x a 9 tre fss4 't ...a J Y L ' 3 x e - 8 9 us, as x K  'ESCAM. BIA OKA - UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA 'LIBiRARIES - - NASSAU GASE O -, HAMILTON 4V LiO MADISON' WAUI 1SUWANNEE J BAKER VDUVA rI AUL TAYLOR } - / \LIN LAFAYETTE " BRAD ICLAY r t ORDI - IGIL- DIXIE )CHRISTI ALACHUA' PUTNAM l LEVY - MARION LAKE CITRUS HERNANDO i Vt/i PCO q I )~HILLSBOROUGH 4 i POLK MANATEE HARDEP - - DE SOTO SARASOTA' COLLEGE LIBRARY HENDRYI O  MOSSES OF FLORIDA an illustrated manual MOSSES OF FLORIDA an illustrated manual MOSSES OF FLORIDA an illustrated manual  l 4) .7 It A N it N K 'K, t 9< 2 10 Poi o, Otifolius 1. leaves; 2. leaf apex2; 3. margino of vaginant lamina. F. rav' eii /24.0 lf;5. la aopx; 6marginof vaginanot lami;7. peichatial lea.F. garber2 81 ea;9.lea a~pex; 10. marginof vaginat lamina. 10 .2 10 Fisido obs,,,folins: 1. levs 2. leaf apex0; 3. magin ofvginant lain. F '/,i 4. lef; 5 lef ape; 6. magin ofvginat lain; 7prio,212o leaf. F.,: /oberi: 8. foof; 9. leaf apex; 10, mar~gin of vaginant 1lamina. Fio,idoosobt-ifolio,: 1. leaves; 2. leaf apoo; 3. marogin, of vaginan~t lamin.. F. raveneli 4lef;5.lf px; 6o, mgi ofvginanotlain; 7prihaetil laF. gaberi 8.lea;9 . leaf apx; 10.magi of vginatlamin.  PLATE 6PLT 6PAE6 PLATE 6 PLATE 6 2 Id,' K~ J - 's l ar n° Uu v O J oD \II JD 0 a ''c HIP 4 0 2 /G 0'IO D 7o '1 2 1 .30 (is. 1 x30o p I 7 9 7 8 $33137 '~ Is N{. « 6 41> 1 , 0 1 3 7100 10 ! 'K>- &i ,F J.8 >33 10 i; 3333 2~ 333 212' 3m. S'S 4 33 10 Fisien g66t1.,i: . e; .1t leaf6apx; 3. argn o vagna ai na; 4.k base of va;ginan;t La6.;.. F. exiitu car fal>6666.665 e1af; 6. 1eaf apex.; 7. margn of va6gnant 16ami6a; 8, 9, leaf hborderabv vainn lamina; 10. lea bas... of vaginan 66 16.6. F. exiguus;. 6ar. fa.lcatulus: 5. leaf; 6. leaf 6pex; 7. margin6  K~ KS "/ H 'T14 INSt cQ> K Q K I INs b a 7 H H  PLATE 8 PLATE 8 PLATE 8 1 -o '1 ,.m 1 . ao 6 ..3 6 . w 5 Fissilens polypodioides: 1. leaf; 2. leaf apex; 3. median marginal leaf cells. F. subbasilaris: 4. leaf; S. leaf apex. F. taxifolius: 6. leaf; 7. leaf apex. Fissidens polypodioides: 1. leaf; 2. leaf apex; 3. median marginal leaf cells. F. subbasilaris: 4. leaf; 5. leaf apex. F. taxifolius: 6. leaf; 7. leaf apex. Fissidens polypodioides: 1. leaf; 2. leaf apex; 3. median marginal leaf cells. F. subbasilaris: 4. leaf; 5. leaf apex. P. taxifolius: 6. leaf; 7. leaf apex.  PLATE 9 PLATE 9 PLATE 9PLT9 PLATE 9 In 'N C tot 4' 4'Its §4 OP 1 d 1 s o 3 .;0 3 . 30 3 o 23 { Jo to tot] to y I I 6 .3o 7 N to too to~ to j K )L 6 x 30 Fissidens radicans: 1. leaf; 2. leaf apex. F. donnellii: 3. leaf; 4. leaf apex; 5. margin of vaginant lamina. F. pellucidus: 6. leaf; 7. leaf apex; 8. leaf base. Fioojdoooodooo~ .1oof2.1ooopoo.~dooooO~O.1of;4.oofopo;9.,o~io Fsoidooooradicans: 1.leaf; 2.leafoapex.F. donnlii:.lef; 4.lefpx; . magin iod~~-doo~11o;.otpo.~oo1i~.of41ooo;.oi ofoo~giooot~oooh~.F~pofloidon 6.oof;7.1ofopoo;8.oofbo~o.of vagiooot lamoina. F. pellucidus: 6. leaf; 7. leaf apex; 8. leaf base.ofogot o6o..pfoido6.lf;7bOop;8.o oo Fissidens radicans: 1. leaf; 2. leaf apex. F. donnellii: 3, leaf; 4. leaf apex; 5. margin of vaginant lamina. F. pellucidus: 6. leaf; 7. leaf apex; 8. leaf base.  PLATE 10 PLAT 10 0 OT 10PLATE 10 PLATE 10 9 8 . o lil IIII ; I I i 1 .30 9 8 .30 90 1 .30 4 .30 j k . so j i I IIII 4. leae3 i.,, leaf0 a.pex; . a base 7.00 3.ol plant 8,. clptra;loo 9.s oes. 0o ,hloobo1h 0 bo;2 ,0 oo;0 ,0bo.Pb,~doo, oboo~; Abio,,b~O; 1 00 .bO oo;3.bO bo.P~~d~o ohbbo 4. bo,.,; 0 boO000; 6.boO oo, 7.0001 plot; 8 OJpooo 9.opott. 4 bo,,,;Sbo4. leaves;o boi;.7 leaf apex; 6..oby lea9.ftobase4;b 7.o;Iwholepo;p6lantb;o;87.,calyptra;8. ob9.oosp.ores.o Archl.h,,;, hailli: 1. leaf; 2. leaf apex; 3. leaf base. Pleuridium subulatum: 4. leaves; i. leaf apex; 6. leaf base; 7. whole plant; 8. calyptra; 9. spores.  1~ .3 PLATE 11 2 o 1.30 PLATE 11 /II c- D 9 VrU, I I PLATE 11 2.3 7 3 4 -o 0M 730 8 .33 5.3o o 7 308.3 ill, K< 57o- I< 6 .30 5 3 ) Wi r Ol D Lw. 10 6 .30 6 .30 7.30' 8 .30 9 .33 N 9 V I ,ll O . 0U I Oho 0 12 0 11 .30 11 .30 11 .0 12 .,0 12.3 Archidiouo chicense: . entireplant; 2. leaf; 3. leaf base; 4. perichaetinm. A. fiorl- danum:~ 5. stemleaves; 6. peichaotia leave; 7. oatheidial branch; 0. capsule; 9. leaf base. A. oatoooifolium: 10. leaf base; 11. lower stem leaf; 12. tipper stemo leaf. At, hidlii,,o ooioense 1. entire plant; 2. leaf; 3. leaf base; 4. perichaeiomo. A. flori- ,i N'zrm 5.stem leave; 6. peihotil leave;7.atheidil branh; 8.apsl; 9. leaf base. A. alternifoluooo: 10. leaf bose; 11. lowero stem leof; 12. 0p030 stem0 leaf. Aoohilijrooeoobojo-oo 1. entireplant;2. lef; 3.lef bae;4. p richatio. A. flor- do,, ",o 5.0st00 beaves; 6. perichacialboleove; 7. antheridial branch; 8. capsule; 9. leof base. A. alternifoliooo 10. boaf base; 1b. lowero stem beof; 12. upper s1te0 leaf.  PLATE 12 3 s0 PLATF 12 f 2 30 PLATE 12 0 2 -3o Arehidiurn longifolium: 1. entire plant; 2. leaf; 3. capsule, perichaetial leaf, and spores; 4. leaf apex; 5. median marginal leaf cells; 6, leaf base; 7. spore. Arehidium lougifolium: 1. entire plant; 2. leaf; 3. capsule, perichaetial leaf, and spores; 4. leaf apex; 5. median marginal leaf cells; 6. leaf base; 7. spore. Archidium lougifolium: 1. entire plant; 2. leaf; 3. capsule, perichaetial leaf, and spores; 4. leaf apex; 5. median marginal leaf cells; 6. leaf base; 7. spore.  PLATE 13 PLATE 13 PLATE 13 PAE1 PLATE 13 J2 6.30 Il 2 2 1 6 x 3 2 3 3 6 .30 I . so 7 .3o I jr10 Brei avnli 1. enireplan; 2. toma fromcapsulewall; 3.ores1. . sll- ani;4. capsule;5. spoe. B.donnllii: 6. leaf; 7. casuleo; 8. calyptra; 9. spors; 10. leafapex. 5 43~o 7 oo 10 1~ sos 7 . 30 09 110 4 20 Bruchia ravensl: 1. enires plant; 2. psts fsomt capsule wall; 3. sporss. B. sulit- vatttii: 4. catpsul; 5. spors. B. dotnssIlit 6. letf; 7. capsutle; 8. calyptra; 9, spors; 10. leaf apex. Brtciatsttsottlti: 1. etire plant; 2. stomas ftomt capsule wall; 3. spots. B. stulli- vtii:tt 4. casuls; 5. spores. B. donnellii: 6. leaf; 7. capsutls; 8. calyptra; 9. sporss; 10. leaf aptx.  PLATE 14 A I PLATE 14 PLATE 14 ilL C ~' 2 Q 1 .30 6 il Q#20 iL I2I 1 .30 9 4 K 0; r' i1 ~ 7 .30 UO8 .30 Bruchi doouoooldi 1. perichaetial leaf, capsule, and alyptra; 2. spores; 3. cel at shoulderof lf; 4.lf px; . leafbase. . olin:6.laf; 7.apsule and ealyptra; 8. antheridial hud; 9. spores. 6 , 30 6 .30 lit 1 7.30 l I 8 .3 so Oooohia druminooodii: 1. perkhaotiol leaf, capsul, and alyptra; 2. spores; 3. cde at sholderof leaf; 4. leaf apex; 5. lefbase . B. caoine 6. leaf; 7. capsule and ealyptoa; 8. antheridial hud; 9. spores. '-7 .30 8 .30 Bruc~hia dron~ dii: 1. perichootiol leaf, capsul, and 00lyptr3; 2. sp0r0s; 3. cell at shouldrofleaf; 4.leafpe;. leafbas.1B. clina:6. laf;7. apsule and ealyptra; 8. antheridial hod; 9. spores.  PLATE 15 PLATE 15 PLATE 15 PAE1 PLATE 15 I III 1 14 oc'- of o ,c 00 e 4p1 3 I I j I'I Jo . a 0 qK oa°o CI°c Li bas; 5. cpsul and clypt a; 6. anuu; 7.pristom teeth; 8. pores. Trematodon longicollis: 1. leaves; 2. leaf apex; 3. cells at shoulder of leaf; 4. leaf base; 5. capsule and calyptra; 6. annulus; 7. peristome teeth; 8. spores. Trematodon longicollis: 1. leaves; 2. leaf apex; 3. cells at shoulder of leaf; 4. leaf base; 5. capsule and calyptra; 6. annulus; 7. peristome teeth; 8. spores.  6122ca2= 2 c- 12 -1- 22 ms-- 2c o~ - 121 t2 OF 6o7112  -szd L .Ijrd * "s-ds -L !-.Isnad "9 !-jdljea c !ajnsdpa L !aseq p j -S !xade Leal -Z !saneaj "I :-np!jjnd ¢unxppp(--ds "L !-.jsvad "q !-Wj- 'c !ainsd- "j, !aseq feaj " !xade Ieaj z !saneaj "t :xunjnjjnd zungau7FQ MOO( ), 9 J o aw s { SU j I . I I J VVUV q 4 ui VVUIi y sr= 91 5i 1 I I~~~~~~Uc Ff i T FVdL[ V :I aLVId LI a.LV'ld  PLATE 18 PLATE 18 Ip 1 I 6 I I 1I I^U A 11 I'd i1L n >4'll ry 1 Ol 4VM nl I ilr ) IPI llhV ID a11( n 1 P91 hi >Yp/ lllllul mwt li I JAI a vF b f.ill Y gym. ' III II _. s 11, I II IA 1 M Vi n, ry"lau Y'1 4¢M ~1 Rh T uum m1 11f Yp/~OIEPo, wll ql R II !y nrfsn ail n I y PLATE 18 16 ) 11 It6 hf 1 II IIJ8' I~i q faP ll 1 .30 2.30 1 .30 j2 .o 1 .30 023 Il 010'1 'n 5 4 , O 5 5 14 30 0, 14 30 Qi °14 30 15 3o o15 o00 Dicranella herrninieri 1.leaf; 2. capsule; 3.leaf bae 04.leaf apex; 5.medianmr 08ina1 1eaf cells; 6. annulus; 7. peristomeo teeth and4 spores. D. hilariana:8 8. leaves; 9. leaf apex; 10. meodian margialleaf cells; 11. capsule; 12. spores1; 13. annulu; 14. calyptra; 15. archegonial bud. 115 . 