KK Wh te e \: ' K'K-v \ "U&V : K acU pih d th s t revou bring3 t\g\":33\-_ an \ .:\'3 .33\\;_svolu e of __\vr .Ld\:ssc: K" ,c in 3\:a o .3.\ " Me n hi c"\ 'd "'Xi K>:5-\^ Resour Kces K. ; K K\?:C'' QK \"\\'KKKKKA.",' ( R A '\19 2 K K \ g °_:: .\s u h r z d th o p f + .3\ -c\_: o\,+ *,i 3\ + K K: ._\1 ; \ ' o . t "K KK'NK i >K'th \ Kn K K::. ...p KNK '\"" \::. ..K K \: re ie (oK' K-R -t d )o h 9 8 C 3 n K'K +K K2 t "> hK'K'"" _ .+.±FoiaPoet+,+Fo dC nrla dO h rP roeK PrK c) KK''K e '&S Xit,--i-_,i mad K'K(KKKe KNKKKn K x lso of ' K'KKKK1 K'wt an 'K'lpm n Ki" 'Kth as Klrd Kuc 'Ka "K Kh K Kr i_,K KKS1N)NK > \" more~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~~~~~N"K thKKK' "K1kiu K-,i11o 'Kpl wer 0',_' K ae K vt,,r, KKK..ud. y, designed~~~~~~~~~~~KKKKKK 3 ('.\.3 .to epe. patcl.ipiaio ft t.;, s\ '' _ S U J -:fit ,' " +' 'KAK., 'd '\KKKK KKK K\ K r- " 0\ . ' KKKKK ' KK:K ;" " ' K K N KK K droughts ~ ~ K.\3 K.\ ' 3 '\'s3'- cli at Khn e K 'R cus rs KK\Kton i wate KKKKKC33.'K Moeoer as> we 'K'KKK' e seen onh"K wKasK'KKKK K'' \_. NKKKK K'>\ e'K" KKKrlade KKKKKK\'\- de i d a'K*-KK'K:^ "C\: -1.'\ A . . ': f w te it i u K' : ' . " ,. " . 3 . X .- when plnt andKK :\ 3333 .K3 'x"ete' KKKKKKKKKKKKemnan K GlaesKrceK veKoK qu~~~~~~tzlily~~~KKKVK Kae Kt KK'ootK,,K' KKiii,,-sb f-y--oo dteR -td-a no p r KXKKK teKKNlK'KKNKUNe,,,.-, a e g..Aee .,.\ U~K K\:k.' K '((on th'yK RA," 'K ; KKK' ' AKK KKKKK K' K K4' 'K ' K 'K< K K V K' K " " 1K'K K'K pa t th Ke su y w u d b \\ \: . ,:\_ .\,'n o '{" \'C ttG3- l\\s n.K K.KKK KtKK KKKX. KK (K. V\; \- KK R .:\KXK .KK KKK U.KKK XiJ K_ \ .KKK. Kin N- KKKf 'K "KK R e'K" KFirstNKN the outKFloida,-, KKKK' ', ' Retoato "Fak'o (K UCKKKK(KN \\,l' \3.3 KKKK(KKKLK(K( E\ K KSe Adminstra in l A\.333K3'KKKKKKi 199  ChilesV crae :,.\ Go en rs\._"\:13 -o 3x3aS san beS ; ._.3,. i\ ::, : .\ te-"+\. ,\ .\ \:\_ _ : if ' " if'-"'' if. if . h n - i k d \ '1v,,r 1' 'f\\ t' \'..v 'if'*.-1 .-y fir,-, if- a da n o ifec if-, if s ~ n\\ phaseffi-i ifif-" *...:.- ifififif ifg "if-,,'('a ifififoe am n h rc-io ,' h d ollg n \.$ \f if cf (:"> a> c m r h n ie p ani~i if \fff>7f'iiii if :.i'ffffi'f'fi '"e \ t9,io grsin tofyifyn.--.inde ---'if ife ify(,,a ifsu -k.. if co pl t 'if.-. -ifqq t if s s ed t \ .-o\',\r ~o' \ f,'if carful to f select f broad rageofp opeifito ~~~~~~ if 'f"+f.R-.iiff f" if_. i i f i - if. if i y - f~ f i the _.\\. \ w~n \"_ incuded .3ost Demo rats _:if if"alo \? fif e if -ifif if> ifti', state and \ ~ ~ localffi'~fi~ govenmen re snif es buieslaes\nn\f .i\,.. a: =\n_,n, er adev lop r, if-ifan -if e p e ifen if \ if .. nn.C '.p at\ ifon if-ifr ,fif\ if.'e,\\te. (w h 'ifd ififfifi ifn w \i ifo iftiffe ifs ic nif-i- ,-a.. ..le~\ nd r.w ok d tS uh l rdaslad r f mant ea ". . :. ~\.:: .:\ :.n i:\ ..if> 3. ': s c a h N to a "if f>" 'if' iifiQ~iffifif~if~iifi if~f" yrn ifiifiifiififfiC.-- and lwl a A.,,,,d bon ocitie an th,,iFifiifi idaiff W ifdi1"t - edraton N-' w f> led the ifrp 'if En i e r ditfc oifc if ifSso 'if\ if if if if' i ifis ift o if D. if : a-if .. Fl ri a) \..:\ if'S ~ asi ....\if\ e t ++ \.,- -n n ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~~~i 'if \.i ..if .ifa a o n n _ -...:nn\.- i s , ,.. .. .> \.o. \ \.\\ f..,..if'a c. . . ,\ 1Ci"\"f4 .b c us a y o h s I \:3 : d sr se _3. 'if \..f A. if \fff~i .\"\.- i' disikedfffi 'i -,ii. >iff"'' i im piofffifisf ifisfifibflfe i fifi fifi f >i each.i '"fifffi~i 'ifift-ift- ififif hy tiwiffofC ifa if if listef ifo exifpfr pre ifntatiif - Q' Kt''"'''~"' "(f (f~ififi>~i aif iftiipl -io if ifen oial -ifnt ifi fifi f-i fi if':\\ \.: . ifta o-" ifk .3 0 00 o f ' i Y.:A'1 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~i if \ if if o+' dicu si n \if ,_, if if ' + ifion w ifh if>o ,"\ 1 if.? ..C water if eann. \ if>,, on a..:-st rf..; So t F r ia f11a \(.\ .-a: ; ""a\\_3Y . \0 \Cif\'(ti 3n3 .:-othtl: ctWS~ to' L ifCcnider ttfWIfde difW ,,if  11J,1 e~oloi ca akk N, NI' K D -C N -.,- hat N o .,k*1 N r n th N"IN 10N1N' .:\ ;'; '°r r~"\,: c";ir~c\ i tere ts ;; ;- "i\".' ,: ;.,: \ -\ "\\ .":+ ' ' +_ ,, ' 'NN'NK Nfl ' i t. tra' an d. N..rba ' :.N\ .*i ..Y o...i Nh N + n... .N n. n.... 'NN E\ e. N$.'\s f\r h ndg..w KG vro \.N\ \u.1 cnsuv'> work \' _\" ora.i\ , ;, w .\.\r \:phy ?.a . . \:'\ <'fiN1 (AL 9,,, : 0 qu ety ;' . .N r 09.. . \ ; N 'K 'N-N1 "N floo p l:t:.e . cretysmflsean averagNof a3 NNK .' -' O k e ho e '.-.:.1NK^, .* 1' , ~ ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~N ' of '1 eac N--'::\.*w tra '1 '._. ~ :. s- . \7 "C" N N'N'' N(i ,+,." N \,, _3_.: N'..N1'NN 'NN. ' N ' O th~~~~~~~~~~~~~KNN CaN'aac,,e_"RvroteGk. hog h a Canal-oteAlni Ocan, Nf this ' dign g N''N \, :t :.:.33" 3\N;s\3y t a \..\'- Ny I'N\ 'N x s Nat N C\t_:b 3 '3N'No'dNNN .: NN'N'N"-\l" : \..C iicPaeN : 'e ou I"N" ,a". noh t o2Cn~tl NNw NNtNNN N\ N' \N Ko NNN ,he ,\.e \'+ "N"s\N K~.+ a \ i f_-_w re vr n e tl N'N'N'N (tic a Nh Nirr 'Nb N lrd NNNNNN ''eeNNNNNN Nr ft e 3 . :3  Nhi or Nt N.. 1\ Nn_ N~~r. N0 \, N~\\ e \ al co m te to Ev rla e , N_ N\ . \ 4 - . \ " F : \ - v : _ 4 . _ "\ "\ . C " ; 1 1 " \ + ^ r v i e i t l i \ - ' "i "\ \ : w a e - F \ o ;; . - _: a . . \ \ \ : \ . eN t e p l n Nea e \: ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ N) *,l ,N~ s \I ,'NNN Non +.nNNNN Nak , ntr-,.lt ey a 2 3 ,M a w ie, h r o ,,I NNbNe NNNN'N\NN Nof'N' waterVNNNN NNNNab,- -t epteS uhFoiagotNah ..~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~'NK :.NNNN .. N.: 'g \-.v ..t bw:, ..\ N tf n l m n so th comm nit co cene loasaeN-z ,, i.,ea poiiins Nh NNN\YNre QNNN 'NNN)N NN1 con ineNNNNNN>N,,,ov a s71,13b-il "Ilon I an(coss -tbe sliteve----d beteenNlorda. Nnd-Nthe NN\NNNra NNNN.NNNNN SNNNKN overN) Nia N>l N>\o.. NNNN.. .I__ N: NN NN ~ e N ete Nha n non it al" o Re a dls of the N') )NNNN N N) NNN NNNNNNNNNNNNNN N~)N&NJ~N>NKN i) N NNN appear~~NNNNN \N< \) s O nN h ~,\.Objectionst 'N)' N ' );vo' N''v ^u \ N)')'," NNNNe NNd ')'N'' 'NND e.NA )) A N,_: N'o:. NNNNNNNN NN Co gr s Nase Nn Pr sd n .:,Ns'.t~r C: 3N 3)) >NNNNNNN.)NNK.N) N))Ni'ntNN'NNoN N' Much~~~~~~~~~ ha Nee wrte bu h opeesveEegaeRs_,N-. \.\N 13N_1'NN.; , m\ :eNN e reha p )N NmNucNNNNNN NlNs NN) Alho NIR N) NNNN excl "c m rhnie itsalrg cunNNN abewNNNin N~~~~~ ord. ~N NN N N N NN number ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ NNN NNNhNNiain n Jespl, o oi .,,' ,:.NNN',NNNNNNa.,-sNNNNl .NNNC' oN.N, NN: \NN)>NNNNNN>N: NNI\ \N:.:hNN \N h \. NNs> )N)NNN \NNNN NN>NK~ N Nh e ' o , N )N N R\+N\ ta n G a e ,RRR " .\,A "..3 __. , E \ P o e t ._.\NNNNtoN N+NNAN NKNNN N'NNN'N 3>NNN in 33_,+N'. _ i. . . e h Y.>N' _-s.__') N N)gikurs e ,p a n d stt n -,,- e a a d ac usto sin-h ei and~~~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ sN'NeraNN Nte pr,)NNNs oa r -*E css, : xed N , , N, *N ., ,>) NN'.R'+)'NS NNNNN~ NNN CN N -\ t-C \ f "\N ' : .n '\ o n \ . - ' \ \i N" o. N N: :. _ n...\ ..... .-i a Nh )NN)'N placeN bu NNmsNbNealeNhttoNN,.\cledo t,,eC rs "help"~~~~~~~~~ wit floo \N.))))-ro i NNNN NNNN N>e14sad)'h esecie N') -mi N)NNN 'wNAN~it pr moin grNt in o t Nlrd Nse'NemNedN~'  IA\s\ rc_. \"__" :.1 " .. of \- . _1. . O-:J.. >3 "..":t ,ea e a \_:: _: . \ : : _ A : e ._ \ . a .C ei' t f i A c .dc m : O f- a c o ce:. \. c cc_,: . : \ : . o . N,.n N'n vai usI'I>I'N he ev n re o .\ in2 0 ,.I 00I 'IA.\ ~\ \\\"\_ '' IA N I \"I' ~ I'NI>rcr ovs ~h~f 'I NI I""' -t e I'MA-n m m ^\ :; rs o :_.hV ,. iniial. evie ' AO (0'- i 01"\ 1' e N .: ' \\+ e e r h Koni' o mte on0> Indeenen Scetii Neiw f^_.V"'N :dt- Retrto Po rs, aNo.,~ 1 t isC leNgal repo si INN1kirpovdi.-i i ER OWv, ( oI \' R the it< oNf , N i (eea e a "int Areas (W-"s Nn.NVina~ he prductin of yste r\.s.*\r\\. *n benfits n o\IN'tNI p tonIo theVI Sout Floid lNsstm""hsispriualdscnetgco ie ., ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ N" tI\ g> tJ a\.teD .E\\co p n nss\h\"\;\ .dfo., n .z + o5 hve( ber del yed Nnd t" "I Ni mo N pi Not pr je t s' IN' ~I \ N A ,' " INN" lINN' 2004'INN~N are liNel -toA)I~ beINIANI'aeagNNNigt 71h c m ite IaAY Co g-s ANevenIIYI to Nett,,v1-,a ot roj , tha Ner +N,\ R+> m ,,r ++ ,C .+ , 1t a d i eyt b e ie substantialhy-~~~~~~~~~~~~ 'Ne Ii\: .'N. , _-p. ,,\-\>hhw vrC nrs I4\ \,. : IN'\:\ Aes orgnal tNoNr 'AN1'~ A" Ns is (AlA \ e \\"a .es in par beasIh e~oi-_,~ o saiiltyicesn-l-,_t aush alreay'f'NIIN \":\N,>I II'1> -. 11 NNVNVN \I N' Nos o I( NE_1 'N a 'ac of ''d rl -,R so-1.,1- 1-1eS Lreo ea Iri I IN' IA as si enit "op Iit muc ''etj_,,-_-y asesin dat on ho nat ra s ' IINI' authors~~~~~~~~~ of"~ ON:P hae Rbae Iocp adaatv  Na: Nd'disagree- ment' remai"N \_Ao \a . _:\s h;.h:v asa ot o daandNthe complex~~~~~~~~~~~~N proec plnnn 'NW'\ aprvlpoesi"\-^:.N.,\.tursle Ktes eseial com le or 0otnitk proect as s \ c 'Nc\ 3 .. . :\ N ysL :S.e.33 t\ a. 'N .33; . e ,o de \\r: .;) , , is i 'N ~ ~ ~ ~ pors NO O. iR.N' N"~.2)NN N 1 NNN"' ivn' -est ntin Nit',e (b N , 'N- ~ ('n \el"N'N _e _E Foe r so a r trea:.3 a.N'n m o'n i " nN 'yN'NCN \, N .aresa db s .m n g mn' N a N. t.N'NNNNN> 'N \,:NN' eN sO wihN~ i N~' \.e "Ahv ae water ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ N r~~' \ "N \'eae 1-- bp \:\a.