, m . s __ ._ _ . _ T _C,. eea _ , _ _ __ w_ P A._- . . . b , , _.  fV _ F *;I> 2. I * o C I2] V -, -  0 ' t ,. . , ,, ~ -=- - _ . : _ : - ,, t 1 Th ___ - ~ ._  '" ;a , ,_ ~, t', y, T '{ vi 3 t ff R[ Y 5 j; ' $'S z ; gg + ri ' , 9 9 Ri: } gr d I kI P F4 P+ / r% 4, I a, A pp4> f,!' I. / S! V 6 i r- a R 3;B 1r, R 1 /  ~ ~ ~ ~ rl . fl =. ..o s.e . ,. . -e. .a , ,.. - e ...: ; , . . ,... .,.... ..:- me, ,a_ . ate. ... ,- . ,.,._ s _.. _.,,_ - . __k, < -. e :,,,. Mo --mod., s 2, a tim^'+ 'xxb J m _iBr29 °_""ma0.... i / / 11 I / S r. I 'I  41, 4 4! K4 D 4 44 K; 4 444'444 f4 y4 4444  ' P r .4 1 44 r '4 f' f4 44 JA .4  StSt,,.S~ -5 5 S5 5>s-55 -5 . .5_-w. 2 , St- i -- =   saaaai 2at a- 'm-. - .4va aak f aa atrrn 2eia "¢s;a'Ota Zs<- ®.a'aa a.vei ---a a. aaa-a-a' a-a a-a-a. - T--a a-a- -a-aaax--a -aaa"afa - ---. a,,a a a-a-i a n' v .L ,e,:v~ imz ar_ a-aaa s-- e®a- c.--anawa -a--aa ..apaa-ag a. v. a-n--aaa na-n a a.a a a ' -alaaa-a. -a-a- a- ---Caa-.a-aa- -a a--,- a--a--a-a----r., a- a-a~a -a--a-. --aa. -a-a-aZa a- a-aa-a - - '- a-n, m-wa--._.-n-n roc-a-- a-a-a~ a--a ima--na -" pa --a,-a- -a - a - - mwT- --sa-,a-a.--,atnkoa-Stfl a- a-a-aa-tP-a . s a-a-a. ' -aaawaasp --k aan- r:. , . fe a-aar a- r' -,-asa--ia-na- a-a-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ -z-aaaa---l -ap - -n aaaa n ---aa- ar- aa ^'fira--- z~. a--wa-a-a-a-pa-- a-d-aa-a- .'a~vz s ara a-a ..- .6 3 }x-Fv-a - aanaa a-a--nP-Pnaa m.t- m .ra, Pa-a--a-a-. a-a--a- 6va. a s".'-t - . u- . .3 ata--n- -aan..Yi a - a - - a -w --aaa- a----- rn -a-> -aa-aaaay----aa--a-- - aan-.aaa-- -aa_-waaaaaa,- a ---a ---wa-a-a-a na---a-a -naaa----aaaat--aa aPaa s -a a- a-p-a >-a- ms2 M >a . 3r .m~ mx : . em a-a-a. D-a a-apa--p a- a- -a--a- -a- -a a-a-a -a--na-a-nie.m a-a ..v- vz.:^~u'vna da- ? pa-aa'aaP-aa-a~-fl e-- Ys.ir-a-a ~t .i as v  9r) 4 (  Cs 'g e -.. 4 .. z .w n/~. a. a~t ?&a¢ iaz Tals & & ---... M3.. - r-.efed ;-d - - - . - Ma.t!.&& meuso.sk &"am ri...a _ esham-risim °& 'a vm nN o- i- ¢ esb ra~ -- ewS a a u v'm z a._ -:-zw7-C ...nv .a. ..&2 22 222+r lz e&+ -cv nrac - #r v. m sins& >vn - Y av. --: . a me s. ee ew diA 'A. 3i ". s. i° a-me y. ~ ? m s . & --.. w .mie'm'' : .c'M EQ> S'. --.. -v vo o - o - . e-.eesi.'-': . .seks ~ .:Vin -m' QS n ---.. "~ x :. .e- & <&M . 9 v~t s . .eras a s|pak m wr -. a.ei. n :sm,. ~. -r. . at7 y.ysu/-z4keir/ke r._¢. - - --. ,ir .wa.Z2w. . W Narzwa mie-ae:r 2h ewL asa'r senk. en bez xrm-na'r2W.a vsiz'ba -eszab' mv &&wmb3C" u rese .. ' iw o . . nrykk- . -. .-a-: .: akrae >ws-... - o .r::rz. ; .-sno as. :Mrew^ z £ e~cix... .^m mypwasas s 2 -baaxy ggtr -zym na._ an u.w evas. ®.k-na n ::. met s 1 -e= Y..r-..o.-On . s ..eesv.. Y '. n: -2a. .e W.m v "<M e m *  3 c d g q a a8 d ! "dr rl @ ra aYm ; Cu ;rfi4{ rSr S 5 3di ao x: v "' sa a ' S o da p, lr a 9 SS dr"' ° s n S PGd t. «. qy $ ' 99dacP °a teap ;l Ss r paPY i' 'p a @'qt ,o °c r 6 q i°s p s f N , r 5 a'S yyi" dad s r 6d P a ° sS F s& 4.;s ° ' + Aq+or NC'e tdr ., ° a , e r, @ c spa A a 1,f aiA l 5 ai sa a Sd' Slid i°& IRE °z & d §i A v p6 lyl 4a av tlQ$r9 ~q7 d d'a S°gr i Iva a 3 ' bpd '9Ecs r A St 3p3F s a r lips 0 S ° 7 5 + + r Jim J r " 37I 3 6 9 s } ° f F s ° g Jim $ ; r 4 aS p 4 t d"G 9rd ,"5 . "S ya;r 3=a11flr ;1 t7 Ps rr ° r S@ a°r p. m rd ,gyp Sl sy e ' d p'$°" s to 3 a 1 ,tk A iN a qi C A r B p '.du a141V 4 p idA 7 ' pu $° ! j ' r tlY i pg i tl 7 ' q q O i3° qJ F G 073 BEd RS pi uc a - , 75ie a «I a d E S j;g q§ 5r e r St g Y a6 9S @gi q r r yq ° q E ¢ P °~ : q ' ' )s v pa isde V' r3 , !Mel I a kgp "F a G I 1 + $ Y !I'1 r ~ "S$Bda u Jdb i°F j 7 5 F q & i8VAA s°q I JISO& I, I a PPl B, try ru ° Ssi , d+ Sya3cC 9G9rn @i yy, d5 , ° Per ® Ot Se°Sr:r r&s Ss ' Sa d . g 9 r g SS dd ~yc a J 9ed S9 g s°' or i a A I I nr E A )d ai'1 s y ' r B i i Og 04 1 'q ri i =E aas}' i 4 "T g S Mi ss. 11H P 111 @ 1H . ". rrA §ra 3'S(  azch The Cartbbea v The Carhbea xVi The Caibbemn Chwm at the end of mse ormre groecono , B an am r, la (1513) mcotaoadoc who foonded tao-e were alloved en malae grants of laned of about onebhandresl ares to inddii famoilies and grants from five hunoded to athaoand acestoindividnalsoof noble osok Geerolly sech assoecahp became tald, so far no title ooa su~ned, afer fcsyaoossforcpmc andnnpovementI sm colonil villages and towns coflece holdings in the snrrounding terrioory were allowed, thus creating indtenltural villages somewhat simailar to thoow of Castilla inc Spain. Within the downs themocleso ltweegenerally grante by the loosn fonder occm irtcasc. Bly 1571 Ott diotrihotion of land was largely is te hands of royal ras- sty official0. Mbining lade, no diotinet foms ogictacal lands, were tctllrsl hy Tipel Igirlation, sod it ware possaible for ate iodi- si dahe own urface osi agrienlmoca rigats and soar lodividal touow ooil m als rights. Severad -niino, law mide were pronaslgotol is the sioteent clery aftet great ej eeis of gold aod Myerccwonediocooerein Me.adaPen. Mining landarweld rely toe granted hy els Crsswn but alaalinag cssol grntns m aen a t ieal, as if mighot e. Duriog thce armtedt oonary the 6pwciob1 Cease, faceacto of Etsopransanfioea rcealwaya inndf fnds Consttaentlythse Crosw fosterd tlhe direvery csad opening of mnesc in the colonso, and adesr.rs were enonragede go to America for thio prposc. That since there were ncerines o et ipsetarc to the Caibhean islands, the Wect Indic ad La Elrdae wecc geneally negleced both coonillv, ad w prlcly. Iteidee o da enoiing in hiam ecoldie, the Spaniob Cowno . alta n atospe asm deeagtilltre aod torno,.SaoogeSpariolsfaraers etogintoomeri. For reanaple, In 1532 tef Sanish Crown mseeed that all chipse going the celees fram. pai motany plse. sa aianase h New Wocld. A fe ecem a grewa vaairav of pcodmat was trmecaed into Acatric, ead -eeal ntom the Caribben Amgra stg theerwere bananas, sugot gra, alevco, figs, dote ie, leas, otsegeo varitis ceroals ofean grt, sdvegeiables. Also hom, es, mitaehe ugs, seep, and even camels weceocauto the colonie for hcrrtitpseasc Wit the ae eg yearhconaeececeeicaigcaoces othe - paoisd, awa. oranso the valneof te hmi apro d byow t~ sor was so geat. it bcame eweac for the Spanhhd Gem sttdeis asyatem of e bhaeoeectaseorstseitseccsew nd the colonies which woold h e both enfecie sod tasnnesii.. Cowen at the ed of ro a easrr grerais un ly an catty lose (t5l3) cossoistdoeca who fended tow recc allowedl o make graes af land of abort one hondresi screa to individual fsaiies and gmalefromafie Isanded to a tdesand tc as to di id of ethle rasek. Charecafy stchaownerahiphesmnevahd sm facsen idewaou coanconocd,afaerfonry- oof ocaapaocy andoapoaennot. lnesoae mtltsoaa villages sod taseone collective holdings in the soeceio teraitory re allowed fit a esieg agrioloecl Wllnge somewh~at doitoacn thsase eat Castillo in Spaia. Within the towns ohemrevea lots acegenerally graatchy theown fondr ortnpoai. By 1571 the disteibution eof land was largely in the band of royal trea- ney oitils. htinig lands, so diethoat frns ogrinssaral lan, were caninolled by secial legislatia, and it woo bonai for e -di- vidual to own surface roil agricultural rights and anothoer individuol tnoas sohootl ehiarral ruma Several mving low odes we-re prmsnolgaedindesotcnt ceator after grit utoifea, at gold and silccr wece diocoveccnineionand Fre Mining lands could ary he granted byitheCrowvn, bn otaining such granswasot as difficult as it mightsem f~rmgtheicaeethscrnwry the Spenth C.cee, hossas n o Eno'ren OCstis, was always itncned ofeounso. Coasently the Crownfastenedlthe discovery andopeoigf iein the coloniec, and adteenls wece easosasrged to gre to Aeaeeio for this poasae tBot cse anthee etom naof camnpar n h r Gte Caies islands, the Wee Indhes and La Florida were generally ateglocoec, both eoscieal y, and paimmunly. Edaidsimulstieg mining in the oessats the Spenarsh Crown alaa atlempted to develop agricnlte andstocmaniage Spanich far-.rsto go Is Amitica. rt example, in lll2fhe parsh Csos resdecalsalt i osgsog to aalems is frempabinoet carryplantsaand asnalseitohelew World. Hence a grea vadidy of prodoct wa inteodued taoo America, and especially into the Caaihhran. Amng taese were baasr, rea coa, grapes, alivee, fig, roffee cotleamonc anges, ymuals sca and vegethten Aloolsssre,rsetle,lesgs alaep,atod reamnals wccsrt the tslaiosfo breedigoporas. With etse passing years commsote miccnaeanincreacigoeoec ofl te Spanish Crown Becasse the vatsse of the tae prodned bIts he mines wa so grea is benr neaey far the fipaidh Coccot to dris a nysson of Iebcoelange hetween the mother ettasirs and the esloaies whicho would be both elteeite and ndopolistio Crown at Ihe end of one at mote getstioao. Byt an early law (11131 rroasiaadares who feonded towens were allowed to make granissof ladntfaboutone hnretuu oindedfamniesoand ,rants fromnarvehundred to a thaosand coes to isscorkdl of tauble rank. Cerally such ownership hecame valid, so far at tole was coesrectred, after fost years of umuotn and iemocmineInsm colniale villages and toas mcloti lWolngr in thse .assceoineg tertr eeallowted, thas oeeaing agrissaanal vtll.,en nsn-ewbat sintiar to thsem o Casllo in Spain. Within the towns theerselce lotB wee generally granted by the town founder or imprcsaein. By 15]n the distrilsutitof laInd wa largely in lthe hand. of royal ocoas- my officalo. Mining lands, as distast frosa agricultueal lands, wece concedled by special legislation, and it was pssaible for one i- aidoateooawnesrfnefaoil agiculetualight aedatIottomritied to acsa subsoil mineral eights Seeral naming lam coderw prm lgated in the inernlh centary alter great cjsoneits of gold andalarveed-mallrin Mieo and Perss Moining lands cruld only be granted by the Croast, but obtaining soch rants -ac tot as dill eset an ismight ar Dsiog the slecwm.hcenturyothe panish Caonabeaae of Fnopefrcolicswaawaysiopotfsfds Coequtlyth the Cown fcsctedn he h disostery an eeng o af meiesn t she te rsinic, andadetoorea wte ncocoed en go n tneico this poopose. lent osm thr were nomnines spoolance in the Caribbean bslohs, tha WVest ladies and La Florida were onetallytin neglected, bth icohenticer nd Cprliltally. Benider sdtnndaI, raiin in the coloies te Spns ., as aloStpede eeo aet r dtstcs Crepaiwfs rets . ogtoAmoc. Fttroo p ri 1539 Ohe Speyminah Croom or eded that all sleip going to the clons fra an m f mnaterrodut asdasimarctsthesfieew mte . flece agrtsi tyspsdscomoiaadscetie Amereoand cars, iouly iren, tte Caribean. Amsnog these wowe honas astor caor, graer, olives, fgs, caetfine tc, hman, or sgeeain ceds and wergcbles. Also hoses, cattle, hogs, sheep, and evos camels wer cet o the collones for breedingecm p ac the pasaing years commnace brecoat lca g concern of tdc S snsiah Cron gret, a ece a valor sN thMe mindeals pesoeed by the nitn s s bgeas llecanie nccs ya the isannt itsysodvacsae of enc h e be. he t the mother country aadth coones ltchwoeld he hoth effeciv aed nasoslic.  