15o0 Dcael enier:1.lea; 2.cpsule; 3. lefbs; 4. lfapx; 5. mdianma- ginalleaf cell; 6.annuls; 7. pistometthand spores. D.Mariana:8. leave; 9.1leaf apex; 10. mdian marginal leafcells; 11. capsule; 12. spores0; 13. annulus; 14. calypota; 15. archegonial hud. 15 .30 8 .3o' DJo 0 o0 Dicranellherminieri 1. leaf; 2.capsule1; 3.1leafhbase;4, leaf ape; 5. mdian mar-o ginal 11eaf cells; 6. annulus; 7. peristome0 teeth and spores1. D. hilaroooo8 8. 1leaves; 9. leaf apex; 10. meodian marginal leaf cells; 11. capsule; 12. spores; 13. annu1lus; 14. calyptoa; 15. archegonial hud.  PLATE 19 ( 300 PLATE 19 010 e 11 , ,J5 .3o y, 4 x 30 PLATE 19 I0~ 10 5 x 3o 4 .3o Dicranell sphaoeooopa 1. lae;2. leaf apex; 3. peristome and spores; 4. cap- sule. D. varia S. leaf; 6. capsule, 7. spores. D. heteomallo 8t;. leaf; 9. capsule; 10. spores; 11. antheridial bud. Diooanella sphaocaroopa 1. leaves; 2. leaf apex; 3. perisome~ and spores; 4. cap- sule. D. varia: 5. leaf; 6. capsule; 7. spores. D. heteomaloob: 8. leaf; 9. capsule; 10. spores; 11. antheridial bud. Dicranello paeocarpa:.leav; 2. lafpx; 3. pistomead pores; 4. cp- sule. D. varia: 5. leaf; 6. capsule; 7. spores. D. heoteomalla:b 8. leaf; 9. capsule; 10. spores; 11. antheridial hud.  PLATE 20 ~~~~~~PLATE 20 lTF2 LOL0 PLATE 20 0 0 0 0l-u2 00 (2 0 o 022 o20 2 1 .15 Q oa >0K0 0 2 Q 1 .150 2j 4~ II ~L7 K)lflA P 4 0222 oo0 22O,5 O.02 82 JI7 0 00 4 IKjlf 0 0 28 Camplpsartocarpus 1. lea;2. crss eto of222 cost; 3.22medinmaginl lef cell; 4. lfap; i.larrgion.C. flxuous:6.lev; 7.lf px; 8. cross 22,5622ofcost. Csospylop- arctocarpus: 1. leaf; 2. cross202 secio of2ost; 3. median22 marginal leaf cells; 4. leaf 2apex; 5. alar52region. C. 2222ou 6. 1eaves; 7. 1eaf apex; 8. cross secion of cost. DO I 6.15 0 I (sspslops arctocarpus: 1. lef; 2. cross1 secionofcosa;3.5 mdian22margina11leaf cells; 4. eaf p;. larregio .. fl222s:6.lee; 7. lafpx; 8. cross 2ection5of2cost.  r_ ' _ __ .y -c -- -- > _ - - -_ x h - - > czr  PLATE 22 61 16 22 PLATE 22 P9F2 PLATE 22 I 4 2 .15 i / 4 5 i l I I I n n 4 1 .15 1 x15 1 .15 58 .15 5 .15 5 . 15 8 iS 9 .15 I U 6 .15 6 .15 6 .15. 8 8 8 1eaf cell; 4.1leaf apes; 5. arhe.gonial bud. C. donneIllii: 6. leavs; 7. alar regissn; 8. me2dian leaf cells; 9. antheridial bud4. 8ssi~lsf11, .11hhlill Cam~pylpus gracilicaulis: 1. leve; 2.11 leaf from coma tusft; 3. medianssmarginhl Capyops railicau5lis: 1. 1eaves; 2. leaf from2 comal tuft; 3. smedian, marginal1 leaf cell; 4.leaf apex.;. ahgoniabd. C. donnllii: 6. leave; 7. ala11rgion; 8.,median, leaf cells; 91. anther1idial1bud.  PLATE 23 PLATE 23 PLATE 23 EIE2 PLATE 23 r I' '9? Ofa 4c-En n 1 jj ' 12 338 4 12nI /,/1{~ jI .12/ 1 ;1 P 1 C D j~icrn codnau .la; .la pe;3 einmrinllafcls 4.~~ ~ ~ ~ ce3 utaoeaa ein ercsa .aa ein .cpue .anls 8. sores 9. eet of erisom9 31~ / .1 Qnn//n6 3~ 2 v/I 8. . 12 Dicranum condensatum: 1. leaf; 2. leaf apex; 3. median marginal leaf cells; 4. cells just above alar region, near costa; 5. alar region; 6. capsule; 7. annulus; 8. spores; 9. teeth of peristome.  PLASTE 24 0 2 .1 ~ .5 0 1 .15 6 . 15 7 Leucobryums glaucum: 1. leaf; 4. crs etosf leaf base. Octoblepharum albi- tin fleaf bse; 8. peitm and spors. PLASTE 24 5I 0 r Luoru gluu:1. leaf; 4. crs eto f leaf bse. Octoblepharum albi- dum: 2. calyptra; 3. casl;5.stoma from cpsule wal; 6. lae;7. cossc tion fleaf bs; 8. pestomeanspors. PLATE 24 OC 0 2 .15 3 1 1 .15 Leucobryum,, glaucum:, 1. leaf; 4. crss scion of leaf bse. Oetoblepharum~ albi- dur: 2 caypta; . cpsue; . somafro csule wall,4; 6. leaves; 7. cossc tion of lea base; 8, peripsoead prs  PLATE 25 PLATE 25 PLATE 25 1U1 cm 1 .1 4 15 o( o 0 . X15 .1 6 6 "lO 7 .5 7 LE C) 7 I 10 0 'C CrO 11 d 4 . 1+~l r 4Th,19 ¢o r~ar8 l ((881 88(1 l s(¢0c 0,1 57(( - II( O 1h ' oflae;6, 7. crs setosof leaf; 8. pestomes tooth. Leucobryums,, albidum:, 1. leavs; 2. capsule; 3. clyptr; 4. pos~ ; 5. cosscin Lesssshsyu,, albidum:, 1. leavess; 2. capsul; 3. calyptra; 4I. spores; 5. cosscin olevs6,7crss stiosflef;8. pistome toth.  PLATE 26 PLATE 26 PLATF 26 P6E2 PLATE 26 At'> > .2 00 >7 II (7 K~. '0 5' / cC .<'>0>77 , 1 . 11 766> 2 ucIg KI.r s'> K r. 11 I I KID7 .7>7 11 7 i9 11 0r >0 9 o <22 I no r (90>. 10 0 c lO ott h- o J, to 71> QYU 10 00° 5 9 66 0i 10< 0' (alynp<.>cnashii: 1. lae;2. cross~ seco oflef; 3. lea magna hudr 4. median leaf magn 5. prpgln C. rihardii: 6. leave; 7. lea apex; 8.me dinlaP ari;9 ea agnatsole;10 rs ecino ea;1.po Cayp «e ahii 1. lae;2. crsssctono af >; 3. lea margin at shou.ldera; 4.aamedialaf agi;5. ppaguluma.C. ich6ardii6.lave; 7. lfapex; 8. m- dianlafargin;9lafmarginat shulde; 1. cros ecio o laf; 11. pro- pagak. (;taaapjaeasanashhu: 1. lavesa; 2. croseion of leaf; 3. leat argin at shoualder; 4.medita leafmgi;5. propagluma. C. riardii 6.lav;7. af apx;.am- dian leaf magin; 9. lefarginat sholder; 10.osssetion of laf;11. pr- pagala.  PLATE 27 PLATE 27 PLATE 27 C C 2 ~ 2 ,r iff 3 Cl1 12 3 2 4 ,t 1'-7-4> -q V 7 4 ti ~1q ~->~ ~A+~ '.7-> -17 ,ft tAil -7> ~> ',>4 I >4ll 7 if- V -44 >77 77-4>7> '-> +4 C K 6 6 G Calymperes erosum: 1. leaves; 2. cross section of leaf; 3. leaf margin at shoulder. C. donnellii: 4. leaf and leaf apex; 5. cross section of leaf; 6. leaf margin at shoulder; 7. leaf base. Calymperes erosum: 1. leaves; 2. cross section of leaf; 3. leaf margin at shoulder. C. donnellii: 4. leaf and leaf apex; S. cross section of leaf; 6. leaf margin at shoulder; 7. leaf base. Calymperes erosum: 1. leaves; 2. cross section of leaf; 3. leaf margin at shoulder. C. donnellii: 4. leaf and leaf apex; 5. cross section of leaf; 6. leaf margin at shoulder; 7. leaf base. PLATE 28 PLATE 28 PLATE 28 PAE2 PLATE 28 1 .12 II S 12 6 )I~ II 2.12 3 .12 0 S 1 . 12 III1 8,12 O R ooa0 0 a° 8 0D00 2Qo DOoQ o° °a 00 0 L Oogo 0007837 ~ j w~oo }AKD U~O°D 8 oBooU200000 00 a0I! o~ 13 9 8,.o D °11111118 Syrrhopodon incompletus: 1. leaves; 2. capsule with calyptra; 3. capsule with oper- cumm; 4. peristome and spores; 5. leaf apex; 6. median leaf cells; 7. basal cells; 8, 9. cross sections of leaf.  PLATE 29 P~~kIF 29 PLATE 29 PAE2 PLATE 29 cit 4 C-., itQ j o I o 2 11 ititici <~ (itagog < 0 o g 1.2 1o 2 o"Od oi 5M 2< t i7 ° 00 0 000 Ottl titsSC <3 it 5 .12 i t < J ~ 10 t.1 o S 4°D & 2< O 00 6 0t a aq0o L 622 o060 (j] &WQ50C0I 10il I a 4 I ic 5& .12 9 ooao4 a a o O ° it 9-.00 21 4 0 10 I2 162 III t > 9 .12 ci >6 o-U0 00U Qui q21% 7 7 7 Smrh22111l gal1,1262211 1. leave; 2. 1e21 apex; 3. 1e1f base; 4. cross1section1of laf S. 1121211 5. leaves; 6. c1211 sect12on of leaf; 7. 1eaf base; 8. propagula; 9.1leaf apex; 10. capsule2. Syr2h2p2.12l gaudichaudii: 1. levs 2. 1ea2 apex; 3. lea base; 4. cross1sect2on2o leaf. S. texanus:1 5. leaves; 6. cross s2ecton of lea; 7. 1eaf base;3 2. propagula; 9.1leaf2apex; 10. caple1I. Syrrhopodonl gll.212l11dii: 1. leaves; 2. 121f 2p2x; 3. 1eaf base; 4. cro1s sec9t2on of leaf. S. texanus: 5. 1e12e1; 6. cross.sect1on of 1eaf; 7. 1eaf bas2; 8. prpagla; 9. lea 1ape.; 10. cap1112.  PLATE 30 PLAIF 333 PLATE> 30 F~E3 PLATE 30 rI ~I 1 . 12 IC5 77 777$7 77 1 .12 000o~a I 4 '700 ro~ 0)oD C) O> _ _ _ p 1 I Syrropodon igultus: 1. lea;2.leaf pex 3. lebae 4. osssto of leaf; 5. propagulumo. S. prolifer: 6.leaves; 7.lef apex; 8. leafbase; 9, cros setioof leaf. o - o o G~ DOo n c 0<. 47 G oo2 p Q O0< D 4 Dol Syrrhlopodono ligulatus: 1. koaveo; 2. leaf apex; 3. leaf bose; 4. cos section of leaf; 5. popaogobooo, S.poli3fer:6 leaves; 7. leaf apex; 8.leaf base;9. crossioof3 1leaf. So'oohopodon 33gulatoo: 1. leaves; 2. leaf apex; 3. leafEoase; 4. cosseon of leof; 5. propagoboum. S. polife: 6. leaves; 7. leaf apex; 3. leaf base; 9. cossooection of leaf.  