\drdcdi o 4 . "~< Moret 3es ,\J~Q tobe d ne t d 30:3 .,.::" h w n or ares of S s ar e d dN.r d c N .,s 3C' \.$ s . \.,'N'NNaN\ 'tVNNI. N \N and toN \:\ .u. . .t . ,'mNNNNN \ ther has been som "NNo'N'N''N .C a. s3 a-\: -o y t e reatie _a,.cr o pr gres \. x_\__. ___3 _P nd an iou tN leave his own ~ ~~' 'theC oN)".u- 3.ria: retrtin'N:.a N \ ' Fo i Govn o )iNN t''\Chk -dA e in ; .+ N R NdrNN\oNNFN,,, Nt t ... 'N' : .'NN N N N , ..N N''N' \-\:.'N'NN~N N'.NNN designed Noj m tf. .a 33a \-:-. N'N 'NN INN.,+ . \: ,:\:a \'RNR N 'NNN \ \, ', moveNNNNmonstrNted Fl i N 'NON3 "b N,-- co t'Nuin _C\.NNdsnN'a.N, -o\=\ SA. ' 'N N\. N 'NN' N"N' A 'Ne __dR p o e t ahead~~~~~~~~~~~ Ne "Nl one , '2~iNanino .. ae , N"a ar a Nit A cl NS N. N,<, 'Nt N" s N r po e in tngN N'.N NNNN -tN "N*' t "eec e 'No No e -t 'N N N N N N o sche uleN'N\ 2N+sav NNnN"0NN'' \+N$NN'N "' +N a nkan NNIN Is'NN 'N"N''N'"N u'N\ "flN>NN" Nia uN \\\ , C -. vide about' "N" lf' NN' 'N e \N" _,a;,.N>NN''NNw te toaec mp n ntwhc shouNNldN N\. ..: N NNmproveNN' a' \:0\'3 .u \ NN Niin-NNNNN elveie ONN2N"IN'NNN' FloNO("N(, >sNtNNNNN ec s se sNNeve,'NNN3o h p \i.c .. p\\t shoud :.,.:\_S '+ \ waer q alit" ," , , \ '" 'N " N'ad my 'oNS"n c re view\N Ne co te d of thN NNN\ "N"N Nf he- prje t 'N 'N NNN N' N'N N " N' accrueii toNN uNht noNhN' par of th N N stem Ns Niia iiia th Nt Nu i and Naosa a c N NNNetN>N\ iNN N o~ o IsaNs Nn BisayN Bar , \ xSa..a~vS\ litletbnefitto teNNN NNdEvergaN eNNN atNNNNional  "id. grwt in1 South/1 '7fl 1)Th' 2(0YKKKN In ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 1KO 1. \:?.. b 0 -7 h \\: itbn.\Ofc G O KNKKKK'KKKYy Ko ap> U.S Seat Kn ,rores toaN K:' '. \'K ," KK' UKK KN'KK ": \K. K) \ K , .\ .. , nSot;a .t .+,d*,\. .w :.. .\ 9 n :2 o , .:. x.33. .. \"a. 'wasbas d o a A. __:' rpor \ bl~h\-, . .... ,.,y 2 07K117 *-..esam '. ' , a LK t\ cited a K> to K N.R O >K (+ , J K KeAoato rN KKK\nSo thFord siKu e 1/OK. q oi-_t'. ,scop' of en io m nt la d aJtOOK\?.' r o ' ',\' nn a. brethakingK a..\ \k\> d K' \e worth onthK lbl'>'r~s r\ "K' ii .,i.,3 toi\..i ~\ world" " o o K> ' aKO'"K'KOK':KiKKK\. K'.'3\'KK K tl 1K" contr cton leve re ovl ('K . IN> \z,,\of ae .\.a :\:..1\;- ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 'KK''K' K"" C 'a-" _eto.a np o , CC~ :aa .~ . a.o " :.K \ "R P ; ; or on (.K +'U andKtheyKKK'K/K rclsiie th m completted, ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 'K inOK K)an~i-_t or 1/N>')', rno etsare, 'A ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ q N'>> NKN\"KKKKKK K '''K N ') + cK; '<>K'Kt K"KKtA \ ' l 'K'K'K :,.. O 21''K K >N K"n \ C a K'>;~~~A .a Ko mKlete,, this' "K1 L$'', 1 1KK Ksn. \':F> K>''n than'' theK''' 9. r jcst a' \K:n . ,v\: \e o p e by~~~~~~~~~~~~K(K the endof 0\6 t..3(K> : nsieo isoi il 2000, ~ ~ ~ N a(2 s1>1>: , rjc a c m ltda ;N w ea sD y a, ar~~~~~~~~~~~~~d~~~K K'orKeN thnhl er o 'KK'Kortteda ia-badhr_, fa~t f- "0>' ' ) K (N 'Ka: see K' +_>rjcsu de o src-io tteen _ 0 ::\ eeii tite 1.TR : K1/KKKC :\N' a,\.\ (('1/ - (11>K a-. a\. _> K, *... - ; ' - c s w r e d d -' K,., Ka '_.. ''. , "" ; Kcs se ' :. \' - K. to a~ : h \..._s \ , : provide~K Kil K" er.+l d °fseea e \' i GAO (OOQFCSS aa 000 0>2 delay1/ Kto UK e WWC seveKK.rKl isses.Forstate sit o  \\ 4"' '444.3 44 3.N x-3\ G .(._+ 33 99 ,35 ,.t-.e t m td " 3 Ny .\ _ re *,_C\ati _ _ ,. : . ,_II . _ ,\ 33 a\ 'as$_. o.t51 4 bilion th s3:N3\:'md s >_, RI 4> ,44>4 '4 44. as ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~444 V(la n-on nd4V44ltdad o-EP rjcs R:,pr ecscc u td \ tjus3ov rh l \ 3.3 otl' 8.e\".\. ."3.2 o6 Y33:to a C s fN4- "n\'. .2. 44 \ 4. 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KKUK ,_ _\ \ 'K'\ : o e n +S \_ + 3 \\._. , .e . a.e a: . -3.. 4. , Kh to th K'2 K \+, '' K K' \' K K'' ur h s , B tn t \ Kody KNKKK KKpy Fo Kng KaNKy of NK'NKNK thuad fpepew al~~ aeO eco's'N .,khrt h 'nK'''N depend- eitherirc$tlKA 3.3aK. \.~K *-KKK will los t\s''K Ki jo' Kr s53. K) Kn " ev l e. u t,\:5K, ........eK sevra N'mer of K the ' Florida KK l\- ~ isl~e KKc+ K'', of tha N, K.v  N ,;;- :..N) .1' :N,-<:, tt~ N~ A 1-10 ~~CN \eNorieNNNN'NNN m cl- N'N'NAJ N& NN49 tl.-_-alt lttl w ll e lftJlki. r the irpota~r,,ll retortinN"Nrojects.' ma'NN~' .N Nu a N. r\ \,.e lrdaC ytlgn rlytaew :sm ieo ~11Nk&C ,A . RN + ..... N. \ \ _d e . , a 3-i s \:Ii \ :\\ \\r t : CNN' NNA \,\-1v~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~N' whN amount toab il ur man n n ui es n e er b ete m .,>3s v ra o e l rd \'C \\.. NN...33.N. .,t ep o tNNN^ 'N ' N. NN'N"NNNNNNNNN NN ' N N ' N RNN N N\\? _.''' ," 3\-N'N N"N "N 3 N' NN N"a 1pr b ' N' \ 'KQn N t N, swa seecedpaces N S, Sugar\ laNC d N N"\NN\ N'NNi N NNNoNmeKU WOW'. ,.3 ~ ln n r """N'e NNNNow N'NNNoughN tKNNegaesAriutrN N'"'NNNNteNNwNN sn in _\-?33 33yec dG v r Q NN NN NNNNN"N:'3N3.: .. N.. N_ N 'N N.'N.3\: N NN ' NN' NNN' .: a. \ as a \ \,\ x_3N' \, : N: \whc h ," a s ..NNNN \ -..N.N\.\ \.:.N n o,.e3(N0b : :00 5 Ncldb ckp rh s N''e :,33N\:N sNtNNNNtN'N N'N :1$ 0 0are -, ?3333:,3:,allo ing 3' US \\,N'N''N'N'a to ' reaN moe _'oacesan iru Nt en ir N N N N N' ' 'N N N N ' N N N ' N cu in Nr, Nalr a Ns wel as NctNrNN u N' N NN' and~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ N \'~ N.-\ N 3 N . o 3 .\. ...33 o lo ""N IN aN 'N ,\" N: 'N N Nln s NIDNN N GNGN CNN)~n $2-,' StOWS , sto ' olltio c'leanup.11 W All~ "\a -40"1' "h+1'on y _;\,.\ ,"\"",'" a re ;\x; n ede \*, \ e er: C\\s \\"++\ _r.1 N...._ ar he (notGOO 0001>oo acrs) Sc Nkit Suga wYo.ld lyNN,..- $-15 per N'creI Nt lexasIN lnd, Nak \ h tt re ormi nbusn,-.N ntees lr id NNNN'Nnd' +'\N,' ii' +,In in"fie h 1 n e t.u- saedd w td lv'\\t M aekei~ e __:'0't-i" " N N s ~ - So-l INo\ Ne b d ne withted ci opV&NI '' INoI "INNo "up SI2.bi1,J-~n NN'Nau"NN asid ,' N wN , N district~~~~~~~~~~~' dNoe' No 'N pln11orhwt Ncroat hlpoetyi 01 \ : 4-N"' N c eNI ' "NAN..s NNN' \.: \.h N: N : h -y' r u ha \, e g N u a wil co\ \p N,, N"' tha Nh it wl aear N'NCINNNN'~n,\a NeNtoQ ti on work, ( ReadNsNN ~ \.,. NIIIN"IIN' 'J NNN' N N'NN(,,le NNNNNN on NNt N gality of -th statesNpropN 4NN5NNNNNNNNex NNcNedNtoNeNNNNNN.NNNN Nr-,. reevor is Netil Npeln ~ u 'NN wilb italyi p s NNo NN:..N re-\ reat Nh shee _: INN'N \" w fs alw'IGt\ ie ' t IeteN oNNNNI N'NN 'N' \N_\. N k eho e NnN E\erlad sNc.\ NNNNNNNNNNNNN NN' \N.NN was - '5 \9 N'4NNNl 'INN Nos deirabeI''N I:-a-N ;h i ,.r:0" N~ an mosIt prd ctv Nol) NNd it INs bee NNNained drainedN \, ",N N N'N+',\_>NN NN'NNNNNN sN " .'' ."S'\ n\_>,NNI2 NNNNNNNNKNNNINNNN n NNNN'IINYN5N NhiNNKN'Ns NINN re-,. itNNslNNNN ':+\ NINNN dNN'NI N'NNN' .:Rc NaIN N: . 'NN -1.1-". : .\ NINNIC NI\: N . . li e INN\ ..i\ NINNN':. : NN'NNN'N N.NNN.I INNN 51 N,. , N f N ak Ok e ho e , \v Nbe. No l Ni pl Non Nn old U S N N.: N;\t NNN' N NNN1 I1 -N N N ,I N  CXeCe ' milio 4444 l who4 cal Suth Forid o omur_--_w msc st ofa a "' 44 4 44 no live 4 on Floid '" o e atcat4." - uba~c w. iis\h \ sdt 444444444 4'4444444l 4"444.'4 . ar''4' ..(4'''4 :., 44 ln ou d beu e 44" i - . \C- \. -:\ 444I- 44' '4nig l..44 be.44. creatd444 US, ugaro~r. it wayout I'lwev-,it, itdoe appar4hat 44'4"(4(44 eha (444 '"'"4 j\\ w l. 44l rh' e e_--i ' t.t.f. ::\ e :. ." ::\3- _ .:V\\n:.^ A . ^ litat *. . l \_t. . _ ': 4i"d i4 e' rv1444.' t a 4E: pa n r en si ne i.: 20 0.S._.e4_._K ;'.\ . \ \ \a \ e 4up,, 11\ agriculture) 44 will 44444 ben ,s44 ; te ,,, \ ,,,o 4L4 4 ZP4'<" 4 '4 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ w 4 4t444 4 444 4444444h4 land (44 whose %~ sol 4~.,i '\: 4,e--, O4 ft..Im rg tn \a" ~~~'4444 4"'4"'4<4\"'\l\: gi4e u'\a d(444444a d ^ ev l p r , h ' \\ \\l to 4fill 44_- re aide 444ergot_, ihalsece fub~-_ dvlp (('4K"'als-ritcrtc o v rga e restoatio suggest444 tha if44.\bl lad -t 4s44, 444444 Js>"' the44~ *. :'444o.:. o4 d\ 4.rsb i' p ued'44444vegad s o ld ,'"444 as:, 4' \.\4J,4'4..3 e : "3\ ? \ b m souher 4.4'4 Evrla e 444\ u \\ 444 cons e 44444'e 'e '44' , -te-reto44esat).4'o l b iasr p~." 4li 44ic to 4lo th4opeeclas fSta lrdseoyti  >KYK ~ ~_u(VKA c (KhN me~K asures such a rel- sa""' t in (''N''IN ';._ . . .^ ,; .of ate 'aer , ortons ,3_, ' SN in cr asdNN\N_. .. '$VN \... ' NUN 'K" . in U N\a," . \. N :' N'\- ,N..._" '.. ' s "n' \ J of 'sea N' NNNassesN'''N andC oyst ' Nbed ' i K co sta waes'n(N nrae nwd NN NN'N ' ' N" '" N N ' N' ' ' N 'N"~ NweK'NNNNN N N'z-N'N see evdneOf'Ce, nsvra.ya toSS takeK sevral decNde Nprogre"sNsC'UNNN'UN"UCNNNUNU Nis'NN'N "S N'SNNU U Des ite:\ ofth 1"N \\"b 'N\"'\ \'\N \'UNNNN .^\ . ;. ,^t\::ab eheC pso N'1 " ._ aN.~ Nh N'ut ..N>o.d a a \:~..n Sr .\ g rsiey a t Se r~~~~r ,C , '~~' S o u t ':\ 'v ' . N; u ,i r ' N : ' $ ~ \i FN Ga~'N '."'' inir I dari\:\ha pln to bac_- m r t a non thr (2 Of 5 miles)N'NN' of "' 38 N'' N 'N 'N 'N_\:\ oN~'NN' e: 1 \ '. 