ABRAHAM LINCOLN AND HIS LAST RESTING PLACE. A LEAFLET PUBLISHED FOR DISTRIBUTION ...AT THE... NATIONAL LINCOLN MONUMENT SPRINGFIELD, ILLINOIS. The Life of Abraham Lincoln has been written by many men in many tongues. The resources of rhetoric and eloquence have been exhausted in their portrayal of this character that however viewed holds a lesson for all mankind. In this brief space and for the purpose which this leaflet is designed to serve, the simple homely details of the martyred President's early life could not be better told than in his own words. No polished recital could be so prized by the great multitude who hold his memory dear as this transcript of a letter written in 1859 to his friend the Hon. Jesse W. Fell of Bloomington, Illinois : 973.7L63 D2J62a 5 6 7 8 Abraham Lincoln little thought as he penned the words, "What I have done since then is pretty well known/' that a world would one day listen enthralled to the tale of what he had done and should do in the decade from 1855 to 1865. In 1854 the repeal of the Missouri Compromise of 1820 opened a new political era, and an agitation of the slavery question was begun which was destined to grow until the shackles were struck forever from the hands of the slave. By this repeal slavery claimed protection everywhere; it sought to nationalize itself. At this time the question of "popular sovereignty" arose, the right of the people of a territory to choose their own institutions, and upon this question Mr. Lincoln and Mr. Douglas fought the "battle of the giants," and Mr. Lincoln's signal ability as an orator was forever established. He became at once the leader of his party in the West and the foremost champion of the liberties of the oppressed. In a private letter, written at this time, Mr. Lincoln defines his position on the great question of the day as follows: " I acknowledge your rights and my obligations under the constitution in regard to your slaves. I confess I hate to see the poor creatures hunted down and caught and carried back to their stripes and unrequited toil, but I keep quiet. You ought to appreciate how much the great body of the people of the North crucify their feelings in order to maintain their loyalty to the Constitution and the Union. I do oppose the extension of slavery because- my judgment and feelings so prompt me, and I am under no obligations to the contrary. As a nation we began by declaring 'all men are created equal.' We now practically read it, 'all men are created equal except negroes.' When it comes to making wholesale exceptions I should prefer emigrating to some country where they make no pretense of loving liberty, where despotism can be taken pure without the base alloy of hypocrisy. Your friend, A. LINCOLN." May 29, 1856, the Republican party of Illinois was organized, and he was now the leader of a party whose avowed purpose it was to resist the extension of slavery. At the national convention his name was presented as a candidate for vice-president. He did not receive the required number of votes, but the action was complimentary and served as Mr. Lincoln's formal introduction to the nation. The senatorial campaign of 1858 in Illinois was memorable for the questions involved and for the debates between Douglas and Lincoln upon the great issues that were even then distracting the nation. When these two met in intellectual combat the nation paused to listen. ' 'The eyes of all the eastern states were turned to the west where young republicanism and old democracy were establishing the dividing lines and preparing for the great struggle soon to begin. To say that Mr. Lincoln was the victor in the contest morally and intellectually is simply to record the judgment of the world. COPYRIGHT 1901 BY GUY R MATHIS TEMPORARY TOMB. 9 His speeches were clear, logical, powerful and exhaustive. On these his reputation as an orator and debator rest. They defined the difference between the power of slavery and the policy of freedom which ended, after expenditures of uncounted treasure and unmeasured blood, in the final overthrow of the institution of slavery. Mr. Lincoln was defeated in this campaign and Mr. Douglas was returned to the Senate, but Mr. Lincoln was now thoroughly committed to politics. In 1859 and 1860 he journeyed in the Eastern states, making speeches that thrilled and electrified the audiences which he had expected to find cold and critical. The mutterings of secession already filled the land. The spirit of unrest and rebellion was gaining ground, but wherevei the voice of Lincoln was heard it was pleading for union, for peace, for the Constitution, deprecating the evils of slavery as it existed and protesting against its extension into free states and territories. His was the voice of one crying in the wilderness, warning the men of the North and the South that a house divided against itself cannot stand. On the 16th of June, i860, Mr. Lincoln received the nomination of the republican convention held at Chicago for President of the United States. How this plain, comparatively unknown Illinois lawyer was chosen in this critical hour before a man like Seward, with his wide experience and acquaintance, his large influence and surpassing ability, his name and fame of thirty years standing, must be regarded as the guiding of that Providence