PLATE 31 PLATE 31 PLATE 31 o 2 0 10 0 l ; D Dh D o5 6 6g 6 4 .12 0 1 12 0 0 ° 7 1 12 0 ° 10 0 ° Q 5 7dCOO o OO Syrrhopodan parasiticus: 1. leaf; 2. leaf with propagula; 3. leaf apex; 4. median marginal cells of leaf; 5. cross section of leaf; 6. propagula; 7. leaf base. Syrrhopodon parasiticus: 1. leaf; 2. leaf with propagula; 3. leaf apex; 4. median marginal cells of leaf; 5. cross section of leaf; 6. propagula; 7. leaf base. Syroo aaiicus 1. lea; 2. leaf with prpgl;3 ef px .mda  Q C 000 D 00 ]67"' 000- > 7  PLATE 33 PLATE 33 PLATE 33 2 so 2 o \1 '2 o D aD iss 7 7 7 7 6 6 6 Splachnobryum obtusurn: 1, 2. upper leaves; 3. basal leaf; 4, 5. leaf apices; 6. base of leaf; 7. propagula on stun. of leaf; 7. prpgl onstm Splachnobryum obtusum: 1, 2. upper leaves; 3. basal leaf; 4, 5. leaf apices; 6. base of leaf; 7, propagula on stem.  PLATE 34 PLATE 34 PLATE 34 lTE3 PLATE 34 -V -A II Th 'A N, 1 4' t f N 1 o 1 .3o 1 .o ~0 K >o")r 4 <1 6 6 10 -N A N - At 10 '/ 7 ..s 10 't--7 tt3 OA A 9AA A J 11 11 ..0 8 Hyoioll tortula: 1. laf; 2. leaf apex; 3. leaf bas; 4. propagulum. Lisierello brbla 5. peristeme ad sp00ors6. annulu;7.1lef;8.1leapex; 9.1lef bas; 10. coss3IO secio oea blad; 11. capsule0 adocayptra. Oflophila torulA: 1. loaf; 2. leof apex; 3, Alea base; 4. propagulum. Luisella barbula: 5. perisomeooand sores;6.onnulu;7.laof;8. leafapex; .lef bas; 10. cross )0 seto flafblade; 11. capsule and calyptra. l1)0710la tortula: 1. leaf; 2. 100f apo-o; 3. laf base; 4. propagulum. Luiso~ierla barbulo: . prioeadp6os;.alu;3lefo8plaf3pe;l 9lafbas; 10. cross sectio of laf blode; 11. capsueonb clpta  v A J 004 2 oO.-O 00-_-0 . A . 00 y 0000990 009 88 q .o _ 9oo00^ o0000000 888-. x - 0400090N00 '& 82 _~t0~ -0 0975 2 00 0000. a 400800 o00089 __ 00._ 80 N k 00>N 97 H 7 . 0O 00 __ __ .- 90479 \ _0_0 00 92 08008 O<- I 0009000000000 08992880 V -'0 0 0 8 92 c0 000Q0 0 o~ooOO 00k 0.000 J 009 l a 8o2000 >~~0.x 000 N000 2 H>> 9 0 > 9 0000000 oS 000 00 40 000009 00 00890 C  PLATE 36 PLATE 36 SE PLAT 36 P 173 PLATE 36 Q I II III3.30 3 3 I"' 32 I. 1 7 if AtI 1 I o I J IiiIr' J'7. 6 FA 6I 6 1 I y I 5 ..s 5 I 7< soK 5, 7 6 7 8 7 1. levs 2..la16pex2..medan ell; 4 11al;el4. bclaiu11-tc.la1u6: 1 leves 2.lea apx; . mdia cels;4. asa c1ls. Eucadim 1ricflatm: . lave;.2 lef1aex;3. 1edin cl .s64.basl clls 6um 3.1 leave;6. lea6aex 7. median1lea cell;8.6basal Gy,;16tomu . c l'63u . lea; 6. lea pex7 .dianlafll; .basl Gymnoso6;, ca663 um 3.leve; 6. lea6aex 7.6me1anle1 cels; 8. basal 56626216, 6 6,6633666666 Gy 63666mcaca  PLATE 37 PLATE 37 PLATE 37 PAE3 PLATE 37 hi ill tl I !a 2 1 2133II 6 '/I n$ 3 "I II7+ i 38x12 4- l; L3 - k o l -7 1 I 1 J 12 3 x1 I J ' 6 1 1x12 Imo. ; 7 t 1 '111.2 1 x1 II I (I. 1z .3 51 57 (n11 5 1>3 10 2~V7x30~ mil I I DJ y --9 4S7 09x j J 7 1 337 8 8 8 9 Desmatodon3 garberi: 1. entire3p1ant; 2. 1eaf; 3. capsu13; 4. 1eaf 3apex; 5. 13af base; 6.1pe3istomeand1pores. D. linthobius: 7. leaf; 8. 1eaf3apex; 9.1leaf base; 10. media111 margi1na1 cells. Desatdo g311rberi:33 1. entire plant; 2. 1eaf; 3. capsu1e; 4. lea 3a3ex; 5. 131361ase; 6. pe1istome a3nd spores. D. pliathobius: 7. 1331; 3. 133f 1333; 9. 13af base; 10. median ma3131n31 cells. 6. peri113313 and spores. D. p1lthobius 7. 13af; 8. 1313 17pex; 9. 131f 6as3; 10. me31113 ma313ina1 3131s.  PLATE 38 PEXTE 33 PLATE 38 PAE3 PLATE 38 2 .3o I II' 1 1 Iln III%' i l I 11 I I II I I I 4 1 .30 "I I oh i j 3 3 I 5 3 3 83. 1 .30 1 .30 III h III . \1 III II 1Y6 .30 I I J 1 8 83 S 16 .3o 1 6 ,3o Weissa coe -vrsa:1.lea; 2. capsuedand alyp,; 3. pristomedad spore; 4.leafbase; 5.1 lef a. .Trwl-tom /jamacense 6. lea; 7. leaf base3; 8. leaf Weisia~3 controversa: 1.1leaf; 2.3capsu1e3an cal33t33; 3.1peristome and spore; 4. 1eaf base3; 5. leaf apex Trichosto-nn jaaiee 6. 1333; 7. 1eaf 33ase; 8. 1eaf Weisi controversa:,,~ 1. 1eaf; 2. capsule and3 calyptra; 3.3pe33stome and spores; 4. 1333 base; s. 13a3 apex .Trichostommjamaicense: 6.leaf; 7.leaf base; 8.1leaf  PLATE 39 PLATE 39 ~1 , so D S 2 /ooo oo Uv S2 4 0o~ 1 .3 /30~~ 30 PLATE 39 \ 2 00002 7 .30 6 .3o 7 .o (I -i U)UU 6 .o 7 .3o 6 .o Astmumludricanu: 1 cpsl anodperichaetial lef; 2. pores;3.lef pe; 4. leaves; 5. leaf base.A. muhlenobergianum: 6. capsule; 7. leaves. Asomum luhdorician :1. capsule and perichatial leaf; 2. spores; 3.leaf pe; I poopooto~;.po;.ofp 4. leaves 1obooAohobogoo~6oo~l;7looo .Ioo; S. leaf base. A. muhlenbergianum:o 6. capsule;77.1leaves Astomum ludovicianum: 1. capsule and perichaetial leaf; 2. spores; 3. leaf apes; 4. leaves; 5. leaf base. A. muhlenbergianum: 6. capsule; 7. leaves.  PLATE 40 I IIIo 30 o00 0 pQ0 n4 PLATE 40 II i I I o o 3 o t 00 000 0 n4 PL1ATE 40 x Ioo 000 000 1 0 '00 aGQN 5 2 0 00 p 0 4 '3OD 72U V 8 i '0 2a o30 >000 000 0 00 000000 00 1U OD(o00o(7o( 00000&0 000000 0 Ai> K I 00 2 0o 0 2 37 5 o D )0 000 0 0 6m 00000 ro 00 ( Did> 22 7 j9{ II92 ii bo o ,'ao 0202 II oO r~c BCD(25: (2(2 J2 C^ Ky 2 (22 52 2> (2(2o  PLATE 56 PLATE 56 PLATE 56 lAE5 PLATE 56 '2 '2. i 1 ro 1.3o 1 .so 5iso 1' 1/ 5A.3o '2? >77 77 6 o 7 6 .3o 7 r, 6..4o 8 8 .4 - Schlotheimia rugifolia: 1. leaves; 2. median marginal leaf cells; 3. leaf base; 4. leaf apex; 5. capsule and calyptra; 6. mouth of capsule; 7. peristome; 8. spores. SoEIsh i >og73>o 1. ;2. ,sodi~s s~sgissl osS dE; . hof bo; Schlotheimoia rugifolia: 1. leaves; 2. meodian marginal leaf oells; 3. leaf base; Oolooooogflh,1 o ;2osdoosgolhofo;3.ofh ; 4.loolooo;5. opsoloodoolytoo; 6 oshofopso~o;.posisooso;Sspo ~ 4. Alef pe;5. cpsuleand calypr; 6. outh ofcpsule; 7.peristom;S. pors. 3hooo;.oslsolpo;.oshfoob;.oooo;.p~ Schlotheinna rugifolia: 1. leaves; 2. median marginal leaf cells; 3. leaf base; 4. leaf apex; S. capsule and calyptra; 6. mouth of capsule; 7. peristome; 8. spores.  PLATE 57 4 . so 1 " O X0 0a (-79c, 7 PLATE 57 oa 07 6D 00 09 PLATE 57 o o660og a ga o o°Q~~~Q0 99aoa~ o~ g0/ 6999929 aa~aa ao 007 5 . so 0 A.~~~~~~~ ha atda, 15;61 7 afb A. heterotihum: 5.lef; 6.1lafapex;7. laf bas.A.h 51 f61fpa 7. fb . Aulacmnnium palustre: 1. leaf; 2. leaf apex; 3. leaf base; 4. cross section of leaf. A. heterostichum: 5. leaf; 6. leaf apex; 7. leaf base.  PLATE 58 01 ATE 50 PLATE; 58 lTE5 PLATE 58 5 .30 c-j 6 QO7 2 x 30 5t3 I"130 2Ioo 5.30 _JC Mn o 3 .30 3 -30 II 4 x 0 'iU 1 4 x 30 4 .30 / 11 93o 7 -7o0 8 x 3 .3o 8 x 3 100 Philosnstis glauscns:os 1. capsule; 2, 3, 4. leaves; 5. perigoniaolbrancsh; 6. peri- stome; 11. meodian marginal clls. P. gracilima:o 7, 8, 9. leaves; 10. leaf apex. PhihooO glausons:~ 1. capsule; 2, 3, 4. leaves; 5. perigonial branch; 6. perl- stm;11. meodian marginal cells. P. gracillima:; 7, 8, 9. leaves; 10. leaf apex. Philonotisglaucescens:. 1.capsule; 2,3, 4.leaves; 5. peigon'ialbranch; 6.per- stm;11. mediano marginal oslOls. P. gracillima: 7, 8, 9. leaves; 10. leaf apex.  PLATE 59 PLATE 09 PLATE 59 PAE5 PLATE 59 3 1 ,I 3.1 I 5 .3o 5 ..0 5 .30 ! I ~i'4 x12 2 .30 1 x30 2 .3o 4k .1 L1A 1 .30 2,02I i n 2 o 6 x 3o 6 . 0 6 .o 8 31 10<0 ij S 7 . 30 9 .30 1O o 9 . 30 7.o0 8 .30 10.12'z Philaotis0N.sphaeocaropa: 1, 2. leaves; 3. capsu.le with operculumo; 4.capsule witho- otoperoolooo. P'. longiseta: 5, 6. leave. P. uncinaota: 7, 8. leaves; 9. gerooip- arous branch;10. capsle. Philaooososphaerocarpa: 1, 2. leaves; 3. capsule woith operculooo; 4. capsule with- out operculumo. P. longiseta: 5, 6. leaves. P. uncinat,,, 7,8. leaves; 9. goomip- aosbranch; 10. capsul. Philois sphaocaroopa 1, 2. leaves; 3. capsule with operculumo; 4. capsule woith- out opoooolo. P. lonogiseto 5, 6. leaves. P. unoohodo, 7, 8. leaves; 9. gemmoip- aousoobranch; to. cpsl.  __> _, -. - , G l _ -t KIN> IN ->KrJ °) N __ - - =- - - _ /G i > _ .: % r __ _= _ -_== c, -_~ m N , a f, V% m _ _ - \__-- %  PLATE 61 2 .12il 1 40 PLATE 61 2 .12 K PLATE 61 ri ll 2 .12 ill it I ill Bryum corontum:~ 1. leaf; 2.capsle; 3. leafapex.B. cupidtum:4. lef;. cap- sl;6. leaf apex. Bru ooau:1. leaf; 2. capsule; 3. leaf apx B. csiau:4. leaf; 5. cap- Bryu oonatum:oo 1. 1ea1; 2. capsle; 3. leaf apex. B. cuspidatum:; 4. leaf; 5. cap- sl;6. leaf apex.  PLATE 62 PLAT 62 L oL 62PLATE 62 PLATE 62 2.0 2 .40 2.40 1 .4 3 .12 1 40 3 .12 1 40 3 x 1 4 J0 4 s $ 6. leaf; 7. cpsule. Br-icplae ,2 evs .cpue .la px ,bclr .la px Br0un cpillare 1, 2.Ileae;. cpsu; 4. laf pex..ioor: 5.koef pex; 6,.leaf; 7. capsule. 