e'C OSGAV R O . S COOSG \Zii i0 . 0 'C O C 1 RZO1R.. L . . 7@A C@lQ AOA l l1JO eAiR1 Rl \L1 A l l A O° \ARtiO R O @ PRV A OZ AS ZlR  " , ., g o Q am ~ ~ a N. \N o .ta ._ e i,. ,. , , .., . - ti m a. aA a. .- , e __.,'m w. .,m a.g- ..... -.-:. R hw W _ - , .,a _..... . .q. . ,, e> . G . . o <.o- ti q ,a« ,.. -.., _ .. w a. \ _ vv. .. a.....r..... ., ,.. .. n . .. ,__ . :.:a _ . - . ..ea .. -; v 1  X N OAO\h 3@ > . Cpl R A O t1 ..4 R COQ\Cl i 1 @. 5   1777 ,O 077 7 /777777,747 /7,,1 71,,,,7, /7177777077 A17HE1 CABINET 7" 17 ,p7,7n, 7,77,77 /71Sne rea /7777[71177777'1 ].17777 THE CAB7777NET 7 77,777777 J7n 777 17771~ o e', e. 71"O ,,,.77 /7777777787 7, 7777 7  w,  v anb by fA rn ybbv o N~ l !!blh nnrwdrie yteSel th Sbe~ j4h w by o owK S~i i h Hr~r rutn fhooJA oe y b y fo lrrd o rreletm on~rro normdeeTul Swma,,N,'b by tb,',, G r ,, K yy,,,,,, lN', b q,,l rniro os l b h l deKy mrd ,','da 4,-I by th SneA, thA Skiod-wt th owr A.lr b rldc grr of hw. o~o by tI,' by,,', dl ofbA~ , th rz Amr~ of bb Hrr adth rf ; r , 4 t* ° 4 F. ,p{ b v . * .m }i _ bu. vF \R # rs }i* * y s v z, fs Y { m . 't £.. K. "ma S } R"" - , . 4 1'K Y 3 } 5 . tx h§.' * ?5 F.Y}rt m },. jy rt S* K } K iii } t M'+.,,} } { : g# 5 d $'rt a + i , , xs '' a a «_ tK a  91 Fla F p 124 9 14 a 0 Q3 a e x 0 - -S p to = z 1MO-Hus se; __ o ap'p' look $= c a - -'"xr x _ M1 F _ y 2 E 3" r _ r  rgooq ~ ~ ~ ~ " aq ,vP'9~ra n<(/Y '"q°" ° ""p~ "L'L""''""w, ! r°< " y°:" s'ir~nu "r, "'1u. r~ vqr'" rV "'4 , o/ u!- L"'< p"I'qrgrq""p"/ n~a rr") ay ,of "'If'vu I'"L'"L"L aPa 'I[I a rv rrr q """If yr'r"'I"''LI"'L"'I""P""I~npn yt"I fL'I'L 'r ""''L'L' ar I"'"'a!o~,ry" rgoo'LIaI"L(p"'""p"" '(."IL' 'I~rc 'I'"L"' p ,vrvdmv vaw r w~f xvEgt u p!L I'i'I'I"I 8uruI agrr"' "''p " Is'n~u vp!o' x"4 , ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Iq "".L"'. ,yrvvaJtr.aa !u ,(l'L'uII"""'"'9'I~I''qI" "Si "'"'LI eq ILvq "r+v!a ''fwvgvayo ag a~u I'' f'r,"""'LI"""Lvpud "q'd 8vyva, goo "''IL"0"0 I"" wi'I'$L' . LI"'I ~va~y LI "' ,I f' !"I""f 'I'npp~ orov~ra q a xr III+8 Lr , 'Ia vyr"L n , II'vrav ,yooq eqr (yvg v P., I-~ v."f,- rgooq omr pnv <>dadrm w°,f Pra yea n. ap!.oyq "r rHH'dH~~~HHH ay HHH[/o. 'HH'HH wryarg~u pv HHHv HffHH '2ff~ -"'HI ~uu{/ raFpapn x . [HHHtl I-HHr no[ HHHH'""HH HUH lHmssvrvHHHHH HHHHLHH)H 'Hoi!waa.Pa moaaa r'I r~pul Hff~ar fpu aq!>r ,/H!yr u( HHHHwI HYu vaur a~vHHHaf' H p'HoH pHH ".g ( ap~ q r/r~rI~ ~araln rg reo HH''"u "HI ""'HP"'!) qyrra~~ pHH '+r uxl' rr [ uynoru a o~ry epwaH aaf ' HHrrn "HHHnrxr f,"H *f'HHHH H'Hf'w Hq pf' P'uoy'"'H"'H"'H pH HHHn! agHr Hf;,f *HHHHHHHH" agr 'HH fHHH5 'Hf'na HHH;HHHHH arg Hn ayr HHHy HHn ar HHHaa/ra gH ud pHHH f'HHHJ Hf-t'fqf 'Yf""H f;' 'HHo rnf pafHu HH';Hfq'H uvr H'"pud ~n> rp ear u H,'rra~ gaqav-wro ~.alm u - ,ra lu~rw o vuaa!pu y r~ p foH nHH unu aI H;"'H"" HHHHH rvHHHHdHH> HHHHHH;HH "" ad .ewc y u ~.aa psl H! prHHHHHHI"HpfHcg HffHHJ   EITORIAL PREFACE. d s.pr r, e uml f,,m,, C, o , , CC Lmw .Cm l .i m- Np,,C defeatbind C W vigor In,, Teprme6I' TorrA mb,,,~~~~ TI, ,m nC,,,, A, C , Iy,, m Cm,, mry ,,A Cme p,,,,CC,,m ,1 C,, T,,,,,,m -, O p m ,, gi> > 0 m m > p ' m m A EDITORIAL PREFACE. - pm m,Iy I rhIfA mA N 0,p ,, Ivd, ,,, A Jyi~ A,- A,,CC,,in mA ,rem - m 0,Cm, C a.A .,m, oC AC, ' Ca C'' '"' Cy mn,, ,ye m I~ I' , y. A C p,,Am ode;,, mm ,,'mA ' pI d ,,,, m, IiC bu,,,,8"mmI,,a h cAsn  - a $ - _ s e , - aov az  ig a ^ C c -- o 3=- LC ' v -= z k y _ a O O . r. _ ms-'  ' a'A''A'AAo JAq~ i "I'"'qu'' o "Al 'A "A 8o'a "''iA "'A' 6 A '' pp p"A Aa 'A 'Al "" '" "' a ' hH:"' ~ '"A 'A H'H '""'A SI "'AA'' aaue -{ i'A'I"'A"  po ay Iemwd-ueAP aY~J qm. , ~ s p A Ao)... m wveo , Va4 a .PA n Ie ~gp - A ,A , .. o a~~ a ~ eWSR L. AdTA''ng A."d IuA,,'a m q  nXXJX y XUX noyXXX aye Iw,"npu' ''"X XX XX XN '' o n u L'Noy ' X''.'' * N''L I ayX 1.XPXa X'Xp 'NXX "I '"X' " XXXNXI IX XX XPXX XN''" XX 'X ''X ' Pax I ~ j  0*  o . - o_;z 3_d=  [merm.en[2 2,, 12222222 ml J,22.222l 1.2 1 , , 2, 222022 Ipl,1,.I 22, ,lx .222,2 h ,2222222 2122 d 22 cohodmc 12 2222222222122222122222,12222 . II , 112.2 r , F2, 12 .l ., ll 2 2 p10222222.221222222 p2202222 ouy 22de- 02y , ,2 2212 h p12 1). 2,nu rmlyo )2 apDlwne I22.2,,, 2,0. 2)1 21212 2 ,a )222 222 h g.,2222 2 n 10 11)2 .122 .2 [,,2 1-22h k22.T22 co .2 22212121422 212222222121 F2,2 22 221nd22hefofl 2112.1 2,.2 II. m 212221 d 2 222 l~ 22m1mb 22,%222 222.21,221,2 2 1121t22 M1 ),[,.,2222ll 2,,222122202222222 222 2,..,2211,. 02111222) 222 2)22 1.2,.22'g22, o 1 h2 2 22e, oc p222 22.212.222212q 21 222 2 2 [12 22212 2 2 ).1 k F.k or22 raI ,222 2r2 h,,. 2, 22 122 1 22 22 122 2 22222 o1)1 222 r 2212222 22aw 22 2 p1221)212 gaus 2222221222222Y12 llg ~ w~h),,. n ),.,2.,,.22 pa pan22121212122.122122 u 1O .,2,.MF .s2p22222 endi2.g2122 2122.12122 1122 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ o .1,2 2. 21 1I w2 ~222 22 22 221h2222222 22 2 22220221 22 11 n21 p 222 22 22d II Ie , 22222222 d)) 1222 11, J22)20 222222 2, 2222)22222,1 y12 g12~ p2222l2 1h..1222.11222222 222[2 - 222222 2222112 , ho222212g2 22e ml[12 22222 22e g 22222221..(cry,2 212 222 22)0 2-2 1222222 222,e i n [2222221222 hi22le 22,mi 22222222222P 2212 252 1[222 02222222222222 21222 22 ,2Op2222,222 t 2222222212 2) 1 2222 2 522 22212222222222 22 P 12222222,,222222212 m,2,,, [212 I. .22,,, ,2 222 2 2 2)2 2 2fl 22f 12 2 2 2), 2 1 22 2 1 2 , d 222 222)22~~~ 2ff222 52222 hA2 t21,2212  valaa sM , , p yam app ,a go atim p a4 m pa4' u , Ana N vAs a. y I Pr> P pp w ppo pna~ "p" p .aa pp yp , j'i ( pI . 'I sp Pp ''p''P' ' ' '  aC_=Z _ k a° _-__ _- E w -:s - _ w. 7 ' E _.__P _..a_ ¢_.._ _ "= E TZ ., o  I 1414 4,fa th4 ch4e44 14444 4,444p I 4 ,J4 4nfe 4,14 1144 444e ~ 44414 4m , 44444444 e nye°, ' w -, 4(8a ,44 ,, ff444o 144 4444 -4444 (4(444 4,J(4 4 4444444,44(4 14, (444444 M4(( 44 b 1,44,8 44 4.4 44444444 44 4ff J 4414444444(4(444(4, p44- 4444444(4 11104444,4,4,41er '14444 J8. 44444 Y 14 n.14441444444 4,44,144 44444(44444,444r4444 an 44 b (4411 444444444444 1444T4444d44(444444443n44444444d 14441444 4441.4 44444444 4444 141444 44I44 41144444(444444(4444441444444 411(44(44*1 414(4444444444444 1444 (4 odyra 4 44444444444(4 4 ,4.44 4444,4444.44444 44 44m444 44444441441(4441 p44444444 6 ni441 444 D4144 b(4 1, 44-l1I ,4J (444 se 44144,144444(4444,441 by-s JI4 1444444444444 14444441c -a444 14444444 I 441444 orel,,4n ann enm enginee4,444444444444144 144444 444wu b -fl4 44r 4 e 44444 4 444 444444 ,,44144(i4 4, 4, 4,I444 , ,,,, ,,,4 4, 1(444441414444444 14444444414 444414444e441y 444 ye(44 14E 4 414444 4 14444 414144444444 4144444414(44444(444444d40ea- (444444444444444(4444444 men41444444441444144(44(44 4414 J1, 044444 J m444 444 444 444444( e 444144,4pr44444144(444(4444  17, III PIIIJI o Aa1y SS yr d 1 1 V. d. a. It. fi 14Sn1 (Ia v 1ym i13 6 uliaa :a on , mn paS v N ysay_ dd I < V S a i . yalyni Ilid 1 Io Iav .n . d , >r ad PIa a .i_ 11 (,vy.i. x q m . 1 xop 8n i 1 1 I ani a..ax adv 1 1 ., .1 Yn, xl.ati auS. I' I.. I. V P pp1p p'p p p[.1 PP I I IIP'[ 1a i1o ppy pa v 'pp pp pP '41 p v, p P I"''Pdp ''pv ppp p'pp VII p I '"" Pp',Ppp P'pp~pppp p p~d~pppypp~ Pp'Pp plp Pll'P'ppppp n p 'lnw ppP p pp pppa p ppy"' 'PPPP'Pp.pppppP"p pp pp 1pppppp P''pP''"'  Yn },lNII N, s aN c.Ian n iaaepb-a naPN bap, 1, 1,1, AN III ~ ~ ~ ~ n I,,IINIi , II Nb,,A Np, .J,NV ,,, ,,IIIN I T}~ II II A HNA NIH AC II,,NHI, C N, aNNI,,I,,II , nI, re. IIIIl III~NA} F IN NIIN,,. INIII NI NN e ke NI INNNII N rl no1c11 N pl NHIN 111 od~ , IN pIIII IN H I,, I~~~ I, IHIlN N.AJ l o,  wtMny oW Ire to sscl po v6 aivsautw tno. AOldwa aqm tvyt uall , ynm I r K p u .. Y E i. E E A o _ c c -  . - 5 _ E - E - - E 2 22 n 22_ -22 222 - = E E _ ss _ _ 3 o C - - Y F - - _ E - E _ T 79 - a t7 2222- + E S 9 E a E . .. A .: b c7  °' 8>8nF E s 3 s K 6 __ n xa s a3 S 9YR  HHQMWFMHIM o- 3 E '2a sc c 3 . U3 3 3 _ ? c F Ron £ ti 3 S a G 3n - y . p~~- - a 3 E3Y a 3 c3R3 a R IM a _ % a.V -. ? Q2R?233 3  5 -.h - 5 E' E 5 $ . 23 E. o - Eo 'x ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ '- 3 $Eo . >.3 c&fE5  The prepammi wh, th British g.r en S~a mu<1o th cna oIomaddu i s. ~ ~ 1,l~ ca f. x-h o n le ,m ta 1s of M r, fr te amins S : yf moild A A Btishp.Ipmiat, wh Phr aIyvfo S,,,o:.o ,,,ii SAr y exeipmilrda w h s [ote - Nthj~ of -..'&, IStth ,,Sedr ft.pgar in whly,,,,,, gah,tmo,h had pd h -,, ,.-a[iLt, siana weimm,,,, ,h9B. ,,,BI wer ,,,S", SIamplg nuu, tapoll St ,sff.Bee ,,ts,,ye amt o dcit go. ru 11-1 1 rqi, ,Lida1, B,l,, ,, I ,imdf SIh ,hg tf LB,tn ei SBo fh, ,,, SI, ey4 pee hta ni of ofr, ,s Wi edmy,m r,,pI[ ,, iBII,, froB the jIdg down~ " o tT iew r a m ad Bri, peea,,A f.v ou P as s F im ,,,,ao mIiw,FIyg xplSt Id ,,,,ghsyd a 5,,,f!,,, n. p ,.fremeifthe jxp-d boo, wi tl- An imat befoehan A t mor md, fou p,~ tly njsk ll., o  S i £ a 9' o^ W 3_ 3 a 3 3 E ' _ a -£ a c' C o r v l- n 3 c 3 a n N 'a S 6 3 T 3 3 ° c P  x E 3 c _ Smg Ein-o E cn - psi E E L E E'_ E E E E c& g 2 mm Mi HM 5 3 E Y .. .: E m s .. f :.= Xn ° o d 3 v S 2 E  r __ - a a 3 '< v E a 9 L 3 S "" n 3 ? n w r - A 3 9 _ v9 3 o . < c .. ... _ 6 . 2 G? n g G o- 3 v $ o _ > _. 6r I y 3 3 c 6 4 3 c 3 - .- 3 a .3 ' R 5oR_ ae ,i3T 3& 3 - 6 6 a Y  ~4 5 s ° g $ ya3 s _°_993 aFf 5.E a3 'S  --d flans the [ruffs m a single m--; if, how. e er, by o c of dm a uvevoidvbk ,stakes which cry .n nannje no gli eta mettecniune me ,l, l 2,1, [q 0 1 LBBe i m Teie .i r BsoL Cu4,,, 'p,,.P,,,rve ... o TB~cro ladnd , i,,ps drliay ydnso . tPe noiB statio Ut Oad'rcogPP,,,,igiL, &C 0i,,, BIgl ,, , l ,v o :e p n n B" i'd,,,toHmw n im~tdrnn P1,11,, 1 3 f 1 .  ofHt. I hi inc~ ' o B.L~fiil a vaIt v U ,,d,>... l-1 ,,d p,.i...flhcp~i tl. m vd rhg na. ty Th .2 . sio c ask,,.a, er as Ir -1 Hn.. non wada J.. nr baring Bri.i.h..colou. vn aflag ofa..,,, ..hi p..nMa I A... oBi~is dnd I, Alkt ~ n who B,.ete A,'Hi ih Wiliaspo te m-l Th irs us, asked svMere y Mr LA1e Hyn l..d .Ig m> la hmef know a6 ,nha.rpidt F.. peO> th'y inId far wam nd.I, ae dclw- IiinupxecldieredTo M. Lfue-n p.In..tI-nore .-nearng itish ,Fngnand vflog ad ,Boer v.,,ntopc [or hI.ni A., .il, 11k daBimso me ..nn.F Th i.n.'IF ph.F deliven'd bi,,,,1nk>Fd,-..ATo M.. Lafn -l- JF mi,,>aBLoflaep.tlarIIp. e. ~ ~ . g F . . I , a . . a f. i a 'at di i 1>11.1. tin n.,.Fp as ay utnea cwgM m e n hs.. , .1.mo  - xo asa ' 3 _ i. 3 7  aC CCC C.C CC*CC I CCC CC[CC CC loJ 5 l «CC) C C CCCCC.CC~vCCCCCCICCCCCC CCCCC CCCIIC CCCC CCCCCI CC CCCC v CC yrCCC or ", u ICs y CC t CCC C C . CCCI C C . C v CC CC uC CC CC CC CCC aC CCCCC CC C)C, CCCCC CCC C CCCC) P CI> P I'ju CCC [CC CCC)J~ CC CCCCC s~C CCCC C)C CC CCC C CCCCCC~j II CCCC.CC C CCCC > CCC CCC:.u CC CC CCC *C.CCCCC CCCCCCC . CC CC CC C I . C ) C C C C C CCC °rfo C CCCC C Cv CCC CC C1 Pal nC . =.CC C CC )CC C CCCCC . C CC CC CICC oC 1C CCCC CCCCCCC CC.CC. CCC) CC CCCCC C.CCCCCCCCCy  a... rp la aarpa par r. d! _ esodooa rp m ! .o w .. as p a!ao ay a a, n ! I nargo s!q iw a /ayt rn ac aq , ,orp aan!arp a -ty'u mvmp t!al~aJ ao, ta~oa sly a aq p lmr ,.ayl varu et a!< I. 'Ja s mo>3 np PI ...at arp .. _aoo , er la dools ay, a y.u a4 d!nrunnt....- arp " =!aod ny ,ano art y w %rn -mo r Y 'I 't44 al!4A4 a a4,m ,ay, la -a . trip arJ f . I aytdo , nxa ayt ... p ,oaa I vt p a r ay,'aoott ,J. n pnr i rova< naa so papa ,I nyrrn saps yr p. an m arl t nrp rpry twms . rp I .y. o.a.rs y, I e arerdv.t, t PP' ........ :_ pey ay9lat 9 a n n J Irz oyt .a iq -udal l real alnq attY R I\ to! ,r v ysprp ayy oop ayr s cola oam a.., la wnarp pvv any,"I-, P -l a aonavga sy w way, pazras pcrvant'sr 10-ra ot .n..arta vra -y!o ysnuy ayl or Vasa ,a Poy rlm uosnd arp !L xrr.te rrtrn oteen ~qA'"aI '"'a.''' sr aq wra tdp I *"'~'i.'' X7 , . a'Sq'Vo j p, 5' a ' SoP , -"' "'" ''gazro p t a1 aa apAA'zIS '"A'I'" -a"" a 'sp p""''p way 'pa'oa mJ.. 4 "N "' tIu , Parmn 'a ""'' "" ''i is 'PwLo me>a is" t ;d4aa - ' . 'n' a "S .i a a ""' ap ' 1 i ' zp  IWC p n p-tde ai. la n I,,' eaa d22AgCC'h'C" C'adib' c, FT,, s w. (Seel Appndi'hiN. S. Ti'gAep C,, dA n1 pM''L n,1, 'P nwli Up terC g'"lPAA2 me l,32,lh,, pLriCdep tAa diep he Up, all.Pt, e p2oal a P ~i, p'idC k ,2', mg , 1h It6 vvsbae ppd or estv~e e ldvlCA, ur p ,,svicd p'pisi .igng C govenm , o A hh pnin dPaPB..'edrig nSICA s i2vics, Shud Atb P1111 p f ,hC s -ip iC111 thb,,,pe delv- dC,,lp, 1. iP xel 'i W. C. C. Ci r...gae PA11pPopp IL,, iC-iim. (S App-di2,, No. fi.) goruy 1,-kd, ,l,, g I.. 1 ri dagerA'C 'APPrn~ , 'shou12, hp', ,linlt epedie2 m empCII dye .. oC, his a'' pnd p,","g pmp,,, I 'bu.,1; pd 2, i ,ifs en rhe'jected, 'P dl- i d itnio,'CP qu ,he lih'u h edhould be20,d ith baing ca apes dA'2 p dI 2,IppdingA. A, Ontecdl ,his pLCCe-Mr. 1,6"'c Mi',. Bpq'g 2,1' ly 1ai lAP coneA hprrpehg'o,"l'AtA2t dppppAee opdefen, pltlplIn,2,iflplnIch spresident a2 MI' , Ic,~ me beCe ,, MrU. Lpfip', pacht,, CiPP pppk ,hIa eraAm pl'hiph it'pPP2AI2-mar hp,pPPp mer- Iiehim ke sips vit shold bedal p2.1,,, pa ,pdipeip ob, d,,'i nd22,l At PACA '2'"ne ,,. dmivm 'i ,, p h2Aldhbe IC-PP,'a i. mp'h patl& ,C gainst he Imy ofIdh United SA,, m'lth'"pl'gl'pp'rivly U' pop 2hi4 ,t AP C1h Ilae-i IC. C.Ceih, p. evr Trot I tl iL~niaia,. (S, App2d., ,.) Tn mt Lmt ttr Tnwrmga.LftCPPPjIgmenI, ad -pi- 1 h-m-, P~~d~~l,,A,,,, mw IP. m~, , p,,,-]y 2.wcp 'vd5, 6 1.,P,,PIPciAPP vsliltPCprPP'plm e~wa hA1 Ipp F g-CP ep'dpim po meII s TrAp~ his '22,""' g"" sho' di s AAh pif,,bh1 rejectedp , hedIare2 IpA'p ppPip th, conr,lesthe ah-l,12 ehtrg,,AIPPP,P oprate wils he invai n. W' CIhPPI Aeep plppcomittprpLp'ip,,atlyd fIrmp,,,iphiP hp epresdenP'.P SI M. Rancher, I., b,,,' IL ',. pan' pka ra ba s, , h a p p pPlpp ,iCp'C it Is2"APp mb t'hppot 1 d- mPh.LowkpP pIPanCPit2-ldAPCP--,m pd wnviw epd' bede h,,,, vddc,1.1 p. ,Ip sa I c w l,p C m'~ Ii,' n th p eptvif'PgPheC' p1 dgipd 8,,,, arbi  12 1,k-, 1,2 ship pp22d a1,3, on1222coa .appeared33 2,. I.2p1222in22223222, p f22,22 212o of 3 31231 12223 w ig ro a2n 33232 n 322h2.222322t s pt-t 3212112122, s dis13222rN 11 ,, 1his 2, M22. Laftt 2222323 i 222,332,3 1212222 of 1212 223222222331 Li03, ana2,,, 3232133 2,31322 2222.e1123,2212,2322faenv th B1t,2 3.2'2ad 2 m 32. b 2 2121 m 311223-11 21 3 o22 pI22lcl23p2 pr2,d, '3222212i,12, auo.32232221 ,,,3 in y2212l2,2~dc sto3 32l apddvymntit il H,, 2211512 ,m 12 2,, 1,.hi 22,2222222 Mlno .l2222212333p2312 12 n 12 o le22,2 d1222.ireted 2 22 2323 pe 22221N-0, A,122232 2pirat1332oft2221,2223222d.3, 2211 e. b ,, .2 2 m 21222 1,22 222222 23el a 2232d,232 rig Al. Le,1,2221222, ,2222,~ t 22 2n dis322pe2ared. eAbo 2 hi2 32 ,222 22.222222223d2ivf.vh cl.a emgi, a n a22a rin2,2231222 321,1,,222222222, 2322. th B2,iti21,had2m32i,23 213,221122 222cile 2,32e 2i 2221, ssed, h12 2222332222223- 22222322nge 2222l2232 22ie 12y 2223232 1b,3 1, 312,221,1m22 ,2 P,111222222r. 1,3,23 1,2, 1n , 5 21, 222 211 "h322 111, 332d1,122 2211m2 132212211,1213322, ,23d1,hich1,i,2th 2 222221, 23 11,31i 22223 232222 1222123rill 223133 (Se A.2pp22di2, N2. . Su21, 3322m32,2222121,2,222,232,2232t mad 13 1, b1e21 B 21,2212 22ans L.im-n 22 mp i2 2 22223212 ch12 1, 31k- 2 bi, 222ip311,2222a1,22232222t31 2222. l,22 33323, 23.2 2332222let,22o B12232222. 1,,123 o en L,,1,'i,2 2 a, 3222232 e2 31,223112, endi 3, . 2, ) 2.11,2221.2 th1m,,- 3232223mg32 1-22211122,2 112322221223,2e th 32i 122222 2n hi, 2222 23221 23211 32. 33,p gmwa ,y22 322 u 32 l thei3 3 re 222223 ch2 222222 32 ,2 23232 n.23212333132 3212,2212223 1,2,2 32 22222 2212 aia 3323 e 22 l221312 31, 312,22,i.coo,s1h,2 211t 222 rin M, 1,1,2, 22222322,222322pr ,2h322rned222 rN22 0 22 233 nge2 2322121,, h212 22c 321, 22 22 21, 52232,2 22311221, 22322,22, 21,2,2,212b . m A-221,1 23te 3I- 32222222312 122 Laic,22an33 2221'ge. (a1 2 33232N. .2. 1u,2, a3 322222222223122222222232,2.32tmad l12th Britis3h233222212222322-an3mp 22 whi3c2 212  2c ,.  ('q 'opz~iwdy aag) q'~d pauour ng p ,:'q',d paaw pa~ wpq ap Suad m+ p ens . pue nlalpwr3 y wox ay 'e~vW smxnu V a 'iPVHPa eP (y I o '~yad aag ay '~pq~sa.r co' ao yvlpm p apd 'V a~ aa'l p'Iiu'pet' pp. .p ppsaynliP,..q - q P"'l Fw V' a~ "'''1P5 s p .IaS e.. .... nV pP.ip l PPPPaoqlnPa P qaPi 'pyln unn l ampp JPV'lq a P0 Pall PiPPn JP i y pP p 'L -'n x"'a -d ' aP) Wp awPPPaP p as .ds~ap aq r esl gp:l PIPP I.paasi'Ii.vIm6 pdd..PI i'~q Jo o pqarJoa ura 'jacsax ,( "aN J,(v -N"'Iws }.e dp'."pp £.PjPPPn PPvl IPPaqm nP iq pa' s II'.Iq ls +ut Iw a. s'P'r nnli' ipauowV anp..i 6q'Vq vapu 'pw1s y aIP 8uaadw1 PP'1 nlpp~ .assaIpqap Fvp w Ppvoea w'PP niP p ,ISP s~niv ay IPavoyp ianuaan. lm u V.Pa II I pP u PP aPpp .p..q..yd ISV"y'' pVIPwuya 'IPPIS n'VI a'iP"1i' a.f'PV wb......FlV' ,.Ip p.sqpn P1"' gap 'ayi nPw 'opppdiap p-i' diV) wp.pip awe pp ayr JoU-,b.- a(!P.PwpoPpip P'' '''P] 44 q IniPp haPPPPjp PIPe J IS"',' s uaSPP sp'9aysI y VP"',' 'p ap sdPVJPI oPPi yavIPIIPPm +P P  8 R7 R. q S-A -~ ~ ~ a .3 _. 3 3 n a. 3 3 3 m 3 3 3 = 3- 35 - _ -K 3 --coo 3= q_ __.3 sg £g . 3 - 5 - a 3 ?  g$,- nS v_ C _3 _. 3,-3- ? ° 3 a 0 = = = S = = - - a ° J 5 ?3 e W9 39 33-3-3 -3 0 -" 4 o ' _ 13M E Elk " - 2A 3 y 3 _3 w 3 n ? n o 3-3 jx-, M 01191 £o _ F y _ x 3-3-3-3- a- .3-,=-33 ---33- 3.33  haarpat fthtaa, aaaa aaa k. He leaaaa ad mage e.medaa fo ba aaaaal eaafalal, afaaa~ a eh oaaaal nd ataataaiall.''pgerrannunesmad felar a la daaga: ala aaa cnad aavyai h-Iaad,auagig aaahm atahe prsatiaaa at ar paapaaay, the raaa- en aaaaaalf o atala faaiis mdal aleva, haaviaaaaaaartAl i htdlgn a baa a la fn l --u rs ciae haaconduc t ae hablaadby all baaamlitaa offcer, ivare of athaaanemy'a eeten Paab aaa s aae Appaadia, N. .111tht i , h vpe aadadra af n m 3 3 - - O 3 - a 3 - 's 3a =cFA 3 V n 3 3 J z s 3 3 e 3 3- , 3 3 m 3 3 n 3 a a 3 6 - c. i. a s °' F S a S R 3 3 a _ T - y 3 v" -  _c Es '_" s c = m e o E o _ o$LS EEV N - __- - o E o 2_ e 9 c-- E . - a v s c o o °. E'o ?. E ' G £ u c° e 794 _ 3s v &Y~cav .. ¢s . _ ..- A O X C?_ c g E - c A 3 0 0 0 0 o x w o s s c £Ha arc 3 ° En a c . +'+....  p IraailI,3 pherfor reg, hs, MtS p oin of the mo ev ,y t;Ii e sd ad fl.Fne ,,d' a 'F' pi"''l'd. C afor t 1FO h odi, th mA or sing ,,"s lia rot ,,,, ;hlk l'l lP,- heinom ta[ y"'" ploi S Aam Ip F''dA,, ,a 'r'liAy ,,W,,F ben P a s tg'i F,,,,,~ of mif41 operaion in- lyde ,i ,h,,- ,h,, as " F'a wi A,,hccul appar romthebor inpetio ofthemap I l, te ' I rel obp'l thiF dm ,d,,ofh, m an 'h ', , ,pa .Feg,,ll, tF n-gi o sah ROM 1. C'F Il'l wh hod , ,'h a o a a a p,,, town'f ,l. ,FB~, A ~ ~m omngr iy ofpeS, saF, apparfmmth hAv F ivp,F,,a of the m. I will, Fbile A I',a d ps ,',l F attea ofeby, Fyt i..... ; , I"a nm ie i-d PI aid,. A, Fg 'SI pae mF,,, aPB ag,, ana; gm SF pro , , adP iF,, ,in ,d 'Ae u dhi , noii o, il l over t,k v'S p,'i ',IP" pl, f"-h ghio I ,,,Fl'FP  5 -M in W, a o H c c i 3 A F- -- _ - a_& 3V ro 15 _ c3_ _3 _ _ __ 53635'F3 - y 3 - - 3 33 6 £ gilt 0 3 _ 3 3- _ AI° E W _ F _ _ - - =3t - ma . - 6- 1 _ a6 ..3 0 . 1 -  S .0° F ?a34 g Q as- FGo4 3 ?09 a. _ T-^1 43 g Ga5 k ° g z c ° Rr B4 3 00 :n e444 44 o w 'q33',.Va^ '3. I M °s ~ . 34-4 '34'- 3 a 5 a P 9 Gk -A o '3i3'4' 3 c 3 o e d~c>n~c-3 e6_ 9 43, R''e Si a? ~ ~ ~ U -. 3_ z " 5d 'Co ~ 3 w-3-_- 11 : ' 4,- 42-4* 3  ,,2 z2~-~" >~ 27.7 22 E p E _ - -- E B &a 2.2 72 . E 27%E..7. E2 2 - " O 's' 8 L .  Aid oijay -.1 I pbded m.I, .,,, a' Iba ppal l, ws ,ptoy, 1- p Ca y sn , -Ik pi 4pop wim i tid I.db-rbbd, Olanil. 4, t4, y, d44 ofi d- d. -l d ml an v,,, ,h,414,l,44]wtm,a pI. dirs the. III thea .,,, l ,hh bp h ,nin , ~ 44444 f 4,,e ,I one byl n rpos~ti hh a,~ Id, 444 41444, m s till 4Hu d v .4 h,, 4 di,, ,4 h- 4p ,4.,ly 4l4,m P4 plydi1on.44.k P,14444 4,0,44!,,thesnpsI fined '.11 1, am ,4,P,,-l,, 4 did n ..juy, hM44,g 44ploP4d .41. t .,, Ii;bt 41r f,4 w41c ic .,~ Pa1.' 44 14,414ded endPrt44t4 aPle ad h,,P,1 ,.h1,hmdhI, .d .ppaP.4h. b -plyed 144 in -ncmns o1Q tam4, ,44,...P., m,mm., 4,4ene4 stil cotined t4m nae1 dam,4 ,lpp:.revly em- pldin om wrh of Fafcmio t.4he lps lik ,4h1Pd tt h4 a .4 mrage sOn tle 14mIof Sp!4,4,-e v day e m nix mommen gam~ 4444y iP44-im, of4hi.4.4.4 hy 4 map osn 4 ..41. 1 ,,.,4'l noo, 1,1.vn 1avi11slckend 4 ligP. 11,,,,,a.. 1.4414 'ott-s, .shp eg P.c 44ep,4... oclck11 did v4 ivjary, "44444g 4,4pI4Pd 441. 4,,, 4,, be4m bpll 1hih4 ,lP 444 -1 pa 1.d,- , h,444. i-P .pj tide 44a 4 e the11, I p-4 11 par o4 whic i!.. 44ie away 4.44 then .444dI4 ph fr '1.d 441 f44PepP sh14.41g44-fin. Ih 4!k f h my, gun ,41. c b44 14.4.. b 44hl4'!44mld4,P sa4d.44d4.4p4.4 p44yPnwhi4le,44 1,11, und4...P4f44..1 4 1Pl44414 n4.444.d . ie n hl bhn tefrt n vp0P,4141.41 r in 41.king 4d 44'44~ on4m 411, 444 i. 44h44*,4P, .4,4 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ig the ht44 cg.' 1 .4444 . hdl p H ved . men. di4-444.4 I4,,1 ,,h 44, ' on mPe 154444H 4.4S  Major6 L66,, 666g 166 36da63,fin6 makin6g a rgu1 tac661, called a nc661166a16h, 6f1icers. They ylway a36d6 mk66 T1666Tha is cse o beig, b666me63666363ssit, 663611636663363nde (-.3h 6ld onlyI6ha3p6 166 66636j66 late mro termarsbig 666661l1 3663 61666le,) 666,hala1i116sh61666be166666d1366 -263666616616 666 l66616 vdmwlral htth li gi666 611m 666 the Cld66 b 3 treatd asp 66 666 636 66-mg 666 1h61I.. 3663166664onr Allh 666 flgu 66 Ilb 1 l166 666 666,66y66 p16 ar66666616t6 66w 66 id 6116 Na3 6161 e 31611366666166 6v Im a 6616 616 t666 6113.eacho66a1166 th t166 666666 .661d sti11 66 666id66 61ms v6666I666166 6o 316e 66 ,h16. bd6 66 666661 6 . By 4 o'lok v hea6er,9n6tuo sh16i161 bri 66661g 611666. th av 6ofo 66666 tmafr 616666d66666666,666666sr-pound16 butwihli666666,-t. T66666166 6,6 fi 661o666 n t1166ge3, 6661,1 6666636 did616 w66 rec66 oe Maj66 Lawren6e66,6&g366,66,66l36determin63 mak16666163 66ul eI-61,666 ,66n66d 66 3166 f l 6of6666 'l'h6c66' 66661 666 age 6 666 ma 66th 666616666 66666666 666666636e 66666666666 of &f636166, and tam 6666h16666666663666661- t" Th666in66. of1bein6,6by,66666663 366t13 useless6) 66 663tluio 161666d b1661 agree 6 6, puv6666property, a6366666 th 6666 61666133th Indiana6 66 666636666666666 66666466666,66- 3666366663663666; 6nd66166613661ll 6666666 36666the 61666 61h66 6663 d be66 66116366366666 1166666666666661166316311666166m666161616363amo66 A131616666113666666 1666 6666 All6 663h66666 1666163g666i6613666166swor6 6666663666 . ,66666 3116 66666666666 t 66366666666136666h6136pledg611696111666 61666 66nv 66h61 i663 C631 6666 6666666 1166663ay f 66e 631661 66 il 66611 d 663- b6ou66 nd6 6y3 ad ,13,616666 wha 6 66d666661163 By166666clo66116666666636616616611166666666 6 66ip63666g66i661166666666666f66w6661166666, afr 166666316 16 3166613666666366p61,d 66663666,1li6161366636'Ph 166hi 1) of6h11 Maj1 Lawren 1666666 sei 61 . m eemn 6f166,63. 16661 6666663 61166 66ee 1. 63 36ma h 66666616661666666666666,61663 6ig6666l6166666g3er s 6666636&f-6,666nd666666m16111f3n6616g666666- 36633 11636-,) 666 6636636361 6h-d1 166 ag66d o6, 6,3,epmeyad e 616 66663366666 --,64 1-163th6 16n66666 b6 66363163616 366 666mi 66666 6666 v[b 1116663666"-y;6136636666166f61163663.-6we66 gi66666666636h366h6666666ld6b66666.63d663666666 366661 66666666661o666666666666661666616n 66636,66666 36666 6 ,661 All666h6666316666366636666 pl 33i,3 6ly6swor66 663 61 663 y p666 616 1666 1166 616666666661666611666661666666666 66 33 il 1666 I- 66dy 661663lv 66 66616666 -b -' tha666366366666666-0,1'.y6166N66 t6366666616 6661.6 6666l 6666d666636666osba 66661666661w16a6666666b6666.1 -w6d161 1661663161661 i366 th6116 3lum, ,1N6commodore6 ,hi3616616661 616361n366 wih366othIm ra gnaf  _ 3c - _ - - - ^ 3 ' ' _ - s F c sit-' aa5~ 5',-. ~- -55- -s~qa a -5 55-5-5-','5 2"', a ~ is- - as-~ a s--a S '5  .<5 c .5 EE-' E _- o l. L. or Ea E? ~ ~ E -xO E St 2 - « E oE- g _ _ a e« c S  difhouh she ooold ooto be-yod tho rc hof oho go 'rhofotort mc 4an 2o wl Hoooooil oitby hi hti hoo sho opfoood i0 'fo n~ Oh, oed ilkoo 'booheA holofoog olohe lhohofvdoolsne blhwpwibh oooooedom DoI~o 'oof mf gw ,( e .ooooi, vd,cuoo ok oohoffooioooo eih o-dok odh' b ooo'm ea he ships, and olow ogro'0 of.off''o'ho'od tologuoo, -,1 b m01 hdan0y2 ma aa 11 oooo'oofooe ohff oow o n'oodoooooo'i' urtIlo .0 (S All,plaooNo. 9. grofoo'o.'o'ooo scarooo kfhofo oooo' T'hoolhipliHoo'ood 28 h-pooodco'oooodo+ To' bhip Coo, 28 0 The ogbSophL 18 do- -0 gunoo T'otal iero of aroffeoy 22 aiaolloolo olt oId re000 beyoodofhoooaooho1,' w "of' ool burho'o laorfo areoorooinsiobps Hern -ooo00h, b owhhioofoho t.he oppoood i Oaes ooonodhburnod unil do- ,hooh fiohooiog lol'o hepmodool'h lo' pooh ooooroood'oon Tfooooth rtoo, oo,"o o! weo ofoho[w t pmmdbal, an anc~e burt. ma' Oooooo, ohao ofohewollonomloo of; guoofoooooooo,ool foro, htf'oou oatd'd hbe -,lto bot onao'oohipo,an 0000hob hoo woh'osevd foonBoyo oooo mwutf oofoloo ,'o'of~ goo n02 o B 0 .000 00 y'oool don ~ foysadto 0000d 800000; I theroforegivo "Chod'ipHooooooof 2822pon f22000000'00 - Tho 00 v bopho 18 do. ffBoodhooo, one 1l pounod- ?P ''ol OnaGh 0000. $- Tool potesa aroodtlle 00 bifnlooooooho-o tir beo o0d 00e 800ooo of tho oa[ too Tho oo oood oHaog tineh g'ooooo' st . hoolooooohotoodo esofoddohepowde ,ih bl-uood, fooooodous txoooo s ooooko0100yoo oo''d half ondaote boofoo. 200 olooo .ev,otho of loowhoenme ot oo ,goooaooooooooohofoo, oigf'oooold voot foo broot boo,' 00000C shipsooo tim 'odgooonr (oiofoooy oolnodoooooooboo g hoohipjtotooooo todo o oo'odo TLo 0h50 Coooo 28 do. Tho hoigbopoio If do- -80o gun00 Afodlobatter}, ooofd2pouod-' 2 ovonofooohlooo8 000' Tool pooootof arttryf P2  Tho 0C4444 434 do. Tho 043044 424 d4. Tho 24444411 44424. 044 h404 440444403430400404 toov pnn~oopoodoo 33444 4004 fiv o 4444003-444 dtiller4444 444h44 loss4440 susio by4t4244440444w42004 kil 444404y41404o404o o44042 44O44paoWo40024044od440,44~4440 4421443o4444444404444 ota 4230444 0 TM0440404prorti 440044o appers hus 04004twntyni 430444440d 444434s044of 444440ti044004040044444404e o T4H444oo hod 34 444 The Caron 4342.u Tho Sopholo 404 d0. 4 0 4 4 0 4 0 i0 4 4 0 4 0 4 4 d o o o o o 4 0 4 I3n44ia'3 T- -]oo0,o02, 044040443 Th0214440,02 whol o 04404443444 ofatllery. 