that had brooded over the life of the republic since it declared itself to be the home of the free, the refuge of the oppressed. On the 6th of November Mr. Lincoln was elected, by a handsome plurality, President of the United States. At eight o'clock Monday morning, February 11, 1861, Mr. Lincoln left Springfield for the National Capital to enter upon his duties as President. With these simple words he took leave of his friends and neighbors: "My friends: No one not in my position can appreciate the sadness I feel at this parting. To this people I owe all that I am. Here I have lived more than a quarter of a century; here my children were born, and here one of them lies buried. I know not how soon I shall see you again. A duty devolves upon me which is perhaps greater than that which has devolved upon any other man since the days of Washington. He never would have succeeded except by the aid of Divine Providence, upon which he at all times relied. I feel that I cannot succeed without the same Divine aid which sustained him, and on the same Almighty Being I place my reliance for support, and I hope you, my friends, will all pray that I may receive that Divine assistance without which I cannot succeed but with which success is certain. Again I bid you an affectionate farewell." These proved to be his last words to Springfield auditors. The result of this election pleased and united the North while it angered the South. To the more thoughtful men of both parties a crisis seemed imminent. The southern states immediately seceded; the Southern Confederacy was formed with Jefferson Davis as President; 10 forts and arsenals were seized and the war of the rebellion fairly inaugurated. It was this disrupted Union, this all but shattered government, which waited for the man who upon the 4th day of March, 1861, took the oath of office and became the President of the United States. The closing words of his memorable inaugural address must have convinced his listeners of the wisdom, the strength, the gentleness of this new incumbent of the chair of State: "In your hands, my dissatisfied fellow countrymen, and not in mine, is the momentous issue of civil war. The government will not assail you. You can have no conflict without being yourselves the aggressors. You have no oath registered in Heaven to destroy the government, while I shall have the most solemn one to preserve, protect and defend it. I am loth to close. We are not enemies, but friends. The mystic cords of memory, stretching from every battlefield and patriot grave to every living heart and hearthstone all over this broad land will yet swell the chorus of the Union when again touched, as they surely will be, by the better angels of our nature." With infinite patience and unequaled forbearance and sagacity, Mr. Lincoln strove to avert war, but when, on April 12, 1861, the rebel batteries were opened upon Fort Sumpter, forbearance was no longer possible, and, on the 15th day of April, the pen that had only* been used to counsel moderation, to urge loyalty, penned a proclamation calling for seventy-five thousand men and the Civil War was begun. The popular government had been called an experiment. Two points of the experiment had already been settled: The government had been established and it had been administered. One point remained to be established: Its successful maintenance against a formidable internal attempt to overthrow it. Congress ably supported Mr. Lincoln. It placed at his disposal five million dollars and gave him liberty to call out half a million men] During all the years of that long, sad war there were loyal hearts among his admirers that held up the hands of their President, but the crowning personality, the strong, pervading, directing, controlling spirit was that of Abraham Lincoln, whether watching the progress of events from his almost beleagured capital or while visiting and mingling with his army at the front. Never for a moment did he lay aside his personal responsibility. Never did he swerve from his resolve, expressed in the words of his memorable speech at the dedication of the soldiers' graves at Gettysburg: " W e have come to dedicate a portion of this field as a final resting place for those who here gave their lives that the nation might live. But, in a larger sense, we cannot dedicate, we cannot consecrate, we cannot hallow this ground. The brave men living and dead who struggled here have consecrated it far beyond our power to add or detract. The world will little note nor long remember what we say here, but it can never forget what they did here. It is for us, the living, rather to be dedicated here to the unfinished work which they who fought here have so nobly advanced. It is rather for us to be here dedicated to the great task remaining before us, that from these honored dead we take increased devotion to that cause for which they gave the last full measure of devotion, that we here highly resolve that these INFANTRY GROUP. CAVALRY GROU.P. ARTILLERY GROUP. NAVAL GROUP. II dead shall not have died in vain; that this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom and that government of the people, by the people and for the people shall not perish from the earth." The story of the war and the life of Lincoln are inseparable. The recital of all