z~. asawne MU SZTCS'I DI2USUOZIUI eli fl1T~3 flSZIU Sift1 Th~us, as has been sees, Spain early adopted the sermntdea ystems which atsired tdat all preducto be carried is Spoacih earned, sasned, and equsipped ships tinti 15M all oade from else scienssis to Spamn was conelned to tlse purl of Srs31a, hut ina that year ships forn Eupaaoa and Puerto Rico were, allowed tss al at Ciaes The Spanish Croswn derided, abue 1543, tat far the sate of safety and for preotecto.,. agistprates andi European mcsies, at varlao should go in faces to aned from the coloie. Finlly in 1551, this o-called "ilmt syatesso wan defisitely eseabulished. In this yearca royal srdieane pssided that twolAmtns shol be eqssippad annually, gencerally in Marsh or April, as the pom of Case, Smalis, and Sun Ldcar. Fee a number of years slueafmra eguatios prsided that serenly-five ls a hundred ships, each owita aomoe naauabreon tnet us 530 som-nu- uess-lsclsraallyaeeaged tat nal tre saalacold sail annuallyfhourSlpam or reeeulne Thus feat system laseed saetil 1784. For the special praectan nf feels i n ' Caribbean, che Spansh Croswn inaegssrated a.policy, beginning in 115,5 at Certifying West Indian pens. Dssriog the sent hundred yeasn many at the hsarbors of the West Indima ware thus Precteeed, Ships bund from Spain in the Ameriecan celonies wast in ahbody as fa as Santo Donaings, whlsom, they usually reachsed in apprusi mutly tsirty days. There they wsere divided info ewes paes, the flals whims proseeded so Vera Cora and the si--r irese galleun whieh wantcothe PearlCateaedeheIntu-ueof paasa tsetthe raetr ryage froem she colssirs Yo Spas else teeta g-norlly asceshled at Hiavs, and went by was of ethe Mloriey Choaau l and therAzores backiao Spain. Usnally one stand tnip was musde each yar, All trade was direcly soperviseol by else Cars &e Comserscida. Dtnrs, in 1543 a merssatael tad beesn created at Sevitlla by the topanishrrown,. This was onmedluf mrchantsintere rdeostiues Asnchorau tradq and it inelndei a outst which hsard insil Isious grewiug oat ofs .knits eusutae. Esenty this body becamet practically a monopotists ssssjrrstts engaged tatml cissia shipping. W~te- gsssdu from Spain aesied at the Isthmus of Panama, utsey allunmeomtesissvelad to Panama ciy ern shse P~acifi by mses carrying approutaety 200 pouods each. Seoetimes, for a pat f the distance, riter booai see ruead, eurryig aplstunisautey 36 lens each, Frcm eanama vesselsase ' eRuvyian Armada" took producls down to the Peravia rac trees where they were distiibuled aver- Thug, as has bemr seas, Spaes early adopted the m-ianl system which required that all praduca be camded in Spanish owne4, me, and eqripped ships. Itil1558 all tude frost Ihe cotuie hea ESfect wsut hi et the part of Seora but he ta s ship. fusmes Fpafila and Frso Etns weta allowed to unload at Cuidie. The Spanish Crlown decided, abouts 15,a, hart fur flue sate of safety and for proeterssagamsp irast.and Eosparneamis, all vessels should go in deels to and from the colonies. Finally, in melt, this me-sulld -fleet sysems' was definitely established. t ahs ynar amisyd ordinane. prvsided that twso fels should be qaipped annely, generally in isancls or Apsit, a the poses of Cadiz, Sewalla, and Ssm Luear. For a number of years Terafer teguatuns pruovded slot aeventyve to a hnndred ships, earlsiosith amsom baron d e & tl ofss1s-but which aetally -aveagd nar tilons-shaulsle. salsnoslly fom Spain far then esslomess. Thin fi rsyseen lasted sumd 1714. Pee the csecial psrceo of felsm in the Caribean, the Spanish Crown inaugacased a.policy, begsusig in 155 of frsiiying Weal Indian porte. Daring the nest hundred yeats many of the harboa osf the Wet Indies ware dom, proleeed. Ships lound frona Spain to the Aracrian culutico wont in a body as far as Sant, Domingo, which elhey suelly reached in apptssi- mately dliry dayus Thoe day wore divided into tes purts, tir flor whtecs proceded toa Vera Cross and she tatn Fre gattens which wortto the PeatCoastaoddthe blthmnsofFonaea. on he refsasm ruyago from the relones iss Sprain the feels generally ausemnbled as Hiatana, and -1ro by way of ste Florida Chamirlc and the Aesrabackhtotpain. Usemlayone roundhfieswamadeeash yeas. All toads was du'ey supesase d toy tle Case do Ccseaeustss Hswevr, in 1542 a crusstdad had ken osated at Sovilla hy the Spanih Crsws. This was -unpesed at erchants interested i te American. tra, and it Incuded a teat whstich heard citil pleas grosving -alofealnale.mmrrns,.Eentu teodybere- ,arltly a mnopoliotic esepoumis engagel in celuestiA hurpg When gaods frees Spusin arstoed art 5le Isshmess of Panses, hussy we rtlaspurted oven-usd to panas ty on the Pa-11, by mules sheasyg approsimaisly ItO pounds ach. Somectimes, fee a pare of lme ditance, river bcals wverend matarrying approa marty 3A toes eah iros hPanma vesaelofd emvsimArtsmadaooatpredt down inothe Prtie.acoass ft..omwhererthey werrdie ihued over inns, as has hero snen, Spain early adospsed ble essesailo syste which renmined thus all proces bhr tessed in Spanish owned, med, and gqapped shtps. Vntol 1568 all trade franm the colonies to Spain was confined to ethe pert of Smalt, hont in that year ships from Eapausla and Poetair were can~sme Is unload ac Cocdin. The Spans Crowns decided, about 1543, that Cr the sake of safety and forprIslaionagaisst praos astdroropew nemia, Wacaleels asould go in fees ta and from the ouloiaw. Finly, in 1IM1, this so-celled 'fleat sysena"' was deiniisly seastsiaed. In this year a maya] aeslinane peuvided That nwa tieas should be equipped auuy, generally is sta or April, at the posts of Cai, Sweilla, and San Ideas, For aumber of yeat tHereafter regulsano provnsided that aeventos-tae too 5,Itndred ships, each with a m miose burden faed as 550 te-but which actually averaged s aret tnsstud sal18 mausuly frtm Spas,, for the eaulas. This Ileuttm system lasted sel 1754 For te special prestection of trssIn the Caibathe Spanish Crown i saungurred a paltey, a smnin i5 a1o3y of urifying aaWest ofia punts. During the thal honhudre yeses smay of the hors of sthe Went tndies were tus protected. Ships bound hrom Spain to the American hsonewwent.t a body as maa Santa trusi o Th emotch they asucsi ly ,eache in appreni- matly tairty days. .Thiteesto were dicied mosnc two parts, flue flora which prceed to Vora Ceas and the Nacea (.eee galet whituwattth FrCoant and htlhe esuscfPo u On the rotaren vo ysge fe m the culonis ta Spai the trolem ets gesteralty amnbled atHavana, and woos hy wy of then Florida Chnel and teAeuraes k &torctly Usually n1round trip w adn e arch year. Al leads was dty sopervisr Isy tHe Cs. dosi Cmaooedslher Hlowever inl1543 a an, cumelhd bumnseated at Ssllabychr Spanish Crun. Thise was ooed of t erchuns intoraedyth in the Announae etd, and itm inle acourt wohich heardl oisv pleas grossing bade ou of colonist comeotuneece. Evsntsallv i this bsedy became practically a mau-saisi lcr ai enage inelunel sping Whtn grads fro ~ sm Spain aesrhst at the lathorn of Fanmu drty wreoansported ovrtand m m- n snaty o the Farfoc by metes earryitg apprasimtety2tttsdeas. Someinmes,fora patof the distance, riser boats were used, carying wpoximalrly l 3 poutos ec. Fums Panama asecust of the 'Prvan Asoada' tut pedmoem- dew IntoThe erenia coast from where themy wruidiatthed ser,  - ,m-- sk --r 9 & rtgs- 2a~~ s -; e a esa~sa mesmegna~ys Azda:#E9&az~~~~~~~~e- 2 e Aw ;lrgpl isrb'Sag. --.v,. :.a .o e. - >_' -,m sa n ..- ".e - r._- ub< ? .", s s-xe -.,. e.. - mr .~. - ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ -- _.AM& sit.- knien w--kan sbetabG &T s.o me% x Mnwek 2 squx~e;&beasy2, ,_,szse+- - sa ig %k4 - - e< ,....ee2%z.e,:+n>>w ~ % a - 316i& e x e  ------------ - - - ------- 9 46 -  d- e ,.,im ..us mees/eamm- 32;f7:M'W sig 4 .s4 wagramam s..bsraw ' mn.x- ,-2 Y..- samr+ s^.i -zw . . . ^Pt . y //m-'3e_^iv~_' , , . mb b ,_ "Ga-m; t/z. -an A:^ r9mi~ ."I su~}. L ' r.- ras -« . °G"rz> -. 2' -p~ .cr v. rr...^2m v .3:-..,.y --... ra a^.. 'm m si-.zer & ..s. T -v ----. c FP ' cI ea z e rp .r .L-, e asva$ _a ,. ,b. ''° ag.P,.=ea > iaksy. -_ -a"" szrs 2_m - +,. ag~ea..y -w ene +an 5 a. & .4~ ? - ~ ----.. 3Y 22s so rrki< r'- 7v - +i ~ - .. -" --... r.22 _ & A . 4 &- e11 --m " ~ ---.a¢ . igig .--: ;'.. ' r.. '^'v -- ----.. ; ym> _eygg. m A G -6v w. 4. x- .. ~erry - e J-"W a ' E - ---... -z 2 -e X222 a P. Ea r e -- .. ,.s E o7~-.c - ? - ' . ... v g eg e-- :nd re Ad di.Pm - "~r .s- fan r m/~ 'n- - v.rwgg s ,-,m u.ge . -d r. ... ~ sma --g a eg s m ar un:-i rvvto a . peggsWe' wi --aY+:"a~.am -sve ai o._!P z^o spr d-sndai l -T a -rri e,' m rv e: agserw uAiv -. 's.,.-sig v'.G -4. mi -?i.' 4'v~. --f' _ --- '4w.. ~ 4.bo " ~5e v' rd^ir_%/ 9 - - -.i.o m.._ . %a' 'radya: -gy ra -°s '. s P -/ u. edc . z ' ' --m = ..prwxxri'.°ue 2 -n e- mt7 Y - - y - -- E- 4 m ; - T II ma®a~a'vi i2e .<'_i ".m-wwmanarv.asvMN .w.a6._ ue - e - .wRriio gw s i .. r ae g wa i r d~ 3 migase a . 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I its, at 11 ! i , f c t a.. s 3 M id .s ade pPNY p a dII FSW l y o ~ erd r k dSSE.°fl Ji 1b SjS1 d r~ ~I f9 t ei Vf {d! Sv S e"d. d ),trrs araf No f1 sPg ! g' oLS N mr' i u '9y e e s s;''S d 53 e fiP pda, >a g g u d d ,d u wi 5t5p S rNS a i RPM  ---,.a~ Fe_ _.T 2^ '--a mw a t w2..e vYx 2 a x .'& 'wL.-:ntm.:-a m 6Y .e - .n . ,w :, . e -- --Mw,.c a -'.. --a .. . ,r« . s_ 3 e< <-~v .x , .:.+x . ., w_& e.. . -,,, . - -- -- oz: .. inn ~ra,3r:. o --n .. sh a  F I F FF ~ F; I '8 I LF II I I F FFF F ~ I I 8 ' oo F F F Fo la os ' F1 I F FFFI,' Fo - '' $I'F B ' 8FF o. il FL o FF F FF LF F !FF a  F IA 4/ ~p Ar  i ' , A d, 9s .' ','"d  A]' AC AAAA~AA*-A] A' Aa ^p A tE AS.x A,,Z~AAAA Am,",, - "'AB Y ^so' v AAA 4?' 'Ar,e vs : .,i AAA V2AAAA AAAAr>&AA. A. vv. AA e AAAZZZ AAlA? b.-, w°e~ -n Aw r s a. a.., ., .e ¢ a.. a r t.?A seA is.." - A'.nu AVA .. ms.A '.A -a.~A .a"atr . °°""AAA A -, "B. AZ' ,®. w -. man &a A A,?ae A"Aet' ®c '. A.Q aA .. a~.. ('AC' Aa -A'w, A,? V v A4A A? 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F ffiF P in 3 u 4 r6p d A FdO\r pp§p 6e F 5 1 40 Ilk" 0 4 ' 4 ann y' P ,g d a q 7. 3' A 2 ,gF l [ k IB NPnN AN iV d f W S 99 AA55!! {4 @@ e f A' ! 9 P $Oy'Nf N 1 vPF 4Se His s 4 ! ( q ! e rb d In t iI '  r ra, IJ A A A 4 a^ frk  - ~4-~"< ~ - -~ ThZV4~" -~ . . . . . . -. -~ - -.- ;$~-  ,-ym -'atS 'ea- ,,- _, - ,~~-- 'Zw._' ',',._ 4v S ,. ,,. -. aa,: - , . a,_'t-t ,b - .- . a - ,: _. .e . _ .. --a gr.jwr- a, -mod, -a _ . -_ s t, tzt ea- ax .ar.- aaa ,. a a a-a-.- a,-. -ata- -,wa',aaaz- -Wa- __ a e . ., , ,_ w as- a-a at-Wa - s ~ ,4,. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ . >.a,- a. ® 4_z : ~ - - s --m. _- - M. .. m .A ax a.a a, -, * _- .,.m-'--- ,_-ws _a- '._, ,.44-a - - -a-a  m -. - s . a ~27..A3 ^ ob. cm-:.ynskwa -...g.,~~n ...m _ . _A&ws. "mer x+- '^+ .w>ensveZ kr '.u _ . nas so ea k a +i. . -ang w o _ vi - a.:v ii i e'u_ ,. ' som - er - ' d § lo c - .v .gh e'e es c- e c aws d s . -o mi0 - a -deze ... zwa em_ sea!z~. ~ -. r«u: -.lc. -:? .a':m.._ . ~ "an .t'_m. E+.m .'ID.:^ m '!~e.--.i.. vN a:'2.'u±+d erv ro._an.ei -%ec._fi raFZi .'ve. 2vi . uv.e&'v. %=2' s-_+a ,.. 3. .. au "" - $di m'D ¢. I~° ..twe na;:sme -e s&a -''2¢ ?essm a=&iwc -+am b.ni z+ s .tn. n. ....e.:? aba.xs.am -m. ' es& " /Ow 2 &Y5s . c2 imsy s aasax -i°h z Z'i o .ru.'vw -si. r& m esk s -:uks r :em.L_ ^._.> vvvs ..:. ccei -s.-ens34±i9#_ .. , c.. f/Q.. -%ui vrwvmea.asi :2 s+yv v:.v¢?fisn._vtiMkesm ..C.- .._&x/tie mi -,i_..°y~ v s., - . ' -- a exp:aa. udbi....w e....n_ -e?"s -v,,?ae a¢ ekvm sika !._ ayy? . e? S~~ _a3ms.. -ac.es. +4OU y 'm A' -.~..+aa . : v o _.n.. , R-4i:_+ 'i :-n:.c.i_* a.. +.eD~m an e'voiz-en - : "fo >^v'.a e bm." ~ - ei - I:n i--mz-sean ... ?imvamr e Sw-v:- r , 3 - 2 2 -3 --iM5z -iG R u .. ~- - .