0p444044044o~yoo 244444444444. as arin asfor i O, boo oooooa0 34h 444 f 444, a 40 kill4d 16 0 4 W440340444 4444 44 444 34444 4404 44324424414k0il 4044001d kollo m40o4 t 40 00d oIio 40h 444 B 441i 4 141d4 f0 4 rris44444o 03404444 44404440 T~o 1140044 hod 134 4440 Tho Sophio 443 do. 004422 00 4302 dioo414440 1142004400 0o 444444404b-4400 teno on444440444014440.iece TOO lass~ 42mic byo t444444 garriso w404 f404 11 ta04043 a 024 fo 0444444oo4 wou4d40 44 4040-y. 4420b434d4a34030,0044014kil44024404,44 Wo0 o104 3 0 401o od oo 4,4 todo 041043444 4443 440il 444 444044440  'I .F''-. ""p""''9 Fad {.a.)oSF,,5 ~ u9 {Ipp, '" w.uo" es's~o v F' +o7wveeav ~ >> 9a 9 , swp"F""' p 5" F' p l y aiyu e4F, I'"'I Iw''" L"d rp" y' I F''"F" "a ry.a :NJ a e "'qq'q dqmd' j" Su "qb Flvae gw n uS psa SlvF la'S' s"'"F'"" I.,F" 4S 'P '' P'S v "'p' "K w vn m yae. w pu p~y awspap '"p "1d -w Pa"ao F' 11% sF9laFs""s'I a~ 5I "N uamd e'I ''"'FF "uN {sa s'I '""F'"""' F '"'''9.F'SVII V BeI P'I u"'*I PA '[o,,y -pp 1[.:"" F'5 I a lFS" -1 u'u a9' wppnmlIF d alqsa -,ce~Fs' li o vyo $u rqtl' Jv ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ' u"''de a v aywp $ ..'a a''' "'I S IF 'u "VF y ""w 955I""a  3 c 1 v - '7 ee ~ ~ 2 Eae 9 ° 2~22~ 2 2 5 ?F 2 22 22 2 oa ___ cEE o 2 2 2 5 2 $5 2'y 2. $°°E 2 zEo 22 22 2 ._ .  3 $ _ p 3 za_ _- 3 P S a Li3 3 c 3 _ __ _ c 3 _sozasa 3 a '>3 v 3 - - - L - o C: - - -- -=---- = sTasi  EXPEDITION AGAINST PENSACOLA. 14,C44k44444441 he ea 1641443 bdF 44444441d44utd 4y41boy4of15444l1.4444 4,444,b4 maj4 C 1,4 Av4e Ja44 on 4..p.d S4tg.I44 v[ Aug.. p414< 4 4 4 5 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 1 4 , 4 M 4 1 , 4 of the4144,4,1144<4444444444,f44411444 441pa m44i441445ill4444w441444444414444444d Sca 44144 4444 1, 114, 14h444,, 44 4,34 .444g444.4444444 amToige dMAbl at thy441441 aidd4a4.,44441 e by41441 444444 SpaI 1,ds,,1 ~4444,144 lA wim441144444nhm, 444 mum- 1444ns th 441 - 44444.444.4SS4444 41414u 144.4441 b.4.4444 1114,, iv 4,h4 A,,r 111 44414d fe1t4 44d root4 444 44 4444, 444 , th 4ense. -m, 4,444d by 41j4 444444I 444re E I-,,444p 444444,4444 411 th 4 Crc 4,4 1,4,4 i~g"" v pae 44h4 ,, 44444,44 4444444444wn Aerl cmmx n th, 444,r.Ang 44 i4,, 1,4444 4hnbai4d4 e 444 nu 4444 nld th4,4141 44444444,44 44o44I144 444144 44444f44411,4.4,4;4bu 1, 44 1444r 4,h44 4444444 1444444 r4fil4d,44p4 na45 ,14444144 i. ,,54444 4444wt Jea.h Th4 we4 4444 4444 N 44 i~ by t4441 Span414444 , 441 444444444d 4444444 4444h 14444444ntvv oa rcev 14441 a J4, so 4444444. 4fi t 11 fm444441 t144441 gvrnr t 44,,,4,444444444,41 44114nght sai41444444.44.4pr 4,l,o,4 a4 hi 14444(4.4h444.4 ,444444444414 li4444444 414 M4444ppi. 444444,1 C 444 444~v 44 1h<44, 181 4 e. v loth444,1 41,44 1, 444 44,14e 444.4ar of 44d, 44. ,,. IM 14.444444. Th 54 fld u avppft v h rc,44444444444444m4pe 4*4444. 1444444444444444441444.w~ wih J Unte 444444444444444444444444441 444,4 5.4 44444444444444444444444444Mublcba av 4441 ,we444444,4be4e b th44 Spa4,4.41444.,,4444 1444c 444 m 44,44444444 444414444444 44414 i 4n 4 Pe 444444444t pu.dcdE. 444414444 444,, . 444444444444,44 444444 44444,i4go444444v 4P4444144s,444444i414444ht 44414 , 4I4444, ma ewrl ac ~l~adam i 44444 by 444 4444441 444444444444 14 4411 d, 4444h4. 1,444 44444,4 4444¢ 44144rc, il 144. 4* e C444 144441144 444444 11--1y4 4,444444ah , th 15t 441444441444  _ c ss E c _ A X a c ?' -'' n a _ a u c 53 a 9 a vEcr'E Ec - Ax - 9- 99 9-- - E - 9 " tE E EEa --a 2'E -a-- °E a  o ways allnu aay 1, n:yns navd Pluv uawua eo8 yxsvpdQaayl pu, s : ,yg pve "Va!Sti '+ aaol a4s, a.vSu wy a, u. uvsyavf l.,ano8 Sq pamdvad suvnpwa aya to pawagiu! snn "saayly Icdwuud slq palgwassn 5u:nny av.... ayy, w ,p!m ',y5u.p!w u 9. n. ay an[.N aUev ovp ,n,.x R, vaq plnvys ,aSuassaw sq mytJiasw~I p 9pald ay u canna ayt eav, w pasvald svn, Iwau -aS-w[ew,,yt.D t^It I*appe p . 'Swu v ayt Jo av.,nu ondws avd Sue y 8u,.n.l tou syy Jv smumncse¢'pe. msyo ,w lu4w n ' Slnegaaww. ,ovaaeoS gvvJy ayy, w iayi uoJ Pue .- "1 1, weoua vw ,vs ., ,u+<111. 'S^6.I P -.d uaas: , nldx. 5 I :swap'~ vv.:l et6q a ttal v n.s spe!uedq pv 'dv ap spve, I nyJO asuas n,(q pallaIwllmaua3.ofvm eyl Sammy yswndQ a:P Jv Sulen:,au an Sunvlve to tan ayl ve uaas aq vt 4su. tau psp'ssapgnvp "nye. "ys, nQ npoi pyvgana aq w Sluv svn Svnn ]v Sey aJOataweya pu us ayt slunnol .uo:.,vgaq uww.n, syl myl tquop vu 8,uryew p~e :Snv a awy ay, Jv Ivnwe ap woJaq Snp ap v..uupyi!no'uaq Fluv p,;y nltnl ap tn:ll P~e SvJ vyt 3v sllnm a:p uv In.Gillcpvaa4 Ps4 (.IsuiaQ aa:Pv aylys:uvdp a::o)eflxy onl leyl Pauuym 6lcuwnuduay pay vyn, ywauaS'&epuxwwva ayt y pauvdu'sAvon ,Isp~Q Sq P,!dnaoo I! uaas pus vy asp pallvuuaaa, Suevy aaUn 'uay ,ofvw soly Aw n Jv pun euy ayym aSael n 5u!evy ay'uarnnw agawu plw : n Jo 8vy v avmya ny y5noyl ye ".apwva-anlanl v v,,i vodnpap sen a! "s , nsonan ., uluo,.ssx 9p v , uyl aVlvn vvJ leanylvs --d Flvo u, u v nos ys!vedgaayl I!u smw. ,eQ puv !av:ivlpyly slay ap a ..... a w6 e.,e ., v ..spat l,.aaua8 nq pa. 'dyad s, ,npuv nuie 9 xvm' ,ly, wan!yo......u . v .. palgwassv vp Jo pavwgis.! 9uuvl a, hySupnu 9. ,.,, nay [.N odru ap V.xx pa ua9 Vinvys aa8uxxaw sy ,aPJlasw:lry SpaIJ a, av u:v. ap , o. PaenalA s n, Iw : aJl Seyl Pappe Pue "Suv w vyt Jv yesuu ay, nedws and .(ue pey,9w.nq sv nl Jv saaueavsse y.ae .ao!yo uv Payn-, .q-pawu, ,,,evS ya:,mdy ayy, 'un.v. aP way Iluya p-aPw o R, I..aua n..,P s... Swe a4J. S U.1 Rind°t .y. qJ ~lays ms P.I.umwa eldxa ue Svp. e.vap "aouaeo8 aylw 'aa sade,(q anal a yuas --d, passaadd. ay, upve 11111w 1, vw sn Sq R,,d-ln, ai8,vfnm aP'(ao ymuvdQsayl Jv Spim ap Sugclvu Ivt a ay v u sagm4°n. 1w: PT 'eangnop'oyn.'ys:naQaq,., mga.sa w Slvo e n, av ,, dv Sey v aweya panics ayx sp ,uvPemlvq wlvan, sar Iny aq~vp o~Sv:,yew p- s ,(wn: a ~uN ay, Jo lneun ayt woI.q (vp ay1 v.xwpq- vanq Slav pv4 -M aqi ,eys puv'vy aP Jv siPn ayl nv pa.(vldnp uaaq pay (ysu~Qa:llo apys!uedp ouo) Seym Ivyl lawaym yisnu!na.A,:aaq Vey vyx'IVauaB Hwpuewwva ar y p l.wda, 'sAvvn y,- Sq paduaav 1, ,was Pw: vq a.P pamvuuvaaa 8wnvy aa(Iv Snag ,o[ew auoln 8m -.lamddn Pnv Svy y:ym a5ael v Hussey ay'uayms:w aq lvu plnva 'avnl ]v Sny n sn 'aaovavyu xy ySvoyt -le ",apunod-anlanu a wv.J uvdn pug sx.x ay "suvQ wmP aiquua m vvvJ auawy~s evnowd plv, . uaano5 ysmdQ a:P Inca s , avQ pua IavywlA a'W Sny alp, ,vSa ':uy, a, :a pal lvaa a9v.Cq p d d l.puoo ay, Jv pauuopn n'wawyn lvd!ouud sil R,11,uassv SuNvy ao woos ayy, u! y, n, 5gFn:ppu . e3n was, nay Jv[uJyIVma d. anp ,pox pa ua9 plnoya n .w ny avPJl^swry pa5pald ay " caw .. np ... m ra.na!a x e5-avf w',yt 1!,nyl PaDpe puv'Swv o rill Jo mve. 4nd:a: n:a S:,n pq S1,uvy tv x:y Jv a snuytun aago :v paymvdsaD Flatvpvw vvi o8 ysaW g ayy m.w ayl moat Jieq v p~e aM1,n ,v padwnua aw vas ayl n. sen, 6wa ayy, any s:,y v, pagyvmvyv aQ lv.,w J. p e eldxa uv 9 .I ua.,oS aylw 'aauo+wlu 6q .1,v .: ondgp- M. ays span nSuun -nygv asuasxn Aq pa!!adw, Ivaana8-,..few wP "LvlP.ni geiuvdQ aVl Jo Ss:iwuuu aP Suimloin Jo loo aytm , aaq vt:Puton p!p "ssvpgnnp'n,!m'ysuug aPy p paynquai vi Sluv n.n, as al lv8vyn weya u ,spaa. nvyaq v ~n. nyt tgnop u~ 8wyvw Pnv o(wre'v awyv nyisJo !v.,pe aqi -q Sep ap .,,vaDy~m ,,.aaq Sluv Pny n 1 aya tvyt puv },ql aN lu sllnm aya ,.v paSxlds,.pna9 Pv4 (ysulaQaPv ay, 4suvds wo) s8vp mn Ieyl pawayvs Sisuo:...ud uiaq pny oyn, "iw~uSSap,:ewwoo ayl of pal.o:ia~Fdoon ysn!aQ Sy paldvvvvy vans puv poJ wp p.v uSv,,.n4 aIF a~ay .v[aw vole Bus -gvaoddv puv evy al!4n, aSelvBwney ay' :agwa:w aq 1, :nlv 8eyv vmya s!yy-q, -re ",apunod anlan i v woaJ uvdv pvg sen ay's S  474474444,444 g a74444,744, 7447447 447 7 4, 444 7744by4474Bi4744-h nn41r41v4q dh4. 11414 '4,4441no a Penaoa d444 Go4144z444414144 ge444 1 144444, 4* 444 a41441 444444 og44,44141444 1444444"eix, 44, C14,. 141 4*44 44444 m1444444441414 t44444. -I 444444 4444 h44>44444444444414, 1 444 4 hi 144.'4444'44444 ou propositio 4144444444114 444h4 44 ee ae h an44141444441f a 444414414444444 det44ne,4441144444 gi4414444441 14444444 44e 441daCteI..1 p 16 l444,44h44m1eig 44444h,44d- 4444444 444444 444444444444144444414144441414, 4441444 14444 44 4 l444444144444444 d,4h44414444444444441441444444444win 4141444444 A4 me - 441444444,1m4 4,4 1 41414144414 4444441 4444414444h444141444444441444u 1444444114444444441444444414 441444an 41444114b 4lx p144444414414>4 pin444 4>444444h1414, [rte 14414441,14444,444444 and.41444.4 144hasphmIli 44444444441444141' e an .. 41444t bindin4.4T14ul 4kx 'r14 41441 .4 4 h 'l- 441f 44444 44444.o Hi4' 4441444 >444n "4144>4ac 1414444' 441444144 mi I F 44 444441a i~iin d~hcn nan4 t4444 4.144.414>1a14444444441m444nar 4414 4441 4414444444rn. 4144 Sp.4444141444 I- 4 4oy T44 14444441444 14,c~ao, ,G4...I. xman 41144414144<4444444144144444444 41t4441444ica 4>41 144 1414 el 144 144441444 44141 4 44 b44441414441 4444444 4444k I1111444 444 >4 4n 441e.14 14444 444444 '44 414444444441444414444444 44144444444 144444444444 4444444444444 p4444444444414144444444.44411 44,a emeat 4444me4rd441444441 .44T4444444444,4414444 41441444444>4444 44444 4444i 414 144414444144bn:th meudvmgeo propositio4 44414414>144144444444444nig441b4444 44d44444441l41444144,4 ete4i44444144vin gi11441-441441 th 444414d44f414144j44444 14144 Id,444444144444h414441444441444144144 444144 14 14h4 44 <44or 441444444444444144g 444o y m 4 -.444411.4444444444414 d>4444 o 41'-rop.n- eof hetm, - Hi- 41ip4.ga1,d444.i444 hlog al, a 4>444 o 444 >.1.44 mp44.444144444 1444f4444 4hul b41444.44444444144444444444444414444 44414e 44414 444444t Th 44144 d 141444444144444444 444444444444414144144444444144441441444414444r 4444 I, 1444 end it ~4 111. 4~1 44 44441414441 c~ 1444444444 41.1144. 4441444'nus 44. 441444414n 44.444444 garri444. 4444 4144 44414444n 444 44444 -. >4444444444e 1444444>44144 4444414444>44144444444444 ar san 4414441444on 414'44414444444441 1444414 4>4114>4414m4h1d4144144444441444'.441444 444414444444444414414444444444444444 44 44144144 44444444 4444444444444 44p.w n e et,,, nIa ,41444n 41 mped 144 o hi4 144t44 44 1444444 444 44 41444114444141414441>1144414 4 .o. 441 41441 imobi~ m4 4441tor4 44o 14444144 14 414444444444[beor mrnng 14144 4'444.414, 14444144 th414.se b .'pha 41441 a4414a44114d1,a>4,4to4m4444 4144144 a 4.44444 4414 44d i~ tfr e er 4444144444adin. 1144. folig1 414441 4414444 44.144.p14444t4 m 4>4>1f.441  I, St. MiychyyI, of byfng yf by tw cptains vebal cpbanc yfybnydinbofferd hin, rd.- Ihe fIt, sayig INy onnld n tbfr nyig These dela}s and th bndl fAd of by Spanih cmy a wr endfln denIy dn nty givn id dd lime tofi prear A oi~yny c yy'h brdrl -W.yyDyy in op cf .,yn ack np yndin" pyyryyydyyynn,, by by i h r li yyhiyy- and pyyyyn nykenIA N fan. Iyyy, dyyk P. M. sOyyybyyyyyy vfyyyn . ay yy11 lied Sr Rom sitntyd opp,,n IyytB.y.,-ttyy ,-,, f th by, yyy blyyyy "p by die Sp..,d 1whe sbofrmk yna pydry w ynyyyy vyd mlybygl yy Iyby~ by ysyly-, n giwn4 y by, byydymyyna byy yyyy' Amer b wly syeyingyyybhyyypnmyd byjy lmvyasfoey,y ,yyfy' nnd1yW dynyyyysI.ydyanay n yb ymat eydy io Atwiyyyyyiy by vry, nby yyyiynyyiy cptain Deakiy ,id iblyyyy , ,yhyy mjy, Pi bed yyy fl ynky py.isy yE bye foyy, nyjyg dyqlylin yyy yyyyyyyyb- yyyyiyg. Tbyy dylays ayf yhby d hi,yy yf tby Spanis bomnaawr y yy ylyyvyyifdey deigneyftygiyy nydyyydnrepln Denki yanyyyyynykop- onn cfoinyvyy",din~yfeyfn ylyyyyyyryyyby P. M. Pnybyyflyyyy nyy I. tley nyybdyIb. flo$y ..talifnppoyf Iyyfl a. y t~ "bnany yf by fbei, ywly byyyyn up bpy a~niuyyyyyf. fRi Iybyey onyf yy-yyayk yNaprp' rpectyd od oryderyaidyyyyyn"" mn yybry vyyyyyiylybyAyyyiyayyyyyy emyy ii ayyydfi- ilyyyyyayd Oiy,I jy it bylbyy, k..y by~yy syyyge yyyfyyy sbyydyyyyuyy nyyplio A yf. The bpyyvflydenn yyyyhn pbesditi byyyyvyr,dyyyythey ypyneys yd tha ..liyyyan yyyy Hbyyyy ,t y lyy byy[ yyayyd by yb. Ay whiyyyyyyoglyyyyl yye, 1NIyb",y V ybay by ylyyy nybdv yA Pryy ,yy fyi y by,v yyb y then.......ay id s"yyyyywnyboadyiyysnipy yyylyfyn byy1,t slv h a n wylm verbal acceptanyyyyth cobynditionyyyyyfbIlkiyiyyyryyi whbnyymajyyPeihy hadyy fly o ak pyiny yE A" foyf, syin~g thy flnyyn yytyyyyy abyfyy toyyyi . Thy,, deiyys and bhabyd fayyy yf fly Thuf diyy n ScdaptyynyyiAmesiyyiyyig ydn gihn Tnidyyy npyb iyyly yyyyyyyyycny yyyidcatin b ydfyDybyyffyynyykp yyyynnyy yyyndyipyd v yfybynyyyyyybi, fo Syyyylc sb woel3 vr yE by yy...y..f yflyflyybyyyl-yy thy, yh nfi rp oedv i l byN ecli he an a ,btsfr le 'lc P. M. flnyhy1. yyyyyy a. y"~ty ll ii 11., ., po efr ar v n nn, yr by bay, yyas blyyyy yyopb by baayyyyyyfl. It y ,tyiyf oflyyyyyl yat py -sct n.yiyialordy"r'andy ydfl b nyyy iyy yfydanyif ty yAyeyiyyy tnops hd yyyyaed vf,!.yd- {y yyyyyy yyd iybyyg it Ia beeylbyyyyyIysyyyy, It e Li voliao w :nllc yft TI Spyniayytyyy. y r Pbi p"xdyyyi this babyayyn, ay y -ypyyyyi y1iy adI yy anyyd asDibct vbyin a.yreayed yy dy b Aycyy yiyywiy difyshy, e lynd bnndy, whby"< bl- revleyyyyd syy rud nidyyyy byirhp, e1fo Imndr, slave""", yli haId ra yyy yyy fo rhms ,EyyvI, yyyyyyl,yyyydig s r rn  _ c 3 n 3 N S cv= - G o 3 6=o 3 _ Z < _ 5 3 5 q 5 - = a- 3 c 9 O _ s c ,. 3 R. " A O s 3 0^ - - S G ^ 5 0 l cB _ - 5 Z a 3 5 N . - 3 $ 3 3 5 S 5 3 5 sG W s _ a 3 0 - .  (44.4 rca 0444444 4484444444444 (4h4.Br44i4h44444444444444-444)444om 4444 44.ic 44 044.fi4 44.44p4444484-4444 444b4g48,44.44444444444 44.444-4444p4m. 844.444s 44d, 0,,,4 8,j44-44448 44in ..,444b4e4 1444. 48m.y4 4,8 N, 044444 sdt M- th444.948 d dovember ( 44444 f44 844gmry 444.44, 1814. 44.45 44,44444 14 44444, eto heltho ovme. Th.e 4444444, 44 44.44.44 t 444li 44444444444. 444 4n4 pe444444 44 4, 44 shal4, t 444444444. 44h44,4 ll4444444c4444.44.4444444444444h44444444 4444.4484444 4444444.444444444444e 444444, 44f4444444 4.dvt 5fu, t4444s.4d48444 Th4 (4t.4 Biis co44444di4444th444444)4f4444444444t4 ,44444444444444444444p444444-the44444 444 4444 i4.-- ob44.44 44 44 44444444444bei4 44444444444,4.4444444-4.44444' 44444 44,4444.4444 44444ma44444t44.troo44444444.b44444444r44444 844444 orNe 4444444444,8444444444844444448444 the4444444444.4Sp44i4h.terit444, a8d 44rch the 44m h.444. 484444 14440444444 Orwv T4.4 44444444 444444444.9144of44441444,44444fa444444g4444444 4444.444444. 44444444h444t444444.4444e cembe.4, UIC4 "'44 444.44444444 444444 4.44444444Lousi, 444444 448 4444448 48 1. g4444nor'444444.4444444484h 51h 440Oc44.44,44444 444. 4144440h4ofN444e. Th.e 444444 d844,8444444 448444.44.444444444 t hm hose 4444 4444444 44444444444)4444448 444~n 444444444444444,444.4,8444444.44444444.y ab 444h4444 aft4 ,kin444 d4444 444 444 t 44. 444 44444484.44 4444444444444444444444the 444448444484 4444444444444444,ig M~elv r'cen 44. 44.4444444 44bnr 4444444 4eilt 44.44444.l 444444444. 444444. 4 n 444444444444444 L44444 m44 B4i444,4,i4h444448,4444.444444 (4404448444444444448444 . 4444444 (t444 B444is 4444444 44inrb se444)4444-4.ent44 w4444444 4-f4 4.44-444444444444444.4 444444z.4448h4.44444444444484444484444.444 4444 sMed 4444444444444444444444.44444448444844 8444 41440444 of4t44t4,44844444b.484444fo th "4444.444848404444.444444 44844444.4444444 44444 m heSans territor444.4,4444 a484m4r.444444ar4 44.4 444444 Mobi 44 8444444444444444444.4444 s 44.44444444444844444444 448 44.4 44444ome44.4 444444 44844444444444 4m one .444 444 44 Na4444444484444d4,44444 eh84444444444441 hav44. 84d '444444.484444440844444488440 4.4.44444444.44444844 4444 84444444444t4.444448444.44.4444444c 4444444,4444>4.8 gov 4448's 4444.8444th 44444.444444444.4.444444,84N444,444444 4444,8444444da4,411, 444444d4444444h444 44444 - b, 4'.~4 44444444444444444444444 dv 4444.444.4.4444444444444444844444444444444, ob 84.4444444444 44a 4g44444 4ain 4544444.e o temiit 4444444444444444444444484444444444.4 4.[F44 nd p44 clm4 dr44'4 , th4444444444444 44444 44.44444444444444444448444r the.yel44  alredy taken the f4ie ld t hrly mbe joid by zeal, pa iotim and m14 ,y3., dsplyd by 1 lbo --l3 fltlgl311.li, 0,msha a-ldybltl 4he be omeq afmibel canel41 a1±nj1 bee ved Tbr e 113 exp 111 co1 mneion II 1111111th I- 311t44111111311 411,1.d14ki1e, 14 [rad frmdtob. vm ~ 3 1b11,I Th, of cavly. bb 11 11 11 ,3 11 nrror4 a 111113 41141l1ya b} forces w 104t ope 411y lr 3111114y 1131e m dlllldpllIe m bI 311 11l1 wi h Tbay k g e fild, rely hrly m dlIb jinby zea3l, patrotis 3 pl11101,vlbI d .1114 m mended l ti: p , 4eeva mii ,Il okad dI b111 -..d1 pjatO 1 1 1 I Ip s s l bo f 1 1 1 1 1 1 fore llu 014 opos 1311 tha Ool tlhl11l111. 1k ahead, Ilbkll the44 fied rv b.111rty to bI joibld by 1311 nb II nfr sabl'l T.. b d Kbldy >.bylm eap. a i ofsatoto tm lbd p3111ia,114 and lLI~I Iiiroror dsl yed b 14aintot 114tr~i this criicb I 1111 0 IIII1114.}b11,1144 ma1111 mrndr1 1111 slue,, a e m sv1 31ner 111 d 1141111 111,1. levy o [f heq . o mli ca1lltt 413111 a 14D1.roe 41111e - meduloa tevn 111 t11 mI l~lll~i1M bino A 1  '1bvatoo mm count y period, oin ohpr miyo ewm-hkb n m~blr of pa shis f wr n or an asdai d fcra ;tg w ica i l eteebu ub nd d bkbdm wn ~ th an ng~ia Nm aero ~< m1Jesv aen l oo pt a fw ,a ulna dui iIA m lea o os to and , ry il t ,s biardl dwaddn.,,ood lgmyamR Hd M',oint d a i w m fbt havb gkdo. Th x dg RIy np& Tdnh bhq. d , mwdg . v v --0- GS "G eS rb00 ro. 0 .' a.s.°  5 al E ap e2 3 a ? aR * ~ ~ ! R-s R ~o O2 Oi R g a 4n , . gs a -1s~t -% S,-B S 3S - sn IT 4.s x~ o 2 8 a * - Ia a a a a a a , . *' c 3 = a a z l  a 'EF§ME S -a oa=30 _- " 4 $ o v= o ~ P.-5 s S3 . .° ? , .r m 59 BI wo s .6o. x ZE~~95-E, 5 3 a ° 3 : c o G ^ 59 H o 2 6$ SL9 c =-=- a° - d s- 2 , 9, ^ ' - - - Q c F 9 C F ' v '-9^T 3 3 s 3 ' - 9 3  On 4h4 444, by 44444 da44,44 th4t dis4444d4n 44M44,ftb eem' v,,444i, ,44,~ a444ho4 4. h, 444 g4l4 b--C4.4 lan 4, d 444 .44,4 44444444444 s lk;nd 4444h 244h 44,y 44d4 444l 44444th,444444444t 44a2 W4,444h44,,4t4 444444444enem4 s J44 fl. c44sid44bly .- 44,44444 bM~e ,4b4ae 4o44p4dntto4~nn44n longr ,hre hey he. ere 0,,te 1 444 gun-.4.,sail,,4 ta 44444 44y St. 444A4 '.4 c . h ad444 o 444444' di44 b4. 444 in 444 on 444 rd th, eas44 , 4h44 4, 444 444444t44d, 44444me,4mth4444y4S. Loi ft4 th4 4444444444444 4,444,444 4444h4p4bi 44444,shJ in 444,,,,'ba ater o 4444.si4444444, and4 44444444444444444444dstryed bu 444 wi 444444444444 was,44444444y:Id4444.444 4, th I, byb4.4 d te d s-- an4 44 444,4444444444444.4.4 th t4, 4h4, 444red 44 d 44 eie 4 rovsio4 f444,4 th bay4 attack; ; t. 4 x .4 444144444444444444- .-4444444 , 44444 1,, 44,4"ontfCW-,wh- di44,44d4444eemys4f-,p ch44 ,.b444y 4,as 4C,4 g444444 44 -i444hvebe mruett oniu n log4 ,,h444444444 th 444444 m,4444 4xm 49,44h gnbot 44i1 [4 me4b4,4S 44444444A444 4444.,k 444t4444444444444,isc. 4444 44 44444444444bl 4 444444 d 4,44:a 4444b4g 444ki444 f4, pa4 44ixiaa up4444 4444,444444444h 4444444- gun-nes4s4endeavour4d44444ak44f44 dm Rgg 444444ut 4>4,44d 4.444444dawn,44, 4444444444 st444444 444444444 44h4 ""4lnt a gems farmer th,444441444h 444444444,4 4444444 by4d4 -d,4i4l4444.44 4ah.ren 44444444444 ob444g4441,4 4b4444a44u4444444t444,4444. 444444414 4444-4 b4,g4, 4444g 4444444 S,, 44444e444,444en the 4y4St.L44i44444h pI ps of p444444 44444444444444b4w 444444 4444 4,4 4444 444410, by b4.4k4d444,44444disove44d4, 4444 fleetfdIthe enemy' 4444444 44444 444ho i444 a4444444444; 4x .4 4444 4444 the4 444 .44 44444444 4A444444 .'444444,44444k i.44 ftronweeds 44444444444,444444444444444444444444y's4b4444 4444,,,gst.,,4 4444444 4444444444444 444 444 4444444444, a 444.4444444444 444.444 44 444444 t 4444444444th44i. 44444444444444 . th 4444444444444', , 4444k.4 th44 4444444 444 by444 44,44444l44 4444444444 b,-H'os noss h gLsssis gsssoyoods osoo sfsoosss Sme, g nof Ifs s hosofaholssos loss' egoLosth os.- fn thoo -oi -ad hs' g-ou k fiaosf osl,, sooss ssd fooso, OOOSO th 5 ac o sdc g , ,of vsookoo Rh 0 osi 5,00 d Rs go Loss, ta f gi.syft a055 hs s*0 doso 5050t k0{O[io ,a sf m L onss. 5005, pros thinLo faling into tho hoods ofth ho onhs 04f, byhsmx os doy, ooooodios sod, 5550000 o hoosodsf 1000 oi.o 1".sg advansod innsssnofaoof f.11, f bosaoges madisho hf'KoooohNo.50 OOOOingO this soo sdo, tried ismeihol foo sAl10 o hsiov% LoS] hsool sosood hyahthm fosioo ssifsns divsio hofssho ventesil eosoofoS] Bro jonn oo gug so, hod 000 fs0 on rone .he oossosssiohoodsotosdo frsfomtohhslosbeanod oohdoooos oo dos fooss', gun-bes, Ns. foss 0555 chor haf b,1-g fothAbr hen. o d she 0000mf. To -Is so ddd 00 00 0005 Is!! a ohs gu00 ut a00 00 c. Byidl ae ossssosoolosoo o sot 0. . t ldo f his ooftede npsoss oh b.,  E ' rk 3-t c P g a s ° E r E call 5 o E 9 _ _ _ ;z 6 T I V rot e E v it C E E * E E u = =zo W; is .a m a E' p " a E S. g ~ ?v c e -a E . - = 3 ~s ., ~e_ _ - S- - S - G=. - a  2112 of an guo-b621, hey 22122d1226f9re2gain2 129222 292 1221 621- 2rn 1 . whic 112 1 -i 2221,2 2 aga2n ponm. H1926l61(.2,lGum,2l2212,211 21121211,222 dosewnsc2nd9texmp2,th f12(221 cenur1 11211211j1211121 9211121112f22twar 112((2212291926 21 1om,22.221 2a61ccsin 1221221211211,12 e1211162(92 nel11.L v 12121222. 2211 I2 22222 122219j2.*6222129 212611211d11l1yd b 2222222 12212 (922622261 622 211222221s o2212 23r 221222229io dinin1t1. wh1ley.126211.b2112,2211ln l1,1226h1.p22,122 h 1l 11 2 2 , 6 n ata22192w a 192212112 (21g 226(132 a,22 6(29621112,' li(22 fi 222rm 21~6~ 6,d 2o 1261. 2 2 1 2 2 , 2 1 . 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 2 2 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 2 6 2n 121611 16.2,, 66212112 691 11dnv, ocd ae 2,2, t1 212621e 21de 22291 229.2129112 22,1(122 orid A122 tar...2 21: it 1,2111922 bo(29[or ti,162121t2121 6122di12c..... 12d1m12h1it 12211 ,f a229 612-, d2 1i9ce 2 h2112 62 fill again212 Tb, abler 121122,h612622111912222t.216121 pol23(22 :J112212 th221161612912 1,62 or1121,11 1222212121 . Pra626(y 212212c262 21 221212112r t62 appl,21121(121221L2222 N,22(221 2di9sp22s12 Nan 12 22221(222211161t9121221222., 116223 1222112962 61a 16lye 6222 29c 1112611edide t1d2212212122121219 -l d11221 n112 2 112 1262122l2 212611121 2(h1 6(12, 2212 22n192 o (2piy t 1212122222112222212111221, (222(226 T222161y9212612 gfot,1121111,1212 2i12222ht im 9212121e16212l, 122222 .29 pa 11212hewa by 61(an1126 (2111 22221 F212122212ota~u i - fv 2ie1222t9Al1h22Biti21222po222th 2 .22pl 2 121222 616121<1 h 211222 2(2 12121 29299216211629212, 61121291221 92(1261121212,2222211129212 211216222n (121112(2 t226116219 2292r as 1212216,12k Tp2212291612112222612221122112126 012,212212 112221 21121, ma1 a122122 6,h, (21112h of iswo111 f121(1122112(2129roba2ly 1(112, 6126,12o utoar f2212222112(212111212112211296 o1ccas ,,,12221 1199ine 122122 22,6.22 ome 21 m2212(2 6N. 2 629,22221222122,12221 2112261126(2 1 1 2 d12 1 2 L 2 1 2 2 2 2 ,6(1 1 2 1 1 6 2 in1i1g2 1 1922 112eoneo 6h21 6211,2, 26(191 6sos 22 II 12l 26292212 ated112 21ad 22 61921202211692 d61 ( de fi1211,2222 ad2( th2120226212121k12I, li212 0,61 12a~e 222,1n Lv12 hl1 2122idby 621,2212,62, (2,-211s 121612222,,igh1122t16,1i e I ed o I ,b ,6226.2222,16222n 2222229~l f 221622 2B 112229222222 692d1sdbigi ev oubd.d 2222( 6s 2616 9222222629 221 22ebe.fmd otk p92. Ibie N9221111211 pc, t. carry on the w212b  ^ c 3 o -~a -aaaa- z9HI2c _ ELa~~4~ 9a '° a- e.3 a a s$ a ^v aa'",aa aai o 600 3c  t444 gen441 444so 44r441 i.4 11444 044444, 444 44g44 444e 444re 44h 4 44444 444h 444l4o4o pp- 444444 -g4444444444 af 44444i44 hi 444d44. 4444 414ine 4444 4b-4444444 m4444444n 44ki444of4h44444. ThI 444444444f444444.-b44 4444.444f4a4v ometd444n4l44,44d4p4444444d4h 4n4 o na - pi[b 44haugh44. 44444nd 4444444444444444 44or4 frc~ 44 in 4444444444444444d444444. 44444 g,, 444444i., by ma4444i444,444444444 44444444444444444ar, 44444444441w4444pieesn noo 44nd mkp44a 444 confuenc 44 bay444 444. 444444444lh o C4444.44444,444rd444 444th4444d44444444ci4444444444sid 44a44444h44 04~ 44i4 44444 i. I4 4, th4 4erv be44 Li44 44144444 iiyin 4 of444 44l 444444nl 44444,v 4444444444.444444444444 444444 4344d,0 emwo 44k4 44444l,4444444 444.444444444444h4lvk deri i44 44 44444 44 en [omnn n i~lirn fhsmvmnsbfr ecudl Pt lan4din 44444 444444 C4tanNev444 harilp444.cmane t4e4f4rt-o Peie C4444l,44h44h.44444444444t4 4444 gen4441 Jk44n a4r444d 444 Ne Orlean4, h4 might4 444444444h444ity44i444li44l 4444444 444ki4444 of h44iy. Th.' 444p4444 444 444444-b44 44444g44444444444444444444444,4a4 perm444d th4 444444444 444444444444444444poi4.4444ong444mo 444444444 la4444444444444444444444444444444. G444444444 44~k4og 44444444n f444 414m44 . 44444444 44444 th 44 4444444444e4444444444h4 4444444444444444os o 4144 44444-boa 444,4444 h4 4444444 ma4 44y ordr4 44h4 44 i' 4 ba444 4444 44441 444444444444444444444444444414L4444444444444 44gon 44144 Felician4444 444 -d44 44444444444444 444 44444444444444444444444444444444444b444444444 4444444d 444444p44444 444444 4444444nenr 444re r 444444444444444 4h 444444444444s4e, u 4,wat44t 44444444444y444<4444 4444444444Lws ls 444444444444 4444 444444441 444444lb pin, it 44444i 444*4 44444444444444444444444444444wul ma444444444co,4[h4444o44444444444t444la444dcpr4 i44444444444e 444444444444444.444*44'4444. 444444444444.4444,4444 444444 44444444. vmws bfreL ~idndele[h 44l I44ndi 4444444,444g.4444 C444i 444444444 of444 444444luy 44h444 .4 444d 44444i444 4444eci. Th 4444444444ou gn44.b-4 havi44444e444n4444s444444444l44444a44-p44m4444444 4444p4444444444444 th44444444444 4444444444444444444 444444 444444t a444444 4o441444444444444444444444 da44 bb,444444444444444444444444444444444444444femc 44444444444444 44444444444444444444444 4444444444 444 444 rive4 44 Cher-44444444444 whe4th 444444444444 444n lo444444444444gunboa.44444444443hi4 444444 44444444444 byde 44444t 4444444444 444444444444444 44444444444444444444 44444444444 444444444444444444444444.cs th 444444444444444444444444444444444444444444 444444444444444444444444444444444444444 44-ag4' 444444 4444 44444444444444444 444444444444444 th44444444444cty44444tid, idwachth 44444 move44444.44444 444444444444444 dar4444444.44l444444444 suroun4d444. 04ae 4-mg 44 4 44444 444t, A4444 ag444444444 44444n 4444444444. 44444444s 4or44r4 444*44444 4444444444444444gener4*444444444 4444444444,44444444444444444444444p444 44444 4~sibo 44444444 44444444 444444.n oral44hill4of,4th444444,44444444444444444d444i 44444f444 enso tmnngaycennicb 44na ,l4 44i44444444,44444o4444, 44444444444h44 44 44 4 444 44 44 i44n 44444444.  '9 79 Z t4 h .54 c.E PYE LV_ -_a u c .E=ESN-R$ n c0 T a m a n a w 3 4 E v Y GLc _ _ E d - - - 9 O 3 a E~ a A 3 F E ? =29 a; E~a~ C U E Y E.E E E X a EO = ~~ 3a cc a E3FEn C  IIICIIIImC5C11IIIAII 1d2i1ly dxpct, avd11511i viC alil pl, 51d ,hmly c ( lmIps, or51 liF Ce d1,~ ba h1 ye .fo 515d h Cm ri d1 1111h ,5lyridlb11 ndoftCs&1. the milit5 in51 51n SI " ICP lI counry;'-d m 11551- ,cld.Cwin,d lC.hit fora:1 Cllrld. ell II h ng-I meumI CI hil 5 ,1 1511 Id l ksd Ssneolnksall, mdad11e1l Idm sfls q5511, III bd In II Newsss Ofl II-sI5Is the11 burb- 115111o, 11, Imc, fn 15 it IC ti l d A mid ll nt1111. He5 hIwve aurdlmblscretay or I CIb lhoud tilees 11111 11 ldg 51 would, 11h1 help orIGCd, d, A hI 11,1 11 l iII IllbsI [tha 51c11y wer dil, -dLvd19,,gA the nri1lill II was tig 11rv1l1bdl11515 itI 11111 b 15111155. r511 clef , Hd ghee ll 1 pil ot ndlldI tqal1 ll olq s m slC ilI l p t hs d i11 1 5 1 1 1 1 1d t C a im 1 11 I dt p Idrb m11 li dISfs , SI 11111,1 151 11 ,sidd o A ,iCiI ,5ss 1515 1 rac l' d the gsdy "nlva51 5 Id.d,,d~l,i sssth slmvl1lc physical fam n ,r~si1llls tit lhsCl~ ls~ll~ hereI 06,111 lalihl gore 51151151ppAy o1111 d hwvS xsadltIellcrcmy oar m~lI, b 4. udI~ te 1515y eC 15 Idilg, hllwould, wire lhelhelp of God, do A h1 111611a15511l1hi. 6y i,, Inc bes poshS ta1 of del -11. HI a g11, mlis11 sssbh, IISCakingoth pollCth 5111,Bli 1115c111Wh LI~ c11,1 loo11 avllId 11911 511nin o m ih i m."11 ww11'' sd thegmam11I 1111111-will gvenmn 1 ,lrdll spply? [C sill, I ,bllhs5Idily. Witho11arm, ode- Duri11511 sumllr wlhile cI among-lb th11Ceek llllpealldsoarslCdalhl, dbspl llvy,11, dhat a lsy smal prlpoil~ of what AI 1111 lawof t. 111 ha, lsoldeSidyllfre lnd had beeI 11.111 edAtll-11M 1111. C,,1-1 Mi.- 11N1110111115 ,,airs 11111 ar lISrr ~ dAn wryiaI  : wbatmli.7 o m7 71m descrptio,777,r77dby th7 7hkfly 77777,e fo 7777, isa,717 777777 Sa 7777 7,rmd m77777[mho, ,l7-7 77777 777 a77d it, 77.77 d 77x 07 77h m major l-full 7,7777 77a bra 77 corp 1777ize, by 7,177 b 7177-t i 777,o v771,-,7 ,Fe 7h7777 o,7h77 be7, 777771e 7777 it.7777 777 76.771777 77pr it,,, g 777-b 717 7d7m ,777777777777777777771777777777," bye1h7 ca777777g717, f77m77h17g sold h 777let7r a 777rs 7 77 m-by 71modoW 7777777777777776 c777.0y777 at777, 777777g~ccp~r ul'fi7.7777177Unit 717 7777777777777777777777v Olea 71,.g b777 away> a,:pd.7 for7 orR777e7 're h , o t77777177..7717777777,7t777vao77I77777p717771wi which71) ou , gal 777 t 177 mnmiodm mcv7 n 777777777 Ae a du 77th 7717777.nmpl 77ci re 1.. 77.7 77ke 7777 and 7. 777b777777771 retire 1,777 I 77 upon 777777777d nvy 77h7 77777,7,7777717h77nrm .- . qie 777777 m 7777777777h7777,71777777777sa;y o 77, e h7 7.71ono 77 de7, 77771 aoa 777 e 77 77 b 77 1 a76777777777777717777777777777177. 7,7. 7777717 77h 7d7.g,777,.777d7.77777771.77, t777,777 7., 77,77777777,7--167by by 77777.*77 7f,1i7.r 777d77777,76d77777777777777777777D77i pla777 of7777777d7m7 h777777mt 7777.,77771,i7. Th77777177771 777 077,, 7, 7, 1. 777777d77777777 .7 77 7.u' 777 1777777 bya, sa7777(r77,7t7777g777777777befo7777y77 ,.7S777' 777777,771717.77777N7w70,1. 77by vt77dped,77 m of [he7 '7777717.71,7777 7o m77777 7mnua- 777 h valou7777 I.,77. 777177 o77777,7ga 77777777777717717777 71777777777777777,77777717777777 7 777777777717777777777777717777777777,7777777777777 777777777777.7777da77177777777771377777777ym7 777,77nd 7t771777777771 7o7t7777777l777171,77. 77777771777777ed a ho .7abl77,777 7777777777777 7777ely 777777777777 by 17177t 7 7777777,1 7770 7777777777777777r Dntgt 37777777 f7,,-d7777177I7777777W7.777,777fm 777777777711777777777777777771777777 77777777 that bra777777p77r77li117,777777 777,' 7,lay777,valou777[717hop17777 7777777777177 77777 777 7777 .777777 7777,7 77777 77.7777777777777-0777777.77 t777777.77 777 an .7I777.7rep 77777.77 77 ~ ~ ~ ~ in sco7117777777777177,777 b7.7,sag fr771 J~ 7717o~ 7' 7177777 77777771 7.77777777 h 7177777717777777777777777777oda 77777777777 7n17771u 777777777 7777.Un 777S,.71 777771 7777e 7777 Oi7e 77,77by 771777ntvi 77rc 77 777, 7n77.7177777777 7 7cmai do 7777777777777777777717777. 777777777777gall777777777777777nequ77777  lees~ad rquemdtheThi -,asI th , ---de 66 vino6,, t I.66,,6,,6, (0Ag.A6 a(0,6bs ,a 66 B,, at,, i ,,,,p neml ,6,V -x Ail,,66,, ',lr. A1h gvrrrvA mnh-,, ,,,,,issued h,,,,,,666,,6 (6,,AppenAixN.. 61. 6 1668 ,,,,,leer maymhv g,, t,,6,66 seamen 6666 m ,,,,,,,,,vss,,'k6, tNewOr l,,a a,,,6,,,,,,hA svpo av p,,, 6,f6 Ap,,iA h,,(6 6~a ,i let66,6 1s 6,,,,, hi6,gv ,,,,,6,,,,sleia66lutr, ,A B,,,,,-d,,,6, -h i 16ue hi hwlmt-(e pp 6, N.,1.) 6,,,6,6, 6 ni66 A, ,,p.6A,,',,,, mem ,6, of,66, seamen 6 t 66 6m16 t U' 6 a esl h.a c r Decembe,,,6, psed 6A ., I.,, g6p,,ing N,. 66.)y ,6,,6A6,,,,d,66666ie66 1, ,66,, Bof,,, go8 0,6 6h8,, an dolla6,, {6h6 Iv 6,,k, "- 66. 6,,666,U6,roa,6 ( peni o.1. 6ewe ,,,,, w6,, ad eiht sailor 66,,,,,h b6666 ,h,6661,adweo h nme fI bacy m666666.p6, b A,6,66A 1hi 16616,Rr R th si 6,666,'6,,-66 d 6,h66, shoA,,-,,,66 , 66 6n,- I, 6em m 6,. allhi 616,, s pa,,,,B.A6.-  Th66, com 666966666 bad,6 6696y6efr -rd pn 666666,66e, 699696 did 1666696 6ee uylketop h 6,,,. 066 A ,61,9666hs , -i66 666666 666 S66. J,,6,, 9666h mjo to696m666666 Ah,69 66666. 666666,.6,, 6669966666,6p66,d661616-,6p66k 661k6d o666c,6h.,66,699-d66p66, c a9 66666evn. 66 1696nd666wi6666t i amtig sen- . 6te- l ,666 L.ni,666 t.6d,66 eir e,6666666 l, 6666, .9666e 1- h666,66p9 66 h66,,6, 66gb 16666,69 6669696 r 6,669696,966 69666 , ,9e omado 66-, W p6,6 . 96,666'69 By ordro h x,6,66 669 666,pcmad -66I6666 ordere -66 -d666 i9666 th Th666966966 cor 6666 66ad 696666.foeenerdnr c 66666666vi,6ndd6966l66duty ik666666p9666 6h6 06666nlb 181,,996666', 6dlu~ 66166666 b6y6651.6.6666,696 6636 th66666r66666666,9- 6f6ma6pm9 A g66666r,,96,66 9,9663y-joi9d 6,61,66,r andi66699666.6,66696,66996pick666 66-ppoo o696 e 6<669,66,66666666666 96,9ki61.6666c,66o ,6,66, 966666666669,s an 96vadta 696 h6666 r96666i6it o6pp9666966 nand,66, al~ 1- 6669666-66a66666666669ad66- sib 6 mcv 66 1 c ,6,66,wih mid6an66,,gse. t T666mj~g6.66666699p 699 96,66th 6 966666,66966hi,6di,666666669.6,. .[H666666 6L666,, 69666 dn6.~ 606 a6d6be696h6696696,4 166966696696 66666. 66696 966pl,6666696666,g 666,66,69rper 666666666666666691 hlp a ,h96, 6ma66<16ea eogc6.66 ean 966 temi 6666669 6.69 .9 6,666,, th66rgts666 666666 li60y66666-rprt . -1. 66e 996666i6666 666166666666666661-66ak,6666.6 v,6 66.be cilrc y h ~u~eserpu 0666gMtarllr 666666696 6e 66man 6666 66,6 9Wag66666696 ,6,, ,6066106 66666,d 6666066day1te 9, 666696666iF ,eals m eaos-nia i h 666666 dnr ,69666966,666h666666.maedi B666 d 66666666,666666966666696y, . t16,666 66g 666 666666666666666666666666669666666666y Th6666 en 66666966666666666666966 66. 06666 had 6,916a666b66666 en6666d 6p66 6c 6666 6. 6,nd did6regul.J d6ty66ke66 666666669 ti6666 66.e 8hPeee' ami bAy St.666696 666., 96666 966 60,66khe ~ms-- 66666969666 66666p66666o6s6,. 9, 69966666 o6666of6thi666a66666666 66166666 andi696666 6666606.66996666<666pick69 fl6 699666696 66666696666669666966696 c6,966666 6666 966,69 - ,66, r 9 d 66- 69666666be 66,p66 t99666661,666666,96opp9e , T66 66m 966666 66606666666669n y ll os 661966666666661616666 66 -66d6d 666tisaiatn 6666666966666666666696666669666666666696nnn 66.6966966 9666-b,6, 666,6,66.at ea d 1 6666he696pl6696696 ,6669d.66h66666666.66666966y 6696 6.99666666966 th 96. icdett 666ae wr a e 666gq666666666,6966696616666 666669666sp 66696666 66666966969 666666.66th~d~ mke e onq 6,,, 66t.. 6,666666 .1666, 6'66,666 di666666666666666666 696661666 666966 . 6 666666696 .. 6 6666d d66epopryn~fem 'I6 66. iso atPc M vlae - 1 6916 b69,d 966966669666666696666666669-r cmpa 66666696 66666966666666666916966mnd P ltt~en 9Wa66g9ne 9,,,,666969666 6ya rero h 666666 66 6 h 66,96 66666666666 6666661966666666 066 66 66 6 66 6 666 6, 66 66 6< 66e a ev o s - du d h :6666666166 p6 sm66666666666ng6996 d666l66  3 3 - 3 ~ ~ ~ ~ 3 3 3 3 3- 3 - - - - 3 33- 3 3- -'~~ ~ ~ 3- 3 '3 3 ~ ~ a- 3 3 3 a' 3----  - a . a' ~ a wa aaa 5 a aa~~aaa ^.3 c3a 3=r 3 3 3 n j 'a ;v=-23  Pcm 11- Wal they v or Iona ould notfill Ahmg vay -R.], WC g-,,I ace, h- offers Some dogs after a mber oL diem formal . carp, mdcr the -I.-d f wpwins Dn. -Iiy~e and 1leluche, and were employed during the ,,,I mpuign sermvethc when viWdistinguiah- ski l, d o,. .,I. Nos N., va twen1lh~r pounders, bet 3 mW a. Oth -1 ie other of the three _p.- v[mvd-ners, rell by mpains i,,L s agand, and Colson. Plli ,Ii- 11 ille,, ,, au a We rt of e[ es Caui te Dud 1. Wet of St. Pld lip, and We thudoebay st man. All olasws oC society ,v aced witL them vrdrn zed. 'Che ym,,the old, w obildren, all -1- defiance m - eumay, fwmly soled t. the tthe three ned in s, n. Guelml ]ecksou hed elecvihed all henns, all alike of the approaching dengerl but they vaitedei, pi,-.-..dismayed. They ku,:wtlut. i. a fewdny s, they. ,ou with the yet, ralm and , , n meAe Wey p., ,.,d Wei Del m w errpid. only Wey ,rvgnllly Idt eM1i hum t . li wq dot t the pus assigned theme 1perfor, It wes k wwu shot the ntmy vas an nor yithm twnoe eau ar a,:: sty, wia, a pry merit rmce of bctw and un ch....d a whilrt all tlw fore ee had yet oppose him ned to nom an fie thounaad ngulats, and from four to five th.. oaaana militia. These eir.nmsmnces were p,,bal, kn.- oar could any one disgufu t. himreIf, or to others, the 72 Persvadescv particular desmgptiao. This f.,.- v till ed deriver 9t. Frtntcis, under ,hi h h dt, esig it is lain dl.., hn some old mops, ache reek h- trougR which ru t all me rs d ol' large bast cofatmngnUr 6rhw -.1b ,r 11,,e que cornet, Lnnnam on miK snippi, n be r by New Orlev , by bov Bnvvagc or Clb M,, the -l-, uod an tlm test by lukv tb,"e, oiuto "limit it empties. It rwaives the waters of several other bayous, 1'urm- N by tl se of de sot onding cypress st amps and proi and d in ruble little semns fron thclow .rb Ms lui the Itc esbc hind ebe siubburgny, acnNew o"_," 'iit- the wangle nearly vacquul lens fl- the a the lake which form [s bas and ru .it a uth--ly dim n. 1,i ,vigable forves..b oC ne nnnarea to ae tar s de corks of the acorn! of P,- planmtion, twelve miles from its mood. Ira bremlth is from one hundred and ten to one hnodred am] fihy yvras, nod it has six f wamr on the bur, at  b,,,,M. 'si s[,sA',,5 I,,,, t5is vdL 'e sp,,ALI ids,,,,hI,,, ment sk,,bur s,,55,,s ,A,, fo 55,bl ~l an 5,v e L A ,!,, p5' N,.e 5. mns k'V,11,,6 , c n ,sbs . I, ,vhi,! Al" Is, .A p ,o5. p a sssp.' e,, s,,l men I .A,,55I , oiv Ssas, sall dy.v s,,shS bung A,, -1 -,,, e. e 55wh Bi tis miitr s., -, (Se Ad sbs pla o.1. pr,vip , b 1,,, o 5, isuual ,vd fee I ,,,s,,,,,,., Al 5,,S,,,S bv 1,5 o[ ,, Mvlsi,. elop A s , p ,55 n tidesss', 'andni,,5e a s~tp dng tids. Wil1, hvth.o5,, thee 1'pA b,,, i l ,,,> -i "'A w1 fo s,,,,,A ,,,,,A;i,,,. smliNIdl,,, s 5,,pn m mp ,,. T, .,a ttshs rs15s,i,,,alV5,,easi ba., a ,5s, da In rle ~ssA kli Ai pg.ro n 055 eI, . ,,, I,,1-,4 A,, 5,,s, Bs',,,, M,, ,IS, ps's'' Ac hoSSI o mmi e n, fi s 5~ mill " n I ( h Alls pssssss.llp T,,, ew,,,C ,,I,,,,,,,,, Ch os sA h A,p,ssbsAy. , Is, A,,.,,,,pahI, &m 5',,5A lv ,.,,,t o, Ad une , ps dA5 A,', ,.,5pie ,, I, 'iA of a nc:set f'I',', A,, r,s v5,i s, p ,psss''Ass-ill or l psgA,'s th s'S ' 5 A' ,,,,dt o A. I'u Mih -a''s, susetil 55' SAX I,~ssss~sss ,.o. o c , -p, ,ss ss,,'Os,, sissi. . ,ps . 71, tideSs~s '5,in lsasss. p,,, d,,it Ii , p~~s 11 ,, ,, ns shrub h s 'A 5 an r s , , of5e5 , of ~C she pl,,., sonsso 1S 11,, Lv as,, L11,1, wni, 5,5 s,sssS h ',Bish A,,,,,,I ms,'' pinnacs, ssA 5.ere ladpn. 01 ,5, ,tS, b-~,-s, ,5 ,h 5 ya Bievn 55,b 'As , slsta ,, n. e S5 A dplt . lpv osYl A g,1 s ', pss ,ssb p . 0 ,, ,,,- sS gs , A ,,, pspi. f sl b - sI.cL o[ ',,f.5d,. i issssAis,,s~,ppiTI'l i ch1,, W s ,, 1,- calmQ .A s5,st'"m v s,1 sA~ ssI'ss 1-1 '1 i'lls Allpss. ess'p fo'gsS s shs AeA f xn ,,Ae b5,ig.ls uspAp,. l S f .5, Is . IsosAi,.them p.ds TI vssf s'pa ' t.s,, Blond, C, nstv, ,,,,I slo.[ i,,' , 5i whic ,,shAshar sif A,  bo is oft c oure ,- h e bof thei baytow, damth twdw hgtto dh b.. bgt tlwww0 sookpo t ktoook t hd got 'S let w bylctdi odpoth o rvlotobtotw pooily fnos bymv of grt og , bo o o ridst itol ny twocato boy dtootthorrn pooo whic gro tt be b55k hor tSow rh thtotol bootle bob bloe boog to go Co bb ototht lake, Coron ,,' It 'bob boko deosit of t, oohkh 0r otiooolltoroisig [hoot aoe fho 'to of ohe 0011,s othe[ the it b boytoo lb ttcoo , bet oh Ma, See oo hi baks, andl ilti goneao 110 rv 0 it woob t'owo d ow , oqoowlo pbotoo, o boboot'do grtoolg~btoiotooo- don o ohbohoightof obo wogbbwoi tiot happeooooloo the ooo tolt filblowot oolleoowdIointokooootlooboooo,-twgdiog Ott oto PtowoC,ttooooohtooatdooooltopow ooowhoitootottal oooipoooblfoomoooed n ie fgrttoghtwd i lootoolds oho todooto ot re oa~~ooooh s o f otltooo froquetotd by tho uncle of theo igbbo-woog plamt- whibhgo v w oo 'tho botoko of ho rvt, o aon oo tboootoot ptnicles d o~daontohe f . by ob tootel boo,fb ottto thtobyooo. hood, is otarydooo oh tc ofohtbasob lo pooloeo, noobtod -1 rrwbjot, tio ,pphitblo, m a es ollttttb-ioooo coowty. toointh higl bdo tttho Fblrdat, oohooo obo tot bibl bogialhetn boor a bth- looottt lotS, goitod boot thb eby thlodopooltora tototo ooi eloolly the Mfdiooooppi. TlIssa r tyot s itoo d i SffwotS,d vIo' by tips d higit htC, bawoo ohl, lowoowi it oviablyooiv to boy lestt booob o peroie tO I' lridt, too bowfa of ohes aw toaoooOelp boo liook bow thooottbooookrgooooto Nit to ootho lokt, foom, o al thko banko depot o ito ohich totti 'Sly ittoig tto, bot boytoot o lb5 a,oto bel ooheloofltheioook, a howsilio genlly c vend tho dod otto lollu to Ioooe reedb gttotooyhootobottoal- olb c lo os hs ikoe -booit, tot finding any ,soto o .P, tolbowhtaio 1-bl 66, pwott b, Soot f goe So agbh 5n 10 00 tide, Soe tordirat plitowo oasboot Sod to tbtoot yrooqwoooo bytke oaoo the0 nib wrig pl.w- tobiot yooyooobo grs tSy fido tor m boo tobich go n the bootbo a tho olt olothoole b Salmpne dlooi~d aong the or oot by thew r o th lot e ovrflowi inboobo ttao us ollot owr Sot try. Frmtotoo.oodo Sfb t o da00001 "lo o too b ill obogi, l Itih b iw, bo oa s t o ali , ot hond, gaitod kromtoto S3 = E. -3- o - _ E - _ y3 !_ _ _ _ -9-l R C- oi I 7 C  ty. Thse boat proceed-d to l lhatkt. it. wshi, whtts .,byhd dva d hkya il, myisth st dt mehfis disio,ss...igsti of btt ttmos.d shth{ ltrgade formedd tht 8td and 95th ttgi- ,pwis Lns okt- ,nhbdd tdt. ttttts e gittestspa, ad tstthsgit. an en-ts d spst aSp oftsss~ colo t pTh ttsgtt ktstihgS It annonce hitstspqi ..ttt~t- Dusss that sight b h -sbtshstths Aths CPstsishe oiypad stsn s Thstltssse ts. wg~ 4- a&- 3 -- -~3-~33-, ap- 3_3-6 w3a9 Q BO aT _ 5 -v 3 T-J 9 9£ 88-088 98 8 - -3333~33--~--33;3 3 3-9 - <888 8823-8; 88 ->8 -" 8~838~o ~"83- =338 33  3 c r -3 . o c 0 E y moK 3 3 n $ '-& - 4 33°3 ,.8 5 3a3. -' GLa 3° " - - y 5 79 a- 63 '3a '3 33 n, a- .. A o 3 6-3' axa x- yec 3 mnc ° cn w °  mar, d egA ngvg,, .~ o e., Pa. ,adN Crl2 adder)on it ' 1cmsmte- ,y, plth, v , IS,,. , ,,,11d, d[,20,2,gi, ,t,,,kc, ,,, 0m ani th vole, ob, 1'dhornpp, Ch4,0,,, ,hk apst. betwee,, tIShw.en D 2~ne pam n,2 i ,,, IM 1 pl,m o[ G-I , m or derco lk ft 0,'0 side o dhy.%,O e About 3(1,,, c pqe o ie .ute ie AF ,,',be hdn , se ,,0reonor h, roa,,, wby a mb -1y, 1,,, 291,,,i pA,,,,1ti%,, -d durng th engaemwe.(S,~ ., e N%. 22 ) Governo,,,,Claiborinbw-, ordere, t42irt an tevoun0 evm,,,L,,&pI,,,[ v,,,,oyb "I CMavrv totk 0,,tnblcu h olo Darme plg, ,,, tp he p2ain ohh G ,,,,1 by ouy,,,,,db,0 ,t,1,, ,,,0 Comd ,9L bar ,,2,,,L, C,,pl ,and ,,,,0y ,,2,l4,y, ,,,bs,,b,,d,,na,l,, -i. 2,,ma Claiborne 0, 0, 12 , ,p, rit ,,, bt 9,. ;, 0,1oa,,,b me,,,0 tau,0,, DA,,mdp ,, ,., ,ppl,,,2 ,,0,ed 2,,, by dI,,0,,1l, lily, ontp ide ,l f~le  bigned by admir4 Cbhrt,,ad mao-gr I, n forc, ll alob Lh rodblo . , l .. The. .gtb,,,.,n 9oe ,l,,.b,1; pydi11bCd . th cman f h I1 opoe 1 pI.,B,1 o.f 11911119. 9 n19 mady. A 911 bigned by admiral Cochra,. 1,9 ma-rgellell bi bmi v, prsev sal, w191,1 thb. At h. 6 befo , .dyepaer ma, h fu,ll alo, the,, Aw Ibekft 111111 pl.- ,,Thb.1trob owmvd ov, 11p...99,,b offI e t, dy the coma, of 9h lee, l1m l ,d .19 byano bp. bIT..b, Ih'fe ..-I ri9 th f.n b, 1 Ily exvcmb Lh, left, asi,91k 91gan sad morm1 riaaam.m.9191911s LIuso esprre 4,,,9 q~.yndy. 1,119111 rspc. , p k 'erbgoI,..9 yAl, p.y. Signed by ad9ira C, br,,.,,d ..j., 1.. Bfbxe ya .11 .19111 o . LAd,, wh,,yatb bbia m be 1919111e pr o I sleothi s A9ehI, ghbfi, the. pap,191 n , Biza91'[  e.The arlillr oenpked the Migi road, suppAAA. of th l~s, PlssLs's AlA BgA s biA, av AALLAces CLAssw I1AiAA, ,.sdL. by p1 ]vg~vsav IAblla, formilng 1bs Pa mryl h L1wiLngfr eara,AAilllisssAgissaAIAIAIm AA batnips As oAFAmiliiAws PiTee sp-,c Ilpl-bInAA ma haAhkl-l mbbsndmaiAof Ap iAl,, p opAs Ap AAL d h b y AdsAt mA hss -.A li~w h~,,,,A bA, Lmaki-lm pmll, mrqsixpsd AaA IAII .AAA rq~ pls Alldislnofaallurbs sip gAl -ll spsAhPn- dre h ive as [h vll. A l lfs afte bs (inga istA' hAIPPPA BAo th sll1n arolia, ,yhaLpAnA Apavde lh Ps,,, bp,,,dsb bl [l ,A sA bans Lgk'lII IAiralAP ConAhA sabwd TalcpAiAhsealA T1 L abssrllry sppssssss th Mig re, LbAbso AlIBIr p AlA- AlbpsAbselds-pplAutb A All Lsp, , P brpA I c s B,},' ended AA, t Ai ALLt ingI toarAA AIl Dod. TAAILA sAL lbn boaIIIIp mAAAAAL hL pAdAAfr, aPvAAof AIA vs.,sl and iA Ap Cr d ,h lbk. BpAASon n 1aAAAA, taAAdiviALi A3' - _ - 2 a22E222 ' a22 2, - o E3 6 dpa 0 a o-a - . °Pc 3 a _2 C = 2,22 > . 22Q222a £^a 3 ~~a a 3a o g3 az a c. 22 c pg< > 3c £ 03G]s .  xrarearcw,. vanota. 111 major Daquin. The m® composing it hW the s of I-d towards he eaamy, .ml of gmtmde ttoethis country: for they were almost all n who had long and bravely defended their native nty, 5[.Domingoagaiostthe BritishaM again the rebels, who at IengW subdued it, and whq efio.t ing rather to go into exile Nan ro become aeon. ,lice eL them who are desolating their - c bare n his hospitable IoM m fiM n pwu in We p-dW -t- of Weir mdasrry. At [he call of general Jackson-at the cry or hmour and oL war ap-, Brimi, [base brave men m-,h, Hired and joined our Lerch. I. Nat m arable night they showed that they ban not Lcrgonen the c ofaf and almm, is coama with the-, my. lbC leftthey co i-d him N l m Louisianaas fur 1, in St. Domingo, they s -h, always expe- ct from them a vigofous oppodt h It woma Hare be proper rnr canna me naa appeared hn general o,,h-'to make panicolar men. io of the - i.tim bttts who dhhitguislmd themselve this n: he might -p bim- self - bese-d r h apattWhy, m even to be ra- p-ached with injustice. I fl,-fore refs, he rea- der, for such details, W the general orders, and m the major-general's late- to the secretary oL war. (See App-h, Na. 25.) But I --t decline ,ying Jm tribute of jn} e gen ral _kse p say ilwt n ould pmsibly have sh- rc p - l alma b, ss and composmeehm was -hibildrby Ivm tb-,I, the whole ol'thisengagement, - svM1icl, de ntarnnc.t. ,...tats. III major Daquin. The - composing it had lbe e of 4ted towmds We enemy, and of gmtimde [toethis county; for [bry were almost all n who had long end bravely defended thew native untrySt. Domhgoagai.tthc BritiahaM against he rebels, who at length subdaed it, and ,M1 , thous. ing rather m go into exile Wan m become .-.- fshe mo.taa who are desolating Wei, m- ove shore, came to this hospitable land m find re. pax in We pe-bl exercise of their industry. At the call of general lack-n-at the cry oL benoar end of w again t Hrit lbws bra, n m - ailed and joined nor form. 1o tha e--ble nigh, they showed Nat racy bad not Ler 1- Ne x eof arms:andalmmt;nconme[wiNthecne- my . the left, tMy ---d him that h, Louisiana, as formerly in St. Doming, they aI a ld always expe- r ce from them a vgo-us opposition. e It wnnla nm be props, fr one canons name naa appeared u, - lorders make per[i.lar oL the eml imlividuals who disringuislied hemselvas - this oceenion: he might expose nim- self m be xed wih partlaliq, v to be re. ,-ached with imjusdce_ I tbemfererek, We rea- der, fer such detail, to the S.- orders, and m We major-genera's leu o the sat of war. (See AppeM'x, No. 5.) Be I cannot decline paying the tibam of jus tm o general Jakso nay t6l n v .old possibly have sh-m ,'rc p-.1 valoua f m and amposm, than t -hibiredrby h m th-ugh the whsle of this engae mrnt, . tl ich de xtaroa-ar. waxora. 111 major Dag m. Them omp-i, it had the tea oL natrel -wards We rnemy, aM of gratitude tm Win country; Lor they were almost sll n who had long and bravely defnded their native untry, St. Domingq.,aa-,he British, aM agahm the rebels, who at I.gW subdaed it, and-, ch., ing rather to go inm eaac Nan m become ac.m- plice of the m who are desolating [Heir - e shot o [his Mspimble land w find rc pose in We peaceful exercise o[ Weir industry. At the cWl of U.-Jackson-at the -of honoaf and of war against Britaiq Wore brave meu is [oral, tiled end joined our brew. Ln hat memmwble night [Ley showed h, hey hM not forgotten the x oL ar :eM alm w. Wee . my-Jmlegthey- -d him tat m 1. on is, f-tb, h, St. Doming, hey slmuld A-, expea ti-, Lrom them a op vigorous posibon. It would no, be prop,, for one whose rams has appeared is gen ml --, 1. make pardcular u of the se ml ;Mividals who distinguishes themselve on this n: he might expose bim- sel[ to Les -td wth par[ialiry, u be re- p-ached wih injus I theref revrekr We da, Lor such detail,,cm the general mders, and to We major-gaernl's leas- to the seer tar' of war. (See Appendix, Nc. 25.) &I I -t, decline paying the l6bnt of p, to general Jackson, . say Nat . man could possibly love shot- m re personal valn., m fi--and eompmurethm was exhibited by him h-ogls the wiolcof Nis engegemeny - wbkh de  112 2122121,21222 Lltaor. I2 1y peale, perh, ,1 e $,be ra ofLoisu 21,ma it,12 the 2ghe e2 he -2, Mme21 J122k22 expyed hill. .el222,2 toloa. I,212h1Weie 1212,2222f122 he dthdaefioer dbuey, ,2h,2pllhe 1. he,, th21 righ12l21e222evgth regimen22h, mat2dby2t2,2pr,2$22i2222thie orth2 gallat .antler-b2-22i22,.ro2 222,2 eemy sobily, e2o ieer 22, 2,et,,, b,2 d22b22d 2,, h them 222y, h-be 22 $2e ytaced withl 2222 2,,,e- w he bed hard0222222222 hiesi,22,barhe- %2222,2l22222y night, 2221ry22 next mornig, h,1,2 m212ched 2gaiste2 26,ty, ,2h2h 22122 noh12w 12,222 by any 22dfc 2 ^22 and 22222f02$e by hardy2fi2 housd2 , moy milita, eb222w2 je the op222 2fi$,d, hive221$ $1222y2d222p$ne (Drops, accusm2d me ee o th2e baey22, aw lw22 i 2222 ebse 262, ,ilde2,,-yeided 222be 222422f2422 mencest 212mdtlp.ig 2 p222222 ,ehe,2b ,22yb $2222 sno 2p 2,2,222,1222 12$ 12222 eglM, 222222 f2222222mrnig 222pl2th, be 22$22 fi1202212att21-. The Miseiseippi mo2,21d2rifl2222, peeded, p,2heye, ehe 12,2 of Leei121e1. Iecy say, witho2 f2 2,2eg to he rzed2 with 2122222m, 2212 an the eige ed the 22,1, ge-eeI Jaeksee elyoed hi,,. elrma2$, t222m22h. 1,2,2hhie I. advane d a2 weh2eeear Whie, .121222211212m eh2e21y2211 makhing a ehaege ,n he al2I1y, ee,,hie pistl sh, 22 the 22d12,2221 1h2222ef d bide,2, 122 ,2,1ml,2 n2 I o2 ere 2h2 .l2 spirid22 end eegieg m, the ma1 1222122by the p21122a21d2222 ofthe22 gallo2 22,,22222-22-2b222 1222222,1, 222,2ly 12 beiebly, fat1 fhey s22222222$ hi22 22 r222. ef2L22iia,22 22222222222o he 22,,bted bute22,e the 2,2limy, had 1b2 222 n $222 N wit222 h2 sue2 impy.. when,2262 he bed he'dly 2222220 hie$2,222blrh1- $2, 222, 2221, 2222 n2.gh2, 22 22ly 2222 2.-m'22, h1222212222d againt 2 2e22y, 222b221 222 2,22f 222222 by any 22222222212, 222 1212 221,202$ by l222$2yb 21,2222 2222, 2222d 2221 2lb2 2222$w .I 12 ,, 2p22 212$d, 22222 22,21,222 $2122222 mop2y1.1222l2..22t22h2212oth 22bay222b222wea- p2222222212hi22h2122th2f2222m222222we2 22422222222 ,h2,2e2d2lhi, 2bh22,2,222$2-i2-hi22 w21211221- 2222 db 2222122222i222ofimmediately rakg 2 4222222n ,2ch2be migbh .ro2 u2 i22b,212me22 22a212222- iogly, 22222222isthe morni222 2222 2222t, be 2ar22- 12d2h22b2t222ary 22222anden$1m2 .. te 2 ef 222,hk 22 222222gue222 22212, ehb22 2222 222221 b212$ fe 211221 d$22212. Th2 M21i11i2ipi2y2te r222220,222, pended, perhap21, th2 2, fae 2221122 L I my sa2, witho22 122212g b be 1,11d 12th i121WW12211o, th21,222 theenighI22222222$,'xa Jg22212 21th12,22y22him. .If2222h22222222h. 112,2hi222 122222222122 al 2h22w1re nea22,21,,1,122ti22, 222n e12212ry 221 makin222 char2g2 22 the ar2221,22, 222221122 2222.sot 222I 222se222$ 12,2 spiriting nd urgg 22 the m21- and12h2l,22$2 h222 sevbel22 h egimen22, wh2, me they 1222 12,2,2 him 1. 22 , T221211222222 2221-,2of2te 22$wa 2,21e saving d2L2is,1,22 2222222222no be 0222,2222222tha12t21 22224, 222222222bee $222ke w22242h2 2222 2222. 2222 h,2212 he 21$ 222dly 2222222 hil$222-b2224- 21,2,2222 14222122122122du , 222212122211222222 22222 by Icy 222,222o, 122 2222 221,222$ by nae$y fi22 2222222$ 222, 222$y 12$1,12, 2122 2222$ 12 ,te 2pe. 212$d, $222 221,1d2 $1e21p22$d ble 22 21h2 n22212it2 22 i,2,ediately 2221g I y21,2l- 1$1d 1h 2222aCary2222d22 tog n .c ppo he 1222122 22 liumig2ez'2 2122a2, 1222222 1221, mi2122 bei2 2i122212221,. Th2 M1211i21ippi 2222222$ ,2222,2  '9 a'a 33Sk3gc c ^a 2KRuh afr- 6°8 _z aa6^ _ o°°a 3 3 3 3 5^ 3 5 ?. OTIMMMIN m Q a 6 Q e ma as na powde mage. ne saber vc I.ie vt Thvmpsv .oho mended her, vendeavoured totake advantage of a light breeze boor the cyst, f sail np the rive; but the wind having dad vs.ay whilst the sails v (ding, here emvved n other expedient dwu dat of .wing burup. Aceordvgly, one hundred men a( ofa v s wed bet witbou, fie range d fie emy's gunsavd she wa rcd oppos to Flovd§ caul. In the ning, the i rm eof LouW it militia, ..- colonel Dej- wns ordered b.. it, ,' at Gcntilly, and went w reenforcefelinty m the Itb.  A F a O G M'E- g EoE m 6 O 5 bC1 3 + 33' -205 5 leFt 2 N " '2-33 - *'--.03S3 HU wil , W u W A S O C W U A 5 h a O 6 C 3'' 02 H 2- 222 'A 2- 3-3 3 my to! 3-3 OH3 N3 UP~~~~ 54 wg9, 33 .33 3-33 3,3 '3 n 3 v" .%2 5 .3.3:33333,33 333.33 c5?-33.a3-,  s5. !" a- a , e UP~ ~ ~~~5 c 1£_ v°. ^ .3 - -5- '-1 c a S 5 _ Ec5 - f3, to= - '5- 'p 5 '5 s - 55 36 94 n 5. n£c cR? 5 4; 5- '. 5- *sd 5 -5 d a  xtsob cnId emag. 12 On igl l froiy he kily, it ee £ hi W dsprs d f b ark L iflt, t 1Be figdwhr ntsyy theLyify,gytreyyth gttttBt hyitt . b ili ladkt d it nRo By battereshaha et hyysyey, ttrvtht One single Wti tfttt her klled fi-tt tf his tn He i t lstky htyisy cluttn, sold~t fBtytt;ht B By,tt - ad fat btyk ,yt t tildy, tthyyy they I sbt tittfo sat, that he services ryyydd nthis day by the Lyyiian, &eeo tyegcta ttpotttt 'fb, yyytyng atd s~t lttbtt dBrAyg wh he frd utpttttdt tfight httydred ,hy t. Trhtspkited Y ytt ydi ytt yyyyydyd. n(St Appendix, Nt .) 1. ytttydittg niglb and is titt, m I e epcs a B T d'ttt previoudtothiseggmnd eea yoditthy lan hydytttytyhy ith o ty. Dyyingyhe -bi dly, thy tteyttttsstlty thlythlgev rktt,, l wded some of ByttthtfNe, moo Carmitttk, ofihymat , hdlhttthdt- kld, andtta himsttfd ,tt;ded i ehn.Tyi,t. Thad iot eptaiid f ytdfet o irstyyyyyi.gtmst whtt had yyyityiyoryt~dtttt;tl,yyM~ ,t lt,, Ott aml ball fyyyy hyy kille fiftyyt of hit e Blyytte lt bo httlthtlttt, tydtbtetd lb-tt Bto ipcfty d l b htin t thy fittd, whhttttlty tok potiont ytBien,,tybpIytatiw, tdyycovy btish b tt ju ttt sy,itht thy ktttce -dd ntit day bydth Ltuitt,,t, tttt ti thy greatett ittyyaytyy. 