7 1\ lt 6 40 Br}oooopilre: 1,2. leaoo;0. casl;4 efae.B.bclr .la px 6. lef; 7.capsl.  PLATE 63 PLATE 63 PLATE 63 PAE6 PLATE 63 i I Ij! 4 / IN 1 .30 I 4/ YIII -J4 1 x30 V/ 4 Jjj 034-,oooooegeri: 1. 10af; 2. leaf apex; 3. alrrego;440 m3 ia maroooooginahbcells; 3. popagulumobo; 6. capsule. B. pseudotriquetoooo; 7. Icf pe; . lf;3. cpsul. 6.0 -j8 30o 9 .12 Oooooo cruegeri: 1. leaf; 2. 13a apex; 3. a1ar region; 4. median maroginal cells; 5. propaglumo; 6. capsuile. B. pseuodotriquetrum: 7. 10a0 apex; 8. leaf; 3. capsule. 1111 11 1~8o 9 0 1 II 12; J B~oo ooooo; 1 Lf; . oO po; 3110 0440;3. odooooo4olol 3. p1p400060000.I 00000001 7.bofopo;0. o1; oopobo  PLATE 64PLT 64PAE6 PLATE 64 PLATE 64 U6 2 .12 00 5 U U 1 0 0 U a o 8 1 .12 0 5 4< 1 5 U K) 0 19 6s Leptobryum pyriforme: 1. leaves; 2. capsule; 3. calyptra; 4. annulus; 5. spores; 6. leaf apex; 7. median leaf cells; 8. basal marginal cells. Leptobryum pyriforme: 1. leaves; 2. capsul; 3. calyptra; 4. annulus; 5. spores; 6. leaf apex; 7. median leaf cells; 8. basal marginal cells. Leptobryum pyriforme: 1. leaves; 2. capsule; 3. calyptra; 4. annulus; 5. spores; 6. leaf apex; 7. median leaf cells; 8. basal marginal cells.  PLATE 65 PLATE 65 PLATE 65 PAE6 PLATE 65 I II In J l'r ' 111 0I 1L S 1 ,30 a)/ U2 1 .30 2 JLJ~ 4)7<2 Lnv U> MK> 2000 V jI 4 5.3;01 4 8 5 .30 VII li I65.2 R 5 .30 I'l i I 6 7 2 8r u Itmehymeni sysl r. 1, leaf; 2. leaf apex; 3. afar region; 4. median marginal cells B. macrne,, S. leaf; 6. capsule; 7. peristome teeth; 8. leaf apex. B,-slsssssisssips iss 1 IsS;2. osSips; 3 iis ogiss;4. ssdji sigisi PsshBract~-, tysvs;r .IoS;2llium:; .i1.ooileaf;soii2ssogleafsio}apex;ssot3iss; 5 IsS;2.giiSop;s;4..13meogdian4.osmarginalgis oollsP~ssss~sssispss;5.loS;6.oipsso;7. ssisssowols~s~uifipo. el. B. mae- no purr: 5. leaf; 6. capsule; 7. pesi sossotoeth; 0. lsaS ipexs. oil.isosipii .oS6opso7p~issotoE5lsi Brace.i m sy..,!ito, : 1. leaf; 2, leaf apex; 3. alar region; 4. median marginal cells. B. - , v 5. leaf; 6 capsule; 7. peristome teeth; 8. leaf apex.  PLATEF 66 1176 PLAT E 66 PLATE 66 1 .15 1 .15 1 .15 4 .15 i . 15 7 .15 7 . 1 Itl. mtnr , 4. leaf; 5. median leaf cus; 6. marsginal~ cels. A1. cspids- 6:7 11 ., meia leaf cells; 9. mariginasl cells. Ilssiusnlsssgistrssss 1. leaf; 2.median leaftclls; 3. maginasllef clls. 61. orthorhpnchussss 4. leaf; 5. mesdin leaf cels; 6.smargina cls. M. cupida- Is,,,, 7.lssf: 8. med~ian leasfclls: 9. marginal els. Ilsuss togussrlssss: 1.Ilef; 2. mdianssieuftclls; 3.maginasllef cels. MI. ssbss', chum 4. leaf; i.s median leaf cells; 6.ssmargsnal clls. Al. cusspidass tu 7.Ls I;6:. medaleafscels: 9.,sisss elsI.  PLATE 67 PLATE 67 PLATE 67 !0 QO!i0 U Q o C: 2 2D 4 2 6 5 6 20~ K~0 Ofl&O O00 o0 aO 0oo0 0o 00 QO00 o'oOu 00o QPo0 000 Mnium affine: 1. leaf; 2. median leaf cells; 3. marginal cells. Rhizogonium spini- forme: 4. leaf; 5. basal cells; 6. upper marginal cells. Mniurn affine: 1. leaf; 2. median leaf cells; 3. marginal cells. Rhizogonium spini- forme: 4. leaf; 5. basal cells; 6. upper marginal cells. Mnium affine: 1. leaf; 2. median leaf cells; 3. marginal cells. Rhizogonium spini- forme: 4. leaf; 5. basal cells; 6. upper marginal cells.  PLATE 68 PENTE 68 PLATE 68 PAE6 PLATE 68 1 1 .30 - 3 ) ;}. }f '/2 ; \ L 1 x30 N 0 I £kp 1 .3o 1 .3o 1 ,30 3 . 0 3 , 0 4, .30 4 , 0 4 .3o 8 . o s 20 9.30 ,0,,bhostgim,,,,,,0o,1. caopule;2. perome,,and spores;3, 4.leaves; .lef apx .aK ein .mda efcls .vru a.luioim ,9 8 ..o 9 . 30 0abyte n 1. cpsule; 2. peristome anod spores; 0, 4. leaves; 5. leaf apex; 6.,o largion; 7. mydian leaf cells. A. ,iri,, v,,. laucifolium: 8, 9. levs Abytgun- :1. capsule; 2. peristome and spares; 0, 4. leaves; 5. leaf apex,; 6. alarrgion; 7. median, leaf cels. A. ,o,2,,o, var. laucifolium:, 8, 9.  PLATE 71 PLATE 71 PLATE 71 PAE7 PLATE 71 AK 1 ..ro 1 .3o 2 .3ao 2 .30 \o. 10 10 10 8 PL 10" ,\o ,41-o 6 .30 7 8 6 ..o 7 630 7 .o Ambflystegiumoooerpens: 1, 2. leaves; 3. loof apex; 4. meodion leof cells; 5. aloo region. A. juratzkanm 6, 7. leaves; 0. leof apex; 9. alar rgion; 10. meodian leaf cls Amoblystegiumo screenso 1, 2. leoves; 3. leof apexo; 4. omedian loof cells; . oaoar region. A. juratzkanuoo: 6, 7. leaves; 0. leof apex; 9. alar region; 10. meodian leof r ells. Am..blystegium Seropens: 1, 2. leoves; 3. leof apexo; 4. meodian hoof cells; 5. alar regiono. A. juratzkanum:o 6, 7. leaveso; 8. leaof opexo; 9. alar regiono; 10. meodian leof cells.  PLATE 72 PLATE 72 PLATE 72 PAE7 PLATE 72 U( Q a 2 1 i 1 . 30 3 U )U) A .5 5 4 nN 8 7 .3o 3.. 6 8 7 .30 D I 8 7 ~so Leptodictyum, riparium: 1. leaf; 2. leaf apex; 3. ala rgion; 5. median leaf cells. L. riparium orm btsm 4. lef apex; 6. slargion L. sipho: 7.lef Leptodityum, riparium:, 1. leaf; 2. leaf apex; 3. alar region; 5. meodian leaf cel. L.ripriumformaobtsum: 4.lef p; 6. alarrgi. L. ipho: 7. lef; 8. leaf apex. Le'ptodityumo riparium:, 1. leaf; 2. leaf apex; 3. alar regiono; 5. meodian leaf cels L. ripium forma~ obtsum:~o 4. leaf apexo; 6. afar region. L. sipho: 7. leaf; 8. leof apex.  3 (( Ilio I ..40 II, )lJ ,Ih 3{ 3 1 nV 5 .so 5 .30 Ioptodietooo trichopodium:o 1. lea; 2. leaf apex; 3. meodian leaf cells; 4. olar region. Hygrombytegium tenax: 5. leaves; 6. leaf apex; 7. meodian 1eaf ce11s; 8. alarrgin Leptodictyumtihopodiuoo; 1. leaf; 2. leaf apex; 3. median leaf cells; 4. alar region. Hy}groamobytegiumo tenax: 5. leaves; 6. leaf apex; 7. median leof ce; 8. alarreiono. Leptodityumo trichopodium:; 1. leaf; 2. looP apex; 3. modian. looP colls; 4. alar region. Hygoaoolpstegiooo tenox: 5. leoveo; 6. loof apoex; 7. me~dioao loof cells; 8. alooooegioo.  v C> '1= P v E 1 ( k + mG o KzZ 21 w P 5 F ti w k n y \ ? J V J d R .o  PLATE 75 6h1 I x15 PLATE 75 6 15 PLATE 75 6 .15 ~10 0 0O 5 I ls\s\, 7b~sBfssIss6 1tx 15f7bh5f8kfp5 2 x,,si~15151;1016bs. K 2lk 10.1 Brachytheciurl acuminatum: 1. 15emlea; 2. 1branc151eaf; 3. leaf apex; 4. median leaf cells; 5. leaf base. B. flagellae 6. stems leaf; 7. brancsh leaf; 8. leaf apex; 9. median leafcells; 10. leaf bae lBssshythecissssacsminatum: 1. stemleaf;2.1branch Icaf; 3. leaf pex; 4. mdian 1eaf cells; 5. leaf bs. B, flsgellare: 6. st51m leaf; 7. branchl leaf; 8. leaf apex; 9.smedian leaf clls; 10. leaf bse.  1 PLATE 76 1 2 2 6 xso 7 .30 8 .so 1 PLATE 76 1 x15 KK p13< 6 . so I 7 .so 8 , so PLATE 76 II 'K) I C I C II Io . boO boon I r AC ° Ac 5 U v U 10 11 '>0 C;CV/ loo° o°oo oa I o C C a o o l w Ooo Rrachythecium oteanunoo 1 sote leaf; 2.branch leaf; 3. lefpe, branch leaf; 4. meodian leaf cells; 5. leaf base. Holoootheciellaosbcapibllata 6. cpsule; 7. stem leafo; 8. perichaetial leaf; 9. leaf apex; 10. meodian maroginal leaf cells; I1I. leaf base. Brachytheciumo ,-oooooooo 1. stemttleaf; 2. branch leaf; 3. leaf apex, branchleaf; 4. moedian leaf cells; 5. leaf base. Holoootheciella subcapillata: 6. capsuole; 7. steto leaf; 8. perichaetial leaf; 9. leaf apex; 10. meodian margoinal leaf cells; I1I. leaf bas.  PLATE 77 PL~~TL 77 PLATE 77 10\F7 PLA'T'E 77 1 3o ( 3.30 1 30 4.3o 5 ( 7 3.,3o KJ4%~ 0 c_ C 2I l 5. leaf apex; 6. basal leaf clls; 7. meodian maroginal leat cells; 0. peristomoo. H~omalotheciella fabonifoibo; 1. capsule; 2. spores; 3. leaves; 4. pooooichehllef 5.1la aopex;6. basal leafcell;7. meian maginale~f cl; . prso IHonto;thooio/ll fob,, ,ifolia: 1. capsule,; 2. sores,,; 3. boaxoo; 4. pcnhactpl leaf; 0. leaof apex.; 6.basal leaf clls; 7.o mdianmarginalleaof cell; 0. prsoe  PLATE 78 PLATE 78 PLATE 78 PAE7 PLATE 78 10 10 10 1 .30 1 .30 1 .0 i U s 3j 7" ,O ~ ; j 1eaf cell; 5. trmial ellofcot, uderdofef;6. p rofie of teminalcell of cota. Cirr0 iphlum, illecebrum: 7.1 ea; 8.leaf apex 9. leaf bas; 10. mdian magiallefcells; 11. median leaf cells. 7 .30 I v0 7 .30 h 11 11 maroginal leaofcells; 11. median leaf ce11s. C U o leafcell; 5. ter 17al711l78 cot, underidoflef; 6. pfil otermoinalcel of ost.Ciriphllum,,illecbrum: 7. 1eaf; 8. 1eaf apex; 9. 1eaf8base; 10. median maroginal 1eafce11s; 11. median leafcell.  