~ . >vev/'<25 .M &Dm-M -. a ~ --r W'm c"%.- -~i. & ~ sss: .' Zs-z. A~.'''#2. ° ~-~ skm~e. e gs;-dg musk 5s .e a4 - GQ®AMO~e.v. s w's d sm~aho . ...Nmi "m'iews 6 -efnba ammti i -s m:n ;i $ivm YUi us « . " . v .i . vvsa -.-ag wam- -: .-amma a.meNc - :e waagaY~ .+. maiauo -l -.. ,aiasu. am -"' .vt *m r.~w a n m es ?v"a.ew +2.vm' ww' "u'., vttcm - e£.nzr., asv~. w ake gm" -erasm .e.z'v'ay ms.m9skiw meu. asnva-sa -'maia^a 9.- a.'; . - wre,-zvi.°f.a ."... %.'e+w i: v^:mdoz dam so... .'2-g ... +e.esweed ..k ^ ,u K _ - m - k r.;.ssss - a k et".-- - ad msme.,:.i ..Gt::sns+ m..s...i mR __ - rok..°a.:' ..uD d &a¢ reyi/~ °e.aS -.2 - aes~ n &. sa x_.0 2 &&M._'v - rwa. e v&c .1a--x .+Rm -c' A &&i._.a. 2se v.vw ^. --e n .. -rs'. m.. ? a . 4 'A . ' ^ b s a: d' m-roi .% zm.-. .2x .fnraa. e-e a Y.. vaa -G sap - . .. -sa e Ashnaam ta av.s -^ zvd+m -% w .. +CiM~s M2a' Y..- &J29 en._ - x Msa.!am2 ._. simars m.w2a - - ..a mvna  - ..-.y _ ~ -w - pr g- ; ... m_ _x- ,. 4 -- e - ua . a- a - . _ - s -,,, e sX0,4aMaw w ssh - -z surd - -. ,. .u~s. --. as er. m za w - ac. -e.. &_ tevr wisarwn - .. ama- . erax a x44 ar ax ,.& . , -- .. - - es .,ggg ws a w. t vo,^- T rea<- - wa.M ,r .m.w -..w, 2 _.o ,,w ,._a~w , A. Eyrwam re Freg,..x . e 4-z 4u~e ,ger.rad m' igeg - a z " -,. - --. _wg--=r .mar .,- - pe -w~=r bde - -F.. -^ : , . saerv-a : s-ina ewgg® - 4mpr m_, menwy49- .,_ - m .4y- -Mittagsa g : _,e _meze ne6... -x _qwtr,-Mergwezegkig wxxxx_ 7 e aen -" - ---f... -m.. ..r 'As - ~rv -"DR o "e M . ... - v v F2 ~- s''.A A H r'i. --... 49 /m n~m . .: - . .... d ro.. ~ s - Perz 4 _' -..o ..x' ra -a , io ^w.re --wea '9 7 - . 22- . 3_ i+ ir' . -N y 'w..P... aw ._.v -i. iwram n.mLL^ \.iwo---~ s..w . :- -. n A vv pda - '' - warame- .tvon-. . : dae oGr'94"" .'.awvw..S - y . m rr'. - ades+swmligge a .eceii 3o _ - a.Tw". . ' . :-'ne n- . 'm aew.vo' _e.e2u. :,':.Y - wFA°. '@ w wyed - a' -.v.r''« -" wym m x r N.4=P,' s E - -9_ °-°° wac 4.- FS 'm -'Ypa<4 . vm i 2 -  44 R g 4. fay °44 444 94 Al44 44G A l; g 4' f1 !5 . 44 > r 4 .44 4?  yk,- ... --.. - au :rg a Qk 's- || %||- -... -k~ ki '%2 .37h 4rm iv& il- Er"U-e g''l~k'ar --.. ot~ve '':-k'wi-a :Wr%~:'p3e~7 J, Ga-aa -. X~- T 40 - 5JTS rl"Cg M. M . -.. TC s'id7 4 ~ia t g. --.. d2 mi -inw" -^ca ..+ ~ wra -m.r -'t r+',r4.se tms'ma''.-:W . - F-.e* iv4 o «a_.°^"- 6.>;r ga ende em. e marr re .a^C-g'g k+emideT&.'w e rn. -avl -a ..-e ,---.dnd .. iarz ". ya x6m . .' ^s amn . d'2at..m..,. v~oz:_ iGiv....d vrY -. ae. x_ £zEa -a .9: vo Ym 3% ac"Ge 3fii z 0axm ma . p..., m v^o ^vim a.:_ -+z^® 2' ... ';n ._ n..:cY////avia tvo a Auualv _=' +umm r . dk u '. v. dv< +2.. v.+nm-ha.t vmWY.. v Nv"t'2 Y ' ycr k r .avr Gaar., ' vveb.. e a. +me. 'DwuxS.e mx.z 1'va. a. "¢za5'c .¢i? -.a.ae_.ama "+. _ S('+mE N . §ar[2e.._"voeY' rmim .:mv vmJ...svts . ¢.v/a. "" rc $.25.ro< avma//a ¢<-' vm ®,... c., "n -$ .veld- .ea> ~q... r .>' au °eu. s..stasa  rx~~ -7 -- - ---- - -- x - A "" " - s K ----- - 7 7 " -Mrs DC- - -- - - 4 - Y 1M ~ - -.. "a % 2 7 & 2+~ - ---- - 22 4 2 - 3 err - 4 s e Y - as a 2 a x - es. % --.... - xrksmo RY&r - - -.... of&/6?i'B"[&2 GT -T 4 -- Marr & ' ' - - A T ~ r-3 & - it an 24 - - - e 2 x e 7 - 2 - -.... 3 2 - n x " r - - e 4 - x a e sammes:Maggen - w wargewgzerne x - - r e afra:rgmagg:vege 2 assamwremamemes rare 7Rr -m2$ e & F ---... wg;'ik;1r/gj pgi;b;2migqwrMqw:rwNg'gab - x 49"V2Fe. O'-WrM -a~ " 4 .. - ... NWDggf&M'4?Aimgi?4"rg'Mr/$3" Rr - ... z -  - vy - -: i.:v~ vaavW ^ ~ - -.Pv : --.... . --- . 2 .. -. - 'mw -¢ v' - + n. --- F N+Y ¢. " M - -- - ' -i~ny -avmx rBT ; . ~i x Tn . n . mm -a m - u s - - i x & & are - rgen - xx4 wiwessain, m & -  Vi c-° -o a ys. p ..c ...2= A was, ' -e 9. .egs.g!4 .m -b y 77 ry-zg s ^- - m --- --. rzna s 6 t -~ S"P . ... 2 %r -" ~ .-- o. -tz h~2 vczz '^nm s o a" + a g ..a. e.m, .ey =_ ew^. ~ tn. .i .. 5.L 5v -@ + c._=3 ..m -a e. - -w a w _._Lr r -R .'-n.y 4n-P6R'v " - -Y~s! ' x¢ &a _ A a -a e a ee ms .S . .,.-- &- x x -,a3 xr ..z 7 -C 4'P. : ° p a' - -.,, e xr %. .0 % x ..u .®" °Ra'4 A.  C 4'% vA ----------.--------. --- -'4- - ~ --~44" 4-4,4~a -. _-4  \\ \\   -.. r u .r .- or'r som -=ca- .ss~n S~kr&Arn~. ~ -nf At-e49,c zn -a.'rr- ~n ~ -i Aarls t-,. i  a -~r a J ~rv." vv 4vf' - &tzt "+'t v -i-.-rma.+S 2v Zef-"'°r d vv. pfwi.vff -~svF a a m'rx :v -~~~~~~ d-''~ * _ a afe<~~~~~~~~~- 'nv. ^-^' as } ~ ~ 4a 4g&m -r- 2E .- -._ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ l 2&t3_ [mv eTa - .. 2 vL bi,_ar "4'~ ^ca . se  nHMAN EomR 195a am ss HUMAN tl-E 9 I N UI.ESOR 195 I their diseieI Enopea natgis, there roeae tee eiteettaincos woea.aoesfcommnniylife and. aahe matifoalamitl. (i.e., f ams oharacterined lay the abene of a fatleSpcte and headed by the mosther); a cwior himrarey In wchich Casacmtoe lshysitl fnclures aera~sned high prestige wad Negroid featres low posrio; and relaleathis,strogansoseiaewassno'nttrlas derive from the &a at slavery and expressed, for Iefacpe in the distine- finn between the po asosc and rise elite its Hall and. elsewhee. tLitewfsr, rrain commton features of Caihbbean locat rs es mnay be doeed fram the dietict orienialsn of ceaonms scleastrec preoe, indepea dent forasr, and plantatio stoge workers.' Th stngle mate isspertant fseal of thee stdiesso brew the fanrily. 'Els locs not doe to the fact that the famity isa sable and basiksanitofalosely. Wnthecotntyths lneadrst woo motivate brythe weahre of terCsrhhramtilyeaa aeds, Toremttenesof themcarial er, the high leridesor of tttgitaoy, and the preys- tenee of the femads-eraterd famly ihrongtttt the region. Wirer hove been cams. stonaseg diosrestan on the hires and rasm, ef the forrts set family life in the Caribbean, and these diocasroalbt ant s prove theo it most of ti rei the famtily does arim cestti cote a nosed fonedaion for ltao comomnity rgieieaios. * E~rehometere, these recent saes of the Carihhnin ruego ate ringnlarytfleking ineany oeaysir dtcripro tfhooalom-n mosty,It iiirout, its opot defiatttaisn and ihe cohesien and intrral t eeo. Alter reading there smtte, one woIes what omeririse ,oin serial nit of aetist and aopetahas. In view oftertweaknerranditiaohiltyof Me fatailyas aonio g orl, whancis the asotdalen withi whilsb pople ud able is esoperrte, fiadreeot, midifeel themretoe nrsennrenitgtop agoitet eotafd-lro if Alt senarros staninrai social traits larger tisan the family 'nhr ore spatially delimited, which engender, or wog owpeit do eore.atdwitin whichstesaotsal rotnd of hmao eer Istlivo. mteltaneaited ttheaogeeirs. tisslvorsoies hove bands, siltages. and troaliad elates disperood thosghr a diit. Robert Redfield in his hook The Little Citnesresiep (Ciriego, losia) has recently dicsrrraethe rsmall, relatively relfeesnerd and homno. their dsetnceis Croca~ srigi, there seem to oiler corroit ten eeenfeotwresofaoaanniy lifeaosuchathena-r..Food family (to.. families chaerecnerized by the satner of afatr-pao and headed by the mother), a color hierarchy a whics Canasoid 1rhyal fbarroe, ore granted high prestige and Negroid foeaa. low position; and related to this, a strong sense of seoronamir diors derived teem the days of slavery and eopressed, for conmple, in the distino-. lion beeen the peasants and the elite in Haiti and llowberce. Llkcteo, remain cosmmn faatsurs of Caribbean toedc stoicte may be dori-ed ter the distet orientalis of penooe sshaenre producers, inefreedest farmers, and planation waoge nnrheeFt The single nstf refrnpatt fame o lmee aludin has bean tmIe tamilyr Tniwsot due htactthaeehhefamily Is abdsead baisnit ofsooriot. kOntao onrary, this itrest woo mesetvated by thre wealaoess of rte Carhbea fnasily as a n, the. sooirieres of tire marital ie dte high mndmwe of 'illegittray." and the pre s- lier of the fensale-roterd hoaldly llosghnst rise segion. Tlree hasve been I- restsmulating diseselr m on e bloass and musse at the trmrs of family life in the Caribbean, and theme ditsussionsa all wostor peeuve tlsain mastof themegion tlefiteefy doesanotronm tesa eso s toodilio for loal renmarrity oniostist .Farslemaare theso es trdies of also Cos hea rgon are dnpalarlv mcling in any analytie er descriptmo of the loeal cam- emal, its sihioric, ins spat deeiitoan and its cotlesiten and iteor d ergonfeation. After redig thess stordie, tee wonders whbat eansiltnstle naer an u~nit of rents and aspyrato. tn view of the eveahases and intotitay of the family as a social leaspwhat is the Iana uenit withn which peole ar Ibl to cotrols irdrewniy, endfoelthemsselves tao wreiroi,orp agaiostiotsdee? 11 All human rime e an o cia onime auen tha ns family. whrich are rsatially delimited, wlsil regendern a stleong i ersde nor, and osithin whircs the noral rnal of henam affirs is lived .toandltresrsttedtanthenwest geraii Pinta deeeeiiln hands, villager and loenced clin dispersed dean a dietet. Riobert Rledfield in his boreek The Littoe Coereasnrty (Chiengo 1055) Isr renriy dismussed the smaIlo rrhaivelv serf-coand ano md haoa- their. deadutive Earapen stima, there teem to mist eIncame como- man fratuaro of essaaaiy lff sorb as the maamd-focal foodiy (iLe., families oharromieed lay the absence of a father-spans and headed by the madr), a calor Iierarelay is whdih Canetd physiest earseme are granted high prestig and Negroid fralowt low ecaritia; ad elated to this, atrng seomofeIaenanoniclas derive trm the days of slavery and expressed, for enample in rise distan- lio besewoe the peasants and the el iten Haut ad tlsebrr. hlewise, crtain womans tatnees of Caribbran Idal attaches may he derived from the dintinet oniatseso of peasente, esbsirtonc pradrees, indepondet forees, andl patimeos wage serhdera The single meat imortant fams of fiftee shndie, hoe ber the farhiy. Thisnwatcot dueetotheofactrit trie famtily israaland barsanittsteiriey. Oa the orary, thiin terest woo matvoted by the wreakneas sf the Carihhoar family s anbtt. the nittanams, of tho'nrritl hie, the.hIgh imidencee of tillegiittaye and the don.. lenes, of 'he .temale-ceatered family tresghant the regites There Ihnsbeensoeme tsaalieing disomais con the bes mid tow, of the titrms of fondly fIre in the Caribbean and thee disootiec alt seema to pore that in most ofthe region the fronny dies ea co, tica areed tootaeo fot bloal naomonity orgnizaton. Smavhermoe thnte areen studies of the Caromisea region ate sin, durly ]:along to any analysto or dnscrphano of the local cc o ttiy. its anannis, its spatial demliefosan aced in cooetree and internal rgonaatisn. After reading thee toadies, ose womers what soltuts the nlsora seist bnt of atio and masperahon. to viece of the ecahees and instabilitycof the famnily asasssniot cioup. who, 'is the social trit wihin wbscs pesle are able ts ropealr, food aenrife, ad feel thonnoties to etats ny t-op against aceidena- 1f All home. sartc conslain social sonic, larger than ti fasmslf whtich ore spatially stetmited , wheb ongerder a stong epl e orps, and wit sehicha be normal mnd erg lasaa offers is lived, ontand tronsmitted tetMeeeagmeaha Priesiie srouteroe c bands, vilages, and loaliad clam diapersed lhoogl, a dit. Rober iRedfeld in hris hank The Little Community lChirgs 1hit) has rercafly dicrcle the small, relahersly selrantained anirra.o  16The Carbban 19s The Caribbean I 196 The Csdibum gems, -mi of peasants us it in