'The -.-mg 1ted se n hur, Byyiygtyhich shtyfid upyytdtyight hyyddtixtt s l bgttytt ,s ,d And ,ystklshd h h ii, ll troopstty hmc t oNthtytdyttatiyyto Ritthttd Tbt,httltlad gtt, ytttittt tttttt ay htt -,. th e e iy uigt hl day, thny iyyy ty Byy cf tkhtttt" mao Carmick, gith ttttI, h dh kdlay, htd ta hidyl -nl  13 1 2x.rapcw 33 m ax .33. T, vone 3e me 33, ndbl 33u t 1 cirr. Tha33 weapon 23d333331 a be z32332312.331222Dug333 313133m o h33..3, s..3.,. 3ig13 332M 3233e ho 3. wt fire t gouseh;(at b-,th 33 pos 33bl1ty 3333 a ting 333i33 ay333 nt, 133 ill333 323 It33333332 pre wep2 33.333113 3333 dr333 up 3 3 2 3.3 line33( 3f Gool. beh3 2 3322.331 . 33331 T333323 ry-33o33-3131133132 n 32,33, 332d33 in3 ..h3 bN.3333n 21f3 th&313a- 3f13113ain3SI.3Gem 's33i3m9333311133 (.32nd f3 JTh, whthr tit3d3 et 33333 a333313. 231 3 dv m (33333233h3333323;3 b,3 i 333 .2 (333233 t 333 33u3 3o3 332 13333y322.3p3..d33,3b-7 N. 2 wh333132322h 1 W 3.d b 323333.M ,-ligevni Lie 2a s'l 333 n gC m seye th3eir3 3.p.. 33333~ a323131k3.d333 33.333.....3 a nt3leat3.3 t33.33(....333 d.3.3 i...g3 333,1333133.3 Tb.. ~m C11313333333y,33 w333-133331,332h23cr *pl 3h 331~ma 2.r.33.2p,i,,d 233M3333333,n33h3,orni3 312211333333332b3113(3333333333. (3 333333333333333213333 t333m131a33m1113333333333 Tha 33.33 it3 13 t any2 31 aity it3 wi 133.3b(33333. T23333.313p33333.3.333.32 ,3333 333333323 by 33321 pa 3,2 Ab3.. 3313 1331lelaeCol 13.2,,3333, whteri hdbensot. he 232, 33323333 333333 333of2..33333333323(333323. 1333331 3N,. 3, "'i633 had b332333333333212 p31132ig 1333332 '(3333233. 3333333333333,3d23th3i p3333,3.23,1333333233333333'precisi23 233333 (33c. 333313 3 2. 133.32. 33333,333.f31,32233.rvd 3332. 2331rot, 32 re t3333. M33,333,313333M333333 3.133, 33332332 3n 1323333131.l ofth 3333333333333333333 t,33(3 333 3313333333333323143 N33.313. I33333333333 32333233(3333.33333 333D33333d 33thi3.y-33132, 332 1, 33333333333333333323323333333333 1-1- T23.2333223 3onned33h3p33tf3333323332232d,123 be(3h33ie313 ..332d3 i 33g1 ni333123t.333232 13333323233333 333,323313333333.333.'1 333Dood233t.333ma3,3an133m3333333t331133333333Th3t weap123 33333 deub333331 333 e133131.33311 1333 3333 .33233313 232f33 13 ,y3, 3 323 33333331333331(33323 33333 fi 331m333(33313t3f(,33he3l3p33ibiliy3of di (i33 it333 -1,3(33 333 333332my, i3(3 23333333 333 e 33-33331,233,333,23313333(3333. p i li3.33333.battl 3.. 3.o...3 333333 rapn.3333.3,33 Th333233.2331333333323333 ju,323 1, d2.,. 333333333233 23.232233233 33 d3!1133231g33333g2231313333333233233233333333, 333333 13333332333 Se32 231113333133332vgous an Jo333,33hit3333a33h3d3I33333(333 236,1.a33.322.3 333333 3313d 333333332 (333233 3333;333333.tedt 3333333233333233333332333N. 33333 33333333e eande 323333333 3333333333.3 w 1.1 anot 3333339.M of 3333Caroli333r.33i3332t33Me2.i33323.33333332233 32333333 h 23 13 th3 batteS 323 1. h,3 i33333, sin3 g33.33333333.3.3 Jackson lain rdr'1 di opun. (333manr 23, 3333 at33 r 3233.3, .33333 2m,2 312 Cr(33333333 33233d 33333 pl3tf.3 (333.3 b 333333339d, a  c 9 X'm __ 3 G 3 c o S .n5a3 + ___ .. r a d": B^ 3 e G S y n c$ E 3 Z - _' 3 d 3 s 6 . r a 3^ c c _dE __ -" 5 OF 3 3 3 - 3 3 = 3 EL 'F n rv o w o -, o oa o n n c v c g =393 c 3 3 - " 3 a 3 ' cY °a - _ - 0 3 c c o 3' A 3 .n' S v 3 s °_ 6 c F G _ _ Z E" _ . 3'3 w£u£ - _ r c 3 '. 'o c . 3 M c _ - ' 3 c 3 n 3 c'3 k _  188app4 rs ha 1888,1,8,,88k .vanb 8 8f8in, [o try order of battle8. But f1dor i88 ni81 o21 h 8822d t81ee,888 til on n d88b of8318 ou2r1 b3881g 2r,8 211d.. ipoe 882 w8irnsta8 21i, 1a1o82 1881 81 a, nav rin88 8hm.ma Ii, a . re1 8884 n 8888,8 2, ml8d a84 at888 8818 e and [Fat88888 421,22e m888 188 818882 Ir ig 4888 ts h vo and 28888188.821 mp8eeni8thmev 88ao. n ito oblgedto a, 6288881(, W81cam8286648h shmeo nv18 an tele8an dsraeula li2s1 r 88 -.1,5-d 288 8 h8 ri8821 bank f188 the8 emme1 81,88,4 tha2 prpI 1 28 8, ma8 choice o 11 - 888144888828 1enal ch 118mils f 8t18 ity, ne hed t order o[ bni[I. R1281 i18882t88ig2 1,8 2-d 8he 888 d st12 I88 188,8 28nb 18 o r8 b8i8 1-821, d88pd2m ,,,* t lh8l18., 0" Aw of the,2 28818 a n8881 888848.8h1888, hi88 888 -28 18 8388888 88 mia 8 h8 h,8 8841 k88 , ,. III21 S8,288a8 488418 he1 8lg,88 8488 8882 h18Ga8- fi8.8288s8 288a1 18888~n tnemseh2 eon 84.T8n~n8 pi8d888,248 a 88888888 d88888481e 8 tei Iv 8,8bl.8ha 88m88881, 888288888818,8888,888l888,8888,1888. rue exl2888 onst81 m re 881,.+ a882,8 8f1h,8t 88888m8818288888188a881 th88,8,1.888, af818888. 888818,182888888818 188 888n84,881818gh 81,8 ob88 8188,81. 88288818,88882 224,p,881h3 88 88848 1, 8 88848821 221888 .n8 Fw4, de. useless and di88888818,183 822 eI8818.8}888hod 88i838,8,ksl, t8888488828882488- till8,4, 18'a on, rv ohibyv do8to888pefa8t m88828 sl,881 18mpime 2888888 1,88 liv8888shou88 188 8sali-d8p88l88 182,h8.igt3b8..h 4888888 wapbein g-8,188881888188.81 Norgan8 883188,88888 81,82188 F 888 I.pp 81lmaeSa3 ''Fa 3 3 p m F : it geat iyyy yE tby balEsysybk ty pampa, demolishn tyb work, adkillingmyy meyyy. Ebiyiyydidytby arn ,bat- tery EyyllrihtbanknglEc any pprtiyyy .yiyytheb.y i cp iybi yyyyt. Oy tb y , e eyyy,y byegyy1.t yyybisin r tu Beyn', house, y byytey h dyyfysga, ygkiyy by t~y~ Ina amp gEylfy, r-gb- th, pomp., yyyygy yyyeyy p. .yE las .mind, Alu bye cyy expyete sharly y yyiy y,siAyyyblE yy. Enfyy yyyd as bAignypbay artlleryt.by b yterou I- Oy bye yyyyydg ob thy bbfb, yaog.,,,E Vil. lby- byydyyd nxday ,yyypd bybjyd bye liv moyp y a yyoedobyh PiryyEna. MayjoyI-, yiyyy,,yy , dmyadvn-y,,E ym psand hye dagoos r wounydyed. Ourar tillkry, csyeiAly that yE th yyyr bateyyiy, yhiyb yy-Alb whiAhth by a E,, g 'p yoyard ,hyeyyyd. Notyitbh,,nding itsgra dyistace yfEtby bai styyykybhy pampp[, Aymeisbg yh, yyyk, ani k.Eii, m- mn Neitiyyy did tby marind bat tery ovbyyeigyt hanb ngl-t ay ypporyuiy yE bya dayy 1 eey byg., Iyyysrblisbi ,yyrot. yragydy by yE ve. Iy yyyyyap, gryft eR y,,e yyy,, of dyyyyyyy statd, fly, yby enemyyexpecte shyard' to tgp c ydeAyyblEyyy.,MEyy,,yy yy y,,b iyyup heayarilly ryyba ~ orWy n 0y 'by yayyig yE tby 90th, yyyy-g-yyyl Vi- d fyyyi,AdyyyyhbAyia. yy-, yybbyhy~ hAd gyyycylyf.-d the ayyiyyl yE bye myiliti, ofyyy, lby- huydryA yyy y yycaypeA bybiyd 'by liyy yedpy i yryydyo Fyyiy,1an. joAbl pysty, and thiy drgy n wer yyyyydyd. ODya A1[-yyypyyiidly b[hy Af thy yyyyy bayyyiyy yhiyb nEby'yh lyybyylyd ndr redbyyiy byyr-yyndyy CyyiyryA pdiy Ebdiye iqy',yyye ybyyyyod. Not'yybyyydingi, dgreyd,i,'yyy yr bye balls ytyuyk 'by ypyypyy, d,'yylishing'b yyybwo, yyb killiyymyyymeyy. Nyitbyy Aid bye maryy bat yyybyy iybt byyb neygyyy yyy yppyruy of noyying tby eneyyi yy amy, yyy by h yyE pot y O by cayy heeey began yy yyabyb y, Eyyyy yr Diyyyyyy'y byysy, y byryyyEygsbyeyyEsygyy ry~ange by tDykne. by yyy yyamp, grea,''yyDyyey makinyg ty opet h yynypbmy A,' yEMbyyy ytbbeyyiy, yryyyyhby tby pap[ yanygy tby yyyty i oryd y Ayryyyy theyA Imsimtewod h ybyy,E yy desertyy satdyJyblyh yyyy yyyyyyyyd sny iyygpb tyuyiiyyyybyyyy byyyyrv an  o p~m~oas° -.8 c 3 raw' 2 " j E " > F o j 8 m 6X30 2 8 ea o !a r 'c °q1 EI '"  Y L 6 3 C - ko = - y 4 E a d  ay i p ay .'i~ayaqama"i mmnln aPPs pPp I1^ P3 pppIdidipnovPlnpan ppP pvo pPup pppp p .. fppP pp sn p Fpp~i~ Pp palne PP ppeip ppPpppp ppppppd p ppP PP n~ PP'P aPpPP PPP 3 p PpP P pno ally m.. pppP a ,dwdnp~'P3P2~. (PPP do CSolsaFp:¢ny n ,vo;pe Ppl PIPn a}Pr nrn q:sroI v vlnia mPqP saI xr ppppp pp w.(e o pp; an pPPParpPP3PlapnnlpePPn pPI"volppPP aPP = _. P- uvPP) PPPPIPPPPP1PP p~naw PPP m PP OPPP, :qarp J pPP ap,pppP awpu 4a. ,pp~ -PPPPPPPPPP _senPP.PPParPpP pa, pP vPpppp pPPPPPlua sy q sP8rpap3P'P PPPpPP ^y[paeop ppl som'..P ay JOPPP P~lpPP pPPP9a SP PPp ppperwpunoro,-Pn -a'y't JoT PP P pee rugop pvuwdao-pue aPP P'PpPPPpPaPupPupar p P'r a(\1 ' Pa P llmpu Pv ,da PPnev: aura SrrP pp'ppPIppPPapPa , Pp aap w puv sppP 3"-P 9-I.P Pp p pP P-'PpPPan ppp p'ppp'pp sPpP'pPPPspPp qulPP m PPPPPvqpppppupPaPp anp na ppP p pasPaP v pPPP gPPPPP plu PPpP aPPPpunP 'pPPnPP'P urP PP(aey P'pip'P'qpg sauwtPPPaPP PpPPPpP[ PPPPPP pPy ppdp pwap 'duP paPP pPPPPPPPrr puv'lva epppppp v 'P PPPasp' PPme syF aua ay lv ars ay r s a Pue p ppP PpPP _ oppPnrlPppapp PpaPP pPPP pp" lla nlF pp Supppp"pprppup'pp ppppp 'P pPP y PPPpP' PPpPp 'aP .P0qPPPPParp u *s.r. npppP Ppey **vpp pppppp a pa dpyev y ~arppotvPoppppgnppppP *Ppmppp a'ppupppppppppvpupppd PPPPPp'mPP a II PPPP3v ap 6q P'lPqawmyPPsvmrvv9 arrapPP pr P -pppppfae ppt p'p'-ppp vea a4 Il PppP p p' p Cq pd-nn P-ospeqnn 'Snv p 'ppodaieq{ouur pp pbp pppppaprmdarny PpPPppPmPppP '3p'Pp vavbPP wPP'PP~P PPrd PPP' 33qary ) Ppp'pPPPP*ppPp PP'PPPP(amt J appmar ap p Ppvp ppp'p paP3n pompvJ:a lna9np pp' f PP P rrPPP P y oaIaps 1amua PPyy au P ~pP J tP'pp'pus n posdvP plpppppp ;p pp"P pppppp< pp pppp p ,adored appp Joppp P3 uo sPpa pPP'JPaav ,n'PaP v aa PpP PPP p l un sry p uuppp P'PPP n PP ar 'Pp PPPPPPPPDe PPa pPr a'P ap app pPppp:p). q PpppppPu oppPpppp PPwqsy: aua~~~~~~~~'I ar vaPPPP om ne Gnn -P )o qPPvp arPPPPPPPPPPPPp pPPP  j ean" a . 'o' ^e ^03e St 3 6 c cngK Ac~ _ >, - v ' ...E ° - e3? " ^ "m' coc a Fi 3 SS'^a3e_ ^a 02 F fr a o r 3 c ' K o 3 v, ^'v: ^ ^ m u m 3 a ss v Khoo  istelue f sgeoufousd a vey step insfsbwdssd pris fl-msss. Rut on th otIe ksillliN Cs ps l 55 sh;ldm lived tl llal holls, los hae mde know in En- giland how 115 0-1 t 5 Il5551 hblllli elslsls - ing5, 11411h, lb Vke of the Milsssippi, thll mlblemsl th lbs dl Ilwhl~ wi slss mfiltes : vades ofCtMsllsllly. o'cloc Esc , env's sol bslls Is d 5515151 rig5I ere aksrdsss5. 4 Issfissseroa 1stl1 1115 Ills - ,15 by Ilbisn timel lby were uI send. Hils ms 5a , ls slsd lo back r1a51 5143551 tbos of, psss,,cablsss maks ths Bolsb, onc 155111g I sbs mth ditcMhss 1154 a-ys inhs 1151~l55 lsslllm nshll dayssveyl sidsssbse, lsspasslwsshsftedu sss y,ssd orskislllkdIelate being per 555 going tos1 in, l15slgbp,sslsw rkillfd sshslssd bdll dlbs lisss, by1 sthl enemss shbllls r ball. whislh b al , l h e bews k boo sslllllysspl bssss sssk II several sofl the eney's balls,a wan d I51plof sll5il, lbe . ,succ1511d w saving lis grey 5 a a 5155n.mea lssralsssssqsssorsss 1l15l5l otM~erpllssllssflse tisll rsssqlhsws sshbksflbrings o lp1ra15f51ss155l th 15 1411 ssl Mi-ibssfppi,sbhs sblsbo 15h1 5Is whichl 41 sss en Ishse Thegllsllsbsslslldt lsks sssblssdslllssdsi lhesaft--, by whilhbssssbthysrcllftsss- flns topssstls -issd to sbsbr scsp, p s15s15 lb t wnn[practicsble t masks the as sll afte havissllss1 sls tibsc in hsBirh frmsars 1111 ths slsslig. nOslss mlhssdyyivs ey c- sidsssbbc, IIs pasiss ,sisbhst lb errthe sly, and5 tadsfli....... sslssdsto ssssI ilIss.. l 151ll15l55shinly-lslsslossded okilld lesls of ths Is.-s being person. going t bllsd lbs lines, by sbseney's slsssr bllssslfts shot b vs sthbsbrews 1k. Ablo osher- d545115 bnsb,,,nd shs 5515, slssss m ive ner h hIS, laysp ow bsld-sssbith islhystos, whblsblss sssssk by sevsss' of shs enemy's balls, ed wsss l",lly. 55 5sinkig, 55h,, 115 eda i55141 vi 55 thl gran err por of Wesrs. s t ollslsssqssssislsoudslllllsp ome. owl1s wd1 pre a o[ Lsissrl. Blevrs tb Isls15n,oprsssss sssillsssss ;thleb ny prawning o i 1511 f sl 114,1 1,1515 r bssl,slssswlsssksslroiE . 55415bss lldssss~sss Is bsisslsssls lmlllllslholdscl Ahbs~l bilsl 11-dlli Thessdlllbontinulls bslslldlkeutlae,b andsli thll etllslsos, by Oki,55bl1111 lbsp al~lI silenced. is ssssps l Lss '111,. 1 sbss smp, pesuasldd 1511,1g 551111111d in lbs dissbss frossss l sssis lbs idsrlll1. lcoslpalllllwillbthatlsflbsslenemy, sasd lsllld me gbslIg~s~ilslsll Ilml- s 5111f f bsIlhss1 sb 111, by Ills sl~s be shll 51 Ils wbish duld 5511d1 bsbhd hlbs , hss1 6s +i-, 11e5b 511 54,15k by serses of siss 11y5a bslls, andwssss Iblpornllllsilki5, whbsI Il ssssssdsd in 511155g I'hl grll-I 5151 p lalto hes  666ong t33 6631,xark a166(66 J, ana>1.636636 361166,3 1ub636rM1btucsada heroN of3 i 6-l6, 3. 63 66. 6o[n uhf ,k 6, Sll 566co 6.3L 1.I k3,5, ma3h Lls -A 666 .163 on hat dhemo 3h 6 com 3 6vh th (6361 63666 h.gus-(ee 66661 663'( 11"6 I. rev 66,3t6666666 3 pe Cd No3, eu661 6- 363 636 666666166, 3. ns m- . log6~ r6166 6,5666 66vi l3,,,6 3li663 M61.3366 ro aonRog , .1- 6166,3616 on,, q66,a..l 11 6 Itdbgn aip. our 1.,66 616 3 p3ddorI , icso ailr n a '6r 636,66361316,663.6666633 , and d"( d fro661of1hv6666616666d6666-,i's11-1,1-11- 6166361 lik 666366 1116666616666666ng shts i 1631636 .3h6.3, 6636 656666nd te , 66e 366116 6663om Ingl 6 s 566 3..66 m f6666 66.6,336 6336 6666l6666ha oth 66m66I 161nmbl th66 66 36 (666611636 bu 5 6366s ae 63, 616 5o6636m lot un u 6. 3666(66666338. 66665 36, h1d61 m- n(6 3666663666663 Ig d(.666663666 plof66 66666t6 - nxbuiy mloe 666iu 6666 66h 3 6666166661466hd egu.,fai .r d' dd rhvypis 61336366 nrill 633166 3366,1 6666n 66661 b 1,66 33666.ut ad~y 666666 6666666 6666666 b, 6,I 6666, 3, .feli p666666 6666er 66,53 666666666666666.he oad J 366615636a1666661666ma666o66w66336(6666(f6 6(3a,6sls 636666,6631 6666,6,3,6 666633 36366,6,6 66(6b 36666663er 16666 ~ ~ ~ ~ ma 66636663 p66 assa6663g 6631 Ir 6o 633 13 .61 6,,6 t 66666-6b 63p --. be636666613 . ho 56 I1p16N.. (6666616666 63,66ir~a 3616 316 Majorgen6 56h.-66 66.16di6, 666(6 6136(6(166666. 3666666666663. 3i663eLnde m r 33, 666636 3,6633,633,333 666366 ., 663 pnm 36 ,- v 66.36663661 (366 .u 666366633 66133363 g6(66 66633636 666 II .636,6366d3666II-A1h((lm  a- - 3a3gy _- e 3 - y y 4 e - R 3 n e' 3 n :: 3 0- 3 j_ o£ G 3 ; 3 __ s 3 0 a -9 a c 3 m= aB e - R b 3 a H 3 c a y £ 34 g a g 111 2 a swam a 3 a 3 c3j",_ a3 R join 11 Icx twaIRIFIF: F3 6- K S% 3 I'_ c 3 S d Al UP oil -  phe . gu pwe uPeoe, by beipg dragged PIlioiph Od, ph~ dd, ~ii ,hi m PPPPPstti pPPPP my ii,. u ipiipp h he foun, pp.,e hpls- ,m lp .didpj , pp pP rg Pip.,ih ih dibo hl pp.y, 1. iPphp, kn , w ii ppk V.1!.. p., p., ,P b- dnod .4 r~ pP.,P. i poh, dl ri ved a i, pp~gatea h vn M edptpep p eidyi darrival f h K.. ili.,. pppipd, Jaksi beiiP di rop..PP diih pd abovepi ipiph .Pi hiwWdd P nail y pe bak ithie PrpPPPP, Ppphirp culp dpb pp.,-, pvppdpi hip, P i,,., Ip cpp, ihp w J . ithip Tb,~, ~dn H p s Hal !,,i,.d m id e pP s amiiDnipprare o[ ti'p baisp.,p, lP.Whn [He i ga.r ipipiii d, by heipgd.,pggd ihipiph Op pip 2d, evI, pp the ,p, , pipippi perdl w pp Ui, ,e,,p my~i~i ,phei the ppo,,, bal. ,pnd impipii pip pip ir, pil h-k.. odi ibep,,d vu,,li pof App. K~okipiliip, ,,ppp ,i hp, h, ag dppm,pppip~pipkcipp abopl e th ppipopp , -l Ppppp d pospiblyp, Rprn, ,,pipppp ii pip. relicp,.p' o , pp ppdppp pip!. Ma pipd,pn aogppiepppi K.W.eoa I, ypmmp I,,h Ppipy, ppn thip Pplly puppipipi d pidldnppi b~dp hing po gOPe.. p. tpp enpip phd Pppp-h Pu,,-l bayo ,ppepppppipd iiididss Mpiiiiiiiit ipPi a, wheiiii Thpiplandpdip cdpd P foirjiD'ihP~is i.P iii e a dP~ ig iti pha .nn p..e remoiveipd, hy bpingpdoggpd thrugh~ phi. hp. Oipi ippip hdi-1,piihppd i , .,vpp~ii P...,..~h~...m eo rgi ,mdiinipd-q,.,rii.de w hi! pp, biiid pipppi Ppim ph. Pho hpbd Piph h dag dppoppp I.iipipoi. i,ahpp,ii h, Phipppewe au p p pp ip., piph- p_1_1 P. iu P., ipi i R. p, p.,o dpai Ph Mipp~~~~~~~~ ppcydphbpdpp.. prespp apide, pip pp ov h np p .. p vl p ip .ppp up pih ip oe, Pnp !ipipchiii pp1 pin iii ii iel hyhi... ipiplbla P f. , p ePPP, id tP i g by i v it P idph1- illyid Ps ,mid, ipip vll rea hpf inghii. gh of Ptk.h,ppofpla~ hdp- Pp.... ca l hipppp 1.ppHpd hiadpd i i naieibl cepijain.1, -PPPe '...pPh pi! genera i ;am iodee  uaPa o.,uuuua uuu pAn pupuuawuuudle (p u mu jufl Pl"P!e pu p uuuuulaiamad uuu duuuu a, un """P p: wn upuu da. uu~u~w u P'g. y p-u'uauyu a Su peauppuun iryu,p w 'ppn uvm uupupua u uuuao 8wd pn .GlmuuuuaquN Fm 'pw uupuuulu'auu uuuuup pup Sluuauup"PuuPuuu u uuvvq , ,u uuuoun~y puPi iuuuuuquuquuuuuuuI p umuuu"lPue apl au u-") puypyios uuu uuu npuu ou u uu,d auu uwuu "Puu a,uuuuuuu pup uuuu"P punqpwnuuuuuuu " pmu uuuuuuuuuuuupi uu"Puu.nl' wX aol ,pu puupuu"y "Pppuuuuuuu"PuuuPaw ayansp"Pu""up uppuu uu"P "Piye up ,uuuuupu asuup uu"u upaimr u pH"ugl " 61eus0 a "uuu uauPu uopleuuuuuuu upuaPaa pap5~am, uu dlP tHu auuuuP pasu 6a"I nd" ulo' Pu S- I puuv'gp ay;uu J'puu.uuuuP up pum muu Puuuuu :-muu'pua~ ua"'pup up"PuJ uuumvupu pp~upu uuuupuu " pu au ~ Puuuapuuuue uuuupuuygp auuuu p,puuP dayu aup"'uupawu nP a"I'"p"""T "N u wy *pu nmpuuupla Pupuuuuy upiuu"Pu uuuuaPuuu lIWnov vu y a~l. wmww p ppuyouvnu puday ;;yuupuuuu apuu"P N,ue y" "Pvp uuupui "Pusuuu puupuuu py ppuuuod sPu, -ueupuuuu-pp uuu : uun[aP eu ursnp "Pu Puuuu Gasp isuuupuuV daup upS,"nn auut plv-I "Pup aPuuuo uuu~a.uluuuuuv uu n uuu"Ppu " ndwapuu pu~lo '-"uuuu Pu " ,Inlpuuhy uuuuu uu"PcyVu "up' yp pun "pp "u u""pv ;~a,p pumsp ["m "ppm uuP upua~am ~ upuu su~x"P "uoav p uauuuu upputa~sl p'uu"u p uupPayu pauuuuu tu""ae ,'"pucuSIP+uJn+e puuuduuuaupuu suuuuu  _ - - 'c 5 M E E E E - x was - E _ _ u £ E v me mv c E E E E - E o _ _ E _ V" = E -° E of t G j c a Y. E _ a _ M E L 3 c 2 °  ursroelcel. rvamorn. 141 ~ natng de laa r, nape nrpdsea, o at hre lacked their pnt at tFe monM o[Villelers -.1. n On d1e Mh of Jnnoary the d-d oulina Lrom ]ie achy, o the mbar oL nvo tM1au and t. o Lun- dred unA diiv rived ii and lu amp n Prc 's plan o. thu Callon F dnv hundred a td Shy aF lh-, but -1, five I-- wd f RJ being firmed, repnired to the lines, area encamp. ed at medintn n [he All tllev Daps 1 re nutd of mnjor-gni al John Thom tttd b-6T crnl ]aFn Adair, ac yene 1, oaks amme~d ol'the troops de _dM he lines. 1±1±4,4. nl rv41141 1411 ,lri11,, 141 enah4"g thela4 ,1p& nrpri,1 o 1111,4 On* s 444 11 rJmr hd- m ,tlsronlcnr. rvnmotn. 141 r,.endlag the Ion a Ea -  nrsrontcw msmma. 145 redwbt, whin was not yet complaed oa the morn- mg of the am. BePo,, J p -d ro rcWte the cvenu offbe em o[ lanuary, a day of ever-gloriona memory fa the annms of America, sad especially m muse of Looisiem, I think'. not nvamsonablc here to describe those line., before which was performed tM mast impartaat mi- lim exploit of th whole, mme nsider ng lacm and me rupoctivc rarcc rasing. Na wniaaL mficcts on Ameitea Ne high- toglory. Imksa,'s lines, rvilhm five miles of fhe city of New Orleans, sad running along the limits of Rd- xigue s sad Chalmeae's plantation., formerly the pro- pmv m' the United Sm11s, were but ana of thou an- mill-macs, so common in (.auisuna, extending ham Ne bank oFthe mcr m me Cyprn,, srvemp. ]e ks bren mrcady seen, from my mavripho~ of fhe l- c( Nc soil in Lawn Lm m-, and from its skiving from tM ri 'anla Ne swamps, that when tM Mississypi is swelled to ies grearest heigbt, glee level ofine urrracr of its me fe1Lth Ass5n44ths sh. wa4 644k, 4644 64op g44544 pct54,4 pbm' l 5s5424l s,4 44444 541, s44 4, 64,4.05145 45 514 5 d45 151s 4444 4 d A 4 , p4454 -42 e 51 , 44444444 of5 4454 444S4 515444424 4.45144 h4,51 4s e neh 2s54rsvw p4 4,44 p 44, 444 lesl 54p,4 I6444454 bako 4ee 44B 4542444 b 4445 445mv 44he 4'A*44 444424442,ii 4aly T4444465 I, 46,44 4h5 4ih di4444 44, 454 littl e4v p444p54 ,s4 *;5p.41hs4rt fo~hmgi oh va 464All 454441,5d4455444444nl4d A 44u452 . 54,454., 544444 4. ofCemeg -445444544 -ks45Mvdme Ib~s,-- frpoms thelins Vil-s cn, 4h6 24444424 h 5544h-1444446444444 44d is4 4444 5444.e As 44 44454 44 p 44 s5 cs dse pol4s,444 4.455 2464t~le i 44t44.te1 p4~ 44 444 4444444 r 4441 ro 4,24Wd 4d .44444sober 4544445of4th4, 46nn 4444444 544 4-,54 46444 64 4fth 445ea It-5.44,44444 4y 4444445 245i. ml,,-te .4454e th 5444 54444, 44455446444446k.Alldt ple I. 51544444244444vicii4444-444442,4545 tM~ 51454444 4n p54 4444 4h 5 445444h 464444 4uh l h 44644444 4554444 'N, 5444444444~lru, ndby 42ecr 42451442454 .444444444,444245m 4th444 44po 4444444 l 44,44oop 4244-24i 44444654 4454 5e 4564mA 44444444454h 4mp4444b424444444- 444424544464445,2444544ck 44446444 a444 444544 454444,4 44 -,wic n-p 445446444445444554444454465. 04 45444houg 44ly f54 4ee hig5 46444 t 444 6454 444 e 44 544444- bunks5554*44 5144 4444 444446444it otom hih 4444454444444444 444ga44444nngrnMerte v 454445ol2dra51i45444454445444-parc45.0.44 h,244I 54456445544445 542y p44ra pos 54545446445144554444444 .~ 4 4od 4Lnd N2 fr44444 44446444 'fe il 4 4444l 4454pt 6444h 2444444444dualy ve 44,44 ud i54a4,L44444544 pl44524 2 44la4oe sgr, 44.te o 44444 ;44~4'544 444, 424ppsb 4444244424 4s 444h 444 4544 4 444444444455444 544 44444 n 454444 5454445444454 ,,Ss 444445.5 45444444451444454544454246444242 444545544244 54544 5164544644i oflb 44444446444 4444444444-44i464454N lur h45442d 444444644444444 4 2. r es nt o h n h i 5 1 4 4 4 4 4 2 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 1 4 4 4 4 5 4 .4 4 4 4 h4d4444454,44c4ro425454444ig4.2d44. 444466 All 4p Ib 4444454 5444oeatI -1 db t45'4s 44.444i 4 5414424454644. 04444444n 445444 52444 6444444444 5454464445d-  a ~ Uh httttdxtt uao . 17m St the t~ lice able w hwah the b l,ibt the St dh dtpthr them Sl Pt. t asfa a .dmt'tom, w. ttittfar- th 5e'. Stt . d bpm.enmS At tg th, it igh . 5.nru and tiimk titi .5. S " t7 taffit alfhoft. hl. oritS in t, tpitthe Smmii~e dinek, hbM,it h -t, iimte md mitt,.s swm tadm 5 tima- wha ltLitt o or. oat trike the wt. ,w itisait p resi . mukti td wasi o md ttitiub. ,hoflegs lid oNe oedthe-,leptgapait ,c p.r do d ite ln thh - ni sso ssithAs e bdingi-sssiss, sAiccts sssylosssd silss ssd soA sssslsls Ffrdaybreak, o5 oms sssss swislhsstssislssig Irssi-Isstsssesssysssisg A sssA s'e A s5ofd disco e sssssds tsssssss ssskssss- sPA ssAs slssse ssss sssv A, sssss rosk Atss~ssis~s sssslssps asssss s-sssssss, lv~sss sgs Ass (A I sislssssiessiss gsssrsssd Assom sssb sasyt isss slfs b sseNs. Me1s s osd sosss-ss, 'ddss A Alu sos sosks sss-As scasdss5 t fuA ssssdss h.-s A Mes~b sssslssmssb.i~ Asssss Ass- sd.ss 3,ssssan~n sssnlsssdss.dires ssbsirssbdss-.ss besredy ssshss-ssigsl. 11~ she tssps psd Ass ighs Aslsssd Ase ss- sssssk,s ssimgs sA ss'sss asov alls. Fssss sssss d fos dspAy ssssss nd bAsssgassyssssbsd,sdssowig~ isssssssssn~ bssngi. sIs, bsssdssssssssssssndssissssd Aon Asst bslsss slsAsssek ss .s-puss ssi sodssddsse isi sihp J-sssisselss A5kgt sske oss sssssl s hs Aski Ass slsb sssl, ishSs di! .16ssssmsis Thlssssesss lin Jm~f1s tusk ssAssss sss Sssls issssslssse[fbs m 4ds~A ssd nsss- Os 1 all A's To grs th-5I l frme sssslsss s.lsss sss boss them an l VdmGIi shosess durinA Ass s-si .1-sk. Bsssssriss Nss 6, 7s ass 8,sp n  ssds,,.spssslygs azllsx 1Ii~f 55. o ad51 v prstsy g155 555155511 hdl, i 15551 Kssss.,ks, ji igsl~ bhessisssih Ib- f5 I ssss hbsg in,t makess a 111 155cx .., 55555 555555a55 551b I ,s n5 1555 5 51, othb5 sbsssgmb.d rlm peniddis o hued- , 1155 ISivugt h Ipl, SI avid the5 fire J5155515 No. rad, sd 51155 is, aft 55515 srtyfi b ns ss pa55151of 55 Dope aipemd, an51r ra5555 snoI, one1 t5515 U~ 515s r sh It-5,b Tb r11 d 51 51, hd, 0b thessIlssylsd bsshl. enbsspssssld, bsssbssd.Wsssdf, mou ins Tbh- 5h1sA-5ai511so15 5i5hol5515555.5 me 5d55 ofthe d l 55s551he mgh b est isss s5 na55s1, ssssr h5515 -llssd 5, h no,1,1 5,51. wa ,1{ lI s h, formd bdssmassssdlss lsss,,b Ag 55511it 51555,51himm 5 515e risng firelsss n,aes v artillersyss ~s, ra sIv drne b5155,sismad, u ruto sslsssslsss,sstL1 55ltblb555551lay115555p15t55555 155 Kensscky, so sisg 515555f55 widssss IIsb sllssy bsg, sv 15, ssksssmpssi ,51, 5, 5,5 sbssss bhoard IN, 55115 ssling 1551 wsessss odosus s1551ss555b515151,spsslsllssss mai s F55e 5 R,5 from whddssse,, scasl osInbd51sscslI I., 55555 It, re splac5 bs 555 15mo5s15o555115 soaIre tefi nISS h-51 5151555 sharey 51551 1511m s,,s spsl, 55115 ave ssbssste uls 55551515 thoubl,5 whi 5gb a 155155151,515 edbs 515511 m bs bsdon 15,551115 -l. nieyboe por55 ofss t 5551 troops ~ss Is.e t ae d1 one5 I, bsfes 55515r i gh51 51s l u ,5 t,b 1,dg sllssal 511~ 51,d y5lupsbr5t , - ks51ssslIlls,15551g 5aidd1 51sei 15 55 5 k n a p s acb s n ,SS 5 1 5 5 5 5 1 1 5 5 1 d~ 51sdim555515h, mlihi belss s~ A15d15g55,f151*i551115nd515551551555c , l 55551555 pret5 5555151515 ,dss, i,,5I, af the b5555sk55y orth t sp 555515551155Is 55,5 Kesssly, 55i115g515 551ir 15r w15515 ssssf hevnllssy, blgsls55sks II l51555555 iSIS whib, sx i 515515 5155 ant,55 ssisssg 5i 5 ns mel1o515,ST 5 m555555bl551r5555,sg peels Is tssdes 51555 51,5,15 I 555551p, osd 55515-1 s15sss 5555111 55555,5iv stsb 55h, cs 15,id lbs bse sf51 b55115 N,. R,fss5555hiIhevr sssss' rg open55,gssed h lass, a5515ha551d1d15551h11l15fl5511555111a d 55555. 511155151515by 55l15155555~1up clsesl~bls5 utt15 5he5fne1b555555555.-1h 1511,dl.5 15551 5lf-b15551555515555.5155 5155 ed51 sI the dim5, Sssovm sissss b15,55 eI, sd p155o55r51Hooss15 dis5pese1, a151 1.155155ta551 sb 5 155 th 55ssbss r t55S5 bfi. Te red t55555 bo s nsdssd ya51511om 1,5 lin1.11 Th1555 ofi, e 11155555551555 sW sy mlb 5 155 pssbss . ,ssd ag ,, sss .m 555515 5leo e in a bymgb,is Sssinn Id.51555sds11515555555 51lI,155,15fa1551551D55115515h5 sslss  2R t m - v3S s, 3 Xo ?ao 6 £ ° 3 6 o a c 6 - - a-0 -_- 6  vif'd w i m , dg d i c if ,d ti i, fimsf if, d ',if, dif, rd oi~ f oor 'i,,liv Af-oe d c .,A,, .if Zif, hold i cd,dA , th if my if pad s ,,iftif, if if1, ',ib,, y,,ih,,dd, ,,d ,,if.an ,ifd Ak ify ,,,,lb S-dgh me if'~ues anddi rtePI~ overoweingi ther ,b neifde ,,, b. (hyf! l- f. g- only esaped o,,, batteif, ife killd byf5o Lare, our fre d ntslce A a agf iff iifmomen,,i andifh, ser As m,d, th addtiller vnd ifet Wheif, . column 'firp,,.d....,,ifif ife attackf, th -o pa oe f,,,nl algd h d,,if, ff ,ih, wod, ,if i.f,, pr L m ,,, ifiifi eA A a -'~ f ', ',f',, mat if "'Ad till'f~A pA' Awth ooh. ififify ~omgines.Aft m,,p,, onourlef bf,,d , if if, ,d,,if me fi ifem madei ,,,,,...,idv b, only escad Deif,',gif mf ,,Fif killdbyk,,, ,,dkgif, Diy'gd [h -,difhr,, thif,,-Ai if, i, oar, fif difi,ii~d a ts dcke fr if , ifif "if, if~ii drdd if >h.,, [he Atip'y an muset Whedifhif, l ,' if rsg, v,'frf'ii,,iy,',,i B,:,i , f,,, attacki  Colonel5, Rc3db, fllwe b,,3 avaoth ,35,,,, 33k3b,3, 3p3 galnp., 3w,av43 , 33333u,. a3d3I, 73b ,1, 35imo 33hi3h3,3, -bg~ 35561i 3445sot kp op ,d,5a,5, 53,33 fi33,43b3 bkm, w,b, hk rhs o l 34, , 44 oblig,4,,,,3,tad ba itd -, b3 he war3,d 333,5 43, b,33t35 .5,,, r,,m had,, 33t3. 1,,, te 4331,3533.