'N k: N s\ N. - NA §C'. N " N ~ ''NN'N' ree tabis mo e"N.,ta: ,,"\d.\ ce f d i , \,, \,A f\ , NNN'N almost Nl ofN thisN Nokhsbe o petda' h ohr -I'S' PIN~( (NNNNN N 0,N' N'',KN R N' ' i N NNN,- 20--l-". Wit..-] en vioneNa 'N-mo N"N'NNNNN" Jn itori'' n(N a tNN N NN N N N N NNea st' (N N N(N$N\NN N(N NN oreN,;NNC total K'0PIIM..U 'eel ''Ke U(~g N N N, \N"N ~ ar'''K s a-\ N NN.&N NNN' NA \. ,;N,\. A r a t , h e N 'N\ NN'NN'N c n serv tio N'N'N'' and Eve gl de K'3\ K. N\ UN\ N". i\;. are Np k-a 'N'N n N 'N'N'N4( state( NN N n en e N'aN&gNNNs,' 'as>IC NUNe Nea N .'k NN 'N NN'N t NN''N' N .\'N'N "N.'''NN' N N'.N'N'NN'NN 'NA N. N"':. e m t i __ \ :, , _\ . i a - '"'NNNt into s NNNer NN NNNNointsNCN' alongNN a' N\.'NNKN'N'NN'N\."d-o'NNEv rgad s r N INNN' N' t K"K 'K > DN' NNNN~N'N. ( - '' 'SN " iN \ N -i\' \ "1CNN' \ ' :- o :" \ ..\ \ \"*.l. \: 1 "' + . +-i . 'N\. : '\ Nt 'N\. .. N"NN''''N .G. 'N :. \ ~ l . "e t\:. r a . l w t r . \ NUN> N' N -, N , a 'N'NNN'N'N \N N :NNN'N N_"\,i0, \lP k ,\a4, hi :\ \a e a e u t,;s\ _.N: ..,_. \+: . Na . N.3 ' 'NNN ( 'N ' . N N N " NN N of Nh~sp ou Ni_,s Nb v -th Ntt~ taret N'Nit of 'Np b-fi~m--h a '>".h\" 'N'N'ie wit th \KCK FWNNU _KC.'K coK' (IIe r1 &ha82sp ou.l e er 'N NNte ,y-a N008 Nta Nn Nrviu yer N u No "c svse Nr'NecNNo eKryN the~~~~~~~~~~N N'0 N"0 Ihuriar-\es Ntbeun drugt "'N' the,  ,K ''K''K K tcwet :\:_.-~ OX 'CKG'Nl'i\ n~ :\ N. ~ K \._ \", \ax UCLU C.\VetiaFUCW m v \ er\ .3 \ (Na s(N 1'v \- in' N. ''NC~ 3N\ ._ 2 \: .. ..aslt r, + lk e e e c 13,82'K 1 ...N. K-t 'K''K'KK'Ng th o p f'Ki.-~est rai.-., ae r m t el (N.Ko the' ocea "N">" " order~KKK~ to'K'KS N -Iaiisoa,-,ecp ct Nf the 209 K'sn,"M aw ili p--l208 I-eC rs KK\K'KK\ 'KK\r hebi K5 f , N " KK'''N '&K"KKrKN KKNKK KKK KNKK+'ewKKs_ ' tel va i n s a \ KN "K\K'' t 'K> " \\,K\K\"s'than K'+++, S_> \\: s- ,>_ : \e \)\ a. KKNKKKK'K'K''N'KKKNK'K'KK'gKt ensure) pub NKN slfe n as 'KrKre pi rt(N'K43i'K'KN le KN.'Ko' dike~~~~~~~~~~~~ a's o..K d' th "io a1' "ak.. n Eblke -\EegaeLkeK."Ie. be' stKi"i. K i w k 'Kes iv 'Ks ho u 'o d n K,,,t 'Nta K'S 1-1, 1 1 NiK"'' >K"K K ' KK' n K' K'K"KK f\ l k ve a i g K"K \ \F\\ e- ' "K 'K > '^ \ 't-' "; " '^..,,,. -'1\ 4;" "' .NK.Kt r s ar h su ge t 'K'~'\' >, .-t\KK Vi K\" K'K(N'dJ- d 2 05 p a toKKNN haveN'K.~K reupn e Khsh rs rm3:z- >.\: +. \asdmet.A crig . K' aK KK'hr~e wit the SF'K'a_ KDspt a on Nitr-\ of K\vu 'K 'Kv K'ginKN K KK K' KKK K KK'KKKZKN''KK N'. K>'N ~K'K''KR'KK"'K' ('K'K' (K aK \KK ~ e K . -,, J1"'0KK su stnta re ucio .K"la\R" occurreNdK " duri." ng' theKKK"K K'.9 os boh>h state CL ~ ~ KK K'K>' de 'elo N,-Q' alphab" " ou K'ak N"Ke to-ir, p K > K'KK KN K KK Ns N i-t KtaN'K Ni a -h Ke ,.- :^;\>'er'\\\ 1 fiNN>';;1: Nc no i ," u u NKKN'K N e e 'ro' gramsK'~ du in'K"'ea epeN K"KK ., KKKK,,K>'NKK\ stat haKKn $1311 m lino K" : e \.: Kso iae wit the poe til imp ct o' Nlba +KK' ' 'K ' K K' Nt'K"""K h:-,' ; recent c ts'.1" Kte h:; : 1[-a1 \ b'udg't ' Kand ." det'> KN.K "KKK " NIc -er is'''" J NKN  4444' I4NN 1., 01V "lX- \ eRdNNs, aK \\\. N a rn i \ \ -sNN :.' ' e"-'4') 6 years~~ ago acreNNNNN ar .owol. *h;\4le Nik thei Nas N]Jttrn NNm.-es wide thn4sb N''; 11. o$'d '\\ ,\ d . N \\ ° \ .\ 5 : \ a d ., ':t; ' ^d \ \ . -:~~~~~~~ N \N" lc _ \t " t~ ~ NN e N \.\: _ \ .\ _\\ \ \: .\ .\ : \ as v" the~NN(NN)N Nazigbu \\\\~ fsae"V Notes44N 'N VN'UN4N'N ,- .,,N " , 2- U i e s t , . ~n NP rN of \' 3Y 4NNi N N ''.s ,;\ \ 'N + f (NN 'N N4 N u t N N N N a?4.,...\ 71 Eve ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~4 "NN e' Ne (N wNN4~a..\^ . ,._..,.k. f gfa-r\ '\ -a: ,, .fa : .,,f... ~ ~ 44 44.7\ o, +:t:.._. C .: ,i * _.. :. :i:N NN ;.._ , 3 n ,i :f:_.\\ :\t ~ a3_ S.. .. N, \: .. Nia. .. G e l g i a 4o.. \: ti 4f 41 N4);%4N)N4NN ..44 33 NN:14N:f:,.,,\h oL,.NNNfkN: [I.\...:\r..Y se f..\f.\. ..\ " ,_ ,\ :..:: : 'R _'f,.\.._ ;?_ "0 a .\, -. ,. . M ;....o~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~' \. 3.,. N:: u t4 4 ? 4~. 4fa+ ; N s,\ :_e . : il C,+eC, .. ':. vi _;." \.. .f . : , \: . \ f\ :5 . \_ .N:.e\\ ..NNNNN4NNNNf N> ' '  2"dwr 2005)t 6.ii cda , T elhsoyo i:-pcs YS, . i~iixic '\:n i, a22i2\. : Cs2a, i izuw~zcc 2id~t1'2ii2y 22tJ 2 th 22. yte.- Bo72521 c a2 R tn \ R . ,CK''-k'-,*aU_ .9 g ) ,.. ,_ '\M : 2e222 K. ;',,i , 'i . K0 -11 S, 2'>\.':'  -of m t'W~c ac3333,33333\1ik .\tt. .. ... : "U \ \.\33 :\. 333 3 .3,, 3333 \? .3 Fl d .. A , 2a \*1 i 7 ' , 3-'\?" 3 ., __ 33 3333-, 3,333:: *, \ f iU E e 2 a +in a~-t. 3Y_ Y,3\. + 3 3' ... _ 333 ari \-.\ : 3S 3 3 h e ' \\-. _5 a \. 3. .4 iX 3 K.\\., 3.:n is\-34, 3.. 3) 33703 ;3 331 3;, \\ 3;;_ 3;: O . ': P \ , 2~o i" 3A3>37 \(s;3~>\' o2'" h 2 ;." ',p - ,,, +_0 3.3 -\ .3. > E ve3 rglad3 es343 _ 3 ~" o3 : '3\a* 3_\- 33.33 \ ''\r.d 'a\a . . 3o h \"" ; a,,; +\.. ;. ,e~iMn. h ' gph',,; nh Evrla e" '. 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"' 44 e,"+ ':F 4 "44>44444 + 44 \4 4-4 _R 444K 44td ,40l n . f ,: ,, Lake ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ &4K444> 4\74: IO;:) KL KC'K4Kti;2 .fo ',,"-: ;\.\f \\ t4K0 \'\ ;\\ "o4 44Ac," 'K~4' ( W 4444 ,\+'j 44444*\:44+4\44444444m4a4\ ad '\ i . \s " - Kiv Nai nl4144i@CoCu,'^ . ) +. , r.,.. " Jkt;. on :z:  , :.\: ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ i \'aK n \_", .\ ,.M l 1 J,:. _.,a ,, _. ). \ I. ... \,. . . . C. . i 7 v;, : i '\". K: KKKK Vi\" K $K \ KKKNK 4.+ ,'\1^:' :; .c K. o,:, o,"",,,, ;.fitKN?K:: '\:i '2 \': S ('h'' \-6I k'N" ~', n ,\ ,;c Q w d+, ;\ k n "_, ' 4- I~NKK" 1-3-14, .,\ r-'< . \.5n- t \S 's ii \ 1 W ,.v:\. .y \ t. K il" S , N. K 6,K G ailK M .N \z.:, .C1\.\:, Ra sn K .. .\:L ' K":dI. the 01 Gla es KKK$KKKK \="1. ,>: isKK,'. KK\ . K_..,.\: ai , \ K K \ i4 K1 ago 0. K-, , Ks \\ Kf C K. \\ as K2C)K ' NI'NKKKIK I KKKKKKKK IACQKKKKC (I KKKN 110K' V'1KKK >. tK:K'KKKKIO KKKK=KNN  if if if20 8 if if SYf ifl R i if if ~ u if-t ifbsd -rc of if .,a s is \. g.igf, ,, r a d r n h ify .f, if d (" , .ce c if D-\. B th W il i-,J fsg.. \ S~df.\ ,.+ f ...rry G err "f T . (if p: ' \ , ifi f .ififfififififif .\ _ t",\n j'i,: f'fi N o,' if 1S if ifti F o ia if if if., ", ifI if , . if , +vf . if?\ t B ah \'u 1l-i \ l .h - itit 0 \ Ii kJffff~fi f f 'f Dirk, ;\,*?-,.e .,,-.e B\""a 2:'\?' "\nei ififif\\ . 'if\'ifififif i \\,:- o idf,' . d ;'\' i-2\, ° i'if i s ; + 'ifif if'\ \ f : 'ifif - ' .; nfiii'~~fii i f i if n g t _ i\ t,~ 8' . i if ifi ,, . f aif if i if, a if.. if.. .., ,. . if. ~ a .. . 3 _, if,\a if if Vi .,* , Ox\ 11\\? ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ iffiiff' '?\+ .Rt : - .i , ,'.c l r d iia:" : ~:'':~f L ; \,,,qf 'i.1K1S\, 'if\c if\,' , fif'fifif'fiiiii'ifif \" if +,iiffffffiiiiii (Vestf Distic US. if u op &"op apoe ,)' ae 'eciberg_,  FN ",he ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ C pulcNir.-.o a-dit tr e ad kii9ode t t ..t~ ~ t l ri a , .:\ .,.: . \. .....:. \: :, ., ., , a Glades~ ~ ~ ~ ~ wit Kv'r-lds Kiec." Grs-i 1941 eas o e lk' impov in20 the~l 180s K' Zi d r(in ag (egi -thV \o.: . -A .'KI t\: \' o.l~ o a' "N'11 (,-1 stat a''. . akrs p ssd a d ,\:\:\:s ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ (('(A of legslaio . ne d dt Vn...r--: h np cso asv c .  "It \\ Ae \ \ , "- \ " 1 , : \ \ ,,' N, \ ; .'' ' t T n. d' : " f ' , "\ . 2.\ . f .. t \ - 011 \ : r( '4 NI \NN \: \ 1 'N :\ _,- ~ Oi2 a('adsntKapoa".A Baeo.Cg.i.ndIrp red h > a N", s"'sni s l "I '4(k12%n-.98 ,F1 r .daha over nN'NCNNN N'r"NNN'ON'N pemaenjesdets n209 teUS CnssBuea \s :to: ,b o so e \..3\:~~~~~~~~~~~~ N-\_:\ co pl o'ea e ila m s l o tce \._. m 3r33 (NI '._' Na.. nn31 n_\:s do nolf2~ l t iclu deth tW\ \tttM'i. 9 FNUOUCC >Ui~h f\' additioalS I  353 --------- 9 WIN, L NA4 Nt 2 5& - --------- 0 JJ S(Aojec4e s v4, c \ u \,\ '"4' LU I I 1 < 101 L e A V s v t 0i\\\, 4>,\c;\z sCNio iiurc&4nc4: WW4\B4k(t2(  ONusv concept hai'..-,~ evle ove -th pN'N'sNt tw>o\NK centurie or soN ~ lI > \. aaa 3 f \A :\:_nf:\_" . ... . ca a:\. i \_>' ta,.. : f ' c rr i g a(' > \:i- a: tote "so arota o l 'INe t: K port e QKy ': iln hips. (.)v h,'N\ sc olr IItl,, onl 'ttcs. to' ap II>\<, ide SN a'10 have~~~~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ INie Io 'Kl -i -irc.ty-oh,,m n -u,-esi,\,e-ta IN~e 1.e \.a: ' 4c33, 3.o suppor ?\";.::. \.\ tha we ar II r ac .g thNoNse III~~ NN 'I \\>:,N\. I' v:AKNe i ea of, I \I NI5 K 'i :\ :.A''NNNN :+",NN . es lm tsb t~ _ . ' G .\ ~ N. \^ f... INN N: . NNN'N'I'NI'N'. ' 'N D S.:' a r\ f . \ \ . °41 \ I I) \ :a'l _a e::. \ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~I ,1_ : \ \ . \ ~" i y,., \. \ o td _ ._.S into111 to)'I the phras NI \IyQ NNI NNIN.'\N3-de lp en" _s. NNNNN C....3I::a\ . . \ " .\ 3 ." , \a . sa \ 'N'\:r_ N'.._ t\:N s: -\-fs. N. .N. a.. 'N' INN" Is 'I') IlINq II' IN I \. INN . N flN fIf 'K 1101) ' _ IN of1 susaIb> developmen\:Id'v\: N' N.f .I e II> which 1 INNt the ofI present~~N' Niho- ablt NN Nttrain N' ' nN I N0 '* 9 ,their o nNNNNN INN's ~NNI~ 1111 INoNuI$seI Su ha- r tan\1.'.