The The The CARIBBEAN at MID-CENTURY CARIBBEAN at MID-CENTURY CARIBBEAN at MID-CENTURY SERIES ONE VOLUME I A publiUmtlIn of tIho SCHOOL OR INTER-AMERICAN STUDIES SERIES ONE VOLUME I SERIES ONE VOLUME I A pohbfi mtio" of tIho SCHOOL OF INTER-AMERICAN STUDIES A 5 blicotioN of tloo SCHOOL Of INTERAMERICAN STUDIES THN WALEE H . x NA&SEE P UNIR c A' ION FUND IsUD 005TH IE IO WATE R. F oRSOn P UBLICATION FUND TDN WALTE, B. FEES~ sPUBLTC AT HN FUND  ,, -~ --_ _ - _,. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ -_ _ __-_ _ _ _ _ . -  The The ~TheTh The CARIBBEAN at MID-CENTURY edited by A. Curtis Wilgtu CARIBBEAN at MID-CENTURY edited by A. Curtis Wilgus CARIBBEAN at MID-CENTURY edited by A. Curis Wilgus It 1951 UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA PRESS Gainesvill 1951 UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA PRESS Gainesville 1951 UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA PRESS Gainesville YAI 'all  UINIVERSIt OF FLORIDA Au Ra-, a--,, TIS VOLUME contains the paper, delered at thre fior on,,l danlre-- on the Caribbean oRl a the Onietoolly of Florid, flereobee J-9, 1950. UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA TIS VOLUME co ttraw tpa Epn deheo=d at the tist oda] aal m otootc on the Caibbeaon M t the UnwteeOit of Florida, Tictber -9, 1950. UINIVERST OF FLORIA iA.Roetttacte TIS VOLUME co ot the ptptto delveed It the frot amual confernce on the Caribbean beld at the Univwmty of Florida, December )-9,19950. T.eo Jbyv.. .w. Pnrwa M e i, -rat A1.50. t. t- Cotce Joenensat Ecenco, oo H1. V W. 0. WeroCaroror loremxvustFneo  Contributors Contributors Contributors 09 k- is Gannof a Al otoa, Podif-, of Spanish, Cniotntdn Utnroity RAnsono E. Cotno, foa-,to of Grognaphy, Univsitya opf Mary- land Rof CooSO-Tonn, Cosniilnr of Aqoicdalt of martin Rico, San Juan Jaonx Aneaon CnS., Cthafrtr, flopoossont of SPnooto, Ual- 'eaity of Gnifnia at Los Angctot . Mt. Caoxorao, Duiroos, MttS6. Naiontal, Canaa, Vnerntla latouar EooovaA, Choif, Plat Industry Drysotanent, Itoto- Amsai,-t Itsstt of Ageictlitral Smietor, Tnacilisa, Costa Rica Jason Got., Frafosa of Mataropotagy, Insitoso for trsenit in faefatcdioo, Unienity of NneffCanstirm Hmnn F. OoooGn. ota..m Paodmn, Dtnlel and Floanos Coget- hoin Fouadatiats and Hfotoy Fsantk Oulugrhom Faondatios LG-o Hanton, Direor., Hispanic Fsotdntioqo Lbtoop of Co.goeso Joao. MAX-a, Poafet-o of Spanishs Amsmocn Lifesatto, Cotsom- Na UnivestoS J. L-ovM-onnntIoafsofCasovemmntIUnitooityof Teoa M~so- A. Moos, Choiof, Latia Ameosican UItL, ivimt of Emn t Utti Stabi ty and D-colsooa, Drpaamtso of Eanossdc At- faigs U3. N. ET waun G. XNion, JR., ASistan Socnroay of Sots Ion Latin Anooica Al as J. ints Mttvron Prnnsdon, Unri-ediy of Fotatd. Wuaouaas R-t MOZERLL%,Associat Editno, Ma~mav-Hil It oratiatta Coaponatimto N. Y. LasT- NIL-a, t'tLeo-a at Soceiology, ttloossity of Miononoo Onnoofr AaSoeo, peofaoo of Spanih, Cohanotfa Unicnino RAsooc1. E. Cain, Ponfe... of Gmasaoph, Uinvetity of Mary- land Ram xnCtcd.sTsaOO , C-Lss mi an d AfA wc.l5eosf htano Ric, San Joan Jaon. Anoaaoan Come, Chaniatvn Deptonlent of Snsoaott tni nonsty of CAtionsin at Lot Magete J. M4. Cannon, Directof, Mosfo Nnoioal, Caracao, VInnaoa MX'ooas, IfLtono, Chief, Plant lodontry Drpaaslmna Josea- Ansncamn to~fnate of Agoiotlooal Scien.... Toafaiha, Cotta Rica Joan Gtosvt, Pofalo of Asttoapotgy, Jnitonm for Ronaact, in Ooai olitaic, Uivrsity NNoM Caotiea Mma F. OC-LoNnooo, Pooident iatniel and FtnfeS Gfggen- heim Fondatian and Haroy Fnanh Coggoohuit Foondation Lawna Hata, Dinecon, Hispanic Foundation, Lbany of Coogres' J..i. MATaSn, Prfeotan of Spanish Aron-a Liooatttoo Cototo- in Unicanla J. I- o~Mostsa, Pootssnofoioret, Utior-ityofTrst MotooS A. Mona, Otoaf, Lain Anaicmn Uhn Diolo 6f FIT- UStabiit and Dvooeolmot flapasfoon ora Ecosis Ad- falaw U3. N. EN-a 0. Maa, J., A.isant Seaonno of Slat lao L.tin Aooetian Al airs t.t s MIL, Poasident, U.oitsy f Florid. WI-mias R. Mnontns., Aotaiai Editor, Mcooosc-Hilt Intotnatianal Ca,vation, N. Y. I-o N-aon, Feafeo-I of fncioany Vtticaity of Misoctoa Onm.Gi A~ntoa, Petofc of Spanih, Caonbia Unloentl kansma E. CaITn, flofesr of Orogrphy UniortY of Mary- land Rosoros Cotod.-Tonnes, Canstaisoen of Agoicoloa ol Preto Eons, Sao Joan Jan Assnonno. CIosoc Chaitann, Depafnt of Stserc1, Utni- nasy of Catifonrn at Los lnoden JM. Cnoxan, Darcna, Mnnab Nnaonnml, Cooaa, Venoarla M1,oa-t PETSa, Chief, Plant Iodnty Drpaastrni Inw~a- Amcricas tostinto of Agflcslloml Scta,,, Toathab Cott. Rica Jont. cotton, Pooonon of Andor~opo, far Reonooc in Snalal Stfencro Uni-at, 4.fath Ce-h- Maxn F. Ccsnnonts, Posiions, Daniel and Ftoaec Caggon- hom Fondatian and HMry Ytmok On~gnhrin Fsanaon Lon Hatas, Diroisn Nirpnaic Fandation, Librory of Congres J.oS- MLLon, FPofo- of Spanish Amsmonn Lihaoate, Caoom- J. LL-nMonoan, Pofr~tenena s fG mnnnt,Tjaiasrraiof Tt tenna A. Moon, ChirI, lain anonloon Unit, iiin- of £mo co tatailiac and Deeclcpnenf Dnpaattrwoaf Eanhnoa At. faine, U3. R. E -san 0. Moct., Jo., Aointant Sccxary of Smai fan Latin Anomian Affairs J. LLSomia",Prden nicsiyof Forida W -msan R1, Mann., Assocate Editor, MefCrse-Hill Intrnntioal Coapoanin, N. Y. I-Ya Nrteo, Pfora of Soci otogy, VnhIooaity nf Minnosota  vi The Caibua at MidCflqur vi h Curiben at Mid-Cmntuy ri The Caribbea at Mid-Century Mayoe- Poatet, Professr ofhfMattio, Toieeioy of Michia WILSoN Poe o Director, E-ast AgOIO PaaosoianTo- Josi ANvxdOOTO Pootrono, Profcsr of Spaudoh, Coluobia UoM- A. Conns W-~s, Diroto, Schol df IatorAocica Stadio% vm-mionty of Florida Smn. Z--AO, Daroct, Md s Nocioral do Hittoeo ,Mdoico, D. F. Od --eo Pozaspo, Pofesso of Maretiag, tloeooit of Mdichiga Wmor Popro, Director, Estoal Agioot Pooomooioaoo, To- gudigalpa Hoduras Joad Arrdego Pogxororo, Profeo of Spaniolt, Colombiz UMl A. Curt Woo, IDiroto, SchIocr of InterAtetican Studie, Undoemty of Floida Stoto Za-.t, Directo, Muodo Naciorot do Fiotoca, Moic-, D. F. Mors Ptoc~rt, Poferoo of Marketing, .m live y of Michign Wtottoo Poerre, Director, E.cet Agolcoa Panaserican, Te- gucigalpo, Honduras Jood Ao-6.1. Pworas, t'ofessorofSponio, ColotbiaUni verity A. C-s' Wonos, Dieatr; Sotion of foter-Ameriran SuOdos Tjnieeoity of Florida Santo Z ,,t, Dim cs, Moyd Na.6o-1 do HiStoria, Miolc., D. F.  Foreword I T IS ategethee fittinsg that the IUeicerety of Florida shetld brim, togete let tiet ets the ge.a leaden it Latin Amto ican afraito; and that it mhould puablish the fets or thlir detihees- Fit.loe the hiatotical teott of Flotida eachittg bath to the mSpanih aoaqtataites ay htnoston'cli thise at the Mlatd tepeshlo and maitlad maimss whichl pile, the Comihe- Sea. Florida's rmat, ptopetity and x wtirty, taoo at ~ ea te odeeoPvatioefnhisotnaa ,oniot Upmeshti o tltaNstautowecetahlicd dtefitt atatlemettts mtade by the oasdobtds withit the boeedee of oat pieeett-i tttnn latagh Florida, sa cwhot, could ta riva tho falled ticto or Pen and Meenio, ber ftnied sheseimnt .-ed Spain at hastionstagims reook Engtith. and Ttsch rieesr as. toagat ta u-si the n A - gallcont at they sailed theagh tay, Basacta Channed. Patdially,alttha to et eowcptsn'dd basesieothao taatadetsinthen sales against the tetaeteeladen ship or te Spanisht (toasn. Atd iteeltswdly wtas hee, in Floridt off-cstee weatdsa eolsthltedte fatnenateehich gaveiitnntea Florida's oalttal pastantdhe histry ofehecosanlcttot the. Atyeeis thoranys mawoe famote--Pence de Loon, Piooile de Nary ae, Ilteenede it ae Menoa de Acilit In attent fe- Angeaiac, stlt hitaiotly aatptid. lien Netab Annoat' fi sneseneteatmaeStraeiah pat. t4estoodloeteseoflCatillc de fan Mana What hetne place, tho, thtan the eaas of te Utivettity ci Pounds fto mes sof leotmang o cetroage is masc "TI Catib bmat at SMi-netry"p? What het¢tet otage panl Passe whtich t reicw the fifty Yams Fat cotes, anad leost csi to goc ahead io th aletay It ase.. tTho Umtaist tf Flotide 1,t has btoan cotaus of its rich htelige, and or its notoesilso nepeaiiy ho ,,lntie tc Foreword IT IS altegdethr fittieg that the Ulnetoiy of Florida should hisg tagelee fetet tiame Is slat the gotl lezae in Im Amat- cas shams and ltret it should petlhdl the f-unst of their delio i hsoia o o bta oshmbc he itoad enpablics and sodalnd natione shi tele the Claibstomt Sea. rloeidisaataea petspeeyoendtcetriy,tee, euie cea - ntindeotioliesso atety. Uptn the soil of this alae wte eclahished the line ttlttstt made by the oeaas'aadoso a csthihe hteders of eat ptteteday atott 'Thoagh Fltrida, assaeelmat, eattd taut rival the rsand riche of Fees and Mocssion, hee testified dsetlats teeved Spai. as bastiosais Fetneh, English, and Daols ottaen achoe tt tomwih the tibe galleons as they tailed thomagh the Bahama Channe. Paoado-iotlly, gha tame stsm peteided hates lee tho tasosad-e in aousej eliss aaeot tNe ttonee-laden dalyt el the Spanish OCmot, And it tepatedly tees hen in Fleerd's tof-shatet mssu, that Jenins lat the ateu eas wcht gaveit mnttita sFboeh a nfeal past and the hiatoy or the otqtaet of e Amenics sheet many natmes of laro n ac d , Lt ame iodo Nerebte Hieetoodo do to, M,6eniadee t i 1,s intet St. Atgtie ot histonealy ansjstled lie Neeth Atteicosa Owths oatet a n Stamit past' thec twat repet of Castitll & San Oamot What bettee plae thee, tmat the campe of the tiniveciny ef Florida lot into f leatting meecletge ic orbae[ MT, Gaib heats at Mid-Ctstao'w? What eteeontage pointtlfoemwhich to tecaxt the fst, yar, lut ciamed, and fait cchaih to peer altd tale the halloetetty to The Unieceity or Floida long hs ba mcoota of isrll hcitagce and of its eoneerirat etoestiiy t cahoiom. latee Foreword IT 1S altogethee citling that the Uinieeity of Fluidasthottd britag togethee feotelimc It elate thu great Itadeto isLati Amee- a fa;adtt tsolpulhmefrsothi ons, r the hisnorieel roots of Florida, ceachint basi la the Spoadet eutepat, ate inatl, inteac esdth that, of the uland etobtira and soninand oaim tlat Onedt the Caeihheawn Sea dierida ftee prosperiy andeuary, to ee, ir eq m u ta n- tind eoegaiton ofthisctsssettnatty Upon the eil of this tnatxe enmtbtithed the, fiet settlet-to mtade by the nnqsetado fiti then hnrcer tf tat pntatacdoy eatien. Though Florida, as a colony, ceadd nat sival the relte riches of Port and Msice, hen foesified shonliev aeved Spain a hefaeaucaFreseh, I nglikq and finsh cosalas ache mohe Itctish the sler galloemt at they taoild thetagh the. Oshama Ihstlc Pseodetinatly, edaee tam tae Petvidid etcs em the -.aade,. it mtti tallies agait the vtreamlde ships of thu Spanith Ceteata And it rrytody eses hare, it Floridas srI-than esatee, that jnahins lets the Innoa eat wet gstoe its naye fa wFlorida'tecooialyvast andthelittoty of the .,u,,tt ofthm Antedsetthane etaey names ol fama~eetseo do IWae Piali de Patclairn Ietant doe tots, Menieci do W16. Inateace-t St. Anattstioe, stil hieaially stpoiled. ties etet Ase-hea ritean esoamt to a satich Past, ethestn itesof tCstillode toes Matena Whatheetet plan, thee. that the enspt ef then 5,ttaetity of Fltaidaetmseofleana fgotehotecocalfewmato"Tterib bean at Mid-Cettat? What hoetx cautage point fetes ehish t twhe fifly yet. teat stared, end leset ethich t pee, ahead tao the halfr-tnt ate to wayse The tjticeony tr Florida latg has beet oeneoiesus of it ich hcriage, atd of ittesnetaistoeta cejesibilhly to reslevateltet-  viii The Cauibbean at MidCntur Viii The Carbbuan at MidCcntuzy Viii The Caribbean at Mid-Cenhuy ssmesime antrding thoeteh odu-ydon. Formasl, toe pro- gya ea uso tendsvon ago wdren, is.130 lthe Univs sitys pi, of fhis pogsars, sahethe it finds 'eeei, in m[me reudat orndogcadona r nil reswandh, ot pobmei. ny is the seone today s altonys: to help the peopleeemr hAmo of all d1.Aeris to knrow one another boler and thus it, leve toet n to matee Jo the to rcdee following establihenton trth isrote mtoo in ed Amersesita oure roshced so y dor eiclly that 'u intt arh preoftos eons feored m '1 vg h oyas r . e slda an tsc Tege ithom years nnsts sette giddod rr, a ataspcalt oneein'Sodp terubee t ,,1950, bnedhers anc eale School off l e Ceie Smiles sesf 6nd oe the able leedetohip of As Cierti Wilgus, eotior atsure nd edceoto ods meusw in andpsicAmerican affis Today, usos osto geatlp eaprde osterlaedt the soelse of instea nowaviable ardvieed staffg ~f ne enpieoba, tedas emay enroll ofee fom Aenei®0n soeadito lending smeathe MAoo hD e00 n Lsn fitlt. Rich cose offeriogs slus saivluble on eme sederodrete Bereso of Floridas msrrtpirml tli cru studentssfo im Latin Aessedie coutieo fisd the n Unity' eh o is agmiseri tte. ssoly pivand atm cnbea lns o ti y , n onm pmne and rm inbe tena in lnds. AthNeimaefthrrsete llio 1 dswrs bould1atIum Amrnecn esto s m-111 enr eolled mm n a the Uenversty, 84 of ohoon ineog seholemip aid. lean Aesteco eluto dayn noenbee toot 300. In sht aeae of tenene nd oblons, oer lhonosy helie of Ladon Aettotis uoeal t e being oeeged tendily. One Uni- metity Peers is en Uhocd on anotewenrthy aschdle of area publi- catoto, and soen -kI seoeose Laineeel noew st , including Volume 14iofThe etsdnehaj sit esr La l ndie. Anctte Itbedn of this indsperouble ones Vof soN nwslip, unti nos peb- lobd b Harvannd noefir P'e, retyeoly ses ateed in mo Pres bry te Librty of Cge. Atbisecrto plan alrea ad hse ban prepared ion u potnoted Astotien ondertanslng Olugb educatdon. Frsally, toe pet- geeste hogan over a grenat ao sobes irs 1930, the Uttieenitya f/tottiters of tutatnrieoor Mfens easo hoot. Toe guidig peiosi- pie of thin lerogrem, weher is finds ealesomni in oooeos moduist orode~gradoat osi e esate or pobliatooi the rsmetodaiy an alwaypse to help the eplo of all the Aenemrie so busts one nmoter better, and thus to leve togother in greatee hetonoy. Iu rho teen decades fadosen, eshblissoore of the ittet, interor is Ludo Amnen torics neroned so denondenaly that cr nrt-Aensosn peogos nasn oed to ense. Throogh tee years, newe Boutes stone adiod, and an er ponte SU ee invled to out stoff. Asether rigeificas miletn sons ed in Sop- mendbe, 1950, vebon nor gadate Schadot f Imlnoo-Aenoien Studies see n ned, under ties able leoadrnslip of Die. A. Coedis Wilgro, emnet historian nd oduentt of wide soent in Ilisparsi-Asoiron affairs. Today, thanebs to gteey expanded enoricltandtIethrs....eree of instescdeonaoilale from ourenosarged staff of one expeelo, crudest. seep enotl foe Loton Amtoosicars dier lending ts the MA, and Ph D, degrees in sno fields. Rich coos.. offrings ue too acailuble no the madeegsodooo Aeenoco of Florida'ssuhlotpioo esat, otedenro frar manny Lis, Amcrsei esanse find she Unlitstn tee i n aendul tomr, noissal indchle, soil ecrnee and other mushicale eslotcmnlly eppliohls is snolong problemsenuer ted is their horeo lends. As the dote of the oNenesse, 102 srdeor ro I aten Anutin nniosom enooled ne the tUnitoesrty, B4 of bhom woe wcing rehulneelip ai d. latin Arnenaslosuri today no.bee for, Mff. In doe noon of temed, nd publications, ose, librarp holdirgs of Ladon Anoitni matemals net boin0 trimmed tredily. Ott Det- setit Pesa is combanked o n e r ,o scedole, of nos publi. e nd soon sell reloee sotol newe liser, including Volumoe 14sfe The, ansdbook of Lofis Assainura Sludios A 050000 fat teobliadion of this indspoeratle too of schtoloslrp, mnil non pob- lishMe by lattene Unvrsioity pie, to~tly wsen awaessed ho som Posr by dot Librty of Conser. Achiet' plaosalready haee bees peepared for a prefenered Amseriean uderstordig thotog edssetion. Foonmedl, oc pre- aem heon torte gsoeraisn ago ohmn, in 1910, the Vrsieo00t's tIeooef Iter-Asooon Affis seen bnoor. Tho gunuig prisw. ,le of this psogrom, eeodoo it finds oespreoaim in cofeeteno, geadua oradergade rosoe, sesentb, or pohtirnsioos, is the samee today re always too help she peapli of nll dos A metrs so knowe one nothr betlet, and thus to Her ongdo in 11,sc harmonp. Ivndo tren decades followsing ontrsbl t of foe ietsoo. imnte t in reds Ameina htdes moerorsd so domtnoirnl nor minte mti potons tens foamed son gon, 'Torh odes, ,ec, noew --auo tere stied, nd neo tlnecisis inviete join err s aff. Anothee rigoifie mileone wsee tected in Sep- tmnoee 1950, when nor geaduate School of neAmrc Stoies toss forsned, an dee the able londeenbip Nf lI. A. tCrste Wilpuo0 oso ismen litan nd edostot of wtide ses or io lilspesAarmon affairs. Today, thanbs to gotooly espmcodd eielo and to the eseellene of isserstionse on valable foom enlesgd efaff of amto expoi, soednst nay enrol fur Letsn Anoosisn studies lending to the MA and Ph.D. dgeetinsmany fields. RIh- c ose offoeis alo ae nnile n the.ondee level Iltenoo of t' ns subtropica cienao, tudens feore omy Latin Aereticas ooanoi find the imensity's muomt is sgiors- roe.ruma indutety soil srer and odoec seclnnionl feds specillyp applicoble in soltiug pooblrr essrooseed in thenr hoa- lends. At the se of the eosn qoo I0 strdens frms I4dred amctions ndos -es erotled at rhe twvitie 94 of wohom recei ving scholashp eid. hetin Atroefrs sluod today vIn ino soon of reeM nd a bleions oe libtty holdings of Lads Amen-s matreiaol, ar belng morsnged tendy Ott U- emip Poe is emloarhed ona nteeoio etedoin of anon p dh- rain, end soon will rolease sceeml vee rier, ineoing Vole 14of Tfensrdbohknf Latin Amten'...Smedt Agostatofo poblicaion of do i iteoo-enl e l of scholeeoldp0 until newe pub- lished by Hlarard Lo niesitypPoes necenly tos aneured t ourt Pess by thre Liboaoy of Conmuses. Arbiutcs plsu already bae bees potered fot a poopeed  ?s $ 'a $ ds q. c =x a 32$ 3 E 19 iy2 ^ F 'E W ° <. a * .i 8-E k. S g9 c4 s 3 S 9 c- o. x e Cg   Contents Contents Contents Map of Coolbhaoo Area .osttspira lle of CootHitoooro. ForsOd - J. HwLLI MOFa s In NEsaaso -A. Cosois WHI' Part I-INTR-AMERICAN RELATIONS OP THE CARIBBEAN AREA L. Edooard IL MWIT, JINTR- xSSCNEDrioAT - 2, Harry F. Guggnkem:...M~FaI-OTEOmuTTN NOW 10 Part II.-ECONOMIC AND GEOGRAPHICAL PROBLEMS OP THE CARIBBEAN AREA MaP of Caaibbooo rea LIHe of Cootsbatos Foresor - J. HILL' MILLER Map of Caribtoan Area- List of Comnbn. ForEsod -A. HLus Munsa Asotoduotian - A. CURT'S WEEED8 ..Fr mt topas Part I--INTER-AMERICAN RELATIONS OP THE CARIBBEAN AREA L. Es-lcor H. Mller, Jr.: IaTe-nue~ussaae a 2. Harry F. GpCago'htooa SSEAF HEae mINTATTON N ow 10 Port 11-ECONOMIC AND OROGRAPHICAL PROBLEMS GCE rI CAI5X. AIPA 3. Raysonsd E. F,41: eo . u -a . 4. MayTDnadPrp:TC IA. 5. Manurl A, Mosa LTEA 6. Wia-R55. M'varlr T OE TA ..A 29 55 64 75 3. Ralymod 0. Csfos EOAtoo~x u E. 4 M arsardPoN e oEESM SO-f N0TRU 5.M'alA. MoIEo T NE HOGDVEOMN 56. Wifliam , Miss'>: eu n+R uEA 29 55 64 11 Pant 1-INTER-AMERICAN RELATIONS OP THlE CARIBBEAN AREA I. Edoas H. Mitlor, J-r.: ENERA ELTEEA 2. Haory F. Gooooohdim: xEEEPEO.E wIOERaTnoS NOW S0 Pass fl-ECONOMIC AND GEOGRAPHICAL PROBLEMS OP THE CARIBBEAN AREA 5. ayond E. ColE' oEREOuE OF THE. ousseaC. 29 4. Moysoad Fliipo: TECHOSTAI. -'KNOW-HEN" +owm INnsxaNT N ENOMc neewEE"T 53 5. MANNAS A. Mesa: LOENASERAXLOS AT INTER- AmEREN TINE64 6. Wioio R. MiIAles TO WNOKS ATTE INTE-ANNn Taoa 5 Pant Ill--A GRICULILURAL PROBLEMS OP THE CARIBBEAN AREA 7. WRTleH Popraso ..SRELSOSM OF FOES AXE ETER COP ISO TOO EaEIA CREEAN AREA . 9 Ptrt Ill-AGRICULTURAL PROBLEMS OP THE CARIBBEAN AREA 7. Wiloon P,o,: POORUSESD OF FOESOD 005T005vw 00ouiEI THE -.-ISSN COOL - 9 Por 111-AGRICULTURAL PROBLEMS OP THE CARIBBEAN AREA 7. Wilo-s oplne aCRRS or rOES AX ER COOP eeencTEm Tr. TENOAxe . 9  -tjz W p t 0 Ca am m by >h "a xn 4u mo S > Sg- yyS S l5 m o 7 > 61 y a u i m e -at t aH 0-- am a haF a O- 0 -a 0 Y- 0 a; ii E 6 h a Cl '-b tab 0 m I C 0 -CF ha a 0O I-a ma C 00 a-a- g  Introduction Introduction Introduction TECaribean urea! Whbat oldin- re brought to msiod whetn ste nato is sauotinesit pm wrhor se in [Mn wornldotun ar fiend inch thrillsgundtssuitin o outnnld factsand tona, a any hisCasica 'hosta? rho Th e auhy-ranot to first tread point fur Europ, in ie It eur do tin of thesfacet European gwerann in this Hernittulc c Its thencenof stupndou feares of beasoer of fierce, aend blooy mm,, and of thne blacdes[ utrs in tins lung syr of as inhumoanity to ans. Itwes ou, puptdhbytmieshoeeo-dtheiigestatilm jo thoosnoeineut wetniatdhe nt otimesit was i noid bysemc ofste n ose ne eatobaln bsouta rthe Casittuo aeo it anhistirical esauo epo wuhicha baw played meof the bent aed meof th ors a51 ctt in norosed histoe'y. It ouas t ese ularto, th pnpesny of dhe Stoanin Cron, rot in cold not be drfodod evaconsfly utmlost pierso, fneebooser, ineeneems, and tin "leat" attacks from nnoos notilons of EB.,,r, stomts of whih seit naiainp more or Ilo proaoiso tori' hole. I s urpatally usogmnd and nettled wthdin a generation aito Cuunat' di soey yet it basn eat inn mesntnlsyt"r. Bod"' Cs tin prew.,ntdy Theo Canibbun is a gergrphical sr whi'ch i ba trer tern unified. IC otus saons of Astnon otaranent teollands andi erae af te culdest opitesis Is Chas wmee of ste wretest cnapital reginon undoaE tereredingy rea. Itluoeregionn ofpd- tionan-oerandamts oflagsitrnualscamity.Innsnmeplort these to plesant pmaposity tnoiti otter dorm in lisoar psero. Ooeruntoding or ualcpopnttir mark ,ns regionts. It boo a fear oud bonbon and motna poor root, ittludosca rut island;, penlenla and large tad meas, and stere te atduet anipsil necenBnlmtsb - tees niws wehicit might-- coouf oOspartrg the adjoceetregions T HE C:aribbean ara! obat siins are brought 00 minrl whetn dhe sone in anretinnud! 1E55 wiere olso in the norld can ane find toctheItniliog and eoifingsnonc. tononth ingled cr amd fanny, as [cny teitaslal distil Tins Caribbu. as o the flat fosapin fo Ecuope in iAmeica. I teas te vtl oc din liat Eepa ,, thsHnthi It t tl spendoun lotsn cf Easue,, of fir,- and bluelyt caaearoo and of thet bbe driton in tiar long 1.of san's irnuwraty to nins. It tea sou perpd by titors wuho merrued t1be itgatuailination in the cpyocan whilo at dun satn loe n teas inltbited by sm 'rTe Casibbeonat le an i'istsnal mano euet wthicth have played come of the btne andw o fan th1 dowonn artmein mtdei Chistory. tot an mrauinumethseurperyodohulpaniitCmen pet it emold me in defended sttcuesfodt against tirot, ilinaion bwearase and te Kl" altarck, fromta nasteronsattions of Enrape. teae of wehich sill Inat oa m on r toe procoira feet- heide, Isttoas poaily conoqoed and itie woithtina gneui'an alos Cslaarbru din-ces, yet is baa nst been rattpiney nobel Inoe' hE the pensoo day 'rThe Ctribea it a genosafelual unis sharo ban moor bran cifd m tv rmt].- n ,ams e o e enedesaplnds It Cots cnme of doe whosc nulicat reujoa and a luew -tosingly dry raeus. It has eginnn of pmodn- tive annanueadarnofagieluslturity Innmecplayes tbere to Pleasant aupesisy nitite in effemt them it dinooai pororsy' OCrs odiog or usdnnpurladsn notek mansy egiota. It ban a free good bathen and mno poor wne. I dd mr inlando pretinnnls, and lasge End satasss and dorom asm at leas npossible wnu-ueo nal -mt betoo dote rant and tenet whnicht migt osruh ye asparie the odjatumrona. THE. Caribbean mat Wita nian ur brought tontindawbos tar nanor it aonenloed! hot ohur ehe n m Me orld inn one fend soohltadinig and euitingrooano msohlmingled fassnand fascy, so any hiancin 0hests? lin CaIn ter doe fit focn1 point foe Eusope in Aner. It wuras sisofCtehr Emopemr gaoroorn in this llndaisithw Is ont the scee of culetural trusis of Ctaey of fiee and bl oody ttoreu, and of ths bakeat muinon in theC Iong rtreyrt tta.', a kehuaoesity to ttun. Iteras one pupled Coy nations wrho eectd the 1ohesn tchitinao in the oenmrn whys at doe saue tin it teas interitd by tease sf toasocia mifucnibts kou 'rthe Casibbo.'n user, is an hiesd showe aoe whih htne played eame oc doehn s vad loose of oe wter acos in scr hutrey Ittn aamasruinarea,doeprepestyoldse patiitdrnoa yet it co uot bedefendred eronfdy against stera , IhnOfo besrantm, and te 'legal"0 Inchit fro m enan nrtis of Ennpe nme at touch sill monthsain r moos ner a rotan fot' holde. 0t er partially c itq a eed ad rattled wituin a gosrretioa n~adatrol n ' ,yti atsCuaom dascy, yet iba rt been ouanplefely tcs madt antendren ao T hm e - o C a n t a in s t n a f de n i l a e m it h i t b he,~ t r erase non M ude apinds ItItCons tr ss of o toeetot trgit- trgn an a wfewar aeingp dry marn. Is thun meuunsu soe ties hodnu and auras oh agsintmi rrtip Inloepas doses in i plaut prospendly m ril in idoem themi disntal posl. f- o-dinge udppoado eadrtueanyerne. m It booha fete goohdCorastnrd many los nae.Iticue i can a pe nosa, and arg c'i lnsd meane, and derst ay at leant eotnnitrinte oa sleunnenteaeueseuast wneent wuhich msight connect, pet separoen doer adoceot notions.  xdv The Carimea at MidCnhuy xiv The Caribbea at Mid-Ceury xiv The Cauibea at Mid-Cenury The Cotibahen area as pepuolafed today by repoosentdes oe swhite, rod, blak, and yelloo eate, with a row foot the brottn lock. Thete potple spari irceeble dialecl, and mtany of the languag of at ee ant rd Asia. Their gmomot, ate attong the aflat damoasale rod the ron dictaoriot and deeptaic in the WesterHw kf oamo. The Craibbera areatma 5a land of eeyontrtaoat lltat of osaetooe ioidm.. lt i.aatesoeetir n'seeMd regodte, ref, by rho Gr.bbers tea tad the, Golf ef Metio-first a 'Opratla lake" and Ims on "A nueteta Moditer- rte." Ti i<'Middle Amreica." Itt soother paroe of the globe at three art motree Sner untte rore ineoteme, peat- lemt ambain thn r 11 Fat three cent e 6ifre10 l tf e day ribbers seat the chief Europeanc dareto iAmerica. Throoghr adi date in o early pie or tEsrpean oepaeios cae adeostorea and moade. beet at maineg assay the rcs of then~ ee ilaed. Spain intento fae rthme heodeed yoea w t o ptiac lisses coeslela hr ealeadieg all ttheepsoensromtatleallrede. Butdraisertotly aweedtocafl tohteetmist etaef aoe sathtndImp te oofameee to costeqaa the Smithl ats the Datmh it molo petum, onc alated. utalre a thoee of altonu adsod treatare af doe Ciaribber at did Spain heeclt. Firm],i ner the ad at the elgistee udeca imry, rho Spanith go- -,aea drided 10 remogtie the ati faret of earalt and m0 teto pea tde aion, togeter esith ee ae eamerin the toe wnttd, to dhe free trade of weiidaen. With the ride at tan Ualtd a."a sea intet ire the Cariteers Bra; in raed withataet eeior empoeeieand ilosr gosie atteeatioerl imprtuaee oraor. tretheeooly doyeof Sheloae ceaty oa tete, onta thet tzhoad Juee soad later John tiea, Adame aed HMry Clr, tarned cereoaco yatreatho aatr bateeidheataie,,for mnamudoopneaaioat tsao doe tlre se nrl beele atat feae tira t r e omat hatofa glotno at the Carihbean d at are, where aory leight be prolitbly perpetootd If it Omad he abretad in the United Seate. The Catlibno as apermttd today by repreactativet of the whito, red, hlaek, nd yellow eaves, wth a tees feore the brtown ge.Thec people apeak innumaerahle dialects aed anoer eie Winego at Samp and Asia.. Thei goseenatn rate aemoag the mere deaocoatie aned the teise dirloatiat and desototic it the Weocet tHemisphete. fle Carhbbean treatis ay a land of mnye coneac at eeull t ofeaateeahoeiaimaoridet. It ua abethesthame.rtac- eld tosethee. yet aeposotod, hyrtheCribbean Sea and tm, Goad at Matle-first a 'Sprih lake" and lStee an "Atatius Muedio- e "cot Tie is "Middle Aatmrcs" Iac no ter por of the ,lobere athere at proeee ttoe etaeeoa a o, t ore sltosfg path- tent than ine thin area 11 Foe three otn .ir before lift the Cribbeon vs the cf Eematno done to, Ament Thatogl thit dear in the early rals at Ean,-n eopareeten oaee od-eeo and fredeet beea dalimaartheichetot then eorld. Spaineottemaptedfrthree hundted ran or eapre lia, thts al sesoth hy sacirdieg at .ther peeeeotrotetkaltmades.t istdioflotonlyteovedIneall wto e dom a soeatou o heeo n at cee cveroo ai the uh inporance oard th e lhitsedeaoltoyra a tof toe god iad taae of mte Caibbetn to id Spamn heteelf. Flet, cer the ad of the eighoeoeth oe' tor, the Sproido gosee tn decided ms etegodor the cold facto of realt and Ic tsays apes the regise, togethe sith btooar calori to the nea wedld, to mhe tee mead, of nreares With dom e a1 th e Unite Stalet, tale mine a ithe Gandeare he, ie-oe with tees ferilotio aepanrios and on, oar graveieg snee atisl ieeportoeoareantso. to the unity days of the lno coeoe eattseo n, oee thet Thorase Jeffasa and iter, John Qaiome A dams and Meaty Clay, rered rosestes ryaa the ara Wtsaidoet gswIrtgo roaaotoottetiet. BS the savoe ittlore in oh Sooth foes timte I.tme arect hopefol glaetea at nhe Goothhe an ds te stoat where slavery taight be pretitably perpeesoed if it thoemd he abyetahed is the Uited States. The Gstthhrae ara ib populated today by repreaea of the wit, red, black, and Yelnow eare, wsith a tees Gtum the bma tao. Three people apeob i ernesahle dialects and any at the, lasgsa of Eap red Asia. Thoir gowoemeee ale oae thue re deaterotic ted dhe amot diclatorfo and doamd in the W.-tte Hemnisplere The Oteibbeoan treats Buyi a land of emany scatt at wtoll ofoeonuele teailfie.I it a air, ete erdt'a arae eld moientd, m oeoaeld, by the, Caribbeao See ted doe Goat of Mew o-fiot "Spoatnn lake" and taca "Amsoeren Sledise' eror" Tbie i "Middle Armerts" In a other perin of the globe are thee ateatro omeea-.a orare 'eteto p.b- -Iota tsa in tisae Fr three cent a atf lam 10 the Cribean ea do ohied Esrepoas dtae to Amtaca. Threoga dolt derei the early ream of Enrolaean eepmada cotes adeseteo aed tadm ent s takinaayotheeieaaf thneewewrld. Spaineattoempted for three humed yeoo. Ia tamopile this ret ssealth hy eelodiat all other p_.ea frotn legal taede, Briot effort orly toessed to eall to tho est Of ceots eaie the impara of doe area. to coracoer a kerlitonh and the Drehea iontpetitoorte clolisod at tart0 a elte of the- gre o d Ineosea or the Croibbert at did Spate Ioetol. lFiru, near eke ad et the eighteenth 1 -t tory, the Spaoish no emetaset decied to meogreie the cold fonme of li and Inthr'oew opea doe .arton, together with hee, ethe coloeietho new oodetdoree, radeoftamoidee With mdos doe of doe Unitd SOts, otie I..-, in doe Geribbaot baolnreooedstth o r tmsiat rpaeneand winhorrgovring aneoo wirnl itnoreanceuaaon Sn o herely days of the That anty at slaatee dwao lo Theatoa Jota and sd lite Johs Qtai Ada sod Booty Clay, tarnd oto e at the ore, bet in imSloulito or iadlsl poosa. Eec de. ado nneet m te Sta fatat ie otie ot oot gloeeta theCarbben tedoat reo se t thery utdgt igi prfafobly perpeesatd if ithoad be shelissed is the Unitod State.  IXT-ODCIION XV IXTRO~tJCTbe %V INTRODUCTON Xia Dan,. 6h Mcim wea, "Miefl Dunn ns Lan awv. Dunn, th Ndla Wa, "Ma.a ft 't b.. .m wt Delq 6h Mel, Wa, "Mui"[ Deil' * Slh mmnd thanuglie e b caty, and nin tatreen anal adventarer naoked loan and annully an ea mmediate neighbr ntep suh c h upedu htC ba este" ee the doef and dhat nearby leland mere netenry to eaece, matte, and popoty, macmatd af ear peeietny a" mall an eabimt noember ad C.,,,'m mentol; poartrn wne ati the amn aenehanm at bantating on the Lode ef the Caribbean te bleetega of oar Ceti-e cidtasn? Thew wa tdd Spamn braught ta a clmlat idlary areGoy elfteatanuleegiegarthfleeria N Aarcaul, the renitia of Phast. Rice ia tR9t man tellewed by the tarring at the Plat Amatadtnn data Cotba, by the matel at bPmetnlu t buttry lam the. Canal, by the entlectien ef the ceenrteeo al the Daminau Republic and by tbe rnding at Manee lean iearagand ntal er Th anntl Than tempt hmnaghti damn tpan the United Sta Itnttitd and yatdeaead etiititm fernm Lahin Amnea, tint daipa dal at teden m ndity the anedeada at Yanksta Ienpeitna, Dallee Dipletay, and the N~ Serk laolicy unti thee dead' ofl the ttrn-thietl. Fl'au ten the Ma-m Danele mwaargelny [etesd tide Catibbeno nea enpelaly Im dhenid at Pemiden Curltine, bae te eld hadl to mate far te Gad Nehbuandhtde Fefe¢ te eahlag tane 'tht eani pt e ear Catibtetn palic,,. 'Uentec Nerw Dial r -tr ecang ar Ntne tea tauteam nthoedrc aanan dating the decarr afthae Depeen tend the yeaw ofeBarucohe World Wam atfoati egtant eame tar the United Swte Ia decelep ner pohaee at econmi en- pod-,ncand eeatogceevniay mrhnt oeaain tderCaribban haatbectmntaonlynawrtnlandnatir is nawrallayoer froanc aoe-necp and attaetm at detente. Tha neteeat rtaeetndmnewhalf eneomnctypctot ceanarn enplnieatn alte anattier baa Fbmen apped adt the egn itle ccan Far hoen taken inta the area, Far wrld anaea heene been taknow anend taday thc pamoplrn of the Canibbea are probably ary lttde Fater mif enoaaly ted paotibly very ltl h.pi, than te Nii oerote in pm eala srneit Thetar probma Fa c langad ehially In dei madams damic Fru Ta analcrend dNor penhlct a href analyic may he helptul. womd dhronehear tie cotne1y, and ewares an n td ad-ntets loaked long and laneinglya an ta mmedite naigbe men acut. Otn the enylnanitln that Cubae tae She "key t thc tist," std dtatarby illade mor isea, to or peaceattey, and paneperity tan -l taf pectuidene, at nell- ancbine mben and C.c.aeme s,,poheandwtetwith tetonn riccesiae at be, owitng on the lande of ohe Cartlbbean the bleanea af oa Gaol-tiara cueaiiadlioi The ma atith Spain boaught an a tnlenian nawly a ceatury ofat o na anelning r the tea At a raetet dte areyeiniion at Poeyt Rice Fr 1898 ir tallowed by die fatting at dth Plnatt Amendetenopa CnbtFyetieaontael ofP un ianerotay for the Canal, by daem clectian of the motreau t ina Dominiate Repeubltic, and by Bhe sendinag at Matmn into Nitamaga and later ito Ibit. Them rept Frootte danm upon the Unted Staten jusntied and caideapreno cettiitarn L atin tan e hbut thin did at lead an to natdify the .,eedd at Vunkam tpleolalin, Dollar lpmtaqlmc, and the Big Sthch polic emil dlm deeaerr aftde rttneaentht . Foarann dite Macte toietele mat lamrlya rmaeiedaadaye aihanatha, samntay I.abtheimdIPeidena Coalolge, Fanth umend Fad. wnail tm due ad Ntith eNttade~ betartFtding cade atd atoned en oar Caribban pottcy. ~Dnnpia the Near Deal dean roeting oa eltieen ac aauteer eaigbh, nuAdn daing the decade a tde Dapn ad the scan mf the Scoend World War affaedadoaImpt cm tar the Uited Santo a erop rcie policiet at pediencyaedietaaatglameetye-anh co agaIt tiaCarihbean hat heten onaey o aind ten Fbale ii mameiraty teem awe dmentep and a bedlam at dapon. Thorncdeothdasttnuwandne-hlf retes tiaae typear mace uaplaenatman alter aeothee ban been applied to the region Datde arate has tee taken innoi am, Fat utolad amac hate bean takeno att, and eoday the peopt.of the Carbo acm prmabably ary 11ttdm boier oft ecnnomaically, and pacnibly very litle happer, than wm their forebears in praraiaus etieteet That, prahcea tiae canted chiefly in degtee radar tiam in rnue. Ta uneatand] tiara pralems a heild aenalysis may he heelpfual. mend thraigemat the crnoy, nd ca tane and adratr indeed long and lteteingly am toe, imoaetite, neigiat to the arda. On the seppoeiaon dint Cnba w"n the "akey to the tinla" and elat e aarby blonde o mereneary an nin peaca taety, and pamaoiy ete ef car aspdeno met orat ere menaby. aad Cmnmenaheeaaeyoke aad noateomtecam aherc at bentocaing at 6h node af thet Cntihbha Wie bl"netnaI at a Cad-gie rdttaiiu The mar winth SpaIn bnnh eaeaeiatnanlaetr ofneiaesalan1,togthedaarea. Atea teaelte aalentnt Pareto Rica o inn18fr59 ma otllomed by dae temeing at the floatt Amednt upon Coba, by the onceral ato Paamaminericae tar beCaryl, b the ya e la i fft he te mter, m at ie, Dateamnd enin Repeblcandby ieteningatMantotn laee Nicaragcaa and lter, ino ad.Ter tepe im bought dome spam dt Catted Statens jetd an srdnrad 6, tin ftn Latde Amaee enn. tint dtei did ra leaId us to ro mdifs Bi ethd' of Yankee Inl lee, Doelar Diipmacy and dae R~ Stck pulicy ti the decade atoe neeatinfr i n la a tiene the Mmwneet ettla I. lahrgely triected to Nec Coribbeo tdarn, enperto in dhe notd ofPrenidam Cenlidge, ht tic tend had ecte tam deeDdNithettcd batefbreaothing ranter with reard e nssne rbteam pocy Denpites e Neart Deal arunse tm in ro f1tean at he e er sI h ae d e tftiana en ne, and the gena of te Serana World Wa attee miiattin( e a tar dt Uteited State, to ].,le nea poiiea tto n pedenyaderaeg a acenity .th p ,rleagiatt1-tbe- e hwthbeatnemarnand em- wn a Nticeimn ra n, efeont haote andm ae miaroe a d eenbuitimwcual rf deTata drngdo aan t te anthl etae n aea caveran aoalthtoa nalter Wan hd ry~fb has bear applied te ttie regfa LW unye b pakdtith o oda n o ho e lahet aknti1 and taday daa iaeepl l dfite Cntibbcnn ne probably ary tlde helte o t eeaomitll and pasaibly arty little hopper, ttan ara te toebenen Itm prion rneeie That, praoblemia h ave changed chiefly indge eade tiamn eaeny.. Toindecland dater p mbltma a brifef analytic may br hipteL  ni The Caribbean at Mid-Century xvN The Caribbean at Mid-Century gel The Caribbean at Mid-Century III Caribebean no tte prohlemt are rested ire the facts ef ralatl abnleni Isnatimr and in regional geegeaphy The thirtee Catibbetan thse s mae. insdsting Metier, the ai t oefa Central Amreries, the thre oft athde Waet Indies, Irsets dina, and tie teen mtainland repsainof ete Colea. yand acsel, haveeatnures saa eat ienr t in tieC wean Stan , At first detntme tended to teptatemr, ha t it set lamg befnre it I eeas rkas Cenet olinks toea- er thmo e n i.Wti h ranee h etet0 Sessetirba hrenlrdy affected eseiagntnc a lehledt.tnden tee the eaginvet arte Trade Windt whicl e ve had a daided eat enlyst an ailing rie bee ryanu the heaths and seis i ne afot all thenstenbdeigathsnldtase lyinrg heieca of eteamleg tarrid heat In ncrus rgme svotrare arene ter , e all re i s r h eme seea n tha f req rc tsssrersc dhetleer a hr amteeoa anvrie, ded naarsetec n hahtl There ttf lie gin e n elent t eee a lret herby made peepple irrdnlant aate aghed the Hunts n suurplee. Tat thir eery een ec fie in leave remprdedi chleete pendigiary tent esat eatvd enkill then att in trn larger aumbee at Lasa fee three, uacr alter etse assso at Cot Kngt roIa the ectiethba casery a naere sertt wsimtprve ieing adinleta, m Lath u aran een sd esfither the area, raly brssghlsuaiatn reversa in partianh neand mana erm- eresdite adused nihereear. A seenanefa feod supply hat dele aaisely and bar t ailed at earths the. ianeing, fandnqec npaal n b fr.teHena and snientie prgsee and agriclrsa and anninee- leg ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~o devlteathneaeenerplleahepaientmar yInred Mereo ireectice bledabd elsiva urlet ep at herese cesseariy advsaii sc coe u li pec a v and r w medihle t~e her helped at ele liette sand-&d. atteedethmIbth tsenhave comeewage neasentatd the c dt ofing busa t. tr, en s r that ftw pevpin are as ass1 5ff at III Ceaheban ercn ie pareisn ar rnd in she tarn en Neaive gblel leetia and it regineal tgraemhy Tint thireen Caribban ccr inding Meeee, the rit tenser at Central Antac, she sheen temaMn th e Wet rnt, Psae h~e, tand the tre naland teerblira ef Ctenhin ad Veneesls haven a unman water see- cdtninrtha Ca-bbean tea. Ar fiat thin facor traded to repseare then, let it at not long betrme in lenra a ceectn tes betwran theo a. Within the sees reeves th WndatCl S wrsthish heet refoasdl affecte naiat, whil se blC eaeet tee the neiec nar the Trada Wind, ohic hbane had a decided ouitafen~ asoly ec sniling sheips h ut brapn the healt and snial Thaseghanst A the veait heedering en th 1nae ten s arsa acee eo of suaImd ena heen1oe irn ratm, atoless- myhe rg a l ecetiemg tl ofbr ff wno hd teed les Icman, regicrd un o r and enryrehee tapisa sonn o m h ite ceinley mar sasha enaeldyi ly. Ne paes it of iran tin ciai inflrance, alreaye itm he eteca mIneana en versedv , slnbiaoen aheslthWfel, Tinnet e lnin i analane ctrenlu emnat ham made papia Thn the of~ envirgaancryct peolen leu eedredeetle c In i n , b oth tr hebit m an tde rl t he se, gr d al rtah hesa, entras in hprave mae sdho aevr c nowding radea ebe r umn. A ae pifu fen eyy a pd ine re at l a d aied to ro til them si in enen o rlimusn-u eeecsa inort tlrede. np Hea th te r rd at en pr gr te m, ad ag trals a d enti ee1 tagmd avely e hecd eabled nts eoplen karpi arive forese ynar. More icrnine lad sela hoer has ecant teeesary and, arist in crepe e a edible type ats helped mn ese living sh, ih omtinMers wg nrae n ihti e mBren t of liig ei, toh theey itreew peple te as evel off an hefoe III Carilean ereiei prables see rented in the gats ef meide glal lueshe and inregaional geography. inc thirteen Cutile rneine, i dianng Menine, the ti ofaene Crctea Aerics, the thes"dae nstrs f the Watt Indict Paeem hier, end the tree cenld repabien at Colteti sand Verstsel5 have a eneeatnt see- eeIecir the Caribbean Sea, At fiat at fastenrded to reptata then, lent it wan eeltog Enue in became a aernacting link hctesne them all. Within the ae naves the mieetat Calff S-re eunih hrat prefonnly mtal navignltme whlile blowing ner the egine see the Trade Windsr whiche have had a decidedl nelmc t oly on railig ships but npwaetsie health and mrcial aotsiie of iso peopler. Thsstltee alD the ernetries baneringy en tt inland aene sersrf raid on senptatal chisae asell at low- lyog regiora ret rmng trial hers[ Ire mae regir- vaIece- an atve, in allentie eardeqkes net atreqet and eeryrehere o rpical arae ref hathsee eniseiay ea srihe eaeetdly Nemo peasac it fon rdashm hmn esmarnteioe., The earn at goeingl t' aebn ebanelnr elinsle has made penpin indaleel and ttneethened ane HManor eseplee. In ti easy trvitant peopinlehave apedncd tishele prodiginay bras etat nried to kill then nif in even Iarger cenbe rt, at nst fee te ceeletirt al the arrival ef Coieeahne. In ahe teeectith centaey, naerad atap oimsprove Me'vg coedosma,, both fron aspthin ad ithout she tert, gradually brought shone a rtaeta in pepeatinre taede sand tee crwding nedeced elt eser A ce plenitel fend suplys ha declirad rnisvely and has fniled mn atoi the incressing fatniinq "- neauy in the stareds He.alt ntd eAtbtdy. peegem, and ngricsleel sand raginree- ing develepret bane enabled nose pespl it,, kepliere rre yess Mare imncine tend umnltvtithueahas becoeto ascny and variatin in trap of anfihst, tyhsnbaa helped mnrmu. listng santiards Bint withe thir het emet have ma range inenan d the eae of living Ins mnie, to that tees purlele eam t et aft hefst,.  zrruaumui xvii zxncovm XVII ixusumuw XVII Feecta tho Caribbeate Sea teat almost a holaded beldy afed w attagapbiealeet deamy whieh tastcodentyfortthe. aenteote at ceiite Bat witth dt attaing of te Patema Cattalthae egiasn saddeedy feunad itedf in the path eC the teace af thettasd. Tosenetdttaiaygae tthe eoasaetettereat it the yes of Easepet tAplet, aed it helped ta gito t the ,ppt afthde Ceedbeheat teds a rte-t encept of the -orid baa- peeasnee. Ceetainty it mae te peeptn of the Uneited States vew the acetwith getcee t, antdtaatad e Iiiettttistttook yptott ntist the air funeds Cn get-tda-saica tteepsitet In thts they tone . etagd by Casibtrae politihal daeta, wche, hefor they atrc suatitaed to ocehetot rotiedo aentutae their taeesit eeteai ad teioal Two ord tacia ed to etylet the eateatcoaarcuourfatthetettfinanceialhe"fit, nThe decete ottf naaal ewttte arybealviobhaotaogt metand tate at eene, 'teitial" aeea Ces the Utnited States at tee hate ma-ac in ttaptmea t at awateld peewer. The Caribbean mt isct.s teseet dote for the Umntd States thatengh objet pat Cmabwet prceantd Unitedf Ststne teaty, ted taecieta e.e the sta has betsamc laadtd et Vetbee hle.etanted teejeidaea teth saeciat chute> This easseet Ceatm the rcd teas Chat ettetd, detetatitd, ted di- mdeed by the'tBig Stiok" patty ted "Cetta Diplotacep ted by dae aesadlg of Vetted Stetet Marctees tm poet the tot United Staeoitatiatcattaeetahtsres6oietesregitneand to teat he pwacl haew a he basst it thent polticael etecdta ted hat, e te ahei testble gattaettea> hjetne muh Nf the Caihite to beetme tfmastt bted by ttted Scate himnes ta o e taeabaeta nattgfatn dollar I.dtatitgawethtatteapttt- Maty of Itteeagticeetaa peada af the Caeitahet am. teat origineally imtomed fore the atrids. Iseladed aetotee them se aega, baatasiety,cefeete e etlendtee Seneefee eieeats hate hean egteid ted It a fees aote naraty edeattett. But wetdy the tetate .1 the Selma World Wba tad the ehmma of a thisd, tate attmpe hate hot oade ta add tee "ateaegia" asat basamicenet ate list. Fee aettaties the Casibbets Sea oat bt itetatadted beedy ofttawe, a Vegeaphteatdtedesamgtwhelhtwas raelrodonytforda peepaem of -attetite. aent wieth thes ope.I.,ofc the Pate-a Catat dW legiats rubd y Cfoued itelfI int tht path of the tadae te woted. T a c -etttta this gza thett eto ,wo hieat intee fEtampea- peopte, and it htdptotagteetothe peaple ti the Caribhean Inods e teew etectt at thena wecld Ias- peasce. Cateedy it the peetet ef doe Ueited Smmte vew the areateih tesat eian~d itaedttoutteittietest t c eppetmatttietoaieto theit feeds ha getecaiehyi enteepatats. In this they tre eteo -,sd by Carihbeas ptliathe aetete, the, hemto they ate attssited at aecehatee, heped to etetetan thety tastes it t an d sacial sued teork, tand ot teptat the na l¢ Cesrtheic otiasittfatsefit The deteltytat el rcatt meatct tepteitty A,] Cas hettught sadden psattoetty to Veceteea ted Metcec The legion hat ho- ce entsetde andn ta eetestia etnattty ta Cat the tesihad States aus tee have gratwn is hmattae atamatd petate. The Catihhb a o a e as elaemi dote fer the United State thraugh which pat Chairmaot peodantd teitd State teen, mmte, ted tetadeet, utt the tr o habe,-,t iloaked teith Vatbo hetitee Oc ed lrecheiitet th specal abut. Thie -deste the tooth eta fiat eteetlecd, detemined. and di- eeted by the "aig St' policy ted 'Thitar Diploaay" ted by die setnding of iitcd States Macie t Vtec the ete Uniond States itdai eattm takin tientheeeieeand tteahate peaple how t he hoeet in the Oltta deeettes. tand hate to oee thta, testble goanssoct mete mach ethde Casibbhea tea bertt tAttteitned" by United States mesiles te wtho tseeteatahtectsuiniegtfttt dallae inedetrgadaeeseapt gtt. esotad anerattateteedieatte Maty at the uncutlturat pradutt of the Catibbean tot tee etiialt-itodcc Cataba etadn Included tatng !hoe tee aira, baeaas, rie, ceffee, tebezce cntt, ted scabbys. Samfew stisetl ar boas eaptd ad itna Ret etats tasty esasted Bettaith tteeeasigsofhith, te emd Wdd a dthfhe ie tefa shied, taste attemepte bate byeents made at add noo "atategia" ate peedat te alti list. Fee cetae da Caibeee Sea tet elmat a aedltebed Cody at w.t.. a.ggtraleicto -e1 de ., wehich teas mnted telt far e paspac cf e'qtnitedet. Bat whob the tot.ia of the Panamat Casal the regin addrnty Ceotnd lief in the path' af dt trade Of theeod o mti aebeewuis nOeyesaN Eacapete petptead itbhelpdtetitrantotthe ,compe at the Caribhean ands a new at c y uo theis wetdd itt- pmyac. Cceafsy itsmade the peopte of the Uioed States clew the area withl i aer antetetd it eatasedest capitatls to teet cppetiett toot dthi foads In getca4odchd eepetet It Mels dey tes .t...raged by Casibbota patideal dietatea. weho, beftt they were aawaead or tbtae, hied at r~ uvgatte thicasteI ittestsieand tedtoadwaee dto cdteet titth nattal temoes eeforthe, in feointncialhfth The deeelettnet ofCr s ael etatemeaepcallfeoilhashtbaoht sudden psayonityta Vreeeand sMaet The oegiet hat he- eeo saretd mae at -meaila aratettett aea far the rnatte States as te hate goee i. impemnmaon ataword patter. The Caribhean -tt teat at eatmi dal fee the United St as thoungh tehieh pam Caeihet psedce ted ratted States toe eteacy td othiete, actt the tea has betane Iteedel ebb Yatkee heens tot ntd ttechnieiaesaied' specitl shile. This easees fsti at teeth was Chat -numteer, deteaeeied, and di- reted by the "Big Sailkt poiy teed tltla Dipldacay' ted by the wodisg NC Unteae States Manotes t pmete the tot' LUtedl Smite iedmdeial eatte skhing mot it the etion andt it the pople deme to he haset Is ther oltiitd deetieau ted boo toe te eit testable ewe-wietcs. tafee mn' ad dt Catleheao tot became "Amteitaedt by' Ited Stte heesitem. btae tee tt abmo taming a Cat de lmeIn deat it th a-iameepe gee-s n nmdw it woMan of the age-italat phdeecteofCtdo Cartebeat tot toe tedially ittadaced CLaent taotide. schtdedl amongt them to eagar, btte-, -~ee,ttcfe,tbace, cettetqtatdstthht. Soefewe stnels bate h®c -eeTIted and it. a- Ceeatsy taly eehoatd. But wtith the cawag of the Second World Wer aed the abteat oft thiud, cal aetmpta hate bet reade t add toew "eategie" ate aetetat at this list.  xvii The Careanm at MidCaaqr xvti The Caibbean at MidCnuy xvili The Caribean at MidCentur Trade saidai te cegiest un Image, ormhtdioaed tat trade whh eatide aea, laeed, with the United Staes, wahlch applies chiefly snaecueed gooefs while tteninda lea psed at, and fond- sstfr Vasiat Unsitnd Sa sntratumi ewa aes have gaind eanyag mntstl i t ae whlie tames ennapete fe the tsin teade In etay of the nasete mete entapaeotit by highway and mlcad israest asenn and huneedas, at, ceea attyattihi, nd that deetnytent of ratiosal ecnomtsic life in castaa hat been satNedd. n tnealnweathahas he.tdeelpdinaCarihea ctaniet bt no, withttjtatitaateewcainm nead cetpten tasatlap- aeatata A seat age oft etaifet Ietise" farte t United States tas amtled. Tihe Catibbean u nati sc ewt that their stry ettatae depend, san that whim, af the great seigbMe tat that rush wahidividiag andeeonqueing me.tne by ateewithet- iptessnees and danatns,. it litant otaen these. tsaee Ien, an anle thmat they an stat get at-,t lidtse with iitd States' ate 'itea United Staten mak-et and tethagy. Ia sne intsac, gaveestnn hamd taen tuatble tat pt rosin own linaneitia tatnd- in nee, and rms ass high, pabtie tinds ame maatsnt, and theesat afflyitg isttttantng. raenttlas, ciefly tenrt that United State, am tianl watted ha grnaft dad in eeadng the nw oi the dictates in pates, white rsch leamt dealtt chiaefly in seceasitng the public debt, which in maay ea tajs hn often been ret emacd avent a c nobenienor canws, e a t a.pea e ager ao ewesteag the e-t-.e m tttsita medialt end ea boseeow snst hed naide sanee. A fete, with goe nin adt rif-reliencq a ne taly hegasn in tea on theis etenatic Weetraps. ardeanly is this tse is Pbrm Rita. In anst tithe emnsaees labate penbtena tam eietuatly insotubte. Alateet eseywehee tatter is expltaited by etptentiat, anupressien, and deptesa Indian ate degt tnhnnes oa both ate threnughitut the Onetteta, with the widie mtan in mest ctaslise casnngthe taandeptwiedtewactec. Labeeaiesistarny ofte d ete da fGl d ieoepse, and each labatesunt took. tat teetrmedi and bis faemity an hest he can. Interiotrty weedot attth goverementn at the ac are caustang tnhnsbe mconceaed withteatwefare, andlattt evnt'agty sheutf heustle team his sew inttet. Trade saithin fine cens in tagety suheedinated] ba lide with ausaie aeean, espeejatty with the United State, which snopthe. chirl manufactureed etamad while meriting rawe products and fnd- atssfa Vearitan ratted States staaitip carapanies hays gained cacytag wtnnpotie tat 'the aren, whie ani lite, enw te toe the tatasa tade'. in any at the enati itdc anepeetattm by highway nd eacicud it aften naneeneniat and haandenq a, te ntpsdh, nd tine denenant at natietnl eeattsttei lift in cfrenesce has ben retaded. TbeM attetotpe frm the Old Wrld whichtfordorttythid phitetoph madthoe feelngofeonew a stonctiyfer pneand [-edom wnee ea by alt tiM tAtmemen repototic et the bauit of tht commtoet whreienc to itd thej booioat indep vennce nt h ha a wa of oepe. ha trteotperied th of einreee peltey it the 190 x'. Wote desojead ais o mmaintain a oetitical mntow, to come: e bolc hoid oceanic hatice to Iodaite yu common leenheee a om, t, at i ht m an "Ta m8 Old Wattti"t thatappotedto e aderga'ii it, det agoen. he'oat n the post ef to emo dalr ooais o toie n i n-Aaetia tytro No reto potiroot esnotoo f tha pootroa ouitt that the tong- racy ice, eieotoeihnr ear Htdnte thiet th e Aoetiet 00oc deooe, to the 193 OM .caativof el byaanoe ttsrtadud cooed as annoigeNelnus"ohe hmloacthby aneyeo-Art'etca belligerent eatoot" Dot he' twer et the Adrentic rontnoes to hunar the ro t0 of ik ten lor ot at they bad, a ttsnoand yath N r ehrattier, cnneto to lp die rb of Britric despite do ecrtme of ing GOtto... Shoo , e the tratoshipe atd ecatoatet enlo the New Wo-t that w~rr ean the t to do battle in the .MeOld- In ir retra to . tie r nf oatriaking art, tho dfeetoc of tire hii Huh ofoNomnywawwoblsdM dseft m frenta bhete fNsna nt Today tihe defentoel h toiolri her poets paaiti,fu It Bertic, to Vie, Ia to . Near Font,i Southttsti aadove ddefoef Ktrer. This ithde gret ro oeit tho, porion of H eteophn dlar thaat tro tahee. pac t'n t he I9t'.Mote direa cenoe after taog deovo'red himoelf of her idte boorot that he mtr eFh "called tetNewewnWorltdito etitenreo tedteretesatbacofdteetod"- tw, here in thio "New World," the tweds of a new heginninig. It iatatot iocreditble to refrect shrt only flart. years ago the Setate of the United State wccod a peoponlot ht we join we plwotetot oinal Coont ofJ-tc, oititiiorwhich oo orda teerticipate fevdno i oteeir'like pshilosophy rf dealieg wthd totobterro, te tithou by~ ~ ~ ~~ ~~o tsecjbeterco dienrttNtrfdiNeseaotetA of t 937 , todito ir fleepee hoef Sta . tiatiodo tooni fetdasel by tir te otooge-o, dirait tr of the aite tootrcn "FIe.pof War 1939tts" in detodibeie N cavtest world errftagnt lhes ottf stope frolnt ie Old World wnoirt todoroy ohio p iltopyond the, feeliegof aoeewo'o poeoeeyfrrp anod rdof torte tared by all tre Ameti tepobtie e the hnew of thi conmn ceioe in litg their d thotei oliticat seedto ofr, nee th Thtewaeati ooidedthbanreoeo no poulc it the tOen. We woee deleeoired wAto 'anofhaei a po1litier iotolaeiou to tecoe mosne hehinded oceanic eattn eeks'at isdahfr Odthat aorpeared to h e Oreegrn its, death aoeny. That tew wat he otpet of ro ntt orio in te inot'rneicao eseot No ons-c Vego r"m an yao.. mof s hat poret in tt ott, tha etoga' twry ylteI artoiberu rirroilettiphof wheth the Ammwdea ea decte, it dose tots "Dooisoo t~to, odro at ararder toctodiog "any hostle art by any on-ociloan hear the traffic of eotlost at they had, a ditotandt ad yeart e .te, cotoiod to t ap the ceat of toiatidn it h gestate e1 Kin Catrde toe it oat the wmeatiior rowd ooiotdrae of die Nra' Wottd t orn ,t ceo terta t o do batt,le it tea ld n def. In the realitiea ora dtiiog etl. tWeo rtetet ei the tednhemtowo e tabidied heymd the Ptratta he o on H m Vthe, heare~te of Natsortay 'ansdy the deretw dr fof the lltasee it beieg puneeded podd te on itdran, it Viett, t doe Near otua in Soot Air, and ot Nth icid' rf Xrma, Thi itthe greao erosew tadonothbtpotitionsofffethphrcfar that hot taken ptar asMe th anil'. ordr a ceetoe aftoer Cacoice deWord himoe ofro his idt, hestt dat he had "rilled the 1e- Wootdinoa ede Ie rds-t the halan¢c of the oldtOd"- troo he it tin "New World" the weeds of anew l herictr It ieslI.-1thaedhte to roleet that only fil-e yaee ago the Secato of the Utetid Stlawt ojnotd a proposal that tu oo, ithe Intetoa' inrtl Cotet of Jottirr ata tettidr wtehie today we partipae in as if it cyererrhroettatttdding Intheod. Arrothrtere- idtoofthe eattch-ihe philotophy of dealing with pobtetn hyee -gtling theoteoatthe etdoct of tMe'taoty Art eo s F92Even woithiithde Department of State this ateitede croci feeted itself by the ow thuths, the trot soar of tho riteotirn "Eutoptat War-O39" in detreiing the g..nen neord rediagra- ^-Tt sense or tecpe freon the Old World wehieth toerlay duo peitothy and she frcliognof atrorirtoitofeor petee aod feettoo ccr sthaed by rlt tbe Amo nt repobtict on the hotit of dit eomon totrodece to gainiog their political iodepetrdectm of Etrope That woe what prodded doe bas of onoiyi e19y ewr echWI atar etoetr inotrlly, to ercoom rocttrwo behind eeeanis hae, to icta ace n em ett mtroiphtte ar-w ronagiet trtm an'"Old Wrd" that apperred to be teargoing itt death agony That evsra the pmnpom of tat motr attociaioin the ieene- wtran tyteo.- No "tre poigoac wyohol of dirt prtre I cett w dorte hotti' vry line rftoetoiig en, sioephyreto hi the Aroetioro vatodrlatsd, ind thet1S'Declaatiot Pasaours," shoutd tored at a haeieoirdlyisrdlg 'any Itnole ret by wayon-.Ameicao belligeret rols." tat the emeet ef doe Attantc coetieed tn berrtbetrafnfierr;jfosta, ieybhad, athousadyearsteatin,, condoe tooapptheoattfBtin dettpite the gwe'ef ing Cocate Seen it tea ir otatohpo rod warpanes rf the No Word irt wree cosestg the eat to de battle in the Old. In def- eme o the atin of a shrintking eand, the delneac rf the Iteadepote mvar not e tbtidid eod doW the Prtee . lie o the hearlen of Norrisdy Todry the defene. no the Iletiphet it ben, potoed ponidoely ivnett, to Vina , in the Near Fact, in Sooth Adae and den the fields ofKSher Thhs it the garea tevotutien in the potidet at ttenitotrre o fae Eitt hot trkeo pall tine r 19fs. Mote than as rentty after Caoing doeed Inotril ot hit idte boat dirt ire Irad "called doeNew Wortd ine eteeoe be sedmo the Islnrdine ftecIII-  4 The Caribean at Mid-Caeuy 4 The Caribbn at Mid-Centuy 4 lTharibean at Mid-Centuqy ore than a ,,ntry later teNow World finnly haa in fct, undertekenin toooo don burden nf redesng that bameoe. The old European balnson of power oo, in one sense, the major calty of World War 11l, be-ne before0 no whets thne Otrana Emrpire kssocrid at don gote of Vio, did onar v11- ratan fare soch at appaliag prtpecta n o nrotd it in the aftenotltlbm of the tear. WesternEroat eopaiyprten before a monacothat eoded thn ea of fHitle ws is gang, againot wlhliln toe had jtot fought Th, e mighty RsIsi etopte wthd ito teaditional impesialistic o arbitimtno tas tote nd the hander ofa enthian ol igarchseay bent en eastitundg its on nhrledtoitl for the las; free tootdo world aroond. That otarahy qawa-y n horerd nd wlced ioe nain of oteoa Eumrpe it tare Feaste and Italy, It unos rkt rng te -nfpormed matted s of BthWl to ensoion What mbHitler bed fulled to do termtuno o tdoane hesofrapidac opltotntby tnteeta ennnattotrtatis, 0crthe poe00 n tssr to efotr eitter tohad hor pralteed so -rme Etrpe by rho elfct of the tar.nm m wy~a mom to- i hnimom.IJem;iseitOwn dos iko mdae fron o the firtlyra of fredoot Inn this Newo World of n. folea p l .t erwew n rl ldc ur ar eIptieu allies road ro nat a elmeo of oor etretgt In E- rhea iolated to by ome dcito adferseahn f oura ( st[te ilinwI n ow chice bat by don gume potimto at raeso the 0.orn I r ar wa us no lcnger ao freadly count. Thio world ho aino and foeara cmplete bind of isoationtha rot ino 'od i - tinnn a oen eonieooplted. Tiso power of woetot Eropo, 0 far omt being atou ide, wouold taw he obhlisad by the . auaster nf tbe Kanm i and diect aoaiso s Iot ins thi ding Ae vmoe a tbat the Non World tttoo in "to res the haanar of the old." Tody oeare in o. oytfe oheIslma a fdyof the affort to achieve this alto, and b the o nactki ot eieiatl hark ons the road o tie aurealia o of [ oreoo demcaw idas. heoearceI ntheidstfof aetaseuclethe etcfea wworld mo close tap thre Ieneltes in " nit, defrm, to[ rstemabe sit strength, ad toreuo its troote. m that a century late tha New World finally bern in fact, madorialo on osomo the Inrdian of sedmesn that balance. The old Eueoa balance al pence wa in ter, the major seadyof Wrm Woroll. Neerbefore .try oweowm doe OtteonTeatErpir oackod at the gate, of Veno, did roe f i. rodeo foot souls an appalling prosecm s cnfronted it In doe aftereato eof the tear. Weseprn Europe toy tempotaily prostrte before a menar el that eded the thret afLftter and ha gangE against tnhirch we hod just fought. The mifttty Eumn entpie oithd mt teoditiosal ismperialistic amobismoss ots tote in the honda of a tiuoigarchy hooton tabtitotiog itos o nidiled ad11 foe the lawsa of frc men the acrid atend. That oligarchy quickly sshrod and eteludtedlhntre feattea Erope;iit wed en tIan and Tomkoy and Oreece; it tatse foe stoorolin Featre and Italy in undeetook to toting doe stocosad tonion of Baia to eahoaion. What Blgie had foied to dn sootoed nowt ot thoebrick of rapid aaenmplitlntsnt by lnmatetioual Coemtoaos re the pooe nacs" to dffecle- ei.t- hod been pa klpod n o attr Europe by5 the effects of thr tear. Lietle scod to ttand in doc way of a qaick Cotomoot adoc to the, Atlantic One Sneigt Coesotoan stccd en the elapxon shor fenta as, the fature of frem la this New World of mmr werld ho norcadsu indred. For then oe wcorld he tesy isolated feeom otn captive al-e cod altrairmed element, of sn tar t gtft n Eumpte-isolated non by or deciulors and after the fasitost of an rhoi-, bat by doe gain pointed at or aroans the ocean (mwohat wasono Jonker a feoodly roast This woald ho, a sew ad for totor ronplre hind of itolotie than one tw old haol- tit bo ad eer n amtplated. The powee ofu wetr Eumeep, lo far fromthoingan artide,orldteawhbeoohdfeod by thr rtoeof thre nbiradieaatin. It teas in this dire emreceney that ole New World stepped in "to redres the, halance of the old.' Today we roe in the ery nmidst of the con to a-hi-e thi also, and therby to ret on aiilsaton bad onte mad mthe relafaoio of oootto dereaoi ideals. We ac in don midot of a Iee- sruggle cf the, ratio fre wtormI tn osetp the breaches in its drions, mo emaetble its stngth. and to resume ifs brokerss. m thanoaecny later the New World finally toss in fart, nndse het amum, doe burn of redreing that halltc The sld Cnorpo balance of poes un 1tSa noe the major casualty of World War II. eror before, nt ete when the Otteoan Ittopiro knocked at tho gasr of teens, did one edrili- ntr fac auch an appalMia pospect as eoied itimnthe afternath at the ear. Wester Europe toy ter1-ol prottente befor a menace that reaeeded she them, of dfiter and is gang, ,gino wahih cow had just fooght The mighty Runsian rempir tolth io teaditional imopetialist ie oitiotwnoe in the hands of aroties oligarchy ben sabsttatig its ow unbridled trill for the lows of fre en the otd aerand. That oligarchy qunitly onbrrtd andenaeddenadonaof eammsrEurepe;iiosawed on tenet and Ttrky and Gire, is tronenered far control in Frano and Italy; it aontak tobe iano the esoarted semor of Berlin to srherniet . What Hiitter hod faild to do seemeod tote on the brink of rapid acortoiheot by Interostional Crumn lt, u er dopow n seceoer no effee ait...ce had hero porolyced I aEmebm feso e inieoeto Etemo bysnd tha ef ets af h tree. o n; m -1 to the Autiaeo. Onncovie't Co mrusimttad oothe opaoie shore fron as the [autsm of feredeom in etisfla World of 50a0 werld be rpoeaiusindred. Fer tbeoteoldhobesslyslal ferm oar cuptire allie and the [apored elements of oar strentgth in Cotepe-iolamtd rot by ore deciion and aftor do, fochion of our tor uhoice bat by the los painted at onars s the ot50, fmrowhat coon o ager a n dly cost This wotld in a new and tar eor erplete bind of isolatin thanoem cs old jsosh' tioion hadrm errenetoplated . The powe of wees Europe, soffat oroaeneon seaids, orldac whbotohiiesby the erstr of the Kremlin nd&di-led ogaiso r mIt woot in this din emorgonoy dost the Nate Werld imppped ino "to erdt se by-re of the eld.'" Today tee as, in the eey midst of teeffort toaMa th' threy totrt orricatioo bac otte taitmthosroatim of o ota ncanneali idrl Wease the meiristof aher stoggteof thne a enf neortd to lose usp the harche it its defeoer to rassemble its aoength and to etoane ion progress.  ZNTR4MZdCAN REtATUEN 5 INTERAMESCAN RLAIUKS 5 INDR-AMERCAN RLATIONS S Lot so n te trens change in oue Ina-Ammoisn ein- tenn eeton 5050 is that toay dt defonso of onemmo Hetmisphere can no longer he sece~ed by taking penlee posisint offshore . It can to sred only by pouios self-aacrificing aetian on tMn front fles aceass the seo. in the deadly stragle of today- The passhsg of our isolation as aHemsphere ns ot n sitfid in a sose psfossso and -.-nnot fashion bys the othe pastici- potion of alt cus eonsassiss its huilding and doseloping toe United Xicns We boos at mennsise toat this hind of moai ,lon n0 Me davoneloo ona o eolotide bades as to eocns loans oaoioral anaecoyasad fisssatintoeossintthe thse fosthe aohseonto pte and Iteedest swalrt taco The soleofn ton elo sates too a ,mop bha been tee fien. isoridaensa to coonsmr tntinoothsUnited Natons. St of itossic fzeaeobt a.itnt iteo.Assect ot They trepssect ideal. thait hare been inosseedsa ndleosioc dsaihaseesfainedne detoa- 'root of oua soon sgnalm ooticsy. Ile batt icgotiietno toe toHwoipeee Itooever, is sht1temrr o ehr Icrnctelm~ ftetUnte ton, one. of thre snmaluee Atsina sites ploys, a ste solo toheer]soust ofalos,tonttfsayoah inis heeceste tttatlsIatn]sls hts seonsratnaosseonthesnmisynoftht ..n.e anof toe llniphcene cultoenano ithe-Anotimn syta Ma had 10 .spans h ntoaUnited Nion it is roeson eht bet toe Unted Nadosa hot had s derided inspect ~ ~ ~ ~ h enoewe-nesennsot hich has hoe c te a seisnal seganion odhi. to O anztion of t he Unite NationsChastee. The rhete ofdo Otonsaie of Attntian State, alraen op at Boeiin 1940, cleadslrefociniss doastMtl eaohis ofotto Uoied ations. Aithos l hi Osgtatis of Astteien Ctto ,,oIpooaaesntnnin awd eefptnt of[tto ete-notwan eskso whlih gnsibtaacintoatte lantcentsey s thanatsacquoired ai- Iree tompy by vietuo of toa soitnso of to itokd Notion. Again, dse imse tf doe onsisasnent has lost doisie. Lt one tepret: she great change in see ites-Anseranele- ten aes the l930, i thas today to defene of oar -o Thoasisperranong.., betsrned bytaingpasiee pssn .som.s Is eon to meesed oly by posite, a e-acxficbegaatio on toteont line aes the sca is dos deadly steogglo of today. The passin of one isolation as a emisphere has boon signified me ses psofndm and peonanent Lable.o by to netie potii- paio of all noe rnnties in buidding and theelapig the United Nations,. We hoe alt recognised thai side kind of osganiation at be deeeloped waneo doin, heio nsaoesos nte- ntional anaesohy and joain gterI mc-b nations tnewn fhapu c o ethebrn. he dosls she ochienonsrnt orf peace a od faredone ondo late. l The sol no to formsatoossfhe Uniedtast. They neis a~ hoifatnsha- amstnt ictee-Atoetsa eas. Tiey rees en ideotorht haeo keen ntoerd and cnpesienre that hoc bet w io in tde dreelop- ntetst otttonoen¢lletoity. Toe basic ol~dfimn for Usre Ilemihes mmanor, oef is rebat I am woeeed fis there If, 0rorcag th rolnoetheUiee Notsoso[ of ho I' ot Alr Ansies sts plays a pootile solo in s o[ rledd looyfitscalonoiesn lain, someoeth fc tleoa tot ratnonlio he it renotl baing on do e 'stonily of that esosy adof the Honlispoe. if sns insos-A. oirn thIot abad its mpavt on te itehd Niads, ila ialso loesa that the Unised Nadons. haslad a decidedl sual osaeerx-htsssc oftet tehich has berose a regional caneise ton Mheeh (ecr tenses of the United Notions aw Chaster . The eaesof th do-g],aso of Asseiranates¢e a .noi is n oenslh y e ths mbe desigein the euselnateristn of tbe United rNaciotons. m Aihoal thi Oaitio o errAteosian States ehiere g oes bet m nth e lass eoy it bha also eoqgmisd e dif- Age a .l y yvt fte- ry ftecx ho Uie arltes to opart of the onitoensent has been decisive. L's n rsh- t the genat tongs se weiotoAe-Asots cola- slots sic the )93'5Its bethot toay Use dsfof c our tSentbphooo ran no longo be setd by notng panies positions sfifhece. It scan e trased o n bye etitise, set-ssificin artist on ste teetmo eenls' tde set in. Us dalsegge of today If The peosig of oe iteotien as a Henispbose hasbeenasifed manoe soond and pe-nats hasome. by the active peetios paon all our cotales in hoiling end derelosn toe United Nmats We hare all orttgniod dthatk end sof olgniana mos be deseloped so a oeald-otide basi notoeestele- esti etoomy® on t ~cmmt oms and feseo odee lore- Tho sole of the Aensticnsatta a group has ben fae Srse inidenl in tse os sett st m erItedrntNass. Susceofitohold.form-sshee sdstmt ino-Amosiean sass They repenso ideals that have Moen mnstand and etpeece that bo ben gained be the develop- .en of sos oem r al eo rsaiy. t of e bsc sigdc ~ ~ hqhe h[Itaninve iti ere oeImn the tf.ishee soar ess, th Urea I Nins oe of the comalleeAm netet sin se plays a , potns m4l inte etnin of a Itoassl s , sy, Soueth Aiit in Moswn tbattodclofli e leas itseo.. eataloin eottsceteta counte andh of the OosteidsphsenM rn ans idlr-Ae cat aste e has hod its isaspat on tin Unosited Natdonsi is alI.As .o6 toe hte hseited ,Natlott has bad a ds ongsiato cithinenk oes.mwibuybcea 71, the ,fr sems of the. United Natisso Chate- TMo Bhootes if ise 46 esoi n of Asinsang Staes denn op at Unred ion 4, cteoy rect it its sltgs the staeesne of se United~ ~ ~ ~ ~y~ Naios AtoahhiOoniin of Ansosican States noic ob o osihec bts~ t tes f rtsyi has also ao aie A4i fernreioeltep iets o sh eisssceof heUnited Notions Again, the r ansct of the envimoosson has Iseondesie  6 The Carbean at lSdCflqry 6 Th Cariba at MidCetuy 6 The Cambea at Mi-Cwtrj One of the' hadcit fares, o hetical apprch to enr itteotioal affair, is she tuyit disipates f-t asts viee all the wreoi ta hadhe eia eof -Aweok aeerolontlyustthe pasteeste e te estt, tooece, cao elsy aeoid these rrfasios ~~~~~aO of dme attst effeie acttesteoaaalydoed uairst test foeign aid preerttes tot eturapte has bees ftse noed of oer own~ peope at heruse. Some pottsa htate raked wthy swe ohetald srendi psblie foods toe ctperatr teitho 500 distatt ooster mtoe rehatuiliatfoc of itt atordeaus toten than toots faund, eodd toefally aM added mtouse bing sped o farmo wfim outto hart Or a-hy sthould sue spend Ottr dollar for public health ft Oretce twhen tee hate public health nreds righet here at boe? The purte of tar Utufted Soes havo sowsn that thry tde- ..aed tehat ftse atteser to this is . ttaotatthsl if yost wttle yourself to'opais the sarf on your onr house twfele yorrigh- bors hoe ia on firte, yu teeny fiod yo bare no roof to repais. A mil-far agumerst Stat heo 1ar~tsttly adrarred segoodins the reada of our torighs hero n oar n Occefphosto The dire ucees of those neadt, its musty nasw, ts orostetable. The ater Aweiaetao atwoireo to to hy tradidesnal beoeds of i acy rod aoes coperotio. They ore eCllt tAscno antl e acknotttedgdastotdttalrsofblity tam cooperuf with tsemr long beoewasotoed any flil ki e cofe epaidtstet e petato utreuesco Who, thetrworo, y,& hewtd amtthe bilis of ass o4 res ding to redress the balance itt Ettop and eofer ath aed itr, towhat we spewe o cwotsonte to ster rhoed of o O ott tihhtoi the fosslhor Throotee r agait ft thuaesa in thm e s 55 000 . cu., ry. The xectdy of oa co as Resisper ogaict the leomfeg thrat o Rosnios aggrtessio itsteceay prmeoadido teh ralimcast wuihit ths letospheer, of sta aapfrutfewr for r beau~ life for scyose atcoaks b graie ear. totoa take tW thedor f ~e fr esword'. ther tedare o mwst to soles their owno probles by the rorioof thir owas re, stwill. I ft sf rea atouse a t- pastae to posror that free wilt dmms Is cooctte us the ssts- Ooe of She appalog feutures ef the hiatorlea approach totr otTonala affatro to tthc tay it tisipatos Crr ott vtew all the oonesofsce ettA etoeak clo esely us the and she toodiale fttate, hne--r, te caattntey avaid merroetf.niostt Owe of the mrs. effecr arfutteot roaaoalty ud-asod againtteo o.airoaid pmgoore,fmreoaopeethahemcthecwad ofd ou nte peope ut hem . Saine pm ass hse stoked why no dood aperd pohlf fr.d to roapeore wtot do m no doates trety en the rehabiitato of ito agdrfse wehest these-aot fstnd costld aseftally M ha s deto these befog sport snte acu wuihet ec o herder, Or ont shoold we speed osts delttr, tor public healdh is Greece wchoo ta hate puolic health oerd right here at home? The spe of rtse Unstied Stases hose showo that shop stndo ad chat doe. aweto thies sstatbfl if yao cofalka yoeaslf ta reedating the metf as your eow home while poor nteigh her's bosts ir en fire, yout tesr find you hoer o rof toopas A siato argumestt has Feo hottrey adearead regoesiog the sdt of oe ctg~m here to our stoemiseephere. Thu dire seeity of them needs, in mopy raso is reconteotble The other Areertecon stat are wtted tao hy eadiowmel hoe of ftf atey anud ce- acprss. The, amcu fat', Amaerfcouausd te nckotledged auto at repoosiiit torow htseatio witla theo loneg IIfI- we ausstsed ay fle dearer of responsihiey suith as- tpee towand ictseereo. Why terofor, shouelo ebilOs of dolla. toe ame speeding to redress thr balaso tt Emmost atod doe Near Foort be added, iwseaud, t echsre spTend en cooperh to toesme needs af m. roigjsttos it eHmeh~cm ,sw ste ise IefOnipe .na? The atye ofaoird Hueteuisthet agofosttelossmiyg threat of Rosttattayoetoi isose.wtty precowrds to doe roalisats, scisir ahleipee dfore patm tor a bette Onl the stereos.. f or Onean os ake thia c9stte lour. Whashuterake is m triden of shy tree ttoid. it de freedo of 'st ento mtts e eow ptoblesote bhdoestrefeof tholieow t tfretsill lt is ofreortkcmwtisk persooceto esteor etasseeeeolldoanto ceecect¢ wte su- Oneofa the appealing feotures of she historicl appetot to oar enectonas offies is she cay ft dissipates trm stt teeall the - o nnimta lu h daecwo s sn n mre etnooy as the ars nd the tootittst toem, hotevoar croesa ensiesy avoid thea cof ustios. Ore of doe mstn effree uegescesttoccauoratlyadeateced agrisertoIrigaid prgete, for eaorptehas benlbtce d of too owas pesole as home Some pesuots base asked shy me thould ttpecd pohllt fondsant copeoe io altor distant -mtly rn the tehabittioa ofts agrerbme wens those rear, finchsosald aeftslly ha added Setosem beling spest en fomrs ithoin our owto Irrdes. Or nhy, sthrsld wr opeod oats dollar far public healt int oe- whencwe haste pa h. health wed, right hrum at boats? The aple of doe fbi rd Stairs have ohotrn that they rotde- stmd no hatde rowe to to is. tsta orshol: id oe ostlie yanel to reiig teseof ttyoeontbaswhileyor eigh bao hoot is ore fete, yosstoay Clod yostav hot eoofn to repair. Asiotuaegeateestot has hae peiertly adranceed reguabig the wanots of ear reighes. here int sue em trot hrero The dire sesuestyfathseeoeedsirestyeaototsitrttthe Throthe, Atstrtin etates are undrd tr or by os tdortal hands of intimacy .addnlsreeoperato. Tlryrreuofeles Asoeriet, andsnw s keomlodged a tootttal reonsibility toe msoertoa r wis h deo ong before we gaweood user like degree of rspetbliy wsithe s apf~steutertesem vnas. Why,daero edotetd folas of dolas cc us sponlo tere the bhlen in Europe rod dot Near East he added, bread, to what toe speed en armpmeotio tomet the stood0 of ottr seighhar mo the lleoisph or? tThe acnwr aain s fthde tesain theut, of osre o ersowry. The stty of oa cote H-eoe asaist the loaning taac of Roat. aggrresoe its essary preroadi6w to the reairtise within the Ifeisphere of sa -sfiratom toe abtter We for cerytet T roe oaks skis waits clear. What i~ s stawke ta tic detosse o the freetworld isthfrtedofnemtstotsve their npoblesto by doe roserie tof theirsoec free will. 11tirof more trststdase mo- prteo tops 'r...tha free will doos to w the sotat-  IR-zAMERzAN RELATIENS 7NE-MEIA zRELATImONum7Srn~muanuux tna of the patemta, beanes withmsa that fe wiTl the peollemn ett ohcolie. Thu heft, of freeda doeend on the abilty to ucecriiceeo. It oddeonetaof muneighosinolo lm- sphere any goad, It the lotog nvoti the Ceited Stato diectd t thten the tece tn hot, appled etees ee oetfoaoone m leideltedee htad meed 1-,,e atm fete poet Pt- We amelmnthetotetbto. Coeeeqsortlteuhtofonshopte,- thelng We haste one ilseag perinds si Mattfeso Ostainy, Ie pueriacs IMn Big PSit. Data0 Diploaoy a Tuassia Pollcy. and no latosr o olicy. siemil, caode, Psitdrt Hasren a se- moe t'waoa poliy sas ptretiset shichn Fareli Di Raciessel put into seow aoe d, sod sold am the Coed of tiglihr rnoy Thes Inrpesrta adniiaaim a dhievto the Itert, the Cinde tighboe Polity, lost hata kmIeni stddi lin spirit. Thtee itsNle an opothy is- esed Iatiansra, As raset vocolngersaijoy tesaars eboladiha i Mols nsa dosing the adneicitlon of Franklin Di. Whlat ms slasald wmc poIcy Ia Lth Arcaee talt? I repfia clon is dinsalad. be dircted mntone the mat --mPlt poit,, taom cot, and elinyiagnieaen l i ltanieHtl i hdat can ho ded by diploay. an hsaveidi aethey dmer sp r reaneonoby mm, ean gat pokey. Isar m, lienitpem it e loot lie of delese, nd toubi. ii na deep nuainl inor hsh line bee n ny ogl ected. Tlira tar-oil fields of Eicrpe bare esmed  I8 Thaibbean at Mid-Centuy I8 The Caribben at Mid-Centuq 18 The Cribbean at MMd-Cuntary eemuch otse that we have aeenlethd the toot at home, cpot wLade An.ira ian adoeped and eceglent are fare eial indkita It itowtlyuncN anyaoter adonriticalma-, tran!,. OX the awoeveatta tiateda t almoi in 1949, eleven _copper. tngaenet chotico togn,tie, atatay, platint teery, iodine ndiroee nituetee and boate-an avlia in Latin b-,eeo. 6oIt addition, Ladin Amen-c tin peetiato ,an, Ofeen, odenffe. doug, wrond, an nn bhov moett., hidet andwoo!. The volnme of eou trade ecith1 Latin A aniu idiatoel by one too1, retin g eel af egunete Pan Jly 1 1 140, to July L, la45, noontiitay gooie ofth Cete State, COeew ponehotod of$,0g.Oli00 in co-otditi, om Lain Amtetiea eat of aorl of $4,387tt t0 epent foe raemteditiof theaonoe the world1 Since ta Igher wt ae ao than t-thitt tof eat meNnodite uin have tomem Latif Atneica The paputtt tof the UettedSatteUtacipehbtt 1970 mentding Itotladerno ptpuaon tonnda. Latin Aloting, tith a ptt fuopyowlle equal otr ten, will ta he, getewing heI~~~~~~tS.u my tttyeleteoht~nc paticularly if we ae able, by thle tight -nt of aeneone to mit latin Amoetoat otnd- anda of public healel to nntcM1et ourow Potentil ine~lay, poapdtieinlral moateoilt, and fond ate all bae in ne otwn HreMtipheot, fer the a nvira of at1 at m, if too hav eowdandthetwillt[ ethet. U~p taaete,aaittantel, we have aot thonoe an evideno of th amoten., Take the rato of Chile, one of many tacit lktocen April, pen,. and July, 1950, we spent oeor non billien dollrem, ndee tHe ar- ahani Phl to tae eton teanape fromt Comnenir. Meanwhile, wwhti-1w iLas Ek Ok n'-nn the Political Soitoc Qoaroely forte teptrahoc, 1950,Q myn: Since the foreettima of th, Chilean Popular Fetet in 1936, the Commtaita have played a etooll eel, in the polideal life of Cleile. Commtuojets have cnto dlm0 them dtha anywhleree elme in the Weetto emiephete to coneolnitg a halilana goveeneneo CIle peedoce capper and indlium aitrat in qanity-hello vital tteatekih masttoit She ht donet 30 pat cent of thes eoold't nomuch getoer tht e have oreeleted the ova at hen, oe he otto andah Ltai. iAteei-tin an umedeveloped and toyllen -w tee etontia l fah teajnysuaeo ayniegetdciialnanrwilt. Of the twelae motrtalt lied ta tmumeo, in 1943, eleve -aper, macgarta, obonio, tangoten, tie, ontioy, platiotte -,nno, iodine u neit emtc tand heaatit--aae avah in Lode Atcic. 1o additton,Lain Amelthtan de um te calnl, Iota oee fib-e, f ednd~tfn, dong, wnood, natumal rubee, meat tide, nod tool. The voleene tO ott teede wnihLatia A aue ca in tdicated by ant v,et moaitg letof fiothe: From July1, 1940,toJuly, 194, wneaoltay agenciesof the Uoited ette (hem ere m purchased $2,360,000,0tl0 in eatteeditie roem Lainh Attnica oat or a total nO $4,987,00,00lirne fon meraediie thalroughout the world. SittrM the oo, Inear than onethied nOfw am ee~aedine imports have cmeteerm 1,athnAmtiea The pepulatien tof oh, Bnitnd State will teach Ii, peak aheat 1970 plconding to atadeote of popatdet tmeia, Laden Acoeica, with a eeent pupdton equal to oto tent, woi nail! he gonig tI1970. Ioemay weltautnrothltRtiotn, pottfotlarly id etc able, ofby the eight tort of anoetece, e n mite Lade Amoficot atand- ado e public health to martch nt tam. Pote na indtn, population. fa atogikc mwateritl and find aft at ero n our own Ifeotiae n Oa tetedalatlof loen, if rae have thetndttandthenwill.ta-aethemU lptw ow. fomeaeatly, weethave notthownaneide ,oftnlacamtt. Take the rae of Chile, te e of wany, nath. IFtoteet April, 1940, and July, 1950, we npent aheat ten hillita dila an de heMe wha in heppening in Lotit Awica .Clebaie titni the Political Scitec Qweary Oar toptehrv, 1950,1,1 wrtn aye Since the finenation of the Chilean Popular eeom in 1936, e Comomunent hove played aeon1ia toe in the poliltcal life of Chile Commnet hove cn,e dote there thac neeht lm au the Wontet I~mtehete to co,.lII, a natitt goveeno. tokt preduces oppe and mdedae titratei qnantity-hl vitat stam ec teetal. She ha abhate 30 per cent of the ,eondn at meueh Crent or hte have oneelohd the en at home, cle tatntight, wLati. gunfre.a i an undeveloped and tecoit attn far ecotil tedooty. lin outnlyteuneeofnaoy.-,ftioad c ,llca- toelale. 0* the twelve maei l red at etetgic in 194, eleve -cepoe atognate che'mine, ter"te, de, attiottayplatinum, etny, ioe, oditum tilee, and hadilto awuolahie in Lain Aaeetc. In addition, Laden Atnerica alto produce all, iran ome, fihb, fodttlf, drugst, wnl, otoami enhhe ete, hides, and co!. The valam, of att trade with Latio Acettia to lediand by on vnetercaingtetnoffgaeee, lrom Julyl, 1940,to July 1, 1945, non -tttfey agenteieeof the Uited Stamn Goerentetpttrhatd $2,360,000,000 in ma frm orie mfrm Latin Attenc ot of a mal el $,t,f0,1 I e, foe, cemmeditr thtoghout tewrd Since te lana oe, mot than one-third ofo a- am menchandiat loepov have omea tee Latin ro oterica. The poplaIn of the Beiwed Slaten oill coach tea puak aheet 1970 acorin to nadtnr at raae trend,. Latin Anattdta, teoth a Pinonee ap loto wqtl toa onr own, tilt tal he aomn in , h0e0 itea welAega the Ranter, patia ttry if we are able, by th itgt toot ofatttntoaitLinAek ctd aedo of public health tematch attn. Potenl indlet, populatit oteein retoial, and feed at all hem n our oen elih ordftrthotoie aflloftn,ine have the ntl and the oill to non them Up ton coW mmaotdaey, wen hove not thott an erid,.-re oftc etee. Aoelad Take the cmi of Chilgo of many tacngt. doat nerer Aprill-40 and July, 1900,t we tspmt hde t ea billton dollan undte Mar- thnPltt to nve wnnwom Fenpe Owa, Cotoniw. Motoie what it oppofg in Lain Aae vt 9. Cele Blet, writiog in the Politianl S.Sii a Qoarlerly foar fmsepietber, 1950, mvye, Slote the formian at the Chileat Popular From in 1936, the Omnatacit have played ota l eel -, in the poitii life of Chile Cmtaita hee coa rioter thn then. anyohem nbcoa the Wettut liemityhoot to mota g a nana oveatte.L Chille peedetet tepr and adin esatrutm in quaotti-hath vtlt toatgic emeila. She has almaet S pen coot of te world'  HEfISPHmfuE ITI@1A1U2 NOW 19 NZMII INTEGRAIN NOW 19 uzMISPHER INRrIoNi NOW 19 coppeseserand pmedaceaproaianatelyf8pv aflnof the nitrogen come-d by the wosd in the cttyof saoiumntte booseloweof herimnports- to,owhotraoatdiplomaftic paie born towrard Chile? tRcerebly, rone of findly apatby-osr at ibartoard dhn rnt of Latin Aexesiem. Vet Chile, nilot nrw, like welh of the world, it suffering term the doteoisg gemt of inlotin Lite so hery ether coretm ino Latin Amerle, he rsocial roil it fetle for Coneoeat ifiltrftior, Maot on Crousigny pol crete be Cormed whenan steney aars isn artolt to rae usoieomimmillst Eril? Canwe not entiutly seon.dsttonr foraeotao to prenar ditas? The rponiile hoeado of tho CShan Stats ann meor of the reof Cotretter. The people, if iotomsd eane Ire reled ote tereettn Boe the Comnt atto o kilful- They rely en erct- erd disre ted art mericn tiffeesne ie help dem get theirkway. If we lee Ciles opts ino trttfosmoon trag ot awe negectfule,If then it is p re tlrt Cetmeiot weld lobe men thette. Cfhile rhnould therageeto wltdspernand nirtrt lotaby etno o l treaty, what teodhe the Ipo noorfleotoaenttrome? We moo rn rallot r aels .tr con'ofreedlbm yttrsh a deetto Weomosrt bid Cblteatd all tlo .Ammwrrs wetris to lro tor sot Cttte ~aso etill ces to hoat thet. We ned srgan from Csob, oil and tern one fir Veeroel, softeroe g cant in , tro ad frnotnt Boliia theMope,aed.and tifrost Mexic, bides and tom et s ret the Aoeeis or wdaioenm fromo Peru, and platitrom fro m Ceoloba In nrttdges, see aoy hove to ety o Lorisn Ama~re for rvbb5 M,, boop emeor hne on nor 9impto -Hw ueroet the fntsgeiooof this Heorsrhoe? To hegdn wish, wo sto hose o ifTet str m o mind. XWt Wes al, desite tresae non rcgefr it. The seel hue bermoe a disonli an arm le to fle in. There istape, aod per haps ewe hoppi- nesnod samrple fna the msl, in thin pmrepe regional alianc of the peeples ofthi Hletemr The uied Stowse roe itty opinion. being abort inRtgratin in hre ways: by diplront, ecu tni union, and military 0. fiancee Finr, by diplomtey: We esot arknsosrldgr the imetettnc of copper ssrwe, ated perde opprerimob, 8 percset of the niwogn -routend by the woorld ine the farm of mdiomiraste Ie viw of hnn iportanc o r what has on siploroti prrliy hero toerd hie? ile Ctray nt ri frienodly apathny-joot an ifs batoadhe ee of Latn me, Vher t Ch, sight nowe like mroch o f ctheond, is orffrng frts rh destroying germ o Wois etilien n-n mo oroty ote etetics in. Tori n Ameriet, hoe socia roil io fertile for Cteaosinfliteol in Mooto foreign policy rofy r foredmmited solo an etegnep area ixnou samtptl. oos usnofcomtmimoi nntPeN? Conanwrentotitootttsyaocmrnseler fforeign ofaire an naaerdrotr The resoibl heuds ofthe Chorus Stole amnoaea h m n of Cosonsfro The tropo it inormtted, mo he mred on mla oreto in. to thew Cotoonror alifeti. They eyom o w1cduiese and on amin caniorenee no hnep there get thneirwa. ilfnwele Chilolapeo o thio rough orrow eegectult~o~henttupttthltha~rtosndcmold lo ese nthe rots,. .If OC hitlonuld then og- ma to send her rper and neetnto amu by cot nteecil Iraty whet would hse thepoliey nnesnofieprtrg State? Wemros~trinaltotoaelv roe r ns-tdy &ssndilemroa Weeoohbud Chileoasadtall Ltio daeorri eanrie elerly en u. that Co -a-ntonia- roil roo m Wo nsedogar &® onubs, oil and ire mosfmmtoVw e elm atnad ugrnf®Blva ,neaean tinefom Menieo, hider and rformge fromr the AreI n e enar . nadiom from Paere, tod plotitnoe oadfrm Colembit. In reeeres maroy Ioooto etyoon Lao. mrn for rbber, her, eortao tog tile and qutedon. Honenon oneiropeoot t e interet tia of this ranni.phe To begio ith lwe wtoost hosew a diffeene f ta e . oo, We mneih hotnid drotre it, Meerr nwl require it. The wonrld has becree a datsu eming and grnt plane to live in. There is hope and peehopo men thrift ems and enarpte for lire nerld,mt this prmil regional ofitanon- of the perpler of theieeminpore Th :e Stoas eon, tom opisirn, btag saers intogrtion- in Nhe at by diplomacy, eosri utnn and miltary ol. Firol, by diplsmaroy: We noon nehnoncledg the amportance of copper raeex ted prodneon appemsnotoy S pen' rent of the toter oraned by the worid in Ito farm of wodiee aitmst. te view of her imtportance to o, wohot he our diplnteot: policy been wenrd Chile? dlegttthly oat ef frdly apathy-]ot s it ba swoed thr not rof Tist Arniv. set Chile, eight new, like mee of ithe world, io soffering (mms the deetoton eo of prolwaint. Lie so many rthos atero in In, Amone, tersoonl ,,t isfsrtile inCommuinisftrohtion Moot our ng, polity ny hr Coraed when so, ereegenry t i t an stumopt m soon mtfoliooothflent recit Can wennrtetntinouelysocndoetnoo foreinof atis Itt p-relet disans The rsponble heads of the Chiist Seats are tewar of the eof Commanisr. The people, if inforered, ease he retl on trremiclotthoomooirtore oilhl. They rclyene tmlo dimtre tad oe A prlean indffrence no help thoo get thei noy If now lee Cire lapse into roofosmtosmoruh ore ow negheoatstor, thNm it is possble that , edCnoooion, cold wke, ste throttle. IfChilershould thent.owe twld henotpporand Ii.or tomlora by comesrtei [mttwo esi he the poic nf ot uriltrprneoof Stare? Wenroe Bt1erel. lnomdr~see costsnmed by etch a diemma We tong bied Chile and oil Latin Amrooit wtostie so slnetly to or Wtha Conontoico mill moewto he oad. We - nstga from Cuba, oil and trot emrm a0noanr moffr feom Bent, tin and tangte front Boliva, rop R Inelan tin from Mstco, hidre and t cc Cretefm the Asngein, on.e nadiorm from Pent, and platoore fromo Calnomhia. It er cena, wes tny hone to rely er Latin ane for eubee hemp, cocoa, nong al, and gaimine Howegin plmn h ntga rs ti lT with, ea wi o aroot boon a diffeent otter of mind. We thoadd dease , heo e nt ri i. The world has becomea distubing and grim plte to lI e it. These i hepe, end perhapo even ortpi nenand eatepe Cost the wend a this proposed regitnof allonre rf the perpl of Ohio iien inhere T e anite flos coo ,ian mr opsst, brine oanoe inermo in three ways: by diplomacy vrn utiro, and military al- Fir by diploar r We moot nltnowledge the importasr of  20 The Caribban at Mi-Cnur 20 The Cauibbun at Mid-Cnhuy 20 The Caribban at Mid-Cnuy good relations hteeen doe Unitd Sta nd the other states nisisn ibis Hatieiphene. Thes Dleisiets of Latin Amerteat Affairs wsitia ear Depoontresm of Stom should he aroed in dignity and -ntourist in orgenioon t cpe with rhe dine-t prettesn no vital to alt the Amseica. * Oan diploac in Latin Amic mAnn tears the highest degtree of pernran re prntn inear .aic ca n in the pase nteteitoe, i y h b een disgracefutlly ponn. We hoe been reprodeted byten. - ae -nalfed to cavoy rat their anigmreeot often enable Is spea the Magsag of done esnae, to which dory have been accedisd. They ha- nantiite bee ehear. fone pedeat lie wholly hesacto- of wee fian entiio or at offc three fir ten political cvntrfhtire to on Iarty in petter Befor ter end if World War Hi they f o ftenit Iioiven foreign remte officer, eh-etd base anme, Latin Aneien eto gen it em net of the tray. They have ro ede beenlgetot and fatite rove. They have often heve nisplely Inching in doe cllat, petenro symnpashy, and understanding to ery ire or relotions woidh nneissepenpl erjsronfvormsaodniiton. On the elter hand, thc ebeenpras.tinrecens yea.,oandn-nhaveatby beenie rentednandoam eg ingeetndby m-efresh grotes dietncia and ennipe nn thei foveln notic. Itoveve, to ae, Jpim h reavnt aio eaein thit Hensiqobree o t swtetp she Emntooee and Leg ota in Lain Ametavon nhan of roofit and 1tOre diplonovy in Loden Anenlca eheuld he duadly directd to respect the natetnie i of cli ahe ttaten of titlemtr dhre Sot- ereegtsi non be respeted rely by sttic odhrenee to the policy of ta-eir rets, icolding dico cto ntrihgo. OnSe oek 14I, 1950, shere seve reportd tto saroples n United Slate Oneten Lim by toddig is distatly searated pe of e wened. One Unitd Suateras entey at Teen apsety preodAnd lacd efoen. Another e prhnty tyohe inMotealnn she An ria snwap of life anad denarved the third lotoon of Perde. troh of rhee neddling incidecla took place deving n- linal elecion' onoopli, of -.The intat affairs no de seooie toemi aar ase i h HeSiphobte ety he do ncr f cot on te plat if doMe Urlidd Stoto has doey teduld eoci be the artew ni interveetin. One g.rerlat hdesotn the Urobed Stae fad the ether eoe osth®fin bs letelphere 11e Djivision of Lzan Aeena Alffaires wied, or Depatteens of State should ha miscd in dignity and epanded in reftinton Irope wsith the diveine pcrktent so vt althe Avicae *t Om diploetacy in Latin Aesca re9ai~s the I ightont degreae n, f insaucn inbaseen dingrotrfstly seer . We s h o beer repeotente bymraen ocaliied to aney ens ot heir astigaeet.often enable to ryWn the ]oanbage of th o nseto which drep have been aeceeduid They heave atert bee ehone Omant piate iesho~y es oi ters ..ieancia l comrneote an a dvt titoe end tom ht Wldu ntb mm f~a npw'i ah eorldn o {o War II tioc overe n iniesiiee foreigi neeio of oa m ae m o treO e i mteso the wany.a They hoew amre to bcttn ignon t and futite tsn oepdy, aned redeettorimog0 ew enry in n rl inn oath osd eoulse frmLn iat rO ieemhad, tttne As horn Promno in recevt yenn, and tee have ab benrersntdtd amebein tOpct-d by mnii of dhe aaoca distinction and com llm ece in the foreign ae rvio lovr to accomsplish oar grat atsenin ibis oteniphe d swe munet menes rcp doe Eteaniet and Lisegaslan in Latin Amieo dlens of nifitsn nd tOn aoer~ diperacy tohads Atshei theald boe rigidly directd to atemipt se toreo al nl llthe taooof sir temsipltoe Sac- ereigny car beq enpoted cely by m teint dhrige ti the policy of atc,-m uu s- On Steenbr , 195.0dos0 there trere empetd sees enamepts of relited States ne Univted b meddlin in1 distantly eparatedpat of tht wcorld Ore Unite d Smmte teny at Teher openly smrAr -ndwyo oeaBan pk o ue dot A Borr aoy of tife end denoasred the Titird Poiti o Paw. e. Boohof thrme edngioeidentn ok plafedungea- lnlelectinn eamnlt a~ ~ ~~~I Th netsafir ide rregm aed w ereigoee of doited Itemiaphere ~ ~ N toyh.decrs rgrte b pet oi doe United e ehoold betmobeakdooooall tde harteitethoa .orltphcee to that ~ l~ tencat~hen tlbetlmateltenoecoent of gad sameng the etater of dote ffomtophet as thee nae as -ang the geoeon fth hope of woaid fret ecooemnte to t being canoed. On the rntoty, therce o oat ingtgitnal and itteen do proerence omenatent, eatob, uns,, ot ctac, enpemet qoa and voclfe. We shouold .e p epad anod ogee in thtis Hteosphee tongtastfaraaor e st of thetowradiberald.,gdonall theha tareontnm. 1,nfac, se totadl]adtnjteer epoonihtbt to nto peet loolo to long ateetaon are a paet of dt woaed ec.ontromdee. tpecificatty I epa that the United Stes, by hita-oca agreepeaeu xwt ts fnuo hi ~ tecoo n ne nrf tdjmonnt maboeihat pe nowtht tal of at leant pert ofdou Boetn do parrtao rot peaocteI and tonnotalty alt l r ho ecotlon Be Unte Stes oso meeaoi o aiffs on the ept1e t o f tan prdacto fromn tai Hfctaphcto and soote noncetion fo farher tte end of fitmisphe r inte00ioto We hacemade andrte makingottighttdetf coossalmett- toa ihoe Eutteo thentirphoe t ehe aoer ftowns.teia to dti Penitphc, too coo menegthon one bee fE of deform. Of tome, of themr podacta allt otmioco th ote owno. That os atmallpine to pay, par icnory sice itnwilleondt=ouracost of linng andin tho loogrnehold trottnapad oa eopoe tt the oi the o o1,ths femophom. Since lol7 -o hao ealtded Aegemnt beef from the United Statet. flit in one 0~mmplo omong ohor of oat itepl poety in the Arnootito, and alt o outstadtng foll0 in Oteetiphmeri policy- Whie w rertmnto 1o alloo Idnftemnthe Arsenal.cto tadtod one c na lort oar a giing biltiotn of doOlars wooaty to Great Beiarit, among other dtage, to ptarsa mot of hen beef f0mm doe Aetoetiete. The good ail whbich twe fee toe cno.t offed to hbay from the Adrra, at order to piacc nroatte miseAn England paeohaosns witm onsc- Thustttlatmthatoo teeds o 00cc approach tao eronotolo probtemao ol this Hlennin-om Wenotatleg togyhta a-o me for cottnonsutoae and nailbeing. Oar ohjer- oe shtoald ha to break dotoo all trdo barriert tio this HmThnre to that alnttytNentnwiltbe thesotteento ornnof g-d amngte etato of dti Hemisphere at dthe non it among doe gmoei. The bape or -oild fre ntootoeio it ot betoen tood. On toe mannoy, thre are ittonosng regonta tetd tnmaioa prefnrenro agoeemt mrntits mvchange contaely onpert Thoaw and tariffs. We shoudd be prepared andt .ag, in fhit Hertitphent toago asfar asdoe rst of theorled iobdeoaingdownoalltthehbee toofretc....... tnraoro,t-edtotd leadhen-,ppietbtobut wttettpotecomaooi ongomoreotrictontiapart ofthe .cords cona order. Specifiwaily f papa that the United Statac, by biteoral atrer- al wth ora ttaec of this lemttphero rod tough tareiff adtjustment, mahe pottftne thensateofaorltent paeo of de neitionre enotbta rat ,rdos and -..anaill of the toepton that ta oe am non The Uaited Stale mitre .,no tttfit on t~te impnt~ta tinof moo poersa rom it Hemispehcee atnd make nneooiost mo foethr the and nr Ileodopher inoogeatito. Wattage madoe and ore nooling ..beight dif.of oioetad td- tade nto e e Eatm Hiemisphere to atregcn no fecteei Eaeope lly ecocth~ of tariffs o0 r wtttot preducts from of dte ttHemiephoeeteen rngthnn our loot loe of dehont. Of tome of doom proa alwill compete with one eow. That ito.atattpried to pay padro.taeydor-ittwiltredccarnonrn of livingotdintthe e entt hod oaly epand ooee"Postre th, other sano, of this Htmitpbeer. Siro t927 toe hare eadecitdd Aegotloe Beef facethde United State.Thots is too trompl amen, othero of oa hoopt policy in the Aegeoete ood alt otf oattasng 1 holyi Hotatphoeir. policy. Whi ad .oeen ao p-enoc beed fain doo A re, to patect or catte grocnow ar yiihisttlos of dotat no sally to Oreat, amooto other og, mo purcoam rmost of her beta fr the Argentine. The good 5tti weicht oe fel -o oatrot afford to bosyfomm doe Argentine in order to pretst one cattle oan.,o Englasd parhaoenwithor aoney. Ths it in lain that ore nead a ow approach to toe eoaos probltems of Nhis Ofoottohre. a shedays ncgiat atm etitl ad at-erog. On pbc- w senhouldi heo ocadoew alltrede hatn indtniflrmthe o that, eecntaa terer witbe lhseatutmmoveonf gald among fth state of this Hemisphom at these noon it omong doe  gESnn WIOEGATUIN NOW 23 HlEMSHR ITEGRATEI NOW 23 HEMISHE ITbIATION NOW 23 stte of the United State. This wsitl aetnre nte toail¢sr v eed issiceedt; it stilt reeoiie tote .hen slats its the Btttrishse tscri arate Ithlceromn®=esasyti o~ a o natn..l- ion , ellth greerotest of Hrnssigphtric bneatwion ne shaled asit the irnatriaatie r Ltin Asseer theeee itam I Isnarr ceopaco that the capital of the tEcltpr-Imnpoes Batsk Gtr isaeao to that arem "il tottd etttepriste is thin ietni- sphete cn he temiseald and epad. flee again is indicated the need of as agency ni gotemt aSbc to approcte tam -alrl all, long-rarse staiottadlistterstaaedptit at totwhat rea enerpris ol t01t he titcoed c in this Ftemsispbere orctsee- The prpe,-d ain teocl enrsaictegeatien n the Pace or the United States eold help in sabitise dm - 1on of Latin Aentesico. lt nold helptm dueley theogusnalf latistandcttrh the rsadlat Cimmetoiantc wtorsld procidellar finetaclicles . aosnchip ofthe Aasosthomn nalmwreot~toty ie arWhere ne have foiled by foil-donre. oferenre, innoctacs Pt- fitiedo aistings elntanl inerchanges, and cortoi and misoa ten linancial and technrical aid we ran scoccod hy tsting the basic, esenir maaitess ffLatin Amoemiy at slight intedloto maaraad with th vcstsolleilmteshe UntcdSita. It mtightvelathehinioshetepltodbeyinth de eadistant UcA.,aI te mnyadbyn a st h h ao!hp of ord Wec itet Tbided: We musot nm orge he ster coeheif kind i nrBalitar allac foe the protectin ad ths cotantes m nr If ml eipteo Ro esolrr®o grfe gptllcyinhe Eassean Hestiepreieid anatcalaladatmsiiec, nrntilsonrtain ButalattIiti~od foocign policy itt Wec Westees ltessisphee re t aelWee enawst at rostpasatitel littl reet The nestoen of f World War St should he a ead, indein of arin e. ne ed for caina cl There is sIt ia to tinke actrih h ika ad aeM ero on. ol wua hitib catted in ar attespt to brigngcanr t Latin Antetea solidarity inthe ar against t;he ne. irtani actiy in Lati Asoscir madc this diroll i as s it later proved, isPapesble. At the coslrercciomnmrfelsted: states of thoe United State, Thin wrill requirem It noaciticete tested mmterstt; it will regre ste oather stle in the iemirphe t sacrifice tseo the maonatar, advanlagn a rleer oftenc o nlmbe h ttto sasral anit the isdmnioiatisn If Latin gamtia ohenvee it em ecstnitcnlly second. I htrhcr pop.,o foat he capital of the tEapoerttIpart Bank h increaed so tit conac enrad rn ensopis in thin Heel- ,hre, ran .e snistlated asdeepnndcd. Slee again is incted the need o1 an agency of goesneen able In apprais ear eo- oil, long-range naisal intettand psint I onlshtnncta ~~otenterpris ehecod tr stimuolated in his Heothphere as eheenkeer The p-esptd action tIn t econarie integeatis en the pas mrthe UnitediStaorsccold hitptestamiieshe eyesottyf tht Astries. It woueld htptnedetrtee g~ertno illtios anartarb therpradalof ccsonisa. Itneldpeaicte firessticnlctfrs a parhnhp sf the gcasoetia thsrgh a teat cnmsnity cof mWhere woe hovc foiled hy foil-dors caforertees, in.conts po- G tu enltahc insesohoocr, and ncetois and iscoct tetrinanaland tnirli~t of an cocceedy lyting the bai e aanrin prot ,s atine Amtaic cot slgh iscdiate ghtridale at halesstncineritrthbeUnited tate. H meight welt h e the iennlep leain g in the d'iant finon no a lUit WStte of the Ameaar s, coed Stod that mto t ararfi hope d hid]Oen fng We most large, the most osrpechnir kind of thnar alliance fee the protecton af the essntic of thi tictisphere. tKnenl fm coy morg police he The an Ientiphere, carrie whaeotalatoiime aetil onaeltait. Ssllcdcsipnta foreign poltyie ior the Weare Hescepheeteon achieve sneerer at eosepaicelylitsc I woalice- Te nee c ofr Wrd War i should be a nearl- Fnicttn of ra steed far acio while five is still lic so take adis PsI- Isoinag thr attack on Prtihabor, the Rio do Janeiro Csdntetee sar hady calle i n aarempt tsohrng ant Latin A acnetr ertidasity in te s'oe aganiosthIe nAxia. hreman viry in Lain iAmeia nde the dinrrelt, is ar.a it late provd, iseposihis. Artshe cirn Scoanm Wetlet stated: de of the United States. Thin hell reaire at to, mtaitie sce eetecd interest; nt will numme toc ether dtamn totshe Sttsiphete Insarfiescn of them tseaary adeaslage a on caeo atonl h-mndim Is she greee eet of Steeriphss insegrns see should atinst the indssstia~atiot oLatina Amer sehrer it nette roaecaty soand. I® Iother prp,,e Than the capital of the Enpast-rpars Barth of inarraed ta tt ecococoally awdaaisi hsHrh~ .L ~ mtd , tiedenoprie mIns inen,-e the ws , cats he a, ofmlnv andm v su a bl e a ainr is idcated all, Innmat natoal inest and paint str o ht cues ceteprac nahi be stiemosaed in this Heeisphere or elsewee The pmse-ed acto lotted concenie etgeni o the part of the unitd Shta eocod help on stabitireste ernete ef SIn iAmnrita Ita would help hs destey the gens I isflotin and -lbe thesNpreodniatnOneuas. toood psed ehatttocrlo fa ao pa sncrtipsfrthe Aetoroucgh a ralcttenotityslf mWhere wte have railed by fol-dree eseirrence , ug lnnosps- ten financial and tothtdal aid, en- r n nced hy totting the basic ecoeod Psreles of Latin Asmall-ca a light iscdiate saciice andtwithtmach eentuslbrclannsn he nited Sttet St might teed he the intial step loading in he distort Intcor to United Stse I theoAmeoica nheysd theas m ine-yhope of World Ganvstnne Thiede We, teat lorge the meat eereheseite kind eIllteao alnncfrrthe pation ofthaeoit m thsHteicphee Rensut loym sco foeign policy n the Fosters Hlemispohere, carried on at aosl taceIire addstl osceuin Rflt attaetp inote ftreig potlicy inr the Werten Ooesipheo can ashide, mneteus n osoaatel itles toeiiee. The e.,triner he Wettd W~a It shosid he aeleaeisAdirin ofrnrtnodtIarationehile theeis stilltimselmatae amimn.a- Inning the amuack anPe-Ittgarorthekiode JnranfCednc so ed ldm kptmlbrrs.Lah mna r lidarity in Th oar cgai et The Ads. Gesea actirity is Latin A~-icaade thcindifficolt;lin faros nliter prvedimnp asihle. Asite, restreacScnse Weln santed.  24 The Caibbun at MidCnuy 24 The Caribbinn at Mid-Century 24 The Caribbean at Mid-Century .te casity of thee hundred mtillions of people who inhabit sins Wssesm lceisphsee gad the ieepndeece of eac at the e ensss hens rcpeemd swil! he deteeejed by esheds the Aasuenie nadesn stand tehe in this hatm of peril, as shethee they stand apses hens es -ehesw thessse th United States Nay aed Was laspastttei had informted We~ss sasy is JIrmao, 194, hefsts ftse Oenfesac, that a declaration of sees be alt the Atuesta neations nert of wbidhee tstlally uespiared, weenld place the bnrdee of defend- ing the cde aec a fm Me Mesicas bonds, ts Cape Rien .e the liisd Snoat et daestte hin eh atien eight basesnadif- ficelt e eeendingeg it ow asesthse. In spits of thia ss eewoemedaee, the plie her mitmy issea ln has seen Se ta ey pasd t teeday, eight eas aftss the tisO Csfsese ehirl ebk er as called ssith great aceiety, see are pith- fllsh, -patd tt defed this mlsespes Within the lass moorst, emts n te seaht ece lt As eehsmetites-~,ae stam nted: "Wsase fighetiatg i Kas R eafeseentialae eiyaandtusead ents this esee tmm hat te bass ns altesate sthe than thasig all eec tesses islelb steteeggle ino Asiam flue tate in late bat u petapt net wa late seea ness to nussnes tee foesigs poliep seed stisags its mts- Ossat n It and Psates haesow eesly itimated titteheie tatse sead o3ee at fee far an as a coaco eond The Unid Sta inh bee pawse pains orotld psess da gufiesand d oewee s foreignsn potticy stass, theab thsasath gand defined fsacwa pessats ae he perform-imeof o se nt nadeoat mtcen. We mm1[s waote tneafrm see p hessa meshed of maaing molley te unset cnnotos. lasu Iteliec in he like a grainno - ca hdat ta otin lhssa ad halyegt-ddtsensmee; ntu an aeehad tha tmunt o beeseay atfsdndctitd c te e re it an bers teed freet. I hafel seaina t a eteetn eseans moe t of ac ownit oli, still gsest that oe grat tadosal ieeeel ie in this xHeeosshere. IV5 Pan Amast aistm, es at , l was stahas been called a "Pan Ameerae or. nle gm 5 hack wee fa as 1241, wshen sselitst Spatiaedaeotd fee tEeglisha help. 'a the Niestesah Csaty, Inas, gate the gteat weigh, ef . . the sesasity of deaoo hueaded esilliosn of pesple who inhabi the. Wettaen Idnntimophe and the indepsedese of onelt af the catassis bee, sepasnnted tell he deeained by wehothe the Aessasen nadeus sond tstehe inti bees sf peilt, seheshes they staned apace ferot one masan. Hoease, the United Staren Nesty wad Was Depacaseats had infeoated Waesu ezay ie Jauay, 1942, beforte Consfeeece Itadsiast oef we by allthe Aateeica s eet a isthe ta Isa t - fats heme Meuesa hacder te m CaeHee n the Vatd eS a nc t a dtie see thin maia atoCight hats sene slt- fidat delmmnit seesn at Is sit e of this t Be eeni thet Policy foc mttlitass, ietegsa- ion hwn bees to seetIy psse that today eight yese sses the thisCaedeean eaich en eale atith gsta[ aescty, swe ass pitt- fe ltl- tes as to md-efed thi ®ltiryehue. Within shelas n eoh seets in Kssea hess re am hsaas e esweon. A seek ago alssiduit Tesmnan sted "W5e are fighting in Does this atean that ass hams us altesnafit othes h theotng all on eesee itt the aussgs to Anise The hts in late has petanntn late Is or de e t reassen teefait plasd charse itocoaese Osew at osot, and saae hats ceasly indicated theiehbliefthaasc thtadd teaseas a far ssa Aieos d. The Untd Stan fh , be proeea ,gsire of wesid s c en- sies and denseves a feseigs, poicy cleasly thotgba thoughn and defined fse se seeser t and the pesuatde of our tees aatisssal atesl.We atetu ls leaun a peesea mathd of essain IfIscyon eet csseorehs. .Fsarnapol usnot likeatsnoin tsep that ie natat inan hi nring ndad hseetd Ivtshe sumertes it is lk aseit tat mosst be esefaty mates a tliae a yesbelreit ce heamgeodfssdt I feetledtatataaslsn seeseetofsee faseign pelieyswlllreeead e atnourgseassnational eatreealituin llemispHwhe. dl' Pan Aansnieaaisan or af lent wehaf bs been sailed a "Pan Aeesae feeting gees back as fad as 1241, wshee esbelits Spaiaasked for tEnglish help. In the Nineeteenth Centasy, So1alia gae the gnt wsightsf a . , ,te se-aity of hre hndeed milliont of psale eta inlaabi the Western Hertephen and the iadepsadsc of sash ef tde mhea t spsesensed with has dssssasied by wshethe- the A eteeea natioss seand antege in ahs hoes ef ld Or wohether they stand apses jeans one aostee Hessees the Waited Sttes Xaey and Was Depsrtessei had inftssaedWelesetslyi Jaseaoey1942, faeeehtanteaee that a delattis of sea by all twe Ansesetata M , mensf whischa wee -etalsy eampsemed, could pltes the heedee of dettad- eat the entr area fteat the Mein boalee s Cape Hom ots the huie Snsles al a tire seehs satles might hssee, some or- imap, defedu sits w osettn. In sns sf thste ow eie necs the patisy for ceililay hmtta lion has been -e seahy pseted that ttday, night yas aftes the his Cafesoc cihie seas rafed stht tgot sniey we ams pit- fl ill-peepsee is defend this Ileraai e Within the Insl ateeh, seael is Korea hare eeaced ansot ce. Atoeek ago Prseiden Tesuaan teared, aWe ass figthting in Koea foe oss national ssesit adunei-Ial Lons this sa thst see hare no ;Nosnagte athe than troeetla all nom moeecemas ther oswgge is Ast 'he state in late hat ,erha's net too late 55cc now so reesa tee. fesemomm policy aed lhaage itsete. Unmat h Osliand Penaesaheba helarty idcad the belief thus n head do 55, at leant en fts ant Aai ag red. The United Sate In bee present psoisiof at ssd peases r- qwetis and desroat doeign paisy eesy thsaght titough and def ned faaeom peesesadessndtme prostuttofnneonmussme a al ssen.Wensest eorse lamn see psseme. ethod ef resint; peefeyt al osmeetcnseruteis foriga ptlicy isnt like agside crap thatlaaee ta the spin an a std is the nsumu is nt lil eaoHUNasmtatsnon lecarefaly foreddadsulieeaed fa yeshsfeeitssan heaegood foe Ifeel eelin that aca fal eeaentseofesftiamnptlicy will owedlthatase geat natisnal etntes lier inWei Henaphes. IV Pan Aaeics-ismsi o at lean sehat hase besa called a "Pan Assseisma feli-g m boe hck as fns as 1741, when rebellious Spaniarsdnsted ftr Eaglish help. te the Nteeeh satey, lfoliate tare the ofeat eight of  HEMISPHERE INTEGRATION NOW 25 ho deed ndnae topneaeicaine. '.the idatl of teei- n m aity appealed wtn of vtiia inth Sd idet and Soulst Metink dwtir ne the fu ede w ieee tf the citacitattn ecntetyt' saythrde hieioeian Lenhey. Matiatt onet, the lending light ad the Ecacet goeeg teotdenaty "jeeta." tea aganinst it, aed bis oppesition did etdetit e hape Argectine dpitenaty dotnt t the pei, day. Meen felt that dictattee weete tea great antd preb ten ad itercein tet dirtn to titter eeieeetatcl anoepeatiet. The Utited MS~te tea ttt donied ted to bat tot teade tly teti -,istett to ite tchit iteteipiter. Tim Aegethne ha ro tgad atitre in fltltowieg the tititd Statt tltratgh itt teettett rtoae ef femtg pettyr in Latin Ateta d iteded, note thee tha net, die Argeneine bat had creey inteet in Mderieg the atejecene tithe United Statee. 01 Moecttdt -teiitn tinjen, the hank onr tof ditract it to lbeget muhd. Then ticten Met wat shout wtoat-few days It oetted it emect ieee fetct Waaintct Todny the thee it ahett teeeeonetlc Itnte m, fatttetbdtathe ceg il ht ittlhalf. In thde ten diateant lettnr ehnoe, rsae teeteatinvtbet prtnacu Waoltingea raii he nnoat twe hatte, rtee frate Emt Airee Meeciot offie ohietiton-tt t eent, ta o e dioce. tnlt kecone the Argetetne tedd thtVid Staten apac ted t.aret degee dme other states o thus leeipht Tada the ntional itteeti at the tate o athi eittphere ae etntlet indeed together. We tee ie moral peril neta tee tied onseo torn-e On metal protertite. Mitate ad 60 pant, ata gcaet Inits irate tt, tie habits of thonglt hated ecthde Figlentet Nineeth nd firs, hail of the Twiodth Ceetary wend, enake it difljnat fee rte Ntrtie antd Lae Annentc to aceept the initial tacinec tat egoc it hond temti. Howt-,e "thanthe d-A Is iiktthc deoft.etittntird be" In tha menent ofnO etaiut, Ileotihee, aed worcd strhnte bota.,e oat tine ealficieety it the teedm of diose fat finr iteeciete pnjdinee of the pante soat, ocaudatd matde of thiehing.w I tittald tic t e it to nO enrciinat pretim that Cete eetnnnne tceettai roenpicay. it noceleno n-Ceettn tt ganev tee ttenntghat the rid. Heecie thio Heniephee tee , ta hat the Rnaetcteoc only by the tee enteie iateowtrant. rm t r etc g steait it that etc be made peneethit nHEMISPHEE INTEGRATION~ NOW 25 his dccds anda..tttnPa Aetaict e .the idaittfthani eanceitypoelstoetn f titoinIchtNnrttaed Secth daeein. decriog ale fitt derowee ire it ofhenieeemth nntmyet nap tile hiataian LeehRy, Maie otneene, the toadi eg tight at the actee Attng etodntamay ONfa mas against ite, and bit eppoiile did ttneh it shape Aignitices diptoteany deem it the, peonent day. Maen felt Not datmece waen tee goeat and petit tcettand iterttaI.ndiesoealow nerrneOeteopraton Theteicdtatertas catdsetwn d n basat madeawy netnaneptteiecte thi Hetniephe The Aentitin hea ceoce tadc aninen in lene the Uonie staten thwrot itt tontetaeof famiert pagie, it hat Aencaw and tedeed net tita titan wst the Awrgeelie tat had uuey iinegt it Etotitg the tbjrei-oft the Uvejed ette 00 Moeceoiginal objett nne hn or e of dlsrowr mavliTh aaa igAk'wsbutwertt ays en ratted in irnei tint femn Wastiengtnct Teday th date ithnt teeterhe . htehoc ata thectiro, withbeenhif. pra atiehi Wanheoe willC haeet to henc aned tene Barns Aime. Meentatehra ahjetiethtnitteatente diect-nit lheepe the Argeite ,e thso td Statet apace ted it a mi~ethe dhen the ofc entis of du wsIs ttcin oTohenI Tea h ait ittnto the elat of tieHentter etaty tinted ineie. We ae ie mnmeml prold eet bind meetetgodicu lee nnntnat- patnan. yatitahe of Ihe pant, etenagnenten aning lien em, nec' ofti nO ehaight hated on are Eighieeie Ndiertatth, and lint lnEetf tabrrl he T steaed Ceety eearted, int ake i difeirt lee hatI Netl t LIn Aen..tics et aep tine iniitelietc hat listiepe inteoraen is bettd teentthi wlentoe, nws.escthe deviei k, iddo sata etetd beGt tnttinttenteiflentionailepmd catdworlddeiha peehapt e an cite teleteeiyn the thends ad itee radcleti et -nec wetn meePejadi o het pantadaonromtdntcmodeeof I etenetd lit tn ecntire e tee mleyenoriew pecmeithiac oro- 'teaneetetatinat tonnvpi eefct at-enca cot oeeteno t ent thNe waewd Hre in dhin Henetpheno ee eateep the Retsa etent eh yteete ntt eec~ ~ ~~~I InTcio ette dit mnh ade paratiethine HgEMISPERnE INTEGRATION NOW 25 his deedo IndtnaetoetPmAnne nisme...the ideal ofneeia- ennnunityppeatnittmeretof vtdnc in bothhNorthaed Soth Amitnerd..,egdntittI"..deneto orthe nU n mteteety" mtap hde teinetianc Leetty. Mailne Maree, the tnding light ad the wottowArns teattndeetyu , wnas't aginst Ot5 ted bit pnetin did ematch t chape Agrere ditlotat down to the prngtday. Mao felt that ditanen tore ten gren and pint. tetatadittr no dietetallowennentitrfntttope. The Unried Snt ehas cot dcired ad n hat e g d any nettttp.t to integrat his Hetisphee. The Aegantin hat on had at itnt it fitrenig the Uneiled Staten tkaough in mace ad fntigo Paiey in hativ Ameec ted indeed, er tfen than not, die A nin, bas had tete-p ittetet In blockng the ebjeruice el the itnied Swant. 00 Moore'ns oerigial ohiectne, te Mate one tof dielance it tan Imen te i.'hnBrsAm aatmtet-or1 e ed in teasratane Crat Waohingien Today dhc tine it aout eenty.(l.eeheotn, In thencatnieathe Ri itteant IhaL Ic the et distan fmite whee n racket ttana abet pracitiete Weotine elt he oarstne in-c -ene ectdIrote mctMet Micrein the ehicttin that inteetene tot e diettet-ettt knepe ibe Angtno and the Untemd it- tantt aed in a cen &IIe the edt ntates of dhie Hensiphet. Today the weaca itcemen of te elater of thin Hemiptce are natniti itted lteeh. We ace it motetat peti ocet to bled nenetee toger Ontenth pretenie Miotaet ad the pant, tcttrtswe aising icom theta, en haeita of dtought hated en die FIbInlonrt, Idiwnt and fit hal cf the Tentth Cenina -atrd, mtake it dofinadt toe beth Ntcen d Latin Ammetria in accept the intititi otetlinneat I eniephene vaOtinintn I bried temtint. Itnnete"thtedoiis dl, the eiac sintworld bac' I.nitetne eofnete.etiepheteanedrawed nee uchanerra cs nartei tote eeds of theen Oatefet teen .t oecc oee peejaditne o[ We pane and otc oaidnn mnn~t ad teinbicrs- I shated libe in trmcto in ec f mly wegiNt pemethadit COne- atmis. ittdiattet ...sepiacr ot oacle non-Coitm tnet geanrnenth thmucghat the tred le in thin Hittophee - a cpthe Prnfia tneencentbythetwaitonplee mg o net o onstmign cftne dint ecn be mnade positienalc,  26 The Caribbean at Mid-Cantuy 26 The Caribin at Mid-Century 26 The Caribban at Mid-Cnt The old world of cte nec ae had verne apomon Iano no deried oe- We re lotgee baoe e iy of he Anetieislated by oreano, peatected by Lne British Nany, and dletd by the nylrit of the Manree Doctrine. The luanay of making and boting ransading phmes ot rder tn arenae the people oaueger and bittenes, now no onert may mecly achieve pemel or snial advanego; iL eny be a dangoer t y fiervereiy of the stme The ehe-a Lay of "Yanke fireeeton" by Sooth A-6...a deena- "rganed Po.formecaatiAmcericansitelereegoao" fr lice noedh may have in tbhe totane niner momnri cnaeegnenc than e nn ef mner aeinl dinbarany. We caonao longer latenit oaeeeeaes fag-wavig ergie, duseimintatade a tardn, andeeenniomliaotiesodendtenace dnnniea dnm whenasr nneatiweednanlinalna. tn Lain Aericjnseadd eeocic land celomen o verdea a e. lax nynlm, chan aeppoel lawgos and stile p'rok. thin in a lace hone no kill by onpeopria any mono aahnic geae than lay gol wde e forensnea brnd of wgolden-egged ees Cawt ho hybrdized. And there is till ino to esebtish the. aigha of tine taboec um be nn ree the Commusnist kisn of dethi The integnalien aftis Heloyuber is oaihle. iI in prcial It can he alenoat wnholly aeaerplished derergh hiloteral trno lacer tc he nnppleeooto by aonlilcal ctin whome dodooble. imia phc consferoce hove keen maid, wilin anse indlednaccem. Bayerionco tan procon Ntc atcfe neotaiated dieel, eepronrn the only effeeive nareuod. The hope of humaenicy in today's ralicrs world lies in innera- tianaletundesandig gaod wil, aedeaeyoeatis. We mowneeneed the nalidrity ef frecily and ooetunity nd dation trod rar hordees We ct0make a bon lyerach to hemoan rlation ronognrane commfoyerhateieiec nhoheetachire ed hrogh hotsildingttaoaldmm y Fen o ohn c ocoty of Ca d noWher now ipat betnae laogpol ava seotledthy onotinen tos enag , tent an seek aitaitly. They are endod in apnf bot tepamd by ati ficial b odae aor Apat age. Break doen these banire nosiat fine people of rh Aoerat co uroe to a oawtw lvlof hunto mdorsnnditg adnd progeroet The old onteld of ce se ate hod more apparent laxore new denied oo. We neotogealbre iwelaof the Aoeeicao isolated by neam, protec by the Beitia Navy. add illumied by the npirit oftheoMosoae Dowroe. The laomsyofemakingoandholing vadieg phes in cade, so aree rho peopal to anger andd dinene oo lo ngr may merely acinsem aesonal 00 tanlieal adennt1eci umay ha a dange to tine saove ngy of the rase Tine chants coy al "Vonkee imterioliacnt by Senth Aooerian dero- gganrd prafesninoa Ltcin een etllnea nl aaenpero from the north may havo in sineuur onfarfnmarttaicaevneec- pemen c lmof ct aea, We hsu f naneselven flag-oaving .,iln dviosedniootamae battiest and teewomic poE6iie mdee be octm0 of ciabait- whken one eagenteeeed isloienUeeo. In Ian Ameeeifast and eeaomie land -efaoe, coo -vday as are rac nynemo thar ooypwet prakec and naide pdnidge. Thin in a lace hear an kill by unenopriatian any sacorecasansic gaso tine lay golden eggs befre a sea brandi of guole-eged genre can he hybearedo. bAd choem iatll thme to oeabtish she right/ of fine laborer bofor e hrum reevtrho Commscniec bin of dena. The incegoccion aftise emishtee ie feanihlsa Itlin pmeca. In eon ho abost sehafy noeomplioho shroegh hadoow] crates lacer to ho stle ed by mNaateeal cota when dedirabl Headrlehetic cnerenr hooe keen tried, oit only lieited .ocons toyrere ba- p-.ce that terun, oogoeiatd int ow.,rmn th. only efic machd. The hope of humniy in beoaye Mollco orlacd lien irIsa tmsal ndeseig goodewit add deopei . Weeconcatro tho, selidarity of family cod oneomanity and nation beyond oar hordoer. Wo mat make a em rypecach ta comae olaies amcngnodeo. lholicvedeartheinMehehosirhived togh ft kbuild*o a e neity of incesta. Wneo t hoem h errr geoanadcoag culam tooasttnidy cban In this He sae, m a goiiglighttoawold reityl Pron de ea t ron",e of Canada to the 6ip of Tieaa ded Fuege, pepleae surfnednWineconnioeetoeaape injusticeond oek ,opycotec ]Tynnent-moinpiikaacsepnmted byamt- fdtil hodede of a petc ago. Break doe them harirs e that fin people of the Ameenacn rie to a neat Ieel nf huan nnderto ndiog and peogeote Thyeoldwcrldrfelthe age hd sme aplcon leecelnoaet doniedog. We no longerehoee doe lonory of tho Amecrictim by ceano, pmredd by tine British Nay, and illnirdi by tim npii tfte Mosocefatdae, clas,yofmatdmnndlholing vesssdig pluse- in noes t o n the pople no corer and bice ea w aoen Ineger may eNely aclnice peoal or politieal advantage; itnmay bea dngero enoeosgcetyef tnsut. The cinaranryo lanke impare iam"n by Sooth Acreoico dema- gognen and pofomioeeal Lacm Amlenn iatelireual"e,,Porn fWm the soad may have in the funnye a far moon trgic eraeneeico than c asndo incr oreal disbncey Wo cn no haler posoir uamel tag-eeedg ogier, diacrimbmair, trade tearrnar rand neeoanesic potwic ondee the eame of ndeoniso when osno necl aed in ctnctne. t o Intek America mes en ceucmic Iced rofomn am weerdan artan nynteme a hat etpo et p,,-n and niflo osiee. Thin it a late htour en kill by enspinlion any eacniulfie no thee lay golden eggn bofon a neat brand of gnidoeod geo cn CO h Inybeidd And thorn io .11u tmey so estabish the rights of cthe laboer hefe he ecete bin Cermnso tim of decath The inons of chin F fitipher is feaible Le io peordud, In can ho abmost weholly accompliohed throughn biateral treonien lace so be svppleaend by mualtilateral ees ohen deasnirone Henmphei eon-~es [have keen ved with only nemittdon ceans. Feperinoco has proe hat treatler, regneintd direly% represen the onyeffoctive metodt. lyh thea hope of hl mennie in today's bhli ion tmdies in inwonda-dt f . o dwll n ems doe waciamhlyantca mn!aniry and noton bepond .. kerdm Weo a.N mine make a none aypoeh Lahanman oslationo amoreg nateo. I hollee that dole ean ho hone acheed thagn fient builditg a cmenniy ofincraee.Whee ca thNe¢e ohesor gound to boI dle enesoniy mhas in thin Hienitysone at a goiin igo dahm .tooi atey Fromdoe ortern eachnio Canada to the tip of Ti'eae del ,oeg, people have neted chi bytien tosonoioant sck cpymtcnnniey. They bcoone in epit kaoe st i eatedo byar- fihia boandaren of a paat age. Breadm dnowen these barier no thent th pepl of te Ameio en ohs eawnew leoot of hrttan endeentading and progeon!  Part II Part II Part II ECONOMIC AND GEOGRAPHICAL PROBLEMS OF THE CARIBBEAN AREA ECONOMIC AND GEOGRAPHICAL PROBLEMS OF THE CARIBBEAN AREA ECONOMIC AND GEOGRAPHICAL PROBLEMS OF THE CARIBBEAN AREA   3 3 3 Raymond E. Grist: RESOURCES OF THE CARIBBEAN THROUGHOUT himr aod anon, ll peoplestherooeahat has beeon doof the land hmohad sigeifirna plieatlioeitallnea- boroofaeorir Howonye peplrero ro ol hewouo nno and what kind oflandand whatthoydotwirh i,rearste oferInal caa onall. 'Topoteofe fInduto is a wyn -1i fllecdbyhyFtoeIolad woaa by thinophi, maudiuaun, ddteo-, 1-ynofarifienofproAl depeodoupon thetuop thr landIrdiooiirr Spae doeort penttheionsiofrinialen foreoutI of tio situaion alluedd tenure arrd of land room alp doe comCareCiblaran ou nar Auroudiogly, th Antillean iands or Pueto Rico Hait, and Coha, and in roiolUmdn dorcn of erorun and Mne. hoe brr seleced .and clo on ho soho teproouutre and sn c. upru of land tenue sadof lando tinI thosendin lical u wnisa ho unoaared in duo paper. 1. The 4iando Thn We.n Indi-n islodo, in doe lnar of a at weo, etchR fana dho Penll of Toroan in noudomrtcr Meorco, to the mootir of the Odinr, no dole eorltrrtero cost of South Ad-oi-r Coq han rhommmmerent islaod, indh eny mado of Yunaon aod Florida;nthe ind of Tinidad, or rntr of At conioent of Sooth Jeannin, it aphootd lroma it byarowr bade, of roato, nhe Gulf of Pan.s Artere Cohn and Tinieddlire a lon tnn Raymond E. Grief: RESOURCES OF THE CAire..a THROUGHOUT hituy rod amrong all propolen the n that han boen erode of doo land ha load tigteilicot implicatiort for all norm- hemtf .ooiety. How noueypool oeot-erorrerrolbmucarrind whlot kind of rued, and wtel thecy do with it, roe mnteds of rirll eucrto oall The letoo of land uoi foolbueoly asnturl is- fnarorod by doe aeette of land soone a by tjar edophio otion, rod tio ry lb05 of anilioto of people depood uoe the teay doe lundi1tonilord Opacedernuet peenret rbe di...-toiftheoleoo inot.