those years of marching, camping, fighting, of wounds, privations, victory, defeat and death cannot be made without the story of Lincoln interwoven into its warp and woof. The days fraught with the grave issues of the war went by, victory alternating with defeat until, in the judgment of the commander-in-chief, the time had come to emancipate the colored race. Early in August of 1863, President Lincoln called a meeting of his Cabinet and submitted for their consideration the original draft of his Emancipation Proclamation. On the 1st day of January, 1864, Mr. Lincoln issued the final Proclamation of Emancipation, bringing freedom to four million of slaves and removing forever from the land he loved the blot of slavery. It seemed fitting that to this man who had blazed the way through the wilderness for this cause, who had brooded and smarted under the sense of the sin of slavery from his early untaught youth, who in clarion tones had declared, at the outset of his career, that he "would speak for freedom against slavery until everywhere in all this broad land the sun shall shine, the rain shall fall and the wind shall blow upon no man who goes forth to unrequited toil." It was meet that from his lips should fall the words that made four million men free, and it is in consonance with the character of the great Emancipator that in this supreme moment of his life he reverently invoked upon that act "the considerate judgment of mankind and the gracious favor of Almighty God." T h e , latter part of the year 1863 was marked by the success of Union armies. The Republican National Convention assembled in Baltimore, June 8, 1864, unanimously nominated Mr. Lincoln as their candidate for President. His words accepting this nomination were characteristic: "Having served four years in the depths of a great and yet unended national peril, I can view this call to a second term in no wise more flattering to myself than as an expression of the public judgment that I may better finish a difficult work than could any one less severely schooled to the task. In this view, and with assured reliance on that Almighty Ruler who has so graciously sustained us thus far, and with increased gratitude to the generous people for their continued confidence, I accept the renewed trust with its yet onerous and perplexing duties and responsibilities." During the height of the canvass President Lincoln issued a call for five hundred thousand men, also making provisions for a draft if necessary. His friends feared that this measure might cost him his election, but he waived that aside as he always did personal consideration that might conflict with duty. November came, and with it Mr. Lincoln's re-election. His second election proved the death blow to the rebellion. From that time the Southern armies never gained a substantial victory. When the 12 Thirty-Eighth Congress assembled December 6, 1864, President Lincoln recommended an amendment to the Constitution making human slavery forever impossible in the United States. The joint resolutions for the extinction of slavery passed Congress and received the signature of the President January 31, 1865. The legislature of Illinois, being then in session, took up the question at once and in less than twenty-four hours after its passage by Congress Mr. Lincoln had the satisfaction of receiving a telegram from his old home announcing the fact that the constitutional amendment had been ratified by both houses of the legislature of his own state February 1, 1865. The action of the legislatures of other states soon followed, and thus was completed and confirmed the work of the proclamation of emancipation. Upon the 4th of March, 1865, Mr. Lincoln was for the second time inaugurated President of the United States. His inaugural address upon that occasion has become a classic. Its closing words have been quoted wherever the foot of an American has strayed beneath the sun. "Fondly do we hope, reverently do we pray that this mighty scourge of war may speedily pass away, yet, if God wills that it continue until all the wealth piled by the bondsman's two hundred and fifty years of unrequited toil shall be sunk, and until every drop of blood drawn by the lash shall be paid by another drawn by the sword, as was said three thousand years ago, so still it must be said, the judgments of the Lord are true and righteous altogether. With malice toward none, with charity for all, with firmness in the right as God gives us to see the right, let us strive to finish the work we are in, to bind up the nation's wounds, to care for him who shall have borne the battle, to do all which may achieve and cherish a just and lasting peace among ourselves and with all nations." The closing scenes of the war were being enacted in quick succession. Richmond had fallen, and on the 4th day of April, just one month after his second inauguration, President Lincoln, leading his little son by the hand, entered the vanquished city on foot. Never has the world seen a more modest conqueror, a more characteristic triumphal procession. No army with banners and drums, only a few of those who had been slaves escorting the victorious chief with benedictions and tears into the capital of the fallen foe. A few more days brought the surrender of Lee's army and peace was