~ ba3355s 4333 533 mat33 --, b3, b,,,,, 333333eyb ott-g~y 354 ,,m th355 ,,35 ayrak he onds3,S3,53o~, by mu[,, jab,,h ,, bd 3,,,,,. ah r O,,b. a5, n,,, m3 L,, :b,,,re dd foe B3333pilyr o 334.a 3, av33 havi3 p33333d 3 hower of g,,y,-oho: o te eem',,[mps asb5,y--t, 333333,33 high , k, ,,dbegn m 3333, rnavkw the gallb, 3333333334fl3333355335,pai Bc333, wh3 defede [h453 4,533f5533lin3,333e eem al5fi4 "bit 4 334h gal33t. M33,5350 cpaiB.H. ph,,'33"3y No. 1,5 33,333vu N,,ri' N,, 4, h ,sb gi3 33333h 3334 oly 333, ,,354,, ke53, u,, em3,n fre, 3553 m 55 l33 a~ahTk 45d33d35.15 .1 ,43b3Q olge bddeemha opne 4e 5,5,45 4d£3 33335333, bp,55 s 33333333 M, 33h,, eared, 5nteIno , be3 cipelhld33 directd aga ,,, 53Mmm 33,3-, Fpe b,43353"3-mlan m I might 3335 be t'333 r,, b,, ,3, Ch-,dB, a,3p33 4, adj ,,,, B,,, g,,33 md33 r Cb,,53u,&, boilbb5s. BI~r 343.saw h33 n p53,,, a shwe o£,~, gm, h,3 u me N5uystop a5, 3,. h,,eby ha,,335,,i Coloned lit. '33 b53'3d by Iwo, 335- aff.333 o high rank, had begun m 333333t th3 bre333,,,.k, 33h>3 3h> sult533 533l3n3 rifle.~3 3e 4,s ,prain B,,5,,, wh3 d-ded43 5l, 5h355 5333333 h 3,, l .55aete 3,fid which3,343353333333335333. 333 obliged 3m fal 333,3 3,,,5 ,,h] p3,,d the 3,,e o5f3 m b3,,y b3, s 3s I433,3335,33333 th 334 33333 ,, be- 3h3i35, 4,,3,55 d5355355e 3333di33 of3333335 pl Thefie y fn er bi,Sk n a 3,4p. 3533555 43i334333333edf a,,,i3,, M5a' os, ibype mam bg3,,3353d4bit33.3,migh3stillbe 5b, bu t,,be enemy3'34,,,3ppoimm3,,,b gen333333533,l h ,,55,33353d r3p35redI3,th33 p33333Sh3hos,34 m3g be3,,,, d,,ybrea3. rPh, o,3ly -5 ,id d,,, by 3 a, 333,,4,35,,33na 335,3 WIN5333 35n3 she3l3 w33or333 j333333334, vtp I-I 333,ved 33333 m35 hie 3ho33,33avd 3,3335,33illa3335 t53333,,3343,k345,,, d 55 35.3b,,,33, N,,. aW3 334, pri-3p15y433,333d bhi iresis [hose of m, enem, a,,5 d,mount 3-, 5ra 33333 ,5 5 g~,,,3333333533.3r Cbd,333,,a 3bo5543333. Btt 33 3, .5 333', Dap ,535 5333335335e, l33 3 5, 5333333333it ater 545 ia a,,533b.3,,333333I3,and  _ _ 3 3 9 H 3sa^'cS TIM -- a 3 rt o g 3 3 a - S u_? 3 _ __=_ - c a° 3 6 S L Us e7i 1 014 c _ o 3 g _ - >9 2 -  q 6 { i - c Q o - a q E" .: X c E ° c a o 3 e. E 8 " - _ 79 x s E« _ g E c y_ _ = E a X o c E E 2_ -- =o  9 _ E c _ E;? E s L a g c s Er _ ?o - ° Er _ m_ c 41 - E .. E E E E E E 79 DEES +dG ~ ., a ._ a m ~ '"S S _ A m cs °c Ce c Y V w c V .5 3 ,Eo . c y H. o- ' 5'g .9 E v o EeT'' So E. "S .. .E LY rs _ : 3,. ps3 " , "Si~ - ' = o N' E S S " o <" s _ 29 . ° cS =, " S v o $ 3 9 .se a3''33 aeag 0 d c  At se ,erid tn de tiottofLp leied trign tr tptttttt i Morgat't 116 (t66 pl6- Ni..a 51Agtlt htt ctdttt ivt Wttd hit s chat6 atthde titt - h - tderrDtgthe wdtt tttltd baspdttatttcrass t th thp6, dtyttk-, pp 6 .itat rslttgttt'tide pl661 rvtsroxscnt uarna. i65 vas , nary ro be kno n ender ilat he may been ne penc dv acgmanted with Ne moves of thus m At It.,Z when [ne quo of Loa kvscd, brigadier.V,- David Morgan, of [he mi- leas appointed tc and it We hav that alter [hc affair of [M1o 29d o[ Dec mbar, M1e we ordered to leave thew at the N:ogfish TOm an V., left bank, and cross IM1e river ¢o..comp m the right bmk opposite lac- so;i s lines. (Sce plate Nc. 6.) Agreeably to [hose oNCra, l,. made his troops take post near Ne saw-mill, on Flood's phn- A frw dys slir, thooops moved fm Joutdan's on,.ext to Naz o 's, where they rem.ined till till Inc iN Or h-'. wlrich day they took a position along Rgua's old cad, r the lower bnnndery of the pla.Gtion At [his erne cootiagem anted ro no mare than tiro hundred end sixty eft ice men. We have already xrn tM1at in the mor.itsg of do aN the second regiment of Louisi.m militia, co- Zenon Cavelier had --d aver m the tight -k, and encamped on Wzelard's pl.nt.tion. On the 7N, that regiment also took a position m RegueC CM n the left or the qd its being effective race g then oNy one hundred and save 1f, nmen armed. The eime r nt of militia, do colonel De- it .tuittd lmd, in the evening or the dN, [he position occupied on [he Pienas canal, aM [hoe same day took a station on Ne IeR of the 2d regimeoq aM formed It, extremity or [he lien on the bank of dw [ova. T. ter, regim t .ms .--l . de,-- nsaxoatcnc uaucax. r85 scary m Ge known, N miler that Ise may Ltecome perfectly amluainted with the causes of Noe unfoAt th pt- wl en 11, q.o or Luu levied, bngadier.ge.eml Dmid Morgan, o[ [ne m lit . .plwi ncd to w~d it We hav e.. Nat after the aft it of the 2sd or December, Itswan ordered to Ica c theca at the Engfish T.m o the left 1,,k, and oerovs the river ¢o ..camp m Ne right bank opposite ]ackmu's kenos. (bee phm Ne. i.) Agraably to those onlas, M1e made his moops take post nom Ne sa.v.mill, w Flood's plan- t. A few days after, h.. woops moved rm. ward to J.urdm's plantation, next to tM1at or Flood's, where Ney..inm till the 7N of January, m which d.y ,,y ..k . p.wi.. along Ih:guct's old comb err dw lower boundary of the plmtatiox. Ax this me the comingent amounted m no more Nm two 1-drcd and sixty effect We have alrcmly sees thati. the momirsg of the aN Ne cecmd regimetrt of Louislam militia, coloM Lenin Cavelier M1ad cr sod o m [M1e right bank, a.d encamped no Ca.clard's phemlion. Oa the ]th, Nm rcgiinen[ also took a position o. Rague['s -, on Ne left of the quota; its eReetive f- being thm only- hundred and se nty.si d. ' first regiment of militia, u der me colouel De- j- q.iied, i. [he evening of the 6N, the position occupied on the Piemas -1, - that same day took . canna ox Ne IeR of the 2d regimeoq and formed the cx mity of she lice o. the bmk of dw raver. T. this regim t was a.maed a demohmmt  .f&m 61h L.-,. militi, frmin toehr o of on Q' hunr k en tnmosoeI adter _d w Uh liA s f -y 1-1p 6'yrs- ,i'h,,,,,,13 l teMn" , 'ehsudig,', are5 om nod-.,,, Th6 a6',, th,,,, pat J66 ,, .1',g',' 6an.,,, .f6 n Thung e endg ', med,,c i] am, 5,h res6, T,,,,6' whc, b'gI>hvegafJ, T"'l, h66sttion '6 c6'g',,,sol ea, d,,e e ,d ,, 6'p"d Lne o dgo,.I' mn-y '6,6 g,,'l'"6 Ag',,h wlga ' 6,a 6 alpto o h h Bfegh . ",'' cana, thi ,,,I 66,in tto io ldg,'d . e od. h, -ll tht ,',t,,,,d of th 6 '6'1h d 66a mil '6, i toehr o IA'"'m A,6y 6,,',, General Mmg6m , toktee ed. hi,, 6daogl~~t, old rena ,66h'l'ih'gshid 6cdlusdd~v B'Ig'IId Ilin -1 whgc 66)as 6,t 6'y.llulprto fth h M,g,,,h,,,6,'na,pi .,d666',tt,,m, n  xismo71, r 17111 1717.11 . 17 17. incin d 111 mak 7 ohim 7 epoit 1.1 te ana ot'Ivge. hall7l1l tha 71 de1i 6 I l~l lol mp th iff- myarJ[117 11,77 ma.1 1.17 rcport1 Aim My1 orde7s airee711m 1 s gen11 Morgan, and7. oini ,7 of.1l Ilodo 7117.1 subae7.1.1. T ' . e lifl ti g derl 717,7 appea171 17111177l7 7i1h1, 1711111111am11f1,1d1w pA d11l771 pmpo117t, 1,1o7,1., y 11 aip il 1. 5III 711 od Ile 711117 th i1, 117ht 7.7. 171 spa7, 11 o.. 71111 nin7 717drc y11d7 of11 .7e g1111d. T1 e lined 11, t bIb.117,17171. positi,7111h1 are,1 o1171111111 he the,7771i1d1I17711d 17171111116,r 76111 , 71661117 711717 7,p7111111,i.7,y 717de111 11, 1711d1111'7111171 7er. ndd 711771, Il11.1111 to 7h1177y 1he 17m11171.51111f.rn ma11h7.i1.171 igh7p1117177 v ba ,.11111,1idd, 1h1717 ll11.111poi711f1k1111711be111adapte1 .11I1 onoI 71 ml.1l11. mai 11 r 7 11771111 m111711 pos111 sul at6711111di11111h117711 1 . d -11 . 71 1 1 1 ta ni ,li 1117.111111. 7 e71 11111,1171117711711l1111111111mg 111111711 717111l 7bo17 ni, 6h177.7d 1711s 1111 111111nd Th adjoi, 711, bri7ng1 7.7isol 771111 II Ilulp 711 k111ag111ally71datl.11oly7th77,lppea.- 111111117111,11711711 1171. rpctlk.. My 111111711k m 11111 gIII a Mo11771171,11d7my puros1 bu111711117 117 1111111 by 11177erreivld g , ar11 .7117 v11,17 171711111h7 of .117117h1171 yars7o 1,.7,lgmun. Th,, Ikdjimml ,.d11171gml77177711work17ecup117 this111771,1 71111 spac --111171un1.1 rug  E Ev E ey_ , - _ . a E o $ _ E N e ? = E c = 5 ° _ a' E c _ c E' - ... E a .. u a . f t_« E __ e v < E n' o t xg' v 8'0 g vy s _ _ eT'E _ - s= s% _ - = E s- E 5 r o Y 6 -EEC _ e Eo9 ? F 3 E  16. t,s,9 n na 166166661,,,66 1ig 61661, exec [ 6666 666 kd 61 the61 661 ,6 bef696661916 bre 666166da , h 1,, 61,6in 666,t66 the61h"6666 militia,661 66d, th6696666ndof66616666 66dha be1666666-6i9.d666. oppo1166 hit61666ing. T16 666616 reve6966o16the.61,666611666,66. 6666116161 6661o69of6661 Ielev,166666666ti66g666166666t1 mm1d6161d1166 be616 op,6 ed m166 666616166 bef116. 16616 166169 66916161666 h'-69166 1161bea66r696, or 11616y6d616966 th ,11661,~ 6t,66966g6[16[h166166666166,[la116696696661k61 666616661ba,611116k ,61166166W6h96,h666616 6e1661th 961166666 666 666h6616 6666 91 i ue 666116669he66e1666y, 66666161d,16666619666666I- ehI d66666 1666669.t a eTI' 6our6166 6666. 11666. h 666916 ca Mari69 66166166616. 06161 1616ek11 a h 1116116169 1,16661161 6o6166f6 t16 6166d6966.166he616y66616t61666161116661-9' p6,6- 66666. Thor6,6696616,66616l6of6thel-,16Me h1 l .,mi, abo666 66611 661616 669666 I,l e6666916ded,.66116661666of 16e16666d61161,of 666916166166 arme,66699t1of666e.6166,1.g66166 166;16691161, f66 be666116e6e6661966 166 1666 66 6166666 691666666 1196611 e66fth66,leeecptn herom 6666666h666666 It-61111t,611661y6 bf6,e 661666 i 666 Ii 6. 66,66e 611669169161616619ed.916 e616696666616616669666th611w666h66 i66666966,16- 66,661916 16,k, vha 661611, 11 1666 166166tdm 1169161a966,th Ie9,61666666666661,6t6166161 le, h666 66669616l 66966616, 6661 666 666166, 166169 1611919 661666696 1161 661666, 6666 k66696 6666661 6h6 16661, 66666166 the flank 6 hi t61691, 1666 th 666666661911916666666966116o666, 16666611 666'dash adan.166161166 961966661116 116161166661666611da66,66666who6, i1666666l666611o9 the66166166of6ge611666616666,1h6d1de6ol666666 666661 6666666 66 the Ke16,166y 666191 16 166 6 66166166666 6661f 616 661666 696661d 6666- e 166 M,66666 rrap 6 T69 ---1 6 o6f66 6,61s 1666 666996 ce 666699. 661166116111 6611 mi1g61 h16611 66 ec 969 666 16616666 666666, the 619, b-66 66,t 611 66666 66 rec11 e 111,66,6 o of 6661h9 6 ratio6. Th16,611mil,6mlet-,6 the 11in6,6 M. n1666661d6be96166616661,, 6666ebi l66ig "61,11669e 66166 ' ry, dl6 666,966616661966 161 1196 6 6611666611666161166616666966666 a I ,I. th61666166666166h 66.116166i16h69166666 6669at 6166 ie 61166966 by 611 116166g66 616h 66616 6661116 66h 6666, 6669, 616 66 666 66v 666, 616 . h61 [h1696 ra669t1 ai 6161,1666666616691661 666h1d6c61666t669,1161 1666616669 6661916166661 16116,6k, 66616166th16 6,6k 6166116t169,666616.,s 666666966116696666166n6661 661, 6666 6,6,116 666 he 6616 6666 6 66 1,96666 616d.16 166h11e696i6g6of1the6,6616d6 ,6,61,6btd6 61dr6 6116166 6196i66, a6116 6h166 961166 66,,~ece lb,666666,11of616611111Th.-,1h6d1d666l1666666 6616661666666d166the6616966,,,,1616 161666e6666 .e66666666616.6669. Th6616661696669666616166.  E yY r a E = Etl 3 EE_ E.E ' - Y. O v G E V - A c _ o ' Y - - a V nEE _Lc9wcE9 - ' .4 G - E E Q E ° ° Y J ,- r E~~ 9 ¢ _ $ . E. C _ M M -ad~ SE~ £ _ ° ad17 . Y _ -^ ' sZ a ° s' Y..- 5 P"V Er aasC" E Y $ . A --.tE °V a -yc c ? QQ f nG :, E._~-- 3 -r >o Aa . £ _  Nd mb p-f ih mtops chat hd Ul~ bk le his boy Ilc~h gat *dr 11a11k. C&o~onI If-II1, J7If77I7I N 11711 ll 7717d 7II17777. ifie Ihrl coy,lgh byI1he 7*77p.177 o .777777 Ard, wh7777, in site anal7d7,7, beyond717 111pyr 71'17117o~ie. TII u .p, dl77n717 hi77l., ,d, eol177 171771117 le.Th rop un777 t71 7117' commen, occupi77 177, consierab 11171717 the n, 111771 70l77d TIxa fr 1717 ec c117771-171 Ced, pomedtd militi7717, v7 117 dld71717717177a 771 di d1 777 77717s 777 .IolI[ 77117Cld>I 7 777h. 117177777 vI 717777oops 111, bad landed, 1117k hi17bo7177117d7777.71711t 1,711-I. 777177771 is gkod any lo177171, 7th 77777 h1d already t- 1y eld7 17h7 m7717 77,1 e6 77y, htd1 1a, 1771771 777 wee e u 1171 p77, 11111 u77 thd rih,17777771h ILln Id,71 777, 7771 u77 17k7777 drafte1 militi, 77777 77171771 777117777 le7Th7op ..da m lne nnd ,i1,771i1. v on77>71 1711, t,1117l7 m 77 717 1717777,7777177I771 v .t-11 and 777717,171 m 7-, ht o11h-1 17177717771111717771o'1l rig,11117d77d7,,l1, 117777 Caldwel7777, al7o t17 dron7, milidiaid 77117777 1L eN . 11 h1, dipis of7 DI,,777p17n ,77e,d w771177 7771171Dor7177 hi sat17m7 q r tl1d17,,7 d-,.117771d,71TIdf, regim tomIil other rigt t777 he17C17>1, The77777ly yr ved indeb 771177,, .dint xk- Id th71 oit1 wi1i77h7 77 op ma ca l7d1d, his7gr711d71 7171171, 7 the 777 117771771717dy17 1y711d7i7,n me righ,l -mg771,71111rib-d..- by7711171 hm o777'7f 17177, Anad which, n pit 777a1,1t7d7mj1dNs7.kf,1t 171ly 1t, Id7ta7777777h ood, 71 he ,717 Illtld 1771711.is ovMog ana117 beon tel- ta ,,,d 11,777d,1,i1~ b obsr,) b.77, >77771mg gIl7 177 1unk77 7 177 teIne, ,s ..,7,, o pi,d a 71177,lk 17117, ,,dN 77nll, on he 777 ...1, bat77 17boo hi, staio m7717, we 1,7771-1 1717 7117ws 1771irs regimet o[ mli771 n me rven ths its i1ll he s con rgient 77m right1711 17777,7,7 t177 as77117man71 11,77,, of71Louisian77771Th7771171 777177 7,1717h 1wha,.7777 len 711fth - Io etr 77111717dos 7177 his ungare1 II I end7171 the 1117177 111771 77,71  7777dl77arme7. Them wo71monnt1.77771.7777k 77771by midshipman7 P*77ib771.77 p77h.. 77d 77d71b 77.7.,7 Th77eney77advanci77 rapidly by 71.7.7*d771777 -mg1 b77 he musket7 als beg777 77 lira ,77,h1 7777g1bliged7 7,im 77 712 book, Ac,,.7.7 7i,,.771hi7 717t 77n d, 71,1.e 77771 7.77*1 17or77 os d777 7777 Mte 7h7 a of*7 '7 bed 777- de~imne 777 il7 lb7777 77,7pit 7177bte iot, 7.77 2 7177777mil77i7. 117771., *77enmk7 mi77i7777ga77 7wa 177177777 777777 777 77si1.71mtht ra 777,7,, b,g7 the27 al71o777777d 1777.777 b7organ mod7 ev7yex onf 7 Nt uros. 17,7f1d717m 7777 77777777, m777wi7h777n777spir777o777777. I, i 77777177777777,71 777 777177771.77777y., a,77 cay77hod1.7777ord7777177777tot777,t1. 7777. n that ook7g7t migh7-ily71.e beevoided e 7 in 7' 1.77 72 77 beomn 77 csea7,7 777771.777777b77777777777 7go7777orde7, w [po77 711.7771 77in 7b77 1.77fre 77771 al mines. Tb77t777777.777177a 7b7771.b77 -,&d7777 by 777771hi77777 P77771.777 7amt777 maly7777p m:7of777vessel, 71.77o7h777by7Mr. H7- 777, b771. 71h777 777777777 1.7777777717 77o 1.7 re The7 77.777y ad777 n 777a7tpidly by the mad o7777 7771 77777, 7771 1.7 7yyh7ap777'7777 e 77777gh, N17777777.777727. began w lire 1,vhc ,77 - 77t~ ws not,t 77*7777677*7777771777 bad 7177- 777 N 7777 we ocvpd. On f h enemy7'72colum7 7177177militi7. 01.7hi, 7b77K7nucy militia ga7 wa 77777777.77771.771.77.7a77mome7.777.77717 them, thon7 bthe7 'I'll an717gener7771Morg777ma.7 .7 [h7t rank pI.e,ge 7,ly7,71.77b77777,i,7d 77,77.77 1n aFu s 7ca7m777r7 s77y, nig.ht 1 bgv 777h1777777.7go 71wda, .7.7777ov7y 77777ll7777777. T7,77,7777.777771d7,7b777717i77 pou77777, 1.heone 7.77,7177 by 77. 71777q77, f7r- mer717l b77 17capt 7717777vess, M*77oth717 71. 1f.77 The 7b. m adanin ,71 id b. 7.77777I y 71.,7 777 71.7- e711 7N771 77771 the line, the arbcr 7pl777d o hi. .bb77,7g, .7777771.7772771.777771.7, sr 77777i77777777717 ob 77777hi.t7.fd.ba 7,7be 777t7i77c777i 777771777777171k771 aga,77, rigt, otm Din .7. 77777, ndth o 7h,7 77rd,h7 77 777 1.71 7 7*777 777777771 71,7777,777777'77277.777bu posh I,.-17s7,-177 0,777777 M d 777.h71777d7th7 7a777,77777t77.77O41..1.,, o777.777mi7i7i77grav 7*77. possib7777777777177th77777777r7777777 them, 7777777He7177777e177a77. 177,777Morg77 7o77 77777ex1 7777771th7771propos7777 7177id, .7717777 717717777 a 72717s,7777777of 7I 777777~~ ~ ~ 77717717777*777777 7777771 77777 777 777177777777 Duc 1.777777717717shat [(os 777777 ee fme d7777 717mn 777777 1.77777777 7,- 271777 tb,777777pl77 mi7777si77h77e 777.777id7d 7117777777.7 77t7.far "eewugmeswi  ittt 1oott.OtO t. H70 The ooty haing tunoot oight, pototoott ptossiblto atdo t It theot tanoa epikood, jootot bad, withot itmii, kepttop a fre fo tt guoto othoooooine hotto,' o hoottnemy'stoops tot oRg op IN rood, wised ow oo tttotoison right oftho litt0 hot tt Kootky trwp . thet Otootto oilitit, -Aoolo th gotto, toot ia toot0- pootibo to fiot oithoot kitling ooot ott. See'vog this, to comooreto soootgW, Ott t sy, dOttootito tospittohis catontO, thoo tho o tooititt itoth o,ottotgoton hotdot oiitot. -od, andwot totto e kpition m toiogotoolo' jotn, tohit toohtthootottbeotM ogto oopot- liW~. J otottos milt anot hidge, toot sucesively otho od MCootohdooooost onfire A al otmh tootmiot,[ m i ho ho idgo oft oloodo totca], and ot irod hofoto oootio;aoiott ootto egt thoene- my'otttoop.co totth I t . Let usto not tae rt spcotiooovio otthioottt, otrotpt tttlith Jthtotdd~ oto ight hook. Tl1,0 t it paitftlt hlotod, btt iootiopoooohtt to jtoorc quiresho it shoulot hooto tiototo othith siototie he t-omwt, Itot it tottthotottolytt eny tteott-iyim -oott o left, wotich con tie firing es long r gtosibtle;to andt ,,t tot ttwoo wa pikedo, juttott tho eney arrveotthWo thetotooo. Cotooo Pt~eoooo, oto,tfooobhotk ototoy hod wtith.oo oioioktt, iofioofoooooto guttt ofthtootoio br htoty no ttho enootty' ooops odittottothetood, oiha oootetotoooti n tooe, it otiot to otthoot who hndforcdthto tight ott itto hobt tho Kotttoky troops atoho Ototoo W oitii, tookWo tto guttt, otditooto - p-til o fit wtitth.,t kitling -tt oto ottot. Seeing ohittttho omooroo, ottooo, tt say, dotootio to spiktohis oot, thtowtoot ooo.to.ioot ittb TMhiotttondtottoottegimts reetototoody t toadt ottd wto nolo potitiot ott 11i6,otooi lioto, wlwoot ot toidmb totb ot hoe otyingmotog tot tiod- Jototoot omilt otto tidge, ettd tootootivety thoo Mio otoohIttottotttyoootflore tttt'0 voo~r rosedo to tho ItR ttok. t. w Doot toho etospective tit otthioottttt, oWttotttt hith dlttttdod ttto tight hook. Tito took it oitttt ottitod, hot imoiotttooottot tot jtttt . ~tht tothtt , itthtt iotomo ttottt tohot tidotiot n cuoe titosttt lthtttthooogolio Thetttyootingottreotottghtt poothoot tol tov teh lot.bth conoinutd fioting iton nt possibto;toott loot ho oottoott toot pikoo, juttoto tho toomy arthoted to the book of ott -oo. gCommoodoro Patteroo,toho,ttoohoook ototoy hod, wtithoot itermoisiono, ktpt u~pottoor ftott tt gout of otottmariot btteroy, Ottott 0007 eney' [opo tiittotiogoupthttoa, toitted ootootoonhit tcot- 00,tordto to fiot 00 hoote otho hoot toot tht tight oftht httoi hot tht Kootookyotoop, too t otoooto toitii, tootkod th goot, toot it tot-to pottihltotbottotkilig oroootom. Seting th., tto ootoott, oo d, Oo-oo , oo -tottttd toospike his oooooo, [ott amototoioo ontotb, aiooogoootgoo ttotoo otthoiioot rTttofittottoototottotogiootoootootodhyto maotot, weotoo[Dtotkotapoitioottlogtoti' lir, othtot o oootidemotoumboootthJotflyintg troot. hoo. Joootooo omil oot Moiotg, atot toottooioto A totob otttthmeo(totthtooooyotooooooo.t6 to [ht hoidge of Coottoo't totat, .o ottiotot hoeoo ,teeing toot it, tho court ot tho oigbo all tht etto tttt'0 troops ototoo tod the ht. hook. Lt ioooottko. otoooootittiotor , tth ft. ototopo tohtiot tit- d b, tilo hook. Tht took it p,-itto oobt, hot hiootitttooht; tot jootio to- ,tiooo thooithttoootoeriototooothhitohre, hoe hootht, t h tttyot hoooottgOilty io-  The prnpa charge bougt gins the K4, 47,7,a47,ar, [lstthy ldbe4flk th ig4, 4,7,7h7,o4avewatedf7 g~hi t the p7b47of th b4g,44ee ha a e-ae imr, in44 cad7~ 7,4,4 4744474p447 ir ire 77 my reir,4 Toth7 ,,,,,l44 Thpy g,7' 47W4444474ill4vne744 kidn7744,,,4, fou 7747 p4,744,,,,7,during4 .4m,7wehd ,lytstdfod 7,44h44,44 phtid,, 444h,4w447t44lar47f74o,4piee7477r 7iv. 744447444,74, 174,444777747 ueaird , 74 wti 4 , -h 7p7,~ wha 74fi4 Th, or4p4 ,47444474,, l,,.,,,,, It, 777 N77,befor7th4-em4 wh keepi4g 4p thei, i 7, Il, reire. 'T, th,4 ch4,ges7thy4,4,4,, "" W4 44444 ve47 477 4444d;47 mrou,744h4,7, wi7,hbeg 7llowe a 44 ord7,4 7 4,uos a 7,7,,,h,,, 744747,44 obe 77 4444444444,447444,7 w r~~~ ~ l 7, vr fru4 Mrgn liewen w ede44d4 4,k,4apsi4 along,447,v 7447and 44,7,77,f444,4 47,4,7hudred7y77,4, 4,7lf444774ted4744447oth4 44444474y 77 .,-d p74444 of44444, a7 o 7igh4 447774d4by , p,[, d,4,,,447,444,x mo44, We ,744 ,7,7dred yardsGom 4 phit,, vH7rd447, om47, 444,44 4,74, lyin7in 7444444. 4Ve me 4744 We 444 47he -,Iii 74cDmeh ef. 74, b4o7 4,,d ,kid gi,,,,7 4474"o T, 7,, 4444 be 44,47d, Ih74474Kam 44474 migh74,44474 h" 47474 -d 74-v lyn mc 447,. 7777il 1 aknewledge,7 Ina ,4,74,,,4I,4ro I 7,,7 tl4a4*4444447 coo4 77~4, line 7 l 4447,,, r t,,4 na7 nt74,4p a 4,,,4nty eci4,7a 174 11---,7474 Wa,,,,.. 7 ,. 747 4r; m74 47,7 ret4,4,e7 i4 di,4,d,, i44,44d 47 keeping up thei, f7,, as ty ,,,i,,. T, t47,, ,4444p44 4747y4answe, 4444 4,44 were 7744474amed W4 h e , ,4fe far 4,,,,,y.I,,,, b4444, duin ,,7ich Ii44e aye had 7447y tastd77,;th744',tr7d44 we lad ere to larg ,pforcrpee;o ,aia 77,,,s 44,7,,n 44i44 I lib enem, 47,47,4444 ire 477,47 7,,444,,774,f4444 c x4474,bt, tt7447,414 4,444nk 74447 44 4777474444444447 I 4444 4,44 774ro, muhund7 y T 4, e44, I, -,l7 fro4 474 K,,, rih- 777d,7,I7,,7477,47,447.444i,44b 7f- v o-,44444447447 74,4444W  wihapnc a gvnwy o I th inbk thaty thbta rod arid,d7) i lik71 Indin,7 7, d , 1 b , dxb,. ,7,7, nd a [of se ronImo77or'di.,i,quibd,,,,,p77,7and ired77b' ) isde.g7.7,77'y7777 . 77[mi i 7. , ill7 7.me, dg7 7.ip, 7,7e , , boffby I, of777 theli 7, 77 hers,7 and77 N,. 27.)sod Whattoo p)ae o dm igh han,hbigmab.,t, b77e77 , l77,.,b,,. ,,bb,7,d 77),.,;aa thethp . it case.. b e 7,7, 7,777) ft. Ih. 7th .11 of ,7,,.tjack made by7ro17en17y777 .77,.7,7).77 ,b77&77b7777)7, be.h a7 p7 77,i 77, 7,d7777,way; .77d77I.7i.,tha77, 7,,..nofmoh t, rtc wi.77 llbe ,7,i d thin77 mi7l trp, M armed~ 77.7 ,p k Id, 77 J..~7 p77 .7,.6b~.,.k 7,7a7,7 b rn lyp ,)7 ,h . - l 77 77) d7, 7,77b.c7)7p1ofth l7..q, ,7..pk.7,7i,,pun, ro b,.l..,),t i 7 b,..,, ,b;,,,, Whtb7,. took laco,,tekriht , had7, de.7 th 7777 b,. 7,h1 7)7dar 777. of~ w7 ,7td b bee7 ,77.,sl 71)72te bra,7o,7, ,,.7 ege 7,. 7)177y bra 7 ,, atI th77htit)7,.t App,7.d. glnen k'.,,7...7,,.,7.ad 7,, 7h7& , I h a d r s f o te. . 2 7 .)f r l h v m a e T s e n 7,hp, righ7 bank, , te his par, th7,7l7,77I-2777- dttd and twenty men killed Tr -ded, bnoub that o on77mn 7op, and777 77v y.7.b7777(See7N Tb,.li,7.pp,,Jacksonsand commoog e PattH.. 7,. It-b ., N.,, 29.)777,7,.7,177.,7  0~~~ ~ ~ BoC ~ ..EEWIS. : 3 go :ke ..3 ' Y$k 'LE$L-E  0 3 s c 'R ME "I 5'p 1w-R an 5b =fig?- 5- 3r3 5? $ 5  52 x2'52 a~ 22-2 -' ava2 N 2E a2 la c -_ om h35o _ 2 s_ _ 3 3 K .. 3 0. v s g? s v._ >_ w 3 '2~~' 522 2525''CC 5' 2 2,5' 2- 2 2- 2 - 39 F3 06 c 3 O w EON?  Inn lll99him s tin11.l.91,,d9is t,,; hi, e 91f...l,,. Our troop. 9..height b9.91. 0cv picd 9h91r fom posit o Il nd 1,1. pant, 9.,.,, hma b se on m9. 999,9911 N. 1 119 fr,1 fan So9,~ilp 4e PIagq..,., ,,.91,1, h.,9199,9 ,19,. Our 11119.y99.ai9...d91.91a1.Iy 0C the 149, lilhy p i,.,,,,, b....ghl, e 9.. 99,N,,,,,,en. WI,,nu ,yY..,1ind9*1'..-7 S91,191 o9,' li,99 wh b,,,id9 long .9,9 ab e 11919,Ith91919-1'9,Ip, wI9111491 119gh 19 iglI 19., and 9, ou me1 .911 91 9.11199l e,c.9Imemo,9,l.99 hi, ..,.i.a.l of.him i 11.99 not .91999.d , thet ,b;.iame p1...,.9 9..iv i,,, th9 grtfu it h.h a O d,911991, ,,1,,,h, nothingI. . p9999wrt 0.enc1e, ift y M,, senon1 a, p N..1.1 i 9. [nth 9119,i19 of sh I I, p.,..i,. had the r99,9 ofI vI99 isk191a 91..9I1,. -e 111,99,11,9919 c91,1fr,, ...,,.9 St, Philip .191l99,9.91',9nd he next vei- w n- dtatte m vsbm 0.rin b,991199J, Oury til,qI,..9dp,9- the9199 by t. 191,l1 deg99, th fl th1dls rfp99 ed 1,1 99119Is 19hi no.-91nd19a,'l9L 9911,1-p91 bad been d,,1911l., 97vvmkws prfedd On the199,9LI1, f 9ft prsone ,9,9..b.ugt if9l l99.,,,rri,. ,,9i.999191,991 9 79 wh9r 91h. 9..,1e I9o. Phi ce lip 91 dIq.....,,19 fenc.9..-6.mftlb.9,1,919199m11l.,, la1 N9.1 91..919ghto h 91,.9 019,t 911 heard me rp9 919,d ..rybip.k9,91,9,9.,19111,, whch 9191ahet 01 19e 9991, fifty yi9911.91. 9...9 1.. 9M...r 9999-M991 I. 9 ,,,,, 9119 -d ,, nml199,np.99 191. 11. enem991 ,r9e ban or 99 11hy pine11, a1 el9 ..9o...9shl, fe1.i pis...1y11.ll, an91 g,ey,p, i9 me nmy'. cam9, whi111they 91911991 ild i,,,.I 1911 a919.d . 1b9. t1991ll 191119,111.1I99.9,19he..191,t9999.9ld shorty 99k. ,Wk.4d,7999..11 by 99 ,h- 9 Lame 9111191 Jokv th7...I. 19111..91 appont 1 hi19id-t 1h991911p9- Ewa Lii9st 1919 r 9.,919. ma1,9.11...11.19.99919 s  vpoato, fo m puos off rhwB padcrelo wohich wauuly approved drby r~ omaar iv0hB iofeaoh a (See:d~a do , App.- die, No. 00.) Nextday, wad,,, on oo rheoj aok Otbo ¢flI ma enemy aa~,rd I snmlim s~xty-meaO0~00prOOO goo arto[,h endd o aoo , fo, , sr ,,ofo .foooo-oC p. m Be'aleoo rfleme, preede 0ob mm~oofo, Tb, oo,,g, .1oofo Pd o 3 ev a l y m of p ,/,,fd mar, 00,000. 00r eur meof id na 0n a: dmore gm- mlo, nt a 0000pob 6ol1 pe pro of foooog up a ravol of prioners 0,0 n d these offier cnlufod upo,,o oooiho000000 ppove o.r by oh,, --.- ¢o-chf of ,oeh army. (Se oof docm ,,oooAppoo dio, No. 00.) Next doo, oood oooooooohfo ohooo olooyoo,,op ratern hcmdoi gpo vs00000hv SodS. theof o po,. th rrp ofob 20,,0000,0 A gur of ,o0 our 0ps o[ df0, mnof 000 oooo h 0000000 00, com 000000 oP,, oo bvtoo cam-, moofddby ooooin oo0, with dooomrn 0,0, 000 0000 a l,,'. o 0o aoo v5 h m ra 9eool Bo-ooC the , oraugeear0 thir -d. ,1,reunt ,oo, ,fi,, mid 000000 0y loloB oo lod O. hood ohcooo thBato .boloooooeoo the o deed. ,,,v 0 o~ 0 ,o o , B O o TB,, rr~n m oogo Baa, n -ooo, , ¢~ re,000d Thu ogy. ,f ho.,,Joo f oo ho o'oe e-l " ofoo oooo0,.0,00 1o 0000 r00oho offcn uao0oood00 atohof for th purpo00 o h rain ooooarloo f f-oheofoho00y. (So 0000 01-oe,Apooo di., No. 00.) deooofdooood,loooo ooodio odo oonlel dooly-threoe oo110,oa thg.00part,00o A gur dof hoo, omop oe ofofvmmn o h ..ponyoooo, of manF ao hovM~' bao,,,,- vende byo .ri to iooo o oooo a deahmo oo ca,,,op. Ooorao. toh,, ooo of dmgo, hro, Oo,,eud,oBll.RMorrll andhAlo S. ShooldS, ohoooonmrrtr u h lBrith fl ho Foh-f oh 0100mor0f of ho 1000 0a 0,rM oh ooo of hoo.,,,, 0n md d0 of,,,!, 0 Boo, 0000 bm loe 1, 1,-, t000 00 ufB  9 e_ R c 31 3_. 3 -'ter '6-6' 6w g66A a- °= 61 B° y _S .3 c '.°_ h' 66 3 6> - " 54 5 a~~66 ~ DIE 5 86 6''' -_c 'c? -F v 90 3 G o n 3 5 1 i 666 a m g _ ° _ ag ' 5 3 c 2 c' - - 'R @_ ^ ' " . 3 ,- _ $ . , b y' S c766 il -6 _ _- 6 '66 03  oc °2 A 2 C $ y2cS eg E o" Y2 " *5 c E° $.E~ %5t$5C = Ef' = vE . ci 3 . 