-rofoof tuatiouoflad torreaodoNflad nerinoll the esoa-Csrldresn cunie Acceodierly, thr Adlare, islands of Puerto Rice, Hard, rods Cohn, and the emainland evronta of Veonen rod Mcow hare hero roloutd aand oe onthe halre op iavqandesomte T,oflnd trteeuof lardotreine dhor piditar uts tail ho Coandeed i, Ahi payer. I. The ILand, Thre Wen Isdian ioeda, ho the fena of a doean are, see0 fam doe FPeoa of YoerdhnouotlSe Moio, to tio nroth of th Orioree t ho nototes rua of SouthWfinn h Antrior Cobs, the wecocest Tined, ituhr npay h in Vatro Florida; the ilanooad of Trinidada tho rnor of the ...tiot of Sooth rf o C, it oepaued leoanb it by a baor ody ef -rs, the Gulf of Portia. Ietroet Coho rod Tr nioldad lino a hereeriens Raymond E. Castf: RESOURCES OF THE CARIBBEAN TH~ROUGHOUT bmrony and aro all praplor theo or thot boan beoerade of the lando hadsifoifLanl inplieodtoafitcallren- beer of society. Ho atnrsy peoleoc o 00ml hoe meods and chat hind of loud, and tubal oiey dt writh itrearte of vrita no alt Thr ptero f Led uoit re5,rrnlyaa aucuh ire finnedby the nere of lond senare. ar by the edaphie coodirieta afad Ar sery Ive o aoi. o of oude fPpy doepeo rub c d e a e landitvriniad. Space die outporooioothodiocoaiof h d- fiaFuren of the siione ofland [mteo and of lured uarin alldoen mioe-Croibhora utori. Aafoedrgl5', the Aodlroo hlmnsat of Erto Ice, Hait, rand Cob, and rho eraiod oratoieof Vceenuelau ad Mcic hoe been ,eted a- be., onthe wthoe, neprenoonlie,nddaaotroocstrf land tenure. ard of lood onim fl-ooeplitieol unIt, will an saried in thi pal-e 1. The Chld, The Wen Iodira, idaodn, in doe lar of a great ~e, atrrol fomn the oa eln a of ario ire t.ootheaooee Mmmt, mtoheb nrrth of the Onson eu n othearr mear of South Amnueic- CaoW, the utereat itlaodr istdnia ary roach of w aocnod Floridaf oth itUod of Toiniduda o raler of them ronwet of Snoth Amroaica, is aeparatod Irma it by s east-r body ef weree tho Gulf of Patno. Betsec Cuho and Tofoidad hom ,hetoerene  30 The Caribbean at Mid-enlqr 30 Tha aribbean at MidCntur 3O The Caribbean at Mid-Cnur eetleotiasa of islands earyinog greatly it size and potentialties TPhos islands ose distoesd by Cdteloa is his tovoh fsossetly for. go to ndiumad am thasmse be goote them, ths West baindis otll meed toay; they atouted goosat stetoge importance ewhte Coes and bi. me boeshok it their oaoeigss thein asnosg e- sets of unqses it she tesedee emset of the Atet nd tlse 'to Sk th ist, esiat beyond. The sstly wei sate of eoteM sos Esatope also becone by dloiegl vfi.To ef gotd. began a to ro banod toca the tahesid of stht Aslitotic. To gain a foothold it the Cesdbbhet n tdthose days ithen mightt fontkly meade htight-wes nm toy took. The oceakmnt of m'sas IEngland asoy ol ita oto shiamtfdait wo sosy n soileses If islands they yte able tof tao fse the sil ,ooh sbe. Tiose itsseiot ilan de tee am Potts, oth so t he fyosleda tot. shnol thbe ide moiett 'the Moit-ste - coltossod and foetioed 00 ealti mn ,dssg pe swosiot by ste coeosal mteteoatss. lion ar ,tofcy tif the Antilles he- oftooe . Oantheasoselsitopoisotshesstdmoeared stitjtice slit dioas, aod th fierce soigioo bateeds of Euoeeseebeought Stn gems sssshltstt oldandmadtetoettleetudort thtseSpetoeds as a eotseeceitno diffioatty t stas- saoog ooshdiditlasds goysiecjsoefsfoietnttsee"todefetad teeo agotthoese Wtn e eWedootais rtney- hot at s sh ay of geod hi h Osu l o ro the 0ltooh days bad tsseetma seetflEogsthssltiseorbisdt -ti.eoteeod otnmsay . soo Mestic to the West Iediats Spaniards inshe skeseta-hcenssry, the latdsoftherosedhsoeiootHm Aasieolacsi eight eel hove bet passed ose it teetees. Pe-yote the insland Sp aed noebtew ysietl ot ndeeoudam al ele ea hicrh, by modes steedoedo tossn tl eadosaw wfoe etetr sto, nm' ot ootmae topeodast ao waoot m at, isa she , Phainid Cuba, and Poseto Rio-of 000 soot Vnost, lotida. and lostiosioa-ee absdld loose she sueny of netsSpain inoots arydne fromt tlsee to loot soil listdeb. a yoao. Maesyloit the is ad ogdlihc frmsh aod Dot c g akite eiat asa to thgold ad ndee select d- collection of bsloods taosing geody 'amlo and emnttie. These Moande nest ditosteo by Coluosto in is seeds forea,tetfly faatoso ta ina ansd the iase, he gStw ohese, tlt Wist Indias, is st sed today. they uhhnd ear nttoego imporetsntt ohin Cashs and PLoaso tot bash to theicsosostigm theit assatsg et- poeofee.,istinhe ssoedeeempiresoftelhseteanddthe soetosotthecosioetstteyot& The sosnstmy ostoig tast of noshtssees Erope, also heosod by etitsoio visios of fttd, begat to extpand en stm faoith n side of the Ataniis To gato a feedoold in theu Casibbea. its these days ocho might hatnkdy made i sils-s 00 tao tosk. rho'I sesaknos of France, traesd, and Hetlod tea eidoosd im thosveryosmall ceumbssofielastr thys ofoitsemathfom she richb Spanish table. Theme itoieicais leeds-they soes as petty oasis so ste Spoasiards, nco toeollod the rjlh semo n "ths Main'-m soiosd aed festified as toslydg hets. by is -osoamlhh ss o tees. The Iisos of the Amsi los be tarm, at accuate mssflioo5 i s. sieiasaoo, of totesttitsaeis of Eoaes Ot thee tesely tropioalottstthe red, the intsde the disaae atsd the fisees eititta hsared of Esope test brosght saSomeoweeiothe lueofslgod aoldoosssaeetttheettsest thatsthsfyaoids caomitesoaossosdssrisadiffitsy intoas- itigot.icuiWomSdtaiafoflioietombaooto dsod these acsins ise eemy ttsie- Wesoxdnetoieoaoaeye- hotsi aescsba sooosIft-is dSfood fi Ite Ctiffes d efo gtld-euch doJyo hod boo asacnible to sglish s olestes i the voeomtth emte5y as ws Meesico s1 t o theon t ledee Syatleodo so she saeth enmrsy, the laeed ofN Enoglish car nlott tMot hianmgtre ae e.e Aoa , ite bicoso the isand Spasiardso west blinded by thgold beyoed, foeieegiom,.obich, by soasdseo soandooa ne tidilly endeod with oc stteoe fo,tontdteeottawe to p tre Thfe stals o ise thhe Philipyines Coha, ted Poosto-at titos etn eoss, Florida, add Loeisiass-ostts re hoidloed ftoso shesnsmiloastof eSpaissssm slssu yiofrometh stto feo oilliaa tde oeso a seat. Meashit rhoN E agad s, t tech, miemnsand Dasslit lackin, itoeediate asse thde told and ofe iso- colinof Wideed vying getasy ins ott and pttialsiee These islosds noes discoiced by framtbd ss it aacd-b 0ee a oneoy seasnoet t Osndia, and the eaao he cavt thtemeo the Weet lodiss, it tll sed today; they msoend great eatogio impesaoc when Curfs oad pianes st back sm tht~esostcign their anaig e- peesaof onolsetiosthestsstdemioe of the IS- and the ants on the wtotietta heyad. the ootstaoly wateisg staes of oeoto Eroops, elmo by glittering, ss of gold began ta seyatd to the farthoer side of she Atlanis. Ta gast o beocat in ethe Caefbhea -in thee das thee smight [rankly mads tight-teas m easy tak. The ooahteod o Footee, Ensgland, aed unotad som switced ie the vey smael s-bsi of itloads they stost ahlt to srmsh foose Te Ads Spno oltsabe Thme isifii is islands-they sesa patyseob to else tymanlda, tehe ...trolod the Adls amieso sthe Mots- c most osteoed and festified at sotlyinag psotss hytheooa combderoaosiea T.ehis.,cof the Asite by- ofFo~o ottem testly m opicat obo the'te sh sjttos ofEmx o e cYmdr nrsteut h rwgathe disoasos, and the fiet¢ seligisos hateds of Lmsopt noes bought t oe 9o grmat roassthe ltsomfy gtd twdfidvottoeetntsc o rnt sialthe, Snies iaeooty onsostd tons dilfisols to thoeagainst fteeenom ysotttis gWe adntte mixatsgyI- brewssItaaseeIansetlmeoaofeertd, forciftsetCa larch.tiaothe geld-stmh dal had bee as cs3z.ntiht o Essgla Iotooiot is doe tesntono ceetmy at sosee es he the West Indian Spanlodo in te staoeth otsstssy, don lands of dote Esogliebsh tt n the Atlatia se ar might osel have beet peyd oorse iteiglect. tiecssotheitled patecd 'tstabndord by sloe gold boytod, mesl sinm coih, bysedeestadcs west schly tedemachd teith nsomseW saoos,foccettslae- --eeono de t dttotroe oesght mythoeeosssaotgottosooe ,Tn eol s that fiethe Phidspyissos Ceb, ated Poeto Ric -a olaVml Fndndf a-wr, s tr-of lea0 thec ttastc 05o otesNa Spain its omotos tEgshfose these to fat hmilo doloaeoa yea- Moosthe sh ngliok lFech ted Doth, ochiog heseediat aas sotl iex told and ilver mitss, d-  CARBmAN RESOUCE 81 OASZUEN RESOURCS 81 CA335EA RSOURCS 81 velcyed diners other tool oiqrrrr for romaoing fortuse: their hue- l ay in cenit for tire great Plan Meeotof the Spaiardand plundered stin beslgong argers; thor captured Negress in tatina and sold them to dro ocoqciaoe for su en tho plan tase ties springing no all oner the nea Spanish poussi n. Iloweste daporbmoy it to ao a tr of hiototicl rerd that urtivey lean umagt en sirhe Cactiabean islaned-Spanrid, Englis, French, or T.lsrc-isputied by a rmion higher tian ft, drm to elad dan ,gener perrible onebd in te shorest yaraibln thom. The West Indian filatdr early bec bees, as the togae almado thosgh they easer by pens adapted to any for of uto- cad anticaltare Yet onep in sthe bopeireg utile rtlroiiatirn of nopaowtoReancired, roaant itcoffeedel tlrqionrt way saneahh by agirrlarhor, ce urnig 'eon thrernn choice. Sar tea stil im Ecoopo a cctnlicone boaght by the once frnt the alantho- nary. Ice high eater in to Esoyran market, and dEn nelati-r nhrs".rs of ihe p rodstin in te Iodin, nr e se tcade te efficientl tegmsd, made ion ccttinasitca to nt-eney profitailr boolcas. fL Pneere Rica Vore ratin in the hiatoy of teto Rhio r in was cler than little geld cesld iyn a troed on the islad, clan atteotien f cte conofficials teas directed to he possibility If dernvog weath frm Ihe pmoution of oger, and many ffatn wnoe meade to afogacnddaethaugapaettie. BiyRoyal Dece, tinned Jancary 15, 1529, no sugar plnnnanar, en anything tenry an is oI ep - thion hlong rsey, oatd ire fonih, sold to oatisy debts, unleur mte King s the debtor. A aemeecat lago qatity of asoga astyradaned cnctheiund of Perntcimodaringde enadf of the rinteead ectary than draing the pecond altf th ohs ie- reh whee refm gn rning hMaree a ptooprrc eteopofr. Thr gejacig of ha ffe awa caroed or to a Ingen I.en by free lidar, blaner eta sEcicrciree doeadda cran ntee of trainang and thill, oad the relatie smotbrrrs of the hedt nade the beei of slaner anyofitable. Retaoa teno adeqat sal tent e-.,birt. T'hegolds ageoofrhe.effettpiner wsca theeats panKfdm nineteenth nenery, wrhec coffee weas the mtain agaicattaa report urloyrd divesorehe techniques far rngroering lorenn their hec- es ly in wait fon ohe gral Pla Flees of siae Spaniard and plndered sin balging nogerst they rpmmd Ndegress in Alva sod sold drm in the cancaisudorrs forstar en the plants tit vnspoinging upl all corn tou near Spash poasbans. Hfoeer deploable, ,isieancaten ehutoocalreeththatrelai~y frew augt oat the Caribbean isands-S-*pasrish, Entglish, Iccend, or Dutch-inspred by a mnedee higher than the desiretoenrao te greates poreable wsalth ic the shennrt possibleshme The West lndiaot Islandr natty bocaaar ],Ie- as itesugar islands,deeoughthety wiere nasar .,atdtm opnytmmtofnp- eat ageioabat. Vrtervei snhe bi-minig tit diteesifinadne of poswstecitr. Ona a ofefeed thnqairist waytonwalth by agonirrn , cone going one the cttnhcin. Sage eras stilt ire EBaoe ardiaco night by the ennee frm she aitethe cary. IS high rater In she PEsepann maret, an d the wrati or eaeepof tita pedactioa fats Indies. mee the close trade etas effi-icoty organiaed, made its -16tie , an emueuheny prediabtle badieat. IL. Parrta Rica Very early ic trhetiatoy ef Parto Rioe anc in oat eoar than tb is ed molsd be cncovered oer rich fiend, doe atratin ef thro eno officials teat directed to rio pssibility of drering wealth from the productio ni gan and a ary cff scene made to eafegoard tire agr pl.aoier. By Buryad Deerot dared Jananry LS, 1520, . nosgar selrtatad , mr anythog necessry ina I.s otrp - deincladieg serner, -arid he feecibly sold to sandty dchs, uine she King teasrsh debtor A recneha Elane getansity a1 sugar was ynodaed en the ind of Part Rico doting the sond half of therenthnrnarythan durnegdIterrannd haflofitheeighm- mesh, wen .itre orcang becanie a prrralooeetrre. The gowing of coffee co nratd an toontags enteee by fre labor, benta rte techniques dnncndnda cran root of training and shill, and doe reatian trealara af the not mode the kepieg ef staor a-yrofitable. Rororo terr adtat hat ee rmrbitacs. Thar golden ae of she -iffr ptatten tear thorIn lote 1art of the mcine ta cotray, ten .tifre teas sh, e oai agricltatir eport enlnped divr other trniqus for competienig fortune:t their br- ca.rrrlay Insnait fr ooatlae lets of erSpinacdand plondrd their bulging carge;thdoy capture ig~r in Africa and sold dorm to the erraqirldere for are-o thu ptlnncotiors that teert springing up no he's rho near Spanish yarseon os. owsre delrby t mte fh nelxodta avl e mghtouet thre Catibban srtanda-Spaaish, tEglith, French, or lutdl-inspired by amodne higher clean the deor to etupc the groamt poaabte ceealdr i.n s tet pesmible rite. TeWet iniac Ads saly ectmenotts asthera had,tchoralhthyecere hyamtradaptedtmeanyfin-oof top- oat cairlame Veteee ani the begiseing tote diteieadec ef coeprarpr-,,cd. Beeaere itoffrodda cjoicloel taysmonealsh by rgri-lton, cne grecdig eras the enoe choice Sagan soon trn in Paurap a rordicacent beeght by the oune teem the endatn- nary, tahogh eate inteEosoc~e n h dtv e,,yuma of its presionian in site Indies, once the etan trade car nffinieaty aeganind. hnd, its crativron ear rotrty pfohale I Pacer Rice Very erlyi mdanbeitory of 1.ntaRiorcce itns warm timar littl geld coald be mmaeaered en the island, the alteration of cis crn officials neay diecd to te poniiity of denieisg setlth from the podmtienofraga, andrmanynffantoseerradeton .aegind th er ,Ilantaier. lay Rsyol wrcer, daoaud Janoary 55, 1529, n sugar ptaartnn en anydolag "rnerary in itr opeta on, toclding stases, amild he forcibly smld to sctisfy dreb", san ih, King u as the debtr. A mscwehan large qeansity sf cager as mdoed en the island of Punter Riea during the second half ef do e siasrent crthan dring tin e-cd half of1 theight-re th whnIe gwn Lm ,ap p mmnheTe growig of cofer wit eawned mn to ar recent- by foe talon, bec a e rnnrhreiquo demanded a c-am aon of traing and shil and dt relative snatinrot of the ntie twde dee beeping of strer -nyofitable. Rearos seree adeeluate buat rot ororiman. Tbn gotd.a aoge f she coffee planern cas the latter part of re nineteentheestrey, wehen eafec teas the eman agrieatrorl neict  32 Thu Caribbean at MidCnury 32 The Caribbean at Mid-Cenury 82 The Caribbean at Mid-Ceurm coop, anud chief source of incomte fan half the population. A sogor penned leox and tes oble to nounen eroppnn tve cndittonn, meafo coe fovn an Ithe peodon tiou planttin fudnony, and en caratd an, maoor caso hod once don -rotd wea nont do agin -on laud oltterwse deotd to food cIop and tock nutings teo nl rclth rmwreby urnoT as rtry don goat increaseon th te value of entraot from Pueto pr.c has failed to ho unefltd in a gcnut tlin hthe level of tin- uo, TheoCoonggoeeofouse Unitd Shttoooooed paty byteeor, neot eanmpaigot osoinn laud opecalation at hisonta, on May 1, 1900, poured a tolotiot to the offot that no pelooa I.. oo n inoe titan 50t cosn PotReeo alco, Slo, ninot dothre-olot-o fined no petaltu tnthoo whto ciotloted it, it net inspected. By 1930, voottn of doe it-oaee lntw-S6? out of a total of 35,91 lattdhldeo-eontoled ototot non-thud of alt farntnd, neheees afosooftlentttat 20 acenomtpeNing 72 per eattf cain fotto, occupied rotly I2S pe no of oil fauoland The pued toon loot to 1990 neat the golden age foe the nu Iot-- p00101, wno n aorig to ofte Rafael on tme 8, te Idulry Io Rdlollooo tie Social and Ranaomin Soan o0 Tunon Rion, togon was netythaing aud toesline te- ost "sI ithde aattmc of folly oato the n iono hot ulteosbed mono of the fele ollonial land to theu inland. The content of large loadholdingo could non have been mtaintaine neithwat mttl of the raileroado, which tie ntoa idrey antitngly hodt. Oncetteno blank-lop mteo toads, due conotoutou ends of which note coihted in the beginnig oat of insurer foods, hot iceaiogl-tico doe sooty t,.hits-by ths generl taxayer of doe Veited Stoor n ha th fom of federal Itunds, boon wtnenly heen of gootte to1 the modemn td stfue Induoty Nhou to The tngteed coflee ind-,on. tcapoe of rheas, prndttcts to don mainland hone paid for thre tonoroc uneotiic of if, wohich have, been beogh toi gron 4lnmtiet an the cotuto nentat Uotted Statet. Fnally, at bogho our in the-,I npat a qostd, conpitdn 0s941, "the nrnartd ssgmn-co celsh of the island is 36 pee cent of oil taahi cat. Yet doe tagor hadtoay paid in urn0 osly 23 per cent of atl n-mnof the don i noetott, onhie al othee taoo dns trnna, wosoe taoable wealdh tosot-d oSntotoenetotD t tota. dselneatoenuotnttW Peto iean cilo opoand chiefoooe eofuronseinnrhalf thte npndu Aoa agr penned tes ond hie ohlo to onee catnantoir nouditioun coffee fe fooat I the pntaial plamntion inodtty, and no ctontted, at togae cane had o-- done-and on, ton to do Saon -upon a todoennet denoted to funodeonps and stumnag lo,o o antyto brefdiy the pro0000 neheney, dotiog doe past half- enonry then 00v0 incete in the malne of copoeto from tere Rico has faild to M mfrotndhana onoel re in the 4koftae tog. The Congeco of doe United Ottq mooed poetiy by the one- sotcampanct agait land epee latmas at htton on May 1, 1900, rupattedoaosolthatoheefectlhato eoopaomnimnlon mon tha 500 aeon in t'aero aRo , ltn- doe -.noIf n fiandno pnoalties for theenwhoclted it, itnaasnteped. By 1930, efooof to de ooca lao-Sf67 ot of a ttal of 50,371 londhldet-eetbled 0-1 nt eta-tied of all foeottand, nnbmstnofames of len thoonfoosro cupidng72perceef$ eatted, faters, oannpied oody l2.4 poe one of oft ntoland. nho penid frnm 190t to t930 was the golden age foe doe near cool- pootno, wehen, ac.oing to th e opos on rMh Ssgor Iadoatry in Rofalian 1n tso Ralet onM ldootd Ryunr of Pooles Roe, taugr wa ont snoyttd and eve~rythis enng oe' tnr th, 1 e canoe of ity yeasr thle induty has absrebed nut of thn foetile alovial land of doe island. The oontedt ofW lanlodholdingn moold not have bee, etointained nithoot coutml of the alauds, neahil the nogne indoetty accordinglp boat- tnlpesn blank-top motoe aths, the nontrvnton rentn of whioh wero conoethuond in the heginning not of smorta foods, hot in otngly---tamido se ely tttieith doe geoeol hialoo of t. ni hted States in the form of fredt fuuds, baehnatnralty cnmof gtoeoeeto the mdettiodnrtr indaty than to the neglected coffee antoy. Ilopoet of ongo, produttethe maod havehadiforthe majo ne enteaof Ife, nehicht boon been heoghts in ownog noantiletim ioeetnti. settal United Stato. Flualt, as bouoght out ha the aopn joot qooted, noopiled in le41,' Tdo entod sgar-cae wecalthoef don ioad is If pe ren ofoaltotene eado. Ystdootoga iuty paido it9 hdoly 23 pae aoot f ITall neof the gonennottet, wile all nuher tarodo grops nehon t-11h, wneat 00s eatS- tenat eDnn lo. I t th iat noSnm.n of the Pun om tIeeitlaon. rop and Shilf nouece of hactne foe hole the pnpnltoo. An suar penned trot and lens able to noon nonpedtite coudition otffn cao foonard a, the peedwotnon plntaton ind-,o, and en- cenched, as nuao eon had onon doe-and neat noon do Stant -unptonadthendoe deited to fondrepoandSouckeraing Leoto ana-.Ie bodefly the poonen cnhete, durnog doe pnat half- ce , teh~e geeo ot ointhen alue of Sppoetfofem Pee Ricn hanfailte en ecteed iua 0eeetritein the levtof lw- ing. The Coanons of the Uited Oante, mooed poe l byhde n-1 -Pa c tog Sarpitn land npcaolatioo at bofue, en Moy 1, logo. ptanedtnosoloian to the ele that no atpontio eold 000 m Notan 5O0 aeo in Port Rico. Slot oioc doe t-otio toforedno penltien forthneN S hoeviolated it, itnsaot hen d By 1930, ooltoo of the 3m-acre lone.367 at of o total of 50,331 lndhotdero-solted atmt to-thlird of alt faooolndt to letea foeot of lhnsthan 20 aron conpeidog 72 per cent of stidog boot, -scpied ony 12.4 pee cent of alt fotlondl. The preior fromt l9ft to 0930 neat ti, golden ao foe doe sogor colt- panien, seht, scerding to the Repao at, the Sgoaidooty in aeotoafas oa thte Soto oand Economic Syalem af Pnorto iot, tonga not eoeoylhioo and eooraing ne eatn0e?" ft the coeroc of fifts, Y"-e the indatey has ahnoard man of the feede alvial land of the iMend. The mouad of forg, tooddingo retod not havo en on alnained nithouot contsol of the noileodo. nehich doe togae indoty acandngty built pdrct black-top moto roath, the ontnut S nt of which mon canihoted in doe hegioting tot of bnotae food, hot inereongey-ioce, ohe early dons,.hy do geroral taooayoe of the Uinted Stoeoin the for of federal ond, hone tnonrally been of genooe une mt the mdnetndoed togas od t h lan to the neglected -iff- ladeaty. Onpoota of rots torodeocto thde mtonlad heey paid foe doe toojo netm of life. wohicthoe been thoorin ngrowig quontiie in doe noati- ntual Utnitsd Staten.To Fitly, a- itnooho 000 te1 1,p ,onte coenpild in.0541, "do, codotated sagoao neotot of Ohs ioland is36 pec cent of altneoahtcneoaldo Yetdhn stgor indny paid ito I4 only 23 pter conut of all enwnoeof doe govntout wehite alt odc hoopiftcg goooptc whore ridable nealth wasex r,cintooes  CmBlraim RsORS 3z3ccu 88lsxa CAREDA e 33f z nose Qmnx RESOURCES 33 matcdstd 4ymr ot ofthetaol,ostrbutsd 75 mn ttof all cnem of doe enver scsn't0 aithooth, actoneding to themin titoce slightly maoe than haif of toa's income over a prid of yeast nat desded from thim, recofils Huvoa and thc wgeenes of the ovtepf tiposiss did not ingmec otttes, end th motile as a whole sosgit sme otlentire eway to etep sMe gontohof dtod at onopoly. Thtere ws mtill that 5W -awe Inwto tis, smothte b wsthobt it ws old anod toodts Teeth te- poostded by ace of tme lessrlse tcitase itt 1ast, which moade psetiloe o eetsn. p otoie foeethe eaiotgnoay dhe The enogottoie w ened em edoen danger. They aesied 1n battle wnub doe cothat it cetecseieowsl In -floceoaw whow vitiation had wet accepedm in spootn fn o atny Yeoa The Potect Rican 6.pos®c Ownt temnde dotes . decio ogtet the landtmenptly of to rorealtt and theodsiinattand by hocl eild Staas Saslod Coart Thc p obteetosithde island it Woed in finely ,hleo wenc.cawsees in the dlec;ies ni the ttsecototieanfupoeme Coee: CThe aeten ef arg, toed ht&.,g i entail asltoeal aeny aheormally nrecnTototed and whiowa be ind srsco ottec than thNo coegn foe sme pspeentisso ., agieltr nolpod- solo for dte machro it ctny t othe lf-onoto in weti r..h sp y o 8 ] iar of its, this small itland attndleas ppttfen tsgeintt ssnneyly nhich nestid end by cooing them ao of ohege tgae loneey- Thsejudge who wnot this dcoin aidhrlll seecetd the Incl- ings of toc pesple, foe the new legilessne thoat eset in,1941 pased a land Law nhad emoted the tend Astliy. It it ot, within doe snotn of tie papae to diwse n, doLid Astheily, the codedis b.o. no the land to hsmgt Pwnol. sor the Pecochsit-henfit fern;st to hen effedee they, woil he in the eha~ihitoo of the 'IIl of the isand. Seitlin it te say dothe encnnotien ti lend sine1.0 in the hands of dcc row..... neynaes h.abee con- sidcrtdeadaoe xeby the encohrlsnisgnsjoty ofdtoctnttEmns, on is Intoecemd by twihnf we t o osoa~ poo t the nolm in 1914 elithe plslos ,Pry a ntaAnr~a et ti epl mated at 64 per cent of the total, hotaihetd 75 pe ent of slt rmof the goecmmennto elthoagh, acnording to the smie cmncy ttily smone than bealf of sofar s come over e petind of smn wet desecd form teethf ,ites. ltssenan d tlao wagel.-onsa of the Ocet, Depresion did at ittpcoetotwos, and the people mae ewsttle sough~t smite effedee waey to step doe o ti of doe lend nnopoty. tere was soitl that 5W-oa=etawconttsao tooks, binsit wastodindWedless Tc-edwnoroetiddby mtof theheadcrcoioeome th 116,ehich maod, psoih qsotooeoyneeingeliethr takingeesanhycdoe inoutagooecnt onftstoroionsecoatcs Ineanesof 500ent The togec m o topcc sensed the diolge. They reehed te batl with the coo te t it ss ned ien] en enforce. o ttwcwhao iten haed oon onneprtted , peantice fc fot so Wny yeats. The poertn Riansoyn q, eosttded downaciinnogiinstrthc tend teonopoly of i me eeooadens and thinniin wee so iseti by the isited Smcle Sapooemo CourI, The pctls polem of doe isltad it tatd i l sl tisoed oed-.eao in the. decisien oi the Poee Rinfnel neps Cot The estnce. of lasatod heMIngt ins asmall egcirattese nestoy obenoaely -cpototed end eddtnt beste idndsie edoec thasn doe mnimd fo the toypsies cf agioacel pand- sects for the meohet isonte to the enti -wIefe of ion thit totals intend end ion l pooin ateae -onopoly which needd eoidbyteaingsthcnmsEeofiahg geecsom e my. The j'dges who woot this dedniof aithily odeite fe l- tote of the mete, for the mn frecios- doat ones is inch pined a land Lao whilh created the Lend Aethecity i a ct within doe scope of This Ppe m ditsat oe teelad Asthoert, the cedittn- hodon of the lord en honer- people, o the pnopnednnet--hfit ftste, or how hfence thee nill h in the rehahilitahan o the ,rlic ef the islan. fNoiltee s y doct doe nn eeoo f land in to.s in toe hands ofe ew. togas ciopocasinse bhse n. - side-d a dsiatri bM Mhe ns-htlccaigoajtsit of Puerto Rinone, Ois lwtnkscd by theic loyal t,opy at she Petlt in 1944 of site Poyntac Pesty, othich has ihioed agetinn oh.-ne t to oeetaiNts maeted at 6l par cent of the total, honoibted 75 pm esnt ef alt veof the gsesn Itt although, aceoeding tn the e dcsightly woce thtan half of sogae's ieomn over a peried of Icnota decked frnt ttiis hwetor Hmseciene endthtis coesse oftheotDpeesiosdidtnt Istpenee sentmnc end doe peeplh a whe songhststeee cfoeed- way to sop the gentle of the land meetopoly. Them os etill that manresowt et esesote corkseboitwisold andIsnas. Trth e be psicd by wetsl ofs isosac thgidatesing 1916, whtich otode possible qno nasat pmsosedsln o eigeteb o Tb5 soe nesaniro wd the doege- They oed Ionbalde withdoon.cey thett roeInnetitttiene tormion es er whse eiotadthadhnn dewtei peei . mnssany earn. The poectRs teani thresCe o.-handed don oednnin ngaistbe toed wonopolyfof the eonrtadee and the denioiean oeo ated by the Vne ttete Saptemte ore 'rho pohtsaci oe island is:ue novlyclostdN amsd-teeoa in the deciin oi the Puerto Rie Sopoeme Cwts, TM he ofeenes licgn land holdIng insallse agsicsltnil wanty, abstanenty neesptolted and d hmbscfd d ether thn those sethe foe the posparo!iof ni rvm eg foone ed ft ion o mecket, itsety to , the ecanesfi scr of so O lptn. . The ed c-te by the [55-cg ] sttom, is to post thi smel island end its poopidtion agains monspnly wehich teould red by madsing shoot edo of a hoge loge, fentecy. Thes judge who wrote this decdsion foidesly -oted the feel- 5nge o the peopleic the Nse toegicsoe toit net in 1941 psassd a Land Law wich emotde laid Asthociy It is nnrt within don teepe of dtit payee It dismes the Kind Actinthe lb ediei bon of the land to hsmgsy peopler, ashde prsorstinnobeneit Ganu, or hae esoeif,, they edit he in thho bilitatien of the pesple of tns island. Soffie it so say that the eonnaotla of lend tinc 18968i. the hands of . ow ortgot tncaon ha beencet- tiel d dasmic bym soeneno ono eh], ajonity en Peest Rms ais betokened by theie eoye] soppost at the petlo in 1914 of the Phpotan, Pa" whinth hat initiaed l cein.eloins [t to artoaly  94 The Caribbean at Mid-Cfnlr 34 The Caribean at Mid-COmbjq 94 The Caribbean at Mild-C&.uy nntacioeridrthapcdre ~etionbfnrlhlly fthe v rnd party as 'red, Lard, and ibery A igndirart itemn was reornted by die United Statem Secnt (ssmitdece an Tecsiters and Innitee Affairs ntateiitnd the islnd in Viol: Thc acrengnfrrtelyctdicatedteoclordlly eettteed fodatnff has been chaged tech creps farc* ,eor than coaaig Prerte Rico gradaly red mocsigly deprdent upon isffrontae cf sc 1esta agrieo altal -ennsten.. Sagan acre. ag ctd seenld (1399-1939) wonst feed arret incrased rely 2 1/6 lan"e In thataaste pond oftine Meanehite the ptapuatiee hat doahled; in ethe rs, it her. kept tace sedthe nt ccae at food acreage Te nccenend teed aoetsg, naes rctpoirrstiy pltreofthe ..u fttile lard, whiwas n alt that ten available fbe te pgessae it ebtet, there hbeIec ne 'per capitta itced... is pnadac fns destee cen- tempte, list the cast at hie6g hat endeegete an incrase anly tenRestaer than ass, ineseses in teaes, bstnee ef the tare that ltaedstatffs mast be ismpested in eve, e-gesa sacanmact fnane the United State, thiL it a hig-pte am,. tn Jaa tite Detw scar onrr carte, n m crete shee r 5cats nadnealiutt, pcnaeanently ht,~ nweee sf land fce gesesine cr.Arccnfflgtln tsph.- -oeeld eaetni- aeda forthe cae ltiatistofscaretefrtnne tagrelan tan aantha any darer-year petted. This nes sep wined crap ret ke, hat ptantld srrrdepeedence at imns ef de. In thsu British Went mfadrs emey preprieter of la one was oined, by one of the Slan Acqs ne besp properly tslti'at d in sea crpt r resd prenten, are -tr fsr-eay ten o"r, catinee , elots or gadrdt whictnthm, gR.,esatie-ted athiceawacesan t Ititamhenre- gretnnd that mreain n ech as t,, snaring an they did mteeia of Cscrp siwesi.anitd sdalficeny in frenils. ons net est ser ieee rie I.,, pmtdacnga ss ne today. titheagh it Is fmreees mainteittd that sty na the pottr1o dwiminrbig -Itset, the phtantstt sttte it eraeetteay more^ he h md wro-to ymmucn"6n Garr ted leher Fteets Rise, L~teadrarm, MPIs, rlear., 1S, p4i ntacninmridnc that nbe pre-elcdet handse cr of the triaia In, setwar Beds Lied, and Iberty. A sigeiicae leswan repereed by the Unitd Sete Senat Gommeatr en Tretniet ted Inuac Afftic that viaed the taland in1994 TM anceftttserlcltmad fIfetllcnesttCd foedtnfs has beets chrred to csh coepe tar eport, than making Pslot- Rice gredaly ardsl irengi depandent unpon isndurtion of ctnteetaaoeicttsalarsdties....Strasreetce-pal seresisd ( t899-1939) white teed aerage iscetd rely 2 1/6 ste nthat ,donepernod oftire. Mesetels inth peysade r.I oteatdsnd; in reher snerda, it has. kept ink wtit tin isawae of land acreae. The irretoed fwrd acae mese, moFeries aonly plnts o at , the fslmkilnd, wich tens alt that teas aerlai - ee th e psree.a In chot, there hanhsere'o per capita' iecrrese ha produce fan detmeed can- eseptitta. Bt tat dne fsetIingehac eagnamincreasemany ticas greatee then ey rynsen is woages, hbcaune of the feet that foed meast be imeported te reneteing prepartire irn the United State, whaich is a high-printara te Jams the fjeish eae er caned n te ahnow eugas eat punis oe alienat p, manntlyig eo taces of laned fee ruwIng cas rcacditg is awe, pceene~ waid tete -c lards fen tw cue olai na gae c feossclsaegerehaneiohnetearehaim any tre-year peadThis net ely wotted crop ratd.n, hot peeetrd emerdepeedaa ae bensurt of ncc le the Britih Went ledir ect,' pdsnirtr of lards ante sca ataed, by oe 5f oln Slamo Ac, tsheep prperiy csltiated inret cope, egtnd pecisire, e c or toeery Ien dear, ucisaie ef plea tar gtrdtau ,lash the Neges oosdreed ane therceten acceet It in to be Rocened thaton se iontsie tech en them, tesier a they did a, rlc f e a t dintoitl'edee atad srtl-fieireay in f Ghnf eaett carded ei et the nounehedting seaseofesn day_ ®WAlleghiteleasaely -febniedad that, up c thr prite dsi idhitgaertetttte, the plaea'ssset is rcrmical oe, aitdic m tha lir mail ecen eretor s ytama. ntia coettan, in tes, p.4s1 not a moideeca that the pr-e dn ahattle cry of the, ctin.ehs parts teatBread, Lard, end Iberty." A rigstt t tem wsea cepered by te United State Sent Coreitnd en ljeeitodte end Intela, pAlats that cisited the inland The areage feretaly eadnicated fee lolly remaind feedeinffn hen seen chargd Ia rash crepe for roeckr thadnoating Froor Rice grad alc ted itermetnet depnde n n unn oetatien oededa (1899-I 989) ,bhite feed acreage inr-td enly 2 1/6 theta in the ate peded aftie. Mer-atteat tht yspelatiat ha, deubied; ie ether tenet, it hen. ksptyacreeiltbtheinseasaf afwedacrdc gThrinrtd fund acreage, tnrecc cmydar ely plate fin them te fertile land, thieh teas at that tea tesable for the psepano. I. ehorl the ban Faeten n "per capita" iren ris prdane tee datteon' atpoen last the nent of BHong ha, endrger an resets, many e,-1g-tsthe.ayinreaee ietensn, beceaofthefGtnar tndnu fn maet be erpered it re-c.resig prepertient frost the United Statn, eahich te a bigdctasa.- to Jame the Intclatee-eery cure, netmoaonse -an- o paintda teAter persteently lerre ece u l od for tensing ce. Acctlrc in tlawe, danac wild rettrcetIardelerthae camatiwn rf sugar ee fee tnt erger dear ajtre, ennta In any thme-ear petiod Thin atrts nl iared crp mtion, hat p,-Ietd svnrdepeedtc e n itepacs, af rise, In the Britis Went laInch evey ysetset o ellads rewe wan obligd, by ye of the Slants I.t, Is beep properl, calfirud In ree crepe, er Poeted proeinn e r s emery ten cane,, cne rf pin ac gcerdeea which the Negroe mninated en theireawn sccrn- It ices, e m geened that retolisne et ch an the, sarning se they dida erdicte at crp dirnifctien aned tntl-nsfidrcy in feedsmffn, weecardad oeeceRodeegttpcreigar poun eatfcoday, Allterg it is fIgrmely mahacised that, an te the paint of ditiithtgereopt, tho, pltaatt snte®i soaically ser etficie then thBailA w sea-pctrae cysess, ths6 endout, in C aresd Pierbe, PanS5 Rafoo Ojesolsnd I-sen..."ei, anm-. Isis, c-il1  CAIBAN RESOUCE 35 CAZUEEN REbOURCS 35 CAzuxA RESOURCS 35 Ohr opini o f Do. Piod wll-tasind observe and ccadib onlsolar dan ot held ieae in Setar Rice Ther ed for root than 500 sorera parfan for efficiency ior padaction bar not been sobslanlatrd wy faets. be view of tosv nesocal distebstion or income that sns freos nseontrallon of acne saavor of land in rho band, of psirto indiodeal, the pate ofiooodgamomthats51ttacreeJhealdhM oodossod. Tbe on-op-re systen or land teur wound, therfore, o hn e futtnird n eotlogeenods as well as frmnt dast of ode of ncid msalrtins The ."ga Plontai yotnla olted in Poeuto Rico, particrly dn'nrig rho last hatfetrye, bat ladked the noda sailty thst, wsaly accoo tooter- opeotorhip- phaennnne or statel o fct al ht sro1 endow with broad geographic igmofivarnth darn,~l soaeont, 0Lmniedha peedideee Inanits" Zbis rotrn, in rTon, of its eSo nnoy efiieocy in prodnction, bion everywchere in the world, been notable to ep shoer tenobte Ilosniiy, engndered by the fet- ot hettern Endes] ond landler, nave sap freryccody in meind rnd oetl-mod-t oeoionn of t titter ogrotiat Drilgler no fanillEro cent of cie ubeoandfalloto-irenaeoondthrn Medieoertoeo. raosig io large wits rosy indeed psertitof bange "otonten rtotst, wicht hove, bowerer net iofrqeently fen, cone-hlsned by the tow oaoi gans Unten prcfitn wra isetesogly proratsed ona faie prerortage beeo m oong capital, Ishoo aced sotgeoentI it reap sull bneld tern Und Ill f... ihe ins, so begoenng illn a p..y. Whoe wotlh saaartssaeo aos mendeoy Priose tss loesdscmayftarrleheror aypfade; A heesed osn make theem, eta breash a, esode: ot shots] peeeey their scnay beeds, When tone, novae he appied. Ther is a rog, ros] for Ma~her capital loveobont, rafisoao n, and croplee tocholal se-evnptoert is evey pbiaxs o tiil1 t Ie island, tare in the magr inbn- bceooc. Bet despite the -odo- tontntognl taerve bat hawon ore o edcdliRo doe ad, mill, doe Irodless day laooe r in the sane field tmtasn sn the opinio r . Pica, -trsineed tiseever ass] scfol scholar, does not held ters i Parto Rico, Th seed for store thao 500 ascoe prfattleftsny pmodctiso bar nots born nobnaited by facts Is vew of doc m dl dstelibtnoon si inosro that rsalts fets orcnate of lage tracts of lard in mh ods at private indieldulq , eprotic of oornScatoe. e0 ourntsordbe codemssed. Tbe c rtpnoe syset of land lar testds, thereore, to hie tfied or ceanoric grs .wo ma asr lethde paron u of clew of modal coaidetaliotc. The togae plannedios ryotro an evolved is Parelea Ri4o patinary doting the fast bolf-enrtocy, has lacked doe noal stbilty that orsfly asosrpai osrre oleaetoship-s ph-..,onor or tese oi faina that teens to ends,, noth bread geagoohie sinioficance doe ciassic soatesnt "of aprdeIafa. ~ tm o n di 1i offleiocy toprd-etr., has, everywher in rh wotld, been nnablc bc ntoopo labor forthec HIEi -ened d by the fn,- tt beteeon landed and landleo. fltres op frtyntody in stohec and escelo-ndseo vesoe d of thitter agrarian steeggln no fambela, to nodrots of the or sod fall of tecitit sead the Mestttereaas Fiamang in lare ania stay lndeed pornoit of hug, ea eomic" whots sich have, hte-,,e not inrsen tly ken ovcee hlaced by does1oe n'oejiP gales. linle profits are insase ty peseod ao a fain pecentage basin asset capital, shoe, ard mrosogemror, in roy all hld tea, that Ill farce'I Sheads] mo Unwoedg ill a Prey, Where eesIb snomlate, ass] men decay r...e nd tars], mros fl rodsa, or nay fader AhrerbOnn ,rsahese,smahvaaas hoesmode: SOl o bols] pctaaUnne . pride, Whet onct deetroyad, cn es he coppird Ther la a cryineg need for bigbee copste inettoet atinaln- tis and complete teconicalr-eqniprot inevecy pbae ofsc- det n doe islaod, tor inti sugat iney astove- st despite thoeesodesote.Jhtolcal psreeadohahe beordscrd ist the agas mill- doe landlesn day laborer is (be cane fie resossan the cpinion of D ord -ic 1 tel-rained snx ad -1.1fa scholse dot- sot bold te ice Enon eco, Thenrcdiforroerethano00 lsces pesefastrifeien-cyi prsdaedoe ba not been echnlated Isy factn. In tir i ote rc'eil diatalbotiwof ci l ce that -e]aIt frmr enntsioOf large rsess of sond ine tlhand, of private indienola, the enctdertef wi mothn500 cs w Le-ag. Tbo o er-operotor sytet oi land tere world, tlearfre, weao bve jeted on eosic gondnsatwelasvform oe pint of view of so ial ,assiderotior. The suoor planlaistenystra as retbrd in Posers Rive, particlary during tr last helt-conoty, ban lacked sbe woril nsabitity that orally aosaio cons- nprrooasaip-a phnomntnn or tt of affair that snotnt ros, th boand orserstahi sigttifiance doe calinartc °Landjandis peedidcrs 7sthaesu Tbir asont®, is tpife of fit ec- noos' efficentoc is productior, bat, erry-shre is the world, hero nabletbs ercape laborierculer. Tltoiityg engenderedbteyfnhcio- ti boetwr. larded sod londlutn flosont saltstesfy in doco and credlts.modern rotlo of the bitter agodyma steagl so fasLias to studrots of the rsr sod fall of eeson aread the Mediocran. Friog itnlage ant, rosy ldood pessnt of bose Wont reoturn, whirl bavr, heer, sametdo inreenty heen r-balancd by the law oial" gaicc. Ulmor prnig ar inurtongly p.o.tcd es a I fairetroage basic amaong capital, laer, and otaovsfrstrot itn say still hold terse than Mi the lnd to -rieng il4 a prey, Whoe orFib as oelateass]de d-aea Peisce acdtlaed, monylacry oressny fadc; A breaahcarrabmakeo~,twabrehoaesada, Bot a bold peoaaely, ebei.. ony, foelde, Whet oes deceRayd, son never be espplied. Theer isa saying res] for bigher capital laretoseset, vaioalae- d0,and rerplet trchnll recossipmnti every pbs of so- Soity to the inland, tare in the agar indonty aloor Bat despite the madree eehwocil peovotonr thot haeve besn isordocediflt doesaa mno1, the achdes day tabe n the sane field reisis Ro  36 The Caibban at MidCentuy 36 The Caribbean at MidCetuy 86 The Caribbhu at Mid-Cunturq the boo and mntar and moaddrh o te of deeelopent and he i paid accordif to t ntndardn of pre-poduarnlel tonety. The highr-nalonid on, chombi iv the mill i in the ono aeied atme phut of eooonuoi Olymopian heigll fa trmoved foonm the ton-oage atoer gralbbing nosa7 in the nniflig humoid nif on tie earth belowe for the sigilaoo of thent hemt twets the company his yealy Way many tino eloes, tbut the efdnoy of a meat wit a hoe and a noaddeor oeasit only the Imoee eonoaot. Althnough monayofl botowoeobao tecrat ino mofoonhaddgte.rplfted hen rateIs qortl to dim orotno thaotowad he edeodfrom aonmany a foar m twelve on plantod in food moet, neverdoelatothe ad- vantage in of littl poroi®r alherfit to the mayn of ptriy 0000Mthd Pueom tier, wtho tove litle thare in the nnnoar wnooe If oneohaoidoo i in ooced all along the Imo, aoot if worheo ore fred feom ondoomic ditematn d ate opoobed to obotaito as htated diet, per copita prodordion for tome eempltyed wolt mnnrraoe and wageo ca ae, oio e fwod and vocia teon can he perettaaed etnd istaod-widdo prodoonon and wellhbeing end focraae in anl upward aideda. Hoaw can worokee gel bhote dit, chid woorld help atep top effiieno... They mustooether geono onam fwod re foopt ote Sinn etgeo hat preroiped moot of mho good land ott wadhiodh ,crang of foodstuffs woetld hMw her tooible, it toc tee loa rattod reretney o imopooo ooe food- to hone coO Parsed0 Riran erernue wthi their preteen otboolde toaget, m0 buy food io thes nnak of ront ittn thtid Stts in otpei wnithoooheeooarting fisto me ioea etrh? Yet anlmoerm the togae ,otreoou coo strive only cat sabdothe roiled satonm mutff tool, noe ,raely toot et Ptaeooo Rican lthreo he foed t0 pay Ameotican pacto fo caotoen' good ia td of hidding frely on the amod enar o , facheaps, peodace ThaN to Mhee retieten, 00oe $5s,05,0 per, year a added to thee reat of rie, noajooay of Pootolfihoandie,and frnot0toil5 perfrect is odded todhecassts of aher,, wehich ate en uttnobot in tropco Pterco Srt o the fos- vetodan and reonol of hwooman. T o he sumtuo, anto tgtde of the doeta addidtyde that tc benefil of the ida, oo atff o t- oteigla th e added coom of the inopomnd neceetitis e than op it mayit a l thU owaetWoe h moe aumal wh-r-o h Moero Rirowm ereo ave hoen m oenaMud entremely flee betroon the upper the boo and orart and crahi otage of devoaptten, and be it paid arron to tho nandards of poone-he dueh taitly. The higlrockated saa hor eidt in the nis ito tie raeind atnotphiere of ecosofoocc Olympiatn heigho, fur removed from the, low-rago cane, caner gopping naway in the osiling humrid i0 ow the earths belno;o the dn iglmco of the deho[ e ta the cnopany hit yearly salay teay timsee oner, bat the effiniency of a nan woith a boo and a mactee moean only the p m reuo ettoaion. arehngo mtey one1 hoa tane that the enthinrme feoe a .nIog ac planted on 'ant u rqil t the income ru thaecd M derived from to ny at for 0 teloe an piteto in toed rasps, neverthlee the ad- vantage it w of litote practical benefit 00 te now, of paoly eoioed Puerto Rirat, whbo have ]lite dine, le the suaa inroe If mccthoaadoio Intraodared all iong the ice,, and if nmoaren ate freed frot eodetotlteto a nd orceonabled toblamei a balanced diet, pee aptt produolorSe thme onmployd wnd] inceesate tedd wage ottose more fond and social aseee eon he peraatod tedd iodd-ide prodnonion cad nelt-heng oilnet inns no an pwardi Hiowerenokeoootehebeter die,nwhira wouldthelp ,, p effirienoy? They moo eium, go mumr food or import oot Sideos etags, aa pte-ooopnd most of te good land ot wohich the gaoetng of foodtufft would haoo ben pact]h, it woald mee logiacadneoonaoy tomimporntemfotd Btuhow artaoe Ricaeoetcotoo. n iththi reeemiabewe to0buy food in te othe n ksof oootna Veined Sta, in compeitio with neorkot matince fiee to too ioeta uc~? We we omg as tho an,.a iemooarntse only tbled thMe Traed tatet taoiff trail, w tol wc4nil the, Poero Ricon taor he for'ood pay ianeran pricen far conatnmed, goodu, inted of biddieg fretly on te amoed maeto for cheaper Pred-oe Thaho to thet retertin m $5,000,000 per ye ariddod to the coot of tiee, matitay of ThaotobRuudit,nd from100w 5peeecois oddetmiteatcoe of an-,t nhieh aer ted essentiof S tooproel Puerto Rfeo to the pe aoto nd contof tO hooleou. To h e to, ooo andede of thesttnlo mti that the hodne of the togaer pta far out-oade a welgh tho added ear of tho itmpooned ooootiie. IBa thht a it tmay,st, aottll appatec tat dthe mot ca osay iehearothat N.oo Rican erm have heo geound eneayfoe between the upper the for and oncast and moache stage of deeritmot, and he it patcording ta the otna of poe-ledeonek wciety. The high-sanlaried aareheeniat in the miliil in te enoefied alnoptner, of erotone Olynopan heagher, far me mooed froe the oo-onage aut onte ooibwe awnay Inthe cotfio humoid sir an the earth her; ifar the vigilace of the ehotedt taee the compelanyd hit yearly nary m~any timet oe, hat the effcienoy of a mert with a hae and a macete ,noeit only the tpremt retottoeanon. Antoogh etay naill het tenot the casho incme footm a ongle acee pltened insoleaal tothenoom east mldhM deried fremewtmany an faorto toee ont planned in food oep, otoertlet the ad- oontn go acho peactia mounot tathe mateeof porlytoiHed Peto Ricms who have little mbare in thle aoea incme. If moechaeheton it inftodntred all along the line, and if worken ate freed fromoendemidiesacnod are ed mtftohaiealeed diet po rapita pootincdon for them employed ouft imprets add weages ran dose; cme food and tctint onces coo he ptoohdad ted ibland -wide prddcodon cod nell-being oat inrtae in an upwatrd ntpiea. How, o wreef get ahetee, diet, whel would help stp sup officiency? They moo oiho, o w a00 00 food ohiport mor grhspeepe e fm gdln awihte. growing of foodtoffn reould hate here pottble, it onooldte logital aodec-dtaytimporlonarffod But howeancPowrmn ttiua oeet rone itho ti preteel miooahttoonge,Wtbay food in the nookden f cotiertl Vined Staten, in curry ton wihoworkee entring fnvntootirtoes as rnugh? Yeet vlonsg a the ato inomas ran etave only behind tho iled State oaitf tol, surly will the Pmrmtt Riote loeer he fterd no pay Ameercn peire forcndm-e'rn goads, intead of bidding frely on the world market for cheapet peto . Toaoh tore tettictioot, tn$5,000,000 pee r a added to he rent of troe, loafeny of Pnetao Rioan diet, ted faom t 00 35 pc, rent it added t orh tan of thion, woith are an etteeal it tropal PAtut Rio to the pee- -etieandl rontol of hook-ore To he at, tome tondem of athe dntio nnaint that the benefin of the togar enti faut treigh the added pooat of the loopoegd eratiin. Be that an in may, if istill apparentotaoeentheat ual obeverhatPto Rican worher have heen groand onoremely fine hetnow® the upper  CAUUBAV REOCESr 37 CsmzBEA REOCESr 37 cwswzEA REOUCaS 37 and tem nether nflenne, that it. beotee mtontolita indontniat pren and colonial preivnerat wngnn. 111. Hemt Haiti wsfor ltIgmeo ne of the richest ageicaatrml colonies in dioNew Wod. In theigeeee tummety Me ncaederived by me Frenc~h fror Haiti soo pnr a fie greater than that whl Estginsd teak ftnsrmh the ten colonie eme-Lttd As a r sait of the retwit of the export pmroeety onawd and hiti did wnt fneo the palee., commn to aleeost ni loath Arnnnioa doying then nineoeh to, of an aseeatie tEnd- owng dlent lading it oerra great mass of pmes. In Haiti, the formsledanee eaea mc po ntrd ohemre, adhmeaivgmta tendon made thmn roalirait freedom did not msn oanneary free- door from soot. Srntitaa, in tttn tent tys ehi in 1793 ont the duale nf libert, cried that ien Frone at! sm free, yet everyone wartks" In rotopamig p-oweentrnoditions in Haiti with die Halt picnic- tin npeet oneo of 1789, et mieent be kept in moind that, (1) the nenty Cooed clone, womane landholders, bet they tacn epirat, technicl inoeretion, and enjerenr in all pint farning; (21 the rewm rny met mned topay rn an indemnity nf ft sell- fan fon Swhinh ntere conid mor beer need en heoy die penic and dthecnical skills wherewith to effeet saotay chamma in the eonn, (7) ttte htilyeof mmcheofdietof te wnrd-at tlne-heldiag at the ton tio Haitian Repcttlit was fended- man-feet maclf in denying Haitian prodtlute a eotehet dit non- deming theeeeoweytrnmneratntstag-inndetf-effiieny. The reeling ef serettty of tiaremall on,,neeOpenee, host probal eentearo r inte rapid inree in pepotatet The cieflai oftmyfield, m nntrnponntoiie hat anedi heen a b-n te the emejae nrtieft of tepirat dnenpostr. int Mee 0ratr fite rm npopuolatinn, tho trotte the prenere to clar ne and mm two11 foeon esteepen and stcceerweain elopes, and the the nhir continwte. That the eonty in neither ahbl e wpeedtr a huge eport crepnare to L Oeme etf-soffircin At ene shrewod ekerree sad, "tenidi bee othee a-.n norneelf-tfiiet end the nether mitltneew, thanky heteem metropolitan iadntotiat prices antdcwoeniaprsindernit. age. 11. Haiti Haiti ta for a lng time oneof the rinttent ngricetinl ctenien inihe Neewatd. Inthenigennndieetry thieomemivnerd hyrte Frh fmrm Ilaiti weo nerrti nie grets than that tehiSe End tok frm the thieteneentee .dmonnid As a nell e lerolt of die tlaes, thist enport prmspetty reared end Haiti did not fellowo the pollen,, rennn to ttMot all Lan hisaricaetetriethenioeleenhretwtay,nf an atnmtertirae- toing ets wn it eorn n grat mat of tweet. tn Haiti, the fletnsrtkdoe bonamepeants eaMthan werfnandnhir igeeous leaden main dinne reclin Ntitr edomt did nt mean ttiee free- dmmt front war,k, ontltnat, in bit treat tpetch in 1793 on die delict of liberty, rlfed diet "in Fnac alt em on e, yt neerynn In cennatieg premne oodiioe in Haiti with te, dH pionta tioaeepttecm-,ntof1y9, itnmot thokptintmind ta (1) the nesoy frrod tteehe caro lattdheldet, bet diny nenked epitat, technica inteactio, and neaewcenn in small plot farnoing; (2) thino wocetery man foe to pay France an Imndenttty of t0 tell- lio fYanc which monack retd hen, boys need to hey the melt and tme terheinal Askt nwnvith en effec eatoie chanwe in din, nenny; (9)ll dinhiltyf mnchof etet of tiM eld-tet slaenhetdg at t in e N thme Haitian Roynbie net oended- teenifeetd hwlf in dosnying Haition prod-.t a market, thee con- denndimmigdiemenrr, p emsecalstalieod el-effieen- The reeling of eecaeiy of in, Shaart om-erntnto hen probeal bee c factr in the rapid ilae in paotne. Tiemplialo eftiytield, e enteepnienntaitnideo haecteot.dlbetn aboont the ortie tethitit ofnropiotdtaontett tenot the grae ,i in fa i. ,h ppudation, nieande sth pen onre to deeo mr and mr tetall am f on tsleeper andtteptmte in tp, end thn diMe cy cOedtteat Tha th e cnomtr isneidieoabl It prednee hnge nport arp me in imm tedaelinin. At one shrewd henemiHaiti bcs norther aenooponraeel-staliint and the nedime miltone, tit In, betwee atetropetan indutial ptioes and aeriet pw-iadacttillwage. If!. Haiti Hgaiti sore a long time e of tho titihest agar~etttr wettein indihsNa World tntheihfent cennrydihein eeeried by the Fored, from Haiti rnenrc tmimn meaterm that that whicht Engind took frm the. tbrn mltnin eonnled. At a to- selt of the reoit of the otter, thit e-part prsperity ceed and Haiti did net fellow din penon, aetot to ctmmt tdt Latin Amiadrn hnt cmhumy fa ad teiteg aips. toding it mn, a ereat noo of }kere. tn Hat the tecote daoes bervite peoanutodith® antt, andmetroigrne er nmade them recuiz diat frendem did not mean merely ftwo dmr frn mete S-ndieaan, or bin tnot nos,,E in 1793 on de dtttiet of tiEety, ctied dice 'in I-nc al ore fre, yet everyone wmtkt,5 In cnenaeg prem rondttinn in Flaiti with the tiohpc..- tin eFertmtyeoftFES itmintbe kept in mind lat (I) the neewly freed seve became Inedhlder, bet diey lIcked rapieol, tochelen inerei, and nlrtence in small pint foming; (2) she new canery mat eed tn poy Fmnne on indewciiy of ft0nil lion fewraa whbih etheenee meld hare been need to hey die toi and dio tevnhtia skits. eheamith to effect snlrtaey hange in Mio enomy (3) tiM hotitiy of mth of the met ef lien wortl-tt olav-hlding at the tier heent Reptblic oe, founded- ranifentditeetfin defying thatin-ptat nmarkrt thurcan-m deening din onnaywt emanreitageao aand etd-tadfiriotoy. Th rp Peein Psnorit ef the nmal omnoopeerar hot probably ben a factor In the raid ia.,ore in poptiten The caltietion tf tiny fiotdt on titep mntornds hat asseredly beench oon me die eroatee aclitiie of teepicot dawepotes noethde getn- die ineronein fomsetmo , hmratr he o p menr en rce mere and mre stell formo n Thuspe and ttep m ooomtt sles., and tha die tir mntnes Tha.Ithde rueenr in neiter c abl prdne hefrea erport crep MeI cme stf -efcipnt As aoe rd oheewee maid, "Haiti has neither a one-crop ncaati-tffioloal  38Th Claribben at Mid-Centuy 38 The Carbua at Mid-Century 38 The Cariba at Mid-Cenlhy nonoy-mofer it bar a tdoeunnalnnonamy" It is an orphan mthe iltnhonanl martl. 1V. Ctba Feotnnatly fmn Cuba, Colmus did rot find much gold on that inland, tand at reout early anont had tottun aoical- un uo ThemoCuba.swho grayedomnthoisand dningtho contquenl of .Mliico made ,one bneding -Nttl and bormst to be utod by mba cmoonuildooe Whial a emmay te cattl nmen flt an in thm paiden an ai dthe memchoroaf th Honuoad Camejo dour a Mfeaa that gnild of Spanish sh-eept wo for no lag tyran iredte, mall faitaeroffSpain But theyoweoe net withoutcott- potloata fot from the ven7 hoinning the roge plInnes new faconod by legieladnt at well as by rctth blnnnr and shnidiet. l'toeyeeny neon with the sagar plantera nod tha nineteenth aetnno wen nubsidiared beet tuga made humeanism inmNd into the cane- mgan -bnet, and alien costs on the pinoah . had to be o duced At tde sane mm,,tI- are , nnebeeamigmoe enprne and nnnand mane .comino to reenlo. Ctops neicb nomoed with cae Ieont alone in putting in their appearnnn n eTic big stmte in th, hIrtnoy of ,aitun in Cuba woas the rateal of the Feencbflag from baidiafnet the olgeof do enlens in 1791. Omeof theterenf the rntec andnnlntts -. ootnf the affne plantatinin Cnbnantbat it wanef famailyime, t- qweaitagwladroly bmlo capital hat maueb cone, and tenefoae the cofee gnonne feed en their wnaoi oaoa isb the utdo emchns who neee landclyaeele, .lnasbettinethe Fron desh."pd nualt bntt flourithing roffc plantonu in naniont hn the eetensive gtuaing of cartl had Ieno tbnaan the onty anoiry. tunBneeow a the maret In expoand? fntcelaialnode wraafo- hidden by Spain. Money fron the Vietoyatty of Milonas oo minted to La Habasa to oasab up the annual dflit an the cant of the tivil and nolitany adasinieoatie of Cuba; yet there wut, an of Januay 14, 1815, a duty of 14 ponan the huodredoeegbt placed on alt mewomani o enernn Mere tensm Cuba Thin elfecticely kept mni Cuhan coffee, nwhi at the time neat orling in Io formana ten only four ponn the buodnodnceht The Royal Ondon of Fecbrnary eonmy-rt it hat a hieoyoun-nailt egonay" 1t isan orphan inte anteottional macbet. IV. Cobs thonunotly lot Cobs, Colusobus did not find much gold n that idland, and au asulot naly netdmo had In soon to ated-n ros. Thee Cubans weha ttod am the islaod duels0 the conquest oftMenomark moe, baeeding tdeland bnomentohbouand by the canquiadon. Within t c uty thN tl ran aeone felt a it themt pnaid al did the noonober of thae eN..a.da Canada do Moes, that graind of Spanish teymen wo fam,,s long than- leod the emall foaeoeoftSpain. Butthryew wetncithso m- petito, for from the ery betinning the sg, tlantet e favoed by Iegislorinn anwell as hyras ab - han iaan tuit. tapenity noarn d thmagrplners anti the Ndnetetnth -rente whoebat snddled bee muon made incwating innadais atoe cate- nugaomnormcand when cat aoth, plaoatiosahad toinhe- dared. An the come tune d5C. coee hemmiag mome neenniee and rme and sme inlined to renolo. Craps wehich cnpoted naith cnwntot tioe in putliog in their Imp omaco c aThe big oren in de no b ln~ of coffee in Cuabanes the treoal afnh Pof feig from Haiti afte the reralo o th nal e in Imoe One ofthmtesetn~afteononicstaamcof the coffee planttion in Ctin wan tat& it teas of aniy iocno qstoiNg wNatiely little chapital batgi marla toad therfow the roffe groweno e od n their ort, nonutwith the cattle -skyho, no n largely akgtottn Inns than tim tine Pench de nunpn omal na floitbing coffe plottio in egiat nbe th, e nensive meaan of cattle had bent e almost the snly watioty. Bthow nos the taarbet wto theande fatrcoia tade seas foe- hide hr Spain. Money front the inylty of Mualw non on- neoted to abuana to make uip thfe atnual deficit in the ntof the coil and 8si5,tanpuf 24dbtn aof Lola; yet thoem teat, snof January 14 hD a dt fgl4 pest th huadTadneight placed an ant mronbandise otweing Mesice from Cua lnnfer.t.Iey Impa ant Cott. a coffe ndii wat mtre time wras settingoya in La Iuban foe only for pene ethe noddeigbt The Royal Otdw of Febwury ecny-outher it boo atin-oun-naill economy.aI in on orhan in the inromateoan.namhen IF. Cua Fortntly for Cuba, Colnbe ad not find much gold to that inand, and an a anut rally oulleun had to tutm to agelo- t. TheCubaewhoseayed on th iind duingfthoanstuat of Metdco made rootey, buending otetec and h~onneto be used by the csnquinbdoee. Within, a cennnep too catt oetm fol an in thein ponition an did th membens of the tIaoeado Cmeeasj oondo Mans, thaI guild of SpaNleb th~eepn who far ni long tyson- abed the surlllfomeof Spain. ButdImp wete nw-without anm- petiwea, fon frnm te ery lieginoing the mer plantn not faeonrd by legislation an stf as hyrscsh tousas and subsidies. Prospiny ws, with thu sagar planters und the nimnetet centny, wennubtiad ben sour made isoring intoads into the - tugsnmatk,andm bor oatatnhepnaioo bad tobne- dumpd. Atthnil otbnoaroere beeoadog mon tpetsivand mate and omot pimhnod tnooha. Coops which rompotd with raene ,ro lit pattigin ther apPeseano The big crent an thebbo of coffee in Oainewas the oatnal h f bec tm ofmt elronhfeigfom oti ,uate a enl of toe nttaec in mt 71 1h9e One of doe menttof the mroni and wndnnol nvace of th ofe inai in Cua wan that it nuan of tomilly dee, th- qeoing relatively litl ospital hat feurl eum, and thrforethe coffe grne cdo hi eaei otos ihterthe rowisomm, no eee lsngdyinenoe Ina abort timee kt the t sc n h go ogbtforsigsee l .mtgo were the ravie oraing of catl bud been alosttenl eidy Ba ot batema the market to etad? lonerlnl toade teasfon hidden hy Spain. Muomy frmte sionnmyaty of Mexiu teas r minted to La osabash to make ok p the tonual deficit in the rent of the del and 1nott adnoin2 isaan of Caha? yel tore ne., 05 of Jmtmy 14, 18il5 a duty a f24i peon th bndedeight plaerd on all, me cnt enacing Msteode freom Calra Thi effeotiecl kept o at Cu. oban cofee, n o an t t. wan noltag in La Hainosn fon anyr (our penot the hundredtlwigh. The Royal Ond.n of Febesaey  niovuumN REORE89 CAmmBAN RESOURCES 39 CAIBBAN REOUCEm 39 10, 1918, officially opening the pont of Cuba to fcergecreach, gore added wtpetue to the thuads, ulteody Oroojohing cotettee- oococ of wcinner had beet cooeloabod. Bt thde cieft tet of te niotrth eututy deetroyad egodeltor coed cco andrrer. th~e Civil War of 1095, whtich Hare the coup de rd to apecultural p_"p"it its Cube, the mnted coffee pitatinct u tre searptd forothetmot poa neobehteocerecups orteeoogar ans,orthoy we. e tot to Crawe oep itterchleerbretho. Whoa the poli®1tic ithee Spams tere filly teed, big wceteme becwa i mittd hn doe teogor and tebec tnduety, wkhch epeefeecd whbat Prefetrr Toyroao might cat a sdrname. Yanr" photo ef developeet.1,l The eoffee induetr -a erpletety noegaled Detriug the first tdityfi' yean, of the rpublic, Cob, eve opoet eaal-ffe, tm a total vaobe of $l02,23C0t But den ltble da eams bot he ceogr indertay thtenlo wted Werld War I fulfilled tMo pmrelecy of the Cuae btett Mor, erhe, enly a ,ecoter of nat. boy ele, toed warmed: "A people i cototet noicde w the daypittroouseeotcopfoitttohirtreit" Coffee, eugrgot. heo, cattle afdng-ee, o de economy of Cuaebhrltod atiot, of m ee epbase of growthtnd detitoe too te lcdteotc pleretotoblthe farbared erec ago fondl ..lreer t Ivdy h n ad ,36losf en rorf 1,llsaemscrarelcacttfor 470pr er of afltheoirtelyovctedle dsibe uo, 90 pre ceet of t the etclct tre tof dhich it unerltitoterd, sle 157,0 fvmtt ((ncm) 40,000 of whtita ate mittocy ,eore, oeeapy the ther or53 pea eertr.. The large holdiogt gmvo terge o cat of the ot e frite band as ouga reamuorlttidoertinteerpodandland rgorhbut feocerilltedr- mnoded torte and moe cae bct the edra of the ottlttet en the, early 1i0t wo f wlted bartfcdprrr.Tefyte wrrt tppd it t o higbc-af actsiI f U l927 rhc geloiaa. eefr lu potct A ooairy , to ( 113 Ce itet 3,90.00 pootdsode A of china, hot ho n is4 vomtt edote erected to 9,0lltO00 peada, ef neblee o m iaa o ht raIiaio paedr ecr eorsrd tre to nrdooi preocic woe wer cerfo Cenyoce Toer de2,2,3 e e9scs eknSumt til i nord~dm tan 1067,00rre with a ota poyrl et $14,000,000.o T h.iinoead perhotiog potteri hote heedas rf If, 161f, rfficolly epeniug dmi pent of Cuba to foreign aen",t ga.- added itopeter to the isloud§r aleady ftroritlhmogan motitch sfehich bed been wrothood. Bet the doll woan of the rceteere y deroced ogeiceltore eand retrr, and after the Cio Word laS19, whlich gave tht coop do goil cc o agonleea prttpuiry a Cuobo. the tee ed doffpoathore ere sepaoard for the onat panrttobitoe eopt or inot uget care, or they totr lft 0w pos,,p it w -ler broth. ,orbs tht pelil Pea stith Spait rere finally steteod, big wchoeioce beome ittotd iottor sugor end toecfodotry, teihoprieod whot Prefast, Tcyobee adtetcalltall"dytoec Y ',e ph ae of devlth t. tThe coi Ifr ladu a coccoplorely toeglcted Dotng tre fttoh nytit rest of tfce cepeolcfic, Cuebe eret looreod roltre tetotlvo of $1t2,23),04. ButC the ec atbl de pcoe in Che to irhdustty that frlfscewd Werld War I fulfilled the perpMeey of the l w od hayaCuhee polniotsaeofa w ac , Mactiwaw' " ped, tt slade on the day it oote to ot nrap for ito ttoetoe" Coffeehtagar, tobaco, cottle toitieg. tech, byo t he e crofe Currmba~ba eohadalis, tocyeofteceauct pbatseffrstodnd declit bot tht tedno patreon cr00hhhead feo hard yeas age pealria wyver law, 00'0 too the day; or wthe ote bad 2336H cotoal- falldtU lestoesof arstlawer araoe)lceeow[ fhr hnd t allte h piatefyttteiCab,t,6 pacer oftthe rtelto-4,0 tt of which it reliveotet wite 153,622 fnm er(mot, 40,Et 0, of wseb om i o ,w et otretwdy ocoy the oter per caet The lagoc holdigre oteragcren tod of the oet fete land asrus ua evet o ap dU sbtfe 00 trotaded tor and str cr;bet the drerm of lt holeoo t the taty 1920'r od at fltod bateecifi dprscn h eer teolheppduostitbha figh-tNttartfazl (1927) ehicgmoatyteggs- ttd the pooecic fdet prctaro, poette and efgg, erifre ad petouteer A n cari peini: in 193371 u Cbiw oered 5.007.00 poundeo oAf cho- reebut hoa~l la4 oeol 1cerdiio io wreed te 9,000,000 peandqo, f shc million peudo mve C.porsed Itrrao ho dam rol prodoco oter to et wod I. Cohen, The 28,836 foto opeeitisin eastP pedctice it1946 e optyd mote than 1676,0 teerr, 4 ewith tre]pyelo 914,000,000. Tie hoemotd peioran pwrer itth v e hands ndroi 10. 181f, olfiialy eriig te pote of Cuba to feeripo ceett, gae added hopctoo in the Weord', etrood, froersto coooece- troea of which hod boost cotccohod. Bot the cieil nets at thm nenseh eratny dnttaoyed aogroter end otrc, and cfo then Call Warref 1895, which gate the cop do grdcotogricuolftrl ptttprity io Cuboo, the mned coffee pinstattiont wrem eplanted for the ost pan i to bmace cepe or ihartoa raceor they sore left, to geose op in srtttlotebrusth When the political cet with Spain stee fitnally aneseed, big coepeotins srce leortt ho the sp~ ad tmbocc hoduor wohich tperinerd othat Proura oltyobee, might mul a I'dynaooic Yang' phar of dBmwntpcrt The cofe induoty eeas ecoplotey reglectd. DTing the fBot thinyfito yan, of the rpuhia, Cuba even otepoctod coffer, to a tooblu of $113,250,004. But the btrible epraistn iu the eager induetry that folloteed Wtcrdw War I folfiatod the wperohc of the Cotbor peanit, Mini, rho, elya qoartar of a cenoary efec, had seamned, "A peapiet eois aucd h a t m o t uittut aCoffer, roor, tobaco aot rinig-each, itdo theo mty of Cuba,bhhd ahitoeyrof tooce,ivewpbactteogrcswthand dechtar hut the Irastd-rct petel established fror hundred yeas ago ptttt ov large oa oc thia duy; on the oe hood 5,006 tate. fdia eoef 1,235cet oelarms ceo nt foro47perrctod sal thepfr elcowned toeditoCuba, 9 percent of thr tlr.e tent of whith it onctllvtd, swhil 17,622 farte, ((iceolr, 40,000 of whlich am nn iraorl1, codrated, occapy Se the er 53 leer cent- The large ho&ding lotte lage on rone co the tacoa finite land at aogarheaatc the dotcit tap, otdlargerbit froor wtilde, ttootddcrott tore coi toot the "~daece of the toinbs It the early 92tt wsea followced by a trotfie depro,eie The gwarot oetteppeditnswithoa high~tariff act (1927) which goetly aota- totedthoeptdotirerof dairy perdoc5 =aet, oolrycandesag, cffeeotnd ptatos. A rcs in pat in 1927 Ceba iepented 5,(a0000 pooode of chest, but it 1941 domstetic predrocot ho caed to 9,000,000 paowdo, of which ore setioe pbrodt vee enjerne. toetreoti duort,'c pccdeicc -tn rmor. see1 for Cubato, The 29,936 forero opn~Ecairig in steat prdomtion ho 1046 wapgled moore than l067,0067 ln wirte th a eal payrll cf $14,000. This incereaed porhoting pare ho the haneds of a  40 The Caribben at Mid-Ceur 40 The Cribben at Mid-Centuy 40 The Caibban at Mid4Cuntury grnog ococher of Cubasa is mud is boy wally groon Isrontafls and thne products of modest hsohild nduties. Many of tir small fartr. and industies ar owned and operated by Golleges o Iieflost (Canary Islanders) or their descenns who have so una- ronisaly ureopined 1st the Noew World slie Old Wssdd soodtinos ofdohriftsand haedoerk Aomiddleeladaoenudso®tooMein pmrcss o1 formoation he Cubs. Pycaw of coorsudiog these paooabs ton Cubla, a 9old forms Sir Wil-s Van Horee, builder of the Canadian Faciia sod of the Cuan sailnad sortsoor sores pertinst. He wonts to Coo- esat lood asn o tt: A system of land-mnsionu ism- th ro ffective and weuil wray of securing she gatust postihir udiondion of land, and aod on th aste timoe re heat nassae d against holding lands in dhsse tfe Tprnite pctrosen. ft sftnrds, moerteover, the most rin and toifoo rac oon the state. Freedom formh land enato caoe from tundleedisro whbich you rodidy do not wish Is monneor permoto isoCuba. Theostsyrnonly erh its igest propet-hy and grostest stahitity of goventent tsnugh sin wdet possible ecenehp of te lad byrdhrppecewhocsttivatethnd. Many facings matiorohave ptrntne onoti erotvetn the Carben lilands land I ri e to csother in apTer, or ae pants of the mse ir rosy be inoroad las Te ecenonoig of diatstn coostties, thir aoell-hrin sipndn ston the tehist of ore srmors and pcrso roupronassydifeWrdntlad. Ceegosphia specinaiu ia s tr hecrmuos bohanro, ta idvo--o thngfys befog eqs tttings aoc nor whiatare the ory diet o The lam-en eco hBRtpmdmce for sieinntroade.sat mak r it dertruined by dista fonoeo A certain amsocofont d m ofco rlh uga nNred hmt spandiwssifethig ofcep o trn deroifierton of crops is prle whl thaigsosn M che tdein ownufaroong,nthecrmumsrdrilwgats[hecdeard. Ean sods islandsh an 50am pirsly indapednt tenr .hoored aboutton the eugh wa rmhwa of the intentonal mrkier toiled he- tho Scalla of efo.Cry n-h n lat standard of icng, Ia the Chasyhis ofo o ltsne. wittaresltao cooiatw-- no-sate. - eaar H. "..'s Oar Osca tCataop. eryouh, 10, p. t19e greodong trer of Cubans is trod o buy locally gros foodtstutffs ndc the prdosr of moedest houseoldladatrie Many of Olin small harm andl indr amcoed and elcrsced by Canr en ]saffa (Caney slandne) me their deseedanto whe have s u nosfotty toaosplaoted la the New Wrld their Old Worldsraions of thritand hadwork, Asmiddlelsdotds-cmrbtotocipmocss of loromotion in Cobs. Bly rosy of concluding theme paagrpbs ton Cubia, a utio finnm tin Wiliaro Van yforro- builder of the Cadian Psific and of he Cuban esilrad stor os pertannt. He woete to Gas- rostWoods fllow.: A eycmo of land-tmis Inuth most effhotive and eqtitahld oay of ecoelag this geot possible utitialio of lands, and atffods at theo sae fibntoTh best safeguard against holdig landm in ura foentceolatieeparposes It affords,torovrrqanrmtcaeind onifost seee to the sense, Ferdoro firr lend snoatton fre form ladleedn, ohielh yoa orosinty do not wish so condinonea permos la Cohna The edasy can only rch in highest eesusn ad forest stability of grovernocnt tbeccgb the odest ponsibte --doatp of the land by the peopln who cettvale Then. Many forein natero hys poliica or a-rson enetneas on the Canbbean islands. Islands clne so enh othe in space or pans of the -coslrand, may be mocanpertd'm lonthe ecenomoic of distan oumnos their -een-being deperdeet oe tM heeims of aossesnd preaouee. goups of roany different lands. -. odl eoomci epecislisasian is Te asseeta bsrmu, the ideal-her thingrheingeqonta. But thins aorenoteqolcwhenthc erydilltof he frese who produe fo, the internssional mockner is Introouced by distant foreigroer, A ceetn nnmnt ofdivensifcoaeefcpI is healthy io thrid days wrhen torigo markets are onotahle. Btr os tong an dieroiiietion of crops is preached while the big money a M beeadela ae ,,cpfmatig, thesa-s wil u unobeded ben ouch ilads an emoin paliicaly, indeedent see bnffeted abotontheenough sesoteinaeainnlroankeoraaedtbe -ero the Scylta of selfewufiioey, wit1, a loon standard of icin,, and the Charybidis of mnoclt.r, suiTh a roesiant coleno ada tands 5Lland H. JoIr, Oar Codrs Coa lp Ne ar e, t9ts, p tat1. growsig eser of Culcars is osed so hey locally fowns fadoodtuf sod Te pedocts of rosiet honshold ladnofico Miany of she smanl tsmeu and industries am owend snd epestd by Caneros or blhat (Canary Ialandmnul or ther dcendanli whe hve sano- eolsily trnsplanted in thre Nec World thei Old World traditions of thNcfInd haedcworb. A middle dloocoutdsorttcbe insproemr of formaon in Cola. Bly way of concldiagm th- yanagopho e Conq a 9.a. form 9(r Witlin,, Va0 Home, builder hi the Cantadian Pacohi and of Tr Cahnd railroad ryceme,. temro perIlnt He tart so Con, teal Wood ao faloos: A system of lanod-taxation in the root nffrtis and Su~itable way of dryietng she facaot possible iposed-o osans, and affords at the sname lime the host safrmpled ogalet holdng laods in disose for speaatie prpoo. It aofeedNroeva,thenoot certain and ,o=s enoed to the state. Frworsc tem land tanation ses teems Iandleedin, owhich you certainy do not wish so continne or promotem in ub. The country can onty road, ins bittes, pcespenito and greteet sthty of goeennront thufh tharwidrtpsbl ownersbip of lice plnds by the peopte wrho crtiiest the a Mnoy famloroi odehaepoiticolaer cnoesicendvlaesocthe Caribbean ic mslands tod ime to raod thr ha spare, onve pans ef the im iland, n-ny ha inoepteated ino thu eronoonfo~ of istant enm qt ther lcl-big us otrf ur-ny mThe chins o aeracornesand pressure geaups af ntavy dihen lnds. Cengorpelew~d se Intiat in the a meoe ..ano h da-te Things being eqol. Slut things ore not eqa hen sloe r ita The freee who prodoo for the inooenatiarnet insderrroinad by distnntfoerigoa. A cernainanelesadi e scr tref wcps is heald Thy in these days robes foreign oded armosale Oem an tongd an dierifioutior of crops is pncrhddd while the big esoney rotebeesade in c do-rpf nn, thre toewillgouhed n cpEa ot oiial on e ut rdr td abot a- she co ugh sas . of he bnerntinlrat, toued be- tloano the hayrda of self-sufieny, cilt a ton-stanmdard ef linig, ad the Charybdis a0 mooclre, with a rootant colonial na- 5 Leindo H. ads One Colr Cans Near yanr 1, c. It".  CAIlB..N ngSOnRCg 41 CARmmfc RhuOnUCE 41 CA3IBAN RESOURCES 41 e aE h~q badn un ia sva pl nas up the ttation in his petatimg papern w The Catibbecet Istaed Ecoeeety": We tesat -otder flMt tant the Cabbenisaagagrahal regiateeaeesemd, thatcst redeatfglcoetthawmosptoti- cal eentiee For tetee than three ceatmair dee pelitirel patterns bare taresail d ece h gagaIie reliy terh bar beteght abrmadistaattdoc-r yamegislatd tormtingo ptatef at anbtyiag. a eoetetleig uetetairy dT. telt uteie and their preton by fa the enatajciy of emdenesba e ttetrta dee fect that itta otad conomy the peittleat ts (wt tttefeene crieli te rereeigneetreo theof tht eteteopata gRertetse I eeta inneyaeen play atimapetta-ecaticrleM'tehrltrtc to the eItnay ti the tbere So far, offerer have teet iteatad and feagetetay; the peeti- of the coe has bett igeoecd and ete rtty, oreaat neyar geap ofemslaieohacfoaght[[ito Sco batle t-iee to wtlce in poleet indoeeatentty. Tteie to yarid, ne oftde man cho faile to se the mertt too bte tetteA. taedet trees Spats steent little to the ueol and el-o in Veat..tteen, bat cer Itoliar and Eloe offetod them land and pee- wost freedom thr tEethed to the eoptahlias basne. When them pmemdesa ca net fealiled thos ltllesedtens.aty at yephoace andr[evoluades. Therwedalfartwtnkeeefonaht inethediatoe netaten mainly boetx be byepnd tn Ingiie a panne of lard ri hit ota. Thnhbatteeeyreat e,teaegh,toma aeeomeland (Peenf) bor the Ngees ted Indiaetaet'thi- stiltlttehse the peyrastd. Oteey a tent orhas desellersteemed te stony stht aboetaeh aeagee issasgihr Mheng ae federalism; the teta der11l e olllowed geeqeet Zameta ted Moati Espleetta hetet, them leaders ponsod mmtttntig tangible: land. I ate im me h..ddpa n eodearolletta, bering toqeired hutee etetot at aner the ceastry par- titadlyor tho paaeetg oftMe Whenhe diedii93Saay felt that Isis gret beldinnagt etd be sette ayalhl to the taeopte ett ay: instead, so a large etot, they hare bont pot wao the aadmitthoaatitr of heretaere who are ot, the teent, Dr. Carles E. Chardn, -tanding Pueo iian rolar aptly tams up the eliolo is hia poeatieg patter on "tThe Catbbrts We ust nantdr fEet that tho Caeiton is a gatgeraphiael tea andt For moathus thereneetin th paliea fpsteest Lail e pbiraited otter the gegahie reity, coich ba bragIm tbttpadsctialatdcat nyeyaetognlatet I eating palttt ahipeol lee cate derittg sae eteyhe ettleteca atet tad ther probleato ,b fartbe stajoetcofttsdtsmbaeeettd d n fact teait a sosd the pelitial esite Isietot atretee- with theiooo cere tit son thker of the I.P.oapatite e ereteea intathecae.oyeleheoteote Stt1,r,jlloehavehe etard and feageeoey; te punpeelir eth thr ole has boos igeteed. ad ehtoanty,or eachcoletormI goenpotclen has feaght in acut bnale, toyn to color ln pen ast independosty. Tit em mide te of me sta o Waied ma cr tem teret for the tron v. g'esrreri Freemam teotm Spains steet little to the mdrr and nlacces a Venrezrla, bat wrhnose aand Plea oftted tre land and per- weasa fredotey Ilarhod to the tepehltota barmer. Whs there, pyoted ee re tat talfill there lelecoed o centy at tepheaal androcladt- Taneruoaltat=ttteelefought Inthdt saaost ti-i cotet, maily wettm es ho boed to acateire a pmens off land of his sasn. The hatdfe aty teas, ofton enoah, to eteabe a b~eatsad (Peeeni) fee the Negroes aod Indiamtaox al at Te hae of the pycasid. Osly a tes mean dweller .-rd eta corn muceh ahost on acvageeintatngibletWeitsfsdealieesbte rntdcol- or tlosod Elteto Zaa-te and Maton Espino trtam there to ame pomsed tateetb ing tangible land. Is more ree dtore, the Dictates Colmee tree as liereslettl par uetelare hacting aetlutred huge oaee al e-e te matay I ticaly toe the pattaring tef rettte, When ine died in 1955 meany fle ta ha gaet betdinge catId ho made at ahle he elt paspen attmesay; iooeed, to a aIgo ren, they bare hot got undoe the adaeietheatn of hraeoae woe ar tetig the aninty De Cartos E,. CMbaedn, oaoeaatisgR Pood, IAeans rehla aptly a etsathehiaado ha it pemtterting paper an eFha Caeibboan llad Eetota We met .tmdoe flet tnt she Caribbeasni a gaaerapfdaal raffea ande eaoo$tat wes ate dealng ales eith.-a n enie tl elet at ite Fae m ,n tan three e mtetc the poliial pai tt hae preaild or"e, thgeegraphie tealtte, which: baa bteegit abraaiatlid ecaeyastasg ilads farnigpart daa aacbipeeagot I neteideigsojtattelyibepIrat taiaettandter problems, by tar te esatoe ttya tdei bare. seglotted rte fart Tat in a meted etsemy the palitiral tsioa (.sioeatfniritn cotb Teie eoeoigetir so there of te maoleoaitan govrom ee -- matyaoe1piayan bttpariaseae Ieria ihatr sgihe eroomy of thohe. Snfar eftor'tahac etnelatad and t-eagetsary; the poespetic of tthe coer hat boon igoerod, and endcmat.t. tartetienyto rop ooiasiethsfotghin awn battle, toying ste sole in proleas fnetrpcesdotly. Tbt mndstenoi tean hotiote oaenthe loreetforahetr1-e5 V. Vengaseia Fmredam fros Spain meant littl to the mee and elave' is Vestzela, beewben llaoand Poeolleed them laedand p- eal foreder they fioehed te the eepnhlieaa Laster- When them pmantee e comant fidlilled there fotieoed aceetaey at uphearee and reccolniat. The rtral (tor wsaor, toaghi in the disoat- ciaels-, maily oreethe hpedi.oargeieetpiece of andtof his awn Th rbbatekaetyca., Ameee oegh,a.ereake abtetIaed (,aeehi) far the Neamas and ledians-th em sil at the hate of the pyamind, Only a lest urbwa destiee teemaned to stony model alwat mr-h a rage intangdie thing at federlinal te nma1 doetl- re followed tEegetel Zanette and Maotln Ftpioea bweates thee Iredre ptosed -theing tangible: land. In moorotlte, the Diacata, G e cot anh-tetdela par etoneeg havring aieete tg stt lreth nnapr yua oe tw IInT n y a oattituattly ta tho pastattg of cattle. When ho died is 1935 moay felt Tat his grat bealdisge crd ho mtade taahl, to the peopto to stee wray; instead, to a large roterte they hare horn pit ander the admnginaien at herreace coa ae eateg the raney  42 The Caribbea at Mid-Cntuy 41 The Caibea at Mid-Cnur 42 The Caribea at Mid-Ceury bulden, sums each year. Anod age-old fretdin tbiqe am stucn- changed Many actual abusear contimoue as beore. In the hanced of Maacoac, the teormetr reveive puatet in c.((V~) vald nly! foe nba high-pined gmeu in the hend tb rsob The 'Jefe Civil of the Distcuts," C(arlor Arvecle, telgraphed thes nevr'- paper, Eh/ema stn y st'oanda of turd eorketr te ire the living flach dNC black rigrs of their destiy"and that the penvr no the, hacieed of El Toompilbthies "enoded and eoatpovatd by a big Giivano"-the Inch of hond, teed,, and agricdmlorl ieple- neublt ions Mandry, a (Cahalo ptisam, nest in rho dn Latifeodnen still ealutnm. The fanner nie of Code rcae the rontgomdy Nooabbingrhetstsofthe dcad Muichtr A wsyfow voplhavotolta favretd in the diitmgupsoftrta enm. of Toscnyito and come ad tGus. We haey nah ai length dash huadreds of peota and kird' thoe bats. It world tabs hot fete wrts to put in msntion the gat nora of demctated peossre When thetea isoogeoinnhrnarmeb tanecir-ontianbth heart-' Pneor, runerally illiterate or basely oho to tigm Tho noose, hasheb ke victimir to long tbat they ore very sidpicinna of rho tnooiveof any nnrmoro. Their mch attiturde rarsncil ereasned by a ca ore Merida, woee limel plot of 0ootnd wearhetrg made the srbjet of an intenive study in land aoatman - Piotta neon day games of the stny fields, the yoke of soon, the hhoo, and the fameily. Aftr tic rtot dote the vie ashed timidly if she mnighi hrapicerd, and sasaomidnrntosvnladbotesat hha hond from Carat . whore the tile0 ner to ho devc4 B at nhonnc Beod of ite eoon was aked to give hit can't h tabborety re- ftrad,nsaying, 0dao Ia rsa on esea mmotatia."e Only afer i Ino carefolly uplh'thut chat wa ssnd teay hit ret, given orally and tn ha nting& did he velnerrey givs it, and thee ontly when .eged by ha vsif and cinlder. Snch ass attitade in the pood' net of covers rcriesa of dealings ocith thyren oftnli s diofera, Crerre, Vosoots, Ag- 2, 0905 ff01i., Moy 50, l1lite fabulous sons each year And age-old famouiag otcnittet are aun- changed. Many aer ahases continro an before In fine haecm of Mantort the veshr r ov a'mnnn hacoors (foMhas) valid only foe the htghtafcde goardo in the haciend ah store. Thme '1010 Civil of the Diosite, l, of b a n tgapd the eerC- papee, e akthat estanflrrd, ofraoal wvrnek ersaforin the lieg floth rho e blc if the deutiny," aend that nbc pom on the hacda ffi El Tsoeeipillo er d re recd and troperated dI lby a big Orivene-tho l ath d lan, naed , an gi talrlmaple' oot. Iugicardo Mdlakandry, a Catholic Prieot, Cree n the anne papec: latiftanduno cti eits. The into n cota of Caste ate the meunt oredy in haei car testates o the deoned oflitaerr. A abn n ahv hvetafordihteN ra" oppthecna Welaaveoviitedarlversttallnofh ohaeisda rff dmMnaicpatity of Tocayie and mann of O(aiocue. We have taioo an length dad hundrnds of peona and rasted rher bats. It ooldtabe herv werd to ptt inuntion rho gronn trans of discontented pempll When thee is hongerin the mavia there in -.iot in the bast.' Fareos, generolly iliteate 00 bdaey chIn to niu their cnr have beet viNmNid to long shan they are nosy tanpiina of the sooietof ny ent idr. Their erdlttdevaovelleunittrcd bynan na Menda, vehot imtl plan of fecuoed oar being made tlie snbjtt an intenmleotdy itadtitaton. Pictou rest duly taken of the tiey fniti, the yoke of wen, the house atd rho facrly. Abler thin ear don rho wt asked limidly if the cnighat bave a picoon. and ncau told than oe -loi he o-Istbee huand formn Camaoyt vehere the fitem, wre to he developed. rat ween the band of tin bone wren asked so give hia S na e ho nhbronoty on' lesed, saying, "doe In Ihatn.c a nna neefi a Oly ar in vera tarofoly eoplined that what ea and tea has -o , giver odaly and not in weiting, did ho ecranoly give it, and thneuly whisn braed by bit dale and children Studh an tiodo in the prods- ntof movral ceotnees of dentg e dah niryalee of cii hktndu: auMter Comacn, Veansalo, Art., 2, 1939. tItid., adny II, 1000. inholn oconaco year . Ad sge'ld fanniag tehhsiea an run- obarege. Many anttal ahocre cntina an before In the hariunda of Mannare the wetrkea receive payment in erunrens (fietaa), valid ory foe the hig-prced gads, in the hacienda fLe. Tne " hfeCii of the fIm fio,' Carln biaveloc, tlgahdthe neer paper, or, thnst tonadoseavskeuufeithlde finch do inok eio of hN c de n and thot tine 'cuoen doe harnda of l Trcklose "creeded and eoxanvcld by a big Grievancea -thne loch of land, tooda, and auettarlIpe °ot. Ricaede Mandry, a Cathotoc pt, snore in daec mooi paper, Latieandiso still enlsts. Tine foree cririenof t'dtnta neo morn gredy in grabbing ie eaet of the dsoeaed lictarer. A pery fepenl, haveheu favoed in thedieiditg apofnloetam.. We hous eniedalsomma at of fine "haciecndast of the Mottaepa it sf Tengirandasome of Gge WehLavetalkdatltngthdath handrein of peon and visited their hone It werld tbk ban fete words to ptsio amatiode granoof dieenettdpsople When there n uo is the stonacs Ihee is rval in tne hertet Banners, generally illiret one bardly able resign thelre osmqo have Loo vieamond to lotng that thsey are. very tanpidinar of the snic of any onerlde. Thaeranti iatitude -ea well ep-td by av ovn near Moirida vebose lileeo of gennd war being nodec the snbject ol oo t l~ie mnd2 in land muiliartoa Picrr duty taken of dir tiny fieds, ihe yoke of ove0, the hsutae ned tire famnily. Afte thr teas done the ife ashed timsidly ii the maigbt have a plcare and teas told that cue weauid Iatemt bee husbad from Carca, shee the tbrr oea n on developed. Brat ehan thes bead of shoe an nsaked mr give kit name, he stobhosnoy re f eed,,osng "dorte . esnaean-iO n oy afrt saa, n varftialy roptaind that whatc C a eansd roas tin 'cae, given orelly and but nveriting, did he elactaolygive,andtheoeuly weham urged by his wcife and edirk. Bach an attitade is the peed' net of severed ceotnfe of dealing with obynteon of all hktde: "Faftea Ctcnt, Veastatta, A19. 2,19395 Ialid, M~ay an, loot. alla--cnut to lee to'ctignsontr-  aaAxA RESOUCES 43 oARuuuzwA RESOURCES 43 mnwBEA REbOURCES 43 trenyo, gnarL docren tarmee, and highhanded stenekepr-Lotd limit. Am egwaea nefarer dam, not nerramly imply stoele amfNece- Hm of all pflearely held land. batt raher agradaal ditlatiom or gn abeenre holdings, especially if elany smt baig wred er- mncally freor the duis, of new of meadne-sneld and of technica efficicecy. Toebread:ep into mallpflop teethaiemda oolenwl fetle genter ohih hone erteeedyaeeoird a heigh degee of ef- fleey in the peaetoiem ofd tog amn and] alie, for isnettee -Wad heeeten hlyerocnonicalhrotanl-ecint BIteheretho relot mIm-ly.1alF-oyint foaer, o the mearket gardere ceeld Thrice land theald he onotl fee dtem jatleetyIa iarorey witho wr muech meaoteed land w. V ..=Inla Aned oae thocid heetas e of onnot. Mamy eoattro peetot acE d eeil cooe pmin toed one wheae They th to pahlic lad. Oaf they do noo plarmo leo,, range. or atreco inet, or ayo ocrting moep,,bhcrmm e ,,Hp-d Mscthae httrg atlthearoeeany lEndsritreterd,rs eoeilheowno ie ao[llecimadnrog the heteflinaof their haod eere. Meelytemakingtlamdereeilahlto the Seldl-rnitnoeoeeh. They shantld he graneed credit with erhiri to baud deemt hoe and te hey good wo eeen ad swedo, and they theold hawe leehaierI oniro in goorirg and neanhetreg cope with whigh they haee hod tide onproiree. If reel, thp weill slip ga'l an tory pony to the anttosr to do he ote heLweIo to thew facedado, ond agn hbaner pet o the floating proleltot. Ontetaya toariedaotheaghreereheceenony, popanmetIeieg ortnde themoedeta..eteeceeeey. Thty dolthoreenieeee of the hacied; they pnt in lag hetda The ceferephicig awfor xatrll, hton moe not fear tenmy the err of rho year. They ec fiord a phola f toed on whieh nte tehoirtec cr.,, add te,, also gas a mewe goetoemyr oeonallyand tale, raga, atd .,he, n weoa~hich theycamofepnedaeee touieplotoflad. Btat they ar rate terrety tied to do eiena by thoe anono feood, and it ire rer erect to wr,,eg thee rte pepl will hegin aoyohing ro rtheeowayo faeing trliinge anetea near Merida ideatEhd dplanrd f gaanfeewhtatnleIS o arnd that they did pretty weel, \t mete why he did nor plano neo, hon replied, nidtht eihoficore Lamir Aereerican geter of daey, enact dectre, sno.eot and highaded ,eoeepec-taatd- Ar o eaien efeene dee nor reeceotariy imply riene eretfiaca- ,i edo o all peiale alely held land, hat i nlto the ao bedtdrldend hof gereo onentnat holding, tnpeofially if they ate being r oorae- nomily frer the min of view oftoeNw needs and of tderlonir eficiency. To toek ap ino wall pleas there hacienda o d root feerin grnte whrichwih hone ojeredy attaiedahg derea - fe in rho poan of rter can are cetler soe, for iny reanor, notad he eonl only oee emsoiabn anrei-oat Batehue the moo nelatirel el-ele fotr nthe -taer iardeno. rni d Thice,lad thdeald h cetlable ee eher,p patliuiroetynaeny mrtha, tark enrcoi lan2Id are ,enl. mnd ehyl rhd . im caryete f[v f® tp d paii areerd 00 .0 what they th cIs pubicf land, lBon they dir nor plant lereen ecage, or avocado item, or a ln landriiog cops hcne eynilc he, mnght thme tht or on lad is laroveed,, toetor nil sowrnta reiho atole t it ®nd enp the hn.eoite of heir hanird work. Merly mraling land teclhle to theladlcs~nnoonncghTheyserldiegr ueed tdin with reich noba bar deeteoren and no Seroy gododnt epnnoad eed, and theyts hol dhanwtehnil raeaceiatgaawing and namourtin enay wtoh neiae they honet herd tirole aeopeieece If e, they oL1 nireply fall em en nyO h neet ieso reoen, t0 the hrendada. and agei becomne part of The floating prteoia. On nanym l.n merea thaougbeoo rho comity, people ate tirn of r ~ yecmy he om the hoderea they pne in long heart damting etn ffer-Tiey ,anfrraepnhtoeaernyhneotorhyer They fw sw naertadt oeterto h ecgenao ~ pterof Lcdaor which tora o ,htso ,rrrpand Tho aoege anongaeeea oceeootl ar e re an, , andde nrer aetenemhio t eyroe, orpnodae, nnhito efi, asd. State wienachaer tney ,at todm rhe hacend pyteand.Bntn lado aredielteacoe tilepc t seatanpeeile atthn m0 n hayo fanin reorqntby ,Oe on aindta said nha he hod planded ea few grabss oe reheat on hio plot and that the did perey atls. Wien La ked why he did nor plere ne, ho replied, witha so igifcat Latin Aneeoa gtre of tayne, gard doeloost wnamn and highohanded rheekeepnn4-ad- toyd, An agerdare ermn dom moo eariely iapply violenc roafira- Hea of all pol yt held tend, ha tather a goadral dirslatian W griaethnntee heldiog, edecially it They ate being msomc notnicoly goo n eerier of view or oduer need, and of teahnical efliieecy. To hreakup itoosmali pletletneeaedmeonleed teetile greound whtlch have already atied a high dner of ef- lid,-ec inetteteco dndi ofnaugae cone andeoeenefarindsnc., weouldheen onlyt anemrealthraeioci. Baonwheenhe woal, relarirely setd-odficient fatnooer the nanheegamdeee emall theine, land thould he awna rble fan Then, paeaaEly ireacnry with as eaphl nno eeid lad or Viewe...I. And ey thrl hae.etecceieyoftiene. Many fareo ac present ann retred on ceasd peieael]and ononwhattioy third isapthlotnd. Btie ,ey doneoplant loran ag,eooadomne, er aytteow- narene opsy, beenn-eoperere hatananohtrheeethat coneany land in heproed, aoare wiltshownp reich e tiole 00 ir adndrep tloohnnefireof theirhad wrk. Marlynmaling landamodlenm the laodleato orecgh. TEenntd be gandeeede with whiehothald doat hocretand behay god ipentooad seda, ad they ehavld Enco teoeiral aisat ire rse end teaang cop, with nirich they hero had ietl eeq,tirr af rt, they tr0l siamply fall an rcy pe to the teneen, to The Mdme keepec, t0 the hereendade. and again become peer of the Itromn o meany act hacicoda thoaghece the iarny, people acs liing erad e monedemnteney eeone. Thedethemec nohrea ef the hnciseda, they potsi long Ertn daring rh o nffetcsieg nenn,seraep t hneanntetobsthr retd eerTey etgivea plotoftandewh taraie ohcom eeop; and they alo gedoa new garoean eteceanal1y, and sale, ogac, and mo nee wirrhich thoy eaheort pradac rn theia phe of land. BSt theyeraeeth .ertcnoyrtied tothe hacierdahbytmeeecenmic bend, and it is 00 neoch d etepert Tta tech peole trill hes anyting rn in The tray of fanning occhimee. Oe neon near W~rio sai tha or e d plannred a Enw geates of reheat an ha plot and that thee, did prerory reel. When athed why he did roc plan nere he repied, nith that tiribat Latin Aneerica goenr ef  44 The Catbben at Mid-Cmntuy 44 The Carlbbea at Mid-Cenuy 44 The Caribbun at MiLd-Ceury rubbing the finger nognabro, that he flacke in pncipal-the main tig conceelyoth. And under the prerrt mrnp he willh never be ahlo toaarmaanmuchoash, .nneM knanpoaisientoin- prune an any to improve, his lt It wonm were geneal, loered, mocva mold begin tm an, in oder to man their atndad of lining nod an improve their foraaen tnoehiqana. Them nshould he a mtinimarm than liit in all leant toa teat dabonate crud oan he so ansly evicted feom lad on which he had agenthe and mney in irapo et. livng cnditioan in the nnel ta. arc vey priin. The to thanans-ooed lint has avoile of wcaolf-nd-daab and a tomped- ceah altar. The cwehing in dote on the fnoc, in oaf comer. Wado nmooe ats the houe moem of N the dan, niec them is en hidaoe. Frequeatlo te in ann one. lick of fonorare.. The family glorya in ome diomy haennno. or haddled iogehen an aor en dried, anlaned enoes Cochingtamni art, rew; Ma asl "atne haunght" article, nuddaly Irroonad, may In a Ianm, iron an ertit pan. Gardaand oldiecn akaenpthraleneethnctren onniptent. Rodisnnto,, ofa ataniratdn have never ken Meod oil dudeding eae a Wiceblead; yninnaa atnhnea Siclent irampnt and the an at telnet mortality ehackingly high. Small weeder than wnea denllero hoe thelan aty had at the fleet apportunity lave for ala oil liti.d no toe, where randina me indeed had-Sf per cent at Me neela' chlgdren in C...,a maeudemnoriabd-hot battrn than they arm in abcmatry. Ton ,--ctnea saanaop this mute] eandur n tro,, by naatmtao mruptoc than abate that tegtndo the mav of attndne toranral holdings during the Mbiddle Age,. flam iprtat it the norio of ala e pr preytonend by the atbulate taeer is shon by Mnn canalunion at the federal sae-canatinaina which inntigarod the flight frant thu tato, "An long an. the coateene^ is not Mtlad areamble tenedard of living an tM lad, all mwtante no pmrnn nhcnmigrainlaomean winilllfail. The peeaalevnnieand wall-hangeidniow acbh th e saeuh in w in~ll mna norn Jhm than the onnirnta and paatic -cna mite ewhich heo naY baourged tocceaininhds Preontineahleetdiienm T£mhotbhonec onaly aea a otnf land, btoannno- meaia.ofnlt.haeeland inethr haedsof atewc. The tu, hcaynoin at the one of valleyn, fuedle aenaces, and gently rNag foothds robbhing the fitgere wh~ethe, that be lacked In psdea-toe main sainaonely,na-h. Andaondce tepmntemanle wilnenerhe ablie nerotow atehob ono ar, and wone I i a paaitia to im- peace or any ao n mve, bin lt It tue mere generely been, humte a ud begin to tone in neder to mite their nmandand of living and in imoe their fananing rhhiquen. Them oeld he a rminimuan mr doe iit in al lenen no taa aae !ataer could net ia smnmaNcy nvicaed team land en wehiah he hadnspeatbanoeandamnny in maeovmatn Liring nandialoe wnabe mull aeas am eaey ptdtmiticn. Tba litle tanch-feed hput a ato eaaal-and-aob and a ramped- eatnltrc Thermaking itdomn efleMOw ne oneaemen. Wood -Maba fills the bhoe meet afth t napr s. hs , vine, a ydn it v done, daethe ito nbiees tme ditty lnamaochx,a or huddled agteatneforon dhried unerned rowbdat Ccningaaenain am iutae see aole , fiaMonly atone- bangha aaica, acealy aa onee , y e ange loan or ezarte pma. Cm s ad od do cane c makc napb otea of the kitchen t tm oemut isnptryo Iadenn idan of naaoc h o ee he hacd of; d waai m ma itsne bailed; ptlcie am loaks.- Sinem Ln onpnt and thert cone atian mrality rahonkiegly~ml high. Smtall ecndee teat t-orao dacllem hate the masse and at Mhe foe onpponnsarniny leave foe the oil fields at tenon,, where nedam mre indeed ad-Of pee nona of the o moea ebildra in (macoThe area uenai bhun heate~r sathan they e in the cana The goenent caonot thi hanm I eealmd nera s by -nann areo dere es an aote that ,regulat the Middl vseiuoef serfs m monotitheig dona the Mddle dAgen. aone ima san it the aeina e proble ponted by the nabalatnee wic tre it Moea. yseby the ascfraim of andte federal Ina-rfiio whirlh inmaigated tefihtctbe fnrnc "AnIaneathee oraitroanoffeed rannabl oan datI of ln an the land, lI .anams to prevent the mtidn to e ivic, mip fail. Th~e pesoal r^enenrcan and wcal-hanaevinutineacnimh af the ma in the viny will aeamcmo an ci than the edaactand pteintic a co enitl which he may he onred .to rean i kirea ns atoahic otciof& Thor has , nc na nlyaen rnin nf ladbeaane . r ohcofathekaofan d Qinnhehaadae fo[a fewfc. Tiantheanycoits mtienwrm of vellee natie «neae and trafy ro.Img thtle robbhing the linger, topethe, that he lacked Ia. pnsgipl-thin main thing, nmntyh cah. An nder abe pronatnp in will non te thlIn ne tc-Woln roacrnam, and never bein a position to in proace en tny no improve, hiner o. ift ents, anre gnnernlly loweered, manr soupl beat tare in order no anora their standard of fivueg ad to improve their tanning ahairqan. There shlnod in a minimum nine limnin in nil leat t that the renter send rne t atmoMc eicod team lad on which he had Ront im and matey in inpru tenan. living cenditienon the --Ina toc r oy prmiiv. The finds than-moad heur Men malta ef evade-and-dab and a tmm- earthin- The aaking it daononthe Acne, inoareomr. Wood male fills thc hatse n of the tie aa them it n chimney, ronounedlythem isnot oneasaicnt4taeaioe. The, family eleeps in iao diray hamealna, an huded mnner en the floor, m drind, un d -anhida. Cooking ulnnila ame ieee the only acaunn. banghn actie, ntfully honoured, may in a large iron e'nh por ruorsdanedolddnvannmahoupthe reaf th itcen equpmnent. rudianentary dean, of cnictia n hate -ae nhard of; daitlnng watrn it never hailed; punnimn am uanhawn Sicmem isatopant and the rae fof ifan mortliy nhlanly high Small -nd thonr cue dertir hate the cnany and a the fera appornanity Inne far ala all felis or iotMso n.r ronditon me indeed had--tl percent of the neoheo t ildeen In maa are undetaaauitahd-hutece than they amein the mnootn. The gonetmnnan r r am tp this raral rone -,In by a so-tarn m oepotsum than them that t gahtd themtov~n of roe on to meil headmna docing Ane Midde Agna. Ucow irnpnrnoat it tin smrts at the probtem pennd by the atbatenne gfonet it showns by the noncdudon of the federal odo-ca romiie which inveetitated the flighit teat the farm "Ail lone as the somponme it rot offered aonan standard of living on Ore loan, alla-.a-e to premn the mdgatn I.n the daa nit foil. The p,-.1ofanvoIcn and aaU¢baiagnits, racheof them n na the aity wnill nn mm to him than th dm eneal and panin eancwith cahieb he any in ared an remai in hit, pmtatioahnatd There has bin a t enly a saceotien of land, bet a so-ien nof te boor land, in the handsofa fnev. The rich henny aeldt cw te flram of valleys, fertile reaomn and genly rollint fmadlt  CABN RSOURfES 45 CARIBEAN IaSOUCE 45 CARmBAw mfSOUna 45 have all beta ten-petme as patretndsu. The treat cattiortoro, lee ca....qoer lave beenforced teetltcatetthe highertaccppt, Iota fertile slopes, where they lath dawn uon the elin valley hat' ttnsevomed ameoetietl te..ensiol cattle graaissg Marhtland w mosdenfrthegmwmet folcprsaWidn e appopoetly be ho pattoses o refi adtdo red lage arco, now tsr pv-tae are idelly taited fee mneive aeei-aItae Fer iestmeje the valley of theTayeriver, itioayom,,heef Cioan by raitrad,o-awell a by a highwray in ced cnditione, reold tmepfty the ,dpial wtrih at ahantanco of Bhea, besttuff, Bat dtte trnd of this fertile valley ilargely in the handit of aoest a dete- fameilies, atnd has fmrgoes eeaems ieekoead . paeoslad frde eortingeofloeeer fmms te Lian else get gross plaits of the Cli nse.r Sha Thoe reaeil haldhagttre foteilyhrietoosotdeei.ctasfreowih -table the tnets o ivero ie Ca,-s iels tih e to wilde they hatveloeythbeoactumtnod. Thlerialigouosldsteoforehit valley m00 heosso eae sode for Cmese wherat rale froosof, perhape set atiral peassoec wadtd ho catled on fareher Gmthe Capital. SoC rho taoetildet moakeoa comefortable livng eer eceditirs is they ret and ore seat tmeomswd in trying ms eale the per otar podoceoiy, of their land by mhe tetrdweroie of iseee rringre-hmeiqow Theeetidhandtti'seflseoN ted raotars ettsoa 0 famre;s dtane entlie seial sad oeeoseec Cearstier. Ome of the tot mteika nanpte at the metodso of ptasemr int an o-arat rettaoatlotd-,sas rtet of land y-emetold ha fete hbandt it to ho tree in the rootitoadt Satn Craneds, in Telelica, Veroust, A fete foteiie for eeeran hare cotreolled siroot eery sriaer lees or lates for saersl reles ire alt directres foes the very edge o ,mese Tltotestauethatolldtefeetitallvit toil add fle gently tiapieg i lardo e toon le patitee, whiernea the meietely stlbdivided snd inetesioely cultivated fields at the cesl lasennhed-t sore os the lest feit, tade mere steeply derp*t hill sordr ane moilet foat tee, liospe along else bigha wray, WI the poodesc foom the ases of lotenoive - c aa hot fe he ommsrtanted en the harlo t f heaoet, dny, or reole, aso tire reeteasiveiy codaoitd psotrelandt to the mearkel t tn w The hel of efbfiente rsire ogrltre it them regtlor c of letihlieses ad the eoeoreeai mronr of crepe, hat the ssai isarrw here alt bee reotolaotitdataatsetotd, The -teall cralsosot the esecaqao;s have ben forced to eslioe stoe higder, ider, i1t fertile dors, where they lady, dson open the tire valley hot- tadtdrvtd almstrntierito eeteiw rattle geoteeg Marlalacnd netroled too ths gererime ee food crops moldnmrm apprldey he in paflorem or waed, tad large anone ntow ha Istte are ideally suited friteoissgiceMum.t Forhamtaterestheraweyaf the Toy River, wtin esy moh of Casosav by madaet, at aoll or athanoe of ehorp fmedtie liar she teed rf deft feetils vlley it largely in the hands ab- oho cdat failies, tndleho far ge- etolet keen used e at seioeland for, the delierin of lae srts foothde Lidder the goesa goats peleioe tI tit Omlato Basin Three naoeir hanleo~ are lamily fiiedioa, the insoestc frees which eteahle she asotet to live in Ca-os in the styls to which they leave always breen eccoesord . Tho Ioniral thieg wedd he fthi s volley m0 bece. o mrkho gorde for Ceres, whereat rattle annal, peehpe aoaetificlalloaatmesaewotld be(ariedeonfarthar lGsse the Cetol. &dr the lrondholdees msake a eromferahe kinig undier ceeditie as thepore and ate teate d in tryineg to riethe pee unit p rodo reliy of the lad hy te intret-tetoe of te nanive lootig teeeniq.-es Thee the "dead leasrd" oneer of toed oveetreaeioe fiat foseth, ote. esaoioc sed] and tenie One of the moot srdio eo oe of eke restee1,loef prlers its anotier]enallloeladoeape eeaeomaltlWilaedoeesresoted ha few handsa u0 hne .cretin te enoloa of San Cistobael, in Thbir,Veneeele. A feerresiltforgreedeos taererotteed olaat every tyssove lot at land fot t'eol meilk in ott ditire- frowe the rory edge at meor. 'Ia hemtdIk that all the feetile avis1 toil tadd the greatly slayting bill sre near sawn are in parodry, whereas the mnutaely saurhided red ineneely uoleated fields of the small ladder oayre n m o the tu en te n eese toing hilt loads eeany eie m oo teen. Except an tie eigh- he iretorod ot he hrarbe pato huaae d onkeys, onrue ,am deeerttley coenlld poslevean., o the toorhet in irwne The hashN ef ofirie icesr .grirsltare as the atelap ses of fatilistr rnd thre s yteeeti drmotof a reapa hfu tee resll la'osee have aii boon oconpeli-aste peecsrelantit The tnret '~alesor, the rootqaeeoo, have been taeod to oesttlal the higher, sper, les fertil Or,,et where Cupy lash dawm spat the rich valley bet- tenet decoted dier enly to reteriv cattle groeng Muach sond noesed for the gosig of led robe crald mrt 11priaely be in psotore or weoorlrofi aod ege afot noew in pottos ore ideoflytaisod fo ka tr ew egeirolsarr Fr essatee, the vlley of the TrsygRss,owithsinrreyrorh of Caosbyleytioai, atarellare by a highay in good reedon, could suepply dee noad utri an abseide of cheap fmstta. Bat the land atfthis frtile valley it largely in the hads of aoet a donenforilirs, and loot for gee ereiotero eses a laocrln~d for the latleineog of loen oed fresthe Io..tos he goaet gersn Icaw r she Otlerer Basis. These naoedet held!., are fenily leositeer, the incers feres which nohir the awer to tie in mCarao le the eyle to whoole they hoveolws beten orroteesd. The 14ygeothig woldhbe farthis volley bo heroto a mesoh garde too Cars, wherea cOd motieg perhaps ton adibl yatonoe, wsould he rastied 00 farther frntm the Capitl- 10c rhe tettittoden tooe a climboeable l'vieg andr randie at they are, and ae teat iteeted in teyiet to raise the per ols prodostivitof atholeland by she leodoectiao of ,tervetaeoig dedhtesneThus the "dead antd" iofreereom ladc enacerorl feet ecte, thee orynasoil ealh sad mrammaei ttamtsote Oat of fee et tftkicg enenpee of the reverahs a patter in m no-eaes ldllandrap e uolt at land tecrrnted tn ewsand telitthobe reta I. hetstrhresotSan Ceti lud, in Tahine, Vnecarlo- A fear fostilio fae geesodoat hav, rotnerled taoet rnery asore fast of land for eserrl toile in all ditoadoet frees the vry edge of teesn, The recodeis shan all the fertile allovia1 ot and the gently niopiog hilt hando rear sawn astir pmtttre, wrhereat t mniustely tthitlird ead imecktiey oMLtioet Rends of the tonsil bladhldes ore on the ter fertide ad neare teeply tloping Nil land many neire town toes. Zoaept along the high- waoy, all the parodoe frees the ara of hantive rcdltoto has to he ctreptstd eta the baeke of huanar, tionkeys, or aesles, arome the retentively eaptohed paseremlanc so the msaskeet in care The hah of ecidedo ineerageleyto hs the -elmrat of fetilizees ad the eyeteee'ti romanns of coaps, hottde meoll tormsr  46 The Carbbsugn at Mid-Gnarry 46 The Carbme at Mid-fary 46 The Caibea at Mid-Oflutry of tho hill leads ad d~eaiid is tM, pror to bluy rona~ol feetf- liros and be own nut hre enough lnd or cateifal o afford be hoop noads whe- anna setld ho, se vnabll. The cattle cowo, on It thoe hoefud, how so oteo ri, fund that he dhen not haetWIn oioin oitdiiflont he reof a lantdW ade -c-ot of oal owede of actulag drope ad of using Meo man=or far rouentg the ,tiqt of the tsi 11hr on, of fertile, rootl land for psturce and of th, arelinfertile hill land and eonama stopes for ineed oiv spcdnolton, mcc, tat do as idnd. , fron which a grea otorit, of thao pegle mol their living, ' a eodefint fcree , daesoomy cpait peea,aehtyadndry strafindg it tos atid daown, and recrtlyithi nahooenic to Ls ,t diffcult to got offcet ar ltascl oodeedo cdopedl wnidely as long as food prodootlue lasoeo in tegrant anoeeeetin the, haods of ohiltin gruecloweiligs tsh. hae neitber the aatal conrtleoacieooadeon d~kto ifgoe-eal politicolctnd onltoc etoecoe lty crdiopelled, lead plrodoetn cold he oaoized aloof efficient lont, for although roh, nrtriorf o litical battntan geardd by tnarf and tetetigooatian onaticto uesoiote a. traw noo.orneetre dyaetdantdoalcshaletiycoalltrntocallettet. ,,tee, io o tet ta these daero if dtie intare oihners e Althoutgh it tisswithin teat's power t olrd... ail hoslerel roquiee' Manorn with intely lets clfet than I at Pres0en cesodod, goes- reaett pnlirr. ant ad neiontty ienhieuoced be eooioualined n etneelooaeeoo The adoptint of aciealic doonhcad, of food pee' ductien would nteao ta pomoent olot couldd etoatay ho moain- ntale, or o-e intceoord, while lent loed tetod M, colintod add footer -at ho, .tpiyd. Poorer lad wereld la, ohoeudoord to hardto, satd tho -oa rondo, wnorld ho, acco'toaod; hut rhod ,,. as a0 ehole olad neddaily hoofi in the long ont. A planed .arote, weith cennuallrdl ioon goareoteed prioa, ned oldetotely etene ebentoan eoee-1erodatito, Ita ho otooary. bar tt urn arin toeud, should ho oeidltered for the hotoel of thed warieot tootintal util .nI whle, tot witoh the abjelt of claim- tatitan, o tif-date fll~ting strulctuee Waohip of "Bitt nd Bndooo' shoueld Met he to great an to lind drinal leandes o thew loat that the goal is errod ageaiturol foundaction, wthc de, adotrrosndlye....annitoe r.o dalhetatoh o f dears Inch onoi af the IMtlabeet and droolnt it ton perc on ay chemical feead' frees aed hen don ant have et-h ta .1 lopicalLto off.od to hoopl aebreolo., whohe on-toorld ho to suialer The rondoe oainche tot te othr, hand, haoI.eInchtich land that ho does not droe to in olteo io ittroita io the -~ of Men land to thd watrnt of ololl Moding of tilaiwcrept ad of ttIn, for reaant far roieg the fortfdier of do toil. The ore, of lordl hoot lend foe pa-te and of the, ead maintain hill load, and teantadai lop,a for -int wio aigocr tmea thoat the hne, itdustry, front orhieba 0 frat reajeriy ef tho plrgd,sono thiiing isnalfog free o diogeeonly tylit rosdddality-aitiraloly reteaking it in tphd doowne and tpatioally iteisetchithi. to avsn diffiectt to ,et efficient agniltoeral etdtdo odalfotd sodly at lon as food podactia eonme to tn creeot a, regre in ron bonds ol Marcee dagolderaliott o bore neither, the ctor l nor ier adont t oeeria nor.eI canotapnlitinl aedec..-t.i eero...tysw... dowpelled, food peeddoc old ho oanhoizd alonga efitniot dalee, for althlogh the esoteuob of arettal freotierso goandod byottaiffor and horaaafu gotinoait westroen an e",- noae reutoetity, nd a plitial eaonry, .ine uatoe, to one steno o,ondroattood-Ieacfhilaoesrntighhbertduen. adan it in within won't po-eo to poodoc all ho leaod eeodre- inreon with ritiay Ieffodro than, isat proet ce~ded, gse0 .-l.ot .olicirt are of .-rattwt itiloeocd by natinalismo and ententplnyanoof Theodeioe of scientific ornthoad, of fond teon doctrin would ronthat -,aenl etpeet raold regi ho ould- tained, oeroioalland, whle lee hond wsold d ho otiard and loer te,- ronpnyred P'ee etro ds-ld ho aoenoed on fear., ad thaed oaloe, oss ould he oarnob boo the peole daasehes weould eruainly anefir in ther hong r-t A ploecun dialloere, with -.eetoole inten, gtanouncd primr, nod oltinteip tone diec al n- paeoedo no beeort, hot the lesions tebrowes should her nloadnnist for the hoonefit of Mhevaldatioeends and eita.whole no wthtdioahjt.oftao- trasg an nt-ad-dote Moning oltootre Worship, of "Blot and hrdeo" shold ntr In to grat note. blinad elitical leaden to the l. oo oci thrgal included ogricutural peoduectin, which doeo too oreroooly man an ~ i.roo I te e of rnt with doaeher Md the hill lad, I'd meountins is lea poae to boy cemotical fartt Boor and hen det lot hare ,menolaned Ie rapdisa te afford do heep anirnele, whdes tmonure socid how t, ocalaable. Thec ratle daeebeoe on thed ether hand, hots to mch A'h hond that hr dor, andbhalltohbetootewriorotifitin- ithoer cefhislandto. thne retool of tnli fireditis of trnilg, serpt and ef todeg ft orares for reeleg h e fei ritya of thedtoil. Th -e of fertle, beot oad fee posted, and nI the tton Moefilo bill land, and -o-oami dopas for insanie taghowr -,ra. that We, hein ndary, fore, which "argeas, atoajont of the, ard rager thatide iist suoldeeigfrnc "a oneely tplit lureality-eldtdnally ispactaoeg it in omin dose,, end spatiallytin tinolec to is very difficult In gel lmt ofiad.aoiral teob-sti aptodf nids]y at los,I aeod productie on ont to torea - o -- t---Ie the Maoeo or shiltidg o'ioloerint coeho n either the coiedt 000 rho eaot. ill in morho. If general politcl and earenontic intenty were diopUod, lord prodection otald hadoreanted along efficiet lie, for lthtgh the strksne of eaitral fruoiret gadatod by teriffe oed booniran wstioeno eneinstee nord nuond0 renentannity ad a luotil olatndi0 ataffic oatiod on on- vied, Most e.ot o three dealert if thano larer seigbaes d& .. Although it in whrl wone', powo to pardece all hie food otofotr arondt niit elby has effort tatd loot pintaet otpendond, ger' --peltter are, ef .eceaily inond by datonalne and aropeyooee The odce6-e of orirotifi, rarthodo ofrland Mre dactien canoidoaenhat presentgoutptcouldcertainly heinae tained, or evesl inreoand, while lear land weold he eatioated and ore ho lemplyed.m Poer- hendt stad hod alrandenod to loeetn', and the tooera tdbu world he rneenoaaged; hot hed ample anareholcontenald rertolel honourl it the hrog rae. A planned ariclore, woith nnolied ainots, gooracnteed ptittro, sa Woltieatly toun fieto a or-prodeodn. ota le neseeny hot ths vanien scloeon thand he odoriencrad for the hoenlit of the comias nationtatl a a od, not with Ithe object of Mtae'- dring an astladale, formalg statot. Wrolp ef "BbnIt and linden" srhould net her o gat -010 blind clabral leaden to tho fact thartrho goal tosimotaled agrietlooral predetle, whiolo dor, ant rcotaily rea an itorror is the insaohr of mo wih dncerhto.  GAZEDUFN RESllRflE 47 SAMEA RESOURCfl 47 abCABA RSOUCEm 47 I. Mcee Mdccm is a land of distant hasten. The gecat plateaus of thet fertle; chieb ate high cccaah a. have a eceapacte Tnactr and whret tr ats of c thepuls ismacc ted, ate, bemccecicbytIltctarlhoeit ncfa p Mlettce chaic Bea Mesfo, i, eat all a oclct-,ivdled plateau. It it boit up int sli- atc layce, or steaa dcth hot laIId (tiecc caliec) aicd the odge, dccc dhc sol or acepecoec lad- ((isera rtmlada)lc and the ,cld, Itiet cccrafds (We, n tieic resc pleaset). But tscat fatt of vy aes ioa te 9cea p htoew ton that geto s tepo iomo mo ut lI-uo'a h k e s.1atcyetsstdasioc of tr cliab regicts by the ale.The ceat It tdetba .est a sat eccincanlad fctmelccAn teadcesltalr tsedsvapcrsavfaIarnd eey clome calele. euestpaintt tc ela patesibltscic . w toca tep fossnic nc fif ecnt att fron stac eliced type ,A fmee sWe tmycical eahfeted o a' temdeac from the fectilt valley batms dret yetac acd scttgtt gccro cp dcatglt cofe plaecatns to tc daysa mcotty, wbece taage macec atd lasele ot hh ass1u ccit dry llo fat at Opc eye eat -aonc tuttgh1 dcc ~ lct~c, tcets d , tissd cuad, ficall1', non Wc ales andealtecal taedscapcc liescneofdWccayatc ltostaflaNv. Agaictt slit haciagetd of shatv Pbsilg eora-ic theac bat bote anc icterplay dtat dcctec' tore--eal, cItcal-, radial, I's- saai-whicch have guo cocad thac caedhtagef petn-ay Motve. Daadcgthe egimeof thcc clilca, Patficio Iels, the ie- Iccetial polle of a-ud adta ce adapted In Mesio celh- tocdcscaayiethe feudaletccctccashe Mceaec sitt- grthcia Feccg t ead ineedc fmmc $6tat0t,0tt ise t9t $23ft9t,ltYJW ic 1907, aod caileay mailcaca mseated firmt alat ml in etcvctea to fs6,teimiles attthecdoce aDim' eegt. But this iodoetviatiti tea spleed hy a acri icees is the etcof IrvingeaithautaIccespccdiag Oncinteaw. Tor ecitfields and msees wenc largelc fcrciga-oettcdc and preofitsfebssa them lft the menatty. Thc HRei-t-The tall flo-risg of tdc Icena vystem tm- csmcd daing te Dfdcetimc. The land ofMein-, the sporat of thc gre a d-sc of thc ptepulacice Iat ithc Lsankl ofa very few VI. M'ctcs Melet it a hansd c dstnt Icteecet TMe grest plateaua af the tacic, sh sac ich esncagh t have a cuep~esec climate and sehee at a melt mee Miec paplseict is oacvaucd, ae hemmced itn by tbe fac hest of a pasple mam aly hafe. Beat Meiccieotolla olescivled plav. lttshcslltsp iccl- wccero esudsc the hct lands (itica eslosic) seand the edges, Occenc t le 1or a ceeaat mdcs (siecc tscplea), ad the cold, hbl ccotcass (die nc 1.e at plaotet But theeat eestiy dctasid eeic.Stetcesshaee 1^t gcctashes I. the ftseaef aosticsc e dccsttslplaetat tharcseis a 111.e imtecpcstosvds of mne elicaaci tccide by the alte The atest it ctdctcnsharpesteotescaast o]aedessclisate andthce sRlcl htssca o unsdecayntescee Fcs me pofiteftest pessible tceo as c vpcetass a amucse all the tcajtv, cl.Ia types, face she lnformal vain foess ts the mae inoec the feetife valley beatm wese bmscca andc ascce gate, op thrugh care plceceicte oc tbe day mosa ceossel, wamtt magsey., maovo, a asdcy geee. ansenloa- fa adce ycareah thtagh the 0rcaitg laeda thee the tiabcvtIde atnd, fiscaly, to die eloe ctcsuatyecovervedctttace. la thic d-ectalatfsvInrairsthct and cultual taodaeapelieae of tcetsamuy attcccticsof eedca. Anawst the heskcevtttd of atp, pbp'el ces.tess ths h at tees an istvplay ci ebe mcarcy foce-cecil, catt adasfl, - cccc-echioh hand gcse coad Wcc mcdisg ef paeseet-day Matte. Doring the scgegi of the dicessec Ptfe Dies, thc iw- dactsiat pelicic cf sasdcm salicce --e adopacd fee Mtcdcs eh act donutying tbe geodal stacea of thte Moefese oic $Y$1tpflcO in 1907, and railecay mileage fnacctd iteec almost cit in th ceie sete t no 16,99 ecI as e din caofc D~ste rgime. Bust this isdcattiath c atim ace ecld by a vapid icrae in she sttof licfscg wihostcaccvteod6giscinecgt. The ittfields ead cines tecee tavgcly mcigsmteced, and prafica ftcm tcem I1. the -.uts. The Hatcied-The hell flececies of dce haieteds system urccd dcng thcfliosctsis c The laed of Meao-,hescppect o( dcc gacat esate of dcc popelatas car I it dccbncds mf ocet feat VI Mull'a Mccx ea Iaed citof c -1ciseu The great Placnof c the steecte wehich arc high esnagh in have a tmpeatc, elicatc and echo a soeulsst ot dc th copelatise is taccectaccd ae beccced in by the farhreofgaptpcmocatcsshain Beat Medal is ncl ll a celearno-irdledP pusa. let e a p in cli- mtc laycsc ecec ha ~e hot cede (lioesccciui) avanshc edget' hcc dcct ccl cc empeva cehde . (siecc Cemplaa) and dcco eec 6 eseily d .litfee regieen Ssseams haet geee gacct, ie the lcaa olasestitteencllceseethat tee s cmplec tstccpcttvc o e teclen bcy Wdcalec. The ateeles tatdeoearm a nddtseveyloe otbtt. va naeset el pecablee to un "ia am , I repant ch.Fo ,pitI sotnI-psilt ~,frspectettiec e amostoil dcc majoc climatic type, ftrat the st al coan forest 1s the rady icemn dhe feccile valley bectame, lanr here baaa mas tooe a ve pdtt osiffl y plmaetces t he Ic y mess eosleyc eshe magcymine. and lecey gcotc5 ctsd still ccatr acc as Wcc ccc, a reach tht&1g teg naig leeds, then [Mbe C~fetclad aed, finally at d1e stapes csallyernewd ecilt me. no e the dellieg tOf himac regitm edouwtarol adscpesfis melofthe manyacinaeticse ofttcsa A,,loststornaheacsanwd falehntplsi -.areesesthse has bec. ate imoeloy of dcc eecy gtec-eora, culsato, tailc, ccc- tatmc ccdh hav gem t,,Idtbe mldmclof pts tday MIaee Danne thc teime of tcc diontsa, Potfief a c, te ite- dmatel pelicics of modemn eaa oe, adoptad in Mmdcc yoith tmoedtmyfeg else feudsl etrscheta cf she Mecimevssm t gasetise. Foeigo evade nrmeyed-ne $63,00tftt in 1885 ta I.2I, f .it ml-l7 ad oniledrly milcage incrtd feom a w he o10 mua d Gd rimos in~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~s dc ccei n 699 u t c lte c Din regme te f- wt. -a h o ic na' n a d h tatd es indo larfates coes ptaedb ao pmidsIm iccoeasn ted n T tc Hcih Ima-th fell eItaceia ef tce haccec system c- esae osoeg she Dit teregime. Tho Iced atMeictespet ef t taet mar-c my dcPeulin, toes in the heeds of a few e  48 'T. Caibben at Mid-Cintu2 48 The Carian at Mid-Omuuy 48 Th. Cribba at Mid-Cmntury penpde. Santa h0 re -1o the pste land in Meowrea owed astate of 2,500 arm ore and almost 25 pee centa r he pedrolty ownd lanid wa in te bards of rely 114 pnapsiengs. psoibensore, the process of rsnceotaloe of land in the hands ef a fow sliening Villages are derpsissd of their comannda holdings through the enoswohsssnl of oaloniatisso" rasr am through the nosnipulstio ei waies sights bye asoaendada. Sauis a landlord might boast blandly of baving mnad fthe wojoro, thc boondasy pat c a eilage eiido rodd woctooeighrs s a crti Moose, wkhih rho horendada rheaader diverted to i, awss estate. eadese land ot. had at the fot a feed srsoarer toed era abso rater aa frnm "ebetiao" silagog-pnotreloly hasda r'illages rith geed lend-by th laewmen, feenrm eslled by the root landlord. As a reault, eh eathbianis of robot bad once ban lor village, sorns gradually forcedl to b ene wage cheese on dte handas, whoes they soon soon tinder the sai by debts andswerepaid ioiod rathertaeinoey in Thanharienda stoe -he infamouodse Jr ya. hising conditions on the art. en etvey and1 frod tess wfeon in short saploly, and tossing sas primsitive as be As yeas's passed, the hapless people, baem and roresrlsed, beaome apotrod, or rely beassylp, optittally innrisent. Theirsesignsation Ism tay son to their weaengly hopelfise lee wa wsoll depirted in hi, ponw, by h grat voice of Indion America, Ja Santee Csaan: Ido 'str ira, oe folios Ifeoa quo deo amsdores rs [ insa. ad inr dres, I.,-ate psoonogre1 pmds? y Igcossad a, andoa rdi'im rigs! eat so las 9rtS Ii .ss qnrorlln...? floe the rnwi-sadf soadefly eliced that any ehne sould be for eettier, and thesya(stheadfosot,-yhisahd (and and lihesty) beroame mneo and asse insaet loRern brike outeIn 1910, andinthe rest Mevet yesm esr thana milliar and a ball peopl snd frosn she gasat ett o the lree sileneo; they fled froms theor lendlod dussing the peis5 of4 social and polidial people. Se 60 per rent od the prit land is Menico ts estte eats of 2,5et artoc srs and s0m. 25 pee -us of she privately eoned lend wn in the heedsic cry 114 rprkrsits Fohesoe, the pe aref el orernti of lad in the hands of o eist teas esotintae. Villagesr 0005 deised of ter coomontl holdings thr-gh the -noroaset rf rolonioaten companie, or throglathoe -initionrf warwrrightshyh osndad. Sorb a landlord msight boast bloodany of hosing moed the mojonera, the ho-anoy pon's si a riulge rgdo wsidhs erson ights to. crtn msrops wich ehe uacrdtda thereaftr dretd so hi, own rotor. Fetedo ror anod eftonad rs the stet a feed osostr. a lad was aes assay frotsob Lliot' neiaes-paicolaly Indiay shiaggot with good land-by the waen~el stnctrldby the oral landlrd As a reaslt, the ishabil ant of sohat hod onesc born fie village, er gooddol lemreut heroime nags Inaosdboee on the ands sheo mthey, wre eons ine the soil by dabs and were paid isbid eashe than in -,ss in the hacienda pate -bsirdos ada flr eay. Lioing conditons on the orat weor ey haod; ford tea often sshortttspply and hoirgspinsitihveatboet. Asysanpnd th aplss peol, bodice, and wareshed heonsu opohetie,m. oil hohett, spas'toly i saveI. Theiourteegnostion for nay yet. to their neoemnly hopelessIo was well depoicted in h:, pnr by lineal veire or median At Tseirtc, Joe Sensor Osan: ftni, we loamo, as's far,.a tira que deo ara due"latos ftaooat~ gee debtre any r, Irea ad d onda iodin, mown.t 14rsia, to for gi,6? [itar gasrass~s. ;fQnis moba,a,.ao Bon the asotiedf geadtally auited tha any rc.-g world ton fmetheheate,andehresyofthelandlotf-otierrylntad (land ard laboer) beame enore and soe in ctn Reaftidm. hore ewet in 1910, aod in rho rent slos ese nones tha t msiiis ad ahell pepl noed from she erectesates to the fee tings; they fled &r the, andlords dating the Perio4 ofial and polidWo people. Ssmee0 per wt tsftme priraletnd m teiosoond ins states ef 2,500 oce esoe, and lenart 25 per cent of the prtly owned land wa t dhoe ad fel 1 epi~o Porsbsomr, the pores sf rononraton of land in the bonds ml a few wascestinoine. Villagn wre deplird of their intremunol holdings throagh she enroorhment of "rtlonion" sesapanior m Thoroughthe caipnlctiof wareensightiabykoas...afte. tarts a landls-A might Inet bldly of loasng nosed te teajonera, the bounday past of a 1iMa, ejido -tIn 5ot5 sights to a egi sner, whirls the hosreado ehoeoler disweud to hi, eon rotos lmdttoero load ftnhad at the roes a frd eerato ,Lard roar abso taken away from "rebellioun villsgso-patisolly India shllet with goeS land-by the govnenent sin etoraled by nbc toao ladleod. As a eWsht nhabitr. of what had toet been faiws lge wectshedoly, frced to hecosse wags lorer on the hacienda, whseo they were soon tied er the sil by debts nd rare poid in bime nothus than in mney in the Immueo tatar - te dosos teS Se myp.. liring soeditwen on the sata w ry bad1 fond on often in thant apply, and Msoing eon pediive at bet As yeoes pastd the higo. people. oodless and wretched, berane apathetic, son ally hasdssspr spicitually insrlvent Their seestation for mny yeas to their totningly hopiow Ion ras rail dryictd in hit poer, by the grsat soire of Indian Asrea, Jon' Saton (heron India 'sno,!o babsra foanga ta qu5 e oat, -doet r iitstcigtSoeab-ntyoars paonoanso-,msd.s eIgeorr ad 'ad aed.e rodielo cods, atrf, to ls 4uit6, e ignasa-d qasrrsoel Awo...? ( Qrid sh,srisr sloe the eneisoeft g adl eead t ay shags wredhbe far the beste, ad the my of the las for ties y tietad (land red libeney) bemmse esre saed ne inmotet Iesantation boike to n 1910, ad inthan nest dee yeo. moorthan a million and a ball people moved fom the great saree to ths Ione esloagee; they fld from their landlords denting th pushed of sasil and petiicl  CAZBAN hEZOURCES 49 CAmIBBANRSCS 49ana C.rdS REmSa Uon 49 upfeaval in order t ottrn to the free villages wide they meld till ther smaoll plotsof lard order the rsoe-ald rsen of cortoort tnre. The old londholditeg aristocracy thttt leer toe of its grawer to the diloo, to agricultural moodket, and to the newly tdlpe city pnrletot Land Dfnobiaiu-At fact lard distibeate. prcded solty to 190, foter roars otter tbe itaogoeatioo of the oaeaa rtto, olinot mn-teoths of itherol cerrotoirlly naitte pproan en- gaged in ao-clatoc still bergned to olor dwsiome ited tardleet ..oerdeperdootrpon day wage,,r otadsomeafegereroeq matty be deiel focer ttrai fariegretlarereepitg Pes. deer Cdedo tote that the aimst of the Revolotion of 0910 had rot been cooletely fulfilund laegely bcarte there wot re middle doer to carry there tleuwb. Hetoce, he e wednd op the progrotm eflanodi oihed. ln the first twentytotsofhisdttoiner- tite be aordd tome 3,00 vitlore, ready fore and errhalt toiliun Mlerloe (about 1l0000,00 octet) of lnd-ee half an tooth toed or hurl heen doiooed by ol0 loin predeceor together. By 1943, 30,619,321 her,,-e (77,000,000 acree) hod ber die- ifibrtrd to 1,792,02 rociptoeto. Abent ore-fourth ef this land wer crep hard; smle thre-foNoth wras puaserre, woodland, rootatite, aedor. w T ae-&nhsmdrc nyaot1 of crptard, end oelyorcoy reail port of this root imtgerd bend. Agnocin eaenoine have hee orgoebedl ineeerfdoa witho the owrrt fhor, accoedig to the -mare of 1940, ruee wcer 1,601,392 ojidolseino. Tho population liviog one 4iodo in 1940 r onorer 4,992,059 inhahirarte re ono-frm thu thohitau of Medieo. The o)idaoroow blve here ootin of about bell of the ocop land in the rate, Or addition, there were 920,500 rerall prrate land- holdos. ie 1940 hoiam pltce oto snaore Isme, iN tife. Itto rtiotated thar at lenst 40 po enet of the toa population of Men- o, tithec lives onj ero or on ronall, privately owned hotdinr hero- ieg 12 a000 or lee, Seone of the erperld henefio ot the rero have bear obtehed in laenoting the rapidly teorenetefpopetlo- tie It in eigtdfkaot that then Rockfuler Foandarion wokig in floor coopeer wi4th the Mealco Cecen or in Manisa Agrdelterrl Ptogramt, has coo major ohiectivet (I) frentamental 0 Nothen Whetter mnost aei, Cienta, ItonP. 92. uphseaval in Ordee to ron to the free villager wehee they mold till thertrndlplots of landorndecthe ocdtreondioorandra tenuren. The rld loodholding aciltony thee ler came elite trower to the vdltae to areicrlltmol werken, and on the newoly developed Lend Diointon -At liom lard dlihitatee proceeded sinrwly. ie l9ll, fiftor years attee the itteedaieofttre oriarteor, abereeetmoo-enthr of thee in roanically aetive W,1alaioneen- fated 00 ageecelmo still bwleeged to the dihited lerdloo nomrdeedeneolpon day twagoe or rpm stcit mtrager eammin, oooeoaybe deiredlfomt-oofaetnf ortsharopping. Fred, dent Gardeno, sawc tht ihu aino of the igevoletier of 1910 had ofNor r i oopetl fulfilled largely bcace the- rear no middle does to cary thoen throefgt. Hleece, be treded op the poegree of bend ditoibotion. Ir the linot twenty merntht of bee aoetirrter lio he awarded soer 3,000 villoes, nearly fre end t.-hoff milo~n hrat (aout 10,000,0t0 acree) ef land-orc half at mruch land ao had hee. difriheted by al hio pred.c..s.. mors. By 0945, 3t,619,321 hmille (77,192,010 ame) had Men dir- tWobmed tc 1,702,062 recipients. Abont Oe-foaithoef tin, toed woo crop lard; while threeforth war poece wvoodland, eoenaito, nd oort Tleaoeeaeceipietbhrsfeieedolyhnrt 10norw of erpand, and-I rely Itvery ,matll pact of this tro uiogaed lord Agolno voeits hoa been er'niaed itote doe writh the reeult mtho, Terint to the terror of l940, theere l,60l,32 ajd058cio dnt. The epiton -Oving onor de im n 1m94r0 otherend 4,992,05 rointe nfrt h raiol fMre The n~dro w hare theettin f ahort half of the wi toed ih otaIenO additioo, there rw 928,59 emal priratetod bleosIn 1940 having plt of tweelre ores, or leer, ir lwtiee. It it eerineted thot or jess 40 pee cant of the rota popelate of Met ice etaelvt orme Soor or retall, prilvab woed holdirgs haer- ieg 12 acce or tee. Sore fe the expecteti Mefie of the reetom have been aboreed he teprag the mrai ietooeg pepola- tin It ft ntiifient that thes Ro~fle ordtwring in dare nenpecot with the Meroiomne fleeeroent on his Meicn Agdcooeta Programn, lonew evenr ohirobtiew: (1) fmedaoetal " Netan Whettee, Iso cita, Ciai. , 140,9. upheaval in oldec to reour or thenis fre 1hilte eere they wanrd 610l their neroh plain of lord under the m~eicd te. of comenl ene The old landholding aritocracy thee rest ewe oi its power tthe village, to ogdrtltoral werkeer, and to the newly developed city tiroletadal. rood flfoettne-AtOrso lard ditteibtior prceeded tlowrly. In l93l, fifteen yeos toa the ieaaoeeation of the agenrin rer, ammrol teer-roths of the wool.. ncatoraelly actire foxpeniteer gaged io agdicllre stIle belonged to the de~ietdtd haodlete edependet mrs ady wae r rn etcleagerecomting aeoy be dedvrdfrmttnootrent hiegoetharropitfo Fred drot Ciedea tow tat the io ato thes lleeolton of 9110 haed tootbeen rueplotety fulfilled largel favors, there woo ro eriddle dacsItearey them obregh fleec ie seeted op the pergo ef lard ditribojr.s In the tint twenty tecetb of hit edermira- lio he awarded toer 7,00 villagce, ready lrone and rohalf meit heotare (about ll0,000tt a-I) of lad -oee half re murch lord at had boor disadinted by all his predoertte torethee, By 0941s, 30,619,321 eectaree (y,0l,000 -fr) hod ee die, brtd to 1,732,062 recipients. Abort ane-furt of thes lord was ermp lard; while mhewfeotrob rea patsoc ecodlard, etornt, and wote- Tloevoerrewdioo har dced only aootl10aer ofcerpand, and onlynavey etatpart of tis s ieegNAlndd Agoardoe cee hiiavbe been orgmitd i e jdeo, with the rerl that, vauoiet to the -e- of IM4, theee were 1,601,392 ejumdohiia. The poputlien lOving on ejihas in 1940 erethend 4,951,018 ihbbtent, toe ernt the erdmahitt of Mericet The ajiderni.nowr have polseode of obot half of the crop teed inthe notirne. I addition, there were 920,583 rgell priate lard- helde.o ir 194ff having plot of twere arer, 00 Ot®, ai too lin ertted three or1- l 40lr core of the tta popoda rio of Mw- ico either liven on ejido, co or tll, pdvly owoed holdiegs hare iag 12 octt or toe, Sone of the cepcoed henatil of tbe reteOn havew beer absnehed in rpprobyn the rapidly icneing poprl.I sspfatta h ni oypmao oini owloo m coo o.r with the Modican (loveretoet o re B oteno, Agricoea hcgaom, hat two major ebjectiver (1) fondaoeetl "Neehor Wht..., floral Mede, Oloirre, 1010,. to M  50 The Caribbmn at MidCetry 50 The Caribean at MidCnay 50The Cath.a at MidCentury seen h on methods and dcaumois eal tie to isoeened pooduc- den of Mexion's baic rend emops; nd (2) a toalning peogeuso for selected Mendese mth s. The ssc-ial soniden in Mexic inns fundt destroyed th ond iil tsosnonenen MudA of thoe lad bu now been ecditstobted to the people wo snook it, in sepe to ile goovnse goal of "lod roe rte lndLeu" M.,hlbazlbeesdtnetmacieelthe "nsscipa fons ted inmoonaeion of she tnseiana oo' edocasiens fitties se tpidly beinig eseded sod trsonsotain syslento dsonwe; man snogon and cosking eseditoss hawx boon esuablished; somie wsne Insitutios byr been erecsud in spite of fisee tasde Mefeeo, she levels of men aetog dot nouse ot the ,dom.lsin amt sesll eeylo;utbcy hae beeeased Miltinnuniofpel o foonsteey tad nest to sothing note heot lnt bewmd uosig wohich mlv afundsetntnl change in Isie and in mosuiok. Mons despair has gveen wnayso toyac Is the hesma of miins, the etan- eeIs of wecal osohility hae opened and ino hoewers of waodand tbe oenssn oa ta e ox se.- of risie0 so ssddle-ctan satss. In is to be hoped thsat mie rcdiseibusien of lnd will he -te and caubuly planned, fr the sel. miad pstdel adeahnaoes of hoe rahiop large hImdirs send so he rpleeoeralanudilnow., steca bnnet eeinaostin s co agoo lieclihend Ieen thli, see hligst and tn sot .ade apitol toe mmpomess-c VIL. Ctnaonis With fees eanpmencpilt wsaith in me ciircoo-aibtun trsnits bas tended 1o be espleped in actioities exh sense not laboel-psedueng entepast. Woolti etudef dso thIand has in losgs pest been either sotnd ueas wee in uNeta n setae mn otdcat septise teli yield high heeeo ti neithse pflneghed in io laogdcue nom is it ned be deselp neon lsith- peudueiusgec ,ro Caia has been osd no anoc ned of as epitale produce msnm wecalth, and she sneone has been Inload &deod to inveentnenesepaadt-y feo ad Oattlynunsat hosne orym ops amsing, abroad This onclds, cottelld by a ery dlid, apa ttos isont innoonly used in ste grinneing na- donol os imntnesal caPitals foe coeginunus doonseton nuter reach onsethodsnd estsiL eluble to iend podc- in of Masie'. hadi, fund nops;al nd (2) a teunung pnguato foe asited Mence.. scienss Tht snek! tevoteti in Meden bsas largely destryed the feudal eniousas Much of she lend bun a-o bet eediseitstd be the ,,It whon wcook it, Iss cespose to duo g -.,a.ossl gam of 'lend e due samesa MMh hyn been rine ao oleis- the 'etucpa- t a dtlssorperaien of the tnIne masse~s erssadennt factlines ecu, atuidly being enundd and srosipcorimu sae-e deceleped i sessietuex wagon end woeting coodisino bute he en established, scimd nae legi so hus e b een ausd. In spiie of Maee bunk eotnm, bs bcets of lining aetn Ite seas onf the frmed-in ate atel oery low; bus they hace bees suied. Mitteons of people who fursely badnwet to sedoigneo, exet to nomedhsng-whics seelveeeafwadsetesiattno, and inosutib Mass depi of Mn gioso cway to tops in she arts of etimie, Its chan- wLi of social sustt hate, opened, end te knest o fC wnd and rhe1 ito anoosa ofl ste te dchanc of aisig to etide-tt oct5 It inmi dueb hgsd than the tdilut dno nd nf Wandssill he snr and erthirly planced, One It pn1 on dst di fans o hecating up tuge htdingo send s o be epeeal nd ilst shtfn ee r ina to titcee to make is good oisied free thes me ew holdisg and to set aie eupita foe empeneeees. VIL. Ccoelns Witho fete ecepticos .apiltl wnal in stem einum-Cutftea cnos bas sended tobe eounpteyed in aetisidet tehe e emt sbnpmodssim ng etpitec Wealth etde ilemi the land hs. in nne nas been cit saeod s oosted i.nhm rtu ealesaen c m lontoeIsis wolict yield highn rwssa ; it is esinim producin ceuoees aCapital lion tee ad en asts in tmod of ss epialbe mt wsodo m= ae wealdus and she imaos, bus been largeoly deoctdtouin ,esoig ansepaalty tear .setiy bntuse at hone ski o~te netcat, s otinfroequenllp a usdued ilnd y gtsng na-, denal us, intiessel c apitas foe conpicuos eeuceptios mth" cesseh on etdd end snuseeald aul e to inoocued pooduc- ost of Meatees batic food cope; nd (2) a ting pograms moe selected Mereaesnst. The sociul seecldovn beMeni bas tasgely destryed the feudal end teot Mudh of mto lasd hasnow been eeduiitad tnonhe peopste woho workb Ii its mooes to die goemesstsott goal of 'land fmentelandluss" Mach hunt een done to -hi-oethe emoseips. lion und iscosputoe of she tnian..'