found in sedans form¢ lonoghoast the word, tan the United States and linail spatial nits called nefglhoesamsds have bees delimited wa delised They fire aesoffaase-m-faeeielalioo wslichcngarder a sltngfEeltvof belnging asd freuhatly pati-onsa mutual aid. Lerger can- miunttis, coiting of sevnsslnnighhorhatds and lagt eooughtc ever thegfulltnovedof social life,hbacealsostaen defdtntln Moniso nod aonmala- a uppantty also in joa and etseoehtte-ssell- slefoec "arspsate' cmoamntin n- fovnd, the. nmemaers of which set themselves efdsicl rmntieo't utnoa u enmpe, the Itaia eaii s, nsloomout has a dst inctio costumeai hottise land, ad hisa feditinat peit i-teliions nol zatisnt I be cotandaaity is o an esaysoituttod o ca nveat basis. aod ind fiam alse may be fuen eos of cme numiny otgaaa thonralacal tt ososetismtynton evensn grotssmevop- olinBa thoeolmnanyoeontsmdiofftoottmand uo ofesile ithWe Caaihca do oat as pee premvidert cea tictrae of the typo and spatial dlniaimo ahseiecsnniy fCtlbos crioniy, siatins ace to aw oete faoti r n d h l e comoparable the daled out io tthre, of doe sceed Sates inm Indian the Midl hain Ensp, e add in theUnited States-th e cal ntmeopatgust ains, asoraed card haig ssaidn"murkoff and defiete iswlethe uoiwty he stdanmd nf sis eitting irst the sosmrs t othter plates anid othet timses." And if thse Canilalsat commutnity is to becotne Wle bass of toasl wetiae and eshonomic derotpmtett pot- gtrams. unt s detnition o what stigho h catted site nvaturWacn-- nt rtit evettrSe id sant Ion RPmer Rica Steward anrd Isin sr selected tecouanlylia anl their eai o study, hut iach wi.use do icanttsoatsg sattualty le and sassdied human behavits witlin assmactmetasodia anndsliotiealtsit And ineachase thi snallnrooinitstmedftobe the ohelcsoite gcmp which cngcendered nsomne ofboogogt aslmi alte coi fulatfiin g entpal i re ipoeat' fucations, but as e air ttan o iswas splitinta so may elas, scnpasion, ernnn and obestat lga, that therm osa aie fing of eshedoo. Yet ialtl four cmmaoitieo stdid by Stedln hi asosciats th-n sca smaller. spatially dimited tsa tantwth orntid aeaht maetal chesion In San Jen, dhTa etfpeo-iring mtasiapml of pt w ryt ahghlandaand heTbe ,a o ntalaouna ninanntiuity gnecoonmtyaofpea.as.tas itsisdsnd icsioaafoss tistongiout the wsdrlal. I the lUnted itatro and liamil spatial units catted seihhhootfws hae bern delimitei cad defined. Thee are areas of fare-to-face setaisans which -,ged,,rastroitg foolig at be nging and freauently patems of nmutnal aid Lasgaer cam- msnfias, consisting ofevceral neighorhoods and largeenoughtha roes the full mead of bomfalifes have aso been defined' tm Menimo and Ciateaa-nd atponently alssi in Javeansd elsoovlnce-well- defined ouro"atoentntiranoefodlthmtte s of cim set itemselvee nl Sdtnctly Foam sndvs-5 In G-ttenal, foe emple, tho Idam teacucgls. endogau, hasoditiocisc mtuee hoalds lad, and tis na ndisoplllitistiis aai ma e a cheo asiyis t aeay srorianntdefineeon a noietathsi~so ifoithanacltseerttlevelsofrenmmunia oeaiaaio-locatrlc aminnityaaosnveon a great oete- ti.ld atehnoarnycecentstnc des oftanadnursltoitithe I Canri be r t, oa as y eto tvd cr aw tn1Iotst of the type and spatial dimiftss o-f each specific cmm-sniy. if Catibban- conosnity stosi are toe conspatabte toe Wfoeccie itt ethem onan afth the ss-sid Gneene, inIndia, in thloe Middle Ecast, in Ewoaend in thes Und itd Stamtet-thoanI soul anlopulagist mint, aaCsa~eisrhas said, maknot and halm o rd cofitet he stndins and frctae his ow fbisling it fome the muareun of sote places and otot timen.' Adi h aiba ooont s no gain,, eai faesadacnmm r m tatiom, s ensot whet night be na-lied the "mssadr cn- nonit/'in venmar impent. mIn lAmett Rico Slewand asod hos associate s ettd toe nny-litne cmedyeipi as their sint ofstudy, hut is each case the :ndsotgist comedy liedad smonre husta thio sitin a emotanocia and spatial rnito AadIn eachcea.sothis smatleruna aitsemdtonbe the ffchcodict mtsiagxaupwhichesn dcr w rd wasmoftbeInibeta epeiemdtueris .ht taki eIin al instnces mssted ant to he an admoniettative nit folfiling contai isiptt fnrions, hut on a tam ni tw attote so moay class, orn ftss ecn.oYtie and scgowbcetoald gas sthatdtere as @itle feel fg of -ceiso Yet is al font conmmsnities aniNo by Stead cand hos aete, sho wnnsmale spatially d elimited socia wlith ts contidoenthe sr oobeion. laIn - mocoff ptaotngetaoieipofthe wvtalndglad, nod in Tabima, saenral antimm cameaniy thaeong hsu le world. It the United States and Braid moaaral unto catted neboehmood hoa bern siliaitro and detuo. They are aes of dacoto-are retons whih cogroder a strang fenting of bclonegnand retismily pattrns oftmutuol id. Larger rm esontioos, iestiog ofsev-Ialneig hhads andlInge ensugh ts Ocr Use fooll newd of sopaaetle, have also been d se to M exics adGammara~-anadappvnstly asoo ava and clsvhe-e- deted eepcat esannitis a-c oundrhe nofest of whci st thesle aS dLitstly finom ocalir.. In Ossotea, fon ctoaml e oMind souire is codtsaous histp a dstnte isor, holds land, -od has a unaditionalptics-nio ga- nattn~ Te sssnsuilyis saan cosy sociat unit to define own, onrnabansi nanfachetnay be seemal leveai ni mmsinty etr ola.~~~~~~~ lathesnn otti atraawndoiariel eotI' the Cons tohe do oat noyes ptoeod a clean toietsre of tetype and spatial detimit , ofe o at e paic commnity- f If C.nbban csmc.t t die arel to be comanld t he ratrd -sti sties mnn of the woacd-is iliteee, inbai, ftteMddle tEa msI, e Coopand is the mnid States-the nsocial hetaatge ett as Comaeo Mnmsbcrg bas "ad mark off and delo the cmtsf he aisgd trhi h ewm o me utfplr sod ot tlnco And wl doer Cat-itta commnnity ionso becomeri the ggmehasis of sociawit miand t ommeia deeps Pro gams, a diotatass ad what might he ca gldled the 'natural c ont muiy ase macey imptotant, In pheosRc twandnd his isoate selected teesnylk cosaiie an their snd of study, hu incach ce te nolsngiet actually lived and stssdieul hissaan shaiar within shua smattee noal and seader-nid Aend in . ach coehi snalledanemed oobe the cohesineserial grou whict engndr a ameat eon"ging on eepiedoecrb. The mnudeglanlln tm easidsIIto he an ndanidtgreatiocnot fetta. aoeain tespautnt fuotons, hut asa tacialgoep itwas split meto s many class, occupaton, economic, nd unltarwal geans, that there ssand itl feeling at cohesion. Yet in oil font eenaitics studiedhby Siesard cand his athstiates, thre wat snoier, Satiall dlmited nodaal ui wth aclnmidet af-amlaestern hiland, nd in Tahona a cosl caontain community  Hunan 33103ce 19S? HUmaN 3FS03d 197 I HUMAN KesUICVX 197 I perdsssn tobacco and mied crp te barris (scmemesamere hamlet) appears to be the local getu with the groeas degse of social cohesion and coeperation. Similarly, in the Iwo sugar-co- prodncing mwofeiie, aoenmad Norante erssipsia mrail lied hot little soiy aid the loe" gerop of greatest local aigni' fcanms wan tho coocenteatd hamlet of workers onuapaticular piwlntto It deonna deer fersm these Pmost Rca no snoity studies that ceomnitints reno of d emnd end ssniNs social omits, but rather amorphous groups tverappaig ms boundaries and membership. The maoe prisasy et-The bead tor rurl neighbor- hood-holds gre-tc tgsisn re ad moaning far tlse people taemsceee Mo. G. Smid,, addesosg iomei dirctly to the problem of am- mtnityedelimitaiotnfeethe pfrclicalpueoreof aiding soetatwfer- fase pstsgo~r, itd.siroec'csrotnunityfnctelM elsanjsoaaa isiilr to rho Puerto Rican stunt aentienighbsrhood.rr His "corn sunity' is delirrrtcd by tmpgselsia iratnes and wrator topply, by siifng ditances hctwcen fdo er ted fMends, by the mnuuat sofasclanaw atongior ees, by a feeling of corn- ntrseidnmesdorlt itiosesesestecsbyatr msssotttigi aftln dosn.Nditloa stis(otast us adsimoie anite) nor pallin sligiioss (fuorionet e ot atp by the eteoent otice fee the rnfaemv of ev oter and the hotdiog of ctioncs) uer n any oy be sonoidod "csou ities.' Fmutmesesoe, Smith nrlinsoel villes and mtaret ernoer asoe'recme oat her "a.m a hnrnd agemen otles f r ecsad the ventus coonanticsa wichn aode soea it's Yet these acto villages ant s acorgatePatioual and s rclte, ttforethes nt in u soit - nlseeiico the ueirsnitoecnnottethesllmgs rsirsstsA n en rsstietgtf sterasdl nagltlehsstl rand oindetiothe tall canedofdcalITif, but a oe united loa roop ticMtt e the anneigloborood. a De>fttrdeeseet desmmieotrn enh]ifeantheltoandhm sogas- ea etes of Jassais, Ist othaer aumrcs indiate htin otts rea the cnmnttit is evnles coheive than in the bigtldsdt' In Btasbadothetacaotemntyattr tea , eso-outereilfse and a oTyMstos tire o tr nileon oh Ce itoslass elraCtia of Colomabia ntipedat, ech tate osone o eseat is Relmadr fr ten no dhs edieda loot of sams sd'-tres aeclesens em thfe rmedwatal erst 'Aictosgle ethe physircl s oiacassesa heer the sefemt c o reat,' ho states,'m "teeIs to pmrllocidefiia- peodig tobseco and sind mas, dhe foores (smtmsam hamldet) appecee ,e, lee tire oal goure with the greates t,-ese of socal ustesem aed teeperaton. Simsilarly, to the Iwo sugar-ease- pornimgng atrtpo, Caneestacd Neesed the aeasiusira such bad hut to miry and the local grasp of Brated local tigni- fieanor w cte c rceted hamlet of woeess n a psefilst pinion. tR stoe elam fIe.. these ttoero Rican roetmnmty stsndiee that communities toe net we11-dedocsi and unficod social -flty hoe rther anstryles go-onys overlapping in bttndaies nd sne eshp. The more prosry exit-the teoe oe coral neighbor- hord -holds greater sigrotfcan and meaning fee the people MI. G. iSmith, addr-essing htieself dictty to the toblem of cons iamity delineitte fore the p-adta paspes of aiding socit oel- faretprogras,dces ra "ettooir".ithe hill sace of anruic. rueilaro the Hsorto Htic- mail loeisnetthoohodt Lilie'oees- sounit/ i drele by cspsrgcaplsial fensosn wt er,-, ,sey Isy toasin eristftnoci betee hinamoc aod foente, by tre fosssat sma nsoelsoIeaaseatng itsmemnbesbyateeligosoltos- nteres aand tradition, and efien by a cmsrstelifous efilln- fun Noiho d Iocs (rhyait byhry additsio omits) nor polmnitre( Bfeo isett yo ain mettn rsgiscaito fvce nd itir thetodig ou sl ati ns it ofry way be cosideed >aeora rnite flcnot me Sti borlaio that otitagocad mnacktreers areconottouii blutcrather 'a herergoc colcete f ces of thre vadeusoentnitio .rwhich border apon ir o Yent thse oanevi gsoenogaats n tooevireeeetes fr teton.elndomearmoanc Asi nPeto ete Mio thinred ohsise sit aeems not to be the leegoc gromap coitig of sert stigDiftehoaods and movmmig the fail rounfd of soacial le~ bnt a mroo , imtd local group soins te thre eftltctrd. Dc Smith demos sat desihe r oveuina lifei the bosnd eageugr- anoea of Jarroic, burt atother sore fite th an these amrea lbe orottomtios lena mahsi n tann the igbtands a To ItRiandos the Iscl coremounity accesmas t he ramn om dtano adeopn Thwaother Caribbantands, Lenhraostitns of Couman dt ocie. twha .,erie nu loorhi Barbados fo ten soantr, asudied hr hot of st- eot discrt asetlloemenstsor the wsodrd c ost "rAlirhoul the physical dislatesbetween these setlements aenot trat, g " he otates, 'theseis sns pasfeslasidesftisa' peateleig teboroc and -aind crept, the feace (sotostimei ai hamlet) appeas is be the local group with tire gceast degre of socil euheinoad mcaeciu. Similarly, in the too mossgc-eate prod-rg useadioe, Casteaelar