assured. Everywhere festive guns were booming, bells pealing, churches ringing with thanksgivings. The 14th of April was the anniversary of the fall of Sumpter. President Lincoln had ordered that day to be signalized by restoring the old flag to its place on the shattered ramparts of Fort Sumpter. He ordered the same faithful hands that pulled it down to raise it— every battery that fired upon it should salute it. Said the Rev. Henry Ward Beecher upon that occasion: "From this pulpit of broken stone we send to the President of the United States our solemn congratulations that God has sustained his life and health under the unparalleled hardships and suffering of four bloody years and permitted him to behold this auspicious consummation of that national unity for which he has labored with such disinterested wisdom." 13 But, before the kindly words h a d flashed over t h e telegraph wires to the ears of the patient man in whose honor they were spoken, t h e bullet of t h e assassin h a d done its w o r k . T h e sad words, " I feel a presentiment t h a t I shall not outlast the rebellion; when it is over m y work will be d o n e , " were verified, and all civilized m a n k i n d stood mourning around the bier of t h e dead President. T h e n began t h a t unparalleled funeral procession, a mournful pageant, passing country and village and city, winding along the territories of vast states along a track of fifteen hundred miles, carrying the revered dead back to h i s own people, to t h e scenes of his early life, back to t h e prairies of Illinois. Said Beecher in his eloquent and touching funeral oration: " F o u r years ago, oh, Illinois, we took from your midst an untried man from among the people. Behold! we r e t u r n to you a m i g h t y conqueror, not ours any more, b u t the n a t i o n ' s . N o t ours b u t the w o r l d ' s . Give h i m place, oh ye prairies. I n the midst of this great continent his dust shall rest, a sacred treasure to the myriads who shall come as pilgrims to t h a t shrine to kindle anew their zeal and patriotism. H u m b l e child of the backwoods, boatman, hired laborer, clerk, surveyor, captain, legislator, lawyer, debater, politician, orator, statesman, president, saviour of t h e republic, true Christian, t r u e man. W e receive t h y life and its immeasurably great results as t h e choicest gifts t h a t h a v e ever been bestowed upon us; grateful to thee for t h y t r u t h to thyself, to us and to God; and grateful to t h a t ministry of Providence which endowed thee so richly and bestowed thee upon the nation and m a n k i n d . " T H E MONUMENT. T h e body of A b r a h a m Lincoln was deposited in the receiving vault at Oak Ridge cemetery May 4, 1865. Upon t h e n t h of May, 1865, the National Lincoln Monument Association was formed, its object being to construct a m o n u m e n t t o the memory of A b r a h a m Lincoln in the city of Springfield, 111. T h e names of the gentlemen comprising the Iyincoln M o n u m e n t Association in 1865 were as follows: Gov. RICHARD OGIESBY, ORIGIN H. MINER, JOHN T. STUART, JESSE K. DUBOIS, JAMES C. CONKLING, JOHN WILLIAMS, JACOB BUNN, DAVID L. SHARON TYNDAI,E, THOMAS J. DENNIS, NEWTON BATEMAN, S. Hi TREAT, O. M. HATCH, S. H. MEI/VIN, JAMES H. BEVERIDGE, PHILIPS. T h e temporary vault was built and t h e body of President Lincoln removed from t h e receiving vault of t h e cemetery on December 21, 1865. T h e body was placed in the crypt of the m o n u m e n t September 19, 1871, and was placed in t h e sarcophagus in t h e center of t h e catacomb October 9, 1874. Owing to t h e instability of the earth under its foundations and i t s unequal settling t h e s t r u c t u r e had begun to show signs of disintegration, neccessitating t a k i n g it down and rebuilding it from t h e foundation. T h e w o r k was b e g u n b y Col. J. S. Culver in Nov., 1899, and finished J u n e 1, 1901. A cemented vault was made beneath t h e floor 14 of the catacomb directly underneath the sarcophagus and in this vault the body of President Lincoln was placed Sept. 26, 1901, where it will probably remain undisturbed forever. The monument is built of brick and Quincy granite, the latter material only appearing in view. It consists of a square base 72 % feet on each side and 15 feet, 10 inches high. At the north side of the base is a semi-circular projection, the interior of which has a radius of 12 feet. It is the vestibule of the catacomb, and gives access to view the crypts in which are placed the bodies of Mr. Lincoln's wife and sons and his grandson, Abraham Lincoln, son of Hon. Robert T. Lincoln. On the south side of the base is another semi-circular projection of the same size, but this is continued into the base so as to produce a room of elliptical shape, which is called Memorial Hall. Thus the base measures, including these two projections, 119^2 feet from north to south and 7 2 ^ feet from east to west. In the angles formed by the addition of these two projections are handsome flights of stone steps, two on each end. These steps are protected by granite balustrades, which extend completely around the top of the base, which forms a terrace. From the plane of this terrace rises the obelisk, or die, which is 28 feet, 4 inches high from the ground, and tapered to 11 feet