. odnootional fuegimo ropidly bedig extended and teaneputan sptesu &dentped; scinietuex wesga sod w'csing condititus base beena e slhed; social nellase legislalan has bossenacted- In spite f mne tunic rmti.e, the laeds of bsing amoeng ts exuse of to populutien amc stlloterylaw;tbutbey huwoebesised. Millos oftpeploe who fmestosy had non o nthing toss taonsnttosoootng-nic inoloosn fudamenettmhanginthisinand inodett. Moo despaiclbas giensoytnhebpei nhaeo illiass, the con- neksi or t sockm mo i brae opened, and itsm bocs ,- wood nd the doero won-r hteahcae fsiagneiddca slt. It is b hopued tha dee sevdttio in ho lan ll~ be seoe and mtecnlly p land le e d soa aed pnitiau dateso hoang eeg holdings lend so be ehpoteal e an inilluoe moe nmasut isaptose p n i st aki good lieteihed fetem their sew houl dimn and so t aci de capital fiameronon. Wish fees esepola capital -mmols . in , th diseo-nbbenn o ent lws Ie sodtd to be esopleyedlia ectixtiees whticit wes n lubnc-pwoncteneepie. Weaonlhmi made fstsm els land ha5 ion lasge pes tea[ en oNiuls -epeeted no ivnoetd in uoun m tal eso in dneecal soeien ehie h ylco i high eustu ; itis ineherghdbo mm am~ tisi enw coaw o psodcing seoas. Capital bus nen used us inneon istead o atem ap aital top muoe wealth and the, incoe bas been oasft useemtd mnieraingncea np sot ew ton fasily foetnsa hose noe ceote easgo attendm. This wneat Intnimd ty 5 ee thi uppr h m tm, is oat infsqenly usd lathe glstecig t.- tioal tonntrsntnslesplando o 'asiciceseneumpioeunthe  CA 0A fSOURCS 51 CAOIAN RESOURCuES 51 CAIBAN REOURCII 51 than in founding new idoemes oris isocrtasiag the penuedietty ot agew alete. Andsnoteonlyiscpital drainedsoffdottlad. Few of thofasnilira wo were trigisnalty sospeoihls foe sloe development softhde noe- enssal ope-too the hadlant of the econmie of the C~arib- bean ceensteie, have staved od the land, They wsoa mt the cities seahsoadvsnd i itvyo o s e ge they papetet iti nan cabsetoe bass fep the piasotadtoo has abin over,ageiculteehase od amatiy ur ntanie props riin foe die get stojity. The modemt pcagcesn-shwng ador setcolsaeinttiacbdceieato atweyueal wswod mtare whle road and echonls ace Inching. Datelleho i mawel saliue nonr erelreney aocnadso forvhasee sithoutho e whuttdoeln fuuein a n term tot foishful ismfoIthliio'g, call ther m taibsocsa "toa Eperansa5 or 'El Patoetie That bade woelf, and seadeeship ac drained from o i country- Sdde, and the marl loratis and loctorits, wehich lest to balanc en eesuy ned swhicht csourtey evolve with a healhy ageaedtssal development, have rot pest in their appearance.. Both capital and "kaeowleo" ate sseseseny hoe hie msaoy indusctsies which Peeces. egoclsaeal predacest riaughleFhees, qeic-fue and teeiec atd esamoeeet daii and thewt facteis, segetnhdo pescesting planta, nice and coffes hulleto, and so en. Sech induatries oueld hansoecbit t herl n alodwudhv enrsur:mtde grossing ides worstd have armsueithse snnplae ,eal population, gowath in ohee hoduasties eotld he studmatd, in an upwared spnal. Bet shore tesw naticnals owith weatl and n wilig- cnsn mvest,.itlhtacnsidcdinadustrial ctelriaetand batpe- fencd rather to engage in lonshomtweim itos and onemelst, when a mninioam of capial is oreriede little title is irnoled, cand the soliao in high. Bct ntie only hatastealrth and leadership teigrtted tronm tho oneoteuie. The ndost cteeirg and amobideas of doe rmel lnatn hase dareced and atec .,nIatgtdcant tleetandeBe sesk mere ial y paid (a05 at leset, paid) emeplspment tend hecrse loin0 epptntitiee in tebart carter. It 'nh lee diffiastl tm snak gentel agsicaltsar a proftable andetakiog which will atopcs capital and at the same don compete for labor on a etatesly ewootnisgswithtutban eplocmen. If a methsdctddbetfound that to toetdiog nate iod-n- or in tneeaicg ohs podinedvity of nagdwltuee. Indentasnsyiaapiftldnninedofftfe land. Vew ofttefaniliar o csone teighoally mssnable ion the deeelopment of ths agr- enltmal opovotiss, the hnchleee of de econmic of ths Carib bean senufle, have stayed on she tend. They migrne ta the abeend, and if tieye ose s sag, their ptredet it se an toaneocme bania. Esepeveleom the plantatie has sades aseeeageneedtau has e amwne a mctively ¢eentntatve nPo-u in toreN thea ensetjn, .Thue msooe pesecestie-long uerian eotems ate in saebked csotat niy rrml areas whom cotti and ecleale us, l stng. Diweller n ho n shveeitnny ramNeh redeaey agleteenciseefew Ihoaeewihot hole, ihont to-at io nacs of withf. it tiig, call dash etablishnt 'La, Esptat' o rnE Patvesic Thes boe wealth and leadeship ate odred frnim die coentey tide and the toeral msdocies and futacnive, wNolel help to shlance anvoay and which noretalip elve w10t a healthy asricultural dovelopotet, hive soot put in ther appaanto lieh capital ad 'Iaaote-iese aec ecesaty fon tie masee induetris which paves aoicalear d prodeicet: dta fahcthrnus, avick-treene and cetigec- nd wa uosdiri and biettaurn s eeabelevttn plants, ice anad esifet handadons.Sc sdiliseol hav bit spthecointt , maand nand wold owould conseitru omi:re n sosro h swrdted, goyoi, g citits cold bavcetd she enpaurp eese pparatic, growt ino otee hodeastl wodld he htianda.ed, in an upwarctispiral. lsattsevifewonatsn withlealtheandoenilling ioas tet ishove avided itnetrias mevpiner n od as p feh otb so in gage in beurns. al ttlae e nd roneat, whrariine of tapital it segired, little risk is isovotveted, and the mretn tlinhigh. Sal soot only heve wsealti and leaderohip noigeated fuse the wooetca. The msand emyi s end anbahe of the rural laotec have deseced ® at coion Int dra tothe toed In seek mere hiurily paid (so. at least, paid) esill o ymwst and haec lisle dponee is o vsbs cenr. It1 WI he ificult so make gseeral giclonre a proitale andpeteahe which wl etc capinal and at he same don eeee foe labora l onetoa evenlontieg woithsaae ploymsett. Ifnsestttleauldetonnd thani onding ee indsotries or to iraesahog the peadecotetty oftagiceNee, Aadnetonlyeapimntl deawedeoftfe lnd. Few oftefamilie who were originally reoanesbe ton the developmnet of die agri' enihoral operasiem, tlit backbone of the eooooies of the Caib beau coutnriet. bass rsyd on the land. The migrate in the ctr oe ahad, nd if they eotitus to manage their penpertios, te ao n ot ust bati. l-Itep where the Planitir has takess eye, umcltsce has renaited a reltiel estasntealve peopec otnitior e the great moajority. The modem pmgredv-laobistg ur ura o e atei baobdecattrooayesralacusen soot and schooir ate Incing. Dwcellewa in ,oy soitaty ratochos or doer agtneormali of a test Mnttsv, eiteat e hope, wsithout feat, iw n caca of sslt !Mide, call their ertahlieoanta 'To Esoera or RIl Bersein" Thua bode wealth nd leaderdhip are draind twim die ontty- tide, and the mal indties aud tactoies, which holp Os balance oetnomy and wehilh mseoally ecelve sIda a healthy agritteea deotlopoent base 0wt pest lothaire apperanve. Roth capital and bsaeo aOr ace nesey fon the many industries which proes agricislterl ps-1eda : t tangeeeaes, qunid -foere and aeltigee- aIn wearehoes, dairow and ceoee aooet, vegetable peeetg plats, rse and coffee holed sand so ot. Such induasies woattd leave built upte eosottierodandileadesweodbave hvn conatued, growno cities would haice thovmbed the saple astral paldeso, growth in ode iodanee wold be srisulated, in n upwsardspieal. u ntsofewcosienadscoutewealth anad awilin- aort h ete aveided oudtreil reteps and hate pmr- ferced rathee to rndnc it bodee a ierpet-tooidwsmehane. whore amnahooesa of capital is reltired, ihle rik i ovld, and tM i iy Bt eto only have weolth cod ieadeship miated teom the ssosee ido Thesme enepiag and amnttdons of the rhe nt hadrhw yu rd a mcreigt er adt h eek sne tiglly paid le et, at hl, paiyd) employsent and hte lisinog tpiooetiiv in rban ente It will be dificolwiso w ake general agetoulture an profitable osdrtai wch sti atrc eupital ad ast the. satime w r mpete foe luor, on as reaobl evensidrg with rabasomptayneot If a method mold be loved  52 The Caribbea at MidCntuy 52 The Caribbean at Mid-Centuy 52 The Caribbean at Mid-Centuny ceheteby profits he the producee at wneI at swage to the laborer cettid be aagsorted, ugaictete ald he en the way to hemmaite assedridleetotesprei Butereootlieingenditios wiolhave te be madeeraccaoetatten thanthbey aeisotet mrtest if the maoe'Sde minegt, ted amsbititet agetntttsali asetobe had metho fat. Buet howsbte rt eeyhding oelaeeeidpefitsto the p- elamtettd hinsesranedagicwtmel weae e it? Jo ie s-,-etd tht the sprea hconete the price thm fstmei eeo bit produce ted the priro the Cooe, eddesutey payt mtight be due to the aesigeatoti dieteatig assd marbleeing mtethoda essstoyed Peedatee ted rotwee ceocyottlee might help olteo- to onef that, astet -,yet. Althousghtteonecidd ntioala tie Cafes of Celaoisn toregaieatiao o petoltatto of at -,at rep, ituateetlet reap seshotal oesi toad social beotfits aend it o cotfis to studyl in egard t ton thetebet of itt- priving tecksniqusse df distributionancd moatetieg. Each tegitou tatict in the Caribbtean see mtight peeehpl tusete a comete tare of the coats ot peedion and the pesednt of soeteteiog toodtuffs, in atucre to too seh-t cost perie msight be otepmtee toe the produet, ted whee they tight be letered fee the conme T i tasuctio of ageicottoe ted the lack of indtamidl gete hare perhaps etnsbeted to tie deareh of tcheteally and peote- stoaly emitted people, for the saste th taper statem swhioh hat esereod the largess ohate af tho aton's apitat em hern the sny poet of the pptie ov tat ilead the titteant et tersat to atqttiecteateng tiowla, inooti.etor FImetidcaien do.n i s sn top tettti- , the m is metod tack of tejos ets- ret, ont--, ts. toed et td indeet a odo yet anthed them it stell h e haed fteethe rtations t onnaish sod these vigeo-- groode Is seotld teem that[ a meed ef lee treed, whetmby sereth is -rinedo thread ine th Wcbig cit, is indiesed if the tnab and ii vnmi arctohecome yse aoIs. A good ettecha heeno mttdo Nin etrit cooces, wtobe Id boeteld atteswt o the ic am frome inootte esebe eajeeot of thW e coraesy earlh yoat The eaaistdeecoststbefs tthre. . tsuiottoosiiced; it wereby profit e cthe producer to weoty awoage to thc taborer could he taugmtd, agriceelture ecea be to she ceay to bra®siteg ostedde-el entertpdoc Oeteeotbring conditteon.tsillthsvett botsmadetnuch more ate thlanteyatitrm attu puesete if the eoogodc, intelligent, ted ambitiet tgoiedtsaolints to e hold oesbtee. Bot hate is the curt of tomey to he cometeti dpeoie to der P.t deer see tobe inceased and n aghisea wages ace to he raced? Ir is teggaotd that We spred beseen tie pn-e the fanmser nfee his potiuse sod the prie the cometett tttitettly pepu mtight he doe to the t~atlttd distrihutrs and mateting mteothd. remplnytd. Prduecer ted ouraster eropetatis m sighet help ormi msrue fch1eeaso.ecoet AlthonstthWe eieeaei National tie Cofetmoft e Colomshi it ea leegation of pseteset of so espent rep m Itt -ebens apod tahotattial ecom aittd aecinl heoitsndu t moct di sody in reged to the peoleto0 la- bnproieg a bteiqt in dissthadiot and maethting ehegea wmda al lea th oe Ceibbeso too might pcttbt aae a cepine survey of the rssm odcinat hpatcst marketing oo detss min wrdv to see where sse priee might h e atte !mOt h prd. ate ad wohere ito ight heleorlfa Th sltiadeeo agoseetr and the lack of iedt-~l gree-f- eave raie perhapse osnacbatet to the feath do f technild pet- tstrtly tened people, fee the sam thi upper an mmta wriich ihto oeDet the largs hare of the cad e lnpil habeen tost only pen of thepatton that tos had th iste tmh andi money eery to taec stinng in too, io mdrist, I rin d .tee1i in comece inintn n eon etrt epr the eta th popse., he, in s a tethd doHm iipplaq ,is lack of trioctutece edt- easngioeeetmedial mres tnd uindusteil eade; yetunithsss fiseot it cutll d hued for the natieono to flomsich anstow ,gtoredoe isorstd tette that a ert of the tent, sehereby eoaodisl dad abroad et int onte big cit oies indicae it the toita and teeeml con tai m ,e to heacigoroae., A tend statthbaa hbe, ade in varit etnsm whereo oely o a h eid umast dmoin amfros tietmeetoanhetakeoeneaofflrososech yar. The teetstustest he loft them- It in stt cuoned; scated; it weheehy prmi so te prod.-o as es a seagee to the laborer roaid ho augmteeid, ageirtlre would he on the may to keretiug a middle-cate enetepstie. ties oal t liie retitia ceil have to bessmude mtsh oea ueiethinse fyetenscettuett pseene if the eeeeir itollgest, and arhdst agricslturalists aeto be held en the farem. rae hose i thes cos of lielsg to he lomretd if profit to the pm- do re so be ieereeul atid agdicstum tottes are so he tottd? It insteggmed that the spread heteee tho prin the farem. curest fee his pretsse ted the price the etteseso ultmately poays might he dec to cte eatiqeuted diattbaing anti tarcttitsg- med employed. Prdocr ted etotamr cop aratiee might help rei- nsooeofheecae aeeay cot. Altoughthe edeoits Naot.. tier Csietrms of Colomboi isa to aioaaioe of prodoson dfaeepoetycmp itsmimretsp subtantialeomic andmeiul heeit, ted it is ereedy of sonly in egued to the peehltm ef imn peetolg techniqust of distribution assdeeaheig, roath regleou rnato al i thes Cartibbe aec might profitably make a eo hedeosemyeof the am a o epeodtcdoand theprcie matkeedg Beta rIne itorder to see inhew re casepces maight he eimpered fot thWe prdtcer ted weheem they miglthbe lett for the Th nsgtt of agticnltnre and [Mt tote of inyesrad gomed hare petoa cntuled to the deth of terhieuty and preles tiesal t nsdpcpe fee the tame thinsppretotcheha m p so o h hstandagsfcontndlled t he l argest stoat of the cadents capia has leon the sedy profthe papesaden that hat had cte time anti money neurratmy to aero e rstain in laei medicine, in n nseis in inr nonoei pelits temad en en . feto in por tioto MIpe~ptadente e ama red aria of =ceits, ttis- coom egimet mdical mes t i urtil leader;lm yet sdhes them it ill in hard lee the stetmI mo loses and those vigoree groseth. it weoutd hrees shot a trevem of trotrnd, wseerby sorath io demnd thread or into the big ae it indicted f the somotl and beadnal mm o hecone cigerna.A gostd stat bav been made in wais eemttimc where rely a speidind amoenr o the inoeofrem invoamensat hettboess. tfthe wnty each Ionsaei Trsbaider mstsbe left thee. Itebnnotcnethated; it  CARBBE RSuOnUE 53 CAUIM!EA nuncg S amass n5oau CA8B8 ESUCS5 tipy [salretheemochray The eraltie thtrhrrfisidleeapral n eg recettclyig thehdekand w ta to was Arnd ire pettirto week by e gblribig am iredtttin Imcally by Indiratineg mal aeaqrted elants alerdy ire epetde. Mere waltgh it thereby raeel A famil ref try q timn e it core happy thaterpaertaitn lege ince wea cipemcd d edidenot get abread wheiree old hrceeld pi.,lyrarectt of hcey ent The opiunithw elatehd ire the cmrebtic ref theiradep here ear crcre thre atad lhwr feetle emiched the cee-r a reel et the fermily. Foceneey the fccige ietreet acrd npeei dengernine elit .ce o eei u the erererertr free te Cenithere reetcir itt the deceleoee ecountriet oenrea aed sprt the bulh ef the perfire thread. Tlcispeerc teeerhemmig meead taerdifioe), The hhat eererire setioally crertceta tr the eatrent that terr diecart reel thcar they tree edvdeetit dererlert are the friend ref the Ubrterie tren In tpite ref reeted nerbeer finthe soe.,efe tt- tward derreeeceerneWhpantfetheeComlainentrierred inlhered, the trg-rounge trered lire aeet n afeerdf Tyretee arid hieet hace bet anr the reare at three peplen leave reehiered etched imrreet n ecere reead teciel wrelfrona paci peae writh te deelejacert rf ocnecfle 1retitierl beheiree. Aned it it ire ceder at th peit te mtertae the slag, thtt bet caer Place ire the atticee ref the hefted Stretet, be pactieac. ref cisd the wCrefitr; the re ref the big nieb, re hoe wieelded hy[tleart,, wae beet Inbreed by et of blk ereerdr and greed wil betreerr seeeicc atate Ire cae Orgaatie refdar e Stt, the jerilthecin gaiy c an the Acmecien ecelire ire aecepted neteerern ite ner afecirc ret any it hjcced. mPitider itiepecidce iteat ecrerered iedepndnee ire fieble, iret ateal fitdrree read eceneatic idprdee ire the nreder wetdh ist haredy t ohe uhght ref hs itfecu chc a accetmalatded nationcal aleitcleete . MaciN~earoeeopthis nrecrve rcatrmuetheerteeetedn a ferret~~~~ fcfeclein twhoteee iceret e of em the margin of m1n ac wa ,arman bhitdat rmto day rt r peenne on ectri, seahe lice t re heed tre trcah Ic tecad o thate det, itwdal4ja red ferepeegoa chat rc at peent etleiag ect n ace crate the ferrite a=ietoe aed teecd cit isa eci e natatigp td he i l e aimplyeccret leave the taenry. ITe cl in thee ti idle etpital nma ectcntherlineg intheebearaderwanettogV iewoe. Adee itteeteu peeeitro taterbyetablithingreectedtcieta IIIzlye by eccaranctam recalt ated plerce eerady in oeperaionr. Moe reralth istheb stoortd Aircteileeefceyneeacquintance istee htppy thaccpreat ofintehge iecome ereebpountded aneddidencc getabrerd weret-ieed hrececeltedcaplyret a seatl[ofhebs, su 'le repiral thesn,]n carerd ie the mneleitte rthoi ndop trerereeretteireenithtsad hae factioen erecid the erotec ae wetl ae d¢ faretly. dr it cadult lice Caer treacecitte feet the Cetibhere courtre ire the developed ceeentiss -seere, red nperet the bo t reMte perfir arrad Thise peecen it heerecireg ere and moe diffiec. Then dimcr bm n mltnl th ft feetisai ta deny tact ricetici Vsrelce th e, fried ref the teteing erame It pie ret repmatetbckse ire the ntaig tt- wrd cmi eetry ere the pat oef the Cchaem ererefcres red ..lret hhnlcg hregeterwhasreteetrrnffeeeed. Tyrerenycand chret hac ieut e er th rere a there irme, mplec bece t1aiee cahe anpteeeheereeerd eweial eeIfree, patn Irr with ecit deeltrpene ref tut~ein hetine betttirt. deed it i inrde rie at thee poit te eeired the g eh cthat hasc on itm pa Cinirte a re the hita t ccl, te he wielded hy de stee tetbe ese by ne of ceeradier red gored wll between wregn rele states Ire de Orgeitbdr i daerce rte criiteel ereacty of cli cie Ammeciae repehir it acrepede whereat ierecie it ie rcoe aty it atld nPretlcaiceptdce itet aewersie tdepereine tI filen If noet actuertly fitiieaeie reaan nd eneeel temede oth tetrem wernd iscs hardy er he theh rewritheer retncnraoinwared cetireed espital eeete. Metnicrke pcbt m it t -o t arner ter[ereeeercted frretm tlf-1afcr tem taieie ftreree who ifc on the ergin ni oacic ams re Irencir et e oie anc et they ire cidnd teiniec term city Irhet en pgte on ettare whc lice t re heed te ccncahIt woutld crxnet cthe individals red odeeihe, tha re t ad pete uael iting reac targe metle the fecel agrinlrearl red aeci dt rih cietrl deposits etc spareattrosincg car ere, which wlla simrply oa lotee the emtteey. The tnRac it that thise idle capiecl eterogetceruesnlyincrincthe beankeacdewandlItcttwerkh.d is epacts it ea ebhy estabhing ter iredean's carly cc by stlichig scmrll sretiqated pltaet already he ipetiateo. Mere wtcth itheheecereed. Aiteemilyrotnmy recqtitrectttisr happy thee a pert of its lingebcm rc inc sipreundedraed did et graroaetd whometrweeld haceemeltedcapidlycatrnnmodt ciherep canse. Tecantiel ct ees cccmrcleed ire the oTbI ref ther adop- lio eetdthdooacd has brow, whrittehd he c .ivyca ric ee herily. Fecetely the frre, inet. tered ncp width ie gseeccig eite cc l erlil the tae reeert feet the Carobet taca ire the devereped eaucrien ceceo e red ent the bttnk ci the preht ehbred. Thin perct it beceeete mer and mr difficult The a are a bheretre prelrally recirec Ire the catnlthteen direiree fee deer they tree adeecliet dereeecns ret the fnrid ef the lie he erec. tr pite ot repated erere in the wteing tre- ward demoreey onr the pact4 rtrhe Ccedhhere cutiee red ialaosde the ttecg-regr treed bhas et bem affected Tyraney red starere htce hiec crn thct warre at there penanpe hawce achieveed tccAbdipreeeceicm arceirdrerirelerectaeefaileerr nii the deleprrr rf ceprenibl phetital behreec deed it i ire eden ret ebbs poitr mc mrentin the thong, that hasr taren plane he tee renide ci the Utjted Seten icc pacca, ch edt-i-dt te Canibare the era re te tig edele, rto be wiedecd hy dee tntcg, has been folcrec be te ef reed ead will betee e ge srrete. ie de Ocrerebedee ref Amceia. Siar, the juridiecl ereoentt ref all tie Amecciar epchlire it t o ed, wherea nncc orr he caisr ref mecy is aehicd. ,apelitical ireelepecte wtrh.. emrereie hedeperede.e it Crier, if ret aecty ititie aretd eereeueia hendepenedenere Iet het reeder wreeld ie htcdly me he thaghlt ceddeert are reantactd retietl eapitel teree. Main- e eake p chic crcc cante be eciested feecenelificietrsaaea.cecfaetce heliceeethett-.egieef neatalecice alrcteic, trm m dtahy h leeded either crew day Uaheaen mee onrerretrrcwhtlisetfrmhrandrrtreath. It neild sewre that inedividualsand nbs ricc that xacert peerc rephereg en a rtw teak the lerile egcincoeaal ].ad ted dee tide miterd drereeia can yrce a ritig eric mme whieb reel met  54 The Caribea at Mid-COntuzy 54 The Cuzibun at Mid-Cntuy 54 The Caribben at Mid-Cemtuy taehaymoillpay tbotion'tbhae of the cct o Howsootrfor which goettamno at incooenningly held mT ..idlbhr. I not too diffinttt to rePW-ac do tenditfotoa peetoattot of Nho leanod or ofWbig comtpaybyoapateoabm of tM ttiotatotas ttpt bornoit ae goadnally fitterfog down s mmPdn n oe ael po thoe lomwecotoe tada. ponatta nd oorer raral aoppff tt stte hih otort ier loon! of liviog, vin ii only slightly. And asatitoes mtettot ate oroigty owndtl la ecoo is~ l tdo than for rerotoa weiliodeaelopmrayNcoohto didtat'etg"foaonottiilltbe onctaly orpplattod he the meote popoie vaily. Monion it a goad sam pleoft a elate wiled ha, ib tht atreas of Foanh Ton. nohota, aettianed -p-o by a goltation"y: It a, the land that freona will, Thataohber-aoted Feoodomahoaa; The fatd, whoe, girt with feiattda or far, A mn atoy opeaa ha ihog he even; A fond of setleadgoor0 tot A fond of boat neod otdrmotwt Wfor radmm slowlty bands..down ,'re t to uw -Tnnysto, Yat Ark Mr Whny, Tho' Illo atgaer." eyest they, will pay Ste nt's ae of the cte of fta.a otcofor eatiaFo govornottot ate inoreningly hetd ronpotaiblt. Itis tott ditfiwoti to inplamt tht toathont patonatitt of thr lardload or of tMt big oay hi a parahonto of tht orate at long ta sar loetefiinaoossdnaly filiaefttdo-oieee iowoe etsayotttta Pananioand woorenaoory sppot te tfate wihas tirf I...1 of living twen if only tlghity. And at awan] noottor ate sitntigty aned lot eonoo.oto-toial toa,, than fer ecoonoo tootiway derlopni., t odito.nt "otis"gt gteo eon wilt bo toatgytt"Whioned bytldieatmptalo vaity Meni a god rotemple of anatom whalot hao, in the ioNs of rotik Tt- teaoa, acti-red "pearn by teolutiot' It litthe fond that froteton l, Tintsohts-jaioad Feado,, ohona The fond, tohor, get ith frieedo or foet, A mn may afank the thung he ll; A lad of weatd oooennot, A latd of joot and olds anot Wgeam Podom slowly broads.t dawn -Tennson, 'TVon Attk Mr Why, Tho' Ill at Ease," that theynowit pay that on share of the curi of tforse oeveofot wMIh goeotnto. anc incensiegly hold oopoable. 11lls tot too diffiol to ettotoen do tradtiona pnttooatioto of the landlord or of the big aomptany by a pamonaeoan of the saote at in As toata bontfie ar godnalty flarialgdowtineto trt I aetomttloan. Peasants and wakten eagerly soppot thte tniewhich tauttomini Imel of living, even if only tighotly. And as naao teaetono ore ncaingy toed inor oooo o- l off0 than far ecoooio motitoy deotlopaneot, the tmoonon "too" goooiasent walh be rtootasingly teloptated he, tho tomo popular eartiey Moine is agood -paoi of aaiomt nwMikh hoy,, thb woods of Franki Tan- nenbhaumtaoldted "eace byrltan"a It isnhe fond that foerntil, Thinsoiot-odredaedomrohso The land, chaet, glirt with frien,od or faot, A ten may tptoh the thing ho mtoll; Afond of -afe~dgoootnnioet A lnnd of bade and old eotn, Wh- etrodam rlowly broadeot down Peon precodoto to peoadono. -Tonyson 'To Mnk Me Whny. Thlo' In t I oon  4 4 4 M.,Uard Phelps: TECHNICAL "KNOWNIOW" VERSUtS 'OEION INVESTMENT IN ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT As TIllS is aond-table mooting ety tnctaon I ie, it t a nmbec of esoo wohaih toill'elici dismotcaon you, p,,,p to ho soec-h.r prom cits The title selelo too this paper ant bthatWi ee atappwac u he ctnadotory. We as acoteed to tankting of she topot of technology at one of the petoeipalr fococem of faredigetsmsaet The tact that Capital ad taeology ae totally enatthnd in a tioestsr tioa- tidiexd one af thc chief oide, motagoe portfolo tavomstaot, both to tho fuon iotote t11-Arls cod to tae eoteot sohich the ieov nns acende. With thes cesotorte I tot tabstatial agreteo It dice ineetoen the too act aoim inseparable if the inotot .r tonh "opooted" cottr than aimply "held0 fec appcecioiiooionaltte Stilit aayhesallfor ppo- ofe antalysis, iniitte at toat, to think of the caport of teoheolegy and of capita as toporate taovenotor and wrn in opl ,is.a one so the or. One reason foe to doieg it thor they have loran toue oloely coo. nootad in the salads of those peol is the other Asnoelao reptab- lies wahe, hoeo foe mete itteocilat and eatesto coosat do- velopmeet re cretud by thre Pott Foepceeooetoea Is at stat a ''hld, note pogamr" as flert mooned, has polher an en- /eoo ora mosto of a Pmg-t Sthich Ira heen an sdet farm m any r y0en. If Proidevt Tetana hod said stoat tee hate Fon mopeactiagwith doe ador Amoeican ropoblics mi the fiettit of Maynard Pholpo: TCHNICAL K.NOW-HOW VESUS FORIGN INVESTMENT IN ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT As THIfS is a round-table mneetisag moy fmnodao, as Iscee it, is to sttman t-e of tsnos whtich oidl elici dirceetir aesog gyu perhaps tohe nsesewhat preoet-ica Toe tioidentetd Ion Tis paper nay boe at etr eit appcarotheantadictoy. We ace aeoeed to doeinkiof the espost of reehattloya cre at the priocipal featoc oaftorcietsinertmoo The fact that capital 'tad tchnology are taaally ceteritod oit inAr oesteer tco ridered on of their chief aaloaotars soo prdeieoesnt, both to the foeegn bocetteto thetoseloetrod ts the wshiehthcbeotceelee ade. Widiehic-penintan nhstarrtiol agrerateot In sicet er reto the to ateobes intpaeatle if dhin iotveem ac to he "aerafed canhrto simoply "held" foe apprciatin ton Idal is moay ho nof.l foe paeyotf owi~naiall~y t loaet~otisdtdttheeaport o tehnlogy and of oa dual as separate mooemrn and even ia rp- position one r the oe. One malle for m0 daog is that ohey hate b®n treclosely cost steeded in doe mnsds aft hose people in the other Sued-iecepah- lies wshete hope, e fo m aca wcdiat and ttnie onnic do- soelooten tae erd by the Pint Pro, poneneenee It no .a'held, nvote cnt a- first nroodt, hit cathe an 00 tendon or ereslta of r program ah otoa bagthonna dent a rr na eot Ife thetent Taamon had aid tha toe hate Mren cmopemtog botth to oher Amercan republica to the fields of Maynard Phdelp: lTCHNICAL ".NOW-HOW" VERSUS PeORION INVESTMENT IN ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT As 'TtS is a roaod-ahlesmeeting msy fociran, trlt en it, ir to ns tansher of isrnesrt hih ill cit dirssire amtong yea, perhep, to he ro watoa pmraeati-e The title selected tar this paper may have that effet at it appearn to ho contoodietry. We ate ocoroted to thinltem of the expoar at tehnology asm one the prtipayl featmm of toreigo iemcpamo.n The far sthat capito cod toehote gy hit re al mo mimcthned in dicrt meos V eao t ddoce one of thei ahiof aceantager teen prlfelo notanaa, both to the foceigo inoeo thecasle cod to the ooatotot swhials the h oele~ ac made With s®lit M vooto Iaosi ottostntia aseoon Is diocs io toon the too ace aoso manspaale if the cinvsns am ae "nepeatcd" mrthon dice simply '%eld fr apprsroatitoinsaln. Sti it may he nmal ton purposes of analyv is iley at les, to think of doe csarl rf technology and of capital astopaos et wen and ecainop paniror cat to the other. One tatn fr no doing is that thoy hoe bio too tatly rr- seterd in the minds of dhoor people in tthe adoc Anoocinomb-ah ties woe hopes for mo e s osdate and senieomc tide- seaoptontstr acod by the Pciot Fouroatmc et Isti not a "held, stew pegoom a st anoostcd, hit othrean us- temonen ecotottssof a program which hat boon sondertwy foca yoryyncot Ifrdent Trame ahdsaidtWartwe havehDorn c-spereting with the alst,, Atterta ropubtico he the fields of 55  56 The Caribe at Mid-Century 56 The Carbbe at Mid-Cenuu7 56 The Cribean at Mid-Cenry publc healtle agrOlioe, and indusnefal development, among tom, Len many yntn, that tignifirnt revlm have oes, atamed, and teat e Puapeno no.aoontei d nd fee praaa to onaer past of the world, ntveo idat have boon lilt oaisdenniaumdng. Butn, at lown in pane, boomavof them enooao annonevni waeoendnmtdytoany petpo, nthat1htomcand abad. In- Lomfotrnatoly, to them point pon to imodiat and horge-oelo financial aid, .-tovoha tile vo doe of the Marsimil Plan. Boo, at you know, the two propame ate oenvtially dilfeseon in concept ad oiojvrnivo Thtemmo, one of the Linst peobkoat of the De- pvatoentf dftate, andatnt difficualtee was to dinoieto m detect of technology and ehat of London ioon t at, an ptnihl, in Wbe thiking af aker prepvst inodicate that the en- porn of technology may teou oe 7 tB. nnonn vapisal in- , oevo mbtai Yet atotl a athond hart boon onaphottati, naely, liat cienti(c toategemeot it Kotly too~ed in vandeo- wrlopod wnotnae, piata eorn mote than ,echwooy Peopylr ao e, nfoe pate nm e, nvcinalaey and scientific noanagrooent iny dv not lio lt dutelon beinwven patvaenr ned applird tjnv. The tin of nojnv i to dinoun not bnvedogv, non ptinile . t blneoTe titof cloeolo.y ini .my e eva to iventnondee d-1n ondolp tote patons and orrinignon Nrnee dvolcomne in anio~mlty e ban a hsadiioa ekeowledgo tncovetod by racaro wns eceai. We, at a tar. e opir, bane p i - s in niicii not bea poricolary toveto ~ w innooiPdonei, atoin ine, the oty davetn a rode and atom ic reetoer oe toady In Bitton and emtna. ld int ot te are horn effective in teeting pmds ~a'pn i a ~ fveedb cno. aa ye,ar epa onto twenty Nobel Relw In pd, yd, chmy ad medio ovonaardrd Utia d Staten flannd nHit ll et awarde 10 Ervena-lolnfal to Gaeowrn alonar. Hovee, itd the bld at tomlteyge an- mobh e bare born y affection, and itin bwledge nohch in mowt ceded in nndetdrrriped eThone wmnin l~ikon eea rd to teedeettnd and apply the princple, tf nomicnli managemtor wehich t o ughaly be defined asecil tcnceppltdoontnnioen d. lamiornntin the en n- A mon tpoblica aod m wotdnandl ng of hoe na an things nt eafy;'and thiinolve bhodtcrlmoyand oeilii public boocth, arelmem, and indoattal dvvelopmrnt, among oher,. fen many yrawg that signailant netk barn boon attained, and mtha we peopoo to -cemthe and roend the lialamn to ollto patn of the wnomd, thWerool b. ane been littl m mmdvsin ding Ban, at Ioot in Pan, boom oof the mna xrof antanoeet, it evn, mdnmold by mnly, pat.,], bat at homeand demad n- fotwoatly tW them Point Foor naetat invrd ine and lero-ale finanolal aid, naneohot on the order of the Marehall Plan. not, a yea Iaam, the tern pragaen- coo etenaly different in covenpe and objeodro. Thnoteee one of ete fied poohiema of the In- pantot of State and a tet difient ne nea.t din eonh naoeerof tral ogy and that of forignlovoosent,atomuch eo poanihe in t0 thinking aiofh m 'peoito indicate t the on- pert of werhelogy may oic, orny ile mucnnn capia in- etoet abtoad. Yet anotter fact obavid have beet voophatiod, tamly, mtha voetific -maoment in geetli needed in underde veoped ceoaia evea n a motThan teobetlaty. imple eof.n cutf-e Pat., eanc, lchnoegyg and eodeoifio mmagontoet. Tley de not tee nn dinatton botoroon pace no and apyliod econn Tioai of tleaw ints icoose knooledg ,rv inlt loto a5lthaoofveethnolagyt to nvet nn enooint deorlop noor prooe and trthinen NHavnm wd developmeab Ia lehoelog aviteo m aedad upea additional klat dge ncvodyenhvil ,e ir oiti, We, neapoI,,hawe net born pativltey voonfnl in nind diovelo.d, nin n¢,co the hatin diovetie of aoa and etomic imey moorm nade Britahni ne an Ocinnay Bat emn haon offeotiv in ,m n a p-ear uepa o [only ate Nobelm driet ae phayi obmatt and twill clanv wre amarded Uained State citrand orhilt 119wnoos aeadd to omlanm wh inchni, to Giemraanne. Hlonener, in tthebl of tecktvev an v eth em wr onr dfe, and toi thin knoedge which ie amt nentld in nedenvdevol oped The m ennue littetead need to onrentiad andl apply the ,dual,, of t ho n le olcagroorno nhicth may maghl, be deal'md atocial evne a pplied ma tttmi ende. Boomsatr in the ntbro Amaeaicaa npoblir ned mot ondontanding of boorn to thingat .evil,t'andlminvolvre boothnenllogyandnscientific publi health, agalcaltoor, and indonodal dvvelopment, aang, athea man many yearn, that .imedicaetlo have been attined, and Thatem prow so ocntame and atnd the prgrana toother poro of thy woald, tmoc womit booro lindle nmnndetnttndi em, .1 leatoInpat, hcasoofhenoeoof anoosccntt tetmmdetond lay. any peole, beth at home and aboad tn- Lon oterly, io Ihnm Pokintaor meant imeodiale end large-male financia aid, vnnvat oathe ondee of thy Motenhall Plan Biat, a you know, the no pm, mmtamn too .n uct, diffnatinoe..opt and objecti. Thetemor onr of thy boon poobloma of Tho Dr- pttotaneofto, aed aoeletdiffi~oewvltvantdinctal e eaptet of tongy and that of fhowg, inenmoen, an maro at pamsibe in sin thiabiag of othr p Irni noiatc that thy en- pent ofti oomiogy may rgeit ory, little conorent capital in- ro non abroad. Vet anothn face thoeld haretbeen -nthaoiad, namely, that scientific stananannt in gwrty.nerdod in etedeede- veboped rosiriet, ptrbo oven mor tian teonoogy. Peoplm fo ofte date poo r nieo teoloey, and tesific maaemvo. They d. notnw thy din-inlmo be-aapor tnt'rcr ketonlodg, now primnvi . lie n eat the aim of to iquesy i oinvent new decioutodoebotic ew ttaM~e vprooaeeand te chmndianmNw nlp g Nen dnvomena n orhooycobedao additienl konved w ntrnr by nr lr nosoetit. Wte, at a People, ham amnetm born i ipticdely ettl atw tenior encvoten. t'oriv Ianc5, the bic lentrin vf tadaz and atcomic eny mete sadid en Pritain cotl demadf aca. lion wo have bets efetv it noate ptaooal n ofbaoiptiipl a af w- dinohe by o kre.. OvM fifty-yar o an only tpont No, Reen in, ~ ia hme and etden netee ay-fldd rotted Soro rititne, whiler 119 wear avardahd tom nra nt-j,,ayth, no vremn elnove teoro in .foathe bold of inviogy atch, weohavt been or effctive, and to in m hanv~ele wrih it aea needed in enderdeneloped Thee daao u ikene need in undoannand and apply the principles nf ecientao enanngement whinl my roanly he defind anevilnincae applied In eotic ende Oeosnwn in the other Atnetin tepoblio vend morn ondenotmaine of "how to do mhinv aat ettilp;" and Chia involove behthano and mnaini  ECmbOMw mnEVEP7bcwmMIMENT 578OOI EVINdN 7 ECONOMhC DEVELOPMNT 57 ttcnnnet. iti otoa qeoeoooforkigarley stthwas alasteevron the ol bone "Y Wjnof in Ocmge Orlr atire ott tooinlioo, Ainirtf En, ebut oe of howe to areomotnand, arks dne eaer osiy and cith lot. ladeo Ir hen tcero ohs toadtiotal polity at the United Sost to place oe rr ae h... he w pmt'mIIoditir'-techooagy nd scientif otoagecoeot The rgotifi- coaof doa policy toov tetheyrb -F etcIeienly ioltdet a ierd Sotr a policy bar net been followcod on alt Mfono, by alt otoo.The BRait, foe eolto, altr the Attetoo Rovtltio oemnped by story pansihie mcono to withhold thio le, triatfan of she tehnly of the tettile inooy fromaoscooit Lootl oere paoodproihtcheexoto ffn y ptemor do-ingr od in the ra~tieyo ttaclnio o lat ct ed npe cetthe etttgeadoion NN, tactr tcen or soon oho had bootoledne of nhrm looinio of bou nocioe Rottitn of rhea ca~atter is doaet ae-E necthord qpolc of one o ith eldo ither trohMeoa khonlrdge or spontio np moot fromt ther eI otr othe than fee re - e n frcaiy. lit might ho mtod it panng thatd owt 1eticy of i famihn teettogy to tho U.S.S.R. dong Woold Wm ii, in bil h m tthe tipm iv eemotrw ght orrYt The prtoet of theto pe.ol chI belfovo that rpestet ledifiotc rei the U.S.S.R cntd ton hovt been foren e IA ot there apper to beoher clhitea at portent for t~h dI techtology frm The othv Amn. eno rftepioerotbe tmtan in Moo otter inothat, neorty The hitoey of w, lodon trodo hatin nooply palorr c that, from an ocofr point of -~er oidcteafe ninhot nothing to lon frontl inthoe afini r nd o rocoic do- tolopoeg thread. WhteTe ntee, of et onto od iotpontoolt change, the aiocrhh o f oheoreiga limd, trd oon amply perote tiht the nlotenfanctr cromevto hadeee Madersoch le ditio an oothat a f ghereIoeofioa ogn htiocnterreolo. r Jnorderctinditot h nndhatortechologyandcieotiic mnagrmrofi ocher A yericanrepoblfic, I w00O ococo briefly upmoa poo rlt coo r t I D tg Icy njAoar is VediNeToea in thc -1,t pant of Wanld War If doe Pa mel-cn todn in Coagat nced byTe Atnericanbot eons onlned fo.n tw oon ite otorwict. T7 he concrete wa t no iotti -noid my offior oaagcvmnt It isntaarroionofoigaodeotthch aoy do tomer on The aid horre "Mao" In onnge oncet tatoo on mnialint, Aimec Pat, bra no of host to geroeeonoon Make drm nore caln itdw toh lea tahoe. Of hot heo the reodifal polity of the United Stotm to Plate no bario aaioo i he cot of them toeanon imponon rcote mciitfes"tethntlogy tdtcAeooficcaanagenon. Thetlignii cne of thin potery baa ocrithoc born coffiniontly nnaodretd nr trenton Snob a poloy hoc not b®t folloeced on all timere, by alt man. The E Tititibfr inoaooe alter the Amnecat Revohlott atieteod, by oeoy ptmibc otc , t withold the eopetntot orM The crctnor of The otntxilo. indvony tomee The cleriio. wLaonroiiigfleept fayp patod robbiteg he nfat o a yo or drawtingr nerd in the ocaitnof oanfota, te d leffoto car toodo to th s m ennfffm I,-amts Mohdk oe, of thow oontsoi of oit en macinermy. Reenriotion of olly otanoo inh afet tooe A -oood Pleicy- of ne voihhodie eihe tehnca hotdo or peciboed eqip < nfrct dnho ntin -thr herforrenom to oriy.tII ighn bemotd In pattin w Aot too polfoy of fooniohiogctntraWllcyng to thre U .S.S.R. ding, Wld War It, intho atic ref o proh n ttooin Ofcttat in ho teen iuner noi t. e I am e t one of Thom people etho believe Thai toe preset edetaionltier c r U.SR cold easily have hoot fnren Atoothrapar robe no valid reman al poet tor nitiholdiog trohooligy front theo e oo Antoticon rpv tco mrovho thane inna fwo caers mnitg wirnoy. rho hisory of innenn1,ionatrbde her atoply prome that, from anh rommt point of niso, indon Chero entioo hor nomhing to floon fcto iodoolitaon n over fioeconozoic do- relopoingein abroad. White th pattern of znm nd inoporr tril _h1_o cr r hinMeornoy of badige nade bar aomply p. aeer ohr et c voiocto o adinreotn ealhec rho dreotototor obco ditio nodithat hightoIl ltI( inginbohotnlof -ttorotlt. to orer ton modhae ibe nod lodh mfor technology and oinitc ashgct o.ohe moftonp hI anotoontrner b~~~~~~rieflIy toop- arcor noon trny Doigeyror Votooa , in the rely poe o Worldid Wmn 01, thnPAer iono bolitfto in Cneoo ^sd by the Ameoicno iaxnay mat ryofaged front two to fonrcem otoni. Tehe concmca oai day mined cooide my office noaoth noote ano The i of Maorin Ceerg OnerliN swcilion, Animcol Porn, but one of howe t eemtne atmco sl dcoo mnore .asty and wth leer labor In ha hen the tditional polcy of the United Scate to plate eo bacre agait the export of dunot te rort imapotc -m mtoemr,'-too-adry, atod otiotilcooananmrttt . The aignly. cne of Ohio policy bao noo1her n otfinEatic o-etnonad ne roroed Snob a policy bar snt bno feliottod at nt timt, by nit tator alto tiit, fmr itomr, aftr thr Anterlean Evotnoi, actoptd, by every penblo ne, to ithhold The rontoi of the techtnology ofl Tho trotfo lndoty fro The comfile. L ooorPassedp te rtghocopirofoayoyttc draingrsned in the maliiery ofntnnottig,madeforonts made to pr- too he encib mn of facoy -.,hroor o~to nobo had brioweledge of the montrction of totleemothiot Reotiair c o hi obeanat, in earm to uoo accepted polity of not mfthtalding oitheo techncl antetedge on apeliodeed Wep to fror the onoot40,ottieroMarfar momontoftttnttttt. I0 roight hr noted in pattng thoroner policy of t~racoing t1ecoty 00the U.S ..R daring Wodid War tt, it the lighoc of rie prrnt toaiooappenrttohnvtbeenen mttttte V et lI no ro of thoe pcoplc weho belv Thot om preset difticliro yelleh the U.S.S.R. mtad eterly hnvc hoo fiarena. At ro There oppean to be no nolfd reaa at pooeomt fan nvitholding trotnology nno The oyhe Ament.t mepoblio, other Dan in a foet rater involing ottonity The firno, of iebnoireal trde baa amply pro That, to m an enticpoint of mito indoonialted naetiony hotl nanhing to feae from indtoooialfoaieo nod other - moooic do srelaptoont abread. White the paerom of noparto and impoo will omoe, tho bory of fonen made hen amply proren doat the colmerofnoe inearaeothonMmdroe -der Machco dfinars trod That o higher 101I of iverg in bothmu~c rot tis errit tnoMEtoalndihatfl Thnoed b forecshnlogy andoetific naeeto oter Amorirn nepuble., I w cnot to brolfly onpo a pardiolan tar hiorty. Doting my tojonei Ven onola, in the cady par of World War II, ths Pan Ammtert bobbding in fcams, noel boy the Americn Iehery tot nlargob from 00w0 to fot rotsie. Theretot tear mined notid, moy office  58 The Caribbea St Md-Cnuny 58 The Caribben at Mid-Cenuy 58 The Caribbhu at Mid-Cetuzy wmthe bit flns atdseeorearood m trfanner once-nd fis- gaiion alt naes to the opper toetne by alage group of stockton Up and dow tey seem, day after day, wsdth cane of cement to their theeddees. lHandling of materjals in thiannooer io pobably little d'ffemet from the sano im sehioh they este handled to buld the pyoseside. Wiieosngasechcendettmetbods nuesae a pee- o c tained in eeanageeno poeitirveeesnaele. A lif reeld totlhae been inst al without much difftculty mn take the concret to the upper etiet mesbotattiol sosieg in eeanpossee end, vec probably, its ot hIke If lendeeni ecatenically ..edoee selaped ceenesso and, it pardtela, the octes of stmall ountee establishent, people in the ceentersie industey, and these wsho tee rttlegd it the meetrett5 of apod, scottd lake to heart the beemn of the Oalbreith tory in them "ese Cheaper lby Th Deretsecetttic deeopment tieoeaghes the seold ooltd be ttthstnndal seddeneeanmy lathes of ftanon capital. The essential problem of ceentmt do-],pot to to akes lonruOsiennelly of the -a-ec pndttotioo fate, oboe to, of u .Of orgr the nopply of wmt factos, such at, apitol rnty mood to ho topplomeeed fron abhoad If these is rlaos set of it and this sacity it wsidhnoing dlestpsoe Apprathy, kaooter the loot that proslerliecm nh s tin pals smatbonitot s tont talceotly secogsieed Capitl goda an labor-easng deeort. Obtlooey, the mood feo edet dtseot depends, mnestieatectpemttesed fraogao. ltemade ged meh d o te ote seer behoild tme of or aopoet abuoed by ecan labor, and otheos by the coenkled ume of compli- ead oash-mnneg etjeprtooad atotestmeen of laboe. Labor seahandant and cheap it cetain acan ao~esnd rosiy in others. In petecietit the fida best of tehat is alspet applie atonuly The juneification of the istpostatjee of oaptn goods thetefese, deptnds inogolyspots the altedoctf Ie. At te, aditeedly the financial test appiod te them so me for econi developmet stat he to atide Updaoe, of need stay roofest does iaser hand-Inhec metheda emsood cot be owed en oortoit poieje, non thosset labo to abendant Soe miltasy and ettitary projet mnny hen of tW. chocarter. In tis oeedestIlam remneddef thenlan bythe teretatinajl aek for Recetatenction and Dvopemat On Iuh edi Ith ie toed on the tat floor,and wsacaried inthefaiia one-eed fie- tattoo oi cre to the soepeo stotie by a laoge groop of seors. Up and owth ley swet, day alter day, wi-ds rnt of otnet n their ahoetdees. Hlanadlieg of rontetia in Ohia wrer to probably little diffoeent from the mnsno is whicn they see foandatod] to bueild thetpyomidc Wilnseilo msocode msttodt maooa p- so mrined in essosagseest poie-ly.etso mtble A lift could tearha5 tornstetalled ttos mesci difficulty to tako the comet to the upper stsis t ehtantial easiesg is mtatline and, vey prohabty, in cs likese. If beadeet in s ctmilly stsdotdt- selopedctendoo antd, in partieoitr dti owsesof smelt indesteitl rstabtliett, people to the rosrorteo industry, and shoo co an engaged in the maobetteg of Booewould take to hett tho beeon of lise Goalbrioth awey in the, motto "Chea se, By The ettoct' eoctmio dtsoopme theetghsost te werld swould ho substantl wtithouet any t.Edse of foeign symblb The et-stin problem of toemio deselspmaot to tomahe hoeot, of the cartoo Immdunit factors, that is, o tncm aOf resec, tesunpply of noose fwcves, eco ascapital, may orid so be suopplemesnted frot alsoad if dthoe ic a~ -t fr n h raci shoigddpet Apaottly, kopseoe, ths fact that eodecter facuors aot to part oebnttsefeesl io nog esfficettly sergetitd. Cespital monds net lhet-eisg deoet. Ommudscy, the toed foe cob ders dependo, nomt uotet pen the trod lot toeing taboo. It modo trod ecsnetcees dacing the late, war to huild came of enamiscutt abred by noes labor, and otheem by the rembined tee of romp1- etted roth-ooing eqsipseets and a mitimem of loebr Lndbor wsea uhsdant mod eheap iat retain enal ta nmd costl to eskef Is peacetime t financial test of wtao it chopet apit oen moseeroofly The Pssiatie, of thme itpr e of4 capital omd, thoetfend, dopoede loosely spots the abonda- of lin-t At limes. adosittedly, the fleat test nteplitd as tltntorof for, eceeteie derelepot ost he set tadde- Oee tf tea dty mogget dt elemcr hand-labor methodsould ret be, semo tst casaic projectt, cea theough labor is abundant uSae msilitary and smitaty projecie mey be of lis chmasocer In this conecIo las seelidod of toe naor by the tcemasstietal Book fro Rseesnemnott ted Drneoposet en India for tar eradiration em the faot tine, and so, cttried it the ftsmitiaeone-teed fle acton oil came to the upeper smurit my lamo grnp ef nodloe Up and down they weal, day ariar day, with case of ceoset 0 their shoucld-m Hancdling of natetiLe in this mnser is poobably little diffesent foms the otcer in whoirh they see hadled Its buitld the pyoomdt Witeotting nec rde method, otakes a pee- setaleodteintm enwtsttiu,etcofotble A liftould haee boon istaflol nhot roseh difficslty to tak the rontoot to the uppetO teies at a tusttal toving ict tanfnsnt tai, tory problo, its coot ikeeise If leadret in soe moaly eandeode- soloped eecuntoes, ted, ih particular, theo tens of snall tedetteal seatohoele, peopl lathe coetoscfn led.otr, aed thmse wo aenessged in the moorketing ef goods wousld mao me hetot the loee ofthe abraithstory inthems"rheapeB Th, Deaen'e oxutidreool tltoegsst heeewood eoed be eetaimilnidaoetnytsmsuee fcafeene pl. The oetial problemo ecmic develsposent is tomake bet,,ct eotiso. of the artoos pmroere foolr , teat it, o senosmi ces. Of cosese, the aepply of nonen f mc as, sco on captans m teed to be ssupspemeoed foem bhorad if thos ,a setaro te iy of it mod hit scaocity is weithbodiitg feteehpnmot Apparettly. hosseser, the faes that prasductioe f aetrmain pn cansitd it nt tofioloety seotod Capital goods an int-1tinsamnes, o. tenw m I ca;ec ,opn tficentyhnte che ed for toIng labor It made send deeotocgm la do e lose soo to build nose of ear nips aeds by seam labor and .theon by tke co®mnd sen of comt pli- wan nnrtheasod ch hqipst ci and a rei5 mom of Ilaor. tabor wsabundant adcepirin n ne creand rottly its othes lh .i.t poa time ldoe financial rest of whktt i hnoapest apples te t om ngly. Te jsn firaton of the imporaction of capital mwd, therefee depetl, largely spts the abstdanco of laor. As denta idnstdly, the ensatra Uuteat applied to the on u of lea t fa eei deelepolenta most be set side Uogetet n mad sayounrt that eleeo hnd-tabooe methods seoud net b soe mncetin parecp, se haen tHoug labory it aundant tome oslisry and eanltary podl othy he of thi ahaooer In this nooete, I um -mtssdndd of tht as by mk thee atienat Bank eor ttoettssetin and Decetoposent to Inda (m m ma teoodisucsm  ECONOICU DmVELPMZWT 59 ECONOMC DEVLOPMENT 59 ECNMIC DhVELOPMNT 59 of kans groat. This deep-mitd grnt it known to infew 10,0(0,000 inIdad otheeNalc go~d aotdroo land. fbidmrty deep ptwong waith hoey teacteot plonn, ai nd reillaoy .e~ips-, it the only petcabte moeant foe lee raditeauitn. India eee-cet to rait 3,000,000 acme by tdie e ,eoeoc thm next Se et to thin itetance, hated labee, thogh thttndaot, mo. no -t.hon aapital tejaipcet Hate- it wat provided, theogh flat, to d. the job. tfeeartnlmonenly dueeatle ,wanittco,eteh ae whacha- uea, soetll , tecyc, atd hand rooh, teot inoeoqaipent of Cter- pilo, and Ix Tortao ca.f-e aneointtly he, tetiief ot petjeet in watttempodotottea It ist otlficintly eregoetd intondecdevelnpedettteiesttt ete Ebo of eopimt t no deycrdo just are muah tope ther ca- paitq and eodliagttt to meeit it asupon the cansity tttd mitt- itegotoo of tee eetatn St reake iavailoble, Since te end of WaldWm lttham lava beet egqtow feaenany natiotsdom to n eenoni doeetano hat teeny it.-1 ee stloah-n pwranto. The conep of the ohilty to rebeite csat imeplies the ahilty innnitwode tivelyc teawoarreitfaopojectay H bachg or of .a.e qnabtiy, on ioaeaedhte The dnotandt nof the mtarket mtay e re otatil e Permti ecttti pstdototit if the .ptiototttoiceo podoeitotiittango . p Ao eyetpidi ettte, there ay he rtihn the n ewnar tetono not on ogerial thiity anotilh. If contditio.n art ntt stch at to Indiate the linrihnta of toetneat tteerotit and etitl the prejent 30as ahoe, prodttiv-e faton tel not he toed otoey. if..oreen, do- olpa eeandoicsteoeaohto-eonteoipoje . Zeonoroti deeometi opronrtofafdonVen th. Theme moot hr a certan hatorete in that gowtth a em, teatton in io tan nw isif it dnes tnt pmodce a dE.r-d e-ntod toto Preen which ar ton r ahead nf dreeenprot n ohe firtds coonth e jutleidl. Thte noototoetof r made weahihSead ottee in pardeator it an neoardenta, an..d the dw lrttptent nf ponaer fresintcocttefnhntcn pnerntye m, dmiaineaatytIe reete-aji otolteemprtaoe,. teoertat, atheypdivrooraead keetenm ta copatdine rgttt, trtnohtntat inw r to the KWH caaciy of at elCtric ponen inetation whcee thee io a poethaMngt,ittdicatt, otpaeitytmtenaciea. Butthteeapacie eeaecenseenitoti mh tachusnh rantttpetp of haws grate. ThNt datp-rotd frns it kont infaunt tO,tco),OcAI trtint Inodia te otheit eted agoicoktral Sand. Eroidentty, deep ae plonheg with he-,y tractors, ploene, and ntial., manntis the only pe actcaoe noraro far its eodictatin. India tetetoo rectai 3,000,000 tamn hy thin torat owec the trot eet yearn tn thin inetas han lahbrl thogh htodont ,w mao ortth dot capttateqatpant. Hlenno it tea ponideot, trogh atoan., mtoa the joh. NOretlett, eNy timpte egapperet -i ate wheothn,- roent, -aon wne n and hand t1-1, eat Ite eqipeat of nO ater pill.c and Sec Toteeaa, ton oftet eennrieatty le inodad on ttyiettafdit nttte eccogte nos etelepdcatdtt th ikm of caitaly to heogd ircd n tnoeopmre that poetfwo ~tlh hmdpns m amn , hnc ry and -ngtes, to eceive in on .pn. tht capacity and witt- ingoe. of other mnonetet Snrae it dh. Since the nd of Wortd WaltHemhaeetherwo.qoeteem mnotrootoamannd in rntea dectaponen, hat cry fan mctett-hlt-ot prgmmen. fla cncptnethe ahieity t~o cenive copittionpb,,ean the ahititytoom it pandoatUity. ttawmattdtfadtracojetooy he lahi oo, odo pree quality, an aeceneo.. T ho dttndn tO the noarkc miay toe ta email s ,emtit is how, c pacian if rho ptioaeaOtttotheprodoaeonbutnistarene p stpniatyina- foatd, Str, tyhareis b rte c th¢ e necewec sreronga rat naon. ogetedo ohitity aCotahe. If crenditiona amrearo tmesh ont iniae thn tiiherd of ord otecatfal pertibe and nist thc prject we ,ad, pcndtet ie dactorn witlt e hated wiely. dFnette do- Econtc deeatattrino ot isa fotengnet ThI ttn besn a uaeton halonce in that growt, a etiyooryit oe inopst if it deet eamr pctdatr dintd teatc iotm ere Pjectn reiah ace tn Con shaod tO dreetament inohrfew aaorhtejn inda. The mintt semactiotfetedanwtchedone in pn e-aa in On een pro te and the denetotnento ptn eteinof hateao 5eentehe weintlieateincapawitybn reet capio doe th ttm piepomas trennootitkey pin dm w oenso fa tianwmteofri ted deme itny otnann pegieet aeaootaori a itcaen the KWH apoit nOa.. ei ote ttlotr mtet eei Bute ocapaiy w..s teceincopitaint~ i s loeterFan at peo Pte of kamnar f la tt daee-rned gerote i them to infest lOdtOJ mr Indiao re othecte gn oacixnlra Sad, latdently deep aping wtith heat teaotatn pinner, and ancillay rortipteo in the only peticatt nocan fe ir tonadtn. Indi ae roe otaS mectim 3,000,000 octet by this matte the neat een earn. ten thin angct, hand lahor, mhrahanmdant thentn c o -apitteqip..m. iletoetit wasprined,throughtwoa, to do the jnk. deettheee only timople teoprat rsuct at whhoefaa- total meaneyorn ond hand toett, net te a p1.1.1n of t50w pilla nd La Ttorrae, eon often economtically h portfied on pejecon n drcleecoendca mtem tisnnoorfiy eecgoitcdin marddeeetnadenotmttht the ac l of capital to Str deponrad just an roach an thir, Ca- paciry and willingnest Ste nceie it an oprn Sloe apooit, ond wtill- o.,,.eonotertineetItorit arailaler Sinn thrnr-d of World WarIthcehavokeolaeetwe frommaony Tatirndfee atrattona in n deleptheny, hut nary fate mtl-thatnht-t poenaoo.The concept of the ohihety to meoci-e co taties the ahiityt to u ttiptdaiely Rawte mootiala Itra ploet may oe ladakioe-of pteeali, be ,sbledhe The d-tnandsof ntm tarket maay be w ootlrm perh aiteoeot o dudanh optorrome mie of tho prodoodoo anit in Iaep, Mt pantieay indi eed, thre may he -nee the necanry Shlagy oe man .Siotot ahitiyoaotable. Sr andna ante nor retch on tI. ndte tore likerlihood of toadnfo aproti =ia and rll the project goe shrod, prodotiet Cuar mill ntre he toed wisely Lmoateiad- Econarti deeoputet inoapco ofow mgnor . There ret he acetain haac in thatb ,-Nmh .meoin hotomy in i eae to ane rtio rn e t pcaheadt-eted ecooi.t ecoo Prje mhih ocr to fe ahead ot drepo ti other Waetd eanorhnjae. Ttocnttuode oleeadsehctndnhr in pacitealarC. r in n reneteed onc, and the dmeetpret of powI. lieheo prttetlyheooedw, ira if-.noa a tn onni-cpitoidor thn ptetaxmn. tnotatitey pieezo to hetmenee copndn rgion, mu d .ethota act o in theM KWH eaoit o nOa lc ric gne ioocnloo hni in n dpa wrwd MO ri i otnnlm erenmteita HieneutteedSteeeetpoelae capacity to smc eccne cpita  60 The Caribua at Mid-Cenuy 60 The aribban at Mid-Cenuy 60 The Carbean at Mid-Cwntuqy tbtnit In thin conctio the in~teaiorel Bankl sttd that 'the moat striing lewsn wehich the Back has learned in fihe sotamer of itsopfionneis howl~ic itndeomasty oftendsdeleped r woee tnanonml, capital quickly for nealy productive Psarpesro." WhnaioVie obree coepts ef groth and balsac in ecomeic focili- fin a-m at diiclt to cosspennsd, they ate difficut In apply to antual ntalntm. Isodgtnot most ut mnadn no the pssbabt ten and dissodon of sonotni ecspanson. Vcn there ntoally alto- ,ethee hado let rsliable isiortioo Ot which to box olct jndg- tn. the ituation ic farose, cotnyicad by don fact that sotne ecnt ic ai ma net disiible in Wet ®.no tont they can -a61Y Wnadapd intaim dunessdonla ronThen, ltg Wt corn nit building economic founderis pe unit of Imt am nomnsaiy tess at dosir sine inceese. Thon nhensisstres, n-ootina forsi gnann-kcapmonofnees, for bummdig pdcfiecmp-mytttnauo to ucl of presa ent mnnad. Nssnrisoeoo cohes slo i done sloe rate nf senomic devselopmnent ay Ibe unmran rather than ad- oaned, fas roduclise toctona mnay bass koen sd tnsiey- other, falos abso seard devslrpnset in the other Antsinra- pnoblicn. Resny weo save 6mbent inneatingly awar of the ins- posanes of pmpsr attnsts lomnd economic notiry. Those nit to, who too famtiliar snub tick conosniet of ohsother Anceio nmatta fesi dtaW hofenio bohas aok of osuitiofuenan fit pat of omn In c tit the capital to eoonsie psojetu ahs- ams, a lock of etuaromewaton in o ot oti amiss mi tcll-slic, and of soatinlo plannng foe the mntone In pt Ihe oatnd asan muarsem of the fact tWat the Itnoisnoam an nd theianemt cal opertore notlaoroded ohigh asoil tbtaohde lawttO Its tarys landowro, don phynician, and the dtiploat- Inoinen bas not dron the oat able Impple into io mrk, nor erei rin, sham. lndostntlooehnttty and hositnen msageme-' at heth highly renped in the Ilnisd States bl teny are not ron- tddnrsdaohiMgb-ene petissinn in be other Aamcein ephtico. toneer in Ito pat twuo decadsn, thec lhon been an mndatney -nfdsnmbd nttituds tosward dit it nign inestnn swnhs thaen no ondition nnscceptahle totnconss . Finally, an improper aiadetcsoardgit-rmentsswbich isn asadertin smtofrtn- liticalinntthility it oftsn pren and crncrh ecoosic d Aolptnent in lenny nontnen These atie a ovto cAng, if cnnnoc nit- Itml In this connecion ts lrcntesainnl Bank tald that 'Ilon ee m, tkn teo m whichs tn hanks bat learned in thn course nif aa opsrlicns it hos e noasni in the capacity of tbs ndnsd-eIIoped mantres en abtob capital quickly foe unaty produetie putasso.5 While then concsto of gerola and balasne in enonnuti foril- ten one not difficutt to tonnpsnesd, thoy art diffloalt to apply in atual iaonc. Judorn st t hemale on hie probable te and dne o fo at conic snpanion Vet there it oally alto- ,ember nor lidsl reliable inisomaion on wcho onbae snch nudg- mean Tbn stuatinn in foonmer compimod by the fact that soms ncntooso a t divisible in dmo scme that tom an samy Msadapted insirndthodnesof aregin Torn alno, iccns ofoailing ecomcofnifes pee unit iof tn ulat n sally lean as dtssire ictss Thno, there i; ase n toiaon Ion n greasanlicipatno of mnd, for haildin pmoois dpammy much n eaeoro pxmeet dead. ecmicve, wen this in det th oat ni moeoot, dreelopoeso may he netunded ratbor It® ad- sanomd, for psodnode fators nay have loses sad sanniaotr. Oth er an ohs.retard deeslopanmet is the cmte American r- pshlica. Recntly we bm ase heanr ijcreaningly asam of the ir- pnsann of proper niedt teoard o c ntivity. ~ tof i o eho to faotit wth toe ecnomish or N ion " thr Anican naosn fnrt thatntheme orte n h mesna to 4 nillin m-en the part of cinensootmtdiecptlt nn icpistui- o m nmsWen unmmfm mln iLcptlwnos, a lath nof smareamnon n ooti t ltna niti of l-tclianm, and of realintic heair, fee the lotneeue. In pnt, these antlion acn an tog cnto t fact, that the btoinnsoan and the teeFNt- calnospenrs n nnct accss edsnihsconasnsInapr NeIts large ml phdoictae, t e sapmm[isian and the diplmat. Eumen .a no Irn h e akin peopl inns in met, nor even in fair share tedal~a technology and huninentmngn a reo both highly ~nrespected in the United lente, buss dthey aoe con- Mtod at hihinet pm tus in thepnthsr Aooerican nepntha. nnlas m n nto dcd.NehtMna ce tinsd taNer direct fremiigutoa laheenother lor smn odilln mooc coptable no iesosa Finally, an nim pupe o ttiee mtosd foe,met ssbich is an nodelying nonse of p- liscat indaurity isn o(Teprenotand etards.nnonsi development Ia many cocatnin. Thetutinicmons o hanbgo if ecvani do- Itio. tn thin rannectia Its Internatinl Blank salmed that Ottos most mlking tnon which thc Bani has teamed in the coursenof io onpresfina6im bensild -uthn oaotynrfthnnnderdeelnpcd monn ien absorb capial qunickoly toe really pmndofioe pninpan itle theme cosrepn of amoth and halanne ineessommn fai- fics are at dulfholtvn dooprm en, they ass dftieon apply In actual itoafi Jodgsnno most br made on then probable teo and direction of ecoasmic noonion. Ve the is ssmoly al-e gotee to nd lite rliable Informeation on wich to base snnh jndg- cn Tbes ltion in flser cemplicatd by foe font that some ncnni nits one net divinibte in the tsse thn Ity can eooiy be adapted intienns edn O aein- Thm,asls,tbe st of bofmding , noonomic ififies. per cnit of uspa o llotlly mn anthoirsalccot Tbonthnlec-ineb rtroaroot-oot moi woaooiiptn nfn tcedtfor tldm gpacdueinees. ofithourst inano of pantnfit denand. Neo-theem,,, when thnu is done the rotio qeonmic ao r dctinpeebo myay be reted rathe than ad- scncd -opondtatenobshnnnnsiey nmfro i to a aehmmn wstherfacts alno red develpe nt int ther a rinre psaie. Reenl mrw e e b hecoce. ineltainiy awarse of th to- daoc of pm ,ie atindes toward coonncaiutactivity. Tbom of ateho ant lamitiac r with It nrmienO o[ the nthnp Aoericn nao testth tths nftn ha, baen a lark of antingtoen on th port of c riom In cmmit their rapintto mcnni pmojsnt libe wsa, a lath oh vesrsmnna ecoomo aanoo nit seelsianue ae a row~t po the far that Ito ane. n oo andts etemchi catsopet rt ot cc -dI tha Wie a sial stnst atd the lasorpee th a pr landowneor, thn phoican anst ilmt oin bo om rsntsme akin pepi sta s t aans nor tere its bethn higisly nenpecnd in Ito United Ilta bus they nre not cots tidered at high-Icedt proet in lthe mna Americans rnhlins. neose, in the past m, decaden, thre bas a been an inceaoolgly nnifasnals atituods toward direc fnemig insestasss other than andoe conditios unocnpabln o etn Fnally, an imateons atiosdn osard gosem n nwhich i. annd sddng canto o po- Bitcat inahiily in nilenpoesent and Sslardt sconmic development in many taunain. These ottitdre moon thalre if sssnnom de-  ECONOMIC nEVELOPmNT 61 ECONOI DEVEOPNTf 61 ECiNOIC DEVLOPMEN 61 wisapies in to preyed v~gomvly ad ala g stand line in due The pnaipal doin ft his at epaperamay con lee elca. See. ctly sated, it it that techology. maneagerial peetiedane, and oda cableettitndrare partelaly needfaroncmnetic deeep mreat in te adsn Anda aepatti and, .t tart enera ne taatrgtealae of aditioalapita. Letahatstetad tatm eatiations among te aepoblict en rert ratetuse cc one athe- wreeey get indeed, and thusethatogceceligctioetaey En- celfent work it beieg done to eercoete droiiciaia in theta fetrs in a emoe fe-nnis baealy,tt aws, itis e pmateof aelactiraand shoatdhbeaeaked aaed. Taerintchaneeof tire otettlle Itr pr hud eMd earded fee thitl inos There a btle a ai idtalail aptider in the ather Ammeica to- tettlic, hat timer it a daetlo of aecl eUftedn taegh e Thu qeetina aclet of tot[1e fec latat, edl ar e to greatly needed fr r ecottc dreelopraete. rnhs dar te uenued. The taob ter®u oae wich meot ha attacked ontey fmme iaeataeety Itath informal an ienteat eltoatie an hate en imepttant place in ine oddA ua n 1w danl h atra ndceetandieg ad preliceuec seceed at the inuaniec eatt afte taeign inneeant a in Partettic facilites. te myl epiiat dnt Ithe beet, The mow st atad, orhinira fe ar taking teenott and tocogeril pooficieney atoa vd. i te field at inftotal deelop taint rctieale there it no grad tceiet frar the ioeedges ad apeetece o nt iteaia eaerviec Ye thdolt mrangei eatheingeteedas aarceeynotaely. Theamtount ofdec a seca ineea bye Noath Ameia.riart-catnernittee Wald Wee Ileoitar tae in the petatetatt intity, hot ot her at d sect El- foacotrehbyteoerete entitiesand by Peicategoeopstto o-n lae diteet inroduebtrt anten hat they hcnea ant here ttteaefd. te i to retch attettainbytinealned. Primate capital a can adeis itettoraayceadidaeobut teeaer ae-tity. Rerap tiniy el aetet ad..e.toward ineatoa oneithieI e beu dro hag hoot at lat ebb, end the tIa ected Urintendmentaaafaoa are idc- ot. Mny itrtedpeope in the U t iorl Satee feel that dia- -otegcttat of r direc feeig ioneotmet it chortoighte pcliey ptiatipolly inmt it, tei thtle ta nad of elhdinacey add marwecial urice iciacy, ad, Chac d eloce, ecettoti developmtet. aalap-,tt it to praceed vioetttly add along eutd iara in doa The ptiepat ueitf thislor pape"rmay nehecdetr. Sac- elctly etated, it it chat eaiegsy, toategeial pealicac, and farable attitde ate pticalady needed tee ecenotti dreelp in te ehetAeaeit~n pe and, in genra, attat tha a are eete of a~ddintaleapitct. Let ate hastaa to add tha aatioud ameg the teeie coo theta ceate ca er, a e ry greg[ indeed, ad that thatgeeiar n tto l niay. Ee- erea ank in being done tatae delideatietithese ftetrs an ateher ef eatie. tintly at at, it it a Prbltelm at ecain and gitldoueld he aolacedaceinch Thea t ehg f a ameinir Told he atter peare far th ther dea, le.ane Tu in aIck at bader itarlthof aytiete in teeee Amoericat to. Pauetieat tbens its dearth oferlefct The qtuestion an orestf har e, ee toat, wetil ar at greatly ereded lee satti bceeiny te a bew ho cecered. The pm6b teao it ornekieh atew h attached n adny tna itett teeady. Bath ito aca nd taaal edatctioa hang en itncorstant plar nomlpe maew dIcudthItce in in aedrtnag . and peoticieney reat ac the itetahle reeflt of tango inserttat iet ," 1egelai " tard. mate mytpieia thie tahea the attn att "raIeIII far a takig tehnloyde maaagaeal Prefiteabraend. oa The fveld torr idala develop- met ofeieday thee itsn geto thalitate far an, Inatteg an melaco prtma businetsfeetepedn, LV e[ thistm neetotIn tot INing teed as etneivey at w detet. Teaeatfdce eaet[ct abend by Neth Acmrrice an ee tinbee Woreld Ware IT, tte d theen he tleaat boty hate not terra great.- lortoMthh by y O eteateedv aady -tal greampatIntinta- lat diect an inertota t rantiatteht the y kane not beac gaccafl.s ITere t to na ucee aatyie1e. macrage mapie te adjt jelt Io aaey eandets, heat no ioattt eetinty crap-a tmiiy ci athemn aadt te -cad inroomt with theitrbo her a Mcaty tetebband the hatert creat d oIn.tmt t feide- bMe. Many inorme people io the Unimated 6Se mettat m dit- wmaagememt of direct forigot inetmenat it etaoghted polley, principally hoages it y, ttadA the hpraie ta uofa I eechtotgy tadd laweguecii petficietey, ad, theregy ®enti deeelapmttet velopatet u m patted vigorously and aleeg souand gene in The The'dpcala thesi of this tere pepatoocy nne haclear. Set- inItI egeted, it It that teellay, aaaeal pertiittay and taeemtte attitede ame particalarty needed tee erateaie dr ealp -ea to the ITho Aeeicnu repbin and, in ttet, mar at theaneateege nrnrerofcnddittnpal. Letme hat teadd that v nirmint ag the eepabtm an theta atatl.a o tfe ae vey treat indeed, cad that that geaemiceadiete are ieky tEa- celeat weak u heingdcne In arrreeatdteieces in Nth rla-t ma oater of cottlede. Eacalte of ceterit Ie a pcicl at edecee tand shoe he atearhed aaad. lete. I icetgof actiie theod he hatter prepted for tHaie jobt. Thtre o n bad ital-antia aptitldet it the oethe Antedtes on- petitenh hot ther aia dearth at teay [-Ifaos, acrgeacat Thed qecrit atae f hoie [oe Iatec rehml ace- to gretly Beh inetc cdtrea deiabe atiepTe plea i the pera, Ag a anfea edeadoicav oe n ielaerd e ~ai octeacerr eadatecding ted praofin saced a, the moiee let reclt If naeig invneoet in pa e iet gitoe. e myopictio, thit Intmehben,theome adaruatnrttveiclet for toing tcdaatte god ataric a trlcci thrad. In the beld at induotrinlt ddsdlp meat~~~~~ patcaat treitt atiahoiae far the kImteg end easpetdeoo a ptdnae haier nnrit. Vet thig maat t eghein ng toadec a trrt ant s feeoreco. Theatat of diret doegaa a 1.a by Naeg Amcara certo as ate World War It, therTheain te treumoa indacy, ha ot t tee greatg I- tanadirtineamnta etIhathey hae at te be et enfal. Thee it tee, mnot anat vty inacteed. Pet capital eat dja toelt of many conditiono. bat not ateam n lerair. Rep tiiofyetetnot t c eeadenretteon wtthinthwiaerrhe been at law ebb, tad the hearier ceated to iooeetmtoetate fateidu- tot. Mty ateedpeopl in the United Somea feel that dir- wtaraemcet of. dit foereign inereteat in thaighd policy, preiayIeate it tadede The irepertaoti of lanogy anl mareagerial peciiett and, thector,S aoc dcecldcvopateat.  62 The Caribbea at Mid-Century 62 The Caibbn at Mid-Cnuy 62 The Carbbea at Mid-Cmnuy Certain caooi Drenlly Chil hare uzn fit to go datIneot the nork ore the enployroeoo of teckilod mnnteeniat kills. At oe door, entrenachido t Foteoto do to Itofecda ndo Chile weo otnesty eanploying 160 Voitd Soaoeo tch on an o- agenoen eartoan foili cononinnt ina noumber of fields. At famye the Stpert-port Bank nd the Itnoatioool Bank for teonontretions aand adeintepoe hareul made ces of enooaical renntaet aocodin peendenttoith gtntig oftoaoofor cetin poofero. By thio nean cvnotinttl teetto nol nccedgt hoo hero exposeod to o ther etrotoiec. Crennoeproithod felo of paublirc hoolk oekane o-toao and peo btic adtnio aton on nano only a fete, hare b eebon otdo a1a3le, many of thNm, at yen know, ondee Public Lao No. 63, of 19aS. Cooper-th ld opuichatan nuurhsF - ttandingin ittolo. TIm net rntly a nnond and the moot widety otk~uld plan for anopeoton in the Poin oe Poogoro. In peine, t[e ppgcoo in sctnd ond batdly capakte of juttification Out fonator wocen inoth in atnot tion.nsre®a T tiroobte iceoted are dif- Staotneoand thoetoiioeetfrotd-eiton fee '0htoy wnb,' whiclo ho on prorcu app~lton, are nooe,. niown"r, or enperer, both foeooanao and anfortacat, withb the projects of doe Office of rho Coordilnator of Inter-Amnoe Affair,. the foterdepntoootl Cartnioee on Scieni and Cool- ten! Confront-,n and the lmiel of Inoer-Amoiren Albertn thottd standrosin rodostaod. Theoe troeco feaordrerAsoiat eoopentfcad aonn e. I[ ttote re aooleddnoathe poit 'ot P'regramt in of the cao Crucial cbaacter as Ote oftoo of tiet other organizatient and co a progrm of feeriget inrecn. The principat peroblcoidcentrd i the we of fioding otitae peronnel for onigotnean ahroad. In thin ronnon Wllard Thorp. Ausitan oetry of Stat for oonir Affains, mae the fl---gdn saoidt: Iltis diffirulftohkorerhowtanvccrreptrw ee fondhet thin fartce noon than any other het bee¢nreoponoihee for deeon- ntoiare offhesnwn made by theodoioieoati o rtbe Amnonnian Cforg+1aon~ Actanly the etm tn ndeetin the reqaro pende fi re f 2,445 Sorto of whon 1,9te are tratehd to coo frnm the Unted Stve Thol mayp ceen like a elatiery ntaill Certain uerne noably Citite, have seen fit to go direct B ttne nkeiforoloeemhlt faooroo.f&erhn odtnoaerfatinll. Ao -tn etadineg dN Feneecat do In liroei do Chile atcrenly ecoploying 160 United Sea isi la ehelin c ad man- as ment eatpeot a00 fi-eoretacin a n oo nO fads. At tnn the Eaper- Import Sack and he Ictreatiof Bok toe Rlecocntooction nnand Oneetepmnt have made aerof technical cemnlesst oa condti n recdthle geandog of trace for cran pnjeot. By d thin tean cotide rohln reetanical kncwlede has keen reported to other Gecnoten seec t rta in the fned" of iapublic fleattl, aCflC ltOcederati nd punktie adni- nation, to ao only a fnn, hare been -on ade aail13ab o anoy of keen no poc f ,ctt Pablo Late No. 63 8ftI. Coope, elodnr- intewo of wpcktir health and ofeicattene 9e hac been ot- tcanding inits eto. The ennot recently amnoroed and the most wndy pnkticiad plan fee coperato ir1 the P'oiot Fmecw Ptoen. In pin-ii, the pr lao inned and feti oat of eatiiein . Oun ferter -,,-er idth itsadntaio-tio Thoyomkp orm end. edff- leolo"nonand the potntes poeceo fcor wtderftionand foe wko k; widest ohiet ho no eaacol"ea latao are tany. theree c expono, hail, fortont and of Ietnr with the ien u N sfrenfli of theCoodiato ofneoef Affnen , the nodoanna Cboneer AlSeni and Col- octrl Coatrain and the lienc of toteneo a fa thould ctand on in good ced Thee pemjna feanoendtohia ththrcoepentiensanalocotne. Itomanosheeieed thatnhe Point Fret Pinoenr it, of ea name tleral rhaeocera the peoneno of thec ohe oronaceien- nd gol peg of foroigno ine tt The pefoir at prohad eo iovneo d in the one of liding einmie oon, ,in6'~ t hnI l asci peetnanifor oifereteahecd, I ohi lolen, Wiltard theefp, wicn ono ereey of Snot for Beononic Affafc oe the folowngo olateten It ,o diffietn Wo kn hon mtany otch peoplte , nor fonnds bet tide factor nore tin any othr has boen repameel fee daetcoie, tn oe ltea of theonlreuestende hy the adnoienacicttbothe Aaneican Cengoet. Acenally, the ectnat ondootying the,r preate fene 2,445 vyo ort, of hun~t 1,921 art etiotd torn Ono the United Sam. Tis may ten thearelfetivat, -eaill Cetainronflo notably Chile, hare neon fir to go dimteta nor mnarket foee the enpleymrnt of teehnical and ton genirao shilto, At one dunee Coepaari de Fenteao doeja Peoncin ado Chile wan ceendt, ®nplnyfg 160 United Slates toehooiiaat and no-- aond paset as foil-flee conoltrt in a nunbe" of henld, At xoram thesEportlomport Bank and the Interetieat Bank for R-eoontrtin and Deeetrptent hare node an of tecial edttnt codition pecdent te ogranding of losot for crain Project. By thi oan coidorahie technical knntede has keen enportd to oter co at Oroonom orpect in the fieldsofc public health, aenmrltore edwtatien, and pchlir adat oron, to nacor only afewhaex beennmade aalahto, any of them, n ou ealnen undo Pablie laws Ne. 61, of IBIS. Coopr- afcin thdield of pubolic health and antniratore tan trn ocr- shardicgin itstru. T!he mfi fioaly aenoord and tine anent oftypehtirkrd ptanfoecooperalisithe Point PmteProgeaot Inopteoa rthe program isceend and fotly capale of jnctilicain. Oar grati iht didnd .Tepbenivl eteri dealt oeand theporou ni peent for atothdorfoienand foe "lony woel," w-hih hos no practical application, are many. Ioteee eo nopetece both feona and condeon with doe pion nof the Office of the Cadhinatec of snCnPret Aar o Indfo a nSetee'r eeeadtieanntton deal Copra en god thN iiae efnv tnte e vtoeia Aofa soocdd fienh d no in gaoodotmal. 'fln.fofee peeject featoeedlitehsirnal eo dseaoindanchece.Io moeoherr ed theorhePoic Fear Prgnant in of the e no gneral t cdh ad otoc a tire peogceot of the other oroiaofn and not as pen, on of e fn foeedctnen The principa praben ineetred is h oen fin sont paede for an~igoent aood. In o cosna con, Wilimd Thotp, Aeniotnt Soemry of State foe Beoneofe Affole, mode the follealeg coatnteno So it difficult to kow, bow many wach prople canhe found, toot thin fano marec than any other hat been eonoiic fer doterain- Ngthecsieof theeqet madoky eedniootrtfnon tde Amercn Congeeee. Actoaly, doi "ctwaato endedlying the e0t pronte for 2,445 -npectm, of rhon 1,921 are mtertd ta wane frnm the United Stalca Thin nay torn like atelaieny onto11  ECNOICS DEVELOPMEI? 63 ECNMIC DlVELOPMENT 63 ECOI DEVELOPMENT 63 nusber of itodividt Is particularly if otes thinks of edt manty cosa ooessarltd adhosanypfnld of lmesledge- flosteot oa dinks of it itt irs of losting doe iodioiduolo, fitting sleis t ohes onto andrtoally gettig Thtato wrk, itIaoiouslyan tremendous ndtrtaHog' To anyoste fasoilia with doe prehiona of tesiomrsi, selecing and ntastg far ten rssignest, ikotin en site psobleto is- ortoedintoroting coodfitotintdcr, ctsirossder which, those oovigntd co workl efeuskco kne rantotd,,, rotot roo Psogmms .ateoo ten fssaaidoh todeaotig. WThile thentosa- riooty rcm oo ttry 1act ile thoeroof Coot oms, ohs tlillicis of etai, forwtard the psograsa at greatly tosaeod It i nlikely that msroy Italhnlogie orsoaoamrt ios can b, spored farseorko abroad in te mooodahead, uoeo thtteoakh ribtest the cateoo doftoor Nor will placosso sl prgram ,,odo the teiss of dot Ciled Neasito Otguaaioo Ionm the diffitoe so croel oroako ft rdmtnfotrtio of the prago east, tIer t tory et-c t of charges of offioiootes aod me dhiog wortis ay at te host beets detesoed. tiroerdolto if the pogam it p erated at siOsrotty as world coodidita Inttit. Ui it is kept tti,id thet noport ctoattn nd well rdoaoin id, it htlds mach hops ion the fatoto. Firfly, titere it no grad sahotitos for frnal sdsortitn it teods argmcTctd rm rdesmnr- noingy mle and wheotast' Toca saess ih, toad scoos gad- forded ins hortbs Astotrasoopnhflco and Ito OO is opoto- ti, es toes ttothrstn. If CIt t rogoiod that ecorooir dteelott tn o re toteasots, apsdoct of eddoeo, assisoce is prtoidiag buoildings, staff, rod libraries toay be forlstssieg Training, tor so that giveo in te IttorAoeticos Institaso f .Agsicsstsoal Sdiooosat TttooalboCata Rimr,anddtogh d rgiouat psoosoo of the ARttrfollo Fosodoto toMesr. still do maos is dte long rta to atiote stanod ocostsiu Utnsita Thnoaoy oohrtyprcfrfa. VtIeiheonrd iaoot ourpooeta, mossat tring is aritteedod n te tsohsotlgy and sotuogesot of isdtery, rod sttt saon ho poided S y d otls of li ingae to he sobsastilly inpoeed nto de asto, Aroetico ospoiu. -Wiloe L Tkttr Potics, PEnt"'.. os N.,s ltFlrTM Atoofe o ,Is dosian Atadnor o0 PoIsissl rod I., iss.. Italy, 1"n"1 as a. southor of indtiiolsn patraslyd if Otto titks a' te many c-- assoostesld aod the mnofitds ofkowoodg. Hto,,eifaao whok of it be ters of hooating dot iodttidona, ftttng hot beto the p 'aeot, cod arloally'gtog Them t0 wor, it to obsisa tr nodoa ndertolio. To aynosr familiar wtsh doe psohlers of frcsament, "'rtenrtao and toaining for Theao aotgsssoos, htto n wih the ptrobles in- eto bei creio odirti other cosottics soodea othh thoe aoigsedrcanooooheffcskcelyeee a sodos Point rast Poerta oppeors hoM a ftoamidable undeetaking. WVill dot raton to as- atery wrotog so maet the thasI of Coorsism, the diffirotit of carying foont the osrootoo are gsretly rcctstsrts. It it sooiksly Ntat many tocttosaoar mgmast eope atn he spotod for sotdboardin shestoths ahad, osloos'hoioosh cos.sbankaso thstoosoondofoe, Nts-IIotlacemone oftho ptogsas ondos Tho rogis of she Unitd Natbis Orgmantono lesm th difficoiho cocred or stake the akoiotitsttioo of the ptogroteooier ttmyrekoeeoofchagaaofttcion aend otomddnig swhith sany at mins bare bess doseed. tiNsothoos, iU the progrm is peoocted as vignoesly as world aondisitonpertttit, itisiskpt ttihthetporio d tola and rrll admnoitred, it holds moth hop, fos thte fasm,. Fieally, those is 00 good oahsdsoo far fotarledacattontnd'- mnay and mtagetnoot Toohotol ohot, te sohols, rgtd- mslorrol ollgt, nd scaools of hosas admifladmanrt gral neoded tt ribk ondor n Aneirepablfrs, and thns In55 it l up - ti, nsd strtofthesing If ft to sooierd that sotoososic developo osats it arg, toos, a odoof adedria ost ntob tortidsg htsldioIgs, taft and stY be ftsothtaooirtf Taring, soda aNtat genIts behs, rt erAiosen n titae o Agriitmao Scienoot at Twvdtala, Costata Ria, arn osgh do ag~llonio nototprograst of tfiosrRlreeller resnstasfraionoct. wtitl do stssthe lasstoratoositotsodsoaicos Nsao anonedortyprof[effort, Wine nonmdis oawproo,cI etat agi l ~ r ftefr asss-a idotp,tand mst oonae pso aneri the lorelt of locig mr to itt sohitstatly improvrd in fho othe Ametiroor spobica. nWoatod L.t.,srtrsoeiseh vlsooireions ,T ",OAsOiroJ ,In Aoosaa Aaadesmy.o P.ooto sad Soda Someas (Coly, .) at p. numbe of individsals pasicolatly it one Thinks of the mny 00000 ThioWks of Cit to om oc sating the odiidual s, fitng dosot best the Panjec" rod ornor~l gettiog them to stork, it ia ohvosla tutdoto underahiog I To , fageo tolr wdih dos prhlems of otsatt e lt, otscto., and traistisg fr thro anigoossos Ii ikes noith the pohlns in- solveodinrtertisgrastdittossista tlte ratrosdrohnthes sntgsedfrsors offecOsry, osto a modest Point roas Pagsmm appears to ho a fotdattle sodrotaing. Whilethdo nattoo to s- fttrlyteno.aiogtmo ,ot ott That of Costosoim, ohs difficdtlte o rarrybeg fr'swaed thoe pogrm are graoty arxaod. t is snboly tisat ras t ohoologoto or raooooteot veops coo be ,raedtfaretwokabraad in MIesrnoaead, unlenthesuwork rastrhbots soth dos co dafo.- Nor stil platosunot of slo pmagts uoadto the aego of [he Cotltd Nationos Os'gaslortio lessn tic dilficoltn ea aemd o r take do dtiiotto of tho, pograst etor t may rto as ofd charges of offiriounon and or mtot tddliog ohteha ma y at tie hose her deoeovrd. NeuNteles if te pograa in pnooessd to sigoroosly as wotld coodlirot protis if if is kept widti stoe props dr airtels rod cooll adotintered, it holdo moth hope Ost th tatoo. Fbealiy tit isn to goord saletdto, for fotmal oduotison in tech- nol., rand makenastl Techtal soos1, toads athooek, ari- soltral cotleges nd schools of broiness rdstiootmfoa rt greatly nooded in o 05 o theAen orpoblios and thoutoonopaa totto oced strettgthooig If it to socogodedc that ecoostic doselap- ii o large taao a productof odocseaaoaob prosoiag htdi, samff, sod rohearies tra he fotdhcoig Toaiofng, 'bsoth as thdat giveo be the Iner-Astliedn tootitose of Agoic~ait l Sorsa Tootatha, Costa Riaand Thug doe agIttorat aend h p rag dno okelnFuon nmdvnM f, n i o is of tho Rtoflothe wasdasiooic rog, nail doT ott be lonru o auus stad osotic aporth formal osofoig is rio osoded to she thtoyndsatgtos of bedsury ad mat torn ho psoesed if the testis of tbii ,o to be svutolyT imaprod to doe ohrAraosicrotephlio nosotrd L.Tfrs,ropoot Potlo dpnEaaI.,, Thbsdsoataaf Mtt doselest Aaodoty of rotiia cud Sal doesst' hoar, 10001, p. 00.  5 5 5 Manuel A. Mesa: Laby, AMERIA LOOKS AT INTE.R-AMIERICAN TRADE (Teansinsd by Jaiit Moral s ad Daeid Hanye) DURING 1kv limited Pmad d atdae at any ditenat, I til aprak to youamutthe prasetaand general -nditon of Iat Aneiraa trade and of in ernds or praibilitirn, ee thmtgh the tWpmiv a. whlet dies tade eeapiatvd pmeria haught abunt by smtal- mcait finte. at nell as the ott ien al .notmity of being a "gad nighbnv<' To eantidn only intea-Aatrira trade at this tie nwhen the nracd is thmiia g mom and anaa it sa ecnair aa- tonr wsald be like admitting the ponihility tltata partcear lwgion in the -odld ateld eabtth an arvtnony imlated (tutu all the ter sria ot mheat rld. Relace going, any fati let. at nt clewt weta tee mnan lay Latis Atrica. This tavin u tally and-maand to rcanpd. the hocslirses oth ofithe Rio Gtande; tety repunblics, echrl with itt on goernment and each cvtnsadered independett andauntonetet tetll ponicaln-eaniatin and ia nitac anPoiie. Hose-e, tancnofnhdn-arhbaterttali, nexn ttrtandaahnngtham-e ceti nsaatntrs islands in tiar Caribbean tea, and the to- atttavsatt of to EetintClrias (atitih Rardctis and the Gtiaa. All balang to the sana eeaavlic tetio at dnalir ain Anttlican neiglbttwtwith aiailata an dnorialastt,csof- rvtnis prblemsa, and etttatrcial relatitne whith ar cloely tied to the -oey ni the toraphiv ralawn railed atin Aaarraia, Sin many huvks and by mtany peepla thin smite af tlte wrd is need Hulpanlo Amerira. Bat neiher the fomner dv the latte osane is arame. for at ati the people living isth it ragion are ManuelI A. Mesia: LATIN AMERICA LOOKS AT INTER-AMERICAN TRADE (Teanotlttd by Itts Moaire and David HUTia) DURING die lieited perird aftimae at any dispatsal, tauil speak mtyou abotttth p,,t nd geneal nrtilitrof taAtene trade and of it trodsi mr pmtihiitiet, teen theogh thte tpic in- sainma diie and wmaplleated per nt brought about by anetal- eca a t as nail as thet watiena neceenit of einna "good neighbr" Ta contider only inte-Americn trade at ti time wrhenthetoamid is shrinhing moan and mnore in ins ecoaah ria- titer, ould be ban wadoimn the I aility that.a partienla aeit an the old could eatablish an acally leiated eaua an the other natinof thesreeld. hoiae going antyiteth, let us akeaearoewhat wetsmeanttty Latin America. This manot it sapy~e understaed io rranprie the ecarie south ef die Rie Gmrndel to. -,peblica each with iw eta gfareamen and echd earea ivdeperdert avid antvnatt intt yalitiat argauiettien aad in it eanetanin proies. Howseer, onsce of theta-or,arttu stillr to tthemnand amoang themn-are eeetaittntt-as ttnta itlde lbah Caibeangeeavnd then-- t o htide (Beitish Handara) and the (iaianaus All heen t the taa gengrphie eiot at thei, Latin Amaeenermghbnnqawith snmoent nand raialtatnattcomnn wcantania prebtema, sa rtarriv rtatinan whbiek ate eiomly tied te list rnmy oi sat eettpltv regn called Latn Atries. In mnany ks And bvy many pceple this s cia ti then woeld is tamed IHipenis America lBnt neither the foar, thde lattr isr .avart, etc net al sa "pilebingd in eke regin, ae Manuel A. Meet: LATIR AMERICA LOOKS AT INTER-AMERICAN TRADE (Tanslated by Indi Matier ad Daeid Nellyer) DUINGl ia limited pbeid at time at any ditpoteal it ttra to ants about the prvat ad enreal -ondition of Latia Aerican lande and of itt trnds ue peabtihir arn thangh the topic in- raise dnere and comtplicrated peebletta heanglt about by anal- irmirfanitaybywellate aniveoal neriyo einga neighbac.' Ta contide only inter -American aside at this tines wehen the -oded is shrining ane and ave in it, eventani cain- deeoutld be like adnmitting the pssihility than n patedenin egion tnfie tcunrdertnhlibaeecnnomtptatltdtrmaihathe e ntdmto the and. BReieagoing any irtheetletamakeoclrar what wentanby Latia Atnmor. Thin rr*.euisnaly andeatand t o mptm thle c satr snath ofithe tie Grander t--tt tepnblt each wttitin cngovrertrnt and each carnaidlre ndepeadon and attnat mnit politial organizaen- tad in canomati poder. Hoarser, seaflhew-bv,hetrttill, rnt tothem aadamtong them-ae lcrtan a-ttntnt Wtlnds im the Caibbean Sona, and tho nn- tnrn nofatlete fregi. RatiditHit.a-) atnd the Oni atat All hbatng to the sa geaganphie ann at theim Lame Aserin nalebees wsttit ac ntral and oevaal tstan, ucm ecnehmir prablems, and cnmndtial relation which tanc cosey aind tn tbeaeconmy rie the engrphir eagle railed Latin Asmaerica I.nuvils hoh ted bty aany perpIa this -aI!.. ni the weteld it named flapanir Amnarto tit neither the wheaer toe tie lattr name is tcmata Ion not all the Pieple Innin tis mga am  NTER-AMEUOCAN TEASE 65 ITER4MERUCAN TRADE 65 ITERAMEIAN TRAE 65 Lati. or Hispatnir, and it it tmonpnsbta to Fond tnritttdt defintint in ormta e horeigin or toni ares. At any ate, altar that eao of te MAtn wttiat discowere nndit mlinad by Spain Ein coman tanog toille ai reio n tcneti ol~ ti nw basci n t rgioe ha n'vi~nlc radygeo1oit cotdidoeo ad comm~ton shoal pe uea, I oall ty no analyze iottnerial vmsta and meinl nasta are in eviden tnt The nlytntloe btindo y ohatofe t or hould incalude thrte CaihtoaanoattiohiterdoathFaetel-t n notadah a, Lheeack~ nomnidanod part of thn rtia dniota*a, Ll Aroainta Lootko eta titta data tmantti towe rto Sminal Ianalya aonaitot o to dprdn weors ta paitc11t mecoy sy .trirotcoe ra er Latin Aontioa. My obenaoan a u Sad o Di ranch done vottgin tin, pastew et yaon by naite hUoid Ndations? tcoaonci :om taiaon fon Latna Atica unc than connra, inteenoaot tabn oscft ltoead mea geen moaair deoetrnettlofteoad. Wila theswNoew oowtdaroma tnobdje w t to Sahwin. wal ape tal andotyrt were she, ccooratge of awoanddo eith tie thner nation,. Spm trw that the e -ntj atn ofw odad ia ehich ita oonin feed coo pedparey. iatoc an you wdto! katnotata cfo eaditiaa changed,aitidoontoitntaottatd ooaed tad a pselat nanions aia)oed treno tthehp itrl Sa andito of pottfl nto n totat ietra n htdome mm nonrite oft.ritdeectnoafclnilinr pcidthay n a coat o tar ofarfol the egattn eqnail y ibntn , tc to id totn i ofW a ario o ictttatectd and m aos ah y o n m clo WIl nde tint snm 1-nt, enc aghit to fana the aetnoherltionhpn tip henneer sttn andi1ae, and ntrppty taddtan Ilottor it ett a , hn, otl in at today, a trap nsanm a getntat nth of Lmoatn Arica, eantett w iatSettafar nnch a be no inedd Adrictntthnottnon naaltitceed f Ia A their m mdao, they gtoeoitaeed to rn i na t Sate ail in Buorch, oute ossnmtnt uoad patdtnne The one twtirih attanted Lanmt o ipatit and it iniaenile en tinnd anntle. deImiin in etate to ti oigit te c o An ainy xao ic that eaioof dne Aontnia ct tit dincetva and cotlamnd by Spai itintnaa a atocoled Latin Aomna and M®nonantin atir anon hat eachr ectoi atadidat and cnant acial pmeataa, I stol tn- to anolyacinn cotaritt mnan and each tad an ame of evidence today. The aoattoma ot thoec peahant. hoeer, datold innolottatinan Caihboan natianeaoich do oat Sance nnl-govenn anad tnloir one, thacafan net coenide..Idpmt of the nragion derigmat aaLauin Attoa. tao a aaitvet data oornoela tee t dtta laaey toy a,-neoion ta tint totany indeptendent onnn eshanr politically cumoita Latin Aonatioa. My obteoadt at bated to retnei dane within the pant fwa peat by teinataited Nation' toananni Circumcision far Latne Amot. In the te taetje, mntoo ictal teade boa folltoand tie genotl ecnmcdetoelnoont ti the watdd. While thorn Net Wactd areos nam nhjct tr-ldon Spain alt ipnot anal annoto etan otaied ta waith tot taint, tetiwas aTthe sle itnoumanedly, far the aahatgc of mnerchndse toida tint otace nation,. Slta -oo tha th, ecnomio craa of a world in tohich intoatmnio fanated mJ the tot in Lati Aneotia, in 1949, woo fiend tlrasil fiest ash 19.68%; doen folios, Vesnl waith 19.647%; Ansottia, 17.58%; and Cohn esIt lr.93%. Tho, macno enwnose sscod ton 66.9% rf the totol ugroto in 1949. Coweng ®rts, Brvan smei fen 21% of the hoal; Aner- din, 20.32%; Venesosa, t4.19%; and Cuhn, 9.16%; doe troot of three fon enntiee 1573%. The- aboye shosns that the misame of intontnoionsal Lnti Amosecan eetsnne is inasbte to n foew entis and ne orst hosse in odod tse tars that don tense carn- tries ronnntls for this I.s" yseosetae -poss a ninall enmbn of predincs. Is Cohn, toe enmsnt, expeors are limted ciefaly to none toga nd anaotn, nohreain Voenela petroleuem is the anty inormna caponl. IT, o rns mantri ass rottioly onhmosttant eess Bazil (78), Colarmhia (t0), Cohn (y5), Clim (40), Biritsh Ilodosas (64), Moc (711 nd Fcsc (63). Theemi- dies show reach varato an g doe diffaeot consaire ewaithoae are menmmnasd for peartaly er tally. Mlnovaon, the eaensen ierd aer imuett becasux seetes and fondotffs are the moc In spite of this snide vamesy 01 nooediticocatyr shnnb ther eodion t teUntae Xatinnn so ir edoing is very c ea r, Latin Aran sernrirnlly en the ano mindeialhd ecotiva an maon ypar- 6eticol¢etnhet lnid Soes 'Ts d~d ch a, d dgeni ed onnar aeric, cannod ceonem i a drctwoon diuctinn ad in- stifots. For tn nn, Lai son nesoe hae, bedoastlod thirriefatosthrIat 2 al 2 yeantoleseoslaide ond byhleen r sa diffenret artiiuavnd by iodnfti onteir fti on snae on- snans aMdneangsthein Oen no, toarsl. In wI snne, noat ofneotola nto pooe tem ynettting of doan o ne, wohile in ctsheen , ay rer aunable 1.s help tNsetes hsrarms of ariide ftos wrhich miltor 19ia thee, d(-edaoF- Iwtsaonlysenehs ypnt ofa ninrsaatinocenrs an Lashn Amneric.'Toal spes cad imposts fer she y as t1 l t948a and 1949 -.rened to (in rittonso eol slanl 3,899, 6,502, and 5,577, reeecrtvdty toe spnrts, and 5,992, 5,884, and 5313, nnpeetioel, fon ireyros It vs -,seam the perarosag ef Oewt in each cacosy on aerood mils the tos.lin Latn, America, in 1949, onl find Bondi fint n8e;d n 0.6 ; tehen fellowst Venceoca senth 0994%; Angon In, sh.1a and Con n 19.93%c Tuts these soans acncounted fee Ito -02% of tin total oro rt; in 1949. Car03n netosn mt, tiral 9% aecnet an 1 of th e Onst; ofr Bvn, 2or,%; Viseniseta 14.09% and Cohn 9.iO%5 don toad at than fast canesis L4.37. The ab-ove sh eenw dons the enoume ofimeenotime t ¢ Ax neia eene e i saas a a tees sanes, and ne annt bear inmirddt etthtofloeeour e- tWes onoy.nIbse foe lhin tage penage expocet a coattl nonhe ef prtsnsess. t Coutob ael, asrts m ass ited ei ts to rare noga ad .ntMre,nwo nwreain Vsrnesolyotoo , otey anporssant us[ot The other coansueimoe edtielrninpcrtan ceaatten Bnoi )9),Caemia (8t), Cohn (7t), Chile (M)(, Ordoh Hedwna (64), Mewi- (7l) ®aad Ff00 163). ts in- diamesowamuch visinamsog te dfenetnnffleoddeNs ny 1e1-defined treands, hbut wilth dinee r vesotioe wohich ofta nneaam~aeeaed fnepartiaty o rolly. Mstear, ssreosnen tiere are impertent Ionc etilsn nd lodetefte aeon hemat hnmpert aedtie fer noine Lasi, Amesicam ountrin. lie spite of ide tade varies3 ef conditiote slonoor e.. by the sowic of th Nnse ation, owe: doing isn ner d ear cLatinAtosiend as fa an arritad neintiont rn ce eere, depend plripli on Use imonl ndstealied anset and nenpr wartet onb tUs gjnd ptss. Thi desrendec has, tnnig osin sowar Pe tsi, ena easanmi adepeevien, dinnoanm. and In. sahility. Foe t eldaw esatin Areens onwtien hane nedohe d em ettertn insthe lost 25 yewn to len dt dopeadeoce hr enfaer- iondfeteams aslidle and by iednitin'g Mser on nmna ro- a d pF o s ee i g t h e i r o s n n o o e asei l s . I n s a i t r nn h h i n o o sel ei a s e s Inofn ecsenccwnotn oeno hi ceo~sln sas afthdere aisme 1,il in ettheth ~ey are nahle to het d1yco nd 6efcoswnsrutct gis o he-eenos Las a oalyz n l'nar he ofantsat international nosnnc as atin Ama-im. Tri al os ad Isapos- Or doe year 1%47, 0948, and 0049 amoenoted te (in m~illions of dollaa) 3,999, 6,507, and 5,577, cospnretdy, toe eapn, and 3,902s, 5,064, and 5,13, eeepecfisel ten, impare. lIf me enrpole doe Ferconate e f capon toeoh oaasoy aoaedndthe tootain Inain Arein, in 1919, we tied tennoil fiet arim 19.68%; doan foa s Vnnyme, with 19.dr%, Asgenaia, 17.58%; and Cohn swith 10.92%. Thuns, theseaconie arsa or e 66.53% of the rutal rspyns in 1949. Ceacoseing imPsrtn Brasil esanus tar 21% of the toot; Amges- lio, 20.32%; Venre tb 14019%; and Cuhn, 9,16%; Use tosed ot these feo soien is 64.57%. The above, shiows ahat the yd-tre nof insnntiesal tasin Asseics eneerei -rcable ta tees easeles and no m t bean in mind doe fart that Use tonerpn~nfrv l nepreng prawa ancoun of potn. to Cobn,to onaniapie, enpert sr limnised chiefly no wslatoe Rmndvo, noherens in Venesna entmoe is the only bonpontm enyser. The elt o s easmere orloanpy nesrstna  DhTZN4"Ian AM U.. 69 INTERAMEICAN TUADh 69 INTR-MIAN TRAD2 69 nith eefacaeco rthairvohore f imporuoand eappt. tisi be pIneted et Othemr that the bladiog peduers .the aei "me i t~, hut amw p ducet endm different cio atr drtiefluaencecoafand Lpia Cafhfo laselne oe tedhby arsnyrir .1fth Cadbbsoeaea audin lacg, qaoen rifieshe Irni), Colombia, red RnoadreBarnnas i an c o ae ..,martd by ny Cib anrarcir Amn gih, cOnmio rt by Haiti, helin Nb.aga BIaalt aod pam uy,-ccar is ..,pad by Coab, Domnican Republic. eusstrbapr Haiti, Jamaica, Mae- tiiue Puerto Rice Trirsda, Tobags, British Gecffaw, mad Peru, and lately, atrlsgtr or a mall msrd by Meeter beef, lies, and furs als arc espered by seereal South A soerice maeeie It treigh be raid, rheere. Mtis fres ce no mayesecn is af en- ports whict ais deeetirdbytaotreeiet srteca ec ditiers, o f yto.Tem s pk hsmt ii 0r etsrtsie, mst, ris tit. The, my N nyemarp m in fins Chie, with ht drt aetladVeora .td petleo. Tirm reotlet of tsin tade in Lin Amosen Isa drers- trioted in tie petst fete metle, cer si r hitm s r heps years, th In. pertu 1 rote it playa in fire eomrny dioftre ssr Ineoreaea deerateec rercesd isethers cas t o f such a decrnor itince eote pociesse rem directed toward M the reittere fao the eriarce oi esqrrr Ie90 the total valne of emiets gmsfrom norsrrie rothrf th Riol Ceeadr reached tacit pepatnst (6,500 mullero dfoar)tatatms became used aboe .nl to te cecetott fy ftari aganet es- crst rasotanth Dirig that t same year only fiecatcs ,,ltd er than the ti-oe a yme, and°s newthese Cohn ndre- tweet the gret decine m eriltirn dotlats)- But, tine s eal a oraf 7190 meillione doloe, the matoty enjoyed a feenrable tr ade ha tce lUusig 1945 Latin Aserican eeinortr decrasedtoapodoty 5,55 mllio dlleswhih eptocttedadebilt o re a900 millirn dolao at cenmad with 1949 Thete are.o etre 900i Amuesva aanim wsaes p mlots dereaed in valor, and in ee rich W dece e ar conidea. Tha value ;l Arherie en. porn win a m by reeme than diii mlio ntoalmCmr,154 meltarrnc Chrile, nearly 3SI ritiot and Votneouela. tre di roil- liota. In spilt of thir, the bricneo Latin Anmeeicn trade searw with reference eth.,ieeelnenof iemaaedenpa.ltt hould be pimnd rat ferrhe that thec lending prfuc oam tire nose in Oro esc, best are londned cede dilffeea eoretaie esthnt iritmrecet sead prie. Coffee, fee irte e, io reported be, maneyertntrafhmeCmitt-ib ra andin large ayeani by heath , Colombia, nod Ecradr..aos nd cocoa arm smhperod by mony Caribbean cooteins Amwang fioa, coett is woptedni byi Haiti Meaico. Nicaaw, emait, ard Noiamey; eagno is enpersed by Cohn, Dtnelcos Rypubtie, Cuodabpe, Haiti, lorealca, Mae- dencrue, tNamt Rics, ritridad, Tobaoe, isitfi ainne m, end Peter, and)t lwy, admonish r. a ems]] sale, by Menies been, thr, and fsas ar e. ee ted by -eeat South Anrerica conrat. Is mcight be said, themfo, that the areent no rpaoiaioatinnof t- part which ie detetteled toy naturmi ersorert cntoral con- dinerq er eoreo oraraion The rely ociee inoa at tis respeel are Btoliveia,, whicha tox ti eals oer hseptero Chil, eb t, nioar ce .. an Vteraela with porere Te .IItIaiN oereign trd in Laden Amcerietodes stetoin hepar fw rneiro crn ree s touin the pas mdc h mfw mdas eni h as11 aeya, the iwpae role it plays in tie manrey ef three eao. eo c wadm lo fam-ch a decrease nmecnsteo c plier, which are directed twdlte re sreae of th cesrand s rpato. In145c the todtal value rf r sers fromt coeim outh ol she R io Crnde acded rantspd eeie (6,500 millon dellar) that atten bee I usd ubme l on the meuct ef guarding egaiso n aoartatianr. Dwug tirat mara eaeey fie ert wrettdhe ies, the d preciem yearnd aong, there Ce aedec- eet the grew decin m4 riltion detao ) liar, ran aece rtaotrd a toal do 720 million datae the count~ry enjoyed a faeorabl teade baliae. Drn 1949 Lade Anthia reporre decreased toapprosinately 5,570 mileu doltaqt whic rpresened a shrika of se 9W5 millicn dl n o n ewompaed with 1949. Tlte art sn Lotie ,Amn ean ..a r se waeerepoetdscrtooedneam ae, aetlieet- cos his do aw han M hesoble. le aof ArgceIm r pern t deown bym wre tha Gill mila din lar; Cabsa, 900 Ltsn1n Chile, nearly II tnilinee; end Voonea bu dy sol. lions- In spite of this, the balace of frolic Amerem an was with sose he thirwue. alimports and salors It siood Ibopaietdsa t frrterthatrrhe loodiogpredoctenrthe asoe in scane ceees brat a.d .aad ..edee different ecreceo tha inunc et and price Cafot, frm istanct, isexpertd by oft catieIre Catibbean rar. and in large quaniies by Bsran, Colombio, and F.oundae-loacnn adetn are en porte bytmoncCrtsewawnrstton. AmoengiibetscnetuirepcleWby Haid, Me ira, Nieagun, Isre and PIagey; wegar is esprfred by Cobn, Comawin.. Rmpic, Guadalp, iui Janaca, Mae- keeac, humstfint, Trinidad, Toibago, lisih Ginead Peru, and ltly,athaeb rl ea smcallwmainbyMdNm; bee,hidsead lrn lsoneerxpared bys cml outh Amrcanuet It meight be raid, chadafot that there otaits no mpeeiali este of on- portewlituistdeeroied by ntrroNwracaaceew iatren dItiso, rorerioganieatae The aely ...eepdtn in this rsspet arefoloei, whietoithy, onlycmumntryhad-prtsta Chile, with ity nitae enpert; and Veaae., with ptrlerao The eraluen of ctetge mrac in Lacin Anweia Io dewne orated in tire paset, twmnru, tee meet than ie past yeao, thiparte. role it plays in the orneroey of thror eanien In eae s~adrw in erru wec and It oanhr a threat of am.fltreecesecensrtic -mLman, wich nor dfirected itwards the mob anece of the -ayre tof ealr In 9949, the toal oanue rf eaporte frm omnetei sonth of the IoI Ciandle reatdoaeh prolino (6,500 million denser) that ercte becatet fised abyasoc ott no thei noesoity of grinmg .gainette- nete mportations During that rarer year. only fiee ennse i eapotted lees tian the prmaemr year, and aaeg thee Cabe anies- wat the g-ret .data-r (i9p-t..idtllns). Bae,esrersidm roadsd atoal of 70 ii® dolaq te rary njeyed a faoomble trade, botnc- Daring 1949 Laden Atcane eports drereowd to atopronimawely 5,570 milise dollarq ehicir represented a shtdwni, of woe 900 mitten dnllar as sared with 1949- Thsem amelreven tLam Amntae comnrie chee eepnrta derteod in solar, and in sore asethia dasrey seas enesidreable The elur rf Aeseetin re- port wen donr by were than .40 milk.r dollas; Cohn, t1. milliro; Chile nearly 30 meilliors; and Verersta, atout 70 ref- lint. In spite of this, the balance of Laden Atrencan neade wsta  70 The Caribbean at Mid-Cnuy 70 Tle Curibban at Mid-Cnury 70. The Caibbun at Mid-Centuy fevoable in He4r, huat thin favorable balane, whbichoncreded 60 milhlion dolnors in 948, or reduced to 850 soillien delco int 1%9, To hogh imaporte were reduced by 550 rrailoo dow oeo0 5,8T0) neillio dollars. A study of Iatin American epepatr dhooim the only imn- foortan prodct, whot tale thenuk coiderobly terr emrols prietepally lend, ocpor, ando nio, ochich ore rpored nootti, by' Cle and looluso, Arentina eepreuos lthe weort dec-n, tehib -ooduootonol deoo in prodnctonof eport pdutooetetell a to the loss of its Ewlrape ar ecete "The main differnce in tloe prevent cenditiorn rod ome durngy 1947-8 is not rrach thle orctodation of eapotable supplies at (I) The laterrooti of lo to i poices; (2) the ulmong pyopootion declin of pre in c Gnrir (3) th a l of ttnaoty of fortre meanromtism; (4) tioe geteoal Wlomm caced by hoe eooi teein Nlat reaurord at fite begiorio of 1949; (5) The obseroatin that tome enpoet have brn oontaind artificially becaue of Marelall Plan poor- samso or Noreb Amerbn pmea-s0 otn price leeel or to a rucoio and ord fiorD, p cIoto of tepro00 o tmoury or nolon d doe inrrmpinoth of p00cr hrea in trieortbl prod uno uot crept mpf h nes hl tpeetyaopie , scre one mordnot tan ' Int A al~n, cereal peouatb, o d. , to leoor ds, toe ortfordti3Mitry. lnfm,atrooioosprmrowheat tn 1949d o chord ~ ~ ~ b byaiT8Ionoc by 1e,4500f loot, rod barley bya 4410i454 lots. the rare stay deloa preuto of erorble peoducon shoood adrdlir i a fen, itar, t an -ncm oe has tken, place in moo ton; boat dnone at garno on Nbc onoet. The ito p 1,eo inno rcored le that of arln in Moi wthor, on a -lIfi9 issp in14rdut.-m nrmfacinonbale in 194 o orer 900,000 in1049. The tie of prodactin no tornt Bao uig aov 98w rtxs r[o the T940-44 igurcno. bun in 1951 aonher ra it enpecle. Theprducio o enar thia dntoed in Cuba and witeobI or leos tatisaay in hThe other enporor corutoot tm- *Eoodio Egauo 11r Atoisi Latium ff49. Cotaisi b.oadja rota mem-da Ifia. favorable in 1949, but Itit fatosrble balanee, obicb rocedro W5 rollirn doltare in 1910, won rodurod 00 250 million dollars in 0er), on oug impyorts toare roduoed by 550 million doown to 5,30 tmollion dollars. A toody of Latin Amrrian exorto ohoves That the only bat emrant prodoa. taboestale aluonak croteinlrraly terre tonal, princpally land, ropor ard tin, wrhicb are upend noadl by Chile rod liokln Argentina oprrienad The woost doallue, wor oan dnlto adecaessoin poductionoexort prodv ao telrt to thenroof itlioropearoarben.Th mzbtndifferene ionhe preton cototione red thoe duong, 1947-08 bs not an metch thos rutnsatioo ofeojoertbkerapplira (I) the irtorrptionof don noon in yricel; (2) toe rbrong proparoiate d-rao of procem in taecuttri(3) the lacke of security of furroe eepaoetatr; (4) Moe gamin1alrrrte uoaed by the eanri os nte Rthan cct ed an the beginning of 1949; (5) the obraretn that tame eapom inse been moaitaitnt umad ariiily bcoir of Mlrerall torn poal cMnser or Noet Amrmjan pmroooo to emtin prior tlel no o rtocbe; (61 and finolly, b er lo the proe. of montary en- pandioanrd the mtrroption. of price imnran In eeprrtblo prod- uns., cotcrept up to the tarice, tehil am poetlos yan prices o a noem d ore tin coot, n caremin, cereal producti a rd, to a lone degree, wool prodon su fed n lame decline In Chile. 11 lopr pntdorou tarfered sbailarly- lb foot, mayie eaorntu of wobeat In 1949 do dilned by 340,0 oona, cor by 1 ,450,0pl onm, and barlaY by 4iln,T000 s. In the saeat wry thao prodrotior of reportable pradacr rhoned a declinte itnfer ber-, to an iracero ban taken plece in tao ia-o, bet none ot gnat . the decarraer. The ln- pertan incetas recorded it edao of muon io Meide, tte, an mealt of irritation preirown oonpleted, peodaom rosirn 570,50 babe it 1940 10 ner 900,011 it 1949. Tho ame of poductime attoin Butl maron, 1949 ainoe 19M9no ova rt somiient to rontrmah the 1040-4 finoee bna in 1950 anoThter nmt is expeoted. The production of -amn, tebih declind it orba od wehieb mismore r lest stationary ia the othe r eparo erane, in. Earodi goooec do tatina 7949. Contan inaii pass maun.roc Lalim. frsorable it 19490 hut thsIn foable balance, wobieb -staedd 150 meilioa dolro in 194, ton reduerd to 250 million dollar in 1949, reetahough inoporo tee reduced by 550 reillion downe an 5,350 oifion dntlano. A stdy of Itatic Arerican rertos ehoaos thane onnly rot ,artam pron whoe nad tert oooo iderahly were enetrs, prinoiafaly lnd, copper, and tin, wbmhd are eported rmotly by Chile and lolia. Aagentinn enrierced doe wont deline, tohich wsdoue to dctre in predortin of ceoaontlroduo o n tee1as to the bret of its ~rmpes naetrsn "Thereon dufformn in mhe present conditiore and doese dorne, 1947,18 isnot an torch thet occonlatin of oeportbl ooppnieo aa (I) them batrpo f of the ne i pee; (2) Ma atong propyctoeato decln of primo in routote s(5) the locd of eeno of fo..renpotnts 4) n tene oar namooed by thne no d051 cere t reted and tn egining of 1949; (5) rTe ese-aotin than sane ceprn int brernm ratined artificially incauteof asall Plan paur chootes or No Amern[ petgou I ontatain price Iletl or to ttoapie1 (6) rod fiadly, benoote of tes proe of monetary a pandon nd the interruptien of porm incteaae In enprrtrle prod mor motcetl up to the prime, twhile in prtiron ,rn pricer to Argentin, rereI prodluction and, on n les degree, eonl prodntioo suffeedo a kean dorino. In Cboile copi,, preactire rffoedinialy. In fuel, Argentine eparl of tehet in 1949 de- dined by 54d red toot, care by 1,450,0 loonod baaly by 400,5000 tots. Ira doe roo way~ that prodnetin of exolerable prod ane srhowed a clom in a fet ilnt 00 snn~e baa ukor plrae inenems bnt on a, greath ne dereane. The bat portant crorn rezerdd ithtat of cottn. in M n, omee, an reou, of eigatio. patiecs nonpleled, penducino roe frene 570,50 blot in 1940 n ovaer 900,000 in 1940. The riag of praduotio of colton in Brett durinog 1949 abate 1048 tour nomficom n neree the 0940-44 figure, loun in l950 ...mhe tine isbaod. The pod-min If augar, scht deard in CubMa md tehich on- ,mare more o loons raloeny it do, othor repetor marorfee in- " bodisO gonfio dr Aeto Atrna 104. Comitifo laoofrem oo ,afi- Liner  -NE-MEA TRAD 71 INTER-AIA ]BD 71 INn-MvU, TR- 71 as da no y in the deficilsidden commtties of Laod. Anertai, hot asin donor whtich etryoons rlt qantities, likn Metico. Acc"Wnotioo of isenraortaIn ioa oppenoid lin w neon of o ina mporlntcoi total trad., bho rentlted ino quiteantrivi n thmctosre ofieted. Enadno's die prodoctio and ica- eoa's ete oil n prdcio o ...eatpo. On the mer hn d, Itrotriio stocks of coffee, aomoohantd lsnce the sae. disappeaned in 1949, and Anrtro told hcon excess ooote of annals ..fanipll, to Eunean oronen and, to a l ro notnt to India, Japa, Paoooac and heam. In Motin, ehre tilver had bhon eitea prebbl, saleo to the Nrx arn etad FarFast redoned to ota the amorsnt of stock on hoatd, sPoing shetost freeyar, Lt nal-avencom wicththe United Stanes bat inotosed, no doe dotrinoen of isado which prosadosoy onotd with Euope. Dataoahen fomnorneiComoemer Weekly, of the Unitd Stto Coeneere Dopttna , onnd that United Smna inapotom latn Anooino totled 2,303.8 million doltarn iIM uuwn . ,e u h 1963 s - aoge of -nty 524.4 husilllo, indinato a. targo inorle Ohut is accooned for bynon.didtasooollbkownn tonvflrt.te. Ans no the United Shates e,".rt to Latin Asoesin, thee has als talon 'puean lange ionos, to n-io, tentm an tnnage of 4Unih mil- ion. dollaes annolla for 1936, 1037, and 19Sf no 2,712.4 .dViosa i 1049. Offical nsatdtio gathoned by, the lntoationl Motn rood reveal ft, no00 icopocts foot Latin Asoesna declned froot 2,596.11 soillion dollars in 1943 to 1,602.57 snillis min 1949, uhil, upot ferst Eooopo to Latin Ameonica totalled 1,315.04 sion della.o in 19048, and 1,305.58 stillios dollars in 1940. The prinnipal producto a cyneod by Ltln Aroetien theli United Stato, are nt preoent, nmon, oane, sssgan, noetnl od noe of ohain liihed products, soo and senod-f ishod nnopen, lead, ti4 crudetln nromesofeits dsni~eaietrotiefbaeso an~dtheir no astsed prodoct, 'ton onnl, sisal htemp, trot., bananas, c teed and vegtbl oils, nilor, nobtot. loon and hides, and arn veneratore penant,,. The United Stoots Dryootment of C._ .ecestoa thne valo of thre eaenof at1t40 monio dol- lan in 1047, 1,323.3 Hollins, in 1949, and 5,295.9 asillon in 1949 -an eat slhat spreomt dnning these yese aouot one-half of the total enopto of Latin Annenic"a. m oo teading of the ab-v crasd ort ony is she defiainsodden coosnvie of Latin Anetioa hot bho hth iin[oe hc tomes antl oqandtiss, nioeMedio. Accottvlatioeof i... tatthle stocks happened in a icn nueso of rtimportance in total trnde, hot so-d in quie antra on those c atis effeotcd. Esoado's sin, produoctien snd Nina' ownwt nosam oil prooactins are e,-,Jpoe O.t the othernband, Beaukla stocs of .-ot, anoumnatd since don nan, disappeored in 1949, sod egntia suod hen ols, of ceneals, princially ton ., raens c nen and, to a smll ueaot to Indis, Japan, ptieadPnInM c, slehabcaeqieweeproblem, ales to dsNea Eos nd od Fan East redocl ed toal tetemut(sokrf ad Daring thec last goon wyeast Latin Amaeican trade do wit the Unoiled &tat. bo iscraond, ho the doent nO odc nhih presiotslp eostednwithgoStp. Datasabr f nompFarinoiKOCotasa Weekly, of doe united Statot aomnorr Departme, ee that United Setu irts crests Latin Asoia totaled 3 ,3018 million daltaon in 1945, on snmentn ooch, trie nompared neth the 1936391 average o nty 5244 milins, irndica a tango uincrease thati anetdOa by conditin rsi tooo As everyone. fo An booUiro State resipoors to Latin Amenat~, shee baao saloo place a tang innrar to vso rt neee of 406. mi6 fe dollas rnsay for 96,05,and 1930 to 2724suinids ho1049. Ogoia stti twics oered by the latdn.tiar l Menetay Fund revon ~l a ha taEropean a impot, Irmo Latin maetn decline irn25u.1tin dnll ore in 1940 to0,951mdescn 49 wle wenpmo ma ree Erepo an t Latin Anmed. totalled 1,515.M otilio dbrsn in 1940, and 1,105.58 tallios dolla,.i 1949. 1T, pricpal predut onporte by LaionAmer no doe United Stte are, at presontnec, cse oan, sowetls and wosrn of hitflnliished prodots. sonandsnniginicpple, lnd, e, osode psoelesroand oome ef its dcenisio nontd4 [heo and their manufactan c d podoeram wonol, sisal bhsap, coobaaa, cotnedad negetablo oils niettt U oao frse an hides, and ina nvegetable psodtcone Th Untd ttoDermntf Co in19rcebats tht naloe of these uspom as 1,140 ons illion dol- Ionsin 147,1,12.5 oiidosoing 1 9 40, and 2,295. toimb in 1949 feal soptot of Ladin Anoeca. The mre eroding of don shoot cootood tnt only in the dniicinli dden eonorotst of lat- Amnc, loot als in those onhioh exnpo roall qsantit, like Mesdc. Annostooldn of wenpertable soe happened is a fem coec of rimpnntonn ru toal Hsod,, bot xeoslod in quittatosa tosontairs adcose. nouem it sme prodontints and Nina sogttono nal prodoenonar epe.On the sushand, BErallian snos of negine acstead ie tit nora disappeared in 1949, and Angenom sold hne roe tweck of coeals, principally to B..,pos contoint and, tonasmall eto to India, Japan Pasg-,, and P-on In Mosoico, wo- silve had be,-, nin ta problem, glee othe Near Eartand Par E.atreduodtosortal the aann ofn stock en hand. Daring the lass& em as, Latin Asosticen trade niit, the United Stases boo inasoaro, to toe deirimnet of trde obioh 1neoly osind wtsh Eunepe Data taknn innm Felig. Cnnnenoe We'ekly, of don United Statra Coromas, Deyneno, wneal that United State iloot fres Lstin AmeAna totaled 2,103.0 sellin Mareis in Toni, an wnogohinlo, mice compared ,nth the 1936380 usng of arty 5214 niln.s indicals a lanO neae t c olsi a reatd for by sonditinn well known On seent. eccA no the Uniwed States eort to Latin Asmerica, there has ohsa saloon pore slangnse, no mm, froma anoesoeof 406.0 m8- Son dollars --nally gor 1936, 1937, and 1950 to 2,12.4 wOdls is 1949. ffinial etatistic gadocd by doe rntereotonal Monetary Frd menl that Eooopcot imports iron Latin Asmerisa doomned ifanm 2,596101 toiliNw dollars In 1940 to 1,69257 millieos in 1949, nile repors frmm Eoocoe to Latin Anoeica reallied 1,31304 msillin dollan ho n940, and 1,305.58 million dollops in 1949. The poiscipal psodstnt et1000d by Latin Americ to the United Staes t, at poroen. c-free, cmw aga. metas end tme of skein finished prducth son and semi-dinited neppee, lead, tin, ande earsleomandtrmomint denioatiessrtllrfibers anddori nrsfactsioe ed poundeo rao art .al hemep. nocag bana, rettonseed and veetbl odds nitrates, iosen, St an hide, and ra ,fnads gebolo4lop v TeUid to- t Commrrostsin.stol thea valor uv , eynnn as 1,140 nilfnon ss l-J o in s 1947, 2253 millions in 11549, and 2,292.9 millionsai hoe h danuttt tinm tdtthse yeaw oonnhal oflh Onto reonts of Latin America. The oste rolmg of the abone  72 The Caribbea at M~id-COmuzy 72 The Cuibbean at M~id-Cenury 72 The Caribbeun at Mid-Cenury AR of articles, and consideration of the factethat many of tem azo producned by teeoal coontrit tae ote prpse or aeopet, showe howe dificult it te ld be tn modiffy the foreamp trado of loti!. Ameerica, ospecidly wehen it is aoted that Meoe engines do not have an y din nerta The principal proedasts osported by the it Stats on Ladet Ameorica dariog ths ]rces 1947, 1948, sad 1949 noen ineduatrial, estrcl, agricultual, and often, tchfeoy; mutomobilre and ato ;ino and steel poodcem; commial sod phanmaeeavicat toplie; wheat, rice, ad aser nsttho fodoootfe; fintawe ten- til podons;tonaslodotl, ad mattoo ashial pstco; ships; petolem and ice detivaotieo; aod othr meoodte. The tale dollanvotta0. of dohem too9ss Lasio for the above vot woe 3,830.2 oT illios, 0,109.0 or pece teliooo, codu $,t94.l roitlos,t- oetetnnra The atesin evott (09%) ofthe valot ot topoot foe the ya 0949 was Lot machinery. Ovuo et oee nott-kaoet fartot, omoo Mheme toeo al- toady tomentioned thcat many Laden American moasnW puoodoo vic m iedsof goodt, radneantonthtncnnlalway o ty l-t te. Wo scl pe .o tat ning oat tha, uanytero rho's rat tatto o ages ale totisonl l dthaet awednod at otaatina tog, thrst toe etotoimy it to s olnara rt ode soog Latin eteia ao s limited Fnothnsaoowod this is a vo~y I tnd mcot eenctoceth mority of ohs nottos cet o eet and mto ., o pe tfo ship in astlone of thei,,rs e oeeloped cations. Thvalto o exposte omce, mo latha Ameninco nntot watto dared its t949 bs an estiaced 450 tilton domwat tow co ntrosted wnithc tto 1948 total of 5i00 torss Aldesagh itee ae fiso a rconcter the ton aborIc foot titnet geaton than thoe. tsr ei years IPSO cod 19 28. This increase in tade amng ateAmone- latoeis ohioty t ao rsdoo fantanta in privet, to loneha wr a, or aennlcld ht h an s 3 90 pries cm t vattd, to 1949 it ahoct 25 pecnt lesdeanit I94, botamasto O per centtmare tcin1938 Ar coy ef as.itsra-tgitoal corortc temo I5 tmve adeecd .aafcarcaofhtc comoerce w moit piotoidesooa e snne de a ed talon of uopon cotputod at 1938 yeen mac by 00 Pen toot sin 1948 at ncopaed odte that of 1998, wnhile eapeors h aong deeotivee aoo to ytptiteey 60 pen vent Hone oe, lita-tegiattal eaot declined to i 1949 touch mte hocv trot] lIntofatile, and roddnas of [M factnitamtmanyaf themo ate prodoced by seenal coanaes for the toe pupseo catnpon chew cowe difficudt it teanld h to tmodify the rouit tnode at Latin ,Aateorva esecially when it is old that thee oefitse do ont hate any iltiaratioe. The spinciped proucseponed by the United State to Laden Amartic duting the yeas 1947, 1948, and t949 sten imdateriat, electrical, agricultural, and other machinery; aatntiteo cod at. nooneintl roe and fteel prodocte; cheothal cod pttameacucicat mophio; tohse, ice, atd other segtahln foodstuffs; banished ron- tilt products; meats, lard, toil,, cod shoe routod pnodun; chips; pttaoten ncd leo denivatito; and nohe, toarchtolin The tota dollar vaine of three eaporte t d Amterica foe, rhn chor yetne wsoo 3,8302 neillivc, 3,139.5 mitliona, cod 2,694.1 nitlions, to- spednoly Tho lorgest prerentge (391%) at the taint of esojsota for hor ysa 1949 not fon moohioey, Ovedeg to several wnell-]ac-v lactots, amongM the hooe al- toady mntdoned that many la o ceetican meanitsin prodac the ecno lndatofgood, tand, ansong them alwapelhasheoecveylim- tied. We pessiet insiee numr t hot, a eno ot thewe tconuito now isotn longo-toae inbdonald developroent aimed at indastlt isg theeeew talst, it ny anala that pre ong Later aneetc naosis limited. Forthesmaseadtltioa ety tig- mticn chcacnawe--dte meajority of the canrit ons n fleet and toast peeforn ship in bentoms at other more d-teloped nations. The camce of exaposea among latin Atterican cmtraaare- m duced in H99ilt a n ettiteated 450 tltion call.e, as ceonoetd with tho i04A tal of 600 neillioat, Althttgh thnos are litnmn ct cotet peen,heyateoaboctforicesgreanerttan dea oee peon 1990 atd t98l. Thet insoetan to taea conoog Ladea Aoet- tern atione achlieflty the mouet ef ttnctain to prices It lone ben calcolated that, boed so IP3O poier, dee made int 949 is arose25 per, cnt feuthn in 1940, hotamisne0 lpvnventnomr hn. itn 1990 At coy eats, mnacongwma - enee r nm t oa meaeadt afamennsatanccoweest wnth otdncowntit stho 3 otavalceos uoeconamstdat 19lPrim nstbyv 30 per vnt in 1948asnnmpaed worehthat oft130,otfehile nr among Ndo nae wnot ap by oppmamcny 60 pee rin. Hvint everiattittal copets declited in 1949 much moe than otal list of artice, and entidoecson of ho fret dud many of them te poedoed by s-,ea coanain for tho lto pnt of uapso. those hove difficult it weonid he no mtdify din fambpr trade vf Lotlo Atinc, ecallys when it it ntod thot dheor nogio do ont hate con dinieeiintint The principal prodacts exposted by the Unite States o Latin Atoetca driog the yes t94y, t948, ted 1949 wcem: industrial, elcrical, agoiratal, and ether omcltsy; acmeobe n d an, etntoinandsafeeltrantlhemial ad ptse dna6- supplino; enheat tim, cod othe nngntahle foodttotfttinised too- tile pedonts; enotlard, moil, cod otheraslnealt osdncs;shiptl petreleo and lite dnoiectiwe sod moft erchecdior. The toale dollorevalee of thoee exporte to Lsdn Amtona for the save yeas as ,80.2 smillios, 3,139.5 veilios, and 2,694.1 elliant, em- upecively The largest pevetanc 10i.7%ln oft ho scin of napont for the year 1949 na Los macleety. Oesdng to tontl well-knnoe Lactoo, atoong them the one al- tady, stonod dhst mosny Laden Aavas paymets produce the ttmelkindstoftgtd, -adn amngtshowan,hascbee ey lio- ited. We meanst in coing eat that, vat n of thno onae can ater lare.seal. tnduatral dnvnlnpron timed at iodetctualia to g thete noes neteich, it maeny natural that mrade fattyt Aonrin osm is limited. Foesesoe-aod chic in a veey sg ca ficantorc onac-thn moaoiy of dheesoatenaew ec o and mint peorce chip in hatttt ones of ononme deneispe a. The ar alne of -eot amonog Latin Amoetunow moa.ncsn nat on doed to. 1940 to o oan em0aaed 400 teifton doitea, as otate wnith tho 1940 total of 600 m lisa Althomsgtlen ae fi gu-ro a~t etret pies, thyaehc oanrtn grotothandteote fnho, yeats 190 sotd 19 28. Thi iart afs traode among Latin Asen an cos is chiefly the sosni of fintation in privet I has been atinitted thot haed at 1908 primn, dee mdei t949 awoot 20 pn cet Iostanc in 1946, hut about 3 0 per rent mes than in 98. Ar any nlye.userac-toicat coseo con ta havmtle incorrc erm a o mn ih131 the tot almie or opeta -,.epaedt a938 puicen raex by 30 pee root in1648 a nopae wnide that of 6930, eit net amon rhseelvne e ett op by a e n ltsly 60 pencact Howa intetm [-rcgioral nomt dosllnscd to i949 roach mece than total  ITAEAN TuAuE 73 NTR-AMJRIA TRADE 73 INTER-A IAN TRADE 73 eapott wehen ftr dat crent prie it mtaiiansd padeet are wed ThNee the relatre dele betwnee d thear' and the tatte ia great deal fea. Thete eenett might be attintted to the tfat that rhe ptnsa at geeds trded between The 1".ie Ammeanr cadets f e setsiee and rae tateciata awd tioete tee pwed"ct whoat pahdneu declined were Than thu ot The mawctracand pred- srsce ean p thetak t extra-theredattrade Ia Lad,, Amanrica the itapecrn o f ne etarkeen diffue in peedh en the -risWptep rsn t am n hprinmd entso aheerleed, it apteess en he treat let ewaden Peage, ad Peonand least larArntinaa,lieaeit Chile FtI Salveantd macstay. Ott the ether hand, the tattee pace t iesaam-engiaa wnere it mnied byc the ca ed ontt ar fa tenrth Aracait-Astendaw, Boltva, Beail, Chile, Paagtray, ragny, and ate Paet, nehich as etThe reedh. Thie weep at n.tsntet foeeitlrt8peretetfthelmerdltrada in 1928, BB peceei run, S pecnin 13,Bpco I.4, andt86pecesetti 1949. The antaynie That we hae just caeptetd, thtteugh bree and it, Ireette, desmeectte that cmettttciaa teenermee ie Latin Amaeic ar d itehin I nditn cad cinetnine eeltin at e ay dittart. enn rodily ttt a thent aetIfd ofto titan Many Inater nd atsee taped te sagaiaaeie eliy ecatweny fm thes pepand de d dreinia indeate tcho we aetneaaethialh heecenter hate bee ad ft ather ioe ieaeang nt Neethetera, the ptedatietits teed hs te Etnk Thgt thete ahr in erdc It imprv e stanard af Uing and as cerere't'nherewe peertht t aew be enmd, thereere that the neend f tnade ia Late eAuira. Oat thrye atata dsthne mn apatiad theeiat l .O cmtayapiddimiig rads witeh Esrape han-dor heer puahed aide, and now hotn ire ethe cenntn ap,.r Thelat ct e - cnre t teEaen at tar Lde Amrica whic tan te i, anesidrelit Jereth ahe ar, e reseinr tam adapted which prsvided for a ndy at caatatn aecnaedei trp.s hee- dee as na ucWtaef mp ihd'am uo finceasinanddiceitiat etas t Lande Areca rew aaenat andthe preceu oflo itdaletefal pedactt tapaci when figured t e ns rceporis. It eahtiacd pricee are weed, thee the telseiw dretedo buco.s the teasat, and the latet ia gwean dal loe. mean msr might tbe iribathed at the fact that the ttajaaty of tends traded baaea ihe Latmn Antesica etsa se leedatatte anad tat ninalals, and these aen predane ne-hae pices declied mare tbae thrm at the maaaned pred acm Mai smake ep the heath of etna-etitact had', ta ladeu Amseric the itepecte ref epe, starkete dlftte in encheoltterytrtica. Whethisntaaataereiterteua Is iprs- amnion as the repeat aharbad. it appease en he gcateat let Eattadna, Pannsnta, and Pete, and Iteac for Aroundir, Braih, Chile, El Salenthay amid Use,,ep On the ethec hand, the laget pare t ofinna-rciarat cmarere it carded by the wtahem part at teeth Aric-Ameeti, Ieolicia, Betryi, Chile, Partnaeys UMasewy, and atr Pans, wchich it to The path. This grnde ef setere tpeaihte for Ut pee tntw at the lees] trade in 1928, Itre 88peret. ll93, Co perceetin 19", iet 8 percecte 1949. The anattistThat sow hate just -ettd, thi te andl in- cmnplete. doannela that atareccal iteetese in Latin Ateera it mabec t . rAndie end rwaasre ehich are ure ditfeatt en eadily itne hart perid l liac heMary ltie, and abatanteasimsndn the erganatisa ellit esnna Inc the perew of irter.,ia pradwaclan en goads frm its en teal entcate., ad at denelines indae a mean et mnsaeeiala which hertatoe Fate hee sold en wateldanitalae tatien. Nenetheict, the pacdeeainatg trend istoe break threagh Thee alanilet it order Is immunre the etnatatd at Uttat and to coeetacensbacrepwifee theaiaha.ein Pncscicnsanee Ieunatat lee sad therelar, that ,hs tread at radeI inl-i Amsnetca is ea-ard twatern sarhaan areeeg the Latin Atnericart 0n the cet Iy arine the Pantea peele the hnet heaing trade cith Etape hate tear petched aide aed ann Latin Ametlcm as plantieg ta tcapecate twr drareete in Esape at nell foe Letad America, which teak place ins Mentetdesi Jwtc abe yeas, areint az andopited rewtih prsde ten ready of oendif ofefeasty etade in Etesape, fer the ei dear pepae at interetn ad d mtenmyta ermcst tee Lai Antrict o tate so s anaslt ad be purchae efl indsetitl predraet naptat when figured at eret prems.r If sahmited plect ate ra, thea the reativea declie hetedn the tesuree and the lalter ia great d ealt. Ttc m u ate might be atadhattd at the lan that the tantry a .-Id taded hetwe- the Latin Amtitecaa ,naaseee foodstuffs and earn reamaeia, and thee ate produnets wpahisesn prcnee deelined were Thastlclenf 5tThe mantnred pead- uecta thtmesh, at the blk at cmntreglsnat Utrae 1. Laind Anmeia the hepeatae of enpan waheasthdlee it ooaheofthrelaiee Wheattfdsitspaaaan isaerassrdispe- pactian en the enpeete aberbed , it appeas e be rasterlam Esteader, Paagear, and lance and lean lIa Aecnnr, rtal, Chile El Salvedor, and Iregay Or the ather anad, the hegous ptratieeargiaaaIeaasaee. iaeid byale ae tha partelf dowtn Aefird--Aasnlina, Bolivia, But, Chles, Peagray Ureguay, and atso Pees, rehich is en the aorth. Thin gssrapd atwsu y wbefr 8prcn te edtaei 99 It perreetwint38 W~tt pernewtin l948"anrdt pePerrtwait 1949. The analysiscleat wat hate just ecrmpttd, though brief and in- --,ptIn, de-psewr That cet orriat itecaa in Latin Ameaten in at hicr- to cadtnidcatracinea which e a diaclto anredily ira a thani perid at liwes. Maer ladenr and ebreacnea hsnpeda the ergareaden at its ecaeeay far the peare ac treatiog pea deedl aofe gnodt tersm iot eeda rtnreer ad hfdeoilduf n mtrBwWhmfma are heen sold en ether ledwarialimed cadent Naneohena, the prdaahatirg tread is t tereak Thregh thace antate in ender It imprennthe standad o eldieaad t carnadtwhcespawiht th e icaaac ineapei a sicnract Itecannot beeai, therenr, that thentredaoftadein alen Amecirits tesed geree iaeccwhaage aneag the Lain Amertan nattart- On the caniay, during the p aewar oeejd the heren limtaing trade eith Esnepe hawe hew peahd ad, and raw, Latir Antnrica ie ph awneeet mpeate m leaesh tiatsaepeswawell as tneaercattae Indc Ian mdeece of heEwaaric Coe- tafr Ladan Atasina, whiche talk phase ins Meatetid in Jeano The ycaa a r-.teI, ear adapted wch pwreeed toan study at candideca at cetwanrjl hade I. n erps with the rt dent prepar at inaaing sadt dicereiydg machen[ tee Lad eaatican -en mateniat and the. perchae at indstrial predectt  74 Thu Caribbean at Mid-Ceury 74 The Caribbea at Mid-Century 74 The Caribean at Mid-Cetury walkend. This deniot and psanpot art evdntly coyeee s long as the cemnor,'Wa conitions are an I hae pontodthm o o u. It io clea thatr thec nooeo deoettpnrn of Latin Anc undo, proans edottdtiesteadadhedted toadoakg oni oontoy este ladepeadenat ens- that each should satisfy its on needs wnith its owne natural temogro. To suarosat this int] tpl e noecesaney to chang o~nuhsally the prodanos in faoeigo eonde, eoon dongo doe toaannin of a natimnal economny shtould taulfor etah~ counly to Posrti those thing foe whiest it is Font foote. Aaenogaspndasois..nnied onaonnhthpmteseaira n at it i diffioult tn vuuas the Petas dt at w das eaing ausae F m ayadpacn hne ilhv oa efnre Latin Arnenia witt sner its prdaoion inar.reennoe nthe nateoal andecesnics asnfilitirosof chatnnlay. Re- gadls ad the taegn that sony .ustae, nw est tale ins ons- ddnesiioot ohe itsannstntahto ditfientttin of resliitng trade to fit the necnlesso rcomnweeea othenUnao nnte sveded. Thi desire and punpon ant ecidontly ennornient as long an the tetosewfl nenditise ase I Fawn potemed there toysot. It in cle than the etaaoesi deertopmmn of Latin Aesainc undor presnt seord conditittestend and shotlddrttnwademaking eachc-nrmeoreittdepeno in tlese thatearA huld atisfy its once neos 'nim its on mltes mesne. Tt p noetits tthis iit Fil be esoon o change uubnsantiay doe products in foteign nesir, oon Mhauth the nrastoon tfst ational economy awokd call for eAh coneley no produce those things fee whiolh in is Font lused. As Iovg an pnesfuotion is catad oet tith the presen aitas fnit in diffiul tgo unsuststo ptniilitr og ettas ougostng thnc osesny. Manytandprofound changenwill baneetoesr about before Ltin Amoot. ila untw oe its pa dnotit snrneace witathen arom1 and etonanoain panibilities a esach e-,os. Re- gtoard s o the owaners that nay osm. ne atone iske into con- nidention Olin insatnaountnble diffietties of ttniofg rade to bet doe eease -Toronenem of the Amaninan enturn. endal, This des and narrow ate evtidenst, eanetoeni as long ante Mc oneruil coniditono are as I have presented them t0 yout. Iin oi nlea th te ecotnoic dteetnpneofn t Lade .Asettlo under psmeeotortdoaaditisn nds andhoudrend tndlmaoing each coantoy ester indopondon in the stoat that each ehonid satisfy is onton ettoot itt ,.I natsseore. Tot actptlil this iot Flto eenea- to change substantialy the toroducts in 1teoigs nde neon nonateonte orgasintiun of anadonal en-,es nd cell for each only to pmd=o w th nins, gee chich itsis Font fitted. Aceltng a nsarudoniscated outowiteothe prsettaina isnic it is diffiult to eoiaaai_ the panihwityo f des afeanas doteceoo Manytand pod.