2 e, . S -y E s KS d4 G9 -o ~° a . .aA^ >aES: _-  pdl3 d firewee g.en whhhy nvt g4j cn,5o ad roweAd off. bvem -, opoiI, sid,, d Agjhrd she mo. ~,bd tok It ws s' ,coat' sslsssas or an, a yrdssvp's, pr ssss theppear., of alo -ic Thesspsyssssvdsslnd,hbtncs a pidly; asssn dfisssws give sssbh fs,, isssssssl toesd-hsshebaa nc us, busdidssshsd Osssssssfied stird -ad, ssdsss,, kd i g,s55ssIsis,, a6 rowssd ssfl (5,5 d'lsssss js . SIY ,sffs sfseolsps'ss b s 's Lfss the apearnsfil th eney's boas; Essass. pteek wees disr,5 sd-'S sp-~msses ss osss'gs msssks-iip,ibles gsss sssgls ske Rigos sssdsags-b S uld bas s bstsg "p is'S'e ex,dissss Isws dsssssssd hat D. Mar. re,1 should gsssoLsss 1'ssssss Cqslls (s miler aT) ,sII-sssssssd gig, 55nd5 fSF1P. M.s he r.d lbs 15,5e CapinNrn .prmptly groo s,at js, d immessdiassly ,sbsrksd 'sss L, fbis se; b, Ise dssy's-dd -iss, Mrs Sbsilsi 1ss , ppss hd, wall,, 5]slsspsass.ewslssesm s dss 51'. l on N omsh aiesg n av: ss, C retdsss o1'oc,sl,s s prsoes sdslscrd ssswss V s nons'. line. Th, emy cissdone to,51v, bsdnso.s pidly; second f as gisssssbIsslsiss'sssl umed-thed s bars casssp,sslid 5,55ho. grea5,55 ssspsi, ssd rpwedpA Obspsssssd th',y ssstw b- ,slig fs, the 1I61 os tS, opposite aid, asd npprhec sls cns[is I, lsbt, p ars'seos rl ssssy~'s, oas byp pisp rsis Ies wer soo dipllsd-slis'g-sssts' Foldsifsss'ihifseeisg .lansding. Ih Rsgdlss, ad. gu-bo Isss d besee uig 5sf ,hss55, ssfsl ., ss dat _, ta r ' weI -an i, and,, At '55, P ,I M I's',' 1,' ,ssslsey wvdsgri,d' Mr. Silsss(5hlsprdslss 1,dissyrg o Idl,ssw~~ Sb'h prisones eart- xia15<,. wirema s'I,, ps'san rts~nsase rssesdis, ddsIsis sssss s 5  Th umddi h,f hadMalredy gvnd er to 33333333 343rb e 33333B, d33 33,33 33I3h33133133333 mt3 L.,33 d33,333% b3 3'gbto33h.3B33 33t33M333ip3,an Ld fpo3r d, 3.333n , ,,, 3333333d eve3,r, unscuk3 against .e 0,cl333n, 333d ound, 33 n 33h3 thre -1~ a33 - 3 vm h33 3 s oblig3d33333333e L. Hi ,3 333 ther n33dd 333333 333 t3333!3333I3ve3p33b3od the333334 observed, 33 Me ene,3ou 3333rcnnd 3334ttc 33333 u 3,, ini 3 so g repose , 333333d , tey 13 3333333333' ,331,3 3.33333 di 133,33333bi3<3.03 vl- .33 d3333, 333 3 3 n 3 part3 , 33 0 d33333e 3333 m 33331- 333333 L333333,33g3,33.b 1g th3~i 333333yy3,d333333333333333333333Irm go 3333l 33am3l.t,3 33333in g,m333333.3 th.3 t, 3.3,3 ,,,. i3333333isip, an b, 33,3333.3rsen3,<333 3 3d, t3 i be3, r c33 O33 3 he o3 3 3333 3>33333.3333333had3h,33333333ii o b D33 or Kerrr333n-g333333of3333 m333 3313,333,333wit 3- 33i33d3. ]m 333333333333 3,g,,.on 3,r ts[epinia mila p33bhe 33 B 3iti3h 3b33y, t. 31,vaned ndmk tb, c ,,3,hai ,,,33333 si3gl3, n appear33g 333-33 o 3 13 h 33333333 ar.333 n th333 Mississipp, and 3333d , 333333preen, rl b nigdr 3,33>, ,3x, es33 ther ,a3d3di,3o .3d3i. o33 3h3i3r bigmo. 033333,333333;crs reed 33h3 33333y,3M333333y3pp 3ie3333, , l-- h 333333.3 i-ipl3, b3 o 3h3 33333'3 3.33333 t 33th -, 33d3mn33 333 33b3, 33.3333 r,3b3333 333 aoan ndra oo  jcebeecccc was ctdcced tw fcetec detctktet acecok htcfc th cc eite ceecanna it tMIc et eei-c Villeet'. cacei, ted pick up the tttggeec ci the eecyctteecalsttch.egettightccct tccaped tectt thee.; tee, cc eight h~e ecpeected, the Beitith hed carded oif cil the t-U-ece e the plttic ecopitd hbt theic teepe. hitttcffetet t eeethefldihectep. Thcehed let ietheediffceec hbatctietiftecece tifece andc cecccccitc, the torere sptiked, cc with n etteic itekec cii, ted the late teith theit pete cciiieecchcheerketteff, cecct eehee loger ercie- tide, .ed,,]teetqcteitco etcattec hellc. The gceeec ect pe-tee ac sciti c eceie etieet ehe heccdtbtedehece heyeietecudec ieee idhcict reie cec. Ah ie. dap, ticce, .ni he ,..cededeewee .veeyedieehescett-hbt rc New Oticeen, tehere thee -ceettdd heet the teecce he had hbeeiefb gettci Lccch thit peepete. Alii the huidingc, cc cite th, gecced, ci Ciattice't, ciiemeee'e,cacdLccde' picet eicee, c tlleepccct heec heec te decet .ietehe cm.Cktitmette'ege-hceacd thendecelfieg- hoaeece ciiieeeatc, ce cetiecced ceceec plaeces, he cte bulte ci the cml ice ve ete, t ccte 6,g1tt it pcde ici ofteeccteptheetog tic eti. Th Ceev Jeece ccc, ce odeced mc fecet detaeheit eccetah peetetec n cc tc tie eedcietheieiityei' Villett ctcctt, ecci pick .p the tetggec of the envypccerme,ccctcc cecheagreeeccemight hce ecoaped Gtcetttct ice, cc might he etpeced, cthe Beitih htdicareeitdoffi ti the cegecec ci the phteticec cccpied hy thcie tccpt.. Gceeettekc.., accccpanitd b hhccieecc hiceseffteeeitceiethe iieh ccep. Theptced cle theic diffeet hbcete e ifoe . ie cet acc ccc tceedee the icecce spiked, cc cith ecec bitee eff, ccd cte iccec eihtiheic pee.- tetiteeccice htcke. ed,cc.ttcbeci.clgecceiee chic, ..tdtcccticencie eiccttcc balit. The geneeci eceiprceededtcisidchewoueidcoficter, tehee he ceteced the, thcpsM cheidceive ecery hued cf theit e Ae it w dacc dictee, .ii cite eccttd ece eeed i. cthe cttebct .e Nete odecce whee titr - e eeded he ti 11ec ergoeit - hed bhencch getebttI Lccbhee fcc tlhet pcepce. Ali e becildieg, cc cite te gecced, .f Chcimeti'c cieeee,ccled uheeen picitv~ clectc ht Ckeimtc-e'ecpchecead the dtceiitep- in , a lprfoatdi picee, by cie betie cf the ceeie oetc- ctt the eight Cciecei Larceetd . etecetiteie heteiee eiice pec,ctitdetctcceeccimacic tHende'eecceie it pectt icech eneeetthrocuittitteicic. Vice Jetecccecccodeedc t. fcccdtcchcect o eec ti the ecciec ~ Lctiicieihi hctcecccetcc pet htenee tc cet he woocci h, the mtitici cci Villctt' s ..It, ctd pik ecp the waeggcec ci the eeeee'ctarti.ctco ch ereitee ecgnhe ttedhcect h-;t fteeeceighthe ecpeeted, the Bect itt beceried cPf cl the cegc if the phenttice .cpied it theic tecipe. G -tcctcksc,ccompanitdhby thcffieecc iictee, wteccictethciiitcieshetp. Theehbtd lee ic cweit .lamtee ntalecc iccecce piciee . etc eaecdccet, teefoeepikei, eetetthcr ecteeehekecoi, ted cthe ieteeeitheiepcc chic, eedcitqecic ci ceettec heann tie. The geeect ecccte.-eid tceie ttwtecced eiecec, teitee ltcceedhtcticihttidtI-cemcpi e eeed i.thetecet-hct e Nete Oieccit tehee 11-teceteed he the thee suegecciceh.chod been let he geeeti Lcceeeictthct peepeec All the buidincge, cc aiec ice pecced, or Cttttec I.% Biececeth, ted Let.decs piteehet, ccecedcicc Cbiette ecgceitttc ccd theJ dtcciig- heece cifieteec, ecec ittettedJ i pietets, hy the bttes. cte maceic haey cc thce eigh d IccIhcecte, aeccompaied hcoilonel ec pee, ecicctehceec cite tihtd cavarie,eet ititececi teieeeccpt oh hee prairtiei. ThMee  Iosk f-us prdsoners besyon fth sssdfatern1 a the fmks o bssyss his ,,sssS V iir's' ss",l and sd- nd ihin milehof thspks fhbspssBienvn, shsft ,-dsg fro he -ussd d, is fth ead, thsi'lbenm pst ftsssssss,,,ssss, ad cft ild beissprdctts.dss asny fm- may read d methir ","5" gsisl ft0 appears ftha, iss,,sdisil Ip sftbs', .i- o the "51 or an m hse,s v ssdi am",ssd sod rbtlhs s dsi p5"fof p l- msg as spossible by lan. Isr tha purpose Is ihrss ftridges s ll ths sssil ftyssad ftssk,,ad assfIN -,,, sf bayo Up omisa heha 5 s5"ds a dgs d5 bftss. Tb" or sll -"s a s hs fighhbk,5as m shs oflu ofs t hs hbay-s Mlsss sd Bis s ssfc pths hridgs of boas sssst d ft 5, Sh" sppositsfbank, aftsg Which t contine ds fts ssf beginig ofSslong elbts, Wsr it conk a dici is ight lisbspasoss , th po sfm Ctss o villags. (hse plsss No. 5.) sighst, t1" ssspfy in is m Isane thrw up 551555555155ve th passagth assftad bs[ "Isd ass ftessdftcapabssksif t ing a. ssssssadisg a ft St Philip, I-5s dsted tM ifmksssftspsss Mszn n Vfts's ssssl, and a4- whftrs5,Isdsg fss ths sols sounsd ofu1 andsths itwouldfbtsisslssslssssAd,.sssnyfm- ]co pjsappear s, isdd f55d Oss sissacl afsft me JAsssp wt dsspIa ss m sp ftsss pssibl ftp la. For intsI- Ilsss fbtssbrdgss ossssll Uhs smsll bay551 sad lssatfalsiss boy i Mssn, ftp fth righ hssknad sbss 8h c slhssssss Jssay s ]uonslls Is hssd 5,Isessd ftsidgeo bftsss Is still c vasssslsspri tak, sfsssfts ennsoinss d m bsiu Masn Uvfslisssdissssns, ssftss snoshss Usidge of hsss 1--sd ittoth sppssist bea,salog sslish it assneda fa sslssstse ftisgsssld gsisglbwssslsskss disss igtlnacoshepssar,c ssth Ca,lss- saftgs. (bes pLsss No. 5.) Ast s oflssss o Nba,"" Jumonslls, o h righ, 5h5 ssys in his 555555 ba4 slssrs up splssssss rsssis passag5fth sss SN bee doss sI Is" sssflssus of the bspsss Bik sasd Mazsss;asssl11ftsss "" villags ihhdsssm- saa lagsftass-, spslh ft "lstsmsi ssg"5 Issssssdsssss, hutbsSer diftsssshld. ftsssssliskssssssseivedfss mjorsflsssss aspmmIn 11fr St. Philip, lss aperdoedth Lisss oftbayss Mss-ss ssad VillsV canI, ssdsls- ssesdss-ftss milssis hsfLrsN ofsbpsliesseft5, where ftoinlsin frthspssdssssd of ss-e sftsftshspsossssd sad mds t issrcpsssssgssssl ft sppssss sft, is,5diftely5m .shs .(bi sd s Is ands pa li ss ftp si hfs dha psspfts Iho 115515 ftsidgs s l "ih small Iftyosand thtU ftsse byo M sss tb fth rigt ftnsskd a tss oflsssofbayl hJ.s Isssvils bes ftds -dsss abidge 555f 5 bo 5555h55 sssssss, ssd 5tsdsftyns Ist Ssd ftsi as slssessfts, britdgs of hsss ss-dSsssa 555 sppmss iA", dungssftisf te "ISbftd5,sas th ftsginninggo a slsg elbtsss shoss i "k ssdissss iss isghsliss a eessss r, s 55fthe5l 5,5,515555 Sslfs. (Sec pft- N"... A55 ftoe ""sfloess" srtssL Isssssssslls, o-s fth sighs, tI" --y sis his sstssls ls hbso np spftssssssssso cover t psss"sftft dsassssftslfts dose a fths sflssssse ofstsftb5y5ss issssa Maavs;ana 1 ssssftftsisi,ssLfgs Is bsadc- ensssd aftsgsssslss sspsftle d1 c sss o slssssasdsme, bss Isa isfts it ,fa. GtssssliJcsftssrsseiftd ftsssajsOssss-, --dsssisg 55 155t St. Philip, a lane[ daoiN th  11y bed disenvtiad 1 11-1 shell- id1,th 171rt, 1,171,1-y.a (711 App1,ldi1,, 711. 32.) 11,71,11,s1,h1 7,1iI, genera1,,1,,1,71,dh11d1gi7 o,11l1 g 11, 17 7lal,,d1 1,h1, i11,d on b. 11,1lh N 1,pp1,il sI hundr1 men11 , il lrde lll1,1k1,gllthg 11,1y 1,111 hi. 71117 h w .11,1, 171 S11p1111 31 78711, 1,111 prom . Phili by 8 1,111 1 ''h-161nr711 eques1 the1, 71plll1, abb871 71Dp- bnu,177,1,, 1, , 1,11,,8,17771l~l N 71,1171, ,1,7111 f1r1M71, s u11,1,71*81,1, OMBRMN OP~ FOR dT. PHILIP, l raer- 1711,1,11,711, ~ an 8ddi11, 1117888771171, tor1h- .ig1,l1fvy it~ yhdplea1771,h S11pr1,71,1ig 1,17711,111l. . (7,7p1,71,N.-1.111 1,1,d, Mal i1,1111,.1,hiadd,11,1711h1114-1p11f11 1f, 4 enemy.1 (S741 App1,1 1 , 711 1,1 7 ,17 7 1 7 11,71,11,11,1h1,11,17,h, 7711111 7711 Jak1o ldgie WI gn 1 1,11,81 t117 11, 17 M-,1, rig7 1,1 71n,71,1d 1,111, 77dre Phiel Mby a 171 prep77171, adv1ll1,,pi s7117u1dp111,1d17771I1 711177 e171,1 i ,171,7, which w71,87111,77*8h. --d ROU AIMN OP PORTp IT. PRILIPi 71877 gen11,7 111,1117177 the17181 --d ab£ D, 171,, 1 1, apo7171,1, pII- f71 11,1 byat o71 7171~, 11 11 ts1,1,1 ,1,,1, 11,171, . 1, 7111 11, 17 11 1,8,11,11,1,. (Se1,71771,711, 811. 32.1 717,1111 ear l1,171,l1 1, 11,,1,1, 1,1,171,1,711ve bank, andbhd,,d,,1d71,1,1 Mor1,a,1,t,71p11,11, adv1,11, 1 i1 h 7 si, h,111,1,1 1,77 ,1 i.1 ord,7 1111 1,1711,11, 11 71, a 1,i, w111,7 1,, 711,71,1,p711d. b7,7,1,17,1,7,1 7171 lromd aI1d1,b71111, 71,1,1,71,7,7,f71,1,71it711, pl,1,l 8711787p7e1,Rth1, 111 s11117 711, n171 d11i888n itf71*111 Rme BAIMgENT OP FOT IT.)PILP P1,8111. oP fl1,1St.1Phiip by 711British;b1,t it seems1 prop1, Ih1111 1,717771,lb,7888711 1,1,1188 17178, and 1771r be1 171n tha he b 1717178 to pt i,n th11.117817. 8,, p77171,1,1,1dd81,ce BOMBARMENT O FORT171,1 ST,,177,1. HILIP71,.  c Ec E L - _ _ - _ E'O _ _ E _ ' -E 5 5 ._- v E .c~ - 6 - - ' gdru xE - k $ f a ~ L _ Yv - Ef n EEC Lx _-- 5' __ axE- -2.5 2 2 -_ . o - . Ee  77,,,.a BroB, 1771, a,,1< me 77L,,,1,1yi,,,.,,h HvlieBw4 anplIs 'Banl ,k bie Logic o rl,e Hva,1 loo 7f wa,,,,I 1 ¢riaB.a hia G, real About3 r,7 15 Decmbe, mvjo1 Over1,117 th ri7,17, --fl. w,,1,,7,l i 7,,,,,,d ,-p 14ic D Fb,; pg,,,, pB4,B 11,7 1 '17, -,, of,, the ,, rie 7,,,n c osl bl7,k 7,, ik., bh,, an Bhk gua, 7,1 o,,77,,,y, HieAsksur7,7Bb,,d(,a ,,,B,ke ytebaso 17 Hi7,777d sloo of,,w,,. TeBls v4, D,,,,,b,,ai pio l B1 ,7,,,7. A -,, rived v 7aicwssupie n ak,,, by th1,om of ,1 7 B,,,ld slo of,,,,,. 'r7,Bit,,h1,,77,,7,,m,,dil piots B7, B ,,,,Bk, rean ,,Aj7,oreen rrv AboIt the 151, ecembe,l7g vjo Ov JB,7Mt risec,,B,, r pac, 77,, manIdB~,-"i,,,7,174- 77,77 ,,,, 7 ,Bky7, ,1 *17, thB77l777, 1,the nth, o M,,,, Bi, g --l ,17, New17771 777- len.7nm 19md ,,,,,, byrva of777 eBk ae,,I, , o, 17,1,d Bkul dl,',y. bI, 27Be T,,,,k, is B777,1b,,,ed b p,7,,B 111 4,g,,I,, , d earth,7B  9999999 999099 n~ mama9,,9-,,999 99 , 990 , 9990909 0999 me a999nmdm .r99999 99 91 vO9, 9r 1h9, -y.g, 0999 .H-dnf, oht fo 9 taonrote k v a. St.9909 Pilipo 09199 90 99. 9990A ,, 1.r 9,90 99hi .,be od b909, looolio 0999,9999 th P096 9990-~r h c99999 o C,99 battry,. tie999999wit9O99 emy, bT s fe d999 moheIo 0 r 99909 do, 99, 00099pein1o999 gu~ariac 9909 d0 the,9 99 r 99099,. 019990&ngteOO9hegu-oo . 65 warped im09o 09,e b-.99,999 an pe soo 9919199990 rea 0,, 990. 9To 99e~ ly9d,909 9999990 ba9t 999999 99910 9ie whcl0 0er 99 lge 0991 aband09,9f9 0990fe91n9. About 19 o'cock t9999h0999.9igh9, ..h0n 9099,n9a9,9f990h9919,999,9sIignred, 990909e 99 cxur9909 99 99 kig p1909. 09h9 buidings and1lim9-klo, 9hi00 9hey bad b0,,,r d09099md099,,0 99d9902'910,90k -999p999 -pi,9,0by99[, 9 ,,09999,9999la09dTf,99999i 9199190999909n~. T9,,9999oino9090o,9a 90 9,9990190th9 999k. T~ apetr 99v9ogbe9 9999 b 9c li9 th9 90 09ti 90 Th 99 999y, 999 9 lb99 , . 999h9 e099c f00 999609, 09e 999p9eti99 of t99 999crige 999d9th99990r99i9 rent. To preven 9900,900999t999,9 id9o9oe, wihw eeo blgo 1.0999 9099 ab 91.999, r whc009w99anounced 0999s by si999l 999t099,0m9. 999 0990 9h90. Ab0,9 90 o'olock t9999h0909.999ig99, The signa tain a 0099999999000909909 0o'cloc, th9 090019,9, and lioo,-9kil, wh09.0 9099 hod 099099, 99909.90 by h 90-9999, 9909for9 laoOd To,, t9990 9999999999,99999, and090h99s99099000990of900 ,0999990 h 0d9-, 9009999999999,,o900f th 9991009190999,999. Th999999,99 - f90OOo9Oh90 !0,m we9009eno,. 999999999999990990999li as pl99090 9[ 0 09i, being0 na 99n TO 19h999 099 .ins 9000oo090090 999999999999999099-9b90 909 bt 090999009 grc~ o. 99990090090f ,b,9b9y9, 9990 -9 p99990t9 9,9090.009k9,9999, oth f0o9099o9 T999999 preen9t99999i999b99ey n 1-999.- 090090id,90990999990909999909099909b0999. fm 990109999990999999099 by igol o,ob 9,999 99 09999 9999 Abo,99o'12 , . 9,9009k 99h i 9ig999, ,.h9990,9,9,f9,,, o, 0091, 999 h lghted, 9990909 troo9999999.999099t09 po90s -999 9999i9990 90 909 9990, i9 999999 0099,099sap,99 999h9999 g09r 99t9dt f 909 bu90ildig, oooo li-kil99, 990icb t0ey h9009,9909- d099d900dst0y, and092 '>o90k 9o9to99999 99999pi909 999 th09e99, 09 9foo9 199d9d brom 9990  - s aa6_5c ° 3 ' 55 c y S ° oC o", Cc w n ma a . c - v 3 - w a g ° a a - ' -a ' ' n° C" v - a a"9 -z a -- ' 3 g~ 3d J e" °= C "aNao um o  xoo2io 1,,o, by 29622 d22 g929222m. -119 922'(22 open il,2 ,(2fe , 922226au. Ha-. 9021,2i 2(2el,220222 Ig.i yf f92pd2ia, 20g22- brig, a achom~raAtb~omb-Iy2- 2o,22ae t 2f20960 yard9; th bo2b-,2221,.of299Id bood1'd06ideto t02 Dor, b,1,ind 1h9 poin ofldb, altte, xda 02 (22 22n of 299, h11,2 their colou29, 222d 202- n296([M actio. The firs21,hIl0 2,202b enemy 22(121,,,,, be,,,h,.,o , 1hot c 29,' o2429 Ion. All that dayan nih,1b I,, brng ,o22od, wi20h 0,y shor09iterval,gnrlyashl v w e No injur wa don to 6, e (1 or0 work, ogdqoiho bustin, hnudeth g0,0,2 n,, 222292,2922 h.2, te glbvreoa . 0 nd9int,2 th, f n. TherIo,, blvm 2,2 sop d the enemy - only onsideed s 6 effomdi, ,622,h, -,lom. F,,,dg 22 2222 221, by 2;hea fiod 202 , e116de 011 22292or, by order d22th9 general. Th,2 viug2s292tin,(2 (1,2 di6omn to which2 ourh,0,0 -b- ed2fair (2s, 22o.2(2g d a loop d222; 2g22 brig, 221,,e md w bob-vesul2, y2ca22.2 he, for, behind th9 p01222 of land, 120,, 26,222m 9 2,IIsbo,,,t,,,,, ba , 2922 22, b 292 629e e of f02 All ot2dyO960d igb,,b,262ge nei,, 2id oy shtinterval, general226a1s12929y292t2 2s t1,9 21,2,12 f22,, 11h2 natu2 11. sh, .2, m1 ih .2 alos 6121,my 2 hear h,,i, 292 m,2 g. They fre e udso ~~22(2pp an6 ,,ou6-.b,2 21di22 2226 -.4,, wind~ 626g6221g, h22,02.0 the ire 9 an ing1yt duing he igh, [his appraa enrp(t 2922622292221,2ok. 'Tr2i.(,k od ,,,vesne2,..Io,. Fording, (2222( wee o m (.2d byil22,22s1,2.1by ,, ad d229g 22292 o ,, ,h,igl, fi0,6 l f h (1(2 2,22229, by 0,2,29 d21, gh9222. Th,2 212$u 2229222 tb, di09222(222222 ho 2212(221- brig, a sebu, (2962t92bob29sel, thy22222 2202960 yardo; (1, bomb-2o,22l22fored b(0262idoo 9222261, th291,,o. The fi2,2bhl022o,(02b92092y 6x[. All0hat d2 022,2d night h2 fi,2g 22,2e,, No6 injuIy n020 d22(2(229ork groun, 2ihb22t bogling, 01,b(22.262,th2 goun, m peat02a2d2ptb.22h6(p60, no0,1,,2202222b22 They fird sevra 2 ou21 o (221gape a26 2222,621,2 a22292,22,6,122 a. Th2 2i2d bl12w92g f22 p fere2002 22222(2i22Q-122d( , 226 . 2020222622 2,092 by ,1,2 2m22g(2, f1,2 220226an .,d 62221 h1, - of m1, 2m6fi,,d 22 h2, 1(02,4,9 1,29,.29i,.,0o a~ ln22222(22 02,1,2e ivr.Onh  nrsroercna manors. M 10th the bombardmrnt was continued with the same rv afrey ass, the h,- day, ceps Mat ac a.n r a of anon wo no, neat noon ana a[ ,a down, which respite wv, daily grantee os dvmg the Binder o[ the siege. Oeoavi..thy eo Mere two days a f e was op-d from Me batteries of Me fort, but the snot tell short. On the third day of the bom- bardment seven( pieces of xb- struck the flog I.ff ana in one idsmme nulled tk b.b-. to the masq , anom414111'pa4 wv41 a1411 *o 16~~e 4144 414 a 4 111 11144114111wo 1111414144411 41414uom lxs1 1141441411444111n 11141vo '41111 14141146p to 41141411,sp 4141144a a14 46114 41411111 16~ 4 11411111 4111641g14a1 s1 1144141 4111111144461414111461444141111111m1411111111a1 6y1no4114 Aws' 411111 14a11111 411414d a 111 1111414 411111.. :i~ at3411 '6411411144411114v~mo 1146111111411111411111111s141114111164111111 411141 1141414111 1111461 IVnuw~n 111411 11114 441111116114iP 144411 41114141111 1411444141411111. 11 1 111411111111 4141111 411141141 61144111111111 a, mdoue 1141114111a111m1114141 4 'in1'44 11411411. a~q 111414.14414114411 411114144 '11144ne 9aqny 1111 111114 411111 a4341111414111a1441'11'1 a 41111 44141444111111111111111111111p44111144. '41144441141 411 411114411 '1114 1111114111 11111 144a 444asv q 111141141411114 41414114a441111411141111111 wog ,411111 11111 11111 1144~ n 464144 y '14411441114411.4 14144111441 41111111111111114111141141111141114 '1111111~a 141n 11411411114 41111 411114141 1141t w 1 1141111114144 a II 41111'4111 a 1411111 311111i a 14141141144114141141 .41111141111111116111111111111 a41 '141114111414 411414111111441l14444441141yt s 4411111416111 ag411111a111114111111111114141 11414111"1 1141414111 I 4411414114441Fu 4j6111au 41411111,11111 11411 1441 t '41111411114 1111 i 1111 1144 411 11p 1 1111114n B14141a1111111,1111411111s111sl111 .411141111411111 '414111411 1141,1111411144114141a11,911111 11441114111111414 '1141 1111111111 11111 14111111111411141111111144111111444111 '114111 1111111111164314 411 111 11611411114111111111,ta liu 11411 41111 11111114 14414111 14, 111wau 4', 41441 11 111411 11111 1 v 411141 l ~ id 111114 4 4111 44111 44 614 111 111141111 1141314 '114 '44'144 44411114114q +pm '11114411'411111111a44444111111)111111144 .11114 114 4p'a 414111 411111 4114'1111 111141441113111 111111111114114411 4414114.( 444441311111141111141"p~  e 9a 69,nd.. 6,.1vn g.,p,9999 andr...,...... W a1,, 91d I.et m1, c[ .Heil94 : 99 m-r 01 y naId pn,, n nwm rsa 49ll,a 9., rm 9 .., 1,ra-h y o Hirhos n ri99.I1n 99l9 .916. 49h 3,, 19191-veI 9~cwta ,,rgq1l g,6,119 re,9 haute:}, m m1 , and a i9. Me fe9 9.9o6 1e ,..,,,d., 916,1., II The 1ro .9 wer 91 111 buter Hiv d1 1 ,9 fiv das .111 ovr;an 91 ae to~.~9I99 9,1 , . g 'pn 9999991,- Im 6d99~.9 9, hi6...smll lu ,h 9 d m a9h1, l ofIN1bm bard, .4 m 491 b 9 9 9 ., 91.9 wh noklldon .,d h b19.191 .6em .19..139i h anam' afo.re9. - 91-.1...119.. d,dh9 ou19 to 6199:+ 991, , reyd.Re fb a ,l99. 99,9 99.11th 6,...I,, l,1, 9.969.9 6,9 99.9..9. u~mp 99911.99wntdui 1 96 n.+on19, .,9999 ..6d ,, 9 by,,,d~l 9,d., pna rnw,,9. 669,s ma ,9,9.,9,6 tw me 99.9.919 9h9 3,,,, 9,1.,,-n m 39.9 W61 91a 91,emd 99-6.9. 11- 9 +ot dd 991, 91 9.9 1999 si 9119.311va, I 999.119~a,1 .999991,91 9.mm ,9.999p ben g9o ,9.1y f .-A.961 d91.,999~ the999.1919rwhm  3., 33 4 -33 - v Z3 n- hn_'c w c ^. " 5 3 -  E.E x 9 - S '9gE b u E 55 w - 3 5 1S - r E ; -S , a -s S S -°oco v E. - a S.5-aa s-- S 2 qN - -  i5"a°8- = 5 o9 ° C g s F 5 9L$E mg a E E .3yi - m r -. v c ve $ .5_- i f a- °-9 a-~ '$S2 8 a --6mE g9 29 - am EE P9FS .a jnE E a4 m5."sa. a  22 ws = -w m33o -a ~ - w a - ^ g YG o yc qs=2c.2ws a .;U ; mG =---2-3"v °3 n w. o ~ ^  L= v o u i% a N E 4"- L P ° ~-~-4 -~Em3 44.~ 4i ~ 7; E 6 e R E t~- w 22  the u1g111 yE hI plantatons thy hnd oeoupie1. na in 1. f11-a chp, ; v- yb y2 fu h1g0 e llldII1 b11 l,, by Ix1i0 1n lbdo,,lllp &, 1 duringl 0.e 011,12 um111111~1,ll n ,,1 ,O- woe 00p11e by Bidyl kgbe. k wi11lbIn,II1ko,[h pilg of11 lb ,,b bb111111111, 110ih me ran tn isa I s 11,111111111 1 I lb Ilk,, ofth la .11 nI hey nvd119 11 copied. rely Ilillilg t lo h1 11; blI by by th geae Id oE by force. 1111 undeiabl t101 dur11111 in the .vho ampi,112 ,egr111111wer1 Bnly by 1 1 ,. VII 4111 vorki111f,1110l1ar111pn11111, 1or lilbllt t v111r 10, wi 1,1dlln oIl mW yg 0r,11011at 01110 i 11 _ I y.,,,-,y,,,l 111.t 111. -,bl p1,01gv th1111111 vere,B1102,,001J ,h p111 1111 wokigrth 11111b11111y0 011 geea, o , .llp,,,,0I 1111re l1 willl.. sgakll..111l01111 1,11110fT Is12,1010 Ilpl byginan, thl s111 1111011 1,10 011l11l11y~dpl of1th y~i0, i l bl 1111100 02 1 1lgro 11,11,11 01121 0,0-d Attu Fadi,1 -110t' 0119111111111,e cIII 10 I111001 ,,,10ieI  pst .0 ty Pttpptetbt disptA, ,to bt t Misst Ktipttted itd tit ptttXttt rtttcplt An pof ott flu ny a itO bein th, o O bl t f td ttAtdato oho> odre t redoAt[ ottt Attot1- Phlpot (lot othe t Re - ptotltmtotooty, tltota it b& dispostd tt reitit tht Mis tp,1, hottotod toitt hit Odttotm . Genet eeltraksao, tttt ht tolttootoy- tdl tast of bavo, Otoittou on whichthtottd tifid hioelf, u laoolako Ooogtt, whotith ttae hi0 ootll o mah vpto thto ty, andoito Migtmposstbhtt fPot r agit uat l ht mighodd tO hott ct sout, o Ptttipp't coaother ott lit [.o latt Ltpy, tt totitit, 01 o0Ath ,66t tho set, bthe rt~it, tot CMOoto, thoogh tory Ioogttt ltatttt og~tst at toflatboat. Lit,- otBOopto otto tiley, 3,dOftkt-tt betto dertttht too e ofttM ,thotof o ptoo ttoott ool~tf tooottttmpd ht Laon'tpatton, ftd bongotood withco Iou Ntlso't regie. oatt em - -tol'mm ssipi tottoto, Ittt htotdttd anO llty ton tog. bftjo Retynldst- pthtt puo the ,Tompl, 2 RO ando to ag lotootttttotod dowthettlvotitthul,ooatthaottrpstbio- tdt Tig~o tonld gio notico tbttppoat hot ttootlbtiooptoooltseitotdi,ohi hMoo,tdd oIy at IIe h tt.pn Ittdtolakt Pott- ototn ytfooti yoholpatotof choL~to re or drtof Ott 01igtlooo, deteodtd by mtt I- of Pto Ctquille. Tht tt ops totto -iobotdtgttttl ohes uragtioott thoef tgenerals Coffectd Car-ho tt,Pdrcd m [hirp Ot oAot -t,.naa otomle. abotttt~ Oltoot ehetlio I-thlt totty, tbotd hthtedisptte.Otoiit tht Mittitsppi, htoramtdi~hi dtbott Genet .1ttXutot mvotrt t to-y wa still t,t' tlto tt lk orgn, wtt ht,0 enable ti l 1tt,-Lt y pnttfthtt ntty, att it tiog impossiblet iot ngn whtoteoool itts direttho PtOot 0hilpp-'. Iarttord ao reoubt yi', tPoot ott-Ottott todoiodm ohyotfltttor A ttetl.dt'k Lcot, tht ommunitionoftlih trbm sa thorittoon Ch@-tttoboghoopr tb :.tttl oilficul t, mgltiobomtdfltot. ie ot tosqe -1o atot' p, OdOitkettto batoto othttoo Sttt t cotrton .tm 01 ab L0th,' oplantion,Ifwl Str agmetetd with to. ItttI N&-t otootot l o lootoo, fio tto Mi,. titppitttttvto ou Xtotudd fiftyottag. Mltjor Op told, oootpii thtt pot o oth Toopl, to ¢atoto nd aooooOtthotttusootod t Tigottyottt..Id ivtt tof0 t apprott ot Sttttteyto timt.ppotoltit lanOing,tticbh oottd ttttttpt,ooilht l tdhtttpt ottcdiotolko Pa- oltoto, bodtugt ott,tbotcl i-Ak ,tto tt of t lltolt, Othodted by tht Xot of lttt theot ttttemnm totott tt of gettoolt hoRt and c.t, tot, Ladootttttd "their encamtptmet to Atootto ytotttototttto mtittt abott Nttt Orlctthe KS  battalo oho 4oth reg 0000, and moloqug'o t tl7 looogg od o g coou , bl goond o :mat o maj070 Laoo,7obd dl,,goh - go 1., 7-Moo 0000,c o kg's live guao,7od by or , regi- meo 11-od 2dof 00310,70 d bomroro Kogon ui,q ,.d of themil or7Red 000007d by oo l'gla0,,,h, opdd Viller0' plmogdo, abooog furi ongoocad-od, ponood isoho plae +vblooodeneyodhooooo, p Phe rglo bwk ses g..dod by m30 doobol mi- litia 70 cun lopki' obrdyod, vn B go o 0,- obo 74,0. Tne l+J~o-y o, o.rmdo baob 3oolo od gad n bge bgd il.o7boP bgg b arred ro Pdoo7ob ~gbg 7ioh ooyddeo7 I. g,dgmog,0,lof Jan cysh oodfa boofd oul t00oh 0 bI mot hb Abr ltm ho reag priobog C pr.,,do00gmeedto, rr o ov h et fam majorgLoo to fril d000, g,000 gootohg gO 001, 1-I- lko r'ooue0, guoodod byobho 7th og- maoddloe h d0 b gdoln log oo p ll ang fOOIo'ododo. srn , d- o o, m I e a glggk v ngo o~00 yboftbayo- bdo g ..l 00400;V -.1.~, olgd0g Jin0,7 Tb,'a Hokosbrgadol, ,clol doog- ,ggo41+. T r ey -,m anr7 g ao cad seeoo nig opolooby ompaie every d00f0070000t pdbggofmo 00700770 hin, A r70Koobdd dbgoo .lyio 0,1, aad a b0gobhod ooo,,dlGooPittsbuggbwgb masgkers, mn,,an ,,bolI. Lgoobo hd b-, d- gfoloooga,, ,,,ovod i en much inkolg goyo Kf me iodgh~~oieg 7nd0f7170r0a wh ben o.o I, lth Boigisl fggo gold 007 b ,ongwgood, ,,oro debiverd up at P.0,,s Cg- ogokiogooweooooooodong 00gpo,'o goe PlogobI, baztalig,,Bmo godh ooggmeo sad mo> Boqoloob,- .i.. of7 ggglgolg,,o,0g oolgroone ,,goo;Ill.,oo majoro Lno, ofuroiobd oboghmbgg 00 ooh C..e 007; Jackso' l.,,,,,,, g,,odld by tho 711, 0o0C- plostedin'o' th o pldt ooergmoo omo upog fgodortfiato wh booh,0oaog~oO bhjuooogao TM~o diglobonb 000 gooodod byobogogofOodol- boo, go.ra ,o Ho,7 0' brigado, ad wogo lb!- ,go oogigod, o,lthlod oorioedfoooRopldoogo. voino by compani000cuoy dayo, ohgo8bo of m 00007. Coguo thin sv0,, eaiesvgoosy rc7170 oh... m03,go oohoog polot gobe igb a o mc1i edmgdeshdbe d, 00d007 lrg h odgood hoo, Pittsburh wigh caokets,.0 ,,.a. ud bo. 1,0,000 had booodo 0.0000dg o 00dopd gobl , Ill- ,man dgcro m mu wnoo dolooI godog 00 wo doig go boaod hoe Bog,,h booe o, hI t 000 0000.ood, og,. doliovgd up 01 Pohgo Co-  New Oshsans, Ms. N,.ls Oissd, and nl dlmsssm pisldh -, . rpelfhsindersgs.sls ployed is msklsg p sp slob.s mr sshs miltisfhs- ssds-d seo-si ansmlh psis, asssss Indians, an~d is thssxpdsisso apssiss Pesssss issshdtb e bad mdsmsy lsgsddf 11s G--IJaks,ms lettrssh myo, epss- sdbhisss of ths ss ss-hs Ohad ec sss frsd Oba magis, adsbhsrsofN ew ssse TI, pssssssl Aem shss Issssssss Osi ssi s s readess (ss Appendi. rN.. 36.) sssssdshsskss hsth ssscps f T s,-K. sssky, sasd t Mis~sssppi Tsdsssy h sssamls, gessssls Cssssd, Cobse, Th55555 n55 Adsss, ssd 555 Issssl Hsids, Jsslss ssis issh ThsO sssh f50 T -sgssl ]sksss mhsy though ps sspsss ove isilec:btta silnc psslscsd as,,,ss efsss i is hfav~sosri : ssslh mssd shssm slabosssd pssgyricsssld slsshdss assss, ds f-shinshr- ssssssss sso JsIlsssp,sy' sss-. 