and Noce,, the -em.ilyeie as sob lead hot little unity and the local gIu of grecatet local signi feaes wa the enocntd hMlet of rocketsse a noasteor plantalfet. It seems cesa fetus these PoesonIw ian mitroniy mesdo that sssnmities- ac se 11el-defioel and smiles soal units,hstretheramnorphous grossps ororluppimginorbandroosaiend ee s ri. The mstee psienasy esit-the hoode os roral neighbor- bsood -olde fese signifecatee and meing for the people themsnolse NI. 0. Soutd, addressing loinosh drlty to os premn of o enmily deimitaboa fae flee 1rmaoal purpose of cuing tooed too face Isso rmyx deeceibes a "cmnsueity" is te bill so Cr Jamsaica steelaer to ftse hoter Roan frd banseigdeolrodP tel a mn- ae, oty" is deiristed by tepaogpieal features and water supply, by visiting diesaa betwenmae and friends, by the mcutual awseenof~msrtlerat a m mngienb-,e tsynfooig of ems- en oxe meand tradition, and otter by acomm.n seligr ot ai- lion. Neither diset (meebiroty idireristrative onit) sor prllme divisio.s (Trunsiteat m rsetup by thetmammalaff if the rogitradoo ofv-o.esmdlthetohd.,gofertiou) cavsio ano''ay be wanidsetetsb stoa PssrT thocsotc Smtith ospriss that villages and maorket tentes ace not 'coxasnnitis," batsahe 'a hetdergeneons osleelie ofcoams of the vsresnsooiiostil bor oen it- o Yet these same villar at an ~ esg asiais and sretcentely.forthbinterandomocnilPc.Aossreet Rioo the coheive unit scors net tobe the laeger grop constt of sesalxedgheeoodn and covet-S he full rossod of . soia tie st terer timited ite Imeenl !'desst drumla te l d g gb orbol Dr.l Smith does not deroibe ommnt iei ~ebradof oaee adyaceia,rott ls theansu r Intehe that invthso aes the coanniy is coo too t chesiv thenan the bignlaods, tetabdslhrtoa emotolom obe even msre diwus aodotorp m honta othe rCdocbbetenads. teansoCeitos of Cmbia a Colmi ttnieasion-y cwhecrowidsouttieeach nsIilRadus for ton months, stodied rAog a deotee oft sen-e discrete settlement en tee rne edca , hrtm a bfmteepye tmnmm ass na grat," he, flut"eeis u vpaitoar identifies -  i98 Th Carbbea 19 ine Caribma n19 The Cthriben I tsonbetwee time they do not consider youmselves ao any ot of decdoeal it despite fressess aed arndin ,otc asg tine eettlreelnt'4 Fuerhrmon, itteemso tWat thee is litl attachmet to the istlieiotal settlement Relf. Moate ot the reeteoncy facilities for the fanlroved of social life, sock an govtenmclnticercom oeal estalolhmentt,places si enetaitment, and thelike, ore foumdownide theseltteooet inthe city ofridgesen On this rclatively smalisland wdth in goed networkof oods thereis eo- shoot moveet from the small ortiesneat to tihe uran reeter. 'Thee is almot complete depondmetos Mr. Combtos wrides, em te large, web of islanod life for the satisfaction of so many of tine kentl me.-~ Then in Barbdoa tec smu snbrn esmta im ly be r-, wsesd aswealclysreitedsneighbrhoods, and it woeld eem hatthoe rtly spatial rosi larger tlson tce neighborhood which might be designated as a cooaoncity+'woultd be te ete onirolood. A sinoiln piottroc of n amorphous and wealy osganzd 'tent commusity witheot cloe hondaries in ipane or monmbership seems to he shoae teritc of moot isad societies of the Coribeo-Mf Trinidad, prms of Maeliduiqe, and oher awra. Most omnt roe- ms ido ithde Cocibboan seem to be ohonoteriord by ak -cnn eo of m commssondet oo dos erse, a weak devetopmnt of communal teadrscip, tellie fnosal m cantfl og ais, esd tediedosol spaial tousodaries. Such conanoition stand in marked wrasnt to the smat]. relatively islated, homogeocoos peasn cuasides described by Robert Rteield. The Canftbean tortl cemmonige is dividedbyenrime and roiadtdiffreeesandhbyiidwocnuoie clans toss. 1e this type of onomnoilty the upper class (theland- osesera the admiejato n sd teolasoa pssses n 0 pl ide and tse well-o-do omrasmolooek far is.69 roaion beoynd doe tcssnmtsa to terff tsisec of thete otto slam in othe localities and in the cisy. Thin upper class gmoaly tchu Llo idemby osidc ornalegintee Is the loca1 coosoty is which io membees reside, essetimes ody seatscaly. Onc die othee tsasd, clot tower class (the eietopeco, fle suil farmoers, else sage orrlcrs no tlacatecco, nd otheta) cose their aciot ceiann and theft i-armf feelings to a small neigborhood, and they t hove Imfl footing of clastey wish doe larger mossity The most iuoenat and cllootivssrecial and ot edeotiel groping Inget than fine laely seesost geoerally toteaueigbo-iood compoosed of a small group of rotated pesans, of dereroscorent o e n, aplanotn, of the ish aihat of a vatley, hm betweenihemnsthey do not onsidertaeeseleeoaamyonrteof elfen sociatowitodespite f eet asd redllc-.,oamoeg the seeoetoemr- Fthlessse it seems that there is ittle eltaohmet to the individuaol settlemnent i olf. Moo of the neneroasy fislites for the futtt rooed of wecal life stool a go enteal ro, roes meal ertabLahsce, placs of csstsimesrc and the tike, at frosd wnside tier setlesoet it tine ty of Brsidgetows. Os this relativety smallt island -adeb its good network of oads there is con- sant uovemet from the stalt setlemnents Io the oebau cssto. 'Thore Is al-1 complete deodmr,-Mr. Coe.e wite., n the beget e of island is for the satiofaotiot nof so sooty of the tend eeds.', Thus is Barbaos the small ectole n amn only be rocog- wied as wenikly hacted neighborhoossd, and it wtould seemtchar the only special omit larger than the neighborhood which usight bt desigoaal as a te-osstry- world be the etie island A similar piston, of ar amorphous and wealy segaulec t otal commonelty mothol clea boundaris in spate or membershilp seems to be eloaeeiolide of noose island societies of the Caribbean-f Triitld Pacts oct Metesrs, and other aeas. Mucst corl Sm- aonidecm ithe Caribbecan teem to be eharoteraize by a weaek sense tf oeerssalestspIdcwtgesa weakestososssst ofnsnusoa.- tesnehp 1010 fernal onocunity ocgasiacon. ted idiec spal.] besodais Sochocotseasiilstnsdi1.oas-kedesormefstgon the mall], mlohely issninte, tsogetnsm pesa nmmidies detored 1s, Rd et Rteieldt. Thse Cncblslss ncet urssnoiy is disided by ad.-e ad rial slilernes sad boy abgd xuniocoesmis elae tiea. ton ted typed moi ontaocot tinespper cloa (te tand- oeta, the admninistootive and tecthnical panweroet on plantaticon. cod she w-tno~d teadermen) look me coeirl relations becyond lic coonosatiy 1t oltnor fomiLiec of thcrs no lt nothrIottc aod it the city. This nconer clawn gmmoally trots little ienatity weith or ag ntsg ue en thne tolot nieay in c-llti its sombar et sido, sometfimes only seattolly. Os the othr heed, toe tower clats (the ohmerppecs, doe smell fammno, the wage workers os plmantiton. aedotdems) retutoetheir sooialtrolationsend thiin-grsp fecig to a small neighsborhood, end they ltn have tle feeting of iesoity stl else largerc esoe'ectig. -ric acn impoctnec and effective scill and oeoidonto grtoping larger tin tne moenly socont eact grooroity tsh aecirghsslcscs mmonpted of a mall gccop of relaed ponsana of tce resident wtrkes too plantain, of iht isaahiess of a raey, dionbeteen thems theydo net esidr themeles as anysottf efectve scia eit despise heogoesl and cordial coste among the settmsentosit Futherosore, 0t teems that teee is little aaheent lo the ondioidoa setlemoet itself. Mae of the occnsary, facilities focdye filltroundsoftaodlifc, stnntas Roesmesmtuisfle, noon- eseirl etabinbness places of coteiornanmt, and the tile, are fond osalide the settleont is the city of tiridgeeten. On this relatioetysmelluislnndstith in gedmtwork ofroadasthemis mos- slant movement from the noea]] aettlets ha the stison raeter 'Tee is ateatst onesplere drtseodeenc, Me. Commea, wmots, "ar the larger web of island life for the satioacion of so many of the lod tesis." Thus in iados the small settlements can oly be ressg- ized as weakolyoccitedt neighborhoods, and it wouild scorn thats the only spa soot larger that the esgchoed which might be designated as a onssuftntyt worlid he the entire alanch A simeilar piettre of no moophous sod sweatty sa ozed tscal co ueoity wilto seebeosndrtein seem orsmtestsuileees tos be naaceristdc of most stood rsoce of the Caibbean-of Trinidad, parts ot Macdinique, and other aras Met rots] m- ociSe is the Caribbean seem inbe eharaterized byaorksoe of esoosseono eapisi e soie a weak deelapent of communea] heaetoship, titleftenses on -nssely ogoiza, ted indistinct ,pmms tesmderies Schod~acssiies sand is mocked onm o o the somenit se.Loiocly Isolated, hotogosecco ponusat comoides desonibci by Robert itdffed. The Canibbean rarot comnonoity is divided by ordners and racial dilforecos and byigd swcinteeoie clots Imes. tan dais type of roosnaniy the .noc elate (the tand, owoces, the eadislit end technict peesenot on planelina,. aed Ona well-tods tadromes ) Ioki fntoss r afl tos tbeyeond the ossssssy to other families of their oon clasm in other loonlidea asd ian dsedoiy. Ties upper ninas gerelly trots lie idrmdy, wtith or Attgie. a thle local cotsnntiy in whlich its members reside, sometmes only oa.rolty. Os the olihee lae, she tower class (the shacooppert the steeds foreses, the wage ores os plansadOes, aed othert) retet[banocmI elations aedh1mi-g-epteieg to a-11al nciglarMoe,d sod ticey uoe hove little feelieg of idmnliy swith doe larger ocnonwity. The most imaportant and efdents-s ail aod esidential gospimgtlagerobhantheausoseems ostgoaly is hennoighhahod comptood ofoemal] gop of rlated pstl, of the resideesvt aetooea pianais, of the inhabitants ofta valley,  - " -. <..te: .. e a *Da nr = . .a.._.3ma.,< _ , 3oZCrmd u vti ._ ,:,.,,.. . - a. ,.-< o~ ,: ... n e.:,,,rad .m. as. ._-, mo~> a tea..; . -mz>v..r t. ,.,moo«,v- r.a.-.aw ,._. _«mw - ~=3- .ro >%z ...n, .v,, a._~ >r .,: .<.. .,s... >'., mzY .. .. a , -gym ; tea, Ar ,aa, - ~ v - d4a da a, .y'am~m m _d . day- m az< z;... .:. _e d °-sr, m_;. .. d .m ,.,,a « r ,. ,...t ,_ > _ Ew a a._ cauT.em < : " - s_ oe oz <_ . m,_ e s -.._.as.. ar" a° a _ - -.. _ ,.,_---------e , m.:9s...... ' .a- .w_ ""-v.++o-msm zsv _o3b'u vznddm=~vei¢_ T'. . ^3r. -.. iioez<.-...: ap.'puu" . .zrda.. mc..'?'^+¢~.ma': 'v~m._:e¢< °.amvni¢. _m. ;::^¢ vrcbvc dz.._+a. .m".a¢.. xz:_'za¢<_ ""w a >a yam _ mD.:'.zm Ys. .inruu< =xor5d i . ffiQ -ae a. 2^" ..9H.N - ' n iv m cmca°xv.aa .rov azt _ 'mu_ _-tiiv¢._ .em u $ ~d+,z9ixgibz;,' * nz+, a m.:'T:. i -a&mw.riaas2r._ Xi- '~'a~md . h '. ._m'sw " -.s. " Tfm m"^aaYms -..v qtr// -as.- °o jr.¢?' x w...:._ zbw. -.ra<.............. ^.> _ . =w¢ ..ape a rs ?s' urJ/[:v. m ". iz_ "-'+ _;:u°/c< v.ve->"av,..>_'.za w. earav..." rzaea.. ' .ov_ "°cs''Mm"'s+ ' +^trm + .>"'-y e?6a .:.etid:>< mee'=m... - " - a-LLriaRUe Nifsy r!.aue - Y .  