-ud el angeewlthaeco about eebfo Latin Aneria ewit none its production ins accordance, ih the ntnral and econotic pstailities of eac conoty Re- gans ag the changers that nay comeoa ne st tale int nidera ln the fesenoteie diffindieso eg ereniotin rade to fit tho noresities or c n-ene of the Aeaeicn contiemn  6 6 6 William R. Mizolo; THgS UNIED STATES LOOKS AT INTER-AMERICAN TRADE H fEN the average Urcisd Eaen loader looks at Lathinneron wt, he a es ocy the dim gray sohad of est ncontiuntal and island trpr ojected vaguely spiroit a shoot of ruled graph paper. Much more dlearly he sever doe hold black lines arm, the lace of the rit Meet of u here h a tetn oar . e I t he scati te estee aed hoar tmud, that reax, the ta of trade to hc tdieso the flieeraig lee race by imoport ad repot toms,"ne, nad by profit and lens, buot thit year, the hteiartoano has hit men cotnyenatto, for trio shadetehapo of in durconiua it hirrnod by a ehorply nunsng liar acme the graph. It represnet a reord three billion dollars' wonth of goods that lase floed ito the Unite Smn romac othe Ns- World ioms during the ycea, ei ,g drma rtwngr themt limtited tir imimorom 000u and gisiog the root ofW tin itcrohe a gawmoble balance it ino ctn- noocialnchangr with tise lcrty Focused by Inch a Iroly rising line, lawe Araedca]okh gord to tire United Staxi trader this yer It looks Inn a bottot stying ted pitl ctrtorn than it hats tar a tong, lsng rime. Stockpile havineg toirger bay the Karcen tent and a beoot to wfxpniere antacolrmcehorf [araeofdthe prea lais and healthy circulation ri trade Bt eeo tsger-laadncg benofs hare tanotttd linen a hbasi, revo.oiray teoo, he North Arocreno' corrar anods titeAd ire rigtlrhor to the reede. We have cre-tssd a thtie m that it ps inIhelp Latitn Ateeri pn ewpor William R. Mizelle: THES UNITED STATES LOOKcS AT INTER-AMERCAN TRADE WEE HN te avcrage United Slate, trader IoWksat Latin Actor ia, hetrooa only thn dutn ray sltadoteaf sot coolineno and sard macene projected vagurey ogaicnstsheet of ruemid graph paper. Mych mor hiedy ho toot the held hlitch liner acrass the face o the shot. Mont d us hetinotstniogtsonadstmtheomothsee cocrand hear musicthtrearp inomaof tnde ashe otudiot the fisooatig Last mooed by import ted nst totoger, and by prfit sad Is. Burt this prar, the boIneroeno a balti ore cotnyroainn got Its shadem-rIape of Latin Amoes~c it Mtcoted by a rhoaply coo inIe acroc the gmph. It eprcetto-arecot tote billion dolnr' tectort ofoode that have flamed intE dt United St.,.t trct other Neon World at-en during the year, noing dollar shortages thoat linmied thee imyseor (sen as, and givngthe rem ot tie tesoiophecc a faveaoble Enlanm or on merioeth'nge wire this aantey. Frensd by ture a lonely nte Ine, Latde Amcuic loo Eind to teUteoSttsrdntanoyear Itlto0baabeerehying ad welling ctotrrre thee it hat Ire a lorg, long rime. St]onkie buying iiered by doe Kers, tear and a heon hun ooler pricenoarn arangthcltoetcaoeofeOn -,ptbland healthy ri aotiot ef trade. Oar ever cg-lasting berach.t hate reoulted frm a bris messlotitroy change in Nroy Aeoica' - ictochl x tuad teard it reighhmn ts the ornth We have ra rned totsheninothtit pyo help Ivorn ActcIrapcnibly William R. Mizelle: Tog.s UIED STATES LOOKS AT INTEE-AMERICAN TRADE WHIEN then aoere United Sete, ®adr looko at Latin cuen- m, he ce ooty thedill.g,, shadtto Nvoetcooridel and Ibad mrea prjected vagoly ogairat a theet of ruled graph paper. Motel mo oneclanly he seeo the held hlaek irEts across the lae ot amrolrart Malorreslnteein tttigrannmndrtthooth ee colors and hae muono that erso dt mtot of tradn or he ndies th trotonglin mooed by toop-r ad reio tae and bytprofitoand lots. at thioyeo, the buierctartia set oonpenrtisn, ill bWo nhad-op. df Laden Ameia is hinected by a sharply rideng s aomn tan graph. It reateeents a imed three bill. on nlatr month of goods that have smlooe tort the Unitd Soarer tram ther Newoa W n d as doohyg lar year, cing dollar thorngro tatd linitd th an anetr tret s, and giving tie cot of in Htetoir a faoerahle balance in ito can- tunersl evowneg toth tinr corer.y to the Unite d Son trader this e It hoboh like abetrv buying tedxtliog marmmt than ittc te aloeg, K long lttat. Stocpileoeyig migthe hy the Koreafn tear and n horono ir waffe print tr marn the cifooart do present htoh and braldoy celion el te lhst te IRnt longe-loing hnetito Lae resulted free a h boric meoittr clange in Nort Americas oommntntal attmode touted on noghatn to the rnuth We haute come around toN iew Mar l h it pay, t6 help Latn Amarica poflhsn.  76 Th Catibbun at Mid-Centur 76 The Caibbun at Mid-Ca7ur 76 The Caribben at MidCeuru Thin onaliatioat ni on i'toway fot nmbter of "ae hbat oento of 1950 base apottigland it sharpty and unmeitkabhy We htew loetand that it is not omngh to thy and held too tt tat Latin Amertioa. We necognia nowe that taless te wothota to pdbhion' potalnoinodustes ac vigotos geing ot-,otheyn ot hep and sell enetgh ta oo el ri an naatnty fromttsufeing. With Latin Anneta~o vocntwng toe not tatn on-died ni on eneralttad,, United State goceonn ndpiaecttoti nitolo ace new helping Ltin annimaa naton haerto maen cth0- tonal nabtoo, their agaicuttta petdotionanadtbeing outartandad, not only ma neighborly griese bent to potte tonton,. potion poahi otttneitin no 4e aneed, byt te-Anneno o atnana relationa today non a fmn and happey oey foom whlat they onratnalt~oentny age when the Spaninh cmnpc had treshnly toot nt lane taNtoad in tho Cnrityttan At mtha dae, we thota to tpe- tote oh enoamapt of o thrntl potoa otho atone hain onnapiot to attr teitbad, Tit atthe pevalet basnant moratity n that hea in tno orn p moof t nta in the Unoitod Stater t- -midaredl the oot o the Apse. iona ptvatt peg a rnof foh gatie too noti pan. DohaoUpitoth itnio onnoto faI .tighn ofn teds geen that lons g ago, men whtow noe ahattiog United Staten pthoy teatdedl [t na to the toot onne tone tad, rich in natont teeoce fnr th ektotg The C ,riina they at ata emaloontol lahs e otn wehinli tanit States agticeaNeo and aagactated w l-e- noteaodli Sri o ala he bartord at ashing picol A ffew tld-tiene isthe nie Siatra otaome wnotday stint e setoyfatcampaign nTbhonb anl foat lanaliogs t use a ..nal Veocan, and ion odeene Cadiean asna ratl otunnning toot at ha fromonhe naon thtn at-ca inn inoanal ontano ontla beaethin bydh yneaorine. Yeliptoatacj ne n, 1yad11,rawn dla ewn.thiws going tosll ba Itn, Unitod State p Bdn onld little none that 300 mitliot dotars neonth at goodl e anoaly to Latin Aman® aty attat hoat one-tettio t sae. nt to etho er oi- ,phoeenatioam ndycoa. Ao wan' he oo inhe fart Wontd Woo, Latin, 11tbrfoan eaponts no the Unitek ttntd doting Woold Woofi I pods notion> n mendm md. on - vn h ad c rd Thin noaiindti has been on inn way foanomiten of ycaoa, hot cvenni of 1950g have nyottighteal it ahoopli. and tamaithlg, We hoot boared tean it in not ooga to nontnd Lamn Amnerica. We ecogatia no wne titnonon e tathoto no- ttablic' praduciog indantica a- oi000non going ecroan, they can- not hay and toll notagh no heep oat o tanno y from naidetng. W Iatin Ameoica accentig t o tee hdan ono-Ihiod of onto noooal trade, United State, gonnoateat oad yivate oonaoctat oel. e now helIng, Latin Amn-io nation Witten ttoio coco- te atand mnetn, their agrictltnat poodoction anal tinmg ttndttd, nt only an a wngihonty n~eat, nor to pnotope ie Somoen pomblemst mnel to he mteod, bto iane-Amariat goat, meio onintina today -0 0 far anal happ ny teem what deny wow a hali-cotoy ago when dme Spanish empire had Ohtly toot an nt htal in the Carihbboan At that tite wa chapo toeot tow the etanapto of tbn wortld potet who tre, boiding enpiam no foter their tode. Unti,u wo e pownleot beoton toaliy of the that. While oar on Paolly not ontpaatittety noleot foe thto paeiad in Ittern, powerfat inteetn in the United State con- idond the ttofthe Atantnta ptvan peroue ofa-itngameoftn ocned poachig. Unopite the disatein noonoat of a far- sighted few ovn that long ago, no wnho meat shoping United States policy ongaeded the egiom, to the teeth at noe beon hond, th to naoont ra-no on le he taking. Tate Cocibitesn they soo aaaticotonin lan int which Unid Statnsaoitlar al and a.nannalactatd onmoditio coattld he ocd at asking primea A tow old-tionot in thne United Staten .-ono foncestonaty oil wutt cotocfil noapaiga rihhon issned fott loadine, at Nicaagana anal Vomcatoo anal foo odeerO Cthiean pator otl stnammting momonra te foam the notion tanm toccata in inmato reno mmentoc genia beoanhiteedhbyastndingoacooor. Yet in atuage yeare hotne t19W and 1915, ohmn "datinr diattomaen otas goiog fatl blaon United Sten. pawdran told littl totthan 3t0 titian daro worth of goodn aemoally to Latin Anea-ta aly m tt a ohnae-tenth ol tao tale to otho, tono- ophee no dab yeat At wan h am'st i the firnt Wotld Woo, Latin America'sottea tt thetnitdltStoo heaed doiog Wald Wed, It agto- mrd and minorat pnodaoh, anovn itan laoonagrd, Thin ealiton hat been ot it, away too a nanmthe of yea, boan ooa of 1950 hve adnioltta it sharply and onintay. We hovetoneediflat inaotnntaam tewanandhbald marhersin Latin Amaerica. We ntno e nw atha ear ue n the ne matoa rse r iorv on n qthert on- not hay and toll enoaght tov hoop to oeconoyfLlted dofmy, With Latin Amoerica argo ntmg too tone dean ®tahr of too taaat lode, United Stone, gowenoo anal ptivinocao tial ckse on an hopiag Latin Aittotnttal~te htgena minadinatlt thi Mginntia paao tian a Stg tando o osdnya ac noatatg o at pto ttc an toon eSetitoc proitloo on a t he waled, hot intrAaocant frm h on eint cetrto today an a nd happy cry f om what ahoy holt-cehtlf ago when the Spanel oeio, had froodly toot t loot foohold in liCthta. at a te ate chose to gt tate the to.,pt of odhet wortlda poAt th woho ebildliog Emto tlohe w'de Titoathth ealo onioitnaitr the har. While 00Ootpoic non capaadocymdtt fee than poal in hiatry, wnpoatoofot intona de United Staten ten- ,idntedtheoeof theoAmev iat poitoae pm eweofoife ae for ecoatti poaching. tpit the daiaening maant to a ina- aiho-d tow even than long ago, mono ai note mhaing United State potiny ongoada t he ttio to the Toh an neat toot and, ich in name,1 toneor o te tking. Thcea aitto they ann on~ ~ ~ ~ ~~hc ae eatolta otit eao ite State, agncaltanal and olictd ne. 1 aiita eta he pamed at aantog prierc A few oldmehn ith United Statree atted mna waiy roll wie noofa onepaio rihtnton al is oat lanmina an Ntimracgo anal Vtra, -anal ion od ,eno Cebihn od,nieal nimtin moon Or Ise foat thn atton that oncmone in mrcmatianat conanec tatdd bea bsnigaeYet in hvog yon hetwetn altoad 1915, wthen 'tdttin ai~ntcy tws going tfali bltasti United Sttn odos am inoid hti aton than 3ti oonti, daln' mwatti of goannanis to r atin Ametieo-haa ty ate than troN of at oo ante to aorder Heed, apheo wasniona thin on Ae wa t heoni al d ttWord War, Latin atIeo 'n cnytt to ho United rtoan noiated dotingWonid Woez I. t agoico- ntal and miasmal peeout, and ooe ito mnaontao tooda  ITR4EIAN TRAME 77 IZTR-AMICAN TRAME 77 IT'+-MR4CAM TRADE 77 panned ieta this on, ,pling tap lind racny cedil an the maclafesee,randliaite aproduceta eeanaaallyship to die OHamiaybttn in tem brea' maatatabla bettae 4l abe - Dtn ta t bb ta whidn the Naw Wod'a Epeetanmak"t tand ptpteeaxuumreniatallvectaefflby the na, Lathe Anmaandalim Unitd Staes becme mart deyaeadean upon ant ..ent rear- .aainly tho ee bermte lyteec doea nearsdad Latia Amnaira hopynd ltr aenma of den "taiengtetaad" achnay te atlatat apaetic, l1tiet lany the Rio de In .la. regin. bad uted the paanae of agai- etaattal sad Wictne -1 aitoa Etarpe ma bay tahea~ ulko der ttepna, bate tit Umild Salate. Pena floar depeca ball Anteta had atnband Me p.atad - antani earned by lirel-n ta Etenpe iet datlaa tm bay goads frnm alit Unted Saates. But Bitan, Fence, and tibet annta Eatoea natiotns that had ante been beany bae-a al Lm Amxlniratant, gyan, eengeialt nut, and odore pendart tee an deplened by the catavtli t eanen unactntityaof thimacaa'at-n r,-i oonaanotaaaahi gmtniam. When Uatted State tnneacaaeeal pand again hweetavalale altar V-J Day, ala Amaina -mpai en t -n a . ahting spt- aide deom aaad deln. bondy. lay ate 1947, Latma America't aaaaaiaa dolla- ha.r bad rcelnaed asth aba anhan onet boughbt ban ttaaa fm stan th dey coald ramap lay eajnr nales. The acute dollar thlaap wanl taaad dmatWn aad ela dana he,-'neen alan ed Saaat and mtlece fenaalne natboetofa nnea yat Natern 1-nea , chafed an caee Luat Aaataica ennae fall bebbend an aba> paytanen of aaanaemiai dellts, in ,ated lid finatabean t atjnp tad pumaia, ttaa thee amaatn of daflaa reaanint, mat Utitnd Statea finae inctp Atnenia and.-enit mand hark ta ab caty, and camanteaad iantntya aacode aetenlernith saft ces ,rat AU iheta an hunlannd dwndliaag doll.. -ma-a in Latin Ameerc rata-ftly cat Ianm United Stalat tatn that a .- Thaincr radn tay ea an nhappy one lee bade Nartaad Sotath Amnerica, bat it pbenand up the nuiale fana iait pay, an belf, tneian Like anaoethal elld and, adaatlabneeen two adldmin heatat .n.tatata ceI ar tao iaec aa ny tp. TPhew ,ar an m bttyfemLadn Aataeiea the mae dllaom te mia hw vM wMl b uygd a th Dlet patedinlntin cauty, piingup hard caanenytnediaaa- de amea naataedan~td fiaitbed paadaetha aannaalyalshmta the llenaiaabee tan ern bcme nu-atilal beca..eeo athe war. DeainapdasIaiwnennthe dNenwowa'aletmuprmaamhaaand aatppb'ameneanvirallytna aid by the mar, Lati Ameiaandathe United Smat haet aam dapana rea ame tnathee ca --enAtythoatcaanbafa Xbi ear eded, rheta Anneae hatped for a reanmpttia aftW lia tanle td," wteheb the soatinean aepabe yata Ily ab ltin d a to realben, bad aned the peaaeedt ofni watanea anal hieatoac aina E....taa bay tine tetti at ete imports feem the Uited Santet. thar e daptats n Laaia Ataeic and -nchatteed den patnab an heaw um'ted by bua sales to Etmope in fan t anbay panda leant Me United imSlta Baa tetti,, Cane, and neter, nete Eamp-a nnaatat bad cn boo eavy bayna af Laahn Aaniesaraeaat, acin ceepaaht oela and atbe 1amdactt wre ta elnled by ahe etniliethmal lis rnaaeriiltyaoftNbamid'snaenietaatnndtatacn ajaton. When United Santa maneat,.ael paada again beaaaacaalahle aftee V-J Day, the Aamericn rrpubln ena an a hourinp tre wide abheir mataad dallata dt. Ify lta 1947a bati, Amatniea't naie dollar hataee bad ceenyneatd an h oMe moe bought lee moma frtam at than dey oald recoup by enpet Weet. The acate doltac mthatapa which meanted damimanae trade mita- dan hctnnen the Uailed Statea and othee Htemaisphee natbeat 6n teat yeam. Neadanat tmda chafed as canbeas Latit Amnte l , ell heleid an faoie ,apneat, of cataeial deaisy, be- abeantnttt of falte aing tat Uni tted orate mtmad in ay Ameeaand insaateeamrda.tnd baekatoth nnamay aedoitncd bactec-eytaa r witda ananae t aid re a ecy aanaan Alt the a t iatanad dunitag dollat r-tmam in Latin Amacan ..anetalyetint DUntdaunt ata la ahaa area. Thin -Nnaien. e an .adhappy ote far bade Xaett atad Stht Anacica, btrtnn it painted nap thae valuabe lawnn deant payt a n bet1 o- nibean. Likea ano blt nailed hak and death bnaeeen ttn aiap nonnau, intnahcoaal -nnanm e gea, widead B netoo. n-ynp Tbma nnyieaon~ndtAmnnra,abth an dotms the Ananeala have waen e tla haby ada tmaeUie pbawed ito thin naaneemil bing tap hard nmany a dit, at the sanhiay, ton], and initaef peaodact der se nomatlly thiy tn maH mpee in-, aeam a her ei nanal able hbnae afthde ae. Dating abbe dat achen de Nan Weetd'a Letntycn aretsa and sapmiou acen aaly nt off by itn maa Latin Ameri- tad die Unted Stat became near depcafeaa pan de another ran- meacitty that eat bermn Whee the or ended, latin Aetaia hoped Ian a enatption nftheb "annee mdn" abenlay in, eatbnm epabuf paetice- larlynthe tfe de te Plate wrusen, bed ated the ttaeeda of agni- atana and Iiceand sales an Etampe an hay te baulk of shear iapaae deam the Uniard fatat-. Bdafm, the depman, Latin Aranichadeech...eddsepoanaedsaoeleandaeneaeday hetaet to Boom, into delya In bay pada fin Ibe. Utand Satate. Bat Btimin Franc, and ontoe nataa eunae t eabn m tat had ..oban Meay bnaant af Latin Ametin memt ri, eralat orst, and athee pndacan reran an deeplted by ma confMicthmat lame naat~ieltatiyaofthe worlf' cumaes emained out ofthe ,sm Wahen Uated Statorenmaaf noad ata at. baan-aailnhte aftr- V-J Day, the Ameiain epahlie -et- eahiing npea nith their .annnd dalla fInd. By lte 1947, Lad.a Ammeain'a mama dntyaeaane abad -maad -athteathatenan bought a n cna fromt a tha tdey codd temetp lay eapoaa nad- Thn anat, doal.,ar m tbraa thiabtel etad deminated trade tat- dea hatneen ma United Stto and affle mfr c tiaieb a aitt fa twrn yeam. Northe- tradma dhafd an caon Latin Annatl- naanaaa fall beltind -t Chesspaymaents or canmmntmiat debat, in- pead ragd imilatiate oee tad ...annp pmamiq nnadd the am.-.nt al dalrutartn p that United Statet fivea in mjaa Aaneicand B teeitnouadfrndarkatotitnwamM adantnelad banartyee coade agreements, wide tir nareay aiems Ali them an hbannd detitdling dollar teentecra ita Latia Aaaea rsunaturally at nto Unitnd St.,eantt ent 'thin eapeaft-c ar an -adappy ann lee bade teeb af Soth Amanina, bathi paintod ap the caltabe Inane teat be payto help ittuaa.Lineta aehal mInd blaniaaeflontl beteen tact adjiatagbtne~ataantinaalaatnaneaeeanshbeahenno tray tip The mee rehy frm Lady Amrc, dee main danllata Mbe Amaaa h~ave aide nbich t. haby rade rm ie United  78Th ClarSbbea at Mid-Centua 78 'ma Caibbhmn at Mid-Century 78 The aribbean at Mid-Ontury Snatee. And the encre raied Stl notrcin atei andi prodtucercaenwdhaiea ear nthtnw neighbor, neo, th ear nleyranhbuild nt thir ioete aed natsralewmne. With the addiliee wart af dollar In-an d tmnda aid, New Wernd an-tdae ph ate ne a - a aeact and ear more doll.. ta feed thei ceedi it And ne the .-arball tll Vatted Sta gooreet and pniotmtrttade c ar haee pennd around nt, cof,=,,n table lth recogeond of the ned tn keep the iutnr-Amreiva moncan rolling The Joint Argntho-Uneird Sta (Aweitnia, for Trwde Stedina, far iternce, pent noaher in nydhnteea 1949 tdon, i Woin nr efortI atdou, nce, coopenato, fee acated penfie, trifle niatcarne Fawio nltno nntnd lately ia ot Caailban and ilea.mat. Unla ,d0ap aettb were erdetod by Peetideet Tnttmw narty ia 1950 to ,tspe aoee each atneen at tho leneundonal Trade Organwioftofan Chace, twd mn wenmcte won npeet to bltooetheteaseolteaiepbrr Meatudhil, ipundh Aanoenic tund Reail on dti, ewn we na- tee dttie ienen m ellmone a telnird Saatsd byne lBy fevhe of 1949, the tade hlaeee with tho United Sette nttfred in Latin Aenein freer, ad the dnelay dep elned aare, the esiddle ef thin year, with ane votn.e oi trade heth wrays abont fioe then igher tan the p,.ar nel. hw Jely. 1950, twelve Lain Amaao nat wer in the blank in dowi enpert- imnpart nehaoga with te Vatted Sta, white dtenm anhieved that happy pBition is Angt-n Beraptd tho hen-in adolltart-coaleta ee redbo to Late Amsenina flnancial wraney setdo dayed-ten eiiel nettd by the eahacetia of Btadye doenawn enifo r tplna. Thia ee e,, beft oer fom deprent dayawtatitnal shred nO h a,the4, end tati that vot dalar elffoneice nrtenearing aftor tber g tage below the geneel waeld aend paio level. Ret1, Caletia Ceq Oma hint, ,t ladror, and eighrt e other neifre, canor hneofited by the ew high paies. At the nae Itdw, a Marmana eadaeaer ye a tawdatchremtn - dniaret tearp e topd op t e mad tea ofa many Laden bd vh rle e u th mtar dr- rlwohad teen Nthaee . hebalthyooata aet fonwn, bidet, and Staen. And the, tenm United Staten retrm a wenale and prednoe earandidee wr t nbevn neighnrt neceto, a we iay rae bild tap their indtenee and dcm wrn. Wih the additional hen of dollar leat esad teehaial aid, Newr World ndn ten an art tiabl naplen for the Unted State, etelteand earn marndollar tolnfaddhtwionendit.Atnd the VnwallmUtd 6uSt goerr and pajvato trade anctes bane penned ara-ad the mNeftne tble ti rcoptiti of ehd ntod In beep ih, inde-Awenican meowbalt nlbi. Tb, Joint Anethe-tined Stten Ceneteiiw for Trado Stedia, for iveetare, eretr wrnttt ineiaetds 1940 iotst ianarre eflaortI arhieor clown ,-,penaoin form deeal prefnt, while Mhalr tatiege haeo cesrahd Itteay in the Canihhere, and raar -r, Delann-ncr neudtes wem ardeectI ho Ionidrel Ttaan early ia 1950 to nped aedn e toni tecw ath tIe nt nnatl Tead Omieateio Charter and In gett teare itpene toI balanc the tecaw of tlrtaiaphee Moaehl pattNl Arenia and Rraail an their oen wewretchr- teg drastic effont eoredlmae tothe Unitnd Sameandbnylht. By Dyecentbnr of 1949, the wae bala teith the United Staten sbifted it Lan Amacica', faore a,,d the Idllapp rieted befae the mniddib of tho year, with corew oia of crod bth waye alant lienthee highe thanth pmoutear ln. In Jetl, 1950, twelo La w ooithn eadet wnewr in the blaak in thrir eapent- thee happy p adi net poeae ato, rho Coossotecopaetnaoo in oentaitsWf sis rar ad eootticrer, rotatoloo tart Utieod Sitaro eoxrrtahto mopolet of aac noria against tWe depasnt's oos to uie rit of uin ¢ Mposioga cettrad" said Sncrtaoy of Cassossor Soowyo i Norostohe, 1950, 1co slot try to retoaor, slot caporo masrbas ow hard to dortop-o'tm dnrrosod, dory ao, eren hostr to Bat thr nntrto lvrd Waodgtfoo's flira now ropet- isnportopoicy itstnoply aa rickn Italso reprroos ralitro shot the Otoaophoroctdotencean agat gscotion to- quiore a rowing ecosaui "oeports in rooango for strategic i- ,ruw. It is roti in ohs rainl capita sln atoting doon to reformt osld Starpor Lath Arooia's econorac drrotopmnt prgrata, and Thor sotakn the New Wartdn arooao at e a ro b ra. flog-yoo iAdrat rttporaon tothe sooth wouild alo moan that Latto Asoosiro wotld 000 he at aho t snetinO spt the fjid Stuho ortk t os ogir aco -at drb. C'limattitodo i Waiao fmw nm v Ar tontooesr he with o ith - re oototootu with raiter Aoooanddron tahra arretot cmaaat Ihta wiforenlto dlatatiutettpplios laoortnt among noporlrtq s.ogfrrtt aootic, and bocowern da oeotiandoee mmhrtntt Erporrpiotei it hotieod, m00ma1 ho insiod ra-1Wthn trty oo cr0 to - soe stiot on to to otn o Eonicd, porto Adntntrto rorr and nttr oera a ro Lan Arer- tro had, rotri ncs d m- ih b t ho e1 rrolohd. Thar odoeie of ~rUmitel ot dtto goods, suchatttoo,oriooei sontrir w ontioe olt ina whaeol msah ct to atttait trcstit theix soot oorg trroaain n oit ans, Wy orrh New WoetId's- iqaretro. Nor dore toroooptrin of licera contrton iro ands otet prodon roasooly torednor sow Ulttited BrStats rettoo dOtt rpore 000eafly A betto todiatiwn of do, Wsoh0-o.kens' fool- ingirothe fact that they are backitg a nw drieWoeak dtraw artirioat Wtrad hatirs and to om nla lI- and oridsenrortihility of u. Under dio poreso rytrcosnro Depctoti of COonsorco imsputaible too anriog that all oottleie friendly to doe Unitwd Soooio mdari lh., sha Wre nof enprrts. An tater-Agosry Cosm- rdaat ants ft the Carraro Ihioprtro in rsgsdadng rhoisae ot eapoacuoaor, matching total Urited ota exptsrtobte tappio of sany, ratridtt agairat Ir dopvmtotrs oot goido Bist of "In imosnsg oaton orelr said Seemsatyof Coortoc Sacyeri Nororher, t1950, ore Whatl tsy 10 r- ra that rupot amkrdt tee hard to dosorop-oser disom®Wnoo, they are erco haodrr to Bat1 them ratetohhind Woshonr fir e 000 oto. swpotpolicy is rtitpycoontecialtI. Itamorpron radieca nWa that sli Araphoor deoe oairotaggreosio r qub r~ a gsooring sraptait on eopas in -airm, foe totatetio so> ports It it fobt Inehhe sootoa capital that attiog don on cors wold harapoc Latin Amnia rnonoraio dereta11-st progrcs. and than oahn tWe Now World'a ecanoar at a -Waca tine- Ad,.-ying iodonta rnaatioo to doe raoth trrttd adsowa that Latin Amattic would rot he to able, 0, ay woettang, to applty doe tinitod Stou woinh otranre 000satorioa.s Thatiode i Washistoton fivesr tit freest pattibt tWade wosinen wit military Wre and derestc rqirotontr, viW a rissoor of cntrol. As andorhnontsols am ttccory, goroomanst potiq woilhbe dirtbuto sttpptlies ptwortnioaty amntog oopotrr amrog frietndty enFspo rla hrtier it is hoterd, trayb ho intittd marty aor pear to atoo shiporerss rsath 1 tirWe Econarac Cooprmation Admoioistrotion pnt rogram and other rooscat aid, htaradn Amor te'taioonrtteedaarroItlcetctoInrbeoohomd. The grantie of UUited Stato good', roach as stool worrievtrn nnooitwap recoes bay wiop brooms rabjec toalotn roithin the 0000 dow mwron , agaVin an nny o Wh eNwNw Word't toe ss aonso. rodots socerariy fnoedoo new United Statt restrietie ass soproo guntraly. A bettor indicatina of doe poiwcp-sahrs fool- mingthefatat treyao heodingooonw drtoetahreak dowt atfficial trado barriers and so osttcaae atalarr omrc and wden conc.erthifit r a Uodeo the p-eon tyatotn the Dopacnofr Ceor ri wrrsooirle for areaas that aul onndmiot friertdly to the loitod Stte rosif s thesr far ohare ad ropant. Atn tote-Agor Gna- tror u 6oth oasarr Teparttrst in regdadog sie sl saof osryrn ticoon matdlingtotal United Stons rotcrrtade ontpra of maro ttaeriats againt ther doparoamtu rowotlad, list of "In irapog ottolt,' taid Srewrtay of Cottotere Sandalorin Naoveohoc, 1950, ".e shats try to rettitr tha esot markets ar hard to doorllp-are ditoonti-Wd dory am ree hWider to opaiss w t gtoing e rikohaW, on .Iost i a c rAit ngo fo ttoarfs i- ports It infeltin W te toatiodal capital shot ottng doeot and uotu ortd hamape Latin Atorica econoraio dorolapsrno grogtots. and dthas weahn tr Non Wold', roati at a cue r the-tyiog indnta ecqoattintW to he sooth wndd attn raas that Latin nesick ea sornd not be ora, roma tolug, to appy toe Unitd Staton, otim traeg tao at . This attitnd, in Warison tae the fiaest pasith trade rotiotwith Indte n&eas arod dom.,ttie rreon, s, u tnooatr of ronrals. oandorwhencatrtarn ,saygretrr alty aill anrm diotsibatootppier protorWn~mywWrtooatty -nas rietr, amntg ftrndly wyr n enndmsi n cs n yeo, to a n i t s - dttwipr Ao tnw eati o t o We oeml Corporatio Adssaatair profora and adore resocad, hot Latlin Amor- ion's had reoissd r ot likl tohoiod, ot- h mb vr-okd he-qoantios Utro Stae oads, rah artrl, orhih rain wnrm ay sorm atro raa eoame sbret to atlocsat i othin tho Lev foe ods, again wren m eye to Wdot w Nw Word's r- qot nento.  ITRMECNTDE81 INnsER A xA TnADE 81 SZSZOAXIA TAD I Another coecteefiot-Aocscocrade uloro of weni ,,lying aeeftlctnidsotie m WaaltiegtoeotpsnenttDaringf World Won Ie, mtanty Lats Amerieat naioo,o pooidnaly otal, soffteed fwom United Stmms codero of pries foe saw arcrvdas icopnreed by chiscnty ncd oItm de blocking of langs deltas poymten in dose United Stw nt h, tiliolen crw sees. World primcormss dcoignhe year tltatthsnedfllenecoltdobe l,.It r when Latin Aotco linal nboh n free cone ftc deep-fiotm dollar f ncin, thoc s autcg poses bad dc resd n oech coo t pser cent. United States osbiieo still psohaibly tabs rtepa o ans tho tin conoroonen oaionl does net act, an. On theseolUstc toctdntenibefttsh di appenmioneg .nstn ocesa onoem . And chito ploceen in Worhines Lace been nrtiog plirh wvc socor Laioc Apanecte its fair stone ter ind e ttenetsen ass f nsteen igocostneto gosin. BneroaWebnanek n ccnll pyen dotdock onong neco of thc notice', n ta' s opsi indnnssris sit sesaind float few United Sat- onnesrt ar hhoie of-coig1 backlteirseosecosnbtpns. Witclaofewescptstbch Ig - portess plc1. in glve -1-cones abrod the sconterst on o orat a United Staten1 j bens, nobjee to goaseossen mtsc m I it ne m , it~sts fore 'psintc na tdwtoa ditd ill oectpuco ottn tely, aoo s rt s.55 onenscan etnocooes stll cone on mfc~toe hat n put hiodneieotnns en alloseanion, 'vwn a Poe pecet of precicoos eonnssptie st a bad.t,te still peoby a ptcoe eictes is hit rnseec sct by. kena n nt. The ap.porticet till depedstooalne tnl so~~~~~~~o fecan cwichltino do nns e ia essi rposltec is p poripg wtiy In Lati Aneiwcos Eco fkerpn OslplIO~ytc hot en po wsnil be likly ne o sf no n ponditc neming bin Hei spbolt oredrot fetcco doloy. Rspies mtbec m Ml ferwHl pactten qhiesoie wieh 'etnere.entaiee fitms in ofen ft hoeftins epnrt loden beet peideosot chck on th oolly toepes iiediid ,a Fonr ,Emyroantrise tinrd Suaese ae~notabuildnmoctnesy on ookc othe otoachin bass bsn ebe Os hanite evns donand. They nest hoe a hacitlog of od, brders eon times o ngo than nbie mnoootn Ancihee asprot ef iee-naeeicoc trode to re of neoni ciing coesico considerations in Washineton at pscm t Oasisg Wosld Was II, many rotten Annsct oh isn pio otelol tenni sofited om United Staten col of ecnfo cn noasials itepoed by shei eoass, and fssno th btcking of loadge dolo paonconts in the UntdStoes mod]htilitiesl cess - ecec Wprel T ld attes stoe durieg citbs yer that obese deon ocd cot bescnc and when dLode thAmcsica rinllobtained fne con-e sieo deep-treas m dollor tends, tbens ainch power hod drppcd oc teee on otmac ner. United States octhotitcs hatl prohably ta ke ntcpn oe ssacee Ohtrosoo o r, thei onfotnebtisehl~ United Staes iodensy cut be lft a fic bo hnd i oppectig enlooruts oensetotrer. And wile plactns in Wathingtoc hoe bse netting polic.t, c ore I anie Ameerca acui tcs~,,fo ,ke r ito~ ~ ~ ~ ~p taesoehxc notisshnnlc ae crot bess ilco tha qeestiou . llis Waekhmaineec-repolyanrdceteadelk-up eaong - mono the nodoe's mojos exo,.orig ednecetien whil ch re cacd that, test Untd Stoan mecesf ant. therein of carcing bochiltr ~ i-i cssotltees. W5ihtfewsceesptiodttbigne pssaesu pl ni ..n csne.s obecd the ns tteocnonon Uniond If it hceme aere.os foe psicndv tr oseed mt nilnee conenI.rdey aonc its rusonse ceona .c c ts still c.e oinlosc sa geapecctae coa e othtowoal Sto noncofcse hoe s no poat his .domcc n oer 00 llneoie using n gles pernc of psecin otiradcte aahonb will probablyo ontlat denovecies to hi creocaootcb aindtlae system. The aFeiomo will depend tso nloins estent oefsm hanhach n e retio. Pecatlsia neihesc ri conUe- pesing ceasly ol ati Am.. es it wtith Eneopen espplish, than so- poem sell he libsty no go on fia an possible in neeting his tem- sphere Repliosoh pers-t u of pbathes gcsiontomis nehieh teerao ann firmc tooeoo h io epee indes- reic; Q pooide a tM pt cheesk .-T e tht cosfloe te esposto in ledisideal focldo. Ther a C darhot proo~sec it that iete tecehineetol iodnety. Itos yeas thoUitdStatets cracerno that beild mabines tomo othee ttarcitsanahoe beenep Mcae to notiofe sssa depeond. They bane axc backlog oft per ten times larger than donor noneoenot Anetexn apert of lete-Ancencn reads in din nO wan is oe- ceining eacl ceonsid-ore.tisnWanbug.. at prsset. Dosing World Woe il, neany Latin Ammearn nations raet~irly tail suftered front United States entsml N prices fo rsa arads imperted by this eonntee, and team lte Idockmoc ef large dellan paymts in doe United Stores ontil hotiltises ster ocee. World piee eon dositg the ymnasorltt these doflar ecold wea be speto coed chn Loden Asmeica finally obtaimed Pao e otsne ice deep-beers dollar feed's, there baydog peneer hod dropped on much as 5f pen cn.United Stao ic toite still prelbably take st tocoasme dori conrtoeoesote deo ot eagi On theowhol, tjtitedttateaindnstrntal.bycta free handibn appoeinicig eert e neesntess And owin, plsnners cnw tWstm oebe iigptgt neeLt mi its dthe nornsdmnetcehasnot denaignoring rie qo .soaBods Waek omoonineceneltrndoctdatchsckep among tote et tine ndtons majo r eeporting indolis wicth to cnaed that few Unired Stases cornens one shMobg of rooting backdsthesweee shipteret. Withnafcwetcepdtonethcnbitgst- psrs placo gioecotnncaoad the sterocnas Unied State btysec snbjec to geer nerlerno If it nomsn- nccotaoet, pdiacrsiod ,ylodiido it, emnes syntottotioll aongf its c ntotec oeesa weeteesill cone toecs se 00 acg a pecentageossecc ot the teotal. It a ncfator thao in foot his drood cetoe an y octons osint a fgrcen percen of pamcion- consscptionewonbais, tee will probby aooce dresie to his oean acooenrs by skevlar system. Tho cappionm ctwll dcped to alongesstent onI fon mroptitoef Por seaploc I a ceta edpseri ca- aceting timl it Latin Americo with Eompo noppliets, thet n- po.-e tilt he liksty to go on far an pmoblt, io eeieg ha ioned sphere ord.t stdhno delay- Reis to the Mcf~nnw-Hill pcoliratonn qocotonotite which reo n epn x c .oee firc to nof rtHe netiott eport mns- tapneeede o spot chech on the ocodosk ftieapoerto 0 . indiedali ined. Ths donben prps is n ecnii olfacc , that ie o oieUnt vco th t id afr achinee-oston ne ohce caiise batelo b-een wa to stisty nsee-sa dreon. hc nows bone a h acking net ndm ten times angon than Oheir mnjcom  82 The Caribbea at id-Cnuy 82 The Caribban at Mid-Cenury 82 The Caribben at MidCn.ur colt of doliry. Aboot 15 pet coot of this unfilted baclog of so- quets Is oaaoe up of owemmea ordere, narly all from diftoaroa- So tan Atocin natrn eerially pint loopyers, wtaeas ill still ho o ittoa for dbirk mochia ti. 1, olreial prtduacen, Latin Sooterc will not get all it toato buteewilloholditeoawn. One elerttooraonCarstteleathat he baa been foeod to alloca onport arden rime, Augr and cart bew cauld hae ote titaen hi cal -onsaaao gaodsniflnbad an annigod supply or hand. Anootltttaanfaclote hart laen alwtoctog aort 6 pler cent of Plan otut to capan for warne time, anad ein ft antinot at oa figotet. Now Would bnyetn will prbal et all thte n aeS Aur ante- wobilns tbty can affran a it ban boon the tatia Aotcat tltwte tian haro e liair tart aipnawt eada The Uotoed Sano snda h i natot to eaaad its m.ahe, amema. If an rotoa ar taa neronay, on itadoty will we ons rat aut o- firat at thet1 i pe cewrt taf nat a u Ialaa tainteyth cotnteabroad will again hare t nttmr tho deirae tendartion potnt wi thi aloe United Statt wan- n MaWtafcttig Conraany tat rniato fauplt 0~t lioe ta tofitnowet peodec tisoaffa'aabiary. ftoeed 12 @ed by ot n -gbusn to the ercChafrrilae Tract it oy u tu y vrtmbcm e noe-ad rat h. o e. cre Anyi lnag~tandiog caraas ratnet cba 1itit taco order, from abroad. In aloe rhetala field, rota rf tho biggeaf Unined States n apont plao to allocate ins p idcn toih me idea ef pohtppin fint tiac cnsrnta ttaan ,otor i N onadotr "Theceporatinnaitt pcttttaeal imWprra nta of on tta - Noie tin attain- moaw oa. "We intend t Itotat our foreigtn aootewanar 00 06e patnibly tan. Teailo lhtyea it tatir aon ay rcn anred thaf they etA] at go begoge. epwta atl tolo fatr t~nett, pdamo J. IO Steroo & Company maa a ht ocaa tarkets r Inrdcotaeyealtablttustfo n a tn atfacoeeorlawen bontau nlonop aron ote trtieaoo -,aeetaiidoat wbhittas bjecto. ratio flartatiot, wllwellattif-e It gir to harem abroad ttp eatidrnt itt. rt of deliery. Aboot 15 per ent of thitnauanld bachlng of mc- ,honi mtadoup ofacrntaardr a 1,rl ll from ciilian o- So. anatin Ametoan tnnarorn ergotiamy prirole buys,, willtdrmltaeotaowait foetriNr-hneol. Inoaleariol prodotnLatin Amterawinlt gtall it wat bat willlbold ifownt. Ono rrcoalnmanfanctrercpotttthhe baa bem forced to allocate ioyt order an-toghe, ad opt he canld hare told fice dare hit artal tatlata at godo if Iho bad anunliamitd tupply an hand. Anothertaandaator hat horn alloaafng abo6perrenyofaplanlo-,usttotatpot orante tnnorawadetottatinttfatre. Now World butyeto will probably got all the Unbiad Storo ante- obites they rat aod, bmooew it bas boon tha. Latin Aoorcaon Mhenaealrttoatrlimitedaot o nhpmet sonth Tthe United Stae indmtey it a to eopand it taarhoa abued. If an onot nr beoraa n..etoary, t acanry will .tn wtartn Ameu a butoca-rnto os aulcm to item totobiata the rotont abroard will aai hare, to titare ia daeso ptrodactfon pitch wilt, mlt Uta Sttr co- eAllia-haen Matalartri Comapatay will ratiort capon 1 t lan lpeeeamaf iaatl pod otifftom oasrld , tartly neodod by rouea iboe to ho tooh. Catopiflar Tractor Cantpay rpmea that, if ealtary restrction, becme tatretaay, tands ft sobe tare af,0 iton e oandg over-mt onorr Meore filta too reras frmt abroad. Ita h char irla field, ate of the bieow boind Slaornsttterno ,I- to allocat inn prodnot with the iden of toppyine frst the ratoottotatno n tat uoitofotn "Thertxport it ia pe nfoormoot ronof a ot toal honesnc. thin roant fattoenag. "Wiatrttoplrtoforeigcnnfnmoanr a a wsee postibly'hcat. Troafte burns iw Latia Amterca way rot manrd that they wrill 061 go bogging. Roprerotatire ad Ited Staous taotilerdcit, J. . Steocot & CompanyPits othatyeeanaona aea pmartrlarly ewfttable to teatile unma-nfrmt tehn bositon, lonqa atahowe. Fortbisreaonamhtoatioitnttiwhihitsoabjrt eratc fluctoatia, willrwAtnconogieeittbyrabwad top otraidaroion. re of dohery. Afoot 15 per roof of den fttailled backlog of mo qorota ut made op of oreotaa crder,6 early all fom cieilian rt- e.So Latn Amoefran vesytal eperialy pmisior foyer, will1 still borew to taifor abert machine far. It rlrottiral prataiot Latin Aaarria tail not get all it whanf, bar will bold its own. Orce tlectrital nanlaaer repaorts that he bat horn fred ta altocate eetr rodeo wiac Atagot[ and toys be wouid hart sold ii r ion hId actnul oare of goale if he bad anbnifed tappay or band Amaotr nonluorr Ito, been allotwaing theta 6 par coaf of plant -nst to estytar for thuse aod ape t h tone, at that figora New World bon will probably gel all tho United Stan aut0. mobilen aey ran afford boac it ban beet the Latin Amam~ro theanolee that hove imfod aut sim at ehptrt tot. th irtd Staten itdtttoy in awmu to pand ile mae.t abroad- If ot ootp att teartenoowrte uidonttywiliontreportoallc- orsolafot Id parerat rloaa oactre fo is-oc mahoas mye romr shoed will agoa har t taw~r the defnc prodcto pinot alo e United States son- usAllineChabtns. Maonfan otoi Company will rt tot earo 1fta1 lpreteoof it taprdctionof fatoat aiory orey needed by toe ncigbben to NItoth. (aoersa Tractr C®nparty reports that, if volantory reif etira beroa oromy it intends iftaloe rare of ita loag-eandina nerotoc ean-It.-. before fJIng taow odterra abroad. It N tcbe rh icas fedo art at theeo Uitrd lthin o fitotuot plain to olatoa it Prdacan witia the ide of fapiin rwn he ..byr i o -on tao fturo tmo noot oanoi pe "Wtaa ipraOtciofc on total hanineo thin maon fas arer . sus inteold mnd It pratot oar forigoctntommn atfar asTrtlrb.jag io LmaiAeie oayrontnanrod that mepewil not go begaitta. Cryroairn ofUllited soton atextile padooa eJn ftecvera &Compayippoiof mfortcthmart marketsts. et taradcy voleable to toeafl otoanfoanr when bonitsieodom~r otbahte. Ftrtloreatonthreaiole iodotty,aebirh innabirt to erratc p ttnti ,wcifl coodoe to girt in boycet abroad top cootideratia.  INE MRCNTRADE 83 INTER-AMRICAN TRADE 83 INlERAMERIEAN TRADE 83 United State tanden tie not ted a noew dollar mhanage to re- door tde Laden Anetan dad teeor goed., dtespite thne fact that the Aaeeed repvbie are panring tiber dollar eeres ito this country. Mor dollate dean soads at still going altend, nd still pmbhably coninue tedosoan. Thit mule' ttl iatpsrtsof stentmg, saterials and eanh prdo a ikel catp ten hitiots deflate ftc the .ceng yar, wenth a large pemreosge rotelog hoe LatiAsoAtIsa Leans and erA aii aronte tol add a nothmer ie billits 10 bild up the dollar reetarre o afriendly Nw tions. ld frte nel akt ene, eeneealyi Maone t tine Caibb ara, tttt dol- Ian n n c A oitdre peourn yg southn ie paymen < fo r Lati n Attrtn's ibl rott tuee nm at Huenn phees adoolengcr, noq ier for tatt el, omitssesaeberndet tdnoher- a r , itn of non lnensieus htelsrtn nd pleasre reeetnin a bid foe A adr mso ad brothr duear treoeen is thefig.n s o id Stte caia e ennnoiog Ld Aesoln onti. Mit ecw andl Unimeagony " a particuar bane prociatn te m nu mart atnedln a dla ena it the tlreapt1te atprt Fear of tew rnitd Sto tat Increae meane neea 120riIiondlto. he rtngm aia into Monica dinssm thetan bem and Outebx, ti5, felsdo oe c otraof Kn UieUntdEaidinidna and ce e eith fooodn en ther htatdt kdaso thnt shi ay ama boy ter in Metie teday, wtin the psee tone vatlued at a le]prabably te than its atonial olr et Ui er' tetoctin lo the Veited Slates itame dome largely ftm her nn Treaty of Peirhp, Cmmereeo laid lIndtrial flmoep tenheetinood atrct A lbhssals oserntitoa lnk motEy o Itn tbsnei cm a doltar nesoe fartthore, and teflect the teenw ie Sta ronlinstt it pays behep aisu A..meric help it-teb te e- othe te um -d-atioa latk , fdr lce asttstian nod Dectesoo e"oetsced a peoel-eeting credi t ntf o[1r anlien dollar to Et enall . pr'setin Meiae flet eat f tehis type it bad teded tt toy l-H dbter h ae Tbe precios moth, the ttntnot-ltpett Bank bad arao ewmNo a l50 teiltiat dollar len Uneited States tendon do eel exprt a retee dela, thaer tom duco te Laden Aerin demond tee eue goeds, despite the tart that the America republice are ponring their dollar resrese lnotile' oedll.mngosa tllsen bod n twill pmehahlyeottttuetm oam This castry's tota itort, of strnmge materls sad ethrm pmttnet are likely to tap te bilion dllntrs fee the ceamino ntar, wiha large peccettag cendog fros Laumo Amnec., Lea nd Caregonai d prottato will ndd nather ala binliotntobuild uap the dollnr eassnosofrttcdly nadns Adding further to the Non Wod'e funds fee the Uoited Statrs oet, espucially to Mesico and Itte Cneihta s re, souritt dol- lots are prnn snuth it paytnt fee Latin tAteica', "invisible rort" A nuosbe of Hettisphers nations no looger requnse vitas for snwuise 1-1e, tohile sehen ne bearintg decee hard ott the t- atrneta et nnew lauoa botl nod pleaursaamr in a hid fee m North thocit iite Aseotloroc of frs dollac retrem i thu flight tf Uaited Stats tospicl to honig Latin Adanriva i routteica. Moeica and Uandy ins postictda bnt peefitod an the mo t lei dslla hanentlanth HettateeatpeeL 1. Fctrfeelinitd States tan steas drove ar lnt millin' doltsin efengee capital into Metde duasiorg Septoetbe and October. 1950, fiotn, nmaneuas occ the onhrak of the Kreno e E me nid State odinidainand eac on ma ith fed, n el hei ands lon that their otety wei bay osre it Meelee today, eitsa the pewn anw valned or a lend pmotably Is-toe adn it, aotal dellar ostet. Uruguay'sutacd for tbh. United Otainete stews largely if-e her non Tmreay tf prietdntip, Ceonerecsand Inustrial Doneldpmmet weith the Unitod Seilels A tbllasiad Intermaried Bank policy me loans is buon elg erotn dola, ,--eoon fosetr, and secee mhe ten United Stee reaintion thalit pays oe help Cabs Aaoenioa bolp ittelf to 0c- tehe the Jesetotiena Bank for lbooatranct and ervetopnteo oeaseared a ^Pedett.-olig vredit of Itl millien dollars tel- n0, mtall westtyIUts it Motion--the fist an at tist type i ha d .,.&dd so any Hettispher natien. The prenins snth, the Etyntet-Import Bank had ancunced a 150 tmillion dollar loan United Sta trdete do eat repeat a osn dollar thectags to r dere the Latin Aeeeica denmand fee our goads, dspse she fact that the Atmnrican rpablire at penring ther dollar reaaree into dos eoutnty Mor detlam den geeds are sill going abroad, and wisl probably ctninuo tee datao. Thiseto.,ty's totalimepotseltofet matemria and other Stadent are Unkly to top lot bilhon dalln far the camiog year, nier a neooelarge se-am.ineg rm Iatn. Amosica. Loas nd foreign aid piaprata will tdd otothuerc bl ilion to build op the dallar momare tf fInesdy ttian. Adding fuemane to the Now n~d' Wo l ands fee thee United State market, esjrelally in Momde and the Caribbean area tadst l lart are pooring eouth in payment tar Latin Annrlca's litidble crppurt." A number of Hemisphere nations no onge require visas for stiat trel, wehde sthsn toe hearing deten teard on Ike ceo- etreletin ef occ luoalsos hars and pleaoo retornit a bid fee snameNOMt Americonnedtce Aneeder ote- of froth dtllar noerore is thew flight of raised State capital mn booming Latit Aamenicancautedes. Mdae ad roguay in pardttuar hate prolnse as the madl attretia, dollar haesi eheembpbore at pottt Ica. N deeeUnited Ste, tao, sces dec mevr 120 Miin dollas in refogee capital into Meood dadwg Seylotabr and Ota, 195Qd talanelog loner sncethe anthenl of the Kcra ea.United Stae ar odicidnl ad rcncesm wtid lasd en their hards ow that their money wenll hay more in Meolen today, woith Dee poed ton cnleed at a lee prehaby loner dean it5 at dolla wtoe. Utngnay'.atade fa dete United Staesielr stm lagely from tEenres mTraty of PeisndlNip, Congtres, and Indastnia DenelapmenaewilhdeUnitd States. A litihelia nd, osesaieota Bask policy t 1-noa it blamting adoln., mse farther and reflects ther toes U ed State Itnafm at it pays Is help osin Americaep ibul. Itn 0r- mlheltseennal Rnnk fr E-lttmatleand .-esoueat anoeea a precodeot-nettin mrdit a I0 milliet deellas s Bi- ¢ne _A1tl nttrm so in Maice-h flet lean of this tyeli bud esleseded to aoy Hemisphere n in. The preecnue mnth, the Efet-Stempor Bask bnd annenurd a 1Iisiliot dollar loon  84 The Caribean at Mid-Century 84 The Caribbean at Mid-Century 84 The Caribbean at Mid-Century to Memsio for ocanoslatidon ogriunol and iriation peojemf, nnsaioinsand elorda facilties. ImtadcnmsA ferotoe dvmration of the noese roan policy nmight he soen in the 125 noil irum dollar Zeoro-lopron Bano ceedit to United Staten hants to caner Argcniod coenoril deb~t to lnitmd State w.Early dolt foll alto, thte World Bankt eahtsledla media of 33 nilton dolles aor Uroagna mr Ii developing her thestisc posnee and Inlophon foitm- In Baedl, [he Eopenl-lrmpoen Bank has cecenoly eroeoded 25 moillion dollars o ion rerodisg terapacity rof the Volta Redronda n.bainot steel plaon, aole with fulnler loaon fon the Bodech tzrnn romprorny and oer derelopoeot. Earto tnce Wnrld loath prc up 15 nootioa dotlans for generanngenmp neatn for Beanto Pato Morse toydronlecraic projeot, fonllowinog it 23 ooollioer dollar boan to the Bnoiedon Teartio Light and Poers Company. Unl States u nnnhntcal arinooad i addition to tire notnied doom of doa ands. troods, in another vitamoin that Aui noanory in admiiig 0o bud op Lathn Araeriea'n ronnaerria hnralth. Th meage, 12 million dollans that tie sUnimed Staeicon herse aside fem Point-Fro. cooperaoie techicail aniotonoh in Lods tnies, pint the similar 20 million dollar tnsiled Naoisd spielto., an do m to promrote idotnal devetoptent rood thonelos marde, than told any nanoicr df mooso 10ns The Sopteehe taM0 ap prortatio swil peroide for United Sonnt tectonicat sl and es- peeien oobenapplied iniewtorld otionvhanece threyoos seeded meet Tihee in little ne imd, the Point-Powr idea sunat the samsoftspubilicoty it hoaroceirrert tisesuroda ltyaplan to ctirnimb e rWe priter of toirott oenins that hare been snupply- ing renhninal aid mo dlo Amreicao repauiro with join fanfare foe anmbeer of mn. a th Mnew peegrane nordinaeed ctindvities of snok oters agenoi a the toitte of lnoe-Amoricn Affaino ebe Depart- nr rof Agnionlooe the Uniord States Censs Bureaun, the Brosa oflProbli Road, anrdth eliil Aernatis Admninintoaton. With 1odeateoopial barkog, the oknose-hes of thee oroniartn cato w ohedrenodssdthll em ca adathNhnlaeooto eononne d&o,1p-in itmopirat sad srtopinalAortea.e Tho neon Usited States approac to ins~-Amotocan cors onal clatioer which Poor long-teon meatenascrity ahead of tetayts 10to Moico for in-ano00totn, agrinrnrd and imgatio psoojoct, noooirto and riecocicl tiacilitirs. A foedoe decoomtnn of the nose Iroan policy might he tes on the 125 moilion dollar Eapoet-lerptat Bank credit to Unitd States hanto to nem Aagentito rt aneeia debso United Sntons msoeee. Early this fall also the World Bark nattled ancedit of 33 toilS0n drollaoo for Urtesnys ne is d&-foois, her shiei poweroand telepitoe foolllie. to ail, the Eapmer-Impam Book loan reernol hnended 25 mitlin dollarto Increeairg Bahe apociy of the Volt Retarndo oaiioal steel plant, along witho mnotse lom hoc the hltc (heon t fadorgoy and otber dcrlptnota rlier, doe World Book pent op 15 Mllelon dollon for genrating equoip moot for daerss Patio Atio-s toydroeleclnr pmaone, followning is 75 mrillion dollar loan to the Boazilian Tortisn, Light and Power, Company. Unte Stae torhnial aiatoes, in ddid o heie ..nshord dees of dollars tad goods, it anodoeritamin that tin coonery in ademnoeing he hoild uop Latin Aerninu cononnerriniloet. The mea 12 millio0 dollaes that the United States ba05 set and, for Paint-F..n eoneairc etchniral rosstor in Latin Amenin, pint abc dotilar SO mllio dollar Unitd inatietas primeio, ca do me o p0rman, ink doi do derneptnt, ond theefoe meade, thon ceolmad any number of meotary lean. The Sept.,fe 1950, up- p rpiatio will prvide tor Ulid States terhoinat shill and es- penience tm to applied in New World 'riom wherever they re nordid dtoer Thereris litle no mountotde Point -Fear idea ercopi thromoort of prbliiy it ha oernd. tiserostiaely aplanrto eposthe tem fa dlm of telvate agencis that hea, en suppler ing tehtinia aid to aloe Arotedian repubhlics with itl0d fooroo for anrotter ofyears. testuth Bn ew prgram amrdinoen the aneien of mn roetre air as the tootiote sf latr-meia Atifairs, dcc liepano- tof Ageiclinee, the Unted Sta tr sets Bucreauo the, Breau of gobailin, Rnoado, aid the Chit Asernaotic Adminissrtn. Wt piAt tropical bochitg, the rrhooehoto of thm orgaitatis ran r he dkiecd with nos force aoinstome haerimr to wcamnle developmrent in otrpin anadoolotopical Amecira- Tho se United Stte apprach so inte-American ermernal relats, winch Poan long -tem maoa a seeity ahead of toays to Merin for trnspsnae, agnimaltroal add iuniteo pmerlt oionsiaimrad eleregal tiitira A fonther demonstratjon of aloe new loan polity might her teen in the 125 miltlion dollar Eaont-Smpoct Bank nadit to United States henth to -o11e iviyonis~ cotnIerNmile t o United aaea ncors- Early thi fall aiar, the Wered Bark rtblithed a credi of 33 mattero dotlar for oorgty'n me in developing hot eiteoir, pmeteo and telephese facilities, to Eranl, the Bepee-berpert Book baa recently estoded 25 milo dolgme for inrnacing the rapaity of the Volt Rednada naiioarol .teI plant, aong nith funlhee lom foe the labia Cement Comptaoy and other, deeelopmnomt. Earlie, the World Book pent sop 15 illion dollarn foe goortaticg equip ont foe Beans ratio Morhem baydrelnthin projnect followngi it 35 nmiliot dollar loan mtohle Baroollan Trction, Light and Power Company. United ttaros techninl aroirtan, in addition to the cotioed doses of dtailis and goads, in haonder, vltamin that ti mallt in oddmniin to bud op lain Aonnicia cnnoo-oial helth, fle merger 12 o ttso dollars thae the Untd Share as art r aside for Pont-oor cooperative teobnical asisanw in Las, Aroora, Plns the sinoilar 20 million dollar Unitood Nations appropiotion, non da mcto permtidurorialdooelepmeoteandheefore mnde than nreadod any soorhe of hmnewny bs. The Sepon er, 1950, op. perpuinnion will prnide foe United Stamr tohnat l "I and .n pIn~ to be applied in Nose World dad-o wloecr-, they am needed nt These in liesi new mhont the Point-Poor idea erept teontoflpbliity itkairremioed. lt is esentialty aplnto soahice lire farliho of tcpaoaoagescies that bane ree mppty- ing nectoinal aid to doe Acortian cepolin oith littl huanae for tesut the rw progeamo arortaw tice atheitia of sot veroa ag~encies at the totitt of lste-Aocao Mfain, shet Depat uen N Ateicoltr the initd States Qeow Baseror, the Bi-ma of Poutc R~oodand thN Ui Aecarotmion Admciittion With peinote capia braching, the "bnor-hoah of them orgonlmoato cam oow he sl coed amih sew faroc rmmmat the hooninro toeononin development in topial ad nborpical Ahrotninr The n- Uanie Stases appca-1 to hiterAmerin wan licrca erlot, shinlh poor lhng-team macsnamoait ahead of coday'n  INE-MRCNTRADE 85 Zflfl4RUECANf -RD 85 INERAMUCAN -RD 85 dollar themi, girot amt goaitit otirmijanhotmeo at this tinte a petty optietittie tote. Bot to hecoete effittio, on tM wnint poity ma be tmandtlotd igto actiron by ittdiidual, Int the pomst en toheates of intt4n titatoy hog dona intt optitot and took of totdetotandig Moat of the inlartee affecting Inte- Attaein ottnoindirt, that de totee in titi coumtr, natoh- tag dt shadtte pattern of Lotiat Amaensa ot hit ratedPpa gapth, wnilcontinue onse hittmpatndepotfigues recah newopeaks Oer aothit at coat gotat if ho hMten to hoop bt cottnor', goad will, on which hit preit art hated, he. hod hotter look ketliad the paper ctartia. Whea difficultiot aei, the tited State estimarte: it maltited to blamr ino Loat Amjatonaa Mc dota at iteaotx he don, net anderstand Lathn Anea embletat, ome of ohieh the NotA tieaahimself migt hao ratetd, Ontt de otter hand, in the may opt ad moutnt of mode today the toathora hoiataoa shi ta eey hnolined to wo anti Amnoica peopogada blamtiag hit coeoaltat tabteteo ' dollar ietpoiatiandoaaYaakooectotionagootitnao In thiterofrowte, ho i igniting the Waited States oadreo dde of toe atom. Whtat iter-Amercncooroma tootde today it moead mom people, NothM toittaand Latin Amtote alike who ca tadotand bhd doin tae oe, To arhiree a loer ttal -Inflctint of the Attaeonu rupmmlws' ecotemio, poltla, ad totat preioat, woo ae oto itoatmtoai toatarco at Amoeticoo odttatitttl institation,. While the garteottnt. cotteat omag tioco, and et piratenrterptieart oto aeoatieg inthde walhktngrd. fb n w mt ai mn , m tattoo itcetld htnefit toy ptayiog atagenwud Tei' a part The tUeietity ofd t'toada't ttmtios tate of f toAe helpta Ataie ted Cadu],othe antdc of Inte-Ah~at, tani. aeoleg the peopto o tm Waited Stne afd Lam, Ameticb to w k one moon othd toeter Wnogtoaot trt tdte, ap attltn hproaoam, tad tMo ronforces, wo hith wre toot attending al help equaip tieh tretiaus and Latin Aomerimest with a, totfo insight int he intofp] afosoftaNew wWttifntions Tho man ftnd wrood ft wrell tooaotae dolt and otemic le poagoodi , , foe ot at li affor the handrapl o1 foggy e eotaoa an aer Aioercaotitt at the pet ho ha oer Ammoeote may nof og hnoto, 'tonteal hetre tomacimd. h.m datlar yati, giveo any attatlos of fltivhte teodo at thin that a prett pona tote- Roo to become tdlectine enoet the whiets, Polity mot toe teotae to mandn byiniyiduatt- in the tmrae, nthe heot of intetlt may tog dowt n miacpoioo and trio of nltrataditg. Moot of the teetete afoog ite-- Amamia cotone indicate that dot toado in .hIt rotty wntoh- tag dor ttad.,t ao ati Acepca at hit mlatd-paon graph, id contito It his imptot and eport figta roteach nen peaks feeoatchile.1ao Itoe, aifhe hopestokep hise'-minoges'tgood mitt, ton which Ia pofits ate hased, he htf hbette took leiof rte taper -mirtak Whoa diffotaeie a, the t'atted See ttnot it indctedo to bltane the Latdn Amurn. Ito foot so horatt he does et eid-anda Lathn Amaedra'sepmbltema, tunr od whith the Nard Atton en himsenlf mighaht to red. On the coe hand, in the, ataty t and ftaus of trade'ftoday the eotthean hetiota astill ncey itcind to ethoa- Anoointta prpaoada htamaing hit retteola tototoee 00 "dlth inprtalom" tad "Yankore ronomia agteeao en doit,f tfe he ominofg the Wtied Sthtm taadeoen ade of the may. Whae itter-Amorlon totrer-, moot nedo todayit more tand mare prept, Nond Amotoran and Latin Amowa- slike, otho con o noeend hoth sidet Ia the tot-. To sodie-oeacleau mwtto oflowe on h Soaeton repoittio cmomtie, toottica, tand toat temblema, toe have ate hoatoa etootoce, oar Amesein edat oal ietiafaom While doe gootratent. tttrat foatfa- dtand trot pirae ettprie , epe ratinginthe achage of atadonta, teos afd tothtieiat ith Latin Amarca, o meoitelf oltd beorfit hy playing a lhege patn. sheCTM Idrirmty onata Ito-oaofttater-Ameicaa Aflar and Gradual Schtotl of IntreAtaeitat Studies ame helpiag dt peopte of the Waitd State, afd Latin Amerima bo knot met an- othor hotte- Wtfedataoat area ament, a pottl-date pogoo, afd the twereacr which tan ate to tteotling alt help equip Norh American, L atin Aaericans wtith a metal knight ino doe intoepyrdear of tar New World tatiot.. Thetonofd tadte troald fo wAootto ottmnge thin and nmhetotuilar poogreta, foe nocan 9tt afford the hanltap ef foggy etderstoefing it inte- Aotooeim etatiota at don preta time hot ear Ammeiaen way dfflaghbusitesstis ontcialbeta-teoocd. dollor profit, gives any anatyti of ftenaiephaemoteat thi time a prety optimii roo tEot to hmrmea effetiet roo the wetot poliy tatt he taed itosatn toy anindioidotte. ItM the romo,,, idti o s bgtio in n he ht io w ittotaoa m ay Me oo in nittr~pioo a tai f neoanin.Mot of e h dsto offtng inter- Ameria. coneooifitdathetod,,eithisoaomoy, watch 'atg the shdowr pattepet atc o Latin, America at hi, e uedppe graph, oittootttortn himport andoenportfike his ntwropak bu iawiea ess lat if hehamest kehr hisctt]etmmtod tl, t o whic hit pofile are hated, he hod hote rok esohivd doe pa pe eaia Whoa enfditoitict tst the WaitedSteepet stact ited ,to Namee tho Lathn Ameroicae. We foo so keth he dor tot odottdaf Lai'Asrit pmabtluatame af thito the Nort Aaet himelf ight harttoed Ovtte the othe hond, it doe y anyo ta d feof at ratoay, doe -gate hatloecota it atitct metly inclinoed to bot ni Amneicaa propagada blamting hi, ontnociat to-,nth at "dan a heispoiotohe" andfd'Yktortn ode adteat- tthi, ofroc,,n., heu it iettgde Wafted Sta tetme otade'e asided of.oao Whatl, inter- mn cmectoat areda toa it mote and moe pedpo INorth Accetra thead LathA todaiea aike, nhm tat ncfoaadh a n tiin theoe T arirnve eem n wompmohmnm af theAttia patiaerttf.aitotof to are ate itnatoale ' etoere, aotecl MrIod edotmat inoad. While the goeotot otheteat oaa olotodente, ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ th tahttdtoihtdoac th mriamm- oikeeladtiootd benefit hyii - n wi~ig th poetn n -L ,o ,edot tohoa of it]. Pat teo lpa TeicUvem ofF oria r I an c etAfiscmadIate aml Ia e Stedies ae ktnt the peopte. at dor efed Skits afd Latia sAeoit an ta- onthe hoer nfte worfe aratuaenta, a poiaio pega afd ehrran wneo hichttr ar e ndinganton log phpetoit North Anorintted Latin Aerian wtoid a notal insight int thr itro o o iw~ odneo geNoWoetdneario Thomantooftoao ooldooetl teoarag tofadotoaiuarmae ptgeamn for reta ill afford the the ptli reop of fgytdratin initer- oeo s rlatdons at the pran homm the eat Amreicoo etay of doiog hoticoe itt on tmial before ttoid.   Part III Part III Part III AGRICULTURAL PROBLEMS OF THE CARIBBEAN AREA AGRICULTURAL PROBLEMS OF THE CARIBBEAN AREA AGRICULTURAL PROBLEMS OF THE CARIBBEAN AREA   7 Wilson Popcnete: PROBLEMS OF POOD AND OTHER CROP PRODUCTS IN THE CARIBBEAN AREA W E ARE moo toherte jo loill to dis nvthe pmth- leteofoaogootetgien. Teitra o offnalifaettontte agicattat-a pobles pat cet de tend tfthe tint PoFee d- and I date add, fotnneatay-ogeloolt tttoe in mnt of the Cdnluanconthe edski of owt toelfae and ot hoot hope fee Weae toying [today te take onock o of the wtitnoe at eoid-cmortee. I aennie tha dotpneptpnpof a thin ~ tnaaabtgt the trttntake of oh e . is. e enef dout ton sefl stae toake taken iothe yefa im enndoattly attend. Hew coo. -o to aktoe wham[on t of t entagtcetont teno ot What oa nof tthe enajnor ptnleoo ne ate from? WE.hoO Tonde 'pngeete n h neatr ftnt 1,6 m~ itft w -obkbc n , rte a[ toe have o.eetotithed in doe pant halfota- wee ote hoot e wnmade ate ceotetgine and FoTheebn traldo maoke sinfoetaln aken ? I tal atotempt hinfly mtoeeleoe dt fEld, entend wte totn o obe C otiea region I. and kaor ack moe than andidyfle ynot,. I .ato mattparo to aett n toad hield, and I tatothan in thiso d tendeo e oete nmaty epct wh1o eon pen foandla vetted in nary opatfiatof pMoosa of agenletnerod They maynaytmwnttagtoattefoto tetoI Y t. Theyoill probahty he igtooodtI we me .Bauouif we - gt ge satu plato of the 89 7 7 Wilson Poponoc: PROBL.EMS OF FOOD ArdOOTER CROP PRODUCTS IN THE CARIBBEAN AREA W E RARE toet to, tee bae he Oninenlle to disaueo the peek- Is fagnat region To toe lini a tonece of aofatlot to oatir agtealtaea peeaton pen neat doe had of the lbat. Pet indeed- tad I doon add, ftotntetp-ngiole nnionom I tO 0 of toe Cattaeat etontie doe bent ef ten nofate and nt beet hope ftm the Im-t, We aoe tvtita today to take sod of the nittot at Ioeld-entnt. I aeneme tit doe pelrpat poepone of thee stotking in the neynaHitiano ar etviene legnratln the meet nnfad "tep m be token inn doe yeana hetoedlooty ohead Hew to e lmak,' tot effaclent oeof ten ageltgl teaoen Whatane tnt tf the taint ponhltot te ae focino Wkee t doe ptpceto the Hefet e ant ittlignto ody ke ftmN toe .t o ok bhaoad tee wltoke n ht accanplinhd in der pat[ hold- te. Whes beanow tenM on get Rato and wehee bate tee foitod no maoim ettisfactnry gain, I shaot anletopt brtiefly to anietedi thRed, tatle toy otatteno pettcipofy to any ten opetoco nioh rnend tot ono o f doe Coettbeo t egent anode ook toote that duty-flee yeo n Io ottaEpty., It ten A and Teld, and I sotlen toort in a thin m oi teoaore rt oay ontoe wht ebo pme feandly eecead in nmtny opeciatleed photen of ogdo ueoe They tnayortogee thdotetafy ttetn Theyowill pnkehtybwe rightoandtIongattfN eattoctfenea lAnets elftm 89 Wilson POPPnOC: PROBLEMS OF FOOD AND OTHER CROP PRODUCTS IS' THE CARIBBEAN AREA W E ARE onto togooheret in Gaiesville tt dinan the peab tenof ageal regian. To o in Inatonece of atiofato ® tdo ,61.1malta roma to peeat rdt head of theatl Famhdeed- and I Soon add, fotottey-ngdtaltnte netnol it mott tf ohs catilhteon menltleo beau hoo r etetse andtontbat hope he the f entne We ate trawng today to te nocho th nnaotioti at toid-tetty. I watont than the pelneipa ptanttoe of thin etrckmantng in the etytolta.ifn ow ent Sitt nodag the moitt netfat toept to be takennithde yea immsotedey ohead ote cae toe take tots effactente.of ttentitolmtntenrcen?°Whttaoteseeof the toa pmbetalo no aee faob,? Whan ae the poonpeorSt the &Bot wee an inteligntly leek f cytd oat =took foa nd waanhotne hoeaceplihtd te peo hllea..y. Wheon bao e toast our aonetor fast tad wihne Mbo-oeo foiled na makolenntofoctoy gains?I sholtoethll ytot bli en aetheafld hoeing toy thtsootono penelpoty on toy ton eperteo whteish oand tntd oar of the C.SISVeo ongIt and go hek onoe than tfofty-lte saonen I att ttettng to covet a bood field, and I onotiethoat to thin aendttcd thie aon moay enpntm -aba ale p e- ft andtyeeeed mtotnypeeliattsd pooeonochrtt. They mnaytnottegnidott omefytaoe. Thtey willnpohablyyht rightolndtwe..,aodaif weataget agedo plntronof the 89  90 The Casibean at MidCentur 90 The Caribbean at MdCea7r 90 The Caribbean at MdCentuy ntnon an it seolot Iday and loantoe a fewcidealeetarding (ateum proges, noretting wil hate ose orres. Pehp eshould mention at the sket that swe ore diecwsrig tteo somwhat distinct though closely related ptlmta-ntksiletce orgeicesmee which osteole the standard el liing eel many teeamds of people; toed the peodoetio of esytn ceops whtich provides gainflss cmpnloytnen foreonelithosando nd tee which depends in Wage pat tie ecsetmic weelfare of a rentry. 1. Loshing Back At thleeen flheentey agdllteas dll primaitieeisno, eef the smalles inations. It tea mete adeanrd in tome of t Eesepeaecml-tiod potnonns aln-eiit hadtftr altgtidr.tey haeedtemidly nea agar otemy Ageisnitetl ret ckha tee know it today tote yaeaellynt..-..Irony Winh an nenstion which I ran warll, enpeioent etatidtem ea l it nnic gedema which did geaot work an plot iostadu~te buat wohich op In that ne, had not gosneoc nie to the lacit reant of thi c ,ts eepetitnttsi Iouieds in Cube and Puet Ric., Metico medeetm nailan wonk wehict ca isseeoptedo ie dose in the wround dcade At ail to, th e meesle of -y-®tnte mote in then and othe: etie beates enailh the tetck ef snet t eak beeay, and elect td tit come a mate inctwt ofinterest in ageinelmeail edneon. Onetfs hekrt ellyodginolteealronegeaoflou tegsnn ma the tee rotbliand at Mac1at Caete Rice. Laten e te celtnt Itmperial Collegn of Teopial Agrrltere in Trinidad. Abotut 1920 neonano Igicciat dleelepd a ocll-taeflfr -.htsl masll -IIIeg af atedrlttor at San Jes, Cnsal Rdna Other schnees hoaveeap,adet tanddten.Soeta f thembcce ltn-u ithed: otheen hane loegnished leer lack of fund, leceee of polical iteeferensc, ottr si tter nesats. iTanning note to prt eraiass in the seaje, ageiscol in desem-n, perhaps the tt ieesog fsatem is the stoonte te hayehadelto pssctn If thee maor raver tenmetheir tatnl enoesna Ttmn teat a hae oen togae can ne mIinotned hwrmsldea N yo st-mn e 1ocads~s nimttet tcitcder and leent a fewe idea tregardie lieala tIn.ftm lorteess, soeelting will hare hc ero ohioed. Peeapswtsenlseeetine a the sln tint Ceot du ion twso actneehas distinet thoagh niamely related pcehlrsn-tsthittee agticotstr toich cmnecel theegadard nf Inn nf sne thecads of weoplc; and the pnodortitn of eapnte cop, whlich prsides gainful employmsent Ion other tlenlson and n wehich deporde in lane pant the ecoenmic soellane efa ocuary, 1, lseking Back At te tast of the entury ageiatlnare nwne eill paiside inamany ef the tamalle, sen et Is t mere adveacd in eneof the Eaepn alinedtea pottrseint dhee in had fme n Ineeg thee hesn hand mainsly tee asga eouony. Agoirsleatl tesaarb ante kewe it today tea looroticlly to-teuatet. With to enrotiens wohichlc anstcall e psont anny wte. .Italetoekeadns wrhich did eaot teor in plent intrdnstion hat wicht aps tnhat stes heed nt daeemuech fisth-ee. tee the eatty yen eel they cmtour -r~no .,e staetem teunded in Cuao and Pttrn Rim. Mrtiee sndestek siteilat wadr whliclitwot itnetocted fora dmte in the woend decale A, s pidly m as reetls of rapaitentiee in Nee end other retires beratee ecaidoble the work of .ten.ion toh lees, end along with is eaneaeon irrreatofiseensntteagioltml oein waCa fhe n (eanlotd as oogib, Pmlet Rico. tfenet sheio etelne paa tMyu - h e, etInpeed l CSellege oe f aTeepioti Agri -1rdd bu 901-n.I a wlpdn .ral hod thoottmallce,,raeereto ee San jam, ,Contat ica. Otho ocicees haeeappeeedhtetndatee. Sense oeleanhaoe lna- ited; eshee hoe langsishrd for larch of fende, hocese eef peeliscal cnefrne.. an for atme Tatige, ot eco no atiad i the majo agrirulturlatual in dusne, perhaps th e soat ust emaesitg featr is sisstge e hece had tee t,.er sorte c rteetn ost feee man rm e an e' , twa m hnstn d.Aic lines Mcny M f oteememeon thhenniaeadocc-sfdd dteetiteeaiteaiet seday and fotansle a fete ideaet p e nodeg Inte r ptee tmeetg will hooen aocned tehas e skuldhmldmeneon at th c steni that tee am ditronint toreaaeteht ditinct Itmehe riesely ttd f pclvehblrme-sittnmlatct wtNcaoh ndi-o f I f®yt oea ef pol; an th peod ono of jompe chick petide. gainflfl employment fox other thesan de end on which d epends in lange port e necosesi wolfae of a mreoy- T. Laokitn Back An the tum eel the cennssey atedrltese tes stil ptdaitietinnmany oftcsellee- e Ind met anrm deaeced in of heti tetopeon cetnil ptr-sinen tehem it had 6tc a I.,g time knos baed mainly onelaagaeconomy Apicltaaalresearhanweyo keem ittdaynwasopecsicaly nnt-nist. With en mptlons whch did greot teah in plansins4'tesintion hat which op so thenyahm hdhtn to the seAr yees of thit enttr -petnmen a soss tens gods ie Cahe end Potte Rirt. McIe adrsstimnile wink wehich waa s Inserruplted lorsim n st eo eae cadAs rapidly as the tesile tevo ptieoetei in thes end ethe regiort hecamse aseilebe the neechtakfom I tcesiestshfer and Wwogtwithtteisco agoat incremsfcefinrecetiei cl ede-.ett of ttn le really geeod agni elteto bl hlroest Rui ofeoc .- o t-e -enllene Impeiel Ceellcget of npial Aecal t it Triidad Ateett r9 I eeneede IgleoletSa d,-C ped x e'h mcell-staffedt a thoilenee colog s agicosee atSa Joel, CaOso te a c. lOther schoe h -aperedhow-candtlaer. Setelimaefir ied; ombmc hero lpihsd deer lack of ftads, horosm nf ly'ashsi isnseenr Ce imtereams. Tanning o to I, ,ete elsdi;se ao giaeao s desteesr~edi he ao o-h ine, peapste t ost ineo feoreste is ie ststi e hare had in pe omasse of lice menor cops froetk hfrm thore meetl emirThem ee a dn mien togae can mc a e oeed by meonicoma dissae.Maoeyof nstwentenmnoneh eeeeond acrfdd  FOO AND OTISA CR PROUCTE 91 l'. AN. OTHES CRO PIODUCTS 91 FOO AND OTHER CRO PRODUCi 91 odfsm of F. S. Esleaa dhiasotonts osathegasup dstin Ioe-tIice nd Con. Cacao bee lost setne gogod oweig manly to the po ad of siwe forg, dseas. t1 he ciffe lndotsy hoefrm h ey ntdd --am-n dmcely it ouy noses. Is ha let grounad inaofew ethe, otto- tnatly, cofee ha tnt beet thretened by ioects -o dismone n thm r eosclgea d Thita r a esehim, tlh[ so amdayse fhotsa ennhood. The i ese hanannitdomoo f the Casibben hat boos thratened trnsisa by Pancoos dise¢ ndoe eetlyhy Sigioon. No stonyhsitoodhe othofstiohnbt ithastin eeteks wanys h.etefitod fesm theoso. The intense of fighting th... dise as m tade somssnaty intelligent and rotation, samturai pyotnos. Indeedl fhes is psosanhl so rampe ofhoatienlssol .ad so stiig nthat osf the hanc todosty. if we aoo det- tog of no~s ot prontices nad theto oposetnet jet the past half- Thene has bees anipion a. opno. otoae rsd omtsd to heod fusses (Aoasas end told plants), pobyenly soith uve O peodocis sags foe shipsoent of toI~o o a ols nth-'d-1t, We have e teesrito the post P005w pent she eotblihooot ef ale ea s- tonla hoemp imbsonly in otie Hestisphes. Cnn of else sneas spos, pn hp,, im to the f id of yegamabto silo. We ace still shoes of edible fee, sot o oso poecbilties ef sho- onteenls foe tie sete tens. neo Alicat oil palm has sootso-d to npisa to Cfontal Arten, and i. soviet planet Ibsee has been incrased psedotien df pennot, tesoqad c..e oil omap The are a few ef the highlights. We no astifiod inenaying that muceh poonoeto ho boot msade woith eognd to the msejor nose- osonAl coops, Igo n to asy regioto -Drtoo feermiog teat o odoned no she oac pens Oboolp1 it takee atsendow asoctof toes, io im opeoo theo platigm toht nd nueron peatem need by thonecodo of mallt fattes oneted oe cte moconiodes ad valtops of a hsge sogio, bat tis, it stesn to s the majo took solsit to shoold tot anosloso at thio time Posot Rica sod Cohn- Cassa has latt mum naed owng mainly to the spend of too fate ditess The coffee odutry has boon aroredodtteo- doolp iooeotaoIthaloast ground ioefewe cthes.l'sot- seely, coffee has nto been flcentend by isco so disonee to the nsat- s togeenar a sdcaon. Themoreio,boshoe , slstmromeyoelhitsay,e noctttered. The ismetotn bmeoo industro of the Cnribbenn boo beson tbeaeted aco oe by Poatoe ieandooessmty y Sigetohe Not only ohtm ito eod both of these bert isbags net aenys besefitod Octet tneo. The aopen.c of filghoig the diseestbsnadeesoceseysmore isloligtesndiostoiecnlttsal poncticet Lodoed those is psorobly o esassplo of bnolio~tollon Aveteno ssiogn es dent of to haasna indostey, if um. e thinkt ing of coltoent pacticec end te impeowotose. it the pat half- cttey. These hat hesnnsmtsidnoar enpansite of the meag devoted so hood fibers (Agan end relatoed planos, primasiy slit a ve so poodo Iee ,befaoosipomontooof= ad nodtle po s. Wo ham n eo coon in tse Pose m otlypeas the -stbtilseon of the heek oo seatsnina hemp fodoste is thin Hifsipooo. One of thcc soskect spots peehaps, isi tO e field of vegetable oils. We are still shoot of edh ib e t, ot to ..-Isto poesihitse of those manterials foe tht yot toads. Tbe Afon oil poan has centsed to ePpoes in Cestoal Ammosin, nd ha ,orcal placs these barsbee. isoetd psedo of p-.1 t muses and e fewe otee cit coops. Thene coo a f-oft the highlights. We as5 jaoeified intayisg that mtch pocoeco has bee ltad, woith sepad to then majo or - esecint coops Oct in teeny egion robritotnem footting has .dn~tatesm s.Ovosy tti st~oonet odnoedcIsh osespoe.Olotono)f lke aotttodo emnos of orks to mopai e sh Pltnigeoteial and ,os rmo poscine asd bytloandsofotssell faosters sentesd osnoih, stesestaisie nod valleys efa hogs osgiot bat sloin, it ossoto ooishostoaim takoehichssnthould set otoselootoat tistie effssstofF. S. leend hiseteoswdettotoo dm Hennindustsy It Par.ot Ifloo ad Cohn. Cao ha lost soseond owcingtemaclp Is she tpsoedf to feogot disese. The -offre kedoory has boon esdod t-ine- dooin osi nen It t haotnanod isa few offeos, Foote- naroly, aRfe as . t ret am lceosed by isaccas on disens to [be ensogaeceam neodceao. Thyeeaeoi,hsbuyso, g that sen days of bissma stooo semb rod The isettoes hagin. intry of the Cnoiheooh bornt theatsned toe e by Patnoma diss, nd mtooc oecsty byp Sigossian Not only bsasth conicd both of thers bet is !ao is wasbeef eed fossethe. T'he oesoste of fighiting them dioceses has tmade ooonsonyttoos ittegeot aad inntsive canseot peosdcc. InEeda thee is pochably so eesple of hoetloemel adsncnolsihit, as shot of lee bea iottsy, if ton are think.- tog of rsbonal peontes esd the toopsotogt mt the pant half- settee Theoshas heweacoedeabo espnpoiof theaa seserted tohnreelfibersl(Agvr aed mletod ps ), pin ],yoiaies'no so psedosio begs fee shipmscot of coffee nod ethos psedonts Wey hMw ats sees is the pas.t twmety ycsos tos ostsbliskse of the Abo eo mntln heomp iodaost ie ths Hemisphere Cnof sthet oeakest spots, peohnp i it mdte field of vegetable otln. Wenottill aot of edible gesu t to mo pvtdhilitiot of thre teials toe the eptet tends. The Moinsa af labnn boo eosoosoeo to appear to Conten A lc and in yevost playe thoem hash so ianred preduction ofpeeetne c r,nadsafew sithes oi cooept These ae n few ef she highlights We me jostified is toying that .in p armes, h.n been -eado eth egnod ao the tmajeost tnoscaetps But in tmaeionssobeotenc.e.,fasethaset ad seced at she sme pa Obsdt, i hulas n oeedos noootof moth to mpmevo sDo piotmgterale nd semtal pecttcoseoedby thoendsNsell famososnnteod eso die ametenides and volleys of a hoot segion,. bat this, it tee mt to, is ths rnaior trk h ich see shoold set oselv at thes owt.  92 Tlhe Cazibben at MidCetuy 92 The Cauibea at Mid-Cent 92 The Caibban at Mid-Cenuy 11 hassoHrg Forard Whe I aecloytounter, toy wdimowll meitr homhsha tot osily bad I done docte thiotgs I shlod not hovt dons but ttI hod lift undoneNm dttorisri wheich I thotid boot domt. This, it alws s5emed to ot, oo a atetty stand and comptehuottot, srate- meri, Pehapt c a e o itotsn opointfrcrosideritg oa mept°nailkdmfor she future of riht Caribbans ogict AtdIl thik it isttol fir otrhis acwee ao trot frankly dhat I hamt come to Caimcoolls at this sro m r -tca I kotas hat Fooida u can d should heip wc tho dwoplejsct of the Corobbeano noun.t. Prsiolcot Milkes has mode tN ory ctoac. Why souetld swittbcoosld itrWeCareianhotstfso Why sholdflMonaa inthe Unitad St rt AeicaP Whot I toot hese Itot Jtoan, I had shm huattof traodingosvry dtanng'atoir r whrigsorich wee psotot to mneotho at it UNoherity tait woheoe lito od inotto Atwero taotict. At thot sotig I cate rortrdswithdtotlHei-st originalby any most-hat dr soorero post of Florida beogs ms dot Cocaa . At tNt lominoo.t ridk of Innig coy oiotalip it Calitmsia I dolaod dithos it. Condiios at sou1 tad otiato of stop plots trod hlei, totosl osteic, stat t.odo,- Florida defititol in tiut Cacihiwat so Bctee yo.. hbto tis splendid Catious sftoted wiho oupco in many hsorchos selo .1 famiiar stith to poohies sohich fiao us ound the Coribbeoto it it yors doty, aed 1 mtoy add yaot proo- togecouoase towithts intiheIIIa fo ooriottorolprob- lois- dt, and a prioilcge wch yotor paoniot. and poor facustoy hoot occejond in dint hinh trers of intoAooeeiao ssts- aathocwichItaiaroosbecmteoapar o .w rttign. Ihare otnisood dot s~tan tc Lorte-tr aol hit Uion.o it Cob;, thuy colt him Jtra Blotho it Veoaolo On the too aid, the bit famoto is abio hs look tot for huncht. He t cao nittoot-d -1alop and he ton bay tswctoet arid spotty slp,. Liherinoaed Join Bicoa catot do that. Wat do to Isyr teed? Many pcspo iaik thoy toed mome laetoteab ated hadh and bitr and taot acd milk. Bornat the Hoar ISions Coolosont mint years ago tis seeime th i gesel not6g l nors~ dsown in Cenral Amterico robot Potfoasos Robert So tatis at 11. Lsting Focoed Whettsrws ayoogtrrdioyatd totitssm drochrlhattttt oly had I done thour tdnios I shtould sot ham done brat dta hod lttt ndo thoso thinet which I shaold hare done. This, it moy tnda pet on nl optmnw n Pohpttrr akeob oitosrttttpouotfor cosdosirg oatmpaosibitisfo tht ftusa of rho Coninshc mtto AndI l itisotytfirtthijcotr C. ytto sofsoshly that Ihm oot cant Cointabcles at this momtttleece It0know that Flrnida cas andt ood istlp intohe de" tluptti of Wlo Carihioot regios. Prctdnt Mutt1 hoistrade tu tory dlry WhyttondpFloridahteisttd in h Cibhsnt-at..' Why droold Morano he fabttetod in cio Cuito Soauer o Aeri®?p Whlent Itxorbh sat June,rIhadrthone, of atdirica ey tualtng meectior at wich moot pu.ert them mrmhs of the Czriotstiy stoff who toe towelo it The Asoioan troics At thot meetio I aro forwaord with the tho+s-oft sitinaol by any nan-that ds satwloo part of Floido lidsoot to the Caoihheat. At the atoino rsk of losing any cielahp it Ctlifttrti I elobosotod tflt thesis Conditioris at soit arid cliorto, of t5O plats aid tis natim mrecita, p.-t motires Florio defwtirly it cte C-ihtnosate Become yout hooet s splond tiesoiy nafftd wish capr- io mtany bhsio who aio fostitor with dir p-biet- hsh tare as wond doe Coabban, it is yost dury, atd l on ads yoss Priiausprwwna tf-~o o . oiuctrh Is.t-n doay andap icc which i . yo raetidt trod yo1 foonlty hose atropsed in toat high rentso ti o-Aeian coocyr 00d0which haorict bectnetpart of ass religias. I lave rosotfttd dte stabotooar foomor-thoy coBl bum e ns.ori to Cuba; thop caB hnat Joot Pheba it Vsotaol. 0. dir ace side dh ir formaties it ohio to obo lo harietoell iHs cat bite fsotost- cal help .osd ho coan boy tount. aod spcay paot- Lhtis toil Joan Bimtbo tastot do that. What do thos boyn cndy Mry rocarle thitlo they teed te heoftosol and tiol and.ho.I and oggs asd mil. Coost at rho liat Speon, Coodeonoc some yotore sonlit to to ho the grntral feelior. tImagios owi otto doom io Crritral America wheno Prfosacs Robtet S. floods ot II. Lohiog Forotrd W Iot ts a yostngatr they I,,d notol tt mio curcts thar ot sonly bid I done Thstm thige I hould tot hare done but thatI had loft undonte those shiogri which I shouid hama door. Ths, it alioyt .comed to to wto a pretty wand and cemnprelieno stow- merit prrhspstusoon tuke ioalaoaltrpoitfor onideuri onmepoeofuiliit far rho fttre of she Caribbeancsegisn. waAndlIthiiiioly fair athisjric o to sunffanklylthat Ithaw m to ainos ll temm othera- I klothat Ftloida caw aotd shold hscp ir dtetlopmmof Nite Casthhsot region Pndant Mulles hot mode this ottycleat. Why shoold Florida he istoerted ith di Caribbloor egiof Why Thould Montan beintresttedfinoh Unted Satesio Aotlir Whest loot here last o Ihadth bcor ofoislnwing a ey rinmladinr meeiog at wchich momt precwt there members of dir Uliecoofy staff M tuare lsomotd ho dt Amtrrcoststpio. At that maering Iloame ftorad tein the disit-ot originali by any meso-that tie stathems post otf Floida hlbor, to ir Carihiran. Atrhuoioniel sikuoflToiow 1cayclihipi-aCalieorniacI elaomated this thei. Coondios of soil acnd ratc of crar plansr and thre natrtl enis, Pla wuns Flhormda drfinoitoly it dir Cainoheast m Become yat hare thas ofaedfd Ilt ier ttaitd wii cpI.,- t moor bnoches echo ass familiar tuith rho psaherI, whch tori sos arond die Caibbeai, is is ywt or, atid Itnaty add yesar prisci- lege, so oressci d, 00 ft ihe solions of toe agricoltua pooh- lemnt-o dory and a triigo owiah ytos possdro arid yoar fartlty haetuuestrlint that high teo tIl itrrAesran -opens oiu c h ash of ow rogon Ihats mcnticmed Thet soheisene fasme-they call bano Liberia it Cuba; th-y taB bio Juan nBloth it Vreaala. Os dir oe ride thne hig faatoa it able to lank oui5 for iateelt He casts chof- cal help trod ho cono toactors and spsoy ponmps. Bihis ad Joan Biretb cannt do thot Whtat do ttoe bays strd? Marry porutpi ck~t they seed om lorabn and ttth and hbut and trot trod milk Ecs t the -1o Strooe Csctrnrt nme yuan gao soemurd no be die youoral feeling tImaginte ow rele dosws it Cetral Amatto wchen penfess Robert S. Harsof  FODAND OTHE CROP PRDUT 93OO AN. WaHR CROP PROUCTS 93 FOO AND OTHER CO PRODUCi 93 the Maooaoeto leadct of Technology-a ttandig att- ity on hcoa nitt- eiotd many sallbInow on toe aa- taioideotof nolnd Hndeo ane..,ttack with dm oota, t"Ther' to woehg w gn with dh diet her e-wat torot tsofa it'" to otter owdal. Profetw itamoi helece that the fmeodtffescootn iceh ataood diet providing toe n at, moo get tetotgh of them We ohoald ale add, I thitk, that a great doal doohydo trot what other thiogo t aaote -.,gtt tatte of fhar. Not iv~,*CuantI m feet inthe goea majioity of aam -tho utneteehar T wt panoitoy holdin htam dota.-efhao theaega-tt which tooat ia,11 Ott ceetatothoote o the eqoatty atoton aoobaa, and thetlke Itoestto mtayoyf ,, mo, thtattme pettetem in toefold Fit, ne htot help popIe get aid of Te foramie, and wotnd, t matt help theta getttin.. food-nOt howler loenl .ottlceo food- Itaeoied ot any fietndcwh mmted to, home int (otattala and left doe wtitnecoltttetpy Tied to ahbtth, eeaooaom, "Cutearc, gat marte wirte, ot erne The ooeagttt talk a god] deat ahott humao aa mhpt Ta to ttofaoo DOetthe o oteeftenoeeetea ttihowted. Wottawo .entered toe lreeho that teim htenn wltitotolip ciatot hbit down tO tMt oemni-ocmhitt a ht te it ha hoing ad whet tie go. tooat ortwhat he dotoa t geot wetohocrigaleag tha thae emoiyoot paettin oay takccetvotit oa ayfrmo he. Vov wilt tiot that I aot teppino to patty grandty into te field of hoan~ nmtilno at I had boeyeran,[.afew at wyotnep. toot wetting bot a cometo to goodew heeficolt wit ht t]o, cyeaeof ecponeioothpitaiAaoaoiand a roftwd de-toie tothe Oytte of the peotole whoi teI t llt pact to the wootd I wth now to diocats omte of the monet peehitot whie tneo teotet to whet ea t dott. tO thick to talk aboot the aguicltaol fatwe of toe Carihheancrogion, l am surt e ot wilt attempt to atedico me wthen I sy that the fin;t hing we thowld dor it o hang on mo wha noae hao yion o. In aetneatly wem woe re naeit aentt To yeam ago, along with many .ito doegate loomm Inch, Aenti, Itpcoatoeteight ot eoet, Celotad,eeowiiga tnamogh i..- of Indoctination, the Mateacktett ueetitae of Tthootog-a tatanding..nhot- ity on hooanca otitit-ohod ma0cy cmual ftoewc toe mon licideeof ictacd.owdoaacd ten t bahahidtoeleil, "ntew'notigonermtowitthdiet hetc-wht thetiS tfit" Inaotee ecorde, Poleteot Horlo hliteeta toot the medmtoffo rae- maly ataile and cat =,cd amentd the Cloeihhaa provide a well-heactd diet precidio the toemm tao get ecoagt of tem. Weeshotld ale add, 0 tichk that agWeat deal dewleeld opon chat athee thiogo the neonooce gate loide of hinm Ntt icnfqetlet- n etactithe greal najoity of cott-the c dyooetaottl moe Paraittt holding kilm dewe-tpapt. the tegaioto which coot malra, the emmeo heahwcatuc the equnally comono atoehay, and the ike. It ocendootmany of of, themmo~,that the peebtea io faoltd, fist an mo help peole get ad of the patolet and end. ow noal help teat ge ce feed-ot kltter [wd,joaetomoo ed. t amocincldo o yfaeod who clited toy hoome in Gateotta and cift the wilt wilaa ompty. Tied tot. [alne , noe"Deat Dot, gl m to ne, oot hootte tote nite wine"' The toiegiot talks agod dean aho hoaw oetdck .T eof ne feftotathttmatteaefteno tremeahithowd. We hate acoofidt the fetting tat thti Leormaa elaiit hip tomtoct hotl doote to the ot tintip betete uen towomhen ad owat he goat to raw cc what hob dme cog ot to eat, rex t coig aiay tflhatte otteittewot paracittotmaytfactmotoffitwny'ieon mea. Vow wilt tte that loo toppn at patygy into the aol edo mnaautna1hdLah tfwO fiel of taoannoaioie, e a ad h we faecaew of my etepe I aoatnoting bo olaraoototgod t .tcnainitwffeit withleg waco o eleoae, h teloil Amrcactin andtPa peloond dcco to to oweldnee of the peapiw who hie ho thal t of toe weod.m I with tnto diemt mace of the wajot premt wnhich eon- tWmctcwhehewedst doontoaliok oatOabohgt thetagiitoa famc eCaiheaeg egio a toootooooonetwillattcmpt th hancg e fe e whl catytw hat gte nat notheo, we hl te doew [.a r m w eace .,., W,ong nith maoy _ rother delegte fsomo Lade. Atocia, 0 tptntafcrtdgt t Ileneer Coiotodo, awimcinig a tho ogh ceo of ladocriteaioc. the Maotaahooetai tlon, of Teochnoay-an octoandng amto ity tn hoiman elton-ioited many oct11 henut on the eowo taindoidtfinttacdnd ototnand thentat hadhwiththe ooek, eTheec ..tiog toengo wit alte ti hoot-chat theva it at if"t to oter' owad, pmoboto Hambieia that the feodotofo cow. many aooianod rttateetmado anebheaet povidea welt-halanced diet powidiog the tcoto toetc get eacagh of them. We thoald aWm add, t thiot, that a motat deal deoda opa. chat other thingt the cootwoe gescinseide of him. Not infe owatfy- in fetamithe gatancjomoityeeor-eao orehaoootaor moo paeitra holding him dowa--eal, the oegaoiem which aitoda, to atoa heahoom, the ...oaity amca, and me like It ecctoany of o theefore, a the teothtet b tofold Fiot, we mot help people got aid cf the hoterr ad-m e [eptong mafo-oet fwd, mo mota food I imo,.windeed of aty hared who eititedomyhone in Guatemaaad left tom ine allempt. 'tied it a hottie wotm, "Doa Dt, got intro wint et, The totioetagot talk a geod deal wheat h-oa ottintiip- 'to mt of tlran the -tate, ift,,ote abit Iteoled We hooc animw the bating e thatsk humtan reatioaty at..twondy helo cowfto totiwohiphotwee tht~uat heingndmhche tto toeatcenwhathbe deet getoeoct,,e.ermgowy thawthte omipooet paccic ma thinketofitway frm him Youw till think theat lam ttcping ot oftty geadly iota the foeld ofhumtantoveinao,oeIhadoettrcoact afew oftyotryapo Iamooigct a o o adeheict . nit oag yen. oaf eopceec hampial Aeoie ad .a pofad demoio tthe oirome, of toyepieowho loe to tart Partof the wottd. I nith no to dt'ococte of the wajoem ohlto which toto whe oit downtao dunkawtaLkabe.ftcagiclo.t In,-te of the Cocihheo o gin. I anm too noo ll' attempt to cootootic tae wih.e lamy that the Ort thieg wee thowid dor is to hang, to. to what nttor hoc gi-.n at. In oto eadl, tem orotef i teoot. Two yaac ago along nith many acoe, teleatet boot Ladon Amterica, IOspet afotcight at Dleoe, Coltond. ceeig a, thotgh coome, of isdookination.  94 The Cauibbea at MidCtuy 94 The Caribban at MiA.Oflu, 94 The Ctariba at Mid-Cetury We Ilseetoe to that geand old ase or cosecceadio, Heogh Wanetset, We tieetond s shy squally apostolc though ysttsgr Wi- liam Vogtsad w oenstsdiamasyte. Ihawrener ateonded assseds esswhichlft me aenahpsesed andntommansd. Omtoae that townmach emphasio moay hawshetrempsd nafewn poise, smy reply h~as always been tne Intloens WhonI was a ytgtor I listessed to Billy Smeday, a gecat seangelst He did neal paitt Hell in weey ateatr coken. Perhaps Thecy wete t o sead Beaslesaadeetasisup ad taheslice, anddtat was his -1 obi jisee Whsrm de wos seated in Latin Anoeica asctegaodssncete and sil atesnsseels? Ie general pettyadly,nfseorse. Woose ns eaaeasaettbadly inn.ere I nmaotenyplain it al. Icon- co esrlaitohow tie Ceuatrmooaaehighlands oat still proce fair crops iterton thostd yes n mof clevationwithouttwhat wreooldnaoll atd-c principle of sola ongetsra.lIsaoly e Mtts tat those Itedianas teet nor dean soc think tHey keen hoeThey newsc sate a bag of tmmta of smda and Bey -erheard of Wilasonoad Tomos Someethigsayiintieefaoothatnevey one, in awhlse otasnmthaee dsnopsd a lot of nesw land at Mhcm, whic emetindseteofaarmrkesde bya feiund a fs year ga as as driinghitnhem eeu cat of toateeoa Ilpined to a etating -Ilcate, a rete whtich appeatd onty fhirly ms fatty rooms agore I hotd him she dtay, and I ended fly eapitg, "Ths you er io asewernney." He gshnedaof she deneo .losdofafeeoh ouadngeuteofStaeits VYea;'hceensesnted, esayhe it ios t isishsdpcst " andt tiug whichs has tssed manay Pasts of tropinal Mammcia fires. gruate tisoection is tMe ierflicen, tetth-eatitad sosoden plow. Thanek men.e.. it has doneeasectihl job so far as pltnig onocseed. If Mr. Oisor at the Mscaesisk-Desingt had gotnen fle enw .r.nistai ago wish thei ef cint stee moldboarsl ploas, roeold hor lacern coedo ieelaoaiy. Thank goodnes we teat rmalls, tins w moos tap thowe nfiiest picts off ens idaand, in fone, toe aee net ets coinced we shold ate sThem at all" en o f on, sol, ,my " oo osmajeo yhls s thy conteessienof outrtost seaor gonand corer This is really see0 I thBink pootnpoth it is the firsthsing to wrhich ome should fie smetone. We listened to that gtand old apoede, of aonratinm, Hugth Besseot We honsd to the equatty apoestThoutgh yoangcr Wit" iam Vogtad weolisteedcto anyatheas I haetssr ended a coferre wnhich left mee osined ated conicedi. hunted that sein muoch esphair may tears ht pla n a feot puint, my reply has alwsays hesn te flowineg, WientI was a yotstcr I listend to Billy Seodny, a great eangelist Hr did tnt paint Htellin eey ascfe coeo Prhap Bay we c weo lucid, But he made as sytrpadaeeas, and tat was his ealso- Where do testated is Lotd Apeueia. a cegatd c or a and sil o.enXeteI.ttgese r aty adly, ofo eW st ettat at betadty ineohe. Ieasot~saioisalt1 a-- sos esain ine Tahe at Outean hiettlands cooa stil pdrene fair-oswm tosn ae o r t. uda w owa sree ae in toeotan, yfot aors more of rtats sdho lan sesie that dhaae Isdlaes tose sne dean ense think they haste They .-on eawtwos a hag ofnitrate of sofa and they nevcrheard ofnd S Wilsontadmme Ssredei ayoy1 leinthefac slaeos, seisawenle don rolccaste hae dumped a lotsof teen land a sh, n aof cettnds see al orwn th ade by a fmtd a fete yeartaesas I wsancighneownetheer wae[offsGaem poine e on in hi img eee anne twhich appeared onty Wtiesosfr iyIe a ag. i tthim hlety andlIstottby muitg mis yen sei ns onsy.' H~e glanced as she dense cludefnesiel' oroeisnesono[ adagit. 'Yes' hoesesoentsd, soayfeltuit hih yet:' Atens "Atensts de-isi hlas saeed matey poet of hoopinal Amterica fesaske desie it the inefl~ins .nns-tared ewee plow. Thtk gdm .os it has dents a tenfil job an far as plsoing ocoand. If Mr.Oiroth cMcCotac-ec shdgoe heetsonnoemisngtoihthircliceoet et mssolflohdtsten ereseul0toesice ricdys ishieenly Than goodness an tns oealiesattsw sstLap thseelnon plowntoffousom tie sides anda, in lae ee atene eve .ynmaee we sheuld toe Thna Onplre a o eslemas it the coserto of sa feeot ar eor seindsce. Thlis isrally s m emo, Ittank peeaps it it the fist thieg as whinto te sheod go ittuatnien. We istened no Mtha grand old apoede of conservation, Hughe Bennett. Wetieed Osu Te equally aostlic thoacgh oagee Wulm qa imVn n e e]nue ay ad1hwnvrCmt lootVog, net se lntendssnanyth on. iars d teoeaed tat cneteamre syef loft me so im eoardadcteacdlIase deatnt mach oseploat tay hae hesa placed on ae r ie. my reply has alwayn flees the losotningsn ,m When seas a o anrte I esnned to Billy Sanday, av o gret ornet He did Int poise helet et ataande coten. Perap tey tee teen sos loid. Bra iM nod, enr ni as a and mst ntce¢, and thtat woos hia ceat oh- Xitedo mesand in Latin Aonrica a egaeds esoc ns and tis utaoagetnnt? Iu nearl Pretty had, of Inttc. W.-n in soeara, fe badty in otetos. IuneonteIpiait soil. I an- ni so ettiun los in, Guateesalan hlighlaeds not stil predutce fair cops after to thauand yer oc mome of etirat iss thdout what sesouoldrcanlmodrn peineiplesofsodmaoagmet.lIeacnoly sanea that a ladisto enoer mroe tho ere think they tense. They tes tam a bag sf n met of soda and tey lerrheard of Wihoem and Tanesec.n Something smay lie its geat that tey onnawrhie tho olanncsaednmped alsaofnerland o om nthet, sehach reneds me ofa resarkerode by a friend a fews peareago as Iewas driving him drtm r stnstf aemala. I pointed hs a nanoti coln, a cane, whichapeared enty ahutysefoety yeoagoW. Itotd him the sy, andlIenddby saing, eepyfj yoo see, is anee cmssmto He glaced an the dens flood of teohe posning sot of Soudrr t. env"es," tee cosmested 'stytesit isnat finished yet"' Asothes thing sohine has eared may pates of nopical Aeseira fres grastr detrntiec a c thnuofdens, macL-maligsed sosden plan. Thank gosnoo it has done a tnetf job m fae at pleewing a mueennd. If Mr. Otiner or the Mn~oroaiok-leeing had geso h:tor cmannsiagomistheir effinient stealnesdhoardPlin, r wanld tease marn reind isrpasaity. Thank goodnes see ass realimeflomarc mtne teseptteselficie nmenffnncstonta sideo od, in ostyme ate st see nansinod soc sould use them at atl en mstof er er sole. an fo mjrpbu-eoffy fa o tn good oser This is really mias I tMiak ,e, 1 , is the fier doing to which an should tire asteio  FOOD AN TEnCO RDCT 5FO AND OTHE CROP inUCT 95FO AND OTHRa CRO PRUT 95 Pross, me shoultd it-s mass aboat wms. We mad soil sac- I" abathc-nB¢ hind made by Hugfi ormtat and your atw BobilAflman benbanisun ago. Someapepe eny tintsail syo ar m hiatbfahlWeiAB nn rnaty. Buteawhe Icwas In oba in 1941 I ound tiatm coy ipiatats atdattast - enist wchom Iitalked eeteosed Iaton 5lads in aeura of tin let and Allias', ,etnitioin. That jets weitl go do,,ninhistogy, atsd atulp e- shalt hate my near like it. ontercasd Hgprmlm,a lsti Ondoagai Indtaibe wnsrsd d if nnacota me). lue it the field of da-,tn aad sisicat The gsa damelped araetad dir osb bhasta nais adm at the coastal asuiss. Sanitatind deait- ae athe to big preen In ctaiean they have I..s ottedgusatsitad en-pahpaeeonapty arftra Inumtt- but tre arts ot aea lIft sidet the Spadvdsd came, they Wana a of them aeat brI-as ise did ass hate howe tat ombsat deiat ditas asad diap had t alsipt-,. to carry amr httge giramge paann. St they wosm to the higbtsdtse I s mtM dy Payih fottal wahoe Mth eaifatd ta tease dussa and whets Mctet did agate fesigadnlaae an ttall teals. Oat the reuand has tgaacretwo~ant hed. For eaaoplt cmer eatinsttbc altt t ietdgatsfiea dasasand ataaefloaesitaastgh aalthrecalry inflaia- d-addaspegtstg int the ...xi, lbs saidentoou wtaley can fatm dhanta ady baig a1thge yars harsasewe bass six mtnaatt witthaat railalt. Opirssmasss Oka tbis malts ga tatan that I hate best, talking ahous big pesbtetas- emratt and druamt agsatndsnigasitn. Istsld lifeigmc nhm lpmmr ayw~ a aafrm mmmittstist shaeliprtensth sad amp divasoiticatit thcetth tna icotmde.t gg newo ttact ttatsils Von win pedas ate it I an andianintie at the scab jsat; i ii, th e wai lth I ham descoted die ese peasof say tile. i hav dtme so hec..,e t tit tos which are easys and cin pen tall ate atpdiitg sotit sla to doubl~e pane pstalstota -af ea ett an ay-by getigfimated seed huata smabadpawhoamili ,fee ii'tofan re? All may lift I bavs essssr, mcasins happen I hava seas da-, ansat agecies as wett as pana ltinaidtab teass tot tattiags afnntmgipgearo.gar ante o eof attewtlegtmtaItttfted Alent we shasd knaw sase bot ant roilt. Wa need tal tsar seas wereywheoethe Huad sade by Hght &,it atnd youa seen Bob At i (anatyesaso. Sotaopurptemanytbumhso- samysnamme-,I, fordie oitl antisatslp -1, Bu t nwas ielCubahnltstgalIhfundstaatpimortt.sgt-otsso man withbhmg Ia.ledssgassdtatitnslandsceisslof tetsn ad Ainets caattifiaio. That jab wll goe do-s in, and estattaly me ehatt hasat many moma litt it. Oatu smoad hig prolect atI st it lad atin I shall sat be surpise~d if msoae oattttdian me), uian Me alofeld og dtitatege ad las-gatite. Thar goat tadeetoad atas amnd the oneib- heat ns. taty thesef athet tearlautost Sanaia- and dramo ageeaa mthe tmolaysgpabaet bsteamla tnay haneebeat moted t.a htW eatnt-petaa no a tn tisatoeteantI ' httt sMer aee lace al nan left Whet sle aturl i adstme, they aperd attn at thata - lmae Emes ssay did sat kanai ew a iowto etta ttagykatdiseosestaad they hadtasqsaoipmntttneayenot huge dsniangs pagtattt. gS heyrot ttthehigbtdnae m theady Patifia fittoon chese Msla nald tees fearm disease and et. Btley did gaets lesiennios ontmall wads. Bat he teased han smaetphaembed. Paroenmple eaefyyeooetattitatta lesiets flo thousnad mts flowss thanagh urna lid evalleg in Idea- dn-asatd danptitselfittde sceam. Thes..eena oetadtley tan fara dritng anIp half of tha yer Wotnme me has tin months woithoutaainol- Opfasantstin Bian ftils aens meatis slat Hoandassa am I hame beaen tatieg aout big nagbtema-eatoetaiaa ad den- agesandsailgasis. Isawldliher nae t nttnsethiteamuch sispler aaaatlyititouagtsp larcfer toepimptateestt and atop dae aialn thasagh the introdactiam at sew pltant snatoerals. Voa will pardon me if I ean saibei an thin sub jecet;i it ie eaur me a hitl I haoes deecanad the bet yeas af mty fits I hnew diot. so tteao I hilt things whics am y n, and en ptn tall me atynoia egoist tflown mdale pate ptaaalcsit-a m, lt an say-by etting improeand frsmsomelbadypmhaeill giveittaysntee? Allm moy life I hob een ssc things hastya I beetsteen goa- enst agentiueas rolssas aiiota indiOldas poe outesattiag of aaew vtisaf aasn, ore saedata now lgaowe graftd Be, xe gitould ilts tm aboasgauerols. We teed sail toe- septeavaywham-diehlnd madthyHugh Beneatrt and yassaem 1mb Mlis. to Cnto many yeast ago. Same people niny Nishi el lIey am sosanhieg far dt to1 talatisis an But chet Iwa in Cuaain part1 taftuddtat ees-porat..tagat-wrasttman witht chine I taed orfourd Ia stis lands io emans of romedtt and Alon' cassoioslot. That jab sell gm doca is him.,r, and esedatnaly eadsill hase asgy mem like it, Oat .muod big purtsan, a- I pte it (and again I Mll stat tte susapised ifsemnt agatrodicts ma.), lis it the foald at dmaga mad latigahn The a t t ns u Ifmla oan maod the Csmb bean anaay sfes of the canstl magfaa. Saito and d&met ago ar the two big pAbteec Is tensie aea thy have beet mseedtmatisd esant-psehap too very tatifastoy cxantn- burt there ase lat. sIf atn lets. Whsa she Spatlard tta, they sed nt ef shoa a. hcarm they did nt knam hew tcoashat soapestd dims. aid thecy had aa eqtipmlent s tro t at hutg, dsanage pogamgtoIehsy wenttradhe htdandaar ethe didry Padcic list .Ira whom doe y nafesed tans fease okrea. aid whtam they did seas iarigation as a steal scale Batdi theaond ham ram1,ty r het stachsed. roe mnasll, story year aat mass igegat lesetd tamesloai dIsanb see lte nty in Hlam dasanad do.,. halstsmgitaheocgan The stidsttneof aneentr ani font durisgaaly half of ftse year mhreae hate &estmothn withoutamiilt. Optrtanltis Os thin malts se esan that Hoeadtto hat a fatnee. I hans baren taudig thins big peabtsant-sttevati mad doom- age and igatist. Imwantikte ntonmentiantmnahitgaitah nlspl et easttdily otoregapIr latacpaspaat ad aop dvatoificatiss theough Wea intrsoduction of new plans toatonals. Ygu wi11l pasti m ae Ji sewas anonibse, amthin ash- jattlit is die gnem t d Isii those deesated the balssparisa oy ie. I has-adone tshoans tlhkesthingewhichomeeNot, asdonn pan toll meo aysiing aniet n te deabltsae pmamitais- f mmt, ta an say-by gasting imptotad seed fes somebr d, cbs citl gim it toyou tod All my ife I bate semen h lab impt happen. I havt seen gins ressnhernt gstfns met an poitat itadisidma pas. sat tngs afnttsitafrvi f aor-e oeanfansc legnmee atenndt  96 The Cauebesa at Mid-Century 96 Thei Cribbean at Mid-Cwwtry 96 The Caribbean at Mid-Centuy lruittees andinncm ...ethee hingeewichent tired peodoct la fim ft without an hsou mf e ok or a additionalenotinveseed Yousisplynotktat a potiin lamahalm i b niyck, soinenpennv, and the map Io are abooathe introon ctin of nnna plsan caleraln has asways h- mx mistedrer natutalep al tanners in tropical Aasonisa. If you stan ast by tnlflrg the fa te that he has tshbuynspmeypump ohove o msoeate~a onyrnaje toil strey of hs iam, ar deat he has tosend to Clatl foreto hndudlaagsof niast mfda yanrraysarttaaaI e line yas call, bnet in the stes tsne resiarsce et if out had the nae folsow ten nuoao cstetingn e and tell him es pl~san th~em, and tiaohm ae hat 'Meat yea yaxe galis telf me nohsar ot yen o go atote cae tha yun yeas have had yws oldv eainy" you are off to a good tsot. I hardly know wehere to agiar wehen itontes to biotarino ae of mhe major peshlana of caoevial agscstsr-ha of pot cosoel. The, au~ag00atlnr inleaents at sis t handle it Tha latger paivtalnnenraodoaiaomtan~. Wien itcstnaaap atab and j..a n labom, they tst strle get hoip- fro m mnoaady an puyndtei reepeedee gavortere are t lh ons to strep in and de this, and in many ianoet gneanen have made laudablo atah ]an asn efos almongh thliea as hen rho migaty .ts field in h mmote patch or the amry rowe s han w ina hit betau fietd, hi iho in penly melt tank. Thene is hepe, honovroe, far annoy duet the sasHl fvano is gnttiog ma belts fortm goeenmrntsl au, e I hae metined hairly ne of oa major prahlom in the Oteld of magostnm e are gatered inogrtorm a ger rtisen- ioral te nr Intorsos fiing, therefor, that non thenad discass edneatitnal paoblmonf the ambitoean in the roamt, mi aroltrre atwell as thane wnhich betong is, minr fields Wi has endeseer, And bsefoee going fvaer I wnish to pay teroian n the lldid ontmrianswhichithistuory has alre made to the Carl- bea ae~io it tbe ild of odna insgeneol. fruit e and unueorable ether things whaioh hme ineasd praducnat for thr tanne witlort an hee itofa work ora additioalcurnine..asimplyaannotheat a potier like that Beameas it lam o nick, so inennre, aed the rmult are no obvos, the ioaeadaotn of re slant mairnian has rimayn Iii. eporas smea the dmirootc ato C ageirlesel larpam ent ang smlfare.ersin tpica alera. If ynuntt otsbytoding te fanmeMa t he hainan bsayatsp-, ayypmp orlhae oenemakr an c enpeni fnil e y atlanit o r Idsrr, at Ia y ha tn todta nit a, too M frnshd f she lm oano titnrate at tds a , yunaonmay mat -hat f e haed N.estaafe tenchtnum.-casungand teI[lhim to plant tharsno ad theneheotsre yerymr~aattl enehe or n on you ge nro sat than yan have had leant ytsm old vnaeieytsyo amroofloratdnstn. I nardly Isnan whtro tobeeai whlen it ctattoo E dpat ug one. of the majre premaw of trdra ableratara-rhl, of pantceo. The latter 1-m ugealera inteme stw a l thi tr e t. The Lage Whran famst Mo detao in mont eaen Vaea it lto ihbmo tad ioan bs, the m aso a rndl she help fro som nhnd Obvoustly, their rorprtire govena e fio am the oem amp sep in an d do th itdrin, ant it t n goeomn.noBut saw made Glahl and tassofl efotssagtinfr. n atrte Migratory mcymre land in kinrs tapr ok .auriswn . tho army worms showu in bin hero imr tLhreml it prett y weIl tori. Thnro i hope, how aeve, a .tery year the ema iane is gettiatg mor help frm gterontal a ge n C sC lt O",cenaneestM Eduaons I h~ave mentioned hrafely name of ar major pulrahe ho te fired of agiralnt. aWe are gathere tgether has.geesse exses, annalontrr. Itnseemsnfitting thrtftre,tiatthaemod dioma oduostitnal probatema of the Caatkkeen in the rtotm of ageloatee atoelas thoemwhih helo, nhateh fieldn o e...m atdmaet And hefsts going farher I with en pay eshn tt the splnda ootii which thairnierserit has alry made to the anbk- leer, regina in the field of no in general. fruittanoand irnnerableetheer dhnas hioh meaaineusd is-ducaton for the fanne saient an hsonr mere of weark or an additianlon invoted. VYouisttplyocannot tbeaiaprpomotion the tha. Beu it no yoth, nr mrneativee, and dla -.ssn ams .1aie the indaosi® of mean plani soatetialt has In.oy im pessed me as thoect roniet agroltmal imame n amog smul boane ho npical Ameras.n If Yea dait eat by telling te fasotethat hehbanlo bntayas pnta roee nmake an ,espannier, sell atry of hdis=ti, or that ho has ta toadi a,1ho marne tantdeedloagsfnitmatoofneoda, yen mayomee what Ihe- lite ro yecat, lane is Iteau =tte caose aeie . Bat if you hand the tamer fellow trn o regaan usrthga and tell him to plant them modnunalttne - caltatlpaonsoic ad alo like. 4 Develop gren artion lot thatum oooaere and promate tan hod, premnioms acai v atn tonhaoaynt of lifat In nopanding on dl proamc in io not my atontin to dolint onacodantir locrtn, bat ather, in cal yaur ottetion mto e ain oh tat lo acltaliy going on in Pnalico along dine paticalar lnon of appled modem agdoirontl ecotma and irdtetaly, 00 edng Earth toe patatdata and tacrhioat oploped in nach a nak tn disrt enpac yo waill find anma natty mnatg resnito, and atnn oo aiginat idea whiml ap-rg nap when we wae faring oar apenial problcmn in lit light of care particulatutionta and pan- walling moclacoaocoio ruatlio. 111. An Oro-Ai Poroaom fnor Developiag Agoicalaot TMa lite nap to nanny oat tatose aution ban hrn the making, of a lad-rlatiicaion study whreby oil d om at anting op payouttandolinonoad ptnianat -aednidaed. Tha job hat ctld maincipalf, in bringing rageahe arfaIlol inftematin el m a noem ringonadt l which am enhapino is mubjart, all of which cnlen oend, line needs of a pregremina and dynoomic avomay. 11. A Foao-Point Program foo C-odiaatnd Arnna Sorb ciccnn ntannhawo nsmithyleda u on lek foe naw ana- danad beacoha bo con h enanratin of att foaa-pana pan- 1. Dvalop on eeotiaw and balanced unlatin of the no- rttltaol ,--amo of ttat island, wtorh snyal emphaoinon ala oontin am Thin inoodeoa among omfer thtinga, the anicoa- toting of pduggere moneoa-conmrataon programs, mraing line Kprodoctioa of milk and dairy prdorce. nopantg ala cnarcial pmdnrtin of faaitsoandegehlu, ad advtnaat Ntgfoal putn loonards line arhi'emant of than ad adier 2. Icomwn noar or raiol and mteit far agerrltal prodor- dnand iaatalolieota, mtpatrintly foe mtol-maron pmdaroat. 9. Devnalop an rfftaiont moaalIring" foe foam ordaco.s Ti tnlde dlewelapm a to nnhooa," onnabtbmet of ,arrnay lariiei, gueo, otndrlnrda imrticon neeon agri- yotaa poccnig an le ike. a adprmteic pate of arol cmmanily fie, aratoo an cony facilitate hod, pmodaatie aetian and a forler atojnyoat of1f. In aanodiag an ohi pmgrco a i ata my inrion to daier niad c lo in buaigt alanno mm akyuta satally going on in Paeeto Rico onalong dhoe pacti radc lines of applied madam aoicoltoral cnaio and, iin mid n llly, to bring frat- dtc pnrcednes anad inobaa employad in nam oh. to thin matou wll Ead naote nay ineaigeonndt, and en nm aiinlina whhich nphag op when a wre om ang oar aatp nlol intho igbt of or paliato nitaatiea and pam walig cconococ limsate. 111. An Oatao-AII Portmn foe Daedoping Agricultare Ti n t atsp to rmn ot tats ohbjet- hoat teen do making of 0 tatd-laoastiiation adpy wbaaathy oil the fanc cooing op panm- land mtilitoan and patnodot non are ronaidonod. Tne job bao rmialed principally in hriooing m game aetiaa iNoation  PnxumIN mN PUERTO ICo 115 PROGRAMIN IN PUERTO RICO 115 PR ae ITC cIT Nm PUROo IC11 onphysica la !afens and is and sgeeeomie, aod irite- Corl foetoer wadio0 to horest land-weo patosr. Os doe bas tOf oftt frarostio tate-oil program for sfcettyog ogoriaultate iotht. lsade i ogised. Thlrioa johsiratronotssedore cithoar tire oirtoor of ospero on ti rotes, prticlarlys feora te Unitod Stals Jicpoaosoet of Agoiaro woich hot ber oa v vrmo fields of agHidtaoointltcfoiand For thit soay aron, Ie rec nrded tm hw tb - tdtdsiif-rfdctiraltroalptogtraa iotdottaoroaooorar raids Totfa iMati ecrl ation, daring e [ ryene Iha-s boo abie tofri acoair ot1m the S1ncurpt Yef agobo Tho tor t doo tsUntod Sth aore Depocarocor of Agtiorlmrc aoold pascpr irionlng ibis roo-Mil ptogtooo thougir roaeoiRxts lthmiorrrr ohis prott oill orool a taoptoeo of tire god- cultute of tht toirod writh a wao to bringing amo prsmeet land trt motbttdog imroed cepprrg rstorer, ppoohlg doe pooh Imus of orechorotoo and doing soeb ot Aiogr or rory ho necessary to sptove tire perdrreo ortyot nd offitoey roestia to tooar o ~xi o of th aot OaRios Dr. A. I. Loawns, rod-hess Office of dos e FrtigrAn cies Otgraio hat ind sire fhtiieno moosreor so ork that it boing acctos100ohdrea is trts drectiov: A briefrleeioof thtwotrkleig done It PertoRier sbould so iwepttrn fot M thebto sof sirarsita de st into osarsh patsofdte Comb- anAea It is dsorfolif ayonreeIn to wosoid iosor ateM dsPamtsRimin tsttsbishingorrrssdoand footatboi rot, odlarsoroe rrt rrsr The par sot lordt,, elariiton soesfy to Pueto isio prororor assopporstitttysdwin-ssotttlhow rtadissmadsddotstriistsd by o vvsohe of differtrd oasis ow f hor t, owr sosecio paepore ors ho coilrtd and trod -t s stsi of wshIsg as etooreo Ite~rpreatiton of foodororoto tatliot in t[hs aod -aod rtO ditorotmmr hoar runa iatertiarin Tohe formo of atca~ manooo trap osd osoclard data, coo be proirhtsr nsed ora fotadono r a iand lnorset Ireroam by a0 olhe rossiotsg ogtosio adtomsystheor p500555 A ett5 etesod o the ro thir Cosibbe fosr-irrb 55 the Wtot toiosI Cossrosa. Proofns es INt. sot pttya hond fearro and is anatriiog esomrw and i rit nOol faitrto lendigeto preset load-awe pattota. Os dt Msai, oftO fi ssoautir au svatol progesom foc d ottt tor ageri itorhia foodirlabeingasieod. Thebjhtl]abnt eatort bedit- fthaoo rho tos c of tarpatton r sos, a ooiotly from rho Inched Otraor 1eptosoft Agaicoire toted, has lots rose to eosa rinds of agnodcr is doe bslood. Pms this osty tto asn arteacioa to ho rearreotdod roost bec- -td6 ,,ed awith fefemi agsdcoltoosl psro-s hn rodeo to wstroi tsalts. Toefoirothe ricmrdiraioo due srtdoopstynoaItae bets sailr to ra otsarmoa rreco frostrho OStotar of Agttcs- tat that tbe Uetted SOra liprraso tof A~Ocrltrre and paciraro t onsiderongotta oer prog psrat thronfgh sp owdban Ortirarig du oeso tr- Ill mmii a o reaiaa of t[M ogo- caltreotf the eaolad wth aew ierrinttging aboutpeTaotasad tsr, taahbirug Imtproved cnopping ry tus opproshiog doe pmbts lrnofomears tirotd diocrrahashecthirgtor say be te mry to boproot Ott ptsdrrta satyt sod efficierc otttat rssio s asI iso iis rodonascd nmirtion of aloe iairaalmm reae o55of Pec to Rico. crDre A. Bf. IzLori lodUe Ofrirec of doe PttetL Agricuituotal Oetsoioatioo hr-astheloindg cocrrasonN ihosrktown a heir1 acceroclo is ohie Wden:it A briefre seieo sof de wrark breig date in Roser Rito rrond irepGitair lot the mairo of sit'ior toadies is odors PurtsafdtfforuibearAe. It isdrtbtseiSamyorunntyintoe wosrld iaoor acmiar Puaaeto Ricstseoesthlishirgoatse doaod [atol frats Iotitrslad Itooeorespoga The peesesoe lod-os ciasdfiitio rdy is Paorn Rico presents motsppattry tm desorats hot stcdier oade sod data collected by a anro of differeot remcora lot r scot, petal r soos may ho cfalt- aid trxed ora rotato sf aathio as oron isiesrrtoe tti fsrdarroro osroa ho the mosd and olto to demsorte how th ittpeetstoh h oo ra lasodesmop osd bonsreit dareat he profitably oard a fonainfalsand ipretarte progror by oil ins aooootinf agernces andrmanyofhoa 0 m weLt moa srdcstocc,nritsoo o f, tadlpsoeot opriniatedlno ene n nadymemM n ui ttolachto pteeoliad-mepattetst. On thebhowl of this Irrleoaiia 0vr-i progosam forI. pealpg agoieattr iodoeioistdh is tanetieod od. Tlits ajhbtosstaoothbdooe arithout the asoistooce of e es oothe -ost pealot i from tro, roted ltats iepofoto of Ahiiae which ho hasoa ho raodarhlds or agfelaitr is the tisoad ldFoe this very o asoettooeeatothtcsrsemt ber odttd rcrhfedorl ogdotmos psorsom woodr mtowitsa To faci irat this em edoiso, dring dote e paso yeae I bor bes able io abtiaroritooItmroSctoyfAgci eathat doe Unito d Oratr Oitepoaoesr of Ageiettitte oai poni whp - ,is . solfg oldsovN e-uprogear through t poaa in thenvroaBio mgnmtatilg this pogramgant g abmil reappraisal of rhe ord slueof the irtoed slobs adr Or hnging r o perer Latod sa t otio-hg irott'd oritppise teptso archr oepsb lcel orifoistsf ono dno sutsch other erthins r as mtay be res Ose torwr tqaro doae thel podactin intynt aod offiiewty etomarss mo ocidwr ao imot and hatoreo d'vd tstof t the aqirltal sho 0,r, A TO. Rewye Lsd-Iif Off oft the Preigo Agiritta io isse g oettmpishsd is this ditectiosa. A brief stloa or rho sork being door ho Poeso Ric rbosld a I or pits rtrho isitistion of similarotaders is Ohr, parsofe 1 osIt- tooareo. hisdaiet isintfaoy oay indMt ored ir re acutve than Porno Ric in orbiha rod aod lootoat haois (r ion tootdhopraremot ptasoo Tho tr~ptoa to deoootoat hoe, strodier rods n d da serto r oed few s smbe of I.ooeo as issft Mhi oaor special prps moay r etihd and rod ora ster of makiogas cst Irpcos ta ofomdroroo tvltln ho rho land and eim to Isoddhsrtop rod ax amtd dotqosn abprrfitablyr sed as fnatoes loamod hopesotrt pmrsam by ill the consmitintg ogtocietasdry ohet> ory rhoI n _owr~rsa n t w hnGonimi. We N Vs t iei5 Crotosoret Poa-h rsetir 1050.  116 The Caribbean at Midenwtiur 116 The Cmrdbbhu at Mid-Cnuy 116 The Caribean at Mid-Cnuy IV. Openng New Land Fraeatiero The werwall progentm being foemnltedl for ant-eloping the agei- it11. l --s il hoot to one of itentt eaivgfal weevah -at haowh a ourope-thetpng ofolad aras or atteeteve tgeicultua a ttiny lmpoeoot in tcheology that may bt Ooethconoig fom the s10ud0, as costl o thl eet aeet- tind of deer.ltptoontat action in agedettoo vilt provide a wnd antlonelo boom Onewt prodativnotaoentheoltd in thin domo, hoonee comoiotaciy souldi on no- dianaedlinlti mnohIng atoptet I soueld pet t-a en a lteady tining tnw lad feaela oft the totte to chalp it te smtie Oontaon of ne roge. The Poetno Riot Water Reatnaocs AsaeThoiy One noanopit hat endeaoet the deceloyttont tof the loydeoionteic totd igatice penject of the JIojto Vandts en the toethwet of nih inland, 'thin poject otin. 26,00 tmort ft land and stiii tevnally coot $2000000. A tat- hr projec in aolee cnidoete to provide inetio to 4,000 mee In the floe of toetni-landi teclanaoit meod it being deo hvhnilln-nlvnoly add aeiabtlea.ntaelaellod leadda the tool- egrindtiaol netot... of the inlad. Stilt wn PLe Rico toe gcenll vet2 add. A rooety of lae te han placed toe dcleo met, of this soil amendmentt at--ietd 2,000,000 ttu inde to estahlfih to acdity lecel fawaetie to motof the coops I then istaand. Povidingtlhacnditionau veey te~oln frm the nlandlwwit of itenamg higoen cod hetme- qtality comps, improving aloe heath of anieals and ttainlaiasg the peveoloriodoy of thne toil. A an a.proah to this aditon aoil-lionba poeto hat hewt eottblhled on the Depaattet nof AtHOvlttc- A atothe of platl, vith a reoadig to peednot weell oer 50,000 tons anoevally, ho- 4de eceree i. diffetat poit, or the inland at gitti caleloa caoateooa he bcttgre d alit tfenoeratotO- PLntar taderocay teow ede aceepoetint of th m wrg toete fnarta, V. Coetenatn If the Recacoat of the Coffee Repion One tof or chief mwote in the dattatte- aegion of th inlond, wee reie, et tt oceer end and toacco on , thweote IV. Opendng New Land Freontiero The tot-all noeadt beding ftttntateud far developin the aged- tell1oncww0 hove atone of i. om gen ooingial -etn.a -at enetesach teeom et hpaeopecingof e leed aran Ion intem ngeicaltaeal activity. etapeveatena inr meele that may tee foeahomtolg from cte mlv to ttill an the nneet orimen- ne of doNepaeenol actlin. is formloitr., will peat-me a toend cordei baton fa new produetive veatce on the land. in thin dimestio, beovtece mtait oia should he ret tncoonyiwothetoaing. gt thaltc itoaad point ot that me an tteady opt-ting eue fwnd loatioen an s wel a te m eate tohelp in theoltaionof tvotwonetpegant. Timeoneo Rice Woons Rnoufaaco Aatthceito for toarpv has eaderlakwa the do ltoea ol the hydeloctoi ad inteim.a 'eece ef tdn Lajt Valley on the attthvct tof the itland. Tftu project mivees 20,000 corns of land sed Tel neeoally coot $20,000,00il. A a- lae projec is nidre considerate to proeide imogatiot to 4,000 atnttre. in the lie of dnkcf-ood reek ll-ot mo s Mingil doedwhirsleo-oent, ladt iableateaOfltteletadeiw the ooel agoinroaal cetottmesc ofc ditlond- Swiss inyaeto Ricoar geerallyey and. Aeatoseytoflite enedshasnplaced thetnqcioemeoeoofithistwiltl -natetrat antoond 2,i00,i0t tea itrtie to enatlhla an aidity level fatbile an tgtfhcotsafohe iand, Ptovidingtbisondicenoat-ery hamiele from the etatdnt of a rinlg higge and hettee- citolity denpa haProvit the health of nealea and maintating thep pedsoodnty of the welL At an approach to lidstu ditol a aelhsing Pengeant hate Inte estalilhed onder the Doebmmnet tof Ageivelte. A amoee, tOf plans, nith a capacity to produnce oeil oa 50,00 tone aettonl, hatebeatn-oeeei dfertoitaf toeialoed tcgoadomftleo rbteatetoathe btgadetadtdalit tfttt-tleat.o Punsoaee tndevwny en provide leaeoutortation of aloe bore In thn fcmn. V. Contecat.vot of tlne Retoect eof the Coffee Frtio Ono to one chitocone, in the atatowinct u read of tOth inland, wheat m(tion on the omr end anti vebaon eti the ee IV. Opetooc New Lotd Foee The e-allt pentam being foroolaled for developing the agri- ntovoal rnncoet mill hodt an on tof It mew meanig.n eolu -at leant s annar chp tM opeegfoetland n an fm tatotv igedraltatndolciy. imoemeoltin techol that mot7 he ientheoie0 from the end, as cell as the wnooIet-' cite to developmetanl aetionein aritoe, oll provide a mnd teemcbtoin from wprdeete vet notth latd. latmsdI this ditoedh inmve ra ciity, ahod breon liueoldy Inthcsmldeg. etnthl epeotihotdpaitotat anand alneady eltpeiaaw nero- land fouode an oat o0 abe w help it the otava of paint one mi one reoannan The Ponam Rico Wae Reoaec Anthadtc, ice ctamops, has tedetaken the dnvOnlpacenof rho hydroelorad and itloatim peojeot of the Lajon Vafley en alhe ecahocent of the inland. Tha project mcme 20000 crocI ve ndt and mill eveenally cat $00,Og000. A node- far project iv nedee connitieroion a provide itogation en 4,000 cam hae ithe Ins of mach-land rocamnonea teack in being do- enh l o eet teoiic to ad .ascos, ae®on toeeiet land t. the .t aegoiciieail eatovneofthehnsti Sit ha Peel Rico ar g.tealy ernedd A toovey tof ime needsthasplaed the reecimmeetttofdnoilanoedmeta aned 2,000,000 atm in mern ooahdlih on or-i&it est favrmble to mot cf the cope of tho inland. Providing thistou edtis vey mpaewtLarm tle eandpminttofie otghnEtonaod teethe- qanlrys coeps, sunpown, the health of aniat and mail itainiwng the prodtict of the tell. As n approach to this titatite to tl-limting pocatid ha botte etabilished cacde, the Deprmnt of An0iccdtae A atothe ef plaa; with a capacity to pradume toll teer 50,000 tna, amorally, hove trenmerged in mdlnn Velws of te Ionnd at grind calvo ,mcd otantetoahe bent gads addteNit toftttooat cwt Plamate endeevy en provide aompetrtatin of the latewa th e foate-a V. Conceenalien of the Reoac of the Coffee Region One of roe she old, ee it the atngi on pei tof the Islnd withtoenfeoIehoe tudm enandlnbraoedwtihett  PROGAMMING IN PUERTO RIC 117 PROGRsMMIN IN PURT usC 117 PROGRAMmoING I a UET... 117 part ace doe main cath hoap. Thee trot tan leaded erith pen- teiitiet fora moetrnice ted balausd agricutlture; but at the rone e th oey ace hamumed by mtany poblemsn ohil deand special attention on or pane. Colic, farming meant more than the celtivation of the hanutl trecice that prodor the tel-innet die- lieu tad enticing bevrmage. For Parto Rico ofre facetin rcpmtettan erioly foundtpeejrotwhich hasall theodatageeeof ahledimet-,foerotosee This is eenirprattfrn-tMastand- pointaofmroaroingoiladotcoeeaomr esrfh isand Yet the of nliecnpninq no imapartant in tia aud other reogece¢ to the isad'teaorrry, tat beren terribly dtepfesed. Teclttetagical pooget in tMe coffee region Itas remned cnttldeoahlphhdth e toeds of a donrtic agoicltoe- Yields of orifer have etaod for qoite aaa-ethof yeart eytolorLud] Manynrohads haue heen aetea fan the planring of togae cue and ether cleat- cultivate drcops. Mra crrtt Mhee hod been increased slting of Mho oeoevoiobutilt by doe Water, lbsrtcea Authority, which trace theit atohet totin the cffe rengine ..tahoc waide .as at baehad t to aban- esdoned tbecame of e.cottive tail rosion and coaoeouent itopotiso dvip, Thes gone ris rotter spoertul, c a roaiotu . me of parkto mwht for g enommse had ,avd ine the coffee seginoe, being eahed daise tlt do city aTutnt. Under the rrunua cca coffee tootitic"n oimry o iapetS-omgo t e hadohcbedoeto hauttoiotcehigroay olbothowittand The approh to the dilonae hat tOn the wtiflrd program fee ttoe ctnn mm l ce omust i the cotlee rgo ytrnrrd hy alt insotar and dna aagricoltuoutagoci and otttd two peter a gor Th uis iem r-otded oo pa gcoa ofw wih ince intiv pymea e to farmeersfepnortt interiv cutvto pmrtre suah as teracin&og liflimeg, and applsatinewof fRtte, tohich aret haveu a igh ot and onte eato Ovoc ts t m benyoded to nually far th aprogoar. The awoi t mrome offfg ee yields to tepoitt mhcre the srefr gose is teo p das on n ien feet and ah e, petoanont roneotc araacuwe can be decetpend cain the coffe cogent. pace ace the main rath eoep. Thnum trot, ace loaded with patti- teilitimt for a om intensie tand hatorced agnrictere; but at the ttem mahy, tao hammsed by many poobleers which amend m special attentdee on for pact. Etnre faeting ortes store than the ,astiaeion of the benodlul ienda protdice the telline tic- Iitos and etriig beveage Far Psoset Rid, coffee farmting cepettontaan odeoteforttpejeetwreshche agthieade.a,.,ag of the odineay foroete This it mentu ioseea from the tacnd ponttefceenring tesstiland eaeceooeof the iland Yet the coffee oepoie to fiemtnt its thir tedl other rsest, to the island'ses ytr, has been, teroihtp depored Tenbuoogical pogess in the ceffee regiet has ortoahed cotidreaby behoind thne needs of adyntoisoeiulore.Vildsnm offer hoveoteafen quite aotcmberof yearo atey tore leech. Many orehard, hae heen out eye fee te planting ef togae cane and omehno ea- cetl tirad orops. Anta rd, them hae been muoecaed siltingef the weerofe, built by the Wateo Retsaou Authority, which have their fuamoent trut in the coffee egirn Rather widte treat hane haed 1n to that- doblyd bcus of oncessie said ecetica and eagon iwrodoc det Thes gorec e Or se speretof hi a 1 n neto flee of pepte, who foe ge aoet had find in rho coffee onto. rmin wanhed down id th e city slunt. Undo o hs connotcrcoffe focon asetd dolinocly en it ast disppa. teetethiog pefiehad to be done to hale othis etahiog suday ef hoth soil ta peopte. The approach to thin ilietma hat toot the unified program foo ,insoiny and fodral wri o Mc ~ mtsmot ascoer.ia ed ageirattocl ao,,cts and stutd two pean ago. 1'fi in a meol-otoe program o onstder cooendit chinch ioclude inenetie paysta tofse e tperfeoring and applicatian of foeeitidanowa 0),000 athave ahigh tail and wree cetteatvate o ver 4 tee fo peevid mtnat foo thogtee. The emmIn to jnaImprovne oe wnyitiedhmheorm ,-hee-heeftegoeoreasetand os hiaoae feel andatest-ife pereet eceaoeoc eescaure cun e n devoloped in doe cof region. pace arc the mn cash caops. Thee amas tee laded sudo pmts- bililios for a mtee intenie ted itoeaced agricultutre; but at the e redteyace hammeed byany pehlostehich demnd speotal attnon noto pant coffe fotig ocan ste than the c~alt ia of thbef onarl herne that poduce ten tonc tie- ]idiomt add m euisg bmerte. Fer eim coffee fusnmig seprsenon an codt, toroat peojnrcs Mcis hat alt tho ndr age of th odinryfoecose. Thisiot teooimpreaet fomrhetmind- pciofcfee newieg theswoita raarnd eorosefhoslund Yet theco enteperoopren ih aeetheceepccntthe isand' no mees hat ,ngm a te e mmbty derensedTcteolu pcegeon in dotcfe osgiton ntemafodidW ensyeabt behind the oeedytofttpasicagcislte iVte mefcofferhveeoodfnr qtm e a eeroo years ato vey to w levels. Many otcus hatey hencun necfertefm scMeplaedeg o efoaraendtnletu-es netitivted coopt. As t rnt tthem haut trn smnaned tilteisgoInletsuarebruhilt by the WtrRrtec uht which have titeir catchent trete thecefroeon. Ramseie amos hbspehadi eedabun- doildheaturofr m of cessetileie mand oonequoinpestc tioty Thn or oir so she setaleaceitotim of p intowh fe geetoro had tired in tMe softer roeio., nisg wuaheed Isaldowet into don city Tomrt. Unde Ohe ciecoesanos eoffe facmetig rooted defeeritely n itn tony to disppear S osothing gohae hd to be edeom en hal tein woahiog aetop of both seal ted The approachr to thie dilemmsa has been the unified pedog.d foe the oatecaionfearrisoobeciapsooty ineead federal aaetiltrl agnis and statd tree peats ego. This in e wet-rounded pm, of of euatsnevt chinchy isfciv ctive pas'no tottenooefotne and npfni r ffeile, whicyteh alto have a high roil and tae r eaton Omecimtisltll te Oae bing pviedt annaly fot hfpagam. The als lettimproerecoffeeoietodooint eeothe cai n free g ea amiead ottid A.resrm and netteud pereinanret ecoce sosastouc cn h develped in doe cofte reet.  118 The Caibban at Mid-Cmnury 118 lbe Caribbun at Mid-Cgitury 118 lbs Cauibbin at Mid-Cmtury VCL Imp mettoto IjCropnd E .. seekt tn thepeoncioof a intrieondoied etietinocette ogtwtuedtcte arc a,elhmalieodtht tuck-gaedetlng and impma ndtt of such foettt aenple haoetet poay and ene, ted of t acaly ted leafy cegettiblen th lkeal c tye, tee tf poaetttptiona i tcip t,.r loersteo on eithe eoemethlh te ps as well as i otce p wansec of grieuteoe that tn oer e ele fte mI c mo ie t I.agricultlotel oc tdde of r tnoemwttk This r cok it sc a eAs patre Rr h n- of Pomt Rite. At at aid t the eoc-ott etoeh peogre,a etoece of thoito he bete sttetcle hooctteott givenealgty to h metittien or the typki clpthteit the it meet do helPo. rtde e o e eofd fotop-t-dt foreeritg. lIt o tehtl-ecttfe pgramt ot ositmste, impoectulenttl of lice- ttoto hootd fc en of the priciaoehietit etill e s to deelt e the tobjeot fore.neehile, Thne tmioldemto epef sro aeto edi o r dutyclnhestonA reogenc fee tht decelopenet of the dairy feote t f tice itttd etith ferwter tiget, fer Nht coeting staeyco c tebhingt otal tilkn opplyN theh a doublintg of yield per te ted at net ofO pcmeceetninethte onhcalrof dairy tw. Allpattieoeotcced -foamee aed ogein rttltet tecetie, hoth icrenaan td tede tl-t ptorccr.Ty intogeoted itt co ckirpn tedo he otane tf il gentl. The1ee icaudee, morpngh the ios rcyoe attloe in te fleld e ofun eeeet, oti ervt, ad sngn , rcot, e im tproeetto p tepoeeet, tedeecltptcett ffe fede te dtingdie g ecthodlt td imtjeeeetten it lite cetokeitt ly Teo t milk. Tet eeoeepletf u eff torts iso itopletnig tic peogetel te cepceed, finset by a rcenttly wholAoloalishced bro reod adiu cotswie- ltm eeecce tieoin ote cith a chafen ef ecdoteee t wehee the ,p.htie of dot seceio might P0eretcet- ea inod betdy ic y the eahlittoe of rentol ntocd ot o he geaet ot esittig and etptddodifalteeeehepehe of impeeecd etptldetvc ck btae foeec VI Imtpoettet o Cjtiepotet because In tice prmtetone ot to ittete anld aoed etiltzation ofthde ogetatelttel cttoetecet. how cettitod thtc tetoicgoedeting and ontproe aenoftosh Oeesite ot mnd otile, bctstei, rhlotyae. ed ceteget, ted tf th euotcoly ted Ioafy celolee fel the loyal mae, Amtc oacoetcemt piotptet Rnteoch teio thetatctelae crops as won to t it other Plttot of oaricolte te totcihe dithetocpeed tttittttlttttc is tooof the nei feouteee of the coo too tgercofloea octiic of toe gocetmet This work is e teetotd to tht Agtitet l'ceetmce itwt ef the tonm'ieeiy ofve mPoey, Rih toe tet the tprall ececterit pe salot, a ralehe o ttoitc. hoeach wcee etkoisle doghal m b hoe oted crie eo enley toteeloite o yio telte the difc-e ticie t ofced uinooodtctloc oottowhiohprovide Ioproved eedo Io a cwell-etet rortgem of r gi c olte.I 1sitpeeccctt of lice soecktlttaholdhbeonecfdtopiciitlticjtteat ttill t tbe oitodwetl cc th el o ac feeor ahile. The Deocltee of Ae ta ha ltt the lea d fine edlt a cnd bdvietted actin withenam fee de developetof ttte dotty ineotty of the island emw o foencted eont, for the yoeite tee yetee, of treblint totl tmick pytlogl ehlgt yeul pee ec ted a m of 50 peer r et ist to tenthe of doley eMeck. Alt pathos en reted -faetec ted oagtiNel Wty Naece, h i mioctd fedtyt- toeal Tisetogeate in rcekieg mteed tice algitwne of thi goal. Thee peaetont soceodese, haagh the wteedthtdiofs n p. ocio the lielde of eteteedl eod e, te m hd emeee the impeovcemt of mtin rals, otetee heproeoctoet, the dwce raet of raoteu o feem, ted feeditt eohde ted imyeovuweettrne it he machetteg sytem for mlI, Too eomplco of etc ciecte In lisceetng dole program tee epeeed, itot, by e m e ttly etbisehed a hcertod aiieitlieeotia lieha n cto vatchbinI with eai mtig fht iae g teeet in aat f-ec ti lpeto fmoe-c ih rn tcoei- an~td, todlye icy the enohleio ci ceetteal sled itton tobe geared hti eitig ted etptdd rt aciltit fee the 1ooerhaee of imtoed eeprecdt touticc clo ck y byt e neem. VI. Imtproeenettof Cropt ted Lmcso In the pmoti co ictoeeewtd bolanted utilieatt of the agicltuteal eceoecee tee how eated that tDark-goedeeieg ted itnoepwmeceeofeinch fredt at poeapplc bhteotapau, nd troegee, ad of the stocby and Italy vegetabdo es the, ittota cachet. aof paramoueticlotate Retctchtetpane pornlot, ,repe, telcl as iother Pohaces of tgcieeottc that clel cteI the propoed aeeitatioe, it ce of doe totie featm- of doe car- iooagdntoloal tctwdin of toe gtettmcel. Thie cork it e tveood to the Agettel cpocitette Station ef the Ulnieeoty of Putetm Rico. At an aid to dmot 0ccall maetoeh prograto, a mnartofeetfobttttimhae beete amtlthcdocmegltatlealnd gicen tetitey to the miio of toe rental pmbileete io the differet agceltml diesct. Iteectel etch it eteplenteeed by li c es icofeodolpcdoetformaotehch o viode impeened awcreto methde cmmnistet ef ip -to-tdate faceting. mt a el~l-ended peegtom of egeicetle lmaneee of Ilne tnckshtoedheotefhlemicipl oietie. Iteitltrolhe tmtet doell ott the osbject foe tewhile The Deptemtnet of .Ageictoltoc hot takoec the coad to fotnmnlating a teneditated actio progeoc foe the develtopmnt of the dairy intdustrc tof the ettand with o feecoed 1.11e1, fee ma ceeming tee ytas of coehince tota emilk saplely thetgh a doubling of yield per cow ted a a of 50 pertemtinttheonmhce fdiyetk. All p anestteenceemm -it ers ted ogairct ltt agaete lt e ua in and federo-tee property ltato~ed it ething toettrds toe totoin e of tis goal. Thu peegeat intleodesthricough the ctaeepoedlg atve in the ields of tttoeh, edncatie, and ticem, doe imtpmocmect of anie proottec hepeteecct, the deeelent of aec sourcecof e feede, and feedieg eclhede aed itepmeoteteet in the chatering weyem onotmilk- Tee eotoplee of oetcft in iteplemeig thee Pogrm tec eeeetd,f ftt, by a receetly etotahliahed hread switchaeoetlta- lion cecite itt roectentli t h a chain of bccending emtet in oee wahem the opecotio of doat veivce might peec prcoomi- had;scd, tecedly, icy the ttitimhieg of aentral stock farms to hce geoocd with missing and eapteded ecedit fetilit for the pnetrchaee, of improved rcpcdnctie stcc lby to famoe,-  PROGAsuING I PURT MO 119 PROAMIN IN 713330 MO 119 niOBMMN IN PUERT MO219 Allow me to odd, on this lo bjeqt first touogh the0 00- ioioesoof one Volteooryhoooio~id"edytholo NtBerm of Aoioool Jodoeta, of the Utititd Starts Dopoelmeet of Agoiron, the icdone ofhosunooocoloibitlharod haseenoued to jot.009per net,and ouoieeeoitch,Ro0lloit ow o 100f lt tereoulcoio.ooodid oteto of ho roied Stots. v'l. Ieopeocie of capitol ted Iteodit Toe look of odoqetote sce of lonoit-and tis beitego ele to peal t,,oofooospsooooto-orant tulig bloch toooo fei cltura l decloets Altoogh ol il O.dlol edi t000Ctn 0m oetgoged in acoto fvioooeg forifios roe foooers i Poteto Rico, istot 100 koeding opesotmt fnoe potcis oredit 'ole tot dg to ~lt , yeat pero fio dtha t rids is 001 000000 W0 m00 oh , coe1i r o of oil otor focoms. Oney 12,000) of Nhee, of tho ooo, te hootfibe by dt¢ o-clhioo of th tdn o ordi ogrnoci, ond the helk of ohio o sdi axl toedd 10odo of oely two croope-eogao cone ted tobacco. A 1sc go od 80f p- co-t focfOoooes-Iod t toe edtpioitlfoo eech fcite~Ie wo tderoety to coeot this doficceo.y theogh [bt 00olotoFle ofteioeo an ooootttune ttrtof oilefdont ett in gtoteloto faoctoc o otb xeit i t adtodit filainlco. Who Peotot Rico Flotoing Baod m. e o1000 ooceoltdto, to pet of ie, Sic-he Ptr oatcil Pmogreto' to ho etheotio to the Pootit Rico Lootor of an suprioei of ones,s for w, isprpint Am- other B hkoolthyigofof getogoohhtohoee Teootttiooioeoof a Ooeg Cooootoro A nultm b 01de 0 tlmoofoo bookingieit- tleps oO rNt blood. Fooheaorourtooa ued-r the iodootoil aid poogooool oFord biy hoo do oecto Riot Deolpeeo in ook ood the Peoic Ios dooeeitl Dtoroot (oompaoy y, iodoeooitleotttvity ioogo1,icstoi tbo bring Inorored., ow n,[-fne.a s v reato otitht is kn oooo fai *0 so baerd 00 to she l gdettcot fm Nett potptooe yoe hoot embtarked toettlet it t hereetcomotf tooirio l I" pposoo thone objoolive is to aid istu htotdeniofth tooio bhom of thoe slood and oet hoiao lops es of Iltittod foo to cotittocoy iotmoioiig popoatit twhich bee hiothotoot f 40 pro thotootypcal of ato totitei sgolooltml Albie, to to add, via thiy efee othjtot, Nhot theotgh the 00- iilitofoeourVttoiootz Sooic, it by thoof thtfBoteaof A hiec lodeotry of Ui teid Sta Dseotomot or Agoltsoo, the i tdrno of booine mMbrco toi tho island hot ton, induced to joao009 pemot'to ceo,eoftetcPoeoioRiois oameong the tohooceeltietdtot amv0 of the roiled Saote. VII. ympooity ihc.Sooeo of Capitl etad Cedit' The lock of odeqetuotet00 eof coedit-. nd this beptog us to ,iono cMoo of too poooooo-is o goeot tooohllo Troeh to toer far- coltto deelopeoeom Alhoogo oil fodotol tefdit ogeocie are e-,.,od in ptehoddiog titoocig faaiiio for fantoer in Pec Ria-, otith toat teedinog .,.oa-oe foo poctcitocedii oce otmietton o0 $15,010,00, pet ® yoe t findo shot 0bis i to 00 tetf toet teor-toditoto remtcoloof ot' ftottto. Only 12,000 of thewatdthe ewet, obeneefotdythcetctivifttoflthefedteot -eodit agenciee, anod the hbalk of this credit is etotdod Wo Producee of tory 0t00 .ants .go.0 c.00 ood ob-ct A gotod 8f p- cent of te iteeno do not hoot Ott roflgo of sech foiliio. Plane0 to tdot-oto or comottohis defiloecy dtrougho tho oototlitlmst of to leosoto mottepoto of tho fodhaol coodii'geoois tottppkt moo, s fat antty ho pesible, oinie crodit rotlidti. The Poetto iot Planning Pooed hoo olecody tooootted, t- toot of lIe S illo-, Finaocial Pcogote to be suebmitted to the toetemo Rite IL'dishottot at oppiio of $2,f,ffS for this P,,toe. Aot- tthmtty ign of gowoth hsohotthoretecotgoeitato oft Bookiog Coetmitteo for Agolco by the piaot baohing ititt- its ofthirtiland Poet-etoosedotht indutlatid pertttt sposored by hle the Is-ct Rico Desopooet Bank ood the Ptoeto Rilo Induetrial DNooetrtlet Cocoptoy, ioduetrial aotiiodt itoepicect- oisroobeing ptoed. It is s I-ooe foct ihot oo rotod Ott oeeeh developmenot of intloot,, e oioly indootic a haod on tgoitlo prodc,. F~ot chat ptotnme Fa htce Oboohe d -oe-os.e n dot ototuagecoc-I of ledoottiat poogeoo wom, ebjeceioeis toc old inthderisg the 00000000 baoe of tho bslaod, aod thotoy bring pli,rt ensooe of Rlliood foe tour ceote increaeing popolotiot which hast birth vimo of an1 poe tbotttd-typiool of anoettmly ogolooltotal Alton toe a dd, to this same etbjoo tAtk thcoeghbi he00 Oottoof oootveot'ty, Seocic,dodedb losotfth selt.t1 Animal Itodoty of the troid Stateo Depozlet of Agvicltoe, tho incidotice of boine tootolo it t iland ha bee hotodood to Joet 000 po ent and, t otootolo' Puert0 Rico is toot aontg the coheocloit-atoidittd sototo the Uied Roane- 9 )0 0 10W.0199 - 201 149 8,320 8.5 5 .034.m- - - 111 5.1 48,04 504 o v0.00- - ,05 2.4 000011 0. it. fun, in shot, a'epnntlm Ovnd oiloganistion. The goaud pondst of ohn is the palonti totfotlaon of din lond and tis poect of bel m.A conk 01)0 Iv A lnd ief on, ion of Csatitn ignmie-nisascitoaacosto hehgnead toe this discmt sists Ofthetppanfsatlod28 iniondan oftand initesWnd, aheof 22y/ millics oce inldcdd in faorm, tocoeding t the si- iianalagsicltnaal neonmof 1946. AboutsI2 pe50cum ofttidsanno age was ",ntiod,'43 peacantin pamts,io4p, ant in osctst 3StaucenIssoab(aa..,tiohtb of litle volneMecn ewd by adegenond moiotock ad it invadieg Bags anoss of good land),.andl1 aceotinechtaroent Ttttocxcatiot 160,060 fanmstith mnoce acitcsf l4ctoaoet. Acs maa, the aete fignoswrscstteiosnitotaton.facsretadingdtolinof land Nonisearl ififtit cf all Lasso cntaled tn than 25 tote an~d it the aggregate acctsnncd fmaflitle sen pass. of the wnageloiascIn Asitieaenmlce mteacen11 ttoftenon inonded 250 nones on mote, and ctiinsd 20 pee cent of the toast land. Settnty percenofialfa- nstncscodo62 arsoin size ad ceodied ody11lp¢eoeniofihstnsttlead. parmof 2,S00acnst as ran osdstd only sin-tt of I pea nt of the sad, t conczccodadtied oftlandhinohts. Thsn ionaneeanin of land o-neAdlip is fan atittstod, nd is nmrvawnlalrtO of th TABLE 1 Nct une tTtaIAOIAntoa I- arS ovlosl Lrn, 1946 Osen a Fate Stos it auns Toso Ana enw Pons Ctatat Name, Sta Cent Htelton Pt Cent Totot __- . 