5555o ""'; ob4,5 re~s~ fses~ vssbsslssss, iiyssd Phssfs/gsoL heboms Nscs 005,5,, Ms.Nsld-s Gissil, sd Asl-em ployed underbis, nnitraod the ss.5 seasl i s ploysd isosski, gspsloms fosshs oil)t ofT-os 05, os so lsg si bssss fsosbthsrsomess hsi reduce do. dos pricula, tosssts na0 -d i me dsbs pgoasssslth scrsk mas mausslsOan Isoos Oi of N- s Odo readr. Sec Appssdi, O. 55.) Byis rsoio ofssild. sbss yhs 555 d ilds mss th srops( ensss, Ke, oky, ailslhe Mis ssppi Tbssissy; sssthiso anlers, gsoi rass ,ar ), Tbssss aod Ash)i, an ls o iss, Bil-, fo lhis ssshbsdsfsssefshstato. Thaeor sg- sssJskson shi 55h sghsyos toss aver is ml-- nu. bsss sil,,axplsdscdg,,sffs ,R I , inhi fvu hnm publicssdsd -tso mos, I--d oipgyri. would bave m.I -l.cr 1mesaas . isi od fsoslo d embo asf ngss Is peolsb; lhss sss pte ssgin iosil hiss04g o d Rssoss Ojosi 5, m ssid isupd sp ays u. di- Osil il'sofslsss -msdgsbheossf she ssop igssbhs maoysf NsstOdslss,,sM. N slt- h I addlI nos . tigt~tops o rtpsd h nvdes. plsysdiv oskig op 5, ssoins f~or hills'ss nu wh22 so sosg s senc fopsstoksssosssls Gsssssl Jaks,-Issler 055h55 55555epr Tb, per le Iitlss Is ssfslssssooss ths reader. (~Se yssssdis, O 36.) By arsolsdan ho fslsidslsassyhslgsb thmrilssks ros messsops s0 Trsssss, Kom issky, sMi the M15ssssippi Tssdwoy ss Adsr cos slssse, generasls bossli Csifos, Tbhsss, ssrd Addi, asds slso a olmrsinds, Issllssi sei osth dshsssa sfsh ssst. Thses.1 gehssbsbsssa oyhughppss 1.pss oss s i ,; bsssssnt h silooss sssdudsssilgs.t ssslssIi, lssysssisssss pysi Iiso d-hls ssssssslbosssdllssssg sssud Osssidlss. ll ssinvisnswsospss ssob IOsssasisqssndssin sspsdlssssysosssssomm dssysdssslnno-r ar. Pssstimslss  _ S 3 E- -^k - 0 Fr n- Si - i ^ S 3 ^ Z al  blahpof is ,4,sgha e., g,DA.,gthecoon .bthg R, of F.,hr, C. Edary,..ns, 0.h~. AppdC. N.. 35.ego ie b h gnrlLme ammeohn adgce aS Appndix, N, tie.) 1. F,'Se pp.Fk, x No I AECON ATTAC OFFO BOWYER. T.a Britiharm aigenieyaanoe t0 . CIAtF.,.,CLR..L;C, OFy,,.,IJ Fbrr, k,,. EdKwadL.gn,,f 11.1Abygccn o..Rg l f,g ftrc, . .0,d , an fe ig ".,303 F, p.delmta 44..0 III Tub, be,,, ACnra LambAr, pCmreC w:IC.1 ..,.y" gcocnl eeg whSo , d,,.g...,,0A,, '!Cf-l. ..C,.j'y Che R...gd o p'C..,h., . Edh,,,dy,,,,,FgyC Bri.Ati.A., N an of) SE O N A T A C Of FOR Dm W ET . d m my 1 pe. at . r - ,,,,,,At,.,Cok pAt, A,.1,,. OFj, ,ff,," gna abr di alel,r, an u,er i aR FF, (C5=F"eF' A pndi,, .gA 58. ,' ~.5~  sd4)44e.. 444yiwa4)44 44444444 '444444444dnv 4oo 4444' p44)44uy44)4d444y 444444444)s 4 *4im444 44444 444ua 1 4. '4444444 4.444 '4s44 ')4)4444 l 44444444)4444444)44a4)44)4aop4 v 444)44444 444n4)4",444 4 p44444 4444)444) 44444444a ) 6en~a 4194a4444 4444) 4444)oodn s 9anaa J ie '44444444.-e 44a444 daz 44 v 4 i.(~o 11444)44444vai 04144444444v444sp444444 ayi)44444444444w44 'anl4444)4va4)4 oy4) 4444444444444444444444444 )'44 4444 444)44)4444)4444liapnd otaa 4)444 444 Q 44 ))44' 4)4444w..b 4444444. qo e oeslap6a444ap 4)4J44 44yin 444444du ' )444P4 .( 4444 444'44444se~uuerey~w a ul P104 e) aa444 ne a4 y44 y P44 444444%' 4444 444 )44)444 4'I.4)4 4)444n touew~i-s y 444 l a i~ ieyi 4444)444444444)4 44))44444)44' 4444444 4)44 ee (a~~y a(~o ~tu ywg4)4444.scam4 ayi )vsw444) pln44 e4i sp4 sd444)444.44)444 apiwPaai ) a.. 'PV=IS444)444)e am 44444444s444444an~.v44.va44a4444 v 4444 444atyay 4 u444444 4.44444we4 Jl'44 ' . 4'4444 i. 44 . 44)44444 44 4444444my ' 4444)44444444 444444)ai "in ai noy c4 a44444 ap 444eayneQ.v aaa sa 4 i 444s44444)4w44toY1 a u 444444 44t 44e~p~u S444) 4444444 444ta 4)a 44 444 44 44 44444-pe 4)4 ayi ' 444 44444 ea a~ 44)mpagwiagJ y4)4415as m pr yen ay4444)444444444 w44 'p44ad4 4peaa4<4e44 1 444444 4)444444434)444 444) 4444 4444444 a444 yov) 4)444 '44wma 44)444io( a4{ 44 pvb 44444 uv 444 44 o a444 '44444 s444 4444 ' Pl444 4444444444) '44)4444m 444 4 44444)4444444444444444'. 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Ajr.Sj v2j22 R - - 6- m m - : 2222 t 3 4 ~ ~ P Z 2 r-9'3 . a 'p G ' ? y - E ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~22 c . 2 5 cz 233a  _ ' °- Cva 4 v o a ' 5 V 9 a e a E yAe Fa meF Z. .y g aa±C '8 _" 'a a a' a C' r.-a ~C 8 y =3 Y3 LA« ~Ca aa ac 0'3; 1- 3 , -Eg n C M i ;Ft" 5:a. 1:B .E9Eam1A viE es~a = v'_So e 2 L.ivy F ' S114 °vy f$c "= y Y 5% E . oe t C "z o 5a X 9 2 .. tve'-C ! at56' ° $u o' L O 'ap -e98 . E~ 6 ~eEa~ X 9 E .11 11e.°c S  errbme beull. 211l, llllB & ll yll, r b Tbvd h i , B , 111 1 dbl hem n Mo-1 Ibilep zd Dall hnb l nd end b. vrn beats fal hdn- od thre mil.h1bls p121lLlk1f2rr B ye.1, -o 121Brtid cam ~A- loig..h .1. and le. Tbn yd,l 11of- gre ..d;21yw. D iyll~a fr IIbc b. ley f M h1 1l2k d 1,r paicdI ,t .. g-h idldh,..by ab. hi. fine Beea~ .vi h! sevr , disca d. dimn 011.h.110 bye bah hk --y11 em udl his2 lk. B igBsmd.1l1yll 12112 fir frm h rilr 1kt fr 11.21.re l11t1,Badyl 2112 an tato soa1 thI niL. Tl12 sbyp low .11.12 b12v1el W1 hi. poile andflap11bisd, ed severa1boats f11 ylh, bA .I Ill B.itibh v..p. Ablsw in th. 11- 1 m .bvag B.. I l... ,A in congb d.!Awpn. and~ lvlid h umi r o, h gra moud; ll bB 1.2ha, an lld .1d thecain o [e 21g.61[h ohe pate xwr vr Ibl chI I n 1.112B.ld yi1 hand . 10, .11o : uty andmbinhrl ll ithe~ wgileb d 11th.I bllybl. 1 b112.2y1. dh 11h~h --y -l11g11121pkl Dwil11., inefi fromy12h2 Artller1of h21fbb. Illtbree b.11d12d yard., I, 11 III h, 11nh11 B-b CiBlhy, t 111lh11.1 lb. 0. Ib, ill, by bank of day, it asldisco112d1t11 bdr. h ih h gdlgbl yhd dl..cdb.i.llk lb .11.. Plnb~p .trd .. 1 b.1l on Bllbhll lad dN... .12lylBI b.mod bh obher. lbn shp.2. l112l IppIBre b B111poit and..lhigo ilvdlidl .lll1,l bdasflb ofl Ie l~1dly.. 12.nsv adrprsn A h wh.,le dbl  9 G - 5 2 Fc E E y' Y77 Ee fC c 93' 3<.s a oG~ .. q 7 0 E 25 - r 7 7.-- 2 t' E 5 L . 5. 22 ? _3'5 8=A 72r 227S.722!72'7*722T*2'. 0.-.-.- 7 .5..-722.-'22.7_7 7 0 A .22A.222c4 . - ' s. a : . 2 S@ 0 Y y7 A _ .---- 57 775C - '72- a^- ' 5 5 7 Y E 5'57 27-=e E~ Yeae A a a  three ships o 11h11 i1,-h1 11h1 aff12 112d slde force to comply with the r11122e~ eaigrny of sir. n Te cas II 1ndb1 b g th ,,,1.daring the si 1, 12 ld soly 12 11112 killld, vd 121 ..a, 11142~lne 121 ens rare.mmga~d The1 , 11si h,il.111 about f 21t m 11i o oud f111,111 In 122h2142dld4, bll lba he, b,221dlpll gariso w14214142111englet . h r«l., deprivd of a12 com21;~in e11d 121blfi frll ho41g .2214 ruaii 1,rel1121111a day a.1122W1? 2115.1 prps only 12114 411 r12121. lxpo. dhmal? 21111,11 dml~ 1112124trel 1411 211 otd~b lt~mde ..-dbl. 1iv 42 Wi 2 I ll l l12yhol 11911 111 5 1111 11hi11, lbov t14 plaI21 ex1142 posd, t 112 e1 ,1.ll.,uded bie1 Ill- 11111 dhe 2pah 11y2 wlpcl111 ga1 th21dsip11b he1ine1ld21 he f21112d2sldie. ,rested wihelti l n~ det -Lre oply wt istle1 xigeny of cd n T111o wlinld by n.1 p1bdl~g he .i1g1, 1211.1d p222y t d ild, 1211 t Tnhed 111. g t2dl11,4yst111d Ilal~d- sJpvcIo nl.b ellld 1121 1211 114y me enem111 21 b~ 1121 11i21i1 en12 r2411 dof 1h2i g.. I I2 d111 1dll, b,d 2g11 W11121,1p111211.1dit av 11.11sil2 sel4 Wi4g wllhll thepll?.1b1u on1he au side , t dfece oId 211ll1. I1 ls11 veid st1411 d,y -1,11 2hat 21I than hal1' 1. b1a2 doull~d by12re 11dw el 21 f1rcd I. comply wlth thl 1211des e21igy 21 1111- c.Thb l.1,l111d b 1e garrison during th Wage, a 11d o111p II 12 kilbd, ..ad ..d1, ogb vhea 1.st1 1121121 1121d Tbh b-mig. nodlabout fo1ly22nkilled 112wound- From111t2122 cicmmII Hewn.[1 21 tbI rakig of fo112 Bo ,4 th 1 . 1rti 11rtd122wllb1111t th brine1111111 21aso 11h111 deened bin lf oth l d,,,, e1prived11f 11 cddmunicatio, a owl "Ip dl a1 1 Wll op 111 .[ f1 r ,I 11111re 2lal the11, I. l211122po11.111d1211 f 11211111 il11a ig she2llrkidn11g with ,b122111111wou1 hav lgldlll 1122111?l wby21~ o 11112 111. 11  FFFF~ 9FF F- ~FFF F~2 ---'F '"'F F" F9F9F-F2F2~9F~ --2F-~-F--' F~FF~F~FF FFF-FF FF~~F"2 F'9 F-FF~F9F'9 FF9~~ F- FF'FF=FFF"F 9FF.FFF~ 3 F FF- F F- G - e F s F- ' o -4F 9-F F F - 4 F- 92 F-wc n o wcn cw. nAo3  0 3 1 E5 J3 SA ! " aE 'c a °$t = a ' 9' L L" .e z" ,y~Y' L sZE6 $ . °b u :Suf .Bh uo3y " ' 575 g 7 E $ ~ E 7yoo Sc _ a34 o~ . o'_ oa '^ 577 cS A -- . ~~~77.5 77s9 .C C7 5 8a~yi ci y 2 &8 8° '8..8 r 9 a~ ~ c a 'O is< OE ,v . fi 5f # s4 2.. .5 %l ?E ° E °ac ' 7 a ~ 47 .5 5 C to ° f> 6 =g 36E ' 3G vv °_ S E ;cw' P, C ~ 5 .5 52 ss52 s5 q 9E °qv S r bayWmy5 s uf£5j5sE a l ew e c e- 87 yct5 Ase IA 22 g? 7. ~ N  r-= a ° 2 D- 0 != 91 " v fj il > - ,_E 8 { ° polB o SP { lko E S= 33-q WR Q c o - q2E _g S1 +s=O6 6k8 '= z>. $P as ° - s _ C 3= s; ato na il I CA >°; E- at 01, vc 2 36 G '4 p ' 331 CW U 90S R I ? azE c C WK = C G- C 2 .%r  A72,2722,272h xaxm722227 217 227er bft 72m p2722227 chnc7 m2 s112it, 222- 222121 chef II k22, is2p712772,227 7n 21721227d, , be7 2re 22h12 1 h2 7 fo22722 1227272227 721ank1J iu1It. A2,22277 N2. 2272 s~ptill 72222 i 222h2.. 7727,72212hi12de 2212222 722 rs m272 des 72p7.222 I. h212222e2,7 2e p 71w . 272 th2dli 22. i gene2al Kea e, betrye s72snkla. 212d22 2722 27.e nwnta b2222 72272 2h2sh swor-2-271 aft hen a1[ey infb t- th mystey. hsafl rs A27 he a7.2 272h2 9t, 277222227, saeora 2222722 F 27222,d on1.7222222227lant rd 227l it2 722 b 2277 2277' 12o22222l ace , 2h2 -li7 7, by 272 sil1 22272e Britih 217c 22 2h.1 subj,2t2, e gnl Kean ea-d appli2.222.b7 221222222,ield , p227222d2t22i.227. 722foI 1ak22227digy gav 272 222722m227222t 7h227,227222727isered n 1727,72 s, N7. 2. 2 p 22i2 le2e of the 172.22of 221fy 2I 7e -11- 7222 o 2nr geur. J1227 a mk22 otic of thi77 ,, 712,122.72. mea~~myeaentMppn diNo. 72727222 g22f 12 22222277127272 th 722no o2ft g7.27,7,K227, 72b222 kn n2 ftha,7t 27 hadlot h 272d;2n 2ft2a lb,2 721272 22t the~ myste 272 infit.,v r fr1722 b 2er2ua7i 2 dr 222777.en non. s ~ A7fth771f27 7227722222h7M -, -y 27m f n 21722272122 b 222 mepres thacig ,2 f t, decla- r27 ft 22 27222222 27722222eera P221222h2, the 222firmed,7by271t22227 2217222172222h fers v h wbje1,2whe2g221alKane ausftapplca2i122b 2272227222221 be-I- 7222, h1m,227f 222l22772227o 12221Livingsto7, wh2 22222 22227 th21272722,2~; 22 122 222 '2,t227221 7222222F7buar, 22 72 22222i ter2yo212222e,72212227222222a27222222 2ft 1222- 722,2t72222221221222.2222 my222 b2,2727w7h722p 272h 2277277222 22-12212 7222722idviul icivd, ~k1. 2222 222v2,d belong22 221 2222 2712ml-i2-chi727f212222 27121277222722727222222227277122272772 72221222 72227e2ned , be ressat1272d1l12222f7i 222cm 272K2a2e222e2227l sme1surp7se,2a2227.227 22227122 2721n2,2h2 e adlothi so 2;2n hen12 they222212277 72222222222222722n [isafhir aos fr7. 222227 io 72122,72 12 it2222221222722.2.7th 1 222221w7722272222221227222222777. ief, i  t44 dlimn of 4b~gre carrie44 of by the British, b444. (Se4 44u 444444 in 4he A44o444, N.. 44.) Bo r (See Ap4pndi4,4o. 454.) 4444 474i4i4 4hich 444 4444' 447444444444e 444m 4h444444 44444 ms414 444444 44444444f44h, 4,41s~u o4.4 f44444444 4444.44 44444444444,44444444444 1l444l4. lb4a444no4; v1444444444,44h444od 44444 444444444 444444444 v44444 4444 0444 444 t44 ga4444, 4444'4444d 44 444 444t444 4444444444444444-47444444,444447444 14 u 4 hu44444444d pr444444444441444447 4444444 44444. fo 0444, hli<4 agrl44ly t. ro mnge-4 444444444444414444.47474414,l414.44) 044444444 4h 44444444444 4414444444444444peme 44444444444 44444444444 44444444mmdntlyand~ va44444474,4444t4444444444444.4444d'ge4444l444 44444444444444444 byalte te2 : SeApniN.41 4444 44464hk444444444-4g4444444J444s4 44444m4 44444444744er44444444444444r 144444.44 44le 0444444 4444 p4444d, t44 exchang4 of p4444444, e44d 44444444444444444d4i44l4C4444444, and444444444L44- 4444. (4444444444444441444 44A7444di4, N14. 44.) 444444. 44S44444444. .. '744444 44444 444 44444 444 4444 45, g 44 4444444 44 44 444444444 44444 , 444444 444 444444 4444 d 44 44 ~ rea 44r 4444444444444 444 444444444b 444,44444444h44444444 y in4444444 .4 4444i 4444 hdoi 4444444 44 4444 4444444447 m r1, ,444 4444414y 44' 4444 4h 4444444 44 4h4 4444 4404444 4444444444444e Ch 444i44 4444444 bl 44444444444444444 coln 44L- 44.44 lb,4g4444i4444h44444444444444444444444 44444 -d4444 44 444744.444444. 444444444444 4. 444.774444,4 .444.4 rdgeerl 44ener4444 4444444444444444444444444411444 d~ 444444444d4444444ld444444444444by4444presid44 444d444a44h444444444 S44l4p4444444[44t,44mg 04444474444444444444 44 44444444 4 Ab444 thi4 p44444d, 4444 444444444 of 44444444, 44d 444 444in of th 4 4ere are ff by 4442444444, 4444444 4444444, 44444444444444444441444444444444. 4444. 44444444444444444444444774444,410.44.) Bo4444. 4444 A4447ndi44, No. 44.4 Th44 opini44 44ic '444 04 en 4444444 e 444444 4-i44 0444, 444 44444447444. 1,4444444447y 44m444,.t44 44444 44 < - 444444 4444 f44444B44444, 4444 4444 4444 44444L444474444444444444444 444L 444444444444444444444444444-444444444444444444 44444474444444d44444 0444444 04o4n4444444 44444 F4444444-444444447444444 444ponM 4444 h444d444444m-744444444 se,444444447N4 440444474474444h0444444444444444 endix N.. 4746.)44 444444444444441444444.44444lo444..444,44444 4444444:44444444444144444447444444444 44 [li44 4444444 o444 44444 had b- 4 744i 444y4t44p444i444 n44444f44444444d4444b4444444.og ,  T~s432444444344gp. 219344 T4e444424 wmmasde4 4hang4242432444444d f444 m the o n of the ere,- pho had7f444ow 74444443, 44 4424444 (m4 th rts le ihApfl444d4, 44243, 3,4r 34447444 the Ha,2444(4444pp43di4 (c. 4 4437.) (,N4 8 444443422 B442444 byS144 Ap4d2N.4. A,3,4 M444,g44h 244422744444v~ dc lbia 7243"9442 of44h4744444442,o the.444t7,f4ea44 a44744344444ly44omun4cate4Ih,4i444lig44744, a2 ppte 3m «Iv. 42)el tno oeBp 444444424 4,4high ,4443b4pos 44444o44B4i443. 444442442a an mjo .4s444244444473s44s7444444 App444442 N444.43494h4444)l44 In444444444ord,4 o44t49424444444, ., h44an. 41444 anted.444 eB4(4,444ph444244747444 74.5D.) The 4,4242 ..M4 4344, 4,44447 4444244 44 f442444 I4444 4h4444434of44444447444h24244f443we La444244, 4424 h 42b 244442, 4244k 42 had4 gi44.er 44444, mb44444444 o4f44442 of4942444 genera4, 44 44444444244474444. (S44 Appendi4, N44. 42.) 044lr 14 o 444494442, g444444447d444444444p- 424h2,2(4424h7(4g 42 Ihssey i444444,2441 f 44,4244uth 444474 (S4434Ap444di,2N48.) vAs 444742 4444444r4444 44444442 424M th94444 444944444444447444444444444474444444474474444 a-34444(44 immediate 4 44* 4d 4444974-44444 tA444om444d44of7 44444t,24444ce,274444444r o t424442h7o34444,423444444444t-344427by444j4 B444,444244 mi 2474444h44(4444442474444ish (2444444 tl 4(4W4244444444 44:4n mjrfoamlsisrutos, 4444 37744, 7442 4444d4444434 9424444374444,4 44444.4242444444444242444447,44447444- 424444f44444444,44442444424444444444344442 42 a44 perso444co4fi4324444t444sa4. (244 Appendi3, N4.420.) T4443424444444,2424p44444 44xn 2 7444444244444444444444744444242444444444 42444 4m44 7th444443 242744437474444444hadfolow 4444444 444444 f4k442944 44tmwm [He4444444 n fi 4424,4444247344 Macss 2,424424242724-4ner44 444(e444444444444444442444h,24244b44ha4gi2en4per 4444. 444p43) ,N. 4 3,4S44243 Append4, N443 4.) 4443-444 424444444434,42424l4J4(43444444d4,2742444444 2442i242244s42,42(444444444444424327444)4 a4444 42424344944442(47447,44444 374444344y4 an444 dnah 444(,3(4444444447 443184243444444444443444744474242474247 4444.444922 4f 44444444444 43342.ien f natr,,b (4444424424444e444444744434474444444444444. th43App43di, N4. 44.) 44 s4-4 3m~nn 444444 m444434, d44 a4444. 4444.42424444444344244444,34444444424442 o t24 t4e,3y f2444 p 44(9344444 4444 42344p7344,4r4444k44gg4t74433443d47444 4344434244424447444744444f4444444444744444 42447444444444744474444444444. (444r4-7744344 74.42.) i- f, I,.,n emn  By gensssl s'dse .f ms tslls'sing day, all th's didAsy d. Isse Apps'dix, Ns. 51.) lbs ss'y of pas sdsdss- Ghss, ss Is l'ss sf Dss".bIr be bs s m, pl55ilps55tssis '.5't larsysisl tI ppendis, Ns. 52. Its ostrdsso I.gshis i--'s'shsss 'ssldIss'id- sd as opls.- I Is's liks'sis deese ssppss's'ssss d.- dss prs'ss'ds m ssss'l lacks by'hs diffss vl's'ssssssmp'sis' 'mposing FlssW" Issoli-' sis h.sg-l's msss. Th"'ssms sps's- thsy p'.sssd. Ths addrs sgs 1--~sd t. ths Vs-s1, immsediately aftesssseies ssbish 'ssk plass shs 16th sf Massh ' Ise lins. Also'r id faresll mshisldss'i"'ss's Is wsbsdss sis obsold Is's b- ssvsdsssupssths vesy' grod shat I'd' sss bIe w'itss t5'Iis dsss an fte et vi hc te = d sssa I'shdslip. Ths tls Ise plass, As sssd ofsped lsssspissdl 1.55 ' I-ls, s'sbav Isso sps I'd givsss'ssb syssI = .f slsssge and o afoslsts'ssssty,slhsy sssssss bslsdtsbid sssessll tssss.smfis, sod ss'l s'im asss s '5 lassi'g ""sI'sss' lsissddip sssts'ted is ds'sidtsflsss.. G's.d By 'ssnsss' madss of tIs follssing da, a's mIs msilitiassst by 'Is di10'ss'tares's'Is ssdi'sans 4I L's'i'i'ss, ss d'so Ise msliisofthis lates', wer disd'ss'g d. IS'e Appsdis, N'. 51.) Th2's Dsresy s'spsss'I pocdd'siM1,sn's sI sd at lssgim ds Ippssdix, N.. 52. Its slss Issi''s sssssslcssfsdsisslsssssssgw lcs.sand shesBriissss'dansssssheef,,Ilsss 'Isgh 'sI''Is'"','sssissbss''s ldswIssb id- sO so Iplsss 5'sss lkesse dsssssd psspssrstsss's d- dss prsss'tsds pss'ssel Jasksss,Iby tIsdissssrs ,.iuI Is mmi pssss'ss"s.g TI'J1' siss''s5' 'Isy pssssd. uTI' addss ws's pss'ss'sd Isth fsss's'l o is lbsssssi' wsb shsklss vssy gsss'd Us's lads s1'otssbe Isss fs' tisb vals,, ssd of m's p'ssssss s'bisl' "b'p se dsssd sextres' I 'l'ip. The1 ais', tIs pI's', the crosd ofs'pectatos, sll -"pi-dts p'ssss eIs- sss', -,sansd's's'sasssnss'igssscl- lsondss'. Os'Isssssp'ysgsssd'sss whreso.Dm Iefs's, tIs's bravs ssssps 1,2 gissn suh signal prssl wasssgs asd sf lsss flssI ...Issls, tIsp sss bs'lsd slid Lsss'ssll tossls's ssd sos' wsid s's'ss 51 lsing ss'ssbssss' ldssdsllp ssflslsd isths'sids.(ls's. G-d~s By 'ssses'l os' sofb 5s's.Dosing day, al 'Is 'silitis sss by 'Is didl'ssre s''I v 'shsssss sf IsLis ss aIss dhs msiiia tis lats's".",,vr disslsg 2. (ISs Appss'i', N'. 51.) Thestoesyslf pesssss l'wddsGnns, ssstls am of si e 11,b55,1 Iess n Is pla.5i55ss'sls sf lse U''Isd 'Stasasd lssssGssss,', iss's". ed2at lasge.is'IhsAppssdis, N. 52'. Is sssss's' Issisylbes sjsss iscssiss Issssss 'sswsss Issksss'snd 'Is Bssid' s' 'ssmadss-ssshil, Is's 'Isgh gIhdtsis ineoshsbss 'soldsI ss'ids- sdss'f placs. drss prs'ss'sd'sgsssssl lsss, byIsdiss ssl'stessscsmpaniss somposis's FlnsI's 1,5,1's,, sim tsesgssssl's'sswss. TI' ssssi'sss s'sprss- 'Isp Isssssd. Th's sdds- 'ss les's,'d Is 's gener,d,"s'dissslly af ssssreiesshish ssk plss fssssl's t i' h sssis "sswb, s, hs's'sI'ed o mos,'. bshsid 'Iss bI'ssss's deassups 'Isth ssspg I-ssd sI's 'sds sI's ds,'s,. bsl'Isisof e velss', "2d sI tIs 'ssissss ssithwi b, - ds'sds'ss's Iem sislip. Tns ti's,, 'Us plac, 'hs sss'sdsospss'ssss', alsssopirsd s p'esens's is- ssdg ps'ssl, and ts s's'kssnsss-mg 'sss "Is'. Os a l's' gsspsssd whess, I's' ss I'sfsss 'Iss bsss'ssp -' gissssosl''isl ps'.sIfsss'gssdoflaosssvssfssismdsss.1, bs s'ss' -sssldssbidlsss'dissll's ss.'s,, ,d'ssl'simI s's ss'lstisgs'ssI'sss', 1'ssdspsss'smsd isst's'siskts~lars's. Gwesso  e.m? ° " 3oc F?03um3?3ac >Z ° '° g w- E3 3a c ~ ' ox =--3 g °a w~~~~~~~~~~ d2 n R3Q - a ° d o - c5.. a -" 33 w 3 2F 5  arty g,,6nl ,,,6, h6 666, y666616we6 6k66 6,,,, ,6,,.,hIsla d,6lTV 16666,16n N,, P66<6666 Th..gh 6h6 i,mp6666 n f orign dai, b1,,6 ,uer d6,1 6,4 -gro oe off66616 6 o, a rpr, 6666,61666 s6td ca,,66 A city . or lb it elan rib. had c 6 n,, ry- '"16,,, l 661 m 6,6 6pp,, , 6 6 6 6, 66 6 66 66 , p 6 6i, h , c 6 6 a s e p p16g .1 rd.1o b, lb,6,66 66 d gra6 66 e 66 fill66 6 ,,,nd h666 6666666666an ,6h66he not ..6jog6 early6equivalent6t6,f61ed,, yet6, 6,6we6 kno66, 66666ag'66,,,,6 66,6656[hm er previl1d u6pon 6 m6t666,,,,,,ip,,,d166,,6,166166,,i,,y; ml,6it6h66 GF,,6 asserte1, n666 wi1,666 66,e 6666666n 661616 this pitifu6,,,666,6,,ge-m6 hs6666id666th negroe 66,66'66166de6 r ,6 avi 6 66666666f6the 6 aro,61, 66666,66666,66666,666 6666a.a in 66 61656 n6i6 wor6,, 6,, 6161 66 6666f ,d,16 6g66,66666 s6666, whh166,16ve t 666666. 16 ,h6l6666 eyA6,p,,16,,, 6, 66 6. h,6,,,166166,66,,,,,,6,,l g,,,,., prinipl. "'66 6,6,,,,erm k6,6 w 66y,hm gen,,66,6, 66616r 16d ob6,66, 66,16,, 6,16 o6, th, k,,,,, [hu 6 tb perform 666 66 d 6'16 666666 6666,h hdpld himel [ byam~mbr m6,66, the,66, ,,st,, 66666)6, 56 666,1 666,666666666,661d66, yet66 ,-116k66 66666 5'6 gre 66mit ,6,6,,, ,,6,, p,,,,,ild 666' 6 enlist me66,* , 6e regim6 a,6, sti6 g6, gro6,6 6666 i66 proib66 d 16,66Td1 N,, slut116,,,, ,,6~el Hihr Gpandes666,f6666it Ras Geogia ad, Louisian66 f66,6 hp666wr666 ma6 W- 66665 tl,,,,mea,66'd 6,6,,v pra66ice6. 66 Li6666 66te ,[ me 66,6 6 e, Lamb,6,, 666 this iit s'1b666,6665-ha66666',616666,6,,,~Bra66 r666, 66 deserte6,6, havi,65 6o66 66,66 of6the,66o swor, ,6,,,,6, 6 666666t 6666,, u,,6 carid ffint H66666 e6- m6,66, 66 ,, , t Nb~. h, 66 . b6666~666,6. ,aI6,6 a666g..666166,6666 T6,d 66661- 66666 666666 661666 66,6g6m em a 66nd by m6666 661666; and h 666, 6 6666J6 knw 6na  pttyl byybyytt, itt Losiainy, tys duly apreitd by the tybyly lppld thy Utityd State, yy thy suty public rejoicigs itytstp tytt. Thy aspitt tf the fyt't .dyty. Thy nvpapyy wrf sty -hitlt, fined twiml addtyysyy pttsytd, yttd spehy dyity yd b tyity. 'thy lygkslattt tyty yE thy sa tydythirttksyrognl Jykyy n thb tyyyyyyyyt. kne Tydhytyytlttyhyde yd its ttty of ty~ publit p ityy 2It is thttght proper t inset inth Appsttdit oer lttttttttt tp htttt tlttytpatgt tytbLtt ytybyysvelstasy. <(Sty Appendx No. 57.) tib, tyty reslye y, thy .tres wdtbyt itstaks mthestatty ttd ill -It,dtttt t pid- s ro mdl to e tr k, tytytd wt tilydyte ib h, ctyyymo t thy it ytt h lt, t isisys, end pyt ' , ttt - k-1, i. Ittyyt mbptyy pyriod, dm sttytn. yiytithpypl wyty tyibil iyteptsyytf ty publiytyyeitg, ittt ythityytt Thyn bad lreydy appreitntd Itt ytytis itty thin dtftt, .yd tdyditi dy elppnyadyi ytt tityt gr sdd Linih m ty lb.t give It body and shapy, aya ydypybyyttpasyyyts ty tyyyti adapermanyt fortt. pytat Jacksoy, in Lytyuiiayy, dyty appreciated by bye wholy pytplt ti thy Utbyd hStd, stnd thy syty- publtt rejoticings it -,,t tytt. The spitetof tbe tytbyt,. Tbeyssypgttyytwety, for sotyt moytthy, finyd thbsdytyy ptytyd, adpeechhydlisy- by . tycsiyt. Tby legisltures yf mtyy tly d -I thsty thanby pt ptittst I-tdthe try udey tyiyts tityt, fthtbi st . met~y btt thytyght pttpe ot ityyt it Appytdiyyx tyy syyyyydybs vyytytee'vyy. (App tdi, Nt. 37.) m I tltofayyytrtityyt , thyyysyttyyydss d it, yhayks ty ybtyd tstytdt gtenttah, andtsqtt s by psidytym yytytydh ty by ystc, tyyyydty yitsylyy yyle , ytyyyyyytyty o isyh yttyiyyvyt he glih,, is Lyttiyyyl, yand toypy sysypots t pyttd, thy rysytsty pybb meltg poi tyse rth i tytytyt. Tb thyt htyd yttyydy apptttts-A thy tyts ot its dyfeydert yndhyd diylptcyptyyydtityy-i-; atytci gtyyy did -ybmg yt ty mny gity hytt bttdy yttt sitypy, ayatdtydptyytt pys tyin itttttttytt ayd termanety tysty. petl jyybst, iyLsianat, wsduiy apprtited by thy wybyhy peyply yt thy thyitd States, ayd tbyyyty ptblttsrejoiitgyittttty Thy spih thym tytittyyyytiy thy gtyyitytyachiyvemytttyytyhhtdy- ftyds. Tbs nytyspapery wyeyt, fty sotyt ttshs, filyd wyim addrstyyy prtytyttd, stnd 2ttyyhydliveyy td ty thy ycyysity. Thy yegiklytytty yfttsttf ytt s td theit tbcysyttgetytyttttkyt ad ty ary yyyybiyyytttd, rtythyyyyi ytiyhd eit stayytttht pttblit pritts, Alytitty t thytyght prtptt ty tyttyt itt thy Appytydiyyytyyttsst tttyfttytbtyytytytyyss. (Sty Appttdi, N, tt.) is thytkby the artytyy itds getyra,sa ,,tqty thy pryyidyyt tytyauyt tr ymydy ty by sytyti, ra tyyy rty thy Eyglitt,,,tt I,t,iy an tttytytt f yhe tytyyty fib ittytpyyy oftmt tybtit byeiyg, i a i h ityd sitty apptlttsdstsd o its tttyyt detytbyst groyydiy lthtgytbtygityy bys btdyttad depyy, d-ytthon "il iant.ev  9 EF A0o i! E o o a'a". a ;CEt Fv "-~~ o e m Z a W " i sc "'' 9.' ., '°a a 3 i' - 'c'~ °"- j -T E3 55= *X y ' S§ -- ' *; .0 . BETAEa -<2g e-> T oo %E a~ a F5m5 A 61 E isC' - 0 ' TS 3_ b-at n~ a.o ~"$---a . L ,E "'S 3 5 ,e E EP" eE oE L-. 03 _ - 2S E~ ~ ~ ~~-- C55 ¢ a -EE ' Eto o ~ ~ ~ r - F 5 C ~ 5,_ e ° _ n Zj; ?09.- c s " o -,.AE°_°o 3v i c5 ~ t . 0 - dA = A' S " Y cRv ° ~'9t =' m . qlv E L E = c° r a a A a.. ,o._o ,o as0e -  2552222252122525221212 2 k252 a fi2, e222122222 toheo e 222221atgu 22f h 215i2,o22L1252,2. 2552 T daship' 25222 ob1i- .2d2211512h52p12122h2212piemaa. Th2 cfk22 25252222rd1 212 sp,2dly1s2n an12- f521252-i spI,2% f 2 22222h5 5,21221dre 222225 5525 [hx obe elo .M 5 dl 25 omr f22 221 ]25i222 , 21221py2, m5255255.2 2222d22122221222,21, d-2&5221.21552thy M used t2 od,-,,, 215225252 525255125v igh t 225222221 for Opei121222 A22225522,2 0he 5L222522221221 Bwye, m E5lis my522,511222 12seve i2525.~ctso auhn iln 22255 22211222 Moi £ poin Genra Lamber and2122 -M22, a ring an at cainn ca on o[ t 125222225212of1222,5f p, by52-5,52"id [u1. -25 of 2,55gision po22ig 22 125h 252 hmisi 522-1 o Louiiana Th21222 I2.22hp,.2h2y er5o2k- g1d 2o 225, m m1, d2ie of vca, 25hi 2122k2 21251 2222,c s255em p2,2I 152v 25225222 2152 212 25o 21ae~,1522 T2122 25521 12-f25 252d 25- were hIydd s5222nd22 22522222 fel 52:- 2,2 12222 dp22222222S2t fve unr 222225i, or. 25255 Itlon 5222255 th521 e o 2 h212 22j52222 , 25225225,15.15225221 of 122.,22122 d22qejom hudidoy gi52by a 225222d 022 2252,.dhdtrsaglt ih ex112 52r 522,2m 522 I 52,5525. p22.222221~di. f or B22,222"S,p th2E221 5212 525 552kat 5 f 2y252p , 222122 212ng o2212222212 5n 225 122iolt 2, pmc21521 55, ieny55252 fr lyopng22 52222212-202222, e'2515222222552522122 cdisun p225 2 2,252 25 1222521. xext. '551215522. 2 25 5221 21 52drg,2 22e 21225 of 2p, w255n l212 125 w soil v s 2225(22212222 fen 22522525221d5i 52hs "2 Let s drop a,2252h5 2222552 o 252f 52" I15,5b2152l25uM 22d 2 ",122222 2222in 225meor. 2525522 2252d222552oug 22d id5 2,21525.25222252 Af~222h2 2252221222n 252222 B22ye, 252 E255225 r22 prsev2 0221 52222.en, 02221225 22221iv 2522d orifi222 o2 252 22225 25pe222, by 252 522221222 25,2222215 U 2,2222d 212 222222 52252222,222am 122 m2 222522212222 of 21222 222p22-b52 ,52 2522522o prisoner, an22122 di55222252ofp22222i2 2 221122222 y212* 22,122212252222522,222252 212222 2222212222d rcn ,2t 2th 225 i22222222.22221 2222l 2,53522,22 5222222 25555221n 252ge 222222 252221ri 55152552252522522522252222522222222222 0252.22ea, w225222255222225225552212522212222121-2222,25225h  -- = 6 E A- a. . Ys-v S k E a v__ E -YiEg yaE ~~t- 55* a --cL :5 5 iEE50 E c5 - ~- 55*v - - . % a £vc , E: 3- _.5* ° S - S cs E -:5--S - s u S a - _w gh6Law  1444444 44i44 744t a45 444e Enls e , 4hl g[. e h mdv -m 447747 447447 777 444ull 444M~e,77s4,,44e. 74 a an t.poprpvc,4 4o7444744477744447b 7474.),m Irsl 44474744774444474 hi 7474444 74444 pr 447444447uste t 744ls 44447747, and4 4477n 74444447,444r 444wi 74h44 474 4, m m 444444i444 7,44747444441444447444457h-4. - lack7s7444 44 this4447464474444744,44k47)n47,him 44444d444.447474i444774744441b444 rted t p7is44,-h 4774companion, an4.44744n74474g 4777p44c, th474we4, to tei4744447eg44,444l444e v e,imh41447oral- 744747g,747 I, 474I- 4 genr4 4774k)44 in44444744d iv h 7i.7al, 7ith ge- nera7 Lamber4, (see Appendix, N4. 