-\. inter rete NNItIIIN 111e 1IIII k& "AI1 I I 511h I)55III _,. -I"I\' .eac.\ .. a ies I' st .Nk nan l V&tUt d 4f e O~h Ofn as lgh gre \:+o11\\10t sa usual! Indeed ,~ \: " quikly FKUSOW'C&. N.1 l n.:ca _'S \.  \: ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ \N _ N +3\ "\f,_NNNNNNNN333x a:. .:t,' 3 II'.\ ..3:: ; . 3 33. \ le el r ve s A - \ t atth : _. . N"faa. ;3l 'N\ -; Vt:\).)g. v a"\A ' t idi \as Nl .f ",'N~y ~ ~ N waterN)(N1'N~ N ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ro hu-'N' 'N' NNNN"NN'' NNN' ma (kN' \,3, .\ i : .\ I actsKQK~t becaus virtuall al' Flrid rivers' bee 'N' ycagsi ,s U ta osR\ rcu esinit fr m de eo in'.NN '0- _t_ oNfi )'0N " NN' .N .o " a :\ \:. \?N" u N' a. \. b .\. ( often ( re e vs s .,>nits rf .. cussions(I (fiNN) ha a e'NNNNNNN i''N Ql Nitibto 'N' -tN NoNt oprvdn wae wul m an gng allKNNNN N' a:\ utlt'Nutm r h a ep r \t. ^e \ ae hycnti thatNNN 'N'ei- socia . N'NN eq it eq iesth tweNNv (IN\\ iK-N:_\ 1 :' N N.:NN\;NN N so ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~QNNN : + 2 rsd ntN' ((NN' ; ta\\< \:. ' + . y.:1,-,. a es + i ; .rN'sou'rcesf of aN Nlc N r rein Nr IN o ha me byN Nii-it,, ('-te cost '(~lN( NN\NtN N.' ..,m N'o "' k+f r \\ , ' wa e \'NRc oug t tm betheone whoKV~l payL csuch dcv c'i t, g atunsr ,t Ic7 c s ignific)N t NIN ts N)NNdiflN e witN'\ N'NNNN.NN~.NNNN' N wa"N; in ldecpia  aid ..v\3 "NNJN ilt>N WN"ss& -tea m nt)~ Us ng siN ts'NNNNNJ'Nroi.r, _ik p ay',N.,ter water ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ NUN \Nlslr iic fPfn.lls ac n N.~~~' 'NYNN' N). KK'NN'NNN'NN~w01 \_:\J\. >NNNa,:\.: Qt :\ \sN'NN ANN\,\. ,'N."at'N L)NNKNNN ck "". NN.--- N.'"NN'N''N ,.' -;1 " \ M os Nof FlorN' "3f K? at " N .' 9" Na huge \d9NNN \$'3.C . ., n ll r ,NNNNN ,. ' ig N'N, . .'NN.;; -9N th a i"' _ -5.,. \ p _1. \._ a it . -1,\\.J "3 " i e .\..3 ...\ .3 :\. \3..x3. 'N N>..- Cis othe sorcs "Ig'"NNnorn g h -,,reta ie ot sc sd seric oN : .1 -s\ \tt,,t nd aais fi il tByW t cn tndNNN9 that'N it'9 costs 'a bit'N m eth n ; e n N'Np 'NN'NN t* ,\ gll N: ..: Si out. "\ .G; ,,,NJ" "fiN.\ -A ' N~ w a e """N . " y*\-.: .a . .3\ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~N" :x3y\vn w eaiain ln o t o '9a'a, fw fctri i \:" : aC~N9('NK n d '9"'B y ,. ru d Nae _ . \ 5\'A ' [\_:' .A+ mp "N f\ ('N' \ .'~N KN."4 : .ofcil ., a.i. i n w 'cosNtNNN9'9 betwee $566an-$8,2 er'N"N'N"epnin o tespcii proj ct, nd asN a diio a \"' 3_.3.335 NNaNte>rNN -C_ -3:3\KZ'NaRier Nrdue N t )N cost of Newe Nerl \4 a Nnd "N up to _\ er9N)'N oU (NNNKC .y *_. s ia esh tcntrnsax\'a~e no\\5a l ae N(N&sN NNNN Ketwee N i-T Knd Ne Nwo N: lo-s a nda i N ' N N ' N N N N '' "N' '' N N N- te N ''N"N N -N' Ne oNNN n e obtaine aNN :\NNN cos:. -ON N-N'N\ 3.N NI NN'e-rN _._ AN NNN"N'NNNNN UN\ cl a N f eN en NheN "'s's N Nte\ tN N u sdis s\$ :: Ns N. N. Ne pr vi e Nb 'N N'NNNN'''' -NNNN NNI y N Nth st t No ";1\+ '~v N:": N" 1eJm ti?:.w \';\ p~ ~ ? r "\J\ \"\"1 \\e\.". altrnaiv so rc s s ch s s :\-, s; N NY; N,,\ N wae 'N.' \"'NN" pa tcu a l N ;.\*." sw +tfe_ e ai nation ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 1 - ) are subtatill y1 moe\x\>.YtaCehgoud aer.Foida. isCW -no ou ofN Naer Iater 'Nht, N'.i."sul can no)8 su'ppoVNUrt"C  thecatl ,.aktht efned southcr.n Flrd m\9:_\"K thn .\- :. K~~ ~ ~~~~ \ 2 'K'KKK' K 'K< KC " ' 'K KrK Ks we e KKK \ K\+ K ' \: CN + fKK"' K'"K n K' ~el t.r\'a o ' JKNKa\a \'\ \S'K a eK tQ~~j war "KK 3a' 'K KKK\K'K\ KNK'K'KK K'KKK'K KKK$' KQKKNKK'K nd h ouhet lrd Wate Ma age,,ri.,.nt istict(S D S ift \-.d ,n ap o P, >278) K> e ' h\ K "w Ko pr vd K>qu t > a\ K> K'KKKK'K . K K e K'o rap dly 6._ oK K>* . .> .G_.' \o \ ; \ 1 = . nni e \, \.r +.. . \'-\*.\, .\.n a:\1 a n:\' \3 l n g ; h v e ' '\ '1;\ s n c e ce d e " . \ ap ci y f + o IDKK 'KN K KKK K;^\'\ \_n ..\ K:ca K - K _\:.\ \\' K N K \o K "K KK K\ For ex mp e Kiela :.1 y.^^^ K K\ K K brKcKtin K-tNKKKKK wes sie(K.,- b anioex ei~-,c at a t..~~~~~~~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ -a s~KKKK ,'KKa'.K3 a :r h \ aKK3'K'Kdt e iyofS. \: 'K aa KNKKK''K'KK>K''K K''\;> boughtKKK\ n';' \.K' \'~ negh orn \KKK>e dwin e:a 'K e tit K>K\.. . :. . n.\ K1 .\ \. ++ +' K .\\,,i Ki.. v e\:ma': "'K Kac - Sp in s or e t sn 'e gr\n~a:.1\a:"w'3at-r into \nn .e , K s\'>> a the .o RK' K'KK: n ,.5,. \ ep i el s\.\ a . ,.b.i+nu growth \\-" \_ KN 5-aC a K. \ s K_\ .KK (N>' 'K K>K'K _a_ t1 'KK K'KKKKNKK " e are wit nerl amilin eo leKW several~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~KNKK Kae anKelnsi>ac out ea od-k-. K; 'KK(' 3..\" >K' .e... to \"x\ 3a\'"\. 3-NKNK"\\K. in an caseK KKKKKKK K'K>K'K KKflKK"K K ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ . ..\ - b1..11 \ dr u h _\ K:33\- KKKKKK K' - K KK diap ea in s\$ iK>,, K 3 KNKKK In''K' .. \ :K >''>'KKK'' aK> :fi \ . ". o s Reginal ..\. _ Su plyAutoriy , e .. __. oat, _,.. .. re ion l w ter . ss \" K K sale byKK loa 'Kdes spent K'c of th K>.gsad _i \ K' nK> ep10 1 5 t nn\:' KK aK''K''K'\_ 'K _ 'K ' n. "K \ each'K other . KKK''+, K c u t K> j"K' iK KK \\a \.:'.K'NKKKKUKK\K'KK'.,K' 'K>'> \_. ' K'KKK\'K KKKKK \?KN \.\. Kwi h k\:r y tn .a:,d . ,. " 1b c tn..,..g ..\fttn : Ba' \K Ko ..ISK K.U K ,o \ x e sv -,tn:\a. :w le o re KKNNKK K ', thKKK.C.,s of\O .I13U~.3 \ -_\..i-i.g o t KKKK\.KK'K~~..0 reduce 'K>KK\heKKKKKK Kup n ch a u K 'K>i: R KrN Ktl+. ai:: ~~a) :i ,\n nnGy" 1 o?~ n Kusd Pin lla KNKNK> K NKNK>KYK \*~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~K K Kn\\; d: i o a g -\sa-:i:: pa ta _h ^ :t \ K n KK ereK~K' >" K>KK standsa nm_:1a..\.:0oK ~ \-KKKK \~KKKQKK' -Ko'>K'KKNKKKpoliKKiKs>Knd sdein d ., po  N~ ~ Nt ' I NN N1*4" N'' ne N n NO 5 a Nk \ ae a e .o .t-..eL: 'a d.H l NboroNuNhA' R N vN\:NN -s NNnNNN t'\<]'''Ny s ae tae s. .. heh. mNllinA N ac N .NNN i..> soon"NN devlo ed ,NN N'NN "pN at.Ncacs,\h Neue N t ca'ityr Nn the N eeedogtvrtilydandw a N' in D. .. N t.n N' NNNNe r"EN v\NJ:. b'N NNNN\ NNNN N'', a,;0\:9 EnN a.' :\lN'ILId s o e N .N N N\t t N . N N a N'N N N c u r d \_.t .i -z, l w t a il \ , , f the rservor \. k--v at last t o \\a._f: :t\-N re aisar'NwNNN',.u\\;t NenN inNN uneNNN0NN .N..;_,NNNN'NN \ it. . \... .:NN. reislyho mNhitwil ... os t fix~~~~~~~~N < 'N Kad NN'N'NNN'\ a:-.1t waeNs' t cti i a'''.:, e a N>\ny busiesse aNWd "N \NN"N Nof workNN d ing N' deeNpe'ni reNsio'" NNBy . Such lm 'N t\:.. N u p rtd y~X~7{ odes <"N ,.\N'..+.\;' \ 2 \~ " \1C re uc \C?'\er NfN"N NNN'N"'N N2NN "V):.- iie lad N"'_ ". .. \ \ NJ 'N N N' N N' N \ii Rii ,, , ,, ,, .. : ofN"NRNOQ Nnpraieif-ouNnotwshyu crorw trNyouN'Ni-,'.i NNNpriNNlN N Much~~~~~~~~~~~~ of no ,+ -N \adeatcN aFlrdlesithS.J,'.?svr DistNNricNN NNNN"N ND; "NNN'NN P 278)areinNN ha N N 'N'~'CNN N~NN2NNNNNNN~NN .,; .\:. "N' 444 '2 . 15 ,0 ce 4444 ;.; 1 uA\ A'44^ t a a t :\\i ,t h ; " \ ': \", :'4 4 4 " 4 ,' '\ te ' \ ; ~ 4 p44 " ' '444 i v r 44444' hie. the44'4 '4(44S.Jo1-m i er( na d a o ndJ c s nile ufI"r 44 '4'444"'.. o si ue \ O o ,s\ 1 ' "4N _ '$': " . . .\^ ;; C. as cae ih r a ,s b r a " a rcl tural ~444 \. K. .4>4>K'> 44444\:\ \ 4 f~f;* dah. '"p ol r '4 4~'4 444'4'44$1 44 .: st r a4 m ft e\ _t eI \ x:3:.;_:x3 r e opa and 4-424i( 3 o\ x esiew trrsure\\ \ \\ o st vi reet of th :J'n~ama Ba w'aterf warsU}' thpnLa' 1OIL4tK3 beVhUU RXCI't-_, wate'VJKI  .4 '"-,~ 4".H C 3 _' .> 4 % > 444 're XPh& CI' V K1'K(.3'' 4-4' 1-1 '4'+ ' "44 ' '4 4' 4, 4 . \4444 '\ 44 '44 E:"4b UP r f . \: tt ,atl a tas 4t :,~~444~~ 44. \:4 444 \4444\4 ed )'t t4s\b\x . .\:\.n.A,:4.4\.4\t half people-an 4much.4 agiJi'ltrl actvit incldin 4'444>' P"44444'4 .4.4 4444 .\ ro 4444 \: .r3j 4_ . ith s"4\n'''3e \-. ng s 44'" '4>444444444 > .§" 4K"4"C\,: s ,l' n ater ,u l~ o 2-lad n waer , f ; 4 4444' -,4 into~~~~~~~ the44't4" Qt'4Q\\.. \4)" 444)yt. m ,. oos sol ,i o~ ik -tried -; o avoid harshX"'4)\4't'>'4R 1\') 'X44V4'4"1 '4;f \11\, ' 4'4fl,\A 4'C\ te '-\ 4"' by4hef4N 1 44 '4" __ \4 n'444>444. _a4 4444'4444"4 V._: _, \\.$ .4'' _," \ ;..\.'4\ e n 3C\ & 4:' .\: aa te hn 4i 4.$4.44..4.4447. in4 'st4 "Hi"44 n 44444 practices44 -tha44' "44r 444 .: . :ff ' t ' . ;, \" . '\ '44" \ -,\ n ,_ : - .......: . l ... . ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 4 \4 4 4 4' '4444 a..4. .\, ., ..a. --a -: ... \e ,.., .A , - ax ,rda., ...., .\". .n saw4 ..\ th'vrgae,'a4>4444,i\'4tadrsar ~fi ".. t ' * ., 44 4 '4~4 "44 s" 444 4.444 ... .._:3.4_444.\",44\ ,.\* : 3_,.. . \. .d..33: . ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 4 _4. Fl44d De a t e t*a:aP otcin;4;+''_" :-,d ,\ 4's44u.4 .4' \4ead ,bu4ev rl,\ 4J:x:.3:.\ 4'\gr u s e\ * :ie 4f_\ a 44i444g44 an ue h 44'. , n208444P.o nUi ingte la Ati 4ll delae th ti4 o l,\:.ld a h G ndeeo ig. n-\me :\:\i.: 444')UM C'4 .aAre toa \ s;;d Olb : us 0n. rm\. a-\_. . 'a :UCUI \.:a\ 0o  that' othe buii._,,,,-_esse, ot-,i~emig t ague hatit i stpid ridcul uik, an idoti tha s; "''1'\',,.\. 4 '4 4) 4'\\o \''" \' ',-\ 1\;1:\ fe A \1 \ '1\^ h l _ \s a es k i e s n t e m a dett ' s coatal ater> th WL44C K4." re ore in.. \',,4fa4' \:a . .. fth ihe n lake '4 acrag some4' peren ." of4 '4'ia' esuaie -hv poo waterl'~ 'pN4a l (.