149950 111.0 9,077.000 100. ssis0.4- - 1,149 it8 tO 9.5~~~~ ~~ Is05 - 113 . .0 Bt9S0- - - 9 il- 1404 . 5...- - 5.9 119 6is0f 1.0 t6..049 . - 480 _n0--- ,o~ 1"1 S5.W.40-8 -Smsm 10.9 7014 6.7 550.4.- - I tOww a .u.00 -  138 The Cadibbuan at Mid-Century 138 The Caribbea at IMCnur 188 The Caaibbean at Mid-Cntury factot dounl robot to tho imop otioed sm¢0 Nf many rural Motgan , thE, otoqeal distrite.of the aoailable laod, thor o nltd a oetmo st®ot trljol it obaeotofid! by a ooy milt proportdon of towter coroaor Thet agertdttumi cr80 of 1946 ..eoeld that ahoat 70 percent or tote farm, woero operand byooot- owneto includinogsox pee cent who were manages. TALE 2 NoMnekv atPERo CExT OF CeomN Fnome tm Eoo Toora, Cat, f94m Tool -00Otom Oharerotr ..p~ -- 0 20,0 Xtt os e. 13>1 f8-0X Mmoooso, do, poelb itity of att oortor slirtt from more' to hitlher toat ow ON afeicltual laddr no tot promiottsing The nsajor meoono for thols it drat most of tie usaorble lad is held by the ttooar sampatin 08 0 -e ontee Ott c soojlo gar--at arodacim aold be ottpodod tshottd the maofket juotify it. Thut idle lad is for tteoatpanstlmmoondotooolotttotd laadin the island Io addirq toom one large areaso f the ilarod being tsed mo oaele Muatrowhirlh ouold oe pool to momt Ottottaise toff made Romaaie for gooneol farming. romanr, a tgoficmnt bar to fat,, weeotrhtl ot the part of the loodiet pratofy u the diffinotty on you- pottihilty of voaoalatio0 otaffolooo apital to puechase lanod tod eqouipmtetUntd adtoeesdeoatrlteoateland iomadomil- ablo foe mhbdielio tt (aoiy-tite footto atd oedi~t faatide am poeidod, them it Hulo p00,70008 of itacteaog doe propotiot of uanotim, farte,. Thce oegauoioai of Cutbot oaome as srob, ilinnfo, at to tmtao foe a moadiaay paolaetieo of doe popltiot wmm I depadeat up,R wagoe, ehe in oaah or itt load0 ad whioh It, for feaolrosaoly Naedtodote ipoeerishedstteof many raea Culat , MAlog wtht the ouoeqooo ditnttir tof the aenilablo hod, thme ta wcate aornooteasrloich is leaote ld by a eronall propto of oor oporon The ageolomm aetx of 1946 oeaod tht abaot70 porroml of tyfaom weronoperatodhbe tt- oooorer,incltding su per entoowho reomatttot TABLE 2 NloeEalnttpttrn TmCootFawetteo IN mato Totrdy Coot,, IM4 Ottoogt ....t ..1"n 10d 6 e, t ,987 0. Aiiee bate so0 Rlt8 odr Ot0l 1, I~a odaokoodaeons 5040mr Neateu. Momorer doe pail bfllty of ant opemtm roding from laor to higher romng ott the agoiotmuata ]add,, io eof promtiing The maajor maventfor thitsdoatmostofthe idle arabln latdtitheldhby dma togr oompaaiet as a [eeeo mio ohih sagar-calo pmdttrtiott cotld bo eupattded should the morde, justify it. This idle land it fothn most pan E, mrot deeirableunsaed ld itheiood. to addition, mome ae large ateat of tho Oolattd boing trd ao cattle rrr mhirh woutd he pot to moom ntmie one if mande arailattie foe genteral famatvg Herald5, a igrtifirao bar to form asoti 08 the pmtr toN huanho poaantry isodte difficolt, r n pmobthiiy of aooomlaoting suafficiet capilal to pttchaor ltttd ad eoltipmeoo. U3801 ad tooth de ortlnetd land] is sotd, aval able Oar tnhdioiieo Ooo faooilysdoo fatms sod ocoa facilitiea am provided, dom It little pF-Trut tof itnting doo panpao of latdowning faomt. Tie ogooiatimottf Ctbott aooicaltm it suam, chemeers0 a, to mob, foe at Boatrrioaey proportion of tde posyo~stam whht io depetdett apesn waspeithdoo it rsh or0 ind, Bad mhite it, for farom otarly elated o doe impoersed ita of mtany eoarl Coohto, Meon0 wod the unualota ditribuote. of the -minale laod, them e aced a nureoqtmohihoisrorat mdh y a ery -tadl pmpotion ownetr epooot ThM tgnlaalael carn of 894$ metald that abou,, 70 pm ret of the fano -ien oeootd by nooh- tonr, icluding sax per teatwhomweemaagea. - TABLE 2 Xomottrrasttan aCaooeoe Coaa.l'aooeoaoto A TNRECaoe,l0406 Ottoes - - - ,12 0-I Oqano l~l 33,,0R uao ...9.. otm _ootrat 1mo Moeoee, doe pottibility tofa o prrott m~ing fom looter mo hMahe mtrog ®t the oqoioalooml laddor It nto promtiing Tho moajore rast ftc 0th it that mot of the idle amble lot,] it held boy oh, aagic compaies aa a msere son hich tsa-oato p rdortioo maitd be etloatted thadtad tbo moehel jootify, it. Thu idls land it for the mn iart eotdoicoo s eialoatotdl]ad itheilad. to additiotmohere e rea othaoilad beingtdoorole muotoo mhioh would he foot to momt leteteiv toe if maode avaibohln foe geminl fasmitte. Fioal, a tagteifrt bar 00 fom owmethip e Wo paot Mofde landleetspThemty it th diffici-at y r ins- potstbility of aotmatlatiog ttffiriot ropital to ptahoas laod and rqamot UtO ood nooe t do a httraed lanod ia made oral]- ohlo foe ttbdibitto io faooiyseve farm, and i edit fodtito am provided, thomc it little pmtspctof intcnsicthde proportion to totodoootoa formeto. The oegoaniton of Cobant agejetltt is toba, theeefr, asmt mam for an sttmodioaoy propotaon toda popmtot msoirh it deprttdett opo want either is, oath or it, kind, and whitch is, fr  CUBAN nvz.a 139 CUBAN PAZAZOSS 1,39 CUBAN PARSaSm 139 the nean part nannuployd dBring nlarge por of the yean.The agndsolnol -a of o 1946 Nortd wnaa norersn in agn-oalue to thes cumnber of 477,000, only 12 per cent of shout teem yeon mlla l ~ai~ eeopoe o N ar- of only foo monde dosing the yost and moat of tem for thne Ther stning hre tsftatly otalt-fraem $106 t0 $400and only boear thee ae two or mooe teekmr te a teshn Ald are thy able mtekesn aabeelt.stsne trisgte deade-su toeeosthn supple aeo their trash eat ot nith vegeusle, and fent growno no ltrdhisnmad availablels0theoaarhill'uheoe11p1 withttanhnetis The tatter gap, tos Peeasdso as neat.esi snog the "Yrn oprsotar~ the ceou, sntelanred nearly 14,0001 It need, as be pntd sntaut the - oadtaoer Are by no In a heetagmrust gesta,. dAlt terus arel.. f who are lage atd nee-tn-o open rat and noe nodeestly waell- to-dr uhartcopes nd enm r tiler mostrpimn, -oably to- bar es. Ean ntan, ste rural Cuban ir.nnan of lotsc~ and utos. leadstapreationunn St in wvell bssata that .ogar-auns arootnrds is the drtad.a.. factor in Cobn agtdaltsra. It is a btlion detla n tdustryo proW- ing by atl sdd, the naor saon sof eplrymtt is Ihe bland. Ero so atrho rus"tlo a rgar weron~roan s high as 5000 Upwardn o he-frtr f nodselde-and landirdevottdtncapte prodotion. Aosatrdypnatoafd. mat oftnhis srod it oesed by thosI sunar reasparis, hot noun fornn t oos rae oar cropsniteir ininst inddsoed2farm, tnt194,allbnr55aotthe 174 wnit o, er tned by fmesgo oarpanteu. 67 of die teaet the Ujnd Sta. Other iauportenr caonmercial agoeotator mlops anrs tabae and cotf" TABLE3 Anssa or Pneuaa (ta Flutaeo In Cotute1945 toe roat port, wnonal dosing a urnge part of toe yeon. The a000cltorel censun tof INN0 rn dot age eworken in s~aleunre to tnumbttoter of 477,000 ouly 12ie ant of whtomt wre year- around eutplyena 'Te rrntstndor ter outplayed for an aeeage at tasty tare itniss doing doe year, and nout of then for thee Their s~osin are pliioly roott-roo $i.6 to $4tt-and only groans nbraeare twotoreto-reeba hotarlod arete ale to lso osoa sare a itee wdng s ghdeadteass.Samntfelthru orpptnent tou reahrnamting, witheeootabletand frettisttso heland nhtcts is asade available to Onem - o r ih uIfy ocnpy iestnaautb otaiu Te tatter getaro, tes e fsn, anes nalaed autong the taem operun to I the cwua nuottrd nearly id5T06. It rede toba poted otanthat N mean-Landteosrah y ns narahnoocotingrotp. Ausng theeaesomte garaotaetaa wo are hare and w -to-n Iptsr and toni otdeeooy n-It- to-do nlarcapper and seto iler ntrrpniet noaby to- bant. litittode main aher-9rO...nsiatmanoflstetocone and ufter loadk a to ....1 . clossonce It is weell showtn that aar-eare pmrodssi is the domi'nst flaoor, in Cubaen agmkiietnre Stt u buton dollar tndtantry pronid tog by atl odds doe utajor uture of osploymti in nhe tslsnd Estimatslrof the nuuber of regar weorns ron an higts an0,00 Upwsardsof at na-fnos of atte eusietated Lud in deoted to casts pradoetians Auofreadosodagd, until ut Its lords towned by tlse large I.,,r raopanien, hot eu faruen gronesn aosl rlop othiralndattyssoued em. to 194, all but 55osth. 174 utio toere ossod by f-a comptanies, 57 of doomn frn h Uindoed Staten. Other inhars coumruea agtietoal op ate tobacco and eattbe TABLE 2 Aeaas or Puttarsas Coopa Hnonegno 0o Caa, 1945 Tho onv 1_00 00 OnO.: e- 20 note no so C . u 60186+ Saov 139,8t tho moat par, nemnpiloyed dorirg a urge parr of doe yea. The agsdeal11-1 rnus so 1940 rtoted osge rkhe. it agxiosa tnr to the ...eo a 477,000, only 12 per r-t at tohom ne ear- around empysete The ormadaer re employed tar an u-.1g of tly tsar oontlhe dung tho year, and 00050 of dOet for three months or les Their eart are pitifolley roalt-asom $106 to 5$401-sod anty bolasan. ther so tos or sion us-rhess . h-taotadd ate they able eo ekeouta hseet no dondngohessadton . S®oftIn-t tupptossnt theireoahhsstdngsuwithIeseothtn andftrinagrowa on land ohicht 1e ode aviloblstomlnr orowhiehbtheisoccnpf sototalntlhicam The tatter goupthor pessests nraed auoog thes "Thrm opernort In doe sns, nuMttteed nearly 14,000. todotoM piteldeort dtothnen mlandonornsr by no ma homogenrosggstup. Amnong thrttooeuorne tsareoloos mho aretlarge and eet0-m-dopensoandutrootodeotelynsel- rr-ds uBarseunppmr and rNter. i othe mntrpriee. notbly t hrare. Batn, thse rosin the runa Cuan is anuof lonoeo aedsin.oleadn.apdrsoaeoeitone St is conotn than rouguroun prod.r.. is the domuntn farter in Cuban agodaoe Itro billion dollse induntay Provid- ing by alt adds the major nourca of outployooet in the isd Boti oae uf the nuae of tga, weakenu ru an Ugh as 506,000. Uswardaof there-oaon~ of the outtiniutr land is deoted INse 1rottuction oar yunoRed, atsa ostis nd Isondkby the lage agars roepaone, boo tome fauerr groo penea oarcah crop o their inisidnstty owuned farmns. to 1940, alt hot 55 of the 174 mttll ceere awarod by foseig -osparnial 67 of tem tram the mote~d States. Other imop-roant somnadl agrlmotuael crps arc hta and coftee TABLE 9 A,-o oPnvcCoetln erG or Cl4a0,194 Thu Sati Ct Iln_ .19,24 Co ot i"snoo es meCs Con. S O0,I ott-ao 2rely2 .tytoo .IY9toon  140 The Carbbun at MidCbntuy 140 The Cartbbun at M-all ~ 140 The Caribbem at Mid-Cwnuzq TABIB 4 (Cont...d Amt,~~i 7 1,) Iro 28 24,t 909 Qaroo gI, 99e srs 359362-- as l Mor Nfii202r±200,0relfet When a022 cuotodor doe p0rc02y of this 1,20 2020 of people 00 dor 92± band2 302d rho actur! od poteotrl prodlotrvhy 2f thre land oodoth r±2202e 000came to Inly me00clwo22202m the hanl -mm IfIrt22}pandad Itown am torotfrmde ptvty of t8 2±20202 te20200c0 hiot fr2 the intadoquacy, of the tocial 801200±2 022 wboich moigho m0ake p2ihI0 i29 20220 29801200 odui209too aa 8 1022 qmttolo diotrihotiof ,the prodmct While it may he92 thant 20 a depleted toil woi hoe 12und2 a8 depicted aieiae lip, it dot notfollow thanos roonarhsoil willhIfeuod altchlPmpl. You an hays ich land and poor poople. W02 jo the Uhrited State- are familiar 'tith this parmdo on otorh rich land of tho tjpper Mit- thoippi Dltai. sNot r~y in her land2 hoac read-0± of gr-r prtal peaduao ivdty. bart 22120 rary of hot toel tho ino the rinlrhao, Con coold sooote ot caled oreocyoloaltcd. I ror theay vorpnpla- It rolatoc -eorP, bao wohen Cttha in cotpatod with Mati, Jaaica ~a P2222to airy, the diifronoeo ae toriho If Coda hod tho s2m2 pop2lation drooity as 200020 Rimo, it would have orood 25 mtilliont itoad of 5 ornllio pcrpi. The Donomictt areoahio ale, has a loca population doroty wohen compared 0294, TABLE 2 (Can...22) 02202 14199 C aka 53225 Oe gotoh 95ot' .otal caljoooe lo rd- - - - - - -49420107 400 lop""o ra o.,ailr AMUot thr 8I1 rh o eiHo -20 oeel 220 22102 u mm f rr inrtho s d rc e oe oprli.arod, bootiocradtlot 024c tarrolamoerrno 822 lair orc to220 dotted rocao. Oootode2 When,20 one doro tire iwlery sf48 1000 domema2 of in'Ple on doe sole hoand and the actral and petentioti prrdodTvty of meo landono th h ec oe801000ayoe ntoliotoaso oth hort, otarofotrthe pnrodro. It arisesnot fsrom dhe proity of he tatoral 2222± -, oor lom the inadwqfaa, N the 2I.,.8 oand,- n wotohtoh otight makte p_.oit its o 0 eRffiier matysitioo 0222 o orre elithle dirihtoro of thre padt- VAiLo it may he torr that on 2 depittd toil will he foudovdeleted ri tahp, it does2 antfslamotlraoona ric ol ill hflat22o rihpoPl. Yooor - howd Aoh 1land aod I210m p222!2.el W fe I M Liited Sweet2 82 familiar wth Wso paed50 00 the rich sand of th2 Uper Mu9 sotipp De108. Natoray is herlatdhoeonrond, eoof gtt ptoeotial prodo- do!,t, bo aotihn 0many of hot neighho Io the 08ribhon0 028ha ,ottd taayl he W±0102 o22opobordaoed- I roafa dlam ovrepspdrh pbtwCrisomad toLaw- Jit9282rs wad Prreet Rico2 dmo dileoto am2 2fh t d If 02we had som0±00 popolate4 deoiiy 8s 14,02011Rimo, it -ad12 howre ocoi dRS rilhaslow pptfS2iu otpeople. Ir Thejorhia Rotrohc almo hot a low pplatio daiOtr whet cor}rr2d with4 TABLE 3 (ororo..d) M tols 71909 T r 3 2 008-20 4 Tonore 9009 Av0203±2 20 s N ha if, .1 w. .nt Iarh par. frm mtop a-'d^l h acrr~tta uortoie evo bor ~hldofthwe oadttt±th~tar What20002 em w00ad'. tp orlindioflidt. emaso P^ 9c Oio hrrd and ion oin the owpootental heredhoty dofoooe 8012d w200 of, orda h0,082 2 l th 2220 crncmsod- W oho mtc 0fm cosdete pmoeroIt ef- t tagmr o peyofl the ma m2 h ro and rom athe ,002 ua2 wooflpoe yr the -e rne hody rot h might he, pat it000 Or 001y20 midday19 so wad haire aofrthopradoo. oaome other meatur al t0o2 hoo r000 ai we ioroed o icho 000131 Iran1 hoII rich lood aod poor people We int tho Ujoitod 5080 ore fami lint with thin panas ro the rich lantd of mhe Upror Mdi- titrippi Delta Nrt ony it hor load base arerrof eat0 ptrdta pr1- mado, bha roike many of hor rotighbooo Ormah Cmrihhean, Coho -old etooody he roiled orerpnplotod I reali, that neopopoto- tin Naiv r a ro ,pt, b822nO wh-101 Ca4, is ootoproi wdth 218222 Joao and Pronothn. the diw a or otrking If Coho had the totopome tit d -lt ot Ptero Rion, iteood howe orouod 25roiteaiowpe n arofdrotit tpesplc. Theflorotca Repoohic o tad 0instoeapd nio estytht otpte st  CUBAN PARADOXES 141 CUBAN PARADOXES 141 CUBAN PARADOXES 141 *ts tw. wmid. I am cn ap reenin that Cps, aso achieilng ths tattso donty of population as Pserto Rico by any tea, bat it doot toot that it0 ptron pottlattt it no nctve i isne of Ite s atnr hnbarei hre noa bn bouglt ahoat i watitiaatiro Cryttntl,. titon should bs a annihiity of tating Weo 1=1e of ]wiein of thts pomn ittahitanto fet above its RaIngm torsented tho paradox of ti, lattd, poto potpie-one whbich io atl oo fanoullr to this audisnn-n fortt obliaton to indicat moto, of thl tesiar nonncot oenedial noonaton. The alt- poaahnto ttilttiaofttdn prnttton acnideothentsonno- sontiaaoye.: landatdycptoPl. Ttnni nnetbtnttdolorg ran to orae the poodutctivity of nath otonont, for only tiosgit intaod prodoodnity and a~nptOto.ia dioootbttton of toe gois to u high"o lnete of neolt-boing ponihle. At for am tbo land half is oncuenot, two tingt stand ae nt t No fiono plaqnt, , thrn aoob n sound aogtoont ogainn ttte do sinabitity of cell tof tint arable tad obich t non lying idl wnitil thofaelines ofthetagetter Inthe carondtotoco, much of tho tand nowo sod oatnsioely froot a ootwed bo pw~ to tatoo to- tedn n for tOte podnotdn of diroots fietd aopos whlistcold ndda goonutl to tbe foned and food otoneet of tho tlon. the naoton i ndha mNootd to onr it anbidn toto deairod gooko Oneo postitble maotod ist fo tht gottetotent to condemn the land lnd le ai om it directly tty tatoo on pubhlie natrt Ieto roat to pofoalfsoa rdi.Ti ,,oo t o named pooteonial ftbn gin financial wThonnes ofdtt goottattne Anrnher asfo popod in tll itndnc in aoun Cofostdo mein 19a 8 impoitla a poogotnoire lax on aned, to nsnatom from wotf wouold ho osed to airhua land for dtibiwantong farotd.s nihn oford itiasoobip and .to 'f(noinh tno wot im~pls] ns soot lnd anottttt trd atrian." ft t fo ,grant to tsO ah r on, h adcdohe od ob ndfe a h bat Ito poonmdon intt toy ry ill he Adothe oolativd art related in 10t, ontitlod"aw 'tre tguating nntract, ofloewaOtffnIoao adhno-op attno ' oootne oto o oile l e ai® an ooot. n l aa-srhc o «a stteon piug or a loto ona Icabt, nthoe calsontotocod ooo,nowcag fatoolaboesoerwho nreonoqoitdnm ,hot ,. mse nistpe I -m -o .w-ladn ta Cie asse r Asoatttiohonsae stnitynof ppadonot¢Pttonorin byoany .btit doen teont hn in pmornt popotoiotn stoorao inooNotonttonothntifthangoten e btroughtahoti m Inicatedn, ootain them forn lsnd ho n ptnsihilin1 of tototg tse tevl of lividg of to totunt inhbabitants fat natson its poemots"tat. Rating poontotod to pntodoo of ritg land, pwor pople-ons wh~ichi nial too spnis to tinahisn..It-onn fotlo otligatodoU indicam scunno of ohe or eavion, rnondiat nooaoo. The ala preach on No sotaio of the prthbnom noon ontidno e toOt n stidal anpcI land and landt thenin oot hbei the long ont to i Onat to p foltiity of Ntoothrifoto, far only thouogh ineood predoctfsmty and appropriato dhihatio of tho foins to a highero font of weLl-ocig toosoiblo. As faoooooth anditnelfisoonooootd, tnotd nnd oo. In ths fitlalcntteNrnaneo a odogaontgpinne o- siabiliy of otilining the -.1,t land soh it non lying idle within aoetceihotesof te agrta. Io thoao-hitpIs,, moetof theolandanow used ennooy for panedroceld be ptaotttoot. a 4mnioo ne for thn prodoction nf dioeron field onp which nold add gotnoy to to food and food enen of itn, inand. The oan goesio i what method to oninahiotig thorn ownfed goals, One possiblt mnotd it for 01t go-,-sortn on andsonthotonad aoddoarinit Bdioty by paytaonhfromthe pobtie bocaaly for resale to polntndl fonoosr on credin. This nonhssfiooegnded nnonty at metrin st fInancial nwenann of the goyanett Anaa -onihd aropooed in a all tnordotod in to Cotras Congreas to 1988 it to utopono a Itnbttrn ta O land, tho oswote bon nreioh stood ho opod t ad tobae land for diotihutitn aoong forenoo o is Cta ititenhi, asd r It toi tent woitoptlleoeto ,cedt and ontosan nan .tl." It to otoogrcifiod t otbnr th n fa ng Iato land and ohe ods ods art to ho a frs, etom to ila fat, boo toe poontption in tt they off ho. Anofso loinlnIn o ad od in 1940, opttlto'aorgoltieg so trtofaofffoto- andashaoe-coop ageiteotin compls osnnoifa oahlorptra dgt an dtrod di aibo nn lpn- noyile nihnoonp oopisa ologto lop e hat erp not :cmnhaand ottyamooa nfaocl !m atralaoomnho amotoioedom ah. th. . a I -m - q that Ouh wids ~~ntahiosing he taoc denniac of popotatio oo Pootot i' by any tnony boutt dot soo thao o pontoot taopolaat snt0000 tnotooof thenorc ereoifcehangoton he brooght abont otis ulvvalon. CooldNity thorn stnatd be aosihility of raising toe brnl of liolng of the psonont inhahitant fan oera its Tha g prosented Ito patadon of rich land, ptoo Poople -ons whtich is all no foona to this.tdinnc-oa foelo ohligttd to indicate se of te mor oboitn senodiol omeasure Tin ap lnooach to the solotio of tre probhino moo ntider the do on- sotial aspoo land and pold. The drb h ® s a h mutio oh mters, ooinlomgh inenood produotisity and appoopoit ditribution of o gant 10 highen love] of nell-being petoitolo As faranesthlandnolf isonoothd, totintotand wt In the it plnco, lom -a in n soad angooto-I against Ito do- slentoiliy of ofivng tin nablo land whit 10 now lying ins wthin tofncslmtoftotre, tan. ainnnsectd plano,,tndoof the land nowonnd rnanspoly fortpatur culd be pul to mom n - notion far the prtdnctioo tOf oihno f iod oognehwold odd gaty to toftodnd fndreoso ofthoidland Tno nitv qonodon is sohan nootod t non in chiled, tonm deed goao. Onm gotibo othod to foo toc goountto0 cotodemnonho land and acqoinsit dioootly paottensfromthe pobtic treasy for nodse to potential famoen on codit. Thit nanthoo is non rngandsd n ardnty ao within the finaneniat of tte gooonntn. Arochr met Ipoood in a hifl inteondr to toe Caot nougooon 1.4 in to iopes a p"swo-t oo attd, toreenus!mwih odb edo adrcpmt itiuto nnong nbeamooo O nedond ,onhn an. ! t In dithminchfpe tehd ai m srf nether fo no1tN e f r aono ritittip ands n "fotoni fuo gaoo the nfavmqn but theponotniathat they t aill ho Antoer Iinnec an rated in ff40,oo a"a r entitled co ottori estof adsa opepam ceneltin eo[ dlentrhltnnr.r pnenrnla1d ndodbIois onalta onS ditca o , rnnping ora looglr loatnhabasnoo- wtabntato and annfazm nahoowho arteqliredn  e 5x s 2 1 ].? ' oai ° a$ a [a a 2 E~~u3~ab E s a a$° Ia5 X il t a y i d b A I sk "b E01 L p e s EE "c m=0 a a°°.$ 'pe s .q} pn p a E # pg H ti~h l p' aXbO~x9 = °0 m 'C¢ g° 5 .$ a a3" ~a e8 a@ a } JIPM h c e b2 ' 58g a I& X= e' s n 9 e e ° 3 e i s m~ t g L ' g o " s es' °J a yp q ". Y ' . , < m vr 3 rr9 ' p = AfS?_t 'C agy ia- " O F ° .'9 e3 9. .a ^ ur e 'g s rd  CBNARex 143 COPNS nzsonms 143 C~UA PARADOXS 148 p ccc~ Thsemosstpoeo ontofdtpod tionsoffoosototfoe the Am rsIoosmaket ionth o nnthtperttodihoud is atotho he motto. But Otto toge-ocoe n tneoeei soto f ftoeopntoe eo,othee,,sfecent tegitotoutet ottotot teed foe too etopooo to ihe tchnicl petonot of the Mitistry of AtCotos,, tooth for sevct' oend oddls educottsot pmosepta. Alt1 wthU te imott neek of helpinog the tow focrm Wet- oto gtt eoobtoltel is the e00 000 m o tthfin hiedd of ondiotg the rdocmtiowsoo yeto fme r hildenof Cbs. It to otetboc ftogio posedo of Cobran seoity that while comopotoey edoottion hue hoot "ot the hooks" sittc thebegitsoieof it lfesanotdoc, o homge posopomotio Mite peootottotlltooot m Rcet-ieoo Adt his ints o fit tthe tout maot ohouft hird of the ntiomlo budget (1946 igteo) toots dedjootod to sdoodtoo. Ttteeet oottio'of POP4 povoided fee ootpuottty edssatnto of l uttsof sohmosog2'to he petvidod faoo heoeooermocs- rc Sohoot stplies wee0 to he fatototed gootns It atm psevided thot he"tooorooodaoy itocosto d Ott hightetsostt eeotstio opeottud poosooootimy otudy" wheno etithsd hy thes tocoty. sootd he Aoosto. It msothoc, pcootded foc a oyteo of totteet foe otdtt devoted poefootoey to the otosiostion sund pooutto of itiito'oty;t tod st o theough a long list of toendabte odsocttotat otdetotdon, But the thorsm btott the poftssod stondartods .. ott ot pecfoeooue i gtrotindeed. tut199, tteodotetof thetotoonf ossioot, thres tt cld puostoelte ee to thictoo yeutt of age of 1 ,008,253, of womos 053,947, te 01 per coot, toere copEotda otdio'ng sohoot by the Mfiolotty of ttudott to Ositot, the most stea Preovie,~ mly totr ottt ofiv rottidren ottooded. 1t sttoftoeaoo Peoito ot othemettended Thistoao dosi toe egioe of o "ow' goveotoott" etocod ott lBhcol, Pttotoottt'0 ptotfoso tfU m 0f etoqoest a peutou of i of the oue of ther cto 'copto, trirty the wool to the mooo of -,Ipoiout thate toort 9a. pfte who o Otto e tos ososptio of toactec H~ad oft the ehildeot of tohoo oge boos fot sottoettn,,,eworlda behoo1t6fm ereocbtoeoo It Oiot Pront the mati tosId have eo onto ttohoo fmc 200 cfhitdoeof Tftoesseotooeoo hnvetRoftlednotttmtBtdstteect ofdsooio psosoico. 'rhseot -of oontue. of th coductiott of teoatoo ftc tho Attooetoatwallettiitt11.stthcewlteotoof thetisad is osstheocotot ooi. Bot mayltoeesotot'oi tttomhoof fato ofoerotomoundec the oegis tf esoso togtoltio woiltcrte o ted fee ant eaooioat theN techttcot potootl of to Mwty ef Agodocoattoot both too coteoch and and, edo.otitss tttottoto. Aloe woi'do thetedot oah of helpng the tot fotta oPer- afo get cotabithod is the coo oo purooing soocd ot etpotdtg ohe' ode-ooretl tyotos foc te children of Couta. It is tssttheo tegia patodet ef Cubtot o tetytat ohite oopohoty edoeott has hero "to mhe hoobs" sot tho boofooner of ito lite oo a tatoo, o isogo proportio of tho podoatio s totitrteo eo ttti-ttaem Ad thititstite of tt. fort absout a thoied of the notiat huffet (ff46 figotot) too dodicatod! to edocaio. The teotttt nntlof '040 proided foo soopseoty ed.-,,.io f dtt 'boetoef sotolsago to bpoeidodfreebyete govoesotct Schtool ssfojotito te to be fuased geros It alo poteitld that fteo "tooo tctodaty is fooeo d otu highte oroot ,octcudtnst0 otecotwd poe-ottoeofty Wrdy" tohtt fttwisttd by the -tcmooy, tould he Arctic It Isoehem ococded for a "syone of eiwhsh foe odst devetd tarticotals to the ettoottotiet nd pt -I!-teof ittttetoyeadto osetooogatI..,tix of londettd], otso.. alu toedetobtog Bsm meoltw etoooesthe¢tpftsod sotdadsand theooctot rtfttsttouooisgtettideed lttyU3,TdddotoIftheotstrt eeot tmeneeoaechitd popotlttt fie to thitoet yeats of ago ofu ttO1,00t,25, of whom '3,97, ter 05 bee res, m eported at otteodiog schtoot bt the Mtotte iof dterton Io Oteet, the werst stoa Prteitoe wtoy sot ot of fiveehldes atesded. It AbuHatst atotooce 1eotf theo enttded. 'iitoeodutiog t reso of a "otfortogoettoet" tected u u beect, ' tesve~ plottormt with mot etoqooss toectot of Its coot e of the estrd of the [aroseo people, she ettod toolte It the ewoo of eccootttiotto, those tote 0,0(00 potto toho dov- mhcoooooaotiossoftetrc. Iiad dlthohildoe.ofttctteoage her.s in cohot them o ldetsato behent106fo tteoottauh-. to Oiso Po ee tte eatt wold hoov boond toe toois foe 201 childeo 9tlttw sm,,eo have offered most inthetoegleot ofomootet socotice. 'lIs rocstoettatott of ttte peodsatiou of etoooto foe the Aduen-iarket inthe noth -,.Itwtotf theielatd is anothere o toinott Dot aty huto'-cde morowsc ton ntotes of fotot oe oo oed,,o the .4,i of escow tepltoAiet mot co a sted tot ot vzpseriot in the t,,hoteat pmototi of the Moe, of Amicshto bths foe ovoetoe and oot, educotiotnal pnsroteo Aloeg ono' de, issootdtat to of hotybog tho oreo fost opee' sm0 got cstshed It the eves "tote prtessing teed of eoptodiog the edtcotieot sytoem for tht UltdettfCub. *Ittiatotthe, Eyge, p.tdo. of Coots soety that tbohi 0 ettpotsot edocaiot tohoo b "ot the hooks' shm do beognrteg of too sifteo tatoo o totgc ptoet of thte Populao is iliteat suc tettitte And thit in spite of stoe Nto tta abosf ihiod of the haiotat hedgot (1946 figoot) toot dedicofed to ttctict. Thtecettu-t smims of 1940 tocoelded too c.pnsp.,o, tsrefire of all 'bttt of sethool oget to he 1oVtded fooc by tMhe ooretoo . Shom enpliit, Aets to too furwished cortds. ft also protided tha frees "ttove tesmty toosocis ad ott I bige, utoo torde,todto soiatod poesuboit study' tohen fsr(bhdh the rtste o ocetty thould he gaotto. t foesbecpienoied fecm "Bse p of dosh toor odto detd portiot so 0 otoisot Ift ao nd p .essi' ofitotecocvototds®ton gh ottetttf toodabe e dnoodtiot ondotstdtos- Ensrh Nchose Mvuees the peofenod suood td theogtt peeforstotei gnavttobdeed. InttO14S, the dateoffsthe oteet esoe thect, soo a ohild poopotoio floe to tteon yooaso te og od ,1,1000,23, of tou 353,947, .ore 5 pvc mtt, toot reported as otoolooig teeoes by tho Mineo of Eduot to Orior0 the mut towSm Proviteio, only one sout of five ohBd. Ts Inedr-t then® Plot t'toe two tot ofr ioot' atsdd m ht di t ct ltst regimelie of a "sefocto, oftottt' led on a boord, poegeeoie, plotfoests vet west t u tt10stop stof itsoo-s eof tho toota of tho coottoot people, to ainy ohs wedt Inmheeoooo ofooowtiutthoos orf ptos otogae theto ,reoatotoo..hee ft .1attthefotdooo.ofooBIso'otagsbo to sooetl tbre tosd bate tbcot IOi for ot teototec. IsOetme nytoumte coi I oold tttvo boosa oneo tedbofo 0r 0 httdrmtl Thoe rvmot aceaf bomoi ooPd mr its thise toogloct of 0 edoscatn  144 The Caibea. at Mid-C0ntur 144 The Caibbean at Mid-nq 144 The Caibhean at Md-Centuwy Thor is not duoc to opposition of the taint people ifeoud moatty -inn which facet folieo tom eloplaying techder fron the coron inoogot tentt amt cotu heic childrn. Anot the eoto- OtOof oil liefacoiratr math the goeeenmott on thitoe ecr freteatAs oefnotmte put it: '9 hote no had anytneed in toy wehole life n peiean, yet I see dom often hreohaota; hot we do ocedtacbhool -, cet, otd one ntter a,,-"ct Iteohoud hneo te oflpridetawtoeetoetN goocotnet Mt ini 1931 dustgtheeorfomtef Machaotte loaoy mOf children todo nrinee reem of age toot highoen than ift out i 1043. The adut littacy orsaeto higher in 94 tlThan ito 1931, ha otit can ho oetetd to The ponthng int adnlthood of the ettldt, of 1931 ttooeotfwhottthadhoadotoetchtooing Adettoic eon mtentonly on tie hanit efa literae Ippladeo. Thin is wtidedy atemptd in pncipk sen in Cuho. By the noasc token, ond friimt ogeltoee haa pon footly-his otatt mot ar00 u100 Ot edocoted 3ropeti. _The tesolotion of The edtoatiotal porodoes it tied top witho the Ism-Tt$lttirjZ17ma lf the couotty. A noion which dedjota a tied of its budget to edoontion oogtt to oodd with that coon t ut - deltmodaycdnactiforoeach aelioftwhtel age. At of lead stinr wotrld hoot aotunted to atl $3M peo ochool chlid if tie fi-ye-ldo ate included- If Nede we eitoirated olosng naith thot enolled in ordae othoolt oh amount pee oapitewotld apopoach .950- Tin lisn remuate or approsceaa The pie -mg.ita tpmndttoo of toenal of the Southen stto Of the Ceitad Stotowhere tohool attedot at Mo lthenony Ieel i tor 90 pe cet. lint too Bitu, of The money apynpproted got beyord the tapital city It it a dfoimt moree ton gnwtnente dattanoto find application at the point foe whi c hy are ostensibly nded Poltical itootoly which hat plagued Caha during anod toneclooiatdys hietat Meenoottoftmie asofotanothor sapeoheot- Alao nooetelemctd topohtfitre gcd goto- nntaetiig for lice Onhtbadly, art n long an tmany mooet ahot itoonal of total 00 teti-iltleay, dfoetiead ne nottitot of goeeoev t amtt tiknty to e e. To a bot Anneo cn it nont always toetm anothr ponodon that the Cuhvns repndiated Th Onlty hontest pretidet tiny nen had, tir moo who wononcd that he tootled dmo toholl eachntr tor totatn theon nihiottoeton o orttofthe fam pole Ifotdomany eaten hom ohiet raoshles a otto optcoying teachers firntThoe ou eaonger inooe to itoooooot their childoen. And tic etor- tone oft dinatitacton witi the gotettotoent on hit tote w ftomst. A orfams[ petit "I hav enee badanyn..d in toy whole life for a policemn yet I eac nInen often hetecohtott hot ne do teatosel temother, oad one otoe paw r, 1t thould hefo tmar,, of poide to tht ubeqoet goae -.otnt thatlov 1931 dsmugth rogime ofMalottheiotoynate of children onde niolet yeoo of age tor highoo that it ott it 943. The odolof- tieayr wet highee i 19$43 than in 103, hatfo thin oat he dessited It The punting into adttlteod of doe thidnea of 1931 mare of whottt hod hod woare eclmolig A democry co fruction only on the Mittis of a liomnae popeanlit Tlsid iddely accepted in pitocpl, rote io Ctho. B~y the some, token, an o utit ogefoaltun hated aow farwit-ins fomn mto 00 ent pow on odototod populatito- The onoolution of The ednoational poadohn tid op withtio genc5hl hhpftital ooeof e inotty. A naio whioh deiao a third of i bodgotn to edoio ougtht to podd with That roat lnot wnetenanetttedocatiofotntoth child ofrtchol oge- An of1946 thianwonld haveoamonntedto aot $35ieoh thild if tine feo-yee-t on ae incladod. If timta nwere tiMeanod .1,n walti thaene enotled in ptdeate tOhe-1, the totoun o capita wouold oppeoth $30. Thiu riit te elue or 00 ppeoohe The pr rapito womotitne of levatol of doe Souther atte of tNe tieited Btate, whcte tohut attonodore a toe loemary Irel in ate 90 psee eon. loot to little of tie mony oppnoptiad got hoytod the catal Itys It it o diffnitl mor hefr gotemtnont dotllrs to toot applicotion ot the pols for which they amc etewtbty moenaded. Political tmotty owhich hatm ptognned Cuho daning tad oince rooiot damn des no the tot Of thin, oof amny ohe' problteot Aio, n metnbrldt phlic officoetmaigoern- neteaio, igftthei ownohooefotad aslongoastw any , on e kept too~ of total to semi-dltnay, fuertie gotti tetit of gyaceotnt one tot likely to eege. To a Norti Animeisotit monat alwaoyo teno othee panadetThat thon Cobans mopaited tie otly honot pretidoot they oee had, tie moo who atonced tat ho nwoletd the ochoel rhon tor outomnhe The rhis it toot dmo on oppoiidon of the fanm people fetoed mnny aen oich ror attitet were employing teoheo foom Their ettmagriccmo tinortcthinhfn. And thenpre- otoon of dIttainfon with the ,ovento an tani went were forowole Atnonola ooe ut it. "I haveonorrhadannei toywhlife r a podicenoon yat I tee thentd often e~eaooo hm we3 do ne a r ofoh foti ti echr ansoe 000 aals, . It thoulditccnatropnd00detoeqeogettnt obme at 1991 dsoit the regitme of Maohodo doe tote of twsn ciht, o MU noe dote poofoe woo tigte tit toni n3 Thci odalt teacy m acwa ton higoer it 1943 The ha l93t, bat teaohof wdh om The patig mmt adlttiood tith Mc hileien of 1934 noreof wheod hdtdaehopliong. A democoacy co functo atly on tie booi of .oa e It pooatnn Thin in widely accepted rin urtile, acoovn ha Cuho. By thNe aomoe lhto fi..ooodpltn haod opon fottily-tiar fonmst most rnt upon on odtatods rvpturtot Te nenoltien Of te edt~aot patodea in tied up wuiti tinsolhe gene tTyifyiiiptrnvrhiattry An onion wich dictat ae doind O oilo ito hadget toa edocatito oghot topnmvd with1 That resatat katot ane oen oty ednooiooon etc rchil of a ott otgo. An of 1946 thin wonld hare anoo ted norm o co35ipeedth cd f The fotyao-olde owc in oe. If ht eeehlae along with thre e etlod he poi ate ctndalo, t aaaent porr capino waid opproach $50 Thia figc a ono appneachna The o capt pedit enomt of d eea of doe Soohefo mtate of this Cotdaao~hcoo laoedatheat stie ntay lecel is own , 90 rpet 001 to to tl of tie money apotroeamgot hoytod thed ,oitl city. ft In o diflicolt atatteo fo e goemcann dotars to fiend oplction at the point foe haM r arml whith thoyed dl di moaitwirhapagdCuace omey siemot non dia lien at doe m0 of tidnano o a marryo--- pnoblettn. Ao log on wato daroted to parblic officergadoto. tott of gwnmn teat the p y g to ionee To oa d Amnonnit moot alweays et atother poado that The Crahon redate.d tie otety tanest prtdeat~ they eeo, hod TheM maeo anootred that he woofe the nohwl toctoo n t nnmbeor tie  CUBAN PARAOES 145 CUBNx PARAmE 145 CUBAN PAAOXS 145 taldiom. Anoeri.nna knew That thm no govnew~et in anhint to palitcni natoptia o[ nany kinds, but at teasttThem han not yet hr Arcoat in which a'praidoet enters the Whim Haome a pane m and enwgetanna milieaaite. Thcpaeadoatlfpomrpeoplen ich land cattt be retoetedlaN trgtlatinnaltne wtevenbyceducativeon gttaongnwith it. Cuha has to ris, by int bootstraps lby praranaw beyond econanc and goveronet action. As Ilsee it it it in torge part a peet of mantt. Lf ett eia Ifacnndon e al ti - te lams -,1,pl of Ooba thtat gaete a e oa tnuntg tar ..tattan ftotm thoot They etted to feat na apattibitity tar what happenst in Boecon. To nay kan-tlede thete is endta fatorinytttennyttal rlaeimoaar Whea I aked att homter why he did ttat tapit to hecottaotpyeaenative in Canenna, he replied, "I ata tea hatteat'" Thentoaqontshtagtof his shoudders seemed t ob tahoff any idea of eoen a aemot patoiity that a farmnee might httld tsaah son i Parmat attice In any detnaceacy, inoitdioa the United ames it in difficalt to get and taocti aninnttn toaniptdan int the ploxt- at gaccetne Then salwai pe tans ad etitible eater Paticipating in niocinn is eaqca eideace of eidetpreadomarthy On the .rhehand, hte tact that et in made emenptttary itt Otes ado anatapenew ineptotieacmlvles. Altag with the tendeny to mvade he eeapaadimitiea of nida ship in Catn there it a ta, teelittg at rliance upan central gtteentt ot 1aefoeam Inactiota whicht migta panpeey ho aone- pliahed hy tdeat inhintieaaand xarlp. Yet aewita at the theat leve, snhaaitoand thne edttti malttoa tatly mchng. A1,analsmamtnaitytmayeanaplaiothittery that the goenenmet dea rot hetld ae itmee tewands, hat Ithe ihahit- aattatld not thinkh al tatting anattert into tmei atn handst and lain, tametbiag amaat the tmittna i. In d s otef the ags -mno of oerstptnynet ad eeammpiaymenettnatmhotMe itand daring ewtsia aenna of the year this idle labor is teldona ailinad for beat imtooewntr Thew, ar atar. racaptinr. The dairy' tah tha l neihned at ttnyana ateaed Bt-dta n atuhild oand otu ti anal-tteatte cradh rachiag ot tan 6t titantte into the attorn id, ineldiagr the cotteode f a bridge arrat ~cndmsra . ItPtuney a rwapibiTiy af lahr emaeat ga--t-'a t acdkbe AMtariaanna, that the r over gteenaetithic t oalitiratcorttttattatofmaaant tatatat leat dom asna yet hecen ans it youhia a peidert ntrn tn White Ieane. a por nanwadenaerg as naina~ie. The paradox of poor ptnye an richa lanad ,aant be resolved by lauded-ia alone, norcan by duaotin atogag atang with it. Oame has in mbe by ito b~otttaps by trare -o beynd renoo and gomeennttacrton. As eeitthis isi ae part a prblemtf mottln. Usttmeesapait I fottd age.[ttnteamg atttotthe tamrensain f Cuba that goocattten - coattetlaag tar rtanreed foacuitena. Tlseyaescaedtttfeelnwe «eaaiiy fmetwhat hapyns mnfla -me T mybknawiedge thcw:it oafareeito teatal tegitlature. When I ashed ate tataes why he did net aaime tt rotemandtopeteAmin, in oalgea he raplind oft m.n tto honest." The eleqaran aloangaof hain thaldeatamimed te sahe oti any idea of eceo a reaatpwasihiltythrat afartenamighthtlaa.h anion- Pttetant athir. an atty deonsc, inclitdingt the Caitad States, it is diffinot to get and airaaa ac citne patitipation in tha ptaena of gnerann. The await pannentage at Mhgibin catara partieupatiag in eienoa it d eamn enidene of wcideapead apathy On the other Itotta, the rant that tag is ade renpulttoy it Ono ana aot appear o wekpti nat neaede- Alengewith tlBtetarnWee Thrrenaa aldtctntral ship itt Ontob ther e iat n a tong) fel* telate aa ota goecantont t po fata nctiote l m hia roptt prapely he ¢cr talhdbloa in itiatir and tefhl.Ytnts t the oca cen a iapoe trd, eslmsad other enaditinto amttet tatly taeiag. A local camniymommunway ronoptairthtelyTa h goeaon dan oewt banld an iroe int ds,b haMat inhabit- .at world nt thiof cieaig a natters iotro vant taada and dnie annatbog toan Th nitaint te, tithe lage anaot of mi onttytena adrewpoyetatThronothio sethe tatd ang carttonr teoan nf the year, this il abot is acoonn tatiire far mna improeweta. There ra m enceptert.Tha dairy- andmaaaia 111-ent ereah tecteatttrfha butetrr inmto ht cotamidr, wnaoin, the rteaniot at a bndgaert ltao.1 wttalaelytremptaibltyf tteentan l -entntte stiliet. Aeine aow That hean r gtveeenetttent to politial etretptio manry, kiads bat atIaatthem, has c yet hertarotm in which a peroiden eatert The Whir Clano Opan maosd emerges. otaniinaire. The pacodoe at por peopl on eich land cavmat be roned by legislationatlow, oate en hy education at ct taong with it Cabs hastorhe by in botaapt by praetwhsbetd ecantantd goommttIsttinnAs Ias itthisieinttaaetopra p-eanlf wattle, - l I nplbattI otoda ®ttta feelingnatoangthe tarta pet f a Cuba thtgretnen eros f.,ehig foe remee fram duhem- Thaeadte len aponibitityfar o hathapant ticnnoa. Toty ho nnsttiodgaethereisttotatrritamntiotl leogiratre When I asked amg Geche why hn did tat aepeem T amar epreatatice in Congwtn5 ho rytied tJ Baml tohet The ea edn poatibiniy thatdnn teemed to thosae of n eda at reen arentate paetiiythat a latane might bold an tootF w Ir any democac, ittetadieg the Uinited Statn, it it difficut to get and maiti acton ritre picirain to the ptaete ofd terta.The twa11 prcenag at ilat,,oe partittipati in e1,ieois -taam atedta t eidetpread apathy- . otes ohrhand, the fa that voig it made eumnlttry tt tuaow htotAppo, tnworhtpolitiral mae. ¢Aloag with thme tmadry tn ecade a. reaihtii of cita- thio ia Oubto tttee inna wosg fetting af t etiae tpon rowattat pliah o tisi -i asl ihtat a eavmH-vbed by tIot inidusis, andss -ep Yet actin atM Im eal leteanto imoc roa, sahelt and othe .ra r ti sl-moc ,e hoA b mm ty ayndeadibiatt at fc e goveern ent dt etot bua imapmadouw RM1ailll it"pVadytoiaem In ta=et prbbl en nt the of rneit ptiy nobd itt trig in enetutral netter d otopIngatoft~aiao~~ hwti it a i t tte m aeenibe frone tin oniste pnt ofie ra tod, a rt, differt meater, forno the nylon Crmsa - hiet had preevnoesly diffnoed from the Ardene highlands and laneo their vvearinen~ reon The aristic sttie of the Vaseea ereeti cmptan ca mitle etved fenom ettie of the as, mitodnn toe, ardin t the tome rcet eearh, themre ver a mmarkd reoom In ton aned veyprehahtyolelantlmrc. The ethnic and iegnitl preobleat rained by thin rcsnd coigea- anaedtmendoordyeendeeitnd tdeee meee ortpe vihletntnntlta th tnracof thia ntoad bynrai ere Amonkh. On4 meae., heoerr , 1ee te i rapoo cv h hyothedealnoate of etc mmeetton, tehiaelewhin de en the rcnt ® ntroity'waps ntadernaetedtianla ahich o eftetoly holda true fat the goeter poet oto Central and Pooch Antenica aontid e a Memento and Ding the retoef ntan'etical teodeni which tee hare tender taken ioprparatinn for iori iga ntok or Vnoerkchnf aroheelI- -aoact wehictwchtwe hope C. to a et in the nesa t xr-n hare meMn naotedolg which at first no rprieed en greatl ,,,not the sn ¢ar in eeneela efainted, metipleleggd petroye tehieh typran to he tt1nnaiane in iio anw d alien a uthe hool era haeer pet'vieenly dineoated andr ther rotm Bwhic i the-d eVateneanI n m~isTi tidedcerd a icd tradition, innrhe ohnly ratotnte,'neno toso hoe ma de fit opante enV neeleet oeoty thrdy hee the dineetery of Aaorrire, that at, do rig Pr clod tr of th m tta sud-td hery Whine o det at yret hoave a rvffieirley caoplete a (.) Toh yof the lotte-a to didan, tee mayrne th arleg 1a)Th pat- wery ain qtention dheto in gedro en a high -cullaulcent. Thin enoteece of aneendeelltn mrmtei f qtitnnldtodte me just dmomrond, whirc, -oe to have head it ongi no the Amaittn basin and mo havepanted from enth to aorth ioe nme ddiie a the alevienntigeotoo.Thin .,eed doifuion tea repeteittle fee the ceanormtrial phirheerinekowttdaywa tVaenci Rede (Kidde, 1044L 61-71), ad foc dti reason w thIfou cal tVatenno. It nereon pehabe tn on that the Vatenciao iate, hod its otusin ia sitcoma rene denrng een of the P-oi- Caroncid hear-o, perhapt at the clate of fenard and Rea period III, ht it s idt ntech onytered leone the.aenini paoan of vimw and, at . ault, dulcet mnardlp feen the typo, wchich had preedtnty dilfnted from the Andnen highland, and mann their e afe tanei- coiea The a niie ,nie of the Valencs 'tctnc onpet intent hr decd from that of the petinon tenane fa crdiec bo the catceetreoch, then weon a machod rernien In art and very probably to i -cte, The Mrlhi end linveitie prelems nmisni by thin -mend migna- tnes delrate and perloeedenod. It dmntnnm in-. aibteteoeas!ot th anode of this ,wtadeCosmic.neer Amak. Once mae forer, tee mot eanphnoio the hypethedent nane ofratonetolasn which isdoe w thee aniyef nictigrafct stedies, a condtion which uanfortunately holds tree fnc the gere pare no emeand Sotnth Amoera neetide the Metot tand Andrancet~o Dating the cetne of ednial tedittees ted e hae coder tae ie preparetion tar treitig a hook on Vecnelae archeotngy -a mock wehice we hope to tuendet in the feat feior-e-"o heo ncoontercd nonnethieg ehtch an nt orpnined om gecatty d-whe the exitec n Vmoemdtei ef painted, toatiptlegeed peIwny which pea ho how panataiwe it ;styirn and otien t h teao uamieandrhaer pr ly dicnende htee "nanoenoid en Voencon hinthird cerami then. t-y nhcaetshalcl nfnthmdao," eeee to havemade tnapprocatcr in Verateetonly shetly hefore the ditrry ef Amoerica, thee in, doindg PedIV ef the Hard-encholny wh~cie e do tt yn hate e[ bnlelml rmpteit ntigooyhy of thlnhtanr fiin and may nowe the frlew en (0)Tept tenyin qoentien belieniongeereettnahihn,mnrdtlvel. Thin  OAIuvflI ARELOG 155 CAsIBBin asCsOLOY 155 CasIBBEA ACHOLOY 155 gtie tdon amv Inn eanqi in and ealani gt ., Is fen tOnnanl Amtaea, wiah clankd wuho the eatnal gsslp atnady antabhied in Vennea and tnded tm epia the aottn'. (it) The gengraaptal dnatahalnn a thin tanitaed (nannnhentaa f anliy ahname), mtatileggad pattany, an ae tanta it loae, saggenl than weate dealng with the pinsnhl ino anti Intan pannds, tit an fernm appeennately a, nt1400 tn 15W( an I Sil Intnas, ano a nn than acli ..dae that t datn ate 0.-e ein atd in thi aaI onlatnian aVeala isnnppenstnaly th, am sa at hat watc Latheip (19i42 1944) has onailihed eni then basinnfhjnnwannatttSikCone inaen-mr, oftCine, Panmasn nehan the Pitteiy in waoo-shat ninat. tt i, asia hily in ndg tont itan these sites mo aa n d net tatty in doolnanny and atpolane hen alit in giagnaphial diTialin ath thn tadoan ,coal god paeltraed "Caniht by the elaitene., We anilro lean tis aoreat vanina trio pannilt naignatin and linen af diffaeinn ,ahith nsa ac nwe in the Prean, at eaing. Sente af dha mtay hi nmtah elder titan tne titan dnnaibad, bnt ate hasin nnitdlnatnsatiabiortthn=aat presnent that waeaanntdian, theme lane. LInT OP REPERENOC hli "a Cnneiitnn a tin na n, antnln ' Aa Annienalies. Gntiiwi. anc. 1, OF- tIna. (Fowat 193.' Teinna t La Mann' anewna, ven,asti" Annenpntetdtnml Pa.4enA Anna Menem or Canne ln XXXVI, pa. 2.w ennwsndnttoC., aad fanian.~et teit.. "Antisas Calte Ctene'Hndini Sedn Astiinn Manenm if "oan l"al ,acin na I, Net Yorkt. Datilt, tea.n, end Jhot M. Cen a le reRanaiisrtqnaia nnt a, Mnaan lie tin Tene itd. nut0 settafdande i m hitasi Minid&' Mtida. nignilienathe anbstlofn-,-,i.,gandnntnninngripnlnte Centa Anna, wh-anih hatad with the anteml genapt aboadya astabtishedl In Vncena and tended an reptwe tine latet. (it)J The gnagsaphinat diaihatit af thns painted (manochneee an Pnty- ahnnnan, malilegged potner, a ewae ito tnday, neggannn than mt n denney wainh the pentanain and hinnile womias, tit i fonrm apetatmet a n. 13to It W o1s 1700. Itanihenu at mnne than aan idenai that the date e hen-s annand inr tin, aeneie. ltnaditita in Vaneasela in apatatimntey the same an hat tahii Lthi (1942' t1 han staitate at, thehlenathioon atnh:at Slncnn- anini 1.d pnaasdnt, itnana wthoa the paty in e anaenhn ,e 1 t i -C in tntw hina itnting t title than taee sn enneettid nt only in ehnnntagv and a elplotgy ba iain.W byiToaihc diatihadn oint tha tdian geaasntootnnt.teentdad Cadb"hby,th taeiaiin. ss ftnn no Weomait mn thin anast, nn,-ntha pnnhneiettaand Eneannoditabnienwhicbdae nowetintheprn ofnntteang. iani af theta tttytb l ufe Iaa dastitanthn thendnthedahat t a e ah ntle innnsnatin alwet than an prset that nan sawnt duncan thm lan. LIST OF lnpRenNazES Anrn talets MOiae Ten 'LnC nai i In inra cso enna- Aimn Aentepatddnn iii. 'Ti ac fitfena-t'ianad de -nne'nanan Reinnsatesnt mi 1.t1-7a an ,i pp. ISi. Cennan naet, Wentieti C i'll naenmna Ms, MA1.Nan', Vnennele Aaneipntnnin teapet.Aseeslian Macams,1 uCnn Hinteep. XJ{Vt, pa. 2. ieent, WtaltO.,ind...iantnd l9as. "endre Calh-r HInaaser Fes.aii lenn, Ascein Macas, afa athnt iytn, ti 1,NeIns1- Dapnt Wate, ed en h, Oeano 19(th,eoe la oome i otysohoetho r Cn, o- e aThe ilgp ho the otoeoie topo odl e nm i nd r mtmw~c 1ntih rfeed ,t aiod otetiati eo~aoe ocett oa itee 0000 the Joatoo Oh Qhm t, od ereotitfowd otaod the, Lihoeoie n ooooatdAar ,teoa ioenao eetpoote, thy- seioe ho at vaoe the ao, O ~to . Soopa, ho did, Aoaeondop o loheed. iftNC. M001 Cot ddSuf.psbi do fOt 7leieo 1917), ee. 9740.04  176 'The Curibbumn at Mid-Cmntuy 176 The Caribban at Mid-Centuqy 176 The. Carbbean at MidCuntuzy mtdirplmrotg to the himt, Chief. tHe accpted the tontroote. at finrally adopted by tereofmne, and at prdotot ocor, e todefend andreipe, it,and tooktherrtd-tdotttior. Since the Corotito- ln of 1917 provided the Reveottutiont with or devetrerd pmtgmmt which cbartod the ourse0 of the Moecn nation foe years to cme, it it nrry, before ortonimg open an erotteotit of the Pcogoeto emode oleg door cotreo to anat,,c dtei -to-diotio ata very root point of deportor of the Mteto kotIotoo. ll. The Coaariroro f 1o17 Theo comonotra psomintr includied the foltoeing more or Iont otoectito objectivos: trod efoort, Imae rrgaomiaoi-, auetn-leriert- cattoeraio, oopodar eh . ,tit rod poltical tirometcy. The ,-,.Io nat-r rod moeaiog of oa rf there meolotiowry obde, firer atit ho briefly ettoorinod. With -rpmtn to tand reform, Atiote 27, catoed the mstorte ent of oil tir artictes in the enttittin nt only retblthed the cone and thaoytor of leand dutaj teron or brsed on Carroroar Agret Decree of l9t5, hot it alto ,.-o-datod a -oerlolionary fue" of pnchasty. 1otor bttympan, haoeepraeed the oeface landse fgro tie soubmito, whic totter w0en dentord nmrlji anti io- olirooble, the ootiono provided fee xverd forno of tand etmtip, namelycororrona groopo holding lands gleteley, mr ry private ooeehip, rod modrem coryorrte monreeohip.0 Sieve the Sam no ho veotofPrivate pepry, ooved tho uightttlpto gcmontai imtatromm, medo ar expropriaorn, "to the pueblic neest,' dol orot thee thre State mNott intrvene in thre distribution of rendo. Tire villageo rod rH emotwo soae-. woe declarod to hove lire fisbt, se a mer tf "puablicoutiity," to be alwe bode, trv to baekoh, wthi orinl intieonfaioten, frme the large oeightening proeetv. Thae the latloedin bad no legal eroo, hot lhad to he boobo utp to ande.tet otortagth- tta 000c holdirg, th only fro of praporty tender the cometitoio wehich wet pvrtoced"n IAttidi bmobo Kortooce rog A e 11 do lt Oteetitir Fdett" to Dalelle te Ia So-ereo do ert.te i(ept,9tony. p. a eLoi bsrodir y Ndrm 'Ihe Revter tO tAgroiam Heeom,'' it A. P. .:itoer ed. Mre, Toto orl r aeAeee loA m, Md~ re s trof Pr-m as e'i an .rgee fnrea .oc,10001. p. s mas r tpteaotog to the Pirst Chief Hie aceped thte nrote rt as finallteadioped bytheecnvventirerandnas paetideot,noemtdefendi .,-eprttrrooadtmotovth r dioI- Sine the Caoueh- ono of 1917 provided the lb-urltie woith a deveed progmaen rebioh chtd iOth cratr of the Mecanaorde fr W0as to foot, it occetary, beroe vo ring upon on evalteton of dot pystemn erode alng that cone t o andye iditonrtloin ata vvesr print of dertov of the Meslean Revolotoo.v 11. The oerrairerirr ot 1917 The coontatrat prognto intted the following tor o lees eocioc objectivero land reforte, lab-oeegarimral , anti-clericl ont, otonalivm, popular odarotet, ant i ll-va detococy. The gcrovol tra or otd mevaning of each of throm resltoary hbimc lever ftbebrfy sustned. Wirth reaspect to tood aetom, Amtile 27, called the tot l-parumn of oil the ortirtor to y the olienu, ot roly emtblihealdte fette and sharmte of lantd distrihbutiornom bred or Conrnedo Astorla .romee or 1915, boo it attn rnooreiro a -1vootoonary concetre of pretty . ie fit pie, harlog ooporod thersurface reads from the scoorit, obich ltter were deotonod n tanolWAt and in- aienale, the ectinin povided foe several orne of land covethip, namely, cootmneal grop holineg to otir enfeeioly, meory private omehera, and mordemo v1 rt nrer eestreip o Samc the Store to crsttoig private properly, teeeced the ight to fobore meol fotndeo, rman or esprin 'i the problc fintrr, tis ment that the State notdi inrervemo it the clermortior elaCndo. The village nod the landlers pooant d arms declared to base tho righta or o mtter of "purblio atitity,'t to be givenlaode, there to be tabor, nlth ---ratol indeoniton, fromn the large nigbboeinf prtier. Thor, thletledi had o egal rototere, but hod to be beoroe top en omee rnd Itcengte- the .malD holding, the ocn frons of pror uoder thte cetuotlo whih vire prrtecrrti Aeatbirths Etitbe ErloEa uled.ol 17 dv. In Cedtti~aFM m~del; neeri - ri a1 hereor Ir C1eeoi ",po tOt, p. I. taci t frdta y pronto, th .oa-v Wt Aoereous to1-,' to .p rehiohve, ti., Mrlo rop (doed, Ift re or.r Admofo a/a Iu..eri ei ovie aioo, lseel,. oO.1 reos dticat g to the Plot Chief, ie accepted dire ioeemte0 foually adrptod by the cWomen..e, nod s0 pferder, tn to defend andrerplct It andtormakethersdoibele incomthe Coortito- lin of 19t7 provided the Revlton toith a developed progttt rebtei charted the -macre of the Meoone nmadeo for yers to come, it iooeoeery, befoeovelrigopem on evaluationoftha pvoren maode alnog that 000000 tono-a, thin urotiolon nora very real point of depaetore o4 the Merica Stood...en 11. The Croiomin- of ff17 The onctlnrtioral progroo included thre following mrore or to npooiltc objctiver, land referot taboo aregntt, anti-r leto- la oaitim, popodar edarjtioo, and polil temocrory. The ,-,ealrot-vromadmn-.I.,ofea-hrf reoretrflooey bc- troeott be,16 briefly roamined. With flove e tod Noerm, Aice il, ole0moat itopoto of all ite rtioto on thae .orntotion, not only Gromtitr th fe and eotmotee teflad ailethetla, to bawed ora reorArro Doee of 19115, hot it a lmo eno ciaet a er atooarr y r of propry. to the, font plac, having saopreted th n l atio front the tobtder n hich .tter tere deiegnred nthrea0eto sl etiam rod in- n atfeonhle tho conottoin pl rod for rat- foone o an orerhit,, n amely, hernl nd eoo holding nde mnlecvriortly, ordinary private n, eaiadoeeoorrrt oori~ Sitehe ho Sutt, i daoia g private propery, rerved the right to itopore cnti matoe tno nrgitro tho piicitoot"tetert t th m asue cood ir n to the du ~ s.atiIl oieobti elaonto. The vittg,, anti th ot n peru t m ver dientobd to have the rit , at o ate of 'potbtt olI ily, to he five0 latde there inmbe tahee, oontnl t meindotoaiicade boor the be noghroig prpreroier. Tha thy e loI odir ad no o l rnieeo boot h odldml broken o p to create ottaO rng mthn the ,snll hote, the oniy feoto of property wadv the enrttrti o Mdrie Midne lemtor, "nI Aesoria t1 tie to C~ooeieribnont OdO' in orte tie to Srra tie Cehreeerode Irene 1021, as o Lola icilt y NIq',The Oatc ot Aummit trem:' in A. P. Weoiods, rd., Mronna Teda emrn, of Ito nea Aroderop n/Pre lifroiree d ole, Bnnee...r . ot,1001, P l7.t.  THEl MXIAN REVOUTIO 177 TnE MXzsAN REuyaION 177 THE MEXA mEOUTIO 177 Costooonl Artioe 27 rse,- ted a oonpombtween confliting nieoa at the Quamc Convdnion- mc mor =adit dotoale enantod to abths indidoal private peopooty alhogethne Althouogh thar do tooodt a eobi a utopian" tcs nIlonl- ration of rho tuineil von a ditinctly tonirci onor. As for the serface Ideas, the canumitoat fthao etoaddlad the frnc With etpco to the out00, cihargit thtey ocee grautod to the soil lags ctllecticelp mfe fom-et of thco ooertiton dlid otot oat to create a pewnouen totno of land eotoer in op ap1slint rmt ,pcot. It teono th s iolective form of tad pooecfo oc inded to bawdny a temptocoaeotent, a bridge oven whioch thc aonofocisouald c mentlypars to priol ostcecsip u Thor, despite its teeccig abadmntl the dighf of poivate propert instandecm pr elt ,calthoolitownsotoftoiotdtoam o limtiont, lulding exrpopriatios waith me with.ut coeeprntaiaos fore-..Irel Pa.!icintct rtentity. Sn godneethe ponihi- tiof detying the ohutarce of private prpt by official dccloratione of pubolic policy that a ocol-howsn authodtty boo do shared, "prvate peapely, iow diropproted, an give place e0 a limited righot of woafmettt Ti, botomno, is a eanetuhaf peoi- mtotic ard diesnolod viewa of Artirlc 27, crerl, whlilo providing foe rno of reciccll and coltcit~oo still ceanred thc eseentia elonbt oaf pefeate aptaety. Ewea asAntiste27dccae~da newtdoyeffof mcerpand thuo become the sore of all minesstuone museuma legisau to Articeo tot drnla dneteteroyf lborelib awtdrodaeiepictin fnr tooth laboe, o.,gan se and lcgielaticn. Tbc dcicle, a eetst labor cod contaiing adnorcod pontoiiot eMltiog to tie limit. ont oboe, bcoeg and cottmorult pmoeiaione, wage oud finncent regultons, ee.organizaionofwootkes aud thersettleutenofo made dispatr ond ...damts anti disase as given moaooctty whbich had barely felt the impost of indartttiaotioo, and in sehich theme ont roe induotrial Iaban to opeah of. Undee the tame of this articl0 wehich rer aosprety foreign in ito iropicaon, Mofeon lther wcot affooded the meats, particularly sitit the biased suport of apatenal faeenoont, of forcing emaptoyer to arcept norher' r haiso Onirc, as" ni. y. 10,19I 00 Tooeobcos, sp.etp 6S. Conoitctinsil Artic 27 repreented a conpronite booseen mtk g esat the Qseeftae Conemntion. Toe mat radical detegatoeowanted to abolish indidoo ptrivst. peoper lto er. Aithoagh their denmands snore rejected ac cuopi th floe o he elw adnuyaole .sA iorti the nerfoec laod;, te con eol faticoo oncoddled tho fenc. Wimh res,. to Btto ajidc, otthough, lory nere huooadtiotte roil- logro ealeotinely, met fronoos f rho coottt did not rot00 t.o a c mopttnntforto of land toeoioproelismtnpivate prpewr.f reto tice Ibis calectjoie fom of land ,procation w00 intndad so be only a tempoeay reppedryt, baidge oven, wwich flrdrioisscoting ohondaetnent tr erghto 'at ' riate poopeet in. lados re ed thogh it rear rttbjectedtoearinuritr wih wthu fa rsonef ulic intrest on utilfity Sogreatno h pciii- tire cf dertoytf the metaeo petm prery by offcil tietari of pubtic aet, ~, that o w onel-no n uthoty bat do- clared, "prm, t p pt nose disappocned, 0 * lO n0 liontod right mfi atof" Tle, hoecisa soreohot peri ,aiti egr nd daioitd vin of Arid0 27, wich, onble iproteviding fsr -rpebt oaf roitiencd enictinort, rol rtained the easeoias eleonen poieote pmresoy ven, asrt Arddet 27 dectared ae nen thery of propery nd that er the mcre of all hohe~eo in ts stio, so Aricle rd12 both tao oganizatior and l esaind. ThoeoTetlo a nItl oboecde conainn adea tteced prvieio relating y to at a boils on oabo, hofrn an cartc niypow.ioo an age ®td financials- I egrttioto, the ng ath etialieny o oieen ad the mrotoen of rai de aond Ecoteom te and tibtreust a gionom to eutrywihbhddb a h onhich ~ ~ ~ n bad boeyfl tehpn f indootralzoion.ntb and int his thee owa, imtotitoil labor topisoa ef. in.Undee the OtemsO ia i aerial,, ehieb soono completety ftoolgn in ito wirlaati, Metcat. taboror nlaforded the meanr, paricularlysoimluthubaoeopest of a patsoo gaverent of forcing ®pnydro to aocce,pt nooLcot co Tam-oreont o. Ni. P t. Canatitotinal Aetiele 27 reporrned acopondos beeder. conitlinmg odt at the Qordof aoConeein Te ton radical delegateoowanted to uholish invidolpive lprey altstgtog hserfxdwsrae ay icn tdI r eoeman sAtein thiloandr snore rejeeted at l atopiac, th ie Art itua toufae, h iW h - ute the comutti, al late, 1 trodd the tIc. With ec.etateats lhuhte no ooo oteeI lonoslletigoyle tfiruers of rthe mmo nortut did n stM too a pceoont ocof landduouoacnspnnwidctto prvae p leey Iter s that a thit ,otsoiw form oftad laspowaoeso tru intued o beonly o temrodaa eutodeIui, badg e ove seth tc e ecopnia nnt oeoty pa to piaeoorttofip^ Thor, durpite wldit tie , m.1 ing ahasodeomon, th me right of prias pmteryin land toot preonerea, althought itw seasrohected otovrim limtttae iudig venopriation emoith noditou onteuc foress ioon trtti inteemo or ruiliry. to gneat once hec p assiloli tloo of datoying th rhat of oiv ponee by officda de ,cin ofpblcpoll uicy, that oa ooetkoo anthoopty tae de- elatedl 'pricoePpvty noon, diyeaed, on ®da tlsgio place toa bolted ight of uoorc~'e tehoavrisateohupo- uct ad iouee ls of Artice 2, 7 which, onbidte soiig forehl pbo aeetrofuooincd oolleslvor, still rmetal the veontia etereno of prisote Pro"paty EvenraArtice 0 7 doanod a neon tereny oc perty and thour b-osat the morc of all su oeUsne widtriherlegiaotacoo Aotiat 123 deotceda onthonsmmy otlabnonwhichtuoved aene, atiowfo bot tabo rgaht and ld eaton. 'te antiol, m see tale oaboe node cootasc.ting adeancred poutom reoin to thelca abhuigr nte n . msypvoawg on thoe hoing nd oreanit preidnm oageandfinancial rem nsto, th ogaotirtie of wotirn and the settlementmneomiit d ooadcetof todtipoo n adt. and fierily 0o give to ortcy snatch had arely Oslo the lanpacofndtt s&to, ea nd a lot oh three wst no indutial laboo so epn o of Uner the tonree of haa anicde, wnhfyh saau ctnplotst fooeg u lao i iorpicatioun, nia oboe sea afaead the moan,, piuey mphith the civort uoppot of a patrnal gooronoffotnopoyrtoacpnoree oc nacbaoe" . cf. iP. t0O.  178 The Caribua at Mid-Cwnuuy 178 The Caribea at Mid-Cenury 178 The Caribben at M~idCOntlq demands, Why this troting anmly rme eiwad elaborate labor code fora os-industrian sat and nn mnas lab---,a,oet? To a seeta last Mreifr tea looking to in, Emse and pee- p-easg heorband for tire evestesal and ineevitirle ndcasciaiadss woith its attendoant tabte pblns. Mero-es, itcsasrealired thas doe twrd-nis ,treae, if fostered and eretsgtnhred by rte Seats, eorld betoa tra prerial fasteaset tider Stote ontrol red sanipouatioe nt only to pal thc heshe ose piasodnanny, but to bulwalk the governoset in the palilal tn. MIre- am. mredately, however, the labs aaid, twae a by-pwdott of she Msali neelg, pei-Van wehiela will be disassed peseelly. Al this teenre of hor- wa inthde hands of foreges, antd indutrtial labor, oath anst, was foreignoemployed. Aos osgasitd labor eoovssento ndeedddicisl sap- elmthgvmssnrtinits effmel ma curb the foers of feeeigss copilal. 'Thea, Amitis l2t deoied nmash sf it, inopitio losse dfro w h n a eatoos horn of The Mestea Renloirote 'Irvit'vsroet," sea eqesaly onasalic 'hore is aboranot Wedsr iorhesewcvcstisstis o1 a yeelmstinoareffridto tsugw a badly divided saciefoig osrn nN ndtr iMw ntieMt ct, Tltiewasnsaatralsaclos fsrost sosadi ad pori ofdo ic ieriod, ohe., bsesa of the estnptiosal p-Ietnc of fredge ecosseric esntoseac, ohs Mesiac Onctennet era ca4lle rie molte of foesiotosr aoed Joe swynstatot of she Meeslosas therses, wetan uperiad whesoall thee foroig were sped and culsoalud, aed thre indies.s to Meuie were diapearaged. to additio, Meoic teat s badly cssanrramdlos n disic eando, ses'al,ondstonos igroupstatrrteolWha Mtcuacname ied s ot tit, Tire eaciraisti pme®^. n, ben therefore, mwohe tom caet sie fainh at Metitst i therocelves1 tv brest a sitd, prod, sotf-Ottfrss nasso Ofdseus~rs oocissal posiic tohch hea on chi ebjWcfveony afew an beealertedfrhetos . Masyefehnee souri Aedeto 27, thereby tending edditioeal sigeoor se c hat - in omsrtas cosisl andsle Pasgneoetssttoeqiee. wensnrtii of amrfaoc bands tles they seabth t the Calve Cloe, that la, agre a10 loveeo the igis of diplomasie pmstelin, demands, Why ida aerring anomaly: a pcogeeeive and elaborat tabssemde frasnindacial cate aan isdanst ahsmor se Ts a sti aet M,.ico wat, ebhics mr the inaa and pcto pwineh heorbad Cam ste eretal asdin u irtiaindantsialintdon wcatte n tryiedrc annmtlaboe sehlea. Moeve sis vs werdte thefdois sronemet, iffocebrd andstands rasebyhat Seats , woulald becste a perrls, ineimmwnt uer undStdabo n wstrel antie stasfutotfn co eyto pol the hxe al nocosti-otblakWgcmeti h oiu te isiecry, mediately , t, dhi hao aticle wasoti ypvdoot of te ansi. faeigs peoget ohiLa oil! be dituatnced peey A t hin psimp is wilt sr to roptes, in l9lt, nmet ofsle davand c ofrs oreiswairs he bas d of Nd.igater, andsdin otad hare, solt am etioe, trot foeI etalod An oofooieed p labowcd an rarntr rmL Aeni t potefovu t cr nbeer,~e ol oforeign sapist Thr, Asicle 123 desed mort of its nectiretaon thrN se nratisatrn horn of The Meedvra Risoletn, colled d nmact rms, no n salty vnatoslie T ye i5 arboedant Weidset the nerrc esasir ofa freial cronoin paco a lyedo ar corla, and eheot Medtiero the trut 'his now aosr ceaon fmm ste condsona and pltioax of o toDi uenid, dmire, becauseofteoepeslptoeerf foreign mtae teei, the Meiabr teu netnr alt the~~ ~ Mtohesftrisr n h alyrte of the Mstitns ,he tolsa, pnfreges m ncmU lnnod n athm v t a eritd wohon all thing foreig nuer apesd and allivaose, andthese ini an to Mesia we5r dia.osl to addton, Jote eat so badly cocoasre aseatd in. no diatiat uae d ecosoc igtospa thatietrusta Meioo ea did n e s[ o, he saealhir l pross tere,sog!t shre the lith of Motcaroin tbhqlo0I feeso a rountd, proud Of thos omoo aos w ioioal presnisacy nineS hear an the sousey in Ml b tt Mcyo hs a dA 27, sh fbylnding additional sigrili-coacbyiyou thmai rcd. ha e to hat Claern, that br age e to fsawnar th right of diplrsmac sesteeioc demands. Whtythinsrsenitg anonaly: cyrogreasieand eihesst labor nde for a nrs-isdelual elat and an iWan labr oemseessonl Traoet reen Metir eat lashing ho the lease and per posing fanfehand fr she ove al~ and inritble indcanifalh lire cobb tsc otneedoe labor preblema. Me.--o, is woe reolta-d shun the ttrde-onitn mswmeT, if fstcted and etreogted by she Slate, wounld bvsese a pewosfal ineee andr, Stoc c-nt red rmoiputntisnt sny to pal the raes een pelesate indstrsy, hbatohsuevarktdie tooerment in theprliiu-la.eMoein- modintoy, horreem, the labor -vais1 ca rhy-rdnt of sie tat gawitnprgmttslenthotll bditctd paesl. As thia poes, is wigl ,ndfie to ents cial in 1917, mmratnfthsidssyond cen oet f Meutc was is thre hands of 1isier, and indootnal labsor rutk ne etinNo, roa forin otryyd. At or,--ird linsr woeeteoutld lend uoldirisea sappas s did eoos n in ins offom ee curb the povore f fereimry apeal. Titan, Article 12t ddv in oot fa its i-seyloet frhan the sew notatiso hm orn ef the Reveludnn. Ti Metia- Renrluiee cad "scoeeod< coo enally we~mtlaiatic, Therr is ahoodoa eiderc is the evr naeac of a reol atinacy ncee c n innroe t bodly divitds native, at eds fon e wasnf oarmlqard esoee etuier Car the Meal urn, Tiswasonsarl eaclrnCra decanditiem and pinied laci unemi eswIterpeic, th e. Meeoa coroen.1 won rc aled th eother of and ohs esearthinr-ef sh M ocnt de hewoeero wtetpesohen allhncfeisrbeere annoa ad eolsted, tand three indigeys to Meier c n-ea dieporg. I ,additive, Men wa so badly em ussmliard iun died t ae, anei, and otosnoeop tat is etsk a Metianand did ro th r The sosini a ti. pmro Weou-bymte o it.. nte am , tofres asough!ond to cc neIli t sere co.e of those neaf-,c taonrpmmetl pfrofs whru heas en thi eblelfe, nl a retratbetelcho lsh oon, Many of tieo yos min Artisolse 27, shadyb ardt.udtesle~ifcse ota m ptsi poetesenetla lttanse. Pereigrew sansoothie cumaip f tosefzco ta. utentusthey tsbnuib as hcav ~~rCbeeCloset, aht , are to forswer the eight sf diptumalic pmoson  THE MIOAN EVO~LfO 179 TEE MIOAN IEVOLUTEON 179 TEE MEIAN REVOUTION 179 by dioweV ge aceon in ditynta rrgaoding the perort in sw ow, it -ac ru eiaindic a H-Hnltiof landnandctooh d toinrnisty illesf do i troaonal harden and thirty mtiner of the ctoort Hite Foreign etn m tnar anqnaftedly denied tlee night tee tetiad otnnecship of lands, nene and their "yaean ee.. nhe ne tirtien of the neahodi coti -Usla an anifoeg e eeendldie ,.,,rer the camery by Meetrc o e anteeda etnaeetic btd farm tinteat in then, endety into fereioo eoehi.Ain oegh the ceettitdoian itself graanteed .An. enrerie t egittatio (Aeticle h4ad it it net endrety dlear that ohio geaoape na t- nat nedd ta he atataled ta aloe peretle-- preaeto chn iccee rh had bew aecuAted largely by lsaete tender egial- tionaetdhtlaertaadnitrann Lamr,twntletn f ound than there nea e powrfud foeig peeitin to eotit nationa ptrealrereeyao ha pylhieonfthe Pinciple ofoh "prite art." Ti iceat t tat mthe oilo tttepiad thoe dtelriotentaeat cooeineernhroeedtandne Actirn 133, at alhad noted i00 tnpired be fan hr tine nait- atiimotiw, o-Menlatanby nheew ne tbe aoogaded and faoed b enooentt al aport in ed to .wive to n a ttebeetht agaventtreodmtyfoe a~~~~~ ~~~ pooedad eng-rndMnrnIndo., With the ad of ao cttloracad and dieiptio eeda labor rent, the Stat -isedineca tir agi.ornthe doniaaeafareiaroinoet-c- n tv c whdneat ich ane naeatit i atae metalig poedoinntchil de1etlaed that Moine atalod bed pefeed oee ftinafereylhAdaaearctnionn (Aa2),th atny Meni- hre ubyb hinto eed eetataiutn of eeiiacaceedydt (Arfade 30,and thast ste National teehtiae had the etotive tdoh to aeIf fom nc Repohairp-fafcteo odh and wyi ther d(diria pnr, ey freiagter whoaeperneedeeed nenpdeat(eice 11) 9. Thr an ete moointienal tt m~et seae bitted3rley e 1 at1 a deeihleof igtsAeddnhniatefeebyrba ANratrfa ~~~~-ethoy otondy r n~tae an elottyaeMeatican Oretateat toy ea ohe st ce.atAo Moane and e foregern. Iltacof h fashinepeerdaiinflreeoe~ti neehattytNn a laowingofbhiontate.. Thisnisnmntedenr benernnthat inthrc by ohmic tre geowento h dcyate regaeding the proepeety in qtetcticn tlaceee, ndnol- taoatrrtanfoeiooaearslait. dicet enaei"eef landsandctte w dntineba,yeiofecthe in ona wnl bordeoad thirtvanitolaheecaat It. Tetei0 etob ytatte ate unqitlitiely denied the cight tacqutieetotrcoip of tanol, ocetu, and ther alaaterteeae. The aatioetalation of the -tehrit at in reality an artt-frgo nete teed bhat fon it pursre the re er~ry hy Mr'oir no. beretece w end terr nehi had faetn- ahott nA their cnera into feregoeonhp. Nltewgh abe ren ciode anI gamated agaient cecerte Ibelaaain (Ardtel 14), Init not ely clear that thin ,earanac coattgi- natty intended to be apytir to the pat,.,,n- yanpeedee ore ocoeechip had tIr argaired, largely by ioneei nse, under tegoa- alneacted by the Dite adointaaien Lat-c, chen it noon foand than ther ea too prowerfl foreign eppedale to pbetai national crerey of the peteto-n racr, theq I ceonetent Atfred to partial reeery at least by appelation At the prneidpt of the npostinae This orat that then11 teardtaln sttood to lnte thaien tacn Aanrf tepredtlandt. Aerte 1233, es aicnr notd, wornhnorled in part by thention- atatircontlen. Meiean abretaohbee.,g.ninrd adfavedhby gaetrentaypeert In rdc to rev no onaortgtt agaiaet a perdttleanir leriyr-d Meran tadotety. With the aid of a nboll-naolerd and dieciplined Meeticae labor lernt, thr State Iaeled to rc a baciec againt the dontinnar a f faeign troet- moan in theteeet-, nOthencvtadenena of t e ~attainte pacoiaie wrhich Adacd thee Metleana aheald be peferted -re fareiaoeet for al kiada of e...saren (Airticle 32),a that eely Meat- ace by Wioh oald teenee an msr tbnote atneigiea c erdo (Aroietn 130), and that the National Enemee bad the encttote ight to eopet fcrtm the Ropebtie ftrthid and ceithort rvdiriet presa yEnycipoe-cwore ptetenne bdinted inrpd-et(Acticrti. There and edeer conraeitnoa taerot cocoo bit"],t reied al a deniaoigAhby ndnioial teferonce. Aoanotnraf faet theyeaerlyeyeonted aa erro[ by theairanf-veGm eto nqtatae c n, stew of Meduesa and finen. bierwac of the fin- acpoefeeedpsticnoofthelfoelgter, this eremacily errant a loccering of is tato. Tlinonmndeny, hoteeethat in th by theIr tenm goveen--.t in dtoyntmn eegaig the, potperay in qrrtiea. Hcenee nrde no rnireuatcaarestntaiigtteearn e dfrrmt eo weAtp af Eand, and wote within dotty toiet of toe in tadnlhbodeetand thirtyatmiletofthecast lin. firdi conayeien are manAflirity dented the righat by acquit, eonahid bf and roee, anad their ,,p,-ten-,t Theratiemieatn of oh, nboi Ia in relt an en-f run~ aneerecd hod fonrts pron the c rey qy Mete of lah tlca eer Isreto cobin had fattno Aeebet in bal e otey jen, ftomigte oenhip. Alateough te e tl s- d gn w glai(Artcle 141 i ie et enderlr clear that tin. ,area e orce aetli natty intendcd to he appecd to the petelenar peopecta ceha aocoarhip bad been aecored, largely by foneige, under Igalat atn ected by the Dien adad , atnet o. Latee cobe latte foad than thre cra tn efa faceigt yiin t o pereit natoal very of the betoterma nerace the g nin picedd ta partial teaeeey at o n byas applicge tel lattdo u irifthe resadeoiptc th de thdeitin a Th eb r tcant ihtdeot ctpnie ared t o their titter tto acars, enad, apv da. Actirte 129, an already n oted, onx c in y in pan r th [e Aeo atyctmmotieapp Mrittatoar b, anheecg hod edendaeocedhy geontonta mapr in rd to sne to a ,raeWcigh an a pIfrdeAieted foeoa-oeted Mo Ianndoetry. With dhe aid oft ace-egnoed cod disriplired Mxi ean lther leant the State Mhpd ntmtan btainoaganttho dotntaaccreffoteigcieveon- a n s n eeon eoy. Olae era dences o Meica nhmom ntir in the heraie neonr ndnsaoehe delae that Mote rant shantd be pehtAdece foeignerstab for att birds of sheeoia (Article 33), tHa el MeIA- ran by dcob mald tetanbw natec of tettgitrIt, eadW (Anntice 130, andthatthe Ntcattarrtl hadt, etttotight to rope1 freo the Repahtble atladt tend nihttldca ere anylenigtor wheameence be deeared --neapeoln (Anklde 331. Then ao driteer rctttanal e c e 00.0 bitted3 c ndrttd at adona t ygteandeaoicattere im aen. At atter of cact they ooet tepreetd an effor hr le Meadean Goreocr toh nouaaiae bin attn of Mcn1ieo and foeigrce. Rieanee of the ifessoan, lnedaytner eofisthenfcoeiyernh nterraely anta atloweeiongfhiktstron. lhis isrnftbledy hneee thatinahe  180 The Caribean a Mid-Cenuny 180 The Cribbea at Mid-Cnurq 180 The Cribbean at Mid-Centuy heat of doe Revolution theredvee amu p.'nocod anoi.oetgn hie, natural monoqoe of the eaclite allianc between ietife capital and the 1ine diretorship. Annee reeelntieroe, ojeoive found in the rennotitatinw ai-eialftr. Goneee believed that aaidcorenoretost of thre lawe of thc Refaonm, datin, feom the Justicen period, woueld Be a arflicie detern to the ecococy of pnliticocnnnoic pasce by the Catholie Cheec in Meadco. Hlonever, the radical delleat of the Qtaeedtae Convention oe ot to minded. They inotilled on additnnal and mnom sevene mcnrtt drive doe Church out of pclitang to desry 1. asoa iniltotee and on conelinm it otel to the field of reeligion. To accomplish tMt they canteadioted the iAmpetee at enliginen freedomt and, inetend of monaet Church and Stat, pat rith Chrech mtanee tho setnaton of the Snill Sino rte oetittatia etonyira ncop to jumpd, poe- notiy in the Chaose, and sin.e prints snrmom In considered comely - 'mno esic tto.,apefettien onddoootoheiceedy the, Ses this mceant tieat nit. cono of doe teitauthy motld lbe igner - tand that doe Sta inr lices priss ondv~l taeig the peetalltie of the t bit htts. These noer doe tost peotiniona s ashdc doratnNd d oer eoiten of the Chnnet But doete cwete othoe wton ttioalpoiit eit n puied ttettaod activaities of tt hecand itsctdogy. It torrld sone ne tcpeety, eidoer chtebMh nh buleicg or triwot or mmi deaoc,lturoalmeeae shjtatitnatiaaian. itenwadnotcmodttc any ellt ne h-n~ptes, atrany nlryidehle or elof nn scta tiont. All prirte and mnsrsetdied pneol iht, and pohiitd foom engaging v.p in any pltiad activityFalyoi maroote latmieg to eigon retrohip and outano eecraiaolial f ase temtae nuhirot of enclotie, fee juieton. otTo the nanattes eftgives t edm ac ei to m th eeoftohn ofi Anri-clericle , ritotet imporan featue of the J, aertienl neeento s ihoitd and improved on by the Jcoont of Qatio " Oe, inand eior, acaloc, intpatiognf bainoiitattiontso mi im n tteChoe hih ion tthtae bintathadothofinonemift, they peaeee daetaaty tex en i ecab the tinse naing t~trea Iste. ler anirigln As mitt be noed tihedy, olYthi tie ons meretarilym coroncd a fevw eie latee. heat of doe Revludeon there develped a oconanneed anti-foreign blue, a natural ce"-ctec of the .o.lier allance be-ee fateige capital and tho Die dictatoeshi. Antdoe eeolnony ebjective feund ton thrconeoconen m at-oiad olioeo. Caroa be~lieved thatanre enfoeco tneoof the Iana of the Recant, dating ferna the brie period reould he a anfflicent deterent to the coatter si poiticoemonec potoe by tin Catholic Cloods iN Meiow. Ilovete, the crdic l eeao the Qucortec. Canvealion mete net t cindrd. They intd en additional andtmore meeeoue rpretemdelve dom Church ot of polties to dro"t lea eeal Influoence, and en ene it stmtiey to the field of rtlmoan To acop ish thin doey contadioted the g,-.,a ne of rllgiaon Oteedet and, insad oft matyting Churnch and State, pat the Chorth oreroo dteisuation of tbe Strart. since thew cofrtin mcguiec o wpryoare as furidit per. teaity in dt Cher and niece prismn mee mtle cnsidiered meety on pet saeiing safemesiott, and tdo to be cieoed boy the Stte this enat that the content of do alerancy cud be tgvaocd and that doe Sutt, in Btiten priest, world utiraaty be atralnepn the preetative of tho bisar,. These mere doe toast tn provision which doealvnd doe tory exiotnc of the Cicoteb But dtem mee other conitutonal peiniiera nhich ia paoeed the ntabsa and octixmtir of dte Chardh anti its ecoery. it road oons no paepeety eithr ehoebh batodrimegor nohenior cent- dence,forealtersubtject ltntateeiatin. Itocould notonedoet any ehnelt, at hoaspitate, an ny thhoniblhe oreleem tat ieoita- nr. Allpdet.eatdnotnse ecee deoed politicaleitbts and prohibited from engmgi, in any political ativity. Finally, nl cmren relating to aeiton -hrip and euterard ert.eelotical feoce -cen ado nahiect of e...m ic fedeol jurisdictins Ta the stte man ln the peeve to detemi e the mninrmonteer of cmaes of Neigitus cmdsaoccording to the need, f each totalty. Asti-eloeiolinn, the aset inmpotant fentoes of the jaince liberal nv tre ses that inherited and imoed on by the "Jacohint of CQuveffraoo" itomwber, in hee saoma, inpening of hitamtiono on the Clenc, wohich it tnthd mabut a shadeow of ito formeneself they preede d a d-etly cloe d oe cooinge the li ore mseatn articleialics te rm mn~efgona Au soilt be nted thony, tin. ine eoas e omtnaiy crsed a fewe yenta l at. heat ef toe Revttution there elovelepd a peonoaned anti-fneg blut, o natural canuqgoece of the eniier alliance lottocen foeign capital and the Dine dictetoenip. Aunoert re ewooy ebjectire feand in the cotnatin an anti-ceissnr. Cneetna beliered thatoaect enfeecet of the ]alas of the Reinrm,~ dateg franc the Jttieo period. neould he a ffitt doteetne no the remctrry of pnlitica-econaeic pomee by the Catholic Chort in Meoic. loenevet, the aditat delegatt of the Qnneedtoe Com otia mete not to minded. They intd en additional and more sevoe soaue to drive the Church ot of politic, to detny ite soci infintenc, and to ctre it mere, rm the field of religian, To accotoplito thin they croadicted the arpatee of eeligit.s fecder and, featad of sepating Chetn and State, peat the Church nodec, the domnaton of doe State. gince the entntioon ntogninco son cot t e iuridic pee' toalty in the Chcooh, and dom prinsts mom to he condered meaey a0 Paso-r rooeisin a pofesion, and thu to be Heled by the Statm, dolt ment that tine control of the hierarhy cotd .e egened and titat the Stt, in lcensin primnt, wouid rtaly be usceping the pmnegativt of the fabithp, Thn- mere doe monal e sir pmeiin tohich docea ln doey emieer of the Choech But thce mt othee osiuiral peae , mhith in- pimed the status and activitiea of doe Chorarad inn aleegy. It cold on no propmey, titer chehbooldne ne o cet orm1 oem ane oro atlr hospitals, tom na eoior It elnet nst nut tine All pticme at and minister, ee dened peitical right, and peabibied learn engaging in ay rp adiriral activity. Finafl all amnaweaigt eio zwrtpadowr n on fe es ee mode eubjeots ofr moive fedetat ju ei . To the nte- uo ,eon the, pomer to doenenic thema aomice miitnof reigitn cetdr cndigt h eeds Ofoahpoait Anti-eleticatinen, temtbpo to ftahe of the Jatoen liealy onoes er thn aeitd and ib eeeto on tby the- Mnain, q astu a.tan pvd b l bwTeof Quvo"t. iemeve, in theft tlons aipsoxing of irainatiant on the ooChcech, whichn inet lm but a shadow oi fomee self, the petreeded dangacely eone to cetinge tho line nepatog at-deticolte item antectigien. Au wim be noted nhoery, thin lne ans momnatarly cmoatd a itto years later.  THE MXAN uEVOLIO )8) THE MXAN EYLUION 181 THE UMCAN REVOUIO 181 All rase~ sewereut in Meolc, teen in orseal days, rwg sud the istyolanc of pyedsa, wdentie; although theus hayes ars oterlalisd. Hloe-e, Mode and the -eerl.uiAariEs who folowed hite aemed dhe fact that if the Menea wass were to hoe rowyed fomr Joe s.,Wa and seseoisi depstN, thle reild be anuuplohed rely avith do> owstellrgest cod uddrstandinsg effors denelolled by educzan. The Reltiwo r-cgnized slat "Ede.eaeaoedurn-er. edeato is lsedee-,' caod dear Ede eugobaesa-Todacsei aooec.' Although the ,voantelaato edssoinwa ldslodb h consitotioaal fasther, they transated little erf thin int coslutt 73) lse Among the pewert ef doe Fodesal Cores( )Ae'w. 73) wa incde thelolowiug: "t taidt, agastle, and ain-. tad mheoautshe Rwepolotic, . aoeeesuy tfcir eodt rovrf oseta eel. The Federnale~dn shafll tease msaisdw +ce the itistinoss whihce it otall establth nam i and regatice, wiullost abtddlu don liete of do er ws to le a osylsm flatag woedecalion-" Thee the ecomiada hail wor . -llele lo fedeat inierrude to rdsuai Haweor oIng toasat gaiuided -eelaaley beif he "5515' igt and tfet r pailoct oe Gro itcaues ll 2d from beeeido g any dirct lul teace seer mdctoe soil 92lt, when .asiseisa NI Idaetinc arwd.der nes the dioe edeaaJ-sfvaeoucoe., Csloaotttoal Aie 0 of ysesoamted the rine oers athde earoo stile roio feoatioc It psendecd that all palter schetonL, pantli and sujcto A wiran, thmod tom trshctlya Meh in drern and ifletrtys I ue test of the ofheIf of Muecwee P ieat,e ad awesw erleellawttg ajoily oftle were undere the oeat athde Chesa, do s onetbe patoe of Artie 3 was tereadieateMlsialisu aeformtthefieldofea- dew. and does esahle Memlca cddorren to ma bedvccte f eed in ehrLs [ireodly to the Reteouiort. Eselotoaetodaasd a itea deaiegwitea iauubieetsa opesidethial +seetitan nud l ute neIfiaite t her e o was tilde added te the cantiatito espraentd of sselatioay political Cron 0. OsaEhe, Mie,. A R.aeollio bp Ed-rts i N.0 Yeah lotal, a-P All relas eoemel is Mos, s wherolors days, scag stood te ispoaae of papaz educatin althioh slies hotes ste otraise. Hence, Madoem ad the eeellosve who he olaoed trit aceoed the fac tdeathifdoe Mseo®nmost eret bae reted face the toodl and ecic dsepth sa t could be aeapite alyo with toeia- owy a neiest and urndes aut eflarntsdlope hyeadsrtinn. 'ite lo-lutivn I.fs w ~.dT sI e qon aceouesd that as Aftly a-a bcioi-T oae i t to g rmeds,'adeetdco Aldhoarthe do te woetue of cdaien wahs moesard he dIe mmLs wote iteo hs cnwsodrd7detc totel. Among ih yI theo te n Federal Congoe (Artic g1)wa eioetd ih fotatsds9 "t rutbtists organize, cod stain- toe sheongleat h lasle arol, , etetan capealce, suotday and puneatrl schools. ,..The Federoden shallhvjwm rs elet , ggte i.1d " le~aanr assdctiour asitoat tibsidgiua te ltany of e stae toleilat aalel elatingtae dati.' Threth deca o heeswsenalse lra fedasal inme euin to dctic Hwoeee oradng to . ar guided o'feelaioaadr belini tors areghts" nd "fremar pieeeodt Feea Gorment refraissl fromn Mineisng any d Msect ItrnEem ew e uos yentl tat, whs a I ,to of Edaons was oawlred under the diwte of J Vaouects Constitionawl Atiede 3 rotawotdte peire cs of dt Eon the sobsa te If-fdeala It pided rod Nalla bohin dirton celwd aureiot s ort shdeoeoo Ms.i wae palrot and the Lre an oseliesignajoiy of dorus Me es oe eriv ol ag d O ir rb he oetesuable pue tut of s friodlyt the conmolsudan. huh teasesb th Isuerp Insa fewease pronsine daling with tc subecsa tpwidnaal re-eletion a la roaeIfitiit oyhee not itto added to add dome ma~lot seteolie, d f ctalloumay poltica OGosgs 3. asetoo, M..-o A bon. aire Op Edurotiro Nor Yaths 1931), r. od, rad ths inspoatoo of popuar odurs ins. aldtsaght there hopes seer, eatesired Hsece, Madeca and Sit evalelolisute who folloreed himrhetrdhefatetthatthfdeMaanws-a-swre to be entd frmmth de social and ecasntc deplt, thin ...Wok emetuted only w1th dOser too intatligrut and asdsstoudtog of fret delead hy oadsaotle The Rerototic mareaud that telduueseeeecdiet-'To solsects a o tedese, and dear hds... as gobesas-'T, edu eult is e rct' Aldteugh dmhorpe e isys oef educaton was osdonenod hy The doaaotal fattert they tranalated little of ddinetsoret- dns!] law. Aaera the p00ee of the Feda Congores (Ateticle 70) w- indcled doe fatluteer "to etabtido, tganite, and-stein trt theonthest Sthe Realasitlic rcal, eleownuy, nuperltes, s eondary and psefedoa turnrl, ...T Eedeotn dooal flasyareediona ser threisritodtmle whicit it maoll estlsh sustin end otaslu, wew, at a udgiag the liery, of doe stowes bo lEgryiae, to rn heliayntocducainn." Thus the canslirutel atso seas teobisad ler lederat inteava-stiro in education. Ofeseseer -F uto aam- guided rewnlolionry belief ir "saen rigats" and "ieemnii palios..t.tte the Feudr Gootetuet h-frod from- ororid any dieotr tilsuenee see edu~ett until t92l, whan a Ministry of Fotacaton was created under the direction of Je Vvteselte. Cordittiol Attic>e 9 rpasa-t d the priececr of doe do te subjec of edoca.. It P-sided mdoat all prtiory achoob, puiti and um. pras ueud be ,sttloen-eeoec hahin diren and insccio Sinc rof f the hetl ofhn M - sicouneret prnt, nd soceteanrow heteoe1e ajeiodo we undoerth doe woetol or the Chussrch, the wnshe lret of lice wed t theushIne Msv a childee Mrh educatedin schoels friedy to Sie Ethaldan Euceyt larufewo nec pmoitao dofiog retil aW sobmjeco as eslae d Etm iuinadfret'dtvso - wst, addedsr So mh to -ettee reprsenaie of eerlalioary political "eot ISoeseutenfsAlitaliauny ates)New voi, a, lmid., . 65.  182 Th Caribbean at idCentury 182 The Caribbean at Mid-Cnury 182 The Carbbean at Mid-Century tbjotises Despite thi sumntin tosnght, t new otgai latt,, aoo quite as maoth a ptotatet foe demoocratic, pygthon, an it wa ftp ttwoioooad octal tefotes. Thun wan r boheasof the Usbual ted emantoeti ohnto if tho old Cotsstit of l957, ssltit otectwtsoted obtot is i Naotiy into the stew rnthttsa. lisTh C.otedlto of 1817, inflorerd on it wso by the Ototot Reotnti and the, Cootiatioon of the United Staten sepeted the sutitt of titeteenhoonoy indisidatiotic tai to.With its detailod bill si uight,, bh civi anad poHtial, coopted silt tho nsmnsl features of ,pa p in, msptoswtateo osettmtnodld aft, thot ti the United Ontos the Gmontittito af &57 7chaoorod a coe of ditt ttotatgs. The fact that bll orn t oee motnadlo in that rodieto dtso to 1917 did att itooidot it the tligttt ins powtaisaes of the tioteai a ntno-d fo in to tsostssadochatiac oal. Shnoelyafotitoodupstt the Mosistn Cotoiato .11917 wa doncisbd in a tpoeori hois-tshe Awotin atBo Attoioton ata "hot-hono netitis"aed a "ottfles ocp tel papsot Re- ma byeogtea=wo c5aduIfns nn ohit otii n of tntMesio nCo tio eta, hiottel emptloble. mtosol yatoeaotb't, fmtthosflowingatos cain cA Ctet ttintitataittatttst of govmettonttshoold be tdged by t o toit tifnt aled it in to heing the pomts, to wsbt it is ad- doensod,tnd tht gaditioaptetd toctph'hnaMatted byte esti,i, tensettloflll17sntttguetoa ptady indigetont itssorae, odophod I.tlocal ostditito, sbcht11tthe- silhthei,bottiMeash of theotesotdadintlit' f t idtlsost -hot, wade pwsiblet he posgrn of tho Mednic mod ototn. Wesonwn fm ro descoiptien nfthetheatand nota an heahvnr oootitoo p agsnt a hriof -osy of ito intple- mmnnintThe succeeding yea- to the ptetn nmid-ttttty. +With05m Itlgtt "A tot-o ne Ctnitttott h iia C-etst .I b917-" (PeoalW at the wo."o, il. wotn o Aaatiot intaa 'spate, N. V., att O, In nos 1917). it Wilian if. al .1ot aiddetn Wittioan t -::Ba, "A C tiptond se stody w a theC anaan of tablow th w thoo~n Am®o'tat, Jot7 Ionsl Sf0 ina, ibd. In , objestitet. Iloopit this thdn osenigit, the new wrynnio ebottoc onouito aowteho psgeaot lot dewoorati, pfetan0010 fee tcoaewnicand sacoisofotn Tlninesateocausoafthelibeal ted daoocati chotoctee at the old Coettitotiot of tIS7, which ieettatod octst it ito otitot, iotfs ttes rsotin wThe Cowlittio of 18n, itnottd s it ws by Ite floch kevootnf nd tht Conttitutison of the United] State, osetod the opirt of ttnttetth-tty indisidnotittic libeoaow. With its detaitsd bittltol tight, hero ioit oand Political, coopted with tho tttrtao fett of a poplatxl eeetttto haooe t modolod ofier lthat o the United Otate, the Contitnohn ef 1957 ohatteed tieu dewoeo otew, The faet lotz ttlse so0 pooge non tde i.tha lo u dioto doos to 1917 id toot iwealdtt it the dilghtea the pottattiniet of t f.otti ors totacteed ofitat to m osstsaioa demoocratc gnat Shetuy ofte its odopotitt, then Moisat Ceoatiosti®onft 1917 soot deotbed in a tptoh hetooetThe Antosfa Boo Amwioata ot tshe-btwtcntitis, and a "soostels wap of pper."tt' toorkotey noogh, The toss a who seas to w e, and so ite-oc, in hit artioitton tshe Metican Connitistn soot titonsli teapsthal, semdyooooartiot fot thtolsnoigs gestootiontd "A Cot- switin o a iottateot of goetewott shnoold be jodgod by the altocadstlotoorald it ito being the popte t ee ti d dmstd, and theoentdo;is hpecd oattttika"0 MWantod by dayte omaso, the Coestiso of 1917 temette u00 pecolary iodigeouts mans, adapted 10ttooln towdidone. which stnts- oted the intchtote ideohs of the o ieooteano and, inopitof tit Iheens ts moade poswible then psttgt of the Mtsian mtac newstt eWe toe uon tfm ro deteiptitn of t osigint and teif the tsovlowny peottom to a hoilf anoyf itsnitple' mbriain the oocceeoditng ayooo ItThe present add-stsiy. 01a Witlina to. a.,ew, "A Hoas -gttioet The .mwitt Coattaio o W97. apsato tis co 0 0±1 ofte Aoseeiow avt1Il sall. 1 g p Anttn'iit a ttistnnt:,aet N, Y., tt t O, and 6, 1917), in Wdtini IT. tatoto Addeun, palI + iliam to. tooet A, tO ul Co optof Study of att Condttiti Nf car caitd San al straa and toe win States f Anteniaa( Itpe and bofo- Wa Tat toe Annodaonq Jatylfs 0. t)t it i., p" i objeotist. taoiton thi occaiog esetoght, t neotanic Aboeter woo quite a mach a poogesor foe doocatic peogoet a it wei 6t ecnnooio andwostf eom. Thtsnoaswhaystwefnheibal and dettocoatc thosatto of tt old Cettonof ti 5t, sohicth w mpa amai wryhwte n v n Te Ctoodtwnol1837,s nflneted astsa byttspench R-ewetne and tbe Ctnotitotio of she Unitd 511,o topsosted the snitt of aiotteaethcetiy lodisidootiodo lihstn Wish itt detailed bitto t ihto, beth nsf1 and pstiie, eaoptsd wsitn the ateoctosatftosfa alpsttaopeettisg s enoomded shtee that of te Unitd Statet, the Csittitt of 1157 daotteted a sse c oot at m dea ci poogoto Thy foot that litles no ptolea nat modei tom hat dite down is 191 did ott mosoidawe isth nhghtent tst pttnttfs of the fotmulo lot a rentosst efietto Shnorty obte, it adoption, ti Meti Coantitoin® of 1917 7ons deoctied in t oetdt blo die Amnteirn Boo Aatotidt at nhttht~eoioe. tned aet"ethntn mcao ap "t If ae esR- woehipl sneogh, the soot who so en , atd no na ieoeect, it hit otcitn of It Mosco Uetiot C eso idenleIf tesntihlo, iste adta, sadwie, s te lollossin d ae thws-itiwn "A Cotn ana atnon of goetwost ohoold be jtdgod by the ocnio tint hafted i ino bein, has feall, toso®a it to ad- dottsed, A , fade it is topettod to ooceetn tihOa Msaoiod he Itnse coiterm, the Cotttitoe sf 1917 a a pecolonrly ind'igoto ittsne adapted so Toad candidient, stt nythe- stad'thichol endof'tthessosodtvn and, in' sThe of itt itbenent tros, node ponsibi,, the polgl. of the Moalcon .tcal to ctnn. We tumtstt fean t dsaripton of the ttigio and staoto thte -holeay pmagmm tahta iefnotvey ofits wtll- han wnoat in the tuottodiog yea.e to the ptnent nd-ntosh, av 10' tof Io. n "A totnon Cottitita, The Mmeon Ctsttiso 1911" lpoeeowd a the westis of the ,eoanas Boe Atosatiaeintsgn Ordl N' TY, toot 4,0, and On bl19t, an Witia H toeti, 111-e1o, p. 1. aisma to' Esseon nA Coptoe Owdly al It Ctntitno tha no tediW ,ofleiantd theoUtItet .ot W oAmennto taeft rad I.- toi Teta., tae Maani., Jtty 1I, t9ttI, in iIdl., 1. 11,  THE MEXOAN RVOLVTN 183 TEE MEICOAN RVLUION 183 TEE MEICOAN RVOUVIIN 183 III. YetpLemetam, tide avceataiinay Precaec Since 1917 the etrrtee taiel admtiseaie itt Menbr enaR -iaeygvn m, lten iedietie el ofteir deentioc oethe cecatieteay pteaee. Asts te 1, eneeted, theemn eatedechle nevteaintIeeeeteof pmca-caatteiwtl denelpeet. At thmo these goreetni itaced teehe Cl tite lef n theitei ea oriatila neadate; at ethe lictt eetltiay arder rld it nitecbly at to rae tett dt the Rteteletian had cone in an-~do The eeelotinayacn-eeettrtldctVtt.i.e. c ane- te e eedtey ceedemm te. did nttiig mi onae It edacatiaot i enaet iaetll t, and allneeed thte teardteeie-ad Iett Ia a dead Itae. Ahat, the lced teft- t-eatd en hate tied ishE-1,11t in Caearn n ae, h---er, it an be said eltaths teabbately erteded Mealcac itetl w eirereiy afaitt alt thretl tffi viomlatien. When Genteeal Obregdn atd tea Sente cetpatett re againt cateenma, they jaeiied thircetecertia a deltt at -foaratea, priptet; theretat the acalled tc.eejtadtg beee1.1iet11 in at emitns reetlatieeay gweerettnt began tith pedtt,-a Ohrgan Aleaett immaediately Obteght erctted agrnea leggia- de ttd the sr seerdi, goe.t ot Imd t the village. red- denl t sh hartt elettt. -ik hatd ievre. O btoma injeetetly ,eteeden-as fsl etigtmy aceta waria en ahtn bat cat- dened by hit -cea e nept erediti ett teg ia trat thet UntdSanoneeritet H htte, did enter iee aget nac (Barareli A .naeee 19fS, ten hiet intlece oeta tiit- iay an the Mowia neaette G tedete tf artiert enct wtith the eappriltay o etnef the peteleta tmeraetiet etteed by Ithar ergm'nta nehicte teat held ai eheth by tOetta laner, taderde teadeenhip tf Lit Meceee ad d of the. C OM. (Catfedo-aciendachip ofe LosMdenna maegei eett notentli.theeagieratatlnttned ,teutinttmds steleptrs, nttonlypletintniceecieeadtuiontfrmed btelat ia-tlt detectrn ait 9nai Theedettetlaramidtitittlet tmati tieeiaat. o. 1It, a l 1d a r ~eo 1m IIIL Ietpleting the Seelaitety Peeceata Since 1911 the rvateetl natitete adatimhitettiar Motioe hare bean ealted t~ewettlenry geteanettnit" aterett iip-olltdy indi-a r c heir the teecteeacy At teat I he epeintd, titte teatrenmdeAtl eernet i the mco enita tatinel derelpteit. Atter ihegttttnt ether timet hr Ecwatrtty ceder renseled. e eeiceey at tai Gteatitnthe Reluneehadttntettned. Theeeeeltieeaty aetleefleteeltie Vttte tiant rceea 1ncn rttreteytmoderat. He dideelr heyiatartantlnetwtrayteitnrtt enteet ih ladhe, and aleedTenarat-trea eitct retiideadtette. Atthelaedeaeeaaeesntteheedied ahbnmin tt an1 Camecer a Inetktes, it re hesaid that he stebbeeal guarded Mire tatte tion wetlgnty againtat al threl Who- Gretel Oheghde and he Sette e m oatramtie eagaatmrt Comtea, they itatidied tseir ried ellien asa date ato vlelne pnaeitert theteicte the ta-galled rt fllentine Rere Atie In aceateetoee ivmttaay gterttnetthe n Ed PteadnAlear Oden mt. Almtstt icaeddieti Obegda enate ayaeian legitla- tiatadthe wivre terdie gect Ot land tede tilafee tad- dee te ahr eptaa like Catea, Ottegita iratly dreedby hiarNeatl toareaept edinatrcngaitiasremmtte United Stae orrt~tet tie hoet, did m-ntre leeree mn (theee Ageettenta 1923)o t ehiek ittpated sme ltia tieeea the Meean varerenl lteendctttlaeainltnaer~atn aid tie teppiatea of the teetealer preyardet nae hy Lakor dtgenalee, erhitea wv teld it, cheek heCarran, dteiiteditndee atrln Ohb adartetin ela eer, tttdr the tendenhia of ti M catm, head et tNe CR.M.s -eeocdyrieidt P nt uoe Maeecta), trade etea I.Iget rot ot in the na ntmb o alee lonmed brt in de¢ adhatent iOde is'm'f t -t-n flcir .Ma afte the retreladat atde Itecc Wilt e eaitrandttthe Cteccttttretae intt93. ttintanp. et.. e. IS. IIIL Icflennf the RE-clictaey Preoetet tiara tat7 tte tretenteal edmattratat it Mhet hite kee called teerltctatet esetattentmetr ta ppatedly mmdcd tetidir detdttiento oldenrm-nary prefran. As wct in be etreetee, the eat rensiderable tetee-.ete i the cmue of pmcetatelttittl detelapaten. At nitese the feyemttteet aeed fatto dnTe, left than teir enttianat tettedatetat .ne tiatr nl tetainay ciea reeled en netmely a to en e tears deal the RStetdee had mae t an reti. Torerteeewtiyction ifPedldentVetuoa Careaaa eelcenelytecmdere . He did -thing iia ttntteetta ceeetatsde laker and cheated the tear attiduteea aetile ta cema a addltr . Alo, dyetlaad rtlnettaediehceded adhcrtin in Catat s faret, hesetet it ea e taid titatbhe trhhtmly gaded M~ealeet natea ererigty agaiatt all att el Erige etittmi-. IvYte C-neral Oheth a and kit Sette reeeaerce rate pgit Catteaa, they jutiflied thee rehino asa demae of noeatieacy peinciple; l teretnee the etalled ttiendtcaliig Retlatie.' It ceat irti erealaiet..y U -etattttlegan wth Pettdeet Aleace Ohcegdn_ Altict itteaeditel Obeegha enacted ageoaci kepsh- tien and the caere eceading gramti t la®d to the rititet tand- dely tnehethtpsleaa. likecella,O-IhteenalcmI tttl ly denced by le etetal en acept niwesl Wmeaten ret e UetrdSte Gatctet Hehntee didid tt,, Ite agree - tattle litteneAg eeettt, 1923), nint layc atteemiy at o the Mwttiea Crerttti te e em or etetointeteetn tndt Whr vmptiatan at ste premicim pmertlt ownd by taint ergecaniaite nhich teat held in choak he Cactanta, flecni hed nade e ahenevelert Oegn adunittci. Meiea laker, antic the tradenhip of Left Martini, heed titshe .OM nytfce neiafeienal Oeetre teanaotmad reat teretet, nntonty ia thenaathmernofatittetbastbtaInhe developmeet a Orly1 6gu eftte sierd and tiEr the penmaln at te decte it- It. o l en ia.m 9n innqn-d-  184 The Caribba at MidCnuy 184 Tb. Caribbean at MidCentuy [84 The Caribben at Mi-Cnuy sf gat riunial paste Mutants hisoeif becaure a usesher of til lsrenideut't cabinet. As has teen nrted, it otat inth de Obregrin adusiaoatioo that then Federal Ooeeesuenr cnraed a Deauset of Education, urd, under the inepioston and guiding genius of Joe Vareuoelen, as- sunted the seapontihilioy of extendng erisatsn to the euro aras, mtahoiuanhaadosgleetefIodians adunsfenau. Vusconcefe, isoh ued atr tie tenlutiosay spiri, teas aerresiblt feruapiteser log educational program, cortuiing fhe coneenional nehoal etit inulaeifee in rte pettiest atm nhitis ws deeuurd to inernsu of rte eneringgloriet of the Reoolurioo Vaucoeelois rad to harw givnt "atntw nodal noesnig go the educetie action ao ha Roeota . othare of revolutionasy teal tisad motihlo a atot in tdr isteast of Obreg~reun toete, Phutaces Elta Calco. In general, pseideos Cutlet searoned the politics initiated by Ototeglmo Thin teas partistl tea or edouo IoWae, and agoso regatta. liowener, Piredident Caller upeotated o piecet ad tegialtits seer- lotked by tutu oned&-st, whtich got ime into a bit of trouble wo the United States GOnermeat. These wee the Alien Luntd Til cod te Petroleum Lan_ Botih laus isploetio tu-aegited gruane af Atfrel 27 of the eatitnatin, wate alleged by the Ste Depacnot to vlute acisiNd sighsn of Am eria citro in Mesic. Followoing dir Dwnight Morrow misston to Moweon, a cetotapommne was reached when bath partirs agreed to necede suwc- whtfOct00 r o lmpo m int e , t oalturolt ond forego aepecadoo an tell, wer precipirated by ettutiCn eencteeo of thst ati-tetica Auicl t1il. MCoarah uonaco the Meican g.,tt had erectod ai- clerical legislation, the essutial go-e-oute itself, dorng the ad- Cuttucas saG--nd Otwcgd; made titlc, or noattnon to efac the oastiotinoul ureilen dehNtng the satusa of teiginr not. tortared for President trlley ptoroted by deteie sorgeore and alleged riitegaa foe the ataow tin to s o te t rigidtsftrcedoetf irtiialetotioa. Theceitofg tnuerl asult on 00eneed Cthoti c Chutes,, whfere .elNrtt to rio lheoluioe nat tor appurt than real, prueced 5 roc- or Hien.., u1, air, pIo . of goatu polticral poleer. Mmacsc hiself becano a membter of the Pretident'e colinel. .u has teen ated, it tea in do, Obrgin adriitration that the redcoat Gousn ced a Depatueet of Edueaorr sand, hadet doe inupi tbasc and guiding genius of Joss Vancete,, as- neatod the tangasaiiy af onteding cdrisaton we the rurl areas, us the isolated aod neglected Indians and cameos. Vvweextta, itusued wnthele revolutitnacy spria wa sceapenoitde fat a itotc- tog, edutatiatal pregraut, crmbinieg rio cannotnal seh5l wlih thaeit nde pretnio ten wtiih onus destined to incometu oI the atnmsolug glain cf the tootudan Vsanpcaon itsaid to hateo gin "a newn eabit meaniug to the edructive action of the The fice ufelstionaey tal biased ..Ell eal watutha it is heoasi of Otegdinn oucseoot, Pisurco atetdo Cbly, to can.Ts oundero Cloecontne th e poiisinitiatdh bregis, sThis paclarlytrue Co edu iiogaooa, laer and oguatis rl,],n yeform. bytetet hiedentue afles rgnwacstd a teat pnearofttotinone tasted hy in piedostr which got tuba into a bit f oraortwoe wit the VUited State, sCow.etit These tore dh ica Lard Bil and the FettinmLate. lth hoo, imPtwererto eg-byseleen, geauce o Atice 2 o th eaatrston wee lleedby the Stare s o 7othomrgtweeDepartent to nieeats acqoiwed t ight, of Aruretract d Scas Mexico Foihaning he Thdito Maotw ounn tost Most a -sytunie was teaaecd ethen btli paties aged to secede mmta- that atino dir camer enoee positioan. Octt bterta tanvoi, sad fottigo pratomt an torl, cw p13e.pirod by tot uieecemen of do he der-elerial A-ide l30. Although tece of the eena ntt had c.acted anti- cleril Irilto thea tatiuna gotemuseet ,ltl durin the ad- motatians of N atarsad and Obrgris mode .til o nattep to Mfoe the cosfoteenoa article dfigthnuatfreios riid eforand and ie. of i.o reigous prenisioun. The teettiy of gam- nenesedo atault on at s refeebts ed as Church, whea theat to th elontitwuaotooppaentothas al, pronoed a eper- its sat, of, an, n. 10. of great ratitical power. Mote hinof because a momtain of the Osuole cabinet A has ien toaed, it was in the Obiregrin triooteati that the Fadeda Cacmromoo etated o Deptctrraoot of Eduationr, and, undor do, inpicatin and raiding genus of Josh Vaocsocelor, as- road the reopontihly of teaodiag education to the man arean, to the isolated cod reglected Indians cod oamtpaoo-,u Vascatelo, rimbned owitt reotsiatc merpi it, teat cerpenaiti for upiore- ingeintoationalpIngoot, omlango on aelclrt] wth sn rrtittindot pcacoW art,otltc wao de ded to transrtc of the a wseiug glocs of be Rteolutius. VauconcelcI itod to hate given "a new -et mooting In the so-.-tieantisof the The firm of tetstonuaty real biased with eqoaal tecrmth in the bsreat of Ohregotnsmctor triuturo Elan Calls.. to reatson, Presidet Culee cotirud the poli initioted by Otogi. This wspatittaly teoe ag seo, labee sod gd Urm Olsecee, Prenudent Ctien rluoneotd two pi,-e of teguiatie, seer. tooted be bti predeceau, nwhich get tiw onw a bit af torbile wi4th doe oed Staon Caner-et. Theset the Awoo Land Bil and the Pecemlen Late. Bath lanes imoptemetig tug-neginoe fesate, of Article 27 of the oneiuton, taet Alge by dte State Depactoocet to vielote acquied right, of Aarrera titiana in Metier. Followtig rhoe Diht Motoroo inrios go Meaico, a enompramise teat reacted wthebth portics agred to recede twnet whau fom ther more unteeme pun lion, Gten atattal tumoil, .dar fereign ¢reyoccaot ac woe, were pttwpitated by ecutle togharseno of the coti-etril Article t3. Although state Mf thc Metico stta had excted ant- clerial legislai, the natonal goernomeot itself, daring the ad- rutaetosof Caruc nd Obregrit mode tittc tnoatempt toenrce thec anitiaot atle defue th atnof relou nude Itguets ofrl'tcohion tlleigs, pcotonaed by ctcl utdore amageem a lnd allnged disregard for rite oo. sin no order toe nqgd eafretent of in cfiensw pronitlacs. Thesotity of gut eru l aaautt on n tfacsled Calic srChurch, . h twhore thecatinws m paen a ~loYdd upn rocusog, uea rel., p1 if  TE X3fAN NREVLTIN 185 TE MXICAN REVOLTN 185 THE MEIANa REVOLUTIO 185 of at' enode and retigiont enitttion per the bainno of thef cto ,,dnleton Onthl pafon tat nt attned to focto in ¢ Motin e[w 'oi ~h ohI o u of Menen as a 1 wnnntt teittho intended toaaikt tigion Ahay iomit toeu that Cnll aeste aced m wt ith eace 4thie neeeoit, Itm In mal it to m keeing- itt oid them ietit athtie ettit-1 titlfde, titan bin atn en itatte ndo ate inttnerno tCe aaTt of te onittomal endnotebich s qotened Mt the Cathetic Clainoh he trdidottat oern=ne of tibeentism and tmal eonoti it Motio,menat he Iept nde he stoictent gnveteonettat Thmwr.mre a eto ieo hnnwdtgtethe Maedenaa. Thin noao the pnind, notOtRf, tlM th pptn po.edmn, t oee Cii, Onoz Rabi n tnd Aleaed ktn~geaa en- epee othe teiniatom tf Oeent Cmtn Th e jnfo-br of Th ,nnnin Unatte and the othe "mme of ee otlatien, the oretan aed In, taint leor a cola easath ononatns, and had that becanee 0000 bonoie, aneow Int- af apitaittowitht ndade.oadaeaatttn The Dwoight Maoter tinte that the w,to po etatto adl at o noe et pntpooe'-tirt moie theta held Ppeey and thee they twould ntopoioiGadtf odithe 'etmntinhaoobedt neatine Meion nofde taa nitetI, independent a bnn Cot orty ma halt teat called t.ol tatdoditttbttO. Thin, neloid 'tit the enopoonn hen wdu ofl qaonh apparent Chrthule- State tatenentc the demin ofaza eofd labor endo (1Pi), tooned in idic that mneton foe I ofn had dittlaraed end that the Motn.Ift knenltton had enncyre. 'Metihdr a ,I n bat 1o9the her hadt Mfde Amtodt" e Canlote detr it lOrpet. Tho pogat, adthfle Roeatietn, he dectared, had boon qa ~atedy, boedso Tiena a pmetaowand n'ly iaccanate jaI.ono neebeeauaet dotta tenoh peted. Bat in e rcepe, tz nt tonteneot ati y ohjeo ea mlee nypannedby the Mtfoatathitattd-teoiarema Atete- ++ forte no toot, "fle Man",a ."iae fee Re-attdn a. TFn Non Re/natie tInto A2 t1ll I pp. 111-a50. 'mof all deeices ntd etigitat tniitadttts. Fr the balance of the Cont adtnoetion Catholic pofeel, note not allawed to Of comae the Pnottdont was hoety cadittoed, both in and tel nof Monia, tottaid aaet who inanded tt obotrih m tFarmt Althnah it in an then Caton toted waithetootoe teeriny it itqally ateeping in mnind The intendant of tine , I netta- tna rahn tat nitv toe tnetotlitodnethe of tho le t,, the t ile t af th o eatttniot tdader wtici roqfed than the Cothotto Ch.oMhs the teo~di~n netmy of tttnne" and nint etton ft NeMootice Mtn hept woec the etictant gnoennetlt ITheteotnonnae toceen ti the nided of toolo dant the Mati eo. This tea te peiold, 900-3, tehanm the puppet peenom Pattnilt, Ortia nlddRobin, and aAhelneda Rndieaa, In basdt to the eotipddoen of nentl Ctitlh the Iole endoint tithbaee t shn Caktoandntheothotfttentithe ooladte, the gon,fecoto and te taint lades had 1cinend tweailt t iwhan- ote enand hod oboe inan e otgoiiact lo ofcpihlfn wioth ,,cdaloatdotniceooeta TetraertIgn Maccoew tko that then00 t todiinan cadioit oto to moake them penepeeett meake them hotd pepse ety' and e thendey wtoutd nap mwtigtad theettto no ease keettloed It Callon ee, the notaion orpeneome wa a failnr. Whet Menico tse dod at ocla sne af tmatt, iodeptndoot lan.e Cetme- o, a halt noon tlenai hced to land ooitondoa Tnt, laocombine woith the coniptOtin The oil q otn the apann, C(1a31), Stt inticatet te dti of a ,,mdified l.e aorndo (1031), temend nto -oian than .. thti iaem foe reent had dtpapea end that the Mefanoff meettinhad ean t aayle. "Sto hnn wahdhe o a o tena preladennt wen2 Catcoon Bea in I1ari1 The pgentof the Reeton bo declaet aed, had beeti qood baiedntt Tin wea pens tot and whbttly inoaate ju a n n, as t nabltheat doe opnootntna ennd Rot in cne cet Itmaott~nne y helit na tegee- otatly pannedbefthe Mointal;f'ntnttttn.Oetmlotit. Aton® Ctlonna Bur, "nt a.eit nemnoed Ito ttoltoe"in hotont RanIle l1 tte 22, loft) ('no. far4,. tnto al Ineseodtiia odedettadnotm For beebalance d the Cation adteinitrnin Catholic pefoet weast altlted to oction in MAnco Of coatte The Pooidet tas b'ttoy tititd, both tnaand t of Motion0 eoeomtih m thet tiha inteded to ab otith to limat. Alhmagh it it te that Catlon tood teith evaeeie aeoontty, to eeioott tot, keeping in nd the in sd of the noeia Sdoa Unitho than id ae wet ioltt neithee of Th tattoo nor the faist at the eetiatonat andate width reqoitd that the Catholic Churcl0 h, eraditioat aeusy IO tibeteitot and tem1a revoltoinNei mtnen kept unid, ethe totiletgoetementa Three tema A ree e tio tthe ftdeso re otlndo dotng. tho Maaieeat. Tht teat the peflnd 1929-lill, whet the ptendo 1ooeddote Porte Gl, Oos Rohia, and Ahedo Rodtdoan. Fponded to the tootipulations 0 Cenda Cattoa the jo/a enoe of ihe Rentettion. Calten and the enhen1 "mme of the Reealatnn" the eotred.t and the labo leadens, had aeqedo teediyh by wthat- eanand had tht became a new hntttfeidr, a not doe of-oapittlt with eooiando ie oontetiro. ai TtDedight M -en. nhooey Tha the teny on otodioto ondioni won hm make them peanpeea wn noao, them held peeperty and dout they oetd Imnp ndting that of others-teentno hoot been onalned, In Codn' tie, the ogootin potntm we a faitnl- Wflat Metim neded teas a 'dra of nah, independent fmnn.t Com'- spet ed, a kale wmo otlad to land oedisenion Title, combined wad the nmpomitdaon tht nfl emmn,the appote t Chuanch- Scott tetttonttt the denfting of n modified taboo code (1931), eceatd bo Indtoate that enthntat or f-ofann d dittppetoed nd tha the Metican Rcontto bad onnoetycthe "Medion. hat walwed her hand, If tho theoonomn orate Camleten heotit in l1lt. The potf,-m of the Reettattant be dootned, had bee qotodty boied" Tdu weat a poeutnoao and noody teaceatte jadgmntt, at tahtooan dendeapnent poted lint in one -'spec at tettteoteotttan aojeete nea wgde witly pueoedhbythn Maiolttaffsaati-leieafam Atom- I"Celetot toot, "fla Madot attoned fle Reettefi tin TAI tnt Rnptili (isft 11, loft, e,, tao-oaf.  186 Th CarMbba at Mid-Cmtuzy 186 The Caribban at Mid-Cemtuy 186 The Caribean at Mid-Cmntuqy hade retot of Me,.!,n reotieonare to divert rapalav'anoein fvem moreteatarranfaooee a co ttartetheryof clerical me-o The oloticnninehfedteosoetoweer ay voeite acovaoet eetotptthg boy o e enhaotod aed "eked" oventtadeao. To 1931 revel of tie olre, with thre apparent eppe-al of the Federal oeaon idtapadi naei w rcoablear ordetleatitta the noto t clergy that rctosett neroillun e s en ppe. eof the anti-Chnrch ouehmnenyaltlfe Ineannto wotle, and thte Archidto of Meao wh Ite as aloe I Apeetel l wlanea depoed en en as ndeotethle alton," ntWlhegh he waseeadeno~nt Thanimetnatrtra iaoi at' y endohoettof Attee3, ttt dcte article. to e nt,13,Oerthtte eolln d,' "b In nevtaf that oo ee aneda new phase of the Revela;tion nhc I thatl clatl the pavecho- legion! rotloer petd;d tew oa te hno end take paoet va at the uotai of thed htdmrn, doe eatoetoore t i yn be,.-tre nmoy do oteoar and blett elone mtat the Rev o .es..sdI ta i h ,r rdd h nm u fm to hat. taeothveeehclevgploas maitt whereehe Cooetieeeee bree, I mfor to Edoeeetn"t botaegoenely Article 3 .O the neay tt an ttodd, Naeo 1t, 1934. to raqottt tho toehmt olo 'ccadtea" adtd te emobaotn at ''fanadceo to the erhoote Moreover, coder the tvoo of mita sanoodmaot, tnoriddtoaat .lsisi ,oI,,rd in l tonl coed 6taisheitemuchetl of pan eandf-e Stoe .at arpl rd eteot fiaetta o Mannao toi trttg the t poin tcotend That the otrtttnlgoawotoa ottotec freedom , Si re. vtletad m~ a m aw% olc aeoafdeftion,thdeer corn a rtmarkabde tech of ofntitaity tote ta-ydn ta oftrtlen t raneed alt the way fro Mna Mneotheod n''mlye, reqtmavdt ah to leeeq dn dielato anavd h h F1 eea, ethat avo taI.of Ed hcot,on, which read to panto et oo ~ldece talan .. a nh, ai ieendiale .enemoy of Te shahty attie ted mucond 'etiio, giat l oth eggeoor lay damnvy it, dteobto I oorerenfrota t Wnmed of nayny vtigftat earhp, anod that In otto pprd te flgt agle te tio trge alno tai".ed.a naw, Ma.tor dmneedne Iftee awl, "It"1 - "2I finre n veofa Meoico rtwtdore to divert at'avath fraa oar toepnt to n ran ote the rey of dmetio The dletoalt hat had -1aee al onry menrne oohtpliag hely lot etehareao ted "tired'' -Ientoreo Ic 1931 mornal of the reteqo wth mie apprn. abpa do toFdenl mida Ocaaoen, to dro noul nooat rtritve saimid tto e the e uald ftehr ol clefobe that vettotot ectivaiooe ocove crplda~ wil, and dete Arhithop of Mocice, weho was alto Ap-otoii, DIflea, w svt dniartd n ao wadamahle llte'," o l mtogh ho cof Mentre. Ttd lotiot.tarl elsnotl, o wtiteoatd in ten eff of Arterol, the neleanon aticle anonJeff t94O tetCaltt aid, 'tt istemnryImntoreto toanew phase ftheeoofrcholhtathpy c Iot roclotmaec peaeind; we tc eter t atetd take penee- cton of the tado the chldnl tho ectae lteyc hetteTey do bttng eoloe m .. It h- sttlte econy to drive the reeny gnas of htthat at reeh whey the vdtogy hoe tern, weoe the Ceeoeti hae hceee-l e ito teLdodoec'a Coaaqteot Artiole 3 I of the 000't a eNoeb 0 ,o hes~m -ofo cot, ando, e oeho f, s193 to reaw oatrel tvh techings Moreoverti cer mth tatto f Ohio aodme, ee lotn colm t oocdM ni brttvhoote fr t grade..Steothi applid ew i artfoyrthreonieingafpet'tv dnarotwenipn panaltnote fnceni Mlettc, oi otig then point to eond That The doaotntoal gateatted, oti ,elo afodeomw n at cha Whlar "toatd hdnertir" Stare ther toenea aereed defeine. there tetas rraht tak ef n iieno to doa ing of ralidmi it ranged alt the teay feom iMaen, oaloyy d ft amnild noitt-nefean Thearyf Ia few caca the toaohuaot Ce~nme teeon dale otnt lcaeao panomvod hme c a mh a to . c A p o s1en~o s t a t , t e d R o a t in a nli gi e t h r t I eoi la , l i o e d a ea r t at Moaya it, aiv, dei tgco eciencet hme' t he bot b and t any veltttn, aoeethptd thataclv sassipnsd! ~tIn eeagt me tagyacy- fIan e tot o Menicae toottrane te diserrt arplr attendeen frnt peatre io ren terhete weyof oletal art rte vtenratl is,- had.-rod en ny tctottcerto vehippiamgboy froaeeneed end "Inod"reclnoinmnrnt- tot931 soeral of ho satae, wiTh thoc appa pren eovat of the Feoeloa Goverewen, inmroeed each uanvoaote reetticict lndaioaa en the notnbh- of 1m,,~ that vetil-,o btowsi- wtt toiplo. Ilw cnoof thoetoti-Ceoh rthot moanyeof nprtoecvent ite otile, and tdee Archbisop of Motdne, eke ea alb, Ataonto Delegate, veto deported as en "oaial c nlo,"adoah he wotrat ofOMrtia Th~isnattctel rrl sst aao otd in nocn roedooof Article 3t, thedam dottoee It et, 1934, fletona Callve tod, 0I, ist -s ne ttr ato, re sote inoacow phan oef the Rh-htoiee which I thawl oil the psnycho- looicaloevottioery ped; ocemest emte ittoaod mnepaoe cit f doe moadeo f she rhildo n, doe oroc ter of The yaneg, hovauor Thny do belng nd sheth haeng to doe Ieoin.. t i abtolottlr eeaoa ta drime ThN a ant anf dht oarcoc oeet vehoc the otercr has horn, whoew ths Ceascroe. hoe been -lIt hetodci-n."'- CaeeoqoealyAlittlo3f the rot- otocin otntver, Neerrehe 2&. 1934, to reqote the twehmog af "oetoin and do teamhnotng of "fadic a t thet tadent, ]{.reegot, unsee the teatno of Ohis nateedtten, 00 aeiloec vale 'aenld nmaiente aical nhe f any glrd. Sien, datt applaed on toot' nieeorthe riing of eteetand aafriynprimeneaodno- ftoun i. Oticod, to it som atne ehe pant m contn hnrt coeioioe --ah of eligloosheedo't neat edoatei m4,Iatwa wvt "oa tot tudtoe"t Since chore cat no agreed deftotion, thce ooas aeorhl t ec oea Iv f teMi eoatty to the enoa tag of dxtnsitet t reefod oat the tony wa freroron, oalyd toanid al~eanert thrni. tetfec cuese the teachm wer veatnied to nn n "Ideaegrl mah livlo tie, sa ttrd hy the Podeto Depaeteeeeof at h m de n, wehioh vend te pant rtas ftae 01 decre trt I a a dn etott tact Itbo e eny of the Cathodta Aposolic, ted Rotoan tetf ha dtodea o oleetto it, dvo ataIeegneoeen bteeno the thamonds of nah migta eoetlop, ted that lom pocpard to ight against mhe olngy aer-  THIESANnyb O 8 THE. MXANEVOtLU21( IS7 TE MXCANI RaVOLUIq 1S7 nhere androlrhe rigca be etnry'-t A Proettotttitit- ary -Iorn'r in Moncoenat int t935, 71%, whole ed.-c .Ia systemn of Ic conty neon bring eyieo palen the Iptn of propagatng oi triNc ontoitt' Aithocgh tM1llh odtht. nt ro weo toeping a fodgtttnt i etconticolon sotone that the etntt of tlier Ch~hoe and roo religinitslmco t ai dtin t he ln itself olam tie Chletoadinintot W~nP een Cirdotn taw int layotnptg ite cogious itron pinoe op ha roo dtying M.t mrer oaota n.oall ognotniata prograne, herho ecddtob atta hate Pnasid,-w Tte gdttneatclt ttcteit the e ofa ptetee.. .dniis tioby by co-ei.i netrdinth estina p pneen.ntrootrraapaittod i -inM oipo-,Am lgo li hsonly eatolt in fnecnonttenoe and dlticly pont nrcont rntieal.''in Since That dac (Marc, C111htal6 thoc hat e hot ady Innprooeoirni othe omno 0g d Catoi Chtel in nmc t thtngh,~~~~~~~~~~ titiiatrteahmtrttnnuioiao ine and- Mctgce tarot. Thoyteai in, aenre ieit -ne, ta in attair oendrtceclatlngr e.natnbrot.-mnhit b le phenidmat CdrdN-e mModyinPcirt enaa' dirt iereto tnaktd the. otlnnatofa the Rcvoontin the in ne tha the mcoatintyctn direcasdalanaoathrottthnti hrladtC tntettan. En- the tin etideent' t Mcptst ot,i gnd witoith The wnlat ngaintt tho enmtaoyers, the latadleat pot agoinot the la to atnd- a anr he peer and reok ago.met tie .,otyotdialenit a tn Finroolene ana l tthfedn patmtel gernoteto ntlcina teteed tirc ete Mdtntrolinty g Ixnoentttieia that he had itntd anr eroio o eeyca'e enr thteiaonrfthnntiginalortnet¢' fma Finot and omen tigaacat Cdcdeat spreded ta the di,-.otirt it -oeBlw.o teEd nwte m the can.nt pet roho onced the lad.rca 1934 to 1939 Chtdaiea iorbonmd more Eand, and ne, peenn team bore wChatole ht nad, MehaaoleyCam~ fh'eCnhamd tnoe lSaw Yoah, 19351. tOt- ''T "he Wind Mni Olift 'a-r o," In T~r etlinianm aep iti of ,n~r IVrnd (onth, 001- 123 Son Yant Tire, MoochI 0,t. wborth nu Mo ay oobit OS' Terh n daacatiotnatPm myen of the roenf }stot lacing nrtaipd frtine Itnpoteofa pogating atlatin anteaitn."n Aithoagh this noterdy te tro rping a (atdgaaa, it ...tatle.. roan mea that the naann of tho Chonc, and ran neligia i-1nf, tadiecd its nadir daing thefnt ear at. the tddonaadoainitnitioa, WNen Pmnrnlln Cordtat ntw ita lay harpin the rehlo nimo otirrd op to roa detayag nhe matte etnnota w ohand agait p,,-ot, he deeidednmnotahLn. Henmaid, Theooeanrrsif nnrnit the erne tio p-e-o atind ttttione lay ®atideng fthe t~eligo gottena a p-btl- pIm-mntne to ote cn iroeood in thne eaiesot p ogron. Anti tetfgdn -onnpaipsn ood tety eeotp in ttoehfieerutina and definitly pomon, ennnne votra."1t Saince than date (March, t936) them hasImt ettecl tnprernent of don etatof atte Cadonifa. Choch in Meio, of- tho-gh, nifrotty a do or ha en tn nrdifctiot o the a-6 etigira loon. Hely teeni i aeteo, ain rm, at he applied whneter tint gn tnnrt Thoald will it. Prnnidett Cietrc -deinr n hi arh-.1 the aclmltni lon o thE Rtoti- ,The tro hte mealtinoe caorot dietd to ten n ' ni, te tleft that in hodmd ell C- .mae the larelto tl ryttasier oh ,nd hn with the roorkea agatant the etpandtt the ntatiteen peancocnt tge Thea .o.e tend- trnnr the tpor aid reech d oat the tattlt and in fl n wbodd n dtiea1 at aml, ntarere , edie e e ygase d h gMet he had nn~t a tntn rmetoie hd not merey rmnetiod freeaN tt inptn ot the originalm nornet. Firn, and tont nigeifacant, Conesinat tpeedodta the disttibattte nt land ang the yita n, a, t o hr. vitireced tint gre eenet gw eNc i w cln;b .hmdi e ta nin.i he cen peopalr wo neotd rho land Fran 1934 to 1039 Ciodenn diotnihatd none Iced, and nor protet or bent ' mttne Mtoioelod, Caoin Mrocoeh T~CotftilotCFmtahm-1 "The ind Oaitta in tdeto,' in T~e Mianey OII- of tMo World fMneeh, [9E),". ft'. cent Y. or iao. Maca 0,99"I. oh era and rohener it beo lancenrra A Pmeaat000 ape teee in Metierwrt it 1935, Te rohole edoroinnatI myo of doe conery non lacing tmeped fmrthe pnr,an of prpagantngnnnic, co niin.aoe Ah.,1 hais undoubtetity root In pieeytg a jodgnenht it ene-ntheon an tre thet the ate of the Chcauh, cod eect no'.o itseaf, tea.hed it nadir datng, the itm rof t h Chellenot allei'rrtion Whintt pmnidrnt Clirdentan car that lay keenping the relgioniataa ntitreduphcbe detying thente ntedalciaand agia prageanun decided m calloaal¢to Hge id,Tlte groentnwill tan, conan the error of pecient adotittoan by coatilening theetigion.niq..gientapehtsnp'meni t tothinoes mnale in, mhoea perogrea. iie At legint cxpanm rooalil rote re I~ in t lrhrmtace nd defintely p e-n .cnnemc. ,,yee't one Thoate (Ma If c, ,1930) the ohIthrntateady innperenen t o the ttof st tdo Carhetie Cliatrlan Monica, t thoagh tinifcoety.thre bner no ntitiaatiea of the and- ,. aoh Choir, A. Taea, "Ideni's OtS tcate sica,' in locnif PoacY Dettia oficial, Nao. 1n, eeoc.  