57,7 44h4 an- 4444444,444444i7,744447444.im th4 condu of4m44 prsoe4 shoul n74 474474i47d4m4a7474444. (744 hi. 7.44,4.44474Fb7444747, AplseW1., N7, 44.) 'C44 l.7gi7latu44 of -mi.,. pl4444 a rc7lut744 epres4s77 o444h4i7sen I4l~ 74444754d4744544e 44,4144444l,. 444744777747744t4444447414 p7747d4by444417)44444d744p447of 445 474 4144 47,444,44 y4444477. (S44 Appendi., N4.,54.) This aide c4ed44,44commen4. It47s4445 744477[ f4444774 4e 77444 i 444h477 me reaae , 1774 4444744 Ha 74444444k w, I 7444, i44 t74 444se ,f mi. 77k, b4d 7h4 plea- s44445 ann7nne4ag-m..-4 47474477447744b4e4-mi, 47,4747it4717444E77ish esert444,.74e4 ,il 447474444 7444444h544P447444uirng h 774y 47 47,74 7e 4474777l 444747, ,47444444rsr, .- opoe pae : ofiesm .e 4744477744g 4 4h7pr44444444444W44 he e o 4447474444is 774d44 57oe- ,4 drese 7444) 744547y 44447774444 747Iis477547g e esrtrs 47t4 i 74777~ ~ ~ ~~ ~~,nt 444444t44 44744444 47 1 I47144,4s44744r4s4ne.s 7444a474444l41 74.admitte774ad enforce474477,7454577447474- 44,i44 ,,7414 in s 44444744,74 fr 4444.44444 mista44 14444447so444tha77 Gener. l757o74447, a 47F44447744.7444, 4s4u44, 4, 74444 444447 La~et 7(44 47744444, 44. 58.7 477444- 444444, In,4i. respe447o hi,7444444d4454744d- 74744444444744d44t7444 47447444444y mnne. (See h44 744444, 44744 Februa44 47, App44474, N7. 44.7 Th74gsltr 147147 4L444444 74444 --4474444 played by 47. 444 474444147444774444444 474444477444-i744b744444.y. (S44747p44744, N.5. 5744444744444e444444447. 41444 4444474444f44744444444 .con7444747444 474 read447 447 447l 744 7444 4444444444 4744l 474447 44744444577 44474 Ch444 74.hd h p ame4445444444crag-ma4,444m4474474474444, t444447 it4.47h47 Eg474 deetr w4. were4,7 ,i47 44444444 7444444444744447 m44 447y 444474 777441nll 44 chd it7444,4477447444444- 47774444747 7744.4 474444444477444 -- tb 4474 474 744444744 547474444744444ero o Casr7e474 4444474444744444447444474444rinai 747774447474447444444447444444444444444444444744s 747444 4444 7 '4h444 47 erc 74-444 47444 74444444447444474774(744745447,474457444474. 44 447444474 44414 ri 44 744444 44rmigv 4447444444744444444547447 4444477444474444 444 thi 4744 msmw w44444 444444 k444 7444. 4 , 4474447447 744445444474447474h4747444447ced t prise4 wi444444744744444444,4a4d744444444444474g co447p4747747h 44,444744444444474474444eivere 47 477 474 44744. 744447, 74444444, 74444th44 m4444,4m474arriva.44447b7444444777p744744, 744444774447444444444474474444747744,4447744 ge 4444 L4b744, (s444Ap4444i4,4N4. 547j 47444. 4444444447744747444447474444444444474474bos 74i44444447h74d4n447b44447i4d4m4a47444444. 7744 774744444444444114474444y 7,4App444i, N44.7. 47. 747147444444o L447414 4444444 444474.4 4474444445474447444454747444444444444544 74744t by th4 4444444 4744444 nxoft 74 7444,44t 4747447447744444477447444477. (744747744714, N5.455.) 5474444444744d44444comme444 It i44su7 7fi7ien7 4447t ndf tel tno 474444 4744er 4747 7444 7444 4444474444744k 474417444444,4in44444444477444 .447474444744lea 4444454444444aing-ma47444m447447447444,  ~Jd p~. of melt conradmi I vr ev e d~ f h 13 pl &bdi g wbbfihle th'e.d tathyam i. ther ac n t uthbko don [hei l d ,uty; d an 14ouift~nt 1 ,kdyI ebce4.sld emd the we~ ,d ~b, od~ alug .sI mboK dib.- AmrcnEiy K r Kper. wh idntb 228 , sydx.r smd al ein~bm s'y of LoKb wihou Uistn d dfbrtoo., uh o e i~K m KK frth-s tat d-. K ti. p.].i. n d rd, 1 by f,.. ti aIi ii.IP. 414.p ,ip.L, b4.pt'liy. jo, PU.11fst i,A-,sc g.w f,44i4A P s. at wthe r tI..fdap Kf 1.5.M1 p.1., xtgP, 4 avi., t. KUa fore s. 34 . plk .4..otr. I p... devr ev ..,,u A,,.ptle eplU.Is' am while..q Ado .pth ,pth.,f ttp.,p.3y. I p amcin., ,,, .pUhn p. vvf,.dt ,.., pha.,p -A. btmlp Un bA pe, wim331 couA byt b3 reie dipA, m i,,, ,434Ap,ifntwh by ,, b Al, d..digi y..yl.f11,, 43nd byai,A Tb, promta lpl ly citA oP4,. .,,,ipA byioepfilest4haPxbpdtpd , being ploe  nE c E 9 . v i o. e _ v 5e S 9=v E " QEL -_- $L3E G$ G 9 m3Pw .3 , °A ° ° E a 9 s E cc E 'J =3rs o_° a5 ge = 5 .E of 3v E a E E _-93 1A s'S°E114152 4°°4 151111 kr  -poooo6d If tho legisltr 60660 rho st60, oddod blo ood thoooof oho ooo6y. rho ohiof 0,0gb- oooof o oogym lddho teioooo- o anod issodo promto, by oohkh hepoo60d 061602 fl n opletepa~n dooafoo -. oho o0, 66od6g fdormryolfod rtof lasof dNo Uoitd Shoto,hby oooggfiog of 604001, hod aiddd, drig the - poig, i6 polooogdhooooy, and ohmd dprdoo onrif o h~f ff0666,fo goo f Loi- oioliewi. fffoooo dered ampemon ofallprn- eedisainstho p so a p -,toy,a e ooofo 666r oooiooo odooooo igool-bo66 & q00 of. Thmp66-o-Ii ..,0 r10066 nobad dignifiod style, mo fooghl ooth rho mooe principlo of phil- ohoopf. opooool of it606n fal ooolffod pfooooo. (16,6 hilob fooodob mdh pp,,dmo, No. 60.) Polth 2ddof JO 66000, 1866, ohko heeo- 666 opro6hed tho bobk or ,ho Mis hoippi, n iho plattoo or maor-geoooof 041666,, ohoor laooog takoo poho 6600 the enr~. opodo d600h- of oohoool OgO 66606000600600)6 Villoof, h, ,tb,, ofhreoogioooo ofhLouisian mhhioi,hbad 66he i 6d606060660d f thepst, food athi 66h'o plantatio;ond it as ehosooo6th0de- o oh, odhevlogo, 1-0 doyo f,-i000 6 tho rrivhol 06616 ooooy. Although it600 og od th66606v~ of oopffoodooooooo pooob ho 0060fhi,06dI~g0 ood,hh6,ooooeippi,du ohobh mgho hovdisabuoddoho66oroy,60nd gi006 06000 of hio oppooh, by the discharge o0600666)rm Oo ockt, 606666 666 of poooood I o b s 0g06o6 661666- oddod h11 ood 6h06606 oh, oomy. Tho ohidfooogo- 00of 660 g606060 f66yilded 600h0tb- 00i-- and000 -00d ap60ho06o6, by 000600 ho goronoed 66fu66 i0d omplete p.oodoo 60 l 666060 ,bt,hoohng ffomolyo)6666d h06o06f6 do UnioodhSite,hby 0666gfgof o60600, hod aided, dooog 66m6e paigo, i r,,f6O 060 t 66666y, 666d ohodd poodoo oooofoct o o, hi6O60f00, food6 66h 00 gvrohooui- lb,66660. a 1o106o6d006d ao660p666060,f0666p0- 6oodioo gainsoh 16 , ~hpeooooo6d propot, esooooooe 6600006060600 od61060000666g~f6000 666066009606600 of. lbi podo00oo 66000 o6006d dignifid 60le i h~mopf6Ooh t6600660 106001p00u of pholoo hoonpy opoool 66f00000, 'h 60 offood pfooo.. (If oill be foond in oho dppood., No. 60.) oi ho dd1 of 16 oooloo 6866, 660hoooo- ns 666 oppoohod tho bobk of tho Mis600ippi, 0066 dot o6do fojoooofV6o.oooooo hho o,66, Ih 0660hird6rgi6t6to66 6L.0606000 00106,hod tfoooooi o- ..060d06t thepooo, fooood 61 hos 6oth00'oplanootioohoad 0660 ashho seoooooho do- 06o600660660h66lg0, 066 oo f66600 06e tho mioof othoo660my. Ahthooghlib-oborogooood, 66, 6 bhod ..o pood ooi60odiao- fools ho 666006 s vi66logo n0d, 6h6 Mfboohooippi, 06h60h mi66h6 hooodiooooooddoooooey,oand gioooooh of 6616 oppOOch by tho disohog of ooooharm 0006 660ke0, fao ooofohgoooooo Toofooo ambdooooh 0666006opoooood by ohoe 60ph060666 of 6t060006, oddod 66, o-ad 0th000 of tho arm6y. Tho ohhoho mogio- 6006 of rgn 66666600 yioldodo[,theoo'oo a6600i00100d60dp0060a006i06,6by66610h0h goontod fodooldoooeplte podo600666h [oo 666, hoo6Og fooooodyohdoood 61066666066610nae Uoodboo,hby ooughogo P6660066i, hod aided, dodog 066 cam- p06i66, w 00f666066 0660 00060, ood oho~ ld podo ootofdaoo ,b660ffecofomoohgO ooof Loh ohHoo likbooor6de66d00660p06 on6006a60p0 -odhogooagainoo6thedopeoo6o and popo , ooflo 6660000064o660060060666h600v booooqoooo of-. ThooIoodoooodoo,- ooooo hoooobl-oddighd sty6,0160f6666h6166h6666000u p0660p606f pl66oo thoopy: o,ool of 66006 hau od 60i obffood pl660660. (6t wihll ho (b06d4 6 No Appoodio, No. 60.) Co tho 2dd of Jhoooooho, 666,o wh0 lkne 600 oppoohod 600 book of oho Misoisoipp6, 006 tho plootatioo of Ooojooroooool Vhloo6ii ooor hoohog tokoo prisoe0 te06 ho666omo6pooddthdofoh- hhoooo6,d- b an ofooohdohoo ohhoiio t- ,oohoooa aooi Podoo'o plooooooo,td ht waoho ho 6ioooo toe do. 6600000 tohooooy. Althoogbdt'ooobogootod, tho, holkd 06p-odooomeodoo660db- poooo ho- veeooo hi vi606l6go 0661 6660 hMiohooipph, ohifh miogb hoood60000 hdobooooy,ooditgiooooooho of hi oppoooohby ildoodohogo of oooolih it,6 tpookfo,  333331113223 n 3,3, 323323 1133 113 o 323 l333 nor233m3333 2333.33333333h 3, 33311d i333313ppn- 1,13133333 prss fmid,3m3drss3n he11 Inmnt nNnnnlnn I Innn nnnreder It Ins bhnn Inn, of~lnnnn the alnl a thns~iDnnnhnncd~ cnnn Pln ,qnnIn-ln gennerl d.ln a hnHln sdhlnnen lMl nllnp rI giennawI Ane ney In, thni pnnpotnnI inn ac wa Innn e lite nned th kMln, and rA, [htl in oeo lhnn AnoPtnd lngs, nnhkh, n.li h!n k o tn night,hnnnr~ny hntnknn IfnInn st! Thin in nhnlnnipy innpnnnhhbl;-bhnlhn gun-vessethdNnt fired un compay thhe ho~nen nenhnthn n kntinytltt nhnne m b ennthis linkl a ..nnknlllhtnndtth nlnhnhgn Phi nak-l phidnnghnmvlmknfn y wnn! IlpnnniKnl'n nplin 11 n nlennntd .thik nnnnhl night flnhn nknoflnhn Inn.. andntwognn Innt, Me rndnnmnyn.vel epenn m fnd his snnno near- ingpnnn snn, frins naid t nue awnpnnrnn thnlnn~nn enset tnnnhn profinnlnlnnoher. tap- pears, hnevnn, fine, thn rnpnnt nfdhe genena, na n wnp at Nlnh ennni, w n~nacInki haIng p. Hesnyn, Mat, IAn -,fn nn.ly ntne nlnnkensnf IA Ipn, nt... ehedk ve nnknnnn high f nnn end nnkngln mnenna Mnknnntnn, mgeeeinynn 1.Thn gnnn nnnnnfnfA ik nffinnnn naily ,rend. Thlnnlydnnnnhlhn lhn It a bnenennlnennknnl thnkkkn gnnnlnlecnnhhnn A In0-11 l 7Ml rcgnnnn , nnnnndn the nemy, fat nln pnnynne nI n.l, mhnn in somanlnnos nlnnd AklA gn, wnhkch, ifnkn dAknes of At nigphenn l nae taknn Innves unh! T ik In nhnnlnnip innpniln-bhnldh nphnl during h nnnnkllmhnlnnndnpngn-Innn, thntLIAannmynIAl epnnl tofnd hisnsen1n innm In flnn nnnnilnd tnnt. nlk tlnln. Its pears, hnnnnnnn, lInn thn reporno ntnh gnerl In Inn Inn n Iin Inn, nnnnnin hik nlkn p h nan jnnnlnnns hin InIn have n hin sighI. HesInn k It,"n nI n - bynennl thn nrknenn n1 tenighn, kdlnknnnnlie~~drk fnl,andl mlfingnka is n, nude, Ikepeannen IfbIIIg. porJ' ,he omfre, nJ Mhv srahe i ~A~~g,1,gnn-, Pt. Thn gnnnl nI stIeannIs nihnrxhnkntinl drannnnnn k tln In Io nnnnnn man nn M nnhinng - nnlnnd. linte nlynI nIn- w~hinhIbaIel len[partiln nlnnnnnhkn n k innnnn s [hat .amehInIb I n n elneIn l enn e k rnI In IIlin e ihiiIIIIaInd dlnnhi, inknl, It 111 Innnn nnni Inn nnnn namio In hn ir. nhn 23d Dnlnn III, 11111nlnIl Pinn, qfiI1- 111- gencl, nnlnnnnnd atth ha 111 a11 nlnknnhmnrkthn 7N reintnnlnlnndnnthennnnny,knnc hn pnnplnf  - contains an extract tram major Fonest's j-.9, be6m-tio.ed. This es .r dutm the Joao .f me anlnoalr mwta.n th<26n,, where.. sbe blew vp o. lho VIII: and again, dse fire attack .r line, .aid r. have taken place on the 2VIb, was nmde on the 28th. The report of this fist day is given n net farm f reque t the reader mpa vith my 2 . TI,.r.1lk 1st len Dory, 1815, u equ.fiy cone se, and makce no mention of the e&. of our artillery np- the enemy's fYVl. r of the number of men destroyed by am r.e1f", As ro Ne rear, tM1is joumal breathes a [one or modem on hoe table author, if it doe n It. -I rtb, it at I., contains .. dir_ opposi ..e n N..4 co atdespmch of major-general lam ben, on ,h- devolved the command of the &itish rmy, drier the death of general Packenham, as being then enk, generals Gibbs a.d Kea a Ivavi.g b earriedraff the field of battle, severely wovndltl, onn, he 8tb of January. General Lambert assumed the command at . critical mome.q and nnaer very u.bvourable auspices, and 1duv.t rot, under c very painful m hi. rc m, . He I-I. melasmholy duty ro perform, i., ring rM1e re- sult of Jrc attack of the 81h January. ntfis was the IvaiN'ul msk m render an account of a complece de. t t .a rof his gk ember of th. ca sunembinn who, with nc .song fetid of po.  eaq ~ ~ [1 ata" a a a' a ERT a 5,o Ecog 3a Q'  RA"i M ungnp Pig C AMR' 3 s. -... v- n n o 3 _ is IS I s Y n? Hi l > 6 [S5 t 3 _ fit Thr>~;~ ~ - 3 _ 3 F _ _ A l7?-'a v " a 'pYc e 3 e $n oa 3e _ __ _ _ ? 3 ' N12~~~ 33- R  s ofjsy- erywhere shihsmdby oraI e c. On hb II ,, on tsss2, luoFlsdwill or' having js repls Aei aus sol diers ;tlsssss -spm A dw dpss an s p , svhbssshey sa'nd 1. ttd, ssls fsss ig sdssslsppy sss, bleras. EI-d Ast that naes, buto; r puw55ss,,t~ shsxslsssds ofnwssd sympath by Iyseuuvlasivso thelsidsdof[He sfyssssvnWt shsbss bslsls~n tby expresso o jlyssIyshudwndhe&- s, s sd shlss 25m t es lkhn 5, batl bd pss,4 I s, he l, In sbs 1:, 55 mid5st bsss bu li gf s Fusis, Isml, wi5,5 spy~h~ ssssydcddssg 5525 25,5255soryddss,Pss4ble s125soon[ L45bean I frs, Ish; sI a~ k ill s sssssd d, cbi25i nebjitM lhis rops m ar,1 re dbssdh-- frthe wha5ble Nasss linee tlss, i lsssse sss lIvy demo e-5 sbs55syw vh xhbisd by sss;,,l- 155,sa,4 ishe 1.1y, ngenerspl~s sh,. nstdsh o( o 1f1-, ,sn s2 , ; s ld S , ] . s s s 25 t5,4 ba5dslsflugn.slbsyyaills ava~ ~ ~ ~~~5 mukr gave p5525;emotprfon b' lsEbbs my hssbsssss. resed 55555555, sbsdissew,5 ,ssltshssnumerossus bypm tht - 55s1 pl,55, ol N v4 victsl is ,vjssm--, l su'sibsld s-sssdshme5s ang s this s,1ui d; eIss sssl 5.Ppb55 Is,] As lue h hsir 55pb555 [hssunssnpsasE m thi ,ssbit a[ the1,s exprsssho bag st hshou sss,,ssd 15,41Ili- sbs 55spre -,~s of55 ssds.;,, akbd divm he in o5tr2 Ii,, todsis sthssm "lively d sss Sis,,Ajoyrw hu y5555;Sbibs55by os, rl ;ssWsk. On lsslss oflssdry, sbssen~ssy, sb wvssr gave place to rbs mst profsssd .5- 5, - 5, . ld e-v- s tssd, s~ps;5s db;5h lss ,n;rns,d sls ntffs i ;.sds ppy ss, Chasshd dspsin A 555,th55555,555 ,se[ I d -hkdssiIosssIbu55 by rho~s sbsrshs s'sbs A 25 2515,4 pI tei -issbidsb ind sob the2555; 5255,;,m b hssns y mel' Ash- asigsss ssspk, payanaaar 51555555551sf j,s-~ t.5. sbssdwon ;she feel-545 Isskloch pas.ss, Ah sdsty or sddi;;sos obs was, bsbanssy dspls wiss s2lssbssbssmshsssskbss sssid vsssssisslyss rmdy. I nsvs ;.sd, that bths Egib tsosps advace s sss lis, , ilh Is, greassss firmnss,5an5d I ssibigly etepre sn syysssssisy of ss'g msy rssbs s;sss AslbP ssstbis ,att hto el ;ssLksmb-s. Is Is; rlisss,4kited ad-,-ss,swhish is-jisdss  Jfis T22*2 2Eo E c 5 ° ?C 22"& ; o =2 ~22 E ° dd t22=.2.et t2y -Ema ~ ~ Y2 s °.22 2 2222~acJ2' a .3 Eo .o& cc i O [ 22o e.2 2J ° t~&e o22gi 9 2 2 2 o~ Ei c r2j23T o~i" v mo. E" 2 2 S- ° 2A2.q.22 ea2 w2 s o_ 2 - 9. a s+aa 2 zEr .  ; w; -_ eo = na5- c33ol= s~a a-n segso- 9 f 3 a T$ S a a' ' soR Ti3a 3 3 3 T 0 3 S e ;' 33 a s ? Uoc3y 5 S -'cg4-- g tr 3 S- S 0 >caa - g - 2- ? .;,.  N.2. 6 is .dpatch of admiral Co.hran,2 .o1. 28888y2 of2 the2822.1y,'d~ ,1 g 822 .f 221.82tins,p- b2 28y geerl 222e n2,. p828 ip. 2y 22 21. 2p-l 2,f th2 1h.. 28 d s2, 8- ',:shed2 822822188 Aw222228,,)2g 2,8le 288 ca2p22i22 m T T.2,82 b,8 idg11., 0,2. 2,,,,,,,2 821. e .,12888lo ..8,822,2w.128disembark2d, 88228228 1. 2281.2-2.222.8 2h2.2228221.s2e of1h.2,.8222",2s g88.d88.12822221..1882<22822,222 22d2fo8tP2q t822,2,,,, I-22,22y2 prodn828. a22 81.8'ec 82-2o doub222h.11.8.12222tr1. 18. More [Ran one, thousa,21bour1..had bee2,thrown t th88..8-.t2I28,812. 1.22.2,18 Wet [ 122. rd..12 .22282, no.1t. 81.8aty t- h qualiy of2 .228ai of L2,i28 28.o,11. .1..p2822d 21.i. lit1. 82j22222 22[.1. Mississi;ppi, 8.8mak.,,2 asM~ sy, 8.ivs,2,:12 b.222 2n f,8 2,,. 28822 a 228282888821 y, 1.2,, , orhis expectsi , the 2ur, ad2vigilanc8 212188 g82828281222 Lan.. 281.2p -,2 d h221.h821.2 No22..87822m alog8228rho 88828,,282L8,2. 1.2882.ddres8ed2m12ad B221h28.2,d822iling1h. m822. 8882882 2.12281rt.8h8822, 1.28 21h8 .-.1 ,2,1 2.1 2f2 - 28 til [2221 28ff1. 2 sa1. 82222281. te d1.y 228, 1..,,) 2222 on2..282 by,2828 1.88fc.IntisIt q1 h88,822821 228881 82lw 28 8 2 2~ . 11.22 82888 s 222882221.888282882,88222i 1 byg. 4481 8d2p82hl818l8l28h88,8 .188a N.288.2 6 .822211 a 8.2.28 82 4222228amra ocrne h 1.881.2d1d228888,1.8 888,188aid281.21.8d82-.8-- a2d18h82821i.2212888882821.wh21.22,2.1. g22kh28d 2228,22,,. Ac8288228822g 2.18.28, e o2,1.. nThma 222882888 .1188228812, wh828222822. 8221. 21h8 228888s 22a 88888 22ebakd 1.888r.8i2g1. produced 222.8effixnn 822y281.228q22.222 82 228 th8 f.2182-2;2p2 i 2 821.8I pr, 88 a 22 82 ,222228 2d; 1.2a2228 2288 228828 82228 828,2228th.udryfth si 2888 1,81.82288281.221.2p1.81.d28888,i8t.1.22.1822 b.,288.122 1.8821.81y.1,2,22228. 2, 2,1 888 22 .122h 8.28282 Bohan 8222228,2t22sh 1.88 so 81f,882,288288282212t882288122sa22mo8.8h 11. sh.1.8828882282222.12882882882arce8222nW2 11. 448 1.8.128 1. 22 8281.2 1aor. 81222 88 822822222 of228282.18aly, wh.8h.g888 2288222,2 228d"'22282222882dP2. d1yhis g8288.181K8822 .22 L288b.8,81.28822,882288228.d1y822 8822 ore,1.28 282282p,22822888 T288br2dg, 82282288822 22288bly28 th828 8188888221.282228881.282 whos 8882 82282 P218, 88.2.2 28, 28, 288 282ye 21.odu8c21822.11.2221.8,2.1281.2.12822222 1.888 2,8.2 2228M2881sppi, 22281.8,882 asM2sy, a2228288222 b1.2, c, 2 o 2,2 c 888 2288822; 281.8888881.1.88 288f1r2hi. expectation82t21.brave888and22igil8n' 2222 1.88222282221.2 S. Philip d 1..r ,2s 1.1h821.8 N22.288.2- a og2.2,8rfr 122gn282 L.88- 1.28,8222..2281.82. ff882228,21.1.18ng28 82 m 828281. ds 28222882,.f88222222of-222 21. of828, 2222r 2,28.11.228882 [esaemd 8821.1. day att881.22222222882281.22881.far228. 2. 22ee2 82, 1e.a.2. 282888 188n8.1821.822282822882, 2z. 21.8, 2...88y .888888.821hara282, 881.88,8,2,2.822288 give28 a888 2281.8a d822,2 28h28 1.2mnt -Meedbyg  shard bd,99harssd sisspbi.,sk, hi15 plcig, i the, Tbou, ba 595594, 2s...wit ,,,l9,, cvrss plc.1 enemy99 955-45 ise brestwrk, in~9 Adis,s~5s~~~s plain55 N494. 19.bid nedyof bid,,s545 d555d99. Oavms Bien s ppweared a.59,9d1d1 5,5999.. 5599 J 5959,wih e a1,1,! mu5ses99,9 , 59-5554r bu5 he -1154 n 5199552 farcaears nrsupy h w 2sss,9 ,a .,,, nava 5 forc 95999, 21 dix, N,. 67.) S59,5>95595, of455 ettswrew bysp supro offss, t, ,ter of si.il9 95,,!, 999, psssifsuc 9 se ,2.s,9,d 2.h9y 2,,, be 55 2hi, go595595999 9.,I24, s,95, marti fr99,955,9lmi 55995,55,555 ,559s- h5.,59y 555 - 9k 9299 55 hmcla.C 55, n t5g555 might95952s99959555ss ch99599 of 59,529599s5959s 99 mfi s..th o ss n a s r gsd 42pse s2 i pIde rv5 h realne 9959! re~r 99995559955255555,52 249y fe5525,dbeg.sussed,945ih955925d.by 9s pcn, in Iifs-ss,55 55 a55595 9h, sssey, is his r555,95, s4e999,55,d4fb924,4,5,9d5,555d595h5,2995,45Bi- sn,995 a larg9.55 to99 c955 artiller9. Tb79,, 995995n5,95,9959s95d,5959995.5 09,id 459p 9 enra 9,599,9, wih n ukt odmk ode bu45he culd9not 9925ic95, arm55,5n55595559y5th55.95 n95 .sd pila9 ps.nd ls d 59,v2. (2, App,,-itn 4!,, No. 55.) 2555,5 9599 195,5 59995 b5 9,5554959 55- 9591595 959599 ,il grd 9 5,the9 Ice95s-1555 9p599 f55 th,. sal95 Cos, 9555555495955 mghss,299955 ths55 s29g.95 4925995,99559995,th99559,9995554my9559d99 p5,5,555,9d595,,9955242.*54995 4955,95s9 gw u finish52 9995h95,5559 o lb ,54 45249 55559hm 9cm5 Jakso55,549,ann555b5,95enem5,99555,5,499ly feared being hwa",!, 29955599ve by his placing, in 5,554,29,999,9 ,5sb,.p.s 15,5555995,9 9 th9y9did,99sI2h5s5,29d9i5521i55959, i9995,599e 5255. Th ee9 as rais5,5955 d1 breasors, 5-59, 55,9 plans, 4, 2,e 2,29,4,99t9, 295999. (g9,9 Add59, pla959N. 5.) LI9.s5995y5,9559sy59lM s,9,y, 25995595 554, 95195,5511,9 5,ge 5.5,54<59. Tb 55, m95 f 11h,-Btsh goo9955 9955 19y 9. facS, 2559599,1159952s555 95199552. (I-5 App s- b49 pr ofie ohr 4295 5555 29,,99999 55S995d ; 29, 94999n59595,99955995,55,m95Iy555-42595m9.51. pr92sosss29 cds, slshsssshp,9 sassbe ,2., 59e gsa 959s 9,94.t195,1,5595519 d19hy Z"'dwt toe 5h5i5,5,9959,9529I5559h59,299555955552992959599 459 scetrate -5995 ,,9, k 25 9ps,99 va C. p5,555,gth,55mig955159j9,55.559t95th1 ,9ar,92or ,v9 ,hs,,2s 915,s 95 hos 95 5f my949 5d  25thB4B roiBB.fv mBtnB.b~B~B I b,.ebe, gided by Ili, tiagcVd mBBIt ad thB,.B severe ii , B h3Bh ,BB Bistoia n vbud t dhbad4 shiud Iee ls. ghtB0 Th. reader mBy compar fr imel bI.,B,, fo,. ~is Pamamwrn. BB.iBBBsyle Bd.,.,,B, ,.d -11 1y, by omerIusul b, th ey, previos 1.bM3i period. It ,ppears mLhl,,B,.,,d fh, me B,3,3,3.3,,,,, to be taugb, 4Bn , 33 saesd Mississippi, toko n.t,.,, rvh,, neiter nbm ,'BY radsh B r ,,' p,,mm~ .f,,noai nlen ,.43,g33,,.p se3,4reproac, h, i wtrpry ,,b.,,4 Fa 'b n rof [ B a end 43.g i'h,4, 3BBbt~ p BBBBngc.li Mi g3B,, Egg3Bh T3a,3,.,p, 3' 'tlnt bldwrd her ,,,,t.,, ,,,b,' 3,,g33,43v- Fa,33,,4B fr f me be th - o rcimintig n '1rvth n , .i, 33,,,b,,,g Bm ,,B. th r ,wh 3hi Ilbv b.mg3i,.d by tha a rear .,.3'tu and tbat,, ,mp.,ili,, -A nnb3ib Tb, ,,.4,. ,,.y compar3e b,,,hi4',f,,n 3,,, Lis ,y44inio. H. will also bserv,, thLB - e by,,.i,,3,bth, th -y,- B3 .'B33, iss ssipp3, ak,,,', , whB, either n, th, BBBBy, b dgiv aB", proBf of, h3',Ba bhyy3 ,3,.,Bc by i,,,,,d. i i4ii',B4 trmmeb te ,,bf 3B3,V ,,',ll gB4BBIB, th bu ci , he w3,B his ,.L3 pll hb,,.g,, b,ye ec,4 ,,,3,3,Lcobu -jb . I shall temnt B hm- 1, ofn 3, pBwi,3i3,4, goiB,3,, .,,, mpr 4g,,,,,3 t,,,f nY uy LL,,',,,dm.B iB,3t3g,,,,B f 33B 1 have b.,., guided by diflBBB', rgad3wB.Bub '.44'.,.' i',patialiy, mhB h: "bb ib.', Tb'4he B 3343e 43,y _P Bhef n or i by Boa~'B rsu B,," the r,,-y, preiu 3,. thi33 p,-. It By3Bm. hv 3Bee --,,.d h, one M Bssipi oko a na'tm,, rBL-, W ,3i.,,iB n cBrb ra mecmmeceBL ornBstgggB,hbai o[ t,, Engis, and wvB, Blegt bB i3ged 3, BB4B', hBrBgrievanc, by mhwr.B, FarBB fBB- 3e ,3,,,susiB33B a[ a do Lhuyp,33BBBdmt in Bi'tiBBB3 Bo 3 3r hchhi w BB h B,3Bil ,4B.,BB33,,3peac , h 3 abembot ans, I shall',,3B333B4 ,iiwrb &m wit al god4BBenB m pny, t 1 gbBi,,,'.ysnuggli. BBB BP3 B, " 3,, whiB3ch ,, Bb'BB,. h 3 tic, naBB'3A4'3Bo Ben BBB,',bB 3333-4,, ,, OBOg, 3BB 333 e o B- BbIBB3[tEBL d iegB3iB1b,,gB4fBBB~B NBBB44. WilBtena3so ,,. B,3,3,.,Ch,  pve wovvnvv o wvw6afw aqt v! asn vmtuew m pavwax p 6 wy s gsgns 'i xu a dvvvdw ywns ylnsv a as Jaya 'u mal wmwdw s yt ysyPv3 asp yvea pmv6asp pxloy aq o Spud euo q w p pve 6vf .v . . S@n . ....oyt _ rsa aownw natno,.vtx pv v, youwov ym ~se ~ In'wmp ~yc onin 'u P1'v IT! tv Pq'q"". pve ov viv aw6o[va aytw 31 a n'aave pvm asap Spwy s yaym ed wnA-vgm tpss a e p ' sad n rodw, nyt yn 4ud ayt 4omta lpm 6ayt privy aq o v',A Ivvo!t v po pvv 6of jv ss gas dtanq'ts esp , ISL xvwarc ,v vtvv,.sx   S JON m31OK S .LON  S - s  I, 'lAd A NoT1:9. sss appy, dBAdAAABdBAA yA Ad dAB ApAA AA AABAABAA AC A I AlA AIY -BAA dAAAA A B dAiAl~ABlAJdfAAllAld  FFFFFFFFFFFF FFFF,- FFF.F~FFFF FF FF~FFIFF F F F FIIFFFF~F FF FFFFFFF V*F. FFFFFFFFFF FFF  z sz _ x9 zF:.& _; _ s 8Ea e F&E oil 5 a M E 5 $ U 68 fieg a CL. 3 " °e z will 5z' fi e xar 2 Ct oh z 5 9 z z= s 1w oh I p MIWI -t 5 I  NO, gXVO 011 I~1 II XN. I lI. I~ N by111 NI NO,,,II IN1 XI XI 1X ~ VII OxXIIIINI 10-II.X IXIII v, 1. No - r. . o. ego. . . NO, .1 NO x., NO. X NO, xv. No. XIL No -11. No. No "X,  -TTo 00 Ioo O. Coopo 0l m y oooT q kooooolo w o e sT~oOeer IoT OT~~~~oe bigfe 00 T d ojb Io l . h o <,..:. < « ho . Coo of .Lo ,iw ,..00 .....n NE C o p p ofolo o oT o o o p o ,r IPA pr PP' plfApp, rPIAl AP PPPPP A P PAAPPAPA w athsae o q onasai [BAPPmu $ A Pp~e , PMP APPEN I I.pp AI A .p LAP~pPA AEPPA PpP JAA PP lPPP PAA PI DAPPENDIX APPP A yll. A PAI P pI APAAPPAlEp AIm P PP I PIAPAAPPP APP PAAIAPepP eoe qem~nsme m Au  . bBBBIBBW, fn v ,.a <.J lo Bl BffB BBBBBBBBB\ BBIBBBBM, B . BBBBBBB srBB BB BB B.BBaBBIBBI BBBIBBIB IB.B r BBBBB B~~~~~~~~~1 B BBBBBB i, BBB l BIBBB BBBBBIBBIi BBBII B l BBBB BIB ,IBBIBIBIIBB  H-~ a t kP 3 @ * 4 "-~till ~f a R AHMMUN .tea r§a'-g __ 63.6V $° 663. a,. , l C6 ". g.. ='g'am< .i mA _ in, I It s SH tb . A 8 ft1 $ =g ft as ft -'-ft~i-' ^ 5 1 So rm^5  -a d7,pb ax vn7 *Alalv 7 SO~"IW N17 ~ yrd"a .qel moWaa " '" a N 7'a aallal.Ila I.laaa "aa pla c 11 l "a .9al - Xuidd P aa[m  APIPAPDpPAIPppI PPPIIIIPDIAPPPPAAUPDPPIPUE PIP PDPIPPPPPPgEpDApP PIp.pPAIEppp IPPPPIPPPPPI.PPPPPgPPIPUPPPAP PDDDNIIPPI IPIP P - p. p p pp PpPDAA. N p PD III PIP PPEPpAD'IPP DpPPPPPADPP IDPINPIPI pIPPDPAp. pIpUlI APPPPPpPIP EPAAA PAd .pDAppPPpApANPIIpPPU PPIDIpPPPP.DP. PEPPAp PIAPPIPIPAP, IPIPIPIP PPAPPAPPPPPPPPIPAIPP PAP NPPIPPP IPPAPPIP UPEP P P APIP III IPPPPPPPP PIp PD pIP PIPPPP pppp pp PPPpPPP PPPp PP. A P Pp P PIP PEPI PIAPPPPDSIPPIPPPPPIPPPPPP PA - PPPPA pphplPppplpphpp. PAP UpPpP~p pUlp flpp1Pppp IPPIPPIp PU PP P.PAIPPPP. Pp PIP pp A P P P P DI PIP PIP . P P P P A p pp pppPPPPD p pEppp IPpPpPpppPPpPpp A. PAP APP PP PEP PIP PIPPIP p. PPPPPPPPPPPINIPPPPPPPPPIPPPPPPPP APPPAPPPDPIPAPPPIIPPPIIPPPPAPPpPAPPPPPIPPyPDPP pppppppppplplpppDlP PPPAPPNPDPPI Ippp PP PPPAPPPPPPP. Ep pp epPI PpP ppPpP ElI pIP pPPppp IPI PIP PPDPPPPPPAA Pp IPIP APPPP PP APPpIPISppPPpPpP pIPAPIP PP APP NAIl P PPPPPPA PIPIP PNPIPPPPP IPpIP pPA PIP PPE pP PA pP I IPIPIP DIPPPPp A PP PIP PpP.N EPDIPIPDPPIPAPD PP PPPAPPIPAI p PP INPIPIP IPIPI Ilk PP PPPDPII PUll PIP IPI pP. Pp PP PpPIP DPPPPpP PIP IPP PIP IPPPPPAPPPIAP pPPPP, A PP PIP IPP PppPDPIPI. EPAANPPAPPPIPPpPPIPPPPpDPP PP PPPPP PIP P APP pPPIIPApPPPp ppp I PP P PP PPPIpPPPPPP PAP PppppppN pUlp UppIp pIp ppPPpp II' OP P D- 1iPPlPP  .ff1ifl b ib i Ill, dyh f d I m e. ~t NO. p~b IfyI. b Leb/by H . ~fl~ a s nsmumhbbie .nu ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~l al,~ wmI ot uha~hcrusav. mp APPENDb bbbbI. IYA NbOll~ffbbby.pbbbI. ybfb LesN /:o.. .H. eyg'rwbb a eloco" i .h *torv , ole uhdBb llowbbrtm me. TI 1 b bol N nl lb youbl exe I n c i N r y l y l .H b fl. l l y by0 . b l b l b .. bNu ~ b v ~ IO lb~a unbb au015, tllwlbyrusmroe  Nphp Ophp VIA.ipPppk ppmybp t. Pr~ppP y Ppp P nIP (p Mppy dp p pp X p pp p Ie t P yppdppbt 1 on cn , y svp m Pp ~ e inphp r.p p~ppApu ppp appp nPp Jpppp (pp pu 0 p~?pPp~p P c ppppppAppdp, ( DpppplpIye e" pp n ppD - App ppp ppppO p pP ppa Oppplpppa eng ~ p p , .dppplp~ppppp ppp P opp p pPpp . P rpppp pppp p pppp  2 -'1 1 Ali 1M !H0 H2M2 1g 011 '"lull Ee $% ° ° 'ssd 3fr bb- aBlxs a_a T a gE :'GtEa'e 7.0_-5. -p ,gE g522 a _F °- 22a 2 3 2 222..gE N5"' 2 y ^$V 22. t ,°p~ a y83 °" v 2 ,a2 .2 2E 1 1< H g ay 2w 2 2 2 22 22123 l2 til 5 tln~2 g2v 2 . 222222 1. 222212.r~ m 2ynyc m4 22 , j0~ "WHISM 2 22E~ I, Q _ Ii 13 E  p.x x Na~Naav N Ap v op 0 ° Ir N x XOI IN .. - NN' NN1 N  PAP, ft P p pppp pp PP PP Ppp p., pP P ply pPPp. Ppp ppppPppLp pppplphppplpPlp p pppftppp PPPpPPftppIppPpp.ftpp~.PppppppPP PPIPPPPAft Pp pP pftpftPppppppppPi )PPp PP Pp pp. P p p pp P p pppp pp pp PP P Pp Pp ftP p A p p p . P p P j P .pppPPppPpppppPPp. 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