a q 6 w - -- - -------------- _. z z7 - < r aa _  ROMAA IISOUOCYS 201 identifteation with each other and differees item the eninhbrisng sugai-piwdue ng co mw o strongly that in 194lttayaeeeenninlly pettiosee to faee MseaPayss [a liitinus namve] bemesm a comamin its tern right"- (It had formnerly been a district of ®aenhro~ea Boiot in thin Mari".i.n uoenisy nd in Angia Tnwn in British Osaiwc, there is a relatively strong seasa of commntly mosia. Boath enetnmc ae aeesnd ef ladhlems hoth are retatiely homogeneous racially and I. tsse of aoesscoeesi otane, and both arc independent fense the targe togae ptcsnt e s. Yet nther cnssnaeityi is isstard noad Waeedid tu it, fu oh are chosely related to the larger sociey poliialtly, socially, and eeensstieally. It aeon clamr,hve-,ssssttses vaenoenplea,thao whenereri was poseiblo duinog slever, and especialy after aholitien far the oa- shrs toarejoie land (by purchase tof plantations as in August Town, orslarongh the aequisition of frms as in theenoutaina of Masriis) and tosbe relatively frem from lion plantatiots system, a rose a tferoosty mm essrtsp and acohsiv cnmmtaaiynrgni- aoiodidtdeep Inssassn. the prancoftaes iedcsam- innitios tmnder such conditinsn eatimass ou earlier genesralization that the pLasatse n ytess with its ].nit.,e of slavery scnt oan prtventthe fornsainnf.Wlonstrleontuuty Iftla y and the peecies en wsi sirtnlas of the male whe dcpens open wage later us the plmnteia was oitastrou to the famiy system in the Caaiibnsu, as eerot writers helieve, then the same onditous worked as detmesess in the formiatiso of a sonod and nided local ceseity?' wFiaily, a romsniy of East Indian laborers in Trissid, sitd by Mirlor Elms of olssmbtia tsicessfre, indicates that a strong loalcesmtoasaecnmt kis-tncar.edo rteabed.srofa. targe sugar esta Tlseneseessng cjsntay isf the papto is this csssstsiy are esaleiod bchero on a gpms togaer plantation. The lands en setOey lire and plant their atches gardens is rented fore aoesin1 yeary see nom the sagas eatem. The vollage is net reg~sed pslitical or administraivecsalbriaiion of Trinidad; esther to ins mere or late discret popnlcionesatieohmig aheese 5,000 people scithie a ward which is the a odstialire tab disiia of the laeger esisty. Yet it frass a cetaroably tight ad cetaic esnneiy ad tem in a steong senser of adlage idenagi- cation (the teelieg ofi 'ere agsaiest'Ithee). These thest Indies H~uMAN IIEIOtJmcCS 201 identificaton witls rah othes and difteene from Metneighboring sngar-tseosg eas erea so stongly that in 1947 they saeasllly ,btitoned to bae Marse-F ar [a fecttous cause] becme a coeasseosassi, its eas rigt' -1It hand forerly bteer a drsnior of another coer-ra.) Boots in this Martinique otttuenty and in Augnust Town in British Oniana, there in areitterly strong sare of cnummunity chesico. Both eomeniahm ore aempoerd of lanlers, hoot arc re livly homoenes vrily and in ftrs of socmcoronmic clase, and bath ace mrdrpmdmcr fetus the targe sago plantos. Yin neither unty n an nsotated and ceteed msaclt, far boets are clearly mitaind to the larg er cety Taltitairmrally, e altnd eenssially. t tses deler, hasrever, tnem these two oestptee. thai whono it was peseible during slary and eapecially after abolition for the ea- slaves Is anlnire land (by tanclsar. of plmetins as in Augent Ton, or tharough the aetaeioilan of ters as fir the sssousais of Mainiue.) and ts be relatively hie teem the plantation asstes, a saetcommoenlny mussestp and a csheive comunity organ- rationedid develep. In asense tse prroerreoftheseetited coo- esaeiles uander o toediiem reaileuss atmr -te -eeA,.aate thaue mphttte m.y,,- with ia her.,g et slavery -. se mn preent the fornti of a sesgtsalssusrsnty I laverysand the forer-ten ownouie eni n t the male whto depesinr wage labor on the plantale was disacene to the famuity s ammnin the Caribbean, as several writers believe, then the same condiions waed as deterrents to the forsuation ofiasond and unified local emmnSty.5 Finally, a cremmunity of tame Inianm labtoers in Trieidad, studied by Mthe Klate of Colaubta Civosnity, indicates that a ea, g local] cesensic an take fm eve setder the shadese of a large }sigacoetl . The oversehoanng majortty ef the pople in din eomntn ity are unnlled laboeres ona giant susgar plantatio n os laod on whirls they live and plat their lailhes gadens is rooled for a noinl yearly sues incus tho sfa estate The village is not reesgoizd political o- adminleoclive sutsdicisio of Tinidad; rather, it is a momr or Ins discrte popultation cluster comprisig shout l$ltl lsesple withnsa wantt whirls is the adnsistoalte outs stisiatan of the larger coarty. Yet it feasts a rnkiaet tigir east eehesiveectswneity nd shone Ie a alcong sense of village idenlit- wstst (the feeing of scn against "ctey"). thee kast Issdian HtIhtAN IIEtOUROES 201 identiftaetirn wvidb each other and differrue from the neighbsrtng sngse -prodcing mmoceso Ostrengly that in 1947 they successfnlly lacimale to have Mceotsay [a fied000 came] becme a i saances orh sigleti- (tn had formnerly bee a dicinic of anohreeoat. Boats it this hiartisiu enenseity and in Ascgsat ]soni rt BothuInn therin aelativoly stas oee si of tesnoty esmtian. *Both eoi eni aere teose oft tandhodee, beth ace r eativl homoeeu raca- an In tortes of otoreeneneice classes, and bath te -e indmpdrnI item adddlthe lare sugar planatons et neither cosmaunityimaehindsecdnd closedsoialni,iforboh aeclosely related en the larger esseoy pitee y, ecal, enad essaesiely. sos clear, hoeve, from these tw aspetat wheneveri -eat posible dsarig niosyed eeall hie ahetliethe en- ilvs tocqtrn lend (by psarchaeed d plantation as in Augs Tosss,tiheannsahtttheoaestnisitsnlan anm osithensnIoai o carini uan to be relaieyfre irons the plntier ysins. a stusen ffesumnityusensstndttuieosss eai zaicat did di eep rasrt the preee o these ecated scot- mtnia ah adrL tom writ emales sti eset e gerahsasie that tee pesforatins ystema wish its heritage ci olavery caetus o tprein ecanoni stratong s the mate who deed epod wae ble on tha lacctitu as e diofasse to thde tasil d ynt-& iso thee Coettbeac, aao nPa~ a ic ae i h ytmtewne t s cevtm ecax ol teiters ioenen i, tier the same osndiinn worked as detersot the fstctalis e a mosod naod nied steel rFinally, a s d taeiy of Ece astan y lbees ine tiad, tstlied by arte ass of Celomebia mUnrity,. indicates tht a strong lsto aoustet fr o takm ferrm ne wer rdtn shadscc th fa ag o esae. The ovelelsn rtsssjoeity of the lte p- n Its, asnsosessity~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~er arc ualtle tsscrwnagattsa tnai The land on which Mlasy hi e antd plan t their kIiten goreasi rested fnrasooayartyes lisutmtheagcosatn. The viage it erie recoird politial or asaiitaioesorssso rndd eeh.iisste oles ndec pspsinsuo dtssten Wtouttiti inplo snithi an rd sehie& it the cditsat stilt divcn ocif the l arger cote,. Ycsi[ o a rmsemY larkly tight and wohesivessmenesuncadm 1ieisaag ne of cottilage idstf cation (the tesling of "we" ageint "they"). Thee Etast ladian  202 The Caribbean migraints who had -ot keen uutyted ias raary, awer ale to. a lmarct-ut to reestabistheciri Indian community psttttns. Almost without exception they ae Hindu in ietgion. Indiarecste iteecnog- sired atd stilt ftaNont althoughs moipeeftly. At in Bodia, massage is nn ouared ecwheiunisgt sitsi Use tisu aute, Int waiatu flat omnniy; thus moarr-iage patteens help defattisi Use cutmunmty .space Within the coammunit. itself, p-ei reoagniu dirutree or submaits tirmiala to ieighorhoortt arid enli distmict is camatirad joy the heal luInm ur5ge af lilshaeiun, eb e ste, cn men- patian, arid oter by sterehyues as ts theft hean itr. indu, trdos provide a fscnn arid a ymbel afthr dait and coarley uaity. Within the dirasaci leadership is provided try family eles and by "big ment who sass lessn ft teir intelligence, educatio, roto dory ofrelgiousseretou, amdmoral recitudle. Commnnity disputes and disageetet see otten sentled by those commuinity luadcers with.n ermoc to the polite and lre fotosl core of Trinidad. Despit their dpe-d-e- pec tlse laog susgar placr- ties,dthee people wer able.t form rirog laet cmeomm tiet tasel onr cmon triions batghr fees bn, arid on the etomie ithle- flay .within Trinidaed soiady.s Et foe a lirgo psliso of the Caribbean pcpulaion slavery teems offectivey to bate wiped one the old African traditioaseof comaunity lie, lII Taugheut the wrld local cormsaities mte being smile the bais for fiturilrsest toigar in e ducuion, ageiruitaso heildi, ad shmrfields of soial welfare Theuriltofrieighborhoodsaetdlcon- moo~es operiate is many rigun as a funadamental farce in warmin cta-gead i avinn oft ihe conditions o fle, In Coc..c in dads, in Mcrieo, and in other segitas of the world, the lscal cuts- msnuiy has been a a.,on positive agoscy In beinging abat change and a moe aeetive ultlisation et the esoowcu eoCB in tire Caribbeas region effots to improve the lot oi man and in develop arabie-and asren notional societies cannot genecally Ibe based on dae lanaia commnities, fom thee elia units of the larger society arwseak, diided, and amoephes. aogeate of directed chae bat t be organized and implemented frm without the come-aity, and gtovmonalagencie and psandc pato s not bave a strong lo®e! foundation, Ar incated absos, thin sony paelapnot be tre The Caribbean 2 aigant; n-lis bad not Lees stalcted to sasy, moss able to -a Impg oe t e re-enchh'st their Indian cteraity pattan. Almost witout exeeptis they a Btoid in ncrngIonldias rost. is wecg- nined andmiBlfaeom,5 althougha Impcrtattly. As in India marciage i smanied ovetrwheiegly within the samo easer, hutcewithout the comenesiy deal marriage pstets help delinnite oseany in space. Wielsi the sesanaity tself; pccple meanir. dietrLs airn ho o ul to imac rnghbsrbassdo arid eah disiniet in eharacceiaed by the local Indian origin ef its inbabitants, their castetheim men patiu, and ee lip strearypsot as eo ar, hf ehaviart. Burds sengole provide a focus and a symboul of diamrirt and cmnmusnity unity. Within the dbsthceo teadeorhip in pesoded by family teees and by 'Mg rots wMul art iMuwnurta their itelligence, educationi rti- sdsy oa rtagmscob.cievai, and moral mteiai. Crce-oit disputes asddioageensen ace often steled by these carnsnmii lead-eet eito. retrie, to ie, petice and else fsoenal casts of Trinidail. flespis therr deredeueo pan tho lotgu oroga planta- citn, thurmpeplo ware ale toformrustrung loal cessrisitiesbased o crim teadilis brtogbt hon India and on thain ethnie eden- flay wcitlin Trinidad society.