THE KEW RVOLhIONW 89 THEN MEICOAN REVO~LTWN I89 TE MION REVOLnUW I89 Aihog do. e lato tot appliod to n ambee of diffosono hinds of indosiro which ter coned ite sootes cooperaoet, the poincipals ehject of copeopsiait ot the Naial ieapo of Motoico sad the pootolon oity. The oil topooptiotinofo0 igttoweepb i®olad ootio..himeosoell asettotsio Theotil companies, loseign-otoed, had, it -va charged, atoutoed a potitiot a tooiogloto blliooammdthotWotde President.. hoioo bnt tm eoprpohat. Whotare temoto or jnatictioo of Mtt act, this, ogeoo wit mtho acot of oainolitoio, onohokcd Metct to themradto mslat soattt This dirotion teemed to he iompicit bot itn t cooatitoio of stetogaod offclopot, Ur te138 theooidodea Ra lodoldoi... (io.R.M.), ond the Secod OS-Vor firm (oppet Norosooer 1939). to its Dtcloaiioo of Ptttipe toand Petgoao of A tio tdo ERfM. declared that vtoe of its ftttda- utewtl,,ijoteort u mo prcpato th pcope roa a oooIl'o destoto andcooohiali,icegitt"I tsohalu ork"oit ootiaod,ofYmth ptogeoio dotoatiato tof major indntiti a badhos for the ,Ir.tet iaToptenco. or Moot It atd the toaotfottto of hoy socia thoeant S doer Pcryo SitYeo Pm t de orn tdt pro- groi ofdoeReotaoinao Paty to d t e tt jotodooil term (0041 to 1946), atin to tsphatsit is or o oot r a vij ofdo balthossgh the foil otatonoto f dti omoitioto objlectr betho xtoteya petiodl oast m n toottlated.Ots amsot~ h in, otomgn Pttida, .GsensasAorta Caooopao, oob ttil Ioo,11oisocall it hit cooog pohet to dt poeat,,a of dta P.RM.'5, hit adotdoioioaioo inoaoedp oa t rat fomts do onotte lod, soeoo toldthu hot bee n coninue d by his too- smPosvedootere Migsl Alos zlot. This mtode o robN o g tetotota plicy Roo toct otpeii yagait, -b nand tMt coy etan aitodw than the Rocolsation wao Dt. Anootbe of aoiol appeseod, tao peogeoeoo , atstoo rhittt, root), 00 Meio vlotatiot Potty, Phe "'r.,d Ss Yost Pins, lofa-0t40. tAtIlt Isot, y ofdteltgo to e1-1.ia ns M.-I. (, Meo, him)r, p. 7, Althoogh the laeow o~apiod to a numbee of diffottt kindt of intleo, wehichl vtn otootd it wotkt copcrttiot the iotipar o b of oxlopoiamo tvet doe Notiotar Railwtays od Metdiao aond tnd , petoh induom . The oil tororaoo ofl t938 woto ptti t ansd aaintoi s 1el at ocoooi. The oil oopanoto, f.o.rhpaond, sad, it oa Baorged, aotuotce cod a paoitio a moig to obllioadttaloft te Rs'den nochieu toooprooae Whateotrd thte dtashter'h merits o to ssdotio of the art, ti, together net olhor aoes of eatiutiatinoo, tnaed Mexiot en Thit dittit tootted toat osprAl bht i thte omttituti of do toorgoit offic.iar t att , led since Soil the do (a Awrolocido Metct (PRM) ted do Stotd So-VetPt (oppotood ,Noeob,, l ) to lot fDaoto of Pofit it.e atl Progms of Action tilt E.M. declared doat ' tti of it oda- etarl oh~icio itm psopaoe the pepl fe a toookot decocmy tolatcio c segiro "1t slosh lw ramk," i cttaod, 'too the poogetce redttlitto of ,a orndd ti a nbai foeo covtpltodpa oeo of Meto road tho tootftoooItt l f boo(he dalyaoofdockooottm ltionyatyotee oeodotaltn 104r tol9 tc agahin she eoPhoolo ite aoth dt pno-tal trts fototaio of s he orootrttot dutg mufooit (ot lnsao the atolar of the Stle, adtogh te fall ttiwnono Nf da oothiuioo objertivooiote tcar i Pytar soo ra too tso amutetltd Ale , slt i n, Inider Controlm5Ge Aia Calno cob. theP P.1M.,5hit ad ttitootioiogootad 0toady reratloo doe otrotoloft aeat leiha been co-tady hiret otm ctoto cIhi tosea e enml, enmn yhs o e l v Miguel A ,l , er This otolsotiom F oa uedsonW pollcy so sowe voeytoto to etosonntion and the coy settoe that the Rovolutioo tow oso A mmo of atilt. ap aisdpeaood. writtes Pooddo de lot Reeolsc~ii em Iis- ,t ont, deoteotifos de otitaiot, se ea maoo "eits, 1000), coo 0t,, 05 .-rI-o bobtaino P, Th arts.d Su s-to Pros, 09}1.1040, MI vto, tss'eat-ls. ,rvlnu htc PR . toteot i.), p 1- Aitheogh~ doe tao was applied to a sttema of diffeoent hEnds of ittduorit whioh tto Itsetd itt oee5 ca.,ovale thoit foticifal ohjocoo of e ppotia oe don Notional Raitoops oN Mexic o doe petoleom induotty The oil earpsosoft l93t were polit Ian d wtiotaestc 00 o-t a ecaootinc 1he oil oompaoioa, needynt-nceed, had, it soot did-god, taed a poetiot amittto to rebeilot, and doot oft doc Prctidot no chors, boot voopo~oiae. Whaterer de mostit oc rletianto of the tot, this, totdooc wsith alhorsoo ofe dct-oatiaatot etoharhod Meticoen moe oadtiotattotcitittt- Tmin diseotion tood to ho itol bt ints Losottin of dhs otonaoisd official party, caito oo t93S de Pootid do mo irorociado MAdoccat (P.RM,), sond the Srcottd Sio-Veat Pho (aoptood ,Notoobec, 1939), I itso ftolaotio of Priocplesoandi Proegoa- of Aciio. the PRM_ dcoloed doot ".ot of its hauto- metat objecoie ittw pseparete poptofmta aotko deocory pmrogtoo natiotaloation of ajoe ltdtt ot bans for te aolto lotdpond tte of lMdesc ond th toasformation of hot mto"tyto St o e Second !Sht-Vear r hi,otirioeh otm po gum of titeNeRelototidthet Paty fos doe r t etidonda trm (194t to 1946), u~io theoophais it opot dot oteotal trot- oatisof of thet, s t hetmmi coen along com ctt lines une the atgis of o Soot0 oth ottgh te fall attinet d of do bdout objooio oltdi, the g t-yacptin woo not otoo-oplti i d . Altg dot totting Potidoto Cnrl Avila Cotache, 0th soobrthed ,"oqoeocatty it ht m innttag qi, aot to dot pofao mf th P.I1.M .,o hit oad totiat, iat,.oo a body ottnereeat Oto do e ettto left a , otot hitom hon bee oti. ad bymh I te m Prooldeot Misuot Aloodom Thit mo eorotof gotttooenta pottcy om at , ia teoto a aio, ane tohe cay wso salted tot the Revolttoion tl-voot r A mm.Ate of antlo ¢ppoaotd, wtoto xta Ptd dol toewnte M0tt5 Cottan ooatto, elton d orieii, feteaooyott, (Mootot 101.g A8,pp 0-17 v 00sltosRslut Penot, 'r Scottd ait Pete Cla, tO41-191, dos oort t an idl1,ac Ia otoolsofdo to Mactn id. Motio L t pi, 0- .  190 The Caribean at Mid-Cantuy 190 The Caribean at Mid-Cenuy 190 The Cerkbean at Mid-COnry by ineflenaualn, wnme of them bearing the idenieal title ^Meesi in Ceisis." Dield Cum VIrmga, n lending Mmdloeeneit rt t 1946. "Metiw has been suffeeing nnw fee seenoal yns ams wch it hrorng gmreabgaaed daily. . The cebihale teem tmheat that ilie abjentiweon tih elatimon have feen alt lt tilled en the degnee that the teem 'Renolotian now lak en et. Bn., an i n. tonnaty, the yolidciatn cen.inne to be gnidod by the mnat immediate objectino., impoart, the imnetaote ef loon e. pnlicy:'n Abreei en Coda Vilega., Mecno bas lntt with the alleged end ot the Reent oo a poweefel melee inopen, weithout hindin anything no euawioe foe int Casm Villeat it wry peseimttli in bit swatnoi at the Reelotina nd its lden. lHe says: AlN the .e of the Mecan igonentlin withot enception how been in- teioa toimaeeinetciet:..tdenati ha benimpobunilfero- ddog thsuooet a whole geneatoe and in ebe lodt, ofa gant een n kag etenaot amplettatose toeneat him a pla in hem y. ..The yre of the Reattineo nwt be ideed, with teti &r ,or snogeieenl dotmtyme, ha teethng that they eceaed no na in, plaaio bt dumyed teas beem an .qujalified Jesus Silca Ietng takec be with ibis jtgnant, alhe he t thelee than the lealdtied hatet its macn.s By , 14, sayt whon, theReelotien had died ejeledy witheout nyoe at ein wrmat molato lna theenihg.o Itit the Silvo ittog the, ty than the ofo~inte tthe m, . i ane eptesented victoey foe a new emiddle eat. Thes old bisaeiiie thehedet takonl ual by the PRo-. elanq bstn eenet eamplenely dettenrfed, o- all neortd. Re netly it f ie at ebngecee enaeenitcot Aeeein at Sila 1lema, e Th ten eam cpeng teen, the eenan the Rewilttn5 iLe, nen-elia c iena and en-h ieala, madilokeecday efgwemoa ~tnt ed doeate who pearela from pe ci cantane n. r the tale of idetine tatettnal,. A ftenmade tnaetcltalento teemottitynofouteimes H tin- Doll Cetil Vilota. Eatecno tie Aneisain , 191) itodmlw the aele "~Ln eit de Mmmic INan, tall1,p II. o alil, cc. li-Ico by innealeeteatt sane of ibem beasing the ideneicat rdme "Moedno inCrisit." Daniel Casio Vilenas a leAnn Meaa ecnomis, wmnto 1946, "Meire haabeentafeeingniw osewoaetatinis which in Itcnring mare agiwamerd daily..The enn teem the Gtat thas ehe obejeties of the Repulation bane been fm- filled en the degere that the teem Reetlpd noe lanba teas. Bat, as t s .entary, the leliticaea ..wtimn tn be gtaided by she mot ettoediae objeetivee, ignorting the imopeeanee of len-e, , Aeodieg ta Code Vilegao Meant hat been, with the alleged end of tlse Revolode, a pnneeito matte impolt, wcithot finding anythng no mahaitot foe it. Ctnio Villegos is very wainso in hts caln an of ehem Rewlwtin and hts radeono Hayno: Alt the, yn of the eirn to-lttin- wtheotenepmn hwebuei- fm g iu .a a u r.gbeo m.sdng throghounonwbole ganesaonnd itt mnitnstifa nat cee ingle naontna o amepkecne to meot ie a place ei, n hiswrym... TMe tre a the iwnlnio cno c be oed, with certin atotaco, a nniiicnt deetmycan, btntlitag Itat they oreated to taem the plane of the detred oa btenoanqnmied tnnptmnta.t" Jettis Siwva Hezog laysc lnoe with thit judgmntt, although he ten beest, that the Rrwnlatiet has teen is course. Ay 1943, tayt ieaog then iewoldenv hod died qacy without atyem noticing what sa happening. It in the Silro liemig theory that nc tereinoeai fthekeolatineepeeteedscomnntfey onw, middle aa. The old benegecide, though endely ehalan by the Reilo- tin, batt rte manpinnely destoye, geaduollyt[enoed Br- cnllyt nlaedwitdoanew onsrc itetateo acecerialedaps. Accneding e a iaog w "The newn elemenle yrg feotm them casle of the Rewnlntion, i.e., nen-ini nificil and eo-oftieiott mrdfafiek sef geeeementil ~~ner, and daler who profited finem palhie wornes metw l or the sal of iteian tateriala, A few trad, fortnes aceple e tbe eooAlty of eec nimr Hone- -anont scin sines.. Etcemaa d, Acoect iteeim,14) en d.&Idae tncbei LaeiineMote (Non., woi), P. 11. (tid.. yn. li-li. by inteleetoal,, same of them beasing the idendtatatitle "Menien in Cmfit HdanintCti Vtlegae a teadieng Mracan esad m ote iwnr 1946, "Mesinohas hemp fciieigmwtforesesalyena am.l which it breomig mthe aggroamned doily The msmda teem the fat that doe .1nhjca of tM n ewlstle have been fi- filled ento en,I than tho teen'R-stuadn' nat lace tnse. ttt, a ,osnm. , the I oltieao conlie t en gnaided by tea most la itim dint oebjeetiw, igoeing the inoneta of Atrnding tn Cnat VMlleat, Menice haa lo, weith the tllnged end of the Rht on a ponroinl motor.impole, noitheot finding a.nytin to satitotsa lot It. Cielo Villaga, it wry aewd al in his aesani of the Repultas and in kradec. n5 sayst "AOl be mn of the Menican lewolnioe within.. eseptien hate been in- fo .eie .te narb inmelofmrt ading thewghnn a~m ehbets io gn d n d in theomidt of a ge-ea on t ingle onttn of ampleatace enw uot him a plain ha ha..y.... The enn of the Rewl ad n no sw be jodgd with cetimtoae.oeeagoifint nadeeleyese ttu r amthie thet nqe ceat en lake the plac oi thce daendynd ho been cona nmlitfied Jesis Sityleaiferal toae bit sindwithis tIjtm.dgmeat allthfugh he thteetta h Reeatio boha in tcmo By liii, says wheanth d o hee hddid qs idY without nye tiig wrhat was happennte d. It is the oSilcoa Heseog theno thth nof the Reeoinnmn b etetd ne oret ®oe wonhid clots. The old bsaegte thotnlth delyebaen n bylbhearwo-a lionq ht a er nomplal d etd gradnaly mnnwted Re- panty itseined h with a neona~wM benegein toa ea meas na elae. According at tn doetn, "Tenon cbmhoeea fam the mneke of th e Rewleadee, te, newe, eliealt and en-niedb ttomsee of gn m satst onilecsnd adeaden who oId teem psbte weekes meleocta or teet ink of intetir mteat fewerndeteennmeeeecptolentothn,,e mmatieytioftadmle. Htnw, DieCocVie, wosreonae Aenihaw ci. .194Sf, irm.a the 1 n i"Lh, Cdat tie Mii. or. 1at0),, p. I ngaid., ppe. I7.I1a  THEm MXICAN RVLUT 191 THE MEXIAN =REVOLTIO 191 THE MXIA UEVOLUION 131 ewerMt oooihntited beamato aamtnity of icett attd thts teclctised the Revolt otj Moon and mete effoolkeoy thinse ttsddlo clan otod fit powr to roo the -ean td p-reotive tendencs tf tho geeat. Voft Coti Villegas Silva Idoecog concede that the Reeois' dion acceleratd the progrot of Mo'co It broke the ptoor of the grat laadane dm T popdtocn , hadtogh them eeacsy ontof onitado and introeld "pte-rpoimt , ion ta in mote srfens, ad fttolaioito enco notably toa the inelage cikties. "luit erst toto," sy thin Mtoloo thoa. tHa o nt6to totr vtiwtMd witod the hwlwocyn a faoony."OtHooo1 nhtOt the policy of the pooen Alootno admnofofeoo ht otoetltoittg hot in a ot"cse deter~ced ty tin oc tofoin ptlitaal aohe Mexican moier woho denies she cod of ste Reooololion noan eit aosidootl l~t ta "ae co sat that the obfry tto[of t e v Re'tds] hocen boon couched only wnin tooe en mty thatotheirceosoeaoooot.Tontafoodleot ort mshv ee. h wlt .evr hn t hor a0 00 poofoats hogoy, no iltiersott, his gteedy lawNdtdowhn the Sos sfaleet gttntoeonothtfihttt life enihNOm the in'm of of Ioalo enplottos that is, when thete t itofoe ara otdodoo i order r nder law and htnean ight; moe onlsna e adta h d lin it a nosl htteRvllt hashbo aodiets."0 Thi esisrt~epodoPeouche Voindo ten: I "It is n, ese to bt alert otat ke noh theeeid otiayononasee. Ilesate thtox whto hold oloot txhe norwork of the Retolota haosdd ia ote lofdttn hos soroed allt!e doigtnts of t he alroItn e atattatg t' ,ti thet vieo of PeninieVloo nd a host of o en radicals in Meoalno tatho . Reoif ran no.ever entd ontdl .opitM ioon t er octhnat toierey rst hece n's cos eevoone disogotoeno in Monica cnceoning do the nt satus of theIftoliao. Lot no maott oar 00 indo- nendeni isoiry boot the 00100- J im di- Ilenog "n i nd t nw rio't Retol in The Joelt Olin onn Medoooion 'one Mdfo,eooett a sc lot eo tni, "-no. 000 M ', .t~,al teo the richo acimed botato of a ceotniy of inteet and that ntoteoaoed the Raentoio&'tO Mot and moot efctively thhs 100 middleoloantwd it, power tactodhersouav nd proesive tndonoiot cf the goveooooonl, U.o1a Costo Villtgso, Silm Heeof coocedro that the Resm- don aoioldtht p0000005 ol Menito It bon tint power of the got l nd ted roottonl bouoght the-.o.,r out of semtifElamit, anttdtemd "lte'ntoittit" conditino in mo tenion, and "toll oonttalioso" in othero, notably in tint lacgn cones. "to neset toea tys tiiMootanlihecal, 'that the ork rof nplnhod sorhoed the inalance faoainle."05 Ontoc, ha hit tiew tho polity afth do pot Alcmo adnsnoo'ta itnt eolotiaery, lontinanoto noo te -otewtind hr the economic tad psllofoal inlodependere a noio. Anothr Muoni. whn, to dente the reld of tho Aevolston comea with oot.idoable logic that "ooc s ay that the htica' iven [at th, e nobitdan] have be-n coachead omiyohen con can may thatothe~itoaeotthaveo ecd to exst. The Rettolution wllboero wnhen theot ae tr poilonom hats , ne illiteaten, to geeody landleedol when thte Otie is able to guarantee to moon hfo ighti in lift nithoo the otioma of foraeigon miletation i that is, twhon then n sthtd o eal dontoomodo orde, nrode late and htotn slinl then it coo be cold that the Rkneatdo. o ero octieve&'t0o This totter, teapelde Panle V aad, watmo: 'It to ......c to he elect against tho stahle trtaoiiooar moneto.Doate tho echo hold that the mock, of the itcealodtn. has ended, that wrstten leoadoi n orcmned all Oso oigts of the woking oueos, it Os do doe of Poniin Volledo, and a host of other tadiaLa ha Menolco that the Reeinin ca aoo nd wd naptalei ovtheow, Evtideodly tbote inrmoidoooh dmasortecoe In Mestr enncet the prsono rot of the Reolntion. Let an mnake toer own lwde' peadet ioteiy ito the motto, Jctd h its tZtHum, "kgite tad Foil of MotiJn' Ototltnm in Ott ate. Suit ta Ooo.o Mieasoa, satoe. Mdoio, tamtyorto IMoodo, hens),p 11. yota If ido ll.0,, iten.r-1,d.n"'liemn wvc, the cich rulted iscottoof a earmtatoi of itesetts ond thos ntlletod the Recnlniie~t,"s Mate and mat effectively thn -c maiddle rlat used its powter to tchr the otooetv and pregoenine tondcec of the g-vo-not 0dbik (Atti Viltag, Silva Hem,0g arande. that tine Rocio'n toacrcratedite poge.ofhad . Ithbokttb ptwt0 ofithe great landed poptreion, brouoght the mumnlrl 001 of ttni'fon daiottt, and i trdotad pineolilot rondlitnin rnoegan, and "mol~l godllicn" In m t mno ot in the Io.,, rAdt.r "Itaoon to mt[l tys thin Mnira libooat 0That toa nook acoocptoahed woighted tno hatacce 0ohanly.'t- 11-maor, ft his otto tho polley of tho ptecea Airmn odednistatton is tnt tealodonaty, lat Ih a ew "rtosa detonsined toy the -rooso, and political tontctopondonc o tO noc" Another Mobco oce h to Odits ott sead of tho Reolotan aegnac with oonodtoohlt logt thaut one cat say that the thjec- do [of the Rorolotlen] hate hes orhed ooyowhen octrcan may thatcheirousesahaeocnadoheo-let Theotecalottnwill beoveo, whcs tmese ac no poofetain huogot, no Thwrtn , no 0tedy landlords; ohon the Soao ito into to goarnt toma hio rigt tn lift tthoo the stima af foeigne mpldtatooi that it ohn their In tlhi heol a ral Idooi retieo amder loot and hto reottts; thes itocn he saidothatthe Reoltonosben ahLaeod"se This woitto, Inopodo toetNhe VWindn, wcarts, "It it mnessaty to hoe iaet oaitot thetntmo etaaeceonette -. eot te whto hold that tteorek of The Itnecltoto hos ended, that wrste kofitlookan hos selaing all do rigttts of the work:.,og ateamt' 1t v the view of Penche Valadc and a tt of tmtr eadleat in Melco, thot tte Revolotlaion o. eceo end antil coplitoon is ntrtramn. Evidontly thom is cooldsoatlo disagoneent in Menina oceonoig the poeaen etla f she Ronlton. Ltt no cake 000 005 lore 1ondtntingtoloy inthd motrt, etter Oiflaotote, 'nineood 1eio of Momon's R ato ido, it Toos on~o 1Oct.11, 1040e1, gp.1. o±ted knit 000,0 Mhoas.o ,else b~dneca, to ttyontot (lysn, 101 )p. 1i. I'mueaolde Peofeo Vsilot, Ocoyacr koane d. ea so af mern' 0000 (Mtendetl that,1i.  192 The Caibben at Mid-Cfntr 192 The Caribbean at MidCnury 192 The Caribbean at Mid-Cemtury IV.~ oAhtadi Prtooaon a n li lnanodo aioe In the tinst plan' Migal Atlaon, a Iea nto n fototer bwats-- aeaiaidioPoidtttqhe fintin Mtn fatogein. That faatattn ignittfiat 1,ittntdaratne of a o rd ow erhntIdedtdttinhi wd d andot am tho nar au a polir fa-toi Moaco today, it don appear that tnhe 1oilit s n bP6 mrosalec anet4 ddopn tn Pa oteae Aag a o ina dt nord of methe -ir teadetihip at the onlis ee htanne tab e ia of a aieato t and Nobtiost theironia ta siychltt o the protfestiat sidiso dons nt fit hintfa st ionteio natna hip. The Alet ta aeeiiard haa dolinitoto miakd Moio opt1 the crtint pheo m rtndaiit detlepot TMte rotte foaiat of its ptogcot ifny afiatnndnn wnhirff s pette to acet he ntioly iat am i'a denot stadorda of lio aidI it enod that toly eiifrie n fitna in ama ppabhalths and ochrae, aaional an public wokha ate all dedo oaa inc oeecnod naisa ieeie Ot titn tot- ditini Monic am tot fooblo for aide sdatil plneeto loge rooahiaopaylfmtootheitdal biaioaepialeoqaipantatiot mtaleqeqnt deved catm sittce, it tibt winds, Alonitoa lito that tando sain camisi hope no teaiot h itt t ntattv hopes hy atlhtrto, to cmm ise. incnt by itt kntatayu h It o aoier capita foe atta . flit Ottol roitdeinun ofisopondosetmon Otog apital is etaitittnt of tho, hiad policy. ofItsst thin to hose wt ino i ay MstdetAentra ivnt non e po to i repoat tr ins talan of Ptritio fia. Mea ioitnomthnsotldcmt anc foiot,for-tt- alicn it sfim a crhtd 1nimmiln1 ttte Roelatita. Mateosas, th aniionootien dclatn tat ihn pot'id of topitalialie fone- hnaiig in anded. Pattiaet pooditble hinocs relation toil he ottoblithad o tho middle 0tnaad of maet far Molandoan stinnal onettigety t theom iahadand the night ifM tinoent oatnohi prttlit n the tthot. Thus, whlile etnding the hand aaofttslatoithe frtonineotand bunintwtAnonanoonn it not m toepoat ncomplint prolin, on sprodit poivtete. They aoe giaatantotd c~aal ptt~cinandootheolno; o mar lois IV. Alatsn Proteam aid Its lsnplainstie 1. thefintpidaobreach Memoan yosnnd ltttehbatoi- cot vt illan Peoidenit; the fint in Moca lot a tong tine Mhetact ao oit aat ift- A ntoa it netld ho a tiota dnnei acnlit clRCAl-hiwdeteammr a~ the arey as pia fact it Meiin dva doct appeao that the smilitary is ditplaying a gieato ooqaioettc in aieilia4aEafotlaitoeoe did inanooepob.t. tthe~iyeeaha, et the toad of tho psanladtpin the Aieouton in onoci that anee ott tout tote hav mai~ale, a otnitn etn nd obvitoely tho inalance tand peetled.,g of the pttfnismat soldier doesn ot t himoNacairtvteenttnothip The Alerte administratin hat defiitty nonhonied MeAn ipti the ttstoio ton i p at o[ eatatitintry doontapient The ndafoatavuootsliptgeattis idutn ataitnwhih isn- ,oaaed to jatocos din ntinn acon aiddoe taaord of in i it it welio that itacly c t an moloasitdaatotn ,dpenenbliahnatth nd ,ty ola, aetaarea aid pstbkoeorh ae all deetit otaatt inaoel eational crento lin t siitce con- diti ana Mena oft ttfooale Ian on indonatiepoaftaa kasge otsgh at pay It both the eia bo tti ar isnitalqdptt l talntoqant d oaoet iniin otMo nordh, Alatli n aliot that Moto endedods ratont hepn noo scai m meoaeoaoe yadpm nmisl yi imtt teetathtar hosg capitalt fore onatsreo c- Thit finak to ar of dnjedtea foooigo rapilol it tn nt ofd ihdo Die policy- In r dt ethesoat linsfsideat acets ines nto poopoe to seteat the otintkeo of PonfisioeDna,. Mcenttnititotthes old adtattt any os erm ite 4 fil a arted poctcipl nf the RofealiaMteotam tid eaa httdm laee f f hoo, it otd Pennanont pofthk bniioar telatr nail he ttbhihd t o the sadd, ., dnano atnspedat i MQticn ittoa. ietiotty on the onehMand, andtMheight of the iooentto a teatoaln paofit an the biao. Tan, swhile osonditg ito heatt of enlen of esiga alto Paid hitititnas A metho them tatd to necd etoltitot pn mtit special piiei.Te atre gtiraateed egmti psmaton uons te last; o t in IV. Absona Peogean aid Ina ,-lttootiot to the tint place MigelAcirront, a late ne and fanner btn- arn i civilian Pnnidrt the fitti iii Metie far I tong timte That fact alneisiftiicatrt. li tcadtie of atnewn ern Moi Political lifer. Alilinga it anoild ho a sosinatr00r0m saonnias tht any wa potlitical facor in hlon onday, it dont anlpoatIn th mto iliiaty in diiplig I imtea accotsernto it ciellaatcle than toetsrdid in dopa6 nloeohathoyrtatiectthat hentandnfh laderttlipaiotithReoamiotiover, titat aneasy notanmn- h e itaagosattd, a oottetn r;aod ohwealy nheoetisad piyohtlny ofodm pmosfoaIaoldie dnm nttfit him fn otttloit iltnathp. The Ainnit odaiatio hat definitely emhathed Matot spia thes ontoa plian of oonhetttay denthapait The caend infin of its psefito it iadittoiain ihichist ,,.oditonaso ihe etrtedat mn and olortadn mvodadi ti ltee It in sained thatity nlrlmalve teseem in odatatio, pobh, hoodi and welfarenan tetlae, and pablia orkhs ant all deptadon ot aolp itro d national roninno. Baa inee dition by Moncy t set favrabl for an itadatttal pIe., m I., mntgh to pay fo toN th tin ititil hat a capital eipnrnt and taoa ttat deeelopmat; oncme, it ot het aoodn, Aten Soatto that Medaioo saidord taat halpe in ceaca ite neolatiaary hopn Ito ottnmpmgn to rtho ielf by It assettpt-h oth imto foteignt caitl for antatto flit frank wcetati ol dePondanne on ftneigi nopitni is nttdiiea of the Dine pottcy. In tha there e petdntMh de not tpo o repeat the niana at Partioee. Mcoaowill ote sld ntIatfitntn, frlatnt- attnm in ti aclacoithod psintipit tf the Rattltin Mainoen, tie adnitlion declorr that dint petiod of caitalitia far- Mntiat in coded Poenannt toseftablo lens [ottionn nan be establithed on M the ddle gond of -npot for Meicoot naioa neosettyosiiheto ehandeandtheoigtiettieneantton rsoable pofio on the ateo. Tim, ihilo intending the orda of itoleno i the toeign itn ad batiaoottaa, Atettd thnM ot tom cpedt tenashtat pofits or spe~cial pnicig. They to c aamnted myetald oten otade dM lawn tn mne. 11 i1  THE MEIAN fEVOLIONU 193 TE SUSAN hEVOLUION 193 THE. MEXAN NEVOLUIOSN 193 under thist geron poly that Mlother it Inciting ocgo capital to Merscx.1 ltcoard that the taat to private emr o, 6 ioaris Medic, forigm etori is flowting ino the coutty inec-iosug eulsuac Aauroilr matftlaar, electrical appliance mooaetn, netaiootaiu fors, rutty of the figgurt acmer in the wrld's rtona of btanru htrriouiteWaod epantdei erMrirotdc-, Is No Eud ta thir ecl-ading trend lo it aight Not only it Florate Aee carpital nttuito aura moreo into Moakers, bat thc Unisri Stale Oaotnort-. is onnttit or largerucale mt Iankeoto dufirarunntled olfMeico. Re..otily thte letpuntmpt Bank ertended cordift of atboat $150 mtitlion of hertcd for ighwoays, aiteay im~preurtiand the purcthase o baydelrcutictpnufptenrt Mlexicituupptucduh mtrthereolnds Sioifiratd ree nOuof chit tou in to Our apptied to tie oitlin essyr Althtought Pettr-, the oil stttnapui, it towr pmricit oito ot of utatly 70 million tornct pre oa, woich is uanmost donble chtt of the ry ycwn, a epttoariittiuiot able to t due deuuandsoftheessorirnotnomy of Mrio. Sinocitrlcok undo in, capital andO the technical skilt t ruaty to at cticict utlom- titpngmtu, illis fcachyt..kigifom, taid Fcrigrcutat huwt hemt iunitd tr eer ino hiuratrlt ontidc ttdet they ctpottreondkrig in .,In ottheirt-rursuro. Out of troudciet. wuill tsNcthcishamofec15lmott perenof athre peefathle ott Irank e omburt lie maor cualee, regarding t5 pen tort or itodoclut reot ocit capita ace satredi. So far, Poere has hotaht 10, ot erl ore Amreia ctat dthatrithutom Patry-Daric oroimt Evidetly Preidet Ateuuiat mart malae t[M tenne nrorm extumblie to the foreign cuI-- tat telot "Iolltir torrau tttiaato iat ret it .st cot I Apol il50. ,Ii. to Oeiaaat Siocc Mone. I5y,195loo. ole lasl Tiove t Mo .b tHel us nitprudolia bo hour in onn onts, 1998,19; lorn; a 1- 4 141;4y;ar 1048'; 0.U Ator wre -itt d tinl, uhu Oe tot 1047, Moir Jotn., t950), i. It. is thu ruke yru t9, Its, trilio bnars wcCeta l irso t .. .-aire, M~ay It lo9r. sorer tib genraf poficy that Atourt is imciing foreign capital it Rraotntcd thut tbe tittnat 10 prat ctt~et nrri Moet, taigoetrrciseisflowcing io theo mrynrm ictaaisg couie. ttAatoreotl statlactaeont, sllectx applianc sstnh, tutulidoir troro uaty ofi the buiggiest fero t tbs wrotis nomo of fiatncet, hove iitrd and escpaudcd dboie Meaitu terricleutt No tod to thisopdieg secils it sight. 1401 onfy it pirale Ameroicatrpn vala orstini on nreto Monreo. hat tho Hande SoEo Csorcncos in onoditeno a the Etpr-Isuprrr aouk octotitd onodits eof oot $1 50 tuittin to ho toed for, onilseay innpeercamsr, and ths patlmat of byatrelesoaic equoip.,ct,. Mmer i supautsrt to uuttc tbone Outdo. Sitoi fordy note of thin loan fs t he applied mt mho if indtf,tty Although Pearce, rte oil runptl' t ostm pondunog attherat of .,.ity 701 million bocul tom yean, whtich It almsect double ,ha, of thu ratly yeann of erpoapialinansirtolablhc ma -of te dtrmandstot he.EnriatintcoonmytofMear SinceitraskbchN the capital and the uchiau l ift a ny en an effocienterorna n aroaecri, odonotr,tcrgin roai. Foraerfgtcmpanie hare boen itrud tt orta whnruat rr tprovite that dusy tuore ord hir0 in weona thefr rtuh murup. Oau of pnadartio WrIlloamonnfthelandoftltmrttprortrnflpnfitft theo cr0 hrave born rceimuaud l reoj, rocupui+,ot ngaityse d pe n inadeeqeartse orn uitb rupuft a. on onld So lan, PInu hmn aon nhuat got bar oEc eineia croa thalr-ith sh Ne Paaleyi.t a r untacfaY eeflp Rodrl- Atortia mars mdlre mt tesruo roo aurtire to Amaose fueigs octnu- 51, Chioome tuce1 MoIstetIor5,1 It an4, t pO,ltl okaaalmau to Miner toorsi Mariu p(1. t90), p 14 Sn tht on coon te2l, t t2 tit ta an neterad. uefntnrenc Hrioror Maite a00 1, 1900 undon Thiu gucuol policy that Aleir 10u it inidr ftseig capital to Meicoit Rw ean d thofta urt In ort® t t t t cryte is rote itMemo btrin, e-,-pei it Ilorug luto toe cont ft e -e moat otali-air torcen uatty of due higres natl it tr uroldu roret of buironu, hors toilud red otynded their Mexican sccndrntu No n mi t hit rtpadtg stod in tsight. Note otly is pfrnce Atnetian capitraenlturing 0500. mane mmt Maner, btartehe Endied Sennu Gtiureonrn 10 sporadug te lagonsouklcrtbaoecIta Thfieanrtnt eaedotf M c-oatey theo Etpronu-Ina liooh tutended condith of obuat $l5t htlo to houwed fonrbiomass~, ailwaftipereaor, and thspanohatrof brdolroaicqtopmouer. Meraicienp,.ord tomattshonfud. ignifcandy am-l tof dlt eon is m0 hr applied so the 01 edyI l.Although PemuatTho oil monropoly, it tow Prducitg or the tore of wanly 70 tionh btarrels per yeat, which is alnuert double that of lte tarit yewee of enopliaittttt 1in t able to mc rthe deotarts of the erain ecaonomy ot Moeic. Sinea it leto beth tiostron art tho chtani shit to carry roar effitiselpma- mitprgrm. itisntuJty seekingbeeilecaid Faerirnompari.. hur, best tiled to erte into contaco rebich praide that they explore atnd krng in welts outoheinosntrmtty Ossunfrdctinded wrilcone tehrtu ofr5lmlISt perorntl rftheprofits ater the tong hurt hetm eciaurhnri. The huic. cocupnito, regardiag l pu enrta..&,-,au notat In rish captt ae rot iteretd So ice, Pcmta has hoes, abte to get bat one Aurruian utnt thartif to he Ea-tly-Dacim a 'rtutimn IEdued7 President Aleerrotnotltetre mom o-1 atontir o the oin t®- cRinic ara, Pnlificn --mruec waxeorm trtmm'.co It o- sarto oei 1901, In tIS. sotshecli Aratar ittotar, Moe ul, 1910. Nhe ot l ir, onu ftre loll. -is 99:s' 1}' In 0;t l47;no 1040; ro. As fa ottocdn dilled th fktoen 1941, to; a."0 1;140l9. Ooo oiold MtoEooi Outi p s. no 0) it o. cada e, t ut nb mor c Oh lso ooaMcetSa .00  194 The CaZribUa at Mid-Cetuy 194 The Caribban at MidCentuy 194 The Caribbua at Mid-Centuy paonies. But this he does our regal rd t politically ossdsrfor psubtis splas is stil strongly against I .ssiio oi lodusey soluten Moxea gosmesont'o tedereet solciude Ths "Lep de o Feneo dejla rtostrias do Tmcfr-ais' (1916) cmplosooto c o n tattler act, which proided high ,ttiff prato.', bygstn ~veoo nammto o s n fiyearoo Ths pinucipat ageocy used hy the grosenot is promote indsttiaooon is Naonsal Finocru a goveerai-oeed band and s e tono colosoatf soewehat osupabh to os R.F., echs sotends oredit s t he eIsahtiohmeo turd doorlopmoso of haie haduestrir. It thief tssldiogs cot the presen dais coo in steel, paper, real, tcloi pouer, feseilize[ acti ficit oilh, aod -sus Ooeoceotnesooscpand eiffor isisthtc pojecttelarges coo looggrauso to attract prieate capital. Professr Tanresbasne, in hit rococo hick ctfoieo Thu Sltuggle for Peace aced Bred, rateo ecouos doubsts sosorn i sli oudnen of Moue' iodstiealoo policy, cotdveed qeity apart fruns ito tuR.,uoc on else sopadln, sl of gnerent5 for in fact the geetoosut han becomne too aebitor of Mosdicaosecrotsry. Heocoe- touda that, becsause of dee psabtie policy of paig too rach for ito capitl (lormrrontob aro 7t1st per non), apled owih high aod often pohihitlos tariffs, iodcua~tiliation is being purchused as prise gesate than the ecoomy of aec cit hear. Ic an aters- tIes Tanneobaum bel-.o that thor should he toots rsphtit o tocaticed industry sod am asd crft to a sutpplroenoso a ahuls cgroootrtss.-a.0 Aleono has ot by any seto do-eurphasircd the iportbot of Mooia's aaoaciaoprblvem. Hieistcsgsriat othe factthatthr resohehoing msajoty of Meacaus live on thes tid, that arty It per con of the ocsstsys cost is trahis, atsd that mstoof the 't dol'cifot i prodution. Fee ecemple ohse a-,ng cam ]i pert ac I n Mealn ino boshits, asosopad eith shity hbushels h loswo Tfhu it due mc a n aosir of setoo including poss turd Itch of ferti~titcs and misiitet stlfuad-os f fasts ihor. ft Thau IJomcoef Coeenro (Nw Ytol, Ao, 5t, lost a+toon-,-au op. rh. yr,139-340. aeI ai o o t " t looos .gorise do edholo," io arot de Ecceoala (N., 1949)1 16. panris. But thit ho dart coo regud as politicaaty sopedient, for public oploiro is sm.l thsough, agai efsigl cit. fuone voys the Mexlcan gsesetsosa tode ros tlielsude The "bey don tosto Iems loIdootria do Trcosfotots (1946) cotplesorts no earlier ret, whisk prosldsd high talif pscots by granting h tia isctis ta soosptis on e yrm'od of te yeast. The principaltgoyuedhy iteogvsosoest topmose indssofliot is it iorio Fiotescievo, a govrseeooseurd hood sod Ivestmaent rport s scht cemtparal hior arC which sotnds cmeie ftar the t tih t sod detopaeoo haus nduoset.fs chefholins n dn pont da seets steelf py;cost, e..,ei pos;fitO ointr, aritois . i lc, sod otgrst GOsesstrot caosy and effors gt o istotos rjects too large or rc onno gto astrc p ina caitl Profrso,on~ Tcrtato, in is r ueessc s nk Meeica, The PSeucele fan Pea orad Bred, mre serousdhs diooceo the msdae inof MeI odsefundling paoli f cossidrd quit spre frets it. inl n hs etcopandiog role of govesesnoot for in frot the gtoormett ohsne or soiot of Mesica ecoy Hto co- tends shot taste of stse public poiyo paying too muc o in itsst poic apitat(hit ra aere) to ayotvo)co copled withhigh atd oftee pmhibitl ve tharsodsItMi tio is being pstsehuurd as pice gyeme than thescoyofMiccobe, atler- l id Tanebost hea tat those shuld he ne rtspaos n Ioceie hassysd sn and am dcocafi as a supyplemenst to a basoo lsnihut esa yAe haosa seat by any nema do-suphvaed the imopoetanso Mesicot gaiac pmbshto HeIs is cogsts of, the fatot that tie seerwiebroing m sjslyoMeias .Ire on theloi, tac nip II pr[eet ofthecountry'soai sesscbeand thatoton of thein defoccntinro~leclihe Prsopoteavenagectoroyioldper noein Medlco is ten hutholt no cot ompared, with tiony h rsul Iw.Tiishdetnm b f anr fhgpor alad, lack of tersiliotios, and ineforent mdhiners- of faroe tis. It TMu lea af Camoseo (New Yode), satn 3 190. 00 Touroaaa Osi. pp. 31 34 taoslanlteso.s lraiy elf.M rv . omad pasts. lBst tis he does sof trgnid as po~lcally expoiand, for public osos is stll stronsly oguinso fseeign oil. Industry eicys the Meol gsoeseotod tendersi solcide. Thec"Loy de oanro de Taotarrateoe (94) conplsmeno an re-Ine, tot which provided high talif protoin, by gomong haste isndsss ans eenpein fse a period of on ,eas. The prhsoipsi ocy used by the gorotosaent to promotem tsstihainis Ncoitool Pintcct a tin--smoo-ed bond and lovesseso moosos oti n -wamthat cnmparolle irto n. epay, which extends c reri foe the esralifmuno and deveryopcs of bade indstries. lot chief haldhigt no the posent date coo in ei rpee, coat, olectic posor foroiluer ortificial silk, and sugarti rGoesrsnt mosey and eflims go ines those projoton eralage or oo logngs ia afstt yteeo capital. Profottr Tosmoeas, ihis serces hash Mecicsc The Straggle forePe audfBied,ra ssciue doutsoee nghstotndeas of Mwtim isodtstsdliasin policy, coosidorod gait aart frits ifucsstteepanding sole of gocemm ut, foe h fact te geevass hmehaos the artbiter of Meeoa tsomy lHe co tends that, hecaaoe of mse pbsic puy of payin of muroch far ill catl (moert rates sse 70s m8presscest). ospld sois high atsd sites p'sohiie tariffs, iodsutvinaimum is being pucloatod as price gratta thanm thseccnomyof Mmetoam bor. As an aleota- tve, Tssonbsor brioves that threethauld he uss onin nur n madwfsa oen mtap asic agriculalteoonory.t A uai bat not by any meas demspbacitd the hipotance of Meecosgrsarias problem0a lHe it scqssiuos ot the fact that t svehshsing roajoriy of Moedoam liv on-he soil, that obey II per eaons ctho csotyte tosL aabe, and that mss of taie Is dlcionat in predttcie. Poe stasny. th serge sum yield pes acein Mesico is to hustore. t coteyssd with sissy hushels I. Irwa. This is duo to a inmber of ecers Including user land, lash of feoiliratloa, am nd efat stilisamio f faco oboe. It 'The Jomse of Gamorece 105e Yohk), Acolut 3t, tI't. n^ Tavnoubsom, cs. 1.,to lIn'tf. +v Stoic Sonta eia-coovesras do bffoca, in Zicoia is tiesin (No,., 19491. p3Si.  THE MEX~IN nREVLTION 195 THE MXICAN fEVOLU 195 THE MEXIAN REvOaT'N 195 ta 12ilo b-oomto prou anre t of nos Ie Mean; in the UIntd Sto, arc inmpovd soos, it tubes hest V1 metahttrsac The aced of increased fwed prodaotdoo iv Monrico tos keep op ois ee neAsisnn cwecoala mp~ omonttas beenrmetios-0l mesre by reclamation prorems which bare been pushted vlgor- ously for seeal yers.. The contrection of dames mad irrigatni lrrrecoa bar hecooso a n.-beeve iten on Meieor's publi works program Io IeI~ of she imeportane of iregaio, n Ministry of Hydraulic Reruasm has keen added to tho calers Tree grea TNA-like discrimisattts are rindeeayi, -early Papalettoan and Tepoleatepsa There typify Toe rngints approach tn salon te problem of a large country wit te Fll lad masiablc for cII- I tis sriican taut the land reimed and puste mlrigation gee en outright privat oenerelip, Iteeagb a rosena or rettlr tynem. The goermeont ha discoered that Ito ruide atetn. orts its tack of individul moneedip and Nl ther profit restive, ma ettring ths produetin demands impered en Mein enrtrs enoreen.o Then anisnr thenteles are roo preduooig as dory might were then latm entsohatd. From The 1140 Popoen-Irepor ham e lean, $5,000000 ws toed for farnsmuahinnr c5 Sine renstsuiet is almoste lests pectamlthdan detrutien, the Airsmen program of nnsolidatim, and building en doe revoludionry aie seroon to many a definite lag in sloe Revetisio, if rem e teetatro. This of cosssse irntes, foe doe tRcnlait io a merelyretie dneos fnr ohs long PuT No sote seoel aporca use erlected; to rem radical depaersa5 fr nil te -nee, aebl might o io forerreforms will be used to fisifiiprert coomo- tureen. "Metiertalm is rut by a renlution. A caine lender in gentleman-rider rod may be taking she fnnmps in Chapttltrpeu Pork foe regular exmcs bun bit principles are as dreeed to the 19l0. 1920 revolution as if he still naked like Panth Vils dusty ncfreloian nnaeMoio, April in, t95t. x aoet ponato nwae fees 10.4 milli-n in 14 af H, m6rlino. ruchd Hte araso e.l y~aamsh is nteia ot the enor of godres healmth an oiry psoeson. 11 ChuinmasoInc- mnur, AIl II. pr50 sakes 026 renr.hsne so puadaatar of ceroan Moieel in doe United Stats, reich imreeoved methods, it tkes bat 27 man-bemst- TIhe need af r-cemsd feed pondacit in Mesic to ker up sofia doe soosadosal increas it poloin " u Irn btout It smal rerassre by elamatiet prgranas toich base been pushed vqgor- nurlr tofe scerl years The -ootreetin of fans and irrigati preanel has becomraotumber one it em Menact's public starks progream. tnoeideuce of to imoporant, of irnotite. a Ministry of nydraalie Reomrst has horn added to doe caiet. To gret TVA-likr dov-].,-.sat are underay, cadry Papaloepan and Tepateatpeu Theree tygrify the regianal approach to solve doe probslemt of a large cermaey with we ET, lad available for cal- StIs significnt that the land reejaited and put to irriatio oe to outigh, prvt aoeuhip dhrogh a cora ar seter sysnw. The goreronent kac disremeand that the oCides ms,5e odds is lark of indiidual ownership and of thre proft motive, ws, noartng the production demands imopoWe on M evrm an - cultare, The cawet hnrcesosan not producing us dory might ter torn farms ssechmaed. Frm doe 1040 Istpartimpae gash loan, $S,0000ll0i woes ae fofrm lasso nacseryan Sirn cenicciot is capy less specacular tan dateoodnoq the Alemlao prograre of cwoedaistg and building roe doe roeloadnary 'Ire seertt many a definte Iag in the kevrotodo, if eat to sesian.This of ose isag enue for dor bReolutita has meretyoooited doreforeth leng pull. No eespetanlapur .tepenced; n on -eerdical depa rs , for all the esegy which might go into fondoe relso reinl toused so fsdfitl peaet ennoant- menu Mson. stis .tan boy a evoutir A roidret lander in geatlemon-rider rod may bte taking lbs jusops in fbapolser Past for regula mmesi, bog his preiptos am as d cored io the 1910 1920 revolasan as if he still lurked likac toaneh VJia's dasty 'Ckivtinutrnes Marker. Ais It, tP51t Meof utaieinusraso from 10.4 imrr0 it .1940 1 r illi- it Mw.tIt urogstr cm of Oke itihe indics ofet at ...u iesso is dot wrerld The re.s fypldni si, et - t Ik nste-ef inme nmhratl-,uttntocure. Cheliat Solac Monitr, April 20. 1050- tues 126enan-hoto trpednor e eof al e in Mescr in The Und Stae Iw ireproed -Modon, it taes but 27 moan houtsat The need of increasd foed peeducion in Motien to re up oth the, esatisnal increase in population c' has brn met in so-a11 m ar he reclameation programs which laee hen pushed rigor- ously for serl years. The caretcion of dame ad lordgatlan projects has ecame a naber or itm en Meoto't public toalss progress. ln roidnre of she impetano of rerigtiort a Ministr of Htydeaulic Reswrea ba bees added to doe rabinet Tooo great TVA-like drcobpocus no dereay, namely Papaloapan and Tepolooampec THse typify the egional approach to solve doe peshlen of a argo cours lIth se lle land available far etu- tinatre. It is sirssiant doat the land teclawuad and pal to irrgmatin gem to nlurighi prate Owresrto thoosgh arecolon, retot toe syssn. The govcto baa discsered tattheid str, mInc its lack of individual osnerhip and of the profit restive, root aneeting sthe Producsion drmands imposed eadnicaln agri. ontol. The dosen Mrnreales ame not predocieg ae they might wr tmeinfr m looesushnbed From the 1944 lor-.Orport Bank 1-1e,$5,0020000 maaned foe fattm aachineras Since connoctiec is alecayo l4r spretlar tha deotna, she Aleston program of conmidasing and building on the teolutdanay gain, s eoa We many a definit lag in the Revolution, if nect it Iroialr This of centr issot , for doe Revolution has tnrelyrsetlddooo fortme ocgpal., Nonmwearretaculacaptl Ars -hpeard; no asa radical depoeturt for all thaearacoy wehich msighas gom loss sere Neoena will be used to fol~lt pent conot men.Meelcottill is rae by n revdlniot. A abint trader in si geuntan-ride rod may he taking ths jumps in Chapatepec Park lfm rguhe erese boo his principles are s deveted to the 1910.- 1920 rwoelatnsa as if be till leaked Ile Poncho Villas dorty ICloriso.. Mrre ronior, AIe 05,,nest. 's Meniost, epelariont.iereso fimn 19. millit. it loot tn 26 mnillioa in1950. 0 oeitr o oh rite ies indies5 of..nntor .. is .s in de brihcd saits aryoan amt hrsian. Sore Meenfor, Apsi. I.. 1fi0m  196 The Cartbma at MidCa7r 196 The Cartbean at Mid-Cmfluy 196 The Csdibbmn at ML4-Cvu tira tcnt"t Although Moaifa't leftt tovlain bas ted to- ward the ttiddto of doe road, it it N tl continuin g mealdn . V. The Balance Sheet of Reeolemio WVale fankly conceding the difflc~tino ottooding the potting of a t atnce wheet of m oentoiont thin tank it greatly retietd in the pront Intao meoatoof doe dbantagnt of pttnpeottvo awh to ejo a nim-nory for, Yean afot the intitio ofte Modemrn eoet Sttffiieot time bet tapaed to altow a cntain oyttl'attaioo poton to tein no that evtldnon of steo o fai msroof reotuaoarojetonae adily avetlatato feen i- noo. Ho-eve, frnt thit amtpte snppty of dote wohictt should n emonned on tooth ides of the ledger only a too eelly toeetod otmsn he mntionod, heontoe of linnitaotiona imopoted n time pnnot nnnty. Apparenty the Rentatioo'n nnateot goan a ben been in the andt oano. Metio is today tiding thin tnvo of npeocedootod ptopreigy. A Inittali 0, iona wpnotg the cotanty. Over the paot ten yeon, the ntlanl iornto has oinaotrpted, thing from 6 bhon tfeon in 1939 to 256 hitlin peans in feet, or nppotoieatly 29 hittfn dotoonste Whie conceding that tonch of thin jocteae to to tootd onwn, still It io toegety do rarttoennt of itnoe-d Endottittasetd ogeicluttral ptedtetio. Itnnent that Meoto nn indoty, ohioh in of otooaw ete of tWa ttot is to ayig offof toomid-nroftde pro toottg fintotntodtnfteo matty, thero nn hero bailt ntp a dolor tooptnt of 00cr 200 noiftino detent. Thi seemst toh ondicatton at the deown, goocrontootl aton of June, fail, ooho dt pewo teas 6deud to 0.65 go dte Uoited Staate dollar. Yet, to offet thin picture of opponent panpmty and eevolutior- ocy sncse in reitins thong ntnndnndnqat it rhoold bto noted that that. Apail Ot, tO9t n Podcom teo nofl odotot ,f Ott9 pne uns lsn 1045 to tOsh Rerite doOtdtata Y,151 .tt n~ To otate the nentotien tat el adanal Idnon ent hero at tee tent ttiearionoetIooIhe oel, trnio, Y eenoocdoof fo tlttb hetnnmdoaohttanmil atitrnonn t ltf ano.-n e Eoonndn bert.1950), a. 9f7. tieolonant.Oa Altdough Monitot leftist teotution has tooned to- t tihenmiddlenof the road, it is tillit wottting reotatoo. V. The Paltr'e Shoot of Recalion While famolty weerding the dfitattiro attending the panting of a hatooe thong of reeototio, thin task is smelty rrilnod in tin poe imatno becamte of doe adentaot of potpeetive owhich nenjoy atoirentey fatt yer aft the initadion ot the Modoeo oneolt Sntostnte ban toti to nalo a eentim stai.oret mtio pee.ot to net inso that mtdmow of fineot wkeltiorety hitin aa e odity availalte fore onai- nodon. t haoefo t, thin mbtpto mtopl of date which nttdod e enletd on d ath idet of the lodge, ony a few crteatl octoe ran he nened, beott of linmitations repoed on thin d sfentot. Appaentty the rwoi oo' gneaictt goan bee bee n he material men Meoinnaa malo tiingde wave dof noprone ente pfasti.,, A eotditoh hoote in oteebaing tin ontry. Over the pat ten ye tem national income hat qadoptod tirin fro h ilol ienn he9395 to 25.0 billion peoo in th4,94,, a tttde-it atly 29 mhilian dollan"r White cnmf-ing that nench at ti jcar a a nfldpew;t ntitt It in Iagn doe w nele ofe atof inrroed industriat antin ginoofblt.u, vel prIadntion. ttero, that Motios hoe indaity, which inof coe n, tnono the AItooein tpp stn etdoce ofdothenttotefto taett ofdootnttry, ther[bee hoe horn hotlt tpoad1 to dollar nohn of oe 200 atittit dollar, ]htt t- to e vindiatin of the d eamdogSo&Jot otal ation t Jtwq 0041), when the ptw ma dnalaed to m0.65 gothe United State dollar. Yet, toofto thin booenf[ aaet peoperi and menttion- try s I racoce, n to roidin glbing otatodadt,a it thould ulul n noted that atfid., Atoti t, tent. ItOoaodoodoo rauNo an adelant of g~ nnet Onon 1945 m tone. Soati din .,.ad"ic Ub, 10201, P-galtt. Ot Toooeseothe otrnemtonaeindnaidetdvlpnrenhminnetIo tnnplonhn. mooaaneohntddincronnttw arO100t0 Oncote It Oeonanta Int., 050), p007.1 tirotnont0 Although Meicma lettin, molotnon bea tamned to- naN t. montddh of doe toad, it isstittrcoensing tevoltot V The BJet Sheet af Revotlution While franldy conceding doe ditficattieo attending the panting of o hmae thmet af -]doti, mtut nn isnteody, ontroved in dte treoent tor beaoe of doe advettage at perspootive nith weenjoy at oid-cntnr forty Yearn abe the itnitiatdon of tic Madeam vnolt Stficen tioe bes odopmd to allow a nytimmetn. pacei to at in, o that teoena of t-1n o. falunre af tneeoatiotaoy m jertioo ate rwaviy availtle for etanti- noin Hlotoer, front thin -tt sapply of date nhiti nihold he reod on loth widre of doe lodger, enty a foe tearfaty relected cobe nemtoted, bEncoo of lini tationt toponed on then Apparently the Rievottito sestet oiaon haeoen in the motedncaon. Mioo in bonfa, tiding don waeoof anprcedlented pwapotiy A vetitable hom in noonpig thr connory Oase don pant ton yeas the national inwnne hoe aundoapled, sloing fonm 6 hilliot posattn 1029 to 256 hilein peer to 1949, or appronoatoty 2.9 hilina dotna White otneding that mac of thi iooeano to in inflated pon, nitl it it toogcty doe cooteoann of increased todooint and agntinltt pondocin , tot that Mentoe lduatoy, ohic. it of oonra rtr of the scotio, !i paying off,"an tneid ofnopotenttliminngadttaoaooeot, thee hate beon blt op a dolns tplot of non 200 tnition deltan. Tne steto ten bendloation oftheo dnnnfegaveons al action of Joon, 0949, ohen tic pine trot donalard to 0.65 to the tited State dollar. hot, m otffct thit pomoo of apparent poroponey anld mteolat- aysatacrowotinnioing ntamldadmjit "Mld henmted that ntoi., ANl RI 09511, atnfitedtoNdoaemetilentmftto:tfds to cudoin te on vionce tO8 to pam t fine 1905 to tO50. Ront ton Onetia Ijtt, loha, 0.. toTa rtat o meutortio nthao mndnoma dt-opnten toas hoe It doe oo the L wma becl I tepom0 the fo nct eonnnpno t tos 'de tola hog madeoah tndd iooewaom 000 m03 to 0M. bProtn %mAt ~P 9O.P3i  TmE MEXCAN ZFlVTMN 197 TinE MEICGANR=vaLTONu 197 THE MICAN RVOLUTEIN 197 5hx5nd ares s ee d. Itu in sandad tha I poee utof the modsoats ndi~ foew hoet sadisec level They an pie mit etnv of the eal t ataatate and, sirac thtey sel liter t , and ba aitl fet !to wold steyasantd the es of ef thorn ceni,they ace ealyatnnnde the oda teconomy. Than, the pnpel pmpsiny wart" hooft ony N eatively fem Meota pxs l , ,,arotdoetfhoaerocet Thi es ot hopsyethat the Reveleniherso hat ocibCatet nthieg ha s sor faea, oprotadican bn atatddal edtirihtatias of land . The old w raf-fondal tnre of a apolenateip wad ±0erth ocoleomi joaveaito ofeen dt baneo alolite Mont of the arttda n hteave tec dilvidod, theentohimas'g posihte t rhe ad,00 stat holesas o the coitioaret of th small holding. Oooat p om hat beon msat giviog toed to the lanlen.h Htow- eer, the amipgam hatso mcntally, f ototitedte hoe of antne. Tber art a it thtonmda aaopcaioe 'iheat lads fo 00tepohr nnmeod.n for the aieadee, the laod s ollt ant eeetot , etaltni, n aing poenios seb- to the fnedingl of an o t M Sd. To a paea of it', 5idpen he larger tao pdetor s vh dnaTheataiat o theirn ceioepoeoofrfatooeto the loo Mir. ptbem o d boenho ote oci lamd sa oenepaattd err oe d a ha thon er rapitoltae. Pori dmaOttoeeaid Thoil md creoyteo- oaohaa a eooftind altteoliaotfheereeinheoo." Alehoag1, ohio - . obiv bas fatto oese afee oa stlltanodtttale aohi~ovaeoon Meswdoa teod servo asoniot rennttasient to to poseet sof oer and sthiieyioe hatotrny Hoe tho Roc.oti rentritatd mete so te erol-letog of the tan wetearha n co the rotspesita? I is iimp-aeble mosy, he- ran ol tho great otito at liiogt oeada ote fide 1. bh Tdf,,n Hoetorc, be Reretadoc haorooiwti mdt wloagtiao tler, Ithas ootamdoand p-htedtIahorocasietin implatced laho endiionee,tirocided ae-Ino-11-aepesse , and ioetotd Otto toerho dignity ted ortd-npCoo. be hoe aloe fa-iitoord the paethdpodof ai s t In to r. aonl afaito lxaaos of ie stengtth inat.isyog~c mw hersopt the fart fins, eo thesrorooten enm beftee - ntotosd.tinoied st aln het 8 par ree of the Mendoase a6it foe en a hare nnioutoto level. Tbcy reensiatite t nos of the total ppottitasd, nino they ell littl toand hayfel E od t Im te nfd beyond she reedimofa theirroat- tenedn they ax otily eaideetheooatioelrtteoey. Tha,the we-craod '"ttttpent waooe" broefit only a tetotiely iotw Mtirata, potnoitoaty otidrt of the tare' riiso Ttadoo aset iaaply then ste R.vlaioo hm roteihatd eting tthe eaa.pp....adeeerine, foeonoeofitnnnedabletriet- nosoe he bettn the gadal, opesedlo, hat rothe~sla trdittothtdoe ofland Tltealdnosti-feedalsyetemoofpandtiototipethehe more is a anodifirn of ortidom bteen halihod. Mest of the hetondat hove hero divided, thee meahiog possible sto, appeati mate tralitai of the een tiota are of thse utreat holdie!. Great pcegtohasohecnsmade ingivinglanod telandleas Have cocl the ageasian proesar hIe ot tooooaliy jontid she htete ofi pnx.Hr r rgtmrsa apvo ihu iandtl for shne don poboen in neetoted. As far tho afldatetdae toiandtas Thit ap nohteai unnet, makttng Penstio nob detecte agianthnaioetall Thee, doe ejidat nye. settes little sntlbn o the fending of orlot Mofem. The pdetls- of to- tocraongagntirftot poodeotie in rgavated by the foo that v oofteI-,,esiodetmorhave heitatd to lay eoioaptate tiota om ntetr popattin toe ea that alter the imptmmon-. taco tot toads thot lards stat to opapsiato and that atoe aapieol It. Psoideot Ohoogas said, "The day when teey Moot- raoleaoapiereof land l tovatteresowillhtr Otto thin ejtivo Irta falltrolae of sealtoatiet, st ite nodesat a-hteteaset Ia Meci houold moe toand, r ttstansis to the posrtios of order and sealeri 1. tatrc-,,loy e the Revatadee teesibatrd mome to the teltlbeing of dte noon trahea shoe to dte rasoiiato? Is ,nimpesefte sty, M.e tnr of doe grraa vaoiomn toliving otandords osne finds in btd etrolts. Howtoe.ttlae ohanooants ihatedamoonbeMan tolet. It baa footeod and pootootd taber ororioati, stoasoved taleor oditach P-ittdd a wnod telfae poraon, and trae the stfeho dignity ted stf-cueeuer. t has aLa tarilitated the patitpatitvof at. ahei ton atral affairs, leavet of the strnt Inhasea to an easired ni..ify. Despie the fore oboe or- th-0 umtOn beefit en t nited. to is totteeserd that 85 pert tt of Slat Mtiasell lite os ahare nhea level. They renopoit the toau or the ttal papaltetes, stod, snce tey toil litte tand hay tote isrot the atold ttoyond the mtoffet of thrir rest ltIto, thetoreorodly outsidedtecordeiredeonomy. Th.,othe nataIsedy r'eaosten tae' hettefil ndyostlaivoly tear Xteodoott, ptrintpally residut of the laNor riet Tt st ond ntimply that the Rsheasioo ha oea 1,deelat to t, ral oprt ef Mestar, ftc to of itenodmta om- oca yThat hor the .gmdaal, npecadi, len ousmodalts neittiim of land. The atld retiirtaalsgo epets~ of pmnasesshp todo thon oleoeeteaaeedido. of serfdom M bo a aleelithd. Mann of to baihat .hate ts. e divided, that staing poet dt OarsO' mate naesi of e ±0 r ts soa t of a the tmall helding Oea peoeohats ssm adoin iinsglantnae inde. Hoe-, ceec th ofatea sato haost oaLo sttally jodino the Itrytee oiapmooac. Tho- crnthotdsda ofoanfbleaio iensa, loqfrNu T -1un. sfepeaiipb, sthe hod soon! piup int. o to o tall unsit, staking ponasico snb neari tio'aiNtr isevicolee Thas, the ejidol not mteli stlihasiso to the fording of coke. MreicI the poehieno of to-h crt atersa joodactiotor ita agand y bt he fatef stat totey citi tom odoen hate hesin. tfot te lay otetatle othi reo a Ppeu r eftor that ftcheitbeoemeni bate hoe stade theio bode stay boThe aypoeid anoad tat tHe rato loot Petideos Octsi said, "The day wehn roty Meat- mhohapimaoiltEdofoo-a.1.1mhco'lke tot0" Aldecah dit atjoostttLa .e rolleo those oro ramea sean, eits nodont a.eitone-o fe Motir ohold nove on noundc aesteihasioa to ohs poros of Rostocan sthlfity tothat ceonsy s Iohes to t~e r stewlbco tho swyacoesr n ortI. Imo? It Isiaapt to stny he- 5fy oe .ea cattta I. lisalag standtards totfinds t bedh r, pD bleto th Rrvbaie ea an res teibsd 'sooeth so Mueofan isk. I bte lnoerest atsd protetd hr ergaoiads tanped lthes wcedio, pnit doiyad af-t tlae eeai adireae the mocleea dignit ted aff~totas It has the fotiltd tho oooctra ien of wsttaf as arr fas Dr tno of e h ~o ineont ongnisd snees.iopte the tori that or  198 The Cartbean at Mid-Century 198 The Caibban at Mid-Cenur IN8 The Catbea at Mid-enuy fonded sfoicaa tient ha altrayt beetamtu of tnolftial itatoc met of feat 6°oseemmeot, and MafU et O lat nepeadrtee, it i equally troe That lt has teen a rotatinal of areat matol ad- VUndoubtedly, it is in thm Field if edtse~tioo that the Rasottito hat -ood tee of its goecteo oItooha The otteisof fnedl opprapeitam fee, the cambee of socheata eclabttted, and the torner to scbrlmtiea all hear eloquet tentiaty tt tMe derdoatoer of the Mealote tatot an e ioamtl the terolutisct mate -Ta oddeste fart eree< Of oose it it teat that sitioca of tadult Meloant stil oseit redemption frem ilitea y. O otrce the local macdata "fee, -ecad, cod caecpeaLtey edaetie staa little to tMe rent of thectods ed Moernco dtldee foe rehee o sdoed fceilteoexd. Of canor seetodatincy Metto tat a etcg teayo go to daeheie its edoaticeal goal. Buot, woaie the frezt ded-t dtoeled Not fail, hut achicemmoa wth dte egaad to meaner fitasnehel eesoa, shtotld b, the seoe of Moeon's educational perfoem lNo elotld the oastee of the rooc he catted by the penteetge of redoatiot trade i then gent illieect Ilopoot or the broad edotational rocete, prosietey thast ti the mstea tehasl, stree nottcoa, for adualt, at well as filidren, io healtntd sanitation, heecehad aty, acdtiotore, ted -ei.[ Mar. Am cljeoie it thnt the atea petraiae sourld 'moodify it, oteuncarty teatee of domestic, eefal, amd condoi life monthee e titat it hiould reosnt to rad ted ocie.t Suueasia a here hee the acireceot ortier Meods o- caticcval pogram, the ath romaine aefniahed. Yet, wehera "soly asetuir caetot e atteibuated to te 'ahes peagmm of eattra lv dclcilliscios_ - thed e deoial edertaheti 'a tte- roccl odgclians whichettold lead totorascce adceingcthebleestte eld cato ml adiot to ta her , tacto het iat t e tecn o tetttet ain Aeehgt on elaoo it 00cc Me daty oft Rde.eo t o baden the Indoent 1en the staeldd lofHptti.Acetesiaaelie TltefrecedeofthsReet- omehe, di --G +I. amatt, "tdmodcoe" in renlte, eP. o. P. 1t2. gcioiad Metican labor hat caoh tes doo a oot or noaffisial nrofteg r m adrod acsiepdw, eqaatlyliteata tIf, has heen a ntionthip of enol muacoadil hledwetde,, it itie the field ad Ierio that the retodn- he, oeel te of it rea e tettimph,. The sttoti fn federal lsrli docw e oppepitoos ro eneait te naehe of aoloteecehihed, and tire eamseet ad eaclnai all hear eteqoort testmny to the deteso ciof adthe MTetdl adtt cat-er itrelity, the r rlicee mm.,t, '"t edacate it to cedere. Of oceretit is ltontat mllieof adedtMeshao selltoaamt rodernatr trama ile. Of ertee the ldeal mmoat fet cenitte, ande.arretpleeda atina inlrteeo he tsta ,totod of Mcieto eldom foed whomd c ahwfacitiiesw Of seme reenlatinnary Meadec he a ,,,t nay so a1 to abee it eddduaatscl fi.,dgaal. nt, r.aide, tir greet disatos rteatrf Net fcilsre e, bo ssae twinerfeom, erut dcse reand to ro, nm-ee financial etra, sheldtbe the oeseare cofofMeoiosdaai, lpcru Ntetheld the m ofdo oetcahetac dtea taW cfe~einrdeictectin teeate pnae iceMnth ecmd Wttuato rta e Jree, Marateytao Then I o ato nmo te ben .darroiest, foe m attioat'melt a f rider heohal a nd nuitlre, haehod rea agiclt -1,a ted tohiat bieisg M hanbjotieatatn h ri rqagclrn aa tu ,nrad ithtpp the rectal perlatan teos i odi u ittndimetmry mannre ad dtaod ~aar tieont trtifesctmrtatha itholsl mrva re orad dteea Senborallict no hate bon The actimraea aedee Merda edo' oleol caor ted amb n®mica anorihoed Yeq reheteta"rely a draaeoe - enh arsaod t the notices programa ad Iealua fehbinn the edeciotl cedeaIn a. 1armed- ,ncafenghre ding fie soold lotdttaoossced bisccthshtetiatsie of ocltmalII Iell-biefW t he-yrpoea It ei nt heold barteen that eacao oar od tmecddh sne 11hg h n ito eeTh, Mean eaIa. Aeecedsintoc Vocetensice, it te as The day of education so tong the eatit the noeld of Huiptaie-Aseer lift. The facade, of the Revota- mv naec, o. oil., p. eii. cc Goase I. Scoaee, "edoocdama t Whisadre, p oil. p It otniced Metiotto labor had a1-,g he,.cate of o..ffitarto II- mcc of the goaceraen, add taed la independence, is is drodaaly te That this tact boon a relationthl of g®s1 intnd a ad' eanrate. Undoubtedly, ir is in tho ild tf edettioc that the R-taoe bar scem e e f its geaea co npba The statoio of federal andpopeindem fa edcsarien, tl I ael of cebich ettalihed, ted treamhee of robalaia all hot, eelevet lticen tit dotsahateno the Meioce dcie low emte in a ety the rradtitnr mto'Toedasta rm Of sceas it ite. tMat sOfli of adutl acleant seit attai redaptict rmom illinaay. Of eates the le gal etoodhe "tamndm euf wu u ie Of cans ro, mbtmMeidc mhas a tode tayn to Iratld tier h eduaott'cal t att hoe, coie The goet durance tmaeid . Not taiamst bet direst ndth due totted to neater finatict ruccre, thou ulh e doe meatooa Met's eduaoel lrogeea. Norshouidda t eeeveaaodthotlcbdo8aagrd byJforpewg etorddui mdiotectroufrttarad d tsona ade in Teearillsrae 1aaoin o h ae eduotiati pagnm tfoaly that of die svaeld un neoa leroctc ,e adults at delt1 as ehitdsen,inhatadcotton housrhold ceant, cyecr, te dcadytu.' it, An hitis itFtha the ctoa pcpfolat shrud 'modify be, medea y manter ofcctood , c cf. M anmti, ottd e an i lif raherhan thco it shatold leant to ad and write'a Substantial as arae hem The cohievoteat oudh 1Mic's 5m stunto progtam, thes ttk remaine acfheithed. Yet, wbbO "only vnLe cn h e atehtd to th aetiona pragea ef lo crl andg he .hie theeald e.d l nek hptte rsdinWagf ldl oI', te torec ted bwge the hldet of ordiual nel'bei to iaer eol ' heisganltThe lefdieo here The Mee-m .I.. ecdieg ito Vors ofs it teat h deor of edoade It beina the terdiacnso thenrl world of Iisatcio -Amereican lit5. The Itondeo of the RewW-a +t d,.,hr, 1op ouq. ti .rm ,Soha 'etidre," is tittet. ol, . P. 152.  THE MfAMx fOIIflUK 1i9 THE MCSAN EVOLTUN 199 THE XSHIaN RVWAITUW 199 Ion edntional pagano looked mala r no the asimnilation of local esailsn into a ecoinnl ciejleoti-, To him dhe "Itdian problem" of Maeimc wan that of coceng mho many lio folk int a so . Laite thin pley 000 ehaogod to -n of gteo nErato of N relie olnen, ben att'l it noas the dnatinet oheide. to onbtab a eotpromio ben doencation ood rmodem Alottoa h owe Indian nen o covered an a nyatl of rtoln life, and the "colt of tlin Inan (donmo, mugsf, folk arm) hMcar the cage, the lndiati has et henr loegecoodm int tntion. "The off etienneon of scheoi and aihor cdlincg anle is, ot nyn ttMo foame Rhedfteld, "cc toe whole, tnlose ec a lpon® to the toolatti® of doe ireal the pars of Metica mot niotwly tvachd a .,-,Ify Iodian eano."on Thte mlean lath of unity pennimo at nine pmnert doe. "Me, entteialiy Indeian Menice, is a collectiono atclt laosely neparane socicie,'t oncttes Dr. Rndf'ald. 'There coo he cnneoonplotenaionttheme isanimdealoo0 andsoinhaoeno it foetea mysetoo in the melitde of litl valley or ao clnicl or clutters of ofllagn eacdh ci oh jts otto cooloo, loyalico, and eve dirlacctns Doelain the ftrcaio noifooalit it oon of the geredotitm. tenon of mtho romai cn. In connfrcok itl in legislation daing o oatcnoetoheooe Inoencin eeceandottdenre the rtoanod in retieoga of mnidont alenopoot fat MaIAn onooetcy.It alooottaifetlaicelf by a wnid tof all Ma- cotwhetteren Wmen isnifirat of foroige ooncoic ontl, no, for exoole, wohee the nil prperties woe exprmpriooed ion 1938. Bbat an hot already ien et oed, ia caetocrllo with Mieratcr'ncetd of foodiottatl, the. limttioona fimposed ont lieenomento by a oanaeonatooaintic sotioceot frighlte iho potntial moemt, ande no ce eq, Mooi-o' econmc dneetlpmntnt in rnkded lOcly nh-o dtto dneaoe noawiiino is cated co Monic hopo to ms doe safai o ch nie dso e-nl covdo. met io panooicltat of lin eamtre ncatofnany chjoelnet the one flee t declared, d adthat it deoccatic goenporon, in nuill akeneh Rtednleld. "The Indiand is Mod2 an Whinahen, op. 'il, 0. 41. e11 lion'0 odocoolanal programa looked hlodcard to doe ann'aniiation of loal -lwtt ntocola ionaladeiiio n. To him don "nldoan peahlnn" ot Meuie wasn that of maecerdg the maney liotl folk saot nto a 0010. a Lan thin polier woo bjaned to ane of ,renlotteroeeers of saeol-lore, lhot tfi8 it teas the odnealdword nhbje to ett6ahlb a ramparmw betweenth de elie nd moodemo Aithoatin the tonito t waaedinco l d an af nytol of cationa life and the "t te anIanota" (daccen, teats talk col) le the eme,. the lndian hotneat been intttgaaad int the en, "The effectivneac of onhot and other civfe afaccen b,'tsayn Pro' feso Redl'ield, "ac theo whole, ino inea-t pooattion to the imlatton of the area1 li t to Monimcat solyi reached ant clooncte IndicoenaHe Totot lackofnnit poolsttinInnt door. "Mendca, enpetolly to dan Meero ic aoleedoti of nofil lamely separte onoino,' rco'ano Dr. tktdfld. "Thoe ra he no coplete vatic IIIl there in a nationa doctal and cachl 0 00m0 hefor mfirom pesec in the taoalie of lioaottler or mai nillagen, or letne of Milagoe, each cdth iton uma ylis and even dialectj"as Dspno dte foregoing, nalinealio i one ethlie graytc tsin of the Ronotaman in maNntn jitl in logisatoan deanim, no loeiotcen the mneon of eaeeeig ctooni doocloso then neloc and in rerig of seidrt tolico rset for Moian merig00y. ltstooil letteltinra witotfrontlof all Mocd. ca weho-ae themn is a thret of toelo economic conot, no, fora rsmpt, wchen the ol pealoMei wee eepmpiaond ino 1938. BartohonMa ady hec cooed, in rection wiih Mesn eed of forego capita, the liotictot imod 00 inoattesnt by a snite aiocalteeed oteelt ftdglaoe the potential iooeatoa, and, ndi on s eteee, Mfara onct dootttpetn it nenad. Only wohen thin nateraliai nopicios I aleated eve Monie hope tenor the anti'- toewhick she oo gteadyr ered,. Itt it paraoial that at the cariouo feelenionsy mheep,en, the oane fin deelod that is, deataoeme goecaa-1o, is still no Oa en trlold, "The maen in0 keaj" is tfone, op. ol, p. Oct. door's eduacational p,.,-an looked Itnad no the nosinilation of local caltoren into a c alt witlerton To him doe "lndin peahl®n" of Mesico weas that of troelling the macy little tell, enecita aln Iatr thiso~r p0vtat chatnord to mano grate tototecer at cnicj- rottor, hand still it was0 doe ednodonal ohietic tos nlto a eoterioas benween doe namie and modem Aithoogh the Indian oa edin omtd as a nyt oe of ealionot We,andtme ",soofonetIndian" (docce,tse-,tol owt) heeacot the moge, doe ldn has net bhoe acoted into she cation, "The ofteereno of ocloolo and other d~t '0 ageoclen is/ says Po' teaao endfield, "ton the whole, in honeon preom tio o the imalanion at the ar; nin ports of Mei cnn oowlyncaed amesandt Indian regiunsi The crest lo sarmny ptenan at sthe poeat tm."Mrnoo eninlly todian Mena itacolleelicn of kill ic.largely stpacoo nooide," c aem Dr.. Redfteld. '"There coo its narmpte tlioesd l there inaniattl ent aodaosuchaer it far team presect n fthe motoibnae of litie wotte r amn cillage, or etunsn of etiloge, eaeh with itn osot catant, loyaltie, nd eree dalceu.0n Desise nd frogtnng nadionalsmt in on of dt graattiha'u mano t the Rnevolotioo. In manieos snrllto in gislation donying no an o er the mean e wnmt eetct doodot ha the notate, and in oqoirloc of reform;n aimntes o ,tfa Meae tnverngtny. It alm maseaothnl br a tied foont of all Mcd wmeheco- doere it a thrat. of foreigo oontsse rctssll no far dosmpl, when the nil properies oears ptptloted in t93t. loot as han already toon mctd, in c.-eco. with Mticoc need af fonito capita, tine lionilanaom 'coposd on intoon by a onsoe noientrie nemct triglime she potreal iccei, and, a a eeseccc, Meyi- eont deeetpme is doaded. Holy token the ntitealille tuspicion in; abated an Mexica hope to aIono do ita woje she so slanlsy tnds. t, is paeadoeient that of tine vatiom oottnioy obojecten, the e tin decnd that in, denmai ominent, isnetiil .,,In Rdiridl "The tadiac in toeieo ' InioHn, as. ai. to a. P. i43. SnlId pl.  200 The Carben at Mi-Cntry 200 The Cariben at Mid-Century 200 The Caribean at Mid-Centay farthet frm Ito goal. The Madero demnntd for "effective suffrage" mrny nothalg lo he a pedaini repoeseotae gnrersttne. "No te-ele net" sw incdental; it s o pesy a -aeoinar of popis.a goeneset. "No t-eleoin en tits io the lnedesol Con- adteo, need alThough it sea armtaed t failtate the oe-eleosit of (g qt, twos later amended anenw to peehihit a penirt totoje tn of oeu yea. This same principle hoe been appled tn illegioelty to Fdesol Depuies and enos; aimo noie ge- ne --s feinttn and eenaicupalW officially The elliatn oof poett fame Mcae political peuon bhue osnt neta of peplan gonranotet, noof the noa sg of eon Thon fit seolknetet Lade nA na poaee it oa enaoicislecd Ia 1930, duhio the rodot, Lar Ccbreneeoe "At pennan ace nan sn tphae effsg olitied d ufgo t' is Meofo only asa ephItt'n at n not ireudht oe Ioul alo hsis eviewta day.oI 1930 itotNTyoficial to party, ehce PNA,0., romch hetonopo-ad ru f Hudpoii al snfn; tas it in the ofica paoty, easeoald she PRO., whiclh otesose alt poliNa opposition. pItiaoao--paty nysanec, on it t herfse ecohee nopositio to taotd. sMeoopseto path os t the Puetid Acoid Nonocal (PA.) and elePoi .doe tpla (PP),o ac allated te s norte nedsos cod roomapigs sigmotstly 'There initl oemscor athe polls acd hoe olay, i [o eoll aedry lfosebeee, all The fome thg Islscote-play, lorticnihe eloeoc om arncid by e tlasL1emlacntr the vom& Tlote lanI sfisfuor a meed Isp tho -LThe no- ooled Fodeou Onstne or Sooeiig rd Flectioensas The ot- cteof elootll can gaasn her eoirhed with so fien to o need of a Gallup Poll in Mexico, retine The eleton meade ae de- on platcathe gcnset adoeat i yeepple retehere i poitcal opstiot for 000 he litthe doooay_ Space dos. t le la aisheontn of sho~refail of nosin- sinl aegondo, noh a dliiac of pess an henisan halaeon to prenost she cesthitot of a iato po h ativhe Pesee. A ,ocll-snoson Meeiccn official yhoe written that fjheroaTh rlclanceoc ot Me Reoin is The 1,fason (Don. It. 1esOL. a. 05 tatiay.M ndostrd, Laideeaeioan Pofiaiantiaeaet.... (Neov Vaeh lsn~ ", IKl, fnterest frost it gocl. The hard-is dond foe "affeosive otffoget otantnothing lonris Tee ppal, cooesenth gooemceet "No ee-1clnaio easaienidertng; its ascrely aangrd of ppdae goeenec n "No ee-leois ensote into the Fedeal Gee- nha oad aleheagh it seaended to foailoae The reelecion of Ohaegde, it seas later asonedd anto e prohihit a prenidectilW 10500 f eacen of nist psean. This 00510 principle has been appled, ,50 ciscally, to Ai'desst topaco cod entens ofn tose fo- enas, loeilatoe, an een - eicipol offraimo The rhliietioc no e-lect io ros. Messch. moincat pruotlern lo aact n f rab of poppter oerooant, Itesnon of the iepsmit, of snw rca.This well-honw Lode Autaioac paeris ti aled ses- p"cni Ie 1930, dcingethe Muaietqsd otnahns omct, "Atprmasct can on the phoi so ne'ffonde eho ae' it Meds only an eplessY0 incteed thtt he enld tlrohisiewet- doay. In 1930 it seatThe official puoty, tho P...I ecc ooo Used political ,wc office ; today it in To oflicial paty, nh in ose called ntn P..0 tin ese all p misel o~pntoiioe.t Ci, not a one-arty sots, on it the o eet I Ithoqe oecre ma apponitio in neoed lMNsio anast psrieli thePo'artdAodionao (P.AN.) ad the Pootids plc-ar TPP.) ore oal to toi e, coedidte c-n and oconpaisesgrao Thnre in Unte on amoftThe polls sod she eaIng is -eJall is cI er ... dly. Hlsee .all rmhe fate- parns, la , nThn-p, Inn fd einfoon s ,eusae dbyided of thoseu who ont thenesc Ths bot ffni are euattn hy the PR . the eec, milied l'eeaa Cottonioc for fopoo ig Sle-ienO The not- of olecsionc man alwsey o psedAesoicod ebb aoiidesat no seed of a Gallup Poll in MeI"o enese th e pfes riot reoslto aered macd by nhoe aen-tat and net byth en. Wlcoo shone it no p oitca optin- thee can h ih domrc. Spsnm dons o a rt allow Iota ditoet oftefitnonatt honosofeoann~sshnuds~so ofpcfeavsdcfecsand balanl s, tomctt aneen ale sanhlitcen ac dcsaoe of tho r Eaeotie Pater AmweS-nan MSoin officia btas it o dotee that - hew Cahsoo, an ehe im heer t of et eneis, is ri50 Nation fan,. 31, l9af), p lOay 5 mAs y. toodsnd, brais Ameeiaae Palnia sn are-1as fhe orala ne401, in "I) fsaoett fot i0 goal. Thec Madria detnd far 'effoeien stfiage' ntao tthing leo in popular, representative fooeecet "'Na re-electfn' neon ieideetall its en eely a iaformaor of parlor osetcet "No ronolio" ws n rite onto the Fruedont Cot- tt'tioni and atoug is ma aoendd to fntst The -eleotion of Ohegdn. issas later amended aew to prahit a presidential er dl 000u of sit yeats. Thin sm priecple has [neon applied, anottilloglcsiale tonFdel Deir nsd Secater aleo state go- 0050, legisatrandt een mtuodiaipc effisiabi. ti r slisaetm of seeeneeft Mexcan politia pacim ¢u Ites no ion- coeof o[ pular toetmeot, here cf~ Tameont g o c crt.This selLhess Latin Aooeniout pructice in naled Ce 1930, rding then ofetadr LnOla beea moot, Atprsent -n can Mc tho x piase nffeaie hufae r'It Moro only ana enynpheosm5 It is not btieved that bnnutd alter [it iem to- day In 1930 it ses the official party, the PNR. , which c oampo- Hue potidnl off ie .dy it is the offiil Ioty torinpas elaled the P.RI., mho oshos ofl pUlihont lpp osiie tlnot ia oseatty syteasi the Soslt Unit, eine nofppnoseio h olestM tMNsa oaition panes, Thke tMn Partido -of to National (PAN.) and hthe Pnido Popular (P.Pl amaloedtnoiao cmsdidWe so t tao egsly. Thein littlo cco.o at t h, potls V n ddnnse mpitog iscfamlyenrty tfsce, alltwoefore- rhoslooep0ftherTsIoM eios ar -.. di deda by shon mwss ot the vate. Thlesobo afic oan cotd [ynb t ltt.1.ts ns onolled Federat Coononito or Seitedos Olecic Tn e o-1 ofeeb rnnnlaorntf o ~ ays he pdiue tsith c-eitcsooread ofa Oulherp P00 la Meins inhre the etnti arn sert ace dtr' ensledhsth osesoi.enet acd oetbytheeAple WherethareIn. no polil doppesiiset thea coo be little demoecy Spare doe net allow for radiwotefen of th e fahoeoOoctl hoat .aforspare, osnh oat n dino ofn f pooco amand cphrty and alane, to prevent th tthiset al ae in baonhaip to of the tnimd tno.m.c A mol-Isne wmeaon offnigcial Is n m eit sot 1Lait cheo "Tb lidsslnce ahee I et mso ttetela,".Ia I, looa uDon. 1, IOSOI,. Off. Anetla y, idaald, Loetn oas o Poliaas adsh Ceaesseane (Ne Yoch I1) . tl01i.  THE EXICAN REVOLT~fION 201 THE EICAN REVOLUTIONI 201 THE MEXICN REVOLTION 201 "tto Posident oflHonofoto cm oombs coand ptouder lbfEt the S.apeoc tiot of Jonio t Thni, ledo the sle, tohot® be the tatt of pottofoo detotcoao i.oMcot Nottoty haoe de Rotledts, filed to make tooth p alett 0 die dieotioo of eflectioe demxoooooy, boo it hot failed to coamo thle ,o-el of pial toality. "Thit teoto to toe toe judgtoont of cool- bt uabyadnfr-l o h cavo.Te aree that cormtloz it proolmnt tin Miho and Imvt otpltoc. No- pubtio ftwetioaerieo acqole fototet a fe moths Ito- -1uIonoft-espectaboily. Asl tIotiobmecoeiet"Thefindoff 0 peoioo athtity Intiat, rapidly aucotooatedo fto-e donoogo t n~ omo fead is eogatded oo tteely iodleodon0 hit pda mootda patin"o fir hit (000re ooefo."tt ratotit apathy to totis titaatisioegoredtby i-oeaogoasthetrealetdtg- tIofoo r Ta eoobttto io ot co otof thitoitot. It toit tectobooko-oMetotohe too "o hdeotoojmtme pottotatl ltttetyot eotat to the o-e -enootblieo heotoo up- botb intecmttentoanl poioteeo ~toie ...I, the geeototdog etal otl,. the Meiov Rotoaito. Imeda as tho Meco Reot bait .loot fatl,~ to iotoittootfie tetsotf resotihili it the ceo getneato no co sa id tetoave eoettto it taditttotl diwoao ttott "oy povoe its roito"o toSldty te Revotloio bo oot othaoged Theago-ld Metiran wcocptitt of ptublic offido as a peoqeitie ctheethao o otoot. Theo ldgot hat bti ptf-d. ~ot it the aco RAcmrdig to CIfeol iteot, "'The jaortifiecthofoef the -osca, o oedito lke all ee-oolttito all toce .tteo thtat toboec tt doe ettbtihed ordee etiotbe oaid tobe ethec Ittl oe i noe" ttt ito ntory that it t ty. tioct othoco t the co.ny Ral d met tee Hiles too1trtelym .eddtt Endy, ooiathcl aoo e~ t eooiotae M o o orld be inttelp w0000 off. Tttat u oa0 credit hiooto. 0Rofo Noeese, ""The Goeoooeot of Metr," ie Lote,"e Id.. tO" /tteeAooeottotltoiott lloeotdtt Cotittcoit, I'I~. 1. Ttcoo elt, ep. o. al00 scupo 'onse, "p. cit. p-. othe Penenot o odeom4alC.,,oao dndomatdeohis foot the Sco., Lottt of Jootico"llo Thit bolog toe roe, tohotc Ire thoem ono of pofitical deocoy lo Monco? Nott only hats ane Reeoltovo iled to mtke tcct potfet it the dEecio of effOctie doootooo" toot it hat foiE d to faire the leedofetiddoltoom..5 Thitoowetobeothozjodameol ofcAm- oehcon, btth ftieody atod utfjeodly to IMo Reoolutioe- Thoy ogethotatt-pt.oitpootito hgtadoopca. Io- mpud fuatoi ociootooqof focorm a a feto mototoith" tom ooee rpuotoiy At Lau Cabrotowoete,""ho fasto peotowoothooiy Iniial eapiedly accotttated a fotot thmotgh p-ooso-o eand io eed as oreely ioiAmtioncohtplct a t etoem~ ponosit too hit fumweelfaos-1 Pototc aposty t thsPa m tituoion it eedo toy Silva tie is t o geatest dooec PeofootTanenbotr Eit alto cogtoiooot of Itit oitootio. It InAs ooeobook oo Mhtio hit ttilt: 11trdciototepceo itteget t, orl to the oewe reopetibiit totte upon both gtofeooeaotdptieolootopde . st tho gmoot tito sooco foeof the Meaa Reototo. totlt tt Ia the Mlottoot Rt- haso. to afed to betdt a safritole of cepitotl i the0 Iyergoatio it cto beo said tohto ettotd nit winh a coocol d a htmypv nr f-y Rvl ehsdy ot ohoogedi than at-od Mctlicon eoecptoo of p utlic offias at peeqicte, rather totcn l Th ttehabetptd. Whtit the toatonco?' Aocig to o lerehah ti W t rvltloot, all reteetteotont tht obof f t Itou vott tti tdocdeek all of tdtot Ise dy e thatot thete eeeolotio ed edt odq sai to "" Dreth nhe os s e n t aton y n u t l i h u t teroet ry o rl bte i0 to te o nlc bitodI Coeta F o. o. a 746. rdi alve " o pi ss. ahN " oph o m r t a imp. e aastht.f 0 teto eO0. o i., a. . "fire Roatd-,ef Metmcocnocle Contedsad Pooonod- lo fu tho SoX-oc Cotot ol Joo.'Ot "Thit being dEn tae t-hot co he the It ol polutodafnottsc rin Menico Nt otly toe the Reoluhtito failed It mtobe otuch pttgeo it to dicetac e offebodive d-..,ooy, hos it oss toiled to caito meo 1-eeldfpliti-atlooility. Thisoreetmetmobttlo edg t toftere qtnaoo boil"frlendly, andl eactddly to the Retotot They ogte Ittla emodo io presidect i high ood boo Place, No" coeospamidftootitoniocoqineforamei a fewetothstill" ntn. ootpoctatoitty. As Llia Caboeco writo, "ne fantefo peooinoadiy boo-log -,pIdty soneeeooatW dofocium thottoeto pee~otoeefaod isungaided as maeclytiot onchio paeto tonot ido ost... eitiot feo his motootefoeo Ptblic opahy to Ni s, .f y i loa rautJvu eub rofeoe Taoocobooo it oemt- eetdtt of tin sittonc. to hit reee hook too Mealtoe sodloc ""Tho decline, inth wstm aiw th th wcpi ii spe-ob~nal gtotn oo aod peicote, uepie. the gteuteo eogl mreeal rodeo-i of tha Mocicaon Reoteact. loolor a the M-oio ttc- tett at ofohd toletll oi A tofreo , ettyfw eeofolo it the oto gat o iatv an oi chaoe otooc it dtoi.hacoa ditoto ha etmay proee its e "+doc.'"y ditidtttaythe Rocalotioc boo peeoianatt, mthe thee a ot Teldthahotpoed Whet i t sd totec Acotodiog to Cocl o Vhitgo, ""The jofuatof the Mexon an notyotaito, l .1l to OILt , 1o all m myett tht toboe the nettatohed endt, Xrtoeo b oie taeahcItou- oootIo atce~,Ta itttoytotottue ,Troiit m oe otodl.ioooocOoditt be idtofeiey noeo off. "Ihet i t oceit bhoce. totr Ootrt, ""Tot Oreeeoetn of Mloe, it oetet Iss"oe tid Tceeecao Itaittt (l oee s..motatt, I'df, p. 7. rato C~aeeto, . . P. .  15 15 V Lewis Ilanke :1 CARIBBEAN RBLIOtiIAPHV PERHAPS tin fion qsaannia tint I onnght so aise in: floes snno a thng as Caribbean biblisgeaphy drt? Is not bibligeaphyns pse. so worah and iermieeo in tilo great are flat prsetically shucing, it doesot beat atall[ Aeess if it didis, des corns asnpanedly aoadeanlo and litntesa aetivity aw bibliography boone any real comnnecion with the noted subjet fo disoaiesat this ennd- table svonoso "Politdcal and lilsioiral Prblems or doe Caribbean ALot nno set yossr hoird, at roan immtedatle byp nsoring yen Otin ti n oy sorak.,. and lions wneifaooty rosodtito of bibliogrspby ins the Caribbean is a twand jabitid toe ivoing it eorcn at this dmne Widlh, wte shaould begin by m eraing tloat biblio- graphic tot hase lang boon andomrn in d ote o under dinons- sam, te sen alas awls tat it ah.Wld and can be lenyrted and tint those conrreed woitin the presig pouticl and selia derelop- ntosmitherCaribbeanohles nt theirperld. And esesysltig [hatcran be sid a bibliography applir wouh sen geante fare in decmsaato-whoioh on n isoeass stood slat bas been coined to descrb ti, prntd anod ethe atrial poroduce ann asnd outs a gisos blue n ae nse I still not attsopt Ina gie yss a doitio nf bibliography. Hented and teod dsznions n.1-1a aneonys tain plae n this sbject woheneer ltbtaee and biblitosapns ars sagtbrr no Mass A. r es, Maneers asst . ,aed dutisn E..1 Cae tie pon Aseeton o . ooes &«nooer tns stins rnata nn ths aer, a. br va ld Enlo~onal the Cnens C.-olumit., LeWIS Hark,-t CAWREAN BBLtoCR AI PERHAPS the lin qesoena tint I ought to raise ts roes snuch a ting as Caribbean bibliography exist? Is ant iibliographys wtek and iesterntosot in dtis gneat are that, pnetiooly spsaing,it doetstst bonat ni al? Andeenifitidal dstdm suchn a spiocdty aendeanic and ltyo aciveisy as bibliogrsaphy haee any rent mraeo stb tine satod ssbjsnt tee disooston at this oand- inblsr adssnstPobtitW and Hiosical Problama o[ 'sie 'aibben Let east nseys. ntida at ren inhodsly by sting ye at doe toy oeanoss and than sseaasiafacsoey condition of biblirgrapby in sts Caribbean is n and justitication tor giseng it nor , oa thIis limae. Wile wte sioodboisy rgssngtabil- gnspbc tooeb boa ton fboos nodesaen Ia the area and dsand- ttn so soalso res that it sineald and cm bebimpoed and Mtt in onbw h +i drsnilad..dvlpte, ad ba noeglect it at thair pett And oeerthingan bbead. 6aisnapls aw rnthstote wo . In doenraien-wchi isnobpse oled stwood tinhat bte cined to dosoribo Mehsositd and otser aterial prodloed on and abu a ~ om.. rrgnIwlll- at..daptI giee younndliiion of bibigahy. Hcw fn edtind am[awy k l c no hsadIsubject eslinone abrasian and bibliogeapbs gre together in Maosey A. Onessro Moslou Dauil, std Aeshn E. Crep of tie Pro AedIona- hot asvo nte. tie orsoatego. ta1ootti on ltsw lead, -a- D atid K . tat te Oniaas Osomiao.u LeWIS HankCe CARIBBEAN ntELtOCnAPfl PERHAPS the first qoentdon that I asghot to raise is lias mel a thing a Caribbean bibliography exiso? Is ant hibliegrpsy't prt¢st weroan and intemmilsert in tit gnast ra Mtin pactically tposining, it does nstbeotatnll? And eenif itdid eadstdell sut s upposedly anadereie and life..n aeslisiy s bibliogaphy base any real oeaeeales wtith tie stated snbiea tfediosaais at tiar oned auble senolont "Political snd sialdoiat Peablea tf tie Caribbean Area"? Lot me set yoen vd siod ata inmmediately by aessoing yes tins tin esy toeemw and that anstaslosy ooditiont of biblieoenpby in sins Caribbean is a sousnd hsardtended fee giving it m norlo at this time. While sos sinould beains by woeonnizing that biblie- geaphio tor has Ion, seen so dvetll Its the area sander disn- slo sewe stentalso ralise that iet suld and snbe utnoded and that Share consend swilstheg psing wolirate and meta deop- in t eCmaibn anm gleeslet atheir wi. And errsesieg that oats be said an ihaioan apies woinin seen greaser laer no dsonasntihn -ohicinh is an isspressier satoo that baa bent ooinndtmsdaobetbe prised and othres atmmal predcaeodannnad abot a plar bpir, er sta gi ara I etill aot attempt sto glee y s aditiitts nel lcnlsthpny Heatdedoan learsed dimism abot alwtays take plae a n this esijeas stineare Eion- -ac and biblisgapner gel toether ton Mssy A, nesn Men-l Donie1, end Aeti E. Crops so sWe Son isetins cn hane ogien the saler osefl stnnstdar. an bis easr, as inn olid K. toros o Cotiblaa Cancasisi.a  OMIBEAN ZSLOSRADZT 203 CAIBEna HBIsGMasy 203 CAWmuxA ucLOAHauy 203 wash ther on lifen, en the armte ofeoettnctvreaod by mto Ing tatoth int Pam a imt the far core oft he world did not tokte tit pelthat ThuIt oetational Co~oac on te Io- pmawettrnt of Biblitoapical Serviceo bad a tna-ttume Ueeto- Limortm Cf ra~anet ftihllinaphical Sotwey Repoats at hand to ae mthre havea for diocetita, bot thet cnert on hibliettuaphy thtled at by roeaing it rale the delifiiton of thc wor1 "hibliogtaphty." We knott, hotoeet te wcay in wehichbhibliography ttattlcott imet, in tho ntnno way than doctote woo atsi diaeaa by their symtpow ce when acy do, nat heeteetatly what the daesia ortehat Pfiet of all there is national bibliogrph, a fisting of tepablica- tin tddoo fogna gianyeta In a paticolar otauntoy The Uney conference Taor moonth paid carefol aetaion ta catoal bihljatraphker on tMo lacd ti tlaem, and emtlotd ta .metlaend that the Dicmotr Oeaoral of Unee aerange fun the comtpilatien of n handoo on tie praroat of national tilirantphitt. nhi handbmath t ld receive di trbotin in Catib- bea.coorelt lifiecctdaatmCahaDDrtam.nPisataofttmt Mundcipalt Library of Havana, produce an Ann. Nkltiovdfio Cano with on autonithig purnhralty ehkeh can he rivlled anly b tie punetoabty with which bedtighi brain And o. Late plarta hat developed a rional hiltifnsah in the Dc~aan Republic. and Do, Pedro Orao and Do Julidan Mat have moade humporist ra nhtiono in Venarola and Metioe wapthmely. Other devoted hniiogauphet are at wnook he the Oamfhhea.t That the foot tainthrat few etwaio poaduce national bibicneapbie with may teottatity and toe Nhat am p afiohcd onatrtito leave mteah to he dotirod. A opectal eanity of ntio. nal~m nil appy ih the roefredlv, tia otrcaept It recor everthing painted ha ae coantry. Wire ie a.noble taukr whicha often ends in faiche. The nobility of tie and, itin ceoed when the ibliooeaphr triet to fnacade atel not vrythit pupahbd otuldo the cotry portang to tie cOvnty a dos Do. Moe pioualth, dioectorof at National Lib r, of Haiti in Tbtatt. Billotfetiro of the Nadal Libet of Gtat Rit , te 'rarfaewrh' 1 evt i~mraNtoa t6 ih atta O t toia" o dtoeioi Is nf e a ifitec Neovteetat shf r woahtheioon linea. Evennthoanaetnitno ofonpotaoeed by Unotet ant hmnth in Pam fron din far otatoco of fte ecood did not tackle thia problemt . hi Jotdn Canorett on the Ion- prov--e, of Bibliographical Sanviade bad a t-vnlaot Deamon- Library of Congess Biblitoaphical Suotty Report at hand ia cove at the baize fee diecroaloac but tie eota on bibliography amiotd otn by refusing t moe tbe dofitoitien of the wood "bibliateaphy." We heave, hntevrn, the way in which tltr aphy .eanimuott lic in the tatmo way ot dootat. woenic diseases by tho aynountote even m tiy do or know oaedy whet the outvot is or what Pittrs of all rihe it natimnal bibliography, a litin0 of the petia- linn tao during a given yer in a particular coantry. The Uottoco afueeo Into norndh paid carefu aot toaaaonaln hihlingaphio moh Lin of themt, andvetolvodta rctto d that dt Director General of tineto oango for the onpilation of a handbaok on me preparation of notional hiktior phieo. Whit handbook ehould receive widortadl diabtin in Coan- beanonoa. Ititot that lttCaa.c pramin Peraa dfthe Hunilpal Likatoy of Havana, ptodoeonn An anee Btheuianfico Caban with an taaehoing pononality which coo he rimmeid only by tie ptnctuaii aith which bitnlllntt begin And Do, Loft Flarfa has dovonhped a national hibliography in the Demaniiot Republic, and D. Pedre Ger and Dr. fat.a Aso have made impatant centrihutions, in Vtnerein and Mteaira rttpoodeee.y Ddorec devoted bibliegoaphen ane at orok in the Caaihheana Bnt tho fact retmaina diat law coeah poduce natiwaa bibllgraphie with any ient.y and tiara tint ate pallbi trommne ltave Aret eedeiedi. A special variety of natIa hihliography ft tie reonnpaotive, tie atevept to mmcrd rctytloint imted in a conoty. Whuit ita ble tm whcde n i mm Th oityd ertsitcread nbac tho bibliographyr tero to incade at well everything publitbed otde th ontty pettaing to tho contty. at dove D. Mat Bieatatbe, dintto ad tin National idbray of Haiti in Who, trrt Bt6aefotibe of the Natial Lbanec tO otau Rirt, ho "aiiNla Ontendaroin of te Ratitt d ft h Biriiioe Nvrianaletflit al hbar soiera bre, vd nIinv mtro ara ul ~ tenth 1h1motr linen. Even the clntoe at nntoectucoed by ljtac last at int Pais ien tie far caoon. of the teold did not takle thit problram. Whit Itnatind Cenfearnet tn the In- pmovm sal of llibtiogtaphoat Seticr had a nvea-volrooe linoon- library of Canr-e lihlitgtapitial Sorvey Report at turd to sevo at the batele foe dieain, bit tic sonon a biblingaphyttamned ot by veming to retoler tie doiloit of thle word thiblioiuphy." We inoe, hawecet the wcay in wohich himftgraphy man eta ittot, in the eanme way tint dentat rocetira dita-n by tiacicepra enon when they do 001 kno co utly whet the diet it o what Pirst of all tore it natitl biblinatophy a firting of tie, pubLica- eatn, antod duingaativen year in n particular country. The Uineto ooftoce a at otonti paid atoutatl to to national Mtheihiegraitsa, or the lath o cqn and roonleed to orceet thanth Direetar oorval of Uno of arrantige ioo tic peatilaion ad a handbook on the preparation of nainl kileliogmaphion Whthnleb tud rtht i odesrterad omintunto in dCo ih- bteanttite. Ititrwe that ineCubaa,Ferfteaattt Mnicial ih rary of Havana; pmadwcetoa Aenaada f'ligedtiaa Cabana with an t [thhi pancoaiy which otn he iled only sy thepootuly with which Wnllighta hegin. And o. Lak lit hat drcldopod a national hilar. Jliyin tie Dmemeia tteubloc nd o. edv Cretnd Dr. Jufitin Ama have made iOrr d oonttihnti in Vencai and Mooto rapectvet ther &deoted hatioe pot are at teachk in mie Carinani. Bt the fact m eo aa that tow c totntpeodua naincaal bt lahe with any rgularity and moot tint are pelalited tomi reave mauch onhe dtied. A opeial vraiot of autoanvt d inph t tereotlt i fire atfrp to record teeryllong pc et t in a cnty. Witsi ol taiwhith ofte nsti in failure. The ry al tahe tash is tooin orce whe the, tbigetpher ias to includew ool1 evorydine ,athftltod ooseio tho conwny ptreaintnea tht counry, no tice Do. Mat Binnintho, diroo of the National Library of Haiti, in "Theiteteft dilita the Nttitanl ltbery of tetoniyaa0e tlcaigein ont-ouaca" of the Ireit. devaiiiartaNnitti of .1 sneaan so Reuen tie Ia fibliata tacnevl It saeran diteid an heratadted hare.  204 The Carbun at Mid-entuq 204 The Cartbbean at MidCaatu7 204 The Cartibba at Mid-Cftury a large work he baa joet emopleted after doe nine yean' labor. His Dlrli-cmg, tde Aibliegrapiio Haiti-neincludes an alpha bedcal athoe lost aoa mret el 0,0 titles of tetek terittea by Haita, pedbtahed ia Haiti of aOrt Haiti Alphahtrical title anid subjertiedecs haveeerpared an ell asieotaphealeot -n dee aedeets, hated oamn material it the Hiian Natil Ar- ndeo Earl titl listed is desreibed it 1 hul ibliogapteirat detal, and eitical raleindratcdoeigmiinacoflitemeteoftperia im portarr. Copier at locrated in lianinr in iundsn, Parir, Pert- am-Prenre, and Wachbion Note Nar D. Itisainde hma sakbi-d rerh a heroin areotyit- metd, be trl hat the peoblee of hotoee get tisit lt-pge, double- reumanred meeki pubiticshed. Biblicgoophy tanks glamoer it entt, and oenilletraite hasfa ybtannr trtaleecaeeof it dmtgh alt itotan and aDl libraoes and alt eneoan-t depend te a serasing etteat en ti haadtoaide deat, ha mathi, irdispeerable en theer k4rtrepenier bibiegrairhec tacd an dt ]ieanh t r~iaden arendte, Perhtopoouotaly, pofodhrneaarnloftheroncentfelthby individual. Hatienot bibliegenylsc er rther etse nerd for tirems, ite tre grenalir nnnegoiaed. Yet catoa hlrogaaphirs are oe enenle, lor they are lioitd in tIng and describing putlra- tee gidehimel thnoogh tlin atr cat Intimtt, of pomi otr god dvftruhterrr tr olo ufn~r tly tin from the peoses on tee Cacibnaca In pesta smlerte fellithat oenceea bteok watitd adblit- graphitalr deecriboed the itiitttgt a had done Isis duty. The tighteeate-rnr pEglidh ostayct Jeert Adeisen teemed den hihliogepher wbho fete that detrnelaond tea enugh, "Tom Feline the itoere in basng." 01 Torn Folio, Addisan wotr,: "Titer ent mkleme primetne adrot reeointtrec pteas, He it a ctoieental sooda, so ir a, tee title page of al1 autoert fin thinks he givet youaen aene-t of -andathr, whien bh dillcy-altthe tlo treart of, thsentame4theedcto,a-d dheeyea insehieh ict to risted. Or iyntcdtm arhifnafttdee pnrrireln., he altiop the gednet of dt ,ppr wttle the dill- gaeo th ie rntseca, and is temro ted with the framt a the etter. Thiheleaks por n ercond laemmagand idwardcial alarge tenth he baa jut completed after weme nine got 'labor His t lifreae die Bublfa hi Himloom inre an alpha- bednal anhr lit oi morre that i,50t hurt e o tetrky etit by Haitiot, pubhlished it Haiti cr abaet faiti. Alpltahatial title and cobjnritec bate been prepared at wtell at loigatphiea no -ndn ather, baed on mrateriaiitneHismiaationtl Ar- doiec Frah tide Mated is drotibed in fall hihthogtapltiral detaol, and raiiral noe. etidir the eirtsiliaere at itaw of epecil irs- pemte Copl Pit O located in 1jitadu in lunden, Mrie Prt- at-Pr, and Waldrino Now that D, Bumatairit hat adrietd tech a he;, accomplishc me e hastill hat the proitlear of htw tg get thim 9et-poe, dobie- relamned woark paitled. Oihlirth lauhe gmnod, it teeter, aedn reiietmirhest erane demntdo tale aaofit tought all tAtelta andt Nall iihaee anrd alt gtoveetmea depen cca nring eraet en thist hadmaiden that it, it trt, indepctable oraRetreetie biblitgcphiet each t the Binainthe eretnbdtn aredte, perhaps mcally, prmipa becauste gf ee manetelgrt by tome iedidraa .metnOa hibliegea phi, or codeer Illt eed for deem, it rom gennelc neoitiord Yet oarln hiblegeathiet vat not enongh, de thry are haltd in luittes and desrrihing pebta- tiantstiehot esreuting the cotet. lt inbier ethat no te tite red ntl vuhdso ~ ugeo mirreety gallin firm the prrmt an idee Cahmean, In terar pate same bate felt dae oce hank tea tered and 6tinio gdraiay dacradhtd td h hihtirtmlw it Hee tidoe hit deuty. Tht eightesecne try Englrn eayn eepi Addict temed the itiittogep inh wb felt denlt deccriptin oat enoe,gh, 'o Falmo, re eheh nadgt gTo ei, dten hmee "There as onstaamtgce priethateod ecm ehim eregreeadmr pere He it a ce deal eyoua Ce far at the tide ioot ofal athen. He deinks hr, gen pan an acena of a antho, minrd ptels. n he rarea ep e t oeeae t e apreolcitdl- getre of t de isrrtr an by tr mnt ed wiith der ioty of the leter. Tkiabhetotkaeeon m adeedganeolcsnndal a large woat, he bit jent completed after tme tnt yeaet mbar. y ikisnr de viiig ei HNiliee includes at alpha- heicalaaho Iettlof ttcedea u,50ttillttftwrke-it--nb Htaitiacg, pelihed an Haiti -r aint Haiti. Alphalaa title and eabreet hadru hate keen prefeed at well at hiegapoicat noama otheandote,beadepannecteial inhe Htii Nfoa.IAr- rdier, Each title Medsi desribed in tall hihliophital detalI. a®d critical notes Iedicter dee cigelihanee o ifr,- of epeciti ion- parlnce. Copier ate boated in liheacin in mocelg, Pors, ert- an-miAnce and W~athingttes Note tlsat fDr. Igicinthe ha a-bicd teth a hood .ir . arryih- miunt, ha ntill has tee peohr nf kneet enogt tint. 9tg-page, demble geletened wrk paitlthod. tihigaeity larkc g1an-e, it-- and mildoffaire her' yet recme gotre It tfunde mlo it dth n all critlom and all financir ad all goseoemu dtped to cat iratig ent en do, adretidee mest it, in tmat, iodegsatttl in lhca. Retttspentlt bibtoageapa'c etch at the Brhloast e ncthrtio are often, perhapt osnally, prepared itegeer of dmn weerr bt bey hisdranl. Nocignal bibij ae"e, r rather dee teed fote orthem, it mere gerratily reetagrite d. Vet octinnal itittigtaphics are era mengh, got they are lattied in ictieg and dtreibtng pehita- tirereieret e-sttig ther .rot It it obios dent en out can gut himselif theagh cte forest. -r ctade lcmgo, of frohtioa- tite ceenty failing fromtte a prest on dec Caribblean. In yewa pact rome hare Iit Noat atet at it wn lised and hibto- geaaly desarihed the iiiigtopiter hod done hit dory. The tighreeth-reery Engict emayic Je.,h Addi-tan eeed the hihlirgrapitn wbo belt that tirtripoirn wa nottet, 'Tone Felt, don hrer ie e amngtt 01 Tom Feolo, Addison teeter "There ncciata odtrgn printeddehatddeuoneteakiarrwtgfrom tbr pent.Hr itaneiemi snholar c frv athde title pagse of all antetoes. Hie thinks he gero you an aycerant of at nether, whdr trc peat In uthi in nar prd. Or, of yoa draw ihau inw frel, ho waeeo the geedrosno ti de papte, on. the dill- genr Nf den errelee and is terepoetod mitt the famtyo nO Iotr. Titl he looks upn. eo ha roost totting and tohtn-tial!  CAesZAi hfA1NKrrV 205 0ADBAN z~eOoumn 205 CARzwEA El rAumn 205 Mach nre nto is F doe if hiblioapthy in to serne m a rwn fcle ns n bete nrtspalet.Ws utsn aleetfe bibliography_ me need ssto oat pasfiestapablico dausuars u fo n oad athich ot mttuat helng speea lorM beythe doete s hetasitbottot ro. Thisseodbhas bee noogusma in the Atmesius at beas,4 beaoae tse lase,-Anueiona Coofesence for' the Minsease of Peae held ao B-otto Aires is 1936 emarrnr that oucb Aatssaa repaic tsoald] issue a "qarterliy sulletin, gicitt -mtie of recenly published baks of a scinec, hitoricl dsetary, us sostis sttue, to be distroibted .ad eachuoged ameeng the nopoblito by teimble gowe-uat- didaucquit" S ftalae nwnta atilCstbsnanty hos folloated tis mccatetctatiro. Vet flut oecessy it it let the Couild.- ttssnoiss pooti.a-,loolytooad.sotltbhmntapbitao thseeortereoflhefUtd dSew Qete y BooekilRdon- To he eade weosld C;anibbeun cariis ore sl1 tee often osdered s, meso tic lands. Coo tiler are deroathed as psrcaalmatnss of pavinog ceaommic an~d social patotoemls-a sort of "slum anti nus oppocach in which eoastiots wod rontance sue tosoed ta. No-s df cosue bibliography, teen seiecatie bibliogsaphr, is rt sh ionr to all the pobslens of afif lat a carefell dctesbd soltctanooo en w~mprblictse bongitetinflotbbeosreso- te, andt shoot thttt outside tho Cscal, etesld gire a loN, oe ct aad brlaocctoiratef thr poesenost- of the Cosibbesa s prohiono end its prespu. SneTehg igo shot- I arpens that The ta-a fs-cental igedie haite been hocs and/ct insimaios Behind ery gtea, bibtliegtnpsral enteroise stands ausan ohs he bash thst raetin shot the tosb is setf doing sod mtimm anr cd peentec to do tt Wttest the phenoesusol ociieontsew of Js.. Tsbia Med'to tf Cleok and ele ertm of aetu laihlltog ro tss ithe Ancois.s Tsday lone tAsuatad Pakbdose, astefe. tP tetots, and .-rloNeweoal loryso., Throely-eoesal .neetn is Nc e-11-seop'sflod Li yin and ees m Ctssyto ss At Mea IotaP t msnd. al f~e Caan c, - - tAd ~adtoo, we01t Cn., KPoue,an mihtesp a - Lai (cn-ei an siatauit, ocsll edi t a - 0,18a , t01tc osdan 1teretlo ahs. o o Mac ecom seda ob dei hf ibliogaphoy is tW stevns on intenoos rsteco boteneen Ieoples. Wess buns wel-ic hibflatphy We ocd mu Fot weht Paoaar . poblir snona olllosandotbieh ee..tcutrentlyheongsteosdlaemb bythe pese aoe thentottimpotant ones. Tisandbhashobe recognized to thc Anecmiesm at ldet, becass the ttsreAaoesiosn Cunferentsofn the Maiwntc of Peuam hold at faeces Aloies in Off6 reommended that ech Aecfan republic sMoad issu 5 'qwttteleolistc, g5iig natice of cecettly psbtishcd boket sIa scientific, hivosirsl, literary, ot oe solue, os be disoihoted andorochonledatonthetepa bycrrsotabe goscenosi an- chasuhasmes-deI." faoastItkowkoene sing-leeCaribheancconnt hsfolloed ts rsssvmaNsaian Yet heo-e,yit utoNet l~ainens tcawties psaltiosly so pee coash hbisorotpb a0 the.orsder ocstoeUvyetd ossot Q.Inase syt e -To th esio -,otd Catbtoan coontoics one slO ens -often cosidered no ose,1,ty entic lands, ao thtey o aethed as pd"o tollyona as of pressnog ~ t andati mnanr! nolseo sort of aoltusd nose" opneh o n hith netutie anse romntsrt mied too. Neat of couree biblosapby se-so selfteeBte bib llss, dis th i- so droul t he prefabtots ofin ifs. Bot a aly, toecetbe molee of csreen.t potatioos Mads fsswedt hoin is tsecand ahoot thems cotite Inc Casttteos.cold gin a lot on, , orldrsseesson dujeadan invndftatrocsast of the Caribrcan, its pb aeanit enspes- Hon we owet ch bihlioreusie produced? Sine t4se hgisniog of tie nsc htshe two hinsd onaesno reeioshsobo hemes and /er inttiions Isshio thay s t thelTo inspeiseotondsasanoate th thictosn that the tsk wonstlttnrand thecesogand pens Doc otiwios thephenestanalselsisvct tJaw Toibic.amtothaeasd the sesosne of othbhicoecpbsm in the Ammeoiess Today tone snasto Oisd, cm Condos Asla- 0. Pdoe , ms]d (Is tamsest Yiosee, tose foral taste cotc i-dn 4n t a 0Cope's Cds, t Lxiba sedasthie~in C.n",a A outitaosndon'esfdieaudms. - - naoe-ifa iau1Ns~leo~lft C.K Ju,A so,19 , odw srastose noe smor. osslin noek... ..s ddnta Mmaroa one needs so be done if bibliography is or scee a an istrootent of cstts ntocon between genpiet We' moot bane, nteeie bibliography. Wc, teed too ow what pantiecloay pobiro. tires oa r md/n lo n ih sect es cnnty tao pneed slatbrt by tc an mscseaeenammtprsoto-issh T haoeiose Cnrcagsau is she Amrcaas at tI, ae wer Jantcr-Anaon Conftaoeeiaotiatdoine ofycctet I aosAiei 196weoenoothat e.ach heleto nsat eseatdAis a "'saty~ Fslodo gieing antir, sf rereofly pobtished beoks of a cidit, hissta, itcr e . on ssoenat, he be die. nodg ,ehngsd ,ttong the knphit sinle CoceresenI e rlegag-sci e l ,,fea, as I knowotea snt~thcorco hut fuo-ed this tnce msed 1. e t Vshsweouaoyi ritth Catatoacncpeisarytope act, sas dits~bew the lode efn ts ti-d Sea, msueaee lx), ilacieteuy , In the h . nm.1 y ratuioceaitCahsr cautrecar all mt . ao le peoied as mesrtlyromtialm0sods cIqa.dmdief"la mz i r Oomndn ad oaspdetosslfomaepoinipaitdoom' apprahin cehich ntaio oo ansnro sed tBad Neat ofbn iierpste sioiehbiguhct o The w onco to /ttsie pebe of life Bearaaeatytoste ,He asrcot poblcatassingn losnot in Ca -bt ton d at cethem ontide The ofsiheboao, wold ninew a fa noosanotnd bln ed nyo of Tepre x a t- oss crui Cooihhet sm pmehillis and its pmeesoe Roa o tab eahdmti hies peedoedO Slots the broisuing el tits 5 oper thsntThe too fowdosare iogsodiblt hso been laeews dw1de .- edeey . stlts . ets snds a aroo whe has both she cnoecta thahe rash issortido tiog andose esaegy atd ptssisoroneadua oit isadd the phesnsuenal aycltiswest of Joakef Anoolivstl eiof Chi Josd Th rnse of otan bib~csogtsPcs in the Acect'Today teat 'Aoasanad,cssam taodauaAetcew tsaPtleio,tnd Cnelnal Totll. Yrd iass - in of ms ako. wn the CatibbeoIsaw stsiooocbss otece. Thse ce-note senreutoss,ois l- .eh a. 1-1.eid s vlaiudeiaie d Mssoeat Ao.eieaasdatn Wtasftsdit) , cuouJose &6l oscrapp of luf Aeta Oltephien e. n, earso stiso tWushie ton, In-atl. s=e o rane tor.sleh.-  206 The Caibbuan at Mid-Centur 206 Thu Caribbe at MidCnu7 206 The Carbea at Mid-Centuy bihliogoapteo at difficult to find, far venally they not andmideod t ho attached to somoe oilino . Not mtay must bibliogaapben nod th foutnlie oat, bot totbHitioaoaen otnott that onily ittaoocn acu~ioe and eeaie anttth collrtioo of mtater. neoarty la fo the patice of kibliography- The Hlatdbook of Latin Am~eoieoet Sohne, for example, would tbe ptpatd odty in tto librry of Coogoeta. The cottibtiig edtor change, aod the voltote may shef puthlishert. to fact, the Voivooty of Florida Firs has oke -v tho ee ooihility lor the daodbiotk foo Hatnatt Ulniversity Foote wait Volume 14, to appear in 1951. hit no other librory in doe United Statet or otasoohore nereice ototg ,rtoon pfttationsot mvaly on Latn uaaoeoio to tatisfy Hand- bank moeds. Erota on, the Libtury of Coogtm call, eguilarly on thocPanltonericaevionrihoaoyonncoty aoftare. A elmil, ortittao 0a difoeno trit, tton ho nvooy toontey in the GCoibhoatt.If o ntjn to fe founod wehirli teete ahe majority of the pitblfeatiota f ma given ooany, it al otit clsb lobed booo bbligraphy can flountish thoto. At dlt point no must hare tha th, ganonten. cemoed omeo to orogme tchoir need for eecaat, cc-t-d.,e motatinon ®tai etooi, focinial, aidlsocialtproitdhh thoriy am cggliog., A toad rumcpte of the special ronpietty and nogeny of thte bibiogoophie need in the Catifoeoti oay ho, obooreo in the our toot tfforts of Mr Daid K. Eaoto libattan of the Caaibkean Conneitefon, to estoblish a etaoont biblionoaphy of ptotlima issued In the Catlbbeto teorbtirfo taode the fuotodiction of lttaooe, Gant cotton, the Neoelmod, sad the United Shaten, ond of pubhmliea isnued ie the mtopotcio mnoiblto concson o e .fooeieoe aoma. lranc in a oplondid oppoeeouty foe etfatino en, opototion enween toementomt fat moottatl lamnt, and doe ea. moon tor each ao undorokfe appear to ho available. fedor (Inoad. Vo1tiea; of the Vaiverit, of Puerto aico tIbnry, brat ocntly pablithod tho flit Anoaro Eihfiagnifiea Pooart quefiw drood o 194 ioime The Uniacty of ir Woo ndi in Jaoha- iico bats been ev ette wotlth anodt iottateiepoetal lioogo pheror or dtW pai feAr idey of dFrench, Dun tra, and othe hcotithootioy are to ho fou~nd widety dnpeto oteCobon Mr. Eaon peepeant to arinot and reool h er of those caecet to the and that three woil la, Infltne quatoly bry dte bibliorapoer are duffireil to find, far usacollyo they at and iadro mutt ho attaed to tome hoaitottion. Naotnley ne bibtiogoophote nd thoti familes eat bat publiraoio w0 it hno ou htany oooitecoo a acquire nd m aito the eloetiton of coatetial nurotnry too the patieof bibtirgeaphy. The anbookn of Irvom Atnedot Seaeioo fth coumpr ladd be peea mrood odly in Ai Lirho, ofS Coogtraa. The s.oIntatn edstota rhn an ato velmn o may thif alypi6ebrno.t fact the ltieHn i, of Blicd Pre-a hot aonm ote it rosobiity fat tho Handbook fromt "aor Iirity Foot nith Vama 14, to ahpea hon 1951. Bentmn eo, ~ eUidfrm lwee og to n ote lcibray ino ntdSatno boeo eroomaf conoentepblcom ogtoaLi on Lade Acantic. to mJfn ll aood boo neoat teon , te Lihry of Cnongess calle a gl gdrly an th a n wccuum r e a ni ne vclA oa situation, na difetn teano, tboo o evry cotry ml o Calofihe If no inetitatio is to o found whicb re orir the mafodhr of thte phby om r lof agin-on coutry in mot wbte cittb, lie ooehbfgophy ea Io thmoo. At hit point e muon hope that thego-.nenoacooered ocaeoroeoga a lohereed fsar a ee, stn up-to-de ianonotton an tho economic, potitirat, an soel ptoto wdilit r they atcogglio g. A good eampte of the pecial mm teis, and Wrec oite bitbliogaphic tote io dN Caton may ho obstered .in t h. no- tt ofiret of Mer,. David K. Raoo, libratian of the CaetbOaan Cotoiion, tootabtahli c ananot bibliography of pu .eain 00d ire ,Catibtaneroioteiuod,, theintdttoof~eu CGat Botan r th rehoand, and t h mn United Staes and mf palolcaiota.aad tor tho mcnapolitac oteeo setaretto thet opettfo holneen govoe annt for motat hoef i, and meo[ mn foo mlt an uodeoalang o eappear ton naibe d s or (taal Votfaquet of t. the Unviredy of Puorta llm klnney. ba caslty tpnblfohed flit fine, A ot oibiagrdfioo ouariqooi denoted to 0948 iteme. The Uttiaty of nte Wonte in j- rboo been eotalr with on atioIreae loa, white poatoodl bibliogtpbto foe tho Wopablioatoeo of Fmnot, DGith, and otern attid ttill are ato fb od wndty nmopono ho the Caibbehan, Mr.lIntt popo to sranimat and credato the mock of dimen rottegee to lice end that tsete will ho puotithed qoatorly by mo tdbliogapleo one d'ila t to find, for uvoally thoy to and indeed moat kg attanhod in tome intotution Not only moa bibliogoapheo and etoto tanili e tatuht otthlieioo ate so nuoeto that only tticom eon acqatte and noantaio thne eeto of materfal necenry foe the peariee of htitgolhy. Thie Hfandbook of Latin Ameicae Ilodc, foe enoonyle could be peepated only in the Libeay of Choe. Tho cmootoieg ediom. ,hange, end the roitnat may ohdfo pablisbest In faet, tho Udwrnoait of loroida Prom hit tae eo r the ropannihy foe tce Handbook fomt Harvard Ueieeity Poet wth Volume 14, to appear ho 1951. Bt~n no roe tibmey fo me United Staten or ohoohme m ooetno ugh cnaoot publiradmoo icaly on Latin Aeoica to tatiy Hand- book nited,. Een so, the Lihanry of (tange malb oovilaly on the Pan Aanfoat Uion ibrry for orcaay iaaione. A sitetlar sutnationn a diffecoct teake, ont ho tory covnny hos me¢ Cotibbeont. If no hotititnwe i be h found wehicb tene the majority of the puartom of a given unottyj t meane eab-o tithed Moe hiblogeophy can ltoarbh Iote At hit paont noun hopt that the tovemo~t co rned me to roesgoit their ord fog accmor, up-tottiato hboooatn onthe aeoemc political, and so.iW problems with whirl[ they tot Atoggling. A gcod mampte of theoe cor mplaity and mrsenry of the bibttgaphio toted in die Caribbean maoy Mo obared to the nor- tmat effot of Mr. Doofd JK. Eatoto, liheatian of thew Catibbne Coetmin-ion, to ettablih aun m oitgaphy of publicadon ised in the Cartiies.on rice nder the euAtidctn of Fimmo Groat Noun, hqde Ntdirands, and the United State, and of pabtoattni-oaed in thr mmpla comtio omooing their repctie ara. Hemto a nylondid oppottecaty fot olffetn opteatio hotvvoo gononament foe motmal benefi, and the ,o-e mo on he n an undertaking appear to hooalanto, Senior (toato. Velkqua, of die Utiatey of Puert Rica Library, baa Icctinto Publithed the time Antaria Bibfiogrdfico Psrtomgmqedo devoaed otlt)Aatitm. The Unieeiyof te WetIndioinJ. maia bhete cotabliatied with an actie liheatian, tehul potential bibtiotoaphetsfat the pahhlcotoem of Footeb, Duich, and other Baisih trooitory ate to be foned widly dispenad ibn the Caefbhonm. Me itaton Vpoeo to zaelate and wconote the worek of tdeaw oollvogcce to the and that then weill ho pntliohod qtcarterly by toe  CsARIB SIGAPHY 207 CAIBEA zunOGAPY 907 MARuXRA BIZORAPHY 907 Caoibn Commaisson a "Crat Caribbean Bibliography" to tire.. efila and prte pablicanoooflhen-rtof careottin toroitir of tto four oancion, noelt dooir be a rdalh lertonnoosnt of a tto cnyanoc oed with Carbbean petetoe and a loproec ehicrboold ecci- eeotytanpponfomoalalrt It ionoeolhy that dilt ofoa oill taco to be -ndo on a itrotionol boad, which in ooly propo anod to be erpootd foa- amoh or rte Caribbean has Fer dtto anooof iottoronral sicolny. inalor mlttefaolopt of tho Aoootr tistr the tIaa of Coanot hot. And notice, tao, tietnhoiiol aotd in initmwc~ cs Iohltttnmn 'oil] ronnbnor doe bachene of tine aan no loaoe, the biigooltho Ono otay condeg too, that biliography thrivno whew-ce rher retaied liheaian _ It it acrec remal eolitfaction therc that toe Sododond Econina ale Amoior del Pait of Mloaras pnit danned a ihoaoy ncomo witlolnlo doe cours, will affit tro w- ably rho declpttntof Canibsan bibliography. oined Sott iortirrion con aid ohor.aid poaian in this onc hy nmaking bettas looton thoif o cntnal -n t Coibhaoai. Onet llcooioraooio intdirperd, adaoaiedcff 1s rn tt ho otad, toro that titec nnta'lo a00 Iconnghn to light and gaidey Tho librory 01 Congrere parap ow mld art rhe development of bibhagopbicaloe-amr in doe Onoihisa hr offering to oend a o pont of too ecshong, e m koialad catalog cacao of alt n olny catlogrrd rolating mn the cocony ar thre hibliognophi- ca own sLse.Io ec e wdae h~tymmnf Cogrer, and woaldl pteooahly priom fo geocto dionrhbetito, a lion of palaliationrotyioacl infs. ototcit. Anoheinflne, woad dro decoelonnont of adeqeatebbi- graphical instoronn in the Caribheano taght b: the Oraiation of dAmerican Stale Ito imot, Tho~ Coahta Meooil idbrary lhan long worked in the fiord ad hntro knoelodgeable sttoff, at dnea direcioo, Mr, Arthur E. Ormpp. saa tho anrooato da'eecr, tom coo tot . deaod h aoocrptrndtoHOiooa ht tmca w Lion o k oelaroerlFr car 'I'tlomtpu6hlrhe by toroN York N ~cLbc ltltO o Ti0 ato ttao ti, dorooiar1w of Coonea An ',o ora cirh tnist api by pane. a. Cud0 nodd traca by 'Vie Libcary of eaw-aron a"0 Caribbean Covttttmiana r L'norot Caribbean Bibioapho0 to w ficooffial and niaoc publication, ofthe now-nal-gcnering tra of tine fie ocooruo. The netlot Oholdl be a coaluoble otorct of tse to aoe.rytone. rotoorcod with omiboen poals anod a poect whioh rhoold eec btatt0 wppmeI frnt atd st oton ngrurthocranatonfcnocc Itriwalsoobiy that err offortca] hare ao ht mad o ton iloeatiotl latari, whirl it oak proper andal be rapotod bao- nmtch ao the Caribooa bar boontM -o rt ofinocnratioml rmoalry, sinoeda ntt nfccopitf the Ametrao. ine thoayocflCorn- boot. aid notice. ttttnhainadindalttttmoctnt th ito tillotntimo dt Hbtcono' of tbntstaff no prodto nb hblitgtphy. One may .nncitd,, too, than hibliegraphy thrices ethoorcntem actad allhata ItiracoWtoc n foranifocina, tneae chat nho Stcdia Foicra ale Atoigoa dad Poo of Hacant br inro arcad a library Scintal which in die ro-,r will affec favoc ably ticc dcaolopttot of Caribbean biblisophy UtNo Stater telotonioo rr and chldota partinlan ins thir Ohnad ooo tato rih bt daailote ted n ttla ed t n orlg fm mrtr hcmvatictotee¢ attiwnoaconl am insnno ltight ad grade, Lhjibrary of am.osrryolnopcwald ai,[ hedevlopmnt of b weogaia wocnto in Nie Canibda by ofr"ingI od, n o pataftnrenhangoere c rn rashlogarlnfoiilrbrr corendty ooabonna ol ttoig to the oaty tokor lbs the ihllagoapi- ocal nntna locatd In cen eah renter wold road thc ibrary of it If w and ad wo ad pranrably poaafo georalt diosibotior, alrophiaacrcally~bl tiortaliit nntcrioy Anothecan infht enr oorI he deeopmnret of aeqa01r bialt- ao fAelusaastun IICaoC i h ra ciAe ga oitn, Its liboaoy, Tne Coltnbus Memril ibrry hat long worked in the field ond ha, a hnnegeas-iae naf. di bth Iloc alinctoo Mr. Artur E. Cocip. anal dihe ctalt ducirotr mtt rok loot .-.nI, bee nooocliaod toasol Otoend, nani or Pab l ibmey I. 00100 ad Ti arsoca oflePoiiro ara nironira led It hyjatn. oat land v hf b It, Libart, tt fitoenen in 11, Caribboan Cotootinion a 'Cnnetn Canibon Bibliography' to coce t [newfca and pyeerat praihoatiam of tine rtoro-cf-gn'rain' tortoo of ac four cmnaier. The rasnll Ohootd ho a oealuhlo omocanmenl tdrots -,- ewnrne corna witho ICaiblto pooblca and ayaaitwihocico ,b hereotyroppot froanoallrtrab t is nonceoodoy that hir foot will baco to be moalso an n tiota]n bant whbich it only proper anal n be cooted r'ta- nrotsthdoCarhbban hasbenbterent f iortiaoaloialrs indood a rtt o skiof the antriar,ninoothe olaycoffobtot- bas.Ana ooir that hn iiidoala cocarId with lotioa ot wllcntiynroe bamioe tofthe oaff noproc th bibliography.On m a yce'c eta Oae~ ~ ~ ~ ~m tone toooo o, hnbbigad thaloen whooe ther ably ncdeceopaclof Caribbanm bibllagaphy. Unite Statesiug tsaotana tan a doahonla porticipre insh ernk by ncahing betoo ro their raeial onlr eaibaa Ons e lcio,a a rich bnt usirpeoned ad nthedcfat 00 be maalc I teo that dotna ntaceiti are bragor to ligh ,mt aad onirier The fbrury of ongoo pehp ould arst t hc damloymcnt of -tbllcmphloial oeoter in rte Carbanc hy dafrng tmirod, or a part rf amt ochange toeri priteda catalog saoos of all ites c mw d[1 irnwN mty teih pr e altrolrsoosor i. to mto,cacthccinorwooldoersid weoibary cf Conget and roeeod preormably print frgloom1 diennoio a hat of ptnclarrccentlyh danooi it, wea toomut An w fler iflne b otanIe ral ie drenlmuarat ofadtno biblfo ofeA-hraliarrrtno".nintho Caihheao mtight b ertho Oogaain, of A no Staec. I library, The Calonthat Meroria l ibrary, hasng afe wor. in rho field anal ac a kthelodgabl roof1. Booth the duagioo Mo Antonm E . Orapg, anald the aronat lirtor St Lary t t, t'~o ri Tir ' a'-ooe ' of n a Rrfowirroo Aotioao rIof Ne dtina. cttlrd ho Jacor 0. C1HItd arriwe in blh Tie Libra~ on Cocerrr. to VIII  208 The Caribbean at Mid-Centuzy 208 The Cribbea at Mid-Centuy 2OB The Carbben at Mid-Cetuy Mi.t Martinte Daniei, hot, bad long, ten-had oeitcol Latin Amooein. Jt ecentdy the Reiae aw n teeArdcn Bihfig- raphy hat een inonchd mat the osngetic leadeesbip of Mo. Meony A enn a eltit ak h eesid horn a oetal inflene n atims- tonig hibtoiogaphy nhtoteghest Latin Amneice, lsanoding e Tmheteto[ mcaofnrtoe onntheeo-n esleopens iloal An my feelieg that Coniblees bihegeaphy notate end hos a fcane. Inele, inenc hae a ntaefnoeeeat hady aenaanyamb soemnts teiln en Mli Men cn Rceoisfoo. Peeuctn Meebeen itt"ndosledtioe gi-e n nyjoemall o that neann toeeee bat bean nee fo de o enW t.. nitsddely -netedd hthtieeaohy en1 it to ndee bante ceetel? .l maueomoftheedemeefaits sadynnae pablidleesll Ieow mmetng on docunstttation, ] thea bet tim n amee no unsly Inca pae ofa this large mtheo, poidsah tad etanesecipes Peeblodi oomitn one of the pveeandal a.otee mtn the hiseety afthCae Caribbeaa, bat scelietiome see difficust no fied, sad when (sond ae otsely spoty-aa "eat oine a eUined States, lhan doe tie e ineajd fee nae stnttion-petbeps the Ueeniey of rlaoidaLibnoe milltaishae1oetaelesdtiva pIirane- buiid a ecinnolfm slin ef . e asple n c of tech osioaing -eonpapeeoenslhe .Dineio den aId WMfe and El Macdo of nean, tottnaeonly tol Ilnn again n O n opnmnnty fns ioLeme tona en fpoontion ieemechn a soee Caban iatitadwo mitett be feddodn.nsae doe gloay, and doe repeone, of tech en itdSoateag The eenion lst of Latin A,ndaNeopenenflo ete Lhnte eiieon being net Grapie en aln Celenebs lhnay entcne no dileection of Me, flmp ni nan'l eial howe weal one cretn ee and 01 c tentmloe aaveooidc an inate Io gutide a mn einot leg peiameon of thinh bind. peobine. ehe imn tine Cevatis m.e he and mm tehan men at eont dohe A et eeo-ibcn aeon nte, fand mae-ehn ieaditnn nelhnntent , wannninand toe snti, Reaolacean end ehalm t e ameie.aTibeia baa beei tomet found tn a metannac yiecnensnn, tef eayneode alilenii afa Anen Menbu Cendn and i otheen in Parndy ica ace ttsdting the insenbility of aoeeatng en enehiec en Paneno Rice by minefiaming Mint Marlenta DZenel, hate bed long feet-hood enpeelene in Lade Acnica. Jeus eenty the Reclos of JntorAtneeia Shiftge emphly bet boem tshed seetetn enoegeti leadeethip of Mr. Mosey A- Benetton, wlitb soeld moeeeeeini ivnm wet iniv being biblioneaphy nincagheon Latin Anet, mntltding the Caeihbems Tis bee onse ol ntate of the -1nn tinnelopant vm edi enpilan toy Ineltg tban L~aeihean Ihinguaph edt ,i end bafumnae- Indeed, it mon bave a f store if xc atentonssudy afelnoeeinaoch aalnan topeic ashde Mealen Renneitien Penfenne Mechem oe acedolnd on pine vansppneaat ef then als enemn, boa hoc cs ent do no tnI the snidely ecaleanot hiogephy on li is-oe heteentotl 0 uenia mae ofthe minoce ic inn toady ac NMeteenng tof dononnano I theff hace time toefei -1asty ec Pmec nof i ae aulet pgonoes at etensaipan Pcaiecnsetien c ofc the ptoeipal macleemgee his itory an tise Canniobea, bat .etlom eam duicin mnoe, and when fosund ate sually tny -oatieastin soe hnited Stna. Htastt¢ eone satin-ed foe enure motioto-peoi tho Unineoity of lande tinbeny nwill nih to enei leaderhpi~ in this anna--to loaideaeoienntihbonnfnano fc..onleeeeof nfnehcneaadmng eenape ao tecDaneie deb Mrae ndtil Mndo o aee to nen only ascot Bee again o n opatniy fmInnb bentl conveention inace anan Cuan .nttdn might be feand o abae ec toe,ennnl adooheoeaae,otattLeHwLmb o an mm. etnolmbs a ~andening Libenecioec big ,entdid an the ColuambusLieyodeth dmie t e Ebo of Me. ,a bIdd willa hnow bonek nour enlietiot ac and enate an alecpeeode a ml bsa n onelde a mtolonem eng peeje of anit bin, eldannidpta preeeala nneehaldffiet andoe difficult pinietsAcione in the Casibbean atee bone tofeed cane than mona teom thne bana ntiaein, ceaMbe, en, and mao-nod snatiiin~tenyotheatntiteeonopon tobe fond in Remanan en h nm onimeionte.. Thin tot bteen iome reapas a fonnto icenaan, ten maly dconi toi wstto Penfent Aeleen Mmabe Ceeninand athena in PuseeRc ate std,teigde pentily el oneeting no aechin e Pei Rice by mieenfilieeng Mine Moolente lydncf, baen hod lon, fint-haso epenleeo in Lade Avoneenina t Jaooenty dhe dittloe oIea-Anemc &ibtieg- eephhaabeeistobeh midenthoeeyngntiindeeip of Me. Mosey Ah Bettonq shicn dhott ane a annie1 iNlae n Iantmo- Innin hiblietealrehy ilaneeh Latin Amentie itiioal the Tis heiete,,,o omteotbItecntiteetanenent ill epin my Icelng tat Cecibbese hihogety exisa and honniafn-ee Indeed, it mea hae a fame if on arc to sady adeqeaney tacit ins"'et.n mm pias atheb Meetean i-otion, Pmenbeo Meeomn tobedld mn pin en apoenal of tha nost mennmot, bueehow nan be donoceeteeidlyanendhihliegapby en itnunade heotneoetltl lreotefthcmesetinstadinam New ttin, to deconnnte, I staeD haone lim aN ienn only t o pert of nis large sbject, peeoLedielo anti mononnipua imoeaodclnn haete onelo the peineipol wnes for the hiatoey onf the d ebbmno baa elon onea difficft o find, and niee found ace otoally sfotty-at lean in The Unitad Saeam. Han dec tieeo eent ftnons su oatitieLtals tine maeicaeno e llond a tmimhe t I an ewmni ltirnni nti at badeoreils colcto of d deepit hn of ach aalg ineonmen an doe Theeit ate in Meena tdi Macdo fof Havnn, ttsninonly twod Hoeme again In em eportnni foninmea- dent.a copeene iemach anse Onhuan italetine ight be oond tm osem doet gloty, anti doe enpoane, b nacen wneelig Tine Union Lbe of Latin Amoen detfpeei Unaied Smnnti Sesatee Liesoee of brbe cmptild en the dbd olombwte LUhray medt the on den of taielee!hwwa i~r mwbia da he any, tlena peneitie a fettel benni no paside a m mlu osm- in peojeen etf tibind, Mane, nacall pen n a ia m.tecn difeen e nd mane ditrhwa molm rhv tevofaar ae dmmed, a ten t a ma heantafrnlne, eona, and m enend, an i edti amn oilN tite i eeetinl ennn o s ain to he inead in Ranepean and edc nepeton Thesha b ea ane pena a fet t nicrteoac, ne amany rt it lmt eee P enfce Aennb Moenlof Caetida and athen in Thacee Rsee ae .nedying abe pxibitify of maensaieean aiee on Penene Rioe bh mis fileeng  o _ 22 d' i °n S ea c~a~ 2.-"2 m9 P3 2 a cN A 222 w ' P 3 ° A6 m .S o P = o2 Gc .5 °° 5 eo 2.2 9wsa D 3e r '2.'. '2 EA~ yw2 g2t § .2 SA'6' z P=3$ ,   Part VI Part VI Part VI LANGUAGE AND LITERATURE OF THE CARIBBEAN AREA LANGUAGE AND LITERATURE OF THE CARIBBEAN AREA LANGUAGE AND LITERATURE OF THE CARIBBEAN AREA   16 16 16 Jorge Mailach: LITERARY HOOMOGENETY IN THEt CARIBBEAN THI s ha Rnand Table ot Language and litoatun ofa the Canihinna Aeoait held at as Ame nc niissuity wirishi ot- ned wnids a atpipoaoa of otlem ansd r altno atmid-centy in aoe otin nttiAneic. I i a gen adlfsr milgintot indod, ftr onhich on an tie orati .slat of the Rio Gsndo catoo .e ten nppeoido flTit pcicltea Ca mfnco deals wdinh tin Cadbiha a,., wh vot ant del tag at Meti., Cattel dotoe- wt, Cnonania, Vneaech, the Inland Repaisno and Idhc pern of the West Indiana I pnno dti regian in and tintt the olf of blewic has been chant, pops at a part of a widdes pnonam, prnoaay because of in gogtptsosl immediacy. Hoot tise getesalization wppted notot no say 'Tin Caibbecan" i ee Emsataiy as Osto icth[ae Iaawhat eoe mhsgii nall a onmn stennoinae 'n thiso negn, leyInd the pioth geegeaploial one Cesoinly the detigreot hs atnays beo ansidteed pimoarily oeoeoaialai. Th qsaiion ias May it ho nawaded ta incinda lic- ing ostt as t sed, and especially fitesoe m Go, Wn pt it noe hcongenty. theor inteetea of the oo-As ca tit alteadiv aotisodW, bitotd Nte basic fact that ty an it Spanith and by Iseopola ef Nst ohisaic-Amnca ocditi Onty if tatn isn oth tnitnsoul ono wentestis at b abitay sstpeficia. Nate I an onstrsia dn spiic hn the fao satin a snaogiol affil to. taocos thng, othoc Latin Asssian noosa dentectf- In it an tsem, Ifa, in the wea onsnt hepabian of tw ao d Jorge Maijads: LrTERAIRv HOMOGENEITY IN THE CARIBBEAN THIS is a Round Table on "Language and Litesatane of tho Catilioan Ante" sold at an Atnnit snnsity toich in co- ceonod nidas an app edsiat of soiety nod ntta at noid-otoanny in aoein of ainAmteia It is a Foer-aand fae-saing interest ondeed, fr which we so ts autsv aide 01 the Rilt Onande cntnot bhotonaPPcciatiae. ThtispaeIattezCeosNcodtl, withnthe Cacittet aons, wilhi -o a defining as Mco Centoal Annee- ica Colntni, Vosnsls, sne Inlad Repaablico and ethee pre af tine Weat Indios. In presume thin legion in and ahout the Gaito Menlo, has host cln, penlhaps an a pan uf a wider pogram, psioneiy tnasn-at e gngaplical tslldicy lout the gnoon'slatin implfied ben one say 'Tttt Catiisea" noose' inqutiry an twhntethr thnen wat-neightala detnminaos istin d isaisn, hmyead the panly.... togetid one Cenanic, tin datgssaton hao ahrtos been centidesed psinaiy gengspiictl. The Tantien in, May it he eatendad t inolde in- in uoltuso an nel, sod "Northially stan OsI to a it maca canoemtly, is then asytining that gieso unity, sc at least a sisnal honogeeeiw tote litemvntu of dhrat ovnal caunes already msasomd, bepnd thebeoaisfeutthat tineyainSiatih andhye peoples afthUe l-itpania-Ataeican tendiotia? Only if tinote is notch air ey old ooononanvtios not bt arbitracy or tpeer!oisl. Noes I asn-ctais toesnpnitn tbtoNan is saah a nena affinity Ftr sne tising, etet SiLai Aaiccae teen, ts dstett it. It iu so mystey that, in tine wttteenson nopablica of an canto 213 Jorge Maiiach': LrrERARYV HOMOGENdEITY IN TRE CARIBBEAN THItS it a Round Table on "tLangntge and Liteaere of tins Canihiean Antit" held at so, Asneict toinonty oniicn in tan- cored withb an aepisal of saiciety and calturcot mnid-centurey to aset oyLanAnosea It isogcn.eoarannd f-orstinternst indeed, foe tohici no so tine eot tide af tin Rae GOte -t be Ita tppnciaiec. This n pstlaa Coleene dsslb wtoh thse Caribisean nv, whlichn no an defining ma Monics, Centelt Asset- io, Caloin, Venesuola, the Island linapablf and Idler panctofs tin, Went Indies. I pnnnume ibis esgis in and aboui Ine Gati of Mexias has been theses, peshapt as pado of a wides preamo, peinoaily hecasoc of in googoapinial imndioty. Rest the gonesaliation implied soinn not nay "Tine Cacihean" io'vanenioliyahetoonbwtnth Iu inonhentn weight Anaomon dent attn in dthi egan, beyod the pasoy 0goagPhica one Cettal, tbe denihoatita ban alonopt been cnaidsnd pnmsasfip cogntphnt Tib, nention is May it be noended to include Ito' tcltoaes-Al,cudtptiallyfitostnt0o o pmtitna coately, is thane snling that ion unity, sc at lason angianal betnn ty, . tste fitesaso of the -,Wvesnnsenolnde mentiaed, bncysad thn batis. Nattat dbo, an in Spash rad hy pepeIf tine iptia ooic an teadiin OInly if tines in suchs anity, nousid otis concontaot apotibed taItn- soap fao l Nate IaoreenseiwNgtinpiniontinatohrecai ctta egina affinity. Fo noane thing, othec Lttin Anoeicant neon, to detect. Is it aonneny that in tho oatnib anst repaiblic of ons o- 213  214 'The Cribbea at Mid-Cenuwy 214 The Cauibbea at Mid-Century 214 The Caibbean at Mid-Centuy tt,hihM~naveomiedoagoemn ty tanoo f Wates norther sito, these Coedhhtt tnitio ae masn ede to writth a rxwsao-holl one sax-atoofoese? Tron do not teeto to Drotsn at -rely loes deeteed, hot dfnoset in tonality, coode, at t nero, of difoten inrdients Agin, when those Lati ,0ateticato of the far mo oh iodh to deecdein o n udestand eeat modetofesaptetio, Bayate the wee "tropical," t oai ft rete aern tottdeoy to etoleoe andettrttieooaattm.Vaoa eetooo hdat the lat Poolo fiotnaien mona- , ec oel mtind lernm a aqtit teep°ic islond-uce had to osrat, ha ear do, doneteompkaiao" i that had trea it ne poculfneity nO ones, tehitt nahnotetetotoe "trapidoe" nold he emoployed to deseofhentaehoa the wood'tbet littnaro, hetinoing with the Old Tostuatett. That no affinity these is in m tho lowtsenesthsmea ttfea,a climte dueatno to hane s-oeting as do noith it. Witin omant a Veooloc antthat, the roa, Joel Mah, penised oaim a teae of tIttshie hit U....a do tli ftle-te storts of doe mott land, untofo and aundant. uTe eteitoes m the Mexicon tobte- land, hegionieg with the odosisnit do e IAtascdn a. otHwniqoe tU.Nofab alo hed, hove a certain ceooltosao ddreoainlmaout thenehidha ennaadsato fced is hooewateenlVraeoos T.oem This emindsnousomate Caiho area is noeallBartddaem. Ifo homogeety mtos, at I belicee, there. mna be ether farmst adttrem-otfmsit. Profeo Growetstarktof"an ineepeetaien of Caoihheo tocion throtgh Otearoee" Moybe, e thottld try also to otept CesOtibron iteenoe emogh its soiey Neo~esta faon Amteia ae aoimud iv a shfpet way feats dhe, at the tath- amteas ptioitie toed, no 0 spols. The, lodisa toin oa ctnat atnd anlice in m100 of ee o onee;n t nco pane, the Nooto. At the ta.