~4 '4~4~44 N.sitN ", \ ::..the _ t ' 444[ ." .: ..c (Nu"' \.\:h \ 1\i\. n . aM m h s \_d+'4'"4"'' .. .: 4. .. \t\. '\ mo t."4* \e ees. .'.4'.,.to ...bee tha t are used"4 ...A.'Q4host'444 prouct that' 444' ,\ ople conum on4 a ._\ ' \ 4 .~~~ Z\,. .44 C.J. basi u\:..1 S-e74 diaper444 444\-, ' :\.+f pr du ts .: :,\; r)4 44)(44<\'44 444N4'4' '' ' \' -\.\ , .:"\ 4444 R 0 \\ , , c , .s 2 J t\J n\ .\ d'N''\, 4 :\ R 441 4 "44 44.., near ~ ~ ~~>(4> thW'e4 4',ri-,y, hed atr of "4>', F-ih 4)44~~~~~~~~~ Z,4 ' ' 44~"4 4 '''4 44444 GulNf Of 44 Mexco '444' mos' ol p lprt.-ils, *., ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~) s4 wate \.,ddsp ss a'. a o ns'l\ ".\o \ w .. 44'4)4)..\\\: o m 4 . :.A\a m '._.'4 .4' 4)4 1e o s \" g._ w \ a .-_p r a '\ . .._..\C\ . reducing~~~~~~~~~'444 stre4 flw)an te dms.44444 al,,7 raedefuetbc intothe ive as pases he Dspie Bukeyes sgnifca' in44 watr ve te ', waerqu R,\,\'a44 acoe494,\ iSSUC-~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~444 4)441 Buky a Ofrdt\ip4tNietl i--t the Gulf of4 Meic '.''.4.N Nu "; ^; \th t - ^ .... 4'>' (44 4'4N4'N4 ^\\ -: : 4'44 .," 44') ; a e l c ton : _,- 4444'4N44~ ~ ~~~~~~1k -14'4"~~444 4 4))' 44(44( '444  If "3. 'n : 3. .". . \. :.\; he lo idaD ep rtm nt + \ ++o a. : a.\ n . \ s . . :_- :\r : l II) n 'i t n A - . :_:.v _:_:'o :_ .en ; .n _: \ .: ~ ~ ~ ~ l n p : yy ni\ . s t b i h o e a i o s eN 11 anlt~~ki U I c unk V t) No is' ,'th )fl-ttt'ts 'Fo ia0n -- -- N "1\,' Nt _:> -i np ,-8 m 3:t ae h le g .,F re a p e ai Npa't V> ~''Q *\\.(4444' .\:C11 \: 4~44' N\\ ''4",Is\. _, in 4 \h United"'444 Stts'44"sose es r xri',,-i~ eniiet h voueo rehwtrflwn'fr-ii h river4 int Aplahiol B'4,'44'19 \ spen \_ :' 'ecade a\ 44\ 4 44' 4"'nb d veo a: 3x,. a l'(4e t.\\ ae llcto ' ki ,b tt no4' avail 4444\ 4" 444 +44 ' \ , would4'4'"4 44'4'444,k-,--,i4 scholars su g se "his kah setle 4v th U.S 4'r_ -,k Co rt 4'll -no ap er les4kby- 40.' Court 4. ~dg Pau A. idled tha the~444~4 0' Corps 4of 4 riiner no4~nltrlygatGerraatoiism 4'e La.33\ +\.o . .essa . . .....~ e \., a..,. d paid t i ' .\,\tI'3.. ,z o' 4i- 'I'' '4" 4' ' 4~ 4' 4"44' 4' 4'444' 4'4 4 44 '4' 11, k-, 1",4'' 1 44 4'I-kl- I 4 0ter'4""I. J" '4 444i 4-444444 ID 4' 44''''\4 *.,,~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~4 -,4u : . \:r l " '", : .) 1: :^1x^ :N - ' v ", 4444. .;-1e_ "\'. ;' 4 4 +. 4 4* ' als 4 .44 .' +A \"\,", \'\ 2 ,a\ k ' e t C,.4 " '44'44 '; 444'' '4 4 z~~~~~~~~~4 e4'a44rrn4lvl 'te.4'44"4' o uc i e :asFord. Georgia.4 4n Alb m 4gre 'te'ie If 4'.,k stts 'tW hn o g 4'4' 4444"4 '44 UZ I" 44 ,""\ac wi4i , ; \' \_ 44 ':\ ar4444 4\Q ''\c,'o +- y\Lk"4 m,: w l ,r v + "44i 444 ,,4 44 444 \+ 444 water 4k It44 ba ei erle41 4<4>444\\3.. .\l :gt: o 4 1:4( Bu _\ " \ ,'\ and *:4.. ;' ' 4.3 3" 44'; 4444 4\ C" (1.3 3e . t e\\ret o e tV lm a i l 4"+^\ '1\ " t ' .4 1\.?:.' 44to"4''444 4' "Q '4 \ ". "\"4"444' ' w a er 1 '4'\ .,4" \''44 4-4'4. 4 444444444Kalow d .\ ' 4"4.3 44" ' : in . 444ak\ tins'44;; deiin4s aeco ea eco enw't4 lrd and labaa leders whonow .,4'4,,4ve4the4pperhandin ngotiting44'4dea with 4: Georia, "As' 4o4f4 this~" wriing i rem in t4 1be> see wha sor o4 4 4 4vrot agee 'h,,t Flrd '44 ice water chalen es bott4444h ' 4\ 44;4~ 4 CL) .?-a d w,1.,- \:' u 4444>, -i - e< x -1 14' (434'-_ ;, >4:818\e o> t \i 3(4 ; .. "i \e \ \n\; :. i:..;'t o; \\+^; .;°3 ';1i e  12>; NY ' xn> cmnA Sn V be tas \> am lirae with,,,aNN'~K regultion "and N'V,NN pln nig " A'cording to~NNNy' N k..-nh- Barnett N'NNverN the problem is -not 'K~~~~~Z IN'NN "NN' ' wa o\3 lctdofi iast E\: .x\:e t\ :.\t ' them, \.h.: ay 'avy lnd use" 2ltW 2Ur aIN .\CIhrV ao n g\,\\x.3.,\" problemsN are . "' \\9 \'N"''\ "\,.3.\ NN'Nre ':3.,N'NNN'CC N'N"'Z>'N'N ("N>" N N1'1>" NNN'NNNN 'N> A 'N''." >"\ .t C..., t 3 3.,\. " \ t. . _ : \ .:\: \t.'++.1.... a d ..\: . .. :,_.33. ea ..N..3N'3'\." b se n,' n ee wNoJi loid ,"oul ti n N'>',11.i N' ' 1 '' fo, *'N .\. l a t d i t o3 . \ o u r sN C " N ' N +"e. a . \ N ' N a N: "'\: :' a _ . - \ . " . , ' VN N N ' N _ ', \ ., ,:\ i ' C C'\: w l l: 3 id. - .C ' C I . . ' . - , comers ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ (N who''N, s'por "Nsruto Kn esN\ ed :. . i ves m e t \9an \._3,put it \._ _ *'' . I _ \. _\ \9_ .\., .:\: . ..,. . w 'h s b er '.N_, Ne eC I >~"K NN'N KCC C C base on thee selin \:... lorda . . O\.-.gro th i al \: . \. \,.\ "?:'\.d \i. g3\ w.:.. W en ou -a e \\t way, V' hC\ . -0' "'l \ \." R 'n s e + No l requr N NV + C Ii N'' R' "> t '"\"" R ' n'> nN hihe ( o s m t in N>th "'I>tietod ',ecause it' I is t-.,,N*,or inteN'Nste in N'>-tg - N, :."..3 N , '3 3 \\ .. ,. 3 3 \ b s n s : _l -3 'N: ir .3.r p at n N ,\ ,e \: as\-N 'Nc .s ", -\ tr o i gt F oi " dd At a :h\_ya e d ice to : \.+,.3:3:g *1 . _\9w A an i eoo yt a rest:,' IN.I" N"' SN a"Nz sh m 3"'NNrge 'C'' to > 3 N NNN N\"'N''C.''_N $NN'..\. . co mo N'NNNNN>:e . .\NNs3N"N"N ov r ,\.. N'>\k .. N.: \NN,,NN ' ecn mN "a1' ' \ ' >"N prn il "" a of ' : tho san ne pepem v n x33\ N u si Stt \ach N~u 'o \ :3\- a~' 3epin il evda Nf N Nf N1 N ~ ~ ~ h No h int the -FNNlorNid'aNN Nram \.'m N N N is3 ' st t > ' c*:3'i~ N fi il ',r.:_ '3i Nb\ \5- N  growth.4'44' 4lrd44ter. si id e i 4411't 0 7. h tt' eco~~~~~~r-_,.omv ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ( is deattd 4(44'- -,.-y ad2o-Ford trctdruhy ('44' 4N4.'.. 4 n4 , o \," 4>44>444_. g ~.,- . : ti,44N4.4b t w e n _ 4 7N4e''l.4\ c4 2 0 9 internatio al \.\ a;\,t *\.4> d ..4:.4.420o '' 4, 444,44,4 j4(:4the Unvrst 4of4 Florda' Bureau 44,4 Bu. . 4,44,n cnoi eeac, \s. ;'' "\-:i _.\' ;. 1 \s a e x er e ce : °1\' .,4> \ "" '- >"4a> '°eNV ,"'\,"'- 44 \ '44,4" 4 firs ti\4 4 since _44> t4>' 44< Florida h\. \.4>4N yea44(whch444>4t, left~~~~~~~~~~~ thn4rvd,9Foiaslc fpplto- rwhsildoerit reduced(4 -,,,'a 44e-,,4 and44,44 44444 itoi-.t by>,444>4 tNheNN 4> t egsa R. r\'o 4_ _ .4,411'e" +\ ' \ R. leg slat4e4 .444 buN get +,4\ :+ (44 ..-\: ,, 44444 \\ ,,4"" ""\.4444>4\ ..44>474, , a 4bli n4hr e.>; \,:ERslae h 0 -",R,, ,, : 11 \ . ..\i \+R: _. ,.,.;A.; ' 1\> \ \? 6 ,, 44444 4444444 \>4 4,4 4,44. R4 4 44N .-.,4\ >>4 444 '"\\,\ \ \44 . 4 4,4>444, m ore4, sp nd n cuts,4 Nare expected"44444 4~444,44,444, 4 4 4\a u i e s \: v.e \,,,.. 4 * 4 "4 44>44,44 r fus t 444,44, (4 4 , 1 , \"""" 4,\44. _e~~~~~~~~~~~~~4 44a 4cnoi and pouain44 rot a .~ eto: eeirt 2t44,4qait S l" f- . 4 ],44. ,4 :' ;s :L\\ -heth s i position4 -to4 N4444 4444 4,4 447_, 4>4 >4 >4 4'44'444(4'> to444444444 1.1 '1 a~ 0 .\_ '..,444444 side , '4,4<_+, For 4exam 44 , & <>W17>7\. ..A of4> growth \ is4( ',: (444l s ipifcatb~--f.iire 4444N44>4r" m>re ex'ensive wate' < > 7 2 B 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 . i "\ ' \ " '\ \ ,\ ~ v C r \. - ' ;A Y, - .\ t :; ,,\ '\ o e e y b d l e v 1 \ o' C '\ \ \ t S4 4S enur he 4r b \: s. 4 4t. trfi,4e~rwddnpb ,,, , pr g es4>y , ,.>4 ,C>h~ l >44 +4444'444 4.,4> «tap Be .,.,\ vv\;'"-:\;.,\4. .\:e.\., a ;_.\,.\." \ ~- ".."'.*.\444. 4.,44 >'.4'('44s4u44e4. a - .b '';" '.\css \' , .a _"\M \o e - .-t\'ol e t h n ee r a o al s so a a r a e :. ": -. \ : :.,,. e te ~ v\ l : ~' : " \A p ' h s4a e 4l, \,4 > ' 'Zt~ w\ dle~- rsorcs pogesivey or exen. 44 example, turni n4 444444 «75 1o"ly Nappearx NNiNC 'NN"N)'YC .? ') ". tNhe\NN: NN)NN " '' 'sNaNte 'a p itQ (-wh Nn "N-'N)NARK 't N N 5 ' ) N N N N ' ) \..K t Ui as blieves'Flord ough O.kfl. \.t~k lolC t'WO& same a 'as '' ama h  :113 41 VtN (N\VNA A ( C V~ ~ V"'33.t across' staVNNe the n inter's inVV VN3C w.V3. watNVN 'NV to'"NV N3s\( V V .~ Nom 'N,-_tu-- Cenra NV(N NN"ut"h Flria' ti,,e dv elop t~~~~~~~~~~~~~ so rV oNQ .V'V' wate stress asa v e d n a\3,;r~ inal:.t a ev r o uaioVrw I I 'NVNVNVV"'es the tt x ei n e tc_1-- slow grow' or "V r wh m a s-h eth o t eF oi ad e '--'\c coo+'' \'\ cii nvo es , \, -VNVN i"' l '\, VNVV. th\ovrNVNsVrpo t, s' V NVVfNN \V~N~V'~V"VV VVN V " \ app ar 3 .at wha : k . N~ Nv Nr V x at Vniisw udu . .ab\\_\cs oe.6 o g N:Aee. Nn 'N N' V\cNpV .~~~~~~~~~ _'_ N V , -\ \y'N3. N, lV V'Vclae V-.3. Q h r fac nlc.3oh v VN(V _ .i SVNVVV_ .y\ __ ,.\ t ..~t-sN ep nib ei, , w t rsu py-V::af :° 3 K SU~t& VI'N~V VVV~' V Vt .3\ NVV\: ((N\ (V: V3: N VNV' 3 .'N N_ 'N. N -Vl ip ,-- hnNVV.VitN:- c'e ,:'d 's a i .If"\ t w t . \ Y\ ' VtV\R \c,,\,s.t ey id : X -3a.\ \ \.\ N.:.,,a NNN: VaNVN -"'VcVi' : lasN .,,( >N$ Nt sou ces aV nd +( . , -,V t hetV +V \VVV , t V .VV sNVVtVVc tre .V VVVV Vo t sove x"Q.Vt.t\: VC.N. V-_ V3 VNN"' "\.. VN'NNV("V' (N- N 3'NVV (N "V ('V Vetn N\. Vuur VV "waVV' n d " .C ca- "V V vN (NV V\ Vo V V VN' V V. VV . A 'NV(VNVNVNV'V is VVNV~ A NV V..-:. t V a 'NV-k CC:_ >a VVVVN tttttN _tt VNVN\. popula Ntio grV owNV t hVV .N N "tVN d NVVes pV not V N : Vu V' V3. th t co t Vun V. V prvd V eaiv l .33:e' _ :.  A0 , 431 Aa 19 8KKKA AKASicD12 A '.A Y~ C N A 'A ' a'AA"'2' AAAA$ i:,, \:; a err s u e \ JU\.,; AA'A'AAAA.A'AAAAA"AAAA-- \\ - 13.v t ";1: +' ..