PLATE 79 PLATE 79 PLATE 79 PAE7 PLATE 79 / I I I 1 .30 5 II III ' \ I II 5 1 .30 I1 1.30 5 2 .12 4 6 I 1u lui l j)I ', , I "I'i l I w it '1 I III l i,)j r% ILI 6 /j 1 i Rhyncohostegiumser atm 1. 1eaf; 2. capsule; 3. spoe; 4. leaf apex; S. median3 oooo . of .op~l;3 po~ .bOo3~ .~do leaf cel; 6. basalo~o1~ leaf10 cells.ooo~b Rhynchostegium serrulatum: 1. leaf; 2. capsule; 3. spores; 4. leaf apex; 5. median leaf cells; 6. basal leaf cells. Rhynchostgum srrbotuni: 1. leaf; 2. capsul; 3. spores; 4. leaf apex; 5. mda leaf cells; 6. basalleaofclls.  711 76 -2 i x a F x -3 79 c 17,7, -~ 17 79 t~tt 67s P 3>F  PLATE 81PAT81PTE1 PLATE 81 PLATE 81 99 92 fl~ 7 53 ci> I, 6 x15 I x 30 2 5 1 NR G 6 x15 1 x so /7I L 2 It 2171 ci AJ~ >1~ IV 4 V 4 5. peritom an poe 6. percatu an apue 7. ealptra. Entodon seductrix: 1. leaf; 2. median leaf cells; 3. basal leaf cells; 4. leaf apex; 5. peristome and spore; 6. perichactium and capsule; 7. ealyptra. Entodon seductrix: 1. leaf; 2. median leaf cells; 3. basal leaf cells; 4. leaf apex; 5. peristome and spore; 6. perichactium and capsule; 7. calyptra.  PLATE 82 P1 lIP82 P1LATE 82 PAF8 PLATE 82 Si 4 , is 1 . 0 1 .80 7 Enhtodon cldorrizans:, 1. leaes 2. peristomeo; 3. spores; 4. capsule; 5. anls 6.1 lefbase: 7. medianleaf clls; 8.leaf apex. Etoodon cladorrhizans: 1. lae;2. peristomeo; 3. spores; 4. capsule; 5. anls 6.leaf base; 7. median leaf clls; 8.leaf ape. Entodon obodorrhizans: 1. lae;2. perdstomeo; 3. spores; 4. capsuleo; 5. anls 6.leaf base; 7. meodian leaf cells; 8.leaf apex.  PLATE 83 PLATE 83 PLATE 83 PAE8 PLATE 83 1 .~30 1 1 . so 1 3 Entodon macropus: 1. leaf; 2. median leaf cells; 3. leaf base; 4. leaf apex; 5. peri- stome and spore; 6. capsule. Entodon macropus: 1. leaf; 2. median leaf cells; 3. leaf base; 4. leaf apex; 5. peri- stome and spore; 6, capsule. Etdnmcou:1. lea; 2. mdian laf ell; 3.1la ae 4. lefapex; 5.pei-  PLATE 84 K) 5 , so 1 3 '5-1 .30 PLATE 84 1< nll''3 6 H VIIi1 '7 5 US3 PLATE 84 34 05- Hypnum lindbergii: L leaves; 2. alar region; 3. median leaf cells; 4. leaf apex. Platylonzella lescurii: 5. leaves; 6. leaf apex and median margin; 7. leaf base. H~pss,, Ih'dbsgii~ . ks~.s 2. Ssis~; 4 ~ kM 5W 4. k ~pss. Hyp'n,,, lindbergii 1. lae;2. alar region; 3. media lef els; 4. lea apex. 8Sps5hdkgi .1S ;2s ssisS. di lsf ll4.ssp . PL~t}s's~sls~iiS~sss;6,1sS Spsdsssdsssssgis;71ssfbss. 8I~~tPlatsy/lomeS.1a les1curii: 5.iS leaves; 6. leaft}/1ISapexS.ands;me1dianV margin;55 7. gle;a. base.5 Hypnum lindbergii: 1. leaves; 2. Mar region; 3. median leaf cells; 4. leaf apex. Platylomella lescurii: S. leaves; 6. leaf apex and median margin; 7. leaf base.  PLATE 85 PLAIF 85 PLATE 85 PAE8 PLATE 85 1 .30 3 Ki w6I?) Lf .3 3 Js O I,6 6-. 2 3ao 5 . 0 (l i \I i Vr an, J ' 2 30 Tip I2 . 3 \V5.3o / l /6 o r , I ( 1 7 In1 9 9. i , , dl) 1 s I l C /6.30 Veiuai eiua is1. lae;2. perichaeiallavs 3. meodian leaf cel;4. leaf apex. V. poeppigian 5. oothoidial bud; 6. lae;7. leaf apex; 8. meodian loe cells; 9.basllef clls. Vesicular-ias oioslais: 1. leaves; 2. perichaetial leaves; 3. medooian loe cell; 4. loe apex. V. poeppigiana:5 5. antheridial bud; 6. leaves; 7. leaf apex; 8. meodian lse cells; 9. bsalleafcll. Voeslarias iclis:1. leave; 2 ihail leas; 3. mdian lfls; 4.leaf apex. V. poeppigiana:O 5. antheridial bud; 6. leaves; 7. lse apex; 8. moedian leaf cells; 9. basal leafclls.  PLATE 86 PLATL 06 PLATE 86PtIE8 PLATE 86 1rr A \,. Jl Ur J 2 C 1 .30 1 .30 1 .30 J 2 9.12o 0j' D 9 .12 9 .12 5 .30 Oo %ODaO SaOo o8oa ova J 08no0 5 .30 V OODoO 8 Sa OQo °ova UDDnO 5 .30 Veiclaiacrassicais:1 leav;2. lafba; . meian lef cell; 4. lef pe. 01ittenothanooo, r dimnool um Po . leaes 6. leaf apex; 7. meodiano maroginal leaf cells; 8.basal leaf cells; 9. capsuole. Veclracascui:1.leaves; 2.lef baseo;3.omedian leaf cels; 4.lef pexo. O~itO00otboooooioooiooiuiooo i. leaves; 6. leaf apex; 7. medooian maroginalt leaf cells;8. basalef cl;9.cpsuleo. Vesiolaro oojop ioooolioo 1.leave; 2.lef base;o.omd ian lefcll; .lef pe. Olitothbooooboo dioiin:ooo i. leaves;6. lefpx; 7.ooodiaoooaginaltleaf cells;8. basalleaof celso;.cpsul.  "Ipa IemBzem Iaseq "4 :xade Iaai ne snog -eizan -9 s b .apsdea £ :aavaasaxoguj ai-j "Z '.--j "I :s -j- zun}*Widosj ,1p, Ioucbzeni Ieseq "L .-& 3aai ni saoc; -eI- -9 s b .ainsdea "L aanaasazogui aP=j .j! .sanaa1 "I :suoareu -1 ,Widosi (VIwlnU d V j9. L8 aiv~ld is AIVeLd L8 TLTIJ  PLATE 88 PLATE 88 PLATE 88 PAE8 PLATE 88 A 7 1I 430 1 883 /L' IL o 1 x 30 7.3o 7 -m 7 ..i0 5 x3o 5 x 3o 10 10 10 dian leaf cels; 10. 1eaf base, alarcell. Pylisia sel'yn88 1. 1eaves; 2. leaf ape; 3. med1ian leaf8cell; 4. 1eaf base, a1ar c8lls; 5.8capsule; 6.spores. Pla8ygyrium8888;888; 7.Ileaves;8. leafpe; . m- dian81eaf8c11l; 10. 1eaf8bas, alr88811s. Pylaisia ;'0 y,;ii; 1.1leaves;2.1leaf8pex; 3. mdian leafc11l; 4.leaf bas, alar c811s; 5. capsule1; 6. spores. Pl81JgJ388888repens 7. 1eave; 8. 1eaf apex;- 9. me-8 dian l1af8cel1s; 10.1leaf1base, alr88e11s.  PLATE 89 PLATE 89 2 1k' PLATE 89 3/I bo 1 x/7 I (o 4 ~'Y9;? / 1 x 3 7< 1 .30 A< 4 7 0 'N Ur 6. u 10 < I 9 I I 6 0 I I 77 V / j LI' 6 x 30 7 ,.., 8 7 Taiphllum goophilhoo 1. leaf; 2. median marginal leaf clls; 3. leaf bse; 4. paraphyllia; 5. leaf apex. Plagiethecu 03yo0799000.0 6. leaf; 7. leaf base; 8. paraphyllia; 9. meodian marginal leaf cell; 10. leaf apex. Taxiphyllumo geophilum:; 1.1leaf; 2. media mar.ginal leaf cells; 3. leaf base; 4. paraphyllia; 5. leof apex. Plagohbhooum ,yvaticu; 6. 1ea9; 7. leaf base; 8. paraphyllia; 9. meodian marginal leaf cells; 10. leaf apex. Tooiphbbouo geophium:oo 1. leaf; 2. meodian maroginal leafcells; 3. leaf base; 4. paraphylia; 5. leaf ape. Plagiothecium~ sylvabicu, 6. leof; 7. leaf base; 8. paraphyllia; 9. meodian marginal leaf cells; 10. leaf ape.  o,_ j c  y --' ' =_ ro r .,,,,. a o S S o . y=_°7 . N . b .r . - _ . b ---- .v - __ . N ry k n.3 ' , a C , a f . iU -- t-_ ' w s - °o ,\ - = 1L =y \ G( 111717 - -Ci - 7 v te / 717 - 1717 s rys 7 7  PLATE 92 PLATE 92 PLATE 92 PAE9 PLATE 92 10 I 1 .30 130 2 x 3 2 x30 x 30 4 x 80 4 30 3xio 3 30 j<2, < UU V I rrI 6c <2 ~ 7 2 Stereoph/h-,~ rdiculo ,ot<: 1. dorsal and latea leaves; 2. capsule; 3. oontheridial bac;4. archegonoial branch; 5. lea apex; 6. leafbasep; 7.mein arnl leaf cels. Stoopophollooo radiculosum:o 1. dorsal and lateral leaves; 2. capsule; 3. antheridial branc~h; 4. arhgoil branchi; 5.00 lefpex; 6. leaf base; 7.omedianoooarginal leaf cels. Stere~ophyllum rooolipolosoooo 1. dorsal andl lateral leaves; 2. capsule; 3. atheridial branch; 4. archegonialbranch; 5.1leaf apex; 6. leafbase; 7. median marginal leaf cels.  PLATE 93 PlATE 93 PLATE 93 PAE9 PLATE 93 2 " o 2 o 1 .30 A~3 1 -30 4 4 7 4. prphyllia; 5. lea bas; 6. meia magna ef cells; 7. 4.a apex.11~ .1 b~;6 i ,,g~lk~~I~ . ~ p Stereophyllumc leucostegum: 1. dorsal and lateral leaves; 2. capsule; 3. spores; 4. paraphyllia; 5. leaf bas; 6. median marginal leaf cells; 7. leaf apex. Stereophyllum leucostegum: 1. dorsal and lateral leaves; 2, capsule; 3. spores; 4. paraphyllia; 5. leaf base; 6. median marginal leaf cells; 7. leaf apex.  PLATE 94 PLATE 94 PLATE 94 PAE9 PLATE 94 pi 7 K> /1 3xa 3 .a0 1 ao 1lxa3 I 6 I .0 2.A I\ \10 10 11 IIl10 9 7 .a0 77 \ , .;%9. 3} ao $9171 *7< 717 777 K P 21 II .a 7~7> <8 }<~~?< ~ K I.. 1 ..i0 2 30 I Id '778> 2.oo 0/ / 17 .7>, 77079 >7. *.~ to .>7> 9 1>7 l j 3 5 .30 I 2 .a0 64 5 .,7o >99 .00 7, 7 7907 >7 73> 1" 017s1// 1>37 0> 77 >0 21/7 // q~7 99 '>7.70 9 >3: Anomodon0 attenatus:1. leaves; 2. leaf apex. A. rostratus: 3. leaves; 4. leaf apex. Aoodo totoho';2.lfop.A.oooo 3lo';4.k op. A. minor, 5. leaves; 6. leaf apex.Aotit;9.oo.6lof Anomodon attenuatus: 1. leaves; 2, leaf apex. A. rostratus: 3. leaves; 4. leaf apex. A. minor: 5. leaves; 6. leaf apex. Antomodon ttentus ot 0leaves;2. leafpex.A. rostrtus: 3. leaves; 4.lef pex;. A. mior: 5. leaves;6.leaf pex.  PLATE 98 PLATE 99 PLATE 98 PAE9 PLATE 98 A I IIi 6 .12 6 . 