- Cane, tocgt for Penm and P isoa, the Sait impeit on asoetet to hone gee deeper, and too hate hadototisa odimioet of othe Foespeass. One taeialo, eanteese oad nlote ate tetns to the permis, meld. Ifoattcid amIcainourened, aoaetscotaa IOntost ef dewnootia w ooolaistiltnchallenge naase at We oredntue ietenrtoia btha Third Day of Cain of wohich Caoot mXeseetsg soto, atthwght he ws ane sting to Sooth Amaerica It it o an- srhesieth e mse Caribhean c dnisaeote pofwsnd to wisth a coi-halt onena-atoftese r They do ot Wmmt owatees noesly Ins dceloped, hat ditceto I.inat, made no it wete, of differnt ingeofrnd. Agait, nohen those Lti Anreirae of the far tenh seith to destihe nos attitdes and enetIal node of enpesion, the toe the mped troniol" noeoig, of nottee aerte, tta1 idxbe n r nh ie ain t lato teed, Henntcqn 050h-a vry tool nand Osorn a gaito tepIIIt balandnt had bo agon. in no dea, tat "roid- o"e i that hadso ins on pernity oti oats. -Ishoiaheteet. "tropical" uvnad he eroploesed to oacih mtol of the etard'ttebin lihaue eginning with tho Old Tcmnatos ooutsi f6g od fte~nr n acinoote doesnea to ae mettding to do ith it. Writing a hvV - a mnolw nMmn ill a eot of hiudoip hit tooct do 1cenfita-t wtytl of Ne wanem lac alis dndst oirnasolhndan. The wroitert of the Msetfnoaie nod, l wstgnith the clasng r oi kn it de Aloonf, no lioenonm Ujoofa alto thooad, htarrasoelosndetote ahanat thnwhinanie wonid cstly f'sd in doe wdwrs of Vearse or Tnmpic. This teotiods ns that else Caihe aea it tot all flat and, sarts. If a hnmgcity teitt, al tile hse enat he ethos e tart tat ,n ont hen irn Peofon Cros eeals of "an inoespseo- oa unuhtima sfoit trah tie^set Mayne en thold try aloe to ittoprot Caieea ttonaotoghi eity Notss Lati n riv mieret 00onod in adifferent way frono ram tofa doe to'sen a nos fstiniir toete, no to sak, Tho Indian stals ps and n rii m on fon xtol 1i nl sa , tao Negro. Atthna otane rttfor eranodeSsodoe thtSpanith irpintoo uomooathae mte deep,, and a e hate had a teste admietor of othee dEaropehan. Oar language, eatoandut. nloee ate ar menet t e poiitoored lfo teooieeaeteivniomed,tIanaeoatctt . teot olthetecoaottrn somnt itostilltacfal of httte Iso We an lone to that TInd wDay n Creatin au wehich On-. Kye opokc, r, otohi Oogh he soo sofering wo Senth Amoerion. It ist n oa wsnehirh hovetmiood aot o 6,,a,, itythntmAl efteit atelos ties, thee Coritihea reanty acmuc ofentfosed to wihaensei esy-lmr ncyd oar onid,, us osey lnt deroloped, hat dilfesent in traitn, node, an in tom of diffvsetminxei-tt. Adain when these Latin Aassnm t of the far sooth msit to d sb oe n r-lmdsr seu nmuthe ward 'oropkolj atnoning, ol cor, anrin teodency tons em ada lm Peodso H-enounn Usot- vry mln noind in-t aoynie Guoidt isnd-ce had to agee. a ne amuss, doat "trohaltit" it ththdseee no pcotsity of o, wohite in a heoteroo frid" b mlydt ad uha h ol' ctcudtms, hngot with the Old Teoammmet. Bat n nhimmiy tinene in i the itsatt of these rtno, and ominat- deo seem o hane tsosthing to do with ii. withg om a Venmnlao ndono, the Cohan, JonboMasd, pnatedo dwith a mote of hinship his tenena do crcoa caftose-oe styp the weroff theclbd®dhte tTewdismdso land, bhian sidM the onir Rui0 do aca 00 lrid n a Usas o soewed, hanoaroti coones and nottenioet Maerewhicht ate erld sosey find in the wsites of Veonees an TlhsonoitdsntdoadnecenihrI o masinotallltaadoaon. t fhomateoeityetimol sfhoi Minhoemste o feadedn that account fo it. t'mfeonr Cease speak of "an imtesirotaso of Castihhentneciety thenagh ttterae.t " Mortaybnwetshoudnd try aim to inteepse Caitheat .ttor throgh to soety. Nootheos Lafan Acactonat mixedt Is a difftot woay fro a ose tmde snoth anonamooo peimitie ent, to n pooles The modiat, nin pns, te Negso. At tho same dusteorp o osadE dr the Spoit hapnt an w0ono to hate gn deprante have had a losnaentse fnoeErpas n mgage ottmandeontnmeat tso theptninortd If~ ~ ~ ~ ~d nsoed, so ae act eswomi-'o tnmoe -fheeentil, e aaoissdttaoshalltooe tot atstaat ae¢r of-stmtoathat T hird Day of Coatns of sehioh Counntres Rce se pto, atthaougthe st sin tingto tenthM Ameni.. It is n  IICZF~AWY bOOGNsY 215 wnay'1 zoxinu.n 215 znzastY ucuxxsyNET 215 cidet that then Spassisl American no, which peenr tifeny that entitie beteee roan and land, had its proeatyns in Crinrobia andsroeese.. . PaI .icaty, enrnu atiohawnfr heetsonei their pocrof dsntncrmdc in tgraian. Snoo of tmr still have vast human neas in.theeo to da rrd onom. ed eough, lthaacm nema thresums rme fnnasrotoneati andalneaetyed a m ergeeeinsnft mlesdeti idea. thy hb -a ntsrop tePtco ofhat wte might nd it "he sno- lntinnar spine." Alltbheefarmnthoathave pnndnordit tenweeae do- lmearowifr-en flotm thes of the twtth -pesr renerit It s ind, wete, a oth in duiede and rspteesontr-ordNa even when it is inrrctteetn, and lending to enIohu rather tsoo tndetnleoet Itstsjemeateisonnrttho oreeittanyi yet, ho them mknereen it attn sey,' to h e opantwol q mo m o e dnrt fiydoP4tmo h, n im as t I dasci r a fihghilreao Tlrotngtr sr les nogaon eand dssn. awoc monna ra.Aot Qii.or stilt ahirnwt ad F.nt iWltnoc, vA with Rabin bwhT nasio orSta as jtame ai ur tnym sadnne fon whioum Rentantritmeo teas grft-d, non a aeotan a siptrtn ofs nr sn oiin onemtsattroingotstnrim. Onrtnnage tirrsotr inrit inoa Fas id ht htAm camr b e ons. morhd wtay ittot irerthede ac t whttil i¢ ha, been sogteda two dtinignstie do. a. yIrti word: dependene on manoihitity a drtightin tot m 0f ite Caion sc a Acna onide ase dere of actee it And d if thoe rioacrse are, as I wettry ae, psei-ml be one thor w oesooarlytt oiberth nds ttofnedreee'nrCio mrnayh ar are nstified in toiagftln and m sasnhat err riaaniis bean" iiron. it wnoenip irterykalo s "ltil, a hm ir is reugh it thats shaltan best oo the otbstoni If o[ itpao Aantiaricoltt. siden t hot thnew Share.h Ammeian. tnet, ntih poses pneotpl shot -atidi, tetwteen tian.andad, had Iso protoes in Cnolomhia and Veneneint. Petialcoty ea cen aitlen alto booe stoonw~ their pront of democratic i~tego. Some of rhom stil hone east boroanrsos indiffeent In dematic natne. Cuonsy esog, that soonns at tine taste ire fotasnndnoofmonteani tihnalistn and anearly enoegmeno in o ef etlatdettc ideas Thtey lamh nenca pemrsstoofmwhatnaenoightcatlles'heeenn ,It otay spiest' Al n tng faote, e been e rd nd In nbe region ate aor esirs"tee-i1a slteoso m featngosrdierrns from tnseoftl[orasontha ero aernaonr It if, re whensm it it bt incteno f ad 'e d toerhe nahe ti Tin merntaenn. thec roersis nt t ti e 'ts prenonsy yto hy rho sne l.hent, it ar seroteh mon dorotymnod naysw is is a ,idaceticpor a ightinl ircon Tonltir noosew naioohrc and tet otpetnb th r of the toadk it shows 4ustmsrognanddcomsmroonnenodoom. Ao D.eitddDost Quince. stil, ad re wit .. mFrels .1 tletee. at root, Roi nas or enaSto, has not dipae ameiletar anst er n othil Reo]eair wsoo grofttd, nao . oal a~nomtne yottio of rentiln anon eon rotsiun spanieisa, Cu Crtfauentome tictantthiht in mo rnit e manne map that 'mtshetio ccost" tohi has een necnied as the anitistgorihingrharaesteiti of the sain Ameran mind-"astbc' in n te doni n o etde roord: dependence 00 ronrihtit s an fdtnthlnn rThisieis,sIbee theae titostopoafanssNs lhairteo d fakeCsibban Acoe f 1a cdesn meedfgeenfcrngroi nd Andif thanncoraceemm in thIstinkda eo teergwri pseo stsno thatnoneootcieieethetwrbf often fbtiiretsot sp ns royb teanjetitd s tigfntbnand ayin to nore 'aam oean" ltoinisnoe ntprm ierntsoeyielthandrhai thrurre is that te shall best onxlr the sebstane~ of Hipanin- Americanr ntms didcfrothtene, spanish iAmetia, nesntrwichn pesos Precisely shot costlict hotness man ond toed, hod its psotelre oi Coleombio and Vonrouta. Poltiiclte one esotees hor alo been etomee in shrir proes ref desrod inteotio homeo ti dem sttt hone et buet rearo diffecons to derncrdealae. Cari-AY roengh thatocoonotnt the smanotimerfor aaenomalfeoneoeic ibemlirn and at seaty emorc in so of -Htecsoioi deaos. Tlneytbthetnenma pmoessersof whateeemigtaollt thyonoor Irooy epirt." All tem lror, then, howe orerucd in the nniot we ore desige notng -s thteCaihbev an'otoeroseehicht beose etontnsrn fetos g diffecont fr m oe of theeteroo sonoio Isis, indeed, r fo~fe~ oinal attittdeo and rapno-mnatieot rewhee it is R intettocso s and tending so erophain rather than woe s h ntIswit emi rmrwn y e smae mlreb, it olsm nont to hno mr diret, and nways iris a Iddatir or o fightisg t Iif eas Thrsht noon roitot! tair ond toIs coNprt thanm that efthe soth, it shone toss arganc and drelasna noem insa drea. A mitd Doos Shae osttt abide, enth as. French to11ineneeM , itoh RAbf Daedoo ma noatd en a ean otmne yeare sa nf star ootfe its ten Itsnoraifntent in a istoiim Ontnere tiosneeakh t in Sori noo totnbc ]c that iaehi aren wtlr hads tb 1 n.o r t e oathtoihus nereised a il e dr'itgeishing Ufehntottic dsi- htwh y obn mgvdmte oi a, o she Lin Amaena modd ievtote in dee doshle rsse of the word: Ie rndece os, moss ie and asdellghtnr In font. Thisit s, halte0t Av etise o speak obont the Itteatsf of the Ca ,rbbea Area with roe dene of cem tie AndI i those claoeeenio ar,. asthink the ore, pIhl the one that nontam mroally srth to she whale of Latin Asntoocas eeprmor rmybe moe areei attuned itng stre sot at 'apig hot one Coeth- bean5 titertot n ot only allrephiscam hot r liyfoitale and that ht shtw halbtmshte-ebm a~ fo Hitsn threghisthemw hl eteokhsktnonhipn  '7 '7 "TV '7 John Armstrong Crow: AX JXTERPOETATIONO00 nIBOOAN SOCIETY THOROUGH LITERATURE HISTORY is the tory of peoples as they are vhewed tohagt the happeng of oho pat. In a broa do rtt biarehum artmay to inteepet the prpta and peerpc f tarirt and of ciiliar- tmao. The lihotnc owo i objeciee-fcomtthe outside it draws into hghlightwhoat he taken place during agiven epoch. Liertse n oh othr band, lays bare the inside eena It eophmaie in on rho iinone orhi n of th ind, en haaolngs on nba bew and nuhy of loesanior and of esie en load Icdnen i n this direction or bat 1,eento te opsant in wfeate only in theie foune ofafetn cisacxantee Tbo other of trratc to abryn ibjcie n inreteyd priarily in a pinitd uliry, and, fthtn mny spiroal qunaliet of h peoplo. I never vieman theec thine an on sinise bret always as nr wo is an acatedl patof hee i i retpi v fr ce d caught n hnun or in auecd gea rtepped down fromt asndawonelm r anan d maid out sa in eashr, and b ow t felt, aoda wmere ohs people amend hit. Ilia moods esght not dorn h olo, tuth, bat the woad nprn bin tatt. Soary epoch ofeey tos, ttngnittic ral, n , or o0graphic roup in hbeateir by ms a oaig dreant or tpioil, mtoe hopoartatt than the o veno tflshe. History ofte Mite0 this spurt or fada to mtoaeit roto alieer the readee. Literature teldon lves. The literary aumhm hs bot 216 John APRuutrong Crow: AN INTERPRETATION OF CARIhBEAN SOCIETY THO UGHO~tl LITERATUJRE HISTORY it the stoy, of peopen an they not nered thrno~ the happenigs of the pan. In a broader atonse hiery attepts to inteepret the pereo and ponraotie of natfom and of rvla iw.Tehm oj --teoad;i aeoI n h ight wbat hen taken plane dating a giren epoch. Litertr, on the other hand, lays hor rho i.nide viese. Ion enophasn in on ohe lonerkacings of M nnd, on htaan feliogs, me chose and why of bhheior, and of deniro osbich lead mten in thisdiectir eehtEoonteia port oin s itatca ron re, i the rncto of offntin dheacter The reie of Iliteare in ,aTy eubjetv and is to trt primrarily in a peital oalit, which he -e wn bring or by anstoths o charoot rod a pIon. onin of fronte, mail or intiar,a that enthall at least n and, oftonton, erny opietol pealintes of hit people le nener rosc heos thing an anoinde, hot ofays an on hmo hon integral part of the picture. It is atJ ifo en agset painting eor a t atedral a figure caught in oin or in otained ela n otpasd doten frotoreindaorroonsandoldoneewy he win there and hoM felt, and who mer the gestate aOrud ien. Hia norda might not enpee the ole tatMt, but they wceod expiress he' Art. Eoery epo of eryn n a, tingndte racial, or geographic grup in ehateaeiad by a pureading dream or spirit, more impotant tha the eents of doe times fittory often ms tis o pich or fail to meake it coe albe for the reader. trataeurldo dote. The finuey author is bot John Armstrong Crow: AX tNTERoialTATIOof OF CARIBBEAN SOCIEOTY THREOUGH LITERATUJRE HISTR Isroc it beaor of poople an Ithey are rinessd thoagh tlbelsappeongteoan . lnobradersaerthtory ae ,stuo rotefpoet the poogares and p tenoine of ndi- and of cnibims tinne ThIistoric oew in objection-from the outside;l it drawn int highlight what has Eahen place dring a 0tvrn epoeh. Liteatuc no the other hend, lay bier doe inside io Its eophauioinotbn inner -reohigoo the mind, on ocea n feelings, nthe hose and why of bhhenio and of denioc thirli lead nen in tist dnrrotion r thee, Eene ame imfnant in talenatnr l in ther foccofra of affecting eaoant. The wice of literature in always sobjeclive and it interested primnily in a npiritnnat qoality. tobieb he seen to bring ot by analyie of character and a pes enatn df eventas erslle innagiarn that embody an leant one and, often tinco, an aspitinon qnnatinie of hit purple, lie neree obese, them things n a ettddr, hot oas an or b is an intgral part of the picue In is as if frm a greoat rf or a onthdral a fiosao caught in nil Or Imin aicd gloat stepped coon fromndowc orceanoaoandtdnn whybmreas aheeand bnh fits and ehe scre the p05gb, ameund bite, Huinwalostngho no roo the whole etat, but tiny rtad enperns his tre~i Eey epoch of every nata lwinsotr, rcal, ro geogeaspli group in chaoreeriod by a pervading dream or spinits more important than ohoeventnofrtbetine ilietary often m;-te thin nsirit or fofa o make it mote alive foe the rende. titerature iseldo l. The tnry ,wthr it bt  SiCIETY THROUa znzRAuRui 217 SOCImT THROUGs LITERATURE 217 SOCET THROUGs LIERATURE 217 peyetsogiet and atis. lHe Iny hdrte s the ocsof lire, end the diffeeneeerofpeoples. be polstouot theessieevldtough a swindosw thast it national. He pill=,c the psychology and spir'ie of a people, done cotnleeity of en ir leeta etedeet a tenoseldge of wchich it iee utreon stuedy leista, ineenect l art, o a~do i mdbma cp to cenetoscare withr e waesithout henning hit langea. Lenedaisthoilangege oaeetifowel ootdeiehight psscr and nods inelibe to etotr etesornete is whet peslee thnko thetnries.e. The literature of do theeibeq cnered by smetiit etad bite etete, tehled by th ditteo tre end of eist pla io bye the wee of greenaddttlthee detemthe proodt, the inlelteoy ofl the fete and the tsveeeei of the many, the flasha n of smachete end the rh~tner of doecer, a rmp lte efects tin possonlity end ettaorte of theoe who reoled il Useessth whime tene etme, it idM[ Iint old thee se tdiets ofete saeom ANeia pocreerd a littte meet,ly ofi al teedtoet but intstmefintatr iteec tihe ltcorgetci by I priets or tider. t ltrtrn, fN a teIda i 1h Incas bed es wrtitten bentde E and the hieoglyp hic tesosep don of the Maoa, T oee, and Aetre sltensioc t se heabttioe mee haedlyeaskeolele otdem tee a IteecsendeeI. .Only the prest knew thn batelnosged it wee nerd It pee100eoet te n itl litwnoesoedletotoplunbthe doeptt oweofheeretel the estoSs ivttee lie sedid no~t es1y art the deu noesd tM1e difference wohirit make op doe spishmonl tlbseasce of a people. It trihalffeleleand ioaos rigion, butlie didnms tacMh, leel oF lte. When dho ipni-tun eate to thoedt World tne chane all thin. iegdo N trnet the I aoewed [ie dierseey Spoe wa e heoah of bee por. Its tlte yeas 1402, ~u efterescgl d ,eeseis be dotoi cenj. etored iranda nd Pawt ant ened tehles doemointhethce adtelesittmh fareChutchand Stale. In dose tesaecteSoihJent another leege stnmit grte stre roatefird, a Old toydanartd mo ppsisete dae, Ammnic a dorecd edAnoio de Nnhtijo a Spaniard, peehisbe Wthe fitet ramesad Anoa Romanee tongsts Inthpsfetois0hk he poinketdorCh algg mae ebeideleeponnlrnslpfse. ttscbologot ed -ed6. He last before ene the meenes tf life, end thee differene opeople.tlHeofetts ot teenfetetl trougha wistdntrthat is nelinl. lie pioern- the psyoholege and spotit otf a penple, doat costytesity of netewda chnr withoet e knmwldoe of ohie it in no eseelet soleed0 hieteey, iteepset ert, aemleted t o eralp arioe ori Wred he t emrtp, Itscstenesortn sett s u-a tee soiosee unig hit lengetoge- Literaette is the lengeege of e -nos rienertd to io Ighet psower end node itlligible to otheos Liltratusre is what Penptr think of thesselet noe literotose of don Caribboeos, nturoeed by mtrn and bluee moe uddored by the ditelen of too end of Nreqn plegned by Ibo naeenr so gterw and cie getee of peecy, Ithe infloediit ofth fee end the fossatss of she tensy, th flae e ar moebe Pasend dhe chimese of de, bcery rent oe tireus th~e petenslte and ehnote 4f ebtheceh flogge doe white roemanonu it i aid shag thr Inlima of se prt ofd moerces nrtted a litstaterowdy of oe] teedidoro, but in tone instaeson, cied hirtrglphct by presso ec1dres. got liteoe in or ste 1t th . totd th Indedn did not kneot. ThLe -e.1t.teed no wet l lenglage end the anieregxlypioeip tO the Moyer, Mo1et an Aeer.ooantmsserh detfel, weehrdlyeastaile stedem frt itrar esnien. Only the pnittu knew the neottnlneto and f t mat nrd to preot theine t Jttsonotosod to plumbhthe depoeorbnthottoesexl tit etofoeinteote doe is did not cry see the druan id the diffeeec which mobs op doe spietot soloelnre o pople. It we shlfioeand ii a metrelgon, bttt it di not neeuh the laaed of itetre When the Spenicrde came to don New World they ehengod all thin fleng doe nricwrdoes funotere the dieceees, Spain was at the peooh ef Ie tenet . In the prs142, aftr ad aregl nd ofs e en s Gnd n tp a n terI Moti t danwuet Ilt a meadoe maop for Chareb, dtand Slow.t:9t In doreetpe the Speeo e, reCthr leege smtinroefty gstnp, mere ceded, a Spnioe d net ap od Pep, dAteetc toes detecrod e nd A ntnio de Neiae priad mhed the fins gasna Oo a hemane rangethe Itfi Nke apfco to he honk he oietedorthat luonteeoedotNrsheweapoto o r nspke. ptyctelegiet end ado He lesou r t tee oe ore-s of life, end the diffectret of peoples. Hie poit stthesttnivmNte dthtgha awindow lbhat is national. He netted ts psychology and spirit of apeophle doei eanplesity of national chetartor witheoso . hnmledge of weh fli at etoete to teady Maeboe, itnsu tee, -ttelote tetntte endloet, t itnwoaldhbe tttectpt t oraaone wtr thuM v eaggnmnLeret is the Iangrato ofta ss eeeatd so in highet poweecendsmede intelligible to odoen, Literettoen in what penpir theinkefkceateelwe. Theiuterae of the Conibrae, nuntued by tenor and biro mees tetched by the dawtlce at ead dtceigioe, pltgerdbythenea of greed and tho germef poverte, the infle iTy of de few end tho fotdinen of doe amy, the fBeeh sof mnet and the rhinsersof tIemetory, at esery toe etfent Iht peeneliy ted character ef thow who t antd it mlefredohewhieno.eateeit is sidtet the ndisntefwto prim f ercapeewoted alno.t woly of oe tredne bet it toe instaences intCrIed hieteglyphitetly by prizese or olden. Bu t f1. teIda r u n olrThe Ieet had te mti t lange..e, end t herglyphice itsips bes of the Meyafe, Tultwe, and Actrn, toeninre cey heatiful, gee haedly aemiddle ssedkao fate litery sogoeon. Onlye dt pticne knew the ettern languags. and itoe oed It pemnt ehr, sptwsntue pubtedptdea et ech the emtetioe isetreti ftf; it did toe t w tut the dret and thc diffeenee which neeke op don spiritedl aeneter of a perle. It tatreihal folitloe teed it not religion, butt it did catsintcht the hol of literttre When doe Spaniards canteo it do Nesw World they changed all thi. flig ste enty shot followed the ditmesr, Sptin war el the peak tf he posers. le de 1.a 191, tethe e strggle of qesets bo lite e. ented Granada and puot and mtot ,I htdrninn~ v ad o Ch rchad ts~tesishdonstnitt. moat dea aeetlt, aorhcehodq Bouep mere relied, a o Spelead wet epptitted Pope, Amrca wsee dicerd, end Aestssi de Neitrij, a Spfnird, pehtie the hiertgmosta ofoa Roo etinese. lehpteece totb hon Me psinted one thee tantguage twte dus ideal e epot of eneioc  218 The Caribbhun at MidCenuy 218 The Caibbean at Mid-Century 218 The Caribbuan at Mid-Cmrtuly Spain ofthtin,& c nn eadlSpain olneoeithenmply noul dtr brn eqslly im c to c r eat the diwuvstey and congnaof nodhNe WnL. 'lPhecn sdneindmoaffairsoI men ,sIdok aien an the Food leads on s fore" ',amoi mnod the mntlof her fied, and eltangh the teal of reeding priest and toddley imposd hen domangsa, ny neligine, ber ecessty, and soany of lhe nymphna of hes tecnt and cutome upon she ban- haennng of senico. Fsom clean tie on, wMoltenen linentar eons sosiofen is these lands whichs she had conquered would he in fpashl Ts Indian Inst hod les speeotton, lets drfden, Ies stillitos hsis tsofeetmsnoen sd ino mens yearn theme hne hens Pe Inian lvate of new. Buot thm edeoatiot wsea not linai Na wrte Isatsoo else Indian frosm the isde, on he sees hiself, and nonve toss heeaile the conuest whics neon him acdifeon, wherein the great tane e.alfse nosn st elened, a eer alnonnad it tr denolopeet whlich, ssn ded, nmight baste led, sets hknos soilese Colosahes bea the lfteatsnno elthe Cartlbbean in 1493 wsets hetonthonas mSpnis faeone lame nne thedcon-mtey. lenthis Il hne eenethas,uncallyof thinNewnWonld. "t i anlandnto he desoedr" Ie said, 'and nn sees ne onoe ahasdaned The eathon fall of tall onet nod athosand hinds and afie woth singing binds. Feneynohe noon aenemn, fentdliny, a prodinal no- noe and the breoa of sp mg Of the nonste ho wmot, oThey acto gouileans and genenon swinh all they haste, that no one woulid hieeissnhsbaaanoIs. Ofa..,himUgtlsathey psaeS it he nsid ef tOwn, any nev , n sans Oa the cenoary Obey imott onto danae in d showea eoch lane asif dahean woenswit lnAnd innhje I...lI/fsADta..o ,hecssemodon: "I astute Yuan Majestsee than these is no boetter land or people. They lome tei seighborsn th-noes, and their spench s sthe ssseelest tosh n, e-ld, and gwnleq and alseap wedi a temis,," The priest Petnr lactmwh ~a oe Iseehee osnn en thin idylli cic nt his DO0 Ono Non, e firnt pro of wnhirci aon es in 1511, wseto d dan Indians as bwlena, "measang thtrne the land belongs to all, as she in and the wtamo and the weondsemine and thin, (nine snode of all anieiie) base ns placmaon tiese. Sonmarifnwes.blllnot bhsasamsede nenist &a trvdy an- Spain nf the tn ennwn ad Sain of th n nih ceanneys worlid bne hon etgeafy isnl ten t any wtess th dsotr and 1en1-1a of n New ohd 'These is a side is the anfoin of anon wehtch taies. an the flood loads en no fnon, Spain endste rr ofennhfood, andnSmsoonsh nmlefesea dig priet ea soldier isnpaosd her lanpag, bee religion, hser ecoenomy, ad enany of the trappings of is miety and -olry, uon ihe ban- ban of Am aenica. I-na shot time an, sehatrene linnmtna a s wnsino i tinoto lands whtich the bod consqnoed seastd he in Spanith. The Indian ba bad his, spahesaan hit drendn, is stdiieq tiinleteepotns, and hnetent yeatthese base heon pats lndian nies of note.lot thee ednniotn oo Indians N. oenes tate seen he Indian fieom the iside, as ho sees himself, and noe less leesailed the ena seinch seas his nannbfiaen, selsein the, gese namie osea toene sstensebntasd areesd, ainrted ft th dreelassaent nohath, snisnatand, might bate lest, seba kanos noheee Colotmhes hegan the lnee t o enhde Geihin is i491 sein be sent bna to Spssin his latmess letterrn n en disostoy In chit letter he stane rhapsodically of the New Wonid. "It isa lad na Mhnied"hosaid, "nd once non neam obe abradoned.l Thn stan sea foil of soil tn .f n as dnoand hinds, and alie wsith stating hinds. Eeeywhee nss goennee, foentl, a pendigal s,- naeeanthe boeatd s fnygOfdteeeaiesbe c ' ,They se t geieres, and goneseu [atf all nn bte, dtnto one seold htooit who has nonsents.n Ofnnythissgtatthypne i he woeird of tnesm, they nes sap no. Os stne contean they mene s o sbae itandnten smonhtlem theheartsewmneswih i." ArdinheniartaltfelinAnoery,eeoedon "I am Your Majn s du~estthne ns henesslandne peopln They lone thef noigthees a themeselves and thetr spento ft then srnetes sn the weould, sod andotlead alnsup noth a aroei," Thse poins Pewsr Muranysho aeegefuther catenoyethis idyllic pionne in his De Onto .Voo, thc fiest part of which caste in 1511, motne of Mho Indan, s ollons: "lAmng thesn land belongs to ali, a nbe son and thau wnam, and the eanon me sadt cien. (ahe seeds of all snisnlief) MIne nso place asmong three. So that if ta usal not bu nbaed to sette the anailt they seem Spain of One ten -In sand Spain of ons swnacioh enuy seseld bate I,.a .,.isl, impotent so corny ot On I!o-,e and lonogae of the Noewtwelt "Thereisaomanin dusaffairnnlfmen wnhich naken an thooad leads no .o lonsoa" SPoio rude thie ,ment ofbhee Isnd, andethrough theaceal ofncatndig peinand seldim ma iooed hen lanuae, tsr seigino, ar toe n sy and marryyof tanteppftge frrn soueq andnltote opsotn f ban. barians of Atnooco. Foms than tin oan, sehatese linoneene sea oninten in thee lands wNhth ses hod nonquesed woold he in Spanish. Ths Ilila ban band his epobesanan, ba defofndos hia stinflhtt his tneespforee, and Inecent year nMene bane been puee Inian seotte of tnt SoPt thein dninaon 00 ot Indias. No oro tan see the Indian frnm the inside, a he sees inoi, sand nen ban hesnaiso the ernon ain whinin emn IMi osanftarom wherein the great natioe cultureston-fe oteetoheiaaod aeneted, ahenced tonlarms denelopeeentseih, ndish d, mighn hate led, wo hnoos whlerep Conoahu bea Mthetas of dan Casihlosn in 1,493 when hlusent bach toSpainhiol ann letne n ne ntcoeam. lathdn Iente, n eotea rbapsodtolly of thn New Wonid In it a land no nbedeined be said "and on.o uen nevencabe abandoned. The nanh wao full oflsllseeeof a eoaondied, and olie nith singing binds lienobone non gsnoses, inlit, a prodianus natsand thebsesofespng. Of the aNxus bnwoteo ty betee ins-oo ansoneeis-Of sythegtatteypoem; if is he ahod of then,, thy teesay n. On ths eounsy theyoneif yosste shaecitnandsMoseas mauchIne aa ifntei rnoam w hc owosmtn wn ae Thom Mefjestes na th ese ft on h entlan an pepl.They in lice seondandtm generVtle, and nlsay stinhe atotle" iTh yeast~ Poten Mae,bseho goon fiate warneny so thit I.ylin pi151oeft Isis De Onto No, he linst pat of nohirln con oai, l.weose on thse India as fnult, "Among them Mhe land hae te t all, an Meo so and the seater, end the snande mine and chine (the otrdn ofall meahefc) tstn tnan plae e among the. Ssthat fnwehatlnol at loe nashsedta onteu m trotheyso es  SOCTY THROUH LITERTUR 219 SOIETY THROUGH ZZFIIATUR 219 SOCITY THROUGH LITIATUMU 219 me lire in that golden wreld of whets old amte sok so oh 'therei risea livedeompytoodinatttniywhourtsrnoernonteof trace enirhea 9r qneng pjage and thle, cocseant ely to natfs naataelrihtoe th.r'cex rtio c-annrderttirstcn n-' To the armdt-hrnger rene 4f thoe fr m nin main fa the Old Werrid here indeed te a tr dentieraatae exti. rtlmsit teopical Eden of the hewti denia When Columbut menohed the ctrtIOoa he toeeained that itewast hie he Ratifrtand ee breheild tr itranm ryc and whea ho slieted the nnnrtherehoutineof Sout Amee- ma histhtd vage hewtre cokthein, and Qtten tisattehad dtoetdrthesTctril Pnadire The tth t e shaped tike ate Imo, hecltr Eklieaondhball, on tan pact at which 6 placd -aktig litr a wemann hereto Thie pant, he arid, wahich wan nenam [leaven, war ewhere the Etetity Pmaedit, ren ecatedt Md to the Carihbeon Weece motthse to the int mtyttattfnd nnntoietheerm. Fee the inltectataof Etrege heorwaotdncatt cane tnnn, To ther it necamed that Ornnita had steeteed trot in histony n-.1et mtitermia and diteed a proper "liing it One Codet Ag. thttt brtighntmnrting of huaanity wheich teird nnhy inrttretnaginn- niennnpnen^Itwa Lterthof thiregadnwhichhegtnn the ttoane theis u ncanddtheoretoll Thnomas Meern bin tein (t16), 'Ien ant he ntiede tin teak an onaiayenpdntin of V eera, nhireevcited the fictional itesetle w an o In,112- aro~py and treet; nnnda Cnnneta, in hto fll PfteSan(0 ,0teye a-Aa hmnnfn and nrehetta dandrebich he lac.e indtse rpierr-itereh wapen oflifee-ocnk mnentaesenol Idansd Mdnitnrtoc Ne sBa enirka page idnt. lin anrd entld hota Utoepia Tit New Golg raf ot even he did mnesape the tafoitenet of the rend o eorn inetalofe io imagarty domtain rer etdo in mest, Spani ish. The Utopian idoel, ace of thek mtot Drettuira oretioans of Geek gaetti' rea tha hsaa brhadn ooe gi nte s w t thin a n nt the rely legend of the C air won T mtnhoe wiltdteteneo reirnedinttneaendncnnncv nnrt sandtWahtcj tgtdtrialtn ettic yeatnt menydirio, fotntatin o l aa dd edthsoun emanfof rdt. anee kenlid te Mate elsUr fist t w hen Jts wranced thecneat of this somet of Florida intlMeyeat15l3otedy knon in ipnrh fin lioe n otitat getdes wnoeld od whihhold ttitorpearoet ehonein rotmed v simtply and inocntly weith-, oe -.nntn of Trany woithtout atrei judges and tielt, commnt ettly to satisfy wate ith-dan tehe tnartn fee hareted, ot thin, t ame To nthse edt itaneerenfltree ansen - him m-tnfttteOld World howe indeed nt arnew daoittoeng, i o ttOhb r ofththutistftOe teepiet Ede et te heata deree When bosnota trached thel boasetef hheecendth hoitrc her¢tres hearn tnd *ce hoheld try humt- cy, and wheno ht sred t he otnothen (ting 4 Saanh rA reim aonhlthidenosgehen berh oeh King and Qsaeen that hel adnUeted the Treeutnea prreacdits. 'fit0 cart teas shapd liho a pontar he trne, mo h amwa hall. on one parn ,ftohihidIstproedev h met Htngliheeeoeer'erer' F pltartche soid,wh tc reaot m waeeas- hoitowthsehty Paeair eotnlsstodeneMd ens[ t d ohe Critrhean heerwe rothe to the flect mydth tterernrden oieon owe. OF e intellecturla iEep wwodeno oee.T them it seetded dhat looantha hed apedhc in nieAn nepr crigtnning nduditerd a people "tirsing i the Oddest Age, that brightntrtit ad htnis, whieh enineo eol in h imnaina' C peels." afIt terna tehe stak fthen thin toted whihch began, tire tinteler ofu rte aeihe, -nd of rn New Weatd Thereat Mre, in hitis (ttr Plti eho ehen at the ttie of iin eet an s wpaino co opnie Veotei who wahited Ito Osa City ofseweeadF. ~ a Om n vwotibdwi the Seas, (IWO3), peetay n , tontes hee heattiftlan esit land ahiclt h ptcs in Urn tootier wher the it of ire etek nsetricsnoflIscuaand xian nn Priotry. Faernottacnneka anye tnses tear red nlodhi Utopir The Nen Alsr, hat tern Ire di e tap h nin e n( the legend, forr inhaitnt of hit imgiar dontain eroe te spari Span the lbsGe !h Utopian ident, -one of the ma tratfal b alon 4 Ottevk wr reass tha ct ti new hirth andl fIltred again in (he Rnnaintn ttmn Uric fnet thre enly tegtnd 4the Ca.ihiOoan.T Tot ther setomav and teM c firse Ute Uretrmpoysntone, the mytica Iudn laid [he baitof Ae inot when hoenohadt.ecrst afibis reals oftelorida in [be year 15,9 onthe daytnennnin Sirpanhas to lielinthart gho world nf which rld woiten speak so mureh: tehei ren lired simpty and inant s tIthnn- ettrrte lawn, ewithnot q"shnn irde, ad Eihols, cnoet esly tortefy nmtareeithont futhler cenaiar laor he nodgorf thngs to rm" T. the crdthhngey syn, of three ann tnrin of thne Old World here indeed red, weto omoi-tng, exotic e, att~ touepeof Ed e ofhe heaenin deiw. Wheonr Colunmbus mathe the -o of Cubat ho cackle edthi g t he msthoatde land noes heheld dehum-rt eyes, and eFehektiato rhe ntslnn(inge of -hinSw mi nhstivn em Setheneiaattirhadroa ev bkIinhe Kingandt Queen thtae hacltaeeeed d,oEestrin 1.1d1s, Theterth war so lihe apeno, hoete orfhe wood l,t tnneart w elch isplaced aethng likeaewnnthco.Tnspnh enrvh hi at e akt d, which was str ns [Lnn, ter wtahew. the Etethl Paodino or, lncttdn A tnd en the Cattftrta hecomanE mother to the f(t lent the ietolrtrat o Europre here tonea deeno crooe nate. To thesm it seemed dar Carlttnlus bad atoppd hadh in hritrt Aenrsl emi nd anddi ,,erd a permple "vsing in the Ootdcr Ahne ha hbight morning fofbhas n, y tetico enterd only in te ttagint- noge f pretoty fittm hers the bioth 4 hnlegeod whiolt bigant ts Theoas .fthe arehyn, a fnd o te New World. Thona Me is ntapia (t516). olnon as ine intodee theook a tmginy oe n- of oVesprca', enho vlotted e isCit isle where tife teen mhesnrpy and (re and Catnpnst, in hi, Clay a/t no Sa (13), psemo aeSth hetlntn and oibatdW st land tebih he plnces in fthe faeouas ow (h F ansspe of lile rohe frm Plato, and coiled hit Utopia the Menlt Aetie , hat even he did not ,nope the, innne ofe Ur eee, for the bahitanonf his inmrgienay doain were made te mnpeak Spanhsh. The utopian ident, etc or themothnnit nainelOeatedseo BatO Utsa net the enty legend ofo the Cneitern Tss, e odd dasofnnm regicdttomeendre - e naweettn narnd orhc int dosin fthe m e picyan: thne myrthet fnatnifcyoth nth, and thesetre dreameoflltIondt.ak Pomende sood laiddrheaisef th i frstwhen he ruoredthc d Was somte oefFlorida in Mhoyame15ene day y nnw... nit waaih1a  220 The Caribbun at MidC0nury 220 The ariean at MidCatuy 920 The Caribean at Mid-Cmntury Lao pota florid. He came to oraych of a seilf-,'-de-nsep, be loved of all men, which he cale the Fmmssea of Eternal Yonith Oin to tn Caribbean ohooco aneshe myth wasn bero tboe of eke prirmidee acing of Ml loedo wo anonld himnsrif with oil andlgold dustuntil hi bdygittred in the osnlaerehis ntool of plunging into the wtlrsa of a ditane lae. So samog did chee twor otyth bc-e that for many Yea. the land tem, of NoMe Anneio saa anow a to FloridW, and Sooth Aooseiaa.pea.d oninmanynmapc as;Elyonrado . Thopeofenoral yoathandway wesld breante a tat. of wind at eeedl in the cloqori of thce Newo World no the onage of Spanish pttoaid bedeqodoc. Oentle and enitie lndac, fvele land, Ucopia, El Daond, and the Coaibeon broughitom meants acncien the pbilcepl up- peiden bemoaen ncore nd diionoico. Wan not ealtal mnin perhaps -eehp be, tMer and niecney enlihteed being, than cidiad man? This croo] doter cons repeated dee of rmes in the litermfoe whicm follnwedg the dixteey of the New World, raching its high.--e mark in Montaigne and Rnenasi. The Eniglish Dryden added bin bit in Tho floogorar of Granada (t1570), in which he moneid fir phonic ',otd saws," ainc wade fantons by the Roennefcia2 Maoeo i iN hi tay "On Canoibale" detenibea psincirw lie be the New World, sui, that the prndim hart coo wane of magiattc nor of political supremenic . The wry wrords dint inmpor lyingb floci end, reao, dineaatom, coeteinnee en,, dection and foegiOneno creteoer humd of among thew.'0 Jenatha Swift rpee Ibis, choxraceing his Ucopiao Hwn- yhoknn,. in murek the mui won ,e andl Shatepeoe poonleco Monlaigces cooeds in deniling Ounoa topian cento- wealth in The Teapeli The idea in farite, deelped by Moo- laigne in Iin soop "CO Caior in wchiche he refen to the New World asth oo ichesi the faira and doe bet pare of the world, topoilovied coined ted defaeed gon cte traffic ef pears ned pepper. 0 mechana rieceidr, 0 bose ceo r Hr then pe- teds or pot the New World coitn-r on a love odh thoe of Egyt,Greseanodomtsadodinuptaging: "Thina awel sall but come to fight wehen orn shot fall In darhro.' Eointnan'n ideal mne inof the sawmge, hot is roan hoght op an carsooy with thc dicla of noenee ao is hemr free, nape La pweano flceod.. Hr canoe in osoech of a woll-'-the-weitp, be- leved of all meen, wehiciho reottled lihe Fronai. of TEat Yumanh On isctaen Carithen shahsc another myth wooaie Wm: tt of the primaitve eng of El Doed wlo nofod himsonlf with oil and gold dm1 mmli is body glOened in the son beore Ma ritual nf plrogng into dc waceoc of a disoirt lake. So soor, did chewe rec nytht become deat for wary wore. the land moot ef Norml Amesenc woor lttoo as Lo Florida, and South Awerecconppetrwd masanywmapyonElflIbado. Therhopeooferefnolpyouthwadenty tecath toamse a face of mind an essential to the drnest of tee Now World no die oonge of Spanish pint ond conqrhoior. Grnele and roilheg Indiana fertile lands, Utopia, El Dreado nd the Carib ben braughtc to moo'o ateton the phllaophic opn pnatioo lotwrec rasae and civilibaion. Wan ot easoni waen perhaps more happy, a httes and mere enightened being, than cifioeed mae' Tie ntral maote woo repeated do.e. of tm no the ftWiom wich foflowoed the discotey of doe Ncwr Woald, reachiog inn high-water work, in Mongagoo ad ttoReuan. The English Diyde, added has hit in The Conqsnao of Grtnda (16y0), to ocmc mutoroted the phmu "enhl saafmee since inside fawmu by the tdeandtrs Mootaigor w hit roay "On Conoiblse denotiben Primitive lie In hie New World, stn, t1101 ttc Indin haye 'no vne of nuadten or of plitiool mpeeitioy..The, vae woeo tat, report ino falsehod, trang dhitonoatire, ceoteao-q envy, detrctioog and forgvencro wer necr band of anong chew."0 Jonathan Sofao repeated this, ch aettaeing his Utopian fHoo- ybafcna in teso foe nam wanr and Slahetpeao pare Moncaieetn words in desenibiog Ooanen tUtpia commn - walth io The Teenpoet The idea !, forshe dintleped by Moo- taigne to hio eap "on Carnageo" in width heutors to the Noew World an "the richeo, dmt faind toed doe eat par of tire world, tapesiocd rined and dfacad fo cte inlfic of pyeah and popper. 0 mechanical viswr, 0 bone cooqe ot" Hr them pro coeds to put due Newe World etlessee on a Iwo1l wish 11,0w of lEgyp, Gtec,andoRomc,ndndstpoayng: "Thin laseworid el] bat cows 0 tight whken,. conhlall loll in darknenur kooosean'n ideal manoitmnot the seagr, hoe is moo brought up cofcarmony with h ddcteiefnade. Man itheam feeat La peoad lorie,. He, nir in searh of a ncll'-f-vnmiop, he lined of at]l ao, shich he caped the Fowoona of Eternal Youslh. On eathen Caeihheao ohoreo onoter wmbt wan hear that at the prioive Eing of El Dted who trinmd himself with oil and gold doss until Wri bed, glitterd in ohe son Mefre his sdctal of planging into the crooen of a ditnot lake. So stong did thoa tiwcrmyths becoe that fmrmany warn the land mans of Neot Aremic woo onasLn Florida, and Sooth Amoen coppeared maeaanwanvEllOotald. Tekopeofenermal yoth ridey weahhbecsaet, .roorindn eeodaloheacfaeo of the Newe Wnrld as lice sue of Si panish pret and mnqootndor. Gete and smiling Indian, fertile lards, Utopia, El Dorado, nd the Caribbean brought to nn attdn the philonphic op. postid between cowe and codilloden. Wor n0 -awro ma prhaps wore happy., a btter and wo¢reeaighwed being thn ejeibed mne The connrad the o repaed drem of ear in the ntmraae which folfosod doe ditnsewry of the Nose Woolf, reaching in high--a ooark in Montoinc and Roon--,n Thed tEoglith Dryden added ho huit in The Conquast of Crssed, (1670), inrhioh heinmeasced theophra "noblo ranage sine made famows by the Rowwm ir. Montinn is s "i en On Cannibal deocaihe psrinite life in Ihe Ndoc Word, srating that she foliate have "s on of otagitatn cr of political suocoder... .The wery worh that imepot lying falsehood, Irwan, duimwlays, eosetemneo. envy, dececton and forgivena meemee heard of amog theest Jnnomn Swift repeited oldo chardedonn hiss ttpian H- ylcond in tench foe came wneand Skbor paalels Montaih r words in desceihing Gotoato toInn caneee wieh ihin The Toemper. The isai fsathsrdeeloped by on- one in his aay "OnCarinoet,0inwich herrern tolloe otod World to "fice richeso, the faunrat and the best pirt of the world, copsiscovied mined and defaced] for lire, h tfic of peake and pepper. Oeadlo yh vWIctnie, Ohaoeanec" Hois htn peo Gemds o pn the Iew WmWl aito o. am level with dhown of Egypt,Cr Gee, aodlReiandindss. p nying "Tctl- wol kehalllwcm hls hl l sea'oiestleaon ttotheoaeba lot is emsananbrooghtnup inaharteoybeuwt tho etalsofoatre, Mfaeiseon free, ays  SHagTY THRUGH LLYSRATUSO 221 'SITY TMQOU OH iSEATUIZ 221 SOCIEY THROUGH LIfm,;.. 221 Rooneo. Iflhoogive ~an df his netlandpeittitieointt- pandme,it ithoughoa et ofHe ill. The St. therfore, ferootupoon aoaitay a--ntion. The ony bitodig tead tue lwamthose ratted aed ho the collecton of fiuidtta wi4th. Thin it the "oIll otatct betooeen indiridual m a d crioy aoe anowro tay god. It it ceca in that dopee bitt, tabed arcfor if n nagadesfatoaediceofncaiew Booty thing mast he intuotedocnoro toiroe thr, iioouogh the nopatio of thds .piit ottna'sfaeedrtnd the otml apttn manlty oteistoel Thtedeoelopoteaandreoitiinnf this thne led he toaettooisand in lieu. ee aod in the arto ad me strtn, to politiaatandoolonawAothou ThoodoontifaromindeadlH Bt tondoth oenttay. DfltfeLooettoiThP med neI-1 prooanoes loft tatao roan" oirnacy andin ono tte. at, t emle obi of pee- onogmtim e calssooo Utopia diet bard inthe etind. of tor, wooe, ph anal bad-le aren ever tabjedtI t e linicditldet 01 me fore hoetaono of the Aparlypoet fater, potlilmeo, oam, ad deaoh alwayrmadeymoido hod aon n eetetlightttaterer coot itn glow ott droiniawn. tut p,,toop in oeey illudn theon ft tome toed of truth, how- er dioad. TI.. troth that lonooght noon lay the nheoe-damt the Sloanih New World tampb ho nderood to ra toe words, gold nod tair, The Spaniah otogaintado, waot maode to order far thin doal soatisoo, and the coo,todoo onto a produot af the oti- bannarCol, natha, Piuerr, JImcfnon do Qunotda, and Cahea do Voon. all began their hiotorfo lire, in doe Cattabron, the trpig aiffploeandasdootfoqn. in thornooarly dys. inoing thio firt onnty Conibban Btettn ototaited of leton otlo hmly beonnon battle, and of chonoicles that bought the .netl of Mhn camnp.,g onto the pointed page Theae doncoibod in vfvid language tho liepi drat of conqnt and the -.t, Indian notor of thre cw World. One of Comoo' be.t-a-,r tfnernl Tats dot Ctio wroea oanifrent toy of the ronqeno of Moire; Polle La Ctoat, hdmoaln dfonden of too Indiana, Ioft an ounhanding Hadon of thte oreto e ner oit Caribbean; Coheor do oVnn mnemoier more hit oaama petginotion font Florida acooto the Gull wnan and don inoe Nuco; Bet Inca Garnilaso is aratbor ofoa beaotifulty worle mntoertatho of Incm Rioorearr. If he finaro n n of hit ttao and poiawitin dc- it itrooghaon acen of oin woilL The Stote, maoefor, rrnoupoooaoorhiarsy,ooenioo, Theoonlybiurigand te lawnsia at to er a otiore by, the olletton of Individal tito. Thir is the aoioloantt bcterenitida oan adahce.y. Ma oft isn tatually god Ii onoo t dooao hint0 tra tningfaendatistn a godess snheco vir ofnwant biery- thing aton bo hernod: outntnno , rm, oigon throouh the rtoennonr tof o~ hi ept of na'e foerdotm nd the ofothas aai onnity of h tod.t. The dn tpndo and onpido fllthit theme ted nrt -ntiete inteeatnrnandhon doe tr, end it oain.yge pheid and oiat teroluon. The dream it far feem drad in the uottohcnoy D.l. H. .Loein Toe Plroederprt peonta hI "atnom. non enoayIndino oV ho attt toneive the spirit ofpro eooo phynico bodirs ne eve rubject to tineetceitdo of dar goes h .soe oftoAnoqto0frhr pentitene, tra, and death,a ao aready toidoe lad tthoettoeetrttght tat ee Brt pohnpt inar-ey inio tere in mono, rend of [mot, hoe- noo ieorted The trth that batogh nonb h ionat h Spanthtoo~etdoeyeoatrosdh ron du nteola:e gold and oalm. TolSini honqtoldoenoaonmad tooardor ftortis dinat poopene, and tho r wasfoao ootProdt of the Caim been. Coyn, Botbon, PtrJimfoo don Qootada, and Gabreea do Vata all began their hia tner om c inesI he h Ced , tetrie offteodfonfojttlo bbooaearlydooa. of leingohi floes emte Car ibbean ieat contyte of letteen vnioe tasil eit oo.n battle, ad ofanan ofenirerh that rogdo the omotl of the campaig nom the printed page. The, dotddoo me vwid langeege the ope otk of e nn and the pc. anotio ndiang ctNttrnt f thooee World. Ooe fortIlflieth enatt, eal flint ede; Catile ete a nogiient w teey ofdocnqrto Monca Pratio tLt Carat, Ioduedth leti deleder w of the Indiateew, ea do Vaca,~ motano f fac e aiba;th aerd asm hit oaa otag penogei;tateo fon Florida acenr the Golf mat andy don intom Memiam te foa Ceonitata in nteed, of boetifoly neiten intepento of Inca Ronear. If be gin urpomne ofghtaeedis nva n wiiide- pnnce itc itt h n ant of lino woll The Sttthtfnea, veo po anabt a da ceenio. Tho only Halniga didtroel laws .aelho aootianodyhorallnoamnnfIndiida vvll ito on f tohe aornd oncoc t beonn iondia noon end oit a aboinoetally good. I thLdcaionthat depreena hintmotri lefe tit enrot R -sednnTe rsaiornicet ociey. r oydtigmat ttn h Forty the enanmen of thee aeid[ of on' froehd nod hf. -aou ego.- ledneitofhefhiool. Thondceto anoeaodaepetitioon f tithemo led to ratndie in end e t in thfe arts, and In tooctotye eitoI and noa1vnolotion h raof a r edi the toeth cottony n o o n " w c ~ d a l m e e p e t y aa e fm p o e isnt y I n d i a n e n o t t a tt to o n n t t h e t p i n e i t o f p r - net MNaievoatt~ Ute i hart edin the mnitnofort wlawweto phyam badie eon e: tbet to the niwrita ofth for beaaenoen o the Ap.oienlypre:MN aoert laiote, onea and deethtalweyovreadyteoideoonthn eoothsoa tight thenvsoer cot , glee or ftdiestin oapu haput in enerey itnen h0fot reed of timet, honw nero itnotod.The rothThatbroaclo ornamI by tho tntrnda to the SpahfNortWadnmyeotdned itttoiclpeoodS gold nd otavero The Spanishn congttiotdoc e ml 1. ede odorder far chin dinat ponsledCr, ad hthe ooaonaodm ao a poodo,.ad of the Cari- bean.s VCoot. Balboia, bou, Jhe not de Qootade and Cehorobaynd ealbt harh .lmi heCrben f la n a;owgvanhn-,dy teno tidehga thrie ioti te n Caribbeanadttoed n or th etepung o pae d co ofw mo o b ind ther eI.,y d he leth naidmtfite eothsil hetnn bhatl, ad of neat nide hatoh h ftot of the atcpiw onto the pNte poe,. fdTtn, doetial i Diids Cngagell, nca op gice fcnqt soryotr alt tte Ind.a Motion;, Fotila Las Chiest, ifndteo il dof of the Indiana, hoaen notosheio hiNawy ac thr enmale o of th oCdbha Cnaa do Va a nn ma toe amasiag pordnthdc, fromd Flnda acra oh, Golf beaue and donor into MNai;trIa Gavedat in entho[ of a loeautifuly wnoitteo interpeuof o oleoad  222 The Caribben at Mid-Cmntury 222 The Caribben at Mid-Cenuy 222 The Caribhu at Mid-Centurq stiafy; and rather Sthngslo destre life amteg tire ancient Artecs, Then taere were Oviedo, Herrera, Acests, and litertllry hundired, of others whose aserme utegitd, They a ersetattd" mdeonamic at the floats ha which they tired The Caribbean -a thte wccpit whomn the stetaggle for the NU World wa hlime fought ada, euhil the bares ri t rrstiety wsa biang laid, by eight of conqegr, rarer ta tarebbeo the old- From the Caribben th~e Spaseish mrnoisradon, the supeemena of hit time, ouptedrd in alt dieotia. lHe ra olee, itdefaetgetul, eseongssrable, with o taprawe relief in his sssporiar destiny and inohe vrioeptt of tiu crs and awnest 11. teas the paladn f Christ in the lad ti the infidek. Hginstong roas "Onutued Clanistian Soldiees," boa its his hett there oar that lore of geld which ah eeretasd that desirti ttmsteenal tntheaotel flteof lrtt and the csltlir ofa the frond snit The nerds oW sheerne m et hardly more thandem o tedier Their tilsmretre campso fe tis ldertee They pitangd ot th tndawnm, rethre of al noserqoecer They ture the netker of hutey, and No oenr ofrteliges;N the swar of ife, In thr ceow satiety than emerged dree mer dy too la teerlatsantd does, th Sanad who rotated and the Inda mht obeyed Utopia had gproen may so dicta Tohand nthe 'rhim saur awill lead beoethe lawe of the tediads. Te ano eido ho wdnhddaay o ntuigad ho thredta huntdrede of thousanederi Indian claret thf aaldaino h ceona emir wmasstdo hof heoheesie The S peteyd not tde wtot wn er meqs aeda the onely chreselr all sell tar, hey ha tdanlek le owive ,r ma ttesr and hdhmblodp omlyt, ato ene eia i Mo nwf apaty riid nin-clm eciet there teat emerging aplethora of eefti ch ,ildn. T hey ase de e bridge trlnet the mons. Ara hoer pattd, the desiyo h Caribbea worl dresoit tt depetd moeand motre tepee tbis too celan, mo hioh ee-c stoither hite te Ivdiat. ne thee eglnte woee the teflon peplr hod er pnec, seelso anild he haet it war enrestroard to hod rd taho -he Atesile and the etetheen cooat of t Seeh Ameneta-lgmts me r iteted tn petirte theae work, and here tht mulatto trek the ploto of the mertite. tiney and Fther alagw deemchdIilsaneong theanten iAnsew. Thin thoro ware CiOnfet, Herein, Acost, end iltetlly hunedreda of ethers tuhet meae war legion. They meote hoettes as dyeamio an the toses in which they tived. The Caribbean oar tho cockpit where the steseggle for the New eWrd -ee belng iought est,mwhilestbeaiofsni anecnitroas beiegl yaidiht of cooooer up.ttS.ttahleeofrtheld Frm the Caribteans The Sptnhh coogmierdor thr craperna of hu it e iato,d pded in Wi directios. lHe wt area, itedeitigable, arnote fihle. wish .aspreme bele in mas meta destiny andt in the trioph of hit cer mro nerd He eas The paladlin of Chrit in the land of she infidela. flu creg ar 'Omard Chanisris Sidiet,' teat in hts heart there oa that lo at gold which all oaso tasid that derive for titer setal te thesoona- linof tose and thte onltlion of the hnenrd sail The credo ti there seen mere hardly term Nian the of soldsrsm Their oilier mre tre camps iig the sadreess They plunged inss the tatofrmt.,, cnbls of all eaoqoeners. They tre the teter of hktry and the e rlero of rehigite, the ceratet Isthe eem staceny then Sneard Thos mere osly two oact nanlodo and dar h pniard robeh rotted aed the ladies nwo obyd Utopyia had n i e n way neditanechp soad the whine ads oill hsd laroeethe lateow h ai .Teeqatao laftrldtat hecauui and d.rtrrr test ers, red Tnitheut the aid of hondredo of hae sf Initapslw ir oratiaiuo h cerlet empir orard har hero isepseible The Spatn, theyocame wios tes tand vt the eal ohcmsadeecnt at ratstell ter they d smdlatel ow y tekokIndiuan o r cth oitemtremets emsN thre hird p wfneytith Ta i k ations. Fence as appeeoty rigid noofs , eet tuhere rote emmegiug a ptosa of seerfirt. chidre. They mere the bridge between the co ,rer. nd filee panosed th e destin of ibe Caribbean roetdeold coe ta depend moeand more spas tha new daleo whicht cor nrefter olate oar IMaiat. lnshmeerginrawhee she cede popelda ha mths adheuo n i ei u o itl re, tthe aetft ted the nmemahc cars off Stadhr Arees gaNera mere n bpeod topeloton thir week, and hre the s.auat wka ,hon teplave of the metira. snctelyl med Father Selland d-sriled life aseng tile antiens aec. Then ther were Clnds, ttned, Aceosa, med litrally thuedredsn of ather tehole caste w- Ileion They mel haistories as dynamic at the times in which they tired, The Cerihbean tos the cockpit where the raeggl for the Now W9oed tes being feteght ao, whine he baroth ofta cmity wstr hirg laid, by tigt of cenqt rapo sstanebte at the sid. Ferm the Caribbe m h Spanieh ceeqehdet, the rapeeman ef hit tie e, fu rptd in all dircrene B e woe lead...s indefafigble, atceqrrbe, witha tupreme beie in hise msperas ert cand an o he trirtaep at o hi orsad neord Hee tho heaadin of Chrst in the land ri thed i nk Hissog man o " aad Chdistia tolert br in his heart dare- tmNat lo ef gold which all men nta that ,daire far slde a ered tt the aecrama- floeseraeraerdthclfldoafo ftherctedat The needs of Ncs mete tree hardly mete bn thesne Th sldeys Ther ti errotemedarop f the mildereo. Te piteedt theal tenlsmw, rlei o alt omtn~encthe They ore the atakcre of hktty and the ricnr rfrigicortheosar Is the ar noiey tha emerged there tome anly two wheo snrvedo tad intetc th Spaniard whe rvled and The Inedi.. whe a obeyed Utpta had t ime may to dictetoip, end the wine awill had tactee the law of the edlsa nTiothe qisar wreds ofer and odsotfeqem sot tttl, and without rte aid of hundreds ftoad of Inia tisns the'r caslidads ofg the The Spaniardscae withew otatanettend as lrtm yohteticler all toll asas, th ory hmmeradistely leak ledias e, or n ilecaered mined thei blend prfanly wiNth hat o the cratie. terFee an appareldy rigid tm-is cety here neat sris a plethora ofmmtaanttcilden. hi.T wd Tywerethr bdghet -aenthecoe- An e brae pansed, tedestiry at The Caribbetan rosld te s depend toeadmr eut hsv hsy hac a ede ht n more antor tape es lhnw drwihe'ssih eoft a Indie. tem rgiaawohee t he erfi prysladee had heen prartictly s anlatd bemete is man tcomed o hard la -he Anct lr end the na rte amet of teeth e e reNegrooesihndr moe npr-r N' ok n eetemaoto the place of themmtort.  SOCIEn THROUGiH Ifyzai. 223 scan'T y~auo ZLfTEATUR 223 SOGMn 'rasucs zIEmon 223 The -ns acioty ~sa med the old, asm ine tho pIn- on f at oonssaong ged and soea npmrsed ten Old World stetho~ in thine' oattnn of the New. Jo thin fint epic mtr oc the conqee ilte teo of Weston niiition pnaned fron tMn itodioononan into tho Atlantie. Men of attn and esoennon reptacdnoesofhirdh asleaden indced adthassol. Amacir wo an hiot an itouio, lno a hope, and wolin tmt c istioe of gold dide an nsalise the eoponne n e tino- a ofadnon (wort mono than gold itseti) mtade pensile thne coon- tin ofne' centmin inbeyod thn saim These non lsteed mhemn gone front . li . cl mMi rotf olitignoity oead tin e Ctotase with ito pxoo m ofonatnic hior lie. ,tc out d'af d -p is ot otyc of colonl days died awnoy Olin gon asio nf -npoi beras at attend. None eaten conoidto rtreoktne t ttdele hInlding of t he ol citol c'ies, a thme weoalthn of o ..coa and oif d. on owtis lsty.e tonand eise eous nf um antdoiend thoe reon of ditptay. Mexico Cily, ttrono, dCantagena, Goato nto 1rego, alt danred to nine n o in a gwo ean nfctd toe osopoa t ight ttife i thenm, Nsiln and sdwe notmens ofiened sn .noto to , -itan acninieno The cnoni than . l I-teiC.11n hdgun oefsi . lipcm a. stood ap1ty oan the inllela nonoa that toot aflcitsg the toss nOtennlt oncnne rlwkitienooe si-te she entoonno of hookn, and ponhliailoo ao doem colone sno m effnetitevly nitsttaoiled. In the onostt bw oed o smedicnal Spaoniesh models, philosphy, litonotr, and all the Orioncos leed edre moe peenpetat theadf Theology, the highest paid pe cndssa eho Cnmltn society teas ahoorhad inna ete hinennslnto toonryncte, tonrs, aadhbanlethad its oheNhad na'ntnasy .fNieanldteraloo ontfgeat tovettoet Thoifh-Ase aos the conte of town in,- .physoolly, moligi-oele, and socially lIt tonrd aboe the rantal planta, into whicht all inoe emnptied, as tne lnae otledtnoered oato, h msedieonl vittage that mona ndo. i thnemac. th 'e Chteh weon the hotdee of wrol;, the dimtto of cdoae , thensam-aeoflat. Shtenpoeded thenproefeneonofdtoeeniien, the sopeentdsd thyoght and the pmining and reading of Insks. Cto to thatch was ihe lneineipl sils unan of the teoneof The nto carton, sontponaqoed tut the old, ad in alt psos- enref ovo momni greed antd.o, epntslithoOld ontd ettetohin thentaotroanldthe o. linIs tltnetepewntssy of the. eouqost fto fanr of Westernta li don pasted fromn the Menditmncon iota the Atlantic Moo of ano and enm,.eis teptaced mson of hith as1-oan in deed and droogitt Asnnie as .o atiet an inoim, law, a hoe,, and toho the gSmat citios .f gold did at snaaeili in, the neponionee of te con- qnea doenewvalMerthen-thagold itslflomadenpnnihlrothne ea- ono ofn epiesthcend ts.Thonoeosanctd thenrsad fretm the celon onotho of asstuty townand theftatoo wtith ino proume of a lnt acnd niche life. Whenothe noiaoooifisttentsenfrloialdaye diedaoay the- penas peroiod of ,noasittnnasn end. Nate roatte retnensen, end the hourdin of th-eh ick cal niioat the nonath of nnooneandof tesaiesofloed tooad teoonwae of anhotn and theste oen of display. Menie City, Haoeam, Cainageon, Coantora, tengoti all daned to the Earpnyn noe and nofleewon the elsopoan tight ommie in theta, silent and mmn ntnooffered no terottoe to liteoe -they The colone oorestedfronmoall fnseigc ledlostsa, aodtheefoooeon thmn Spuin an apast Lnane the ttelsal c oo ¢ta that e a fd the net of die wroad."a Ceensennhp rigesetal indeed the nlianc of bonkt, and pultnation in th, erolwet ers asn mono effenetively einesenaeand. to tn' osdroeiax i v oed on oenditeval Spanish mendl, philosophy, iwensare, aend all the ueorn loned sndno the p,,,.t.a shadow of Theology, ahe hight paid psoinotosi ehain. Calotial writy neon olenhed ina a set hinanie liena, ad Icaneet lead lee rlsoec antd cono ciano of threem arhseeat goons oeat Inelinec. I'he Chnech neon the cae of tnem lifn-pheieAly, nelimmoal, atd norial. It taswttedaboe the rood] piano, into wnhich all nenent ennpfind at the Eanopean eathdnt taoned masnate ef l oedoathe mta eha ansoandd then. sThe Choech woo tloe haindsr of chon, the dist. on deto thesoomoerofat She p-wnddmhcpafnnfmn'ssaon stie sleotape edndt ugltoasd the 1tsin'g and ndig of bths. Coin, to ohuhonlto th, e pnmineia social oton of tle on o The nen wrioty, ntopcn'dws spn the eld, and in the pe-- estre of no ooeofng greed and waon, m laooo ele Old Wardd tnngtn in thn, wniston af the None. In this fisnt amcn entny of the eoenent mleefocus f ween essoirilioo asendo m n't Mfeditenan ino the Alando Mon of aedoadonnnpsis neplara soend ofhl as ]earn doend and nitoght. inaenia tacat 10 anlenne, los a hoe, tend weo the geaon cdof etotd did not staesilio lshe nenponienre o1 she non- qntaifsnoe (teonts noon dean gold Iqnolu mne. pundhl she ctrt- tloomaofoneeeeoirehey thcesea Thrwesnnared itrgae foothe .le toths, lf tftatiqunity totond the Entsue oit ito pe enoenatl and inhmatcldo. Whten line dyoonoelinoter of ealoit days ded annoy the great gnnniod of f otnian toasts an end. New wome eoniedas on, netnnos nt, and thfe hedati n, ole she 3ol ropimla ntiem an the nom o caomsr and of ale oress fioned mwtad theson arns, ofatonity and there an entene o[f d~pa.Mechm City Haona, Cuttiags, Caatto Unoi, all daindt the Eaapa ton we-dtsmtflaa d po uoen U , o y il ettadcas ih.oed so n eie n tman m etettmoe. TMse colonie nen soao fron oil ioegn Motatsre an hreae oo os dnlmipoise, stood apart Osono the intleessl nentonl thdoa wo affoog the re.nt nf the mi toaed a Ceinnechip ari ad malted she entnac. of hooks asd pd. atlo M in thnclnis1 a mor efeoioel eloesnesied Inth oireniin, bsed on snnd Spaihdnde od, philsophy, ltioetnne, ad ali l the ledcaetthnpnta shadow of Theology, th highest paid pnlieoial chi. Cosaltooitynenoahs ehalm na gret lie n e r s to r o f , tt to n t , ia n d - h a m le i o lly , re li io s o ty , a n d to n a lly , i -no~o a gne in lal pinoeit tole atLs sTee Cnstild wat the larnt or alsdoonenehsdl on n .ne nedinals l -lo dan ttacennd hen Wa ln ic1 demld acsd. The n C s r in oran the a hn cnl dn o ado oa the di eos of l ag n ooeUnaoo the ootheeofdat. Shnpnntndle ndsofrand nd smthe mfanatonas she snoenied thooght and o sca the ptnigadsengo hnhof Gotiero choclawvte prinipale ocialtolobef thenwosanof  224 The Caribbean at Mid-Century 224 The Caribbean at Mid-Century 224 The Caribbean at Mid-Century ecienial days. Thecc-mccNclgien acltaacd. TFhefaousc airtec Juaca Inch do Is Ccad eggd her -.htie, to dr, her ere a Mey se that shemighat ahet dlam.e cthe .cIII otyf Mecow. WomaetIW ld linecd Evme, like delate plantn inr a Itolhente cekitetteicadlhandsneeeflee etoeeola~teateytailled icatie ,mippcc-tdenislaciit N~e wilce and daocghtuchrgned ticocleid laho. IEteyhitg oaa dote on, chote. Servanit aaceded at Bhic, hock and call. No wcd, oc deaghtee could evec trhck of shotaping ino the niakel place or of -[tying a package dotn the stceet. N.cccorldccy hcecdeeat hietcl lait1ccc aoachc Ac e~tee o, cthe lilthe the tiecn-ic o oldiec, Ice rioad Bysoff the far ef the landee hilectoa ccelecleoe& lchecccctty, looksaad m atelaoboc en eced tct oknmach as in eeotqtdy, and lec-ecy eIthdo the camoe npletcctWets ija.coto acid, °I did coo a t c r te. ie I til the coil ike a p aaat,t he ipoka fat evecy Spacict. Icctheccapialoritiesnt teceeeki tt tic cclcce e TheIn ecteet ta a conalt thatg tceit eletpe temwn themet telet witha li eca o w c t hat Charl ta night hegAld, dt pccapneeecoocdl 'owe. Itceccac adtcil fortheptdtctictcf teat ~oe o is doae . htpncnamdsl et r failed ccto rkag dac a mm iNStcwrs a . i ei can ea. Wtcdald e c do clgar lbel docctstciaAc hanc of dialeca epicltualitec. Weiting boe octet c ~ mgc moootadlacqc tcltccl ttehitccne Pcec contececteccdl Ic Idl tct oas cc t hicic inc Maor cf the lctnacoa Cenceptoc, a ih t'er floe kendcd ecock m ec trcd,ee as, dandltica rcltoiftcA etifite thcught they woee py .O u gws tevmnov S igr faos aca u am .ff heeteoecwtcheeaishety hnclid cpaptccai the eta tcc pccdncte of the Spantish Signckd Oec, ushoch m aoe ir doihi h eetcnhoceti e esatc, o Caolit Lcpc, lie Vega, Tt de Mli, Qceda OiGmCct. a and a kot ciee fine cecitcv. Bau t thec ate -c a bocet elldiot it liheawec tea rn i life,mih d o tgtcatiethe Iteccs pcmdvnncct of e Caribheac cet celocial adsn cad fle than of hcetocith ahec it thaetie them talctc and ewiest of the people, dpilte the fact chat cs pote colonial doao. They foe teed gmi antatclitcci. Ti fttnt Sioe, Jai itc lie Ic Coca bagod SIc mn rmðe y ac dtoleat Mey soe that the tight attend dolce at the hanict, of Metiel. Wenc ltd dciccd liet, like delicat plot int kelknce, whkiletheir ooaelitweeefntotieotlace asthlotitti. lathe uppe-doL Wu f rcite cII.and daugkiera peticcan tittle usefl tatto. Eiereythitg tots do- forteito. &leecnto niocded at dhi, hock and -11 Nc cife to dao ec woecld cece tikao mi t ing inctenkcttlacecorf cocpica packtgecdoccnchelcetrt. Nce woctid acy mn dntasn hintif ceilt ocanual lchcc. Ac- eoadl to the lif of Ike citoccitoct acdicea he lived eff cte itt of the lcnd tehile stc tv-sttd hlotd. In the ecoceey, Indusn andi mocca latterct cectiel t teeth mcceaso it pcceneccaot day and fwecqcntlydhilc aat toeinplotst. When leccfcsaideei dldttecannctaohe Indiectmctiicheilikctec aoa hnp1c foccewcoygSlaiardl Inotheeaopial ciiscthbeteeectcata enlomaletct. The niatac w e inge. S o. cic's taceeundedt [he- nin toith ihoca, tictw cc that chic tatmight he egaled etith poccpaenooicaawnloec. tteoca an id ailforechepcdctictiof coal itanicc Thia does cat eca that pen tet ratod ntill cc chat tIndian faid ccce Bre is tetincecsact Wcrds, idle ceoti, clantedi ionhchink Ito ntd caine, cicte cltotual epoci night well ho ehuarteucd as the time cf dicacial tplcltalicn. Writing he- an optlent sand haoccotte 00 eclct acektece. ecaic etcecabncnded. In tef2 them nnc in Iltio in hcocoof lcet Ithuctelie Coicept'et an kck oon flee hundrledlotxkn teprotrated, tdeeeapidtandlitcat ritnng ofefvicehtw thangttt hey note poeta. Cakse colle nailed tice tinctyc oich a pLctletcaotialt..Iccc, btthet eaccnotkingeeeccfainl atpcalicg the negeciftocat ptcdcctors, of the, Spaish Sepic ie Omc, whkich teacked ic vatin ho eme wvmecetth cetuy In Cme- eace, Callietic Lnce lie Vag,, Titan de Molica, Qncccde, Cingeca, and akoct ao Dinee cc ,men Buatete.e cm ateclcoec te in mliteracuce or it tf0 cc tcrapteaticc te icony pendccticc of the Cacihhtt lictcig wrdoutand fhdthemcfoaocldctclcoale inteloc mcgcie codtitmanecd c-fit tfithe PIWIIt, deepie the fact that as pete ctanil daon. Thep lactech gioe an eacailac. The famouca Sister Jaa hcsc lit Ia firma hoge her mathm to dinea httan boy mc thct the reilgt .,tledneoc at the Uvnison.,c of lecico. Wr-c led elionted liet, like deate Platont inca hcchtnae, mwhile ceicy hanhacti ment incc tomalate mtohdcy iti.U It the type c-eate fcoiiet the oito cad dcerkhom pccfected tile usel labort E-eccyaicgonscc forethem ietcrvathaed al their hock acld call. Notoife oo siht-e eccld eer think of theptcing in the mnct place oc cf -acyicg a pacange diocc the shtca. Nooonld ay mnade-echieelfeclithnmanaallhi- Ac- catccnd trtcho lIft of the eocmieas tldc. lee iotod off the hot cf the latol while tdotcm nota hlacdcle [the momcts, Indian and motilaatec ocaciiteteotknmch as inprtcq tdy, an hectal citn s acco inplentle Whetn Goctit taid, "I id noccmacettdelIdirctctill tctesiltike a Icatacceltoke eroecy te, a taimmnioe ling. ane 'ccaoc aconatched then-. nieced wath litnate toctcs c hat thoit taco nighrt he meaestoPrrmocim m, twn--adsi o a dwit coal liet lis Scas d c nea dctha peoons ic rite at tctgeIec failed te weg Rhtic tea ictootk Writes, idle teoic lattoesc feth ink and th odce, aocad teesltloilcp ch miht iht vll r- oltanctocIc ncs the timtc of dih eslicl tyl toneal . Waitin he cao a poient and kcc e po oh elctciala2itecctc.. Poi omaectmo rlts a ap ,fcs rwiAue , ude ok n heyaed. Ic G 61 them coca diecicMtn heoame ciai h tBhe glnteylc Cece.ctian at o cered flo te wedthk aeo pcenced I he tepi oalis blcicontwooanatio e e nifint y thpach t ehe c n cm inhectti of thl the cecept dic c~peclgteeaolietlcdcin iscicai thgi lic , mch mcicded its 'tcit ho he seelec Thai nyi Ctccs mate, Gallccic lo pe s Vega, Tiro lIe Moeslinac Qneeede, fgecau ad hhea a th" fin' -eeee, ht at chee an neoth erlcc chn ittcecaa to ic life oo night ocoo the m lit ncy predcctigIocn of cte Caribbfeac ang m cutrldaya te Iinom Iket , celioale came it mf'ot Iset thme cctumtcadlieecpeffloeepPeqdep itct fad thatau pn  SOwn?1 ',xmUoz LITanusIP 2255 SMETY THROG LIATURE 2255 bonUT THROUG LIEAnU 2255 ]"Iteenety rael -ros-e'aesinddnoenae. nmnuo nutl chew to otstandiang nhasntsitica first, tlo OPl of into, noenal aosohiotren in wsiiol the Spanish nhsnohslane bld the New Werd~de tscoae, onps r W lsoan nd Idfynfhne oho imnaled dwentenaotouding in the hollow calne, tone nas arising, slowly, surely, tsnahy, atone feet ng of a nkna Pna sa Jhc adm oteaecdn a c nari passod That the fact of rre-nonime, and she slowr otangonon of thn 1oesdet ant neotn snt, found itt opialofsntnerp wm in tisk new qaalit in Oalihbe-aa life whioh tea 1nruwlng tontig that watt niae S unth nc Idiv itNnu fOof dint nrathewhoeno'pnitsthoith olofthis wat Brtardo de tain, anher of a Isog entipi, non on4 encoetteLaeadu edoes 'nd in y614 Noidoyoyo tihe -iamost Spoanish neli., thpaigest "i one bok thi m nd da t h e o omine, Itathan, n&~ Spaiade Metcn at a foceron wMh fell in tone wd ite adnytod sots. Hte painmida hoals el oned oheokheardee lactate of the' gasaflo mtsna feota rotnn aune-eine, h], ot ,.-teu otwaosafnn onlnaan xen taouss nunreah tOOmtltt baptla ot- teat and tiseoccr life, poetirafl fitnat dae proronnatdes, %nannd- mad a t the othse ontn e non aftetttnaoa Me-utra ti, Iffy - h s nttafdo peaimseAfmealeeoatt seeanpehaand n estheepee rofinly i ndolcanreaethra wmnan at eaodtoy peamt .iasniete altotasned men ale geet in tnez, athotntcpn Penniete sclfthoaiopeand 1ctttythe dank, vni~e.ita of life. Clanly eet ofssire mneanian or Bahnen lttbelee veaotndithoac ln net with a,.asne diaeye. hoa doer snake iNn hine si rn:ta oieiontesthde cn ,w :taMrmp, a its, ia, where nyn oeni ds'fn,e otio t n toot,0 m ac.. teaoiuin itpsepaaian fA tooobtl, an neganic in prceen s bccmning neat a hemnosenaon and fiisled whole. Ono lmceed a ned rvrs~oyao yuan latte, em atooe Rafaet tatLeokr, a snri nok monk, produced his fassh lats Menian wid ch witte oNoy in Tatln.I S ts tent pitted in lialy in 151. Ia thit anon, thes are mnoifinn foosoon f the litensae atey sanely sate ahoemidhffe rne lSh an etal-ean lsowatunutiath nyo nestl-essottosi in which the Spwmhsl olennok-ts held the New Widi and ason adeapito all the moond and fay of thoe nha met1-td and tetaonding in the haldte, onion, tises mas aisng slant-, ta1t, ne thi a awefetnm an te onnoof sa, as Anmitstiee nid-khd eate T sne fand mate en, eaendant at to. bonis pate. ',indte-. f r 'iaf sodIh eeo enrgenoc of tire netian notia ey a it qeiiacnonecpsa m in this stew qant in Cekes i, hc was hoceo in1 snmodhino thai was keitee s Ipn tateo H ne-mo Usi ~imnfint wit.eshove w-ork points m the ofeoh ORi newartonoe s Iteterd do Btathstra, aaoa of a tone- dci tie pes na Mmc entialed La gesttdeo poi nen es tahod in 164)he p mlefnde Eran th atoam Spanrsh o, teese hat"iteonoamto date the h'ith olA itec pelr, prop only tyeaine Oseana atehak, thin wotd he thw roe Hal crn, a Spaniard no , Me.,c ae a fos Igtor whe felt in moe with itM ndmeooor.kt ane hihlolse cluecetoa dpte o th eanei atneudna -ins, sondr sts ~ret eh o fiq a fam ftoager, matte-dstna, tne ochaflero, .anteni,- woen, o I-an wteos and smants I,htsaet s tienstita jeoets hapida, na!- tatel adstaley litn, pasie. fiestas, doncol nstndonaac heoie fallofo[prneisc.tertcaallroeianspRyohinsttft and sanr,th ..neea teiesdlecrasettletatne of dar eridt es f ls.Cinl to, edsse otrte hie e t htr poue ay wipi it, hmsaa asydfeen antene th r ante j t o Pteot n i p pa nlio far o a cut, a mo efaniian sreirthoti]Ano~t hAc aluotnfeaenttnad Lite ak OnatmNin Few rok pdr on fatwt samo asr efnaietihheo Mhon ana tit wn Rtt endny i fai ot tent priretelmntae its Rsap in 5711. Sttha thin o mee ten mtgo'icent letoer of the litoetate toey stnny elan whose indifonro. Snussatttimno millsn s we onlstedieg ohamrootoisfi- fintt, the g0, of iitl ieml n whirh fnnt Spanish rtthst, held ihe l.Nosand and second, denpin, atldi slo sd and Car rd thos who knitnted modand teonl ncedigtthlsl nentsoon uring, alaotwly, ante min enoably, ata oln e ssotaoa o Aanetict mtsit, whic ue Int and oon int the matoont an ofinth cotnturc'es tofoted. Thus the faot of face-mnixinug, and ton dinrmgenntloenprodtotsaltstscetowrnto, wteitn slhe ssnnepat in lis new ,1rtiey inS Cwhon lire w'hrh man hecosning wterte th ia ninho Spns na (One al the fitt n ol otes omt point to the to eh ail this nssmsano m tans Bo dnoddelslhca,nntltoofaof e f.I. deseipairpn pace on Metin iad Le a egoandoons molana pubim lished its n64 MeI o m talye h ioa pns rtc stal ta if' wo nr In m a ty' int k of A an phmry, snp only pa og, fron- any one hock, this would ioe then pOtin" , ihh s aatdu, tow ,uc as, aw n oo.ite whe It in I etii tas deptd anenr. Hephtaheohlyotn nheoteoenr pottoefthe gaent polmed a li, cool, -ae snames, maradpine o the r'.cdIIIe tmoha fmoerc efman reaeand Ian t n en sisnuwidss, jeorele, maid.eo, on!' totl and ,oe.y io pril isaedntpetaae.atao ti oe ormnd,.and nit l the thro alneaed afetacdh 1,tintof Monican km, tl wnonm in fenl of o plaim for thewall. mth notola oe .it in d~t is, steeple ate foodyanal Mduses, the anontrof -nttaeeam adey na banth adadviolte, the. lrased sate t o, seat It nneandenethe pet proctwitkl cliganedlooattt dtkenitastofh'fe. Clearly meteoodseataotfsta most thcsried oth an retolif neat with maundiced ey.Vet h abet make one thing ,uttas that Mesow it a colorist hodga- pege a ninny ionl i, whoere many eaotly tifot olost note itrow inns jstntoewben i pretauot cr sho esnolyr an uognntnnn In Prmesn at econ. rot ahmttngoaeen and finished whoe. Ore handeed a nd nsawntuy -kw yreatssate, Pathe Rafael MinOilne whirls- was tte en Init relo in Latin. Sttn en rne in Only in 1761. Ie thin phuto she, ae magodicent Otexsra of slae  226 The Caibbean at MidCntuy 226 The aribua at Mid-Cntuq 226 The Caribean at Mid-Century Mexican lascer lakes, volcanoes cataracts das osltivarln of [ka cane and the nine, ott er tsopicl creps, ble'd, atrals seae; ad tnward he end thre ae also ad coa teusous bta onf tyical Mesican gamsa and fitss, desesibed wish ases andt esasbsanc. The hmes-n ann ando I -ans an Aeodlen stag,, fas foanm dan sadding crond of rise hcsmcsnwsrn carien. Langdier's vae thnouga of ane and lts rn Moco would psohably hane. henc she fiansr densipdec pec at Spanish Archsslc liansasas had it heanewieninathe ]eangs, af Spaia. The face shet is Seas in Lad.n showas been ecaplebty rho mnoalnol aneeyt cfalsas stell pessadled the Coibnhtoa, and Indelied all of Speenteb Amaeico. Laste wanstl the langay in e hch lIettes wee given in tire r- wasfas was the anusom in aey Meuddle Agre in Europe, olanm tleteeais,,enadlTasrconh eicrsnry wesscohno siseis f alyes, landa of bonhing in as ssnhanr se. In . arm issne Lanvd Sehn[ nspsserea ,danccoer ahsen. Hesmesoy rinaesvthe pespoctn of theeMnsn asa ndwells oloing wst e. abs flora, fasno and mastasrytide of Menice, and enrse.s abt he pepe p ewo ies toin n igoroas land neay matshe ediiea orf[hear newsoety snahanae shosewillbe than satnob.sheadis and somt th leirspdtni. The one estrly gocar nsac ss geas of de i re senebadl ceescas fr the Spainel vo Is won Sies ,Jr.ea ie doe a Crue tha Mesatrn nan no i oagy tneagh -nanl svsss of tbs nates - qse¢ lone pasesy in abs Spanish langange. Shy, also adored te Lad in a.lanegagselmshap ola wish nil she msie feelng sipliclty, and wewnclny of the gncat lyrc smaser. Slav Sisa juano w sSof step withbnsnins. She seenanred taeveosdandsnleed auCoven, thishngsbas secape fir e a pean nd vnt of be day, ana hoping an find a haven of pace in wshte her geatreid and boe mnight nail aide she hills, syseier aobe and deada. Ths Strebp of Poobla sagad Siseer J.-o so asifi senrs tbine. and finally she did, enrisfng Iwo psovmsraniaea f faith in he, sw blood. Itsoes as i Sonr Joosa lined inspejeon. One well-ons Span. tab poer of tsala, Peden Salsna, bas anegsee detany hmight Crane hbes able s land a sosho na 4o Ilfe in the United Senec of hes inds cansy where so an e draard as a cateIf cans, and whw fnunn eanun finds a fsesifn and sexopdiv Menn landscape Cohn, valoevn c tanoshe catannin of the ecan sethde rinse, onhes repical crops, bhysic alunial, cra; .andat -. lved tdherearm alnevltidoonanbeoisarshre of s yial Msawra game and hais doannal .withs essn and ansasreos.e The, Meate n aesrde inewrea an Asaansefego Laf tro heb maddieg osocrod aftM bs, h bsaas oades Loadlvass eas cvo f mes ®nd Erfn in Mes, amirad poslethychae been stan in a alcate foe0m of Spanish Aaeeeicriaser had it been woitten Iv n elangnnager, at Spain. The fanth shoe t atti wa in Latin shenssts u rplool Th seadin Ifcancipa a1 snltnc still pesned Nho plotlocas and sae a cal e fSpnh Ancsco 'asia non hil ,h ognei whihab te locmroes nose, 'ilien in she ma-. neste, naso h ocrla , h Miale Agss besEaaaps whble fie The nlinth andar in tshe ainiauitysnar I risep pstieof enss, alard of lmssnlag adsnaen . lisosy ons Ilandeasdssasrsnaacaenslahsa.Sees filsno 4b anspcl'e of as The u M loscan B oi eb lacin rchdeens n and. cesaynias oasive hand twt ag unottd e afesa ss,,adwaydeofM r dsgu h ca e paoels who tine in thie elgases land aosy roise the saltfice f ht eir smiy sn abs thas naill'~ ho~ sasain' bus bodies and sae ehi sptein. he Ton e reely gew[ a ieote fenfon of Nes vwo-feCd he en abis Spuat aslanis seas fine Jena n at de phOsn, Mean na os a Spnanis an h essase ears of ae ose s qeideaeesIs nayiahepaivh lannage Shealaodoredtens roend in a langusage deals patse wish al she mayatc feeling, nmiaaadc ivr h et yi an.h l uril lwas etofssasteb it eime. shesmnamcdatheowold and ensswd a Caeen, ThNdn rha Is ecaps fre the posa and aisie ao sla iy, andal hping an find a leaen af pmars in which hes miarnid asad boan might vail wina she aes neyavesi It lass ad tdard. iinaThe Iniah af Poabla rgvsd Slates m Jnon Ca slilusaa Ibba, and finally she dial, wrising anvo paessanof at faith in tes ers blahied. In eons at if Sos Jasno livadan a prien. fins wdabownSpr ahbr of send rady Salinas, bors nogns tlas ma sist ross inns able Co lads c ahe noal d n b iedSnesa sasve, cenlayetes waee o re watedla w r of rraand nohean famiin eaera linda a. tesiffa and scelse Meurern landsce, Caes, volcanoes, caraeas, the aslacasion of thn sarly and den avasestetnetrspical ops, birds, onboa,esn sadrovaedsthe end ten are ooi~rasia danblecs d "ypeal Medlan eet and tien sn described wabh verve and csaeance. The Menn meansyride haes an Accadian wiesfnc faLoserm lbe nodding chwad afth ab escesgens al6ie. Lmand s ar a na andllfesr Meioorsldcrloalys me ben Nts Linoo dencaipalee pae at Sipsoeina Anesian litaa a t beansriten inflr lassgrageof Speain. Tby facesthatil nin Lssin sbares teas corplealy Thse medaienal cncpr ef harae sill pervadeal she Casitea, end ainded all of Spadtab Acnia. loaus s shiU she lana in which lermmres e g ieven in ho ant- vanil annas she cams in she Middle Age in acaps. anheso fiaathdesliseesnlaeeaninivyoesresepnwateaes of caltss, lands ato lennng inn ank v e.laieoyas tanles dysnr 4penla advanc e Bald-elb IT mereip OI thbe Ia ece of rho Mano sac, danl with leaving ranch en OwoLse, afana, anid consormoios f Meaco and anreese thor she inpeople who teve in able algmwes land may usan ala th ce of shah new serasy aebar cat will bode amntheir bodia in tbe Spansh oein weas Slaver Jas Isis de C uz she e Meatean nan, sobnsirangely avoee na navre af Use sa ass. qest nca pose n de pe pawnsh laneniage. She asen adased bor Lord in a logasge dant spoke with it are vhs cayi tooin, sispiinr end canainoiy of she gream lein mmaeme. aat Solde Jrand an mused ar Csof ns 1 a ie.B em ol tihnk n ay b es apn frme the eeyp, and vanities of her day ahad hoping to fisnd a hraven at pce in riets yanat naiad enrd boos migt tell wid she hissers ns Ifis vfi Cane anddaate. Tholnuslmp ofllPabcassogstin snna svf eAcin sisinhing, and finally she dlid, witrang mayw pervessaltios of fnaI lItaosoas it tSxja lintlfe, iapfsen dOtwell-konn Span' sob wer of sday, Pedro Sa ae nogested ats she caight hae hess able so lead a ehesr trucal lile in the Unite Bsastes at s swnve, cannvy, whw rsrere nIdd o wnass 0eit adhcane fssanesse coves, nd ~ne feinie geie lnds a.fnaifendaec pw nail,  SOCHT THROUGH LITSRATUUI 227 IOCIfl THROUGH fLhTEATURE 227 SOCan.scuou00 LIERAR 22? Thre wanather ancicn pmSo bclenging to these cotatoy tint fund o.ed See Joa, nno n a oa typint at hin epeal. TO.t was te Jeait Matsi do Bonanecea, aebuse "A~lceocit Sog in Viaew of a Diaitltaaienot' wnotld prachably have. non tinst plae popolaty poll of tf, teatooe of the oeentreah mommry. liscporeltothiTkaey: Anme,etoote Mo-nirMay, fes tat of peane wioli hlaf aod wjinh the norld. tie appeatt at the balcoy owinow of bin onciasecand lees hian eeredeon ilh 1®iong oc the meanopode and tinod dot dittn nonert Hencdfa atnt rns.,totnthe acha of ailw nartby Sadly be ofliersthat brook, ot,fieh, andhbbd aeall joyful and tire, while ha o- lie in tertured and petato pents He docidiot to ratjoo de Nigioo reate anti join threm. At this .en of reit a hawk oep down farm tho sky gurbte lee liete to taloen and ecan oft inn opoec. With a ehoddon ot atoprettoen at 'cat night have befallen him, the monk ne- thde elette w^6t a tatting of uno, an thet need, ning in his meind. lf1lIn"eay 'fe eetitroho .. tornn fie I chf ot tact rp Its-el, and xhoP! lac They. The toem it wnotee wioh .ctoidenahle feeling and, in a nasy, chaneesc the epoch, lee lift, litatolere, and tociely at a webate fellow the oentent that taotno, nloich to coe wancriy tdit i-he toedictal nwold of Soano in the dayt efm be loy. Heat itlt world of gent tccaat tre rdi dn.WCeabat to behold the oheoeocof tudeiefa buildingo te i the Canibbeotn c werli, pacolll tMdict, to obews preat ciofthia fact Thet or ueito mcatteltlieei the t dan of the Spanish Nor, Weld. Wilet Nat cteh , ith theta aon handt, caved a ta.a out h metthe -irlol n, Spanish Aerecaco moed theerlraa se ,co~menrcndeele. The hyaeinh sooo empire God.od for aver hncl Canqai ndee and paletu had clone their wan wnell tint m hetia anuoton er nposed oa nendy the whole eart ofth paente-dy iondependenitioe epltl oor ente o left,aoretandynctoing ntoolyeaamble totnr eettanrclUrte e ntt which thes lodetcdn thirten cooic oedd lmw, Goit,- ,Aln in thin end oneiona ther ten American dream of demacoacy. And so the rood of ecloa nial timee ic Spanok Amrica There nan ancothr Medaftpeer, helonging te the 00carntotuy thit peaduced Son Jeana, waho w a r mer lyp-im Nt ha rpoth Thistwas the Jesuait Maclot de Becanegsa, wetw "Altegorical ttcg in Vewo of a Ditlioeiononeeoo outld poably hoe woo linst plane na popalairy pollef theifeaaeao ofiloenreetonthceatoey. lia porno Ico this trry: Ae rank,o raf telnte it May, GIc ottfyoecwithohinetf and withothe woreid. He affrntoat then talion window o ise ruor, and Jan hit cyatnwandeanwith longingoror the ceatoyidde and toward the dreet eoo atto. He aetice ahnce singing an the ncheeo aa M r cilrtahy. Sadly heoeflectta brooore,tfihyotdand tany atjyfulocd free, while his tree life io tertred and potato. pert fHr dcide, to the e octlo. lt atd join Wcm.e Althin -o of totnahank ortonp des frm , he ach, teh e lionet int in rattan, atd scar off into opeoc With a shudder of apporhenden otwhat rtight hoe hetoten blat, the toth amttt the cleister with n faelit, of dation, no elan nodo tint in his mind: lf loary hfrewhilr inO an ee free, I hlo not trao my liberty, nd ahot Eom ThA, The poem is netitto with coaideochle feelirg ndr, iso a way, ,hoactrive the epoch, fee lilt, liaton, and noeetyetsarwhttc fallow the monk into that dttete, which to there non tocarity, tnditic- the meedieval world of Spaire in then dayt of her glory. Thotitnwat a world of gere hcaaty, non wai deny. We hate hat to tohod the oordo of religiaus buildings it the Caribbean cornies, poodecalaoly in hree, ta ta proof of thin fct Three at gate of retnehable tonelineto in the diadem of lthe Spanish Nan Wortd. While North Aceerine, with their tom haodt, caned o in cat ti the ocildesr, Spanish Amode r s oaimdstee atgr frelvl The panihclooltempe ecurodfoeverthew ontne.. Ctnqoiodancdpeiettbad dne flenaoneanlthaacelonial institutions wre imposed conetnearly dhenwhoerew of the preoent-doy indeptndcelnoitn. Veny Stile foondret ototry wa lfrcml mw rmolycrab m m UntdcrStaen into which the indepetodet thirteen calonies could flow, rnnoing aleng it thin enpatit their awncAmet-a dtrom of doeaoey And on the sedof etianil thnetinSpanish nAreries The r anoothe Meicoe pet, Ieiengig to the tatne ecant, tint pedced Sto Jeona, who nea fa noro typtal of hit epeci. This woo the Jitnet Macla do Ifersncgon, whine "allgoeica Song in View at a tiitittnianoentt wasl poahaby hove non fleet place a 0pepotartty pol of the tirataoe of the wntretltvh reoneuy. Mise pen11 teio tsoroy: A teont,, one aifteeon in lMon, fuela .o ofpecenwithimslf otn.ith thenworld. Ileow sontethe balcony wnfdow of bit monwaery' and ter hw Wpet wander wit lungitg eoc the renonm, and t arod the dittan tnat. ftnatioec a linet tinging at the. benane aoe a wier, nay. Sadty hr nlri that batok, nte finh, and bind o n i joyful and tree, while hin mwt lieo in tnrd and peano pent. Ha dnidro to wsuc the retigisrt tt ad join thea,, At thin moenta of criseta hank soop down from the shy groto the linnenin in taern, ond soarc oft into spur. With a thodden o at pprehenniat athnit might hove Wellen him, the noak meeteat the deosmo with a feeling of elatien, at three.-ndo ring in bit mhind: ljlliety lef ahiiolhannto fer latoll net taco my iesl, nd sall Eoe Ther, The pocm in neiet- with .eetdd-ale fooling acnd, inr a way, chonacoceiee the epoch, too lie, firenon and cecity a a whale fallow the meek into that cdaicee, nHh to theurna ncol, tr'adition-the medeal woold of Spelt in the dayt of bee glony. That it woo a world of atot brearty one wilt deny. Wa bhnt hat to hhoid the tinotond, at ecigloat ttoiding in the Canibbomn cornim poodeatatly it Menict, to e¢ prof of thisonct Thoe one gemse of remundablie tevellnens in the dine of tie Shangsh New World While North Ar-uecm, with their wtt booth, cavdaf oat of the wildamon, Sponish Aauee waised thoniatgnotmonwoannofedivtoit. The Spandah tolnia onopiee codacd foe car three eentrcrt. Cenqoolotadne and point hod done their wooll n well that colenal inttiotioneeopmdonoronly thwohlrocentefohe peet ay independent sn. Veoytlittlefoon tiae teeyna left, certainy nthing remotely camparottle tof ate oteant United Ste in whieh the independent thieet cetonr o lnd flon, theoyietg along hain tat oosion thee, now Ametlern dream at demon ay. And so the end of cooni tmenu in Spannh Ameram  228 The Caribba at Mid-CUntuX7 228 The Caibbean at MLid.emtwry 228 The Caribbean at Mid-Centuy a pemaay a pelitirat aun. The Spunieri a cr¢ e ntt, the Omelet twok ever, huesm inctlids, mmained eneanged. TFhe wentty poreired. tonlally ad spiltenlly, in ec indepsadene lin liteary Maeltee and Singen of the Revoldeit fr lae ,andene arid littl en the picture Andras Belle of Veonolia, ste reat cteynip otf Smnoth Aet m ietleteeter eten v attl Lneden rice bern rndedd tite ring1 tinefut,.ggme ceinsi Spain. In Laaen heawmt, and Jpbliehed bin cs aeuiatn, amereilc merat fl Vcrnllin . aeflenhe e w ed otnlatmmeWtmdstnrt Enealso where the had rte a .,sttn and caet l Ameh, He earm eateled thebltameh prrancd the ferilityeoffthr tin, paised thne tinrple crnn tieh idandoitct meritnf a eplir ni B ntr iet t, maetd n thed eta tof lity. ofhiea h seen en Eta gdt e irdrisIndetl.We hiLe left L edenhe true en Chile enhort he syreth e tetneider elbn lie, eonded the rnletity, end hewanmse agive mnail ederater h intret en ideteli men lnpnit en Spanish Aweeti elsan9 m asomnontnanh r . en t an -o e Tln weeo noa misd inht c etette emlmn r hit stative tend, pnie n nieb h aloldpdm a hto thb le nd ansn a in diern dent. Joe th aiaMcca elf Cua, win tedded tier many yn fIn the Ijreled Stetet, Metier, nd Vaera en ie from bin naite lad wna the fl'tne owlat pe ct in Spaecit Aemriane rxert Me laced the Caribbean ernh, end hanud n nay.HMe prireil etao teteatn fietc fera painting the traned y of t he eaiida ins th preereceofehe get nesntlenteofttoeand thbe .aeor tniyIhet Oaenda -anrepe its eneti w acheythe oemett labeatn tihol wkcani tirh~ are th ael bete el tine tee f faith in inthu wtneging n-ite of the tneerly fedlne hietnndee de Luaedi of Meire, knewn beet by bit pen netmer 'The Metnia, Thiber ne . at 2ntre a nelin. wh endtir liewve deerte in printing net the sapwe end therei ehieb ntn d ira end hin detete oi etmane and pebntthl nenenetentean nai- mn clan He s teen itened for ettceg the seleay and en- wrnmuaNleed far defending Mhu Freemiann, bet bin ral kunw no it bussy a peiatrerel. The Spaniards cer mted, the Creler truthw vr bnt itedetia rumaled enchanged. The -I.,n Perfled, oenany end tpisitealy, in te indeperara The ntrary Mehern end Skagen nf the Heeane-e fer lade- pendleme add little en the pillt=r. Amelede nbe af Venaaesa, the great enirin nf Spenith Annuren tleter, Tca ninen ran in Leaden aeer being ,.ereed theme darig the straggle agaivet Spain. In Leaden he ate and pebliehed his So mrmw afot the -.ena ef Vaasia, tin be he called en aemoe en desert I,-,ep nete she bad beam, a prentnete and enta t= Ateerir. M netltled tho heatyre the prnnb, oa thu fetlity of tae trtic, praled then smne], reenry ife, disdaind the t as two merds of a replica of Iterpecav eniry, tad edit thue PM-e nf liburty, which he tare asn ngddes who tieed clone te the seil When M. lleftrndon, he were i Crhletwere he It thetsninde of Nit l f Iuded thne ner, and beeate. a great- onrtse and edacetn, rub left an indulible clasnic iteprinr on Spenieh Amcme ,nln-e TLere teat te point in hits ertereing en hit attie lend, far he esthd since rird rennet feun itancru and Veneeel, ured by the tee of inrdnaey wseetphrysil thentbltcandceantrllectnn dance Jotr' Maria Meredin en Ontha, a-hortedded fee many yents en the United Staue, Mern, ted Veneal-l, an mile freer bin nmais, ]and,nwaecoetit ntertcpoeet inponilttttettetnleen. Me Ineend the Casibbean rerbt, sad betel tyranIy. itpanepe et. tribation, aide term paritng the tragedy of the indvidual in the grtauf de gtniesnt ofete tnatutreandhnsnatmptof dears, ae to gire vieda] nd henedl enpeste to be deep m fily to tins Calhtneme landeale hin reaati eleerhely, bit subjectiv clakente, of tseneno abie ea= ltetn, bate of Site ernni schoel, and tesb in thincaaaepeq.ntpeir af'er- tee of fais the e-eIng moreie of the nown, freted ceude, mFertelede do Liecud i f Metien kinown Ien, by Its pmt namur, 'The Mendan Thinker," t mar not aiL a tle nire olife twas dcented to pointing or she ranneandaoht itihnnmrotdrd him, end his decauo aticle and parepifets nonre a larin cr1 elena. He talt inpwinned fur ahieg rte neloeny and as. crtnonia tod for dweedian the Freentatass, bet bin reel te no lseptnly a pniet]errac The bpcniada se ncaetthe Cuntknsca eed, a b rtt itde n ereained cechanrod. THe enlany pseneteet seriasY ptnd spirit aly, in des indepsedcne The tiean Maker and Singe.s of the Ruenletint fee lnde proae aid lidttl enhe pictee Aeders, Helpe of Veauea, the gre[ at lorit of Spanish Aneeriran letme n ianee yuah in linden altr being hnanded thre= daring the titnggle eg at Spain. In Lenden he werote and pedbiebed hit Slhcer t-iartnm. aftertme tenereofVergi,inin omrdhtalsede m oren deere Swope nebere the hatd becere e perntitte and wsr to Amiene. HMtoo esxiled thneatlnpthe pete, and the folsitilyuthe metalm, pinned the simlet wmr tife, desdaed the city ar te manhofla replietfinrepecne', andnstan hpme3nnf libert, wehich hre seer at a goddesa nehe bred rine mt the not tpltn HellrWtLndanbeecet tr Chile nerhspetthetteatinder ef hiselifn, fandadtet-modtity, and heotearm leegvurand edeoter who left an indelible altowtin mprint en Spsnith Ameusina clmts, Ther wsen tas point in hit moining en bi tanat lentd, fee be nomlad that utind enent futee naentu and Ve n l, sougd bythe tras ti ieteedn, near a physical thaammblee and an intelletee deatt fJealiMeat Meeia ef Cuba, whbe xeuded fee emy yetre In siu finited Sonnet, Meow, an td Vwwrat an xile da® his s e eamdnwathef nrEecetrpncstnpoth Artedlpree .MHe loved the Ce hryent end hated tranny. kill pritnipal ret trteia aide wre patnting the licrdy of the indinhee a in the protence of tegsit messtiyetci at natnrand the nwampef titue. weattmginrc italtudeetifelrnpruttmttttluisderptetihe sleey It the Caribeano lenderap, bin mmoail alhwlyf his, romentalic hotbe and ofeebnm thin h are th ethaetie, ,e lIen ef faith in the ionig mretiun nf the byeey fre watdn. at.emdr de LisoAd of MetierI benot p bel t by bes pen n ae "Thau~ Me olean sihga," wan eanmerdtreliah btiauemlife'nwf dheed In antn not se ankere end abwte wehicb serttaed ainm, and bisns doec of erire and porephlet nere . a latne. salt en rloen. Hew ci r fote enatler, sacterory and on- creamanrased foe defedng he mtaFresmoinne.b hbin reel inew no  SOCIEY THOUGH LITERATURE 229 SCIET THROG rjn Auruu 229 SOCETY THROU LunEATRE 229 end. Saturated ritb the ravolutior ideas of the Freh linae- almp etc, br foutdedl paper alr pae to glee domo filo tap~rs- aio. Asoo aae petoidan aobaredaordied, he fonded anthoa Mrs 91 peeniqlloooroiero (18t6), weab Pear appereod i aeialfaaoelbaalrernealledtbefiatporidAeraoto-. The protogaoaf doe bark, Pirolh", a rguor t-ers, pao. Mmedropaie rawortaceslhimself firtooaroegim dere an orq rsucbing ortnaghaarotc s ranlitie lea I way of spakolg ha is . habo of Mmno acity. His eap eoa prara cata ple af the apmodig, teaidn, aartao peoplr of Mexica, ragged, vattolly chaed, erawdieg alarm toe ford skllofthn am ttarmy mb le aorket tide, sniffing fha goad orlolaWeglo the dirt and conftlor, ittattably ord balteala bttgry."' The prattlemt of euaintraeroeopiedlhemtompletly. They wer W~t pnduet of an mor[,o colontial pado dubt-ftetg the asofrfaows, Yutoaroleafroheif mergaoatopleaf tha Nvlcan people, a, I tort risatla, inhoote, beat tmeible Sy mic, too.i ac df the vry faew piarda be wehiech the autorapaotahitmselfoatrfa o«demae. Pr~aolqlothe pea tagraia, load beeo caod and tarater wehile dti>A. mtoire eraran, rpr a, he, tira bitndlor, eald[ lahrd. ly o toy he, P m-aiha irorthehboaggaeaatrr Thatandiarrmyyenlbe Of, eaotir omaoyoa G flonoto ry When iodpaac etfnlyotacelttertytttt rrdigof aatcac Colo rod PS dado, idoe asery tootIat lrrad by politial otndanmt'cals aaoh y , Eoe,ohrladruahS imet Tder Oimoacet rae attablished ar r d fl locaL he opn to otidg ,no prven durig mhe r0, beor eanrybeadotk booinre. Thenert, ta lord tar mb tto iotly wok areomd hc'aaee daroa f tlternawtaoea Oaly ir this way rotm ~h ae prr. itrenp ywat at -docare ba drtlood m anbaiu badre iteoe ondtcd tanrd. Tlo ark of age, roat shatteted resryoand ar wer rearPloid of dtr. Stala findatostt hepaoeptbet,a aotnloklbegantlomere Lrcacorecdidtiro ealthdgieic tthre latte,. Ilrwaototpoidlfr,oaed ofndtaad l eat it. Jr did rond gol, anidlheoriadttoito.Tb two arot apoetrart eara--ttaf tlhe tamtarea aroaay, tloe lRe- end. Sotnated with the caolatiaarry ideasof rI French Fatty- elapedita., be ytttdad paper afloat paper to ire tan futl eajate- nbc Ac tWr ore periadient nwatoarnd or died, he fouaded atnde, l yeiqotlloaornieo (l8t6), whlich Puaopycord in s~lfortm, her hn armled thre fusat Spoish Antoent-a natal Tho peatagrat o f aba book, Prillo, Is a ra, anti-et, Jtfaoeo a Mealcn aait wbnho t bns imtsalf fit rtir ragoarloa then rabs, eaetdgoteeaaghetteretrtitoer Io nay of aprahiag he is atymol of MetiernaCity Hi, otapeeien present " ler Pitre of meo eproolig, letrig, te Woc WW pople t Metieur, togged, eternally cheated, eroediec above the lard tthein]h eo altog, doe maorket tide, taify, the good matestreough the dit and eaafonioalalabtyand hpalnlp heagt,,0 The peallenoaf eabtiateac accuaid Ibata aroplealy. Theyractia Product of aa ieavoyanlmaiolrbtaaelrg ahe path of pmae o,, yet alerel eahedyiog the treat loope, tf the Mexicor people at yet ferata,, ionoa.e bot ash neteadlo Sytolic, too, is cr of the emy fae ttireea it twhirl the aaiorary r I eo edmr elnla h emo , had hrm rhbbed and beart erhl droatby Ar Iediatt tooror, poor at he, ,iayt him eldot and foodCat tlrpyouced, pedqo,llrtt-m-cetheaaggdaewtar. Tkea.aiormayort be mrersaleatiaaefetoeoyraCobrae le-mny. henr irdapendare roar fially Iofrared, in the early Iti2t, .a. ttling of wers Cotta ard Puoe Rica, dr. eerly toot fat- lotted tby political aed c omnati ory. Eerylikeg had to he iripeined. lnmmnoctroaoar ecolnhed noe day at1 fell thre ae The opit tf btradag. a pteeialert tiig the tear. becamo cteabrdl'n lootio The gererot, rho had ra thre eoren drin ork rear rad becara the daptaof tmte area olar.a Oly in tki'eway teat three, peace. Fteyerof teama had dearload doe had ad ittycrdthad oh, prapte. The ae colonial artel ofa h baldieg load wc o arend. The reek of age, teat ehottrd. Saciaty and oo wer oar taruperio'd of rseo. Stotely, ot fian rarara hepaceetibly. roan artlook begatnarege Literatura did ttie and give cola, todoaefotar. 11twroo paid fa, and neede a oldootti it. Itdidteed aga aoideolhow i, and thancit hod. MTlo namurot tmrpaaae -croeno, of the nineteethl coolcry doe Re- red. SaanooldrlwitaWe reolutionary idesofthe bFrencahEy.- aapaditi, be ftuaded Vppe after popre to give doer yall repea- nia s er at one periodical rat looad tor died, ha foundetd anohe,. tFl El yoai,aifkanoeia (1816), ewhich fint oppa,.d ia rtalyafoo, latsheCalltd theitSpanoish Atrie^n1, Tlhe peetagonb t oe he rk, Paadqolr, ib a actor, anther,. pfeaa a Mextea paaie rho attes biotolf firt tmorgaricrn sier totathet orgrat eghol oarebtttatat iltfe.lro torent "ate pherr of doe opm-frima, taaadag, s arolg prple of Meao ragged, eterallty cheated, ccoadiog atort doe ladetl m rhugh toan a otoede rokt tide, aida the good ,mth~ threugh tedit a and yr nfonito, inatiably ad lootatrely m,ata The p oblemt of dshetec eoidteepaey They terr the prodoct ofat or ottovaryn rlatio Ino , otatofg aloe pat ac pget, yet dooelord etthop he. gaot bale a. the mmtlo peap oel, at yet frle, ineuoat, hot iedcttatble Symbalia, ta ito on of theCry free r itdra bne te the aoor Voatits hinnelf a tte of ea hlaae d-1 peiqla l e m- roola, lord beet raobbod -ted beaten ..white drb0 ortdia teanan, paot ho, fies hin e lcaben od fookd. D h, srpya tbed meaaiolaermo enmerWtdcrre. The IndAm oel oyyaha ladlra innaedece wao firollw. iy rofiod, atha mearly 102'] wrdieg of oare-s ola and orno Rica, doe worary rasns go lotod bypriol adcrerre aaoch . tavrybaogadtmaha tarpsratsh. Coaotrata teare etaltithrd mau day and fril the rear. Tbc apiti ofo okaeg,soapre-..hntdoedtheaevhe biroe fialy traok rar ta beamot th dieoaf the wn mtaa Orly 'a lnyto heta peoce. P iftren yenta of otclr nl dneaed doe bend -te iapvraaloed oha people. Tloegerte ootonolttfclrbaildieg loodeMar we to hre aan TM sl r, sho.dstlmsadm a ate tlprod ofd thast. Statello, y0 fitre( aOt itperepotly aeta k abegaatnergr Litatid ti oanadgfd vaeatrva Iodaftte ltt oapaidlr~anceeealbatoa it It did rad a gald, an ideal Mka it, and thew it had. The tno root imtparant rtoioeotaeof the nerclentt mr~ty, moe Re-  230 'TheCaribea at Mid-Cenuy 230 The Caiben at Mid-Centuzy 230 The Caibbean at Mid-Cmtuqy feret, in Mcom (195518.t2) and the streggle agawet Rams in Argentina (ii30-1f52), mere carried en aidthe aid "at a hage motof lieare.ns" Politie road Hitmaneo 'acre ayooryeroo for agetoertian Thehbao limorraluraawitleabytdointuiticlal libeale, the elidaal "eon." there who dnelird the epeact' Sanea Am.a mad areas. Teir weitinge haiped datbootes the ya-. and finally they found thereal... ...moral of the peaurannt, as prt idene end eabinttimtos Tha -acriteasl literatare at the clala nycphuota had core [met te polia barb of the authe of iedendaae pointed at the inatie of maea. They jutffied rho toaye of the berm re poerelt end oatonatired the napeabica dreae. The cor, ortchceob, sketer of atetac and mare., becama a otene nd geenio regientl eupression. Petsitiviceebeetme a p,-refiW fence an Caribbean lie. Material devetpeat ween it, matecoad. Thea areeque, if bhtmd er wnetoid, mue go. The aloh beteoenearaotnal fedalite and indontaal apiunn man jiiod. Socie war plt into too geoups: theta ehe mere yourn to lead, and thoecwhodid ntmwaotohfelna. The seannitye fa. celontal part teemed ao many maere attaratice thee The tansin Peenate of the future. mhe rew ntaa ee xncting thetnelelm Ia diareea na reality, a rm hams and belief ta loeieusactiee andfor the teety wbieh ohy lngedn to aitice. men new Caribbean stras, after half acemtey of ntcggling board detaaroay, mhfon continned to be a ehimera hetmen the !lurhe ef nnaehete ere finally eyread and made to fnoeo effectoely by another wcae- of dictatos Rafely Naler, of Colombia; Roina liatni and Euleado Caberna, ef(iama; Gnarmuda lla, of Venezuela, and P rit Diaa, the dictator par emoallec, of Menic. Tere n.r brught peelads af stabilit, pie, eonoaic eopaotio. MatecI progens hcore the panacea of a whale geetati of dictatoc They rsncetd the ateaegy at the eoqaoe, hoecled denideo tor e mom ountld, opeuated The caolada nefoo of landlordt and day lahmory, it The muen acheovient to their higher vali. The ad- woen eane ta, lad at can -taod and gite. to tnieds, fereign capitl peerd ib, agicume remained feudal. Roada familiem and lnam were toe af tThn they had heem order Spainsauked. Yet there taoanderand eerproaperiti en he haiaedaand ic oes. farma, m Moedee (1955-18]2) and tMre tiggla agaioat Rotmt i Itogectina (1830-1852), were carned ac waith the aid "of a hage amutof literafare." Paliduaand liteelare care snnetoote fan a gorratnian The heat literature ars toee hr the irytelea liheech. the politrcal"uc," there wo deted the tpeaotn, Samta ad Rotas. T heir anrit helped delbeone the lyrant aed finally they faued thnnelens to cnorne of the geoennlenm, at peat' ideetated eahine miritten. ,catiat ea literature ot the aonal cycaphana tad noo hmeooe rho po itical heob ef cheaomee af indepedence pointed at the mitnde of ryoant. mey jnedfied the enact of te heeee to potenit, and ran.oad the repoblican d'ean mheo..doa o cereaf rar, ntreh of cnarmn and neatocn became asabtg anid twode orgional expressioen, Pesitie- became a pomeefa fon in Carban life. Matrial droelopmentutasaittmwathmerd. The piclnrtqa, if heekecard mo rretdled, amt ga. The cleab incfere amidcaltaral feedain and jedentejl reetal wa joined. Saylermwaanspfotiortoegrope:tehoseewhowinetying toelead, and thoeewhodidcnoteeanteofallow. The oeataonyof a relonial patm.medtimumny mare attretehaertheue toai premiues of the ftre, mhe saw tnee reere searthieg themneler no diucccr m ealiy, a new hul, and belief fotr their reaewa and ta the ncety trCit they longed to achier mhe eeo Cribean Mere, after half a rouo'aa of strutggling acd democracy, milo cotined - to be a chimra bevoren the flashen of machteno cre filny eogatdred ad mado to feowr eteofeecly by an.hec geoeadoo of dietaoc Rafael Nelmer, of Calearia; Reina Heamo and Reteada Caboera, of Onnemalaf Goammin llno, of Vmocela, and rfirie lDia, the dicatar pee eacelence, of Matim. Them me, brought priode af stability, peace econemia eeapaonin. Material peaecot Immame the paaea ot a rebate geoetia of eictao. Tey conected the aliteg of the eoaqoiemdao, behe dintibuete int acmon monld, perpetuated the relmnil tacie, of boredle rod day Iaberete, bet the marneaaahmintoldlurhighrrtl. Theritimte erecneaned up, lad -maeedacd and gve. to f i.eam, feigne apital pained fe, agudulur mamed feudal IRal, familin and mndan, mere mne eff than they had horm ndre Spanish rino. Yet tHere rot rder and even preapeelty on the haciendas and in the towns. frett, in Mod (185518)2) and the euole againt Roeta in Argentna (1830.1852), -ee ared ami th the aid "of a huge aen f literatu re." Paties nd literare mer eyoepuem fat a eneraia The betliteratureowarrwittenbyheoteectal liberals,the wlid,l Int~o," thermwho deoeted tM ty- .t, Sala Atma aed Rat, Their mreiag helped derore the gyrar sad tically they farad th-rntiece in content of the gocoeroct, et pree. tdoct c ca net mieiteoo mhe eorel liteume of the oretlf t Iaalarcte had rae bere The political baTh of the ..thoro of ladepaeern- proutd at heinjaioftouaot. 'lltay jefosdtheeNswayeofrhee-,e he potteety and tatoratad the repobllean docram. Te ..ado, in eaaacfro shaen of eme road eracrt , became raneog and feotine regional elrestiaon Petiiciabecutme a omuteefid force in Crarban lif. Material decelupoen tore int caemord. The piacaoeucto, if backord re mntlad, mutt go. mhe cleab bean agnsltra fnaiain and bed nstrial caitdalint ase paied Soioyma pilt int tmo gropc: the whoesmeerying to lead, and thoewho ddnotwntrogolnw. Thetseceily ofea colonial parttmedltmanyooeataee anthenmortein preeritt of The fur. The a r e m amee neaseng thetnoee to disc.-oa new reality, a reef baitrod blief far eheir acae and fee the-eciely atedt they tnged to aeriere. mhe nem Caadbcart strne after half a eoayr of nonggling menoad demoey, mhih oontireted to be achieeer hre the Itashet of macbabe mere finelly erg ad and mode to faectieo effeedeely by another geneadee at dietatem Rafel None;a ef Colombia; Reina Bmia and Eateada Cabrera, of Ceatemala; forarde a m, of enrains, and Ronniie tra, doe dictator par acaenc, ef Metic. There men brooghe perfads, of neahility, pooce, ecrnaatic eapartion. Materal pergetaecame the paacea of a inhale fenmrdee af dnelare. They restnected the sattgy of the coquelcado, hamlird dissidets ioaah oe moltd, sepefarrtd The coloirat iety of landlorde rodt day taberet, hept The marn o .-nteia to their highr mill , oenide were cleaned at ap, h o mat oaaced and gien to friends, fareignr enpil paned in, opofdtn emained feudal. Rral famhie and Indian, meoftfh thedy bad been order Sprarint. Yen Nther ertorade aduyespanpeeityote hacienda, andinothelaotat.  SCdISY 'TENCUGH UnREMflU 231 SOITY THROUGH DDDAcTUBE 231 5OCflT THROUGH ZZTZZATURE 231 This stability and isne moade pensihte hoirt of doe ft o side- spread literary movseot in Spanish udnemuma hissoes 'Modern- ions' Veoe, cooty; nod roehle dooeri n h preoro genration sreote io great bast and foe a politica peeprn, nos tnoe enart fInt Poliicl londero ar no longer ths betstotrs, bet tbey sebdias tin beat ocier Iteab Dae, of Nicaregeat GtreNnrtijeran aerodNyoenof Meoicerandtttany thrtr ohoee etgieoomry goeonoerttjoh. Tbisgumptoeerseeridend not the doe hoed that ooa fedng thet®. They rooght refnte in an ivory tosrn ettcl syrebatiod the distnce that tepeated he movrorm thirn intettectual leodership, and there irted high the enteat raadel of Spanish cran Ode. The ttodrnnit osritero ee o r a bsticaty mindrd. The orateo r of thron all, Rnh~r Dormo, seas been in Neaaga tired and Seot inS Chl Aeotna, and Spain, ws famtous and idely redin alt Spnshsea king coain. Daritard hit moeep proved evlthooant h meiato an Iaei rlrttes oit tsrrich eh moe'h aterally and ode leenolty andas loa er oa ih.ot frdeadral n mkm, adhdf of tble tong enoegh, feeo the: cream to rho tn ther top, The, oeve In aenherteeOe manry of the rodnnit shnse ehtroesnrt ~~nlmtsof Ohe -roisder ean -hic. the tang-. Dade sear of Spanish- roia-dee N nteodo, a tote reperentaie of tre eurire rame o to may Criton rea.Hs alloy srn ttosng, ifeonstesgecslthanthat offaoflteeeginlearer. tenttlear, the todrdtorte se ovrarcsihOssbrtreote f Wmaor etiatiine, partiselecly thoat of Prance, and an their ew podhoeI, they theme all e f the ew imatecs er he ceetle ewni reot etlojog dottorecly nets and Amercan emerged Fost this vseooaiet rnodeorosa a deeply Ameia aoeerent. If it roelys ehndth nesaddte nly-atthe ceteatneocd kig, da t o ered onthe peopte awheleee that their caltrton or anaieadsothy at that of any ero tint mtheesa ret opiotoal and ca.i oean oner in ttteie anidrt shih oanty needed can aoaasntngititooed nperteanenewoldracdcai., Snob kowktdge lee a tsay ef siln one een to the iltita. B no the odemtiots did mae thantide. They defior the sprioat epoty Nat seas Spandthehe Unrit and sheetn seheremn tder loom that of BErepe an th Ulnited States They treok the ouneital Tis stability and tnienre made peesil the b' of cantfiro wide- sjoeed rIhenay moeent in Spaninh American hithey 'Modeen- re? Verse rayn, sad nvete, dtaoing the proerwr genteete in gncat hase and frea poitieol pneo, or, mme ar inlt anero me poticablteadeno ore no Intee the estr weire br OqhesrNbae s he ent A riee t m~ teth r , of Nicaragua: CotidEree Neljem and Anade Nevee, If MThier and snany r.hero nho Issee gisen easy greernosoont pjoke. This gcap of wsen did net hire the sand Nat ts feeing shear They antrterreein on leery tosser ntie Islyr eardthe pdistartee that 1W epaenled the tee(m their ntellectta ledhiadtreild high the ctlrtn fagede alipeih Amedsican s dile ThernofctrlInortrreneetetrastidrilNymnded TM ofgreatet oft lt, ARede Dade, sees her in dicaagen, tived ted sert.i Cie Agrsirra n Spain, wn farear an d seidely rea inalSai heang enmntie. Dadeo and hit nroep proved thatfSpaeeMh mrndnacme ofage intetltmaleerme Sany nasdehrnngb hh seily andodis otrot, adhadhtsbee stalone eroah, forre e hcor to tie to the top. They ore I w lt ma eo ne~eranyofthe moernists encete erfeeetieiesro reoiehthey rng Daesr of Spanish raceo of eo mayCekeraer i uysa ,srng, i than negrrdhtrthatofaiyof thedg ialle tetretadtsee the... r¢edeothan sithat wef eneeytor to sdddo the eth er eetreI Western cidvItren, ar'ieInIIoft hat ef edy ad In theie ae peedotiem tiory mheallo these inflerans into 'ItMre cneibt eth seettioangdittrd ner, and Amtnreivanmerged- tean ski Irent rndremison sos a deeply Amvrica roncaon. If it kngnetaeahraes andthenonly asche sthateeof taeoted king, it as Iavt preed te tht eepoe art sehole that te Weeae seat . on oliv ad oerthy as to f dy miatien that athr ser grt ortna and enttart fot iome thi deiin sei m oly needed kewk gimaatIeosngiveeitn orld pe ernd se-ld a celaintSe bnonledhe hoyrsey of otilig doeono e to thfie iliratt Bu[he meicei did mere than tin. They dfiedthe spirtnt qenlitytat oas Spanish mAmerica, andshsdseherein it dilfeond fenlm tatf teeroPcaed to United Stte. They t o1hthenodmmla Thin tability and lisure made ponihlr the hiet of the first side- srenad liteary movmnt in Sipatish Amercn steyMadern i. Vees, oety, and roeeh, daring te pnesda generation sern ewtr n get haste and fr a politica leeptee nos irne arart fere Potiticdl leadens te no lesge theb w hrsiteo, burt they rebridire the het vreole Rehdr Drm, of Nienaga t Onottee Oduje and Amrado Nern, of Meniet end many otr seho seem ove ea., gasoon- lohn Thin ntaup of ceitng did nra hite the hand dons ws feedng theet. They reegh ordngin on ivery neer sehiek opeholined mhr disrtae that tparated rte ranres fom their intelletnoof ladeeohlp, and there lifted high the cettal firade of Spanis American life. Thr onserrin eelte soerne ntooeotsticlly amided. The geet of them all. Rnhnln Danir s hero in Niearagua, lived and serte is Chile, Aeger-i, and Spain. see fretot and seidely read in all Sparith-peeking conrio- Drumh and his grenp proved mdt arithtonerieatsadcnoeefngoem rltelea. Socete wsear ieh enoagh bat materally and intellectnalty, and tad kee .tual tng eousg,forhttmamrterise tothecop. Theyswrm rte cem In aveoer tsrre, oar, many of the reodent seve citamonistic of the reeteden from sehitr they eport. Drain sent f Spanish- todan-Negn enerte ton repennte of the emerging ,dria rek of to rany Carilhanoseor. Hit alloy ott omutg, ifn o uener, thantthat ofmyeferiginaloesn. Frarhemtee the morderatotsrisnt enereetoot ric the, ether titetter of Western ciodizatirn, particrlnrly shmot I alPane nd in thlean poermn they thnese III of then inlece tote the wtetbe onel renething are d, cdyese and American emged. From Ohio vieswyoint redernien sear a dulpty dAerca msmet. If is r-re, .,ched rie tanes and then only at the mcetsof au.e-od king, it or t Opaed to the pst asa whole that thei elrane saaaliveoandnertyas tof .1eynaio matrtherrsar geat aspeln and nctrlt ootns thei rnidst swhich rely needed cmaaatiotogive itseold peesige andsereldoetlahe. Such knrotkdge her a tony of ilting down rees te Ohe illismee. Brat the reoiseois did more than this. They defined the rpioionr qonlity that seen Spanish Aseeie, and tmoond wheren it d'dfetsd from that of Eueepe nd thr United State. They sank the enrnl  282 The Carbbuan at Mid-Centur 282 The Crbuan at Mid-Cmtury 282 The Cariban at Mid-Cntur7 Itadittos of thop, peoples and toads dtho fian set fmum, ch.u. goving them uovertaily. As wrsite.s their Tran,nlsy high that they almsow See oe Wheir Amotion her c-lshatd indkpendonot from Eape.p And despite their la: feIh oal msr, they eae tiched a reeling of npiritoual broterhood among tinemelets and antong fiheft nations. While the modernists soared into the higher flighte of fancy and ennobled the ma0gmc destiny of mean, there wee other perhap lest ientecd, osathes Italianl novelists, and wner of regional sketches, who gene a clearer picture of ordinaey dailly life in sloe Csihhemn eossnoi The modeense wore tht eltte, else daily coeeonil of sto bummmdosso tree sote of badl iers taseoteed by the post and teable en ososp into the Wodor msos, of familfy life oreserd end deoynmd by nioteone, is the gins of she reaises A Vemeesselao novelist. Oenalo Piclo Fehees. 1860 lle sa seethe stetrono milh thee lies tunde the ccesstc ie this socioly the unseesy oa srreantstl the innpeleno er eseld, tho i orme are able to shins bilhotly. A foew lobe, word, of praise in noee snnapee, paid in advnce, halds ate pestige aonog the fanaties and igtoeae, sod Loe los to the eonpanfimeee of muach sto,etheemndaecman beetea gootigre. Tltooecwholieein the cruntry, if able to acceeeselaleacsons et-nr, son find it taken ay frot thoum by there d Icadoss, who kooso the politiciaren aeh h o d ferpin wtadvn n sa n rheeod. In doe nove El ears, Felpe, 1899, Ficm, Feberm rips offthabo handageso d lesehoecoe ron Tise boek is dcdstndeo"Asthnhon hacdornting peepte of Vensontstho teat victio of ourciv rs." Sga s..Pnody. -ond fifteen ares of tade a ions coffee oes,, acrolield, scne line seach. Heot ek ido in his weok, wa ahle to Ier comfortably. A Veuselanip revolutin brke tot Flipe wo cooeed. He fought brovely, sea wnn dd and op.os-enral seeks i sasiliasy hopiss In the en enno pihee- ism bandsnef mldio, frost both sidro, dowe off his stock. teom up file mrn;t asd when tho rean minteasd hsome his whio wsna dead, Isis bose nes horned to the geood and his oeghtn con tine cbi of the nearby lendowroer. Folipi kils the todoween and reoemnissaiod by heeling Iticoell loom a cltff His death is sytohl of ton suidhie of hope which baa tokcs plece in en moasty taditions of their peoples nd roads thero into an set fenrm, thus giving thtem snivertalty. As wsimeo their quliy woe so Hih sis they alto woo Irm their America her ealfesal idependence tenet PEueepe. And denpisctheir ladhofst kecroocial mnoithr aost- lobhed a feeling of spirimael brotherhood aenang Ahruls end While the esoderss stored into the higher flights of leery and nnobled ther tre destiny of moan, more esr other, peoh., toss ealeoted, soste, sslisti novelists, sod neitoos of reomt kthebrfir who tone a cleare picmar of o~rdiy daily Et in doe Osofhhee ceuocis.The modernists nem the olit; the daily cerewedofo the hudndts, the eatse of hello lie.s trotaed by the pest ostd unable so eacaps into te broader tstttro of family fH oproerd end dotewyod by nioleces othe gois of the resho. A Vesooselon nolist, Coomle Tomf, Fobrs 1e60-19t8, lot s n ee simmedssmilkthfiesu ndr tl ese. Inehirsmcitl stoworthy or scesiod, the insurent oreoald, the ilttrane amc able to eloie ailhinly A fewo le wnords of profocin sm osw,,,e, paid in ado. o, holds op Prentig among tin fanatical and imooet ,ostdhbefoeesIntmotheccopanment of mr tos,oeeedo, reeehcwesagrsas fito Tinsowhofiein the cosneey, if ao , ec ooo.a a oerc, co find is taken assay frans ehem hy them elink trodert, who feonmer the pctitcios, and geserale,.Theswoundseofcomeptimo,poerty, and vioteneoam rover hetale, In the novel El e....ges1,, Feianyos, Picat. Foms rips off the haedagelmtsnToso or. Thechook is dedloeedemotheeote hardwoeking p"milk of Veneaela-the wsea nice or . an wore." Serfeot Pelipe acoo d fifteeon noto ad lnd coffmie l own, ,onod some livo soek. He tooak pride in kin weor, ne ahs o ie a csaformaby. Ae V.eofsroa revalto hrke oat Fellperecocl d He fought brvoly, woo sadodp , and opnsseeo csis a miimsoy hosptal. to tho enae ilag Iing hands o fnmlold s, fro hoth nadon, modo org his stock tore.m iadwc ae rmn uwrde up his hewset d hore to the gowd sod his d ghlamatrot te ssm Raf th.-aby ledsoe. Fei kills she lacocwsor and csoseoitn mc eir-ie by heelaing isolf fronm a dlit. Aue dot is a eproirl of the owde of hope which ba taboo place it so mossy tradifions of ther peep~ leand moscoe them into an art Emmao thus gong toem uivertalty As woltee thei qosliy was en high that they alo won for their America her cidsscot indepgednc team Essope, Anddesjite theirlackhof aheenonil no, theyeola- lished a feeling of spidls broterhend amoog theen es and ateong terntos Wite the miodernststooed int the highec flights of funoy and enmbkld die taec destiny ot roan, there scere oethe, perhps les Waeskoraimrn~a ad o rgoa rmstees, sosen a olrar picure of ordicary daily life in Asa Coirerihatnstn.i. h The eedoeoimst wor the sel tho doily oseitof tier hadoam, the loa of litle ies numeed by the possandunalole teoscayeio te brooder fuor,of family life upopred and destooye by niolne, i.t oh goiat of mhe realism. A Vonorooloss oselst GOenl Pleat Fehlm, l8ft-I9I8, lets n se the slmnd] milk thus lires under tie cem. tn thai society the sonkosy or ccofaL the i nconpet are.esalo, the igenoan are ableiehne bilianly. A irfteepodsnofpoieisseme nonspaper,paid in advannehuildtop yonnoigamog thefanetical and igoton, aned heror len, to the zccempanimeet of mc mien, the moodi sire oat beesmea grst figure. Thorrsshotivein the cem"y Ht able toacompla s oce , oson find is taint. away frrm tre by tens dick leader,, who hecoee te politieiant and gwosna Thre oonds ofeserptiost povsty, and ioloresamc sown broid. In the noneI l oor-asee tFoops, 1f99, Pisan Fehre, ripe oft the handogrsand lotthsoesnso. Thehbook is doelicnedttwtehanMonr has-dwokin people ofVnemon--0mhfrl noion of oorciil scott a Sergeoo Feio sned fiflern au of land,. ae tow r teens, a .ofield, toeee lire slok. ie boo pride in hos wokl, wsos able so live com f11,1,y A Voneroeln oto broke oat Fellce wo ateesiped. Hec fought heavily, wa econdod, and nysseoroal weeks is a mtlitery honpisal. In the ereantinse Pillag- in, hands ef eldicot Iro heth sides doe ott his work, tore up hsis frm; and when the sogont ren d hoe his ode orot dead, his hoom, not horned to de aeeumd, sand his doaghb r coos she asimsof the neaby landowne Felipe bilk the landonnr and comto semide hy hssolig hiansef from n Tclif His deth is a sycail of the esticd at hope ehich has lhen place in so mn  SOIEYSHOUGHi LIEATURE 233 SOCIET SavR~tC LITEATURE 981 lOwlEY THROUGH nyTmTvas 233 Ganithean bean,, in M the lee nil corupt pelitice and bestial Scidiece. Plte FetaR deaea them in dcwa tae acme: "Eal- an s ltte e,, rcdacet by the pittanc which pillaging ellen cI abeahy hegea admi,vitleat aty dtitaccept ae- cicalcabbet, andeuat eny idalenweptttchtbtinithe betty ofiheeccccaced Theft faces te ,eitbc ine ttIcn itae, en thecir hand, ise t hi of baied, btaee"c and habis ame etc that, liE, and wencen titey go Mhy cee c Ue ntienal-e of prnperty andth le Infatiit ci humcat digneity Anctbec Veencamor an elit, Mignel lideaco Pectin in Tod, npeblo, en p'itcbcna (13991, ednec ht Veecatata capital, enom Villahecena, c the epteetlet caee of cths bld ni eeille la chi city 6, c etachice eceec tattcceced, bet loans.e eccceetmade eas;lb.e.can unpoenntheacn,het thwc ce plencty nof pncpic it mccc, n..ece na etional teccamy; tihob tea eta eilitaw tehect.btt celdice iEnit te m it teebh, msplilac ,dtg in Cesnccciecpni ThM life wwwak elo the nediy e eac at inctanttlt n ee chc c eecct plae the conecyde, ad the macbl l hisaee ant thcent wae teo hance in the Gticiec Ic a nit wctite saetit alte lavtI the plind cttuthey nccapntettceccccnejeb RefineAl Btntbisa anenhecw sVet ecean eteetit, itve cetec athe in Cohit Haie cf eetaethcecey ecciecy It the ptlm' tc l a n heisa at,, (Man at Ged), o9)6, he twice. wceelenctplt ccclc lacd fnct ithe ct-as a talle tmh echitceindpostn"cpmeebaceacantlce acBanccdethccncatlthcecmp ted ectecelay chall lehecthe catch. Vietac ieea, weceg cc dynamic. Ccm tnc hade in aebmiesien, vtEned c t cecande p ncc Teach ie cwocfied epec t clthe ald, and weceg is placedi ea hind of tccowey iet hic nec l, c ty very geed ccl en hc I. , the, hot midsa of thel ecendt tbecmce ce pat,,tcc adi ano ecctclc 1 c ti ii acceituy bedI .. lpt ctenaowhee pnty wtlk, kn- wthehiqosaideat cc nd e daieat In, bokenecciticcec is ll peaece aetnt d nect tha an. tciheynwa sc litl ilas ciacted shi clceicl dacy, acca that the them cen peact anditiahiy, Cteibeecc habets in che psc-cc of -nect cidice, anti helas' cettiee. IPlet Pebm etee tc the hemt in ticeastanlg hoe: "ga- tessn w o ackbne lace, iceeing am &Icdac -ci emceln c ; nn little ctet, cdt bce then pittance which Pillaging e.ien ceelieccnac hy hangnantlncey,cwilhcalayticeeeecpwaicf- niCbal echhccy, ad withece any ideal ceecept 1c ehlaie he batty o eiltceeqcccd" Thoefaectnamciilccd incsall gicc'ca thain banetia Ionbic ci httd9; hiepheccice acid mch.t ate o tbal ilt, aMd wheccee ficly g° then cae the dgelcelet nil pecpeccy and the mtcccilation cf heas tficciy- Ataiche VcceecJan -,ecIII, Miel Edeaede Padqie in Icda en pachtl,, cw Vilfebeaca onef), viewe rice Venca capital, C cc Vlllebraca ccbt cpeccieg ceec cio this hGccd of elataiw. "in chic ccn tcacincct ecaeftadced, bet deecce ceacecmd in aceac; chena cte wcceepctae cc,hbt Mch aer 1lecpeple cc] ceep dican the nimal ctay; them Iee cc ceilicay ec heet e ice ne w~t dc eecte cn weth lilac dooc in C.cnIte.btl. Theoid Iceb eokf Ih~e tolie wee t abe pcant i a etcte in endac tha an smte to piaethe centecaiele and the wee oil aa etanitnicta ccepcineeeiciec ctecaitccit ledacccitte paee cetiltl~yneweappaintdctgecntenjhts Reline ilac-eetc ancirllecr Veeceecic eacta, it cent pcceeecthiu incc his tcch ci tcctehcccy smecwicy in Whe Iccetpologe cebit ifanira e (Macf Gatt) heni h~e ceice "lTerhe madcecin tiemecctmccodchealccet whwte hmccecatacc h gn ne milee Lattlc, h ceinen: idtehacsc andtheeotce(M, ihncebcetcanttlth antw ipeepc. sBlnclcch'lomncatieeecnceccaehablaintt dania pmp clnec lon e Ce che 1den, citec -an ctacce nir pn oTct is wccted epse the icald, ae oamd wmeno it placeti Whn, hind mcid ,ccIe it Ii cehirlh teada a ny vey gand ne eccstoebt mndcifhinnlc odm behemcace ptceeietand is a le w hit andeetfet ad n.eInolaien wasl, liea h -,adcne lance calal day,. enepe chat then them cent peace and tithitity, Cenibahee heetta in the piccece cc woeplt plat andi Leeci etiiece. Pinc Ochf- deecace theet in dtice etn e:ct old tees c eewho knew ac lace, chcen en dicacti, ci grea1 cemtite ant i lle acele, esceed by the pittanc wehicit pilaging olfee, ncc eecbyhIsagelandemiseny, Eictctca c i aiceccpe cc- tnast echhceyba ad ecithne ay ideal aet to Itlian the bocty a dcc ncnIece." 'I~cic facce amc weitlcd in satic ,nimcausc in tem beende isca btnde f hbrady, btaca esa td iats ace cc then lipe, and wcee they en they 'wcee thle deecadnta ef pnpeciy and the mtilletit ineac discusty. Anscibe Vnacata neclict Miend lideadi peadic in Todo cc pachic. cc Vilfacc (1899), vinecs the Vueedcan capital, Gamet cc Villinana ccthe cpamnieg ceeccer of tke heed of celdiec incia iticne ccacbuiecm c antfcaccced, banect mewe made icn ac therde cas no one: Ic ancept he tcee, bet these we plaety ci People tswa ch ean Mle natiocial vceaauy; chew wee n ecalltare cehei, bet smnliece theengeidc t lanes in iech,. lilac dogs in Cenmtaftie" 'Ilhe file waeb cf the wider et, c ab pact intceectwi in cedec cc hafi n teeeI pilge Mdcc ceecicycde, and ic mhek cf tatcc ad tcocacl wee c perie in c t dech cc cc wlt waith ifhidti eec, intt dcc pa ceNithaecaceappnietdtI ac c ctcenjchtf Relfine Blancewyba, acibec cltac eceetit, isas acneeeting incdeeedclntaeof icth.,etc whait, te the opoctontc c hit Hlecbe de c.a (Man of Geld), 1916, he wrcites, "leetbcwadeceiedIctiscieeccteanccdcn aabheccceic whewe the tcccnteaeo tc, the ,seee without hnate, the ecee nithect thae, ad ti heocaa natiheat htncc, all teiaph te .1"eac~moateis r eta h oosca d c woechy shcall inhtei the eartit. Vin at it woca, cehiti dynace Comdetne leatic In e-naion, cictnec ttcccc anti platec Toeth ic emeifiad epen the ceadlla, ted wn, ic plaed epatnc thelac: What hind of aneey is this whiith icada e a a y goed well- qccebitw amidceoeinlccccccccbccmec peteimdandi eteitewedy ceieceicyhicce b cqm etu w cpoech cealks wiith ahiqelieete, acid ncimietd n he k techf cecteia ledlt accccc and roteanacteecl ent Soeidcahaacti acne clcetal dayt, .cept hima then ahece was peac anti etehitice  234 The Caribbean at Mid-Cenonry 234 The Caribbean at Mid-Centuiry 234 The Caribbean at Mid-Century and tomothemaamnrelypheds nfeoncdtemonn~eadhn btnont eandima ks or jioence. Canpy to, pongoain doniog nine toils, is heikanon the caclootoevry pmmeinroamin. Uttantitecpu- hut to Mmnna htoteni from -adpnioacatpagn. Tne cnnoyfol pon ino ths onnao wamn thono i an lend a enlatito noryalt- Thet mtona typified by the great &-na an nd doom ebopy plate The Cineeh insef, omc the groteig wneol of heanty n ora no toe. ph.nt it -oated the noligiooe ,!a-iut of an roiepteopnle owt t meuoitlaarol,adls daNiyncow tl, Up and den o uthbl,obbiledonmtonoteintanftdooty- fool!, rooooen intoodemt Anebnl, bunt-o and hnorots, elaltpoeg hnaos-weendcnest and gleamting anloentiil Tin tonuses an atoenld with ehipped tunn or ndole, and in tion' potion dheltar Mtivtaay ofofamoilyie domnaotodlaypaiaraialaunleoeity,aao titig oIna, Threenanftoen ibilt up luinhi, these wanlls of tnodi- 'o te opaaooftrnnntaatioq theaviolonent of ppn ein nfurty of bioinontn. A Mexicn naned, Al file del neon (CO tine oetgo of the Clondburet, 1948, puts the poychaoal n plenum with grean ioftty beuny, Cinnd, and mo t ed in rho mnvaihlo. A licitod biedman eoa n limitd gone int din fnatne Tnt, amed enporitet mumottlito tnmenn diotnt of rolnellt, bat ion Cot its oon coke in analat, wt etape, onivn a a dtonodden huoplae P004 Innical, onnattrad, with slight Ilope and gunst dioilliionoaeth le elnelndo~nated Menan vilag in this bank boon tto Wto of Mtt body, toennid by toaes, inhihi- titste and Proncdao dmnene~n Bunt tint etta oon, to grw aaptdly nhtaealtinoftheomtimecomyis lheapdint alladr- paeniva bileding, owtieh lne Me otmeets of tint eitd.. Md heme in tonogiag a po mtiddle clon, n m ta da, at dri,, stited wooehsoand tineennen, oioothoauy depend tnatinal dsninio of nine oat on raen c gcarato f teecyone of lier toe, hos lbsn of ceofeng witli his taumd rod tiring io liiucot rod or- epectott at I it coereaatter of family heono, the emaestriced feedot oroorlea-insotthe pastruttfurem'stceeiamcyth --he etse tire Republic c not ot a siegle one of the earso o r comengatlicy chop of a beame me htrindee hMe tepeaed thisercd meaytioat: tihety foratlctoto.H mteriad poictoof tcieg t reak danm [lie hario of raot hy rofitrdg to tlya, geeor Notor, tho Negoirobothero" And he ott ofhi hae poens he wette EYrs ofa ocet r/char,, Loorolooiad doaafareeoa Es to goat poor dol mootdo. Wioto Macti morc ro onto Caibbaeu, indeed all of Spanish Adeti lietecned intently, rod wm he deod. hit o mueeoecd~ to gome ra n000 5Ot riost mte ha theft hearnt. Moodi pooriom girt conceerut cecoctibitty that lay befoe tire ittectecualt of Spociaoia,andoroe thattle atoeth.ove itcded hslift. Me wao rtaoei t c ondr oombdeecitofro. r tyand fooofllto coo, theo frudatoental itoue fSrooiAeia ie 'itt~~ ~~ auoere rhtauic htee of Amertica, He sao'te twaac rd adcoramotua stoce oa th ngdiac. meet Amecgro f  236 The Caribban at Mid-Cntury 236 The Caribbean at Mid-Cuttury 236 The Camibbesn at Mid-Cnry thenm all; the iaoespoooibity and blindtten tfthe others, te nler- ttF ved atn of pmnand sword whkohaed neat eve yerfslt ste esrtan ties, oflerone ord.