+_ 'AA AA'A - A\AACAA AAA" ':.x:.. : , . .\ \3 3\ \ : A A A A'A 'cc'A ' A At \'\"1;" AAAA o in an :l AAAAAAAK'A 'A>e Amat~;1+t\" ,\\.o"\'w u d1\\ \' "A AIn'',A~AAA'A state W-1-- -i. \ \ \ \\ ~~~' \:\ . .1 ;\. J.\:p weAA. *\ f3 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ K AKA Nort Alrd t' wa\Ktesdpotos\ h saes:.of a public uproar~ ~ ~ ~ ~ t t.tSe\.G venrbBuhtdrp .\.,\a tr resenting~~A'" aKK Keath 'A A:el An A' battl \Att o - wtrrsucs Mor 3.\ A enAA desit :A Florida' 'Au M A'AAA'k:-1. ,,. \ n.A AAeAA housA fiA' e\.n.nV 0 9,sat \ ..AA-\-:"A\.e, \\ A'. \:a A Aiip 'A A: s " AAd ex eAAv An A A A A' Ac : i v o MAAA'AAAAAAy A \'\\sut \ \bis A'e Florida 'Aatm n A AAA n.\nt,\ :t d Ah A t."e gr wt Ao r-.-T An 't,,,n A0 9 G o,,- Ah ri A ''A AA AA AAAA Ai ne *A..,\,. " """ A6 in 'rvAe withAAt A'AAA- \ AAA" A\A\ 'A'~ l ' (.A AAAA At A AA A AA A 'AoRi ';? Au th ti h r ge m n n s ulesclba te ,, Ail s. ~ ~ i - \ e a s AiA r e d u c e A A, ;. "~ e- -:\ ." A>f v " . : ' N k \ A- ' A;\-: " A - ' A' .A' \ n :- ID "D'AA' (A L~ AA~ 'AA A ''cA AAAAAAAA relieves~~A'AAA thAm ofAA Ath Aepniblt A>py ~-i - ,up r hi tat Flrd' A l wd Arwt A ue ;\' evda ite o A'A ALI 'AAAAAARA ' A A A o u ato Aa ne A'.\ AoubledA A - A A A\ * Al A. A A AaAe AAeAK' \AA a \. ., AA~A AA'AA A. AA'AAA .,AAA AKAA A' AAA'A 'AKK \. (( \.. 'A \ AA A 'A 'A'A"'3A" 3.AAA ' _ AR A KA A: \ ((AB A RRK A\ C ~ A-A on o +A'""" o nt 'A>''AA(~\ AAa (A"et contractor ""A A A AAAA " '  . \\ 33 utt J1N" u .1 1_u ' to swgI ~ tx11:\ 3_o. 1-a i \s poiia leader are 001(1ltel u ncocre aboutN the imat ofNN d ~~2S1 ,-~ ~ ~ ~ NN . C ;;ai" nd ecNW " , \-., N\*t +rJ e' t es \2 _: -\ ,\ grp l withN wate ONNN ,-,,,_,d ,' an thereN\ NAN'N'Nber.-k ot-,-,- sNNNN u''''t' cNN:' : x m lsn e Fo iin a een . .ba' d te n p srvt n - "3n. nn: C\ etoa o n actviie goin on in ' N.1 ,y parts ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~fN. 'of the stt, ti dii-t-i oevkore--aietwa~oz ,,po nA theN Everglade a:.2 St.'NN' NAACNN"'NNhedwatrsNloria N_",.spur ch sdPe e vto 'Nn n a d :F oi aF .ev . t a k o o esn''wt r : sn"' +'\ \.. bete 1-i "N 1a Jil 1,.; N'N' 1.N\ "n_ "\\\ Nf\\t e ; l rd : :N . -NNAH'.. -_,. oNN'N\'\N' \ _,. _n C_ \~ .'o n \ N N' ''.' _ v* Res 'urce AcN'1-12,i[1Strce an aerdsiitt e n.\: ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ N"NNN :3n.'l w n s ,W s \ S aesp-: ~.nN' welad s \o~ ~ asNNN'NNN to avoid si w'atNer '" and~~~~~~~~ ~ ~ ~~~ natra sytes, 'N'eniall thNaki't eeiifikae Nn N Ne Nxr ct d fro th NN N \ N . N . .. N n\ N N N\ U N' 'N't n NN" \'N'N ' N ' ''N N'NC 5N'N 'NNN''(" g .:N.N' ('e N d p n N"~NN o n, n oh r w r s N(h v o \:.\..._.\ h susNNNNN'ANNN .'N"'NNl of watrN''e .heN~N. ditit Nid NV"Nt devo' muhatnin-o IN Vt.. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ -e laterNN es-NNVNN NN"NNNNN N ~\* \ \.\h . N.. Nr t Nv \ tN'N N N. , No-t u Na e Ne m t N ha N ~ \,_. Na s Nae Nn\\i' Nn Neel to" NNNN N'N'w esals N''N ''' VN N' N'fi'NN' NNN'N'NNNNNNN'NNNNNN " NN\NNNNNNNNN N-NNNNNN'Nd\aNN'N N'''\N'NNN:\\\ " NNNNNfaNNNN variedXNNN Furth rmNrN\:NMN'NN.. dis NNict Ns reuie No Nub,--i eie roiyM Lpoic iteey e 0,> \.+O 'N 0\ \\ to hel brin the Ntt Nu'h clsN No abl N.ks NofN'N < NitsN''N NNNN "ps \_+,c. \\ s i ntitssNN"Nn''\"N'ce ta" how ' muhN aercnNeexNctdNNN helndcpewVhu 'Nto ., N'NNNNN"N st N sNNN Of 'NNNN' N'\ourseNN'N'N n nQ ;;;F ln g oesa oh rQm o. " 0 NNN',NN1(1~ NNN'NNN" NN'N  mit-r-Assto Forid req ire.As tingsnow tNn8Yw N Yah~i n JlkiQ ,c flho o t aaioo a:-'~i day toda basisM ' \\ a~reiotc Asi~r \, ;'_ :_; \'' _sade :\".\" . t? o neJ s srlsf~k het p ae c -th paBi'-y r a sa tp , _eC, ire(> in'_ o u"uh"cin w ud n t e d p rp it in l onts fh, .-ttu~re who will likely receivew trX' rJar esc to \_n\ J\ ;\" e t th t g owt e' v i i ~. tbe +ti \ -,\s\'. .\ \_\. e,, ' s e p l nt f u w ater "', K so u ces w e acce t , o t o . .\ *" ' " \'\ o\_ t n i'a \ oo't. .an ve -y l e n ti e w t rs ; _c tiis m r x e sv 't a rs 'Vwt ', u h i e l oti \e because his expesive watr is bln de ihls xeniesucso IT0' QflNNNN' iver longe peid Nft m o weiit .A iii' :\ ir e 0e s ei'i~N ""e , has'K'K'ii\ iKiN N_: ' . mig t asume aat , :. a rpidl r 'N. st e " iieilo idui:f"lN waterPKQ \;\ \00\ W, ~ (,XQifQ \\ri~ \\ N W rSKourK? a d la_-. s  P r to :..:,,s Cee'C .3.o ,w "ta d\C'& r;-\C .\ A" permi s '-'C''Cn mor -'h Z7NAN ('KAK" C" C._ _. acr of CA"'iid ae uep.:m. apiain po oign th AAC ,'AAC'-\ ; "N'A "C"AA A'A>Z' 5.. .'-\." ":_ :,? >A QK-\ 'A \- "A 3 : C :\\u " A""'ue ntic tint' \" K': _~ uA di-K'~npoeurs e~w i\ avdSilo u annee: tA'AAA" 'A \\ terAA 'AC) "'KA Ai.v,"AADiticCiAe d oig oe \eA'v:'- and~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~AK>t ''CA\,i.e .,-i .t.u a' ~~ ,2,10NU...:o. o:ml ..vs s AA tt'AA14 -.\+.I1 u : '-V t 'Q \ h " I'f:,\ . , Ae \u h Flo id le is at r K-IJCY'1KA :;.AI}AC has11 occi onal KA O a t-L  ._ o.da 04' ' ? '''< \:a.Za S+ \ 'N''\ 1980MC 3 impose ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Z (44'XN(NNI , ecn mcadteta_,,,_so- ifl )N h& ''('(N 1" s l d w s e v, * . .,\"'NXN"-\N":(Ns n N ^,i, "'fli \,- :_ _ \--" - ; .._,..__a . * ' . 1 \dvyr -;;y:. ;\ . . .. v e d d t 'K'p or NNNN(N"" " \N develo ment, CNNN othe wo"' s,, dev'Nop entN"). 2N.\ apprNoNved unes the s)N'~'N \. 'Ntisap er . CN i\.r G tt L~~ha\. ~ Of "'Cse *\.\\* \co asn \.odo s \SCn..a \(e n \:" :n t ."\\"n .+_.3 egn'nin g :"(N In'~N _t 8) "Nh-lg sl t r S~N \. t\3,_._Ne or iet x s\.e~ h t o e l o t.._ peren N f theZ'NN' cost 'N'N~N ofcnur Ntilhasrcue sig n( 34p cn ""N""" 'NN~rN'KN")NNV N"NN"'N"N'N' th otst ocla d NNN'(NN1-k.- prtndn eo-..N i growt woul prouce dditonaltax eceits t covr th Ot 'N'N 26"ANcNt' bNN'N'N .\ \nN-N'N3"'NN"NN"NNN:.on - e , _ th s ~ ~asn\ 1\: :.: ,n\ . S. n ) _t .~~ N', ". ? N N''Nkts ''''("' woul hav ad e N' \,\\, lr e obiato Nf o the~~~~v'CN '^"'"; o h; , ; _ c" lnNh udhv ee n uhAe \ep s h illusio~t (NW" -th t Ngow Y.N' :KN'NN s tsl ,.pynNNN"K(N(NNotNC o eam f",rm redficl, 'N"Q 4"\\' - 'fas\N.s tm. o t. \". NNNN'NNNad s ve eNNNNNNNo\ h t G o e no ," *.\\ \: .\ .1-;+ i? n_ NnNNVNNNnV .NN ''n1 N A NNNNNN ca' 'll thN NN'~ l'NN i ('N' r N'>N'N Nnt (NpNd II )NLEKN'.N'N'N 'al sesN- ,i toNN Nn \ Ne ,N'(N'f sales 'axe on N'vie th th d.\N+s\txd alNgoven me'N n ts--."N NNN..N. : 11_+t NN N\ ,NANN(N>NN-N-', 33.~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ _,.N: \'i . :. \ .>, ~ _.: . .\ \.\ h m e v s -- i ,: ,.- - '\ :_.. ad th e :- .1 :1\::' \'. "^\ - . sev re y (N,'. \: Ne;\ _. N):\Ai" NN\" h e :N;.N" 'KN"Nro w h N'NMnN . N \ ')N N N\\N) .,,_, tNN_1 N N __i "( N (N+ i N -\ a.' ..N~ -A NNN N: A A( ' NNN N N N" N'.)NN \:N NNNN\N'NN.NN\+ "NNN.'N.'N A NN'N L N N"ocaN raised th\\' NNN.N\',NN'NNNNNNN'ex NNn N allowabl NN''" 'NN'NNthNNNNNNN'KeN'NN-p ad h\\ h:-~ed mpds m N N h oNi ato Nn to de elNe s Nu Nu + 'N Nh N NNN NN NNN' NN' (C s\. u :t-. e Aa i s pp se t a\ :oNNNNNNNNN\ \" ' _?nn\.n-i fe o ul untl lng :-\e t e ~n i~s . ;_cio isc\ pl\n.\, i i bult t al, ' 'S~\:rinn _'A_ \.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ _"'.eisus aly \N\ o'tm , ut e e s Nfen nN\N' t x ve \co ewiNNNNrng'Ng:"f:-oheNne sNuc .an n.nSN' \' . -a: t.\ n schools, Give Flrd' copo) watNr MNsaN'_;NNN'eNNNaNd,':-NN'eNrNe'NNNabiliNN(ofN(NNNNN 'N c n.,.,. N9 \.n\-NNd" NNItNNNN(\NNNn~NNNNNNNN. \NQNNN n.N: ((NV; :..Nee sNNN(NV;Nn NI.\ " h t \.\ INSgw t r ti deN elo mentN) beNm NN' '' N sfN ;N N N' - N . N' +: . N_ '\ "('N" 'N \" 'N ' ; N ± ne w NNNNNN '(K 3; 3N. n'' .. (N N\.+> \N.\(.N N \. ( t ' V N C( NN(NN"  7- 14-7 watern ee sit 202'0,'3a"3 w\' as3 th \3\ plans 0.\' 's *. 337 '3' \" \' \': e 3 0 3 p l i3 s , " N inti 7-ecsbeas tha edlyacsibersuce77is rjce .needs~~ ' seea d"cde into " . i\ ::'.:3: patdpas1'\?3 he\ th. ._ 7'3s "> i-pltd iN3 733333 2003-7)0 prjet aer3"'33an '30p ie i -than~~~~ ~ ~ ~ 3, ealn f1'"-sL' 3y '3 3 \ . als 0 where'3 the' . reou 3>8 " ' ,f\^ ,: '1 ,::'\F whet > h.< :\:V3<33_,'-r s ur e 1 1773.3 '1 3111t 3an 7ici3pated. ,''33.+ '. 3 !\ ..,, -3\". e3 \-_ a, _i' g ca \ \-:. an Wfll7)17 a 3 : 7) ,7 a '77 ' 7 R_ ~ ( .3 BIStX :f 'lf*l 7 1 without~ ~ ~ ~~3N'7X\ ' .:a_ k\rn trlss :3f lrd sbesdl i\. \3\.3.".\t C.- '"3" '''""333 ' ' >7 K '3k IN - ---------------------- X00\ us '3\>5'r\Jce ue --------------------------------------- - ------ _ " . . . - -- - - - - -- - - - - -- - - - --' OIL3707< ° _"__ -- -- - -- - - - -- - - - 01111 ' 3 --3-------- \ * - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - -- - - - -- - - - - - - -- - - - - - 33" "7r'3'C' '( '3 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - -- - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -------- -------- ---- "------- 'N ---- ---- ------  Nj ., NK(NNNe a'< 'NNNN N.s iN: 'Vn ('inN" \ S_.-NN 4-41 \.\ia\nf -\:so ae : soNe "'.''N. " tha Nk,N l 'N we I \.k : .o-\-\ 'a t knoN n n to hatwe cn ue. F r eampl, Flrid. ha oN'N ' aaWa \\' sp. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ \,\:a_ . ..-_.._'\.,. \. " . " to": : 33 x \ R' NP passed bNf,\'grs ooi h oe-n 3NN storage~~XSNS~lS4 an 47'N\v- _1 ta atr_---p can~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ stor hudrd of'543 m i so ,f.*.so ae e a-,,,, .\is fjh'kli,\,,'I' to se h etsao , '4 '("~ 45'~N""44 '4 4" 445 " _.a ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ' E P a _ ? . :a n. \ "4o'f Flo id wa"t'eN r \a"..N 4'na~na..N~ ""N's" 44''" :\\ b4oe n r ;"b B si :\ sN44retary N4N"1-+i-," th FloN d "N _ N .\:v"- ..f ffQ ofN"\'1 \\\-n',P o e to ,D , 4' .444'N4N44 'SN 'Sy N..NN '.N 4_t.\.: t t,,, \44.) s 4>1K\. 4.444> Florid legisatur to.)N~ N re4lax. \04.44 e 1.rules'govern4. RR g> ASiR ?p\::-4 s4N's4' N .:\ "s'N4 4'44'N5'45.44N waNe (and ad erns'fth1>4ar id''"'I w Nte '''N'o 4 sa N n-'I't-'N byss 's eek44 4N 'N4 o 4 I to 'i.ijc 's h:'4'.N' at5~~K0 44o. f-hat' t1 rinkin quality 4sta dad into II>the 44"1 o,3 , f3,AN p__\.  TI' p\'Kt th eh do soigwt Alto'g K'QK'K'CQ AS. s~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~k $KKK'Kist \.K''K, owoko s ,\po \ n...w ee tde cti- K K K K K K K K > '~ - .>.. ita p ar h tA S s n>-n 'n > .\ \" K'KC'KK'"K < tK ' wh s Kse a a nished~~~~~~~~~~~~~ by-K K">ncl rd cnmcpolms ehp ti wsadi,11 3 : .\ 'K'in n\? :_" a \-.,.a\9 s o +i u S g rtrd ce i+'n ,~ ~ ~ ~~~' K' wate K n K an he in r a e K, " Kc Kt:\,..r- K°.\., °-.:,r \ ;^ reduc K'>" i-.,c on ASR teh olg inK> So t K'> ' K >""K KK ProjectingRKK K e,-,ar.-. andK 'K nix.rn Kuur sources ofwaer'sKKp K'K butK'KKv\Kn-J'.\KKKKt~ Kt~ ~ > V . s p le . ->\'n,: \\.2 va. \ . 'KK. K K . 1 \ . KK' th' 200 KKKKK>KK cKae "11i ''. Proecio a. " ..- K S sta' KK-KjK (>SQ Pro~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ >K>+: 1+ K"f\ loa utlte bulKh\\ \l. + .\ wtrsuc ''J ," tK\ KKK KK KK Kel ". K>\ K+' K "\-; 'K>cur K h\.K y will KKK C ' 0 NK In N\ %. '1''.,,2 o t e \ Na +, KKKKKK> K>K KKKK..K corn ',,vii-ted -_w milionto -he ro gant-:1;i-i'l 2 o6-2 0 -heKtat Kpro ide $6oKin 200---20o8K(asK teKKKoK, KKK"K>orsened), Kcap d Rog K~\. K>, and- .,' K.I2.','N...\F\. s*n\ .i\ a "K>'>'n\J~i\ dow tur deeK p i,:'.\:>KK thKiK :\\KK\ 3KKK>K>aKKd$ Jiil . ll K: C.J.K> :. \'v K"* ' lae KY>c KK'KK\ du't>K.KKii>' don KKKKKKKKKKKK KKKKKKKK K''>KK>KK" KKK'K K> >~ K>KK C.:\ KKKKK budgeK' crss,"'''K~m n itict' ilot nue hi wt_, (K K "KKK'KK "K >K > KK KK' K reeuet 'Kat.'nK' hsstt u ~v ha .n efrttre ear th' K'KK'>KK,-- Keeae 3 K'" Klen tv Kae K>pl projeK'K th'KKt t te w c t :" x0'., t e b f y',;\f h ex e s K ,: . K1\\.i K-r: ir, KKK a:_ yK'KK K ss wtlcl n ei 9..a w trsp lesa d\ . te a-_t .. K'K'KK'>K'K>" K w hoK> \ \: K _. K K ha Kae ) 'T> KK KKK K pr je t ar no_ \ :cn. K' duce .~K +-KK K>K'KK>KK>K >> "K'KKK> >KK>KK' K K K 'K\ ' , , * :, . 1 ,:\-' j- n e d .K K ,\K + A'1'\ K' K >".. \K K c o n \ :n n ,\ A\ " " , ;, '"\ \'1 KKKKK'K K r K ' KKK ' \ K .:\ Kn- \ \ G > K. KKK~KK.K' t n KK'>KK'K KKKKKK :_. .n, K'e n :de 1K'.- ''\ ' ,': ''" :"'' t\\" Kp.,'b"'\* ex K'er ai~e Ko prKoduKce  rw nc~ su uted iQa "Q.. \ses :1x , on a'*\' .1 \ - Sto i " "ri \ \1at" ;\pl nt : .; 1r C'.Q. iii QS VC'\- el '~~~~~~~~ _' ha reotnnt ..3 and loria isalredvamng t" leder ""V wa'te"' e 104' tO '" 0~ lA~ tdoA x.tvc2'cr e\i" v\i-v, accingio he St COWS:S hn iv : cn ,io-_, itstr prooedtiojet isotnls hnsJ,.adsl---- thanOf ours, rclaft",rie watr sstem rek~tre sgniica-it 4"' ve.~~~~~~~ th\\ .f in ditito an exesv ndao.Silrte than~~~~~~~~~~~~V Vtsikrmc ft altewtrJ-i-l epwll rtIIeoen si ofe h ae hswte ol e' s,,oo,,ei .suc A"C,. AN ~ ~ M IN I $ 4" 4? 41 ,N' V A--------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------- 1 5 0 ~ ~ ~ 4 ------'--------------------- '-------------- ----------------------------------------- - -4 ----------------------------------- "MIN~~4" "En o""N A '', 4K401 Figure 4. wate souN ce An"" Cihd turning ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ INAA brackish" gro"ndwater C n,\\ \\-.b osa _ ra)it ':\;.o. . . ; 9 w \\, + pro essis imiar o ,.: '": nat_ + (t+- krR ngsea wat r 'ao \.... ~ ~ NNN(N kigw \\. \a'b cue\: c ~ w t. a el\.n n. ~ ~ ~ ~ ( A. annN'A, . fA, f fs,:\N w tn, t : . . nn. \ i . o t'..N-.\ nn e s(\C' C.o~ . .Jlt o t M O ..C, \. \\ t._atinf3 sh g \'\,1 \ " a.e3 i . o3 . ..3.g o \.,, SJ.I ' ' ' :\.;2t . per'C "A"o galns. 'Florda' ; "'s ''" en"" ANN'f ,1, N'N'A pln C t ' A. vaietyof a \" \AAAAS m+A'\'A wl.jN+p a.3-ai mala o n \ '\"'a \. i F ordas ." 3 \ :,_",C:t:.3'\ R.3-t is +. \ 3y h ve ha e \: \: Spill \ i Eleve'n'N' 'N"' e A ae "N'Asct exsKmsl ot +fFi_ a o s weswOn+, Ae tilte ni' ' ' NN.N pN..N'NNNNCN: .K'' ,C, 1 th a ''N' A' N A A' AANA i\'NNNco n \\3asAAA e1 - .\ .AA-. p. .,^ CC 'NA ...+K ^ \ _,o-- A \ Pt4S ' A/U ,i . . K ANARAAAA ,N-\ . sa v AANt N. (('2''N. . o d la rs fi \" \ 'N: ~ \ \\ .". 3 \ t 331\ N. \\ 3a..  wol 'ef n n: u s., eha s\ \? s n u\;':: iNW52 :.'" sN e. 1121W ot Fl orida4 would ork ,' ;', ' liZ on e vto ,i;--b comeLCpV rt f.~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~N "N" " f.. -\. .te \'N> N(NNN.":\:a ......\..+ \ ., . oi aa at:. :s a.cs -a:au~ ,b nti ..a..stob e nh :w \- nion.\: ~ ~ NN'' \: \ NNnNy\ oi ,aD,, ilbe'NNNN(t L( aer, . :s n iI \;~~~~~~~~~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ \: nNI nN 'N:, \aC \ Re u lNa,, :- ;j\ nnu3,1\:h-\h ? ._\ ieea N n n nnl d n - N 'N\_o to" con' epe t bo eak,-,i~s l l .NN ..'Nfa. a ,_lN'\'NN ' i l sve :\Vn:' . . N'\: :, b t aN \.\n ots o R_ +'3 \ 0 5_ N\: \ ss . _ :_ a \.us~a NNNN. c n -\N.KK t eCetNyN\taNusanal go er or ffb , ,\ \: ...,. :e \ pe ke o - ' p\F lo i aH usN:\NNNNN"p \s-¢ 'k- a i' re.s n , ' y the rsn t N'"fN' NNa. N J.. .J .n , -aSn' a fw reR p blc n 33\fN'NNNNN'~ ..,a_ \ 'NN"s"'3s'r>a _, a k st n.3\_\1 c n id rl w and Reg~a~ .i\ n .sandn t \.nNNNN:\ NN3KNN': '\aa \'" st .ow w a-_,i _eta o.,' "::-;:o:V:' :. \ '\," - s.,- :"1":\w wh leo 1-',1 31111 _,-r \ ' i, a\ nn .. ..n15gr u m et \ \'e a a Nea i ht fl&NN'octi n arun -th NNaN e an d -th NN'C''' ive of' 'NUN.-~g NN'N N K CNN NN' a.ndNN N"N"N'N ' t N1. 'N .N obeves ." _' orn acad mic N" of Nflk usns l Neaders, eachN o Nf \ whomNNY atem t thepheom ssn\a esnN d.NNwNha\.N N'age nee to N'e 'af.\ 'N' en ur as' t an '''"N': Fl ri a Nw 'N N NNNN ' N .i\?.\.a ~ ~ ~ NNN~NNN' 'N'are r\ PSCUSSP2S rp rsaa .::.:\\. . _\_a.a~\ \.tot eg:1'e .o n NC i 'la NN(NN'NNN'NN-N'N Nept thei N"'l "of Nain -fu NNr K' t N n gr NNNNNNoNN'N''hNNN, thy pea o es ceNN ocend butt \,NN"R N tan NNN N~::-_ N o N ''N 'Na e, "NN'NNNN.' Nf their ' e N cen N* C'1. wa"a: o nn \ NNN~N~N NN\N N'N'NNN'NNKNNN' 'NKKNN - sta"tN'ideN"NN'NNNN"'N"~er 'N 01rs 1111 0 8 N 'N fn._. n\ N: N 's\N\. 'N.. 'N'e e- a~ 'N.\'~se .~ N' N~ Nr a -, 'Nge  to ton. x\0a te N ' '\N N N ',\* c , _ ,a\ .\';..,_ e t \.. : " ,\ "\ \\\"\\ r c i e r c n i e e \an a \ .t _ a \A\ "\' '\ 0' \, '~iN': ' +,' , ( ''NE '\ +' , NeN q alya'e i ib e'NNV"'NN.N1i":\ -s ~i N _NNNN 'N'NNNNN NW'N'NV 'NE NA \ N'N' "'NN'''' N N, Set aN N e capit ('NAget Nr Noa .1ko w A .t use aNd "' ' AN ti1" l bN serve~~~~~~~ Flrd Nrga Nietdb et 73,2, Sicuigtesae wid watN co sevaNo "N"Nng okts NNc, N(ANNNNAbli wate N N Nkpp yA No'NNNNNN NNN'NN-, kN" \-N.~ CN('Nr\ i:i\ t d i 5While protecting wat~'(erikai-,k- te eeia ueorclm d NV~NNaNX1E', n NNNNN\\ '_ p n t e a t r n NNN. NNNN^" 'N'N\ N NNNNNNNNNNE~t,\ i 'N -:v ReNN'N r iNt an\..N .larNN ;NNNN n \.\ sNN .:Nse st \: \e aer\\' RtN\r d wa~s.\"wa \: eedsto on\ \-\: o ev lvNNN'NNEk. NdNsNNsalEproNleN toN a 'NaN lu- Nbl 'N' s N f N tNNN othe thNN ee ' .NNN N :c :. N:G \, .N NNNN. N uls e h s: reducing~~~~~~~~~~~~ wer\:enoeothms sat\,\g :b\.\rdicng". No;E u growNNN'NN'N aNN'wNNNN'- "NN'NNNNN' inx e svew tri c \ _ :\- \ siver_ 'Nin'N'N o N orth'(N'N Flo' d isC CNNC'N'N" \NN \ V5 t a''N''V "Nn ro oa l oetal aENN4N NNNNid wae czr. widely?' Niwdas- _,._,_,-st step ee.3 seizing watN NN h Flor' d Ns''-tecnta n '),(et~~~~~~~~ 'Neam d N Nad, _~ NN Ns Nh i\n si N la lrdas hudc S~~~bsidizii -.-tg~~~~~~N 'Nuaioi gr' t wit Nae 'N'i-trb to sse s Qt~~~~u' ..~~ ~ _. Na N:- :i.l paiN (ANN ." <'N"_:: "1,'"s t t ..\.' : e ta\::. n a n e .j t ,\ \a f e u t; ." N\NI\N N: N'N NE' . N'NN. (NN NNNNNIN N li N lrd No ges Ntf Ne b r N NNN NFNloNNidNN \NNe'N'" nae;2s \a na d\_nseN'N'; N onNKNNN miteeprpard \ ep rt ,t,,:\ge:-;..\gonc ,\c'r~o" -ia 5- NNNNN-u; esh ul  -AN''N \rNNN. N F~~orielN' is now N>',."\ kn w a he'N sN'NNN NN(Neb_;.itcul j~sta eNZaiy ecN le h ' "N~e Sa\\ sB:a\ ,:., e la,,o oia s(p'tepobe sbe \R '' o toFRhwa rI adion' t b \.sro n e N\ of N M.Hexic\ a~Vn d'>N A ln tic, N -,"N' ,' "(n d rc">n ana''^ a e a e _\ _ _ \ _..r 1_\, \. \, .\ s _a\ c p .:aa n i :~\.. . :_\'.-t 40;x' '\ ''- '\ ;_.\ N"' -\:*. (__ _a ;'\ " ' i 1 of' p .NN' " :. o\nly stt thtrcie'h al\.- wnit -,nuy m on. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 'pN" Flrd e andwtr ae f aN iecvrdm r hn p\":. c .. _ u _ : *at:f. ,'N.N> .. >NN \.