square at the top. At the angles of this die are four pedestals of 11 feet diameter, rising 1 2 ^ feet above the plane of the terrace. This obelisk, including the area occupied by the pedestals, is 41 feet square, while from the obelisk rises the shaft, tapering to 8 feet square at the summit. Upon the four pedestals stand the four bronze groups, representing the four arms of the service—infantry, cavalry, artillery and navy. Passing around the whole obelisk and pedestal is a band or chain of shields, each representing a state, the name of which is carved upon it. At the south side of the obelisk is a square pedestal, 7 feet high, supporting the statue of Lincoln, the pedestal being ornamented with the coat of arms of the United States. This coat of arms, in the position it occupies on the monument, is intended to typify the constitution of the United States. Mr. Lincoln's statue on the pedestal above it marks the whole an illustration of his position at the outbreak of the rebellion. He took his stand on the constitution as his authority for using the four arms of the war power of the government, the infantry, cavalry, artillery and navy, to hold together the states which are represented still lower on the monument by a cordon of tablets linking them together in a perpetual bond of union. The money used in the original construction of this handsome monument came from the people by voluntary contributions. The first entry made by the treasurer of the association was May 8, 1865, and was from Isaac Reed, of New York, $100. Then came contributions from Sunday schools, lodges, army associations, individuals and states. The Seventy-Third Regiment, United States colored troops, at New Orleans, contributed $1,437, a greater amount than was given by any other individual or organization except the State of Illinois. Many pages of the record are filled with the contributions from the Sunday schools of the land, and of the 5,145 entries, 1,697 a r e from Sunday schools. The largest part of the money was contributed in 1865, but it continued to come to the treasurer from all parts of the country until 15 1871. About $8,ooo was contributed by the colored soldiers of the United States army. Only three states made appropriations for 'this fund—Illinois, $50,000; Missouri, $1,000 and Nevada $500. The monument was dedicated October 15, 1874, the occasion being signalized by a tremendous outpouring of the people, the oration commemorative of the life and public services of the great emancipatorbeing delivered by Governor Richard J. Oglesby. President Grant also spoke briefly on that occasion, and a poem was read by James Judson Iyord. The monument was built after the accepted designs of L,arkin G. Mead, of Florence, Italy, and stands upon an eminence in Oak Ridge cemetery, occupying about nine acres of ground. Ground was broken on the site September 10, 1869, in the presence of 3,000 persons. The capstone was placed in position on May 22, 1871. In July, 1871, citizens of Chicago, through Hon. J. Young Scammon, contributed $13,700 to pay for the Infantry group of statuary. In the city of New York, under the leadership of Gov. E. D. Morgan, 137 gentlemen subscribed and paid $100 each, amounting to $13,700; for the Naval group. . Of the four groups of statuary, the Naval Group was the first completed. This group represents a scene on the deck of a gunboat. The mortar is poised ready for action; the gunner has rolled up a shell ready for firing; the boy, or powder monkey, climbs to the highest point and is peering into the distance; the officer in command is about to examine the situation through his telescope. The Infantry group was the next to reach Springfield. Both these groups were placed in position on the monument in September, 1877. The Infantry group represents an officer, a private soldier arid a drummer, with arms and accoutrements, marching in expectation of battle. The officer in command raises the flag with one hand and, pointing to the enemy with the other, orders a charge. The private with the musket, as the representative of the whole line, is in the act of executing the charge. The drummer boy has become excited, lost his cap, thrown away his haversack and drawn a revolver to take part in the conflict. The Artillery group represents a piece of artillery in battle. The enemy has succeeded in directing a shot so well as to dismount the gun. The officer in command mounts his disabled piece and with drawn saber fronts the enemy. The youthful soldier, with uplifted hands, is horrified at the havoc around him. The wounded and prostrate soldier wears a look of intense agony. The Cavalry group, consisting of two human figures and a horse, represents a battle scene. The horse, from whose back the rider has just been thrown, is frantically rearing. The wounded and dying trumpeter, supported by a comrade, is bravely facing death. Each of these groups cost $13,700. The statue of Mr. Lincoln stands on a pedestal projecting from the south side of the obelisk. This is the central figure in the group, or series of groups. As we gaze upon this heroic figure the mute lips i6 seem again to speak in the memorable words that are now immortal. We hear again the ringing sentences spoken in 1859 of the slave power: * 'Broken by it, I too, may be; bow to it, I