92 K 1 .30 7I.3o 1.33 7 3o 1 .30 7 .30 7 Thelia hhrtolla: 1. leaf; 2. basal leaf marogin; 3. loof apex; 4. clls showing papillae; 5. paraphyllia; 6. capsule. T. asprella: 7. leaf; 8. loof apex; 9. cels hoowing Theiao hirtello: 1. leaf; 2. basal leaf margin; 3. leaf apex; 4. cells showoing papillae; 5. paraphyllio; 6. capsule. T. ooproIlo; 7. loof; 8. loot apex; 9, collsoshooing Thelia hirtella: 1. loot; 2. basal loot margin0; 3. loot apex; 4. clls showoing papillae; 5. paraphyllia; 6. capsul. T. asprolla: 7. loat; 8. leot apex; 9. cell showinog  PLATE 99PAT 99P TE9 PLATE 99 PLATE 99 §1< it Vl 1 dO0 l 1~ 2 jlV I dO0 4 1 d4o b .12 / 7.,7 >0- 79 2> <0 ,2> 5 10 121 J 77 8o ti 9 6 x0 12 7 12 J 10 =12 10 .1 I 9 ..oo 11.40 6 .40 11 , 4 11 =40 eskeaautrlis: 1.1leaves;2.1leaf1pex;3.1leafbase;4.cpsule;9. peristome and spores.EL.obscura: 6. leaves; 7. leaf apex; 8. coss section of leaf blade; 9.para- phyllia; 10. capsuole. L. graileseens: 11. leaves; 12. 1ea9 apex. Lkeaaustralis 1. leave;2. ola pe; 3. leafhase; 4.cpsul; 5. peisome an~d sporoesL. obscura: 6. leaves; 7. leaf apex; 8. cossosetonofOleaf blad;9.parao- phyllla; 10. capsul. L. gracleseens: 11. leaves; 12. leaf apex. eskea australis 1.leaves; 2.leaf pex;9. ~lea bs; 4. cpsle;9. peristome and spores.EL.>oscura 6. leaves; 7. leaf apex; 8. cosso sectionoof leaf blade; 9. poo- phyllia; 10. capsule. L. gracileeens:10 1. leaves; 12. leof apex.  PLATE 100 PLATE 100 P T 0 PLATE 100 5 .80 5 .30 5 . 3o 1,i30 1 .30 1 .30 >5 2 .3so 4 1 2 .3o 4 4 - C. d s 7 ..o 7 .0 7 .30 6 .0 6 .30 6 .3o C 7% «3 - 0 Thuidiumo~ delicatulum:o 1. stemo leaves; 2. branch leaves; 3. leaf apex; 4. para- phyllia; 5. capsule. Haplocla.diumo micrpyllum: 6. ste leaves; 7. branchb leaves; 8. leaf apex; 9. parapbyllia. Thuidi,.o delhoooulo.. 1. stem leaves; 2. branch leaves; 3. leaf apex; 4. para- phyllia; 5. capsule. Haplocladiumo microphyfllum: 6. stemo leaves; 7. brancb leaves; 8. leaf apex; 0. paraphyllia. Thuoidium. delicatulm 1.,. tem eave; 2. branch leaves; 3. leaf apex; 4. para- phyllia; 5. capsul. 00..plocbodium, m.icrophyllum:o 6. stem leaves; 7. branch leaves; 8. leaf apex; 0. parapbolli.  PLATE 101 PLATE 101 PLATE 101PLT10 PLATE 101 40 I 2 4 2 2 I_ 4 3 .30 3 .30 3 .30 5L 6.30 6 .3 5.30 5.3o 5. o D >9 11 1° 1_' 1' >0 L & 0 99.0 10.0 I 9.0 10.30 I 9 . 3 10 x30 14 30 14 .3o 14.30 16 16 16 15 15 15 13. 3o 17 13. 3o 1, 13.30 17 Tfoofiooa,oofoioooofoo 0. apex of branoh fool; 2. paraphyllia; 3. peoichactial foof; 4. basalomaginoofperihactiallfo. T. oiootofoo . branchfoof; 6. tunlef; 7.apexof branchlef;. parphylli. T. affoo0; . tem lef;1. branch leaf; if. apoo of branch fool; 12. paoaphoylfia. T. inolvenoo: 13. st00m 1ea1; 04. booooh fool; 15. paraphyllia; 16. lower portoof ota; 17. apex oflbrancholeaf. fTo; liom schisocalyx: 0. apex of boaooh foal; 2. paoaphyllia; 3. pooiohaetial fool; 4. basal marginof peofohaooia lef. T.omintulum: 5. brancholeaf;. temolea; 7. apex of brancoh leaf; 8. parapbyllia. T. allenii: 9. stoem leaf; 10. brancho leaf; 1f. apoex of broaoch fool; 02. paraphoyllia. T. noofoooo 13. stoom lefoo; 04. booooh fool; 15. parapboyllia; 16. lowooo portion of sta; 1f. apex of boaooh foal. Tfoofiooo,, scsocalyx:foo 0. opeo of booaooh fool; 2. poraphyllia; 0. poofofooodof lool; 4. hoofl maoognoof pookfoootiolfleaf. T. ooiootofooo 5. banch fool; 6. stem leaf; 7. apex of brancoh foal; 0. paraphyllia. T. offooff; 9. stoem leaf; 10. branch leof; 11. opeo of hbo0nc lfo; 02. paraphyffo. T. inolveno: 13. stouo lefoo; 04. booooh fool; 15. ooooohofffo; 16. fowoor ortioo of seta; 17. apex of booooh fool.  1 x30 f '= PLATE 102 2 ,o o /5 I x so 27 J 4 PLATE 102 I x 30 PLAOTE 102 2 DO °2 pp I 'I j I8 '9 / 1) o 6 x3u Hypopterygium tamar ,, : 1. lateral leaf; 2. ventral leaf; 3. branch; 4. leaf base; 5. leaf apex. i..br o. aelii: 6. leaf; 7. leaf base; S. leaf apex. base; 5. lea ape.. 3 37 >7 1.12 N .52 2' l- lire' 8, 12 S -10 3 .20o 4 97 it u a o 3 .30 f 9 8.12 Neckeropsis disticha: 1. branch with cap sl; 2. 5operculu; 3. leaf; 4. basalleaf clls; 5. peristome and spores. N. undlata: 6. leaf; 7.klefpex margin; 8. perihatialleaves andcpsule; 9.peitomes. Nceossdistika:r 1. branch with bapsule; 2. 0 operulu; 3. leaf; 4. basalleaf cells; 5, perlstomeo and spores. N. un~dulata: 6. leaf; 7. lef pex magin; .perichaetial leaves and capsule;9.peritomeo. Neckrkoopidistidlo 1. banchtith cpslek;2. operculum;3. leaf; 4. basallef cel;5. peitomeo and spores. N. unsdulata: 6. leaf; 7. leafpextmagin; 8. perichaetialleasansd capsule;9.peitomeo.  .30~ PLATE 106 I .7o~ o 3 .\ Pi ~30 J fAD 1 .30 PLATE 106 PLAT 106PLAT 106PLATE 106 D D ODoaoo egoooa o - oD 3 4~ 2 .o P 5 6T 7 o I oo 7 .30 a Al pN T' J0 cel1s near costa; 5. leaf apices; 6. median maginal leaf cells; 7. alttenuated, denuoded branch. Papilla-ok.grescens 1. stem..leave; 2. branch leaves; 3. leafbbas; 4. meodian leaf celbsnear ostao; 5.lef pice; 6. meodian. margial leaf ce11s; 7. attenuated, denu.ded branch. Papilla-b nigrescens:; 1. tem1leaves; 2. branch leaves0; 3,leafbas;4.0mdian leaf l. nea costa; 5.leafapices; 6. mdian.,maginalleaf lls,;7. alttenuated, denu1ded branch.  PLATE 107 PLATE 107 PLATE 107 PLATEN/ 10-PAE 01PAE 0 IR92 101(2 I> .3o 5 .jj \j7 6 Rf .36 Barbella pendula: 1. leaf; 2. leaf apex; 3. leaf base; 4. median marginal leaf cells. Meteoriopsis patula: 5. leaves; 6. median marginal leaf cells; 7. leaf base. Meteoriopsptula: 5.leaves; 6.medin margalef ce; 7. leafbas. Barellapedla: 1.la;2 efae;3 efbs;4 einmria efcls Meltoriopspatula 5.leave; 6. mdian mginal lefcell; 7.leaf bas.  PLATE 108 2 x 30 PLATE 108PLT 10 PLATE 108 13 .30 1 x 30 ("2 .3o 3 .30 1 . 30 2 .30 3 .30 Saa a 11%5 If, S t o E 6 G J14 't ff 6 Jaegerina scariosa: 1, 2, 3. leaves; 4. plants showing rhizomatous stem; S. median leaf cells; 6. leaf base; 7. leaf apex; 8. propagula. aeina scroa ,2 .lae;4 lns hwn hzmtu tm .mda Jaegerina scariosa: 1, 2, 3. leaves; 4. plants showing rhizomatous stem; 5. median leaf cells; 6. leaf base; 7. leaf apex; 8. propagula.  PLATE 109 2 PLATE 109 ,u Il. t 2 <1. 2 D El O oK 1 , 30 2 2 j v3 D 1 .30 PLATE 109 2i 4 4 D O I0 1 9 10 10 ''1/ 21 6 5 -70 7 5lo 7 Pireella poh lii: 1. 11af; 2. leaf apx 3. lea base; 4. prpglm P. vbfla  PLATE 110 PLATE 110 PLATE 110PLT10 PLATE 110 Py iK ttn J 7 . 0 3 .30 I 70 3 .30 8 10 7Io 10 " 7a.3 10 Psud . p" f Uelfer,: 1. stem. nihhread5-like branch; 2. leot tom. bronch; 3. stem loot; 4. meia dleaf ce lls; i. apicl Oleaf cells 6. alar region. Lcoon-o topsis gooieulata 7. leaf; 8. median leaf cells; 9. apical leaf cells; 10. ala reogio.. t' .oloo ph.o , f.aollitora: 1. stemwit threadIike branch.; 2. loot to.m boranch; 3. owtem loot; 4. moedion loot cells; 3. apicatloo cfdel; 6. alar regioo. Leoono- 1 -pois . o:oool, oo 7. loot; 8. meodian loot cells; 9. apical loot cells; 1t. alar rgion. Pooedwo. lho flaloolfooo. 1. stem. with thread-lie branch; 2. loot fom branch; 3.oselef; 4,mdianolea lls; .pical leaf cll; .lar gionLeuedon- topioogei.eult7lea;t8. mdoialefols; .picalleatels;10.tlar reo.  PLATE 1I1 PLATE 101 ~PLATE 111PLT 1 PLATE 111 3 .12 10 2 .1o :4 10 30.7 6 f4 2.12 10 5 1 2 I C', ~3 7 loo a )MOR 8 7 Leucedon julaceus: 1. leaf; 2. capsule; 3. calyptra; 4, 5. lower an pper pool- chaooial leaves; 6. leaf apex; 7. olar region; 8. meodian leaf cells; 9. peristomeo; 10. spores. Leucodon, julaboool 1. leaf; 2. capsule; 3. calyptra; 4, 5. lower ad pper pei- chaotial leaves; 6. leaf apex; 7. alar begion; 8. median0 leaf cel1s; 9. pehistomeo; 10. spores. Leoden julacbooooo 1. lef; 2.apsul; 3. caopo; 4,5. owerad ppe pei- chaetial leaves; 6. leaf apex; 7. alar region; 8. meodian leaf cells; 9. perisomeo; 10. spores.  PLATE 112 PLAT 112PIAT 112PLATE 112 PLATE 112 2 3v nL 2 UL I x 30 1- V 1 x30 I ,12 5 .12 S? 4 8 2~~ c .12 I I l 4 .12 5 x 12 6. 'c ~ I \ 7 x 12 I 4 .12 y j ~ 2 4; 7.1 Leuco I bahypus: 1. leaf; 2. medinlf cells; 3. lef apex.; 4. mal inflores- cence; 5,6.ower ad upper perichatialeave; 7.cpsul; 8. perisomeand ce;, 6Ilower and pper pio ho1 leave; 7. capsul;8. peistaltic ad Looucodo baco0ypus: 1.eaf; 2. medinlef celso;3. lef apex; 4.omlinflores- cenc; 5,6. lowe ad pper perchtal laves; 7. cpsule; 8.peristomeoand  I~- >i~I~s~ *Th~ 3 0 0 00 - ---------- §0 i-co ci  P1LATE 114 20000 d 3o PLATE 114 /II \ I III ! i i 1 4.3o PLATE. 