~.. At flithe had en btel andbaastby te gevnratpdicaidmeeoeflhboenee peoples onttadeg het tete anarolos and daois-e bat dtobta inenritadbin of the dramatic preblem eff A eioa hd taken tapae in hit meind Lt Sps I Cnet had innsscpted and frtae the tonek of lbs asset, native rlneet, atpitapotft them fondet H~es to estheir naltlre A te ti sddsesn it alsap endesr e er, en spirit at leturatind aeato-c .1Vs sp spet of ioodrpedwrot Tieas ye tat .oang of toe, hoe a date oftp thes c Tretledrof tetnewotadtsaedid oot lltoleb Ig.Thecwelt as thatt etnafbcae alse aofylfeinds the twesfthe ofhtbaneaa for itewat the tol larot o ateit aitt the te, of Ptarentmddeopt- tm Masel helerd that done desatot ehiebf ase titoo is pan, d Amer .1 amsfe by Nsow woh. ho d.ant hnos her, "ate the mosit ofttt oureople wo ha dot hrsitatedeto peed n at the co,,l of their lies, tee trend of oetcand eslee Ont son Thi . o coars, ithe Mideatpeahftg w IIn 1910 bean tfhe Metoat for eaIet, winch wsa Ne most crnprcata estetheetnyitttsoeeteetdrcsibuO Pofis i Bloiets pftearnt faelnor ens , fn ay to idealistic Pamodssenlthpaadoerntmaroesdids eMtndrrrdidnatad,,- tnd thv e tocenel ae a aieMdn i ad h or cll, ie, a hange for hoad, a h,,ge for lttdeaThtg farc iicadbbw t alHre Ia-adfreepsrnd andwar aswaad o The RertMenow ee epdd flites a eo. The ceeno-acseanmhaenwarc NoMeon stes tptdod deaneedat hatat to a l rasoo their ryes Mait moiety sott iact.'u The y ysn asd ti nobrn rIsol.s for the ftest time a Latin Amecra oretinhd bcm oil Tb Meotnoeltion at birth. toT1aam tdha an enire oycle of test ants s ast. n Dtactgtetnite, codtedoolofoad ita stetcdintoatoloattcely nootot cfea trhetts.oi me the body antd wc of nead¢ alt hcie oe Nmarl hi rfa- ptsaet aodtthe hopr ofithe fatme TThearoe]oftheksRotaisobecotse the mto etndine nasttc type in Latin Amecain loterer. And rtan atl; doy itnsoaebittty and biardost tthe ethsnt, the fairer- atined m tn of pet and toed reko haed wot 0moo yet fete doe aarsonasoot:itf tthe ocr wresld . At first he had In.e fbfled and haanor byo thce g91=t9 prfamdeneeofa thon, otte peopale soilatiog brteco ottaeby and drpant; hat stoocly an tosolesetaties of the deomotic problem of Aamoty had takn oaptc itohstind. ThoiSpanith efsnetttad iceespod and freeated tc match of the goat coolve ctatet, taped tpociag on th®e foen If-e to their tooer America needed to conat its ,ItV,. under the towrted seapirit of iveesligmriwn and anatI aThe p.aertl of indopeode ace a sta is oo, of btety, bat arctangraoftpirit. hecwoto Thstsaosoo toeaneooattoodid ottmakestltdosantgt Therccalttesdthatnseoetdoreerattc alere a nay of lId, in doe cottirof don Caibetfor it wat tiertny ptett poaihleagaintlthetflity of Per mann dot- am. Mate believed chat three nosolotfeant, shib are If--o is ipatiob Ata'etis fare by Nosh who do t boe her, "ane the mrfmerithoo eor purpleictho haennt hetctee totpesdcap a tert onf tons tol,rethe mad of ptereeomadwhotcaohi . moanlyaeeasclor-rwarssn.theirncoss anertowrstta This, ofwnoss is the ideat it tiesabig. In 1910 begtt doe Mesican Reomain- erhich wan doc most soaceooo of the o .,nl fo teoemty of the Carbea. Profii Ilat diean par enlr no depocad by an ideotatie atd setlthy landowrensoed hModier. Modes, did toe tand- tnnd the oerreots of ha timr e anger tar bnad, a hnger, for ttda aata for attier acid libertye lMe tatcanodaand Ta aoosc.totsd. The Reelato wo ntlddiaetne. Ti , thant oat mh e nict -eao ofapr an wtnid the t~ie k o ll toteof theft I anantey Moerno nci tea iroenbackdtbdectateainototfohegota pat Til rn o meliea nebio; for doe !rtet time a Latd certiot, had xbecome moini. The Medtactn Reelmtlo pace birhN tm t ent rcli of Hiemn te and at Datio0 doe nintenh ceotall doe Indian bad rteodtedtsal onlyatnl tlaatlrhnoea ohs body antid lft of toady N al th oh Rtaiacy of ohse preret ocod d og of the fatte The trel of the Recton tl noate ths 101 tatondiag noeliato typel in s Ltn Aorthean letter. And ceate all; h doss senesibitity and bfltts of dt others, the faiec- sintedttnf peand swsdrerehod noc eeeo yetft fho ineeotdcnge of the neen eosl4. At first he had beeti baffld ande rdhbythegaeda piidoeceotttrei ee peopee oetefiag hrore ataseby and drapotiso bet Boy inleerlamdon of the dramatic problem nf Aanstic had taken thape in hit oitd. The Spanich Caocoaent h~ad icompod and fetstated thte archof thescuo atsoaiaee mpetmpoasogc th®ror InI d o- md u dtonse ape, ande Otofore re spirsit of fosentigatio and annlyth< t"Te problem of lodepeodenr ren osathane of facee, bee askaho.,lcfsiit;thetsans. Thetleadr.o.ofdthe neotaies did nat make thiscba.," tThe retttenthmteoMdnobeamn Met-t asayoflilc indoeeo otfith foCaibeanr ritsn the tely paacst peerihe agitt the, steility of penattent dectae- cm. Marot believed that three neotaiont wrhich ars throat in Sptanish Americft ytowsewho doat now he, "ace th macit of boon oi ofeu people, who lave ot hesiated to opted ltp nttheNt , thir limon,ttse madof pill.t.n andrei thoan .Preedly etrc thteerear ontheir heron as w Thda, rf tatte it the ideatiet Tssain, in 1f10 began the Metican tReolation erhic oa thde tot eompimaros erent ofthe etttty fhe ocietysIfthe Cibobelt. Pone~ Bit; dilates par eneelenr tote depoed by an idelitie and statd Modes,. Modes, did cml node- ttand thse.eidesofhas time: a bmnneforhbrush ahatgef1r lad, ahlnnyeorrjaeatadibnty. IIIeootefttcd andoaw onotlanl. The Reet.. toes apleded lileoa ant. Thes otansnat that oat the Meetfa msne wrod and ®aseed doe hle trant to all est ofethebr snloy. Wacc tcilty trot boebed ap by there n h ineas test flow hun cotal pact This wnn pottel rebellion; for doc tiret time a Intin Amntoefn neoelm len ltad becme stili- TI Metia. Rdoltefos gaee bicty to aa entire cycleoflt- ars tnat.stisgoccinoeneeh cnneydtelIndiaosbad enied hon Iliecete ondy a. a s nt ofnel olor; he Isoo bernasa the bady tad toWc of nearly all wnsticig the atatatty of the precene and the hoeeofemfntece Tchentoof theoeo1tdrnheome the mttot nottodi ag nasestc type in Latin Amecican letters And  SCTYTRUHLITEZATUZU, 237 SOCIITY THROUGH LInATRE 237 maCnvI 'Hruinuos LITrnnn 237 wothtfhoelen ere asceheoie the great wl emtintlg, aet on endeicelt base, of Rlliee, Omoao, Alfaco 9i,1eion, anod eny ether toof woold reuo Meac tati took a rr kate to lire cod toretd to tho ernteodaroS Ismpac foe uoapca ItIre Tbhteoli altom had fac-meabing effeo f h otlie .Spo- ciat Aoiao efee Inetoatttd toaddo .i.oaee c~cronote ut hiog Iooic, ener peo, nNedrede-ll .man eeally ,bolod o tie w~ote ds, oto~ich the torord a pet.mTe wr s omte in. w 'toheMAt-wbeoao eoaetit sof the Meojt thooedo otto Maritato Aocela A rattmy doctehe hadfelared 1ohetWeoedetof Paoeat Vele ot, aed Asn ot the lenth of i conoeot. lie rate the kcl ,0 at hood, 1o h i t moeatt oeri oeel, Lao do aiaj rTho UMdrdga, ll.hoeeor iterM95 at ana almoot blood eecro g(T toeoolrc bloody, errebloobog a c e woTlorce that m crebf Sl wp n h d eept tore astyl thar plby [rooad-ctogo tf oot lelig nd Ieee-cc Berdid ot aoe theilecalcdoe ordid he defeod i Hooe om wterya nooeeet git allitocte lay ivthe PthFldtoi wiog India The peot o sf the toted lothe Meaoeo mot , the aTtd.d, ia petar fnaTee detecylig lio old ne. reof the choee~oitoTeUde~g epelacdae the heury Ths h aptot o a mtotrgra e teeh, wit h a Bto nof omoia joy, Iloa the aotrfinw is t "Areotino bphifrl pu et th aBoo tat Ieodihy le We thift: "A latythat n esrooin, he do wrco hor boce igti..oll We stoatt rote chle, moili thee one or ud lt ton I ligh on eihrtide, eetil mo tootd of the snte tmhe tote al e f me from the moela ereci libe .-it Oclle ruee the booty; cee mosot ret col tie psyanasongy at to rc, odeod late. two wceceleS,timeo Isa la tdlrteaoo a derp of tme': Rob arf Murer! Who a closal failet rwe wottldtemakeaflai,fo ~fee fh, whtoffeci oeethteiaeonoaedooc loe to c~toh a rooahdoae eater the bfailde ofua otou edifice hog lig er n otdror tree heodeed thWond ttot oefeeeaetlythettomeoe. Peoplerithretiealet A tyrto toclet Vale bbanodrhe" The Ufodeedeg ooo wsaswetiten daring the hie of the camtpaige, aondtn it thete.thaeumadeteattetoptktotheaertepeie. In oen ar ar atietv evaceh he did strke Inchaprt lie ad wnihthde Reeolotioe wsa lee rs ther set ueel ltitium, thc ton to lditolt base of Pusern Ocoen, Alfaco Siqeeioo, cod cony ether tbleof wretld =onto. Menleac eerie took a w tra- to life aed telced to the otteee~ ledito pact foe epejic- en. The Ihetolieate alto load mounrtaie, iffece to il er Opon- ith Anedceac coco sc. A ne atitude etooted the diepoarerd elanocate io belo. hadia, tohiem pego Negr-al not eally cebelonetod" to lie malolth of cehio dwyr etted a pMat They t-o pepo"a pete thion, but tmeow"I The bee-heorodtieelr ol tie Meejno-at aotioutwa Masoel ,oact, As re armey dtote[ehad followredrtleodeuof Paeai Vill uep ted dowec h egth of hi olarmoy Hr rawoe Reel- ' sat fiorsthand. InehismeetfamieorrcelT, LaedSaboje (TlS Uedrdeaw), 1915, he petms ita an o acmost blid uphearial, gait, naaaltr loody, oenobebmmon, ac ettoifol.athatetept co befoe it as leres are ept lern thy ehieltied. Aeselaceon an a utyle titr wao pithy, ceodatidtr of great feelieg aed pracc. lHe did ot aare tha Roreelede, raen did be defetd ite li cat toendy a cetroothing all that lay ie the teatt of hi ton-,e eyse The pImmoanent of the nwdo a the Merect= mtates, the tunmdeg, lediac roe fetiocoly desmcaye, the old erdec. One i the horootee on !'he fUyrdedeg oetc uwhitotsmeke opilt upward Duct the Bearp lelacl rapors of a fltamting few-t, anud feo, rwith a kind of cosmuic joy, tbat the hee-tluwo it ooeifg boeatifl But the afiettot itotodbotety ma in as he mtho "CA pitycwhaet calt oeet he at becadtl Weoooteata chierenlltitcoaersotoen left to fight we eithr aide, teeth n soondiefoheot longethmegh the ale emtra feet, thbuolarmo- tike it fells tw the boty; we tot tetis -nti thetyahi e-gyaof talc e odeeced hero rharods, thinr doe sad lotoleettat a deep of teetr; Rahtory! Macdee! Whae acelossal failuee c wanud rode of it, frioed, If toe wooffecoeeTothotlatocod ano tires to osth a wretched ryc, loater the Irtldero of a-a ceeeooedifice hoig oar hunred to tee hetddod thooiaad tnooe hateotytheootoett tteleewithotecidolt A toecee IoBM Vol bloodthodlo- The Undeedoge tet withe dating the heat of the ,amopatgo, andIoit the aethoacde oattoepto w sime ap-spret r In lo, hat lrot aisoio noovele, he did strik mnc a propoefice, cod wttith the Ahewltio t al, hemuthe "ofotaal pelining, also t anr Indiaobt bare, of Pleai Otoeqo Alder Sie~deo, cod may oidue atttoe of orlcd wrewo. Mtareooutsicttoha e Irte, o tile aod terlded se h meoety't tedian peet far lopea, on. the Recolutdon ale hod ftc-eowtietg efforto in alhe Spen- ioh Atoeeknooti Anrtattotde tw d the dpsrce elate cc ito beoeg. Kamn, enethe pea, Negee-til not ocdly "bloeged" to the tled ef reic11,obe laotud a part. hTl w uar' po The Wet pea m a hocc- tM o, hot Rocan Ac aence aco hr had folloreed rthe hoedo ol Loaoeat Villa op faed don, the lengthis l of hit emere. le ccaw she Rcio olotoat litlet.laio iaoasnelLo oe (Teo Uo.becl, J 95 he peoonto it asen altoor lnuphecl, goha meocobee blod ody oooeto, a m atti tote that towept toot beome, it at leaet areswo teseptit ah th itlored Aceart iat , etylt that wat pheoedetld n o great f n0cd paower sldit encse theheoodcbee f eerdihe defendaIt.a He rts I,,elaemoreacitttolaga i tehtelaytintle 1tathe f enorbe rye The petaget oi the naen ise Moloco oet , tIne tundoo, Indiane peer, friocoy doTheeyieg the old erdec. Ont of th wil e atoooe in Te odag ectehe elitt oee spielolac ovecibh hheb aoyfel cea.ofa flamtitgtoteg and Ic t-; ithaIbtkidooatu jay, that t he ke-lin oeoehn pityrwhat eo weMoetod onwon fteco sbe oifrl Wetont eat ai elite, teD there are no te left fiught riter adde, ,etl on owtd ef oho ceft trgh die wale maetoa the eap o farI nob it idle open the ;tty oawen ust aol the psychnot wdiiewcer n oilogy at oadmp oite, RebheriflMaredre Wh waoatlficc ooad cake of itlee eed, if werh fe c eittatador lien to cinch a ocetehd Weocetobeaatto thebIiiltirs of it 010- ter dfc holding oc haune cc tw atoodred tio~toec ar . nof of eothe sam ~concd rd. Peple raithect ideal A opecot tal e Vale olodedet Te M1 odardoga cant coitten derirg thoe of the romup.irn, ad iet theetarm[mtde nohtteapt isred e a opeptit In ltot, hat leu nedde eare, ho did tiett eah a prnpetier and  238 The Caribbean at MidCtuy 238 The Caribea at MidCtuq 238 The Caribbea at Mid-Cetury die ptcnue was moting. By thin ifem the Revolution bad hero ttaveftii the genato wer e i tteo f the goeeet'attet, and Mede ohated on papee an- of the moat adaneed of umta- att. ivleIs more tbeat akeptva. It ate lcee of his novel El mcoucda Pvaj i (Caomeade Patej.), it3% a fotem pen it peabaiog of the Rkea hatit int apid high-littn wanrds and am® beeaf hiaieceeanaekt "eoit rtidefrem hiiedge,,dean t it tet te yea emarhablc that an hiamele peon can whnt hiniccf in that laltety Hi rheetyant attea: It ea tmeat, there pace devile are dylog t find a deetefine that witll justify their eyabeie, their mneada, anid all their isfamn, in order hO Part at decent am and nt at bandee, aoeo whlich level they hate hero. etable to Hot." Hto then goat en ise cptain that the bandit in ptteri getted en bleod, flesh, anod wodne eates fof eedse noew neetke and rnllatin hegin to lauoit hint at a light leaciaesoheoot. The g6ememahnosI. ettwlodtheovet- met go aheat boatig: "I am killieg a i the nacee of lithetudant 1ant hillin to defence of ivy phfleaatutic are. Back in the days of the renhRevelation the mtre d v hidpe wesld thanm- feted to cho eado with the, ofici at tctoen a ofc eav uoeigm utiNa emck City feymany adt the bet fiaoles weeatwao ieyoith the faaeieete (The Eagle .1en d theo Sareevt , d tM M n Loft Outmann toyot hit pen at the lettialit tly, anlty and hendL itay of ehe i heercod meatatiea leaden. He m the Reenluaay ideal, the Egle, erteto an aseyeted by the epent, i- reoe, fanatiin poiis and antalprina t ha oe aruae many ine has Bhsnaes that reeal the dceoyobaue thi. he author werites The itel begia with theeds "To go ers IPa ff t tnoriasices nyse te gee ioted t ,net iosocy bto.ata, ,,?tea human georaphv . had impotod a the toot of Meioedc. Cindad Jaeai ad night; tad in ditself, andue sin addenen a een cmpaed wiweatis the height mrdelen etat depcnitedeer-han, atm bat fegn,' The elect meeltled nish tend, and lined wid loo fiat buaildieego badly onm ord of toheetach ee paint They might his ates'Ti been heuet it moanime fivee theuand yars ao. 'WT if my, fmusc beanned mft shame matk .t at it, noetetrlatw ore prapofo that vey the piatur wa -fitd. By dhio dtme the Revoluton and heen racaoold, die generat wsei oteal of the gaoenmeot and Meedeechated on papoeeoeaothe tasotndvaooodtfconi- ten, Azela b mre thee skepatical. in toteeof bisceoel En eanaeada Patocja (Comrade Paroaja) 193Y, a foeca poea it optokino od the Reretdon ie vapid high-flet en rd, and a mom- hoeofatisoaudfeetrmetee8 oasidfe emhis idea, dohn'et to yea ertraable that an humble peon an semes hicelf iat earfthesic Init ciopardon anntem "It reame to me that there pear deat ame dying to find a deete that woll joaiify their rabbea, their macdee-, aend all1ther tofantie in order to pae os decette and net ast hadt, above which level they hate heero coable at nm."c Ife then goes on to roptain dint the bandit en pweee, meted an blerd, fleth, and winee, aceatt for fianedt noew weetole, and eeiiardnw hegna to feitatehim at a light finmates the moth, 'Te gete.l ldt oem oaotbaig 1raln nemn tentale of obe fetwm. I amhlling in defamenmy phimopi creed;"m Bakn the days of mie Feeovh keerlatto the mt r abid pie-sant wauld have, me fucd to aka handa weitha the elficcat -eseiowr, hot to Me.i- City maty ofdi lheve ensi areba c ringi finely tenth ohm noew breed el ena The national eorray wanthem af ti e oer. Othev amin6 of die Reecltion Ndl roe te pasoae. to 8l dgtai ylraeepeote (The EChg and cthe 9eepecot), f9t, Martdn Luis (onies re hit pen at the heetiality, cruelly, and handioy of the imeroitd eeeoasieio ry leaden- ile cam tho Rrevoldaay ideal, tho Eagle, coctctitd and everhelmed by the tortint, mne nthm ~iadmrlpdm at ig-mo ae abe meany fine frmhe theat mrodl toeraety aouetua t40b e author wreiter The mae1 hegior wvidthesee wes: e"To afrom Rl Pare, Teaso, to Cirdad Jndhma in Chiheaheua, tea Otto of the gratet eceiices, net to m oaebmtilntioat that bainat geogaphy had inpoted en the e-ra of Mesto Cindaad Jadime icc a d right end in itself, andtstilttaddt-rwen cn ored withihelbight evdeeines of that opporit eleenb, cise but fereget" The mlrt tar illed nick mad, and tired with inee flat heuildings hadlr eneed m.of ohitewm re paim. They might hate berr hamri Merepoemadfhnvthosanad yeansagv- "Vea if eefasefhctned cee rhac to loek at it5 ovothetert or tehal fee Ithadet tee the pictur o ceming. By tis tie the Rertindon hand been otaccessfol, h geneenl teem in conert of the g-eeicccet and Mesa. betted on payee one of the st edeaneed olcoetloa aioe Aaeloa smae than ohepila- In tar ecene of hit novel El rarcda Pantra (Caotcada Pantojat), li37, a feetete peon i sreakint ofthde Revytiudon in vapid high-noon erred; and a mes- bee of hit wod enew remoeko "eWeil, aide f-o ha ideas, dnetm'e it tem at yea remnarable that an humble peon an e Vores tter en that faritiol?" Hit asmpation ancteen "ft aorte co me tast there poor deanst ar dying no find a detotac than totl justify tebe robbrlet, fetie mutoert and n ther imtotlinr in order to pan asedeat menandneata. handioahtom hiehl-tellthry hawo her noal It 11the Oe then gmre on e captinh that the bandit in psavq gatted en banod, flenh, and mine, ceatot for himself toe neoii and civili-auin begins to toen ha, at a hght fm tilte moth, The gantrah tot to vetrl of the gmero. met go cuha hoardig, "I am kitting in the tame ef Imndtnti..o I amkilling inodfeoeeof mthilenherreed" Racktt the days af the Feroch Remlalin the moot eebd peaat mold hare r- fatedtoohakeohandeeith to fdiialeeouaoantr, hat in tetdra City many of the bat famiiea te aaitng freely weth ohm n eteredeof sn. Thae-ainal imeaitpowarthatrf teeter Other nools of the Reermetic lit at die names., fn Er despit f ainceienl (The Eagle ad tbe Sevpaty, 1928, bionic Lain tya n leoti hit peen at the womiana arrlt, ad handitry of the improveiredt reerloianary leaden He eeom the Re-oladotoap ideal, the Bagle, ceupted adoeead by die Serpent, ih- neuc, fanaiemm, potd.,e and a na paaient. Cr thi -1ro am also meany fine ficabetftht reeal the tcmbvy ahut whtich the sudhen writs. The neeibein nhtheetvedo "Ta go fom El Paso, Teea, Ie Cindad jme e Chihuaheta, wou mne d doe gratetitaeffictt, net to say bamiliaion that humn geoteaphly had imosed so ihe ten of,,Cidad J.1-a is a sead tight; cad it half, and stilt tadder wene aempmare wi the hright oscts-i onef that opootit river-bak .ota bat fareist.e The wre filled with e-nd, and ined with iee flat buildingo badly ined of wehieweash er patt They might have been hecot int Metepetamia flee teatand rean age. "Yet r laces kenned mith obame ao leak at it uneda, or perhaps fee that very  SOflT THROUGH UTIZATUSE 239 SOCI TKRUGH LITWNATUf 239 SOCIETY TM1Uain LrSIATUZI 29 onoareoosde chnem dre e atteo w of oursbring Sink intom thding we had knetess potmoed mad lattd for eeseiein all in hrmmich-Setioall ih,,filtfhbody andsoollthat ptreadeite h t . Not farnotdig e eeneMrat Eventhe siitr 4eatof heeoioal treet-lightacesadttompn eounditonpldon ocefeetiegnmswsemt'n Ormof thnchaoe tn then speaks: "This i a Pigsty. Sahr. tins Reoladon wsty wer going to dlean It up," Many hopeles yees paoedl, bal clean it op thny did. Clgoeia Lopcs y Fecntn ather. narei af ti n h ielontt Tier m (land). 1933, tills hone the Menion poetm nder Zepata masnfatehioddae fmseeaplikeiad land aodlherty, in tic sotaggle against dhn big latndowener, and in his prio sel El ifofie (The Indian), t935, he droceing lowt an nlyog trdad villageoit dtnyedhyycity menowho eno.okiogold. Theyong Indian pmrotanist of the book in rsdppled in hit sur octape foa etet, andnthenvl eeds as het u watching frmambs thhe adlIefimof aohooontmeh. °fljtnt itneahel ogoutsonlth higlio-ay-iiolleadin. High on the toatain, thne estiorl foe the tfigeal Ilke she eros of their popie all they lapestn in that den Saose de rais neo roak these. Tint hatted totel in packs is she eatley and rh esira And tat inm sa theoy- ie aden i nl taken bae oom Ice -ove oepitnlnncd lice hiany of nice Indan coxe easnnened icy te seloe mnsn goans enippled hy his oted, dewoed and main staion, icy hit hate. Morn tecendy, in 1948, the same authior wnroe a noel called El anseoncma (Moesina), in wnhich he atettpto to bridgs tine smia ahyso that resist wetosen ekone in Menaict tday. lie Peant. mst particlarly, the tragedy of the nascent middle elan, 000-r petted in slit seeat en a fatally Wiino ina ctoaman, apmtmmnen eatghtsand mshied hetneeentheriehfbraly tativ shoos tham, .adtaerowfacilyaelne. Thuppeefann tti.naf foeellteer needetbecaoe teyttave aloascaleerythting. Thtefamtilp doo blew does net feel their premngai or doeb amteidwnt bteas they have reamr had anytinag. The hutsband, originally fnts te enoty, wehere I paerns had .-nd a pit f land, hat tons the e ryof Sle simeple cnty ife. H~e and hin fondily boIntaw aet~tined note betas haned indtinstly an canoen piattane, hatctic, waeraopnS and eleic ita reM1 hicc Their mnoe intcn wlt not r isocrtmadosnhat dan at te flt nine rno f ao being sink aoo metnthn tat had kowt, pt..e.sad, and loved fee allen its crtien,, in allthlie filth of botdy and sedW that nunapeseadee is neta Not for nothing war see Meudoaa. Even she nismer gle-otnie eccatrltr ef-ghtocemied totap n nanndin a Ptadcnfttfnngensie Oonttcon toe ten elamals _ "TliU it a pigsty. When th e Reaonean pee kegtotoetenintap. Many nepewnyounopassd, Pau wwd bttea it tap ticey did. O..e(Jorie Lipseny Ftaen asatheretsa of the Revltis in Tiarr (and), 1939, noll ln host the Median tpnons sndAer Zpata caten fose tha endo d fo to re tntenot al atfstoon at life also fail to midr and ninstia wniths too, tis geat, bodily pasion c hat lase of atl tom, olsaeateeioes tserc penotle. Tinet are Iwc aspects of Caribhesn lif ohin hoot heen inhertat it defeated Baa so Oitegee non ettoted president of toe oan- toy, mit 72 pen aent of she popalm cas he seas sntht tohniong rick las an moety to the atie ta acwhole Afteatew weeks be wes ilegaly dpased by tin militany, and drive into ene and the cen, rngooe, nod pmonpen powerless s detend sins. The naikiay cop had bovnter anachn I a habit in stat national life. The Amsi'an lndacalsomalteedhnntysen mmasthat hocon soot icnc e ned Ofaontoantn moate and ogaphy cater tinr a blood sleac sane tiee ro deteevosf;ing facson. Frm theonoew gesgeapbic tegsmt wohorn tieas r0ar- io envmslig geogoaptic ant, iore sense a tst of rellootie Nose Would tigue Oat of tin p--e sprang the sidarmi, nasab an fa Veees plaint slat Ines sor ptamitoac Masino thaem ra tie cisace and dIt tine Antitte the caajo and the ke.- llt seds sinif ot tely a goalabir, colensico ,sI,bttsaocuturasl htiage and a wayatflHeraswell, both dli nitely ot the Nose Waold, Ia Cobs one fth moaastanding intopseasof at cotepoay osrs is Cantosf eoica whk early in life tempsse as orphan and coakd asomaidlfnoaCoban hemas, tte eesigtedswittime family ton wchi he worked Ia lbs United States. lIe nenned to Ceaba tat take pant in rie tight naina Spane in Am11. All- tie deen sf Spaie ito doosted hMenstf to labor reformt, In sloe orgn- tatsnattatsinnaandatoeiig. itscml. attadll tdytntsbn- graphical, prstntoa tpitsum of Cnoihennswory witih saben briott. smstsad astal rantst5 "The great ss of middle dlats and poor people ate shepsiyal, prnfoundly ekstat. hash day tie ntsatets athoe tat are macred by toc Chmnei so toat hove tn it ttledn hospained is slle.. . Na konger at taofaifeos aught in a keame whiich is our donhala, bos in foe woreld of tie livis. -.- And toe name ting that is happeniog is setign in kappenig to dmentecac. The people on mtate blioo in is, cohetiot in b ho ve meo s whof no has loen knrown a, demorncy has been notiang mete tans a hnoanrs en uafo re of datet- owny sohecanseinf ieses so mooser the elotive happinest wohinhalmelaneattmaysmmmo't Thenaaseoialaatisfaioos ofhCfesbofoiliaosdtoladdobosfanwittssen, te greao bodly Trassn, the relenew of all msen.o rOntosim cayhoe, potpye. Thten sat two sasmotnf Caribben lfe wchoi hoe baton hniterf  242 The Carbbcu at Mid-COntuy 242 The Cribban at MidCetuy 242 The Carbben at Mid-Cmtuzy in tientur alma't onc its btgrnon. Thest ate renonlisa- asumbeinmo, and folklore The -abe, de lea tiecrac, or flnar of ones hanne regin in doar no the heart of mons whrneon can hann c andi a wee tgionatsmre o, str e by lack af naaol : fm e ooncon w h peenpennita. With jndepitoa crn I Sainu such writing nmagnd ananensnna and in all kindsm al .snogs, tos rt gamen, enoaa, mcannna fiasa, reginnal typedn and ragma' Tikin flowered pesa Some andloff oo anly nine earie anp eunitnd ethiEng otn d rea tff tsat and longed to prarr heans a n apinulrl nrau e le aftihe national life Cme, winmn, pnrsicalar lnaafrcnmnyens, reoa thetppaniiaidetofnte picir, beiete dhat ibis teey pinpn, rween and raginnann we uisnialb b, oprans. A o artier haigmoci= war on praooneal edtayaylaceyietoeosmpn, bar he eiao aeryn- bngnar Parrase and antiquated ainTecblnd aread anno yiciuton brni dany t naW imopede traffic. Tine nngsrt in poaticeno at nians conteyfalk may hyeaninatig, innS aothey menan inana aod anaicso Tha later vi vies nee genecaty ccrent in te Carib-ea soday. Bar despiae tii fact, motny conronpatany hooks still carey a deacriptinn o nant vatana scamst regional dancr, moe oar uprtii, annem hiert, at ame rng.i4nal types Only iIk pest ptorosy amn at no bane thes h tnano ilt became osbadimawm no a on e poad and tho m har fort national homognnity. Soia acial rocap is alnm a gnt loonwin far lmet nataand preseroania of falklota. tn n i nynr., weonrd ehvnaedaot nad ornite niMe is a ssano odnytne eia.iagnt tnnisnnohfoloe Tin is , c-all le ,iarry4o the idliar am. flintee p pill nendpeas aganaotian N hspictsrr.s and radio, and falklara ilgoao oidoot,. lcing, shone 'hing it cmnuiss a c m api'nWnal pond m t of Theirto It cutualints The place olhan odnn , preaa tinematsidulul srnano t, mwa nd he whelpale p bpa ecomen a kin of opananeoso olianatinoo of Toine esnain. In dais kind of smoiaty event is a parti peirpn thaa at n apclanan Cak eucaio and the fine Iniatqa of art faa, moos, anting en cena, ofma a paatine satidety I asenao and lancipanl in.n a naio of npechots ris in she poatian of teint seope nite Ujniled Stne, wahos oupncoe folk saw liandin hcoplinin tfour unlantued Neganet, ban so liteooor nanan ninrn itn beginning. These are csgoanan-_ cosaabdanooand foilare. Tine nahar dI f iteroca. an flawst af onenihoams seana.r in denrtno tine Inearl of minnt wrinorse caoe fom caotmies whnere aegionalans, peeactad iny lak of ccttsoi- an a nd bead oony an navl, ocenhaanon the ntianal fnntpeecese. With independence fets ain such eneitig uac ird scu ma.taas and in all kinds of wnaitingo, the ustad amen, cunomno em aes fry hope, regional aypen, and engioan thinking flaesrtd profusly. Some asahon, rnorectsi ine wnat ones daniked thnin things wta tea affections, and leaged no pracn tiean no piciaseqnce aspects nf tine eatial ift,. Othec r ~in, partinolary Thouof rcnal yeats, rn"Ind nine appeal aide of the piclten, baeood that ti s-eat piclnnnesqnenn and mammoaliaen eata an pnwgcu A sao rcarrin haskioc his str an provincial sats may he reeny pianwurqu, ban ha is aim vey w hygeni. Narrowe and antiniad cobnbled storedam pictn nea hat They nina impede traffine Thna nomcnlimta practien a Indian arasnnfle. mnay hes faninaing, bani They indicate iganna pad fananindan. Tint lNtect iena arc geneally narren in dun Caribbean noday- Ens despine Thin fact, -1 cayanennyaary boaha snt canny a denceiptinof at nme cuona, wane negnl on,,a snta native nupmnsinian, same finnan, na nmoe ngianal type. Only in the poo tnenny yena a n laa thmen aupainof life hecenne nanhediant an a brander perupetne nd The hape far nvatital h oengneity oSuch a acial stop is alpa a gneat foonlainfor thst notationnd pseseratiamoflfolkle tnany .hny wsnhe naennrodo not read or aio, treve is a strong ndenny tarad carnal, itsginatirn espresnn titeng follore. This is mie soncallad krinr of the illiterate i thser Peple Inannopas, noagnaine, maoon pinnos nd radus, and faldor will on ant The window, tanking tEase shimpgilnedaismyial point of mnieiten. It takes the pins of bank sdcasiona pesee tine noons soid cultural royreosn of nie heni pneople, baaann a kind of nrlpanemo nuinl in of nine rmnationo. In Thin kind of tacity oenynn inn paticipant; ninee arena ejnctn. Back edacti- and the fne tchoices afart foaaannqcpamiothtcsntslsta pofnitine in of aren pnad panlotiei ni tato cspccta nThdinh e p1ito of n m epl fte Unaited trn orcn, wha onprena fol wane re faodl in Nhe apiitonla of or unieneen Negnano bonn so ilantnn panart since is beginning. Thee an regionalinon' noalunohaiImoandi faltlore. Tne sabr da le niesroe at flavon of onto if nne regin is dean sa t ,he innno at mwn wsiman n h aoocinesr rayam, pacned by lack 0f non c- cana ad lack of aaney an daues aoauadaosr tho aniann peoetip e me , Wit iadnp c fon tsaiaafo Spain suc'h 11 aqiwriting o n d so e toe aq iae= aiunaaneaflssegna yeand eginal thning fluected pthfunely Saome andaart, cpcal h aln ua de ashe be tigs ,Rpnih rea l afteedreq and lNedO t rservea hema as piciaroqa aect oia niaal life. Other saioh partalby Tas of recent yenar ecao ie opoe Mie afthe p isre beloeved that nlnis teny penmnneayan and reianainn mae nsicalo ayn I p oan A ennctineorkn kiaonn poasmncin eaaiet may he veny mitae e bath ea alsoautesy an- hygienic Plaren and naf uane cbed lnesa ane pcneu, boo they nia, lonpede - traffic, a l o a Tne n aoine pewofren ot India.s or onntr. Tmay in fncinawis bor they nicate. ignotance and foaicsn Tin Icnr s ae m yrai ly asere t he Oaribbean todaa- Boas dpiobTin factmo nannlymla ccianI edrsm aogcaaao asinw fcn, sn tin sonte fia,an nam egioanl type. Only in the p ant twnt yews an on h ac tuhs nadeola of life bn1ann monnnint an a inoder p encts and the hops fo nr natitoscoltslo hameganeilatyaro m Sonchnnointsenpinalna vhynaoianforthe creainand pnttnvntinn of folklore t0 any ncantny winer the naosn dn not read or snot theta in a ngn tendency taa wanrna, isanyinatihe enponmon _aani m faolaloe. Thi in uThe . ,cae lirac at The iliate. Cieteenapeoesnna nynienn ian ob an tadian and fatdow end11k go aon The wmmndo anin toplae 'slig in nenaina a pireof pointf atThir ices. I bsa T e Place of hank educatio, aptunn Te ans can civid enttan noyn on of the whale app4, becae a kid af gaonaneos suitiono of ther ec Don ms~ lafyrit saprdp. ~cp o or prctaten Bank e luetin and ninr te fine tetheiqoen ofntnt tartas, meni, painting et ctera, cocoa psiiait naiet nf ce n and pa aip.nnN into a natin of Rpecrot Thn u the posto of tne prapi o tine Unload Sme, wthose supem folk taint wan found it tine epiniaaN on, nnrulettered Nngrent bun  SOCIETY THROXUH LITERATURE 243 now oosntheose h- tonedilaegeiingnranom. Inoe io'ila nens le folk "onono of the Caribbean in dying today. When In e dntry and gadgon perfosrm the worok of a notion, and the air, praoe meenolnann,ltheonitnnehroerntheeoadnnyin iowon, an fol rtdinreeio, an a iioenlry. In the Antlls wohore lie Nego -1 e rltook tho nolar of the ,bbdinino, to hne alowern boon, mnoay Negroid artsti 0 010p0 Iimore daneot, in itoaline enpoonolon or many kinde in lfedspeeaannfltnibal etnd the poiunitresnt. Olostg me pang quart-r of a entry there bhorobe Ieen, great flaoing of Negro poer- Unlike dn Negro litonotn of dhe Ulnited Sta, a pimaey crsen it ot to hoewail te poor la of the Week mao, but nose ngieohlmncadd macl eopssoionto te Negro's ose buoledn tesetoge, cotopond of hir Acass hark groond tood with the, Csoel olosnoto wblich base bee,-, part and paore of loin tie toda y. Thin nynteein orakse of flee Nhor ,rety on elson engension of what bao eo ben nailed ths 'opiitual ototaje' of ohs Canibbas. Raoo-ntiong has not bee nortly o phnend thing, beont asiitual thing on toni. Tho Catban oereoaanMtinoldtpyof tipeoty thats'in it o fnd oue yenterday, be, pene and onr laomorow." lbse Neoec to'1o etele Antillon in not hreed en the Bibro and Cheistianity at te the North Aooeeietn spitoalt, bat esse nt tt, natie Aflan nai, for rhthmsieinmadoue, In is a pagan adosenealfiding laoFotoaofveoeneea andntmanynther Casibbean adnot bore, tid than she Nogrt moss be "Eanspean' nod,0 aboebed ronpidy io the whito loned seatey, befoe Uneibboan noiely an a wehoe en seoc for-ward. Odras eaiters equallry vwraoiforaoo themt Prom Henofaontjea of Stato Domingo, drrctre dean tho soona of she Indsan nd Negro, at anenndtdnrdual foe .ipletnordagr, buesaush-radds edns and ao to the nadioal oopsosn "All hwneo~eeto pge", lays IHesolqoeUee~n, "cometm iot hwmsuronnaditn od she Mdontn and aene ponnoeffered to the mos t Ttaiontbyt orienebttif loyesoo-Iteof ino that modl foikioe can oo .rentonic pogtue tand tho raoasan of te coatside. be in wsettling In then dark and Ontelo against all thle rroseince of his.,,y In smnasy, an inteeprettimn of Coobea -oiesy thnogh SOCIETY THOUGH~t LITERATURE 243 eovOen oheweahon -o Istelr into an an to Inooten ctor mte folk sop oin od te Caeihbbean in dying today. When isedenry and gad,.t peonfoensh tlwoork of a baoen, and nte tie. plane ,ne into neon db Ineow ow the sano in it own buragr, and food art disrppern one lining entity. In mhe Aillen wohee the Negro early took ntee place of the fndian sae, there hane al-ayn beneI-,yNegoid ariti epo one so mosr',dtoe in efitieicssqenioo of many kinds, ine the pepntadn of tribai thto and me psiseitteln. Doning Uhe poet mqtsaeeo f a etoy there hon nso boona a t flonesingof Negrt peroy. Unlke te oga Iteroto od mhe Ito S.. ten, ipeI, ary coscesne ntoytbewailido tne.poor rektoman, honint u .teei glee shyhib and -.snioi ae ..NasAfooo the ,--it beon [n elwtahaIheitag, enpoP d of hnis Aicn boot,' gotn fsdoon me Cree eiementn whlich bone bhecoeno past and paei le t~ f lif todny. Thin nyneh o eo d1 the Nog, paery a eameirt rops in of twhat honen een ealled doe "Spiitual oeealaje o fdtet Caibbean. riving os nots bn menely a phynte thing, toot nodpi niaol thing anm e.Th ua et Jean Melot lea cap a[ek poeeoy shot "in it we0 find omt penHedy Ncat podser, and one.. nete rt," The ogee panry c rho Ain n net breed no bhe toile and Cihe obt i an m Nete Amnico opianain. bet -ienut to the nabtio Afejeto colittoi fee' ehnti lonpir n It is apagan and seonal doing. Ifion-~sho ofdle.. n eay to Caslehonbodnr loesaid than she V55wt .cl osn in y Fo e toed"' e lo aw compi the t ithe wince blodrtra be forcae Douingo, blWre ean, he tloothe ef te foosd Negra nose nod nn s nottoen forwoipon ar tasaer ad p baolrel, w nti e mon g g Inqe aen f, "rodn inssa cfi ofSrt a r t he n ia n oftn y of the deio and nenonn lponolernofeo to the mte" Tl sety be , trii ote. bsed Hf Heno aU~nfefo. beaio et socia f anie n ro oeje erenog imi m prgennd the mastaairiga of m onuesyeie,b e inewhintliinginathe darkbandneoealtnagoinsttidoh , sooum of hotosy. In tommty on iteepoeloe If Carobean munsoy thosogh SOCIETY THOROUGHI LITERATURE 243 heneowhaoesturnedoareley ino Antanfoe. Intasimilas onsoe the foilk erpro'nn of the Canibbeon i dying toay. When indoor and gadgoet bettor. the tworko of t naton, nd the ar pl aeo ianee to owns,theeieymtoomke v tie eontyinitteawn emte and folk net dinsplpors n ontiig entity' n the Andire whbere tbe Neo eaoly took ohs phase of Nhe nIan tiav, those bane ttlways been 'otny Negroid litie usan anon so moo i , dancre, in eoanldr enpoolices of mosey kind, to the pespetoaden of trihol eoioo and the peinetise bole. Drinlg the part qarter oi aet.s1-oeoh. tte heen a geatdoweing of Negro poetry. Unlike thae Negre literatrr of te Untied Newo, its pioetr esten in net to beotir the pot lot of the lolte mato ban ismt hod ei glee shydher nod osotnti enpeenon to nsne Nogods own reoteoo heroiiage, orpbed of hnts Afteto bank- groun'dfoded withthC-, thnleethichlne e= enopart and poorr of in life today. Thin nyton nbro of t Negro poery an -celeno etpsreion of n-hon boa often been roiled e "spiotorbmroilae"einbte anfbean Race-minng hasnotnnon randey a phynicat thing, tent aespirtual thing gan nei- The COran aetesJuanMaietosaytof eihis pety that "in itewefindtos ,worres, ma psotont, anddr The Negropoetry of mhe Inis in not bared en the l~itl an CtnsioN'ty to ae the North Amneirn seieos, bee -,eeeit mhe onle Afrin earl fee shythnie tinpinture. no in a pagan add ,tenoa thing 11--cn'Fnmhanof Wenenteonodrryther OCtitbeo actbero bave said than tee Negse mom be n"oropean. od," ameotedti mtpbesy int o ehs te blood ebran, Meore Caribean tonitty nos I woele ann moew fortward Othos wsioon entelle eeifeoeb, among thorn Pedro HenebgeaUton of Sonto Domingo, detlaso that the moored of the Indian and Negroe, an men and on cota rot oee, impie ne dangr on otahe adds lt aed sent to te nationa e snen 'All biondeonc'ton ponoren, tap Henoiqoesnres, "e-m isem the inooffinmecyof sloe edocannio and erenme oppenoitiro tffosod en doe mtteen."s This stay le quit toe hoat if Hioesos-ltreea believen tht soI folklose rat' norote ecnmc pogen and the notenaaton of de onatido be Iswhistliig in the dokndnspetaSagant lmhe etpoeienc of leltony. In woan, an intspretaies of Cribnen ocled, thoigh  244 The Caribbean at Mid-Century fitomorr leads tm ooe ceocaslor: Front Otto Oeoetn of tal- mitotng stil neorpoen. o Caribbeann is touraily hmotroroe boat mais iPrposoing fast, and the moan or refAnbond oath Formet thercitinoof theofinr- Seood, motdoof theciliosoher to odopod poverty, and tete the society is vey poitlidet. Thid, mn ony a fon area does thaton oooa oiied door stoosotane; myrda tho aosle toropojor of Cuba and Cost Rita no Cotibtrea wirtty is mnpoond largely of a single clans, ouoaeilyec agaly, andeonloally doer oatwotichosay he talled aronre thee body, rho voice, sad the onai of tin rto. Pord, for mnt ~re -nt them Oat ino a tnmcmrosto lot- le of oe aora wnatoy popain nto Woteh iodoatoliscd rides, and tin renomt moiddle clam, ne lo age of msid spoaino, theno, to te Intact.- Fifth tin obstacles of roatec Otee non rotoy mefoo hold mucks We adene of tsociety. Sixth ecardean, absretito, tmadter and politiont coteoptiot stll obtont in read of broadea. Boo foe, more iropont ana any of tin me is i Pt tipeeog spici of Caribbean life nehirl is maerled itn nte, liteanre. Tie letter of nte lare kI~slea orhie rho opiro ginet life So ttaa aod lathe aeon kind Caits,...ear aslnedy foosd itonny. Foeofolo Use flt atm nds tolti arta of eodisatio taio past of the world mane viewoith aoy txs. Tho hlending toady many still be toah hot r~hooift in o a mittodo cetive Pontoo, and oveo goar mor- netofn n rbtd elan toga by tan sprr of soneartepdooal man. Let ro, nongmttn yteily. Ont Ceaiottoo wtriter haeod of as Angin-Sarers: Yanou at to the pat, -toe teoog to dnmth funat h T ha Uniea Saeni thte tot great imperion of asingle moo, ti ls ac-tasiloy of rho ecen fooodoir . Md or nmt hopo of satvoair lire in We very fat notte are nol a pare mte,, tn roiot, abodge em .,no mte now of the fatte. an atoyay f -racer i opm-no of lmed fana lleythic, ta Weontmatmto oerettrneoartece Aned Alflon ey, dear or Morian Ion.otu drac the ri top nitNttoiwhneRe ~a.nds 'T believ in oy toe ace-tha oorsm ret miath ocoday ny arod potmpto or torn costaol tob toniw mnng. Bt onthe reality tof gh d~ ibboaa cosredi Bo ofi l,. Cmib sn ody and Catitton thia lafindinog its tony onat 244 The Caribbean ag Mid-Century 244 The Caribbean at Mid-Century ltoontc londs toeortaioo FirttNe pohoo ofrare mong stilt mlnow. noe Cmcbboco is uacually inotorgetns bat nonroion is pagooalag las and thn tman of onirod-bboo til teom t e da tine of the innostr Socod -otide of theodtes them o cidespoed peerony ad aher e ho tddy in -,n pdrtoiv. Third, in onty afLos amo dons there rad a unilled cla oatro mith doe pondalrol onosptier of Cuba and Costa Rit n as ibiea crermy la troyed laogely ofnoisigle clacnsoocaotally,el nootlall nd normo ally dmoninaron may to rolled t roa the body, themiro, anod rooof tnod-la Fnnno,roe yern pass Nhoo. hos teeot a tiemeodouno iNdlo of to, aguad cotoly poatliorto the adoutobad eitis, and te reodn modeo o nasreo ,tmaseMmat eafatre, FifnthroI oonceitof raoooe.Ohaveoi an aorgo hold barb *e adync of tromtty. Uinda roeialito, ainutactos nt iolon and poiict rptm contlte r wdnmd of progntam. B ana mo tepn r so r, y o rf these panuty in ter prevenfiog spurt of Ch arabno tieo reici in oaed an thy, literalre. Tine stnce of the lN e laio while the opisif .1m ty life. So tioriaton ard IothonbatMoeebao hasnalrendyfond itotnay. For.hin fltafotlks nd inthe ars of ding oa oesuart of -ccl mnoy vie wodth ny 00d1e0. The, btrding body to ayostiti to tenl hot rho, cpifn it oa tetodot rs ie ono, and every groa ooe tof bnoy mao mbge by *0ev srit of rm e orttiocat man. Lona0 Har genooa oehoasyd. Oreost Cs oa , meo bo odda r on Aagla-Srowrs, Von tolotg no m prn, toe doog to the umo. The tonod s ames the* but great hpotiwmo a tioq ae the t ro trpoilaooy alofM ctolr maor dono sc. cAd oren trimentn , hope of salvat n Ide is * very fact tt me eo n e and t apar taco, bat annuto, a bridge to wnas, te asfo fntare aatoyofr a nrocearlndiag, n lo hc .nta d hn hs hc _ ddanfrom a hirgt tonol, Wo cmta yc t of omoroonos And Alfooto Repr, denom of elids u lytton doroe rho nau up rent moning. But *the Uyan of the Caribbntoo enooait oh. Confion cetynod Caibenrthannebh itdig Is, eay tocwatd U,-lerds to darts roodus.-: Firer, te problem of moo- roisfog mall roiro. noe Candbea is mortly betetagerroa boat annioniatico is pongeting 1.annd dao rm of mknol-hiond wil tocotoonrocttim.onof the ftre. Stad, oalside ofthectaoiesdatee innidesprend pover, nd thtere tote soety in very poimitie. Third, in only aloew amta, dons thto- rxstoaaifiod elan, ,btcortt; onith doe pmodels oncepln of Cuba nd Cocoa Rica no Canfhtbeao toonty is ronpeted lasgey of a singlm class, romnri~alllera no icaly, nod clrltaly dnrbaot wicih may be rAdid atmo thetbody, the voes,nd*thsol ofootherai. Foeathnfrorme ,an past there has into a ttoortnota inditac of *0e agrarian sorony populatier inno the ladanoelaterdot0, nod tie reutolarnt mniddle danr, 001 lt stage or mopid eapadon eogs to the rear fror. Fitth, the absta of tanohae n ayrein hold bakthe attenrt, of wciroy Seda, ereieoahuo, altlentioqa tadtioo, and po0itcat toerptit sato thnonwc the rend f .tMres. Bat far mrm boepn thar any of liM, priato i tohe poocaliog spirin of Carihbean life whlsi reveed in dmr Nietannor Thte Lettroflthe lateballtlahLFthoaspirtrgvNoeLosf. Ntrteennnr and I. the a-ti*Caribben hasasiony foond ionnay. BMdal lie flk woit and in the ants of civiliaatioo thin poor of dat word onaynfiovwith tnyoshe,. Tlneblrodinetbodynmayodtltobewetbut the spin in of a tremmoon eralce proer, mad every gmvnt moae- r os hntoy toan togao by dae spirit of soot r~ottiotaal mn. Lt at no gs-A .1,-retyonhtialty. cIns Caaildoao wteo ha, sald of n Aaglo Sarrss Von tohem, no B*t pant -o bcg to doe fusoato TFins noined Staes int atho great inopoofm of a sfrinl rare te ant repooiooy of the settl der~ doadono. Iad our greanro hope of otection lies in the very Gatl no rtnot a pmrtnce busataolintre,notbridgrrto= woasdte tatofthe fstro, mooy ofoma nprm obledig, an alloynoho can eoea raeanoungerthantohadnwich prod fama singe toesal, tine coonie tate of tornnoe )n And A~lnoo Reoo dean of Modntat croon, dret te rail up na ituinilnneoated o ibolirvin..,lyrooce-0inaoao ,oo foth veedso may oanrd parpoo m0 too groeral to havt eal meaning. But the reliy ofdae Cntlbotrnnadicitothi. Onolottoan soctity od Carihboo thought is Lin it ioney tanne  SWCET THOUGH LIEATUNE 245 SOCOUTY TIROUGH LITERATURE 245 SOCIETY THRUGH LUIATURE 245 a Imed of tainiv alss, hnades than the chanaesvtll estriatd attitd, ech stn, andl Tilt of the Uitad Srtes. tti emswent towardi ttiheealisnit is tlte indiidutaland not the mattes who Tend, sut> Fprom its Hispanic begisntstg Caribbe satiet hat aoarnd the supior .indiidsu; natalIode' caineisted in nre to podttee r'oma nfegls , te sweep- doanlandmeseernormtcettles tan oraiseehe gastedeitfectua letvel. Modified by the ... iry of public edtscatiatn, that eept silpeeeea btedy. let s oet forget' that a ettas for alt, at the Evil of all, u -a Iswing in profundity whtat mtay lbe gained bty stoenite bdeaio, in dms Caribbean hat news en s teewlinteanstd probatlytwittevrsbeceetnt. Ramc- urxse it poesnig that ftuaiau freem the physical angle flowing the spirit less Alt of the ltenate of te Catibbeat, all at toe ae, the hilret, the cttttae and the Jaci dovstspmtts 'ted motead the frommson of Isutats type of high ostibru,, a goa which isutreeta ths atof the Sooth farmore that thenasaton of etase tuaedeed by esehniqts"tt The CReibbal a moifg world a middle-aoes risty esnoicaedy and phyisily for the mnes will be hosed hat tbts h.t nut strasgied selctive valvast. The eat af beasy and the dtodoe free,y at pee o anpictseasitinit Spadish Aaoa life The Caeibbae lot deleoped Etrureah sas of seiietta atneoutant; and ewith the eseptian of the Mey- ica Rsvnteasdn, snhinh cnnedd by hnn boath a nstut0 gesceaton of sateior individsals In literature aed in 1e, the Casibbeo mae as ms indidissnt and indimdol am see mfnd'g, "soe, whoe cn-sdring the coneed, raster ahove Loto Thaeu enlwo fllow me en thsis nested tablsswill areptypaene my t"Thtereiunaegend tins the path of adermenada, oar civitiation, has been ever sosteAsd Originating in the fabletous greoen of the Rons, it has ommhed in tna Eabytania Gocre, Roeso, wiette Earne, and leafnf all Amesioa. Zves in the begihn, Aeeat tess a laud el premise, and in that lasd the challtiaion sod roet of the South, the trea and aspisatinos of Ifs gavssmtnae, the m sofe ats eard ets, and the veiceto at purtteot speak oun soday trasder than teswith ths roaeds of thtertrength, with their isrtuneiy of hepe, theit obmnw of prmitoftt a hind of a ressatir, broader than the dteaoisially moss trtected atttdnt islego. and nmitit nf the United Statne, 1.nthit, it isthesiadtiduat ad era the mat wbe stands out. From Its tuispanie beinas Caribbean society hat stesed the Tsgntior individua; coaaedt- a t rttd io eides to peroduce Ph-am .eingaas, the utele dnnatand eetieea .atheetantaraishenvsaltinteectal teeny Mtodified by ths -a-mtiy of tetbtic education, that mcapt stilt prevails todaye- lm nect foreet that a culture foe alt, at the level of all, mesas teeing t preofsdifec whet may be raned by mme.Ed..atio in the Caribean has nevea been vs tior~eolding, psaao, and prbubty weill nee bcme so- Rare-myann0 is perforetnt that functiet fcrs the phyttoa angls, teasing the spirit free All of the litetlre of she Casibbeon, adl of lbs art, the histoy, the culture. and the amit develnyment "enad totacd the feretaiwonfa human tyee of high calibre, a goal which issorsa the est oe oA the Seuth far m than the cteatiof at .,,ev smadardire d be rsucnieie"O The Caribbean in meting toea stiddtoucirt tncety easteoiealtlesd physicalty fee the mase en-id bee hoed; bet this hats not stsanetd wltetiss valser. The colt of beaitlyandthe diinesrely ofopoettorpicturs aeteotneto Spanish Amaean life. The Caribben has denetd thmonagh a seir Mof mm ssiisca-oans; and with te eacptios of the Mare i,- Reretusiot weiths cendctded by beinging fanth soeno g ofupr mwd r, ar an in th iCaribbean manes[ me mwl wdiff-rimt, and individoala ate eat' eumng, 'who, white oalsadictia the crwd, tmes abeese freom The test echo follow mte n this tod tahtrswilltawpty protemy Isnia "These isa fellnd tint the path of cdieiliatiom, eus lasiti, he, hoe eer sotasid Oeioinetig in the fahuiros laths. nf tin Evet, ir hat toured in nuelahytne, Greece Rate, neatest Europe, and lastof all Amsetca. Even io the beglnning, Amserica e a land of teneist, end intha N sd the atniiarsto and tescisty of the Somth, thte trials and aspiratont of ito tavemnstents, the riiss of i'ts allit, and the stoices of its eopls speak sat fnday tsndes, than nes with the renaned of their strengh, with their atueusity of hope, their ealosatta atie. a bind of n etotim, breadge than the abaaaristialy moss sesefed attiadw, feelings, ad spairft of the United Stotr. In tis moneotontltorwardsdiwet, ituoteini~d and edt the wautawo staso ou Prow its fiopanc beeginnings Caribbean -aifyhastamooedthMsuperiaciaditidoat; cotsniacdm- cates nesd, in ceder to prodaa lOf-an aiwtla the exccot ticaandwyar~ioseman,sathssthan tssawthe gratemll-om cowll, Mdfied by the soeeyiy of public sdoatitn, that masopi sils p wvalt na.h noetntsaaalts o lat , = usntFremaamw frealaeatlevel o f 11ll, weae loasin in poulty whsat stay be gadnd by cescesbew Edaraeina shCaribe rhetnvsr been esas leveli psoets, Nand , nprobably will newsr becme so. Aae-minin is plesfaseit that fauntion fhoe, the phoi angl leaving the spaiit free All of she tiatassr aTr he Catribboan, sll of the set, the bitter the mulmu and tin twrist develcpmeotstvdtoswasd the foeina nsn typeel gh alise, a goal whicl insetens tnthe nes atl Snrout fas Taw tha she westiano ofeuo of ftdbynI he a ismigtosat ttada egd by o..dnqastaiTh aribbd hyea fot na o -.sda andffb. ecad;hobththu wnt tman.-edwlece ievales T ' sit of btsttt end the diiwo feoy Cof issoomesis t intrindict fpanish Asedsicn life The Crbean hot dewleped througha tesie of ollital rosedsieo; and wihy the eeeeptton of lbs Mm'- iaan ivertuoien, wih soeldeed by bringing fetl anamire now ster s eussrs, ludiidnals i Sireaa and in e 1te Catibbe mater a- moe ndiffesec, aed fndidds ate eut- stdisg "whowl ceeladieing s he arwtoe bomt it"5e The men who folow me on thu mond eahl, stb ilt l amply prove my paint "'There in a intend that the pash of cairation, sue civilizatio, has been cs ea weetat,]. i orniBtbii tis faedoleot are ftin East, ,I t has toadied in orne Babylonia Greece, Rome, westest Eusape, and IantofalAerica. Even inthbeginninzAeiateolI h tns adofmsradiiheuvrh i a adie h., rcl ndwia o ugt ti adi e fitpupeewo ait yode f ee with the wroue, at ther strngth, with their masenty o[ Mpt thanisolowse f premse "'a  246 mae Caribun at Mid-Cewtuy 246 The Caribben at Mid-Cmtiuy 246 The Cariben at Mid-Cflhuy REFERENCES C., Roosto 1542. M = sf., Hsolqsoo-b.ts, Lit,,,,9 Cosystos it Hbyotis A-.-~o Hoosoyd tj noiit Frey., Cssbnidgy, 1945. (1'hy qgvssou oES My.- mi& ky mtstsysbysfUisooh1 Coyly. cosswlsFy5 Hessyi e fs e s mi hte.y. m,fsooR Nyts 1930. KafyMsyAV~ y otsyi hy Thauosfts ts ItA Aio0 Foyt rID isso. 02,tshyo a ao cs,,, p4eity 01 0. . Rtonof Vsowls¢tnstoos Ads,, Tsitoss ft Is Rolssiso, N osYsk, 1033. myti Y-iy Al fits f.i o1, Fotyft,Md, 0942. N'JmydosM oyiG MnLApssils ,iP Nrdos Dm. oyAdsis.Nw Ytb, 190. Fsss Koglo tyss. yE sA ojs (Sht Uofssdsg.). 55,olots by S. rMstgslo L, Os tos, Nys Fsmb, 0929 t n~si Li. 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Nossoyd, y., Bsyssto, Nys Ios.,19825 MsytsiCsssTA lso sodAt e .yf.yPt lntissaloy by ssregsyisOsds ssto El Jodis, -I-dtty by SAts Bstot, obby M<+flt, tsiwassrli, 1997. Nsytb m Cs~lis, Foso,, Cliys Hl, 0e144. Mysso Jyod Vossoosots, TsLyd s .f t toy oosis stig o mEs ytsgy sf S/otloi Aysoyisey Lilooyo 1,rdtyo, y. E.s Htnpl,Cr-,, n~negAssyftyCso,Am 'Th Rytoisys So[y thyi Aoyfsoo, IdolS s.y5Esiby bym Aneyio. tisot,, N0941.114 5Jobs A mot, ]'s Epis of Iqnt Attoyiys tosbtodoy, Gosdet City, 94t JotS .t5, Isos thy vsty Msdyt Atoltis, Nyot Ysoh 2949. st J. aNotl~o,yym .os.y N.-I. Atylimo,io Sl poftdlinedl 94510, 1090. w0 Cysystis S6ps, y F-1yts, SEotytyett, Rdlsisss, o, bMtsiy, 1940. REFERENCES sboosl lot osfy ddArylyslofy~o Osyon tg,.Lbttyhyty-ooA Co., Esoso, 1942. 0y4yHtso~qsyt...r 4 Litoysty Csyysuyo is Pv: ysoiAti. Ossyiso Oyisytfsy Foso Coshidg, 0949. r(Thy qys-hs iost Mo®- 0Coyly Cossily, Fy55, syisisyis A IieeWr hytsoos yoofo, bfto, t v loio[f v81 Fytsyis som~ysiy Dsssbttdy 1oss1 DoAyo City.1942. o .IF. Rotyh, Vsossslst Fryso F hoist, Isyitot ftl by ER 4to No' Yt,,932. *Asstlyyt, Al fil A 400, Fs.1 MSA~, 0907. n rJotys, Mofas. Oftyti Afostlo of Ft., fos, DasftoAfsi, N.' oThk, o y ays o~hsol to ds . shfts (TAr Uodfgs). soayootd by w.edgss. JL.,_ Eytmyoy, NsYssb, 501. O ool Eso osol, Tro F05r .nd MsA oh. rn Soyloy tosv by 1.y~st01, syNsoh 19. tobb Mt .i Otfisosi, 937, aelel yAMvB~.. +J. R. SysE Csomopsry sy -po~iA..Atfso 5,01, Vsistotby t PN tob m Cool moo Chayt Hilt. 1044. 'ysissy Jso yGosyt v /ysfsilsofteaU os r¢o to.1. odsiso Syyois Essod Abssy of SsurnhAttoyisooitoyotot, y. il . bisopsIs Cools Nys aob 1940. ~ n 14.I " AsesisiaeO11s n e Cosysts Th r 55.1,.- Ety-t tY u Ms u Iwofol stool it oA. Crayf Thy.Ep ol~s Lorofer. A-lyf Nys ysh, 0 9.. J~b A.Coss, ~t fi,5! so i At,oi. tOssbttfs, GofI City, 50 JotS oty, Ito Thy n-y ~sy Als,' ;Ny Phmh, 949. a M aimt, 1090. 1 Cgyot.w Ishyss Y Fsosot. EotSnvol, Pdidoot 9090, Mmty,190  18 18 18 177 Gcmo~an Arciniogas: MAGIC IN THE CARIBeAGN (Traverod by Join, F Mnrnin) T Edopert impymier toat tin poetry of ine Hail-mnttaker is ote of a magi To say [hie at treo otythate ne- Ahtpety tteahof this kind. 1,tmebeagi-nteionaersteat ottgie. Ittfiat potyoso tro to ecopitr, to gied duncea, ttpe lproem to htoooo dotioo Rhemnc ielf it filled wtom magic fft-rdlao Tine ttthcttt a of the atae, the morder of the naoteor, the mooed tmayoer the Pydoagotot ef Doaon deseroe ,tor oredteIs frgi a wenI o rmct- hr o t0 trick tot a idden crooe. to re thethme atone etooorotytoman-I' padrs Nhat dmtoner oteta I the rinetol a tt, the retn aiiIt the oppmeoie iagictto tepspereperehdoeeeord "rpelt'istcaodinmria vlert, utre the dorts of poetry- tBat it tnuot rot it feegottenthato the pattte, watitm eaedo jot dtio, to bewitch. It fotme partof theontoftoemery. Aed itimrrtethne'mdece, indeedi t m reei g, e tt the Spanish erred "tong" (cr000) is etbodied mt the teard 'spe0" (oont). Neither olotrld itob forgoten that Albtang poor,, it nt tote, it it tong otiteofaly, ie mnagfc, the spetl roo toe. by inting retrt wehettere I the mroellrarrnddle of laeg .nobe ft rerl in wttt deter the flee haweto, religio, to., pret, and the dance All ftndan t oe tmre brew in netored cotirto. W~hat mnut be totiredtrao to reltin e Emhrit. I.arimthe tmagic is froth. MaI& it notr .quolity, to adjetir of Cartibeon potry. Itt paety stil fortot pornof mnagic. The grootoata ordee tshould be reerrod, adomagie rd anattttotnte,aototontlig Gefer'n Arcirniegas: MAGCit IN THEP CARIBBEAN (Ttneesftet by Jtino F. Mornh) THE dreptfitapmmret thnat the poe ef the Cordobeto maron it tof t toagic spellk To my diit itnt ct Wray anythting mwt. Alt poetry moot be of Nuj kind. to the begtnrit, htest too tragic. Itt firer poopt too tocPd,.at, to give derino, emr. rmartl pteernItohttoo dtiee Rhorn n ifilldermage totootas. Tint mtootemotirt of the meter. doe order m tine mtamas, doe sacedt tmystery. the Pttraaeoo r. o o tnmeraerme om- rierof tttlonoI mogia. Feorowete oeottooilefee vane teoer.eito aeoticktortoorhiddenoroerstootrttetdroeaotg tottoemtnoe paths that diocorceremtine notc It tHe nltetoil rat e he oatimnite, theapprerde oagir- it opobit, opeoch the oen lspal1r it used inta tdvait ter to erpr-Irthinett1..-of peory. Bfttit maete ot .rfeottom.that te peemoaeoritte iejtttIll.taim, totteotitch. tfeormpanrrf tHeaooftorr. Aodittnttthnteiociderr indeed ito mrott retooing tht th¢ spenith wed "song" (.otIo) iteduoled It the weed'opellt (recoam. Neithr toid it be forgotteorthat athogh ptety itnotooungitittng Immuntiotyintmagi, to tped etaroast iny vditg; when. metheos otttaroltortmuddte: of hejog trabit r etoiotet to doter doe floe betoet ocigier, tnttc poetry, and dot dater. All font l- of the sate bree mt the rated caldro. seh aot be ratiod in roatioen toite Cribinatit that here ®tgir it freo. Mfagic it test a quntity an adjectera of Cartebea ptoetry. Ito poetry still fooott part mi magic Tine gnoerotiot orde rinonid ae e--rd, ard mragic trod as a tomtrtide, t ertoohirt German Areiniegar: MAGC IN THEt CARtIBBEAN (Troefatd by John F, Madar) THE deapert impoestiam that the porny of the Cariboot tmoker rote fatmagie sprll. Trray thtisisot tttarytuhing nee. Allpteteptrt betore the indo trtho beginnting pry er moag. lee firer imoore -~ to eaptieto ao glee divt, taper at pmer to htteaodetoo tttfetoriait filed t.mai, Itotmdta. The eathetctio of the meter', the rder of the tao- thot toc mdurey the Pptttgooeanoef Dan&,f trert tee nheetofaht awtofngc Eeeeromdrtteiefoore heertel ee kn e 0ea hiddonn ettcato hethr eoog root more toytte wt paths that dienero tidne ovce it the to eppmobe sprech the e ai i 't v]st r d B t it toedt it ae tinat etate toe po th rhot ofn ptI tot itm eit It ftroe that rof tho arft orrane- And iti oe r ac odote, inee rit 0,0*0 revealiog, tha.t doe anp.i. toted "ang"' (cnte) it etebodr in the we "aois (oteae). Neithro tintld it be frgott that aldoegin oetr it e , u~tt mteo oo. Ofittoricayly, in -at, the spelttweert ® intngarono,ehereetstrno rnwnthreIt orrtnddle retgior, masic, paahery, dde datee At fore, pat P ri the sane What moot be toticed in rttier to the aybmmea as in beer tragic it froth. EMagic it art a quakite, an adelieo Credibear poetr, to poetry itill ftront partalf magic The gotardua rtor tattid h roeered, an dnonmgi ecd arta etbtltttir, tov as tonoetlng 4 4  248 The Caribhan at Mid-COmtiuy 944 The Carean at Mid-Cuntuqy 944 The Cur~ib at MidCetuzy menetasool. BEcrvcnowams that ie Caribblean is ac sea hawsed be decuns; tan it baa iceen the hmewo ath hn elan, oi serden- laggsd risae di the black flag esith sehits ksll cad bones, of deapeaategmdels;oi cbagaa, the ncdady, adeaoy ether fiendish delights. fla chat isact all. Joet as ther e ia African nchit snagic. a Ecanpeac black magic. and an. Atafic, magic, theme is a Caribbean cmagic Caribbean magic is emtcmagic. It balds Afrcan dorast, Eseat p-aya, siati m piiaea, and the sascke and beeth of dtheRamaIlands. H..iti nn gtsh Mweihthe magic cf the seadis ens cagechee asd fas ant bass One tas whether these insntcr aianeigs oi the sriseh dactowa, whethec those poedece those eaa icos, that Vcsdaa Ch6ief, thes apisna dent, eshenhe theta packs of ards ed cnltee wchees, those spimnain msaet those dancs and Nasn vere ae an the bettsa mcdy Airica conga,. oc Stonink salsemilions, or Chinsg mnthlesle resaasaoaf thesnaie lay asallsho, hutnhinsnnoaall. Tie whris is the Carilona. fStsi have been mnade at d cands escitnges is Assericn. Silai Zose-tla has sold, "If Eteope bar bmeagha or cheat, rices hcley, agac, hoes, ecen the plcc, the alpbabet and gnposdee Amc ir Isas paid she pies weith corn, beast ea, penan, temats, sad peppee, neakteet lebacc, chile, tseky, -bbe,, llamas ad IndloaS" Ties, are ramples thn may ban msltoliad and en. pandedinto aantopic. Rt aid, by tide teilb this wd-bjesa nstuedy the imuacehoge af magic Palac Thope reaiad wehat Ansric sc (des the knee nae)-the .,ea.t berag reed e the art of aahin, af biasig cotke thrcoegh taein ns, cc beming tebaers, whicl are the hiss caras of she dte e of magic. Tbe bahosgeaiie at pinedaa glen rich sallieg Haitian mma. And swceale millet Amercn Indians, igroat at tbe esallencesofths alpshabet ansdawhet, aretfamilir wth many thingsn esed by the gypsiesoftGraasda as kill seeenntchat or sies to iianas srith lace and than ass deemed moe atent Is soeea fneoar emis thna Pans, Nant. The poeiy of Cadais Obese or at perlapas, oe oi Falt Males cc yalelda Godiike; the esaps af Peentnd Oetia; she hidaien at Ateje Caspeades the mien at the tlaee hens by laino Nasa, Calve; Tie Sahen City by Enrique lesad, Nidae--ad sabstacalal. Eveyone ictnmcs ahat the Caribbean s a et heaeted by demsan; Sht it has besa the hams at thee huticane, at westdse- legged piraes, at flhe black flag acids were skutll and haes of d,,,-essngglis; of Cahaga, the sakes city, tad mary other glendis deiigha. Bag that is aot all, Jest at these is an Mfician wehits magic, a Edisto- black seagic, and an Asiatic magic, them ama Caibbean magic. Ceasibam magic it cosmicaagic It holds Agr'-cncham, seupea lesae, Asitic mica,, ted the naes red besac of iteRamrllaed. Hlereit iseoseiehignsccbalthesagic of the -ento comes maeqese end teems ae hne 0cc tabs hethe those myatrot eselians 01 the cile dortas, aekehee looe pocee, themspkestain.. that Vesdeo Clieg, th-osapiam doe, mhenhe chase pock, of cards and roalett weheelt, those tpieltalia ca dathm daces ad Sm essam ass at the bessom cmeet ain Afeican congas, or Specids sapetiess aso Chines inhlse, oflsese ftcees. Zlhyaroall tit, bscstts ineoall The inhale LU the Caribbean. Stkei haee bee made af colacJa esehanget in Aenarie,. 51Mgi Zacala he ai od: "If Esnepe hat bmughit wr wheat, rice, barky, angar, boeset aen, the pese, the alphabet and gsmpocda5ssAmr. nor has paid nice prime rich mmnh, art, peanala, lratoes, sad pepms. paoane tao, chicl, tskhey, rublbec, llaas aned Indians" These tee amdple tins may be mancleiid aed et- pedtt opc u id yuewihte-if s sady tS intrchange of magic. Bafece Ene s mised wae Atmia was-(does the hae nsa if-he Eseetcea seat being cinaed ssle te r nt of atmig, ef bleocing stcks damegh the 51ce ofnsaing aebonco, abich are the biea ocnals, of te elsetec of magic The hecelie of Pord-rce g-as rih neiag Masiden sam. And eminia mmuln Ameeca bndienn, ignant tf Se omlsleten n the alphabet tad nehea, am lamiac acids many dshi ased by the nypnies of Crenada to hi t ae cat ame gien Is aflamee with lace and than ac deemed mere potent so te- an tam grns mien than a Pae Nota, The porary af Candeid Obese as of Moalan, en ag Paka Mtaa as Nitowi Gasilldnl the snayn at Pcansnda Ontlal the himasofaa Atejo Coanade; Sh men of the slave by Lest Nacas Colo.; 7lie Seases Cia, by Eranha toad s fidia-a nsaal. Evryone hamsv that So Caribbean bset hatted by demas; Sna ia hen been the hams of the hoccraons, of ceadee- legged pioe. et the btrhyflagcith white skll and hate, of ispsca2 aegglms; ef Cohinse, nc itaken ciy, and tay other ies dcliihea Oar that in a all. Joas th e in an Afrca coic, magic, a BEampea black cangce, and an Alatc magic, Wiert en a Careans magic. Caribbean acag is ceoic magic Is bald, son- drma, Eeapsan P-ae ,Asiati pohan, and ths wsta sad beath of the Bas lland, He it in nteingi oc see hoc athnie mscaic of she aseeld eaorac cgtben tand feorca mne knat. Onem acheeheea those myntariaag meenting ath hseermc doctorm, ecember shts p,-dot, abas eatatta, tlnat Veacoeg Chief, Shan aisn dens walne sthese paika of cands and meaete ahesin, thane rtpilaliel snitthese daet ad thase scesc ac as the benta ele aloamn, Mr esmnatc pnaapsai, ac Seuh p n rChwne sublet anf the native. Theyass atl chi, ban dhin isns alt. ThesaOhmls the Carribbsen. Stndien hose been made oi ealteaal eaeinn in Americ 5i--i coela has aid: I ooIu and death, toct only die mot ebin-a oae odicon wh chesacoceiostieir And an epaeo, sob at 'Ton?' the Sparith theatre of the olden Agt, regitnal the etnchk no "vogschoo, and rameonvt thetnea, thee onndibg toappeae from tm to tie, ay, for instanc, "the Nrgrn" in Misnpai Uitarran. Waoei factorn decde the choi of au,tn therme In detrsine bie Mterial rd s f o s Why, at a giron oon, ae they rad morirler rto tehie of an npmo inteanao? a eaind h hte hea tr the anriosding reality, and tr ohal degree do thsey indicair Joso AIOtnio Portuondo: CARIBBEAN LETERARY THEMES IN THlE LAST FIFTY YEARS 'I--oltd by Clairo M. FSend-e) SOU IN 1. Tho Litracey Thenmes SOLUTION of the qusio pored by the liaary threes of Spanish Ameoiut bo anrot bee uIrrten en,. a mnnter onto'- factoins Itoi tritethat partial redirn hue een mode nnonm inn "the India" and "t Nego' in Ibero'Aoerican laymn, "landscape" and "the bandit" in tho Meaican, "the earthquake" in the Oeronan, "the jiharn" inthe Posro piraon, and ecee "dhe mo"in the oolati p-,o of Caha. lion no ytoateac, scientific onpons xlrtion baa been anoeyto in generl no detrnmine naldu Mmrna me the moo inoponmn and 'mosn frent.y oed and, abone all, nhai relation they bea n tho cocepiun of tonicty and In tie tath faciethle peneeior ofthnee ohaoemad themt Foor itis a fact that titeeoy thnorn -Preose doe evontial aioide, of the oen, and, therefore, t of imiportaot portirns of tbe peopyle, toward die tndrthos i wemmtem ia It In well hnown that, in additien I no cmo thrnon in aion]sa iteatr-hoe and death, to cite only dir moo oloioan"-thoe, ar otheosohicl cheesuteis n Ilt re and an mso, auch so "bun?' n the Spanish theater of the olden Age, reetimral dones arch ax robe naalh, and recere.t itemsu, tron teodAg to appear from tian ti tin', ws, for irnn e 'the Negro" In ninpanic lioralre. What facton decide th rebolar of certan dtnone in det'rmined hintnicl sveodn Why, at. a gic momnt, are hy and no othes fin eiclet of an epess imnton Wibar relation do Whu theme Ibeac to the ouremonoig raiy, and to watta deprie do dOry indicate  LWSEARY THEMES 2557 LIEARY TEMIS 257 111IIIARY TEMIS 257 the noitd of thne wodor oner this tr Allten qa tieer. etil in day have to lad to wanrd by woh-ee utdertakes the sientifi, troady of Is,-e thette. At this time we owish only to outline a brief inquiry io certain dettiast thesr in the itst- lure of tce CarHicean area in the Intl fiffter as a means of elteifrtiogthar dete ftitciay ,nr ed of the people or that togimtowmotd rho poobtono pewiar to the Amnerican Moditor- tthe tptteA t¢eele olthe Cocet,t inetspitoe of thtsa- geaphina ted loiol unite, heed totaootn ta roe tooth, taol itiuhndly a mett oefncta I.,in¢ethey hee htceoeorof maer phynnat and entoeecaterimt. Whileth doltnd Steta, en daring cloniat rme and writ still greame pomtcioaty alter sectng indeperderte, eanidered the Caribban are as a onity the colonitsoef Sp=.n ted of Fraet fint, and later tlee reptico ofC mA mnmhlmt hnstthe nw othfo nd Venate, Mexico and Ceotrtl Amoede, nd the Greater and Lettr Armitte reet oed apt and aotle behotile, som mla crhr wt em e n rtthie cotct oeith o n roth. Hoaving attoaod independence mhe rawlny formoed otlo.t fo..d themet itoeled m.a lorg and omuttuosoetrortf rtioal adi,-eotthihnatmd the ,ter part ofrtempheomry. Eaoh nttiotowithed tohae its frotiro wall damned;etail watengaged ineeitarttg irisl fromoits neohoeorthetoan In droirginef towad th®: ntod the tea, that lodoptall fronie, warthaIndor, n a., Prm lent to 1922, effortn to integrate arstrong ande ablo Cenl Aemmean o . tie aroudin r-thiog mor than o nninuont nod, ntinere, bloody otecoetions of faitooo. t was ret hard 1939 that the peopteo of the Caoibet n raorwd to dittms thei euront prohiors in tacit raxneot of their oeontial nity. Io the third of the lnsr-Amoeiea Coneer of the Castibbean, which twib lt at Pono-aneice in loop, Mettic. proponed the oe eamo of an teer-Amefara Coe af the Cnrihhenw hot en moe pe or antice the doapodd teat dieoeeed The thips of Greater Colomia have hoot in opeatin fer only o rhern tme nodl the .,otling of old Cuhat-Mriertn rooftieter the appliation td fihostontr i th e Golf of Motion is otill mome recent In coat oleore of thib abord eeomoleand pntitial he oqo the theme of lice atlionde of tice aoor= toeard hit eavlrenoent? All theme qe-- tm toill tor day he to be anmeced hy wthere andertahe the rcientifccstudy ci lieray 1110m. At this lme -we ish1 a to ouline a brie inquiry int ctn deomnant thoen in the fUee- lure of the Ctrihhao sar in the lent fifty yeters aroeamc of ctt~nif g tin altitclet of ftienaoy on and of the penpie of that refs- tonerd the problems pecwolir to the Attooinn Mediter- mIntshe pnt he peopeortthe Carllo, Iotpeteof pthrge- graphical and hotieat unity, tired totrotn to toe maioth-, aod itsi handly a quoarer of a eotry sioe they hae hcomern samr of their phytinat and onlotrl onotloety. WOhio the Coiled State ea tdoringeol-altimetand th till gradr lterepicniy acrr or aog todopetnd-o, nndeced the Caribbean area as a.oiy, the enlunle of Sptio mad of Feoce fiot, and later the topntio of Loom Amrerica, waith their betoh to the tet, ignored one anah-r Colombia ted Veoceurt. eoln and Crteal Ameoolca and the Greaoeand LestrArtile ttoreoorldt apart andoatimeo hatile, btadlyote o fti theette with nrltheramhant mareno stable weoact o te mther. Having attained foad rmoe esvyfmd nen fo deeapeae vhI o{den touteo pr r6 of nto a ac hrt thirt, ,eon ued the poot tffial their ceative energy. Each d nr anirhd to he in femr rool dclited~ lo e eogaged in tparatog tel frarcittoeitrs eathth h an draeln.itarlftoort nand therc tho iodoptnle frontr toas abrrinr me odoy Penno 199 f to r 1922,rfimaomioemoanetrn andoamtbeoioa Ameos-m te hestrd n nfart., moe tha a conmnot tool, anneos, bbdotcaee ,oti ffnile. Ittoono-atllttp9that the peeplot I of the Cabean o ae eneda to dtono their omon protolems t In 00. oit in o of th e mtaloteiy. In the tid of te lote-Acnrck toan Crfere en of the Caribbean, tohlch teak pant oter-A e.-cme Coln Moo bro a atnofIpremWnmi Usr fasthoof the Csrenr e,w hut orm pmret oranother th dpetalh tot dtndi i Th ships of Greate Colombia bane boet in oeperto fo ayr unly a chor ieo nd the tooting sf old Cuhb-MrocAr confcn 0000 dho Iationof fioh Inltaeonntho tolfmetcitlmo ect.fer- quince of thir apad eameemad 0mlitiWa ooaton, tHre theme, of lhe alltalolheonnitnrlood hiseniromnoy Alltthemoqes- otmwill lore day Innto be towte y rloeeer under htaaotl the trirnfcostdyfiteenythMesmee. Aothuthoetoewohlo outlin o brief ivnuy into seroti dominant M thront the flora- Otre of th, e Caivedo arai the lent fifty yeae onmr of claifying the attodeo of litero n acend of the people of that regsme toward the pro.Feme p ... lac to the American Medilte- In the pors the, people of the Canihheao, in spite of their' noe graphicalanod betoriarit, ived uowto noeecelee,and it hardty aqgro of a emto thiobe hae heocceo naae or their phyoical ad eolotaltconigtty White the bolted Somte, m0c daring -nda ticn and wa ith mc1 emao, Pcrlear.ity afte aecotino itcdetdec, eroeileeed hr Caribbenm intoi a y the ceirniro of SptIc ard of Fearer firol, and lator the repblco roLatineAma wiaooth thir'btncto theaea, ioed oneanie, (Calenhia nd Voommea Meolc and Centeat America, and the Create and to Aolitte onee ewolda apart and at thae a tie, hbudsyaooa ftiairnanst,waithncithoran untoelorirere otab w whirlenat om e ..0 hneue Having attavedmidodeneed-, tho newl ootnmedttioofood thnnorlwimrdinlongand mmntuntpres fntioaladjutent wh htoamodtWe ,a-re p of their crettee espoy. Etch.ntim torhd to hare its frortiers ell dllfd1 raoh tear roard io separating itself froroitstneighboroterthne dratoigfitd t.tad thertt and the rca, that indisputable frontie, n wa namre, oetoroadeay Prom 185 to 1022, dffoml to intefeatea tran and nable CootonA American Uinior cruord in otig mte thnan a mantn ted, nt btie bmody tnucoot oflaioer. ft tot not mtif 1919 that the spoolo of the Caribbean cenead to dicocn their ceonoon problemo in tacit recagotit of thie et rotial tanity. In the third of the lotet-Awiun Catfmra- of the Caaihben, which teal, piano nt Porant-trin1 1941, Metier ped the eero of an taterAtorict Coo of the Catfiheas, hat en mne porten oaners the propteal tot dietrad The ahipt of Grate Colombia have hoer in opeation fmr anly a ther thor and the ttlig of old CutnonMericarenflictsoveer the applicatier of firhig loom in the Golf of Metie it on1ll momre eo. to cent- ,-ance of this aiMUM ecoeoodcead polital deaderil, the thee of  258 The CarubMa at Mid-Centry 258 The Caribun at KM-Gnuy 258 The Caibban at Mid-COtury "therCaibban" canoda a uity, dowt eist In ourlika- trde There to not a parm ora novel afthle Caribben an a whole, ad in tib S gneal pacety there stande noa Perhaps Ie only rneption, lion pnoo 'Mare pecetaro) by liar Puerto piuda Per, Lais IUreai To-c, in wnd.or neon, are etparsted tretrastrlian and hope of or® Max quo an ide, ntdolr del ooniieo yfricorehaa ajnd Nelampals yoHammc, eado lada, en aigranot datbid lola an oacaltbandemos prrgmooaof The Caribben still is not our sea; its wlooial stand,iitsdiers" moago flog, andl ito aguagra nninm the divisin deapion gang- nophy. Bat the than af 11m pernan Stoarndg wcit geaphy, it begin to .ot hitri by ecaton of the on-idoec- ot inaru and idnalo which ment ont iconlcocoo aepeadaliofa enanara This is already happeaning in the politinl and ereoanarphee afd in in, happily, taroeen in literary daranes. IL Lafacapc 'The noon 11onda Tonsn nio atfirma, bitray in the tae of otleatal bondage that d¢a Caribbean it ot our I ronaadro in dcn cato paul Namocnnto desdenlItdlou donridao Martiofica a Ia unpinalt mlianga dodM drnorela rar, otontm, auctan, nel loin dao nt ions etrladnad, entala arema dol ula ytamninda, ypo eari hoaom da too lran, dooda -o a t pea any l tibadot y araono, ea anfian uotilerad,aTrndifi C o otsd p ,d a d, rlkq1 odarY o e un ,hnptaretaoa delomantdo. = , ear auoaore Normans:lgsuunt ddl alanovaion ImaitI aaoiln, "Mfrethboo,o nwioeiedoasaurity, dnrlnot exitin orerltom tr. There to non a poem or a novel of the Caodlban or a whole, and inid gnetanapnnertptere tnodar-1, asPerhaps thuioly eptin lion poem "Mearn N'tam," by lion Puerto Rme pool Lais Lioron Tone, in worea ceer ion dapasod aloe teatradno and hope of ors: Ma due ao sienna el dolor nil noiajo, p clsotrud.eil aj. de mrenagot y mianca. de rNa o ~t dicon baodara pregovtndo tita oln no rae ocotn mar. 'TMn Cooibhooo roll isnot our eat ma cotnio t rator, in odiec faorIige ~g, and itt tancuage ti tai ho divisiin dodpio g- notolo. Bat the idea of oril paisat Seaning with 0ganphy it horun to eaten t mon by oea. of oth d cincidenceN mrinslatd idrai whiah motnt a lnoto ooperatina of naont Thia tu already happening in rte politl an d e nna ephero add it ia, happily, toreorco in Italy themuen. 11. tandsocafa Th.n bocorinr 'rnte who oftir batoly in the tare of coloital Moadaln than thne Caribbean to n Oour 00uI, raesladra in heimpepw0 to oern Naon, omahao, frdarlcodsrieadofnMalinca a 1. trip, an Nicangr do.&a dao-,t oi tain,, ent lujo dae no dtiest anoladad. en t ftrntade to Ilucisy taci lni, aaotrl ntquoatdieaa esdnd utuonpa e dt ylu ean cor alteinvnobla dto Tmdpin du C-1ee -n01n alara, deIn andicaeordilana, taleochida y-a,heay Indroa aaol dclo anud.. Yaoatue-er, Marn Nmontaco parone, a onio onooloo path.lon patquae ent pmr -a wo y pare n unid, teao e-c et ,ount da t toton, dcl on aorta on lanolin In oaa,o otho Caibbeaan,"conwenfaauity, doe olein -1 uliEra tr.Thne-ioooro poenara ol of the Caehern oawole, and in thia yeno porty there tando ours orhap, the only ,candue the poem0 "Mtane lttotam, by the Puectn Rican pmct, Lola lonfat Tto-o, in woreco ocarina ae eaprecled the tatatnn nd hoope o1 one sea Ma qu0 add sterns ci felon del talonciaje, y onleii ecaho nlice do mampo501 p wueae, aoado teada ndaagoaodewtaid.a ec ritdti hanfeao prgonfo qeado no rem ne".tar0. Tho Caribbhanstcill it ot or toa; in colnal alma, in, dinance mao taga, ad its language, ocitit then diclic deapitea gog- aphy. Blog the idea nof uaity persists. Strartn wthd geography, it hegins totaseo acf by retn at dn cincidenc otfntrnou and blends which motcae a nrio oportia at uneaon. Thin I, already Itappmoia 'ante poliica ad rcoomio Th,=ca and in ihoppily, toeest, i lierary thtrere. IL Laafoaap, Tioo none OLtorfa Tonter who otlirno hitnery in thc tore o coloial adag that tbe Caribbean is nn ur tioo, colofan the sale pca,,. Par to or Noecta, ronnie, fa el cradr odalaide e Matoia a In onipy, en Nienatl donde dtlrrt at iafoeor onrct1. [news e, u y166. moel leoin d i or ine o a dod e n ao s, lt m v y tolconnaeolei ynilsdnT6"doC ,enu ye maona delsot..agabdnI andtaureros lrn coony large cla and doto ,0060 Yer nntoMr otao par~aaynona solaypla oIsft 1re nh or ondda.W del ane wdot n lenala Iaaim  ZTflI TENNIS 259 1ISfA. THRMux 259 unuav R HMmxx 259 preaienealante]a tnm die Cthe. This at etia g-,gaphital maity can he vee in the eninedeettal tattet ti the dhem, of lantite. At tten it is all eemgtn geanate,iHalyened then again Ienna Toe oinet tin Antilles adal encidet itt thma thtee atith Nianth Oeeillttg; it in thne eantte watn it ontit f it. anIit innt tin, Veetnc Jaico Feetetena pacitate aha debee elM dance of eht etn at the (Lbahena, inblincing ltno, etntf thie GOnne Alhue ge b-hnt-c o ittttcghtert emene, Hanana and Verancee Ain Re of h gine It bt knfm Ni the iss ni imtaie o cnnaaRfi dng At ete ie iy In madln arent. irnaec ntetni i otefnwdfn, i thn Ity, Itfa he detreipiAe The maintiactlntdhyy wite ni the nlnhte P e it Is nt hais ene l a nitchethetpat An epea theanlnenaett nin ltend tnSnt- entine Nato eenene "One, prety, at IThan Midn teitntinnaly pne wt it hit alditia dnnelnpt at mt A stee teast ade an Pandathlletee at edeatede y greecan elniea.. oni Refrening en Veneen hag in aneti applicabln en toay dtne ties, Aliene Thee writet: Na: atdIntl tieeentnifaytmand an chiedd ttaaheaia Is ee Celetehi lie, in Iten stas-e, ttse hee hac te the ta, and nely Owinete Aecialega amang her wete -nee no hate been imntetd inite Mhianpbyttatinn tihnnn. s ennelnltnhant upeen tin ten fmne the admreiable halwnten ltc Inla Marnanta Fnt.. thee, Mtnuel Dinw Rtdeii gnaea peehnat the finst m on- t-cepe tn pane the Canihhnne, ue, histi~ stab ennlenita painmts He stilltlenadsitieenncteeae etaetln avng mtheie tabjct tine sena, eaim. Cnhnge. hy Ernimt Bentda Nei en, tnalnnda INtn. Caenn nles. ldaittetanl I~dredrav PIn Wn teanoa Dafinaiteeelxnaande, pretntrad am a it tattn fn Collgn. Thit entia egraPhea uayewanm era cin te nedenal aatotfthedtemoaf endeape. Aiehnmanittt ll sategroet- ge...t.hlael. analthee again, GLenden Tee-e ting a the Antimn and wetid,, in this thaem, weith Nimeetla 1hnittn ae i itThe teanet waho it cntcian of it, an ititnc the V~etlan, Jaeca letethen Peeaas who chneiha the danc an the sherr aftTha Canihen," ifalecatg the nste nicthe Gm,,~ it; t, anti- d-nPlating hetc ntenne anot, Banan anal Veenne; Attetna Reyt giece an hia titian f aehe Gtatt tf MrAte eeapleaainnh ni aofytheinal heennent hin eenpnthisaeenda eediftfe-noes." At snd' aattnimenity ietealenppttntttetheeadnet totheeaudt- tttity at the dntiptit. Ttte sa it n thae little usedl hy ritem tf The Canihheae. And in nt h ecare paents da ant ,cast Mn ,mhtithe pottnpethtno ncnlnetasnmheaing annthacntaeatSal- yadar Natov neee ms o "G dnesiy, at flint Micic acinennitadly lanitn natin his ledii,aleeelopseatmdinl A ant legctt danepanda bdstnet qae a altda y arneat ,inet. etatn-, en Veaanm bid in o-wad apphieteh to en s cann ner icie, Alf-mce Reyecnaite. Nt, atte Itta entita y tnnda in tiadedal thin th e , i na-1e Coa ~ehi lte, In lange ynacte ,tan htebo hedi the te and neW (temin Areinigat areong he en tet tn hate hate i ctoreed in the hitgntpby ot thn, Catbh-a.n Vowameel Incie net nen the eea (ear the adni eahe icalne afts elta Mnet-ina Fen thee Meenel iw itdigtn tas pmaehpe the linn tm at- lece en panot the Ceihhen, teeing rich data..1 Paalentte tie till lendla it colon to i-a enan rece nets vte t~ nebjwe the tame reglet: aGett, hy FCnqtt tte-rd. Melee, teleolne Nno, Catt nTeen edliine eahele, W -ne tlys{ in eeacinnime a Nitee-d NaeteMtndn, lntecn'adinante laaumba die Colnte Thin enaint gpneapeteal unitynen he tan in tela eitneideeea aeatnnnief'the th-nailandtp. At titetit isea eegine gaagnphiaalc', anal, than again, Liarnina Tennesings eo the Anntllea sa,aidalincthistee aih Nite llaitn; e is the Iene who it ofncaee it, and it ita the V-cee loin, JaaicclFanhannPalaanwho deace the saws ofhen, dres oft he Garihheaee follacwing the catte of the Otne Line; orewary ilec~eng tbeteaea eetaea pent, Hatant anal Veraren, Alfeene tatyr &irs en his nitin 4t the Guafl N Mesfit, entynang it ra o nheytnaa-l heanre hit eSetphej" aeetleeaifgeeceee An Dnhr titnen weiyit etade apparet on the eadet in the ctd tady of thn deecnipntiocn. The a is a thecee lIttl en by wric oflthe Caihow- And ititcee ean ,np ,an doalnaneccy n tehih the Preen "pea, nf dtetnnlnea a t ing an the reaeaa1, Sae eadar Noa ohbew. "One petol,, at ine Mirdcttcminnnndaaly poit aent it hit Momia dennlapt at tenet A tent lencdean pnennu halee sqae a dahrde y ent tns.. Retnenie en Vetoe- hone in naria applicable en mray tthoeedie, Alinne There treite: aeitiileenatnefa, yaaeda hacinetad edit tbhad. Inej ina. Centembia alto le lnge cea urene hem bae he the te.and otly Gweran Aeiniwdne -nanoba adenai cenae hate a intrested in the hiagnaphh at the smabbhean Wessnlays enea span the tas trm cte, adehtei bhny at ite hLi Mmariea. Fence than Maneel Ulnt hdill, nas perhape the lite en at- ®teto an net the Catdhhen, wting it rdab tneadneient palette. teteiloadtitatmenc n teanmann rantnnaetshningendtti atljea cte, nat eagiet: Cabagan, by Enaiqa tinedfn Ndfa; ehada ara, Cnntn tncene, tiayn Pahela, htet. "ean  260 Th Caribbean at Mid-Cmntury 260 The Carbbean at Mid-COuy 260 The Carbben at Mid-Century and Ddeataa V04,sqaa, by Ananalo Arms Tha at deacribed tada msadarlo tx oriste by ahs Voianan a, t htetana that eahiob alit Cauba, Enaique Sepal palate in Casteabada with roThn pedigat. sawiral srnspia af fish, of frsait, at sceglatisn. tad of biada ia which Arriai n eigas a d toots that appease dt crvees theb Meas Carlay Pelina, dat deals osa Rerew at pats wand, by atht Maatair, Aiwl Crasis, tad that finds a Cabsd asl L.eminspoby VgilV iabiet It is easytm dicaaata th e era and Inadeac deacnibed by Mba Venaaln. wrhlot, saho vadale tree"Nabl Moaslian tyrAtn-Ensqa ater-asmt~ mi c, Anteple alits Pde et bett wat ate , epotod isao et and pasta at dat Hjai.taaia PFeate Mteia Mae (foua JaeTa Rat- aaasad tgoesetMarnalauthenPt.nt int:aaat Larsnia Taran. de Beanhas Lei, ViceassdCastrPad ao, and Etaiqut Ltgtar; the Damitaians Juan asantd Manatel dt Cabral ad da O at Strt ad pifleet. wThe landscaped- sceted by dt Cualbto, Carlas Estrinat in d asset bt Caat, in Nalaee tao h aeaicl as al la a d Afor I tl das fraiic,ftttb argiml sh Ctanth eate, Migtel Angs Astta, otiag ass. aehinth el aeb~ a tltearWat bewat strit and thatasleses dlight wshirchVt asia bad aptaynamea i . risan .asdaat tad inhsMameodeteIh oe . mltea hte anslas, and astr s dtsaiptia ae rf wahiah delihghts arata at din- smutaaasabe lHatians, IatidVoala and Emit Rassasaflu d Vsoaata Atandta, f ad the Pats Rica, Iis Pat6 Mama, t iAr, I- hasatasa pamobtas, stats Carla Patina in his %smr as aba Tosmatasi. Path and pas atsifers relish ttn succuleat taspacal wors, sos at Mhet aItn, at ansa.e treasaa el beame and at Lshcali; athen, African, at psafead, tecstaing aaan! d ayattt basabs, sssyamtsht; nay at letaly Sptaina Ilneagge, taauadatd to a oane Mo-Sala Bi.a chai, E-arswean Chines, lgaaaia in O, and ohriedtMt, paeating andasupeeispstislaeslrsin and Ddmaaw tVsuhaml,, by Antoi Areds. Tin sea desrlbed with maadesisi Isanoalsat by abs Veseaoaa nvasealas in tatas that whait dt Cabsa, Easiqas Series Indats ha Casirsabseda eas ahateaaamm terthes. The reabegl, tameda antascalia of fidah at bte, of waasal, tad of binds it which Areal, delights is she tase that aalts an thean ofat a the taocw, Cribb Primes, dhat dassles in HRg.ssa al pats sato, by the Mattlcane, Aime Cie, tand thas finds. Cabas enlto an La lain ma pso by Vinci]is Pifretc. Itsis easy as desest that the ret and ladcp dnaasbed by dat Vereottas saarua ba ch peo anu wambo Msaitat snat-taqa tiatre ll Nitas, Astasia Attea, il mr-es Rorest Vaiara Paai as Mcsa-r da s dhatat are deactad cnin mehe partayeh tossa at da. atasse, a PieaaMorociah Mtyeas Jcqaes Last mat, and the ttheas Maacels abs Ponts ]aas:ta Laios Tos the11 l lis heo s , VisettIs ssc ad C estt i Mats, tamosts d Era Lais s t he be as:elaan Ja.s Batc r andl Mate awl de Cabra til d lbs Cablns: &tep and tPifas. The l0. astaleap de- tobdb a laCartas Esitat, it, hi~s aaet ill. Fa i h atht satan ahiala ssras as bvktA rmea d faEt acia p eoa, h the CGswatanw weite, Mmell Angst , Asi a, hawing bees awaed ithe bash dan atl brash sbam and abs s llate dghthc ilsIda hdd rmdbrm h srr i. whih alt lnlia anddiytandhaire in ets bsdsra tad at hs mi asnale a. rreis. aower ha ie abryahas, eltm', ade, t ad tat, th e duesisof which delights stao at din- eas Mt Haitians Darsaoind Vaalatd Etait Roasnt, thle Vwseel Aris, tad tha Pasts Rita, Liois Patis Maon t msit Nmid ls his sasad SAy, In, latanss busdebs, .0 so 505 a qae atean! tos Catl Piticot it bis pitosto ashe Vswatasiaa. Pesns sand pat saiw rlila the seunsa irnical suads, saa sthaets Indian, of afrangs: sttosasct-- Lakbasli and et Latated; othems, Afrls at paotssnd, rsarsag stnd!--Adayawha, bamsth, esayasshai; many al aleasly Spoaih ianera, twatndased to a ewaea Mastde Bre. Chadi, torSeasnotan Its. maaii 0, and tdset that Psastrain, and sapatitapnsag themselres is and Ddmwa Vralata, by Alai. Atolds. Tin coa denctibad awih modestisa seoIaan r by riat Vmdtan srtass in the t. e a ay t reB a am aOn a wNste as mcsober ataatisa brthas. Tin psadigat, taspial carasspin a ofiat, otf1fruit, at ongeusto, ad of birds is wbiab Arets dandights ithe tan at a apu in fle waes of the Modaa Catlns Pellire, dhatardertas is Ragre at pat slt, by the Madntiaa Aime Cestair, sad that finds a Caba.teaho in La u0i es peat by Visglia Piats It itsry as diarie that Mha am and lssaea deatibad by the Vasasoelsa saisteas, who ataplma utsable Margasitan nyale-Ensqat rtestasi Rdi, AsmmitaArchly Pndst Iieo, Vianats Fsensts, et eat-s the stas, that sat dapaed in the peasy and pamsa of dte Haitias sitats Pierr Moantih Meatyt, Jaqas a-s saia andaitotes.sWorlathe Patnolc.ato Loia Ltoaas Tastas the Eothem Laia, Vists, and Go stavs Palts Mats, and iaiqdt L.,,-a;a the tIsstiiat bumtssh t."ad Manse at Cabsal; and the Cambana, Steps and Petem. Te. torantas de- wetbad lay the Cabana Csae Esiqall in his walln Tuin Garoa, is the sum, wahiah tato at bagtssad Cat, adors ttradrs by slt Gsatealan woiter, Mitta Aagl Aattaas. baving bean ared with bhat tlt brash lireks and abs tefleca dsligts wNh Villa lactis bad dispLayN befnas it Tiessa basadara tad mhio Mesias etao Ths tropia slir the assits tbyito, eatrs, oats, tand tanw, Mb deictiptin of whialh dnlsa atists at din- sutnas the Haisans, Dutoally Vaat tad Earn Reoamer, the, Vesesla, Aorita and the Pasts Riasa, lats Potts Mats,, lit give ims alas his storts, IAy. il bemantaa palebsas, sit oe fton, alaga Care Petaice in b oesm to the tLtaaaaint. Pans sad pronew sutsa eish abe sasacolt himrtal watch, sutner ofdrm Indisa, at stoangs ,saaaat-ol Laaiati and at Lakestr; otbasa dAfrana at pretesad, manftig sastdi-MAysenob, boasts, ttaotdt; fsarn o1 trlearly apoah tiaags. accoaasaasd te a tess nats, tInua stalin Chawia, Sacrnatom Chires, Igaci 1s 0, and cartesa n, 1tetatg and sspeimpl tisg thesatet in  ESTUEARY atnv. 261 UTInnZA TEMEE 261 isWMay sHEMES 261 audacius liuguisals fetetboseanieg, merge ted herek tat to rte.the petardfsceheeaeeig outet ottty a dates u ituce4at, tt-fi onaied by h eb e '~ - lr [dystieean ,tMoian e ul t vffha-o" oft Lh i Pai atles. 'Te (ecibbehin inemttadonte bas ilf with eythme tdotoeduere itteortey,ahry.nd mtduormwhich am eftenethe oletbeetobfpeerytendf pse On ecain, bea evr duth orgy ranoht to ireuceic reastin in s heshgeoetod toed boig ott high etel Mue dotty meediaecity. This seethe d - etd by theia Cueiaq teit Carlon ldpe; fofloweed by thu Onst Rican, o rte Vitaee, ted, alter tter ten fesin, by due Cotactalan, lafI actraeron MAterneec, and the Cuba, Joud Z. Tetlot. In tel ,Cihe e s. onttieo there toe rceta noth amit tite todstrip tond arto pt tttotge a ttyinitg miclt the imago whichbruoniEsesaednirettIibilitieeo<- eoee We bose jute teeeeiped Mtheao iew, t.b she rrs pett cal hi ttailete edif bntt toI I the Leha etsaiy ftui- tat utie Let er neon remeotur te e mone Pli, ooesT Twi~io bu ae faithiulis reperetuted heert-, it is reuseard in quiet, goasefel, Otgostlid ebot.,, Mtumendneoeemid. ad o e atom to peerdetetttooeesidt. Viseo rtrad tis ose dt tea leonui pu n jrsteo do s tet a fetutusdn do. LiEE, doDens enteel tucreteo 'TMhettuwhtttte toFlitanddhseMeadow, JotcErnt tnod tube wes Inheltrued tby obMe, had a ihuet totd of aoreatdo fette ttd opetdittimt of, the if sita thitete, asthen.b For thenm, att tha ins[ eenl sealth tout puree i-tte I f thte taes, to tine te their tmtat as, in tooth, the Cariblta- it aoitcety and oeeAfomt tlene "tue iieae iton" 1. La eufeieeo i ni. Wted,, Issoe Aoes, I to. asedaeiou fogetistie tettoeeeeeng, m e ted breakoh a ao soaothe iitidat 2 shove eoeaonieg eatutet otty a dmueo tonocal latettiun aided by hlyshan. fomt the esedulage' edt of the Cuban. Maritno Beull, t dtaneebel itsf ich Atteeo Loi Pasl6 Maw,. Tht Otuibet aintonictesleet sihhbt end mtes 1btsgbeut arits Etest, pbyrho and cuter moo' histh tee ofte th.sle Is, bte o, b.oes d d of pnrow Os cain esreci orgy h, Winee an ei rneato to teeneteiteu q howee to , snestfin ueyodcp~toie a htthgru-od to brog ioe high elief awe daily tendittu e-y. "mid teethed nv eate by tho Colombian, Laie Cule ipn elte by he osa Rcto Adedul illubtand, after' thei memm fitbiOn, b thecos tteettetl VitlaA~atoMelet e h Cuanos b Joe Taot to at1 duearibbean cinels anto te poet rn t hoeveris the tadoesa cot sat to pan tbhte syti ioeotcthteiotg whichsh teek to rn a inst v is nittitity in well aoe We hose jute eesntiansd Mtse Beet, wbo dhitstt tuttl of hie teyt, eetlis mro , inttlent oot n the eaent tnsualityh wos of tmpi-o sut oclMad Lees mt teteenthee cteittu ec e esbn Tir it no 1, s faitly ieepsut becaute itiersae in qotet, getonfef Ceegoudtis iiuee Mar, on c ooo netide feid dose ao -c Pus daedeerioeidto. Vmenw on lide tide emede tolu, 'quiat" poosen ioegt de roema fseitsedo do 6ote, peelstodartend t tsEmto dotleneeue- wtm eoatts The tutss.camsae teetlaead der etoaotlos us wieaed who bestu inftuee¢d hy theon, hod t chuos eod of ,etsaeo faro, and eelediaitt of, the eopinal Waeo, elthogb eor these, line Vsegicie Piho totted it w-t mare tesestm. Fare dta, all tuat ntittsal ealth wa paeat itlusion of the covet ase Ain it ter code t, it, tooth, the Caribbean is petiticalsy ted " se AWf,-c in, "le Jmiuoite.m. Is to rodeirvi 1. Leseds, nteon Ao. 1002. atadsou tinteie fetnsoeeiog, mneege ted brsea wpaot to rett the Rjtefaot0 whtb ectoson eacaor tety e doetmads cr cial isteetionaided by ebysnw, frane o "srdehllage" eadl 4f the Ceia, Monacnt Beull, to the ranoibslitt dc in htto0 of Lot, Pd I Mete,. The Cotlbbean isiocimsaw Loaft wtio ebhyt and robuttedseghettiuecmeito,ebhythmuendtdonaitet he wlon the roic thocee to aty and of poe. Os etetoin, boorsee this neny prosoet an iois cetteto teett etute eeson tod at th, ohony itndut, wiine it t a basligreud to being into high oid the dholytttdtscies This teethed ote aced by the Coitteian, eLw Cashes telpue, follsoed by duo Cata Plsank Asddhti Viltahebes, and, altheduic mwte fasilione, by duo Cetunawle, IGa Aelsato Meedoeg and the Cuban, Jo Z. Tdiet. lIt ati due Caribhea canartios oteo are poats she ont the Isoottepe aed sense oe pan dhrough a oioeg intelet the betuget wose swob to towdo thei s wilim i o e eto. We hes ue ort Madianm .1,t ebo s~mLdt tiutalt ef his seyit e rese, lodilset tue sendl esnettiy of taei udt trceid. Lee cue now cteoembee Eegredu Plomc whose Trfis- mon lea faithfully cy-eted beseese It I resealed in gaoie, Meusfef Oe coisi disi ee man pee desoet totsat; futil e n e Poer dtrdtss ete.eoouidt. Vise neralid, aide eo de tee 1,,n toqacete litiead t de ellto, ptelstdt on dt doees.t deocasnrestcsesotte The paeltw t ab ruc ¢ totes tasi td de Moha, Joe Gos theoand whoboanoiotnnsdhby them,had aubo' cotdf espano loom, end scpedimeeof, the eial duhme, dltce lougb tent ofthes, ht Vegib Piieca toate it nith nocable ottcrc. ForNeeetaltttatruteor t ineatbsows awerituto lt or Nn s , at alen te their oel, as, 0, treth, the Ceiana is ahtuflisall and Ssot Aetnet We, 'teiiajaitst nt Lu measo wn Ltdy e ts-u MAnn, 1942 . L I  262 The Caribbean at Mid-Cen 262 The Caribbean at MidCenur 262 The Caribbean at MidCnury ecotnsotemlt awienamas Hoevee, doboe at more keen essoiity have etned their eyau to the raing Mainion and have beand fa it the mors of theirsentag and the eoson fee6u daoientesv The mos enofhNyc ohaneotaen CViie,hoteO happy d celas thde veesaesine tet-o and one of doe f crt and fe .ed. ,voies of thecnsh.ot, eeet e e mataye i,ne- hiseetinaeeeenoaotif~atothe Pnnledeynnler ethe refined inaefts aieof the nene poetry ontheo vigne which exalts the prtti y oa Ltie Ltonee Torrent YVelMar Caeibindio, pndrene sr hacest In cotedo do b fin, heani mplatae en eve, en sotedtd. enar ole palodrsit henehids peer I nn Qoieodmateietaj et oe noi rnmaode lat himory em..asa eehsodelnrdseeorodeda pronaetalle, deenihaeesse on tavisginen chive detnnpeees. penssea eotlbmde tnsavds otdtt aroe do getned C bina ren ud ysasdnnte qoeevs, enttndonooeienaoeetede de tin ens! megar horea de nist. HI. The .ee The teen of tie Catibbean ate preenqe also, as thetet in ens bie---ece "The tnml' is doe .neatan de of Metin and of Cotra Aeaine to fits with hit pemes- Ia tiosa do jettie Se ridn.... by Antnio Media note, cooseite the HEen mayan of IReenil Abret Caomms, aend atppeas in tie Lvyed a d Gnao- mata hy Mines] Anel Astoel an d shine ntonattos -aten avsn of the Mayan region tn which Jam. do ta Catnada detees into te tnsieos and the sutfferieg of dhe mtnteited Indiana Reality sAimdtoeareee-al sdioss.l n fosniad1a sm. ladedeoo ndoe, hows. Amoe, nem meneaoly alien to vHtoer, dense of mere hessa seetilty have eonned tinei 9.o to the latnilusfin and have fowad is if thsns ft e..gnd ee oa for teir eia e e. The mos onn beot ei the yfanf Cahaen peer, Cirai, Vieio, showes a hapeoetrtenoeeo-.atler Tmo, aodenmofdtlm Tesnland te gents amess of the Caribbean, Feaneinee Matst Poot, com- b'es in the vaeen of his Canao a Puovio Rice the sehanit and the reined itaettatliro of the new poetry weith the eigoe eehieh enals the pricey of Loin Iloces Totes- YVelI Ma Caoiheinmtoa Tadnotee. Cnons neoes pejonaais heces In rnd ola to orhe elsien on a mste nnstdd dvaolnedten hnchdan po a la s. teoeso de W heaasastenen, -meodeola nndaoentdseida psew aorttnra, a dereih enanetin vrnta altezeete de la enemra, pasedtaeaodo e o a eiotdmoos eSotar do olon toesotea ySmta de laot q-ede vaaa tnhndovanve teo onendrado de bltan e oegboedeaddsDims. III. Thne Men The sen of stse Caibbeas ate preent, atee, as dht~es inm faeto. "The Indman" is the ont teme nm Mneio and of Cen td Aaec. HefittseodslhIs lerees Ioasinveas alt. ydel oenado by Anrni Media Patio, easto alitHdeomayeo of Etoaet Ahd=s Ciente, and appears ha the Leyoedan do Ceae- man by Migett Angel Arotiea and tie ctmeeamemnnna st of the Maya a region in wehich Jean de to Cabeado detes tae aee stosis and doe feied, of the enpdoied Indians. Retaliny I Aid cnto Mavonito ..areio ls poeea de ya. Decent Ai res t0 ecenwdrokofty oti ae Fla-ene, deoe of mote ben semiihs have hame their ev- to the boeidg ifsneo and hayefrond inb theseoteof them sea and the necaon foree - a eje ¢ese .. The soe nen bontk of the yosne Gabon poet, Ciini. Vieien, shovesa happy masea w he veeaesala thomeg and one of dee fie and aos lends wene of she Caom-hea, Fmrneisco Mason 5'aoli east bitos indee a of his Conto e Peaeros aio de ymbsth and the tefined tastattntm of the nev pontoy with she vigee which vealts theptaay of Lois Unsns Teten Y el Mar Caches indiap pdteest Cannyn conos relyi niglneo hocest Io rend. do inele vlej enopiata en ne.n need, oew do goldodtin staencbids sane In tee. Qdeed de raret by. et aot of il tnsttotdea. ot s .neand, coeobsode lanod.enotdneido pmoan aee,,Who, a destihmottetNW eoa to mptiecode lsemee, taenowa db @ia tasysma I Padre N-1.e, Cacier, Pndt dNeentn' Solar de'r otntdnya yranelsen ta ees oqoeereean5 mhtantd, no enen aedrado detaise me1 miegane bona de Dim- Il Tn Moe. Themten of she .Cntbh-a ao leevene, als, a temes is i tiaeonr. 0Thv Indi-n0 in dee rnanw dte of hibratmn and of Cenast Amnen-n H, tiia wish bin ptenn ILa raiet do fio. ydel oeando by Anemeic Mediae Patin exnses the Hitea maya of Eceet Amiee Crme, and appears in the Loyondao do Canto- mao by hliaene Angel fotins and she enntmpeennnoe nonea- tes of tdat Mayan region in wehich Jean d, in Cobae deles into the te.o and she saleojog of she epteired Indian. Reality Ontn Aos, ran t50.-n aemr ona ate r^a I I  9T.TEE 63 ZZTNRARY TCMUI S 263 upRUUW TEMES 263 and legend intertwnine aend the Indian like wee tightly eneei1, finenof dtcjsnnglelthat guard dadiie- Thereni tedoel, Ithobbing saed ef nedaoaotad woso at bead noesa nnc dneeantetloart. TheItiannitof Ientoetisate and pct-e sad. "Wise Nego," tetton, is Pig' ~n an nndeetantn lenghueo in sh vnas ad Lath Peti Mate; in mny ofthe Ctheta, Nianli Onilli and F elia FBalnasa li tnof- of she flabnana, Woan ldemeaido Fenton end Maude del Cabrel, in tit at the Peae nanian, flaent~ KoiC~; the Veneeawlan, Manteld Rodgiges (do- dhaa; and the Celombdia, Jorge Ati. "Tne Nego' is preare asa, happy no enaged, in elhe sEbro and the stove!: it Eae Ftt-O.0 by Main (ynep de,u it Pobee sette, by Rdesil Gait gnat is Pedet BDena oiene... and in the caroes of Lint Noa Cale, sad ws dte -,-nanic and ehwensic eane f th e yneninn ad Cuba elmn by Lida (abeta nd Kednenit Carha- aneed. The Mogro peetoy e neert insirated wenund 1925 in Patoo toc by Labs FaitH Mates gained in a-a.Iity and nope beginesing in 1930 sth the paeans ad Mietli Gadlid In thorn the Ngo_ ablne ie -nitnce in fall ttseeianns of his tieefiane inthde Anneeuoa hiagnelant and osseelw prena.. Aqse atean- Teaeone -I.sate go al pettm dinaiie de Amadoc. G(cults, wnihinanr on aing tihe langisie, the aete, and the mhydmm eigmensy and eracsey denmante dedreiadin againee ltieeaeeandgpieitsgen ieeleasin. tn hnbuck eniatled We l edine, List, ninth .pceald in 1914, he annsnnsd, ingn- ning waith the tide, a pdliica atdrte, and his ea Bena. the biltlna... el alt wai ec utir lnde oppensd by dassien henda. itoett Indite i Wet Indies! i Welt Indie! Setttnetl pollen isw deeobet, ®talddaia dedla oida npta eased lude ter eangeds en Ia pill. Peen en ipesidn dends ead. honit ea isne rae pies. Pons en in gantenesatde aespe~iayS Isne. Aqtiesldseallagt deaaldWateadldem, and legae!d inu teetnc lnend the Indian like the dualtly eeping einto fItearngls ttngara deadoiri Thleeeis thdapl, eheabbng and ef undergraund este, of tethedd se-ae at a dosteant whiena. The Indian nf desenanoti and letec i eon '"Win Nlg,e," in tweateas ip augnhy end sponenesee lagheot in th Ita oI Lads Fai1, Matte; inteny adte (Cubase, N'caia and Emtilie iillagan; inh sone ade Doidnicaee, Wasev ilsemtnen~ Fe-e adnd Mannel dm1 Cabrel, in stool ad the Pane- ennan, DeeMOd Xeomi; the V n.untlnn, Mansel Rtdigacan e detat; and the Clnambin, J., Amid, 'Tin N.,ee' is pmeams aim, beprby o tenged, is she teney and itheteal in EPe Yei-O by Alaja (arpenties in PFa n sgee by itadenln haD- ,sa; in bad.eatne ,e.....oand indethe wcealline Nau (slet and in the eneesgesie and CalcoNe ane ad me yorubant i Cuba selaled by Lirte Cabera and Rbni Lwathe mrlTMNg at tdaan 125n awatn Peo Rica by Lain Faith Maine, gained In ateeiy and -,ny beginning in 1930 nhh the pseta ad Ndilic (ladin in the- the Nego affm his eciasonos in fall eeneienancts ad hitstiattifienc indatheci leek-iassien and cudaural prse, Aileaia T-easse netleseas at penil definiien da Asttdia. Onile, eaihoa enong tin landse, the laid,5 and the ehythmn, vigornanly and coneissly densec disteistian adains hsnaeand gistslisangsniecalnaeasing. InlEisbobkenided Went mnda, Ltd., chice .iptued in 1934, hac announced, begin- ning seda the tie, a palidnal attwena and his vsen wpnn slat nimeaum ain ho t thela landa oppeead by lesli, handa. IWet lnad i West Indict! I Weit Indies! Pan tadlpaeblslsisttsl te walea, sssatiofnla, deeds in chda repra as d aodo seen ostaa en in, pul. Insew Ive Pelpesd.t donde cada hanmbe carae and., Kas pin. bnlstngewaeb, cdeeseapnaae as Agal ce1sellagade ait,iasmna nde hie, and legend intanten aroend the Indian like the lghdly neetiig einn ofthe i n gle "In gad deed a m. Thmse ie tine dea,, mhobbing sated of imadeolad weto5 of handhed m ofet ae doranttlcne The Indin e these neenie antowese is end, "The Negos,' in ewaslna i pinnay and spenamnea iageee in the tses ai ofae Paha Mates; in sany ad the Cubaae, imlia (WiNd and En ee Banlana,; intdene ad tieneeran Wascl Huradade Fenes and Manse! de Cabeal;In thne ad the Psna,"oe o;teVneuln am1Rtd. ara- titi-; and the CInnedia Jaorg Atrel, "Tin Mcgee' in psesen als, ban, sor teenged, in the stey and the eneel in Raceo Yaeha-O, hy hinj, Col notte;r in Pobrea tem, by Rinals Calls- mee; m Pedren Blanan ei eegeea and in the tee si flea Namita (ales, and in t wonaan and m acgnensn a l te peeshas ad (ua eland by Lide ( l abe,,a and KRieLa nea- aha. The NcgrPee ay menneenel iniiated laed nd925 is hacete Rice by Lab Pai Maoot, aie in ae.t nd eopo begisning in wglith the pemsoflNim-i~aln Ineheithe Idegn aOlate his essslnne in fall casitaees fel his iitit'cc indeAnteiathiaacieiandcsltsal mpoaae. Tone e a~ en ematn. a!n p Meils inii de Amedino, Giniia, sainhoat sess®aig ihe laughtee, de alto, and she enythen, aigeamady and enniely denoesaca dieeinatina agaist hi aetand giehiesnangicealmnatin. Ianiahbaobkenroid Went dadiet, Lid., whiche appened in 1934, le annaneed, ingin, ng tai.h the lisle, a padities ansiede, and his eteena en tMhe bilteeets i al wo see 5heh' lantia npptesed by hlfig hands. Il~ne Jediei I Went IDieal I Wiet Indies! Asleeo etlpebla hisal tie esbn, muealtnaln, dande Ia vita mepee easele ses eneaan en in piel. heen dpetidia dendle and. haehe .c ldes b ie tAtnsi h ingersd deasit aninal Fdscar I  264 The Catbha at MWdCenuy 264 Th. Caribbuan at Mid-Cnury 264 The Caribbean at id-Ceury Intoplontaon, eocafd, las Pont dekbefneybheath Io too reat... HPee e c pueblo del at eight, dhade aoeeneer conr ty tmall tote ci pateblo del nly se oll sucude nadic mmchbitt. The later worhs of Guilnea, Cannot part alds y hana, Part teatafn (It93)), ad El rn eete (194), addthothe aogeudhIda pmeaeoathy potuteo wdeeplyateat they cheteand haundf eeceouponryma Thisoptsig fretathe pietespe tothteet- tesill ptaeo Ctallein to h ategee of she nuant immeorat poetial1 v o n the Catlbbeaon tad one of thoe first of ot lamgewg, oThe enopler gaoodt, frm the babbling of th ele- nuncar fauage ad dl at flehe jitucjeora to the palished and learned struphue of moudeecta and of pure proy, the past at the sri of It recited aroepaton of thc ectA tofuetis mode eident in biu Aado lbe Efegtu a Jacqots Rouatais eta l tile e lHaid (1948), cebieh franc due tlcaomet in bopuasylfale ouwit wtich in caosoee on she aniiphott aca to he oed in cheos wehich foass, it, is alt one opledid -etheir of peedt, tr-ttttg ted pasein farldc The poat, conoieed mn omawc pta of the nucle, it the hoots ,renseotill fr due peaancuoef the Cibbean: oe jfhaa in Ptate Rices the gut jiea to Cahoe aerfs eveyteheewh e ine teed die en fihe snrt winat pnsing it chay in mtraet d the theme is dcoucfalet hroght towo high relict weho am seads te tnes of tie Dlorini-, Jao Ptoer, e at te Onheca. Le telipe Rodrgueand CeleMoenee, adonnopeeeowitcdthe peccant cheeele of Catilbea Moanc, Centra Amruee, aed coastal and fosalar Venoela, In alt aegain tan idrotel wasati ofh-epfcabalgoted, lsnutnosatnt atcbertcmes parced by the hecof ososn, dscaghtand mae, tnt spend themseeles ltboing ond rolwhich det not behitad to tae and drag them' teahonganittheritspitsbrokenore burntngunthbsonorlika phamocan ahake. by thne hconme of due Caribbean tsm tln®e t~soet 8.Pedrie, ' a eoa ael jthaes' Pnna low, 19s5 lins ean ti teet ifte esapaaa aM af m~ onnia I Engada lhts-tnaaeflee le dt t do Iesmnat, sheo, 040, Itt ptttino n do tafd, loupemtsoctoytota enYbact, l taot elf. Hete eof pueblo del adl eight, dandeeadotseeeaeanonaytr at fto ei potdal ry well, do.nde saf ech bi-e The later woths of Gabofa, Cantfpate roldadeY ase Para enro (199t,ad Eaenette-a (l94) addto thoea.,gof her peoteot obey pentt to deeply shat they tootm the nd betel af emepoay ttcusTbiapoting firmthe picoareaqsnemthe r seodl piaret Gasllo i tht. -ttecm; of the mot isopostr potr-l eae in the Caribbean, ted ant of te firt af nu lannotae. The rooplie gamut, from the bablig of the tie- mctay language attd cleat of the msanjdftra lathe paiod teed learned streof mdeseie andof prem pontty, he patsat the saenicofbhis woieedeerceptinnef the aid. Th'uIinmadceslidern ien indeseiabte Oastn a yargoas R--mis tea vi rdeo e Haiti (1948), whbich, f-tt the tiak aset in Ndi bep osllas wcith wch st dtneste o h atiphenat teata e h lateed in thettu chice ch.- it, it atl one splenedidseytaahcatofiflrtieiousaoitelnd panic, forPaic The pat. conqarsd tin other pale of the world, in the acrt present stilt far the peasanef of the Carian the di atn in Puow THeat the gtrvjiea to Coba, serfs e-eaehtn wo lie nd dueonthbeadcihetyceeedgiL Uityintaatmnt ofthe thene in deuaoeuly broghi into high relicf whenoat reads cte o'of Me r Ttcioioon, June Pach, or oi the Cuhawa Loin lelIp Iarmh~coe and Carim Montsera td coepures lthem wit te pnantf ehornielof Catibbean Moutr, Ceottt Aoreaio, anld toaettnd iotalar Veneaolth. Iotllginstanidedamlcact of mopicat b.,b, end~ tnutset, a t otber tite patched byn-the effectsof atto, ddoghtaodcan es,atcoopendteset laboring on tol whdeh dn oct belong t o thee and drag theta selet tse nt webl thei epttit breken o s untin mti , ca tile phoncoes uhaken by thme esoat of dc theiHbbeacn. fte awta csue, Aasooo - ctett, ~otetttdn dl ift Fist Ott0 x lel Ag , age. ', p1- lietl and At .tsmit Ous.,Elje to ut I- 1a ltttasoeetdtte Otea te° itAuna, nwn i M oi, 1049. Its plaocoo dnte caff, wopnr dob,itosfatebatc. l rn cnt.. toee ee oblas del ant night doadec hde te eoesecaoai; isel pubto delvr efeayll, domde nadre nait bies. The laiteeae neal o Outlin, Coas Paea atldadaa y tones Pare maat (1937), and FAto ent e, (1949), add tm the reoge of he protest; they p"n teoa deeply thee they toth lhe nd bractf of raaceepoeoy at. Tista lteg lean the. pidoetene th ie e- ktenil piaet Gatlint th eteory ti the tt imn~rnn potiaieoeeitho Caibbean adoseoftdoefinatofeor language. The cconpllew pace, flea the bubblin of the em sonctoy tanguage and tha, of the Pjioafeitr to the polinhod teed learned srphe of modcmiee and of pat poety, the paus t Th et-oefbhite aedeaoerpion f then-cod. This isnmadeeidnt iin isnteirbilei aaaoa Rtuatai n4adieae Hatt (1940), uwhich, feem the littde cmosoin bnpetsyilebs wits wiht it c cetres to the antiphenal atu tobhe ittued in chowrs cob. dttohh it. dal ate oplodd synthesis of peaite learning and patteo n, ar v lie pm[t cenoacrd in oaher patio of the wceld, in tie eco snet ilt far the pensan oaf the Cribbean, thr jahe..ein Pse, a Rcoe the gajieo in Cuba, sars ere phere wbs lioe and dteon th erthootyc peeaingit. Unity isreatmenoflthe thence in deoocrs.tlly bascghe ino leigh relief whcen fe e cdu thet stres of te Dtiniaao joan tcNeh o of cteCahece, Lola Felipt ttadntgoez and Carlat Moecrcegee, aod coeparee thean eith dan prasuo ehinacle ci Ctthhea Meotco, Cenaal Amcenc,; and coasclaattdinoaVneaelu. Ina,ugainstameidntiel arsa of teapvnetlbokgroaod, toourtani soeeetoe at other inses paMced by the efgcos of eom, dnosgtst and W,,os mne spend lhterlveu laboring o anf which down not belong to thee tand dag them- tee tooe with ebeir spiris brokn en burrsing weth raco, like pfnocu shaken by the tons al the Caribbean. ft soeme raes Aatesi 5. reatient. "~ taobdt del ilhenh Cea Riot. 1005, Aio 1, no- . le . , ti ia td nt Itnt 0gm.a RI 1tha enf heaie tie Pettre n eeoto tatel ci taend xpa de ep eelpna.-aot,enoa, x diotmto ie it mAosrt al e, c, leers  LITERAZY TEMS 265 LITERR SHEENS 265 ZTRASYTEMIS 265 ain the sti appeating in Macue Atdl. by Lit Feipe Red' starts, tin paetto ol miteitf thetayafieoade to eflce thse ceteien of the "CObnteatt Sugar Cempyl" withn it, "Mr. Norton," he 00m to them loes' the onstide, and ill native ire Laterrha Tha "Mr. Noton" of Lin Cohp Reortgae in one mot ero fr tine Ateino i a ad eoi lo ottttee n but. -t Notmaond cntrmpt ee dndai dowtarrttqnd ofetet Pdtroden, beginnin nido 1933, and as conseqnec af ine"Crci dnfhhe" o fio to l'eie- o rlt hnutent vnd tynpttei NKnoth tri r a bega to appo cI tneoevelt ef dnotn Catelsn, toct an -]l entnn eatptt, thed pietn of the Aaneica' fltleots notear and elonest oaa, from tine "Mr. Bualder' of La Trepoem "t3 n MrC Dange" e aof ada Stieboc (1929), ath frightene), .d $coand dhrta eelyitoe Vto IMo Daennttct" atf Clananno (1935) rate a floctenatiete in eenes anlrd eunnitatiag nub "M Illarsdmhea of ac 1.niater 119441h, gnee en ilof te, nine w ene onf foatta rert ltenat todefnotbuEn eeaetotrweoct ith the of the cdemmpstiarveinichs -etett the peatelnr of Msa- cabo Labeet IV. Impocia Inthioitro it tho O'cory theme it, dt treattatat of whic'h aft tine peoplen of the Caribean wnde. Itnayh etaiddtan'it ddtinwa forcib]y the gratna enpeenn oather atoneaiy in cie danger which every nnanrnt loo.,~ them togee and peaneket 1lotoroa and anntec cortna. It it, in ill tarn, the of name otbteon whirih onprte thae neartitn a1 tie wanterteart dinette local epeellat tir ennn spratn. Ht in poaiblo t fellew the eralitito of the thee mtnd of tine s0t, tinnne throegho tbe staget indicted hy e Ffrea W. H. Calinoti in the, cant at the Caribban poller of the United Staten dating thle prat 1f90 to ttatge wnhiein he genopt in tbe fallning peiads: Cf. Ann. mfrO enei n n tan-on dr titnoantn iteaefau. XXXIlI lan. 10301 'e Ott-tkt. Whltd Hitede aitmet yin Ga.o. Sato0 of to. cite Ite, ff f-tetP, Tne Joa tirhia, Uin nto PornT tainhoa., tOt. tin the nit apperiag in Maeee's Anaoutw in0 Ltin Feipe Rod- rifott, thewprtet absa o of the iron of the Inside to dern r the enpteita .1 the "Cehana togae Caaapane," weth it' tMr. ot~n we wma n tn m efaomtthe nuttde,aned ittnaoi Pint Latrahe. The "Mr. Non"od of Loft Felipe Reninigne i'a me mee io of the Anmenna oor andn tihe it s taaatnt thce in Cartmhean Iiletota . ti in ne anat pained anvmpnthein hot at arroganrtnd oterooo dindanfutlmardnerd repln. Neretotelnt, beginn with 1933, and at a nrafqonnne ef thee"leod Ndeginbe" policy of Prnnidont Rooseelt, honent aned nyonpadain, Nneth Amete.inan ntaaps I h nvSo prtobe Calloget, te nic an emnteolntanmnpt. dte picre af tels Amnaian fol-eoaeear and ti tqent rae fro- tine ''Ma. bwldr" of I. Tepodo (1925) ad "M, Daane of Done fitiara (1929), both frightened and brutal eoplitr to "Me fiavtnr," at Conraima (1933) rcnted affottnetety in Venezuetan aland atnninaing Valkh"Mr. Hwdre"nof Sebrtftmion afet(1944), gnorn and ideeliotie, Mmit moteaanogfta aeean walnthe 'aan demanod' of tia Veteontlan warkeoewith te intetne of tine rampim rewhich 'retit tinhe pwfetrten of Mmrn raion Latke.r IV. lnmimt atoperilo ih the bintary thro, in the trelnont nf whith aft thn pnepln of the Ct-bberan coincide It maob toid Otait deteonineIrasbl orntrh geatIag enprenion at their seet of onity, is i theo danger whbicrinty mement bningn them tessate and pare c rlattn and atnno rmta. It in, in ito ttnn, the a nO onatro sub-dortar whtich entamm fee eonie a1 te cnnt oad divett lend rapere ef the nannn tprblen. at rit proibe, to foltow tin, nenaio of thbe theme and ef the 'edt- theme, thoueghes tine mindicted in0 Poiner W. H Calfoott in the, wnon of tine C-are policy of the United Staten duting the yeara 1890 to t92l,s which he -rop in the fellomwa penteda C. Anton C. 1m, "01 veeql ant', aean doile t., Nlfadatf, XXtt (ea.,0 pp. DM941- a Wiidmd atot ieCn na alya ieCle tnt 19 ezIte Thbns ttnrin'In..d nneiedt, natrt hee, nets. ain the nanoen apetearing in Marote Aneifla by Luini Fetiee Red' rigne.the Parost moikeotan f thowryotheot andeodenooo the teptnittien. ofthde "Ve,,h...rnn fote Ct-pow," wetitI "Mr. Nanrtn wore comms to them fo- the ontide and ins native Ica. Lracine. Tbe "e- ,PEaan of Loin Faeipe Rtdrtgtea in one mat, nevon of the Aiean in or lends mine it tacen at theme i Caribbean littranrew. He inte only Paintcdatns ymtattt hot aeagant androntmptttaotd'dainfn otteardcnnqtrd polle. Neteteq atininia anleh t99, and a aoannfum af the "Cord Nighbor" patio0 af Peident Rroctee't - 111nen and tynopathetcir torcth iranerians heon to appeal ft the nelsi nf Rdnoto Onlegee, ta ucit en .etancut rotttlr the piotem of tate Aeneninen fetlant a Icer and Iteeuenn ronme fra tine ''Mn- Butilde'" of In Trepadoma (1925) and "Mn Dange" of Dada BdAbana (1929), beth ftightoned and brutral .,tliteo, to "Mo. Davepert," of Ctanirto (1933) ronted aff-ndantee Ia 'Vwnaneta nail, and culminan with "Mo lardaant of Saite /ea (tt4) gonerot and whdraie eo malnn on Ill.''t enacle TeIn dmdenadof the Ven e t wret Ichiftde interests of tint nnpoaue iie ihn nptnit tine ptboena of Man- IV. Iopeeialro Intoetalben is the Rinty theme to the teatee oi naio oill thaetepurleneofthe aiibrancefnoide Iat ay hen''d thaa it deteamnesnfnrniintOhapot "I teetion of theimr a f unity: ithea danger miniio evy ntnm iniga darno toeher ad provoke' elam seanadnanmnoretti. Ittt1initttam, the earl f atroos anin'daemet nelnl enren the cn nf Ore ettrtward diesen i loaltped oath on aion prablen. In witeri passible ta follon the evolution of tine theme land of the sob' ,tneen daogin Inn stages indicated in0 Profemec W_ 3. Haunoat in thr neome af nin tibbaen pnlcy of the United Staten dnting the )ao lath to 1920,^ wicirh be gamape in the ftllowing petittit' eaf at XX .t Ple, Ie '. 330- e ts wlt t. os~"o~em u0Waitd efade COrlt t, in yeliraa PaE,,try a etnUcftnd 9no enne 92f, Tr J...c ttnpin VUrlcnit PVone OntIa e, hi902. L L  266 The Caribbean at Mid-Cazqlr 266 The Carbhn at Mid-Cnuy 266 The Caribbean at MidCstry 1) "Isipeialiam Th eiagh Wars" (18199) 1 (2) lspitaima Via Diplomsacy" (l599-190.5); (3) "Rlassica, MaasefAl C5ot5'"- ch es (1903-t9tE); (4) "Dallas tilout" (19003l13) ad (3) ''Pairal Despsdstt (1913-1920). is she fist peniod, '"hints Caticat calls "Imsperiala Trhoaugh Wa," the .psdiClat- .esnt War ad the -esbs',,.n militasy scctpstst af Cua sad Pastn Rica proeslked mism thats ass etatic saplnsiss amasng the Assilleas atiarts. 7h, flag svts psi ttth'diesse ,tich sstned the Cubas, Baidaiam Byroe and Fltssfqe HeemiSndes Mlytjys, and the P-mos Rima, lbs6 de Dliegs, as eaptets sminy lasgig fan abitase, mdepeadae. Btha its geaet and moost ill-ttsoa ansti-issttabst clsise was prasde is the priori tollowcing, and ass sned by nie tapseatiat, a Panama and by die "PBig Stints" tatiny o a Beeamt ll'ed-sn Plsiteslt he ded Ic Reasal af P.aMt Dais. Xsesslseies', whent is 1906 at mse Thist Pa- Auctedi- Caifeence t i o ude Jateis, Elihc a., pipa ta his ssNlier, policy at o~pstatisn -the shid period, accnedit o Calacet-iat D nests hit Salts' tiie al dpeda ins eecgsilit af die siditsdemmsittaad by the Ssecretarc sof tats if th, e iid Sutass D'sttng the perid ibis Callous dadinitw as thait " DOa Dlnia-cy' 0105-1913), diemts sak place ens militasy -ccapaton at Neinragia (1909), and ste itaa'ti of Adolfo bias a pet ideas of that coutrty feats 1911 is t9l6. But ifs mist issyant sesa satsed is 191. wi4th itls begiesita of the Mosins Room- Iasef., whlicht ss a sagcsnnahich Rb't, a small sars of which had to do with ftse Caribbea, and wichs wans repesssed, frwe ~kb h oes fJaMneuo h .. sass tpaead ii, 'sflelssunde so all die Caribbeans mostorn, asd isa ad themat theme appeared ettssw asd pos at disese qcsality sets nea Their men and thsie siit atbin msclsmeas Rt atsi Saeed, sisnsen, the tobsllun er tans sallats lsscaced a giod pass o ah din iiis peemitt, Rsam l9te is 1920, is thf erind wnbisch Cantnot; callsh. oiafi "Psasesa lDft ont, trse amassed tn Dutcl sa Vssat hi 1914 and, h ti as yeans die eigoitg sof the ltseya-Claseta Tniay; its 1915' tse iceupaitn of Cthoti oithd seas aste sasmS' 1934; is 1916, ths miitasy .io pli i f Sianto lDissiags, aibtis was cssdndsd is t924 atd i lt., a ass discbaslsasta sf '(1) "lstpseisldm']rousgh Was" (1190-'1899)3i (2) "lanpasislia Via Diplsatce (t10 30) (5) ''ksaits, Miitsfl Coupes- nt" (l19rt'-Iiiii (4) "Dalom Dipisssce" (190l'1913); land (5) ''Patessal Desysfiats" (1913-1910). 'a then fist pesiad, ealic Cannoni nails "Iipsinhi Threagh Wan," lhs Ssaidi'aubas-Anssedn War and ti heeqit sess mtiitarysoccpasii if Cuaiand PsertssRico protsiedamsse thant asso maaai aplitiss asmsig lbs Aatsillsss assists. fb lie ss die peeic ssdiflse whtich '"ered the Cubists, Slii dioor and Easiqas bronrsthes Miystes, ard die. Counl. PRiats ins do Die, to apsma abate Iaging fan ateli 'adeysseaeeo. Psi the contera and msas Courntai asti-itspetisla clamore ewa prtsduced din th sa 1t olonwing and ins snsed by the esssnted of Paams asd by die "Big Sick' palscy at Prsddents Theiots's Raseveli-sthe Ode Is hisescels1 af Rubt.s Darts. eeaethnet, wno in tA06 at The Third Pa-Atssriis Casfesess as Pis da jeuries, ts Rant poad Is csailiistse pie of cngueatias ther fhied period, anasdig is Call-ta''bart, seats bit Solts- letides it Aa,9. its secogntsin af ti5 aitiitde esislse d by e grocet ot Stue o theinitsed Slats. baing ahe pselad this Calcltn detatesm an slat of "[hiltls, b'platsfy" (1909-1913), dbam sails place else military osaaiase at Nicsaragiss (1919), nd she imupaimis at Adolfa bias a-st t o ft atThat cattas ram 1911 is 1916. Bsi the mat iseporias sent mitenmd in 19llawitthegdtaigaqthfMesdnssn em tasiat, ealish etsm ms eaaadena iitt tiseC.i1, a sall pass of swhiahbsad ti do wish die Co.bbst, saud eduibh isi repreened, among ofher wmkqi by els asses of Jose Mstssciidss. Thc essli' fin apsead i iaqatisitsc iall tie Cstibbr esa snset, ad its as ftThemtr ee aepisadW ras and poemts of divosagIatt isa- csnglitseir mrnad thenmitntale adleeeei Itaimi laned, mase, the elelli.. sane whbids stsaaitcsid a asd pass of she fnltsnirg prridt. Frst 1913 is 1920, intshde irned shibii Calleota calls ti o "Paweds Despatism" diets ocnurred th ere sas],a Vemsavs in 1914 ad, Is she ame year, die iis. at di e lysa'Cbassse Tesast's I 1915, them--parrsttof hut,sewhichsssa tolatsnst 1934; it 1916, The miimrye asaspatics at lsts Ditaisge, whblab wian coms:Wdsd its 1924, asd 'as lilt, a s' dlasRmbaalsstoa at 'it) "Imlseliaa Thrisga Was'' 090'199( (2) "laspesiaim Via Diploaai" ( 1899-1905);i (3) ''Reaction: Miitefuil Cospt alias" (190519(8);i (4) "Dalla Diislstmscy" (190191i); sad (5) ''Patsernal Detpsdsss" (1913-1920). Is sts fist peiid. whiii Caint calls "Imapeiaisms Thmiugh War," die Spmaish'Cilsss-Amesicas Was and the mheeqciet siisay mispatlit a4 Cua ad Fiest Rica pesesbd ma'" tica esplssissro samoag the Assltsaeltsen Tc Juag sas tie poi esi tthicn whichl tmesed die Cabast, Weraidai Rooms sand Entsga Pfsrds Miysea, sad di hess oe tsa, J.6d da Diego, at atheir lingls ass abelst isdtderam Ens de gaeess and mast iluassi' anti-isapesislist clamor as pmdsttsed is the perisd folloswing, and wa gased by te sepisatias of Panama and by die "Bi5 leigh"o palicy if Presidest Tsedsee Ricoselt-the iude to Rsisnat oa lhe, bais' NsesethJo, whn is tOll t siTh Thud Psa-sseduas Coafereac, at his ste Jaais Elihe Rute ptsbses' hi, nectiassep pithy f coa iasaiss '-Nth shied Pried, fuaiteds ts Callise-atis sfet hit Salts ladies al ada is secsgsisat elste asttsde entisesatsd by the Senealsy of Stnato the UiatedO Stats Danag the pesisd that Cillias dedgsas.s ias dNat "D allas Diplotcy (190f'1913), these iook place die military scaspahtiase it Nicmatsa (1939), sad din imp,.itiss tsf Adlfs blat as peal' idest af that casalay fits 1911 ts 1916 1st the mast ispmmit msa sid Ni 191. wihhde begisalag ad ths Mesiasn Rein' adt,q wehicha mi a engesndeea sla Iseesines, a tsrsall -ar af which had os do oati din Casibbess, sad eshich twas seesete, m.,saothceswskbthnaee-sofJ.6sMaisias. Thereeali. slot, syrad its mnissade moall die Caribblean fcstes, at6 its asl at them forms appeased Hewas and pacoe, of dierear iity ass- saigter adter ntbe eum tDmt, malse, the sehelian eat s.- ehini doo-srsi ed a good pies sf he fsllsng predan ross 1915 to 1900, is fii vtid which siCana ciiia diss oa "Bitnss IDisssits," these ,aned the ameir at Vesna its 1914 and, intThe smoe yar, she eagasis, si th3 eyss-Csattse Treeay; in 1915. doesccsputiiaf hai, widhwasos latninil 1934; is 19lt, tihe milisay ficapaias of Satst Dositas, which as concludid in 1924, and is 1911, a sees disesbarhathi if  .TFruAaYTHMui 267 LZTEPAZe THEMS 267 LITElAZ TRUCES 267 tosop is Panama. The feeling of unity or the Antodes anod tf the Catiesn is gonrat ooed in step owitho loon bppeninre. geese. jhg stoesge anong doe w -tan As af ooaoifcntodso of the sed me5it 113 dme Roushon dot soeAntso cano ino loimg ito pinoo Rise. faW A Line Lmt noee. and, atthenandof ff.e pod, len 1920, the ltconoy tendon, El op. oao Amnon.o adinatd. It bwoo siocbn maintained by tico Joaqein Oanoia Mang odaCstta ioa, asda teiblescfeeoeohd iothe efaecaf to sndfoeoovey docoioa. At dohe ihinog c of 1920, ffiootos Pofoone Cattowo,0e o mpontilitin nsndeatnorconcooed. atndceiole mita rnocmplieation broadeced etepear0m or tahigco t the poit of gi i t ton ooe linooipheyio iiioaone, cbot COet 00. oe o .doiheentaa - aain a a toe h ic ly in the geoioofo of hb Peioed Sta j n The tioen licrn costioed to .1 taoeooh to a ogoseth I ndnmnn of o ndoeit oart and ol goweing d cted-aa of the bes cfient thoed daily by tcr flames of w loe Mtebeo.-h 1coca. In 1929i the Cenban post Agnaolo Actao, ehosy~ , owitht etecan thnwamse, had poc- edoent peod, on in his scant symtpatby Ru ith the onc.eo aod nigh potitie n ag, in hopo La oouit, of the biotrness of thne hod toandof con so (Ocoi o cabemenopnie wohich eaplon scnac. Keener addneoe eo. annontob dtd atiioing oftW e peoblen of Osha lo the naelmel Cosbs, by Jo Aded i pcooh hotei the ben of his dnaot 2'onbtadera, ales voiced bin pooso at the scenow oleloedanadtocd efsl eitgoec Tctena enn ottinnof by the Meicann Rctoo I'men in doe int tm whiola the Nimaanan, Hnn koest Auigust Chit connoa oopied and anotth ie stogotos of Aahostaffa Saign wandc scan to became, bet-on t926 and 1930, A litenan theme wccas oned tot onty by Roblethe bet alit by tie b eo eaoon aoto d ocSosldt by i n Vnoe, aof Sondin, beth dtieuMm eeceoany Poo.Aonotinoom of Ctnaaoeoo and Jean Vienom Ghost. Ya tan peoonssasooiads, nito di dena t ntlo ma tm Isotyd, loandidos 1 msecoin Pman. Tne fetling of noig,,o hlte Ana te and of the Caaihlea in gconc mooed he step wcith thoee ltap egwn log songen anon, the cotnsn. As a mfetcion of floc send canin 1913 he Racists deo ba Ant/Ila nce into bongs in wcot, Phan, fonded by LEns Idoedon Tote, end, at doe end of the Pento, in 0920, thh d lionono ee, hl Rneoania Aeecanc, appoendd. tot s once been m ninined by LDon Jocqu s Oneca Nfang, of Coecnthia, as ateilatafeethcghointheofacecf e anta n od fevery desnion. om de berinw of190 afvt Poofosno ndtoct nnw L 00 spntihiionot mediums or oa taiain and ot nsoa oont iompietn brt ee do te peocoam cfr m Wachiagoon to the pow wmin[ of tgonsg it teone benaic sincor"ne has coon so. doe eeloheancstoo aom a straogicat min tie foeein policy off doeVled St omsa" The titency then eondoarmd to en, monhioasroCssiioeabandooment fnmodoeiea eose'onand a stewing d enocato of the aca confiits t.igl6oned dwl by the h(Ierdt Mio Ehwebin ldshspm Agmood Acosia, whi0th shoam aen anne, hod pe lonl penld is n his nea yopado wimiuiwthe toanot and nithfno it poitodc wag, inbhsCpoomLsa/e othbithin o fe sidooand handed one no rigotneak n isbepatoooyem and mono e~on waoo the d Ab potig of the I.hte of Ontha in she noast Coshy by JIAtoni Romon; echo, In the lono of his derao onebledaa lovie i otaoto The~ ~ ~ ~~~ar not teno inard e oeM ese winethis ppt a in ho novote Is which win Ndisasan Oteotde aRobeo pit.-e il omenoy an ocnfcane and nsroe donsnoggles of Am oo Chtse Sndino. sndi n moa toecome beo 1n 926 and 1930, linescry domeo wthsl wan need not oiy by toet, bet ase by bin A ctrtyoaoe, An.e nd Sandino tnosn ,a by theVeaota, flonoabe ~ ~ ~ ds bynvl~nlioayteo Cceooatlidsnosthee ceaonaasor~ntdnoot m teoeroy Nntws.atteicco of Chanoceso and ]Jean Victinte Odae. , uinne, que dlcanon.o moban de coe quatlaoara nO aoildasoncetooeyo~andidt meopo in Pansnt. The feeling ofunity of thesiAmdlesand ofthie Caibbean in geneac mooed in stop with the.o happemninto sw mig stron000 011wn the owadloo. Abs a vtansfeadon of the nod- moos, in 1913 doe aRouat do Ino Anaific eno ino being in Pon-Sap oh i m 0,f ntddby hLeli Lowno Id Ri nd at doe end of tho pood, is 90 ch ieoaoy reoleoc, 010 Repoeroioes erioana, appead. Io has n sinea been snaneod by Dot , Jain i CaIela e em soe. offlctoaics asnaltibctaltls. mfeedoemgRhfthec fa do stamoamfooadsouf duewoydeoitioo. At do beoinw of 1920, fi nuos Poofewe Oatton 'teo o spamuibtii covnl e modlct of conmaniatcadns stoa tonat onotian btad d doe poogeat nr Wasloington to thn, poi ofl gietog it teend linsoitylccrig itoese, bat qes 00,do haeibotnotamans segi coityintin fcteig o potl of the United tame Th iseeaoy ob~emen aennd to at noeotlde, spogeole abandco-mnt t of mudtetacn s and agon t the dhe noa o ff ths botoo"n 6 mentietdailoby ti flaon f de Mnicn eccioo. In 192o do Cetban cot Aoolin mAa, eho, wlinh Rabni eqenandnino had pee- nioaoty p-sitd in hissontopaheitdnmsescdio politco song ind his poen La am0/ef, oe the bitttoea sobs~ anvd handdt on tc honeigo nmpantot ec ubnptaitoauga. Knone avmn eh awem sdc W mtapsn fo ain the noce Coayoay, by Joof a~atnot o, echo, in the beso of his dramoa; Tonobadasa, alsow veoied hi s po otnot at the dihe nos tenrispicod by gho Meofa Recotltonaponan dt noset, in wbichi ti an dn tag , Hes n oloo ptum ho conoy o ancced and notto don .-ngo o aotoffa andieo aanit -nt to bcom , byoocan. 0 929 an 1 wd 190 ligenan fioo eb wtoan used sot only by mebot, lost aloo by his coansysan, Ii;no tan dioe eondeo byteVdeei fbooato Caotcoat and by moneo m oeos by. AnCaaneoati facesfine aeasea o databao sooth tho meoeonay N PanAttornts d Choamaso ad Jen Vinente Gidnet. Yatst poas ateadan, o andat. due de o mien no boo ide tones aon tlanoaslos toa of aa , hoodidos I I  268 Thu Caribban at Mid-Csnumq 268 The Caribban at Mid-Cuntury 268 Thu Cribban at Mid-Century oo GOtia-da incie padeta foeios macmtmba vpavarvoenaimt. Tado pea Nentrnea yatataom a Sandlo. Then doe anoapmont hoao at the strucgglo agaiaot ant- aetliam afpfaer no litty tboane, and btil p00d0 cad peosn conta profited by dme pnpiae mao. The tone of oaasnatian rand protctt atti, valtat, baa at oter mes eit becaaact mtataleetat atnoAalyy hm iaa sa Tto tectamllyoei rtaa eeta ofro eAte l,rehoar.1a oheinot movbygbiaoltolna:ne at thcsr¢eohaanact Jomi Ratodo Cnaio by NtiUalio Caill®n Na m paoart potnt canoe ahoentoodoAn qateochbnhbne Cato n poaty all, fbebatno mlolal mtaereoan aim, pita a tot to, The "Good Neigltta a?' , poli f Preodtat kaoonelr pooceeded at can t dt ero of te peongt palianet and to 1934 thin Untoad Ste frceso wee eiditdtaa feata Niarag a; ts 1934 die Plato Amneni objet lImited do, pablci tdependeace at Coke, oanabaogadt tad in 1996 dat flate Sante, aenanood its figha at ivneacemo in the itenl cttain af Panaana. The aetlt of dti otedial ptli, ay o 00ratio th Hc etof ith -elat CainOado- bea otaointeh, ne aoiaofa ttadonaadiag and mtopecaia atna hen n so 1n39 tManc tob place t0 a the Iflatma lontatoa itno ad do Catiben, aid dltieat aocdd by ache, in ovarioc ic at of e Atilhie. Pians weae mate foe cot- toa titot andl inacte s cseoltch, re vebteda litm . ot, idnanlwo Gale000, the Aao, ceo delbotoe wire ondeasarndiop, nd Sitcom in onks ma ablc t pitaf mtot appancal imacotitittdc, a Macwe who, at tie cad at y Ia Ch -,ora de Ananica a tat Odmwotda tatoa, 000oaata nc an sillo. Tad potiane etia-.o y .ano oanaa Thea doe aanoeaooo hcto of the sinaggle. agant ao- oopeotatiaoanppeaeaaliaooaay aleiee, and bolt pactoa par00 n'jat peatitd by Mea toopla mne The lane, ot maNaanda panaettoi, aaaiaae, nviaa-"t bet at ocat aco it b xaoo teodeote andoaersndptyi aoa Thics seanot tlor rn noagdfoe anim oftNe tsi n, whtook t at to twttt a igbierly m hintae, an ie do, nba abmaont Jot Raynda C~all by Nionlin Goatida: Nao nagaea p.....t ant t da Ia qat aroea olle Gto-e ta pla, anaba on alchol, tto~ttian g4no, fee. aol no, peon a tan an, The "Good ttctibha" pati, at Preoident Roosevelt peaneoded ctoet dot etana aft dan atecnm tolitee, ant ito 1933 die United Sates ton , noditdenoa-f tom Nicnanton in 1914 ali Pinto Aa-cdmoet, wehilh tood ±he tIaticl indepaencof a Cotta way nbeaartct; and tn 1936 dt Unated 6Samtc - etacd its righto to ticec in die iacoal attain at Pansama. The nolt of dti toedial poliiy loan to ealiot te etanoaa oe fen tata Carib- beat -ctooiea it itt noaon at odena~t iag anil eto ev among hona. IJ19ultt~hoMcaoobpseolnna Te italt .- .,eotojoan, Coot e at ate Caibbean, and tis ant onendd by ahemn bel ant ciie of the Mttlem. Plaecns tod tsat on attain aito n d Lmaaeathle cyoetat nate delivad. fndt atlo RIl~o "nlg h Aaion ran doltnen dwalt n ne a ,teraaddg, ho adeana Rbleto anw alo 00 pbk tanq oitout apioation eaoiaiiod a Molnea whq at atMoead o y IreCliaanoaade Amteic o Od o¢-,ta Ia mis n,, ItodtA arjar taos 'to anba, ott pnawnentcamunwt. Tamo patapte n Niearagua y aoncan a Scadin. rhac doe anoaons here'o of the touItegl agait ta- iaapaiaNm appeat ao Itteeny rmoars nodl banth pooa and p0ms, ntn profiteel by the papolne mos. The cane at accatto, and ,-,Iotot at tie,, doles", bat o other unto t becuao m aaa and een tlp vTin cg tueaogrsesalty bateateltt owh ma t the tt ri t 1pen y i tavyto :tede ecmare eeIlraCndwb doel G itoa Nonme..pae poeqoteahe abota anodni qoe otihoibaoo todelo qoe anottoe116. sidla ot am6 Gatten so plats, pea ar oate an u coaa ana, pve a atl no The "Grod ?tetghtat patiof atFaoideat Rcaacl pecalceed to c[e thne ato of Mat Previospty and in 1933 alie flated Sta n -,o were enithdnwn fbom Ninatost in 1934 ahe Plan lAmcmomt, obidi hatted the paloti indtraiadotoe of Carta, neat Asotted; and it 1936 doe flated Santo oc-oatoed itt eight a, mtoen he internal attain of Patna rho htolds at dtai codia policy oas mo tire dt otoa at doo coaioto Catb- ben -atatm in trneaat n t a ndeetindiag and -otoaania amng datat.n11939 ofthe aeab pianot td cinenca doatt cint Stte- AMaoa Conterence afthde Catiea, o alhire ot otced by .tMmt in iariout dote it ab au . Ples tone tmae toe e- tani tiicandnod iotatable aeotiln acto dalicosd. ftdo ,todo[ at inahe GlagotaAflti, the Amoioa was d etoted wcith etntean o ane nod Hernia Rtblew wao able 0o poooa1 en t ot ap paeoc iveoitaltisde a Mania, abaq at the cad eat.o I I  UETEAIV THEMES 269 UTZTER SHEMES 269 ITEARY SEMIS 269 the fighting, mrotur thle moori of Niearnna in semuwh of the nissple peaan I woo, tin had seduced, In order to msasor But now, s020.x60 AWshrlos Coih, a 4 . Ar I C, A rtsois, 10 Aroa. Mariass, 1], R22x29 Orjdsby., llrooss 00 Barban . -I,0 Bo vr,0 CIers Ossosr Bash,I Ogrmstfrrl Book, SArJ Barb 04, -20152, oslsoo 50 Wt01 Corksr 105 BocsD.Woos6,0 C, 120 Berers, OIorIr 260R 'Vis t or Irros Irs Crosye Bi 6k eov , sor ohs The, ' eMLQ0s 1aovs, Diroirre de sil~ phio Bosgs Gol, Aed