\: :\k? n N, . \.: sc v re n , e NN>9NP:at \'. .Ntoe's (N>N Na3ao h r ; \ as ; 5.:1.~~~N NN>"N' N NFu th rm re aa:\d wth tis aterwer notonl aa:3.33\. 33n t.;3\ wer de ilittiN '\"\ .'\ '\\N'>. ',\ " r s d e t NNUh s ° ,+'(',. - , \ \ ;_ " *., g o - e s n ov a \ c-\ °\ +\ ':_ ~ ~~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ N'' n \CQ ) -,:?+. 1 ' _ '. :1"\ _ ,.\' _ . o .\. - - 'NNNS N : :N ."kN . ~\o yo\ °' + 1 ±_ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ A n}' \.: .. NA \N n \NA' \ . as . fi at' on N :. . ,. \N: 'N> t" n Nv Naiato an N'>n:_. e :a.d . >N'NN'id NNN'NN' reN.'NN aNn" averNNQ" Of N N14 inch ofpeA'>t, \..3\: ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ NNNN \"_N>N'NsNNs\ _ nav rg,1a _\ >: wih,,e ena ea ei Naa 'Nb~\ ac os th stg 'Ne Nb 'a:.J No t w s Nl rd N' a'N.\ N' N> be~~~~~~~~~ Nai N'ea"tton nsuhas lrd, Bt o to Nh e nin ul ''N s NN bit Nr w n : \. \ ..\. a N 'less N NN NNN.NN N'p dl NNNNN' NNNN \ . NNNN' .\V" ,a . : .o ,\c s . v l _ l ,- 'N.NNN.N.NNN>NN\N'>NN Nac receive~ NN.N' '.*.N..N.1 in ''N'' N. an  N itcn ince 1980 49 fliifii C oes not bO*coBIC , serou NNNK a.33N uN,.s eis~,-, aesiss ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~L : &&:NNS. - -.a -4 +' S \ AS\:\--c' -if poCSS ' C}KtC 0100 11100 N'NN'N"NNN 't) water man ' ha 'NV'"'rm drasn bl e'1 ter tl~l-to a rcen rep rt te Flrid KKK'NNKK Pc'N'~"'"N~'~' 'c"~" c7~l111lG001 NNNN sho tag or ers _ \ s-i".,nirigaionV" ; )KN'NNNNNN\'.^ , a d NVINN. ,NNN&YN-us ' '\ C ^. .Q:''N;' ' :;'\ "1"' 'N-"NN'N'V ' t *,-'fN ' t "N' \\NNKN'NN ANN\N '"Ct \'N'NNN,. N 1 N _ N' CC' N" N'N\' NflN)N ._N"'N.R?+ \, , ler ai e wae u pie e eop d . .:e1o h at 't.. ,,: ..\.._ u p e r_4'~t )NKN' \:-N' NC'"' ev ra '\_:\ :_3.\;\tr d ti nl ad a.',\.\\,ii t _\ c,\;\ _.\"\ ?':5*\'.\e: ou cs:^ ^,-,uce : kN\UPNNVNO':-" : '\ $ \ \\"\ or ll 3.3 \ tN \...o.,-s\, ,.3eo R g iria. 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".;\aNn\\: f\:\\ \." h n e")_\ as~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ tw \N N~scts,.. ecnmit cotni hNol r :: :+_s N.'>-"s a.,(" us''e \N'N'i tr-k nd o ia os X3333:- \ t e\:_\ -x \:3_s N NNNNNN wN rt - ner yso re, - la e'na n a 1' \"\" " \.,.:\1-1+\'+; \" .:\\ -in cre se \' -\" \\ ':- ('N 'NN'N('N\1 NA~~, l Q"-+ \ N- -. "u\ . NN ~ ~ I 'N 'N'. Such warming N lNN ad \NJoN sea lee rieinFord-N hr 2100.' 'N>'k ON NNNNNNNN \*Vk..'+\t\\ \ . 1.\. . \. \'\\. prcpiain acroNNNN Nthe NN~NN~ N> -NNNNNN-N->KNNNNN \NNNNeN N' _.. N~l .1 o N N~y _. NC Ne_ - ' N(NN 'Ne "NN ",\v stA\A;*; .",; fF +d v- o.,nNQ s "\ w 3\S \. e c . t f _l,_ es \'' N i Nh "NN a\'\" N'N N V N'R o N rNN k Na e in . '.,"_ N\: 4_N_ . e u \-\ e l v to\_\Nl r 3\,'NN ''N NNNNNN-N NN-3 arNN eare Nru d ae re o r e Nol N \ N N"t \+a 'l: N':; N; Ns si n cnt n c a e N N. N_ N1 :\N @N t \. dri kale N"on - most ofp ni sl r'lri a a~~~~~~~~~a~~~ .N os t3 e e d n pnN peipttinn NNite a ceoyiswa reo re, nNN\N\(3N'NNN aN.o N::, Florida' ries.Nn. ehag s- N~~~~~~~~~~ (+NNN' NN NN NNN N N N"dNNN NN wate2NNNr N(t R- N,. Nr Nlrdin Neen Nos Nh NNeve (N + 'rc,\ e e or ' "a ' e' a e '- N- +.\ Ns N ..' , ;+i\. "*\ g :. ' .3 N.33a Nhng No l i-s 3 " al .g N>>N)('('\ waeN-NNr-NN-r' ta lriam y a em reta .-33t' ilo reie t N- decadesN. N'''N nowN,,NNN NN tN- A Un esr Ntd ((N. ((N'NNN-" subsiizedU-' NNNNNNio NNNN,'NC3\\.3~i  N N)) ~ ') ~~)'i~' ~ )r'N' NJ)N ' supp k.:'i .33\3..x Such "r~ .J would< e u eN)' :a3:: go t. \\~v '-._ 'a_ a'N._:") l\: rcin o '. :V.\ a-._ r w hw udl lord c voesp ss -3") S NNA'N CN'\:)N o rH es ' oteFlrd ._.."\::si -'" N)NVN'NJ 'N '\: nn \. 1?Ni pas ..N I1,. ' N'. prpet taNes becus \.n.:.\ 3 ecntc \.\'e N\ <') n" N 3h slv di h o s \ ave iae .\i o .tit (>lv) as (epe)al in ur a And s b r a r as a a sdv le cr\Nea'se N'N \ Q~fN N'nnn _\ .. .n '<'ntd ce.\. e( pe pl aru tha ' "S NNou 11. N.W. 'N N'N'<>)J')) ' > :.. is nfairbecau e oth rwiseS~a~a..n_,. . a ?\\ ...\ es crssthestee 'N .*,.n3J_\. .n a a e a e o l .: h of.' : N o ) i'' *NN alo 3-_t S-\S 3 :3 3 .\:"\. int \; Y '\. r3 . 33 3 3 ea r~, o.s :\. : '\'x: 33 Ci=:.\ i i es\A.fl'? . _ \ a\ycas istN w ee etndos c' .r in~' Florda, t lest sme o .\ ":, ; ; s- to b miigat d wth atem t mtemt"' re or wel~ak-,-,ds e~sew ere,39 Forid's o cth~~~~~~~~ind~~~~ retrto i h:Eegae nd ' i O u\s Qii' Ri o erset eh v o e + ~\,,,,,t n a d f int Vt 'i:' . ._.: oiinal c on l o was becus 3\ note Nthat 'by, \ > o\ ~ Fl iin'N hd\,3V gu;.3_ to trea c watei ccac;reore it the thaiasi curse~' to' iie N'd of Fidahseprecdmn su cs tre n w t N2 R IN il iNNS iR siyn 19 0 Nimiw ' , " \..urn teNrmfs O  : ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ (N \\ K" )? or: K\f. e Y:(K-, , \+'1.. \.: o ., \g7r :td w ; :, fi\ ord , "'1 f , o3 1 f: 3 3\ \ \ Y K 41(44. 414K&1 -n, J^ Snc 1 98 t ::"::. 1:. ;"f(O 4 K 4 " 444K4 44 " 4 44 of :."': ''i :4 ,4( ". . '4 :v '4 " able' SKocieKKK "'KN.4e4w 1.rIuvK 4444 t44o wa444 use 4 4 K 4 444. Peter 11 Klik ter h" cr K's, pa '44-- J'4KK Kfi..-:3 ! K 8 \ f 98 ),' 571 -.9 4aa D . -a S\: \\ .. .a.:4 ..5f:s __a\ \\ \: f_ y 4 .. \-4 4 4 4 4f. ., ,>\ a e _ _f ,\ t, 1 11faa - f fa . Sf- 44 4': _ 4 ~ ,.44 ... ;r1; .\ l 1+\ ' '1\ \; -0' \ '" , , ; * . .f r . \ q Gad ~444 ~4 \1S \: a 444 SK 4 4 K 4 4 11':_~.1. n \P a es 0 -) \''1t' +" \, -;1 _ .+. \\ ;,'a' \ S , 1?:q_.11 1 \. \ ±, ' \: : t i, i~ S. _. S_ ,\ : 4f ,- 4 S. \, K \ K. \ . . tiC 24 '1515 '4K'~ 5-_6 \4.4 1 44K1_i 1 4 ~ 1 4K444 f-4 44K4,,_,\f D avid S.1-., '444 ;: 44K' ., 1\ '44 -. , _,_;.co.,-,, ,,1 44 ( 200 484 - 95,"~ :\ " .1 ' 1 1 It:< 441: '4. . 1., : to 4:. 4. \:\: :. 4~a a\: , 4. \:\- 4".\ \- 4a aa 4\ _ .\f a.f\ . "th 1 S\-\? \ '\ \n ++ "\2\: .1 'c""\" \t\' ia ~ ii. ' : "4444 44t4:: >9(; 4K \ .-2;v e:\ y:3, :.\ K;1 K.. K i";; _ K, ,e444".-Vi\ L"", :: . .\\ - 4 ._ _4 4 \. \.\" \.r2 'C 4 , 244 4\~i \5\ \ . 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'i :i \ 1 "- B -t, S.J .\";. \ , : \ .\ . ) R -; , d - ,. " ;. " ': .- M l. _ , i:\. : a: ,S_ : .\ , . C l f n. 1:n ,S_,_, .-S . _:C ..N5 e. .: . S 'K) C . "Whee . id. u . mier g ? Gve te Lm acliwice ._ ,em: \ ... , .K. t. . g ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ C ItVKKU 1.: ):'.\2J s.1 .: +K. ) , ,.,\ ,A+. . . eSY. C'dgsN. :i1\.S,. \Yv \ : e h ' x. \_, *2 Se:._ .2 _ % ,\ o. a._ :\:._ .:.. .>\:;:.,. N _ \ :\ _SUL f .\\ +._+ R v r .s \ ' \.: ,1-, , ' f+ K 0 'OK o ",A,"u a-,-,e ie K",: : '.t K" :.p. V ' ' ": .\'Y \ ? k:b : u- . . p 1 \\\7.,": \ ",.,"\*, ": .:.:C $ iC K f~ ill K)) \' SV~o .'K) C1KI IK: CKL IC K.I :. 2. 1 .. " \ p ",- .. :\ . . S C. K)IY JOV'\". i S B _1\:V \ ' "SA  U - jr '\,-..,,, +".:' t: ,.1 , ,y '::, . .. \::. 2, \ : : \ " 4" NNN'N\IINN'' IIII' , d NNNNN1AI~NI INN00-),NII N ,V . N IN1\.\- N . ,:: \:aS :S I N\ .,:a: :,a_ r \--_\ . 0\Y. \ NI\.: N:. 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IN I II NIIINNI~~''Is  6'/-- ('ar State 69jwbid.r w2 -t ala "Kr.,enoi.,-k iha th N1cid, Nae Nong es&i ,- rns1R. oi(-,rn~' aN-,'e'i ~ eenb ,3k GrgC .N' , 1a,\h e\ re a: \. ' a.'Nwas >NN iLg sts t t wte t'NNN s \. r s wil \z be N _ i .__ s v a n Ng , a.N . . t\.-. . N P i a "" N-. a N N . . Y \ : 'N._ :3 NNN.\ \.N 'N 'N\ y., . .\ . ::.\ , .\:Yaet . :t\ , \ . a l . :\ Ntwei ries of 43 '20N C N' N vN Nal Eda "L wC rieIb~m-'_n  '4. I : 4\L:. . no >j I \.+: Sa 4 \:-IP, \.\ H a.. \n m . \ ,* o .. '4C N i ' s '.gn N 4m o '4\ S.0 ['4 ncf s .It ,\\a d aq \ - -.. 44.'. Nilk-1A '44441 V1"1CUo 2K 1144h44F4 '44 4t0 ) 44-4455.~4'4'44~ ' N .. G .' - f 4f, 4, .. f , .: 1". ., f .. ie, "':' ~~~~~~~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ N ; 4,'1 4 " 4\.'44 \ 4 ,, C 4 ° -\ Y4'1£ N44 4 \;o.1 44"+ \ 4 v::"D .:\" :e -.o .. \ '" . \ . .1 : \\ ,\, \_ \: :\ .\.. .\ -.. ;L~ \ .f . \ 1: \\\"\ e \.\ a.\\:+.C."; Y8 . 0Pubic NA4P4'(4124!4(4, C 4t 4(02,1Y : ... 444.\ L"'44 1\"\:4 \i44.44 9 9 4 45 4 ''4 '..' 4 m:_.. 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N at5 : '\:\\" s : " K N..'N a s~NNN~N N NNNNN \ \\. .NNNN .. av ia l - _N' NNN4N _ i'3 :\: _\_1 :" :8 .. .\\':\ ,s . \:a N3r 2009, '-' N~ d .N.NKI NIIU'I 'NCNNNNN'NNNI) N NC'C YC IYA\\:. N IN o-n, _.__:2K .;; :INN)te :'3 ; ';\ 1":~~~~NN N N_::. NN . : ei:i: . N ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ' Ns, 9NNNN'NN~O NN"N' N NN NN' Na:SN NINIIIKINNNINNN e+ .: N.O 'N" Nlza et 'N ta Nn N.nd N. 'Nn. N~ NrYs N lrd Nn NNNNe N NN So.k-\N YNNNNi. as. 00 ) N N N Na : N\\ u, N N N' N w N . N \ N N N Nn "e s. N - _' N N+: N 'NNN NNNNNN N '' N\c31aa N\ ',, o NNNNNN NNNNNNN\ NNNN" N.NNNNNNN'NNNNw+ lin~.t\ C \aa3 Nl.' N N' Nles :\ I>N \' 3s r \\m a\:V 0 o ( C\ \N\\N' ...t N)' e sY.\ va Ye v...: vm% \ r psCo sl s,_ _; t.. t. y 14 oa,.: \...,.: \ 1- a_1., v N.. NN.. NNNi N a Nd z.NvNN ;t, :a.\ . i~ o ec o e ;.\N N N' "N. NNNN. iN2 " o o :\ ,g i n:i ".:." NNNNNNN NNNIIIw N St,,NNNtK~K NII' I)4 U3 )NN)U KS Niti t ,e -\+ b \,,a it N "\ IN N o . 'i ,' ' N .o . .N I C:rt i;d 1>83-76 ROM Pak. Doe,'-oi   4'A,. 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