114 2 3 8 o ooo~o~o~oo 0.poiohotioloo °o00\Do8 Sa0 6 ooo 00 8o CrIphae g1lmerta: 1. 1eaf; 2. l apex; 3. leaf bse; 4.capsule and peiebacihl leave; 5. peristme an s13 pore. C. nrolsa: 6. leaf; 7. Alea apex. C. glomeraota var. s.abra: 8 0perichactial 11af. o~oo; .ootioo  II o X00 ~ o6 N o J -9 arc o9~f J II r - OM9 >9119 -9 -90 019 99 79 V, 19 k9 91 -9 99> 9-9, --999 >10 -9911 - '9  PLATE 116 PLAT 116PLIT 116PLATE 116 PLATE 116 . 1 .30 oooa 2 I mm ) 1N , 1d.30 7 .3o 1 . 3 no 6.30 0 III\I , 3 7 .so 30 9 0 K ii; 5 .30 90 K1t <7 o 5 .3o $ j Anacaptodon splachnides 1. les ; 2. 1eaf apex.; 3. mdialea cel s; 4. 1eaf base;5. pihaetialleaves; 6.cpsuleand calyptra; 7.l~dcpsul; 8. spors; 9. peristosss. Anacamptodonlsplchnids: 1.lve; 2. leafapex; 3. medianlef ll;4.1leaf bases;5. peichaetial leaves; 6. capsuleand calypta; 7.oldcpsule; .spoes; 9. peristomes. bas; 5. perichaetial leavs; 6. capsule and cal1ptra; 7. ld capsule; 8.spr; 9. perislsss.  c c - c Cz wzCu Az C ' C PLATE 118 PLATT 118118F l PLATE 118 A 1 1C q\ I 7 i I > l5 .12 V y2 1 I12 2 .12 5 12 C o CC F 7 i C a I ' ? J 6 8 512 y I C I 1 12 2 12 7 { (2 ° s 6 Foltinalis itih,, . 121 121,2,ave; 2. 8112211 1e1ves; 3. 11a8 apex; 4. afar 11eg2on. F. flaccida: 5. leaf; 6. leaf apex; 7. me1dian1 leaf cells; 8. a1ar region1. Font1,,ilsll21. 111 Ica-l; 2. branhleave;3.leaf pe; 4. afar gion1.  PLATE 119 PLATE 119 PLATE 119 1; V 1' 1111 )/Y I'II' 1 . 12 81.12 r I l 6 i 5? 1 t v K J ThJ a 8 .12 511 HI 81x12 Pt, ~%KL C FF7 2 y1 1 I ThU J I ill .K Ft 10 I 1 1 1 1 v ;10 P 111 UI I' III 12 I I Braehelyma robust um: 1. leaf; 2. leaf apex; 3. median leaf cells; 4. cells from alar region. Dichelyma capillaceum: 5. leaves; 6. leaf apex; 7. cells from alar region. B..subulatum: 8. leaf; 9. leaf apex; 10. median leaf cells; 11. median marginal cells; 12. cells from alar region. Iv 1~~10 II 12 \(l \L 'J ii iI 12 Brachelyma robustum: 1. leaf; 2. leaf apex; 3. median leaf cells; 4. cells from alar region. Dichelyma capillaceum: 5. leaves; 6. leaf apex; 7. cells from alar region. B. subulatum: 8. leaf; 9. leaf apex; 10. median leaf cells; 11. median marginal cells; 12. cells from alar region.  PLATE 120 PLATE 120 PLATE 120PAT12 PLATE 120 10 02 / 4 x12 I D0 2 x 1Y 4 x 12 I ill II 00 2 ^l1 l1 x12 4 2 SUE Atih m a mttr:1. casl;2 pte ;3 pecl .cpuewt calyptra; 5. spores; 6. 1eaf; 7. median2 marginal leaf ce11s; 8, 9. cross sctions o leaves. Atrihum,2,,,guttu,, 1. capsul; 2. epithem2; 3. opercul1um2; 4. capsule22with calyptra; 5.2 soe; 6.leaf; 7.2median; marginalleafcells; 8, 9 cros2set2os2o leaves.  Oho) jI c cci O~o & 0  r22 1,.12 0 02 4 x2, 3 ,12 5 5 I VII ;(T Q2 0 3 . 12 I1.12 0 3,.12 5 I,, 1 4,.12 4 .12; I i Q CD 6 7 i 0 d K e 6 7 CC> s 0 0 C 6 7 n 0 Pog2on2tul, brl,2hyphyll,,, 1. capsu1e; 2. spores,; 3.2calyp11a; 4. 1ea2; 5. c11ls1from capsle 11111; 6. basal marginal2 cells; 7. m11dian1 mar1ginal cells; 8. cross1sect2on of 1eaf. Pl,12,1tum1 b,12117phll1111 1. c1ap1u1e; 2. sp11res; 3. ca1yp11a; 4. 12a2; 5. ce11s f11om, capsule wall]; 6. basal marginal1 ce11s; 7. median11 mar1ginalcells; 8.crsseto of11eaf. Poag212l11 brac1hypl12,11 1. c1ps212; 2. 1211res; 3. calyp11a; 4. 1112; 5. cells fr11om casl al;6 aa mria1els2.mdanmria2cls1.crs eto  PLATE 123PLT 12PAT 13 PLATE 123 PLATE 123 Pgnt pniaicum: 1. casl; 2. spors 3. ce fo capsul wl 8. mdan magina cells 9. upprmaginal ce; 10. eve. Pogonatum pensilvanicum: 1. capsule; 2. spores; 3. cells from capsule wall; 4. capsule with calyptra; 5. peristome; 6. leaf lamellae; 7. basal marginal cells; 8. median marginal cells; 9. upper marginal cells; 10. leaves. Pogonatum pensilvanicum: 1. capsul; 2. spores; 3. cells from capsule wall; 4. capsule with calyptra; 5, peristome; 6. leaf lamellae; 7. basal marginal cells; 8. median marginal cells; 9. upper marginal cells; 10. leaves.  PLATE 124 ILAIE 124 ~PLATE 124 LT12 PLATE 124 2 .10 \C'7 ;j 1 .1 2 8 'I U 10 7 8 Me ~~~O hj 7l 1U\ < oc0 ' t ,rt 7 0l a 0008 JO %777 00007 r1( - Polytrichum commune: 1. capsule with calyptra; 2. dry capsule; 3. peristome, spores; 4. cells from capsule wall; 5. leaves; 6, leaf apex; 7. cross section of leaf; 8. median marginal cells. Poltrchu cmmue:1. casl wi3th calyptra; 2. dry capsul; 3. peitoe Polytrichum commune: 1. capsule with calyptra; 2. dry capsule; 3. peristome, spores; 4. cells from capsule wall; 5. leaves; 6. leaf apex; 7. cross section of leaf; 8. median marginal cells.  PLATE 125 PLAT 125PLXT 125PLATE 125 PLATE 125 3 h 4 KV° 1 1E 5 C 7 l V2 LEC'W4 1 6I 7 5 x3 4 >7 10 11 13 12 6 14 6. stmlef 7. crs etose.S rtrclx 8, 9. dora an~d vetralsds of banh; 12. stenlaf; 13. divided cells, tipper prtion Af stmlaf; 14. cortica es ofsftem. 10 13 14 Sphgummaglisli,2 1, 2 osal and ventrl sisds mdin el fbrancsh 6. stemssleaf; 7. cs section, stem. S. rythrocalyx: 8, 9.dsl ad venrl sds of mediancells ofbranchleaf; 10. crss so,banh lef;lt. coril cels of1 branch; 12. sem leaf; 13. divided cells, upper, poriono stems Isaf; 14.coticl cll~sofse. 10 5,I g on isgslss 1, 2. dosl and ventrtAsids ofmedian cllf branch leaf; 3. branch leaf; 4. crs~ssetion,, brancsh lsaf; 5. cortical clls of sts,,,; 6. stemle;;7. crssseco, stem. S.s elhrocalyx 8, 9. dsa,.l setrasids of medsins cellsof branchleaf; 103. crs,s sto, brancsh laf;11. cicl clls oflbranch; 12. sem leaf; 13. divided cell, uppss portio fs ernle,Iaf; 14. cortil cellss.  Q Man i -ate P e' PLATE 126 N PLATE 126 Q 4 O7^ 1 f '' L e 5 CX3CP' 4 8 e PLATE 126 T Q l 62 3 i 8 i t 11 _ i 2 10 9 Sphagnum palustre: 1. habit of plant; 2. fascicle of branches; 3. perichaetium and capsule; 4. cortical cells of branch; 5. cross section of branch; 6. cross section, branch leaf; 7. branch leaf; 8, 9. dorsal and ventral sides of median cell of branch leaf; 10. dorsal side, apex of branch leaf, showing resorbed areas; 11. cortical cells of stem; 12. stem leaf. 11 7 i S 'aifl 10 - 12.. 8 7 i t 11 4 10 12 i 0 Sphagnum palustre: 1. habit of plant; 2. fascicle of branches; 3. perichaetmen and capsule; 4. cortical cells of branch; 5. cross section of branch; 6. cross section, branch leaf; 7. branch leaf; 8, 9. dorsal and ventral sides of median cell of branch leaf; 10. dorsal side, apex of branch leaf, showing resorbed areas; 11. cortical cells of stem; 12. stem leaf. Sphagnum palustre: 1. habit of plant; 2. fascicle of branches; 3. perichaetmen and capsule; 4. cortical cells of branch; 5. cross section of branch; 6. cross section, branch leaf; 7. branch leaf; 8, 9. dorsal and ventral sides of median cell of branch leaf; 10. dorsal side, apex of branch leaf, showing resorbed areas; 11. cortical cells of stem; 12. stem leaf.  PLATE 127 PLATE 127 PLATE 127 0 4 I D Q 00 SC) 'r Q4 10 I I ) 0 Q9 12 tk / 0 1 r, 5 n 10 2 ld L 8 -, 7 6 413 C 4 I _C) 14 12 11 Sphagnum henryense: 1, 2. dorsal and ventral sides of median cell of branch leaf; 3, cross section, branch leaf; 4. cortical cells of stem. S. imbricatnm: 5, 6. dorsal and ventral sides of median cell of branch leaf; 7. cross section, branch leaf; 8. cortical cells, branch; 9. cortical cells, stem. S. portorieense: 10, 11. dorsal and ventral sides of median cell of branch leaf; 12. cross section, branch leaf; 13. cortical cells of branch; 14. cortical cells of stem. SphgIIul hye3 PLATE 131 J A l 2 °3 5 3>3 1; I 12' 2' 2', 8 3 On1 Sphagnum cyclophyllum: 1. plant habit; 2, stem leaf; 3, 4. dorsal and ventral sides of median cell of branch leaf; 5. cross section, branch leaf. S. macrophvllum: 6, fascicle of branches; 7. branch leaf; 8. dorsal side, median cell of branch leaf. S. macrophyllum var. fioridanum: 9. dorsal side, median cell of branch leaf; 10. cross section, branch leaf; 11. cross section, stem; 12. stem leaf. Sphagnum cyclophyllum: 1. plant habit; 2. stem leaf; 3, 4. dorsal and ventral sides of median cell of branch leaf; 5, cross section, branch leaf. S. macrophvllum: 6. fascicle of branches; 7. branch leaf; 8. dorsal side, median cell of branch leaf. S. macrophyllum var. fioridanum: 9. dorsal side, median cell of branch leaf; 10. cross section, branch leaf; 11. cross section, stem; 12. stem leaf. Sphagnum cyclophyllum: 1. plant habit; 2. stem leaf; 3, 4. dorsal and ventral sides of median cell of branch leaf; S. cross section, branch leaf. S. macrophvllum: 6. fascicle of branches; 7. branch leaf; 8. dorsal side, median cell of branch leaf. S. macrophvllum var. fioridanum: 9. dorsal side, median cell of branch leaf; 10. cross section, branch leaf; 11. cross section, stem; 12. stem leaf.  