never will. * * If ever I feel the soul within me elevate and expand to those dimensions not wholly unworthy of its almighty architect, it is when I contemplate the cause of my country deserted by all the world beside, and I, standing up boldly and alone, hurling defiance at her victorious oppressors. Here, without contemplating consequences, before high Heaven and in the face of the world, I swear eternal fidelity to the just cause, as I deem it, of the land of my life, my liberty and my love." From the day of its dedication, October 15, 1874, until July 9, 1895, the Lincoln Monument remained in the control of the National Monument Association. In 1874, after its dedication, John Carroll Power was made custodian, and continued in that position until his death in January, 1894. A sketch of the Lincoln Monument could not, in fairness, be written without paying a tribute to his faithfulness, zeal and love. He revered the nation's hero and gave to his last resting place the tenderest and most assiduous care. Much that is of inter est* in the history of this first decade of the existence of the monument has been written by his untiring pen that would otherwise have been lost. After the attempt was made to steal the body of President Lincoln, Mr. Power summoned to his aid, in 1880, eight gentlemen, residents of Springfield, who organized as the "Lincoln Guard of Honor." They were J. Carroll Power, deceased; Jasper N. Reece, deceased; Gustavus S. Dana; James F. McNeill; Joseph P. Lindley; Edward S. Johnson; Horace Chapin; Noble B. Wiggins, deceased, and Clinton L. Conkling. Their object was to guard the precious dust of Abraham Lincoln from vandal hands and to conduct, upon the anniversaries of his birth and death, suitable memorial exercises. During these years an admittance fee of twenty-five cents was required of all visitors to the monument, and this small fee constituted a fund by which the custodian was paid and the necessary expenses of the care of the grounds defrayed. In the winter of 1894, * n response to a demand voiced almost universally by the press and the people of Illinois, the general assembly made provision for the transfer of the National Lincoln Monument and grounds to the permanent care and custody of the state. The new law puts the monument into the charge of a board of control, consisting of the Governor of the State, the State Superintendent of Public Instruction and the State Treasurer. July 9, 1895, Hon. Richard J. Oglesby, the President, the only surviving member of the original Lincoln Monument Association, turned over to the state, as represented by its chief executive, Governor Altgeld, the deeds and papers relating to the monument and grounds. The governor received the trust on behalf of the state, pledging its faithfulness to the duty of guarding and caring for the last resting place of the illustrious dead. The commission appointed as custodian Edward S. Johnson, major of the veteran 7th Illinois Infantry and a member of the Lincoln Guard of Honor. The admittance fee is a 17 thing of the past and * 'To this Mecca of the people let all the people come, bringing garlands of flowers, carrying away lessons of life. There is no shrine more worthy of a devotee, no academy of the porch or grove where is taught so simply and so grandly the principles of greatness. Strew flowers, but bear away the imprint of his life, the flower of manliness and the wreath of honor, " f In the two score years since the death of Abraham Lincoln the scars of war have healed, the peace and unity for which he prayed have been realized, and it seems fitting to bring this brief recital of his life and the story of the strife from which it is inseparable up to date with this glance at the present: " I have seen the new South! But I saw it not by the Potomac, nor by the Cumberland. I saw it by the shores of that peaceful lake whose waters are broad enough to carry the fleets of the world and deep enough to bury in its bosom all the hatred and all the sorrows of the past. I saw the new South, with her helmet on, bowing to the august Present. "She had not forgotten the Past, but was bravely giving herself to a welcoming Future. There is a great city in the North, known all over as the type of restless, eager, business activity. Behold, on one day every shop and store and factory was closed! The hum of trade was hushed! The pulse of traffic had ceased to beat! And all this was because Chicago, gathering her own dead to her heart, found room for the brothers who wore the gray. Longstreet and Lee and Hampton sat at her hearths while the bugle and the drum proclaimed the everlasting peace. ' 'When the monument which marks the tomb of the Confederate dead at Oakwoods was dedicated, North and South marched together in streets thronged not with enemies but friends. "Remembering their own heroic dead, the North reverently uncovered while the South gave tears and flowers to her's. * 'The new South stood in line with the new North, and above them both towered a form brave, puissant, serene and free. I T WAS THB NEW NATION."* *From George R. Peck's oration before the University of Virginia, June, 1895. f Rev. Roswell O. Post's oration at the tomb of Lincoln, April, 1883. The compiler wishes to acknowledge indebtedness to J. G. Holland's Life of Lincoln.