- Bot fee a large pdresoo of the Caribbean popalation, elavosy tenmn effectively to tera unend one the old Africum tradido-, ot curosunty etc. II' Thrughaut die warld local cammulca are being made tlat bain tan inapescent pragana is e tion, agirultice health, and othuerllalof salsvelfar. Tliennity of neihbonhicdaidcnos- nsstaopoestesm manycregonas afundantalaforatInscasing chngs aod impcovcnet-t of the tondibors of life. In Ceosre, mn India, n Merius, sand is oilier regie of the woatld, the ltotal meanty toss been a m-,engtrrritve agenc, in bringing abont change andla moe ectlw retiatsceofthestio ment Burt intea Caribobean ,eIon efforts be improve the tot of and and t. develop stable and stceeg riatoria embtters -ant groecaly ben based onr the faced mmnstnctes ,o esectiarnitaatflietager, otty art weak, dirided, aod amorphocus. F rns sof dircted change bate.t be orgoaal and inuple-nedi tose weithost the emumnniy and gouentta ug-ente and polltal partes da rise hate a strong local fitudai-s. As indicated above, thin may pechapa not be true 202 The Caribbean migants, who bad not Lees subjcted te savr,, scene ablotso a large ent Wo o-enablish shear Ianliar eommuanity pattern. Almost wsitla..e eseepo they oe filedu in celigion Indias raste isn eeog sired and stiloations, although impapley. Ar in Inia, martiage inaciel oveesthehmingly woitlhu the same cuate, but wihont Ueaconuniy, thus marriage poatcerns help .debinit the ecomnity in spare Withimer L munity ituef; people reegrez districts us -mabun simiar to neighorhrods, and each diatrict is ehaamrattmd by the local Indian otitti of it istahta a their mre, their, ores- patios, arid eves Ly atresayss as.t thn hebatie. Hindu bronpder peside a freats arid a symol of desmit and esemensiy uay. Withis the dintroin leadenvhip is prarided toy family emdee and by %big man- who are bsosn fee thr Intelligone, eduations, rue doany of reigiess ehservaiin and moral rectitude. Comnitnity disputes and dinageednets are oftex settled by thosw commurnity teaders with-t c~mearse to the palr and the formal osrsets tof Trioabled. flespit their depiendenre upon the larg sisgar iloea- tison, those pople were able.ea fa=rm e'g heal co-nacutie baited on ceeso raditinsa braght horn hader and on their ethnic iden- lily within Trinidad scey.0 lBnt tee a large pathos of te Caibbean peputau-o, doawn, saes effectively as bate wited net the soid African tradifon of co-.aunt lift. fIII Thughot the world local commrnfie are being made the bas foe inepetement progros is edremlirn, agrnlutem, health, and othe fieldiofsoialwe-f-r. The unityof neighborhoodsoadcorn- enit-o sposates in many regian, ar a fuandooentat force is e ag change and inpeosemet of the anditis of late. Is Greve, int India, in AMeset , and in mar regions of the world, the tan cain unuity ha. beer a ninong psitive agecy in bringing abeut change and a soire effertice eHIatiuia ofe the eariirsnec Burt int the Caibobean riug-o efforts n, hssprove thet lot of rman and tar develop stable and staong natonmal sotietia cannot genlly be bared an thelIaalsmruities,foheeeeelttora of the target tomiey acweak, divsided, and ua enos. Pregrman of directed change have. H tatorgaied-ad-,I--.emnd from wlthsoa the eamwnity, and giatevomeal agencies and podithal paria do not bave a sron-g local foundation Ar Indicated above., thin may peehapsant he ruin  ~m ,may "- - z v--z . -... * : -- wd -- a -b'. va.lS vm v s. a'wa ,m6A i ^° -nA Is'AAr  n .quWo r. 31v,-~~~~, 4 '5 '~ n -,apux' cv W"tedinde- .r.._ . v ,.az-, - '-- ? - , r " 'l 2 ~ --.. '-- . 20 2% A - ---. ~~ &- 6- , .. -fi rcoev -te - - -.92e' am =- ers~q- &n ..e 2 sk --4 m aa . _ da m +,.a m ~ .s°.. -m re 4:: Mart 4 -a & . P& .S, - ig..a 22. .,°.- .;; rier - --_.mo o -, ' - r ..rSN so --w. a --_.. , xerd ede** --- -.. - A e_ t . e , ,.o -, . . vam trra,z shame -~ d-erz 2^v .imon:a alm e - . - - -a:YVan --vm' 2~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ -_sms e 4- 2 ~ sre 2Mw k& rb->-b/ - w.>v b.r. es --''wkd' -a 22 hab -~--td222- ; aaa -. astika e . ..s-b .a ,n w-. - a .v qa m. -'a .-_ ,a._.m ,am den.-s.a: . ., ;sab- ..i 2&m era '. N yikn m.-nwa --.d. ° .; °=f , ; a- --. ., y.u si.sq ,e2'i -.a kki-=rmurgs %:.. &,..h .. u.a --e, ervr . .eu...b . - L*' f aro -- ee xz - a , - & .. -- - ' -nk _,_ .:r.& ,9,.bix . >.,.a. ar . : ,n a:,- . -. -ya --~ s'& kka a re.. .. a .u. b z - deaw.e z .- pwq d d-;Roan ekaoie zwv. b *: - 3 -2,& s.2- &_i - -.ov..dn_ ,rsa .a'.u, za ._ . -.zr,. .. m zt..rm&_a:_- kk -~z .i . ;;.ss .._aarst.am a . nsra > , '.. ..,.r ,. a i n_: rszh-ik ., : a ,..4. -a m,.n a, av a m e . --:_~ . -.' -._- .>a . . . .,s ._ _ '~ :^e -aa. . .b .. v . .w , m x- > ._ ee.zygan _e, ",, ..; o_ -_ 42 a;; zwaa;-:-,- w,.r.. a ;«g .r...... _ ~ . -e,,, ,,su'ss mn b be~, , - c .z.~ _ . _dA d --z lm b nm 2.v.d > 2 ._,.axe - ®.on rkik'b ma& . ..r. .i. bm .om , -. --- - - .'_-~--~ 7 2- MN dae -=c.2~wd~w vx . a m cuvcm .i - i & -a .. T ara wir¢.e. i .w- --Mor.e, m -yo 4:m vr,.. w -. ..z.-e _v -.. m ,, n.e w m.aa. v ®. s 3 -. .a z . __a m -+r and~ ---.. ~b5i F, - ---.e. ".vol a -&. x4~<. ---.. u ._ t . a .we d -. 'oa m z v svx -. . .n - 1 n e ti c-,. --.... ' . e - - ---... .;MS 4., -«-.--  ----- ----- ___ ~ -~ - - ~ S ~w~fle >v,~ ~S~t ~w I I -_ t - -<*1  4 4 '4 1 4  A /  ;- - , w _ . , -. ., . s_ ._ , . -_, . m. ._ <_ , : e - - : . . -tip . ,_. -_ ,A - a , - ry - ._ , ._ a ti _ m. _ _. - - - . __ . M6x . _a _ _. _ 4 9; ._ - o , . _. , n_ _ _ M . _ ... _._., A . . , - gym.. _. n __ - «.. _e .: - . ,., u._ - , a o. .a - ..  _.. az r .z. - .. -...,.- r:.: w a -. _- . ; =cam so s ..,_ h n . .ca =F-m- m ate- : a - >,< gym' ? --ocr. v-,u .a ... a.c 4.- - w. - .._ r. -wt-± , - - -e. . f - , - -  4 5 if 4 f'  s ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ... .de dwni e . ~ m e r ma- e h d2a mrs a~~~~~ ~~~ ...... . .a a nsas ea s r nd 2' / /  +, F, 4  . _ ,._ - Ti.. .ea.. :.,.v.. .c ..,,_ 1.2iox . a-er . ~~enmiw a.,. a~_vv ........ m_2 f , , : a_ m_ , w 2. P ., - <. no4 . , e. . vim; ra,.iR : .,^OZ ' AmA... e^u 2._xt2.. vra...c-.m zame'. z.., Hx^a a- .>a iviTi-._rtta am;_.. .<., 5rov _ ._ l v ..._.:_da~ aa, .. ,_m.<= m vo. :. E.. 'cm aq_¢ . x..ci srrsa .usac . iam,_ d/ -: , o....,_ R. - m -cwv vHO .;xirs a"a.,a - - A-.ae _ n> mvocc /da-.+z-....m .._ +z. . sm' aa,_-'gym. ?mn- mooim . arv :_ va _sn. nno, ¢ vraa.., m.., .. -rw z a-_e d g-- - eam e. mcx. , m< d..aad :_b -a wazre _.?"'"c' e:r ve .. - zra rv ( .(zs, eam' na, _.L d .vea-,aL&w.c sn, .n.ve3, e. g.a ' m. ,po. " .,3e.. ;meis..xrc . ,. ,a_.. ..o. .> -Marv... . ., , ,-rz ._avma v c.,:--s -.vimovc -vvx -xe..ten.. ..;r.:... r.ti os ..... -nm. ,.m....vnii. :, .mz...we._ 2e .vs-a 10 ~m ,.wwu.. -w . ,sav., a~~cc >mal m. , .w,_ ,. ,gym. :.. __ .9. c, ~. sd _ x_ .a z.:_ -"^ u _anttBU m,.: - , ar.,. r'd+ssm.., .m.<._ . av ,? 'a'^, o av .r avexn. airi imm av. +m. b Ate. .z.<.lb-w.. ewii, m,-avve._ -. me,:zPm i .SID,-..r sd w ve .-.m,,: urc'nvm.-. ," rz: -rts_ u.v. -aav, e ra.:.mrvee v va .z' +_.e rases "3. ... na aau .._a uddvm. aas -, va_ . .avm..-"m _n.za o: a +?,-i..._a.avum. .a' .'-e s .-,a , ..rn. mz- .m....a..-nvme... rtae ra::>. a " n-.,d-. s .bzs. m-e . ere i d.a e ..,i va.- . sn. 5^vrci i... ... vse v, e.=ere a-. .oe cu., ia.. sm, zed .,v..vw , 4 az ... - .. -av 5. - .ov a , e s c,_-a ®-,..,ate , e_ < _%c a,.eewace,. ,d abum aat..,. m , aa ... v¢yonmmrz,._ ddva..wc d a.ee.e.. ec.. -. _.m. mr.....mw..... - z. ...wc.... m o .. Tnw gmmoeY d ..nv_,vee s .v. uome, mxv., "'GP. _a,.. 9d9B ..%x -.. oua uda maamumrmrsw. _ ir._A.; '>..< ume am ma+>-wu .a:[w.e e- nei._' o-+.em weaua a' 'u...s a mi.'i"'ewu_ +uvs '^xcu -.i zoaa n# .>.oie e.. . DC ni. ' ,x u...5 a '3 . aa3r+vsaubw'._ ^m _ " rv ver muDasaY. ... _ .. ., 'Vr.« +.e ¢n,. .,vz.:;-w...._ .. ymrvnrmrka aw4 <,o... -Yes= a e,,, a.ssi,.. ... .,im.,w.u. x exsr 1su . mn .e x2e vdavSSmvd vmnrm mze.-.. Tw& xa n. . w i..._ ,..vro v ,._ Y[u x rise w_ mvu>^ £[ '--:  e ZIZ -NAT SOVIETS& vrnx... .. sm r. e... mmpr 2S R 'vax. nQi -- vw"w-._v'v E..-wuam e. _mtemn ; niae _ em nm m..,: _ wmM a.w vm' w va e.. .. m rvtte van o.rtzmmn uumaa< vav..v tt. m.u .t_-c .. :®II+a . c mpos3 .surly. mYw, mm:rvi im a_.rp oe mwe ..__^Ma  ° i- ' v> °C 3-ems..... ° '-- " _ -'vv .tea ca, -a , s ,., m~ _a. _,....a _ .x+ ... ~ ,,. d as. ,tiW~ aaa.; " k_ u . c e . . a *,.t,,...... « .Q :'-te --±r- -,. ,. ' at> a-v .e _. ,,. ,.,. - ; ---A-a-  IVf' '9 v z  P ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 4 "v Ai AD 1Ri Io6ilito 11~ 1 4el >y M vw 4j .wl fi Ru I , 4 Ao 1 n I 6~ / >l allA> 'Vo ; ,/f If 4. '' 6.y j~ m y [ / Vim T6 r46 G K' 4 p '. 9 4'ai 11111 f !' 4 ' .. V~~ M K M Gl' l ' (4 2F TI 10°uf -  'I  c ° x -ex -; .a - a ---2%;"4 - - ..skx "-e i~~~~~ . m. . .,:- && rzb & .- re~-. _ - su~,. & emu e- t - _u _....s&r ir &2 ~i , ,.a e,,..- -ua.x a. '_ 4 u . ® , ,o,. ,. .d -, . . ..a. ,r -.4, .-. .. 4... zia . A 3:24&7 : --._x~ -_n,.z s ,my2, esawsx-. -a . _ n® . 2e - o , ve ¢ .722 rm- , °- -'m -mv. e.., mn ,w. a k w ein ' *r .beawv..',, -a, --oa e. w.. mda.kmzm~~e. ,. .,'wu v c ., a esaye & &. - -ww ; ' .skk& B -e&oht2zrsN bmk zbam > se ek a - nieuw-P~onka &;..^ &fd na _a. ks ,. arem.~.-k ,:b- &: zwk_: e 4 - 2 J g -9x - . w rk e '- 2® - tR- '- J;Ms t4%tkw e., :wa a - m -_ Rae - . .dr a ° ;. nom > ar, e wawr,, t . g asbwinask ,-ess Ara . --u .e a-md > ,m. v 6 . .. .. ,o ,<, w r -an For., em esa n as-ke s'~ 'o- r _°o o. .-a .o er. _ shim.a:, vwk2 ..- -wzti . -ame s Bo-. a - 2 an s& z is| - M; .. .e -agekwi~,._.. -i.> 4.. w&,.4 '92 _.2.w -ye - s. -.rm,._ r e ;-bs _ A-a.. ri, ..v: a..z .s , m. r: - , rsfri & , u . ,-4 spizst -. 7 w,.a _reng .: _~ --,.. , _-o -kwa -- -.v Ja g i . E < 0-i k 4 : ?.mm w m - a-gr i 2 * 4 - .. -r z -. re.> ,, &, . y ad ers & m r - . ~.-. yn ., -&&s k _ea: me s? z;U - _sk:w4: a K. w ,.rub z. e ,&.e :. om.. .r..- .n , - .. . .. m.m.mo a i. h. <.. z, esgs!w swe. ,; gebaeran kan . ..U s &Qw s 4 a~eare . an.._ eadM -.. _Mad &a& rx, ._ . mrm~"-* , , M m es k akes.alia at.. - ame e.ME a.. , ear21& ,. . ,_z HP n c .aw .- .r. .:--- «  3 au \a a n ..Sadia w - i . Cma-v 'a Amwah ¢. i a .. ¢v M- maa a ca 3 - .1*. aYa-&lia.\Pes .i avaet-s v lAM. Ma .¢ctiakasaw h+ .ns t 'v?:Z-acgcs ia-..©xs an ,a M a, aakf. m. a~masi. e \ q} 3a. mw\SiAidh'taahaaa A. C e4 d s n. E saa >m ma- Als ..~ .. 3'sx . - a-a w p'o A 9 mamsa F ha a n saAa a ®a a a-iaswaom~a - v m- em, \f a . Cm t1M - .'n ca '\\"-a caaava iaoeh-s % \a s-A-Cs u..O\ e ~i'sta e n & S ¢+a5l\ -.i. l' -w~ea R .- la6~a a &i@w m .¢=l%,.% =11 !cla Iai - vUieaa-"~ v\c a~'.5 m m m- i m a\ls.-.xt2Flea .att °wv3 mir \ Tm vhv v vvv aul'¢.asvt+a.zi. @ .3 sYma.a\re le.i\ ¢sgsmaahaea \ 3. 4 Fsvs q Sea m.aalF saCamc s t-a-~?'av¢~ aa awuuF sa keass A te lc. sla s . ha. sccy .3 e , akoa.Qsts~c vx'st e~3i amAC~l.. vc¢w id m^a-vP n v:x Cis" a- vavx P+aacLs_® a ga t A+~ sua L -eFbYaai S « .<.A i~aa~c .F4%.- lAi.s t i . 4%w:O evc% 1aameamcidcvcm~ em molth Skak Cas 4cw~~i§au \ RaM t a~ n e... - iA n \atsae ' 3'av~sa\% '¢tsx~\Oc=4  ,w.o x m ^ . - -.. i - w ~ ME. .,- a .,o u .m6 .i. ~ ,ii . ~ _ ~& & -,m . ' . . . . . e w . < t e . a ; .g i g ; &.gg e s . .. : - _- rg~ -. , . 2 k e. n -.4 + T r - , .is - _ . .,& d^ . &&.,.'c, - ae& J sg .m.n;& be - > -,& -_ 7 KM«. .a ..ren.s..-a -nb Mai-i.um. s. a ~ 2& 2 skkes --- - -.., n.,. . -- Eb g n .-- -t . -,-.- ® «Owr.: ,Nm , . - --um ---a... , ds i--k k .. -: -. z _ a a ar $2- &'3 m & 2$$-rsr... --i A rp273rg L_+., - es tip- . - . - rs -572 . k a.- -.. -- ~>' '- -.^ °c 2m..r.v -+Y.. --~e ~s. -'Z °c .. .-: eg k ti-z i .a- .3 Q& &;iy. - -u;-a2 aywm2 v n:- tmk s isyvmsw~i< e -ngs-S w«ss e 2 in ak ' .-"- Tc -a rarasy;!. ~4% - . - F - v. r reinvyrzte %-w -mn ae M'aiv oddeFmd -' , nimynim - A - - eg-_sg ya~nGa ed - -e¢w _s. -- - a n Mi.Ken n ed a. .-sb - ae n m. s a.' r..a. n e -- le %d.. r. a 0 N- -.l .-,h.. ---... pp a~ ..:'vi '97 '''-O.'T5 M. e -- a e -S rasy'; fi..+s d C ~e - -.. Pte ..yit ~d ' '"b 379 . oN ' 24 .sen --vn Y.x^ 2z Ya---p bss!gegedaen e :-: a a r-*-" &&M g& - - . ks&& Mre Q'n & % -- k '~:ge - ^ --2_ :R'n Pi sk k 2?2 9 2 ka ta m.. e-..m/z r^eS~ar. o m m s - v... . , 'e re-eedvi-'wga -G~ ame hd - -.e Fadfara.a'Y-a-n r2; & -w. -re .F"Oanv.v.. .r dix m -rSad IR f 2 ad'iM -ia .. -sasek: 'sn *. vvr. d 5-a.-% s sses r r-ig n y gs 3-- -- a r -~b... ..- .ee egv~~m v -"';;e.m42 ....e',.~e2. _ i oe2G :a ':.f ... -Cw.: 1 /vn 2 2. s'n:-2 .dsR~amYv 22&s.lktrds w mz_...'za y egGgae.asaziek ewk . e:&&sim. a rw.22ekr ,vmm. , meA. ;;.z2 ea.. -. .m.^a?;i..e.vir... a. vi.e : 3..p MixZ~m Ai:.n.is - -v<.. - Odswa/d2 deskwz ikz/> F lo...:i&&rk "voa ....r enksaai -ek?