PLATE13 IO 8 1 b hi 3, 4 rn1dd i 1i1b ~hi ; 4 8. hif; , 1. d 1~d ld ~ i~ d1~ ~ ~3 k~f; 14 1 PLATE 132 O 0 2 4 3 I 7i ky. i '. PLATE 132 O 0 O 4 3 7 0 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 11 8 10 9 I 30C I G,-- 13 14 Sphagnum --sterfianum: 1. branch leaf; 2. dorsal side of cells below apex of branch leaf; 3, 4. dorsal and ventral sides of median cell of branch leaf; i. cross section, branch leaf; 6. cortical cells of branch leaf; 7. stem leaf. S. meridense: 8. branch leaf; 9, 10. dorsal and ventral sides of median cell of branch Icaf; 11. ventral side of cells below apex of branch leaf; 12, 13. cross sections, branch leaf; 14. stem leaf. J i11 8 10 121 seto, branch lea; 6. corica cells f branh lef; 7.E~ stmla. S. meiene  PLATE 133PAT 13PL E13 PLATE 133 PLATE 133 4 8 Kt 11 10 Y k 8 K5 90 10 8 90 1 0 7- 7 0 11 10 12 13 1\\ Sphagnum tenerum.: 1. stem leaf; 2, 4. ventral and dorsal sides of median cell of branch leaf; 3. cross section, branch leaf; 5. cortical cells of branch; 6. dorsal margin, branch leaf; 7. branch leaf. S. tabulare: 8. branch leaf; 9. dorsal margin, branch leaf; 10, 11. dorsal and ventral sides of median cell of branch leaf; 12, 13, 14. cross sections, branch leaf. j 12 13 14 Sphagnum tenerum: 1. stem leaf; 2, 4. ventral and dorsal sides of median cell of branch leaf; 3. cross section, branch leaf; 5. cortical cells of branch; 6. dorsal margin, branch leaf; 7, branch leaf. S. tabulare: 8. branch leaf; 9. dorsal margin, branch leaf; 10, it. dorsal and ventral sides of median cell of branch leaf; 12, 13, 14. cross sections, branch leaf. branh lea; 3. crs setin branh lea; 5. cotia cels ofbranh; 6. dorsal 13, 14. crs etos branh leaf.  Index Index Index Acaulo,1 32, 34 rfse,34, P1. 32 111111)1 30, P1. 93 AMBYS .GIAEA, 65 811b]1 1eg14111 134 confervoid111s, 134 A3)66otegiu11 66, 67 3 11111,111113, 67, 63, P1. 71 serpens,1 67, 68, Pb. 71 vru,67 63. P1. 70 varum ar lnifolium1, 68, P1. 70 A43)10310o, 111 1)pl,111611ide1, 111,3P1. 116 Amndn 31, 32 3teuts 2, 93,3P1. 37 mio,92, P1.397 3etan,85, 32, Pl. 37 (tristi), 31 Aphaorrhegma0, 47, 60 .erau, 33, P1. 32 Arc41dium, 11 alenflua 11, 12, P. 1 Aflorid3 33.., 40 3 P.1 hallii,1611313l111, 40, P 33 l1ngl 41,11, 1, P. 12 (3),11,11)11), 117Pl 1 Atr411chum1, 117 (11111613)1113, 117 67111ticum 556,1 88l). 37 8116el1a 102, 103 pendul1), 103 Pl. 107 811161111 33, 41 agraria,1 41, 42, P. 41 cruegeri,1 41, 37, Pb.41 Brachelyma,1 113, 113 robustum,111 115, l 113 116111,111111 11, l 113 8111171013)11111 38, 62 mac17ro17a11)1111 62, Pb. 66 13113611m 62, P)1 63 81111163)16114113), 71 Brachythecium, 7, 731.7 3)11111)6),u7, 72,)1. 75 11117,11,, -11, 72, 7 3, Pb. 76 p- , li11111e, 72, P.73,b7 1(4lu141111), 73 811116)11 7, 1 3, 4 7 1113)1711110), 14, 13, P. 13 (py,171,, 3 8ru11i, 3 1 1131111 14,3, 33, P. 63 bicol3)11, 33, 68, P1. 62 269 Aca11161, 42, 34 1111e11en11 34, P1. 32 A111,)11111113 88, 33) 1111113)1 33, P1. 31 411116110101.81 134 1111f1117111471 134 Am)blystgium,1 66, 67 3111111111111111 67, 68, P1. 71 1713)111 6768, Pb.7l 11111111116763. P1.70 var11111111 32r la3ciolium 37 l.7 1111111)1 32n 1113 splchoies I1,)3 .11 Anhomodon,7g391, 472 3 .1111111,111, 9, P1. 32 9 411-61492, Pl. 17 rostrat, 5,12, l. 10 Aphaorrbeg33, 4,5 Archidi113, 11 Barbel11, 102, 103 p1114u1), 103, Pl1 107 Barbula,1 33, 41 agraria,11 41, 42, P)1 41 cruegeri,1 41, 37, Pl. 41 81,1761113)1 113, 113 robust1)11, 115, Pl. 113 11611)1111, 115, Pl. 113 811111)3)1111113 5, 62 3)11771111171111 62, P1. 63 13)111)611)1 62, P)1 63 8111176)61176.13 71 11111111111)113 72, Pl1 711 fla1gellare, 72, 73, P)1 73 pe1111113)1 72,3P1 74 r11)11111111 72, 73, P)1 76 111161111-a,72, 73, Pl1 74 Bru7611 13, 14 d1113)1111,114, 14, 13l. 14 rav, !!3 18 Pl 1 6)711)111 33, 60, P)1 62 (6111111) 60 263 4711111111 32, 34 1uf7111n11 34, Pl. 32 411113)1111111 88, 33) c63)6rvoid111 134 411161)1173)1111 66, 67 111111)161111113 67, 68, Pl1. 71 serpens,1 6, 68, Pl. 71 1111113 67, 63. P)1 70 11111111111111 111111(11111,n68, Pb. 78 81111713)3)114111 11) 13p1a1h61id17, III, P). 116 Aphan11ohegma1, 47, 30 Archi)dium1, 11 6113)11our, 11, 12, . 1 florid13) 33, 40 l.1 hall11,1112)113, 48, 10 1 3 A1147611,11 11 2 P.1 1111411)1111161 B111611111 102, 103 7111411)1 103, Pl 10)7 8116111, 33, 41 113)1113)1 41, 42, P). 41 1111)13)17 41, 97, Pl. 41 8,1111111111111711113 116 811767)711l1 113 82.11 3)1111)11111)311 , 62 . 3))16 81176y6714i3), 71 6 111113)1111)113, 72, P)1. 73 m113)1iu0, 72, 733. 73 3)1111111at, 7, 72,)1. 75 11ag11-11, 72, 73,3Pl. 75 p11)1111111ii, 72, 733). 74 13)3)14111-, 73 Bruc6)11, 13, 14 111171611111, 14, P)1. 14 411111113)3, 14, 13, Pb. 13 drummondii143, 14, 13, P)1. 14 8y11, 38 argen111)eum3, 38, 33, P)1. 63) bicolor1, 33, 60, 3)). 62 (6)11m13), 68 269  270 MOSSES OF FLORIDA 20MSE OF LOIA270 MOSSES OF FLORIDA27MOSS FFL IA 270 MOSSES OF FLORIDA caFillare, 59, 60, Fl. 62 coronatum,, 58, 59, Fl. 61 cruegeri0, 59, 61, Fl. 63 cusFidatum, 59, 60, Fl. 61 pseudotriquetru,. 99, 60, Fl. 63 Cal10costella, 99 pallida, 99, Fl. 103 (sabriseta), 99 CALSMFORACEAE0, 26 CalyRFeres, 26 donneflli, 27, 20, 29, Fl. 27 7 10010,0), 28 eooom, 27, 20, Fl. 27 oashii, 27, Fl. 26 riobhardii, 27, Fl. 26 Cooopylium, 66 Obrylophbllo w, 66, Fl. 69 Opl7OODOiOi , 66, 67, Fl. 69 radisale, 66, Fl. 69 CampopF, 10, 20 anguosirti, 21, 22, Pl. 21 arctocarp0, 21, Fl. 20 dsonel, 21, 22, Fl. 22 flexosusl, 21, 23, Fl. 20 gracilicau1lis, 21, 22, Fl. 22 (3, osilloolli, var. donellii), 22 introflexus, 21, Fl. 21 (Chamberlalii acuminata01), 12 Cirriphyllumo, 71, 74 (601011), 74 ileerm 74, Fl. 70 Clasmatodon, 111, 112 parvu100, 112, Fl. 115 CLIMAIACEAE0, 76 Climaciumo, 76 011151000000, 76, Fl. 80 kindbegii, 77 Coyphoso, 109 glomeratao, 109, Fl. 114 gOlo,,t varso. sabra, 110, Fl. 114 nervosa, 109, 110, Fl. 114 CRYPHAEACEAEo, 109 Cyclodictyon, 99, 100 varians, 100, Fl. 103 DeslooO, 33, 07 (barbu10), 30 garoberi, 37, 38, Fl. 37 Fplnthobius, 37, 30, Fl. 37 (spFenglii, 37 Dicheolyma, 113, 115 0073000500m, 110, Fl. 119 DICRANACEAE, 18 Dicranell, 10 herminierl, 10, 19, Fl. 10 heteomaoll, 19, 20, Fl. 19 hilarianao, 10, 19, Fl. 18 1Fb050000070, 10, 19, Fl. 19 0ari0, 19, 20, Fl. 19 Dicranum0, 10, 23 odoolololo, 23, Fl. 23 scoparium, 134 Didyomodoo, 33, 41 fouscoviridis, 41, Fl. 30 DITRICHACEAE0, 13 Ditrichum, 14, 16 currtukii, 17, Fl. 16 FalliduOD, 17, Fl. 17 p0sillum, 134 Foooopothsoiooo, 79, 00, 05 caloosens, 85, P1. 91 FEntodon, 77 clodorhizan, 77, 70, Fl. 02 (drumonodii), 70 macropFus, 77, 70, Fl. 83 seductrix, 77, 70, 71. 01 FNODOoooEoo,so,77 Fntosthodon, 47, 49 drumondooii, 49, Fl. 49 FPHEMERACEAE, 44 FEphImDrum, 44, 45 c0haerans, 45, 46,Pl. 45 crassinerviu0m00, 450, Pl. 450 1730010--, 45, Fl. 44 FRODRIACEAE, 92 Fucldiumo, 33, 30 verticillotum, 30, 97, Fl. 36 (FoolhyochioR), 74, 71 (hians), 74 (rappii), 79 (sooo1000,o, 70 Fabonoia, 111, 112 ra.0nelii, 112, Fl. 102 FAOROOIAOEAO, 110 Fissidens,1 odihoisdo, 2, 9, Fl. 1 andeoi, ol2,6,FPl6 brycides, 2, 4, 5, Pl. 3 cristatus, 2, 0, 9, PF. 1 debilis 1, 3, Fl. 1 dOoooolli, 2, 10, Fl. 9 exiguus, 2, 6 e0i0001 var. (01catu1us, 6, Fl. 6 (falcatluso), 11 garbri, 2, 7,FPl halli, 2, 11, Fl. 4 (julianus), 3 kegelianuso, 2, 3, Fl. 2 (litleil), 11 manates0is, 1, 3, Fl. I minutluso, 2, 4, P1. 3 caFillOr0, 09, 60, Fl. 62 corooatum, 58, 59, Fl. 61 cruegeri, 59, 61, Fl. 60 cuspidatum, 59, 60, Fl. 61 7003010131000000, 09, 60, Fl. 63 Calliostella, 99 Falida, 99, Fl. 103 (scabriseta1), 99 CALY