&/kiwikikers -n - ^ D. 2oz rm. ~i - "2<5 h rnaikk ": 3| ¢u' a3 c.f -.aszz~ -;nPY-.y - . va. lw/ V ; TV wa ka;& w w nux.mrn w... ur w =wtc v n s > . n,- .,a-.w .. -. ySijm VM. ..- /d N?/-a mr 3 -..@ ---r "me.ppb ~ z t-2 i&j &|s; % iff a 'MF/ /MF/h??N - --. ~y.A~m_ - wigme 3i-'m'e s kWis'.. .. cN:%''mz c &ea .y^ --- '%i-ige -umd - . .v, ' h w _ _a +..e enei -_ .: ,ezw gyLngin M ir-: sw s 2 % 2 ar~y s w i;:: - ;..n -r..:n..w., '--M.i:.,:l... oe e:. .. . m . e ~ i  x w -Q s_ -y °we st em 2d r as, . ..v vzm: --iv s . ,-e " ." &r 7v "c~v vOPo..",.- ~ a,~xuc.vv ro z..i ~ 2..m..' - mJiu .SC '--- 7 +vaMMC wv.. c~. ~¢ ..w& - -u , -dmrn . ~~~d - ~va c -m r 'i n t. .  '4 /4 /4 s  r'a>ee_+Rp -. 2d+a< "?Y .o'mmm w, 2v.. '~8 .. "-. .i/ ' r^_ ^aYOes 'e - W's- vc="-ov e KOSm. _°~[aaoer c's0tts-'- .. "'.ass^ .e.. ®im Vii. ,Au ." n vz__. mvev6ar. v.. 2 ._@ ¢avs X.g6w .ivevcr= _ re ... s.+ v . ,.mrne'V, en aa: s+bvrv_ aa.R+a " +Z'y/'- ..s' S' - vi® i. _mi.2.rmd T . <'--2v ...,i;=w/un , Pg.m~a ._emm. z ss_ aM xP>tmm 2a...e_ a nm ^ zaaav.«, 'a .bmtw. aa ,ccm. a ,..: .. Dwr n vui a._- wac. a'2w.'cc ..a r -~vv.: . .Lbaeh.nq : .. w ~¢r.. a 4 --m u-s=mv . @n mus.=_ os. ,.h:-.d> ~G uiRa';. ,.. -,.eve _..aw__ ^.m i 0a -as2nwv¢ i... . rt9se 0u' o...._ v....e" e '= , ._ea3o.. « d _ ' ^'ia d.. uY._vc . m +s-?u ie._ -°". a. neeu vo.. m.'m-_ ^ £..._ .ta'.:id. 'Y -' 8_ '"° m~m... :..ea: .. 'oA:.'.. u. .T-0 Zw yra e*. .. mJ ..o a' ec .ia av:vmS. _.mgiwo.. ._.s'a;Ae' . .,.forna '.voae mmaa.. .,.sm l..Y.aaas..Te .~a- 2ID v .'mi ?rz.m.md'..< .ris Infi ._ ~t -m = .u'.,e ' "mr' .+ o asayi . R as w ..m5ez vte....m.:v alarm - ma " t r'.3 . .Kw..ua' m-'a t'a2mo62-.^ ov. 9.... WO b. m =voSS.m_ 'o-o. i~¢Emu£z..mw. _ """ s sv_ -.uma- e . .,.,. v@.v.. h'a;v2rv-. ea vmmc; auvovi.ffiey 2e mv..._ve3vm_3z ' suz- -" " v¢a .rerv .ns..rNSz- ::ua. !3w^r m.:., :.eas i, ._ 2rvaZ+ a u2._ ?a s dl2o :R^ ad^b°. d""ovA aYia z a+T . aw<_ nv .x fY " zvv ' mm'RC"'-a s.., _2.Y3.e mv = C -..ov a'Ae' Tm©iam 'zo¢w._ ,hF . avTc roa .ta . 'zzinJic i mroew~ n .ro. .c ma .. 'vR .y u>_'a .® az/ ,rura... a za '6-°w.a ma,. --v6 ~.3 i~ ;V.zZa#i . - Q...-_ ti.3 4.. eJ_'isn= ..,, ,,camN';-x:.e._ data _s Yceaz ¢iXdc. ss rv~3 vve.. s.p. w .aa'x 3r >rb' u.a¢m.:_i._ -. ''LrE.-¢, ..._2, maS . cati'iod.n Za _.crvv _^c npi~.=°oe. de'..ne.vm 7 z2. . vmp 4.d ts(.. rc.. 'd¢W:.. n. .e mmt '+-=. = °6 nRaa_.,zf.'v a.'mia o a_ .v Pn9m Pmm ? s ,Ynvfu.. as_ n., v +v.. >": a ® c = i9 dL.^..1m .b¢ni+b.~ad " m . .vai. Zsp-,~?¢.ix - .. n. avo'®° y.,_ow mme a+h s ma caNS'q s i...t^ei ae i _ roi/a ...w v~md ° _ e + rmn_ s .nu2 ' m a ~'$bu %s .. e.3m£ m b. .a £w_ - d .av. <~a,~~'mm-_v.9LV t¢ -2 ._«-yis: r,[+ 9vc,.. v.. ess ?t 9.a.._iP~ a..? $ . avF. tp o %«exe. ca cti ±smaE . -- ------- .__. Tm. -';. ,mol v. g Avf® m¢ .. wr; ax.u._aoa...m' aQ .eR//F . x.M1E. 2 ~ ..oificnat . va - ". mID. e ,ems' aw .v v [v~2e vo.......a e .. z.Ra - °esw2c te.bm. .:vs u.." csne+ -e . r. v.;. w...._ v.. J v.vPo. _ a®.-s0«_ .boc. e90av1 s zu ~mos r 1c. Dm . +sy "'.vix . s...wmb -.C.o. ana2..... L+-avrt. wea. '..< az.bcxc"9vza .2 a-.. z : orr .o@.ao._v..-2a ^vre ^'¢ac c4a2.m_.a,_..u omam'.n.z . a_'? :_. .s^e^2.rAse v ..x..Yaiz~e.m 3 3~a. rmme. mve. a avx _ .v ..v .a v.,.r.,' ~'9imm.v..a 4 ..... v-, , _ :r..,.zo,.z +." vv , c.  -.Yes a dv ". otvz< _/ e.c .n. ea.. _i r wak . a v . a .. ' M. Fgamesmanl m.. im aa/n Wi ana..-"zt.a.., --...~ -"mJ s-^ m . a.'. mr - - c -6 -- zn e .. aivi b mb av d .- .. -.2 ' --- .. ~ Y & & -- - -_ & w.. ..x 42 2 n : 'ow % a . s - d Y a 9v« Z.s - i. Yzia-.. , n +-. . 0. .. .v. .. an'ta.u . : q . ^ s - ndr-> - v --n~ e &&& - n 'ui/- c &&2^ -- ~ Mei -ov im _'&o ¢ a . m arw aa -nSt. '.+< ar>Z. m k -, ... ,a Wm.^_ mar e.vi+. - o emv ma9 ...Wm im - >a .. rse n - eea . ' . . .. -v .. e_¢.d a -. o meesk..® Abt n s&-v za sidek s . .> a ae is,.a um . ue~4n. ..s~ m . -H... "s- a a ve . a vOea ". n=~=. ?.. rx 'mm. v&& .m. mmi .o.. ¢ &~dpxz, -ey_ .n6 ~ nmn .. o_ v . ._nf~ < .. .u me gv m _ &ceeem2 & ve ... n - _. ;~~sc~d.mH ageavv -~t.zvn c v 'zv...A/ x ! C ....v.°yc ..a:.-s. 3v:... sa m a uyio. m' t ..?v 'zdv M .m a-+r lo v- aaz . s erananm uw u ,>.B... vA.?.xr +z'>a . n 6 ca". .v AL-i~ Nrva. 2 ¢ . _.. m (. LiT 2m d.Laf. . .- v 2rm amis 0 e s . ms. --viim a2 . ~ aa:.R~m .,ec o. . a. ..w n/ ia '.+ ma ~ ~ o' + .n si ..1 M-. .aw Ad AV,^ .d.z ?T /dw. c Ske: 4 ~os -- R- RM:e.- ? zz .. v-n" m.nk. .- xe - z r wr m ro s . ... w 1 xv . Ts .y '¢a . e _Zi . _ r. ¢m . o a c .m 'UJn 2. .or ..m.'' .~ 7 vme v n _ .bi z!. . em a....e -s v a w _-smbn i a .di L oa .. 4 _. s-a - se _ _w s - > -..au .Mnsate. -.4 .mas-.., . m ..c _:rva, msm a i..n ®a' 9m ~i:.. s F xd'3.¢ ac a -xxe s- m en e . &. %ssa0 2NesA.-3. v'x m .. d r.m .- v < c ._Wa + __ . .m - f m.1J °a s. ex Gra"we. ~ a ,.av n w s a b i 44ace d s wa . y-ia a sw rr ':....i d M'.- .. z n EaV e'n'rn .nwaza. v m anOi "u m --+ s ce R - -. -'v'w. u--akm2.wa ov nm si.k ":n vo2 3 - - sw - v c$$$$ e - ---. & - 'w i"2'M" PA S / " --. -v & 2 /"W40-3 '"2|<"Mik$M'WJ " ' ' v b.- --.. '-'' +#T.i  pgwarmyge.. syssepftwaa egagni - 974 F werews - a ? e - Arre - emXrgreY-se+-emgg. ese&w+mg eg qw;2n s.- . - W vEa -a # .gger a m~s~m st --g m r Fs vea e m rzergeM g ne. ----------4- -- x zee: 'r _: N -e© - A m c . + ..~ m e s ,{ -. . v ° w e a .' a . a z. .w - U za e -s 1 - s ...:eree ps 2s usg vgsew4 -~ -vs ...mw- z --...._ pi dgin. c rkk uvsvrd :- --... "~ .e- v.r-- :z &&cn° --..@ --- ~" o, ^m"-"M &r M v" -tm " 5 ~ 2 S; w +'v . 7iii - -- ' eTN zvr/4vm mtaa m - . " z, v.Y am ..a rw , --%2mc - p4  I A r 2~  7  .4 9 1;  aa--aa-r~ sa~aa. Va. a . .-%.e a-a- a- -aaaaaa-VA-wra er ±' -r.,, ~ «_m_-.,.: a n.,.. . .u _ - fl -s . w ®....'v , 4 . . y .o b - .. 2a. , V <' ' N' acv \Nt raffi- to a~~+'y+eae*eaj v~ .- =4N - - - - vra " sN vme: v N w a NNV'' = hN*N- 'N NSN'.s h -<'I- -a~ '+=Ce *v ~' m e wav' e v- > 'N 'N> V -N'-' -~ 'NV.- t n, ww-'" awa ~ v N>ew.a' ,, 'N ~ an a w'Ce an> *w; N ! ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ "NN ' j%~~ a'NN wuNN ww e ' v- +c^'a~ w ta. o a Nt 'IN' va'm~~.. Nj-N a aTaa - ds: aN waeN"NNN W - N '4 ^-' m^' -a' - ?+ 'at -eww"N> -\ 'C A "N' n 'N aN.eae ' a N.< -' *z' a .< cv n '*N c".% a 'te; ~ammr:-N -C.s 'a.nN'V' \ :"I a r. . cV,.. . h.F.*ia*^sm <'I N- wi. <'N'-ma'V +e "NV' 'VN ~.a a'+ wee s'+y. - V N ' a ~ ~ ~ ~ > a arrNj:: ~ d " ++u 'N" +"-N> w a w n NV' v fia~ai eN "«' qN" NI'vN&N "' tN   At 1 I II~h 4 At p / I if 1 it Atf~  p! S~d 'Fe° ~ ~ v ! SR sT3 1 d r uM~ ~ to oYr f it! ~ 'A " ' PA~~ a A °s £ h S C 9 d~ '9 A:% F d +y~uY % ' 6 i It4K ~ 1M F ,, ' 5> % *'~ til oV~~ 1 '1*iKfyel 14~x A4 k P lI iA 6 4rrA e ' 3 f d ~ 1 n 4 f4 4,y t y s! xs i W e 1A  -~ ~ -, -aa~s-~~- S S v~ S t~~N~3 aX-1t- Y~- S 2 fl <[ a~D ,12~es ms.< A M_ ,._ >gdad.¢, u zwad ~ as.w~ ,,:.s; za,.r °arsz-r ddm< ..ca .-.. e .i, .ar e. ¢.e.., -... k ..-crrmaman. -im rm. -~ rs 2c'-6 - Sra_ _" Rr ® Y ~ sa & aa _ qa. 2i&~ e r ^2_. 'atra m +m22 v.<4_&im mi @:. - 2& - >z ---- - -- 2s. -- -° 3vm'm z'N' rm.-~ -- -. :a~ D. casAfi ... 2".3 m °eHe .. 6a &~ ° 2..¢s m" en. -oie "x ... v- -. .zws v - e a- 7 .. : m_:m a °"' .eAZ-za \s r .../ sn. - -s SA~ w 72% v- +d -u-ru -¢ude ?9v.. - . a & N n ea --L eo-",.ak .=2 n5 v +-z a --- "N- E'p ![ SVm . rgy  A ID s . a a _ A. , a4 _. . x u _. - _. ,r > =" a- e".^ -~°^ -, ate- ,c.,.-: e- .w. e ., ro, ? '- -" -.. o, s.. ,,.. , .,_ .a ' a m iaa a ,..,,.. ,.,: . gym;. ; a.._ ; .., .,_a, .m. ,,. ,...-., ..> : -,n , , .a:.: - c a_-6 .a,, _ - p. x, -* .«.a - ^:a ..., _ _ ,,,.m ss _ _ mom. ^ -.u ,.P;,.,... -_ ,_. ,_cirT-.ate< .c -. . ; ,.. u.n 'tee-.. oo_ m e -. -- .eU, . wsy > a . \ \  ns a e maarswa ro. &l ' wa .. d . a brP e 32 rsm ]c-in ^x o-xde mk na a% ^z & ' .res -.s 2. ..wa.=Aeks asm r "a. m... . .Y vps v"'4T ".?rzmu ~e4 ?aw'-a:ew n.av '-ey'^. ve x°. - -^y" v'a~ $ '& ehr - '?¢% 4r'a rz "°¢y xrgm k als. v. s w x -m e m~ 4 i? m ?s ..s ..e "rra^' m.. --. .v¢ .. u:." S' -ti m _° 'mv tem..zt arY-T : / -+r - - nd n zn vf & mrs rt - surg 2 v¢ daA An ~¢ .-rrv -- N' .." T . ~uz-r--!..x.4~.-- -.. ss u eZ4zb2' . «2 a2s & & s2m mn h rsk& 222 - -am ^ .sam s. s.g4 .. a'surar; ?vm ..rw vshnem .i n e me - . ..-ta , o- - +yi .inr:T i r. wc4&$ .b.-. 2 4 9z2 vaa ew r -'tnerww._- nnxx z b r a mmanu 'n -fit.' 2 && -... -'i am.. . +aS vlra ..m,: - . rx vam -2rzec/-_anm-- .b --m~ "e--w -- 3 _w a .... 3" v+ ms .r~: ,wN v. :-:-^nme.d a -r m R. m .,._ -m':_vm 2,s.st: .. P: q^ R.cc  -tat'v -- ra. 'mW eY .- 9¢ 'a u. , za'.at - flflwa .. -i'm 2 v rx'o .,?.f L v. r .o ' a3..m:.. zW va'2a'.nw. ./s W Ana A'~ a'22- "t- ^+-a'v r _...,.m:..:--,, - 't - ~az.. '4a, lr- voAt- .w., %.-a-a Nn, « 0. 3at-A -zpr'a' "aa'-,vua'a,, -mv-a' i.R.xa -'_"-a t ' tC 't. a a a, a a .a e4 . ua a {aetN..uL'a ¢..... vn Y. opw. n'- - ...o .3u' a.m mv- w-,a' .a'4ateaaa-a-uF M'-t-a .. .-ac-a-a .. .i . 'm xp- a--atm ®io--t-~ v-a .~ -w~d e -'a-.v2°, a '° 4aa. ~ cc. ca2. >u- 42a.-a- e"aa,, . «Na. = ?aw'R'2, a . - v.^o . ,.4P. n .b..rK at-aamvemta a - e-ma s-a -t's- a'Zaa'att't .-asraaca -t n a am l.wj9vt-a ..i~ a-t--as .at4 ea-ar-a- '/ + ®n ~ . w aa . .w a¢  IN 0> r  I S v 10 A,  I V i~ l it 6> Ad  ll lIt,' m $ .;v ti~~iur ¢ i° d+. m =. \ - m t Fs > y 1 cm vx 'r>c Tam ix ° w+mVasR\ vi c 3e. V.'S~rm c~ mvis av' '4i'1 "a^.a~v A maC xa s . iit-.:m qv'x -v.C sma vs O .\v". .1 Lvs~~yry ~l F. Fe i ''eu\i V~~~~~ilY~~~~~ ~ va°iw o msc% S ~ .A . -- ^ n3S z vl's~n. v3 . . m3 @ °. a Cn a.y + ~ma.wwea x se* v,:'i~m .m''s- hv ~ a S msi.'sc 3°va® xxm a \'aY.'. i'assa \ JvAd 1 3as.'3amlal 1 ' gd A : ab slimC va $m V - 'L uilssoe a..Q "a \m\m m .cava\mYZC. ej'-G'3ei '\.e- '\m 'xaz. \i .a\ @x\\ ngc \ \daw . \ wLl Viv snv a esylAiv esii. sbmv0. - 's+ R emwa -.viste . 2m'el.ia \. am wa: 4® e ' +daYv.. ae vn i3a 3i C .. \cz' Ytia: ¢ xi v-m u nvsa. c2ss, Cm > w. Ae°a s>axs_ Fr R \ ¢s~ g svoQ\n\l1C SvT ..a*3 w^pa F1a\i+.aaaat-mac c;imlaah \ \a~a~al°YSCZa ' \*w'83gacm ,.1'hll1}m aR\"v°v. a.Sa-.x F \3\0 . .vi'\' 1. Cv iig.A mvi e '@" s+. Tv. . ab a°yC a ® 4t@ Rte. tee:. 3.'vA a a..tav. as..maaan A\h. ti"s - . a d°d3i wa TA \ivv ceaeaxn3a: sxvaa: ¢ ym\c a'C A. m t 'i \yy. . dzr.. yV YV ea , 34ie. ,+.Slym'S m.Smv°$ "mv.:4 - a l . '1 mntamA .m a w.'r-meAv 'F1 m . 1 cu laFxzamvaC ' aShA val6it' .'a vi°+srs cx3a 'gjimmaxLlw\4. \'ATh^.- F .\ n!tsc -d Ycz 'iA'; lu :C 42 ' \" \. i° *'°" '°7A @ab° F -ice®LY Vin®a" n+3sGwgay 2xiw. Z°wmca c .a2.m \3 v~aao~m s V a3 ~ A a \viat tA*~t& x n ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ nX~ . ^ap st* r as > v.a . Cac ra :v' ,a hao-V aie Nt4sSg v Y ~ xaC i avusm i'. b . C~ 3ai% s m id_ .e. s 'K'- e"Nt wn ,at N"  r it o 1  A my ko+>l OAK emu. gem x R ^vi vw sy Ww m mi-on YW-o :ate. +ati-~ -i nT<.' ,. 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Alwa' e .. ti ffs- saaAl e Yi~Ae~a m_ S@~t a~~ar-. wh a < x h n wmi mm y ak~s n . R me aa v^ AYm-¢r ab S'aYV savc t \t R Aoet r B 3' A~  'L -c\ aa.as . w . \ a¢ - ' gv+ : ti *° '~ ". . y . A - : w ° - y ®. n ~ ~ *c t s O < V T °^^ b. a S @ caa~F2.ms '~ ,d %"F° °v ."'%'n &ma\ w.. oR tx u vm . S .R~w a k &,@9g, xiYga' S*~v .~.C2. qm VT~ r:~"~'°i .law:s v * 4 1 : 2 a3~ -xu a° ~v r .g *V V~' . S* ma ; ,o V' at~*.b m . .vmmy- . AV ~a v' a~i S V +' = R i C @ C S!£ ' " - m. l .\ a ' M =TK ~ -d . \ ' i° m I a1 ° > 4 \ " Y 3 .v'Y~~~V V V W'- Th i 4$ ?.v.: rcv4 F? % w'' ®:-- : ** Ya~i>\ v ~s. '@ .'a2 eruaY ' -m:a \-~ rtVV^R Y Va ~ o V S' \ . 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